irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050727

00:00.16JerJerlike it has become with the Linux kernel and all of the various distros out there
00:00.30ctooleyJerJer having 4 kids I can tell you that while I make decisions about some things that effect how my babies grow up, everyone else involved in their rearing (teachers, friends, etc) make decisions to.  If I can't trust the people that are involved, I should have made better decisions about the people I associate with.
00:00.35derek_1234Fragmentation is part of the course.
00:00.37mstoccocode forking is something supported by Linus
00:00.40JerJeranthm:  he deserves more than a heads up
00:00.41ctooleyThe same can be said about an open source project
00:00.50derek_1234look at kde, simplekde, gnome etc
00:00.57derek_1234all freagments of different X code
00:01.03derek_1234eventually, one will "win"
00:01.10JerJermstocco:  notice I am not saying I am against it
00:01.11derek_1234ideas will flow betweeen all X systems.
00:01.12ctooleywhining, bitching, and telling people off serves no purpose and it certainly isn't being productive in here
00:01.52JerJerctooley:  we haven't gotten to telling people off yet
00:01.58derek_1234So JerJer, when will your h323 system for * be really stable ?
00:02.01anthmI call him, I say I am going to make X and do you have any preferences in the implmentation.
00:02.07derek_1234I mean really stable.
00:02.12JerJerderek_1234: fuck you
00:02.12anthmthat is what i mean by head's up
00:02.22derek_1234you cannnot.
00:02.27ctooleysee, now that was productive, wasn't it.
00:02.30JerJeruse chan_woomera
00:02.35*** join/#asterisk abatista (
00:02.40JerJeri wrote one months ago and was asked by mark to not release it
00:02.41*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
00:02.44derek_1234apparently, chan_woomera is stable.
00:02.46JerJerso i did what i was asked todo
00:03.13*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
00:03.26derek_1234So, jerjer, when will your h.323 channel be stable ????
00:03.37JerJernever just because you brought it up
00:03.51derek_1234never ?
00:03.53derek_1234never ?
00:04.02derek_1234what is up with your programming skills ?
00:04.08JerJerthey fucking suck
00:04.09derek_1234Why can you not ask for help ?
00:04.27JerJeri wrote chan_h323 because manousus told me i coudln't write a better H.323 driver
00:04.42JerJeri called mark and 48 hours later i released chan_h323
00:04.49JerJeri dropped out of college
00:04.56JerJerand i failed CPS210
00:04.59jsaundersDoes anyone have h323 directly to Southwestern Bell in the Texas area, with commercial space available?
00:05.12JerJeri have never once stated i was a C or C++ programmer
00:05.29Umarook guys, i'm trying to configure a DID on my asterisk box to be busy
00:05.37Umarodon't I just do exten => did,1,Busy ?
00:05.42JerJerUmaro:  yes
00:06.00Umarowhen the remote side calls, they get a AST_CAUSE_NO_USER_RESPONSE (pri)
00:06.11JerJerderek_1234:  then unlike manousus i disclaimed my code and Mark gladly accepted it
00:06.26JerJerthen PCadach and snewpy came along and made it suck less
00:06.45JerJerhence why I have never asked that I be credited for H.323 shit
00:07.00derek_1234I appreciate the update.
00:07.06derek_1234That does clarify things for me.
00:07.09JerJerthen jsharp paid us to fix a few more things
00:07.09derek_1234have a nice day.
00:07.26JerJerthen learth (sp?) sent me a 7910 and chan_skinny was born
00:07.50bkw_Why  would Digium asked you not to release chan_woomera?
00:08.12JerJerMark asked me as a friend not to release it
00:08.19bkw_but why?
00:08.29bkw_their has to be a reason behind that
00:08.31jsaundersAnyone have any commercial h323 voip routes available?  Any country, I'm looking for them all.  Lemme know please.
00:08.36JerJerit shows people how they can sidestep the GPL
00:08.43JerJerby putting things at arm length
00:09.07anthmdoesnt agi do that too?
00:09.20anthmand manager ?
00:09.26bkw_but you can also sidestep the GPL other ways with asterisk
00:09.30JerJerthat is specifically why agi and manager was created
00:09.30bkw_its quite easy
00:09.40JerJerso people wouldn't have to sidestep
00:09.46twistedare you guys still arguing?
00:09.53bkw_not really.. i'm just asking questions
00:10.02*** part/#asterisk Craziman2 (
00:10.18MikeJ[Laptop]where have all the flowers gone?
00:10.37JerJeri killed them
00:10.43twistedMikeJ[Laptop], i ate them
00:11.20hardwirehows life everybody?
00:11.31hardwiremine is too
00:11.36jsaundersThere's gotta be atleast one h323 provider in here with some room open.
00:11.37MikeJ[Laptop]it's happy day in #asterisk...
00:11.42twistedlife == dealing with HEAT == shitty
00:11.49hardwiretwisted: where are you?
00:11.54*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
00:12.01MikeJ[Laptop]hardwire, at his computer.
00:12.01jsaundersNobody wants my money?  Heh.
00:12.07MikeJ[Laptop]I want your money
00:12.13MikeJ[Laptop]what for
00:12.13jsaundersWell, of course you do.  Who doesn't.
00:12.15bkw_jsaunders, well my paypal is
00:12.17bkw_sure send me son
00:12.18shmaltzI want your money as well
00:12.22twistedhardwire, huntsville
00:12.38jsaundersLooking for h323 routes to the world, any country.
00:12.42mstoccoharewire: he is like all of us, basking in the heat of this channel
00:12.46hardwiretwisted: oh yeah
00:12.49MikeJ[Laptop]jsaunders, from where?
00:12.54twistedmstocco, no, i mean REAL heat
00:13.00hardwireso... interrupts.. is there a huge issue with eth's sharing an interrupt?
00:13.02hardwirefor the most part
00:13.06jsaundersMikeJ: North America.
00:13.10twistedmy office was 85 degrees INSIDE today
00:13.18hardwirecan you get two full speed 100bt conns on a shared interrupt
00:13.35mstoccotwisted: mine was too, 83F
00:13.38Lathos42twisted: I'll share some of my Air conditioning with you.. my office was 68 degrees
00:13.49hardwireI live in alaska
00:13.54hardwireheat is like.. 74
00:13.58hardwireits really hot then
00:14.02hardwireunbearable even
00:14.03twistedmy airconditioning at home rocks
00:14.08twistedit's a nice cool 66 degress in here
00:14.09hardwire104 in my home in Colorado
00:14.18shmaltz96 here
00:14.21hardwireI moved here to get away from the 80's
00:14.48shmaltzhardwire, 104 in your home or 104 in your hometown?
00:14.52hardwirenot 1980's
00:14.59hardwireshmaltz: outside temp in colorado
00:15.25anthmharryvv needs a good C book anyone know any titles?
00:15.26shmaltzoh, so you have air conditioning like the rest of us in the US
00:15.53*** join/#asterisk QbY (
00:16.20twistedhardwire, we're talking about indoor temps
00:16.30anthmhow many hours ?
00:16.42blitzrageThe C Programming Language, Second Edition, by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, Prentice Hall Software Series.
00:16.43twistedteach yourself c in 24 hours....hahahaha....
00:16.48hardwiretwisted: well .. it gets to 79
00:16.55harryvvfunny twisted
00:17.04QbYwe have phone numbers/termination services with broadvoice.  everything works great, with the exception of the toll free number, callers complain about not being able to hear when they call the 800# although if you call the local it sounds normal.....  is there a way that we can boost the outgoing volume on that particular connection (no one will ever call the local number)
00:17.16Lathos42anthm: Its supposedly an hour a chapter, but i've read it for maybe an hour total so far :)
00:18.00twistedLathos42, does it have a blurb about writing your own "hello world" program at the end of the book?
00:18.45Lathos42twisted: Well, the first chapter consisted of his own version of Hello World
00:19.49UmaroJerJer: so, any idea why it would be giving me a AST_CAUSE_NO_USER_RESPONSE instead of AST_CAUSE_USER_BUSY ?
00:20.01UmaroJerJer: asterisk on both sides, both using PRIs
00:20.43bkw_Umaro, recompile both libpri
00:20.44JerJerduno about that one
00:20.45bkw_and asterisk
00:20.54bkw_sounds like code skew
00:20.59*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
00:21.16Umarohmm.. ok
00:26.00twistedtonight is going to be a fun night
00:27.23sivanabkw_: how long has /L been broke?
00:27.31shmaltztwisted, why?
00:27.57twistedshmaltz, because I'm going to be tunneling myself some IP's, and turning up across-the-board LDAP
00:28.42shmaltztwisted, are these yours or stolen?
00:28.43MikeJ[Laptop]sivana, Corydon posted to the dev list the commit that broke it
00:28.49MikeJ[Laptop]looks like january
00:28.50twistedshmaltz, these what?
00:29.13twistedyeah. I stole them.  I went in and arp spoofed them from somewhere else
00:29.39shmaltzso you using like man-in-the-middle attack to steal them?
00:29.40bkw_sivana, since jan 4th
00:29.53twistedshmaltz, sarcasm. learn it. love it.
00:30.14shmaltzI  know LOL
00:30.30shmaltzI'm just laughing along
00:30.53bkw_Ok guys .. I want you to see the truth here... I don't wanna hide anything so here is the personal talk JerJer and I just had
00:30.53shmaltzbored waiting for that someone that might bring some chalange into the room
00:31.02bkw_he attacked me
00:32.01harryvvbkw, i learn in bussines not to take things personally.
00:32.08bkw_I didn't
00:32.12bkw_I'm so not takign this personal
00:32.16bkw_JerJer is
00:33.14shmaltzbkw_, JerJer, stop this, we will all suffer if this goes anywhere beyond this channel
00:33.27derek_1234jerjer bkw_ that chat was interesting.
00:33.32derek_1234crude, but silly.
00:33.38shmaltzI hope that what JerJer says overthere about Mark/Digium is not true
00:33.44derek_1234a complete waste of time.
00:33.48derek_1234nothing changed.
00:33.56derek_1234and people just get sillier/angrier
00:34.09derek_1234How about you write better /more stable code ?
00:34.12JerJerbkw_:  your such a bitch
00:34.43derek_1234children - be nice - and leave the slanging alonw
00:35.22MikeJ[Laptop]can anyone help with asterisk in here ;)
00:35.49mtghbkw_: I am a UofM Grad student, what can you cut the registration rate to for cluecon
00:36.22mtghbkw_: I can pick up the hotel room
00:36.33*** part/#asterisk harryvv (
00:37.02JerJerit is now personal bkw
00:37.05derek_1234jerjer - I do not understand.  All this silly bitching is advertising the cluecon ?
00:37.06JerJeri told you that in private
00:37.17derek_1234jerjer - do you want to advertise cluecon ?
00:37.18JerJerbecause mark told it to me in private
00:37.27JerJeri want nothing to do with that con
00:37.27derek_1234nothing we do on chat is private.
00:37.35derek_1234nothing - it is all open to interception.
00:37.39derek_1234get real.
00:37.45derek_1234then leave it alone.
00:37.50bkw_i'm being open and honest with everyone
00:37.59bkw_I really don't know why people feel the need to attack ME personally
00:38.00derek_1234if you really really want nothing to do with cluecon, don't mention it.
00:38.01JerJerno if they have the right to push it, i have the right to push against it
00:38.07derek_1234don't even write bout it.
00:38.10derek_1234move on.
00:38.20JerJeri am a little whiny bitch like that
00:40.19JerJeri picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue
00:40.57MikeJ[Laptop]no no... bkw_ is the bitch...
00:41.43bkw_JerJer would do the Honorable thing and tell the channel what you just said to me
00:42.03JerJerbkw better get a personal protection order on me
00:42.11JerJercuz i will fucking kill him if i saw him righ tnow
00:42.13derek_1234ok. ok.
00:42.13JerJerfuck you bkw_
00:42.15bkw_JerJer has threatened my life
00:42.23derek_1234how crude jerjer.
00:42.41JerJerlittle bitch
00:42.44postelcripple fight
00:42.45derek_1234I cannot believe that someone in your leadership posistion would be so crude.
00:42.57derek_1234JerJer, I would be ashamed.
00:42.58blitzragepostel: lol
00:43.13derek_1234what a terrible example you present to the world of the open source community.
00:43.13niZonhe's such a happy person
00:43.18posteland a pepsi
00:43.18JerJeri took my issues private
00:43.23JerJerthen he made them public
00:43.26derek_1234Usage of the word "fuck" is crude. - R16
00:43.41bkw_JerJer you're accusing me of something that is not true...
00:43.51bkw_I would rather you not go around telling people things that are not true
00:43.57twistedokay, bkw_, jerjer, calm down.  I don't want to kick/ban either of you, but I will if this keeps up.  You're both friends of mine, who are having a difference of opinion, please take it elsewhere.
00:43.57derek_1234What was the comment, "open source programmers working together" ?????
00:44.07JerJertwisted i tried to
00:44.11bkw_twisted I didn't start this
00:44.17twistedJerJer, point taken
00:44.18JerJerhe brough it back publlic
00:44.18derek_1234I don't care.
00:44.21twistedbkw_, it doesn't matter
00:44.22derek_1234both be quiet
00:44.35*** part/#asterisk Qwell (
00:44.44MikeJ[Laptop]with sugar on top?
00:44.49twistedthe fact is, it's down right disturbing at this point
00:44.59twistedand slightly scary
00:45.03derek_1234and silly.
00:45.10bkw_it was silly LONG ago
00:45.13bkw_its down right stupid now
00:45.14MikeJ[Laptop]as scary as corydon on a loopy night?
00:45.19twistedMikeJ[Laptop], hah
00:45.38MikeJ[Laptop]so, anybody here use asterisk..
00:45.39twistedso let's all just simmer down a bit, drink a tall glass of 151, and relax
00:45.58AyanoOoooo  151
00:46.16blitzrageMikeJ[Laptop]: never
00:46.33*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
00:46.43twistedthank you, that is all
00:46.47twistedmove along now, nothing to see here
00:47.26niZonI use asterisk... ****** see?
00:47.39postelhey? what happened to the cripple fight?
00:48.06derek_1234it got cripplingly silly.
00:48.17twistedMOVE ALONG people
00:48.27derek_1234I have.
00:48.40derek_1234jUst wondering when we will find a new topic.
00:48.54twistedI have a great new topic
00:48.58twistedeveryone go find a bug
00:49.10Darwin35your coming with us young man
00:49.15derek_1234Question::   If I want to handle 10000 concurrent calls, will * help me ?
00:49.20bkw_Ok everyone.. I apologize about the incident you have seen.  I was just trying to defend my point against something that isn't the truth.  For this i'll shut up knowing that Cluecon is here to truly help people this is why we gave away free passes to 3 area colleges.
00:49.29blitzrageeveryone go write a document and submit it to
00:49.29Darwin35halling BKW off to Happy acres
00:49.37bkw_and in my famous words... NEXT!!!
00:49.54twistedif we want to see 1.2 anytime soon
00:50.12twistedi'd suggest we focus some of the attention on the bugtracker, and knock some stuff out.
00:50.14bkw_but don't bother trying to get anything actually commited you'll be called a whiney bitch...
00:50.17JerJerbkw_:  shall i bring out the logs of my convo with mark just last night?
00:50.29bkw_JerJer why?
00:50.33JerJer"i feel obligated"
00:50.38JerJermark's words
00:50.39bkw_I have one that will trump that one
00:50.45JerJersorry mark
00:50.51Darwin35bkw go to your room
00:51.28twistedtell ya what
00:51.33twistedgo create #asterisk-debate
00:51.44twistedthen anyone who wants to see this can go there
00:51.54JerJeri took it private
00:51.59twistedi know you did
00:52.09niZoni think freenode likes ## for unofficial channels
00:52.11twistedi'm not pointing fingers
00:52.19derek_1234why not have a #asterisk-pick-on-jerjer room ?
00:52.29derek_1234which is not nice.
00:52.52posteltwisted: It seems there's soem kind of disagreement, why do you try so hard to put it under the ground
00:53.00twistedpostel, because this is not the place for it
00:53.15*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
00:53.27blitzrageSarahEmm: evening
00:53.33twistedpostel, and, because bkw_ and JerJer are both good friends, and I _HATE_ to see them fighting
00:53.34SarahEmmsivana: you' round?
00:53.38niZonthis is the place for asterisk talk, yes yes yes
00:53.50niZonhas anyone use use asterisk to interface with real world hardware
00:53.55niZonsuch as X10
00:53.58niZonand whatnot
00:54.04posteltwisted: true, just let both side paste what they got and truth will shine, why you're trying that hard?
00:54.13SarahEmmniZon: no, but what's the question?
00:54.22twistedpostel, no, again, this is NOT the place for it
00:54.34niZonSarahEmm: just wondering what people have done
00:54.38SarahEmmniZon: ahh
00:55.04posteltwisted: bkw_ is also an op and decided to bring it here, what makes tou more authoritative of whats that # for?
00:55.21blitzragepostel: #asterisk <-- topic.
00:55.29*** join/#asterisk shido (
00:55.30twistedpostel, if you don't like it, go away
00:55.34twistedpostel, simple as that
00:55.40blitzragetwisted: I think he does like it :)
00:55.46posteltwisted: oh, so now the problem is me, any more ad hominem attacks?
00:56.58twistedpostel, no, i have not attacked you, and I do not plan to. I'm simply stating that this is not the place for what was going on.  This is a channel craeated to help asterisk, and people using asterisk - not to flame one another.
00:57.15twisted*help asteris users
00:57.36JerJerthen why are there ads for two conf's in the topic?
00:58.03*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
00:58.06postelThey're not ads, they're "information for the community" (tm)
00:58.09twistedJerJer, information resources.  since both cons have to deal with asterisk, it's just an announcement
00:58.52niZonoh, he is here, now there's going to be some ass kicking
00:59.06krami'm staying out of it
00:59.26derek_1234So, can * be made to support 10000 concurrent calls ?
00:59.32derek_1234or even 1000 ?
00:59.41derek_1234or is it just a toy ?
01:00.10MikeJ[Laptop]hmmm... off to work on the bugtracker...
01:00.17SarahEmmhave fun MikeJ[Laptop]!
01:00.18MikeJ[Laptop]it's at
01:00.19niZonif your machine has the horsepower i bet it could do a few calls..
01:00.20derek_1234you mean it will do 10 concurrent calls ?
01:00.41MikeJ[Laptop]for those of you who don't know it.. go and look around...
01:00.45SarahEmmMikeJ[Laptop]: i'll look at the frame allocation bug i have open, when i opened it i said i didn't have enough code experience with * to be able to figure out the issue myself, and could someone else look into it
01:00.49MikeJ[Laptop]find a bug that might affect you.
01:00.53MikeJ[Laptop]test a patch
01:00.54SarahEmmbut nobody else is, and it's been a few months now, so i have the experience :)
01:00.56MikeJ[Laptop]comment on the bug
01:01.15MikeJ[Laptop]SarahEmm, :)
01:01.32SarahEmmM4632, for example. that's a good starting point for people. ;)
01:02.43derek_1234i appreciate.
01:03.27bkw_SarahEmm, yo
01:03.31*** join/#asterisk ctjctj (ctjctj@
01:03.45SarahEmmhihi bkw
01:03.48SarahEmmwhat's up?
01:04.05*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
01:04.19Barmalexten => s,2,NVBackgroundDetect(welcome)
01:04.19jsaundersAny available H323/SIP commercial routes out there?  Anywhere in the world?  Looking for somewhere to put our traffic.
01:04.29Barmalwhat does welcome here mean?
01:05.52hardwireenabled the use of the "record" button on the snoms
01:06.02hardwirenot a lot of good that does me.
01:06.21colinm_Barmal: filename of the file to play to the caller.
01:06.34ctjctjHello again.  I'm having a problem with music on hold.  FreeBSD 5.3-Release, Asterisk 1.0.7.  mpg123 0.59r.  After a day or so I had many mpg123 processes, all running and eating up CPU.  Looking for a way to check MoH to see if it is actually playing anything.
01:07.52bkw_exten => 999,1,MusicOnHold
01:08.01Barmalcilinm_, oh so you can play your greeting message at the same time waiting for fax detection?
01:08.15ctjctjbkw_: thanks, doing now.
01:08.57QwellBarmal: many of the prompts are supposed to be used in conjunction with other ones
01:09.24QwellBarmal: for instance "telemarketers are not" "welcome here"
01:13.08Barmalqwell: can you use nvfaxdetect(my_welcome_message) instead of nvbackgrounddetect(my_welcome_message)?
01:13.33QwellI don't do faxing
01:19.05*** join/#asterisk SwK (
01:19.11*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
01:19.23SwKdamn its HOT outside
01:19.32JerJerjsaunders:  $50,000 a month commit and i might be able to find you something
01:19.39mishehuSwK: how hot is hot?
01:19.46SwKand i'm pissed i forgot t bring my laptop home from work so i'm stuck on the wifes G4
01:20.05BarmalMan I was pulling cables today with no condition in building was close to 100 man...
01:20.07SwKmishehu: well its hard out and still ~90
01:20.35bkw_SwK yo
01:20.38SwKBarmal: try programming in an office w/ the A/C AFU and 85+ sitting still at my desk
01:21.17QwellSwK: afu?
01:21.27SwKAFU == All F'd Up
01:21.41SwKlike SNAFU only with out the SN
01:22.04SwKMikeJ[Laptop] did you get someone to test that audiocodes patch?
01:22.13QwellSwK: Palm Springs, 115F, hotel - ceiling
01:22.46SwKoh and dont forget south east Humidity
01:22.48Qwellits funny...
01:22.58Qwellbecause 90% of you understand what I just said...but not many others would
01:23.13derek_1234Association for Creation Riduculos Odd Names for Your Mystification (acronym)
01:23.16MikeJ[Laptop]SwK, not yet...
01:23.30Barmalyep I used to work in south florida doing cabling sometimes outside building....
01:23.35MikeJ[Laptop]need those tested seperately, and together
01:23.41SwKMikeJ[Laptop]: i gotta run back to the office to grab my PB... I'll grab one of the MP108s while i'm there...
01:23.49Barmalway too hot...
01:23.53MikeJ[Laptop]love ya !!
01:23.59SwKI still gotta figure out how to make that bitch boot normally with DHCP
01:24.19SwKthe closest thing I have gotten so far is BOOTP and that puts the f'er into recovery mode
01:27.08*** join/#asterisk riksta (
01:27.09*** part/#asterisk ctjctj (ctjctj@
01:28.11*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
01:30.33*** join/#asterisk znoG (~gs@
01:33.24*** join/#asterisk lters (
01:36.44*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:37.08*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
01:38.59niZoni just had an urge to write a php interface to the asterisk manager
01:39.04niZonbut it would lack realtimeness
01:39.13ManxPowerniZon: resist
01:39.38QwellI'm gonna write an AGI interface to it
01:39.47Qwelljust because it would be extremely pointless
01:40.50hardwirehow do I change the callback extension for voicemail?
01:40.55hardwireinstead of it just being "asterisk"
01:41.43*** join/#asterisk Alecsandro (~ale@
01:44.27hardwirecallerid=VoiceMail in sip general
01:44.34hardwireI wonder what all that will make weird things happen to
01:48.12mishehuthere is a disturbance in teh force.
01:49.48*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
01:55.35*** join/#asterisk vartanZT (
01:55.39ltersanyone test the te411
01:55.52shmaltzmishehu, mah korah?
01:56.00shmaltzeizah machatz?
01:56.15vartanZTanyone can show me a sample incoming settings please ?
01:56.25shmaltzvartanZT, I'm sure the wiki can
01:56.30vartanZTwiki ?
01:56.35vartanZTurl plz?
01:56.57jbotit has been said that wikis is
01:57.01shmaltztry this
01:57.33mishehushmaltz: shover et harosh...  yesh baAyah Im eyzeh server...   konan iomega rev nafal mibus ha'firewire.
01:59.00shmaltzmishehu, rak tishmor shelo tishbor et hiomega :)
01:59.36mishehushmaltz: al da'agah...  haserver eyno baHader...
02:00.10shmaltzmishehu, eich omrim lol bivrit?
02:00.32mishehushmaltz: mitpotsets mitsHok
02:00.47shmaltzmishehu, MM
02:01.55shmaltzmishehu, ata poh oi bearatz?
02:02.07mishehub'artsot habrit.
02:02.14mishehuhayati b'arets lifnay kaHodesh
02:02.56shmaltzachoti amra li, sh'yesh shama colorwar achshav, katom neged vkachol ba'ad, shmata al zeh?
02:04.37*** join/#asterisk jiro5281 (~anton@
02:04.56mishehushmaltz: ra'iti harbeh katom sham.  lo ra'iti kaHol....  ulay hakaHol yoter Hadash...
02:05.41shmaltznu, nu, ata ba'ad or neged?
02:05.42mishehuAvarti et nitsanim, Adayin bonim sham.   Hashavti shehigdiru et hakarkA kapark le'umi...
02:05.53jiro5281hi guys...a friend of mine refer me to this channel about asterisk....has any one had use vicidial? im having a problem making it work
02:06.07mishehuvicidial?  not heard of it.
02:06.18mishehusounds like dial for vicodin
02:06.29jiro5281its an autodialer
02:06.39SwKvicidial ehhehe
02:06.46jiro5281how bout gnudialer?
02:06.46SwKwho wrote that thing?
02:06.47MikeJ[Laptop]jbot: vicdial
02:06.49*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
02:06.50shmaltzjiro5281, why you using vicidial?
02:07.02mishehushmaltz: neged.  efshar lenatsel et Azah b'tahalich hahitmakHut...  (zeh lo memash tahalich hashalom)
02:07.15jiro5281to autmate dialing in our office
02:07.50shmaltzjiro5281, why don't you hire someone that knows how to set this up?
02:07.54shmaltzif thats your business
02:08.17jiro5281coz my boss wants to check on first...
02:08.24jiro5281if its worth
02:09.00jiro5281 heres the link if anyone is interested also
02:12.31shmaltzmishehu, tagid li, ata dati? mesorati?
02:12.42harryvvcheck on first what?
02:13.21harryvvjiro, do you have a pbx?
02:14.03CoriantumHow can I exit a macro in a dialplan?
02:14.27JerJerCoriantum:  don't have any more priorites  ?
02:14.56CoriantumTrying to *cough* get around a bug in AEL
02:15.16Coriantumand I know you're not a fan of AEL
02:17.00shmaltzv'ata nege, tov me'od, ani dati (shchor kacha.. :))
02:17.17opus_how can i switch context in an extension in realtime
02:17.26*** join/#asterisk mosty (
02:17.32*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
02:17.36opus_Goto doesn't seem to find the right context
02:17.42shmaltzaval b'derech klal ani neged mah sh'hachriedim rotzim b'keneset
02:18.30harryvvwhat language is that?
02:18.50shmaltzharryvv, hebrew
02:19.06JerJerwholy wrong character set
02:19.07harryvvwas salam is the onlything i know of
02:19.11shmaltzhem rotizm rak kesef v'od hapam kesef
02:19.18*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
02:19.22SkramXHello All.
02:19.23shmaltzyep, JerJer
02:19.24mishehuharryvv: salam is the other language.
02:19.57shmaltzharyvv, shalom is how you say it in Hebrew
02:20.22SkramXShalom, Y'all
02:20.27SkramXMah Nishma?
02:20.40Beirdoheya, mishehu, BTW :)
02:20.41jbotsomebody said shalom was how you greet a jew in america, the isrealies don't use it ever
02:20.59Beirdothat's a typo
02:21.02Beirdofix that
02:21.03shmaltzyep it is
02:21.08mishehushmaltz: atah dos?
02:21.18Beirdoand I'm not even Jewish and I know that
02:21.19shmaltzken, ani dati
02:21.31SkramXIts hebrew, many Israeli's dont talk proper Hebrew
02:21.38SkramXSo.. I need help with my 12SP+
02:21.43shmaltzshchor, mah shatah roah b'meah sharim
02:21.58shmaltzshchor = shachor
02:22.14opus_can somebody tell me why my Goto doesn't work in asterisk?
02:22.25SkramXI have it connected to my router (No Firewall)
02:22.30SkramXopus_ il look, one second
02:22.51SkramXI havent played with Realtime yet...
02:22.52shmaltzopus_, it can't find extension 1
02:22.59shmaltzdo you have exten => 1,1 there?
02:23.16SkramXSo.. my 12SP+ I can talk and people can here me, but I cant hear anything but the dialtone...
02:23.26SkramXI have it on DMZ so its not a port problem.. I dont think
02:23.34shmaltzSkramX, where here in IRC? or on the phone?
02:23.59SkramXon the phone.
02:24.38JerJerSkramX: what channel driver?
02:24.49SkramXim just using skinny.conf
02:25.00JerJerdo you have a valid bindaddr in there ?
02:25.15JerJerulaw ?
02:25.21SkramXNot sure
02:25.24SkramXhow do i define
02:25.30SkramXwant me to post my skinny.conf?
02:25.37JerJerto a pastebin yes
02:25.38opus_shamltz, Yes
02:25.40JerJerand the CLI interfece
02:25.45JerJerCLI details
02:25.49SkramXdoes that go in the fone's context or context:defaukt.
02:25.55SkramXJerJer: ^
02:26.02opus_shamltz, but it is in a database table with res_config_mysql/realtime
02:26.44SkramXJerJer: I am going to try to see if allow=ulaw fixes it..
02:26.53SkramXbut which context do i put it in?
02:27.41*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
02:27.52SkramXok? brb
02:29.15SkramXooo general?
02:29.18SkramXlemme do it again
02:29.28*** join/#asterisk HellAgony (~HellAgony@
02:30.32SkramXJerJer: no luck
02:34.51SkramXOk, JerJer, and anyone, PLEASE Help!
02:42.46opus_Goto is broken for realtime in cvs 5 day ago
02:44.53SkramXthats not good
02:44.59SkramXI still need help :(
02:46.42opus_Whats wrong
02:47.08*** join/#asterisk vtsherwood (
02:47.26vtsherwoodBrandon Price, John Reyes, PM me and let's create a private room
02:49.24*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
02:49.59Alecsandrowhat softphone is possible to using in freebsd with asterisk ?
02:50.34harryvvtry xlite
02:50.39*** part/#asterisk vtsherwood (
02:52.14Alecsandroharryvv xten ?
