irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050801

00:00.42QwellPiranha-: depends on what you need
00:06.01drrayis the mailing list down?
00:06.15*** join/#asterisk bhr_ (
00:06.35*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
00:06.41*** join/#asterisk Moc__ (
00:07.25Moc__cross compiling asterisk is not that fun...
00:08.13Moc__especially when it doesn't work hehe
00:08.39SedoroxCongrats, you are tonight winner of the "Mr. Obvious" Award... What do you have to say?!
00:09.33Moc__I havent given up yet...
00:09.46Moc__trying 1 last firmware compile..
00:13.31bhr_Why Chicago?
00:14.03bhr_i mean Chicago is great, but I am just curious
00:19.28Qwellbhr_: real reason, or zany half baked reason?
00:20.36*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
00:21.18Moc__bhr_ ??
00:21.25QwellMoc__: cluecon
00:21.35Moc__yes well why not ?
00:25.04Ariel_I actually would like to go to cluecon But due to money I can't. Also it's in Chicago which I am boycotting.
00:25.21dudesChicago is a damn good band ...
00:26.04Moc_Ariel_, why ?
00:26.14Moc_are you boycotting chicago ?
00:26.17Ariel_The Mayor is a a scum and closed the best GA airport
00:27.59*** join/#asterisk Techieb0y (
00:31.02newlGA?  Airports are usually maintained and ran by the county (which a mayor has no control over), not a city.
00:31.04robin_szanyone here use for incoming?
00:31.17*** join/#asterisk cslug (~shane@
00:31.40robin_szif so .. what does "the service cannot be connected" actually mean? is that their end, or my end?
00:32.01*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
00:32.26robin_szAriel_: was this the airport down in the docks?
00:32.36robin_szby the park?
00:33.16Ariel_robin_sz, yes it was right in the park area of chicago it self downtown. The only airport around there.
00:33.29robin_szyeah .. I read the story
00:33.44robin_szjust couldnt remember which town it was
00:33.56Ariel_He said it was due to getting the city safe. But it was just he wanted the land
00:34.03robin_szthe words "money" and "back pocket" spring to mind
00:34.23Ariel_Yes he finally said so what I wanted to do it and I did.
00:34.27MikeJ[Laptop]Ariel_, damn strait on meigs..
00:35.05MikeJ[Laptop]he had the field bulldozed in the middle of the night..
00:35.11MikeJ[Laptop]that pretty much says it all
00:35.12Ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], yes sir you got it right.
00:35.17robin_szAriel_: yeah, I remember the sotry ... great shame. The guys an asshole, but I bet he gets re-elected
00:35.25MikeJ[Laptop]what a fun airport to fly into
00:35.39MikeJ[Laptop]next best to toronto city center
00:35.52Ariel_It was one of the best views and also since it had a tower it was actually making chicago safer.
00:35.57robin_szyeah, and the pentagon
00:36.19robin_szthats one amazing airport
00:36.35Ariel_I can still fly in via Flight Sim it's the first airport on the list.
00:36.48Ariel_But it's not the same.
00:36.53Techieb0yHello... I'm looking for some pointers with an H.323 setup.
00:37.14MikeJ[Laptop]Ariel_, you fly?
00:37.17Techieb0yCalls into my H.343 analog-to-VoIP box work fine, but I can't place calls from it.
00:37.32Ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], yes
00:37.43MikeJ[Laptop]what do you flu
00:38.14Ariel_I am now flying a small STOL airplane called Koliber 150a.  It's a blast to fly not fast but great fun.
00:38.36MikeJ[Laptop]dad has a piper saratoga..
00:38.41MikeJ[Laptop]nice little 6 seater.
00:39.08Ariel_Nice I wish but I can't afford it.
00:39.49Ariel_We are looking into selling the Koliber and getting a Tiger but it's still a money issue we need to get passed for our aero club.
00:39.56robin_szEmeraude even
00:40.09dudesI like to fly around in my intrepid
00:40.15dudesaround town that is
00:40.34Ariel_robin_sz, I see. I am helping a person build a kit fox tail dragger.  It's lots of fun.
00:40.39newlI wouldn't mind flying the real deal but a .90 sized heli is far cheaper. :)
00:40.46*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
00:41.25Cybertoyis CVS-HEAD the latest and greatest asterisk version?
00:41.29*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
00:41.31Cybertoyso I guess that'd be 1.2 ?
00:41.41Ariel_I just traded some work time in setting up an asterisk pbx for a flight school so I could fly there new Liberty XL planes.
00:41.41robin_szAriel_: the kitfox is much lighter and newer .. but yeah, building stuff is fun. this was built (homebuilt) around 30 years ago I think
00:41.54Ariel_Cybertoy, yes
00:42.25robin_szright .. Im outta here
00:42.25dudesCybertoy - the  head from today is pretty badass
00:42.28*** part/#asterisk robin_sz (
00:42.31dudesI'm impressed
00:42.54CybertoyI just installed it...
00:43.03*** join/#asterisk dijungal (~ovr@
00:43.03Ariel_There trying to freeze it so it will become 1.2
00:43.14Cybertoyworks fine... so far... the wife is stress testing it... :D
00:43.15Ariel_dijungal, como esta?
00:43.31dijungalesta bien.. y tu..?
00:44.06dudesWe ran 6 agents on a old 850Mhz Athlon ... no problems.  But asterisked did quit after a few hours (but the computer is a http/sql/dev server)
00:44.14Ariel_bien.  Tratando ver lat telivision.
00:44.52dijungalhablas espaniol muy bien..?
00:45.54dijungalok guys.. i'm having this problem... with asterisk... (no not the fact that it's sucks on userfriendliness)
00:46.12dijungali created my accounts in sip.conf and my extensions in extensions.conf
00:46.31dijungali have two software sip phones connecting to the accounts in the sip.conf ok
00:46.44dijungalbut when i use the extensions to call each other... it does not work...
00:47.02dijungalthe phones just sit there and look at me like i don't know wtf i'm doing.. :s
00:47.07dijungalor maybe i don't
00:47.11dudesProbally you don't
00:47.12dijungalany suggestions
00:48.11drrayis your extension.conf correct?
00:48.41dudesPut your users in the same context ... _1NXXNXXNXXX,1,Dial(sip/provider/${EXTEN}) and so on ... then in that same context put like 1001,1,Dial(sip/softphone) and then 1002,1,Dial(sip/softphone2)
00:48.51dudesthat's in extensions.conf BTW
00:50.08dijungalexten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/test1)
00:50.12dijungalexten => 4321,1,Dial(SIP/test2)
00:50.14dijungalthat's it... it's so simple... :)
00:50.16dijungalcya beleive it's not working
00:50.38dijungalport = 5060;
00:50.38dijungalbindaddr =
00:50.38dijungalcontext =default;
00:50.40dijungaltype = friend
00:50.42dijungalusername = test1
00:50.44dijungalsecret = password
00:50.46dijungalhost = dynamic
00:50.48dijungalcontext = default
00:50.50dijungalnat = yes
00:50.53dudesuse pastebin
00:50.54newlpastebin? :)
00:51.05dudesare your phones remote?
00:51.08dijungaland that's my sip.conf
00:51.10dijungalaggghhh... ok
00:51.10dudesor are they local?
00:51.27dijungalthe server is in the US... and the phones are actually in my house here in Dominica...
00:51.37dijungalon my laptop and on my PC
00:51.42dijungalsoftphones... x-lite
00:53.12dudesyou aren't registering them>
00:54.15dijungalbut both phones say logged in
00:54.24Techieb0yHello... I'm looking for pointers with H.323 channels. I can place calls to, but not properly recieve from, an H.343 ATA box.
00:54.35*** join/#asterisk Katty (~angela@
00:55.34dijungalbut my configuration looks ok right..?
00:57.04dudesit looks ok ... but it's probally a firewall issue
00:58.49dijungalcould be... because the phones take a long time to connect
00:59.19derekwhat is the best way for an inbound call to launch a client on a desktop?
00:59.59dereki have gotten asterisk working and made incoming calls invoke applications
01:00.06derekhowever these have been on the server
01:00.29derekwhat i really want is an inbound call to an extension
01:00.54derekwhen picked up by the desktop for that extension to pass the values to an application
01:03.57dudesdijungal - VOIP is alright
01:04.06dudesyou'll get the hang of it sooner or later
01:04.32derekmansing, yeah i need to do more research
01:04.50derekbut initial check didn't really find anything there (that was obvious)
01:05.01mansingI've worked on some apps around that API
01:05.08mansingwould do what you want
01:05.10derekwas able to understand enough to make a server application
01:05.47derekwhat i have been successfully able to do is have an inbound call route out to an application
01:05.50derekand do whatever i like
01:06.39derekwhat i want to do is have an inbound call when picked up by someone fire an application on their local desktop using data from the call
01:06.57mansingthe manager API is event driven ... so you can see everything the asterisk machine is doing with extensions and trunks
01:07.01*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
01:07.02dijungalmaybe i should use another phone..?
01:07.02derekspecifically... i want to use caller id from inbound call to query within an existing application to pull of the record
01:07.11dijungalany simple good sip phones u guys know..?
01:07.14derekmansing, okay i will dig deeper
01:07.17dijungalhey.. i can try sipps.. :)
01:07.46derekdijungal, linphone worked okay for me
01:08.07Moc_ADMN !!@#
01:08.15dijungali on windows
01:08.27Moc_it freeking going to work !!!!
01:08.30mansingmy condolences
01:09.04Moc_Damn @$#@$#2
01:09.14derekdijungal, that is most regrettable try
01:10.02krisguyI like using X-Lite, windows and linux
01:10.08krisguygreat softphone
01:10.14Qwellmac too, no?
01:10.30krisguyI don't have a Mac to test it on though
01:10.44krisguywhen I get my Powerbook at tax time :)
01:10.51mansingxlite works great on the ibook
01:11.33krisguyI'm using X-Lite on SuSE 9.2 Professional with a Logitech USB stereo headset/mic
01:11.43krisguyit's beautiful
01:12.04QwellYou know whats better then xlite?
01:12.07dijungalderek: nah.. i'm using x-lite.. now and it's now working
01:12.13krisguy50 dollar headset mic
01:12.28krisguyQwell: a Cisco phone?
01:12.31Qwellkrisguy: indeed
01:12.50QwellI need to get a headset...
01:12.57krisguyI want one, but I'm stuck using softphones until I can get an ATA
01:13.06newlCan't go wrong with Plantronics. :)
01:13.18Qwellnewl: Do they make one for the 7960?
01:13.29Qwell(one that costs less then the phone...)
01:13.50newlQwell: they'll work with anything that has an RJ.
01:14.05newlCost OTOH is another issue, some head sets can be quite expensive.
01:14.09NetgeeksGoogle Tuffset 10 for ciscos. Killer headset, mmae with metal, not plasticc
01:14.17newlThey're top knotch quality though.
01:15.27*** join/#asterisk bhr_ (
01:16.16krisguyI use Plantronics heasets at work, and they rock.  The one I use is cordless, and it retails for about 350USD with two batteries
01:16.39newlnoise protection is good too
01:17.13krisguydijungal: don't feel bad, took me a whole weekend to get my asterisk server working correctly
01:19.01Qwellwhy are headsets so expensive?
01:19.09QwellI could never justify $90 for one
01:19.10dijungali'm soo close.. but yet so far.. :|
01:19.14krisguynoise cancellation
01:19.24krisguybuilt into the headset before it gets to the phone
01:19.29dijungalmy phones connect to my server on the sip channel.. but they cannot call each other.. arrgghh!!!
01:19.49dijungalx-lite keeps telling me "call not allowed" my rectum.. :P
01:20.04mansingcool! that headset works with the grandstreams
01:20.28*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
01:20.32dijungal"call not approved"
01:20.53krisguymansing: any headset will work with Cisco and Grandstream if it works with Plantronics amps, its a standard
01:20.55kingtuxAnyone here configure astcc
01:21.11mansingkrisguy: I have a Plantronics M12 now
01:21.22mansingcouldn't get it to work with the grandstream
01:21.24_DAWdijungal - can you all your softphones via the console?
01:21.59_DAWall = call that is
01:22.43krisguymansing: it should unless the grandstream uses different impedence(sp?)
01:23.12krisguyI don't have experience with Grandstream, just Avaya, Cisco, and Plantronics
01:23.30mansingkrisguy: I can hear fine, no one can hear me. I checked and changed the settings on the M12.
01:23.48*** join/#asterisk harryvv ( was really getting choppy and in one case, dropped my call.
01:24.12harryvvhello all
01:24.16dijungalYES YES YES YES!!!!!
01:24.18dijungali solved it
01:24.26harryvvsolved what
01:24.28kingtuxno one astcc??
01:24.39harryvvi dont use it
01:24.45harryvvking, and you?
01:24.53dijungalFRIGGIN!!!! x-lite had some lame setting that says dial prefix: #1.... so it wasactually dialing that before anything i dialed
01:25.13dijungalthat's why my phones were not working... lol
01:25.19kingtuxTrying to get working..I have it in stalled but  can't connect to database
01:25.23krisguymansing: I'm sorry, I wish I knew more about Grandstreams, but I'm too broke to buy one. :)
01:25.41Kattythe good news is i won't get all of cluecon sick
01:25.45krisguydijungal: that's a good one
01:25.55Kattythe bad news is i'll probably be asleep because of my anti-histamine ;)
01:26.16krisguydijungal: what providers are you using?
01:26.24harryvvkatty, alergies?
01:26.38dijungali setup the asterisk server and two softphones... and that's it...
01:26.52Kattyharryvv: swollen lymph nodes for nearly a week now
01:26.59harryvveww sorry
01:27.00krisguywho are you planning to get accounts with?
01:27.05Kattyharryvv: that's what the doc gave me today (=
01:27.14dijungali'm looking for a CHEAP service to deliever my VOIP calls into the US PSTN
01:27.39Qwelldijungal: cheap or good?  You can rarely have both
01:27.43Ariel_don't you just love those cheap service
01:27.59krisguyI have Free World Dialup to make VoIP to VoIP calls, and then I use SIPPhone for PTSN calls
01:28.04harryvvAriel_ who do you use again?
01:28.04Qwellcheap services go bankrupt. ;]
01:28.28Ariel_voicepulse, broadvoice, voipjet and others
01:28.36dijungalwhat's the rate for US calls Krisguy...?
01:28.43dijungalon sipphone
01:28.51harryvvAriel_ how well would you rate voipjet?
01:28.56dijungali have a freeworlddialup account.. i have not set that up as yet
01:29.10krisguydijungal: .02US
01:29.18Ariel_harryvv, there ok most of the time.  But I don't put faxes via there service. I use vpc and for faxing. been reliable?
01:29.41krisguyanyone use BroadVoice here?
01:30.09mansingkrisguy: headset problem solved ... I plugged the headset directly into the Grandstream, and it works perfectly.
01:30.09Ariel_harryvv, yes they have been
01:30.16Ariel_krisguy, I do for some things
01:30.27dijungalkrisguy: hmm i can get it cheaper for 0.012 US
01:30.39krisguymansing: I though so, all headsets are standard, but amps are not
01:30.45Qwelldijungal: with a company that will be around tomorrow?
01:30.53krisguydijungal: is that prepay or with a monthly fee?
01:31.19dijungalthey look ok
01:32.22krisguyI really don't do much dialing out, so 2cents prepay is perfect for me
01:32.25harryvvAriel_ for some reason two people tried to call direct and it would not get though via sip. but thay can register against my box and it will get though.
01:32.49Moc_damn 1 hours lost on a code 18/moc
01:33.15Ariel_harryvv, what does the cli say when they call your directly?
01:33.56harryvvmmm i dont recall
01:33.57Ariel_if you don't have your extensions setup as an include in the default context they will not be able to get through.
01:34.20krisguymansing: how's the sound
01:34.23harryvvi see
01:34.31mansingkrisguy: testing now
01:34.52*** part/#asterisk ropeguru (
01:35.56bhr_I was so upset when Daley did that to meigs
01:36.10mansingkrisguy: not bad for a company supplied headset
01:37.08krisguymansing: as long as you are not paying for it
01:37.27*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
01:37.31NetgeeksThat tuffset 10 is a nice headset, it has a quick release connecter and you can get a usb cord as well as the cisco and grandstream cords
01:37.36krisguyI'm trying to talk my boss out of one of the original PAP ATAs
01:38.09krisguywe've got a few around the office due to my company's VoIP trials
01:39.25krisguyOtherwise I might pick up a cheap phone on eBay for testing
01:40.22Moc_ata on are cheap..
01:41.10krisguyMoc_: cheap is still more expensive than free, I'm working on my manager to give me one
01:42.04Ariel_krisguy, softphones like xlite are free
01:44.15krisguyAriel_: true, and that's what I'm using now, but when my company is giving a VoIP test for 800 customers and has extra ATAs that will go away after the trial, trying to get one for free is now top priority
01:44.27krisguyI'm cheap
01:46.22*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
01:46.28krisguyI love my X-Lite phone too
01:46.34shmaltzwhats going on with gmail and the lists?
01:49.03*** join/#asterisk kswail (
01:49.09Qwellshmaltz: its dead
01:49.34Ariel_shmaltz, it's not gmail it's the asterisk list that is down.
01:50.30shmaltzOh, I see thanks guys
01:54.02harryvvgrandstream does the cid anouncement between rings?
01:54.42shmaltzharryvv, what grandstream you talking about?
01:55.15harryvvSomone told me, dont recall the brand, that does cid anouncments in between rings on incomming calls.
02:04.40*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
02:04.44ltersAriel_, what is the plan on the mailling lists?
02:05.43lterswould it not be good to send an email to the lists, telling what the plan is?
02:05.54ltersor maybe there is none :(
02:11.12Moc_ok fuck I give up ./..
02:11.22Ariel_lters, I have no Idea.  I know that they are working on getting it back up.
02:11.31Moc_lost a full day on that !!!
02:11.48Ariel_Moc_, on what?
02:11.53mishehuthe mailing lists crashed?
02:11.56*** part/#asterisk Techieb0y (
02:13.16shmaltzI like this one:
02:16.07kingtuxMan ASTCC is a pain to configure
02:16.33*** join/#asterisk shido (
02:17.05dudeskingtux - we just did a test /w 21 agents on a XP-M 2800
02:17.32dudesrunning X windows on it too (it's my desktop)
02:17.38kingtuxis this with the new build
02:17.42kingtuxor current build
02:17.53dudesyea, the next release we're putting out (stable)
02:18.02kingtuxcan't wait
02:18.12dudesit's clusterable
02:18.46dudeswe're running a small cluster on it right now ... we're originating calls on two other boxes and when they are picked up they are put in a queue over a iax trunk to this box
02:19.02kingtuxok nice
02:19.04kingtuxvery nice
02:19.35kingtuxHaven't had a chance to play with it today
02:19.55dudesWe've finally beaten the asterisk deadlocks ...
02:20.19kingtuxWas all this tested today
02:20.26dudeswe're currently testing
02:21.43dudeswe setup a random extension on a old K2 500Mhz that will answer only certain calls.  And each call has a random wait time before answer or no answer depending on the last digit in the number pulled from the lead list.  No call it actually being made they are just being put into a mini IVR on the K2 box.  But to use they act and basically are real calls
02:22.08*** join/#asterisk Ron-Na (
02:23.04dudeswe ran three agents perfect on a K2 400Mhz /w 128MB's of ram as well
02:23.22kingtuxdid u guys monitor cpu and memory usage
02:23.23dudesprobally could do several more with the new code now though
02:23.56dudesMy CPU 2800XP Mobile was 78% free
02:24.03krisguyclusterable sounds very nice
02:24.24dudescurrently hammering calls
02:25.10dudes21 agents connected
02:25.26dudes3/1 ratio
02:25.55kingtuxno laggin
02:25.58kingtuxno choppy voice
02:26.06dudesnot even in the slightest
02:27.14dudesit's a three box cluster ... XP-M 2800 (gnudialer) ... P4 2.4Ghz Mobile (originates calls) and a K2 500 (mini-telco)
02:27.22*** part/#asterisk mansing (
02:29.10kingtuxis there an ETA on the new release
02:29.17Qwellkingtux: when its ready
02:29.39harryvvWhat would cause alot of static in a voip call? the guy im testing with is on a 64/128 connection
02:29.57Ron-NaIs anybody using SER with Asterisk?
02:30.22dudesIf we can manage 30 some agents we have a company that will lets us use them as a test to see how it performs (if that goes well inside of the next few weeks)
02:30.26shmaltzanybody here experienced crosstalke with a TDM40b?
02:31.59krisguydudes: I would love to get in on that, I just don't know anyone with that need
02:32.14Ariel_harryvv, well one thing is speed of codec? what are you using. Remember that ulaw is 64 plus the eithernet over head with is 80
02:32.30harryvvAriel_ Im using ulaw.
02:32.54Ariel_harryvv, you dont' have enough b/w 64/128
02:32.58krisguyharryvv: so the upstream needs to be over 80 to be effective
02:32.58Ron-NaDoes anybody have experience with Video? or anybody with H.323 ???
02:33.13harryvvAriel_ its not my bandwith it is the other persons bandwith
02:33.33krisguyhe needs to get more bandwidth then
02:33.43Ariel_harryvv, can you try gsm or other lower codec?
02:33.45harryvvso is that a symptom of low bandwith for voip is static?
02:33.53krisguyit can be
02:33.58Ariel_harryvv, one of them yes
02:34.05harryvvI would also think dropped calls and dead air in conversations.
02:34.12dudeskrisguy - what do you do?
02:34.37CybertoyRon-Na, I tried it with Asterisk (H.323 that is) and it worked... was a while ago though on the 1.0.7 release
02:34.54krisguyMy day job is helldesk for a telco's ISP - but I do some network work for a few small businesses on the side
02:34.59Ron-NaI need to connect to a GK, ...
02:35.01Cybertoyron-na used microsoft netmeeting on one end... and a professional polycom boardroom video on the other.
02:36.04dudeskrisguy - My friend and I just work on this (I've been laid off for about over a month) so we just work on this and get little jobs here and there.
02:37.32krisguysorry about the layoff, but it seems like you aren't too worried
02:37.52*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
02:38.10Ariel_dudes, I feel for you. I was layed off a year ago.  (So I started my own biz).
02:38.22dudeskrisguy - my friend and I make enought doing this work (asterisk/dialer type stuf f)
02:39.11dudesAriel_ - Getting laid off sucks.  But it's given us the much needed time to get things in gear on our project.
02:39.22krisguyno kidding, I have a friend that is a network admin for a law firm, and he is getting tired of Avaya, I'm trying to turn him on to asterisk
02:39.27harryvvI was layed off from my last I job over 3 years ago
02:39.45krisguyI'm also going back to school to finish a CS degree
02:39.55gambolputtywhat does he find wrong with Avaya?
02:40.05gambolputtynever used them myself but am mainly curious
02:40.19krisguyhe has personality clashes with the reps assigned to this area
02:40.44krisguyand his boss is trying to go cheaper
02:40.54gambolputtyfirst step would be to figure out if an Avaya phone can work with *?
02:41.05gambolputtythat way you wouldn't have to get all new phones
02:41.12shidothrough the avaya pbx
02:41.26shidoIve setup avaya with asterisk
02:41.27krisguyshido beat me to it
02:41.28dudesI've heard some bad things about Avaya
02:41.28dudesAnd dialogic ... not a fan of them either
02:41.44harryvvAriel_ did you make any flyers for bussiness when you first aproached them
02:41.50shidothis isnt dialogic , its digium gear - unless someone here is using dialogic
02:41.54shmaltzgambolputty, I'm in the midst of migrating from magix to * what do you want to know?
02:42.05gambolputtywhats magix?
02:42.12shmaltzavaya magix system
02:42.20Ariel_harryvv, I have not yet had too. I have been working with biz via word of month so far.
02:42.22shmaltzmerlin legend is sometimes called magix
02:42.25shidoyou dont need all new phones
02:42.32shmaltzI know the definity cold as well
02:42.33gambolputtydoes an avaya phone work with *?
02:42.36shidowhat interface is on the avaya box?
02:42.45shidot1? e1? fxo , fxs ?
02:42.45shmaltzno chance in hell
02:42.49harryvvArial, so all you do is drag a ip500 with you show it tell what the system can do for them then it goes from there?
02:42.58gambolputtyall new phones then
02:42.58*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
02:43.06Ariel_harryvv, yes actually close
02:43.25krisguygambolputty: if you want to use the Avaya phones without their PBX, not a chance
02:43.28Ariel_I bring my laptop and also sometimes a small shuttle box I have setup for demo's
02:43.34mishehuI've done the dragging of phones around
02:43.44gambolputtyI recommend Snom for an office :)
02:43.47harryvvJust trying to do the right aproach. Call first or show up unanounced :) calling i think is best.
02:43.53mishehuI use my notebook for demo
02:43.57Ariel_avaya have some h323 phones that do work with asterisk.
02:44.10shidoan avaya phone THROUGH an avay pbx, works with *
02:44.17mishehurun * on it
02:44.22Ariel_harryvv, I have not done any cold calls. all of them has been talking to them on phone first.
02:44.45harryvvwell, when you first started no one know who you were :)
02:45.35Ariel_harryvv, when I first started I was hired by my old bosses to setup all there network cables and phone for there new offices. 3 months of more pay then I used to get before that.
02:46.14Ariel_it's funny they still use my services
02:48.57harryvvthats cool
02:48.58dudesI just got done setting up some folks /w sip trunk from their new dialer to a asterisk pbx that will trancode g729 to a slin (zap) ... but half the calls have to goto another asterisk pbx ... It's pretty slick I think
02:49.46*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
02:51.31*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
02:51.46Barmaldoes anybody know if Broadvoice support IAX2????
02:52.43Ron-NaIf possible stay away from Broadvoice, ... I paid for 1 minute 40+ US$, ...
02:52.51Ariel_Barmal, only sip and ulaw
02:53.09Barmalsh|t..... ok
02:53.14*** join/#asterisk jsaunders (
02:53.22BarmalI was thinking gsm....
02:54.56dudesI have to say after hearing g729 (aside from the extra server load for trancoding) it's pretty damn good
02:55.00dudesgsm is too though
02:56.02harryvvwhat ever the customer likes. Ariel_ what do thay like?
02:56.08harryvvwhat codec
02:57.29Ariel_g729 is good as well. But If I can I use gsm frist it uses less cpu power
02:58.13harryvvso, gsm at the customer sites and no voice complaints?
02:58.20*** join/#asterisk vuvie (
02:58.52Ariel_harryvv, It's not as good as ulaw but if you don't have the b/w then it's pretty good.
02:59.19harryvvwhat do the customers say?
02:59.22ManxPowerI'm a big fan of G726 and SpeeX
02:59.30harryvvnever used speex
02:59.39harryvvI use ulaw most of the time.
03:00.11dudesI like g726 a bit more than gsm but ulaw my favorite
03:01.04ManxPowerI use ulaw for devices on the local LAN
03:02.16file2I'm such a procrastinator
03:02.29file2I wait till 2 days before I leave for the US to switch my US cellphone account to my new phone
03:10.54*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
03:15.49*** join/#asterisk pressure_man (
03:16.15pressure_manhello, can anyone help me to understand how the penalty parameter of a queue member works?
03:17.03pressure_manfor example, if i have two queue member with a penalty of 1, and a third member with a penalty of 2, under what circumstances will the third member's phone ring?
03:18.15*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
03:26.02gambolputtyFor a good laugh:
03:30.45dijungalanyone here using FWD..?
03:30.58dijungalcan u call me on 684471
03:31.09*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
03:31.52BhaalWKHey guys...  With debian packages what do I need to install/do to get rid of the missing AIX timing interface?
03:34.16dijungalok.. noone wants to call me..
03:34.26*** join/#asterisk stevek (
03:35.33stevekanyone around from NYC area?
03:36.15dijungalok thanx for the call.
03:36.18dijungalwho was it again.. :S
03:36.51dijungali registered my FWD account on asterisk and connected my x-lite phone to asterisk
03:37.04*** join/#asterisk Bazoo (
03:43.27Corydon76-homepressure_man: the answer is... the agent with a penalty of 2 will never be rung unless both agents on penalty 1 are busy
03:44.18pressure_manwhat if agents 1&2 don't pick up? will it start ringing agent 3's phone as well?
03:44.57Corydon76-homeThat's a great question... I don't know the answer
03:45.06Corydon76-homeYou could try it pretty easily and find out
03:45.31pressure_manit would be nice not to bother agent 3 unless agents 1&2 are slow to pick up
03:46.10pressure_manbut if it does work like that, is there a settable timeout after which it cascades and rings the higher penalty agent(s)
03:48.09*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (~junky@
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03:50.21*** join/#asterisk dysan (~ack@
03:51.49*** join/#asterisk dudes (
03:53.07*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
03:54.15*** join/#asterisk Twister (~jason@
03:54.53Twisterdoes anyone happen to have or know where i can find the firmware and SEPDefault.cnf file for a Cisco IP Phone 30 VIP
03:58.02pressure_manit appears that the penalty in queues only cascades the call if the lower penalties are busy or not connected. if they simply ring, the call doesn't cascade to higher penalties
03:58.29pressure_manthat's not really the behaviour i expected
03:59.25dudesyou can write a AGI queue
03:59.39*** join/#asterisk ZeeLax (
03:59.40dudeswe did because app_queue didn't work that good
03:59.50pressure_manhow involved is that?
04:00.16pressure_mani don't really want to reinvent the wheel here
04:00.20*** join/#asterisk trikola (~root@
04:00.40pressure_mani sort of had it working by setting a timeout on the queue, at which point it cascaded to a secondary queue with more members in it
04:00.51ManxPowerpressure_man: Asterisk queues are like a hexagonal wheel.  It works, sort of, but could be much better.
04:01.38pressure_mani think it will do 99% of what i need, it's just this one quirk of not cascading the call if nobody picks up
04:02.19*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (exstatica@
04:02.25Corydon76-homeWe accept patches... ;-)
04:02.48pressure_mani'm not really a C coder these days
04:02.55trikolahey guys i have a little problem, everytime im in asterisk cli, i type dial 61297439826@outgoing, and i get an error "no extension '61297439826' in outgoing' in my extension.conf i have  [outgoing]   exten=>_0.,Dial,IAX2/bikola_p@voipbuster/00${EXTEN:1}
04:03.20Corydon76-homeWell, you could always post a bounty...
04:03.31Corydon76-homeand a feature request on the bugtracker
04:03.41pressure_mangood idea
04:03.55ManxPowerThe tech from our telco just said "Be cool, dude." instead of "goodbye"
04:03.59file[laptop]trikola: ah that extension line only matches if the extension starts with 0
04:04.02ManxPowerjust said to me...
04:04.04dudestrikola - _61NXXNXXNXXX ?
04:04.27trikolahuh? . so i should have dial 06197439826@outgoin
04:05.18shidosounds like a drink
04:05.23shidocrunk juice
04:05.38mishehuwhat's crunk?
04:05.59trikolasome sort of crunky juice i gues
04:06.21trikolashould have dial 06197439826@outgoin
04:06.28trikolashould i?
04:08.11trikolaguys, i still get the same error when i type dial 061297439826@outgoing
04:08.24MikeJ[Laptop]shido, nice
04:08.54*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
04:08.58mishehutrikola: and do you have such an extension?
04:09.06bkw__ok where the fuck are the mailing lists?
04:09.13file[laptop]gone gone gone
04:09.16bkw__can nobody over there run a fucking mail server?
04:09.18mishehubkw__: rumor has it they're crashed out
04:09.34bkw__hence my saying can they fucking run a mail server
04:09.37mishehuwhere do they run the mail servers off of?
04:09.51bkw__well 1. you don't get into the position of letting it crash
04:09.51mishehuoff of digium's 384kbps dsl?
04:09.54trikolamishehu, yes, in extensions.conf i have [outgoing] exten=>_0.,Dial,IAX2/bikola_p@voipbuster/00${EXTEN:1}
04:09.55bkw__its at easy news
04:10.33Qwelltip: if you have a flaky CPU fan, don't run gentoo
04:10.42trikolaok, what should i put as exten if i dont want to dial 61 each time, because thats teh country code for aus
04:10.43mishehubkw__: colo'ed off of easynews, or one of easynews's servers?
04:10.50bkw__Qwell, thats any OS not just Gentoo
04:10.58denonQwell: only a linux admin would change OSs before he changed fans :)
04:11.02denondamn cheapskate <G>
04:11.16Qwelldenon: my fan just started being flaky
04:11.30mishehudenon: I don't resemble that comment, replacing a fan usually saves me more time than reinstalling another os ;-)
04:12.08bkw__well any OS will do stupid shit if the fan is bad
04:12.11loudyou want to relay to some any other smtp, or ?
04:12.12MikeJ[Laptop]woo hoo.. dance boy dance!!!
04:12.30trikolaguys, im really stuck ova here, can some one help me out a little
04:12.38Qwellbkw_: its just freezing, heh
04:12.40file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: you owe me money on Tuesday :P
04:12.47MikeJ[Laptop]for the dance?
04:13.07dudestrikola - make your damn extension as such _61NXXNXXNXXX,1,Dial(sip/provider/${EXTEN})
04:13.15file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: yes.
04:13.23trikolaim using iax
04:13.39dudesit was an example
04:13.39MikeJ[Laptop]I'll tip you a dollar, I have a couple full roles of pennies to throw at you!
04:13.45trikolalol ok
04:13.46dudesput your shit in it
04:14.11MajestiKI'm getting a bunch of disconnections, and sound cutting in and out, any ideas where to start looking?  It's SIP from a pap2, and IAX upstream
04:14.31trikolaso i should have exten=>_61NXXNXXNXX,1,Dial,IAX2/bikola_p@voipbuster/${EXTEN:1}
04:14.40mishehubkw__: I can run a mail server, but I've never run anything that would need to handle the load that the asterisk lists must generate...  I use qmail and ezmlm-idx...
04:14.50dudesyou might even want _611 if you need country country code and a 1 then the number
04:14.51Netgeekstrikola, with that one, you have to dial 61 every time
04:14.55mishehuso I'd not be so quick to say I could do a better job.  ;-)
04:15.05trikolabut how wouldi avoid 61 all the time
04:15.09Netgeeksdidn't you say you don't want to have to dial 61?
04:15.29bkw__mishehu, guess i'll see you tuesday?
04:15.42bkw__ok guys the BKW Hotline is 8666799920
04:15.44bkw__write it down
04:15.47Netgeeksso if you dial a 0 first, you are dialing out of country, but if you don't dial a 0, you want the system to assume its for 61?
04:15.50bkw__you'll need it when you arrive at the airport
04:15.57mishehutrikola: design your dialplan such that you can do something like exten => XXXX....,Dial(IAX2/provider/0061....)
04:16.01dudes_X,1 _X.,1,
04:16.05file[laptop]bkw__: what, can't I call direct? :P
04:16.13bkw__file[laptop], use the tollfree if you can
04:16.18bkw__so I don't pay for the call
04:16.18mishehubkw__: you arriving in 'cowgo on tues?
04:16.27bkw__mishehu, yes
04:16.38trikolai see, thanks
04:16.42mishehubkw__: what time, and what is goign on pre-conference?
04:16.51bkw__night out
04:16.55bkw__last moment planning
04:17.02MikeJ[Laptop]and drinking
04:17.10bkw__I need a windows boxen for the printers
04:17.14liloif you are going to have a bunch of users appearing here on a small number of IP's, let us know
04:17.17bkw__MikeJ[Laptop], bring some usb cables please
04:17.21bkw__the ones for printers
04:17.28lilowe'll need to provide support so they won't, erm, get klined as bots
04:17.33file[laptop]added to contact.
04:17.44trikolawas wondering i never know why but whats the 00$ i always see used for
04:17.50file[laptop]we're all going to get drunk, say screw it, and drive to Mexico
04:18.01Qwellfile[laptop]: stop by here on the way
04:18.03denonlilo: people irc from their shells/TSs/citrix/etc anyway :)
04:18.18mishehubkw__: why do you need a windows box for printers?
04:18.24bkw__mishehu, yes
04:18.30lilodenon: np, I'm just mentioning it in case there's a NAT and people are using laptops, etc.
04:18.45JunK-Ydenon: u comin' too?
04:18.46mishehuI normally have no problem running all my printers off of cups.
04:18.47Qwelllilo sucks!
04:18.49Qwellgrub is better. ;]
04:18.56bkw__mishehu, this is win printers
04:18.58liloI'm named after a favorite science fiction character, in John Varley's THE OPHIUCHI HOTLINE.  I am *not* named after the LInux LOader, and I didn't write it! :)  -- lilo, winter 1993  ||  Nor am I named after the little girl in the movie, nor the air mattress, nor Last In Last Out. ;)  -- lilo, summer 2003
04:18.59file[laptop]the printers we're using are from satan
04:19.00JunK-Ybkw_: i'll have my laptop too.
04:19.01bkw__maybe we can get them working
04:19.07denonJunK-Y: nah, im so busy im lucky to get home in the evneing
04:19.07mishehubkw__: make/model?
04:19.12Qwelllilo: :p
04:19.16Qwelllilo: Get that alot, do we?
04:19.23mishehubkw__: if they are well known, they might be supported by gimpprint
04:19.23bkw__mishehu, Magicolor 2300W
04:19.27bkw__and a PagePro 1350W
04:19.28liloQwell: nah, just from the *completely* clueless
04:19.34mishehubkw__: manufacturer?
04:19.40JunK-Ydenon: ha ok, ive a lot of job too, but i cant miss that meeting :)
04:19.40bkw__QMS Minolta
04:19.42denonlilo: hmm .. have you been around here a long time? guess I havent been paying much attn ..
04:19.54Qwelldenon: been here as long as I can remember
04:19.55lilodenon: hmmm? around the channel? the network?
04:20.01denonthe network I know ..
04:20.01bkw__mishehu, I think a driver exists
04:20.03bkw__for cups
04:20.03Qwell(which isn't long)
04:20.03denonthe channel ..
04:20.07bkw__but not sure how to make it work on the mac
04:20.11lilodenon: yah, I'm always around, rarely active
04:20.14denonmaybe I just wasnt putting two and two together ..
04:20.25denonbut I know you from your privmsg spam <g>
04:20.35lilodenon: hmph, spam 8)
04:20.37MikeJ[Laptop]denon, 2 and 2 is four... np, happy tot help
04:20.58denonMikeJ[Laptop]: that's a common misconception, you need to define the precision of 2
04:21.15denon2.999999 + 2.99999 != 4
04:21.17file[laptop]I still haven't packed yet
04:21.20MikeJ[Laptop]I assume 2 is precisely 2, unless noted otherwise
04:21.32file[laptop]2+2=5 for extremely large values of 2
04:21.32denonnah, 2.0 is precisely 2
04:21.36mishehubkw__: yeah, well, it's not a gimpprint driver for those models.  gimpprint supports a few others, but not those ones.
04:21.45MikeJ[Laptop]denon, geek!
04:21.57denonnah, just being a pita :)
04:22.05MikeJ[Laptop]a piece of bread?
04:22.08BhaalWKCan asterisk be setup to use a sip account when any number is dialed thats not a local extension number?
04:22.10MikeJ[Laptop]flat bread?
04:22.15denonuh, yeah thats it
04:22.19BhaalWKexternal sip account sorry
04:22.29lilohey BhaalWK
04:22.30file[laptop]BhaalWK: sure, dialplan logic
04:22.30bkw__BhaalWK, you need to go read a bit more
04:22.32denonBhaalWK: yes
04:22.34bkw__it can do it
04:22.37BhaalWKHey lilo :)
04:22.53lilohey BhaalWK
04:23.02denonnow go read :)
04:23.09bkw__user/pass in dial is BAD
04:23.19BhaalWKHehe, thanks guys, was just a question to see if it could be done, not how done..
04:23.19denonbut its easier than telling him the right way
04:23.21BhaalWKThanks :)
04:23.35denonone-liner answers rule.
04:23.37bkw__thats like asking "is asterisk a pbx"
04:23.46file[laptop]no, it's a toaster obviously
04:23.51shidodoes your flashlight run on electricity?
04:24.01BhaalWKbkw_: Well hey, Ive only just started using it, not sure what its limitations are yet :)
04:24.18shidouser error is its limitation.
04:24.46bkw__BhaalWK, well your imagination is the limit
04:24.55mishehubkw__: is the pope jewish?
