irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050713

00:00.06jeffgusif i recall the McDATA one does
00:00.10SpaceBassrv_weasel:  I want to be (except for my macs... like os x over linux pcc) but I need itunes (got too many music store songs) and I at least need active directory support... and while its possable to join a domain and get a kerberos ticket stupid natullas and kde dont support it
00:00.51SpaceBassand I have 4 TiVos... another great application for linux
00:01.21SpaceBassall linksys routers are linux... as are dlink
00:01.31rv_weaselhe uses whatever walmart has on-sale that week for $50
00:01.44SpaceBassgrand theft auto?
00:01.56SpaceBasswill * run on GTA?
00:02.03*** join/#asterisk MajestiK (
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00:03.34SpaceBassgrand theft auto
00:03.56tzafrir_laptopNo. Asterisk will run away from GTA
00:05.26SpaceBassin all seriousness I've been meaning to hack my xbox and get linux on it... its not doing anything else
00:05.51opus_____spacebass some linksys routers are vxworks
00:06.00tzafrir_laptopIf linux runs on it, Asterisk will
00:06.12SpaceBassopus_____:  yeah, kind of a generic statement on my part
00:06.24rv_weaselSpaceBass: i use freevo
00:06.32SpaceBasstzafrir_laptop: no good reason to run * on my xbox... but i might run a softphone on it...
00:06.44tzafrir_laptop(and will probably run faster than file)
00:07.04Qwelltzafrir_laptop: "Don't make me run, I'm full of chocolate!"
00:07.07SpaceBassrv_weasel:  freevo on your xbox?
00:07.32SpaceBassI'd like to build a mythTV box but I can get another HD tivo for considerably less
00:10.41rv_weaselSpaceBass: it is on a linux box,  a TBird 700/512MB and .5TB
00:11.12rv_weaseltivo cant do mame, tuxracer, supertux, etc
00:11.22SpaceBassrv_weasel:  why freevo over myth?
00:11.37SpaceBassis that a rick james song?
00:11.45*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:12.15*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (~Brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
00:13.49SarahEmmmyth rocks
00:14.03SpaceBassmyth is $
00:14.13*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta_PM (
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00:15.28MikeJ[Laptop]hey sarah..
00:15.52SpaceBasswell i dont have a spare box for it... then theres the capture devices, the storage... the output device
00:16.07*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta_PM (
00:16.10rv_weaselSpaceBass: i dint like myths interface.  it is a great system,  and timeshifting is great.  but the interface, well sucks and it is a bit slow.  you need a 2G or faster for a proper myth
00:16.26SpaceBassa tivo is like $99 now.... granted no where near as fun or flexible... but...
00:17.01opus_____anyone here use realtime i have a quick question.  is it not suppose to work with SIP peers that are host=dynamic??
00:17.06NuggetTiVos are great, but it's really sad that they are pretty much exactly the same as they were in 2000.  You'd think that five years would have brought along some improvement or enhancements.
00:17.07opus_____Or is my column messed up
00:17.36MikeJ[Laptop]it works, but you should most likely use caching
00:18.08opus_____i am, but the select query is failing with SELECT * FROM users WHERE ipaddr = '';
00:18.18opus_____If I manually set ipaddr then it will dial out
00:18.28*** join/#asterisk iq (
00:18.30rv_weaselSpaceBass: freevo is tivo for true geeks
00:18.34opus_____but if I leave it blank and let asterisk 'supposively' update it, it fails
00:18.59SpaceBassrv_weasel:  I'll have to check it out :)(
00:19.22MikeJ[Laptop]opus, that query fails, or returns nothing?
00:19.55SpaceBassNugget:  can't fix what ain't broke...
00:20.19Nuggetwell it sure could stand to be faster.  I'd happily pay $50 more for a tivo with a faster processor or a shitload of ram cache.
00:20.30MikeJ[Laptop]SpaceBass, sure you can fix what aint broke,,
00:20.40opus_____mike - it returns nothing bbecause it can not match on IPADDR.  Is it suppose to update it ?
00:20.42SpaceBasswhy? they run fast enough...
00:20.52SpaceBassthe interface (on all but the HD) is plenty fast
00:21.04Nuggetyou're right though, fundamentally.  I'm still happy enough with the tivo that I'm not even remotely tempted by the garage solutions like mythtv.
00:21.13opus_____I think whats suppose to go on is that asterisk sees the phone registering, grabs its IP, updates users.ipaddr =, then when that phone dials up it looks up by IP the addres for info on it
00:21.26Nuggetplenty fast?  it takes 20-30 seconds to figure out what to do if you rearrange season passes.
00:21.27SpaceBassi think the tivo is still a 55mhz chip :)
00:21.36Nuggetand the gridbox guide mode is practically unusable
00:21.48SpaceBassNugget:  which tivo?
00:21.49opus_____but its not updating users.ipaddr ?? i have rtcachingfriends=yes
00:22.02NuggetI've got the original directivo.  a t60.
00:22.11Nuggetbut even the newest directivo units are just as slow
00:22.14opus_____MikeJ - is that what you have in your sip.conf?
00:23.16MikeJ[Laptop]I don't use realtime...
00:23.59*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
00:24.05opus_____anyone here use realtime?
00:24.06SarahEmmgah. sometimes wireless sucks :P
00:25.00*** join/#asterisk pcm (
00:27.07MikeJ[Laptop]SarahEmm, 4632 status??
00:31.23*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
00:31.24opus_____i got it working
00:35.33SarahEmmMikeJ[Laptop]:lol, nice comments. sorrysorry, been swamped with school and paid contract work. sunday at the latest, or i'll close it and reopen it when it's done. 'k? :)
00:35.38SarahEmmi should have time sunday morning
00:36.14denonSarahEmm's contract work involves opening an ostrich farm
00:36.25*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (
00:36.52SarahEmms/ostrich farm/datacentre/
00:37.21denonyeah .. cablemodems for ostriches
00:38.23MikeJ[Laptop]y, no prob.. I knew you would re-open anyways, but it was kinda quick on the draw, and you are active... thought you would appretiate the comment
00:41.27ai-ahow do i calcuate the size of a cd-r[w]dvd+/-r[w] media in bytes/blocks/minutes using cdrecord?  i capture the device type, and if its empty, need the size of the media now.
00:41.41*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (~strom@
00:41.48Strom_Chello all of you in telephone land!
00:42.51SarahEmmhihi Strom_C
00:42.59Strom_Chi sarah :)
00:43.06ai-aive installed asterisk and sample setup, what ports do i need to forward to get this though my NetGear router so peole can call the sample extention 2@
00:43.16SarahEmmai-a: IAX or SIP?
00:43.38ai-asip  but both and all i guess in the end :)
00:43.46SarahEmmi stay away from SIP+NAT
00:43.47ai-ai forwareded 5060 port.
00:43.47SarahEmmsorry :)
00:43.55Strom_Csip is problematic if asterisk is behind NAT
00:44.00SarahEmmSIP plus NAT is not a good combination
00:44.08SarahEmmbecause it uses 3060 for call setup and such, but the actual voice uses other ports
00:44.11ai-aok, so what client supports IAX and what ports?
00:44.13SarahEmmwhich are not fixed, and move around.
00:44.28Strom_Cyou either want to put asterisk on a real IP address or avoid SIP :)
00:44.55ai-acant i lock down 1000 UDP/TCP ports that are forwareded?
00:45.18SarahEmmiirc RTP also puts the IPs inside the packets themself
00:45.26SarahEmmmeaning it's not that easy even if you had NO firewall, just NAT
00:46.09ai-apain,, so what is an IAX complient client win pc app? and what ports do i need for that?
00:46.54Strom_Cai-a: if you put asterisk in front of a NAT, you can have NATed SIP clients
00:47.09SarahEmm'pc' doesn't narrow it down, ai-a
00:47.22SarahEmmi shut up now :P
00:47.53ai-aStrom_C: not wanting to stick my linux box on the internet yet... i might use it and get rid of the router sometime.
00:47.57*** join/#asterisk justink (
00:50.27ai-ai have telnet still enabled, and no firewall :)
00:50.52Strom_Cmaybe you guys can help me decide what to do
00:51.31Strom_Ci have [office]------{cat5 run}-----[rack in living room]----{cat5 run}-----[closet]
00:51.53Strom_Ci have to pull dial tone from the approximate location of the rack in the living room
00:52.29*** join/#asterisk kswail (
00:53.04Strom_Cshould I run three cables - one from the office to the closet for ethernet and two from the office to the rack, one for ethernet and one for dial tone, or should I run one cable from the office to the rack, one cable from the rack to the closet, and one cable from the office to the closet, and have the equipment in the closet run off the switch that will sit on the rack?
00:54.01Strom_Cwait, never mind, that doesnt make any sense
00:54.18ai-alost me when you said office,,, dont remember one of those.
00:54.36Strom_Csleep deprivation and cable planning don't mix
00:54.47Strom_C(by "office" i really mean "kitchen nook" but thats another story
00:57.00ai-awhy not do what ive done ;-),, stick everything in the spare room and sit downstairs with a laptop and watch tv :D
00:57.01Strom_Cactually, i realize that i can just run two cat5e cables out to the rack in the living room and connect the closet later
01:01.29heath__i used to be able to print standard error to the asterisk console, it doesn't show up anymore
01:02.09*** join/#asterisk SwK (
01:03.09*** join/#asterisk mansing (
01:06.12*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
01:08.24Miccah, what a releaf. I finally got broadvoice to see they had a problem.
01:08.49MiccI've been trying to show them this for months now.
01:09.35iCEBrkrMicc: you're just a dumb user :D
01:11.04MiccI know, who in their right mind would stick with broadvoice after the first month?
01:11.47cfrankanyone get dundi precache to work?
01:12.03MiccOh, I'm a bit slow. yeah they thought I was smoking something I think.
01:12.32*** join/#asterisk goldenear (
01:14.26Nuggetwow, Strom.  In my view, the only way "rack" and "home office" mix is if you add an ungodly amount of "noise cancelling earphones" and "earplugs".
01:14.49goldenearis the FWD toll free numbers termination still working ?
01:15.01SarahEmmNugget: or lack of hearing ;)
01:15.31Nuggetheh, yeah, that too I suppose.  :)
01:15.42Nuggetgiven time, that'll be the result.
01:15.52*** join/#asterisk znoG (~gs@
01:15.58SarahEmmplus the cisco rack in the living room..
01:16.05goldenearI try to call a US toll free number using my FWD IAX trunk and it doesn't work...
01:16.22*** join/#asterisk Sorc (~nark@
01:16.25iCEBrkrSarahEmm: Yeah, now try sleeping in a room without all that crap.. It's toooooo quiet.
01:16.41SedoroxiCEBrkr, lol
01:16.51iCEBrkrSarahEmm: I have 2 machines in my room.  For awhile I actually had an office and moved them into the office.. I couldnt' sleep for a week cuz it was too damn quiet.
01:16.56iCEBrkrSomething about all that white noise..
01:17.07SorcQuick planning/implementation question that I haven't yet run into an answer for in Is DID-like functionality possible with Asterisk/VoIP or even VoIP in general?
01:17.15Sedoroxppssttt.. I believe SarahEmm is deaf... unless I'm thinking wrong
01:17.16SarahEmmiCEBrkr: err.. no, i can sleep okay there too :)
01:17.20NuggetI can't stand it. I bought a house just so I could put all that noise in another room and seal the door.
01:17.21SarahEmmSedorox: not quite.
01:17.27Sedoroxoh... ok.. sorry :/
01:17.27iCEBrkrSarahEmm: hehe
01:17.32SarahEmmSedorox: but you're not completely off.
01:17.36Nuggetall that whitenoise is draining
01:17.37SarahEmmSedorox: somewhere in between.
01:17.52iCEBrkrSorc: huh?
01:18.03SedoroxI had my server and firewall in my room for the longest time... I was sooo happy when I got them out.. slept better too
01:18.23SarahEmmSedorox: not completely deaf, but i don't exactly hear a lot either. *shrug*
01:18.28Sedoroxand now.. I'm back to 1 machine running (actually quiet tho) and for the past two nights.. a second.. and tonight.. a third
01:18.31goldeneardoes anybody here with a FWD account could try calling a toll free number ?
01:18.33SedoroxSarahEmm, ah ok
01:18.42Sedoroxgoldenear, last I tried it worked
01:18.47*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
01:18.53goldenearwhen was it ?
01:18.55Strom_Cthis is my rack...none of it is rackmount stuff:
01:19.12Sedoroxcoulple of weeks ago
01:19.25goldenearcan you try it now
01:19.34SorciCEBrkr: What I meant was could I set it so that a single VoIP trunk could be used to route a block of numbers to specific extensions. i.e. 7455658 rings DN 5658, etc. etc.
01:19.51Sedoroxgee.. you dont' do any telephone work :p
01:19.54iCEBrkrSorc: That's how I have it now.
01:19.59Strom_Chehe, me? :_
01:20.00Strom_Cer :)
01:20.04SarahEmmStrom_C: ooh, nice rack.
01:20.08SarahEmmi could use something like that.
01:20.31iCEBrkrSorc: I have a 727 number down here in Florida from VoicePulse.  It rings 2 extensions here in my apartment.
01:21.14NuggetThis is your rack:
01:21.26NuggetThis is your rack after Asterisk:
01:21.29SorciCEBrkr: That's exactly what I wanted to hear :-) Thanks.
01:21.43goldenearSedorox, could you try calling *18005558355 (or an other toll free number) ?
01:21.57iCEBrkrSorc: At one time I had 2 DID's ringing both extensions down here..
01:22.12Strom_Cnugget: that scared the shit out of me
01:22.12iCEBrkrSorc: It's all a matter of [context] and the extension.. It's simple.
01:22.24Sedoroxdamn..... lotta modems
01:22.38SarahEmmnice cable management there.
01:22.54SedoroxI wanna take pics of the new MDF in the new school here...
01:23.08NuggetI especially love that the whole rack appears to be plugged into that lonely outlet in the bottom left.
01:23.20*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:23.26Nuggetwith nary a UPS in sight
01:23.58SarahEmmi think it's all running off the wall wart there... ;)
01:24.29JuggieNugget, upgrade gallery]
01:24.32Juggiethats super old
01:25.23Nuggeteh, only six months or so.  :)
01:25.56*** join/#asterisk canche (~hbraun@
01:26.08*** part/#asterisk canche (~hbraun@
01:26.25Nuggetwhat do you expect from
01:27.12Juggiethat your pool & hottub nugget?
01:27.23Nuggetbelongs to a friend of mine
01:27.25*** join/#asterisk kswail (
01:27.40Sedoroxapparently tollfree isn't working on fwd
01:27.41SedoroxJul 12 21:59:31 WARNING[6062]: chan_iax2.c:5553 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
01:28.44*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
01:30.17Nuggetif you enalbe e164 there's some site out there that is advertising tollfree routing over iax.
01:30.24Nuggetenable, even.
01:31.03Nuggetdo it today.  it's good karma
01:33.52SedoroxI'm guessing is your site?
01:34.19Sedoroxnice "noc" :p
01:34.57Sedoroxmoo is a nice box
01:35.33*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (
01:36.04Nugget and are SlackerNOC
01:36.24Sedoroxyum.. ibm e-server
01:36.39Sedoroxyea.. I looked through those
01:37.37Sedoroxsince when does a airport link at gigabit?
01:37.50Nuggetit doesn't really.
01:37.55Nuggetgood catch, I should fix that.
01:38.50Sedoroxthat windows notebook almost looks like a sager by the design there.. but who knows what it really is.. lol
01:39.03Nuggetthe stock omnigraffle clipart.  :)
01:39.11SarahEmmwoooo oomnigraffle!
01:39.13NuggetI dunno what it is in reality.  An HP I think.
01:39.43SedoroxI have a topology of my network around somewhere
01:39.46Sedoroxgotta update it tho
01:39.53Sedoroxand a pic of my "rack" in the basement
01:40.12Sedoroxbtw... how much did the 7960 cost ya?
01:40.30NuggetI forget, I bought it used.  $250 maybe?  I dunno.
01:41.21SedoroxI'm helping install 7960G's in the new school they built here.. I like them
01:41.27Sedoroxbtw.. nice cinema display :p
01:41.41NuggetI amazed to say that I actually get good use from the xml display crap in teh 7960.
01:41.59NuggetI hadn't expected it to be anything more than a novelty, but it's not bad
01:42.31SedoroxI've just seen it with the default cisco/call manager setup
01:42.43Nuggetit's pretty limited with the sip firmware, though.  there's a lot you can do if the phone's in skinny mode that I wish I could do
01:43.31Sedoroxah, have you tried to get asterisk working with skinny?
01:43.32Strom_Ci quite like my 7960
01:43.47PrionDitto on the 7960
01:43.49Nuggetno.  everything I've read indicates that skinny and opensource are doomed.
01:44.05Nuggetthere are four attempts at a chan_skinny now and they all suck
01:44.08SedoroxI have a BT100 right now :p
01:44.13Sedoroxoh :(
01:45.38Sedoroxhehe I company I'm helping with was gonna get 1 23" display per mac (about 16)
01:45.56Sedoroxbut I talked them into getting 2 20".. which ends up only being like $200 more a computer
01:46.00Sedoroxwith more usable space
01:46.08NuggetWorld of Warcraft at 2560x1600 is very immersive.
01:46.22Sedoroxmy rommmate was so into that game
01:46.27Nuggetbut I use it because it's *cough* *cough* making me more productive.
01:47.03NuggetI've never been able to be comfortable using multiple displays
01:47.14NuggetI always just end up using one and neglecting the other(s)
01:47.15SedoroxI loveeeee dual displays
01:47.19SedoroxI don't like working without it
01:47.29SarahEmmat work tho we have 3 seperate boxes at each desk
01:47.31SarahEmmwhich is also nice
01:47.33SarahEmm3 21" CRTs
01:47.35Sedoroxbut my laptop doesn't like to do dual display in linux.. so.. :(
01:47.43NuggetSarahEmm: ever used x2vnc or synergy2 or anything like that?
01:47.53*** part/#asterisk mansing (
01:47.54Nuggetback when I was still drinking the unix desktop kool aid I loved it.
01:47.59Nivex<3 synergy2
01:48.04Nuggetit's life-changing
01:48.13Sedoroxwhats it do?
01:48.17SarahEmmNugget: i use synergy on 2 of the 3 boxes. the other one's on an isolated network so i can't synergize between 'em
01:48.27SarahEmmnot just unix
01:48.33Nuggetit makes a second computer act just like a second display
01:48.34SarahEmmthe 2 boxes i synergize at work are one unix one windows :)
01:48.35Sedoroxoo makes it an even bigger screen?
01:48.41Nuggetbut it's cross-OS
01:48.50Nuggetso one display is unix and the other windows, or whatever
01:49.00Sedoroxmy college has a sun lab... with 19" sun LCD's... DVI in... my God they are beautiful
01:49.05SarahEmmi use one windows one linux and one windows one solaris depending
01:49.11Nuggetwhen I was doing it, x2vnc was the only option, so it had to be an X11 primary machine
01:49.18Nuggetsynergy2 doesn't share that limitation
01:49.33iCEBrkrNugget: I'm using x2vnc right now
01:49.42Nivexcross clipboard and screensaver sync to boot :)
01:49.44iCEBrkrNugget: dual 17.5" LCDs   It's not bad.
01:49.51NuggetiCEBrkr: you might want to check out synergy2.  it's an improvement over x2nvc in a lot of ways
01:50.00iCEBrkrOh really?
01:50.11iCEBrkrGoogling now
01:50.13Nuggetone neat thing synergy2 can handle is a roaming machine.  I had it rigged up for a while where my laptop would become a second display for my desktop when it was in range
01:50.35Nuggetwalk in the office, set the laptop down next to the monitor, and it was already set to go
01:50.43Sedoroxis my "rack"
01:50.58Sedorox'cept the one box is now gone
01:52.18Strom_Cis that a BASF bag??
01:52.18SorcHeh, hope that basement doesn't leak.
01:52.26Nuggetyeah, that giant pipe is creepy.  :)
01:52.58Strom_Cthere's this giant duct in the laundry room in my apartment complex's basement; it feels like "Brazil" every time I go down there :)
01:53.14SedoroxLOL.. thats the main sewer pipe from the toliet.. lol...
01:53.21denonOT, but any cisco jockeys awake? :)
01:53.23Sedoroxthe floor leaks a little.. but other then that.. no..
01:53.26denongot a weird CEF thing goin on a client site
01:53.37Sedoroxand I don't think its a BASF bag.. I could look.. LOL
01:53.59denonwell, CEF+EIGRP
01:54.11iCEBrkrNugget: synergy2 is all 'self contained' it doesn't use x2vnc, right?
01:54.40NuggetiCEBrkr: yes
01:55.35Nuggetit does neat stuff like screen saver syncronization and auto-reattach
01:55.35iCEBrkrYeah,I got it. Just didn't know if I had to get the windows installer
01:55.47*** join/#asterisk cursor (
01:55.52Nuggetand it's a lot easier to work with in regards to things like grabbing ${DISPLAY} and whatnot
01:55.59cursorHello all
01:56.02iCEBrkrI guess.
01:56.19cursorI'm looking for a VoIP provider in Egypt, if anyone knows of one
01:56.21iCEBrkrMy x2vnc is pretty flawless.
01:56.30cursorI found one, but I'd expect there to be more
01:56.33Qwellcursor: check the wiki
01:56.36cursorI did
01:56.49cursorFound one on Google (burried somewhere)
01:57.28*** join/#asterisk justink (
01:57.46twisted[work]power blinkage
01:57.51twisted[work]lightning is fun stuff
01:58.05gravemindonly when equipped with martians
01:58.08cursorPerhaps I should just throw an Asterisk box out there myself :-)
01:58.15twisted[work]into the storm?
01:58.24gravemindcursor: good idea
01:58.33cursorLack of competition would be nice :-)
01:58.35Strom_Cgreat, now im at the point in tacking down cable where I have to move the sofa
01:58.44gravemindtwisted[work]: no, into the egyptian VOIP market :P
01:58.52twisted[work]gravemind, oh, close enough
01:59.07cursorPerhaps offer encrypted call links
01:59.10*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk)
01:59.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o drumkilla] by ChanServ
01:59.40gravemindafter 2 hours of fighting ubuntu, asterisk is installed.
02:00.06cursorWhat's that song?
02:00.10gravemindno idea
02:00.18gravemindi only installed ubuntu because gentoo takes too damn long :P
02:00.33Qwellnot on real hardware
02:00.42cursorYou wouldn't have to fight it
02:00.50gravemindits a k6-2
02:00.54cursorEverything "just works" (tm) on Gentoo
02:00.56gravemindits more real than you can get :P
02:01.09drumkillaha, well those of us without money can't afford 'real' machines  :p
02:01.28cursorJobs offer money :-)
02:01.38SedoroxI used my laptop with a IDE-USB2 adapter to compile Gentoo for my server (k6-3, still the i586)
02:01.57cursorHow old is that?