02:55.22*** join/#asterisk vtsherwood (
02:56.02*** join/#asterisk JKR (
02:57.19*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
02:57.35SkramXopus_ i cant hear output from Asterisk on my 12SP+
02:58.12vtsherwoodJKR join vtchat
03:01.38*** part/#asterisk vtsherwood (
03:04.45*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
03:05.50opus_buy one get one free pizza yeah
03:11.15niZonnow if only they had that for IP phones
03:15.27JerJerSkramX: sorry got sucked into a few different private conversations
03:16.01JerJeraparently tonights cage match motivated some people
03:16.15JerJerwhich was my intent
03:16.56*** part/#asterisk bprice20 (
03:17.13*** join/#asterisk Lathos42 (~Lathos42@
03:21.31opus_hmm i need more asterisk sounds
03:21.52shmaltzopus_, then do cvs co asterisk-sounds
03:21.56*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
03:22.21*** part/#asterisk mosty (
03:23.39*** join/#asterisk HellAgony (~HellAgony@
03:27.28bkw_Lathos42, I have some i'll share at cluecon at are great too
03:28.37Darwin35Swk whats up
03:28.52*** join/#asterisk bullweivel (~BullWeive@
03:29.15bullweivelwhat would you guys pay for a used cisco 7960 phone ???  just curious what the going used rate is.
03:29.33blitzrage$250 if it was refurbished
03:29.41JerJerwith or without a cisco license :P
03:29.44Darwin35look on ebay
03:29.47JerJeror power cube
03:29.57MikeJ[Laptop]or a monkey
03:30.03blitzragefuck the power cube, I have a knock off and it works fine
03:30.06MikeJ[Laptop]ohhhh monkey...
03:30.07bullweivelwho cares about the cisco license.... its going on a * box :)
03:30.15JerJercisco  :)
03:30.19fileblitzrage: Leifffffff
03:30.26blitzrageor just get those $80 NetGear 4 port PoE adapaters
03:30.42blitzragewhats a cisco license? :)
03:30.50bullweivelrealy ??  you have to get a license to use sip on the damn phone??  hold... those liceses are for call manager
03:31.02bullweivelit even reads on them for call least the ones we have at work do.
03:31.06JerJersip license
03:31.09Darwin35cool my new x401's will be here tomarrow
03:31.10bkw_fuck cisco and its stupid license
03:31.13bkw_I hate that idea
03:31.30*** join/#asterisk Saaib (
03:31.39bullweivelcisco vs what??   what else has this kick ass lcd on it?  (wish it was color)
03:31.51bkw_the cisco is far from kick ass on the LCD
03:31.57shmaltzbullweivel, the 7970 has color
03:31.58fugitivowhy you need a phone with an lcd like that?
03:32.06blitzrageI just wish it had a backlight
03:32.06Darwin35what do you need the lcd for other then caller id
03:32.07shmaltzpolycom has this lcd as well
03:32.11Darwin35its a waste
03:32.14fugitivojust use a normal pc and a normal telephone
03:32.15bullweivel7970 dont do sip (or so i was told)
03:32.23blitzrageanyone know how that guy made out with adding a backlight to his 7960?
03:33.14JerJerdidn't hear about that hack
03:33.33Lathos42I wish Cisco supported standard PoE with the 7940 and 7960
03:33.53JerJerguess i need to probe around for a logic point to time out the light on idle
03:34.05bullweivelyeah... the poe crap is kinda screwed up on the damn phones!
03:34.42JerJerwonder if we could use one of those EL panels ?
03:35.31*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
03:35.35blitzrageI'm thinking like the timex watches
03:35.40blitzrageSarahEmm: good eve
03:35.45SarahEmm'tis, mostly.
03:36.31bullweivellathos... you can use it... just have to change the wiring around LOL
03:37.20Lathos42I was under the impression that your PoE switch had to be a dumb injector for the rewire trick to work
03:37.28Lathos42and I dont know if the Dell switch is that way
03:38.01TheEmperorwhat's a good laser printer which works well with redhat 9?
03:38.10SarahEmmTheEmperor: this is SO not the right channel for that.
03:38.17shmaltzTheEmperor, try #printers-rh9
03:38.19SarahEmmTheEmperor: ask in a redhat channel or #linpeople or something
03:38.24TheEmperorok thanks
03:39.29vartanZTcan someone help me please iv tryed everything but when i get incoming calls they get fast busy
03:39.32vartanZTplease someone ?
03:39.39blitzragelol... laser printers in #asterisk? thats funny
03:39.45JerJervartanZT: with what channel type?
03:39.53shmaltzvartanZT, how do they come in? what context
03:40.09brookshireTheEmperor: any network printer :)
03:40.21brookshirethat supports ps
03:40.35vartanZTcontext should be context=from-pstn right ?
03:40.41JerJerSkramX:  allow=ulaw,gsm  is bad
03:40.50JerJerchan_skinny only supports ulaw
03:41.01fugitivoTheEmperor: any printer with postcript chip
03:41.03JerJerand those phones only support ulaw and possibly g.729, depending on what version
03:41.23vartanZTshmaltz context=from-pstn is what i set it to, is that incorrect ?
03:41.23JerJerinclude => skinny  ?!?!?!
03:41.29JerJerwhat kind of crack is that ?
03:41.41shmaltzvartanZT, it realy depens on you
03:41.54vartanZTwhat do you mean please explain ?
03:42.26*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
03:42.38JerJervartanZT: type sip debug into the asterisk cli
03:42.45brettnemgood evening all
03:43.25vartanZTso you want to see the logs ?
03:43.46brettnemcan anyone point me to a good place to buy some cisco phones in bulk??
03:44.44bullweivelso $200 and $15 in shipping isnt a bad price for a 7960 ???
03:44.48shmaltzbrethtnem, there was a post today or yesterday from cory on asterisk-biz about this
03:44.52brettnemI'm looking  for a reliable source of phone that'll come usable..
03:45.03brettnembullweivel:  where'd you see that deal?
03:45.04blitzragenot bad - great price if it comes iwth a power block (of any type)
03:45.21brettnemshmaltz: oh yeah?? I'll have to dig that up..
03:45.23*** join/#asterisk Innismir (
03:45.34Strom_Chello ratchet :)
03:45.38bullweiveldamn it
03:45.42bullweiveli hate ebay some time.
03:45.45bullweivelwent for 187.50
03:45.54bullweivelstupid thing wouldnt let me bid quick enough... oh well.
03:46.17Strom_Cbroadband + stopwatch == ebay fun
03:46.32bullweivelLOL... aint that the truth.
03:46.34brettnemI know I saw one of the main voip supply websites selling the 7960s in packs of 10 and 25.. but I can't find it.. anyone know??
03:46.54brettnemyeah, that's what I thought, but I can't find the bulks anymore..
03:47.01bullweivela few of them have them on ebay in 10 and 20 packs..  i didnt think the prices were that good though.
03:47.12shmaltzbullweivel, I usualy put in my maximum (in this case it would've been $221) like < 1 min b4 end of auction
03:47.37InnismirI wait until about 15s
03:47.42bullweivelNew 5pk Cisco 7960 Phones w/ USER LICENSE CP-7960    $1,425.00
03:48.00InnismirI need to find a cheap 7905
03:48.02vartanZTshmaltz ok now what ?
03:48.03bullweivelguess...that aint a bad deal... it has 11 hours left
03:48.11shmaltzgtg guys
03:48.12shmaltzc ya
03:48.21bullweivelshmaltz:  yeah i put in 200 but didnt realize it only had 10 seconds left... oops
03:48.31shmaltzmy wife is going to brake my * box if I don't come now
03:48.37bullweiveli hate that damn... confirm your bid crap too!!! when did they start that...very annoying.
03:48.48Strom_Cthey started that ages ago
03:49.00shmaltzgtg, c ya guys
03:49.00Innismir2000 or so
03:49.30NewSolehmmm she has him by the ****
03:49.55bullweivelhe has four * boxes ??  ;)
03:50.09InnismirRAI* ?
03:50.48bkw_its the dawn and drew show
03:52.04bkw_every time someone says Internet, my mind substitutes Inkernet. Curse you Dawn Miceli!
03:52.35bkw_you need to listen to the dawn and drew pod cast
03:52.40brettnemhey bkw_ what's up?
03:52.43brettnemwhat is it?
03:53.00*** part/#asterisk bullweivel (~BullWeive@
03:54.07brettnemhmm.. I'll check it out
03:54.16bkw_its adult only
03:54.59Mocno thanks
03:55.08MocInnismir, get Polycom phone instead..
03:56.06brettnemoh, I'm probably too young for it then.. ;)
03:56.14brettnemew polycom
03:56.20brettnemI can't find a damn phone I like
03:56.30blitzragePolycom phones are nice
03:56.32brettnemwish I could get my 7920 to work with asterisk
03:56.44brettnemblitzrage: they are ok.. I use one in my office.. get weird problems sometimes.
03:56.47Mocbrettnem, polycom only missing to be opensource firmware..
03:56.56blitzragebrettnem: all phones have "wierd problems" :)
03:57.03brettnemyeah I guess so..
03:57.13blitzrageonly missing STUN and mini-browser (at least on my ip500)
03:57.16brettnemI'm pretty happy with my IP500 at 135.. heh.. don't know how I pulled that
03:57.35blitzrageI got a free one :)
03:57.37JunK-YIP500 are great phones.
03:57.39MocI got a IP 500 and IP 600... I love both of them...
03:57.41remmohas anyone got zaptel/libpri an a te100p working under freebsd?
03:57.44brettnemI get that weird problem sometimes where I keep hearing ringing when the call is actually conneted.
03:58.01brettnemI'm half baked on the IP500.. but my firmware is old.. so I'll stop knockin it
03:58.14brettnemoh.. free is good..
03:58.21Mocbrettnem, this is problem when you havent configured your nat correctly..
03:58.34brettnemI would have ordered more than one if I got that pricing..
03:58.50MocIP 600 for 255$ US
03:58.53brettnemMoc: really? I didn't think NAT would do that.. the phone simply shouldn't ever do that..
03:59.03Mocif you want 500 of them..
03:59.14brettnemlike the phone is playing ringback, but if I talk, the remote party hears me
03:59.14vartanZTPlease someone help me, I have setup outgoing but my incoming gives a fast busy ( " Executing Congestion("SIP.....")
03:59.18Mocbrettnem, it signaling that stop working correctly
03:59.19vartanZTanyone pleasE ?
03:59.50brettnemMoc: right, I'd expect that.. but either the signalling works or it doesn't.. why would a INVITE make it through NAT but the ACK doesn't??
04:00.02brettnemvartanZT: you'll have to provide a little more info
04:00.29vartanZTbrettnem what would you like ?
04:00.45Mocwell I remember having this problem, and after fixing my nat, it went away..
04:01.05brettnemMoc: it wouldn't suprise me.. but it still baffles me
04:01.13brettnemwish I had a trace of that..
04:01.25brettnemvartanZT: you dialplan and the exact error text in a pastebin
04:01.33Mocmy cat (linux) want me to go to sleep... and I think I should ..
04:01.42blitzrageI'm going to bed soon too
04:01.52vartanZTbrettnem please give me url for pastebin
04:01.59`SauronHum, why's my regular pots phone continuing to ring after * has started the switch on zap/1
04:01.59jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
04:03.27*** part/#asterisk Lathos42 (~Lathos42@
04:03.36vartanZTbrettnem : is that enough?
04:04.02brettnemlets see.
04:04.48brettnemno.. need more.. and show me your dial statement from extensions.conf
04:05.22SkramXanytone help me with my 12SP+? I cant hear what asterisk outputs!
04:05.32hardwire12SP+ ?
04:05.41brettnem"what asterik outputs" ??
04:05.50hardwireoooooh skinny
04:07.14brettnemvartanZT: ok, give me a hint.. what are you dialing to get this?
04:07.30remmobrettnem: i wish i could get my 7960 working too
04:07.31vartanZTyou want my TElephone number ?
04:07.33brettnemand from what?
04:07.41brettnemremmo: 7960+sccp?
04:07.52vartanZTfrom my home phone i am dialing my VoIP service telephone number
04:07.58brettnemvartanZT: I want to know what is being dialed.. what hits the dialplan.
04:08.01brettnemthe incomming digits
04:08.02InnismirSkramX: have you tried another handset?
04:08.13InnismirOccam's Razor
04:08.14vartanZTbrettnem so the telephone number
04:08.48brettnemvartanZT: you sent me 642 lines of code... I don't need to know your phone umber.. but I need to know what line you expect to be executed..
04:09.09vartanZTbrettnem: [from-trunk]
04:09.18vartanZTthats what i use for my context
04:09.41brettnemok.. so whatever is dialing you lands in from-trunk..
04:09.57brettnemthis looks like AMP.. eh?
04:10.01remmobrettnem: i was hoping for sip
04:10.04vartanZTyes correct
04:10.14brettnemremmo: 7960+ SIP should work great..
04:11.07brettnemok, well if it's a DID, then i need to see the ext-did context.. which you might want to filter before you post.. I need to see the attempted dial line.. perhaps you can give me more of the verbose debugging output
04:11.10vartanZTbrettnem if you need any information i will tell you. im currently logged into amp
04:11.42vartanZTcan i call you?
04:11.48vartanZTif you are in the states or ca that is
04:11.58remmobrettnem: had problems loading the image via tftp
04:12.49vartanZTi will post you my entire log one sec
04:13.28SkramXInnismir Yes.
04:13.31SkramX23:08 < Innismir> SkramX: have you tried another handset?
04:14.18vartanZTbrettnem: hows that for info ?
04:15.25*** join/#asterisk valence (
04:16.51brettnemugh 2000 lines?
04:16.58*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
04:17.01vartanZTits the last 2000 lines
04:17.09brettnemoooohh the last 2000 lines
04:17.14brettnemis still
04:17.16brettnem2000 lines
04:17.25vartanZTlol look at the last 50 :)
04:17.29brettnemok, do you ever see the call hit your box?
04:17.30vartanZTi didnt want to miss anything
04:17.35vartanZTyes i do
04:17.41vartanZTeven in the log it shows
04:18.05Innismiroh shit
04:18.10InnismirSkramX: Just try something else
04:18.15vartanZT1994: Jul 27 00:12:29 VERBOSE[1550]: -- Executing Congestion("SIP/vartan1-c483", "") in new stack
04:18.17brettnemwhat line? give me a hint so I don't have to scan the whole thing
04:18.23InnismirSkramX: some audio just doesnt' get passed
04:18.30vartanZTthats showing it giving the busy signal
04:18.38InnismirSkramX: MoH is notorious for this in chan_skinny
04:18.41brettnembusy <> congestion
04:18.48InnismirSkramX: It may just be that too
04:19.44brettnemyou need to check your incomming context on that peer and see how it's comiing in..
04:19.45JerJernotorious /
04:19.54vartanZThow do i do that ?
04:20.13JerJersmells like its time for someone to pay a consultant
04:20.14JerJernot me
04:20.40brettnemI'm working on my karma here
04:20.50vartanZTbrettnem please help me
04:20.59brettnemhey, I'm tryin..
04:21.07vartanZTTHank you i appreciate it
04:21.23brettnemlook, it loos like you have your sip peer setup wrong..either that or your DID isn't programmed into your system correctly.
04:21.42vartanZTi didnt program any dids
04:21.48brettnemyou should do a tethereal dump and see how the invite is coming into your box
04:21.50brettnemeh? what?
04:21.58vartanZTi need to setup a did ?
04:22.02brettnemoh right.. you don't have to do dids with AMP..
04:22.14brettnemok, so you have a IVR answer the calls?
04:22.27brettnemlike an "answer all calls" thing
04:22.31SarahEmmsleepies time
04:22.33SarahEmmnini all
04:22.41brettnemvartanZT: what do you expect to happen when someone calls you?
04:22.51*** join/#asterisk jr352k (
04:23.12*** part/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
04:23.13vartanZTbrettnem: well call comes in they hear a message "press 1 for this 2 for that or the extension of the person"
04:23.22brettnemwhy would they hear that?
04:23.33vartanZTthats what i want to do
04:23.35brettnemhave you programmed that?
04:23.47vartanZTnot yet
04:24.11brettnemwell.... what do you expect it to do if it isn't programmed to do that; then.. ??
04:24.26vartanZTwell i just programmed a did and it shows busy again
04:24.50brettnemis it the DID that you are dialing?? that is incoming to the Box?
04:25.18brettnemare you positive it is hitting your box the exact same way you typed it?
04:25.40vartanZTwell if thats what im dialing isnt that how it would hit the box ?
04:25.44brettnemhave you done a tethereal trace to be sure you get the call.. is your registration succeeding..
04:25.57brettnemwhat makes you think it is even getting to you
04:26.01vartanZTyes my registration is succeeding
04:26.11vartanZTbecause it shows up in my call logs
04:26.44brettnemlet me log into an AMP console real quick..
04:26.51vartanZTok can i call you?
04:27.05brettnemnot unless you want to pay me. :)
04:27.50brettnemreally.. this is community support out of the goodness of my heart.. actually.. I do have another motive.. in helping the community, it is my hope they will help me when I need it.
04:28.22vartanZTmay i pm you the information ?
04:28.43brettnemsure you can pm me
04:29.18brettnemhow do you have "incoming calls" setup?
04:30.07vartanZTto send to extension 200
04:30.21hardwirehow lame am I?
04:30.33*** join/#asterisk Zaw (
04:30.57Nuggetwatching it is bad.  admitting it on irc is worse.  :)
04:32.27hardwireits actually not that bad
04:32.35hardwirenot as bad as some of the shit I have been watching recently
04:34.55*** join/#asterisk jr352k (
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04:56.20sloPPsomeone want to help me diagnose a clock slip problem?
04:56.36sloPPi'm running out of ideas
04:56.59*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:02.42JerJersprinkle some crack on i t
05:04.11blitzrageok, definately bedtime, night
05:04.57QwellHe'll be back
05:05.27JerJersloPP: details
05:05.48MikeJ[Laptop]crack.. hmmmm
05:06.27sloPPJerJer: PRI -> Vega -> Sangoma
05:06.39sloPPsangoma is detecting frame slips/crc errors
05:06.48sloPPabout 40 slips/errors per day
05:06.52sloPPthat's about all i've got :>
05:08.54sloPPPort     Frames      Bytes SLIPs   Frames      Bytes SLIPs  CRC Error Bad Frames
05:09.00sloPPISDN-2    17383     116842    25    16983     129693    25          6          3
05:09.35MikeJ[Laptop]yay crack ;)
05:11.08QwellDoes anybody ever not have problems with PRI?  heh
05:11.47MikeJ[Laptop]I have periods of no problems w/ PRI
05:12.02brendaI haven't had problems
05:12.09JerJersorry i do not support Sangoma
05:12.25MikeJ[Laptop]or crack habbits?
05:12.38Qwellcrack habits are well supported here
05:12.51brendaJerJer: Do you support anything?  All I ever see are smart ass answers from you.
05:13.01sloPPJerJer: it's not a sangoma question.
05:13.03sloPPit's a general T1 question
05:13.13JerJerbrenda: then go away
05:13.14sloPPthe sangoma is only there as an interop to the portmaster 3
05:13.23sloPPsince the PM3 is dense
05:13.33brendaJerJer: You'd like that, wouldn't you?
05:13.41JerJeri don't give a fuck
05:13.57brendaYeah... I noticed
05:14.14*** join/#asterisk bmay (
05:15.08brendaI HIGHLY doubt it
05:15.18sloPPnah, jerjer likes me and my crack cookies
05:15.23brendanothing negative to say about it
05:16.26*** part/#asterisk jr352k (
05:16.48*** join/#asterisk dudes (
05:16.58hellopSo, if /quit and /connect are swimming in the ocean and /quit gets eaten by a shark, who's left?
05:17.18dudesAnyone know if having multiple host= in one context in sip.conf will work.
05:18.05JerJerdudes: try it
05:18.17JerJerperhaps separate with , ?
05:18.24JerJerhost=,  ?
05:18.48dudesJerJer - I figure "," or multiple will work.  Can't test until tomorrow
05:19.10dudesor seperate contexts.
05:19.16harryvvis there any free dyanmic dns service i can use? ?
05:19.27dudesharryvv -
05:19.30harryvvcould do that one.
05:19.31hellopI wonder if wunderkin got the joke...
05:19.52JerJerslePP:  who is doing the timing ?
05:20.14JerJerwhat's your span line(s) look like?
05:20.48JerJerwhat's span 2 ?
05:20.57JerJerand why no timing?
05:21.27slePP2,0 is supposed to indicate 'clock master', is it not?
05:21.34slePPspan 2 is linked off to the portmaster
05:21.46JerJerum isn't 1 master?
05:22.02slePPdepends on wording, i suppose
05:22.05JerJer# source, then give it a value of "1".  For a secondary, use "2", and so on.
05:22.05JerJer# To not use this as a sync source, just use "0"
05:22.08slePP1 is the clock receiver
05:22.10slePPand it's a clock master on 2
05:22.23slePPso it's the clock receiver, mastering span 2
05:22.58hellopwhats the bitrate of Asterisk wav files?
05:23.08JerJer16bit 8000hz mono
05:23.09slePP8kHz, 16bit, usually
05:23.12bmayAnyone know why SIP sound stops working when I load the wcfxs module for the TDM400p card?
05:23.24slePPbad timing? heh
05:23.55hellopSo that means 128kbits per second?
05:24.31slePPthat means 16kbit/s
05:25.14JerJerslePP:  have you mucked with the timing options?
05:25.32slePPoh wait, yes, 128kbit/s
05:25.40JerJeri do  span = 1,1,     span = 2,2,   span = 3,3,      but who knows I am on crack
05:25.58slePPi tried reversing it too, letting it try to clock off the span 2
05:25.59slePPbad idea :>
05:26.05slePPthen nothing was too happy, lots of HDLC aborts'n'stuff
05:26.49slePPi'm starting to just think the cable or something is pooched
05:26.57JerJer12 45
05:27.00JerJer45 12
05:27.09JerJeror just use straight thru cat-5 cables
05:28.02slePPyeh, i tried some nice fancy ones (two) and a flat lead
05:28.10slePPthey all behaved differently, but all errored out
05:28.13Qwellwow, JerJer just made me go braindead.
05:28.16slePPhave you ever had interference problems?
05:28.19Qwellethernet crossover is what, 12 36?
05:28.38JerJerno smoking guns
05:28.40Qwellor...13 26?
05:29.05Qwellbloody hell...
05:29.15QwellJerJer: damn you :p
05:29.17JerJerT-1 is different
05:29.20Qwellyeah, I know
05:29.38fearnorsleep: your clocking is broken.
05:30.14fearnormake sure *one* end of circuit set up to provide timing, the other one to *accept line timing*
05:30.22fearnorthat's all to it.
05:30.30Qwell13 26...ah hah
05:30.31slePPyou'd think so
05:30.32fearnoreither that or you have irq issues
05:30.34slePPi've spent the last 3 days on it, fearnor
05:30.45slePPit is definitely wired right
05:30.50fearnorif you aren't getting 99.98, you will have issues.
05:31.27slePPBest: 100.000000 -- Worst: 99.987793
05:31.30slePPlike that? :>
05:31.35twistedslePP is alive
05:31.42fearnorthats pretty decent
05:31.46fearnorfix your timing then
05:31.50slePPtiming is right
05:32.01slePPit comes down to LBO or something else at this point
05:32.16fearnornot possibol
05:32.20fearnorshow me yo timing
05:32.26fearnorand where do you get hdlc errors
05:32.44slePPok.. for those who missed it
05:32.49harryvvheard of a case where 4 admins tried to troubelshoot a new network that was working at a crawl. One of my sales guys I knew at fluke offered to hookup the analyser and thay said nooo we are trying to figure this out..3 hours later. Well, thay took up on his offer and in less then 1 min found the problem. All the wires at the terminal blocks where not twisted to within 1/2 at the termination point causing loads of cross talk. thay bought
05:33.05slePPPRI -> Vega -> Sangoma -> PM3
05:33.15slePPharryvv: i believe it. i don't have a line tester, though
05:33.16fearnorwhats vega
05:33.21slePPa SIP gateway
05:33.24slePPnot important, actually
05:33.35fearnorwhere's asstricks?
05:33.39slePPit's something between the vega and sangoma that is out of whack
05:33.40harryvvslepp, what seems to be the problem?
05:33.42twistedharryvv, congrats, they learned the value of TWISTED PAIR
05:33.49slePPharryvv: frame slips, crc errors
05:34.02harryvvtwisted heheh I dont think it was the admins that installed it but the wiring guy.
05:34.04twistedharryvv, ;)
05:34.05fearnorvega and sangoma is t1?
05:34.13twistedwell that makes more sense
05:34.13fearnorshow proper links
05:34.50harryvvslepp, yea a fluke analyser would tell you the problem.
05:35.03twistedslePP, what's the problem exactly?
05:35.48slePPfearnor: yeh
05:35.50harryvvguess requres a subscription
05:35.53fearnorharry: i think they are full of shiznit, actually
05:35.58fearnoras far as xtalk
05:36.03slePPtwisted: frame slips
05:36.07slePPthe tming is off on the slave device
05:36.13twistedslePP, ahh..  which is the master?
05:36.13harryvvfearnor, what is full of shiznit?
05:36.22slePPPort     Frames      Bytes SLIPs   Frames      Bytes SLIPs  CRC Error Bad Frames
05:36.23slePP------ -------- ---------- ----- -------- ---------- ----- ---------- ----------
05:36.23slePPISDN-1    13033      97973     0    13033     100189     0          0          0
05:36.23slePPISDN-2    17723     118241    25    17322     131169    25          6          3
05:36.36slePPcarrier is the master clock, slaved at isdn-1, which is turned into the master clock on NT side isdn-2
05:36.54file[laptop]Sleppy Boy!
05:36.59fearnoris pm3 set up to slave?
05:37.00twistedslePP, wait a minute
05:37.09fearnorisdn-1 goes to what?
05:37.11harryvvslepp, who did the wiring?
05:37.11twistedslePP, i thought you said the sip box was connected to an asterisk box
05:37.14fearnorisdn-2 goes to what?
05:37.21fearnorgoddamn, help us help you
05:37.31slePPit is all one big chain
05:37.32slePPhere we go
05:37.33fearnorinstead of just whining 'OMG WTF TIMING SLIPS"
05:37.42slePPCarrier PRI into facility == a
05:37.48slePPVega Port 1 (T1) == b
05:37.52slePPVega Port 2 (T1) == c
05:37.57slePPAsterisk Port 1 = d
05:38.01slePPAsterisk Port 2 = e
05:38.04slePPPortmaster 3 port 1 = f
05:38.08Qwellharryvv: Your story earlier ended at "they bought".  Was there much more to it?
05:38.16slePPa -> b, c -> d, e -> f
05:38.21slePPc->d has timing errors
05:38.31slePPe -> f feels these errors as well, but there are no interface errors between e and f
05:38.34slePPjust c and d
05:38.43twistedthat helps tremendously
05:38.45fearnorwhat is the set up on asterisk
05:38.48fearnortiming wise
05:38.49slePPignore asterisk
05:38.50fearnorand on vega
05:38.57slePPa is NT/clock master
05:39.01slePPb is TE/clock receiver
05:39.08harryvvqwell, no...the fact the analyer digionosed the problem so quickly was the selling point of the analyer. It was just by chance, the fluke rep was stopping by when thay were having this problem.
05:39.11slePPb is sync source for NT/clock master at (c)
05:39.11twistedwhat happens if you tell c not to pull timing from b, and provide timing from c to b
05:39.16slePPd is TE/clock receiver
05:39.19Qwellahh, heh
05:39.34twistedc to d
05:39.40twistedusing the internal clock source
05:39.41slePPso a->b, c<-a
05:39.45slePPer. c<-d
05:39.53harryvvThere top analyers back in 2001 cost like 25k
05:39.55slePPi lose clock sync between b and c, and thereby all the data calls suffer frame slip
05:40.01slePPd _must_ sync to c
05:40.10slePPand c must be timed to b
05:40.28twistedand you're sure that c is providing accurate timing?
05:40.31slePPbut d slaving from c, gets framing errors
05:40.59slePPc is being synced off of a/b, and a/b is clean. if i take the asterisk box (d/e) out of the lop and go straight to f, it works ok
05:41.01*** join/#asterisk sneak (
05:41.16slePPi don't get any errors, but i also don't get any calls, since the PM3 doesn't speak the right protocols. but the T1 layer 1 is fine
05:41.16harryvvsounds like perhaps wires are crossed?
05:41.25twistedand you have the lbo and clock source set right for the sangoma card?
05:41.34*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:41.35harryvvwhat routed protocol you using?
05:41.38slePPharryvv: i think just some bad noise... i had a similar issue on the incoming T from the carrier, but i rerouted the wire and life was good
05:41.54slePPtwisted: i've tried a bunch
05:42.02slePPa -> b == 220-330ft
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05:42.16harryvvonly thing I am familliar with is frame relay and two others from cisco classes.
05:42.24slePPc -> d == 0-110, 110-220, 220-330, 7.5db.. all fail, and i think 7.5 just dies entirely (no carrier detected)
05:42.38twistedwell yea, you're overcompensating ;P
05:43.42slePPit's pretty much just not going anywhere
05:43.59slePPso tonight's goal is to make a tiny cable, and if not, then make a really long one and run it in loops around the ceiling :>
05:46.05harryvvslepp, where are you
05:46.12slePPedmonton, ab, ca
05:46.20harryvvyea, same here on strike
05:46.27harryvvsomone is cutting telus lines
05:46.27slePPi think it starte there :>
05:46.29slePPand moved here
05:46.44slePPi liek the 'we're locked out!'
05:46.50slePPwell, sure you are, but only cuz you walked out first
05:46.57harryvvwe also have a big truck strike because of the high fuel cost. vancouver ports are closed
05:47.01harryvvfor almost a month now.
05:47.12harryvvviolence is happening because of it.
05:47.30slePPbetween whom?
05:47.44harryvvtruckers and one company that has not paid them for a whole month.
05:47.47Qwellmeh, unions piss me off.  Strikes hurt nobody but consumers
05:48.25slePPunions are used for the wrong reasons now, i think
05:48.53*** join/#asterisk rjreb (
05:49.00harryvvthats the story
05:49.01Qwelllike when grocery stores strike...
