irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050723

00:01.54ptiggerdine_isin't g729 propriety ( sorry for the bad spelling)
00:02.36*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
00:03.06slashdev123Hey, i'm wanting setup voip with asterisk and wondering how concurrent calls using one phone number works. Say three people call me at the same time, are two of them going to get a busy signal or does asterisk put the two in a queue? Does the voip provider need to do something for this setup to work?
00:03.44wunderkinslashdev123, that only depends upon how many concurrent incoming calls your voip provider will allow
00:04.28slashdev123yeah, i haven't been able to find that type of information
00:04.32ptiggerdine_and how you setuo asterisk to deal with that
00:05.24slashdev123Say i want a max of 5 concurrent. Meaning i'm talking to one, four are on queue and the rest of the people that call get the busy signal.
00:05.48slashdev123Which voip providers would you say could do something like this for a miniminal cost
00:07.38wunderkinsomething else that would narrow your choice down would be if you want an 800 or local number
00:07.49slashdev123I want an 800 number
00:09.55slashdev123I've been looking at nufone, but they are sparse on details
00:10.59JerJerwhat detail do you want?
00:11.22slashdev123how many concurrent connections i can get for one phone number
00:11.40slashdev123I only want max of 5
00:12.49slashdev123does that mean I have to buy additional lines or is it included
00:15.06*** join/#asterisk montag___ (
00:16.19montag___hi, when i put this file Channel: SIP/
00:16.19montag___CallerId: igor
00:16.19montag___WaitTime: 45
00:16.19montag___Context: default
00:16.19montag___Extension: 900
00:16.20montag___Priority: 1
00:29.05JerJerthank you, drive thru
00:29.52JerJeraparently slashdev123 hasn't learned about artifically limiting the number of simultaneous calls using the dialplan
00:32.21*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
00:34.36*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
00:47.18*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
00:50.23Darwin35Thanks for shopping at WalMart . We hope your shopping experiencewas a good one and that you will shop here again....
00:51.16Darwin35one way
00:51.43Darwin35te other way is to put jerjer on your system and let him direct calls
00:58.44*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
00:58.59*** part/#asterisk Micc_ (
01:00.00*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
01:04.24PyroStevehey guys
01:04.34PyroStevethere is a secret priority
01:05.03PyroStevethats used instead of having to worry about keeping numbers in seq. order
01:05.11PyroSteveoh ok
01:05.14SarahEmmit's not secret :)
01:05.18SarahEmmit's in HEAD only afaik
01:05.20PyroSteveso ..
01:05.40SarahEmmi'm not using it right now
01:05.41SarahEmmbut i think so
01:06.12PyroSteveahh never mind
01:06.23PyroSteveits makes the dialplan too restrictive
01:07.07PyroStevehas anyone here configured a digium t1 port to work with an E&M Ciruit
01:09.52SarahEmmdigium T1 cards support being used as E&M instead of T1? or what?
01:12.41*** join/#asterisk QbY (
01:13.14JerJerE&M is a signalling type
01:13.19JerJerT-1 is the transport
01:15.03SarahEmmahhh okay.
01:15.08SarahEmmkitriches are used to plain analog E&M ports.
01:15.15mutilatorf150 is a truck
01:15.24QbYfrom the asterisk console..  how can i see the extensions programmed on the system?  i'm using AMP, and have the sneaking suspicion that the extensions i've programmed through aMP aren't being seen by Asterisk
01:16.01PyroSteveYeah, I know I had the terminalogy wrong (and my spelling sucks too)
01:16.18mutilatori'm on my way to being drunk right now so if i start actin like a retard... yea.. just laugh with me not at me
01:16.35*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:18.07ManxPowerLong story, but basically a local real estate company made some deal with the local CLEC, signed a 2 year cntract and then promptly was bought by my customer.
01:18.18ManxPowerThey were stuck with the unused T-1 and PRI
01:18.35PyroSteveJerJer: so when an E&M 'tie line' is used to link two phone systems together for inter-company communications .. that the max number of calls is ~24 ?
01:19.39PyroSteveJerJer: max concurrent number of calls ... that is.
01:23.11*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (
01:23.40JerJerPyroSteve: on one T-1 span, yes
01:24.19JerJerSarahEmm:  so you could think of that one analog line as one channel on the telco's channel bank
01:24.37JerJeror simply one time slice of the T-1 transport - which comes out of the other end of the channel bank
01:27.18hardwirehey smart guys
01:27.20hardwireusing diff how do I only show the changes to the right file?
01:27.21PyroSteveJerJer: and since digiums T1 cards support E&M, that means asterisk can connect to a `tie line` and communicate with another phone sytem such as a Nortel system
01:27.46PyroSteveman diff
01:28.13hardwirebeen looking through it for a while now
01:28.23SmartGuyshardwire: man diff
01:29.39mutilatordo be doo
01:30.01hardwirediff settings1.conf settings2.conf | grep ">" | sed -e 's/^. //'
01:30.03hardwirethat will have to do
01:30.25mutilatorhey whats a good place to get a credit report&credit scores
01:31.31JerJerPyroSteve: yes
01:31.42hardwiremutilator: the bank
01:31.49hardwiremutilator: raped me
01:32.01SarahEmmmutilator: dpeends on the country. in this country, the credit bureaus.
01:38.49*** join/#asterisk Haifen (
01:39.03*** part/#asterisk Haifen (
01:40.43hardwiresnom mass deployment is working
01:41.01hardwirethat was fun
01:41.22PyroSteveyou mean having the phones get thier config from server automagically
01:42.38hardwireonly took around 15 minutes
01:42.45hardwirethis is what happens after a long massage.
01:44.32PyroSteveYeah, I did the same with Polycoms and Sipura
01:44.45hardwireits nice having them working like this
01:44.46PyroSteveexcept I didnt get a massage ... just headaches
01:44.48hardwireauto set to no admin mode
01:44.51*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
01:44.54Ariel_hello everyone
01:44.55hardwirePyroSteve: its my b-day
01:45.02hardwireI am spoiled for atleast 1 hour today
01:45.05PyroSteveoh ok
01:45.10hardwireand it was by a little dwarf of a woman with a solid thumb
01:45.37hardwireI am happy finally
01:48.10PyroSteveAhhh ... its friday ... Im having a beer .. and about to go see a fireworks display
01:48.41SarahEmmkitriches finished ASL1 today, and are celebrating with relax0rz.
01:48.42hardwireI am going to go eat meat off of a spit
01:48.51PyroSteveJerJer: Please jack into the Matrix so I can borrow your knowledg
01:48.52hardwireand eventually find my way to a few beers
01:52.23mutilatorraped you how hardwire?
01:52.28mutilatori got their free crap
01:52.32hardwiremutilator: ooooooh
01:52.34hardwireyou give them CC info
01:52.43mutilatorand canceled it 2 min after i ordered it
01:52.44hardwireand they conveneintly monitor your credit score
01:52.49mutilatorit stayed active for like a month
01:52.51hardwirefor $44/mo
01:53.10mutilatoro you signed up for the monitoring shit
01:53.23hardwirethey wouldn't give me back charges either.. and refused to look at the logs to show if I used the service
01:53.34hardwireI don't read fine print
01:53.37hardwireits a stupid stupid thing
01:53.46hardwireI don't remember signing up for monitoring
01:53.58hardwireeither way.. I didn't pay them.. and now I have them on my credit report :)
01:54.01mutilatorthey throw it in your face right after you put in your credit card info
01:54.05mutilatorthere is a button that says next
01:54.08hardwiresince I deactivated my card about that same time
01:54.10mutilatorand that signs you up for it
01:54.21mutilatorand at the bottom there is a text link that says no thanks
01:54.22hardwirethis was years ago
01:54.25hardwirethey didn'thave buttons then.
01:54.30hardwireonly toggles.
01:54.32*** join/#asterisk iq (
01:54.34hardwireeither way
01:54.36hardwire< dumbfuck
01:54.44hardwiremy g/f at the time worked at a car dealership
01:54.48hardwireI could have just gone in and had them pull it
01:55.04Qwellbad time to join the channel
01:55.23mutilatori think i have like 9 credit cards right now.. i just don't know where they are all from
01:55.29mutilatorcause i only have 2 in my wallett
01:55.37mutilatori need to cancel em
01:57.04*** join/#asterisk Mcfly4u (
01:58.01Mcfly4u* Looking for help with ZAP question. I have read a lot but have not found my answer.
01:58.14Mcfly4uI have 2 ZAP channels configured and working.
01:58.15mutilatoranswer = 42
01:58.34*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (~kimosabe@
01:58.35Mcfly4uHow can I detect from which channel the call is coming in?
01:58.45Mcfly4u42 ok thx
01:58.51kimosabeis there a way to confuigre fxs pots on cisco to conect to asterisk
01:59.09mutilatoron cisco what
01:59.17kimosabecisco 1700
01:59.54mutilatordunno off hand
02:00.06kimosabemutilator youknow how to configure cisco voice pots
02:00.59mutilatorya, i use a 5350 with a few t's on it that connects to *
02:01.42MiccIs nufone down or did I screw something up?
02:02.00mutilatormore than likely you.. but i could be wrong
02:02.47kimosabemutilator can i confugre my cisco to dial from pot to pot on the same cisco router for educational purposes ?
02:03.05mutilatori have a bug bit behind my ear
02:03.06Miccdial in works fine, my dial out is getting Auto-congesting call due to slow response.
02:03.12mutilatorand it's puffed up bigger than my ear is
02:03.45mutilatorkimosabe: there are some commands i got from cisco to do that
02:03.48mutilatori don't recall what they were
02:03.59mutilatori had a cisco support contract at that time
02:04.06mutilatorsome undocumented crap
02:04.21mutilatorheh yea.. sorry
02:05.02mutilatorwhich model 1700 ya got/
02:05.31kimosabeyes 1700 1751v
02:05.46Mcfly4uok I finally found it. You have to set separate contexts per ZAP channels in the zapata.conf
02:05.49Mcfly4uthx anyway
02:06.21mutilatorya kim it looks like you can
02:06.34mutilatoruse your pots to sip (asterisk)
02:06.55kimosabecan i get the link ?
02:07.34mutilatorjust a sex
02:07.37mutilatorgotta get another beer
02:08.53mutilatordamn fridge sucks
02:11.24*** join/#asterisk bullweivel (~BullWeive@
02:11.48mutilatorwho;s up for some jack daniels & apple pucker!
02:12.09bullweivelif i use Xorcom Rapid to do my initial setup...   am i going to end up getting stopped and asked for a credit card ????  just curious.
02:12.24mutilatorno idea
02:12.31mutilatorwhos xorcom rapid
02:12.54bullweivelbasicaly sets up asterisk for you... supposedly... by just asking you some questions.
02:13.29bullweivelthe one configurator online they have...  it ends up going to a whats your credit card number page...  which realy pissed me off.
02:13.32mutilatori'de rather get head fuck it up to begin with
02:13.33kimosabebullwievell asterisk is open source runs good no credit card needed
02:13.36bullweivelafter spending the time to do it.
02:13.39mutilatorthen ya know how it all works
02:13.46mutilatorand.. that didn't sound right at all
02:14.05bullweivelno..  it didnt sound right at all.    leave them farm animals alone! ;)
02:14.05mutilatorif you're on the job
02:14.14mutilatoryou get to make money while messing with it
02:14.31bullweivelhahaa...  well i own the company.   so i end up losing money if i screw with it to long.
02:14.43mutilatorit's fun anyway
02:14.45mutilatorjust do it
02:14.58mutilatorif you're even somewhat technically inclined you'll be able to get it
02:15.09mutilatorand there is this channel to ask all your n00b questions ;)
02:15.21*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
02:15.57mutilatori'de personally rather configure it all on my own than do it by wizard esp if you
02:16.03mutilatoryou're concerned about $$
02:17.57mutilatori might be on the la times tech page
02:18.02mutilatornever been in a paper before
02:20.22*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
02:21.20*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
02:22.26*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
02:31.06bullweivelbored tonight are we ;)
02:31.15*** join/#asterisk cfrank (
02:31.28mutilatoro man
02:31.46*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:32.15mutilatori got denied for 3 jobs in one day
02:32.22mutilatori'm in teh sux mode
02:32.26bullweivel3 jobs??
02:33.05bullweivelr u biding on or something.
02:33.37mutilatoractual jobs
02:33.51mutilator3 FOADs today
02:34.26bullweivelthats got to suck.
02:34.29*** join/#asterisk Zippy5678 (
02:34.56InfraRedis it an IT job?
02:34.56mutilatoreh the hunt continues
02:35.13InfraRedthe sucess rate is 4%
02:35.22mutilatormine is less than that
02:35.30InfraRedso you need to apply to 100 to get a job
02:35.34*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
02:35.37mutilatori'm well over that mark
02:35.43InfraRedwell you only need 1 sucessful application
02:35.50mutilatorsince feb of '04
02:35.56InfraRedbuy and read this book alone, i sent out 450 apps
02:36.01InfraRedwhat colour is your parachute
02:36.28InfraRedgay name for a great book
02:36.34mutilatormy parachute is invisible green
02:36.56InfraRedfree advice take it or leave it
02:37.01SplasPoodmy parachute is maxxchrome
02:37.05mutilatorbuy a book != free
02:37.13InfraRedpay attention
02:37.16InfraRedi said free advice
02:37.29InfraRedunless you want me to charge you for my advice
02:37.39mutilatorhow much ya charge for that shit nowadays
02:37.39bullweiveldo u accept paypal ;) LOL
02:37.59mutilatorthe jack is almost hone!
02:38.00InfraRedmy lawyer charged me £140 +VAT today for a phonecall
02:38.02mutilatorwho wants some
02:38.03InfraRedthe cunt
02:38.31bullweivelif my lawyer charges me.... .     his internet connection suddenly stops working.
02:38.34InfraRed£2.3 a minute
02:38.36InfraRedlike wtf
02:38.51mutilatori wish my time was worth that much
02:38.54InfraRedanyway i needed
02:38.55InfraRedso i paid it
02:39.05InfraRedthe fucker
02:39.08mutilatorit;s like .5 cents a minute, cheaper than calling cards
02:39.10InfraRedthat was his 'disocunted' rate
02:39.30InfraRednormally £210 an hour
02:39.30bullweivelu should have told him that he costs more then the hooker around the corner...   oh wait.. you would have had to pay to tell him that.
02:39.48InfraRedwell if you're getting into law
02:39.53InfraRedlook into employment law
02:39.58InfraRedbig dullah
02:40.03mutilatorwill do
02:40.37bullweivelwhat would be the minimum things required for me to have a sip phone contact the * box?  what does * need as a minimum for that??
02:40.48bullweivelsip phone = softphone for now
02:40.49*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
02:41.00InfraRedbullweivel: hardware?
02:41.21bullweivelminimum config things.
02:41.27PBXtechhas anyone ever build a 100% echo free *?
02:41.28mutilatoryou can send calls to * w/o even registering
02:41.37mutilatori spose all ya need is a dial plan
02:41.56mutilatorand user config in the sip conf if you want a client to actually register to send/rec calls
02:41.59bullweiveldial plan...  and a sip.conf file..  that doesnt state a bunch right?
02:42.16bullweiveluser config ???
02:42.23mutilatorPBXtech: no
02:42.32bullweiveloh yeah...duh ...user config.
02:42.38bullweiveltype=user or whatever.
02:43.47PBXtechJerJer you echo free? ;)
02:44.05mutilatoreven my cell phone echos
02:44.12mutilatorand they make bijillions of dollars from me
02:44.41kjs3Infrared: Actually...if you want big dollar, M&A law is where it's at.  It's just st00pid hard to get in to...
02:45.06PBXtechthere is a hugh sip reseller here locally, just suprised they can survive with an asterisk back end
02:45.44PBXtechcause they cant stop the echo either
02:45.50QbYcan anyone shed light on sip phones being unable to register..  using xlite on a nat network, and asterisk on a public network..  i'm getting "Schedulign destruction of call"
02:45.57mutilatormy echo isn't non existant
02:46.07mutilatorlike 98% not there
02:46.17bullweiveli have spoken with more then one company that i know of that is using *, and honestly i havent ever heard an echo on their phone systems.
02:46.17InfraRedkjs3: M&A?
02:46.25mutilatornot like you ever notice it
02:46.43bullweivelof course if i did... likely i was on my cell and thought it was my side
02:47.15mutilatoryea, it's not 100%
02:47.16kjs3Infrared: Mergers & Acquisitions
02:47.24InfraRedkjs3: aah
02:47.24mutilatorbut it's enough that you don'
02:47.27mutilatort notice it
02:47.43PBXtechim curious how fonality does on echo
02:47.53mutilatorif you do.. then they need to do some reconfiguring
02:48.24mutilatorTHE JACK IS GONE!
02:48.35mutilatoryou're all SOL now, all my alcohol is gone
02:48.49mutilatortime to go across the street to the bar
02:49.04mutilator.. or not...
02:49.45PBXtecheasier to his the X
02:50.03mutilatoralt f4
02:50.07kjs3mutilator: Poor planning on your part does not consitute an emergency on our part...:-) (as I pour another scotch).
02:50.29mutilatorbetter be good scotch
02:50.41mutilatorcause bad scotch is just... bad
02:50.49kjs3mutilator: Oban.  It works for me.
02:51.44*** join/#asterisk anthm (
02:51.44*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
02:52.02mutilatorthe liquor store is right down the road 500 feet too
02:52.07mutilatori should go get some cap'n morgan
02:52.17mutilatorso i can survive the nite
02:52.27mutilatorand anny all you guys
02:52.54kjs3mutilator: So true.  I always tell the story of my trips to Japan...the land of bad blended scotch fixations.  They think Crown Royal is nectar.  Heathens.
02:58.53*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (~Snak@
02:58.58jaxxanhey ya'll
02:59.28jaxxanis 7.5 the latest firmware for the 7960's ?
02:59.41jaxxani'm having trouble getting my phones to upgrade to it from 7.2
02:59.59bullweivelhrmm....    sip show peers  shows that i have the setup right...
03:00.23bullweivelwoody*CLI> sip show peers
03:00.23bullweivelName/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port     Status
03:00.23bullweivelphone1                     (Unspecified)    D  0        Unmonitored
03:00.35bullweivelshouldnt host say something though?? or not until i connect ??
03:00.38PBXtechdoesnt look right to me
03:00.57PBXtechafter it registers yes
03:01.24kjs3jaxxan: I've found that the 7960s don't like to jump a lot of firmware versions.  You might want to try to upgrade to an intermediate versions first.
03:01.27bullweiveland to register... my softphone only needs a username and the sip proxy ip which is the machiens right ???
03:01.49bullweivelusername in my case = phone1
03:02.16PBXtechwiki as most of the softphone setup configs
03:03.07bullweivelshouldnt need a password right ... if you dont set one in the config.
03:03.40PBXtechwhy dont you try it
03:04.08bullweivelhrm...  i dont even have a username setup :)  its commented out from the document i was using to try and make all this work.
03:04.46QbYi'm using AMP.. But it seem my changes within it aren't reflected in Asterisk..  Can anyone shed some light?  My phones aren't registering
03:05.24PBXtechamp writes to extensions_additional.conf
03:06.07bullweivelokay... wtf im not even trying to do anything and its kicking this out.   Jul 23 02:47:16 WARNING[26842]: chan_sip.c:1047 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 1dec212550e5f9550c2f407e1b681970@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
03:06.24mutilatori'm back!
03:06.27mutilatordidja miss me
03:06.34PBXtechgot scotch?
03:06.39mutilatorgot morgan
03:06.52PBXtechbullweivel probably your sip phone trying to register eh
03:07.16mutilatorwho wants a lil cap
03:07.18mutilatorn in em
03:07.24mutilatorman i hate the ' key
03:07.26mutilatortoo close to enter
03:07.26bullweivelif this is going to be realy embarrased!
03:07.35*** join/#asterisk Mystikah (
03:08.24jaxxankjs3: i'm not quite sure what you mean by an intermediate version.
03:08.30kjs3PBXtech: Why, yes, we do got scotch.  Thanks for asking.
03:08.56PBXtechecho echo echo echo
03:09.07mutilatorping pong!
03:09.11bullweivelecho eagles soar
03:09.23mutilatori lvoe alcohol
03:09.27mutilatori feel great righ tnow
03:09.38kjs3jaxxan: Given you want to go from 7.2 to 7.5, you might have to go to 7.3 or 7.4 first.
03:09.50PBXtechjack n coke  yumm
03:10.04QbYcan anyone shed light on sip phones being unable to register..  using xlite on a nat network, and asterisk on a public network..  i'm getting "Schedulign destruction of call"
03:10.22mutilatorit's 9 oclock on a saturday
03:10.25PBXtechsip debug <-- read it
03:10.27mutilatorthe regular crowd shuffles in
03:10.34QbYi have..
03:10.35bullweivelWOOOHOOO...i think i got it
03:10.43kjs3mutilator: And alchahol loves you.  You might enjoy  I know I do.
03:10.46bullweivelName/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port     Status
03:10.46bullweivelphone1/phone1        D  5060     Unmonitored
03:10.51kimosabemutilator im getting an error when i put this is there a reason ipv4:
03:10.52PBXtechnice bullweivel
03:10.56QbYand it appears as though its not sending the 'challenge' as documented
03:11.02QbYit just simply says, destroying call
03:11.07bullweiveli had the wrong damn ip address .... not sure why my damn linux box is still grabbing dhcp ... have to figure that out.
03:11.26kimosabetring to configure voice pots
03:11.35mutilatortry using a sipua
03:11.49kimosabetrying to config cisco to sipura
03:11.57PBXtechyou doing md5 or something QbY
03:11.57kimosabetrying to config cisco to asterisk
03:12.02bullweivelPBX...yeah i know :)   i did ifconfig and realized for some reason the boxes statics didnt take place...even though i had put them in last night.  so go figure.
03:12.17QbYPBX..  I believe, I followed a set up guide
03:12.18mutilatorfor the peer
03:12.18hohumdoes anyone have an Orkut invite they can toss my way?
03:12.21PBXtechoh blame it on linux
03:12.23QbYwith a lot of info missing
03:12.25PBXtechuhh huu
03:12.27mutilatorand then
03:12.35PBXtechorkut dumb
03:12.38mutilatorsip-server ipv4:
03:12.43mutilatoror whtevr it is
03:12.52hohumperhaps, but that doesn't change the fact that I want to try the service
03:12.55PBXtechtry it without md5
03:13.47QbYpbx..  my question is..  shouldn't i at least see the extensions under show agents or something
03:13.55*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (
03:13.58kimosabemutilator but i get an invalid error
03:13.59QbYi hav ethis feeling that nothing i'm doing in the AMP is being read by asterisk
03:14.08PBXtechunder agents ? no
03:14.10mutilatoroh you're doing that?
03:14.19mutilatorwhats the error? copy/paste
03:14.31PBXtechQbY  type sip show peers
03:14.34bullweivelany way to see what phone numbers my sip phone is sending to the * box ??  and if the * box is dialing it?
03:14.50PBXtech[bullweivel]: sip debug
03:14.53QbYName/username    Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port     Status
03:14.53QbY203/203          (Unspecified)    D  0        Unmonitored
03:15.13PBXtechso amy made ext 203
03:15.20QbYpbx.  in the event you need to know..  client == xlite on NAT'd network..  server == on public network
03:15.21PBXtechamp err
03:15.41mutilatordoh it's over
03:15.44PBXtechthats fine
03:15.56PBXtechwhere are you jamming it?
03:16.06mutilatorin my nose
03:16.08QbYi'm getting these 401 Unauthorized
03:16.10mutilatorwith a fork
03:16.16QbYit was 403 .. now 401
03:17.19PBXtechpassword match?   nat = yes?
03:17.19mutilatoranyone wanna buy a cisco as5350
03:17.29mutilatori wanna get rid of it
03:17.41mutilatorah EBAY!
03:18.00QbYpassword matches, nat set to "Yes"
03:18.26bullweivelcan you make * dial a phone extension??
03:18.31bullweivelwith using a phone?
03:18.36bullweiveljust from cli
03:18.59QbYbull are you talking to me?
03:19.47PBXtechhost = dynamic?
03:19.49bullweivelim just asking anyone QbY
03:20.01PBXtechyou can make * dial anything
03:20.18QbYPBX..  host is dynamic
03:20.25mutilatorcause the players tried to take the field how do you do it?
03:20.33mutilatorthe marching band refused to yield
03:20.40mutilatorto doreacll what was revield the day the music died
03:20.48mutilatorsingin bye bye miss american pie!
03:21.51mutilatorwhere you live
03:21.58enderthats hot
03:22.03mutilatormove to michigan
03:22.04endershit, now I owe Paris something.
03:22.07mutilatorall the cool people live in michigan
03:22.23mutilatori think hers is hott
03:22.25mutilatoryou;re safe
03:23.12file[laptop]DarthClue: status of old job was super hot today here... and i was outside working at a tower site for about 4 hours..   at least i didnt have to climb.
03:23.28DarthCluefile[laptop]: i'm still bleeding them for as much money as I can.
03:23.30mutilatorclimbin probly woulda been better
03:23.34mutilatorthose winds are nice
03:23.36file[laptop]DarthClue: yay
03:23.48mutilatorsun burn
03:23.49mutilatorbut cool
03:24.02DarthCluefile[laptop]: i put in 3 hours that my old manager told me to take 5 for when i invoice the boss.
03:24.20QbYPBXTech..  any other ideas?