02:02.07cursorDid you have to replace the valves?
02:02.23cursorDebug with actual bug spray
02:02.37Sedoroxits.... 400mhz
02:02.38Sedoroxor 450
02:02.41Sedoroxit works...
02:02.49gravemindi replace the tubes once a month
02:02.58Sedoroxneeds a upgrade badly tho... I had a P3 733.. but the mobo went bad.. so..
02:03.21cursorI have a P3 (600-ish) running Asterisk/Gentoo - it works fine
02:03.37*** join/#asterisk BleedingMe (
02:04.03Sedoroxyea.. this 450 does web, email, dns, mysql, samba shares, and a router for the family computer... (gig between the two... )works fine
02:04.48Sedoroxthen.. I'm trying to get this picture up.. but I dont' have image editing software on this mac atm, but I have a fbsd box running asterisk (celery 300) and a celery 400 Novell/Suse OES box.. that asterisk will be moved to
02:04.53BleedingMehey guys, just got a cisco 7940 off ebay that i'd like to setup with my asterisk box... but there's a password to configure it and i don't know it... anyone know how to reset this thing?
02:05.02PatrickDK450 is fine for that, as long as you have no real load on it
02:05.10cursorThe default password is "cisco"
02:05.14BleedingMethat doesn't work
02:05.18PatrickDKI mean, I can give you enough dns traffic to kill a dual 2.8ghz machine
02:05.33SarahEmmnini all
02:05.36BleedingMeit was obviously configured for some business... cause it's still got all their settings
02:05.39*** join/#asterisk helpmeguys (~helpmeguy@
02:05.46cursorConfigure it using TFTP
02:05.52Sedoroxnight SarahEmm
02:06.07BleedingMei have tried... do you know how i reset the password with a cnf file?
02:06.42cursorSorrym I've never needed to reset the password
02:07.01Strom_Ctry "somepass"
02:07.05Strom_Cor the name of the company
02:07.25Sedoroxtry... worms
02:07.34cursorasterisk :-)
02:07.37Sedoroxyea.. lol
02:08.01cursorYou could contact the person who sold it to you
02:08.05Sedoroxthose are standard where I work... I spent like two hours one day looking for a word doc password cracker.. and here it was worms.. I was like "damn it..."
02:08.10cursorThe seller should know
02:08.38*** join/#asterisk Cunk (
02:08.41cfrankbkw_, Should dundi lookup find values in extensions.conf before querying other peers?
02:08.46BleedingMei asked him.. he doesn't know.. apparently it was a company who was hired to get rid of a bunch of hardware for this other company
02:09.53cursorif all else fails, you can donate the useless device to me
02:10.12Sedoroxyea.. or me
02:10.26BleedingMethat's helpful :)
02:10.27Sedoroxummm.... there is some sort of reset on the keypad you can do tho... but I dunno what it is
02:10.49BleedingMe* + 6 + Settings   resets it.. but it's like a reboot... not a complete factory reset
02:11.17Sedoroxno.. there is something else I think to reset it
02:11.27Sedoroxhave you tried going through the menus?
02:11.50BleedingMeyah.. i've been messing with this thing for hours.. and i google'd the hell out of this and i can't find any answers anywhere
02:12.51sroddySo folks.  I am thinking about installing asterisk on a PC with one analog line as a PoC.  However, it will also be useful for me if I can configure it as follows:  I want one analog line, a PC running asterisk (of course!), and a couple of VOIP software clients running on a couple of OSs.  I would like one voice mailbox associated with the analog number and I want all the VOIP soft clients to ring when the number is called.  Is this possible
02:13.23Sedoroxsroddy, thats the basic of asterisk :p
02:13.35Sedoroxsoo easy to do.. the wiki has all the information
02:14.01SedoroxBleedingMe, have you tried uploading a different config over tftp?
02:14.08sroddySedorox: wiki?  presumably at the asterisk web site?
02:14.44SedoroxI think... LOL
02:14.48Sedoroxhaven't been there in a while...
02:14.50BleedingMeyah, i've uploaded different configs... and that works... but i don't know what to put in the conf file to reset the password
02:15.05CunkIt was mentioned in the Astricon highlights that Mark Spencer "released" the Extension Programming Language.  Is there any place to read more about this?
02:15.06sroddyHow much time do you think it would take to configure the above?  I am partial to Gentoo linux, but is it easier to start with asterisk on another distro?
02:15.14*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
02:15.31SedoroxI have it running on gentoo...
02:15.47cursorSo do I
02:15.52Sedoroxumm.... getting the right hardware for the analog lines.. and configing everything.... a few hours....
02:16.06cursoror less
02:16.10SarahEmmokay, so not quite sleep yet ;)
02:16.14SarahEmmsivana, you around?
02:16.23sroddySedorox: is it as easy as emerge asterisk?  Any suggested hardware for the analog lines?  Sorry if these are stupid questions...
02:16.24SarahEmmwant to talk about VoIP serviceness....
02:16.41Corydon76-homeAEL wasn't released... it escaped...
02:17.01SarahEmmdang, looks like not.
02:17.13SedoroxUSE="zaptel" emerge asterisk
02:17.13SarahEmmis it standard for IAX2-based providers to require you to have a static IP?
02:17.19SarahEmmi'm dynamic at home...
02:17.28CunkAre you saying AEL isn't ready for general consumption?
02:17.32Nuggetasterisk is nothing more complicated than a configure && make install
02:17.49cursorsroddy: I use the v1-0 CVS and compile that.  I also suggest something like the Sipura SPA-3000 instead of monkeying around with PCI cards
02:17.51Nuggetdoesn't matter what "distro" you want.  hell, it doesn't even need to be linux.
02:18.06Corydon76-homeCunk: there's still a few bugs to be worked out, yes
02:18.31CunkAEL...that explains why search turned up nothing for me...I was searching for EPL
02:19.15SarahEmmanyone here on the provider-end of IAX2 services?
02:19.41SedoroxSarahEmm, they shouldn't need a static ip
02:19.41cursorThere are probably a few IAX2 service providers here
02:19.50Nuggetbkw is asterlink and JerJer is nufone
02:20.00SarahEmmyeah, i know
02:20.03SarahEmmwas just wondering who's around :)
02:20.06Nuggetah  :)
02:20.08Corydon76-homeThere's also quite a few international IAX2 providers
02:20.17SarahEmmthe provider i was going to use is saying they can't provide services to me if i have a dynamic IP...
02:20.25cursorThat depends how many pies they've eaten today
02:20.28SarahEmmi'm just wondering if that's norma or not.
02:21.15SarahEmmcursor: static IP?
02:21.23cursorof course :-)
02:21.27*** join/#asterisk Qorky (~Pooa@
02:21.32SarahEmmcursor: well, i'd have to change ISPs to get a static IP
02:21.34SarahEmmwhich i'd like to avoid.
02:21.38Corydon76-homevoxee, nidam, modoc, bluesat, voiptalk, just to name a few
02:21.54cursorA static IP will make your life a lot easier - especially with SIP
02:22.02SarahEmmCorydon76-home: still, very few do toronto
02:22.05SarahEmmcursor: i know...
02:22.11SarahEmmcursor: i'd pay more for a static IP and have to change ISPs tho
02:22.20SarahEmmand i'm using IAX, not sip
02:22.29cursorprobably a small price to pay for the convenience
02:22.36cursorI use SIP and IAX
02:22.39cursormostly SIP
02:22.57SarahEmmcursor: maybe.
02:23.16sroddycursor: So, the Sipura SPA-3000 ties in to the analog line and asterisk ties into it?  then the soft clients tie into Asterisk?  Or do I have it all wrong?  I am not familiar with that piece of hardware...  Looking at the website now though
02:23.53cursorsroddy: yes - much in the same way as a SIP phone connects to Asterisk
02:25.06*** join/#asterisk Weezey (WeezeyD@
02:25.33Cunksroddy: That's pretty much what I'm attempting to do right now.
02:25.40SarahEmmanyone here provide canuckian DIDs? ;)
02:25.55*** join/#asterisk awatters (
02:26.11Weezeyanyone use SIP realtime?  I added a couple of extensions and they don't seem to be registering.  Debug is giving me: Jul 12 20:25:51 DEBUG[4105] db.c: Unable to find key '2527' in family 'SIP/Registry'
02:26.59sroddycursor:  wouldn't a regular old fashioned hardware modem in the asterisk PC do the same thing for me as for the analog line?  $150 seems steep just to tie a PC to an analog line!
02:27.18cursorA modem would be ideal for data
02:27.22cursorI suspect that you want voice
02:27.51SedoroxSarahEmm, for Canada voip... see sleep
02:28.01jbotmethinks sleep is overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
02:28.05cursorsleep is for the weak
02:28.24SarahEmmSedorox: go to sleep? huh?
02:28.26SarahEmmoh slepp
02:28.31cursorCanada is just like England, except that England has a moat to keep the French out.
02:28.32SarahEmmwhat provider is slepp?
02:28.52SedoroxI have a toll free from him.. iax2... love it..
02:29.46*** join/#asterisk Twister (~jason@
02:29.47sroddycursor: yes, voice.  just seems odd that a modem would not do that.
02:29.56SarahEmmcool. will talk to slepp
02:30.09iCEBrkrOk, so they have focus follows mouse.. I want focus follows eyes.
02:30.12cursormodems don't usually provide duplex voice
02:30.13SarahEmmsroddy: an x100p clone is a cheap FXO that works with *.
02:30.19iCEBrkrThis dual head is whacky :D
02:30.19SarahEmmsroddy: like $9 on ebay.
02:30.24cursorYou could use it for an answering machine, but little else
02:30.42cursoriCEBrkr: Zaphod has three heads
02:31.11iCEBrkrcursor: I could do that with my Matrox dualhead videocard.. But I don't have a 3rd LCD.. and a CRT just wouldn't look right :D
02:31.28cursorI'm down to one monitor (still)
02:31.28SarahEmmokay.. well i ahve a few more ppl to talk to tomorrow about DIDs i suppose.
02:31.30SarahEmmthanks :)
02:31.31cursorone of mine blew up
02:31.38*** join/#asterisk wshs (
02:31.41sroddySarahEmm: OK.  so... x100p clone...  Is this a PCI card?
02:31.45SarahEmmsroddy: yep.
02:31.55sroddyI'll look around.  Thanks
02:31.56SarahEmmlots of people have echo issues with them tho
02:32.05SarahEmmthey sound about as good as you'd think for $9 aparantly
02:32.09iCEBrkrx100p card.. Intel chipset on it.
02:32.11SarahEmmi use them for TTY so i dunno how they sound :)
02:32.18iCEBrkrSOmething like 513? 533? something
02:32.19sroddyHmm... don't want echo..  Been there done that.  Packet8 was horible
02:32.32Sedoroxsroddy, WARNING
02:32.33SarahEmmanyway, i go sleepies
02:32.42iCEBrkrSarahEmm: I didn't have echo on mine.
02:32.42Sedoroxdo NOT get the new "x101P" version or whatever it is
02:32.55cursorThe analogue line is just for emergency use
02:32.55iCEBrkrSarahEmm: I had to tweak my volume tho.
02:32.56Sedoroxa lot of people ran into problems with drivers.. as it isn't actually a supported clone
02:33.47cursorSpend the $9 and see
02:33.50iCEBrkrI got started with that cheap-o $10 X100p card.. Just to test out Asterisk
02:33.52SarahEmmiCEBrkr: okay... *Shrug* works fine for me for 45baud data out of the 'box' :)
02:33.56cursoryou can always dump the card back on eBay if you don't like it
02:34.54SarahEmmsleepies time
02:34.55iCEBrkrSarahEmm: I dunno if it was my upstream DID provider or what, but they did something to the volume on their end.
02:35.00iCEBrkrso I had to fix mine
02:35.00sroddyI have a budget to work with, but I don't want to go nuts buying expensive hardware if not necessary.  Not personal money...
02:35.19sroddyIf the $10 card is going to echo, I don't want it.
02:35.29SedoroxI don't get echo on mine
02:35.33sroddyBut if the $10 card will work, I would rather do that then $150
02:35.37cursorsome do, some don't
02:35.39iCEBrkrsroddy: Mine doesn't echo.. It was quiet and then I turned it up too loud so it echoed, it's fine now
02:35.50sroddyOK.  Might try it then.
02:35.53cursorIt depends more upon the line and your server than the card
02:35.58iCEBrkrIt's $10.. Whooptieshit
02:36.27sroddyWhat kind of hardware do you folks recommend?
02:36.34cursorfor what?
02:36.37sroddyminimum requirements that is
02:36.41sroddyfor the PC
02:36.47cursorNintendo gameboy
02:36.47iCEBrkrsroddy: Asterisk is just a hobby of mine.
02:36.48SedoroxDual AMD FX57, 4 gig rams, 2TB space..
02:37.16Sedoroxgee.. nintendo V. AMD FX57's..... one extreme to the other
02:37.27sroddyI have a Sun quad opteron on the way, but that is for something else entirely!  ;-)
02:37.29cursorI recommend at least a P3 for low volumes
02:37.36cursorA P2 will work for very low volumes
02:37.40iCEBrkrIt all started with that damned x100p card.. Now I have three Sipura2ks and one Grandstream Budgetone101
02:37.43cursorLike a couple of calls at a time
02:38.00SedoroxiCEBrkr, I'll take a sipura off your hands :p
02:38.08sroddyOK... so just about anything I throw it on for a single line should be OK
02:38.08*** join/#asterisk ramprem (~pravin@
02:38.10cursorJust don't load it up with 500,000 other apps and X/Gnome etc.
02:38.15iCEBrkrSedorox: hehe naaa.
02:38.18cursorKeep the box for Asterisk
02:38.20sroddynope... dedicated box
02:38.21rampremhi guys.. i need some help
02:38.36rampremi want to connect 2 of my asterisk servers
02:38.42rampremand i'm using SIP
02:38.50iCEBrkrramprem: asterisk to asterisk use IAX
02:38.54iCEBrkrcursor: hehe
02:39.00iCEBrkrcursor: zip ties!
02:39.10cursorarc welder
02:39.11*** join/#asterisk tld (
02:39.19iCEBrkrthat'd be some crazy shit
02:39.25sroddymakes a cleaner weld on light metal than arc!
02:39.26cursorThermo-nuclear weapons
02:39.49cursorLight metal wasn't specified
02:39.56cursorMy Asterisk server is black
02:40.02cursorit's an IBM NetFinity
02:40.05iCEBrkrramprem: if you search around there's a mini how-to out there.
02:40.48cursorSurprisingly, the IAX protocol is useful for connecting Asterisk servers
02:41.11cursorInter-Asterisk eXchange
02:41.32iCEBrkrhey, the asterisk box at work is still connected to mine.
02:43.13cursorI don't want to buy one and find out that it's made of cardboard
02:43.24cursoror creaks when I press the buttons
02:43.41cursorIt does look nice, but that price is scary
02:44.44cursorPerhaps VoIP equipment companies should add a 90% markup to give products an unfounded air of quality
02:44.47cursorOh, some do :-)
02:46.55iCEBrkrI wish I could get a Cisco or some other IPphone for cheap. I can't see spending $300+++ on something like that
02:47.00iCEBrkrEspecially for just tinkering.
02:47.16cursorI got mine on eBay
02:47.38Sedoroxhere ya go.. $50 will get you three months of use for a 7960
02:48.05cursorEbay, e-bay, everyone say... e bay
02:48.20Sedoroxstill around $250-$300
02:48.50*** join/#asterisk jaike (~a@
02:48.51*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
02:48.55cursorI'll rent you my 7960 for $100 per month
02:49.01cursorMinimum one year rental :-)
02:49.10pcmcursor heh
02:49.21iCEBrkrI should just try to pick up a cheap polycom
02:49.21BleedingMeI figued out how to change the password :)
02:49.36cursorwhat was the old one?
02:49.37jaikeanyone doing international with voicepulse?
02:49.39pcmi can rent you a box with t1 or e1 cards
02:49.45cursorI can rent you a box
02:49.48cursorjust a box
02:49.52BleedingMei don't know.. i just reset it with the sip conf file
02:49.52SedoroxBleedingMe, how?
02:49.55cursorI'll keep the contents
02:50.03BleedingMephone_password : "newpassword"
02:50.11cursorLucky you removed the shoes - how considerate
02:50.17pcmcursor ... ok, whole computer hehe ;)
02:50.25iCEBrkryou said you were gonna keep the contents!
02:50.32sroddyuh...  Why does it seem to me that FXO and FXS is counterintuitive.  Seems it should be the other way around?
02:50.43iCEBrkrsroddy: think backwards :)
02:50.50pcmsroddy: someone was the other way around ....
02:51.08cursorif you can read this, then you'll understand FXO/FXS
02:51.09cursorThis text is [umop apisdn].
02:51.46pcmi can read that ...
02:51.51pcmi don't understand that though .... :)
02:51.59cursorThink Australia
02:52.28cursorWell, I wouldn't usually recommend thinking about Australia but...
02:52.35*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
02:52.56sroddycursor... Dangit, broke my monitor turning it over!'
02:53.19cursorNow type this at a shell prompt:
02:53.19cursorperl -le 'print "Asterisk!!!"   ^qq^\f\034\033\026\027I#\016OHR^'
02:53.48cursorbkw like that one, apparently
02:54.03Sedoroxwhat does it do?
02:54.18cursorIt throws a party and we're all invited
02:54.32cursorIt's just a print statement
02:54.39cursornothing to get too worried about
02:55.18SedoroxI dun have perl installed on here.. lol
02:55.31cursorEveryone should have Perl installed
02:55.52sroddypython, not perl!
02:56.08cursorspit as well
02:56.29Sedoroxwow.. I actually did have perl on here.. and thanks for that cursor my night would not have been complete without it
02:57.28cursor3:57am - time for a cup of tea, I think
02:58.48Sedoroxactually.. ya know what.. I'm gonna use CVS HEAD
02:59.10Sedoroxbut head can't link to stable.. can it?
02:59.10cursorGood for you - very brave
02:59.14*** part/#asterisk jaike (~a@
02:59.17cursorI use the stable v1-0
02:59.34Sedoroxthats what I normally use.. but I'm pondering compiling cvs this time around
02:59.44cursoryes - v1-0 is a CVS tag
02:59.53SedoroxI know...
03:00.03cursorGo for it
03:00.16cursorit'll make it easier to keep up to date if you make changes to the src
03:00.28SedoroxI'm not a programmer.. so..
03:00.55cursorI found a colo provider, so perhaps I'll just use that
03:01.09Sedoroxon thw wiki
03:01.12Sedoroxthey list by contry
03:01.21cursorthey do, yes
03:01.25cursorNot Egypt
03:01.30cursornot that I've found
03:01.37Sedoroxthen there probably isn't any in there yet
03:01.45cursorI found one on Google
03:01.47cursoronly one
03:01.53cursorI emailed them
03:01.53sroddyOK... I can't buy off of ebay, and I am not seeing any FXO cards for less than $100 on  Any suggestions?  I may just buy the $100 card.
03:02.17cursorWhy can't you buy from eBay?
03:02.32cursorI'll buy you one from eBay and sell it to you for $50
03:02.57cursorAnyway - about that tea...
03:03.24Sedoroxgreat.... gcc isn't installed in OES...
03:04.12iCEBrkrsroddy: ebay item: 6784937760
03:05.01*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
03:05.18*** join/#asterisk darwin35 (
03:05.23*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (~junky@
03:05.33darwin35Mikej you around
03:05.44darwin35hey junky
03:05.50iCEBrkrsroddy: 6784935391
03:06.02JunK-Yho ho
03:06.37sroddycompany credit card... no can do ebay
03:07.09iCEBrkrsroddy: Man, always something eith you
03:07.29Sedoroxsomeone buy me a 7970
03:07.32iCEBrkrThen go to NewEgg
03:07.43iCEBrkrsroddy: Search NewEgg for Intel 537
03:08.01sroddyOK...  Thought an analog modem would not work well for an FXO?
03:08.26iCEBrkrYou've asked for help, we gave it to you, and nothing is good enough
03:08.27Sedorox"Do you want to see more?" "Yes please... " "Then you'll have to order my next tape"
03:08.28iCEBrkrTake it or leave it
03:08.50Sedoroxsroddy, the X100P clone's chipset is the Intel 537
03:08.56Sedoroxso that chipset will work
03:09.20sroddyOK.  Thanks.  Sorry to be a PITA.
03:09.22iCEBrkrI give up.  I went as far as locating it on eBay for the guy. Next, I'll be buying it and shipping it free.
03:11.25*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
03:11.49SedoroxHey you
03:12.04Kattyi'm here every day
03:13.55SedoroxI thought the Cisco ATA-186 was under $100?
03:14.10Kattyand i thought i was supposed to get hugs too
03:14.22Kattyour world has been turned upside down!
03:14.26Sedorox*HUGS YOU*
03:14.39*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
03:14.39Kattyi was about <-> this close to hugging a guy tonight
03:14.43Kattyjust out of the middle of nowhere
03:14.46Kattybut i didn't
03:14.54Kattyi know
03:14.54iCEBrkrGuys don't like hugs
03:15.00KattyiCEBrkr: some do
03:15.01Sedoroxwell if you want... you could randomly make out with me
03:15.05Kattybut he was smoking :<
03:15.07iCEBrkrKatty: Not from random people.
03:15.12KattyiCEBrkr: he's not random
03:15.20iCEBrkrIn that case. Hug away.
03:15.31Kattywhat a bunch of GEEKS
03:15.37Kattythis channel is like a big giant monster geek
03:15.38Kattyon legs
03:15.39Sedoroxhey.. be nice
03:15.49Kattygeeks are hot
03:15.50cursorWhat are you coding?
03:15.53Sedorox*pushes his broken, black rimmed glasses*
03:16.01Kattyoh noes!
03:16.10Sedoroxactually.. I wear contacts :p
03:16.11iCEBrkrcursor: THe much needed call manager for asterisk.
03:16.24Kattyi wear glasses when driving, and only driving
03:16.27Kattythat and movies
03:16.38iCEBrkrthat's my protype.
03:16.44iCEBrkrkind of a proof of concept
03:16.56iCEBrkrKatty: yea, that.
03:17.10Kattysomeone get these triscuits away from me
03:17.23Kattymmm, crunchy
03:17.35iCEBrkrI've almost polished off a full 42oz Arizona Iced Tea
03:17.40cursorice: hmmm
03:17.49Kattycheese is MURDER </sarcasm>
03:17.57Sedoroxlactose intolerant?
03:18.04Sedoroxoooo ok
03:18.05cursoriced tea?  yuck
03:18.19cursorWhen my tea goes cold, I find my way back to the kettle
03:18.24iCEBrkrLOVE iced tea
03:18.28Sedoroxvegaterian... maybe...
03:18.34Kattyiced tea sounds good after these salty triscuts
03:18.37iCEBrkrcursor: you must be european :D
03:18.45cursorNot European
03:19.00iCEBrkrOh, ya bloke it's all the same :D
03:19.01Kattyhe's an uker!
03:19.12iCEBrkror something.
