irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050715

00:03.28*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
00:04.16cjSo... my FXO module is in the 4th slot.  Does that mean that TRUNK should be Zap/4 ?
00:06.03twisted[asteria]mog_home, go home!
00:06.14cjthanks, mog_home
00:06.43twisted[asteria]no you're not
00:06.49cjand in zapata.conf, I should say channel => 4 ?
00:06.51twisted[asteria]your home == digium
00:07.01twisted[asteria]are you too good for your home?
00:07.06mog_homei am at digium
00:07.18cjmog_home: heh ;)
00:07.22mog_homewell in spirit, im on my machine at work
00:07.25mog_homeover ssh
00:07.25twisted[asteria]well smack my ass and call me shirley
00:07.31mog_homethat counts for something
00:07.35twisted[asteria]you're only half way hom
00:08.48cjhow do I get asterisk to listen on 5060 for SIP connections?  Or do I need a piece of third party software to do that?
00:09.12SarahEmmwhere are you twisted?
00:09.16mog_halfhomeyou dont need anything
00:09.27mog_halfhomego look at sip.conf cj
00:09.29gravemindanyone know how you can convince a PAP2 to dial immediately?
00:09.29cjmog_halfhome: can you elaborate? :)
00:09.41mog_halfhomeyou tell asterisk which nics to bind to
00:09.44mog_halfhomeand which ports
00:09.54MikeJ[Laptop]and you read the sample config
00:09.54mog_halfhomeyou can allow it to take calls from anyone, or make people log in
00:10.01MikeJ[Laptop]and you read the sample config
00:10.07gravemindjust put port = 5060 near the top of sip.conf
00:10.13gravemindin the [general] section
00:10.24gravemindthen set up a friend with host = dynamic and they can register with you
00:10.29cjcool.  Well, I'll try to register with the server then :)
00:10.49gravemindor if you're peering with another PBX or somesuch and dont want registrations you can use a fixed host = value
00:11.12mog_halfhometaht as well
00:11.45gravemindis that a type=user or type=peer? :/
00:12.07cjauthentication credentials for the guest?  u: guest p: null?
00:12.35gravemindfor IAX at least it's just type=guest and context=foobnar
00:12.56graveminder, type=user
00:13.27cjHmm... don't know what IAX is..
00:13.41jbotfrom memory, iax is port 5036 for the original (deprecated) IAX protocol. Port 4569 is for the the current IAX2 protocol. IAX is pronounced "Eeks".
00:13.44gravemindIAX is inter-asterisk exchange
00:13.50DarthCluecj: do you have a sip.conf file?
00:13.55gravemindit's like SIP, but designed for asterisk
00:13.59cjDarthClue: I do
00:14.25DarthClueit should be fairly well commented on what you need for guest.
00:14.38MikeJ[Laptop]can I help anyone?
00:14.48gravemindi'd rather use eye-acks
00:14.53gravemindbut eeks works too :P
00:14.54DarthClueMikeJ[Laptop]: no, go make slashdot like us.
00:14.55tzafrirjbot, IAX is also stands for  Inter-Asterisk Exchange
00:14.55jbotokay, tzafrir
00:14.58twisted[asteria]SarahEmm, huntsville
00:15.13twisted[asteria]more specifically, southwest huntsville ATTM
00:15.21jbothmm... iax is port 5036 for the original (deprecated) IAX protocol. Port 4569 is for the the current IAX2 protocol. IAX is pronounced "Eeks". stands for  Inter-Asterisk Exchange
00:15.34*** join/#asterisk ozJames79 (
00:15.43twisted[asteria]time to go home
00:17.12MikeJ[Laptop]gotta run... :P
00:20.04*** join/#asterisk wwalker (~wwalker@wwalker.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
00:21.30wwalkerI need to do asterisk development in a disconnected environment so I need a SIP or IAX client for my notebook (running Fedora Core 4 Linux)  Any recommendations for a software client?
00:24.59wwalkerSarahEmm My asterisk experience is in writing Perl AGIs.  How would I use the alsa driver to imitate a calling or answering phone?
00:25.36Darwin35the cli
00:26.37cjwwalker: I use X-Lite and SJPhone
00:26.45cjwwalker: note that I'm a complete noob, though
00:26.59Darwin35i use sfl phone and x
00:27.50wwalkerI read alsa.conf.  Can I send dtmf using the alsa console driver?
00:28.13SarahEmmwwalker: you can 'dial'
00:28.15Qwellyeah, just dial them from the CLI
00:28.22SarahEmmthere's no tones anywhere, but... yes, you can send 'tones'
00:28.29Qwellcan even dial letters and such
00:28.50Darwin35there also the tones in the sound sir
00:29.14cjHmmm... what might cause this?
00:29.15cjJul 14 17:29:01 DEBUG[4214]: chan_zap.c:6341 do_monitor: Monitor doohicky got event Polarity Reversal on channel 4
00:29.24SarahEmmyou can even send text, if you're running HEAD with my fixes ;)
00:29.33wwalkerOK, so you are saying run "asterisk -r" then execute Dial commands
00:29.33*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
00:29.34cjI changed the signalling on channel 4 to fxs_ks, because fxo_ks was making asterisk not start :)
00:29.45Qwellwwalker: yes
00:29.55wwalkerOh my code is so experiemental it only builds on head...
00:30.08Darwin35if you have console=console/dsp in extensions.conf
00:30.45Darwin35and speakers and a mic
00:30.56Darwin35or a headset
00:31.25Darwin35anyone here mapped callback on busy
00:31.26wwalkerTyping in dial commands will be a bit painful.  are there "aliases" in the CLI?
00:31.39Darwin35and willing to share it
00:31.45cjDarthClue: were you talking to me?
00:32.23*** join/#asterisk stkn (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
00:32.43Qwellwwalker: not dial commands.  dial extensions
00:32.48harryvvanone here running ip500s
00:33.03Qwellwwalker: just like a softphone
00:33.05cjIs it normal to get polarity reversal events often?
00:34.31SarahEmmdisconnect supervision is implemented with reversarity polarsal in canadia and the us.. is that maybe what's going on cj?
00:37.31gravemindreversarity polarsal... yes, my brain automatically read that as polarity reversal without any thought whatsoever :/
00:37.35hardwirejust started an ices2 ogg server
00:37.54hardwirekinda pissing me off.. seeing wideband ogg encoded stereo music go at PCM 8000hz ULAW rates
00:37.56SarahEmmpolarity reversal
00:38.06cjSarahEmm: perhaps.  I'm so new that I don't know what you're talking about
00:38.06hardwireneed codec_ogg
00:38.07SarahEmmkitriches tonite aren't good typing
00:38.53cjSarahEmm: what is disconnect supervision?
00:40.21SarahEmmcj: the phone company alerts you when the person on the far end of the call hangs up
00:40.40cjSarahEmm: prolly not.  Happens like five times per second three times per minute or so
00:40.47SarahEmmyeah, that's Weird
00:40.50SarahEmmwhat FXO?
00:41.08cjwhat do you mean?
00:42.21cjMaybe my wife is on the phone that is plugged into my FXO port?
00:42.23SarahEmmwhat card are you using to plug into the POTS line?
00:42.25cjwould that make a difference?
00:42.43cjFound a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F (4 modules)
00:42.56cjModule 3: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
00:42.59SarahEmmahh okay
00:43.02SarahEmmi dunno :(
00:43.06*** part/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
00:43.07SarahEmmi don't have a tdm400p
00:43.12SarahEmmdoes it stop if your partner is off the phone?
00:43.14*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
00:43.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
00:43.21cjSarahEmm: let me check :)
00:44.54cjSarahEmm: It looks like she is in fact on the phone.  I asked her to tell me when she gets off the line.
00:45.10SarahEmmkitriches are pretty new to * now.. almost two months tho :)
00:45.11*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@jerjer.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
00:45.14JerJerThe underlying problem causing today's tollfree outages has been fixed.
00:45.32file[laptop]and the verdict was?
00:45.41Qwellfile[laptop]: Greg kicked the cable out!
00:45.51cjSo... while I'm waiting... how do I set up credential stuff so folks who register can / must send a username/password?
00:45.53file[laptop]Qwell: 'tsk 'tsk
00:46.09JerJerGlobal Crossing
00:46.11twistedso yay
00:46.25twistedapparently i used twice as much electricity for the same devices in the past month than I used before
00:46.37Qwellfile[laptop]: see?  ^^^
00:47.01file[laptop]twisted: that's slightly odd
00:47.19twistedfile[laptop], yeah... i'm gonna be calling my utility company
00:47.30twistedmy bill has varied by about 4-5 bucks a month
00:47.38twistedand suddenly it varied by 40
00:49.17_DAWtwisted - sounds like you may be growing something..
00:49.45twisted_DAW, ?
00:51.11_DAWtwisted - I had a similar issue when my AC wouldnt shut off and the cops though I was groing pot..
00:51.26twistedmy AC is not doing anything strange
00:53.05DarthCluetwisted: you didn't use more, they are charging more.  my bill is nearly double what it was last summer and i'm using the same amount of electricity.
00:53.54Qwell_DAW: Why would the cops think you were growing pot, just because you had your A/C on?
00:53.57twistedthey say i used twice as much
00:54.08twistedthey say I used 1157 kilowatt hours
00:54.19twistedwhere I usually only use about 580-620
00:54.39Qwelltwisted: look at the meter yourself
00:54.43Qwellits not hard to read
00:54.45twistedthat would be nice
00:54.51twistedbut i'm in an apartment complex
00:54.55twistedand our meters are in a locked box
00:54.58QwellDo you not have access to your own meter?
00:55.07Qwelltell them you want somebody to come out and re-read it
00:55.11twistedi'm going to
00:55.16twistedand i want to be here when they do it, too
00:55.21Qwellof course
00:55.24file[laptop]not building a cluster of systems are you?
00:55.31twistedI know how to read meters
00:55.31Qwellbecause it should say on your last bill what the read was at
00:55.33_DAWQWell - they noticed what they called "significant increases in utilities" over a period of time, assuming high wattage grow lights.  A lot of that goes on around here.
00:55.37twistedit did say
00:55.45twistedand it said on this one too
00:55.47Qwelltwisted: There you go then
00:55.47twistedunder previous reading
00:55.58cjuhm... do I ned ser + auth modules to provide a way for sip phones to authenticate to my asterisk server?
00:56.09file[laptop]cj: no you just need to configure sip.conf, now go read about it :)
00:56.19Qwelltwisted: well, if anything, if it WAS a misread, your next months bill might be negative anyways
00:56.32twistedQwell, heh... well
00:56.39cjfile[laptop]: Hokay.  thanks.
00:56.40twistedit conveniently happend when i got my deposit back
00:56.45twistedwhich should have covered 2 months bills
00:56.50twistedbut now it only covered one month
00:57.02Qwellhmm, I wonder if I'll get my deposit back...
00:57.06twistedso i think they're trying to pull a fast one
00:58.34file[laptop]I keep thinking tomorrow is Saturday
00:58.41twistedfile[laptop], me too
00:58.43twistedstrange, eh?
00:58.53infinity1er. i have dtmf issues.
00:58.55twistedit just feels like a friday for some reason
00:59.39infinity1i dial 1000 from the sip fone and it does a goto the ivr menu.
00:59.48SarahEmmanother exam tomorrow heh
00:59.53SarahEmmhopefully i don't call anyone a hamburger this week.
00:59.56SarahEmmsilly other_languages.
01:00.02infinity1i press 1 for sales, and it does work.
01:00.09infinity1if i do the same thing with zap, it works.
01:00.22Qwellinfinity1: looks like it works fine
01:00.24file[laptop]so you're saying it works
01:00.35SarahEmmexcellent infinity1, everything works! ;)
01:00.54infinity1Qwell: it only works if i dial exten 1000 from a zap. if i dial exten 1000 from a sip phone, it doesn
01:01.30infinity1Qwell:  i get the same ivr menu, but i can't press anything from the ivr menu on sip, only zap.
01:01.42QwellWhat dtmfmode?
01:01.46file[laptop]do you have dtmfmode set for the entry in sip.conf?
01:02.05file[laptop]rfc2833 is goooooood
01:02.21Miccwhats this thing I see in app_voicemail.c about odbc storage?
01:02.29infinity1the sip phone has dtmfmode = rfc2833
01:02.33QwellMicc: odbc storage lets you store your voicemails in a DB
01:02.34MiccI'm not seeing anything on voip-info about it.
01:02.48file[laptop]infinity1: and is the phone set to it in it's settings on the phone itself?
01:02.54MiccQwell, yeah I want that. But where do I find the table format and setup for it?
01:02.54QwellMicc: check bug 4403
01:03.00infinity1file[laptop]: uh :) ..let me see.
01:03.07QwellMicc: README.odbcstorage in the doc/ dir
01:03.11QwellThats for MySQL
01:03.32MiccQwell, I'm using unixODBC and MS SQL server so I should be able to figure it out.
01:03.37infinity1send dtmf = "in audio"
01:03.42QwellMicc: yeah, shouldn't be difficult
01:03.48file[laptop]infinity1: yeah like... that's inband, not rfc2833 - and it's bad
01:03.55QwellMicc: Check out that bug adds context and mailbox to the DB
01:04.01file[laptop]infinity1: set it to out of band, rfc2833, whatever else it says there
01:04.02QwellMicc: makes it much nicer
01:04.02infinity13 options:  in-audio      via RTP (RFC2833)      via SIP INFO
01:04.06file[laptop]via RTP
01:04.20infinity1if i set it to Via sip info, is that using the sip.conf config?
01:04.31file[laptop]SIP INFO is yet another way to send the DTMF
01:04.35file[laptop]you want RFC2833
01:05.45infinity1file[laptop]: thanks. i'm rebooting the fone
01:06.26*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
01:06.46infinity1file[laptop]: works! sweeet. thanks.
01:06.51file[laptop]aye aye
01:07.14cjwhew.  more tomorrow.
01:08.09file[laptop]This help brought you by Cluecon, be sure to go!
01:08.10jbotit has been said that cluecon is - The Open Source Telephony Expo and Developers Conference featuring presentations by Mark Spencer, Greg Boehnlein, Ken Rice, Brian West, Vikrant Mathur, Craig Southeren, David Sugar, Bob Andreasen, Joshua Colp, Greg Merriweather, Brian Fertig, Peter Nixon, and Marc Olivier Chouinard.
01:09.04hardwiremy last name is spencer
01:09.16hardwireI should change my xchat beeps
01:09.17SarahEmmfile: pay for it and i'll go ;)
01:09.28hardwirefile[laptop]: whats the turnout going to be so far?
01:09.42hardwiremy boss like sto up and spend money on things that sound like they will make me happy
01:09.46hardwireI love being disgruntled.
01:10.46filehardwire: the more the merrier.
01:10.55hardwireso like.. 10?
01:10.57MiccQwell, how do I look at bug numbers?
01:11.01filenope more
01:11.11filebut, the more the merrier so come!
01:19.17DarthCluehardwire: you will be very happy if you come to cluecon.
01:19.30*** join/#asterisk agave-txlink (phanop@
01:19.39hardwireI am sure I would be
01:19.59DarthClueSarahEmm: think you can get us posted to slashdot? ...
01:20.17DarthCluehardwire: you will be even happier if you help SarahEmm get to cluecon.
01:20.27hardwireI am sure she would be
01:20.31hardwirebut I dunno about me
01:20.35*** join/#asterisk danalien (~danalien@danalien.user)
01:21.02SarahEmmit will make you super happy too hardwire
01:21.06SarahEmm'cuz kitriches will be very happy then
01:21.16SarahEmmand you will get reflected kitrichhappyness
01:21.22hardwireI don't se the me happy
01:22.11SarahEmmbutbut.... meow.
01:22.18SarahEmmsomehow i don't htink i'm getting to cluecon, heh.
01:23.03*** join/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
01:24.08SarahEmmthankyou :)
01:24.11SarahEmmkitriches would love to come
01:24.35TenkawaSarahEmm: finally go tthat zaptel card to work
01:24.40Tenkawait needed an updated zaptel module
01:25.29Tenkawahavent figured out how to use it yet but at least it is recognized now
01:26.16oratorlokihello! need help on how to get AgentMonitorOutgoing 'c' option to work
01:26.44*** part/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@jerjer.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
01:27.01Tenkawaand so far I've only gotten it to compile in 2.4 kernels
01:28.50*** join/#asterisk ocnarfid (~ocnarfid@ocnarfid.member.nylug)
01:28.59tzafririt == ?
01:30.36Tenkawatzafrir: the module
01:30.46TenkawaI think I just figured out why though
01:31.01Tenkawaappears to need some Makefile tweaks
01:33.59tzafrirHEAD or Stable?
01:36.20tzafririf stable, extract debian/patches/Makefile.dpatch from the following and try applying it to the makefile:
01:39.35*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:41.54*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:46.38Darwin35ok whats going on here
01:47.53*** part/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
01:48.27*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
01:48.32MikeJ[Laptop]smirnov ice is for sissys.
01:49.22*** join/#asterisk cfrank (
01:50.20Darwin35well they did not have Mikes at the store
01:50.43Darwin35and I just wanted something light
01:51.05Darwin35goes good with KFC
01:51.30*** part/#asterisk ozJames79 (
01:51.36*** join/#asterisk juice (
01:52.19Darwin35brb watching rose red
01:52.37DarthClueredrum! redrum!
01:54.16*** join/#asterisk gravemind (~omgwtfbbq@GXTi.developer.freenode)
01:57.41*** join/#asterisk anthm[tablet] (
02:01.38*** part/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
02:05.47*** join/#asterisk Jzalae (
02:10.22hardwireMikeJ[Laptop]: then I am a big sissy
02:10.28hardwirea really really big sissy
02:11.00DarthClueExtra, Extra, read all about it...The Empire wants you at ClueCon!  ...
02:11.00MikeJ[Laptop]hey dude.. your weight is nothning to be ashamed of...
02:11.00hardwireThat reminds me..  So I am introduced to one of the captains for a small catamaran and he goes "Hey,, my name's Bear"
02:11.06hardwireand I am all.. Bear?
02:11.16hardwireand he replies "Yeh Bear,... or you can just call me Timmy"
02:11.27hardwireit made no sense concidering he was shaped like a bear.
02:11.32MikeJ[Laptop]just kidding... you should be ashamed of yourself..
02:11.42hardwireMy g/f is ashamed for me
02:11.50hardwireI don't exactly have a weight problem
02:11.56hardwirejust of amazonian stature
02:12.12hardwireproblem is.. I still think I am 4 feet tall
02:12.22mishehuugh.  anybody trying to use zaptel 1.0.9 on an x86_64 build, and get {standard input} assembler messages about invalid suffix or operands for mov?  using gcc 3.4.3, kernel
02:12.57MikeJ[Laptop]mishehu, use head zaptel
02:13.11MikeJ[Laptop]it fixes a bunch of 64 issues
02:13.22mishehuMikeJ[Laptop]: ugh, I hate cvs.  wish they'd switch to subversion ;-)
02:13.24MikeJ[Laptop]and I THINK it works ok w/ stable asterisk
02:13.39mishehuI've used head zaptel before in stable asterisk, and it seems to work fine.
02:13.45MikeJ[Laptop]mishehu, now that you mention it... that was discussed today
02:14.27*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
02:14.28mishehuI'm definitely for the switch.  lot of other projects I've heard from have been switching to subversion, and haven't looked back since.
02:15.49gravemindi'll second that
02:15.58*** join/#asterisk Hydrogenum (
02:16.07MikeJ[Laptop]I second you kermudgen?
02:16.08gravemindsubversion doesn't scale as well as CVS, or so im told, but it's _far_ better for a developer to use.
02:17.03*** part/#asterisk Hydrogenum (
02:17.14mishehugravemind: I'm kinda new to *really* using scms, so I'm not sure what they would mean it doesn't scale as well...  how is it supposed to scale?
02:17.43gravemindmishehu: i mean for projects like gentoo that have thousands and thousands of files(all the ebuilds) in it, cvs is better suited and still slow as hell
02:17.50gravemindsvn uses a bit more bandwidth than CVS
02:17.53mishehuwhat I do know is that each repository that you set up uses a version that increments whenever a commit occurs on any subproject.
02:17.59dr123hey does anyone have the Cisco ATA186 SIP Firmware PLEASE I NEED IT BADLY
02:18.43mishehugravemind: did those comparisons use the filesystem config or the bdb config for subversion to test?
02:18.54*** join/#asterisk v094380 (
02:19.00gravemindmishehu: no idea
02:19.10gravemindmishehu: really the bandwidth issues are more of a concern.
02:19.44v094380guys, has anyone installed spanDSP with Asterisk?
02:19.59MikeJ[Laptop]nope... no one has ever done that  ;)
02:20.33*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
02:20.37v094380i am having problems compiling spandsp
02:20.45v094380was wondering if anyone could help
02:21.50MikeJ[Laptop]I think talking about asking will not get you very far... :P
02:22.15DaminWhats up peoples?
02:22.30DaminHow many of you are going to Ohio Linuxfest 2005?
02:23.16harryvvhow many have seen monowall pass sip and rtp sucessfully?
02:24.49SarahEmmnini all
02:26.02NuggetLinux is poo.
02:26.18DarthClueThe Empire wants you at ClueCon Nugget!  ...
02:27.23*** join/#asterisk Ooben (
02:27.48mishehueven zaptel HEAD is giving me these errors
02:27.52OobenCan someone give me a SIP phone address I can call as a test?
02:28.45*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
02:29.10*** join/#asterisk v094380 (
02:30.15v094380i am having problems with spandsp compilation
02:30.18v094380get testcpuid.c:57: error: PIC register `ebx' clobbered in `asm'
02:30.25v094380any help?
02:31.00MikeJ[Laptop]did you configure...
02:31.13v094380configure ?
02:31.14MikeJ[Laptop]what the hell is that error message?
02:31.21v094380testcpuid.c:57: error: PIC register `ebx' clobbered in `asm'
02:31.24MikeJ[Laptop]isn't tjat autoconf?
02:31.40v094380i downloaded the tar file
02:31.41Oobenlol i know what that error is!
02:31.48Oobennot why it is, or how to fix it
02:31.50dr123Hey what codec is it that you have to pay Digium for?
02:31.52dr123G what
02:31.53v094380and started configure and make
02:32.09v094380it failed in the make
02:32.17DarthCluedr123: G729
02:33.10v094380any takers ?
02:33.22MikeJ[Laptop]Ooben, so what is the error?
02:33.41Oobenit's a programming error dealing with inline assembly
02:33.48dr123I just found that G729 codec on the internet on a website
02:34.04Oobeni think it's because PIC (position independent code) uses certain registers to store function addresses
02:34.20Oobenand so this inline asm is clobbering (changing the value of) that register out from under the compiler
02:34.25*** join/#asterisk int19h (
02:34.35Oobenso to the compiler it's in an undefined state
02:35.08Oobeni have no idea why that is happening though :(
02:35.15Nuggetdr123: yes, some people choose to run it without a license and thus there are illicit copies to be found on the net.
02:36.05dr123i have just never seen them
02:36.08v094380i am surprised no one else has run into this
02:36.39*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
02:36.42*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (~justinnnn@
02:36.49justinnnnnnhey guys
02:36.52Hmm-homethere's plenty of g.729 source floating around the net
02:36.55justinnnnnndoes anyone sell toll free usa numbers ?
02:37.12DarthCluejustinnnnnn: yes, why?
02:37.24Nuggetof course.  how do you think people have toll free numbers if they're not for sale?  :)
02:37.32Hmm-homeDarthClue sells them out of his trunk
02:37.54NuggetI can't fit one in my trunk.  :(
02:38.12*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
02:38.41Hmm-homehalf price, twice the value
02:39.39mishehuMikeJ[Laptop]: it's still no go.  I'm still getting the asm mov errors.
02:42.53Oobenlol nugget thanks for being my guinea pig :)
02:42.57Nuggetyou bet
02:43.09Oobenstupid nat's
02:43.15NuggetNAT blows goats
02:43.18OobenI don't think RTP is forwarding properly
02:45.10mishehuugh.  I'm up the creek now.
02:46.26Oobenlol last time nugget i swear :)
02:46.33Oobenjust had to capture some packets for analysis
02:46.33Nuggetno worries.
02:46.44Oobeni heart ethereal
02:46.48Nuggetit's not like you're interfering with my critical irc responsibilities.
02:48.25*** join/#asterisk mag_um (~mag_um@
02:50.08*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
02:50.55blitzrageyo yo yo
02:51.25SpaceBassI have a ghost phone
02:51.39SpaceBassmakes no sense...
02:52.21filehi hi
02:52.35Hmm-home*3 even
02:53.02SpaceBassI have a cisco phone that only works on one network port... all ports are on the same switch
02:53.10SpaceBassit pings fine...
02:53.17SpaceBassbut I cannot do a traceroute
02:53.48SpaceBassIt just only works on that one jack
02:53.53SpaceBassI dont understand it
02:54.22SpaceBassthe mac doesnt show on the switch
02:54.44SpaceBassanyone ever seen that?
02:55.08Nuggetare you sure you don't have some goofy vlan config on the switch that you forgot about?
02:55.38Nuggetnot that *I* would ever make a mistake like that.
02:55.39Nuggetnot me.
02:55.49SpaceBassNugget: its a ghost... lights dont even change on the switch
02:55.54SpaceBassits f;ing crazy!
02:56.04iCEBrkrSpaceBass: Format, reinstall.
02:56.09iCEBrkrThat fixes everything
02:56.17SpaceBassiCEBrkr:  LOL
02:56.46*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
02:57.20SpaceBassdamn ghost phone
02:57.50*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
02:58.10SpaceBassin actuality i need some network troubleshooting help
02:58.21SpaceBassNugget:  I dont have any vlans defined on the switch
02:59.01DarthClueThe Empire wants you at ClueCon!  ...
03:00.40SpaceBassso now it shows in the mac table on the switch... but traceroute times out
03:01.31SpaceBassit registers... but only on that port
03:01.45SpaceBassany other ports it shows disconnected
03:01.56NuggetI can't traceroute to my 7960.
03:02.00Nuggetmaybe that's normal
03:02.15SpaceBassbut all my other cisco phones work on any ports... including that ONE
03:02.20SpaceBassNugget:  thats good to know
03:02.42SpaceBassthat would answer it showing in the mac table on the switch and not being traceroute-able
03:02.58SpaceBassso what would make a phone port dependant?
03:03.26KattyDarthClue: can i refer my sweater?
03:03.35KattyDarthClue: and then bring my sweater to cluecon?
03:04.06SpaceBassKatty: very warm in Chi town this time of year....
03:04.10SpaceBassi duno...
03:04.24KattySpaceBass: i think you sorta missed the point, but that's ok (=
03:04.45SpaceBassKatty: im used to it... i'll be in the corner if you need me
03:04.54twistedKatty, i got it.
03:04.58twistedKatty, it was rather funny ;)
03:05.28DarthClueKatty: is your sweater gonna pay for a cluecon registration?
03:05.36SpaceBasssomeone hug my 7960
03:05.51KattyDarthClue: no, but i'll wear it and hug you :>
03:05.55KattyDarthClue: it's super soft :>
03:06.02twistedhow sweet
03:06.03jbotfrom memory, cluecon is - The Open Source Telephony Expo and Developers Conference featuring presentations by Mark Spencer, Greg Boehnlein, Ken Rice, Brian West, Vikrant Mathur, Craig Southeren, David Sugar, Bob Andreasen, Joshua Colp, Greg Merriweather, Brian Fertig, Peter Nixon, and Marc Olivier Chouinard.
03:06.05SpaceBassdate aga?
03:06.26twistedSpaceBass, open up a browser and read ;)
03:06.27SpaceBassin atlanta then
03:06.33iCEBrkrGreg Boehnlein did a presentation?!
03:06.37iCEBrkrDamin: Lamer!
03:06.40SpaceBasstwisted: thus the ~cluecon
03:06.56twistedthere is no date there
03:06.59SpaceBassdidnt remember the rul
03:07.08SpaceBasssure there is... after I opened the URL
03:07.13twistedyou dyslexic ?
03:07.18iCEBrkrYa know.
03:07.31SpaceBassno, but I'm pissed about my ghost phone
03:07.34iCEBrkrIt figures Cluecon would be in Chicago now that I'm in Tampa
03:07.44iCEBrkrPreviously I was in Cleveland and Chi town is 5hrs
03:07.48Darwin35what ghost phone
03:08.08twistedbtw, the party is in #1,000
03:08.22SpaceBassfor hotels
03:08.42KattyDarthClue: you didn't mention females in the cluecon blog
03:08.54mishehuthe Digium Babes?
03:08.58iCEBrkrKatty: you mean booth babes? *ducks*
03:09.02twisteddigium? babes?
03:09.09fileDarthClue: are we slashdotted yet?
03:09.10twistedlol - j/k
03:09.12twistedthere are a couple
03:09.14Kattywhat are booth babes?
03:09.15fileI won't rest until I see our bandwidth skyrocket
03:09.24SpaceBassnothing on my rss yet
03:09.26Darwin35BKW and Anthm
03:09.28SpaceBassbeen monitoring
03:09.28mishehuugh.  ok, I don't know what to do now except either post to the list or call digium tomorrow...
03:09.31iCEBrkrKatty: The pretty girls that give out schwag at booths. :D
03:09.46KattyiCEBrkr: schwag?
03:09.47mishehucan't get zaptel to build on x86_64 with gcc 3.4.3...
03:10.01iCEBrkrKatty: Free stuff.. T-Shirts, pens, mouse pads, etc.
03:10.16twistedjbot: schwag is free stuff, usually given away at cons.  Items such as tshirts, pens, calculators, and other silly toys.
03:10.16jbottwisted: okay
03:10.27jbot[schwag] free stuff, usually given away at cons.  Items such as tshirts, pens, calculators, and other silly toys.
03:10.27Kattythat's sad
03:10.35Kattyit's like saying girls can't be geeks :<
03:10.40twistedi know several geek girls
03:10.43twistedthey rock
03:10.45iCEBrkrKatty: Why do you think I *ducked*
03:10.55DarthCluegeek girls are HOT!
03:10.55Kattyk, i should wake up now
03:11.14iCEBrkrThe one year I went to SF for Linux World Conf & Expo, all the girls were wearing BSD horns. :-/
03:11.14KattyDarthClue: actually i'mkinda cold at the moment :<
03:11.32filetwisted: calling twisted, twisted report to dev for a moment
03:11.35twistedKatty, not from your photos ;)
03:11.38*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
03:11.42twistedfile, *sigh* be right there
03:11.54*** join/#asterisk iguy (
03:12.03Kattytwisted: i'm not a steak :<
03:12.21SpaceBassok need some troubleshooting help... cisco 7940 only works on one port on my switch but I have no vlans, etc...
03:12.30SpaceBasswhat would make a phone port dependant?
03:12.40Barmalwhat kind of issue can be if in outgoing call users can hear me but I can't? Is it a NAT issue?
03:12.41iCEBrkrSpaceBass: Your switch is a smart switch and it has MAC security enabled on the ports. :D
03:12.53SpaceBassiCEBrkr: trust me... not this switch
03:13.09SpaceBassmuch appericated
03:13.23iCEBrkrAll your other ports are dead.. buy a new switch
03:13.35iCEBrkrI know! I know!
03:13.42iCEBrkrGive the Cisco Phone to me.. and buy a new one.
03:13.43Kattyyeah, that'll work :P
03:13.44MustDieall your ports are belong to us
03:13.53SpaceBassalcatel omnistack
03:13.55SpaceBassits a POS
03:14.08*** join/#asterisk paulc (
03:14.35SpaceBassmy 7912g just died and they RMAed me a new one asap... was quite suprised
03:14.43Kattyit needs hugs
03:14.56iCEBrkrI live down the street from an Avaya office.
03:15.02iCEBrkrI wonder if they got anything cool there.