05:49.06Qwellyou walk past, and they yell at you
05:49.09harryvvin laid back bc...this is unusuall
05:49.12Qwell"hey, fuck you buddy, I need to eat"
05:49.26harryvvthay can yell at me all thay want
05:49.53harryvvtruckers are obviosly rough people
05:50.19harryvvbut the bigger thay are the harder thay fall
05:50.23*** join/#asterisk argos73 (
05:50.26fearnoryou can't talk about unions unless you dealt with local 3 in NYC
05:50.33harryvvive taken guys on bigger then me and got them on the ground ;)
05:50.34fearnorwell, or maybe ILWU or similar unions
05:50.46loudfearnor, i was like, im sure i left the window on asterisk not nanog .. and then i saw you on both ..
05:50.50fearnordoh heh
05:51.04fearnoryeah well, nanog has been boring lately
05:51.07*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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05:51.40loudi miss the bgp talkings and stuffs
05:51.47bmayI asked before but maybe it got missed, Anyone know why SIP sound stops working when I load the wcfxs module for the TDM400p card?
05:51.52harryvvnever underestimate a scrawny quiet guy. friends brother has a temper like a bull if you push him hard enough. he charged this big jock and both went flying though a large window.
05:51.52twistedmy dhcp server shit the bed
05:51.58Qwelltwisted: gross
05:52.11fearnorbgp talking? not on #nanog surely ;)
05:52.18tzafrirbmay, this issue came p recently in the -users list
05:52.30*** join/#asterisk fitzel (
05:52.40bmayCan you post me a reference? I searched, but couldn't find it.
05:53.09tzafrirtoo lazy to search. but look for threads about ISDN and/or zaphfc
05:53.24tzafrirIn the last week or two
05:53.31bmayHmmm... This isn't ISDN... presumably it is still relevant?
05:58.01bmaytzafrir, do you remember approx how many messages were in the thread?
05:58.18tzafrirbmay, something simpler: maybe you don't have a timing source
05:58.59tzafrirbmay, a simple test: try seding 'Milliwatt' to that SIP channel. Producing that sound does not involve any timing source
05:59.28tzafrirnext, use zttest to see if your timing source is functional
06:00.07bmay;-) I knew what you meant. Will try the milliwatt application.
06:02.41bmayMilliwatt works correctly; I didn't see any reference to timining sources in the documentation I found, do you have a good reference handy?
06:04.53tzafrirbmay, try the source of zttest
06:05.25tzafrirAlternatively, try reading from the file /dev/zap/pseudo
06:06.13tzafrirbmay, asterisk -rx 'zap show channels' |grep pesudo
06:06.21tzafrirpseudo, that is
06:06.48*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
06:07.10bmayReading from /dev/zap/pseudo produces nothing. Just a sanity check, does it matter that I don't have any PSTN connections plugged into the card yet?
06:07.38fitzelanybody here that uses a pda as a voip-wlan-client and has some practical experience?
06:07.52bmaytzafrir, no output produced
06:08.27bmaytzafrir, I should clarify, cat /dev/zap/pseudo hangs, and the show channels command produced no output.
06:09.13tzafrirbmay, it is supposed to hang
06:10.03tzafrirtry 'time head -c 8000 /dev/zap/pseudo >/dev/null' (or is it 8192?)
06:10.12tzafrirThat's basically what zttest does
06:11.31bmayWhat results should I get? I get hangs for all three.
06:12.30bmayzttest hangs on read(3, (as per strace)
06:17.07tzafrirbmay, what do you use for timing source
06:17.20tzafrirlsmod |grep ^zaptel
06:18.30bmay"zaptel                230340  13 wcfxs" I am suspect maybe my /etc/zaptel.conf is missing something important?
06:20.11bmayI assume I don't need a spannum= or timing= option?
06:20.22bmayor spam= option?
06:20.37bmayerrr.. I mean... span= option?
06:22.30*** join/#asterisk SoloFlyer (~jkl@
06:23.08SoloFlyerahh just finished modifying mec2
06:24.17SoloFlyeri can now use agressive echo cancellation for the first x number of seconds and then once trained swap over to non aggressive :)
06:24.30SoloFlyerworks very very well
06:26.03rjrebis it easy to change the musicclass for an extension?
06:26.18SoloFlyerfor the hold music?
06:26.30bmaytzafrir, as far as I can tell my /etc/zaptel.conf has everything it needs, and I don't need span= because I am not using E1/T1 or ISDN.
06:28.02SoloFlyeru mean change it in the conf file or change it in realtime...?
06:28.17SoloFlyerits easy to change in the conf file...
06:28.18tzafrirbmay, a span= line is not required for TDM
06:29.03tzafrirrjreb, I use a custom player and give a .mp3 extensions to the wavs I play there
06:29.22tzafrirrjreb, ignore that
06:29.31rjrebok... haha
06:29.57rjrebi just don't understand how to change the hold music for an incoming call
06:30.18tzafrirrjreb, anything wrong with SetMusicOnHold in the dialplan?
06:30.27bmaytzafrir, didn't think so. What is the expected result of running zttest? I assume it shouldn't hang?
06:30.42tzafrirbmay, no, it should not hang
06:30.57rjreblet me see... i only looked up musiconhold and musicclass
06:31.03tzafririt should print a report about once per second
06:31.46bmaytzafrir, so presumably something is wrong either with the hardware or in the linux kernel?
06:33.05rjrebthat looks like what i'm after... thanks
06:33.56SoloFlyerim still confused to as what the question u were asking was rjreb :P
06:34.10SoloFlyerbut if u have a solution its all good :)
06:34.23rjrebjust for certain extensions to change the hold music for incoming calls
06:34.46SoloFlyeroh i see
06:34.57rjrebi tried adding a line in their sip.conf but it kept playing the default
06:35.21SoloFlyeryou could just dump them in a different context...
06:35.53*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
06:36.06SoloFlyerbut setmusiconhold is probally nicer
06:36.18hardwiremaking stir fry fro scratch
06:36.23hardwireI am not a big fan of using apple juice like this recipe recommends
06:36.28hardwirenow my meat will be crazy and 1/2
06:36.28brimstonebmay: your card isn't taking interrupts, try it in a different pci slots, or in a different machine
06:37.23drumkillarjreb: yeah, that option doesn't work like a lot might expect ... there is a bug on the bug tracker talking about that
06:38.05drumkillawhat you actually are setting is the musiconhold class for that extension to *hear*, not for what its callers will hear
06:38.05rjrebi was looking on commpartners and got totally lost
06:38.16bmayHmmm. According to /proc/interrupts "22:         23   IO-APIC-level  wctdm", perhaps your right.
06:38.25rjrebthat explains the silence
06:40.46bmaytzafrir, thanks for your help, I will try another computer.
06:41.42clive-I have a question regarding zaptel it enough to modprobe wcfxo and then ztcfg , I am using a x100p for timming only
06:42.56harryvvthats the right order
06:45.34SoloFlyeranyu cant modprobe wcfxo without modprobing zaptel
06:45.40clive-harry thanks
06:45.55clive-solo, I havent modprobed zaptel...
06:46.11*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
06:48.30tzafrirSoloFlyer, what do you mean? modprobe wcfxo loads zaptel as well. Works here
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06:49.16SoloFlyersorry i was going on the assumption that it wouldnt automatically resolve its dependencies
06:49.20SoloFlyerbut it does
06:50.07CyberSwordhi , i have a problem i cant do that external sip users log into my PBX only from my network can do it
06:51.52slePPanyone feel like sending me about 20 callsat once?
06:51.58shidonat issues?
06:53.16SoloFlyerdo u see the reqests comming in?
06:53.55SoloFlyerie does asterisk see them... if not do u see the request come in if u use tcpdump?
06:54.17*** join/#asterisk Kernel_core (Raph@
06:54.17SoloFlyerin other words more info please :)
06:59.05Kernel_corehow do I define if user called , 1234 then send this to Zap channel ?!
07:00.11*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
07:00.59*** join/#asterisk Aze` (~aze@
07:01.26SoloFlyeru mean dial?
07:03.57limbiquecan anyone help me with installing a tdm card in asterisk??
07:04.14bmaytzafrir, if you are still around, it works in another computer. Thanks again.
07:04.16SoloFlyerwhat part!?
07:04.30SoloFlyerphysical install
07:04.37*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
07:04.40SoloFlyerzaptel driver install
07:04.49SoloFlyergetting asterisk to connect to zaptel?
07:05.25limbiquehow to check?
07:05.41SoloFlyerwhat have u done so far?
07:05.44*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
07:05.51limbiquemachine has a clean asterisk install
07:05.58limbiquebuild in the card
07:06.14SoloFlyerhave u compiled the zaptel drivers?
07:06.27limbiquehow can i check that?
07:06.39SoloFlyermodprobe zaptel
07:06.45*** join/#asterisk lefred (
07:07.02SoloFlyerif it says "WTF is zaptel" then its not done
07:07.36limbiqueno output
07:07.46SoloFlyerit is installed then
07:07.48tzafrirlsmod |grep ^zaptel
07:08.15limbiquezaptel 206724   1  ztdummy
07:08.15SoloFlyeryeah actualyl do lsmod |grep zaptel
07:08.29limbiquehi tzafrir
07:08.51limbiquei got a other machine with a latest version
07:08.55SoloFlyerdo modprobe wcfxs for your fxo modules
07:08.57tzafrirlimbique, you don't need ztdummy if you have that card. But it seems Asterisk is using it right now, so you should stop asterisk
07:09.06SoloFlyerand modprobe wcfxo for your fxs modules
07:09.13tzafrirrmmod ztdummy
07:09.22limbiqueok, i know that ztdummy is for timing if you don't have a card
07:09.39limbiquermmod done
07:10.09limbiqueasterisk is not running right now
07:10.42SoloFlyerdo modprobe wcfxs
07:10.48SoloFlyerand modprobe wcfxo
07:10.59limbiquezaptel   206724  0
07:11.24limbiquei have only fxs modules
07:11.34SoloFlyerok then only do modprobe fxo
07:11.34limbique(extension module?)
07:12.14SoloFlyerfxo drivers is for fxs modules (yes its confusing :P )
07:12.19limbiqueno output, so it seem installed
07:12.37limbiquezaptel  206724 1 wcfxs
07:12.56SoloFlyerso tail /var/log/messages
07:13.05SoloFlyersee what it says
07:13.08limbiquemodprobe fxo?
07:13.16clive-so for a x100p I need to modprobe wcfxs ?
07:13.19tzafrircat /proc/zaptel/1
07:13.31tzafriran X100P uses wcfxo
07:14.03clive-solo your last statement was confusing:)
07:14.35limbiqueNo such file or directory
07:14.38tzafrirclive-, well, it should find nothing and fail to load
07:14.42limbiquewith that cat command
07:15.13limbiqueshould i install both fxs and fxs modules?
07:18.30*** join/#asterisk mrproper_ (
07:18.58mrproper_im trying to compile asterisk and when i do either a make clean or make install it keeps looping on: include/asterisk/version.h.tmp
07:19.06Kernel_coreJul 27 09:18:04 NOTICE[3307]: app_dial.c:764 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP'
07:19.13Kernel_coreJul 27 09:18:04 NOTICE[3307]: app_dial.c:764 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' <----- what does it mean ?!
07:19.57SoloFlyeru have zaptel channels defined in zapata.conf?
07:20.17Kernel_coreSoloFlyer: yes I defined !
07:20.30SoloFlyerand all drivers etc are running?
07:21.08Kernel_coreyes , i checked with zttool , everything is OK!
07:21.14tzafrirKernel_core, 32 is not a dchan
07:21.22tzafrirLeave only 16 there
07:21.30Kernel_coretzafrir: one dchannel is enough ?!
07:23.35tzafrirlimbique, both wcfxs and wcfxo, you mean?
07:23.43mrproper_im trying to compile asterisk and when i do either a make clean or make install it keeps looping on: include/asterisk/version.h.tmp
07:24.39tzafrirmrproper_, some patients?
07:25.10hellopthe patients are also the doctors
07:26.09tzafrirhellop, well, doctors are the ones who only practice all the time
07:26.42tzafrirmrproper_, what version of Asterisk?
07:26.44mrproper_tzafrir: its been sitting there for 5 hours looping the exact same information over and over
07:26.59mrproper_tzafrir: -D 20050713
07:27.08Kernel_coretzafrir: I removed channel 32 of dchannel but still get the same error " Unable to create channel of type 'zap' "
07:27.09tzafrirI meant: about repeating your question here
07:27.35tzafrirKernel_core, are the bchannels defined in zapata.conf?
07:27.52tzafrirAre they shown in zap show channels ?
07:28.20limbiquebrb, rebooting
07:28.43tzafrirargos73, there are existing cards
07:28.49mrproper_argos73: well your in luck, apparently they are making a 4 port bri card
07:28.54Kernel_coretzafrir: you mean this ------->
07:29.32argos73yea, i know...  just finding one is tricky.  have a BRI line here that really doesn't need to be used for it's current purpose any more, but I hate to have it turned off...
07:29.43tzafrirKernel_core, that's /etc/zaptel.conf . I asked about /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
07:29.52argos73mrproper_, : hmm - really?
07:29.57*** join/#asterisk elzhov (
07:30.18mrproper_argos73: yep, just not sure if theyre making a 1 port version or if it will be like the wild cards etc
07:31.11Kernel_coretzafrir: you mean this ---- >
07:31.12argos73hell - i'd buy a 4-port if i had to...  just having a hell of a time finding a linux-friendly card that I can purchase in the US through "approved purchasing channels" at work.
07:31.26argos73(Digium = approved)
07:31.29*** join/#asterisk nounoursfr (
07:31.31mrproper_argos73: the fritz card no good?
07:32.04argos73would work - know a good supplier?
07:32.14mrproper_argos73: your in the states?
07:32.16argos73yup you know much about kernel compilling ?
07:32.31mrproper_argos73: all my suppliers are in australia (im an aussie)
07:32.42argos73hehe - that's the problem!  :)
07:32.55mrproper_argos73: why not just order it from over seas?
07:32.55SoloFlyerargos hang 5
07:32.59nounoursfrhello all
07:33.08clive-argos, I am looking for a eicon 4BRI card...
07:33.08mrproper_argos73: i didnt think yanks used bri connections?
07:33.44SoloFlyeryeah but they are slightly different from ours mrproper_
07:33.50argos73mrproper_, : they're pretty rare up here...  the telco was really confused wen I ordered it...
07:34.09mrproper_argos73: well i think your going to have a hard time sourcing a bri card in the states
07:34.16SoloFlyerargos73 my telco was pretty confused when i ordered mine lol
07:34.45*** part/#asterisk pif (
07:34.52tzafrirmrproper_, there is always
07:34.55argos73"you want what?"  ?:)
07:35.23drraya bri is just an ISDN line right?
07:35.24argos73really threw the telco for a loop when I started ordering Centrex over ISDN
07:36.10mrproper_drray: bri is just 1 or 2 64k b channels an a single d channel
07:36.24argos73drray: yea - only two channels, vs. 23 for an ISDN-PRI
07:36.38mrproper_argos73: hehe we have 30 here =P
07:36.43SoloFlyerwe have out of band data channel they have inband channeling in the states
07:36.51mrproper_argos73: still cant understand why the yanks still use T1
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07:37.27argos73hehe - can't understand why we still use Miles vs Kilometers, either!
07:37.30SoloFlyercant find that link sorry argos
07:37.33argos73no prob
07:37.46mrproper_argos73: dont get me started on the 'imperial' measuring system
07:38.02SoloFlyerand whats with the left hand drive!?
07:38.29mrproper_SoloFlyer: hehe
07:38.31SoloFlyerother than states the majority of places are right
07:38.36argos73but we just love the fact that there's 63360 inches in a mile!
07:39.10opus_whats up
07:39.29SoloFlyeryeah so u can almost fill a unsigned int unlike us we barely use it at all
07:39.34drraynext you'll be pimping metric time
07:39.36mrproper_opus_: the imperial measuring system....apparently
07:39.56SoloFlyer2400 hours :)
07:40.05SoloFlyerwhats with the am pm crap!
07:40.14argos73SoloFlyer, hmm - you might have stumbled upon a conspiracy...  "MUST FILL UNSIGNED INTS!"
07:40.25mrproper_drray: hey dont be mocking metric time, it will take over the world eventually....
07:40.57opus_metric time. whoah
07:41.06opus_does that mean i can go to work later
07:41.27argos73I just love how a lot of places (my wife's work, for example) calls "decimal time" "military time"
07:41.31drrayby then the robots will be in charge and you won't work at all
07:41.39limbiquetzafrir: genzaptelconf doesn't work :(
07:41.54drraymilitary is not metric time
07:41.57limbiquei get : no such command 'zap'
07:42.01argos73they seem to think the US military refers to fractions of an hour...
07:42.10tzafrir#include "zapata-channels.conf"
07:42.12drrayzulu and lima time
07:42.19tzafrirShould be the last line of zapata.conf
07:42.19argos73not the simple "just add 12 hours if it's PM"
07:42.25SoloFlyermilitary time is good!
07:43.08argos73lima bean time... :)
07:43.09limbiquethe last line is ;channel 1
07:43.14limbiquethe last line is ;channel => 1
07:43.42tzafrirlimbique, that script does not touch zapata.conf , so it won't edit-away any of your modifications
07:43.47SoloFlyerforget metrictime /military time/old skool time ... lets just do miliseconds since 1900 :)
07:43.54opus_bush bots
07:44.03tzafrirIt writes to /etc/asterisk-zapata-channels instead
07:44.09tzafrirIt writes to /etc/asterisk-zapata-channels.conf instead
07:44.23limbiquetzafrir, the zapataconf is a default file
07:44.36argos73hehe - try MUMPS time...  # of days and seconds since Jan 1, 1870, IIRC
07:44.51limbiquei see a zapata-c~onf.bak
07:44.55argos73right now, mumps time is 60108,13480
07:44.57tzafrirlimbique, and I wouldn't want to run over modifications you've added there, hence the use of an #include
07:45.23limbiquebut there is no zapata-channels.conf file found
07:46.07tzafrirwas there any error from genzaptelconf? e.g: asterisk was running?
07:46.27limbiqueyes asterisk is running
07:46.33limbiquethe error message
07:47.17limbiqueShutting asterisk pbx
07:47.26limbiquestarting asterisk PBX
07:47.36opus_tzafrir - dude, we should use speex wideband
07:47.44limbiqueno such command 'zap' (type 'help' for help)
07:47.57limbiquethat was the output of genzapataconf
07:48.53tzafriropus_, does it indeed "conflict" with meetme?
07:49.00opus_of course
07:49.06opus_but, we'd have to rewrite that as well
07:49.44tzafrirlimbique, is asterisk running?
07:50.08tzafrirlimbique, is there anything in /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf ?
07:50.27lefredmmm, when I try gnophone with asterisk (1.0.9) I got this : *CLI> Jul 27 09:49:13 WARNING[3104]: chan_iax2.c:546 iax_error_output: Information element length exceeds message size
07:50.27lefredJul 27 09:49:13 WARNING[3104]: chan_iax2.c:5336 socket_read: Undecodable frame received from ''
07:50.27lefredany idea how to fix this ?
07:50.43limbiqueasterisk is running
07:50.58limbiquethere is no file called zapata-channels.conf
07:51.41hellopI am suffering from amotivational syndrome.
07:51.59limbiquedon't spread it then
07:52.28opus_time to smoke some wacky
07:53.21hellopI think I'll take a little vacation next weekend.
07:53.43argos73off to bed...  in ten minutes, my pager will go off, telling me this thunderstorm has knocked out power at work, which will wake my wife up in a bad mood, and start another wonderful day!
07:53.53limbiqueopus_: jup
07:54.12limbiquewe have a lot :)  (NL)
07:54.30hellopYou ever go on a nice long vacation and when you come back you just feel great for like 2 weeks?
07:54.36opus_one of my coworkers picked up my pack of smokes and was like, thats ciggaweed fool
07:55.06tzafrirlimbique, what exactly did you run?
07:55.34tzafrirDo you run that script as root, or any other user with write permissions to the relevant files?
07:55.41limbique.   /bin/bash genzaptelconf
07:55.51limbiquejup, i'm logged in as root
07:56.01limbiquenope, single user here
07:56.07limbiquemy private system :P
07:56.39*** join/#asterisk scanna (
08:06.37mrproper_im trying to compile asterisk but i have a section of code that keeps looping: build_tools/make_version_h > include/asterisk/version.h.tmp
08:07.44Piranha-hmm anyone hear of Sjphone not recieving any audio inbound (outbound works), but x-lite works completely?
08:16.41*** join/#asterisk pa (~Paolo@pa.user)
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08:31.26pais Asterisk able to do text-to-speech?
08:31.54tzafrirpa, not asterisk directly. But festival does...
08:32.44tzafrirapt-get install festival . Worked for me rather well here. Then try:
08:32.48tzafrirFestival(hello world)
08:33.52pabut unfortunately festival hasnt italian language :-(
08:34.04*** part/#asterisk SoloFlyer (~jkl@
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08:48.40paski_fri need help with eyebeam
08:48.41nounoursfrhi paski_fr
08:48.48Piranha-what would the command be called to call a voip number, then set it up to accept dial-outs (like for cellphones to call longdistance)
08:49.54paski_frSomeone know how to use video under NAT with ASTERISK and EYEBEAM?
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09:02.37mrproper_im trying to compile asterisk but i have a section of code that keeps looping: build_tools/make_version_h > include/asterisk/version.h.tmp
09:03.51Piranha-what OS
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09:07.02X-RobPiranha- DISA possibly?
09:07.25Piranha-I shall check
09:08.28Piranha-you know off hand if voip in -> <code> -> voip out (on the same provider) would work
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09:14.39elzhovI've a guestion. Why to assignments symbols are used in Asterisk conf files, '=' and '=>'. According to docs there are no difference between them?
09:14.51elzhovWhy to
09:14.55elzhov== why 2
09:19.59mrproper_im trying to compile asterisk but i have a section of code that keeps looping: build_tools/make_version_h > include/asterisk/version.h.tmp  see for debug
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09:38.43Delvari have only ever done that using our outbound proxy
09:39.01mrproper_im trying to compile asterisk but i have a section of code that keeps looping: build_tools/make_version_h > include/asterisk/version.h.tmp
09:39.08Delvaryou should eb able to do it with port forwarding, dut i have no idea what ports it uses for video
09:41.40*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
09:42.00ManxPowerYou should never need to port forward unless Asterisk is behind NAT
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09:43.49fenlandervideo just uses another set of RTP ports - you should be able to use stun. (If audio works but not video I would guess that you are using symmetric rtp for audio which lets asterisk do the nat trick)
09:44.40AustroPretorianHi, I want to do two outbound calls via AGI/Manager API - this already works fine - how can I connect those two calls together, so they can talk?
09:44.48nounoursfrthere is of french on the channel?
09:44.55UeberspastiHi... Can someone help me setting up my asterisk for using different languages
09:46.44nounoursfrthe change languages for asterisk in /var/spool/asterisk/sound
09:47.26tzafrirnounoursfr, /var/lib/asterisk/sounds , that is
09:47.43nounoursfryes sorry /var/spool/asterisk/sounds
09:47.45*** join/#asterisk [Jedi] (~fdsafasdf@
09:48.02[Jedi]I'm having a really big problem with asterisk and AGI
09:48.19[Jedi]I'm developing a calling card application
09:48.32nounoursfroh I am interesting
09:48.53nounoursfri listen to you :)
09:48.53[Jedi]if the called party hangs-up the phone, I can read the ANSWEREDTIME variable with no problem
09:49.24[Jedi]but if the calling party hangs-up, I get a "Channel was hang up." error
09:50.03ManxPower[Jedi]: try DeadAGI
09:50.15nounoursfryour script is a realtime ?
09:50.32[Jedi]ManxPower: DeadAGI works with FastAGI?
09:50.40[Jedi]FastDeadAGI? hehe
09:50.50*** part/#asterisk ilTizio (
09:51.01AustroPretorianAnybody go an idea on this: I want to do two outbound calls via AGI/Manager API - this already works fine - how can I connect those two calls together, so they can talk?
09:51.06ManxPower[Jedi]: No idea, but I seem to recall that getting channel variables only works in DeadAGI.  I could be wrong
09:53.42*** join/#asterisk Fabe (~spamhere@
09:54.20[Jedi]ManxPower: i really love you
09:54.30[Jedi]it works
09:54.43[Jedi]thankyou Very much. I was getting very very afraid
09:55.09ManxPower[Jedi]: 8-)
09:55.40[Jedi]I was starting to dig into java fastagi code to see if the problem was there
09:56.33nounoursfrdo you have use queue in realtime ?
09:57.29*** join/#asterisk ellvis (
09:57.53ellvishi people
09:59.06ellvisi am having troubles to call to the DDI line which is connected to asterisk. calls from asterisk to that line works just fine, calling from outside to that line is resultin in the operator sound that the line doesn't exist. anyone have any experience with that?
10:01.41AustroPretorianCan anybody help me?
10:03.37Ueberspastiwhere can i set language for prompts to "de" for sip an from pstn?
10:04.18AustroPretorianmy problem is this: I want to do two outbound calls via AGI/Manager API - this already works fine - how can I connect those two calls together, so they can talk?
10:06.09clive-check out the callback script, which is inthe wiki I think...should work lekker
10:06.36AustroPretoriando you have the url?
10:06.50clive-howz ozz
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10:14.13AustroPretoriannope, that did not help - My problem is to connect to lines together, not the call itself
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10:21.25RaYmAn-BxAustroPretorian: you prolly want something similar to click-to-dial then...There are some scripts mentioned in the wiki that does that (TACI is one of them)..Perhaps that'll give some hints as to how to do it?
10:25.26AustroPretorianthx, I'll take a look
10:25.51mrproper_can anyone help me debug a compiling issue (compiling asterisk keeps looping
10:29.52[Jedi]nounoursfr: what do you mean by "use queue in realtime"?
10:36.38AustroPretorianI just took a look at it, but it seem that this just works for a channel and an extention - But what I need is to connect two channels
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10:39.15RaYmAn-BxAustroPretorian: as far as I can gather it works by first dialing one person and then going for the extension of another and hence dial "from" the first person to the second..if that makes sense..I think that might be the only way to archive what you want
10:39.36RaYmAn-Bxwell..some kind of transfer or similar might work, but I don't know
10:41.37otmaranybody seen joshnet?
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10:46.02nounoursfr[Jedi], I wanted to know if somebody had already to test the queue in realtime and to have its opinion
10:46.31*** join/#asterisk zoo (
10:46.37zoogood morning
10:46.54zooanyone using asterisk-cvs?
10:47.57nounoursfryes me using asterisk-cvs
10:48.17AustroPretorianMy point is I do not have an extention to use.  I want to connect to ZAP/ Channels
10:49.41zoonounoursfr: please try to do this: grep -e 'qos=\"%s\"' /channels/chan_sip.c
10:49.56zoonounoursfr: please try to do this: grep -e 'qoq=\"%s\"' /channels/chan_sip.c
10:50.10zooit must be qop=\"%s\"
10:50.30mrproper_im trying to compile asterisk but i have a section of code that keeps looping: build_tools/make_version_h > include/asterisk/version.h.tmp
10:50.45jiro5281any gnudialer user there?
10:51.01otmarI've just checked out a fresh copy and running make now
10:52.07otmarmake ran through.
10:54.00zooanyone of the developpers with cvs write access here?
10:54.06zooi found a bug in 1.0.9
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10:54.29mrproper_what bug?
10:55.30zooin asterisk/channels/chan_sip.c, line 8046: qop=\"%s\" is wrong ans should be qop=%s
10:56.17zooaccording to RFC3261 the auth parameter has no double quotes around!
10:56.55puzzledzoo: have you filed a bug on if not, please do so the developers know about it and it can be fixed
10:57.04mrproper_have you checked that file in the cvs version?
10:57.16zoomrproper_: yes, i just checked it out from cvs
10:57.58[Jedi]my cvs hasn't quotes
10:58.53mrproper_[Jedi]: mine does at -D20040713
11:00.07zoowell, whatever, i just wanted to tell you that there are no double quotes allowed.
11:00.58zoomy chan_sip.c is Revision: 1.796
11:02.40[Jedi]ASTERISK_FILE_VERSION(__FILE__, "$Revision: 1.778 $")
11:02.50mrproper_can anyone help me with a compile problem, compiling asterisk
11:04.06mrproper_im compiling asterisk with: make clean....that runs fine, run make install...all seems to go well till it gets to a part and keeps looping this section of code (over and over, had it up to 5 hours before giving up)
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11:09.36wulfy814I'm getting this when I park a call: WARNING[17132] file.c: Failed to write frame -
11:09.47wulfy814the parking works and the parked caller here's the on hold music
11:10.02tzafrirmrproper_, tried a more recent version?
11:10.21mrproper_tzafrir: running the latest cvs
11:10.31tzafrir200*4*0713 ?
11:10.47mrproper_tzafrir: was using that, just recently updated it and tried again....same result
11:11.18mrproper_tzafrir: whats even more strange that once this starts if i then kill it off and try and run make clean again, it immediately goes straight to this part of the code and loops
11:11.53mrproper_tzafrir: i should probably also mention im using FC3 with smp
11:12.32wulfy814running the lastest CVS
11:12.47mrproper_yes im running the latest CVS
11:13.12mrproper_tzafrir: have a look at the output:
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11:21.20mrproper_i love when absolutely no one even lifts a finger to give you a hadn
11:21.23mrproper_hand even
11:22.44ManxPowermrproper_: I don't see any errors in your pastebin, but maybe i've not had enough coffee.
11:23.07mrproper_ManxPower: exactly why im pulling my hair out, i have nothing to even go down
11:23.45mrproper_ManxPower: whats even more ridiculous is once this starts happening, i kill off the compile then run a make clean and it starts straight back into that code loop
11:23.47ManxPowermrproper_: What is your specific issue?
11:23.59darkskiezI have a TDM card with 2 phones and a fax attached, two of the modules attached to the phone seemed to cease detecting the phone was picked up after a month of use, they'd keep ringing and click out the handset. stopping asterisk and unloading/reloading the module was needed to make them work again. Has this been seen before?