03:19.12cursorThey eat frogs and snails and smell of garlic
03:19.13Sedoroxodd.... zaptel won't compile...
03:19.17cursoror is that just the French?
03:19.20iCEBrkrcursor: lol
03:19.29iCEBrkrSedorox: what's so odd about that?
03:19.39Sedoroxnever had a problem with it before :p
03:19.41KattySedorox: it needs hugs
03:19.52SedoroxI'm not much into hugging programs
03:20.09Sedoroxhardware/networking equipment.. sure
03:20.13iCEBrkrI mean, since we're such geeks.
03:20.33iCEBrkrJust trying to FIT IN! *nudges Katty*
03:20.53cursorDon't do that - you'll just encourage him
03:21.23iCEBrkrOk, so this asterisk manager proxy thinggie isn't cooperating.
03:21.34iCEBrkrok, well it's working just fine..
03:21.36iCEBrkrMy code sucks.
03:21.59cursorStick it on a CVS server and get lots of people working on it with you
03:22.08iCEBrkrI gotta make this thing more event driven apparently.. As I'm getting multiple XML documents in one read.
03:22.18Sedoroxmake -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build SUBDIRS=/root/zaptel-1.0.9 modules
03:22.18Sedoroxmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.5-7.147-obj/i386/default'
03:22.18Sedoroxmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `modules'.  Stop.
03:22.23iCEBrkrcursor: I'd like to get a base app working  first :D
03:22.37cursori386 :-)
03:22.38Kattyi need Real Food(tm)
03:22.40iCEBrkrSedorox: Check the Makefile
03:22.51cursorDid you upgrade from a 286?
03:23.05iCEBrkrcursor: You know how long that confused the hell outta me back in the day?
03:23.08Sedoroxits standard OES install
03:23.17iCEBrkrI'm like I don't have a 386, it's a 486. where's the i486 dir
03:23.39*** join/#asterisk cfrank (
03:23.42cursorLinux andromeda 2.6.12-gentoo-r4 #1 Sat Jul 9 23:31:25 UTC 2005 i686 Pentium III (Coppermine) GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
03:24.04SedoroxLinux OES 2.6.5-7.147-default #1 Thu Jan 27 09:19:29 UTC 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
03:24.39cursorandromeda*CLI> show version
03:24.39iCEBrkrme too! me too!
03:24.39cursorAsterisk CVS-v1-0/2005-07-12/20:18:06/cursor-5 built by root@andromeda on a Pentium III (Coppermine) running Linux 2.6.12-gentoo-r4
03:24.45iCEBrkrLinux 2.4.28 #2 Mon Apr 4 11:22:46 EDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
03:25.14SedoroxDarwin ufo 8.1.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.1.0: Tue May 10 18:16:08 PDT 2005; root:xnu-792.1.5.obj~4/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc
03:26.44cursorApple took a perfectly competent open source kernel, closed the source, hacked about a bit and now applications can and do crash the entire machine
03:27.07cursorI'll stick with GNU/Linux
03:27.38cursorand they have the nerve to charge people to upgrade every 10 years or so
03:28.21SedoroxI haven't had a app crash the machine
03:28.32cursorAh - so you're the one
03:28.41cursorI've heard that someone had luck :-)
03:29.23cursorPerhaps I'm just mouse-phobic
03:29.36cursorI only open windows with SSH in them
03:29.48cursorunless it's hot in my office
03:30.09*** join/#asterisk vuvie (
03:30.22*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
03:30.32Corydon76-homecursor: what's odd is that FreeBSD seems to have been having considerable trouble staying 'competant' since Apple took their project leader
03:31.00*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
03:31.13cursorcory: So I've heard
03:31.29Corydon76-homeAnd I've never heard of an app on OS X taking down the machine
03:31.53cursorOh, I have
03:32.02cursorMostly those painting progs
03:32.16cursorAll of the BSDs are suffering a bit from GNU/Linux's success
03:32.19Sedoroxthat would be the fault of Adboe :p
03:32.21Corydon76-homeThe only time I've ever taken down OS X was either 1) during a power failure, or 2) when I was killing random processes as root from an open shell window
03:32.57cursorLinux would recover from a sudden ower failure :-)
03:33.22Corydon76-homeAh... so when Adobe consumes all available memory, OS X doesn't recover well?
03:33.51cursorOS/X's kernel doesn't like things that eat all of the memory
03:34.54Corydon76-homeI don't know too many OSs which recover well to the predicament of running out of memory
03:35.21Corydon76-homeLinux and FreeBSD just start killing random processes
03:35.22cursorswap space is nice
03:35.48Corydon76-homeYeah, and what happens when you run out of swap, too?
03:35.57cursorOS/X doesn't wait for that
03:36.49Corydon76-homeStill, it's a problem of what to do when you run out of memory
03:36.56cursorOn another note, my local ATM was proudly showing a BSOD the other day
03:37.27cursorI thought it best to not trust it with my cash card
03:38.07*** join/#asterisk BleedingMe (
03:39.50*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
03:39.55*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
03:40.31cursorMy laptop's gone to sleep
03:40.55cursorAt least he'll keep his claws to himself for a while
03:41.25blitzrageevening y'all
03:41.36cursorthe laptop will get you with his tail
03:41.42Kattyblitzrage: mew
03:41.46Kattycursor: k
03:41.49blitzrageKatty: mew urns
03:42.00Kattyblitzrage: i don't get it
03:42.13blitzrageKatty: Simpsons - boo urns?
03:42.24*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
03:42.26Kattyi don't want that
03:42.28Kattyi mean watch
03:42.32blitzragethats too bad
03:42.40cursorDo they still make the Simpsons?
03:42.47cursorI thought that was cancelled ages ago
03:42.47*** join/#asterisk yoink (
03:42.48Kattyno political hummor anymore i hear
03:42.56blitzrageI don't watch the new ones
03:43.00cursorHomer goes to Iraq
03:43.11Kattyhome has a cookie
03:43.16Kattyand another beer
03:43.17harryvvman its hard to believe how long that show been around. when did it start?
03:43.25blitzrage1988 I think
03:43.31harryvvThats what i thought
03:43.32blitzrageits been around like 16 years or something stupid...
03:43.37Kattyi was 5 or something
03:43.39cursorScratchy with a semtex belt
03:43.41heath__is there a limit to the len of asterisk global vars?
03:43.44Kattyso 88 sounds close
03:43.45blitzrageso I guess that'd be 1988/89 I guess
03:43.45heath__not the name, but the value
03:43.52harryvvI was in the USAF then and remember seeing it come out for the first time as married with childeren.
03:44.17blitzrageKatty: 5?! how old are you? I would have been like 7 or 8
03:44.17Kattyfile[laptop]: i owe you something
03:44.20blitzragefile[laptop]: yo
03:44.27Kattyblitzrage: 20 (=
03:44.30file[laptop]Katty: what do you owe me?
03:44.38blitzrageKatty: lol, crazy
03:44.43harryvvI need to get my sip.cfg or what ever fully configured to use all features on this phone :)
03:44.56Kattythat's for picking on me all morning!
03:45.00blitzragewelp, I just wanted to say hi - I might monitor the channel but I have to go and do some editing on the book!
03:45.07file[laptop]blitzrage: book?
03:45.10harryvvwhat book
03:45.11cursorWhich features are you hoping to configure in sip.conf?
03:45.12blitzragefile[laptop]: aye
03:45.18file[laptop]I thought you finished it
03:45.25harryvvsip.cfg cursor
03:45.36blitzrageharryvv: the O'Reilly book on Asterisk Jim, Jared and myself wrote
03:45.41Kattydo i really want to install trillian?
03:45.42blitzragefile[laptop]: well, still in editing
03:45.44Kattyi mean gaim is hottt
03:45.46file[laptop]'tsk 'tsk
03:45.47Kattyand uses gtk
03:45.54Kattyfile[laptop]: bi
03:45.59harryvvis it better and clearer then the yellow asterisk book? I have not read that one yet.
03:46.04harryvvmore in depth?
03:46.15blitzrageharryvv: I haven't read it either, but heard it sucks - and yes, it'll be much better :)
03:46.35harryvvI dont like dry reading material
03:46.42blitzrageharryvv: this book is far from dry
03:46.46Kattyyou prefer it soaking wet?
03:46.48cursorRead it in the bath
03:46.58Kattya rained on book just isn't fun to read
03:46.59blitzrageKatty: just liquid smooth is fine with me :D
03:47.24Kattynaptime for kattys
03:47.27blitzrageharryvv: it'll be available in hard copy in September
03:47.31blitzrageKatty: nuh nite
03:47.38harryvvshould toss a funny dial plan in it just for fun. Put in a waltdisney land CID and micky mouse and then call some kid with it fool them.
03:47.38cursorWarning: Reading this ebook in the shower can be hazardous
03:47.43Kattyblitzrage: nini
03:48.06blitzrageharryvv: we're working on getting a copy for everyone at Astricon 2005
03:48.15harryvvThats cool
03:48.41cursorOh - wow - found another VoIP provider in Egypt
03:48.45cursorcompetition at last
03:48.50cursorNow I have two to choose from
03:48.55harryvvin egypt? interest.
03:49.31BleedingMethere's internet in egypt? :P
03:49.47cursorAt a pharoh price
03:49.53harryvvBTW, whats considered a exceptable pri rate to be competitive as a voip provider. I just dont see paying 1k for pri from this one company. Thay keep bugging me.
03:50.11blitzragewhats an Internet?
03:50.16*** join/#asterisk KRTorio (~krtorio@
03:50.23BleedingMeit's like the Interweb only not as good
03:50.26cursorYou use it to catch an Interfish
03:50.49Kattythe etherbunny too
03:50.59Kattyoh wait, that's the ethernet, nevermind
03:51.15BleedingMemm.. etherbunny.. sounds naughty
03:51.23cursorI don't like using the etherbunny - too many hops
03:51.24Kattyi was supposed to be napping
03:51.25Corydon76-homeharryvv: depends upon your area.  You can usually get a full PRI somewhere in the range of $600-$1500
03:51.39Kattyi'll have to detach from my session :<
03:51.44Kattynot that i'm an addict or anything
03:51.56harryvvCory, then many subscribers to break even...I guess i need to figure in that cost.
03:52.09Corydon76-homeIf you're fine with a fractional PRI, you can sometimes get one as cheap as $400 monthly
03:52.29Corydon76-homeOversubscription is the name of the game
03:52.32harryvvcory, is that voice pri including additional data cable like high speed dsl?
03:52.36cursorOr put the server in a colo facility
03:52.40cursorbandwidth will be cheaper
03:52.49harryvvcursor, yea might do that.
03:52.52*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
03:53.11cursorand you'll have someone to slap if the service fails
03:53.50Corydon76-homeWe have a full data T1 for only $500/month
03:54.11Corydon76-homeI'm sure in some areas, you can get it even cheaper
03:54.35cursorIf you're a service provider then you'll need more than one link
03:54.43cursorThat's another advantage of a colo
03:54.49cursorthey will probably have lots
03:55.20cursorso that'll minimise link downtime
03:55.49Corydon76-homeUnfortunately with a colo, if one line is down, as often as not, all of them will be down
03:55.52*** part/#asterisk KRTorio (~krtorio@
03:56.03cursorThat's where the slapping comes in
03:56.14Corydon76-homeThat's usually because there's only one pipe into the facility
03:56.18cursorThey should have multiple links and set up failovers etc.
03:56.25Corydon76-homeOne physical pipe, that is
03:56.37cursorNo - you get links from different providers
03:56.40Corydon76-homeBackhoes take out multiple providers at a time
03:56.44cursoron different pipes
03:57.02jhivermornin' all
03:57.10cursorho ho ho
03:57.23Corydon76-homeUsually all of them
03:57.35*** join/#asterisk astpbx (
03:57.40jhiver7:57 for me
03:57.50cursoram or pm
03:57.56Corydon76-homeEvening... 22:57 here
03:58.01jhivertime for coffee
03:58.16astpbxhey guys, is there any way to setup iax devices (specifically iaxy's) to immediate (aka batphone) mode like on zaptel interfaces?
03:58.51Corydon76-homeDon't think so
03:59.07astpbxthats it, im throwing it all in the garbage :)
03:59.34cursorastpbx kicks his pbx in the ast
03:59.43*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (~Brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
04:00.10cursorsend it to me - I'll recycle it for you
04:00.11astpbxi think i wore out my down arrow reading through that manual. good read though
04:00.16astpbxcursor: suuure ya will
04:00.50cursortime to upgrade your kernel then
04:00.59Sedoroxdamn.. ipv6 peer went down
04:01.20astpbxbeen putting it off to see how long I could go. Mind you, most of my services are on another host @ isp anyways so Im good to go
04:01.21Corydon76-homeastpbx: you could, of course, configure the iaxy such that any key rings the same phone
04:01.58astpbxCorydon76-home: so it would in effect go to the s of that context?
04:02.14Corydon76-homeNo, it would go to whatever key you pressed
04:02.55astpbxCorydon76-home: i was hoping to have something where they would get a menu soon as they picked up phone but oh well. I got the tdm card for that
04:03.00Corydon76-homeBut you could easily do that... [batphone] exten => _[0-9*#],1,Goto(s,1)
04:03.18astpbxmakes sense, thanks. ill give it a shot
04:03.34cursorYou'll have to paint your phone red
04:03.40Corydon76-homeProbably want to send it to a different context, though
04:03.53astpbxcurious, the manual never explained the "_" line. Does that mean to ignore it like ignorepat=9?
04:03.59astpbxcursor: haha
04:04.09cursor_ line?
04:04.18astpbxor is it strip like ${FOO:1}?
04:04.21Corydon76-home_ means the extension is a pattern
04:04.30Corydon76-homenot an exact match
04:04.33astpbxahh, so pattern = regex?
04:04.44Corydon76-homeNo, but it's like a regex
04:04.58Corydon76-homeDon't try to use regex... they won't work
04:05.14astpbxwell, regex as far as * does them I meant, but ya, get your idea
04:05.19Corydon76-homeYou can do a character class for a single digit
04:05.45Corydon76-home*** is a literal *** key
04:05.52Corydon76-homeor something like that
04:06.16cursorand I don't particularly want any, unless someone wants to donate :-)
04:06.19astpbxcursor: look man, give it up, im not sending you my hardware :p
04:06.39Corydon76-homebut the * is not a modifier for the patterns
04:06.41astpbxgot a devkit + 2 iaxy's and I want to play :)
04:07.10astpbxCorydon76-home: I thought I seen them use "a" in place of *, are they same or is * only valid choice?
04:07.27cursora == *
04:07.29Corydon76-homeYou can also do X for any number, Z for 1-9, or N for 2-9
04:07.31astpbxcursor: need a big box :)
04:07.49astpbxCorydon76-home: ya, seen those ones.
04:08.02Corydon76-homeI wasn't aware you could substitute a for *
04:08.16cursorI'm thinking voicemail
04:08.23cursora == * escape
04:08.24astpbxCorydon76-home: well, the doc's used it in example, but I assumed they meant a == *
04:08.27cursoro == 0 escape
04:08.47cursormy mistake
04:09.22astpbxcurious, any you boys played with pri interfaces?
04:09.29cursornot me
04:09.46cursorVoIP all the way - over a data link
04:09.48astpbxi can understand if not since you must have some serious $$$ to be "playing" with one
04:10.21astpbxjust curious if the doc's were right in stateing that a pri can set its own caller id
04:10.27*** join/#asterisk KRTorio (~krtorio@
04:10.27*** join/#asterisk dysan (~ack@
04:10.28cursorYou can fit more calls over a PRI if you keep it data
04:10.32*** part/#asterisk KRTorio (~krtorio@
04:10.54blitzrageugh! is down so I can't grab the file
04:11.00astpbxcursor: but would still be cool considering how many local #'s you could have
04:11.02Corydon76-homeastpbx: yes, it can
04:11.03file[laptop]poor poor blitzrage
04:11.10Corydon76-homebut it cannot set its own ANI
04:11.14cursorYou can buy local #s from providers
04:11.20cursorand they'll probably be cheaper too
04:11.24dysanim trying to install mpg123 0.59r but its not compiling, mpg123.c:1146: error: 'file' undeclared (first use in this function), mpg123.c:1146: error: 'stderror' undeclared...etc
04:11.27astpbxCorydon76-home: i want one just for the funny ways I could abuse caller id :)
04:11.30Corydon76-homeOr more particularly, the provider will override any set ANI
04:11.56blitzrageman.. I'm really good at filling this 1GB SD card with pictures...
04:12.00Corydon76-homeastpbx: actually, it's a provider setting.  They can let you set it or they can enforce a particular setting
04:12.09JunK-Ypics of ?
04:12.10astpbxCorydon76-home: ahh, similar to rev dns then?
04:12.12Corydon76-homeOr they can enforce a range
04:12.24blitzrageJunK-Y: just lots of stuff - right now I've got pics from the mountain tops in Denver
04:12.46Corydon76-homeastpbx: you mean ANI?
04:12.52JunK-Ycome to montreal, we'll take pics of nice butt in downtown :)
04:12.57file[laptop]I SEE ALIVE PEOPLE
04:12.57astpbxCorydon76-home: ya, think so
04:13.08blitzrageJunK-Y: I'm definately going to come as soon as I can afford the trip!
04:13.10cursorTitanic: Icy dead people
04:13.17blitzrageJunK-Y: maybe end of August... or September...
04:13.23Corydon76-homeANI is one of the things that lets the FBI track you back to your address, no matter what you set callerid to
04:13.49astpbxCorydon76-home: oh, maybe not then. Well, whatever the callerid info gets set in
04:14.07JunK-Ygreat, just tell me like 2 days in advance, so i can clean the welcome room.
04:14.16blitzragelol - 30 more mins to download the pics from my cam :)
04:14.22*** join/#asterisk Math` (
04:14.23astpbxshould have got into * ages ago
04:14.33blitzrageJunK-Y: lol, np. I'd let you know a bit sooner than that I'd hope :D
04:14.38*** join/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
04:14.47blitzrageJunK-Y: "Hey man! Are you busy? I'm outside your door"
04:15.05Corydon76-homeastpbx: the faking callerid gets old once you realize it's not a challenge
04:15.08JunK-Ythen u gonna sleep on the caught!
04:15.55astpbxCorydon76-home: always heard that pri lines could dynamically allocate lines from data to voice as needed and I think I got a taste of how in the man I just read. Looks like it puts ununsed voice lines into a special exten thats setup with some sort of ppp to aggregate the line back to data. Now thats cool to know asterisk can control all the signalling for ya :) with the t1 card card that is
04:16.24blitzrageJunK-Y: you mean cot :)
04:16.38astpbxCorydon76-home: not a challange?! I would think that working hard enough at your job to be able to afford the setup needed to do that is a heck of a challange :)
04:16.45*** join/#asterisk shido (
04:16.57cursorIt's a dog eat dog world out there, and vice versa.
04:17.07*** part/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
04:17.15Corydon76-homeastpbx: it's called multi-link ppp
04:18.04astpbxCorydon76-home: oh, so its just just a bunch of ppp links thrown togerethe in one big bridged connection?
04:18.19cursorThat's the idea
04:18.49Corydon76-homeIt's similar to ISDN
04:18.51blitzrageWord of the day: penultimate
04:18.57astpbxnever got to play with isdn
04:19.15astpbxisnt isdn = t1 but only say 2 channels?
04:19.29blitzrageT1 is ISDN
04:19.38Corydon76-homeNo, PRI is ISDN
04:19.45blitzrageBRI = 2B+D, PRI = 23B+D
04:19.48astpbxk, that clears a bit up
04:19.49blitzrageCorydon76-home: errr.... yah :D
04:19.59astpbxD being the signalling channel?
04:19.59Corydon76-homeT1 is the underlying line
04:20.03cursorThat's the cheap US PRI
04:20.10cursorPRI is 30 channels over here
04:20.16Corydon76-homeE1 is also PRI
04:20.27astpbxE1 = europe t1?
04:20.33cursorThere are two secrets for success:  (1) Don't reveal all your secrets, and (2)
04:20.33Corydon76-homecursor: more accurately, E1 is 32 channels
04:20.49Corydon76-homecursor: but 2 are always reserved
04:20.59cursorApparently so
04:21.11Corydon76-homeOne for timing, the other for signalling
04:21.12cursorI don't order data using T1, E1 etc.
04:21.16cursorI just order it by the Mbps
04:21.21astpbxwhy do I get the feeling im in a room full of hardcore telephone repair men? :)
04:22.06cursorThe softcore telephone repair men were censored
04:22.18astpbxyou guys probably use those aligator clip phones clipped onto your phone jacks for coolness factor too dont ya? :)
04:22.37cursorAnd wear the anti-static wrist band even when there's no lead attached
04:22.38dysanhey im getting these errors shwen trying to compile mpg123, can someone please help
04:22.38dysan`-m486' is deprecated. Use `-march=i486' or `-mcpu=i486' instead.
04:22.38dysanmpg123.c:9:20: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
04:22.38dysanmpg123.c:10:23: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
04:22.42Corydon76-homeastpbx: it's called a buttset
04:22.48Math`dysan: install glibc-dev
04:22.52astpbxthats it, sorry, dont use the word much
04:23.02blitzrageCorydon76-home: stop knowing so much :D
04:23.18astpbxspoon feed me!
04:23.27Strom_C"Hi...I'm from the phone company, and I'm here to punch my big tool into your connecting block."
04:23.35astpbxheh, jk. but nice to finally talk with someone who knows their stuff
04:23.46mishehuastpbx: at least you didn't ask to be breastfed...  being a guy and all, I well...  kinda don't have breasts.
04:24.29cursorYou haven't been in America long enough then - give it time
04:24.29Corydon76-homeSomeone in here knows his stuff?
04:24.41mishehucursor: 2/3 of my life isn't enough?
04:25.04cursorThat depends upon your age
04:25.04Corydon76-homeActually, I could breastfeed him
04:25.17Corydon76-homebut I only have one breast and it's about 2 feet lower
04:25.19astpbxCorydon76-home: curious, say down the road I decide to get an isdn line, how does * interface with it? I thought I read something about isdn4linux somewhere
04:25.39astpbxhey wait a minute, thats not milk!
04:25.45Corydon76-homeSure it is
04:25.52Strom_Cthat's more of a meat popsicle than a breast
04:25.55mishehuastpbx: if you don't think so, it also doubles as hand cream.
04:25.57astpbx"Skin" milk :)
04:26.18astpbxwell, we grossed Sedorox out
04:26.35cursorYou did ask for "a room full of hardcore telephone repair men"
04:26.38mishehuthough quite frankly, no guys are going to "milk" me...   perhaps nice teenage girls can...
04:27.19astpbxserious though, does * use an isdn the same as say the digium cards?
04:27.35mishehutelcom pickup line:  "Hey baby, why don't you say we hook up so I can check out your dialtone"
04:27.45mishehuastpbx: define "same way"
04:27.52astpbxmishehu: thats bad, but ill give it a 7
04:27.53cursorAsterisk won't use ISDN at all without a card
04:28.10mishehuas in "does it work" ?  sure, assuming you got an isdn card that it can work with.