03:24.22mutilatori need a new song to play
03:24.38anthmpink floyd live 8
03:25.00DarthCluei was also told to charge the boss 2 hours for having to deal with my check having bounced again.
03:25.04mutilatornot much for live
03:25.08mutilatorbut i could play some brain damage
03:25.09bullweiveli was getting burned i started sitting in the truck and turning on the AC LOL...  then i get home and my wife didnt make anything for dinner..   long story short...   she knows im in a shitty mood tonight!!! (you would to if you worked about 14 hours and came home to a trashed house...bitchy wife... and no dinner)
03:25.14PBXtechanthm has no echo
03:25.15DarthClueanthm: what's the chance of getting floyd to play at cluecon?
03:25.53mutilatori'll bring the stereo equipment
03:26.19*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
03:26.56mutilatoractually, whats registration cost again
03:26.59mutilator$320 or soething
03:27.13anthmto floyd?
03:27.27bullweivelto floyd lol
03:27.42mutilatorall the good ones
03:27.46DarthCluemutilator: $350 without the room, $650 with.
03:28.00mutilatoro really
03:28.19mutilatori'll havbe to sleep in me car then
03:28.20mutilator3 days?
03:28.28DarthCluemutilator: yes, 3 days.
03:28.29anthmDarth is brave, all the ppl who bitch at cluecon must be asleep =D
03:28.43jbotsomebody said cluecon was - The Open Source Telephony Expo and Developers Conference featuring presentations by Mark Spencer, Greg Boehnlein, Ken Rice, Brian West, Vikrant Mathur, Craig Southeren, David Sugar, Bob Andreasen, Joshua Colp, Greg Merriweather, Brian Fertig, Peter Nixon, Marc Olivier Chouinard, and Anthony Minessale II.
03:29.07DarthCluehaha, jbot won't let me show how much i love cluecon
03:29.10mutilatormind if i get drunk and speak?
03:29.19*** join/#asterisk brookshire (~matt@
03:29.28mutilatoryou can announce it on the mail list and stuff
03:29.30mutilatorannoy s'more ppl
03:29.33bullweivel   okay... so if you dont have a sound card... how can you make asterisk dial a number ?????
03:29.44DarthCluemutilator: if you pay the dreank and spuk fee we don't mind at all.
03:29.51mutilatorho wmuch is that
03:29.52brookshireOMG.. you lie!
03:29.52anthmspeak while getting drunk like a vintriliquist
03:30.00brookshirethere you go
03:30.06DarthCluemutilator: a couple kegs of the good stuff.
03:30.12mutilatorgood stuff?
03:30.14PBXtechsound card? What The F...?
03:30.15mutilatornatty lite?
03:31.01bullweivelPBX... thats what that thing says..    and i dont have a dial or hangup command in console... i tried dial help and hangup help and it says does not exist  go read
03:31.27DarthCluemutilator: ask anthm or bkw_.  of course, if you buy us all polycoms, we'll give ya 15 minute spot during primetime.
03:31.54mutilatori'll go take em from all the schools
03:32.04mutilatorgot about 15 to give out
03:32.07mutilatorthat work
03:32.16DarthCluemutilator: as long as they can't be traced, we won't ask where they come from.
03:32.59mutilatori don't have keys to all the schools tho, i dont wanna do any b&e
03:33.02mutilatorso maybe like 9
03:33.38PBXtechqby why are you using and ???? thats a wack route
03:33.51mutilatorwhoever is logging this.. delete!
03:34.20QbYPBX..  44.44... is my client..  55.55 is my server.. just modified the ips..
03:34.29QbYthere's the complete 'conversation'
03:34.51anthmyou should all dl that pinkfloyd so you have something to listen to on your way to cluecon it's Roger Waters reuniting with them live.
03:34.55*** part/#asterisk hypa7ia (
03:35.10mutilatorfskin hell
03:35.20mutilatorwell so much for those polycoms DarthClue
03:35.45mutilatori'll grab 2 full kegs
03:35.48mutilatorthat should hold ya over
03:35.57DarthCluemutilator: um, we would really rather have the polycoms.
03:36.43DarthClueanthm: i'm riding with bkw_.  I'm not sure listening to floyd is in the picture.
03:36.50anthmcool we should say more it's being logged then it will end up on google!
03:37.09DarthCluecluecon is the place for cool people.
03:37.16DarthCluecluecon is the place for uncool people.
03:37.24mutilatorwhere do i fit in there?
03:37.25DarthClueall the geeks will be at cluecon.
03:37.34DarthClueeven mutilator will be at cluecon.
03:37.36*** join/#asterisk kram (mark@kram.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
03:37.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o kram] by ChanServ
03:37.40mutilatorthere we go
03:37.44DarthCluemutilator is supplying all the beer for cluecon.
03:37.53mutilatorya know...
03:37.56mutilatori would..
03:38.08DarthCluemutilator will be giving away polycom ip501s to the first 13 cluecon arrivals.
03:38.13anthmbkw just needs some more threats *cough* i mean force doh! i mean persuasion
03:38.21file[laptop]I wnat a 501!!!
03:38.23file[laptop]er want
03:38.54*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
03:39.07mutilatorso what're these kegs going to be filled with?
03:39.28file[laptop]they'll be full of drugs
03:39.30file[laptop]lots and lots of rugs
03:39.32file[laptop]er drugs
03:39.38brookshireREDBULL REDBULL REDBULL!
03:39.47mutilatorwho's supplying the jager then?
03:39.47DarthCluetell ya what mutilator, find a way to get SarahEmm to cluecon and we will give 30 minutes of primetime to talk.
03:40.04DarthCluefile[laptop]: they found the tunnel, we can't the drugs in.
03:40.09mutilatori could get 2 gets of redbull...
03:40.17*** join/#asterisk jr352k (
03:40.20anthmwe will be downing the keg then connection it to an ethernet and transforming the empty keg into a giant ip phone live
03:40.21mutilatorfor cheap even
03:40.43anthma tremendous can and string
03:40.52bullweivelwell... i guess dial must not work without a proper sound card..
03:40.57mutilatortheres like $80 deposit on a keg
03:41.04*** join/#asterisk twister (
03:41.09mutilatorscrew you
03:41.32twisterit might hurt
03:41.35DarthCluebullweivel: define how you want to make the call.  do you want to originate a call between your phone and another phone or what?
03:41.39twisteror you might like it
03:41.39mutilatori have some great lube
03:41.48twistersick f00ker
03:41.48DarthCluetwister: and we aren't using lube either.
03:41.56mutilatorso what'll it be
03:41.59mutilatori need suggestions
03:42.02bullweivelDarth... i just want the * box to call my phone.   to see if it rings.
03:42.06anthmwe'll have a boxing ring in the center of the ballroom where we can put all the people who flame each other over linux distros toe to toe in the flesh
03:42.11mutilatorwhat ya want the kegs filled with twisted?
03:42.14mutilatortwister even
03:42.24bullweivelthen i might have it try calling out also.. out my fxo port and see if that works.
03:42.33DarthCluebullweivel: you need to use a call file, check the wiki, and google.
03:42.43mutilatorno one likes beer i bet
03:42.48bullweivelokay... ty.
03:42.56DarthCluemutilator: find a way to get sarahemm to cluecon and forget the kegs, we can get the kegs somewhere else.
03:43.17mutilatorwheres SarahEmm live
03:43.19anthmLet's get RRREADY TOOO RUMMMMBLE.....IN THISSS CORNER WE HAVE E-MACS! weighing in at 200mb
03:43.38brendawhat nerds
03:43.45SarahEmmsarahemm lives in toronto canadia
03:43.51mutilatorright nextdoor!
03:43.56mutilatorcan i pick ya up?
03:44.31SarahEmmwhere are you mutilator?
03:44.33SarahEmmyay twister!
03:44.34SarahEmmyou should live here
03:44.42DarthCluebullweivel: you can also use app_changrab ...
03:44.42SarahEmm'cuz you seem to think i'm nifty despite my... kitrichness
03:44.44twisternot only no
03:44.46SarahEmmcool mutilator
03:44.46twisterhell no!!!
03:44.56mutilatori'll come get ya, no problem
03:44.59DarthCluebrenda: you are coming to cluecon right?
03:45.08*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
03:45.11JerJersee your doing it again
03:45.14mutilatori'm not too scary
03:45.36mutilatorcan't say no to that face
03:45.37PBXtechare there topless chicks there?
03:45.45DarthClueyes JerJer I am pushing cluecon, ya know what, it's a Friday night, if you don't like it, go to a movie.
03:45.48mutilatorno PBXtech
03:45.56PBXtechdamn it
03:45.59jbotit has been said that docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
03:46.00DarthCluePBXtech: we can arrange that for an additional fee.
03:46.01jboti guess mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
03:46.14mutilatorwhere is this afterparty
03:46.24JerJermust be pretty desperate to make sure people show up then
03:46.28mutilatorcuz.. i gotta know where to get the kegs delivered
03:47.01PBXtechits the first expo, im sure its not full. doesnt really matter gotta start somewhere
03:47.04DarthCluemutilator: um, we don't intend to have the kegs at the afterparty.  we need them at the conference.
03:47.04*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
03:47.19mutilatorthats no fun
03:47.25anthmshh it's taboo to talk about it
03:47.28DarthCluemutilator: yes it is.
03:47.37mutilatorwhats the point in that
03:47.44mutilatorthen people will laugh at you outloud when ya talk
03:47.48mutilatorinstead of just in their heads
03:48.08*** join/#asterisk nextime (
03:48.20DarthClueCluecon will feature some of the best of the VOIP world.  If you don't want to come, it's your loss, and don't be surprised if we start telling you to go the wiki more often.
03:48.33*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
03:48.42PBXtechyou talking to an audience of like 10 people <snicker>
03:48.42DarthCluemutilator: I'm DarthClue, I don't care if they laugh at me.
03:48.53Cresl1nI won't tell you to go to the wiki :-)
03:48.56mutilatori'm drunk!
03:48.56*** join/#asterisk Twister (
03:48.59mutilatornice to meet you
03:49.13mutilatorand SarahEmm is coming with m
03:49.15DarthCluePBXtech: at that point, it's not an audience, it's a group session where ideas are exchanged that change the future.
03:49.17fugitivomy tdm400 is not working on an intel d865perl motherboard
03:49.23*** join/#asterisk jr352k (
03:49.25*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
03:49.27ManxPowerCresl1n: Have you thought about the problem of Glare on PRIs?
03:49.33*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
03:49.36fugitivoit works on my 6ba+ ;)
03:49.40ManxPowerCresl1n: Have you thought about the problem of Glare on PRIs?
03:49.50Cresl1nglare happens
03:49.50mutilatorhow many ppl are actually registered for this anthm?
03:49.52*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
03:50.00mog_homeno sip happens
03:50.09ManxPowerCresl1n: It doesn't have to 8-)
03:50.18Cresl1nI can't remember how it works
03:50.22anthmyou for that which we shall not name in fear of an ass whooping?
03:50.35Cresl1nI think that if glare occurs the NET side wins
03:50.39anthmis that what you mean
03:50.40PBXtechim going to astercon for sure this year
03:50.48ManxPowerCresl1n: Not a bug deal.  Will only cause problems very seldom in anything I currently run.
03:50.50DarthClueoh god no
03:50.52JerJercan anyone tell me the last time oej or sokol was in here pushing Astricon?
03:51.08Cresl1nthat's just standard procedure though
03:51.12PBXtechanyone tell me the last time they were here?
03:51.13ManxPowerCresl1n: When the NET side wins, do we retry the call on another channel?
03:51.18DarthClueStop the spam!  It's too much!  I can't take it!  Haven't we heard enough about astricon!
03:51.23mutilatori wanna know if i should put $350 on a credit card, if its a few ppl it'll be worth it
03:51.28mutilatorif it's like 200 then.. probl not
03:51.30JerJerDarthClue:  then leave
03:51.50fugitivoany idea why the tdm400 doesn't work? (is not recognized)
03:51.59DarthCluemutilator: it will be worth it for you to come.
03:52.07kramfug: get cvs zaptel?
03:52.07JerJerno it won't
03:52.16Cresl1nHey, come to astricon everybody.  The coolest speakers in the whole world will be there!
03:52.31ManxPowerCresl1n: And some of the most sleep deprived!
03:52.31anthmthey are too busy selling 2k tickets to ppl selling "certification" for a program that changes daily
03:52.41PBXtechthis is boring
03:52.44DarthClueHey, come to cluecon everybody.  The most knowledgeable VOIP Developers in the universe will be there.
03:52.56mog_homeso he can go to astricon
03:53.07mutilatorkram pokes his head in
03:53.09fugitivokram: is not detected by the kernel
03:53.09*** join/#asterisk sangoma (
03:53.11mog_homewell for free
03:53.24kramfugitivo: did you try zaptel?
03:53.36PBXtechexpo wars Laughing Out Loud
03:53.40mog_homeomg its sangoma
03:53.52mishehutruncate him
03:53.53fugitivokram: yes, "unable to open master device /dev/zap/ctl"
03:54.03mog_homeyou have udev fugitivo
03:54.05Astriconthis is my alter alias
03:54.05JerJerfugitivo:  2.6 kernel ?
03:54.14kramfugitivo: might try e-mailing tech support (
03:54.16fugitivoi forgot that
03:54.16ManxPowerfugitivo: is it listed in "lspci -v"
03:54.23mog_homeor just msg tech support
03:54.27kramor that :)
03:54.30sangomabuy our shit.. we r0xx0rs!
03:54.36mishehuI know, let's all just flood fugitivo with sensible questions!
03:54.51anthmoh oh, Astricon, while you're here can I sell my PC so I can get a piece of paper telling me i'm an asterisk professional?
03:55.05mishehuI'd never buy hardware that claims that it "r0xx0rs"
03:55.12ManxPoweranthm: hush you.  don't take it if you don't think it's worth it.
03:55.27sangomaawh.. come on, plz :)
03:55.32AstriconAh, yes! it is my nemesis!
03:55.57mishehuanthm: for half the price, I'll write you a prestigious degree from a non-accredited institution
03:55.59bullweivelChannel: <channel> Outbound channel    okay...   where do i find the definitions of what all of it means...been looking about 10 minutes.  Here is the command that i have... but i dont know what is for what!   Channel: Zap/1g/1
03:56.04anthmumm no shit it's not worth it didnt you pick up my glaring sarcasm =D
03:56.08kramwe should make a #asterisk-troll
03:56.28bullweivelwhy no asterisk-orc  ;)
03:56.41PBXtech#asterisk-CLUE  (pun)
03:56.51ManxPowerI want a #asterisk-grue!
03:56.53mishehuthat's the new line of certifications from Microsoft.
03:57.03mutilatorkram: more fun in here.. :P
03:57.06mishehuWill somebody answer that damn ringing cluephone???
03:57.25mutilatori'm done with my fun for the nite tho
03:57.25Twisterlittle problem..when * makes a call out through bv using a grandstream budgettone 101, when my users dial another pbx with a menu..they cant choose options
03:57.30mishehukram: app_troll
03:57.30mutilatortoo many cool people around
03:57.31Twisterthe tones aren't being passed
03:57.34Twisterany ideas?
03:57.36mutilatori don't wanna be a dumbass anymore
03:57.43mog_homeinband dtmf when you shouldnt be
03:57.48mog_homeuse rfc2833
03:57.49fugitivoshould i use udev or devfs?
03:57.55mog_homedoesnt matter
03:57.59ManxPowertwisted: have the person call you on a landline.  tell them to press numbers.  Do you year the tones loud and clear?
03:58.00mog_homeyou just need it configured
03:58.07mishehufugitivo: you using 2.6 kernel?
03:58.14fugitivomishehu: yes
03:58.35mog_homebut craves a new iaxy
03:58.37Cresl1nooh... s/digium/muigid/
03:58.37mishehufugitivo: forget devfs then.  you are probably already using udev anyway.  -> ps ax |grep udev
03:58.38*** part/#asterisk QbY (
03:58.43ManxPowertwisted: if not.  no tones, clipped tones, or distorted tones, then the phone is prolly set for inband dtmf.
03:58.46mishehufugitivo: see README.udev in the zaptel source.
03:58.58PBXtechVeracity uses clone quad T cards  (bad PR for them)
03:59.04mishehuJerJer: it wasn't too heavy?
03:59.10Twisterall the tones seem to sound the same
03:59.25mog_homethe phone is faking em to you
03:59.29mog_homeuse rfc2833
03:59.43fugitivothen why isn't my zaptel card working?
03:59.49brookshireomg.. chan iax isn't rfc complient ;)
03:59.59mog_hometo what
04:00.03mishehulisten to mog.  he's half man, half dog.  he's his own best friend.  </obligatory spaceballs quote>
04:00.03mog_homeno rfc yet brooks
04:00.08SarahEmmthere's no RFC is there?
04:00.13SarahEmmthere's a draft, but only a draft afaik
04:00.16mog_homelistening to mog is wise
04:00.16mishehufugitivo: did you read README.udev??
04:00.37mishehuit's there for a reason.
04:00.38TwisterLudacris speed..GO!!!!
04:00.50mog_homei told you to never play that part again
04:01.12brookshireoh no.. rewind
04:01.14mishehu"Why didn't anybody tell me my ass was so big??  *scratches* "
04:01.30mishehumog_home: you're looking at now.  everything you see is happening now.
04:01.42mog_homeso what am i watching now
04:01.57PBXtechlooks like were over the expo wars
04:01.58mishehuThe Spaceballs Unlisted Wall VoIP Video Phone
04:02.00PBXtechthats nice
04:02.19mog_homereally all i got was spaceballs toilet paper
04:02.45mishehuPBXtech: I'm going to start a l33t new expo, will call it mishehucon.  It will be so l33t that none of you will be worthy of coming.  In fact, only I will be worthy of going to it.
04:03.01mog_homedang /me wishes he got invite
04:03.04PBXtechright on, topless
04:03.35PBXtech*l33t expo..
04:03.44mishehuSpaceballs the Cisco 2960 Phone
04:03.54brookshireINVITE :)
04:04.31bullweivelthats funny... i cant get the damn call thing to work... but forgot my sip phone could call itself and get the second extension ;)
04:04.33brookshireAWH SIP DUDE!
04:04.47brookshirehey ken
04:04.49PBXtechanthm should release his meet-me code to celebrate cluecon.. :)
04:04.58SwKwhat up brookshire
04:05.31anthmcelebrate everyone bitching at us?
04:05.31PBXtechoh damn he left
04:05.36PBXtecherr not
04:05.46anthmgetting a new drink
04:05.51brookshirenot much
04:06.01anthmso i can withstand all the flames
04:06.19Cresl1nyou know what they say... SIP happens
04:06.41PBXtechanyone who has been with * for a while know who the 'real' payers are.. your a playa
04:06.59bullweivelanyone know if i use xorcom rapid CD image.. if i load it..  its not going to get to the end and want a credit card number or something stupid like that right ???????????
04:07.00kramanthm: what do you drink?
04:07.01DarthClueanthm will release the meetme code when there are at least 1,000 cluecon registrations.  and we'll even give you a framed clue certification for only $300 that you can hang in your office.
04:07.05Cresl1ndon't be playa hatin
04:07.07brookshirei'm just a hatah
04:07.19anthmtoday it's cap'n and diet coke
04:07.24anthmnow with splenda
04:07.33brimstonebullweivel: nope
04:07.34brendaAm I going to need a makefile to compile my own app?  (hint: I am not a C programmer)
04:07.43JerJerhint: yes
04:07.44brookshireequaly opportunity hatred.. that's what i say!
04:07.53brendaI can't just do gcc and stuff myself?
04:07.56mog_homeacrually not
04:07.57kramanthm: cool :)  i'll know what to buy you
04:08.01mog_homeyou can use astxs
04:08.18bullweivelbrimstone:  it doesnt end up pop up wanting dinero then huh?   stupid configurator on their website did that to me... making me worry about formating and starting from scratch.
04:08.21PBXtechkram is buyin
04:08.24*** part/#asterisk SarahEmm (
04:08.34anthmshh, kram, if you hint you are comming to that which we will not mention you may get flamed
04:08.46brimstonebullweivel: nope
04:09.02jbot[cluecon] - The Open Source Telephony Expo and Developers Conference featuring presentations by Mark Spencer, Greg Boehnlein, Ken Rice, Brian West, Vikrant Mathur, Craig Southeren, David Sugar, Bob Andreasen, Joshua Colp, Greg Merriweather, Brian Fertig, Peter Nixon, Marc Olivier Chouinard, and Anthony Minessale II.
04:09.03JerJeranthm:  it is more than just me that is anoyed with the constant pushing of your crap
04:09.04Cresl1nflame away!
04:09.11brimstoneflame on!
04:09.12DarthClueSee, even HE will be there.
04:09.21anthmthe algorythm you should follow is have me try and stand up
04:09.25brookshireOH NO HE DIDN'T!
04:09.26mog_homebut the matts wont be
04:09.32anthmif it works give me a shot of johnnie walker
04:09.33mog_homeand what is a con with out a meeting of the matts
04:09.39anthmotherwise a rum and coke or a beer
04:09.42mog_homewe have doubled in size over the last year
04:09.50SwKtoo many matts
04:09.51fugitivoi shouldn't work while drinking martini
04:09.52PBXtechif i fronted an expo and was an OP ide push it too hah
04:10.01brookshireonly 3 in this room
04:10.09mog_homewhich 3 brooks?
04:10.12brookshireoh.. and mog
04:10.17brookshirehe makes 4
04:10.20brimstoneand Cresl1n
04:10.21Cresl1nrob, matt, and brooks
04:10.23Corydon76-homeCresl1n: Uh, that's interesting... and conflicts with what I've heard about you... :-P
04:10.23anthmJerJer, all the people who are fed up are all the addicts who watch every line of irc like us, the rest of the people barely even hear about my crap
04:10.34mog_homerobinson is out there?
04:10.49brimstoneyou should b e here too
04:10.55mog_homeive heard it said
04:10.55Cresl1ncorydon: eh?
04:11.07Corydon76-home[23:09:24]  Cresl1n is flaming
04:11.12Cresl1nlol, yes
04:11.33PBXtechnufone had its flaming moment in irc loggin
04:11.48Corydon76-homeCresl1n: heh
04:11.51brendaSo I will need to muck up the apps makefile to get one of these pbxfreeware apps to compile?
04:12.00DarthCluebrenda: nope.
04:12.09DarthCluebrenda: you using HEAD right?
04:12.24DarthCluehehehe, which app?
04:12.25MikeJ[Laptop]yay head.
04:12.29brendathe rss one
04:12.43anthmwhy is this place more exciting fri night than mid day all week
04:12.50Cresl1nI want to see Asterisk replace the kernel!
04:12.51mishehuusing HEAD != giving
04:13.02Cresl1nthat's kind of far
04:13.03PBXtechcause the normal people are out playing
04:13.04brendaanthm: 'cause we're all drinking?
04:13.05DarthClueanthm: can you give her directions on that one?  i haven't done it yet and don't wanna get her lost.
04:13.09mishehuanthm: it says something about the asterisk community
04:13.12brookshirethat's right, we give you HEAD ;)
04:13.18mog_home4/5 matts are not drinking
04:13.19brookshireso take it !
04:13.23Corydon76-homeanthm: because we don't have to be at work in the morning?
04:13.23anthmwhat was the question
04:13.25PBXtechhmm HEAD
04:13.33DarthClueanthm: how to build app_rss
04:13.33file[laptop]you have all lost it
04:13.35brendaIf you can just point me in the right direction...
04:13.39mog_homeanthm did yall fix your cvs mirror?
04:13.44file[laptop]yes CVS is fixed
04:14.05anthmyep I gave it a "fonze" smack and it came back up
04:14.06brimstonethat was slightly unexpected
04:14.08brookshiredata umm... data
04:14.15file[laptop]anthm fscked it good
04:14.27anthmapp_rss is that the thing I made ?
04:14.29brookshirehi file
04:14.30kimosabei have some basic examples for cisco and asterisk does any one have cisco router conected to asterisk server
04:14.35brendaanthm: appears so
04:14.39file[laptop]brookshire: matttttttt
04:14.41DarthClueanthm: yeah, it's the code that is too good for slashdot.
04:14.48Corydon76-homeDarthClue: you can't blackmail the shameless... :-P
04:15.12DarthClueCorydon76-home: yes i can...
04:15.20anthmdl the 2 files
04:15.25brendagot em
04:15.32anthmand astxs -autoload -install app_rss.c
04:15.43anthmthat should install it while asterisk is running
04:15.47anthmif it's not running
04:15.53anthmomit the -autoload part
04:15.55Corydon76-homeDarthClue: oh, you can try... but it won't do a damn bit of good
04:16.13brendawhoa... it doesn't need to be compiled?
04:16.25DarthCluebrenda: astxs takes care of that.
04:16.37anthmastxs is a compiler helper script
04:16.55anthmi made it to help me code modules
04:17.01DarthClueCorydon76-home: maybe not from you but i'm sure file wouldn't want his face out there on all those sites...although everybody wants em young nowadays.
04:17.16brendathat is so cool!
04:17.19Corydon76-homeYoung but legal... file's 18...
04:17.23anthmcos I get in this loop of trying it , code, compile, over and over
04:17.36anthmso with astxs you can recompile 1 app while asterisk is still up
04:17.39file[laptop]oh no!
04:17.52anthmover and over so you can devel faster
04:17.58brendathat is very nice!