11:24.00mrproper_ManxPower: it wont compile it just sits there looping
11:24.12ManxPowermrproper_: *shrug*  You've seen all the changes to Asterisk in the past couple of days, right?
11:24.39ManxPowerdarkskiez: Yes.  That issue is why I now avoid TDM400P cards.
11:25.02mrproper_ManxPower: no i havent
11:25.08mrproper_ManxPower: whats been happenin
11:25.26ManxPowermrproper_: You use CVS-HEAD and yet are not on the asterisk-cvs mailing list???????????/
11:25.38mrproper_ManxPower: nope hehe
11:25.42ManxPowerCVS-HEAD is under heavy developement it WILL be broken occasionally
11:25.54darkskiezManxPower: thats depressing, very depressing.
11:26.13darkskiezManxPower: is it a hardware bug/software bug? is there a workaround for either?
11:26.32zoopuzzled: bug report issued
11:26.34mrproper_ManxPower: yeah i know that but i built another box using an older version 20050713 and that was fine, i tried the same version on this box (only difference is this box is an smp box) and its broked
11:26.53[Jedi]well it's mostly frozen, right?
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11:26.56ManxPowerdarkskiez: since it takes a long time to happen we've not solved the problem.
11:27.05ManxPowerWe solve the problem by using a T-1 card and a channel bank
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11:27.27ManxPowermrproper_: does 1.0.9 work?
11:27.50puzzledzoo: thanks
11:27.53mrproper_ManxPower: cant go back that far, i have an issue with oh323 in 1.0.9
11:28.10[Jedi]we have an oracle which stops working after 289 days of use
11:28.15[Jedi]I really hate long-time bugs
11:28.31darkskiezManxPower: is there a bug id for this so i can monitor the situation?
11:28.32ManxPowermrproper_: I meant just to make sure that it builds on your system
11:28.50darkskiezManxPower: or a way to reinit the devices without stopping *
11:29.45ManxPowerdarkskiez: There is no bug ID since 1) it's an issue for and 2) I didn't feel like spending a couple of weeks defending the bug to all the people on that think there are no bugs in Asterisk
11:29.56mrproper_ManxPower: will try
11:30.55darkskiezManxPower:  I see.
11:31.04darkskiezManxPower: so would I get abuse for creating a bug report?
11:31.21ManxPowerdarkskiez: Yes, since it's really an issue for
11:31.36darkskiezahhh, conflicting answer.
11:32.00ManxPowerDigium support always tells me to use CVS-HEAD so I stopped even trying to get the problem fixed.
11:32.18darkskiezI was using cvs head, but after a month it borked
11:32.47darkskieznow its a month old :)
11:32.58ManxPowerThere's nothing wrong with using CVS-HEAD as long as it fits with your needs.  It doesn't fit with my needs.
11:36.17ManxPowerI need something that doesn't change behavour between updates, something that doesn't need a lot of testing before deployment of an update.  CVS-HEAD doesn't fit the requirements.
11:40.15puzzledwhat's this VPM module that is mentioned in a couple of cvs fixes and on the -dev list?
11:40.31ManxPowerpuzzled: The EchoCan module, I think
11:40.53puzzledthanks, that makes total sense :)
11:41.18puzzledthink I would have caaled it the ECM - echo cancellation module
11:42.49ManxPowerOne would think.
11:44.00puzzledthen again ECM is prolly taken and stands for plasma conduit flux capacitor regulators
11:44.07MrChimpyis hardware echo cancellation actually worthwhile?
11:44.16puzzledmore than software echo can me thinks
11:44.23ManxPowerMrChimpy: It would not be if Asterisk's EchoCan didn't suck so much.
11:44.25MrChimpyseems to double the price of the 4x board
11:44.50MrChimpygiven previous boards cost £14,000 to do the same I think we can splash out
11:45.25MrChimpywhere does the echo come from? the telephone handset?
11:46.03MrChimpyI'm just feeling my way round the terminology/hardware and stuff
11:46.15puzzledor anything in between when going from digital -> analog and back
11:46.33puzzledanalog has a way of cross interference
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11:47.07MrChimpyour current PBX crashed this morning. it somehow relies on two windows desktop machines :(
11:47.38MrChimpyi think job #1 is replace that before attempting monster sized asterisk install
11:48.14MrChimpyif you have several asterisk servers does gig ethernet linking to share voice conferences across boxes actually work?
11:48.33MrChimpyI saw it mentioned in the handbook, but that doesn't really confirm anything :)
11:48.46[Jedi]MrChimpy: fast ethernet ant TDMoE or IAX2 is more than enough
11:49.14[Jedi]MrChimpy: how many channels do you need to carry over ethernet?
11:49.28MrChimpynot sure. project hasn't been specced yet.
11:50.00ManxPowerMrChimpy: ulaw or alaw (the codecs that uses the most bandwidth) use about 8kilobytes/second
11:50.12ManxPowerWhich is something like .000008 of a 100Mbps Ethernet
11:50.26MrChimpyi'll either end up replacing a *large* IVR installation, or just building a voip gateway for it
11:51.08MrChimpymanx: sure
11:51.15MrChimpycurrent install has ATM for that
11:51.35MrChimpybut then it is several years old
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12:02.57MrChimpyah yes, another question
12:04.55*** join/#asterisk dvh_bk (~dvh_bk@
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12:06.17MrChimpywe have intertel 8520 phones
12:06.23MrChimpythey're not IP
12:06.51MrChimpythey do have CLID type displays etc, get the time from the remote end and suchlike
12:07.07MrChimpyi believe there's a standard for such things? what's it called?
12:11.10MrChimpydvh_bk: yep. me too.
12:16.24MrChimpyah, having looked through the spec it seems all the stuff that the phone supports can be done through CLID
12:17.19*** join/#asterisk PG3 (
12:19.53ManxPowerMrChimpy: PBX phones do not have a standard.  If there was a standard then other companies could make phone for the PBX and that would cut reduce the MASSIVE profit margins PBX vendors have on their phones.
12:20.27*** join/#asterisk Kernel_core (Raph@
12:21.06Kernel_corehi all , is there any web based management for configureing , zapata.conf and zaptel.conf and extension.conf ?
12:21.17ManxPowerKernel_core: Zillions of them.
12:21.21ManxPowerAll of them suck.
12:21.33ManxPowerBut AMP seems to be the most popular of them.
12:22.04Kernel_coreManxPower: many of users are to lame to use CLI !
12:22.57Kernel_coreand they afraid of command line environment...
12:22.59ManxPowerAsterisk is not designed to be managed by users, it's designed to be managed by admins
12:23.16ManxPowerUsers don't manage traditional PBXs
12:23.35MrChimpyarses. though I think if we did replace our shitty PBX we'd go full VOIP
12:23.51ManxPowerMrChimpy: I would NEVER go vull VoIP.
12:24.01ManxPowerITSPs and the internet is just not reliable enough.
12:24.24ManxPowerOn my systems I've mostly brought a PRI into Asterisk, then connect phones to Asterisk using either SIP or Analog
12:24.30MrChimpyno, I mean VOIP to the desk
12:24.45ManxPowerIf we start running out of channels then maybe failover to VoIP to an ITSP
12:25.07MrChimpywe're a telco anyway, we have plenty of lines :)
12:25.26ManxPowerThat does help 8-)
12:25.38ManxPowerWe use Polycom Soundpoint IP 300s and 500s, BTW
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12:26.41MrChimpylooks cool
12:27.09ManxPowerWe don't use Cisco phones because the SIP firmware is an extra cost item and the power supply is an extra cost item
12:27.10Kernel_coreManxPower: it seems AMP isnot free .....
12:27.29MrChimpyyep, i've heard you have to pay licence on cisco
12:27.34PG3AMP is free
12:27.51ManxPowerKernel_core: Since AMP is included in several open source projects likes Asterisk@Home, it has to be free.
12:28.02PG3the instalation cost
12:28.05PG3but the AMP is cree
12:28.22PG3those prices that u see is from the instalation cost if u want that those guys install amp in your pc
12:28.28ManxPowerMrChimpy: Polycom includes SIP firmware (if you get the right model) and a power supply.  PoE cables are special and run about $30
12:28.31PG3i got confused too the first time
12:28.39Kernel_coreis installation too complicated ?!
12:28.59ManxPowerKernel_core: Dude, this is VoIP and Telecom, of course it's complicated!
12:29.10gordonjcpKernel_core: it's really easy to set up asterisk from the command line
12:29.29gordonjcpbut anything that is as powerful and flexible as asterisk will by its very nature be complicated
12:29.37Kernel_coregordonjcp: yes , after 3 month playing hard with asterisk , it is easy for me too
12:30.13MocManxPower, your comming to cluecon ?
12:30.23ManxPowerMoc: Hell no.
12:30.38Mocwhy ?
12:31.06ManxPowerMoc: Um, because I just spend $8,000 on a month long trip to Europe.
12:31.18Moclol yea your right... how did it goes ?
12:31.26MrChimpyweird. you mean the PoE cable at the phone end?
12:31.33ManxPowerMrChimpy: yes.
12:31.36ManxPowerMoc: it was great
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12:31.40MrChimpybastards! ;)
12:31.58RaYmAn-BxManxPower: what countries did you visit?
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12:32.04MrChimpywhat's with manxpower? you from the isle of man?
12:32.11ManxPowerMrChimpy: The polycom 300 and 500 don't have PoE support in the phone, so a special PoE cable will convert from PoE into whatever the phone expects.
12:32.17ManxPowerMrChimpy: no.
12:32.25MrChimpyheh. just checking :)
12:32.34MocManxPower, it wouldn't be so bad if those cable were 10$ !!!
12:33.03ManxPowerRaYmAn-Bx: Stockholm Sweden (7 nights), Antwerp Belgium (6 nights), Delft Netherlands (1 night), Amsterdam Netherlands (8 nights), Eindhoven Netherlands (2 nights), Madrid Spain (7 nights)
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12:33.38Mocthat alot of nights !! hehe
12:34.24ManxPowerDuring my trip I also attended VON and Astricon
12:38.57MocI'll probably do that someday..
12:39.41MocMy travel so far are "Cuba, Toronto, and Quebec city..." I'll add Chicago next week
12:39.58MocI love going to toronto in train..
12:40.06ManxPowerToronto is awesome.  We went there for the past 2 summers.
12:40.07Mocbut it suck when I arrive there hehe
12:40.11Mocit BORING
12:40.19gordonjcpKernel_core: it's difficult to fly a passenger jet plane, too.  Ever wondered why?
12:40.22Moccome to MTL next time... alot more interesting hehe
12:40.39ManxPowerI have little interest in French or Canadian French culture.
12:40.43MocQuebec might be hard if you do not speech french
12:41.21ManxPowerMoc: I'm an American, of course I don't speak French.
12:41.47Mocwell do not go to Quebec city to talk with people then ;) but Montreal is as english as french..
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12:42.45MocIt took me hours to find a McDonals in toronto
12:44.36Mocand damn the homeless people are expensive in Toronto...  They want 5$, not 25cent, get get angry !
12:44.42InfraRedwhy were you LOOKING for a McD?
12:44.57InfraRedjust find a decent deli for decent food
12:45.15clive-anyone using a quad or octo-bri card?
12:45.55MocInfraRed, blah... I got ennuf of "decent" food on the train..
12:46.03Mocit ennuf for the week..
12:46.08Mocgota run to work.. bbl
12:48.52wintermute_Moc: Quebec yes, but not montreal
12:49.38wintermute_i've been living here practically my whole life... i went to english school, i speak english nearly everywhere
12:50.20fitzelanybody here that uses a pda as a voip-wlan-client and has some practical experience?
12:50.21wintermute_it's really not that bad
12:51.21Zeeekt"as qu'à faire attention en clase !
12:51.29*** part/#asterisk dvh_bk (~dvh_bk@
12:55.03lathos42eh? :)
12:55.05ManxPowerI don't hate french culture.  I just have no interest in it.  I also don't have any interest in the culture of Turkey either.  Don't take it personally.
12:55.47ZeeekOn s'en fout pas mal, ManxPower :)
12:56.08Zeeek(roughly, no one gives a toss)
12:56.12lathos42Zeeek: Its like you're speaking a foreign language or something
12:57.23wintermute_je m'en faout aussi, meme si mon pere est francais ;)
12:57.25Zeeekspeaking of culture... Sony lost a ten million dollar lawsuit. THey were actually paying radio stations to play J'Lo's last album - horro of horrors!
12:57.53Zeeek"payola", a standard parctice since the 30's, has been illegal since the fifties
12:58.05Zeeekbut everyone knows the music you hear is bought and paid for
12:58.23Zeeekthat's why the internet is great. Vive asterisk !
13:00.10lathos42Zeeek: Well, they probably had to pay them to play it..  I mean nobody would actually want to listen to that :)
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13:01.34Zeeeknever hoid it! but they all pay, trips to Brazil, flat screen hi-def tvs, etc
13:01.57Zeeeklike politicians, they're all a bunch of crooks, Nixon got caught
13:02.17Zeeeki gotta go, I've worked to hard today already
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13:23.06malaiwahhi everyone, i have some questions about asterisk+spandsn (txfax/rxfax)... any1 familiar with this
13:23.46Darwin35anyone know of a good paybyphone creditcard system that works with asterisl
13:24.48nDuffmalaiwah, maybe, maybe not. Ask your questions and wait -- someone who *is* familiar may come along and read their backlog, or there may be someone who knows enough to answer your questions but not enough to volunteer to answer any arbitrary spandsp question without knowing what you're going to ask.
13:25.28malaiwahnDuff: thanks
13:26.13malaiwahi have some problems sending faxes with the txfax application; once the call is answered, there's no audio coming out of asterisk.. the fax doesn't get sent
13:26.16mutthese peppered beef steak nuggets are good
13:26.49Darwin35what do you need to knpw
13:27.35Darwin35is the otherside initating the fax tone
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13:28.05malaiwahi think this problem is related.. with rxfax, i can't receive any fax unless i playback() something on the channel first
13:28.07jake1932just bought a few g729 licenses - but it looks like asterisk is tyring to play prompts in g729 and failing - did i miss some settings?
13:28.15ManxPowermalaiwah: You have to specify the "caller" option to txfax
13:28.32malaiwahmanx: did it, txfax(file.tif|caller|debug)
13:28.52ManxPowermalaiwah: maybe you have run Answer() before receiving?
13:28.55malaiwahdarw: the otherside is giving asterisk a lot of fax tones.
13:29.13malaiwahmanx: did it too ;-) answer, playback(dummy), rxfax()
13:29.25ManxPowerjake1932: does vm-youhave.g729 exist?
13:29.30Jearilalright.. trying to install the mysql cdr addon.. asterisk is unable to connect to mysql and I'm unsure as to why.
13:29.36ManxPowerjake1932: Looks like you didn't install the G729 codec correctly.
13:30.01jake1932ok - but just wanted to know that * should be able to play prompts using g729...
13:30.12jake1932(once everything is installed correctly)
13:30.22ManxPowerjake1932: The G279 codec allows Asterisk to convert between G729 and other formats
13:30.28jake1932ok - tnx
13:31.39*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
13:32.42malaiwahwith de debug option, txfax outputs what it hears to /tmp/audio-xxxxxx.. but these files are 0 in size
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13:33.29malaiwahwhat can i look for ? why must I playback something before rxfax kicks in?
13:33.55malaiwahmaybe I should try to playback something before txfax but i guess that it is just hiding the problem
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13:34.27ManxPowermalaiwah: playback answers the line before playing
13:35.08jake1932ManxPower: i did everything right except move the module into the correct folder - it works now - tnx again
13:35.09malaiwahthen.. with txfax, i should Answer() and then TxFAX() ? and not just TxFAX ?
13:35.54malaiwahmy call is auto-dialed from a ".call" file in the outgoing directory
13:36.33ManxPowerYou don't need to answer for outgoing calls, only incoming calls
13:37.05malaiwahmanx: then that can't be my problem with txfax.. outgoing call is made from the outgoing directory and passed to the application txfax
13:37.34malaiwahmanx: with the file.tif|caller as a parameter
13:37.43ManxPowermalaiwah: try sending a fax to your voice phone, do you hear the tones when you pick up the call
13:37.57malaiwahmanx: already tried it, i don't hear anything
13:37.59ManxPowermalaiwah: Rememebr fax doesn't usually work via VoIP
13:38.15malaiwahmanx: yeah, i know.. but I thought i could hear tones anyway ?
13:40.11malaiwahmanx: i know that getting the timing right is tricky, and only ulaw can be used for fax over VoIP, but receiving faxes works allright (when i playback something first)
13:40.41ManxPowerAs I said for receiving faxes just do an answer first
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13:41.48malaiwahmanx: call is already answered, but do i need to pause before kicking in rxfax?
13:42.26lehelanyone CAPI ?
13:43.28ManxPowermalaiwah: should not need to.
13:44.01malaiwahmanx: thanks.
13:46.55Darwin35man fax is outdated if you have email and a scanner
13:46.58ManxPowergod hates me.  Today is the first day of the MIS manager's vacation and today is the first time we started geting HDMC Abort errors
13:47.12Darwin35and scanners are dirt cheap HDLC Abort errors
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13:47.25ManxPowerDarwin35: Try it some time.
13:47.48malaiwahmanx: i tried swapping the "txfax" application for the "playback" application in my scripts and then trying faxing.. asterisk calls my phone an when i answer i get the playback message.. why doesn't it work that way with txfax ?
13:48.12malaiwahdarwin: but what about other people that don't have emails and just fax ? ;-)
13:48.46bikokolahey guys, i have a lil problem, after downloading asterisk to desktop, i get to console, get into its directory, after unpacking. Then i type make, followed by make install. Make completes succesfully, make install gives an error, help pls
13:48.54ManxPower1) Scan, 2) convert into a format the receiver can read, 3) find file, 4) attach file, send file, 5) get bounce message because message is too big, 6) go to fax machine, 7) insert documents, 8) punch in phone number, 9) walk away
13:49.08malaiwahmanx: right !
13:49.26ManxPowerOf course fax has it's own issues.
13:49.35lehelanybody capi Callback?
13:49.36malaiwahhow can i get txfax to be more verbose in the asterisk console ?
13:49.44ManxPowerOur users can't even figure out how to subscribe to an IMAP folder.
13:49.57Darwin35thats sad
13:49.59malaiwahi tried set verbose 10 but txfax isn't more verbose..
13:50.00ManxPowermalaiwah: start asterisk as "asterisk -cvvvd"
13:51.09malaiwahmanx: i guess the "d" parameter is what i was missing
13:51.43Darwin35well here at this office we use a scanner and halifax for faxing and a laser printer
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13:52.48astoriaGood morning, all.
13:52.54Darwin35a freind wrote a script you hit the f1 key on the machine and it scans converts and faxes it getss the nmbr your calling and everything
13:53.08Darwin35yet to test with asterisk
13:53.18Darwin35if it works might bea answer
13:53.25Darwin35or a add on
13:54.19malaiwahinteresting.. i guess that txfax doesn't get the "|caller" option right
13:54.33malaiwahit seems to be waiting for something..
13:54.43malaiwahData: /tmp/myfile.tif|caller
13:54.48malaiwahis what i wrote in my ".call" file
13:56.05ManxPowercan you send to a normal fax machine?
13:56.45malaiwahUrgent handler
13:56.45malaiwahFile name is '/var/spool/asterisk/tmp/1122472576.tif'
13:56.45malaiwahChanged from phase 0 to 1
13:56.56malaiwahwhen trying a normal fax machine
13:57.02malaiwahit gets stuck here
13:57.22malaiwahwhat is the "urgent handler" anyway?
13:57.26bikokolacan someone please help me with an error i get during "make install",
13:58.01DarthCluebikokola: not unless you can tell us what the error is.  and even then, it may not be possible.
13:58.04malaiwahoh right.. i think i found the bug
13:58.34jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
13:59.05bikokolathe error is mkdir: Cannot create directory "var/lib/asterisk" PERMISSION denied
13:59.43DarthCluewhat user are you running make under?
13:59.59bikokolathe only user, the admin
14:00.17bikokolamake works fine, but make install stuff's up
14:00.57otmarsudo make install ?
14:00.58clive-~seen kapejod
14:01.00jbotkapejod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 56d 50m 3s ago, saying: 'or a bristuff setting'.
14:01.01DarthCluebikokola: running as root?  and getting that error?  well, the error is pretty clear, it doesn't have permission to do what you want.
14:01.21bikokolabut im root user
14:01.40otmarbikokola: what's the output of "id" ?
14:01.51bikokolasimply typing id in console?
14:03.53bikokolauid=500(bikola) gid=500(bikola) groups=500(bikola) context=user_u:system_r:unconfined_t
14:04.23ManxPowerbikokola: you are not root
14:04.33jake1932is there a way to get fxotune using stable?
14:04.50pjzcan anyone point me to the changelog for the newest zaptel stuff?
14:04.53jake1932(stable 1.07)
14:04.57otmar~seen joshnet
14:04.57jbototmar: i haven't seen 'joshnet'
14:05.05tzanger"I really want the features in the Cadillac but I don't want to pay for it"
14:05.09bikokolahow do i create a root user
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14:05.14ManxPowerpjz: It's in the Asterisk Sorce
14:05.20tzanger~seen my dick in 5 years
14:05.20jboti haven't seen 'my dick in 5 years', tzanger
14:05.21jake1932clive: I've been e-mailing him
14:05.21ManxPowerbikokola: "su -l"
14:05.23otmarjust do a "sudo make install"
14:05.42bikokolaaight thx
14:05.46mistik1morning folks
14:05.53ManxPowerbikokola: And learn linux.
14:06.48jake1932guess i should be more specific - I'm using asterisk stable 1.07 - is there any way to get fxotune without a full d/l and recompile?
14:07.12mistik1I managed to get my asterisk server up and running, I can accept calls and all that but If i add an extension the calls my friend on his server no traffic at all gets to him
14:07.28ManxPowerjake1932: no.
14:08.01mistik1for example when I try to use the demo to test it also tries to call digium for the demo and just hangs, no connection is ever made
14:08.21mistik1anyone have a clue what could be going on
14:08.35ManxPowermistik1: not without lots of additional information, which I do not have time to look at.
14:09.10jake1932mistik1: you have to at least do a "iax2 debug"
14:11.42tzafrirjake1932, zaptel in HEAD is not that different ffrom zaptel in stable. Try grabbing fxotune.c from HEAD and building it
14:12.05jake1932tzafrir: thanks i'll try that
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14:13.07ManxPowerfxotune won't work with CAPI
14:13.28jake1932no - i have a tdm400 i want to use that on (seperate deal)
14:13.49jake1932sry bout that - wasn't clear
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14:14.08leheljake1932: you have a CAPI working?
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14:14.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:14.21jake1932lehel: I'm darn close
14:14.39jake1932lehel: Verizon says my SPID is not programmed properly
14:14.55ManxPowerjake1932: what is your SPID?
14:15.02ManxPowersame as your phone number?
14:15.19jake1932ManxPower: 215XXXXXXX0101
14:15.29[Jedi]when I was in stable I used "h323". Which is better for unstable, "oh323" or "h323"?
14:15.37jake1932ManxPower: they say I have it programmed as 215XXXXXXX01
14:15.47leheljake1932: could you help me too to get closer
14:16.12ManxPowerjake1932: try 215XXXXXXX010101 then
14:16.20ManxPoweror 215XXXXXXX01
14:16.26ManxPowerOh!  Wait!
14:16.41[Jedi]also, which openh323 versions are required in HEAD? the ones I had installed for stable don't compile on head
14:16.41jake1932ManxPower: is the SPID the same as MSN?
14:16.50ManxPowerVerizon?  I don't think you can use USA BRI with Asterisk
14:16.57ManxPowerjake1932: I don't know.
14:17.21jake1932ManxPower: If I get this - it's going in the wiki
14:17.36jake1932I'm using debian _ asterisk 1.07
14:17.37ManxPower[Jedi]: For CVS-HEAD use chan_h323 (included) or use the new H323 driver that Digium paid for in asterisk-addons
14:17.49[Jedi]uhm ok
14:17.59KattyAnyone framilier with Michael Leunig?
14:18.04[Jedi]I don't see anything in addons
14:18.16leheli have three isdn numbers.. i put them in capi.conf (MSN=...) .. what else?
14:18.22jake1932lehel: which distro?
14:18.29[Jedi]ok using an older version
14:18.39ManxPower[Jedi]: hold on
14:18.54mistik1jake1932: turned on debug and got nothing usefull from the call attempt, it just sits there and never ends, the only debug info I get is from my client heartbeat
14:19.21[Jedi]ManxPower: the directory tree is empty
14:19.32[Jedi]oh I don't understand cvs very well
14:19.34KattyDarthClue: new
14:19.34ManxPower[Jedi]: Well I see CVS comits for that directory
14:19.37[Jedi]if I checkout into an empty dir, it works
14:19.37KattyDarthClue: mew
14:19.39*** join/#asterisk tekati (
14:19.39jake1932mistik1: and set verbose 15 or higher
14:19.48KattyDarthClue: <- the windows box i'm fixing.
14:19.48ManxPower[Jedi]: cvs co asterisk-addons
14:19.58[Jedi]if I checkout into my already existing asterisk-addons, I get empty directory tree for that addon
14:20.11[Jedi]things like these make me love SVN :))
14:20.13ManxPower[Jedi]: delete your local asterisk-addons then
14:20.33*** join/#asterisk tinpot (~nick@
14:20.36ManxPowerYou should NEVER check out a different tree (i.e. HEAD .vs. -r v1-0) into the same directory
14:20.44jake1932lehel: i can give you an idea of how I did it with Debian and AVM Fritz PCI
14:20.51DarthClueKatty: nice box, is that one of those new features implemented with the windows update authentication patches?
14:20.52leheljake1932: you have any useful doc? wich maybe helps me.. on what distro is your asterisk running? .. i have a fritz
14:21.06lehelok jake
14:21.51KattyDarthClue: nodnod
14:22.19jake1932lehel - used this doc: and this
14:22.35tinpothello all
14:23.09jake1932lehel: and used asterisk stable 1.07
14:23.25tinpotwhen you set the gains in zapata I have a situation where it only sets the gains on inbound calls - this shouldn't be the case???
14:23.47ManxPowertinpot: I have never ever heard of that.
14:23.48jake1932lehel: I've e-mailed kapejod yesterday - hopefully he'll get back to me this week
14:23.55ManxPowertinpot: But there IS something you should know about gains
14:24.07tinpotgo on
14:24.36leheljake1932: i know that docs, my chan_capi is loaded well, my fritz is compiled ok.. i have problems mostly with the extensions .. dialing rules with capi :(
14:25.14jake1932lehel: dialing rules? can you be more specific?
14:25.24ManxPowerLet's assume you have a TDM400P with an FXO and an FXS port.  A call comes into the FXO and goes to an analog phone on the FXS.  Not he's say you put rxgain=5.0 and txgain=5.0.  Well your total gain will be 10 because you get rxgain of 5 coming into the FXO and a txgain of 5 coming out of the FXS.
14:25.53tinpotI agree
14:27.05tinpotI set both the rxgain and txgain to -90, when I call in patch straight through to a sip phone - you can hear nothing, get the same sip phone to call out over that zap interface (kapes actually) and you can hear fine
14:27.47ManxPowerum -90 would make you hear nothing.
14:28.12tinpotexactly - but this only happens if teh call is  orifginated in one direction
14:28.21ManxPower- means softer, + means louder.  In decibles, which is not a linear scale.
14:28.34leheljake1932: i have 3 number (MSN) in capi.conf, but i dunno whatto add in extensions.conf (exten => ...Dial(CAPI/... ??)).. how to use those numbers? this kinda stuff :(
14:29.05ManxPowertinpot: I don't beliece you have a gain problem.  comment out your rxgain and txgain and issue a unload and a load
14:29.17ManxPowertinpot: you have some OTHER issue.
14:30.00tinpotI have unconmmented the gains - and the voice comes back - but my concern is the gain levels are not setting the gain on outbound calls as a result of this test
14:30.03ManxPower-90 db would be like the sound of electrons in an atom.  +90 db would be something like a jet engine.
14:30.35tinpotI know - I effectivly want to switch it off to ensure it was adjusting in all cases - but it wasn't
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14:31.00ManxPower*gain=0 would make asterisk not do any adjustment.
14:31.08jake1932lehel: from what I can see (mine hasn't worked fully yet), you need to put in extensions.conf:  Dial,CAPI/@MyMSN:${EXTEN}
14:32.35leheljake1932: it is possible to dial virtually (ex.: from FireFly)?
14:33.04jake1932lehel: of course
14:33.18*** join/#asterisk srt (
14:33.19tzangernone of y'all know if there's a specifically-formatted SMS I can send to my CDMA phone to make it tell me there's voicemail?  I imagine that's how the carriers set the VM notification I just don't know the format
14:33.25lehelwhat is the dial_out number ? (9?)
14:33.41jake1932lehel: it's whatever you configured in extensions.conf
14:33.59jake1932tzanger: i believe it's a different message altogether
14:34.16ManxPowertzanger: There's supposed to be, but I can't find the technical details.  There's a company in the usa that sells a toolkit for use with asterisk to do it, don't think it's open source.
14:34.31leheljake1932: it is needed some AGI script?
14:35.07jake1932lehel: no - just put the dial cmd in your firefly context
14:35.31tzangerManxPower: well if they have an eval I'll just sniff the ethernet link :-)
14:36.05*** part/#asterisk hapoteh (
14:38.26tzangerI found kannel
14:38.33tzangerwhich is an OSS SMS/WAP gateway
14:39.35*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (~deg@
14:40.22astoriakannel is pretty cool.
14:41.12leheljake1932: exten => 1551,1,Dial(${ANAME}:${EXTEN},40,Tt)    . is this correct?
14:41.45blitzragetzanger: can't you just send an email to your phone? (I know thats probably not what you're looking to do though)
14:42.14*** part/#asterisk n4y (
14:42.16tzangerblitzrage: yes I can
14:42.17jake1932lehel: I would make it real plain first - i.e. have an extensions from firefly (1551) dial a CAPI number
14:42.26tzangerbut I want the MWI to light up so I can have it dial the * server for voicemail
14:42.40jake1932lehel: use hardcoded values first - then experiment with the variables
14:42.43blitzragetzanger: you have a MWI on your cell?
