irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050728

00:00.04Ariel_SwK, but it still does not mean there being replaced. as far as I read the n+101 is still there and I don't see it being removed.
00:00.05SwK_there was a post about it on the dev list or the bug tracker the other day
00:00.42Ariel_SwK, if it's removed it would be very dumm move due to everyone that uses it will have to re-write all there macro's.
00:01.06Ariel_This is a step backwards
00:01.12SwK_Ariel_: aat some point in the future it might get removed, I know theres a pending patch that will start throwing warnings about it, then at some point they change the configs to turn it off by defualt unless you throw a config option to turn it back on (or atleast thats the way I read the notice)
00:02.27SwK_actually it makes writing macros and complex dialplans much easier imho
00:03.13Ariel_SwK, yes in the future but allot of people have systems with complex macro's working now. It stupid to make this a change instead of a addon
00:03.17Nuggetthe n+101 jumps are horrible to deal with.
00:03.40SwK_Ariel_: that why they arent completely killing it
00:03.49datagen24is any body around here who can look at my .conf files and see where i went wrong?
00:03.51Ariel_Nugget, I agree but why would I want to spend weeks working on a dial plan that is working.
00:04.43Nuggetbecause dialplans which use jumps are difficult to maintain, and migrating to a saner system will produce a less indirect, less error prone, and easier to maintain system for the long term
00:04.46SwK_i'm trying to find the exact post
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00:05.52SwK_try adding 1 priority into a 40 priority extension with 1,2,3....40,141,142,143...154,155,156 is a pita at the very least
00:06.28Nuggetor try using two applications which rely on n+101 exceptions handling near one another in the same sequence.
00:07.04Nuggetyou end up having to put goto placeholders at the respective +101 spots because there's not enough room to do anything on the exception side
00:07.10Ariel_I have many rollover macro's and other things taken that already into account.
00:07.29Nuggetsure, there are plenty of ways to work around it.
00:07.38SwK_Ariel_: it was in an email to the -dev list from kpf on Jul26
00:07.52Nuggetbut I'd argue that all of those techniques yield a dialplan which is more complicated than it ought to be
00:08.31*** join/#asterisk Tiveron (~someone@
00:09.21SwK_for easy to find I just cut/paste the body of his msg to that pastebin
00:09.40hardwiresnom had some neat ideas
00:09.44hardwirethe shared line
00:09.49hardwirekinda fun
00:09.57hardwiresuppose thats quite hackable.. using meetme
00:10.24hardwireand meetme doesn't grok DTMF
00:10.56*** join/#asterisk jartar45 (
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00:14.27jartar45does anyone here know if you need a soundcard in order to install Asterisk properly?   I'm having trouble modprobe(ing) my x100p card right now.    I'm also recieving errors when i try to instal the Zapetal tarbal
00:14.52NuggetYou do not need a sound card, and in fact having extraneous cards can make zaptel a royal pain in the ass.
00:14.55Ariel_SwK, thanks for the post. But it's like it said the option is going to be set via global settings.  Which is why I don't use head until the get all these things working correctly.
00:15.45harryvvjar do a lspci
00:15.46Ariel_jartar45, have you configured the zaptel.conf and the zapatal.conf files?
00:16.05harryvvAriel_ he cannot modprobe his card
00:16.06jartar45do you have any idea why im getting some error when trying to install zapetal?    i think the reason why i cant modprobe my card is because of the errors i get when installing Zapetal.   I can connect to Asterisk fine
00:16.14*** part/#asterisk _deg_ (~deg@
00:16.42harryvvjartar45 try doing  lspci and see if the card is showing up
00:16.45Ariel_jartar45, yes what is the error your getting?
00:16.55jartar45one sec, i'll post them
00:17.09MicC_and cat /proc/interrupts to see if its sharing any
00:17.09Ariel_harryvv, you can configure zaptel without a card installed
00:17.41harryvvAriel_ okay was not sure about that. But thats a good idea if a card is late in the mail or backordered.
00:17.48*** join/#asterisk sig- (
00:17.57eville83he haryvv
00:18.01eville83hey i mean :)
00:18.05Ariel_harryvv, you can always use ztdummy
00:18.10harryvvhi eville83
00:18.18eville83i'm jartar45 too.  (on linux)
00:18.25harryvvyea dont know that much about ztdummy.
00:18.43jartar45the error i get with zaptel are here:
00:18.47Nuggetbuilding zaptel requires that the kernel source matching your kernel exist on your system where it expects to find it.
00:19.14Nuggetyou'll have problems if the kernel sources are absent or if your linux distro does nutty things with them.  (fedora comes to mind here)
00:19.19harryvvnugget, yea I was talking to somone yesterday about that.
00:19.22jartar45Nuggest:  i installed redhat 9 i386 from cd.   then i downloaded the updates to make my kernal i686
00:19.37Ariel_jartar45, you need to make linux26
00:19.39jartar45harryvv: it was me :)
00:19.39Nuggetdid you download the kernel sources, or did you just download a binary kernel package?
00:19.41*** join/#asterisk phil0u (~philou@
00:19.44harryvvjar okay yes.
00:20.06Nuggetyou'll need to download the kernel sources package that corresponds to that i686 kernel package you installed, probably
00:20.27NuggetI thought that "make linux26" was legacy and no longer relevant.
00:20.30*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (~dasenjo@
00:20.37Nuggetand who said anything about 2.6?
00:20.53jartar45i donwloaded kernel-smp-2.4.20-31.9.i686.rpm and it says its already installed
00:21.01Nuggetthat's the kernel
00:21.04Nuggetnot the source code
00:21.20Nuggetfind the kernel sources package which corresponds to that package
00:21.24Ariel_the error's I saw was something to due with udev which is in 2.6
00:21.52Ariel_jartar45, which linux distro are you using?
00:22.03Nugget19:19 <jartar45> Nuggest:  i installed redhat 9 i386 from cd.   then i downloaded the updates to make my kernal i686
00:22.23jartar45im using redhat
00:22.28jartar45redhat 9
00:22.34sangeeSomeone please help me, I want to execute a agi script when caller or callee hangup, it will jump to n+101 when caller or callee hangup?
00:22.40SwK_Ariel_: yeah i know what you are saying, but at some point in the future people are only going to support priority jumping as a "legacy" mode... it wouldnt be a big leap from there to complete removal of that support for cleaner code base...
00:22.56Ariel_jartar45, then if you have configured yum do yum install kernel-source
00:23.56jartar45i havent configured yum, im searching google right now to find out how....
00:24.12Ariel_SwK, I am not saying it is not good for the add-on of better dialing rules. But you just can't remove people that have systems up and running fine for years either.
00:24.35Ariel_jartar45, is this a new freash setup?
00:25.02jartar45Ariel_: i went through all the steps on the asterisk website.   so it is partially set up
00:25.24jartar45Ariel_: i just received the errors with the zaptel instalation and know i can't modprobe my card
00:25.42jartar45harryvv was trying to help me install the source last night
00:25.54Ariel_jartar45, ok look at the fedora legacy site for the settings for the rh 9 yum and updates.
00:25.55jartar45but i guess in order to do that i have to configure yum then install it
00:26.08jartar45Ariel_: ok
00:26.23Ariel_all the sources for rh 9 is now kept there
00:26.46jartar45i guess this is a good reference:
00:27.32Ariel_jartar45, that is a good start yes
00:28.39SwK_if anything can be said about asterisk up to this point is kram is very fixed on maintaining backwards configs compatibility to keep people from having to completely re-write their dialplans etc.. with that in mind and knowing that just because something is depreciated, it doesnt mean its completely going away... so your old system is safe... however for future work, I would avoid it like the plague... its the same reason the unless theres a
00:28.49Ariel_jartar45, if you want to start with a good one disk server setup look at CentOS 3.4 server.  It's RH EL 3 without the name RedHat
00:29.40Nuggetwhy does every question, no matter what it's about, always yield at least one guy who tells you to completely switch to a different distro?
00:29.46Ariel_SwK, yes your correct. I fully agree.  But since I don't use head yet.  I will have to read more and look into it later.
00:29.59Nugget"Hey, how can I use colorls?"   "You should be running ubuntu, dude!"
00:30.13harryvvnugget, i get alot of that
00:30.29harryvvi could care less about the distro as long as i can use it and its stable :)
00:30.33Ariel_Nugget, it's not a different it just an update rh 9 which very good is no longer available with updates. Unless you go the legacy route
00:30.38SwK_just run ${YOUR_FAVORITE_PLATFORM}
00:30.44SwK_its always the best
00:30.51jartar45Ariel_: i'm running a webserver as well on this server.   i'm looking for something really stable that will work well with Cpanel/apache
00:32.09harryvvWe are now getting the summer heat up here.
00:32.50Ariel_jartar45, your running webservers on the system along with the Asterisk PBX.. humm well it does work. But is it wise unless it's for support of the asterisk box. (Just my view).
00:34.03harryvvsince its your phones
00:34.16harryvvI agree
00:34.35harryvvkiss the asterisk box and expect running reliable system.
00:37.30*** join/#asterisk alt (
00:38.32altI don't know if anyone is keeping track of this stuff, but I've got a Quad 3.2GHz Xeon with 2GB of RAM doing 54 active SIP channels (SIP to SIP calls) and the system is 99% idle.
00:38.52alt90% idle
00:39.04_DAWalt - any transcoding going on there?
00:39.05altand there's a couple of transcoding sessions in there too.
00:39.15_DAWhow many?
00:39.17alt1 right at the moment
00:39.19altbut it varies
00:39.33altwe're trying to _not_ transcode
00:39.43altbut unfortunately, we do have to proxy all the RTP streams.
00:40.24altif I had the know-how, I'd design a DSP card for transcoding instead of doing it in the CPU :\
00:40.51jartar45Arel_: at this point i can not afford to run 2 servers.    I'm only running one line for Asterisk so im not expecting it to go to crazy.   plus my server is pretty quick and should be able to handle it
00:40.54alt_DAW: nah. just been there before.
00:41.19*** join/#asterisk paulankaster (Paul@
00:41.27altokay, 52 SIP channels with 2 transcode sessions is 86% idle
00:41.36altmake that 3 transcode
00:41.39altmake that 3 transcode
00:41.49altour goal is a DS3 :)
00:42.12_DAWyou have a few channels to go :)
00:42.40altyes indeedy
00:42.54alta DS3 is 644 channels (assuming 23 channel PRIs)
00:43.01Ariel_jartar45, no problem.  how many users will you have on the system?
00:43.28_DAWanyh idea how the digium t3 card is coming?
00:43.38altno idea.
00:43.43altwe're doing all SIP here.
00:43.48altwell, SIP and H.323.
00:43.56paulankasterI am having problems with my first install
00:43.56altbut we put the H.323 through a GNU Gatekeeper
00:44.09altpaulankaster: and this makes you different from everyone else how? ;-)
00:44.26jartar45Ariel_:  just myself and one other person for right now.
00:44.28Ariel_paulankaster, is there a question you want to ask us aobut?
00:44.44paulankasterthe think is ...
00:44.45Ariel_jartar45, like I said no problems then.
00:44.53alt66 and 4 = 83% idle :)
00:44.56paulankasterI have installed asterisk at home 1.3
00:45.04paulankasterit start all process ok
00:45.24paulankasterbut when I try to connect with x-ten
00:45.41paulankasterit doesn't reply
00:46.01*** join/#asterisk SoloFlyer (~jkl@
00:46.10blitzrageevening all
00:46.14paulankasterI run ngrep and only see packets from the windows box
00:46.26paulankasternothing comming back from the asterisk box
00:46.54altpaulankaster: can you ping?
00:47.06paulankasteryes ping an ssh work great
00:47.17Ariel_paulankaster, lets see you setup the user or extenion via the amp interphase, are they behind a nat firewall?
00:47.25blitzrageiptables -L -v
00:47.37paulankasternop directly attached
00:47.50paulankastervia an crossover UTP cable
00:48.06paulankasterthe user is an extension
00:48.13SoloFlyerdoes your box have multiple ip address on any of its interfaces?
00:48.15paulankasterI only created the 200 ext
00:48.18Ariel_xlite is on a pc and the asterisk box on another one?
00:48.24paulankasteryes it does have 2 IPS
00:48.28paulankaster2 nics
00:48.39SoloFlyerbut not on 1 nic
00:48.40paulankasteryes 2 boxes
00:48.50paulankaster1 win98  1 linux
00:49.21*** join/#asterisk gamicalguy (
00:49.28paulankasterI have modified the *.conf in /etc/asterisk
00:49.49paulankasterto bind the IP of the nic that is directly attached to the windows box
00:49.53bkw_iax is sucking
00:50.11gamicalguyim running a asterisk live cd and it says es3210.c not card found
00:50.15*** join/#asterisk Saaib (
00:50.31bkw_gamicalguy, um try using google
00:50.36bkw_I think thats an OS issue
00:50.39bkw_and not an asterisk related one
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00:51.36gamicalguyoh, i didnt know that, i just have a live cd for aterisk and it gave me that error. ive run stuff like knoppix before and it works fine
00:52.06gamicalguynot really sure how to fix it and not really sure what to search for on google
00:52.39sig-gamicalguy then try use gogle..
00:52.42dudesgamicalguy - the error for starters
00:52.48jbotmailinglist is, like, Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
00:54.06gamicalguyso no one knows off the top of their head a solution?
00:54.17dudesgamicalguy - not here
00:54.18*** join/#asterisk znoG (~gs@
00:54.42sig-why the ppl are so lazy.
00:55.15dudessig - I've often asked that same question
00:55.15gamicalguyi tried to search google for my error and it didnt turn up with anytihg useful...
00:55.52dudestry search for bits and pieces of the error
00:56.11dudesthat may aid in fixing the issue.  or don't use a live CD for asterisk ?
00:56.30gamicalguyim just playing around with asterisk, i dont wnat to sign up for a mailing list to get thousands of emails a day, i was just triyng to get a direct answer, geez
00:56.50dudessearch the mailing list
00:56.57jboti guess mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
00:57.02sangeeHi, someone help me, how do i catch the calling party hangup in extensions.conf?
00:57.05gamicalguyi heard you the first time
00:57.07dudesread what jbot wrote
00:57.14gamicalguythis is dumb, no one is useful here
00:57.44sig-funny guy.
00:57.47dudeshe didn't read that
00:58.24dudesask ...
00:58.35paulankasterhow log take to process a subscription lo lists.digium....
00:58.38dudesyou don't need to raise your hand =0
01:00.00SoloFlyeri dont know Paul but it took about 30mins for for me
01:00.01dudesyou don't have to subscribe.  You can just search it.
01:00.02paulankasterI have aplly over the web this noon , and posted a msg but nothing get to my inbox
01:00.23dudesno one has responded ?
01:00.31paulankasterI know but my intention is to post
01:00.38paulankasternot to search
01:00.56SoloFlyerwhat did u post..
01:01.11dudesWell if a subscription to the mailing list takes as long as getting the licenses ... I'd say roughly 24hr's
01:01.23paulankasterI haven't receive neither the confirmation from the subscription
01:01.23dudesg729 licenses that is
01:01.27jbotdocs is probably Documentation can be found at or or or or
01:01.29jbotwell, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
01:04.45Darwin35man I love this new iax phone
01:05.03brookshireand what is it?
01:07.12Darwin35netweb 401
01:07.27Darwin35aka x401
01:07.44Darwin35iax2 based
01:07.56Darwin35no more sip for me
01:08.00SoloFlyeri loved the GXP2000 when i got them
01:08.21Darwin35this one has opensrc for the firmware
01:08.28Darwin35I can learn it and dev it
01:08.32ManxPowerSoloFlyer: I guess you've never used the Polycom 500 phone then
01:08.56SoloFlyerManxPower i said when i got them i didnt say what i thought of them now :)
01:09.35SoloFlyernahh they arent that bad
01:09.47SoloFlyerbut speakerphone should not be on the features list
01:09.53Darwin35grandstream is a great starter /low cost phone
01:09.59Darwin35but I am over sip
01:10.02DarthClueCompared to a GS BT, the 2000 is very nice.  Compared to a Polycom IP501, the 2000 is what I would expect to find in a slum lawyers office.
01:10.27Darwin35no thats the cisco 7940
01:10.52SoloFlyerother than speakerphone 2000 has proved to be very very good
01:11.21SoloFlyerbut... Speakerphone is of major importance to me
01:11.48SoloFlyerif the open sourced it i could probally fix it but alas
01:12.05Darwin35I just wish most sip/iax/h323 phones would get thier act together and put head phone jacks
01:12.18SoloFlyer2000 has headphone jacks
01:12.20ManxPowerSoloFlyer: LOL!  Grandstream has got some of the most horrible firmware out there.
01:12.34SoloFlyeryeah i know
01:12.41Darwin35using the radio shack addon that works off 2 aaa batt and only last abour 25 talk hours
01:12.47ManxPowerDarwin35: Um, what phones DON'T have a headset port?
01:13.07Darwin35like headphone jacks
01:13.13Darwin35most dont
01:13.23Darwin35they have speaker phones
01:13.29ManxPowerThe polycoms all support RJ-12 headsets.
01:13.45ManxPowerThe SIPura SPA-841 has a 2.5mm headset jack.
01:13.51Darwin35and what are like rj jacks for headset plugi ons
01:14.54ManxPowerThe Cisco 7905 I have doesn't seem to have any headset/headphone jacks
01:15.09hardwireI am so not working
01:15.12hardwireand I should be
01:15.23ManxPowerDarwin35: Huh?
01:15.25Darwin35the 7920 and 7940 have rj12 jacks
01:15.32hardwirecontimplating a way to make a caller id magically turn into a google search that will appear on a registered computer.. is a waste of time
01:15.43ManxPowerthe chinnese import IAX2 phone doesn't seem to have a headset jack.
01:15.54Darwin35which one
01:16.00ManxPowerI dunno.
01:16.02Darwin35there is a imported iax phone
01:16.15ManxPowerIt blew up when I tried upgrading the firmware remotely and I've not had the interest to fix it.
01:16.24ManxPowerIt's so ugly I can't deploy it in production
01:16.26*** join/#asterisk meppl (~mephisto@
01:16.27SoloFlyeractually if we developed a custom firmware for gxp2000 im sure it wouldnt take long for the opensource firmware to be better than grandstreams i means its a great phone with good potential its just that the firmware sucks ( thats what causes the speakerphone not to work for example)
01:16.42Darwin35is it the pa168 chip ?
01:16.58ManxPowerSoloFlyer: Pretty much ALL speakerphone suck, except for the high end like Cisco and Polycom
01:16.59Darwin35its easy to fix with windows laptop and a crossover cable
01:17.11ManxPowerDarwin35: When the phone won't even come out of POST?
01:17.19DarthCluehardwire: you could do that with firefox chrome.
01:17.24SoloFlyermanx there is a difference between suck and usable :)
01:17.40ManxPowerI've been told you can press * or something when you power on the phone, but I've not bothered to try it.
01:17.45hardwireDarthClue: yeh.. first thought was to use google phonenumbers search engine to give me a map and so forth of the caller ID
01:17.46ManxPowerI need to use the phones my users use.
01:17.49Darwin35if its the pa168 chip
01:17.53hardwireI think I will just have to bite the bullet on this one
01:18.09DarthClueSoloFlyer: i too have considered creating firmware for the gxp2000, but it will have to wait a while at this rate.
01:18.21DarthCluehardwire: it can be done.
01:18.27hardwireDarthClue: it shouldn't be
01:18.30hardwirenot on my time :)
01:19.33hardwireSo3kris: any relation to ?
01:19.34*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
01:19.53Darwin35get a x401 and help dev it
01:20.05DarthClueManxPower: um, it's for educational reasons, i doubt it would go very far, especially if we claim to be heavily christian but moderately muslim
01:20.23SoloFlyerdarwin itsa little late for that i already have 32 granstream gxp2000's
01:20.37hardwiresend me one
01:20.37Darwin35ahh wow
01:20.47hardwireI will send you a few snom 360's
01:20.48*** join/#asterisk iq (
01:20.50hardwirein fact
01:20.52hardwireI have 32 snoms
01:20.54Darwin35I have 4 gs102 and 2 x401
01:20.54hardwirewanna trade?
01:21.11Darwin35and 1 main board from a gs100
01:21.23SoloFlyerwhy hardwire?
01:21.32Darwin35wich is becoming a paging module
01:21.34hardwireSoloFlyer: I want some grandstreams :)
01:21.46Sedoroxget a Bt100
01:21.49*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
01:22.03Error_Xhardwire: Got ztdummy installed.. But how do I get it to work with asterisk? :)
01:22.07SoloFlyeri just wish gs would open theire firmware :(
01:22.12hardwireit just does (tm)
01:22.13Darwin35you have to load it
01:22.14SwK_hardwire: I doubt that soren (mr. uses irc
01:22.20Darwin35and then run ztcfg
01:22.31hardwireDarwin35: is ztdummy modprobed?
01:22.38SoloFlyeri mean their support sucks in order to get 1 email from them i have to send the 5
01:22.45SwK_yes you can modprobe xtdummy
01:22.47*** join/#asterisk Beccara (
01:22.54hardwiredo you have a /proc/zaptel dir
01:23.00SwK_and if you are using ztdummy you dont have to run ztcfg
01:23.10*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
01:23.23Error_Xit is loaded
01:23.35SwK_the just start asterisk and make sure chan_zap loads
01:23.55SwK_the do zap show channels you should see 1 pseudo chan
01:24.01Error_XIt works :)
01:24.02Darwin35but on linux why use ztdummy when you have rtc
01:24.04Error_Xthanks alot :)
01:24.23SwK_Darwin35: the RTC doesnt have fine enuff timers
01:24.52Darwin35ahh ok
01:25.39SwK_thats why in 2.4 kernels it needs specific USB chip... in 2.6 the kernel has high resolution timers
01:26.31SoloFlyercan u do 1 to many in asterisk?
01:26.47SoloFlyerone way only...
01:26.50DarthClueSoloFlyer: define 1 to many?
01:27.17SoloFlyeri rin 1 number 32 phones automaticlly pick up the call
01:27.18Darwin35yes its called a confrence call/page
01:27.46SoloFlyeryeah but 1 way only
01:27.47Darwin35you have a agi call all the extensions and put them in meetme then you join
01:28.02DarthCluei don't think that's what he wants.
01:28.05Darwin35make your announcement and hangup it disconnects them
01:28.31SoloFlyeryeah thats what i want...
01:28.35*** join/#asterisk stormfr (
01:28.47DarthClueok, then you would have to have phones that can autoanswer.
01:28.58SoloFlyergxp2000 can
01:28.59SwK_SoloFlyer: theres a script for that on the wiki
01:29.08SwK_it uses meetme wiki...
01:29.22SwK_note: if this is for a real world business deployment most people hate
01:29.45SwK_search the wiki for polycom intercom or paging
01:30.11SwK_you're best bet is to use a paging amp some overhead speakers and a paging amp heh
01:30.14Qwellpatch a single phone into the speaker system...much funner
01:30.16Darwin35the cisco and grandstreams have auto answer
01:30.44SoloFlyermind u the gs autoanswer is a Hack!
01:30.55SoloFlyeru have to set up a second user
01:30.57Darwin35its in the firmware
01:31.03Darwin35ahh ok
01:31.07SwK_the polycom autoanswer is done with sip alerts on the invites
01:31.07Darwin35did not know that
01:31.15SoloFlyeru have normal user
01:31.25SoloFlyerplus a second user which auto answers
01:31.32SoloFlyerits a little dodgy but it works
01:31.41SoloFlyerjust another firmward bug :/
01:31.42Darwin35soem one needs to doc it
01:31.52Error_Xrtpstart=10000, rtpend=20000 is this a port range?
01:32.18SwK_with the polycom you just set the _SIP_ALERT (i think thats right) channel variable to autoanswer or whatever and its send in the INVITE, then you config the phones to look for it... its much fun to play with
01:32.27SwK_Error_X: yes
01:32.31Error_XError_X: k
01:32.43Error_XTCP or UDP?
01:33.10Darwin35well I have to put that on the list for firmware for the pa168 chip
01:33.35SwK_do you really want the retransmitting of packets by TCP when you are talking... you'll get crap like "HiHiHi this is B B B Bob
01:33.39SoloFlyerDarwin35 - <--- Still no real intercom system... I have been able to work around this by setting up a seperate user account on line4 which has auto answer enabled :)
01:34.11SoloFlyeri think i added that i cant remember...
01:34.47SoloFlyeryeah i did
01:36.28SoloFlyeri also added that Warning at the top lol
01:39.32Darwin35oook now I need a video phone for the front door
01:43.41*** part/#asterisk paulankaster (Paul@
01:44.16*** join/#asterisk Monnok (
01:45.54CoriantumHi Monnok
01:48.08*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
01:50.05DarthCluehow are you this evening SarahEmm?
01:50.30sivanaSarahEmm: did you try it again?
01:51.00CoriantumIs there a way to execute multiple exention.conf files?
01:51.12QwellCoriantum: You can include another file
01:51.25CoriantumQwell: cool! thanks
01:51.32Qwell#include I believe
01:53.36SarahEmmsivana: trying again
01:53.41SarahEmmDarthClue: umm.... i dunno
01:53.47SarahEmmDarthClue: not great but surviving
01:54.46wulfy814why do I have to run ztcfg prior to starting asterisk everytime
01:55.13SarahEmmwulfy814: you should only have to right after loading the modules
01:55.15ManxPowerwulfy814: because your /etc/modules.conf is wrong
01:55.50ManxPowerIf the /etc/modules.conf is correct, ztcfg will be automagically run when the card driver (or zaptel?) is loaded.
01:56.16SarahEmmsivana: testing now. works OK from my local phone, so i know it's registering right
01:56.17*** join/#asterisk irv999 (
01:56.19SarahEmmtesting from the US now
01:56.59wulfy814/etc/modules.conf has zaptel, wctdm - should there be anything else?
01:57.57ManxPoweryou need a post-install line too, of course.
01:58.03SarahEmm^-- sivana
01:58.14ManxPowerGranted, "make install" in the zaptel source directory would have set that up for you.
01:58.27SarahEmmsivana: that's from SBC
01:58.32sivanahrm.. they tested it from NY today
01:58.34SarahEmmcingular does the same
01:58.37SarahEmmso did i sivana
01:58.40SarahEmmfrom Rochester it doesn't work
01:58.43SarahEmmsame message
01:58.52wulfy814ManxPower: did make install... this is Ubuntu install
01:59.01wulfy814I have it working fine on a machine with just ztdummy
01:59.15ManxPowerwulfy814: Huh?  Download and install from source or we can't help you.
01:59.16sivanaSarahEmm: can you try from a US landline?
01:59.25ManxPowerwulfy814: 2.4 kernel or 2.6 kernel?
01:59.30wulfy814ManxPower: I did install from source 2.6 kernel
01:59.37wulfy814just letting you know what distro
01:59.46ManxPowerwulfy814: Ah.  2.6 does modules totally differently
01:59.46SarahEmmsivana: err, i have been. SBC and pacbell and whatever is in Rochester
01:59.52SarahEmmsivana: and also cingular but that's not landline
02:00.41sivanahrm... I'll dbl check with them again
02:00.52sivanaPacBell isn't in Rochester though :)
02:00.55SarahEmmi know
02:00.56CoriantumDoes #include work in AEL?
02:01.06SarahEmmi was saying pacbell, SBC, *and* whatever's in Rochester (didn't ask) :)
02:01.18SarahEmmi'm having like 4 people around the country test this each time
02:01.22SarahEmmjust to make sure it's not just one provider
02:03.07mmlj4hey ManxPower :-)
02:03.55Error_Xallow=all = use alot of bandwith?
02:03.55ManxPowermmlj4: Hiya
02:03.57mmlj4got my screwy voicemail?
02:04.08ManxPowerError_X: No.  Allow=all means "screw up my calls"
02:04.27ManxPowermmlj4: I listeded to the first 10 seconds of it. 8-)  Figured I'd listen to the rest of it before I call you back
02:04.45Error_Xwhen I call my meetme room its chopping (both machines are on LAN)
02:05.33mmlj4well, my plan is more expensive and takes 4 days, better just ignore it :-)
02:06.33mmlj4but i do hope to be in anaheim in october
02:07.51*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
02:09.40ManxPowermmlj4: maybe you can see me speak
02:10.30sivanaSarahEmm: ping
02:11.04mmlj4maybe... what track or topic will you be doing?