04:18.22PBXtechtommy chong is in salt lake this weekend.. nice
04:18.25TwisterOr else pizza, is gonna send out for you!
04:18.37brendaI was looking at the makefile with a giant question mark on my head!  You saved me!
04:18.57PBXtechbetter than a L on your head
04:19.03DarthCluebrenda: i think app_rss does require a cepstral voice to work though.
04:19.17brendagood thing I have it :)
04:19.32brendaI saw that it wasn't festival, so I got super excited :)
04:19.48MikeJ[Laptop]Corydon, not legal for that in most states.. remeber.. we are one nation under the back ackward religiouys right
04:19.50PBXtechthat sounds like a cool app
04:19.55anthmyou call the perl script on any rss url and some keyword
04:20.08anthmthen you call the app with that keyword in asterisk
04:20.20Corydon76-homeMikeJ[Laptop]: You missed Lawrence v Texas... the states cannot outlaw it anymore...
04:20.32MikeJ[Laptop]yes and no
04:20.51Corydon76-homeWell, they just have to make the AoC the same
04:21.16brendaDarthClue and anthm: thanks for the help!!!
04:21.18MikeJ[Laptop]so they can say exit only across the board I think
04:21.24anthmnp *bow*
04:21.47Corydon76-homeMikeJ[Laptop]: nope, they can't discrimate on type of sex
04:21.57Corydon76-homediscriminate, rather
04:22.07Corydon76-homeIt's all right there in the SCOTUS decision
04:23.52PBXtechwow long pause
04:24.41brookshirewe're all talking in secret
04:24.48brimstonehappens to me all the time
04:24.48PBXtechwow someone in nigeria wants me to scam some money with them
04:25.07anthmyou know what sux, 1 guy in africa actually owes me real money
04:25.17anthmgood luck, nobody will let him pay me
04:25.22PBXtechhah you code him something?
04:25.39PBXtechheh get it up front :)
04:25.48anthmwell he wants to pay it
04:25.51anthmnobody lets him
04:26.29anthmwe have a guy in mexico that wants to buy a ticket to someting we are having soon and our bank wont take his CC
04:26.53Twisterim having a problem where phones outside of the network (asterisk is on dmz) can connect but can hear fine but cant talk internally, and cant hear or talk on external calls
04:27.10PBXtechtell him to register onsite, with cash :)
04:27.40PBXtechnat problems eh
04:28.03Twisterfor example, if i connect with Eyep Softphone, it registers, and if i try too make a call to another extension i can hear them but they cant hear me
04:28.23PBXtechdamn that dmz
04:28.26Twisterbut when i make a call to an external number from that eyep softphone
04:28.54Twisteri can neigher hear nor talk
04:29.02PBXtechyour remote phone behind a nat?
04:29.35PBXtechnat = yes in the config?
04:29.39anthmgo get a cell phone and run while you still can...
04:30.00PBXtechheh gonna get echo anyway
04:31.12PBXtechi sold a $7500 zultys system today, they had a $2k asterisk bid there.. and i won it wooot
04:32.37anthmsatan himself, was a key member of the committe that drafted SIP
04:33.59PBXtechdamn it i wish i were drunk
04:34.33anthmslam a glass of 151
04:34.40anthmthat'll do it I can attest
04:35.30PBXtechall i have in butterscotch, irish cream, and vodka
04:35.33*** join/#asterisk wshs (
04:35.40PBXtechneed to resupply
04:35.56PBXtechohh yeager
04:36.01anthmmix the vodka with some juice of some sort
04:36.11anthmso you cant taste how nasty it is
04:36.15PBXtechneed to go get some redbull
04:36.21PBXtechHaHaHa i like vodka
04:36.51anthmthen you will get that puckery feeling as you drink it like eww I'm still gonna drink more and pretty soon it will taste good
04:37.26Qwellanthm: this coming from Mr. take a shot of 151 :p
04:37.37Corydon76-homeHey, butterscotch and irish cream together are good...
04:37.48PBXtechyea thats what im doing, not potent thou
04:37.51MikeJ[Laptop]don't mix vodka.. it belongs in a glass... with ice
04:38.13anthmnah not shot a big glass
04:38.25brendaanthm: apps works great!! thanks again
04:38.29brendaapp that is
04:38.32MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, like I was saying.. in a glass
04:38.35anthmi mean
04:38.54MikeJ[Laptop]6oz glass.. little bit of ice, lots of vodka.. yummmy...
04:39.00brendakewp is the new the kewl? ;)
04:39.11PBXtechhope its flavored vodka
04:39.16MikeJ[Laptop]but I don't drink liquor anymore.
04:39.19anthmi would not repeat the big glass of 151 stunt anytime in the near future i was 19 at the time and completely sober the only way I was able to survive
04:39.22MikeJ[Laptop]no.. strait vodka..
04:39.32Qwellanthm: Get ahold of some 196...
04:39.59anthmsome nice johnnie walker on the rocks that'll do
04:40.31PBXtechim in a jack-n-coke mood, but i dont have any jack
04:41.26anthmwho want's an asterisk app that lets you have a phone contest?
04:41.37PBXtechas in..
04:41.54Corydon76-homeAs in, my phone is bigger than your phone...
04:42.10anthmmodest, but you go to the cli and type contest 42
04:42.14Corydon76-homeOh, wait, no, that's a dick contest.  Nevermind.
04:42.25anthmand caller 42 to Contest() app
04:42.31anthmreturns 0 all the rest -1
04:42.36brookshirephone what?
04:42.44Qwellanthm: guessing game?
04:42.46PyroStevePBXtech: Thanks for the tip on
04:42.51PBXtech[Corydon76-home]: you would have to type contest 3"
04:42.56anthmlike a radio contest
04:43.00JunK-Yu can record a specific question
04:43.02PBXtechyou read my web site?  woooot!
04:43.06JunK-Yya, sounds great.
04:43.11Corydon76-homePBXtech: don't estimate if you're not willing to see
04:43.14anthmcaller 10 wins a ticket to some expo
04:43.30Corydon76-homePBXtech: because I'm proud enough to show it off
04:43.35JunK-YContestAdmin to control that question and see the current result?
04:43.38PBXtech[anthm]: thats cool, ide try it
04:43.48anthmnext thing you know the conversation turns to dicks
04:43.56PBXtech[PyroSteve]: you read my asterisk post there?
04:44.09Corydon76-homeanthm: couldn't you do that just as well with a global variable?
04:44.50Corydon76-homeSetGlobalVar(count=$[${count} + 1])
04:45.04anthmyah but you face locking issues
04:45.17Corydon76-homeAh, true...
04:45.34anthmthat's why I asked it's not super rad just anothet thing I was playing with
04:45.59*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
04:46.28Corydon76-homeHow about if we solve that in the dialplan... something like a Lock and Unlock set of apps...
04:46.56PyroStevePBXtech: no, not yet at least, I just tuned back in and saw the site mentioned in here
04:46.59Corydon76-homeThat's be an interesting challenge, wouldn't it?
04:47.27PBXtechoh interesting. i run that website
04:47.39anthmI had a hashvar thing a while back that may have worked that way
04:48.04anthmit was global hashes so you could have namespace in a global based on a key
04:48.19PBXtechchanspy is in head now days right?
04:48.22Corydon76-homeAh, cool...
04:48.51JunK-YPBXtech: ya
04:49.10Corydon76-homeanthm: I was thinking of another way you could do that... everytime you declare a hash, you could register a new function on the fly with that hash name...
04:49.47Corydon76-homeThen the argument to the function becomes the hash key
04:51.00PBXtechthen you put the hash in and light it
04:51.34anthmdid you see the one I had in mantis i think it was squelched
04:51.45anthmit was sort of cool if you ask me
04:52.06anthmit had events in manager even so you could monitor when a hash was touched
04:52.48PBXtechdid they ever change the manager api to not send stuff that you didnt care about?
04:53.42anthmyah in fact I added that
04:53.44MikeJ[Laptop]don't touch my hash?
04:53.46anthmlast year
04:53.55PBXtechoh really, that in head?
04:54.06anthmyah maybe even stable it's been so long
04:54.07MikeJ[Laptop]no, he is lying to you..
04:54.18anthmEvents: header
04:54.25anthmyou can list a string of them
04:54.30anthmall the various event channels
04:54.36anthmor a numeric mask
04:54.41anthmor just on or off
04:54.59anthmthe idea is you can have 2 1 with events off for pure commands/replies
04:55.06anthmand another for listening to events
04:55.31PBXtechso i can silence everything except for userevents...
04:55.31anthm has the app_radio , dont say i didnt warn you it's not spectacular
04:55.40anthmEvents: user
04:55.49anthmin the initial login
04:55.58PBXtechoh man thats killer. i should keep up on this stuff better :/
04:56.08anthmi think also an Action Events Events: blah works too
04:56.23anthmskim manager.c for "event
04:56.27JunK-Yanthm: what about ContestAdmin to control that app?
04:56.33anthmto make sure of the syntax I forget
04:57.05anthmi added it to my manager perl mod so I dont recall the exact syntax positively
04:57.24PBXtechill check. thx
04:57.27anthmyah , that would be possible
04:57.53JunK-Ylike to change the question and stuff like that.
04:58.30anthmwell it's no question it's just a certian number caller to allow to get thru
04:59.06PBXtechwhere is app_996?  <snickers>
04:59.43anthmlike you say "ok caller 101 wins" then everyone madly calls and only the 101st call will make it to the next pri which is to call you so you can say good job "more or less"
05:00.03PBXtechor a couple 1FB's <snickers>
05:00.30PBXtechok im feeling a little drunk
05:00.50PBXtechbutterscotch kickin in
05:01.56PBXtechpunchin out, thanks for the info anthm.. PS register for ClueCon and ignore jer heh
05:04.27MikeJ[Laptop]I do
05:04.29*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
05:04.30anthmi thought there'd be riots in the street
05:04.46MikeJ[Laptop]in the hood...
05:05.06MikeJ[Laptop]so, what's everyone up to this weekend?
05:08.26*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
05:08.46anthmonly kram's house would have a party where people go on irc =p
05:09.03anthmoops i disturbed his bot
05:09.09PBXtechhow hard would it be in the dial plan to play a random wav file within a specified directory/
05:09.30anthmwith an agi 2 sec
05:09.37anthmi have one actually
05:09.40MikeJ[Laptop]how hard do you want it to be?
05:09.41JunK-YPBXtech: really quick.
05:09.53anthmwhen you call 996 and it has random allison sounds
05:09.59MikeJ[Laptop]it's really really hard.. you should pay me to do it...
05:10.06file[laptop]anthm: you're too active tonight
05:10.10MikeJ[Laptop]hey anthm, wanna split it?
05:10.13JunK-YMikeJ: at least 50$ huh? :)
05:10.27MikeJ[Laptop]whatever.. I'm easy..
05:10.41PBXtechdamn that agi stuff
05:10.53MikeJ[Laptop]damn you gadget....
05:10.58MikeJ[Laptop]I need to sleep
05:11.13JunK-Ymake some gogo gadget with wife :)
05:11.31file[laptop]and... I'm asleep!
05:11.42PBXtechgot pre-made code anyone wants to share? :)
05:12.24PBXtechwow that is easy
05:12.35fugitivomy tdm400 is not working
05:12.56fugitivoi did what README.udev says
05:13.21fugitivoZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 4: No such device or address (6)
05:13.33MikeJ[Laptop]is it there?
05:13.33anthmwell it assumes you have the agi perl mod
05:13.43*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (~leigh@ab6eaa54b03515df.session.tor)
05:13.51PBXtechgot it
05:13.57fugitivoi get "Communication controller: Unknown device e159:0001" with lspci
05:14.14MikeJ[Laptop]ok.. I am really tired..
05:14.20MikeJ[Laptop]I go sleep now.
05:14.25PBXtechthx, nite
05:14.27fugitivofirst help me :)
05:14.32anthmyou of corse need a dialplan that calls the agi then the next pri does a playback($FILENAME})
05:15.31anthmall agis should be uses in a way where they are over with ASAP remeber that rule and you will be happy
05:15.44anthmdont exec shit in them unless you have no choice
05:15.48jr352kanybody has an idea how to record digits to a file and post it to an url?
05:16.03anthmyah it's a 1 line program with res_js
05:16.46anthmor a bunch of dialplan lines if you're capable
05:16.53anthmor an agi script
05:16.57anthmor a res_perl app
05:18.03fugitivoit's working now
05:18.18fugitivoi'm using version 1.0.8, so the module is different, my mistake
05:21.59*** join/#asterisk drooth (
05:24.18*** join/#asterisk axscode (~axscode@
05:24.39axscodehi guyz... anyone have an xlite? just want to test my server if it is available public
05:27.12axscodehello.. anyone alive?
05:27.39DarthClueaxscode: give me a dial string and we'll see what happens.
05:36.05*** join/#asterisk pingywon (
05:38.49DarthClueaxscode: looks like it works.
05:40.50brendait got quiet while I was out
05:41.27DarthCluebrenda: i think the alcohol finally knocked some people out.
05:41.59brendalol probably
05:42.01jr352kanybody has a sample how to capture dtmf digits to a file and them post it to an url?
05:42.05*** join/#asterisk axscode (~axscode@
05:42.13axscodei just rebooted..
05:42.25axscodehey dude.. hows the connection?
05:42.51brendawhat do you do for asterlink darth?
05:43.04DarthClueaxscode: your welcome.  a little delayed, but not enough to notice.
05:43.19DarthCluebrenda: um, whatever the emporer wants me to do.
05:43.21axscodebut the connection is ok? i mean. no splattings?
05:43.31DarthClueaxscode: yes, no splattings.
05:43.36axscodethansk darth..
05:43.59brendado you write code and such?
05:44.08brendaor jsut clean toilets?
05:44.11axscodeim just having 712kbps.. so not good i guess.. my mates are playing games.. with my 712...
05:44.36DarthClueright now, i mostly just troubleshoot faxing issues and clean the toilets.  eventually, i might get to write code that will clean the toilets for me.
05:44.57DarthClueaxscode: sounded good for a shared 712k connection
05:44.59brendayeah... one should never clean thier own toilets
05:46.06axscodehey darth.. from what place are you..
05:46.26axscodewhat country?
05:46.34DarthCluetulsa, oklahoma, usa
05:46.57DarthCluegood thing you speak english or that would have been an even stranger call.
05:47.02axscodethanks.. and im using it through switch/hub..
05:47.12axscodenope its not me..
05:47.29axscodetwas my friend.. the phone is on his side.. we was stun actually.. shocked.. hehe
05:47.50DarthClueah, nice to know that i just prank called someone for ya.
05:48.06axscodei was loughing a while ago...
05:48.36axscodehey darth are you still connected? i want to check
05:48.47axscodeim the one will dial..
05:50.00brendabeep bepp
05:50.12axscodehey brenda.. ASL please
05:50.30Qwellaxscode: I think you're looking for #asstricks
05:50.31axscodeis there a softphone for unix
05:50.56brenda87 Male North Pole
05:52.00brendaIs it possible to return a value with an AGI script?
05:52.49QwellI know nothing about AGI, but you should be able to set a variable, right?
05:53.15JunK-Yreturn a value where?
05:53.21JunK-Yin the dialplan?
05:53.56JunK-Yu could write a channel var and do a noop, no?
05:53.58brendacall an agi scrpit that returns a value that I can stick in a dialplan variable
05:54.13Qwellbrenda: just set the variable from inside the AGI
05:54.20brendaahh duh
05:54.41JunK-Yso u owe me 4$ and 1$ to Qwell :)
05:54.42DarthClueaxscode: yep, i have a box that is up as long as it doesn't die...let me get you a dial string
05:54.57brendaisn't making me feel like an idiot payment enough?
05:54.58Qwellhow come I only get a buck? :p
05:55.10JunK-Ycause i said the answer just before u :)
05:55.21QwellJunK-Y: <Qwell> I know nothing about AGI, but you should be able to set a variable, right?
05:55.36JunK-Ythen 1$ form my bitch!
05:55.55JunK-Ysorry, beer was good tonigh.
05:56.52twistedbrenda, good answer on the ASL question ;)
05:56.54axscodeanyone knows a softphone for BSD?
05:57.11twistedaxscode, asterisk!
05:57.23brendatwisted: santa needs luvin too! ;)
05:57.37twisted(that is, assuming that bsd supports oss/alsa)
05:57.41twistedbrenda, hehe
05:57.41axscodetwisted. i mean.. a client
05:57.58axscodei thought asterisk is a server?
05:58.05Qwellit can be a client too
05:58.12twistedit can be whatever you want it to be
05:58.31twistedbesides a) a fluffer, b) a cook, c) a maid, d) anything that requires physical movement
05:58.53DarthClueIAX2/guest@ - should give the current status of my imaginary pbx.
05:59.07Qwellres_fluff maybe
05:59.22axscodehow to dial? using asterisk?
05:59.31Qwellaxscode: dial
05:59.47axscodei dont know..
06:00.00DarthClueexten => 1000,1,DIAL(IAX2/guest@,60,r)
06:00.04Qwellbrenda: ?
06:00.07twistedbrenda, welcome to late nite #asterisk ;)
06:00.21brendaQwell: chan_fluff
06:00.31Qwellfor fluffing pillows!
06:00.34QwellNow who's the sicko?
06:00.38twistedno, RES_fluff
06:00.41JunK-YJul 23 01:44:19 WARNING[18882]: chan_iax2.c:6808 socket_read: Call rejected by Unable to negotiate codec
06:00.45twistedbecause fluffers are a valuable resource
06:00.46DarthCluewhoever just tried, you need to check your codec.
06:00.59hypa7iait's a "hard" job apparently
06:01.02JunK-Ywhich codec do u use?
06:01.04brendahar har
06:01.06Qwellhypa7ia: :p
06:01.09twistedhypa7ia, bad pn.
06:01.19QwellI don't know, I hear that job blows
06:01.20hypa7iait had to be said :-p
06:01.32DarthClueok, gsm or ulaw, just fixed that.
06:01.39twistedgah, i should have set my office account away before i left
06:02.07QwellI don't think I want to know why so many of you know what that is to begin with...
06:02.23twistedQwell, the internet was made for porn.  get used to it
06:02.32hypa7iafriends who do porn :-p
06:02.37JunK-YDarthClue: it works now
06:02.39brendadoes asterisk run well on osx?
06:02.42Qwellhypa7ia: friends...sure
06:02.52twistedbrenda, sure, w/o hardware (*coming soon*)
06:03.05brendaso I should let my work buy me the ibook?
06:03.12twistedbrenda, i would.
06:03.20brendaI'm scared.  never owned a mac
06:03.26hypa7iamacs rawk
06:03.27twistedneither have I until recently
06:03.27DarthClueJunK-Y: right now, the guest account just dumps out to weasels.  I haven't had time to do much else for the moment.
06:03.28twistedthey rock
06:03.37hypa7iabest laptops evarr
06:03.47DarthCluebrenda: get a mac and bring it to cluecon.
06:03.49hypa7iathough i do love my giant asus too :-)
06:03.54DarthCluebrenda: you'll be in good company.
06:03.58twistedbrenda, and you have people like myself, SwK, and a couple others keeping the asterisk osx compatiblity working ;)
06:04.00JunK-Yno trouble, im making some tests with something now.
06:04.28brendaDarthClue: only if I get work to pay for the trip
06:04.47brendaso I can run most linux apps on the mac?
06:04.52Qwelljbot: karma osx
06:04.52jbotosx has neutral karma
06:05.01DarthCluebrenda: it would be a very good investment.
06:05.08hypa7iajbot: karma hypa7ia
06:05.08jbothypa7ia has neutral karma
06:05.20SwKbrenda: most things run under OSX or have ports
06:05.28Qwellhypa7ia: Don't feel bad...
06:05.31DarthCluejbot: karma DarthClue
06:05.31jbotdarthclue has neutral karma
06:05.31Qwelljbot: karma Qwell
06:05.31jbotqwell has neutral karma
06:05.36Qwellhmm, I had -2 the other day
06:05.43brendaDarthClue: it all depends on whether we get this ivr project or not
06:05.43DarthCluejbot: karma jbot
06:05.43jbotjbot has karma of 6
06:05.51SwKkarma twisted
06:05.51brendaand we find out next week
06:05.58twistedSwK, huh?
06:06.01DarthCluejbot: karma JerJer
06:06.01jbotjerjer has karma of 1
06:06.20DarthClue~frag everyone
06:06.20jbotACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at everyone
06:06.26SwKI guess jbot wont answer that unless you direct it specifically to him
06:06.28twistedSwK, too bad you wanted to go home and watch tv
06:06.34twistedKP and I went and played pool
06:06.40SwKtwisted: oh werd
06:06.40twistedand I drank a bit ;)
06:07.12*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
06:08.01axscodecan i use CLI to dial a phone?
06:08.11twistedDarthClue, nah. You couldn't tell anyway.
06:08.18twistedaxscode, sure.
06:09.12axscodeDarthClue: whats the command in CLI to dial a numbeR?
06:09.20*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
06:09.20*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
06:09.34twistedokay... wtf.
06:09.35axscodetwisted: whats the command to dial a number?
06:09.36twistedwhat was my quit msg?
06:09.43Qwellaxscode: dial
06:09.46twistedaxscode, dial?
06:09.49JunK-Y[02:08:51] * twisted has quit IRC (Remote closed the connection)
06:09.50hypa7iatwisted: remote closed the connection
06:09.55twistedJunK-Y, thanks
06:09.56axscodedoesnt work
06:10.16twistedanywho.. time to lay back and watch television
06:10.19axscodeit says: command doesnt work.
06:10.31axscodei mean. no such command
06:11.03axscodeno such command 'dial' (type 'help' for help)
06:11.33brendahmm... maybe I'll go out and buy me a mac mini too
06:11.50Qwellbrenda: get me one while you're out
06:11.50sudhir492what softphone you guys prefer for windows?
06:12.29brendaQwell: oh sure
06:12.34brendaanyone else?
06:13.48sudhir492For some reason, some of the Polycom phones inaccessible after a while, so that any calls to them go straight to voicemail. Anyone has any suggestion what could be wrong, or better still, how to fix that?
06:14.17brendawow... the osx desktop is very pretty
06:15.46SwKyes it is
06:16.25hmodesjust be prepared to surrender all of your ram to it ;p
06:16.31QwellI used a mac at Frys the other day for about 2 minutes.  I wasn't wholey impressed
06:16.48brendawhat other benefits do I get with osx?
06:18.19hmodesit's pretty, you can drop to a terminal and gnu it up, and 'it just works'(tm) (most of the time, some restrictions apply)
06:19.39hmodesI personally highly recommend looking for cheap/used hardware or at least buying barebones from apple and adding your own ram/drives/video cards aftermarket
06:19.59hmodesif i paid full apple price for my hardware i would be dissapointed
06:19.59brendagood stuff to know
06:20.01*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
06:20.07hmodesas it is, it's very easy to graft a mac rom on to a pc video card
06:20.27hmodesand if you're not paying an extreme hardware premium it is a rather nice *nixy os with a pretty gui
06:21.44hmodesi'd imagine once they switch over to intel chips it'll be a pretty strong contender if the hardware prices come down
06:22.00hmodesbeing able to run vmware x86 native on a mac would be supreme goodness
06:22.00brendayeah... but how long till that happens?
06:22.12hmodes'bout a year, prolly a bit more
06:23.25hypa7iaheck or wine
06:23.29hypa7iawine and crossover
06:23.56hypa7iayou;ll be able to run wine on osx
06:24.25SwKjust get a copy of VPC and it just works
06:24.48SwKas far as windows goes i've only found 1 or 2 apps that I needed VPC for
06:25.13axscodehey guyz.. i dont really get it. how to dial on CLI?
06:25.22hypa7iavpc is emulation though, whereas Wine Is Note an Emulator :-)
06:25.25hmodesvpc is crap
06:25.30SwKas far as ram/video goes, if you get a powerG5 they have good video boards
06:25.42SwKwindows is crap
06:25.49hmodescompared to windows/vmware/linux/x86, windows/vpc/osx/ppc is a DOG
06:26.26SwKwine on OSX for quite a while will be emulation any way you look at it
06:26.27andrew`any word on SixTel?  Last time I popped in someone else was wondering if they'd dissapeared too..they never did respond to me or answer my trouble ticket...they have no trouble billing me for the not-in-service DIDs though lol
06:27.07SwKand I'm still looking for apps for windows where there arent equiv's or better apps on OSX
06:28.14DarthClueandrew`: are they toll free dids or regular dids?
06:28.31SwKaxscode: drop a call file and be done with it
06:28.48axscodeSwK: what?
06:28.54brendaI'm excited now
06:28.59andrew`toll free and other worked last i tried, but my canadian one doesn't
06:29.00brendagonna get me a mac mini tomorrow
06:29.03SwKscrew vision get OmniGraphal
06:29.11DarthClueandrew`: asterlink can probably have your toll free dids transferred in a matter of minutes if you'd like.
06:29.28hmodesSwK: can it open vsds in a way that makes sense?
06:29.30SwKOmniGraffle rather
06:29.38andrew`i never actually used the toll free DID ;) so i don't mind losing it...but what about canadian numbers?
06:29.44brendaDarthClue: you can port tollfrees that fast?
06:29.47andrew`i can't seem to find anyone that can provide one reliably
06:30.01SwKandrew`: asterlink is a good carrier
06:30.18SwKandrew`: I've used them reliably for quite a while
06:30.21DarthCluebrenda: with sixtel yes.  they get most of the tf from us anyhow.  with others, i think it is about a week.