04:24.59BhaalWKbkw_: sweet :)
04:25.01denonheh .. your imagination ... "submit a patch"
04:25.02MikeJ[Laptop]mishehu, yes
04:25.04bkw__is the pope a virgin?
04:25.13MikeJ[Laptop]bkw__, no
04:25.32mishehumore like "was the pope a nazi?"
04:25.38bkw__yes he was
04:25.39MikeJ[Laptop]mishehu, yes
04:25.43mishehuI already forgot that jp is gone.
04:25.47BhaalWKOh, and is the AIX timer (ztdummy module) essential for sip <-> sip ?
04:25.51mishehuand now we got the joey rats
04:25.57bkw__IAX not AIX
04:26.03bkw__and NO
04:26.05MikeJ[Laptop]BhaalWK, and no
04:26.09bkw__again go read some more docs :P
04:26.13jbotit has been said that docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
04:26.16BhaalWKahhh yeah, that
04:26.18MikeJ[Laptop]woo hoo
04:26.40bkw__I got me an one of them there inverters
04:26.47bkw__internet all the way baby
04:26.50MikeJ[Laptop]I laughed, I cried, I wet myself, it was better than cats
04:27.24BhaalWKbkw_: Im just seeing what the logs are complaing about...  Its working fine, I can dial out, but I have to dial a number before the fone number to tell it to dial external sip
04:27.59MikeJ[Laptop]BhaalWK, that is because of your dialplan, you can change that
04:28.14BhaalWKyeah, figured that now
04:28.18bkw__think of the dialplan as a routing table
04:28.26MikeJ[Laptop]or a pile of poo
04:28.29BhaalWKYeah...  Im seeing that kinda picture
04:29.22MikeJ[Laptop]now I have this echo of "how crude" in a new zealand accent in the back of my head...
04:29.50MikeJ[Laptop]voices out of my head.. voices out of my head...
04:30.18mishehuvoices in your head?
04:30.24*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
04:30.29mishehutelling you "Kill the interloper!  Rip out its life!" ?
04:30.36MikeJ[Laptop]I have no idea who you are.
04:30.40Moc_toll road ? that still exist !!!
04:30.43Sedoroxwas gonna say....
04:30.48MikeJ[Laptop]I do know who you are..
04:30.54MikeJ[Laptop]long time no see
04:30.57Sedoroxyou seem in a ...... happy.... mood
04:31.01stevekI'm fucked.
04:31.11MikeJ[Laptop]in a good or bad way?
04:31.16stevekI have a (pretty important box), with a dead 3ware raid controller, and no spare..
04:31.44stevekyeah, I have backups (well, not as recent as we'd like)..
04:31.50stevekbut no place to restore to..
04:31.58stevekIt's the office file server..
04:32.12MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, I had a file server die 2 weeks ago...
04:32.15stevekI kept saying, gee, we should have a crash kit..
04:32.17MikeJ[Laptop]I know how it feels
04:32.19mishehustevek: what was the controller that died?
04:32.21mishehuwhich model
04:32.26pressure_manare agents in a queue persistent across a reboot?
04:33.01MikeJ[Laptop]static agents are...
04:33.10MikeJ[Laptop]as in not using agent :D
04:33.17stevekNew York may be the city that never sleeps, but it seem that either the people who are still up don't have 3ware cards to sell, or I can't find them :)
04:33.36pressure_mani thought the agent went into the asterisk db.
04:33.39*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
04:33.39mishehustevek: I almost got an 8500 series for my server, but the 9500 was only about $20 more and had cache on it (and now optional bbu) so I took it instead.  got one on order I'd hope...
04:33.49Moc_18hours if no toll road !!
04:33.50MikeJ[Laptop]I don't recall
04:33.51pressure_manlets say i use queues with agents
04:34.00pressure_manthe pbx reboots unexpectedly
04:34.03mishehuMoc_: whats with you and toll roads?
04:34.08Moc_gota find $ of toll road..
04:34.14mishehuyes, they still like to steal money from the people
04:34.15pressure_mansuddenly, all queues are empty. bugger.
04:34.20Moc_it all depend how much they cost !!
04:34.25mishehuMoc_: where are you going?
04:34.31stevekno, don't have one on order yet..
04:34.49mishehuMoc_: most tolls are 80 cents to $1 each if you pay cash
04:34.51stevekI think the plan is to see if I can find one locally tomorrow morning; otherwise I'll get one overnighted for Tuesday AM.
04:34.54MikeJ[Laptop]moc, which tolls...
04:35.00stevekWhat could really fuck things up, though..
04:35.05mishehuMoc_: what roads you taking, from where?
04:35.08stevekIs that my sysadmin is out on vacation this week..
04:35.12MikeJ[Laptop]in chicago you have $2 at the skyway...
04:35.18stevekAnd, my wife is 8.6 months pregnant..
04:35.22Moc_donno, I got 6 toll road to take !!
04:35.26mishehuI thought skyway was $2.50, but then again, I never take the skyway.
04:35.28MikeJ[Laptop]and another couple bucks or so going through indiana
04:35.42stevekso, it would really suck if I can't fix this before I need to go to the hospital and all :)
04:36.03stevek(well, it would suck for other people -- it wouldn't suck for me till I got back :)).
04:36.03MikeJ[Laptop]mishehu, I just went through.. but I could be mistaken.. it's in that neighborhood
04:36.04mishehuMoc_: you going to cluecon?
04:36.26MikeJ[Laptop]Moc_, if you are going thought PA and OH I don't know what the turnpike costs..
04:36.31Moc_mishehu yea
04:36.42MikeJ[Laptop]but no MI turnpike if you come through port huron
04:36.42mishehuMoc_: and you're coming from the east, 80/94 ?
04:36.53Moc_let me upload the page.. hold
04:36.54mishehuvia *ugh* Gary ?
04:37.21MikeJ[Laptop]gary indiana, gary indiana, gary indiana, gary indiana... don't you love a good musical
04:37.30Netgeekspressure: if you are truly concerned about maintaining the logged in agents across a reboot, then you should just save externally (such as in a database) the status of your agents, then on a reboot, have a script process the state of the agents and log any in that should be logged in
04:37.49MikeJ[Laptop]dance boy dance!
04:37.54MikeJ[Laptop]smokey time
04:37.58mishehufile[laptop]: do you have a license to dance here?
04:38.14file[laptop]I do.
04:38.19NetgeeksChicago is such an unpleasant place
04:38.23mishehustevek: unlikely.
04:38.40stevekmishehu, that's promising..
04:38.56mishehustevek: but if you got nothing to lose, give it a shot!  It'd be nice to be proven wrong.  ;-)
04:39.16stevekhmm, I mostly have sleep to lose, unless I try to mount them r/w :)
04:39.34stevekI'm already in the office at 1AM on sunday night (monday morning).
04:39.42Moc_I wonder how I could keep this map updated
04:39.48mishehustevek: I know the pain.
04:39.50stevekBut, I think I need to move my car at 2AM..
04:39.54trikolahey guys, i finally fixed my extension file, when i dial through cli, it says call accepted by 21.3.11.blah.blah (my IAX provide), but i get the message "Call format GSM".and it says "call hung up",
04:40.14mishehuthat's why I want to stop doing the netadmin shit.  nobody wnats to pay you how much it REALLY costs to fuck up your life for their computers.
04:40.20stevekhmm, just need to figure out how to get google to tell me how the disks are laid out..
04:40.54mishehutrikola: ok.  and?
04:41.28trikolaoh i didnt say, well the number i dial is my home phone, i dont even hear it ring, let alon hang up
04:41.40pressure_manNetgeeks: thanks, i'll keep that in mind
04:41.42mishehustevek: were you running raid5?
04:41.44mishehuor 50?
04:41.53mishehuoh you couldn't do 50
04:41.53*** part/#asterisk pressure_man (
04:41.53stevekraid 5..
04:41.56mishehunot enough drives
04:41.59stevekyeah, only 4 disks..
04:42.11mishehustevek: do you remember what your slice size was?
04:42.18steveknope :)
04:42.24Netgeekspressure: make sure you run that idea by JerJer so he can remind you that you will need to worry about the chance your database fails too  ;)
04:42.24trikolawhats wrong with it
04:42.36mishehustevek: uhm.  doubly good luck to you!
04:42.44stevekI hope that's on the disks, so at least replacing the card won't be a challenge..
04:43.16mishehutrikola: what wrong with it is probably what's wrong with what you are doing here.  if you set up your system they way you describe your problem, I'd be amazed if you could complete a call.
04:43.46Netgeekssteve: you won't get any data off those with software raid then.  You'll need the same chipset that your hardware raid card was using
04:43.51mishehustevek: do tell me if that's the case...  I honestly don't remember what slice I set my system up for...
04:44.26mishehuand if I were to ever have to swap out the card, I'm not sure I'd remember what the array parameters were.
04:45.02stevekit would be silly of them not to copy the parameters around on all the disks in some kind of a superblock..
04:45.05stevekjust like md does..
04:45.36stevekI'm pretty sure I could figure it out and get the data off of them, since all 4 disks are good, with some fancy "dd" work..
04:46.05Netgeeksraid 5 makes a huge mess though
04:46.20stevekbut, in that case, I'd need a place to actually _put_ the data; and I don't think I have a place to dump the filesystem to..
04:46.36mishehuI think you might as well sit back and relax until the new card arrives
04:46.51mishehuunless you like to give yourself heartattacks
04:47.44stevekI wish I could find a place around here that has one;  it seems that I'll just need to wait till morning and make phone calls..
04:47.51Netgeeksthe crc data is going to be spread across all the disks, so you will need to know the algoritm they used to determine the spread of crc bits, else you won't know what's data, and what is crc
04:48.29stevekNetgeeks, I would imagine I'd be able to figure that out if I could find some known "plaintext", and see how it gets spread out.
04:48.56stevekI guess, that assumes that I find a text file or something, and assume that it's been stored in sequence..
04:49.31mishehuand it assumes you're not too stressed to do this.
04:49.31mishehuanyway, I'm off to sleep.
04:49.32stevekI remember, about 10 years ago at least, maybe 15, I had a dos (maybe win3.1) disk that became unreadable..
04:50.24NetgeeksSteve: If you decide to do that, let me know what it feels like to live on the 7th level of hell, okay?  Because thats where you will be while doing this.. I know the 8th level of hell makes you decypher 4 letter words encrypted with a 65536 byte long public key
04:50.28stevekI ended up bringing it to a linux box, and what I found was that the master directory was missing 2 bytes, and the whole thing was shifted "left" by two bytes..  Like one 16-bit IDE PIO transfer got lost..
04:50.57Netgeeksusing an abacus
04:51.12stevekSo far, all I did was confirm the card was dead, by putting it in another box, and seeing the box hang as soon as the Escalade bios message appeared.
04:51.33stevekyeah, but what level of hell will I find myself in when 25 people come to the office on Monday morning and can't work?
04:51.44stevekgotta be at least a 6..
04:51.55*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:53.40NetgeeksHaha, thats when I would program my asterisk to call my cell.  I'd answer, what? already? okay honey, breathe like they taught you and I'll meet you at the hospital!
04:54.17stevekyeah..  If you scroll back up, you'd find that a call like that is a real possibility for me (without asterisk calling my cell).
04:54.19MikeJ[Laptop]stevek, time to go buy a box and some drives?
04:54.30stevekMy wife is due in less than 2 weeks.
04:54.31MikeJ[Laptop]all night computers here we come?
04:54.38shidocadillac makes bios?
04:54.52MikeJ[Laptop]sigh.. I need to sleep
04:54.54NetgeeksYeah, I was referring to that given that your co-workers probably know that as well
04:54.57MikeJ[Laptop]g'night all
04:54.59stevekMikeJ[Laptop], yeah, me too.
04:55.14stevekNetgeeks, aha.  yeah.. hmm..
04:55.52steveknite, Mike.
04:55.59stevekI think I'll go move my car now..
04:56.33stevekI have no idea if the sign that says no parking after 2AM (some days.. Sunday) really means Sunday, or if they mean Monday AM..
05:03.02*** join/#asterisk kswail (
05:03.51*** join/#asterisk Erisian (
05:03.56Erisianhi all
05:04.08Erisiani have a question about bindaddr in iax.conf
05:04.52stevekErisian, and the question is?
05:06.27Erisiani'm trying to find the right combination of settings so that i can run iax natted, see if my interpretation is correct
05:06.46Erisiani'm on an internal 10 net with my sipura 2000
05:06.55stevekOK, but I don't think bindaddr matters for that.
05:07.16Erisiani've got asterisk working correctly with SIP and dialing out via IAX2 to fwd....
05:07.32Erisian(correct on the bindaddr stuff, i meant externip)
05:07.58Erisianso bindaddr is just what local IPs iax is listening for connections
05:08.10Erisianits actually a mask
05:08.12Sedoroxit would be whatever the public IP iax is listening on
05:08.23*** join/#asterisk cfrank (
05:08.27loudnight all.
05:08.29stevekbindaddr is just the address asterisk binds to..
05:08.44Sedoroxah.. yes... but he's asing about externip
05:08.47Erisianexternip is the external address of my firewall, right?
05:08.51shidoiax doesnt use externip
05:08.54shidonor need it
05:09.30stevekhmm, yeah, I didn't know there was an "externip" option.  If there was, it would only be useful for native transfer..  and even then, I'm not sure if it would be needed..
05:09.33Erisianmy biggest problem is in connecting to and accepting connections from voicepulse.  It used to work for me but....
05:09.47stevekof course, my copy of asterisk sources are on the dead raid machine :)
05:10.29ErisianSo, I've got my OpenBSD firewall configged so that it allows UDP connectivity out to wherever I want it and allows UDP packets back from said same within a time window of about 2 minutes
05:10.49ErisianI figure that should allow IAX2 out to Voicepulse, right?
05:11.00dijungalhow do u comment out a line in any of the configuration files..?
05:11.00ErisianBut would it allow incoming phone calls?
05:11.17stevekErisian, as long as your registration refresh is less than 2 minutes, yes.
05:11.44Sedoroxdijungal: #
05:11.53ManxPowerIAX2 is chatty enough it will always keep the NAT translations optn
05:12.02Sedoroxnot #
05:12.05dijungal;;; ok
05:12.34ErisianSo its chatty enough once registration is working...
05:12.48ErisianTwo questions then...
05:13.28ManxPowerErisian: Registration ONLY informs the remote server of your IP address.  You still need a user/peer or friend entry.
05:14.01ErisianI'm debugging my VoicePulse issue and (1) I try calling through to voicepulse and I just get fast busy with some arcane message about a non-existant context from voicepulse
05:14.09ErisianManx: Okay thats good info
05:14.35Erisian(2) I'd love to trace the dialplan issue down but I either get too much debug info or not enough...
05:15.10ErisianI wish I could just say "trace dialplan"
05:15.19*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
05:15.19file[laptop]DarthClue: all ready and packed and stuff?
05:15.26ErisianI tried sprinkling NoOps but that didn't work
05:15.27ManxPowerErisian: Asterisk->Voicepulse should work even if you are not registered.
05:15.37Erisianhang on
05:15.45DarthCluefile[laptop]: almost.  my laptop died and i can't get a replacement.  guess i get to use the old fashion pen and paper on this one.
05:15.49ManxPowerregistration only affects Voicepulse->Asteriskl
05:15.51file[laptop]DarthClue: yuck
05:16.15Erisianmanx: right, so it can know what your external IP is right?
05:16.19*** join/#asterisk iswm (iswm@iswm.user)
05:16.22DarthCluefile[laptop]: i did get most of my stuff packed.  still have to pack a couple of things that are still in the laundry, but otherwise ready.
05:16.25ManxPowerErisian: yup
05:16.32ManxPowerI hate it when PRIs go gown.
05:16.37file[laptop]DarthClue: yay
05:16.40drumkillamy laptop died, too :(
05:16.42ManxPowerHell, I hate it when T-1s of any sort go down
05:16.43file[laptop]DarthClue: I'm packing tomorrow :)
05:17.17Erisianmanx: okay....i'm with does that mean I need to do port forwarding on my firewall to let incoming IAX through to my internal asterisk box?
05:17.28ManxPowerstevek: The fact that RAIDs go down is why we don't use them 8-)
05:17.45shidoso with that logic, dont use T1's ?
05:17.48ManxPowerErisian: Get Asterisk->Voicepulse working first, no port forwarding required.
05:18.00stevekwe should all stop using these damned computers..
05:18.02ManxPowershido: tin cans and string all the way, baby!
05:18.06stevekthey're all nothing but trouble.
05:18.07file[laptop]drumkilla: how are you?
05:18.14drumkillafile[laptop]: AMAZING
05:18.25file[laptop]ah so drunk?
05:18.28DarthCluepicked up a t-mobile to go phone for chicago.  it's charged and ready.  got my paycheck squared away.  put in 12 hours in hell which i will get paid for tomorrow.  took the inlaws out for steak ($100 gone).  and now i am starting feel a little tired...of course, i've only been up for 18 hours so i figure i've got another couple before i actually go to sleep.
05:18.51ManxPowerdrumkilla is drunk?
05:18.57file[laptop]DarthClue: ah so Holly got back to you? she hasn't for me, I should talk to her
05:19.25shidono, ManxPower use FSO
05:19.31shidofree space optical
05:19.39DarthCluefile[laptop]: i kept up because i really needed that money by monday or it was gonna hurt me bad.  i covered part of the fee to have it wired direct so that i can make sure bills get paid while i'm gone.
05:19.49*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (~phil@
05:19.55file[laptop]Holly is cool.
05:19.57ErisianManx: Right.  Okay, I think I can get that working.  It used to work.  I have credit in my account.  Let me check out my latest config.
05:20.06Erisianstand by
05:20.06ManxPowershido: lasters, eh?
05:20.19DarthClueyeah.  i'm gonna have to feed her sometime or make sure alan gives her a christmas bonus or something.
05:20.58DarthClueand the boss from hell called me yesterday freaking out so i had to do time there today...i just have too many things to get done before i leave.
05:21.00Erisianmanx: just did a 'iax2 show registry' and both voicepulse and fwd are registered
05:21.21dijungalhas anyone here ever connected asterisk to PIPECALL service..?
05:21.25shidois broadvoice down?
05:21.30dijungali'm trying.. but it's not working out
05:21.52file[laptop]I should sleep
05:22.02drumkillafile[laptop]: naughty
05:22.04file[laptop]I have to keep on top of things tomorrow and like... pack and junk and stuff yeah
05:22.08DarthCluefile[laptop]: sleep is highly overrated.
05:22.19file[laptop]I dunno what to take for electronics :(
05:22.30file[laptop]of course
05:22.38DarthCluefile[laptop]: got a spare laptop?
05:22.48file[laptop]just my nice Powerbook
05:23.16*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
05:25.49drumkillastupid laptops, mine won't turn on, either :(
05:25.51drumkillamakes me very sad
05:25.58gravemindnor will mine
05:26.08file[laptop]mine works perfectly fine
05:26.14gravemindwe should start a dead laptop support group
05:26.16gravemindfile[laptop]: no... really? :P
05:26.17drumkillauntil I drop it off a building
05:26.34file[laptop]gravemind: yup, really!!!
05:26.40gravemindfile[laptop]: that's amazing dude
05:26.42Sedoroxmine..... works... to a degree.....
05:26.45drumkillathere goes my wideband code :(
05:27.03file[laptop]silly drumkilla and his wideband
05:27.06file[laptop]do you like it wide?
05:27.13drumkilla~thwack file[laptop]
05:27.13jbotACTION beats file[laptop] on the thumb with a UNIX Manual
05:27.26Sedorox~thwack jbot
05:27.26jbotACTION bludgeons jbot on the groin with a UNIX Manual
05:27.30file[laptop]and long?
05:27.36Sedorox~thwack myself
05:27.36jbotACTION smacks myself on the thumb with a iMac
05:27.44Sedorox~thwack himself
05:27.44jbotACTION bludgeons himself on the foot with a Holy Bible
05:27.51file[laptop]stop playing with the bot :P
05:27.55Sedoroxsorry :(
05:27.56twisted~thwap Sedorox
05:27.56jbotACTION pees on Sedorox and does them dry
05:28.16file[laptop]I have my window open so if anyone wants to drug me, feel free to release it into the air outside my window
05:28.23DarthCluemine turns on, but the screen is black...all black.
05:28.33*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
05:28.42Sedoroxfile[laptop]: is that an invitation?
05:28.44twistedfile[laptop], i'll be sure to release the highly concentrated chloroform there
05:29.18drumkillayou can visit my lab
05:29.20file[laptop]you just wanna have your way with me!
05:29.38Sedoroxnot untill later
05:29.52drumkillafile[laptop]: SSSSHHHH
05:30.00file[laptop]awww I can't do that, you're too cute
05:30.05file[laptop]yay drumkilla
05:30.12drumkillaso much love in here
05:30.29file[laptop]pfft you can't afford that
05:30.45*** join/#asterisk kumamoto (
05:30.49file[laptop]DarthClue: night night
05:30.55file[laptop]DarthClue: talk to you later, see you Tuesday
05:31.08twisteddrumkilla, word!
05:32.08`Sauronhow would * take up all my spare cpu, but if you strace the process, it's sitting in a poll waiting
05:33.18*** join/#asterisk kumamoto (
05:38.36*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:41.19dudeshow can * do this load average: 20.20, 11.04, 7.64
05:41.54*** join/#asterisk Zarbo (
05:42.59*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
05:43.32Netgeekscheck all the threads, there are probably a bunch of threads being counted in the load average
05:44.22dudeswe're originating 120 calls every 20 seconds and connecting 40 calls every 20-25 seconds
05:44.48Netgeeksusing gnudialer?
05:44.57drumkillathat's a lot of calls ...
05:45.19QwellWhat are those called, where a bunch of telcos/bandwidth providers are in one building/area?
05:45.22Qwellsomething hotel?
05:45.25clive-dudes using asterisk?
05:45.27twisteddudes, codec conversions?  runaway mpg123 threads?
05:45.53Netgeeksoriginating 6 calls per second, and connecting 2 of those?  thats not too bad of a load for asterisk...  I suspect you have alot of threads being counted
05:46.07wunderkintelco hotel?
05:46.11Netgeeksgnudialer runs some apps as well to process the call list, etc
05:46.12Qwellwunderkin: dunno
05:46.49dudesthat's the load on the 500Mhz k2
05:47.30dudesthe one making all the calls to a local extension that will answer at a random wait time, based on the last digit in the telephone number
05:47.56Netgeeksps axwwww | grep ' R '
05:48.10Netgeekssee whats listed as 'Running'
05:48.32dudesbut it calls a local and play demo-congrats
05:50.03dijungalnetgeeks: gnudial or vicidial.. which would u use..?
05:50.07kumamotoppl I going to do some new asterisk@home thing what are the best providers I have been told broadvoice is good start for an asterisk newbie
05:50.15dijungalwhich in yuh opinion is beter..
05:50.48Netgeeksneither, personally.... pros and cons
05:51.04NetgeeksVicidial has a ton of features, but is very complicated
05:51.25Netgeeksonce you get it installed, you almost need a machine just to run it
05:51.41Netgeeksgnudialer, quite basic, limited functionality, and not mature yet
05:52.13dijungalhmm.. ok thanx
05:52.34NetgeeksThe guys who wrote gnudialer are pretty nice guys, and they don't mind chatting.  You should send them an email.
05:52.42Netgeeksif you are interested in using it.
05:52.53dudesListen to Netgeeks
05:53.00dijungalwe currently have 4 windows servers running dialer software
05:53.01harryvvasterisk can echo back a dtmf tone if you make a dialplan to do si right?
05:53.47Netgeeksand may all your LEFT OUTER JOINs bring you much happines, because I know mine aren't
05:54.01*** join/#asterisk mago2-cn (~maxglucks@
05:54.04dudesWe can get 30-35 agents on a XP-M /w the code we're working on now
05:54.20dudesXP-M 2800 that is /w the new cluster stuff we've been working on
05:55.12dijungaldudes.. yuh a programmer..?
05:55.49mago2-cnhello, dudes, are you using mysql?
05:56.11dudesI'm not much of a programmer.  And yes we are using mysql.
05:56.52*** join/#asterisk cslug (~shane@
05:56.58mago2-cncould you give me a hand registering users? info of the table fields is really poor on the wiki
05:57.34Netgeeksmago, you referring to Realtime?
05:57.45jtoddApologies if this has been answered before, but was there (is there) some issue with the mailserver?  I haven't seen new mail since Thursday, and all other mailing lists to me are working fine.
05:57.58NetgeeksJT, yep
05:58.10jtoddAh.  Any news of repair status?
05:58.10Netgeeksbeen down since late friday
05:58.24Netgeekslast I heard bkw was cursing about easynews servers
05:58.46Netgeekssomething about the bleeping bleep bleepedy bleeps need to learn how to run a mailserver
05:58.49jtoddHrm.  OK, so it's not just me.
05:58.51mago2-cngeeks: know where i can find good info?
05:59.17NetgeeksI thought the sip realtime page on the wiki was pretty good
05:59.23jtoddI actually didn't know that digium didn't run their own mail servers.  How odd.
05:59.24drumkillait has nothing to do with easynews
05:59.40drumkillayes, the box is running its own
05:59.51drumkillai tried to fix it yesterday, but doesn't look like i did
05:59.57drumkillait will be taken care of tomorrow
06:00.18NetgeeksThen I have no idea what bkw was cursing easynews about
06:00.22KaBewMhey drumkilla, what server software is it using
06:00.26jtoddPerhaps someone can put an "outage" note on the site?  That's where I looked first for perhaps a note, but there's no mention of an issue.
06:00.37drumkillaNetgeeks: he just didn't know
06:00.44drumkillaKaBewM: mailman
06:00.55KaBewM+ sendmail?
06:01.03KaBewMoh ok
06:01.21mago2-cnthx geeks, i saw before a page that showed a table named sipfriends, not sip_buddies, and it was really lacking of info
06:01.52Netgeeksyeah, look for the SIP Realtime page on the wiki, it should be listed as a subpage from the Realtime page
06:04.06mago2-cnalready got there, i'm creating the table right now
06:04.20Netgeeksno prob
06:04.33*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (uppal@
06:05.51dijungalis there a or close in the extensions
06:06.12dijungalfor example exten => 876 or 900 {then do this}
06:06.29*** join/#asterisk BhaalWK (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
06:07.53NetgeeksI don't grep your question, dijungal, please expand upon it
06:07.56drumkillaexten => 876,1,Goto(900|1)
06:13.52Netgeeksexten => _X.,1,RouteCall(${EXTEN})
06:14.10*** join/#asterisk aiks (~aiks@
06:14.15Netgeeksbut that adds complexity
06:14.28Netgeeksit's an LCR module for asterisk
06:14.46aiksanother lame digium card question, - i am totaly confused right now
06:14.54Netgeeksbut you can also use it to put all your route decision in an sql database
06:15.10Netgeeksmakes the dialplan smaller at the cost of using a database
06:15.56dijungalhas anyone here.. connected asterisk to pipecall ...?
06:16.19aiksi connected TE110P card to the cable (the other side of the cable IS connected to provider equipment), still having red alarm for my cards
06:16.44aiksnow the provider is telling me about which are tx and rx channels of that cable
06:16.48Netgeeksand you can support multiple route failover by adding more than one route and adjusting cost....  RouteCall would then return all the applicable routes in the variables DESTINATION1, DESTINATION2....., DESTINATIONX
06:16.58aikswhere do i specify these in configs?
06:17.26NetgeeksYour card has a standard T1 RJ-45 CPE jackl
06:17.47Netgeekstelling them that should be more than enough
06:18.02aiksapparently is not
06:19.19*** join/#asterisk SwK (
06:19.51aiksthey told me that chans. 1,2 are for Rx, 4,5 Tx
06:20.18Netgeeks1 - RTIP, 2 - RRING, 4 - TTIP, 5 - TRING
06:21.07aiksanything to be specially modified in zaptel or zapata confs?
06:21.10twistedI thought the T1 jack was commonly referred to as RJ-48
06:21.49NetgeeksTwisted, yeah, it is, but I can't stop myself from calling it RJ-45 because it looks like one to me
06:22.04twistedactually, to get more technical, RJ-48S
06:22.15twistedsince S is used for DDS
06:22.43Netgeeksbut the pin-outs I listed above are correct for a CPE RJ-48C such as your TE410 card
06:23.14aiksso, no need to modify anything?
06:23.33twistedfor a diagram
06:23.48Netgeeksif they gave you (or you made or bought) the right cable, then no, physically you should be fine
06:24.08Netgeeksif you are trying to use an ethernet patch cable, then.... eeeeep
06:24.27aikshmm, perhaps somebody DID gave the wrong cable
06:24.36twistedactually, you can use an ethernet patch cable for straight-thru applications
06:25.04Netgeeks1-4, 2-5, 4-1, 5-2  is what your cable should look like
06:25.18twistedif it's crossover, connect ring to tip, and vice versa
06:25.39twistedold ass terms
06:25.45twistedrx to tx, etc.
06:26.12aiksstevek - thanks, i`ll ask now somebdy to make that type of cable for me
06:26.26twistedstevek, uh, wtf kinda cable is that for?
06:26.40stevekfiring order for chevy LS1 engine..
06:26.41NetgeeksI can make you one if you are in the southwest corner of oregon  :)
06:26.46twistedstevek, ahh :P
06:27.13Netgeeksand quite possibly the disk bit order for one of the bytes on his raid array
06:27.15twistedfiring order for my neon :P
06:27.34stevekas opposed to 1-8-4-3-6-5-7-2, which all the old small blocks had, forever..
06:27.56twistedbedtime for me
06:27.58aikscould somebdy would be so kind, and write appropriate sequence for the wires
06:28.02aiksconfused now
06:28.09aikssweet dreams
06:28.23Netgeeks1-2-1-2-1-2  Firing order for the pedals on my "Specialzed' trail bike
06:28.50stevekNetgeeks > 1-4, 2-5, 4-1, 5-2  is what your cable should look like <--- aiks, this is what you want.
06:29.57ErisianIs there any way to trace the pattern and dialplan command sequencing in extensions.conf?
06:30.04aiksthanks :)
06:30.16*** join/#asterisk fenlander_ (~irc@
06:30.37Netgeeksaiks: this should help you much
06:30.47ErisianI need to figure out where asterisk is going.  It's not obvious
06:31.09stevekErisian: It goes whichever way you throw it..
06:32.29Erisianbut I'm trying to figure out which way I'm throwing it...sanity check you know
06:32.40Erisianoh wait
06:32.42Erisianfound it.
06:32.57Erisiancall rejected by voicepulse "No authority found"
06:33.36ErisianWhatever the hell that means
06:33.39steveksounds like you haven't authenticated properly:  maybe you're sending the wrong thing, or they have the wrong thing.
06:33.53Erisianhmmm...sounds like it, but....
06:33.55Netgeeksyep, it's saying, I don't know who you are
06:34.22Netgeeksrun sip debug or iax2 debug to get more detail in the response from vp
06:34.45Erisianyep, i picked that up from iax2 debug
06:35.03Erisiani'm probably misusing some keyword in the iax context....hang on
06:35.39Erisianthis is the little context that handles codecs and auth for the first vpulse server
06:36.02*** join/#asterisk fanguin (
06:36.16NetgeeksI've not been happy with my Voicepulse service lately, I think they are overruning thier bandwidth serveral periods thorughout the day
06:36.42Erisian(thats the device username)
06:37.43jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
06:37.59Netgeeksyou having problems sending or receiving calls, or both?
06:38.08Erisianwell sending right now
06:38.42Erisianare the outgoing calls to voicepulse supposed to be MD5 or RSA authenticated?
06:38.58Netgeeksummm, shoot, I think RSA key
06:39.26Erisianyeah, me too.  the demo iax.conf  I saw on voip-info wiki had it doing md5
06:39.33Erisianmaybe that was before the changeover
06:39.50Netgeeksyou have to go get thier key, install it, and set it up for key... there should be a full blown cut and paste example for you if you log into your vp account
06:39.51Erisiani installed the key.  didn't know if that was for incoming or outgoijng
06:39.55Netgeeksare you using vp connect?
06:40.13Erisiani installed the key
06:40.24Erisianhang on...maybe its RSA in both directions
06:40.28Netgeeksgo log in and on the device page you should have a link to a cut and paste install for all the files
06:40.46Erisianon the voicepulse connect support page?
06:41.10Netgeekslogi into your vp connect account, and click the devices tab, somewhere on that page is a link to examples
06:41.28NetgeeksI think they even put your user/pass info in the samples so you can cut/paste
06:41.31Erisianyeah, they had a download example that didnt work
06:41.36Erisianhang on
06:41.52Netgeeksthats nice of them
06:42.14opus_quite on the cvs front
06:42.41Netgeeks:s/quite/quiet/ ?
06:42.56Erisianman you gotta love voicepulse...i just put some credit into the account and they immediately charged me for a months phone service (from last month) which I never used
06:43.12Delta34is anybody using ser with asterisk?
06:43.22Erisianit just turned aug 1 so they billed me for last month
06:43.23Netgeeksprobably they billed you for the first month's DID charge?
06:43.43Erisianno actually i've had the DID for several months now
06:43.53Erisianbut the account has been at 0
06:44.15Erisiannow I recharged it and they billed me for the last minute of July which isn't prorated
06:44.26Erisianso nailed for $11
06:44.31Erisianfor the DID
06:44.44Erisiananyway, back to using the damn thing ;-)
06:44.51opus_that sucks
06:44.57Moc_my GPS Tracking for my trip to Cluecon is ready ;)
06:45.25Netgeekshow you updating the web page?
06:45.33opus_whats an 800 number i can call that won't hang up
06:45.48*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
06:45.56PakiPenguinMoc_, where will you be puting it?
06:46.23dudesNetgeeks - do you know if they ever fixed that bug /w sip/iax not having sound in the current head
06:46.23Moc_I should be leaving in 24 hours
06:46.40*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
06:46.48*** join/#asterisk dexteruk (~dexteruk@
06:46.50Moc_my progress will be updated there
06:46.59Netgeeksno clue, dudes, I've not touched CVS head recently.  Too many issues
06:47.15PakiPenguini see
06:47.19dexterukanyone with experance with grandstream budge tone 102
06:47.24NetgeeksI didn't see anything that jumped out at me in the CVS updates either, but I wasn't looking closely
06:47.24PakiPenguinMoc_, you'r not driving right?
06:47.41Moc_I am not.. but someone with me will ;)
06:47.42dudesNetgeeks - All I know is they fixed chan_agent so gnudialer isn't deadlocking anymore
06:47.47NetgeeksMoc: updating via cell?
06:47.48dudesSo that's a plus to me
06:47.54Moc_but it all automatic, I made a C# app that upload it to my server
06:48.03Moc_Netgeeks, yes, well Edge PCMCIA card..
06:48.15dexterukim still having problems with the flash not putting the phone on hold correctly
06:48.28Moc_gota sleep now ...
06:49.21Erisianman still no clue on voicepulse outdial
06:49.36*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
06:50.00Netgeekspastebin the config file portion, the extension lines that dial, and the debug (clearing password info)
06:50.15Netgeeksthen drop the pastebin url in here
06:50.22jboti guess patebin is your friend
06:50.31jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
06:51.36wunderkinThe Dell PowerEdge 1850 has an onboard Intel e1000 Ethernet controller that can interfere with the operation of the TE411P, TE410P, TE406P and TE405P, TE210P, TE205P cards. The recommended action for this server is to disable the onboard Ethernet controller and use a PCI-based solution.  anyone know if that is still a problem?
06:51.55wunderkinive seen a few people say it works/doesnt work on the list
06:51.57*** join/#asterisk wasim (
06:52.18dudesIn the lastest firmwire I read that that issue was resolved
06:52.45dijungalcan someone call me on 08458900184
06:52.47dijungalas a test
06:52.55dijungalit's a pipecall number
06:53.04wunderkinhope so, ill check with kevin tomorrow i guess
06:53.37Erisianthis is odd
06:53.46dudesI'll drop a call in a sec dijungal
06:54.14Erisianiax2 show registry, shows the registry connections going to port 4569
06:54.19dudesdropped it
06:54.20Erisianis that the correct port?
06:54.28wunderkinthat may be the model that he is using, he recommended it to me
06:54.30Netgeeksiax2 uses port 4569
06:54.50Erisianahhh...i thought it used 5036
06:55.02PakiPenguinwasim, aoa
06:55.10Netgeeksif you haven't bought your dell yet, I recoomend using hardware instead....
06:55.21wasim'lo PakiPenguin
06:55.34PakiPenguinwasim, heard about govt. of pk blocking sip?
06:55.55PakiPenguinapparently dialup/isdn isps have blocked it , worldcall is still going through
06:56.19Erisianwhats 5036 used for?
06:56.34Netgeeksthats the old iax port if I recall
06:56.43Erisiandamn...stupid old wiki examples
06:56.46wunderkinNetgeeks, no i havent.. looking for 1u and 2 full height pci slots so i can put in 2 t1 cards
06:57.00wasimPakiPenguin: its not the gov, its ptcl
06:57.05Erisianthose silicon mechanics servers look sweet
06:57.21PakiPenguinwasim, ptcl==govt. right?
06:57.25NetgeeksI've got a ton of the silicon mechanics stuff out there.  Some of them have 4 4-port sangoma cards in them and can run all 16 spans
06:58.31Erisianyum...i'm configuring a dual-core, quad opteron 2.2 ghz box right now, 32gb of registered ECC
06:58.32NetgeeksIf you are really lazy, you can order one with my disk build.... hehe
06:58.52Erisianthats an 8-way server, not cheap though
06:59.46*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chendy@
06:59.52chendyhi there
07:00.21NetgeeksThe guy to talk to at Silicon Mechanics is Ken Hotstetter, wunderkin
07:00.33wasimErisian: whats show translation show on that?
07:00.55chendyErisian: hi
07:01.03*** join/#asterisk nounoursfr (
07:02.02chendyI've got something wrong with a clone X100P
07:02.41Netgeeksdid you let all the smoke out of the chips?  If you did, there is no smoke left to make it work.....
07:02.56chendyI had plug an Intel V92 winmodem in my gentoo box
07:03.14chendyrun the "lspci" command
07:03.26chendyand got those message like
07:03.58*** join/#asterisk jiro5281 (~anton281@
07:03.59Netgeeks02:00.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Intel 537
07:04.05Netgeekssomething like that?
07:04.17Netgeeksokay, so far, so good
07:04.33chendyand then "modprobe wcfxo"
07:04.51chendyafter that "ztcft -v"
07:05.11chendybut it says 0 channel configured
07:05.28Netgeekssounds like you don't have zaptel.conf set up right then
07:06.02chendyso my question is how do i setup this configure file?
07:06.24Netgeeksshould be the line you want un-commented
07:06.28chendyok and anything else?
07:06.55Netgeeksum, loadzone=us and defailtzone=us  (if you are in the us)
07:07.13NetgeeksI think thats all you need
07:07.24aiksand a bit of luck :P
07:07.29chendythank U man
07:07.32Netgeeksyou'll need to configure zapata.conf as well if you want asterisk to use it
07:07.50Netgeeksdoing zaptel.conf only will just get you past the 0 channels configured
07:07.50chendymay me good luck
07:07.57aikswish U
07:07.58Netgeeksgood luck, and I'm off for the night
07:08.12chendybye then
07:08.13QwellNetgeeks: nice site
07:08.22aiksbtw, what did jumper on TE110P card mean
07:08.31Qwellaiks: e1 vs t1, I believe
07:08.49NetgeeksQwell: you talking about silicon mechanics web site?
07:08.52aikshmm, ok; and the position where both of the pins are covered?
07:09.17wunderkinNetgeeks, thanks but dont see what im looking for.. very hard to find something like this..
07:10.01QwellNetgeeks: yeah
07:10.08Netgeeksokay, Wunder, what you looking for exactly?
07:10.42NetgeeksI like thier systems.  Solid and reasonable in price
07:10.44*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
07:10.56chendythe lspci returns something like "0000:01:03.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface"
07:10.57wunderkindual xeon, 1u, 2 full size pci slots.. thats the kicker
07:11.23Netgeekswunder, call them tomorrow morning (they are in seattle) and ask for ken hottstetter
07:11.26chendydoes it mean I must set "fxoks=3" in the configure file?