02:12.41*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
02:12.54kingtuxCan anyone give me some help with amp and asterisk
02:13.04ManxPowerkingtux: Try #amp
02:14.00ManxPowerAsking us to help you with AMP is like going into a BMW repair shop and asking for help on the 3rd party stereo system you had a non-BMW dealer install.
02:14.27SarahEmmgood acronym ManxPower
02:14.48kingtuxyeah pretty funny
02:15.41SarahEmmthanks mmlj4
02:15.43SarahEmms'what i meant
02:15.47SarahEmmkitriches are having issues with communication today
02:15.48mmlj4i know :-)
02:16.06ManxPowermmlj4: Did you install those wall jacks in Mandeville that don't have any labels on them?
02:16.37mmlj4um, which?
02:16.59ManxPowerThere are wall jacks/plates in use that have no numbers on them
02:17.08mmlj4labels? i don't need no steeking labels
02:17.30ManxPowerWell if you were the one, don't admit it.  If I find the person I'll have Guido pay them a visit.
02:17.40mmlj4well, have you see my diagram? each jack is basically sequentially-numbered
02:18.19mmlj4you start by entering a room, looking to the left, and the jacks are in sequence around the room
02:19.00mmlj4the map will tell you which block of ports on which patch panel belong to which room
02:20.03ManxPowerMaps can be lost.  We don't lose patch pannels or wall jacks.
02:20.29ManxPowerI think John had to tone back every one of the Platinum ports.
02:20.49mmlj4um, hmm...
02:21.24ManxPowerMaybe he lost the map 8-)
02:21.30mmlj4yeah, that set of rooms are a little messed up... i miscalculated when punching those down
02:22.01mmlj4no, the principle is the same, you start in the back room and work towards the reception area
02:22.26ManxPowermmlj4: I'll ask John if we can pay you to come in and make sure they are all labeled correctly for any that we have questions about.
02:22.32*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
02:22.57mmlj4well, i don't know if I need to be paid for that, that falls more under the idea of support, i think
02:23.08SoloFlyermmlj4 just like i miscalculated when i used a 15pound sledge hammer to crack an egg :)
02:23.27ManxPowermmlj4: Having it done will save hours of work in the future.
02:23.34mmlj4you find a bad jack, i go f1x0r it
02:24.03mmlj4well, the map idea for the main part of the building is a reasonably sound idea
02:24.10mmlj4we can photocopy that map
02:24.15ManxPowerregardless, I'm very happy that we have a wiremonkey again.
02:24.30ManxPowermmlj4: The thing is that maps get out of date very quickly.
02:24.32mmlj4hey, no biggie :-)
02:24.58mmlj4well, those rooms are not going to relocate themselves, and I doubt those patch panels will get redone
02:25.19ManxPowermmlj4: We thought the same thing about the Covington NOC 8-)
02:26.00mmlj4if/when the tenant portion gets wired, i'll be sure to actually label them; ditto any future construction work
02:26.46ManxPowermmlj4: If you spent as many hours toning/tracking back wall jacks you would be paranoid about the issue too 8-)
02:27.47mmlj4but seriously, i can pinpoint any jack in the building, give or take 1 panel port, by referring to the map
02:28.01ManxPowermmlj4: then go around and put labels on them. 8-)
02:28.14*** join/#asterisk file (
02:29.10mmlj4again, point taken, all future jobs will be labelled
02:29.13ManxPowermmlj4: We will be putting the entire office on 3 VLANs next week.
02:29.57ManxPowermmlj4: Also, I ask users what the label on the wall jack is when they report problems, and since I'm not on-site.....
02:30.27mmlj4makes sense
02:31.57*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
02:33.16harryvvmanx, using cisco switches?
02:33.47*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
02:36.45ManxPowerharryvv: Cisco 5509
02:36.58harryvvI programed thise in cisco acadamy
02:37.08harryvvnot to hard to configure.
02:38.05ManxPowerharryvv: Somewhat harder when the PCs are plugged into Polycom phones and we need the PC and the polycom on different VLANS
02:38.27QwellManxPower: scary
02:38.46harryvvputting them on seperate vlans is a good idea
02:39.26ManxPowerharryvv: we will have different security policies for the phones/corporate PCs .vs. the agent PC's .vs. the printers
02:39.37harryvvyea :)
02:39.45harryvvand peace of mind
02:40.31*** join/#asterisk mrproper_ (
02:40.37mrproper_anyone here using oh323?
02:41.32harryvvcalled my cable company, want to charge 80 dollars for a second fixed ip address.
02:41.51harryvvI am sure any dsl provider can beat that price.
02:43.24ManxPowerharryvv: Um, actually "creating a better image for MIS" is the reason.  The agents are unhappy about the restrictions we put on their internet access.
02:43.40ManxPowerAnd since they pay about US$38,000/year to work for the company.....
02:43.49ManxPowerYes, real estate is a fucked up industry.
02:44.11opus_dude we can get 100 ip for $5
02:44.40harryvvmanx, thay pay your company 38k?
02:45.10harryvvopus, yea...our cable provider is ripping us off..saying thay dont have enough ip's to shelv out.
02:45.11ManxPowerharryvv: Yes, AND they have to give the company part of the comissions.  Not MY company, my largest customer.  I'm an indie consultant
02:45.40harryvvso you provide IT services to a realestate agency?
02:45.56ManxPowerThe better agents, the ones that sell high end homes, can get something like $30,000 just in commissions from selling 1 house.
02:46.12harryvvI was thinking that one of the obiosly companies to sell my ipphones and a asterisk, or ser box would be realestate offices.
02:46.30ManxPowerharryvv: In order of my revenue: The Real Estate Company, Health Clinic, Law Offices.
02:46.44harryvvhomes here have reached over the million dollars mark...because of the up and comming 2010 Olympics
02:46.50sivanawe're doing well with insurance brokers
02:47.16sivana10+ lines for the agents
02:47.28ManxPowerharryvv: Real Estate agents have the technical know-how of a turnip.
02:47.32harryvvwhat do you guys charge per seat per month?
02:48.02ManxPowerOne of them told me they didn't want voicemail notification via a texst message to her cell phone because "figureing out how to read the messages is too hard"
02:48.13ManxPowerI didn't bother to offer the service to any other agents after that.
02:48.42SwK_i love looking at patches and seeing shit like this "void pri_message(struct pri *pri, char *fmt, ...)"
02:48.47SwK_wrong line
02:49.07SwK_char *stuff
02:49.10ManxPowerOddly enough, the top producing agents either understand technology or have assistants that understand it (the second is the more common)
02:49.45harryvvmanx, i have it sent to my email...then read it on my cell phone internet account to save the cost of making calls to see if i have vm
02:50.08ManxPowerharryvv: Our agents would take months of training in order to be able to do that.
02:50.29ManxPowerI'm starting that "people skills" and "technical skills" are mutually exclusive.
02:51.02harryvvI figure out things quickly. I was a Sharp/Fiery conssultant and would whip though the push button menues quickly like it was some kind of vidio game to fix it :)
02:52.41sivanaSwK_: ya, there's some nice code lines char *this, char *that
02:53.07harryvvmanx, would like to get past this firewall issue with sip. I guess the cheapest way and still robust is ser?
02:53.42dudesharryvv - what type of firewall issue ...
02:53.43ManxPowerharryvv: what firewall problem?
02:53.59drrayI wonder if a bounty would help motivate people into getting the FXS ports working on those linksys routers under openWRT
02:54.46harryvvsip not passing though it. have port forwaring 10000-20000 5060 pointing to the asterisk box ip. But obviosly the nat will not work with it properly.
02:54.47*** join/#asterisk vuvie (
02:55.05harryvvrtp.conf is configured properly
02:55.26dudesharryvv - what type of router?
02:55.28harryvvsip.conf with externip and intern is set
02:56.02harryvvone guy here sugested putting asterisk on the firewall. that way its behind the nat.
02:56.05ManxPowerharryvv: So your Asterisk server is behind NAT?  Are the SIP clients behind NAT?  Will the SIP clients be calling each other often or mostly SIP<->PSTN?
02:56.22harryvvyea, sip clients are on the remote end of the internet.
02:56.48dudesharryvv - what does sip do when you try to make a call?
02:56.49harryvvthe to demo this ip500 at some office..with luck there firwall will not have issues but cannot bet on that. :)
02:57.08dudesharryvv  - no sound?  Or just no register?
02:57.08harryvvdudes typical one way call..thay hear me but i cannot hear them.
02:57.14NuggetRing ring ring ring ring ring ring Banana phone
02:57.20dudesharryvv - do you have nat=yes ?
02:57.30dudestake it out if you have the port forwarded
02:57.30harryvvon both ata and ip500 in si[
02:57.50ManxPowerharryvv: I do that sort of stuff with no need for SER
02:57.54dudesI had a guy with ipcop and he had the same issue ... took it out after reading sip debug (no nat avablible) fixed
02:57.55harryvvtake out nat=yes?
02:58.04dudesdo it!
02:58.08harryvvhold on.
02:58.08ManxPowerI set the SIP device to use ports starting at 16384 (default on Cisco).
02:58.53ManxPowerThen I port forward ports 16384 - 16394 (small number of devices) and port 5060.  Set up rtp.conf for the same port range.  You can expand the range, of course.
02:59.26ManxPowerthen I use externip (NOT HOST NAME), and localnet in sip.conf and nat=yes in sip.conf for each sip stanza and pretty much NOTHING else special for NAT
02:59.31harryvvdarn wife is on phone.
02:59.43dudesharryvv - If you forward the right ports you shouldn't have to set nat=yes ... at least from my experience.  So forward port 5060 and 5036 <--- inbound sip port I think?
03:00.06harryvvwhy not 10000-20000 as required?
03:00.21dudesI forward fewer rtp's than that
03:00.24ManxPowerYou should NOT port forward on the NAT router that the SIP client is behind, no should you set any nat options on the SIP device.  This will mess things up.
03:00.42harryvvi see
03:01.10ManxPowerharryvv: At the time I standardized on 16384 on up we were going to use Ciscos, and they default to that.
03:01.15dudesharryvv - is VOIP fun (not)
03:01.20Darwin35ok to dnd to the db  at the cli its database put DUN dnd
03:01.26harryvvmmm mostly sip is a headache
03:01.41harryvvnever has worked across a firewall for me.
03:02.28harryvvmanx, well the idea is to use my ip500 to log into my asterisk box on somone elses connection. So about the rtp range
03:03.02harryvvohh fun
03:03.04harryvvhe leaves
03:03.38Qwellharryvv: It should be reassuring that it his connection was reset. :p
03:06.40Darwin35bed tiime
03:07.39dudesAnyone have much experience with redirect?
03:09.53*** join/#asterisk jr352k_ (
03:11.28*** join/#asterisk Barza (~galellope@
03:12.12Barzamaybe you can help me
03:12.17jr352k_we got split?
03:12.25jr352k_what's up?
03:12.27Barzai got a iaxy
03:12.51Barzamy asterisk is in the internet and my iaxy in home
03:13.17Barzabut for some razon is unable to connect to my asterisk
03:13.32QwellDoes your asterisk box have the IAX2 port open?
03:13.45Barzawich one?
03:13.50QwellI forget
03:14.24Barzathe coriuse thing.... i probe this aix in my office and connect!!
03:15.08Barzamy server is complete open wrigth now
03:15.14Barzajust for the test
03:16.27Barzawhere i can post a configuration?
03:16.51Barzai provisioning my iaxy with to servers
03:16.54Barzaone for lan
03:17.03Barzaand one for wan
03:17.48Barzabut i dont know if i have to use some special configuration in the asterisk
03:18.39jr352k_then giva us the link
03:19.38dudeswith redirect ... lets say instead of using chan_agent (can I parse "show agents") then use the channel provided and redirect to that upon a answered call?
03:20.12dudesuse chan_agents to log in and instead of sending to Agent/X send the to the provided channel that is.
03:22.54*** join/#asterisk irv999 (
03:23.06irv999does anyone do this in ny full time?
03:23.17Barzaand this is my asterisk iax.conf
03:23.20jr352k_barza, how about the iax.conf?
03:23.25dudesdo what in ny full time?
03:24.07irv999program asterisk systems
03:24.42NormAstirv999: If you box is hooked up to the internet.. anyone can help you.
03:24.57Barzajr352k_, i provisioning wright?
03:26.22dudesirv999 - my friend and I do asterisk work for folk all over the world
03:26.28*** join/#asterisk nitram ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:26.28Barzain my home i got a lynksys dsl router with all open
03:26.45irv999dudes: need face time.. someone local..
03:27.00irv999dudes: I have programmers
03:28.16sivanairv999: might want to send a note out -biz list
03:28.27Barzajr352k_, do you see it?
03:28.27NormAstirv999: you could always use screen...
03:28.42NormAstAnyone know what happened to
03:30.25irv999norm: I need someone who can sell / install / and program asterisk while paying me commisions I dont want to sell this anymore
03:31.57*** join/#asterisk newmember (
03:32.03blitzrageNormAst: hey!
03:32.21NormAstivr999:  Everyone needs that... :)
03:32.29NormAstHay blitzrage!!
03:32.41blitzrageNormAst: haven't seen you online in a while, figured you died or something :)
03:33.04NormAstI've been really busy... When the next Toronto asterisk meeting?  Web site?
03:33.14sivanahey guys, is there anymore meet ups?
03:33.20blitzrageNormAst: one tomorrow actually -
03:33.23*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
03:33.27blitzrageNormAst: its at Tobies at 7:30
03:33.41irv999norm: to many issues and to many 3rd parties that I can't deal anymore
03:34.03blitzragejbot: taug is The Toronto Asterisk Users group. The website can be found at
03:34.04jbotokay, blitzrage
03:34.38SarahEmmtaug tomorrow?
03:34.43SarahEmmafternoon shift AGAIN!
03:34.47SarahEmmpeople need to move these meetings :(
03:34.54SarahEmmi wanna go to one but every time there is one i'm on afternoon shift :P
03:35.14*** join/#asterisk nitram ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:35.17*** join/#asterisk nitram ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:35.20blitzragejbot: meetup is A formally wicked place to setup any sory of Meet Ups (usually Users Groups of some sort). It used to be free, but is now unfortunately $19/mth. See also, ~taug
03:35.20jbotblitzrage: okay
03:35.57blitzrageSarahEmm: I won't be there because I'm going camping for the long weekend. We need to move it to the 3rd Thursday of each month instead of the 4th. Always hits a long weekend.
03:36.03jbot[meetup] A formally wicked place to setup any sory of Meet Ups (usually Users Groups of some sort). It used to be free, but is now unfortunately $19/mth. See also, ~taug
03:36.32SarahEmmformally wicked?
03:36.57blitzragehrmmm... wicked as in good
03:37.08blitzragewell, its pay now :)
03:37.09NormAstBlitzrage: $20.00 bucks....
03:37.10*** join/#asterisk iswm (iswm@iswm.user)
03:37.17SarahEmmbut.. how does that make it formal?
03:37.18blitzragea month
03:37.25blitzrageI suppose not formal :)
03:37.32SarahEmmhence my confuzzlingness
03:37.39blitzragejbot: forget meetup
03:37.39jbotblitzrage: i forgot meetup
03:38.22blitzragejbot: meetup is a place where people can create online groups to organize physical meetings with people. Its at http:/ It used to be free, but is now $19/mth. See also, ~taug
03:38.22jbotblitzrage: okay
03:38.27Barzajr352k_, do you see it?
03:39.08NormAstblitzrange:   That must be for the cost of the beer right?  :)
03:40.35blitzrageNormAst: no no, the meetup site costs money (that's why we're not using it anymore) - there are still no "dues" for TAUG.
03:41.09blitzragejbot: forget meetup
03:41.09jbotblitzrage: i forgot meetup
03:41.14syle219 a month hmmm
03:41.15NormAstDirections on the website and locations would be nice.
03:41.20blitzragejbot meetup is a place where people can create online groups to organize physical meetings with people. Its at It used to be free, but is now $19/mth.
03:41.20jbotokay, blitzrage
03:41.25syle2how many people go and who gets the 19 a month :)
03:41.27blitzragedamn typo's :)
03:41.52blitzragesyle2: the people who run - hence why we don't use it. Way too expensive just to manage some meetings. Costs nothing to go to TAUG
03:42.44syle2makes sense
03:43.20blitzragetaug is not associated with meetup.comf
03:43.46blitzragebeen typing .conf too much - fingers wanted the extra f
03:43.56jontowquestion.. i note that editline includes some vague form of vi-style (and emacs stle) command line editing; anyone played with that support on the CLI?
03:43.57dudesHow can one bridge two active channels?
03:44.01blitzrage~seen jerjer
03:44.02jbotjerjer <~JerJer@jerjer.bronze.supporter.pdpc> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 11h 27m ago, saying: 'Blackthorn:  registering to the proxy is how you get thru nat/firewall'.
03:44.16JunK-Ydudes: changrab ?
03:44.35blitzragejontow: !vim /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf :)
03:44.59blitzragejontow: that must be why some commands accept the ability to filter with regex's
03:45.04jontow*sigh*.. no ;)
03:45.16blitzragejontow: hrmmm, twas a guess :)
03:45.34jontowi mean, at a shell (ksh or zsh for instance); you can type 'set -o vi' and it'll throw you into a permanent (for that session) 'vi' style line-editing syntax
03:45.41blitzrageJunK-Y: show dialplan <context> like <regex>  <-- that'd be nice
03:46.31jontowie. if you hit escape while typing a command at the shell prompt, you'll have the ability to use 'w' and 'b' to move forward or back a word (WITHOUT ERASING THEM;)) or 'x' to delete the current character, or whatever standard vi commands you want to use, including 'i', and 'a' to get back to insert mode
03:46.35jontowall without leaving the CLI ever
03:47.01jontowim not talking about editing files.. im talking about editing lines :)
03:47.28blitzragejontow: that sounds like crazy talk!
03:47.30JunK-Yblitzrage: pay me a beer and maybe ;)
03:47.38blitzrageJunK-Y: done!
03:47.48blitzrageJunK-Y: heck, I'll give you two :)
03:47.49jontowwell.. the support is there; but i've yet to figure out how to turn it on.. :)
03:47.53dudesJunK-Y - that's too new =(
03:47.57blitzragejontow: innnnnnnteresting :)
03:48.10blitzragejontow: let me know if you figure it out
03:53.06jontowwill do.. no idea if its built out at all in asterisk.. but the library sitting there in our source tree has the capability :)
03:53.48nounoursfrI have a question about my waiting queue:when I try to use the hold touch on my cisco 7960
03:54.13nounoursfr, my correspondant doesn't heard my hold music
03:54.51nounoursfrHas someone an idea ?
03:55.19bkw_ok its offical IAX2 has a major bug that effects audio
03:55.35bkw_guess we'll try to fix that one tommorow
03:55.57JunK-Ybkw_: more details baby?
03:55.58Qwellbkw_: mind a really quick PM?  got two issues/questions for ya
03:56.18bkw_Qwell, shoot
03:56.26bkw_IAX with or without jitter buffer.
03:56.33blitzragebkw_: doesn't matter?
03:56.37bkw_you'll get blocks of audio missing
03:56.46blitzragebkw_: let me know about testing tomorrow - I'll help.
03:57.55blitzragebkw_: patches, etc..
03:57.55bkw_i'm going to be collecting info tonight
03:57.55dudesnounoursfr - lookup music on hold mpg123 ... or re encode your on hold music as native asterisk format
03:57.55bkw_to see if we can figure a way to attack this and fix it
03:57.55blitzragebkw_: let me know if there is anything I can do to help
03:57.55bkw_blitzrage, will do
03:57.55blitzragebkw_: I've got like 3 boxes I can use
03:57.55JunK-Ywe means ?
03:57.55blitzragebkw_: actually, 4 now that I think about it.
03:57.55bkw_JunK-Y, tony and I
03:58.28JunK-Yk, i'll join the conf tomorrow on my lunch break to get more info on all that.
03:58.29blitzragebkw_: QC1 (final draft) comes Aug. 1st.
03:59.18nounoursfrdudes-My music doesn't have any problem to play during the begin of the waiting queue : the problem is just after, when I put my correspondant on hold
04:00.18dudesnounoursfr - if you have a asterisk version after May they are know to have audio issues (not sure if MOH/Queue is effected or not though.)
04:00.22blitzrageok... who has gotten arguments passed from AGI() to a PHP script?
04:00.32blitzrageon stable (1.0.9) - works on HEAD, not on stable
04:00.36syle2this pap2-na seems to loose connection to the server after while all the time, when dude resets his router it seems to work again, my question is is this because the ip address could be changing , and asterisk is not detecting it?
04:02.15blitzragenevermind... its just that one box
04:02.34JunK-Ygod, im listening nirvana. i know why i was listening that shit 10 years ago !
04:02.48blitzrageJunK-Y: its still good
04:03.44NormAstsyle2: Try adding qualify=5000 to the config.
04:03.53dudesJunK-Y - why does app_queue and chan_agents suck so bad
04:03.54*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
04:03.55nounoursfrdudes - Do you know if I have to compile my audio drivers with a 1.0.6-BRIstuffed
04:05.01syle2i have it set to just yes right now whatever that value is
04:05.22JunK-Ydudes: dunno man.
04:05.30NormAstsyle2: yes is 2000ms
04:05.32JunK-Ywhy my grand-ma is so old?
04:05.42dudesCause she had your mama
04:05.55syle2k i'll try that thx, let you know tommorrow :)
04:06.13dudesnounoursfr - I'm not sure
04:08.00dudesIs there anyway to bridge two active channels ... being instead of sending a call to Agent/X ... how could one just send it to their channel?
04:08.21JunK-Ydudes: see app_changrab.c
04:08.25dudesthat won't work
04:09.25dudesWhen we try to use redirect it logs the agent out  when we send it to their channel (i.e SIP/talkingsip-5ca8)
04:10.49bkw_blitzrage, killer
04:10.52*** join/#asterisk zippp (~zip@
04:11.23dudesso sip/talkingsip-xxxx (Agent/X) and the called party sip/talkingsip-5ca8 ... when sent to sip/talkingsip-xxxx (instead of Agent/X) it logs the agent out and drops the call.
04:12.28dudesLets say we want to just bridge those two channels together instead of having to Redirect to Agent/X (you can send to the channel)
04:13.53*** join/#asterisk Paskifr (
04:14.08*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
04:15.32sivanaI'm an idiot... I partition a win2k primary partition to 1.5 GB instead of 15 GB
04:15.47dudesWTG stupid =p
04:15.48sivanawhich you could resize it on the fly
04:16.06*** join/#asterisk scud (
04:16.33sivanaI go home to continue setting up the box with RDC and can't do shit
04:16.47sivanaand I don't feel like driving back to the office and restart the install... hehe
04:17.45scudi ported asterisk to java and have it running on my toaster
04:19.38dudesAsterisk from C to Java ... fun
04:19.55*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
04:20.21drumkillawe are, actually, rewriting the dsp code in java.
04:25.07*** join/#asterisk gushi (
04:25.25gushiHey all, can someone help me with a stupid asterisk problem?  I am pretty sure I've done something wrong.
04:25.47scudgushi: remember just to ask instead of asking to ask.
04:26.03gushiI am using AMP and asterisk is telling me "returned from dialparties with no extensions to call"
04:26.12gushiI've got both extensions configured and registered.
04:26.21gushiwhen I try to call from 200->201
04:28.11*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:29.01FuriousGeorgejust wondering if anyone has employed a presence server to go along w/ their * box
04:31.00FuriousGeorgecould it be done with say, jabber?
04:31.39yaaarthat's kind of a neat idea George...
04:31.57yaaari guess it probably could...
04:32.12yaaarjabber can push most any kind of data really
04:33.04FuriousGeorgehow, um, "esoteric" would it be for me to go and lear to run a jabber server?  got any experience with that
04:33.11FuriousGeorgelearn* it is, for now
04:37.36FuriousGeorgeis there a commercial or otherwise sip/iax client with any IM support
04:38.00FuriousGeorgei know eyebeam supports "presence" but i dont know of any popular presence servers for linux
04:41.19*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
04:41.29*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
04:41.52PMantisDoes anyone know of a way to check for dialed digits in a macro?
04:41.53QwellFuriousGeorge: There is phonegaim.  Not sure if that does what you want
04:42.22Cresl1nI'm here finally
04:42.27Cresl1nhow's the party going?
04:42.43QwellCresl1n: just getting started now
04:42.54*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
04:43.42FuriousGeorgeQwell: i know eyebeam supports a presence server, and i hear jabber can be that, but i dont know if messages would get from client a to client b, or if * must support it
04:43.48*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
04:43.54PMantisI'm expanding "macro-stdexten", after a s-BUSY status, I want to prompt caller for input. However, * looks for exten match in a prior context, not the macro.
04:43.55file[laptop]asterisk needs to support it, and it will very very soon
04:44.15FuriousGeorgefile[laptop]: did it get picked up by the google summer of code thing
04:45.10dudesfile - Do you know much about the manager interface : Redirect?
04:45.20file[laptop]FuriousGeorge: yes, I'm doing it
04:45.37file[laptop]dudes: I'm guessing it redirects the channel to a new extension and context
04:45.40FuriousGeorgehow cool, i think i remember asking you a few months back and you were already working on it
04:45.55file[laptop]FuriousGeorge: yeah, but thanks to SoC it'll probably get accepted into CVS
04:46.44PMantisWhat's this Jabber thing do?
04:47.30FuriousGeorgefile[laptop]: congrats again, and thanks a bunch
04:47.35dudesfile - Yes.  Mainly I was wondering if you might have a general idea why when we redirect a call to Agent/X channel instead of using Agent/X it hangs up both channels
04:48.52FuriousGeorgePMantis: it does a bunch of IM oriented stuff, check out
04:49.01file[laptop]dudes: I'd have to look at it
04:49.33dudesWhen we send calls to Agent/X it deadlocks
04:49.40*** join/#asterisk zoo (
04:50.57PMantisFuriousGeorge, Heh, I run a jabber server. I'm wondering what this Jabber + Asterisk thing does.
04:51.19FuriousGeorgethere is no such thing as far as i can tell
04:51.49FuriousGeorgei know eyebeam supports presence but i dont know of any sip client that does
04:52.18FuriousGeorgei mean:  ...but i dont know of any sip/iax client that supports jabber
05:01.14yaaarso, anybody using realtime around here, and can answer a quick question about the table setups? the ones in the wiki for sip and iax seem to be setup oddly different to me, and i was wondering why?
05:01.17*** part/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
05:01.39FuriousGeorgedoes gizmo allow for simultaneous connection to multiple networks?  i could connect to asterisk with one and have all the users log in with their own gizmo account to IM eachother
05:01.42*** join/#asterisk IgorG (~gia@
05:02.00FuriousGeorgenice temporary solution
05:02.19yaaarthe iax one has CREATE UNIQUE INDEX iax_buddies_username_idx ON iax_buddies(username); at the end, but then says something about why it's indexed by 'name' (not 'username')
05:03.40*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:03.54FuriousGeorgeyaaar: what you mean the iax one?
05:04.39FuriousGeorgethe one that's forthcomming?
05:06.39yaaaralso, the wiki talks about family iaxfriends, and if you set that up the server complains that it's deprecated in favor of iaxpeers and iaxusers (like sip is)
05:06.54gushiHrmmm, I guess nobody knows.
05:07.56yaaargushi: if they do, they're keeping mum
05:09.10FuriousGeorgeyaaar: i'm having trouble understanding what this "RealTime" thing is.  as far as i can tell it is a way to store sip users in a database?
05:09.47FuriousGeorgei was wondering about the gizmo account for the presence and IM it might could provide
05:09.49yaaarmore than that, it'll also store your iax users, queues, dialplan, and voicemail configs
05:10.08FuriousGeorgeyaaar: ...  does it help with billing?
05:10.25FuriousGeorgekeeping track of who calls where and for how long?
05:10.36*** part/#asterisk kram (~mark@kram.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
05:10.42QwellFuriousGeorge: cdr
05:10.43yaaarno, that's seperate support....the call detail records database support is done in cdr_mysql.conf
05:10.50yaaaror cdr_postgres
05:10.52yaaaror whatever
05:10.54Qwellcan be stored in multiple places
05:11.10FuriousGeorgegotcha, i was familiar with cdr, but this is an unrelated database
05:11.39yaaari'm using both cdr_mysql and res_config_mysql, so i hvaeboth call detail and config db's
05:12.05Qwellyaaar: odbc_voicemail is nice too
05:12.16Qwellodbcstorage actually
05:12.26gushiIs asterisk realtime also distributed separately because of the mysql licensing issues?
