irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050803

00:01.10Moc___Im a BAD navigator !!!
00:01.47paverawareAny bug marshalls here?
00:02.43paverawareok bye
00:03.26*** join/#asterisk shido (
00:03.33hennkeri am using the capiCD from, with a fairly old fritzcard pci and the binary capi drivers from avm. maybe this card doesn't support this?
00:06.32hennkerjas_williams: but i can make 2 outgoing calls at the same time using the sip-phone
00:07.51*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
00:07.51*** part/#asterisk zapa (~zapa@
00:12.09*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
00:13.22*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
00:13.40hardwireI love asterisk
00:13.51Rienzillagreat... asterisk segfaults...
00:13.57hardwireno.. love it
00:14.11hardwireRienzilla: what did you do?
00:14.17Netgeeksheh, hardwire
00:14.23hardwireI can get it to segfault if I don't configure zap chans correctly
00:14.37hardwireNetgeeks: totally just plugged in 100 extensions + queues for each tenants operators
00:14.50hardwirewith secondary queues that ring even more phones if the first one times out
00:14.52hardwireI loff it.
00:14.53Rienzillahardwire: I'm trying to get chan_misdn to work
00:15.07hardwireRienzilla: you have fun with that :)
00:15.22Rienzillawhy not?
00:15.32NetgeeksI don't know squatt about isdn either
00:15.37hennkerjas_williams: well, thx for your help. i have to go to bed now
00:15.38hardwireone.. I don't have an standard ISDN line anywhere :)
00:16.30RienzillaI don't either
00:16.42Rienzillabut I have ISDN equipment
00:17.09Rienzillaso I'm trying to let a PC talk isdn, and throw the calls to a iax provider :)
00:17.19hardwireRienzilla: hah
00:17.26hardwireI take it you are very very very bored.
00:17.37Rienzillauhm... no
00:17.50Rienzillais there a better way? :)
00:17.54hardwireyou have phones on an ISDN network.. and you are wanting to work with things that way right?
00:18.02hardwirelike an ISDN interface to a PBX
00:18.22hardwireand its an 8 channel ISDN?
00:18.34Rienzillait's just a 1 channel HFC card
00:18.40hardwirewhat PBX is it?
00:18.50Rienzillano no
00:18.58hardwireyes yes
00:19.15Rienzillait's just asterisk with an isdn card in NT mode
00:19.18hardwiretime to pay the piper for some voice prompts
00:19.32Rienzillaand some isdn phones hooked up to it
00:19.44hardwireor just 1 channel
00:19.44Rienzillacuirrently, 1
00:19.55hardwire4 total right?
00:19.58hardwireif you wanted
00:20.03RienzillaI guess so
00:20.07Rienzillanot sure
00:20.25hardwireI need to play with my USB HID device
00:20.32hardwireand make it pull the PTT
00:21.41blitzragenothin', just wondering if anyone would react :)
00:21.41Rienzillawhat is it
00:22.45blitzragejust found out the first 50 people to register for Astricon in Anaheim get a free IAXy
00:22.59drumkillaholy crap
00:23.06blitzragedrumkilla: its true! :)
00:23.26*** join/#asterisk eSmoke (
00:23.27drumkillaI don't think i qualify :)
00:23.32blitzragedrumkilla: lol, me either
00:23.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:24.33RienzillaI hate it when programs segfault
00:28.31*** join/#asterisk laserfox (
00:28.48laserfoxany quick tips to improve latency generally?
00:29.10laserfoxhello :)
00:29.26blitzrageget a better network :
00:29.35shidodont use a hub?
00:29.41laserfoxis x-lite just a really bad softphone for latnecy?
00:29.47blitzragenope, not really
00:29.49shidodont use 2.6 in vmware when running asterisk in production?
00:29.54blitzrageshido: lol
00:30.00mishehudon't use an 8 year old north korean child laborer to relay your packets
00:30.32laserfoxcome on guys.. seriously :)
00:30.51blitzragedon't use RFC 1149
00:30.54shidostop re-encoding porin in dr divx on your production server?
00:31.03shidothats right, porin -
00:31.05shidodman keyboard
00:31.42shidoxlite works if you have a decent mic
00:31.45blitzragelaserfox: generally, your latency is what it is once it hits your Internet connection - after that, you have little -> no control
00:32.03laserfoxI am bidding on a nice looking phone on ebay..  gonna be interesting comparing the latency
00:32.08blitzragelaserfox: do a traceroute to google and see what your latency is between hops
00:32.08shidotell your isp to stop randomly unplugging and plugging peoples net connections
00:32.28blitzragelaserfox: check your latency now - I doubt a new phone is going to do anything to reduce latency
00:32.47shidocancel the gremlin cat-5 double dutch contest in the data center
00:33.11blitzragewow, I need new speakers so badly
00:33.29blitzrageanyone got any 6 ohm speakers for an AIWA stereo?
00:33.29Rienzillait is reported that shouting foul words to your softphone reduces latency
00:33.44blitzrageyes... 6 ohm (I know, its crazy)
00:33.58Rienzillajust hook 8 ohms up to them
00:34.20laserfoxit might take a few mins to compile traceroute
00:34.29blitzrageRienzilla: I'd rather put 4 ohm speakers and add a 2 ohm resistor in series
00:34.37laserfoxor is it tracert
00:34.39Rienzillawtf :)
00:34.48blitzragetraceroute in linux, tracert in windows
00:34.51Rienzillaput a resistor in your signal path after the amplifier :))
00:34.58eSmokeHi, Anybody has an idean where I can found Citel Button Mapping documentaion?
00:35.06Rienzillait's never a problem to connect speakers with a higher impedance
00:35.09laserfoxi thought so
00:35.25Rienzillaonly a lower impedance may break things, as the amplifier might not be able to handle it
00:35.41blitzrageRienzilla: yep, you're right. Either way, I still need new speakers for cheap :)
00:35.56blitzragealready had one speaker fall off a high shelf and explode :)
00:35.59RienzillaI bought some very nice speakers for EUR 100
00:36.05Rienzillaor is that not 'cheap' :)
00:36.22blitzragethat's not cheap :) I was kind of hoping someone would donate some :D
00:36.43RienzillaI've got some sonys here but the shipping costs is probably more than they're worth :)
00:36.50*** join/#asterisk SuperMMan (
00:37.00blitzrageyah, thats always a bitch eh?
00:37.14blitzrageanyways, I'm going to check out the Jays ball game - back latah
00:37.18Rienzillasee ya
00:37.20SuperMManhello all question, i want to register someone in to sip. but with out a username or password. just their ip address. can i do that?
00:37.21blitzrageremember... free iaxy's! :)
00:38.10laserfoxok.. heres a trace route.. can anyone help me understand it ? :)
00:38.44MavvieSuperMMan: just don't add a password, and add insecure=yes
00:39.06SuperMManMavvie ok but doing that you still need a username right?
00:40.43Mavviethe one between []'s? yes
00:40.55SuperMManshoot... how do I get away from that?
00:41.13SuperMManor will they need to use.. the username on there end?
00:41.19Mavvieyou need it in your sip-configuration, you don't need it on the remote side.
00:41.29SuperMManok great thanks
00:42.03SuperMManone more question i am trying to make a call i keep getting Aug  2 19:20:15 WARNING[13452]: chan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 324991757f33b70a509e155c71cf8283@ for seqno 102 (Critical Response)
00:42.08SuperMManand idea why?
00:42.15Mavvienot me
00:42.38*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (~Snak@
00:42.40Rienzillasomething went wrong and it retried it some times and it still went wrong :)
00:43.02SuperMManthat doesn`t help much :-p
00:43.22jaxxanhey ya'll
00:43.42RienzillaI know but its all I can say from your info :)
00:44.08SuperMManya i know... Rienzilla when it hits the other box thats all its sending... it is not even trying to dial a phone number
00:45.30BhaalWKHey, just wondering, now that the Skype linux SDK is out, do we know if anyone is working on an asterisk <-> skype setup?
00:53.08*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (~colinmatt@VDSL-130-13-9-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
00:53.56laserfoxcya :)
00:54.27*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
00:57.19SuperMMandoes anyone know how to resolve this error  WARNING[17274]: chan_sip.c:701 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 21a59a311add17af28c98a571586a49c@ for seqno 102 (Critical Response)
01:01.33hardwirethat was a waste of an hour of my life
01:01.54hardwirefound all the HID events for controlling a radio shark.. and a dingotel USB PTT audio device
01:01.58hardwirebut I can't seem to set anything
01:02.21*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (~phil@
01:02.28hardwiremonkey monkey
01:02.36asteriskmonkey:D hey hardwire
01:03.04asteriskmonkeyanyone got this error before :  Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
01:03.58*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:05.55asteriskmonkeyive never got it before.. my box was working fine i updated some things non asterisk related and when i rebooted asterisk would not go anymore :(
01:06.24*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
01:06.29hardwireanybody have experience with "Local" channels
01:06.33mishehuyah broke the bloody ship!
01:06.44hardwirecause I can't seem to use Local/1111@blahcontext from duhcontext
01:09.46hardwireI should but Dial in that extension
01:10.36*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
01:10.56kingtuxWhats up my fellow asteriskers
01:11.52syle2asteriskmoney : kernel i bet
01:11.54kingtuxAnyone of a credit card system that intergrates with asterisk
01:12.15asteriskmonkeyi didnt update the kernel though :P so im lost
01:12.25syle2what did you update
01:12.42*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
01:12.44asteriskmonkeyjust php , mysql cups little things
01:12.52asteriskmonkeysource code for kernal but no recompile etc..
01:12.56kingtuxI mean I have a credit card system running on asterisk
01:13.21kingtuxI was looking for a app that can intergrate to it so customers can refil thier cards
01:13.37*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[lapt@
01:13.39asteriskmonkeyi can write you a php on kintux
01:14.06kingtuxIs there anything already out there
01:14.18asteriskmonkeyi can write you a web based one
01:14.20syle2you touched the kernel
01:14.32asteriskmonkeyhow do i back it back then
01:14.34syle2ever think asterisk might be linking against those sources
01:14.35asteriskmonkeyi am usign centos
01:14.50syle2well easiest way...
01:15.01kingtuxI'm using centos as well running AHH for card system
01:15.02file[laptop]I got stranded in Toronto
01:15.12asteriskmonkeyim in toronto
01:15.28syle2finish off your kernel, and recompile zaptel drivers and install, then remove all current asterisk modules, then reinstall asterisk
01:15.49asteriskmonkeydamn thats not easy at all
01:15.58Rienzilladamn misdn
01:15.58asteriskmonkeywould be quicker to bomb it lol
01:15.59kingtuxwho u talking to
01:16.07syle2wtf that would take like 10 min
01:16.19kingtuxyeah did it last night
01:16.27kingtuxtook me 5 min
01:16.46kingtuxon slackware
01:16.47syle2well depending how fast your processor is i guess
01:16.50asteriskmonkeymind walking me through it
01:16.58asteriskmonkeymine is a 2800xp chip
01:17.01syle2if you got a 200mhz machine could take longer
01:17.12kingtuxi have a p4 2.8gz
01:17.40syle2fedora is the best i think for kernel upgrades
01:17.46syle2yum upgrade kernel
01:17.47syle2about it
01:17.53syle2then reinstall zaptel and asterisk
01:18.22syle2yum install kernel-devel to hehe
01:18.32asteriskmonkeyok thanks
01:18.51syle2after you reboot
01:19.36dijungalcan i get a flat rate VOIP into the US..?
01:19.51syle21.3 cents US
01:20.41*** part/#asterisk colinm_ (~colinmatt@VDSL-130-13-9-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
01:20.42syle2unless you got alot of cash to put down then you can get it at like .008 cents or .006 cents
01:21.53kingtuxWHo is the cheapest VOIP provider in the US
01:22.34CybertoyI use ... and I'm happy with them
01:22.46CybertoyI have the international world plus plan ... flat fee to many countries.
01:22.52kingtuxscrew BV
01:22.54kingtuxthey suck
01:23.05Cybertoytheir service sux...
01:23.13CybertoyI mean customer service
01:23.20Cybertoybut other than that I don't have a problem with them.
01:23.20kingtuxI had them...They were my 1st voip provider when i started
01:23.31kingtuxlines always down
01:23.33Cybertoythey had massive problems in May
01:23.44kingtuxWhat about now??
01:23.46Cybertoybut I'm very stable since mid June.
01:23.52kingtuxHow long u been with them
01:23.57Cybertoya year.
01:24.11syle2kingtux its not as black and white as that, you find the cheapest ones, try them out , and pick one that is reliable
01:24.28CybertoyI would agree with syle..
01:24.38Cybertoyyou get what you pay for...
01:24.45kingtuxMan its just nutts how many voip providers are poping up everyday
01:24.52CybertoyI also have voxee, voipjet, and voipbuster...
01:24.57kingtuxi have telasip right now
01:25.09Cybertoyoh .. and stanaphone ...
01:25.13syle2hmmm haven;t tried voxee and voipbuster how are they?
01:25.17CybertoyI like them as they're free and give you incoming fax...
01:25.29Cybertoyvoipbuster seems to be having problems at the moment...
01:25.36kingtuxcan't call out
01:25.38Cybertoybut they have many countries for free.
01:25.45Cybertoyso once they work they're fine...
01:25.52Cybertoyvoxee I'm not really using that much.
01:25.58syle2i haven;t had much problems with voipjet, and my callerid always comes up as i set it with them which is good
01:26.10kingtuxwhat kind o plan
01:26.14kingtuxfor voipjet
01:26.17Cybertoyyeah .. same here...
01:26.21Cybertoypay as you go
01:26.22kingtuxare they sip
01:26.28Cybertoyiax and sip
01:26.30hardwirecall 907-762-8400
01:26.34Cybertoyactually not sure about sip
01:26.37hardwirethats my new pbx intro
01:27.02hardwiretried to use the AT&T Voice - Mike
01:27.34hardwireI know your number!
01:27.39hardwireI KNOW ALL YOUR NUMBERS!
01:28.23kingtuxwhat kind of biz
01:28.26kingtuxu running
01:28.35*** join/#asterisk criptos (~criptos@
01:28.43hardwirekingtux: its an umbrella corp
01:28.45syle2how much you guys paying per min on your 800 numbers?
01:28.47criptoshi! :)
01:29.08syle2norm seems to be 2 cents a minute, wondering if you guys paying less than that anywhere
01:29.30criptosDoes anyone know why asterisk cannot be able to read a callerid info from a panasonic switch ?
01:29.31kingtuxwhere 2 cen'ts a min
01:29.52CybertoyI think BV has 2c per min as well ...
01:29.57hardwirehmm weird
01:30.03Cybertoyand 60 min per month included...
01:30.05Cybertoyif I remember right
01:30.11CybertoyI don't have a 1800 number...
01:30.15hardwirewho called in a little earlier
01:30.18hardwiredid you even hear prompts?
01:30.24kingtuxYeah I heard prompts
01:30.38syle2well if your luck enough to have a PRI line, then don;t cost you much at all hehe
01:30.38kingtuxwhat happend
01:30.50hardwireits not playing MoH to my cell
01:30.54hardwirenow it is
01:30.59hardwireman asterisk is being weird
01:31.10kingtuxwhat kind of biz u run
01:31.19hardwireI don't run any biz
01:31.28hardwirebut those aren't official prompts either
01:31.41hardwireI wouldn't normally tell people to show some damn patience
01:31.55hardwirecause its rude?!
01:32.07kingtuxhmm i'ml lost
01:32.28SuperMMani am having a problem i am trying to trying place a call in to another asterisk system, i have tried disabling username/password but nothing is happening
01:32.31hardwirekingtux: hah
01:32.35hardwirethe prompts for the company
01:32.37SuperMManit keeps giving me a 404 error
01:32.42hardwireit says "Please show some damn patience...."
01:34.01hardwireso I should probably be using Asterisk CVS
01:34.22SuperMManany one with anyideas on resolving this issue
01:34.31hardwirethe snoms can monitor
01:34.38hardwireand I have them set up to do so.. just asterisk doesn't grok it
01:34.41SpaceBassarrruuuuggg stupid email
01:34.46hardwireerr.. record
01:35.01*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
01:35.18hardwireSuperMMan: doh
01:35.28hardwireSuperMMan: are they peered together?
01:35.39kingtuxSo whats the deal...Does anyone know if there is  a credit card appp for asterisk
01:35.55*** join/#asterisk denon (
01:35.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
01:35.55hardwirekingtux: I would think it is part of a callign card product
01:36.39kingtuxOne i'm using doesn't come with one
01:38.20hardwireI think I am done for the day
01:39.10*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
01:42.05*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
01:43.12dijungalwhich one of the codecs are under license..?
01:43.26dijungaland cannot be used freely...?
01:43.40*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
01:45.16*** join/#asterisk mago2-cn (~maxglucks@
01:45.20dijungalok thanx
01:45.25*** join/#asterisk Berkey (
01:45.40dijungalyuh see... i'm on a low bandiwdth connection so i am tryin to determine which codec will work best for me..
01:45.46dijungali am on a 64k up
01:46.02mago2-cnhello, can anyone advise on how to change a 7905 h.323 image to a sip image?
01:47.18dijungali was looking at that
01:47.24dijungalbut i had no idea what IAX2 trunking is
01:47.42dijungali know IAX is the native asterisk channel or something so..
01:47.46dijungalbut that is truncking..?
01:47.49*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
01:49.58syle2in your case i;d use gsm codec and do more reading on iax
01:50.20Nuggettrunking is when two asterisk machines are able to send multiple voice channels over the same connection.
01:50.24dijungalbut sip seems to over more features
01:50.31dijungalon the features chart
01:50.43dijungalthat's why i choose to work with sip
01:50.49syle2sip is good
01:50.53Nuggetit reduces the bandwidth requirement a bit if you have multiple channels going the same place
01:51.03syle2setup ain;t that much different
01:51.07Nuggetthe only problem with sip is difficulty working with nat.
01:51.17syle2how so
01:51.19Nuggetif you can avoid nat (and who doesn't want to avoid nat?) it's fine
01:51.35Nuggetsip embeds the IPs inside the headers, so it causes all kinds of hell with nat
01:51.43syle2nat=yes and qualify=yes and your fine
01:51.56Nuggetas long as nat is only on one side, sure.
01:52.06syle2and how is that different from iax
01:52.29Nuggetiax doesn't include the IPs in the protocol, as I just explained.
01:52.42syle2your missing the point
01:52.50syle2how does it know where to talk to begin with then
01:52.54Nuggetno, you're just being all twitchy because you think I pissed on your shoes.
01:53.07Nuggetiax is much better able to circumnavigate through nat.
01:53.12dijungalok ok guys... i'm the one that needs help here.. :P
01:53.31syle2it doesn;t circumvent nat it cuts out the 3rd party, thats why it is kewl
01:53.34syle2big difference
01:53.40Tunemananyone use astrisk@home?
01:53.40Nuggetbecause iax doesn't internalize the ip addresses like sip does, so it doesn't get damaged with the addresses are translated
01:54.08Nuggetwhat do you mean "cuts out the 3rd party"?  they're both just protocols.  your statement isn't relevant.
01:54.23dijungalok.. does IAX reinvite the two phones.. so they communicate directly with each other instead of through the server..?
01:55.06Nuggetiax and sip both have reinvite mechanisms.
01:55.07syle2how does that mean anything, they map an open udp connection to transverse the gateway
01:55.15syle2simple as that
01:55.20Nuggetno, it's not that simple, syle.
01:55.42dijungaloooh boi..:|
01:56.02Nuggetif both endpoints are behind nat, sip falls apart
01:56.16syle2so would iax
01:56.22Nuggetand the protocol is inherently unfriendly to nat, since it tries to self-manage ip addresses
01:56.40Nuggetno, with iax you can reliably do port forwarding through nat if you want to.
01:56.51syle2again how is peer 1 going to talk to peer 2 if he is behind nat to begin with
01:57.11syle2you need a public ip
01:57.24Nuggetor a port forward.
01:57.30syle2all the discussions on port forwarding aren;t bs you know
01:58.02syle2my point is....
01:58.14syle2if your port forwarding , sip can take over at that point to
01:58.23syle2you;ve not given one good reason yet
01:58.30Nuggetsure i have.
01:58.43NetgeeksNot given 1 good reason for what?  using IAX?
01:58.47Nuggetsip embeds the ip addresses within its own protocol, which leads to confusion and disconnects when the ip address is translated.
01:58.51Nuggetthat is a reason.
01:59.03syle2there are good reasons netgeeks, he just doesn;t understand how iax really works
01:59.12Nuggetnat also causes problems for sip because both the sip signalling and the media use udp as transport.
01:59.18Netgeeksthats my one good reason
01:59.39dijungalIAX also used udp..:P
01:59.51NuggetI can tell when syle stops talking TO me and starts talking ABOUT me that he's run out of arguments.
01:59.54mishehuNugget: that's not actually the reason.  it's because the IP information is encoded in the SIP part of the packet.
02:00.03Nuggetisn't that what I just said?
02:00.05mishehuwhether or not it's udp is irrelevant.
02:00.14Nuggetthe udp aspect is a second issue.
02:00.36mishehuactually there is no problem with it being udp w/regards to nat.  if it is, please explain how.
02:00.42NetgeeksAnd you really have to have disdain for any protocol that breaks the layer barriers
02:00.53mishehuif I am wrong, I'd like to know how.
02:00.54Nuggetdo you agree with syle that sip is equivalent to iax when traversing nat?
02:00.55Netgeekseven if it's a good protocol  :)
02:01.02Juggieudp does not have any problem with nat
02:01.17Juggieany good nat device leaves the source port open for return traffic
02:01.31mishehuwhich is a conntrack
02:01.38syle2that is what i am trying to get through to him lol
02:01.41Juggieno its not conntrack its jus good udp
02:01.49Nuggetsyle2: you are still fundamentally wrong.  (lol)
02:01.50Juggiewhen a nat device sends a udp packet
02:02.03Juggiefor x number of seconds the source port of that packet is open for return traffic
02:02.05Nuggetiax is better able to traverse nat and sip combined with nat is notoriously problematic.
02:02.15Nuggetyou've done nothing to disprove that
02:02.22dijungalok ok.. hear's the deal... i have a low bandwidth connection (64k) to my server (T1), all i wanted to know is WHAT"S THE BEST WAY TO DELIVER calls over this low bandwidth to my server.. :P
02:02.23Juggiethat is why qualify=yes helps with nat
02:02.30dijungallawd.... i din ask for a fight on it
02:02.37Juggiebecause it keeps nat udp mappings alive
02:02.43syle2nugget how about i run many sip phones with options juggie just said and works just fine?
02:02.53NuggetI said that iax is superior to sip for nat environments and syle is acting like I called his kid ugly.
02:02.56Netgeeksdijungal:  okay, do you have an asterisk server on both ends of the path?
02:03.13Juggiesyle2 & nugget, sip has no problems with nat if you understand the protocol and your nat devices are good.
02:03.16dijungali have a software sipphone.. x-lite
02:03.17Netgeeksokay, on one end?
02:03.21Juggiei run my server with double nat
02:03.23Juggienat on both sides
02:03.24dijungaland an asterisk server in the US on a t1 connection
02:03.27Juggieand it runs perfectally
02:03.43Netgeekswell, you don't have much of an option, SIP for the protocol
02:03.49Juggieyou just have to understand the protocol
02:03.51dijungalbut most of my friends here.. have my type of connection.. cable... i want them to be able to use their shitty bandwidht to make calls on my server..
02:03.55Netgeeksand at 64k gsm speex, or g729
02:04.14dijungalok THANK YOU netgeeks...
02:04.22Juggiei have a sip phone here right now, behind nat, and my server is behind nat
02:04.25Juggieand it works just fine
02:04.25NuggetJuggie: do you not have sip clients within the nat as well?  I can see how you could make it work if the server only ever had to talk to external addresses.
02:04.26dijungalthat's all i needed to know.. so now i know where to direct my study.. :)
02:04.26Netgeeksg729 will use about 20kbps per call , gsk around 32, and speex, I forget
02:04.33Netgeeksgsm, even
02:04.37JuggieNetgeeks, wrong.
02:04.40Nuggetor can asterisk now spoof the external ip only when needed?
02:04.51syle2iax is superior yes(in asterisk), but in the real world it isn;t , if your hooking up a to your local telephone company;s tandem switches you aren;t going to be using iax trust me, so sip and SER etc get the real world attention
02:05.01shidoread your private messages dijungal
02:05.03JuggieNugget, * doesn't need to spoof the external ip for the udp packat
02:05.07dijungalproblem is.. it's hard to find a free phone using g729
02:05.14Juggiethe nat device will set the source ip & port to something
02:05.21Juggieit will essentially rewrite the packet
02:05.27Nuggeteww :)
02:05.28NetgeeksJuggie: what was wrong about my statments?
02:05.39Nuggetisn't the internal ip leaked out within the sip header?
02:05.50Juggieg729 is 8kbps per call, but overhead is much more then 12kbps
02:05.56Nuggetor do you mean actual protocol-level rewriting?  I used to use that for dns on my cisco -- it was wonky but effective
02:06.16JuggieNugget, yes asterisk allows you to set an external ip within sip.conf
02:06.25Juggieand then you setup which networks are internal as well
02:06.49Juggieso it uses externip=? only when the dest network != to one of the internal networks
02:06.49syle2nugget why you even discussing iax if your are at all familiar with things like cisco and lucent TNT configurations?
02:06.52Nuggetat one time it used to be that setting the externalip broke connectivity to sip endpoints which were also behind the nat
02:07.03*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:07.10NetgeeksOkay, my iftop indicated a single g729 call from a 7960 to asterisk took up right around 20kbps
02:07.12Juggiewell i can assure you it works
02:07.17Nuggetsyle2: why are you so fucking eager to argue with me?  do I smell funny or something?
02:07.17dijungalbut g729 has licensing issues right...
02:07.22dijungalso i canot freely use it
02:07.23Nuggetyou act like this is a personal attack
02:07.44Netgeeksdijungal, yes, for using g729 on asterisk, you would need to get some licenses
02:07.45JuggieNetgeeks, dont forget all the network overhead you dont see on that
02:08.22dijungalok so that leaves speex and gsm
02:08.23syle2nugget hardly personaly, you should see a councellor about those issues, i;m just stating whats what
02:08.28NetgeeksI don't remember off the top of my head whether or not xten lite supports ilbc or not
02:08.31dijungalor g.723
02:08.33Juggieit does
02:08.40Juggieit supports ilibc
02:08.46dijungalyes it does..
02:08.57Nuggetsyle2: I'm just getting tired of you turning a discussion about network protocols into speculation about my person.  It's unneccesarry and inflammatory.
02:08.58Netgeeksilbc then dig.. it should be around the same bandwidth load as g729
02:09.05JuggieNetgeeks, see
02:09.05*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
02:09.39*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:10.13*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
02:10.14Nuggetif you need an outlet for your rage, perhaps you could channel it into correcting the dozens of pages in the wiki which disagree with your position.
02:10.15dijungalSpeex *
02:10.18dijungalgsm - 13Kbps *
02:10.18*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
02:10.19dijungali added gsm
02:10.50syle2nugget again i was attacking your discussion not you personally, there are many good councellors available talk with one
02:10.53dijungaland speex.. but i do not know the kbps for speex
02:11.00Nuggetif SIP to SIP does indeed work just fine when both endpoints are behind NAT, then there's plenty of places where the documentation is inaccurate.
02:11.07ManxPowerdijungal, use patebin to post stuff that would flood the channe
02:11.13Barmalwhat does debug mean by "caller from user 'xxxx.' is 1 of 0?
02:11.36ManxPowerBarmal, sounds like you are running with debugging enabled.
02:11.42twistedBarmal, that you shouldn't be running with debugging enabled
02:12.00NetgeeksThe whole problem generalizing talk about NAT devices is that proably somewhere around half of all NAT implementations do goofy stuff
02:12.02jontowspeex is 'adjustable' to some extent..
02:12.07dijungalmanxpower: ok
02:12.11Barmaltwisted :) ?
02:12.27Netgeeksyou might be able to make a SIP -> NAT <-> NAT <-> SIP work on one nat device and fail on another
02:12.51Netgeeksthe same goes for IAX
02:13.14NuggetCan we all agree that NAT blows goats at least?
02:13.24ZawNAT rocks.