04:28.10cursoror some other form of connection
04:28.16astpbxcursor: what card though? And is that something digium sells?
04:28.22Strom_Cmu connecting block line is far wittier :)
04:28.30mishehuthe kow says mu!
04:28.36cursorThere are a few companies that sell ISDN cards
04:28.52mishehuStrom_C: it was more like a line out of the pr0n movie
04:28.55cursorI have no idea what Digium sell these days - I haven't looked in ages
04:29.12mishehuI don't recall a specific isdn card from digium
04:29.21mishehuisdn never took off in the USA
04:29.42Corydon76-homeSure it did... I used to have ISDN myself
04:29.50Strom_Cmy friend has ISDN
04:29.55mishehuI used to have euro isdn in israel.
04:29.57cursorBut I'm not in America
04:30.17mishehustill got the nt1 device somewhere collecting dust.
04:30.20cursorPesky European Union will let anyone in
04:30.38mishehucursor: euro isdn as in the protocol ya fewl.
04:31.15cursorISDN/2e, where e == Euro
04:31.17astpbxi get the feeling that the best bet is a digium t1 card with a partial t1 line
04:31.25*** join/#asterisk ZeeLax (
04:31.36dysanMath`: E: couldnt find package glibc-dev
04:31.40cursorthat depends how partial
04:31.45mishehucursor: I was guessing that was what you meant.
04:32.08cursorProbably a waste of money of you only need two lines/128k
04:32.08astpbxcursor: well, say 128k worth of it since I think thats low as ma bell goes here
04:32.22cursorprobably a waste of money in any event
04:32.37astpbxcursor: true. but I would imagine some sort of burstable line would be a better bet
04:32.40mishehuI got loop on a full pri for $300/mo.
04:32.47cursorcheck around and find some of the BRI cards
04:33.10cursorIf you only want 128k then why not just get aDSL
04:33.21astpbxguess it makes more sense
04:33.23Math`dysan: try libc-dev or libc6-dev
04:33.25Strom_Cno no no, for telephone service, not for data
04:33.35cursorrun VoIP over it
04:34.13cursorno cards, no messing about, no line rental etc.
04:34.22astpbxgood point
04:34.29NuggetBuild a bridge out of her!
04:34.38cursorand you'll probably get a lot more than 128k both ways
04:34.41astpbxalready business cable now. but I am considering dsl business package as well for backup
04:35.15mishehuhrmf.  I wonder why my PRI is using the CIDNumber as the CIDName
04:37.39blitzrageok, I'm off to read a bit of The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene, then sleep. More Asterisk training to do tomorrow!
04:38.05cursorTrain Asterisk to balance on a stool
04:38.16cursorHit it with a whip or something
04:39.05cursorTime for breakfast, I think
04:39.06*** join/#asterisk valence (
04:40.21astpbxclose enough to breakfast
04:45.25*** join/#asterisk Supaplex (
04:48.12harryvvmishehu thats chearp
04:50.08harryvvWell, was on top of one of the roofs of our tallest skyscraper today. not tall for our area and almost void of antennas.
04:50.41harryvvwould be a good place to put a wifi antenna up.
04:50.54empwhere do I access recorded calls from *?
04:51.24harryvvemp version of ast is this.
04:55.22Supaplexeep eep
04:56.01harryvvokay guys, for those of you who want a voip testing took, Fluke came out with a unit thats seems to fit the bill. Also, I worked at fluke in Everett and thay make great products.
04:56.19empI'm running Asterisk 1.0.9, is that what you wanted to know?
04:56.26astpbxharryvv: funny thing is, you could probably access your wap from anywhere in town BUT inside your building :)
04:56.30*** join/#asterisk shido (
04:57.29*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
04:57.34harryvvast, thats because of a NUL
04:57.47astpbxharryvv: NUL?
04:58.04astpbxdeinfe NUL i mean
04:58.09astpbxbah, typos
04:58.12harryvvthats why antennas are often stacked end to end with some seperation.
04:58.27WilliamKget an AP with super high db gain and use a 2nd AP with not soo high
04:58.52harryvvThe maximum cross section signal streangth is parallel to each other.
04:59.02harryvvnull, where no signal exist.
04:59.06astpbxWilliamK: how would this staggering of strength help penatrate the roof and concrete floors?
04:59.22harryvvUsed alot in the design of RDF antennas.
04:59.42astpbxnot very versed in RF
05:00.09WilliamKastpbx, obviously I wasn't thinking of the concrete so be nice
05:00.14harryvvLets see, FCC amature radio licence built many antennas. Loads of books :)
05:00.27harryvvWhat do you want to know?
05:00.33astpbxWilliamK: some engineer you would make :) "Sorry, I forgot about wind affecting the bridge" :p
05:00.58WilliamKastpbx, that's why I don't deal with RF applications
05:01.00astpbxharryvv: whatever you think a beginer should know i guess
05:01.09dasuberdavidanyone know what a good linux softphone is?
05:01.10WilliamKand yes I do engineering all day long, just not WiFI
05:01.33astpbxWilliamK: architechtural?
05:01.56WilliamKdesign on LAN and WANs
05:02.00WilliamKall hardwire though
05:02.09astpbxWilliamK: big cisco fan I presume?
05:02.38harryvvOne electrical contractor was wondering why he lost his cell signal in a elevator..I said thats because we are in a moving faraday cage :)
05:02.52astpbxharryvv: makes sense. same prob in our building
05:03.38astpbxharryvv: I take it the density of metal is what makes the RF "bounce" off compared to porus concrete?
05:04.46harryvvI dont know about the concrete but there is also often, mesh and rebar in the concrete that will block the signal.
05:04.55WilliamKharryv, that's actually one problem I haven't had yet with my cell which is kind of nice, cell only dies when in the bottom of the building thankfully :)
05:05.51WilliamKaluminum siding makes a good reflector for RF =)
05:07.23astpbxreminds me of that guy in california that got in trouble for putting alum siding all around his house cause he thought the government was spying on him
05:08.58WilliamKgov will spy on you if they so choose, not a thing you can do, fact of life... so why worry =)
05:09.34astpbxWilliamK: well, Im sure there are ways to prevent some things. but usually the resources for such a defense are beyond the avg person
05:10.11WilliamKastpbx, can't live inside a wood shell forever without any windows
05:10.53astpbxWilliamK: I guess the most obvious solution to invent a cloaking device to mask your presence from every form of spying :)
05:11.28WilliamKIf I were that paranoid, I'd rather be dead so I didn't have the damn headache
05:11.43astpbxWilliamK: gotta admit, nothing would be funnier than the look on the lead spy teams faces when they find out they your spying on them and they cant find or stop you :)
05:11.48*** join/#asterisk rajo (
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05:12.13astpbxWilliamK: not about being paranoid since we all know the gov does it to various extents. Its about being the best
05:12.31astpbxof course something like that would take mad skillz
05:13.07WilliamKdepends on the application, and with that line is where I'm not going to talk anymore on that subject =)
05:13.08astpbxthat and I cant think of anyone that wouldnt enjoy the feeling of knowing that no human nor government on the planet can stop them
05:13.24astpbxnow thats power
05:14.14astpbxi would LMAO if someone one day made a space craft that the gov couldnt stop from leaving earth. I look forward to such days
05:15.01WilliamKI'd laugh when they found out and hit it with the new laser and watched it go b00m
05:16.16astpbxWilliamK: if you cant hit what you cant detect, then the solution is to become undetectable. Easier said than done for us though. But hey, they did come up with stealth tech so it just goes to show that there is always a way
05:17.06*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
05:17.11astpbxgotta admit though, that 747 laser jet usa has sounds neat
05:20.03astpbxwell, its been fun discussing the limits of reality with you (and * as well), but its getting late
05:20.10astpbxcya around and thanks for the help guys
05:22.46*** join/#asterisk shido (
05:30.51Strom_Coh yes, blue orange green brown slate OH!
05:38.54|Vulture|sup guys
05:40.21*** join/#asterisk alphaque (~alphaque@
05:42.32*** join/#asterisk timecop (
05:43.30*** join/#asterisk BleedingMe (
05:44.47BleedingMedamn.. i got my cisco 7940 all setup.. but it won't dial out through my asterisk box... it's registered and shows in the peers list on asterisk.. but when i try to dial out it just immediately says "reorder" and gives me a busy tone...
05:45.33*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
05:46.41cursor* file[laptop] is on Strom's site looking at pay phones
05:46.46cursorWhich website is that?
05:48.49cursorI thought I was going to find an ecommerce website
05:49.05cursorAt least that's slightly better (probably) than a train spotter
05:49.05*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
05:49.18cursorDo you write down all of the numbers? :-)
05:49.44cursorI should put a payphone in my front garden
05:49.52cursormake some money out of this Asterisk lark
05:50.07*** join/#asterisk alphaque (~alphaque@
05:51.01cursorOh - my email has been suspended and I have to look at a virus-infested attachment to get it back
05:51.06cursorI wonder whether I should look
05:51.22WilliamKyou can long as I'm not in your address book
05:53.39cursorJust because I have a short attention span doesn't mean I
05:55.16cursorCisco 7960 new and in its box £67
05:55.20cursor12 hours left on eBay
05:55.51cursorApprox US$120
05:56.16cursorBrand new Cisco VOIP 7960G-CH1 phone, unopened and complete with manufacturers label sealing the box.
05:58.10QwellStrom_C: looks like a nice chair there...
05:58.19Strom_Cyeah, thats a comfy chair
05:58.27cursorNot sure about those shelves
05:58.42Strom_Cits a kitchen nook actually
05:58.42Qwellyeah, the shelves are a bit disturbing
05:58.50BleedingMeso is there some trick to get a Cisco 7940 to dial out through an Asterisk box?  my cisco phone is behind a linksys firewall.. i can get calls in to my extensions.. but i can't dial out
05:58.53Strom_Cbut since i never use it as a nook, i made it an office
05:59.29cursorbleedingme: no trick at all
05:59.33cursorMine works fine
05:59.47cursorNo Linksys stuff here though
06:00.00BleedingMebut your phone is behind a nat firewall?
06:00.07cursorOf course not :-)
06:00.11cursorIt;s a SIP phone
06:00.31BleedingMeyah, but it's got a real internet ip?
06:00.58cursorthe Asterisk box has multiple ethernet cards
06:01.02cursorone is on a public IP
06:01.09BleedingMeoh.. your asterisk box is local?
06:01.10cursoranother is on a private LAN with the phones
06:01.36BleedingMeah.. mine's in texas with broadvoice sip connections for the lines
06:01.42BleedingMeand i'm in california
06:02.07cursorInstall a local one and run an IAX link through to your box in George Dubbya's state
06:02.23BleedingMethat sounds like a lotta work
06:02.44cursor1-2 hours, I'd say
06:02.50cursorif that
06:03.07BleedingMebut i'd need to scrounge a pc together...
06:03.28shidocursor, SWEEET then you shouldnt have problems
06:03.31cursorand, while you're at it, the local Asterisk box could be set up to fallback to using a local analogue line if the IAX link should fail
06:03.46shidoand the asterisk box can handle your nat for all of your internal boxes
06:03.49shidomine is setup that way
06:04.05cursorshido: it does, yes
06:04.08shidofor the wife and a all kinds of ip phones , xbox, windows box, and my ubuntu box
06:04.31BleedingMei would do that if it were only me.. but there's gonna be people connecting to asterisk all over the place... we all need to have our cisco phones connect directly to the asterisk box in texas
06:04.37cursorBeing the gateway, it also helps marshal data through QoS rules to prioritise voice over data
06:06.00cursorThe servers have their own IPs.  The workstations all hide behind the gateway.  the GW server runs Asterisk
06:07.19BleedingMetoo complicated... i just want my phone to dial out through the server :)   i must be missing something stupid...
06:07.47cursorcheck the NAT settings in your phone config
06:07.57cursorand in sip.conf etc.
06:08.44BleedingMenat is enabled on the phone and in the sip.conf profile for my phone
06:09.03cursorwhich ports do you have open in the firewall?
06:09.14cursorand does it start to work if you disable the firewall?
06:09.21BleedingMe5060 forwards to my phone
06:09.25cursoropen all ports for a moment and check
06:09.30cursoronly 5060?
06:09.48BleedingMethat forwards from the outside into my phone... there's nothing blocking any outgoing ports
06:10.00*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
06:10.06cursorlook in your phone's config
06:10.20cursoropen every port in that range
06:10.31BleedingMeah.. incoming.. forward that range to my phone?
06:10.54cursorOnly if you want to hear people talking :-)
06:11.02BleedingMewell i can receive calls just fine
06:11.36BleedingMeit's just when i try to make an outgoing call, it immediately fails and says "reorder" on the phone display
06:11.47cursorThe only thing I know about SIP over NATs is to stay well clear
06:12.03BleedingMewell damn
06:12.21cursorDoes Asterisk see the call attempt?
06:12.53BleedingMeall it sees is my phone registering and it's able to "poke" my phone and maintain a connection
06:12.59cursorAny firewall on/near the Asterisk server?
06:13.07BleedingMenope.. it's wide open
06:13.29cursorso you protect your hardware phone with a firewall and leave your server wide open? :-)
06:13.38BleedingMehehe.. yes yes i know
06:13.47BleedingMewe'll lock down the server as soon as everything is working
06:16.15*** join/#asterisk jas_williams (
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06:20.16file[laptop]my TV remote is dead :\
06:21.03cursorWho needs TV?
06:21.56*** join/#asterisk opus_ (
06:22.20shidotv remote?
06:27.01timecopanyone know anything about eyebeam and norton personal firewall (i know, dont ask) having trouble even if its set to "allow all" for eybeam app?
06:27.48timecopfucking norton shit
06:27.50timecopit cant register
06:27.52timecopwhile firewall is on
06:27.55timecopeven if its set to allow all
06:28.04timecopbut if you disable then it works
06:28.13opus_i want my money back
06:28.14Qwellso keep it disabled
06:28.18cursorthen disable it
06:28.36opus_just get a linksys
06:29.08*** join/#asterisk alphaque (~alphaque@
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06:30.04BleedingMeokay.. anyone had any experiance with Fonality (.com) ?
06:30.14cursorNo - nobody has
06:30.24opus_Never heard of them. ..
06:31.10opus_anyone have any experience with tubgirl.. ahah (.com)
06:31.59cursorvoipfetish (.com)
06:33.22opus_i think the biggest flame bait is 'voip spam' who ever thought that up is silly
06:35.43opus_Engineers have been developing and testing plugs and crack-repair procedures for the reinforced carbon-carbon panels, as well as tile-repair techniques,
06:35.49opus_where doomed. they're launching CVS HEAD
06:36.13cursorlaunching it?
06:36.17cursorto the moon?
06:37.22opus_dude the window just fell off the space shuttle\
06:37.35opus_they forgot to install it or something.. haha
06:37.54cursorWas it replaced with a BSOD?
06:38.26*** join/#asterisk infinity1 (
06:38.38infinity1where is a good place to purchase polycom 501?
06:39.07cursorHuston: The space shuttle "application" blew up moments ago.  Officials were heard cursing windows.
06:41.27empwhat are some of the more customizable IP phones that are well supported with * ?
06:41.29cursorPeter Piper's Polycom Emporium
06:41.34cursorSay that after a drink
06:41.51Strom_CI tend to have good diction even when drunk
06:42.14cursorHe who laughs last thinks slowest.
06:42.30Strom_Capparently I got drunk one time and went into this incredibly detailed explanation of time-division switching
06:43.08cursorI bet that sobered everyone up instantly
06:43.13cursorDid they all rush to the bar?
06:43.56Strom_Cno, but I did manage to catch the interest of this SBC DSL engineer who was at the bar ;)
06:44.18infinity1hm. polycom 501 is $180 US
06:44.29cursorSo that's where all the DSL engineers go
06:44.40cursorlevis 501 is cheaper
06:44.51cursorBut they are a strange shape now
06:44.56cursorAll tent-like
06:44.57Strom_Cnew from levi's - VOIP PANTS
06:45.23Strom_Cavailable in SIP, MGCP, and acid wash
06:46.10cursorVOIP PANTS == VAST POP
06:46.24Strom_Cinfinity1: dont worry, we all go sing karaoke later
06:47.18cursorSPAT VIN
06:47.29cursorWine tasting
06:47.38cursorWell, less of the tasting
06:47.42cursormore getting drunk
06:48.11opus_pass the bowl d00d
06:48.25infinity1opus_: for realz
06:48.48infinity1opus_: i might just light up. mofo's are putting my in another world just listening.
06:49.15cursorTo a pessimist, the glass is half empty.  To an optimist, the glass is half full.  To an engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
06:49.58tzafrirgood morning
06:50.06cursoris it?
06:50.32tzafrirIs it good or is it morning?
06:50.33cursorah - daylight
06:50.45tzafrircursor, or are you Gandalf?
06:50.52infinity1good morning? its time for bed here.
06:50.57cursor7:50am here
06:51.14opus_wake and bake
06:51.56*** join/#asterisk ast_freak (
06:55.56cursorwake implies sleep
06:56.01cursorsleep is for the weak
06:56.54cursorOverhearing a conversation in #perl
06:57.02cursor<Sleeper__> whats in a symbol table
07:00.46*** join/#asterisk rajo (
07:03.02opus_yay: add a dialplan function to get and set the music on hold class
07:03.08opus_russell rocks
07:05.28*** join/#asterisk drray (
07:06.58drrayis there a way to increase the timeout on a zapline?
07:07.01*** join/#asterisk cmk (
07:07.38cursorWhat timeout?
07:10.02drraywell, I have a payphone hooked up to a zap extension, and while the user is fumbling to put 10 nickles in the line times out
07:10.05drraythe zap line
07:10.20drraythe ten nickles is an extreme example
07:11.00drrayI guess I need to lengthen the time that a zap channel will give dialtone
07:11.30cursorIs it a FXS port on a TDM card?
07:11.40drrayyes, via a channel bank
07:12.10cursoris the dialtone provided by Asterisk or by the channel bank?
07:12.37drraythe payphone gives you a fake dialtone, and the background you can hear the real dialtone timeout
07:12.38cursorI assume by Asterisk, from your question
07:13.45*** join/#asterisk Tili (
07:13.50cursordoes it work if you plug an ordinary phone in?
07:13.57drrayeverything works
07:14.01drrayit's worked for months
07:14.12cursorwhat's changed?
07:14.26tzafrirdrray, the "dimeout" is a parameter in the dial command
07:14.26*** join/#asterisk Myshenka (~gunde@
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07:14.43tzafririf you dial out
07:14.49drraythe issue is if a user takes too long to dial the phone/insert the money. the asterisk dialtone gives up
07:14.56cursorhe's timing out before dialling
07:15.08drraythe payphone picks up the line
07:15.22cursordoes the dialtone give up if you use an ordinary phone in the same way?
07:15.22drrayit won't take money if there is no tone
07:15.33drrayif I hold it open for 30 seconds
07:16.22drraytzafrir, I think that is what I need
07:16.43drrayI was looking for a setting in zapta.conf
07:18.28*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@
07:18.49drrayexten => _9.,1,Dial(zap/g2/${EXTEN:1})
07:19.05drrayis my current dial string
07:19.56*** part/#asterisk Myshenka (~gunde@
07:21.23drrayso 45 seconds?
07:21.54tzafrirdrray, how are users connected, with FXSs?
07:21.55*** join/#asterisk Myshenka (~gunde@
07:22.15drraytzafrir - channel bank, FXS
07:22.37drrayit's only the payphone that has teh problem , the rest of my regular extensions are fine
07:22.47cursorfound that in chan_zap.c
07:22.51cursorstatic int matchdigittimeout = 3000;
07:22.56cursorThat's probably your timeout
07:22.57drray6 seconds
07:22.59cursorchange it and see
07:23.05cursorstatic int gendigittimeout = 8000;
07:23.05drrayer 5 seconds
07:23.20cursorI've only been looking for a little while
07:23.27drrayno worries
07:23.37drrayI'm going to try monkeying with the dial command first
07:23.38cursorThese people don't believe in comments
07:24.18cursorlots of timeout values in there
07:24.51cursor/* Wait up to 16 seconds for first digit (FXO logic) */
07:24.51cursorstatic int firstdigittimeout = 16000;
07:24.55cursorah - a comment
07:25.02cursorcause for celebration
07:25.29cursorbut you probably want FXS logic :-)
07:25.44cursoror not
07:25.50cursornever mind
07:25.57cursorFXO signalling on a FXS port
07:26.37cursorTime it - see if it's 16 seconds
07:26.43cursorand change/recompile if it is
07:26.45drrayI will hold on
07:26.57cursorset to 60 seconds or something if you like
07:27.19drrayand just compile whihc part? the whole thing?
07:27.33cursorwell, just make
07:27.40cursorand let the Makefile decide
07:28.38drrayok, well before I do that, I'll move the payphone to its own asterisk server
07:28.53drrayI'm not breaking my working 45 extensions
07:28.59cursorIt'd be easy enough to make that a configurable setting in a conf file
07:29.22drrayso modify chan_zap.c in the /src and then make
07:29.46cursorI don't know where your chan_zap.c is, but yes
07:30.00cursorvi channels/chan_zap.c
07:30.15cursormake make install
07:30.16drrayand save the old one if I wanted to fix it
07:30.33cursoralways take a backup first, yes
07:31.06*** join/#asterisk kswail (
07:31.28drrayit is exactly 16 seconds
07:31.30drraynice call
07:31.39cursorYou could make the variable configurable in zapata.conf instead of just hard-coding a new value
07:32.03cursorThen you wouldn't need to recompile and re-install the new kernel module if you changed your mind in the future
07:32.03drraywell, the payphones are getting their own asterisk server anyway
07:32.22cursoryou don't need to compile/install the modules
07:32.25cursorjust Asterisk
07:32.36drraychange the modules, and make asterisk
07:32.56cursorThe change is in chan_zap.c
07:33.04cursorwhich is the Asterisk src
07:33.09cursorthe zap modules will remain intact
07:33.37drrayeither that or make the payphone quarters only ;)
07:33.48cursor$100 only
07:33.53cursorsorry - no change
07:34.21cursorOr add a customer notice
07:34.26drrayten nickles and ten digit dialing takes longer than 16 seconds for some people
07:34.30cursor"Please don't fumble for change"
07:34.49drraywell, the payphone says, "lift reciever, dial number, insert amount.
07:34.58drrayand that instruction does nt get followed
07:35.15cursorI usually insert some money before dialling
07:35.20cursorget the credit up a bit
07:35.34drraywe make $45 a month on our payphone
07:35.51drrayit's a customer service issue, not a profit center
07:36.07drrayour other properties have dropped the payphones altogether
07:36.13cursorThen the Asterisk box will be paid out of the non-profits :-)
07:36.37drraywell, it'll be paid for by freeing up a line in our huntgroup
07:36.42cursorhow does the payphone know how much to charge?