07:11.34Netgeekstell him what you want, and he'll have it for you in 5 minutes
07:11.59Netgeekstell him I sent you (Chris Icide) and you might get a break on pricing if you badger him a bit
07:12.02Erisiannetgeeks: ok, i found the service notice from voicepulse from 1 year ago, switching over to the new md5 peer setup
07:12.24wunderkinok thanks
07:12.25*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
07:12.35Netgeeksnight folks
07:12.43Erisiantaking off?
07:13.06Netgeeksyeah, gotta be getting up in about 6 hours
07:13.17Erisiansounds like me.. thanks for the help
07:13.26Netgeeksgood luck on the VP thing
07:22.16*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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07:24.09jaikeanyone recommend any multiport ATAs?
07:24.17*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
07:24.34xeet2anyone here good with perl agi?
07:25.17xeet2$dest = $AGI->get_variable('DEST');  << doesn't seem to work.  in the agi debug I see the value being returned
07:25.51*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
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07:27.53*** join/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
07:28.27oratorlokianyone here who use firefly softphone?
07:28.54*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
07:31.37tzafrirchendy, that can be either fxoks or fxsks
07:33.04*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
07:33.20xeet2anyone have any ideas on the get_variable issue?
07:34.20*** join/#asterisk mago2-cn (~maxglucks@
07:35.17oratorlokineed help on fixing firefly softphone problem
07:35.35*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
07:35.57tzafrirxeet2, if all else fails, look at the lower levels.
07:36.40tzafrirAGI is a very simple protocol. write a wrapper script that dumps everything to a file
07:36.55SarahEmmwhat's the issue?
07:37.02xeet2when I run a debug I see asterisk feeding back the variable value
07:37.21tzafrirsomething along the lines of 'tee textfile'
07:37.21xeet2the app isn't taking that and then applying it to the variable
07:37.38SarahEmmthen it's an app issue :) what language?
07:37.49xeet2its perl
07:38.04SarahEmmusing the AGI module, or custom stuff?
07:38.19xeet2the agi module
07:38.22xeet2nothing special at all
07:38.47*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
07:38.50xeet2my $AGI = new Asterisk::AGI;
07:38.50xeet2my $dest = $AGI->get_variable ('dest');
07:39.03*** part/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
07:39.07xeet2thats the correct format according to everything I've read
07:39.38xeet2AGI Rx << GET VARIABLE dest
07:39.38xeet2AGI Tx >> 200 result=1 (4435246540)
07:40.23xeet2that never makes it into $dest
07:41.35xeet2even if I just do a print $dest afterwards, its blank
07:43.04*** join/#asterisk tarjanyij (
07:43.07SarahEmmit's possible the module is broken
07:43.12SarahEmmi found a number of issues with it
07:43.14*** join/#asterisk ecto (~ectospasm@
07:43.22tarjanyijHi all
07:44.08SarahEmmxeet2: point of sale? ;)
07:44.13SarahEmmpacket over SONET?
07:44.27xeet2I see tons of examples with 0.08 that people say work
07:45.57tzafrirI know that the manager interface part of 0.0.8 is quite bad. I even started fixing it, but later gave up
07:46.52dijungali wanna setup voicemail on my asterisk box.... is there a wiki for that..?
07:47.21dijungaland have voicemail sent to email
07:47.52dijungalnevermind... found it.. :)
07:48.02jbotfrom memory, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
07:48.44nounoursfrhi all
07:49.07tzafrir~the wiki
07:49.21jbotwell, voip-info is the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
07:49.26xeet2wow, I can't even get the callerid variable with this pos
07:49.36jaikeanyone here using multi port voip gateways? like artdio or audiocodes?
07:49.47xeet2jaike: multitech, yes
07:50.00tzafrirxeet2, pos==?
07:50.15xeet2piece of
07:50.40*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~darkskiez@
07:51.22tzafrirxeet2, so it's time for you to dig into the code of the perl module
07:51.53xeet2yeah well I don't know c or perl that well so its not going do any good
07:51.57jaikexeet2: any advice you can give us? weve been using cisco the rate were expanding..we need to keep it more manageable
07:52.13jaikelike 16 or 24 port ATAs
07:52.22xeet2jaike: why not just use ip phones?
07:52.27SarahEmmor a channel bank..
07:52.59xeet2that too
07:53.25jaikewere using ip phones too..weve several sipuras and were purchasing polycoms
07:53.38tzafrirxeet2, it's perl there. And not so complicated.
07:53.45jaikewas wondering which would be the best course...ip phones or multiport ATAs
07:53.53*** join/#asterisk grimse (
07:53.55mago2-cnhi, where can i get info on what category is each var so i can configure it on mysql sip config?
07:54.11xeet2jaike: just use ip phones =)
07:54.11mago2-cncat metric, var metric...
07:54.19xeet2unless you absolutely have to use analog
07:54.27dijungalok i've had enuff... i jsut read the voice mail wiki... and it just did not process in my head...
07:54.42dijungaloverload... concentration point reached.. :s
07:54.49dijungaltime to get some rest...
07:55.22*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
07:55.38mago2-cnplease, anyone?
07:56.48*** join/#asterisk Paski_fr (
07:57.47mago2-cni'm trying to configure real time sip config with mysql...
07:58.09xeet2what is the issue
07:58.38tzafrirmago2-cn, read the wiki. go back and tell us what are your problems
07:59.31tzafrirdijungal, with the default configuration it works pretty much out of the box, provided that you configured a /usr/sbin/sendmail
08:00.18tzafrirthat does not need to be the one from . It can also be Postfix (my favorite) or a simple relay-only MTA like nullmailer
08:00.20mago2-cni have phones registering already with real time. my problem is that i want to use realtime static. but for example, how do i issue a register command?
08:01.28tzafrirmago2-cn, why not go for something simpler: write configuration in a script that reads data from a mysql database?
08:02.18mago2-cnthat's not simpler for me
08:02.34mago2-cni don't know how to write a script, i'm really a newbie
08:03.37tzafrirmago2-cn, there is such a script in the contrib
08:03.37xeet2mago2: if you are a newbie, you shouldn't be using realtime
08:04.47jaikethanks xeet2. my thoughts too. my boss just wants to weigh the options
08:05.46mago2-cnbut i'd rather just update th db than update the db and run a script each time, in your way i would have to issue a sip reload also
08:07.55mago2-cnwhat do you think?
08:08.28mago2-cni also have to use realtime static to use sip show peers
08:08.36mago2-cnand be able to see realtime peers
08:09.04mago2-cncan anyone help please?
08:10.20*** join/#asterisk _omer (omer@
08:11.24dijungalwhen someone calls and extension... and the number is either busy,... or rings for lest say 4 times.. how do i redirect the call to voicemail..?
08:12.14mago2-cnso, anyone knows how to perform register commands using realtime?
08:12.57_omerI use Monitor() to record conversation and SOX to mix them up but I am getting a problem...SOX doesnt mix the xxx-in.wav and xxx-out.wav but it put the IN file first and then OUT file...
08:13.01_omerany help?
08:14.15_omerSOX should mixup the doesnt...but in a wrong manner...
08:14.41_omermixup the files in a wrong way :(
08:14.59*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~neils@
08:15.12xeet2mago: you still have to put your register commands manually in sip.conf and iax.conf
08:15.16PakiPenguin_omer, what do you exactly want to do
08:15.38xeet2or unless you have your *entire* sip.conf and iax.conf configs in realtime, which I don't recommend
08:16.45_omersox should mixup the files.....and then create a single file.....even it creates a SINGLE FILE but in that uses the OPERATORS voice first and when operator is finished and then Customer's voice/ my point?
08:17.21PakiPenguinokay you want it to do what?
08:17.51_omerI want it to kick my butt :D
08:18.10mago2-cnok, please help with the realtime static
08:18.39SarahEmmmago2-cn: if you're a newbie, why are you using realtime?
08:18.40PakiPenguin_omer, using * in a call center?
08:18.41xeet2mago: get used to * first, you have alot to learn before you should be using realtime static, or realtime at all for that matter
08:19.03_omermago2-cn: you need to use Manager API to get realtime statistics
08:20.18dijungalcan someone place a call to me from FWD 684471
08:20.39mago2-cni'm sorry xeet2, i'm about to put some boxes on production, can't afford to spend time getting used to asterisk
08:21.18xeet2you're about to put * using realtime into production, and you don't have time to learn *?
08:21.49mago2-cni really prefer getting used to the features i'm going to use
08:21.58dijungalyepp... xeet2.. that looks like major crash and burn.. :)
08:22.28xeet2mago: your config is the same regardless of whether its in realtime static or flat files.  set it up with your flat files, then tackle moving it to realtime
08:22.39xeet2and you might want to buy some express support from digium
08:22.45xeet2you will probably need it
08:22.54mago2-cnok. i have it on flat files. now what?
08:23.32mago2-cni followed a link to a script that puts it in the db but really didn't understand
08:23.53dijungalok i beleive i'm out now..
08:24.02xeet2well you were asking about your register commands and how they go into realtime, the same way all the other lines do
08:24.24dijungalhaha.. i was supposed to be going out tonight to a club with a girl named mago..
08:24.38dijungali ditched her to stay online nd configure by * box
08:25.23mago2-cni wonder how you pronounce mago
08:25.33dijungalok i've given enuff trouble...
08:26.15dijungal"ahhh.. baby...ahh...don't stop...." that's how i normally pronounce her name when she's over.. ;)
08:26.17mago2-cni didn't know it was a name
08:26.28dijungalit is actually
08:26.35mago2-cnand i'm not really into men
08:26.37dijungalamazing ehh
08:26.42dijungalneither me..
08:26.45dijungali'm out
08:26.47SarahEmmme either.
08:26.52*** join/#asterisk Delvar (
08:26.55dijungalall the best with yuh * problems son... :)
08:27.22dijungallatas folsk.. i'll be back in tomorrow to configure my voicemails... :)
08:27.45*** part/#asterisk dijungal (~ovr@
08:29.37mago2-cni didn't have any girl, i would have gone out for all of you to know... not that anybody cares...
08:32.16xeet2what do you mean you would have gone out for all of us to know?
08:34.27*** join/#asterisk zeitgeist_y2k (
08:34.28mago2-cnnot much, just answering dijungal comment in case it was addressed to me.
08:34.32*** join/#asterisk Ron-Na (
08:35.05zeitgeist_y2kis the asterisk-users mailinglist down? the last mail i got was on thursday...
08:35.13Ron-NaWhat does that mean?    Got SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" back from
08:35.35Ron-NaI also do not get mails anymore since
08:36.08zeitgeist_y2kfunny that in the archive there are mails from august 05 already... but also from may 2017...
08:36.56Ron-Nathere always some people who do not know how to set their computer's time ...
08:37.18mago2-cnhow can i see realtime peers under the command show realtime peers?
08:37.28Ron-Naturn on the cash
08:43.46_omerRon-Na : u need to use fromuser:your_Id   in the peer you are calling out..
08:44.46Ron-Na_omer: I don't understand, can you explain, please
08:45.31_omerGot SIP response 481 "Call Leg/Transaction <------ that is the problem when you dial out...
08:45.41*** join/#asterisk FlungDung (
08:45.58Ron-Nawhere do I put that? in Sip.conf?
08:46.24_omerin the peer you use to dial out
08:46.42_omeror something like that
08:49.17Ron-Na_omer: I only try to use a GK via ooh323, ... but I do not find here, nor in sip.conf a settings that could look like that
08:49.40mago2-cn#include sip_additional.conf
08:49.44mago2-cncorrect syntax?
08:50.16_omerRon-Na: you use H323??? and getting SIP could it be..
08:50.51Ron-NaI have some SIP extensions and one connection to the Gatekeeper, ...
08:52.44*** join/#asterisk teapot (
08:53.50Ron-Namago2-cn it is the correct syntax, but you need to take care that Asterisk can READ it ;-)
08:54.29*** join/#asterisk blazint (~dangli@
08:55.44blazinti didn't receive any email from the Digium Asterisk-Users list since 30 July?
08:57.05teapotHow can I tell if a device at the far end of an IAX trunk is available ?
08:57.09wasimyou haven't missed much
08:57.47blazintanything happened to the list? or just my problem?
08:58.00wasimteapot: try CHANISAVAIL
08:58.05Qwellblazint: its dead
08:58.23blazintQwell, :S
08:59.34teapotwasim: I wrote something based on CHANISAVAIL - It doesn't seem to see busy channels
09:00.40mago2-cnRon-Na: how do i run the script, I already made the table and configured the script...
09:01.25teapotwasim: It works for local busy channels - just not remote (Zap) channels
09:04.28Ron-Nawhich script?
09:04.29jalsotdoes anybody know how can I put the CDR accountcode in manager CDR event? somehow it is missing [CVS HEAD]
09:04.33mago2-cnwhen i run
09:04.47mago2-cni get Permission denied
09:04.56mago2-cnhow do i run a .pl?
09:04.59Ron-Nawhat is the permission?
09:05.06Ron-Naperl .....
09:05.19Ron-Naor just ./script_name
09:05.59mago2-cn-bash: ./ Permission denied
09:06.12blazintmago2-cn, maybe you need chmod +x
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09:14.04dexterukanyone had any experance with budge tone 102 phones
09:21.14zeitgeist_y2ksomeone should change the title for this channel to include the info about the dead mailinglist(s)
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09:26.43pietroi have a problem with a zaptel channel:
09:26.55pietroif i call a mobile phone
09:27.08pietrothe operator respond
09:27.24pietrowith a error
09:27.34pietro(the number not exist)
09:28.13jalsotdoes anybody know how can I put the CDR accountcode in manager CDR event? somehow it is missing [CVS HEAD]
09:28.42X-Robpietro - you're sending the wrong number then.
09:28.57*** join/#asterisk FlungDung (
09:29.44pietroX-Rob: Executing Macro("OH323/R7121", "dial|Zap/g1/3384007xxx") in new stack
09:30.02pietrothe number in CLI is correct
09:30.15ltersis that a us # ?
09:30.51ltersif so, it would need a one in front of the rest or  not?
09:31.15pietrolters: is an italian cellular phone
09:31.25ltersah, hmm.
09:31.49ltersyou are sending xxx's are u?
09:32.28pietroi have writed xxx for obscurate the numer in this chat ;)
09:32.37pietrobut the numeber is correct
09:32.44X-Robpietro - find the actual line that say 'Executing Dial(...'
09:32.50X-Robnot the macro
09:32.52ltersthat is good. if you dial on a plan old phone?
09:32.55X-Robwhich diesn't look kinda right
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09:35.08pietroX-Rob: Executing Dial("OH323/R7125", "Zap/g1/3384007xxx|30|rtT") in new stack
09:35.33X-Roband the number is correct?
09:35.51X-Robif you were to pick up a normal landline and dial 338400700 you'd get a mobile?
09:36.30pietroX-Rob: yes
09:36.35pietrothe number is correct
09:36.51X-RobWhats your zaptel channel? ISDN or FXO?
09:37.01pietroISDN BRI
09:37.34pietrowth zaphfc
09:38.03X-RobI'm sorry, I don't know 8-(
09:38.17X-RobIs it the same number of digits for a landline?
09:38.22X-Rob(eg, is it a length issue?)
09:39.37pietroX-Rob: is the same number
09:41.47X-Robsame number of digits?
09:45.13*** join/#asterisk djin (
09:45.17pietroX-Rob: yes
09:45.21pietroX-Rob: resolved
09:45.37X-Robwhat was the problem?
09:45.39pietroX-Rob: if i use pridialplan=local in zapata.conf it run
09:46.17pietroX-Rob: i not understand this
09:46.51X-Robneither do I
09:54.30*** join/#asterisk oej (
10:01.31Piranha-why oh why did I signup for dialplan..
10:02.12Piranha-only g723 works.. and when im trying to get my asterisk setup with fwd, it really messes things up
10:02.23Piranha-either fwd works, and dialplan doesnt... or vice versa
10:03.31Piranha-*dialpad ratehr
10:04.54*** join/#asterisk zoa (
10:05.23RoyKg723 in asterisk?
10:05.27RoyKzoa: morning
10:06.23Piranha-ive tried everything
10:06.48*** join/#asterisk rkioko (~rkioko@
10:10.06_omerGSM is better than G.729 , G.723 ...
10:10.27_omerGSM takes only 2k ....but carriers and devices doesnt support GSM ...
10:10.45X-RobWhere on earth did you get 2k from?
10:10.57_omerGSM 6.10
10:11.10_omerwould you like to try www.VaxVoIP.COM and get the SDK....
10:11.23mrtwistergsm takes more than 729
10:11.24_omerGSM 6.10 is not a standard.....
10:11.32mrtwisternot know about gsm 6.10
10:11.37RoyKmrtwister: g.729 is 8kbps. gsm is 13.2
10:11.55RoyKthen add your typical 16kbps overhead
10:11.57_omerwhy dont you try recording your own voice in GSM 6.10 .....and check the volume of the file..
10:12.11Piranha-have any of you used dialpad?
10:12.20mrtwisteri beleive on 2k you will get terrible quality
10:12.21Piranha-11.99/month unlimited outgoing calls
10:12.30Piranha-seems good on paper
10:12.31*** join/#asterisk wasim_ (
10:12.35RoyKmrtwister: what is this gsm 2k bull?
10:12.46mrtwisteronly in case if you have poor link, like 64k in bangladesh and want to send many calls
10:12.52_omermrtwister: there are alot of GSM codecs but I am talking about GSM 6.10 (visit
10:12.53RoyKmrtwister: you can do speex at 2k iirc, but you won't hear what's being said
10:13.17RoyKmrtwister: what about protocol overhead?
10:13.47*** join/#asterisk sssk (
10:13.53X-RobSingle Voice Session requires 1.6 Kbytes/Second data rate for the voice talk.
10:14.01X-RobI think that's what's techincally known as 'a lie'
10:14.23RoyKX-Rob: running over raw serial cable?
10:14.32RoyKno network protocol? no nothing?
10:14.33X-Robwhich I should point out is actually '16k'
10:14.37RoyKraw voice over icmp
10:14.47X-Robas we're talking about kilobits per second, and that's kilobytes
10:14.48_omerI think you guys should try GSM 6.10
10:14.52X-Robso there's one order of magnitude
10:15.15RoyKX-Rob: 16kbps plus overhead is like a little more than gsm
10:15.18X-Robok omer, I'm sure we'd love to.
10:15.39_omerbut the problem is carrier support GSM
10:15.43X-Robwhy don't you write the codec?
10:15.56_omerwhy dont you visit me at ??
10:16.05X-RobI just _looked_ at it
10:16.18_omerI have written a VoIP SDK... :p
10:16.19X-RobNo, we don't sell the Source Code.
10:16.45_omerdo microsoft sell the source code??? or macromedia sells the source code?
10:17.02X-Robomer, dude, I think you're on the wrong channel
10:17.06X-RobAsterisk is an open source PBX
10:17.06wasim_precisely why they are hated ... do you want to be hated?
10:17.10RoyK <-- gsm 6.10 is 13kbps
10:17.13X-Robwe give the source code away
10:17.36_omerwasim_:   are you really talking about microsoft :)
10:17.43X-Robso unless you're saying 'No, we don't sell the Source Code, it's open source, download it from [here]'
10:17.52_omeranyways, I think we were talking about codec
10:17.58X-RobSecondly. This is windows.
10:18.05X-Rob(your lib)
10:18.08X-RobWe're linux.
10:18.28wasim_and we love it ...
10:18.50Piranha-broadvoice good?
10:18.52wasim__omer: sure, hundreds of X11
10:19.07X-Robomer, you're missing the point.
10:19.13X-RobCalm down for a minute.
10:19.37_omerLinux is the best.....ok?
10:20.42RoyKlinux works
10:20.45RoyKfreebsd works
10:20.47RoyKos x works
10:20.54RoyKfscking windoze works
10:21.20X-RobYou've come in here saying how wonderful GSM 6.10 is. OK. That's all well and good. You've also said that no-one supports it.
10:21.20X-Robthat may be correct.
10:21.20X-Robthe reason that no-one supports is is because that no-one has written
10:21.20X-Robso if you really think it's that good, write it.
10:21.20X-RobNothing's stopping you. Asterisk is open source. Anyone can write stuff for it. Even you. It's free. Zero cost. You can do whatever you want with it.
10:21.24_omerbut 98% of machines in the world running Windows....
10:21.44X-Robomer, 0% of VOIP PBX's run Windows.
10:21.58_omerX-Rob: I was talking about GSM 6.10 ....not
10:22.01X-Robwhere 0 is 'statistically insignificant'
10:22.13RoyKX-Rob: please, tell me what's so fantastic about gsm 6.10
10:22.24_omerare we talking about PBX???? if YES...then linux is the best...
10:22.28X-RobRoyK I truly have no idea. But this omer dude thinks it's the ducks nuts.
10:22.38_omerif we are talking about Operating SYSTEMS :) then  ..........
10:22.42RoyK_omer: what's so cool about gsm 6.10?
10:22.56_omerok guys listen...
10:22.59_omerlisten listen listen
10:23.01X-RobYou're talking about VoIP Codecs. That means you're talking about VoIP PBX's and therefore, means you're talking about unix.
10:23.17RoyK_omer: GSM 6.10 is just a 13kbps VBR codec
10:23.28RoyKno CBR
10:23.28_omerLinux is best for PBX systems........and Microsoft is ZERO :)
10:23.34wasim_i wish someone would do a
10:23.47_omerbut if we talk about Operating Systems....then there is only Microsoft..
10:23.48wasim_adaptive multirate
10:23.59RoyK_omer: linux or *bsd is good for PBX systems. nothing's "best"
10:24.07RoyKwasim_: ah
10:24.15_omerthat's the what I said.....
10:24.53_omerlol ..... but fact is a fact....:) and u cant ignore it ..
10:24.56_omerlolz ;)
10:25.08X-RobI'm siding with RoyK here. Omer, you're not making sence.
10:25.24X-RobAre you, or are you not, talking about VoIP codecs?
10:26.27X-RobNo, I'm happy when people are sane, rather than suffering from bipolar disorder.
10:26.33X-RobGuess which one I think you are?
10:26.42X-RobGo on, guess!
10:27.31_omergonna get back with gsm 6.10
10:27.50X-RobAre you going to write
10:28.34_omerif you need to check GSM 6.10 then you have to have Microsoft...and download any of my SDKs from
10:28.47X-Robwell it's useless then isn't it?
10:28.54X-RobYou do understand why it's useless, don't you?
10:29.58wasim_whats wrong with the 06.10 implementation in asterisk?
10:30.24X-Robwell there ya go. Omer said it wasn't supported.
10:30.31X-RobI should have realised that everything he said was wrong.
10:30.43X-Robinstead of just most of it.
10:32.23*** join/#asterisk ratif (
10:33.19wasim_well, most microsucks developers spew out crap, so its understandable
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10:55.27RoyKwhat's the name of that redhat ripoff distro?
10:56.07xeet2sorry =P
10:56.16*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
10:56.54tarjanyijI have problem with Sip phones. I allway give error 404 if try to call from sip
10:56.59tarjanyijAny idea
10:57.12nighty-hi :)
10:57.13xeet2your dialplan might have issues
10:57.33xeet2have you checked out your authentication?
10:58.04tarjanyijSip phones cannot access the extensions context
10:58.30xeet2well then make sure you're setting the right context in sip.conf
11:00.27vuviei am confused. i want to use iax to call between 2 *, i've setup the two * and also added dyndns for the * on dial up. Now what do i do?
11:01.28tarjanyijthere is a 6002 extension with context internal and the internal context contain a menu wath I cannot reach from 6002
11:01.33wasim_vuvie: create entries in iax.conf and extensions.conf
11:03.49tarjanyiji try to debug the sip communication and see the 6002@myserver call 8000@myserver. Is it good?
11:09.40tarjanyijIs there any options to debug the context useage? I'm very new in asterisk.
11:11.06RoyKhow can i track what agent is answering what phone in a queue?
11:12.21zoamanager interface
11:12.28zoai think
11:13.41RoyKi need to do so with the logs
11:14.48tarjanyiji try manager interface, and see if a call arrived via H323, but notthing happened when a sip extension try to dial out
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11:24.12nettieManxPower Hi Manx, just wanted to let you know that the problem was related to the NAT configuration of my router. The router is using a "Port restricted NAT" instead of a "Full cone NAT", just fyi :). Thanx again for your time.
11:26.09RoyKanyone that knows a good queue log analyser?
11:26.34vuviewasim: so to answer the call made from *A to *B, *B has to have that particular extension?
11:26.51wasim_RoyK: ast-xc
11:27.05wasim_vuvie: or an s extension
11:27.38zoai will publish one today
11:28.07zoa -> these are some of the screenshots
11:28.34zoabut its not open source
11:29.16Wonkawhat the hug?
11:29.21zoait was online as open source for an hour or two
11:29.30zoabut 'someone' in the company didnt agree
11:29.30wasim_how many cookies do you want zoa?
11:29.34zoaand i had to take it offline
11:29.56wasim_i wonder if google has a cache
11:30.00zoadoubt it
11:30.10zoagoogle doesnt cache .tar.gz :)
11:30.57wasim_s/google/zoa|friend|pal|buddy|FOSS advocate
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11:34.03vuvieok by using iax i do not need to nat right?
11:34.38wasim_vuvie: totally unrelated
11:34.55wasim_vuvie: you don't need a stun
11:39.31brookshireRoyK: it's out and in use ;)
11:39.41brookshiremainly among universities though
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11:47.19Wonkai'd like it if my university used IPv6...
11:47.32Wonkathose buggers filter out everything unknonw
11:47.37Wonkaipsec, ipv6, ...
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12:01.04mago2-cnin sip.conf under an entrie, for example, [xxx] disallow must come first and then allow, right?
12:02.03mago2-cnwell, the script on the wiki for importing sip configurations, places on sip_additional.conf first all allows and after the disallow!
12:02.46atif_jerjer: its written in h323.conf that bindaddr can contain only one valid ip, does this means that ast-h323 can listen only on one interface
12:02.49zoait might not matter
12:03.11mago2-cnit actually puts the records on alphabetical order
12:03.25thalhi, anyone using the sirrix 4port s0 card?
12:03.30thali need some advice with the Dial(Srx/) app
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12:03.52mago2-cnanyone has used that script that could give me a hand?
12:03.53atif_can some one plz comment on this
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12:14.32atif_can ast-h323 listen on multiple interfaces ? if someone worked in this mode plz share your expereince ...
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12:21.23Zeeekhey now
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12:21.51BhaalAnyone know of a free/open billing package for asterisk?  Its just for home use amongst housemates..
12:25.32BhaalAhhh found the stuff on voip-info
12:28.07mrtwisterBhaal, areski2 is not bad
12:30.07*** join/#asterisk NirS (~NirS@
12:30.10NirShey all
12:30.11NirSanybody home ?
12:30.24Bhaalmrtwister: Is there a website for this?
12:30.46RoyKnot at home, no
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12:36.12mrtwisterBhaal, yes
12:36.22mrtwisterBhaal, look
12:36.38mrtwisterBhaal, for install instructions seek at
12:37.07mrtwisterBhaal, by 'asreki2 setup idiors guide part2' almost anyone can install, just by copyng/pasting data
12:42.40mrtwisterquestion, i have lot of agi processing. any idea how to do loading fast? ram-disk under linux?
12:43.31*** join/#asterisk zeitgeist_y2k (
12:43.49Bhaalmrtwister: Thanks for that
12:44.59*** join/#asterisk ClubBarf (
12:45.17ClubBarfne1 here use pipecall?
12:48.37newlmrtwister: tmpfs may be better.
12:49.07mrtwisterwhat is it ? :)
12:49.09puzzledcan anyone please msg me the zaptel lines in /etc/modprobe.conf?
12:49.22RoyKpipecall... smoke a pipe and call
12:49.39ClubBarfpipecall - it's a VoIP TSP.
12:50.01ClubBarfOr, more to the point, it's MY service provider.
12:50.08mrtwisterpipecall or peoplecall? i know only second name
12:50.32ClubBarfAKA pipemedia.
12:50.48ClubBarfThey're a UK company.
12:50.54puzzledRoyK: make yourself useful and throw me the zaptel lines in /etc/modprobe.conf :)
12:51.09mrtwisternewl, - seems it is RAM disk :) thank you!
12:51.40mrtwisterClubBarf, any sip provider can work under asterisk, so, just apply settings :)
12:51.45RoyKpuzzled: options wct4xxp t1e1override=15
12:51.49RoyKthat one?
12:52.00ClubBarfI know - my problem is that it WAS working fine, but now isn't.
12:52.05puzzledRoyK: no idea, that's why I'm asking :)
12:52.13ClubBarfMy other provider still works fine too.
12:52.28puzzledRoyK: but it sounds like it belongs in /etc/modprobe.conf
12:52.59ClubBarfThing is, I can make outgoing calls, but incoming calls are a bust - it's not registering (I get told the password is wrong).
12:53.12RoyKpuzzled: that's the opts I'm using
12:53.16ClubBarfBut I just set up and tried x-lite directly to my service provider and it's working fine.
12:53.23RoyKon a box where I forgot to change the DIP switches
12:53.40ClubBarfIn other words, something's changed and now my register line is fubar.
12:55.00ClubBarfNOTICE[9982]: chan_sip.c:9518 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:0845*******>' failed for ''
12:55.16ClubBarfAnyone know what the above could be caused by?
12:55.29Kattywrong login information
12:55.40ClubBarfNope - double and triple checked.
12:56.01ManxPoweryou don't have a [0845*******] section of sip.conf
12:56.18ManxPowerbut why is trying to register with you, I don't know.
12:56.21mrtwisterClubBarf, do you try do register => ?
12:56.53ClubBarfTried that as well as register =>
12:57.03mrtwisteryou can try register =>*******
12:57.14ManxPowerKatty: I tried Silk brand soy milk the other day.  That stuff is good.
12:57.21mrtwisteri remember in some network i have to use in this form
12:57.23ManxPowermrtwister: that is not the problem
12:57.37ClubBarfWhy would putting the 0845 number in as the extension help?
12:57.57ClubBarfI don't want it trying to dial back out to itself when a call comes in...
12:58.04*** join/#asterisk riemensc (
12:58.08mrtwisterManxPower telling it will not help
12:58.29ManxPowerpipecall is trying to register with Asterisk for some reason.  That's REALLY weird.
12:58.31mrtwisterbut i had problems with some sip network and solved it when add /...
12:58.38ManxPowerNormally your server registers TO
13:00.26ClubBarfManxPower - pipecall isn't trying to register with me, I'm trying to register with pipecall.
13:01.02atif_no one is answering, if chan_h323 can listen on multiple interfaces or not ?
13:01.11mrtwistersuggest, cut all sip networks and devices and reload * in debug (sip debug)
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13:01.20mrtwisteror do sip debug peer pipecall
13:01.21ManxPowerClubBarf: Then either you copied the message wrong or Asterisk is giving the wrong message.
13:01.27ManxPowerSince the error is "register FROM ...."
13:01.40ClubBarfI cut and pasted the error message from the console.
13:01.54*** join/#asterisk deimios (deimios@
13:02.00ClubBarfsip show registry gives:      0845*******        120 Request Sen      0845*******        120 Request Sent
13:02.23mrtwisterall ok
13:02.32mrtwistertrying to connect in
13:02.40mrtwisterand cannot - like you use wrong settings
13:02.41ManxPowerClubBarf: That means pipecall does is not responding to your register request.
13:02.50ClubBarfMy other sip accounts work ok, and come up as "registered".
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13:03.30ClubBarfManxPower - I assumed that, yeah - but here's the weird thing:  When I set up a softphone to connect to pipecall, THAT registered just fine...
13:03.48ClubBarfDirectly to pipecall, not via my * box.
13:04.33ClubBarfAnd another wierd thing:  This same config file worked fine a couple of months ago.
13:05.41*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
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13:06.04ClubBarfSo the config file is correct (it used to work fine) asterisk is fine (registers fine with sipgate) and pipecall is fine (softphone registers fine).
13:06.18KattyDarthClue: oh
13:06.27KattyDarthClue: i could subject you to vegan Katty cooking
13:06.28ClubBarfmany - hey.
13:06.31mrtwisterClubBarf, suggest
13:06.35ClubBarfHow messed up is that?
13:06.40mrtwisterClubBarf, take free account at
13:06.41manystraight to the top... iam trying to compile chan_misdn, but get compilation errors: /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-linux/3.3.5/include/stddef.h:213: error: syntax error before "typedef"
13:06.56manyi feel lost on why a system header gives syntax error, any idea?
13:06.57mrtwisterClubBarf, there is almost same, maybe howto for asterisk will help
13:07.20ClubBarfmrtwister - I have one, but I have an advert coming out soon, and that uses my 0845 number from pipemedia.
13:08.02ClubBarfIn other words, I either get this working soon, or I kiss goodbye to £6,000 in advertising.
13:08.22ManxPowerClubBarf: Well I guess it's time to contact pipecall support.
13:08.37ManxPowerJust remember that the leading "0" is not actually part of a phone number.
13:08.42ClubBarfI did, but they only support their own sip server.
13:08.59ClubBarfManxPower - eh?
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13:09.13ClubBarfwhat do you mean about the leading 0?
13:09.30ManxPowerClubBarf: the leading 0 is not, technically, part of the phone number.
13:09.35ManxPowerIt's the national access code.
13:09.46ClubBarfYou live in the US?
13:09.46ManxPowerjust like 1 is the national access code in the USA.
13:09.51mrtwister0845xxx and 845xxx
13:09.51KattyDarthClue: i see.
13:09.55KattyDarthClue: we best go out then (=
13:10.02KattyDarthClue: cause there shan't be any steak in my flat.
13:10.10ManxPower00 is the EU international access code.  In the usa it's 011.
13:10.26ManxPowerThose are not part of the phone number either.  Those are international access codes.
13:10.39ClubBarfErm, I think you're confused.  The leading 0 IS part of the phone number.
13:10.42DarthClueKatty: of course not.  I wouldn't do that to your flat.  How bout pizza?
13:11.05ClubBarfWe only drop it if you're calling from abroad, in which case you replace it with 44.
13:11.14mrtwisterClubBarf, i think not, your account name is 845xxxx and not 0845xxxx
13:11.16ClubBarfOr 0044 from some places.
13:11.20ManxPowerClubBarf: argue of you want.
13:11.38RaYmAn-BxClubBarf: you also drop it if you call people within your own phone area code.
13:11.38ClubBarfNo, my account name IS 0845*******
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13:11.44ManxPowerClubBarf: my point is, make SURE your userid has the leading 0
13:12.00ClubBarfI'm completely absolutely positive.
13:12.08KattyDarthClue: uhh?
13:12.15KattyDarthClue: only vegan food is in my flat
13:12.16ManxPowerMost carriers don't put the leading 0, 00, 1 or 011 (i.e. the national/international access codes) as part of their userid
13:13.06ClubBarfNo, you're right about that - in fact some only use the last 6 or 7 digits - but pipecall uses the complete phone number.
13:13.27ManxPowerClubBarf: But they don't use the country code?
13:13.40*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
13:13.51*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (negative3k@
13:13.56KattyHmmhesays: :>
13:13.57ClubBarfI just wish I wasn't stuck with them.
13:14.06HmmhesaysKatty, morning
13:14.10KattyDarthClue: do you have a problem with me being vegan? :P
13:14.34ClubBarfOr that someone else here uses pipecall, so I could chinwag and find out if they're having a similar problem.
13:14.46DarthClueKatty: no.  so long as you understand that I'm not vegan.  Most veggies don't sit well with me.
13:14.56HmmhesaysI'm not ready to fly out tomorrow
13:15.03newlIf people were meant to eat only vegetables, they wouldn't have the range of teeth that they do. ;)
13:15.17KattyDarthClue: that's fine :)
13:15.23KattyDarthClue: eat what you want (=
13:15.37KattyDarthClue: i just don't want exploited animal under my roof
13:15.46KattyDarthClue: that doesn't sit well with me
13:15.48newlGot pets? B)
13:15.48mutilatordam vegans
13:15.57mutilatori spit on them
13:16.15KattyDarthClue: you guys still going to be up then?
13:16.38Hmmhesaysdon't want exploited animal under your roof? isn't that what IT people are?
13:16.43DarthClueKatty: yep.  bkw_ is supposed to be around noon and then we head to your place.
13:17.03*** join/#asterisk jixi (~damien@
13:17.07KattyDarthClue: k.
13:17.12Hmmhesaysso you guys going to have a huge sign for me at the airport or what?
13:17.32KattyHmmhesays: you're going to be at the airport with file?
13:17.36newl[*] <- 1/110th scale sign. =)
13:17.43DarthClueHmmhesays: you are walking from the airport right?
13:17.52Hmmhesaysno, file flies in like 5 hours earlier, bkw_ said give him a call
13:18.25DarthClueyeah, bkw_ may regret all the running around he is going to have to do in order to get people from the airport.
13:18.54Hmmhesaysif I have to get there by other means, its not that big a deal
13:19.11KattyHmmhesays: if i knew how to get to the airport, i'd walk down there and walk you back (=
13:19.22DarthCluebkw_ will be there, one way or the other.
13:19.34HmmhesaysThats nice of you
13:19.45Kattynewl: don't play mister fixit, plskthx
13:19.53Malthusthe mailing lists have a problem?
13:19.55newlNow you know, no excuses.
13:20.15newl/dev/urandom is far more entertaining.
13:20.36HmmhesaysI think the femail I was suppose to see last night fell into /dev/null
13:21.01lathos42DarthClue: Wahoo!  I've always wanted to be on the terrorist watch list!
13:21.08Malthusdamn feds
13:21.29DarthCluelathos42: um, yeah, i'm pretty sure you've been on the list for a while now.
13:21.40Hmmhesaysit is irritating when people don't call you back, they just stand you up
13:21.43Wonkafemail? what's that?
13:21.51Hmmhesaysthat my friend, was a typo
13:21.55Wonkasounds like an email from a female :)
13:21.56lathos42DarthClue: Excellent
13:22.00Wonkaor to0
13:22.00DarthClueHmmhesays: not even an email?
13:22.17Hmmhesaysnothing, we were supposed to go out for a bike ride after I got done diving
13:22.20newlFerengi Mail..communication by press latinum plated lobes.
13:22.59DarthClueEmpire Mail...what you don't want to get on a Monday morning.
13:23.13*** join/#asterisk seabro1973 (
13:23.33jbotit has been said that docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
13:23.35jboti heard mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
13:23.43Hmmhesaysso needless to say i'm kind of irritated today
13:23.54KattyDarthClue: oh. also, i'm not contagious
13:24.05KattyDarthClue: but the antihistamine i'm on will make me /very/ drowsy
13:24.18seabro1973i am running Aasterisk at Home with an FXO Card.  When a caller calls.. it rings for about 5 rings before the extensions start ringing.. can i get asterisk to pickup the POTS line a bit quicker?
13:25.13Kattyin think mine takes 3 rings.
13:25.55ManxPowerseabro1973: Asterisk waiting for callerID
13:26.02bkw_oh katty
13:26.04bkw_whats up grrl
13:26.41seabro1973thanks manx.. so it cannot be told to pickup sooner?
13:27.21ManxPowerseabro1973: Well if you tell it not to wait for callerid it will pick up quicket.
13:28.21seabro1973brilliant... i will do that. could you give me a clue where to look :-) thanks.
13:29.26HmmhesaysI have a dead laptop too, if I try and install windows on it
13:30.04DarthClueThe screen on mine has died.  Not worth fixing it.  Need a new one, but can't do that and go to Chicago.
13:30.51KattyDarthClue: don't feel bad. i'm not taking mine along. it's a wee little 233 (=
13:31.03HmmhesaysI have asterisk running on a p233
13:31.04Kattywas a monster back in the day though :>
13:31.39DarthClueKatty: mine was used and not that grand, but it would have worked.
13:31.46*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
13:31.49Kattybkw_: i'm awake, for the moment
13:31.58Kattybkw_: my anti histamine is going to make me groggy :/
13:32.06Kattyin fact, i might have to go home from work
13:32.14Kattynot being useful, napping on keyboards, etc.
13:32.21HmmhesaysI should probably buy a new shirt tonight
13:33.04*** join/#asterisk mago2-cn (~maxglucks@
13:33.08ClubBarfAny pipemedia users here?
13:33.20mago2-cnhello you all...
13:33.23*** join/#asterisk scanna (
13:33.48mago2-cnhow can i see the peers connected if they registered through mysql?