05:12.33yaaardoes it do more than the voicemail functionality provided by realtime?
05:12.47Qwellyaaar: it stores your VMs in a db
05:12.54yaaargushi: i dunno, but i got it from cvs under asterisk-addons
05:12.55Qwellinstead of files
05:13.02gushiso then, yes
05:13.19yaaarQwell: oh....hmmm. maybe i just don't see it....why do i want that?
05:13.32fearnordatabase = scalabol
05:13.40Qwellyaaar: makes it easy to have a seperate VM server.  quite a few reasons, really
05:13.52yaaari see
05:14.07Qwellfearnor: exactly...minus the spelling
05:14.19fearnorof course, i wish half of asstricks code was rewritten as agi-ish stuff
05:14.36fearnorthere's no reason app_voicemail has to be C app.
05:14.38yaaarso that database would also be distinct frmo the config, right? and so would sort of coexist with the realtime deal?
05:14.48Qwellyaaar: right
05:15.09fearnorfor that matter, app_dial does a lot of things that really dont belong there
05:15.18yaaarwell, i like everything going into a database....good place to store stuff.
05:15.30fearnorit would be so cool if we could just use a special language to connect channels like pipes
05:16.22Cresl1nfearnor: it's called C
05:16.25yaaaryou know what i'd like? if i could have multiple families of i could have multiple customers with the same extension ranges than couldn't call each other and that i could route seperately
05:16.35fearnorcres: too many lower-level things to deal with
05:16.50Cresl1nnot that bad
05:17.07fearnorin words of larry wall "don't get me wrong, c is a nice language" :)
05:17.21fearnoryaar: welcome to [contexts]
05:17.53*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
05:18.00Qwellyaaar: you could, heh
05:18.31yaaarfearnor: have i missed something? i didn't think i could duplicate my extension numbers, even in different contexts?!
05:18.40fearnorsure you can
05:18.59yaaarman i've gone through some weird gyrations over this....
05:19.21*** join/#asterisk newmember (
05:19.43DarthClueyaaar: whatever gave you the idea that you couldn't duplicate them?
05:20.52DarthCluei want to know who i need to kill for spreading that kind of mis-information.
05:21.03fearnorself-inflicted wound? ;)
05:21.20yaaaryeah i think so. probably just me horribly misreading something
05:21.23QwellDarthClue: it was file.  I totally caught him spreading mis-information the other day. :p
05:21.25gushiyaaar: If you want to do that, just run different asterisks on multiple ips
05:21.30gushiThat's what we're doing.
05:21.41yaaaron the same hardware?
05:21.47gushier yup
05:22.06fearnoryou'll run into some faggotry with sip if you do that and are not careful with externip= etc
05:22.29QwellWhy run two instances?  Thats just silly
05:22.57gushiQwuell, so everything can be configured totally separately.
05:23.08Qwellgushi: You could do that with one instance.
05:24.08gushiI tend to think it's easier to see each as its own
05:24.15Qwellwaste of resources...
05:24.39gushiqwell: thanks for your opinion.
05:25.10gushiI realize two asterisk instances use more resources than one.
05:25.47gushiBut it's far easier to simplify customers wanting to use their own voicemail, their own (possibly colliding) extensions, their own routing, their own providers, etc etc.
05:26.05fearnoryou'll step on your own toes with sip if you aren't careufl
05:26.06gushithan worry about which line in which config file belongs to which customer.
05:26.08Qwellcould still do all of that with one instance.  however...
05:26.18Qwellyou really should use a seperate box if the customers are large enough
05:26.39gushiThey're not.
05:26.52DarthCluegushi: what company do you work for?  i just want to know who to avoid should i ever leave The Empire.
05:27.11yaaarQwell: but seperate boxes will make it tricky to oversubscribe al these PRIs!
05:27.29*** join/#asterisk irv999 (
05:27.39gushiwho I work for has little bearing on it.
05:27.40Qwellyaaar: two instances can't share a single pri
05:27.44gushiI personally use ICH.
05:27.48irv999has anyone had any problems with polycom phones not being able to set the time properly?
05:27.51yaaarQwell: oh.
05:28.02irv999i.e. not contacting NTP
05:28.03Qwellyaaar: at least, I'd hope they couldn't
05:28.10fearnorif you are terminating PRI on asterisk, i think you have already lost ;)
05:28.14yaaarhmm, yeah guess not
05:28.19fearnorjust my opinion.
05:28.24yaaarfearnor: why?
05:28.40*** join/#asterisk kram (~mark@kram.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
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05:28.51fearnori prefer to terminate it on proper-ish gear, convert to SIP, deal with it on asterisk
05:28.51gushiDoes asterisk have a BRI termination module?
05:28.57fearnorgushi: bristuff
05:29.17gushiI mean hardware wise
05:29.24gushior do you just take it in as two pots lines
05:29.31yaaarfearnor: what do you consider proper-ish?
05:29.33fearnorgushi: AVM fritz stuff
05:29.38fearnoryaaar: 5300 or TNT
05:29.51gushibut nothing digium
05:30.22yaaarfearnor: so this as/5300 i've got sitting in the rack in the datacenter (as a modem pool plugged into 7 pri's) can translate calls from the pri to sip?!?!
05:30.37fearnori've had lots of wierd issues with timing on digium cards back in the day
05:30.50*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
05:30.55fearnorbasically, when you are running at full capacity, it was slipping frames, breaking faxes.
05:31.07fearnoryaar: if you have proper cards on it
05:31.08irv999digium cards with POTS are really flaky
05:31.09gushiOn the other side of the coin, is it possible to terminate modem calls on asterisk.
05:31.18fearnorgushi: no.
05:31.26fearnorgushi: there's no softmodem stack :(
05:31.41fearnori've offered 20k$ bounty few years ago for full v.90 modem stack
05:31.53gushiThat would be so beautiful
05:31.58gushiProlly eat cpu like mad
05:31.59yaaarcan the as/5300 tell the difference? Like, take modem calls to its own processing and voice calls send sip to *?
05:32.04gushiwithout good DSPs
05:32.09xeet2can anyone tell me how I might go about grabbing a specific file revision from cvs?
05:32.12fearnoryes, it can do based on DNIS
05:32.38irv999I have a digium t1 card right now and I think it is dropping calls but I can't tell if it is hardware or software..
05:32.54yaaaralthough, it really seems it would add a lot of complexity to by setup...
05:32.56fearnorwell, dropped calls are probably your software ;)
05:32.57xeet2not the entire cvs head, just an older version of a specific file
05:33.02essobi_hey irv999
05:33.10gushibased on DNIS it can route the calls elsewhere, I assume
05:33.12fearnorxeet: cvs update -D"5 days ago" filename.c
05:33.18gushiNot answer and make modemy noises.
05:33.22xeet2oh really, hmmm
05:33.30fearnorgush: you talking asterisk or cisco?
05:33.51gushiI'd love to be able to hybridize a pri
05:34.04gushiSo I also have a place to give myself 800 number access.
05:34.05Qwellgushi: I'd love to be able to get a PRI for testing purposes
05:34.09gushiinto the office grid
05:34.12yaaarDarthClue: no kidding. the heat finally broke here (MO) ...was 105F with heat index to 118 a couple days back
05:34.18gushiInstead of paying the assrape hotels charge
05:34.19brendaDarthClue: you're a silly boy
05:34.36fearnorgushi: you can send it to analog modem via FXS line
05:34.38gushior using my laughable GPRS connection
05:34.40fearnorthat'd be funny :)
05:35.06gushiNow there's an option I hadn't considered.
05:35.13DarthClueyaaar: was 104 two days ago with a low of 81, hi was 85 today and it's down to 64 right now.  i've got the window open and the attic fan running to make the house nice and cold for alot less than running the ac.
05:35.14gushiAnd I have an extra FXS card, too.
05:35.37gushiMight look a little silly to have an rj11 wire looping from one card to the other.
05:35.49gushithree cards to accept an analog call :)
05:35.52DarthCluebrenda: if you managed to register for the thing that shall not be named, you will discover that i am really quite serious...sometimes.
05:35.54citatsDarthClue: best weather here today than we've had in a long time
05:35.57xeet2Qwell: where are you located?
05:35.59yaaargushi: sometimes we all have to look silly in the name of progress
05:36.10xeet2qwest is selling ld pri's for $120/mo
05:36.12fearnorit'd certainly qualify as ghetto fabulous
05:36.16otmartalking about weather: the heat wave is coming to Vienna/Austria now.
05:36.23xeet2and that includes the local loop
05:36.24fearnorxeet: that's just the port. they make money on LD.
05:36.36xeet2but its still cheap for a circuit =)
05:36.38yaaarxeet2: what's a local loop cost there?
05:36.51xeet2normally about 4-500 in maryland
05:36.58yaaarxeet2: that port fee is on top of the loop, right?
05:37.06fearnori doubt it they'll sell you with the loop for 120.
05:37.07gushiheh, I should take them up on that for my ski house in upstate NY
05:37.07xeet2yaar: no, thats including the local loop
05:37.12yaaar4-500!!!? per SAL? or for 2 legs?
05:37.13xeet2fearnor: we have 4
05:37.13fearnori think they mean 120 at the qwest colo
05:37.16citatsqwest prolly pays about 34 bucks for the loop to most COs
05:37.19gushithe telco there is so dated we had a party line 5 years ago
05:37.19fearnornot with the loop.
05:37.23xeet2yes, with the loop
05:37.33fearnoras in, not with the 'type 2' loop.
05:37.42fearnoryou may be in a qwest lit building
05:37.49fearnorand type 1 loop
05:37.51gushiit's not the loop TO the co, it's FROM the CO to your place that gets expensive
05:37.52xeet2they have something like 5k t1 ports they *have* to sell by the end of the year
05:38.04xeet2fearnor: our present location is not
05:38.27yaaarxeet2: it doesn't matter how many they have. they can't sell a t1 local loop at lower than the tarriff rate
05:38.29xeet2if you want our sales guy's contact number I'll give it to you, I promise you thats including local loop, in a non-qwest-lit building
05:38.42fearnorthat doesn't make sense.
05:38.44xeet2they can if its ld only
05:38.45*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:39.14yaaarxeet2: no, that just means it's covered by the fcc or ctoc tarriff, instead of your state's psc tarriff
05:39.30xeet2well, right, its a different tarriff
05:39.41yaaaranyway what do they charge for the ld on it?
05:39.50fearnor2c-ish ;)
05:39.54fearnorbut its quality termination.
05:40.05xeet2depends on what your commit is, under 50k minutes yeah its about 2c
05:40.20fearnorq is refusing to play ball on larger commits
05:40.21xeet2over 1 mil they start doing per-lata rates
05:40.32fearnorone of my homies is saying q raised prices on him about 25%
05:40.40fearnoron a few mou commit
05:40.43fearnorer few mil mou
05:41.04yaaardamn sucka
05:41.23yaaarthat's a dent in somebody's annual earning's report...
05:41.35xeet2fearnor: even when his usage didn't go down?
05:41.59xeet2I'm assuming he had per-lata rates?
05:42.08fearnorhe had flat rate
05:42.13fearnor1.3 or smth
05:42.18fearnorcause of his commit.
05:42.24fearnornow its 1.6 ish
05:43.07fearnori was kinda wonderink what do big voip providers use for inbound
05:43.12xeet2regardless its still a good rate
05:43.20xeet2fearnor: as in what clecs?
05:43.22fearnori was of impression everyone is essentially a (3) customer
05:43.33fearnoror customer of a customer of an aggregator of a reseller
05:43.35xeet2paetec is really big on that in this area
05:43.43fearnorfor nationwide dids.
05:43.52xeet2they have a ton of * servers colocated at their co in dc
05:44.18xeet2who they belong to, I haven't a clue
05:44.23yaaarfearnor: yeah it's really weird....seems like this whole game is an excercise in paying somebody to pay somebody to pay something and shaving your tenth of a cent off the top while you're in there
05:44.29fearnorevery clec other than gx and l3 doesn't cover enough of country to give nationwide dids
05:44.47xeet2and l3 just raised their minimum to 25k
05:44.55fearnorit was 10k, right?
05:45.11fearnorfuck l3. i think they'll be fucked company soon.
05:45.22xeet2they're being too picky with their customers
05:45.26fearnorthey created the aggregator business and i think it'll bite them in the ass soon.
05:45.41fearnorwhen you have fewer large customers they have lots more power over your pricing and future.
05:45.50fearnorjust my opinion.
05:46.14twistedxeet2, NO SHIT they're being too picky
05:46.23fearnorxoxo would do about ds3's worth of nationwide DIDs for ~15k$
05:46.24yaaarso, is anybody up right now who's familiar with the realtime tables?
05:46.29*** join/#asterisk grimse (
05:46.42xeet2fearnor: yeah, but xo is horrible when it comes to number porting
05:46.44DarthClueyaaar: you need to be more specific there.
05:46.47fearnori was wonderink if anyone wants to go in for that.
05:46.55fearnorxeet: as in, they won't port the numbers anymore. :)
05:46.57yaaaruh sec, will get more specific
05:47.03fearnorcause freaking vonage abused xo to hell
05:47.11xeet2vonage used xo?  hehe
05:47.14fearnorbasically turning XO into their outsourced LNP/ASR center.
05:47.18fearnoryes in certain latas
05:47.29xeet2we're in the process of moving from xo to paetec for alot of our stuff
05:47.39fearnorand xo said 'we won't port numbers no mo'
05:47.41brendaDarthClue: we're no longer naming it?
05:47.43xeet2they screwed up so many lnp requests we just got fed up
05:48.02fearnorxeet: strange. i've had about 10 lnp requests and they all went fine.
05:48.13fearnoranyway, i think at certain point, you gotta do your own LNP
05:48.14xeet2what ilec?
05:48.22fearnorfrom vz to xoxo
05:48.26xeet2< verizon MD
05:48.33fearnorvz ny
05:48.36xeet2they had numbers down for weeks
05:48.42DarthCluebrenda: i have no need to name it, everyone already knows what it is, and at this point, i'm just responding to inquiries here.  i have other places to spam that don't result in interplanetary warfare.
05:48.46fearnorhadn't had a problem.
05:48.47xeet2we finally just complained to one of their vps to get it fixed
05:49.10xeet2yaar: what did you need to know about realtime now?
05:49.11brendaDarthClue: jerjer isn't here
05:49.19fearnori have love/hate relationship with xo.
05:49.24DarthCluebrenda: i know.
05:49.33yaaari'm curious as to why the (iax peers/users) table shown in is so differently setup than the (sip) one at
05:49.34brendafearnor: how can you love xo???!?!?!
05:49.35xeet2fearnor: ditto, mostly hate lately
05:49.43fearnormostly love lately for me
05:49.49fearnorthe big thing is to find non-sucky sales rep
05:49.49brendayou lie!
05:49.51*** join/#asterisk jayk- (
05:49.53fearnori love my current guy
05:49.59fearnorhe gets shit DONE and doesn't lie to me
05:50.05*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
05:50.09xeet2seems to be a common issue
05:50.11twistedfearnor, sounds like a good man
05:50.12yaaarin particular, the line at the end about indexing 'username' seems odd to me, especially in light of the note afterward talking about how it's indexed by 'name'
05:50.13fearnorlike "eh, i suggest you dont order this shit. it wont work"
05:50.14xeet2our last rep said he would open tickets
05:50.16twistedfearnor, you should marry him
05:50.17fearnorhighly recommended.
05:50.21xeet2and do all kinds of things
05:50.23xeet2and never did them
05:50.24jayk-when i get an outside call, asterisk reports the caller id as "From asterisk". Is there a way I can change this to say it just displays "No caller ID available" or "CallerID  Unknown?"
05:50.29xeet2he's been fired
05:50.30brendafearnor: just hope you don't have to call their support!
05:50.34fearnormy previous two reps were the bottomfeeding scum
05:50.38DarthClueyaaar: welcome to the world of realtime.  it hasn't been standardized yet so some things are a little wacky.
05:50.43fearnorwho'd lie to get the contract signed and then disappeared
05:51.04xeet2fearnor: yep.  common xo theme
05:51.12fearnornod. *lots* of xo reps like that
05:51.23fearnorbut there are good ones.
05:51.33fearnorxo for local services and for voice services has been good to me
05:51.49fearnori have dark fiber from them, in/out pris, point-point t1s
05:51.54fearnorthat shit once it works, it works.
05:52.03xeet2their ptp's are expensive
05:52.07fearnornot really
05:52.16xeet2verizon was about 50% less in most cases for us at least
05:52.18fearnorwith algx acquisition, they have lots more 'lit' co's
05:52.21fearnorthat's strange
05:52.46fearnormost of cos in nyc are xo-lit, and things are fairly cheap
05:52.57xeet2algx was why we sent to xo in the first place, we used them for low cost stuff before when they were intermedia
05:53.01xeet2er, went
05:53.39xeet2ah well, I'm just glad there is paetec
05:54.05jayk-anybody have any ideas?
05:54.38xeet2jayk: what kind of phone/interface?
05:54.41DarthCluejayk-: are you using amp or a gui or just pure asterisk?
05:54.43xeet2sip?  analog?
05:55.07jayk-cisco 7960
05:55.12xeet2on sip you can change the agent string in sip.conf
05:55.15jayk-using a te110p digital t1
05:55.26*** join/#asterisk zoo (
05:55.36jayk-what's the agent string?
05:55.40DarthCluejayk-: are you using amp or a gui or just pure asterisk and is it head or stable?
05:55.43xeet2you could also set the callerid with the setcallerid app, but if you are all sip, just change it in sip.conf
05:55.58jayk-DarthClue: plain asterisk, no gui. using 1.0.9
05:56.03xeet2is this for *all* calls or just some?
05:56.21jayk-callerid works fine from phone to phone, from inside that is
05:56.35jayk-outside calls coming in through the voice t1 show up as "From asterisk"
05:56.40xeet2ok, soits all inbound calls on your t1?
05:56.57xeet2is it a pri or a cas trunk?
05:57.00jayk-apparnetly you can't get callerid on a t1
05:57.07fearnorsure you can
05:57.08jayk-not a pri, just a voice t1
05:57.15DarthCluejayk-: if your provider supports it, you can.
05:57.20xeet2yes you can get caller id, did your provider say you can't?
05:57.22jayk-my provider doesn't support digital callerid
05:57.32fearnorget a different provider
05:57.33jayk-only analog, on a pri
05:57.36jayk-not worth it
05:57.40xeet2ok well you're not going to get caller id then
05:57.44jayk-yeah i know
05:57.45fearnori really doubt it tho
05:57.48jayk-i just dont want it to say "From asterisk"
05:57.49fearnorwho is teh providar
05:57.50xeet2change the agent string in sip.conf =)
05:57.53jayk-people have no idea what the hell that is or means.
05:57.58jayk-integra telecom
05:58.04jayk-whats the agent string?
05:58.08fearnordo s,1,SetCallerIDName("FooBar")
05:58.11fearnorin your inbound context
05:58.12xeet2or that too
05:58.30*** join/#asterisk jr352k (
05:58.38jayk-let me try that
06:00.12xeet2yay timestamp skews are finally fixed
06:04.16*** join/#asterisk joerg (
06:07.29jayk-that didnt work
06:08.03Qwellfearnor: no quotes btw
06:08.30jayk-should i have removed teh quotes?
06:08.40Qwelljayk-: it would still work
06:08.44jayk-oh. hrm
06:08.45Qwellit would just have quotes
06:09.11jayk-oh well.
06:14.41yaaarhey wait...if it says 'from asterisk' then your box *has* to be providing digital callerid, and your provider is bullshitting you...otherwise, how the hell is it getting set to that?
06:16.23jayk-what would it say otherwise? wouldn't it just default to 'from asterisk'?
06:16.28jayk-i think i found part of the problem.
06:16.33jayk-SetCallerIDName doesn't exist?
06:16.56Qwellmight help, yeah
06:17.19jayk-that fixed it
06:17.25jayk-it says
06:17.33jayk-From FooBar
06:17.43jayk-why does it say asterisk below the callerid name?
06:17.46Qwellon what?
06:17.51jayk-the 7960 cisco phone
06:18.14Qwellthats the user agent, isn't it?
06:18.31jayk-in sip.conf?
06:18.38QwellI guess.  Whatever xeet2 said earlier
06:18.55jayk-i'm confused about that.
06:19.42jayk-do you know how i could change that or remove that second line that says asterisk?
06:19.46Qwellgot me
06:20.51loudwhat would you put ?
06:20.58loudinstead of * i mean
06:21.03jayk-nothing. :)
06:21.20jayk-i'd like it to just say "Caller ID Not Available."
06:21.30Qwellgod, cnn and the like bug me
06:21.38Qwell"I was gay, then I went to this camp, and now I'm cured!"
06:22.08QwellI just want to tell him "Hey're still gay..."
06:22.10loudlike that book, how to stop being gya
06:22.23loudbest seller and all
06:22.38Qwellloud: purchased by worried fathers I assume
06:23.10blitzragewhere's the documentatin on dialplan functions in CVS again?
06:24.30yaaarso am i to understand from that even though i've got dynamic database-driven dialplans, i still have to add each new context to extensions.conf so i can put in the switch statement to call in realtime? if so, doesn't that mean i have to reload the whole config each time i add another context? which is to say, what's the point?
06:24.33Qwelloh god
06:24.48Qwell" still there, but its slowly subsiding.  I don't think it'll ever go away."
06:25.16loudr e al t i m e, you add an extension and you wont have to reload or sip reload or extensions reload
06:26.38yaaarloud: right, that's what it's claiming....but at the url above it shows that the extensions database is implemented via a switch statement from a context in extensions.conf......doesn't that mean that you have to add each context to extensions.conf so as to have a switch statement pointing to the appropriate extensions database?
06:26.41*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
06:27.12loudmy opinion, same thing heh, doing a sip reload or extensions reload wont kill a phone call.
06:28.12*** join/#asterisk kabewm (
06:28.49Piranha-has anyone gotten the zaptel interface working with asterisk on freebsd
06:29.00jayk-i figured out how to change the second line
06:29.09Piranha-ive used the port of zaptel, but keeps giving me a not configured error
06:29.14jayk-that's SetCIDNum
06:30.49yaaarhey i'll catch you guys tomorrow (or, well, later this morning)
06:49.00*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
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07:33.29*** join/#asterisk eddi3 (
07:34.05QwellYou guys might know...  How can I convert a variable bitrate mp3 into something usable?
07:34.25kabewmwinamp w/ output to wav
07:34.26eddi3hi does asterisk support those analog office phones with a LCD display that can show alot of info?
07:34.36Qwellkabewm: something in Linux
07:34.40DarthClueQwell: lame
07:34.59QwellDarthClue: ok, cool, I'll look at that.  sox made a pile of crap :)
07:35.13kabewmi misinterpreted that for a sec
07:35.30*** join/#asterisk wshs (
07:35.31eddi3not to mention several extra buttons like forward, conference, etc
07:35.35DarthCluekabewm: i expected to get a similar response out of everyone else.
07:35.54QwellDarthClue: any suggested options?
07:35.57DarthClueeddi3: probably not, but it does depend on the phone.  you would have to do some configuration to make them work though.
07:37.07eddi3DarthClue then how does asterisk for eg, forward a call to another user?
07:37.10DarthClueQwell: i've only done it on a windows box and i don't exactly recall which options i used.  i remember i had to experiment with it.
07:37.31DarthClueeddi3: you should read the wiki.  it's all about extensions and your dialplan configuration.
07:38.30Qwellsox created a 1.7gb wav file...crazy
07:39.10*** join/#asterisk newmember (
07:39.32DarthClueQwell: i know that i lamed mine then used sox to bump them to gsm.
07:40.01QwellDarthClue: it isn't really asterisk related.  I asked here, because I know you guys do conversions sometimes (such as to gsm)
07:40.27DarthClueQwell: yeah, we convert lots of things.
07:41.18QwellETA is over 1 million hours.  thats sweet
07:41.49QwellWhy do people even do vbr?  Thats so stupid.
07:42.31DarthClueQwell: that's like asking why people don't read the wiki first.
07:51.32tuxinator_linuxMI have a non asterisk problem. Anyone want to help me figure out SSL with apache?
07:51.55DarthCluetuxinator_linuxM: what's the problem?
07:53.15tuxinator_linuxMI setup the public cert and private key, and set up the .conf to reflect that, but I still can't access it.  Let me pastebin some stuff.
07:54.00DarthCluego for it.  i'll take a look at it.
07:55.23fearnoreddi: ADSI you mean?
07:56.48tuxinator_linuxMDarthClue: I'm first trying to do a self sign.  I'm using CentOS 4.0
07:57.52tuxinator_linuxMDarthClue: I didn't have a problem on my RHEL 2.1 server's. I just can't figure it out on these ones.  Driving me nuts.
07:58.57tuxinator_linuxMDarthClue: The funny thing is that I was able to get a https on my laptop (also running CentOS 4.0)
07:59.38DarthClueapache 1 or 2?
08:00.22DarthCluetry adding this in there...
08:00.22DarthClueSSLEngine on
08:00.22DarthClueSSLCipherSuite ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP:+eNULL
08:00.27*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~darkskiez@
08:00.52DarthClueyou might also check the ssl.conf file and verify that it is configured properly
08:02.05tuxinator_linuxMit is stock, I haven't changed anything
08:02.14tuxinator_linuxMlet me take a look again
08:06.28CoaxDI wonder how practical a "Get your network from wireless, and SERVE turnkey wireless" application would be
08:07.01CoaxD...i also wonder exactly how many hops one could get without network latency getting rediculously dumb, etc
08:07.27DarthCluetuxinator_linuxM: how are you starting apache?  i use apachectl -D SSL -k start so that SSL is actually used.
08:11.07tuxinator_linuxMservice httpd start
08:11.14tuxinator_linuxMlet me check that
08:13.27tuxinator_linuxMDarthClue: Sorry, no difference
08:14.01*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
08:14.11DarthClueare you connecting via an ip or the domain name?  if the name, try via the ip and see if it changes.  also, anything in the logs?
08:14.30tuxinator_linuxMType IP and domain, let me check the logs again
08:16.13tuxinator_linuxMDarthClue: error_log
08:16.59tuxinator_linuxMssl_error_log: [Thu Jul 28 01:12:43 2005] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `' does NOT match server name!?
08:17.29DarthCluethat shouldn't matter, it is just a warning.  can you get any kind of ssl connection out of it?
08:17.30tuxinator_linuxMnothing in ssl_access_log or ssl_request_log
08:17.55DarthCluetry connecting via localhost?
08:18.00tuxinator_linuxMI am not able to get it working on my Fedora Core 3 box either
08:20.01tuxinator_linuxMDarthClue: I only have SSH access, it's at the office.  I elinks (test browser) and it also doesn't work
08:20.11tuxinator_linuxMtext browser
08:20.59DarthClueis it on a public ip?  tried doing an nmap to see if it's bound to the port?
08:21.28tuxinator_linuxMwait, it did work
08:21.41tuxinator_linuxMlet me give it to you in private
08:22.10DarthClueyeah, don't post it here or you'll get the mini-slashdot effect when people start reading the logs.
08:25.06*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (
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08:27.30pietroi have the syslog with this
08:27.48pietrowith a zaphfc cad
08:28.08*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
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08:31.26mrtwisterwho tested ooh323?
08:33.28*** join/#asterisk florz (~florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
08:35.18So3krishardwire: i got a 4521
08:42.41So3krisWhy is using people centos ?
08:44.05DarthClueSo3kris: why not?  it is a logical choice for the Redhat crowd that can't afford the cost of RHEL
08:44.12DarthClueand that don't need the support.
08:45.24So3krisoh i use debian is i must run linux. Normaly i use FreeBSD the best os in the world.
08:47.51kabewmSo3kris, everyone knows that the best os in the world is OS X
08:49.08kabewmMac OSX, because it was easier to make *NIX user friendly than fix Windows . . .
08:50.02tzafrirIt has a wierd name. Xserver has no relation to X server :-(
08:53.40RaYmAn-BxWho needs a bot to start a distro fight? ;)
08:56.32*** join/#asterisk postel (~zz@postel.user)
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09:03.40pietroi have this error when i try to dialout over a Zap channel
09:03.46pietroany suggestion ?