03:15.05twistedKatty, i never said you were a steak
03:15.24MustDieicebrkr: so you can come there and kill each one of them.... ;)
03:15.32iCEBrkrMustDie: hahaha
03:16.12SpaceBasswhats a good cheap PoE enabled switch.... froogle time
03:16.13MustDieall your base are beong to us :)
03:17.14sylehow do gsm gateways work
03:17.56*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
03:18.08SpaceBassit makes no sense... no vlans... no lights change on the switch... the f'ing port just doesnt exist
03:18.17SpaceBassand the phone is seemingly tied to it
03:18.21MustDiesyle: you just insert bunch of sim cards into it :P
03:19.20MustDieDarth: CEO of SBC
03:19.30DarthClueMustDie: got his number?
03:20.01sylemustdie: what would be the point in having one?
03:21.01iCEBrkrI wonder why my Budgetone's audio pops
03:21.12iCEBrkrLike the sound gets over modulated or something and the phone can't handle it
03:21.23MustDieDarthClue: why bother, i can get you phone
03:21.32MustDie# of brin, so you can ask him to buy SBC :P
03:22.08MustDiebtw, good idea :)
03:22.25NuggetThe ratio of people to cake is too big.
03:23.01twistedfor those who just checked out asterisk, wait 10 minutes, and check it out again
03:23.13twistedit will build again ;)
03:23.14filewe thank you for your patience, have a great night!
03:23.33twistedi fixed it up, thanks to file for pointing it out
03:23.43MustDiehehe ;)
03:24.02sylecan;t you guys submit changes to a development branch and merge to stable to avoid those problems
03:24.26fileyou haven't been here long have you?
03:24.27MustDiesyle: it's quite opposite, we fix stable branch, and test it on head :P
03:24.38twistedsyle, uhm, this WAS the development branch
03:24.55mag_umhi there!
03:24.55twistedbut we still like it to build ;)
03:25.14filegirls just wanna have fun!
03:25.39MustDiewhy is so hot in NYC.....
03:25.53MikeJ[Laptop]oh yeah.. twisted has commit too :)
03:26.50Barmalwhy in outgoing call users can hear me but I can't? Is it a NAT issue?
03:26.57fileBarmal: yes.
03:27.10fileBarmal: externip and localnet has to be set in sip.conf
03:27.14fileif you're using SIP for outbound
03:27.15SpaceBassBarmal: sounds like nat
03:27.46Barmaldo I need to foward port 5060 to *?
03:27.56fileport 5060 doesn't carry audio fyi
03:28.07SpaceBassalso need rtp ports
03:28.08fileit's a port range of 10000 to 20000 UDP that gets the audio
03:28.18SpaceBassbut if your firewall is stateful you may not need it...
03:28.35SpaceBassMustDie: <ben stiller voice> do it
03:28.40Barmalspacebass: I have a simple linksys router
03:28.56SpaceBassBarmal:  which model?
03:29.10filethese words are my own... yeah
03:29.16filethrew some cords together, the combination D E F
03:29.22fileit's who I am, it's what I do, now I'm gonna lay it down for you
03:29.59*** join/#asterisk gravemind (omgwtfbbq@GXTi.developer.freenode)
03:30.09mishehuit's not my night.
03:30.16SpaceBassBarmal:  ahhhh not a lot of flexibility there, but it is a stateful firewall... is the * behind it:
03:30.34Barmalyep its behind it
03:30.37fileI told you what you must do little one, doing it will result in audio working
03:30.42SpaceBasswho said drunk?...i AM NOT..not yet
03:30.56NuggetI ran out of asahi so I've switched to heineken
03:31.14SpaceBassBarmal: hummm as i recall the befw11s4 still has a udp seciont
03:31.35SpaceBassor problem
03:32.26SpaceBassBarmal: check the advanced forwarding section
03:33.53Barmalthe only thing I dont understand that it worked 3 days ago and it doesnt now.... It lookes like nothing has been changed....
03:34.03SpaceBassthe only thing I can tell about that ghost phone is that the port is not set to auto-negoatite... its set to 100 full
03:34.08KattySpaceBass: :>
03:34.12mishehuso, who is using zaptel with x86_64, did you have trouble building the kernel mods, and if so, how did you fix it?  I'm getting asm errors on this machine...
03:34.18SpaceBasswould a cisco phone care about that?
03:34.35SpaceBassBarmal:  maybe is possessed by the same ghost as my phone
03:35.45twistedKatty, i'm still curious... what was this steak comment about?
03:36.07Kattytwisted: i'll just pretend i read your statement the wrong way (=
03:36.35filecuriosity killed Katty
03:36.57SpaceBassKatty:  my irc client showed your last comment as as "roll of the eyes"... guess it got it wrong
03:37.01paulccuriosity killed file's technology
03:37.10twistedKatty, ?
03:37.23SpaceBassKatty:  on an unrelated note... did you find an entertainment center/amorir/tvstand?
03:37.23Kattytwisted: nevermind (=
03:37.25fileit's paulc!
03:37.28twistedKatty, okee
03:37.34KattySpaceBass: yes and no
03:37.39paulcI AM I AM!
03:37.43filepaulc: you cheaky bugger
03:37.53twistedwhat's up you spicy vicar?
03:37.58SpaceBassKatty: ambigious indeed
03:37.59paulcSAUCY VICAR!
03:38.05twistedi like spicy.
03:38.08KattySpaceBass: obviously
03:38.08SpaceBasswho let the aussie in?
03:38.14paulcNot much.. chilling.. ish.. catching up on the mailing list.. debating dinner options..
03:38.16Kattywho let the roos out?
03:38.23Kattywho who who who?
03:38.36twistedyou're so far off
03:38.49paulcUh.. yeah, strewth, chuck a shrimp on the barbie mate.. wrong hemisphere!
03:39.20paulcalthough that said, my mate from back home (UK) was just here (Vancouver) en route to Australia (Sydney) cos he's emmigrating out there
03:39.30twistedwhy would he do that?
03:39.38KattySpaceBass: how did you get a corner?!
03:39.48twistedKatty, it's better that way ;)
03:40.38*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
03:40.38paulc*shrugs* he wanted a holiday on the way I guess..
03:40.54znoGpaulc: i'm an australian, although not in the country
03:40.55twistedpaulc, nono, i meant why would he move there?
03:41.04filepaulc: and yet I yell at you every day, imagine that
03:41.05znoGok i wasn't born there, but lived a good 12 years in Sydney
03:41.08paulcoh.. I dunno.. land of opportunity and all that?
03:41.23twistedNugget, soft meow, or loud rawr?
03:41.29paulcfile: keep it in check!
03:41.36SpaceBasspaulc: dont gage your absence on knowing me... I'm a newbie... and apparently relished a round room
03:41.36KattyNugget: were you skeered bad?
03:41.39Nuggetnot loud, but who can talk over bkw_?  :)
03:41.47twistedPOINT TAKEN
03:41.53paulcLMAO :D
03:41.57paulcThat boy ain't right!
03:42.10twistedpaulc, you never saw that I had the pictures up of you in SFO/SJC
03:42.15twistedor... did you?
03:42.29paulcuh.. not sure.. did I? What/where/how? show me?
03:42.34znoGpaulc: what did you need an aussie for?
03:42.55twistedthat's only one, but it's the first one of the group
03:43.01paulcznoG: I didn't.. my mate from back home is moving there (and finding it tricky on the housing/job front, apparently.. fuckwit - should have planned a bit better before he went if you ask me)
03:43.38SpaceBasscase in point... where was I? Im in san fran all the time... no one called me
03:43.40paulcLMAO :D Oh my god twisted, that picture is PORN!
03:43.51paulcSpaceBass: We didn't know you then :-p
03:43.51twistedpaulc, thanks for destroying my bandwidth in advance.
03:43.54znoGpaulc: yeah, probably a good idea, though it shouldn't be too hard to find a place to rent there. Job front is probably something he should have checked before going
03:43.59*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
03:44.00SpaceBasstrue true...
03:44.01paulctwisted: settle petal.. one pic, s'all I did..
03:44.17twistedby saying that that was porn
03:44.20twistedafter i posted a link
03:44.20PMantisIs there a way to determine the current User's default context ?  (variable)
03:44.30twistedPMantis, ${CONTEXT}
03:44.36znoGpaulc: it's damn expensive to rent in Sydney, pretty much anywhere you go, it's all getting more and more expensive too
03:44.42paulcCORRECTION: EVERYONE! It's NOT  *porn*... it's just a *PORN LIKE* shot of me.. which.. uh.. in Brit speak.. means bad.. not.. uh.. PORN..
03:45.05Kattyok, what did you guys slip into paulc's drink?
03:45.09Kattycause i want some.
03:45.16twistedKatty, just a little vinegar
03:45.18SpaceBassznoG: is it THAT bad? Im seriously considering a move to NSW
03:45.25PMantistwisted, Will ${CONTEXT} change if the extension they dial is in a differeny context (included) ?
03:45.32paulcznoG: Yeah.. I think once hes' got a place.. he can find a job.. and once he's got a job, he can get a life
03:45.42twisted${CONTEXT} is the current context in the dialplan
03:45.46PMantistwisted, Then this is not a help. :(
03:45.46twistedso whenever you use it
03:45.49twistedit' whatever context is in
03:45.54twistedso assign it
03:45.57paulcso.. store it in a variable?
03:46.02paulcGMTA :)
03:46.05Nugget turns up nothing.  :)
03:46.17paulcThat's cos they're good wholesome pics :)
03:46.24PMantisWell, I don't think that'll work for what I want.
03:46.28Kattyjust labeled badly
03:46.47twistedPMantis, wtf do you want then?
03:47.02PMantistwisted, lemme elaborate a little...
03:47.15PMantistwisted, [user1context]
03:47.31PMantistwisted, include=>obnumber-override
03:48.04SpaceBassznoG:  ?
03:48.17trig_hmok, I think I am missing something. * at work for all phone stuff, asterisk at home with 1 phone for on-call duties. The home * does seem to be able to find the * box at work.
03:48.35twistedPMantis, so what do you WANT it to give you?
03:48.35PMantisIf the use dials *01, I want to know where the *originated*, not the context that the exten is in.
03:48.46PMantisIs there a variable for that?
03:48.46twistedhaha.. okay
03:48.50twistedso match everything first
03:48.57SpaceBassi've changed every parameter on this port and its still the only port this phone will work on... i dont get it
03:48.58twistedthen use the included context to continue the dialplan
03:49.07twistedlike this
03:49.12znoGSpaceBass: from where?
03:49.13SpaceBassi cannot make it fail on this port, but I cannot make it work on any other
03:49.18PMantistwisted I know what you mean
03:49.21znoGpaulc: umm, good friend of yours eh? :)
03:49.26SpaceBassznoG:  me? USA... but looking to move to NSW
03:49.34paulcznoG: who, the guy that went to Oz?
03:49.35PMantistwisted, Use priority2 in the other context.
03:49.38Kattywhy are you going to aussieland?
03:49.44twistedPMantis, yea
03:49.49znoGpaulc: yep :) (referring to him getting a life after he finds a job)
03:49.51SpaceBassKatty: me?
03:49.57KattySpaceBass: yes, you
03:49.58twistedNSW == Not Safe for Work
03:50.05*** join/#asterisk ZeeLax (
03:50.05NuggetSpaceBass is going to move to Golburn in the middle of the great dividing plain and he's going to spend his days drinking VB and yelling at aussie rules football on the telly.
03:50.22PMantistwisted, Then i would ahve to have a exten=>*01,1   *and*    include=>ob-override-number
03:50.30KattyNugget: oh, well that makes perfect sense then
03:50.36PMantistwisted, Yes, this would work... I was hoping for a simple include. :)
03:50.41SpaceBassNugget:  you have no idea how appealing that sounds... at least the drinking VB part
03:50.42znoGSpaceBass: up until a year ago, when I moved back to Argentina, it was bad. Real expensive to rent a place, unless it's filthy and some arab lives in it and you're not allowed to kick him out ;)
03:50.43twistedPMantis, it *IS* a simple incldue
03:50.54paulcznoG: If you knew him and the whole long story, you'd get it ;-)  Too much drama with women etc
03:51.02twistedbut to get the results you want, you may have to do it that way
03:51.04Kattyi'm not even sure what VB is, because one does not drink  visual basic
03:51.06SpaceBassznoG:  LOL... good to know
03:51.14trig_hmiax2 show peers does show work * as a trunk though
03:51.14twistedKatty, sure you do!
03:51.19znoGVB is designed to be drank only when you're way drunk, so drunk you can't tell the difference between good beer and VB
03:51.33trig_hmso do I have to do something special to tell my home * to use work * as it's gateway or something?
03:51.37SpaceBassKatty: VB is liquid code...
03:51.41Kattyright...i'm going to go over there now
03:51.45PMantistwisted, Try coffee next time
03:51.45SpaceBassor bitter beer
03:52.01Nuggetthat pretty much encapsulates all I remember about NSW.  :)
03:52.02syletrig i just dealt with that last night
03:52.05twistedPMantis, uh, no
03:52.12trig_hmsyle: any luck?
03:52.17Hmm-homeugh seriously folks, seriously
03:52.19SpaceBassznoG: thought that was coors light...
03:52.23PMantistwisted, Well, it takes 2 lines to include it, I was hoping for 1. Oh well...
03:52.24syleall i used was this:
03:52.28syleeasy enough
03:52.32KattyHmm-home: hi (=
03:52.38trig_hmI'll give that a shot, thanks
03:52.40Hmm-homeHi Katty :(
03:52.45KattyHmm-home: ?
03:52.54Hmm-homejust some ghosts coming to haunt me
03:53.03SpaceBassmy ghost phone?
03:53.30SpaceBass"who you gonna call".....
03:53.42syletrig: if your home box is behind nat like mine, don;t fuckup like i did, make sure register statement actually is in general section :)
03:53.52znoGi installed eyebeam on my sister-in-law's PC .. pretty good little software phone!
03:54.02Kattytwisted: smooth
03:54.05twistedthe h disentegrated
03:54.19SpaceBassznoG:  any major benifit over xlite - other than video?
03:54.47twistedpaulc, you goin to be in Anaheim for *Con?
03:55.25paulctwisted: Nope.. flat out crazy busy with work shit.. I'll be at VON in Boston though
03:55.48paulcsowwy :(
03:55.49twistedi'm not going to boston, that i'm aware of
03:56.29twistedchrizzist the cvs list is SLOW
03:57.28NuggetSpaceBass: eyebeam has acoustic echo cancelling which is invaluable if you want to use a mic and speakers instead of a real headset.
03:57.40Nuggetbut the bulk of the features in eyebeam are totally worthless with asterisk
03:57.40paulcand.. does the CVS list do something weird with date/time stamps? I think my Thunderbird was getting confused the other day.. whereas Outlook wasn't.. but that could be it being "helpful/friendly" and "fixing" something automagically
03:57.44SpaceBassthe 79xx series cannot deal with autonegotiate on my switch
03:57.46Nuggetit's a shame they don't sell xpro any more
03:57.57SpaceBassNugget: thanks... good to know!
03:58.34twistedpaulc, thunderbird is easily confused.
03:58.47twistedbut then again
03:58.50twistedso is entourage
03:59.07SpaceBassNugget:  i looked at their pocketpc stuff for a while untill i realized that my PPC was worhtless as a phone - given the speaker/mic placement
03:59.12znoGSpaceBass: easier to configure, that's about it.
03:59.18paulcthunderbird's kinda nice cos it'll let you use a sent mail folder on the IMAP server, which I haven't seen in anything else (let alone Outlook)
03:59.24paulcthat said.. Outlook 2003 is kinda nice.. ish..
03:59.33Nuggetyeah, xlite's configuration is criminally stupid.
03:59.50znoGSpaceBass: and what Nugget said. I tried conferencing, all that works just fine. Hence why I liked it
03:59.56SpaceBasslaugh it up... outlook and itunes are what is keeping me on xp on the desktop...
03:59.59SpaceBasskind of
04:00.08znoGSpaceBass: not sure if you can do this with X-Lite, but it stores quickly nicely a list of missed/answered and dialed calls
04:00.31opus_anyone having problems with zaptel cvs head?
04:00.47SpaceBassznoG: xlite does store missed/placed *i think*... i only use it for testing
04:01.20twistedpaulc, lookout 2k3 is freakishly retarded
04:01.33Kattythe time has come, the walrus said, to dream of many things! of hd noise and usb toys and other geek worthy things. and why i'm such an addict, i surely do not know, but kalou kaley, i cannot stay. it's off to nap i pray (=
04:01.33SpaceBassof course besides itunes and outlook... there is no decent gnome compatable desktop browser- that i can find- that is kerberos/smb compatable
04:01.43paulctwisted: I liked the way it groups by date - today, yesterday, last week, 2 weeks ago, last month etc..
04:01.48twistedpaulc, entourage (or the newest outlook for pc, don't rememeber the version) is fairly decent
04:01.50paulcbut of course, you're right - the rest of it IS freaky
04:02.07twistedKatty, sleep well!
04:02.11paulcand..uh.. isn't Outlook 2K3 the latest?
04:02.17twistedpaulc, it's 2k5
04:02.19SpaceBassi hate the whole lanman thing with o23k... but as a server... it does work
04:02.24SpaceBassexchange that is
04:02.33twistedoffice xp came out after 2k3 IIRC
04:02.42twistedor was that before
04:02.43CpuIDtwisted, it went xp then 2k3
04:02.51SpaceBassnight Katty !
04:02.55paulcyeah.. 2003 IS the latest.. despite it being 2005 now..
04:03.03SpaceBasstwisted: other way around
04:03.05twistedfuck a duck
04:03.09SpaceBass2k3 is after XP
04:03.16*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
04:03.17twistedi only have the office suite on my mca
04:03.19twisteder mac
04:04.09Barmalfowarding 10k-20k udp to * or puting * on DMZ makes the ringing tone (when I make a call) to come back but not the voice. Wondering if there is something else...
04:04.10SpaceBassI just loaded FC 4... i know... i know... to see if I was ready for a linux desktop again... and really I cannot  make it work... I'll wait until I can buy a PowerMac
04:04.36SpaceBassBarmal: if it makes it easier you can edit rtp.conf to limit that range...
04:04.43mag_umHi there! I have installed areskicc for calling card solution. Bt i need guide to use it.
04:04.49twistedSpaceBass, gentoo.
04:04.55mag_umHi there! I have installed areskicc for calling card solution. Bt i need guide to use it.any1 can guide me.. pls.
04:04.57znoGim using FC4 here as a desktop, no problems so far apart from a lousy video card causing the system to freeze
04:05.06twistedmag_um, repeating will get you kicked.
04:05.12znoGmag_um: Hi there! repeat again, people just LOVE it here.
04:05.30SpaceBasstwisted: im willing to try gentoo but how well does it support M$ active direcory... ie signel signon?
04:05.39paulcI ordered a cheap cheap PC for the office to be a linux dev server.. and it shipped with Linspire installed.. arriving tomorrow.. I'm "interested"
04:05.46twistedSpaceBass, i adminster the LDAP (AD close) cluster at the office
04:05.49twistedon gentoo
04:05.51MustDieSeaBass went dark side
04:05.58znoGSpaceBass: thats nothing to do with the distro itself, it's how you configure samba/winbindd/etc.
04:06.00SpaceBasstwisted: i need to use my AD username, get the kerberos ticket and be able to mount drives witih out having to re-enter credentials
04:06.08twistedSpaceBass, should be able to do that just fine
04:06.08znoGi could be way off
04:06.25twistedinstall kerberos and nss_ldap and pam_ldap
04:06.32mishehuLDAP looks so...   funky to me...
04:06.32twistedand you should be able to configure it to work that way
04:06.39mishehulike it just doesn't click with me.
04:06.40SpaceBassznoG:  I agree... and part of the problem is my knodlge base... but I can configure fc4 to get a kerberos ticket via winbind and kerberos... but natuallas doesnt use kerberos
04:06.43twistedmishehu, it's easy
04:06.48Nuggetldap ain't nearly as "l" as it claims to be.
04:06.52twistedmishehu, once you overlook the stupidly simple interaction
04:06.56Nuggetbut it's a shitload less awful than nis+
04:07.03twistedldap is quite lightweight
04:07.05znoGSpaceBass: does it use PAM? anything that uses PAM should be able to use kerberos via PAM
04:07.06mishehutwisted: easy once you figure it out maybe?
04:07.07SpaceBassznoG: its like it takes it to my limit, but the underlying structure doesnt support it
04:07.18twistedmishehu, heh, sure
04:07.34SpaceBassproblem is that MS's LDAP aint' quite true...
04:07.46twistedi found out today that pam_groupdn is actually not looking in the group for the uid in the credentials, but the entire DN
04:07.47SpaceBassznoG:  I think winbind uses pamd
04:07.50twistedthat threw me for a loop
04:08.09twistedSpaceBass, there are several articles on using AD on linux boxes
04:08.17twistedgoogle throws up a metric shit-ton
04:08.20SpaceBassand... not to start a fight here... but that's part of the linux on the desktop issue...
04:08.30mishehutwisted: here's my problem.  I've  yet to work with kerberos, and pam...
04:08.34SpaceBasstwisted: and I've read/printed/downloaded a lot
04:09.09mishehuand I think that in order to use the same ldap dir that I'd use with samba, I'd also be able to use for logins as well, but that would require cyrus sasl on top of it.
04:09.16twistedwerdem up bitchez
04:09.21mishehulots of stuff i've yet to touch.
04:09.21SpaceBasstwisted: I can get a kerberos ticket and mount drives on the command line just fine... but natullas doesnt seem to support it... and frankly if os x can- and it works...
04:09.38twisteduh, fuck nautalis
04:09.41opus_anyone ever use pocketpc sip?
04:10.05SpaceBassopus_:  I've played with MS portraite
04:10.32mishehutwisted: and another ldap project I need to do is set up an email address dir for mozilla, outlook, and squirrelmail...
04:10.33twistedholy shit
04:10.41twistedjennifer connely got HOTTER
04:10.47opus_oh..  Microsoft Portrait is a research prototype for mobile video communication. It supports .NET Messenger Service, Session Initiation Protocol and Internet Locator Service on PCs,
04:10.54*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
04:11.08SpaceBasstwisted: I'm down with fucking nautalis... but I need something... i'm not quite a power CLI user and not fully GUI dependant... but I need something that can at least mount a SMB share using the existing kerberos ticket
04:11.13SpaceBassnot too much to ask
04:11.25NuggetLife is too short to try to make linux work as a desktop.
04:11.28NuggetBuy a mac.
04:11.46twistedi've used linux on the desktop for years
04:11.52SpaceBassNugget: I hate to say it... (esp if that was a joke) but I agree!
04:11.57NuggetLinux isn't about doing things WITH your computer.  Linux is about doing things TO your computer.
04:12.10SpaceBassI was linux on the desktop b/t system 7 and xp...
04:12.11blitzragetwisted: yo!
04:12.16twistedblitzrage, word!
04:12.27blitzragetwisted: what is going on my brother?
04:12.47NuggetI'm too spoiled now by sound that requires no effort and fonts that don't look like ass.
04:12.48twistedblitzrage, giggling at the war I've started ;)
04:13.02*** join/#asterisk cryptnix (~NNSCRIPT@
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04:13.13SpaceBassI WANT linux on my desktop... really... but i can load XP, join a domin.. sign in and mount a drive...
04:13.13file[laptop]blitzrage: tackle!
04:13.24blitzragetwisted: lol
04:13.29blitzrageLinux on the desktop sucks :)
04:13.33*** part/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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04:13.35file[laptop]long live OSX
04:13.43blitzrageOSX is even worse
04:13.44SpaceBassI'm not pro-MS... I'd LOVE to find a way to do that on linux (and run itunes... f;ing DRM)...
04:13.50twistedosx is cool
04:14.01SpaceBassso I'm going to replace my XP box with a powermac
04:14.09twistedDarwin Acantha.local 8.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.2.0: Fri Jun 24 17:46:54 PDT 2005; root:xnu-792.2.4.obj~3/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
04:14.13MikeJ[Laptop]SwK, you still around?
04:14.26blitzrageI like XP. I've have it on my computer without a format for over a year now - first time I've ever done that with a desktop
04:14.58SpaceBassI read a great article today.... looking for it
04:15.07SwKjust finnishing up the new cvsweb mirror
04:15.48SpaceBasswas slashdotted: - brought to you by Asteria Solutions Group (
04:16.12*** join/#asterisk corematter (
04:16.40paulcThere was an article in Linux Journal about using your iPod with Linux.. and how to solve the DRM problem maybe, not sure..
04:16.45twistedpaulc, yeah
04:16.49SpaceBassand on that note... bed time
04:16.49twistedi've seen podzilla in action
04:16.55twistedit's VERY close to the ipod firmware
04:17.13blitzragetwisted: did just redirect me to ADP^2?!
04:17.13SpaceBasspaulc:  I have to break DRM if I want to use sonos or even if I want to run linux
04:17.28twistedblitzrage, no
04:17.31twistedblitzrage, it masked you
04:17.33paulcDRM is wank
04:17.37blitzragetwisted: huh?
04:17.39file[laptop]my Macs work fine with my iPod
04:17.41*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
04:18.00blitzragetwisted: I still think its cool it loaded ADP^2 though :)
04:18.06twistedblitzrage, drumkilla and I decided to redirect the main www to adp^2 :)
04:18.07file[laptop]paulc: ooh rough
04:18.13paulcyou love it :-p
04:18.15SpaceBassfile[laptop]: so do mine and my windows boxes... but I want to replace my 5 APexpresses with a sonos system...
04:18.28SpaceBassohhhh the woes... (and lack of money)...
04:18.36blitzragetwisted: awesome! I like it :)
04:18.41twistedblitzrage, it may change
04:18.48twistedi may move it to
04:18.49blitzragetwisted: still cool for now :)
04:18.55blitzragetwisted: wicked
04:19.02blitzragemore traffic on that site would rock
04:19.06znoGi use my XP box for, hrm, what DO I use it for... I use Linux to do most (if not all) things.
04:19.22mishehuAnybody know what this might be caused by when I try to build zaptel?  --> {standard input}:13457: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `mov'
04:19.24znoGoh yeah, my g/f uses it for Autocad, that's about it.
04:19.25twistedlet me go ahead and do that
04:19.26mishehuit's on x86_64
04:19.47SpaceBassi have foiund myself sftping files to linux boxes so I can use re on them
04:19.56*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
04:19.58SpaceBassok.. going to bed
04:20.02SpaceBassnight folks
04:20.07twistedblitzrage, ;)
04:20.15blitzragehahaha, that was quick :)
04:20.28twistedblitzrage, i have instant control over the domain/subdomains
04:20.34twistedfuck DNS propogation
04:21.04blitzragewow, that WAS quick
04:21.09twistedwant a subdomain?  want it mapped to google?
04:21.21blitzragetwisted: map one to!
04:21.30Nuggetthese wasabi peas are making my eyes water.
04:21.31blitzrageand to
04:21.38blitzragetwisted: and :)
04:21.51blitzragetwisted: and zoa's sites
04:22.25twistedit's live
04:22.57file[laptop]that's hot
04:23.00twistedis'nt it?
04:23.03twisteder isn't
04:23.09blitzrageyes, definately hot
04:23.15blitzrageI'm wet with excitement
04:23.18blitzrageTMI? :D
04:23.22*** part/#asterisk corematter (
04:23.28twistedi get a kick out of it
04:23.36blitzrageyah man
04:23.41sivanalol... you can become Asterisk certified, for real?
04:23.43twistedi'm like.. hmm... let's make point to
04:23.45twistedand BAM
04:24.20twistedbut that one's my sisters
04:24.25blitzragetwisted: should just have a huge list of subdomains that redirect
04:24.28blitzragethat'd be wicked
04:24.32twistedwell, they don't redirect
04:24.36blitzrageand have it so people can make their own
04:24.41blitzragetwisted: well whatever the hell they do :D
04:24.48twisteddns layering
04:24.50twistedthat's what i call it
04:25.00blitzrageworks amazing
04:25.05twistedalthough it's kinda the wrong term
04:25.27twistedsince i can't make point to your box for anything but web
04:26.01twistedwell, I *CAN* but that takes time
04:26.10twisted(editing REAL dns zones)
04:26.57twistedi've been thinking of working that into a hosting control panel
04:27.46*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
04:28.00blitzrageMikeJ[Laptop]: !
04:28.15MikeJ[Laptop]or crappy connection
04:28.27*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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04:28.45twistedxchat shat itself
04:29.10MikeJ[Laptop]mine shat too
04:29.17znoGtwisted: so all it does is setup some sort of forwarding for a subdomain?
04:29.25Nuggetirssi > *
04:29.27twistedznoG, not exactly
04:29.34znoGtwisted: proxying?
04:29.41twistedznoG, closer
04:29.51OloBolacan anyone think of a reason why speech sdk 5.1 can't read ulaw, gsm etc files created by the RECORD command? A codec problem on my windows machine maybe?
04:29.55iCEBrkrNugget: yea. but unfortunately, irssi has some shortcomings.
04:30.12twistedthe funny thing is
04:30.14iCEBrkrOloBola: I blame windows. :D
04:30.24twistedi'm running the same verison of xchat aqua on the box here and the box at work
04:30.27twistedit only crashes on the box here
04:30.32OloBolai lurv the windas
04:30.54iCEBrkrOloBola: umm. I call it Wintendo for a reason.  Cuz that's all it's good for.  Games.
04:30.55sivanayes.. I love it... my 911 dispatch program talks to manager api beautifully
04:31.07Nuggetbeing able to run an irc client inside screen (eliminating the need to run one "here" and one "at work") trumps any benefit gained from having a gui interface.
04:31.08twistedmy webserver is rock solid
04:31.20twistedLinux 2.2.19-1r #1 Sat Feb 23 19:04:27 EST 2002 ppc unknown
04:31.20iCEBrkrWhat Nugget said.
04:31.25OloBolawinderz rulz!
04:31.49iCEBrkrscreen -dr
04:31.57Nuggetyup yup
04:31.59paulcit rocks eh?
04:32.18sivanaNugget: same here.. just ssh into the box and reattach and voila
04:32.38*** join/#asterisk loud (
04:32.42twistedNugget, i'd prefer to keep them separate
04:32.47twistedbut that's me.
04:32.51twistedyou have your prefs, i have mine
04:32.56Nugget11:32PM  up 797 days, 13:36, 2 users, load averages: 4.08, 3.75, 3.65
04:32.59Nugget^ rock solid
04:33.03twistedNugget, LOL
04:33.16twistedthat's on the webserver
04:33.24*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
04:33.28niZon11:34PM up 9 days, 1:20, 3 users, load averages: 0.01, 0.04, 0.01
04:33.32niZoni win!
04:33.34twistedand last time it was offline is when i powered everything down (including the ups)
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04:33.45Nugget797 days ago the UPS blew up.  :)
04:33.45twistedit had been up over a year before that
04:33.52twistedheh... I moved.
04:34.34twistedthe smashing pumpkins
04:34.36twistedback together
04:34.37twistedon leno
04:34.39Nugget^ 797 days ago
04:34.48Nuxi11:32PM up 7651 days, 14:21, 20 users, load averages: 722.05, 790.23, 803.77
04:34.49SwK11:34PM  up 475 days, 10:28, 1 user, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
04:35.03opus_up 7651 days
04:35.09iCEBrkrscrew you people in your old out dated kernels.
04:35.25Nuggetthis kernel is 1500 days old.  it's no longer sploitable.
04:35.25SwKiCEBrkr: outdated kernel?
04:35.26iCEBrkrNuxi: /exec -o uname -a
04:35.36twistediCEBrkr, this kernel is ooooold.
04:35.38Nuximy linux version is -2.6
04:35.39Nuggetshit -- it doesn't even run ELF binaries.  Tell me -- can you find an a.out rootkit?  :)
04:35.41iCEBrkrSwK: yea, if your machine has been up for 700+ days.. :D
04:35.54iCEBrkrNugget: LOL
04:35.57NuxiIt's been up longer than linux has existed.
04:36.00twistedoutdated by who's standard?
04:36.14SwKmy machine has been up for 475 and then it only went down cause we moved it from one rack to another
04:36.25iCEBrkrI need to get the damn UPS on this box.