13:34.19DarthCluesip show peers on the cli
13:34.19bkw_Katty, I was going to say we might make it to chicago from your place tonight if you wanna
13:34.25*** join/#asterisk jiro5281 (~anton@
13:34.31bkw_its quite possible
13:34.45Kattybkw_: as long as you're driving
13:34.49mago2-cnsip show peers on the cli only works when peers are entered in sip.conf directly...
13:34.59bkw_Katty, ok ;)
13:35.17bkw_darth will be on da net the whole way....
13:35.27DarthCluemago2-cn: if you are using realtime, you'll need to look at caching...check the wiki
13:35.54mago2-cnok, there i go
13:35.56DarthCluebkw_: um, yeah, so i get to use your machine and act like you the whole way?
13:36.04Kattybkw_: i'll probably pass out in the back seat...these drugs are insane
13:36.14bkw_hehe thats ok
13:36.23*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
13:36.45Kattyi still have to finish packing
13:36.53Kattyi was all omgblackheelsorsilverheelsohnoes, etc.
13:37.38Kattyyou must not be around females much.
13:37.39mutilatorit's going to be a bunch of dorks listening to other dorks talk about dorky things
13:37.42mutilatorwear your sneakers
13:37.50Kattyi'm not a dork
13:37.51mutilatoryou're going to give them all heart attacks
13:37.55HmmhesaysI was going to blue tip my hair
13:37.58Hmmhesaysbut I don't think I have time
13:38.01Kattymutilator: neat
13:38.10KattyHmmhesays: if you hurry you can dip your head in a bucket!
13:38.12newlmutilator: you forgot the booze
13:38.25Kattybkw_: there's going to be achohol there?
13:38.26Hmmhesaysthat would just make my hair wet
13:38.38KattyHmmhesays: :<
13:38.44Hmmhesaysblue tips take time
13:38.50bkw_Katty, when?
13:38.59Hmmhesayscause I have to bleach the tips white, then dye it blue
13:39.11Kattybkw_: during the conference...
13:39.34KattyHmmhesays: please tellme you're not going to drink at conference :<
13:39.42KattyHmmhesays: there has to be at least one male that i'll feel halfway safe around
13:40.00DarthClueKatty: file won't be drinking.
13:40.01bkw_Katty, I prob. won't
13:40.04Hmmhesaysheh, you have no reason not to feel safe around me no matter what
13:40.05bkw_its beer
13:40.07bkw_its nasty
13:40.10Kattyyay for bkw_ and file
13:40.12bkw_Hmmhesays, you gay?
13:40.16Kattyi won't have to hide in my room
13:40.32Hmmhesaysno, I'm just not interested like that
13:40.38bkw_good boy
13:40.40mutilatorjus cause he's day doesn't mean he's safe
13:40.59Kattyyeah well, mutilator, i don't htink you quite understand my situation
13:41.03Kattymutilator: but that's ok (=
13:41.13bkw_ya the lady at the hotel asked for an over view of what we were going to use the rooms for
13:41.16mutilatorno, sorry, not especially
13:41.21bkw_man I could have really messed with her
13:41.25Kattybkw_: *grin*
13:41.38Kattybkw_: i can still bring the camcorder!
13:41.44bkw_"Yes we'll have a big orgy a 12,2 and 4 every day!"
13:41.46mutilatorguiness book, largest room to room orgy
13:41.56bkw_but I was nice
13:41.59Hmmhesayssend her a flyer with a bottle of jack daniels, two donkeys some condoms and midget clowns
13:42.08DarthCluebkw_: um, did you remember to tell her about the whips and chains...and the plastic we need to cover up the carpet with?
13:42.11mutilatorYES! midget clowns!
13:42.18bkw_DarthClue, and the vat of lube
13:42.22KattyDarthClue: no, i'm in charge of that
13:42.27Hmmhesayslet her formulate her own theories
13:42.27KattyDarthClue: well the whip/chain part (=
13:42.31DarthCluebkw_: we don't use lube, that's too nice.
13:42.50KattyHmmhesays: i found my sister on okcupid ;)
13:42.56bkw_wtf ever
13:43.00bkw_lube is key dude
13:43.05KattyHmmhesays: was disturbed for the better part of the morning :P
13:43.07HmmhesaysKatty: <chuckle>
13:43.11DarthCluebkw_: not when dealing with monica.
13:43.19bkw_it wasn't her fault
13:43.20KattyHmmhesays: and she doesnt' look a /thing/ like me
13:43.27bkw_her prick manager was the one we need to get pissed at
13:43.40DarthClueno, but i figure she'll see the lack of lube and point us in his direction.
13:43.42Kattyi'm not handing out the link until you promise me you won't let her know i'm on okcupid :)
13:43.50Hmmhesaysno worries there
13:43.59bkw_DarthClue, paste me your address again
13:44.27Hmmhesaysthis is an informal affair right?
13:44.39DarthClueHmmhesays: yes
13:44.41bkw_no suit or tie
13:44.52Kattybut i'm going to wear pinstripe and heels at least one day
13:45.03Kattywith my hair down too, probably
13:45.06Hmmhesaysgood deal
13:45.06Kattyjust to freak everyone out
13:45.20Hmmhesaysmy normal attire is a pocket T and jeans
13:45.51HmmhesaysI got chicken legs, don't want to scare anyone
13:46.22Hmmhesaysmay or not have blue tips in my hair
13:46.31Hmmhesays*may or may not
13:46.42*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
13:46.49DarthClueHmmhesays: I'm pretty sure you won't be the only one with chicken legs.
13:47.13Hmmhesaysmmm buffalo chicken breasts
13:47.56twistedKatty, mew
13:48.27lathos42bkw_: So when I get into town tomorrow night, should I just need to walk up to the front desk of the hotel and say "Hello, i'm Lathos42 and I require the access key to my temporary domicile"?
13:48.47Hmmhesaysi'm stealing that quote
13:48.51ManxPowerlathos42: Yes, you should say those exacy words! 8-)
13:49.07thalhi, anyone using the sirrix 4port s0 card?
13:49.08thali need some advice with the Dial(Srx/) app
13:49.12bkw_lathos42, well your real name but ya
13:49.30ManxPowerthal: I didn't know Asterisk support the sirrix 4port s0 card
13:49.33Kattytwisted: mew
13:49.41Kattywhat are Chicken Legs?
13:49.54twistedreally thin legs
13:49.54Hmmhesaysit would be best if you showed up in full armour
13:50.04Hmmhesayswith a large sword
13:50.05Kattyi wish my legs where thinner :P
13:50.08YoYog'morning bkw
13:50.20DarthCluelathos42: actually you need to say "Hello, I'm a member of a middle-eastern organization holding a conference here and require access to the mixing room, can you direct me?"
13:50.23YoYohow you doing man?
13:50.31Kattyewww, wasabi
13:50.34Kattywasabi is icky
13:50.34mago2-cni'm sorry, haven't found anything about realtime sipfrieds caching on the wiki, anyone knows a good source of info?
13:50.39bkw_YoYo about to leave for chicago
13:50.45bkw_if I hope to make it there before midnight
13:50.45twisteds'gonna be a busy week
13:50.48YoYowhat's in chicago?
13:50.50lathos42DarthClue: We dont want them knowing our secrets.. shhh!
13:50.57YoYooh yeah
13:51.01YoYohrrm... guess I'm not gonna make it
13:51.06DarthCluelathos42: they already know the truth, they won't believe you.
13:51.15thalManxPower: asterisk doesnt, but sirrix wrote asterisk channel driver
13:51.18YoYothat's ok, I'm sure there'll be plenty of fat geeks, even without me
13:52.40DarthCluemago2-cn: ... near the bottom, see the note?
13:53.33Ariel_morning everyone
13:53.53Ariel_Katty, hope you have a good time even if your on drugs.
13:54.01KattyAriel_: :>
13:54.05KattyAriel_: i'm going to try (=
13:54.08*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
13:54.11twisteddrugs r bad, mmkay?
13:54.12mago2-cnok Darth, can you let me know? or is it in the samples?
13:54.28ManxPowerthal: then you should contact sirrix since nobody here will be able to help you
13:54.47KattyAriel_: :<
13:55.10ManxPowerReality is for people that can't handle drugs.
13:55.37mutilatori live in the land of make believe
13:56.00puzzledManxPower: yeah, I miss the cvs commits list most
13:56.42twistedI had a strange dream about some people in this channel last night
13:57.07twistedand a lot of you were strange talking kittens
13:57.11coppiceI think the mailing list has taken annual leave
13:57.36ManxPowertwisted: So we were all cute and lovable?
13:57.39ManxPowerThat IS a dream.
13:57.51twistedManxPower, really
13:58.00twistedManxPower, you were a small black & white
13:58.05twistedwho talked like a brit
13:58.27hugo-v6i got 4 bri connections, do i have an alternative to avm c4?
13:58.30twistedand you had a bling collar on that said Manx
13:58.43Kattybling collar?
13:58.48Kattyone with pretty stones in it?
13:58.51twistedyeah, like rap stars wear
13:58.55Kattypost gifs
13:58.56twistedbut a cat collar
13:59.03twistedi can't post gifs, this was a dream
13:59.05Kattyoh, how cute :>
13:59.39mago2-cnthx darth
13:59.42Hmmhesaysall right stop, collaborate and listen, ice is back with my brand new invention
13:59.56KattyHmmhesays: :<
13:59.59twistedHmmhesays, you're cut off
14:00.08Hmmhesayssomeone sang that at karoake last night
14:00.21puzzledhugo-v6: yes, eicon diva server cards, cards from and there is another vendor. sirius or something like that.
14:00.23BhaalAnyone here know how to get callerid working in australia? when a sip provider is passing the callerid through?
14:00.29twistedKatty was in my dream too
14:00.34Kattyoh noes.
14:00.36twistedshe was the only cat that could work a nextel
14:00.41Hmmhesaysand aunty em?
14:00.46BhaalWhen the call comes in from the sip proxy the callerid isnt passed to my sip fone
14:00.47KattyBEEP BEEP
14:01.01Kattyspeaking of such, i should go get that picture off my phone and post it on my blog
14:01.05HmmhesaysI had a dream last night and woke up quite angry, I was in a car chase
14:01.06Kattyblog o nummy goodness.
14:01.07twistedbkw kept hissing at me, and everyone else
14:01.24twistedit was truly bizzare
14:01.27*** join/#asterisk grimse (
14:01.34twistedKatty, yay, do it!
14:01.38KattyHmmhesays: i dreamt something insane, but don't recall what. blame teh meds.
14:01.39twistedKatty, what model did you wind up getting?
14:01.58puzzledhugo-v6: and check
14:02.03Kattynot the one i wanted, but the one i wanted was 300 bucks :<
14:02.07Kattyand i couldn't justify spending that much for it
14:02.31twistedwhic one was that?
14:02.35HmmhesaysI get no love for the vanilla ice huh?
14:02.44twistednah... sing some police
14:03.06Hmmhesaysall you white boys know you were cranking that up on your dual cassette/cd boomboxes when it came out
14:03.25twistedhaha nope
14:03.26Hmmhesayswith labels on them like "mega bass" and "stereo"
14:03.35twistedi was watching beavis and butthead and watching them make fun of it;)
14:03.46*** join/#asterisk Moc__ (
14:03.49Hmmhesayspatrick stewart is a huge beavis and butthead fan
14:04.34twistedcrap ... it's 9am.   i GTG
14:05.15Moc__hi alll
14:05.44*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
14:06.12SpaceBassanyone running * on os x?
14:06.41*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:06.41*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:06.50hugo-v6puzzled: great. thank you very much.
14:09.09*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
14:09.21shmaltzwhats with the list? anybody know?
14:10.39*** join/#asterisk jbot (
14:10.39*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Asterisk 1.2 Janitors Needed! || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - Speakers wanted
14:10.50coppicemail list's out for summer
14:10.52coppicemail list's out for ever
14:10.53coppicemail list's blown to pieces
14:11.10*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
14:11.27shmaltzDarthClue, you so paranoid?
14:12.52Malthuswhats the actual story with the lists?
14:13.38DarthClueshmaltz: no, i just have connections.
14:14.03shmaltzwhy doesn't Sony, EMI, BMG give me a few million bucks for something that doesn't work?
14:14.07DarthClueMalthus: they died last thursday, everybody knows about, and yes, we have told the person in charge.
14:14.14shmaltzDarthClue, LOL
14:14.17coppiceMalthus: zargons from the planet tharg have stolen the server to compute their trajectory home
14:14.52*** join/#asterisk kswail (
14:15.11Malthusbut there seems to be archived messages after Thursday
14:15.49shmaltzMathus, it looks like the only thing down is the SMTP sending host
14:15.58DarthClueMalthus: yeah, but nothing is going out.
14:16.00shmaltzor the program responsible to send it thru the SMTP
14:16.22*** join/#asterisk exonic (~exonic@
14:16.28exonicMorning *folks
14:16.36Malthusoh, ok
14:17.13*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
14:17.21exonicI am experiencing hangs using TMDoE, I basically want to load balance IAX connections across multiple servers with TP410 cards, is there a good way to do this via IAX?
14:18.04*** join/#asterisk rene- (
14:18.13hugo-v6puzzled: beronet was _the_ tipp. good price and in germany.
14:18.32JerJerdon't use TDMoE for that, christ
14:18.55RoyKdon't listen to JerJer for christ's sake
14:19.12*** join/#asterisk zoa (
14:19.21Moc__hehe hi JerJer
14:19.40exonicwell my main goal is to be able to take down one server with the T410 on it w/o distrupting service. From my view I see TMDoE as a awesome solution (as it generates red/yello alarms)
14:19.44JerJeryeah don't listen to me - I don't run one of the largest Asterisk installations out there and I don't manage hundreds of other asterisk systems
14:20.27JerJerexonic:  my solution was to write an asterisk application that determines the route for each call
14:20.27Moc__JerJer, is Right... Dont listen to him ;) hehe
14:20.58rene-hello, is it possible to have a zaptel card with some of the  ports inR2 mode and others in ISDN? i can set  it up choosing either R2 or ISDN but cant make them work together...
14:21.23SuPrSluGi have a box w/ 2 x100p cards one is in a state of red alarm, but seems to take incoming calls, but no outgoing calls. What steps can I take to get the card out of red alarm?
14:21.35exonicJerJer, So a simple solution that performs a ping of some sorts? then prints out the dialstring?
14:21.44coppicerene-: yes.
14:21.47shmaltzSuPrSluG, have you tried restarting?
14:21.55rene-Hi coppice:
14:22.32Kattyi don't suppose there's a way to amplify calls is there? they're awfully quiet and everyone is complaining to me about not being able to hear :<
14:22.38KattyEven with the phone's volume all the way up.
14:22.38Moc__ok my web car GPS tracking is working .. woohoo ;)
14:22.48JerJerexten => _1N.,1,DetermineRoute()
14:22.48JerJerexten => _1N.,n,Dial,IAX2/${ACCOUNTCODE}@${PRIMARY_ROUTE}/${EXTEN}
14:23.04SuPrSluGis it an IRQ issue or something else? i could change the pci slot if necessary.
14:23.05*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (negative3k@
14:23.13KattyHmmhesays: just the person i was looking for
14:23.17exonicJerJer, ahh I see.
14:23.25JerJermy DetermineRoute application very simply sets the ${PRIMARY_ROUTE} var
14:23.33Kattydespite the fact that i'm sitting on a dead cow, i have an issue :<
14:23.46JerJerbased on what egress gateways i have in service
14:23.53rene-coppice: My card is in E1 mode and my channel map seems to me that is sound, which channels should be loaded first? does it matter
14:23.54exonicJerJer, can I see some sample code? Or direct me to a good template? I'll check the sources
14:23.55JerJerand then a random number - to spread out the load, some what
14:23.55Hmmhesayshrm, ok.. what is your issue?
14:24.17KattyHmmhesays: is there any way to amplify calls going through asterisk? everyone keeps running up to me saying I can't hear the person! I can't hear the call! the phone's volume is all the way up blah blah blah blah blah
14:24.18JerJerthere is no code - we do not distribute that application
14:24.22KattyHmmhesays: and i'm tired of them bitching :<
14:24.33Hmmhesaysyes IIRC there is
14:24.38*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
14:24.46JerJerKatty:  on zaptel there is
14:24.58JerJertxgain = 2.0
14:25.01JerJerrxgain = 2.0
14:25.05JerJeris what we always use
14:25.06Kattyhmm, k, let me go look.
14:25.10HmmhesaysJerJer beat me to it
14:25.20Kattyoh noes!
14:26.08SuPrSluGi got a lot of echo when i raised the rx/tx. but it was higher than the rx/tx recommended here
14:26.14JerJerKatty:  and i fear you are going to have to restart asterisk
14:26.20KattyJerJer: oh noes. restart
14:26.27JerJerfor those settings to take effect
14:26.30Kattyactually, i'm not supposed to be in zaptel.conf am i?
14:26.33JerJeri don't know for sure
14:26.36Kattyi don't see any lines like that
14:26.44Hmmhesaysvolume is a common problem when connecting to pstn lines, impedance mismatches gain problem etc..
14:26.48*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
14:26.50JerJeris there an echo in here?
14:27.07Kattytwo things
14:27.23Kattyechocancel=yes and echocancelwhenbridge=yes
14:27.55*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:28.02Kattyand i need to restart asterisk (reload) or restart the box?
14:28.37*** join/#asterisk blazint (
14:28.54Hmmhesaysyou my get away with reloading the zaptel module
14:29.04Kattyi'll just reboot
14:29.10JerJerno its all userspace
14:29.12Hmmhesaysbut either way you'd have to stop the calls
14:29.23JerJeryou can try reloading and see if the volume goes up
14:29.31Kattyi've already started reboot
14:29.37Hmmhesaysinteresting mr bond
14:29.38JerJerbut i sorta remember it requiring a restart
14:29.43JerJerthis is not windows
14:30.10ManxPowerwhen changing zapata.conf you can do "unload" and then "load"
14:31.30MikeJ[Laptop]JerJer, M4867
14:31.31Wonkaor zap reload, nor?
14:33.13*** join/#asterisk toot (~toot@
14:33.36ManxPowerWonka: "zap reload" only works in CVS-HEAD.  My way will work in both 1.0.x and CVS-HEAD
14:33.38tootheyho. okay confused :) i'm still getting errors on my caller id (uk/bt) yet the voicemail email contains the number?
14:33.55tootzt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling
14:34.03Wonka*meow* =^.^=
14:34.09WonkaManxPower: ok...
14:34.13JerJerand zap reload only changes very minor things
14:34.16JerJereven on HEAD
14:34.32ManxPowertoot: that's frequently a volume problem (to high volume or too low of volume)  see rxgain and txgain
14:34.38*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
14:34.50tootany suggested values? :)
14:35.02JerJeror its because you bought an X100P clone and Caller*ID will never work
14:35.21tootmy Caller ID worked excellent with X100P for about 9 months - but no its a TDM400P
14:35.23zoayeah will never never work
14:35.44tootit did work fine using the patches at the time?
14:35.48ManxPowertoot: nope.  trial and error
14:35.55tootcool -ta :)
14:36.20coppiceasterisk needs a decent v.23 modem. then caller ID would be fine
14:36.23ManxPowertoot: remember to stop and start asterisk after changing the values.  reload don't do it.
14:36.34RoyKwhat is a v.23 modem?
14:36.54coppicethen modem used for caller ID
14:37.20*** join/#asterisk andrebarbosa (
14:37.24*** part/#asterisk clive- (
14:37.45andrebarbosaanyone using firefly?
14:38.57coppiceRufus T Firefly?
14:39.00JerJercoppice:  what are you waiting for then?
14:39.19coppiceJerJer: eh?
14:39.41JerJercode away
14:39.51KattyJerJer: is there a way to see the volume from the cli?
14:40.04coppiceI did. there is an excellent modem in spandsp, but its GPL
14:40.10KattyJerJer: to ensure the changes are in effect, etc.
14:40.15JerJerthen disclaim the damn thing
14:40.41Darwin35anyooone know a good voip/did iax2 provider
14:40.41andrebarbosai'm having a problem with firefly@sip
14:41.02andrebarbosai cant callback cause the callerid is messed up :S
14:41.05JerJerthen don't recomend things you know can never be in asterisk
14:41.33andrebarbosabut firefly@iax it works well
14:42.55*** join/#asterisk brettnem (~Brett@
14:43.09JerJereverything I have released has been disclaimed - it is only fair to Mark to let him do what he wants with what he gave us
14:43.15*** join/#asterisk brookshire (~matt@
14:43.22brettnemgood morning all
14:43.55*** join/#asterisk seabro1973 (
14:43.57andrebarbosait show something like that in calleridnum SIP/exten@IP
14:44.09coppiceJerJer: licencing is the bane of *. it has a half hearted botched up RTP, a similar SIP, and so on. It can use the best in class stuff because if licencing. * has to reinvent everything, and the resources don't exist to do it well.
14:44.13andrebarbosain IAX it shows onlye the exten number.. that's waht i want
14:44.47seabro1973if i want a asterisk server in office and an extension at home what ports on my firewalls need to be forwarded at each end? thanks
14:44.57*** join/#asterisk pdugas (
14:45.04JerJerthe resources are there
14:45.08*** join/#asterisk freat_ (
14:45.11JerJerthey are just getting up to speed
14:46.47coppicebut reinventing everything is just bad
14:46.48JerJerand just like I have told others - If you don't like Asterisk, don't use it
14:47.25jontowJerJer; or use the code to mould it into something they do like ;)  and submit patches if they don't suck ;)
14:47.39JerJerthose patches have to be disclaimed
14:47.56JerJerif they are going to be included with Asterisk source tree
14:48.00coppiceI was one of those who helped get it off the ground in 1999, and disclaimed things to get it kickstarted. times have moved on, though
14:48.59JerJercoppice:  so then don't make recomendations that you know will not happen
14:49.07JerJerunless you write them and then disclaim them
14:49.36brettnemlooks like I've walked into another #astersk flamefest
14:49.50*** join/#asterisk Bhaal (bhaal@bhaal.staff.freenode)
14:50.17JerJerso informing people they should disclaim their code is flaming someone
14:50.19brendaThat's all I ever see JerJer do
14:50.42JerJeryou are going to see more of it
14:50.45JerJerunless shit changes
14:50.52coppicewell, I think telling me what I should do with what I write is unreasonable
14:51.11JerJerpeople keep stabing Mark/Digium in the back yet benifit from Asterisk all day long
14:51.29brookshireheh.. it's funny.. just about every open source project makes you disclaim
14:51.35mishehuJerJer: people keep stabbing people in the back, period.  I don't know what world you live in...
14:51.35jontowwoohoo.. my remote power control rackmount is out for delivery
14:51.38coppicewell he's benefitting rather well too.
14:51.40brookshirebut it's only a big deal in asterisk
14:51.58coppicebrookshire: that is totally different
14:52.05JerJerbecause the usage of asterisk can directly equate to CASH MONEY
14:52.20brookshirehow so? it's just code
14:52.29mishehuthe usage of Samba can directly equate to CASH MONEY
14:52.34anthm10 mil a year revenue seems to be doing ok to me
14:52.42JerJerwhy do you use Asterisk?  to save on your telephone bills
14:52.43mishehuhell I use samba all the time, and qmail, at all my clients.
14:52.47mishehuI make money off of it.
14:52.47*** join/#asterisk trickyrick77 (~rsegrest@
14:52.51mishehuam I a bad person?
14:52.52JerJermishehu:  not directly
14:53.00coppicebrookshire: no. the licencing locks things in, and locks things out. the project is 10 times the size it should be because re-use is not possible
14:53.06JerJeryour actions with its usage causes your profits
14:53.27mishehuJerJer: so what is the distinction then?
14:53.31JerJeranthm:  10 mil is nothing in the telecom world
14:53.47JerJerhow much operating costs do you think it takes to have a dozen employees ?
14:53.54brendait's a lot in the OS world
14:53.56mutilatoraround here...
14:53.59jontowyeah, but the price model with digium/asterisk is a "little different."
14:53.59mutilatornot shit
14:54.16coppiceJerJer: hopefully that will change. I see 10M becoming quite substantial in the voice area :-)
14:54.34jontowso getting 10mil/yr is pretty fucking decent for open source and some hardware dealings.
14:54.34anthmare you really gonna go there
14:54.42rene-coppice: i have pintpointed the issue to t1/e1 mode, i have issued a modprobe t1e1override=1 and then ztcfg.
14:54.56rene-zttool says that my first card has 30 ports
14:54.58*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
14:55.01jontowBE is also a "little different" from what i know.. and i'll admit that i don't know a hell of a lot about it at this point :)
14:55.02rene-and the others only 23
14:55.06rene-as if it was t1
14:55.16coppicerene-: t1e1override=15
14:55.33coppiceits a port by port thing
14:56.05*** join/#asterisk unixmonster (
14:56.20JerJeri've directly watched Digium blow almost a hundred grand on just a couple trade shows
14:56.35JerJeri don't see others doing that for Asterisk
14:56.37ManxPower*nod*  Tradeshows are *expensive*
14:56.39*** join/#asterisk djMax (
14:56.43*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
14:57.07coppiceyeah, they seem to be very much prepared to spend on trade shows. I wonder how well that pays off
14:57.33djMaxis it possible to play a sound file on an active channel via the manager API?  can't seem to find the appropriate command
14:57.35MRH2anyone know if there is a variable to get the extension logged in at based on a known agent number
14:57.45deimiosone of the companies I worked for bought a number of digium cards and started to use asterisk as a direct result of Asterisk being at a tradeshow
14:57.49JerJercoppice:  not all that much - but it does get the word out quite well
14:58.05crash3mdoes anyone know how to make a cisco 7960 stop looking for CTLSEP$mac.tlv?
14:58.08Moc__btw, I never spend that much on Telephone since I got Asterisk ...
14:58.17brendaand all of us buying the hardware are footing the bill for the damn tradeshoes
14:58.19Moc__aint really saving me any money !!
14:58.33djMaxor alternatively, is there a way to have an AGI "sit in" on a call waiting for touch tone commands and then taking actions on the channel?
14:58.33brendatradeshows too
14:59.01darkskiezcrash: dont reboot it, looking for those files shouldnt be a problem. its a problem if it finds them
14:59.24deimioswell if I hadn't been impressed by Asterisk I would never have even looked at digiums cards in the first place... it was the software that sold me the hardware.
14:59.35coppicewell there are things you buy where over 90% of what you spend goes into the marketing of it. digium aren't in that space :-)
14:59.36crash3mdarkskiez: it takes forever to get through the search (e.g. 1/2 hour or so)
14:59.44jontowdeimios; me too.
14:59.54brendacoppice: coke?
14:59.55darkskiezcrash3m: what|?!? i doubt thats the problem.
14:59.57mishehugah tell these obnoxious clients to stop calling me.
15:00.01jontowit sold to my boss.. he's not an easy guy to persuade..
15:00.21mishehu"my word icon disappeared from my desktop, I need somebody to hold my hand and help me find it again"
15:00.27brendacoppice: Gillette razors?
15:00.36ManxPowerWe have the PRI of our 2nd largest office down today.  *grumble*
15:00.48crash3mdarkskiez: it searches for the .tlv, then times out on sipdefault.cnf and sip$MAC.cnf
15:01.02darkskiezcrash; you need a sipdefault and sipmac.
15:01.15coppicebrenda: there are even telecoms services which are 90% marketing costs
15:01.39darkskiezcrash: and the case is important SIPDefault.cnf SIP<mac>.cnf
15:01.43crash3mdarkskiez: I do
15:01.53*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
15:01.59shmaltzlist still down?
15:02.06crash3mthe case is correct, I'm just to lazy to type it out
15:02.08ClubBarfAnyone here know how to get more info on a sip login?
15:02.08scubasteveQuestion:  Are the asterisk-users and biz lists down?
15:02.09darkskiezcrash3m: what firmware ?
15:02.13brendacoppice: you are the spandsp guy, right?
15:02.21scubasteveShmaltz.. ah, ok then it's not just me :)
15:02.29brettnemheh spandsp guy
15:02.36shmaltzscubasteve, of course not
15:02.38scubasteveShmaltz, I haven't had anything since 7/28 on the users or biz list.
15:02.46scubasteveshmaltz.. ok, just checking :)
15:02.49rene-coppice: thanks that worked, one last question in order to properly dimension asterisk systems using R2 what is the relative performance of unicall asterisk setups versus ISDN, i ve been told that is about 60% do you agree?
15:02.49shmaltzthinks are coing in slowly, but only 3 for today so far
15:02.53ClubBarfWARNING[10403]: chan_sip.c:8351 handle_response_register: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for '0845*******' to ''
15:03.03ClubBarfAnyone know how I can get more info on that?
15:03.18coppicerene- 60% of what?
15:03.22darkskiezcrash: do you have a tlv or SEP<mac>.cnf.xml blank or otherwise?
15:03.23ClubBarfGoogle's coming up empty, and I know for a fact the login information I'm using is correct...
15:03.27ManxPowerClubBarf: "sip debug"
15:03.29shmaltzClubBarf, you are not authenticating nicely
15:03.38*** join/#asterisk tla (
15:03.39shmaltzClubBarf, how you autenticating?
15:03.42ClubBarfsip debug only works once you're authenticated.
15:03.44ManxPowerClubBarf: You are not using the right auth stuff.
15:03.55ClubBarfmanx - yes, I am.
15:03.55rene-i was told that i would get roughly 60% the # of channels in R2 versus ISDN
15:03.59brettnemsip debug only works for authenticated clients?
15:04.02ManxPowerClubBarf: remember outgoing calls and registers may need different auth information than incoming calls.  that's pretty common.
15:04.07shmaltzI have seen providers requiring the fromuser in sip.conf, as well as some requiring to register even just for outgoing
15:04.14rene-in the same machine
15:04.16*** join/#asterisk Cybertank (
15:04.23tlais it possible to set SIP - codec preference, canreinvite and nat from the dialplan somehow ?
15:04.29ClubBarfThe same info lets me log in with x-lite, and used to work with *.
15:04.51shmaltzClubBarf, does it work now from x-lite?
15:04.57coppicerene- with 1.0.x you should get similar numbers of channels. with 1.1.x there is something quirky I haven't had time to sort out
15:05.04ClubBarfAnd outgoing calls are working.
15:05.16ClubBarfBut it won't register, so I can't get incoming calls.
15:05.16shmaltzso whats not working the register?
15:05.28shmaltzclubbarf, then call them
15:05.47ClubBarfIt's a problem with *, not with pipemedia.
15:06.00ClubBarfx-lite can register with the same details.
15:06.07shmaltzClubBarf, does it register from x-lite?
15:06.09brettnemhmm why does google index asterisk-users and not asterisk-biz....
15:06.13shmaltzthats why, clubbarf
15:06.16ClubBarfshmaltz - yeah, it does.
15:06.32crash3mdarkskiez: I once created the .tlv, but removed it
15:06.34ClubBarfWhat's why?
15:06.37shmaltzsince you register with x-lite, it wont let you register with astersik as well
15:06.48ClubBarfI'm not trying to use both at the same time.
15:06.48puzzledif anyone needs (s)rpms of the STABLE branch I just uploaded rpms and srpms of today's cvs to
15:06.59brettnemshmaltz: a previous registration doesn't prevent future ones
15:07.06rene-copicce: all right
15:07.11*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
15:07.16shmaltzbrettnem, if both send poke it does
15:07.26brookshireewh.. yucky old logo
15:07.27Mikehey guys anyone know why im getting this error when asterisk starts /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_direct_realtime
15:07.31brookshirefrom website
15:07.33brettnemshmaltz: nah, they will fight over the registration
15:07.40*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
15:07.44ClubBarfshmaltz - I'm not using them both concurrently, so it's a moot point.
15:07.49shmaltzyeah, and the proxy can decide to deny one
15:07.50ManxPowerMike: 1.0.x or CVS-HEAD?
15:07.58MikeManxPower, head
15:07.58brettnem"the proxy" ?
15:08.09MikeManxPower, im using the head patch
15:08.11shmaltzyeah, he is not using asterisk on the proxy side
15:08.22shmaltzhe is using some provider
15:08.27brettnemah I see
15:08.31brettnemso no telling there..
15:08.42shmaltzthats exactly what I said
15:08.47*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
15:08.47ClubBarfCVS-HEAD downloaded today.
15:09.11ClubBarfI had an old version of the CVS-HEAD I downloaded a month ago, and that did the same.
15:09.17shmaltzanyhow, clubbarf, try disconnecting the x-lite, wait some time and register from asterisk
15:09.31ClubBarfshmaltz - it's nothing to do with x-lite.
15:09.37shmaltzClubBarf, you are obviously doing something wrong
15:09.51ClubBarfI was experiencing this problem long before I downloaded x-lite.
15:10.02shmaltzClubBarf, have you tried asterisk to register on a day that x-lite was not running at all?
15:10.28shmaltzok, I see, and thanks for telling me now, you could have prevented so many electrons
15:10.31ManxPowerClubBarf: none of the 24 hits in the asterisk mailing list archive about pipcall were helpful?
15:10.56ClubBarfshmaltz - I DID tell you, but you went off on some tangent.
15:11.02shmaltz~googls pipcall
15:11.15ClubBarfmanx - none.
15:11.24shmaltzsorry you right, didn't realize
15:11.36shmaltz~google pipcall
15:11.54shmaltz~you there?
15:11.54jbotOf course I am!
15:12.07tlais it possible to set codec preference from extensions.conf when using SIP ? I need to have different codec depending on the extension
15:12.10shmaltz~so wtf is going on with the google command?
15:12.11jbotshmaltz: I think you lost me on that one
15:12.29shmaltz~google pipcall
15:12.32jbotsomebody said google was a search engine found at
15:12.36Kattyi see.
15:12.36JerJertla:  I haven't found one
15:12.41JerJerjust use a different peer
15:12.55KattyJerJer: how many business cards should i take to cluecon?
15:12.55shmaltzam I doing that command wrong?
15:13.05Katty~google stuff
15:13.08*** join/#asterisk kajtzu (
15:13.14Kattyjbot: google
15:13.14jbothmm... google is a search engine found at
15:13.20shmaltzKatty, just take a usb flash with your business card on it :)
15:13.23Kattyjbot: google syntax?
15:13.30Kattyshmaltz: or not :)
15:13.44shmaltzjbot is lame
15:13.45ClubBarf <- this fella's having the same problem, but there's no responses.
15:13.58Kattyor maybe you're just too lame to figure out how to use jbot
15:14.01tlaJerJer: and then next one, I need to control the nat= and canreintive= sip.conf settings as well, depending on extension
15:14.12ManxPowerI don't think jbot does google anymore.
15:14.13JerJeruse a different peer
15:14.21Kattytwisted[asteria]: mew
15:14.23tlaJerJer: for the incoming call-leg
15:14.24twisted[asteria]Katty, nice trolling :)
15:14.27Kattytwisted[asteria]: thanks :>
15:14.28shmaltzI see, thanks eric
15:14.32JerJerthen use a different user
15:14.34*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
15:14.43Kattytwisted[asteria]: i'm feeling in a particularly grumpy mood today, does it show? :>
15:14.45andrebarbosacan i configure somewhere else, if the asterisk send the phone number or the sip url in the calleridnum?
15:14.59shmaltzclubbarf, call them and complain
15:15.00twisted[asteria]Katty, hehe... I'm actually in a good mood today
15:15.04twisted[asteria](so far)
15:15.09Kattytwisted[asteria]: :-o
15:15.15darkskiezdo I need to setTransferCapability(3K1AUDIO) for a fax call, what does it actually do?
15:15.25Kattytwisted[asteria]: how many business cards should i take to cluecon?
15:15.32ClubBarfI did, they just say they don't support asterisk, and I should buy their PBX.
15:15.34twisted[asteria]heh - i think it's because i haven't been harassed yet
15:15.39twisted[asteria]Katty, *shrug*
15:15.40tlaJerJer: how do I do that, change user based on extension dialled ? for a registered SIP UA ?
15:15.41*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
15:15.44*** join/#asterisk _T3_ (
15:15.46twisted[asteria]Katty, i usually just carry my box when I go to cons
15:15.57twisted[asteria]grab as needed
15:16.01[ProB]CrazyManhello, is it possible to bind sip to port 5060 aswell to 5070 ?
15:16.02Kattywe print our own :)
15:16.06Kattyso...i have no box
15:16.11ManxPowertla: You basically can't do that.
15:16.13twisted[asteria]you could make one :P
15:16.14Kattyi just run print off more as i need them
15:16.21ManxPowertla: there are several work arounds, as JerJer mentioned.
15:16.24Kattytwisted[asteria]: seeing that we have a 15,000 color copier and all :)
15:16.32twisted[asteria]Katty, ooooooh :P
15:16.36Kattytwisted[asteria]: i know ;>
15:16.40Kattytwisted[asteria]: it's pampleworthy
15:16.48shmaltzcrazy, what for?
15:16.50twisted[asteria]you coming out to anaheim in october?
15:16.56Kattycrazy for loving you
15:16.56Malthusdo you cut the cards yourself after you print them?
15:17.03Kattydo do do, something something written by willie nelson
15:17.06darkskiezcan asterisk use wildcards for hint strings ?
15:17.12Kattytwisted[asteria]: anaheim?
15:17.17twisted[asteria]yeah, astricon
15:17.28Kattyisn't that in england?
15:17.30tlajerjer, maxpower: for the outgoing call-leg it is fine, to use a different peer. but this is all for the incoming one, where the UA is already registered to asterisk, and I need to control various sip.conf settings based on the extension called. any more hints ? :)
15:17.32twisted[asteria]haha, no
15:17.34[ProB]CrazyManschmaltz: 5060 for normal sip ... and 5070 for sip client which cant use 5060 because of firewall
15:17.36Kattyoh, where's it at then?
15:17.37shmaltz[ProB]CrazyMan, what for?
15:17.43Kattyi somehow doubt that the employer will be paying for it
15:17.43twisted[asteria]anaheim, ca
15:17.50Kattyespecially considering i've already been to one
15:17.55shmaltzcrazy, is asterisk behind frirewall?
15:18.04[ProB]CrazyManno the client
15:18.06Kattyasterisk behind a firewall is /always/ a good idea.
15:18.18twisted[asteria]yeah, but one is the developers meeting thingy (cluecon), and one is an asterisk-centric convention
15:18.19shmaltzyou can do a simple linux port redirect
15:18.25brettnem[ProB]CrazyMan: I've got the same problem.. Time warner mangles SIP messages on port 5060
15:18.29twisted[asteria]tutorials+loads of fun
15:18.36*** join/#asterisk fulgas (~fulgas@
15:18.37Kattytwisted[asteria]: yeah, i'm not /that/ geeky though
15:18.44fulgashey ppl
15:18.46[ProB]CrazyManok then i do it this way thanks
15:18.55Kattytwisted[asteria]: k, well maybe i am, but the only reason i'm going to cluecon is cause the bossman wants me edjimicated
15:18.55fulgashow can i disable call waiting ?
15:19.02*** join/#asterisk dandre (
15:19.52twisted[asteria]Katty, ahh ;)
15:20.08Kattytwisted[asteria]: i shouldn't say that's the only reason.
15:20.14twisted[asteria]Katty, cluecon will educate you on the code more than the usage, from what I understand
15:20.19Kattytwisted[asteria]: but that's the only reason i'm actually getting someone to pay for it
15:20.24*** topic/#asterisk by drumkilla -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Mailing Lists are down - don't call Digium about it || Asterisk 1.2 Janitors Needed! || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - Speakers wanted
15:20.24[ProB]CrazyManhow is it anyway managed if an client connects to asterisk sip, does asterisk automaticaly repeats to destination:5060 if the client is behind nat ?
15:20.27Darwin35any one know a good iax2 did voip provider
15:20.30Darwin35in the us
15:20.36twisted[asteria]drumkilla, lol
15:20.52Kattypfft, janitors
15:21.21Kattysurely everyone can pick up after themselves (yeah right)
15:21.39Kattyoh, i forgot. it's almost entirely males.
15:21.41Kattyscratch that idea.
15:21.51twisted[asteria]I can pick up after myself very well, thank you ;)
15:21.59drumkillai can't
15:21.59twisted[asteria]drumkilla, on the other hand :P
15:22.11Kattyfigures ;)
15:22.21JerJerCan we say MetroSexual ?