09:05.10*** part/#asterisk kabewm (
09:05.16So3krisDarthClue: kabewm yes OSX is great but i like it more than a desktop at server level FreeBSD an securty server OpenBSD :D
09:06.40*** join/#asterisk xylome (
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09:16.55ZeeekTRSDOS rules!
09:21.45*** join/#asterisk |nix (~inix@
09:21.56tuxinator_linuxMZeeek: oh
09:23.04*** join/#asterisk Fabe (~spamhere@
09:23.45ZeeekHey man, with a full 48k, it rocked! Not
09:24.45*** join/#asterisk dwmw2 (
09:25.35tzafrirRaYmAn-Bx, no. It is just that this bot helps make it look pathetic
09:25.57tuxinator_linuxMZeeek: It came out about the time I was born
09:26.17tuxinator_linuxMI was between version 1.3 and 2.3
09:27.04tuxinator_linuxMZeeek: Why the sudden interested in trsdos?
09:27.29tzafrirdr-dos is still live and developed (and actually even sold)
09:27.46tuxinator_linuxMin a third world country?
09:27.54ZeeekBecause that was the first I ever heard of an OS :)
09:27.55tuxinator_linuxMoh, dr-dos
09:27.57tzafrirworse: on embedded systems
09:28.09tuxinator_linuxMDr dos works fine
09:28.12tuxinator_linuxMused it before
09:28.36tuxinator_linuxMyou have to admit, dos works better than windows
09:28.36ZeeekTRSDOS sucked so bad that someone made a replacement! I wrote an article about that one
09:29.51tzafrirtuxinator_linux, dos is not exactly an OS.
09:30.05tzafrirAnd "windows" refers to quite a few different programs.
09:30.18tuxinator_linuxMI know, I just being simplistic
09:30.28tuxinator_linuxM    <-- ya baby
09:30.46newltzafrir: So Disk Operating System was meant to be what? :)
09:32.39tuxinator_linuxMI think it time for bed or food
09:32.45tuxinator_linuxMtake it easy guys
09:33.04ZeeekI had one of those!
09:33.16Zeeekwith the 48k expansions!
09:33.31Zeeeka whopping 64k floppy
09:42.24InfraRed10:37 <@EnemySpy> <-- ROFL
09:42.24InfraRed10:37 <@EnemySpy> "A Thai woman cut off her husband's penis after he asked her to make love one more time before he
09:43.24Zeeekbetter watch out
09:45.05InfraRedbetter not cry
09:45.19Zeeekbetter not route
09:45.29ZeeekI'l tellin you why
09:45.34ZeeekSIP won't work
09:55.57*** join/#asterisk mrtwister (
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10:08.50*** join/#asterisk forkqueue (~sam@2001:4bd0:2024:0:0:0:0:10)
10:09.00forkqueueHey ppl
10:09.23forkqueueAnyone know if an E1 crossover cable is the same as a T1 crossover cable?
10:09.31*** join/#asterisk amran (
10:11.35Strom_Ca pair for transmit, a pair for receive
10:11.43Strom_Csounds the same to me
10:12.07forkqueueStrom_C: That's what I thought, but when it comes to telephony I've learnt not to trust logic :)
10:12.55Strom_Cyour head just isn't bell-shaped enough
10:13.38clive-how do I check if truning is working or not?
10:13.39oejAsterisk 1.2 presentation now published on
10:13.44forkqueueAlso, any ideas on how I can connect two BRI devices?  Am I right in thinking there's not such thing as a BRI crossover cable?
10:15.25*** join/#asterisk tango1 (
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10:34.58amranhow sensible is it to start using hte ael language to write the 'dialplan'? is it still being heavily worked on, or will 1.2 push for usage of ael?
10:37.28tango1newbie :(  look for a windows software to connect asterisk testserver
10:37.57*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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10:50.13InfraRedi'm expecting a big phonebill this month :/
10:51.56*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:52.06darkskiezwhy not gprs?
10:52.50*** join/#asterisk aiks (~aiks@
10:54.26aiksanyone have had some experience with asterisk BE on FC3 with wildcard?
10:54.42aiksoh, hi, btw
11:00.38InfraRedasterisk be?
11:00.47aiksbusiness edition
11:00.58aiksthe precompiled one from digium
11:01.53aiksi have a problem with TE110P getting to work
11:02.05aiksmost likely this is zaptels problem.
11:02.20aiksi already made needed changes to udev
11:02.30aiksran udevstart
11:02.42*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
11:04.36aiksmodeprobed wcte11xp
11:04.53aiksztcfg still gives ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 25: No such device or address (6)
11:05.42kapejodset the jumper for e1
11:05.50kapejodor use the t1e1override option
11:05.54aikson the card?
11:08.25*** join/#asterisk jiro5281 (~anton281@
11:09.31aiksyup, would suite just fine right now
11:09.40aiksor "large trout"
11:10.49*** join/#asterisk buzzyd (
11:11.23buzzydHi, Does anyone here use sipgate and asterisk for in and out calls?
11:12.22aiksokay, got the card in front of me:  - i see one jumper (T1 strap off /e1 strap on)
11:13.02aiksthe jumper is set on only one of the two pins
11:13.07aiksshould it cover both?
11:13.39aiksokay, will try to boot up one more time
11:14.03kapejodor use the big hammer on the jumpers so they are closed...
11:15.14aiksbooting up
11:15.40aiksi just hope this layout wont burn the chip down
11:19.18aikswow :))))))
11:19.32aikskapejod many, may, many thanks
11:19.51aiksat least ztcfg didnt show any problems
11:20.50kapejodyou're welcome.
11:21.30aiksyet one thing makes me a bit nervous, i apologise for the spam already
11:21.45aiksJul 28 14:18:31 asterisk kernel: TE110P: Setting up global serial parameters for E1 FALC V1.2
11:21.46aiksJul 28 14:18:31 asterisk kernel: TE110P: Successfully initialized serial bus for card
11:21.46aiksJul 28 14:18:31 asterisk kernel: Found a Wildcard: Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1
11:21.46aiksJul 28 14:18:31 asterisk kernel: Registered tone zone 3 (Netherlands)
11:21.46aiksJul 28 14:18:31 asterisk kernel: TE110P: Span configured for CCS/HDB3/CRC4
11:21.47aiksJul 28 14:18:31 asterisk kernel: Calling startup (flags is 4099)
11:21.49aiksJul 28 14:18:31 asterisk kernel: wcte1xxp: Setting yellow alarm
11:21.51aiksand then
11:21.58aiksJul 28 14:18:36 asterisk wait_for_sysfs[3412]: either wait_for_sysfs (udev 039) needs an update to handle the device '/class/zaptel/zap1' properly (no device symlink) or the sysfs-support of your device's driver needs to be fixed, please report to <>
11:22.20aiksis tha ok?
11:23.27kapejoddoes it work?
11:23.41aiksi dont have PRI cable yet
11:24.01aikspulsing red light on the back of the card
11:24.55aiksokay, found newsgroup posting about the latter problem
11:26.49aiksjust needed to update udev
11:27.57aiksnow works perfectly - thanks you all so very much. i mean it ;)
11:28.25forkqueuebuzzyd: I've used sipgate for calls in the past
11:31.52*** join/#asterisk meppl (~mephisto@
11:32.29zooI am looking for a documentation of SIP DID routing, but i dont find any.
11:32.39*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:32.45zooI already appended /1234 to register
11:33.08zoobut how do i write the DID rules in [default] of extensions.conf?
11:33.34zoojust 1234,PRIO,COMMAND()?
11:33.44zoojust exten => 1234,PRIO,COMMAND()?
11:35.49limbiquehi anyone :)
11:36.31limbiquedoes anybody knows why i get a Response: Error   Message: Ivalid/unknown command   on this command? Action: Originate
11:36.51InfraRedin sip.conf what other settings can i put to send username?
11:37.17InfraRedi have : username, user, and fromuser
11:37.24InfraRedbut in sip debug i get this
11:37.59InfraRedProxy-Authorization: Digest username="", realm="XXXXX", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:44XXX@XXX", nonce="42e8c3bbefda5f81bda1cfaccfc87d7cc33322dc", response="377e1534cd5ca8a1c31376237da6e7ca", opaque=""
11:38.18InfraRedusername is blank
11:38.52zooInfraRed: is your register-statement correct?
11:39.04InfraRedit shows me as registered
11:39.18InfraRedsip show registery
11:40.02zooi dont know
11:40.25zoobut i am a newbie, still
11:41.14limbiquedoes anybody knows why i get a Response: Error   Message: Ivalid/unknown command   on this command? Action: Originate
11:41.50zoolimbique: no
11:42.21limbiquehmm :*(
11:44.19zooInfraRed: it says Proxy-Authorization
11:44.37zoohere it only says "Authorization: Digest username="xxx"...
11:44.55*** join/#asterisk Henguei (~Henguei@
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11:45.26mrproper_anyone know why i would be getting no audio on incoming oh323 calls but outgoing oh323 calls are fine?
11:45.44zoosounds like a firewall/port issue
11:46.09mrproper_no nat, no firewall
11:46.11eldumrproper_: hi
11:46.15mrproper_eldu: hi
11:46.28aikshmm, not even local firewall
11:46.38eldunat/pat prob ?
11:46.43aikslike one on the asterisk itself
11:46.49aiksasterisk box i mean
11:47.06zoomaybe you neet to bind to an ip-address
11:47.12elduwhat kind of codec and phone r u using ?
11:47.16InfraRedfucken unbelievable
11:47.16mrproper_zoo: hmm ill try that
11:47.18InfraRedhad to rename the tag
11:47.20InfraRedto []
11:47.24mrproper_eldu: im using alaw on the sip phone and oh323
11:47.49elduhard or soft phone ?.
11:48.01zoomrproper_: i had problems binding to, too. With an IP it worked here. But that was with SIP
11:48.25mrproper_eldu: if i dial from an h323 endpoint to voicemail, i cant hear any audio
11:48.34elducoz i experienced some one way chat on hardphone with a bad G729 codec config
11:48.36mrproper_eldu: so i doubt its phone related
11:49.05elduok ok
11:49.17mrproper_i can see on the asterisk console when i call voice mail its 'playing' the sound files but i hear nothing on the phone
11:49.32mrproper_but sip to voicemail for example works fine
11:49.59Hengueihello ! what is  bindaddr= ? have i to change it , cause my ip adress is
11:50.10mrproper_if i do a oh323 show channels, it shows the channel and format says unknown
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11:53.23mrproper_this is what the channel says on an oh323 incomming call:0 ip$    RING    NONE    Remote     0/0    unknown
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11:58.08jeh_workhi folks
11:58.28mrproper_any ideas about the oh323 problem?
11:59.07Hengueiplease what is  bindaddr= ?
12:00.10kaldemarHenguei: that is the address the service is listening to. change it yo your ip.
12:00.45mrproper_Henguei: you should be able to leave it as bindaddr=
12:01.24Hengueimy ip or bindaddr= ?
12:01.29jalsotdoes anybody know in which PCI-X slot is better to put TE110P? 100MHz vs. 133MHz
12:01.55kaldemarHenguei: in case of, it should listen to all local addresses.
12:02.11Hengueiok thks kaldemar
12:03.01Hengueiand what is bindport=4569 ?
12:03.18kaldemarHenguei: the communications port the service uses.
12:03.29kaldemarHenguei: 4569 is the default port for IAX2 protocol.
12:03.42aiksi am not sure if PCI-X is suited for TE110P at all
12:03.57aiksi guess you should look for standart PCI
12:04.05aiksbut i might be wrong
12:09.34jeh_worka newbie question. if i have calls in a queue and want to redirect them somewhere else, is the AMI Redirect action what i want?
12:10.06kapejodjeh_work: it might be
12:10.23jeh_worki have a simple java app that communicates using AMI, and so far no major problems
12:10.58jeh_workkapejod: ok, what would cause the "might" there?
12:11.38jeh_worki may be a bit lost here, new as i am to the whole world of asterisk... rtfm pointers are most welcome :)
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12:12.51kapejodjeh_work: there is always a "might" ;)
12:13.17jeh_workkapejod: heh, true. but, Redirect isn't obviously the wrong track then
12:13.35kapejodit might not be the wrong track. ;)
12:14.54jeh_worki'll see where it leads me then
12:15.21jeh_workthe params to the action aren't that well documented
12:15.31kapejodless manager.c
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12:16.51jeh_workis there something else that can be used to transfer/redirect a call?
12:19.31jeh_workkapejod: ok, thanks for the help
12:19.41kapejodwhich help? ;-)
12:20.46limbiquedoes anyone knows why to set some variables in the originate command?  (var1=23|var2=24|var3=25) see :
12:20.51jeh_workwell, you said "you aren't necessarily that far off the correct track"
12:21.43kapejoda few centimeters on or off the track could mean life or death (when the train comes...)
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12:27.55jeh_workkapejod: i'll take necessary blame transfer precautions
12:29.53darkskiezwhat does Transfer do that Dial doesnt?
12:30.36kapejodit deflects a call
12:30.39darkskiezive never noticed the transfer app before
12:30.45kapejodif the channel supports it
12:30.55kapejodlike sip redirects
12:31.00darkskiezhow is that different to just doing Dial(blah)
12:31.03kapejodor isdn call deflection
12:31.16kapejodtransfer() gets the call from your box
12:31.20darkskiezThats how you do that
12:31.42kapejodnice to build loadbalancing stuff
12:32.31darkskiezother than ISDN transfer, i dont understand the benefits over Dial
12:32.48kapejodsip redirects!
12:33.31darkskiezdoes that not happen when you do Dial(Sip/blah) ?
12:33.54kapejodof course not
12:34.05darkskiezis that not the reinvite stuff
12:34.19kapejodthat is totally different
12:34.35darkskiezreinvite redirects RTP, transfer redirects whole call ?
12:35.04kapejodyes, sir.
12:35.20aiksaih aih cptn.
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12:35.46darkskiezif a sip phone does a transfer, can asterisk catch this in the dial plan, and handle it differently?
12:36.18darkskiezlike with a call forward
12:36.23kapejodyou could modify chan_sip for that.
12:40.23limbiqueopen source beer :P
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12:41.34InfraRedopen source brain fuckup
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12:43.17RaYmAn-Bxit actually reached bbc? Scary.
12:43.46zshukeHello. I have yesterday's CVS of *.  If I call * from a SIP phone that loses power, the thread * spawns never exits. I assume this is a bug?
12:43.53aikswhereever you are, however you listen, this is free beer
12:44.26RaYmAn-Bxnot that many people have the equipment to make beer at home though :P
12:44.36InfraRedlike i said in another channel
12:44.39InfraRedit's pikey homebrew with academic label
12:44.44aikswell ...
12:44.53aiksU dont need much equipment really
12:45.00gordonjcpit's a pretty poor recipe
12:45.04aikslots of sugar water and yeast
12:45.16gordonjcpRaYmAn-Bx: you need a plastic barrel, that's about it
12:45.22RaYmAn-Bxfair enough
12:45.31aiksand hidiho mr.hangover
12:45.46gordonjcpaiks: depends on what you brew, my homebrew isn't hangover-y at all
12:45.46nDuffzshuke, sounds like one.
12:46.00gordonjcpaiks: cheap shitty chemical pish lager is really bad for hangovers
12:46.02gordonjcplike Stella
12:46.05aiksgordonjcp, just kiddin
12:46.37aiksoh, havent tried that one, - i usually stick to our nation beers
12:47.07zshukenDuff: I just find it hard to believe noone has tested this in the past :P  I can send a SIG_KILL to a softphone and get the same reaction from *
12:47.16zshuke(the threads never exit)
12:47.40jake1932ah crap I just missed him
12:49.08darkskiezthats depressing, our pri doesnt seem to support the Transfer call :(
12:49.28buzzydI am wonder if someone can give me some advice I am trying to configure an extension that will allow 1 call in and if that is in goes straight to voicemail instead of ringing and then going
12:49.44buzzydI'm using check/setgroup to limit
12:49.53nDuffzshuke, #asterisk-bugs is possibly a better place to be on this topic, btw.
12:50.09zshukeOh, thanks
12:50.11nDuffzshuke, you can also search on to see if this has already been reported/filed.
12:50.50zshukenDuff: Great, I'll do that.
12:52.30darkskiezbuzzyd: I had fun trying to do that, set the OUTGOING_GROUP when calls are being  directed to that phone, and set GROUP on calls comeing from that phone, outwards.
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12:52.56buzzydah of course thanks :)
12:53.26darkskiezbuzzyd: took me a whole night of reading crap to find the OUTGOING_GROUP thing.
12:53.51darkskiezbuzzyd: except its OUTBOUND_GROUP
12:54.11buzzydIts always the little things that end up taking the most time
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13:04.06doughecka_does adtran's channel banks detect distintive ring?
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13:33.21phil0uwould by any chance someone here would be using asterisk in France ? or Europe maybe ?
13:34.02phil0ui'm getting mad with supervision disconnection with 2 X101P and 2 PSTN lines
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13:35.43phil0ubasically everything works fine, except that when i try SIP1 => PSTN1 => PSTN2 => SIP2 and when i hang up on SIP1, then PSTN2 doesn't see that the first line has hung up and then switch to voicemail, which will by default record for ever
13:36.46*** part/#asterisk Mimmus (
13:38.30phil0uby looking at, and google and source code reading, i found out that i need to pass "opermode=1" to wcfxo modules, and so i think everything's correct. I've put a normal phone + answering machine on the line, and when i call it directly through SIP1 and hang up, the line seems to hang up pretty quickly as well ( maybe it's the phone's busydetect function)
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13:39.37phil0ui can't imagine that "France Telecom", the historical phone carrier wouldn't provide "Disconnect Supervision"
13:39.40Darwin35ok  man fixing broken dial plans suck
13:41.41phil0uof course signalling is set correctly yo kewlstart in corresponding configuration files
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13:42.02[TK]D-FenderDarwin35 : How bad could it be?
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13:42.36[TK]D-FenderPastebin it for our entertainment.... or would that be pity?
13:49.07*** join/#asterisk sangee (~rkuru@
13:50.28sangeeIf calling party is hangup, it's goto n+1 or n+101 in dialpeer (extensions.conf)?
13:51.27jake1932sangee: if the calling party hangs up, dialplan processing stops
13:51.45sangeehow do i catch that
13:52.05jake1932you can catch it by using asterisk manager
13:52.50sangeebut i want to write the duration into my database? how do i do that?
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13:53.44jake1932sangee: or try the "h" extension (never used that)
13:54.05sangeei don't understand
13:54.12sangeecan you give me an example?
13:54.42jake1932exten => h,1,System(write to db cmd)
13:54.51jake1932exten => h,2,Hangup
13:55.09sangeeok, i will try now
13:56.53Darwin35man as I fix things I like this iax2 fone more and more
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13:58.02jake1932sangee: according to - h is not reliable.  If it doesn't work for you, you might want to use the cdr that is automatically created - it has duration
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14:00.52sangeeHi Jake1932, how do i use the deadAgi?
14:01.16sangeeit's going to that extension,but complaining to use deadAgi?
14:01.31jake1932are you simply tracking call durations?
14:01.53lters_iax2 fone?
14:02.03sangeei want to write cdr info to database
14:02.24jake1932sangee: just use cdr db
14:02.37jake1932sangee: it'd be much easier
14:02.56sangeei will try that
14:02.58lters_Darwin35, what fone is that?
14:03.07sangeethx for your help
14:04.57*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
14:05.01Ariel_hello everyone
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14:06.15clive-is there a way to see if trunking os working?
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14:06.45jake1932clive-: are you in the US?
14:06.56zaptelhello everybody, what's the default jumper setup for the TE110P card?
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14:07.13astoriazaptel: are you on a T1 or E1?
14:07.14jake1932zaptel: on
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14:07.55wizhippohas anyone used fxotune? I run it but fxotune.conf has nothing but 0's in it.  I find that strange.
14:08.13jake1932zaptel: E1 is when the jumper is on
14:08.17zaptelthe problem is that the card is in another buiding, i neet it to be on T1 but i don't know if thats the default
14:08.34astoriazaptel: it wasn't for me. I had to remove the jumper.
14:08.37jake1932wizhippo: just used it yesterday
14:08.37yaaarok, so i'm a bit confused. I'd like to have the same extension in a few different contexts, using a mysql realtime config database. but the wiki seems to indicate that the 'name' field must be unique, and should correspond with the extension name? i'm just taking that from the table where it shows how you would put the 'foo' config into the db
14:08.53zaptelthanks jake1932
14:08.59astoriazaptel: some people receive it in E1 default, some in T1 defult
14:09.00wizhippojake1932: did you get the same result or did actualy do something for you?
14:09.03Tilidoes asterisk support tcp for IAX2
14:09.20jake1932wizhippo: i got one number then a bunch of zeros
14:09.25astoriaTili: why would you want to use tcp?
14:09.49zaptelastoria: oh ok so i can not just assume a default setup, huh?
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14:10.04astoriazaptel: yeah, you're going to have to look at it yourself. it varies
14:10.11jake1932wizhippo: 4=11,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
14:10.21zaptelok thank you very much guys
14:10.40Tiliastoria: with tcp I can solve NAT issue related to inbound calls. Where client is behind NAT. just like Skype does
14:11.03Jimmequick question, using a decent quality codec, how many voice calls can you run over 100mbit ethernet with QoS ?
14:11.05astoriaTili: you can traverse NATs with UDP too.
14:11.06jake1932does tcp make sense for VOIP?
14:11.24astoriajake1932: no, there is too much overhead.
14:11.32jake1932didn't think so
14:11.40nDuffjake1932, also, TCP doesn't let you discard packets that are too old to be useful
14:11.52webmanusing iax2, does a peer have a context, or is that defined by the other end anyway??
14:11.56jake1932Jimme: it depends - are we talking g729?
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14:12.25Jimmeyea, g729
14:12.29Jimmethats what i needed :)
14:12.30Tiliastoria: paranoid Firewalls sometimes have UDP restriction. I learned thru skype that it makes tcp connection to SkypeNode and then uses that for incoming calls.
14:12.30Tilikind of an idle connection
14:12.32Tilii am talking about both NAT and firewall issues at sametime.
14:12.35webmanjimme: is a decent codec one that sounds good (g711) or a small one (ilbc or something)?
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14:12.43Tiliotherwise I will have to write a TCP tunneling app.
14:12.46kingtuxHello ALL
14:13.06astoriaYeah, you're probably going to have to, I don't think you can change any settings to do that.
14:13.08kingtuxHas anyone implemented a calling card system with *
14:13.24astoriakingtux: yeah, a lot of people have
14:13.54*** join/#asterisk ctjctj (ctjctj@
14:13.59kingtuxI"m pondering the idea of setting something like this up
14:14.25kingtuxBut really not sure what is all I need to have this work
14:14.44webmanI have an IAX connection to my VOIP provider, if I do Dial(IAX2/username:secret@hostname/${EXTEN} it works, but if I define a peer with same user/pass and call DIAL(IAX2/username/${EXTEN}) I get  Call rejected by No such context/extension
14:15.11Jimmedecent = sound good :)
14:15.56jake1932webman: sounds like your peer entry is not set up properly
14:16.10webmananyone know some trick to getting that to work by dialling without the user/pass in the extensions.conf ?
14:16.15ctjctjHello again.  I'm still trying to get the festival app to work and having a hard time of it.  The festival app exists, it parases festival.conf correctly.  It connects to the festival server.   It returns a WV.   I've had it cache that wave form.  It then plays that wave form and it sounds like a very short, very soft white noise.  Festival is producing correct wave forms when run by hand.
14:16.31kingtuxIs there a doc ou there that shows what will be needed to setup a calling card system
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14:16.39webmanjake1932: I was just copying the config from the wiki....
14:16.47astoriakingtux: it's not exactly 1-2-3
14:17.08jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
14:17.10jbotwell, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
14:17.12jake1932kingtux:have you read the page I gave you?
14:17.25kingtuxyes read it last night
14:17.53astoriado people still use calling cards?
14:17.59jake1932kingtux: msg shido6 - he'll be able to help you get it up and running
14:18.11kingtuxYes in the hood
14:18.23kingtuxI'm looking to start a calling card biz
14:18.50kingtuxI live in an area where thier are alot of ethnic backgrouds
14:19.13kingtuxlatin, african mostly
14:19.38kingtuxI'm looking to set somthing up to target thos markets
14:20.02ctjctjManxPower: were the docs and mailing list references for me?  I've been searching google and the wiki for a couple of days now.
14:20.24astoriaDarthClue: are you around?
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14:22.45kingtuxshido6 u around
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14:22.57webmanBTW, for those that are interested, I was missing the peercontext=context in my peer definition.... this made all the difference !!!!
14:23.53jake1932kingtux: greg at
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14:25.19kingtuxjake1932 ???
14:25.27jake1932i'm here
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14:26.19riemensceverybudddy speask german?
14:26.47mutonly the germans
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14:29.44bkw_YAY ITS NIX!!!
14:29.54Darwin35hey bkw and anthm
14:30.02Nixwhoop there it is!
14:30.13bkw_Nix, congrats on the flight.. see ya soon eh?
14:30.31Darwin35run as far as you can when you get where your going I will be there waiitng on you
14:30.46bkw_oh for the love of god.. NOOOOOOOO
14:30.49riemenscI cannot lead outgoing telephone calls over iax!
14:30.55riemensccan you help me
14:31.24NixI will arrive in Chicago either at middaty or 2pm
14:31.38bkw_Nix, seen that.. everyone is arriving about the same time
14:31.48Nixdepending if I fly istanbul - munich - chicago or istanbul - frankfurt - chicago
14:31.51bkw_ken, file, brc all arrive within 20 min of each other
14:31.58astoriaIs anyone at cluecon planning on going downtown for drinks?
14:32.18astoriaafter the day's events, that is..
14:32.25bkw_astoria, hell ya boi.. no so much to drink than to see the town
14:32.40astoriai love chicago, i'm driving in from Detroit
14:32.45Darwin35no we are going back to BKW's room for drinks and party faviors
14:32.51bkw_um NO
14:32.58astoriauh oh, is this going to be like defcon?
14:33.08bkw_ok I spent some time trying to track down this IAX issue
14:33.14bkw_check the timestamps with ethereal
14:33.17bkw_all looks fine
14:33.27bkw_I can't get my box to fuck up nor jitter the audio like Strom_C can
14:33.31bkw_very freakin weird
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14:34.03anthmcareful you might go "off topic" and get chewed out by one of the guards
14:34.36mutuckly duckly doo
14:34.57NixSo, Craig is bringing me some bottles of black label rum from Australia so I hope we can find a place to drink them within minutes of landing
14:35.00Darwin35only issue I am having with my new iax phone is dialing it internally
14:35.23gambolputtyasterisk.conf initialize crypto at startup?
14:35.28Darwin35I can call out on it . but when I dial exten 1004 I get a busy tone insted of going to vm
14:35.32gambolputtythere some new crypto feature?
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14:37.02Nebukadnezai got a really strange problem with sipgate (german sip/voip provider) ... when i make a call (or get a incoming) i can hear the other dude for about 40 seconds, and he can hear me ... but after those 40secs it seems he cannot hear me anymore
14:37.06Nebukadnezawhat could that be
14:37.11BlackthornHi all :) Hey i asked this over on the fedora channel and just not getting any responce. off topic here but thought i would give a shot here... What do I monotor for memory and processor usage?
14:37.21Nebukadnezatheres nothing interesting (besides zap/1-1 answered etc.) in the cli
14:38.15Ariel_Nebukadneza, sometimes this happens if your using sip with canreinvite=yes or iax2 with notransfer=no  (Change it to canreinvite=no in sip) and notransfer=yes in iax2.conf
14:38.34Nebukadnezahm - i dont use iax2 in this setup, but okay
14:38.37Nebukadnezaill try
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14:38.40Nebukadnezawhat about caninvite=?
14:38.51Ariel_Nebukadneza, do you use sip setup?
14:38.58Nebukadnezasip setup?
14:40.18bikokolahey guys
14:40.56bikokolai was wondering, after make install of asterisk, where can i go to configure the iax and extension's files, where are they located
14:41.11Nebukadnezabikokola: /etc/asterisk
14:41.13Ariel_then try canreinvite=no for that sip setting.
14:41.14astoriabikokola: /etc/asterisk
14:41.22bikokolathanks mate
14:41.57NixBlackthorn: try using top, tload, sar, iostat and vmstat
14:42.04NebukadnezaAriel_: still waiting for a friend to call
14:42.05bikokolaetc/asterisk is empty
14:42.12bikokolao items
14:42.12Nebukadnezado you use any voip provider?