07:36.49drraythe payphone has a rate table
07:36.53drrayit's a smartphone
07:37.11drrayI've thought about hiring someone to modify asterisk to do quarter tones
07:37.17drrayso I could use stupid payphones
07:37.28shidored box your payphone to death
07:37.37cursorCap'n Crunch
07:37.43drraythe payphone mutes the microphone
07:37.59shidogood idea...
07:38.01drrayalthough you could redbox if you had the line
07:38.04*** join/#asterisk skiold (
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07:38.29cursorCall yourself on the neighbouring payphone and redbox your credit up a bit
07:38.31drraywe have the payphone instead of a house phone so it wont get monopolized all the time
07:38.37cursorthen hang up and call another number
07:39.25drrayno inbound calls on the payphone, but the front desk can transfer calls to the payphone
07:40.40cursorPayphones are for girls anyway
07:40.47cursoreveryone should have a mobile phone by now
07:40.50*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
07:41.17opus_bash: /usr/bin/xargs: Argument list too long
07:41.23opus_bash: /usr/bin/xargs: Argument list too long
07:41.27opus_who writes this shit
07:41.30cursorKlingon function calls do not have 'parameters'. They have 'arguments'...  and they ALWAYS WIN THEM!
07:42.02cursorYou're calling xargs wrong
07:42.07opus_school me
07:42.12cursorpass the list of args to its stdin
07:42.20cursorfind . -print|xargs ls
07:42.34cursorif 'find' found a b c
07:42.40cursorthen it would be: ls a b c
07:42.47cursorif find found loads of stuff
07:42.57cursorthen several ls commands would be called by xargs
07:43.15cursorto avoid the pesky 'arg list too long' error
07:43.19opus_thanks works like a charme
07:43.28drraythe payphone is there as an amenity, we got zero of the money from the old vendors
07:43.34rabelaisis it a problem if I have two sip based clients behind a nat trying to register to the same sip server?
07:43.43rabelaisbehind the same nat, that is
07:44.14cursorthe problem is running SIP behind a NAT
07:44.42rabelaiswell, here's the thing
07:44.46rabelaiswith just one client, life is good
07:45.00rabelaisbut when I add the second won't work
07:45.11rabelaisbut either will work individually
07:45.17cursorAre your clients behind your NAT?
07:45.25cursorcan't they buy a NAT of their own?
07:46.08rabelaisthe two clients are individual phones
07:46.14rabelaisin the same room
07:46.20cursorclient == phone
07:46.27cursorrather than "paying client"
07:46.52rabelaisdoes it make sense though?
07:47.00cursorWhere is your NAT server?
07:47.02kd5uzzwhen will setting 'nat=yes' when setting up a sip not work?
07:47.03rabelaisthat each client can connect individually, but not at the same time?
07:47.08cursorand where is your Asterisk server?
07:47.36rabelaisserver is a live ip
07:47.38cursorSIP is one stream - port 5060
07:47.46cursorRTP is another - port xxxx
07:47.57cursorYou need to forward port xxxx to your phone
07:48.13cursoryou can guess the problem when there's more than one phone
07:48.16rabelaisah, I see...
07:48.22cursorwhat you can try is this...
07:48.37*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
07:48.39cursorset up phone A to use RTP port range a-b
07:48.49cursorset up phone B to use RTP port range x-y
07:48.57cursorset up your NAT to forward as appropriate
07:49.05cursorperhaps that'll work
07:49.12rabelaisyes, that will most likely work
07:49.20cursorWhere is your Asterisk server?
07:49.21rabelaisbut the thing is they don't register to me
07:49.30rabelaismy asterisk server is in my lab
07:49.32rabelaislive ip
07:49.39rabelaisthey're tyring to register to fwd
07:49.42cursorin your building?
07:49.53rabelaisin a building at my school, yes
07:50.30cursorMy Asterisk server has an ethernet card with a public IP
07:50.39cursorand it has an ethernet with a private IP
07:50.46cursorthe private network has the phones
07:51.07cursorso the phones register with the local Asterisk
07:51.19cursorand Asterisk registers with the remote VoIP services
07:51.23rabelaisya...that'd be great if the phones were all in the same place
07:51.27cursorCalls are routed via Asterisk
07:51.32cursorboth directions
07:52.03cursorWell, your network infrastructure has to be able to cope, yes
07:52.18cursorFor me, it's just a job for the patch panel
07:52.35rabelaishmm, so I take it that fwd's nat "outbound proxy" server can only do one phone per nat?
07:52.56cursorI don't know
07:53.05cursorI use IAX to FWD
07:53.21cursorNot that I use FWD very often anyway
07:53.53cursorAnd I'm no NAT expert :-)
07:54.09*** part/#asterisk heath__ (
07:54.34cursorback in a moment or three...
07:56.22*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
07:58.03*** join/#asterisk Toi (
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08:01.11tuxinator_linuxMZeeek: Evening
08:02.16cursorIf I see one more website with a penguin on it, I'm going to scream
08:02.38tuxinator_linuxMcursor: But they are so cute
08:03.07cursorBSD has a nice logo - I don't like the OS, but the logo is nice
08:03.20Zeeekhi tuxinator_linuxM et al
08:03.29cursorLinux just has that dumb-looking penguin
08:04.49*** join/#asterisk jonathh (
08:05.01tuxinator_linuxMyou have to admit, it is better than a 'window'
08:06.10jonathhhey guys can you commercial-use users out there recommend what brands of phones you use? Grandstream dont seem to cut the mustard
08:06.51tuxinator_linuxMcursor: That is disturbing
08:07.49tuxinator_linuxMjonathh: I hear Cisco's are work well
08:08.19tuxinator_linuxMjonathh:  a pain to setup, but work well
08:08.20cursorCisco 7960G
08:08.24|Vulture|jonathh: Polycom IP500
08:08.43|Vulture|IP500/79x0 is the only thing I recommend ;)
08:08.53drrayI use a 7960
08:08.58cursorI might order one of those new Sipura phones, if they are not made from 1mm cheap creaky plastic
08:09.05Zeeek^^^^^ the best ^^^^^
08:09.06|Vulture|Zeeek: gf?
08:09.11drrayI have a budgetone 101
08:09.18tuxinator_linuxMZeeek: That's the bet looking tux I have ever seen
08:09.19drraythat I use in my apartment to call the work PBX
08:09.22drrayit works ok
08:09.28|Vulture|Zeeek: nice
08:09.37ZeeekI have had nothing but success with my BT102s
08:09.46cursorI have a couple of DECT portable phones plugged into a Sipura SPA-2000
08:09.52Zeeekbut they would be cheesy for company use
08:10.05drraybut the 7960 looks sharp on the front desk of our hotel
08:10.12cursorNot for a cheese company
08:10.15ZeeekI'm waiting to get my ip500 but at first look they are great
08:10.19cursorThe early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
08:10.25tuxinator_linuxMI will be using 79x0's
08:10.43|Vulture|I like my IP500s more than my Ciscos
08:10.45drrayhaving cisco on the phone did a lot to grease the skids having asterisk/linux on the pBX
08:11.01drraywe are dumping our mitel this year
08:11.02|Vulture|yea you can sell cisco to a monkey
08:11.20|Vulture|cursor: wow... that was a fast response
08:11.26cursorWe aim to please
08:12.05cursorTalking of monkeys...
08:12.05cursorWe've heard that a million monkeys bashing away at a million keyboards could produce a complete Shakespearian work.  Now, thanks to IRC, we know this is not true.
08:12.14*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
08:12.18Zeeekcurson, well put
08:12.39drrayI think an ascii goatscx picture will hold up as well as shakespear
08:13.08jonathhok, so the rumours are true.. Cisco are the daddy. Shame they are so expensive
08:13.10DA-MANascii a stupid question, get a stupid ansi
08:13.14*** join/#asterisk Stephnie (dfsdf@
08:13.28drraycisco is a terrible company to deal with
08:13.41cursorI've never dealt with them
08:13.53jonathhhow come?
08:13.53drrayyou have to pay them for firmware updates
08:13.54tuxinator_linuxMdrray: I hear the same
08:14.00jonathhwow really?
08:14.07drrayand you have the pay to get the right to buy the service contract
08:14.10drray$88 a year
08:14.12cursorPay a reseller
08:14.14DA-MANyep, luckily I got a friend with a smartnet so I use his acct
08:14.29drraybut the phone is solid
08:14.50jonathhso you use cisco in a production environemnt?
08:15.02cursorI don't produce Cisco stuff
08:15.06DA-MANi use cisco 7960's in production enviro
08:15.07drrayI use a cisco 7960 as an operator panel for 45 inside PBX lines
08:15.09DA-MANthey aren't bad at all
08:15.27drraysoon to expand to 150 lines, when we dump the mitel on its arse
08:15.41tuxinator_linuxMvoipsupply says polycom's aren't supported by *
08:15.50cursorMitel deserves to be dumped on its arse
08:16.00drraycursor - working on it
08:16.19cursordump voipsupply on its arse as well
08:16.28DA-MANwhats wrong with voipsupply cursor?
08:16.48tuxinator_linuxMcursor: Ditto
08:16.49cursorthey said "polycoms aren't supported by *"
08:16.59drrayI like atacomm
08:17.09cursorso they don't know much about either polycom or *
08:17.10Stephnieexten => 222,4,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=15)
08:17.10cursoror both
08:17.20Stephniewhy it doesnt stop for 15 seconds?
08:17.31drraycursor, it's for you
08:17.50tuxinator_linuxMnewmember: prices are better at voipsupply
08:18.02newmemberthey know more
08:18.06DA-MANhehe they sell the iaxy on telephonywarew
08:18.22drraywork pays so price is not an issue, I want hassle free returns.
08:18.28DA-MANthat device is the biggest Piece of shit I've ever worked with, even worse than cisco
08:18.53drraywhat don't you like about the Iaxy?
08:19.04drrayI've been pondering moving one of our payphones to one as a test
08:19.21Stephnieexten => 222,4,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=15)   <--- shud it wait for 15 seconds???
08:19.46DA-MANno security AT ALL, only 2 codecs, price, bootp client (instead of dhcp), not compatible with common cisco switches, no mwi
08:20.01DA-MANi have a bigger list, but that about sums it up
08:20.11Stephnie* Asks for PASSWORD how to keep the asterisk wait for the digits?
08:20.13drrayno that is a fair list
08:20.44StephnieI tried that as well..let me check again..
08:20.51drrayif the openwrt people can get the pots lines on those wrt routers working, that would be something
08:20.59DA-MANDigitTimeout = Stable, Set(TIMEOUT(digit) = CVS Head
08:21.32DA-MANdrray, i saw the wrtp54g, i wanted it so bad, but then i figured it was tied into the stupid callvantage or vonage
08:21.44drrayDAMAN -yeah
08:22.19drraybut if you refirmware it, it should be ok
08:22.23drrayassuming you can
08:22.27cursorCVS v1-0 has been good to me
08:22.36cursorI'll upgrade to v1-1 when it comes out in 20 years time
08:22.36DA-MANer /me uses CVS HEAD too
08:23.11drraymy location is all zap/ save two sip phones, I figured CVS head would be fine for that
08:24.46DA-MANwhats bristuffed
08:24.56StephnieExecuting DigitTimeout("SIP/2106436-9bb8", "15") in new stack
08:25.08tzafrirSomething stuffed with brie cheese
08:25.16Stephnienothing is wrong.....but why it doesnt stop ?
08:25.49So3krisKnows someone a cheap sip phone for ethernet
08:26.02cursorhow cheap?
08:26.21DA-MANi use a cheap pa1688 chip phone, was about fitty bucks on eBay
08:26.27So3kristhe cheapesed
08:26.33tzafrirSo3kris, also consider an ATA with a cheap analog phone
08:26.40cursorThe Cisco on my desk was US$100
08:26.51tzafrirwhat cisco?
08:27.40So3kriswhy buys people a cisco
08:27.58tzafrirbecause they want a complicated installation
08:27.59cursorBecause they are great
08:28.01So3krisare the bether than other brands
08:28.11drraythe cisco phone is a solid peice of hardware
08:28.20cursorI'm watching one one eBay now - £82 with 10 hours remaining
08:28.37So3krisand a mitel phone is that rubish
08:28.38cursorApprox. $150
08:28.50drraywith powercube?
08:28.54DA-MANanyone know where to get the config tool to provision sipura spa-1001
08:29.01tzafrir"solid piuece of hardware": will keep the dor in place
08:29.04cursorBrand new Cisco VOIP 7960G-CH1 phone, unopened and complete with manufacturers label sealing the box.
08:29.31drrayI've debated buying cisco's in bulk and selling them on ebay with teh sip image on them
08:29.38cursorCisco-compatible power supplies are very cheap on eBay
08:29.59So3kriscisco has poe phones
08:30.04cursorMost of the 7960s on eBay claim to have the latest SIP loaded
08:30.10drrayif you have a poe injector
08:30.25ZeeekThe Raven Nevermore!
08:30.26So3krisyes of course every body does ?
08:30.29cursorI can't be bothered with PeE
08:30.35cursorThere's always power near the phone
08:30.42cursorWhy pay billions for PoE
08:30.46drraymy cisco is wired via crossover to the * box
08:31.06So3kristhe switches on apc and the servers so you can phone in the drak
08:31.25cursorif phoning in the drak is important to you
08:31.41drrayif it's drak, my PBX won't work
08:31.50So3krisit will be in a compeny
08:31.53cursorif it's very drak, switch the lihgt on
08:32.03Zeeekmy BT100 has red leds behind the keys so they glow in the drak
08:32.05cursorRho srapped mg kegtops awound?
08:32.16cursordrak it
08:32.25drrayI'm afraid of the drak
08:33.00*** join/#asterisk cinix (
08:33.06ZeeekI want a 6 unit drak
08:33.13cinixWhat's the difference between checking out asterisk and checking out asterisk snapshot from CVS?
08:33.23drrayit's the same thing
08:33.24cursorHow many Microsoft programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
08:33.24cursorNone - They just define darkness as a standard.
08:33.37drrayand then not adhere to the standard?
08:33.43tuxinator_linuxMcursor: ha ha ha
08:33.44cursorextend it
08:33.56tuxinator_linuxMcursor: he he he
08:33.58Zeeekit's like a Friday here
08:34.05cursorThat's a quote from UNIXWorld (December 1993)
08:34.09Zeeekholidays tomorrow
08:34.26cursorIt's always Friday here
08:34.30cursorI need a new calendar
08:34.49Zeeekrunning Windows Calendar are we?
08:35.01cursorClippy: You appear to be writing a suicide note, Mr Gates.  May I be of some assistance?
08:35.55cursorIf Bill Gates got a penny every time some version of Windows crashed or frustrated its user, he'd be the richest man in the world.
08:36.06drrayI always include pie as an option now, when making bullet points, because of that clippy
08:36.41Ahrimaneshey Zeeek
08:36.42Zeeekwhat is pie?
08:36.49jonathhhe aint far of the richest man in the world anyways!
08:36.50Zeeekanother worod for BEER
08:36.54cursorSomething with apples or pork in it
08:37.04drrayor a kidney
08:37.05jonathhhmm steak and kidney
08:37.16Zeeekthere's hair pie
08:37.21cursorjon: he is the richest man in the world - by a long margin
08:37.24drrayI eata Pie
08:37.27cinixI don't think XP has every crashed on me.
08:37.39cinixI just always seem to get locked out by activation and have to reinstall
08:37.54Martohtarcursor: that's the joke :)
08:38.05cursorI know
08:38.09cursorI told it :-)
08:38.31cursorIngvar Kamprad, the Swede who founded furniture retail chain IKEA, has overtaken Microsoft's Bill Gates as the world's richest man.
08:38.34jonathhi thoguht some oil mogule in saudia rabia was richest
08:38.49drraycursor - isn't that becuase of the surge of the euro?
08:39.03cursorDon't talk to me about Euros
08:39.14jonathhbesides i larry whatever his name is from oracle is very nearly the as rich... they sort of vie for the top slot.. depending how well their investments are doing
08:39.16cursorPesky Europeans
08:39.31drraynot that billg's wealth was not inflated when the USD was using other currencies for toliet paper
08:39.37drraylarry ellison
08:39.45jonathhhe is cool
08:39.47cursorThis is a bit old, but....
08:39.49jonathhmuch cooler than Bill
08:40.07cinixheh soyouwanna is cool though
08:40.16jonathhif i were to be a rich geek.. i'd want to be more larry and les bill
08:40.22drrayhow common are 500 euro notes?
08:40.30drrayI'd settle for bill
08:40.40drrayhell I'd settle for steve jobs
08:40.41cursorWe don't get Euros here
08:40.51cursorAnd that's a good thing
08:41.05cursorLet the Europeans keep their stupid Euros
08:41.14jonathhLarry is cooler thann jobes
08:41.22drraywhat part of the world are you in cursor?
08:41.28jonathhi dont like him much - mainly cos it annoys my mac loving mate
08:41.45cursorAmir Jaber Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Alsabah
08:41.47jonathhhey.. im europeon.. i dont want the euro.. you have it!
08:41.54cursorSay hello to him when you're drunk
08:42.04cursorI'll have it if you want to send it to me
08:42.05*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (~gido_b@
08:42.11FreezeShey guys
08:42.13cursorI'll convert it into real money :-)
08:42.14drrayI've often wanted to buy a powerbook just to see the look on mac users faces, when I tell them that I run linux on it
08:42.38FreezeSI've got a problem: ${DIALEDPEERNUMBER} is empty
08:42.44cursorIt'd be better to pull out an ordinary laptop, like an IBM
08:42.48jonathhyeah.. my sick sense of humour lingers there also
08:42.55drraywell, I have a sony vaio t350 now
08:42.57cursorthe mac users would be grinning because they think you're a MS user
08:43.05drrayso buying a powerbook is out of the question
08:43.15jonathhoh well... soon enough apple will be an OS only vendor.
08:43.24drraynot soon enough
08:43.44cursorOS and itunes
08:43.48drraybut I like XFCE4
08:43.58cursorThat's easy for you to say
08:44.00drrayso I am the wrong guy to complain about window managers
08:44.36jonathhi made a bet.. back in 2003 that apple would be bust within 5-years.. man.. the ipod came out of an annoyingly large hat
08:44.50jonathhoh well.. what is a grand between friends
08:44.51drrayapple stuff is nice
08:45.00drraythe mac mini is a nice machine
08:45.02AhrimanesZeeek: are you doing pstn termination in france?
08:45.08drrayI just don't like the finder
08:45.13Zeeekbuying it not doing
08:45.19Zeeekyou need some?
08:45.33AhrimanesZeeek: ok, yeah might need some... at least knowing the prices would be great
08:45.53AhrimanesZeeek: ok, they're cheap?
08:46.16Zeeekthey're good which is more important
08:46.34drrayI'm at the point in my IT life where good is better than cheap
08:47.10cursorFast, reliable, cheap.  Pick two and we'll talk.
08:47.23Zeeekthe triangle
08:47.23jonathhreliable and cheap pls bob
08:47.40cursorok - see you next year
08:47.45drrayI'll settle for 1
08:47.55cursorno problem
08:47.57*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
08:48.00drrayit's not my money
08:48.03cursorThat'll be 10 billion
08:48.11drrayand it is my time when the phone rings at 1am in the morning
08:48.23cursor1am is usually in the morning
08:48.31cursoralmost always
08:48.48jonathh10 billion what? Yen? Rubles?
08:49.08cursorGreat British Pounds Sterling
08:49.16drraygod save the queen
08:49.34cursorLong live the empire
08:49.44cursorOh, that's George Dubbya's saying
08:49.48jonathherr damn.. long liveD the empire
08:50.18drrayBush is close to being done, the 2008 elections are right around the corner
08:50.53drrayhe'll become a lame duck shortly after the midterms
08:50.56cursorAnd he'll be prevented by law from being re-elected
08:51.00jonathhnot right around the corner enough
08:51.07cursorwhich I find very funny
08:51.23cursorvote for whomever you like - just not him - by law
08:51.30*** join/#asterisk SkySky (~Miranda@
08:51.41drrayI ahve a friend who wants Bush to be allowed to run for a third term, and I told him I'm all for that.. let me introduce you to bill clinton who would LOVE to run again.
08:51.53cinixor any of the new PNAC conspirators running for office
08:52.14cursorDig up Kenedy - he'd do a better job
08:52.51cursorJust plant him in a seat, spray him with air freshner and get him to push the red button every now and again
08:53.04cursorNobody will notice that the president is no more
08:53.12cursorThat's an ex-president
08:53.17cursorthe president has expired
08:53.27cursoror is he just sleeping?
08:53.32*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
08:53.42AhrimanesZeeek: oh.. do you get lower prices than whats on their site? - our current pstn provider has lower prices than that, and they're based here in denmark
08:54.00ZeeekI think you were looking at the wrong prices
08:54.04cursormmmm - bacon
08:54.11AhrimanesZeeek: ones on the front page
08:54.14Zeeekthey show a study comparing telcom and their prices
08:54.23AhrimanesZeeek: oh ok
08:54.24drraymmm bacon
08:54.27drrayand waffles
08:54.34drrayall this talk of politics makes me want waffles
08:54.37cursoryou spoiled it now
08:54.44cursorwith bacon?
08:55.05cursoryou want thick white bread with plenty of brown sauce
08:55.13Zeeekok the first page. 0.019/min is pretty good but we use unlimited plans
08:55.18cursorwaffles are for politicians
08:55.43AhrimanesZeeek: oh, sounds interesting.. how do they charge for that?
08:55.57ZeeekI haven't set it up yet. I'm just testing it
08:56.01AhrimanesZeeek: ok :)
08:56.03Zeeekthey are at 10ms from me
08:56.04cursorRight - who's going to sell me a UK 0800 number then?
08:56.34jonathhhmm bacon and cheese slice
08:56.37cursorthat's a wiki
08:57.06AhrimanesZeeek: hm, we're getting cheaper prices now anyways.. could i get a french number from you and route it to my * ? :)
08:57.10cursorand the search on that wiki is useless
08:57.35jonathhwhile your there... milk and two pls mate
08:57.52ZeeekAhrimanes I can call my cell cheaper from the States than it is here, that's for sure
08:57.55tuxinator_linuxMjonathh: pls?
08:58.09cursorand a cup of tea
08:58.21jonathhthats the one
08:58.23AhrimanesZeeek: hehe same here.. calling danish cell phones sucks..
08:58.41ZeeekAhrimanes we currently pay 7€ for unlimited national calls and one incoming Paris number.
08:58.41*** join/#asterisk angler_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:58.41cursoryes - those danish prisons are noisy
08:58.56Ahrimanescursor: lol
08:58.56fmanjust installed my first digium card
08:59.02fmanthis will be interesting
08:59.17jonathhlet us know how it goes! i got a zaptel working alarmingly easily
08:59.34fmanwell, this is a powerpc debian machine
08:59.34Zeeekwhat card?