04:36.29iCEBrkrthat's retarded.
04:36.38SwKno its called STABILITY
04:36.42iCEBrkrHurrican Dennis came through here.
04:37.03twistediCEBrkr, good for you. here too ;)
04:37.11twistedi didn't even lose power
04:37.25iCEBrkrtwisted: I've been lazy and haven't put my UPS on this box yet
04:37.39iCEBrkrmainly cuz I can't find power in the server room near this rack I'm on.
04:37.40NuggetI had to remotely re-ip this machine, to preserve the uptime.  That was sort of creepy.  :)
04:37.43twistedi've got an 8hr ups on the rack
04:37.44iCEBrkrit's all used up
04:37.46twistedand none on this box
04:38.03SwKNugget: I hate having to do that
04:38.09NuggetI haven't laid eyes on it since 1997.
04:38.14SwKbut I'm going to have to do that to the 475 date box soon
04:38.27NuggetI think it's a K5.
04:38.40SwKbefore at&t starts anouncing my IPs for someone else seeing I really havent "owned" them in over a year
04:39.38iCEBrkrSwK: Back to the whole stability thing. I agree.  Plus I hate upgrading shit cuz you never know what's gonna break.
04:39.44iCEBrkrLinux 2.4.28 #2 Mon Apr 4 11:22:46 EDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
04:39.56twistediCEBrkr, yeah
04:40.02twistedwhen you find something that works, and is stable
04:40.03twistedSTICK WITH IT
04:40.12twistedwe've been trying to pound that into this guy's head at the office
04:40.16twistedeverything has to be bleeding edge
04:40.22Nuggetthat's nutty.
04:40.27twistedand that's not cool on mission-critical systems
04:40.29Nuggetno way to run a production system
04:40.33blitzrageheh - I'm running 2.6.9
04:40.37blitzrageup 81 days
04:40.43iCEBrkrwhen I upgraded my asterisk install. I was kinda scared.. Cuz by that time I've already committed to VoIP and I had someone else using the machine as well.
04:40.48loudOpenBSD malbec 3.6 GENERIC#304 sparc64
04:40.48blitzrageno UPS though
04:40.53twistedblitzrage, you saw my kernel version on the webserver, right/
04:40.53iCEBrkrI upgraded the kernel AND asterisk the same night
04:40.56Nugget2.6.8 was some seriously awful crap.  2.6.9's not too bad
04:40.56iCEBrkrdid I mention the box was REMOTE
04:41.09NuggetI miss the days when 2.<even number> meant stable
04:41.31twistedi miss the days when 1.<even number> meant stable :P
04:41.31iCEBrkrNugget: LOL
04:42.02twistedi miss installing from two floppies
04:42.16paulcboot disk and root disk on floppies.. ah, those were the days..
04:42.16QwellI miss installing from REAL floppies
04:42.21twistedtwo 5.25" floppies
04:42.26iCEBrkrtwisted: Ahh yes.. my first install of Slackware.
04:42.29twistedman, it was awesome.
04:42.31iCEBrkryup yup
04:42.42twistedmy little 286 handled it quite nicely
04:42.47drumkillai'm proud to say that all of you have been using linux longer than me.
04:42.52znoGthis is the 4th conversation in the last week I've seen people reminisse (sp?) over the past.
04:42.59twistedznoG, we're getting old.
04:43.02znoGin terms of computer related stuff
04:43.08Qwelltwisted: every last one of us
04:43.09twistedso am I
04:43.10znoGnot all in this chan, few places...
04:43.18SwKyoung pups
04:43.20iCEBrkrtwisted: really? slackware ate my 386.
04:43.22Nugget  <-- I tried to install this recently in virtualpc, but the CD is too old to be bootable.
04:43.24iCEBrkrfor whatever reason, it wouldn't boot.
04:43.25paulcI had some Ygdrassil thing.. SLS.. SoftLanding Systems?  0.9x kernel I think
04:43.27*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:43.27twistediCEBrkr, hahaha...
04:43.42znoGI've been using Linux since about 2.0.34 (8 yrs ago?), so i guess that makes me not that old.
04:43.46iCEBrkrtwisted: that's when I went out and bought a new computer.
04:43.50twistediCEBrkr, hehe
04:44.00twistedwell, i used that POS for another 4 months, then built a 386
04:44.03twistedthen a 486
04:44.05twistedand so on
04:44.07blitzrageI started with 2.4.0 or something
04:44.14SwKznoG: 2.0.36 was the shit back then
04:44.16twistedi started with 1.2.10
04:44.16iCEBrkrI had a friend forcing linux on me.. I had to.
04:44.16NuggetI like how "Official" is in "quotes"
04:44.20SwKI ran that forever
04:44.27iCEBrkrwas there a 1.2.19?
04:44.33SwKthat box had hella uptime
04:44.34iCEBrkrtrying to think back.
04:45.07opus_ha i started iwth .98
04:45.18twistedwant a reminiscance?
04:45.19SwKyeah well I started with trs-dos
04:45.22iCEBrkrI bought one of those "internet" books that came with a CD.
04:45.25twistedi remember readin gthat list.
04:45.38iCEBrkrthat was crazy
04:45.56znoGguys, got a question for the people in the U.S. I'm based in a 3rd world country, and I want to do some remote sysadmin type work for a foreign company. What's a popular site where people post ads looking for people to fulfil contract roles?
04:46.08znoGfor example, in AU it would be,, etc
04:46.13Nugget  <-- iCEBrkr
04:46.28opus_icebrkr internet in a box
04:46.34iCEBrkrmaybe that was it.
04:46.40opus_you guys aren't old school
04:46.53SwKyeah but who ran before it was cool? (nugget dont count)
04:46.55iCEBrkrNugget: HEY!!!!!
04:46.55twistedopus_, yea I am.
04:47.46SwKNugget: does being required to learn CP/M when in the military count for old?
04:47.50iCEBrkrI've only seen CP/M on an Espirit III or whatever it was
04:47.51trig_hmsyle: you still around?
04:47.54NuggetSwK: you bet
04:48.08SwKwhere's my walker?
04:48.17twistedI had this:
04:48.19trig_hmI am close, * at my office can talk to * at home, but when I call the home ext it goes straight to voicemail.
04:48.22twistedi think i still do actually
04:48.29trig_hmmy home * cannot connect to work * at all
04:48.31Nuggetyay crosstalk!
04:48.35trig_hmso maybe I am not close
04:48.44litagewhat hardware would you guys recommend for experimenting with 3 asterisk boxes?
04:48.57twistedlitage, >386
04:49.03SwKlitage: whatever you can get your hands on
04:49.12litagetwisted: i mean asterisk-specific hardware, not general computer equipment
04:49.16iCEBrkrlitage: why 3? if you're experimenting?
04:49.19opus_i have programming with gnu software / 1998 on sale at amazon
04:49.22twistedOOH, I STILL have this:
04:49.28twistedi ran my BBS' under it
04:49.29iCEBrkrtwisted: me too
04:49.40litageiCEBrkr: 1 to act as a central server, and 2 to act as clients
04:49.44Nuggetdesqview is the best software ever written
04:49.49iCEBrkrlitage: umm. clients?
04:49.49twistedno shit man
04:50.00iCEBrkrtwisted: I have a 10 user license :D
04:50.02*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
04:50.15twistediCEBrkr, i didn't *buy* it
04:50.17litageiCEBrkr: well, clients in the usual sense of the word, as though the clients are customers that we bridge
04:50.20iCEBrkrtwisted: me either!
04:50.26twistediCEBrkr, ah.
04:50.41iCEBrkrtwisted: I wrote ShockWavE:PRO BBS if you ever heard of it.
04:50.54twistedhaha yeah
04:51.09twistedi have that floppy in a box
04:51.22twistediCEBrkr, yeah
04:51.32*** join/#asterisk eng1neer (
04:51.39twistedactually, i lost the data disk
04:51.42twistedthis is just the program disk
04:51.52SwKyeah well i had pharlaps dos extender
04:51.56SwK(and I actually used it)
04:52.42SwK(then again i did write a few "door games" for MajorBBS)
04:52.47twistedNugget, you have my cat's brother!
04:54.18twistedhey Nugget, did you ever work for HELL?
04:54.58iCEBrkrtwisted: damnit, my camera is in my truck.
04:55.11iCEBrkrI found my MS Flight Simulator 'Tandy' disk
04:57.11opus_can you fly into the world trade towers
04:57.24iCEBrkrI got that disk
04:57.31iCEBrkrok, not a 25user one
04:58.30SwKi have some netware 2.12 disks around here somewhere
04:58.53SwKand i have a 3.12 100 user license disk and a Unlimited User license disk
04:59.11SwKthen again i did start out working on netware heh
04:59.40*** part/#asterisk loud (
04:59.40SwKNetware 2.12 Non-Dedicated.... kicking the receptionist off the "server" so you could work on it
04:59.44SwKand load a few more VAPs
05:01.11infinity1i switch windows and we're talking about netware
05:01.48SwKnetware > *
05:01.58infinity12.x even eh?
05:02.04iCEBrkrSwK: *h8* netware
05:02.09infinity1load blowmeup.vlm
05:02.13iCEBrkrSwK: We still use groupwise at work!
05:02.25SwKinfinity1: 2.x didnt use NLMs
05:02.36eng1neeris channel spy still in the current cvshead version or did it get dropped or changed?
05:02.36infinity1SwK: vlm
05:02.40SwKiCEBrkr: lots of Fortune 100s still use Groupwise
05:02.48*** join/#asterisk loud (
05:02.52SwK2.x didnt use vlm either
05:03.06SwKVLMs didnt come out til like 4 was about to ship
05:03.16infinity14 used nlms
05:03.19SwK2.x used monolithic worstation drivers
05:03.35SwKvlm's were workstation stuff
05:03.40SwK2.x used VAPs
05:03.44znoGso, guys, any suggestion as to popular job-listing sites in the US?
05:03.49SwK3.x and later uses NLM architecture
05:04.18infinity1SwK: my netware 2 days were very short .
05:04.30infinity1thank god.
05:04.37SwKinfinity1: I'm an old school CNE
05:04.45SwKgot my first CNE cert on 3.11
05:05.00iCEBrkrSwK: Same here.
05:05.05iCEBrkrThen we upgraded to 4.12
05:05.13iCEBrkrTHAT was a task.
05:05.16SwKhell we deployed a few 4.01
05:05.17infinity1SwK: i was os2 certified. beat that :)
05:05.26iCEBrkror was it 4.01??
05:05.33SwK4.01 was shit
05:05.34iCEBrkrWhat had the new NWClient32?
05:05.45SwKiCEBrkr: i was basic certified on Vines
05:05.47iCEBrkrand spiffy GUI tree NWadmin?
05:06.09infinity1still beats linux. hahaha
05:06.11iCEBrkr"Oh you want access to that printer? *click* *drag* *drop*
05:06.15SwKthat was 4.01 when that shipped (with the vlm client on the workstation)
05:06.28SwKiCEBrkr: thats iPrint
05:06.36iCEBrkrInstalling 3 3.5 disks on 75 workstations.. UGH! I was there 18hrs
05:06.43SwKor c1
05:06.56SwKiCEBrkr: why?
05:07.10iCEBrkrUm, because we had to update everyones client
05:07.37SwKi had 1 floppy with a stripped down driver/vlm setup that would boot the machine, detect the network card and install all the right stuff
05:08.06SwKbefore that you had to do a f'n wsgen and that was the serious suckage
05:08.38infinity1SwK: you remember way to much man. i'm starting to wonder.
05:08.38iCEBrkrI had 2 sets of disks.. we walked to each station and loaded them.
05:09.18SwKinfinity1: my longterm memory is great... short term isnt so good heh
05:09.44infinity1SwK: no. you still use coax and 3.11 :)
05:10.02iCEBrkrbayan vines!
05:10.24infinity1iCEBrkr: thats one thing i never touched.
05:10.35SwKwe used the shit outta vines back when i was in the Marines, but we were migrating to netware
05:10.38iCEBrkrme either.
05:10.53*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
05:11.01infinity1SwK: you must be older than me.
05:11.15SwKwhats nutty is last time I was in jersey (like 2003) bayan still had an open office near Manhattan
05:11.55OloBolaweird. so hacking/cracking is floating up out of body into the real time zone/consensual 3d/4d realties, watching you interact with your network, retaining this information (your passwords etc) into normal waking consciousness and exploiting from here/there. CRAZY!!! Welcome the innernet
05:12.39SwKOloBola: you're just now figuring that out?
05:12.52OloBolaI'm a little slow
05:13.06SwKhax0ring the gibson is a little harder tho
05:13.19iCEBrkrhack the vax
05:13.28SwKhah vax
05:13.44SwKdont remind me of that please
05:20.07*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
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05:20.54*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (~colol@VDSL-130-13-8-95.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
05:21.34|Vulture|anyone familliar with DUNDi know how it determines priority of peer? say 3 peers have _1800NXXXXXX
05:23.03JunK-Yisnt with ttl ?
05:24.34*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
05:24.57opus_do some peers offer 800 for free?
05:25.30tengulreanybody offer Dialogic drivers for asterisk?
05:25.38|Vulture|no no, I mean on a priv dundi network
05:28.13file[laptop]tengulre: Digium does, contact them
05:28.32tengulrefile[laptop], is it free?
05:29.16opus_gnu beer hmm.
05:30.08tengulreis it dear?
05:30.17tengulrehow much is it?
05:30.28file[laptop]You have to contact Digium
05:32.25*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
05:32.39tengulrewho is digium saler in here?
05:33.27JunK-Ysee their sites.
05:34.01*** join/#asterisk Hound (~AirSaniti@f38d53284b628c0a.session.tor)
05:37.14*** join/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
05:38.15*** part/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
05:41.42*** join/#asterisk Moc (
05:41.49Mocany one alive ?
05:43.05tengulreMoc,do u know price of dialogic drivers?
05:43.38JunK-Ytengulre: come on, prices changes like hell, contact them, i gave u their email, do your job now.
05:44.38file[laptop]sleepy night night time I suppose
05:45.13*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
05:45.20tengulredoes the asterisk support fax function?
05:45.39JunK-Ynot asterisk, spandsp yes.
05:46.18tzafrir_laptopasterisk does support fax detection on zaptel channels...
05:47.30tengulrewhich web site introduce how to install & config PBX with asterisk?
05:48.01*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
05:49.45tengulrenobody answer me?
05:50.00jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
05:51.59sylesomething change in privacy manager?
05:52.08*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:52.11sylewhere does it go now if they don;t put in a number
05:52.15jbottengulre: de rien
05:53.21*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
06:01.29mishehuand /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: Short_term_analysis_filteringx  :-/
06:03.43*** join/#asterisk Hmm-home (
06:07.40mishehuhow lovely, asterisk just segfaults now.
06:07.42mishehuasterisk[4452]: segfault at 00000000b4ca3149 rip 00002aaaab3f72f1 rsp 00002aaab4c91978 error 4
06:08.15JunK-Ymishehu: we need bt.
06:08.57*** join/#asterisk talkwebhosts (
06:09.46mishehuJunK-Y: I've got the core dump, I forgot what to do after that.
06:09.55mishehusomething with gdb
06:10.30JunK-Ygdb -se "asterisk" -c core.blah
06:12.10blitzrageJunK-Y: go to bed!
06:12.25sylewhat happened to privacy manager
06:12.35mishehuhang on, putting in a debug build of asterisk.
06:12.43mishehuI normally strip debug symbols
06:13.06sylewhat variable do i use to see invalid retries is reached
06:13.12JunK-Yblitzrage: i'll soon :)
06:13.15blitzrageme too
06:14.58JunK-Yim off, ive just one thing to do, fix all the shit for passport.
06:15.10mishehugot the debug build up
06:15.32blitzragenight y'all
06:15.47mishehu#0  0x00002aaaab3f72f1 in strncpy () from /lib64/ is what I see after the launch of gdb.
06:17.15JunK-Yim off to bed too, just make a report in with full of details.
06:17.22JunK-Yversion, in which case, etc.
06:17.31mishehuCannot access memory at address 0x2aaab4afb000
06:19.24*** join/#asterisk mongolia (~asterisk@
06:21.21syleis there a way to put in extensions.conf a way to show every single variable
06:21.52mongoliai have question
06:21.54sylelike exten => s,1,NoOp,${CALLERID}  ...but all of them
06:22.11JunK-Yall vars?
06:22.18JunK-Yshow application dumpchan
06:22.30mongoliaDual Xeon 3.06GHz, 2GB RAM PC server with Linux/FreeBSD
06:22.47mongoliahow many concurrent calls can to handle?
06:23.04JunK-Ymongolia: its 2 vague question, see asterisk dimensioning.
06:23.56clive-nice pc ..sounds like
06:23.59mongoliaasterisk dimensioning on or
06:25.43zoaask me what exactly what you want to do on it
06:25.46zoaand i will tell you
06:25.57zoaulaw to ulaw sip call, max 600-700 channels
06:26.10mongoliai would like to have
06:26.20mongoliaSIP-H323/H323-SIP protocol converter
06:26.31zoag729 calls to ulaw, and pstn termination -> around 120
06:26.39zoawith the new cards, around 150
06:26.43zoagood luck :p
06:26.48mongoliasomeone using it
06:26.50zoait will handle 2 then crash :p
06:27.03sylehow do you use that junk-y
06:27.24mongoliaany solution?
06:27.35mongoliai heard someone testing
06:27.38zoatry the new channel driver chan_ooh323
06:27.49zoabut its still a little early to build something in produciton on it
06:27.56JunK-Ysyle: exten => s,1,DumpChan();
06:28.00zoai did asterisk to gnugk before
06:28.15zoawith chan_h323 and chan_oh323, none worked good for me back then
06:28.17zoait might have changed
06:28.37zoathe complexity of chan_h323 is a lot higher than chan_sip
06:28.43zoaread my powerpoint at
06:29.15zoaif everything would be working fine, (no coredumps) i would expect that machine to handle 400 - 500 conversions
06:29.25mongoliai know only commercial software doing this kind of configuration
06:29.34zoaif the new chan_ooh323 is working well
06:29.39mongolialike Nextone, Kagoor etc.,
06:30.09mongoliag711--g711 or g729-g711/g729
06:30.22infinity1regarding queues and agents, i used AgentCallBackLogin, but * doesn't ask me to accept a call
06:30.30opus_zoa - why does sse2 break ilbc?
06:30.36infinity1is there a way for * to call me and i have to accept the call?
06:30.57zoait breaks ilbc ???
06:31.00JunK-Yinfinity1: sure, via manager or .call
06:31.01zoanever heard that before
06:31.20zoahardwire: openoffice can open that ppt
06:31.20JunK-Yim off, see ya
06:31.31hardwirelemme try
06:31.41mongoliai installed free sample g723/g729 codecs
06:31.43mongoliaon asterisk
06:31.51infinity1JunK-Y: manager is an application?
06:31.57mongoliasomeone told me this free codecs
06:32.22mongoliafreeze asterisk if more concurrent calls
06:33.23*** join/#asterisk kd5uzz (kd5uzz@
06:33.38hardwirewow bkw is hot
06:33.38kd5uzzcan I ask for help with asterisk@home here?
06:34.21zoabkw is not a bot :p
06:34.30zoai have a bad resolution on my screen
06:34.36zoaan h really looks like a b
06:35.32kd5uzzI'll guess thats a maybe :-) I just installed *@Home. I've added a few Extensions (all SIP) via the Web Interface (AMP). Any time I try to call from one SIP softphone to another it goes straight to vmail.. Watching the proccess via 'asterisk -r' in an ssh client it looks like it thinks the line is busy. Any ideas?
06:35.51hardwirethos ppt is.. odd
06:35.55opus_zoa - what optimizations did you use
06:36.05opus_, i guess, gcc optimizations
06:36.13hardwirezoa: do you have any results for zap -> gsm?
06:36.35zoayeah the only optimizations i did were the standard makefiles
06:36.40zoahardwire, no
06:36.48zoabut im going to do some pri stuff today
06:36.53zoaat least thats the plan
06:36.53hardwirezoa: ah
06:37.00opus_zoa - what do you mean standard makefiles?
06:37.07hardwireI was thinking maybe get ahold of 4 quad pri and use two servers
06:37.11zoaand i have a t411p, so i should also test that one
06:37.15hardwireand 8 crossovers :)
06:37.24zoai have 15 quad boards :)
06:37.30hardwirecan you send me a few?
06:37.33hardwireI only need 2
06:37.33infinity1lol the default * hold music sucks. heh
06:37.38MustDiezoa: what operation do you run ?
06:37.43zoaopus, those standard makefiles, for zaptel and asterisk
06:37.43infinity1need some 50 cent hold music.
06:37.44hardwirerich trust baby
06:37.50zoaconsultancy :)
06:38.06opus_zoa - you didn't modify the makefile for /usr/src/asterisk/Makefile is what you are saying?
06:38.22zoano no, i mean i modified those for every server
06:38.35hardwirezoa: what of 64 bit processors and binary astrisk
06:38.43opus_zoa - what do you mean?
06:38.50hardwirewill SSE(2) kick in on that and make the codecs fly?
06:39.01opus_asterisk won't compile with sse2
06:39.08zoanah the difference with an opteron is not that much faster
06:39.14zoaalthough i have an opteron, i couldnt test it
06:39.18zoaas its in the codec
06:39.23*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
06:39.34opus_zoa - so what changes did you make to one of the server's makefile?
06:40.27zoafor example type=686
06:40.56zoaor k6opt
06:42.04*** join/#asterisk Syrus_ (
06:42.23opus_heres a hint.. -O6 is slower then -O3
06:43.06zoastandard the makefile uses -O3 i thought but im unsure
06:43.19hardwireiax trunking is odder than I thought
06:44.12hardwireI don't understand slide 51's second statement
06:44.19opus_kernel 2.4 does allow disabling ht
06:44.34infinity1if i use Queue(other|tT|||10)  ...shouldn't the caller get dropped from the queue after 10 seconds?
06:44.43*** join/#asterisk nwhit (
06:44.55opus_some of your charts are to hard to read. why are some of these lines going straight up and then straight down almost immediately?
06:44.55zoaopus, try that
06:44.58zoadoesnt really work
06:45.06zoabecause the cpu cant keep up
06:45.28zoatry disabling ht in the kernel
06:45.34zoaon my server that never works
06:45.43zoainstead of 4 virtual cpus, i only see 1 cpu
06:46.12opus_zoa - at grub pass 'noht', that doesn't work for you?
06:46.12hardwireopus_: sorry.. why would you disable HT?
06:46.15*** join/#asterisk Rowter (~SilverDra@
06:46.28opus_hardwire - doesn't really work that well with older 2.4 kernels
06:46.41Rowteranyone have a firware to unblock voipsolution mta-v102
06:46.52opus_zoa is absolutely correct that you should enable it with 2.6 kernels however..
06:47.01opus_rowter - haha
06:47.03Rowteranyone have a firmware to unblock voipsolution mta-v102, it sucks I can't connect it to my asterisk server.
06:47.08Rowteropus_, heheh
06:47.23opus_rowter - i eventually going to look into that
06:47.24*** join/#asterisk vuvie (
06:47.34zoaopus, no that didnt work for me
06:47.42zoaim off for a min
06:47.43Rowteropus_, had the same problem?
06:47.45opus_zoa - hmm. what distribution?
06:47.47hardwirezoa: for MoH how big of a hit is it for MP3 -> slinear/ulaw?
06:47.57zoanot big
06:48.16zoa1 decoding per moh category
06:48.42nwhiti could use a little explanation... my telco tells me that I can send psap info across the pri so that my 911 call gets routed to the right emergency center... how do i set psap info on a pri?
06:48.45zoaalmost nothing
06:48.49hardwirebut I need mysql on that server
06:48.51hardwireI just have one server
06:49.09zoawell if the mysql is not heavily loaded, it wont make a difference
06:49.16hardwirejust cdr
06:49.18hardwirefor uh
06:49.25hardwirea single t1 span
06:49.30zoano problem
06:49.39zoait would write those down to a file on your hd anyway
06:49.48hardwireI turned that off
06:50.00hardwiremy modules.conf is slightly overstrict
06:52.14hardwireinteresting .. whats ztdummy use on 2.6.x kernels if its not USB?
06:52.22opus_The requested URL /astricon was not found on this server.
06:52.52kd5uzzanyone have any ideas why two softphone show as busy on a fresh install of Asterisk@Home? They were configured via AMP, and both are able to make calls via VOiPJet.
06:54.03opus_kd5uzz asterisk@home will make you dumber!
06:54.06hardwirezoa: hmm.. how much faster are HT Xeons than HT P4's ?
06:54.12hardwirecause this is nuts
06:54.16hardwireI can't afford xeons :)
06:54.47mongoliahow about Asterisk on FreeBSD?
06:57.12infinity1if i use Queue(other|tT|||10)  ...shouldn't the caller get dropped from the queue after 10 seconds? when i get into the queue while testing, it never drops out.
06:59.20mongoliaLinux or FreeBSD for OS
06:59.22infinity1i think i see the problem. i used AgentCallBackLogin. it rings my cell and voicemail answers, but the call is never accepted, and asterisk waits till voicemwail hangs up to do anything.
06:59.38infinity1now the workaround is..........
06:59.53infinity1mongolia: linux is recommended
07:03.20hardwireI die now
07:03.41opus_freebsd isn't optimized at all is it?
07:03.54mishehulooks like some major difference between iax2 on stable vs. head...
07:04.06opus_what diff?
07:05.25mishehumust have something to do with trunking
07:05.37mishehuthe head server talks to the stable one fine when I disable it.
07:05.50zoaits called trunkingtimestamps
07:06.03clive-mishehu are you doing iax2 trunking?
07:06.11mishehumeta trunk cmd 1 received, I only understand 0 (perhaps the remote side is sending trunk timestamps?)
07:06.15infinity1does anyone know how to timeout the connection using AgentCallBackLogin if the agent doesn't accept the call?
07:06.35zoaon the head server: disable sendtrunkingtimestamps in iax.conf
07:06.38*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
07:06.48mishehuclive-: I was until I had to switch one server to cvs head (stable kept crashing completely after 2-3 seconds) on this x86_64
07:07.21mishehuzoa: is it a new feature?
07:07.27mishehuI've not touched head in ages
07:07.37zoayeah its new
07:09.24mishehuworks now, thanks ;-)
07:09.39clive-mishehu I am running cvs head and cant trunk because of the saem issue
07:11.59mishehuclive-: try what zoa said
07:12.02mishehuit fixed mine
07:12.19mishehuthough I might switch the other to head as well if it runs stably enough
07:19.45*** join/#asterisk scanna (
07:21.54Rowterfirmware unblock voipsolution mta-v102
07:23.02clive-mishehu thanks, just need to sort out the timing system
07:28.05sylehow would you go about playing music, but dialing your zap channel at same time, disabling music when you pickup phone?
07:28.34sylestuck in a situation where musiconhold plays indefinately so never gets to the next line
07:32.38mishehuhmm, I could swear I got better sound quality with mpg123 than with format_mp3...
07:34.04syleonly one way i can think of doing it
07:34.15syleis there a command to throw them on hold right away
07:34.28mishehuanyway, sleeptime
07:36.37*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
07:47.53sylefigured it out , everytime i try and put an analog phone on hold i get no music though frusterating
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08:06.20limbiquesick stuph :)
08:06.53*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
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08:21.36skrustymorning all
08:21.47limbiquea, callpickup.... hahaha rename the channel! :P   never seen something like that in my telephony history
08:21.58limbiquebut works well!
08:30.04*** join/#asterisk Hound ([U2FsdGVkX@9644bc6fed385b71.session.tor)
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08:32.18*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
08:34.45empanyone use the snom 360? is it a good phone?
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08:42.14skioldhello, i'm getting troubles authenticating with a net2phone account from asterisk
08:42.24skioldany hint available?
08:43.48razuhave anyone here setted up vicidial ?
08:48.40*** join/#asterisk JonUK (
08:49.33JonUKhi everyone, I am struggling to get outbound IAX calls to use any other protocol other than alaw, I have tried to put allow and deny lines in the iax.conf file, but they seem to be ignored
08:49.39JonUKdoes anyone have any advice?
08:49.53*** join/#asterisk pa (~Paolo@pa.user)
08:50.40AhrimanesJonUK: make sure the iax peers you are calling out to support other than alaw?
08:51.33JonUKAhrimanes: I know they do, as they send calls to me in ilbc|gsm|ulaw|alaw|g729
08:52.25JonUKwhat I am trying to do is bounce calls back out to another number, but when the call is forwarded back from * I get errors because there is no translation between say g729 and alaw
08:52.53JonUKis it possible in the dial command to force the codec?
08:54.11*** join/#asterisk ZeeLax (
08:54.34*** join/#asterisk albators (~albaneagr@
08:54.38albatorshi there
08:54.55albatorsanyone have experience with tdm card and BT uk ?
08:55.20JonUKalbators: I have some, whats up?
08:55.43*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
08:55.51albatorscan u tell me the correct zaptel and zapata config ?
08:56.15JonUKalbators: What part of it?
08:56.20albatorsseem it doesn't detect it ringing (it doesn't pick it up) and doesn't handle my caller id at all :(
08:56.35albatorsi have a philips analog phone which support caller id
08:56.36JonUKalbators: Caller ID is a nightmare in the UK!
08:56.45albatorsand seems it doesn't show on the handset at all :(
08:57.02albatorsbut the strange part with it is that if i have a call waiting
08:57.12albatorsmy handset it will show that caller id :(
08:57.13JonUKalbators: Thats why I changed to using a sipura box, it works very well with that
08:57.31albatorsaha :P
08:57.37albatorsi need to fix the tdm
08:57.50albatorsi ring from outsite to my pstn no
08:57.53JonUKalbators: there were some patches around to get caller ID working, but I am not sure they work with the latest loads of *
08:57.59albatorsand asterisk doesnt pickt up :(
08:58.19albatorswhere are that patches , i can modify them to work with latest one ;)
08:58.22JonUKalbators: what can you see if you run the console with full verbose output?
08:58.29albatorsJul 15 09:53:16 NOTICE[6211]: chan_zap.c:5226 ss_thread: Got event 17 (Polarity Reversal)...
08:58.29albatorsJul 15 09:53:17 NOTICE[6211]: chan_zap.c:5226 ss_thread: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...
08:58.39albatorsand keep ht that ring stuff
08:58.46albatorsand asterisk never pick it up :(
08:58.58JonUKalbators: have a look at
08:59.08JonUKbut that is only for the callerId, not for anything else
08:59.23albatorswhat signaling u using?
08:59.29albatorsloop one or kelw ?
08:59.34*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
08:59.35JonUKalbators: sounds like you have something wrong in your extensions script then
09:00.02albatorsu sure?
09:00.27*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
09:01.36albatorsnope isnt from extension :(
09:01.43AhrimanesJonUK: specifically g729 is problematic because of licensing
09:02.10albatorsso u think it doesn't pick up cause of the g729 ?
09:03.24Ahrimaneshehe no, this was in reply to JonUK's problem earlier
09:03.39*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
09:04.04albatorsJonUK can u pastebin ur zaptel and ur zapata.conf pls ?
09:04.17albatorsi want to try it with my card
09:05.55*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
09:07.48JonUKAhrimnes, thanks for that advice, I think I am going to drop back to gsm
09:08.18JonUKstill have to find out though how to force the outbound to use anything other than alaw as its just using up to much bandwidth
09:09.02empi have a snom 360 softphone configured, it dials extensions fine, but when I dial an external number it says "not found"  i have that working in other soft phones.. is there a setting i'm missing? like outgoing sip or something?
09:09.22Ahrimaneshm, disallow=all and allow=alaw works to force alaw here
09:09.42albators<JonUK> can u patebin ut config for zaptel and zapata.conf pls ?
09:10.12*** join/#asterisk ritschi (~test@
09:10.19JonUKalbators, can you give me 10 mins, I have totally broken my server!!
09:10.35AhrimanesJonUK: dont do that..
09:10.37ritschispeak anybody german
09:10.53JonUKAhrimanes, is it disallow, or deny?