15:22.31twisted[asteria]uhm, no
15:22.34*** topic/#asterisk by drumkilla -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Mailing Lists are down, we're working on it || Asterisk 1.2 Janitors Needed! || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - Speakers wanted
15:22.37twisted[asteria]JerJer, you know better
15:22.51Kattyyay for metrosexuals
15:23.13Kattythen again, i've always wanted to go to california
15:23.24twisted[asteria]yeah, it's good times
15:23.34twisted[asteria]*AND* we're gonna be like, down the street from DisneyLand!
15:23.34Kattyabout how many people are averaged at one of those conventions?
15:23.49Kattydisneyland doesn't have vegan foodables :<
15:23.51twisted[asteria]Katty, first astricon was about 500+
15:23.53drumkillatwisted[asteria]: yay!
15:23.59Kattyoh my
15:24.00twisted[asteria]Katty, dunno about europe
15:24.03Kattythat's a /lot/ of people
15:24.08drumkillaDisney r0x0rz
15:24.09twisted[asteria]nah, it actually wasn't bad
15:24.10jontowis there a problem with 'local' (channel?) variables being passed when using Goto() amongst contexts?  .. or more importantly.. the 'a' extension for Voicemail() break-outs ?
15:24.30twisted[asteria]Katty, that's okay, we'll pack you some on a backpack ;)
15:24.30ManxPower[ProB]CrazyMan: You are forgetting all connections have a SOURCEIP SOUCEPORT DESTIP DESTPORT.  The "sip show peers" will show the remote client's remote SOURCEIP AND SOURCEPORT, and the NAT router will change the source port.
15:25.27Kattytwisted[asteria]: butbut, so many people
15:25.28[ProB]CrazyManManxPower: the problem is if on the gateway from an client an sip server on port 5060 ist installed, the client cant conntect to an external sip server
15:25.32Kattytwisted[asteria]: i'd probably pass out :<
15:26.20twisted[asteria]Katty, nah, you could stick around with me and bkw and file and it'd be cool
15:26.28Kattytwisted[asteria]: >.<
15:26.34Kattytwisted[asteria]: you obviously don't get that
15:26.37Kattytwisted[asteria]: let me repeat
15:26.42*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
15:26.42Kattytwisted[asteria]: that's a /lot/ of people
15:26.54twisted[asteria]yeah, but when spread out, it's not bad at all
15:26.55ManxPower[ProB]CrazyMan: That is the most incoherent sentense I've seen in a VERY long time.
15:27.03Kattytwisted[asteria]: plus flight...
15:27.09Kattytwisted[asteria]: unless someone is going to pick me up :P
15:27.24twisted[asteria]Katty, I would, except you won't find me driving that far ;P
15:27.39Kattytwisted[asteria]: 550 isn't bad, but something tells me rooms at that hotel would be out the wazoo
15:27.44brettnemManxPower: heh, I had to read that twice..
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15:28.22twisted[asteria]Katty, hmm... I don't remember them being terribly expensive
15:28.24ManxPowerbrettnem: people frequently blame firewalls for stuff they just don't understand.
15:28.25Kattyif i get a ride i might go
15:28.28twisted[asteria]con rates are usually decently priced
15:28.31twisted[asteria](for rooms)
15:28.36Kattyi'm sure not flying/driving into california alone
15:28.43brettnemManxPower: Sure.. easy to do
15:28.44Kattyhello panic attack
15:28.54twisted[asteria]Katty, if i can get a flight that stops in st. louis, you could get on my connection
15:28.58file[laptop]yay panic attack
15:28.58brettnemManxPower: I'm pretty sure that TW is mangling my SIP stuff tho..
15:28.58*** part/#asterisk zoo (
15:29.06Kattyi live like 2 hours from st. louis, silly rabbit
15:29.20ManxPowerbrenda: TW?
15:29.21*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
15:29.22Kattynevermind, i read that wrong
15:29.22twisted[asteria]oh.  I'm not familiar with the geography of missouri :P
15:29.30brettnemManxPower: Time Warner
15:29.34Kattytwisted[asteria]: (=
15:29.42yaaarKatty: in which direction? (from STL)
15:29.44Kattytwisted[asteria]: i'm 2 hours south of st. louis, directly along the mississippi
15:29.47ManxPowerbrettnem: if they did Vonage, Packet8, etc would be screaming in the press.
15:29.57yaaarKatty: what, Cape Girardeau?
15:30.02file[laptop]oh fudge Entourage quit
15:30.03Kattyyaaar: yub yub
15:30.05*** join/#asterisk dudes (
15:30.10yaaarKatty: I was born there
15:30.10drumkillatwisted[asteria]: you must be bored :)
15:30.14Kattyyaaar: :>
15:30.16twisted[asteria]file[laptop], entourage never had that much trouble for me
15:30.17yaaarKatty: I'm in Columbia right now
15:30.19MikeJ[Laptop]yes. bored..
15:30.21Kattyyaaar: neat (=
15:30.21twisted[asteria]drumkilla, nah, waiting on access to a box
15:30.29file[laptop]twisted[asteria]: I accidentally quit it
15:30.31MikeJ[Laptop]I have bugs you can commit if you really need somthing to do
15:30.34twisted[asteria]file[laptop], nice :)
15:30.35drumkillai've got access to lots of boxes
15:30.44*** join/#asterisk fmeehan (~francois@
15:30.52Kattyand working over time :)
15:30.54yaaarKatty: what the hell are you doing in Cape working on *?
15:30.54twisted[asteria]drumkilla, too bad none of them are my customer's box ;)
15:31.00Kattyyaaar: excuse me?
15:31.13Kattyyaaar: what the hell are you suggesting?
15:31.14yaaarKatty: there's a market for that kind of thing there?
15:31.20file[laptop]drumkilla: !!!
15:31.24djMaxone more attempt... Is there a way to have an AGI "sit in" on a channel and respond to / issue commands?
15:31.24twisted[asteria]yaaar, you make it sound like it's not warranted
15:31.31brettnemManxPower: it's a simple mangle of the SIP header.. Changes "SIP 2.0" to something like "S47893480IP 2.0".. Weird.. I have traces of it. If I change to a different port for signalling, it's fine.. I imagine that packet8 and vonage don't care if the header is bad. However, Asterisk chokes on it (leaves file descriptors open until it crashes)
15:31.33Kattyyaaar: uhh
15:31.37yaaarKatty: hey look, it's my hometown....I can call it a backwater if I feel like ;-)
15:31.37Kattyyaaar: let's rephrase that
15:31.48Kattyyaaar: why would i be working on it if there /wasn't/ market for it? (=
15:32.05Kattyyaaar: oh right, logic. must not be your strong point. (= </sarcasm>
15:32.16Kattyyaaar: ;)
15:32.18yaaarKatty: i'm not trying to insult anybody.....just wondering why you'd do it in Cape of all places
15:32.35Kattyk, all better
15:32.48Kattyyaaar: well there's another voIP provider down here. a telco
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15:32.55yaaarbig river?
15:32.57Kattyyaaar: they can't do crap....the company thought i could
15:33.01Kattyyaaar: yes, that's the one
15:33.08Kattyyaaar: they couldn't get us up in running in 2 months
15:33.18Kattyyaaar: i had asterisk up and functional in a little over a week
15:33.23fmeehanI need to install the comedian web mail but can't find the instructions, can someone points me to some docs?
15:33.38brettnemfmeehan: look for vmail.cgi
15:33.43twisted[asteria]my access is here
15:33.43Kattyyaaar: eventually we'll market it...though i'm not sure where. my company is roots in everything i'm sure we'll find something
15:33.51yaaarKatty: cool. what's your company?
15:33.57Kattyyaaar: Copi-Rite, Inc.
15:34.04Mikehey guys anyone know why im getting this error when asterisk starts /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_direct_realtime
15:34.19Kattyyaaar: it's on independence across from thorngate
15:34.21brettnemMike: Looksl ike you need th realtime libraries loaded
15:34.30twisted[asteria]my access was pseudo-here
15:34.37Mikethat lib would be?
15:34.56Kattyi can do anything with hair
15:34.57HmmhesaysI'm so tempted to make the time to do that, even though I'll be up super late
15:34.58fmeehanthanks brettnem
15:35.00Kattyunless it's my own hair :/
15:35.09brettnemMike: something with "realtime" in the name..  you're missing something from your modules.conf directory..
15:35.17twisted[asteria]Katty, what about <1" hair
15:35.18KattyHmmhesays: how many business cards should i take?
15:35.23Kattytwisted[asteria]: that might be an issue
15:35.26HmmhesaysKatty: a stack
15:35.35*** part/#asterisk MRH2 (
15:35.36twisted[asteria]Katty, an issue?  nah.. i've had it dyed before
15:35.38HmmhesaysI don't want anyone to know where I work
15:35.38KattyHmmhesays: how big of a stack?
15:35.40brettnemfmeehan: vmail.cgi is a little corny.. so good luck
15:35.45Hmmhesays3/4 inch
15:35.50twisted[asteria](along with my scalp)
15:36.05Kattyhmm, i need to print more
15:36.08twisted[asteria]vmail.cgi IS kinda corny
15:36.09Kattyi have like 1/2 cm
15:36.21Kattytwisted[asteria]: dying short hair isn't a problem.
15:36.23brettnemwhatever happened to IMAP storage??
15:36.30Kattytwisted[asteria]: when you've got hair down to your hips, then you've got a problem :)
15:36.33yaaarbrettnem: alive and well on my server...
15:36.37twisted[asteria]brettnem, it didn't make it very far in the official project
15:36.39Hmmhesayshrm, well I don't really need one of your business cards, so that's -1
15:36.43twisted[asteria]Katty, that's a problem?
15:36.47brettnemI saw that up on the bug tracker.. and then it just kinda died..
15:36.52brettnemyaaar: what is alive??
15:36.53Kattytwisted[asteria]: have you ever tried to dye hair that long?
15:36.58twisted[asteria]Katty, for a guy, maybe, but for a girl? sheesh.. that'd be attractive :)
15:37.03Kattytwisted[asteria]: you practically need a paint brush.
15:37.07twisted[asteria]Katty, well, no, i haven't
15:37.08yaaarbrettnem: imap storage....but maybe I missed something
15:37.16Kattytwisted[asteria]: it's just easier to get someone else to do it
15:37.19HmmhesaysI just don't know how far down I should dye it
15:37.24brettnemyaaar: you have vm's stored in imap????
15:37.24Kattytwisted[asteria]: i gave up on dying my hair when it got halfway down my back
15:37.34brettnemKatty: I bet that's a good look
15:37.45yaaarbrettnem: my voicemail gets dropped into imap attachments. were you talking about something more involved?
15:37.48Kattybrettnem: it's the tomb raider look, which is what i'm going for :)
15:37.52*** join/#asterisk tla (
15:37.53twisted[asteria]Katty, hehe
15:38.02twisted[asteria]Katty, mmm... tomb raider..
15:38.08brettnemyaaar: yeah, having the VMs actually stored there.. no copied there..
15:38.16yaaarbrettnem: sorry, came in late on the conversation
15:38.20Kattythe angelina jolie look, to be more specific
15:38.23brettnemyaaar: np
15:38.23twisted[asteria]brettnem, yeah, it didn't make it too far into the official project
15:38.29Hmmhesaysher last movie was terrible
15:38.33Kattymy triceps need more toning
15:38.34twisted[asteria]Katty, shush!  you're giving me nice mental images
15:38.37brettnemtwisted: that's too bad.. I think it's needed..
15:38.37Kattyplus tummy needs some work
15:38.43Kattylike always >.<
15:38.47Kattybut i'll get there (=
15:38.48Mikebrettnem, now im getting []Aug  1 11:38:18 WARNING[31980]: loader.c:314 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_delete_realtime
15:38.59brettnemtwisted: seems like it could be done with some sort of imapfs ?
15:39.03twisted[asteria]brettnem, well, it may be *needed*
15:39.06Kattytwisted[asteria]: no mental image required, just go see the webcam
15:39.09twisted[asteria]Katty, okee
15:39.29HmmhesaysI prefer people to see me in black & white or sepia
15:39.37yaaarwhat do you guys like to use for PoE? midspans (juicebox, etc.) or actual switches? brand preferences?
15:39.43brettnemMike: those messages are all missing dependencies..
15:39.47KattyHmmhesays: if it's a normal photograph, i'll turn it black and white
15:39.48twisted[asteria]Katty, i'm there, same image from 7/29
15:39.52KattyHmmhesays: otherwise, with the webcam, i do harsh lighting
15:39.59Kattytwisted[asteria]: of course..i'm at work. it's not on
15:40.12HmmhesaysI have some pictographs around here somewhere
15:40.12twisted[asteria]Katty, oh. hah.. i knew that..
15:40.22KattyHmmhesays: i don't look as nearly good as the webcam says
15:40.30Hmmhesayssame here
15:40.39HmmhesaysI'm actually hideous
15:40.44twisted[asteria]Katty, i don't belive that
15:40.46Kattyaren't we all :)
15:40.48Hmmhesaysand make little children cry
15:40.49Kattytwisted[asteria]: believe it
15:40.50brettnemI don't show up in photographs
15:40.51twisted[asteria]Katty, too bad I wont be in chicago to see for myself
15:41.00Kattytwisted[asteria]: i'm sure /someone/ will take a picture of me
15:41.04Kattytwisted[asteria]: and then their camera will break
15:41.09twisted[asteria]yeah, i'm sure they will, and then I'll smile
15:41.13twisted[asteria]and you smile too, darnit ;)
15:41.16brettnemI think I ended up on some pics from the first astricon
15:41.25twisted[asteria]brettnem, possibly so
15:41.29brettnemohh.. those were the days.. pre 1.0 astricon
15:41.30JerJerbrettnem:  me too
15:41.33*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
15:41.37Kattyi've met people (not from irc) and they even say i look completely different :)
15:42.07brettnema 500 person irc geekfest.. great I wonder if they'll have internet access at the next one?
15:42.24Hmmhesaysthere is me in a large chair
15:42.41Kattytwisted[asteria]: will you find me hotel room prices?
15:42.47*** join/#asterisk otmar (
15:42.49Kattytwisted[asteria]: or direct me to who i need to talk to about hotel prices?
15:43.10brettnemI shuold talk my boss into sending me to astricon..
15:43.16KattyHmmhesays: still cute, even with the short hair
15:43.17brettnemI hear aniheim is lovely
15:43.20twisted[asteria]Katty, they should be on the website
15:43.25Kattytwisted[asteria]: they're not.
15:43.30twisted[asteria]if not, i'll look into it
15:43.35Kattytwisted[asteria]: they're just all when register type in this blah blah blah for price, etc.
15:43.36Hmmhesaysheh, thanks :)
15:43.42Kattytwisted[asteria]: except that part of the website is Coming Soon
15:43.45JerJerit says the hotel they are at
15:44.23brettnemanyone want to sell me some cisco phones today?
15:45.10twisted[asteria]ugh.  bbl, just got loaded with crap
15:45.18Hmmhesaysdepends on what you want to pay
15:45.24*** join/#asterisk valence (
15:46.02Hmmhesayshugs don't buy parts for my bike
15:46.18Kattyit's a good thing orders aren't really my department (=
15:47.17Hmmhesaysok this is not good, the friend of mine I'm supposed to stay with in chicago on friday/saturday night has completely disappeared
15:47.34lathos42Hmmhesays: eek
15:47.34brettnemdoh.. no one wants to sell me phones...
15:47.41RoyKany mysql gurus around?
15:47.41Hmmhesaysyeah no doubt
15:47.50brettnemI guess i'll have to make some
15:47.55Hmmhesayswe got some 7940's without power supplies
15:48.13brettnemneed the 7960s..
15:48.38brettnemjust one can?? what the hell is this? :P
15:48.54brettnemand I can't hear anything through all these noodles
15:49.03brettnemhow many you got?
15:49.20lathos42brettnem:  You're supposed to make the phone after lunch
15:49.26brettnemneed more than that..
15:49.33brettnemlathos42: ahh.. I see.
15:49.37brettnemtoo hot for soup
15:49.53brettnemit's like 100 degrees here.. I'd have to eat it iced
15:50.21brettnemugh.. I used to work in a switch center.. that was aweful
15:50.25coppiceiced noodles suck. I don't know why they are popular
15:50.35brettnemare they popular? really?
15:50.58Kattyiced noodles? what are those?
15:51.01ClubBarfWhat the heck are iced noodles?
15:51.01lathos42brettnem:  We're such a small company that our server rack is about 7 feet to the left of me
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15:51.14coppiceyeah. in korea and japan they eat them. in china they occassionally eat them
15:51.16Kattylathos42: ours is too :)
15:51.22Kattylathos42: but it's a purrty rack :>
15:51.42ClubBarfSo it's kinda like an eastern version of the meat popsicle.
15:51.53brettnemlathos42: We were a small company, but had a very large amount of equipment.. about 50-60 racks in the location I was at
15:51.56lathos42Katty:  Yeah, we bought a new server for our ERP system, and talked Dell into throwing a rack in for half off, and shipped for $10
15:52.07ClubBarfSome random savory dish frozen.
15:52.23brettnemmeat popsicle?? I won't ask..
15:52.40lathos42brettnem:  Our rack isnt even half full.. we've got about 7 servers.. plenty of room for expansion :)
15:53.11ClubBarfbrettnem - I've never had one, never seen one - but a mate of mine from the states loves 'em.
15:53.34ClubBarfThat and "jerky" - dried meat.  Sounds like eating strips of boot leather to me.
15:54.01Hmmhesaysyummy boot leather
15:54.04*** join/#asterisk brettnem (~Brett@
15:54.15crash3mseasoned bootleather....
15:54.23lathos42teriyaki boot leather!
15:54.33brettnemlathos42: I had a single DCS that was 27 x 23" bays wide!
15:54.35ClubBarfWith frozen noodles.
15:54.39crash3mpeppered bootleather
15:55.01brettnemit gave out a nice "hum"
15:55.29*** join/#asterisk ayano (~erik@
15:55.50lathos42brettnem: We dont have anything that big here..  the biggest machine we've got is our old Dell Poweredge 2500 that is 5U x 19" sitting on its side in the rack
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15:56.13ayanohey all, how is everyone?
15:56.26Hmmhesaysslightly irritated
15:56.36Hmmhesayshowsyou ayano?
15:56.48brettnemlathos42: This was a Tellabs Titan 5500.. Had 80 protected OC-12s and could cross connect any DS1/VT1.5 to any other one.. very nice.. but freakin huge.. 27 Bays!
15:56.54Kattyhrmm, leather :<
15:57.03Katty^- taken from camera phone
15:57.11ayanohmmhesays; what happened?
15:57.20Hmmhesaysnothing worth talking about
15:57.45KattyHmmhesays: you just need more hugs (=
15:57.51Hmmhesaysawwww I think so
15:57.56brettnemI remember, Nortel tried to sell me a cross connect switch (like the Ciena Coredirector) that was like 4 x 54" bays (weird bays) and in that space, consumed 32KW <-- yes 32KW
15:57.58lathos42Katty: That looks about as populated as our rack, only we have our network equipment in another room
15:58.13ClubBarfKatty - there's just not enough hugs in the world.
15:58.15brettnemI see "Nextel" on that sign.. ;)
15:58.22Kattylathos42: yeah, there's 2 servers on it, a switch, router, firewall, and a wap up top
15:58.26ronnany one got german and french DIDs ?
15:58.27Kattyand the cable modem
15:58.40Kattythat's an external hard drive with pretty blue lights
15:58.41ayanoronn, I can get them
15:59.01*** join/#asterisk Coder365- (
15:59.03lathos42I'd take a picture of ours, but I dont have a camera handy
15:59.12Kattyyou obviously require a camera phone
15:59.33brettnemhmm.. I wish I had kept some of the pics of the sites I built. .they were nice..
15:59.43brettnemmostly all optical equipment..
15:59.52lathos42I used to have one that plugged into my phone, but when I got my warranty replacement they swapped it for a newer one that didnt support the camera anymore
15:59.57Katty <- current site i'm working on
16:00.06Katty^- asterisk will be up there eventually too, me thinks
16:00.30Coder365-I don't mean to interupt, but is anyone running Asterisk Win32?
16:00.49Coder365-* be
16:00.56brettnemit's probably the windows inside..
16:00.58Corydon-wYeah, first problem is that you're running Windows
16:01.02zshukeThere is an Asterisk Win32?
16:01.02KattyCoder365-: you mean...on a windows box?
16:01.09KattyCoder365-: isn't that a little....dangerious?
16:01.14Coder365-I'm fully aware of that, I know I know I know
16:01.15KattyCoder365-: and skeery?
16:01.18KattyCoder365-: k
16:01.18Coder365-I know
16:01.27ClubBarfDoes anyone know if asterisk sends all it's passwords in cleartext, or as md5 hashes?
16:01.27brettnemheh, dangerious isn't the word I was looking for.. ;)
16:01.28Hmmhesaysbut not for asterisk
16:01.32KattyHmmhesays: yeah and i fix windows boxes
16:01.47Kattywhich is why i would never put asterisk on one :<
16:01.49Corydon-wClubBarf: it depends
16:01.55Coder365-I would be on linux, but I can't get the modem drivers to work, so I'm stuck with windows
16:02.06brettnembecause of modem drivers??
16:02.06KattyCoder365-: crappy winmodems :<
16:02.10Corydon-w"all" is not the case for either, unless you set it like that
16:02.12ClubBarfI'm especially interested in the "register =>" line.
16:02.32Coder365-brettnem, Yes, because of Modem Drivers
16:02.41brettnemare they winmodems?
16:02.49Corydon-wActually, I think the register uses a nonce hash
16:02.52ClubBarfI think my TSP may have switched to MD5 only, but my register line is still using cleartext.
16:02.56brettnemthen you shouldn't be having a problem with them..
16:03.06*** join/#asterisk folsson (
16:03.08Coder365-No, it's an intel 536ep chipset modem
16:03.16Coder365-but the drivers wont install correctly
16:03.17fmeehanIs there an alternative to vmail.cgi?
16:03.30brettnemfmeehan: told you it sucks
16:03.42Coder365-or else they're giving me false installation instructions
16:03.51fmeehanbrettnem  You are right...
16:04.06KattyCoder365-: which version of windows?
16:04.27jontowbrettnem; what sucks about vmail.cgi ?
16:04.28Coder365-I have the modems installed correctly for windows
16:04.32brettnemfmeehan: just have it email you the VM.. that works nicely for us..
16:04.38KattyCoder365-: k
16:04.38Coder365-But, FYI, '98 se
16:04.44*** join/#asterisk file (
16:04.48Kattyfile filefile
16:04.52brettnema silly modem shouldn't keep you from using linux..
16:05.01*** join/#asterisk ke4qqq (
16:05.16Coder365-Well, what am I to do without an internet connection?
16:05.17Kattylathos42: shh
16:05.19brettnemoooohh "se"
16:05.24Coder365-This is my only box
16:05.29fmeehanbrettnem I have this working, but We need a web interface for demo...
16:05.31fileyay I setup dynamic dns so I can get my mail while @ Cluecon
16:05.45mutilatoryay, i'm so proud of you!
16:05.47brettnemfmeehan: Go check out AMP.. it's a fancy web interface.. but it uses vmail.cgi
16:06.00brettnemfile: why do you need DDNS for that?!
16:06.00Corydon-wYour "only" box?
16:06.03Mimmushi, where can I find differences between Asterisk 1.07 and 1.09?
16:06.04dudesCoder365 - get a external 3com modem
16:06.13filemy home server downloads my mail every 5 seconds
16:06.15fileand stores it locally
16:06.18dudesCoder365 - work great under linux /w no driver
16:06.28Coder365-Corydon-w Yes, my only box
16:06.34Coder365-ie, working computer
16:06.38brettnemCoder365-: really linux+modem is old school.. it's been tried and proven to work.. ;)
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16:06.59brettnemor get one of those dialup to ethernet thingies..
16:07.12dudesor get broadband
16:07.50Coder365-I have the drivers for Mandrake 10.1 on the way anyway, so I wont be on windows much longer
16:08.09fileinternal speaker
16:08.16jontowi uh.. have way more luck with freebsd or netbsd and ppp than linux ;)   pppd is ooogly
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16:08.54Coder365-Well, fbsd is on the way too. <3
16:09.19lathos42file: Its one of those newfangled motherboards that does all of the PC Speaker stuff through the sound card
16:10.14brettnemugh.. I got a bunch of digium cards I want to get rid of
16:11.16jontowdarthclue; you're dirty ;)
16:11.43lathos42DarthClue: My iBook runs Windows, albeit very slowly through Virtual PC
16:12.24*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:12.24dudesI just have windows on a seperate HD to play games (mostly just one though.)
16:12.32ronnany one got german and french DIDs ?
16:13.31Coder365-Well, anyway, the reason why I asked is because my /asterisk/var/run/ dir is empty
16:13.48Coder365-and asterisk is calling files from that dir
16:14.20brettnemDarthClue: I wanted to run windows on my iMac G5 so I could run DVD Shrink.. to make copies of my.. home movies.. :)
16:15.04dudesbrettnem - just use some of the open source variaties
16:15.04lathos42brettnem: I was amazed to discover that Netflix carried copies of my home movies
16:15.40brettnemdudes: There arn't any that are as good as the windows variants.. they require like 3 seperate processes to do it.. it's nasty..
16:15.49brettnemlathos42: cool.. I'll stick them in my queue
16:16.18brettnemdamn mailing lists
16:17.11wunderkinbrettnem, which cards do you want to part with?
16:17.28Darwin35I need a good iax did  viop provider
16:17.33Darwin35with nmbrs in ar
16:17.35dudesbrettnem - You can use a single mplayer command to Rip a DVD
16:17.48Darwin35and cant find one
16:19.04*** join/#asterisk brettnem (~Brett@
16:19.11brettnemdoh.. having a bad network day
16:19.26brettnemwunderkin: it's the 4 port t1 cards I'm tring to get rid of
16:19.37wunderkinwhat model?
16:19.58brettnemI'm not sure off the top of my head.. the non-echo cancelling ones..
16:20.24wunderkinok well find out what model, and i would be interested.. it might be a couple of weeks though...
16:20.28dudesbrettnem - the first gen TE410's?
16:20.50brettnemalthough, I may have the firmware upgraded before I sell them
16:21.21*** join/#asterisk StealthMethod (
16:21.31Kattyi need something to hold business cards
16:21.35KattyHmmhesays: find me something, plskthx
16:21.48brettnemthey might be 405s..
16:22.17wunderkinbrettnem: you can use to tell if they are 3.3 or 5.0v
16:22.41brettnemwunderkin: right.. I don';t have them in front of me, which is why I don't know.. but I have like 10-15 of them
16:22.50brettnemfrom digium's website: "These devices offer scalability, flexibility and density, at a market-leading  value."
16:23.03wunderkinok yeah i figured, are they all the same model.. or still not sure?
16:23.24brettnemwunderkin: maybe.. or maybe like 10 410s and 5 405s.. just can't remember..
16:23.49brettnemthey are plugged into servers, but I don't think they were ever actually configured or used..
16:23.59KattyDarthClue: ask brian if you guys are still planning on spending the night here
16:24.11wunderkinbrettnem, cool.. well when you find out you can email me or im always on here.. you can memo me or msg me.. my email is (or you can use too if its easier to remember) :)
16:24.21*** join/#asterisk eidolon (~eido@eidolon.monthly-bronze.supporter.pdpc)
16:24.52brettnemwunderkin: Thanks.. I'll send this over to our guys heading this up. his name is Rich.. Rich the money guy.. go figure..
16:25.38wunderkintell him.. yeah.... .rich... we need you to come in on saturday.. yeah... sunday too..yeah... regular time!
16:26.13*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (~dasenjo@
16:26.14brettnemummmm... right...
16:26.39wunderkincompatibility problems? used sangoma instead?
16:26.44brettnemdamn.. ho'd it get so late?
16:27.08brettnemwunderkin: Well, we built more of our core on MGCP and SIP instead of using PRI
16:27.08*** join/#asterisk pdugas (
16:27.36brettnemwunderkin: although I intend to try out the sangoma stuff sometime..
16:27.45wunderkinyeah i would like to try both also
16:27.52brettnemI need really high densitites.. and I don;'t; think digium will cut it for that..
16:28.45brettnemanyone used the TNTs for PRIs in here?
16:28.52wunderkini hear they are getting better though
16:28.59brettnemthey are..
16:30.55DarthClueKatty: bring the camcorder, and bkw_ says we are going to pick you up and go straight in to Chicago tonight.
16:31.03brettnemManxPower: you use TNTs..right?
16:31.28*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
16:31.37brettnem~seen ManxPower
16:31.38jbotmanxpower is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 20 messages.  Is idling for 1h 1m 51s
16:32.05Coder365-Is anyone in here from southern michigan?
16:32.12brettnemTexas here..
16:32.37stevekyay.  Got my machine back up!
16:32.38DarthClueCoder365-, : probably.
16:33.02Coder365-DarthClue, huh?
16:33.04asterisk99I'm having bad ECHO problems with my Digium FXS/FXO card... about 1/4 second delay dialing local numbers --- I've checked the IRQ (all fine) .... any ideas?
16:33.26Coder365-Your michrophone
16:33.37RaYmAn-BxHas anyone ever seen an issue where direct ip dialing works great, but when going through a provider (which presumably would re-invite) suddenly it doesn't? The ports seems to be setup right (asterisk starts listening) and traffic is flowing in big amounts towards the port..but asterisk never sends anything back
16:33.40*** part/#asterisk dasenjo (~dasenjo@
16:33.55DarthClueCoder365-, : there are probably people here from southern michigan
16:34.19Coder365-Oh, I'm just lookin for some 'locals' if you will.
16:34.24MikeJ[Laptop]I'm from detroit
16:34.31Coder365-Too far away
16:34.33ManxPowerRaYmAn-Bx: only if one side is behind NAT
16:34.40MikeJ[Laptop]well.. detroit metropolitan area
16:34.58MikeJ[Laptop]that's southern mi
16:35.01MikeJ[Laptop]why so picky
16:35.12*** join/#asterisk rayvd (
16:35.15Coder365-that's why
16:35.21MikeJ[Laptop]I'll wave tomorrow
16:35.25mutilatoreveryone important to VoIP is in michigan
16:35.38MikeJ[Laptop]yes, ME!
16:35.38asterisk99What's on the OTHER side of Jackson????
16:35.56MikeJ[Laptop]asterisk99, jackson hole?
16:35.57Coder365-asterisk99 the western side of the state
16:36.00RaYmAn-BxManxPower: is. But what really confuses me is that it works just fine if either side dials by ip
16:36.05ManxPowerI think more small mississippi town are on the other side of Jackson
16:36.09MikeJ[Laptop]wait no, that';s out west
16:36.11asterisk99Jackson Hole... hahahahaha
16:36.23Coder365-Ol, I'll restate myself
16:36.29MikeJ[Laptop]ManxPower, wrong jackson.
16:36.35rayvdHey all.  What would be the recommended way to "proxy" SIP & RTP?  I have a central Asterisk server, with Linux servers on outlying networks that I want to pass SIP & RTP through.
16:36.46Coder365-I am on the other side of jackson michigan in reference to detroit
16:36.51rayvdI was thinking iptables so I could do centralized SIP registration, but I'm not sure if there would be an alternative.
16:37.10brettnemrayvd: sounds like you need SER
16:37.10MikeJ[Laptop]rayvd, well, to start with, don't use asterisk to proxy... it's not a proxy
16:37.13rayvdI'm trying to avoid duplicating dial plans and authentication stuff (which I assume would be the case if I did a full-blown Asterisk install on each Linux server).
16:37.19rayvdSER, yeah..
16:37.24rayvdDoes SER just do "pass-through" ?
16:37.29brettnemrayvd: yeah use ser with mediaproxy or rtpproxy
16:37.38rayvdSmarter than iptables NAT?
16:37.46rayvdcool.. and registration can still occur at my central asterisk box?
16:37.48brettnemrayvd: SER by itself only does the signalling.. but you can set it up so that by domain it routes to a close rtp server
16:37.55MikeJ[Laptop]you can also do some neat stuff with realtime and the sip clustering patch that is in mantis now,
16:38.05brettnemrayvd: well I don't know why you'd register to asterisk.
16:38.05Hmmhesaysand the music makes her feel so hot, and she'll smile for the camera with all sheeeee's got
16:38.06MikeJ[Laptop]just depends on what you are trying to do
16:38.11*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:38.21brettnemsip clustering patch?? I gotta see that....
16:38.25rayvdiptables forwarding works and is simple, but maybe I should take a look at SER.
16:38.25*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
16:38.45Hmmhesaysdoes iptables have sip support now?
16:38.47MikeJ[Laptop]0004832: [patch] Make Realtime SIP Clusterable
16:38.48brettnemrayvd: I've tested SER on a decent machine up to 250 calls PER SECOND
16:38.54ManxPowerA mailing list message!
16:39.07MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, the lists have been back up for a couple hours
16:39.13MikeJ[Laptop]processing the backlog.
16:39.14rayvdHmmhesays: actually i think it does, but i was just going to forward the 506X ports and the RTP ports to my central Asterisk server.
16:39.38brettnemrayvd: Asterisk is not an RTP proxy
16:39.39MikeJ[Laptop]it's gunna be funny how many, the lists are down messages and dups there are when they finally flow
16:39.43rayvdSIP devices register to linux server b, but in actuality they're talking to linux server a via iptables postrouting.
16:39.47Hmmhesaysbrettnem: is that handling rtp?
16:39.57brettnemis what handling rtp?
16:40.04Hmmhesays<brettnem> rayvd: I've tested SER on a decent machine up to 250 calls PER SECOND
16:40.14KattyDarthClue: PAGING MISTER CLUE
16:40.21brettnemoh.. sorry.. no it's not.. it passes audio direct.. which was real nice.
16:40.22KattyDarthClue: are you guys still staying the night? (=
16:40.29rayvdok ok i'll look at SER :)
16:40.54rayvdthanks all!
16:41.02brettnemrayvd: I've had a lot of luck with it.. I use it here as a central switch for my asterisk servers..
16:41.18rayvdWhich is the one to use these days?  Good 'ol SER or OpenSER? :)
16:41.52brettnemrayvd: old ser is tried and true.. no real community and development.. openser has lots of new development and a small community..
16:41.59*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
16:42.04rayvdeeny meeny miney moe...
16:42.17brettnemrayvd: I've used both. .and like both.. I'd use openser for everything if some of my modules would compile against it..
16:42.19jontowi want to buy a branch of the Quaker Oats company, and rename a cornflake variant to RS232 .. just to see how many people get the reference
16:42.46rayvdjontow: my mom would not :-(
16:42.51jontow:/ nor would my mom
16:42.53*** join/#asterisk dijungal (~ovr@
16:42.56jontowbut my dad would.. and he'd laugh his ass of
16:42.59*** join/#asterisk mcreedjr (
16:42.59dijungali'm BACK... :)
16:43.07eKo1i don't get it
16:43.15rayvdi'll go with openser first :)
16:43.23jontoweko1; not well versed on RS232 communications?
16:43.47jontowRS232 is a serial protocol.. serial<-->cereal .. just run with it
16:43.48eKo1no, i just don't know how rs232 has anything to do with quaker
16:43.51mcreedjrHey guys... quick one for you. I am having trouble getting my SPA-841 to register from behind a Linksys WRT54G to my Asterisk PBX on a public IP across the net.
16:43.51brettnemhmm how well does this realtime clustering work??
16:44.03mcreedjrAnyone have any problems with the WRT?
16:44.03dijungalI want to get calls into the US from my asterisk box... what service y'all suggest i use..?
16:44.27asterisk99Quaker Oats makes Cornflakes??? I thought that was Kelloggs... of Battle Creek MI... the other side of Jackson hole, MI
16:44.29jontowdijungal; i've heard good about ..
16:44.48dijungali've never heard of them
16:44.51Netgeeksbrett: the concept seems pretty simple..  pulling the UA's location from the realtime db versus from the local astdb
16:44.52dijungalbut i will check
16:44.56*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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16:44.57jontowasterisk99; not the BRAND cornflakes.. but im sure they maked a corn-based flake of some sort that would be WAY cheaper than buying the *REAL* Cornflakes brand :)
16:44.58Qwellasterisk99: cornflake _variant_
16:45.17rayvdi consider cocoa krispies a cornflake variant.  mm.
16:45.21rayvdalso chocolate cake.
16:45.30brimstonemmm... cake...
16:45.37jontowi want lunch now
16:45.40mcreedjrCan anyone offer some advice on my NAT problem?
16:45.49brettnemNetgeeks: sure.. it seems simple..
16:45.55rayvdmcreedjr: what is it?
16:46.23mcreedjrrayvd: Hey guys... quick one for you. I am having trouble getting my SPA-841 to register from behind a Linksys WRT54G to my Asterisk PBX on a public IP across the net.
16:46.24*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
16:46.47rayvdmcreedjr: we do the same thing :) couple ways you can do it..
16:46.48asterisk99Anyone here up on their Echo cancellation on a Digium TDM400????
16:46.55NetgeeksI did a hack about 2 months ago and have had SIP clustering working for me (in a much less graceful method), using the same idea
16:47.00rayvduse STUN server ...
16:47.18NetgeeksSo I suspect it will work just fine.  I'll have to fire up a couple test servers some time and check it out
16:47.21rayvdalso use tcpdump to see if the registration packets are getting to asterisk.
16:47.32brimstoneasterisk99: what seems to be the problem?
16:47.33brettnemrayvd: I've actually had a lot of luck with SER's nathelper stuff.. however, I'm baffled at some of the SDP mangling that they do..
16:47.38rayvdand check the ip addresses... if it's your "internal" ip, then there is your problem.
16:47.56rayvdyeah the nathelper thing looks nice.
16:48.00mcreedjrrayvd: This phone works behind more expensive firewalls (Cisco PIX) with good SIP fixups and stuff, but not behind these cheapie firewalls
16:48.27rayvdwe're using WRT54G's to do the same thing without any problem... you're forwarding port 5060 and the RTP ports?
16:48.38rayvdsee if you can get it to work by doing the DMZ thing.
16:48.41rayvdthen you'll at least know it's possible :-)
16:48.42mcreedjrrayvd: I will be a real n00b and ask the question, what does a STUN server do? Or direct me to some docs if you can. Does the wiki have informaiton?
16:48.49brettnemSER has the option of adding a "a=direction:active" which is supposed to initiate a symetric RTP. Using one port works well through firewalls.. However, the SIP spec seems to indicate that direction:active is for one-way audio..
16:49.06rayvdgoogle for STUN .. but basically it tells your SIP device what it's real public IP address is.
16:49.15rayvdsince that IP is embedded in the SIP protocol (i believe)
16:49.19brettnemSTUN doesn't solve everything...
16:49.29brettnemmore or less
16:49.32mcreedjrrayvd: On the PBX side of things, obviously I'm not doing anything because its public, but on the phone side of things I have the DMZ enabled on the Linksys pointing to the phone, just to test it.
16:49.47rayvdwhat does tcpdump on the PBX show?
16:49.48brettnembtw, SER nathelper works similarlly to cisco's sip fixup
16:49.58rayvdbrett likes SER a lot ;)
16:50.02mcreedjrrayvd: Ermm, umm, I haven't run it :)
16:50.10rayvdhelped me out tremendously getting things workin.
16:50.18brettnemrayvd: it's been good to me where asterisk hasn't. ;)
16:50.38asterisk99Question: What is the latest "stable" release number of Astterisk?
16:50.40brettnemit's much harder to work with than asterisk is..
16:50.45brimstoneasterisk99: 1.0.9
16:50.46Qwellasterisk99: 1.0.9
16:50.50brettnemwho knows?
16:50.50brimstoneasterisk99: for zaptel
16:51.07asterisk99hmmmmmmm   I thought I had the latest... I see 1.0.5   :(
16:51.08mcreedjrrayvd: You've had no problems with your phones behind WRTs then? Or are you using nathelper or something else?
16:51.32brimstoneasterisk99: the download page on will always have the latest version number listed and linked
16:51.32rayvdcurrently no problems, not using nathelper.
16:51.43rayvdlemme glance at my config real quick
16:52.06brettnemI find that when canreinvite=yes doesn't work with some phones.. it DOES work if I signal through SER w/nathelper first.. pretty cool if you think about it..