02:13.25syle2not really
02:13.27syle2nat rocks
02:13.48dijungalif it works properly..
02:13.49ManxPowerNAT works fine for me, even roaming between subnets
02:13.57JuggieNetgeeks, with the proper configuration it will work fine
02:14.06ManxPower(well roaming between "behind the nat" and "not behind the nat")
02:14.08Netgeekshaha, For tyring to set up a reliable SIP or IAX connection travelling between two unknown nat devices, yes, NAT bites
02:14.12Juggiei have yet to find someone who doesnt work with my * configuration
02:14.20QwellAnybody know how I can get ahold of oej?
02:14.24Juggieand i need to do not specific port mapping
02:14.24ManxPowerNetgeeks, why would I want to do that?
02:14.39ManxPowerNetgeeks, unless I was a service provider -- in which case I would use SER.
02:14.55NetgeeksThat was what the discussion started out as Manx....  SIP - NAT - NAT - SIP
02:15.05Juggiewhich works fine
02:15.11*** join/#asterisk wshs (
02:15.19ManxPowerI am actually on that EXACT setup right now.
02:15.47dijungalwhat's the echo channel for FWD again..?
02:15.48ManxPowerSIPura at hotel -> Hotel Nat -> Internet -> Cisco NAT -> Asterisk
02:15.51Juggiei have that exact setup in production
02:15.57dijungal614 ..?
02:16.06syle2cisco nat fun
02:16.15NetgeeksAnd if you didn't control either NAT devices?
02:16.19dijungali wanna hear myself...
02:16.32NuggetI've had SIP fail me way more often than work for me when in hotels.  I run asterisk on my powerbook because it's more reliable to sip to a local asterisk and then send iax to my asterisk server.
02:16.42ManxPowerNetgeeks, You can't have Asterisk behind a NAT device that you don't control in this setup.
02:16.51Nuggetbut hotel ethernet is the polar opposite of sane networking, generally.
02:17.28ManxPowerSIPura NAT at hotel -> Hotel Nat -> Internet -> Cisco NAT -> Asterisk
02:17.46ManxPowerso I'm actually SIP->NAT->NAT->Internet->NAT->Asterisk
02:18.01ManxPowerbut I guess that's doesn't really count since the SIPura is doing the NAT
02:18.13syle2put a asterisk box as hotel nat, let them pay bw charges
02:18.29Netgeeksisn't that like plugging a UPS into a UPS?  Should space-time collapse and fold in upon itself somewhere in there, MAnx?
02:18.32ManxPowerso I'm actually Laptop->SPA-2100->NAT->Internet->NAT->Asterisk
02:19.08ManxPowerNetgeeks, naw, since most hotels seem to auth on mac after you auth via a web broswer, all packets are coming from the same IP/MAC so the hotel stuff works
02:19.12syle2maxpower, haven;t tried spa ATA's but are the 2100 and 2000 just as good?
02:19.39Netgeeksbut in reality, your Asterisk is only physically behind a NAT device, and the approrpiate ports are being forwarded?
02:20.14ManxPowersyle2, The SPA-2100 is pretty much a combination of a SPA-2000 (like Cisco ATA-186) and a Linksys BESR41 with only one lan port and 1 wan port and 2 fxs
02:20.49ManxPowerNetgeeks, Yes.  porwarding 5060 and the RTP ports (16384-16394).
02:21.42syle2so they are both just as reliable just 2100 has extra ports
02:21.47ManxPowerNow, if you need to do SIP reinvites between SIP devices behind NAT then you'll have issues if you don't use something like SER
02:21.58NetgeeksNow what should work is a re-invite where a central public SIP device acts as a middle man for startup of a call between two true natted UA's...   That should work just fine
02:22.00ManxPowersyle2, reliable as what?
02:22.13ManxPowerNetgeeks, That's called SER 8-)
02:22.27NetgeeksOr Asterisk as well
02:22.37ManxPowerNetgeeks, no, asterisk is not a SIP proxy.
02:22.52syle2manxpower i;ve never understood that, at what point can asterisk itself not handle multiple invites, 10 devices on?
02:22.56Netgeekscanreinvite=yes still has asterisk step out of the udp stream
02:23.06ManxPowerAsterisk also cannot do the rewriting of packets required to make reinvites work netween different devices behind different nats
02:23.31syle2i beleive yes SER is installed usually for main reason that it is faster at handling the packets than asterisk
02:24.01Rienzillagot misdn to work
02:24.06ManxPowersyle2, Asterisk cannot do the packet rewriting needed to make it work with two devices behind different nats that need to reinvite
02:24.32Netgeeksright, the wrong ip addresses get sent in the re-invite...
02:24.40ManxPowerAs far as I can tell, most of SER configuration is done is what is basically a language for rewriting packets
02:24.42syle2i;ve never seen anyone use reinvites behind nat to begin with
02:25.13ManxPowersyle2, there really aren't many situations where you need NAT reinvites between devices between different nats.
02:25.38ManxPowerAn ITSP would have most of the calls going to or from the PSTN, so reinvites don't gain you anything there.
02:25.46syle2gimme an example i;m curious
02:25.56dijungalcan asterisk take the call in one codec and send it to another server in another codec..?
02:26.11Netgeeksdijungal: yes
02:26.21ManxPowersyle2, A company with many SIP devices behind different NAT routers that need to call each other and the company does not have enough bandwidth to have all the audio go via Asterisk
02:26.26Qwelldijungal: its called transcoding, and it can take a bit of CPU to do so
02:26.29dijungalhmm.. maybe i should do that then...
02:26.31Qwell(which quickly adds up)
02:26.39dijungaloooh.. :|
02:27.07ManxPowerdijungal, "show translations" or "show translation"  I don't recall which
02:27.34ManxPowershows you the ms needed to transcode between different codecs on yuur system.
02:27.37Netgeeksdepends on the amount of calls you plan to have running...   24 g729 to g711 is possible on a modest machine
02:27.41QwellManxPower: show trans<TAB>
02:28.23dijungalthanx qwell
02:28.51dijungalemm... i'm trying to figure out the table.. :s
02:28.59dijungalok i got it now
02:29.09dijungala little reading helps.. ;)
02:32.24jbotdocs is, like, Documentation can be found at or or or or
02:32.52dijungalok.. let me try the transcoding thing..
02:33.04dijungali hope it's easy to implement into the didalplan
02:33.25Qwelldijungal: its not something you implement in the dialplan
02:33.37Qwellsip.conf and iax.conf
02:33.39ManxPower"We hope our SpeedLinks(tm) system, unmatched in the industry...."  It's a f*cking ADSL connection from the local telco with NAT
02:35.05ManxPowersyle2, The only significant issue I have with my travel setup is I don't have a small, compact, 2-line phone w/2.5mm headset jack
02:39.12QwellManxPower: needs to be battery powered and wireless also
02:40.25ManxPowerQwell, gads why?
02:40.35Qwellwhy not?
02:41.04ManxPowerI'm going to have power. 8-)
02:41.12Qwellnot when you'
02:41.17Qwellon the go?  I don't know. :p
02:41.28blitzrageis it just me, or does the bug tracker seem slow?
02:42.12brookshireblitzrage: mailing list is making it slow
02:42.29brookshirewe're trying to move it onto a new server
02:42.37brookshiresoon :)
02:42.47file[laptop]blitzrage: I'm sorta in your territory
02:43.09Qwellfile[laptop]: Did bkw poke you?
02:43.23file[laptop]I'm stranded in Toronto
02:43.33file[laptop]see for details
02:43.42dijungalany websites on transcoding..?
02:43.48dijungalcan't seem to find it on the wiki
02:43.54Qwellfile[laptop]: The Air France shit?
02:44.01file[laptop]cancelled my flight to Chicago
02:44.14Qwellcancelled, or delayed?
02:44.16Juggieplane crashed there
02:44.19file[laptop]all flights tonight were cancelled
02:44.24Juggiefile, drive to ottawa
02:44.25file[laptop]I'm rebooked for tomorrow
02:44.28Qwelloh...I see
02:44.36Juggieno one died tho which was good
02:44.37dijungalemm... yeah... ok... transcoding..???
02:44.39file[laptop]I'm staying at a friend's house
02:44.39*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
02:44.40Juggiestupid pilot landing in T&L
02:44.41Qwellfile[laptop]: Did you at least get to see the wreckage? :(
02:44.51Qwelllet me rephrase
02:44.55Qwellfile[laptop]: Did you at least get to see the /flaming/ wreckage? :(
02:44.55file[laptop]i saw the fire trucks go
02:44.56file[laptop]that's it
02:45.03Qwelltotally not worth it then
02:45.03brookshirethat sucks :(
02:45.05Juggiei'm flying thursday hopefully its all cleared by then no moredelays and such
02:45.22blitzragefile[laptop]: oh yah... holy shit that sucks!
02:45.25file[laptop]blitzrage: yeah
02:45.26blitzragefile[laptop]: do you need a place to stay?
02:45.34file[laptop]nah I'm at a friend's house in Markham
02:45.34blitzragefile[laptop]: my place is super easy to get to
02:45.42blitzragefile[laptop]: wow, that was convenient ;)
02:46.02file[laptop]how far away from Pearson are you? lol
02:46.06blitzragefile[laptop]: that sucks though - when do you fly out next?
02:46.12Inv_arpwho has an voicepulse IP i can ping test before i sign up....
02:46.13file[laptop]because if you swing by Pearson you can meet me
02:46.14blitzragefile[laptop]: ummm, not that far... like a 30 min cab ride
02:46.30Juggieblitzrage, your not going to clue con i take it?
02:46.32blitzragefile[laptop]: oh, yah, its not that easy to get to... will be easier when I move to Mississauga
02:46.37blitzrageJuggie: no sir
02:46.46file[laptop]anyway I fly out tomorrow at 12
02:46.47Juggiei thought about it but i cant make it either
02:46.53Juggiefile, are you late for cluecon?
02:46.57file[laptop]yes, yes I am
02:46.57Hmmhesaysdamn b0rken planes
02:47.01blitzragefile[laptop]: not too shabby - too bad you'll be a bit late
02:47.08Juggiewhy didnt you ask could u get a flight out of somewhere else
02:47.09Qwellfile[laptop]: You'll have to come to astricon now.
02:47.19file[laptop]I'll fly into my hotel room, shower, go insane, and fly down to watch the presentations
02:47.24file[laptop]fly through the air
02:47.28Hmmhesaysmy plane broke too file
02:47.29Juggielike ottawa
02:47.35*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
02:47.56blitzragecould have taken the bus up to Ottawa or the Via train
02:48.06blitzrageVia would have probably been the easiest
02:48.07Hmmhesaysso here I sit in fargo
02:48.16QwellHmmhesays: What happened to yours?
02:48.32Hmmhesaysone of the doors malfunctioned
02:48.42file[laptop]blitzrage: meh waiting is fine with me
02:48.51file[laptop]blitzrage: and if you reallly do want to meet me... well, I'll be there ;)
02:50.19Hmmhesaysmine was a blessing in disguise though
02:51.05Hmmhesaysno I know when I get back my lady friend is going to tell me we shouldn't see each other again
02:51.12Hmmhesaysnow I
02:52.51*** join/#asterisk vuvie (
02:52.55Hmmhesayswhich is better than had it been a suprise
02:59.53Inv_arpwho has an voicepulse IP i can ping test before i sign up....
03:03.04SkramXIm ba-ack!
03:03.48kingtuxvoipbuster still down
03:04.19Qwellkram: afternoon
03:06.46kramhi qwell
03:07.34Qwellkram: should find me at astricon...I'll buy you that beer I promised
03:07.45QwellI was able to convince my boss today, heh
03:08.30*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
03:09.17*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
03:09.31kingtuxAnyone know of a billing system for a calling card system??
03:09.41kingtuxI have areskicc installed and working
03:09.55kingtuxlooking to take it 1 step futher
03:12.30hardwireblah and 1/2 dookie
03:12.32hardwiretime to go to the gym
03:12.36file[laptop]kingtux: astcc is a cc system... but all of this is free, can't expect the world for nothing
03:13.36kingtuxdon't understand what u mean
03:14.00kingtuxI have areskicc install same thing as astcc, just not mysql based
03:15.00dalaberaguys is there a chat room for Developments questions, I'm working on pbx.c and pbx_spool.c from the sources
03:15.04file[laptop]you're not going to find something that works exactly for what you want
03:17.18*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
03:19.18*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
03:23.19dijungalyoyo yo
03:23.28dijungalwho changed the topic to dalug..?
03:24.10syle2dalavera: join asterisk-devel mailing lists and perhaps #asterisk-bugs
03:30.28Math`its funny how timeouts and hangups are being routed thru dundi-test
03:31.32Barmalhow many simuolteneous calls can * handle at the same time?
03:31.35brookshiredalabera: #asterisk-dev
03:32.00jskcrBarmal:  its depends on alot of factors
03:32.01brookshireBarmal: a lot
03:32.41brookshireit can handle 1000 if it's routing the media not through asterisk
03:32.50Math`dalabera: join asterisk-dev we'll talk there
03:32.52Inv_arpwho has an voicepulse IP i can ping test before i sign up....
03:33.27Barmalbrrokshire, what do you mean routing the media not through asterisk?
03:35.14brookshirewell.. in sip
03:35.20brookshireyou have a control link
03:35.25brookshireand a media link
03:35.32brookshirethe control link controls a voip device
03:35.42brookshireand the media link the actual voice
03:35.44twistedsip happens
03:35.48brookshiresip does happen
03:37.36*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
03:38.44Barmalbrookshire, so would it handle 400 users routing media through *?
03:38.54*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
03:39.22JunK-Yfucker, i told you to transfer in montreal :)
03:39.29file[laptop]too bad
03:39.32JunK-Ywhere are ya now^
03:39.38twistedJunK-Y, nobody listens to you :P
03:39.38file[laptop]at a friend's house
03:39.47file[laptop]I'll be in tomorrow at lunch time
03:39.54JunK-Ythey dont transfer everyone by trudeau?
03:40.23brookshirebaramal: it would probably take a cluster of asterisk boxes to do that
03:40.37brookshirei mean
03:40.50brookshire400 lines
03:40.51Barmalbrookshire, so whats the bottle neck for one box?
03:40.51brookshirenot users
03:41.01file[laptop]JunK-Y: how goes it?
03:41.16brookshireBarmal: just depends
03:41.30brookshireare you doing g729, gsm, g711?
03:41.35brookshireis it just the media
03:41.40Barmalbrrokshire, gsm
03:41.44JunK-Yits great.
03:41.46brookshirei have no idea
03:41.59Barmalbrookshire, :) ok g711
03:42.12file[laptop]JunK-Y: good good
03:42.24brookshirei know of people doing 12 t1s of ptsn on one box with g729
03:42.41brookshire12 * 23
03:42.48file[laptop]not math!!!
03:42.56brookshire~jbot 12*23
03:43.15brookshiremaybe it's not g729
03:43.29brookshireg729 eats a lot of cpu
03:44.05Barmalso basically * doenst have limitations as a software
03:44.12brookshire150 lines with g729
03:44.45brookshireBarmal: any large scale asterisk installation will run into problems, but i don't think there is anything out there that will do all that asterisk does
03:45.04BarmalI am trying to image big companys how many boxes they have lets say broadvoice?
03:46.01jskcr1 or 2
03:46.46jskcryou can handle 100,000+ sip connections on ser and then use asterisk for voicemail and or pstn pbx
03:50.45jskcr250,000 on a dual xeon
03:50.56SkramXi want one
03:51.00brookshireheh.. ser is kinda stupid though.. it still needs something else
03:51.15brookshiremeaning.. not much intelligence in ser
03:51.17jskcrexactly asterisk is not a sip proxy ser is
03:51.20Barmalso billing software will stand on asterisk?
03:51.52jskcryea its a bit of a learning curve, you have to write all your intelligence into the ser conf. its kind off like sendmail
03:52.46QwellWhere does Record() save to?
03:53.08Qwellahh, nevermind
03:54.12jbotfrom memory, is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
03:54.23SkramXGood job, jbot!
03:54.46jbotrumour has it, ser is Sip Express Router - see
03:56.10brookshireBarmal: asterisk is very configurable, even integrates in with databases
03:56.55jskcrBarmal theres cdrtool
03:57.16jskcrThe odbc cdr reporting from asterisk works quite well
03:57.24BarmalI know I was trying to install this areski today
03:58.40Barmalbut I was thinking if you planning to have about 1000 users and all of them will start calling at the same time asterisk will not handle.... I need to read on that SER...
03:59.22brookshireasterisk can handle that many... you'll just have to cluster
03:59.25*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
03:59.35drumkillabrookshire: !!!!!!!!!
03:59.42*** join/#asterisk derobert (
03:59.46drumkillaI just watched a *terrible* movie
03:59.52brookshireuh oh
03:59.53drumkillait was called "Mosquito Man"
04:00.02brookshireyou should have known from the title
04:00.16drumkillabut it was fun making fun of
04:00.41brookshirewas it better than hackers?
04:01.20brookshiredid they hack the gibson?
04:01.24drumkillano way
04:01.38mog_homenothing is better than hackers
04:01.41drumkillabut a whole lot of people got killed by an 8-foot Mosquito
04:04.47*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
04:06.47derobertHello. I'm setting up an asterisk server (using the asterisk 1.0.7 from debian sarge) and have run into a problem with meetme. Every once and a while, everyone in the conference goes silent --- the bandwidth usage doesn't go down, so I think asterisk is transmitting silence. The changelog in 1.0.9 does not show anything relevant. Suggestions?
04:07.55jskcrcvs head
04:07.58twistedyou left before I could tell you my story
04:08.11*** join/#asterisk nwhit (
04:08.11derobert(Also, I noticed that the latency is rather bad. Not sure if that's asterisk's fault, or if its linphone's fault). Load on the asterisk server (dual PIII) is nil. Have tried multiple codecs, including gsm, ulaw, and speex.
04:08.34derobertjskcr: is that directed at me?
04:08.59twistedderobert, what's your timing source?
04:09.09`Sauronhum, did the pthreads implementation change with a 2.6 kernel?
04:09.09deroberttwisted: ztdummy, linux 2.6
04:09.27`SauronCuz the * threads no longer show as seperate pseudo-processes
04:09.47derobert`Sauron: yeah, linux 2.6 has a new thread model. Try ps -T
04:09.53`Sauronhum, ah
04:10.05twistedderobert, heh.  do you have SMP turned on?
04:10.07jskcrtwisted anyone report issues with asterisk and enabling PREEMPT in the kernel?
04:10.17*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
04:10.19deroberttwisted: yes, SMP is on
04:10.25deroberttwisted: its an SMP box
04:10.30drumkillaCresl1n: !!!!!
04:10.31twistedjskcr, considering asterisk doesn't deal with the kernel, probably not ;P
04:10.36twistedCresl1n, !!
04:10.39twisteddrumkilla, you bastardo
04:10.50`SauronAh, there.
04:10.58twistedderobert, run it in single proc mode.  i don't know how well ztdummy deals with smp on a 2.6 box
04:11.06dalaberaguys is there a chat room for Developments questions, I'm working on pbx.c and pbx_spool.c from the sources
04:11.18dalaberatrying to implement some changes
04:11.20twisteddalabera, #asterisk-dev
04:11.24jskcrya ive had problems with ztdummy with smp kernel
04:11.25`Sauronderobert: And how do you get strace to attach to a thread? :)
04:11.39jskcrGot weird poping noices and silence
04:11.46derobert`Sauron: not sure on that one... strace -f will attach to all of them, I think
04:12.04`SauronHum, apparently not.
04:12.08twistedderobert, try non-SMP, or try zaprtc
04:12.35deroberttwisted: well, non-SMP would be a real waste of hardware.... I'll give zaprtc a try.
04:12.55jskcrstrace -f
04:13.18twistedztdummy uses a pseudo timing source from the kernel.  zaprtc talks to the RTC in the machine ;)
04:13.42jskcrderobert: got a pci slot open?
04:13.48derobertjskcr: yeah
04:13.54twistedor yeah, slap in a x100p/tdm01b
04:14.02twistedand use a real hardware timer
04:14.45*** join/#asterisk t3t (
04:14.55`Sauronztdummy should work fine on 2.6
04:15.22twisted`Sauron, so should my usb powered pocket pussy with variable speed conrol
04:15.22`Sauronfound the problem, just dunno why it's happening
04:15.26twistedbut it doesn't
04:15.37jskcrnot on smp systems or ones with hyperthreading enabled.
04:15.50derobertok, well, quikest to try is non-smp...
04:16.55jskcrI tried ztdummy on a smp kernel earlier this week and it even messed up the sip audio it was like talking underwater.
04:17.22brookshireshowing while talking on the phone is not a good idea
04:17.33mog_homeget a real timing device
04:17.50twistedbrookshire, that +90V kinda sucks in water, eh/
04:18.03brookshiresoothing really
04:18.11twistedcleansed your bowels
04:18.23brookshiregental pulse of relief
04:18.27*** join/#asterisk yipdw (~trythil@
04:18.35deroberttwisted: use a cordless phone, seal it in a bag, maybe?
04:18.43jbot[x100p] an obsolete card.  you don't want to bother trying to make it (or any of the "digium compatible" clones work.  Get a TDM01P, you will save your sanity.
04:18.46twistedi'm not the one who did it, derobert
04:19.25CoaxDthey told us.. "The X100P is a GREAT card!"
04:19.27deroberttwisted: no, but you realized the 90V problem. Hence, my offering of a solution :-)
04:19.32CoaxD"ONLY buy the expensive Digium boards!"
04:19.41CoaxD...within a couple months, its all.. "That old thing? Chuck it."
04:19.53*** join/#asterisk nwhit (
04:19.54CoaxDsome of us JUST BOUGHT our x100p's within the last year
04:20.03jskcrput a condom on the phone.
04:20.43deroberthmmmm..... wonder if the box is going to boot :-(
04:21.04jskcrthey should come out with just a cheap clocking device for people who only use sip
04:21.29derobertwhat is the clocking device actually used for?
04:21.41Qwellderobert: meetme and trunking
04:21.43derobert(and why does it need special hardware)
04:22.04NuggetI'd love a crossplatform timing solution.
04:22.25Qwella usb timing device?  heh
04:22.42drumkillathat's like ... an oxymoron
04:22.45derobertUgh. nosmp seems to have left the box not booting. And they're no monitor/keyboard on it.... :-(
04:22.47jskcrthats been tried
04:23.16derobertwhat kind of timing is required for a meetme conference?
04:23.28twistedteh good kind
04:23.39Qwellderobert: It needs to know when (accurately) to send packets
04:23.41Qwellor something
04:23.59CoaxDderobert; A device capable of interrupting 1000 times per second, exactly, and very precisely
04:24.11*** join/#asterisk cgcorea (~cgcorea@
04:24.19QwellCoaxD: very precisely...or thereabouts ;]
04:24.41CoaxDqwell: is the case with the usb timing devices, or ztdummy
04:24.43*** join/#asterisk Lathos42 (
04:25.03blitzragegod I love Visio and PowerPoin!
04:25.04derobertCoaxD: ummm, but doesn't /dev/rtc do that?
04:25.18CoaxDderobert: Pretty decently, yea
04:25.35jskcrQwell Im working on a multiplatform timing device but its tough to get the nuclear materials to keep perfect time.
04:25.38derobertCoaxD: at least, as long as you turn up max-user-frequence to 1024, or whatever.
04:26.10CoaxDderobert: the wierdness surrounding zaprtc was that until semi-recently,they couldn't figure out how to make it SMP safe
04:26.20Netgeeks[21:23] CoaxD: derobert; A device capable of interrupting 1000 times per second, exactly, and very precisely
04:26.22nwhitlathos42 ... that sux
04:26.38CoaxDnetgeek: Bwahahahahaha
04:26.42CoaxDnetgeek: Yeah, mine too. *lol*
04:27.10derobertAccording to zaprtc on 2.6 is rather broken
04:27.28CoaxDderobert: dunno, never tried it. just used an x100p for timing
04:27.30*** part/#asterisk Lathos42 (
04:27.39jskcrIm a bit weary of using zaprtc in a production smp server
04:27.51blitzragejust hashing away some ideas here, if someone where to write a "cookbook" for Asterisk, what kinds of "recipes" would you like to see?
04:28.01CoaxDjskcr: It should work. Its just that the code to make it happen is a locking nightmare
04:28.16Netgeeksyou don't need zaprtc in 2.6 kernels, use ztdummy
04:28.46CoaxDnetgeeks: they figure out how to make the ztdummy module modify the high res timer on the system to beat at precisely 1000 times per second?
04:29.02jskcrNetgeeks: smp
04:29.46drumkillablitzrage: something with ... butter!
04:29.52twistedboy butter!
04:29.58NetgeeksI'm not sure, but I have three dual proc systems (one a dual AMD 2800MP system, a dual Xeon 3.06 system, and a Dual Opteron) all three using 2.6 kernel and I've tested both trunking and meetme with success
04:30.11brookshirethanks for that twisted
04:30.11CoaxDnetgeeks: How many people in your meetme?
04:30.26Netgeekson the opteron we had 18 tops
04:30.30twistedbrookshire, you're welcome!
04:30.32CoaxDnetgeeks: Thats a good test
04:30.42derobertNetgeeks: oh? I had only two or three people, and it was having problems with the audio dropping out...
04:30.44Cresl1nwho wants to go drinking?
04:30.50derobertNetgeeks: it'd just transmit silence for several seconds
04:30.55twistedCresl1n, mee!!!!
04:30.56blitzrageCresl1n: me!
04:31.06twistedCresl1n, mee!!!!
04:31.12Netgeeksstrange, drobert
04:31.20brookshireyou don't drink
04:31.23derobertNetgeeks: what version are you running? I've got 1.0.7 (debian sarge)
04:31.26brookshiredon't tease me like that
04:31.37blitzragebrookshire: no kidding eh? :)
04:31.52Netgeeksi'M RUNNING cvs head FROM 09/29/2005
04:31.54brookshireblitzrage: huh?
04:31.55*** join/#asterisk techie (~gus@
04:32.06derobertNetgeeks: ummm, what?
04:32.19CoaxDnetgeeks: 1.21 JIGAWATTS!
04:32.28NetgeeksI'm runnin gHEAD from sep 29, 2004... sorry
04:32.30Netgeeksnot 2005
04:32.34brookshireCoaxD: going back in time?
04:32.36jskcrwow can I have a flux capacitor
04:32.37yipdwheh, CVS from the future
04:32.48derobertNetgeeks: ok, 'cause running a future CVS head is impressive. Very impressive.
04:32.53CoaxDbrookshire: Nahhh. but netgeeks was heading into the future..
04:33.12blitzragebrookshire: Cresl1n teasing about drinking
04:33.17brookshireoh yeah
04:33.20jskcrcvs -D "ten days ago" here :)
04:33.27CoaxDjust imagine.. the sacred cvs server that allowed you to view cvs trees just 1 year into the future..
04:33.37`Sauronhum, now to find out whatt this thread is trying to do
04:33.38yipdwI'd love that
04:33.43brookshirewhat's sad.. is if crestl1n ever did decide one day to drink, i would be the one who corrupts him, lol
04:33.46yipdwit'd help out Inkboard development a lot
04:33.50twistedtry cvs -D "two years ago"
04:33.53twistedthere were very few bugs
04:33.55derobertOK, well I guess I'll try CVS head. Or should I give 1.0.9 a shot first? Anything to watch out for?
04:34.04Cresl1nalways give head a shot
04:34.10Cresl1nthat's my philosophy
04:34.16brookshireshot for head?
04:34.22nwhitit would make development alot faster
04:34.23CoaxDcrestlin: Giving head isn't my cup of tea..
04:34.23Netgeeksand give that date I listed a try, the past one not the future
04:34.25drumkillahead is always worth a shot.
04:34.39CoaxDcrestlin: but if it works for you..
04:34.39brookshirethen winks
04:34.44jskcrtwisted: I dont think the extended odbc storage patch 4403 would work with that.
04:34.47derobertNetgeeks: doesn't a year-old snapshot have some potential security problems?
04:34.49NetgeeksI had major problems with HEAD after about 10-1-2004
04:34.49drumkillawoah now
04:34.53brookshire<WINK> <WINK>
04:34.58twistedjskcr, you don't need that
04:35.47jskcrtwisted: why.