09:11.07basutuHi, I have a problem with sip registration of a kphone client on my local network, Asterisk replies to the registry request with a 100 Trying reply, but the 200 OK reply kphone is waiting for is not issued. Any idea what the cause might be?
09:11.09AhrimanesJonUK: disallow
09:14.12*** join/#asterisk basutu (
09:14.51basutuSorry, hit the wrong shortcut, anybody has an idea about the missing 200 OK sip reply from asterisk?
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09:27.19JonUKAhrimanes, thanks for your assistance... my problem was I was using deny rather than disallow... doh!
09:27.56albatorsJon can u pastebin pls ur config for me ;) ?
09:28.04albatorsfor the zaptel and zapata.conf
09:29.24*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
09:32.11JonUKalbators, if your * console is showing that something happens when the call comes in, then your zapata conf etc, is likely to be correct
09:32.34JonUKalbators, its more likely you have something wrong in your dial plan that is causing the call not to be processed
09:32.54JonUKcan you make a test call, and then pastebin the log from the console, and I will take a look
09:35.23albatorsis nothing wrong in the dialplan since i had this dialplan working before with no problems :(
09:35.45albatorsbasicly i played with zaptel and zapata to try to make the caller id working
09:35.53albators(before all was ok)
09:36.12albatorsbut now seems that zap thing stop working :(
09:36.19albatorsnot even answering the calls :(
09:36.23albatorsand not even dial out
09:36.29albatorsit get circuit busy
09:36.50albatorsDial(Zap/4, phoneno) get circuit busy
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09:37.03albators(my chanel 4 is a FXO card to my bt line)
09:37.13albatorsso can't be from my extensions at all
09:37.26darkskiezwhy not?
09:37.45albatorssince i had them working before and i didn't touch them ;)
09:38.00JonUKbrb sorry
09:38.02darkskiezdepends on what it does tho doesnt it
09:38.02albatorsso must be something in the zaptel and zapata :P
09:38.20albatorsi try do dialout via TDM FXO port
09:38.22darkskiezcould be a bug in your extensions that was triggered by a change to the zaptel config
09:38.25albatorsi get circuit busy
09:38.55albatorsand i try to call my pstn no and it keep ringing (the zap_chan detect it ringing but no action taken)
09:39.19AhrimanesJonUK: hehe ok, no problem
09:39.31AhrimanesJonUK: too much firewall thinking?
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09:56.46Kernel_coreHi all , I have a question , I user , IAX Protocol  Trunk mode , with G.729 (8kb) , what will the total BW usage for 30 lines ?! (what about SIP mode)?
09:57.05stephnieI dont have CVS installed in my how to get the ASterisk?
09:57.08Kernel_coreHi all , I have a question , I use , IAX Protocol  Trunk mode , with G.729 (8kb) , what will the total BW usage for 30 lines ?! (what about SIP mode)?
09:57.21DA-MANstephnie, you can download the tarballs
09:57.31stephniefrom where and how ?
09:58.00stephniethrough Shell?
09:58.07DA-MANuh, surfe
09:58.09DA-MANer sure
09:58.21*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
09:58.22DA-MANwhat linux distro are you using stephnie
09:58.39stephnieRed Hat 9
09:58.58DA-MAN <== follow the instructions there
09:59.05DA-MANthats my homepage
09:59.22stephnie:) ...ok ...
10:00.22DA-MANshould make installation a little easier for the uninitiated
10:00.51DA-MANpick the stable or cvs, just download one set
10:00.56stephnieDA-MAN : This page is about installing the Asterisk....but I havent downloaded or CVS its source yet.
10:01.16stephnieoh I see..I think I got it
10:01.18DA-MANstephnie, wget the files available on the page
10:01.22DA-MANfrom the shell
10:01.32stephnieyes I got it...let me do that..
10:02.40*** join/#asterisk Kernel_core (Raph@
10:03.28Kernel_coreHi all , I have a question , I use  IAX Protocol Trunk mode , with G.729 (8kb) , what will the total BW usage for 30 lines ?! (what about SIP total BW utilization with cRTP)?
10:04.59DA-MANKernel_core, not sure. I think only a little overhead gets shared when in trunking
10:05.45fmanevening all
10:05.58fmananyone here able to help me with a sip extension question
10:06.13Kernel_coreDA-MAN: what about the total bw usage If I don't use Trunk mode in IAX ?!
10:06.22fmanI've reqistered with a sip provider but they have zero config setup for asterisk
10:06.46fmanI've got the sip connection up, how to I map a number to get connected to this provider?
10:07.26DA-MANKernel_core, i was wrong. Trunked works way better. Check out the calculator that kaldemar pointed you too.
10:07.33DA-MANfman, what provider
10:07.46fmannew zealand
10:08.02DA-MANany relation to
10:08.09fmandoubt it
10:08.17Kernel_coreDA-MAN: Thank you
10:08.36Kernel_coreDA-MAN: last time I check the calculator it was wrong ! but it seems it works fine now
10:08.59DA-MANfman, let me pastebin you my configs for sipphone
10:09.15fmanyep, just the extension stuff
10:09.22DA-MANconfig should be the same
10:09.24fmanlike if I dial 1 to get a connection
10:10.13Kernel_coredoes enableing "jitter buffer" incrase the total BW usage ?!
10:11.15*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
10:13.22DA-MANfman, try customizing this
10:14.18DA-MANKernel_core, I don't believe so
10:14.28DA-MANare you worried about oversubscription Kernel_core ?
10:16.30Kernel_coreDA-MAN: yes because in location that I want to use asterisk , BW is too expensive ! 1Mb BW = 16,000$ !
10:16.53DA-MANis VoIP the right solution when BW is so expensive?
10:17.00fmanDA-MAN, what you dial to get out with that?
10:17.00Kernel_coreDA-MAN: and Sat links are illegal
10:17.01fmanjust a 1
10:17.05fmanand the number?
10:17.18DA-MAN1. to do everything that starts with 1
10:17.28Kernel_coreDA-MAN: if you want to call US you have to pay near 60cents/minute
10:17.34DA-MANnot usually the best way to set it up, but I don't know what location and all that
10:17.42DA-MANKernel_core, amazing, that is price
10:18.15Kernel_coreDA-MAN: I am going to Armenia ( south of USSR )
10:18.37fmanDA-MAN, so to dial an external number its just 1XXXXXXXXXX
10:18.40DA-MANah, but currently in IRAN?
10:19.27Kernel_coreDA-MAN: yup ,
10:19.36Kernel_coreDA-MAN: Armenia is north of Iran
10:19.54DA-MANfman, exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@sipphone) is how I do it
10:20.06DA-MANKernel_core, yeah, I'm pretty good with geography :)
10:20.36Kernel_coreDA-MAN: :)
10:20.38DA-MANerr replace sipphone with your provider
10:27.23*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:28.48DA-MANwhats so good about it?
10:28.54DA-MANhehe :)
10:29.28DA-MANwhats up puzz
10:31.30puzzledDA-MAN: not much except trying not to melt
10:31.58DA-MANyeah it's hot here too
10:36.17Delvariv got a ssh client running on my mobile phone (Nokia 6230)
10:39.00*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
10:39.20DelvarDA-MAN: yeah
10:39.29Delvarkinda painfull to use tho :)
10:40.37fmancan anyone recomend a good iax provider that I can use to test with?
10:41.07puzzlediirc free world dialup supports iax
10:41.22fmanthey any good?
10:41.27DA-MANfman, iaxtel,
10:41.33puzzledthey are free, you get what you pay for
10:41.58fmanok, I setup a iaxtel account, but can't seem to dial any 1800 numebrs
10:42.40DA-MANiaxtel 800 numbers fail
10:42.43DA-MANfor some resaon
10:42.56fmanand 888 numbers?
10:42.57DA-MANsipphone is the only one that seems to be able to do 800 numbers properly
10:43.05DA-MANfman, pstn toll free fails
10:43.13fmanalso, I'm using a siphone into my asterisk box, and then iaxtel out
10:43.20fmanso will call routing work ok
10:43.33*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
10:44.05DA-MANif you get to that number via iaxtel, then you are working fine
10:45.25DA-MANwow didn't even see a blip on my end
10:45.48fmanI think sip isn't routing out via this iaxtel connection
10:46.11DA-MANwell i have to go, good night all
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10:51.55*** join/#asterisk Hound (~AirSaniti@f46c57a9e059906b.session.tor)
10:52.51HoundWhat would be a good way to go about logging the phone # and call length of all my calls to voip provider so I can reconcile them later
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10:54.24DelvarHound: mysql cdrs ?
10:54.44Houndoh maybe, what's cdrs stand for?
10:54.54Ahrimanescall data records
10:54.56Delvarits the call records
10:55.11Houndoh heh. Yea that would work
10:55.12Ahrimanesit's basically designed for the purpose you describe
10:55.23Hound<- not very PBX savvy
10:55.25DarthClueHound ...
10:55.39Delvarby default it logs to Master.csv flat file, but ther is an addon to log to mysql
10:56.01Ahrimanesor postgres or odbc or manager..
10:56.03Delvaronce in mysql you shoukld be able to do all your fancey stuff with them :)
10:56.19Delvaryep as Ahrimanes said... i jsu tlike mysql :)
10:56.24Houndcsv file would be great actually, nice and simple
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10:56.49Ahrimanesthere's issues about rotating csv files though
10:57.18Delvaryeah can get messy
10:57.42HoundI could write a gawk script to just pull out date ranges I need and never rotate it
10:57.44Delvarbut if you keep an eye on it then it should be too bad
10:57.53HoundI don't think it'll get that big on my phone use :)
10:58.08Houndwhat problems would I have with rotating it?
10:58.51Delvarrotate it before you have checked it for records so you 'lose' them
10:59.24Delvarbut shouldnt be too bad with low call volume and a daily process/rotate
10:59.38heath__anyone know exactly what *ast_channel_walk_locked(struct ast_channel *prev) is for
10:59.44heath__in channel.c
11:00.07Ahrimanesheath__: maybe try #asterisk-dev
11:02.40HoundHey thanks, found the logs (in /var/log/asterisk no less!).
11:04.00stephniehow to compile mpg123
11:04.46stephnieBefore doing "make install", you have to compile the software. <------- mpg123-0.59r
11:06.36JonUKAs the conversation has moved onto mpg123, has anyone managed to compile it on Fedora Core 3?
11:06.39key2someone has tryed any PA168 based hard phone ?????
11:07.28CpuIDkey2, ive got a yuxin YWH100 at home
11:07.44key2CpuID: is it based on the PA168
11:07.53DarthClueJonUK: i use mpg321 on FC3 and it works fine, but i would actually recommend using CVS-HEAD and native moh for best results.
11:08.09CpuIDrunning iax firmware on it
11:08.10CpuIDruns ok
11:08.15CpuIDfew little issues, but its not too bad
11:08.22JonUKDarthClue: thanks for the advice :)
11:08.30CpuIDmakes and receives calls fine, wish i could do attended transfer tho
11:08.34CpuIDi think thats possibly an IAX thing tho
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11:09.18key2CpuID: and which pa168 firmware is it ? the pa168S
11:09.32CpuIDlet me check
11:10.04JonUKDarthClue: do you have any notes on downloading it via the CVS Head?
11:10.31DarthClueJonUK: downloading * via CVS Head?
11:10.48JonUKDarthClue: doh! sorry, not awake yet :)
11:10.53*** join/#asterisk jwitte (
11:11.00CpuIDhrm, i dunno which firmware im runnin on the handset atm key2
11:11.14CpuIDkinda cbf portforwarding the web interface to the net so i can check it from work either :)
11:11.15CpuIDsorry hehe
11:11.22CpuIDhavent updated the firmware on it in a few months tho
11:11.56CpuIDDarthClue, good way to start the morning heh
11:12.11stephnieDarthClue: any help for the one who have RH9 Minimum Installation?
11:12.37jwitteHello, I would like to place calls via Asterisk/SIP without registering a SIP user - is that possible?
11:13.08stephnie[root@localhost src]# rpmbuild
11:13.08stephnie-bash: rpmbuild: command not found
11:13.20DarthCluestephnie: an RH9 minimum installation will require several packages and the kernel source which may be difficult to get hold of on your virtual host.
11:13.26DarthCluejwitte: maybe.
11:14.20Ahrimanesjwitte: you can setup anonymous access
11:14.31jwitteAhrimanes: How?
11:15.32stephnieDarthClue: what should I do then???? my dedicated server provider only providers RH9 minimum installation and other OS...I am familiar with any other linux except RH9. :(
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11:15.53Ahrimanesjwitte: - read this thread
11:15.53key2stephnie: what u trying to compile
11:16.55trikolaHey guys can anyone recommend a good understanable asterisk guide for a noob
11:17.08key2there is none
11:17.14DarthCluestephnie: you may not be able to run * on that box.  you will need at minimum the kernel sources for the box and several development packages to get started.  you will have to do alot of trial and error to get it done.
11:17.15trikoladamn open source
11:17.19DarthCluetrikola: the wiki
11:17.26trikolathe wiki is bull
11:17.30DarthCluetrikola: what do you want to know then?
11:17.34trikolaits all ova the place
11:17.51DarthCluetrikola: welcome to *, it is all ova the place.
11:18.06*** join/#asterisk ozJames79 (
11:18.08trikolawell im running XP, and have another system, i want to simply learn to use asterisk before buying anything
11:18.19JonUKstephanie: The basic setup you need must just include the development libraries
11:18.29DarthCluetrikola: what is the other system running?
11:18.44JonUK<trikola> : there are loads online!
11:18.45trikolaim wondering what my other system would need as an OS to run asterisk
11:18.51*** part/#asterisk ozJames79 (
11:19.02DarthCluetrikola: are you familiar with any variant of linux?
11:19.03trikolaim downloading mandrake,
11:19.33trikolawill that do
11:19.40trikolaor do i need console variant
11:19.48trikolalike dos style
11:19.54DarthCluetrikola: you need a console variant.
11:20.08PatrickDKhmm, they all are console
11:20.23trikolaso, is the console part of linux packaged in mandrake
11:20.25DarthCluetrikola: if you are comfortable with it, get FC4.
11:21.00PatrickDKit's just very sad
11:21.05trikolaDoes FC4 do everything asterisk can, cause i was reading some stuff on asterisk capablities
11:21.06JonUK<trikola> : try reading ...
11:21.18DarthCluetrikola: mandrake will probably work fine, you just need to avoid installing any gui as it will conflict with asterisk
11:21.44*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (me@
11:22.14jwitteAhrimanes: thx - works
11:22.14DarthCluetrikola: FC4 will work just fine.
11:22.18Ahrimanesjwitte: np
11:22.24JonUK<trikola> : I have successfully set it up on RH9 and Fedora Core 3
11:22.31trikolaok, bad idea, ill stick to just downloading a small console variant
11:22.52trikolamandrake is killin my download anyway, its so sad though im at 1.2GB out of the 1.6
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11:23.23nrchi all
11:23.48DarthClueAhrimanes: we all know X is bad, we never say it won't work, just that it is bad and you should expect problems.
11:24.20AhrimanesDarthClue: :)
11:24.38Ahrimanesi'm forced to use windows xp for desktop at work, so X isnt all that bad
11:25.55DarthClueAhrimanes: i use win2000 on my machine, but I have 3 FC boxes sitting in my living room that each run different things.  1 is a production * box on FC3, and i have another that is a test box for * on FC4 that i just setup yesterday.  don't even have it in a case yet.
11:27.12AhrimanesDarthClue: hehe, i run freebsd on all my servers and also on my laptop so i can escape away from windows when i cant handle anymore
11:28.50jeffikDarthClue: Hi
11:29.16DarthClueAhrimanes: I've been informed by the The Empire that I must convert to a mac shortly or face execution ... that reminds me ...
11:29.33*** join/#asterisk juice ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:29.34DarthClueThe Empire will pay ...
11:29.38AhrimanesDarthClue: oh well mac os x is based on a bsd derivative.. :D
11:29.44DarthCluejeffik: Morning.
11:29.45jeffikAll: anybody had any expeience with voxee?
11:30.06jeffikDarth: Hi, i was looking at voxee, know anythign about them?
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11:30.49trikolanice link, but personally, i think linux suck's
11:30.56jeffikhad to fall back to sixtel, yesteday could not call NYC for 3 hours, opened a ticket but they don't care, cant even go to their payment page for 2 days now
11:31.15jeffiksixtel really sucks
11:32.44jeffikanybody heard oc voxee?
11:32.58DarthCluejeffik: if you just need a backup terminator, asterlink can provide US48 for 2c / min.  voxee looks to be fairly new, the domain was just registered in April.
11:33.07MadkissWhat is the #-pastebin?
11:33.45DarthCluetrikola: then * is not for you.
11:34.33trikolawhat is FC4, is it windows based
11:34.44DarthCluetrikola: no, it is linux.
11:35.01jeffikDarth: thanks, but i need canada too, I'm in Toronto
11:35.22*** join/#asterisk Mordaz (~Mordaz@
11:35.28trikoladoes a version of anything exist for windows
11:35.30DarthCluetrikola: if you don't like linux, then i highly recommend you re-think your interest in *.
11:35.36trikolaman, windows sucks
11:35.43MadkissWell, if there is none, I guess I can paste in here. When dialing out, my asterisk shows the following:
11:36.02MadkissWhat the hell could cause such a problem?
11:36.18DarthCluetrikola: you can run * on windows, but it requires running portions of linux on windows which will probably be more of a hassle for you than if you just ran linux in the first place.
11:36.42trikolaok, what i hate about linux is installing hardware
11:36.49Mordazdoes anyone know how to put wcfxs in debug mode??
11:37.43trikolawhat ecactly is SIP
11:38.41tootsession initiataion protocol - looks like http
11:38.43DarthCluetrikola: it must have been a while since you used linux.  get FC4, you'll be happy, no hardware issues unless you are running something really, really ancient that no-one supports anymore.
11:39.04tootwith my tdm400p can anyone tell me what i should see in /proc/zaptel
11:39.10tooti have one device
11:39.57tootwwell a file called 1 with 1->4 WCTDM/0/0 -> WCTDM/0/3
11:39.58DarthClueMadKiss: it looks like your system is trying to bridge the call and the freenet server doesn't like that, you may need to disable reinvites for your sip devices.
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11:40.21DarthCluetoot: what is the issue?
11:40.50tootnone now i don't think - just checking if other people have the same - 2 days of kernel messing about and finally looking good with 2.6.12
11:41.01tootno idea what was wrong when using 2.6.10
11:41.47DarthCluetoot: welcome to the kernel wars.  could be any number of things causing it.
11:42.08tootmanaged to fend off the reinstall feeling in pit of stomach
11:42.17tootand kick my desktop once this morning - seems to have worked a treat
11:43.23MadkissDarthClue: how?
11:43.47pigpenHi all... I am having an issue with zaptel..
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11:44.08pigpenwhen I modprobe it I get :  zaptel: Unknown symbol crc_ccitt_table in dmesg
11:44.19pigpenand you can imagine that it does not load.
11:44.22trikolaok, this may be the dumbest question ever asked in this room, OK, if i want to provide VOIP to phone users, forgeting all the hardware, after installing FC4 or Asterisk, would that mean, im acctually using the net to call, so there is no real cost involved apart from the E1 line
11:44.42DarthClueMadkiss: go here ... ... and look for canreinvite
11:45.17pigpentrikola, could use an iax or sip provider instead of a pri/e1
11:45.34tootpigpen that was one ot the errors i had - upgraded gcc + kernel and all better
11:46.00trikolawait so IAX and SIP providers are just alternatives for e1 lines
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11:48.07trikolaso are IAX and SIP providers are just alternatives for e1 lines
11:48.50Ahrimanesthey can be
11:49.06Ahrimanesbut not all sip and iax providers do pstn termination
11:49.17pigpenyeah..the quality will not be as good.
11:49.29pigpenbut it can be pretty good.
11:49.50trikolaPSTN is allowing your server to make outgoing calls to conventional phones, am i right
11:50.05jeffikDarth: if i have a choice of iax and sip as a trunk which is best?
11:50.27tzafrirtrikola, what hardware did you have problems installing?
11:51.04DarthCluejeffik: that depends on how far the call has to travel.  some of my tests have shown that SIP is better in many cases.
11:51.14tzafrirpigpen, did you load it with insmod or modprobe? maybe you need to load crc32 as well?
11:52.13trikolawell on my first experience with linux with a gui, i couldnt install my USB DSL modem
11:52.29jeffikDarth: thanks, i have read the tech stuff on viop-info but i still don't have a handle on the difference,
11:52.54Ahrimanespigpen: why shoulnt the quality be the same?
11:53.03toothow do i know which port(s)  of my tdm400p to plug the phone lines into
11:53.34DarthCluewith a good provider, the quality is the same.  Quality depends also on your connection.  if your connection is crap, it isn't the provider.
11:53.50DarthCluetoot: look at the card and tell us what modules are on it.
11:53.52Ahrimanestoot: use something like zttest ?
11:54.41tootfxsks=1,fsxks=2,fxoks=3 ? not sure waht zttest is (not installed) :)
11:55.07*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
11:55.21trikolaGuys, hows redhat9.0 for asterisk
11:55.32MadkissDarthClue: great, that did the trick
11:55.50DarthCluetrikola: RH9 is old, use an updated variant like FC4 or CentOS.
11:55.59MadkissDarthClue: Do you know by any chance whether one can change the Dialtone on 7960s? ;)
11:56.21DarthClueMadkiss: haven't used 7960s, what's wrong with the tone?
11:56.32MadkissDarthClue: It's the north-american one.
11:57.00trikolais FC4 an Update for redhat
11:57.12trikolaor can i simply install FC4 alone
11:57.26DarthClueMadkiss: should be possible, but I don't know if that would be in the phone or *.
11:57.38MadkissDarthClue: The phone, it seems.
11:58.32DarthCluetrikola: FC4 is stand-alone or update.  Download the 4 cds and burn them, then install it with no guis...i'll have my specs before you need to install and can tell you what to install...then install * from cvs-head and you are good to go.
11:59.02tootthere are 3 green lights on starting from lhs. the card has 2 red, then on green starting from the front/bracket
11:59.07Ahrimaneswhy install cvs head?
11:59.21DarthClueAhrimanes: why not?
11:59.40tooti would therefore assume that its the 2 on the left i plug the phone lines into?
11:59.50AhrimanesDarthClue: if you're running a production environment head is not always suitable
12:00.14DarthCluetoot: you will need to look at the card, pull it out of the box and see what the modules say before connecting the lines.
12:00.48DarthClueAhrimanes: i tend to disagree.  i would say never change a production system if you don't need to, but if it is a new system, then head will almost always be a better bet.
12:00.50tootokay thanks. not clear on what i'm looking for though
12:01.07DarthCluetoot: the modules should say if they are fxo or fxs
12:01.13trikolaDAmn, quick questiion, i get the option of download x86_64,, i386, and SRPMS, for disk 1, which do i dowload
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12:01.44trikolaill trust u
12:01.44tootyep first 2 are fxs (to the front) then one fxo
12:01.59AhrimanesDarthClue: i quite disagree, i started out using head for production, but after a short while i ran into problems with clients authenticating.. this is a well known problem when running the latest development version og anything.. no guarantees that it will even compile
12:02.00Mordazis there anyway to monitor the voltage on a line? like on hook voltage ring voltage hangup voltage?!¿?
12:02.41DarthClueAhrimanes: i never said there were guarantees, but I know for a fact that there are several large companies that use HEAD without issue and they update nearly every day.
12:03.07DarthCluetrikola: FC4 i know quite well, just did it yesterday.
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12:03.52AhrimanesDarthClue: hm all the larger companies i know using head, choose a version of head they know to work and use it and only update after heavy testing.. i know use stable because the testing for stability has been done there
12:04.51DarthClueAhrimanes: as i said, HEAD is preferred over STABLE.  stable isn't really stable anyways, just feature frozen.
12:05.13*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
12:05.28Ahrimanesfeature freeze = code known to work = more sleep for me
12:06.01DarthClueAhrimanes: usually, but i don't sleep much anyhow.
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12:18.59*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (~Miranda@doughecka.user)
12:20.27doughecka_I have a need for 5 Fax lines on my T1
12:20.42doughecka_whats the best, stable way for those lines
12:20.53doughecka_they need to be analog lines for real fax machines
12:22.04*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
12:22.17DarthCluedoughecka_: channel bank
12:22.40doughecka_can I get a 6 or 8 port channel bank cheap?
12:23.20DarthCluestart with ebay
12:23.38doughecka_well, I need to quote this for a client
12:23.45doughecka_so I need a good solid company to order from
12:24.22DarthCluetry either or and look for adtran channel banks.  they will be your best bet.
12:25.00*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:26.53pigpenCan anyone tell me how well iax trunking would work between two * boxes for around 6 voice calls?  Yes..Dedicated DS1.
12:27.07pigpenCodec gsm
12:27.45doughecka_gah, those are expensive
12:27.53DarthCluepigpen:should be fine.  and you could always attempt sip if it isn't.
12:28.15DarthCluedoughecka_: that's why i said to start with ebay.  used ones are always less by almost half in some cases.
12:28.17pigpenHave you ever used iax trunking?
12:28.50DarthCluepigpen: will be experimenting with some today.  i know that there can be some delay with iax legs and thats why i say sip is an alternative.
12:28.55trikolawas wondering, if i was to get DID's and was to get 1customer, they have this number, but how will there ata connect to my server
12:29.01trikolais it pre coded
12:30.17pigpenDarthClue, delay in voice or call placement?
12:31.43DarthCluepigpen: voice, but try it before you give up on it, just remember that sip is an alternative if you have issues with iax.
12:32.05DarthCluetrikola: you would have to either configure the ata for them or provide directions for them on how to configure it.
12:32.20trikolai get ya,
12:32.38pigpenhmm...after thinking about it...Nufone is doing pstn---Nufone----customer * box----enduser
12:32.49pigpenit should be fine...for the most part.
12:32.58pigpenand nufone can be a bit overloaded.
12:33.12pigpenbut with crappy lines..yeah...anything would suck.
12:33.23trikoladoes asterisk support multiple user/customers, cause it may come in pretty handy
12:33.42pigpentrikola, it is all about your ability to write the dialplan
12:33.49pigpen* is very flexable.
12:34.09trikolathe dial plan is one of the config files waiting to be edited correct
12:34.31pigpenit is what makes * unique to your deployment.
12:35.29trikolaso the dialplan is the servers instructions on how to handle the call or the authentication and billing or all of it
12:35.47*** join/#asterisk stephnie (dfsdf@
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12:37.00Ahrimanestrikola: <- this would give you a better idea of what's going on that having to come up with all the questions for us
12:37.05pigpentrikola, yeah.
12:37.55pigpenDarthClue, I will check with people later...I would like to find someone that has first hand succes..
12:38.13Ahrimanespigpen: for iax trunking?
12:38.15trikolagood idea
12:38.26pigpenAhrimanes, yes.
12:38.38pigpenDo you have first hand knowledge?
12:39.01Ahrimanespigpen: currently i am running iax links, not trunking now, but did before.. with low volumes of calls there's litte difference
12:39.17*** part/#asterisk tafazzi (
12:39.28pigpenOk..define low number of calls?
12:39.50Ahrimanespigpen: we did 20 concurrent calls and saw a small difference
12:39.57stephniezaptel.c:6285: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type   <---- what kind of error is this??when I do MAKE INSTALL ?
12:40.01tootif i do an lsmod i see wctdm used by 0 and zaptel used by 1 wctdm - is that correct
12:40.15pigpenMy senerio:  I have two boxes:  mine at a high speed colo (400Mbps)  and a customers box over a direct DS1 (T1) from me to them.
12:40.28pigpenthey will need no more than 4 simultanious calls.
12:41.25Ahrimanespigpen: ok, shouldnt make any difference really if you use trunking or not
12:41.28pigpenyou know...the 400Mbps has nothing to do with the traffic...sorry.
12:41.51tooti purchased 2fxo + 1fxs - TDM12B, my zaptel.conf shows fxsks=1,fxsks=2,fxoks=3 - does that add up? or have i got the wrong parts?
12:41.57pigpenis there a way to limit the number of voice channels in use over a trunk?
12:42.29Ahrimanespigpen: you want to give them max 4 channels?
12:42.39Ahrimanespigpen: are these calls to pstn?
12:42.50pigpenyeah..over my pri at my colo.
12:43.29Ahrimanespigpen: then you should be able to group 4 zap's and use them in the dialplan for this customer, thus if 4 are busy, none are available
12:44.00Ahrimanesthough i dont have too much experience with zaptel stuff just redefine my pri into channel groups, x for me, x for them...
12:44.10pigpengood idea.
12:44.25pigpenthanks for the advice.
12:44.59*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
12:45.10Darwin35ok clean this room up its a mess
12:45.18Darwin35settings everywhere
12:45.27Darwin35half held conversations
12:45.36Darwin35missing pointers
12:45.45Darwin35missing prompts
12:45.51Darwin35clean it up
12:45.54doughecka_exacl..... ooh, shiny topic!
12:46.10stephniezaptel.c:6285: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type   <---- what kind of error is this??when I do MAKE INSTALL ?
12:48.29tootwill reword my q. are the entries in zaptel.conf the inverse of whats on the card. ie fxo on card is fxsks in zaptel.conf?
12:48.39Darwin35I want this place sparkling when I get back
12:49.14Darwin35and I want you showered and primped
12:49.18albatorsanyone from digium here?
12:49.51Darwin35looking sharp
12:49.52albatorsmy TDM card is doing my head in :(
12:49.59tootditto :)
12:50.07albatorsdoesn't want to work at all :(
12:50.17Darwin35did you plug it in
12:50.32Darwin35diid you build and load zaptel and ztcfg it
12:50.49Darwin35did the lights on it come on ?
12:51.05albatorsZaptel Configuration
12:51.09Darwin35then it should be working
12:51.10albatorsChannel map:
12:51.10albatorsChannel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
12:51.10albatorsChannel 03: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 03)
12:51.15albatorsChannel 04: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 04)
12:51.26albatorsit doesn't :(
12:51.48stephnieI have a question!!!!! guys!!!
12:51.49albatorsi'm calling my pstn no which is connected to channel 4
12:51.54tootdo fxo cards use fsx_ks signalling - or have i got the wrong parts :D - or just tell me to shutup
12:51.56albatorsand nothing happening
12:52.19stephniewhy the military wireless systems are HALF DUPLEX??
12:52.24*** join/#asterisk znoG (~gs@
12:52.26Darwin35did you setup asterisk and the card to pint inbound
12:53.11albatorsthat i'm using just now
12:53.20doughecka_stephnie: incase of cold war
12:53.39Darwin35grr gotta run be late to the office
12:54.00albatorsso why not f**king working :( ?
12:54.11stephniedoughecka_ : cold war??? u mean full duplex doesnt work in winter ;)
12:54.14albatorsi did all like in manuals
12:54.19Darwin35no you have to point it to a inbound exten from zapata.conf to a exten in extensipons .conf
12:54.22albatorsand not working
12:54.31albatorsi did that too
12:54.41*** join/#asterisk Ursa (
12:54.42albatorsdone that too
12:54.43Darwin35you need to go back and reread from the start
12:54.53albatorsbut in asterisk cli
12:54.54Darwin35I have to run and open the office
12:55.02albatorsdoesn't even detect it as rining!
12:56.16UrsaDoes anyone know of a good way to have someone in the middle of a call press * and be sent to an AGI script?
12:57.34*** part/#asterisk jwitte (
12:58.41stephniedo PSTN Lines use any Protocol?
13:00.51zoait would work fine, if you spend a week testing it
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13:05.04zoasorry i replied to some question someone asked yesterday :)
13:05.12zoamy window was scrolled back
13:05.53stephniehey u only to do LOL in this room :p
13:07.10doughecka_OMGWTFBBQ!!!!111 eleveneleven
13:07.44Kattydoughecka_: you have it all wrong
13:07.53Kattydoughecka_: it's omgwtfbbqlolzkthxbi!!!111oneoneone
13:08.10trikolawhat r u on about
13:08.33trikolaam i barbeque
13:08.34Kattytrikola: it's mocking people who type like you.