14:42.52tzangerblitzrage: my gut instinct tells me that it's just a specific format of SMS message
14:42.56tzangerI'm trying to find tha tformat ;-)
14:42.59tzangerblitzrage: yes
14:43.02*** join/#asterisk kshumard (~root@
14:43.03blitzragetzanger: hrmmmmmmm, quite interesting
14:43.07MicC_who here knows call center VOIP?
14:43.07tzangerall cells do
14:43.10blitzragetzanger: good luck!
14:43.18MicC_what would I need for 4000 lines
14:43.21jake1932tzanger: is it CDMA, GSM, etc?
14:43.23*** join/#asterisk CrashHD (
14:43.26blitzragetzanger: really? I've never seen one on my Nokia
14:43.31leheljake1932: dial the CAPI number identified in capi.conf as MSN?
14:43.37MicC_I have an OC12 spec'd out...but what do I need for the TDM to VOIP conversion
14:43.42tzangerholy shit that was easy
14:43.45MicC_I would had to use 20x Asterisk servers.
14:43.49tzangerkannel has it I think
14:43.55CrashHDI'm looking for a good multi-tenant (voip capable) pbx solution. Any suggestions?
14:44.00tzangerMicC_: OC12?  jesus
14:44.11tzangerjake1932: CDMA
14:44.13blitzrageMicC_: you need some hardware - Digium TE411P ?
14:44.14jake1932lehel: no use the capi.conf number as your msn, and use a known phone number hardcoded
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14:44.23tzangerblitzrage: you don't have something that lights up on your phone when you have voicemail?
14:44.26tzangerI have a little mailbox icon
14:44.28jake1932tzanger: you got it to work w/ CDMA?
14:44.30astoriai managed to get kannel to send out msgs through my t610, it was pretty sweet.
14:44.31blitzragetzanger: nope, just a message on the screen
14:44.33tzangerer letter icon
14:44.40tzangerastoria: :-)
14:44.42astoriai've only seen kannel work with GSM
14:44.47tzangerastoria: I can just send emails to the email gateway
14:45.06*** join/#asterisk mut (~animenodv@
14:45.15astoriatzanger: yeah. thats easier. kannel is good if you need to send large amounts of messages and need to connect to an SMSC.
14:45.19tzangerhmm this is too low level I have to see where it's putting this data
14:45.23jake1932tzanger: does kannel + CDMA = sucess?
14:45.38tzangerI think I'd have to do it through an SMSC unless I can email their gatway with the right format
14:45.41tzangerjake1932: have not tried
14:45.45tzangerI *just* downloaded it
14:45.52blitzragetzanger: slacker
14:45.57jake1932tzanger: let me know - i'd like to do that also
14:46.09blitzragetzanger: get me a mug of milk beotch!
14:46.14tzangerblitzrage: shut up and fetch me four beers, my address book and my conversation hat
14:46.32blitzragetzanger: lol, yes sir!
14:46.37tzangerCrashHD: repeating every minute will get you ignored faster than a fat chick at a runway show
14:46.54CrashHDfat chicks wouldn't get ignored just laughed at
14:46.59CrashHDsorry tz
14:47.05tzangerCrashHD: asterisk is a voicemail capable voip capable pbx
14:47.06nDuffCrashHD, well, you might get that here too.
14:47.14CrashHDwell we are an altigen dealer
14:47.27CrashHDwe are looking for alternatives to their HPBX software
14:47.37tzangerI wonder if telus will give me the address of their SMSC
14:47.49astoriatzanger: they probably won't know what you're talking about.
14:47.56jake1932tzanger: for enough money - i'm sure you could get it
14:47.56CrashHDI figured you fine gentleman might know of a good alternative
14:48.05tzangerastoria: :-)
14:48.16tzangerwe spend $60k a year on mobile costs... they are eager for our business
14:48.44astoriatzanger: let me know if they will do anything for you. i'm not sure WHERE to call to get hooked up to t-mo's smsc.
14:48.53tzangermyself I'm just discovering that SMS != email gateway
14:49.22tzangerI need to go higher up, I found exactly what I want but I don't know what to do with it now :-p
14:50.44lathos42Its a pity that probably wouldnt work through SNPP
14:51.22*** join/#asterisk lathos42 (
14:51.53astorialathos42: wha?
14:52.22*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
14:52.37lathos42astoria: Most providers have their SNPP gateways open for Text Messaging.. I use that to send pages to myself instead of email
14:52.56lathos42astoria: but I doubt the SNPP gateway would understand SMS speak
14:53.07tzangerok how the fuck does kannel get a message from the computer to thep hone
14:53.14tzangerI don't see any gateway cnfiguration
14:53.19astorialathos42: thats what kannel does..
14:53.29astoriatzanger: it's a pain in the ass. i don't remember very well, i haven't used it in months.
14:53.38astoriatzanger: there is a sendsms script that goes into a cgi directory.
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14:53.49tzangerastoria: I figured there'd be an IP address or a connection to a phoen required type of thing
14:53.51astoriait's a clusterfuck to configure kannel
14:54.12astoriatzanger: oh, if you want to connect to the phone, you have to setup a serial connection to a gsm modem or something
14:54.26astoriatzanger: i use bluez serial emulation to my t610
14:54.30astoriai wish i still had my kannel box
14:54.59jake1932we need to do this without tying up another phone
14:55.02astoriatzanger: kannel is cool, but way difficult to setup
14:55.05tzangerso kannel goes from computer to phone over serial and SMSs another phone from there
14:55.21astoriatzanger: yeah, that is one configuration.
14:55.34astoriatzanger: you could also use kannel to send SMPP to an SMSC to your phone
14:55.46tzangerI thought kannel was given some remote host (SMSC) and send SMS messages to it over TCP/IP which then transmitted it to thep hone
14:56.14astoriatzanger: yeah, you can do that too
14:56.22tzangeroh okay that's perfect then
14:56.29astoriatzanger: thats the best way to do it, but for testing, it works well just to use my gsm phone
14:56.56lathos42tzanger: Have you seen this list?
14:57.04tzangernope I haven't
14:57.06tzangerthis is very new to me
14:57.14tzangerI've only used email gateways before
14:57.21astoriaI came up with a big business plan for an sms gateway using kannel before.
14:57.23astoriaIt got me a 4.0
14:57.25tzangerTelus    14032532266    TAP    1200    7,e,1
14:57.27tzangerthat's me
14:57.37tzangerbut that's pager
14:57.56astoriawow, thanks lathos42!! I've been looking for a list like that.
14:57.59tzangerI could use asterisk to do it manually
14:58.01astoriaThose are free gateways?
14:58.03tzangerover VOIP, no less
14:58.10tzanger1200 baud will work just fine over VOIP ;_0
14:58.11tzangerer :-)
14:58.21lathos42astoria: As far as I know.. There was another list that I found before that i'll see if I can find again
14:58.22astoriatzanger: i'm not sure kannel does TAP though.
14:58.22*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
14:58.33tzangeryeah but I know TAP (kind of)
14:58.40tzangerthat's not 1200 baud
14:58.48tzangerthat is clearly a 2400 baud tone
14:59.04tzangerI wonder if that would work
14:59.07tzangerI need a fucking modem now :-)
14:59.21MrChimpyas opposed to a frigid one?
14:59.24lathos42Here's another one I found..
14:59.31*** join/#asterisk brettnem (~Brett@
14:59.39tzangertha'ts out in BC though I'm sure they have an ontario #
14:59.43astoriakannel has a mailing list, like -users that you should sign up for
14:59.51brettnemgood morning all.. or whatever it is..
15:00.02tzangerhahah I was right too
15:00.07tzangerthis list is newer and it's 2400 baud
15:00.24brettnemI think we need a fidonet board
15:00.25lathos42the was the one I used when I was setting up our Nagios Paging system
15:00.29tzangerthey have a local #
15:00.30DarthCluelathos42: did you manage to get hold of your boss?
15:00.31tzangerfor TAP anyway
15:00.34jake1932can anyone tell me what the values are that fxotune.conf shows?
15:00.56tzangerbrettnem: I was 1:221/10something.77 :-)
15:01.05astoriaDarthClue: how many people are going to be at cluecon?
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15:01.28brettnemtzanger: heh, I absolutely can't remember what mine was.. so sad..
15:01.35astoriatzanger: just to confirm, kannel does not support TAP.
15:01.37DarthClueastoria: we don't have final numbers yet, we won't actually know until the day of on quite a few of them.
15:01.57astoriaDarthClue: okay, i was just wondering.
15:02.04lathos42DarthClue: Yeah, and I registered last night..  we just need to hammer out the final details today and i'll be able to get you guys payment
15:02.07tzangerastoria: I understand
15:02.10tzangerTAP is really simple though
15:02.21astoriatzanger: it is?
15:02.28astoriatzanger: is there a good doc site on tap?
15:02.32tzangerastoria: at least it was when I was screwing with it years ago :-)
15:03.34lathos42Sendpage has worked pretty well for me to be able to do TAP and SNPP
15:03.51tzangersendpage eh?
15:04.22astoriaI'm going to make a fax-sms gateway.
15:04.54jake1932astoria: using a tiff to ascii converter?
15:05.20lathos42That harkens back to the ascii porn days
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15:05.48astoriajake1932: maybe. I'm not going to give away my secrets.
15:05.57gtigeneIs there a chat room for Asterisk Management Portal?
15:06.37gtigenejake1932: thanks
15:09.48*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
15:09.55brendaDarthClue:  When is the last day I can sign up for cluecon?
15:10.33*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
15:11.01DarthCluebrenda: if you need a place to stay, we need to know now.  if you just want to crash the party (with cash in hand of course) then just show up.  of course, we may have to charge more for the food then, but it all works out.
15:11.36JerJermore shameless self promotion i see
15:11.48ManxPowerJerJer: it will be over with soon.
15:12.01bkw_its not self promotion
15:12.03anthmwtf, she asked him
15:12.07brendaThat wasn't self promotion... I asked
15:12.08bkw_brenda, doesn't work for us
15:12.11*** join/#asterisk hhh_ (
15:12.13DarthClueJerJer: i'm going to be as polite as i can.  I am a fucking bot and I just respond to peoples questions.  If you don't like it, then put me on ignore.
15:12.14ManxPowerOr we could all just promite our own businesses on the channel as well.
15:12.26tzangeryup telus definitely uses TAP
15:12.28bkw_ManxPower, go for it
15:12.33DarthCluegood morning hhh_
15:12.35brendaManxPower: nothing wrong with that
15:12.42JerJerthis is not #asterisk-biz
15:12.51hhh_does anyone here use ibs billing with gnugk ?
15:12.52bkw_I see people pick off customers in here all the time for consulting jobs
15:12.56fearnorjerjer laying down the LAW
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15:13.11JerJerthat conf has very little to deal with Asterisk so its off topic at best
15:13.12brendaJerJer: this isn't #asterisk-nobiz
15:13.17bkw_very little
15:13.19lathos42DarthClue: I like a bot that isnt afraid to drop an f-bomb :)
15:13.20bkw_more than 1 day is all about asterisk
15:13.27fearnorand tell me, jerjer, you never picked up a customar or two over at #asterisk or mentioned existance of noophone and its services?
15:13.45fearnorstop hatin', start participatin'
15:13.47CoaxDfearnor: In his defense, i've never seen it
15:13.58JerJeri have never told someone to use my company when someone asks "who's a good VoIP provider"
15:13.58bkw_CoaxD, I have..
15:14.18CoaxDbkw: Hmm. k
15:14.19anthmwell that's daft
15:14.32tzangerme either
15:14.33brendaJerJer: we can't all live by YOUR moral values
15:14.39tzangerI personally have recommended them but I've never seen jerjer do it
15:14.41DarthClueJerJer: then you really do need to re-evaluate your priorities.  There is nothing wrong with pointing out that company z is a good company especially when i spend upwards of 12 hours everyday on the damn service.
15:15.04tzangerDarthClue: no, but do you not think he should also disclose that he owns nufone if he's plugging it?
15:15.11tzangerI don't own it, I just use their service and I recommend it
15:15.25tzangerCoaxD: dammit where's my check??!
15:15.39CoaxDoops. my fingers slipped.
15:15.46DarthCluetzanger: i never hide the fact that i work for the company i promote.  hell, most of them already know it.  and no, i don't get a damn commission on it either.
15:16.04JerJerpure microwaved bullshit
15:16.05tzangerI promote asterlink too, they both work very well for me
15:16.18tzangermicrowaved bullshit?  I don't think the gf'd appreciate that in the microwave
15:16.19*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (exstatica@
15:16.27fearnormicrowaved voice is so 1970s
15:16.47Qwellbkw_: Would you mind a quick msg?
15:17.03mishehuJerJer: why do you think it's wrong that you not pitch your own company?
15:17.05bkw_Qwell, shoot
15:17.18JerJermishehu:  this is not the place for it
15:17.20JerJerthis is #asterisk
15:17.20*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
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15:17.47yaaarwhy do people always say that?
15:17.47brendathat's only a word
15:17.50anthmisn't the topic here that brenda asked when she can register and DarthClue answered and was accused of self-promotion ?
15:17.53mishehuJerJer: is there a place for it?  I'm personally not familiar with any sort of forum, channel, or wiki about that type of stuff.
15:17.57yaaarbrenda: exactly.
15:18.11JerJeranthm:  she could look at the website
15:18.13JerJeror ask privately
15:18.16DarthClueJerJer: if someone ASKS then i will gladly answer them.  if you think it's self promotion, then you must have failed more than just your computer science class.
15:18.50JerJeryou always make a point to make sure you mention the name of that con
15:19.01JerJeryet brenda knows the name
15:19.07fearnoromfg, jerjer, set up a kickban on the word cluecon then
15:19.08brendaJerJer: It's a communication medium... I thought others would like to know since it is asterisk related.  So I opened the question up for everyone.  We can't all live by YOUR values.
15:19.28bkw_well my finaly word is i'm shutting up about all this.. I have work to do...
15:19.34*** join/#asterisk Turulo (
15:19.46brettnemI actually come to the channel to listen to this bullshit
15:20.23brettnemhey. with 288 people, you'll have a couple of soapboxes
15:20.23tzangerok so telus uses TAP but there's nothing specific in the TAP protocol for MWI or voicemail callback
15:20.32brendaPersonally... I don't like seeing the work 'fuck' in here all the time, cause I don't think it's Asterisk related.  But I don't expect people live by my values.
15:20.43fearnorfuck the fucking fuckers, brenda.
15:20.54brettnembrenda: I seem to recall that there is a different asterisk channel reserved for that word
15:21.00tzangerapp_fuck would be very popular I think.  :-)
15:21.09brendabrettnem: #asterisk-fuck
15:21.10lathos42tzanger: I had a feeling that TAP wouldnt be the answer to what you were looking for, but it was worth a look :)
15:21.12tzangeralong with res_gf :-)
15:21.12brettnemhmm.. or is that a channel?
15:21.34tzangerlathos42: yeah...  I'll just email my telus rep, they seem pretty keen on helping
15:22.06*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:22.19lathos42tzanger: Yeah, if you give them that much business, i'm sure they'd probably be willing to setup some sort of interface into their network for you
15:22.50*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
15:23.00brettnemhey so anyone know why sip channels hang in asterisk?? I do a 'sip show channels' and the list just keeps growing. until it hits about 500 dead (unknown) channels and the system reaches it's max open files and croaks.. all the unknown channels have the IP address of a single sipura.. about 450 channels of it.
15:23.16fearnorwell, you just said your answer, brett
15:23.19fearnorbroken sipoora
15:23.33fearnordont blame asstricks, blame sipura
15:23.39fearnoror the broken firewall in front of it
15:23.41brettnemyeah, that's kinda what I thought.. but still, asterisk shouldn't croak because of a broken UA
15:23.58gordonjcpbrettnem: you said it yourself
15:24.02gordonjcpit *isn't*
15:24.14brettnemit should relinquish those file descriptors... really
15:24.20brettnemI said why myself?
15:24.37tzangerooh ooh
15:24.39fearnoryes, asterisk is *also* may be broken, something somewhere should finally time out and kill out those channels
15:24.50brettnemIt's very apparent that the sipura may be broken, but how do I keep asterisk from dying because of it..
15:24.53tzanger"network portability access service / universal voice messaging service"
15:25.13dudesHow long does it take to get g729 licenses?
15:25.24brettnemI think you can get this right on the digium website
15:25.33fearnorthats not what he aksed
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15:25.38tzangerdudes: usually a day or two
15:25.38mishehududes: usually < 24 hours
15:25.45dudesWe ordered 120 yesterday
15:25.47fearnorhe aksed how long it takes for digium sales team to get off their butt and process
15:25.57fearnorwhich varies from 1 hour to a week. :P
15:26.02lathos42tzanger: That doc looks interesting
15:26.05brettnemoh the mood in here is ripe today eh?
15:26.23mishehubrettnem: we just need a few bfg9000's and we'd all be set
15:26.55mishehuthe anomosity in the air can be cut with a chain saw.
15:27.07brettnemand it should be...
15:27.30lathos42Remember Kids, Dont Poke the Bear
15:28.35brettnemI don't have to outrun the bear.. I just have to outrun you
15:29.00tzangerthat movie is awesome
15:29.04tzanger"does a bear shit in the woods?"
15:30.17dudesso does digium work faster if you call them and ask them about these things?
15:30.37mishehu"sometimes you eat the bar...  and well, sometimes the bar, well he's eats you..."
15:30.42ManxPowerdudes: most of the time it's 24 hours
15:30.54mishehududes: sure, I suggest a heavy regiment of calling them every 30 minutes.
15:30.54blitzrageIn Soviet Russia, the beer drinks you!
15:31.09dudesmishehu - that could work
15:31.11mishehubecause people always get much more work done when somebody is calling them every few minutes
15:31.27mishehublitzrage: that's vodka
15:31.34blitzragewell, I drink beer
15:31.48mishehublitzrage: yeah, but russians drink vodka like water last I knew.  ;-)
15:31.49dudesI start on beer and finish up with some wiskey
15:31.56lathos42dudes: You may also want to call and ask the person who answers the phone if they accept "Monetary Motivation"
15:31.59dudeswhiskey rather
15:32.01mishehuI skip the beer.  can't stand it.
15:32.01brettnemyou know what they say.. the squeaky wheel gets replaced
15:32.26brettnemhaha.. that sounds like a "bribe".. Of course, digium does everything for free
15:32.26blitzragethe squeaky wheel gets shot
15:32.52mishehuthey do?
15:33.07brettnemno.. they accept monetary contributions in the form of bribes
15:33.10mishehuthen why on earth did I pay $600 for a te110p card???
15:33.19brettnemthat was a donation
15:33.22lathos42mishehu: You dont know the secret handshake
15:33.28brettnemyou have wonderful karma
15:34.04dudesnothing is free
15:34.20dudesdigium just sent them ... holy crap
15:34.32lathos42dudes: Ask and you shall receive
15:34.33*** join/#asterisk startled (
15:34.38ManxPowermishehu: Especially when you can get it for $499 direct from Digium
15:35.26lathos42dudes: I had that happen yesterday when I was waiting for a license for Pro/Engineer Wildfire ..  As soon as I said something to someone about it, it showed up in my inbox
15:36.12startledhey guys, just staring to have a play and got my X100 on its way to connect things up. Can you clear something up for me. If I bought a E1 card, had an E1 coming into the building... I'd essentially have 30 lines running out of the asterisk box yeah? 2 E1 and a dual-port card is 60 lines, etc?
15:36.35SwK[Work]startled: thats 60 trunks
15:36.51SwK[Work]now how you have it configured that could handle a truck load of DIDs
15:37.00*** join/#asterisk jimmybob46 (~jim@
15:37.03SwK[Work]()depending on how that is)
15:37.48jimmybob46well, 7 days work and research, and i can say that capi rules..
15:38.05shido2 E1 trunks
15:38.08shido60 voice channels
15:38.08startledDIDs? (hits the wiki)
15:38.29mishehuManxPower: oh whatever the price was, I was just tossing out a rough number.
15:38.36startledcool, thats what I thought
15:38.50jimmybob46hoooray, finally got it working.. good feeling
15:38.56mishehulathos42: is this the Free Mason Digium Secret Society?
15:39.02*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
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15:39.38shidoNo, this isnt the free masons, this is th Illuminati Asterisk Group of Elders.
15:39.47jimmybob46can anyone answer a capi question for me~?
15:39.57SwK[Work]startled: DID is just a phone number when used in conjuction with a PBX like asterisk and a E1-PRI you can only have 30 calls active at the same time but a phone number isnt tied to a specific channel so you can have 200 DIDs on one E1
15:39.58InfraRedfailed to authenticate on invite
15:40.04*** join/#asterisk paski_fr (
15:41.23paski_frI have a problem with my waiting queue in realtime
15:41.43mishehushido: well, I hope I get to be the head of the Asterisk of the Elders of Zion branch.  We have some protocols we'd like to set up.  (iax2, sip...)
15:41.48doughecka_shido: rofl
15:42.04tzangerdoughecka_: :-)
15:42.08fearnori have a boatload of zhone channel banks
15:42.12tzangerwhat's wrong with a pair of TDM04B?
15:42.12shidoI think
15:42.13paski_frwhen I try to call my waiting queue, the available agent who answers doen't heard me
15:42.17shidoyou can get them from jsharp
15:42.20fearnorjust use them for fxo ;)
15:42.21doughecka_tzanger: I had issues
15:42.31tzangerdoughecka_: the FXO issues on TDM have apparently been *resolved*
15:42.37tzangerit was a simple sign error
15:42.48doughecka_tzanger: when?
15:42.51tzanger(if your issue was "it seems to just quit after 25 days or so)
15:42.56tzangerdoughecka_: on Monday
15:43.08doughecka_my issue is pops, clicks, echo, and lost calls
15:43.14brendaShameless self promotion
15:43.17tzangerdoughecka_: hmm that is unusual
15:43.27doughecka_its the server me thinks
15:43.33Beirdobrenda: looks fair to me
15:43.46brendaBeirdo: I agree
15:43.51doughecka_whats his company?
15:44.05Beirdodoughecka_: JerJer's?
15:44.27doughecka_whats the zhone channel banks?
15:44.27mishehujerjer -> nufone.
15:44.31paski_frIs someone would like to help me about my waiting queue problem ?
15:44.33lathos42First Rule of Asterisk Club, dont talk about Asterisk Club
15:44.35doughecka_yea, whos jsharp?
15:44.47mishehulathos42: remember, rule #1 of Asterisk Club - nobody talks about Asterisk Club...
15:44.49BeirdoJerJer's saving me bundles of money :)
15:45.02mishehuI can't type fast enough
15:45.05bkw_mishehu, haha
15:45.37nDuffpaski_fr, have you  described your problem yet? If so, and you haven't gotten a response, then it's likely there's just nobody awake right now who knows the answer. On the other hand, if you haven't described your problem, it should be obvious why you're getting no response.
15:45.47fearnordoug: its a channel bank.
15:45.56Turulodoes anyone know, if echo cancellation on zap can be disabled for some sip phones and enable it for others?
15:45.59fearnorit has T1 in, 24*voice out
15:46.07fearnorzhone is maker.
15:46.15doughecka_ah, found it
15:46.27doughecka_do they have FXO models?
15:46.55fearnorthey have 16fxs/8fxo
15:46.57fearnorthats what i have.
15:47.03fearnorcheap as dirt, 100$ ;)
15:47.07fearnorabout just as good though.
15:47.47doughecka_hoyl crap
15:47.48tzangerTurulo: there's no need for echo cancel on SIP phones... it's a 4-wire network
15:47.55doughecka_what if I bought it new?
15:47.59tzanger16FXS/8FXO for $100??!!
15:48.07fearnorhave been discontinued ahwile ago
15:48.09Turulotzanger i mean disable it on zap channel
15:48.22fearnorthere are always sellers on ebay selling for 100$ or so
15:48.23tzangerTurulo: sure -- send a T.8 tone (I think that's the name)
15:48.26Turulotzanger depending on the sip client, is a fax or a phone
15:48.32tzangerfearnor: I have never seen an FXO channel bank for that price
15:48.36tzangerFXS sure
15:48.43tzanger24FXS can be had for under $150 if you're frugal
15:48.45fearnorstandard config is 16fxs/8fxo
15:48.52tzangerbut throw an FXO module in there and you're over $200 usually
15:49.04fearnoranyway, i have two i can sell :)
15:49.10fearnorat least two.
15:49.15Turulotzanger there is no way using pass trough, instead of 7.38 ?
15:49.18RoyKilt~seen inspired
15:49.19jbotinspired <mikael@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 54d 2h 23m 58s ago, saying: 'if it's made at the wood alcohol factory, you'll go blind ;)'.
15:49.22RoyKilt~seen uninspired
15:49.23jbotRoyKilt: i haven't seen 'uninspired'
15:49.24doughecka_fearnor: can you get one to me by tomorrow? :)
15:49.28tzangerI am channel-banked out at the moment (TR08 FXS and two Adit600s maxxed out)
15:49.36Turulotzanger  i meant T.38
15:49.39tzangerTurulo: what are you talking about?
15:49.43tzangerT.38 is a fax thing
15:49.44Beirdo~seen net-snmp that doesn't suck
15:49.44jboti haven't seen 'net-snmp that doesn't suck', Beirdo
15:50.08Turulotzanger, yes i want to disable echo cancell
15:50.18Turulotzanger, for faxes
15:50.19paski_frnDuff, I am going to explain you my problem. I'm trying to install a waiting queue in real time mode on my asterisk. Then, when I try to call my waiting queue, all phones of agents defined previously ring, but when  I answer and speak, I don't heard anything. We can not talk together.
15:50.22tzangerTurulo: it is automatic
15:50.25tzangerit already does that
15:50.27tzangeralway shas
15:50.29tzangeryou're overthinking
15:50.41Turulotzanger but that is using faxdetection?
15:50.45tzangereither that or you decided to disable the tone detect in zaptel
15:50.56tzangerTurulo: you're overthinking
15:51.08Turulotzanger tone detect?
15:51.11tzangerzaptel echo cancel automaticlaly turns off the echo can if it detects a tone
15:51.18tzangeranyway I ogtta get to lunch, I'll bbl
15:52.05gtigeneOur phone company says there are framing errors on our PRI, average about one per second. They say there is an audible "pop" when this occurs. We replaced the TE405P card and it didn't fix the errors. Has anyone had this problem or have any suggestions?
15:52.52*** part/#asterisk Turulo (
15:52.53_DAWgtigene - has you telco done any intrusive testing on the circuit?
15:53.21_DAWie looping back their smartjack to make sure the circuit is clean
15:53.41gtigene_DAW: They say they determined that the circuit was clean.
15:53.51*** join/#asterisk junbug (
15:54.07ManxPowergtigene: do you get HDLC errors on the Asterisk console?
15:54.08Ayanowhere is the list of sip providers on the wiki?  I can't find it for some reason
15:54.43gtigeneManxPower: Yes, more than once an hour I get them.
15:54.52ManxPowerthat's an indication of a problem.
15:55.05ManxPowerMake sure you have done the IDE tuning
15:55.09gtigeneManxPower: Bad FCS
15:55.44gtigeneManxPower: The only thing I have done with IDE is setting UDMA 2. What is IDE tuning?
15:55.56ManxPowerany HDLC error is a data corruption problem.  Sometimes caused by a bad line, more often caused by the IDE controller or running graphics
15:56.05ManxPowergtigene: unmasq IRQ as well.
15:57.00gtigeneManxPower: where do you unmasq IRQ. I know what an IRQ is but not know about IRQ masking.
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15:57.52brettnemI think ManxPower is refering to a hdparam setting
15:58.14brettnemalso, you can use zttool to check interrupt slips
15:58.40brettnemmake sure you arn't sharing irqs with anything..
15:59.15brettnemI've even seen the wrong PRI protocol cause those kinds of problems (really)
15:59.38shido"/sbin/hdparm --help"
15:59.41shidoshould help you
15:59.47shidoI had to enable UDMA in ubuntu
15:59.51*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
15:59.59ChkDigitDoes anybody know what causes: Ouch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (2) with a TDM400P?
16:00.02Hmmhesaysso I'm sitting on the phone, on a call that sounds like it is in a wind tunnel
16:00.19astoriaHmmhesays: get out of the wind tunnel :)
16:00.22shidoturn off the vacuum blowing up your..
16:00.36Hmmhesaysshido: where is that lint
16:00.48Hmmhesaysit was not delivered as expected
16:00.54shidogood thing it was insured
16:01.07lathos42Hmmhesays: Well, when i'm on a call, I usually sit on my chair, not on the phone itself
16:01.18gtigenebrettnem: Thanks.
16:01.23Hmmhesayshrm, good point, let me try that lathos42
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16:01.55HmmhesaysI want my 7 pence
16:02.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
16:05.04Kattyi would like someone to explain to me white it takes 7 pages of information to purchase a single hard drive.
16:05.23mutfirst page, select product
16:05.27DarthCluesure, customs.
16:05.28mut2nd page enter username/password
16:05.32[Jedi]a Pentium II with SCSI disks and 256mbytes of RAM could serve as a SIP "proxy"/"registar" without doing any transcoding ?
16:05.33Kattymut: not on the website
16:05.45[Jedi]for 20-30 concurrent users
16:05.45JunK-UKatty: when u buy a car u want details? we're like that :)
16:05.51KattyFor everyone who does not understand female psychology....
16:05.56KattyThis Is A Rant Moment
16:05.57shidosounds good
16:06.06shidotalk about bare minimums
16:06.12Kattythis is not a solutions explination moment!
16:06.13Hmmhesayshey Katty
16:06.20mutcause i think i could only have done 6 pages
16:06.31[Jedi]shido, do you think such a machine could perform that task?
16:06.31KattyDarthClue: :>
16:06.45[Jedi]great then
16:06.59[Jedi]how could I make my asterisk forbid any kind of transcoding?