14:42.33Ariel_Nebukadneza, I use voip providers yes.
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14:42.52NebukadnezaAriel_: which one? (maybe with a deal with sipgate)
14:42.58Nebukadnezaif yes it would be nice if you could test :P
14:43.05astoriabikokola: make samples
14:43.09Ariel_bikokola, if this is a new setup do at the /usr/src/asterisk make samples
14:43.32bikokolaso i just edit the sample files
14:43.37Ariel_Nebukadneza, I use voipjet, nufone, and voicepulse
14:43.43bikokolaor copy and paste them into the etc/asterisk
14:43.53NebukadnezaAriel_: ill check :P
14:43.53Ariel_bikokola, yes to either
14:44.06bikokolawait, do i have to rename them
14:44.47bikokolaall i want to use is iax and extensions, should i rename from iaxsample.conf to iax.conf and same for extensions
14:44.55Ariel_bikokola, no you don't after you make samples you then go to the directory /etc/asterisk and start editing them
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14:45.27bikokolawhat exactly is involved in this "make samples" thing
14:45.51bikokolado i just go into the samples directory and make
14:45.52astoriabikokola: read the README file in /usr/src/asterisk
14:46.19Ariel_bikokola, just go to the directory /usr/src/asterisk in that directory you can make samples
14:46.48*** join/#asterisk brettnem (~Brett@
14:47.08brettnemhello all
14:47.11NebukadnezaAriel_: argh - damned nothing supported by sipgate
14:47.44brettnemhey, anyone remember the story about ISPs killing voip connections to providers other than that ISP??
14:47.48Nebukadnezasometimes i hate sipgate
14:47.55*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
14:47.57Nebukadnezabtw: canreinvite=no had no effect :(
14:48.02astoriabrettnem: yeah, there's been alot of stories about that..
14:48.08astoriabrettnem: the fcc made a ruling about that
14:48.17brettnemastoria: do you have a link to the ruling??
14:48.18bikokolaunder my usr/src i only have one more directory called redhat, no asterisk
14:48.26Ariel_yes the fcc says you can't block them here in the US
14:48.40Ariel_bikokola, how did you setup asterisk?
14:48.49brettnemIt appears that time warner may be corrupting some of my SIP messages..
14:48.49*** join/#asterisk grimse (
14:48.56yaaarcan somebody confirm/deny for me that i do indeed still have to add each context to extensions.conf (so as to add the switch statement) even if i'm using realtime extensions?
14:49.10Darwin35ok we have a iax issue
14:49.10Ariel_Nebukadneza, during the call do sip debug and see what the cli says about the call when it drops.
14:49.20Darwin35its not ringing my phone
14:49.25bikokolai downloaded it to desktop, extracted it, went into console, typed make in the asterisk dir, followed by a make install
14:49.26Nebukadnezai totally forgot about sip debug
14:49.28brettnemdoes anyone have a link to that FCC ruling??
14:49.30Darwin35I can dial out from the iax phone
14:49.43Darwin35but when I call it from other exten i get nothing
14:49.47astoriabrettnem: i'm looking for it right now
14:49.53brettnemastoria: ah thanks!
14:50.41Nix  <-- excellent article
14:50.47Ariel_bikokola, so your not folling any writen instructions.
14:51.21astoriabrettnem: i can't find it.. it was a cable company on the east coast..
14:51.52bikokolaariel_, i guess not
14:51.56Darwin35exten => *1004,1,Dial(IAX2/1004|20|Tr) goes to fallthrew and does not ring the phone
14:52.04astoriabrettnem: it's gotta be here somewhere
14:52.24ManxPowerOnly terrorists use the "r" option to Dial.
14:52.26brettnemthanks.. I'll check it out.
14:52.32brettnemManxPower: heh
14:52.37Ariel_ManxPower, wow
14:52.38*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
14:52.58gresManxPower, :)
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14:53.24jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
14:53.24Darwin35but why is it not ringing the phone
14:53.36Ariel_bikokola, look at the doc's
14:53.47*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (negative3k@
14:54.21bikokolaAriel_, why, did i do something wrong the way i described my install to you
14:54.24Ariel_Darwin35, your phone is not ringing or you don't hear a ring on the phone your calling from?
14:54.29*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (~mk@
14:54.36Darwin35no its not ringing the phone
14:54.45Darwin35it drops to the fallthrew
14:54.53*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:55.07astoriabrettnem: found it
14:55.13Ariel_bikokola, desktop is where you placed the file? Well in my view yes. Since it's a server based program which should not be used with xwindows
14:55.47Darwin35if I dial  *1004  i get a busy tone and no one is on it
14:56.01BlackthornWhat is python ? And should I run * in any higher priorty than normal?
14:56.03Ariel_Darwin35, is the phone registered?
14:56.14Darwin35but i can dial out from it
14:56.30bikokolaye, but many of the doc's talk some trash bout cvs
14:56.30Ariel_Darwin35, dialing is different the getting calls
14:56.39bikokolanot everyone install's that way
14:57.33Ariel_bikokola, you can use cvs stable as well it -rv1  if you don't use the -rv1 it gets the develelopment version which we need people to test it anyway.
14:57.39Darwin35promethus*CLI> iax2 show peers
14:57.39Darwin35Name/Username    Host                 Mask             Port          Status
14:57.39Darwin351004/1004   (D)  4569          Unmonitored
14:58.02*** join/#asterisk syle (
14:58.50Ariel_Darwin35, what is it another asterisk box? or a iax softphone
14:58.56lehelcan i simulate CAPI?
14:58.59NebukadnezaAriel_: nothing besides the registering messages to sipgate in the cli with sip debug
14:59.05Darwin35its a iax hard phone
14:59.15Darwin35aka netweb401\
14:59.30bikokolaok, simply, has anyone here installed Asterisk and got it working, by downloading and extracting using xwindows
14:59.33Darwin35connected to a asterisk box
14:59.54astoriawhat does xwindows have to do with *??
14:59.58Darwin35why would you have xwindows on a asterisk box
15:00.15Ariel_Darwin35, put qualify=120 or yes
15:00.20astoriabrettnem: did you see the link I gave you?
15:00.29brettnemto fcc headlines, yes..
15:00.32bikokolabecause im running fedora, i guess im switching between console and xwindow
15:00.41astoriabrettnem: no, i posted a link to the article.
15:00.44brettnemI actually have our counsel digging somethig up..
15:00.51brettnemoh, I didn't see that..
15:00.58brettnemah ha
15:01.08astoriabrettnem: thats the ruling
15:01.14*** join/#asterisk brookshire (~matt@
15:01.17brettnemcool.. thanks..
15:01.40brettnemwe noticed Time Warner is chaning the sip header of SIP 2.0 to something like: S23927IP 2.0
15:01.40*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
15:01.48Ariel_bikokola, ok but still you need to do more then just that. Like most of us put he files in /usr/src and also use zaptel drivers and addons and sounds files...
15:01.52brettnemwhen we change the port from 5060 to something else it works flawlessly
15:02.18astoriabrettnem: i'm not surprised..
15:02.36bikokolaye i know, but i dont want any sound files, and not using any hardware which i ned zaptel for
15:02.54Darwin35still not rining it
15:02.55bikokolaso should i extract it in usr/src
15:03.07bikokolathen make install in usr/src
15:03.08astoriabrettnem: the fcc ruling says that you cannot block SIP..  it says nothing about playing with latency or altering packets.
15:03.12Darwin35this pisses me off
15:03.29astoriabrettnem: i mean you cannot block VOIP
15:03.33brettnemastoria: isn't messng up the headers, essentially blocking it?
15:03.41astoriabrettnem: tehcnically, no
15:03.49Ariel_Darwin35, now that you put qualify what does iax2 show peers say?
15:03.49brettnemwell it makes the packet useless
15:03.58brettnemin fact, the corruption actually crashes asterisk..
15:04.08astoriabrettnem: oh well. you're still getting the packets..
15:04.10brettnemwhich is a bug..
15:04.19*** join/#asterisk file (
15:04.40brettnemit says, "Madison River shall not block ports used for VoIP applications or otherwise prevent
15:04.40brettnemcustomers from using VoIP applications."
15:05.12astoriabrettnem: it doesn't say that they have to gaurantee anything though..
15:05.21*** join/#asterisk kswail (
15:05.27astoriabrettnem: comcast around her puts horribly latency on voip packets that aren't theirs.
15:05.33brettnemyes, but they are directly doing something to prevent customers from using VoIP applications..
15:05.43brettnemall subject to interpretation of couse..
15:05.52brettnemthis looks more like a settlement than a ruling.
15:05.58*** join/#asterisk abatista (
15:07.09bikokolaAriel_:should i download and extract in usr/src, then make intsall in there
15:07.15bikokolaok, then
15:07.34bikokolaAriel_:should i download and extract in usr/src, then make intsall in there
15:08.27ariel_bikokola, in my view you should follow the doc's and make your directorys and download the zaptel asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds into the /usr/src then work from there.
15:08.34ariel_network split.
15:08.59ChkDigitNow, that was a lot of quits!
15:09.06ChkDigitWas it something I said?
15:09.17*** join/#asterisk mtgh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:10.17[TK]D-FenderAll ph34r the net-split
15:10.33lehelanyone knows that i could use my ISDN Fritz! as a modem?
15:10.42bikokolaits probably 53 guys, sharing the same comp
15:10.53*** join/#asterisk Gunnar ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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15:11.46ariel_bikokola, if you set the asterisk up like the doc's then more of us can help you with problems due to it's installed like most of us use it.
15:11.56Darwin35wow that was fun
15:12.07QwellDarwin35: Thats what you get
15:12.08bikokolakk, will do
15:13.08*** join/#asterisk webman ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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15:13.18Darwin35what would make it unreachable
15:13.31*** join/#asterisk Delvar ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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15:14.00ariel_Darwin35, the phone could have dnd on or many other reasons.
15:14.16*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
15:14.25Darwin35I did not set it
15:14.27*** part/#asterisk Henguei (~Henguei@
15:14.42*** join/#asterisk xylome ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:14.51ReVoLvADoes anyone have SIP firmware for cisco 7940 or 7960 phones ? i've spent weeks looking for it :(
15:15.15Hmmhesaysgeebus dude
15:15.19ariel_ReVoLvA, you need to buy it via the smartnet
15:15.29ReVoLvAi was hoping to avoid it
15:15.33*** join/#asterisk drooth (
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15:15.38Hmmhesaysone word p2p
15:15.39ReVoLvAbut it looks like i'm gonna have to pay for smartnet
15:15.48*** join/#asterisk nDuff ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:15.49lehelisdn fritz as a modem?..
15:16.03HmmhesaysYou sound like a cop trying to bait one of us ReVoLvA
15:16.09*** join/#asterisk Tili (
15:16.16astoriatry not buying ciscos next time.
15:16.18ReVoLvAjust gimmie the firmware and i be gone :)
15:16.23brettnemit's the cisco police
15:16.24QwellReVoLvA: That is exactly the case.  You have to pay for it
15:16.29ReVoLvAguu :(
15:16.32*** join/#asterisk jonathh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:16.37brettnemhow much is that firmware going for these days??
15:16.44Hmmhesays5 bucks
15:16.48Qwellbrettnem: $6.50
15:16.50ReVoLvAeh ?
15:16.59DarthClueReVoLvA: we can't help you with that.  but if you found us, you can find the firmware.
15:17.00ReVoLvAi been quoted 55 buck
15:17.04brettnemdo I hear $4.50?? $4.50 anyone?
15:17.08Hmmhesaysif you are going from sccp it takes two updates to make it to the latest firmware, IIRC
15:17.19ReVoLvAyeah its sccp
15:17.30Hmmhesayshave you not tried p2p?
15:17.33brettnemwhy does thunderbird sometimes suck
15:17.46Zeeekfunny I just nopw upgraded it to 1.0.6
15:17.47ariel_last I saw the lisc for sip was something like 99 dollars and smartnet 9
15:17.48ReVoLvAyeah, i'm not big on p2p.. tried limewire
15:17.54ReVoLvAbut nothing
15:18.04*** join/#asterisk gravemind (~omgwtfbbq@GXTi.developer.freenode) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:18.14jalsotis it a problem when 2 TE110P cards are getting the same IRQ?
15:18.17brettnemI think I'm runing 1.0
15:18.23ReVoLvAok Hmmhesays will give it a go
15:18.29Hmmhesaysand you will succeed
15:18.32Zeeeksome progress made since then
15:18.35ariel_jalsot, yes
15:18.48*** join/#asterisk bjohnson ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:18.53jalsotariel_: how could I fix that? I cannot find anything in BIOS
15:19.24Hmmhesaysv5 then v7 unless you want to pull your hair out
15:19.25ariel_jalsot, well move cards around to different slots. Disable things you don't need in bios like apic
15:19.40QwellHmmhesays: I did 3.2 > 7.3
15:19.50Qwelluniversal loader...oh yeah
15:19.58Hmmhesaysheh, nice
15:20.01brettnemtry buying a card that isn't such a resource hog
15:20.08brettnemoops.. did I say that out loud?
15:20.27brettnemI'm done with digium.. I think..
15:20.52jalsotariel_: I tryed in another slot, things which are not needed are already disabled
15:20.55Hmmhesayshopefully I'll have a sangoma card on the way soon, I want to try them out
15:21.05brettnemHmmhesays: I hear good things..
15:21.12Hmmhesaysas do I
15:21.40jalsotsupermicro X6DH8-XB motherboard..
15:21.53ariel_jalsot, well try it out see how it works. Unless you get a different system to put it on. Call Supermicro then and ask them?
15:22.05brettnemwhat was bkw_'s very non-PC description of the digium cards??? I think, "They are like a fat kid with a bar of chocolate"
15:22.28jalsotariel_: thanks for suggestions! I'll call them ;)
15:22.38Hmmhesaysnone pc? in here?
15:22.41*** join/#asterisk klictel (~klictel@
15:22.45klictelhi all
15:23.09DarthClueHmmhesays: maybe you'll get lucky and win one at the thing that shall not be named.
15:23.13brettnemso what's the secret to upgrading the digium firmware for the zap cards?
15:23.26zoowe have go a problem: -- Extension 's' in context 'calls' from '30690116' does not exist.
15:23.27Hmmhesaysyou get my dinero DarthClue
15:23.35*** join/#asterisk zeedo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:23.39zoowhere 30690116 is a MSN on an isdn BRI
15:23.46QwellDarthClue: any idea if bkw_ got a response on his ticket to Qwest about my DID? ;/
15:23.53bikokolaok, i finally installed, without changing anything, how do i call 1000 to test
15:23.54zoowe just want to dial out trough iax
15:23.55*** join/#asterisk riemensc (
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15:24.15zoowhy do we need a "s"?
15:24.36DarthClueQwell: not sure, are we porting it over to us?  if so, who from?
15:24.36zoo[calls] is our outgoing context
15:24.57QwellDarthClue: no port, just b0rked
15:25.23QwellI can wait...I'm just anxious to test
15:25.31brettnemhey, is the "new digium firmware" for their zaptel cards just part of the zaptel drivers? or is there a firmware upgrade procedure.. anyone?
15:25.37DarthClueQwell: just pm him, he'll respond if he can.
15:25.52brettnemDarthClue: I thought you were a bot? ;)
15:25.59QwellDarthClue: I'll be at work.  It wasn't that important.  Saw you, thought I'd ask really quick
15:26.05DarthCluebrettnem: i think the new cards have flashable firmware, but i don't think anything has been said about how to do it.
15:26.14brettnemoh fantastic..
15:26.24DarthCluebrettnem: i am, do you have a problem with bots?
15:26.34lathos42bots are people too
15:26.45DarthClueQwell: so pm him, tell him you are headed out and he can just update you when he gets a chance.
15:26.49ReVoLvAHmmhesays: emule you beauty... got it :D
15:26.58brettnemno.. in fact, I have lots of friends who are bots..
15:27.04QwellDarthClue: I'll ask him tonight.  It'll be a short day
15:27.07HmmhesaysReVoLvA: yes it has everything
15:27.09Qwellno worries
15:28.02DarthCluelathos42: actually, bots are just a few thousand lines of code designed to emulate a responsive person.  of course, my code is corrupt and i have an attitude problem when i get attacked for answering questions.  ph34r the bot.
15:28.41brettnemI don't know DarthClue, you don't seem very botty to me
15:28.51bikokolaguys, how can i dial a number to test my asterisk box
15:29.04brettnemhey, there's a loaded question
15:29.07jalsotariel_: can it be a problem if those cards are on different PCI buses? this mobo has 5 PCI-X buses [2xGb LAN on one and 4 buses for 6 PCI slots]
15:29.07bikokolado i need a softphone
15:29.14DarthCluebikokola: define dial a number?  you want to call into it or out of it or what?  and have you read the wiki?
15:29.27bikokolaye, i read it, and completed my install
15:29.37lathos42DarthClue: Well, I hope you dont flip out and start killing everyone at that thing that shall not be named :)
15:30.00bikokolathere is a line telling me to test if it alls correct by dialling 1000 the defaulkt test, i want to know how to dial
15:30.03ariel_jalsot, some pci-x are dual type of bus. But that question should be asked of the tech's at supermicro
15:30.04DarthCluebrettnem: i have an advanced ai engine that allows me to simulate and underpaid, overworked member of The Empire
15:30.12*** join/#asterisk stkn (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
15:30.18DarthCluebikokola: then you'll need a phone
15:30.21Darwin35ok for iaxphones do you have to have 2 settings in the iax.conf
15:30.36bikokolacan i use softphon
15:30.44*** join/#asterisk Pfhorge (
15:30.50ariel_Darwin35, no you can use type=friend
15:30.54*** join/#asterisk loud ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:30.59jalsotariel_: ok, so not a known case...
15:31.00ariel_bikokola, yes like xlite
15:31.03Darwin35ok then somethign is wrong
15:31.08DarthCluelathos42: no, might remove a few limbs if people don't read the wiki but other than that things should be fine.
15:31.33DarthCluebikokola: or iaxcomm, or diax, or...well something
15:31.38bikokolathis may sound really dumb, how do i know my host ip
15:31.42bikokolalike my own ip
15:31.45bikokolato dial into
15:31.56Qwelloh boy
15:31.58PfhorgeIs there a way to make my hold music quieter? I changed quietmp3->mp3, but that didn't make enough difference
15:32.35brettnemgrr SBC
15:32.47lathos42DarthClue: Ok, I'd hate for someone to try to explain to my wife how I was killed by a IRC bot with an attitude when I attend a certain unnamed event next week
15:32.57bikokolalol, i shouldve keep my mouth shut
15:33.00Qwelllathos42: You mean cluecon?
15:33.02jbotit has been said that cluecon is - The Open Source Telephony Expo and Developers Conference featuring presentations by Mark Spencer, Greg Boehnlein, Ken Rice, Brian West, Vikrant Mathur, Craig Southeren, David Sugar, Bob Andreasen, Joshua Colp, Greg Merriweather, Brian Fertig, Peter Nixon, Marc Olivier Chouinard, and Anthony Minessale II.
15:33.14*** join/#asterisk Bile_One (
15:33.33Zeeekdid anyone ever solve the problem abou calling GSM cellphones where Dial assumes an immediate answer?
15:33.43DarthCluelathos42: we'll send someone in uniform.  no explanation will be needed.
15:34.10DarthClueZeeek: i don't think that a resolution has been found.
15:34.27lathos42DarthClue: Ok, thanks..  I just wanted to make sure everything was in order
15:34.36brettnemI'm interested in hearing about what David Sugar has to say at the conference.. any ideas??
15:34.41Pfhorgeanybody know how to make hold music quieter? Mine is clipping like crazy
15:34.41bikokolaguys, how do i find my ip, i dont want to read anymore guides , and would rather a reply
15:34.44DarthCluelathos42: yeah, we'll have emts standing by and riot police as well.
15:35.04DarthCluebikokola: go to the box that * is running on and type ifconfig
15:35.29bikokolau can all stop laughin now
15:35.31DarthCluebrettnem: we can't actually reveal anything.  you'll have be there to find out.
15:35.44brettnemwish I could go.
15:35.52ZeeekDarthClue maybe it resides in some kind if (human_answer() ) ???
15:36.29ariel_DarthClue, so I am going to be missing allot.  argh can't afford the plane ticket nor the entry fee's.
15:36.31Pfhorgehold music volume? anybody?
15:37.03Zeeektoo bad we can't go back and tell the people that designed the phone system all we know now! Like "all answering machines should emit a certain frequency tone before beginning"
15:37.05DarthClueZeeek: it is probably on the other end, i know that when i make calls to land lines when going thru another pbx it does the same thing.
15:37.12MikeJ[Laptop]brettnem, Mr Sugar replied: "I would be happy to come and speak at this event. Actually it also fits in well with the schedule for introducing a second generation (bayonne2) server."
15:37.12brettnemPfhorge: /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf
15:37.22brettnemMikeJ[Laptop]: right...
15:37.34MikeJ[Laptop]about that ^^
15:37.37ZeeekDarthClue makes me wo,der, are we paying for the ring time? I'll have to check
15:37.49Zeeekbecause it's like 40c/min here
15:37.53Pfhorgebrettnem: got that far. I tried changing quietmp3->mp3 for default, but that didn't help enough
15:38.12ZeeekPfhorge put quieter music files
15:38.20*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
15:38.32ZeeekPfhorge you have windows available by any chance?
15:38.33anthmresample them all to .raw at the exact vol you want and use native moh the you will give your cpu a break too
15:38.41DarthClueZeeek: could be.  depends on where the answer is actually happening.  if the telco has a box dedicated to making gsm calls and all gsm calls are terminated to that box, then you may be paying from the moment that the telco box picks up.
15:38.42ariel_Pfhorge, use sox to resample them
15:38.45Zeeekthere are several free mp3 level changers
15:38.48PfhorgeI was afraid of that. You're ruining my lazy streak
15:39.01Pfhorgemm, sox. That I can do
15:39.06DarthCluePfhorge: The Empire expects hard working bots.  Now get to it.
15:39.12Pfhorgeoh noes!
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15:39.57Darwin35 there is my aix debug
15:40.06anthmmost mp3 are like 50 times better quality than what can be played to the channel so you need to use the cpu to downsample it live over and over
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15:40.32leheldoes anyone knows how to check if i have the right isdn-line plugged into my Fritz?
15:40.44*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
15:40.50anthmwhen you could decode it to a .raw once at the exact quailty you need and it would just be a matter of passiing audio from the disk to the pipe
15:41.15PfhorgeI'm just using the mp3s that come with * to test with atm
15:41.32*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:42.04ariel_Darwin35, your phone is sending this back to the asterisk box. We are busy
15:42.59Darwin35no one is on that phone
15:42.59brettnemanthm: are there any devices that use raw mp3 format for both the channel and the endpoint?
15:43.30anthmelaborate, i'm not sure what you mean
15:43.43brettnemI have a friend who wants to setup asterisk as a home intercom system (like the old fashioned ones) but wants to be able to listen to radio and mp3s through a room speaker at high quality..
15:44.13brettnemie: > 4khz
15:44.22*** part/#asterisk Pfhorge (
15:44.48ManxPowerbrettnem: he would have to find a phone that supported wideband codecs
15:45.06RaYmAn-Bxwhy bother sending it over asterisk at all then? Why not just use either access over nfs or whatever or broadcast with some program?
15:45.09bkw_you mean 8khz
15:45.13anthmso like play music and bust in via phone to talk like virtual k-mart?
15:45.46brettnembkw_: actually the audio is 4khz, by nyquest says you have to sample that at 2x the freq
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15:46.08ariel_Darwin35, do does it have do not disturb setting on it any where?
15:46.19brettnemanthm: actually, no real phone capabilities are really needed.. He wants to hit buttons and listen to muzak
15:46.30Darwin35nothing is set its in very basic mode
15:46.31brettnemlike the old fashioned home intercoms that played raidio..
15:47.32brettnemactually.. to be more accurate, I think voice audio is actually 3.1khz, but rounded up to 4khz by convention.. but I'm rusty there..
15:48.29bkw_brettnem, just use shoutcast
15:48.48brettnembkw_: but still need an endpoint and a channel that supports mp3
15:49.04ManxPowerbrettnem: It's a hopeless project.
15:49.21ManxPowersince no channels support wideband
15:49.21brettnemor some other technology..shoutcast would require a PC at each location.. we're hoping for a wall mounted display.. or maybe a PC with like 15 independent sound outputs.
15:49.27DarthCluebrettnem: just send anthm a blank check, he'll get what you need.
15:49.38brettnemmmmm spam
15:49.39bkw_embeded players
15:49.43*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (
15:49.49bkw_it don't take much to play an mp3
15:49.55essobi15 gumsticks..
15:50.00Darwin35like mp3play
15:50.01bkw_and sure as hell takes less to do a network connection
15:50.06brettnembkw_: you know of some cheap ethernet based embedded players?
15:50.08essobiCan a gumstick even play an mp3?
15:50.20bkw_brettnem, i'm sure If I tried I could find one
15:50.35brettnemoh hell I'm fantasticaly off topic sorry guys.. ;)
15:50.57essobiseriously.. intel embedded linux with network stack
15:51.05essobigo read it
15:51.13brettnemhmm ok, I'll check it out..
15:51.30brettnemembeded soundcard too?? :)
15:51.49essobiI think it's usb
15:51.56essobiand you can get USB sound cards.
15:52.05brettnembad ass...
15:52.08essobilook at the mini-itx formfactors
15:52.15essobilike 80 bucks per machine
15:52.26brettnemdamn, very cool
15:52.29essobiwith sound and video 4x5" or so..
15:52.36essobibut gumsticks are REALLY small.
15:52.55*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
15:53.01brettnemhmmm.. we'd need some sort of input device..
15:53.20Darwin351004/1004   (S)  4569          UNREACHABLE
15:53.40Qwellbkw_: y0
15:54.05essobibrettnem Input for what?
15:54.19brettnemto select a song and such need like a LCD and some buttons
15:54.28Darwin35logon failed now
15:54.32MikeJ[Laptop]jhonny 5 say: innnppuuuutttt
15:54.45DarthClueinput you freak, input!
15:54.54essobiUhh.. dell makes a touch screen
15:54.59essobikinda nice lcd
15:55.12brettnemneed cheap input
15:55.17essobithink it just equates to an usb mouse
15:55.22essobitouch and cheap?
15:55.25essobigood luck.
15:55.28brettnembutton and cheap
15:55.32MikeJ[Laptop]I'm cheap
15:55.38essobiYou need like a 4x20 LCD USB driven
15:55.44brettnemok MikeJ[Laptop]: I'll take 15 then
15:55.44essobiand a keypad
15:55.54*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:56.00yaaarwhat's the difference between 'nreinvite' and 'canreinvite' ? sip.conf wiki page makes no mention of the first one, but i see it in some example configs...
15:56.01essobiand a hacked up mounting box made for all of them.
15:56.02MikeJ[Laptop]no.. I mean I'm cheap.. I don't like to spend money
15:56.14brettnemnreinvite is a typo
15:56.22essobiDid I meantion my engineering fee is $65 an hour?  :)
15:56.23MikeJ[Laptop]yaaar. the ca at the begining
15:56.27brettnemx10 site is kinda flashy eh?
15:56.33yaaarMikeJ[Laptop]: hardehar
15:56.46Qwellbrettnem: Do you not remember their flashy popup ads for 2 years?
15:56.47MikeJ[Laptop]its missing on nreinvite
15:56.55MikeJ[Laptop]no.. really
15:57.01brettnemthat was so annoying
16:01.06*** part/#asterisk lehel (~Lehel@
16:03.51Bile_Oneanyone have any experience with a Leadtek vba 8055?
16:04.28SuPrSluGi have 2 x100p's in a server. 1 is ok, the other is in red alarm state, although i can receive calls on this card. so, why can i receive calls but not send?
16:05.14gtigeneDoes anyone know if the new Asterisk book (Asterisk: the future of telephony) talks about AMP?
16:06.32Darwin35Jul 28 11:06:02 NOTICE[92646]: chan_iax2.c:7610 iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer '1004' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 0
16:08.59syleJul 27 22:20:48 NOTICE[32671]: chan_sip.c:8343 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer '2044803382' is now REACHABLE! (3499ms / 5000ms)
16:08.59*** join/#asterisk juice (
16:08.59syleJul 27 23:20:58 NOTICE[32671]: chan_sip.c:9900 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '2044803382' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 85
16:09.00*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
16:09.09sylethis happens every hour it seems
16:09.36astoriasyle: this means that you are using nat=yes
16:10.04astoriaand your polling for it.