04:35.59NetgeeksI was getting some bad SIP audio breaking up that I fixed by falling back from early 2005/late 2004 head to 9/29/04
04:36.11jskcrhas it been merged into the cvs?
04:37.24*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
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04:41.11derobertWow, I never tried the q option....
04:41.17derobertSounds like I should give that whirl, too.
04:42.14*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
04:43.00nwhitth wireless sux in this hotel
04:43.58twistedcry me a fucking river
04:44.03*** join/#asterisk irv999 (
04:44.26irv999has anyone had any issues with digum cards being way to sensitive with T1's and going into red alarm even though the T1 is up
04:44.42jskcrirv999 sounds like a smart jack problem
04:44.52irv999jsk nope
04:44.53nwhitblahh...blahh...tear teat
04:45.23irv999jsk well I dont think so..  phone company says t1 is fine.. and when we change the t1 dbounce to 20 from 0 it goes from 20 red alarms to 0
04:45.49asteriskmonkeyi have a t110p what pri card do you have?
04:46.12irv999aster: is that the 4 port card? 3.3 V? that is what I have.. I thbink it is the 110
04:46.27asteriskmonkey110p is a single t1 card
04:46.44asteriskmonkeyno matter check the actual jump or switch on the board becuase you can set it to e1/t1
04:46.44irv999aster: I have a 411 then
04:47.06asteriskmonkeyit could be set up for the wrong type of switch bank (its a physical toggle switch)
04:47.19irv999aster: the red moveable switch?
04:47.31asteriskmonkeyshould be labeled t1/e1
04:47.38irv999aster: I will check
04:47.41asteriskmonkeylook at the pdf for that unit :D
04:48.23irv999aster: will do.. thanks for the info..
04:48.29irv999night all...
04:53.10Barmalstupid q: in sip.conf what does 'user=phone' stand for?
04:53.53gambolputtyuser= is for incoming/outgoing calls
04:54.01gambolputtywhat is allowed
04:54.29Barmalso user=<context for incomming calls> should be?
04:56.26*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:58.21`Sauronderobert: thanks for the help with the strace stuff earlier
04:59.21`Sauronapparently chan_oss isn't happy if you symlink /dev/dsp to a named pipe
05:00.13*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
05:01.09X-Rob1/2 dookies?
05:01.30X-Robstupidly cheap.
05:02.31*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
05:02.50*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (
05:03.31PyroStevehey guys
05:03.31X-RobQuality of Service Support
05:03.31X-RobThe switch supports Layer 2 802.1p Priority Queue control to prioritize network packets. Classification of users data priorities can be based on a data packet Priority Queue.
05:03.46PyroSteveIve gotten some real experince with a phone system other than
05:04.03PyroSteveIm troubleshooting a Samsung DCS50si
05:04.39hardwirehow do you GotoIf DB Key Exists
05:04.54twistedif it fails, it goes to n+101
05:05.16pauldywow doesn't just fall through?
05:05.30hardwiretwisted: that works
05:05.40hardwireI guess
05:05.42PyroStevewhere can I find an Application list for * 1.2 ?
05:06.15hardwiretell me if I am an idiot, I want to store the OUTBOUNDCID/1111/"TDX Blah Blahblah <9077277272>" in the database
05:06.23hardwirevia a script for the CLI
05:06.24hardwireor an AGI
05:06.24PyroStevecan someone msg me the output from `show application`
05:06.35PyroSteveon * 1.2
05:06.55hardwireand then use GotoIF when I am dialing out on a certain trunk.. to match the ext (1111) to the full CallerID
05:07.43hardwireoh well.. brb.
05:09.52PyroStevewhos running asterisk 1.2 ?
05:10.58SkramXis it out?
05:11.19PyroStevewell maybe not
05:12.09PyroStevewell .. isn't the application list the same in the latest cvs head
05:12.15PyroStevecompared to 1.2 ?
05:12.23*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[lapt@
05:13.05*** join/#asterisk jiro5281 (~anton281@
05:14.23X-RobPyroSteve, CVS HEAD will become 1.2
05:14.29X-Rob1.2 does not exist at the moment
05:14.35PyroSteveok .. thanks
05:14.49X-Robthere's at least 3 or 4 applications in mantis at th emoment, so the application list is hazy.
05:15.10PyroStevemantis ?
05:15.30PyroStevemanifest ?
05:23.02*** join/#asterisk derrick_ (
05:23.10derrick_w/dinw split on
05:24.25derobert`Sauron: I'd expect not, considering /dev/dsp has a lot of ioctl's that a pipe won't.
05:24.29*** join/#asterisk zoo (
05:26.13*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
05:27.41derrick_file, i figured out how to get laid:
05:28.02file[laptop]oh goody!
05:28.27derrick_it's not just the gundam suit. the rollerblades are needed
05:28.55derrick_color me surprised
05:30.10SkramXOk, last time.. what are some CallingCard/Billing systems that you have used / heard of are good?
05:31.00derrick_the ones you spend three days making?
05:31.32SkramXI dont have time to make my own
05:31.32derrick_you can spend 75k on it, or 3k
05:31.40SkramXIm talking about free ones.
05:32.17derrick_in my opinion, your best turnaround on that is hire someone to do it.  you pay for them and the product in one
05:32.34derrick_to customize that is
05:33.06*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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05:33.20*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
05:35.33*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
05:39.03SkramXwho can do it?
05:40.47*** join/#asterisk atif_ (~atif_@
05:41.10twistedi can do it
05:41.17twistedi've done it many many times
05:41.24twistedmany satisfied partis
05:41.39*** join/#asterisk shido (
05:41.58twistedoh wait, what are we talking about again?
05:43.53*** join/#asterisk cfrank (
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05:45.38SkramXCalling Card programs
05:45.43SkramXtwisted, can ya?
05:45.45*** join/#asterisk Malthus (
05:45.46SkramXhow much?
05:45.50SkramXits for a non-profit
05:45.57SkramXand its just to keep track of patrons
05:46.00SkramXno money will be made
05:46.03twistedSkramX, oh, i thought you were talking about something else...  but my company can ;)
05:46.13SkramXcan they donate it?
05:46.47PyroSteveI just crashed an * box by using chanspy
05:47.02PyroStevei couldn't even start another ssh session
05:47.11PyroStevebut a few minutes of panicing
05:47.29PyroStevethe asterisk process died
05:47.38PyroSteveand i was able to log back in and restart it
05:47.58infinity1whats the new syntax for DBput in HEAD? this is invalid!  s,1,DB(FW/${CALLERIDNUM}=${EXTEN:4})
05:48.39SkramXwhats the url?
05:49.48SkramXtwisted? Steve?!
05:51.02SkramXSorry, I mean Josh
05:52.18*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (
05:53.27RaYmAn-Bxinfinity1: read UPGRADE.txt.
05:55.36infinity1RaYmAn-Bx: thanks. got it.
05:57.51*** join/#asterisk Maarken (
06:00.51infinity1interesting. the application While isn't documented anywhre.
06:01.08derrick_top secret ?
06:02.20infinity1derrick_: apparently. lets see if i can make it work.
06:02.33SkramXwhat yalll talkng about?
06:04.49SkramXtwisted: id like to do business with you, contact me
06:04.56SkramXvia pm or
06:05.44derrick_i recommend him for any work.  very very reliable
06:07.16SkramXnot right now
06:07.23SkramXi need a free EASY TO USE CDR or CallingCard System
06:07.32harryvvJust watched footage of the air france a380 crash on the news.
06:07.44harryvveveryone got out of it alive.
06:07.52Qwellharryvv: except file.  he's pissed.
06:08.04Qwellmade him get stuck in Toronto airport...heh
06:08.38harryvvIf it was a microburst that pushed if off the runway, then it would not suprise me. I have experainced microburst while in my aircaft on the ground. It was suffenand did alot of damage to our aircraft.
06:09.08harryvvfile should be gratefull for what he has.
06:09.36QwellSkramX: there are a bunch of cdr apps
06:09.41Qwellbuiltin even
06:10.34SkramXbut graphical, online is what my user wants
06:10.36SkramXthey are a newb
06:10.41infinity1heh. i think While() / EndWHile() is not wokring.
06:10.44Qwellwrite a simple php app
06:10.51harryvvI have a feeling when the airraft went into the gully, the ground ripped open the underside of the wing or ripped off the engine and fuel dumping out. I have refuled airliners before and thats a likly case.
06:11.08infinity1wait. i found a bug in my syntax.
06:11.39QwellSkramX: parsing a csv file from php is the easiest thing in the world to do
06:12.04Maarkenwell, not quite.  parsing it in perl is easier. :)
06:12.11*** join/#asterisk ZeeLax (
06:12.18infinity1ah! it doesn't work.
06:12.22QwellMaarken: ugh, don't remind me
06:12.35QwellMaarken: I tookover a bunch of perl scripts at work, that do just that...
06:12.47Qwellassclowns are using substring, TWO HUNDRED times...
06:12.59Qwellto parse a csv file
06:13.03Beccaraanyone got any experence building the zaptel modules in debian?
06:13.15MaarkenQwell: that's not funny.
06:13.20QwellMaarken: a file with 16,000 rows
06:13.25Qwellso, many times?
06:13.33Maarken"too many"
06:13.36Qwellerm, no, my mistake
06:13.52Qwellit was like 1,600 bytes per row, 500mb...something like 315,000 rows
06:13.52Maarken$10 says they used to be C/C++ programmers.
06:14.25Qwellshit takes 2.5 hours to run...per script :(
06:15.09Maarkenperl is very good about letting you shoot yourself in the genitals.
06:15.16infinity1anyone see something wrong : While($[${LOOP} < 4])
06:15.37Qwelland, the damn script isn't even incrementing a counter or anything.  its all hardcoded substrings
06:15.54Qwellso, what happens if one value grows in size?  You guessed it!
06:17.06MaarkenI imagine this weekend I'll get to play with the AGI PMs for CIDname fu
06:17.09harryvvBeccara tried to make debian load the modeles every time i had to reboot it and never could. no one had any ideas why it did not load them.
06:17.29Beccarai can even compile them harryvv
06:18.24*** join/#asterisk aiks (~aiks@
06:18.54hardwireI could store the Caller ID in DNS
06:18.59hardwirepoor mans enum
06:19.25aikshi, can i configure channels in zapata.conf in the form of channel => 0/2 => 0/15
06:19.30hardwireI should really consider SQL at this point
06:19.35hardwirefor quite a few things
06:19.40aikssorry, channel => 0/2 - 0/15
06:19.48Qwellaiks: 0-2, 3-15, 16-24, etc
06:19.51Maarkenhardwire: especially if you're pondering doing unholy things to DNS, yeah.
06:20.03hardwireits not unholy :)
06:20.05hardwireenum uses it :)
06:20.11aiksi have a configuration of bchans from 2-15
06:20.12Qwellaiks: unless I'm misunderstanding the question
06:20.21aiksnow in zapata i have
06:20.30aikschannel => 2-15
06:20.42infinity1ok. i've tested WHile/EndWhile. It doesn't work.
06:20.57Qwellaiks: ok, and?
06:20.57aikshowever asterisk message log says: Aug  2 20:39:54 WARNING[3417]: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 0/3 span 1
06:21.20Maarkenhardwire: I looked at SQL.  I'll probably end up with just a flat text file.  the upside of a 2 user system
06:21.25aiksso i wonder what does that leading zero before slash mean
06:21.32hardwireMaarken: not I
06:21.35hardwireI need to like
06:21.43hardwirehave an sql system
06:21.56hardwireto store the snom sip phone information
06:21.58hardwireper mac address
06:22.19hardwireand then generate a sip.conf out of that somehow
06:22.32hardwireas well as some includes for my extensions.conf
06:22.43hardwirenot really
06:22.47hardwiresounds like its too damn custom
06:27.56*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
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06:34.09derrick_i don't think humans are designed to be separated
06:47.28aiksfinaly it runs
06:47.46aiksafter 3 days of struggle with our telco to prove it was therio fault
06:47.55aiksit finally runs
06:48.42aiksi even moved dchan to channel 1 of E1 to get it all working
06:49.36aiksas somwhere inbetween one of telcos hardware was craping that channel with their own stuff (not HDLCFCS at all)
06:49.51*** part/#asterisk ady (~root@
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06:53.51Beccarai've just installed asterisk and done a basic config with 1 extension and 1 trunk, whenever i try and dail anything i always get "499 not acceptable here"
06:54.12Beccarai have this in my extensions file "exten => 1,1,Dial(Zap/1/)
06:54.18aikswhat does /var/log/asterisk/messages says
06:54.20*** join/#asterisk r3d5un (~r3d5un@
06:55.26BeccaraAug  3 20:09:15 NOTICE[4775]: No compatible codecs!
06:58.08X-RobBeccara - now, what do you think that error means?
06:58.50Beccarai know, stupid me, the sip client was in g729 only mode
06:59.27derobertFYI: trying to 2.6 rtc patch for ztdummy, it seems to be helping with the SIP drop-outs
07:01.12r3d5unquick question. Do i need to purchase the g729 codec if i want to call from a Grandstream BT-100 to a Cisco 7960 (which both speak g729). Or is the free (passthrough) version enough for this scenario?
07:02.01X-Robderobert, it shouldn't.
07:02.11X-Robztdummy _only_ affects moh and meetme
07:02.22derobertX-Rob: yeah, this is sip dropouts in meetme
07:02.34derobertX-Rob: sorry for not being clearer!
07:02.53X-Robr3d5un, IF you want asterisk to do anything with the call apart from passing it through (eg, voicemail, attended trasnfers), you need a codec.
07:03.25X-Robderobert - in that case, yes, use the RTC patch 8) Clients will slowly slide behind and end up with terrible latency
07:03.31X-Rob(without it)
07:03.42r3d5unx-rob, thanx just for now i need no voicemal or other "special" features, just a simple call
07:03.48aiksit sounded like promise
07:03.51aiksof the patch
07:04.19derobertX-Rob: well, I found that without it, occaisionaly asterisk would just go into "send everyone silence" mode for a few seconds... very annoying. Seems fixed with it.
07:04.20X-Robr3d5un why not use the free one?
07:04.29derobertX-Rob: that patch needs to be merged, dang it.
07:04.54*** join/#asterisk _ioscanner (
07:05.09X-RobAt the bottom of both the G729 and G723.1 page is a that's already been compiled
07:05.21*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
07:05.38X-Robderobert, the RTC patch? Well, there's some grief with less than 2.6.13 - if you use 2.6.13 it _is_ turned on
07:06.00derobertX-Rob: what kind of grief with less than 2.6.13?
07:06.08derobertI'm on 2.6.8 + debian patches
07:06.21X-RobNo idea. But with 2.6.13 or greater the RTC stuff is automatically used
07:08.16deroberthmmm, wasn't applied to the zaptel modules in debian sarge....
07:08.21derobertanyway, working great so far :-)
07:08.27_ioscannerI am getting an error with wcfxo (all driver in the zaptel set) I compile them fine but when I try to run them I get:
07:08.49_ioscannerzaptel: disagrees about version of symbol hdlc_open
07:08.59_ioscannerzaptel: Unknown symbol hdlc_open
07:09.20_ioscannerthis repeats many time for different names ppp_output_wakeup etc..
07:09.28*** join/#asterisk razu (
07:09.29_ioscanneranyone knwo how to fix this problem
07:13.12derobertWell, now that it seems to working, want to try throwing some load at it...
07:13.42deroberthit in option 4 for the meetme room
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07:45.41_ioscannercan't get cvs stable to work for some reason
07:45.53Zeeekwhy not?
07:46.14_ioscannerI get unknown symbol
07:46.27_ioscannerand unknown symbol
07:46.30Zeeekis this a new install or ?
07:46.37_ioscannerwhen I start zaptel and wcfxo or any zaptel
07:46.50_ioscannerI am installing from cvs stable
07:47.15*** join/#asterisk cfrank (
07:47.21_ioscannersays ppp_ input hdlc and many more have unresolved symbols
07:47.45_ioscannerI think I have seen this before about a year ago, but I can't find anything about it.  Or haven't yet
07:47.54*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
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07:55.50Zeeekdoesn't mean anythiong to me, sorry
07:56.18*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
07:58.21_ioscannerthat is okay.  I pulled some older zap drivers I build for this kernel.  a week ago.  seems like a zaptel driver problem.  they seem to mess it up every other week so it will not build if you are using hdlc and zap net with t-1 cards
08:00.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:07.32Beccarais there anyway to try and clean up the sound from a zap line?
08:24.21*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
08:24.49langalsHi there - I am wanting to get a Digium card for meetme timing. Is any Digium card suitable for this?
08:26.10*** join/#asterisk juliette (~Juliette@
08:28.33juliettedo somebody know iax ?
08:29.06Zeeekask juliette and you shall see
08:35.34juliettei start with iax, and i don't know how send a simple message with.
08:35.49juliettei want just send un string
08:35.52*** join/#asterisk PhreeStyle (
08:38.42Zeeekfirst, you have to wear a string
08:39.25opus_can i use manager api to put a sip phone on hold?
08:39.33opus_like, is this setting a channel variable?
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09:14.56clive-does anyone know if its possible to perform packet loss concealemnt on G729?
09:16.00juliettedoes anyone can help me with iax ?
09:16.48Zeeekjuliette pleaseexamplain exactly what you want to do
09:18.40*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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09:20.42juliettei wish send a string to my phone, every 20s to display this string on the screen of my sip phone. And i must use IAX.
09:21.37*** join/#asterisk mkl1525 (~mkl1525@
09:21.38ZeeekThat would be a good mailing list question
09:22.16ZeeekI don't know if IAX2 can send arbitrary stringsd or whether you need a trick like CID manipulation. Have you seen the spec?
09:22.40juliettemy problem is to send this string by IAX.
09:23.20julietteyes, i see the spec
09:26.20mkl1525Hi! Trying to get MusicOnHold to play a mp3 file, have installed (the real) mpg123 added "exten => 18,3,WaitMusicOnHold(30) ;exten => 18,3,MP3Player(/usr/share/asterisk/mohmp3/musik.mp3)" in extensions.conf, musiconhold.conf has "default => quietmp3:/usr/share/asterisk/mohmp3" set. When I uncomment the MP§Player line I hear the file but when I use WaitMusicOnHold I just hear silence - any thoughts where the problem could be?
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09:32.53KeX_WorXis it possible to print timestamps (ms) in asterisk ?
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09:35.57opus_yes there is a variable for that
09:36.08opus_you can use NoOp to display variables to the asterisk cli
09:36.30opus_hmmm.. how do I send SIP packets like 'hold' with manager api or command clI?
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09:43.05Delvarok im buggered, what does this error mean on my TDM card? 'ProSLIC 3210 version 2 is too old'
09:43.40Delvari tried a google but didnt turn up anything usfull
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09:51.31Beccaraanyone tell me quickly what ports i need to forward on my router to enable SIP clients to connect to me * box which is behind nat
09:52.02mkl1525Is there some command to show what asterisk is doing at the moment (something like top) cause it's eating 70% of my cpu without any calls?
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10:08.07Delvarok im buggered, what does this error mean on my TDM card? 'ProSLIC 3210 version 2 is too old'
10:08.27RoyKit means get a new one .P
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10:10.23opus_app_voicemail really doesn't support database password changes...
10:10.59opus_or am I wrong?
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10:16.32DelvarRoyK: bugger...
10:16.57Delvaranything else that can cause this?
10:17.18*** join/#asterisk Sadaat (sadat@
10:17.23Delvarneed a new card or module?
10:17.25*** join/#asterisk FITA1 (~m_ahmed@
10:17.35FITA1hi all
10:17.59Sadaathi everybody
10:21.50FITA1I want to ask that can I change my callerid on outgoing call to pstn number in asterisk
10:22.30Zeeekhow are yopu connected? ISDN, analog...?
10:22.45FITA1I mean I don't want to show my telephone number, instead I want to send some other number ...
10:23.13*** join/#asterisk emp (~emp@
10:23.17FITA1ISDN at both ends
10:24.13Beccarawhat ports do i have to forward to my ASTERISK box to get it working behind NAT?
10:25.20FITA1<Beccara>: I think 4569, 5036, 5060 and 5038
10:26.17*** join/#asterisk lilalinux (
10:26.32lilalinuxHey guys
10:26.39lilalinuxdoes asterisk support ipv6?
10:26.51RoyKbut does that matter?
10:26.59RoyKnothing else supports ipv6 :)
10:27.44FITA1RoyK u there, can you answer my question ???
10:28.42RoyKFITA1: setcallerid?
10:29.02FITA1It is not working ...
10:29.38Zeeekmay depend on thephone company
10:29.40SadaatFITA1 . . do you dial out by using your ISDN lines?
10:29.51Sadaatand you get ISDN Number at other end???
10:30.13RoyKFITA1: you're usually not allowed to set another number than your own
10:30.26FITA1I m using ast_request_and_dial and giving callerid in the argument
10:30.26FITA1yeah sadaat I m
10:30.55FITA1RoyK: why???
10:31.06Sadaatthat's not possible then...
10:31.18Sadaatbecause telco doesnt allow to do that..
10:32.09RoyKFITA1: obviously they don't want you to spoof it
10:34.01FITA1So, This mean I cann't change a callerid in an outgoing call ... am I right ???
10:35.03Sadaatyes, until you are not a TELCO...
10:35.20FITA1sadaat well said :)
10:35.40FITA1Is there any possiblity to change callerid if I m not a telco ...
10:38.17juliette:'( someone can help me with IAX ?
10:38.54X-RobSomeone can possibly help you if you tell us explicitly and in great detail what your problem is.
10:38.59X-Robbut we can't help you 'wish IAX'
10:39.06X-Rob'with IAX'
10:39.15*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
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10:41.00juliettei want send a string via iax to my phone every 20s
10:41.07*** join/#asterisk Megyu (
10:41.17RoyKSegmentation fault (core dumped)
10:41.30X-RobWoo! You win!
10:41.37kb1_kanobemorning all.
10:41.38Megyudoes anybody knows
10:42.00X-Robjuliette - you have a PA1688 phone I'm guessing, and you're shitty about the way the screen changes all the time?
10:42.01Megyuwhether asterisk supports usb-phones?
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10:42.49Sadaatusb-phones connected to asterisk box or any other machine?
10:42.51kb1_kanobeAny ideas why I wouldn't get audio across a call that's 'native bridged' at the IAX level? Works fine if the call goes out a zap interface and back in on a seperate channel.
10:42.58bublboblHi all. The beta site is down :-( . Anyone knows how to set a GrandStream budgetone to fullduplex (I have too many collisions in half :-$)
10:43.38Megyuwell, both :)
10:44.03Sadaatbublbobl : Grandstream is already fullduplex (I use them)...u may have problem due to NAT or something else..
10:44.27X-RobSadaat - if your GXP isn't working at full duplex, your switch doesn't support N-Way negotiation.
10:44.38X-RobWHich is an IEEE/802.1 standard.
10:44.50X-RobBuy a new switch. You're beating a dead horse if you try to work around it.
10:45.06MegyuSo I think remote machine with usb phone can work with a VoIP client
10:45.28X-RobI mean bublbobl
10:45.41bublboblSadaat>  :-o So i shouldn't have collisions
10:45.41SadaatX-Rob: I swear I dont have any problem with Asterisk...and grandstream . . .kekeke
10:45.42X-Robbublbobl - if your Budgettone isn't working at full duplex, your switch doesn't support N-Way negotiation.
10:45.54X-RobSadaat - I love grandstream. Well. A but.
10:45.55X-Roba bit
10:46.00bublboblX-Rob>  oki, I will have a look at 802.1 settings in the switch
10:46.01X-RobI love snom _lots_ more tho
10:46.09X-Robbublbobl - you have a managed switch?
10:46.19X-Robeg, you can telnet to the switch?
10:46.48bublboblX-Rob>  Yes, I can, but it is private lan and I don't have access by now :-(
10:46.55X-Robwhat sort of switch is it?
10:47.25*** join/#asterisk phil0u (~philou@
10:49.07bublboblIt is manageable, a dlink 3226s
10:49.17Megyuso the question is that, can directly connected usb phone used with asterisk?
10:49.26X-RobMegyu - the simple question is yes
10:49.36Megyu:) thanx
10:49.37X-RobIF you're going to ask 'how?', that answer is far harder.
10:49.59Megyuisnt it simple?
10:50.17X-Robhow are you _planning_ on using it?
10:51.18Sadaatbublbobl: is your asterisk at public IP Address?  behind the firewall?
10:52.30memicanybody has example config for asterisk acting as sip server which has 2 b channels for incoming calls and outgoing calls which shoudl forwareded to sip phones?
10:52.40bublboblSadaat>  it is in a private LAN but outgoes to PSTN from this LAN, no NAT is used
10:52.51Megyuit is plugged to a machine which has an asterisk installed, and an other one which is plugged to an other asterisk, and the two are connected via vpn
10:53.06*** join/#asterisk jiro5281 (~anton281@
10:56.12jiro5281hi guys! just want to ask how the manager api works...4 implementing this is php .i want to set cdruserfield=67 if channel:Local/913104925517@outgoing
10:56.24FITA1when I make an outgoing call (pstn number) and request a channel * gives a channel named Zap/1-1. I have a pri line and 6 different number allocated on it. How can I get the number to which Zap/1-1 actually refers ???
10:56.55kb1_kanobeFITA1: 'pri debug span 1' will show you the setup information.
10:57.35kb1_kanobeRemember that a PRI consists of channels and the channel-to-number mapping is arbitrary.
10:57.35FITA1I mean is there any field in channel structure which can tell me the actual number
10:58.53FITA1or any other method or application in aterisk which can return the actual numer ???
10:59.14kb1_kanobeI'm not certain I understand your question.
10:59.37kb1_kanobeIf you place an outgoing call on a PRI service then it will go out on one of many channels.
11:00.20kb1_kanobeUnless your service provider allows you to set the originating caller ID information then it will appear to come from the 'pilot number' of the PRI, regardless of the channel it's on.
11:00.24*** join/#asterisk jtza8 (
11:01.24jtza8I don't see anything in the topic, but where do I goto if I'm new to VoIP?
11:01.25FITA1you mean for every channel the callerid will be the same
11:01.29kb1_kanobeIf you instead have a T1 (ie. non-PRI) with a seperate line installed on each timeslot then, yes, you would be able to map out which number was on which timeslot.
11:01.55kb1_kanobeYes, with PRI unless you can set your originating callerID (varies by provider) then it will appear to come from the pilot number.
11:02.03Megyuanyway, do I need 2 ASTERISK for both sites, when I connect them with VPN? And there are also analogue PBXs atthe sites, which must be connected.
11:03.13kb1_kanobejtza8: Cisco have some very good, if cisco-centric, documentation on their website for their VoIP products. Most of it applies across all systems.
11:03.54kb1_kanobecheck the wiki ( if you want to go in at the deep end.
11:05.50*** join/#asterisk kswail (
11:07.55kb1_kanobeAny ideas why I wouldn't get audio across a call that's 'native bridged' at the IAX level? Works fine if the call goes out a zap interface and back in on a seperate channel but no audio passes when it's 'native bridged'...
11:11.54kb1_kanobeIs anyone here running the latest cvs-head?
11:12.22r3d5unnope not me
11:14.13kb1_kanobeHow is it at the moment? Stable?
11:14.51xmingI haven't stress test it but it isn't crshing
11:15.23xmingI have always run CVS HEAD on lightly loaded servers
11:16.18kb1_kanobeDo you use zap and/or iax?
11:18.20FITA1kb1_kanobe: pri_debug is not giving any info about number send as a callerid
11:19.34kb1_kanobeFITA1: Look for the 'Calling Number' item in the SETUP message.
11:23.17phil0uone question: why does CVS HEAD disables BUSYDETECT by default, in the makefile ? Wasn't the case in 1.0.9 right ? Problem with busydetect ?
11:24.14xmingI am using zap/sip/iax
11:25.11kb1_kanobeGood to know. I've got a wierdness and am  still running a mid-May cvs head. Probably time to upgrade, assuming it doesn't deadlock when you hit tab or anything silly... ;-)
11:30.47FITA1Calling Number (len= 4) [ Ext: 0  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: Unknown Number Plan (0)
11:30.47FITA1>                           Presentation: Number not available (67) '' ]
11:31.02FITA1kb1_kanobe : I m getting this
11:31.12kb1_kanobeAh, you're not even transmitting any callerID information then.