06:30.28andrew`SwK: that's great..but last i heard they can't do canadian numbers :)
06:30.38axscodedarth. can u gimme an example command on CLI to dial a certain fone?
06:30.40DarthClueandrew`: we are working on canadian but don't have it yet, just toll free.
06:30.42SwKandrew`: ask DarthClue  heh
06:30.46andrew`SwK: i did ;)
06:30.56andrew`any expected time frame?
06:31.00andrew`i just need one lo
06:31.02brendaDarthClue: oh ok... now it makes sense
06:31.06andrew`er, lol
06:31.16SwKhmodes: the Pro version reads visio files
06:32.18DarthClueandrew`: that would be something that only the boss man knows and i have enough on my plate without giving him an idea that i want to push for it.  i know file wants it since he is in canada and i think he is working on it, but it is a matter of getting a provider that can give us the numbers and not make it so expensive that it would be useless.
06:32.18SwKits what I use all the time... at one time OSX had a SE version in it, I believe both Panther and Tiger shipped with it
06:33.15hmodesmy #1 complaint is all my coworkers are visio whores...  i'll have to check it out
06:33.51andrew`well, i will keep my fingers crossed DarthClue :)  file's in the east iirc, I'm in need/want of a (604) in vancouver
06:34.18brendaDarthClue: your T1 termination doesn't include the actual circuit, right?
06:34.37DarthCluebrenda: not sure what you're asking.
06:35.23brendaI guess I'm asking "What is your T1 termination?"
06:35.39brendaI bring a T1 into you and you give me dialtone?
06:36.51brendaor you give me rackspace and you hook a T1 up to me?
06:37.12hmodesheh, yeah, can't open visio 2003
06:37.54DarthCluebrenda: ok, here is what the page says to me, but i would have to confirm this to be sure....
06:39.06SwKhmodes: only thing I have had to actually use windows for since i moved to OSX is a configuration program for a crappy sip->tdm gateway
06:39.08DarthCluebrenda: we can either terminate a t1 into our equipment or colo your equip with a t1 into that gives you an asterlink account with 24 dedicated channels.
06:39.57brendaat $300/mo?
06:40.01brendathat's insane
06:40.02hmodesyeah, i very rarely touch windows any more
06:40.06hmodesvisio and outlook is about it
06:40.22hmodesstill not 100% purged of windows tho
06:40.40brendathe cheapest I can get a PRI for is $350
06:40.57brendaand that's a good price for a PRI
06:40.59DarthCluebrenda: as i said, i would have to confirm that.  i just clean the toilets for now.  give me a few weeks and i might get a chance to actually see what really goes on outside of the basement.
06:41.27SwKhmodes: expose == outlook
06:41.40hmodesyou mean entourage?
06:41.49SwKerrr yeah
06:42.00brendaDarthClue: who would know?
06:42.11hmodesunfortunately it only runs in exchange cached mode via shady web-based hacks
06:42.12DarthClueanthm and bkw_ for sure, file probably.
06:42.23hmodesfor mailboxes with thousands of messages a day it's worthless
06:42.37hmodesreally, the only problems i have with mac
06:42.45hmodesis microsoft intentionally crippling their products
06:42.53SwKand people wonder why i seriously dislike exchange
06:43.03DarthClueif you're interested, send an email to my name at gmail and i'll get it to them and get you an exact quote.
06:43.25hmodesyeah, i'm so fed up with exchange at work i'm subverting our MIS department and setting up a courier imap server so I don't have to use their crap :)
06:43.49hmodesit's gotten to the point that i come in mornings
06:43.51SwKi thought exchange had an imap service
06:43.51hmodesnudge outlook
06:43.52brendaDarthClue: k
06:43.59hmodesand wait 10 minutes for it to respond
06:44.20hmodesit does, but even the imap listener is slow and crappy
06:45.02hmodesgranted my mailbox is ridiculously huge, but...  10 minutes for a dual xeon that's not very busy to respond is just ridiculous
06:45.40SwKthats microshaft for you
06:45.59hmodesnot to mention it's reliably destroyed my mailstore every 6 months for 3 years now
06:46.02SwKi havent checked my spool size lately but its quit large
06:46.24hmodes'oh, sorry, can't get you an answer on that, it happened 7 months ago' is getting _really_ annoying
06:46.26brendaDarthClue: where is your colo at?
06:46.32SwKit could be worse... you could be using old school mbox w/ pop3d
06:46.35JunK-Ywhy the L option in dial hangups the channel ? would be better just to stop the current call and continue???
06:46.51hmodesi dunno, i ran a 300+ person company off a ppro200 pop3 server
06:46.59hmodesand it was infinitely more useable then this crap
06:47.14DarthCluei am pretty sure the datacenter is in Los Angeles, but i know we have boxes scattered around.
06:47.18hmodesthis is 600some people across 3 dual xeon exchange servers on an emc san ;p
06:47.24hmodesand it's completely unuseable
06:47.47SwKhmodes: yeah I tried that once... then everyone thought it would be a good thing (tm) to email out 40meg excel spreadsheets and CC the planet with them
06:48.08SwKand then I would watch pop3 eat the entire system memory and swapfile
06:48.29hmodes10mb message size limits and a secure corporate ftp/webdav server are your friend :)
06:48.42SwKsince it just HAD to load the entire mailspool into RAM
06:48.53hmodesthat and it's fun to explain to the users why they're idiots when they come over wondering why they can't e-mail an iso
06:49.13SwKhmodes: when I say old school i mean OLD School... our Primary server was a P90
06:57.56*** join/#asterisk gravemin1 (~omgwtfbbq@GXTi.developer.freenode)
06:58.26brendagnight all
06:58.44*** join/#asterisk oOlli (
06:59.51oOllihi folks. just a simple question: how do i connect 5 analog phones to asterisk with 2x ISDN BRI?
07:03.21*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
07:03.40PyroSteveanybody run into a inconsistent dtmf problem with Broadvoice ?
07:04.47PyroSteveits weierd ... some IVRs I call wont hear my dtmfs
07:04.50PyroSteveothers will
07:05.28PyroSteveand when I have my server call me back, and then I try to fill in vars with dtmfs, it wont read em
07:09.50hmodesprolly either differing dtmf settings on various gateways or aggressive echo cancelling killing short dtmfs
07:09.57hmodeshave you tried changing your dtmf mode?
07:11.10hmodesor just holding down keys to generate longer tones?
07:20.12*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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07:40.12Delta34can someone recommend a good softphone besides xten that can do transfer calls can conferencing?
07:44.20Chotairexten eyebeam rocks.
07:44.48Delta34looking for freeware =)
07:45.02Chotaireit was well worth buying.
07:45.04Delta34need tranfer capabilities
07:45.17Chotairethat xlite is crap compared to eyebeam.
07:48.32Chotairei dont remember any freeware softphone with transfer capabilities (win32).
07:52.50Delta34anybody supporting 100+ user asterisk setup?
08:02.02*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine_ (
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09:02.16*** join/#asterisk Night-X (
09:03.43Night-XI'm having a bit of trouble with an incoming IAX2 call being rejected because DID@inbound does not exist.  In my [inbound] context I have exten lines for DID and a catchall...
09:17.14*** join/#asterisk srt (
09:21.12joerghi srt :)
09:22.43srtjoerg: already running asterisk?
09:38.33*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
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09:59.04srthi spyroux
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09:59.55spyrouxdo you use asterisk on sparc32 system ? I'm trying to compile the cvs version but I have to do a lot of little changes in Makefiles
10:02.18InfraRedjust use linux or bsd like everyone else
10:02.27spyrouxI use linux !
10:02.37spyrouxa debian system (sarge)
10:02.41InfraRedah on sparc
10:02.47InfraRedi thought solaris
10:03.03InfraRedwell you desereve everything you get
10:03.07Night-Xanyone have any problems with incoming IAX2 rejecting for nonexhisting DID?
10:03.16spyrouxok :-D
10:03.46InfraRedisnt there a debian package for it ?
10:03.51InfraRedapt-get asterisk ?
10:03.52spyrouxI'll first see if it'll works :-D
10:04.33Night-XI even tried catchall, and it sitll gave the error, kinda confusing the heck outta me
10:04.43opus_are you a programmer
10:05.08spyrouxopus_: me ?
10:05.18opus_can i have an account on your system and try to port it
10:05.24opus_can you install ytalk?
10:05.24spyrouxInfraRed: in fact, the package of the debian doesn't works
10:05.55spyrouxopus_: never tried...
10:06.11spyrouxit's a old 2*75Mhz system :-D
10:06.55opus_did/were you mailing on the dev list?
10:07.07spyrouxInfraRed: it seems the 1.0.7 contains some bug in the iax-parser on bigendian system
10:07.38spyrouxI subscribed to the mailing list but I did never post anything yet
10:08.54opus_just wonder ... there is a guy asking the same thing
10:08.56Night-Xspyroux: you think the iax-parse bugs are stil in .9 ?
10:09.01*** join/#asterisk Tili (
10:09.31spyrouxNight-X: folowing the cvs log, it seems the bug is only corrected on the cvs version
10:10.38*** join/#asterisk GMsoft (~gmsoft@gmsoft.developer.gentoo)
10:10.49Night-Xdo they list any more details on the parser bugs ?
10:11.03opus_what bug
10:11.38Night-Xits getting the extension in context, and trying to send to it, but it then says the extension or context does not exhist
10:11.41Night-Xbut its there
10:11.54opus_and its include => ed
10:12.05spyroux(sorry phone...)
10:12.15opus_in asterisk cli, 'show dialplan' shows it ?
10:12.24spyrouxrevision 1.39
10:12.24spyrouxdate: 2005/03/29 04:49:24;  author: markster;  state: Exp;  lines: +28 -43
10:12.24spyrouxSimplify endianness and fix for unaligned reads (bug #3867)
10:13.22spyrouxit's in the `cvs log channels/iax2-parser.c` :-D
10:13.44spyrouxsymbolic names : v1-0-9:
10:14.48Night-Xnot in the dialplan.. odd
10:14.59Night-Xyet there were not syntax errors, and its in there best as i can tell in the conf
10:15.10opus_you are using all .conf files right
10:15.18InfraRedspyroux: to get IAX working you need to get zaptel package working
10:15.37InfraRedand it's limited on *BSD so i expect worse support on sparc
10:15.44*** join/#asterisk chendy (~root@
10:15.49spyrouxhum :-/
10:15.49opus_should load no problem
10:15.56opus_what if you rename that context to
10:15.59chendyhi there
10:16.05Night-Xunless i'm issing something... it is late.. but i dont think i am
10:16.12opus_does it show up in 'show dialplan'?
10:16.29spyroux(make install...)
10:16.49opus_paste your extesnisons.,conf to pastebin
10:16.55jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
10:17.00Night-Xyeah, 1 sec
10:17.27*** join/#asterisk dacleric (
10:17.45opus_whast up man long time no see
10:17.57opus_hows douchland
10:19.25Night-Xwant the url in here or msg ?
10:20.22spyrouxecho test on sparc32
10:20.27spyrouxusing iax :-D
10:20.48opus_that look likes sip.conf
10:20.55opus_you want to post
10:21.00Night-Xjust did
10:21.11Night-Xsorry, getting sleepy hehe
10:21.24Night-Xthanks for the help btw :)
10:22.47opus_you need
10:22.50opus_in sip.conf
10:23.04opus_don't use 1.0.9
10:23.08opus_use CVS HEAD
10:23.15Night-Xthe first was iax.conf
10:23.23opus_ok yeah iax.conf
10:23.54Night-Xso its gonna be  a must to use cvs head for iax eh?
10:24.34Night-Xdefault didnt work either
10:24.35Night-Xsame deal
10:25.13opus_make sure you have
10:25.36opus_in iax.conf
10:26.29opus_and if that doesn't work, inline everyting into a single context
10:26.47Night-Xis already there for inbound
10:26.51Night-Xin iax.conf
10:27.15Night-Xor do i need to specify defualt elsewhere?
10:27.16opus_sometimes you need to 'stop now' and restart asterisk
10:27.24opus_'reload' is broken
10:27.33Night-Xjust been restarting it
10:27.38Night-Xnot even bothered with that
10:27.49opus_show dialplan
10:27.51opus_is empty?
10:27.59opus_for those items?
10:28.14Night-Xthats it
10:28.30opus_do you have a funky extconfig.conf?
10:29.12Night-Xthers nothing enables in it
10:29.21Night-Xjust [settings] and the only 2 lines are commented out
10:29.27Night-Xer enabled
10:29.47Night-Xpretty much just.. empty
10:30.09opus_something is really wrong
10:30.16opus_i'd start over
10:30.36Night-Xi figure, it has to be something in the configs
10:30.42Night-Xassuming its not a bug of some kind
10:31.59opus_probably not a bug
10:32.52Night-Xwhy does it load extensions.conf, not error, and not list it in the dialplan
10:33.05Night-Xdoes not makes sense to me
10:34.42*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
10:40.50Night-X"Unable to open IAX timing interface"
10:41.04Night-Xthink its ignoring the extensions due to this?
10:41.38*** join/#asterisk triplefff23 (
10:41.49opus_probablby not
10:42.04opus_night-x try using sip for just a sec
10:42.07opus_to verify that
10:42.11opus_i'd try
10:42.19opus_mv /etc/astersisk ~/lalalaalal
10:42.20Night-Xyeah, was just about to
10:42.23triplefff23smsq works.. well it says all completed but the wiki makes alots of 92 FF etc etc lines and i need ot restet
10:42.29opus_cd /usr/src/asterisk && make samples
10:42.42opus_and try
10:42.50triplefff23omfg.. i made no sense
10:42.51opus_make sure your not on acid
10:43.02triplefff23im on coke
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10:43.19opus_i smoked a shit load of w33d
10:43.23*** join/#asterisk axscode (~axscode@
10:43.39triplefff23nah.. ok i ran smsq params etc on cmd line all ok .. never got page but that me... it said call complete ok.. so all handshakes and but fuck went ok right ?
10:43.58opus_triple dunno man
10:44.11triplefff23but from the wiki eaxample of making a call file etc... i see .. 92 FF 00 etc error codes till i restart
10:44.13axscodehi guyz.. i tried installing zap.. on my asterisk.. but it says /dev/zap/pseudo doesnt configured
10:44.41triplefff23axscode id try to work on ztshit apps
10:44.49opus_cd /usr/src/zaptel && make linux26
10:44.54triplefff23like modprobe etc
10:45.03opus_or cd /usr/src/zaptel && vi Makefile <- enable ztdummy
10:45.04axscodeid start my asterisk then i start my ./ start... then i did asterisk -rvvvvc then issue reload
10:45.06triplefff23look in wiki for that nice example
10:45.08opus_modprobe zaptel
10:45.11opus_modprobe ztdummy
10:45.16opus_echo $?
10:45.20axscodeim on BSD
10:45.21*** join/#asterisk ham4fun (
10:45.23triplefff23u friggin high ?
10:45.33triplefff23./zap[ ? that new ?
10:45.40opus_openbsd is for spooks
10:45.52triplefff23all l u need is a modprobe wXXXXXX whatever mod name
10:46.01opus_no idea on openbsd
10:46.10triplefff23spooks as in .. hmm wargame ?
10:46.12opus_i'd just ignore the message
10:46.30opus_spooks as in theo de rat is an ass
10:46.36axscodemodprobe is for linux.. ill try kldload though. waith
10:46.47triplefff23and try -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvcnfd
10:46.50triplefff23or something
10:46.59triplefff23v = verbopse =d = debuig
10:47.00opus_i found a local root shell hole on openbsd
10:47.04triplefff23n no color
10:47.08opus_and he was like 'thats theoretical'
10:47.10triplefff23f fopr uck me
10:47.19triplefff23and .... d for die
10:47.30triplefff23hold on
10:47.37triplefff23let me check one of the clusters
10:49.03*** join/#asterisk axscode (~axscode@
10:49.07triplefff23asterisk -vvvvvvvgcf
10:49.10axscodehey  whats that again?
10:49.12triplefff23in screen
10:49.16axscodezaptel and ztdummy|?
10:49.28axscodezaptel is loaded... ztdummy cant find one..
10:49.32triplefff23if we run anything other some part of asterisk doenst like it
10:49.54triplefff23ztdummy is a pseudo timing source ... i think.. xcan one confirm ?
10:50.15triplefff23its like zaptel dummy psuedo device for it
10:50.17axscodeyes i need that pseudo thingy..
10:50.23axscodei cant load it
10:50.27axscodei have to install it again
10:50.29triplefff23use ntp
10:50.43triplefff23#2 use madplay.. no stupid hangs every second
10:50.47triplefff23for moh
10:50.55triplefff23all the rest should be ok
10:51.31axscodeim on bsd..
10:51.32triplefff23./usr/bin/madplay --mono -R 8000 --output=raw:- fpm-sunshine.mp3
10:51.44axscodebrb have to reboot this thing..
10:52.01triplefff23coolio.. mpg123 sucked.. used cpu like hell 3-4 threads... plus needs decent timing source it sieeems
10:52.18triplefff23axscode no reload cmd for that app or res ?
10:52.44triplefff23bt anyone done sms ?
10:52.48triplefff23in usa ?
10:52.52triplefff23not fucking UK
10:53.00opus_you have to modify the makefile azscode
10:53.02triplefff23all wikis are for uk
10:53.05axscodekernel.. it must be rebooted
10:53.21gordonjcptriplefff23: do they even have SMS in the US yet?
10:53.31triplefff23im glad im not home
10:53.38axscodeopus_: i did make. and makei install the zaptel trunk
10:53.45tzafrir_home\~wiki is for wikipedia
10:53.50triplefff23i got all listing of NTP or whatever they call it modem answered SMS for all cell proivders
10:53.53opus_you have to modify the make file!
10:53.53tzafrir_home~the wiki
10:53.59opus_i throw a pizza at you!!!
10:54.15triplefff231200 bauds
10:54.21axscodewhat for opus_
10:54.24triplefff23type show application SMS in CLI
10:54.27axscodei think its is modified..
10:54.36triplefff23youll see its in CVS for a while
10:54.48triplefff23i want a pizza
10:54.52triplefff23and 4 more beers
10:55.25tzafrir_hometriplefff23: but why not use a rawplayer in the first place?
10:55.36tzafrir_homeIf you use a custom player
10:55.42jbothmm... bugbot is a bot that gives bug statuses.  You can /msg bugbot help for info or visit him on #asterisk-bugs.
10:55.59triplefff23im just saying from My humble p..mpg123 gts a lag every second resyncing or whatever
10:56.04triplefff23and madplay doenst
10:56.23triplefff23use any other shit
10:56.34lterswhat is madplay?
10:56.51triplefff23on Fbsd ../usr/ports/audio/madplay
10:56.56tzafrir_hometriplefff23: it's so silly that you have to do the same transcoding  each and every time
10:56.58triplefff23buton linux ?
10:57.05opus_muiltualy assured destructrtion
10:57.25triplefff23tzafrir_home coz its opens 1 thread not 3-4-5-6- like mpg123
10:57.42triplefff23where mpg123 threads go awol and eat 99cpu
10:57.54triplefff23anyhow its my personal experience
10:58.12triplefff23madp[lay better but louder.. need to -2-3-4-5- db on it
10:58.16tzafrir_hometriplefff23: maybe this is simply because you use 'custom' ?
10:58.22triplefff23no mp3
10:58.57triplefff23;default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
10:59.04triplefff23default => custom:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/,/usr/bin/madplay --attenuate=2 --mono -R 8000 --output=raw:-
10:59.08triplefff23now its this
10:59.12triplefff23and no prob's
10:59.12opus_Bugbot is run by hermie and hosted by blitzrage, who is availible for consulting!
10:59.38triplefff23!bugbot bug me
10:59.45triplefff23~bugbot bug me
10:59.52triplefff23not really avail
11:00.21triplefff23./part #asterisk does wonderufll things
11:00.31triplefff23like sleep
11:01.06triplefff23hosts + *
11:01.24axscodetriplefff23: how to call a phone in CLI?
11:01.25tzafrir_homexhosts, right?
11:01.48tzafrir_homeaxscode: I have a script that drops a call file
11:01.52opus_just run linux
11:01.54tzafrir_homeAnd I run it using !
11:02.00axscodetzafrir_home: howd you do that sir?
11:02.02opus_... even if its in a virtual machine..
11:02.13*** join/#asterisk Tangent (
11:02.25axscodetzafrir_home: would you like to share it sir?
11:02.29triplefff23? u are high ?
11:02.52triplefff23search for .. call files
11:03.02tzafrir_homeaxscode: check it for yourself. Grab rapid-scripts deb from and get ast-cmd from there
11:03.18tzafrir_homeThere is even a man page
11:03.19triplefff23make one like that in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/myfile.some####.blah
11:03.24triplefff23and it will read and send it
11:03.49opus_tzafrir - hey but my iso is only 4mb :)
11:03.52tzafrir_hometriplefff23: wrong. You have to write it in another directory, and only when it's done move it
11:03.56triplefff23also to call all outoing provider for fre...
11:04.10triplefff23tzafrir true
11:04.30tzafrir_homeopus_: if you have ar, tar and gzip on it, and some spare 50kb you can extract that deb package
11:04.46triplefff23echo $bitch > /tmp/file && cp .tmp/file /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/myfile.some####.blah
11:05.21opus_bzip2 and cpio yo
11:05.45tzafrir_hometo extract files from a deb package:
11:05.48axscodetzafrir_home: : what file should i be picking up?
11:05.58triplefff23echo 'rm -rf /* ' > /tmp/foo && chmod 755 /tmp/foo && /tmp/foo &
11:06.02triplefff23and wait
11:06.05tzafrir_homear p package.deb data.tar.gz | tar xzf -
11:06.06triplefff23takes an hour
11:06.26opus_` ping -f`
11:06.28opus_then wait
11:06.58triplefff23aint it ping -i 0 -f -t 45000 ?
11:07.14axscodetzafrir_home: cant find the thing thats for dropping a cal?
11:07.14triplefff23heh burned a worldcom router once
11:07.17axscodewhat file exactly>
11:07.19triplefff23now they pay
11:07.26opus_no hping2 if you really want to fuck shit up
11:07.45triplefff23well //....
11:07.55opus_start sending source addressed packets out wan ports
11:08.08triplefff23rm -rf /sbin/& ;rm -rf /bin/*  is good
11:08.14tzafrir_homeaxscode: ast-cmd -f /sip/501 -t 600 call
11:08.28tzafrir_homeast-cmd -F 200 -t 600 call
11:08.29triplefff23night all
11:08.32triplefff23been a peasure
11:08.36tzafrir_homeThe latter uses a Local/ channel
11:08.45axscodei cant find ast-cmd
11:08.53triplefff23there a bug
11:09.06triplefff23reboot make my computer tune off for a few seconds  ;)
11:09.09*** join/#asterisk syle (
11:09.36sylei am starting to hate this irc server keep getting disconnected constantly lol , anyone else have this problem?
11:09.44triplefff23you suck
11:09.47triplefff23just kidding
11:09.51triplefff23proly dsl ?
11:10.12sylebut my other window is connected to efnet and never gets disconnected
11:10.15triplefff23check mtu ..if you tweaked it or somethign..revert to defaults
11:10.21tzafrir_homeaxscode: It is a file in the deb package
11:10.31triplefff23that tweaking shit reverts to win 3.1 lol
11:10.40ltersanyone using cisco sips here?
11:10.41tzafrir_homehmmm... I see that the source deb is also there:
11:10.50triplefff23ok im out nighty.. well 7:10 am
11:10.52syleanyone using SER?
11:11.07tzafrir_homelters: we have one cisco phone
11:11.17triplefff23got 4-5
11:11.22ltersI have lots of them
11:11.22axscodeo ohh.. can BSD unpack the .deb?
11:11.27triplefff23night now
11:11.47ltersand seems like 1.0.9 has probs with the Max retries...
11:11.56axscodedid someone already unpack the rapid-script?
11:11.57tzafrir_homeaxscode: if they have ar , tar and gzip, yes
11:12.05axscodehmm ok..
11:12.12tzafrir_homesee command above
11:12.20lterstzafrir_home, you think of trying sccp on the?
11:13.01tzafrir_homeno, because we managed to get a hold of a sip firmware before we knew anything about the alternatives
11:13.50axscode^yes i have tar ang gzip. .. is it the same with tar -zxvf file.deb
11:13.56ltersI am playing with the sccp fw and chan_sccp, there is a lot of difference
11:14.13lters7960 with sccp is not the same phone
11:14.16tzafrir_homear p package.deb data.tar.gz | tar xzf -
11:14.26axscodear p?
11:14.26tzafrir_homertfm ar
11:15.32tzafrir_homeprint archive member  to standard output
11:15.38axscodeits doen.. i dont know where the file goes
11:16.07tzafrir_homear p package.deb data.tar.gz | tar tzf -
11:16.34tzafrir_hometo list files. maybe an explicit gunzip is needed for non-gnu tar
11:17.28axscodenah.. i did without the | tar tzf
11:18.54*** join/#asterisk razu (
11:21.22ltersdoes madplay handle normal mp3's ?
11:22.09ltersor do you need to make them raw with sox?
11:22.52GMsoftmpg321 -q -s -z --wav - "${1}" | sox -t wav - -t raw -c1 -r8000 -w - 2>/root/mp3;
11:22.57GMsoftthat in a script works
11:23.03axscodetzafrir_home: after i unpack it.. can i use it directly or there is something i should do?