16:10.25astoriado you have qualify=yes  too?
16:10.35*** join/#asterisk lehel (~Lehel@
16:10.37syleyes look at what i pasted qualify=5000
16:11.43sylewell i understand that, my question is how come is says unreachable every hour on the dot at times
16:11.56astoriabeats me, just sounds like a coincidence
16:12.08Zeeekputting qualify=n sometimes makes iaxphones unreachable
16:12.10astoriadoes your network have some kind of cron thing that ties stuff up?
16:12.19Zeeekis this a phone?
16:12.28syleits a pap2-na yeah
16:12.49Zeeekwell several phones I tested on LAN became unreachable as soon as qualify was used
16:13.21sylewhy would you use qualify on a lan
16:13.27syletheres no nay
16:13.56ZeeekI expecetd to see 1ms or something
16:14.25syleyou set nat to yes then if using qualify i hope hehe
16:15.29opus_weird. try setting quailify to a large amount
16:15.34opus_like 5000
16:16.05opus_what version of asterisk are you using Zeeek?
16:16.45sylei;m wondering if i set qualify to something insane like 10 seconds if all problems will be solved
16:17.32ManxPowerZeeek: Qualify measures the response to a SIP OPTIONS packet (or the IAX2 equiv), NOT round trip travel time of packets
16:17.39Zeeekno it's the phones. They don't like qualify. Some providers don't either, for example ICH (SIP)
16:17.57ManxPowerSo if a device does not respond to OPTIONS or the device is busy and doesn't respond quickly.....
16:17.57*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:18.01opus_Zeeek what type of network gear do you have
16:18.04ZeeekManxPower, whatever, thepoint is, in some situations it breaks connectivity
16:18.12ManxPowerZeeek: *nod*
16:18.21Zeeekif the device or provider doesn't respond correctly
16:18.43Zeeekopus it's more a matter of thephones, Chinese IAX phones
16:18.43opus_i'd try cvs stable as well
16:19.03opus_zeeek - it could be because of your network gear
16:19.09ZeeekI'll wait and get 1.2 when it's ready. If I'm gonna go thru the pain of an upgrade, may as well make it worth it :)
16:19.35Zeeekopus most everything works except these phones and that one provider, ICH
16:19.47ManxPowerMy new .sig:  Only terrorists use the "r" option to Dial.
16:19.49Zeeekwhen I can I use qualify=300 or 500 depending on the distance
16:20.15ZeeekMy main interest in 1.2 will be the freedom for # tyranny
16:20.36Zeeek"password?" nnnn# "transfer!"
16:20.38Darwin35Jul 28 11:19:59 NOTICE[93533]: chan_iax2.c:7610 iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer '1004' is now UNREACHABLE! Time: 0 this is all I get when the phone tries to register
16:20.51Zeeekwhat phone?
16:21.39ZeeekI'M TELLIN YA it won't work!
16:21.39Zeeekit doesn't answer the OPTIONS message properly
16:21.39ZeeekI've been saying that for a few minutes now
16:21.56ManxPowerDarwin35: Chineese IAX2 phone?
16:21.56bkw_well current CVS-HEAD leaks memory like mad boys and girls
16:22.14Darwin35no the eezeephne
16:22.21ManxPowerThe Chineese IAX2 phones don't support qualify=, last I heard.
16:22.24Zeeekthat is a cheap cjinese phone
16:22.27*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (
16:22.33ManxPowerI thought eezephone is a Chinese IAX2 phone.
16:22.39brettnembkw_: I'm tackling this file descriptor leak  arghhhh
16:22.40Zeeekeezephone is exacly the ones I have
16:22.47Zeeekwho's on first?
16:22.55Craziman2Any ideas why music on hold works if a call comes in sip but not if it comes in IAX?
16:23.04Zeeekeezeephone are ALL cheap chinese phones :)
16:23.08bkw_brettnem, in what?
16:23.17Darwin35so explain what has to be fixed in the firmware  so i can report it
16:23.22brettnembkw_: malformed SIP headers leave sip channels hung
16:23.33ManxPowerDarwin35: IAX2 or SIP?
16:23.36brettnembkw_: they just build up until the system is out of fds
16:23.52ManxPowerI *think* it's the IAX2 POKE command
16:23.58Darwin35for the netweb401 to work right'
16:24.07brettnembkw_: seems that time warner is modifing SIP headers from "SIP 2.0" to something like "S2637267IP 2.0"
16:24.16Darwin35what does it have to return
16:24.16ManxPowerI don't use statically configured IAX2 peers anymore, so I can't test it, but iax2 debug should give you a good idea.
16:24.20opus_i can hear F1 race cars, 7 miles away
16:24.39Darwin35I posted a debug earlier not alot of info
16:24.54ZeeekDarwin35 just remove the qualify and it works
16:24.56tclarkZeeek: do you have any of the pa168v based ata's ?
16:25.02ManxPowerbrettnem: Sure it's not your firewall?
16:25.04Zeeekno, only three phones
16:25.22brettnemManxPower: it's just one of those home firewall things.. when I change the port from 5060 to something else, it works fine
16:25.43tclarki think the iax firmware is the same, do you have any issue with the iax based phones ?
16:25.44ManxPowerbrettnem: *nod*  Could be the "home firewall thing".
16:25.48ZeeekDarwin35 by the way if you hgave access to Windows, the tool they provide can unlock the phone if it locks up
16:26.09brettnemManxPower: why would that change the message content only 1 out of every 6 messages only on that port?? seems weird..
16:26.14Zeeekthey cleverly made it revert to after two resets
16:26.18brettnembut we should change out that firewall and test..
16:26.51ManxPowerbrettnem: because I've never seen a SIP aware NAT router that did things right.
16:26.53ZeeekI had one of theose newtweb phones at astricon Madrid. Worked as soon as I plugged it in
16:26.56Hmmhesaysooh323 is irritating me
16:27.02ManxPowerI always disable the SIP awareness on the router.
16:27.11brettnemManxPower: right, but to alter the header is a weird thing.. it's NOT sip aware..
16:27.21Zeeektclark other than the qualify, there are a few quirks
16:27.25Darwin35the problem is I can dial out from it
16:27.27ManxPowerbrettnem: It COULD be the ISP, but they would be very unusual.
16:27.35tclarkwhat other specfic quirks ?
16:27.37Darwin35but its not ringing when people call in
16:27.45ZeeekDarwin35 confrim that you removed the qualify ?
16:27.56Darwin35I did
16:28.06Zeeekand it still is unreachable?
16:28.11brettnemManxPower: right.. seems weird to me as well.. although we heard in a hearing time warner mention that they were definately going to block ports on their internet service..
16:28.12Darwin351004      (D)  4569          Unmonitored
16:28.22Zeeekand is it registered,
16:28.40Darwin35I can make calls
16:28.57Zeeektclark such as?
16:29.00Darwin35but under iax2 show registry it doe not how is
16:29.26altManxPower: well. in light of the fact that where I live both major ISPs are somehow involved in telecom (Telus _is_ the ILEC and Shaw Cable is rolling out phone services), I wouldn't be at all surprised for it to happen where I like (time to SSL those SIP Sessions ppl)
16:29.26tclarkfor the pa168 pstn/iax switching & callerid from the iax calls
16:29.39ManxPowerDarwin35: iax2 show registry only shows device ASTERISK is registered TO.
16:29.47altManxPower: as well, Telus is blocking a pro-union website right now (the union is locked out by Telus)
16:29.52tclarkZeeek: but if you have some other specfic issue please tell me about them
16:30.08xhelioxI have an TDM04B (4 fxo's) and whenever it dials out, it connects for 5 to 30 seconds and then hangs up without explaination. Anyone had an experience like that?
16:30.16Zeeekwell... there is some noise at the moment of call establishment
16:30.22*** part/#asterisk brettnem (~Brett@
16:30.43ZeeekI'm not at the office right now where I'm burnin testing a couple of these
16:31.04ZeeekI also change the digitmap file
16:31.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
16:31.22ManxPoweralt: I said it's not common, not that it NEVER happens.
16:31.22tclarkdo you have 1.44 on those so we are comparing apples to apples ?
16:31.25Darwin35ok I just setup a exten *1004 it dials iax2/1004 and its dropping right to the unavaible vm and not ringing the phone
16:31.35ZeeekI think I prolly have .42 ?
16:42.11ManxPowerDarwin35: Turn your brain back on.  You know how to debug these issues.
16:42.11tclarko man way ols & a numbe of issues
16:42.12gambolputtycan the contents of an ael file be put in a database?
16:42.12tclarkbe better if you could get 1.44.022 then let talk about issues
16:42.12Zeeekone of my phones has a problem with the volume buttons
16:42.12Darwin35I have been but nothing has worked
16:42.12Darwin35everything but inbound is working
16:42.12Darwin35to the phone
16:42.12ManxPowerWell what does the console show?
16:42.13ZeeekDarwin35 you have other IAX devices on the network?
16:42.13Zeeekbecause that too can be a problem sometimes
16:42.13Zeeekwacky port choices/conflicts
16:42.13Darwin35I have 2 of the netweb 401 and everything else is sip
16:42.13Zeeeksometimes you need to make sure Port field is blank
16:42.13*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:42.13*** join/#asterisk Henguei (~Henguei@
16:42.14ZeeekI went thru some shit getting thes eto work and they're not happy when there are more thazn one on the same LAN
16:42.14*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~darkskiez@
16:42.14*** join/#asterisk crash3m (crash3m@crash3m.user)
16:42.14Zeeekin fact looking at my box right now, both LAN phones have dropped out of register!
16:42.14*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
16:42.14Zeeekwho knows how long ago
16:42.14NewSolebkw you alive
16:42.15ZeeekI have an ip500 still waiting to be reshipped at my son's house
16:42.15Darwin35gawd I was hoping these where the answer to getting way from grandstreams and sip phones
16:42.15NewSoleI need some info on transcoding
16:42.15NewSolecan anyone help
16:42.15althey. who was using a SIP aware NAT router? and what is it?
16:42.15ZeeekDarwin35 we all thought that
16:42.15Zeeekand we're gonna become eBay whores as a result :)
16:42.15Darwin35well I can get the sip flash if I have to or mgcp
16:42.15Zeeekno my phone works fine on other networks
16:42.15yaaarbrb...restarting firefox to get a new extension...
16:42.15Zeeekthat one is still fine
16:42.15DarthCluenewsole: what do you need?
16:42.23riemensci´ve got the problem with bristuff    -- Extension 's' in context 'calls' from 'MY ISDN TELEPHONE NR' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/2, span 1
16:42.23Darwin35exten => 501,1,Dial(IAX2/guest@*1004)
16:42.23Darwin35some one try that
16:42.23doughecka_how do I configure an adtran channel bank?
16:42.23doughecka_is there an ip address?
16:42.23ManxPowerriemensc: set immediate=no in zapata.conf.
16:42.23ManxPowerdoughecka_: I've always done it via the console port,.
16:42.23riemensci´ve set immediate=no
16:42.31ManxPowerdoughecka_: They CAN be configured via IP, I just have never done so.
16:42.35_DAWDarwin35 - Call rejected by No such context/extension
16:42.35NewSoleto prevent asterisk from using a license on g729..... right now we are going from iax2 => sip via g729 and its using 1 license....
16:42.38RoyKiltjbot: that's a 11 minute lag, you know
16:42.42ManxPowerriemensc: and stopped and started Asterisk?
16:42.57xhelioxI have an TDM400P (4 fxo's) and whenever it dials out, it connects for 5 to 30 seconds and then hangs up without explaination -- every time. Anyone had an experience like that? I've adjusted the callprogress and busydetect, per some articles I found on Google, but that didn't mean to make a difference. I have the exact same setup working across town, but this one is making me batty.
16:43.02doughecka_ManxPower: is that ntwk?
16:43.07gambolputtyanyone know ael here?
16:43.21ManxPowerxheliox: don't use busydetect or callprogress.  set them to no
16:43.28xhelioxManxPower: I did.
16:43.28NewSoleour dial uses "tTg" if I just remove the "tT" and just keep the "g" will that do
16:43.35ManxPowerdoughecka_: Labeled LAN
16:43.43doughecka_isnt that... LAN?
16:43.50riemensci´ve stop and start asterisk
16:43.59riemenscthe echo test go correctly
16:44.03ManxPowerNewSole: T/t enable DTMF transfers.
16:44.15riemensci use nt mode for isdn
16:44.21ManxPowerdoughecka_: WELL, LAN would be IP, right?
16:44.27_DAWDarwin35 - try exten => 501,1,Dial(IAX2/guest@*1004@yourcontext)
16:45.02ManxPowerdoughecka_: I think it's admin or management or something like that.  The adtrans we have are 100 miles away
16:45.29doughecka_ah, missed your config via lan comment :)
16:45.32Darwin35it worked now
16:46.12NewSoleManxPower... but would that stop the asterisk from using a license and transcoding when we remove the "tT"
16:46.31ManxPowerNewSole: in theory
16:46.44ManxPowerassuming all legs of the call are G729.
16:46.55ManxPowerT/t makes one leg of the call be converted to SLIN to detect DTMF
16:47.03NewSolethey are... but can we keep the "g"
16:47.16ManxPower"g" does nothing to the audio, so yes.
16:47.18*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
16:48.05ManxPowerNewSole: Just remember, Asterisk can't convert between IAX and any other protocol without decoding the audio,
16:48.12*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
16:49.03NewSolejust wondering about CPU usage on per call basis
16:49.24_DAWDarwin35 - luck?
16:49.30*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
16:49.48Zeeek46331490what is the site of voiptalk again?
16:50.06Zeeekoops let my bank pin go again
16:50.34_DAWDarwin35 - your problem is no mwi?
16:53.30Darwin35but I got your vm but n it ssems the wmi is not  there
16:53.30dalaberaHello Everybody! Anyone here using the old T400P Quadspad T1 card?
16:53.30Darwin35but atleast I get inbound calls now
16:53.30Darwin35thats the next step
16:53.30_DAWDarwin35 - What type of phone are you using?
16:53.30NewSoleManxPower... I got one more question if you dont mind.....
16:53.30Darwin35netweb 401
16:53.30Darwin35with the pa168 chip
16:53.30Zeeekthere is NO MWI on those
16:53.30Darwin35then have to fix that
16:53.31Zeeekunless the new firmware fixed it
16:53.33NewSolewhen audio comes off TE410 card... can we select codec we want it to come out as
16:54.10Darwin35I have a repor going with sashi at iarea and letting him know what needs be done in the fimware
16:54.38_DAWDawrin32 - if it does support MWI in new firmware make sure you have mailbox=phone@context in your sip.conf
16:56.23*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
16:57.32Darwin35sorry its aseshu and he is out the office today
16:57.45*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (~colol@VDSL-130-13-9-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
16:58.06*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
16:58.15Darwin35some of the buttons are missed used on the phone
16:58.32*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
16:59.03bkw_leaky deaky
16:59.22Darwin35ok but ies all working otherwise now
16:59.38outtoluncomg, thursday again
16:59.55Darwin35yeah tomarrow is payday
17:00.02outtolunc(today for me)
17:00.06bkw_yes oh yes they both reached for the gun, the gun
17:00.28Zeeekyou think you have problems? I have a siements DECT phone that won't register on the base which is connected to the IAXy!
17:01.13bkw_Qwell, my man
17:01.18bkw_go to #asterlink please
17:02.07Lee__I'm trying to forward SIP requests from Asterisk to SER. The requests are coming back after the initial sanity checks, which are reporting "too many hops" and "max length too big". Why would Asterisk be sending a Max-forward header greater than 10 for a server on the same LAN?
17:03.02*** join/#asterisk bankrupt (
17:03.12Hmmhesaysso head leaks a little right now huh? how bad?
17:04.00DarthClueHmmhesays: it may not be limited to head.
17:04.11anthmdepends on if you have the 2 patches it took me all morning to produce or not
17:04.30Hmmhesaysyou, all morning? they must be good
17:04.55anthmleaks are hard to find you gotta put soap on it and dunk it under water
17:05.30altanthm: and then there's the patch kit
17:05.34Hmmhesaysits really bad when they are on your bcd and your vents are leaking
17:05.43Hmmhesayshard to stay neutral
17:06.34opus_yeah in realtime
17:09.21*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
17:09.24_-Jon-_Hey everything
17:09.24Hmmhesayswhat were you patching anthm?
17:09.42anthmstay tuned for mantis
17:09.47essobiHey.. will valgrind find leaks in applications too?  NEver used it..
17:10.13_-Jon-_Is it possible for Asterisk to somehow mess up incoming CID?  The reason I ask is cause if when I call my Teliax toll-free number I get a random number in my area code, but sometimes the CID is "Asterisk"
17:10.41ManxPower_-Jon-_: I've never seen that happen
17:10.58alt_-Jon-_: are you getting the INFO digits sent to you?
17:11.02altfrom the telco?
17:11.11ManxPoweralt: re-read his question.
17:11.11nDuffessobi, that's what it's there for.
17:11.20altManxPower: I did read his question
17:11.26_-Jon-_alt, INFO digits?  what do you mean?
17:11.33*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
17:11.44essobinDuff I mean literally asterisk appications.. like app_dial, and etc.
17:11.57nDuffdunno, there.
17:12.02altdepending on how your telco sets up your line, they may send you two digits prepended to the number to indicate the billing area.
17:12.04nDuffshould be possible.
17:12.07ManxPoweralt: Well, he's not going to know what Teliax gets from the Telco.  There is no such thing as "INFO" packets in IAX2, and if he's running SIP, he should be using RFC2833, and NEITHER of those things has anything to do with callerid
17:12.21altManxPower: not info packets, info DIGITS.
17:12.43ManxPower_-Jon-_: Send a trouble report to teliax
17:12.45`SauronnDuff, ;)
17:13.09nDuff`Sauron, howdy.
17:13.13altit's possible (but I've never seen it happen) that someone (or asterisk) is stuffing the info digits into the area code.
17:13.16yaaarcan anybody tell me what the 'mask' field in the realtime sip table is for? sip.conf's page groups permit,deny,mask all in one page, but never mentions mask, and both the permit and deny statements include the subnet mask, so i'm confused
17:13.39_-Jon-_ManxPower, so basically it isn't a problem with my Asterisk configuration?
17:13.56ManxPower_-Jon-_: Unless you are fiddleing with CLID in your dialplan.
17:14.14_-Jon-_ManxPower, nope, not at all
17:14.20Darwin35now to go find the src code for the phone firmware
17:14.24ManxPoweriax2 debug should show you what Asterisk is getting from Teliax if you are using IAX2
17:14.39_-Jon-_Let me run iax2 debug and take a look
17:17.05yaaaralso, is it ok to have two sip friends both with the same username?
17:17.19ManxPoweryaaar: never.
17:17.56ManxPowerI set my SIP devices and Asterisk to use the MAC address of the device as a username with -a -b -c, etc appended for the line appearance.
17:18.15yaaarnot a bad plan
17:18.30altI use the extension as the username.
17:18.37yaaari was going to use '<context>_<ext>'
17:18.51ManxPoweralt: We found that to be too confusing.
17:18.59yaaaralt: i'm planning on having some extensions that overlap in different contexts
17:19.12ManxPowerWe ended up having totally different usernames for each line appearance
17:19.27altManxPower: it makes it easier for me as I have a couple of configuration files that use the username to do call routing.
17:19.38*** join/#asterisk cgcorea (~cgcorea@
17:20.01altactually, it's not the config files, but the config file script generator that uses it to create the config file.
17:20.06alteasier automation.
17:20.33yaaarso nobody knows what the 'mask' field in the realtime sip table is for?
17:20.34ManxPowerSo if you have 2 phones with the same extension, what do you do?
17:20.49altwe don't. we define a meta-extension that calls each phone.
17:20.54altcalls both phones
17:20.54NewSoleok whats this
17:20.55NewSoleframe.c:138 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
17:21.11hansfor a small office (~ 20 people) with an incoming T1 (split with data), am I right that you'd want a wildcard te[24]*p?
17:21.38ManxPowerWhereas, we know what phone is making the request, regardless of the extension, by looking at the userid, which is the MAC address.
17:21.47ManxPoweri.e. we enforce the fact that an extension is NOT a device.
17:21.53ManxPowerother people try to hide that.
17:22.08altand we just don't need that as a feature anyhow. we have one DID that calls all the phones in the office and that's only so our receptionist across the street can call all the phones if needed.
17:22.09*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
17:22.16dalaberajoin #asterisk-bugs
17:22.20jeffikanyody using voxee?
17:22.30ManxPoweralt: small number of users, I assume.
17:22.36altyeah. 6
17:22.39nDuffhans, yup.
17:22.43ManxPowerI have 60 extensions
17:23.04hansnDuff: one port for the t1, one (or in the future, more) for the channel bank inside, right?
17:23.05ManxPowerwe found that doing it the traditional way just didn't scale for us from a management viewpoint
17:23.10*** join/#asterisk exonic (~exonic@
17:23.12exonicHey all
17:23.23Hmmhesaysi hate it when I ask people how many endpoints they need to have, and they say something like 500
17:23.38altI'd be interested to see how you've set it up.
17:23.41nDuffhans, that's what we do.
17:23.49exonicI'm trying to create a better IAX load balancing solution than doing db(get|put) in the dialplan.
17:24.05nDuffhans, though we use IP phones for most users, we've got a channel bank for fax machines and such.
17:24.42Hmmhesaysseriously, who starts off with 500 endpoints
17:25.04altManxPower: we're actually using our Asterisk server to do URI rewriting more than anything. one customer wanted the info digits stripped from the CLID and another customer wanted the ANI stuffed (why? we don't know....)
17:25.18altI shouldn't call it URI rewriting....
17:25.20altbut anyhow.
17:25.27mutventure capital
17:25.32altcall centres.
17:25.52nDuffis there any convention for passing extension numbers via caller-id?
17:26.00Hmmhesays3 dual xeon 3ghz machines should take care of it
17:26.26ManxPowernDuff: what do you mean?
17:26.26altnDuff: how do you mean? like mapping extensions to CLIDs that are valid DIDs?
17:28.32nDuffwe have more users than DIDs, so for a bunch of folks it's <primary number>, plus <extension> (at the menu). I already rewrite caller-id to show <primary number> in those cases -- it'd be nice to expose the <extension> part as well.
17:28.43exonicAnyone aware of a way to load balance outbound calls across two servers each w/ a zap interface?
17:29.13altnDuff: maybe put the extension in the callerID "name" field?
17:29.50nDuffalt, that's what I was pondering.
17:29.59altthat's the only thing I can think of.
17:30.03*** join/#asterisk SwK[Work] (~SwK@
17:30.13altI don't believe you should put it in the number field.
17:35.02altor you could be like a collection agency that called me years ago (I was bad with student loans :( ) and stuffed the extension number into the ANI :P
17:35.02altokay. snack time.
17:35.02*** join/#asterisk cire-- (
17:36.28Darwin35daw you around
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17:40.40sylewhats a LATA code used for?
17:41.26*** join/#asterisk file[aboot] (~jcolp@
17:41.28exonicDoes is seem that DUNDI and ENUM/E.164 are simliar protocols?
17:42.19*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (
17:42.31NuggetDUNDI seems more for termination providers to announce their capabilities, whereas enum/e164 seems tailored for end users to announce better ways to reach them.
17:43.13Nuggetusing enumlookups is a great way to avoid termination charges if you want to call *me*.  using DUNDI is a great way to minimize termination charges if you want to call *Austin Texas*
17:43.27file[aboot]yay ~aUA
17:43.28blitzrageDUNDi = de-centralized, ENUM = centralized
17:43.28*** join/#asterisk jdg (
17:43.29file[aboot]yay Austin Texas
17:43.34file[aboot]boo stupi terminal
17:43.38file[aboot]blitzrage: LEIF!!!
17:43.47blitzrageLeif's not here man
17:43.51syledo you know how to take a LATA and determine the NPA/NXX for Tiers 1-6 ?
17:44.00file[aboot]blitzrage: darn
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17:46.30doolphwhat's the way that I need to connect ip phones behind a nat to asterisk behind another nat
17:46.53file[aboot]bleh I'm gone
17:47.22*** join/#asterisk pa (~Paolo@pa.user)
17:48.46Hmmhesaysif you're going with redhat enterprise, is there a preferred version to run asterisk on?
17:50.27Hmmhesaysdell seems to prefer it for their poweredge hardware
17:50.42blitzrageHmmhesays: why don't you just use CentOS? (I know thats not really your question :))
17:50.56bkw_oh Hmmhesays
17:51.00bkw_where art thou
17:51.06Hmmhesaysoff in the clouds
17:52.03mkrufkyanybody see kram lately?
17:52.34mkrufky...thought I might find him here... I don't want to call his phone, I  always end up catching him at the wrong time
17:53.58drumkillamkrufky: what do you need?
17:54.01*** part/#asterisk Nebukadneza (
17:54.04drumkillaI sit right next to him :)
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17:54.33mkrufkyah... tell mark to call me with his flight info
17:54.41mkrufkyhe knows who mkrufky is
17:55.16yaaarcan anybody tell me what the 'mask' field in the realtime sip table is for? sip.conf's page groups permit,deny,mask all in one page, but never mentions mask, and both the permit and deny statements include the subnet mask, so i'm confused
17:56.15*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:56.29blitzrageyaaar: mask isn't actually used anywhere if I remember correctly
17:56.43blitzrageyaaar: I asked the same question when I was documenting the sip.conf file
17:56.57yaaarok....i was wondering, cause i couldn't see any use for it..
17:57.01blitzrageyaaar: I think its a relic from the original implementation for Asterisk behind NAT (which of course is different now)
17:57.35*** join/#asterisk licued (
17:57.42licuedheyy how is everyone? :)
17:58.08licuedis anyone in the NY/NYC area?
17:58.37Nuggetabout 22 million people.
17:58.44licuedoh yea!??!
17:58.47*** join/#asterisk cgcorea (~cgcorea@
17:58.48licuedsmart answer
17:59.06Nuggetyou've got questions -- we've got answers
17:59.15licuedyea, whatver
17:59.27licuedanyhow, is anyone in the NYC area and would like an Asterisk project to work no?
17:59.32Nuggetmay I please have your zip code for our database?
17:59.44Hmmhesays1500 miles close enough?
17:59.52licuedif you want to fly here is it
17:59.56licuedit is* err
18:00.04licuedit's a medium size project
18:00.16sylehow are lata codes used in the US?
18:00.27ManxPowersyle: I don't understand your question.
18:00.47syledo you know how to take a LATA and determine the NPA/NXX for Tiers 1-6 ?
18:01.03ManxPowersyle: there really isn't a direct correlation for that anymore.
18:02.05yaaarsyle: badly
18:02.52xhelioxStupid question (as always) -- are the two outer pins of each port on the TDM400P used for anything?
18:03.00ManxPowerxheliox: nothing
18:03.24xhelioxGracias. #
18:03.30ManxPowersyle: For example near me is the "New Orleans LATA".
18:03.58ManxPowerYou SHOULD be able to map an NPA/NXX to a Rate Center
18:04.32licuedwell if anyone in the NYC/CT area wants a very good paying job with Asterisk/VoIP let me know
18:05.40mutlocal calling guide
18:05.45mutmight help?
18:06.54ManxPowermut: He could take a LATA, get the list of rate centers, and then the list of NPA/NXXs for each rate center.  That would work
18:07.41mutthat site has come in handy for me a few time
18:08.06mutscript to dump local calling areas XO numbers across the us is horribly updated
18:08.13sylebut seems to be the best one
18:08.48mutwell chances are whatever you're doing isn't going to require up to the minute updates...
18:09.19ManxPowerUnless you want to spend the money for a LERG subscription
18:09.31muti prefer the free option
18:09.53sylei have a buddy here trying to be a local carrier, he got permission to hookup to the tandum switches here in august, and gonna sell alot of termination
18:10.13ManxPowerWe have a pretty simple rate center with our CLEC.  Calls to any number in Louisiana and Mississippi are free. 8-)
18:10.20Johann000what could cause a "Red Alarm" to be triggered?
18:10.34mutya, i got that for michigan
18:10.42harryvvJohann000 check your line connection on the back of the server
18:10.59harryvvphone line or pri disconected
18:11.06ManxPowerJohann000: loss of physical layer of the T-1.  If it was working and is no longer working, call your telco and say "I have a RED alarm on Circuit ID XXXXXXX, can you loop to the smart jack?"