11:31.55kb1_kanobeWhich means you're presenting the pilot number to whomever you're calling.
11:32.16FITA1I did but * is not sending that caller id instead it sends the pilot number
11:33.16kb1_kanobeHmmm.m.... your telco has to support you sending your own custom callerID. It's ususally a for-fee service.
11:33.16FITA1I gave and got Presentation: Number not available (67) '123456' but on the recieving side I got the number 02070162222
11:34.04kb1_kanobeyeah. That's because of your telcos restriction. Shortly after the '123456' you'll probably see a 'PROTOCOL ERROR' reply message - that's the exchange complaining about the rejected callerID.
11:37.02FITA1let me check this ... whether i m getting this error or not
11:42.27Hmmhesaysfuck you united
11:55.47kb1_kanobeg'night all
12:00.04*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
12:04.43MimmusI'm having problem with a recent buyed TE410P Digium T1/E1 card
12:05.05Mimmusdriver is loaded correctly but no interrupts are seenn
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12:07.10X-Robmimmus - email
12:07.46MimmusX-Rob: I emailed some hours ago... I hope in a response during USA working hours!
12:08.27MimmusX-Rob: in the meanwhile, I'd like to investigate by myself
12:10.28Mimmusbut all people are at PBX Developers Conference...
12:13.01*** join/#asterisk florz (~florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
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12:43.47RoyKanyone here that knows where i can get cheap termination to .ru and .fi?
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12:52.29Dibbler_Anyone know why my Q931 isn't working :-(
12:53.40mishehumaybe you didn't ask nicely enough
12:53.53RoyKDibbler_'s never nice
12:54.22Dibbler_No more sausagesinabun for you ;)
12:54.49X-RobC.M.O.T Dibbler
12:58.12*** join/#asterisk RomDump (romdump@norge.freeshell.ORG)
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12:59.23_omerhave anybody seen this problem???
12:59.23_omerAug  3 16:33:12 NOTICE[27585]: app_dial.c:977 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3)
12:59.26X-RobAnd, anyway, what did I do?
12:59.45X-Robomer, show us the 'Dial' line
13:00.25_omerExecuting Dial("SIP/00011284-aa2f", "SIP/0013602276003@outgoing") in new stack
13:00.38*** join/#asterisk funxion (
13:00.54bjohnsonhas the use of the term "meetme calling" been discussed here?
13:01.32_omerX-Rob: exten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/0013602276003@outgoing)
13:01.35bjohnsonBell Canada's new VOIP offering ^^
13:01.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:01.45X-Robomer, that's wrong
13:03.16*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
13:03.40_omerand correct syntax? ... it works when I dial out with FWD.....
13:03.58X-Robwith FWD you dial SIP/fwd/number
13:04.36X-Robeg, you've got to tell asterisk where to send the sip traffic
13:05.29_omerand in my dial line.....Asterisk is dialing out from "outgoing" peer.....
13:05.58X-Robeg, Dial(SIP/broadvoice/number)
13:06.09X-Robor Dial(SIP/whateverthehellyoucalledthepeer/number)
13:06.16X-RobI'm sure you can figure it out from here
13:07.07_omeralright...let me check plz
13:08.20djin_omer, what is 'outgoing'?
13:08.59djindidn't you mean exten => _X.,2,Dial(Local/0013602276003@outgoing)
13:11.48_omersame problem...
13:12.31*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
13:13.13djinUnable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3)   ???
13:13.39djinThe re-read X-Rob's explaination
13:13.47_omerI have two different SIP Service providers....and it works with one but not with other...
13:14.06X-Robtry 'sip show registry'
13:14.21X-Robthe first google result for that says it's coz it's not registering
13:15.24_omer213.170.92.166:5065             00011284          1785 Registered
13:15.24_omer203.128.7.14:5060               2106436            105 Registered
13:15.49mutwhere in a resume do you usually put salary requirements?
13:16.07gambolputtywouldn't that go in a cover letter?
13:16.08_omerit works with 2106436 ...but not with 00011284
13:16.11gambolputtyfor a specific job?
13:16.17mutya for a specific job
13:16.22mishehumut: you assume that asterisk users know how to write resumes?
13:16.25gambolputtyand only if they ask you for what your requirements are?
13:16.30mishehuwe know how to run voip systems!
13:16.30newlsalary is usually dicussed after you're shortlisted :)
13:16.32mutmishehu: i assume people do...
13:16.49mishehumut: you'd be surprised then.  I've done hiring before.
13:16.50mutit says salary requirement required in resume
13:17.17gambolputtythen email a word file of the resume
13:17.21gambolputtyjust for that one job
13:17.25newlIf they need to ask, they can't afford you. 8)
13:17.28gambolputtybut it usually goes in cover letter
13:17.34mutthats what i'm goin to do
13:17.37newlheh nah, do it in Writer format. :)
13:17.58gambolputtyyes, then force all the secretaries to upgrade overnight
13:18.03mutnewl: probly but i'm willing to pack up on this job for any other at this point
13:18.09mishehuI use pdf
13:18.15gambolputtywhat kind of job is it?
13:18.17gambolputtya * job?
13:18.37mutdeveloper job
13:18.37gambolputtyjob description?
13:18.44mutweb dev mainly
13:18.48gambolputtyhow much they want?
13:19.14gambolputtyyour salary
13:19.42newlweb devs typically get $45-55k here in Western Australia
13:19.47muti should probqbly put like 30k
13:20.09newldoing market research for your geographic location will help too
13:20.18mutit's in the middle of detroit
13:20.29newlanother detroit person
13:20.40muti'm in northern michigan right now
13:20.43newltake it at any cost..I hear unemployment there sucks. :)
13:20.47X-Robbloody amercians
13:20.48*** part/#asterisk pigpen (
13:20.49mutit does
13:20.59mutjob market in michigan really sucks
13:21.05newlmut: I saw the writing on the wall, that's why I left. :)
13:21.07X-Robnewl, if you're on an iiSlam I hate you already.
13:21.08Rienzilladamn asterisk keeps segfaulting :/
13:21.20newlX-Rob: Eh :)
13:21.32gambolputtydue to what rienzilla?
13:21.50X-Robnayway. Bedtime for me.
13:21.53X-Robnight orl.
13:21.58RienzillaI don't know exactly, but I suspect it has got to do with chan_misdn
13:22.02newl'night X-Rob
13:22.14_omerthanks X-Rob .....and bye :)
13:22.22Rienzillasometimes after or while it calls out to an isdn phone it suddenlyu segfaults
13:22.41X-Rob557hp with a standard clutch?
13:22.52X-RobDude, you _enjoy_ buying clutches and bell housings?
13:22.58newlX-Rob: I'll probably settle for the Phase III  though. :)
13:24.04newlX-Rob: hey, stock engine.  It's amazing what they can get that 4L straight 6 to do without so much as removing the rocker cover. hehe
13:24.13X-Robis that the standard intake on the phase iii?
13:24.58*** join/#asterisk exonic (~exonic@
13:25.04exonicHey folks, I have some questions
13:25.04X-Robso all they're doing is a turbo and (I guess an intercooler) and a chip and getting 200+nm of torque out of it?
13:25.13lilalinuxthe asterisk installation tells me to: "YOU MUST READ THE SECURITY DOCUMENT"
13:25.16lilalinuxWhere can I find it?
13:25.23newlX-Rob: they don't touch the turbo.
13:25.40X-Roblilalinux - /usr/src/asterisk/SECURITY
13:26.15newlX-Rob: well, hardware wise anyway, the ECM data gets altered by that interface controller they install.
13:26.48exonici'm attempting to call my SIP phone from asterisk using sip URL, asterisk rejects the call saying "handle_request: Failed to authenticate user"
13:26.58X-Robnewl, I'm over car horsepower these days. I've got my diesel prado which would pull-start a kenworth 8)
13:27.06SkramXwhat are you dialing/
13:27.13SkramXWhat's the SIP URL?
13:27.40newlX-Rob: haha In theory, I _should_ be over it too.  I'm just a big kid with expensive toys though I guess. 8)
13:28.20lilalinuxX-Rob: oh, that one :)
13:28.28newlX-Rob: if it were a younger person, mods would be externally visable and the older people like to make sleepers. :)
13:28.48exonicThe thing is the user is registered on one of two sip servers, I am using openser to route correctly but asterisk doesn't accept the calls.
13:29.26X-Robnewl - There's a 'VOLVISSAN' roaming around here
13:29.44X-RobIt's a 240GLE Volvo with an GTR-R32 engine and gearbox.
13:29.47*** join/#asterisk azrishahril (~azrishahr@
13:29.51X-Robtotally stealth.
13:29.56newlX-Rob: haha wicked
13:30.34*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
13:30.46newlhmm 9:30..wonder if channel 7 is on schedule tonight or not
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13:33.54Darwin35man building a new system is fun but time consu
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13:36.16exonicI'm attempting to dial a user by dialing a sip proxy. asterisk keeps rejecting the call with "handle_request: Failed to authenticate user "6164506862"" the user it's trying to authenticate is my cell phone #, it makes no sense
13:37.46thalexonic: paste your extenstions.conf Dial Statement
13:37.49SpaceBasswhats the dial command look like?
13:38.32*** join/#asterisk tekati (
13:38.33Darwin35use pastebin
13:38.39Darwin35not the channel
13:38.52thala single line is perfectly in the channel
13:39.03exonici would but it's only one line. exten => 6169803444,1,Dial(SIP/office@|25)
13:39.41exonic216.65.177.10 is an openser proxy. it is properly routing the call to asterisk but asterisk trys to authenticate my cell #.
13:40.58*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
13:42.32ChArLeS___does anybody got H323 to work ?
13:42.47exonicgive it some work boots
13:43.38SpaceBassso you want that to match the Caller ID of the cell and then dial Office@.... ?
13:45.30*** join/#asterisk tla (
13:45.34exonicit's doing what I want it to, asterisk is just not accepting the call
13:45.42exonici'll keep diging
13:47.44*** join/#asterisk kswail (
13:48.57jboti heard docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
13:49.00jbotmailinglist is probably Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
13:49.28ManxPowerexonic, sounds like you need "insecure=very"
13:49.43*** part/#asterisk Maksim (~max@
13:49.51ManxPowerexonic, see the mailing list archive and sip.conf.sample for more information on that option.
13:50.01*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
13:52.46SkramXhas anyone one done SMS with their asterisk box?
13:53.00r3d5unif yes, i would be interested too
13:53.10bublboblWhat value of payload (for g711) would you set to talk to a Grandstream Budgetone, my current setting is CodecPayloadSize: 1280 (bits) and i'm not sure it is ok ?
13:53.17*** join/#asterisk jiro5281 (~jiro5281@
13:54.37CybertoySMS as in the messages on the mobile phones?
13:54.59CybertoyI'm not aware that this is implemented in asterisk?
13:56.39coppicethere is some support for one of the two ETSI standards for SMS over landlines
13:56.46lilalinuxWhere can I find a tutorial on setting up asterisk?
13:57.17djinisn't it possible to talk G729 with the phone and use G711 with the PSTN provider (conversion on *)?
13:57.28*** join/#asterisk jiro5281 (~anton@
13:57.37Cybertoylilalinux, check
13:57.43bublbobllilalinux> if you also want AMP (asterisk management portal) I relied on the README or the INSTALL supplied w/ the tarball
13:57.55jiro5281hi SetCDRUserField of manager api working...?
13:58.01Cybertoydjin, only if you have a G729 license on the asterisk box. otherwise not.
13:58.37djinI have the licence, but get: Dropping incompatible voice frame on Local/31651439140@net-out-3d83,1 of format ulaw since our native format has changed to g729
13:58.49jiro5281tried SetCDRUserField in php and doestn reflect in mysql
13:59.07djinand: Aug  3 15:55:47 WARNING[11631]: channel.c:2127 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP/ to Local/31651439140@net-out-3d83,2(256)
13:59.08Cybertoydjin, you have the license installed on * or on the phone?
13:59.23djinans phone :)
13:59.38Cybertoythat error message doesn't look like that though.
14:00.07djinok, perhaps I did something wrong with the installation of the Digium license
14:00.09memicare zaptel configureed via modem.conf??
14:00.20djinmemic, no
14:00.25memicbut how
14:00.39djinans /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
14:00.51ManxPowerdjin, "show translation" or "show translations"  Is there a number for g729?
14:01.11djinmmm, no
14:01.28ManxPowerdjin, then the g729 license was not installed correctly.
14:01.43twistedManxPower, or the codec isn't loaded
14:01.44djinOk, lemme check
14:02.28djini see
14:02.43memici cant dialout via my sipphones
14:02.47memicthey are registert
14:03.03djinManxPower, it now does :)
14:03.03*** join/#asterisk Akelavlk (~jansun@
14:03.37ManxPowerdjin, there ya go
14:03.46djinforgot to copy the .so to modules :)
14:03.54AkelavlkHello, I want have one-two PSTN and 10-20 analog phones, what hardware shall I buy?
14:04.00djinthanks (and Cybertoy)
14:04.13memichow to configure asterisk that i can dialout via my siphones over isdn
14:04.31djinmemic, question is much shorter then answer
14:05.08memici have both running
14:05.18Maarkenheh.  it's questions like that make me glad I trunk via IAX. :D
14:05.18memiczaptel & sip phone
14:05.19djinah, that makes things easier :)
14:05.30*** join/#asterisk focks (
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14:05.42memici can call from siphone to siphone
14:05.43fockshow do I unlock a Cisco 7960?
14:06.20AkelavlkHello, I want have one-two PSTN and 10-20 analog phones, what hardware shall I buy?
14:06.54ChArLeS___Akelavlk: pay for consultation
14:07.00fockswhat he said
14:07.18*** join/#asterisk pointer (
14:07.28Cybertoyake, why 10-20 analog phones? it'd probably be easier to deploy IP phones ...
14:07.58AkelavlkCybertoy, Because companyes has analog phones.
14:08.03SpaceBassfocks depending on the firmware its **# or cisco
14:08.20SpaceBassebay the analog phones, buy IP ones...
14:08.29focksSpaceBass, if I gave you the firmware would you know?
14:08.42memiceh djin how? ;)
14:08.45djincan G729 licenses be transferred to a new server (perhaps once)
14:08.47CybertoyI would agree with space... you'd have to get ATA's for the analog phones... and then you might as well just buy IP phones.
14:08.57focksApplication Load: P003AM30    Boot Load: PC030300
14:09.15SpaceBassfocks sounds like the early early... its **#
14:09.16focksthat's SCCP right?
14:09.37focksSpaceBass, hmm, that doesn't seem to do anything. must it be plugged into a network to work?
14:10.19BeirdoCybertank: I would disagree :)
14:10.23AkelavlkI think, VoIP is good, but if company has already builded phone network, haven't sence change it to VoIP.
14:10.27Beirdoget a 24-port FXS channel bank
14:10.30ManxPowerdjin, I THINK your license key will work up to three times
14:10.34Cybertoyakelavlk, unless you have those 10-20 analog phones connected to an analog PBX .. in that case you can only connect the pbx to asterisk
14:10.41*** part/#asterisk Darwin35 (
14:10.46AkelavlkBeirdo, Where can I buy it?
14:10.53Beirdowhere else? :)
14:10.54IPDadit 600 makes a 48 port channel bank
14:10.59ManxPowerdjin, the G7829 license is tied to the MAC address in the computer.
14:11.00IPDget the mgcp card
14:11.10Beirdoyou'd need a T1 card for the asterisk box though if I remember correctly
14:11.21memicManxPower change your mac ;)
14:11.23AkelavlkeBay is not working in my country..
14:11.24focksSpaceBass, do I have to be in any certain menu when I issue the **#?
14:11.28djinManxPower, yeah and I thought I read something about limited transferring.
14:11.52djinWell, donating 50 to Digium isn't that bad ;)
14:11.58Cybertoybeirdo, ok .. but for that money you can still get ip phones, no?
14:12.11Beirdoit would be close
14:12.16AkelavlkIs there some card what has PSTN and also T1/E1?
14:12.19Beirdo20 IP phones is a lot of money
14:12.39djinisn't E1/T1 PSTN?
14:12.39AkelavlkSure IP phones are too expensive..
14:12.40focks$4000 for 20 Polycom 501s
14:12.41opus_about $4400
14:12.58SpaceBassfocks I'm not 100% sure since I rarely encounter that... it might even be *##
14:12.58opus_with advance replacement:)
14:12.58Akelavlkdjin, no it's not same..
14:13.12Beirdoand a channel bank is about $600US, plus a T1/E1 card for around the same...
14:13.16djinAre you sure you not mistaken with POTS?
14:13.18SpaceBassfocks I think if you are in the main menu and do **# you'll see the lock open
14:13.19IPDim setting a adit600 channel bank up now.. lan connection to asterisk - asterisk communicates to adit via mgcp - adit channel bank converts it to up to 40 POTS lines FXS fxo OR t1
14:14.22AkelavlkSo what hardware should I buy?
14:15.05BeirdoI think adtran is one of the most respected channel banks.  I dunno, I only have 3 phones hooked up
14:15.10BeirdoI use ATAs
14:15.12SpaceBassi'm still working on email to fax with *... anyone know how I can take an attachment out of my mailbox /var/spool/mail/asterisk and copy it to a directory?
14:15.25AkelavlkWhat I need exactly is some card from digium what has 20 FXS an 2 FXO
14:15.40Beirdoyou won't find one
14:15.44djin20 FXS is a channelbank
14:16.27AkelavlkAha ok..
14:17.30memichow to configure a hcfi card to listen to one special msn?
14:17.39memicis this done via extensions in asterisk ?
14:17.45memicor in zaptel.conf
14:17.49*** part/#asterisk Akelavlk (~jansun@
14:17.57memicore zapata.conf
14:18.02SuPrSluGi keep getting this odd message on one of my boxes.
14:18.20forkqueueSuPrSluG: Do you have monit installed?
14:18.28djinAkelavlk, you could google for ADTRAN TSU-600
14:18.35SuPrSluGdoesn't seem to affect anything. just annoying
14:18.43SuPrSluGwhat's that?
14:18.50IPDdoes this look familar to anyone? chan_mgcp.c:2281 handle_response: Transaction 2 timed out
14:18.57forkqueueSuPrSluG: Program that monitors daemons and restarts if necessary
14:18.58funxionSuPrSluG I think its just your level of chatiness
14:19.25forkqueueSuPrSluG: Or anything else that connects to the * manager?
14:19.27SuPrSluGi'm running safe_asterisk. would that use the program?
14:19.47*** join/#asterisk trickyrick77 (~rsegrest@
14:20.36*** join/#asterisk aiks (~aiks@
14:21.00aikshi, once again
14:21.01SuPrSluGi hav it a 4. lemme drop it to 3
14:21.14lilalinuxAs I don't have real hw sip phones, can I use a sw client on the same machine as the asterisk is running on?
14:21.59thallilalinux: sure
14:22.26aiksanother stupid question: i have around 40 analog phones, which i would like to connect to asterisk pbx; so what i basicly need is at least double span e1 card and a multiplexer supporting FXO -> E1 ?
14:22.36lilalinuxI have a sipgate account, where do I tell asterisk that it should use that?
14:23.16SuPrSluGforkqueue:manager isn't running
14:24.12thallilalinux: read the documentation., the asterisk handbook
14:24.26thallilalinux short: in sip.conf with register =>
14:25.03IPDquestion: has anyone seen this message? chan_mgcp.c:2281 handle_response: Transaction 2 timed out
14:25.27IPDive done all I can to not come ask this... but HELP!
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14:29.50*** part/#asterisk pointer (
14:30.03memichow does that work?
14:30.07*** join/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
14:30.17memichow can i bind asterisk to a msn?
14:30.31jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
14:31.08*** join/#asterisk loud (
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14:33.21SuPrSluGmemic: what's an msn?
14:34.07ManxPowerSuPrSluG, ISDN BRI thing
14:34.10memicjust a isdn nummer
14:34.51*** join/#asterisk cypromis (~michael@
14:35.04SuPrSluGhave'nt had to deal with isdn yet
14:35.48coppiceeveryone live in an ISDN country
14:35.51essobiWhat was the name of that asterisk benchmarking program that controlled another * box from the management port?
14:36.53Cybertoyyeah .. I moved from Switzerland to USA ... here it seems like ISDN is only something big corporations can afford...
14:37.19Cybertoythen again I only have a dsl line at home now and route all calls with * through VoIP ...
14:37.28Nuggetwhere in switzerland?
14:37.39Cybertoywas in zurich
14:37.48Nuggetcool.  I lived in basel on and off for a long time
14:37.49*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
14:38.01CybertoyI was born in Basel ... :)
14:38.08Nuggetgreat place, basel.  I love it there
14:40.25rikstahow can we push for a kind of important feature to make it into 1.2   ??    ( )
14:41.01ManxPowerriksta, Um, too late.  1.2 is in Feature Freeze
14:41.18rikstathat really sucks
14:41.29rikstathis is pretty critical
14:41.37ManxPowerAh!  It was submitted before the feature freeze, maybe it will be included.
14:41.39riksta(for the stuff i wanna do anyway :)
14:41.50rikstawell, i hope it will then
14:42.18rikstathe "maybe" is what concerns me, who can I ask?
14:42.29essobiRiksta You can always patch. :P
14:42.54essobiI don't suppose SIPP builds and tears down RTP ehh?
14:42.57rikstathen everyone who uses the app will have to patch thats just stupid
14:43.13essobiThen get over it. :)
14:43.27rikstathere's no reason for it not to be included in 1.2
14:43.30essobiAnd stupid for whom?  You?  Them?  Developers?
14:44.00essobiyou != all. ;)
14:44.17essobiLike me.. I frankly could care less.. if you did have an app I wanted to use.. I'd patch it then.
14:44.17*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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14:44.18rikstayou don't even understand
14:44.35CybertoyI have a problem with ChanSpy ... it's garbled and on asterisk I get ast_queue_spy_frame: Too Many frames queued
14:44.35Cybertoyat once, flushing cache.
14:44.45*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (~blitzrage@blitzrage.documenter.extraordinaire.of.asterisk)
14:44.59essobiriksta, okay.. what.. you got a .net application that allows someone to log in and out of a phone queue?
14:45.06essobiOr is it php?
14:45.11essobiMaybe perl?
14:45.19blitzragegotta love power outages
14:45.26essobiblitzrage :)
14:45.44blitzrageessobi: zup :)
14:45.49*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
14:45.52SkramXthat wasnt fun
14:45.55SkramXfucking, RoadRunne
14:46.03essobiblitzrage All power corrupts.
14:46.12essobiblitzrage But we need it to run *. :)
14:46.16blitzrageSkramX: I hear that! (and I'm not even in the states :))
14:46.31blitzrageessobi: you need a bicycle and some batteries :)
14:46.44essobiYou'd have to be fast to fuck a roadrunner.
14:46.55SkramXhaha, you know what I mean..
14:47.03mut*bow chica bow chica bow*
14:48.09*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
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14:53.05blitzrageCresl1n: morning!
14:53.20*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
14:55.43puzzledhas addmailbox been removed from today's HEAD? can't find it anymore
14:55.59puzzledand morning all off course
14:56.16*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
14:56.58Cresl1nI thought you didn't have to use addmailbox anymore?
14:57.10puzzledthat would be a good reason to remove it :)
14:57.13Cresl1nthat's the userland app for making mailboxes right?
14:57.27Cresl1nIIRC, you haven't had to use that for a long time
14:57.40Corydon-wYou haven't had to use it for over two years
14:57.53puzzledI just have it in my rpm and updated this morning, rebuild and got an error cause it was missing
14:58.04puzzledtime to fix up the specfile
15:01.44*** join/#asterisk anti (russ@anti.developer.gentoo)
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15:07.37leandro_itanyone try the chan_bluetooth module? I am looking for any help
15:08.34*** join/#asterisk TrevorSHarrison (~trevorsha@
15:10.33blitzragewow, apple is finally offering a multi button mouse
15:11.08*** join/#asterisk mjman (
15:11.27bublboblblitzrage>  I enjoyed apple b4 makin no difference whether you are left or right handed :-)
15:11.34*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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15:11.35RomDumpcan anyone get to
15:11.38blitzragebublbobl: I hate apple :)
15:12.10bublboblRomDump>  down :-(
15:12.23RomDumpI need the pdf handbook :(
15:12.43*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
15:12.49bublboblRomDump>  have an email adress ?
15:13.41mjmanI am having an issue with dropped calls. This is the log output when the call is dropped:   It appears that asterisk is (perhaps mistakenly) receiving a hangup signal from the far end of the call.   My question is this: Can I configure asterisk to NOT hangup the call when it receives a 'hangup' from the far end? Essentially, I want asterisk to always wait for the near-end to hang up before ending the call.  Any help
15:14.33*** join/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
15:14.37TripleFFF2sdfhey all
15:15.05bublboblbybye all
15:15.09TripleFFF2sdfwondering if any have or kow about a pluging for eiter naggios or standalone that can monitor asterisk... i mean like place a call etc
15:16.03ManxPowermjman, sounds like you have busydetect=yes or callprogress=yes
15:16.26ManxPowerThey are both aliases for the option randomlydisconnectcalls=yes
15:16.43RomDumpAnyone know where I can get an x100p clone card in Toronto, Ontario, Canada?
15:16.50*** join/#asterisk wizhippo (
15:17.00QwellRomDump: I'd look in the're bound to find some there.
15:17.02ManxPowerRomDump, ebay
15:17.06mjmanManxPower, lol i'll check
15:17.15mjmanis it in zapata.conf?
15:17.30RomDumpManPower: I really just want to go pick it up.
15:17.36ManxPowerI assume your calls are going out a Zap port.
15:17.39RomDumpAre they really junk?
15:17.44QwellRomDump: yes
15:17.45ManxPowerRomDump, good luck with that.
15:17.53ManxPowerRomDump, no they are not "junk"
15:17.56RomDumpWhat do you recommend then?
15:18.11RomDumpWith out breaking my arm
15:18.25ManxPowerRomDump, I recommend a Te110P and a channel bank w/FXO ports, but that's somewhat more expensive.
15:18.28QwellWhy don't people ever understand that telephony ain't cheap?
15:18.37RomDumpLet me look it up
15:18.50QwellRomDump: the tdm400p is a cheaper solution
15:19.06Cresl1nQwell: I get a kick out of it everytime tha somebody on the users lists balks at the price of a T1 card
15:19.08QwellThat'll give you up to 4 FXO ports
15:19.17Maarkeneven good digium cards are cheaper than a standard digital PBX system though.
15:19.18RomDumpYou mean an actual Digium card
15:19.24QwellMaarken: exactly
15:19.29ManxPowerI've not been happy with the TDM400P
15:19.29QwellRomDump: uhh, yeah
15:19.39ManxPowerAnd yes, a TE110P is CHEAP.
15:19.48QwellManxPower: better then the x100p, and cheaper then a TE110P (for 1 port)
15:20.03Beirdonot if you compare it to the cost of the parts on it, it sure isn't
15:20.07ManxPowerOn a Nortel you can expect to pay $4,000 just for the T-1 card plus the cost of the software to enable PRI on the PBX
15:20.23QwellManxPower: You have to pay for software to get a PRI?  Thats silly
15:20.25ManxPowerQwell, Actually, my X100P has been more reliable than my TDM400P
15:20.26*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
15:20.29Qwellbut, I guess I'm spoiled
15:20.37RomDumpWhat about the tigerjet cards?
15:20.57ManxPowerRomDump, get a X100P clone, but don't pay more than $20 for it.
15:21.10Maarkenebay has them for about $15+S&H
15:21.24QwellI paid 12, with shipping
15:22.04*** join/#asterisk mago2-cn (~maxglucks@
15:22.05RomDumpI am trying but they are out of stock
15:22.16RomDumpI really dislike ebay
15:22.37RomDump$20 US?
15:22.38Maarkenthere are couple storefronts on ebay, you just hit buy it now and go
15:24.37SkramXIs there a way to like look up and see what company/telco owns a certain TOLL FREE #?
15:24.59Cresl1nyeah, get SS7 access
15:25.03Cybertoysearch on google?
15:25.12Cresl1ndo the database lookup
15:25.35QwellAnybody happen to know how I can get ahold of oej?