08:59.34jonathhmaybe i do know stuff
08:59.42fmanso, going to have to build the kernel modules
08:59.42fmanthis is one of the oldies I think
08:59.47fmangot given it
08:59.53AhrimanesZeeek: oh nice.. but could you buy it and route it to me? - we have only one very specific customer at the moment who wants a french number to be routed directly to his ip phone whether he's in denmark or france..
09:00.16Zeeekfor a person (not business) see
09:00.24Zeeekbut it isn't working with asterisk for the moment
09:00.44fmanshows up as this
09:00.45fman0000:00:0a.0 Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
09:00.46Zeeekit was great for months, then they changed some stuff and now all asterisk users are yelling on the forum every day
09:00.59drrayX100p clone
09:01.04fmanok cool
09:01.05cursorAll X100Ps are clones
09:01.09cursorEven Digium ones
09:01.17cursorIt's an open design
09:01.25*** join/#asterisk lele (
09:01.56cinixwell I wasn't sent schematics with my board, that would have been cool
09:02.21AhrimanesZeeek: well it's a business, hee
09:02.26cursorDigium just charge 10x more than everyone else, and people claim that they are the genuine article
09:02.47Zeeekwell so are we but we use the service - or did while it worked
09:02.59tuxinator_linuxMLet Mark make some money, he's a cool guy
09:03.00fmanright, download the zaptel and 2.4.27 source
09:03.10Zeeekcursor I'd say it's ore a question of support not genuineness
09:03.22AhrimanesZeeek: hehe ok
09:03.37drrayI went with the govarion card for the 4 port, once I outgre t100p
09:03.38tuxinator_linuxMZeeek: Fancy with words, you are
09:03.40ZeeekAhrimanes there is a list of French providers on the wiki
09:03.41MyshenkaWho could give me some advice concerning Realtime and extensions configuration?
09:04.02fmananyone here able to help with building the zaptel kernel drivers under linux
09:04.04AhrimanesZeeek: ah thx
09:04.15tuxinator_linuxMMyshenka: voip-info
09:04.16drrayfman make zaptel not working?
09:04.29ZeeekI think you want to email all these providers and say what you want and ask what it'd cost
09:04.42fmanjsut need to get the kernel source down
09:04.46cursorzeek: That's what I do
09:04.58Myshenkatuxinator_linuxM: I have a quite specific question that could not be answered by voip-info nor the asterisk users mailing list
09:05.01cinixfman, apt-get source zaptel
09:05.04ZeeekIf I were in that biz I wouldn't post my proces
09:05.14tuxinator_linuxMMyshenka: Ask away, someone may know
09:05.19cinixor apt-get -b source zaptel to auto build
09:05.23drraymost telcoms want to see your curent bills
09:05.31cinixmight need to apt-get build-dep zaptel first
09:05.52cinixoh that's not a package module, hm..
09:06.04cursorget it from CVS
09:06.05cinixm-a a-i zaptel maybe. try all those see what works
09:06.12cursordon't mess with debian rubbish
09:06.17cursoruse the source, Luke
09:06.28MyshenkaHow do I put the "include" and "switch" statements from an extensions.conf file into a Realtime MySQL database? They don't fit into the table for static configuration bits nor in the table for extensions themselves.
09:06.36cinixhah! has there really been anything in the zaptel drivers that would be worth using CVS over debian's packages?
09:06.40fmanwill I need the kernel source down though
09:06.42tzafrirwho dares call Debian Rubbish?
09:06.51tzafrirapt-get source
09:06.56drrayit's just trivial to use the source
09:06.59tzafrirapt-get build-dep
09:07.00cursorcinix: the CVS gets updated every now and again (bug fixes etc.)
09:07.09cursorthe packages get updated every 100,000 years
09:07.20drrayplus you can't pack a package
09:07.23drrayer, patch
09:07.26cursorthe last package was put together by a Brontosaurus
09:07.26tzafrirLike I said, It's even more trivial to use the source on Debian ;-)
09:07.28SkySkyhi, is anyone know where i can download res_config_mysql?
09:07.48tzafrircursor, huh?
09:07.51tuxinator_linuxMMyshenka: Is this it ?
09:08.18tzafrirdrray, sure you can. I do that on a daily basis.
09:08.28tzafrirOTOH, you can revert a patch
09:08.31drrayok, I can't
09:09.18StephnieI need to wait for 10 seconds for the DIGITS/Input from Caller.....any help plz?
09:10.01tuxinator_linuxMSorry guys, getting late, talking giberish
09:10.13SkySkytuxinator_linuxM: oh... ops, its only available in cvs head~ sry.. i missed that~
09:10.31drrayit'll be ok
09:10.36Myshenkatuxinator_linuxM: yes. If you look at the examples there it gives you the table structure for the extensions where you can add records that start with "exten =>", but nothing for putting the "switch =>" ones
09:10.37Stephnie"Pleaes Enter your Number" . . . .. now wait for 10 seconds for
09:10.43drrayI just need to wait for the last call to clear
09:11.01kd5uzzeer 'Daniel' (from
09:11.01kd5uzzbjns1*CLI>  No registration for peer 'Daniel'
09:11.01tzafriranyway, you if you have problems building them, contact me privately...
09:11.42tuxinator_linuxMMyshenka: Sorry, I haven't played with it yet
09:11.52ZeeekStephnie what are you using now? Background ?
09:12.37Zeeekand what kind of number are you waiting for? phone or xtension?
09:12.56kd5uzzNo registration for peer 'Daniel'  I should have a =>register line in sip.conf (I'm trying to connect from one sip phone @ x.x.x.177 to another sip phone @ x.x.x.255)? So confused..
09:13.28Zeeekso while background is playing the file you have extensions further down in the context that would handle the number ?
09:13.34Myshenkatuxinator_linuxM: Thanks though. Guess I will ask again in a few hours (-:
09:14.09ZeeekStephnie maybe you want tp pastebin the code ?
09:14.58StephnieZeeek: ok....actually after Backgroud(Enter Your Number) .... I need to wait for the digits.....
09:14.59tuxinator_linuxMMyshenka: Most people will be on in about 6 hours
09:15.13fmanwell, that compile quite eaisly
09:16.10Myshenkatuxinator_linuxM: thanks
09:16.28StephnieZeeek: ok....actually after Backgroud(Enter Your Number) .... I need to wait for the digits.....before going to the next extension...
09:16.29ZeeLaxcan somebody help with module app_radius
09:16.50ZeeekStephnie pastebin your code I haven't much more time
09:16.54jbothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
09:17.16cursornot me
09:17.38ZeeekThat's steal stuff for me with auto-complete :)
09:17.54Zeeekjust as well since no one listens to what I say
09:18.06*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
09:18.14fmanhmm, I compile the zaptel source using apt-get -b source zaptel
09:18.22fmanthis made several debs, which I've installed
09:18.31fmanwould have thought I'd have a zaptel module
09:18.38fmanbut not there
09:18.46tzafrirZeeLax, probably nobody. However if you sum it up in one or two lines, one of the lurkers may be able to help you.
09:19.20cursorI bought a paste domain name a while ago
09:19.20cursorI'll create a pastebin for it one day
09:19.20cursorwhen I get around to it
09:19.20Ahrimanesso what you're saying is.. in 3-4 years time?
09:19.20cursorjust bounces at the moment
09:19.20cursorI'll make use of it in 20 years time
09:19.20Ahrimanesyou bought that specific one or ?
09:19.20cursorThat specific one
09:19.43Ahrimanescursor: how much did you pay for that? hehe
09:19.45fmanany idea where the zaptel driver has vanished to then?
09:19.51cursorabout £2 p/a, I think
09:19.55cursorI'll look it up
09:20.02*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
09:20.06*** join/#asterisk angler_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:20.12Ahrimanescursor: ah ok.. still kinda ripoff when it's just a subdomain
09:20.24*** join/#asterisk ptblank ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:20.24*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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09:20.35cursor£2.95 p/a
09:20.35cursorIt's not a subdomain
09:20.43cursorit's a CCtld
09:20.57cursoryou get the idea
09:21.00tuxinator_linuxMWell gentlemen (and I use the term lightly), it is time for me to retire for the night
09:21.11Ahrimanesi know.. but those are ripoffs in my oppinion..
09:21.11Zeeekgood night
09:21.13cinixso it's a fake top level domain, get it
09:21.18cursorI'll retire in a few years :-)
09:21.29RoyKcursor: closing 30?
09:21.36AhrimanesZeeek: going to sleep now? hehe
09:21.36cursorWay past 30
09:21.46cursor30 is a distant memory
09:21.56Ahrimanesmust read more and type less
09:22.00tuxinator_linuxM30 is still 6 year off for me
09:22.32tzafrirfman, the source package zaptel builds, among others, the biunary package zaptel-source
09:22.42cursorMidlife crisis
09:22.44tzafrirzaptel-source could be used to build zaptel for your kernel
09:22.51cursorBuy a Porsche
09:22.51fmanzaptel source is binary ?
09:23.04cursorsource != binary
09:23.08fmanI would have expected apt-get -b source package to build it
09:23.11tzafrirarch-independent binary package, yes
09:23.15fmanI know source != binary !
09:23.23cursorget the src and type "make" and "make install"
09:23.33cursorprobably a lot easier than fighting Debian
09:23.39tzafrirapt-get install zaptel-source
09:23.58tzafrirm-a zaptel build
09:24.39Stephnie  <---- anybody plz?
09:24.42ZeeekStephnie after all that just add the extension logic you need and it'll happen magically. exten => 2000,1,Dial(something) etc
09:24.50fmanthanks guys
09:25.07tzafriralternatively: echo deb unstable/ >>/etc/apt/sources.list; apt-get update; apt-get install zaptel-modules-`uname -r`
09:25.29tzafrirfor standard sarge kernels
09:25.31ZeeekStephnie : please take the time to read the wiki and other sites that have this kind of stuff well covered
09:25.53fmanjust zaptel I need then?
09:26.14tzafrirzaptel is the package that includes the binaries (ztcfg and such)
09:26.28*** join/#asterisk mosty (
09:26.29cursorI'd use DigitTimeout and ResponseTimeout
09:26.33StephnieZeeek:  ok.... I read that...but should  I use  ResponsetimeOut????
09:26.48ZeeekStephnie read it again you didn't get it yet :)
09:26.55fmanok, module-assistant has it compiling away
09:27.29Stephnieyes I didnt get your like   exten => 2000  etc
09:27.35Stephnielet me read wiki
09:28.03cursorWell, time for me to go, I think
09:28.17cursorJust remember...
09:28.19cursorIf patent clerks were forced concentrate on their work then there would be no atomic bomb.
09:28.26cursorSee you lot later
09:29.20*** join/#asterisk zoa (
09:30.26fmanok, not have a module in /lib/modules/2.4.27-powerpc/zaptel
09:30.29fmanso, getting better
09:30.57fmanbut won't install due to unresolved symbols :(
09:31.33*** join/#asterisk limbique (
09:32.08limbiqueanyone awake?
09:32.34Myshenkado we have to?
09:32.40limbiquecan any one help me for this?
09:32.54limbiquei don't know what time it is there :p
09:33.06limbiqueis there a way to decode this?
09:33.32Zeeektime stamp
09:33.32limbiqueare there some parts that stand for something? like time/id's etc?
09:34.14limbiquei try to 'connect' 2 channels to see who's calling who
09:34.26limbiquein the asterisk manager logging
09:34.43limbiquewhen i call from 1 to an other
09:34.56limbiqueonly when they are connected i get a link
09:35.12limbiqueso at that moment i know who's connected to who
09:35.25limbiquebut i'd like to know when it is still offering
09:35.33fmantzafrir no luck with that - unresolved symols
09:35.50Zeeeklimbique looks like "09:27:18 2005-07-13"
09:36.05Zeeekso yeah, must be
09:37.27Zeeekdate("H:i:s Y-m-d",1121246838)
09:37.52tzafrirfman, could you please pastebin the output of depmod -a?
09:38.05tzafrirwhat kernel do you use?
09:38.48tzafrirhmmm, so my compiled modules won't work, I guess :-(
09:38.56fmansorry :)
09:40.22limbiqueok, so it is a timestamp
09:40.42tzafrirhow do you tell depmod to be verbose about unresolved symbols?
09:41.01cinixdepmod -a wouldn't it?
09:41.08tzafrirdepmod -e
09:41.17cinixI thoguht it was always verbose about such things
09:41.36tzafrirdepmod -e is way-overly-verbose
09:41.54fman-e output here
09:42.17limbiquebut, can anyone help me to discover when a phone is in offering mode who's calling who?
09:42.38limbiqueto match in the manager logging?
09:42.41tzafrirfman, what kernel is it, exactly?
09:42.53tzafrir2.4.27-1 or 2.4.27-2?
09:43.20tzafrirseems like it was built for -1 and installed for -2 or the other way around
09:43.49tzafrirwhat is the output of 'uname -r'?
09:44.18tzafrirone of the security fixes broke the ABI modules use, and hence the change from -1 to -2
09:44.25tzafrirat least on 386
09:45.18fmanI only have options of 2.4.27, 2.6.11 and 2.6.8 out of the usual debian repositories
09:45.28tzafrirfman, do you have the relevant kernel-headers package (or kernel-source)?
09:46.02fman/usr/src/linux -> kernel-headers-2.4.27-powerpc
09:46.07*** join/#asterisk pa (~Paolo@pa.user)
09:46.39shidohow do I turn off auto fallthrough
09:46.40tzafriractually, that link should not be required. but should do no harm
09:46.53shidoautofallthrough=no doesnt work
09:47.18fmanm-a created that link
09:47.42tzafrirfman, try to define the kernel version "explicitly" to m-a, using the option -l
09:47.54mostyi'm looking at the postgresql cdr table format here, trying to figure out if the calldate column is set to be the start time of a call, or when the record is inserted (ie after the call):
09:48.21tzafrirm-a -l 2.4.27-powerpc build zaptel
09:48.42tzafrirHowever, how do you check if kernel-headers match your installed kernel?
09:49.44So3krishello is it already possible to use a full duplex modem with asterisk.
09:50.56fmanok, so m-a recreated Done with /usr/src/zaptel-modules-2.4.27-powerpc_1.0.9-2+2.4.27-10_powerpc.deb .
09:52.01cinixI'm trying to debug my init script to see where it tries to access /var/run/ but I can't find it. The way it seems it should work is to use /var/run/asterisk/ (which wouldn't give me permission denied errors)
09:52.09tzafrirwhich file in the built kernel tree holds the complete (mangled) symbol names?
09:52.23cinixAnyone know what program is checking/writing the pid? I
09:52.29tzafrircinix, strace -f?
09:52.36fmantzafrir -
09:52.42tzafrircinix, what distro?
09:55.10cinixHelps I wasn't stracing the right thing, *sigh*. 6AM here.
09:55.27tzafrirstart-stop-daemon can mess with it optionally. It shouldn't (not in the default init.d script.
09:55.45tzafrirChances are this is asterisk, not configured with a proper rundir
09:55.56tzafriredit /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
09:56.38cinixbah it's in the source
09:57.54fmantzafrir - got a quick howto for me then
09:57.56fmanthis is busted
09:58.29fmangot this weird error though
09:58.29fmandpkg: error processing /usr/src/zaptel-modules-2.4.27-powerpc_1.0.9-2+2.4.27-10_powerpc.deb (--install):
09:58.40fmanthat file isn't there
10:02.07kajtzuhmph. digium cvs says connection refused
10:03.02cinixParsing '/etc/asterisk/modem.conf': Not found (Permission denied) <- That's my real problem. It's there though I promise, and permissions are good. Any clues? I just installed from CVS if that gives any clues.
10:03.27kajtzuwhat are the permissions for modem.conf
10:03.33kajtzuand for /etc/asterisk for that matter ..
10:03.46cinixscratch that. it doesn't find any config files
10:04.18cinix775 for /etc/asterisk and 660 for all config files. root.asterisk are the ownership settings
10:05.00kajtzuso do you start asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk or something else?
10:05.24cinixno I use an init script that calls safe_asterisk
10:05.37cinixokay lemme try it like that as the asterisk user
10:06.04cinixheh works beautifully like that.
10:07.48kajtzuright so now you fix the safe_asterisk or whatever script you have :)
10:08.02kajtzuI dont use it so I have no idea how it works
10:09.26cinixIt must be permissions, I just don't understand why my asterisk users not being given asterisk group rights
10:09.33cinixdoing a full reboot, probably clear it up
10:09.59tzafrirkajtzu, no need for -G
10:10.07Stephnie   <------ anyone ????
10:10.08tzafrirat least not on the debian binary
10:10.31fmantzafrir - where do I get your source from then?
10:10.46tzafrirfman, from the same place:
10:10.50fmaneven a straight make;make install breaks
10:11.31kajtzutzafrir: no idea about debian either ;-)
10:12.52tzafrircinix, try running: asterisk -U asterisk -vvvvc
10:13.03DarthClueStephnie: ResponseTimeout and / or DigitTimeout are both documented on the wiki ... ... ...
10:13.06tzafrirand where it blows away
10:13.18tzafrirThis can help debugging permissions issues
10:13.49cinixtzafrir, yea that fails, but it works fine if I really start it form the asterisk user
10:14.03Stephnie<DarthClue> : I tried both ResponseTimeOut and DigitTimeOut with 15 seconds but asterisk doesnt stop ...and goes to next Step....
10:14.11tzafrircinix, the point is to see *where* it fails
10:14.31tzafrirWhat are it's last words
10:15.34tzafrirAdd "this pid file is probably something I can write to" to "famous last words"?
10:15.50DarthClueStephnie: then you need to pastebin what you were trying and not just what you want us to complete.  Responsetimeout and digittimeout will work, if it isn't pastebin an extensions.conf with those lines in it and we can go from there.
10:16.24fmantzafrir : well, I deleted my zaptel stuff in /usr/src, downloaded your source, dpkg -in your stuff, then m-a build zaptel
10:16.28fmanso will see if that does it
10:16.54cinixAt the top it's missing those pid files, the it can't find any config files.
10:16.56StephnieDarthClue:  Ok I add those lines....check them out and paste the extensions.conf..
10:17.03*** join/#asterisk gres (~gres@
10:17.14cinixIt fails at the point where it switches users I believe, but that's done before I start seeing asterisk verbose messages
10:17.34fmanhmm, same error
10:17.35tzafrirsomething with that specific file?
10:18.02cinixnah look up, it happens to all the .conf's it looks for without having those other confs to know what else to load
10:18.09cinixor I assume that's what's happening
10:18.16cinixhow frustrating. brb
10:18.35*** join/#asterisk vuvie (
10:18.57*** join/#asterisk fantomax1 (~fanto@
10:18.59fantomax1hi all
10:19.22tzafrircinix: sanity check: is the user asterisk in the group asterisk? groups asterisk
10:19.38fantomax1does anyone know if there is a monitor&control interface for managing a group of * servers ?
10:20.13cinixtzafrir, yesir
10:20.27DarthCluefantomax1: probably not, wanna build one?
10:20.36fantomax1I'm thinking
10:20.54fantomax1a very easy one ... just to have a quick view of the * status
10:20.55DarthCluefantomax1: thoughts are cheap, get to work ;)
10:21.01fmannah, this is definatly fecked
10:21.16cinixfman, what's the error now?
10:21.22fmansame as before
10:21.32fantomax1I'm not a developer ... but I have people that could do it
10:21.35fmandpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
10:21.35fmanErrors were encountered while processing:
10:21.50tzafrirfman, I suggest you ask in #debian or in in a more general linux channel. Some questions: where in the linux source tree (/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.4.27-powerpc) do you have the full symbols names of functions, and how to you know if they match to your kernel
10:22.03fmanthanks for your help
10:22.04fantomax1I was just investigating if I was thinking of something that already exists :)
10:22.37DarthCluefantomax1: try google, it may exist and we just haven't gotten around to noticing.
10:23.01fantomax1ok thanks
10:23.04fantomax1not wiki ?
10:23.43DarthCluefantomax1: with that, you might have better luck on google.
10:23.49fantomax1ok thanks
10:24.39*** join/#asterisk [Jedi] (~fdsafasdf@
10:25.15[Jedi]When I dial out with zaptel, i try to get the HANGUPCAUSE variable, but it's always empty
10:25.20[Jedi]I'm using 1.0.8-bristuff
10:25.26[Jedi]any hint?
10:25.27tzafrircinix, do you use the debian binary?
10:25.49cinixno I just installed the debian binary and compiled the cvs binary
10:26.10*** join/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
10:26.45DarthClueStephnie: you need to change a couple things and add one more line... 1, Answer .. 2, DigitTimeout .. 3, ResponseTimeout .. 4, Background .. 5, Read .. 6, Background .. 7, Hangup .... syntax for Read is at
10:27.10tzafrircinix, extract from the debian diff the little patch called debian/patches/40_initgroups.dpatch
10:27.35[Jedi]the AGI debug says:
10:27.36[Jedi]AGI Tx >> 200 result=0
10:27.55[Jedi]why doesn't my asterisk provide the hangup cause'
10:28.00tzafrirIf it is not yet in HEAD, it should be
10:28.11StephnieDarthClue: ok...let me check about READ...
10:28.19DarthClue[Jedi]: is the variable set in the dialplan?  check this cause it may just be an AGI issue.
10:28.22*** join/#asterisk maik (
10:28.40cinixoh look at that.
10:28.56cinixI doubt it's in HEAD, I believe that's what I just pulled.
10:29.03cinixbut I bet that's my prob ;)
10:29.20[Jedi]DarthClue: in the DIALPLAN? isn't it suposed to be set by Dial()?
10:29.27*** join/#asterisk maik (
10:29.40*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
10:30.16[Jedi]DIALSTATUS isn't in my dialplan and I can get its value
10:30.46[Jedi]same as ANSWEREDTIME and DIALTIME
10:31.04*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
10:31.26DarthClue[Jedi]: turn debug on and see if it is actually being set or not within asterisk.  just because it doesn't show in AGI doesn't mean it isn't in asterisk.
10:31.44tzafrirbye now
10:31.54[Jedi]DarthClue: where should I set the debugging? I've debug in the PRI and in the AGI
10:32.23[Jedi]debug channel channelbeingused?
10:32.27cinixtzafrir, good eye on that patch, thanks
10:34.33DarthClue[Jedi]: you need to edit logger.conf and make sure debug is being output to the cli, then issue 'debug level 99' at the cli.
10:35.10DarthClue[Jedi]: you will need to issue 'logger reload' after modifying the logger.conf file
10:38.43[Jedi]ccard01*CLI> debug level 99
10:38.52[Jedi]No such command 'debug level' (type 'help' for help)
10:39.24DarthClue[Jedi]: it may be a HEAD only command.  try starting asterisk with -dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgc
10:40.03fmanthink I'll give up for a while
10:41.35fmanchat to some of the debian ppc developers later
10:42.27*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
10:44.01[Jedi]ok DarthClue, it's an AGI issue
10:44.12[Jedi]because with NoOp I get the value
10:44.17mostyhow frequent should i set nat keepalive interval's on my sip clients?
10:44.32DarthClue[Jedi]: unfortunately, it usually is.
10:44.51[Jedi]what can I do?