16:52.10Netgeeksmcreedjr: what version of asterisk are you trying to register the 841's against?
16:52.13asterisk99could that be the source off my echo problem?????
16:52.13mcreedjrrayvd: I'd appreciate it. I've got my sip.conf, NAT=yes because I always use my phone behind NAT, didn't seem to make much difference
16:52.14rayvdi'm using nat=yes, canreinvite=no and qualify=yes
16:52.33rayvdgot a STUN server set up, SIP devices are set to use that initially, then pointing at the Asterisk box for registration
16:52.51rayvdforwarding ports 5060-5060 and 16384-whatever for RTP on the WRT54G.
16:52.53JerJerwhy STUN ?
16:52.55JerJeroh god
16:53.34JerJerrayvd:  is your asterisk box natted also ?
16:53.34QwellDon't you have a plane to catch or something?
16:53.35filehi Qwell
16:53.39rayvdJerJer: no.
16:53.52fileit isn't Tuesday is it?
16:53.55fileif so, I missed the flight
16:53.57Qwellfile: yeah
16:54.08*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
16:54.08filenope, Monday August 01 2005
16:54.18Qwellfile: Your calendar is a bit off...
16:54.39bkw__file: get to work.
16:54.51fileyou get to work!
16:54.51Qwellsucker :D
16:55.30QwellDon't let your IT dept live in Iowa.
16:55.39QwellYou end up with pilots named "Sweet Corn"
16:56.00brettnemmmm sweet corn
16:56.15brettnemI think it's about time to bust open that can of noodles
16:56.18mcreedjrrayvd: lol, nat=yes wasn't set on my phone def
16:56.34mcreedjrrayvd: thanks for the help, all better now.
16:57.17*** part/#asterisk brettnem (~Brett@
16:57.21rayvddoes that make you a lumberjack
16:59.02*** join/#asterisk loick (
17:01.14rayvdheh, ser takes longer to make install than it did to make :) looks good
17:03.02dijungalans the rates are right on the frontpage... that's what i like.. striat point.. no bells and whistles..
17:03.03*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
17:03.07fileDarthClue: it's you
17:03.12dijungalsome of the sites.. i have to search and seach for rates
17:03.33brimstonedijungal: tell me about it
17:03.58dijungalok i found a flaq
17:04.13dijungali'm trying ti chat with support online.. and i need an account to do that..
17:04.20dijungalno no.. that's not a flaw my bad
17:04.27dijungalit's support... no sales.. my bad
17:04.51brimstonei would lol if it was a java chat back to here
17:05.27Qwelldijungal: the most obvious problem, is the lack of phone number to call
17:05.46QwellDarthClue: have him stop by here
17:05.52QwellDarthClue: and then treat
17:05.55dijungali'm about to email them anywyas
17:06.01DarthClueQwell: where is here?
17:06.02Hmmhesayslight some hail bales on fire if you cruise through tiawah
17:06.05QwellDarthClue: umm
17:06.19DarthClueQwell: wrong direction
17:06.29QwellDarthClue: yeah, but if you do, you get free McDonalds...
17:06.40Qwellits totally worth it
17:06.43*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
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17:06.51kingtuxwhats up yalll
17:06.56twisted[asteria]bkw__, i need you
17:07.11DarthClueum, tiawah is way behind us.
17:07.30kingtuxHas anyone implemented callback feature??  I am trying to use this...
17:07.30Hmmhesaysaww shucks, thats to bad
17:07.44kingtuxBut cant figure it out
17:07.45fileDarthClue: so, bkw is crazy as he is on IRC and the conf isn't he?
17:10.14hardwiretime to put the smack down on this dialplan system
17:10.24Hmmhesayswhat about callback
17:10.29Qwellworld.centered_around != kingtux
17:10.32Qwellno offense
17:10.48kingtuxAnyone have a solution??
17:10.52Hmmhesayswrite one
17:10.52kingtuxI'm tring this but...
17:11.23MikeJ[Laptop]DarthClue, one word, headphones...
17:11.37Ariel_kingtux, how far are you at getting your astpp working with amp?
17:12.05kingtuxI'm not using astpp??
17:12.08dijungalwow.. u don't even get their email address.. u have to fill out this form to email
17:12.12DarthClueMikeJ[Laptop]: bkw_ is driving, i'm not gonna complain.
17:12.16Ariel_kingtux, just wondering
17:12.18Qwellfile: Can one do IAX and SIP with you?
17:12.23kingtuxI'm working on astcc
17:12.29kingtuxhave issures tho
17:12.29fileQwell: sure!
17:12.45DarthClueQwell, absolutely!
17:12.57hardwireasterisk 1.0.9 is 2003?
17:13.09Ariel_kingtux, I setup astcc but find it's billing per minute is a little off the mark.
17:13.10Daminbkw.. driving.. hehehe..
17:13.10hardwireI feel so.. so.. uncool
17:13.12jontowi.. really don't like voipsupply's site.
17:13.23jontowmost especially their payment/checkout procedure.. seems so damned shady
17:13.28*** join/#asterisk freat_ (
17:13.33DarthCluejontow: what are you looking to buy?
17:13.34jontowwith a very hostile attempt at being not-shady
17:13.42Qwellfile: is file[lap1op] dead?
17:13.42jontowSipura SPA-2002 and SPA-841
17:14.14Ariel_jontow, well you can call them on the phone or get those items from voxilla or others.
17:14.16Qwelljontow: You should have seen the emails I had with them
17:14.21rayvdwhat other suppliers have you tried jontow?
17:14.28rayvdwe've had not great experiences with voipsupply either.
17:14.36DarthCluejontow, ah.  voipsupply is ok, i don't think they have had any major complaints from people here.
17:14.42fileQwell: I'm dead :(
17:14.54Qwellfile: #asterlink is empty :p
17:15.02jontowi haven't.. i had good luck with them once, when it wasn't my money
17:15.14Ariel_I have used voipsupply many times and so far they have been very good.  But there are lots of people who don't agree.
17:15.51jontowtheir cart just added a TDM01B(?) to my order and it didn't show up until the 'last chance to hit submit' page.. put my order way over my limit
17:15.58dijungalcan i use AMP to configure asterisk..?
17:16.06jontownew account created today and i've not even looked at that page
17:16.26jontowi finally got that out of the cart, tried to checkout.. it shoved me back to the 'enter credit card number' page
17:16.26rayvdAMP resultled in a crazy overcomplicated dial plan i thought :-)
17:16.30rayvddepends on your needs i suppose.
17:16.33MikeIf im using realtime but i want to put data into the tables of family and key and value on the db how is the syntax of extensions?
17:16.49jontowi think.. i think im sick of it; does anyone else come highly recommended? (that'll use UPS for shipping..)
17:16.53Mikeexten => xxx,1,Realtime(family,whatelse?
17:17.52dijungalhow do i setup and configure amp...? where do i get it..?
17:18.07JerJershow application Realtime asterisk management portal amp
17:18.15dijungalohoho.... it's not free... :S
17:18.21Qwelldijungal: its not?
17:18.26MikeJ[Laptop]yes it is
17:18.35*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
17:18.41dijungalreally.. the wiki... says... AMP REsellers...
17:19.04dijungaland it mentions nuthin about how to get and set it up
17:19.20MikeJerJer, i see that
17:19.39MikeJerJer, lets say i want to put in family CFIM key 555 with valie 666
17:19.45*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
17:19.58Mikei did exten => 555,1,Realtime(CFIM|555|666)
17:20.01Mikethat didnt work
17:20.11jontowyeah.. did the same shit
17:21.13*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
17:21.24JerJerMike: i know nothing about realtime
17:22.19DarthClueMike: did you check the wiki?
17:23.41DaminJerJer: Are you heading to ClueCon Wed?
17:23.50anthmapp_realtime doesnt do insert.
17:23.55anthmyou need it to ?
17:24.36Qwellhmm, is there a way I can have a 7960 not register with a line?
17:24.46Qwellit won't be taking inbound calls..
17:24.58hardwireQwell: it still needs a line
17:25.25Qwellhardwire: the line is setup for outgoing.  I don't want it to try to keep registering'll fail every time
17:25.25hardwireyou can have multiple phones dial out on one account
17:25.35hardwireso maybe make an outbound friend in your sip.conf
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17:25.47hardwireQwell: ah..
17:25.49Qwellhardwire: yeah, but the phone will still try to register
17:26.17Netgeeks7960, Settings, Sip Settings, 10 Register with Proxy: Yes|No <---- firmware version 6.0
17:26.58QwellNetgeeks: but thats for all lines, isn't it?
17:27.05QwellI need only one line to not register. :D
17:27.05hardwirewell now you are being picky
17:27.27Netgeeksyes, thats phone global
17:27.45Qwellwell, thats silly
17:27.45NetgeeksI'm not aware of a per-line setting in the 7940/60
17:27.59NetgeeksSNOM and sipura can do what you want
17:28.25QwellNetgeeks: I don't have a snom or sipura :p
17:28.33Netgeekswhy not just register the line same as one of the other lines on the phone
17:28.48deimiosyou can do per line settings in a 7960 afaik... my phone has line 1 -> line 6 settings
17:29.01deimiosI don't use tftp so I set the sip settings manually
17:30.20hardwirefor our next phones they need to be base16
17:30.25hardwirefor the whole dialing thing
17:30.38*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
17:30.39hardwireI wanna dial B00B and a few other things
17:30.40SpaceBasshey folks
17:30.50hardwirehelloy you fishy fishy man
17:31.35*** join/#asterisk Twister (Twister@
17:31.37SpaceBassany way I can share a PSTN line with an x100p? It keeps trigging an incoming call
17:31.55Twisteranyone happen to have the firmware and the SEPDeault.cnf file for a Cisco 30VIP
17:32.01MikeDarthClue, yes
17:32.08MikeDarthClue, didnt find anything
17:32.37DarthClueMike: according to anthm, what you are trying is not possible, but he may be able to make that work.
17:33.18*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
17:33.20SexyKenHey guys
17:33.24anthmoh wait
17:33.26anthmthere is
17:33.32NetgeeksMike: if you are looking to be able to save and retrieve information to a database from the dialplan, you could use the MYSQL command available in asterisk-addons
17:33.37anthmi forgot someone added it
17:33.42MikeDarthClue, im trying to make some features such as dnd callforward but i want to store the family and key on the db
17:33.57anthmshow application RealTimeUpdate
17:33.58MikeNetgeeks, let me see
17:34.05Mikeanthm, i tryed that it didnt really work
17:34.17NetgeeksBut if RealTimeUpdate works, it would be alot cleaner
17:34.34Mikeit doesnt really work or i was doing it wrong
17:34.41Mikebut i tryed for a couple of hours now
17:34.45anthmdoing it wrong i bet
17:34.54Mikeanthm, can you put me an example?
17:35.03Mikei seen that one
17:35.05NetgeeksMYSQL requires you to create a connection (I do this at the beginning of each call), run a query (select, insert, update,etc.) and then clear the query and close the connection
17:35.09zoahey ho anthm
17:35.18anthmcolmatch and value is like a dsn on the row you want to update
17:35.22Mikelets say family is CFIM key is 555 and value 888
17:35.35*** join/#asterisk joerg (
17:35.46Mikeanthm, just make that example so i can figure it out please
17:35.52anthmRealTimeUpdate(myfam, name, fred, age, 12)
17:35.53SexyKenHas anyone used PBXware before?
17:36.09anthmfind the row where name=fred and update it so age=12 on that record
17:36.26Mikelet me see
17:37.03DarthClueSexyKen, PBXware?
17:37.11joergfrom where do I get the perl modules fitiing to my asterisk version?
17:38.51Mikeanthm, i tryed exten => 555,1,RealtimeUpdate(CFIM,key,65554059,value,995)
17:39.01Netgeeksso anthm's line above would generate 'Update myfam SET age=12 where name=fred
17:39.01Mikedoesnt work :(
17:39.03SexyKenAnyone here use Polycom IP 600's?
17:39.47Netgeeksso in your example you are generating this: Update CFIM SET value=995 where key=65554059
17:39.57anthmthe word value needs to be the col name you want to update in you example
17:40.00MikeNetgeeks, yes
17:40.08NetgeeksCFIM is a db table?
17:40.10Mikelet me try
17:40.22Netgeeksyou are treating it as such
17:40.30Mikelet me try
17:40.36*** join/#asterisk cursor (
17:40.39anthmyou need to map a family to a table in exconfig.conf
17:40.45cursorWow - I got a list article today
17:40.47anthmif you are using a nonstandard one
17:41.37anthmfamname => driver,database[,table]
17:42.10SexyKenMy phone has XML and I'd like queue information to be on the XML display, anybody know how to do this?
17:42.32DarthClueSexyKen, what kind of phone?
17:42.41Mikeanthm, i change it to exten => 555,1,RealtimeUpdate(sip_buddies,key,65554059,value,995)
17:42.42SexyKenPolycom SoundPoint IP600
17:42.56Mikei created a row named family key and value in
17:43.17DarthClueSexyKen, go to the polycom website and get the admin manual.  it will tell you if you can do that and how to do it.
17:43.36anthmis sip_buddies a table ?
17:43.57SpaceBassSexyKen you might have to create it yourself... something using the asterisk management api to check the queue then build the xml file
17:44.00SpaceBassjust a guess though
17:44.12Mikesipusers => mysql,cdr,sip_buddies
17:44.29anthmthen you need to put sipusers in the app
17:44.34anthmif that is how you have it mapped
17:44.52anthmthe leftmost string is the family name
17:44.59Twisteranyone happen to have the firmware and the SEPDeault.cnf file for a Cisco 30VIP
17:45.07Mikelet me try
17:45.31QwellTwister: get a cco account
17:45.33cursorI've never heard of the 30VIP
17:45.35cursorany good?
17:45.45Twisterthats why im trying to find out
17:46.15cursorVery Impressive Phone (or not)
17:46.16harryvvwhats realtimeupdate
17:46.49harryvvsexyken, got all buttons on the ip600 to work?
17:46.52SexyKenDarthClue, I've looked into this before and haven't found any information on how to do it.
17:47.06PyroStevehey guys
17:47.21PyroStevedones anyone know of a way to call multiple sip devices
17:47.28*** join/#asterisk florz (~florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
17:47.33PyroSteveand allow them allow hear the audio one way
17:47.48*** join/#asterisk zoa (
17:47.56MikeAug  1 13:47:27 DEBUG[5245] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Query: UPDATE sip_buddies SET value = '995' WHERE key = '65554059'
17:47.56MikeAug  1 13:47:27 DEBUG[5245] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Query Failed because: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'key = '65554059'' at line 1
17:48.06*** join/#asterisk grimse (
17:48.11jontowtook callin 'em.. but they straightened out the order i believe :)
17:48.25harryvvpyro for incomming calls going to the start or ?
17:48.37Mikeanthm, yes
17:48.43anthmdoh you voided your warranty
17:48.54Mikeanthm, what should i use?
17:49.00PyroSteveim trying to implement an all page type function
17:49.03anthmok i gave you the right syntax you are hitting the realtime
17:49.18anthmbut you are using a nonstandard db driver
17:49.19PyroStevea few IP phones have the auto answer config
17:49.22*** join/#asterisk eSmoke (
17:49.24PyroStevebut that does me no good
17:49.34PyroSteveand if I cant call them all at once
17:49.35Mikeanthm, i have this on extconf
17:49.53Mikesippeers => mysql,cdr,sip_buddies
17:49.53harryvvpyro, good idea
17:49.55Mikedriver mysql
17:50.06Mikebut yes is res_config_mysql
17:50.12Mikeso what driver do you want me to use
17:50.26anthmi dont care
17:50.27harryvvpyro, do you want a over head paging system?
17:50.42cursorunder floor paging is better
17:50.44harryvvits hard to page everyone when alot of people are on the phone
17:50.49anthmperhaps you can paste in that stmt into mysql
17:50.50PyroStevewell not really since my polycoms have an auto answer function built in
17:51.05anthmprobably your table is wrong
17:51.09harryvvcursor, under floor paging? i see that as a liability
17:51.24anthmlike value is and int and you are inserting a varchar
17:51.26Netgeeksthats a goofy looking statment
17:51.31anthmsome crap like that
17:51.33Mikelet me see
17:51.39harryvvthe standard in large buildings is overhead paging
17:51.43*** join/#asterisk Matta (
17:51.45Mikekey varchar(255
17:51.53Mikealue varchar(255
17:52.00Mikevalue varchar(255
17:52.06anthmthere's a hole in my bucket, dear liza, dear liza
17:52.21PyroStevethis isn't a large building
17:52.23cursorand all of the ')' symbols have fallen out
17:52.29MikeJ[Laptop]two tears in a bucket... mother  .. it
17:52.43Corydon-wUmm, you have a column named "key"?
17:52.50NetgeeksMIke: does your table have an entry with fields key and value?
17:52.53MikeCorydon-w, yes
17:52.55harryvvpyro, how many phones involved?
17:52.55MikeJ[Laptop]I have a column named row ;)
17:53.05MikeNetgeeks, yes
17:53.09harryvvyea, best way is paging.
17:53.19Corydon-wYou know that "key" is a reserved word, right?
17:53.24harryvvoverhead speaker and pa system
17:53.38PyroSteveok, I guess the answer it cant be done
17:53.43MikeCorydon-w, ok i will change it and still not work any ideas?
17:53.47Netgeeksthe error you got means that mysql doesn't like the FORM of your statement
17:53.47cursorMySQL will allow you to use reserved words as column names if you quote them
17:53.52PyroStevewithout a seperate paging system
17:54.03Mikelet me change it
17:54.04harryvvyea, if there is a emergency..and people are on the phone and some gets injured your liable.
17:54.19Mattawhat IP-phone(s) would you recommend that work great with asterisk in an office env. ?
17:54.33cursorbut reserved words are far too confusing to use anyway
17:55.07anthmlike i said, paste that sql st into the mysql console so you can see it bitch at you there too and for levity's sake pick col names that are not reserved
17:55.25cursorsanity's sake
17:55.38PyroSteveharryvv: i dont think would be too hard to beat in court
17:55.48Netgeeksast_key, and ast_value should work fine and still give you the human readability you want
17:55.57harryvvpyro, what are you really trying to acomplish?
17:56.25SexyKenAnyone know how to make the Watch buddy feature work with asterisk on select phones?
17:56.29Mikeok no error now but no update
17:56.33PyroStevethe same thing a key system would give an office
17:56.34MikeAug  1 13:55:31 DEBUG[5245] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Update SQL: UPDATE sip_buddies SET astvalue = '995' WHERE astkey = '65554059'
17:56.34MikeAug  1 13:55:31 DEBUG[5245] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Everything is fine.
17:56.34MikeAug  1 13:55:31 DEBUG[5245] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Updated 0 rows on table: sip_buddies
17:56.39harryvvactually it would. check your building codes..that building may or may not req overhead paging but thats a small office.
17:56.52QwellMike: then there are no rows where astkey = 65554059
17:57.03anthmok, dude, at this point you better write a wiki page for all this step by step help
17:57.06NetgeeksQwell types faster than I
17:57.15Mikeanthm, :)
17:58.22SexyKenAnyone have much experience with faxing & asterisk?
17:58.25anthmare you happy now ?
17:58.37PyroSteveharryvv: On an existing Samsung DCS50si, one can pickup a phone and dial *55 or something similar
17:58.41Mikeworks now
17:58.47Mikeok i get the point now
17:58.48PyroSteveand all phones would auto-answer on speaker phone
17:58.58PyroSteveand the caller can talk to everyone at thier desks
17:59.11anthmi look forward to reading Mike's step by step guide to custom realtime =D
17:59.16harryvvis that going to create a overload on the network?
17:59.37eKo1PyroSteve: uhm, and you want * do have that capability?
17:59.38harryvvprobebly not
17:59.51Mikeanthm, you will :)
18:00.50zoamike, send it to me too, i will publish it on the site
18:00.56zoai already made one for pgsql
18:01.34PyroSteveeKo1: well its not completely on asterisks end .. the phone would have to support auto-answering
18:01.53PyroStevelike and polycoms and spa-841'
18:03.01*** join/#asterisk IronHelixz (
18:03.16PyroSteveeKo1: the polycoms auto-answer works great ... but I cant understand why I seem to be the only one
18:03.25*** join/#asterisk pdugas (
18:04.05PyroStevethat needs to call mutiple phones at once and announce something like "I need all accounting members to the conference room"
18:04.41PyroSteveor like "Joe, where ever you are, come to my office"
18:04.54PyroStevesince I called Joes desk and he doesn't pickup
18:05.11cursor"Joe, you're fired!"
18:05.50Darwin35anth you have account access to asterlink righ
18:05.53PyroStevebecause Joe is in probably in pams office ... getting a blow job
18:06.24harryvvWhen I worked at microsoft everyone would get a vm saying that a virus has invaded the network. But alot of people were not around or at lunch or something.
18:07.24cursorThe VM must have had lots of disk space then
18:07.30PyroSteveharryvv: well then if worked at microsoft, then im suprized you dont see the real world use of what im explaining
18:07.31cursorIf there was one message per virus
18:08.02cursorPerhaps the MS office should upgrade to Linux
18:09.22PyroSteveAhhh maybe Digium will start selling more copies of the ABE, which include features such as this one
18:09.28*** join/#asterisk RomDump (romdump@ukato.freeshell.ORG)
18:14.40hardwireI love you all
18:14.48hardwireI think it has to do with this streams current mood
18:14.56hardwirewhy am I so moody?
18:15.37mutilatorare ya pregnant?
18:15.55cursoror is it early morning
18:15.56cursoror both
18:16.18*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
18:16.30harryvvpyro, thay dont call people thay put a script in the server that floods everyones vm with the anouncment.
18:16.53cursorPerhaps they should use email
18:17.03harryvvand that also backed it up with email
18:17.19harryvvshort of a knock on the door.
18:17.29cursorknock on the head
18:18.08*** join/#asterisk drooth (
18:19.29joergany experience with chanspy?
18:19.41Mikeanthm, do you know how realtime works also?
18:19.42joergthe sound isnt clear...
18:19.52*** join/#asterisk dsmouse (
18:19.57dsmouse'lo people
18:19.58Mikeanthm, im trying now to read the info im updating with realtimeupdate
18:20.17cursordsmouse: lo
18:20.32dsmouseso, I can't seem to get iaxtel link going
18:21.30dsmouseit keeps goint to timeout, so best guess is the host isn't supposed to be, but something like or something
18:21.36dsmousebut that's what all the docs say :(
18:21.37Ariel_looks like some emails are starting to get through again.
18:21.52QwellAriel_: wait for the flood
18:21.52zoaits working again
18:22.06cursorIAXtel is always down
18:22.15Ariel_well I see just got 11 old email in
18:22.36dsmousecursor: Oh. well that makes more sense.
18:22.52Qwelldsmouse: try fwd
18:22.58filezoa: waddup
18:23.09cursoryes - FWD works
18:23.24dsmouseQwell: funny you should say that. I was trying to get iaxtel up so I could test fwd via their peering number
18:23.42dsmouseI can make fwd outgoing, but the callme app has a problem calling me
18:24.05zoaim still alive
18:24.07zoakind of
18:24.09zoayou ?
18:24.16*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
18:24.21cursorI'll call you to test if you like
18:24.44dsmouse(I won't say anything, I'm at work, but I can tell if it rings)
18:24.53dsmouseok, looks like it works
18:25.20cursorI got your robot and was directed to dial 8000
18:25.29cursorI dialled that and got "one moment please"
18:25.29Darwin35VOip rocks phone companies suck
18:25.32cursorand then nothing
18:25.33yaaaranybody know if I can use multiple realtime databases? like, two db servers that get read from for redundancy?
18:25.50dsmousecursor: it's ok. it at least got the incoming call :)
18:26.00JerJeryaaar:  not today
18:26.18dsmousecursor: thanks :)
18:26.23cursorno probs
18:26.26JerJernor will it even reconnect if that single db goes away for any reason
18:26.43sivanawhat.. it won't even reconnect as of now?
18:27.53brookshireat least there is support!
18:28.04brookshirehey file!
18:28.12file[laptop]hey Matty boy
18:28.12sivanabarely.. more like hacks
18:29.04cursoroops - that was a can of worms
18:29.09cursortry the other one
18:29.33MikeJ[Laptop]wow... people, bitch less!
18:29.34QwellI need a new job.
18:29.51harryvvnew job in what
18:29.57Qwellfor hire: one jack-of-all-trades
18:30.03Qwellharryvv: whatever, heh
18:30.16harryvvqwell, are you selling systems?
18:30.18QwellLinux administration would be great, this point, anything
18:30.20Qwellharryvv: no
18:31.04cursorLinux admin sounds a bit boring
18:31.21cursorI mean, just doing that all day
18:31.22Qwellcursor: better then "Hey Qwell, I know you weren't at the meeting we just had, but we need you to do what we talked about."
18:31.30Qwell"oh, and you don't have access to the database server"
18:31.36harryvvmm yea mabey borring but customers will pay you for it :)
18:32.51Ariel_Qwell, you need a new job which implys to me you have one already correct?
18:33.00QwellAriel_: yeah
18:33.20*** join/#asterisk punkgode_ (
18:34.22Ariel_I got 11 email about 10 minutes ago. Now I just got one that was current. Looks like there might have been allot of lost emails. Which if we all lost them that is ok in my view.
18:34.49malcolmdAriel_:  thanks
18:35.07Netgeeksthey aren't lost, just sitting in outbound queues somewhere waiting for queue runs
18:35.47Ariel_malcolmd, I only got them in the user list and one in -dev list no cvs nor nor the -biz list.
18:36.08file[laptop]malcolmd: Malcolm!!!
18:37.55rayvdAnyone have a good example config for ser/openser proxying REGISTER requests to an Asterisk PBX?
18:40.09*** join/#asterisk mut (~animenodv@
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18:41.01*** join/#asterisk RomDump (romdump@ukato.freeshell.ORG)
18:42.32NetgeeksNow there is a classic email to asterisk-biz..  "Is the -biz list down"  - in the body the sender says he's no longer getting -biz list mail and wants to know if the biz list is down.....
18:42.44RomDumpAnyone know the command line argument to create an encrypted xml config with the Sipura SPC?
18:43.01cursorNetgeeks: send a reply saying "no"
18:43.17cursorWhen they get it, it'll be true
18:43.28NetgeeksI prefer not to go to the 9th level of hell, thank you....
18:43.32*** join/#asterisk lters_ (
18:44.36hardwirehey guys.. theres my dialplan "rules" in a nutshell
18:44.40hardwiretrying to make it really really simple
18:44.45hardwirecan you check it out and see if I am just insane?
18:45.03mutall pretty in a pdf and everything
18:45.08mutgotta present it to someone?
18:45.20hardwirejust making sure somebody actualyl checks it out.. vs having to download openoffice
18:45.31mutheh my notes go in notepad
18:45.39hardwireQwell: oh boo
18:45.40mutand they never make sense to anyone but me
18:45.58mutmainly mixtures of code and some words
18:48.01*** join/#asterisk robin_sz (
18:48.03Netgeeksyou building a corporate PBX system for your own company or for resale to many companies?
18:48.11hardwirefor my own
18:50.06NetgeeksI see nothing insane about the rules.  You obviously understand the limitations of your design and if all your departments fit within those limitations, you should be fine
18:51.37hardwireI was expecting more of a flame
18:51.45hardwirebut thank you
18:51.55dsmousehardwire: you idiot! don't you know that'll never work!
18:52.05hardwiredsmouse: thanks for that
18:52.13hardwiremy coffee makes me happy
18:53.02mutfrickin moron
18:53.03Hmmhesayswater makes me happy
18:53.10muter what?
18:53.31hardwirethere are a few things that of course everybody wants.. but I somehow can't imagine they can have.
18:53.40Hmmhesayslike this
18:53.41hardwirelike shared lines
18:53.43HmmhesaysLightsaber prop used by Mark Hamill in the original Star Wars sold for $200,000. Insert obligatory "virgin still lives at home" joke here
18:53.54hardwireand the ability to hold a line for pickup by somebody elses extension
18:53.59hardwireI suppose that is possible..
18:54.09dsmousecall parking?
18:54.21hardwireonce they go on hold.. they go into an call group
18:54.29hardwireis that how that would work?
18:54.41hardwiredsmouse: yeh.. they would have to remember numbers..
18:54.43harryvvhmm, yea
18:54.45hardwireI dunno how well that would work
18:55.02hardwireRon pickup on 712
18:55.29Hmmhesaysso write yourself a windoze program that pops that up on their screen
18:56.07harryvvpops what up? cid?
18:56.16Qwellthe park
18:56.21Hmmhesaysextension that was parked and who it was for
18:56.43hardwireHmmhesays: no
18:56.48hardwirewe have snoms.. I can just use SMS
18:57.07Hmmhesayshonestly I really don't care, just putting in my 2 cents
18:57.13dsmousehardwire: why not just have them transfer the call to them?
18:57.27hardwiredsmouse: do the people in your office actually stay in their little areas?
18:57.34hardwirecause that would be interesting to see here.
18:57.57hardwireit would be neat to see call parking hints.. on the phones
18:58.09robin_szcoo, with the new firmware, this Grandstream Gx2000 is actually not bad ...
18:58.11hardwirethat way I could use the last 6 function key/leds to indicate a call park
18:58.36dsmousehardwire: you could make a queue per extention and transfer them to that extension
18:58.50*** join/#asterisk RomDump (romdump@ukato.freeshell.ORG)
18:58.53dsmousethat's like hold, and it doesn't neet to anounce anything, so it'd be the same to the caller
18:59.19cursorwhat if that extension already has someone holding?
18:59.36hardwirecursor: you can check for that
18:59.46hardwireand have it roll
18:59.56hardwirebut how tdo you make a null extension?
19:00.09cursorI suppose so, but you'd need to know which exten it landed on
19:00.14dsmousewell, I meen like if you created queue at their extension, and that queue rang sip/1234 intstead of extension 1234 doing it
19:00.16hardwireI don't know much about queues
19:00.23*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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19:00.29hardwireinfact.. I have yet to actually use them
19:01.01dsmouseYou can also use queues for stuff like one number rings 5 phones and first one that picks up gets it
19:01.39hardwiredsmouse: thats how the operator extension will work
19:01.45hardwireif you fully read the pdf I posted..
19:01.53hardwirebut I assumed there would be a call queue like that
19:02.09dsmouseyup, I saw that :)
19:02.28hardwireI must play
19:02.34hardwirethats agents.conf?
19:02.36*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
19:03.34dsmouseand queues.conf
19:03.42hardwireI really like the incredibly simple ices support
19:04.09hardwirethat made me happy
19:04.15hardwirehaving a conference w/ icecast listeners
19:04.24hardwiremut: join the world!
19:04.31hardwiremut: but really.. whats so terrible/
19:05.16mutthe envoronment i work in, and planning skills of upper management
19:05.19*** join/#asterisk meppl (~mephisto@
19:05.32hardwireis that it?
19:05.40mutdoes there need to be anymore?
19:05.44mutthe pay
19:05.44hardwireyour boss doesn't have memory issues? or is manipulative?
19:05.45Qwellmut: nope
19:05.57hardwireor has no plan whatsoever.
19:05.59muthe tries to be manipulative
19:06.04mutbut i have none of that
19:06.22hardwiremut: does he understand taht an administrative position doesn't need to pull in income?
19:06.31hardwireand that maintainence is required on all things
19:06.51muthe doesn't understand the meaning of plan something out before you do it
19:07.02hardwireand does he feel that even though you are swamped.. you should be outsourcing your services to other companies to do the same thing.. witout adequite help?
19:07.04mutor rather they i should say
19:07.09hardwiremut: ah..
19:07.24hardwiremut: my boss wanted to use wimax before it was invented.
19:07.42mutwe used karlnet before it was invented
19:07.45hardwireand just convert 100 people to a beta wireless system
19:07.48mutwe beta'de their ap's
19:07.53hardwireand charge them for new CPE
19:07.56hardwirehe doesn't think
19:08.27mutwell we did that, but we didn't charge customers for it
19:08.56mutcustomers were all about new equipment
19:08.59mutthey didn't care what it was
19:09.16*** part/#asterisk kapejod (
19:09.46mutthe not planning anything, and no teamwork whatsoever is what bugs the hell out of me
19:09.55Qwellmut: Join the club
19:09.58muti don't mind being swamped with work all the time
19:10.02hardwiremut: yeh.. but we have no people to move in the new CPE either
19:10.04mutkeeps me busy
19:10.08hardwirebrb.. shipping a truck today.
19:10.38mutmain reason i am swamped with work most of the time is because stuff isn't planned
19:13.20punkgode_newbie question: I trying to setup an Asterisk system with VoIP and PSTN connections that will serve 38 analog telephones (extentions?). Do I need 38 FXS ports?
19:13.49Qwellpunkgode_: or a channel bank
19:13.56Kattypunkgode_: is that 38 individual phone lines?
19:14.31Qwellquad span T1 card should be able to handle that, with a channel bank
19:14.39punkgode_i don't know how to translate that to english, in spanish they called them "internos"
19:15.00KattyQwell: would that include routing the phone numbers through the broadband rather than the phone lines?
19:15.10QwellKatty: nah, fxo and fxs
19:15.19Qwell(assuming he has 38 individual phone lines...)
19:15.24KattyQwell: erm?
19:15.31Qwellbut, if that were the case, two T1s may be better
19:15.35KattyQwell: you cant get 38 lines into the back of a single server
19:15.45QwellKatty: channel bank > t410
19:15.56Kattyi obviously have no clue what that is
19:15.57Qwell410?  is that the one?
19:16.03QwellKatty: quad span T1 card
19:16.08Kattyyeah that's greek too
19:16.16Qwell4 T1 ports on a Digium card
19:16.22punkgode_no sorry, let me explain, I'm confused by the terminology
19:16.27Qwellpunkgode_: please
19:16.38Kattyis it an external device that dumps 38 lines onto cat5?
19:16.44QwellKatty: basically
19:16.46punkgode_I have a E1 line that gives me 24 (or so) external lines
19:16.54KattyQwell: k
19:16.56JerJertry 30
19:17.03punkgode_and on the other hand I have 38 analog telephones inside my company
19:17.05QwellJerJer: "(or so)"
19:17.24Kattyi guess it looks like a switch or something
19:17.27Kattya mini router
19:17.30QwellKatty: basically
19:17.34Kattyi want one
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19:17.46QwellKatty: google adtran channel bank
19:18.02punkgode_k thxs
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19:18.18MikeJ[Laptop]channel bank YAY!
19:18.34Qwellpunkgode_: for you, yeah...with a quad span E1, you could pull in the PRI, and send two of the channels to a channel bank with FXS ports, that go to the phones
19:18.56Qwellso, one channel would be going to waste, but...its cheaper/better then getting 3 single span cards, I'd bet
19:19.03Kattywe only have 8 lines in this building, so i've yet to play with other hardware
19:19.05Qwellsomebody please correct me if I'm wrong
19:19.17QwellKatty: You could use a channelbank for that too, if I'm not mistaken
19:19.30Qwellfxo and fxs
19:19.43Qwellagain, somebody correct me if I'm wrong
19:19.55KattyQwell: possibly, but we've got two cards, with 4 ports each (red modules)
19:20.16QwellKatty: is a T1 much more expensive then 8 lines there?
19:20.21Kattyi don't know
19:20.23Netgeeksso you have 38 analog phones, and 8 phone lines from the phone company?
19:20.34KattyNetgeeks: don't confuse me with punkgode_
19:20.42punkgode_no 38 analog phones and a E1
19:20.43KattyNetgeeks: i've got 8 lines, he's got 38
19:21.08Netgeeksteach me to walk away for 5 minutes then come back and try to help
19:21.46darkskiezwonder how the 24port digium fxs board is rumour milling up
19:21.54QwellKatty: I've heard that some places, 8-10 lines is about the same cost as a PRI
19:22.08Kattycould be, dunno
19:22.20Kattythere was talk of getting a partial dsl and having them come over that
19:22.26Qwellpartial dsl?
19:22.31Kattybut the phone company took 3 months and never got around to it
19:22.40Qwellnow thats a new term to me
19:22.54mutnever heard of pdsl?
19:23.03Qwellmut: to describe it?
19:23.04mutneither have i ;)
19:23.15Netgeeksusing a PRI is far superior to analog lines.  The headaches you save could very well be worth the difference in cost
19:23.24QwellNetgeeks: yeah, exactly
19:23.24darkskiezResults 1 - 10 of about 15 for "partial dsl". (0.59 seconds)
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19:23.35deimiosthey segment off a portion of the DSL bandwidth for VoIP traffic and give a small router that breaks out the numbers
19:23.45QwellKatty: did you maybe mean partial PRI?
19:23.51NetgeeksKatty may be referring to a split data/voice T1 instead of DSL?
19:23.54KattyQwell: i don't know what pri stands for :)
19:23.59QwellKatty: T1, basically :p
19:24.03QwellPrimary Rate Interface
19:24.04NetgeeksPrimary Rate Interface
19:24.09deimiosNetgeeks: I know of a few providers that do that over DSL
19:24.13Netgeeksdamn you qwell fastfingers
19:24.14Qwellas opposed to an ISDN, or BRI
19:24.18darkskiezif i call someone on an analogue line via my pri, and transfer them into a conference, they dont get disconnected when they hang up. Is there a graceful way to handle this?
19:24.27mutya i can do that over dsl
19:24.28Kattyfrom what i understood, they were chopping our dsl in half
19:24.33useddoes anyone know anywhere I might purchase an IAXy or Sipura 3000 in Portland, OR? I've got a client that needs one today.
19:24.36Kattyand half of it was going to be for voip, the other half for regular broadband stuff
19:24.38mutleast the thing has the capability to
19:24.42muti never actaully did it
19:24.50jontowcool.. my bank is a bunch of fuckups
19:24.52Kattythey were supposed to provide our voIP service too, but after 3 months of not getting their act together i setup asterisk in about a week
19:24.57jontowjust what i wanted to know
19:25.05Kattythey called it a partial dsl
19:25.08deimiosI have a few customers that are testing that for me over their Wireless broadband crap
19:25.12Qwelljontow: which?
19:25.13NetgeeksKatty: what they were going to do sounds proprietary
19:25.19KattyNetgeeks: it was.
19:25.23KattyNetgeeks: it was a little hardware box
19:25.33mutdeimios: testing what
19:25.39KattyNetgeeks: heh, they couldn't even get our phones to work on it. idiots.
19:25.47jontowlocal bank
19:25.54Qwellpartial T1 would probably do you well
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19:26.05KattyNetgeeks: we opted to not have the phone lines sent across the partial dsl in the end and i setup the server.
19:26.07useddoes anyone know anywhere I might purchase an IAXy or Sipura 3000 in Portland, OR? I've got a client that needs one today.
19:26.14Qwellused: no need to repeat
19:26.18Kattyso we have broadband and voIP going through cable
19:26.29Kattythough, the switch/router is only used for uhh routing
19:26.31NetgeeksMy guess is they run dsl over the circuit to the blackbox, and then the blackbox turns VoIP packets from the DSL into a PRI signalled circuit...
19:26.32mutyea, if we ignore you the first time, the second time we'll do the same
19:26.34Kattyand a few IAX2 calls i make
19:26.41Kattythe rest goes through the regular phone lines
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19:27.01QwellKatty: sounds exactly like a split voice/data T1...but more proprietary
19:27.15KattyQwell: well it's neither, they never got their act together
19:27.22NetgeeksSo you've got it working, but you wanted to.....
19:27.25KattyQwell: we're still using cable here at the office.
19:27.26QwellKatty: telcos usually don't
19:27.31Hmmhesayssome people in the internet seriously bother me
19:27.36QwellHmmhesays: in it?
19:27.36KattyHmmhesays: like me? :>
19:27.48Hmmhesayson it, i should say
19:27.51Hmmhesaysno not you Katty
19:27.57Hmmhesaysstupid people that think they know everything
19:27.58KattyHmmhesays: i'll have to keep trying then :<
19:28.02QwellHmmhesays: Like me? :p
19:28.04NetgeeksHmmhesays: remove the "some people in" and capitalize 'the' and you cover it
19:28.34drumkillaany postfix experts in here?
19:28.35Ariel_Hmmhesays, I will have to agree with you on that.
19:28.52Kattythe interweb scares me :<
19:28.56darkskiezdrumkilla: not a guru, but i've configged my fair share.