15:25.58*** join/#asterisk perlmonky (
15:25.59SkramXCreslin, who has that kind of access
15:26.09QwellSkramX: your telco
15:26.13Cresl1nskramx: your telco :-)
15:26.23QwellCresl1n: beat you by three seconds. :p
15:26.24mjmanManxPower, callprogress and busydetect are both off
15:26.26RomDumpMy PAP-NA cost me $150CDN ever since normal distribution stopped. Should ahve bought a sipura.
15:26.49TripleFFF2sdfbut romdump cheap clones have false hangups.. + get non cid detections in 50% of the cases
15:26.54mjmanthis is going out over a PRI T1 by the way
15:26.57TripleFFF2sdfso uslsess with ivr if u need cid
15:27.12ManxPowerTripleFFF2sdf, I never had those problems
15:27.18TripleFFF2sdfon clones ?
15:27.20TripleFFF2sdflol ok
15:27.22TripleFFF2sdfjust me then
15:27.30TripleFFF2sdfbtw i can have a carrier push SS&
15:27.34RomDumpYeah but I really don't want to fork over that much money now for an FXo
15:27.37TripleFFF2sdfihere or h323
15:27.47TripleFFF2sdfwhat is better.. i prefered SIP but hey they cant it seem
15:28.01*** part/#asterisk perlmonky (
15:28.26*** part/#asterisk xylome (
15:28.27TripleFFF2sdfand my other question.. any monitoring program for asterisk made yet ?
15:28.36TripleFFF2sdflike that places a call or somthing every xx seconds to test
15:28.54*** join/#asterisk perlmonky (
15:29.28*** join/#asterisk _ranger_ (
15:30.24SkramXanyone ever used internet, via their Sprint PCS phone? We have a Treo 650...
15:31.18RomDumpMaybe I should just build my own FXO since the X100p clone cards suck.
15:31.46QwellRomDump: Are you intimately familiar with how one works?  If not, I'd not suggest it...
15:32.37_ranger_anyone know what to use in South Africa ?
15:32.45RomDumpThere is reference design already up for the FXO, (Check tigerjet website)
15:32.50_ranger_(ie in loadzone in zaptel.conf)
15:32.52mishehuSkramX: I've seen some bluetooth dialing docs on the web before.
15:33.05SkramXi dont have the cd tho
15:33.23*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
15:34.13*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (jgarland@
15:34.25Mimmushi, I'm having problems with a recently buyed TE410P Digium card
15:34.39CherebrumSomeone here is running an evil twin AP here at ClueCon
15:34.43Mimmusno interrupts in cat /proc/interrupts
15:34.51mishehuMimmus: did you try calling digium?
15:35.33CherebrumThier MAC address is 00-09-5B-53-0C-5A
15:35.33Mimmusmishehu: yes, but I'd like to solve by myself in the meanwhile...
15:35.59mishehuMimmus: it might be in the wrong type of pci slot.
15:36.17Cresl1nMimmus: what drivers are you using?
15:36.21Mimmusmishehu: no, no: slot is a PCI-X and it is right
15:36.36MimmusCresl1n: I'm using wct4xxp
15:36.46Cresl1nMimmus: no, what version?
15:36.54mishehuMimmus: is that card a pci-x card?
15:36.59TripleFFF2sdfany monitoring program for asterisk made yet ?
15:37.00mishehuor just a pci one
15:37.30Mimmusmishehu: yes, digium support confirmed this
15:37.54Cresl1nTripleFFF2sdf: probably not if nobody has answered yet
15:38.03TripleFFF2sdfhow about h323
15:38.06mishehuMimmus: it's a long pci slot on the card?  I don't have a te4xx series, I only have a te1xx series, and it's not a pci-x card.
15:38.21TripleFFF2sdfis that hard to implement on * and is it better worst then SIP
15:38.29mishehuI've had problems with other digium cards in pci-x slots, I'd had to put them in standard pci slots.
15:38.30mjmanI ask again. Does anyone know of a way to tell asterisk to keep a channel open (i.e. not hangup the call) until ONLY the internal phone ends the call??? If the external phone hangs up, I want asterisk to ignore it.   Thanks.
15:38.37MimmusCresl1n: tried also with latest cvs
15:39.15Cresl1nmjman: use analog signalling :-)
15:39.21Cresl1nmjman: that
15:39.31Cresl1nmjman: that'll do it for you
15:39.35MimmusCresl1n: uh?
15:39.49Cybertoymjman, what are you trying to achieve? If I hangup on someone my switch disconnects and there's no way for the other person to keep the line open.
15:40.20*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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15:40.44MikeJ[Laptop]simulcast from cluecon!!!
15:40.45MikeJ[Laptop]mark is speaking
15:40.47mjmanHm. I didn't know that that was impossible to do. I guess you're right though.  The problem is that asterisk receives the signal that the external end has hungup, even though it hasn't, and the call is dropped
15:40.52Cresl1nhow do we listen?
15:41.15MikeJ[Laptop]no, I type
15:41.20Cresl1nah, ok
15:41.31mishehuMimmus: *shrug*
15:41.32MikeJ[Laptop]he says some people think dual license is evil
15:41.36mishehucan't help you unfortunately
15:41.42RomDumpThe Wildcard TE110P costs $595.. WHo was the brainiact who suggested that
15:41.45mjmanCresl1n, what is analog signalling
15:41.59MikeJ[Laptop]the roadmap is driven by the developers....
15:42.03MikeJ[Laptop]and other stuff
15:42.30lilalinuxhow do i quit asterisk fro mthe cli?
15:42.39*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (exstatica@
15:42.40Lee__the brainiact with $595
15:42.43Cybertoymjman, dunno what your problem is without output from the asterisk console... sorry ...
15:42.47Cresl1nmjman: use FXOs w/loop start, w/o disconnect supervision
15:42.49Qwelllilalinux: quit the CLI, or stop it?
15:43.06RomDumpI was looking for a cheap fxo...
15:43.06TripleFFF2sdfanyone tried the new echo cancelers one ?
15:43.08ChArLeS___lilalinux:  pull the power cord
15:43.13ChArLeS___lilalinux: pull it out
15:43.14TripleFFF2sdfare they worth extra 600$ on quad's
15:43.24lilalinuxof course i could kill it, but I expected a command like "quit" :)
15:43.29Saaibmorning all
15:43.33Qwelllilalinux: There is a quit command.
15:43.35TripleFFF2sdftry exit
15:43.39lilalinuxtoo late
15:43.39Cresl1nTripleFFF2sdf: if you have echo it might be :-)
15:43.43lilalinuxbut i did before
15:43.43Qwelllilalinux: There is also stop now, if you want to stop it
15:44.02TripleFFF2sdfi mean * has Ecancel built in..but hardware better?
15:44.19mjmanCresl1n, here is the output from asterisk when the call is dropped:   We are using a PRI card, so no FXO's
15:44.30RomDumpI can only afford the asterisk sticker from Digium :)
15:44.35Cresl1nmjman: you're out of luck then
15:44.42Cresl1nmjman: no cookie for you
15:44.50TripleFFF2sdfthe sticker is what is work 600 to 2.4k
15:44.55TripleFFF2sdfthe board is like 5$
15:45.00TripleFFF2sdfpay for the name my friend
15:45.16TripleFFF2sdfand qual
15:45.25QwellI wonder if stickers and such come with support too
15:45.38RomDumpThe sticker cost $10 Plus shipping
15:45.39Qwell"uhh, yeah...hi...I can't seem the get the backing off of this sticker."
15:45.51*** join/#asterisk denon (
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15:45.53TripleFFF2sdfyep 100$ per 10stickers for 1 year
15:46.46leandro_itanyone use the chan_bluetooth channel?
15:47.16TripleFFF2sdfok so AGI is my way i need to go
15:47.49TripleFFF2sdfif call rings on destination i just get a return that is non error right ? so by making a call filei should be able to see if  asterisk can dial out.. therefore if all is ok
15:48.02RomDumpI guess the Asterisk sticker is TM so I can't make bootleag copies to sell :(
15:48.17ChArLeS___does anybody got H323 to work ?
15:48.23*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
15:48.27TripleFFF2sdfcharles i wish
15:48.30ChArLeS___does anybody have openh323 (v1.13.5) ?
15:48.31TripleFFF2sdfwhats needed for it ?
15:49.09RomDumpTripleFF2sdf: What there is a one year license for the stickers?
15:49.21RomDump10 stickers for one year?
15:49.53RomDumpand I thought Micro$oft was bad...
15:50.20*** join/#asterisk LoRez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
15:51.46RomDump"These professionally designed black-and-white stickers boast "Asterisk The Open Source PBX" and all proceeds go directly to further its development.
15:51.52*** join/#asterisk dacleric (
15:53.07mago2-cnhi, firmware files for cisco phones on sccp in astersik are the same found on cisco call manager's tftp directory?
15:53.08RomDumpI am always up for a good cause
15:53.54mog_homeit does help pay the rent
15:56.30blitzrageRomDump: those stickers are great for IDing your luggage at the airport
15:56.51blitzrageplus I've had numerous hot chicks ask me what the sticker meant - chicks dig Asterisk
15:57.12*** join/#asterisk zoo (
15:57.27MikeJ[Laptop]event system
15:57.39mog_homeall working?
15:59.04funxiona bit off topic but would anyone happen to kno how I can get a non prrivledged user to be able to restart a process on a remote machine using ssh user@ip /etc/init.d/program restart I've tried sudo it prompts for pass and this is for a script so it doesnt werk
15:59.17blitzrageOT: anyone know if I "remove" FireFox from my Add/Remove programs if it'll leave the data (bookmarks, etc...) and just remove the program? I'm getting crashes everytime I close firefox out (but works great when loaded) and its quick annoying.
15:59.28RomDumpI can see it now at the airport... What country is that symbol for?... Ahh.. Daaa... Asterisk land..
15:59.44blitzragefunxion: you need to setup keys on the machine so that you dont' authenticate with a password
15:59.55funxionblitzrage i think wheen you remove it it asks if you wan to remove the bookmarks etc just leave them at tat point
15:59.56DelvarSSH will always prompt for password, try using a keys.. to get round that
16:00.04blitzragefunxion: thanks! I will try that
16:00.13funxionblitzrage i did that it prompts for pass to goto sudo
16:00.29forkqueuefunxion: NOPASSWD in sudoers
16:00.47funxionI've done it before long time ago
16:00.51funxionjust couldnt remember
16:00.54funxionthnx a lot
16:00.55TripleFFF2sdfor use keychain
16:01.01TripleFFF2sdfalong with keys
16:01.15TripleFFF2sdfgoogle gentoo keychains
16:01.21TripleFFF2sdfno's on chain
16:01.38TripleFFF2sdfu need passphrase oce per reboot..if u use one
16:01.45TripleFFF2sdfthen all shells are loaded with one
16:01.53TripleFFF2sdfi can set it up @ 60$ per hour
16:02.24mog_homeil do it at 59.95
16:02.31*** join/#asterisk riemensc (
16:02.37TripleFFF2sdfthis is a reverse ebay
16:02.40mog_homedamn to cheap for my blood
16:02.51TripleFFF2sdfyeah the extra penny is all it took
16:02.56ChArLeS___$90.00 Guaranteed
16:03.05TripleFFF2sdfwell it takes about 30 minutes to compile setup and test both boxes
16:03.10ChArLeS___$120.00 Guaranteed with insurance!
16:03.18TripleFFF2sdf180. i make dishes
16:03.25denon$5k and you wont have to deal with these wankers
16:03.32TripleFFF2sdfnow we talking
16:03.42TripleFFF2sdf120k i buy you out and you never need to touch  a keyboard
16:03.46RomDumpDo Sipura devices use OpeenSSL or there own propriety Certificates for provisioning?
16:03.58TripleFFF2sdfRomDump weird q's this morning
16:04.07blitzragewoohoo! FireFox doesn't crash on close anymore!
16:04.39TripleFFF2sdfwondering if a fingerprint reader can server as API for asterisk sip phone password lol
16:04.46TripleFFF2sdfthats a RomDump qustio
16:05.04RomDumpJust figuring out something I have been working on for some time...
16:05.58*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:06.07TripleFFF2sdfanyone know brian roy
16:07.08TripleFFF2sdfwich on 120,000 ?
16:07.29RomDumpFrom $60 to $120,000....
16:07.41riemensceverbudy use sipgate?
16:07.55TripleFFF2sdfi assume s/ever/any
16:08.05RomDumpTalk about price gouging...
16:08.38RomDumpSo let me see I talk to you on the and it is $60/hr and you come to my bussiness and charge me $120,000...
16:08.41*** part/#asterisk jeffik (
16:08.50TripleFFF2sdftime to get the names unmixed
16:09.35Mimmusany help with exact settings in zaptel.conf and zapata.conf for E1 PRI line in Italy?
16:09.53*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
16:10.25leandro_itMimmus, wait that I recall the conf
16:11.24TheEmperorhi, what's a good gsm modem that's compatible with asterisk?
16:11.43TripleFFF2sdfalso looking for sms ;)
16:12.07RomDumpMy father just retired from Bell Canada after 30 Year's of service. I tried to sell him on the idea of of setting up Asterisk in third world countries.
16:12.32TheEmperoryeah, i would like something that can accept an sms and then call the mobile number that just smsed the system
16:12.37TripleFFF2sdfLIBISUP s
16:12.56RomDumpI demo's voip to him and he wasn't impressed with the quality
16:13.17leandro_itRomDump, what codec do you use?
16:13.29RomDumpG.729 wasn't any help in the presentation
16:13.58*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
16:14.05RomDumpIt sounded like I was underwater
16:14.33TripleFFF2sdfoh RomDump.. u need to get out the swimmiming pool first !
16:14.33leandro_itg.729 and gsm are very good in our installation...
16:14.53RomDumpI am trying to make it up by making an asterisk box and demoing it locally
16:14.55TheEmperorso can anyone recommend me a good gsm modem that can handle sms? :)
16:15.17TripleFFF2sdfEmperor ;) no.. but let me know if you find one
16:15.22RomDumpg.729 over gprs right?
16:15.26TripleFFF2sdfthe SMS function of asterisk does not work uin USA
16:15.35*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
16:15.43leandro_itgprs? why do you want to use gprs?
16:16.01leandro_itgsm as codec
16:16.42RomDumpI don't follow, You are VOIP over GSM?
16:17.22TripleFFF2sdfso anyone know best way to test if asterisk is all ok ? like a test caller agi or somethign ?
16:17.45MaarkenTripleFFF2sdf: two softphones. :)
16:17.53forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: You mean automated test like via Nagios?
16:17.58TripleFFF2sdfi mean ever 60 seconds automaticaly
16:18.06TripleFFF2sdfforkqueue yes
16:18.17forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: You can use my check_sip plugin -
16:18.52TripleFFF2sdfwhat king of tests does it run ?
16:19.10forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: Sends a SIP option packet
16:19.19leandro_itRomDump, gsm is one of the codec you can use, along with g.729
16:19.22TripleFFF2sdfbut doesnt actually make a call
16:19.36TripleFFF2sdfi need somethign that would place a call to test basically all sub routines..
16:19.50TripleFFF2sdflike ODBC connection , trunks, my pri etc
16:19.57TripleFFF2sdfand make it call like 8004444444
16:20.00forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: The plugin is GPL, feel free to submit a patch :)
16:20.01TripleFFF2sdfor anynumber..
16:20.10*** part/#asterisk FITA1 (~m_ahmed@
16:20.50RomDumpleandro_it: I know GSM is a codec as well has G.729 you were talking about talking from G.729 to GSM?
16:21.28RomDumpor takling about using G.729 on GPRS?
16:21.41leandro_itNo, I am saying yo to try GSM codec if G.729 is bad for you
16:21.56RomDumpI follow now...
16:23.11RomDumpI onced worked for a major cellphone carrier in Canada. The president of the company would smash his phone if he would not get service and blame it on the phone.
16:25.30TripleFFF2sdfforkqueue wwhats a example cmd line.
16:25.33TripleFFF2sdfi dont get it
16:26.06forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: more README
16:26.26forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: Pricing for consultancy is on my site :)
16:27.05TripleFFF2sdfwell user to test is USER in ?
16:27.21Mimmusmsg leandro_it LBO=2, perche'?
16:27.38TripleFFF2sdfInvalid Extension
16:27.50forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: check_sip -u
16:28.03TripleFFF2sdfoh not user
16:28.07TripleFFF2sdfit checks extension
16:28.19forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: OK that should be clearer in the docs :)
16:28.34TripleFFF2sdfSIP 200 OK: 0.01 second response time
16:28.35TripleFFF2sdfyou rock
16:28.41forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: Thanks :)
16:28.46forkqueueTripleFFF2sdf: And with that, I'm off
16:30.25Rienzillaif I dial a number on a normal telephone
16:30.34Rienzillawhen does asterisk decide that I'm finished dialing?
16:31.40*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
16:32.33Rienzillabefore the tiemout
16:32.43Rienzillahow does it judge that a number is finished
16:32.48Rienzillaa match in extensions?
16:33.13*** join/#asterisk junbug (
16:33.40leandro_itno, first it timeout, then a match is searched. The first (not the best) is selected
16:33.50*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
16:33.57*** part/#asterisk makhtar (
16:33.59Rienzillaso I _always_ wait for the timeout?
16:34.37leandro_ityes, this is true on Zap channel. On sip and iax2 channel this is not true
16:34.46RienzillaIt's an misdn channel
16:35.01leandro_itI don't know this kind of channel, sorry
16:36.26Mimmus+modalita' pass-trough (inizialmente)
16:38.48*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
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16:41.39*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
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16:47.48leandro_itanyone use the chan_bluetooth?
16:50.13*** join/#asterisk cfrank_ (
16:52.47*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
16:56.41RomDumpHas anyone dealt with IAXtalk in buying hardware?
16:56.55*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
16:59.31*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
17:00.33*** join/#asterisk Techieb0y (
17:06.22*** join/#asterisk shimi (~shimi@shimi.user)
17:06.44RomDumpDoe Asterisk@home include ARI?
17:07.36shimiI read all over the google and couldn't understand anything. Is asterisk possible as a solution for running an office phone system with extensions, and if so, what do I need to buy and what do I need from the telco?
17:08.20Cybertoyhow many extensions do you want to connect? you might be better off using SER (SIP express router) ...
17:08.28RomDumpHow much Lines infocoming and how much extentions?
17:08.53shimiI don't know exactly, let's say 20-30.
17:09.12RomDumpIncoming lines?
17:09.23Cybertoy20-30 extensions shouldn't be a problem.
17:09.31*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
17:09.40shimithe question is - how is this "hubbed" to the telco
17:09.50junbugwho has an voicepulse IP i can ping ....
17:09.57RomDumpGet 20-30 Sip phones then...
17:10.18Cybertoyshimi, you can plug it into a VoIP provider...
17:10.22shimiI was reading stuff about E1's etc. and that sounds weird because the phone company does only analog lines (so I think?)
17:10.28*** join/#asterisk ayano (
17:10.34shimibut that's over the internet, and our internet links are really bad
17:10.40ayanoHi all
17:11.09RomDumpshimi: Use the sip phones as extentions to asterisk
17:11.23shimiand how is asterisk connecting to the telco?
17:11.30RomDumpUse a T1/E1 as a trunk to to telco
17:11.39RomDumpOr FXO card
17:11.44shimithat's a data link
17:11.48RomDumpto use normal line
17:12.04RomDumpYeah it's a data link
17:12.23shimiis there a place where this thing is _explained_ ? because all what you're saying are things that I know, but not related to telephony. any good document would do...
17:13.09mutwhats a good place to look for cool gadgets other than thinkgeek?
17:13.15shimispecificly, how data connection gets connected to the telco's carrier to make normal calls...
17:14.48RomDumpshimi How much outgoing lines?
17:15.24shimiman, I don't know. I was just sent by the people giving the money to search for a good telephony solution to the office
17:15.39shimiI need to present the pro's and con's of whatever possible, and then they'll decide
17:16.19shimiif I knew how this worked, it would be easy. but I can't find any document explaining how these things work against regular phone lines (like the ones we got at home, for instance)
17:17.19shimilike: I dial 9 on the phone to get outside line. how is this linked to the telco? over what? if not on analog line, who does this conversion on the other side? what do I need to ask my phone company to do?
17:17.51RomDumpIf you have a small amount of incoming lines, (like 2-4) buying FXO card's and pluging normal phone lines are good
17:18.13*** join/#asterisk pnviking (
17:18.26RomDumpFXO <=> Asterisk <=> SIP Phone
17:18.33_T3_hi!, i need help from a developer, anybody?
17:18.39shimiif I use asterisk, I must use SIP phones?
17:18.59RomDumpNo you can use and ATA adapter also
17:19.07ayano_t3_: Most of them are eating lunch at cluecon right now
17:19.26shimihow much does an SIP phone cost? (rough estimate...)
17:19.35ayanoshimi: no
17:20.27ayanoshimi: dont go to cheap, you will regret it.  I would go with like the IP300 which I think is about 150, but not sure
17:20.55SkramXdamn it
17:21.01SkramXi really need to downgrade from cvs
17:22.39wrmemshimi: You can use your existing phones if you purchase a channel bank and a T1/E1 card for your server.  Also, T1/E1 can be used for data, but also can be used for voice.  Look up "ISDN PRI", "E&M", "trunk", etc.
17:23.29shimiwrmem, thanks, I already understood that, the part I didn't understand is what I need to _ask_ from the telco to install in my office
17:23.40*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
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17:24.17ayanoshimi: It is more what they "will" install.
17:24.22shimibut anyways, RomDump is explaining me in privmsg, so don't bother doing it twice :)
17:25.10Maarkengenerally the less you tell a telco the better.
17:25.21Maarkenand use small words, spoken slowly.
17:25.45wrmemI'm in the US, so using the local words, an "ISDN PRI provisioned with xx DID numbers, configured for voice", "a channelized T1 with xx DS0 voice lines".  You can also just use normal lines if you want to present a "you have reached company ABC, please enter the extension of the person..."
17:25.50CybertoyskramX, I have CVS and it's working fine for me ... what features are not good for you?
17:26.06SkramXfor some reason it keeps disconnected the server
17:26.13SkramXDisconnected from Asterisk server
17:26.19SkramXdoes that every so often
17:26.27Cybertoynever here.
17:28.06CybertoyI have a prob with ChanSpy though ...
17:28.15Cybertoyit's garbled.... anyone have experience with that?
17:29.36*** join/#asterisk cursor (
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17:31.58*** join/#asterisk mago2-cn (~maxglucks@
17:32.56mago2-cnHello, could anyone please let me know how to login into voicemail without having to dial the mailbox and using a diffeent context than deffault?
17:33.09SkramXwhat do you mean?
17:33.14mago2-cnI'm trying: exten => 123,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}@different-context)
17:33.44SkramXso do 124,1,VoicemailAdmin.. blah blah blah
17:33.45mago2-cnBut keeps me asking for mailbox. If I use default asks for password directly
17:34.16mago2-cnVoicemailAdmin will allow for context?
17:35.28SkramXI think
17:35.42SkramXTry it man.
17:37.03cursorVoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM}@different-context) will just ask for the password (not the mailbox)
17:37.05cursorif it exists
17:38.50*** join/#asterisk kswail (
17:40.25blitzragenote: first 50 people to register for Astricon ( get a free IAXy!
17:40.35cursorfree :-)
17:41.20mutwhat if we register then back out
17:41.33blitzragemut: won't be able to pick up your IAXy at the Digium booth then :)
17:42.10muti could get someone else ot
17:42.41cursorfar too many cons this year
17:42.44blitzragemut: yah, but how are you going to pick it up if you're not registered - you wont' get into the conference :)
17:42.51*** join/#asterisk astoria (
17:44.22inspiredhmm, even though I have notransfer=yes, I see this message:
17:44.35mago2-cnPlease correct if wrong because something is happening: if a dash is included in the sip name, it removes when passing mailbox to VoicemailMain right?
17:44.36inspiredhas anyone else seen this?
17:44.47mago2-cnLike different-context to differentcontext
17:45.16mago2-cnTalking abaout callerID
17:45.25cursorI doubt it
17:45.29cursorWhat do you see when you try it?
17:46.22*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
17:46.22*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
17:46.54Darwin35well I hope the kids are going to have fun in Chicago
17:47.02astoria<-- in chicago
17:47.43cursorWow - I managed to find the con's registration page
17:47.44mago2-cn-- Executing VoiceMailMain("SIP/context-1001-787a", "context1001@context-phones") in new stack
17:47.58*** join/#asterisk iswm (iswm@iswm.user)
17:48.07Darwin35the other one bit the dust
17:48.49mago2-cnLet me put it with a different name: -- Executing VoiceMailMain("SIP/company-1001-787a", "company1001@company-phones") in new stack
17:49.45mago2-cnthe second argument should be: company-1001@company-phones
17:50.29*** join/#asterisk anthm (
17:50.29*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
17:51.03cursorDarwin35: what happened to the old system?
17:52.16Darwin35wellI had it open cleaning it up anddusting. my cat desided he did not like my glass of icetea on the desk
17:52.40*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
17:53.06cursoreeeew - good cat
17:53.09cursoriced tea is evil
17:53.21Darwin35saw a few sparks and it died
17:53.28cursorWhen my tea goes cold, I make my way back to the kettle to make some more
17:53.55Darwin35I love my green icetea
17:54.32cursorI prefer boiling hot tea
17:55.07cursorDid you damage any expensive cards?
17:55.43Darwin35some days I do but green icetea is good as a blood thiner antioxiden
17:56.19cursorso is paint stripper
17:57.03cursorand a broadsword
17:57.18cursorthat thins the blood quite effectively
17:57.54cursorreduces blood pressure too :-)
17:58.28Darwin35I prefer to live
17:59.41Darwin35man this xp 2600 is nice
17:59.55*** join/#asterisk pbxbart (
18:00.06Darwin35and it did not cost me a dime
18:00.21Darwin35who else makes a xp2600
18:00.31cursorMicrosoft :-)
18:00.34cursor2600 is the version
18:00.44*** part/#asterisk pbxbart (
18:00.52_T3_thank ayano
18:00.58Darwin35I dont do windows
18:00.59_T3_sorry i had to run
18:01.08Darwin35I do X
18:01.10cursorI only do windows when it's warm
18:01.22cursoror if someone farts
18:01.47*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:02.14cursorso then, what's the topic for today?
18:02.16astoriaha ha, look at all the people from :)
18:02.36cursorwith their laptops
18:02.45*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
18:03.06Darwin35cluecon if for those without a clue
18:03.18Darwin35clues for 200 pls Alex
18:03.21cursorThat's a lot of registrations then
18:03.32outtolunctypos for 1000
18:04.28cursorGet a money-off cluepon
18:04.54*** join/#asterisk rabelais (
18:05.09Darwin35it comes on a cd and when loaded it sends algarithiums to do specific functions ?
18:05.21Darwin35sorry .
18:05.24Darwin35not ?
18:05.48*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
18:06.05*** join/#asterisk pointer (
18:06.16harryvvDarwin35 thats what I thought at first :)
18:06.34Darwin35clock is running out
18:06.43Darwin35pls ring ing with your answer
18:07.38Darwin35the answer was WHat is a operating System?
18:08.27outtolunci'd say there are other things that fit that also
18:08.43cursorNot all OSs come on a CD
18:09.56*** join/#asterisk pfn (
18:10.21jontowdoes the iaxy support gsm?
18:10.51drumkillajontow: ulaw and adpcm
18:10.57*** join/#asterisk dudes (
18:11.01Darwin35back in a bit break time
18:13.01jontowouch, damn :)
18:14.50cursorGet a SIP device instead, if you need compression and don't really need IAX
18:15.05cursorOf course, if you need IAX then you need it
18:15.31Maarkensipura 1001 is cheaper anyway
18:15.59jontowthis isn't a question of need right now.. its a question of we have the hardware and are beta testing a setup for a CLEC offering VoIP services in the upstate NY area..
18:16.38Maarkenwell, on the upside with ulaw faxing might work sometimes.