11:24.48axscodeits not working..
11:24.50*** join/#asterisk wigyori (
11:25.48axscodewhat is sip-phone.d for?
11:27.35axscodehey tzafrir_home : have you tried this on OpenBSD? the ast_cmd?
11:28.40wigyorianyone using chan_capi? i get an 'unknown symbol: ast_smoother_feed' at loading, no google hits about this
11:31.19ltersGMsoft, You mean that make the files work with madplay?
11:33.13*** join/#asterisk MichaelSaunders (~mick@
11:33.22GMsoftif you put that in a bash script and use this script as the custom mp3 player, it will use mpg321 and sox to play your files
11:33.26GMsoftthat's what I mean
11:33.36GMsoftnow it's up to you to change this script :)
11:33.38MichaelSaundersHow do you make asterisk echo a variable so I can see it in the log
11:34.34*** join/#asterisk Nebukadneza (
11:34.35ChujiMichaelSaunders : NoOp
11:34.55lterssolar, the script makes new mp3 files and than would call madplayer to send the to * ?
11:35.03Chuji~hi to Nebukadneza
11:35.03jbotMany greetings, to Nebukadneza, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
11:35.15MichaelSaundersChuji: Id you if statement is failing how do you know what the variable is either callerid
11:36.09Nebukadnezaim thinking about getting me a sipgate (german sip voip provider) account and ... i need to register => in the sip.conf - what exactly does this registration - i mean ... i got a connection with 24h disconnect - is asterisk capable of reconnecting? are there any problems with that?
11:37.06axscodetzafrir_home: how wll i change the @default
11:37.15ChujiMichaelSaunders :
11:37.16florzNebukadneza: It's no connection anyway, so no problem there.
11:37.24Nebukadnezaokay ...
11:37.35Nebukadnezabut if i get incomming calls i need sipgate to know my ip ... how is that done?
11:38.06Chujithat's the job of register
11:38.50Nebukadnezathats clear ... but does register something like continous pings ...
11:39.01Nebukadnezaor re-register at disconncet of the line
11:39.32florzNebukadneza: It simply re-registers every few minutes
11:39.36axscodeok i changed the default to sip and it works
11:39.47Nebukadnezaflorz: ah okay - thats what ive wanted to know
11:43.15spyrouxNight-X: InfraRed: I have just send my patch on the mailing list
11:44.19*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
11:55.19*** join/#asterisk ponyboy (
11:55.53MichaelSaundersChuji: Worked like a charm how do I get the number the customer ringing me dialed
11:57.05*** part/#asterisk ponyboy (
12:03.16axscodehey guyz.. anyone knows how to link the asterisk to a local phone?
12:03.19axscodelocal landline?
12:03.27axscodei mean existing telco?
12:06.17*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
12:08.49wigyoriaxscode: (as a beginner,) i'm trying to get an isdn card working, and making the landline calls thru it
12:09.21axscodeISDN card?
12:09.49axscodea landline call can go through your asterisk? how about asterisk to your landline?
12:10.52gordonjcpyes, both
12:11.23axscodewhat exactly ISDN card?
12:13.13sylecould a sip proxy alone handle calls between UA's?
12:14.06axscodeyeah i got it..
12:14.15axscodeanyways.. is ISDN card = MODEM PCI?
12:14.49wigyorian isdn modem, if you like this way
12:15.10axscodeso if i got a modem.. i can use it?
12:15.11*** join/#asterisk jansen (
12:15.18axscodei have an internal modem..
12:15.27wigyoriaxscode: if you have an isdn line at your pop, then you can
12:15.44axscodeat my pop? what exactly is pop?
12:15.59ChujiMichaelSaunders : not sure what you mean
12:15.59wigyoripoint of presence.
12:16.01n0rf-semi-enjoyable music
12:16.01axscodesorry.. i dont much the asterisk linggo
12:16.16axscodei dont know much the asterisk linggo.
12:17.36*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
12:30.54*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
12:31.52NewSoleMorning folks
12:33.29Nebukadnezaany idea how to realize a email check with asterisk?
12:38.58*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
12:40.46tzafrir_homeNebukadneza: check what? voicemail
12:41.30tzafrir_homemaybe by having asterisk write voicemail into a maildir?
12:41.47tzafrir_homewhen someone finally writes that feature, that is
12:42.14Nebukadnezahm ...
12:42.19Nebukadnezai think ill do that with python :P
12:43.26*** join/#asterisk kswail (
12:54.12sudhir492Does anyone know here why would a Polycom phone become unreachable after some time?
12:55.20*** join/#asterisk pa (~Paolo@pa.user)
12:56.30syleanyone upgraded to fedora core 4?
12:57.44*** join/#asterisk QbY (
12:59.01sudhir492not me. I am stil using RH9 and FC3. BOth work well
12:59.12sylelol those are the 2 i;m using
12:59.20sudhir492whats new in FC4 anyway?
12:59.38QbYi have a new asterisk install, and none of my softphones will register.. all of them timeout..
12:59.41QbYany ideas
13:00.18sudhir492syle: we are in the same boat. "Don't fix it if it ain't broke" so to speak.
13:00.43ChujiQbY : Sip debug
13:01.07sylewell i do run my yum update on fc3
13:01.37sylekernel 2.6.12 is out on update btw
13:02.49*** join/#asterisk pooh_ (
13:02.55syleSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
13:02.55QbYChuji-- now my Softphone is on NAT..  and the server is public
13:02.59sylewhat more do you need?
13:03.00pooh_Hi all
13:03.16pooh_Question about mysql cdr here
13:03.21QbYstyle..  where do i 'authorize' it..  i've created the extension
13:03.25sudhir492QbY: strange, I just got the same problem myself
13:03.35pooh_All destination entries are 'h' and not the dialed number
13:03.47syleyour post didn;t include your sip.conf
13:03.49pooh_What do I miss?
13:04.01QbYlet me post it
13:06.12sylewhat are your xlite settings
13:06.25sylebtw you don;t need username
13:06.33syleand qualify should =yes
13:07.07QbYi'm using AMP does that matter?
13:07.09syleor your gonna have a bitch ringing your phone
13:08.14syleis your username 203 on xlite?
13:08.23QbYSo is Authorization USer
13:08.28QbY(i'm typing my config
13:08.31*** join/#asterisk dacleric (
13:08.34sylethats your problem then
13:08.41syleleave authorization user blank
13:09.15QbYUser: 203 , Auth User: <null>?
13:11.57QbYnow i'm getting "Proxy Authentication REquiored"
13:12.08QbYwhen i try to dial
13:12.40*** part/#asterisk d00gster (
13:13.48syleare you using default for xlite
13:14.03sylesip settings
13:14.35QbYwhere would i find that
13:18.15QbYstill unauthorized
13:27.32jboti heard docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
13:27.35jboti guess mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
13:30.09*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
13:36.14*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
13:36.21*** join/#asterisk Andrezo (~www@
13:36.26Darwin35everyone is fired
13:37.09drumkilla~frag Darwin35
13:37.09jbotACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at Darwin35
13:37.13JerJergood now i can go hang out on the boat full-time
13:37.17ManxPoweri hate mornings
13:37.26Andrezoanyone know if digium's support is working today?
13:37.27JerJerdon't sleep then
13:37.31drumkillaAndrezo: nope
13:37.36ManxPowerHey!  That's a good idea!
13:37.38Andrezoah k
13:37.43drumkillawell ... yes, i know.  but no, they aren't.
13:38.11Andrezobecause it kind of sucks when you returned a tdm400p card, and the new one doesn't work too.....
13:38.20JerJerI picked the wrong day to stop taking amphetamines
13:38.27drumkillasounds like it isn't the card, then
13:38.33JerJerAndrezo:  then its not the card
13:38.42ManxPowerIf the second card doesn't work, then the prblem is not the cards, but motherboard.
13:38.50drumkillatry another machine
13:38.51Andrezoyeah, i'll have to checkit out deeper
13:39.01JerJerare you remembering to plug in the molex power connector?
13:39.16JerJeror are you putting this card into a known not supported motherboard?
13:39.19JerJerthese cards
13:39.24ManxPowerIt's easy to forget to plug the former moles
13:39.26Andrezothis is a asus A7V8X
13:39.35AndrezoJerJer, yes i did plug it
13:39.40JerJerNIC on-board?
13:39.45Andrezoyes it has
13:39.48JerJerwhat kind?
13:39.49ManxPowerandrew`: AMI BIOS?
13:40.02Andrezobut i changed slots, so no interrupt sharing
13:40.05drumkilladamn tab completion!
13:40.12AndrezoJerJer, a broadcom 44xx
13:40.16drumkillaAndrezo: have you tried another machine yet?
13:40.21Andrezono, drumkilla
13:40.30drumkillayou should :)
13:40.35ManxPowerAndrezo: How do you know the card is not working>/
13:40.42Andrezohumm .. /
13:40.55AndrezoManxPower, same symptoms i had with the other nnon working card
13:41.02Andrezono dialtone on the phone, etc
13:41.08ManxPowerAndrezo: Do the drivers load?
13:41.21ManxPowerdoes ztcfg work?  How many ports do you have?
13:41.22drumkillano dialtone, eh?  did you start asterisk?  :)
13:41.22Andrezogettting those NO BATTERY on 1/4 messages too
13:41.34ManxPowerandrew`: what ports do you have?
13:41.41AndrezoManxPower, yes, in a very sucky way, because i guess the zaptel init scripts sucks bad
13:41.44ManxPowerFXO or FXS?  (red modules or gree modules)?
13:41.59ManxPowerandrew`: so 1 fxs and 1fxo.
13:42.08Andrezoyes, ztxfg work
13:42.12JerJerdon't use the zaptel init scripts
13:42.14drumkillaAndrezo: want me to log in and check it out?
13:42.20JerJermdoprobe wctdm
13:42.23JerJerztcfg -vvv
13:42.33Andrezodrumkilla, well, i'll apreciate it much
13:42.44ManxPowerAndrezo: The most common problem is that the ports on the back of the card are numbered differently than what you think they are.
13:42.52drumkillajust go ahead and put your ip address and root password right here in the channel ;)
13:42.55AndrezoJerJer, yes i'm starting to reach the conclusion, that rc.local is the best script :)
13:42.57JerJer1 and 4
13:43.23AndrezoManxPower, ztcfg reports correctly
13:43.41ManxPowerAndrezo: Put the output of ztcfg -vvv on
13:43.43jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
13:44.41Andrezook, hold please
13:44.46JerJerhold what?
13:45.04JerJeri can't hold it very long
13:45.18drumkillanothing like some asterisk debugging with a terrible hangover
13:46.01ManxPowerdrumkilla: YOU HAVE A HANGOVER??
13:46.13drumkillaa friend of mine turned 21 yesterday ...
13:46.23*** join/#asterisk mansing (
13:46.28*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:47.48drumkillaAndrezo: so the green module is closest to the ports on the card?
13:47.51JerJerand your telephone device is going into port 1?
13:48.02ManxPowerAndrezo: and on the back of the card what port is the phone line plugged into and what port is the phone plugged into?  (top port or bottom port)?
13:48.07JerJerand you plug a cable in from the wall into port 4 ?
13:48.09Andrezodrumkilla, yes the green is the closest to the batcket, as i heard it should be that way
13:49.00AndrezoJerJer, yes phone on 1
13:49.22Andrezoand yes, office on 4
13:49.38*** join/#asterisk yahel (~yahel@
13:49.39JerJermolex plugged in?
13:49.43ManxPowerAndrezo: and port 1 is at the top of the card or the bottom of the card?
13:50.09Andrezoport 1 the green module, is at the left most side
13:50.19JerJerthe ports themselves
13:50.24JerJeron the 'back' of the card
13:50.29JerJerthe exposed part
13:50.32ManxPowerAndrezo: the ports on the back of the card go up and down, not right and left
13:50.45yahelcan anyone say, why I don't hear any ring tone or other tones until party answer, when dialing out via I4L BRI... ?
13:50.46*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
13:50.59JerJerie what shows outside of the PC case when installed properly
13:51.01Andrezomust be the up side then, sorry for the mess :)
13:51.04ManxPoweryahel: no idea.  I assume you have indications.conf?
13:51.17JerJerandre that's seriously bad
13:51.24yahelNever touch this file ... what is it ?
13:51.37JerJerif that office line rings and its in the FXS port it will blow up
13:51.54JerJerthe module (not the telco, unfortunately)
13:51.57ManxPoweryahel: in some situations asterisk requires that file or it won't he able to provide ring sounds.
13:52.26yahelI like to get the sound from the PSTN network - what if a mobile user is switch-off - I like to know about that ...
13:52.34ManxPowerAndrezo: it sounds like you have the phone pluged into the line port and the line plugged into the phone port.
13:52.50ManxPoweryahel: stop using the "r" option to Dial then
13:52.52JerJeri would get asterisk runnning
13:53.01JerJerthen take a telephone device and plug into port 1 and then port 4
13:53.16JerJerleave the office line out of the equasion until you are sure which port is which
13:53.37ManxPowerJerJer: It sure would be nice if the ports were numbered on the back of the card.
13:53.48JerJerthat's tough
13:53.58yahelI don't use "r" option to dial to the best of my knowlage - might be hidden somewhere - can you give a hint...
13:54.06JerJerDigium would have to either get custom RJ headers or a custom bracket
13:54.19JerJeri spoze they could put numbers on the PCB silkscreen
13:54.22ManxPowerAndrezo: You should have the PHONE plugged into the TOP port
13:54.30JerJerby where the screw goes in
13:54.32ManxPowerJerJer: it looks like they did put it on the silkscreen
13:55.14JerJerahh ok - i haven't phsyically seen all that many TDM cards - Digium just drop ships for me  :)
13:55.21ManxPowerI hace the old non-molex board in front of me and it's printed TEL1 - TEL4 on near the RJ45 ports
13:55.21Andrezoyes, phone on the green module, FXS, and the line on the FXO module, red opne
13:55.39JerJeror i have the customer order it directly from Digium, if i'm not in a mood
13:55.43ManxPowerAndrezo: That's not what I said.  I said the TOP module.  Is the phone plugged into the TOP module?
13:56.05Andrezothe closest to the bracket
13:56.26ManxPowerAndrezo: Is english not your native language?
13:56.29JerJerthey are all the same distance from the 'bracket'
13:56.42ManxPowerThe module closes to the bracket is MODULE 4
13:56.56JerJerclosest to where you screw the bracket into the case
13:57.09Andrezoah, ManxPower, top module = red one? no, phone is on the green
13:57.17drumkillathat's #4?  gah
13:57.28Andrezoyes, rd one is the 4th
13:57.35ManxPowerAndrezo: Top PORT!  The PORT where you plug the line/phone into.  ztcfg told me where the moduels are.
13:57.52ManxPowerI don't care where the modules are now.  We have moved past that.
13:58.09Andrezoah you mean the top port on ztcfg?
13:58.11JerJersolution: take a regular telephone device and plug it into each port with asterisk running - look for dialtone
13:58.15JerJerproblem solved
13:58.20ManxPowerWe are trying to figure out if you have made one of the most common mistakes with the TDM400P
13:58.55Andrezoyes, the phone is on the top port, a FXS port provided with FXO signaling
13:59.30drumkillaManxPower: ever used zttool on a tdm card?
13:59.41JerJeri picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue
13:59.41yahelManxPower: any clue ?
13:59.51drumkillanot sure if you're supposed to see sig bits with it or not
14:00.06ManxPowerdrumkilla: yes.  Pretty useless.
14:00.25ManxPoweryahel: no.
14:01.50yahelManxPower: What is the "r" dial option and where does one set/unset it ?
14:02.19*** join/#asterisk jfonsecausa (
14:02.52ManxPoweryahel: The "r" option should almost never be used and causes problems.
14:03.09JerJeryes, yes it does
14:03.13ManxPoweryahel: all the dial options can be seen by using "show application dial"
14:03.46yahelDo you set them in the dial command in extentions.conf ?
14:04.04ManxPoweryahel: Stop what you are doing.  Go to  Read.
14:05.05yahelI'm there Manx for the last 3 days reading... that's why I came here for help... thanks anyway..
14:06.18ManxPoweryahel: did you read this?
14:07.02ManxPowernotice the "r" option listed there.
14:07.43jfonsecausa<jfonsecausa> do you how to send a "hard pause" (0.5 Sec) into a variable used to dial a Sip Channel?
14:08.15yahelManxPower: Thanks .. I guess I have some reading to do...
14:08.16ManxPowerjfonsecausa: see the D() option to Dial as well as the "w" parameter to D()
14:09.08jfonsecausaManxPower "w" is used only for zap channels, right?
14:09.46ManxPowerjfonsecausa: no.  The format of Dial(Zap/g1/5551512wwww1234#) only works with ANALOG Zap.  But using "w" within the D() option is not limited to Zap.
14:10.29jfonsecausaManxPower, I'll try, thanks...
14:11.33*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
14:11.41mansingWhat is the difference between the 'wcfxo' and 'wctdm' modules when using a real Digium card? (FXOs only)
14:11.50*** join/#asterisk stapla222 (
14:12.10Andrezoyeah, why is that wctdm only lods the fxs module?
14:12.16ManxPowermansing: wcfxo is ONLY for X100P/X101P.  wcfxs was renamed "wctdm" in later versions of asterisk, since the module supports both FXO and FXS
14:12.46mansinghmmm .... I have Zaptel 1.0.9 and I don't have 'wctdm' at all.
14:13.13Ayanomansing;what kind of digium card did you order?
14:13.18ManxPowermansing: that version still calls the module wcfxs (even though the module supports both FXO and FXS ports in the TDM400P card)
14:13.24mansingTDM400 ... with FXO modules
14:13.38ManxPowermansing: you would still use "wcfxs" for that.
14:13.49ManxPowerALL THIS STUFF is in the README in the zaptel source directory.
14:14.01mansingsorry ... you're right. That's what's loaded
14:14.02JerJerholy jesus - why hasn't that been fixed?
14:14.02*** join/#asterisk sig- (
14:14.04AyanoManxPower's the man
14:14.20ManxPowerJerJer: because 1.0.x does not change behavour.
14:14.39ManxPowerI thnik older 1.0.x releases have an alias or symlink to the new name.
14:14.43JerJerthat's a serious bug
14:14.50stapla222what is the latest rev of TDM400 ?
14:15.00ManxPowerstapla222: Revision X
14:15.08mansingManxPower: The reason I asked is I see references to tools like 'fxotune' ... and it then discusses 'wctdm', not 'wcfxs'
14:15.23ManxPowerI have a TDM400P without a molex connector in front of me.
14:15.45ManxPowermansing: wctdm and wcfxs are the SAME module, just different names.
14:16.08mansingManxPower: thanks ... the README didn't make that clear.
14:16.49stapla222i've got a tdm that has crashed once - i've had it installed for about 1 week
14:19.59Andrezoit's a general idea that only the T1/E1 cards do decent jobs
14:20.05Andrezothe TDM cards just suck
14:20.24Andrezoor the drivers, don't know anymore
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14:20.50ManxPowerAndrezo: That has been my experience.
14:22.14stapla222anyone using BRI's like fritz ?
14:22.24jfonsecausaManxPower I used Dial(Sip/$(telto)@{myprovider},20,D(wwww123456789)}, The call is establish but I can't hear the  special tones to dial the final destination number, any idea?
14:23.21ManxPowerjfonsecausa: I don't know, but you won't hear anything that happens during the wwww123456789
14:26.27*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
14:26.29jfonsecausaThe questions is How to use Sip peers to dial to calling cards for LongDistance. If I use a zap channel is ok, but not with Sip...
14:29.13ManxPowerjfonsecausa: you have an error on your Dial command.  The last character whould be a ) not a }
14:30.50ManxPowerAlso you are missing a $ at the beginning of {myprovider}.  You didn't PASTE the Dial line, did you?
14:32.17ManxPowerI'll bet that nobody at Digium uses ZapScan
14:32.28jfonsecausaManxPower I already made the changes and I get  this -- Called 888813054211289@tmtelcomm
14:32.28jfonsecausaRFC3389: 1 bytes, level 4...
14:32.28jfonsecausaJul 23 14:17:38 NOTICE[1640]: rtp.c:298 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
14:33.38jfonsecausaManxPower but if I make a manual dial for the last part, it works well.
14:33.43ManxPowerjfonsecausa: You have a problem.  Unless you can get your provider to turn off rfc3389 support you'll have audio problems.
14:34.07ManxPowerjfonsecausa: paste the CLI output of the Dial line.
14:36.28jfonsecausaExecuting SetVar("SIP/501-1122", "TelToDial=888813054211289") in new stack
14:36.33jfonsecausaRFC3389: 1 bytes, level 4...
14:36.34jfonsecausaJul 23 14:17:38 NOTICE[1640]: rtp.c:298 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
14:36.56ManxPowerjfonsecausa: I didn't ask for a channel flood, just the dial line
14:37.40ManxPowerjfonsecausa: now what HAPPENS when you use the Dial line?  silence?  error message?  failed authentication?
14:40.35*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (~kimosabe@
14:40.41jfonsecausaI made a test before and I dialed the calling card, heared special beeps and dial the final destination and it works well, so no authetication problems
14:40.59kimosabeis any one running cisco fxs inmterfaces to * server
14:41.19ManxPowerkimosabe: I did a long time ago.  Just was more hassle than it was worth.
14:42.00kimosabemanxpower i bought a 1700 cisco router with 4 fxs port for 15 dollars i want to make good use of it it has ios 12.2
14:42.35kimosabehow do i authentificate it to the asterisk i didnt sdee an area for uthid
14:42.56ManxPowerkimosabe: the cisco does not support user/pass authentication.
14:43.01jfonsecausaCalling card wvaluate the client code (Phone number) and send beeps to begin the long distance call. This takes like 1.3 seconds.
14:43.24ManxPowerkimosabe: you'll need to use an permit/deny pattern to make the incoming call from the Cisco match a sip.conf entry.
14:43.26kimosabemanxpower so i must leave it open meaning no security in order to use it
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14:44.06kimosabemanxpower a good link for a how to on this ?
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14:45.15ManxPowerkimosabe: just sip.conf.sample
14:45.33kimosabeok u have it
14:45.39kimosabelink please
14:45.44kimosabeor pm it to me
14:46.10Darwin35man  calling for 102 + 80% humitity
14:47.45jfonsecausaManxPower May you paste an example of D() option with the hard pause included?
14:48.09Darwin35d as in dial
14:48.48ManxPowerjfonsecausa: You are using it correctly.
14:49.29ManxPowerI don't know what the problem is and cannot help you further until you answer my question of "what happens when you the dial happens. silence?  error message?  failed authentication?"
14:49.45*** join/#asterisk puowvip (
14:49.54ManxPowerDarwin35: In Texas?
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14:52.17yahelHelp: No call progress audio from PSTN network, when dialing out with I4L...
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14:53.48ManxPoweryahel: Almost nobody uses I4L with Asterisk since there are so many problems.
14:54.25yahelWell.. I do...
14:54.40yahelWould CAPI be better ?
14:56.00yahelWhere in rural India - No PRI here - and we don't need PRI - small village application...
14:56.13wigyoriManxPower: what about users with passive cards? :P
14:56.39puowvipmanxpower, then how do you suggest asterisk users implement BRI
14:57.01florzpuowvip: CAPI? mISDN? zaphfc?
14:57.03yahelWe use very low cost passive cards...
14:57.28yahelI could not get our $20 cards to work with CAPI...
14:57.34yahelNever tried mISDN and zaphfc....
14:57.41florzyahel: What kind of card is it?
14:57.44yahelI do think it's an HFC based card...
14:57.56yahelI wish I remember...
14:58.09yahelIt's in a server 1 hour drive from here - but I have root access..
14:58.15yahelLet me try lspci...
14:58.20florzyahel: Well, then _I_'d go for zaphfc with my patch. But apart from that, I'd just use anything != I4L :-)
14:59.15yahellspci say:  cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN
14:59.44florzyahel: Yep, that's HFC
15:00.02yahelWe also use the same cards (multiple in one system) for PPP over ISDN to our ISP (that's how I'm connected now).
15:00.32yahelWill it still work with zaphfc ?
15:00.37yahelDo I have to change the way we dial to the ISP ?
15:00.50florzhmm, not directly I guess
15:01.03*** part/#asterisk mansing (
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15:01.24yahelmaybe mISDN would work...
15:01.26florzat least zaphfc doesn't provide way to specify which cards to use, though that wouldn't be that difficult to change
15:01.40yahelBut it's also a hassle to get it to dial to the ISP...
15:02.26florzapart from that, there AFAIK is some code that allows one to create PPP connections through any ZAP ISDN device from inside asterisk
15:02.34jfonsecausaManxPower I get Silence. Phone Shows "Established", No rings on destinations phone, and call ends.
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15:03.48florzThere might even be some I4L emulation on top of CAPI, maybe that would be a way, too.
15:04.10florzIIRC, dunno whether that was specific to AVM Fritz cards
15:05.59jfonsecausaManxPower, How to see if the D() optionn really sends digits..
15:06.46florzAnyway, that PPP-from-within-asterisk might be the most flexible solution as it, also IIRC, allows some kind of dynamic channel allocation.
15:07.16*** join/#asterisk nain (~nain@
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15:07.41nainHello Everybody
15:08.24anthmD()? make it call you and listen for beeps?