19:28.59Netgeeks<--- mailer ignorant
19:29.07drumkilladarkskiez: i'm working on the mailing lists
19:29.17Kattyi'm completely ignorant sometimes.
19:29.24punkgode_it depends, I'm an ISP admin, but my english sucks
19:29.29Kattywithout Hmmhesays's and anthm's help that box would still be sitting there and just running debian
19:29.33Ariel_Katty, that is a statment we can all make
19:29.35darkskiezdrumkilla: whats the problem?
19:29.47Qwellpunkgode_: Your English has been fine from what I've seen
19:29.50HmmhesaysI have no problems admitting when I don't know something or when i'm wrong
19:29.55punkgode_Qwell, thxs :)
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19:30.00KattyHmmhesays: yay :>
19:30.27tzafrir_laptopdrumkilla, ask ahead
19:30.49NetgeeksSo Katty, what was it you were trying to do, that you wanted comment on?
19:31.31KattyNetgeeks: uhh?
19:31.33KattyNetgeeks: oh
19:31.39nitram~seen kapejod
19:31.42jbotkapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4d 6h 55m 19s ago, saying: 'you could modify chan_sip for that.'.
19:31.42KattyNetgeeks: i'm just being a female and ranting (=
19:31.47drumkillawell ... um ... we had a ton of messages that said the same thing
19:31.50drumkillabut now it's not saying it
19:31.58KattyNetgeeks: i'm sorry, but you can't play mister fix it with me today.
19:32.06NetgeeksKatty: hrm, given that definition, I'm female every so often as well
19:32.10KattyNetgeeks: and if i did need a mister fix, i'd go tug on Hmmhesays's sleeve first (=
19:32.15drumkillawoah, there it goes again ... "delivery temporarily suspended: unknown mail transport error"
19:32.18nitramit seems they just copied the colognechip design
19:32.24Kattydrumkilla: oh noes :<
19:32.32drumkillaI have no clue what I am doing :)
19:32.39darkskiezdrumkilla: did somebody set up a mail forward back to the list ? do you have a copy of the headers? I've not subscribed at the moment
19:32.39Kattydrumkilla: you obviously require hugs.
19:32.40nitraminterestingly those cards have the same pciid as junghanns' quadbri
19:32.50NetgeeksYou are in good company then, Drum
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19:33.02Hmmhesayscause the hook brings you back, I ain't telling you knows liiiiiiiiieeeees, on that you can rely
19:33.16punkgode_drumkilla: when does this happens?, any more logs?
19:33.36komnievehi all - can anyone recommend  a t.37 provider? reliable / competitive...
19:33.37Hmmhesaysoh come on now, everyone like blues traveler
19:34.05tzafrir_laptoptransport is the "method" of delivery. It is the basic routing decision
19:34.12drumkillaok, so ... Aug  1 14:32:11 arizona postfix/qmgr[12727]: 6B484407C: to=<>, relay=none, delay=6212, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: unknown mail transport error)
19:34.16drumkillathat's an example
19:34.22drumkillaand we'll get like a ton of that exact same thing
19:34.24tzafrir_laptopexample transports: smtp, local
19:34.56drumkillais it a problem that it says relay=none ?
19:35.14Netgeeksokay then, back to coding a web interface to create config files for different SIP devices and update them in SIP realtime from one interface...  You can send all your Bosley hair restoration spam my way, I'll need it before I'm done
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19:35.31tzafrir_laptopmaybe it is "manually" (e.g: in the transport file) configured to use an incorrect transport type. Perhaps a misplaced ':' character?
19:35.51punkgode_relay= none means It won't relay messages that aren't for your domain
19:35.58drumkillawhich file ok
19:36.26tzafrir_laptoprelay=none etc. are just the extra details postfix knows about that message
19:37.42Kattymmm, soy ice cream.
19:37.57tzafrir_laptopI wonder if "error" is not the transport name here
19:38.16darkskiezlooks like the more significant error message might have happened before.
19:38.24*** part/#asterisk punkgode_ (
19:38.29darkskiezand this is a follow on error
19:38.30drumkillabut this is so high volume, it's hard to find
19:38.48tzafrir_laptopdrumkilla, that's what greps are for
19:38.50darkskiezdrumkilla: grep for the id  6B484407C
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19:41.08JerJerI just receieved an email to asterisk-biz  - someone asking if the list was downb
19:41.12pjzhow do i forward calls on one number to a different number?
19:41.21pjzdo I do this in the dialplan somehow?
19:41.23brookshirei blame gentoo for the lack of mailing list ;)
19:41.28harryvvpacket8 is going to have there phones in stargate sg-1
19:41.34JerJer07/30/2005 01:14 PM
19:41.35*** kick/#asterisk [brookshire!~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk] by drumkilla (troll)
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19:41.37harryvvanyone use them before
19:41.57brookshireis it just postfix errors?
19:41.59Qwellharryvv: the video ones?
19:42.01brookshirei'm good with postfix :D
19:42.10darkskiezdrumkilla: do you use amavis or anything like that too?
19:42.53wunderkinJerJer: i havent gotten that one yet, must be down :D
19:43.03rayvdi use amavisd ...
19:43.03drumkilladarkskiez: hrm ... don't think we do on this box
19:43.23brookshirerussell: is it a postfix problem?
19:43.30drumkillabrookshire: I think so
19:43.33drumkillacome look at this
19:45.17*** join/#asterisk RomDump (romdump@ukato.freeshell.ORG)
19:45.26darkskiezdrumkilla: did you find more ?
19:45.57drumkilladarkskiez: looking through the logs
19:46.06drumkillaand brookshire is here looking at it too
19:46.43darkskiezgrep panic /var/log/maillog
19:47.51pjzis there a way to forward a call that comes in on a pri line back out to the PSTN such that it doesn't tkae up two channels on the pbx?
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19:48.01Qwellpjz: no
19:48.11pjzQwell: really?
19:48.14Qwellpjz: unless your telco forwards it
19:48.23darkskiezpjz: show application forward
19:48.27pjzQwell: they say they can't do that for one number of a pri
19:48.34Qwellpjz: exactly :(
19:48.36darkskiezpjz: your telco might just drop the call.
19:48.50pjzpbx*CLI> show application forward
19:48.51pjzYour application(s) is (are) not registered
19:49.19darkskiezpjz: show application transfer
19:49.22darkskiezi meant
19:49.40Qwelldarkskiez: that won't work for a zap chan
19:49.47darkskiezQwell: oh..right.
19:49.55Qwellat least, I wouldn't think so
19:50.09darkskiezQwell: It tries to on my pri, but the telco just drops the call.
19:50.12gordonjcpayeup Qwell, darkskiez
19:51.25darkskiezgordonjcp: 'lo
19:52.27QwellWhats with all these pdfs today?
19:53.21Qwelljtodd: I've been trying to figure it out, but I can't think of it...  where did that flint ringtone come from?
19:53.28lathos42PDFs are fun and easy to use!
19:53.29Qwellsounds all too familiar
19:53.40jtoddQwell: there are some merlin rings in there...
19:54.05Qwellis that what its from?
19:54.14jtodddespite PDF's being fun and easy to use, there is some bozo who has requested that URL I posted 197 times in the past four minutes.
19:54.45jtoddwhoever you are, in california, on Adelphia - this means you.
19:55.09Qwellmust've been was gpdf doing?
19:55.14Qwellno wonder it was going so damn slow
19:55.23jtoddx.x.x.194 - - [01/Aug/2005:19:54:56 +0000] "GET /asterisk/misc/GR_2BchanXfer.pdf HTTP/1.1" 206 0
19:55.29Qwellthe hell...
19:55.30jtoddlike four requests a second.
19:55.36Qwellall I did was gpdf
19:55.46darkskiez206 0
19:55.51jtodddunno. Try wget, then open manually.
19:55.58darkskiezthey arent downloading it
19:56.04lathos42I used to use gpdf, but I ran into way too many problems with PDFs i'd try to download
19:56.06Qwelljtodd: sorry about that...not sure what it was doing
19:56.20jtoddok, no problem if it wasn't something you had control over.  :-)
19:56.46jtoddAnyway, I don't remember if anyone implemented the 2B channel transfer stuff in Asterisk yet.  I seem to recall some discussion about it on -dev or -cvs at one point...
19:56.57jtoddLook at app_transfer (not app_forward) to see if it was implemented.
19:57.44darkskiezi tried transfer recently on my pri, it did try to do soemthing, but didnt work
19:57.47gordonjcpjtodd: 206 == partial content
19:57.53gordonjcpit's not downloaded the full PDF
19:57.59lters_anyone using HEAD with agentcallbacklogins ?
20:00.11harryvvanyone here using voipjet?
20:01.13harryvvgeting a all circuits are bussy for a international call
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20:02.55harryvvDial failed due to NOANSWER
20:03.04harryvvI suspect that is on voipjets end?
20:04.05RomDumpThat's because the first time it must get an encryption key?
20:05.23harryvvis there a reliable international voip service to use?
20:05.26SwK[Work]did I see someone in here a while back talking about starting a service that was going to do asterisk e911 hookups?
20:05.34SwK[Work]harryvv: define international
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20:05.37QwellSwK[Work]: aginamu
20:05.49SwK[Work]Qwell: didnt he have a website?
20:05.59QwellSwK[Work]: yeah...umm...lemme see if I can find it
20:06.26darkskiezwe have decent bandwidth but also high packetloss to a colleague in greece, am tempted to try to make * send packets twice as a nasty hack workaround, anyone suppose that might improve things?
20:06.48harryvvswk, asia from north america
20:06.59harryvvjapana, PI countries like that.
20:07.51SwK[Work]harryvv: well thats the kicker I'm sure you can find someone to carry that traffic on a VoIP-> pstn gateway service like Asterlink or CommuniqueXpert but watch out they are tightening down on International terms cause everyones been getting screwed on that lately
20:08.02SwK[Work]Qwell: found it
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20:12.10harryvvwhi is thay are ?
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20:12.28SwK[Work]harryvv: engrish?
20:12.59djin_iblike Yoda harryvv speaks.
20:13.14Qwellimagine if yoda had dyslexia...
20:13.22djin_ibYoda on acid to be exact ;)
20:14.23Kattyi read that as Yoda on Ice
20:14.29Kattylike sesame street, on ice
20:14.30asterisk99Quck Question --- after CVS dowload, do I switch to /usr/src/asterisk and just do a "make install"?  (I am updating 1.0.5 -> 1.0.9)
20:14.32harryvvswk YOUR english is what needs correcting. I was asking you what you said by "watch out THAY are"
20:14.54twisted[asteria]yoda on ice.. i'd pay to see that
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20:15.10Kattytwisted[asteria]: i suddenly have the urge to beep beep you
20:15.17SwK[Work]harryvv: i failed english
20:15.27Kattytwisted[asteria]: however, i'm charging
20:15.28SwK[Work]ask twisted
20:15.34twisted[asteria]Katty, i noticed
20:15.39Kattytwisted[asteria]: oh.
20:15.40planetWayne| Mailing Lists are down, we're working on it | - ah, all in the topic :)
20:15.44Kattytwisted[asteria]: user not available?
20:15.49twisted[asteria]Katty, hehe, i went to beep ya, and got C0
20:15.51harryvvSo SwK[Work] who is THAY?
20:16.00asterisk99Yoda on acid better than Jar Jar on acid
20:16.01SwK[Work]i cant tipe either
20:16.04Kattytwisted[asteria]: k, moment
20:16.09twisted[asteria]Katty, s'ok
20:16.11SwK[Work]harryvv: they in general... VoIP carriers
20:16.30SwK[Work]harryvv: there was a big write up on how they are getting screwed by people scamming them
20:16.31jontowasterisk99; worry not, window panes good yoda for.
20:17.02harryvvand why are the voip carriers tightening down? I see
20:17.17asterisk99Quick Question --- after CVS dowload, do I switch to /usr/src/asterisk and just do a "make install"?  (I am updating 1.0.5 -> 1.0.9)
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20:17.34Qwellcvs != 1.0.9
20:17.48asterisk99cvs stable si 'sposed to be
20:17.56Qwellcvs stable is cvs stable
20:18.00Qwellits NOT the same as 1.0.9
20:18.24Kattytwisted[asteria]: mrow?
20:18.37twisted[asteria]mrrow :)
20:18.44Kattyyou no reply :<
20:18.45asterisk99ok --- I sirt corrected (vs. standing corrected) ... Stable 1.0
20:18.51file[laptop]Katty: POKE
20:18.55Kattyfile[laptop]: :>>>
20:18.55asterisk99ok --- I sit corrected (vs. standing corrected) ... Stable 1.0
20:19.01twisted[asteria]Katty, i did too!  but then i got sidetracked by something breaking
20:19.06Kattytwisted[asteria]: k
20:19.08Qwellasterisk99: just call it cvs stable
20:19.22twisted[asteria]so i fxied the breakage
20:19.23Qwellbut no, you have to do make, and make install
20:19.23asterisk99(stupid fat fingers...  can't type worth (&*(*&(
20:19.34Kattytwisted[asteria]: :>>>
20:19.40asterisk99make .... then make install
20:19.41twisted[asteria]hehe, yay
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20:20.05twisted[asteria]just beep beep :P
20:20.17twisted[asteria]file[laptop], dude, you wearing a hat?
20:20.23Qwelltwisted[asteria]: c'mere you ;P
20:20.28twisted[asteria]Qwell, uhh
20:20.46asterisk99we're all wearing propeller-head beanies, right?????
20:20.51Kattyrut roh
20:20.59Kattywork is all wantcopyofclueconreceiptplskthx
20:21.11file[laptop]Katty: receipt online.
20:21.28twisted[asteria]Katty, so write one on some notebook paper, fax it to file, let him sign it, and fax it back ;)
20:21.31asterisk99very good!!!! thatt's the best smiley yet!!!!!   |-(:--]
20:21.33Kattyfile[laptop]: :>
20:21.34file[laptop]or I could like omg make one
20:21.43Qwellfile[laptop]: I need one too
20:21.48twisted[asteria]asterisk99, except you have two noses
20:21.53file[laptop]everyone needs one!
20:21.56twisted[asteria]Katty, hey, it's an idea ;)
20:21.56KattyLOADING, pls wait
20:21.58asterisk99(can you do Yoda??)
20:22.07Qwellfile[laptop]: but, I didn't pay...does that matter?
20:22.10file[laptop]yoda do I can.
20:22.16file[laptop]Qwell: maybe
20:22.22Kattyfile[laptop]: is that just one line? in transaction history?
20:22.32file[laptop]what's your account username?
20:22.45asterisk99the keyboard on this aging Dell Latitude sucks --- it's the 4th replacement I've had (and now off warranty)
20:22.48file[laptop]you know I could add a service to your cluecon account to give you VoIP calling?
20:22.52sh4d0vvanybody ever got working an quad fxo with a 4 pots line?
20:23.13file[laptop]omg I see katty
20:23.16Kattyfile[laptop]: i think i might need a more detailed reciept, but i will see if a single line will do
20:23.20Kattyfile[laptop]: omgno
20:23.30tzafrir_laptopasterisk99, I managed to replce my dell
20:23.51tzafrir_laptopmanaged to find someone who doesn't really use the keyboard much
20:24.15file[laptop]if you want a better receipt.. well.. I'll see what I can do!
20:24.57Kattyfile[laptop]: rut roh, i gotta have better receipt
20:25.03Kattyfile[laptop]: office manager is asking for breakdown.
20:25.18Hmmhesaysaren't you supposed to be on the road?
20:25.20Kattyfile[laptop]: attendence charge to conference, how much the hotel rooms are, and the cost of expenses on that too, probably
20:25.29NetgeeksThere was a web site around a while back where you could go and make any sort of official looking receipts...  they had lots of professional looking icons and such...  and you would get the reciept in pdf form with handwriting and all
20:25.30QwellKatty: anal!
20:25.38file[laptop]lemme see what I can do!
20:25.40KattyQwell: very, that's why she's the office manager though :)
20:25.42Kattyfile[laptop]: thanky :>
20:26.10QwellKatty: office managers suck...
20:26.19exonicI'd like to contribute asterisk code, well see if it is worthy of contribution too. Where would I do this?
20:26.24QwellKatty: mine will sign any piece of paper I hand him
20:26.33Qwellexonic: the bug tracker
20:26.36jbotextra, extra, read all about it, bug is n: A son of a glitch. An error in design or programming in hardware or software. Effects range from cosmetic errors to system crash and loss of data. See also Feature.
20:26.50exonicaight :)
20:26.56Kattycosmetic errors? ^_-
20:26.58file[laptop]grrr what can I make this receipt in...
20:27.11Kattywhat is this, plastic surgery?
20:27.28file[laptop]well I want it to be nice
20:27.28Kattyfile[laptop]: with pretty cluecon logo on it to make it look official or something
20:27.36Kattyfile[laptop]: open office!
20:27.43Kattyfile[laptop]: html!
20:27.54tzafrir_laptopKatty, you underestimate vim
20:28.01fileor I can do... this...
20:28.06Kattytzafrir_laptop: i can't even figure out how to use it ;)
20:28.12Kattytzafrir_laptop: i use emacs (=
20:28.17*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
20:28.22Corydon-w"When will a fix be committed to CVS?"  "When you've tested it and submitted some GD feedback!"
20:28.58NetgeeksDoes the feedback have to be damned by god, or can it just be damned by JerJer?
20:29.22Kattyfile[laptop]: on the main page it sorta breaks it down. 350 for admission, 300 for 3 nights and 3 lunches, extra hotel night with paid package 69 bucks
20:29.35Kattyfile[laptop]: but!
20:29.40Corydon-wSome people just don't read the prior bugnotes... someone saying "I think this has been tested well enough to go into CVS" means we need you to test the f'ing patch
20:30.02Kattyfile[laptop]: you'll have to call the extra 69 bucks expenses cause the only reason i'm staying is cause you guys are going to anthony's for bbq
20:30.06Kattyfile[laptop]: the next day i mean.
20:30.23Kattyfile[laptop]: admission - 350, hotel and lunches - 300, traveling expensies - whatever's left
20:30.50*** join/#asterisk gatty (
20:31.04denonKatty: chapstick for chicago windburn
20:31.14Kattydenon: not quite (=
20:31.16fileKatty: kk
20:31.24Kattyfile: so that's 138 in traveling expenses
20:31.36denontrain, taxi, el, etc
20:31.41fileKatty: I'm breaking it down more for you ;)
20:31.42Kattyfile: which is like 2 extra days at the hotel
20:31.43Netgeeks1 tank of gas nowadays
20:31.46Kattyfile: yay :>>>>
20:31.56gattydoes * support H323 gatekeeper functionality?  I've only used SIP but have a need for an H323 gatekeeper now.
20:32.01Kattydenon: not quite, but brian should be here soon (=
20:32.09NetgeeksGateway, not gatekeeper
20:32.10Kattydenon: if he didn't get his tail lost in the middle of a field.
20:32.28Netgeeksif you want a gatekeeper, check out gnugk
20:32.36gattyNetgeeks: yeah I looked at gnugk
20:33.04gattyneeds to be a gatekeeper as I'm using it as an easy way to do firewall traversal with a firewall that isn't truly H323-aware
20:33.43NetgeeksI've used the oh323 channel with gnugk on the same system to get gatekeeper functionality with asterisk at the same time
20:33.58gattymight install * too so I can support SIP -> H323 gatewaying
20:34.16Netgeeksbut bot chan_h323 and chan_oh323 are both gateway only
20:34.26gattywhich of those channels is better?
20:35.03fileKatty: what's your email address?
20:35.04NetgeeksI personally use chan_oh323 myself
20:35.24gattyonly asking because I've been given a job request from my department director to get H323 working on our network and I'm familiar with * and it'd be a bonus to get SIP as well as our new conference systems support SIP ;)
20:35.26*** join/#asterisk funxion (
20:35.56NetgeeksI suppose if you can coerce chan_h323 into working, it would be fine as well
20:35.59gattyalso ties in nicely with my wish to get a * box attached on the back of our PBX via E1
20:36.10*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (
20:36.23fileKatty Katty Katty
20:36.58funxionis there an ircop channel for this server?
20:37.08*** join/#asterisk izo (~izo@
20:37.12funxionserver =network
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20:38.15Netgeekswith that thought, lathos, you've summoned a monkey
20:38.25gattyNetgeeks: thanks for the advice :)
20:38.51lathos42I dont know if i'd want to taint * by letting Notes interact with it though
20:38.52filedrumkilla: poke
20:39.14gattyI'm not sure which is more nasty, Notes or M$ Exchange
20:39.48lathos42We're running a Notes R4.6 server with R5 clients.. its a nice delicate blend of the finest CRAP
20:40.28gattyjust don't tell me you have a mainframe as the server :P
20:40.43asteriskmonkeyis there any asterisk people in toronto here
20:40.50drumkillawhat you want
20:40.58filedrumkilla: are you taking over Mark's desk?!?
20:40.58asterisk99hmmmmmm... I'm having bad echo problems with my Digium ... how can I tell what release of Zaptel is running?
20:41.01lathos42gatty: Nope, we're running it on a server running Windows 2000 Workstation :)
20:41.16drumkillafile: yes
20:41.24Qwelldrumkilla: I'm telling
20:41.24filedrumkilla: is the entire company next?
20:41.24drumkillabecause brookshire is stealing mine
20:41.42filea likely story
20:41.54drumkillaasteriskmonkey: there is an asterisk user group there
20:42.00drumkillafile: quit looking at me
20:42.21Qwellerm, wrong window
20:43.28lathos42asteriskmonkey: might be what you're looking for
20:44.29asteriskmonkeycool thanks alot :D
20:45.07drumkillaQwell: didn't know there was live ascii art of me
20:45.26file[laptop]drumkilla is slightly insane
20:45.47*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:46.10lathos42file[laptop]: That's a relief.. i'd hate for him to be mostly insane
20:46.37mutas compared to people in here... slightly.. as compared to society...
20:46.59file[laptop]let's go hunting.
20:47.15mutfor wabbits?
20:47.34file[laptop]drumkilla: you make me sad :(
20:48.14drumkillafile[laptop]: the mailing list server makes me sad
20:48.19drumkillait is totally fux0r3d
20:48.26*** join/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
20:48.32file[laptop]bad drumkilla bad
20:48.35file[laptop]you screwed it up
20:48.54Kattyanyone want to see my desk?
20:48.59QwellKatty: sure
20:48.59Kattydesk of Doom(tm)
20:49.15drumkillaand then Katty's web server gets #asterisk'd
20:49.19mutholy doom is right
20:49.28Kattydrumkilla: firewall :>
20:49.41KattyQwell: it's quite messy
20:49.45mutthe usual 400 differnt notes taped on the wall
20:49.49mutthat you'll never use again
20:49.50Kattyi work in teh basement :<
20:49.54drumkillabtw, your phone is off hook
20:50.05Kattydrumkilla: yes, i know
20:50.08QwellWhats up with the bags thumbtacked to the wall?
20:50.08Kattydrumkilla: it's in a conference
20:50.13Kattydrumkilla: but i'm ignoring everyone...
20:50.13drumkillais that irssi/!11?!
20:50.17Kattydrumkilla: yes.
20:50.23Kattyit's hottt.
20:50.24*** part/#asterisk MRH2 (
20:50.33twisted[asteria]Katty, who's hott?
20:50.36twisted[asteria]or what, rather
20:50.46KattyQwell: those are copier parts
20:50.50drumkillatwisted[asteria]: she's talking about your jmom
20:50.52QwellKatty: Whats in the paper bag?
20:51.03twisted[asteria]drumkilla, she's never met my mom, and trolling is NOT welcome in here ;)
20:51.04KattyQwell: nothing, but there was chocolate soy ice cream in there
20:51.13Qwelleww, and mmm
20:51.19QwellI'm undecided
20:51.57NetgeeksThat is a scary desk
20:52.05darkskiezwots the cd?
20:52.16darkskiezhope theres nowt important on that hdd :)
20:52.25Kattylathos42: why would i? (=
20:52.26Qwellphone/magnets + hd?
20:52.41Kattyi'll take another picture when done tidying
20:52.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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20:52.54QwellKatty: slide that HD over to the left a bit.  heh
20:52.54lathos42Katty: The impromptu.. umm.. what's the word i'm looking for..  "Peer Review" :)
20:53.04darkskiezwots the for dummies book?
20:53.07Netgeeksnice wood paneling.... Must have had the office remodelled recently  ;)
20:53.13Qwelldarkskiez: asterisk for dummies, of course!
20:53.23drumkillaLEAVE THE CAMERA ALONE
20:54.16file[laptop]back to work slacker!
20:54.29Qwelldrumkilla.frustrated = TRUE;
20:54.47Kattyfile[laptop]: the invoice is hotttt
20:54.56file[laptop]Katty: accepted?
20:54.58Kattyfile[laptop]: kthx, all better.
20:55.03Qwelldrumkilla: :(
20:55.05Kattyfile[laptop]: i'm about to see, but i'm sure it'll be fine
20:55.16twisted[asteria]you broke it!
20:55.33RomDumpSorry manxpower
20:55.39twisted[asteria]i'm sure daddy mark would be happy to know you're breaking his toys while he's away :P
20:55.40drumkillavictory is mine
20:55.49zoayou broke the cam ?
20:55.55Kattyfile[laptop]: yes, quite acceptable
20:56.00file[laptop]he hit the self destruct button
20:56.00Kattyfile[laptop]: there was evil a smile and thank you
20:56.01Qwellzoa: last image I saw, was it falling off the stand
20:56.05zoadrumkilla: behave
20:56.06file[laptop]Katty: excellent, I aim to please
20:56.12zoagive us some striptease
20:56.25*** join/#asterisk tekati (
20:56.30zoadoes somebody have the video feed of that private striptease for mark ? two years ago ?
20:56.38Qwellzoa: eh?
20:56.45file[laptop]shhh we're not supposed to talk about it
20:56.48twisted[asteria]zoa, whoa nelly
20:56.53zoathere is a video feed out there with a striptease girl
20:56.54KattyYEAH ZOA
20:56.55Qwellno, cat is already out of the bag
20:57.09zoawell not a striptease girl, but a girl stripping
20:57.16twisted[asteria]zoa, i don't want to hear about you at mark's office
20:58.12drumkillaasteriskmonkey: and what do you need help with?
20:58.30file[laptop]drumkilla needs some strippers
20:58.39twisted[asteria]drumkilla, turn on the cam
20:58.50file[laptop]turn on the cam and do a little dance for us
20:58.53asteriskmonkeylol im a man dude
20:59.10twisted[asteria]asteriskmonkey, suuure ;P
20:59.20drumkillai am *not* turning it on
20:59.23drumkillait's too distracting
21:00.02drumkillaor just message brimstone or mogorman
21:00.25file[laptop]one Matt, two Matts, three Matts, four!
21:00.26brimstoneeh? i was highlighted...
21:00.37asteriskmonkeyah asteisk tech!
21:00.45asteriskmonkeybrimstone are you local to toronto
21:00.46Qwellbrimstone: run
21:00.57brimstoneasteriskmonkey: quite the opposite actually
21:00.59drumkillaasteriskmonkey: no, but he gets paid to help you
21:01.10asteriskmonkeysweet he works for digium ?
21:01.27Kattyyay, desk is cleaner.
21:01.33QwellKatty: link?
21:01.52Kattyi'm supposed to take pictures?
21:01.55asteriskmonkeyill have to ask you a ton of questions then later when im back in front of my stack of newly purchased digium gear
21:01.55Qwellof course
21:01.59Qwellwe need to see progress :p
21:01.59drumkillaasteriskmonkey: just send a message to that email address I said, or just call them
21:02.17brimstoneasteriskmonkey: ok, or email at will prolly be faster
21:02.23hardwirethat took forever
21:02.28asteriskmonkeyyes i guess , was looking for someone more local for a comfort factor
21:02.28hardwireand why does my office smell like ass?
21:02.29asteriskmonkeyok cool
21:02.46asteriskmonkeyhardwire: someone banged someone in it on the weekend
21:03.04drumkillaer, woah.
21:03.05*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
21:03.05drumkillaover the line
21:03.15asteriskmonkey:P sos
21:03.23hardwireasteriskmonkey: or they just came un here and wiped.
21:03.34hardwirethe fling poo mentality.
21:04.32lathos42hmm.. that looked better on my input line :D
21:05.36asteriskmonkeyok so i cant get my damn iaxy to connect to my asterisk server
21:05.50lathos42asteriskmonkey: Give it a hug, it'll start cooperating then
21:06.05asteriskmonkeyworks on everyone elses but mine
21:06.30asteriskmonkeyte110p works lovely though :) love that card
21:07.02lathos42Well, my time for getting paid to help others has come to an end for the day, I'll hopefully see some of you at ClueCon!
21:07.21Hmmhesaysaye lathos42
21:07.28Hmmhesaysyou owe me a beer remember
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21:07.35asteriskmonkeyah ok cool love this channel theres actually people that get paid to help killer :) im promoting digium gaeer like made now
21:08.02Netgeeksdigium gaeer like made now?
21:08.04Nuggetyeah... huh?
21:08.21*** part/#asterisk lathos42 (
21:08.23hardwireare there any taboo extension numbers
21:08.24asteriskmonkeylike the new iaxy's
21:08.29hardwirelike the 13th floor to a building
21:08.31asteriskmonkeyanything with 4's in
21:08.31Nuggethardwire: 911 can be tricky
21:08.41hardwireNugget: heh.. yeah.. I got 911 covered for now
21:08.45Hmmhesays411, *69
21:08.49hardwireasterisk99: oh really :)
21:08.53Qwellhardwire: 6257 is EVIL
21:08.55hardwireI was thinking ezxtensinos like 4242
21:09.06hardwireI am so sorry I asked :)
21:09.09hardwireQwell: whats that?
21:09.13Nuggetbollocks.  3845 is evil.
21:09.15Hmmhesaysany 7 digit 10 or 11 digit number
21:09.20hardwireHmmhesays: :)
21:09.20Qwellhardwire: My extension at work...
21:09.26hardwireQwell: thats because you are evil
21:09.27QwellPURE EVIL
21:10.15hardwirein the extension block for phones.. say I have 50 consecutive numbers
21:10.19hardwireI should just sort it
21:10.24hardwireand whenever we add a person
21:10.29tzafrir_laptopmy previous workplace was 13th floor. I also lived in apartment 13
21:10.30hardwireI have to rearrange everybodies extension
21:10.31Qwellhardwire: randomize...
21:10.38Qwellat least within the dept
21:10.43*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
21:10.45hardwireI like the idea of just fucking up the extension map all the time
21:10.50Hmmhesayspeople probably don't want 666 as an extension
21:10.52hardwireQwell: thats how it is w/in the dept atm
21:10.58hardwireHmmhesays: I have that
21:11.01QwellI'd smack you if you changed my extension every week :p
21:11.04hardwireits the MoH test extension
21:11.08asteriskmonkeyright so is there a paid asterisk person on all the time any hr of day?
21:11.12Hmmhesayscause moh is eviL?
21:11.18Qwellasteriskmonkey: not quite
21:11.18hardwireHmmhesays: cause nobody will dial it
21:11.22hardwirethey are all uber catholic here
21:11.27Qwelloh, people will dial it
21:11.28Hmmhesaysi like my reason better
21:11.34hardwireI like peanut butter
21:11.39Hmmhesaysyou should have moh ripped from a porn movie
21:11.43Hmmhesaysso if someone does dial it
21:11.44Qwellmoh should be 664 anyhow
21:11.47hardwireHmmhesays: Bloody Kisses :)
21:11.48Qwell6=m 6=o 4=h
21:11.52Netgeekswell, that depends actually....  if you want to pay me, I can be a paid asterisk person
21:11.56hardwireQwell: I like that
21:12.07Hmmhesaysyeah I'll answer your questions a lot faster with a motivational compensation
21:12.38Netgeekswhere's the cleaned up desk picture?
21:12.56Hmmhesayswonder what?
21:12.58QwellNetgeeks: she didn't really clean.  Now's she's really cleaning. :p
21:13.58Kattyit was kattysdesk
21:14.01Kattyi renamed it
21:14.09Netgeeksawww, the dummies book AND the 3.5 floppy is gone!
21:14.24QwellNetgeeks: and a debian CD appeared?
21:14.32Corydon-w"are gone"...
21:14.40Corydon-wnot to be confused with the gas...
21:14.45*** join/#asterisk Tekmaven (
21:14.48KattyCorydon-w: incorrect
21:14.51Tekmavenhey guys
21:14.59KattyCorydon-w: when coming two using the function of and, it becomes singular
21:15.04Kattycombining, too (=
21:15.10Netgeeksand a new background to the term window
21:15.12hardwiredo any of you guys know how to do an eval() in openoffice calc?
21:15.16Corydon-wKatty: no, "they are gone"... "it is gone"
21:15.18KattyNetgeeks: that's cake
21:15.23Corydon-wThe subject is plural
21:15.33QwellWhy do you have cake as your background?
21:15.38hardwireI have things like 1116-1149 listed as open.. but thats a string I want to evaluate so I can get a total number of free extensions
21:15.41KattyQwell: cause i like cake? m'kay
21:15.55QwellKatty: no, I it a special cake?
21:16.04TekmavenAn FXO Card will bring POTS lines into a PC, right?
21:16.07KattyQwell: it's ornately decorated
21:16.17QwellTekmaven: yep
21:16.19denonTekmaven: yes
21:16.25TekmavenI've baught BroadVoice
21:16.34Tekmavenand I just got my asterisk up
21:16.37asteriskmonkeyterrible buy DIGIUM
21:16.39Hmmhesaysshe bang she bangs, when she moves she moves, I go crazy (william hung style)
21:16.53Tekmavenbut, i have a few POTS lines that i need to get on the system too
21:17.14Tekmavenanyone else use broadvoice? just wanted to know other's experiences
21:17.39Katty^- teh cake
21:17.41Netgeeksit's a ca
21:17.55Tekmavenand where the heck do you buy VOIP hardware?  i was looking to buy some hardware phones, maybe even a wifi phone
21:18.02QwellKatty: it is a nice cake
21:18.25QwellTekmaven: some people like voipsupply, others like voxilla
21:18.31Qwellsome like both :D
21:18.32Tekmavenah okay
21:18.33Qwellshop around
21:18.39Tekmavenand they *ship* to you? lol
21:18.45Tekmaveni just want to make sure these sites are legit ;)
21:18.47Qwellno, they just keep your money
21:18.50Netgeeksnow thats a cake
21:18.51Tekmaventhere are barely any reseller ratings
21:19.04asteriskmonkeyi sell digium woo
21:19.05QwellTekmaven: people buy from both all the time
21:19.12Tekmavenah, okay great
21:19.20NetgeeksI like the fact that it's signed.... like a fine piece of art.... or a t-shirt from a concert
21:19.37Tekmavenokay, ill think of another question in a few minutes ;) lemme check the stores out
21:20.47jontowqwell; i've been trying all day to buy from voipsupply.. they refuse to ship unless the billing address on the card is the same as the ship-to address; which is legitimate protection.. but my bank is a bunch of wankers and won't change my damned address, though i've requested it
21:20.52Netgeeksby the way, during your cleaning, did you happen to notice that your desktop is on the phone?  I don't know who it's talking to, but it's been on the phone since you took the first picture
21:20.52Hmmhesaysanyone running debian on their dell?
21:21.03Qwelljontow: threaten to cancel
21:21.05jbotsomebody said docs was Documentation can be found at or or or or
21:21.08jbot[mailinglist] Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
21:21.14jontowqwell; i tried.. they were closed :P  they saw me coming
21:21.22Qwellin store?  psh can get "mad!" over the phone. ;]
21:21.38Tekmaventhe asterisk wiki is really great
21:21.40asteriskmonkeywhat you need
21:21.46jontowbut its ok; i'm gonna assess all of my direct deposit / draw stuff, get it ready to move, and then probably do so even if they are apologetic
21:21.48Tekmaveni've been reading it hours every day for a few weeks now LOL
21:22.04*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
21:22.22Tekmaveni think im going to go with the Grandstream GXP-2000
21:22.30Netgeeksopen a paypal account, get a paypal credit card, link it to your bank account, and you can change your address for billing anytime you want
21:22.51Qwellexcept paypal sucks
21:22.53jontowtekmaven; i've heard its a good phone, but i've also heard that the firmware is ugly and/or sucks :)  careful, but give it a shot
21:23.03asteriskmonkeyi take credit card/money order
21:23.17asteriskmonkeysoon to take debit :D
21:23.24Netgeeksall the suckiness of paypal doesn't apply to the above statement, no fees assessed for any of that
21:23.30Tekmavenwhat hardphones do you guys use?
21:23.37asteriskmonkeyyes paypal is evil but still cool
21:23.37Tekmaven*affordable* ones ;)
21:23.41QwellNetgeeks: fees be damned...if there is a problem, you're stuck
21:23.44asteriskmonkeyi use cisco and dlink
21:23.59jontowtekmaven; i have a Polycom IP600 (not affordable) and a Cisco 7960 (also not affordable) at work.. aiming for the Sipura SPA-841 if i can ever get one shipped to me
21:24.01QwellTekmaven: I hear the spa-841 is good
21:24.05asteriskmonkeyif you want something better get an iaxy then use anyphone you want
21:24.30jontowthe only thing i don't think i'll like about the SPA-841 is the rubbery buttons
21:24.33asteriskmonkeyi love the iaxy's :) stick any phone on them :D and they use iax not sip
21:24.54jontowbut other than that, the two other major drawbacks don't really make me care much (lack of dual-RJ45 and PoE.. i'll use neither where im putting the phone)
21:25.14ManxPowerI need a drink
21:25.15Tekmavenis IAX a better protocol for NAT?
21:25.28Netgeekscisco 7960 here as my personal use phone, but I've got an IP500, IP600, Sipura 841, Snom 200 and 360, and some different model atas
21:25.30ManxPowerQwell, Thank you
21:25.39Tekmavenokay, hmm
21:25.50Tekmavenwhat's the IAX phone called?
21:25.50jontowim aiming for an SPA-2002 and an SPA-841 for home
21:25.52hardwirethis NOC dude is a boob
21:25.58hardwirehe keeps telling me my PRI is hot
21:26.01asteriskmonkeyits an iaxy
21:26.05hardwireso they added 6db pads on my trunk
21:26.07Tekmavenwho sells it?
21:26.09ManxPowerhardwire, can they loop the PRI?
21:26.13hardwireand its perfect
21:26.15asteriskmonkeyi got em
21:26.19Tekmavenwhats your url?
21:26.23hardwireManxPower: I am set up for pri_cpe
21:26.28QwellTekmaven: digium sells the iaxys direct gotta finish it ogg though
21:26.33ManxPowerhardwire, Are you in the USA?
21:26.35jontowhardwire; doesn't mean they can't loop it..
21:26.40hardwirecan I set half of the pri for cpe and loop it to the last part as net?
21:26.41asteriskmonkeyno digium does not sell direct
21:26.46ManxPowerhardwire, do you have a red alarm or OK in zttool?
21:26.49Qwellasteriskmonkey: through their yahoo store
21:26.49hardwireManxPower: Anchorage.. so barely
21:26.53asteriskmonkeyah cool
21:26.54hardwireManxPower: everything is fine
21:26.56hardwireits OK
21:27.03hardwireI just have echo issues going to analog lines
21:27.06asteriskmonkeyiaxys are like 115 canadian
21:27.08Tekmavenah, an iaxy is a FXS, not a hardphone?
21:27.10asteriskmonkeyso like 80us probably
21:27.14hardwirethat went away when tehy added padding
21:27.14QwellTekmaven: correct
21:27.18asteriskmonkeylet me get yhou link
21:27.18ManxPowerhardwire, oh.  echo is a bitch to fix
21:27.18jontowdigium sells "direct" through the yahoo store(?)  .. which i think is not quite direct ;)
21:27.21Qwellits an ATA, actually
21:27.22hardwireManxPower: I know..
21:27.24hardwirethey fixed it
21:27.28Tekmavenis there a such thing as an IAX Hardphone?
21:27.29hardwirebut they don't want it to be fixed that way
21:27.35QwellTekmaven: there are a few.