16:07.13Hmmhesaysset the codec per user
16:07.18KattyDarthClue: we don't speak about my mother :<
16:07.23*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:07.23shidosip.conf set a codec and disallow others
16:07.25KattyDarthClue: she is a Jehovah Witness
16:07.27HmmhesaysI haven't talked to my mother in like 17 years
16:07.34KattyDarthClue: you don't realize how many psychological issues i really have, do you :P
16:07.43*** join/#asterisk moy (~kvirc@
16:08.00[Jedi]hmmm well ok
16:08.04lathos42Whenever I see the word therapist i'm reminded of the SNL skit with Sean Connery playing Jeopardy.. "I'll take The Rapist for $100 Alex"
16:08.10astoriaHa ha.
16:08.17Hmmhesaysanal bum cover alex
16:08.38DarthClueKatty: i used psychology when i was in 8th grade to make the teacher leave me alone.  it was priceless when i told her she was a paranoid schitzo with dulusional tendencies...too bad it was true.
16:08.43Hmmhesays"I believe that is "an album cover"
16:09.05Hmmhesays"a penis mightier!"
16:09.10Hmmhesaysi love that snl skit
16:09.19*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
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16:09.55HmmhesaysAlex: you drink whater for this, Sean Connery: a leather glove!
16:10.04Hmmhesaysholy crap did I just type that
16:10.13Hmmhesays*you drink water from this*
16:10.18creative83Anyone with a hfc card and a swisscom ntba in here?
16:10.40BlackthornHello. I have a sipura spa-2000 unit connected to the asterisk box over a wireless link. The spa has two lines and is setup with qualifty. One line went down and marked unrechable. I reset *, no change. reset the sap. and it came back up.
16:11.01ManxPowerIt's behind nat then
16:11.19Blackthornline one shows port 5060 line two shows port 1024.  What can I look for to see what the problem is? yes MP this is the same unit we were working with the other day
16:11.26JerJerbrenda:  where does that simple statement show my company name?
16:11.26Hmmhesaysits my life to live my way, so I'll keep day dreaming away
16:11.32Blackthornworked great untill just a few minutes ago. and it's setup just like you suggested the other day.
16:11.54[Jedi]what's qualify for?
16:11.59brettnemBlackthorn: yeah, all those problems are typicall of NAT issues.. makes sure qualify is on
16:12.01JerJerbrenda:  and next time you see Jsaunders ask him who i referred him to
16:12.04Blackthornthers no port fowarding anymore.
16:12.06JerJerin private
16:12.18brettnem[Jedi]: qualify sends keepalives which keeps the ports open
16:12.50[Jedi]so for using SIP in NAT'ed environments, you need qualify=yes and nat=yes ?
16:12.58[Jedi]I was only using nat=yes
16:12.59brettnemit is necessary for nat.. nat=yes should always be followed by a qualify=yes.
16:13.06Blackthornquilifty is on for the device. And i was monitoring the keepalive over the last several days. and that was working fine. just that * said it was unreachable but only for the 2nd line on the ata
16:13.25brettnemBlackthorn: is qualify=yes set?
16:13.33creative83I have the problem, that my hfc card with an NTBA on it gives no dial signal to the ISDN telephone. The isdn phone diplays an "Installation Error"
16:13.40Blackthornjedi: on the spa-2000 you should have nat = no and asterisk sip config qualfity = yes
16:13.44creative83I use zaphfc on NT moder.
16:14.12MicC_tzanger: you were right, I need OC-12 and one hell of a media gateway to handle 4000 lines
16:14.19brettnemsipuras also need the nat and keepalive stuff turned on on the actual ata itself..
16:14.22[Jedi]what does exactly "nat=yes" do?
16:14.35Blackthornjedi and no port fowards or you break the rules..
16:14.51brettnemI think it enables use of rport and ignores the ip address in the contact header and uses the actual source ip instead
16:14.58[Jedi]I wanted to avoid modifying the ADSL router configuration for port forwarding and that
16:15.08brettnemyou shouldn't have to do port forwards..
16:15.46BlackthornI WAS doing port fowards... and nat=yes. now i do no port fowards.. nat = no. and qualfity=yes in the sip.conf file.
16:16.01brettnemthat sounds backwards to me
16:16.04BlackthornAnd when you do a sip show peers you get the ip address of the router, which I like.
16:16.18Blackthornqualifty = yes tells * to do the nat translations.
16:16.24brettnemif you turn the port forwards off. you should have nat=yes and qualify=yes.. or maybe I'm on crack
16:16.33JerJerBlackthorn:  um no
16:16.37brettnemqualify=yes just sends OPTIONS to the device
16:16.56brettnemqualify.. strictly speaking has absolutely nothing to do with NAT
16:17.02JerJerBlackthorn:  registering to the proxy is how you get thru nat/firewall
16:17.03Saaibwhat configuration change i need to do in order that asterisk won't start mpg123 with the on-hold backgrouns music ?
16:17.16jimmybob46hello! can anyone help me with a capi question?
16:17.30brettnemSaaib: what version of mpg123 are you running?
16:17.42brettnemoh.. you don't want it.. hmm
16:17.49*** join/#asterisk cripito (~ncripito@
16:18.07brettnemjust remove your audio files from your moh dir
16:18.10cripitoanyone have a for astlinux?
16:18.28Saaibbrettnem:  mpg123-0.59r
16:18.35Blackthornwell i donno then you got me all confused. but I am 100% that i have qualfity = on, nat = off, and no prot fowarding. and it's been working for week with no problems. untill one side of the ata droped off a few mins ago and needed to be rebooted.
16:19.15BlackthornIf i turn nat = on (on the ata) then it fails to registerer.
16:19.31brettnemBlackthorn: when you have the config you described, it will work until the translations disappear.. the length is determined by how long your nat device holds it's translations and how often you use the device..
16:19.38brettnembtw, that's nat=yes
16:20.04brettnemyou need to set nat=yes in sip.conf AND set the nat stuff on the ATA
16:20.16ManxPowerno, turning nat on in the device will screw up nat=yes in asterisk
16:20.19Saaibbrettnem:  could exist another solution... i'm running a test asterisk server on my desktop, but once i start the console, mpg123 blocks the sound devs...
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16:20.56Saaibso i want to use a softphone to test the connection , but with mpg123 running cant
16:21.05brettnemyou might be able to noload
16:21.23Saaibon modules.conf right ?
16:21.30BlackthornIn sip.conf.  Sip=1 is that the same as sip=yes?
16:21.34brettnemor there might be a way to get mpg123 not hook the soundcard..
16:21.45ManxPowerSaaib: mv musiconhold.conf musiconhold.conf-siabled
16:21.47brettnemare you sure mpg123 is getting the sound dev and it's not chan_oss??
16:22.00ManxPowerBlackthorn: sip or nat?
16:22.07Saaibbrettnem:  not really, how can i figure out ? let me do an lsof
16:22.39ManxPowerSaaib: in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf put noload => and noload =>
16:23.08ManxPowerthere is no option sip=yes or sip=1
16:23.17Blackthorni mean nat
16:23.32ManxPowerBlackthorn: Please put down the beer and step away from the computer.
16:23.36Blackthorni have qualfity = yes and nat=1 in the sip.conf file
16:23.37SaaibManxPower: thanks
16:23.39brettnemSaaib: my mpg123 only shows up on ttys, not on the sounddev
16:23.43junbugwhich version of mpg123 is recommend again?
16:23.49doolphanyone know how to have h323 client like sip client?
16:23.54Saaibbrettnem: the result from lsof is
16:23.55Saaibasterisk 21763 root   16u   CHR   14,3      5310226 /dev/dsp0
16:24.01ManxPowerBlackthorn: 1 should mean "yes" and should mean "true".  I always use "yes"
16:24.19brettnemSaaib: right.. and that's probably because of chan_oss and chan_alsa and proobably hs nothing to do with mpg123
16:24.20ManxPowerSaaib: the noload will fix that
16:24.27Blackthornhaha, i could use a good beer at the moment.
16:24.30brettnemright it should
16:24.44brettnembut understand that it isn't a mpg123 thing.. at least, it doesn't appear that it is.
16:24.49[Jedi]I should add a 'noload =>' for any module I'm not using?
16:24.52[Jedi]or it doesn't matter?
16:25.03brettnem[Jedi]: don't fix it if it ain't broke
16:25.31moyanyone here is using Asterisk on Gentoo Distro?
16:25.32ManxPower[Jedi]: There are MANY modules interdependencies.
16:25.33brettnemjunbug: just do a make mpg123
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16:25.58ManxPowerGenerally nothing depends on chan_* so I noload =>, etc
16:25.58doolphanyone know how to have h323 client like sip client?
16:26.02brettnem[Jedi]: really.. don't start unloading stuff until you know what you don't need
16:26.41ManxPowerBut, in the example of many modules require it to be loaded, even if you are not using it. in cvs-head doesn't have to be loaded anymore
16:27.16bkw_tony did a patch to stub the functions in the core so you can noload that if you wish
16:27.16SaaibManxPower: brettnem: there ya go ! problem fixed, thanks !
16:27.50SaaibNow executing X-Lite to do my testing
16:28.45[Jedi]I was thinking on disabling chan_mgcp and chan_skinny
16:28.48[TK]D-FenderSimple question : I'm trying to find out where to setup SQL storage of *'s queue log data, and the WIKI has me running around.  Can someone link me more directly with docs on this?
16:29.11[Jedi]I don't think mgcp has any real use for me
16:29.11Blackthornok to clairfy i have nat=yes, qualfity=yes in sip.conf. The ata has nat=no and no port fowarding on the router. One line was working the other was marked as unreachable. Reset the ata got both to work.
16:30.16[Jedi]brettnem: mgcp and skinny are good candidates for being unloaded?
16:31.56*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
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16:36.23cripitoanyone have a for astlinux?
16:36.34doolphanyone good with gnugk?
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16:37.08[Jedi]I'm good at hating gnugk
16:37.48riemenscwhat is the error code     -- Got SIP response 488 "Not acceptable here" back from
16:38.05*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~darkskiez@
16:38.22bkw_is this a sipura
16:39.01bkw_voipbuster uses IAX
16:39.08riemenscand sip
16:39.16bkw_sniff it .. crack it.. whip it good!
16:39.23bkw_or something like that :P
16:39.23*** join/#asterisk file (
16:39.37brettnemriemensc: typically that's a codec incompatibility
16:41.22bkw_ya ya
16:41.33riemensci use the codec alaw
16:41.33bkw_just wanting to see if it happened to be a sipura
16:41.38brettnemriemensc: are you only allowing alaw?
16:41.45bkw_allow ulaw
16:42.02riemenscyes i´m only allow alaw
16:42.14brettnemyeah, you'll need ulaw in there most likely
16:42.15bkw_well get a sip debug
16:42.19bkw_and see what it wants
16:42.20riemenscin the sip.conf i have write
16:42.24bkw_the SDP will show you the way
16:42.25brettnemuh oh
16:42.34*** join/#asterisk Hengei (~Hengei@
16:42.35brettnemput an allow=ulaw in there..
16:42.36riemenscwhat is the correct codec for voipbuster
16:42.59brettnemyou'll have to ask them.. ** if you are happy with alaw.. PLEASE just put ulaw in there.
16:43.11riemenscive put ulaw and testing
16:43.17brettnemsip reload
16:43.37Hengeihello ! how to uninstall asterisk
16:43.44brettnemrm -rf /
16:43.50brettnemno not really.. please don't do that
16:43.54*** join/#asterisk dos000 (
16:44.34riemensci´ve started asterisk -vvvvc again
16:44.56brettnemohhh.. running asterisk in forground mode..........
16:45.09riemensci´ve got the same error Got SIP response 488 "Not acceptable here" back from
16:45.29brettnemwell do a sip debug and find out what they want
16:45.54Hengeirm -rf remove the directory but how to uninstall the application ?
16:46.17riemensci´ve i put sip show registry
16:46.20brettnemHengei: what are you trying to acomplish?
16:46.24riemensci see registered
16:46.35brettnemriemensc: sip debug
16:46.35brettnemmake call.
16:46.47Hengeii want ti uninstall asterisk
16:46.54brettnemoh.. I see
16:47.17brettnemwell look in your makefile and see where it put stuff and go erase it..I don't think there is an uninstaller
16:47.25brettnemnot for the "linux version" heh
16:47.51brettnemanyone want to share a lunch??
16:48.24riemenscsip debugging enabled
16:48.27brettnem292 greedy people without extra lunches
16:48.37riemensci call a number and waiting
16:48.55riemensccan i post this sip debugging in this room
16:48.55Hengeii want de uninstall it just for reinstalling it ... i have to do some things from the begining
16:49.09brettnemHengei: you can reinstall over existing
16:49.10Hengeide= to
16:49.32brettnemoooh.. thanks..
16:49.42Hengeiit gives me some problems
16:49.48brettnemugh pastrami
16:49.54Hengeii'd like to follow a tutorial
16:50.08brettnemjust follow the tutorial.. you should be fine
16:50.30loudthen find / -name asterisk or rm -rf /etc/asterisk and /var/lib/asterisk
16:50.42brettnem"uninstalling" wont' do anything really.. do a "make clean" if you want the compiled code to be erased (in the installed, but compiled)
16:50.57*** join/#asterisk riemensc (
16:51.04brettnemloud: that'll miss installed binariares and maybe even some modules..
16:51.13loudand codecs.
16:51.22riemenscbrettnem have you recieve the debugging?
16:51.28loudbut he wants to wipe the install.
16:51.41brettnemriemensc: send the sip debug to a pastebin
16:51.56brettnemwell then he'll have to go to each place the install puts stuff and get rid of it..
16:52.08brettnemwhich I think is more than /etc/asterisk and /var/lib/asterisk
16:52.12*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
16:52.14brettnemlike maybe /usr/lib/modules/asterisk
16:52.18brettnemdepending on distro
16:52.38brettnemalso /var/spool/asterisk.. there are lots of places for asterisk pieces
16:52.41riemensci´ve open
16:52.47jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
16:52.57brettnemthanks jbot!
16:54.20riemensccan you help me brettnem?
16:54.31junbugand set a timeout limit or it will ge cached by seach engines....
16:55.05riemensci think the problem ist the proxy authentication from voipbuster or what do you think?
16:55.29*** join/#asterisk loick (
16:56.47brettnemriemensc: I don't know why you are getting those 407s..
16:57.11riemensci think not 407s =60s or 90s
16:57.26brettnemwell you know..
16:57.48brettnemI don't see an actual call being placed here.. you invite sip:h  ...which can't be right
16:58.04brettnemWe're at port 13946
16:58.04brettnemReliably Transmitting:
16:58.04brettnemINVITE sip:h@ SIP/2.0
16:58.44*** join/#asterisk trickyrick77 (~rsegrest@
16:59.09brettnemok... I think I need to get back to my paid job..
16:59.38riemenschow can I solve this the problem?
16:59.57brettnemdon't dial "h"
17:00.14brettnemyou are picking up your phone at 30690116 and dialing "h"
17:00.27dos000anyone can comment on proxying versus using nat traversal with sip ?
17:00.33riemensci´m from germany what is h?
17:00.41riemenscmy telephone is nr is 30690116
17:00.46brettnemh is incorrect
17:00.59brettnemI don't see you making a real telephone call in the debug.
17:01.28riemensci´m using bristuff
17:01.49brettnemdoesn't matter
17:01.57riemenscasterisk server with bristuff with isdn hfc card connect to isdn telephone in nt mode
17:02.10brettnemLOOK in the TO:
17:02.17brettnemTo: <sip:h@>;tag=as6c00e71d
17:02.23brettnemthat won't work
17:02.41riemensci would link call a other number
17:02.53brettnemlike I said, you didn't show the trace of a real phone call attempt
17:02.55riemenschow can i change this h?
17:03.11brettnemwell perhaps you didn't send me the right debug... or maybe your dial statement is hosed
17:03.18riemensci think it´s a error in extensions.conf what do you think?
17:03.30brettnemperhaps.. but I don't even see the attempt in your debug
17:03.36riemensci´ve send you the right debug
17:03.55*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:04.04brettnemok, then you are pushing "h" on your phone if that;'s the right debug
17:04.36brettnemI'm looking for a:
17:04.36brettnem-- Executing Dial("Zap/1", "SIP/voippeer/7135551212") in new stack
17:05.01brettnemmake sure you set verbose high
17:05.08brettnemlike: set verbose 100
17:05.38riemenscsorry, i´ve got another configuration for sipgate
17:05.52brettnemreally.. I must run..
17:05.57brettnemgood luck
17:06.24InfraRedis there a way to dial a number from the CLI ?
17:06.44brettnemThis should be on a FAQ
17:06.45riemenscjust a moment please i good of toilette
17:07.01brettnemInfraRed: chan_oss
17:07.02InfraRedbrettnem: my Q?
17:08.34cripitoanyone running gentoo and asterisk around?
17:08.39*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (~mk@
17:08.46NuggetAsterisk doesn't care what linux you use.
17:08.46harryvvnot yet
17:08.52cripitoyeap true
17:08.55NuggetAsterisk doesn't even care if you use Linux at all.
17:09.00cripitobut i need a
17:09.01harryvvas long as the linux is stable i dont care.
17:09.08cripitofor astlinux
17:09.24cripitoand the best option to get 1 is from a gentoo distro
17:09.31mmlj4ManxPower: you alive?
17:09.33cripitob/c the way of the libs
17:10.01mmlj4ManxPower: you got my crazy voicemail yet?
17:10.36*** part/#asterisk Hengei (~Hengei@
17:11.20*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
17:11.34Darwin35ok this sucks
17:11.42harryvvso who has had the least supply problems with the purchace of ip500s?
17:12.02Darwin35the netweb looks nice btu it is not upgradeable via tftp
17:12.11Darwin35and it is not friendly to setup
17:12.11DarthClueharryvv: how many do you need?  and would you settle for ip501s?
17:12.19astoriaare there a lot of people having problems supplying ip501s?
17:12.24*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
17:12.30tzangerwhat's the difference between 500 and 501?
17:12.46DarthCluei believe it is just a memory upgrade and maybe a security upgrade as well.
17:12.46harryvvjust a firmware security upgrade
17:12.52brettnemDarthClue: you got any Cisco 7960s?
17:13.12harryvvI dont know about the memory part
17:13.25DarthCluebrettnem: i don't actually stock, but i know how to find them.  how many are you looking for?
17:13.38brettnemDarthClue: about 25
17:13.49DarthClueharryvv: it has a larger memory footprint for sure.  that is well documented.
17:15.17*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
17:16.19DarthCluebrettnem: voipsupply is probably your best bet for the ciscos
17:16.33blitzragebrettnem: have you tried the -biz list? I see people selling refurbed Cisco's on there often enough
17:16.47brettnemDarthClue: yeah, that's what I thought.. they used to have 10 and 20 packs but they disappeared..
17:17.03brettnemblitzrage: yeah. I need to go dig through that..
17:17.15*** join/#asterisk datagen24 (
17:18.08[TK]D-Fenderharryvv : Not buying through CCP?
17:18.23datagen24ok i have given up on amp, can(would) anybody help me write config files for asterisk
17:18.26harryvvnice thing about voip is the way to get around the out of area 1800 out of country restrictions that some companies create
17:19.00Darwin35not always
17:19.28Darwin35I have found with broadvoice you canot dial all 800/866/877 nmbrs
17:20.25harryvvTk, yea I might as well sending a msg to you
17:20.33*** part/#asterisk brettnem (~Brett@
17:20.58datagen24ok i have given up on amp, can(would) anybody help me write config files for asterisk??
17:21.25dudesIn sip.conf I put permit= and deny= but it still allows me to dial using a non-permited IP.
17:21.48dudesI've also tried in permiet=ip/netmask
17:22.11astoriadatagen24: what are you trying to do?
17:23.13datagen24astoria: i have a router in my dorm room (shared with 3 persons) we all live in diferent states so the conclusion was to set up voip
17:23.29astoriado you use sip? or iax? or what?
17:23.40riemensccan everybody me write the command for sip debugging
17:23.44datagen24astoria: iax or sip i am using voicpulse connect
17:24.00dudessip debug ?
17:24.05astoriathen edit your iax.conf to setup your iax, and use extensions.conf to do call routing..
17:24.12*** join/#asterisk Paul[NOC] (~paul@
17:24.31astoriadatagen24: i don't have time to write the confs for you. but if you look around in the wiki and mailing lists, you should be ablet o find enough information to get started.
17:24.48*** part/#asterisk tinpot (~nick@
17:25.28riemenscokay sip debug
17:25.35datagen24astoria: been trying but everybody i have been able to find is using amp. and i cant get it working
17:25.46riemenscwho of you use
17:25.48riemenscvia sip
17:25.51Paul[NOC]I got this kinda weird problem, I setup a IVR Menu for our call center. Now once the key has been pressed I get a few second delay+static before it completes action
17:26.06astoriadatagen24: who have you been talking to. I only tlak to conf people :) GUIs are horribly overrated
17:26.17Paul[NOC]Eww GUI's ;)
17:26.32Paul[NOC]But I'm biasted. I run a all Linux Datacenter ;)
17:26.55datagen24astoria: googling, and msg board at
17:27.08astoriadatagen24: well, do you have a specific issue?
17:27.15Paul[NOC]Anyone have any suggestions for me?
17:27.52Paul[NOC]DOnt want answer, Just a hint in the right direction
17:28.04datagen24astoria: more i need to know where to start, man does have any info on the conf files
17:28.06riemensci can not call via
17:28.17astoriasounds like some kind of DTMF issue paul.
17:28.39astoriadatagen24: go to and search for iax.conf or extensions.conf
17:28.47astoriadatagen24: there are a lot of good examples.
17:29.12harryvvBy chance is there any 180 though 188 country code? if not good.
17:29.27datagen24astoria: will do thanks,imight be back if i need more help
17:29.27harryvv118 country code?
17:30.18riemensci´ve got the error code     -- Got SIP response 488 "Not acceptable here" back from
17:30.30*** join/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
17:31.25Strom_Cgood morning
17:31.25Paul[NOC]Going to read up on this
17:31.29Paul[NOC]Thanks astoria
17:31.52obsidian-studioshello all, still having problems with ANI/CID info on zap channels. Less consistently with the use of callerid=asreceived. However just a moment ago I got a call that returned the ANI/CID info of the zap channel. Instead of possibly unknown  and the #?
17:32.09Darwin35anyone here have a netweb 401 aka x401 from iareaphone
17:32.21Darwin35that has it working iax2
17:32.49astoriaPaul[NOC]: sorry i couldn't help you more, I don't have too much experience with dtmf stuff
17:33.30Paul[NOC]Thats why we have wiki ;)
17:34.55riemensc* oej has qu
17:35.10riemenscwhat is this for a error code?
17:37.42[Jedi]there's a 50$ TE410P in ebay
17:37.53Paul[NOC]astoria, no dice. You might giving it a call and hearing it?
17:37.56Paul[NOC]Maybe it'll stand out to you
17:38.21astoriaPaul[NOC]: sure, drop me a msg with the number, i'll call it
17:38.32astoriaPaul[NOC]: are you on a PRI or IAX or what?
17:38.59Paul[NOC]astoria, It's all IP over SIP Channels
17:39.19astoriaPaul[NOC]: are you having echo issues at all?
17:39.38Paul[NOC]astoria, nope
17:39.46Paul[NOC]Not that I have noticed
17:40.54astoriaPaul[NOC]: it's giving me a busy signal
17:41.20*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (~colol@VDSL-130-13-9-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
17:41.29riemenscplease help me
17:41.34riemensci use voipbuster
17:42.00Paul[NOC]astoria horribly sorry
17:42.01Paul[NOC]wrong number
17:42.50astoriaWow, you're right paul, but I didn't hear any static.
17:42.59yaaarcan you have identical extensions in different contexts, headed to different phones?
17:43.01astoriaI just heard a big delay between when I dialed and the next menu.
17:43.08Paul[NOC]Yea, I cant figure that out
17:43.16Paul[NOC]I'm using Background and Queue
17:43.18junbugriemensc: did you allow  ulaw and alaw  at the same time in sip.conf?
17:43.31riemenscyes im using ulaw and alaw
17:43.56astoriaPaul[NOC]: check out googling for "delay dtmf"
17:43.58Strom_Cwhy the hell would you use both of those at the same time?
17:43.59astoriathere's a ton of responses.
17:44.19Strom_Cuse ulaw in north america, alaw everywhere else
17:44.21Paul[NOC]astoria, Thanks for the help bro
17:44.34*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:45.41junbugStrom_C: all depends on what provider allows
17:47.16riemensci live in germany
17:47.47riemensci delete ulaw from sip.conf
17:48.29*** join/#asterisk mrtwister (
17:49.21mrtwisterHello, who tested h323 / oh323 and ooh323 ? i have specific need - g723.1 (exten => ... , Answer, Wait, Playback, Dial etc )
17:50.17obsidian-studiosManxPower: if you are around, I added the callerid=asreceived, which seems to help and made a difference, but some are still coming through with the ANI/CID info instead of unknown and the #?
17:50.26Paul[NOC]Set them all to rfc, devices and both channels
17:50.32Paul[NOC]turned off jitterbuffer and tos=lowdelay
17:50.37Paul[NOC]Cant figure this out heh
17:54.13riemenscwer sprich deutsch?
17:54.38harryvvDoes europe use alaw?
17:57.28[TK]D-FenderSimple question : I'm trying to find out where to setup SQL storage of *'s queue log data, and the WIKI has me running around.  Can someone link me more directly with docs on this?
17:59.13ChkDigitriemensc: Die Deutsche Leute?
17:59.52*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
18:00.00ChkDigitUnd die andere Leute, die Deutsch sprechen.
18:01.02*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:01.29*** join/#asterisk ctjctj (
18:02.59*** part/#asterisk lehel (~Lehel@
18:05.13Paul[NOC]DTMF Payload Type:
18:05.17Paul[NOC]What in the hell is that
18:06.03Paul[NOC]Dont understand it, Dont touch it
18:06.08*** part/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
18:06.51*** join/#asterisk Jimme (
18:07.28jake1932is there any drawbacks to using this device with Asterisk -
18:07.46*** part/#asterisk riemensc (
18:08.10Jimmehi there. interested in info on asterisk ability for recording calls costs and tennent abilities. I am looking at purchasing a copy with the required hardware to setup a PBX for a medium size shared facility
18:08.28jake1932waiting on the price
18:08.44Paul[NOC]Jimme, Asterisk itself is free
18:08.51Paul[NOC]It records calls pretty effective
18:09.03Paul[NOC]We do about 150 calls per week with no problem
18:09.51jake1932mut: is there another way to connect asterisk to a USA BRI?
18:10.28JimmePaul[NOC], yea we would be able to go down the route for paid support or whatever if asterisk does what we need it to
18:10.53Jimmewhen you say records calls, you get an output of who made which call and durations etc ?
18:11.16MikeJ[Laptop]Jimme, there are extensive CDR capabilities
18:11.28*** join/#asterisk _deg_ (~deg@
18:11.31MikeJ[Laptop]Paul[NOC] thought you meant audio recording calls...
18:11.36MikeJ[Laptop]which it does too ;)
18:11.56Jimmeah yes
18:12.04MikeJ[Laptop]actual costing is a little more difficult
18:12.27jake1932just import the cose table and do a join
18:12.40Jimmewell, all we would need is duration of calls, we could work it out from there. would it be in mysql or something easy to get to ?
18:12.45Jimmeah, sounds like it would be
18:13.07jake1932tyou can have asterisk output cdr to mysql
18:13.39Jimmeperfect for what I want to do
18:14.35ctjctjHello again.   I'm attempting to get Festival to work with asterisk and having an unpleasent time of it.  I've verified that festival
18:14.37Jimmeso, in terms of ability to subdivide the PBX for tenants, is that something asterisk understands ?
18:15.09[TK]D-FenderJimme : As is run it for use by multiple business units?
18:15.10ctjctj'Saytext' works.   I've verified that the macro does what is expected.  But I get a quick, <1s, sound and but not the utterance.
18:15.15*** join/#asterisk konfuzed (
18:15.16jake1932you have one file (extensions.conf) that holds all the extensions and contexts - you can subdivide however you see fit
18:15.47Jimmeyes [TK]D-Fender
18:16.00[TK]D-FenderJimme : Definately.
18:16.16Jimmeok, sounds good :)
18:16.52Jimmeso what sort of size system can you run on a run of the mill rack mount server in terms of extensions / calls etc
18:16.57[TK]D-FenderJimme : Asterisk can do a LOT, but how turn-key a solution are you looking for?  Are you prepared to learn * inside out and do it yourself or are you expecting your solution to do a bit more hand-holding?
18:17.23[TK]D-FenderJimme : Call density is variable depending on the technologies used.  What did you have in mind
18:17.35jake1932jimme - if you search for asterisk dimensioning on it'll give you a better idea
18:17.51Jimmeok will do in a sec.
18:18.51Jimmeum, were looking at maybe 50-100 extensions max.... no idea at all on other stuff at this stage
18:18.57jake1932Jimme - here's the exact URL:
18:19.45ctjctjJimme, You might want to also take a look at asterisk@home just to learn more.   It is a "turnkey" asterisk for small offices or homes.   But it gives you an idea of what asterisk can do for you.
18:20.04Jimmei have no problem getting my hands dirty [TK]D-Fender, i dont expect to compile and go :)
18:20.21Jimmeok thanks, will look at that as well
18:20.38ctjctjI've been working with asterisk for about 4 weeks and am barely able to get it to do the things I want it to do.   And I know there is lots more.   It is a complex and powerful tool, and like any powerful tool, it takes time to learn out to do it "right"
18:20.43[TK]D-FenderJimme : Ok, how many lines, and using what technology?
18:21.08FarrisGDoes anyone have enough experience with Polycom 301/501 to tell me which ones I ought to get if given the choice?
18:21.52DarthClueFarrisG: 501
18:21.57[TK]D-Fender501 most likely.  501 has speakerphone, more call buttons, etc.  But depends on your goal of course
18:21.59konfuzedI keep getting this error and can't find the cause. is it config on my side or config on providers side
18:21.59konfuzedCLI> Jul 27 14:34:53 NOTICE[12432]: chan_iax2.c:5888 socket_read: Registration of 'profx' rejected: Registration Refused
18:21.59konfuzedJul 27 14:35:04 NOTICE[12432]: chan_iax2.c:5452 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
18:21.59konfuzedi only get the second message when someone places a call to the number.