10:44.58[Jedi]I need to get the hangup cause from AGI
10:45.06DarthClue[Jedi]: what AGI are you using?  Perl, PHP?
10:45.23[Jedi]but java says the correct command
10:45.46[Jedi]I mean, asterisk returns 1 and the variable value for all the other variables I read
10:45.52[Jedi]but for that variable, it returns 0 and no value
10:46.58DarthClue[Jedi]: check the docs on the Java AGI and verify that they aren't being case sensitive and using something like HangUpcause or hangUpCause, etc.  Otherwise, contact the author and see what they can do about it.
10:47.37*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
10:47.42[Jedi]DarthClue: it's not a problem from the AGI implementation
10:47.57[Jedi]DarthClue: it sends the correct command to read the variable, I see it with agi debug
10:49.19DarthClue[Jedi]: but if the java side isn't getting the right value back or isn't reading the value right, it is an issue.  either way, the only way to fix it is to not use AGI to get it or to get the java people to fix it.  you may also be able to set your own variable in the dialplan and then pull it using the agi to get it that way.
10:49.42*** join/#asterisk razu (
10:50.01[Jedi]DarthClue: no, that is not the problem, look at the debug:
10:50.09DarthCluepastebin it.
10:53.31DarthClue[Jedi]: looks like it's not set yet when the AGI goes after it.
10:54.03[Jedi]but it's supposed to be set when agi ends
10:55.01[Jedi]this is the flow of the AGI application:
10:55.05DarthCluei don't think so, i'm pretty sure the only way to get hangup cause from AGI is to use DEADAGI, but I haven't experimented with HANGUP cause in AGI yet.
10:57.30[Jedi]I should try DeadAGI then?
10:58.51DarthCluemaybe, but i don't think it will get you what you want since it looks like you are doing the dial from within the agi.  i would check with the java docs and see what they say about dial commands from agi and if the HANGUPCAUSE will be set or not.  there may also be an issue with dial command coming from agi that doesn't set the HANGUPCAUSE, but that's just a thought.
10:59.43[Jedi]but java doesn't do anything but telling asterisk to execute an app
10:59.54[Jedi]maybe if you execute that app from AGI it doesn't set that variable
11:00.05[Jedi]do I have any other option for reading that variable?
11:00.46DarthClueif it isn't set, you can't read it.  you may need to call the dial from the dialplan and use deadagi to get your vars.
11:01.02[Jedi]I have to dial from inside AGI
11:01.55DarthCluei don't think there is an easy way to get the hangupcause then if it isn't being set for the agi to grab it.  you may have to write something that hits the cdr record to get it.
11:04.18*** join/#asterisk jonathh (
11:04.43[Jedi]is there any app that gives the exact date/time in which a dialed call was answered
11:05.06[Jedi]I can get the dialedtime and the answeredtime but it gives durations, not the beginning
11:08.10DarthClue[Jedi]: have you checked into just processing the CDR Records?
11:08.15[Jedi]I can't do that
11:08.29cinixIs there something new you have to do in CVS to be able to connect to the asterisk console? asterisk -r no longer works
11:08.33*** join/#asterisk loick (
11:08.35DarthClueUnfortunately, that may be your best option.
11:08.40[Jedi]I really have to get it from the AGI
11:08.49DarthCluecinix: what do you mean it no longer works?
11:09.08[Jedi]DarthClue: how can I relate a CDR entry to an AGI session?
11:09.39DarthClue[Jedi]: you would have to experiment with it.  Unique IDs might do it, but as i say, you would need to experiment.
11:09.42cinix/var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exists, and that's what asterisk -r says it's looking for, if I cat it it says no such device or address.
11:09.53cinixSo what's a ctl file?
11:09.53[Jedi]this sucks then :)
11:10.26DarthCluecinix: you running as root or a special user?  what os?  file permissions good?
11:11.04cinixDarthClue, asterisk user, Debian, permissions on /var/run/asterisk are good.
11:11.51*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
11:11.52[Jedi]I'll be using AGI server's date/time values then
11:12.05[Jedi]and Dial() offsets ANSWEREDTIME and DIALEDTIME
11:14.57cinixso how do I know what it's set to?
11:14.59tzafrirunix-domain socket, that is
11:15.09cinixah. hmm...
11:15.12tzafrirIt should be generated by the asterisk process
11:15.22cinixoh it is, but then asterisk -r won't connect
11:15.31*** part/#asterisk oratorloki (~krtorio@
11:15.33tzafrirMaybe there is more than one asterisk process running?
11:16.02tzafrirnetstat -lp |grep /var
11:16.11cinixnah only, if it ever tries to start a second process it always seems to fail because it can't bind to the IAX ports
11:16.35tzafrirnetstat -lnup |grep 4569
11:16.45tzafrirto see who listens to the iax2 port
11:17.11cinixThere are no listening sockets
11:17.30cinixwell I have: unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    187795   /dev/log
11:17.59tzafrirThat's syslog
11:18.51tzafrirI can't figure the following from the docs: GotoIf($[ ${ARG2} = "-" ]?7)
11:19.19tzafrirgives my a cryptic yacc error about ' = "-"'
11:21.01tzafrirignore that
11:21.09tzafrirI can't figure the following from the docs: GotoIf($[ "${ARG2}" = "-" ]?7)
11:21.36Weezeygo to 7 if ARG2 = -
11:21.59Weezeyotherwise, just go next
11:22.23tzafrirthe following works:  GotoIf($[ "${ARG2}" = "-" ]?7)
11:22.28RoyKGotoIf($[ ${ARGH} = "grunt" ]?7)
11:22.50tzafrirAnd I should have spotted the lack of '"' as a problem, with my shell background :-(
11:25.36tzafrirThe vim syntax higlighting already starts saving me time...
11:27.12*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (
11:27.13puzzledtzafrir: do you know an url where I can find that syntax highlighting file?
11:28.37puzzledtzafrir: never mind, has the info
11:29.38*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
11:30.01ai-awhat IAX complient clients exist for Windows and what ports do i need to forward on my router?
11:30.34puzzledand firefly iirc
11:30.46*** join/#asterisk Hetfield (
11:30.50puzzledzoa: how's idefisk coming along?
11:31.51Zeeekmissing circumflex
11:32.10Hetfieldi'm using a kiax client
11:32.29Hetfieldi can choice some codecs, like gms speex, u-law
11:32.43Hetfieldwhat's the best among these 4?
11:32.53Hetfieldulaw? or speex?
11:33.00Hetfieldthx so much :)
11:33.16RoyKspeex sucks
11:33.29*** join/#asterisk razu (
11:33.33RoyKeats memory like a hourse eats grass
11:34.51Zeeekyou should be!
11:38.15*** join/#asterisk cmk (
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11:40.07ai-athat IDEFish crashes when i dial 2@asteriskserver
11:40.44Zeeek</surgerywithout a license>
11:41.05*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (nine@Corydon76-home.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
11:41.21Zeeektried that. Didn't like it
11:41.38DarthClue<more work>
11:42.05darwin35anyone here running head as of 9;45 lastnight
11:42.28darwin35and having issues with vm not accepting passwords
11:44.04*** join/#asterisk FITA1 (~m_ahmed@
11:45.10FITA1I am haveing the following problem when dialing a pstn number any comment ???? "Forcing restart of channel 0/1 on span 1 since channel reported in use"
11:48.37Hetfieldis there a free pc2phone server?
11:49.20DarthClueFITA1: what kind of card? pci/tdm/bri?
11:50.56darwin35not that I know of but you can get a like 2.6 c a min
11:53.23Zeeek1.3c min voipjet
11:53.39darwin35wow ok
11:53.46*** part/#asterisk Hetfield (
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11:54.04Zeeekwelll that's US cents
11:54.06*** join/#asterisk jb (
11:54.15jbhi folks
11:54.25darwin35the US has not cents what you talking about
11:54.38jbis it possible to have asterisk kill & restart mpg123 when a "reload" command is issued ?
11:54.49*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
11:54.55RoyKjb: SMOP
11:54.59jbor otherwise make it pick up newly-added mp3 files without issuing a restart
11:55.18darwin35just put the files in the dir
11:55.23darwin35it will read them
11:55.40darwin35or you can killall -hup mpg123
11:55.44jbnot when it's running mpg123 with a file list on the cmdline...
11:55.48darwin35and asterisk will start a new one
11:56.02jbkilling works but isn't an option there, unfortunately :/
11:56.27darwin35I have it play random files and dont have issuse but I use madplayer and not mpg123
11:56.58jbI actually use madplay too, but not in random mode -- should probably do that
11:57.46jbdarwin35: do you use a patched asterisk for madplay, or just the appropriate custom config in musiconhold.conf ?
11:58.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
11:58.18darwin35default => custom:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,/usr/local/bin/madplay --shuffle -Q --attenuate=-13 --mono -R 8000 --output=raw:- --attenuate=-4
11:58.25darwin35I use a custom line
11:58.33*** join/#asterisk casele (
11:58.45jbnice, thanks
11:59.53jbmight as well patch asterisk to kill the moh on reload
12:01.58darwin35to kick his butt into gear
12:03.56*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
12:04.59FITA1<DarthClue> I am using TDM card
12:05.05RoyKis there such a thing as a TAPI enabled softphone?
12:05.19FITA1It is a pri card
12:05.31DarthClueFITA1: what is the model?
12:05.36*** part/#asterisk jb (
12:05.45DarthClueRoyK: yes, but not for voip.
12:06.25DarthClueFITA1: that message means that the line is reported as in use by the carrier but * isn't using it and is resetting it so that it can use it.
12:07.30FITA1<DarthClue> how can I fix it
12:07.58DarthClueFITA1: if it is causing an issue, you will need to call your carrier.
12:08.34FITA1you mean PSTN connection provider
12:09.01RoyKDarthClue: seems x-pro used to support something like ti
12:09.43*** join/#asterisk igori (
12:09.57igorihi pals!
12:10.07DarthClueFITA1: yes.  the message indicates that the pstn provider is claiming that the line is in use but it isn't in use by *.  * tries to reset it so that it can use it.  you may need to change the way you have * configured to use the pri, but you will need to verify with the pstn provider what those settings are and ensure that you have them set properly in the * config files.
12:10.58DarthClueRoyK: windows has always had a telephony application that used tapi, that's why tapi existed.  but i am not aware of any that are tapi & voip capable.  of course, it's windows, so i wouldn't be surprised, but tapi is a bitch to work with.
12:11.02igorianyone had experience of connecting * to CISCO ATA 188? Thanks
12:11.13DarthClueigori: probably, why?
12:11.52igorii'll be working on it next week, so i'm looking for some info
12:12.02igoriand, btw, via H.323
12:12.46FITA1<DarthClue>I have a pri line on which I have 8 channels, I have this line attached on span1 when I configure all 8 channels in group=1 the * shows this message but when I used 4 channels in group=1 and other 4 channels in group=2 It works. It means I cannot used channels 0/1  but can use other channels
12:12.55DarthClueigori: give up now or become very familiar with H323 and it's numerous difficulties.  i can only recommend chan_woomera as i have heard it is easier to use with h323.
12:12.56RoyKDarthClue: doesn't surprise me. but a customer needs it :(
12:13.17DarthClueRoyK: they need a tapi capable softphone that can do voip as well?
12:13.26igoribad news...
12:14.05RoyKDarthClue: x-pro with tapi. that exists:
12:14.12DarthClueigori: h323 is sometimes difficult to setup, results do vary.
12:15.06DarthClueRoyK: they need both tapi and voip?
12:15.20RoyKsoftware needs tapi. they want voip
12:15.24igorii see, thank you
12:15.31*** join/#asterisk leonardo_bauchwi (
12:15.36igorii'll still try
12:15.40*** part/#asterisk igori (
12:15.50DarthClueRoyK: what software needs it?
12:15.58RoyKsome custom stuff
12:16.42leonardo_bauchwiHallo, I have a question about Asterisk Realtime
12:16.51DarthCluedo you control the CRM?  or is something that someone else built?  if you control it, why not use the manager api?
12:17.07*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
12:17.09RoyKDarthClue: someone else built it
12:17.10Zeeekwould the person in here with the stinky dog please either bathe it or get it out of the room? thank you!
12:17.14*** join/#asterisk pa (~Paolo@pa.user)
12:17.26DarthClueZeeek: you feeling ok?
12:17.35RoyKDarthClue: and I doubt would like to do asterisk integration for free
12:18.02leonardo_bauchwiCan I introduce sql sentences in the DialPlan(Asterisk Realtime)??
12:18.29leonardo_bauchwiKnow somebody, if exist Dialplan commands (specifically sql  sentences) for Asterisk Realtime?
12:18.38DarthClueRoyK: probably not, but you could always ask, it would give them another selling point for the CRM software.
12:18.57FITA1<DarthClue> plz tell me whether I m right or wrong reading my above lines so that I can talk to the carrier providers and can use my pri lines till they fix it
12:19.03RoyKDarthClue: perhaps, but I doubt the installed base of asterisk is large enough
12:19.09RoyKleonardo_bauchwi: application MYSQL from mysql-addons
12:20.04DarthClueRoyK: maybe they can develop an API or something of that nature which is more general than TAPI?  or maybe you could just write a tapi->* driver?
12:20.07darwin35zeek = not the brightest puppy in the pack
12:20.29Zeeekmensa refused me:score  too high
12:20.32DarthClueZeeek: did you leave the water running in the tub again?
12:20.39RoyKDarthClue: maybe, but visma is the type of company that'll only do that on request, getting well paid
12:20.50RoyKat least i think so
12:21.01darwin35I said brightest did not say you where not smart
12:21.01ZeeekA friend came home from vacation to find a $15,000 water bill! ther was a tiny leak
12:21.08DarthClueRoyK: so write a tapi->* driver, i mean, you've got the time right.
12:21.15darwin35there is a differance
12:21.16DarthClueZeeek: tiny?
12:21.17RoyKno way
12:21.28RoyKDarthClue: there is a tapi -> * driver already, btw
12:21.34Zeeekwhat is the difference between Tapi, Isapi and Sushi ?
12:21.44leonardo_bauchwiRoyK, I compiled the addons. can I use MYSQL as application? Can I introduce in the dialplan?
12:22.03darwin35eww mysql
12:22.11darwin35shot it . put it down
12:22.11RoyKleonardo_bauchwi: it's just another app. like dial and hangup etc
12:22.12RoyKso yes
12:22.32leonardo_bauchwiRoyK, for example: exten => mysql ("select email from sip_buddies where...")
12:22.59leonardo_bauchwiexcuse  for example: exten => _2XX,1,mysql ("select email from sip_buddies where...")
12:23.07RoyKleonardo_bauchwi: if you could PLEASE start by reading the docs, then perhaps you wouldn't need to ask so stupid questions :P
12:23.26RoyKthere are examples with the source
12:23.58leonardo_bauchwiOk, thanks, but I cant find that, but I can try find it now,
12:24.38*** join/#asterisk Alexi1 (
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12:30.09darwin35where are all the coders this am
12:31.15Myshenkaeating lunch *munch*
12:31.30Myshenkanot that i am a coder though
12:31.45*** join/#asterisk MustDie (
12:33.29darwin35need vm fixed
12:33.40darwin35I cant get any of my vm this am
12:33.47RoyKDarthClue: what's wrong with vm?
12:33.57RoyKvirtual memory?
12:34.05darwin35vm = voicemail
12:36.22darwin35wrapped in plastic
12:36.38darwin35good song
12:37.23*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
12:38.39hellopI'm in love!
12:38.51ZeeekO joy!
12:39.10darwin35Hellop you need therapy . say shock 20,000 volts
12:39.27*** join/#asterisk Turulo (
12:39.59Turulodoes any one
12:40.15darwin35speak in 1 full sentance not 2000 diff lines
12:40.18Turuloif a sound card is needed for faxdetection on zap channels?
12:40.42Zeeekno sound card is needed for fax or meetme or music on hold
12:40.55Zeeekonly if you want... ummmm... sound
12:40.57darwin35no asterisk does not require a sound card. use spandsp and the fax addon
12:41.01Zeeeklocal console sound
12:41.25Turuloi want to forward
12:41.34Turulofaxes incomming on zap channel
12:41.42Turuloto a sip ATA
12:41.44Zeeekthat works too
12:41.52Turulousing spandsp?
12:41.55Zeeekuse faxdetect in zapata.conf
12:42.02Zeeekno need for spandsp
12:42.08Zeeekdetect and route
12:42.16Turuloi already have faxdetect enable
12:42.25Zeeekif the fax can be transmited over SIP to the ATA is another question though
12:42.27Turulohow should extensions.conf look like?
12:42.33tzangerTurulo: it doesn't take 'enable' it takes 'in' 'out' or 'both'
12:43.05Turulois configured ad both
12:43.19Turuloand on extensions.conf fax context
12:43.20Turuloi have
12:43.21Turuloexten => fax,1,Dial(SIP/gw3,30,tr)
12:43.29Turulobut it doesnt seem to work...
12:43.41Zeeekany CLI messages?
12:44.10TuruloJul 13 14:03:47 NOTICE[21840]: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...
12:44.10TuruloJul 13 14:04:05 WARNING[21840]: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'fax'
12:44.33tzangerTurulo: what's your exten => fax look like
12:44.36darwin35are you on cvshead
12:44.40Zeeeki have a calll coming in
12:44.40tzangerer sorry context fax
12:44.44Turuloexten => fax,1,Dial(SIP/gw3,30,tr)
12:44.55darwin35what ver of *
12:44.55Turuloexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/gw3,30,tr)
12:44.55Turuloexten => fax,1,Dial(SIP/gw3,30,tr)
12:45.09Turulo2 weeks ago asterisk
12:45.13darwin35change the , out  to |
12:45.20darwin35thats one of the issues
12:45.25tzangerdarwin35: you're kidding
12:45.33tzangerthey're enforcing that fucking butt-ugly separator in HEAD now?
12:45.35darwin35xten => fax,1,Dial(SIP/gw3|30|tr)
12:46.13tzangerhello Katty
12:46.24Turuloand how asterisk sends faxes to the ATA?
12:46.29*** join/#asterisk seong (~seong@
12:46.34Turuloor T.30
12:46.37Kattytzanger: awwo.
12:46.46tzangerTurulo: passthrough
12:47.07Turuloit will disable echo cancell automatically, i suppose
12:47.24tzangeryes unless you buggered around iwht zaptel soure
12:48.02*** join/#asterisk gordonjcp (
12:48.07Turulono, i dindt :)
12:49.06*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
12:51.05seongSomeone must have heard about Linux VoIP Server LiveCD provided by, recently i plan to get one, but i need some opinions from some experts. Anyone can suggest?
12:53.00KattyWhat, exactly, does the cd do?
12:53.08darwin35nope I am just working on a asterisk cfsetup
12:53.12Kattydo you know what version of linux it is?
12:53.24Kattydo you know what the name of the Linux VoIP Server software is?
12:54.10seongKatty, have a look at this
12:54.18Kattyseong: personally, i don't care
12:54.30Kattyseong: it's just something to think about before you get it.
12:54.43Kattyseong: i wouldn't get it, simply because it looks like a package deal
12:54.49Kattyseong: those like to go wrong.
12:54.56darwin35more fun then te live cd crap
12:55.00Kattyseong: do what you want, obviously
12:55.39Kattytzanger: i got my second card in :>
12:55.55*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
12:55.56tzangerKatty: groovy
12:56.00iCEBrkrApparently the MySQL CDR stuff misses calls.
12:56.16srtdarwin35: based on which linux distribution (if any)?
12:56.29*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
12:56.41seongthey claim no linux installed?? huh!
12:57.15darwin35thus far
12:57.26darwin35should have a release in a week
12:57.33seongno. just cd boot
12:57.40darwin35will have sphinx/festival/fax
12:58.28srtsounds nice.. i have currently one based on crux but thats far too big
12:58.58darwin35mine when done fits a 256m cf drive
12:59.09darwin35and I have a hd for vm storage
12:59.55darwin35a 512 meg ibm laptop hd
13:00.06Malthusdarwin35: how good/easy has it been working with sphinx?
13:00.09darwin35I have a stack of 200 never used
13:00.17srtthats cool :)
13:00.21darwin35I just started
13:00.36srtmy gzipped root image is around 140mb
13:00.42darwin35but bkw and anthm have it working
13:00.52srtum not gzipped but unzipped
13:00.58darwin35ahh ok
13:01.12srtcurrently i am storing voicemail and config on the cf
13:01.21srtbut i am unsure if thats good...
13:01.26darwin35that waste the cf life span
13:01.42srti think so..
13:01.51darwin35cf are only good for 999,999 writes
13:01.52srtbut a hd is not that good, too
13:02.30darwin35that why my thought is to move to a net server to store vm on
13:02.50darwin35or a nfs mount
13:02.51*** join/#asterisk Patrick^ (
13:03.01srtyes that sounds like an option
13:03.07srtalso for monitoring files...
13:03.35darwin35but for the first few I roll out I will put a small hd
13:03.59darwin35and it limits the users to 50 vm  then it announce the box is full
13:04.05srtyes depending on other infrastructure is not the best option for an embedded device ;)
13:04.22darwin35and then it pages the user and plays a msg to check thier vm and clean out any old message
13:04.34Kattytzanger: second card is in :>>>
13:04.43Kattytzanger: second card not registering :<<<
13:05.18darwin35yeah but you have to limit how many vm each user has
13:05.31srtwill you opensource that distro?
13:05.35darwin35if you dont some people never check vm and it would just pile up
13:05.52darwin35once its fully tested I will put a img out
13:06.16*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
13:06.35Kattyis there any command that will let me see conflicts?
13:06.49darwin35conflicts on what
13:06.59darwin35the pci slots
13:07.01Kattydarwin35: read up (=
13:07.21Kattyi think maybe i need the cards on different irqs
13:07.36darwin35move the cards aroud
13:07.44darwin35and if that does not work
13:08.03darwin35then go into the bios and set each pci slot with thier own irq
13:08.11Kattyi am not moving the card around
13:08.14Kattythere is only one slot for it.
13:08.24darwin35but the cards should not be on the same irq
13:08.29ZeeekKatty look in BIOS for your options
13:08.30Kattyis there any way to check for conflicts?
13:08.38Zeeekcat /proc/interrupt
13:08.41Kattythank you
13:08.42darwin35only the bootup screen
13:08.47darwin35that also
13:08.50Zeeekthey MUST NOT be on one IRQ
13:08.55KattyZeeek: (=
13:09.06Zeeekabsolutely forbid you to do that!
13:09.12Zeeekbad Katty, bad
13:09.45Kattywhat is my card going to look like in this loverly list?
13:10.07Zeeek3:   86956011          XT-PIC  wctdm
13:10.20Zeeekwhere is the second card?
13:10.29Kattynothing else says wctdm on it
13:10.42Zeeekyou need usb?