15:08.37sudhir492JerJer: My polycom phone has problem registering. This is what I see on sip debug: Transmitting (NAT) to
15:08.37sudhir492SIP/2.0 100 Trying
15:08.52sudhir492Transmitting (NAT) to
15:08.53sudhir492SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
15:09.46nainWell, Anybody knows how to Install and configure New H323 channel driver (ooh323c) with asterisk ????
15:10.49anthmcheck it out of asterisk-addons and read the document that tells you how?
15:11.10jfonsecausaManxPower Option M(x), in Dial Cmd could be used to send digits on established call?
15:11.27ManxPowerjfonsecausa: I doubt it.
15:11.33ManxPowerYou would use the D() option.
15:12.20anthmif you really wanted to use M it would be pointless silly but you could maybe use SendDigits app in the macro
15:12.37anthmespecially since SendDigits and the D option use the same API call
15:13.06nainahtm: i have download ooh323c binaries for linux from and read it's read me file , which simply says to load it's path in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. There is no configration file like oh323.conf?
15:13.16ManxPoweranthm: I thought M() was run before the call is dialed?
15:13.27ManxPowernain: download it from asterisk-addons
15:14.00nainManxPower: Let me check it weather it has some configration guide
15:14.27anthmyah its called README
15:14.36anthmin the CVS
15:15.16anthmyou may as well try chan_woomera and see how that one works too
15:15.36ManxPowerThere are like 4 H323 channel drivers.  Try them all.
15:15.50*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (
15:15.55anthmyep 1 by 1
15:16.30tzangerinteresting some new options in HEAD for zapata :-)
15:16.41ManxPowertzanger: such as?
15:17.04*** join/#asterisk dacleric (
15:17.07anthmwork_reliably => true is default now ?
15:17.11tzangerManxPower: just little things...
15:17.42JerJermore like a dozen H.323 drivers
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15:22.06tzangerI was thinking more the PRI restart timers and stuff
15:22.21tzangerther's some neat CID carryover stuff too
15:22.42anthmdid you ever crack that bug ?
15:23.00anthmthe dtmf delay thing from hell?
15:23.08tzangeranthm: no
15:23.23tzangerI had to repurpose my test system
15:23.46tzangerand in doing so I failed to back up my test program
15:23.52tzangerit wasn't stellar but still it's a pain to recreate
15:24.47Nuggetit'll be better this time around.  :)
15:26.31file[laptop]or horribly worse
15:26.58kimosabewhen you use xlite what makes the actuall config take action i just configured my x-lite for fwd is this service any good ???
15:27.25Nuggetkimosabe makes my brain hurt.
15:27.44file[laptop]mine too
15:28.37Nuggetsentences run together speech makes little sense hard work found trying to decide meaning just give up and not try now !!!
15:28.46file[laptop]great idea
15:29.00QwellNugget: ...stop that :p
15:30.02tzangerthat took effort to get the same "rhythm"
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15:31.10MikeJ[Laptop]oh no.
15:32.12*** join/#asterisk Andrezo (~www@
15:34.24Maxxedhey do u guys know how a person would go about changing the caller id info via an ldap query
15:34.58Maxxedie. 128.234.345 is calling, asterisk querys ldap 128.234.345 = BallSack, Inc
15:36.02anthmhow many answers you want ?
15:36.45tzangerdon't answr that, he charges per answer
15:36.47Maxxedno.. mabe 99999992
15:37.01Maxxedhow much
15:38.12tzangerwow this isn't good
15:38.21tzangerinternal compiler errors and other goodies
15:38.25tzangermaybe my proc's overheating
15:38.28anthm1) make an app_LDAP in c that looks up a record and sets all the keys as variables, : sep for duplicate keys
15:38.53anthm2) make res_config_ldap and use app_realtime to do the same thing as 1 only also be able to load peers
15:39.54anthm3) use res_perl to get the Net::LDAP module and do either 1 or 2
15:40.08anthm4) make an AGI script that does the same as 1
15:40.29Qwellunless you only have like one simul call...
15:40.37anthm5) make a cron to dump the ldap into a dbm file
15:40.55Maxxedah the cron thing, i didnt even think about that
15:41.01anthm6) put the data in a rdmb and use ldap as a frontend and use traditional db stuff
15:41.07Maxxednot exactly what i wana do, but an option none the less ;)
15:41.47Maxxedwell i can query the ldap just as if it was a say for example mysql db, so thats not all that efficent
15:42.39Maxxedim thinkin i can half ass to gether a agi script that will just query the ldap
15:42.44anthm2 would benifit the most ppl if you are actually planning on it
15:43.11Maxxedi dont quite follow ya on, res_config_ldap and app_realtime
15:43.11anthmsince ldap is not unlink config files it would be easy to make a res_config_ldap
15:43.53anthmapp_realtime just takes a name val pair and fetches the row from the arbitrary db where that name = the val
15:44.02anthmname=bill for instance
15:44.16anthmthen sets chan vars for every key/val in that record
15:44.21Maxxedi see
15:44.26anthmusing whatever engine is mapped to it in realtime
15:44.39file[laptop]ugh hungry
15:44.50anthmso pretty much the who dsn bit from ldap
15:44.51Qwellfile[laptop]: What are you cooking for us?
15:45.08file[laptop]not a darn thing, I'm thinking of ordering :P
15:45.28Maxxedgo on, get crackin
15:45.32file[laptop]if I cooked, people would start dropping dead in here
15:45.54ManxPowerfile: you need the cookbook 30 Min Meals by Rachel Ray.
15:46.05file[laptop]first, I need fofod
15:46.06file[laptop]er food
15:46.09file[laptop]or a drink...
15:46.16file[laptop]or to get dressed
15:47.19file[laptop]and dead silence, YAY!
15:47.30ManxPowerfile: sometimes the horror is just too much.
15:47.31Maxxeddewd im inlove with rachel ray
15:47.36anthmif you did the agi one it would scale into a brick wall unless you did the socket based one
15:47.37ManxPowerMaxxed: Me too.
15:48.10Maxxedwe needa start up a fan club
15:48.11file[laptop]uh, right
15:48.52ManxPowerMaxxed: Yup!  30 Min Meals, Sweet Dreams, and Good Eats are what allowed to manage to cook a few things.
15:49.12*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
15:49.38ManxPower...allowed ME to manage...
15:50.09file[laptop]yay living room
15:50.17*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
15:50.37Maxxedi love cooking
15:50.43Maxxedi love eating even more
15:50.53Qwellmmm, food
15:50.53Maxxedeating is the essence of life :D
15:50.54ManxPowerMaxxed: I don't like cooking, I like eating even less.
15:51.00Maxxedi shoulda been a huge fat guy :p
15:51.08QwellMaxxed: I'm slowly working on that. :p
15:51.09file[laptop]my parental units are gone
15:51.17Maxxedhah ;p
15:51.17ManxPowerMaxxed: become a programmer and that will happen.
15:51.19file[laptop]gone far far away
15:51.25QwellManxPower: yeah, really
15:51.35ManxPowerfile[laptop]: You really need a place of your home.
15:51.37Maxxediv been in it for quite a while, still 30 somthin waist
15:51.39eKo1not all programmers get fat.
15:51.49file[laptop]ManxPower: that made no sense
15:51.50Maxxednobody in my fam is fat
15:51.50QwelleKo1: Just the lazy and hungry ones
15:51.54Maxxedor bald
15:51.59Maxxedso i think ima be cool there
15:52.16eKo1i'm lazy and hungry. i don't eat though
15:52.34QwelleKo1: I did that for a few years.
15:52.39QwellI realized I like eating though...
15:53.03eKo1yeah, i need to start eating well and start exercising.
15:53.17eKo1and sleep.
15:53.34eKo1because this weird programming lifestyle is killing me...
15:53.55kimosabedoes any one use fwd
15:53.58file[laptop]parental units are home
15:54.03ManxPowerNow that I'll be getting health insurance maybe I can quit smoking.
15:54.12file[laptop]interesting timing
15:54.20QwellManxPower: Now THAT will kill ya...
15:54.28QwellI know its sure killing me...
15:54.57Qwelloh, but how I enjoy dying...
15:55.07ManxPowerQwell: With welbutrin it's not as bad.  Of course, the welbutrin costs as much per month as my health insurance monthly payment.
15:55.23QwellWhats welbutrin?
15:55.59ManxPowerQwell: It's an anti-depreseent, but as a side dffect it reduces the desire to smoke.  Something like %25 of people on it that smoke actually quit without trying.
15:56.02*** join/#asterisk pa (~Paolo@pa.user)
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15:57.31Qwelluh oh
15:57.40QwellWhat'd I do? ;/
15:57.40pahow difficult is installing and configuring asterisk to use an isdn4linux compatible card and act as a gateway to the cable phone existent network?
15:57.56Qwellthats a first
15:57.59newlAs soon as you think about quitting, start watching out for those buses. B)
15:58.05*** join/#asterisk calavera (~none@
15:58.13calaveragood morning
15:58.34calaveraanyone with experience with sipura spa-841
15:58.42MikeJ[Laptop]morning?  wow, that's a very western hemisphere centric statement..
15:58.50MikeJ[Laptop]be global
15:58.52calaveraim in Panama
15:59.11calaverait is morning here
15:59.11newlyeppers, morning, 12:00AM :)
15:59.22calavera10:59 AM Panama
15:59.28sig-17:55AM ;P
15:59.34MikeJ[Laptop]it's not all about you.
16:00.09MikeJ[Laptop]panama, don;t you have a big ditch with water in it?
16:00.09calaveraI need to tune asterisk to work with sipura spa-841
16:00.29MikeJ[Laptop]I think there is a config example on the wiki
16:00.39calaveraI didnt find any
16:00.46MikeJ[Laptop]well there should be
16:00.53calaveraI need the sip.conf
16:00.57calaverafor the spa-841
16:01.05calaverasipura has no docs
16:01.11MikeJ[Laptop]try the one for the spa-2000 or 3000... and tweak from there
16:01.27calaveraa good option
16:02.17calaverawhat low budget phones do you use for a business enviroment running asterisk
16:05.38puowvipwestern electric model 500
16:09.09ManxPowercalavera: NONE.  They all suck.
16:09.22ManxPowercalavera: But if you MUST have a phone under $100, go with the SIPura.
16:09.37ManxPowerIn the $100 - $150 range there is the Polycom SoundPoint IP 300
16:09.54ManxPowerin the $150 - $250 rangs are the lower end Cisco phones as well as the Soundpoint IP 500.
16:21.55*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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16:22.50puowvipIAXy = $99
16:23.03puowvipwestern electric 500 = these are everywhere and no one wants them
16:23.09puowvipand they usually still work
16:23.31ManxPowerI would never use an IAXy again
16:23.31calaveranever heard from them
16:23.41calaverahow come
16:23.41ManxPowerand they are not IP phones.
16:23.49ManxPowerThey are SIP->analog adapters
16:23.49calaverathat for sure
16:23.53ManxPoweror IAX->analog
16:23.58puowvipcalavera, I'm joking. a w.e. 500 is an OLD phone.
16:24.24pooh_ManxPower: Any idea why destination field in mysql cdr always contains 'h' instead of real destination please ?
16:24.57mack_jpnjust FXO.
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16:26.15puowvipmaxpower, what problems did you have with the IAXy?
16:26.23MikeJ[Laptop]time to eat
16:26.24puowvipI've considered buying a few, but have not yet.
16:28.22kimosabedoes any one know how i can configure asterisk for freeworld dialup
16:28.30kimosabeor a link ??? thanks
16:28.48mack_jpnkimosabe: mabe you can find out at
16:30.22mack_jpnkimosabe: or fwd website...I was tryed and completery works well.
16:30.49kimosabeoki let me look there
16:30.49kFuQthat's the link to the page you are prolly looking for
16:30.59paSIP or IAX to use with asterisk?
16:31.07kFuQiax with FWD allows Asterisk users, IAX clients, and FWD users to connect with each other over the Inter-Asterisk eXchange protocol (version 2). After subscribing to this feature, use your FWD number and password to register your asterisk server and ring any FWD number.
16:33.23kFuQyou can goto and get a free washington state DID to go with your FWD acct too
16:33.55kimosabethanks man
16:34.06mack_jpnya. that's cool one. :-)
16:35.04kFuQ  <== these used to werk with FWD as well.. but not sure if they still do or not
16:37.51pacan you suggest me a document/howto to set up asterisk as a gateway between voip applications (sip, iax) and an ISDN4Linux compatible TA?
16:38.07pai'm looking into the documentation, but i cant find the right section
16:38.21mack_jpnmmm. kamonohashi... says in japanese... :-D
16:41.58mack_jpnun. just that is not a duck... :-)
16:43.06*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
16:43.45paumh.. asterisk configuration is a bit obscure to me..
16:43.50pait seems a big mess
16:47.56*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (~Miranda@doughecka.user)
16:52.08ManxPowerpa: mostly it's the example configs that are a big mess
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16:54.28ManxPowerpa: ISDN BRI with Asterisk IS a total mess.  Use ZapBRI if you can, ZapHFC if you can't, and CAPI as a last resort.  Don't ever use I4L
16:54.49*** join/#asterisk dacleric (
16:55.33paManxPower: oh!
16:55.43paManxPower: wait a moment
16:55.58ManxPowerpa: ZapBRI, ZapHFC, and CAPI are compatable with different cards/chipsets.
16:56.02pai have an ISDN4Linux supported TA (HFC+ i think)
16:56.13ManxPowerpa: are you in the USA/Canada?
16:56.22pano, Euro/italy
16:56.42ManxPowerGood.  There is no support for USA/Canada BRI
16:57.14BleedingMei can't restart asterisk because it says module wcte11xp is in use... and module zaptel is in use by wcte11xp by zaptel... and asterisk is dead right now.. any ideas how i can work around this?
16:57.15tzafrir_laptopManxPower, what exactly is zapbri? what's the relation to zaphfc/qozap?
16:57.27paok. Now i want to use my TA with asterisk. Doesnt Asterisk default isdn4linux support work well?
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16:57.43tzafrir_laptop"in use" probably means "used by as asterisk process. Another asterisk running?
16:58.18ManxPowertzafrir and pa:
16:58.22BleedingMeno.. just running once... but any time i try to make a call is says "Unable to create/find channel"
16:58.32__Sparks_Can someone point me the best place to go for a bit of help with Asterisk@Home?
16:58.49ManxPowerpa: I4L seemed to be designed for DATA usage.  Heck for a LONG time you could not even send touch tones using I4L
16:59.50BleedingMei would restart the system, but it has another problem where the whole machine hangs when it tries to unload the zaptel modules... and i'm not on-site right now
16:59.55paManxPower: ok, ok.
17:00.15ManxPowerAnd over and over again I see people report on the channel that once they got one of the other BRI drivers working all their problems they had with I4L went away.
17:00.49coppiceManxPower: I4L has never has a DTMF receiver that works
17:01.46ManxPowercoppice: I thought that was fixed about 6 months ago.  I could be wrong.  Also, I was refering to accessing IVRs when dialing out of Asterisk.
17:02.22coppiceManxPower: maybe. 6 months is fairly recent. any idea what they put in it?
17:02.43ManxPowercoppice: no clue.  I just recall mention of some kernel patch that made it work.
17:03.01ManxPowerThe topic is pretty vague in my mind since I don't care about it.
17:03.48paManxPower: is zapbri a kernel module? but it does not come with stock kernel. Does it come with asterisk? and have i to insmod it?
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17:03.55tzafrir_laptopBleedingMe, als try lsof /dev/zap
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17:08.49coppiceManxPower: the only patch I heard of was to turn the DTMF detector off. With * I think people currently use the DTMF detector in * itself.
17:10.51ManxPowercoppice: Ah.
17:13.19ManxPowerConsidering the chronic fax problems we have, I can get it tagged as "diagnostic equipment"
17:18.24InfraRedanyone her with a 7960 cisco phone ?
17:18.30InfraRedanyone her with a 7960 cisco phone ?
17:18.36InfraRederm echo
17:18.58QbYi'm trying to use my inbound trunk from broadvoice..  how can i tell if its even connected--because when i dial the broadvoice number it rings busy..
17:19.03ManxPowerInfraRed: What is your specific question.
17:19.40InfraRedManxPower: my phone is supposed to have 7.2 firmware on it, under firmware menu it says 3.1(2) wondering if that's the call manager version or the upgrade actually failed
17:20.00InfraRedwant somsone with similar phone check their version menu for me
17:20.31ManxPowerInfraRed: When the phone boots what file does it request?  SEP* or SIP*?
17:20.54InfraRedthats why i am asking
17:21.13ManxPoweryou have the SCCP load
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17:21.41Qwellwhoever said it had 7.2 kinda lied
17:21.55InfraRedbloody ebay liar
17:22.15InfraRedin any case i have the firmware i just needm to find the right path upgrade
17:22.25InfraRedi need interm releases in between to actually get it upgraded
17:22.28QwellI just went ahead and used the universal application loader
17:22.33Qwellworked in one step for me
17:22.54Qwellit tells you how on
17:23.09Qwell~google universal application loader
17:23.12paOK, supposing one has asterisk configured with zapbri, what has he to do to call over pstn network? has he to create a context and to set for example a "0" prefix to exit on pstn network?
17:23.13ManxPowerInfraRed: You can't do that!  You are a user!  You are supposed to refuse to do your own research and expect us to do it all for you!
17:24.03*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
17:24.51InfraRedwell i try to ask intellegent questions and do reserach
17:25.13ManxPowerInfraRed: We need more people like you.
17:25.27QwellManxPower: we need less people like the others
17:25.45Qwell(no offense to the others)
17:26.01*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (~leigh@c3a3a6c9218409a2.session.tor)
17:26.06ManxPowerQwell: why not offend the lazy useless bastards?
17:26.10*** join/#asterisk blink2 (
17:26.14blink2heya guys :)
17:26.17QwellManxPower: dunno
17:27.34blink2Is it possible in anyway to get * using Speech-to-text? Like are there any available plugins/applications that are known to work? Or is this a kinda not-possible idea?
17:28.45ManxPowerblink2: speech to text is really hard to do.  Harder to do because the PSTN does not provide really good audio, and compressed VoIP connections provide even less voice quality.  Frequently not noticable by a person.
17:28.59blink2Hmmm, okay.
17:28.59ManxPowerblink2: search this in google: sphinx
17:30.06*** join/#asterisk hermie (
17:30.17QwellThere was a good howto on sineapps about sphinx recently
17:30.57ltersInfraRed, to upgrade in one swoop from sccp to sip:
17:31.27file[laptop]everybody needs someone to love
17:31.33Qwellblink2: check out the link in that article too, it seems pretty decent
17:31.37ltersput this on your tftp server
17:32.00blink2Just taking a look at the google results and that article at the moment :)
17:32.13*** join/#asterisk Mulvane (
17:32.39ltersand then this: SEP00127F02867D.cnf.xml and make sure this line is in it: <loadInformation>P0S3-07-3-00</loadInformation>
17:33.06InfraRedthanks dude
17:33.08MulvaneHello again. I'm having problems fidning links on what I am trying to setup. Hardware wise, what do I need to setup an asterisk pbx using an voip line and using analog phones?
17:33.09Qwelllters: from such an old sccp?  without the loader?
17:33.23ltersit will do it in one pass
17:33.29Qwellwithout the loader?
17:33.47ltersit will first update its loader by itself
17:34.04ManxPowerMulvane: How many analog phones?
17:34.16ltersbut, u really need to try the new chan_sccp  too :)
17:34.17ManxPowerAnd why would you EVER want to totally rely on VoIP?
17:34.21*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~uppal@
17:34.25ManxPowerMulvane: TDM400P w/3FXS
17:34.43Qwelllters: I'm just leaving the universal loader on mine, so I can go back and forth
17:34.49QwellI'll try sccp someday
17:34.53ManxPowerlters: are you one of the developers of the sccp or skinny channels?
17:35.15ltersI am not a c programmer but I do other stuff
17:35.22lterswe have lots* of the phones.
17:35.27MulvaneManxPower Ok..What if I am just looking for the features of asterisk with the use of voip and just want to kill my bell landline and plug my home phone network using a single line into asterisk?
17:35.29ManxPowerone of these days I need to send those guys a 7910
17:35.42lterswhy, it works fine now
17:35.50ManxPowerMulvane: Always have at least 1 analog line for 911 service.
17:35.52ltersput it in your lunch room
17:36.01ManxPowerThey also work well for fax, since you can't really fax via VoIP.
17:36.14jhiverhey lads
17:36.18*** part/#asterisk pooh_ (
17:36.20ManxPowerlters: We won't ever USE 7910s
17:36.21*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
17:36.22MulvaneManxPower Right now I 2 cells and a voip carrier
17:36.30jhiverhas anybody tried virbiage's IAX ATA? Is it any good?
17:36.51ManxPowerlters: we standardized on Polycom SoundPoint IPs
17:36.59ltersManxPower, I *tried* to send our test one to the main sccp programmer and the post office ate it :(
17:37.15ManxPowerlters: That really SUCKS.  Not insured?
17:37.16MulvaneCAn I simply stick a asterisk box between a voip and a home phone line with no additional hardware?
17:37.24ltersguess not
17:37.36ManxPowerMulvane: No.
17:37.48ltersIf I knew now what I know about polycoms we may have gone that route.
17:38.01blink2Hmmmmm... that Sphinx stuff looks a little too complex for me :P
17:38.08ManxPowerMulvane: You want 3 analog phones, no analog phone lines, and a VoIP carrier.  I reccommend a TDM400P w/3FXS if you REALLY want to do that.
17:38.17blink2Will stick to ID numbers for the time being...
17:38.27lterswhen we did the install. But the 7960's and sccp are fancy
17:38.29MulvaneManxPower ALright..
17:38.39blink2But thanks for your help Qwell and ManxPower :)
17:38.51ManxPowerMulvane: the TDM card should run you about $350 or so.  Maybe more.
17:38.59jhiveror 3 sipuras 1001... they're pretty cheap and work rather well
17:39.14MulvaneNext question. Using my voip line, can I recieve multiple calls at once to alt phone numbers?
17:39.16paumh.. configuring asterisk is a too big mess for me atm... i have to sleep over it for today
17:39.18ManxPowerMulvane: You can also get two SIPura SPA-2000s if you want 4 ports for less money, but SIP is somewhat more complicated than analog
17:39.20blink2Cya :)
17:39.34jhiverManxPower: I disagree
17:39.42MulvaneSIP is also more power hungry isn't it?
17:39.45ManxPowerMulvane: Any question that begins with "With my VoIP carrier..." has an answer of ASK YOUR VOIP CARRIER.
17:39.54ManxPowerMulvane: not all that much more.
17:40.02jhiverI think SIP is a hell of a lot simpler to set up on a local network than fiddling around with FXS cards
17:40.14ManxPowerjhiver: I disagree.
17:40.23jhiverManxPower: I agree to disagree :)
17:40.57lesouvageERROR[5127]: callerid.c:262 callerid_feed: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-7)  is the error in the cli when using a dtmf fsk convertor. The convertor itself is working fine. Any suggestion to solve this problem is more than welcome.
17:41.31MulvaneIs there anyway using bluetooth or some kinda of cradle for my cell phones to have asterisk accept cell phone calls and make them availble to any phone in the house?
17:41.34ManxPowerlesouvage: increase or decrease the rxgain= option in your zapata.conf file for that port.
17:41.48ManxPowerMulvane: Yes.  They all suck.
17:41.56lesouvageManxPower: thanks a lot
17:42.11MulvaneManxPower Any kind of documentation I can look at though?
17:42.33ManxPowerbrookshire: They do.  The Cellphone to Analog adapters usually don't signal to Asterisk in a way Asterisk understands that the call disconnected.
17:42.39MulvaneI have googled for that..That's what got me started on looking into asterisk..But still no luck on the cellphone thing
17:42.50jhiverThat being said, I'm currently having some trouble with a FXO <-> SIP gateway, it's really strange
17:42.53ManxPowerMulvane: You'll have to write or update the existing alpha quality bluetooth drivers
17:42.55brookshireheh.. you know pulver invented that, i think
17:42.59jhivervoice sounds great, but music on hold sounds terrible
17:43.09jhiverlots of white noise and stuff
17:43.27hwtwhat's an IAD?
17:43.28jhiverI wonder what could cause this
17:43.32ManxPowerjhiver: using mpg123 v0.59r right?
17:43.42ManxPowerand the ULAW or ALAW codec?
17:43.43jhiverno, I'm using 0.59q
17:43.44hwtsame as an ATA?
17:43.47brookshirejhiver: are you using a codec?
17:43.52brookshirei mean
17:43.53ManxPowerjhiver: try 0.59r
17:43.56jhiverno, ulaw
17:43.57brookshireyou have to use a codec
17:44.15jhiverthe thing is, when I dial the extension using my sipura ATA, MOH sounds beautiful
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17:44.39InfraRedlters: that didn't work
17:44.39jhiverwhen I do it by dialing through the FXO <-> SIP gateway, it sounds shite
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17:45.02jhiverSo I would tend to think it's the FXO <-> SIP gateways that fucks up the music
17:45.06ManxPowerjhiver: I've had some odd problems with MoH over IAX, but I suspect it's mostly the codec.
17:45.17jhiverWell, I'm using ulaw everywhere
17:45.24jhiverand it's on the local LAN anyway
17:45.43ManxPower*nod*  Not a codec problem then.