21:27.39Qwellnot many though
21:27.43hardwireadding the db padding to my line was a no no in their book
21:27.44Tekmavenok ok, ill do my resarch
21:27.48hardwireeven though the clarity was impressive
21:27.54Tekmaveni dont want to give you guys a million questions ;-)
21:27.58*** join/#asterisk _T3_ (
21:28.03hardwireand this guy I am talking to does not understand that I have no loss
21:28.06Tekmaveni need to save my questions for the ones the wiki cant answer :-P
21:28.10jontowtekmaven; if you counted the number of questions in here in a day ... ;)
21:28.10hardwireI go from ulaw to ulaw to him
21:28.16hardwirecompletely bridged
21:28.24hardwireand when I connect to a digital network.. no issues
21:28.34hardwirehe doesn't understand digital it seems like
21:29.17Ariel_argh I have a customer that from home uses argh vonage but at work uses asterisk. He can't dial extensions from the ivr. But if he calls via the pots lines or cell it works. I told him he has a issue with vonage.
21:29.20hardwireso now he undid that.. and wants to basically use me as a learning experience
21:29.23hardwirethis is blowing my mind.
21:29.32Netgeeks*sigh* an old client of mine calls me and they are having problems with thier asterisk config, they give me login password info... I log in open extenstions.conf and ask, "who wrote this pile of crap?"  They answer, "you did, don't you remember?"
21:29.58Tekmavenjontow: well, asterisk is not exactly friendly for beginners
21:30.00hardwireNetgeeks: :)
21:30.03rayvdany SER/OpenSER wizards in here?
21:30.14Tekmaveni had to read the wiki and docs for a few days just to kinda understand what was going on
21:30.19Hmmhesaysfunny how that works isn't it
21:30.21asteriskmonkeyyes looks uber configurable but there is yet to be a noob friendly document
21:30.54asteriskmonkeyseems like people have to be grandfathered in or figure some stuff out themselves :D although there is alot of good resources on the web
21:30.57Ariel_Netgeeks, been there too... It was one I did 3 years ago and had not had to do any changes to it.
21:31.09NetgeeksI nearly said, "I hope you didn't pay anyone for this..."  thank god that didn't slip off the tongue
21:31.30asteriskmonkeylol this is a good channel i am finding :D lots of knowledgable here
21:31.52Netgeekswith just a dash of attitude, Monkey  ;)
21:32.12QwellNetgeeks: and a cup of sarcasm
21:32.12Tekmavenasterisk is a great system though
21:32.18Tekmavenit has so much ability :)
21:32.33asteriskmonkeyyes im in love with it already
21:32.41QwellNetgeeks: The recipe only calls for a tablespoon, but we loves us some sarcasm. ;]
21:32.51Tekmaveni'm running it on Ubuntu Linux right now
21:33.03Tekmaveni tried it on Fedora Core 4, but couldnt get the latest release to compile properly
21:33.17QwellTekmaven: You likely needed the kernel-sources installed
21:33.23Qwellbut, it doesn't really matter now. ;]
21:33.25asteriskmonkeyi tried asterisk@home i find that kicks ass as a begginers tool
21:33.25Netgeeks<--- busy trying to decode the junk I wrote a couple years ago
21:33.27TekmavenQwell: i had everythign installed ;-)
21:33.45Tekmaveni dont consider myself a linux "noob" as much as i consider myself an "asterisk noob"
21:34.10TekmavenQwell: i had the asterisk CVS compiled and installed in FC4, but it was spewing some wacky messages to the console durring calls (randomly)
21:34.19asteriskmonkeyasterisk@home is nice uses centOS and installes web management amp etc..
21:35.32X-Robit uses an _old_ centos
21:35.42Twisteramp suckx@$$
21:35.45Tekmaventhe only thing i need to figure out now is how to autostart asterisk when the machine comes on
21:36.00Twistersorry but its much easier ive found to just hand edit the configs
21:36.06X-Robtekmaven - 'echo asterisk >> /etc/rc.local'
21:36.15Tekmavenwill that work on ubuntu? /me checks
21:36.19asteriskmonkeyusr/local/etc/.. start script
21:36.27asteriskmonkeyor put it on a cron job
21:36.33asteriskmonkeyand have it restart it ever x hrs
21:36.52*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
21:37.04Tekmavenasteriskmonkey: that would be undesireable
21:37.46asteriskmonkeylol usually you can define start scripts in /usr/local/etc
21:37.50QwellTekmaven: There is very likely a debian init script
21:37.51asteriskmonkeythats freebsd though
21:38.02Tekmavenyeah, i will do some checking :-)
21:38.15Qwellthe debian script should work on ubuntu with little to no changes
21:38.46Tekmavenawesome Qwell
21:39.02X-Robif /etc/rc.local isn't run on startup, the machine isn't LSB compliant
21:39.10X-Robeven if the file's not there, create it. It should run.
21:39.12Tekmavenit probably isnt :-P thats my luck
21:39.13QwellTekmaven: check in the contribs directory
21:39.29Tekmavenhold on, i need to download putty :-P
21:39.55Tekmavenformatted to Vista Beta 1 a few days ago :-S
21:40.32asteriskmonkeywoo putty is the shit for windows
21:40.56manyopinion asterisk+HFC: zapHFC, misdnHFC or something else?
21:42.07Tekmavencome to think of it, i use SmoothWall for my network's routing functions
21:42.13Tekmaveni wonder if i can make an asterisk addin
21:43.34yaaarTekmaven: how you liking vista? did they get the virtual folders support built into it?
21:43.54QwellVista driver for the vmware ethernet device. ;/
21:43.59Tekmavenhaha really?
21:44.05Tekmavenisnt that in the VMWare tools?
21:44.15Qwellyeah, but it don't work
21:44.18Tekmavenoh :-S
21:44.22Tekmavenbug it :-)
21:44.26Qwellit *should* have support for the vlance one though
21:45.16*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (~linux@
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21:53.35Tekmaveni put  rc.debian.asterisk in /etc/init.d/asterisk?
21:53.53QwellTekmaven: something like that
21:54.07QwellThen you need to figure out how to add it to startup.  rc3.d perhaps?
21:54.14QwellI don't know debian
21:54.27Tekmavenwell, i found a post on how to enable an rc.local thing
21:54.36Qwellrc.local sucks
21:54.39X-Robwoohoo, looks like the lists are back
21:54.40Tekmaveni will just add /etc/init.d/asterisk start
21:54.44X-RobI just got some asterisk-users email
21:54.46Tekmavenoh, oaky, maybe ill figure out another way
21:55.08QwellTekmaven: likely, you create a symlink to /etc/init.d/asterisk from /etc/rc3.d/something
21:56.28*** join/#asterisk KaBewM (~kabewm@
21:56.46KaBewMhey does anyone have any experience with the sipura spa
21:57.03Qwellphone, or ata?
21:57.08QwellI'm sure somebody does.  Ask away
21:58.19*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
21:58.55KaBewMI have 1 voip provider for incoming/outgoing. 1 Asterisk head box and 2 Sipura SPA-1001. Incoming calls to the ata sound great. Outgoing sounds very jittery. Only codec in use is ulaw
21:59.25Qwellso, when I asked "ata or phone", and you said meant ata?
21:59.32KaBewMerr yea
21:59.37X-Robincrease your outgoing bandwidth, KaBewM, to more than 64k
21:59.44*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
21:59.47*** part/#asterisk kingtux (
22:00.03KaBewMX-Rob, where is that config made
22:00.13X-Robthrough your internet service provider
22:00.16fugitivotoday i had a problem with a tdm400p locking the 2 zap channels
22:00.20KaBewMi have more than 64 k
22:00.22KaBewMboth ways
22:00.27X-Rob'Hello ISP. I want more than 64k outbound'
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22:00.39KaBewMlike I said, this isn't a problem on incoming calls.
22:00.41KaBewMthose sound great
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22:00.56jas_williamsKaBewM: what is your internet connectivity, also who is your voip provider
22:01.30KaBewMjas_williams, I have a cable modem at home. My asterisk box is on a barely used t1, and my voip provider is sixTel
22:01.44KaBewMdon't think the issue is with my VoIP provider though.
22:01.58SarahEmmsixtel isn't known for reliability and stability often.. ;)
22:02.09KaBewMsure they are, they just aren't known for good customer support
22:02.35jas_williamsKaBewM: I can almost guarantee the issue is the cable modem they are not good for jitter
22:03.19KaBewMdidn't have this problem a few months ago. Would't the jitter happen for incoming and outgoing if it were a bandwidth problem? I mean it's the same codec
22:03.48SarahEmmhihihihihi Katty!
22:04.12*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
22:04.21KattyDarthClue: bout time!
22:04.25brookshireheck yeah.. i think the lists are fixed
22:04.27KaBewMhey DarthClue
22:04.27KattyDarthClue: where /have/ you been?
22:04.27Tekmavenupdate-rc.d asterisk defaults 99
22:04.35jas_williamsKaBewM: try a lower bandwidth codec between the SPA and asterisk, Do you get the same effect through the t1 ?
22:04.37brookshiresorry for the dropped mail though
22:04.39KattyDarthClue: and please don't tell me you're lost
22:04.40Tekmaventhahts how its done in ubuntu/debian :-)
22:04.40QwellTekmaven: that works
22:04.52KattyDarthClue: is that the name of a town?
22:05.30DarthClueKatty, coming up on sikeston now...and no, deliverance is a movie.
22:05.32KaBewMjas_williams, the transcoding makes calls sound like crap. which is why I switched to ulaw in the first place. What codec would you recommend for the SPA to Asterisk?
22:05.39KattyDarthClue: :>
22:05.47Netgeeks"Squeel like a pig"
22:05.51*** join/#asterisk Stingernet (
22:05.52X-Rob5th message through on users is 'Marc Spindt is out of the office'
22:05.54KattyDarthClue: do you have directions for Sikeston to Cape, etc?
22:06.07KaBewMi remember reading in the mailing list that jitter was being handled differently in head, could that be reltaed?
22:06.11KaBewMer related?
22:06.30Netgeeksare you running a recent version of Head?
22:06.50KattyDarthClue: you should be here in 40 minutes :>
22:07.25DarthClueKatty, do we take 55 or 57 to get to you from sikeston?
22:08.51*** join/#asterisk dudes (
22:09.14StingernetGot a problem with a TDM01B on Asterisk@home 1.3 ..server a problem with zaptel modules any ideas?
22:09.41Kattygive it a hug :)
22:10.03StingernetAny technical advice?
22:10.10QwellStingernet: ask a question
22:10.57StingernetIs there a bug in the Digium TDM01B ( Single Port FXO ) Hardware and Asterisks Zaptel Drivers?
22:11.45StingernetServer works when I dialout and when I hang up the asterisk Service Dies with a error code 1
22:12.08X-RobNo there's no bug.
22:12.21X-Robit's all in your head.
22:12.43fugitivothere's no spoon
22:12.46QwellStingernet: You won't get anywhere, unless you ask a real question, and provide details
22:13.24fugitivois any way to not permit a bridge between zaptel channels?
22:13.27DarthClueX-Rob, technically, it's all in bkw_s trunk.
22:13.37QwellDarthClue: infested?
22:14.08DarthClueQwell, the maytag man won't get out of the way and bkw_ wants to go faster.
22:14.45Tekmavenwhen you get an FXS, how is that configured in asterisk? is that what ZapTel is for?
22:14.50QwellTekmaven: yes
22:15.04Qwellif its an FXS card, and not an ATA or something
22:15.26Tekmaventhat's probably the route to go, right? get an FXS card..
22:15.27hardwirestupid open office
22:15.40Stingernetwhen I run asterisk -vvvgc I get "Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe" anybody know what this is?
22:15.43QwellTekmaven: depends on the situation
22:15.57StingernetI have read about mpg123 problems...but cannot get an answer
22:16.44jas_williamsStingernet: what are you doing at the point you get an Ouch ?
22:17.05StingernetInitiating an outgoing call
22:17.09TekmavenQwell: would this be any good?
22:17.12*** topic/#asterisk by drumkilla -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Mailing Lists should be up now || Asterisk 1.2 Janitors Needed! || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - Speakers wanted
22:17.17QwellTekmaven: Thats an fxo
22:17.21Tekmaven:-S grr
22:17.44Tekmavencrap, i really thoguht that was right for a second lol
22:17.47SarahEmmsivana: you around?
22:18.20Tekmaventhe Iaxy is an FXS or a FXO?
22:18.22*** part/#asterisk SwK[Work] (~SwK@
22:18.27SarahEmmTekmaven: FXS
22:18.29*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (~SwK@
22:18.36StingernetGet the error when I iniate an outgoing call
22:18.46StingernetGet the error when I initiate an outgoing call
22:19.02jas_williamsStingernet: any other log information, or output from the CLI /
22:19.04Tekmavenhmm, the iaxy isn't exactly $10 like that FXO card was lol
22:19.10X-RobTekmaven, an easy way to remember.. A ring goes 'brrring' - like the 'S' on teh end. So an 'S' generates a ring. an 'O' is the circle that receives the ring.
22:19.12QwellTekmaven: That $10 FXO is junk
22:19.29X-Robor dialtone or whatever
22:19.34KaBewMerr sorry
22:19.35SarahEmmTekmaven: no, you won't find an FXS that cheap
22:19.42SarahEmmX-Rob: that's easy? O.o
22:19.52SarahEmmQwell: works fine for me :)
22:19.54Tekmaveni dont have a million dollar VOIP budget :P
22:19.58QwellSarahEmm: its still junk :p
22:20.14X-RobSarahEmm, I get sick and tired of trying to explain the difference between an FXS and FXO
22:20.22jbotmethinks fxsfxo is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
22:20.29DarthClueSarahEmm, we will miss you not being in chicago.
22:20.31Qwellsimple as that
22:20.42SarahEmmX-Rob: heh
22:20.58QwellDarthClue: not gonna miss me? :(
22:21.07X-Robdrumkilla, still nothing  from asterisk-dev
22:21.12SarahEmmFXS *s*upplies dialtone :)
22:21.22SarahEmmawww DarthClue
22:21.27SarahEmmi wish i could be there
22:21.28NetgeeksI'm still stuck back on X-Rob's line where he says "brrrring"
22:21.28drumkillaX-Rob: give it time
22:21.41DarthClueQwell, um, sure, we'll miss you too.
22:21.43drumkillaX-Rob: everything that has been posted is probably gone
22:21.48QwellDarthClue: Thats a pity missing.
22:21.55X-RobIt's in mailman
22:22.05DarthClueQwell, i take bribes.
22:22.07drumkillaX-Rob: unlikely.
22:22.12X-Robno, really, it is 8)
22:22.19QwellDarthClue: So, for $10, you guys will miss me?
22:22.19drumkilladid you just post it?
22:22.20StingernetQwell its a problem with the TDM01B's Firmware ...I see it on there Site....
22:22.21X-Robgo look.
22:22.21drumkillalike, just now?
22:22.24StingernetThey are working on it
22:22.27X-RobI just posted just _now_
22:22.35drumkillaok, then be patient
22:22.48X-Robbut I'm also the last post on the 31st of July, which is when the list was broken, which _is_ on mailman
22:23.09drumkillaX-Rob: I just got a testing message that i posted a while ago
22:23.17QwellX-Rob: So, you broke it BOTH times?
22:23.29X-RobNo, it was already broken, really!#$@
22:23.32X-RobI didn't do it!
22:23.52Tekmaveni just got really confused again
22:23.55DarthClueQwell: make it a couple hundred and we'll mention that we miss you during the conference.
22:24.04TekmavenFXO -> brings POTS line into the asterisk
22:24.06QwellDarthClue: for a couple hundred, I could have been there. :p
22:24.16SarahEmmTekmaven: yep
22:24.19Tekmavenokay :-)
22:24.20fugitivois any way to use distintive rings with the Dial function?
22:24.25SarahEmmTekmaven: and FXS lets you plug a POTS phone into *
22:24.26file[laptop]DarthClue: it's you!
22:24.42Tekmavenis there a decent FXO for under $100 thats not that $10 one?
22:24.43file[laptop]DarthClue: status report.
22:24.50DarthCluefile[laptop], yep, it's me.
22:24.54Netgeeksfugitivo what kind of device are you dialing that you want to send distinctive rings to?
22:25.10DarthCluefile[laptop], um, 82ish and 10 minutes from Katty.
22:25.18DarthClueand this is mph.
22:26.12fugitivoNetgeeks: sip ata, i think i can setup distintive rings with the linksys pap2, but i want to use a special ring if the call is generated from a certain zap channel
22:26.36NetgeeksSearch the wiki for ALERT_INFO
22:27.09*** join/#asterisk komnieve (
22:27.16hardwirenow atleast I have available extensions fro a string "1102-1166"
22:27.20hardwirein a cell
22:27.21komnievehi everyone
22:27.47fugitivoNetgeeks: i think it'll help, thanks!
22:27.55komnievedoes anyone know of any itsp providers that support t37?
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22:28.51SarahEmmitsp provider? is that like PIN Number and NIC Card? :)
22:29.12X-RobATM Machine
22:29.14komnievelol - yeah sorry :-)
22:29.19komnieveany itsp
22:29.35komnieveprovider is redundant
22:29.36SarahEmmnot i, but i haven't dared to touch fax yet
22:30.06komnieveyeah - that seems to be the general trend
22:30.28Qwellfax is dead
22:30.29komnievehow about any fax specialist contractors who are available for an integration project
22:30.33*** join/#asterisk RomDump (romdump@otaku.freeshell.ORG)
22:30.46komnievelol - good to know, i'll give my client a heads up
22:32.16kingtuxanyone use askeicc
22:33.25hardwireI really hate being this organized
22:33.32kingtuxi ment AreskiCC
22:33.50Tekmavenokay, so what if you use an external FXS
22:33.59Tekmavenit just uses SIP or IAX?
22:34.01QwellTekmaven: ata
22:34.14*** join/#asterisk dijungal (~ovr@
22:34.14Qwelliaxy is iax, most of the others are sip
22:34.19dijungali'm BACK!!!.. :)
22:34.53Tekmavenso are there any ata configuration settings for asterisk? or its just handled with the sip/iax settings?
22:35.00Qwellsip/iax settings
22:35.01NetgeeksHi dijungal
22:35.12Qwellmost of the ATAs are configurable though
22:35.28dijungalquestion: how do u get asterisk to go to mail box sets say after 4 unanswered rings to an extension..?
22:35.45dijungalhi netgeeks... this seems to be my new hang out spot latly.. :)
22:35.52Tekmavenokay, but theres no like ata.conf or something? /me checks
22:35.53Qwelldijungal: use a macro or something, and have a timeout to the dial
22:35.57Qwelldijungal: look at stdexten
22:36.01SarahEmmdijungal: yay! :o)
22:36.04SarahEmmdijungal: hihi
22:36.12SarahEmmTekmaven: no, it just shows up on your network as a SIP or IAX device
22:36.14SarahEmmjust like a phone
22:36.17Tekmavenah okay
22:36.18SarahEmmbut has an FXS port on it instead
22:36.21Tekmaventhats what i needed to know ;)
22:36.28SarahEmmTekmaven: okie. meow :)
22:36.37dijungalhow do i put a timeout on the dial..?
22:36.47Qwelldijungal: show application dial
22:37.03Netgeeksdij: using the timeout function of Dial(SIP/me,30,tTnbgfcnok)
22:37.11Netgeekswhere 30 means try for 30 seconds
22:37.17QwellNetgeeks: tT?!
22:37.34Netgeeks:)) Qwell
22:37.45dijungalnetgeeks: i've been tring to figure out how this time out thing really works
22:37.54dijungalbecause it's time out in seconds not rings..
22:37.56QwellNetgeeks: Whats your number?  I want to call the Dominican Republic on your dime..
22:38.20dijungalit's Dominica not Dom Rebulic
22:38.24jas_williamsdijungal: 20 seconds is about 4 rings :)
22:38.33dijungalwe're the palce wherethey filmed 2,3 pirates of the caribbean
22:38.35Qwell2 seconds on, 3 seconds off
22:38.42dijungalthe nature island of the caribbean
22:38.46Netgeeksif the call goes unanswered for 30 seconds, and your autofallthrough is set correctly.... you'll move to the next priority in that extension, and you can drop them in voicemail
22:38.48dijungalu should come here one day.. :)
22:39.14Netgeeksif the dial returns busy, and you aren't playing with 'j' option, you'll end up at priority +101
22:39.20dijungalok.. beacuse voicemail is my next line
22:39.25dijungalbut i noticed it to not go to the line
22:39.34Qwelldijungal: look at stdexten
22:39.37dijungali had to disconnect the extension and call back for it to go to the voice mail
22:39.41Qwellit is a great example of how to do that
22:39.47dijungali'm lookin at it qwell thanx.. :)
22:40.26Netgeeksand make sure you don't use that option list I put in the example... I just hit a bunch of keys (after the mandatory tT of course)
22:40.52QwellNetgeeks: I hope you really don't do tT :p
22:40.54djMaxanybody know if it's possible to have an AGI wait on a channel (between two parties) for commands and then play audio files?
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22:42.00NetgeeksQwell: no I don't, at least not in a year or two
22:42.30dijungalqwell: the macro looks nice.. :)
22:42.37dijungali'll implement it and see how ti works
22:45.20*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
22:45.40dijungalhey Qwell where u have exten => ${PHONE1},1,Macro(stdexten,${PHONE1},${PHONE1}) can i replace ${PHONE1} with ${EXTEN} so it works for all extensions.. :)
22:46.11Qwelldijungal: arg1?
22:47.03QwellThat macro must have changed since I used it last...
22:47.31dijungalqwell: yea
22:47.33Qwellno...even in cvs head, I don't see phone1 anywhere
22:47.49Qwelloh, thats calling the macro...where did you get that?
22:48.04dijungalqwell: ${EXTEN} becomes ${ARG2}
22:48.09dijungaland arg1
22:48.30*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (
22:48.42Qwelldijungal: look at the config, and see how the examples call it
22:48.47dijungalok in other words i want that rule for all extensions
22:49.15*** join/#asterisk mariogamboa (~sudaikdd@
22:49.28mariogamboahi all
22:49.31mariogamboai need some help
22:49.41Tekmavenhmm this whole fxo/s thing is annoying
22:49.50SarahEmmTekmaven: why?
22:49.53SarahEmmmariogamboa: okay....
22:49.54Tekmaventhey should just make an "fxos" that does both
22:49.57jas_williamsdijungal: this would work for 1234 exten => 1234,1,Macro(stdexten,1234,1234)
22:50.02QwellTekmaven: not possible
22:50.10mariogamboain this moment we need to buy a ip phones i see the polycom phone model ip 501 and 301 but in the page say not supported for asterisk
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22:50.26SarahEmmTekmaven: uhh, why?
22:50.26TekmavenQwell: i didnt say how "they" should make it.. i just said they shoud ;)
22:50.32mariogamboapolycom works with asterisk?
22:50.35SarahEmmTekmaven: it'd be a waste of money, you'd have to have both on the same board basically
22:50.38JunK-Ymariogamboa: sure.
22:50.41Tekmavenyeah, i guess
22:50.48jas_williamsdijungal: this would work for 1XXX exten => _1XXX,1,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},${EXTEN})
22:50.48Tekmaveni just cant find an affordable FXO that isnt $10
22:50.59QwellTekmaven: look at Digiums tdm400p
22:51.10QwellThat can do both, with pluggable modules
22:51.11SarahEmmTekmaven: look for the TDM400p with an FXO module.
22:51.24Qwellfxo modules and fxs and green
22:51.25SarahEmmTekmaven: you can swap in different modules ot get any combination (up to 4 channels) of FXO/FXS
22:51.37dijungaljas_williams i want it to work for XXX
22:51.39Netgeeksbut it isn't gonna be $10
22:51.45QwellNetgeeks: telephony isn't cheap
22:51.57NetgeeksQwell: Rats
22:51.58QwellNetgeeks: How much do you think Avaya charges per line?
22:52.16Tekmavenwell, the whole point is this should be cheaper ;)
22:52.16SarahEmmtelephony is certainly cheap these days compared with 7 years ago!
22:52.25QwellTekmaven: it is far cheaper
22:52.35Tekmavenwell, whatever
22:52.42Tekmaventhe point is, i am not a company, i am setting this up in my home
22:52.57QwellTekmaven: how many lines, and how many phones?
22:53.03NetgeeksA certain legacy provider was bidding on a large (5000+) PBX environment.  Thier quote came out to around $1150 per station overall
22:53.06jas_williamsdijungal: If you have a matching extension and voicemail box then exten => _XXX,1,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},${EXTEN}) should match a 3 digit extensions
22:53.07Tekmaven4 lines, dunno how many phones
22:53.32Netgeeksthat didn't include wiring
22:53.43Qwelljas_williams: isn't the second one supposed to be the device to ring?  ie; zap/1?
22:53.51*** part/#asterisk asterisk99 (
22:53.56QwellNetgeeks: nice...which one?
22:54.26NetgeeksHrm, name rhymes with Matel....
22:54.42QwellNetgeeks: yeah, I always use them and Avaya in my examples
22:54.49jas_williamsQwell: True this would work better 1XXX exten => _1XXX,1,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},SIP/${EXTEN})
22:55.08Qwelljas_williams: yeah..
22:55.16dijungalwhy the 1 in fron the 1XXX ...?
22:55.22Tekmaveni think im going to buy the Asterisk Dev Kit then
22:55.27mariogamboawhat is the diference between polycom 500 and 501
22:55.29Qwelldijungal: that would match a 4 digit extension, instead of 3
22:55.30dijungalit means i have to dial 1 infront of my extensions
22:55.31Tekmavenseems like a good deal, comming with 1 FXO and 1 FXS module
22:55.32Qwellits just preference
22:55.49QwellTekmaven: If you have 4 lines, you'll need 4 FXOs
22:55.50Tekmavenwould i be better off with that vs external ones?
22:56.07TekmavenQwell: well, im looking to move the lines over to a VOIP provider, so i might only need 2 FXOs
22:56.13NetgeeksI've been writing a cluster based, web managed Centrex and residential service platform using Asterisk at the core for a little over a year now.  Finally getting close to marketing it, and I truly do know how expensive telecom stuff can be....
22:56.15Tekmaven(two lines arent portable)
22:56.24jas_williamsdijungal: True I pasted the wrong line exten => _XXX,1,Macro(stdexten,${EXTEN},SIP/${EXTEN})
22:56.41jas_williamsworks for three digit extesions
22:56.47harryvvnetgeeks who been testing it
22:56.48Tekmaveni'm looking to write some asterisk web admin stuff possibly ;)
22:56.53dijungali was wondeirng...
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22:57.01Tekmavengoing to do it on (via mono)
22:57.08dijungali'm a programmer... and everyting must make sence.. ;)
22:57.23TekmavenQwell: please dont tell me your a .net hater..
22:57.28QwellTekmaven: indeed
22:57.34Tekmavenah, well, im a big .net lover
22:57.36QwellTekmaven: but only because I write shit in it every day at work. ;]
22:57.41jas_williamsdijungal: Mke sure a wild card XXX does not cause digit matching problems on other calls or post dial delays
22:57.43Tekmavenwhat language?
22:57.49Netgeeksharryvv: not many folks at the moment, just a couple multi-tenant facilities
22:57.49TekmavenC# is my homeboy :)
22:57.51QwellTekmaven: C#, naturally
22:58.00*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
22:58.05Tekmavenim the programmer/designer of
22:58.10QwellI should setup my apartment complex with asterisk...that'd be sweet
22:58.24harryvvqwell, i can do the same here..
22:58.24Tekmavenand if you've heard of CommunityServer, i am now interning with the company that makes it ;)
22:58.37Qwellraise the rent $5-10, and give everybody free phone lines
22:58.45Tekmavenlol not free
22:58.49Tekmaventhey would cost $5-10 ;)
22:58.57QwellTekmaven: cheaper then the $45 they pay now
22:59.00Tekmavenlol yup
22:59.03Qwelland those who didn't want it, could opt out
22:59.07harryvvqwell, you own the place?
22:59.10Qwellharryvv: hell no :p
22:59.16Qwelljust saying :D
22:59.28Tekmavenactually, that isnt a bad idea
22:59.40Qwellno, its a great idea
22:59.40Tekmavengo around to apartment complexs and sell an asterisk based system
22:59.50Qwellfigure what, 300-600 units per complex?
22:59.59Tekmavenyeah ;)
23:00.03Qwellalright, so maybe it'd be $15-20/month
23:00.19harryvvput in a t-1 at a apartment complex
23:00.23Tekmavenwell, wait, lemme ask you
23:00.25Qwellharryvv: several
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23:00.30harryvvyea several
23:00.34Qwelland overflow calls to voip
23:00.47harryvvhope that voip would be reliable
23:00.49Tekmavenim using broadvoice, and right now i'm only using softphones
23:00.52Qwellthats why its overflow :p
23:00.59harryvvis vonage advetising in your areas?
23:01.05Qwellharryvv: yeah, tons
23:01.14harryvvsame here in vancouver
23:01.15SarahEmmtons here too
23:01.19Tekmaventhe quality is similar to "cell phone" quality...
23:01.23Tekmavendoes it get better with a hardphone?
23:01.30harryvvits perhaps the only company advertising in two countries.
23:01.55jas_williamsHow many people are on the phones all of the time probally only use 1-2 t1's in a 300 block appartment who's on the phone all of the time
23:01.57harryvvtek, saying vonage quality is same as cell phone?
23:02.21*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
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23:02.42Tekmavendo you guys reccomend enabling QOS on my router?
23:02.51Qwellwhenever possible
23:02.58Tekmavenah gotcha
23:02.59harryvvAriel_ hello, ever try to make a international call on voipjet? I just tried london and philipines and get a all circuits are busy.
23:03.00UberbotHi all.
23:03.04Tekmavenokay, ill need to look into that :-X
23:03.33Tekmavenharryvv: are you sure support for intl numbers are in your extentions.conf?
23:03.59harryvvcli says voip is excepting the call
23:04.22harryvvvoipjet that is
23:04.22QwellYou're passing the 011 through to them?
23:06.04harryvvalso, is there a way to auto negitiate a extention based on a cid?
23:06.50harryvvsay a script sees this one 7 digit number, it then dials this one extention. no need for the caller to hear the ivr because she/he always calls this one person.
23:07.21Netgeeksah, caller based routing
23:07.40harryvvif thats google searchable
23:08.32Netgeeksyou can do it, but it's not a simple dialplan function as far as I am aware
23:08.41harryvvi see
23:08.57*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
23:09.11UberbotDoes anyone know of a program that sends Caller ID information from Asterisk to MythTV?  Or do I need to write that program?
23:09.13Qwellcould probably write a fairly simple app
23:09.22JerJerperl script even
23:09.24QwellUberbot: an agi could do that
23:09.31Qwellyeah, yeah
23:09.31JerJermanager interface
23:09.34Qwellagi doesn't scale
23:09.48UberbotYes, I believe it's simple, but I don't want to re-invent a wheel that someone else has invented.
23:09.58QwellUberbot: mythosd
23:10.15JerJerjust specifiy what channel u want to be displayed on the OSD
23:10.18JerJerlike Zap/1
23:10.25JerJerthen just watch for events
23:10.46Netgeeksharryvv: I would probably use asterisk-addons MYSQL command, and store callerid based routing information there.  Then I would just do a Select with the callerid, and if I get a response back, use it for routing, else follow a default path
23:11.05harryvveasier said then done :)
23:11.17Netgeeksthat way, you could build a very nice gui for management of the routes
23:11.25harryvvi see
23:11.31harryvvor give the caller the option
23:11.34Netgeeksbut I tend to over engineer these things
23:11.59UberbotI'm aware that mythosd can display on the mythTv screen.  But my myth and asterisk servers are on different hardware.
23:12.13UberbotAnd I want asterisk to BROADCAST to EACH mythfrontend.
23:12.30*** join/#asterisk stormfr (
23:12.43UberbotSo, I need an agi application or I need to call a perl script from the dialplan.
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23:12.58QwellUberbot: manager interface, like JerJer said
23:13.15Qwelloh, broadcast...yeah, dunno how mythtv works
23:13.28Qwelldoesn't it have some sort of functionality for that?
23:13.40*** join/#asterisk elfarto2 (elfarto69@
23:13.50stormfrHello, i would like to know if somebody have experience with using many MOH w/asterisk (like 5000). mpg123 is clearly not the solution. rawplayer seems fine for this since he seems not load in memory all the data and use mostly no cpu.
23:14.12elfarto2stormfr: have you tried madplay ?
23:14.29UberbotQwell, yes.  There is a daemon on myth that listens for "notification" events.
23:14.31elfarto2anyone can remember to a poor soul the instructions for getting CVS-HEAD code ?
23:15.02elfarto2i use it, works way smoother than mpg123 crap
23:15.11Qwellelfarto2: There are instructions on
23:15.45elfarto2qwell: in the downloads section ?
23:15.50Qwellthink so
23:15.52stormfrelfarto2 : yes but i mostly looking for a cpu & memory free solution... rawplayer seems the sole solution.
23:16.30elfarto2stormfr: give madplay a shot.
23:16.42Qwellwhy not use the builtin mp3player?
23:16.55jas_williamsharryvv: this would work  exten => _1234/123456 would match a cli of 123456
23:17.17elfarto2Qwell: i don't see the CVS-HEAD instructions only the instructions for stable branch
23:17.20Qwellhardcoded in the dialplan kinda sucks though
23:17.51Qwellelfarto2: it says exactly how to get head
23:17.58Qwell"or, to get stable, do this INSTEAD"
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23:18.08Qwellthe first one is for head
23:18.30jas_williamsharryvv: or do a database dip based on cli and then do a goto if to make the dial plan more dynamic
23:19.17harryvvjas, yea know of a url?
23:19.39harryvvwait, the anti gf dialplan can be modified...okay make sence now.
23:19.54SarahEmmanti gf dialplan?
23:20.04elfarto2Qwell: don't worry i've managed to do it, but there is no mention on
23:20.21harryvvyea, somone who keeps calling you after the make a cli in the dialplan ring a fake phone.
23:20.23Qwellelfarto2: when somebody says "cvs", unless they give a branch/tag, it means head
23:20.25jas_williamsharryvv: You would need to write your own based on the ex girlfriend script :)
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23:21.43elfarto2Qwell: cvs checkout -r v1-0 would fetch stable code ?
23:22.03NetgeeksI like Sarah's response to the anti-gf dialplan
23:22.11Qwellelfarto2: it says it would, yes
23:22.15Qwellbut you don't want stable, right?
23:22.23QwellSo don't give it a tag
23:22.33Qwell(like it says in the line right before that)
23:22.42SarahEmmNetgeeks: huh?
23:22.47harryvvnetgeeks, you mean the one where there is a restraing order against the gf..and direct her call to the local police department?
23:23.06Netgeeks[16:19] SarahEmm: anti gf dialplan?
23:23.07elfarto2qwell: so cvs checkout -r HEAD is right what i want ?
23:23.16Qwellelfarto2: You want no tag
23:23.28SarahEmmahh.. okay. *still confused*
23:24.01Netgeeksanti-exgf plan...  If I get a call with my ex-gf's callerid, do something special
23:24.32Qwellroute call to local 911 operator, with outgoing CID set to incoming CID
23:25.10Qwelland you could even set CIDName to something rude
23:25.41SarahEmmahhhh okay
23:25.45SarahEmmi can understand that
23:25.48SarahEmm(the anti one)
23:28.18Cresl1nHey, anybody know where zoa is?
23:29.14puowvipnetgeeks, yes, I playback "this number is disconnected" to unwanted callers.  what's amazing is that telemarketers actually stop calling.
23:29.25JerJerno no no
23:30.03brendaHow would it be possible to have geographically dispersed PRIs for redundancy and have the DIDs (toll free and local) work on the failover PRIs?
23:30.05*** join/#asterisk RomDump (romdump@otaku.freeshell.ORG)
23:30.06JerJeryou gotta torture them
23:30.07Netgeekseven more fun, is to put the call in music on hold and drop out every 20 seconds to say, please hold, the person you have called will be right back...
23:30.27puowvipnetgeeks, maybe if you have multiple incoming lines.
23:30.38puowvipI have one line, and would prefer to keep it open for wanted calls, or outgoing calls.
23:30.49Netgeeksroger that
23:31.02puowvipI'm one of those weirdos who installed asterisk so the phone would ring *less*, not more :-)
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23:32.16SarahEmmlol puowvip
23:32.57NetgeeksI envy you , puowvip
23:33.55bkw_SarahEmm, Katty says hello.
23:34.35Qwellbkw_: DarthClue says to keep your eyes on the road. :D
23:34.40*** join/#asterisk meppl (~mephisto@
23:34.42SarahEmmhihi katty! *meows at katty kitrichly*
23:34.49bkw_Qwell, I am DarthClue
23:34.53Qwellwell then
23:35.07NetgeeksStop talking to yourself, people might figure out you are crazy
23:35.31bkw_um...i'm in the car with bkw and Katty.  of course i'm crazy.
23:36.59Qwell80 is nothing...come to CA
23:37.00drumkillatell bkw that I said I hope he didn't bring his directional skills that he had in San Fran with him :-p
23:37.09Netgeeks80 will get you rear ended on I-280
23:37.23Netgeeksby a cop
23:37.33DarthClue_Qwell, 80 in Missouri is pretty damn fast...unless you are one of the many crazy idiots going over 100
23:37.44DarthClue_Netgeeks, I'm sure it will.
23:37.49QwellDarthClue_: we were going 120+ on the way to Vegas
23:38.03DarthClue_drumkilla, that is something you will need to speak with him about.
23:38.27DarthClue_Qwell, then you have no reason for not getting to cluecon in time.
23:38.29Netgeeks80 in Chicago is nuts.  The roads alone have potholes the size of greyhounds
23:38.32Qwellhis girlfriend started yelling at him around 135. :(
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23:39.29JerJerNetgeeks:  ur not kidding
23:39.33QwellDarthClue_: I'd fly there right now if I could afford it
23:39.34Netgeeksgreyhounds referring to the busses not the 4 legged kind
23:39.39harryvv70 mph is generally my limit, any fast I do it on a aircraft
23:40.43harryvvI knew a guy who flew 200 mph from redriver oregon to vancouver island in a few short hours.
23:40.59harryvvhis own private kit plane on car gas
23:41.19NetgeeksAnd the wonderful Chicago road repair people....  they turn those greyhound size potholes into greyhound size mounds.... I'm sure they are thinking, who needs a steam roller, let a few hundred thousand cars smash this pile of blacktop flat
23:43.24*** join/#asterisk Tekmaven (
23:43.42Tekmavenhmm this is a cool bug in vista... everytime i close my laptop lid the thing reboots :-)
23:43.57denonchange it to not do anything when the lid is closed
23:44.06Tekmavenoh, theres another bug
23:44.21Tekmaventhat setting only means anything when im my session
23:44.32Tekmavenif i hit WinKey + L to lock the machine, it reverts back to defaults
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23:48.44JerJernwhit: feel free to implement it
23:50.13JerJersip-t is the specification on how to interoperate with SS7 using SIP
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23:52.02JerJerjust more headers, really
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23:52.28JerJerthe ISUP messages get converted to a SIP friendly header
23:52.44nwhitwhat will asterisk do if it receives sip-t messages?
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23:53.04JerJerhopefully it will gracefully ignore them
23:53.08JerJerbut i have never tried
23:53.16Netgeeks*** DarthClue has signed off IRC (Read error: I-80 (Pothole too deep)).
23:53.18Moc__hi again JerJer
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23:53.37DarthClue_bout time that damn nick timed out.
23:53.47*** topic/#asterisk by drumkilla -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || || Mailing Lists are fixed || Asterisk 1.2 Janitors Needed! || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - Speakers wanted
23:54.07drumkillaanyone else have something they want in the topic?
23:54.10drumkillait's getting pretty long :)
23:54.17NetgeeksHrm, Anaheim isn't a bad place, close too
23:54.19*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
23:54.48Juxtgood evening
23:54.57Juxtcan someon tell me what would something like this mean:
23:55.28anthmfrom looking at it, it's a url, usually you click on it to get to a website
23:55.36Juxtrofl haha
23:55.39Juxti expected that
23:55.44Juxtbut how about the contents
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23:56.00SwK_Juxt: looks like a phone that doesnt like options
23:56.14Juxtit's 2 asterisk boxen
23:56.42SwK_something aint right in the configs then
23:57.22Netgeeksanything interesting in the trace from the other side?
23:57.52Juxthmm gonna watch that
23:58.51Juxtpretty much the same thing
23:59.40Juxthere's what the other side has:

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