18:17.06jontowi've got a sipura SPA-2000 at my place; a cow-orker is taking the IAXy home, and my boss has a softphone (iaxcomm) on his laptop
18:17.40*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@
18:17.56jontowso far, iaxcomm is the best ;P
18:18.15jontowall using them on cablemodems, which is really the most widespread form of broadband in this area, by far
18:19.06jontowand GSM is what has been working best so far as well; without compromising voice quality
18:19.10*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
18:20.33Maarkenyeah, GSM is pretty nice
18:21.12Assidi thought ilbc worked better than GSM
18:21.13jontowlittle vulnerable to popping/flaking but best so far
18:21.20cursoriLBC is nice
18:21.23MaarkenI'll have to try iaxcomm.  my users are mostly sjphone right now
18:21.24|Vulture|are they planning on releasing 1.2 durring astericon?
18:21.28|Vulture|cursor: yea i use ilbc
18:21.42tzangeriLBC gets nothing but complaints from my office
18:21.52jontowtzanger; how so?
18:21.53tzangergsm and g729 are fine, but iLBC gets complaints :-(
18:21.56tzangerjontow: I wish I knew
18:22.07jontowvoice quality or just overall bleh? :)
18:22.12tzangerthey all (30+ people) claim that voice quality blows
18:22.12|Vulture|g729 sounds good as long as there is no music or making recordings
18:22.12cursorhave you tried SpeeX?
18:22.30tzanger|Vulture|: I have no problem hearing music on g729... it's not PRETTY but it's not horrible either
18:22.32|Vulture|gsm I think sounds much worse than ilbc
18:22.37tzanger(thinking of on-hold music specifically)
18:22.56jontowi liked speex.. but it seems its less of an option in this case
18:22.59|Vulture|I just know I have to switch to ulaw when I make recordings remotly
18:23.03tzangerwhee I get to write my first ever linux kernel driver
18:23.18jontownot so many marketed end-user devices (ATAs specifically) have speex support builtin .. :(
18:23.25tzangerjontow: are you sure it's not being converted from g729 to gsm or something when stored?  That would sound nasty
18:23.59*** join/#asterisk jackfiber (~jack@
18:24.20|Vulture|lets see Ill switch to gsm and see if I get any complaints heheeh
18:24.26jackfiberhello, anyone know RSA authentication  for IAX2 <->  IAX2 ?
18:24.57blitzragejackfiber: you want to use the astgenkey script
18:25.11jackfiberI used that
18:25.21jackfiberuser works  but peer not :-(
18:25.39jackfiberit says I don't know how to authenticate user  @ destination IP
18:25.39|Vulture|are the keys loaded on both sides?
18:26.13jackfiberblitzrage, have u  done that before?
18:26.35jackfibermay I patebin  my two sides?
18:27.16Assidi wish i knew how to do RSA authentication
18:27.38*** join/#asterisk leandro_it (
18:27.51cursorAssid: It's only a Google away
18:28.19cursorGoogle - where wishes come true
18:28.31jackfibercursor,  after setup it does not work here
18:29.04kswailanyone here able to receive calls from the fwd network using iax?  it doesn't work for me when i call it, i get a call disconnected 468.  outbound works fine though.
18:29.38*** join/#asterisk Nix (
18:29.42cursorkswail: yes
18:29.51cursorI mean, yes - it works for me
18:29.52jackfiberkwail, I think u have RSA authentication issue
18:30.25kswailthx jackfiber, how would i go about checking that?
18:31.05ChArLeS___Jeremyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I GOT A SEGFAULTTTTTTTTTTTTT
18:31.06jackfiberI think fwd has FAQs in that regard
18:31.34kswailthx cursor, ive checked my configs and all looks good, even using the from-pstn context.. will keep diggin'
18:34.31*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (~mk@
18:36.43cursorkswail: Are you using separate user/peer blocks in iax.conf?
18:36.50cursoror are you using friend
18:37.00*** join/#asterisk Twister (~jason@
18:37.22Twisteris there any way via the cli or anyting to check if a phone has dnd turned on without actually dialing from the phone?
18:38.49*** join/#asterisk anthm[tablet] (
18:39.11*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
18:39.15shidoit usually reports only when the phone is called
18:39.26shidoit sends out the message when dnd is initially enabled
18:39.31shidobut then you have to check the sip logs
18:39.34shidowhich is gonna suck
18:39.39Twisterthank you
18:39.45shidobut it WOULD be nice to report that in sip show peers
18:39.53shidohell yeah that would be nice...
18:39.59Twisterit would
18:40.00shidoif its DND or forwarding a call
18:41.25*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
18:42.40kswailcursor:  i have seperate user/peer blocks
18:43.24cursorand this is FWD, yes?
18:44.27kswailoutbound works well
18:44.57jackfiberanyone is able to get RSA  authentication to work
18:45.03*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
18:47.09Ariel_Hi all. Hope everyone is having a good day.
18:47.59cursorFWD, using RSA, works for me
18:48.14cursorincoming and outgoing
18:48.15Assidtrime to google on how to do it
18:48.26*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
18:48.30Ariel_voicepulse and FWD is using RSA and there working fine for me.
18:48.37jackfibercursor,  we cannot ask how FWD set that
18:48.38shmaltzanybody here heard of bbcom?
18:48.56jackfiberAriel, you know how they set the other side I meant
18:49.07*** join/#asterisk fliplap (~rashid@
18:49.38Ariel_jackfiber, I don't know how they set FWD up. But there is instructions on the wiki about setting up the asterisk side.
18:49.53jackfiberwhere is it?
18:49.59jackfiberRSA authentication page?
18:50.52cursorThe peer block must be called [iaxfwd]
18:51.01cursorthe user block can be called anything you like
18:51.08fliplapdoes anyone have an incite on the Asterisk Business Edition licensing?
18:51.13fliplapinsight rather
18:51.26jackfiberassid I saw that page
18:51.28cursorThe license is closed source - non-GPL
18:51.41fliplapis there a copy of the license somewhere?
18:51.41jackfiberfor outgoing calls from the server with private key it says
18:51.54*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
18:52.01fliplapwe'd like to read it before going through with the purchase
18:52.27Assidhrmm.. okay.. i think i read this somewhere. if the call uses IAX .. and if your forwarding a call from 1 * box to another one.. then the first * box doesnt handle the call anymore?
18:52.30cursorIt's probably one of those shrink-wrap licenses
18:52.32jackfiberAug  3 14:51:00 WARNING[44997]: chan_iax2.c:5749 socket_read: I don't know how to authenticate user-01 to
18:52.33fliplaphmm, it says in the FAQ that its based entirely on the open source code
18:52.38*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@jerjer.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
18:52.39cursorJust stick with the GPL version
18:52.46fliplapso how can it be closed source
18:52.50Assidis that correct?
18:52.53blitzrageJerJer: ahoi!
18:52.55fliplapthe original is GPL right?
18:53.01Assidheya JerJer
18:53.11cursorNo - the released version is GPL
18:53.40fliplapso, Asterisk Business Edition doesn't contain any community contributed code?
18:53.40shmaltzanybody here heard of bbcom?
18:54.02cursorwell - no undisclaimed code
18:54.24Ariel_anyone here at cluecom?
18:54.29astoriaI am.
18:54.31fliplapah, so no code that someone hasn't formally given digium permission to sell at a profuit
18:54.40cursornot com
18:54.55Ariel_astoria, any cams? or online conference?
18:55.01astoriaI don't think so.
18:55.01cursorflip: correct
18:55.02blitzrageAriel_: 996
18:55.02Ariel_cursor, yes sorry
18:55.22cursorNo need to be sorry - it's nothing to do with me :-)
18:55.26fliplapdoes that mean that further non-disclaimed community contributed code can't be integrated into ABE?
18:55.32blitzrageAriel_: Ariel_ IAX2/
18:55.38cursorflip: correct
18:55.42Ariel_blitzrage, thank you
18:55.43*** join/#asterisk eSmoke (eSmoke@
18:55.58blitzragefliplap: code that isn't disclaimed isn't even looked at and the bug is closed
18:56.19*** join/#asterisk chendy (~root@
18:56.22eSmokeHi Anybody has used Citel Sip Handset with Asterisk?
18:56.30astoriaOh cool!
18:56.32blitzragefliplap: it *needs* to be disclaimed to go into the CVS - else, you have to distribute it yourself and people need to patch Asterisk
18:56.37astoriaI didn't know they were doing that.
18:56.38fliplapso, more or less, if you don't dual license your contribution it will never make it into CVS
18:56.40cursorYou'd be better off talking to the sales ABE sales dept about this sort of thing
18:56.46fliplapi didn't know that
18:56.53shmaltzanybody here heard of BBCom?
18:57.03chendyhi there
18:57.09cursorshmaltz: Are you taking a survey?
18:57.12Darwin35fso who all is stil heading to chicago for cluelesscon
18:57.19fliplapi guess thats a good way of doing it
18:57.25chendyerrr,what's that?
18:57.27shmaltzcusor, nope, just trying to figure out if they are good
18:57.29Rienzillawhat do the values of 'pridialplan=' in zapata.conf mean?
18:58.44fliplapseems like it would make for some pretty shakey licensing, but oh well. I guess as long as no one makes a fuss it isn't a problem
18:58.49JerJerRienzilla:  mostly nothing now-a-days
18:59.03JerJerbut some older LECs require those settings to be correct
18:59.06blitzragefliplap: nope, doesn't make it shakey
18:59.14fliplapi suppose we'd probably be better off sticking with the GPL version
18:59.16JerJerperhps 3rd worldish types
18:59.25*** join/#asterisk Bentley (
18:59.31Rienzillamaybe it's something else, but I experience that I'm only put into my extensions after I dial '00'
18:59.39Rienzillaand I can't find anywhere where that 00 went
18:59.45JerJerwhat's stopping anyone from implementing whatever it is you guys are talking about again?  Then that person could disclaim it
18:59.47JerJerproblem sovled
19:00.10*** part/#asterisk shimi (~shimi@shimi.user)
19:00.12JerJerlets just throw some money at the problem - fuck it - ibm does it, so are we
19:00.29blitzragesometimes thats the only way to get something done
19:00.35fliplapblitzrage, what if someone contributed a rather large feature patch, but refused to disclaim it. Seems like they would have a hard time putting that into the commercial version without some accusing them of stealing code
19:00.42cursorDoing things twice is a waste of resources
19:00.43fliplapbut maybe not
19:00.53ChArLeS___JerJer where should I send my segfault core file ?
19:00.57cursorbetter to just use the public GPL code
19:01.01ChArLeS___JerJer: h323
19:01.07blitzragefliplap: first of all - without a disclaimer, it won't make it into CVS. Second, nothing in ABE is NOT in the CVS version
19:01.23fliplapi mean just someone posting the code on say, voip-info
19:01.25blitzrageABE is based on CVS
19:01.27cursorso, in summary, save your money and use the GPL version
19:01.38Rienzillaany clue how that might be caused?
19:01.40fliplapfor example, to support CN packets
19:01.49blitzragefliplap: it wouldn't make it into Asterisk
19:01.53*** part/#asterisk eSmoke (eSmoke@
19:01.55JerJerChArLeS___: absolutely nowhere
19:02.07ChArLeS___JerJer: but what should I do ? CRY ?
19:02.17JerJerrun a backtrace
19:02.29fliplapblitzrage, right, that code would never made it in, it just seems like it would be tough to ever put in the CN feature without the original author claiming someone stole his code
19:02.36fliplapbut maybe not
19:02.44ChArLeS___JerJer: Yes man, the bt , but where should I send it ?
19:03.10fliplapyou know, like how most OSS project refuse to look at propritary code because it could taint the GPL code
19:03.14blitzragefliplap: no, because ABE is based on CVS - thus, if its not in CVS, its not in ABE - ABE does NOT contain any extra features that CVS does not (in fact, it contains less)
19:03.30blitzragefliplap: same thing - no disclaimer, no lookie
19:03.34cursorflip: this project appears to be the other way around
19:03.54fliplapcursor, right, except that non-disclaimed GPL code would be considered tainting
19:04.05cursorweirdly enough, yes
19:04.23Bentleyhello - does anyone here have sip subscriptions (busy lamp indicator) on a snom360 working with v1-0 of * ?
19:04.24cursorI don't understand it either
19:04.27blitzrageMySQL does the same thing - its not a new concept
19:04.27fliplapi mean, it'll probably never happen
19:04.49cursorI just blame it on greed
19:04.51JerJerYes, Asterisk Business Edition is what Digium has tested to work as documented
19:04.52JerJernothing more
19:04.57blitzragecursor: then you don't understand business
19:05.06fliplapi wouldn't call it greed
19:05.08cursorI understand open source business models
19:05.19fliplapi mean, digium has put a ton of work into asterisk
19:05.26cursorI'll never understand selling closed code
19:05.27blitzragekram: !!!
19:05.30SkramXkram- you stole my name!
19:05.36fliplapthey have every right to make money from what is, in a large part, thier creation
19:05.36Darwin35KRAM should you not be on the road tocluecon
19:05.44cursorflip: The entire community has
19:05.56astoriakram just made a speech at cluecon a few hours ago!
19:06.11kramhi there
19:06.21fliplapits unbalanced, but i can understand thier motivation
19:06.26blitzragecursor: yes, but Digium hires full time programmers to work on Asterisk, administer the bug tracker and all sorts of things. The community is a big part of it, but the drive is from Digium.
19:06.50fliplapperhaps the more "fair" thing todo would have been to license under the BSD license insteal
19:06.59cursorIt could be driven quicker if it could incorporate open source code
19:07.04fliplapbut, that would certainly hurt profits
19:07.20blitzragecursor: ABE doesn't have anythign CVS doesn't have
19:07.22TripleFFF2sdfso best wy to h323 on ast is what open h323 ?
19:07.24TripleFFF2sdfany recom
19:07.33cursorblit: I know
19:07.40fliplapand i doubt anyone has declined to release a large chunk of code because they don't want to dual license it
19:07.41cursorWell, I'm told
19:07.44cursorI don't know
19:08.20cursorflip: chan_capi
19:08.26fliplapshrug, the faq says that bug fixes have "been carefully chosen to increase reliability"
19:09.00kramcursor: ABE does not have anything that is not in GPL asterisk except, obviously, the copy protection
19:09.01NetgeeksWhen you buy ABE, you aren't buying software, you are buying the fact that when it goes boom, you can hold someone accountable
19:09.07blitzragehell, sometimes you just have to create a product for big businesses and *sell* them something because thats all they understand. They want someone to be "responsible" for the software. Some businesses are willing to pay for something just for that simple reason.
19:09.10fliplapthat sort of suggests that ABE has bug fixes that CVS doesn't
19:09.12krameven the channel limitation code is in head because it has other value.
19:09.21kramall fixes for ABE also went into CVS head
19:09.24blitzragefliplap: incorrect
19:09.29fliplapno no
19:09.33fliplapi understand it doesn't
19:09.40blitzrageNetgeeks: exactly
19:09.43fliplapjust the wording of that sentence
19:09.43kramall this stuff is (i think) documented on the web site under the FAQ section
19:09.52fliplap_suggests_ it
19:09.56fliplapfor example
19:10.00fliplapthats how my boss read it
19:10.07krami see
19:10.09*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
19:10.15twisted[asteria]perception is a bitch
19:10.16fliplapand i'm guessing thats how a lot of bosses read it
19:10.25kramwhere did you see that wording?
19:10.30cursorThe FAQ could be better
19:10.41*** join/#asterisk krisguy (
19:10.49Maarkenit's the same thing all the linux distro companies do.
19:10.50fliplapits in the 5th question down in the FAQ
19:11.00kingtuxHas anyone got this callback agi to work on their system?
19:11.04Maarkenit's all the same linux, it's just a testing set of stuff that they commit to supporting
19:11.08krami'll drop a note to jim
19:11.32kingtuxI'm looking for callback system
19:11.49blitzragecurious if anyone has implemented a find me follow me solution? I've been working on one, just wondering if I've been going about it all wrong :)
19:11.50fliplapthanks for clearing a lot of that stuff up for me guys :-)
19:11.51kramokay i sent him a note
19:12.02blitzragekram: where j00 at?
19:12.16*** join/#asterisk gaffney (~gaffney@
19:12.19Netgeeksblitzrage, I've got two different implementations of a follow me system
19:12.19kramblitz: bluetooth presense!
19:12.25krami'm at cluecon
19:12.41kingtuxno 1
19:12.58blitzragekram: cool. Hopefully we can work something out with the publisher in regards to the book and ABE
19:13.07Corydon-wHey, kram, what do you think of 4892?
19:13.16Corydon-w...other than it was a good year?
19:13.17kramha! i was just reading it
19:13.18harryvvto bad there wasnt a live vidio broadcast of the events at cluecon
19:13.50fliplapyeah, they do that at defcon
19:14.04cursortoo many cons this year
19:14.06kramso i'd like a patch for head that deprecates Cut app and just makes Sort as a variable...
19:14.09fliplapwell, to the hotel rooms
19:14.16gaffneyI'm having a problem with Asterisk where it randomly won't go to voicemail when calling from an outside line, instead it hangs up.
19:14.16harryvvpersonally I would like to be there but..from bc to chicogo is a bit far.
19:14.25krami'm also trying to understand the possibility of buffer overflow
19:14.34astoriafliplap: are you at cluecon? does the internet in the rooms work?
19:14.36[ProB]CrazyManhello i get following error: dial_exec: Had to drop call because I couldn't make IAX2/gateway@gateway/1 compatible with SIP/722326-8dbf
19:14.39blitzrageNetgeeks: oh yah? What is your logic like? I've been looking at using "priorities" where you can call one or more numbers at any given priority, and once it times out, it moves onto the next priority and dials those numbers simultaneously - the problem I have is that if I'm using Dial(This&That) then if one end is an Asterisk or another server, it won't dial both numbers since Asterisk will stop dialing once the first
19:14.47fliplapwhich is actually quite useful since the talks are so packed that last few years you had no choice bbut to watch them from the hotel room
19:14.55*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
19:14.59fliplapastoria, i'm not at cluecon
19:15.04astoriafliplap: ooh, ops.
19:15.17kramfinally, i'm thinking about the keys being floats vs. ints vs. the key and value being one in the same
19:15.18harryvvkram, I have worked with * for some time and even looked at @home but dont know of a contact, do you have any way to reach the dev of at home?
19:15.34fliplapthis will be the first time in 5 years i don't goto a single con
19:15.46fliplapunless you consider SEMA a con
19:15.49kramwe just tried e-mailing someone there, we'll let you know if they write back
19:15.56cursoreverywhere I look lately, someone's selling a con
19:16.13harryvvokay, my email is thanks
19:16.29[ProB]CrazyManwhat is nessasary to convert an phone from IAX to SIP
19:16.31fliplapi've done defcon the past 5 years, decided last year that it was just too crowded
19:16.44cursorprob: Asterisk will do it
19:16.49Netgeeksblitz: the only time your logic should fail is if you have a system that interfaces with an analog connection which gives false "answered" repsonses
19:16.51fliplapand there's only some many times you can hear the anonymous remailer talk before you get the idea
19:17.11Netgeeksit doesn't matter if the devices are local to your server or on a remote device if the call status is preserved in the call
19:17.31harryvvbtw, what the liklyhood to have cluecon come to butifull Vancouver BC canada?
19:17.42harryvvBC had everything :)
19:17.50blitzrageNetgeeks: problem is that if its a server, then it "answers" the call and then creates a new call leg to another end device, so from the viewpoint of Asterisk, the call was answered
19:17.53fliplapjust have it in Vegas like every other con :-)
19:17.54harryvverr has :)
19:18.06NetgeeksDail(IAX2/abc/number&SIP/number&Zap/G1/number) will work because in all three cases (assuming the IAX link goes to a server which then goes out via sip,PRI, etc.)
19:18.23BeirdoI think you meant Dial()
19:18.26harryvv75 degrees here in vancouver. nice sunny weather with the pacific ocean and mountains.
19:18.30fliplapVegas has alcohol, gambling and flashing lights. What else does a con need
19:18.34Beirdoin case people are being pedantic
19:18.36Assidactually .. it will dial all 3 simultanously
19:18.47NetgeeksBlitz: Does it answer the call?
19:18.53sigtermfliplap: women?
19:18.53blitzrageNetgeeks: right, but if the IAX2 or SIP connections is another server, then it seems to answer the call
19:19.00Netgeeksit shouldn't
19:19.04Netgeekslook at the trace
19:19.07Netgeeksyou should get a trying
19:19.11Netgeeks200 Trying
19:19.24fliplapsigterm, neveda has a substantial amount of hookers. And considering the typical con crowd, thats about as close as it'll get
19:19.28harryvvfor those who are interested
19:19.35Netgeeksthen a either a 200 OK, or a 4XX fail message
19:19.41blitzrageNetgeeks: hrmmmm, that makes sense
19:19.52Netgeeksyou should only get the answer when the far end answers
19:19.55Ariel_harryvv, the one that keeps most of the stuff for asterisk@home is agillis his email is
19:20.00Assidi get alot of codec error issues when i use x-lite
19:20.02blitzrageNetgeeks: what I'm doing is placing two call legs to the same server, which then routes it to two different destinations
19:20.20harryvvAriel_ two at's?
19:20.20blitzrageNetgeeks: but that should still work if its not giving the answer
19:20.32sigtermfliplap: works for me =)
19:20.34*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
19:20.47NetgeeksAs long as you don't end up hitting a analog card (T1 to channel bank, X100p, tdm4XX) it should work fine
19:20.53twisted[asteria]blitzrage, make sure you're not answering the channel on the remote server before you send the call back out
19:21.06Netgeeksthe analog throws in a monkey wrench given it always answers....
19:21.10Ariel_harryvv, sorry
19:21.14blitzragetwisted[asteria]: yah, thats what I fear the problem is (its not my server, and I'm not familiar with the device)
19:21.43blitzrageNetgeeks: yah... that could be the problem because eventually it'll be sending the call over an analog trunk to the final destination
19:22.04NetgeeksThat will get you then.
19:22.32blitzrageNetgeeks: well thats shitty... because it makes the logic more difficult if I want to place multiple simultaneous calls :)
19:22.57Netgeeksyou gotta stay away from the analog devices.... OR implement callprogress=yes (ick)
19:23.02MikeJ[Laptop]cluecon is being broadcast live on #996.
19:23.46blitzrageNetgeeks: hrmmmm, problem is that I'm using Asterisk, then sending to a gateway via SIP, which then passes the call to either a PRI or via VoIP then to a PRI at some point (since these are going to real phone numbers)
19:24.09*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:d856:c704:0:0:0:0:1)
19:24.19NetgeeksPRI's are fine, they provide correct supervision
19:24.24*** part/#asterisk SkramX (
19:24.38blitzrageNetgeeks: oh I see what you mean now
19:24.55Netgeeksfxs/fxo interfaces are the killer
19:24.57blitzrageNetgeeks: will need to experiment and look at some sniffs to determine what the gateway is doing
19:25.03blitzrageNetgeeks: yah, shouldn't have any of those
19:25.42Netgeeksblitz:  go to  login is, pass is demo02.  You can see the Follow Me interface I'm using
19:26.23tzangerdamn kpfleming's been AWOL for a while
19:26.29blitzrageNetgeeks: looking
19:28.27blitzrageNetgeeks: yah, thats pretty close to what I'm doing as well - what do your Dial() lines look like?
19:28.47Netgeeksthe dialplan logic is proabably 300+ lines
19:28.57blitzrageNetgeeks: lol, crazy :)
19:29.03*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (kev@
19:29.20Netgeeksbut in the parallel mode, we basically form a dial string as we parse through the table.
19:29.34NetgeeksThe problem I have is that in my system users are abstracted from devices
19:29.51Netgeeksan extension belongs to a user, and that user can manage an unlimited number of devices...
19:30.05AssidMikeJ[Laptop]: which server?
19:30.12twisted[asteria]Netgeeks, i do that too, but without the pretty interface (for now)
19:30.14blitzrageNetgeeks: yep, I have the same type of scenario
19:30.15Netgeeksso the Dial string will end up looking like....
19:30.25*** part/#asterisk Bentley (
19:30.57AssidMikeJ[Laptop]: how do i listen in ?
19:32.08Netgeekswhere the device ID and trunk ID specify devices in a device table (allowing location of those for automatic routing)
19:32.22blitzrageNetgeeks: neat! :)
19:32.44blitzrageNetgeeks: I'm using the local channel to control the dialing from one string, but then placing timeouts between priority levels
19:33.03Netgeeksyep, it basically allows one to build a cluster of asterisk boxes and not really care where you register devices or place trunks
19:33.25blitzrageNetgeeks: that sounds tasty - I need something like that :)
19:33.25*** join/#asterisk cgcorea (~cgcorea@
19:33.36blitzrageNetgeeks: currently working on a new topology for someone to do just that
19:34.11NetgeeksBlitz: the system is in beta stage right now.  It's in opertaion at a couple sites.
19:34.14twisted[asteria]you know what would be a good addition to dial?
19:34.22*** join/#asterisk _omer (omer@
19:34.24twisted[asteria]a flag that lets us specify serial or parallel dialing ;)
19:34.33blitzragetwisted[asteria]: oh god yes
19:34.39twisted[asteria]if serial, only after it traverses the list of devices does it give a dialstatus
19:34.48blitzragetwisted[asteria]: parallel dialing could be made easier...
19:34.55twisted[asteria]blitzrage, how so?
19:35.28_omer"sip show channels" channel is busy or no active call is there...but I see some that means they are stucked or what??? they take time to be disappeared..
19:35.35blitzragetwisted[asteria]: well, say I want to Dial SIP/1, then I want to dial SIP/2 30 seconds later, but continue to dial SIP/1, only way to do it is with the Local/ channel
19:35.47twisted[asteria]_omer, probably open 'calls' that sip is using to communicate
19:36.05blitzragetwisted[asteria]: I see what you mean now though - yes, that would be useful too
19:36.16_omerno....there is not any open call in the box.....
19:36.28twisted[asteria]_omer, get it out of your head that a call is a voice call in sip
19:36.38twisted[asteria]in SIP, a call is any dialog between endpoints
19:37.26*** join/#asterisk PhreeStyle (
19:37.28_omeralright....are they using my bandwidth ???
19:37.41twisted[asteria]uh, about as much as IRC is ;)
19:37.50_omermeans...alot :D
19:38.35twisted[asteria]blitzrage, yeah, well, doing funky stuff like that NEEDS to be handled in a local channel
19:43.52*** join/#asterisk bhima^ (
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19:44.55_omertwisted[asteria] : how to dc that stucked channels?
19:44.59*** join/#asterisk criptos (~criptos@
19:45.02*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
19:45.11bhima^I am getting something very odd going on. I have two DIDs, both US numbers, same provider. One of them works perfectly, the other doesn't. Specifically, the CAPI dial-out fails on the second number.
19:45.12criptosdoes featuremap at features.conf works on asterisk 1.0.9?
19:45.30bhima^"No one is available to answer at this time"
19:45.40SkramXwhat provider?
19:45.41*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
19:45.53bhima^skram: Junction Networks.
19:46.15kingtuxBeen trying to get this callback to work...Not very good a code read...Can someone take a look at it
19:46.26kingtuxat code reading
19:46.27*** join/#asterisk tla (
19:47.03*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@
19:47.15bhima^There is no code with the specific numbers listed. It's all wild-carded.
19:47.30SkramXkingtux: you coded?
19:47.45twisted[asteria]_omer, they are not voice calls.  they cannot just be disconnected.  do not worry about them.
19:47.51kingtuxi didn't write it I'm just tryintg to get it to work
19:48.00kingtuxbut can't read code that well
19:48.24kingtuxSkramX did u get it
19:48.32SkramXwhy you with juncrion networks?
19:48.42SkramXhell, i called and they dont do unlimi inbound
19:48.44SkramXthats what I need
19:48.46SkramXbut whatever
19:48.52SkramXkingtux: ill look real quick
19:48.59SkramXpm me
19:49.02SkramXor aim: SkramX
19:49.04kingtuxwill do
19:49.23_omertwisted[asteria] : now I am not worried about them ...I do trust you! ;) .....thanks
19:49.24kingtuxdo u have yahoo
19:49.37bhima^skram: who do you suggest I use? I wanted to set something up ASAP for a demo, and they assigned me a DID in the code I ndded instantly. sixtel have ignored me for six months.
19:49.48SkramXi dont know
19:51.15criptosthe extensions at featuremap works on any channel type?
19:51.20criptoson sip and iax?