18:21.59konfuzedOh this is setup via iax.conf and is Asterisk to asterisk
18:22.09konfuzedthis darn editor
18:22.10DarthCluei have one that i am using right now and it is just too cool
18:23.07jake1932konfuzed: looks like an authentication error
18:24.23*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
18:24.27FarrisGThanks. One of my execs' goals is to eventually have "call appearances" or whatever it's called so that the admin can tell who is on the phone and who isn't. Is this even possible with sip/Asterisk? I'm sure it could be done with some kind of web app, which I'm looking into, but they'd like to have it on the phone or a sidecar
18:25.32[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : Call Appearances works on Polycom, but NOT with Asterisk (to date)
18:26.12FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: Not with asterisk period, or not with asterisk and polycom?
18:26.20[TK]D-Fender(last I checked).  SNOM 360 supposedly does though and is at a similar price-point.  You could also run a Manager Interface GUI tool like IPSwitchboard for that effect
18:26.49[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : Believe its Asterisk's implementation or something to that effect
18:26.50firestrmi need 8 regular office desk type phones and 2 receptionist.. any opinions on what gear i should look at ? i havent a clue and i have to put the quote together in one day.. :( , cost not as important as ease of use (both user and administrator) and reliability/quality
18:26.56FarrisGYeah, I'm considering IPSwitchboard. It's just hard to get these old fogies to use software instead of plastic
18:27.01[TK]D-FenderIPSwitchboard is the easiers way to see who's on calls.
18:27.26Jimme[TK]D-Fender, a single ISDN 30 (eventually with max channels)
18:27.40DarthCluefirestrm: define receptionist.  how many lines need to be supported?
18:27.44[TK]D-FenderJimme : Euro E1?
18:27.59firestrmDarthClue, 4 lines, plus 1 transfer to remote office
18:28.14[TK]D-FenderI find with auto-attendent's these days you hardly need receptionists.
18:28.19*** join/#asterisk Kurtism (
18:28.54Darwin35I hate phones you have to update with windows
18:28.57firestrm[TK]D-Fender, i know, but these guys cant seem to wrap their minds around autoattendant
18:29.02DarthCluefirestrm: Polycom IP501 or IP600 will do and are highly recommended.  If you want to spend the big bucks, look at Ciscos, but they aren't recommended simply because you have to pay for everything, the firmware, the ac adapter, the phone, etc.
18:29.02[TK]D-FenderJimme : Asterisk will work just fine for that size, but aim for a 3 GHZ+ server...
18:29.20firestrmDarwin35, i agree with you on that :)
18:29.25Darwin35I now have 2 phones that wont work because wrong flash ver
18:29.47[TK]D-Fenderfirestrm : Neither can my head office.  They BOTH have their heads up their asses. "Sure, lets get the most advanced technology... and then pay someone to FULL-TIME ANSWER EVERY FRIGGEN CALL"
18:29.50Darwin35I have 2 x401 aka netweb401
18:29.52firestrmDarwin35, tried Direct flashing?
18:30.14Darwin35no explain
18:30.23DarthCluei have an ip501 that can handle up to 24 calls on 3 line instances with the latest firmware.
18:30.53Darwin35I dont know the port nmbrs on the phone for flashing
18:31.01ctjctjDoes anybody have TTS working with Asterisk and Festival?  I'm unable to get anything but a short burst of sound from the Festival application in my dialplan.
18:31.21firestrmDarwin35, all hardware has a way of getting at the flash for manufacturing.. it may be a ICP connector, or you may be able to desolder the flash part and program it in a prom burner..
18:31.30Darwin35did you add the patch for festival or using the perl script
18:31.31Jimme[TK]D-Fender, yea euro (uk).... i need to get back up to speed in the terms for this stuff :/
18:32.14ctjctjInstalled it from ports under FreeBSD, the festival command is there, it connects to the festival server, but it looks like it isn't in the right format?
18:32.19firestrmDarwin35, its just a matter of a little reverse engineering.. ive never yet been defeated by a bad flash..
18:32.49Darwin35well these are not mine to take apart
18:33.02yaaarcan you have identical extensions in different contexts, headed to different phones? and then route the call to them based on the context it's coming from?
18:33.12Darwin351 is mine but  wait to get it working before moding it
18:33.36Darwin35I have to mod it for a head set
18:33.39firestrmis cisco ip phones a good choice? or is there a better for the $$ unit out there?
18:34.06FarrisGCan you tell me which is better, SNOM 360 or Polycom 501?
18:34.07nDufffirestrm, personally, I prefer Snom
18:34.23DarthCluefirestrm: Polycom IP501 or IP600 will do and are highly recommended.
18:34.33nDuffFarrisG, I haven't tried the Polycoms yet, but of the phones I *have* used, the Snom 360 is the best of them.
18:34.36firestrmsnom.?. hmm easy to config? good quality?
18:34.46_DAWPolycom is a fantastic telephone
18:34.53Darwin35once I get to working on the firmware for this phone I am going to change alot
18:34.54astoriaI love the polycoms.
18:35.09Darwin35make it more user friendly and more features
18:35.13Mw3is it possible with asterisk to send the faxes to a zap device (it's working now) but _also_ save them to pdf/tif ?
18:35.16DarthCluei am beginning to think that maybe i am a bot and that i really don't exist...firestrm, can you see this?
18:35.20nDufffirestrm, the snom is easy to config, yes; nice hardware; good sound quality, including the speakerphone
18:35.23*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (
18:35.26astoriaMw3: look up spandsp
18:35.35nDufffirestrm, and on top of that the snom runs Linux underneath. :)
18:35.38Mw3astoria: is it capable to do that ?
18:35.45*** join/#asterisk hugo234 (
18:35.48DarthClueFarrisG: i haven't used the snoms, but the Polycom I have sitting right here is really nice.
18:35.54astoriaMw3: i'm not sure how it works on a x100p, but its runs okay on my te110p with a PRI
18:36.01firestrmnDuff, which snom model would you recomend for a receptionist phone? and a desk phone?
18:36.12Nuggetoh, spiffy.  I didn't know polycom was in austin
18:36.15nDuffused to be literally right next door to them before we moved.
18:36.36nDuffNugget, they're just next to the 360 bridge pictured on the phonebook.
18:37.02Darwin35I think these x401/402 will be a good phone better then grandstream once firmware is fixed and the webinterface is cleaned up
18:37.26firestrmegad! there in germany... i would have to find a local stocking distributer..
18:37.35nDufffirestrm, hmm. A receptionist for how big a facility? Call parking, particularly with the extra-line-buttons doohicky, doesn't work without the Snom Media Server.
18:37.45DarthCluefirestrm: can you see me?
18:37.51[TK]D-FenderBoth the SNOM and Polycom seem pretty nice.  Depends what you're going to do with it.  Polycom's have a LOT of serious features, but tatke a bit to set up.
18:37.59hugo234Hello! I have already a running setup of asterisk. Everything works fine except the CID thing. The CID is transmitted to the pstn without problems but the other direction -> no way. I can't see the CID calling other VOIP-users on this server either. Any idea?
18:38.40hugo234on the console it's no problem
18:38.44nDufffirestrm, our snom is for the head honcho of a nonprofit we're hosting, and she's pretty happy with it, but she's not necessarily as demanding as a receptionist might be wrt features for handling lots of calls at once (and having those features actually *work* wihout server support -- there's a bounty, but only $100 and nobody's filled it).
18:39.12firestrmDarthClue, no.. are you trying to pm me?
18:39.13*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
18:39.18FarrisGI think it's come down to Polycom 501s and SNOM 360s. I have a quick and cheap source for the Polycom, but need to source the SNOMs to get a price comparison. Are the 501s really difficult to configure for SIP/Asterisk?
18:39.43DarthCluefirestrm: no, just making sure you could see me in the channel.  i was told that i didn't exist last night so i'm just a little paranoid today.
18:39.53nDuffFarrisG, figure about $240 for the Snom 360.
18:40.04Darwin35and now I cant reach anyone at the comany
18:40.07FarrisGI also need to get a hold of someone to support these shitty Grandstream BudgeTone 101s that automatically upgraded their firmware and are having codec issues
18:40.07ctooleyFarrisG They're significantly easier to configure well for Asterisk and the Snom 360
18:40.11firestrmDarthClue. lol.. i can see you..
18:40.13[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : Before making any serious suggestion, what do you readlly EXPECT from your phones?  Do you support PoE?
18:40.19Darwin35I bet they can flash it remotllt
18:40.40Darwin35just pisses me off they setup the flash to use IE
18:40.50DarthClueFarrisG: The Polycoms are easy to configure.  And they will run you about $170 without shipping costs.
18:41.11FarrisG[TK]D-Fender: No PoE here. What we expect is GOOD speaker phone, long uptime and usage.
18:41.34[TK]D-FenderPolycom is probably your best bet there.  They are the speakerphone kings....
18:41.45FarrisGTHen I think polycom it is
18:42.19DarthClueyeah, Polycom phones are great for speakerphones.
18:42.31FarrisGMy source is $210 per unit shipped. Think I can get better elsewhere?
18:42.33_DAWFarrisG - Polycom is your choice here, but by from a certified reseller.  You may pay a little more, but if not you will have a hell of a time with support.. ie firmware
18:42.39yaaarnDuff: the speakerphone on my cisco 7940 sounds great
18:42.49DarthClueFarrisG: on the polycoms?  how many do you need?
18:43.01firestrmso im thinking for a 4 1b line in/ 10 extension system.. 8 x snom 190's and 2 snom 360's.. now all i have to do is figure out where i can buy em from..
18:43.09_DAWFarrisG - What model, we are polycom certified.
18:43.12[TK]D-FenderFarrisG : For the 501 you should be able to get them for +/- 180$USD
18:43.34nDuffyaaar, we haven't tried Cisco; frankly, we mostly stuck around the low end of the market -- Grandstreams, Sipuras -- before trying the Snoms.
18:43.40_DAWFarrisG - How many do you need?
18:43.52ctooleyFarrisG when I was working for my last company we were a Polycom partner selling 500/501 phones for $185
18:44.00FarrisGRight now I guess I need 6 polycom 501s
18:44.03yaaarnDuff: I can understand. I'm probably going to get some polycoms or snoms in the near future myself
18:44.12*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
18:44.12colinm_yaaar: supposedly cisco's using polycom tech for the speakerphone feature. so no big surprise there
18:44.23*** part/#asterisk Derkommissar (
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18:44.38yaaarcolinm_: but i hear the polycoms don't have the echo-cancelling feature these ciscos have...
18:44.50DarthClueFarrisG: where does it need to be shipped to?  i might be able to get you a source that can get them to you for about 175 shipped.
18:45.11FarrisGAllen, TX
18:45.29DarthClueFarrisG: can i pm you?
18:45.37FarrisGDarthClue: Certainly
18:46.46Paul[NOC]Hmm anyone know of a problem with grandsteam and sending DTMF tones
18:46.56Paul[NOC](using rfc on both sides)
18:47.36Paul[NOC]Anyone feel like going over my setup for a few bucks?
18:48.05yaaardoes the snom 320 support PoE?
18:48.31DarthCluePaul[NOC]: use info on the grandstreams, works better.
18:48.56DarthCluePaul[NOC]: if that doesn't work, i'll take a look for a few bucks
18:49.09Paul[NOC]DarthClue, I heard info does not work with voicemail
18:49.30[TK]D-Fenderyaaar : Apparently
18:50.11DarthCluePaul[NOC]: works with my bt101.
18:50.29jbotDTMF: Dual Tone Multi-Frequency. The technical term describing Touch Tone dialing. Basically the combining of two tones, one low frequency and one high frequency.
18:50.52lathos42I knew it was touch tones, but I didnt know what it stood for :)
18:51.01Paul[NOC]DarthClue Thanks
18:51.07Paul[NOC]Testing it now
18:51.08lathos42and silly me for not asking jbot
18:51.18DarthCluePaul[NOC]: np.
18:51.33*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
18:51.51harryvvhow many small bussiness really need a second public ip for a voip setup?
18:51.58harryvvis it even recomended?
18:52.31Paul[NOC]We use private and public, Public for our remote locations that arent on the VPN List
18:52.36Paul[NOC]and private for the call center and Operations Room
18:52.37DarthClueharryvv: depends on the type of business and what that ip gives them.
18:52.46*** part/#asterisk ctjctj (
18:53.18harryvvSo basicly for reliability and security is it even nessesary to use a second ip for voip? That never crossed my mind untill somone sugested it.
18:53.23Paul[NOC]Info worked great
18:54.10DarthClueharryvv: not unless the second ip is on a different route or you can guarantee that the second ip will always be kept private.
18:54.28DarthCluePaul[NOC]: i accept donations at
18:54.36harryvvis it even really nessesary for a small bussiness though?
18:54.55Paul[NOC]DarthClue, I have one problem. You fix this and you'll get a nice donation ;) lol
18:55.03DarthClueharryvv: no, unless those conditions that i outlined above exist.
18:55.06*** part/#asterisk datagen24 (
18:55.18DarthCluePaul[NOC]: have a seat on the couch and let's discuss it.
18:56.06Paul[NOC]DarthClue, I setup a Menu for incoming calls, Now it all works. But after they make a selection there is a delay. Normally about 5 seconds before switching extensions
18:57.12DarthClueyour digit / exten timeout is set and you haven't put in a specific enough extension to make it match right away.  pastebin your extensions.conf and i'll have a look.
18:57.28Paul[NOC]I pasted part of it
18:57.51*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
19:00.01Craziman2Can I configured * to ring a 7960 different if the call is from a zap channel -vs- another sip call?
19:01.03MRH2look for alert_info on the wiki
19:01.08DarthCluePaul[NOC]: was the DigitTimeout previously set at 5?  that is what would have caused the delay.  if you lower it to about 2, the delay shouldn't be as long.  if it is still happening, i'll have to dig deeper, which means i need more of the conf file to see where it is actually going.  although, i'm not sure you want line 14 in there on that pastebin.
19:01.15Craziman2MRH2 thanks
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19:01.38harryvvany reliable software based routers will pass sip?
19:02.43MRH2do folk generally run asterisk with the -p option?
19:03.02Paul[NOC]Done, checking it DarthClue
19:03.44Paul[NOC]7 Seconds
19:03.45Paul[NOC]it took
19:03.51*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
19:04.14DarthCluePaul[NOC]: HEAD or STABLE?
19:04.36SarahEmmsivana: still no luck
19:04.45opus_the wiki is working against 1.2
19:05.58Paul[NOC]central*CLI> show version
19:05.58Paul[NOC]Asterisk 1.0.7
19:06.03*** join/#asterisk pa (~Paolo@pa.user)
19:06.16Paul[NOC]I have 1.0.9 I can compile
19:06.36DarthCluePaul[NOC]: let me see if it does it on my HEAD box, it could be a bug in stable...
19:06.49zooi am trying to register my sipura ATA at an asterisk via sip. I did not set localnet, since the phone is registering with a dynamic public ip. Asterisk does not answer my requests at all. The same locally did work. Any ideas?
19:07.31dos000anyone can sugest nat traversal embeded box solution for sip ?
19:08.38anthmPaul[NOC] try something along the lines of
19:08.47zooand my sipura comes from inside my local home network trough siproxd
19:09.43yaaarok, so what are you folks using to manage a whole bunch of extensions? preferably dynamically, so i don't have to reload all my extensions every time i change one...
19:09.51anthmwhen you put the wildcard exten in the same context as the menu you are making it possible that you could dial a 10 digit exten
19:10.07anthmso it will not react when you dial just 4
19:10.19anthmcos you may still dial 455555555
19:10.37harryvvanthm what router do you use to pass sip though
19:11.03anthmyou mean like ser ?
19:12.14harryvvare you using ser?
19:12.21harryvvI have not used it
19:13.30Paul[NOC]anthm, Thanks I am checking now. Just gotta redo the context
19:14.01*** join/#asterisk Holos (~asdf@
19:14.05HolosI just downloaded CVS-Head to install on a machine and Zaptel "make linux26" is erroring with: zaptel.c:1745: warning: ignoring return value of ‘copy_from_user’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result
19:14.14HolosAnyone seen this before?
19:14.26DarthCluePaul[NOC]: you will also want to put a WaitExten() in there or it will just fall thru right after playing the message.
19:14.50DarthClueHolos: why are you using make linux26?  make should work fine.
19:15.09harryvvis there somone who has had luck with say m0n0wal or ipcop or some other software based firewall that will pass sip and create a two way call?
19:15.18*** part/#asterisk Craziman2 (
19:16.23HolosDarthClue: Hmm.. I thought with kernel 2.6 you had to do the make linux26.. Thats what the README.Linux26 says..
19:16.24Paul[NOC]DarthClue, Jul 27 15:15:24 WARNING[8157]: pbx.c:1934 ast_pbx_run: Invalid extension '4', but no rule 'i' in context 'incoming'
19:16.45DarthCluePaul[NOC]: pastebin it again and msg me
19:17.15DarthClueHolos: i'm using a 2.6 kernel and i just use make
19:17.39HolosDarthClue: make has the same error, this is on FC4 if it makes a difference..
19:17.48DarthClueHolos: one sec...
19:18.31*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
19:19.12DarthClueHolos: keep in mind, FC4 uses the newer gcc and will have lots warnings, but it souldn't have any failure errors.
19:19.34*** join/#asterisk riemensc (
19:20.02riemensceverybuddy speak german?
19:20.07zooi do
19:20.23riemensci´m using voipbuster and have a problem with extensions.conf or sip.conf
19:20.40HolosDarthClue: I was having problems with chan_zap saying pri_cpe was invalid signalling.. (Sangoma A102) so I thought that may be the problem, it seems to be a warning though.
19:20.45zooriemensc: as far as i know, you need to use IAX2 for voipbuster
19:20.56payesterday i was able to see "Receiving call to myMSN; entering the context [incoming-call]; etc etc" when i received calls. Now im not able any more. And i uses same number of "v" in the asterisk command line..
19:20.57zooriemensc: sip does not work correctly
19:21.04pahow can i see caller id?
19:21.28riemensczoo i´ve read by voipbuster the company support sip and iax
19:21.35riemenscdo you use voipbuster?
19:21.52zooriemensc: use IAX2 with asterisk
19:22.16riemensci´ve read the quality is not so good
19:22.23Paul[NOC]It's very good
19:22.36*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (cracka@
19:23.02DarthCluePaul[NOC]: try this...
19:24.38*** join/#asterisk fifer (~sirfifer@
19:25.21CherebrumAnyone here running Asterisk on a PPC or PPC64?
19:25.21fiferAnyone have access to the new firmware ( ) for the Aastra 480i?
19:25.28*** join/#asterisk wrarrl (~Myself@
19:25.42Paul[NOC]DarthClue, pm me your paypal
19:25.44mrtwisterCherebrum, PPC = pocket pc?
19:26.11jontowwhy, PurplePC, of course!
19:26.34CherebrumIBM PPC970FX
19:26.46mrtwisteri ran it on zaurus
19:26.50mrtwisterit is linux pocket pc
19:27.19*** join/#asterisk bankrupt (
19:27.30Cherebrummrtwister: an Apple Xserve G5
19:27.43harryvvanyone have a sip phone care to test my firwall sip passing capabilities?
19:27.59*** join/#asterisk dudes (
19:28.28Cherebrumharryvv: Is this a NAT router?
19:28.38harryvvi was told that ipcop can pass it
19:28.50CherebrumWhat's the sip URI?
19:30.44harryvvCherebrum sent you a msg
19:31.27pacan i insert in an exten something like  A=postgresql(execute query X and return the result)?
19:31.49paso i can use for example then $A with gotoif() command
19:32.24pifiuwhere do you set what codec you want the phoent o use?
19:32.27pifiuin which .conf file?
19:33.10dudesthe config file that reflects the context which the phone uses
19:33.18_DAWpifiu - if sip phone then sip.conf
19:35.11*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
19:35.58bkw_FYI folks switch-07 supports encryption if you wanna try it out
19:36.24bkw_must have latest CVS
19:38.02slePPwhich sort of encryption?
19:38.15fileIAX2 encryption.
19:38.18dudespa - you you want to run a system command to query postgresql ?
19:38.57CherebrumAnyone know of a PSTN to VoIP provider that does toll free numbers that provide ANI?
19:39.21slePPANI or CID?
19:39.33SwK[Work]bkw_:  when did that quit dumping core?
19:39.51Strom_Cugh, silly, there's no such thing as ANI or CID.  there's "charge number" and "calling party number"
19:40.01yaaarhow many of you guys are using realtime? is it working pretty well?
19:40.15padudes: yes i think.
19:40.27slePPyaaar: crashes asterisk about twice a week :> but i've got some ancient version going
19:40.28bkw_SwK[Work], when mark fixed it in paris
19:40.31pai want to execute a pgsql query and put the result in an asterisk variable
19:40.45yaaarslePP: how ancient?
19:41.20*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (
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19:41.45dudespa -  ok
19:42.03jbothmm... realtime is
19:42.18dudespa -  you can do that
19:42.53*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
19:43.22padudes: ah, nice
19:43.27pado you know how can i?
19:43.59dudespa - I'll pm you
19:44.38paoh, thanks very much!
19:45.22*** join/#asterisk hans (
19:45.58hansi can make calls through nufone, but not when I originate the call from my sipura device (analog -> sipura -> asterisk -> nufone)
19:46.10pai have another question: in my "incoming-context" for incoming calls through i4l driven ISDN TA i put a Playback() command. It works but i can hear about a second of something other audio file before hearing my audio file. It looks like the last audio file heared.. is it normal?
19:46.38hansI think it might be caller ID problem:
19:47.17hansdoes that sound right, or completely bogus?
19:48.21hansafter the new, I get authreq, authrep, accept, ack, voice, ack, hangup
19:48.46Kurtismhow do I phone my home VOIP phone and home PBX server from a regular old phone line 300 miles away?
19:48.59*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
19:49.04KurtismI can phone it with another voip phone but not with a real phone
19:49.04yaaarsorry to sound so ignorant (man i'm in the habit of that around here) but is realtime a stock part of cvs-head? or how/where do I get it?
19:49.16hansKurtism: you'd need some connection to the pstn
19:49.23Kurtismhow do I get that?
19:49.28NewSoleanyone know who did that open g729
19:49.55hansthere's many ways, but for example companies that provide termination include vonage, broadvoice, nufone, etc
19:50.00hansregular phone network
19:50.05L|NUXNewSole : i think its based on Intel IPP
19:50.14Kurtismhow can I set it up myself
19:50.22Kurtismwithout going through some company
19:50.32hansor if you have asterisk hardware on a regular pots line (or t1, etc.)
19:50.51NewSoleit is... but I have a linux lib I would like to use insted
19:50.57Kurtismpots line?
19:51.04hansplain old telephone service
19:51.20Kurtismso I get a phone line from my local telephone company
19:51.26KurtismMTS for manitoba
19:51.41Kurtismand hook my astrisk hardware up to it
19:51.42*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (beige@Corydon76-home.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
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19:51.51hansyeah, then bring it into your asterisk box with a digium card or the like
19:51.56yaaarKurtism: if you want to attach to the public telephone system, you're going to pay *somebody*
19:52.11Kurtismbut then I still don't see how they can dial my voip number from 300 miles away on their pots line
19:52.12*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
19:52.28yaaarKurtism: they will dial the number of the phone line you plug into the asterisk box
19:52.32hanssounds like you'd like a toll-free number from one of those services
19:52.43yaaaror if you get termination from one of the voip providers, they will give you the number
19:52.48netnameuswhat needs to be placed in extensions.conf to dial a phone number when an extension is dialed?  For example, when ext 123 is dialed, I would like 555-5555 dialed
19:53.22*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (
19:53.29hansexten => 123,1,Dial(<dial stuff>/${EXTEN})
19:53.30jarrodnetnameus: exten => <digits>,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/5555555)
19:53.36KurtismI was told its possible to completely by pass all service providers with voip, and have plain old telephone people phone my voip number.
19:53.37jarrodas long as trunk is defined
19:53.49netnameusthanks guys
19:54.15hansKurtism: to get on the POTS network, you have to pay someone
19:54.31HolosAnyone have an idea on how to solve a "ERROR[4524]: chan_zap.c:10281 setup_zap: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe'" error on a new install of CVS? It's FC4 with a Sangoma A104
19:54.37hanseither MTS or a voip provider or somebody
19:55.17Kurtismwho do the telephone companies setup connections with for international numbers to work?
19:55.47*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
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19:56.10Kurtismthere must be some huge database somewhere similar to dns
19:56.50harryvvsomone told me long ago its not safe to put asterisk on a firewall yet, its one of the ways to let sip pass with no problems behind the firewall.
19:57.03jarrodor run SER
19:57.11HolosKurtism: Call up MTS and ask them how they do it :)
19:57.27harryvvor run ser yea, but ser needs its own public ip or run on the firewall or how would that work?
19:58.04ChkDigitTelco providers own or lease connections between each other.
19:58.16ChkDigit(For Kurtism)
19:58.36*** join/#asterisk essobi_ (
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19:59.00cripitoanyone using gentoo around?
19:59.02essobi_Bye :)
19:59.06SarahEmmyep i use gentoo
19:59.27cripitodid u have available?
19:59.30essobi_You don't count.  You arn't people.
20:00.25SarahEmmcripito: err, do you mean using asterisk emerge?
20:00.37cripitoi am working in an astlinux installation
20:00.41cripitono emerge :(
20:00.53Kurtismso if I want to make my astrix box's VOIP phone number accessible to non-voip telephones I have to talk to a telephone service provider and tell them I'm a telephone service provider and want to have my people beable to talk to your people.
20:00.53*** join/#asterisk irv999 (
20:00.55irv999hey all
20:00.56HolosAnyone here using a Sangoma A10x card that can post their configs to a pastebin?
20:01.11irv999I have some major issues (some of you may have heard) dropped calls happening randomly
20:01.23Kurtismhow does one go about becoming a telephone service provider eh
20:01.28SarahEmmKurtism: huh?
20:01.30SarahEmmKurtism: telephone service provider?
20:01.35irv999I have come to no resolution with digium and my programmer has given up.. has anyone else had this issue?
20:01.35SarahEmmKurtism: err.. what exactly do you want to do?
20:01.48HolosKurtism: Just get a incoming DID from a DID provider and have them forward it over IAX2 or SIP to your asterisk machine
20:02.20SarahEmmcripito: err... on gentoo? *confused*
20:02.37cripito:) sarahemm astlinux is a reduced version of gentoo
20:02.52lathos42Gento rocks my socks
20:03.04*** join/#asterisk needlz (
20:04.23hardwireI need ringtones
20:04.25hardwirethat don't suck
20:04.30hardwirethat are nice and business worthy
20:04.36hardwirecause I dunno what snom was thinking
20:04.54lathos42hardware: I had the same thought with the Sipura 841
20:04.54*** join/#asterisk Juxt (~Juxt@
20:04.56Juxtgood day
20:05.01Juxthow can i avoid this WARNING[9142]: chan_sip.c:2316 sip_write: Asked to transmit fram
20:05.01Juxte type 64, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)
20:05.04astoriairv999: what did you do ?
20:06.15*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
20:06.39Juxti get this when trying to monitor a call with chanspy
20:06.46HolosKurtism: A DID is a phone number assigned (usually) to T1 circuts. A DID provider would get you a number in their serviced area code and accept incoming calls for the number. When a call came in it would bridge it to your asterisk server.
20:06.49irv999astoria: not what I did.. myself and another compnay designed a phone system with asterisk and a 23 channel PRI.. Drops calls randomly
20:07.06astoriairv999: ok. why are you in big trouble?
20:07.29Holosirv999: did you try CVS-Head, and stable versions? Could it be your hardware or is it Software?
20:07.30irv999astoria: we have a sonicwall, 2 managed switches.. We have gone through a lot of troubelshooting.. the reason why I am in big trouble is if it does not get solved by friday, I am out 15K
20:07.33*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
20:08.12astoriaWhat did you pay 15k for?
20:08.22astoriaHave you called your PRI provider? what did they say?
20:08.46irv999astoria: no.. If I dont solve the problem, I am out 15K to put towards another phone system.. to replace asterisk
20:08.50astoriaDid you do a zap debug and see what the hangup cause was on those calls?
20:08.54irv999astoria: they said everything is ok..
20:09.13astoriaevery PRI call is given a HANGUPCODE when a call is terminated.
20:09.16astoriaFind out what that code is.
20:09.25irv999astoria: lots of testing done.. I am not the only one having this trouble.. so it is not the pri, however we thing it has to do with the interaction between asterisk and the pri
20:09.26astoriaThen you can debug from there.
20:09.30*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
20:09.43astoriaYeah, find out why the call is being terminated. Asterisk does not randomly hang up your calls.
20:09.53mutwho else is having that problem?
20:09.59irv999astoria: well in this case it is.. and it can if it is monitoring for a hangup..
20:10.17SarahEmmirv999: what was the hangup reason?
20:10.19irv999mut: another one of my programmers clienhts
20:10.27astoriairv999: find out the HANGUPCODE.. do a zap debug
20:10.33netnameushow do you initate the On-Demand recording?  Is there a normal key pressed?
20:10.44astoriaThen you will know the ISDN cause-code and you can see if the problem is really you or your provider.
20:10.47mutdoes a basic setup work for you?
20:10.57mutw/o anything fancy at all..
20:11.02mutcall in one line to another
20:11.11*** join/#asterisk Ahewes (
20:11.30wulfy814anyone with experience with multiple zaptel cards
20:11.34irv999mut: it only involves outgoing and incoming calls
20:11.45essobi_hey irv
20:11.48cripitoif anyone have in gentoo give me a wistle....
20:11.49*** join/#asterisk dekerz (~dek@
20:11.51mutyeh thats what i meant,
20:11.54mutif a person makes a call in
20:11.56wulfy814I have two, one with 4 incoming analog
20:11.58astoriairv999: figure out what the cause code is! I can't repeat this enough.
20:12.08irv999astoria 1 sec ok
20:12.29mutmust be a very easily repeatable problem then?
20:12.53hardwirethere must be pleasent rings.. somewhere
20:13.21mutpleasent rings?
20:13.48hardwirelike pissing in the woods.. the pleasent sound of a waterfall
20:14.00hardwireor a businessy ring. that doesn't suck or is to obtrusive.