18:11.39ManxPowerif they can loop to the smartjack then you have a cable problem between the smartjack and Asterisk
18:13.33*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
18:13.38ManxPowerIf they CAN'T loop the smart jack then they know there is a problem and you don't have to spend a day convinving them
18:13.43ManxPowerconvince, too
18:13.45*** join/#asterisk Assid (
18:13.46BlackthornDoes anyone know how many calls you can send to nufone at the same time?
18:14.07ManxPowerBlackthorn: If you pay per/min, most carriers allow as many calls as you want.
18:14.10Assid.    /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl <-- but i have openssl and libssl installed
18:14.20Assidany clue whats up?
18:14.23Assidheya manx
18:14.41jayk-probably a revision problem.
18:14.45riemensceverbudy user voipbuster
18:14.46riemenscvia iax
18:14.54Blackthornthansk mp.
18:15.01jayk-did you upgrade openssl, assid?
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18:15.37Assidam using debian.. does it on its own
18:15.45Assidfresh install on this particular box
18:16.09riemenscwho is the error code   == No one is available to answer at this time
18:16.11jayk-you might need to run ldd to fnd out what rev it is looking for
18:16.12riemenscby iax
18:16.18jayk-and then link that rev to the existing rev
18:16.42jayk-or reboot if you just updated openssl, so that the ld cache is updated
18:18.24Assidnvm.. it worked
18:18.28Assidneeded libssl-dev
18:19.46*** join/#asterisk riemensc (
18:19.52BlackthornI am getting lots of reports over the last few days of calls goign to fast busy... was monitoring the console looks like there goign to nufone but getting hung up on
18:20.04Craziman2Any one have any idead why Music on Hold would work with Sip Channels but not IAX Channels?
18:20.22ManxPowerBlackthorn: NuFone has some network issue
18:21.01ManxPowerBlackthorn: I think they were minor problems and only affected people on one of their servers.
18:21.06*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
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18:22.18riemensc<riemensc> and can not do outgoing calls
18:22.25riemenscand recieve the error message
18:22.43riemenscplease help me
18:22.47ManxPoweriax2 show registry shows servers ASTERISK is registered to
18:23.07riemenscthe serv ip username registered
18:23.20riemensc213.61.187.146:4569   riemensc         60  Registered
18:23.34ManxPoweralso for calls from Asterisk to a provider does NOT require registration
18:24.07riemensci think this provider require a registration
18:24.30*** join/#asterisk PaulTech2 (~PaulTech@
18:25.14harryvvmanx, you said something about my sip problem yesterday
18:25.25harryvvrunning ipcop
18:25.37ManxPowerriemensc: it would be the first provider in the world to do so.
18:26.36PaulTech2Anyidea what dtmfmode i should use for incoming calls?
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18:26.56ManxPowerPaulTech2: always RFC2833
18:27.17licuedhey you guys are all very great.  Gonna help my aunt move out of her apt, talk to you all later ;)
18:27.20mistralhow scalable is * ?
18:27.49harryvvmistral from my understanding up to 450 calls for a opteron system.
18:28.02PaulTech2Works with iax correct?
18:28.05ManxPowermistik1: A1: very scalable  A2: not very scalable.  What do you want to do with Asterisk?
18:28.07harryvvactually 550 calls
18:28.10mistralopteron ?
18:28.18harryvvamd opteron
18:28.18ManxPowerPaulTech2: IAX2 only have one DTMF mode and is always set and cannot be changed.
18:28.25anthmas scalable as the walls of alcatraz
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18:28.41PaulTech2ManxPower, ah...
18:28.49PaulTech2trying to figure out why its doing this
18:28.55PaulTech2my phones use info
18:28.58ManxPowerIf you want to do lots of G279<->SpeeX calls then it's not going to scale very well.
18:29.01PaulTech2and I use IAX for Incoming
18:29.02harryvvif you want industrial streagth scalable go ser but other then that done know more about it.
18:29.13ManxPowerPaulTech2: INFO is a SIP thing
18:29.25PaulTech2I use SIP Phones for internal
18:29.28PaulTech2and they send in info
18:29.32PaulTech2and my office phones work
18:29.36ManxPowerPaulTech2: try rfc2833 then
18:29.39PaulTech2but some cell phones dont let you press the menu choices
18:29.44PaulTech2We got alot of compliants
18:29.47PaulTech2internal phones work great
18:29.50PaulTech2using info
18:29.55ManxPowerforce both the phones and Asterisk to be rfc2833
18:30.01ManxPowerPaulTech2: how are you connecting to the PSTN?
18:30.13PaulTech2IAX > IP > IAX > PSTN At remote
18:30.30PaulTech2We use a third party Provider till our T1 gets in place
18:30.37PaulTech2to provide the PSTN access over IAX
18:30.41PaulTech2and Im having all kinds of problems
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18:31.20ManxPowerPaulTech2: Yeah, since you can't control the provider's PSTN setup
18:31.42PaulTech2Dont suppose voicepulse rings a horrible bell with thesse problems
18:31.47ManxPowerOne of the MANY reasons I try, whenever I can, to use PSTN PRI that I control.
18:32.19PaulTech2Cards are expensive
18:32.30PaulTech2We can afford but we're trying to save money going VoIP and I guess thats not the case
18:32.37ManxPowerPaulTech2: so is having your PSTN access down because of a internet problem.
18:33.48PaulTech2ManxPower, We run a datacenter
18:33.56PaulTech2If we have internet problems, There is a huge problem ;)
18:34.30astoriaPaulTech2: do you offer colos?
18:34.43ManxPowerWhat about your ITSP's internet problems, or internet problems between you and the ITSP
18:35.03PaulTech2astoria, very much so
18:35.19astoriaPaulTech2: where are you located?
18:35.25astoriaPaulTech2: in a carrier hotel, i presume?
18:35.26PaulTech2ManxPower, I would have them with a local PSTN too
18:35.36PaulTech2astoria, Orlando FL and no we own two of our own
18:35.43*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (~juanjoc@
18:35.44PaulTech25k and 14k sqft
18:35.51astoriaPaulTech2: who would i contact about a quote?
18:35.54PaulTech2With a pressence in Atlanta at TelX
18:35.58PaulTech2astoria, I can provide that
18:36.35astoriai'm still trying to get some customers, but i'm trying to find an inexpensive data center/colo where i can terminate voip traffic.
18:36.45juanjocWhat version of spandsp is recommended to send faxes over IP?
18:36.54ManxPowerjuanjoc: none.
18:37.03astoriai'm in the middle of issuing quotes to potential customers and whatnot.
18:37.09ManxPowerjuanjoc: sending data converted to voice converted to data is not a good idea.
18:37.29harryvvastoria, heard of a pri for less then 200 dollars per month in texas
18:37.33PaulTech2astoria, Get at me with what you'll be needing and I can get you a quote right away
18:37.42astoriaPaulTech2: drop me your email addy
18:37.44juanjocI know but I have no other option with Asterisk right now.
18:37.49astoriaharryvv: i can get a pri here for 150 a month
18:37.59harryvvastoria, where
18:37.59yaaarif i put a line like 'exten => 4345748877,1,Goto(customer,s,1)' into my incoming context, that'll just make the call get processed according to the dialplan within [customer], right?
18:38.06yaaar(just trying to make sure i'm not crazy)
18:38.22juanjocManxPower: do you know of something else that works over IP with Asterisk.
18:38.46ManxPowerjuanjoc: no such thing exists for Asterisk
18:38.48juanjocManxPower: I've seen no T.38 implementation for Asterisk yet.
18:38.53*** join/#asterisk macTijn (
18:39.12ManxPowerjuanjoc: correct.
18:40.16*** join/#asterisk pbxbart (
18:40.33xarmiexhmm, we cant seem to be able to get rid of our echo problem here, we have a te405p with 1 pri on it now, if someone calls from a landline the person answwering with the cisco(sip) phone can hear himself all the time, does anyone know where we should be looking
18:40.46*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
18:41.26muttry messin with the gain
18:41.31muton the pri
18:41.38pbxbarti have a few problems with realtime
18:41.39ManxPowerxarmiex: fiddle with the txgain= on the pri
18:41.45ManxPowerUsually negative numbers.
18:42.06mut-1, -2 has usually worked well for me
18:42.11xarmiexwe werent sure if the gain was for this card as well, we'll try that thx
18:42.42pbxbartanyone using realtime with rtcachefriends
18:43.12pbxbartthis seams to be broken...
18:44.19*** join/#asterisk Coriantum (
18:44.53pbxbartsip show peer xxxx load does not load the ip
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18:45.19xarmiexsip show peer doesnt work with realtime does it ?
18:45.33pbxbartit did. with rtcachefriends
18:45.48pbxbartit is stillworking but it does not load the ip
18:46.03anthmsip show peer foo load
18:46.16pbxbartnot even with rtignoreregexpire=yes
18:46.30pbxbartI do the following
18:46.40pbxbartsip prune realtime peer 10001
18:46.45pbxbartfor cleanup
18:46.54pbxbartsip show peer 100011
18:46.54pbxbartPeer 100011 not found.
18:47.22pbxbartit shows the peer but without the ip
18:47.51pbxbartif i do realtime load SIPpeers name 100011 it shows the ip
18:48.13pbxbartshould i create a bug at mantis?
18:48.27ectoI'm having trouble getting external callers to any of our extensions (8XXX), apparently only the 8 is registering.  It worked fine yesterday.
18:49.07ectoI'm getting a bunch of these errors:   NOTICE[9122]: channel.c:1464 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/voicepulse-wgw001@voicepulse-wgw001-1 of format slin since our native format has changed to ulaw
18:49.17anthmsip show peer foo "load"
18:49.45pbxbart@ anthm this is what im executing
18:49.45anthmif you like realtime sip you may also want the patch in bug 4832
18:50.22anthmI made it along with 3 other curitial fixes this week, when I took time off from all the evil I supposedly do
18:51.32pbxbart4832 looks good
18:51.37pbxbarti will try it
18:51.45pbxbartbut does this solve my load issue
18:51.53astoriaDarthClue: The cluecon hotel will provide free internet, correct?
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18:52.49DarthClueastoria: bkw_ should have all the details on that.  but i am pretty sure that there will be internet access available.
18:53.15anthmi'd update to this minute's CVS apply that patch and find out
18:53.38astoriaOk. Best Western's usually do.
18:53.39pbxbarti ll try
18:53.43Blackthornhehe.. last week i checked into this hotel that advertised free internet.. well it would allow you to go to like,, if you wanted to serach for anyting or go anywhere else you had to pay. man that pissed me off.
18:53.44anthmif not let me know I made all of those options so I can probably tell you easier
18:53.54astoriaDarthClue: is there going to be some kind of announcement about that or anything?
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18:54.51DarthClueabout the intarweb?  um...i'll see if it's on the propoganda list.
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18:57.47astoriaDarthClue: anything?
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18:59.58Assidim using CVS
19:00.16anthmmake clean in zap pri and asterisk and rebuild
19:00.40DarthClueastoria: what kind of announcement are you looking for?  we have been jumped for actually telling people what is going on, so the propaganda department is trying to limit what gets plastered.
19:00.41pbxbartanthm: make is running
19:00.47PaulTech2DarthClue, I broke my shit agian
19:00.48Assidzaptel first?
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19:00.52Assidor libpri first?
19:00.57anthmthat was for Assid
19:01.39astoriaDarthClue: ha ha. beats me. i was just wondering if i can tell my employer i'll be able to login from offsite in case of emergency.
19:01.40Assidanthm: do i make libpri first or zaptel first?
19:01.52DarthCluePaulTech2: i didn't get your last payment...but i can try to give ya some help at double the normal rate... ;)
19:02.20DarthClueastoria: one way or another, we can make that happen. although we may not actually put out a formal announcement.
19:02.33astoriaDarthClue: okay, thats fine. thanks!
19:02.47jeffikanybody help with an aah question?
19:03.04pbxbartanthm: it works
19:03.17anthmwoohoo !
19:03.24DarthCluejeffik: although many of us do use asterisk in our homes, we don't use aah, but if you ask the question, you might get an answer.
19:03.31anthmtell kram he's doing patches
19:03.44*** part/#asterisk ilTizio (
19:04.42HmmhesaysI tinking with aah
19:04.46Hmmhesays*tinker even
19:04.55*** join/#asterisk Paul[NOC] (~paul@
19:05.26pbxbart@ anthm: wait. there something strange
19:06.01pbxbarti recive a lot of chan_sip.c:945 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x8197860 (len 762) to returned -1: Invalid argument
19:06.27anthmthat should have nothing to do with the patch
19:07.03pbxbartdo you know to which update this is related to? the call is still not going through
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19:08.18Paul[NOC]DarthClue, Recall that IVR we did?
19:08.26DarthCluePaul[NOC]: yep.
19:08.32Assidthanks anthm: that did it
19:08.35anthmdoes it really say xxx ?
19:09.02pbxbartno.. it says the ip of my phone
19:09.05Paul[NOC]DarthClue, any ideas why it would suddendly stop working
19:09.12anthmthat is a network issue
19:09.25Paul[NOC]you press a button and it does nothing
19:09.27anthmit means it tried to send a udp packet that didnt work
19:09.39DarthCluePaul[NOC]: stop working completely?  or is it back to the delay?
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19:09.45anthmdo you have nat sip ?
19:09.48Paul[NOC]DarthClue, It just stays at the menu
19:09.51Paul[NOC]No matter what you press
19:10.00pbxbartfor that client
19:10.16DarthCluePaul[NOC]: on all phones or on just one phone?  sounds like the dtmf isn't getting thru.
19:10.28pbxbartregistraions are no longer working as well
19:10.38Paul[NOC]DarthClue, tried from phones outside the PBX
19:10.38anthmit's a low level socket call
19:10.40Paul[NOC]old PSTN Phones
19:10.41Paul[NOC]Cell phones
19:10.43anthmthat is not working
19:10.51*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@malcolmd.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
19:10.55anthmyou should check your network settings and sip config
19:11.11pbxbartsip is not working at all on this maschine. no calls no regs
19:11.13pbxbartno debug
19:11.24fugitivoPaul[NOC]: maybe a dtmf problem
19:11.29anthmreview the entire sip.conf
19:11.36anthmalso make sure there is no ip filter crap
19:11.39pbxbartit has not change
19:11.59anthmdid it stop working recently ?
19:12.11Paul[NOC]I dont know why it would stop working
19:12.15DarthCluePaul[NOC]: has anything changed on the box?
19:12.22Paul[NOC]DarthClue, negative
19:12.26pbxbartsip stoped after any cvs update to todays head + applying your patch
19:12.31Paul[NOC]I'm the only person with access
19:12.34anthmdid you make clean ?
19:12.50pbxbarti'll revert you patch and see if it is related
19:13.05Paul[NOC]My config backups have problems too
19:13.07Paul[NOC]I dont know what could of changed
19:13.13DarthCluePaul[NOC]: turn on debug ... modify logger.conf ... and see if the dtmf is making it thru.
19:13.21konfuzedI really can't figure out this connection problem, I think it my be on the service provider side. wheather I try to connect via iax.conf or sip.conf I get  the same message - NOTICE[23944]: chan_sip.c:8024 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer 'from-eicat' is now UNREACHABLE!      -    what is the cause of this poke no answer message ?
19:13.38Paul[NOC]sip debug?
19:13.44anthmoh wait
19:13.57anthmdid you catch
19:13.58anthm*NOTE* make sure you add the fullcontact column to your realtime sip table if you are using a database.
19:14.09anthmperchance ?
19:14.13astoriakonfuzed: you have qualify=yes in your sip.conf
19:14.17DarthCluePaul[NOC]: no, full blown debug.  if you modify logger.conf, the debug will get output to the cli.  it should show the dtmf digits as they are processed.
19:15.17konfuzedastoria I have qalify=1000
19:15.27Paul[NOC]DarthClue, set debug ?
19:15.30Paul[NOC]I modified logger.conf
19:15.31Paul[NOC]to have debug
19:15.35Paul[NOC]on console
19:15.42konfuzedjust because that's what was with the sip context I used as a base reference
19:16.02astoriakonfuzed: is there something going on with NAT?
19:16.07DarthClueyeah, then set debug 99, and try it, see if the dtmf comes thru and then pastebin the output for me to look at.
19:16.14astoriakonfuzed: usually you'd use that with a client, such as a phone
19:16.30anthmpbxbart did you see my last msg?
19:16.39pbxbartyes. if added the colum
19:16.52pbxbartthe compile window was in front of me
19:17.04konfuzedi dont think so other than both sides may not be matched correctly, ive tried both nat=yes and nat=no
19:17.24hardwireyou think your confused
19:17.25astoriakonfuzed: try qualify=no
19:17.31hardwireI have a joke
19:17.38lathos42DarthClue:  Are the times listed on the ClueCon website in CST or EST?
19:17.39hardwireanybody for hearing it?
19:17.41astoriakonfuzed: that will probably solve your problems if your saying what I think you're saying
19:17.56DarthCluelathos42: GMT ... er ... CMT
19:18.15DarthCluelathos42: er CDT ... whatever time it is in chicago.
19:18.20lathos42DarthClue: Ok :)
19:18.29konfuzedso just to note. this sip connection is for an incoming 10digit phone number from my service provider.
19:18.38Paul[NOC]Hmm DarthClue, I dont think they are
19:18.40konfuzedwho is running asterisk
19:18.44Paul[NOC]Its kinda impossible to follow that very fast scrolling
19:19.05DarthCluePaul[NOC]: pastebin it and i'll have a look.
19:19.18Paul[NOC]DarthClue, Its just a bunch of lines
19:19.32Paul[NOC]DarthClue, Would you like to login?
19:19.36DarthCluekonfuzed: asterisk doesn't actually run, we just have lots of fantasies that it does.
19:19.53DarthCluePaul[NOC]: i can do that if you want.
19:20.24lathos42DarthClue:  I would suspect that being a bot you synchronize to an ntp server, right? :)
19:21.19*** join/#asterisk pbxbart (
19:21.21Paul[NOC]DarthClue,SEnt you a message
19:21.32pbxbarti'm back
19:21.40hardwireyou rule
19:21.42anthmDarthClue is an example of the innovation of Asterlink he's the first bot that can ssh to your box and fix asterisk for you.
19:21.53DarthCluePaul[NOC]: got it, will be there in a moment.
19:22.01DarthCluelathos42: ntp is so yesterday.
19:22.09hardwirewhat is the preferred drink when trying to come upw ith the company wide dial-plan?
19:22.12*** part/#asterisk lehel (~Lehel@
19:22.21ManxPowerhardwire: Chai
19:22.23pbxbartm windows mashine crasched @anthm did you wrote anything after add that column
19:22.25hardwireso far.. everything that I would want a PBX for.. nobody here wants
19:22.28lathos42DarthClue: I apologize if I've insulted you, please dont dismember me like a person who hasnt read the wiki
19:22.29hardwirethey want it to ring
19:22.30hardwiresay hi
19:22.34DarthCluehardwire: something strong, very, very strong, like battery acid.
19:22.38hardwirethen say if you know an extension.. dial it now
19:22.46hardwireotherwise.. this linda person gets the phone
19:22.50hardwireor.. it goes to voicemail
19:22.59hardwirethat doesn't solve the 1 problem we are trying to avoid..
19:23.04hardwirelack of a response.. and being out of touch
19:23.13hardwiremy boss is so limited
19:23.20hardwirecan I tell him that
19:23.28hardwireYou.. you are the most limited person I know
19:23.32konfuzedok well I did not receive the previous message but I am back to this message chan_sip.c:694 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 50a501a0010dd8bd341060d51f455aa7@ for seqno 102 (Critical Response)
19:23.35hardwireI wish you would think more.
19:23.54ManxPowerkonfuzed: sounds like the SIP client is behind NAT
19:24.09mutwho are you talking to hardwire?
19:24.16hardwireso I am going to apply for a NOC job soon
19:24.22hardwireand then take mut with me
19:24.29hardwiremut: I am talking to jesus
19:24.38mutyes my son, i am listening
19:24.40anthmfdisk /dev/hda would be less time consuming
19:24.54ManxPoweror cfdisk -z /dev/hda 8-)
19:25.04hardwiredd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=1024 count=10
19:25.05hardwirethat should do it
19:25.20hardwire1024k :)
19:25.23konfuzedwhat's this maximum retires execeed from sip
19:25.31ManxPowerkonfuzed: sounds like the SIP client is behind NAT
19:25.32konfuzedso turn nat to nat=yes
19:25.40hardwireI think dmesg should spit out the entire partition map on bootup
19:25.47hardwireso that when something like that happens.. you can restore it
19:25.52hardwiremeeting is back on
19:25.56ManxPowerkonfuzed: add qualify-yes
19:26.00astoriakonfuzed: you can turn qualify back on too.
19:26.12Paul[NOC]Everyone is rock
19:26.12astoriakonfuzed: i didn't think you were behind aNAT
19:26.15Paul[NOC]Everyone is wrong
19:26.19muti am paper!
19:26.24Paul[NOC]Drive is on /dev/sda ;)
19:26.28muti beat rock
19:26.42konfuzedok when I use nat=yes I get WARNING[24051]: chan_sip.c:694 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 6e17f25d392ce32f0b6a99964f28988b@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
19:26.58mutkonfuzed: deal with it
19:27.17*** join/#asterisk xxi (
19:27.30*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
19:27.31konfuzedive set host=externalIP
19:27.39DarthCluefdisk /dev/sda
19:27.44mutit's going to happen, deal with it
19:27.44DarthClueoops ... wrong window.
19:27.54Derkommissarafther 260 calls sip stops reciving calls..... and i get this error when i turn the logger on
19:27.55pbxbart@ anthm. something seams to be strang with todays head
19:27.56Derkommissarsipsock_read: Failed to grab lock, trying again...
19:28.03Derkommissarwat is this suposed to mean?
19:28.07pbxbart'll try the 25.
19:28.08Derkommissaris the nic phreaking out ?
19:28.12konfuzedbut I get this message on the 136
19:28.21anthmwe should make a that asks you all the questions and generates the shit
19:28.46mutprobly wouldn't solve much
19:28.54konfuzedI'm trying to figure out how to deal with and so far im a  little Konfuzed as to what the problem is
19:28.58astoriapeople would still come an dask.
19:29.04astoriaand ask.
19:29.11mutdeal with it = ignore it
19:29.15astoriakonfuzed: are your calls going through?
19:29.18Paul[NOC]Hey I'm a newbie and I got 15 phones behind one nat and 5 behind other
19:29.22Paul[NOC]and that works great
19:29.32Paul[NOC]I cheated thou
19:29.48konfuzedback in ten
19:30.33anthmDarth you should make a web-based nat-sip configuator complements of evlicon
19:30.44pbxbartit there a way to finded all fixes appley to the Head via mantis?
19:31.21anthmI will update mine and tell you if sip works or not
19:31.44pbxbart@antm that would be nice
19:33.01hardwireexplaining how a pbx works to this guy is like
19:33.03hardwireI don't know really
19:33.11hardwireyou guys can probably fill it in yourself
19:33.26hardwirelike trying to put a square peg in a round hole
19:33.36*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (~dasenjo@
19:33.38hardwirelike trying to convince a monkey to jump off a cliff
19:33.44hardwirelike trying to talk to a boss
19:34.05*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
19:34.10hardwirelike trying to convince your mind not to look down womens shirts.
19:34.22pbxbart@hardwire Be sure that i know how a pbx is working.
19:34.40BlackthornI started asterisk with -rvvvv which said it was in level 4 logging/debug mode i guess. I'm finished looking at all the console invo. how do i get it back to the normal?
19:34.51Paul[NOC]set debug
19:34.54hardwireset verbose 0
19:34.57Paul[NOC]set verbose 0
19:34.59Paul[NOC]set debug 0
19:35.14hardwireset boss -10
19:35.14Paul[NOC]hardwire, man I was happy I knew the answer t oone
19:35.33Blackthornthat was too easy :P
19:35.46*** join/#asterisk Tili (
19:37.19Nugget  <-- kickass
19:39.30anthmI'm on the phone on sip with the patch and up to the minute cvs head
19:40.00harryvvanyone care to test my sip connection?
19:40.39DarthCluePaul[NOC]: it's not your system, but it may be dtmf from voicepulse.  what's your extension and i'll call ya and tell what i did.
19:40.46harryvvjust see now if sip can pass though the firewall
19:40.54Paul[NOC]210 is my extension
19:41.07pbxbarthm.. strange.
19:41.14pbxbarti'll reboot the mashine
19:42.06anthmreboot the phone too for good measure
19:42.32mistralsomebody be able to help me with a problem ?
19:43.06mistralin sip.cponf i have a softphone as [1001] it registers etc...
19:43.53mistralbut if i us it from entensions.confg like exten => 2000,1,Dial(SIP/1001),20,tr)
19:44.00mistrali get  WARNING[12560]: chan_sip.c:1401 create_addr: No such host: 1001)
19:44.10harryvvtesting my fw need somone to call my phone and sip takers?
19:44.23DarthClueharryvv: pm me the info, i'll have bashbot call you.
19:44.27Paul[NOC]DarthClue, by all means
19:44.40Paul[NOC]Im on the phone to VoicePulse
19:45.18*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
19:45.32Paul[NOC]They suggest I use sip insteed of iax
19:46.20DarthCluePaul[NOC]: not surprised.  they are probably using a newer iax and it could be causing issues with the dtmf transmit.
19:46.33DarthCluePaul[NOC]: just verify with them how they send dtmf
19:46.45Paul[NOC]Would you recommend sip?
19:47.07DarthCluesince you aren't using the latest HEAD, yes.  you'll probably have better luck.
19:47.24Paul[NOC]Ok let me register it with sip then
19:47.31DarthCluewe've had a few clients that have done better with sip because of iax conflicts.
19:48.15harryvvDarth, info sent your way :)
19:48.32*** join/#asterisk infotek (
19:48.51infotekanyone use Authenticate() sucessfuly?
19:49.26ManxPowerinfotek: every single day
19:49.43Paul[NOC]They admitted it was them
19:49.49Paul[NOC]They changed something with dtmf
19:49.49ManxPowerexten => 11,1,Authenticate(1234)
19:49.50ManxPowerexten => 11,2,DBPut(queue-main/night=yes)
19:49.50Paul[NOC]Thats good
19:50.06Paul[NOC]Now to get this thing to register
19:50.20DarthClueharryvv: k, one sec.
19:50.26*** join/#asterisk dudes (
19:50.30DarthCluePaul[NOC]: figures
19:51.09infotekManxPower: i use "exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,2,Authenticate(666)" but it fails to authenticate
19:51.35Paul[NOC]DarthClue, now getting it to register should be fun
19:51.42ManxPowerinfotek: I don't know what the problem is then
19:52.11*** join/#asterisk ataraxis (
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19:52.32pbxbart@anthm ok, it is working now.. strange
19:52.39infotekhas anyone had a problem with authenticate not correctly authenticating?
19:52.58anthmwell that's good news then
19:53.21ataraxisHi, can i use asterisk to redirect incoming data calls to pppd, the calls come from a device that is directly connected to a hfc card in nt mode
19:53.53pbxbartcan anyone pont me to some info what the difference between addr and Defaddr is?
19:54.16Paul[NOC]Doesnt register at all
19:55.31*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
19:55.43jhivergood evening all
20:00.08pbxbart@anthm: it is not working completely.. calls from client -> asterisk are working fine. But asterisk -> client are not working. i see these xis_xmit warnings again
20:00.27harryvvanyone here care to test my firewall by making a sip call?
20:00.38anthmis it filling in the fromaddr col
20:00.42anthmin the db
20:00.49anthmyou said it's realtime right?
20:00.53pbxbartit is filled
20:01.01anthmthat is all my patch does
20:01.07anthmmakes it use the db
20:01.10mistralWARNING[12813]: chan_sip.c:1401 create_addr: No such host: 1002)
20:01.21mistralwhy do i get that ?
20:01.29pbxbartyes, it does
20:01.46bkw_the peer/user name is 1002 right?
20:04.05DarthClueharryvv: what auth method you using?
20:04.40mistralbkw_: still not sure why i am getting it
20:04.41dudesmistral - have you reloaded sip ?  set the username=1002 ?
20:05.00harryvvdarth, bjohnson just said i should add externip and localnet ip under [general] which I did
20:05.09*** join/#asterisk trimi` (Pharrel@
20:05.16mistraldudes: in sip.conf i have a [1002] with a username=1002 in it
20:05.28harryvvauthenicace method as md5 in the extentions?