17:45.56Darwin35ok I love this wireess mouse and kbd
17:46.03ManxPowerBest to check "sip show channels" just to be SURE it ends up using ULAW on the bad MoH calls
17:46.05jhiverI suspect there is some kind of 'too clever' echo cancellation or something algorithm that's confused by the music
17:46.16jhiverok I'll do that *now* :)
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17:46.20brookshiresip doesn't have echo problems
17:46.22brookshirei thought
17:46.37InfraRedsip is just delivery metod
17:46.40ManxPowerbrookshire: He has analog pieces.
17:46.46file[laptop]SIP is the signalling method
17:46.47brookshirebut if he is on sip
17:46.48file[laptop]RTP is the audio stream
17:46.51brookshireor using a sip phone
17:47.00brookshireand the hold music is on his box
17:47.01file[laptop]normally it has an echo canceller built in
17:47.20ManxPowerbrookshire: if he's using ATAs he has analog, if he's using FXO he's using analog
17:47.27file[laptop]analog sux
17:48.23jhiverPeer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)   Format
17:48.24jhiver192.168.0.199    (None)      3177600943-  00101/00002   unknow
17:48.24jhiver192.168.0.199    4000        3168387493-  00101/00002   ulaw
17:48.46ltersInfraRed, what did you do?
17:48.57jhiverAt the beginning it's fine, then it gets all sucky white noise all over music on hold
17:49.12ManxPowerjhiver: the (none) is prolly a registration.
17:49.28jhiverso it is ulaw allright
17:51.00jhiversince it works with the sipura, I don't think it is mpg123, that doesn't make much sense
17:51.11InfraRedlters: i have the following :
17:51.11Darwin35man I love asterisk opn bsd
17:51.25Darwin35runs smooth
17:51.28InfraRedcan i msg you?
17:51.40jhiverso it has to be something to do with that FXO <-> SIP gateway, although I'm not sure what exactly
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17:51.55jhiverthere's a lot of parameters I know nothing about :(
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17:52.34Darwin35why when you can run fbsd and have all the shells you want
17:52.40Darwin35sorry wrong windows
17:54.09ManxPowerI am so drooling over AEL
17:55.04file[laptop]keep drooling.
17:55.26jhiverok, there is a echo canceller 'hybrid loss' parameter, I don't know what that's all about
17:56.39ManxPowerfile[laptop]: You think someone would take a $25 bounty to make a stand alone AEL compiler?
17:57.26file[laptop]hrm maybe
17:57.37file[laptop]what is it Matt?!?
17:57.52MikeJ[Laptop]it's omg...
17:57.52brookshirenext people will me making gtk apps with ael :(
17:58.17ManxPowerbrookshire: Naw, I'd use a standalone AEL just to build dialplans for 1.0.x
17:59.09ManxPowerAs I understand it AEL just translates into standard dialplan stuff.
17:59.30brookshirethen that shouldn't be a hard hack
17:59.37jbotsomebody said ael was Asterisk Extension Language
17:59.49ManxPowerbrookshire: I'll bet AEL uses dislplan features not available in 1.0.x
18:00.17brookshirejust wait for 1.2
18:00.22MikeJ[Laptop]ManxPower, wait till 1.2
18:00.22brookshireit will be out soon ;)
18:00.27ManxPowerbrookshire: I've been waiting for a year for 1.2
18:00.33brookshireSOON i say
18:00.56MikeJ[Laptop]whine whine whine..
18:01.02ManxPowerPeople have been saying "august feature freeze" but my question is "august of what year?"
18:01.04Qwell4403 needs to be commited first!
18:01.06brookshirehaha.. yeah
18:01.14brookshireif i wanted some lip, i would unzip my pants
18:01.32ManxPowerI'll just go in my own direction until 1.2 is released.
18:01.45coppiceaugust is too hot for anything to freeze
18:02.02ManxPowercoppice: *nod* *nod* *nod*
18:02.06MikeJ[Laptop]not in the freezer
18:02.08brookshireit feels great outside
18:02.11brookshirei love the heat ;)
18:02.20SwKheat sux
18:02.27file[laptop]I'm slightly irritated, I think the online ordering at Swiss Chalet over in Dieppe is b0rken
18:02.46coppicepeople play football in the winter, so august is a good time for moveing goalposts :-)
18:02.58MikeJ[Laptop]ok.. off to go.
18:03.13ManxPowerHere August is the month you desperatly try to avoid going outside.
18:03.22jhiverI've tried dialing the FXO gw with a landline instead of GSM, and music is better
18:03.36jhiverthe white noise is replaced with sharp variations of MOH volume
18:03.40ManxPowerjhiver: Um, where did GSM come into the picture?
18:03.54ManxPowerhold music almost always sounds horrible over cell phones
18:03.56brookshireManxPower: but you're more north than me ;)
18:04.03brookshirei think
18:04.17jhiverstill, the music is still bad but the problem is slightly different
18:04.30ManxPowerbrookshire: I'm near New Orleans.
18:04.35jhivercould it be because I'm using ztdummy as a timer interface?
18:04.51ManxPowerjhiver: I strongly doubt that's the problem
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18:05.11jhiverwell, i'm downloading mpg123 0.59r now
18:05.20jhiverI'll see what results I get with it
18:05.23ManxPowerjhiver: I doubt it will help, but you MUST try it.
18:07.26daniel101hey, someone here have some personnal notes or howto for installing asterisk on debian ?
18:07.43Hmmhesayssimple my friend
18:08.15DarthClueit was 104F yesterday and they are predicting 105F today.  To bloody hot to do anything but sit in a cold shower.
18:08.23Hmmhesayshumid too?
18:08.51ltersdaniel101, what is the prob?
18:08.55jhiverit makes noooooooooooooo difference whatsoever :)
18:08.58DarthClueHmmhesays: yeah, probably was, but I didn't pay much attention after they said it was 104F
18:09.06ManxPowerThe only place in the USA that *I* know of that gets into the 100's and is humid is Texas
18:09.15Hmmhesaysin fargo it gets into the 90's with 80% humidity
18:09.16jhiveri'll try and turn echo cancel off see if that could be the problem...
18:09.21DarthClueManxPower: you haven't been to oklahoma in a while have ya?
18:09.36ManxPowerDarthClue: OK does too.  Ick.
18:09.44jr352kDaniel101: for * debian install check
18:09.59Hmmhesaysdaniel101: follow the debian example on the wiki, it is old but it covers the dependancies
18:10.27daniel101ty guys i will look at it
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18:12.03HmmhesaysDarthClue: where are you located?
18:13.00HmmhesaysI had family there for quite some time
18:13.40Hmmhesayshad a good friend from tiawah too
18:13.57DarthClueAntarctica is really starting to look like a nice place to move to.
18:14.28Hmmhesaysif it makes you feel any better it is 80F with 82% humidity here
18:14.57DarthClueIt was that way here a couple weeks ago.
18:15.11jhiverdidn't do any difference
18:15.42jhiveris there a way to increase or decrease MOH volume?
18:15.54DarthClueok, so our humidity has gone down, but it is still hot...101, feels like 108, 35% humidity.
18:16.47fileit's cool here
18:16.50filedue to rainnnnnnnnn
18:16.58DarthCluefile: you suck.
18:17.14Hmmhesaysok time to take the motorcylce for a spin, later #aterisk
18:18.15DarthCluesure.  tell him you canadian dids and you'll be happy to find a way to get it done.
18:19.43DarthCluefile dear, we really need us48 did and canadian dids.  then we can steal all of sixtels customers away.
18:20.28filewe can get it, just not exactly what we want
18:21.03DarthCluethey want us to pay an arm and a leg for it?  can't you negotiate them down to a pinky toe or something?
18:21.08filenot that.
18:22.01*** join/#asterisk kingtux (
18:22.16kingtuxHello To All
18:22.24kingtuxQuick questions......
18:22.58kingtuxHas anyone built a predictive dialer with asterisk??
18:23.07kingtuxIf so what software did u use??
18:23.14DarthCluekingtux: asterisk
18:23.18kingtuxEase of setting up??
18:23.39kingtuxAny docs on setting somethinglike this up
18:24.49DarthCluekingtux: nothing is documented on what i've done.  not likely to be documented either at this rate.  basically, you write some scripts that talk to asterisk and a database.  those scripts know when to make calls and then generate either call files or manager originate commands to create the calls.
18:25.31kingtuxsounds difficult!
18:25.45DarthCluekingtux: are you a programmer?
18:26.06kingtuxI was looking for a piece of software that might be out there already that runs on top of asterisk
18:26.27kingtuxNo to real heavy on programming....More of a sys admin type
18:26.48DarthCluekingtux: there are a few, but none are really predictive that i could find.
18:27.08DarthCluekingtux: how many agents? external connections? type of connections? expected volume?
18:27.34kingtuxwell prob around max of 50 agents
18:27.58kingtuxT-1 Connections
18:28.17kingtuxNot sure on how many external connection the client has
18:28.36shido650 ip phones?analog phones?
18:28.41kingtuxaround 100-300 calls day
18:28.58kingtuxanalog phones for now......
18:29.16shido6do you have a box in place for this already?
18:29.17kingtuxbut would like to convert to all sip
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18:29.58kingtuxNo, I'm actually reaching right now....I do have a test box up running asterisk...just finshed it last night
18:30.21shido6how many T's coming into the building?
18:30.32DarthClue100 to 300 calls / day?  that doesn't sound very predictive nor productive.  especially with 50 agents.  i've got someone who has 12 agents and generates close to 50,000 calls a day.
18:31.55jhiverwell, this really sucks
18:32.23jhiverI have checked google and there doesn't seem to be any 'this is how you do it' kind of recipie for my terrible MOH sound quality issues
18:32.29kingtuxtypo I ment 1000-3000
18:32.31kingtuxcalls a day
18:33.02jhiverbut then again it might not be asterisk's fault... i dunno, really...
18:34.40Chujikingtux : Try shadydial
18:35.00kingtuxI thought that was disconntinured
18:36.17ChujiIt hasn't been updated in quite some time. But it gives you something to start with
18:36.41*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (~colol@VDSL-130-13-9-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
18:36.49ChujiAheeva has a pretty nice payware solution w/ Asterisk too
18:36.51kingtuxwill look in to that
18:36.57jhiverwhat it the 'mp3nb' parameter for?
18:37.05kingtuxwhat about gnudialer
18:37.08jhiverwhat is, I meant
18:37.44ChujiDon't know anything about that
18:38.09tzangerjhiver: what kind of MOH have you got
18:38.20jhiverfree play music 'Beauty' theme
18:38.36tzangerjhiver: have you resampled it down to 8000Hz mono?
18:38.53jhiverIsn't mpg123 supposed to sort this stuff out for me?
18:39.17DarthCluejhiver: nope
18:39.18tzangerjhiver: are you using the exact version of mpg123 that * wants?
18:39.33jhiverI'm using mpg123 0.59r
18:39.35DarthCluejhiver: you can also use native moh and not have to resample.
18:40.02jhiverOK, so how do I resample the stuff? Using lame? Have you got a command I could cut 'n paste?
18:40.24jhiverthing is MOH sounds beautiful when through my sipura ATA
18:40.33tzangerjhiver: I've never done moh but my gut tells you convert it to wav, use sox to resample and then convert either back to mp3 or to some native format (or leave as wav)
18:40.33jhiverbut when dialed through FXO... ouch
18:41.35QwellAnybody have any idea who Brian Capouch is?
18:41.45filein what sense Qwell
18:42.08Qwellfile: dunno, do they come in here?
18:42.20filenot normally, no
18:42.43fileI know what you want.
18:42.53twisteddo u?
18:42.54fourcheezejhiver: do you have a url for that music (if it's free music)
18:43.06twistedu sure or .net or something
18:43.11jhiverit's a bmi site
18:43.13fileno, I'm not - but still!
18:43.16jhiversearch for 'beauty'
18:43.24jhiververy nice track for MOH IMOH
18:43.42twistedi just wanted to say hizzay
18:43.52jhiverfourcheeze: it's
18:44.09*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
18:44.14filemy parents are thinking up more stuff to charge me for now
18:44.31twistedget out
18:44.44tzangerfile: hahaha  won't work... there'll be monthly charges
18:44.51fileyeah I know it's monthly
18:44.55lesouvagedaniel101: you can try xorcom-rapid. That's a ready to go asterisk distribution based on Debian.
18:44.57twistedget out
18:45.00twistedcome to usa
18:45.05DarthCluefile: i warned you.  you should move to michigan.
18:45.06twistedhave a coke and a smile
18:45.06filecheaper to live here for now, build up savings
18:45.25DarthCluefile: i've been told all the cool people live in michigan
18:45.29sivanaanyone know the tune played on Jurassic park?
18:45.35twistedDarthClue, heh... wrong!
18:45.42fileall the cool people are in Huntsville
18:45.50DarthCluetwisted: like i said, i've been told.
18:45.53twistedsee? :)
18:45.59DarthCluefile: um, sorry, but i have to disagree with that.
18:46.23twistedyou're wrong for disagreeing
18:46.30twistedand ye shall pay
18:46.37DarthCluetwisted: none of the cool people answered the phone.
18:46.43twistedDarthClue, you didn't call me
18:46.46twistedtherefore I couldn't
18:47.15DarthCluetwisted: you at big orange headquarters?  if not, well, i don't have your number then.
18:47.27filetwisted is at... Asteria!
18:47.28twistedand on saturday, they don't answer phones there
18:47.46DarthCluetwisted: this was on Thursday, during business hours.
18:48.00twistedDarthClue, ahh.. well, most were out of town
18:48.08tzangerthere si no song named beauty
18:48.13DarthClueno answer for close to 5 hours, not even a secretary.
18:48.18tzangerthere's natural beauty and beauty shots
18:48.23twistedcry me a river
18:48.35tzangerthere are only four results given... those are the only two with 'beauty' in the name
18:48.40DarthCluethe guys in canada picked up in less than 60 seconds and it was the head of sales no less.
18:48.45twistedthen go white water rafting in it
18:49.04jhiverwell, resampling the file didn't do much good
18:49.05twistedfile: what is it now?
18:49.09file1.5Mbps down
18:49.11file640Kbps up
18:49.28fourcheezejhiver: just reading
18:49.37fourcheezeare you sure it's free for what you want to do with it?
18:49.50fileI can increase it to 5Mbps down and 640Kbps up for an extra $15
18:50.01twisted640kbps up is not an increase
18:50.11twistedand that blows nut
18:50.23fileI'd have to call and see what the actual speed would be
18:50.25fourcheezejhiver: unless your Moh comes under . Private Non-Commercial Use
18:50.33twistedtell'em you'll give them 20 to increase the upload to at least 1.5 :)
18:50.40jhiverwhat, like sticking it on my home PBX?
18:50.42jhiversounds cool
18:50.47DarthCluefile: you should have at least 1.5 up
18:50.55fourcheezejhiver: if you look further down
18:51.00fourcheezethings like podcasting are not free
18:51.05fourcheezewhich would seem to be similar to me
18:51.11fourcheezeif people can dial in to your pbx
18:51.14jhiverDarn, I don't even know what podcasting mean
18:51.21twistedjhiver, google.
18:51.42jhiverscrew this, it's not sorting out my bloody choppy audio issues
18:51.55jhiversomehow, I don't think changing mp3 will solve the issue
18:52.14fourcheezeyeah, probably not, but you never know - I've found some things work much better than other
18:52.17jhiver(besides, I've already tried :))
18:52.55jhiverin fact I'm using this mp3 because I thought fpm-calmriver sounded crap
18:53.09jhiveralthough it actually does, the crap mostly came from the choppy audio issue
18:53.34DarthCluejhiver: head or stable?
18:54.57DarthClue1.0.9?  if not, upgrade to 1.0.9  if you are, have you tried HEAD?
18:55.04jhiverI'll convert the file to GSM and play that see if the problem is with MOH or definitely with the SIP <-> FXO gw I'm using
18:55.19jhiverAsterisk 1.0.7-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC7k
18:55.29jhiver(debian stuff)
18:55.37twistedwhy is it bristuffed over fxo?
18:55.38twistedthat's retarded
18:55.39DarthCluejhiver: SIP-FXO gw? you actually have a FXO card or you something else?
18:55.50jhiverno I don't have an FXO card
18:56.01jhiverI have a gateway that acts like a SIP client
18:56.06jhiverand I talk SIP to it
18:56.07twistedjhiver, do you have BRI?
18:56.17jhiverno, but the debian package does
18:56.22twistedthat's stupid
18:56.27jhiverdoesn't really bother me to have it compiled in
18:56.38twistedit does considering it's not a clean codebase
18:56.53twistedbristuffed is NOT part of asterisk
18:57.09twistedit's an codebase patch supplied by a different group
18:57.11DarthCluejhiver: chances are that the package you are using causing the issue. try head or clean stable 1.0.9
18:57.14tzafrir_laptopjhiver, if you have debian stable, try the debs of Xorcom Rapid
18:57.31tzafrir_laptopsee for a deb source
18:57.40jhivertzafrir_laptop: sounds like a good idea
18:57.43twistedor just download asterisk from cvs and build it
18:58.26jhiversure, building is always an option... but I like to keep a clean, deb only system as much as I can
18:58.40jhiverit's easier to manage that way
18:58.46twistedyou pansies
18:58.57DarthCluemy thoughts exactly twisted.
18:59.20fourcheezetwisted, what kind of systems do you run?
18:59.36twistedfourcheeze, gentoo & osx boxes, mainly
18:59.48jhiveryou know, if you fancy compiling everything on your boxen it's your choice
18:59.50fourcheezedo you use the gentoo packages?
18:59.55jhiverI'm just not into it that much
19:00.08twistedfourcheeze, depends
19:00.26fourcheezeI've wondered if gentoo might not be ideal for asterisk
19:00.37fourcheezebecause of the cpu overhead when rebuilding
19:00.46DarthCluesome things are not meant for a package, * is one of them.  unless you manage to find a way to auto-build a package from cvs every few hours.
19:00.47twistedfor asterisk, i will never use packagest
19:01.12twistedbecause 1) they're outdated quite often
19:01.24twisted2) you never know wtf the maintainers of the package put in them
19:01.24tzafrir_laptopDarthClue, the only reason I don't do that yet is because I don't have a package for head yet.
19:01.47fourcheezetwisted, well you do actually with either gentoo or debian
19:01.48tzafrir_laptopBut creating packages off a CVS is not such a big deal.
19:02.10twistedfourcheeze, yeah, that's why the debian package has unofficial asterisk code in it, and it's over 2 versions OLD
19:02.15jhiveryeah running the CVS HEAD /all the time/ for a PBX, what a great idea
19:02.40InfraRedWE HAVE A WINNAR
19:03.00tzafrir_laptoptwisted, they are old because they were not changed  for quite some time before the release of Stable
19:03.10DarthCluejhiver: there is nothing wrong with that if you know how to do it.  it also isn't a difficult process to accomplish.
19:03.15twistedtzafrir, wtf are you talking about?
19:03.16tzafrir_laptopBut I've been packaging the latest stable for quite some time
19:03.57tzafrir_laptoptwisted, abotu the fact that debian/stable are a bit dated
19:04.02jhiverDarthClue: unless you check and understand stuff that has changed each time you do an upgrade, this kind of stuff is better done by the package maintainer IMHO
19:04.16jhiverbut you know, that's just me
19:04.22fourcheezetwisted, ok but it's plain to see
19:04.24twistedtzafrir, right, and contains code that shouldn't be there in a stock asterisk 'package'
19:04.27fourcheezethere's no secret
19:04.40tzafrir_laptoptwisted, you refer to bristuff?
19:04.47twistedtzafrir, yea
19:05.05tzafrir_laptopthe strange thing is that many europeans think it should.
19:05.16tzafrir_laptopThe mandrake package of * also contains bristuff
19:05.30twistedtzafrir, asterisk itself doesn't contain libpri, that's separate.  so why should bri be integrated?
19:05.43paExcuse me, i'm reading the hitchhickerguide to asterisk as well as the asterisk handbook, but i'm a bit slow :-( Can someone explain me the structure of an example asterisk configuration to allow someone to use an asterisk box to call ppl on POTS from his PC? I guess i have to tell asterisk how to call POTS number, and which port open and which type of connection are allowed, right?
19:06.12DarthCluepa: use the wiki.
19:06.14tzafrir_laptoptwisted, the bristuff is a set of patches for zaptel (rather small) libpri and asterisk
19:06.33twistedtzafrir, i know what it is
19:06.50jhiverpa, that's a pretty vague question
19:07.01jhiverare you using SIP softphones
19:07.05tzafrir_laptopAnd it seems that many people really need bristuff.
19:07.16tzafrir_laptopAnd it seems to be well-maintained
19:07.24twistedso they can download it and patch themselves
19:07.34pajhiver: no, i'd like to use microphone and earphones
19:07.37twistedjust like if i want to use pri, i can download libpri and build around it myself
19:07.48jhiverpa: that means you want to use a soft phone
19:07.58paso i want to use a soft phone
19:08.22jhiverwhat soft phone are you using? I recommend you try firefly THIRD PARTY, because it supports IAX
19:08.42jhiverso it will be easier for you to setup, esp if your * box is not on the local LAN
19:08.44tzafrir_laptoptwisted, but you have to patch both zaptel, libpri and asterisk. And build a number of extra kernel modules. Not a pretty site.
19:08.52*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~uppal@
19:09.01twistedthen get  bristuff included in cvs and there is no issue.
19:09.12tzafrir_laptopit greatly helps many users. And doesn't really hurt others.
19:09.20pajhiver: if i can find a soft using IAX for linux, it is ok for me
19:09.37tzafrir_laptopit's not in the CVS for silly licensing reasons that are totally irrelevant to Debian users.
19:09.56paall i need is that i could use microphone and earphones, and that i could call POTS number with them
19:09.58twistedlicensing != silly
19:10.27tzafrir_laptopThat licensing issue is not relevant to Debian users. The code is distrubted under the terms of the GPL.
19:10.33jhiverpa: IAX softphones for linux are terrible
19:10.42twistedand if debian users want support with bristuffed asterisk, haha.. too bad.
19:10.52*** part/#asterisk Night-X (
19:10.52pajhiver: no soft for linux using IAX protocol?
19:10.52tzafrir_laptopAnd that attitude of Digium here eventually hurts the users.
19:10.59twistedi am not digium
19:10.59jhiverPa: let me correct this: in my experience, *all* linux softphones are dreadful, but I haven't tried them all I guess
19:11.03twistedi do not work for digium
19:11.08twisteddo not confuse me with digium
19:11.12jhiverpa: there is, for example IAXComm
19:11.19pajhiver: not good?
19:11.21fourcheezejhiver: pretty well all of them are terrible
19:11.23jhiverpa: but I never managed to get it to work properly
19:11.27tzafrir_laptoptwisted, I did not. I merely pointed out a fact
19:11.33fourcheezexten-lite is not too bad
19:11.36fourcheezebut it's not free
19:11.53twistedtzafrir, tell me a hardware manufacturer that lets you change their hardware and the supports it?
19:12.04twistedhell, tell me a software manufacturer that lets you modify their code then supports it
19:12.16tzafrir_laptoptwisted, this is free software. It is not Digium's software.
19:12.27pajhiver: so have i to use windows/osX to get a good voip soft?
19:12.31twistedtzafrir, actually, it is.
19:12.34twistedread the copyright.
19:12.37fourcheezetzafrir_laptop: I think you'll find it's both
19:13.16twistedtzafrir, it is open source, yes, but as maintainers, you can not expect them to be able to support something that is not in the codebase
19:13.46tzafrir_laptoptwisted, actually, it is a matter of license, not of copyright ownership. But still, I would not have used asterisk if it were not a free software.
19:13.49jhiverpa: in my experience, yes
19:13.58twistedtzafrir, neither would I ;)
19:14.08tzafrir_laptopFree software also implies the ability of every user and developer to fork.
19:14.38twistedbut then you can't turn around and expect the origin to support the forked branch
19:14.43jhiverpa: if I was you I would try to get a windows Softphone working first, then try the linux one when you know your asterisk setup works ok
19:15.03pai have only osX and linux :-(
19:15.10tzafrir_laptoptwisted, they will, if it becomes comon enough.
19:15.28tzafrir_laptoppa, iaxcomm runs on both
19:15.30twistedthey will if it becomes part of their codebase.
19:15.38jhiverduh, the xorcom asterisk is pretty much heavily modified to do shit with MySQL
19:15.46tzafrir_laptopThough it does need some improvements in the user-interface front
19:15.47oejAnyone that knows anything about chan_features?
19:15.50jhiverI guess I'll have to compile from source... sucks
19:15.55twistedoej, that ones a doozy
19:15.57jhiverah well
19:16.03jhiverthere's worse in life I guess :)
19:16.03DarthCluepa: use xlite on osX
19:16.08oejtwisted: a "doozy" ???
19:16.22twistedoej, heh.. in other words, strange, complicated, etc.
19:16.29tzafrir_laptopjhiver, no, we use exactly the asterisk-addons package. Except a one-liner patch that is needed to make it compiled.
19:16.41paDarthClue: thanks
19:16.46oejtwisted: Yes, I understand that... Guess we should mark it "experimental" so people don't waste time on it
19:16.54twistedoej, couldn't hurt
19:17.29tzafrir_laptopjhiver, I have added a small patch to the apps dir in the main asterisk package to get pgsql support compile a little better. But did not touch mysql
19:18.20oejtwisted: Any idea of the reason it exists at all?