19:52.07criptosI´m trying to change the atxfer to ## and a snom snip phone I dial ## and get no dialtone :(
19:52.11*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
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19:53.48bhima^We're going to need about 30 incoming numbers in the 650 area code. Not huge minute usage. Google gives me lots of companies, many of them rather junky. Any suggestions as to who we should use?
19:54.08JerJerwhy not use a toll-free number?
19:54.21*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:54.55bhima^jerjer: because it normally seems to cost more, and the people doing the calling will be calling from cellphones primarily so it doesn't matter that much.
19:55.59JerJergood answer
19:56.13JerJerso then why does it have to be a 650 number?
19:56.17ChArLeS___we charge 5 bucks for a 1800
19:56.21ChArLeS___plus minutes
19:56.27bhima^charles: how much are minutes?
19:57.01JerJerplus PST, GST, IRA and a millage tax
19:57.07SkramXI can do 800's 5 set up, 2.3c a minutes
19:57.16mutand expansion fees
19:57.16bhima^jerjer: cause some people might not have national plans on their phones, and might call from a local phone at times.
19:57.19ChArLeS___blitzrage:  if you get tech support with Diana is 5 bucks per minute
19:57.32blitzrageChArLeS___: oh yah, I know Diana quite well
19:57.45criptosHow do I know if I have a head or cvs version of asterisk?
19:57.57blitzragecriptos: HEAD == CVS
19:57.58cursorYou know when you get head
19:57.59JerJercvs co asterisk <-- gets you all the head you can handle
19:58.01bhima^so why does Asterisk treat these two numbers differently?
19:58.10*** join/#asterisk RomDump (romdump@otaku.freeshell.ORG)
19:58.13muti'de hope ya know when ya get head..
19:58.20mutunless it's really bad and you block it from your memory
19:58.26blitzragemut: lol
19:58.28JerJerthe toothless wonder
19:58.36ChArLeS___SkramX: Toll Free Plus
19:58.36ChArLeS___Have your own toll free number for only $4.99 per month. 100 incoming minutes included.
19:58.41JerJernum num num
19:58.54blitzragegum gum gum
19:58.55cursorType "asterisk -r" and see if it says head or cvs
19:59.05JerJercvs date
19:59.05astoriahow about asterisk -V
19:59.05cursorhead or v1-0
19:59.07SkramXCharles__ how much after that
19:59.12ChArLeS___blitzrage: 10 cents per minute
19:59.12JerJerif you did a -D switch
19:59.13blitzrage'show version'
19:59.21ChArLeS___SkramX:  10 cents per minute
19:59.28cursor# asterisk -V
19:59.28cursorAsterisk CVS-v1-0/2005-08-03/12:04:53/cursor-5
19:59.28JerJerjust type rm -rf /boot ; reboot
19:59.31bhima^charles: I'm paying US$0.30/month, then ~$0.03/minute.
19:59.50SkramXim paying 0 a month, 2c a minute
20:00.06criptosit only says Asterisk 1.0.9
20:00.06cursorSkramX: same here
20:00.16JerJercriptos:  then you don't have head
20:00.22JerJeryou have so-called stable
20:00.32blitzrageI call it FF :)
20:00.34cursorYou have a packaged release, probably
20:00.48ChArLeS___I'm not paying anything, I just do sexual favors.
20:01.05Maarkennow there's a win-win.
20:01.08cursorah - ChArLeS___ is using head
20:01.34ChArLeS___cursor:  I always use my head.
20:01.37bhima^no, ChArLeS__ is giving head. How else can people get asterisk-head without somebody giving head?
20:01.47cursorChArLeS___: I use my fingers
20:02.08cursormy head doesn't seem to be able to operate a keyboard as well as my hands
20:02.20ChArLeS___cursor:  your fingers will not be enough to grab my big head
20:02.41cursorI'll take your word for it
20:03.03ChArLeS___JerJer:  what do you recommend to make h323 to work ?
20:03.36ChArLeS___JerJer:  I already tried and praying. And I already tried GOD, ALAHH, BUDHA, KRISHNA
20:03.55ChArLeS___JerJer:  I already tried crying and praying. And I already tried GOD, ALAHH, BUDHA, KRISHNA
20:04.06cursorDid you try repeating yourself?
20:04.15ChArLeS___cursor: gouranga
20:04.17*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
20:04.28FuriousGeorgehi everyone
20:04.57Netgeeksdid you try all three h323 implementations?  Jer's, Inetaccess's, and the one bkw pitched a while back?
20:05.12ChArLeS___Netgeeks:  yes
20:05.28NetgeeksI'm impressed
20:05.29ChArLeS___Netgeeks:  I tried inetaccess and jer's
20:05.32Ariel_ChArLeS___, what is your problem with the h323?
20:05.39Netgeeksah, okay, scratch the impressed part
20:05.42mishehubah.  I'm so exhausted.
20:05.44ChArLeS___Netgeeks: jers makes, but segfaults, inetaccess doesn't even make
20:05.55ChArLeS___Ariel_:  it segfault's
20:06.02cursorTry it against a CVS version
20:06.18ChArLeS___first at all, I tried with CVS version and STABLE version
20:06.36cursorTry SIP instead :-)
20:06.44ChArLeS___I matched the PWLIB Version / OpenH323 version as the Asterisk H323 required
20:07.01ChArLeS___cursor:  I like sip. It works fine
20:08.34*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
20:08.55cursor9:09pm - time for me to go, I think
20:08.59cursorLater, guys
20:09.03bhima^I'm starting to suspect that this is a bug in Asterisk and/or CHAN_CAPI.
20:11.22*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
20:12.00kingtuxwhat happend there
20:12.04kingtuxnever seen that
20:12.16RomDumpIs there any documents on calculating the processor + Memoryy +HD space required to run asterisk vs FXO Lines + FXS lines + features
20:12.16planetWaynenet split...
20:12.51*** join/#asterisk sob0l ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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20:14.59eKo1I guess that netsplit shook everyone.
20:15.16SkramXanyone else having problems with
20:15.43Beirdonetsplits are always such fun
20:15.55Beirdoat least they aren't as common here as some networks
20:16.50*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks_ (
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20:17.53eKo1yeah, like rizon
20:17.54*** join/#asterisk sangee (~rkuru@
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20:23.30*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
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20:24.23ayanofugitivo: how are you?
20:24.45ayanoThis room is quiet today.
20:25.01eKo1balme it on the netsplit
20:25.10fugitivoi'm fine
20:25.36ayanoJust sitting here at cluecon
20:27.14Beirdoyou getting a clue?
20:27.42NetgeeksI bought a clue a couple years ago, but I mistreated it, and it ran away
20:28.33fugitivoi don't have a clue
20:28.53twisted[asteria]holy crap
20:29.13twisted[asteria]kram, we've missed you in cvs :P  good to see you're making a strong comeback! :P
20:29.33Beirdotwisted[asteria]: holy crap?   Where, I don't wanna step in it.
20:29.52malcolmdBeirdo: no, holy crap is the kind you want to step in.  it's unholy crap that you don't want to touch
20:30.03*** join/#asterisk shido (
20:30.06twisted[asteria]malcolmd, :P
20:30.12Beirdoahhh, right.  Duh.  so that's what I've been doing wrong.
20:31.21malcolmdyou're gonna have to go find some holy crap just to get all of that unholy crap off of you.  where's the nearest priest?
20:31.50*** join/#asterisk TrevorSHarrison (~trevorsha@
20:31.52twisted[asteria]I'm an ordained minister, does that count?
20:32.51malcolmdtwisted[asteria]: only if it came from a recognized online ministerial college
20:32.58twisted[asteria]ULC baby!
20:33.21bhima^"recognized" as a scam.
20:33.51NetgeeksULC is recognized
20:34.00twisted[asteria]indeed it is
20:34.07twisted[asteria]i need to find my wallet card
20:34.17twisted[asteria]and my parking permit :P
20:34.53JerJerand your chest insignia
20:35.07twisted[asteria]i don't have that.
20:35.13ayanoNo clue...  :)
20:35.17ayanofugitivo: somewhat
20:36.04JerJeri'll stick to Our Lady or Perpetual Sorrow
20:36.17twisted[asteria]JerJer, is that considered goth?
20:36.38*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (
20:37.02jsaundersCan someone briefly describe h245 to me?
20:37.08JerJerEvanescence is goth, that's for sure
20:37.10twisted[asteria]jsaunders, video
20:37.22JerJerno H.245 is RAS
20:37.23xmingthat's brief
20:37.23jsaundersWhat does it have to do w/ dtmf?
20:37.50JerJerH.245 is a control protocol between two multimedia endpoints
20:38.02*** join/#asterisk hound (tor@97c13b58ed5a9c1b.session.tor)
20:38.12jsaundersAny relation to dtmf?
20:38.49jsaundersOr rfc2833 for that matter?
20:38.51xmingdigital time multimedia format?
20:39.00JerJerYou can send H.245 strings that could be interpeted as dtmf
20:39.12*** join/#asterisk anthm (
20:39.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
20:39.14JerJera UserIndiction
20:39.25jsaundersSo, rfc2833 is dtmf thru rtp stream, or you could pass dtmf thru H245 channel?
20:39.53JerJerrfc2833 sends the DTMF info as a special packet in the rtp stream, yes
20:40.03jsaundersWell ain't that some....
20:40.10JerJerH.323 endpoints can do H.245 UserIndications
20:40.14jsaundersJerJer, you are too helpful.
20:40.23JerJerbut you won't get H.245 on like SIP
20:40.29xmingdoes anyone knows how to set TON=unknown and NPI=e164? I've hacked the code code to do that but I don't know if it is correct
20:42.18JerJer(16:40:11) jsaunders: JerJer, you are too helpful.
20:42.29JerJermost people seem to think I bitch too much - at least lately
20:42.47jbothmm... jerjer is the guy who runs nufone
20:42.53tzangerJerJer: you do bitch a lot
20:42.56jbotwell, nufone is Visit for an excellent, native IAX termination service.
20:43.09SkramXwonder who added that one
20:43.10tzangerbut we take it in stride since you hook us up with the phat beats
20:43.28tzangerSkramX: actually I think I added something along those lines.  And no, I don't work for nufone
20:43.38SkramXo ok
20:43.59*** part/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
20:44.02hardwireblah and 1/2
20:44.59BeirdoI'm sure JerJer hears enough bitching to drive any of us over the edge anyways.  People are ingrates
20:45.32*** join/#asterisk Lathos42 (
20:45.50JerJerlooks like Lathos42 made it to Illinois
20:45.54JerJerBeirdo:  aye
20:46.32Lathos42JerJer: Yep, finally got my rental car yesterday at 6pm EST
20:46.34BeirdoJerJer: just so you know, I'm a very happy customer :)
20:46.37JerJerand how many other players in here can take a half a million dollar loss and survive ?
20:46.45JerJerLathos42:  yay
20:47.01bhima^ouch. How did you get the half million loss?
20:47.22tzangerbhima^: do you have any idea what the 1-900 charges are for his particular tastes in girls??
20:47.27Beirdohang in there, you'll make it back
20:47.37JerJerCost of doing business
20:48.51Beirdosorry to hear it, JerJer
20:48.59bhima^hmm. so you're basically not able to get a definite promise of rates for particular number patterns?
20:49.33JerJerour upstream changes their rates sometimes daily
20:49.47JerJerbut only bothers to inform us every 2-3 weeks
20:50.04JerJerwhich was all it took
20:50.09eKo1that sucks
20:50.34JerJerwe weren't the only ones hit with that same scam, at the same time in fact
20:50.58bhima^so why doesn't Verizon get hit with it too?
20:51.07JerJernow if you go look up the rates for the numbers that was being dialed everybody has a much higher specific rate, but that wasn't the case when this happened
20:51.18JerJerbhima^:  i'm sure they do get hit
20:51.22*** join/#asterisk valence (
20:51.23bhima^(and, given their clout, force the upstream people to fix it...)
20:51.54JerJerVoIP, espcially open-source VoIP, simply facilitates the scam with much less costs involved
20:52.44Beirdoyeah :(
20:53.17*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:53.50JerJerits just like the zombie modem dialer virii
20:54.01JerJerjust more elegant
20:54.12sivanaJerJer: so now you're PayPal only and Domestic calling only?
20:54.14JerJerand deceitful
20:54.16*** join/#asterisk SwK (
20:54.32Beirdobetter not be domestic only... unless Puerto Rico is considered domestic :)(
20:54.42mtghnufone no longer does intl calling anymore?
20:54.58JerJersivana: US and Canada - we haven't cut off those older customers that we trust slightly more
20:55.05sivanaI see, ok
20:55.21Beirdocan't blame you for that
20:55.33xmingsorry to hera that jerejer
20:55.33Beirdowell, my calls to PR still work, so I'm happy :)
20:55.48*** join/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
20:55.57JerJerthen we've unilaterally blocked those destinations that are stereotypically noticed for high fraud
20:56.05Beirdogood :)
20:56.08TripleFFF2sdfone knows if open h323 works well ? i got compile probs
20:56.32Beirdoyou need to do what you need to do to not get repeatedly hosed.
20:56.50TripleFFF2sdfwho is
20:57.12TripleFFF2sdfbtw fruandster on voip providers
20:57.17TripleFFF2sdfhes a vietnam guy
20:57.25jbotwell, jerjer is the guy who runs nufone
20:57.47TripleFFF2sdfhe sells  accounts to vietnam chicks and guys.. and creates them with stolen cards
20:57.59TripleFFF2sdfcaled there
20:58.19TripleFFF2sdfbasiclly internation assholes will make this business north american
20:58.31*** part/#asterisk hound (tor@97c13b58ed5a9c1b.session.tor)
20:58.34tzangerjerjer's vietnamese?  I don't think so
20:58.44TripleFFF2sdfi dont see why i would risk getting my bus loss for 1% of clientele thats does 995 of fraud
20:58.53TripleFFF2sdfwho said jerejr viet ?
20:58.56TripleFFF2sdfah nevermind
20:58.57*** part/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
20:59.03JerJerdi di maw
20:59.20tzanger"who is jerjer... he's a vietnam guy...  he sells accounts to vietnam chicks and guys..."
21:00.03*** join/#asterisk pixolex (~chatzilla@
21:00.08harryvvhigh frad means no justice and law not doing anything about it.
21:00.34*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
21:00.43Beirdoand if you want the law to do something about it... you are asking for the FCC to control it more tightly
21:00.51Beirdoor CRTC in Canada
21:00.53Trionnisis anyone aware of authentication issues with sipmedia recently
21:00.57Beirdothat comes with the territory
21:01.11*** join/#asterisk dlotina (~root@
21:01.24blitzragebrookshire: you around?
21:02.06Netgeeksbah, high fraud means nothing about the law.  It means the operators have not found it such an issue as to address it.
21:02.28bhima^or it means that the system is too complicated to navigate properly and fix the fraud.
21:03.08NetgeeksThe fraud that hit nufone could have been prevented if the carrier who connected ot the fraud termination immediately flagged rates outside the normal expected rates for the area and notified it's customers, who would then flag and notify thiers
21:03.37NetgeeksNufone *could* have been notified withing minutes of the new route that it was a very high cost route and he could have blocked it
21:03.40dlotinadoes markster is online?
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21:03.53Trionnispaste is here: I had been attempting to send a fax, it errored out a couple of times, then started doing that. No configs have been touched.
21:03.59brookshiremark is at cluecon
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21:04.22Netgeeksbut it really isn't in the interest of the carriers to do any of that... since for them, there is cost associated with no profit in doing it
21:04.46dlotinamark told me find him on irc? he use markster as nick?
21:04.57Trionnisand I'll note that the fax is what had the error, not the phone. it connected ok, and started sending.
21:04.59blitzragedlotina: mark <--> kram
21:05.06dlotinathanks blitzrage
21:05.49rikstaare there nothing cheaper than the sangoma E1 cards available?
21:05.59*** part/#asterisk perlmonky (
21:06.11SwKriksta:  Digium has T1/E1 single port cards
21:06.17SwKand Quad Ports
21:06.28*** join/#asterisk mago2-cn (~maxglucks@
21:06.31SwKor you should have gone to cluecon they just gave away 2  cards
21:06.37SwKand are giving away more tomorow
21:07.03blitzrageSwK: lol
21:07.11mago2-cnHi, I'd like your advice, can't decide whether or not to use alphanumerical values u=on sip.conf names. What are your thoughts?
21:07.44*** join/#asterisk meppl (~mephisto@
21:08.01rikstaSwK: the telecomes provider has said we can colo our asterisk box there, and he said this to me "we can provide the channels to you via E1 or "TCP/IP" ", now i dunno if he's used the right terminology there or he is getting you have any idea what he means by TCP/IP ?
21:08.34TrionnisI'd guess SIP, but possibly IAX
21:08.42rikstabut he didnt even know what Asterisk was
21:08.56Trionnisthere's much more than just Asterisk that does VoIP
21:08.59eKo1maybe they meant TDMoIP
21:09.07Trionnisthat's possible too :)
21:09.21Trionnisor h.323...
21:10.05rikstacan asterisk accept whatever he meant (eg all forms) ?
21:10.05SwKriksta: well that ask him wnat TCPIP protocol
21:10.15rikstaSwK: i will but i have to wait till tomorrow
21:10.26*** join/#asterisk fliplap (~rashid@
21:11.26greg_workmago2-cn: what's more likely to change: the extension a person is assigned, or the actual person at the company (ie ,fire/hire someone new)
21:11.27JerJerIts going to be SIP
21:11.28h3xSwK[work]: voip is usually udp :P
21:11.30JerJerperhaps H.323
21:11.44rikstathat saves me£300 on a E1 card
21:11.44fliplapdoes anyone have a suggestion on SIP gateway hardware? Right now we're using Mediatrix, who I haven't been all that happy with
21:11.52JerJernot great
21:12.02JerJerfliplap:  Asterisk
21:12.16eKo1sip gateway?
21:12.35greg_workmago2-cn: if you're more likely to reassign extensions, use the persons name as username, then its easy to reassign without messing with device config, if it's the person, use the extension and again, no messing with device configs :p
21:12.43eKo1you mean pots<->sip gateway?
21:12.51JerJer1U Server (your choice)+TE411P+Asterisk
21:12.52fliplapJerJer, we're looking for something dedicated to being a sip gateway
21:12.59fliplapso that we don't have to put a computer over there
21:13.02fliplapeKo1, nod
21:13.38JerJerok 1U Server with CF drive
21:13.42ManxPowerfliplap, all such devices with many ports are expensive.
21:13.44eKo1well, all the gateways i've tried suck big donkey balls.
21:13.47ManxPowerlike EXPENSIVE
21:13.48fliplapManxPower, nod
21:13.49JerJerno moving parts
21:13.53Beirdolucky donkey, eKo1
21:14.02fliplapwe've got a bunch of 24 ports sitting here
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21:14.25eKo1Beirdo: because they're being sucked or because they're big?
21:14.26fliplapi'm not one of those "money is no object" people, but for the most part, its not
21:15.03eKo190 % of my problems come from pots equipment.
21:15.12fliplapJerJer, cooling such a device becomes in issue in a hot room where most of the lines come into
21:15.20eKo1I suggest you get a pri line.
21:15.21*** part/#asterisk T-Squared (
21:16.03fliplapi guess we can stick with mediatrix if there's not really any others out there
21:16.36fliplapeKo1, unfortunatly that isn't an option
21:16.42greg_workfliplap: depending on the load, you can get fanless mini-ITX systems that run pretty cool, and even the ones with fans aren't bad
21:16.59fliplapgreg_work, the idea has been suggested and declined
21:17.05*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
21:17.17eKo1why is that?
21:17.40fliplapeKo1, if i knew what was going on in my bosses head i'd be making a lot more money
21:18.13greg_workwellgate makes some gateways, not sure about them tho
21:18.15JerJerthen buy a max TNT or 5400
21:18.18ManxPowerfliplap, why is PRI not an option?
21:18.22fliplapi'm guessing its the same reason that there aren't droves of people out to replace thier routers with linux machines
21:18.23JerJerbut prepare to take it up the tail pipe
21:18.29JerJerin more ways than one
21:18.32fliplapManxPower, part of it is cost
21:18.44fliplapand having to wait for the line
21:18.48ManxPowerfliplap, Um, that's not usually the issue when you think about it.
21:19.24ManxPowerWe were able to double the number of users without increasing the number of trunks when we switched form analog to PRI
21:19.30fliplapwe have several lines at out colo
21:19.37ManxPowerSince we didn't have to dedicate specific lines to specific functions
21:19.43fliplapbut we need the boxes at client sites
21:20.20RomDumpWould a channel bank work?
21:20.34fliplapthe mediatrix boxes work well, but they're kind of a pain to manage
21:21.00fliplapand really, a PRI line wouldn't serve the purpose anyway
21:21.21eKo1pri + channel bank
21:21.45fliplapthe idea is that all of the calls coming out of the site should be sip
21:21.49sivanadoes faxing work with a TDM400?
21:22.10leandro_itthis is a great question, sivana!
21:22.29sivanaI thought I remember someone saying there's issues with timing
21:22.31ManxPowersivana, not in my experience
21:22.50greg_worksivana: it apparently can, but from what I can tell it's not worth the time
21:23.06sivanaI'm still having issues with multiple pages through a channel bank
21:23.27fliplapi guess dedicate sip gateway devices aren't really widely used?
21:23.31leandro_itme too, I try to disable echo cancel, but without success
21:25.16leandro_itdoes a solution for faxing from zap to zap interface exists?
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21:38.08eKo1faxing is dead
21:38.27sivanasounds like it
21:38.44eKo1and i hope pots will die soon also
21:39.23leandro_itYou'll never get out of pots and faxes. There is always someone  who need one.
21:39.47leandro_it... and if there are no need for fax, there is need for analog modem connection
21:39.48Assidyeah.. too bad support of fax is pretty ok.. for voip based
21:39.53kingtuxwho are some good voip providers??
21:40.01kingtuxlow price dids
21:40.04kingtuxlow rates
21:40.14kingtuxi use telasip and voipbuster
21:40.24kingtuxtelasip is great
21:40.25xhelioxI use Teliax.
21:40.32MaarkenI use teliax as well.
21:40.46kingtuxare the on iax2 protocol
21:40.51xhelioxI can't say anythihg bad about them.
21:41.03xhelioxThey could have unlimited calling plans, but no one is perfect.
21:41.22ManxPowerI also use Teliax
21:41.43xhelioxManxPower - that's good to know :)
21:41.58ManxPowerIf you want DIDs then Teliax is much better than Nufone, but if you just want a toll free number or just outgoing long distance, then they are both good.
21:41.58kingtuxdo they do sip
21:42.20Maarkenyou can pick iax or sip, specific your outbound CID, codecs, etc
21:42.52ManxPower(NuFone, as far as I know, only has Michigan DIDs)
21:43.05MaarkenI mostly chose teliax because they have dids here.
21:43.06Assidincoming did
21:43.17*** join/#asterisk Navman (~p_e@
21:43.23Assidyeah.. they do only michigan.. and toll free
21:43.38xhelioxopposed to an OUTGOING direct INWARD dial?
21:44.35Maarkenhe's got you there. :)
21:44.54ManxPowerThere are hundreds of VoIP companies that offer outbound calling and toll free numbers
21:45.04ManxPowerNot a lot of them provide DIDs.
21:45.11*** join/#asterisk jpmcallister (
21:45.17PhreeStyleCan asterisk be used behind a firewall?
21:45.18hardwireI just ended up with a bunch of includes
21:45.27AssidPhreeStyle: sure
21:45.51xhelioxIt really depends on how restrictive of a firewall and what you're using Asterisk for.
21:47.45hardwiredoes this method of laying out the config make any sense to anybody else?
21:48.49hardwireI suppose it woudl be hard to read like that
21:49.08*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (~phil@
21:49.22asteriskmonkeyis there any digium staff on right now?
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21:51.18asteriskmonkeycan anyone help me with some dialing stuff?
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21:51.35kingtuxhow many simultaneous calls can you get with teliax
21:51.43hardwirekingtux: I can get as many as I want
21:51.50hardwireI have a server colocated there as well
21:52.05*** part/#asterisk jdg (
21:52.19Maarkenthat should answer most of your questions
21:54.31ManxPowerasteriskmonkey, Digium will be happy to provide you fee based consulting services.  Call or e-mail them.
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21:54.45ManxPowerasteriskmonkey, But they are not going to do it for free.
21:55.00fa[20]what is that? Aug  3 23:47:26 WARNING[4347]: chan_zap.c:6241 handle_init_event: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
21:55.11asteriskmonkeyits theere gear :P
21:55.38asteriskmonkeyany reason why asterisk would jump from 63meg memeroy usage to nearly 500meg?
21:55.47*** part/#asterisk mkrufky (~mk@
21:56.16ManxPowerasteriskmonkey, Digium only provides HARDWARE support for their cards, not support for Asterisk
21:56.27hardwireunles you pay them
21:56.30ManxPowerfa[20], The line was unplugged or went down.
21:56.32asteriskmonkeyah ok
21:58.01MavvieManxPower: well, they support initial zaptel driver support (
21:58.22hardwireI think I need to turn up the volume
21:58.36asteriskmonkeygrrr damn digium toll free cant be called from canada
21:58.40*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Miranda@doughecka.user)
21:58.40fa[20]ManxPower But later I have larm cleared on channel 1 (.. to 19)
21:58.43asteriskmonkeyany additional numbers anyone knows of?
21:58.44fa[20]so they get up?
22:00.58fa[20]ManxPower and zap show channels show that channels good
22:02.14asteriskmonkeyah for fudge sakes.. damn centos keeps running away and eating memory whats the best os for asterisk guys?
22:02.23JerJerum Linux
22:02.32h3xfedora core 2
22:02.33asteriskmonkeywhat you think centos is "P
22:02.37asteriskmonkeyok cool
22:02.42phil0u'lo. I have spent hours searching, google to find solution about FXO X10[01]P not being able to detect hangups, but still no luck :( would anyone know a definitive answer on that issue ?
22:02.45h3xyes 2
22:02.46h3xnot 4
22:02.46h3xnot 3
22:02.59*** join/#asterisk heison (
22:03.01h3xits the most brainless and painfree installation
22:03.04JerJeror my own rollup of a kernel+busybox+glibc
22:03.12h3xglibc dosent get along with asterisk
22:03.22h3xi had a developer try to get that shit working for 3 months
22:03.25h3xit dosent fucking work
22:03.32heisoni'm sorta stuck with AGI...
22:03.48Maarkenh3x: uh, all linux is glibc
22:03.50h3xare you using zaptel hardware?
22:04.02h3xErrrr sorry my bad i was thinking uclibc
22:04.02asteriskmonkeydigium stuff
22:04.05h3xi saw busybox and was
22:04.15heisoni have in extensions.conf, exten=>_350[2|4|8],agi,baby_music.agi
22:04.16Maarkenoh.  yeah.
22:04.22Maarkenuclibc is scary.
22:04.23h3xi havent eaten yet today
22:04.36JerJerits better now
22:04.48h3xuclibc is harder to port shit to than like, palm
22:04.51JerJerbut yes, I do prefer glibc in my distro
22:05.22Maarkenmy server's are all BSD.  asterisk is on the openbsd box.
22:05.25h3xare t1 cards working on bsd now
22:05.27Darwin35I run asterisk on fbsd and it all works
22:05.41Darwin35festival and sphinx and
22:05.49Darwin35loads more
22:06.03h3xdid you have to patch it or is all that stuff in cvs now
22:06.14mog_homebut it works better in linux darwin
22:06.25Maarkenhow so?