20:05.40hardwireplayboy sent me an email
20:05.50hardwireI should turn off auto-read while I have a laptop in a meeting
20:06.00Hmmhesaysmkay as far as I can tell the small business poweredge 2800 and the medium business poweredge are set up identical in the base configuration, but one is 2K more
20:06.06trimi`Hello, i need some help cuz im a begginer. Can i make an outgoing call if i connect my phone to a FXO port directly (x100p card ) or FXO its only for ansering incoming calls
20:06.07*** join/#asterisk jackfiber (~jack@
20:06.21hardwirePaul[NOC]: ok
20:06.27jackfiberhiall, is down anyone knows where can I get spandsp 2
20:06.32hardwirethat was quite a shock to have happen while in a meeting
20:06.47Hmmhesaysfxo ports are for phone lines buddy
20:07.04trimi`ok how can i call with a headset
20:07.05Hmmhesaysyou plug phones into fxs ports
20:07.07trimi`using a sound card ?
20:07.11Hmmhesayslick it
20:07.17Hmmhesaysfeel the tingle
20:07.23Hmmhesaystrimi`: a softphone
20:09.04jackfiberhey spandsp site is done is there any mirror?
20:09.05trimi`which is the best softphone for linux ?
20:09.06hardwirePaul[NOC]: you get it?
20:09.13hardwireor are you being scolded by the NOC lord?
20:09.38harryvvDarthClue ?
20:10.45DarthClueharryvv: set it up so that your sip guest will let me into the right context.
20:11.19harryvvit has
20:11.51harryvvi see you are atempting to log in
20:12.57*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
20:12.59harryvvyea let me look at something DarthClue
20:13.00Paul[NOC]DarthClue, I got SIP
20:13.07Paul[NOC]But now it doesnt play anything when you call
20:13.17*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
20:13.23trimi`any1 got a list of good iax providers ?
20:15.49DarthCluePaul[NOC]: one sec, i've been called upon by The Empire.
20:16.15xarmiexi use realtime odbc, is there anyway to get a list of who is registered at the time? sip show peers etc doesnt work anymore...
20:16.22mishehuThe Evil Empire or Empire Chicken?
20:17.20hardwirewhat is the "ht" cpu_flag?
20:18.05mishehuhardwire: hyperthreading or hypertransport perhaps?
20:18.19hardwirenot hyperthreading
20:18.26hardwireits a p4.. but the HT isn't on this chip
20:18.33hardwireHT is only on certain p4's AFAIK
20:18.39hardwireits definatly not on the 2.4ghz ones Ihave
20:18.41hardwireor this 1.5ghz
20:18.48hardwirebut it is on this 3.0ghz one
20:19.05hardwireI just wish there were a way to check
20:19.18hardwirevia google :)
20:19.47clive-does anyone know a way to see if iax2 trunking is working?
20:19.54hardwireiax2 trunk debug
20:20.00hardwirewhile making a call over the supposed trunk interface
20:20.02hardwiremake two calls
20:20.13hardwirethen type that in.. it should say 2 active calls.. 2 trunked
20:20.22clive-hardwire I tried that....but no extra output to see....
20:20.22hardwirealso check your bandwidth usage :)
20:20.31hardwireclive-: then its not enabled
20:20.33rvhihi, trying to find a conference solution in *
20:20.49rvhiso many ways, meetme, meetme2, app_conference
20:20.55clive-ok,,,so I type iax2 trunk debug while calls are going...
20:20.55rvhiwhich one is the best?
20:20.56harryvvDarthClue try the other one.
20:21.03rvhii am using stable
20:21.06hardwirervhi: are you just trying to hold a conference ?
20:21.11hardwireuse meetme.
20:21.36rvhihardwire: yes just conference for a handful of people
20:21.53clive-hardwire is just says: IAX2 Trunk Debug Requested
20:22.06hardwiremake sure there are calls
20:22.12hardwireI am in a meeting :)
20:22.20hardwireand not a meetme one
20:22.36hardwireugh.. my boss just went to A.D.D. land
20:22.50DarthClueharryvv: no go.  can you pastebin your sip.conf ... just the general and guest sections.
20:23.12pbxbart@xarmiex: look at rtcachefriends
20:23.40clive-hmm, 3 calls going on,,,all with the exact same jitter stats,,,,something must be happenning in that trunking stuff....
20:24.37Paul[NOC]DarthClue, went to sip. it would just be slient then beeping
20:24.41Paul[NOC]went back to iax
20:25.53*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@
20:25.56DarthCluePaul[NOC]: yeah, i just tried and got nothing on my end as well.  gimme a bit and i'll try to get back in the box and see if i can figure out what is going on.
20:26.50harryvvDarthClue sent it to you
20:27.26*** join/#asterisk Connor_ (
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20:27.54Andrezohi all
20:27.55Paul[NOC]DarthClue, Thanks and I am upgrading the code base too
20:27.59Connor_Hey, anyone know of a online query/database that I can use to put 2 numbers into and it tell me if if they're local call from 1 to the other?
20:28.16Assidi have a * box behind a nat
20:28.20*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:28.34Assidi am trying to connect to it.. and it does..
20:28.39Assidbut when i make /receive a call
20:28.51Assidi can hear the other person.. byt they cant hear me
20:29.02Assidi put myself nat=yes in my sip user account
20:29.06pbxbartbye bye
20:29.08*** part/#asterisk pbxbart (
20:29.11harryvvnat problem assid
20:29.19jbotfxofxs is probably An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
20:29.19harryvvim working on it also.
20:29.23jbotwell, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
20:29.29Andrezoinside a context, asterisk first tries the extens and then tries the include, altough i have the include BEFORE the extens, why it behaves like that?
20:29.40Andrezoi want * to try the first stuff
20:29.46Andrezoto respect the order
20:30.53jackfiberanyone knows any mirror of spandsp?
20:32.55*** join/#asterisk Umaro (
20:33.09*** join/#asterisk Twister (~jason@
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20:36.17Twisterhey all..having a bit of a problem getting calls to route by cid..i have this line in a context called ext-did
20:36.19Twisterexten => 3045905796,1,SetVar(FROM_DID=3045905796)       ;
20:36.19Twisterexten => 3045905796,2,Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201&SIP/202&SIP/203)     ;
20:36.33*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
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20:36.38MikeJul 28 16:27:39 WARNING[4656]: app_db.c:148 put_exec: This application has been deprecated, please use the ${DB(family/key)} function instead.
20:36.43Mikeany idea whats the new command
20:36.48Twisterthen in my start context that answers all calls i have include => ext-did
20:37.20MikeJ[Laptop]hey Mike,
20:37.27MikeJ[Laptop]give my name back ;)
20:37.28Twister2005-07-28 16:29:21  SIP/303557...  3045905796  "Charleston WV" <3045905796>  s  ANSWERED  
20:37.38Twisterthats what i have in my call log
20:37.54Mikeanyone knows what dbput is now in -HEAD?
20:38.26*** join/#asterisk ginvent (
20:38.34ginventanyone use sipphone with asterisk?
20:38.38RaYmAn-BxMike: Haven't read the UPGRADE.txt, eh? :P
20:39.17Andrezoginvent, me
20:39.22twisted[asteria]Hey everyone
20:39.28twisted[asteria]bug 4832 needs testers and input
20:40.32Connor_Hey, anyone know of a online query/database that I can use to put 2 numbers into and it tell me if if they're local call from 1 to the other?
20:42.38*** part/#asterisk harryvv (
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20:43.34ellvishi people
20:43.40*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
20:44.13*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
20:44.34xarmiexgo there
20:45.04xarmiexjust put in the npa and nxx and hit submit
20:45.04harryvvanyone here care to send a test sip to my asterisk, need to test fw
20:45.41ellvisi am having troubles to call to BRI line with DDI numbering while calling from that line using asterisk is working. anyone have experience with DDI lines, please?
20:45.56FarrisGis there anything similar to IPSwitchBoard that runs on linux?
20:46.04xarmiexthen click the NPA-NXX
20:46.22Connor_xarmiex, Yea.. I've used them for sometime.. Just trying to figure out how I can make a script that allows my customers to put in their phone number and it spits out which # is local for them to call into.
20:47.00ginventAnyone use service?
20:47.21ellvisginvent, me
20:47.37xarmiexconner : use his xml interface
20:47.45xarmiexthen you make your own scrip
20:47.45wunderkinwhat file type do you think would have the smallest file size? mp3?
20:48.02xarmiexwe use his xml interface for our customers
20:48.10xarmiexwith a php script
20:48.23Connor_can you shoot me a copy of the php script?
20:48.42wunderkinas far as audio goes of course
20:48.52wunderkinstored in raw format now
20:49.35wunderkinthink ill just mix them and put it into mp3
20:50.21AhewesAnyone know if the latest zaptel stuff require gcc 3.4?
20:50.25*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (~david@
20:51.40ginventAnyone use service with incoming calls working?
20:54.41Andrezoginvent, just paste your extensions.conf file on
20:54.50Andrezoi'll already told you what you have to do
20:55.07Andrezoyou have to explain more
20:55.13Andrezoor show more
20:55.31Darwin35this is a hold up give me all your voip phones and the rights to asterisk and no one gets hurt
20:56.09*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
20:56.36Andrezoi think he knows how to hide the passwords :)
20:59.31Corydon-wAhewes: nah, it requires gcc 4.2
21:01.23Andrezowith alan cox patches made with diff version 1.2,3.6 pre-release
21:01.25harryvvanyone here care to send a test sip to my asterisk, need to test fw
21:02.10*** part/#asterisk lathos42 (
21:04.32AhewesO.K. My problem was with this new ubuntu install.  Why do distros install multiple versions of gcc? Anyway, zaptel builds fine with either gcc.
21:04.34*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
21:07.42NuggetBecause Linux is a corpulent, poorly-managed pile of poo.
21:07.57*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
21:08.53*** join/#asterisk nextime (
21:09.56harryvvanyone here care to send a test sip to my asterisk, need to test fw
21:10.06harryvvtest my firewall that is
21:11.57*** join/#asterisk raptorrat (
21:15.10*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
21:16.38*** join/#asterisk sd-tux (sd@2001:4ca0:0:fe00:0:0:a96:3f18)
21:16.54harryvvtired of this second hand pot wafting in from the outside.
21:21.46*** join/#asterisk pdracevich (~bob@
21:21.55pdracevichHello, all.
21:22.05doughecka_can I tell a T1 to not pickup a particular line?
21:22.14doughecka_its a fax line, but I still want to be able to dial out it
21:22.21pdracevichI need some help seetinh up the confieration files for a TE110P card for New Zealand
21:22.38*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
21:25.53*** join/#asterisk Katty (~angela@
21:27.50Bile_OneAnyone able to help me understand why I can send a fax but not recieve one?
21:29.59Bile_OneI can see that when the fax detect is good it sends the fax call to the correct extension, and I have the extension on a Leadtek bva 8055, it answers the call, and says it is connecting, but from CLI I see that the hang-up is occuring?
21:30.03Nuggetbecause faxing over voip is unreliable.
21:31.04Bile_Oneyes but I can send, why not recieve? I would think if I could not do either?
21:31.27*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
21:33.00*** part/#asterisk raptorrat (
21:33.05harryvvDarthClue whats next to get this going?
21:37.51*** join/#asterisk hermie (
21:38.00DarthClueharryvv: i need to see your configs so i can try and determine what is happening.  can you give me access to the box?  if so, msg me and i'll get in and take a look.
21:42.43*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
21:45.59*** join/#asterisk emrah (
21:46.01implicithows it going
21:47.27*** join/#asterisk shadeboboo (~shadebob@
21:47.41emrahI'm having a strange problem with chan_local. Anyone can help me with this message?
21:47.44emrahJul 28 23:43:37 NOTICE[12202]: chan_local.c:455 local_alloc: No such extension/context callingcardlocal@default creating local channel
21:48.18emrahI want to dial LOCAL/local/${EXTEN}
21:48.34shadebobooHi, I have a te110p and I have to connect to a rs232 connection (E1). Is someone have a wiring scheme?
21:49.18doughecka_whats it pluggin into?
21:50.10shadebobooScheme is  :   sagem dcn pri <rs232>-------------<rj45> te110p
21:50.30shadebobooi don't known how i can made this cable :(
21:53.32jake1932shadeboboo: do you have the manual to the sagem dcn pri?
21:54.34shadeboboono it's the problem :s
21:55.39jake1932shadeboboo: your best bet might be to contact sagem tech support and get a wiring diagram
21:55.58jake1932shadeboboo: the te110p is pretty standard
21:57.47*** join/#asterisk th (
21:58.26fmanguys, I had a problem when I compile asterisk it dosn't build chan_zap
21:58.43Qwellfman: Did you build zaptel?
21:58.45fmanI've got zaptel installed in the kernel and running
21:58.51fmanit registers the cards
21:59.02fmanI'm going to build asterisk again to confirm
22:00.19*** part/#asterisk mkrufky (~mk@
22:00.51shadeboboojake19232 : yes i known te110p wiring is : 1.2. rx  4.5. tx but i don't known how I can known sagem wiring scheme. It's 10pm here ;)
22:01.22*** part/#asterisk FarrisG (
22:02.50ellvisi am having troubles to call to BRI line with DDI numbering while calling from that line using asterisk is working. anyone have experience with DDI lines, please?
22:07.14*** join/#asterisk moy (~kvirc@
22:08.36*** join/#asterisk shadeboboo (~shadebob@
22:10.02*** join/#asterisk Veto (
22:10.05*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
22:10.45VetoThe 7960 doesn't support g.726?
22:10.52*** part/#asterisk Bile_One (
22:12.18shido6ulaw and g729 i thought
22:12.33emrahNo one  can just help me?
22:12.41shido6emrah, whats wrong?
22:12.43emrahI want to dial LOCAL/local/${EXTEN}
22:12.49emrahand I'm having a strange message
22:12.56shido6local local?
22:13.20VetoI think you are right...was hoping for g.726 for something less than ulaw (bandwidth), but not a very low bandwidth codec.
22:14.03emrahsorry, I want to dial callingcard. local/callingcard, but it tries to dial local/callingcard@default.
22:14.48Twisterwhat do i need to do in order to enable fax detection on sip channels?
22:15.43*** part/#asterisk wrmem (
22:16.30nDuffTwister, there's an application for that -- something like NvFaxDetect
22:16.41nDuffTwister, and a NvBackgroundDetect version
22:16.49Twisteri emailed the creater
22:16.52Twisterjust a few moments
22:17.01nDuffTwister, but that said, I've never had luck with faxing over IP.
22:17.04fmanlooks like it built it that time
22:17.08fmanbut asterisk isn't starting
22:17.23nDuffTwister, actually bought a T1 card and a channel bank for the fax lines.
22:17.42fmanso, definatly tried to load the zap module
22:17.51fmanbut bitching about channel type
22:22.35fmanhmm, so close :)
22:24.43blitzrage~seen junk-y
22:24.46jbotjunk-y is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 14 messages.  Is idling for 18h 16m 2s
22:24.51*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
22:24.54blitzrageJunK-Y: hey!
22:25.03*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
22:25.17blitzragehow goes?
22:26.01ellvisfman, and you run 'ztcfg' before starting asterisk?
22:26.01JunK-Ynothing with my bro
22:26.13JunK-Ymouhahaa a co-worker of him was sleeping at his job
22:26.28blitzrageJunK-Y: that's the second time I've heard of someone doing that today!
22:26.47blitzrageJunK-Y: suppose you didn't get anywhere with 'show dialplan <context> like <regex>' ?
22:26.48JunK-Yits so funny.
22:26.57blitzrageyah, tis funny for sure :)
22:27.11blitzragemy buddy Kev is ALLOWED to do it at his job on night shifts
22:27.22blitzrageas long as he wakes up to answer the phones when they ring
22:27.24*** join/#asterisk dysan (~ack@
22:27.27JunK-Yya, but he works day shifts.
22:27.34blitzrageyah, thats totally funny :)
22:27.54Qwellman...I totally nodded off at work today too
22:27.56dysanim trying to get voicemail sent to my email address, how do i tell asterisk to use a different mailserver on the netwrok?
22:28.09Qwellonly for a few seconds, but damn
22:28.42Qwelltip: don't watch a 4gb `cp -vr`
22:29.12blitzragedysan: look at the voicemail.conf.sample file - it'll show you
22:29.50blitzragedysan: unless Asterisk will only use a local server - honestly not too sure
22:30.09blitzrageanyone? Bueller?
22:30.22Qwellit has a mailcmd in the conf, doesn't it?
22:31.03dysanyeah it has mailcmd commented out
22:31.13dysanpoints at /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
22:34.28Assidhow do disable voicemail from emailing the vm
22:34.32Assidat all
22:34.37Assidi dont want any notification or anything
22:36.11fearnorremove email addy
22:36.14_DAWAssid - read comments in voicemail.conf
22:39.20*** join/#asterisk lters (
22:41.33fmanok, guys where do I get the zaptel tools source from
22:41.45fmanlooks like this debian package isn't installing ztcfg
22:42.16*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
22:42.52Twisterclick downloads
22:43.20jskcrhy all anyone using the odbc extended storage patch?
22:43.28*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (~dasenjo@
22:44.01fmanis that the tools and the kernel module?
22:44.08CoriantumCan I put a || in a gotoif?
22:45.02blitzrageCoriantum: what do you mean?
22:45.05*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
22:45.21blitzrageGotoIf($[ <condition> ]?true:false) <-- the format
22:45.24CoriantumI want to evaluate two expressions inside a GotoIf
22:45.36blitzrageCoriantum: ahhhh, I think you can do that
22:45.57blitzrageCoriantum: check the ./docs dir in your Asterisk source, it'll tell you about condition statements
22:46.08CoriantumGotoIf($[ <condition1> ] || $[ <condition2> ]?true:false) ?
22:46.38Coriantumgreat idea ;)
22:48.36*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
22:51.22blitzrageCoriantum: I think that'd be the format, but double check witht he README.variables document (I believe)
22:52.42fmanok buiulding the zaptel stuff
22:52.53fmanbut it complains that I don't have the kernel sources for the currnt kernel installed
22:52.58Ariel_hello very one
22:53.20fman/usr/src/linux is pointing towards /use/src/kernel-source-2.6.11/
22:53.21blitzrageCoriantum: I think it all needs to go inside a single $[ ] (which means condition)
22:53.25fmanthis is anoying
22:53.39blitzragefman: is 2.6.11 your current kernel? (uname -a)
22:54.20hardwirethis dialplan is incredibly complicated so far ;)
22:54.27hardwire26 people.. 200 extensions
22:54.31fmanI have a link pointing 2.6.11-powerpc towards kernel-source-2.6.11
22:54.56fman2.6.11-powerpc -> kernel-source-2.6.11/
22:57.42fmanrenamed kernel-source-2.6.11
22:57.47fmanto 2.6.11-powerpc
22:57.50fmanstill no luck
22:58.34*** join/#asterisk laserfox (
22:59.12Twisterwtf have you got 200 extensions for 26 peeps?
22:59.50*** join/#asterisk marv (
23:01.28hardwireman the new grandstreams are pretty
23:01.38hardwiredid they make a sidecar for it?
23:02.31hardwirethinking about getting some budgettones for a hotel
23:02.35hardwireanybody want to advise against it?
23:02.38hardwireneed 25
23:03.13jontowanyone built cvs HEAD on NetBSD 2.0.2 recently?
23:03.37doughecka_hardwire: get the sipura phones
23:03.40doughecka_alot nicer
23:03.43hardwireoh yeah
23:03.49DarthCluehardwire: get polycom ip301s or ip501s. you'll be happier and so will they.
23:03.55hardwire$85 as a reseller
23:04.16doughecka_sipura's are just about as cheap
23:04.21doughecka_i'd buy one  just to see if it will work
23:04.43hardwirehardwire: thats what the sipuras cost
23:04.50hardwireI like the budgettone
23:04.51hardwireits simple
23:04.54hardwirebig MWI
23:04.56hardwireno lines
23:05.03hardwireno stupid people pushing buttons
23:05.18harryvvbugetone for small simple offices
23:05.23hardwireno reason to give people a reason to think "these cheap bastards didn't even use all these extra lines"
23:05.24jontowi think the budgetones definitely have the market of "unable to play with shit."
23:05.29hardwireharryvv: or a hotel room :)
23:05.41harryvvgood idea
23:05.46*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (~colol@VDSL-130-13-9-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
23:05.47jontowthe BT10x's i have would work well in a hotel room.. i think so, anyway :)
23:06.11doughecka_and if someone gets bored in a hotel room....
23:06.18DarthCluehardwire: ip301s will make you happier.  the budgetones are a pain.
23:06.30hardwirelink me yo
23:06.51hardwirenm voip-supply had a link
23:06.57hardwiresee - 115ish
23:07.01hardwirethose look less sturdy
23:07.34hardwirethe zultys zip2
23:07.38hardwirenow thats in the price range
23:08.23*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (~Miranda@doughecka.user)
23:08.32DarthCluethe 301 looks cheap?  i think you may need to get a better look.
23:08.37colinm_imo, the polys look way better in person than in the photos
23:09.08hardwirewe have 50 rooms to install into
23:09.13hardwireI migh tjust daisy chain it :)
23:10.09DarthCluethey don't have a picture there, but it's the same phone from voipsupply.  the 301 will make the hotel think they are getting very nice phones.
23:10.15Darwin35it dials 1 exten that dials all the phones
23:10.29Darwin35and I just used the base pc board
23:10.30hardwireDarwin35: hey.. I need to make an auto answer intercom phone as well
23:10.58*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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23:11.00DarthCluehardwire: and for 50 phones, you won't pay shipping if they still offer that, and you can probably get them down a couple bucks per phone.
23:11.33hardwireI usually go through abp
23:11.43hardwiretrying to maintain that so I can become a better reseller through them
23:11.54hardwirealso trying to get these dingotel adapters as their own channel
23:11.58hardwireor as a hacked alsa channel
23:12.16hardwireI need to incorporate the USB HID for issuing a PTT trigger
23:12.32hardwireI might just use dtmf detection to turn it on and off
23:12.41hardwireesp if its all out of band
23:14.06yaaarcatch you guys tomorrow...
23:21.43*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
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23:22.44hardwiresomebody pop my back
23:24.33harryvvhardwire, thats 30 dollars a pop
23:24.52harryvvThats what my chiropractor charges me :)
23:26.07DarthClue$30 per pop, average pop is 5 minutes, i'm in the wrong business.
23:29.35hardwireharryvv: yeh.. weird huh
23:31.31*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
23:31.37fugitivooops, hello
23:32.43hardwirethose are my new favorite PS
23:33.28*** join/#asterisk cgcorea (~cgcorea@
23:34.32hardwireDarthClue: they are techdata distributers
23:34.39hardwirewe are techdata distributers as well
23:35.11sylehow are the 301;s
23:35.15sylethink i;ll get one
23:35.33hardwirethe antec phantom 500
23:35.33DarthCluethey are better then anything from grandstream.  and i have 2 grandstreams.
23:35.35hardwirejust plain amazing
23:35.51hardwiretechdata pricing for polycom 301 110
23:35.53hardwire43 available
23:36.19sylegood price
23:36.41sylethink that 20 bucks cheaper that voipsupply
23:36.56jontowyep.. don't understand, heheh
23:38.08sylePlease Note: Polycom phones are not supported under Asterisk Open Source PBX.
23:38.17sylegot to be kidding me
23:39.01sylethey probably mean not a supported partner
23:39.25colinm_right. polycom won't help you.
23:40.13*** join/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@MasterYoda.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
23:40.38MasterYodait seems that asterisk is not sending SIGHUP to my AGI scripts on hangup
23:41.05Delta34anybody here has any iax2 shared dial plan knowledge?
23:41.18Delta34need a little help setting this up
23:41.27MasterYodaanyone have any experience with this?
23:41.40MasterYodaDelta34: what do you mean by IAX2 shared dialplan?
23:42.04syledelta34 :
23:42.09syleeverything you need is there
23:42.33jontowwoohoo.. got chan_zap.c to build on NetBSD 2.0.2
23:42.42jontowsuppose i oughtta submit a patch for that one.. real simple fix
23:42.52jontowsys/signal.h is included where pthread.h and signal.h oughtta be instead
23:43.07jbotrumour has it, asstricks is #asstricks, the underground gay Asterisk channel. Be afraid, very afraid
23:43.24sylewhy don;t you throw away netbsd and go with a real OS like freebsd
23:43.35jontowwhat've you got against netbsd?
23:43.42syleports collection
23:43.51jontowso pkgsrc is bad?
23:44.01sylewell count how many ports it has
23:44.47Delta34syle, so which example do u recommend? the switch object approach looks cool
23:45.16jontowso.. its real difficult to get thousands of applications to build on 20+ archs simultaneously
23:45.19jontowand they STILL do a good job
23:45.28syledelta34: i went with example 2 personally
23:45.43sylei think user should actually be username though
23:45.44jontowim running it on an embedded box, one meant to run linux.. but it runs netbsd quite well
23:46.19Delta34syle, so all your 7xxx extensions are on server A and all 8xxx extensions are on server B
23:46.39sylemy setup was ADSL nat at home to public static ip address
23:46.41jontowits my NAT router and firewall as well.. i like ipfilter/ipnat a hell of a lot
23:46.49syleso that example was perfect
23:47.06syleipfilter is on fbsd to
23:47.38syleyes i agree i hate linux iptables, ipfilter so much more clean
23:47.49jontowthat im well aware of.. i've been using BSD for 7 years
23:47.57Delta34so only one iax server has a register statement, or those both need to register with one another?
23:48.02jontowi use them both.. but netbsd for a lot of reasons is quite well suited to the box im running it on
23:49.24opus_anyone have polycom dtmf problems?
23:49.28sylei just find more people work on fbsd, so if something comes out it will get in the ports collection alot sooner
23:49.37opus_in CVS head?
23:50.13MasterYodaopus_: what kind of problems are you having?
23:50.15jontowyeah, ports still has a lot of issues, too; pkgsrc is designed clean enough to also work on freebsd, irix, solaris, macos X, etc; i've got no problems with uniformity when it makes things easier
23:50.24syleto you i guess that don;t really matter since you seem to be compiling shit from .tar.gz balls anyway
23:50.50jontowand ports doesn't do that?
23:51.24syleyou didn;t seriously ask me that
23:51.27jontowcan i remind you that my desktop is freebsd, 80% of the servers i maintain are freebsd, yet my laptop, router, DNS servers all run netbsd
23:51.28sylei;ll ignore that
23:51.32SwK_ph33r th3 b33r
23:52.03jontowdo what ya gotta, but i've got no problems with freebsd.. im just saying that discounting netbsd as worthless is just.. stupid :)
23:52.25syleok i didn;t realize you were running fbsd servers
23:52.34sylewell then, good job on the port
23:52.35jontowwell over 30 of them
23:52.53jontowby trade i'm a freebsd admin
23:52.58sylelarge website ==vlanned?
23:53.12jontowblind prejudice bothers me, though
23:53.15opus_master : DTMF tones are not being sent out to my provider correctly. everything is dtmf=rfc
23:53.18jontowand i'll go to great extent to laugh at it :)
23:53.48opus_master - There is a bug reported on but its been sidetrack and is very old, like 1.0.7
23:54.36sylejontow: what is running 30 servers?
23:54.39sylelarge website?
23:54.43hardwireI am so opposed to 3 digit extensions
23:54.53jontowit isn't a single application
23:55.06jontowor service.. its all services for a mid-sized ISP
23:55.09sylei;m opposed to 3 digit account codes
23:55.12syle4 is good
23:55.14opus_how can I download CVS stable?
23:56.04sylecvs checkout -r v1-0 zaptel libpri asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds
23:56.05hardwiresyle: well
23:56.11hardwireI ran out
23:56.14hardwireI need 4 digit
23:56.17hardwire1 for location
23:56.20hardwire2 for function
23:56.28hardwire3-4 for person
23:56.31hardwireit just makes sense
23:56.41laserfoxhi all, :)
23:56.44hardwirebecause we have 5 functions all of which are in different locations
23:56.51hardwireI think I just need 4 digit extensions..
23:57.06hardwirethe problem is.. we can't then afford to get mmatching DID's
23:59.20opus_bugs bugs bugs
23:59.30opus_is cvs stable pretty good?
23:59.58sylewell maybe a separate field in database might help with that

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.