13:08.38trikolaumm no
13:08.44Kattyumm, yeah.
13:08.47Kattyi love mocking (=
13:08.56*** join/#asterisk bonez41 (
13:09.00KattyGood morning (vietnam!)
13:09.20bonez41vietnam? wow...that explains the heat ..... didnt' know where I was...
13:09.52trikolawait, wats wrong wif cuttin a few shortcuts, it aint like its over done to the extent where its like not understandable
13:10.20Kattydo what you want, trikola.
13:10.32trikolatypin normal means, ur a b*tch in society
13:10.42trikoladont know why, but its a fact
13:10.46KattyI'm glad you told me.
13:10.54KattyI wouldn't want to be left out on Important Facts about me.
13:10.58KattyEspecially from strangers!
13:11.14trikolaeveryone is a stranger to you, when ur anti social
13:11.25bonez41anyone know if Vonage plans to open their platform? I am still with vonage ...but want to move to broadvoice..but not sure if I can count on broadvoice's quality of service...anyone know?
13:11.26dtwilsonKatty: strangers are just friends you ain't met yet
13:11.32Kattyi see.
13:12.09*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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13:12.24Kattyanthm: what are you bbqing?
13:12.41Kattyanthm: aren't you bbqing on saturday?
13:13.21doughecka_whats the adtran product name for a channel bank
13:13.28anthm*shrug*, probably corn, and then a bunch of stuff you hate
13:13.39trikolaso katty, typin perfect on the net is like walking around talking to others like "Sir, shall i close this window, its getting rather chilli", whilst others are just like, "damn this place is called, ima close this window"
13:13.41Kattyyou won't be offended if i don't eat the bunchofstuffyouhate?
13:13.51anthmconsidering you hate it
13:14.00Kattytrikola: like i said, do what you want. i'll type like a sane person (=
13:14.06Kattyanthm: :>
13:14.42Kattygood morning vietdarthclue
13:15.08trikolaok, but u come across to others a poshy nerd, sitting in his bedroom in the basement, locked away from society. But do it ur way
13:15.24Kattygeeks are hot.
13:16.04trikolaye, arent there thick 32" juicy glasses a new trend
13:16.17DarthCluetrikola: i'm actually a nerd sitting in his bedroom working his ass off to make a living putting up with little dicks like you.  i normally ignore them but on occassion i do feel the need to execute someone.
13:16.18KattyHmmhesays: mew
13:16.40Hmmhesaysgood morning Katty
13:16.45Kattytrikola: I wouldn't recommend bashing the people who know more than you.
13:16.46dtwilsonfight fight fight fight :D
13:16.52Kattytrikola: it's umm...bad manners, to say the least.
13:17.12DarthCluedtwilson: it is not really a fight when the other person is completely unarmed.
13:17.30KattyHmmhesays: how feeling?
13:17.42anthmwhat are we fighting about?
13:17.46DarthCluetrikola: if you are really interested in * then come to cluecon and see what it is all about.
13:17.48*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
13:17.52Kattyanthm: who gets the bbqed corn.
13:17.54MuppetMasterHello everyone.
13:17.54Hmmhesaysterrible movie
13:17.54dtwilsonanthm: important things like spelling
13:18.02trikolaDarthClue, i work as a programmer at THQ sydney. My job is pretty nerdy, but, i like to keep it fun. I dont go home to work, i go home to get outta worj
13:18.17anthmspelling in irc?
13:18.27MuppetMasterDoes anyone know within the dialplan how to get a string length of say the EXTEN variable?  Is this only possible with the PERL or PHP mods?
13:18.35HmmhesaysKatty: much better this morning
13:18.36dtwilsonwell spelling/typing
13:18.39DarthCluetrikola: i work at home and henceforth have no need to go anywhere.
13:18.40KattyHmmhesays: :>
13:18.45MuppetMasterAh, just found it, LEN
13:19.09anthmKatty, dunno
13:19.10KattyHmmhesays: i need to borrow your bandwidth. debian is taking /forever/ to download :<
13:19.23Hmmhesaysare you using bittorrent?
13:19.25anthmit's not too exp in aug so i assume i can have pleanty
13:19.31KattyHmmhesays: no, i'm not.
13:19.36Hmmhesaysit's usually smokin' fast using bittorrent
13:19.44dtwilsonKatty: only need to download the network install iso
13:19.49KattyHmmhesays: well this network can't pull more than 40k/s anyway
13:19.57Hmmhesaysoh.. ouch
13:20.00DarthClueanthm: we are discussing the finer points of not being a 12 year old if you want to get help on #asterisk
13:20.06KattyHmmhesays: give me your bandwidth!
13:20.14Kattyblitzrage: mew
13:20.18blitzrageKatty: ahoi!
13:20.24Kattydtwilson: umm, no i don't.
13:20.25HmmhesaysI need to find a good guide on using serial ports in perl
13:20.30trikolaDarthClue, i didnt say working at home is bad, i'd love it myself, but, Sometimes, people on the net, which pick out the smallest grammatical mishap, or lingo dont want to leave it. THEY WANNA FUNKEN START A DEBATE.
13:20.35Kattydtwilson: unless i /really/ think i'm going to use dialup to get all the packages i want.
13:20.38trikolaKITTY STARTED IT i SWEAR
13:20.42Kattydtwilson: which, obviously, i'm not.
13:21.02Kattytrikola: don't blame this on me.
13:21.04dtwilsonahhh dialup :S - what country are you stranded in katty?
13:21.06anthmyou zee
13:21.15Kattytrikola: i have nothing to do with your 'r u's.
13:21.31KattyDarthClue: you should just burn me a copy and mail it to me :<
13:21.37KattyDarthClue: i'd have it quicker than downloading it here :<<<
13:21.43anthmzome peepol need to lash out at something when they are frustrated
13:21.43DarthCluetrikola: i think you should seek professional help.  abbreviated chat such as that used by teenagers today is just not acceptable here.
13:21.46*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
13:21.59trikolaSorry sir, i wont do it again
13:22.11anthmzo, they choose zomething they are good at like spelling perhaps
13:22.20*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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13:22.51Kattywhat's traffic shaping?
13:22.57Kattyis that like packet priority?
13:23.04DarthCluetrikola: don't call me sir, that is the guy down the road.
13:23.05mishehuKatty: its where you give your bandwidth viagra
13:23.07DarthClueKatty: yes
13:23.15KattyDarthClue: neat.
13:23.23blitzragewelp, I'm off to the training centre for the last day of training and testing! Just wanted to see what was going on :) Lates.
13:23.26KattyDarthClue: do you get little green and red lights put on the server rack?
13:23.28Hmmhesaystc just rocks, no two ways about it
13:23.36jfonsecausahi, May someone help me, how to dial out DID channel. DID use SIP, but provideer accept no registry.
13:23.40blitzrageHmmhesays: agreed
13:24.22DarthClueof course, slashdot won't take any more of my stories.
13:25.13SpaceBassha, I got my cne at 14
13:25.21SpaceBasswhere was slashdot rhen
13:25.37DarthClueThe Empire Wants YOU at ClueCon!
13:25.53Hmmhesayswhat's cluecon?
13:26.39DarthClueHmmhesays: it is a wonderful place full of rainbows and skittles.
13:26.43KattyNugget: hi.
13:26.54KattyNugget: pester cowboyneal
13:27.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:27.14anthmwho likes the idea of a native muxing call recorder..?
13:27.26DarthClueanthm: everyone.
13:27.28Kattyanthm: tell me what it is, and i'll give you an answer
13:27.31Hmmhesaysspeaking of small delicious morsels, i have had a reeces pieces in a long time
13:27.53DarthClueKatty: it's a way to record calls in * natively with less overhead than the current methods.
13:28.09KattyDarthClue: natively?
13:28.11anthmor... just a module for asterisk that replaces res_monitor
13:28.15KattyDarthClue: you mean without pressing buttons on the phone?
13:28.24KattyDarthClue: buttons defined in features.conf?
13:28.42DarthClueHmmhesays: get it posted to slashdot and i'll give you enough ET candy to keep you high while your at cluecon.
13:28.58DarthClueKatty: sure, um, well, i haven't seen the code yet.
13:29.04KattyDarthClue: k
13:29.15anthmin comuter terms natively means to take atvantage of resources you already have allocated for general use instead of going above and beyond.
13:29.22anthmoh oh type i better run
13:29.29Kattyanthm: so less taxing on the resources...
13:29.33DarthClueKatty: yes.
13:29.38Kattyanthm: i'm all for it
13:29.54mishehuthere is *nothing* more evil than SBC
13:30.01Hmmhesaysgoogle is not being forthcoming this morning
13:30.06anthmsay you sing us a song instead of playing your stero you'd be providing native music on hold =>
13:30.08mishehunot even a sith lord
13:30.15*** join/#asterisk znoG (~gs@
13:30.23*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
13:30.27DarthCluemy phone line is tied up by what i think is a telemarketer auto-dialer that crashed by * box yesterday.  i can't get hold of a live body at sbc to have them look at it.
13:30.32Kattyanthm: yeah, but the people wouldn't stay on hold long
13:30.40Kattyanthm: quick, record me something!
13:30.41Ariel_Morning everyone
13:30.42*** join/#asterisk benthos (~n_o_b_o_d@
13:30.50KattyAriel_: mew
13:30.55Hmmhesaystip toe, through the tulips, in the window... that where i'll be, just tip toe through the tulips with me...
13:31.29Ariel_Hello Katty .
13:31.31anthmthe overview of benifits is you can give everyone 1 file and do the recording in append mode so each new call is added to the same file
13:31.35KattyHmmhesays: i think you'd sneeze with all those tulips.
13:31.50Hmmhesays:) I have no allergies
13:31.56KattyHmmhesays: lucky bastard :<
13:32.07anthmyou can pre-adjust the vol on each leg of the call seperatly
13:32.08HmmhesaysI could tip toe through a fog of pollen
13:32.12DarthClue78F with 81% humidity.  I need a glacier, anybody got a glacier to spare?
13:32.23HmmhesaysSounds like fargo weather
13:32.35anthmand choose an option to only record while the call is bridged
13:32.42KattyHmmhesays: you going to be around in about 4 hours?
13:32.52Hmmhesayscouple weeks ago it was 90 something with 75% humidity
13:32.56KattyHmmhesays: i'd like to shut down asterisk with the new card (only) and give you an error message when i try to load a module.
13:33.04stephnieis there any list of ther services ( RH9 ) required to install Asterisk?
13:33.05HmmhesaysKatty yeah I should be
13:33.17KattyHmmhesays: lspci says my card is there, and it's on different irqs...yet the module doesn't appear to be the correct one for that card.
13:33.25DarthClueHmmhesays: it's been that way here for weeks.
13:33.36KattyHmmhesays: not sure where to take it from here...but can't do it now because everyone is Answer Phone Happy
13:34.22Hmmhesaysyeah I suppose people want their phones
13:34.22KattyJul 15 08:28:51 WARNING[4750]: chan_zap.c:5768 ss_thread: CallerID feed failed: Resource temporarily unavailable <- and what does that mean?
13:34.41KattyDoes that mean outgoing callerid doesn't work?
13:35.04*** join/#asterisk limbique (
13:35.04Hmmhesaysyou get that on an outbound call?
13:35.16anthmoutgoing callerid never works on analog lines
13:35.57KattyHmmhesays: inbound
13:36.02Hmmhesaysas in it doesn't get generated?
13:36.10Kattyhold on
13:36.20*** join/#asterisk skyhawk_1 (
13:36.22limbiquecan anyone tell me what this should mean?  i get a newexten with channel  Local/1000@orca-extensions-727f,2
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13:36.37limbiquewhat is a type: local?
13:36.53limbiqueit occurres with acd's
13:37.00limbiquewhen calling an extension
13:37.05skyhawk_1can anyone help .. i keep getting the following message : Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
13:37.11skyhawk_1and asterisk wont start
13:37.12anthmit's a channel to the PBX originating from one of the extensions
13:37.15MikeJ[Laptop]a local chanel..
13:37.21anthmhense the name
13:37.22MikeJ[Laptop]what he said
13:38.02limbiquebut the strange part is, i have an Zap/1-1 channel
13:38.11anthmif you make a dialplan entry to Dial(Local/1000@default) that would connect you to ext 1000 via the local channel
13:38.34anthmyou still have time to escape .... run!
13:38.35limbiqueand everytime he is trying to connect to a extension, it will create 2 more channels
13:38.43*** part/#asterisk Newbie___ (me@
13:39.13limbiquewhere is the local channel? is that a channel in the asterisk itself?
13:39.29anthmlocal channels proxy by default meaning the local channel rides on top of a real channel and reads from it like a parasite
13:39.53limbiquea, so it's part of a 'real' channel
13:40.09znoGSuggestion: wouldn't it be cool if each extension in asterisk had some basic settings to go with it. Such as: DND, DND-Xfer-To, etc? That way when you ring extension 10, for example, from 5 different places in the dialplan, you don't have to do the checking to see if the phone is in DND, etc.
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13:40.33znoGit's easy to do if it was dialing that one extension from 5 different places (setting up a macro would do the trick), but if you are runing more than one extension you can't.
13:40.38znoG(AFAIK anyway)
13:41.14limbiqueis there a way to see a link between a SIP channel and those local channels?
13:41.33anthmif you are using sip, you can set custom variables in a peer that will be activated on each call
13:41.52NuggetznoG: nothing you've described can't be done already with a macro
13:41.52limbiquewith a manager connection?
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13:42.21Nuggetwhat do you mean by "if you are running more than one extension you can't"?
13:42.27anthmlimbique google or wiki for chan_local
13:42.47anthmthen register for cluecon
13:42.57znoGNugget: what I mean is, if I do: Dial(IAX2/foo&IAX2/bar), how could you possibly check in a macro each extensions DND status?
13:42.59limbiquewiki where?
13:43.13anthmover there in those dark woods...
13:43.15znoGNugget: if it was one, you can just do a check for DND/${EXTEN}, how can you if it's more than one extension?
13:43.17NuggetHow could you possilby think that it's impossible?
13:43.40limbiquei found this morning, how a pickup works
13:43.58anthmhey, how YOU DOIN..... ? like that ?
13:44.19stephniezaptel.c:6359: warning: (near initialization for `zt_fops')
13:44.29stephniewhat is that error about?
13:44.30limbiquelike it is renaming the channels..
13:44.45jsharpWhat's the rest of the warning?
13:44.56znoGanthm: haha
13:45.04stephniezaptel.c:6359: unknown field `fsync' specified in initializer
13:45.05stephniezaptel.c:6359: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
13:45.05stephniezaptel.c:6359: warning: (near initialization for `zt_fops')
13:45.05stephniezaptel.c:6360: unknown field `fasync' specified in initializer
13:45.05stephniezaptel.c:6360: warning: excess elements in struct initializer
13:45.05stephniezaptel.c:6360: warning: (near initialization for `zt_fops')
13:45.07doughecka_stephnie: : note, its a warning... not an error
13:45.09znoGNugget: so can it be done?
13:45.25doughecka_is the compile failing?
13:45.28Nuggetof course.  but I think you have some fundamental misunderstanding (or I do) about what you are thinking.
13:45.37stephniedoughecka: Yes
13:45.43Mordazdang, one week of playing around with this TDM400 and cant get it to detect hangups from the telco....
13:45.57doughecka_Mordaz: what telco?
13:45.58Nuggethow does your hypothetical macro relate to that Dial() command you pasted?  A macro isn't involved in a Dial()  after you've done it.
13:46.07Nuggetyou're correct, when you fire off that dial it's too late.
13:46.22Nuggetbut surely you can envision doing the checking you want to do at any point prior to the dial, right?
13:46.48stephniedoughecka: any idea about the error?
13:47.11MordazJazztel (Spain)
13:47.23limbiquethose  custom variables  is that only possible on SIP channels?
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13:49.14skrustylo Jas
13:49.46znoGNugget: ok, let me try and explain myself a little better. Say I have this: exten => s,1,Macro(dial, 10&20&30);   my dial macro should check the DND status of each of those 3 extensions parsed to it before deciding if it should be ringing them or not. Makes sense?
13:50.40Nuggetinstead of passing them all as one variable (which makes things more difficult) just pass each target seperately and then construct the resultant dial string within the macro.  Make sense?
13:50.53Nuggetalthough there's no reason you can't just parse out the single 1&2&3 in the macro, too
13:51.11Nuggetwhat you describe is pretty trivial
13:52.10znoGNugget: how do you know how many extensions are being parsed? (ie. how could I, within the macro, do the equivalent of: for ($i=0; $i < $numberOfExtensionsParsedToTheMacro, $i++) { checkDNDstatus(); }
13:52.28Nuggetno, no loops.
13:52.38znoGNugget: i'm not sure how the other solution would work - passing each target separately and constructing the resultant dial string within the macro
13:52.41Nuggetyou'll just have to pick a limit and accomodate up to that limit in the code.
13:52.53darkskiezdoes anyone use SipAddHeader ? It doesnt seem to work for me :
13:53.15Nuggetit'll be akward, mainly because of the dialplan's crufty syntax, but it's bog simple to do.
13:53.17darkskiezwell it sets the channel variable OK, but it doesnt seem to get added to the sip dialogue
13:53.45Nuggetor write an AGI in perl if you don't want to do it in the dialplan, but that's not at all necessary.
13:53.58znoGNugget: i'm happy to go with your other suggestion (constructing the dial string) but I'm not sure how that would work. Care to explain?
13:54.46Nuggetin the macro, initialize a local "DIALTARGET" variable or something.  for each supplied ARG to the macro, do all your tests, like DND or whatever
13:54.58Nuggetif that ARG passes the tests, stick it onto the end of DIALTARGET
13:55.00Nuggetthen do the next one
13:55.09Nuggetwhen you're done with all of them, Dial(${DIALTARGET})
13:56.01anthmif you like macros you should try res_js you'll faint
13:56.42NuggetI'm holding out for res_intercal
13:56.49znoGNugget: ok, so you would call the macro with new targets then finally call it with some keyword to make the macro react and dial out?
13:57.01Nuggetwhat do you mean by "finally call it"?
13:57.10znoGNugget: i mean finally execute the Dial string
13:57.10NuggetI'd call it once.
13:57.15anthmall the sounds are gsm as of nwo
13:57.18Ariel_arg why do people reply via the user mail with incorrect responces?
13:57.27limbiqueDoes anyone knows how to discover the channel that causes a localchannel? So what channel is responsable for a local channel.
13:57.31NuggetI think maybe you are misunderstanding how macros fit in to the dialplan
13:57.49Nuggetdo you think that macros /replace/ the existing Dial() application?
13:57.50znoGNugget: eg. Macro(funkymacro, 10), Macro(funkymacro, 11), Macro(funkymacro, OK)... where OK means this is it, dial away.
13:57.54anthmchan_local ??? didnt i tell you that already
13:58.17NuggetMacro(funkymacro, 10,20,30,40)
13:58.22limbiqueanthm, but i can't figure out what channel causes the local channel
13:58.30limbiqueyou did..
13:58.36anthmchannels dont cause local channels
13:58.50limbiquei though by the dialplan?
13:58.51darkskieza SIP forward can cause a local channel
13:58.54anthmare you useing chan_agent? or the q stuff?
13:58.55znoGNugget: that means i have to have a fixed limit on how many i'm sending, unless i have a 3rd argument as the number of extensions i'm sending
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13:59.04limbiquea, manager connection
13:59.14Nuggetyou have to have an upper limit, yes, since you can't do intelligent looping.
13:59.26Nuggetbut you can simply pass fewer than the limit if you want
13:59.30anthmmost local channels erase themself as soon as the call leads to some real channel
13:59.42limbiqueok, tnx
13:59.45Nuggetor, yes, pass a size argument first.
13:59.46anthmyou can loop with app_while =D
14:00.07mishehuwhat can you do with app_segfaultcoredump ?
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14:00.35coldfeethi guys when including a context is it possible to use a variable
14:00.37limbiqueso the local channels are not interresting for a client application
14:00.49coldfeeteg include => ext-${r_id}
14:00.50znoGNugget: though the size argument would be a little hard to use, wouldn't it? i'd check for an extension up until $ARG{$ARG1} (where $ARG1 is the number of extensions being parsed) and that sounds like it wouldn't work, or would it?
14:00.57[illuminatus]does anyone know where i can get a list of all of the features in asterisk and their corresponding *## numbers
14:01.05anthmapp_die([kdc]) k=kernel panic, d=deadlock, c=crash
14:01.10NuggetI think that using a size variable would be more trouble than it's worth, and error-prone.
14:01.20Kattywhere are the vm-password sound clips located?
14:01.21JunK-YIBM has posted a migration page to help OS/2 users easily switch to Linux."
14:01.24Nuggetall it saves you is some mess in the macro code, but at the expense of ease of use of the macro
14:02.07anthmwhatever you are doing with asterisk, if it results in local channels you did not ask for, you are not going to be able to remove them......
14:02.17znoGNugget: yeah, how about my idea of calling the macro once per extension being parsed to it until the argument is equal to OK at which point it calls away?
14:02.22twistedKatty, /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
14:02.27Kattytwisted: :>
14:02.27MikeJ[Laptop]anthm, there is that weird forward things that causes locals?
14:02.29znoGNugget: i'm thinking writing an AGI would be best... can arguments be parsed to AGI scripts?
14:02.48Kattytwisted: i wish i knew my way around the linux file system better :<
14:02.48anthmwell attended transfer for instance uses local
14:02.54KattyMikeJ[Laptop]: moo'rning
14:02.57znoGok then I'll write an AGI when time permits :)
14:02.58limbiquethe problem with those local channel is, that i can't show the Callerid/Calledid information..
14:02.58znoGthanks Nugget
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14:03.09Kattynow what do i use to record a gsm file?
14:03.15Katty(in windows)
14:03.26twistedheh... what anthm said
14:03.30[illuminatus]now since i accidently closed IRC, does anyone know where i cna get a list of all the features in asterisk that have corresponding *## numbers?
14:03.32Hmmhesaysit's not always /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
14:03.41Kattyanthm: oh. the phone writes to gsm?
14:03.45twistedHmmhesays, by default, it is /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
14:03.48Nuggetin doing the multiple invoke approach it would probably be cleaner to use two macros.
14:04.01anthmany format asterisk understands is valid
14:04.04Kattycan't be, i told it write to wav49
14:04.11Nuggetno need for a "Magic" extension to trigger the dial -- just have a macro-stacktarget and macro-calltargets or something
14:04.14Kattyanthm: k
14:04.16Hmmhesaysyes, by default, but that wasn't the question
14:04.18anthmthat's the native sound support that my new auto mux monitor uses
14:04.32Nugget(and a macro-clearstack)
14:04.48anthmRecord(cool.WAV) in that case
14:04.57Kattyanthm: so if i just use sound recorder to make a wav file...and call it vm-next...then move the original vm-next.gsm somewhere else and dump the vm-next.wav file in its will work?
14:05.10twistedHmmhesays, if she changed it, she should/would know where it is.
14:05.20twistedHmmhesays, stop being a nitpick
14:05.36trikolaquickly wondering, do all ATA's plug into a PC
14:05.39Hmmhesaysif asterisk was installed with a debian package, it would not be default
14:05.45coldfeetanyone...anyone used variables when including a context
14:06.00anthmyou could also make one with your pc as long as its 8k
14:06.13znoGNugget: definately better off with an AGI. I just found this:
14:06.13Kattytwisted: Hmmhesays kinda held my paw through teh installation
14:06.20Hmmhesaystwisted don't get in a huff
14:06.25mutilatorfukin terabeam
14:06.25Kattytwisted: anthm did a little bit too
14:06.30mutilatori sent em an email on june 28th
14:06.30twistedKatty, cool
14:06.32mutilatorand just today got a reply
14:06.39Kattytwisted: ya, couldn't have done it by myself
14:06.52Kattytwisted: sure learned a lot (=
14:07.18Hmmhesayssure you could have
14:07.35limbiqueSo there is no possible way to get cd Callerid/Calledid with acd's?
14:07.35twistedKatty, that's good ;)
14:07.43limbiquewith a manager api connection?
14:07.46twistedanywho, i must shower and head to the office
14:07.51Kattytwisted: buh bye
14:08.28Hmmhesayswhy does it seem as though he always wants to start an argument with me, lol
14:08.29anthmshow channels concise, then parse on : and show channel xyz on precise channels
14:08.45anthmor make an app that registers a cli command you can execute to dump a report
14:08.47twistedHmmhesays, it's the opposite.  i offered an answer, you started an argument
14:09.05anthmor.... <insert 100 more ways that are easy to come up with>
14:09.06Hmmhesaysheh, I think not!
14:09.08twistedyes, that one was mine
14:09.27limbiqueok, so have to go deeper into that asterisk scriping etc.
14:09.56Hmmhesaysin fact I agreed with you
14:10.01anthmyah, but side effects include blindness, insanity, and irregularity
14:10.20limbiquewhat? :P
14:10.45Hmmhesaysdon't forget random druling, and keyboard marks on your face
14:10.53anthmshh there's still time run!, *cough* i mean yes study asterisk more
14:11.38tootgot incoming calls working - yay
14:11.40*** join/#asterisk e1n (
14:11.42trikolaDO all ATA's and IP phones connect to PC via ETHERNER
14:11.51tootalthough i'm not clear on how to pass it to my phone - or if my phones not working :)
14:12.03tootif i pickup the phone i'm not getting a ringtone, so i guess its not?
14:12.23e1nGood moring.  What was the order to compile asterisk, "libpri, then zaptel, the asterisk"?  I forgot, it's been a while.
14:12.35tootzaptel, libpri, then asterisk
14:12.41Hmmhesayswell there's fast ethernet too
14:12.44e1ntoot: Thanks.
14:13.06Hmmhesaysand various wireless protocols
14:13.47Hmmhesaysyou could probably dial in to asterisk if you so desired
14:14.31trikolaDO all ATA's and IP phones connect to PC via ETHERNET, pls any1
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14:14.44Himekotrikola pretty much
14:14.45Hmmhesayscan you not see me? <chuckle>
14:14.53Himekowhat do you think they should connect with
14:15.00gambolputtymost often yes trikola
14:15.11newlthrough telepathy in the air man
14:15.57[illuminatus]does anyone know what the *## numbers are for asterisk?
14:16.30Hmmhesaysheh, this company has "rush" for their on hold music
14:16.35newlNormally, when someone uses lame speak such as 'pls' and 'any1', any help request is automatically negated. ;)
14:16.42trikolai reckon they should connect to users ISP thru phonline with DSL connection
14:16.59Himekovia ethernet
14:17.06Himekoit's all it's forms
14:17.17jerohi everyone
14:17.38newl[illuminatus]: Hit a north american telco site and grab their call facility guide.  IMO they should be setable in features.conf.
14:17.39Himekoyour pc has nothing to do wih it
14:18.35trikolayou mean just plugs straight into Dsl/cable modem
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14:19.03mariogamboahi all
14:19.06Himekoyou can
14:19.27Himekoor into a switch or home router
14:19.28newlCable and dsl modems rarely have more than one ethernet port.
14:20.02mariogamboain the case of ignorepat command this command only works with analog phone no with the ip phones?
14:20.40trikolabut that's a downside of Ip phones, atas are better they can stick closer to Modem/router while normal phone line extends to clip to it
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14:21.49trikolaHaving to have 30meters of wiring if u have a large house  or comp equip, outside living room outside
14:22.02trikolawell only one outside
14:22.24Himekoreun the ata into the house phone wiring
14:22.57Himekoonly if you don't have telco service though
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14:23.45trikolaye, but im saying that is why normal people would and should prefer ATA over IP Phome
14:24.27Himekoif you are just getting home service from a provider, i woul dsay yes
14:24.34trikolawhat im surprised about now when i look back is how ISP's can get there DSL modems to run straight into phonelines, to there servers
14:24.40newlWhy?  Either way, they'll need an ethernet connection.
14:25.21Himekowhy is dsl strange
14:25.24trikolatrue, but the thick rj45 cables are annoying compared to rj11(i think)
14:25.58mariogamboahi anyhere are used the ignorepat command
14:26.00trikolaOK, i doesnt dial up (i think),and the analog signals in the phone lines, run into servers
14:26.15trikolathe DSL Im refering to
14:26.16Himekotrikola well if you have solid conductor cables then they would be annoying
14:27.04Himekodsl modems terminate into the dslam
14:27.10newlNo servers, no.  The PSTN components are usually terminated on the cable side to the providers [CMUX|ASAM|AM31|etc].
14:27.35newlThen if the customer has voice service as well, it's jumpered back to an LI or EN.
14:27.46trikolaso it still costs to dial up is that what ur saying
14:27.47Himekothe line split into 255 channels
14:28.00Himekothe 1st reserved for voice
14:28.21Himekothen as many of the rest of the channels connent if they can for data
14:28.23newlNo, no dial up cost because it's not using the voice frequency range.
14:29.14Himekothe farther away from the exchange the less upper channels connect so your dsl is not as fast if you are far away
14:29.22newlThe overlapping (requires dsl filter/splitter) and out of band frequency ranges are used for the dsl service itself.  I'm sure thing of this nature are answered on or such. :)
14:29.31trikolaso why dont they make IP phones, connected to phonelines, which act as if they are sending data to a server, the ISP server would forward it to a VOIP server, and the call will go that way, I just am annoyed at the ethernet aspect
14:30.00Himekoso you want an ip phone with integrated dsl modem
14:30.05newlHimeko: somewhat..SNR up/down and attenuation play a large part too.
14:30.25trikolawell accctually, yes do they exist
14:30.28Himekoso you want isps to support multiple dsl modems on a single line?
14:30.43newlnot to mention loss, bridge taps (multiples), gauge changes, etc. :)
14:31.48Himekothey would have to run a separate line for every dsl modem
14:32.06trikolawhat im saying is, why dont VOIP companies, give u a phone with integrated DSL (IF U havent allready got DSL), anyway, sort it out with some ISP and let IP phones act as normal Fones
14:32.07Himekoof course ethernet is easier
14:32.54coppicetrikola: nobody would buy a useless product like that
14:33.06newlDSL CPE exists that have a VoIP port on them.  Wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary.
14:33.09tzafrirIs there any free soft phone (preferbly IAX) that can be used off a read-only CD?
14:33.21tzafrirwin32 one, that is
14:33.45*** part/#asterisk stephnie (dfsdf@
14:33.49coppicetrikola: what you need is flexible cat 5. It exists, but is strangely rare
14:34.23Himekomost of my TP cables are stranded
14:35.19tzafrirI'd like to make it as easy as possible for people to get started. And saving them the time to look for a simple soft phone that owrks, could be handy
14:35.24coppicebut even most stranded ones are that flexible. you need tinsel, like a proper analogue phone lead. cat 5 tinsel seems rare
14:35.54trikolaso what exactly is cat 5
14:36.11coppicecat 5 is the standard for ethernet cables
14:36.12trikolais it a device, wire type, what is it
14:36.12blitzragenetwork cable capable of 100mbps
14:36.20newlThat's what Katty looks like when flung in circles.
14:36.38_DAWcat 5 is rating for a cable
14:36.48blitzragerating is probably the best word for it :)
14:36.48brendaWhat would cause Asterisk to cut out little chunks of the playback audio intermittently?
14:37.00Himekotp rated for 100mhz
14:37.10Himekocat5e is rated for 350mhz
14:37.31trikolaso is it just a wire which is used in place of normal ethernet cable
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14:37.55coppiceit *is* the normal ethernet cable
14:38.05trikolahow would it solve the problem of having ethernet cables running thru ur house
14:38.05brendaguess it's just what asterisk does
14:38.57newlbrenda: load, low memory, poor disk I/O are a few things.
14:39.44blitzragetrikola: ummm... it wouldn't
14:39.57brendahmm... this machine is a dual proc xeon with 2gigs of ram.