22:06.26Darwin35look at the asterisk-bsd mailing list and the FreeBSD asterisk wikik page
22:07.17*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
22:07.29mog_homeits written for linux
22:07.31Darwin35mog I would ddebate on that but not going to get into a os war
22:07.37Darwin35use the os you know best
22:07.40mog_homedrivers are better
22:07.41h3xhah its in ports huh
22:07.43mog_homefor linux
22:07.45asteriskmonkeyah shit t1 support no pri support in freebsd :(
22:08.04Darwin35the drivers came from fbsd and where ported to linux and then ported back
22:08.07heisonbaby_music.agi takes the input extension and call via SIP to the 7960 on an autoanswer extension
22:08.10mog_homeso if you have a real t1 no bsd
22:08.19Darwin35not so
22:08.20mog_homeif you look at zaptel drivers originally
22:08.27mog_homeand look at digium maintained ones
22:08.27Darwin35go read we have drivers on fbsd
22:08.28h3xwell shit
22:08.31mog_homei think you would be amazed
22:08.31heisonthis is working fine... but i can't figure out the next step
22:08.53asteriskmonkeydamn id take freebsd over fedora core 2 anyday way more secure
22:08.54h3xWell, somebody said on here they had a freebsd txxxp driver
22:08.57h3xfor t1 cards
22:09.14Darwin35yes they ar ein the ports
22:09.19Maarkenasteriskmonkey: not to mention sexier. ;)
22:09.21eKo1how about e1 cards
22:09.29Darwin35the zaptel drivers are in the ports tree so lis libpri
22:09.35heisoni want to make baby_music.agi a toggle - it checks whether there is currently music playing to the 7960, if so it performs a soft hangup or hangup; only plays music when there is no active channel on that extension
22:09.36Darwin35go read the wiki page
22:09.44SkramXIm working on a call back program, going to be leeter that your mom!
22:09.52heisonis there a way to show channels from AGI?
22:10.15heisoni tried exec("show channels") but 'show' isn't really an application
22:10.33*** join/#asterisk sedwards50 (
22:10.33Darwin35and the Asterisk+Freebsd project page
22:10.53Darwin35back in 5
22:11.15sedwards50anybody using chanspy
22:11.24asteriskmonkeyhow to i get a did to ring an iax client
22:11.26*** join/#asterisk HellAgony (~HellAgony@
22:11.46h3xwell that sucks, the drivers dont work in SMP mode
22:12.05asteriskmonkeyfedora core 2 dosnt do proper smp anyhow either hehehe
22:12.10sedwards50How about "dial(iax2/roadie@roadie)"
22:12.16h3xeven after a yum update?
22:12.19h3xi never had any problems with it
22:13.03asteriskmonkeysedwards50: the syntax i dont get the dial (iax2/ip of server? @ username? ) is that right?
22:13.38asteriskmonkeyi did a yum update and had to reload my zaptel drives in (That was in centos 3.5 thogh)
22:13.55Maarkencan't you just do dial(iax/username)?
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22:14.27loudh3x, they do work on an smp machine
22:14.48h3xloud not on freebsd
22:14.56loudah, thats correct.
22:15.07*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (~phil@
22:15.13asteriskmonkeycrap fell out of channel
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22:15.33focksanyone know why7960 firmware pos3-07-0-00 does not have a .sbn file? just .sb2 and .loads?
22:15.45asteriskmonkeyso is it dial(iax2/ server address @ username) is that correct?
22:16.23Sedoroxits Dial(IAX2/<user>:<pass(optional)>@<host>/<extention>
22:16.51Sedoroxin mine.. I just used mercury@mercury..  so it sends user mercury.. with all the stored stuff under the iax2 [mercury]
22:17.31eKo1i don't think  you need the additional mercury
22:17.45Sedoroxno.. I tried otherwise.. doesn't work very well.. had some problems with it
22:17.50ManxPowerWhen you dial by ip address or hostname none of the sections of iax.conf or sip.conf will be used.
22:17.50asteriskmonkeyso mercury in the second instance uses the store info under [mercury]
22:17.59ManxPowerTherefore it's generally a BAD IDEA to dial by IP.
22:18.25Sedoroxyes... its mercury(user)@mercury(host/entry in iax2.conf)
22:18.28ManxPowerfocks, Did you check the release notes for that version of the software
22:18.53focksManxPower, i don't have them :( all this came from did something switch for that version?
22:19.06*** join/#asterisk PhreeStyle (
22:19.57PhreeStylemy internet sucks.
22:20.44MaarkenI got the upgrade for mine.  worked pretty good.  lots of new porn.
22:20.52Darwin35ok back
22:20.58asteriskmonkeyso i specify the dial command in the acutal extensions.conf right ? so it would be something like s,1, Dial(IAX2/<user>:<pass(optional)>@<host>/<extention> ?
22:21.11JerJerno pass - use the peer
22:21.14PhreeStyleI have set up asterisk on my powerbook, but it is behind an airport - I can not seem to make outbound calls... I used the sunrise stuff, and registered with the freeworld  dialup...
22:21.54asteriskmonkeyanyone got an example they can post on for me
22:22.02phil0ufocks use ethereal to find out what files are to be needed through TFTP
22:22.10Sedoroxasteriskmonkey: you only need the password if you don't have the entry in iax2.conf
22:22.14Sedoroxotherwise its just redundant
22:22.17Darwin35look at your iax.conf
22:22.29Darwin35the guestlogin is fine
22:22.32focksphil0u, I know which file is needed. P023-07-3-00.sbn, but I don't have that file
22:22.40Darwin35clone it
22:22.42phil0ufocks it helped me quite a bit to get here to 7.5 fw
22:22.51asteriskmonkeyi have got my iaxy set up in the aix.conf file
22:23.02asteriskmonkeyhow do i get a phone to dial to it though where do i put that :P
22:23.03JerJertouch P023-07-3-00.sbn
22:23.07JerJernow you have that file
22:23.18loud7.3 is way old, use 7.5
22:23.20asteriskmonkeyand damn it everytime i press a button when i pick up the iaxy phone i get a bust signal
22:23.21phil0uJerJer , well ;)
22:23.29focksloud, don't you have to go in order?
22:23.32JerJerits a true statement  :)
22:24.02focksI'm coming from 6
22:24.06phil0ufocks depend from where to try to upgrade
22:24.21phil0us/where to/where you/
22:24.24JerJeri'll stick with the IAX firmware
22:24.37loudcco is down anyways, your cco account has been deleted.
22:25.16PhreeStyleok, I see that I am supposed to register something in the iax.conf - but I know it is fairly lame but none of the information on the freeworld site looks like the stuff in the config file?
22:25.43focksphil0u, can I go from 6 - 7.3?
22:25.44Sedoroxasteriskmonkey: you might have early dial on (if it has it...) but anyway... for a example... I have two servers.. lets say... A and B... if I wanna route all calls for PSTN through A.. I would do something like.... exten => _9.,1,Dial(IAX2/username@A/${EXTEN})... on B...
22:25.56*** join/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
22:25.57phil0ufocks yes
22:26.01TripleFFF2sdfExpire       : 377703
22:26.08TripleFFF2sdfcan one tell me signiuf of these 2 ?
22:26.13TripleFFF2sdfin sip show peer
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22:26.18TripleFFF2sdfis that seconds ?
22:26.22vtsherwoodgreets all
22:26.23TripleFFF2sdfExpire 3777703 ?
22:26.23phil0ufocks even to 7.5 directly i think
22:26.37focksi think that solves my problem because i have 7.3 sbn files
22:26.58phil0ufocks good then :)
22:27.09Darwin35all 25 of my x401's are online and working
22:27.13focksoh shit, bad-app header
22:27.13sedwards50asteriskmonkey -- sorry, I got distracted.
22:27.16vtsherwoodanyone else having problems with their users not being able to save their outgoing voicemail message? It saves the file but does not play it. using Asterisk RealTime
22:27.19Darwin35just lack functions
22:27.51Darwin35time to work on firmware src and change some things
22:28.22vtsherwoodanybody at all? ;)
22:28.55phil0ufocks is it SIP FW or anothe one doesn't remember exactly the cisco nomenclature
22:29.24phil0ufocks ok then there is no P023-07-3-00.sbn file in it
22:29.45focksHmmhesays, what should I be using in my image_version var?
22:30.01focksdamn nick complete. hmm what should I be using in my image_version var?
22:30.39phil0ufocks P0S3-07-3-00 should be ok
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22:31.04phil0uor try P003-07-3-00 if it doesn't work
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22:31.43darkskiezmeh, cisco's 7.5 Sip firmware seems to break inband progress :/
22:32.16phil0udarkskiez what do you mean by "inband progress" ?
22:32.20focksphil0u, that's why I was doing originally, but I saw an error in solarwinds TFTP "requesting pos3-07-0-00.sbn file does not exist"
22:32.50phil0ufock not pos3-07-0-00.sbn but p0s3-07-0-00.sbn
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22:33.22darkskiezphil0u: maybe i'm using the wrong term.. But when you hear the phone networks ringing etc, and not a generated one.  with 7.5 the phone overlays its own ringing over the inband one, so you hear two ringing's
22:33.24Nebukadnezahi guys
22:33.25fockseither way, there is no .sbn file
22:33.44Nebukadnezai got more or less a emergency there a way to schedule commands in asterisk (like with cron?)
22:34.14phil0ufocks and BTW, all files should be in capital, well i mean be sure to respect the case
22:34.30*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
22:34.36darkskiezphil0u: the .sbn is lower case tho
22:35.00phil0udarkskiez yes true
22:35.15focksshould there exist a file called P0S2-07-0-00.sbn?
22:35.25darkskiezyou made that p
22:35.35focksdarkskiez, then why is the phone asking for it?
22:35.40darkskiezits not
22:35.57darkskiezyou typed it into a config file like that
22:35.58phil0udarkskiez funny, i never noticed that ring problem :)
22:36.07darkskiezphil0u: in 7.5 ?
22:36.14focksdarkskiez, i put P0S3-07-0-00 into the config file
22:36.20phil0udarkskiez yes
22:36.28darkskiezphil0u: calling out a pri ?
22:36.37darkskiezphil0u: never noticed? have you tried ?
22:36.52focksand then the phone requests P0S3-07-0-00.sbn from my TFTP server which replies not today buddy
22:36.56phil0udarkskiez only using FXO on POTS
22:37.20*** join/#asterisk Dalfry (
22:37.26darkskiezfocks: you do need the file
22:37.49focksdarkskiez, so i do need it. do you happen to have it?
22:37.52Nebukadnezano ideas how schedule a command (//call)
22:37.58phil0ufocks do you have the "P0S3-07-0-00.sbn" file ? ( from FW 7.0 right ?)
22:38.05Dalfryhello, can someone help me with asterisk@home please? I have a few custom config changes to be done
22:38.08focksphil0u, no
22:38.10darkskiezNebukadneza: what type of command ?
22:38.21focksjust .sb2 and .loads
22:38.24Nebukadnezadarkskiez: Dial for example
22:38.33phil0ufocks then you need it :) Please contact your closest Cisco Reseller
22:38.35darkskiezNebukadneza: if its a CLI command you can just put asterisk -rx 'sip reload' into your crontab
22:38.46focksphil0u, that's what I've been saying all along!
22:38.49Nebukadnezahm ... i dont think it is
22:38.52Nebukadnezai cannot dial on the cli, right?
22:39.07darkskiezNebukadneza: depends if you have a chan_alsa/oss loaded
22:39.28darkskiezNebukadneza: so, what are you wanting to do at a particular time ?
22:39.34darkskiezmore specifically
22:39.55NebukadnezaDial out on a isdn card and play a sound
22:40.04Nebukadnezajust those 2 commands ... dial and background
22:40.33darkskiezare you going to phone lots of people with annoying messages?
22:40.49darkskiezlook up wake up call on the wiki
22:40.49Nebukadnezai am going to wake myself and a friend up to catch a train :P
22:40.56Nebukadnezahm ... okay
22:40.58Nebukadnezano other way?
22:41.06Nebukadneza(dont have time to install all that perl stuff)
22:41.15darkskiezyou have perl installed already
22:41.25asteriskmonkeyanyone else here with a pri?
22:41.30Nebukadnezai need to get it running in the next 10 minutes ... (and google got nothing else except that wakeup)
22:41.31darkskiezasteriskmonkey: yes
22:41.40Nebukadnezadarkskiez: hrm ... not the agi module thing
22:41.43Nebukadnezalets let it be
22:41.45Nebukadnezathanks anyway
22:41.56Nebukadnezaneed sleep or else no chance to get that train
22:41.58Nebukadnezabut thanks
22:42.20asteriskmonkeydarkskiez: does it take about 10mins after a rooboot for it to come fully back online to asterisk?
22:43.01darkskiezast_freak: no, its instant
22:43.11asteriskmonkeywhat os are you running?
22:43.23darkskiezasteriskmonkey: debian/x86
22:43.39phil0udarkskiez good choice ;)
22:43.54Maarkenare grandstream 101s any good?
22:44.14darkskiezany good at what?
22:44.26asteriskmonkeydarksckiez : what version of debian should i download
22:44.31darkskiezasteriskmonkey: ?fully come back?
22:44.59darkskiezis it the OS boot up time you are having problems with ?
22:45.20darkskiezthe distro will have little effect on anything else
22:45.20*** join/#asterisk RomDump (romdump@otaku.freeshell.ORG)
22:45.31darkskiezwhat do u mean by fully ocome back..
22:45.35asteriskmonkeyim using centos what happens is it takes about a good 5-10mins before its stops ringing busy and allowing ccalls in
22:45.56darkskiezanything in the logs?
22:46.03asteriskmonkeylike i see the messages for about 5-10min about d channel going up and down
22:46.07focksdarkskiez, it's not simply a matter of specifying P0S3-07-0-00.sb2 instead of P0S3-07-0-00 is it? i do have P0S3-07-0-00.sb2
22:46.10darkskiezmight be a problem with the phone network
22:46.27darkskiezfocks: you need .sb2 .sbn and .loads files
22:46.31asteriskmonkeycoulde it be my asterisk settings.. set it as a slave instead of master?
22:46.43focksdarkskiez, damn, they shorted me...
22:46.53focks1 friggin file
22:47.20darkskiezfocks: .sbn is the universal application loader, .sb2 is the application image
22:47.52focksdarkskiez, i see. and you don't have that file you can lend me do you?
22:48.19darkskiezasteriskmonkey: what linetype ?
22:48.56*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
22:49.17darkskiezpastebin your zapata and zaptel configs
22:49.24asteriskmonkeywill do
22:50.49darkskiezi'm not familiar with ni2
22:50.56phil0udarkskiez are you aware of problems about X100P/X101P FXO card not detecting hangups ? i'm currently getting mad at this and can't find any definitive answer yet
22:51.32asteriskmonkeynational type 2
22:51.39asteriskmonkeyfull pri basically
22:51.40eKo1phil0u: the definitive answer is pots sucks
22:51.51Maarkenso true
22:51.58JerJeri would bet money you are running a clone X100P
22:52.32h3xhow would that cause his problem
22:52.40darkskiezphil0u: if you called them? it wont, the phoneline doesnt know they've hungup.
22:52.45JerJercuz clones are simply driver compatible
22:52.58darkskiezasteriskmonkey: I have a euroisdn
22:52.59h3xso, its the same damn card
22:53.05JerJerno it is not
22:53.11*** join/#asterisk anthm (
22:53.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
22:53.15phil0uJerJer yes i'm using DigitNetworks X101P clone
22:53.27JerJeri have proven time and time again that the clone X100Ps are very inferior
22:53.36h3xits the same god damn card!
22:53.36JerJerphil0u:  then call them for support
22:53.41JerJerno it is not
22:53.52JerJerit is a very general driver
22:54.08JerJerits not even the same chipset - so how can it be the same damn card?
22:54.14phil0uJerJer: So you would think it's because of this ?
22:54.30JerJermotorolla hasn't produced the chipset mark chose for the X100P in quite a while
22:54.30mog_homenot only that
22:54.34JerJerso it is not the same card
22:54.34h3xwell its the same as the x100p that digium used to sell
22:54.39mog_homedigium doesnt even use it anymore
22:54.39JerJerno it is not
22:54.41h3xwe weren't talking about x101
22:54.47JerJerit is simply driver compatible
22:54.48mog_homejerjer is right
22:54.54mog_homeand digium modified the card slightly
22:54.55JerJerphil0u:  most certainly
22:55.01JerJermog_home:  no mods
22:55.01h3xadding resistors dosent change the board any
22:55.06phil0uJerJer sigh :(
22:55.16JerJerjust selecting the absolutely proper chipset
22:55.23JerJerfor very specific reasons
22:55.25*** join/#asterisk |HAL9000| (
22:55.37SkramXi have a perl script, it gets 2 (and later to be three) inputs [via chomp()]... now how do i make it runable from the web?
22:55.42SkramXwrong place
22:55.48SkramXdoes anyone know tho?
22:55.51JerJerrm -rf <perlscript>
22:56.01phil0ubut busydetect should at least work , no ?
22:56.04MaarkenSkramX: change how it works and use CGI. :)
22:56.07ManxPowerJerJer, I thought that was: rm -rf /
22:56.12JerJerbusydetect is even worse
22:56.20Sedorox[18:53] <phil0u> JerJer yes i'm using DigitNetworks X101P clone
22:56.28Sedoroxthat motorola chipset thats on them.. from ebay
22:56.33SedoroxI've found to be total shit..
22:56.39Sedoroxonly works if you use the drivers they send
22:56.44Sedoroxand doesn't work well at all
22:56.54h3xoh they are using motorola eh
22:56.55Sedoroxsomeone else had a problem like that about a month ago...
22:57.01Sedoroxyea.. but its some off the wall thing
22:57.01ManxPowerSedorox, is it an IA92 device or something else.
22:57.10JerJerbecause it is an inferior, driver compatible device
22:57.10SedoroxI'm not sure....
22:57.17h3xi see, well all the ones i seen/used were ia92s
22:57.31JerJerwhich mark never tried to hide or limit
22:57.36ManxPowerh3x, Me too.  They worked OK for me.  Well, as well as any analog thing does.
22:57.37Sedoroxall I know is the other dude's would work unless he used the included drivers.. and it had all the battery stuff removed.. and it would also be no alarmed
22:57.56Sedoroxwouldn't work*
22:57.58phil0uSedorox hmm well , it's true that DigitNetworks provide drivers, but i though it would just be the same * drivers but just repackaged
22:58.14h3xwell i guess you should try them then
22:58.17ManxPowerYa know that Intel doesn't produce the original X101P cards anymore right?
22:58.27Sedoroxthey are 'the same' in the fact it is the zaptel.. but heavly modified
22:58.29JerJerDigitNetworks is a hack - just trying to make money because they sound like some other company
22:58.37ManxPowerI'll bet they are getting harder and harder to find now.
22:58.42phil0uh3x sure i will, never could have thoughy it would/could make a difference :(
22:58.56SedoroxI've never heard of the X101P untill I saw the clones pop out of no where on ebay
22:59.05h3xthose boards in any form suck anyway, get a voip fxo device
22:59.09h3xlike a sipura or something
22:59.16ManxPowerI have like 3 original X101P Digium cards sitting in a drawer, as well as 2 or 3 "clone" cards.
22:59.30SedoroxI have a X100P clone.. works just fine...
22:59.35h3xive had real digium x10x boards lock up machines
22:59.38ManxPowerSedorox, Digium stopped selling them like 6 months ago or more.
22:59.43h3xafter they run for a month or two
22:59.52h3xthe system freezes or the board just needs a hard reset
23:00.37JerJeri still have dozens of real X100P based systems in production
23:00.53JerJerand 99% of them I haven't so much as thought about in many months
23:01.00h3xzaptel timing? heh
23:01.08JerJer911 ports
23:01.16JerJerfail-over if net dies
23:01.37phil0uwell, anyway here in France, national telco only seems to send busy tone to tell calling party has hung up
23:01.40*** join/#asterisk Nix (
23:01.58JerJerload the france stuff in zaptel
23:01.59h3xhaha you didnt mention your country
23:02.10h3xthat would help
23:02.17phil0ui haven't been able to find anything about disconnect supervision and France Telecom :)
23:02.30phil0uwell sure i could have started with that :)
23:02.58phil0ubut still, JerJer of course i provided the right settings :) in zaptel.conf
23:03.21phil0ueven read the source :) like luke said :) insmod wcfxo opermode=1
23:04.56twisted[asteria]psychobilly owns me
23:07.49*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:10.05JerJerall your base are belong to us
23:10.24Maarkenwow.  meme flashback
23:13.02TripleFFF2sdfoui c vrai
23:13.26*** join/#asterisk PhreeStyle (
23:13.36*** join/#asterisk Damin (
23:13.41DaminHey guys..
23:14.46Darwin35wich driver
23:15.00JerJerphil0u:  sure it can be
23:15.31phil0uJerJer hehe well not worse regarding hangups detection :)
23:15.46*** join/#asterisk colde (
23:15.55phil0uDarwin35 was asking me ?
23:16.12*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
23:17.15phil0uDarwin35 DigitNetworks provide some kind of tarball with their clones , unfortunately, it doesn't even compile , geez
23:18.35phil0uso looks like i'm out of luck for hangups detection with FXO X101P clones :(
23:19.36darkskiezi read that as hummus detection
23:19.39darkskiezmmm hummus
23:19.40darkskiezits late
23:19.43*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:19.59shido6Darwin35 are you a darwin guru?
23:20.08Maarkenapparently he's got pretty good hummus detection
23:20.11Netgeekstwisted still here?
23:20.28Darwin35twisted is never really here.
23:20.39JerJerdefine 'here'
23:20.41Darwin35just to make sure you understand your request
23:20.57Netgeekslet me try again
23:21.01shido6Darwin35 are you a darwin guru?
23:21.19NetgeeksTwisted: are you reading this screen and able to comprehend the words I am typing?
23:21.25Darwin35no I meesed with it . but I got the nick from SeaQuest
23:21.34Darwin35I was a seaquest adict
23:21.42*** part/#asterisk |HAL9000| (
23:21.47Darwin35the dolphin rocked
23:21.59Darwin35his name was Darwin
23:23.17Darwin35and 35 was my age last year
23:23.24Darwin35I should change to darwin36
23:23.58Ariel_wow how did they every get that recorded.  Ohh baby come to cluecon.....
23:24.44Darwin35they paid her to
23:24.51Darwin35she works for digium
23:25.11Darwin35you pay she will record just about anything
23:25.17Ariel_Darwin35, yes I understand that. But wow just so strange you would pay for it.
23:25.45Ariel_Darwin35, she does not directly work for digium last I knew.
23:25.58*** join/#asterisk pifiu (~myassisbi@
23:26.05mog_homeshe works with us
23:26.12mog_homenot exactly for us
23:26.21mog_homeshe does a lot of work for other people
23:26.28mog_homeshe is the voice for ipod support at apple
23:26.33mog_homeand other random things
23:27.00TripleFFF2sdfo wrapendpoint.o
23:27.06TripleFFF2sdfanyone else go t a prob b on this
23:27.16TripleFFF2sdfrapendpoint.cxx:852: no matching function for call to `H323AudioCodec::
23:28.06JerJermog_home:  and like a lot of Canadian radio commercials
23:28.20JerJerand like airport announcements
23:29.22Darwin35hell pay enough I bet JerJer will even put his voice to your prompts
23:29.27fugitivoapple released a mouse with 2 buttons!
23:29.40TripleFFF2sdfserious ?
23:29.43denonfugitivo: arent they afraid it'll confuse the users?
23:29.48Maarken4 buttons, actually
23:29.54Maarkenand a 4-way scrollball
23:29.56fugitivoit's called "Mighty mouse"
23:29.57TripleFFF2sdfi think in the next century they will take the giant leap and add the wheel on it..
23:30.02mog_homeits like an ipod mouse
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23:30.12fugitivoTripleFFF2sdf: it comes with a 360 wheel!
23:30.23TripleFFF2sdfwel mac come with a return policy
23:30.31TripleFFF2sdfthat all i need
23:30.37TripleFFF2sdf10 days to give the shit back
23:31.02brookshirei hear the "mighty mouse" is lame
23:34.14*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
23:34.24asteriskmonkeywoo! finally got routing to work on the damn iaxy clients..
23:34.51shido6this is such a pain
23:35.03Netgeekswhat's that shido?
23:35.10cypro-clueconx/w 3
23:35.23shido6can someone with a real mac tar and gz their /etc directory and dcc it to me?
23:35.38Chereb-clueconcypro-cluecon : hey
23:35.54shido6Netgeeks, I'm installing mac os x on my intel
23:35.59*** join/#asterisk shadeboboo (~shadebob@
23:36.47Chereb-clueconcypro-cluecon : are you down babysitting the keg?
23:37.22mago2-cnhi, would anyone be so kind and tell me how to modify the callerid number with something like setcallerid?
23:37.38shadebobooI have a problem to integrate asterisk with a siemens Hicom200. Scheme is : E1 <---->Asterisk<----E1--->Hicom 200. When an outgoing call comme to asterisk a native bridge is ok with the Hicom. But when I want to initialize a call from the hicom
23:37.39Chereb-clueconshido6 : I thought the OSX for x86 had some sort of DRM
23:38.04shido6well we're going to find out now arent we :)
23:38.12shadebobooto the asterisk CLI show : Extension '' in context 'vers_pbx' from '138' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/31, span 2
23:38.12shido6first you install darwin
23:38.13mago2-cnfound it, thx
23:38.13Chereb-clueconheh heh
23:38.15shido6then the upgrade
23:38.21Chereb-clueconshido6: aha
23:38.36shido6then you unrar three huge 1 gig files ( collectively) to the partition
23:38.43shido6and reboot and pray
23:38.48shadebobooit's seem that's asterisk don't understand call initializing from the Hicom... Someone can help me?
23:39.03shido6i blew away 120 gig drive just to try it
23:39.31shido6all i need to survive is my paypal account, my gmail and a my /etc/asterisk/*.conf 's
23:39.39shido6and a iaxy
23:39.58asteriskmonkey:D iaxy's kick ass
23:40.06shido6my pap2 is cooler
23:40.11shido6but it wont fit in my pocket
23:40.20shido6so fsck it
23:40.21Sedoroxshido6: if it works... let me know.. :p
23:40.25shido6i will
23:40.27Maarkeniaxy's are more expensive than the single FXS SIP devices. :|
23:40.28asteriskmonkeyi like how the iaxy fits in the pocket but not the power adapter
23:40.33Maarkensadly, money talks.
23:40.39hardwireI have echo again
23:40.48hardwirethanks to the people at my telco fucking with the pri again
23:40.54hardwiretheir 50 other dms100 pri don't have echo
23:40.55SedoroxI would really like to run it on my laptop.. but I heard it needs SSE3 and the DRM stuff
23:40.57hardwireand I shouldn't be unique
23:41.04hardwireI call.. I get echo
23:41.09hardwireI used the monitor plugin
23:41.18hardwireand the monitor plugin does not show the echo
23:41.21hardwirethats pissing me off
23:41.25hardwireif course its not however
23:41.28mago2-cnPlease tell me if correct: will this prefix 101 to the caller id number while preserving caller id name?
23:41.30mago2-cnexten => _100XXXX,1,SetCIDNum(cname[101${CALLERID}|a])
23:41.33hardwireI shouldn't have used merged
23:41.34NuggetI run OS X on my laptop  :P
23:41.53SedoroxNugget: bah... not a apple laptop :p
23:42.08JerJermago2-cn:  wow i spoze - but why?
23:42.20Sedoroxhehe, I would want to do that
23:42.45mago2-cni'm trying to call between same extension numbers, like 1001 but in different contexts
23:47.04mago2-cnexten => _1011XXX,1,Goto(contextb,${EXTEN:3},1)
23:47.35mago2-cntandem switching
23:53.02shido6its building darwin 8.1
23:55.18Maarkenif it won't run a gui, what's the point?
23:55.27Maarkenosx without the gui is darwin.
23:55.41ManxPowerI thought it was freebsd 8-)
23:56.03Sedoroxdarwin is freebsd
23:56.06Sedoroxwell.. based on...
23:56.09Nuggetdarwin is mach.
23:56.13Maarkenwell, darwin's userspace is mostly freebsd
23:56.19mago2-cnhow do i refer to callerid but just the number, as calleridname?
23:56.19Maarkenthe kernel is mach
23:57.05Nuggetin RMS-speak, it would be FreeBSD/Darwin I suppose.  :)
23:57.26Nuggetbut I think that places altogether too much importance on the userland tools (in both cases)
23:57.51MaarkenRMS needs more valium in his diet.
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23:58.14Nuggethe'd probably be well-served by having to work for a living, too.
23:58.29Maarkenthat or bathing would kill him.
23:58.47stormfrhello, anybody already see a problem with asterisk opening 50k inodes in one minute ?
23:58.49bhima^When he was coding, he really did kick ass, from what I've read.
23:58.49Maarkendamn stinky hippies.
23:59.14bhima^Maybe I was lucky, but I didn't notice any odors. :)
23:59.51*** join/#asterisk NormAst (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.