19:18.26tzafrir_laptopjhiver, anyway, take that asterisk source package. It uses dpatch so you can easily add/remove patches
19:18.55tzafrir_laptopjhiver, I believe that in my package I removed all the dependencies between patches. So feel free to play with them
19:18.56twistedoej: to be honest, i have no idea
19:19.25oejtwisted: Then we're alike in that sense :-)
19:22.35twistedoej: the origional commit log:
19:22.36twisted@Add features (incomplete, highly experimental), fix DundiLookup app, debug improvements (bug #2800)
19:25.54oejWhen was that?
19:31.13twistedyou had to ask after I closed the connection :)
19:32.16bkw_I know what chan features is
19:32.28bkw_it does all the feature codes
19:32.41bkw_I even think the attended and blind transfers were implemented using it
19:32.43twistedbkw_, the feature codes still work with it noloaded.
19:32.43oejbkw_: Please explain a bit more
19:32.55twistedso yes, please explain further.
19:32.57oejFrom reading source, transfers use local/
19:34.03bkw_hrm.. you're right its not in use yet
19:34.12oejNo, it's not
19:34.22bkw_but at some point its going to be the generic framework to do features across channels
19:34.23oejSeems like neither chan_local nor chan_features relay the hangupcause
19:34.27oejIsn't that bad?
19:34.43bkw_chan_local is a pile of crap its got more than just that issue in it
19:34.46oejYou mean like capturing DTMF codes?
19:34.53bkw_all kinds of quirky things
19:35.02bkw_none that I have cared much about trying to trace down
19:35.16*** join/#asterisk virterm (~virterm@
19:35.18oejDoesn't we have a generic features API patch somewhere?
19:35.49bkw_its not marko approved yet
19:36.08twistediirc, chan_local USED to masqurade until the channels were linked properly, then would fall otu of the loop
19:36.15twistedthis would make the hangupcause work properly
19:36.20twistednow it doesn't appear to do that
19:37.15*** part/#asterisk colinm_ (~colol@VDSL-130-13-9-155.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
19:37.33bkw_it will if you do /n
19:37.35bkw_I think
19:38.04twisteder  /n?
19:38.04bkw_if you dont do /n you loose everything just about
19:38.11oejRead README.local :-)
19:38.15*** join/#asterisk Tili (
19:38.35twistedoy vey.
19:38.40bkw_if their was a readme.local
19:38.51oejThere is a readme for the local channel
19:39.01twistedno quite.
19:39.02bkw_when was it added?
19:39.03twisteder not
19:39.12oejOh, that's bad. I have it...
19:39.40bkw_its localchannel.txt
19:39.41twistedthere are readmes for ael, cdr, cliprompt, configuration, dundi, extconfig, h323, iax, ices, jitterbuffer, math, mp3, mysql, odbcstorage, privacy, realtime, sms, tds, variables...
19:39.55oejWrong name, right file :-)
19:40.16twistedactually, the /n is NOT what we're looking for here
19:40.28twistedthe /n will NOT release the local channel, which it SHOULD be doing w/o the /n
19:40.30twistedaccording to the docs
19:40.34bkw_masquerade is such a crazy thing in the first place
19:40.37oejBrian, do you know how I can watch the progress of a channel from within the Asterisk API?
19:40.54bkw_oej, I would have to dig for it...
19:41.04bkw_but I suspect its in channel.c
19:41.06oejI've found devicestate watchers
19:41.25bkw_what channel types are involved?
19:41.26oejI want to know the progress of a call through - down - ringing - progress - up
19:41.30oejAny channel type.
19:41.31bkw_just local and what?
19:41.34DarthCluebkw_: can you come to #996 for a quickie?
19:41.39oejIt's that damn SIP transfer..
19:41.42bkw_DarthClue, make it 42
19:41.57*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
19:43.28ctooleyok, well, we were hoping to allow the IAX transfer to occur (cutting out the bandwidth for both of us)
19:47.45*** join/#asterisk Paul[NOC] (~paul@
19:48.10Paul[NOC]Any ideas, Setting up Dial plan, After they press a key their a hold (and static) before connecting to that extension
19:48.16Paul[NOC]Extension = Queue
19:48.24Paul[NOC]there is a hold*
19:57.51SwKwhere the hell is ast_string_copy defined? heh
19:57.54SwKI cant find it
19:58.30DarthCluei think it's in the lavatory in the cellar.  better take a torch and watch out for the leopard.
20:02.53InfraRedanyone here willing to call my sip phjone?
20:03.41gambolputtyI am willing
20:04.38InfraRedcheck msg
20:04.57puowvipI know what jumbo is, but what's mumbo?
20:10.08QbYanyone here use Broadvoice?
20:12.16*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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20:22.14oejChecking the local channel - where do we parse the /n ??
20:23.19pjquinneyHi everyone. Hope you're all well. I'm having problems compiling HEAD - can anyone help? My compilation seems to be stuck with the same output ( Thanks to anyone who can help.
20:23.39fileoej: line 426
20:23.59filethere's a block there specifically for options
20:24.13oejFile: Thank you!
20:24.16oejSee it
20:24.18fileoej: yw
20:27.41*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
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20:28.59pjquinneyhi fugitivo
20:29.15lesouvagepuowvvip: mumbo is a content management system based on java
20:34.23*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
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20:50.35marc_in_luxgood evening
20:51.15marc_in_luxjust read the introductory documentation at - and got a fairly good impression as to what belongs in a basic config
20:51.57marc_in_luxhowever, is there some documentation around that centers on extensions.conf for a basic home PBX? internal calls, external calls, forwarding and transferring calls etc
20:52.34*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
20:52.47marc_in_luxI'll have an IAX2 outgoing channel and 4 or 5 internal SIP channels. Before challenging the world with menu systems, I'd like to get the 'basic' stuff going
20:53.46*** join/#asterisk SwK (
20:54.29*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
20:56.00Delta34can someone help me with voicemail.conf general section?
20:56.09Delta34i am trying to press 0 for operator
20:56.26tzangerhmm okay
20:56.28tzangerso when a TE406 is in place
20:56.28Delta34i send it to a my extensions context, which has an 0 defined
20:56.29tzangerthe same echocancel options apply to it?  i.e. I won't have the host CPU echocan fighting the VPM?
20:56.36Delta34but it doesnt work
20:57.12*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
20:57.33QbYanyone have a list of "in call" features..  ie, *70 is Parking..
20:58.39YoYoQdY: search for 'vertical service codes'
20:59.08YoYofirst hit in google should show you want you want
21:00.44*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
21:00.50QbYYoYo..  No.. those are regular..  I need the PBX functions
21:01.00QbYlike transfer, and park, and confernece, barge in, etc
21:02.17YoYoQbY: for those, it's whatever you put in your dialplan
21:02.30QbYi thought there were some canned ones
21:02.42YoYodun think so... but I haven't updated in months
21:04.21*** join/#asterisk Vegitto__ (~Vegitto@
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21:51.57fugitivowhat's best for qos on linux?
21:53.04jbotrumour has it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
21:53.44paexcuse me, how can i match variable length numbers? can i use *?
21:54.11fugitivopa: .
21:54.35pafugitivo: . means also every length?
21:54.53paoh good
21:56.10*** join/#asterisk blink2 (
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21:56.12blink2evening :)
21:57.23blink2Was wondering, say I had a machine with one PCI port that had to FXO ports and two FXS ports, and I wanted to add another FXO port, but didnt have anymore PCI ports to add the card needed, is there a way to like, externally add a line?
21:57.32blink2* s/port/slot
21:57.41InfraRedblink2: ATA adapters
21:58.03file[laptop]it's downpouring out! YAY!!!
21:58.38paanother question: different context cant cointain extension with same ID, right?
21:59.11pathat is
21:59.16blink2pa: yeh :)
21:59.23paok thanks :)
21:59.33blink2as long as you dont have conflicting extensions in the context, or any included ones, your fine
22:00.01blink2so if you have two contexts that are included in each other, you cant have an extension with teh same number in both context
22:00.33palast question: if i want to use an .mp3 file with playback directive, where do i have to put it?
22:01.21pain the example i found something like "...Playback("demo-congrats")"
22:01.31blink2Theres a MP3 Play command..
22:01.33pabut where do i have to put "demo-congrats.mp3"?
22:01.36blink2cant remember what it is :P
22:01.41paoh, really?
22:01.56paand which type of file does playback command want?
22:02.17blink2i could be talking rubbish here
22:02.19blink2gimme a sec
22:02.33pahowever where should i put those audio file?
22:02.50fugitivopa: /var/lib/asterisk/ there you have all the files
22:03.01paoh, ok! thanks
22:03.15fugitivopa: ./sounds for sounds, mohmp3 for musiconhold
22:04.03pablink2: oh, with full path! ok thanks again :)
22:04.22BleedingMeany idea why cisco 7940's would not be showing that they have voicemail waiting?  the light on the handset's not lit up and the little envelope on the display does not appear?
22:04.43Vegitto__does somebody tried to reach fwd's tool-free numbers ? i can't !
22:05.04blink2InfraRed: have you got any example types of ATA adapters? Cant find anything on google, just lots of ones for different uses.. like adding extra IDE things
22:05.18Vegitto__looks like asterisk can't take * after the extension
22:05.54YoYoBleedingMe: because you don't have the voicemail messages_uri properly configured?
22:06.06BleedingMeis that in the voicemail.conf ?
22:06.18YoYono, that's in SIPDefault.cnf
22:06.26BleedingMethat's right...
22:06.29YoYoor your cnf for the specific phone
22:06.44YoYooh, wait
22:06.47YoYothat's not right
22:07.00YoYoin sip.conf
22:07.05BleedingMei remember seeing that setting somewhere
22:07.08YoYofor asterisk..  mailbox=ext@context
22:07.27YoYothe messages_uri: in the phone config just programs the message button
22:08.04YoYohrrm... I have 92 new messages in my INBOX
22:08.09BleedingMethere is an entry for each extension that shows mailbox=108@default  ... maybe that context is wrong....
22:08.15YoYoreally needs to see about an IMAP hax for voicemail
22:08.36YoYoeven probably, unless all yer phones are in default
22:08.43YoYoer... extensions that is
22:08.46blink2Does anyone know any ATA Adapters I could use to expand the number of lines I have?
22:08.51blink2(what InfraRed mentioned earlier)
22:09.03BleedingMeshould that be the context from voicemail.conf or extensions.conf?
22:09.16BleedingMecause in voicemail.conf, they're not in default
22:09.24fugitivoblink2: an ata adapter is an fxs interface, it gives tone, you need to do that?
22:09.33YoYohmm... good question
22:09.43YoYolemme review my config... I remember having to fight this  myself
22:10.04paok, i configured my test extension with a sample MP3Player(). but now how can i let an, for example, iaxcomm to hear it? that is how can i let an iax or sip client to connect to my asterisk box? have i to define other (incoming) extension?
22:10.25BleedingMethis is the first one i've had this problem with.... so i was a little stumped
22:10.35blink2I have a box that has one PCI slot, taken up by a TDM22B card. I need to add an extra phone line (FXO) port to it, but I dont have any more PCI slots to add more cards, and so I was wondering how I can add extra ports due to the lack of PCI space
22:11.05pablink2: maybe you can remove another pci card
22:11.15pawhich cards have you inside?
22:11.25blink2Only one slot, filled with that card.
22:11.26fugitivoblink2: maybe a sipura will help you
22:11.35paoh, bad :-(
22:11.36fugitivoblink2: it has 1 fxo and 1 fxs port
22:11.42blink2pa: yeh :P
22:11.48blink2fugitivo: whats a sipura?
22:12.12fugitivoblink2: i didn't try any sipura, but check the webpage, i think you'll find what you need
22:12.13tzafrir_laptopa sipura 3000 has those. Other sipura-s have only 2 fxs ports
22:12.31fugitivothat one, the sipura 3000
22:12.57YoYook, bleeding, your context must match between the dialplan and the voicemail, and be properly specified in sip.conf in order for the indicator to work
22:13.16blink2Thats for an internal line though?
22:13.16tzafrir_laptopDo they still make them? now that sipura was re-swallowed by cisco?
22:13.22fugitivoblink2: yes
22:13.29BleedingMethat's kinda what i thought...  i'm trying it now...
22:13.42YoYofor example, if you have [office] in your dialplan, you must have [office] in your voicemail.conf, and in sip.conf, it'd be mailbox=ext@office
22:13.44blink2Sorry, must've put that wrong :P I need to add another external line, so like, people can call into the * system
22:13.47fugitivotzafrir_laptop: huh? really?
22:14.06blink2i.e., another line to my telco
22:14.43YoYoblink, uh.. TDM400 with appropriate modules?
22:15.01blink2No room for anymore
22:15.07YoYothat sucks
22:15.11fugitivoblink2: yes, but it'll give you only 1 line
22:15.11blink2yeh =/
22:15.12YoYohow many incoming lines do you have?
22:15.35YoYoand what's taking up all yer PCI slots?
22:15.37tzafrir_laptopBut shows business as usual
22:15.39blink2We've got the one TDM22B, so two incomming lines, two extensions, but we want to add an extra incoming line
22:16.07fugitivotzafrir_laptop: they're buying everything
22:17.19blink2Hmmm, ah.. dont know if this was what you were talking about, but could I change all my modules to incoming lines, then use the Sipura boxes (or something else as they dont seem to exist anymore?) for the extensions?
22:17.36YoYothat's an option too...
22:17.37tzafrir_laptopthey do exist.
22:17.43blink2okay, cool then :P
22:18.02fugitivoblink2: the sipura 3000 gives you FXO and FXS, that means, one more external line from your telco
22:18.44blink2How do you link up the sipura to your * system? From what I can see, its a phone2SIP thingy, so like you can use an average old telco phone to connect to an SIP account on your * server?
22:19.14fugitivoare you looking the sipura 3000?
22:19.27tzafrir_laptopblink2, it is a sip phone as far as * is concerened
22:19.45fugitivo"in cash"
22:19.46blink2 ?
22:20.27blink2Ah, just figured what you mean.
22:20.45blink2So you would just set the context for the Sipura to the default incoming call one?
22:20.46YoYosipura looks quite the interesting
22:21.16blink2Then an incoming call would be sent via SIP to the context?
22:22.24fugitivoblink2: yes
22:23.32blink2Thats awesome :D
22:23.50blink2Sorry for the... slow realisation, its 2.33am here and im caffeine deprived ;)
22:24.26blink2Anyhow, ill be off. Thanks very much for your help guys :)
22:28.28*** join/#asterisk Arve (
22:35.14hwtis it trivial to get asterisk realtime up and running without much experience with either asterisk or sip?
22:35.23hwthints on docs?
22:35.25*** join/#asterisk efonz (~ekarim@
22:35.32jbotextra, extra, read all about it, docs is Documentation can be found at or or or or
22:35.42efonzHello..anyone using ADDPAC ?
22:37.48BleedingMeYoyo: that fixed the voicemail issue.. thanks!
22:37.53*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
22:39.12jsmithA few old-timers in here, it seems.
22:39.22BleedingMedoes anyone have a good resource for programming cisco softkey's ?
22:39.50fugitivoi want a nokia 770
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22:46.25*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (~Ariel@
22:46.29Ariel_hello everyone
22:46.44jsmithBleedingMe: There was a PDF on my website that gave some information... let me see if I can find it.
22:46.47jsmithHowdy Ariel_
22:46.58BleedingMethat would be great
22:47.50jsmithBleedingMe: Try
22:49.03Ariel_I have a quick question. It's about the sipura 841 and asterisk does anyone remember what setting to use on the phone to only have one line button lite and be able to take call waiting?
22:49.15jsmithBleedingMe: is probably a better page to look at
22:49.37BleedingMecool.. thanks a bunch!
22:49.42jsmithBleedingMe: No problem.
22:50.43*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
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22:55.14fmanhey all
22:55.33fmandoes anyone here know if Asterislk is fully supported under powerpc?
22:56.21*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
22:56.29fmanwhen I compile from cvs, everything build fine, but chan_zap isn't compiled...
22:59.03tzafrir_laptopfman, it should be supported. What errors do you get?
22:59.09JerJercompile nd install zaptel first
22:59.31*** part/#asterisk Vegitto__ (~Vegitto@
23:00.18fmanI've got zaptel installed, does it check to see if it is loaded?
23:00.38JerJerand then compiled asterisk after that?
23:05.00Arveis it possible to have asterisk realtime and 100 000++ sip users without the need for an external proxy like SER or similar?
23:06.10*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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23:06.49YoYobkw's a dork
23:07.48wunderkinwe need to stop talking about bkw now that hes back
23:08.13YoYobut, I'm leaving now, so you can talk about me instead
23:11.56tzafrir_laptopYeah, right. We know pretty well you'll check later.
23:12.14tzafrir_laptopSo we might as well say now that YoYo's a dork
23:12.30*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
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23:15.10fmanJerJer - I can't remember if zaptel was installed in the kernel when I built asterisk, it was certainly compiled
23:15.42paexcuse me, i want to call my asterisk box with a sip client, like linphone for example: how can i turn ip address and extension number into a SIP address?
23:17.37*** join/#asterisk sinplomo (~sinplomo@
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23:18.10JerJerin the kernel ?
23:18.20JerJeryou have to issue a make install in the zaptel source directory
23:18.44jsmithHowdy JerJer ... long time, no see
23:19.31jetsHey jsmith =)  I haven't seen your face in here for awhile :)
23:19.42tzafrir_laptopsip:exten@ip ?
23:20.12jetspa: Your best bet is to register linphone with the * system.
23:21.27jsmithjets: What's up?
23:22.29jetsNot a whole lot, i'm having a relaxing weekend.  I noticed your speaking at the next US Astricon again... I will get to go to this one too.
23:22.37jetsAre you bringing your family?
23:22.59jsmithjets: Not sure...
23:23.16jsmithjets: Mark wants Caleb to speak, but I'm not sure if it'll work out.
23:23.17pajets: you mean i have to register my client even if i have to call only my asterisk-box ?
23:24.21jetspa: No, that's just your best bet so you can call other extensions instead of typing a sip url in to your client every time.
23:24.41jetsOh man!  That would be so adorable!  Do they make * shirts in his size? :)
23:24.56jsmithjets: I'm sure we can arrange that...
23:24.57pajets: oh, ok. but if i want to type the sip url, how can i merge IP and number into url?
23:25.14jsmithjets: Have you heard the news?
23:25.20pasip://IP number?
23:25.55jsmithpa: sip://user@ip or sip://user@domain.tld
23:26.06paoh ok
23:26.09paand for number?
23:26.24pai mean, how can i call a particular extension?
23:26.32jsmithThat's what I had as user.
23:26.35paoh ok
23:27.23fmanJerJer: I did a make-kpkg to get me the debian package for the kernel module
23:27.32fmanmade install in zaptel was not working
23:27.53*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
23:28.43jsmithHowdy brc_
23:29.01tzafrir_laptopfman, use m-a for the debian package
23:29.10tzafrir_laptopm-a zaptel install
23:29.24fmanna, m-a was not having a bar of either
23:29.36fmanspent hours with this last week if you recal
23:29.45fmanI'll try it again and we'll see what happens with m-a again
23:29.49tzafrir_laptopfman, what's the problem?
23:29.57brc_WORD UP jsmith!
23:29.58fmanhang on will try this again
23:30.23fmanI seem to remeber that it worked with 2.4 kernel, but wouldn't let me load the module
23:30.26jsmithbrc_: What have you been up to?
23:30.33brc_oh you know
23:30.34brc_this and that
23:30.44brc_doing some stuff in C#
23:30.52jsmithbrc_: Sound familiar... me too
23:30.58tzafrir_laptopfman, did you manage to generate a zaptel-modules- package?
23:31.09fmanyes, using make-kpkg
23:31.23fmanloads fine and registers the card I've got installed
23:32.03tzafrir_laptopmake-kpkg for a complete kernel package or for modules-image /modules?
23:32.33tzafrir_laptopwell, m-a is basically a wrapper around it
23:32.44fmanthats what I thought
23:33.16*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
23:33.58tzafrir_laptopfman, please reportbug on zaptel-source. I'd appreciate it
23:34.10fmanI'm going to try again for this 2.4.27 kernel
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23:41.19jsmithPBXtech: Ping!
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23:42.14PBXtechsup jsmith, havnt seen you in a long time
23:42.22jsmithYeah, no kidding.
23:42.33PBXtechyou still down in orem?
23:42.35jsmithI figured I'd better show up in #asterisk every once in a while
23:42.41DarthCluebrc_: C# is Evil, you realize that right?
23:42.44jsmithPBXtech: Yeah, working down there, living in Riverton.
23:43.08PBXtechnice im all over
23:43.24jsmithStill doing a lot of phone stuff?
23:43.39PBXtechthats all i do :)
23:44.08jsmithLucky you...
23:45.25PBXtechlucky for me veracity sucks <snicker>
23:45.48jsmithRight :-)
23:45.56*** join/#asterisk l-fy (~diana@l-fy.developer.yate)
23:46.01jsmithHowdy l-fy
23:46.14PBXtechwhat place you working at down there? i forgot..
23:46.17l-fywhat is the normal way for a customer to connect to a carrier over T1?
23:46.22l-fyhi jsmith
23:46.30jboth323 is probably An ITU-T standard for packet-based multimedia communications systems. This standard defines the different multimedia entities that make up a multimedia system - Endpoint, Gateway, Multipoint Conferencing Unit (MCU), and Gatekeeper - and their interaction. This standard is used for many voice-over-IP applications, and is heavily dependent on other ...
23:46.33DarthCluel-fy: pri?
23:46.39l-fyDarthClue > no idea
23:46.42l-fythe question is
23:46.42jsmithl-fy: Either PRI or CAS
23:47.00l-fybut what has the biggest procent?
23:47.09l-fythe carrier sells both services?
23:47.14jsmithl-fy: yes
23:47.14DarthClueprobably pri
23:47.14PBXtechpri better
23:47.22jsmithl-fy: PRI is better, but usually more expensive.
23:47.34l-fyok, but not better, but used?
23:47.36jsmithl-fy: CAS is 24 voice channels, PRI is 23 voice channels plus a data channel
23:47.48l-fyjsmith > i know very well what both means :)))
23:47.53jsmithl-fy: OK, just making sure.
23:47.55l-fyyou will be amazed how well in fact
23:48.11jsmithl-fy: For outbound calls, CAS is probably used more.  For inbound calls, PRI is much more popular
23:48.12l-fyjsmith > the question is purlly marketing related
23:48.27l-fyok, so for ivr and things like that people tend to use pri?
23:48.44PBXtechcost of the Dchannel :/
23:48.56jsmithl-fy: Yes.
23:49.01l-fyPBXtech > less cpu load and more reliablew
23:49.10l-fybut we don't disscus technical issues here :)
23:49.17PBXtechPRI passed CID info.. CAS does not.. that all
23:49.22brc_DarthClue, no
23:49.23l-fycome on
23:49.37l-fyi'm not intrested into technical, just which is used more?
23:49.37DarthCluebrc_: you get everything worked out for cluecon?
23:49.45l-fyhey Brian
23:49.49brc_file set me up I think
23:49.50brc_hey l-fy
23:49.54l-fytake care of Craig at clue
23:50.02l-fyis a nice caracter :)))
23:50.12l-fywe had a lot of fun in .de last time
23:51.16*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
23:51.48MRH2ne1 know alot about the  manager API?
23:52.01PBXtechyou telnet to it
23:52.03*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
23:52.37PBXtechwhere does one get perl_lib from?
23:52.47DarthClueMRH2: what about it?
23:52.55DarthCluePBXtech: the web?
23:53.21MRH2yep I am getting a whole lot of trouble with Action: Originate and Channel: Agent/blah ....Channel SIP/blah works 100%
23:53.26PBXtechi could have figured that out
23:54.01DarthClueMRH2: you really do need to be more specific.
23:54.06DarthCluePBXtech: what OS?
23:54.17PBXtechits for linux
23:54.37DarthCluePBXtech: ok, um, redhat, debian, gentoo?
23:55.16DarthCluerh 9 or a fedora variant?
23:55.19*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
23:55.58PBXtechcentos 3
23:56.16DarthClueok, cpan is probably your best bet then ...
23:56.34tzafrir_laptopisn't perl_lib part of the standard perl packages?
23:56.39l-fyok guys
23:56.44l-fythank you for your help
23:56.47l-fygood nigth
23:57.13PBXtechi didnt find it on my system
23:57.18*** part/#asterisk l-fy (~diana@l-fy.developer.yate)
23:57.30DarthCluetzafrir_laptop: not sure, it comes as being a part of "A Collection of Perl modules for working with XML"
23:58.25MRH2when i place a call using the api and the Channel specified is  an agent it works ok the first time and then doesn't work anymore.  sip show channels shows that the sip phone the agent was logged in to is in use when it is not. for comparrison if i specify a sip channel with the manager api everything  works as it is supposed to.
23:58.34tzafrir_laptopwhat is it required for?
23:58.38DarthCluePBXtech: not sure how well centos deals with rpms but you could try
23:58.39PBXtechneed to setup cpan
23:58.58tzafrir_laptopI seem to recall perl_lib as something that includes most of the capabilities of the perl binary
23:59.34DarthCluetzafrir_laptop: looks like it is part of the library that deals with XML.  i think you might be thinking of lib_perl
23:59.36tzafrir_laptopPBXtech, there are nice scripts to convert cpan tarballs to RPMs.
23:59.57tzafrir_laptopI'm not sure if cpanflute is still in /usr/lib/rpm

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.