14:39.59kd5uzzI'm trying to load ztdummy (modprobe ztdummy) and I get errors that make me think I don't have USB. I 'lsmod' and I see uhci and coreusb..and I *DO* have USB, its an add-in PCI card. Any ideas?
14:40.01brendaand nothing else runs on it
14:40.15newltrikola: the problem is usually solved by prewiring the house with cat5e to begin with. =)
14:40.22coppicetrikola: I think the product you are looking for is called a "phone". It plugs into an RJ11 socket, and is cheap and easy to use.
14:40.27brendabut the same thing happens on every computer I still asterisk on
14:40.32brendaso I figure it's just how asterisk is
14:40.56brendastill = install
14:40.57blitzragebrenda: I never get that - and if Asterisk always did that, then no one could use it
14:41.24brendait's usable... it just skips chunks of audio ever once in a while
14:41.33mutilatormaybe it's the audio you're playing?
14:42.00brendaless than a second of the audio... bu tnever in the sam eplace
14:42.04blitzragebrenda: what distro are you running, do you have X installed?
14:42.08kd5uzzbrenda audio over IP?
14:42.14mutilatoror no bandwidth?
14:42.17brendadebian... no x
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14:42.28limbiquewhere is the extension.conf located?
14:42.28TenkawaAny of you running multiple X100P cards?
14:42.29brendahappens over the TDM card and on IP phone
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14:42.57JoeMammaanyone around?
14:43.11newllimbique: usually /etc/asterisk though the make install would've told you that and so would have the docs.
14:43.17brendaIP phone is on a switch that only connect asterisk to the phone
14:43.17kd5uzzbrenda does it always happen on the same sound? the file could be corrupt
14:43.29limbiquea, didn't install it
14:43.31Tenkawawow the tdm400p is expensive even on ebay
14:43.35newlJoeMamma: nope, I'm pretty slim thanks for asking.
14:43.35brendanope... always different audio at different places
14:43.39kd5uzzbrenda I've had switches go bad...
14:43.50JoeMammaI just set up asterisk and whenever I dial an extention for anyone or anything. ie: 7 or 8 or 200 or 201, I get a busy signal. anyone know why that would happen?
14:43.59brendakd5uzz: it happens outside of the IP phone on digium cards too
14:44.03blitzrageJoeMamma: if you'd have waited two seconds, you'd have seen we are :)
14:44.16kd5uzzbrenda what is staying the same on each install? same digium card? same HD, etc?
14:44.27brendathe only common factor is debian
14:44.35brendaon every machine I try
14:44.37funxionare you installing via apt-get?
14:44.44brendaor maybe it's a 2.6 thing?
14:44.48newlJoeMamma: You're probably getting the out of service tone which may indicate that the extension you are calling isn't reachable.
14:44.49limbiquelinux is hard 4 windows developers.. :(
14:44.57brendafunxion: tried CVS head and apt-get
14:45.04JoeMammabut it should be reachable
14:45.10funxionand its any sound file?
14:45.12kd5uzzbrenda 'every machine'... you have a different digium card for each?
14:45.15JoeMammait's all plugged into the same network and everything
14:45.23JoeMammathey all can get to the pbx box
14:45.45JoeMammait used to say "the line is busy" but I disabled the voicemail so now it just give a busy signal
14:45.53brendakd5uzz: We have several TDM400Ps and several IP phones... they all do it
14:45.53blitzrageanyone remember what /n does in a Dial()?
14:45.58JoeMammaand when I look in the web admin it shows all lines are opened
14:46.11brendafunxion: it's randomly any file
14:46.34kd5uzzJoeMamma Asterisk@Home by chance?
14:46.39funxionwhat codec are you using brenda?
14:46.43brendathe biggest problem is, it happens on our production box with a T100P on it
14:46.46newlwebwhat? heh didn't know Asterisk had a web interface, unless of course you're referring to Asterisk@Home or something.
14:47.00JoeMammayea I ment the asterisk@home
14:47.05brendafunxion: the files are all gsm
14:47.14kd5uzzJoeMamma I've having the exact same problem...
14:47.16blitzrageA@H - not bad for newbies... but SOOOOO limiting
14:47.20funxionbrenda:what codec are the calls?
14:47.31JoeMamma:( @ kd5uzz
14:47.36brendafunxion: they go right in to the digium card
14:47.48JoeMammait may be limiting, but a newbie I am so I need it lol
14:47.54blitzrage~seen ManxPower
14:47.54jbotmanxpower <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 43d 7h 13m 46s ago, saying: 'when you set the callerid you normally do not include the dialing prefix (0 or 00) or the country code.'.
14:48.07*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
14:48.10funxion•brenda• does it also happen on ip calls?
14:48.21blitzrage43 days?! that can't be right... or he's been here with different nicks
14:48.31brendafunxion: yup
14:48.49kd5uzzJoeMamma I've searched the .conf files... it looks like dialparties.agi isn't returning the correct response...but I'm not sure yet. I thought I had done something wrong, and I couldn't find dialparties.agi so I'm reinstalling. The machine may be back up now, I'll go check...
14:49.12*** part/#asterisk Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@Tenkawa.user)
14:49.19christoI'm sending faxes with spandsp and txfax, but most of them come out looking really bad - squashed, overlapping and wonkey. Is there any way of overcoming these issues with * ?
14:49.21brendagah... i guess we call digium for support
14:49.35*** join/#asterisk wwh (~wadeh@
14:49.47brendahow much does digium charge for support?
14:49.50Math`any options for automatic re-registering to an SIP server within a given delay?
14:49.58kd5uzzso uh..where are the .agi files stored again?
14:50.12blitzragekd5uzz: /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
14:50.26kd5uzzahh..var.. I remembered the lib/as....
14:50.28tzafrirdefined in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
14:50.40kd5uzzwhat ARE .agi files?
14:50.47Madkissexten => _0.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@freenet|120)
14:50.49MadkissI have that line
14:51.03tzafrirAnd they don't have to have an extension of .agi
14:51.17MadkissNow when I dial "001234567", it dials out via freenet, but it dials out "001234567", although it ought to dial out to "01234567
14:51.31*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
14:51.33Math`Madkiss: if you want it to strip a digit you must use ${EXTEN:1}
14:51.38blitzragekd5uzz: you can find out on the wiki - its basically an external script that interfaces with Asterisk
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14:51.56tzafrirso, a win32 phone that can run off a CD with no installer required, anybody?
14:52.09*** join/#asterisk DeeJayTwo (
14:52.16jbothmm... agi is the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages
14:52.18Lee__tzafrir, woah. that's a hard one.
14:52.37MikeJ[Laptop]tzafrir, I've got an iax phone that does not require installation...
14:52.47MikeJ[Laptop]but it is feature poor
14:52.57DeeJayTwoWe have some problems with our file format here...
14:53.09JoeMammamy dialparities looks alright
14:53.18DeeJayTwowhether we use gsm or wav, we here a big "click" at the end..
14:53.19tzafrirMikeJ[Laptop], which one? I prefer IAX to have a better chance of success if a NAT is in the way
14:53.24MikeJ[Laptop]it's just testcall from the iaxclient
14:53.29DeeJayTwoonly when played with asterisk..
14:53.33DeeJayTwoit doesn't happen from any other player..
14:53.36MikeJ[Laptop]compiled for windows
14:53.42blitzrageMikeJ[Laptop]: yo!
14:53.49MikeJ[Laptop]you want it?
14:54.01tzafrirMikeJ[Laptop], yes
14:54.13*** join/#asterisk hackit25 (~hackit25@
14:54.29kd5uzzJoeMamma :-( thats as far as I've gotten. I've just been trying to follow the scripts
14:54.31MikeJ[Laptop]there you go.. you can compile it with cygwin from the source out on sf too
14:54.47tootis there any way i can check my fxs port is working? ie can i see if i have picked up a phone plugged into it for example?
14:54.48MikeJ[Laptop]but it's a console app
14:54.53JoeMammayea I can't find it
14:55.24*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
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14:55.30DeeJayTwoRecently we made our own .wav files to play in asterisk. In any .wav player on windows, it sounds perfect at 8000hz mono pcm wav format...  As soon as asterisk plays it with Background(), we hear a big "click" and the end of each file played...that's pretty anoying... any idea? We recorded the original wav files with pro-tool on a mac.
14:56.01newltoot: some devices have either a visual (i.e. LED), web, or no indication as to line state of on hook, off hook, short circuit, busy.
14:56.12kd5uzzIt makes me wonder if extensions are supposed to be able to call each other...but I can't image they wouldn't allow it
14:56.26agave-txlinkplease leave your message at the sound of the click
14:56.30MadkissMath`: woot.
14:56.30JoeMammaI just read somewhere that someone who had the same problem went back to v1.1 and it worked fine?
14:56.44tootso theres no 'zap show extension' for example that will help me. hmm
14:56.46greg_workwhat's with this BS that keeps getting on the wiki .. isn't this just spam?   2005-07-15 - ICS France always the BEST PRICE of Audiocodes gateway!!!
14:56.50MadkissMath`: Perfect, thank you.
14:56.58kd5uzzMaybe I'll do that... :-/
14:57.52tootits shows as onhook when the phone is up
14:58.01*** join/#asterisk limbique (
14:58.01Lee__toot, if you hear a dialtone and can make calls, your phone is working.
14:58.08kd5uzzJoeMamma have you found a forum or anything?
14:58.08tooti can't hear a dialtone :)
14:58.12tootthats the problem
14:58.22Lee__then your phone isn't working. what card?
14:58.40JoeMammamy co worker did
14:58.52tootthe green light is on on the card for that port
14:58.57Lee__toot, /msg me the output of 'zap show channels'
14:59.27tootmy mistake :)
14:59.39kd5uzzJoeMamma I wonder if 1.2 would work.. hmm.. (instead of going back to 1.1)
14:59.43greg_worktoot: did you connect additional power to the card?
14:59.44*** join/#asterisk johnh51 (
14:59.52tootyep the incoming ports are working fine
15:00.17tootie i can call in and asterisk picks up the call
15:00.20JoeMammait might, I think I only have 1.3 here though
15:00.36Lee__toot, /msg me the output of 'grep channel /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf'
15:01.27toot/msg Lee__ channel => 1-2
15:01.47toot/msg Lee__ channel => 3
15:02.49toot :)
15:04.45*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
15:04.50Lee__toot, looks good. you sure the phone is plugged into the correct port?
15:05.07Lee__channel 3 in your case.
15:06.10tootam i correct in thinking i should hear a ring tone?
15:06.19Lee__if you call the phone, it should ring.
15:07.14tootna it shows as ringing in Zap/3-1 is ringing
15:07.20tootbut the phone ain't doing nout
15:07.45tootwill go plug a basic handset in directly and see does that behave better - thanks for the confirmation though :)
15:07.57Lee__np. sounds like the phone is broken.
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15:14.08_-Jon-_Hey, I'm wondering if someone could offer some insight into a strange problem I'm having with my call logs lately..
15:14.27*** join/#asterisk bintut (~bintut@
15:14.54_-Jon-_It doesn't seem to record everything that's going on.  for example, someone calls my toll-free number, and then dials an extention might only show them dialing the extention, not the initial greeting
15:16.33*** join/#asterisk jansen (
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15:20.36mariogamboahello all i need to know if the command ignorepat only works with analog phone no with ip phones?
15:21.18Rowteranyone has a firmware unblock voipsolution mta-v102?
15:21.55tootis it acceptable to patch asterisk for uk clid from HEAD?
15:23.15dtwilsonI thought uk clid was rolled into HEAD a long time ago
15:23.37tootoh. been a while since i played with asterisk :) fair enough
15:24.42dtwilsontoot: use usecallerid=uk in your zapata.conf
15:25.01*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
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15:27.27MadkissWhere does asterisk save the voice-files for voicemail? The spoken messages, I mean.
15:27.36MadkissUnable to create lock file: No such file or directory
15:27.40MadkissAnd how do I fix that error?
15:28.12asterisk99_does SetCDRUserField work with the default .csv CDR file?
15:28.35dtwilsonMadKiss the voicemail folder is specified in asterisk.conf
15:29.08MeatyRecently we made our own .wav files to play in asterisk. In any .wav player on windows, it sounds perfect at 8000hz mono pcm wav format...  As soon as asterisk plays it with Background(), we hear a big "click" and the end of each file played...that's pretty anoying... any idea? We recorded the original wav files with pro-tool on a mac.
15:29.25MeatyAnyone can help me ?
15:29.28dtwilsonmadkiss: usually in /var/spool/asterisk/vm by default
15:29.30*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (~Nuke@
15:29.53Madkissdtwilson: hm, no.
15:30.11dtwilsonMadKiss the error is basically saying the files/folders aren't there
15:30.23dtwilsonso that explains it for you :)
15:30.48Madkissdtwilson: What I mean is -- my asterisk.conf seems not to include vm-stuff
15:31.53dtwilsonMadKiss: sorry I meant astspooldir=
15:31.56Lee__could someone recommend a channel bank for analog phones? I don't want to have to buy Digium hardware with as many FXS ports as I have phones and getting new phones is out.
15:32.14Madkissastspooldir => /var/spool/asterisk
15:32.41benthosargggggggg spent alot of time trying to figure out what was wrong. To see that I was modifiying /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf not /etc/zaptel.conf
15:33.21*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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15:33.46Madkissdtwilson: well, voicemailing works, I wonder what "lock file" it wants to create
15:33.49*** join/#asterisk cmk (
15:37.00asterisk99_Anyone here use SetCDRUserField work with the default .csv CDR file????   I execute it, but I see only 16 fields in the CDR and not the 17th (the user field)   Do I need to init something????
15:37.00Hmmhesaysanyone set up a 20-30 ip endpoint system lately? curious how much they are going for
15:39.51ManxPowerHmmhesays, I have no idea what you just said.
15:40.15Hmmhesaysheh, just stringing words together again
15:40.20dtwilsonManx, he says Hmmm ;b
15:40.25MikeJ[Laptop]Hmmhesays, depends on the cost of the phones.
15:40.33MikeJ[Laptop]and what kind of connectivity.
15:40.38MikeJ[Laptop]and redundancy needs
15:40.43MikeJ[Laptop]you get the point
15:41.19MikeJ[Laptop]I can do that setup for $100 a seat, or $500 a seat, and everywhere inbetween..
15:41.34[TK]D-FenderLee__ : You sure you don't want to simply get IP phones?  These days its cheaper per port than channel banking....
15:41.34MikeJ[Laptop]depending on requirements
15:41.51christoI'm sending faxes with spandsp and txfax, but most of them come out looking really bad - squashed, overlapping and wonkey. Is there any way of overcoming these issues when sending faxes?
15:42.03Wonka.oO(mmh? )
15:42.13Hmmhesaysthat's what I should have asked, whats on the high end per seat
15:42.16MikeJ[Laptop]christo, what are you sending them over?
15:43.10bintutanyone here can point me a good article that discusses asterisk over traditional pbx system?
15:43.38MikeJ[Laptop]bintut, as in head to head comparison?
15:44.59[TK]D-Fenderbintut : Boy is that a tough one.  * does more than any canned PBX solution at a fraction of the cost (easily half in my 30 person office scenario).  Downside is maintenance requires "techies" and makes corporate appeal hard
15:44.59*** join/#asterisk heison (
15:45.25christoMikeJ[Laptop] - E1
15:45.38MikeJ[Laptop]any timing issues?
15:45.45christohow can I tell if there are?
15:46.02MikeJ[Laptop]you getting any line drops or taking errors?
15:46.05christoI don't see any 'timing' errors
15:46.15christoI don't think so.
15:46.59christothey all pile into the outgoing spool, * tries to send them over and over until finally they're all gone. that's it. Then at the other end, they just look bad
15:47.25[TK]D-Fenderbintut : for background, I just researched a Nortel BCM solution, and am getting a quote for an Avay IP Office solution.  I have a winning bid from an * vendor who made * into a turn-key solution.
15:47.46bintutMikeJ[Laptop]: not really. i just want to convince my boss to try to implement asterisk instead of buying a traditional pbx system
15:48.16[TK]D-Fenderbintut : personally I'd have preferred to build it myself from scrath, but it was either get this vendor's version and build on it, or LOSE my * bid altogether for the BCM.  BCM = Glorified Toaster
15:48.17bintut[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
15:48.47MikeJ[Laptop]bcm sucks
15:48.59MikeJ[Laptop]there is some of that on the wiki...
15:49.25[TK]D-Fenderbintut : means I am planning our new PBX version and just got the OK on an * solution.  One that has a huge GUI in front if it, but * at the core.  All other real options on the market look like shitty appliances by comparison.
15:50.21[TK]D-Fenderbintut : selling the idea to your boss my take some effort, but believe me there is no "better" option than * that doesn't cost a MINIMUM of 4 times the cost.
15:50.42toothey i'm having no luck with uk caller id. i have usecallerid=uk, cidsignalling=v23 and callerid=asreceived for the channel - is there anything for HEAD that i would need ?
15:50.43[TK]D-FenderAnd better is a variable term...
15:51.36mutilator4 times the cost of free?
15:51.53[TK]D-Fendermutilator : I mean total cost including hardware silly....
15:52.12*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
15:52.16mutilatorah right..
15:52.22mutilatorwanna buy our old pbx?
15:52.30mutilatorsell it cheap
15:52.48*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
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15:53.18[TK]D-FenderMy BCM solution ran $49,000 for example, and my "DIY" * solution was $19,000.  Mind you my * version I padded out a lot for adding a channel bank on TOP of having a PRI, and not using a TDM card for backup.
15:53.21mutilatorand [TK]D-Fender huge GUI = ?
15:53.38[TK]D-Fendermutilator : You want MY old Nortel 8x24 PBX? ;)
15:53.51pawallsMy employer was all for using * thank god :)
15:53.54[TK]D-Fendermutilator :   demo at
15:53.58MikeJ[Laptop]mutilator, what is it?
15:54.31pawalls$6,000 including phones.
15:54.47pawallsThey spent over $50,000 for the old Comdial solution (roughly 15 years ago)
15:54.56MadkissWhat the hell
15:54.58pawallsAnd that was just for the server itself.
15:55.04MadkissJul 15 17:54:09 WARNING[20963]: file.c:475 ast_openstream: File digits/1F does not exist in any format
15:55.05pawalls+ 300 per phone
15:55.08MadkissJul 15 17:54:09 WARNING[20963]: file.c:787 ast_streamfile: Unable to open digits/1F (format ulaw): No such file or directory
15:55.16bkw_Madkiss, you're trying to play 1F
15:55.20bkw_it doesn't exisct
15:55.22bkw_er exist
15:55.35MadkissI am not, I am just calling my voicemail
15:56.03*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
15:56.10mutilatori assume you get logged in?
15:56.14pawallsWhen running a SIP client behind a firewall, I'm able to connect, place phone calls, etc..
15:56.19mutilatorand then she says "you have..."
15:56.21mutilatorand it dies
15:56.36pawallsBUT, when I try to transfer a call to the extension of that client, it says that there is congestion.
15:56.39pawallsAny idea what would cause that?
15:57.01mutilatora cold..
15:57.06mutilatorzap it with some antibiotics
15:57.47file[laptop]I need fooooooood
15:57.49blitzragewhat happens if I set dnsmgr.conf enabled=no? What are the concequences?
15:57.52blitzragefile[laptop]: send me some!
15:57.58mutilatori just ate some leftover hamburger helper
15:58.00mutilatorwas goood
15:58.17mutilatorwas like tomato herb garlic something
15:58.22mutilatorsmells awesome
15:58.39pawallsSeriously ;)
15:58.40file[laptop]blitzrage: no food for you!
15:58.48blitzragefile[laptop]: boooo
15:58.56pawallsThe firewalled client doesn't have any open ports.
15:59.10pawallsBut it is direct routing.
15:59.25pawallsOddly.. linphone works in this situation where xten does not work at all.
15:59.27doughecka_anyone use the adtran total access 608 router?
15:59.37doughecka_its got 8 FXS ports on it and can be used as a channel bank
15:59.47pawallsBut that could be my client configuration.
15:59.58doughecka_it should work with asterisk with no trouble
16:00.05mutilatori spit on softphones
16:00.07doughecka_btw when did digium release the dual port T1 card?
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16:00.24cjkhi, anyone here using voicemail odbc storage?
16:02.22mutilatormy stomach is all makin noises & shit now
16:02.28*** join/#asterisk minded (~minded@
16:02.40mindedhey, has anyone here configured partysip ?
16:02.49doughecka_well, I think the shit making stuff is near the end of your guts
16:03.00*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
16:03.10mutilatorwell it's makin noises anyway
16:03.18mutilatorand it's kinda annoying cause i can feel it too
16:03.25Madkissbkw_: I wonder what problems that thing has.
16:03.31mutilatori musta been more hungry than i thought
16:03.47mindedanyone have any good wiki on configuring partysip for asterisk
16:04.32bintut[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the input. but i'm currently looking for articles to which i can use as a supporting document or some sort to encourage my boss to choose asterisk instead of a traditional proprietary pbx system
16:04.50minded^ good thing after reading your conversation with doughecka_, i am not taking you seriously, or i might be discouraged
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16:05.18doughecka_you must not have the sarcasm tags turned on
16:05.46mindedim getting frustrated with partysip, no idea what im doing
16:05.51mindedpulling hairs out of my head
16:06.21Corydon-wGlad to know someone here knows what they're doing
16:06.38[TK]D-Fenderbintut : I have a lot of articles I can link you to.  Depends on how much your boss trusts you to implement it and suppotr it yourself.  Also if you have support he can trust local to you as well.
16:06.48*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:07.06minded[TK]D-Fender, haev any links to partysip config walkthroughs :D
16:07.11doughecka_bintut: how big of a phone system?
16:08.01[TK]D-FenderPartysip?  Never heard of.
16:08.03doughecka_nice webgui
16:08.47[TK]D-FenderAMP?  Amp is for managers once you've set things up.  Its still too incomplete for true turn-key use, and for anything less I'd rather go CLI :)
16:09.00mindedwhat is a good sip proxy server to setup
16:09.03mindedany idea
16:09.40bintut[TK]D-Fender: yeah..
16:10.12bintutdoughecka_: for now, a maximum of 10 local numbers and 2 outside calls
16:10.22doughecka_how many phones?
16:10.34[TK]D-Fenderbintut : by local numbers you mean internal extensions?
16:10.47doughecka_bintut: I would setup Asterisk@home, and play with that if your not very familier with asterisk
16:11.11HoundWhat could it be if when I call a PSTN through my voip provider and no body can here me, but when I connec through FWD I can here myself on an echo test fine.
16:11.18Houndboth use IAX, I'm out of ideas
16:13.22HoundUsually if the codecs don't match I get tons of errors on the console, could it be that?
16:13.23bintut[TK]D-Fender: yes.
16:13.50bintutdoughecka_: yeah. i already heard that. is it already good for production pbx system?
16:13.51mindedwhat is a good proxy server to setup on my asterisk box
16:13.55mindedeasy to configure
16:13.56mindedany ideas?
16:14.06doughecka_bintut: I am using it in production on our own phone system
16:14.11doughecka_so far its quite stable
16:14.18doughecka_never been rebooted since its been installed
16:14.29doughecka_restarted asterisk a few times, mostly because of config changes and stuff
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16:16.33minded[TK]D-Fender, u there?
16:16.42tootin the uk do people use cidstart=ring? or ?
16:17.04minded[TK]D-Fender, know any good sip proxy servers i can setup?
16:17.15*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
16:17.19tootvovida vocals?
16:17.37tootor rather vovida's vocal
16:18.17[TK]D-Fenderbintut : Ok, you could build a * solution pretty damn cheap.  IP phones for like 70$US (lowest end) - GNet VP320I, or Uniden UIP-200 (midrange at $120), or go nuts for more.  * will DESTROY any other solution for the size of office you are looking for.
16:18.54[TK]D-Fenderminded : I've never set up a SIP proxy.  I've only used * as the full reg server for SIP at my home PBX
16:18.56doughecka_we have programmers who wrote a really nice directory that queries our phone system
16:18.56file[laptop]I like Lucent myself
16:19.09doughecka_er, our contact management
16:19.17*** part/#asterisk jfonsecausa (
16:19.53mindedi have no idea what im doing
16:19.53[TK]D-Fenderbintut : And definately get IP phones, you want the full integration capabilities of native hold, tranfer (blind and consultative), etc that an IP (SIP or IAX) hard phone will offer.
16:20.08minded279 people in this channel
16:20.12mindedand 4 are active? :x
16:20.21[TK]D-Fenderminded : Whats your real goal?
16:20.22*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
16:20.33[TK]D-FenderHey Moc, long time no chat
16:20.36NuggetLots of Linux users here, so most of the people are off desperately trying to get their sound cards to work.  :)
16:20.42mindedwe set up asterisk in our company
16:20.55pawallsNugget, Don't need a sound card :-P
16:20.56Moc_hi yea, I've being hiding from the public
16:20.57mindedand we are having trouble placing outbound calls to other users of asterisk
16:21.03mindedhowever, they are having no problem calling us
16:21.12mindedmy boss thinks setting up a proxy server will fix this
16:21.18Moc_now Ive come here for something, but forgot what hehe
16:21.24[TK]D-FenderAh yes, sound issues.... not sure on that one.  You behind NAT?
16:21.48[TK]D-FenderMoc : Yeah people have been looking for you.  I just felt like saying "hi" :)
16:22.09[TK]D-FenderMoc : I'm going with a ScopServ * server..... so no Nortel for me!
16:22.22Moc_good hehe
16:22.38cjkhi, anyone here using voicemail odbc storage?
16:22.42[TK]D-FenderYou still looking to organize QC * meetups?
16:22.58mindedya we are behind NAT
16:23.16Moc_oh yes, I received a brochure about Aastra, Vis 350 (Charcoal) for 39$ each canadian
16:23.23[TK]D-Fenderminded : I'd really suggest you read up on that on the WIKI, because NAT = Evil
16:23.26Moc_no time for that at the moment..
16:23.35mindedi have been reading that
16:23.35[TK]D-FenderMoc : 350?  ANCIENT.
16:23.42mindedNAT and SIP dontp lay well together
16:23.47mindedand they recommend sip proxy to get around it
16:23.57mindedwell, i dont know how to setup a sip proxy, or which to use, etc
16:23.58Moc_it the adsi phones
16:24.02[TK]D-FenderMoc : Besides, I'm giving up on analog phones for *... not worth it for me any more.
16:24.25[TK]D-Fenderminded : you still neet to do a lot of port forwarding, and don't really need a proxy.
16:24.27Moc_I'll get one just to add to my colection
16:24.36[TK]D-FenderMoc_ : Smithsonian? ;)
16:24.46HoundAnyone else have trouble playing GSM wav files in Linux?
16:24.48minded1) my boss said use a proxy, so i haev to try that first
16:24.57minded2) i dont know how to do either so im equally frustrated both was :x
16:25.19[TK]D-FenderMoc_ : Oh  yeah.... were to local to Montreal, or Quebec city?
16:25.29loudHound, as in, one way audio or what
16:25.34bkw_nat and sip work very well together if you have true nat
16:25.34[TK]D-Fenderminded : just get to port forwarding and get it over with :)
16:25.43bkw_most of the NAT sold in the consumer market is really PAT
16:25.48mindedi have NO idea
16:25.52mindedhow to do port forwarding
16:25.59[TK]D-Fenderminded : what router are you using?
16:26.02Houndloud, as in playing in a media player
16:26.05bkw_you gota be kidding me right?
16:26.37NuggetWhat's the difference between NAT and PAT?  I'm blissfully ignorant of NAT.
16:26.38mindedwhich, our server is behind 1 router, and our phones are behind another
16:27.14mindedbkw_: you ever setup a sip proxy ?
16:27.53*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk)
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16:28.40mindednormally by now i would have 50 pm's about someone that can help me do this for $85/hour
16:28.42Lee__minded, of both of those routers are doing NAT, you are screwed.
16:28.44mindedeveryoen afk or something? :o
16:28.58*** join/#asterisk jthunder (
16:29.07bkw_minded yes I have setup a sip proxy before
16:29.15jthundercan someone point me to reading up on the alarmreceiver?
16:29.18mindedbkw_, does it sound like a sip proxy is what i need to do here?
16:29.28Lee__minded, you need to get rid of NAT on one end.
16:29.43Lee__or move Asterisk to the same network as the phones.
16:30.18mindedLee__ i dont know if you understand that i have no idea what i am doing
16:30.52*** join/#asterisk andrebarbosa (
16:30.52mindedi am reading what you are writing, adn trying to translate it to my terms
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16:31.24andrebarbosacan someone tell me if is up?
16:31.39mindedyes i tis
16:31.48mindedit is*
16:31.55toothey, when i pickup my phone i'm getting a error about my extenions setup. i pasted into - if anyone can take a look that would be ace :)
16:31.56andrebarbosai cant register.. always timeout
16:33.38andrebarbosado i need to active the account or something like that=
16:33.46mindedno idea
16:33.51mindedi just checked the url for u
16:34.12andrebarbosathe site is up
16:34.38[TK]D-Fendertoot : Thats failing to receive an incoming call?
16:34.45andrebarbosabut i did a portscan and por 4569 was not open
16:35.03tootna when i pickup the phone i get the error
16:35.07minded[TK]D-Fender: are you saying if i setup port forwarding i wont need to use a proxy server?
16:35.24bkw_andrebarbosa, did you do a UDP scan?
16:35.27bkw_netstat -na | grep 4569
16:35.31tooti get dial then busy tone straight away
16:35.34[TK]D-Fenderminded : shouldn't
16:35.46minded[TK]D-Fender : how would i go about setting up port forwarding
16:35.55[TK]D-Fendertoot, What interface is your phone on, and what interface is your line on?
16:36.07[TK]D-Fenderminded : depends on your router.  I asked what you are using.
16:36.10andrebarbosaya you're right
16:36.26mindedheh, and i asked which! the one my server is behind, or the one my phones are behind
16:36.53rikstadoes anyone know if its possible to get a latitude/longitude from a uk phone number
16:37.06bkw_riksta, doubt it
16:37.20doughecka_cell phone =)
16:37.30andrebarbosabut i cant register, i didnt see where i'm failling, it seems evertyhing so easy
16:38.10[TK]D-Fenderminded : Let's try this AGAIN.... WHAT IS THE MODEL OF ROUTER THAT YOU ARE USING? <---
16:38.32minded[TK]D-Fender : i have more than 1 router, i need to know which u are speaking of, the one that my server is behind, or the phones
16:39.03tootphone is on channel 3
16:39.29tooti don't understand the  == Starting Zap/3-1 at outgoing,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's'
16:39.35tootwhat the s means :)
16:39.37minded[TK]D-Fender : linksys
16:40.18asterisk99_If i change cdr_csvc.c , do i have to recompile Asterisk?
16:40.53asterisk99_Sorry: Typo correction... If i change cdr_csv.c , do i have to recompile Asterisk?
16:41.20[TK]D-Fendertoot : if your phone is on channel 3, then what interface is your line on?
16:41.45[TK]D-Fendertoot : because you look like you are dialing a # on your phone extensions port.
16:42.49tootlines 1 & 2 which are in group 2
16:42.58[TK]D-Fenderminded : YOu should be able to navigate your LInksys router's config screens easily enough to add in the TCP/UDP port ranges required for this.  If your * is behingd another NAT router internally things will get DAMN messy.....
16:43.19[TK]D-Fendertoot : your dial command is using group 1 though!
16:43.21tooti just updated the extenions.conf [outgoing] to exten => _9X.,1,Dial(Zap/g2/${EXTEN:1}|20,t)
16:43.28mindedyou said it would be easier! :(
16:43.30tootyeah - you pushed me in the right direction ;)
16:43.43[TK]D-Fendertoot : better.  Maybe you could just post your ENTIRE config rather than just pieces.
16:44.54bintut[TK]D-Fender and doughecka_ :  thanks.. gtg now.. later.. :)
16:45.33tootextensions.conf and zapata.conf ->
16:45.40*** join/#asterisk Twister (Twister@
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16:47.34[TK]D-Fendertoot : Ok, your 2nd extension on incoming is wrong, you have 2,1 followed by 1,2 and then repeat it.