20:14.04hardwirebut gets your attention
20:14.05*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
20:14.10hardwireand I don't want the phone to vibrate off the desk either
20:14.19irv999from what I remember (because we have debug on) it Message type: DISCONNECT (69)
20:14.35Ayanocan asterisk be set up to just pass sip traffic to an IP without auth if the other side will allow?
20:14.56irv999I am willing to pay $$ to figure this out
20:15.25Ayanojarrod; Just do a registy statement with no user and pass?
20:15.33KurtismI wonder where I can find a DID provider in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
20:15.40jarrodjust send it to the SIP server from the Dial statement
20:15.42jarrodwithout a registry
20:15.57yaaaris realtime a stock part of cvs-head?
20:16.07AyanoBut then I will loose the ability to keep track of the cdr?
20:16.08irv999who here has heard of asteria solutions group?
20:16.26netnameushow do you initate the On-Demand recording?  Is there a normal key pressed?
20:16.27astoriaasteria.. ha ha. close to me!
20:16.34mutcould make ya phone play some 50 cent when a customer calls
20:16.40astoriaso, irv999, the isdn cause code is 16?? normal hangup?
20:16.51astoriairv999: what version of * are you running?
20:17.03*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
20:17.24irv999astoria: how do I check version?
20:17.40HolosKurtism: Check the Wiki and google.
20:17.48dudesirv999 - asterisk -V
20:18.05harryvvso.. run ser in front of fireall so sip can pass? or run asterisk in front of nat on a firewall box. whats to suggest?
20:18.08astoriaasterisk -V
20:18.09jake1932or "show version" in the CLI
20:18.17irv999Asterisk CVS-HEAD that does not make sense
20:18.28bkw_show version files
20:18.47harryvvbkw what do you think
20:18.56irv999Asterisk CVS-HEADAsterisk CVS-HEAD built by root@stanker on a i686 running Linux on 2005-07-14 21:13:31 UTC
20:18.57irv999Asterisk CVS-HEAD built by root@stanker on a i686 running Linux on 2005-07-14 21:13:31 UTC
20:19.01cripitoif anyone have in gentoo give me a wistle....
20:19.13bkw_show version files
20:19.16bkw_thats what you need
20:19.21*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (~stkn@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
20:19.26bkw_it shows you the versions of all files in the build
20:19.39irv999which one should I tell you?
20:19.50bkw_what are you having problems with?
20:19.57irv999bkw pri
20:20.01astoriabkw_: his zap channels are hanging up randomly
20:20.11bkw_show file version chan_zaip.c
20:20.13bkw_er zap.c
20:21.16bkw_its at like 1.479 I think
20:21.42irv999last time we did an update on the that.. it dropped calls a lot because the programmer tried to get cute with the pri
20:21.46bkw_thats it
20:21.54AhewesQuestion about alsa console driver: is it possible to use a sound card as a regular extension with the alsa driver?  If so, is this documented in the CLI or does someone have a pointer?
20:24.53dudesAhewes - Dial(Console/default)
20:25.19Ahewesthanks, dudes, lookin it up.
20:27.13*** part/#asterisk lathos42 (
20:29.46SarahEmmAhewes: yes it is...
20:29.52SarahEmmerr, oops. too late ;)
20:30.36*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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20:32.43zooWhy do I get this, When I get a call via iax2? Rejected connect attempt from, request 's@default' does not exist
20:33.28essobi_zoo:  s is the default for when a number isn't found
20:33.29Holoszoo: You need to create a "s" extension in the [default] contect of extensions.conf
20:33.41zoookay thanks
20:33.45essobi_and default is the default context you have iax2 pointed at
20:34.01essobi_s is the catchall is everything else fails context.
20:41.46KurtismNew Now Know How
20:43.10*** join/#asterisk da_ve (
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20:52.37paski_frGood Evening. I ask you because I have a problem with a real time waiting queue. When we try to contact the waiting queue, all the agents phones ring, but when we answer, nobody is on the phone : just the silence. Is someone able to help me ? But when we call directly the phone, we can convers normally.
20:53.46paski_frhere are the logs of my asterisk during a call to the waiting queue
20:53.48paski_fr- Called SIP/103
20:54.00DarthClueno!  use pastebin.
20:54.01paski_frJul 27 22:44:31 WARNING[4607]: res_musiconhold.c:870 local_ast_moh_start: No class: default
20:54.01astoriause pastebin or something
20:54.03jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
20:55.27paski_frI'm really sorry about that but I really would like to find a solution to this problem, and I think that I will be easier if I give you more information
20:55.30jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
20:55.56brookshirei need a better definition
20:56.05Cybertoyyeah .. that sounds like finance...
20:56.12jbotfxs is, like, foreign exchange system - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
20:56.41*** join/#asterisk derek_1234 (~derek@
21:02.13paski_fris someone here able to answer to my question ?
21:03.12MikeJ[Laptop]paski_fr, I see the details, what is the problem?
21:03.51paski_frMikeJ, can i speak to you by PV
21:03.59MikeJ[Laptop]but you can here
21:04.03MikeJ[Laptop]they are sip calls,
21:04.11MikeJ[Laptop]are they traversing any nat?
21:04.30paski_frwe can call directly the phones
21:04.30MikeJ[Laptop]ok, and canreinvite=no, nat=yes?
21:04.49paski_frit s OK
21:05.07MikeJ[Laptop]call directly is traversing nat as well?  same peers, or different?
21:06.11paski_frwe can call directly the phones but when we use the waiting queue, the voice doesn t pass
21:06.41MikeJ[Laptop]ok, you are using the same phones to call both ways, same peer defs and all?
21:07.17MikeJ[Laptop]ok, and these are not using local or agent ?
21:07.22paski_frwithout waiting queue all work
21:08.05MikeJ[Laptop]can you create a sip debug, including verbose 4 and debug 4 and pastebin it
21:08.13MikeJ[Laptop]of the broken call through queue
21:08.35paski_froki one minute
21:08.42paski_frwe are doing the test
21:08.55*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
21:09.18paski_frdo you want all the logs?
21:10.20MikeJ[Laptop]the debug and verbose of that one call only if possible
21:10.20*** join/#asterisk Craziman2 (
21:10.24MikeJ[Laptop]in pastebin
21:10.29jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
21:11.38paski_frOk we are creating a new window of pastebin
21:12.21harryvvman, shaw is a rip off for static ip rates
21:12.38harryvv$84 dolars per month for a static ip address.
21:12.44harryvvfor commercial rate
21:13.15harryvvtime to go
21:13.36SwK[Work]wheres that audiocodes patch
21:13.56MikeJ[Laptop]one sec
21:14.13*** join/#asterisk pifiu (~myassisbi@
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21:14.45paski_frhere is the link in pastebin
21:14.51jarrodwhat city are you in
21:14.56*** join/#asterisk postel (~zz@postel.user)
21:15.09paski_frthanks for your attenttion Mike
21:15.43Darwin35yes I have a iax2 ohone
21:15.49Darwin352 of them
21:15.53Darwin35and it rocks
21:16.30Darwin35was a pain had to go to a friends and barrow a windows laptop to flash the phone
21:16.41Darwin35but once flashed it works great
21:16.57*** join/#asterisk fr_soft (
21:17.26yaaaranybody know which of the gentoo packages {asterisk, zaptel, libpri, zapata, asterisk-perl} I should emerge -C before installing asterisk from cvs?
21:18.02yaaari'm thinking 'all of them' but i'm not sure
21:19.10DarthClueyaaar: if you are using asterisk from cvs-head then you shouldn't be using the gentoo packages.
21:19.11xhelioxlibpri and zaptel
21:20.03*** join/#asterisk sangee (~rkuru@
21:20.15yaaarDarthClue: uh, right. I've got 1.0.8 installed from the gentoo ebuild right now. But i'm about to move to cvs-head. so i just wanted to make sure i had all the packages tracked down which i need to remove
21:22.35*** part/#asterisk mkrufky (~mk@
21:22.49Darwin35this rocks
21:22.59Darwin35I have  a new phone
21:25.23fr_softHi, do you know if there is a dsp software library for V.22 bis protocol  with asterisk ? (i know spandsp but it's seems not functionnal)
21:25.47filespandsp works great
21:26.15fr_softwith V.22 bis have you made some tests ?
21:27.05fr_softin the src there is a comment from coppice that said it's a work in progress
21:27.08paski_frMikeJ are our logs correct ?
21:27.36fileeverything is a work in progress with asterisk
21:28.36fr_softbut have you made some tests ?
21:29.04MikeJ[Laptop]paski_fr, sorry, trying to look at them and getting distracted..
21:29.14MikeJ[Laptop]and there seems to be a lot of noise in that file.
21:29.25MikeJ[Laptop]can you try with the inbound call being forced to ulaw
21:29.28*** join/#asterisk xlyz (
21:29.35MikeJ[Laptop]disallow=all and allow=ulaw
21:29.42*** part/#asterisk xlyz (
21:30.36paski_frok  we contact you as soon as it will made
21:30.58*** join/#asterisk patrick^ (
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21:33.23pifiuDoes anyone know where in the Polycom config files I set the configuration server?
21:34.14paski_frTHANKS MIKE!!! IT'S WORKING
21:34.40*** join/#asterisk jackfiber (~jack@
21:34.57jackfiberhi all, has anyone used tdm400P on FreeBSD ?
21:35.06jackfiberany wildcard on FreeBSD?
21:35.18Darwin35on 5.4
21:35.35Darwin35I have the tdm40b
21:35.40paski_frWe have forced the G711 and the voice pass in the waiting queue
21:36.09jackfiberDarwin35> I got wildcard to work under Linux but on FreeBSD FXS modules are not being detected but FXO modules are detected
21:36.21jackfiberI have two cards, TDM03B  and RDM40B
21:36.30MikeJ[Laptop]what I didn't see in that file was the codec the original call was in.
21:36.36Darwin35mine are working fine
21:36.41*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (kev@
21:36.43MikeJ[Laptop]this may be the translate via sln bug
21:36.46paski_frMike: Thanks for all
21:36.53jackfiberboth FXS and FXO?
21:36.59MikeJ[Laptop]you shouldn't have to do that.
21:37.14Darwin35are you running the svn ver of the driver ?
21:37.16jackfiberwhat kernel modules do you load?  also do you use 5.4 RELEASE?
21:37.22MikeJ[Laptop]was the call coming in 723 or 729?
21:37.32paski_frwe test
21:37.49jackfiberProSLIC 3210 version 2 is too old
21:37.49jackfiberProSLIC sanity check failed
21:37.53jackfiberI got those
21:37.53paski_frG711 and G729 OK
21:38.17Darwin35not seen that before
21:38.31Darwin35looking at the mailing list now for those issues
21:38.33jackfiberDarvin NO I used zaptel from /usr/ports/misc/zaptel
21:38.37Darwin35not finding anything
21:38.39jackfibershould I use SVN one?
21:38.46Darwin35get the svn
21:39.15Darwin35the freebsdasterisk  site
21:39.28Darwin35look in the wiki I dont have the page marked
21:39.36Darwin35mine svn every night
21:40.21jackfiberthis: ?
21:40.45jackfiberso you don't use the zaptel from port collection?
21:41.00*** join/#asterisk sudoer (
21:42.03sudoercan someone help me with fwd, it has suddenly stopped working, I am connecting via * and iax, there is no connection at all to fwd, and there are no failure or error messages at all, but when I can my fwd number, it says the number is busy
21:42.32*** join/#asterisk foo8ar (~foo8ar@
21:43.09DarthCluesudoer: what do you see when you do 'iax2 show registry' on the cli?
21:43.24jackfiberthanks Darwin, should I use nightly snapshot or current?
21:43.32sivanatzanger: ping
21:43.56sudoer65.39.205.121:4569   fwdnumber      <Unregistered>             60  Request Sent
21:44.25Darwin35svn co --username svn --password svn
21:44.25zooWhat do I do to make voipbuster/iax not say this? Call rejected by No authority found
21:44.32Darwin35that one
21:44.58sudoerDarthClue: what can I do? I can't see any error messages at all regarding fwd
21:45.03foo8arZyxel 2000w version2 and asterisk, anyone experienced?
21:45.08sudoercan someone call my fwd to tell me what they  get?
21:45.13DarthCluesudoer: run 'iax2 reload' on the cli, does it register?
21:45.50*** join/#asterisk gordonjcp (
21:45.52jackfiberyeah Darwin your help was very great,  I found the port one is older!! and the porter does have his own location
21:46.02sudoerDarthClue: same thing
21:46.08jackfiberbut Darwin, do you use asterisk from port collection or from cvsup?
21:46.29Darwin35I use head and patch it
21:46.35Darwin35on the make file
21:47.02Darwin35I set the install dir
21:47.10jackfiberfine seems I need to remove ports and starts my own
21:47.10Darwin35but it compiles and works fine
21:47.36Darwin35ports need to have a every 3 day snapshot update
21:47.45jackfiberthe asterisk on port collection works fine however (manually mpg123 should be disabled)  but not zaptel driver
21:47.49DarthCluesudoer: it sounds like fwd isn't replying or the reply isn't being received.  iax2 show registry should show Registered.
21:48.02sudoerDarthClue: is there a way to tell if my port is being blocked?
21:48.12Darwin35and make bristuff a _DWITH
21:48.15sudoermy isp seems to have been blocking ports lately
21:48.28Darwin35so it does not make it automaticly
21:49.06DarthCluetry calling me at IAX2/guest@ and see if it gets thru.
21:49.36Darwin35now that I know these phones work I can bundle them with te embedded system I built yesterday for a good cheap soho solution
21:49.52sudoeroh, the server is on the public internet, i  am not actually there
21:50.45DarthCluethe server where the output came from?  if so, then it would be a port block at the server and not at your location.
21:51.50sudoerDarthClue: yeah, I mean asterisk is on the internet at a isp
21:52.39*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
21:54.28DarthCluethen you should be able to add a dial command on the asterisk box that will dial me from the asterisk box.  if you can't connect via iax then it would seem to indicate that they may be blocking the port.  alternatively, you could just call them or run a tracedump to see if it is blocked.
21:55.17sudoeroh ok
21:55.47sudoerDarthClue: wait, I just forgot, I am connected to nufone fine though\
21:55.52sudoerso it cant be port blocking, right?
21:56.01sudoeralso how do I dial you from CLI?
21:58.05DarthCluesudoer: via IAX?  if so, then it is an issue with fwd and fwd isn't a guaranteed service.
21:59.22sudoerDarthClue: yeah, but my fwd has been like this for a few months, I just give up after an hour everytime of trying to find thre problem and I am trying to fix it this time
22:00.32*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
22:02.29*** join/#asterisk ginvent (
22:02.38ginventCan someone help me with AMP...
22:02.53sudoerany ideas?
22:03.12ginventI did something and now get this message in outbound routing: Warning: Missing argument 5 for addroute() in /var/www/admin/functions.php on line 1300
22:07.27*** join/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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22:07.42hardwirecreating ringtones can bite me
22:07.53hardwireI have used timidity to sample some 800hz ones
22:07.55hardwireand boy do they blow
22:08.52*** join/#asterisk meppl (~mephisto@
22:10.55ginventAnyone use amp a lot?
22:10.58ginventI need some help.
22:13.56Sedoroxhardwire: just upgrade your phone to a mp3 phone
22:14.21hardwireSedorox: eh?
22:15.12sudoerDarthClue: if i rconenct via another box to fwd, it registers fine, but not with the other box :(
22:15.31*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:15.41Sedoroxringtones... for a cellphone??
22:15.53hardwirefor my VoIP phone
22:16.38ManxPowerYES!  The fired someone that desperatly deserved it!
22:17.38yaaarjust finished moving from gentoo's 1.0.8 to cvs, everthing just went smooth as silk
22:17.46Sedoroxooo ok...
22:17.49Sedoroxnm then :p
22:18.16hardwirejesus the snom rings are amazingly ugly
22:18.22hardwireone of them sounds like ap olice siren
22:18.27hardwireanother an evacuation siren
22:18.34yaaarnow....the realtime wiki page is sorta this stuff all included in the stock cvs? or do i need to go get stuff from someplace else? maybe somebody can point me to a better doc that explains how to set it up>
22:18.43hardwiretheres one thats really made for making sure somebody picks up the fucking phone right goddamn now
22:19.28hardwireone of them sounds like headers for a slow scan fax transmission
22:19.29ManxPowergambolputty: Some woman, that instead of doing work, spent most of the day on bridal and baby sites.
22:19.34hardwireanother is psk31
22:19.37hardwirejust.. amazingly bad
22:19.44ManxPowerShe also got her PC infected with Spyware every few days.
22:20.09twisted[asteria]mahna mahna
22:20.40hardwireManxPower: heh
22:20.42hardwireso she is pregnant?
22:20.49ManxPowertwisted: this is the same woman that remarried her ex-husband.
22:20.50gambolputtythe snom phone can have a new ringtone
22:20.56hardwiregambolputty: indeed
22:20.57gambolputtyinstead of the ones you don't linke
22:20.58twisted[asteria]ManxPower, huh?
22:20.59ManxPowerhardwire: I would assume so.
22:21.01hardwireI have come up with 5 new ones so far
22:21.10yaaarginvent: you can check in #amportal. i'm in there too and maybe (not just terribly likely) can help
22:21.15ManxPowertwisted: she got divorced from the guy, then about a year later married him again.
22:21.16hardwireManxPower: hope you are sheilded from the forces of pregnant revenge :)
22:21.23hardwireBananaphone.. heh.
22:21.28twisted[asteria]ManxPower, i'm totally lost
22:21.35hardwireI just want a.. "Boooooong"
22:21.39ManxPowertwisted: the woman that they fired today at my largest client.
22:21.49ManxPowerShe was nice, but caused massive amount of work for MIS
22:21.49twisted[asteria]ManxPower, oh... okay....
22:22.01ManxPowerand she DID no work.
22:22.04yaaarhardwire: i know where you can get a pretty good bong.....
22:22.11twisted[asteria]sorry, i just interjected a mahna mahna and got jerked into a conversation i didn't know anything about ;P
22:22.28hardwireyaaar: oh ha
22:22.42twisted[asteria]i got a pocket bong
22:23.25ManxPower"Is that a bong in your pocket, or are you happy to see me?"
22:24.36*** join/#asterisk Cluecon (
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22:31.15hardwirewow KDE has some crazy ass soudns
22:31.22*** join/#asterisk pbnj (
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22:33.04yaaarhey the asterisk-addons README, when it says "Using res_config_mysql at the same time as res_config_odbc can create system instability. Please load only one or the other" that as simple as just making sure you only have one or the other of the .conf files for those in /etc/asterisk? or do i need to edit something else to make sure that the actual modules don't get loaded?
22:34.08DarthClueyaaar: you probably want to noload one or the other.
22:34.31*** join/#asterisk Micc (
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22:37.10yaaarin modules.conf
22:39.04yaaarwell, actually it looks like there's no in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules anyway, so i guess it's probably moot
22:41.29DarthClueyaaar: yes, probably so.
22:42.18hardwiresip disabled
22:42.20hardwirein my snom
22:42.23hardwireisn't that nice?
22:42.31hardwirethe 4.0 firmware can now go to hell
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22:46.35*** part/#asterisk trickyrick77 (~rsegrest@
22:46.35yaaarcan i only make one mysql connection to a given sock file? i'm just wondering, because i'm getting 'couldn't connect to db cdrdb on localhost' and i've got the same sock file specified for both the cdr and config db's
22:47.19hardwirewho where has snom 360's ?
22:48.05*** join/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
22:49.27obsidian-studiosdoes anyone have suggestions about how to go about integrating credit card payments via *? I use the Monetra CC engine, basically a API engine. I am thinking about writing a small program in C or etc and using the system commands of *. But I am not sure about getting data back into * or etc?
22:50.13*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
22:51.02ManxPowerBTW, we solved the "zaptel card driver hardlocks the system when unloaded"
22:51.13ManxPowerWe disabled hyperthreading and used a non-SMP kernel
22:51.43obsidian-studiosManxPower: did you get my message to you earlier? Still seeing zap channel info on CID/ANI, not as often but it happened instead of getting unknown caller and the #?
22:53.52*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (~kimosabe@
22:54.11kimosabewhat is the best fxo gateway that will interact with asterisk
22:54.33kimosabeor best device that has several fxo and will interact with asterisk
22:55.18dudeste110p and a channel bank ?
22:56.26ManxPoweralways T-1/E-1 card + channel bank.
22:56.53dudesbetter yet, a sangoma A102 and a channel bank
22:57.02obsidian-studioskimosabe: if you are asking about a card typically the Digium cards like a TDM400 with either 4 fxo ports or 4 fxs
22:59.28*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:59.59yaaarhrm. anybody wanna lend a hand with realtime? i can't get it to connect to the database for some reason.
23:00.14yaaarit'll connect to to the cdr database, but not the realtime one.
23:00.22*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (~leigh@fcf7010d2327670a.session.tor)
23:00.38dudesare you using sql?
23:00.41yaaarboth databases are on the same mysql server, which is local, and connect with the same user/pass, which has grant for everything
23:01.16yaaarthe asterisk database (the one for configs) is empty so i have to have stuff in it before it'll admit to making a connection?
23:01.18fugitivocheck your mysql logs to see if asterisk is trying to connect or not
23:01.41*** join/#asterisk Paski (
23:02.53dudesyaar - so you did grant select, insert, update, delete on realtime_table.* to asterisk_user@localhost identified by 'password';
23:03.27yaaarfugitivo: real help. the mysql logs are effectively empty, and i know that it's making successful connections to the cdr database, because it's putting cdr's in there
23:03.47yaaardudes: yes, the asterisk mysql user has full privs on both databases.
23:03.54dudesyaaar - you have set logs in my.cnf in /etc/mysql
23:04.27fugitivoyaaar: in order to find out the problem, you should have useful logs, if not, it'll be difficult and a waste of time
23:04.36dudeslog-bin                 = /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin.log
23:04.45yaaarlog-bin is what i want?
23:04.50yaaari've got log-err but that's it
23:05.32dudesI have /var/log/mysql/mysql-bin and mysql.log and in just /var/log/mysql.err
23:08.24yaaari think i may have found the prob
23:09.32yaaarsocket file was wrong....
23:09.36*** part/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
23:09.47yaaarapparently cdr_mysql and res_mysql have different default socket files
23:10.33yaaarcdr_mysql seems to default to /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock (which is correct on my system) while res_mysql defaults to /tmp/mysql.sock
23:10.44yaaarso, changed that and now it seems to have loaded.
23:11.08*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
23:26.31*** join/#asterisk Error_X (
23:26.46Error_Xis it possible to set up meetme with a fwd number?
23:27.07Error_XI tried but it says: That is not a valid conference number
23:28.22hardwireyou still at it eh?
23:28.42Nuggettry harder.
23:28.45hardwireuse and give me your extensions.conf and meetme.conf
23:29.01hardwireand your root password while you are at it
23:29.12Error_Xokey :p
23:32.07Error_Xthere ya go
23:33.28*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:33.34Ariel_hello everyone
23:33.49Delta34anybody know what why i am getting this msg when starting asterisk Cannot allow unknown format 'wav
23:34.26*** join/#asterisk SwK_ (
23:34.28Error_Xhardwire: Are you reading? :p
23:34.30SwK_j #redbull
23:34.54*** join/#asterisk _santiago_ (~santiago@
23:34.59hardwireError_X: I am working
23:35.09hardwireI will be reading soon
23:35.14Error_Xk, thanks
23:35.20ManxPowerDelta34: you don't have allow=wav or something silly like that in one of your .conf files, do you?
23:35.34Delta34yeh i do, i greped for it and found it =)
23:35.47Delta34its not needed in sip.conf right?
23:36.07hardwireError_X: tried it w/o a pin?
23:36.12Ariel_Delta34, it's not a codec no it's not needed
23:36.23ManxPower"wav" is not a valid CODEC name.  It's a file format name.
23:38.11hardwireSwK: ?
23:38.27ManxPowerWAV is ulaw (maybe supports alaw too), wrapped in a Microsoft header.  WAV49 is GSM wrapped in a Microsoft header.
23:39.16Error_Xhardwire: What?
23:39.29hardwireError_X: tried setting it to just 6666 in meetme.conf
23:39.31hardwireno pin needed
23:39.35hardwirejust to test
23:39.44Error_Xyes, I tried out that too
23:39.52hardwireand it says no such conference eh?
23:40.07Error_Xno it says: This is not a valid conference number
23:40.11hardwiretry using MeetMe(6666) in your dialplan.. vs MeetMe,$(blah)
23:40.27Error_XTried that too
23:40.56hardwirethen you are screwed
23:41.03hardwiresucks to be you I guess
23:41.19Error_XHmm, I thought I couldn't use the FWD number for meetme
23:41.25Error_Xor something like that
23:41.38hardwireasterisk won't do crap like that
23:41.47hardwirehow would FWD know?
23:41.54hardwirewhy would Mr. Pulver even care?
23:41.54SwK_you can use a FWD number for meetme...
23:41.56Error_Xright, right...
23:41.59SwK_you just need a timing source
23:42.05hardwirethat could be it
23:42.14hardwireand now he is on his own again
23:42.19Error_XI know. But I can't compile ztdummy :s it comes with alot of errors
23:42.28hardwirethen thats why it doesn't work
23:42.33SwK_if you dont have a zap card (any zap card) use a 2.6 kernel and ztdummy
23:42.53SwK_Error_X: ztdummy should compile just fine
23:43.09SwK_unless you have a 2.4 kernel and the wrong USB hardware
23:43.28Error_XOh, I'm using a 2.4 kernel :s
23:44.07hardwireI hate my job
23:44.20hardwirein the middle opf configuring a mass deployment of phones
23:44.28hardwireand now I have to buy a laptop for some dick and fix another one for another
23:44.45Error_Xbtw, what ports are asterisk running on?
23:44.56hardwirecheck iax.conf sip.conf and rtp.conf
23:45.11hardwireand most importantly ( the wiki
23:45.28*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
23:46.47*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (~Nuke@
23:48.06SwK_IAX is 4569 SIP is 5060 and RTP is 10K to 20K by default
23:48.08*** join/#asterisk datagen24 (
23:48.53datagen24i am back i have been working on my own conf files and they do not work can i get some help?
23:48.58hardwirelead a horse to water SwK
23:49.21hardwireError_X: might I recommend a 2.6.x kernel and Debian/Gentoo :)
23:49.30SwK_yeah... but thats just those 3 things ;) he'll need to figure out skinny, h323, mgcp, and unistin on his own
23:49.40*** join/#asterisk stkn (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
23:50.04hardwireSwK_: did you guys have Snom deployment php/sql setups?
23:50.06ManxPowerSwK: You should have given him those port numbers and forced himto research SIP, IAX2 and RTP ports 8-)
23:50.31Error_Xhardwire: I am using debian, but I forgot to upgrade the server where I have asterisk installed
23:50.45SwK_hardwire: nope
23:50.48SwK_we dont do snoms
23:51.11hardwiredamn.. it was somebody else then
23:51.15hardwireI have no brain
23:51.30ManxPowerAt one time SNOMs were some of the best phones out there, but they have not kept up with current pricing or current technology.
23:51.46hardwirethe 360 w/ 4.0 firmware is OK by me
23:51.57SwK_Polys, Cisco's Linksys and sipura are another story tho
23:51.57hardwireit could use a few less star trek ring tones
23:52.02hardwireand oh.. an LCD that doesn't suck
23:52.36*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
23:52.53PyroSteveHEY GUYS
23:52.59SwK_the GXP-2000 grandstream actually has a nice LCD
23:53.02SwK_backlit even
23:53.02ManxPowerFor any deployment you should standardize.  We standardized on Polycom phones.
23:53.04PyroStevea littl drunk here
23:53.08PyroStevesorry bout the caps
23:53.12SwK_i wish poly's had that
23:53.24SwK_and yeah wnat ManxPower said about standardizing
23:53.28PyroSteveManxPower: Yeah, I love the Polycoms !
23:53.47PyroStevehey guys
23:53.50SwK_only reason we support all those phones is we're a Vendor/Development house
23:53.55PyroSteveim looking at the channel variables
23:53.58ManxPowerWe could have standardized on Cisco or SNOM as well.  We decided that Polycom had the best product lineup for our needs.
23:54.05PyroSteveand I see the dial status variables
23:54.13Cybertoystandardizing is good
23:54.22PyroSteveand have this example code from he wiki: (just a few lines)
23:54.23PyroSteveexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},20,r)
23:54.25Cybertoythe nice thing about standards is that there's so many to choose from .. :)
23:54.32yaaarcatch you guys tomorrow...
23:54.41ManxPowerPyroSteve: Please put the beer down, step away from the computer and use PASTEBIN
23:54.43jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
23:54.57PyroStevewell im not flooding the channel.. just a few lines
23:55.09hardwireManxPower: I was at 50% full steam ahead w/ polycoms
23:55.37hardwirethere should be a pastebin bot.
23:55.54hardwirewhere you msg it.. and after a few seconds of inactivity it scrounges up a URL
23:55.55ManxPowerPyroSteve: Did you have a specific question?
23:56.00SwK_PyroSteve: look at macro-stdexten in the sample dialplan
23:56.03PyroSteveso how does the s-BUSY exten ever get excuted if there isn't a 'j' option in the dial statement
23:56.33ManxPowerPyroSteve: If Dial wants to jump to n+101 and there is no n+101 it will got ot n+1
23:56.35PyroSteveif the call is busy, the asterisk will jump to n+101 which skips the s-WHATEVER
23:56.46PyroSteveAhhh !!!
23:56.56PyroStevethanks ManxPower !
23:57.17PyroSteveat priority n+101, if it exists
23:57.27PyroStevekeyword, if it exists'
23:57.33SwK_and jumps are depreciated BTW
23:57.43PyroStevereally ?
23:57.48datagen24i am back i have been working on my own conf files and they do not work can i get some help?
23:57.58datagen24here are y .conf files
23:58.48Ariel_SwK, the jumps are depreciated?? why? what's replacing them?
23:58.53SwK_it's going the exten,1,foo  exten,n(bar),foobar way and you can just to n(bar) with goto(bar)
23:59.20MicC_I am pleasantly suprised
23:59.29SwK_jumps as in n+101 type things
23:59.38MicC_my VOIP is working well over a craptacular Microsoft VPN

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.