16:48.11andrebarbosaso.. anyone is atm connected to iaxtel via asterisk=?
16:48.17[TK]D-FenderAnd switch the "," after the "20" to a "|"
16:48.34[TK]D-FenderFor consistancy.
16:48.59[TK]D-FenderI heard something about the latest CVS enforcing "|" instead of ",".  Can anyone confirm?
16:49.09tootem - i don't see what you mean sorry :)
16:49.23toot2,1 followed by 1,2?
16:49.39[TK]D-Fendertoot : on your [incoming] your 2nd & 3rd voicemail lines are just cut & psted.  They don't work.
16:49.43eKo1[TK]D-Fender: that makes no sense, why would | be enforced over ,?
16:49.57[TK]D-Fendershould be "2,2," and "3,2" respectively
16:50.12[TK]D-FendereKo1 : I know it makes no sense, its just something I heard here.
16:50.24[TK]D-FendereKo1 : looking to confirm.
16:52.04tootfender - i'm sure your right :) i ain't got that far yet - but i don't see how that affects my outgoing calls?
16:52.18ronndoes anyone know what this error mean?
16:52.18ronnmanager.c:1347 accept_thread: Accept returned -1: Resource temporarily unavailable
16:52.35[TK]D-Fenderstill getting the same error?
16:53.06asterisk99_If i change cdr_csv.c , do i have to completely recompile Asterisk? Or can I recompile part of it?
16:54.54tootokay :) i have updated ->
16:55.40tootstill getting same error when i pickup the phone :) - i see what you mean about the other problems though
16:57.53[TK]D-Fendertoot : You user you don't have your ports wired wrong?
16:58.30MikeJ[Laptop]asterisk99_, if you do a make, it wil just recompile what it needs to
16:58.31tooti can call in fine and the phone rings so yeah
16:59.15[TK]D-Fendertoot : hmmm
16:59.24MadkissDoes somebody know by chance how to configure a cisco7960 _without_ Cisco Callmanager? I want to enable HTTP mode.
16:59.32tootand when i pickup the phone the  == Starting Zap/3-1 at outgoing,s,1 failed so falling back to exten 's' happens immediately
17:00.02[TK]D-Fendertoot : Can you redo the pastebin to include your zaptel.conf
17:00.02*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:00.19asterisk99_MikeJ[Laptop]: just a "make" ... are there instrtuctions?  (so I don't goof and end up recompiling the whole lot)
17:01.37[TK]D-Fenderasterisk99_ : ahhhhh just recompile the whole damn thing :)
17:01.48[TK]D-FenderDoesn't take that long....
17:02.01tootsure - appreciate the help :) ->
17:02.03[TK]D-Fenderasterisk99_ : make clean ; make install
17:02.33asterisk99_[tK]D-Fender: Does this not also re-install all the .conf files???
17:02.53doughecka_make sample does that
17:03.06[TK]D-Fendertoot : your callerID string is missing a "
17:03.35asterisk99_[tK]D-Fender: And that will pipck up the change I made to cdr_csv.c  ??
17:04.00mariogamboaanyone here know how i can ignore the digit 9 and keep the tone of phone to make a call
17:04.03tootno difference i'm afraid :( but well spotted
17:05.37[TK]D-Fendertoot : Well damn.. I'm not sure what to tellll you now....
17:05.43tootheh :)
17:05.57tootuse a voip phone is option 1 :)
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17:06.01[TK]D-Fenderasterisk99_ : Yes, but also clean up your modules folder under lib
17:06.45asterisk99_[TK]D-Fender: ????
17:06.47[TK]D-Fendertoot : Could be, but I'm not sure.  Make another extension in [outgoing] just to test the phone's communication to * before touching an outgoing line
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17:07.22mindedim using SIP Express Router
17:07.31mindedwhere is documentation on installing / setting this up
17:07.40mindedthe wiki at
17:07.52mindedis just definitions, no help on installation/config
17:08.14mariogamboais posible to make have a secondary tone before push 9 key
17:08.37Seyrthey have sample configs
17:09.02Seyrthen after that, visit the mailing list archives :-)
17:09.21mindedhave you used ser ?
17:09.27mindedcan i pm you?
17:09.32mindedim freakin out over here
17:09.53Seyrjust compile it and grab one of the sample configs from
17:10.06Lee__minded, not sure if you already checked but there's very good documentation on the wiki about SIP + NAT
17:10.56mindedi read it
17:11.03mindedit said i have to setup a sip proxy server
17:11.05mindedso thats where im at now
17:11.23mindedim just gonna set up a VNC for my boss to be able to do this
17:11.26mindedim so lost
17:11.28Lee__Asterisk can simulate a SIP proxy
17:11.34mindedand it seems the help available online is very limited
17:11.40mindedfound like 1 wiki that helped
17:11.57Lee__but IIRC you said you have phones and asterisk on two different NAT'd networks, right?
17:13.24Lee__I agree that there isn't that much documentation on asterisk + sip + nat, but I'm using all three ATM so it's definitely possible.
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17:13.52perlmonkyanyone set up an openswitch6 to work with asterisk?
17:13.52SeyrLee__: what type of nat firewall are you using?
17:14.14kimosabei need to know a good voice over ip provider that is in good price range and that allows international credit cards
17:15.51*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
17:17.11tooti added -> exten => 8500,1,VoicemailMain
17:17.23tootbut still just get busy tone as soon as i pick up handset
17:17.43jthunderhas anyone here integrated a home security panel with asterisk?
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17:17.54jthundercan you point me to any good articles?
17:20.53greg_workjthunder: in what way?
17:22.31*** join/#asterisk MrCh|cken (~dorphalsi@
17:23.10MrCh|ckenI have a relatively simple question ... I've been trying to setup an iax extension but I havent been able to do so
17:23.24MrCh|ckenI get a "Host is not dynamic" "Rgistration failed"
17:23.33MrCh|ckencan anybody lend me a hand with this, please?
17:23.44[TK]D-Fendertoot : always repost please :)
17:23.54jsharpYou don't have host=dynamic in the configuration in the server's iax.conf
17:25.18*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~uppal@
17:25.35jhiver~seen p0lar
17:25.35jbotp0lar <~p0lar@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 118d 20h 48m 41s ago, saying: 'time to order..hehe'.
17:25.35MrCh|ckennow I should do a reload to make * load the new iax settings, right?
17:25.38eKo1man, i can't believe only Sun still makes unix keyboards....
17:26.01PakiPenguinits not related , but please help me out , how can i restore factory defaults of my budgetone?
17:27.10MrCh|ckennow I get a NO AUTHORITY FOUND
17:27.39MrCh|ckenjsharp, <-- Now I get a "NO Authority Found" when trying to register ny client
17:29.05wwhDoes anyone have a comparison of DIGIUM and SANGOMA cards?  Which perform better?  Which would you recommend for a high-reliability application?
17:30.49*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:31.01Holoswwh: Not to start a flame war, but I went with Sangoma for mine, I've delt with Sangoma many times across many years (5+) and have had nothing but sucess.
17:31.34Holoswwh: Sangoma cards are also a little easier on IRQ requests as well.
17:32.29MrCh|ckenHello, I'm trying to set up an Iax extension but I get an "autority not found" error
17:33.36Holoswwh: Sangoma has also been building T1 cards for almost 20 years..
17:34.52Holoswwh: Some hard benchmarks are at
17:34.59tootupdated config -> extensions.conf at
17:35.03wwhThanks.  As I mentioned yesterday, I'm having FCS issues.  The first problem was timing -- resolved.  Now, it seems to work well until I do something like accessing a USB card.
17:36.18NivexMrCh|cken: I was just having that same problem awhile back.  Make sure you have a valid username= in there. (at least that's what fixed us up)
17:36.38jthunderSorry greg_work just stepped away for a sec...  I'm looking to use a supplied security panel in my new house, and monitor it locally
17:36.51tooti still dont get the outgoing,s,1 failed -> i get the outgoing - just not the s,1
17:37.03jthunderand possibly send email's etc based on the events logged
17:37.48wwhInteresting page:  good info on overall system performance.  Any data on reliability, accuracy (missed data), etc.?
17:38.57mishehuhmm...  interesting thing I have happening now...  I have a server with a te110p card in it, and when a call comes in to it, the clid name and number is present.  this server then sends the call over iax to another server, where at that point the clid number is accurate but the clid name is overwritten to be the same value as teh clid number.  anybody else experience this?
17:39.48*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (~Miranda@doughecka.user)
17:39.53mishehuthis happened with both machines running zaptel 1.0.9 and asterisk 1.0.9, and happens even now as the pri system running 1.0.9, and the iax receiving machine running cvs head from last night.
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17:43.46frogyhi all
17:44.34frogyanyone there?
17:44.52mishehunope, nobody here except us bots.
17:46.22frogyanyone knows why polycom is not selling their IP phones overseas?
17:46.36[TK]D-Fendertoot : Change "immediate=yes" to "NO"
17:46.46*** join/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
17:47.20wunderkincan someone help me with a couple quick questions on my pri order
17:47.22MrCh|ckenNivex, <- thx lemme check
17:48.31wunderkini need to know what to choose for "start signal" (loop, ground, or e&m) dont really want to do e&m since support was just given i think on sangoma cards.. ill be using digium im sure anyway but want to keep options open.. and signal protocol (seizure, immediate, wink).. dialtone (precise, scc, none)
17:50.46*** join/#asterisk Katty (~angela@
17:50.47jeroanyone here using Snom sip phones ?
17:52.14benthosI'm having a problem with ztcfg -s, it seems to freeze my machine. I'm guessing this has to do with the fact that "module unloading" is not configured. Anybody can confirm or deny this? Does "ztcfg -s" try to unload modules ?
17:52.54MrCh|ckenNivex,  <-- would you mind checking my iax.conf to see where I messed up? I cant really find anything wrong =/
17:53.08Hmmhesaysi smell food, me so hungry
17:53.48Hmmhesaysanyone using a sangoma t1 card in here?
17:53.52Kattymine :<
17:54.30frogyHmmhesays: I do
17:54.46tooti have a snom190
17:54.48Hmmhesayshow's that working out for you?
17:55.02frogyHmmhesays: excellent
17:55.14Hmmhesaysthinking about trying one out
17:55.30toot[TK]D-Fender - your a star
17:55.34tootthanks so much :D
17:56.53frogyHmmhesays: Hmmhesays: there are reports in comparing Sangoma and Digium cards. Check it out.
17:56.59wunderkinfrogy, are you using e&m wink?
17:57.27Hmmhesaysheh, digium cards don't seem to like poweredge hardware
17:57.37frogywunderkin: No, but kawkstart once.
17:57.49MrCh|ckenNivex, <-- can you check please?
17:58.08wunderkinhmm ? ok?
17:59.03frogysangoma seems fine, and they offer 5 years warranty.
17:59.20*** join/#asterisk focks (
17:59.34wunderkinhmm ok any idea what to choose for the dialtone option on my pri order? i guess i will use e&m wink.. i have NFI
18:00.07focksi'm having trouble dialing out. can someone show an example?
18:00.14frogyCan anyone buy a Polycom IP phone outside U.S.?
18:00.14NukemizerI ahve an install that did not create /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions  .   Is the permissions.d directory still a requirement fo Zap channels ?
18:00.29wunderkinunless loop or ground start would be a better choice i have no idea
18:00.43tootHmmhesays - i'm having no bother (now) with poweredge 800
18:01.01Hmmhesaysi should say "some dell hardare"
18:01.05MrCh|ckenHey, I'm trying to set up an IAX extension ... and I keep getting or Host is NOT dynamic or NO Authority Found and registration is rejected
18:01.16MrCh|ckencan anybody please give me a hand in here?
18:01.19hardwireI want chicken
18:01.25hardwirethanks MrCh|cken
18:01.57MrCh|ckenhardwire, --> If ya help me out I promise I'll give you chicken wings
18:02.06InfraRedhow can i check what SIP peers i have registered with
18:02.09MrCh|ckeneven more, spicy chicken wings
18:02.16tootsip show peers
18:02.30InfraRedthanks dude
18:02.36frogyHmmhesays: I hv setup a Poweredge 750 server w/ the Sangoma Card w/o too much problem.
18:02.41[TK]D-Fendertoot : Take it everything works now?
18:02.59funxion•InfraRed• sip show peers from cli
18:03.30andrebarbosabye all
18:03.32tootall but callerid - but i don't think thats your problem :D no idea when/how i set immediate to yes. thansk :)
18:03.40*** join/#asterisk Bicster (
18:03.52BicsterHas anyone tried a Tyan Tomcat K8E with zaptel?
18:04.51[TK]D-Fendertoot : No incoming callerId?
18:05.57tootits setup on the line (BT)
18:06.06hardwireMrCh|cken: maybe some other day.. I am stupidly busy
18:06.14[TK]D-Fendertoot : add "callerid=asrecieved" to your zapata.conf
18:06.26[TK]D-Fendertoot : in your line section
18:06.31[TK]D-Fenderand restart
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18:06.58opus_hey! thats me
18:07.07hardwiregimme wings
18:07.24MrCh|ckenhardwire,  <-- Already looked there, before coming in here =/
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18:07.35hardwirebut I are hungry
18:07.39filethen either your config is wrong, or your understanding is wrong
18:07.42MrCh|ckenme too
18:07.43fileprobably both
18:07.46*** part/#asterisk jdg (
18:07.55MrCh|ckenafter all I taste like chicken
18:08.01hardwirequit it
18:08.35tootdo i need a cidstart? i have usecallerid=uk callerid=asreceived cidsignalling=v23 in my zapta.conf
18:10.08[TK]D-Fendertoot : I'm sure about UK specifics, just following my NA based setup for the generic parts.
18:10.21[TK]D-FenderJust add what I suggested and give it a try :)
18:10.27tootyeah i did - no luck
18:10.43enderI seem to be having an issue where one of my FXO lines are not accepting incoming calls
18:11.04enderI can call out on them, but they won't take a call in.  They were a day or 3 ago, not sure what has changed.
18:11.17enderif the line is in use, I will get a busy signal, but when not in use it just rings and rings and rings.
18:11.26endercan somebody assist me in debugging this?
18:13.18tootif i use usecallerid=yes instead of usecallerid=uk i get chan_zap.c: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.
18:14.12[TK]D-Fendertoot : oh well... at least you can DIAL now :)
18:14.25tootexactly :) thanks :D
18:16.35MrCh|ckenul 15 13:02:07 NOTICE[180236]: chan_iax2.c:3096 register_verify: Peer 'styx' is not dynamic (from
18:16.35MrCh|ckenTx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREJ
18:16.45MrCh|ckenwhy do I get that?
18:16.51*** join/#asterisk Kizmet (~Amiga@kizmet.sponsor.freematrix)
18:16.54MrCh|ckencan anybody help me out pls?
18:16.59HoundWhen I try and dial out from a sip client through my voip which is IAX I can here the other end perfectly but nobody can here me. If I call the fwd echo test server from my sip client it works beautifully both ways. I don't have any codecs set for any of the specific incoming config blocks, where should I start debugging this? From what I gather is if the client can only use GSM, it forces the connection to the voip provider as GSM and ev
18:16.59Hounderything works, all else it uses ulaw and fails.
18:17.14fileMrCh|cken: you need to have host=dynamic for the [styx] entry in iax.conf on the server you are registering to...
18:17.26HoundThis is what I'm seeing,
18:17.44Kizmetjust wondering if there is such a module that records a .gsm file to the disk then calls all sip or iax extentions or groups and plays the file back independantly.
18:17.53Kizmetor of there is some other solution.
18:18.16HoundI'm confused the most because FWD + Voicepulse are supposed to support ulaw, and under the same circumstances with the same codecs one works and the other doesn't.
18:18.59KizmetHound, i added 'insecure=very' to my config to make it work nicely
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18:19.24KizmetHound, but usually its a port forwarding thing.
18:19.47Houndyou added that to your voicepulse config block in iax?
18:19.54endercan anybody help me debug my zap no answer issues?
18:20.12frogywhere to buy a Polycom phone?
18:20.21greg_workKizmet: it would be fairly simple to write a script to do that
18:20.30enderfrogy: voip-supply
18:20.35greg_workKizmet: look at "auto dial out" on the wiki
18:21.12greg_workyou'd just have to write a script that ran after someone recorded a message, then have it generate a call file for each extension
18:21.36greg_workyou could also just place the file (along with the proper .txt file) into every voicemail dir
18:21.52fockshow do i disable sip debug?
18:22.50tootoutta interest - and not important - does anyone know does BT let home users set the CLI of their phone? and if so how much :)
18:22.55enderfrogy: sip no debug
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18:27.09TripleFFF2sdfbrian or anthm around
18:28.14cjhey all
18:28.38*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
18:28.46cjso... I think I got my "trunk" line working correctly... Is there any way I can ask asterisk to tell me whether it's getting a dial tone on zap/4 ?
18:30.06fockswhat is wrong with this line? exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap1-1/${EXTEN},60)
18:31.19*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
18:32.28*** join/#asterisk file (
18:32.35rikstasrt: :)
18:35.37file[laptop]TripleFFF2sdf: what do you need
18:36.05Holosfrogy: USA or Canada
18:36.09Miccis it normal for maxmsg in app_voicemail to be 0?
18:36.15QwellMicc: no...
18:36.22Qwelldefault is 100
18:36.28frogyHolos: Asia
18:36.37Holosfrogy: no idea then..
18:36.53MiccQwell, I didn't think I changed anything except for getting the cvs head.
18:37.10MiccQwell, and now everyone's mailbox is full because maxmsg is always 0
18:37.39MiccQwell, and I applied that odbc storage patch. But it was doing this before that and continues to do it.
18:37.51QwellMicc: Just change maxmsg to like 100 or so
18:37.51anthmQwell, are we on slashdot yet =D
18:38.04Qwellanthm: nope...time to test the bribery waters
18:38.04MiccQwell, I am setting it in voicemail.conf
18:38.20QwellMicc: It could be that one of the latest patches broke maxmsg...
18:38.31MiccQwell, I'm using realtime for mailboxes though. maybe it doesn't even parse the voicemail.conf file.
18:38.37QwellMicc: it does
18:38.53blitzrageyah - 100 is hardcoded in the source is it not?
18:39.04Miccblitzrage, yeah as far as I can tell.
18:39.08Qwellblitzrage: there was a change to that code VERY recently.  It may well have broken it
18:39.40MiccQwell, I'll see if I can track it down.
18:40.00blitzrageQwell: yah, perhaps someone inadvertantly set it to 0 to test something and forgot to change it back
18:40.13Qwellblitzrage: yeah, I'm looking at the related bugs now
18:40.38Qwellbug 4711
18:41.43QwellMicc: When did you download the latest cvs head?
18:41.58Micctuesday or wednesday.
18:42.07Qwelltry updating again
18:43.28MiccOk, will I have to reapply 4403?
18:43.41Qwellyes.  get the latest patch from 4403 too
18:44.13Qwelland PLEASE add a note to the bug if you've tested it, and it works good
18:44.46*** join/#asterisk Bicster (
18:44.49*** part/#asterisk Bicster (
18:47.07dros7hi everyone
18:47.48dros7does anyone know if * can detect if it dials out and gets voicemail?
18:48.54mariogamboaanother solution of voice mail for asterisk i don't know why the integrate doesn't work
18:49.23InfraRedanyone with any idea to this : Jul 15 19:40:39 NOTICE[21431]: chan_sip.c:6830 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"1901001" <sip:1901001@ip....
18:49.26dros7I have * set up as a pbx that coordinates volunteer translators for non-english speaking callers
18:49.27file[laptop]it's not psychic, but there's an app out there to do it
18:49.27file[laptop]Google and try to find it
18:49.32file[laptop]may or may not work
18:50.09*** join/#asterisk criptos (~criptos@
18:50.15dros7and when it calls the volunteers phones and their voicemail answers causes my dialplan to mess up pretty good
18:50.36dros7file: was your reply for me?
18:50.40criptosDoes callprogress and busydetect need, somehow to access /dev/dsp for something?
18:51.12greg_workdros7: i wrote up something using BackgroundDetect that sort-of works
18:51.18_DAWdros7 - why dont you require some input from the recipient, if not recieved it hangs up.
18:51.49greg_workthats a good idea too.. ask them to press # or something .. voicemail won't do that
18:51.53file[laptop]dros7: yes
18:51.53file[laptop]criptos: no
18:51.55dros7DAW: I do require input from the recipient
18:52.10greg_workfor my application, i wanted to leave them a message if i got voicemail
18:52.17_DAWwell, voicemail doesn't provide any input so just time out
18:52.23dros7it would just be a lot easier if I could detect the voicemail
18:52.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:52.49dros7ok, I just wanted to know if there was an easier way.  thanks for your help everyone
18:54.47greg_workhere's what i have:
18:55.02greg_workbiggest problem with it is you basically have to shout "HELLO?" or it won't "hear" you
18:55.28greg_workactually, is there a way to make BackgroundDetect more sensitive? or is that indicative that the gain is too low on my phone lines?
18:56.35Wonkahrm. what can i do against that: Unable to find a path from speex to slin
18:57.22file[laptop]install the speex stuff so codec_speex can compile and then asterisk can transcode it
18:58.03doolphspeex eh
18:58.35Wonkawould have thought it was built %)
18:59.51file[laptop]it relies on the libspeex stuff
19:00.12Wonkajust installing libspeex-dev
19:00.16file[laptop]and since it's usually not installed, it can't be compiled
19:00.48dros7greg: I'm not sure about the gain.  Backgrounddetect won't work for me b/c I don't want anything to happen if they answer the phone and start talking
19:03.12doolphhow does g729 key licenses works?
19:03.41greg_workdros7: the idea behind that is that the answer the phone and say "hello?"
19:04.11greg_workit waits until it detects them say "hello?" followed by a bit of silence, then jumps off to human
19:04.50greg_workif it doesn't detect talking followed by silence after 5 seconds, then it assumes it's a machine, and again, waits for the noise to stop, followed  by a second of silence
19:05.17*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
19:05.30dros7greg: yes, I need the volunteer that I call to have the choice of not taking the call if they don't want to by typing "2"
19:05.57dros7e.g. if it is not a good time for them
19:06.02Lee__speex is the bomb, but many origination/termination services dont' support. The most I could gather is it takes lots of CPU to transcode and no phones support it directly.
19:06.14greg_workdros7: ok, so basically, instead of playing the machine stuff, you just hangup at that point
19:06.14file[laptop]nothing supports it directly
19:06.28enderso yeah, I'm having issues where an incoming call on a Zap port doesn't seem to be being picked up by *, yet I can call out on that line.  Can somebody help me debug this?
19:06.31Lee__it would be cool to get speex into some hardware.
19:06.41MadkissHow do I change the TFTP setting for my Cisco cellphone?
19:06.46greg_workdros7: and in the human context, you write the actual application (at that point, someone has answered and said "hello" and is waiting for the other party (ie, your script) to respond)
19:06.48MadkissCisco phone, I mean
19:07.10dros7greg: thx for your help
19:07.13Lee__Madkiss, contact Cisco support.
19:07.25greg_workdros7: so you might want something like  exten=>s,1,Background(i-am-this-automated-system)  exten=>s,2,Background(press-1-to-accept-call)
19:07.29*** join/#asterisk Katty (~angela@
19:07.30greg_workexten => t,1,Hangup
19:07.31Lee__ender, is the zap card installed/configured?
19:07.46greg_workexten => 1,1,DoWhateverNeeddsToBeDone()
19:07.56MadkissLee__: *What?
19:08.01fockswhere can i find the info on how to trim digits off $EXTEN?
19:08.06enderLee__: yes, I can call out on it.  Calling in was working at some point, but now it seems to not be.
19:08.13focksi cant remmeber what it was called on voip-info
19:08.44greg_workdros7: and if you use that, and figure out some better values for the BackgroundDetect stuff, or a better way for it to work, lemme know :p
19:08.57Lee__ender, what changed between it working and not?
19:09.11enderLee__: nothign that I know of, no changes were done to the system.
19:09.31Lee__'zap show channels' tells you about all of your ports?
19:09.42greg_workdros7: oh btw, i made that for digital trunks, where it won't connect until it's actually connected the call.. if you use it on an analog line, (where it does ANSWERED right away, before it starts ringing) it'll probably detect the rings as talking and totally screw up ;)
19:12.34enderLee__: yeah, I can see them all.
19:13.43enderLee__: as I said, I can call out on the ports to our old pbx, but the old pbx calling back it just rings and rings and eventually times out on teh old pbx and goes to a default VM box on the old pbx
19:14.20shido6eats 2 digits
19:14.22shido6the first two
19:15.00lilohi all
19:15.03shido6exten => _991XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/user@NuFone/${EXTEN:2})
19:15.10shido6for example, focks
19:15.35blitzrageshido6: no swearing!
19:15.45blitzragelilo: ahoi
19:15.49lilowhile I don't want to bother anyone, we could use a few thousand more users on the freenode testnet 8) we want this stuff tested before we put it into production here on the network you're on now.... so pack up your tents and cows, please, and go to host, port number 9001 at your earliest convenience :)
19:15.56lilohey blitzrage
19:16.23lilohey ender
19:17.04blitzragelilo: np, this is a big channel, makes sense to ask here :) I'll go and change my irssi conf file to connect there
19:17.20enderLee__: any other thoughts?
19:17.37brookshirehaha.. you should offer hosts to the next 10 people who connect ;)
19:19.10criptosWhat busydetect options at the makefile recoocmend?
19:19.50MeatyAnyone can help me ?
19:19.51MeatyRecently we made our own .wav files to play in asterisk. In any .wav player on windows, it sounds perfect at 8000hz mono pcm wav format...  As soon as asterisk plays it with Background(), we hear a big "click" and the end of each file played...that's pretty anoying... any idea? We recorded the original wav files with pro-tool on a mac.
19:20.11*** join/#asterisk brookshire (~matt@
19:20.16brookshireso like yeah
19:20.28brookshireno one is on #asterisk on that port 9001
19:20.32Lee__ender, sorry, I have to do some hardware work. All I can think of is to turn verbose debugging on and try and trace your call.
19:20.47Qwelllilo is lying about the test network! :P  Channels are all empty and such. :(
19:21.03brookshireWHAT'S UP WITH THAT HUH?
19:21.21MikeJ[Laptop]okay.. how about on the count to 3, we all go over there?
19:21.51drumkillaI'm on there!
19:21.54MikeJ[Laptop]tap tap tap.. is this thing on?
19:22.56*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:22.59enderLee__: verbose is on, asterisk doesn't even show that the call is coming in.
19:23.06enderMikeJ[Laptop]: yes it is on
19:23.32MikeJ[Laptop]so.. anybody coming?
19:24.03TripleFFF2sdfoging wherree
19:24.15MikeJ[Laptop] (port 9001)
19:24.35greg_workMikeJ[Laptop]:  you're not even there!
19:24.38TripleFFF2sdfwhy there
19:25.02MikeJ[Laptop]oh fine.. let me pull up my other client.
19:25.06drumkillaMikeJ[Laptop]: I'm already there, muahaha
19:25.31mutilator/server -m -j #asterisk
19:25.40mutilatorbingo bango
19:27.05yaaarso what do you guys recommend for cordless phones? just regular ones attached to iaxy's/sip adapters? or are there some good ones with native voip support?
19:27.26greg_workyaaar: i have one on an ATA and it works great
19:28.14greg_workonly two things with it: doesnt support all the features of the desk SIP phones (ie, you can only use # to transfer an incoming call, vs being able to use the transfer button on any call)
19:28.17yaaargreg_work: cool. how does that work with respect to conference, and putting somebody on hold while i call someone else, etc?
19:28.23MikeJ[Laptop]happy now?
19:28.39greg_workand it takes one ring to get callerid (vs the SIP phones having it instantly)
19:29.01greg_worki dunno, i've never used it to put a call on hold and place another
19:29.05yaaargreg_work: well hell, it takes our analogue cordlesses till the second ring already
19:29.25yaaarWonka: that would be cool
19:29.37greg_workyaaar: yeah, thats beacuse that's how callerid works (it transmits between the 1st and 2nd ring).. with SIP it comes in digitally
19:29.38Wonkabut i don't remember anything more about that
19:30.09criptosI cant build * from cvs: I got this: chan_zap.c:3083: error: `ZT_EVENT_DTMFDIGIT' undeclared (first use in this function)
19:30.09criptoschan_zap.c:3083: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
19:30.10criptoschan_zap.c:3083: error: for each function it appears in.)
19:30.47yaaarcriptos: are you building with pri support, or no?
19:31.11yaaari found yesterday that i couldn't compile the new gentoo ebuild *without* pri support, and got similar errors
19:33.40jsharpThat says zaptel and asterisk don't match.
19:33.59jsharpIf you're running bleeding edge CVS for *, you need to run bleeding edge zaptel from CVS.
19:34.26InfraRedif you're running bleeding edge you deserve what you get
19:34.30Wonkais there a bristuff cvs?
19:35.02Wonkaasterisk runs so far, now comes the task of integrating my HFC card
19:35.29TripleFFF2sdfnotcied agentcallback creates  cdr for each rings it tries... anyway not to create a cdr except if answered ?
19:37.01*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
19:42.42*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
19:43.10*** part/#asterisk e1n (
19:43.12jarrodi have a cisco 7960 that shows as REGISTERED with my SIP server, but my SIP server does not show any record of it
19:43.20jarrodwhat could be the issue with the crisco
19:44.07InfraRedneeds firmware upgrade ?
19:44.07Alfa_I get "Unknown RTP codec 96 received" upon DTMF-tones... Any clues?
19:44.24jarrodinfrared: it has the latest
19:44.31jarrodive tried 3 different versions
19:45.34*** join/#asterisk vooduhal (~christoph@
19:48.00vooduhalHey guys.  We keep having a problem where an FXO card on a TDM400P will stop recognizing ring voltage when a call is coming in, but calls can be place outgoing on this line.  Is this faulty hardware or is there something I can do in asterisk to fix this.  This is the 2nd module that we've had to start doing this.
19:49.02DarthClueCome to Cluecon!
19:49.05jbotcluecon is, like, - The Open Source Telephony Expo and Developers Conference featuring presentations by Mark Spencer, Greg Boehnlein, Ken Rice, Brian West, Vikrant Mathur, Craig Southeren, David Sugar, Bob Andreasen, Joshua Colp, Greg Merriweather, Brian Fertig, Peter Nixon, and Marc Olivier Chouinard.
19:49.23*** part/#asterisk Nuxi (
19:49.26drumkillait's in the topic for the love of ...
19:49.48mogormanjust ignore jbot drumkilla
19:50.15drumkillai don't think I should have to ignore anyone
19:50.25*** join/#asterisk Nuxi (
19:50.27drumkillai'd rather people just not be annoying
19:51.34bkw_but you work with mogorman seesh
19:51.40DarthCluenobody reads the topic.
19:51.41bkw_j/k mogorman
19:51.53drumkillaha, mog is allll the way down the hall
19:51.55bkw_IAX2 encryption WORKS ladies
19:51.55vooduhalSo anyone have any ideas?
19:52.25anthmhow much you wanna be nobody would complain if i show this
19:53.33jsharpWhat's the difference between that and Monitor?
19:53.34mogormanis monitor+
19:53.45bkw_jsharp, one file
19:53.57bkw_and no cheesy soxmix needed
19:54.04jsharpNo aftercall mixing needed, then?
19:54.13DarthCluejsharp: exactly.
19:54.13bkw_you realize that soxmix on a busy box is more of a problem if you have 10 calls hangup at once
19:54.22bkw_its less of a hit to mux it as you go
19:54.27*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
19:54.42anthmmaybe instead of getting annoyed everyone could help us get people to come then we can shut up!
19:54.46mogormanbut i dont record my calls
19:54.52bkw_mogorman, I do ;)
19:55.03mogormanyour not supposed to tell people
19:55.51mogormanhow goes registrations
19:56.10bkw_I wanna see more
19:56.31bkw_you're not right
19:56.42mogormanlike a number
19:56.52bkw_Nugget, dear
19:56.59bkw_you want working chan_spy????
19:58.17MustDieall your base are belong to us
19:58.58DarthClueall yor base belong to The Empire...records are stored in the basement of a building downtown.
19:59.09Nuggetbehind the "beware of tiger" sign?
19:59.18*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
19:59.52DarthClueum, actually, i think it was a jaguar but it could have been a T-Rex just the same.
20:01.42BarmalThey can hear me I can't.... What else can be done? Ports are fowarded externip and localnet are done WHAT ELSE?
20:02.38Barmal* is behind linksys BEFW11S4
20:05.30Barmalis there somehow in asterisk I could debug and see why I cant hear anything?
20:05.38*** join/#asterisk cfrank (
20:06.43mutilatorya sure the right udp's are forwarded?
20:06.53mutilatorif you set the host as dmz on that router does it work?
20:07.16Miccthe 4403 patch changed again.
20:07.44*** join/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
20:07.59mogormanthe mac mini needs a better power cable
20:08.18BarmalI fowarded udp 10000 to 20000 and 5060 to *. If I set it as DMZ at least I can hear ringing signal...
20:08.34*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
20:11.00*** join/#asterisk [hC] (~hardcore@
20:11.19[hC]Hey, has anyone run into an issue with a 7940 where if you let it sit, usually after a day or two you come back and its locked up?
20:11.41*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (~dennis@
20:12.04jsharpNo, but I'm going to drop kick my 7940 if I can't get it back out of SCCP mode.
20:12.51MeatyRecently we made our own .wav files to play in asterisk. In any .wav player on windows, it sounds perfect at 8000hz mono pcm wav format...  As soon as asterisk plays it with Background(), we hear a big "click" and the end of each file played...that's pretty anoying... any idea? We recorded the original wav files with pro-tool on a mac.
20:12.54InfraRedit's a firmware
20:12.58MeatyAnyone can help me ?
20:13.25jsharpYeah.  I'm trying to reload the SIP firmware on it, but it doesn't want to take it.
20:15.49InfraRedif the SCCP firmware was sbn
20:16.01InfraRedyou need a signed firmware for sip
20:16.09tuxinator_linuxMAnyone here a PRI expert? I need some help on what I need to order from the phone company.
20:16.13Kattydo do do
20:16.20Kattytuxinator_linuxM: hi!
20:16.31tuxinator_linuxMKatty: Hey girl
20:16.56Hmmhesaysba dum ching
20:17.16jsharpWhat do you need help with?
20:17.42jsharpInfraRed: I have a signed sbn file.
20:17.53tuxinator_linuxMI need to get some quotes, do I just ask for a 23 channel (full) PRI
20:17.56*** join/#asterisk denisgalvao (~Denis@
20:18.31denisgalvaoAnybody using chan_unicall and Asterisk HEAD?
20:18.39*** join/#asterisk ajh_853 (~ajh@
20:18.39InfraRedyou ask for a partical
20:18.43jsharpYup.  Just tell em you want a 23B+D PRI at 123 Main Street
20:19.06Qwelljsharp: funny story.  I did exactly that.  They thought the address was fake.
20:19.20Qwellnot really :(
20:19.26Qwellbut it WOULD be kinda funny
20:19.34tuxinator_linuxMjsharp: will that allow me to do all the fun stuff with *, like setting CID?
20:20.07tuxinator_linuxMjsharp: simple enough, thanks
20:20.28ajh_853hello all
20:21.07ajh_853Anyone here working with skinny + Asterisk?
20:21.19jsharpHmm.  I had to do an "erase configuration" to make my 7940 go to SIP mode.
20:21.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:21.55tuxinator_linuxMajh_853: I don't know if you would call file skinny.  But I am working with him + *.
20:22.29jsharpI've been playing aruond with chan_sccp.  Does that count?
20:22.58ajh_853Its been a couple of years I guess since I was last here
20:22.58tuxinator_linuxMajh_853: I hear, it is better to use SIP, not skinny
20:23.40jsharpif chan_sccp/skinny supported all the call manager features, it'd rock...but its still in early development.
20:23.50shido6unless you want to add functionality to to skinny driver yourself
20:24.08Hmmhesaysno, sleep till brooklyn
20:24.13ajh_853I mainly wanted that update
20:24.19ajh_853on the progress
20:24.27ajh_853I love *
20:24.39ajh_853I like the skinny phones
20:24.48ajh_853better than any sip phones
20:24.54ajh_853I have used
20:25.32ajh_853I am on an old version of Call Manager
20:25.37[hC]as in, you like running the cisco phones in skinny mode more than sip mode?
20:25.42ajh_853and it sucks!
20:26.07ajh_853I have a lot less echo etc
20:26.17yaaarwtf? i was just on a voip call through my * box, and all of a sudden it just died. I was holding with, and they were saying (recorded) stuff to there any way I can look into asterisk to find out why the call ended? i.e. did they hang up on me, or did something go wrong?
20:26.22ajh_853with the 7940's in sccp
20:26.49ajh_853than with say pingtels + sip
20:27.13*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (~blitzrage@blitzrage.documenter.extraordinaire.of.asterisk)
20:28.02blitzragego screen
20:28.20*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (
20:28.35kimosabedoes any one know how to convert from chines to english
20:28.55InfraRedkimosabe: convert what
20:28.59kimosabeohhh shucks it dont come oute
20:29.03*** part/#asterisk TripleFFF2sdf (
20:29.05kimosabelet me paste bin it
20:29.07*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
20:29.26QwellThis is going to be the worst translation ever I think
20:29.48QwellI fear for whoever ends up with this information
20:29.59*** part/#asterisk ajh_853 (~ajh@
20:30.02kimosabe here you go
20:30.14kimosabechinese english
20:30.26kimosabeits about a 4 port fxs device that works with asterisk
20:30.44Qwellcriptos: I'm not saying I can...just saying that the relay of information is going to be awful
20:31.15*** join/#asterisk denon (
20:31.15*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
20:31.42criptosQwell, it depends of how the traslation is made :) It´s a tecnical translation, it shouldn't be so awful
20:34.11MikeJ[Laptop]people... type this:   /server -m -j #asterisk
20:35.51kimosabedoes any one know what 1980 yen is in american ??
20:36.18MikeJ[Laptop]~google convert 1980 yen to USD
20:36.35jsharp$17 or so
20:37.45buddahanyone know what could be causing this warning?
20:37.45buddahJul 15 13:49:46 WARNING[13649]: codec_g729.c:196 g729tolin_framein: Invalid data (4 bytes at the end)
20:37.49PatrickDK1980 is around $15
20:37.54buddahonly happens when calls connect to certain carriers
20:38.00tuxinator_linuxMyaaar: Godaddy is yucky.  Their office is a few miles away from me.
20:38.25yaaartuxinator_linuxM: i just want to make sure that * didn't screw up and drop the call....
20:40.46kimosabeoki thanks
20:42.24*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (
20:43.49MikeJ[Laptop]people... type this:   /server -m -j #asterisk
20:46.44MikeJ[Laptop]it's the coolest place to be east of the mississippi
20:47.44*** join/#asterisk Tili (
20:48.38blitzragejoin #asterisk on port 9001 to help test freenode - not linked here, so open a new screen session and connect with a new irssi client (assuming you're cool enough to be using irssi and screen :))
20:49.06heath__What's wrong with BitchX
20:49.18blitzrageits not irssi :)
20:49.38heath__yea it's better
20:49.43blitzragebah! :)
20:50.08blitzragewell, use your bitchyX then and connect to the channel with better S/N ratio :)
20:50.34heath__I use xchat ... and/or BX and Screen
20:50.52shido6dont forget ninja
20:50.55heath__I figure a client is a client is a client and so on
20:51.00tuxinator_linuxMI'm using Gaim and am on both IRC servers
20:51.17Nuxieasy switching with tabs too.
20:52.02enderblitzrage: why the heck would you need a new screen/client session?
20:52.14enderblitzrage: /server 9001
20:52.26MikeJ[Laptop]people... type this:   /server -m -j #asterisk
20:52.49tuxinator_linuxMShower time
20:52.51enderblitzrage: irssi can handle many server connections at once.  ^x to shufle through them on window 1 for issuing commands to specific servers
20:53.48criptoschannel.c: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/tienda-3 of format slin since our nativeformat has changed to ulaw
20:53.51criptosany idea?
20:54.50mutilatorNINJA VANISH!
20:56.51*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
21:00.16SpaceBassquiet in here
21:01.35MiccQwell, Ok, latest seems to fix the maxmsg problem.
21:01.53*** join/#asterisk znoG (~gs@
21:06.45QwellMicc: just make sure to add a bug note after you've tested the odbc storage stuff with that patch
21:06.50blitzrageender: interesting - I guess I don't know irssi that good :)
21:07.27MiccQwell, I'm getting sql errors. I'm not sure I have the odbc stuff setup right.
21:08.42MiccQwell, does it use unixODBC to connect? If it doesn't i'm not sure it will work. I'm using MSSQL server.
21:08.51Qwellit does
21:09.15enderhrm, away from manuals right now, what port does iax2 need to communicate?
21:09.51criptosI can transfer a call fro tdm400 fxo port to iax, at the lastest * from cvs...
21:09.58criptossomething about slin to ualw
21:10.34*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
21:11.59Miccqwell, how can I test my odbc installation?
21:12.11QwellMicc: dunno
21:12.25MiccQwell, my cdr doesn't work either. realtime works fine though.
21:12.27znoGender: 4569, 5036
21:12.27znoGboth udp
21:14.24SpaceBassanyone know if the cisco 79xx series can use .raw files for rings?
21:14.40QwellSpaceBass: it can
21:14.58*** part/#asterisk trickyrick77 (~rsegrest@
21:15.07SpaceBassQwell:  I cannot get them to even show in the ring options... PCM files in RINGLIST.DAT show up fine
21:15.56QwellSpaceBass: dunno, my current one is a .raw
21:16.04SpaceBassi'll keep playing
21:17.53*** join/#asterisk gravemind (omgwtfbbq@GXTi.developer.freenode)
21:18.28Kattygravemind: :>
21:19.28SpaceBassKatty:  everything ok?
21:19.39KattySpaceBass: uhm.
21:19.43KattySpaceBass: i think so (=
21:21.38criptos* is not building slin codecs...
21:21.48criptosAnd I don't have any make error..
21:21.51criptosany thelp?
21:22.34*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
21:23.47MiccQwell, my unixODBC isn't using the UID of the dsn to login.
21:24.29*** join/#asterisk badboyz (
21:25.11badboyzwhats the solution to having an existing dhcp server on a network, and implimenting an asterisks box w/ its own dhcp server, onto the same network, and not having any issues ?
21:25.41badboyzhow can you tell your sip phones to grab ip's from 1 dhcp server, and not hte other?
21:25.50badboyzwithout configuring each and every phone
21:26.08SpaceBassbadboyz: you need to have scopes defined if they are on the same subnet
21:26.30SpaceBassIE one DHCP server gives out .1 - .100 and the other gives .101 - .256
21:26.33tzafrir_laptopbadboyz, tell one dhcp server to only answer queries of a certain class?
21:26.38SpaceBassbut even that may not work
21:26.52badboyzi have the asterisks box only assigning ip's to known mac addresses
21:26.56badboyzwhich only cures half the problem
21:27.13SpaceBassbadboyz: what is the other DHCP server? a router?
21:27.24badboyzspace: it could be a router, a server, who knows..
21:27.37badboyzi need a solution that it wont matter, i can just drop this in, and it *works*
21:27.37SpaceBassoh, but its out of your control?
21:27.44badboyzright, i need a fix all solution
21:27.57tzafrir_laptopbadboyz, there is no such solution
21:28.11SpaceBasslike tzafrir  said, can you have it answer only certian queries
21:28.24badboyzwell, what if i use tftp, which will upload a .cfg file into the phones, that will point the phones to  a specific dhcp server..
21:28.39mariogamboai have a problem with vm in asterisk no messages is recorder only the busy no unavaible a greeting
21:28.58tzafrir_laptopFirst off, you need to somehow configure both dhcp servers
21:29.12badboyzi can configure the dhcp server on the asterisks box
21:29.15tzafrir_laptopBut I mentioned dhcp classes and badboyz dismissed it
21:29.20badboyzwhich i have now, and it will only respond to mac addressses from the phones
21:29.30mariogamboabut when i try to record a message say yoy message has been saved but when i try to check the vm say you don't have messages what wrong need special configuration the vm of asterisk
21:29.58mariogamboabadboyz what you need to do the dhcp
21:30.07criptosasterisk is unable to translate from slin to gsm...
21:30.15criptosto ulaw?
21:30.16criptosany ideas?
21:30.34tzafrir_laptopcriptos, huh???
21:30.40tzafrir_laptopwhat version?
21:30.53tzafrir_laptopis a certain codec missing?
21:30.55criptoslast version...
21:31.06criptosI dont know tzafrir.. I suppose no...
21:31.30tzafrir_laptopcriptos, last version: 1.0.9? cvs  HEAD?
21:32.30criptoslast version 1.0.9 head
21:32.51*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
21:33.56criptosast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/tienda-3 of format slin since our native format has changed to ulaw
21:39.30wunderkinanyone have any ideas for types  of services that have a local phone number and are automated? such as time/temp? i found a list on but cant find anything else
21:41.28*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
21:44.30*** join/#asterisk brimstone (~brimstone@brimstone.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
21:45.14wunderkinhmmm trying to test my voip providers ld termination .. i dont think all of their calls are going through.. out of the list i have for time/temp only 1 wont work.. but its not much for them to go on for a ticket
21:46.18*** join/#asterisk pa (~Paolo@pa.user)
21:49.02tzafrir_laptopcriptos, ls -l /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/codec_*
21:51.20*** join/#asterisk niZon (
21:51.50criptos-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  48625 2005-07-15 15:21 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
21:51.50criptos-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  46070 2005-07-15 15:21 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
21:51.50criptos-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  43444 2005-07-15 15:21 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
21:51.51criptos-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  56399 2005-07-15 15:21 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
21:51.51criptos-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 168218 2005-07-15 15:21 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
21:51.52criptos-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 232348 2005-07-15 15:21 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
21:51.53criptos-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 236943 2005-07-15 15:21 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
21:51.55criptos-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  46072 2005-07-15 15:21 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*
21:51.59jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
21:52.04criptosSORRY! I FORGOT TO USE pastebin!
21:52.08criptossorry sorry
21:54.08Qwelllittle late for that
21:54.29criptos:( Sorry...
21:55.08*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
21:57.14Kattycriptos: it's ok, just try to remember next time (=
21:58.20Nuxianybody interested in testing the latest version of res_php?  =>
21:58.24cjhow do I install to run as user=asterisk rather than user=root ?
21:59.26wunderkinhow do you train the dodo
21:59.41Qwellwunderkin: jbot: res_php is something
22:01.00Nuxijbot: jbot is silly
22:01.00jbot...but jbot is already something else...
22:01.19cjjbot: jbot is also silly
22:01.19jbotcj: okay
22:01.40jboti guess jbot is ibot's stupid cousin, or silly
22:01.44mariogamboabut when i try to record a message say yoy message has been saved but when i try to check the vm say you don't have messages what wrong need special configuration the vm of asterisk?
22:03.54eKo1mariogamboa: what?
22:04.17mariogamboasorry is a question about the voicemail integrated with asterisk
22:05.22mariogamboai can record the unavaible message greeting messages and busy message but where the voicemail answer to me to leave a message i leave it before i try to check my voicemail and say you don't have messages
22:06.01mariogamboai'm go to check to /var/spool/asterisk/vm/203/INBOX and nothing is there
22:06.24criptosmariogambia, permissions? what user is running asterisk and what permissions has de spool?
22:07.27mariogamboain spool is root
22:07.51criptosand asterisk is running with what user?
22:08.00wunderkin there i go :) just needed to narrow the search a little
22:08.10*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
22:08.23mariogamboalet me see i'm not sure is root
22:09.17mariogamboaquestion stupid how i can know what user is running asterisk
22:11.48mariogamboain my case i think the user is asterisk
22:13.08*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
22:13.12SpaceBasshey folks
22:13.30mariogamboathe user running asterisk is asterisk
22:13.35*** join/#asterisk voiper (
22:13.54SpaceBasscan I check to see if a var is unset (or empty) with ='' (two single quotes) ?
22:14.08Nuximariogamboa,  at the cli, type !whoami
22:14.42mariogamboadamnt cli>say root
22:15.36*** part/#asterisk mozrat (
22:15.53SpaceBassanyone? check to see if a variable is unset?
22:16.11criptosso anyone to help with the slin->ulaw issue?
22:18.18*** topic/#asterisk by drumkilla -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference
22:18.30twisted[asteria]you suck
22:18.36drumkillayes, I suck pretty bad
22:18.38drumkillalet's try that again
22:18.52*** topic/#asterisk by twisted[asteria] -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - Speakers Wanted
22:18.57twisted[asteria]there ya go.
22:19.49twisted[asteria]drumkilla, that what you were trying to do?
22:20.16*** topic/#asterisk by twisted[asteria] -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim, CA Oct 12-14 - Speakers Wanted
22:20.27criptosHelp with codecs!
22:20.35jbotwell, codecs is
22:20.38*** topic/#asterisk by drumkilla -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || join #asterisk on port 9001 ! || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - Speakers wanted
22:20.43drumkillathat's what I wanted
22:20.47drumkillafigured the topic could be a little bit longer
22:20.57twisted[asteria]port 9001 eh?
22:21.02twisted[asteria]you playing with the experimental server?
22:21.10drumkillathey want more people :)
22:21.17drumkillanot even up to 1000 yet
22:21.38drumkillahaha, he wasn't supposed to quit this one ...
22:21.45Kattyhi lads.
22:23.42*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
22:24.01criptoswhat is the use of codecs.conf?
22:24.14drumkillafor now, just to tweak speex options
22:25.10*** join/#asterisk MrCh|cken (~dorphalsi@
22:25.18voiperanyone know how to remove the fake ring for inbound H323 calls terminating using SIP
22:26.31criptosI have this issue, incomign calls cannot conctact iaxy cipes..
22:26.46criptosA issue about droping slin frames and ulaw
22:27.14criptosDropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/rh-1 of format slin since our native format has changed to ulaw
22:27.17criptosany ideas?
22:29.59*** join/#asterisk salmandr (
22:30.12*** join/#asterisk meppl (
22:31.32*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:32.11*** join/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
22:32.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[asteria]] by ChanServ
22:32.44criptosany guess is ok :)
22:32.57criptosha ha ha! I have down my production system becose this slin-ulaw shit
22:34.04twisted[asteria]what slin-ulaw shit?
22:36.42criptosvoice frame incopatible between slin and ulaw, slin is a fxo tdm400  card and the ulaw is a iaxy
22:36.54criptosHow the hell I make them compatible?
22:42.02twisted[asteria]dude, do they not work at all?
22:42.07twisted[asteria]because that message is fairly common
22:42.13twisted[asteria]and every time i have seen it, it works
22:42.20*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
22:43.06criptosthey dont work at all...
22:43.19criptosthe call just drops...
22:43.34sivanacriptos: does your user have their phone on forward?
22:43.53twisted[asteria]slin is what asterisk uses on the back end
22:44.09twisted[asteria]aka, signed linear
22:44.19mariogamboacool i can the voicemail works
22:45.05mariogamboaonly have a problem when assign voice to one extension fxo doesn't work i need some special configuration to work fine?
22:45.05criptossivana: they are using a iaxy cipe... and no they are not on forward.
22:45.25sivananot sure what cipe means
22:45.34twisted[asteria]is what he meant, i'm sure.
22:45.35sivanaok :)
22:45.36criptosCPE :)
22:45.55twisted[asteria]or, if you want to get technical
22:46.15sivanacriptos: you can turn off transcode on slin
22:46.23sivanaah. ok
22:46.23criptossivana how?
22:46.36twisted[asteria]i think
22:46.36sivanahave you been to mantis before?
22:46.57sivanasearch for slin
22:46.57criptoswhell.. I need to get slin translated to ulaw, since ulaw is the codec used  by the CPE digium provides
22:47.17sivanado we still have the bug bot?
22:47.22twisted[asteria]in -bugs
22:47.29*** join/#asterisk ozJames79 (
22:47.31*** part/#asterisk jeffik (
22:47.34*** part/#asterisk ozJames79 (
22:47.47sivanacriptos: read this:
22:49.00sivanamy issue was with forwarding, but maybe that can help you
22:49.47*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Miranda@doughecka.user)
22:50.35MrCh|ckenI hello
22:50.46NuggetCluck Cluck
22:51.05MrCh|ckenIs there any way that I can redirect a call from the AGI?
22:51.13MrCh|ckenIf I know the incoming channel
22:51.29MrCh|ckenand the destination ... can I do that?
22:52.10DarthClueMrCh|cken: yes.
22:52.27*** join/#asterisk bonelifer (
22:53.09MrCh|ckenDarthClue, --> How? :$
22:55.52criptossivana no help
22:56.03criptossame issue :(
22:57.26*** join/#asterisk bankrupt (
22:58.12sivanadid you read the entire thing and the related bugs?
22:59.30criptosyeap.. i readit.
23:00.11sivanaoh ya... what's in paragraph 3, word 8?
23:01.17criptosthis one sivana? or i´m in another paragraph?
23:01.50sivanathat's all I know on the issue
23:02.02sivanaI believe it's still be investigated
23:02.27SarahEmmsivana: i assume callerid outgoing is unknown number always on purpose?
23:02.48sivanaI pass on what you give
23:02.50*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
23:02.53sivananame is blanked though
23:02.56infinity1does anyone know how to timeout the connection using AgentCallBackLogin if the agent doesn't accept the call?
23:02.58sivanaunless it's on-net
23:03.11SarahEmmsivana: really? hrm. okay, something i'm setting up wrong i guess then
23:03.48sivanaya, you appear as unknown to others?
23:04.22*** part/#asterisk Nuxi (
23:05.25SarahEmmyeah, i do sivana
23:05.29SarahEmmDarthClue: i wish too :(
23:05.37SarahEmmafter taking 6 weeks of immersive ASL, i don't have any money.
23:05.44yaaarcatch you guys later
23:07.06SarahEmmi'm using SetCIDNum(xxxxxxxxxx) before my Dial(
23:07.10SarahEmmis that right for setting callerid?
23:08.30*** join/#asterisk denon (
23:08.30*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
23:11.29badboyzhere is how i do it
23:11.30badboyzexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID(111111111); Set your CallerID as a ten digit number like this. See our FAQ
23:11.30badboyzexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial,IAX2/xxxxx/${EXTEN} ;
23:17.05mariogamboaanyhere have experence with grandstream gxp-2000?
23:17.52cjSo... It seems that Asterisk now picks up incoming calls with the FXO module... how do I tell asterisk to present a message other than "you have successfully configured asterisk" ?
23:18.15QwellDarthClue: bribe has been offered
23:18.15SarahEmmset up your dialplan cj :)
23:18.39cjthanks, SarahEmm
23:18.46cjSarahEmm: extensions.conf?
23:19.54cjdo I configure the FXS module with zaptel.conf
23:21.01cjoh... looks like I already did that :)
23:22.48cjSarahEmm: I found out what that weird polarity reversal thing was
23:23.03SarahEmmoh, what was it?
23:23.04cjSarahEmm: Qwest mis-wired the line at the box
23:23.23SarahEmmwith the... polarity reversed?
23:23.24cjSarahEmm: they wired red + green, and the jack was wired green + black
23:23.31SarahEmmthat shouldn't have worked at all
23:23.39SarahEmmdo you have two lines?
23:23.49cjNot as far as I know.
23:23.58cjthey didn't wire the black wire at all
23:25.22cjdo I configure the FXS module in zapata.conf?  I want to route to the module when the caller hits 1 or something
23:28.09SarahEmmthat's in the dialplan too
23:28.22SarahEmmin the 1 extension, you need to execute a Dial() to the FXS port
23:29.14Wonkawhat have i done wrong this time?
23:30.17cjso exten => 1,1,Dial(Zap/1), if my FXS is in module 1?
23:30.37SarahEmmi'd think so cj...
23:30.59cjthanks, SarahEmm... I'll try that...
23:32.03cjSarahEmm: what "context" does it go in?
23:32.03mariogamboaasterisk is  a sip server?
23:32.04*** join/#asterisk file (
23:33.16DarthClueQwell: what kind of bribe and who are we bribing?
23:33.44Qwellsame one we talked about before
23:33.50DarthClueQwell: k
23:34.00Qwelland I told him you'd throw in a new car
23:34.05fileDarthClue: you know your task, now make it so
23:34.18DarthCluetwisted[asteria]: have a go then ...
23:34.34DarthClueQwell: sorry, but i barely have a used one as it is.
23:34.38*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:34.38QwellDarthClue: :p
23:34.42twisted[asteria]Katty, what's the bribe for?
23:34.44Kattytwisted[asteria]: hugs, obviously.
23:34.45Ariel_hello everyone
23:34.47twisted[asteria]and DarthClue i don't get it?
23:34.58Kattyk, all better.
23:35.56DarthCluetwisted[asteria]: what isn't there to get?  it's a bribe.  a shameless bribe.  we would really hate for anyone to miss out on all the phone, so we bribe everyone in sight to tell a friend or an enemy that they should come.  besides, it isn't nearly as hated as when i do this...
23:35.59jbothmm... cluecon is - The Open Source Telephony Expo and Developers Conference featuring presentations by Mark Spencer, Greg Boehnlein, Ken Rice, Brian West, Vikrant Mathur, Craig Southeren, David Sugar, Bob Andreasen, Joshua Colp, Greg Merriweather, Brian Fertig, Peter Nixon, and Marc Olivier Chouinard.
23:36.18twisted[asteria]DarthClue, haha
23:36.45QwellDarthClue: miss out on all the phone?
23:36.46Kattyget your paws off my pillows!
23:36.50Qwellwas that a typo, or a really bad pun?
23:37.02filetuxinator_linuxM: sure you wanna say that?
23:37.03Qwelltuxinator_linuxM: You wouldn't be the first...
23:37.34twisted[asteria]pink floyd is rocking my world
23:37.35DarthCluetwisted[asteria]: for some reason, people have gotten even more upset with us now that we are pointing out the content instead of just the conference.
23:37.59fileyay bittorrent is working today
23:38.02tuxinator_linuxMDarthClue: Bad boy, don't make me explode a file on you
23:38.03DarthCluetwisted[asteria]: we did consider getting floyd to play at cluecon, but we aren't sure the best western can hold that many people.
23:38.10twisted[asteria]DarthClue, lol
23:38.20DarthClueQwell: um, typo, but we'll call it a bad pun.
23:38.21twisted[asteria]DarthClue, you get pink floyd to come, and I will be damned sure to be there
23:38.40DarthCluetuxinator_linuxM: been there, done that.  it's not the worst thing i've had to deal with.
23:39.04DarthCluetwisted[asteria]: register, and get 600 of your closest friends to register, and we will find a way to get floyd there.
23:39.05fileDarthClue: how goes the evilness
23:39.30twisted[asteria]DarthClue, that wasn't the deal
23:39.30DarthCluefile: it's the weekend, we aren't evil on the weekend...usually.
23:39.43fileyou're supposed to be evil all the time
23:39.57DarthCluefile: i am, but we aren't.
23:39.59twisted[asteria]DarthClue, if you get floyd to play, hell, i'll even start promoting it
23:40.08filewhat about if I do karaoke?
23:40.12twisted[asteria]and if i promote it, you'll get more attendance
23:40.29DarthCluetwisted[asteria]: what is keeping you from coming to cluecon?
23:40.39*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
23:40.39filetwisted is busy as a bee
23:40.47twisted[asteria]DarthClue, 1) money, 2) job, 3) job, 4) job
23:40.52DarthCluenoone is too busy for cluecon.
23:41.48*** join/#asterisk Blake0PS (
23:41.52DarthCluetwisted[asteria]: take the bribe, you'll have more fun at cluecon.
23:42.05Blake0PSHow do I unlock my Cisco 7960 config? The phone doesn't respond to **#
23:42.13brookshirecongrats btw
23:42.28filewhy are you congratting me? what did I do now
23:42.48drumkillahe just found out about SOC, ha
23:43.06filebrookshire: get in the loop!
23:43.16brookshirethey put me on the mailling list, lol
23:43.17tuxinator_linuxMfile: Which one is Matt?
23:43.22brookshirethe super secret one
23:43.27filebrookshire is Matt
23:43.30brookshirewhich matt am i?
23:43.34fileCresl1n is Matt
23:43.37filemogorman is Matt
23:43.46drumkillathere are 2 more!
23:43.50fileyes there is
23:43.56brookshirebrimstone is another matt
23:44.09SwKits like a requirement to work at digium
23:44.10brookshirethen there is matt nicolson who never gets on
23:44.21SwKyou must be a Matt
23:44.25fileJosh is popular too yesssss
23:44.33drumkillaonly 1 Josh at Digium
23:44.37brookshirewe only have 1 josh
23:44.42brookshiremight get another jon
23:44.43brookshireOH NO!
23:44.48file1 Josh at Digium, 1 Josh at Asteria, 1 Josh at Asterlink!
23:44.54drumkillaonly 1 Russell!!!
23:44.54filewe're taking over the companies
23:45.04brookshireyeah.. but no one cares about russell
23:45.09filedrumkilla: pfft
23:45.11brookshirethat's why stable is always broken
23:45.17*** kick/#asterisk [brookshire!~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk] by drumkilla (drumkilla)
23:45.17*** join/#asterisk brookshire (~matt@
23:45.23DarthClueWho's russell again?
23:45.56fileyay evil
23:46.12fileI missed a sales call this morning, I hope they didn't go elsewhere
23:46.21drumkillafile: you're worthless.
23:46.23filethe master will banish me to never never land!
23:46.30Qwellfile: and you're underage!
23:46.31filedrumkilla: well yes, but so are you
23:46.41filethat's me
23:46.51drumkillaI'm finally of age!
23:46.56Qwelloh wait, thats neverland
23:46.57filedoesn't mean I can't kick your ass though
23:47.01drumkillafile: don't test me!
23:47.02*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (~colol@VDSL-130-13-8-95.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
23:47.13drumkillaI'll drive 12342342 hours to kick your behind!
23:47.14Qwelldrumkilla: finally?  How old are you?
23:47.19filedrumkilla: ooooooooooh!
23:47.25filedarumkilla is 21!
23:47.34tuxinator_linuxMdrumkilla: Old fart
23:47.38drumkillaI know :(
23:48.04tuxinator_linuxMfile: stay off of her
23:48.18Kattywould you please get off my pillows!
23:48.19tuxinator_linuxMDarthClue: Bad bad boy
23:48.19fileok I'm distrubed, ASN is playing Farscape!
23:49.21fileKatty: how are you?
23:49.41Kattyfile: i have germs
23:49.41tuxinator_linuxMKatty: file is corrupt
23:49.46Kattyfile: girly geek germs
23:50.00Qwellfile: wonder why
23:51.02*** join/#asterisk Vindaml (
23:51.06fileit's a job requirement
23:51.18*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
23:51.19Kattyfile: can i get a copy of your contract?
23:51.30fileKatty: no, no you can't
23:51.40drumkillafile has no contract
23:51.58drumkillathey pay him with doggy treats
23:52.07fileyou don't wanna get into how I'm employed, it's a headache of legality
23:52.13fileI'm not an employee, but I am...
23:52.30filein other news
23:52.36fileI have the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory soundtrack
23:52.44fileit's creepy
23:53.02Katty^- ttt
23:53.47tuxinator_linuxMKatty: Ya, it's hot here, like 116F or something
23:54.00tuxinator_linuxM~weather KIWA
23:54.09file~weather CYQM
23:54.21Katty<jbot> hot.
23:54.28tuxinator_linuxM13 C, nice
23:54.38jbothot is probably i kiss around alot when the weather is hot
23:54.40fileshowers here
23:55.28filethis soundtrack continues to be interesting
23:57.46*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
23:58.28sudhir492Hi all
23:58.40sudhir492Its awfully quiet here

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.