13:10.45KattyASTERISK:/proc# cat /proc/interrupts
13:11.05gordonjcpKatty: pastebin is your friend
13:11.10KattyNMI:          0
13:11.13KattyLOC:      43807
13:11.15KattyERR:          0
13:11.18KattyMIS:          0
13:11.23KattyHmmhesays: i'll paste your bin in a minute (+
13:11.28HmmhesaysI would have got kicked for that
13:11.28Kattyi guess that means the card isn't in good
13:11.30Kattythe lights certainly aren't on
13:11.34ZawKatty: please paste more stuff in the channel, we like it
13:11.45KattyZaw: heh
13:12.14Zeeekthe infinite number of monkeys comment rearlier was great
13:12.26Kattyi just /love/ not knowing what i'm looking at
13:12.27ZeeekKatty your card doesn't exist
13:12.35Zeeekit isn't there
13:12.37KattyZeeek: k
13:13.11Hmmhesaysre seat it, modprobe wctdm run ztcfg so on so forth
13:13.32ZeeekKatty these are FXS?
13:13.33Kattyi can't just stop the server
13:13.39KattyHmmhesays: i'll wait till lunch (=
13:13.48Zeeekyou got power going to both cards?
13:13.52KattyHmmhesays: that's what i had intended to do, and perhaps try a different power cable going to it
13:14.11KattyZeeek: i may not be one of the smartest people in here, but i'm certainly NOT dumb
13:14.16KattyZeeek: that's rather insulting
13:14.25Hmmhesaysja basic troubleshooting
13:14.28Zeeekjust asking
13:14.30KattyZeeek: thanks for trying to help, just the same (=
13:15.10Zeeekactually I doubt that would stop the recognition of the card
13:15.19Zeeekit's for ringing the phones I hear
13:15.39KattyHmmhesays: you decided whether or not you're showing up at cluecon?
13:16.08HmmhesaysI keep getting asked that
13:16.13KattyDarthClue: :<
13:16.21KattyHmmhesays: just wanna know (=
13:16.28*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
13:16.36Hmmhesaysyeah I should be there, land at ohare at 8pm on the 2nd
13:16.54Kattyofficially going to be there then?
13:16.58Kattyno chance that you're not coming?
13:17.02darwin35bbl boss calls
13:17.07KattyDarthClue: i'm not going to maul Zeeek. i like Zeeek
13:17.13Hmmhesaysunless the plane crashes I should be there
13:17.19KattyHmmhesays: :>
13:17.41*** join/#asterisk virterm (
13:17.50Hmmhesaysunited flight 5566
13:18.05Kattynever been on a plane before
13:18.24HmmhesaysI don't much care for flying commercial airliners
13:18.36*** part/#asterisk lele (
13:18.47newlNothing beats getting flung off the deck of an air craft carrier. =)
13:18.55HmmhesaysI dont' much care for being a passenger in any vehicle for that matter
13:20.00blitzragemorning all!@
13:20.05Kattyhi blitzrage (=
13:20.21blitzrageKatty: hey hey! did you ever get to sleep? :D
13:20.30Kattyblitzrage: oh eventually (=
13:20.59blitzrageits only 7:20am here, so I'm wasting 10 mins in IRC until I head downstairs and to the training centre
13:21.12Hmmhesaysit would be really cool if they gave you a read out of some aircraft stats, velocity altitude etc...
13:21.26blitzrageHmmhesays: they do!
13:21.34blitzrageusually show a GPS map too
13:21.36Kattyblitzrage: training center?
13:21.43blitzrageKatty: yes - Asterisk training
13:21.46Hmmhesaysblitzrage, on commercial airliners?
13:21.51blitzrageHmmhesays: yeppers
13:21.52Kattyblitzrage: oh
13:21.55Kattyblitzrage: k
13:21.59blitzrageHmmhesays: at least on the ones I've been on lately
13:22.11blitzrageI'm the dCAP Master Tester :D
13:22.16Hmmhesayswhat type of aircraft?
13:22.34blitzrageHmmhesays: ummm... usually planes from Air Canada or United
13:23.04Hmmhesayshmmm, haven't been on a united flight ever
13:23.45blitzrageahhhh... its pretty cool
13:24.20Zeeekooohhhhh lokit we're losing altitude
13:24.24Hmmhesaysfirst one ever will be in a couple weeks
13:24.40Kattycluecon is that close?
13:24.57Kattyeep, two weeks
13:25.09DarthClueKatty: yep, 2 weeks from Next Monday.
13:25.19KattyDarthClue: as my nerves start to come undone :<
13:25.26Hmmhesayswhat's to be nervous about?
13:25.33cpatryZeeek: u really annoying with ur commercial shit, about cluecon
13:25.42KattyHmmhesays: you'd just have to be me to understand (=
13:25.51DarthClueKatty: relax, you'll have the empire to protect you.
13:25.51blitzragecpatry: I know what you mean - I'm getting sick of ClueCon already :)
13:26.08Hmmhesaysit's alright we can be intimidated by the people smarter than us together
13:26.09KattyDarthClue: the empire is also a threat :<
13:26.22KattyHmmhesays: heh, not quite what i'm worried about
13:26.34Hmmhesays<chuckle> alright
13:26.44DarthClueKatty: The empire is harmless.  We are all married or otherwise not interested, except for file, and well, he's canadian.
13:27.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:27.46Hmmhesaysfunny you say that DarthClue
13:28.42Hmmhesayschewbacca was one of my nick names in high school, lol
13:28.50KattyDarthClue: ^_-
13:29.15tzafrircpatry, well, the *con spam in this channel has become annoying
13:29.18*** join/#asterisk kerspoon (
13:29.43DarthCluetzafrir: yes, the astricon spam was quite annoying.  so glad that it's done and over with now.
13:29.57Zeeeknot really - I just like to type that. The difference is, it's easy to add me to ignore
13:30.21ZeeekI'm interested in the chatty banter about ${CONFERENCE}
13:30.33KattyDarthClue: wether or not someone is married or not makes absolutely no difference
13:30.59Kattyi don't suppose there's a way to make the phones read TRANSFER FROM $phone is there?
13:30.59mutilatorwhats a good answer when a job questinaire asks you
13:31.00mutilatorPlease offer any additional information that you feel is important for a potential employer to know about you.
13:31.08Kattyon the callerid..
13:31.12Kattywhen you do a blind transfer
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13:31.21Zeeek"1999-2000 unpunished serial killer"
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13:31.37gravemindmutilator: "I LIKE BUKKAKE"
13:31.40DarthClueKatty: depends on the transfer mechanism.  if it is being routed thru the dialplan, then it should be.
13:32.10KattyDarthClue: they hit transfer on the phone, then the blind button, then the person's extension.
13:32.30KattyDarthClue: there's a bit in the dialplan for xxxx (our extensions), but then the callerid would effect internal paging too :<
13:32.50*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (
13:32.55KattyDarthClue: maybe if i redefine the callerid after the call comes in?
13:33.05kerspoonHello everyone. I have recently found out about asterisk. It looks damn good. I'm having trouble installing it. Is this the best place to get help?
13:33.08Kattysetcallerid, dial, setcalleridagain
13:33.17KattyDarthClue: would that work?
13:33.20Hmmhesaystrouble installing it? what kind of trouble
13:33.22DarthClueKatty: might work, try it.
13:33.28KattyDarthClue: k
13:33.35DarthCluekerspoon: did you try the wiki first?
13:33.49jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
13:33.59KattyDarthClue: how do i make it say "Transfer from $person?
13:34.12KattyDarthClue: $person being the extension..
13:34.17KattyDarthClue: the [2000] thing
13:34.28kerspoonI was following the instruction in the 'Asterisk documentation project' booklet I have also read the handbook but the seem outdated
13:34.56Hmmhesaysyes kerspoon, asking vague questions isn't going to help you much
13:35.00KattySetCallerID("Transfer from"{$EXTEN})?
13:35.16Kattyerr ${EXTEN}
13:35.42tzafrirkerspoon, try specific questions
13:36.09DarthClueKatty: except that it wouldn't be EXTEN...let me see if i can find it.
13:36.27DarthCluekerspoon: try this ...
13:36.46Hmmhesaysin that case your phone is doing the transfer using your normal dialplan for routing, how would you seperate a transfer from a regular incoming call
13:36.47KattyDarthClue: calleridnumber that's attached to the person in sip.conf?
13:36.55Kattyor...was that voicemail.conf
13:36.58Kattyno, sip.conf
13:37.07Kattythat one conf file in the asterisk directory!
13:37.09Kattythere, that covers it
13:37.18kerspoonok before I try gettig it working I will try to find out if It can do what I want it to. Can it connect to my computer network that will have about 10 IP phones on it and use them for internal/external calls etc?
13:37.32DarthCluekerspoon: yes.
13:37.39kerspooncheers darthclue
13:37.47SpaceBasskerspoon yeo
13:39.40*** join/#asterisk cervajs (
13:39.46Hmmhesaysunless you have a set of special transfer extensions
13:39.51kerspoonguess I will be a while looking through that. anything else I should read other than that before I come back here?
13:40.00Hmmhesaysthe wiki
13:40.32DarthCluekerspoon: start here ... then the wiki ... then come back if you still have issues.
13:40.51kerspoonok no probs. cheers for the help
13:41.19DarthClueKatty: i'm not sure it's possible if it doesn't go thru the dialplan.  i am guessing that the blind button is on the polycom phones and that it basically just takes the existing call and reconnects it elsewhere as if the current phone never touched it.  if you could reprogram the blind transfer button to go to a particular asterisk extension, then you could do the caller id transform and get what you want.
13:42.12Hmmhesays*ahem* seperate extensions for transfer
13:42.19KattyDarthClue: i want to at least try
13:42.49KattyDarthClue: is it CALLIDNUM?
13:43.25DarthClueor, seperate extensions like Hmmhesays recommends.  CALLIDNUM should in theory hold the caller id of the person doing the transfer.
13:44.28Kattyso then something like ${CALLIDNUM@mycontext}?
13:44.55DarthCluejust CALLIDNUM, no need for the @mycontext.
13:46.32Hmmhesays${CALLERIDNUM} is it not?
13:54.27Kattyyeah, didn't work
13:55.04Kattyoh well
13:55.56Hmmhesayscallidnum is not a variable as far as I know
13:56.15Kattyredefining didn't work, at all
13:57.25Hmmhesaysdepending on how you set the callerid it should have worked
13:57.38Kattyi left out the callerid
13:57.41Kattyit still didn't work
13:57.56Kattydoing a blind transfer...
13:57.59Kattyasterisk doesn't care
13:58.13RoyKanyone here familiar with using SER for authentication in front of asterisk?
13:58.25zoai am
13:58.27tzangerthere's a bug in zaptel callerid code
13:58.27jbotModem/ISDN sharing tool for linux. URL: http://www.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE/~prefec2/
13:58.37jbotModem/ISDN sharing tool for linux. URL: http://www.Informatik.Uni-Oldenburg.DE/~prefec2/
13:58.49Hmmhesayssomething doesn't seem right there, paste your dialplan if you like
13:58.53tzangerif you take a call form a PRI and the CID is blank asterisk fills in the values that you have for OUTGOING callerid in zapata.conf
13:59.13KattyHmmhesays: it makes perfect sense
13:59.25KattyHmmhesays: setcallerid to something, dial 5 phones
13:59.34KattyHmmhesays: if the 5 phones don't pick up, go to voicemail
13:59.39KattyHmmhesays: then hangup
13:59.55KattyHmmhesays: but since i'm doing a blind transfer after dialing 5 phones, then asterisk doesn't look to the next step
14:00.08KattyHmmhesays: which would be, changing the callerid to read something else
14:01.52Hmmhesayswhy set the caller id before dialing a group of phones?
14:02.50KattyHmmhesays: we don't have callerid on the phone lines coming into the building, and most of the people around here didn't understand Incoming Call From Asterisk. Plus, we've really got two little companies in the building Copi-Rite and Connect-Rite. So, i changed it to read Incoming call from OUTSIDE for Copi-Rite or Incoming call from OUTSIDE for Connect-Rite
14:03.40*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (
14:03.42KattyHmmhesays: that way we know how to answer the phone. but apparently, some people are having problems thinking it's a brand new call from a blind transfer. So they answer the phone like it's an outside call, rather than a transfer.
14:04.05KattyHmmhesays: they wanted me to change it to read TRANSFER from $person, but since it's a blind transfer and doesn't go through asterisk...then it's...
14:04.30KattyHmmhesays: basically not going to happen. they'll have to do it like i /told/ them to do it. put the call on hold, call the person, tell the person they've got an incoming call, and then do a blind transfer.
14:04.48*** join/#asterisk john867530 (0@
14:04.50DarthClueKatty: can that blind transfer button be re-programmed?
14:04.55Hmmhesaysit should go through asterisk, otherwise when you specify an extension to transfer to where does it get the dialplan from?
14:05.13FITA1can we Dial a callingCard server from * and then dial our desired number on that callingcard server
14:05.38KattyHmmhesays: yeah, but i change that...then anytime someone dials our 4 digit extension, it will always say TRANSFER
14:05.45john867530I have setup my asterisk server to dial my cell when someone calls my house how can I prevent call to my cell if I call the house?
14:05.47KattyHmmhesays: whether it's a transfer or not
14:05.59john867530from my cell
14:06.08DarthClueFITA1: yes, as long as you mean that you dial a number to reach the CC Server and then you hear a prompt and then put in your number.
14:06.20Hmmhesaysso... set up a special set of transfer extensions, like a regular extension with a * prepended
14:06.25DarthCluejohn867530: you got caller id on the lines at the house?
14:06.41john867530Yes I do.  Can I do some sort of if statement?
14:06.43KattyHmmhesays: eh?
14:06.52KattyHmmhesays: i don't understand.
14:07.15DarthClueKatty: make your transfer extensions 5 digits like Hmmhesays recommends, if they put in 3333 they get you, if they put in 13333 then the caller id is mangled and it says transfer.
14:07.33Hmmhesaysif you want to pm me, I can lay it out
14:07.36DarthCluejohn867530: yes, do some callerid detection on those lines and you can prevent it.
14:07.40KattyHmmhesays: no, no i don't think so
14:07.46KattyHmmhesays: they're already confused enough as it is
14:08.02Hmmhesaysnod, then do it with channel variables
14:08.05KattyHmmhesays: they complained about having 4 digit extensions in the first place
14:08.14ZeeekKaty users are really the toughest part of implimenting asterisk installations
14:08.20KattyHmmhesays: if i turn it into 5 digits, then.......that's just not going to work
14:08.47Hmmhesayswell it would be the same except _*XXXX
14:09.08KattyHmmhesays: yeah i'm not getting that * bit, but that's ok
14:09.18Hmmhesays* being a literal character
14:09.25KattyHmmhesays: i think i'll just get the second card in this afternoon :)
14:09.32gravemindcouldn't you set a variable ORIGINATOR or something when the extension is first dialed?
14:09.39gravemindthen when you do the transfer you can mangle the CID
14:09.40Kattystill early and my comprehension isn't working
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14:10.08Hmmhesaysanyhoo, there are a few ways that you can do it even keeping your 4 digit extensions
14:10.26Kattyi'll find you later then, perhaps (=
14:10.53HmmhesaysI'll be here or there i'm sure
14:12.17Hmmhesaysmaybe you can talk bkw_ into helping me with my n00b perl problem then lol
14:12.43Hmmhesaysor was that anthm thats the perl guy
14:12.55Kattyall i know is that anthm is the food guy
14:13.20Kattyi should ask about the catering sometime soon too, else everyone forgets that i don't eat dead animal
14:13.24*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
14:13.53DarthClueHmmhesays: what's the problem?
14:15.19*** join/#asterisk MustDie (~voip@
14:15.27Hmmhesaystrying to automate some telnet command with Net::Telnet
14:15.57MustDiehmmhesays: use sockets
14:16.26Hmmhesaysyeah, the telnet module looked so inviting to a perl n00b though
14:17.06*** join/#asterisk drumkilla_ (~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk)
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14:17.21*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
14:17.30Hmmhesayseverything works except there are multiple #'s and the telnet module matches that as a prompt by default and moves on with the next command
14:18.04MRH2hi ...ne1 know if i can set alert_info on a channel?
14:18.32DannyFMRH2, yupp u can in dialplan
14:18.57mutilatornothing wrong with Net::Telnet
14:19.03mutilatorwhats the problem
14:19.16Hmmhesayslook up about 4 lines
14:19.28bkw_someone called my name?
14:19.34DannyFMRH2, exten => 101,1,SetVar(_ALERT_INFO=bellcore-r4) ; works
14:19.42mutilatoryou can specify the prompt with it
14:19.47DannyF(on a Sipura)
14:20.14Hmmhesaysyeah, it should just be a regexp
14:20.26mutilatoryou already doin that or?
14:20.41MRH2yep I am trying to set it on SIP/123 as used in a call file or the API like  Action: Originate Channel: SIP/123testphone
14:20.50Hmmhesaysyeah, the problem there is I don't have a common prompt to match
14:21.17gravemindyou could just use IO::Socket::INET and work with it directly
14:21.23DannyFMRH2, ah... havent played with that
14:21.28mutilatorwhy does it change?
14:21.45Hmmhesaysbecause it's testing for dialtone on an fxo port
14:22.34Hmmhesaysif there is dialtone you get one output, if there is not, you get another
14:22.48MRH2does alert_info work newhere else other that the dialplan like  in sip.conf
14:22.59bkw_in cvs-head
14:23.02mutilatorso use {one|other}
14:23.06bkw_you can do setvar=ALERT_INFO=blah
14:23.07bkw_in sip.conf
14:23.31Hmmhesaysheh I should have seen that a mile away
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14:23.39mariogamboahi all
14:24.44MRH2hmm that might work... do u know if i t works in agent.conf as well
14:24.45mariogamboai have a little question. i'm test the command of asterisk and used the destroy zap channel and this obvious destroy my channel in my card and now how i can add again the channel
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14:25.36MRH2so i could set alert_info=blah for all agent channels
14:26.22mariogamboain this case i use the command zap destroy channel but how i can recreate the channel ?
14:27.33bkw_you set(__ALERT_INFO=blah)
14:27.35bkw_in your dialplan
14:27.38bkw_it should set it
14:27.55TripleFFF2sdfi was wondering.. what alterantive would pros suggest replacing mpg123.. seems its just not working on that box... would need same compressions
14:28.15MRH2yeah i need to set it for a channel though as used with the manager API
14:29.13MRH2as in originate from channel SIP/123
14:29.34Kattycold :<
14:30.16TripleFFF2sdfmeaning is madplay raw or compressed ?
14:30.31[Jedi]HEAD has pridialplan=dynamic like bristuff?
14:30.39mariogamboahow i can add a channel zap when i destroy it?
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14:30.50MRH2thinking if i set it in sip.conf to what i want to use in the api then change it back to a null value in the dialplan
14:31.33juanjocHas anybody here any experience with TDM04B cards in Argentina?
14:34.22mariogamboala tienes como fxo_ks
14:34.48MRH2I am gonna go try it with alert_info in sip.conf.... thanx
14:34.53Kattymariogamboa: english? (=
14:35.01*** part/#asterisk MRH2 (
14:35.05Kattymariogamboa: ((((=
14:35.17Hmmhesaysthat is an awesome mob name
14:35.35*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (~mk@
14:35.37Hmmhesaysreminds me of the "knock around guys"
14:35.39mariogamboai only need to now if posible to make a zap channel again how because i destroy it with the command zap destroy channel
14:35.50mariogamboaasi es
14:35.58mariogamboasorry again
14:36.50Hmmhesayshrm instresting, these mediatrix fxs units have ipsec capability
14:37.11mariogamboamediatrix have it
14:37.13zoamediatrix is complete crap
14:37.28Hmmhesaystheir fxo units maybe
14:37.38Hmmhesaysthe 1124 is a good unit
14:37.48Kattymariogamboa: sorry, i don't know.
14:38.05*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
14:38.23Silik0ni havent had any prolbems with the FXS unit
14:38.35Hmmhesayszoa, curious what kind of problems you've had?
14:38.46TripleFFF2sdfanyone tried new 411 w echo cancel ?
14:39.04TripleFFF2sdfany opinions ?
14:39.25Kattyi've not tried it, nor heard of it.
14:39.25Silik0nwe dont need no stinkin echo can
14:39.34Cresl1nI like echo
14:39.38Cresl1nso hah!
14:39.41Silik0ni've seen them but havent tried them yet...
14:39.43Hmmhesays<Silik0n> we dont need no stinkin echo can <Silik0n> we dont need no stinkin echo can <Silik0n> we dont need no stinkin echo can
14:39.56Silik0nI think someone here at the office has one out there somewhere tho
14:40.27TripleFFF2sdfwas wondering why a steep 600$ difference in retail pricing
14:40.39TripleFFF2sdf2100 vs 1500
14:40.58TripleFFF2sdfand if one uses that i guess turning of asterisk ecancel ?
14:41.07zoathey are a pain in the ass to configure
14:41.12zoawith their stupid snmp
14:41.20TripleFFF2sdfsnmp on ?
14:41.23Hmmhesaysthat your only gripe?
14:41.29TripleFFF2sdfon cards ?
14:41.53HmmhesaysI agree with you on configuration, which is why they've gone web based with their next generation of products
14:41.56TripleFFF2sdfi cacti'ed the asterisk box.. and i show channels every minute for the graph
14:42.39Hmmhesaysother than configuration i've found most mediatrix products to be quality products
14:42.40bkw_talking about audiocodes?
14:42.53bkw_oh mediatrix.. ya
14:42.54TripleFFF2sdfhey brian
14:43.00bkw_that stupid snmp config crap
14:43.07bkw_TripleFFF2sdf, yo
14:43.11Hmmhesaysbkw_ there next release will all be web based config
14:43.19zoaits too late
14:43.23zoai will never look at it again
14:43.31zoai think i threw it out of the window
14:43.31bkw_I don't blame ya zoa
14:43.33zoaor fed it to the dogs
14:43.41zoai spent a day on it
14:43.46TripleFFF2sdfzoa hope u go t big dogs
14:43.47zoaand finally got it to work with insecure
14:43.52bkw_zoa has big dogs
14:43.52TripleFFF2sdfor tiny but hungry ones
14:43.53Hmmhesays<shrug> i'll keep using them cause i'm used to snmp
14:43.57TripleFFF2sdfhad a rott
14:44.21TripleFFF2sdfok any wayt to debug asterisk to show error on moh ?
14:44.25TripleFFF2sdfits not even spawning it
14:44.34TripleFFF2sdfsame config as box #2 wich is..
14:44.41TripleFFF2sdfeven tried madplay
14:44.43bkw_bet its not the same code
14:44.44TripleFFF2sdfno spawns
14:44.48bkw_tried latest cvs?
14:44.54Hmmhesaysthat and once they are running they give little trouble
14:44.54TripleFFF2sdfoh nah i cant
14:45.04TripleFFF2sdftoo many mods
14:45.11bkw_cvs-head works fine as of last week
14:45.13TripleFFF2sdfi dont see the .version file
14:45.22bkw_not sure I would put this week into prodcution without alot of testing
14:45.35bkw_.version went away
14:46.08*** join/#asterisk nowork (~jfu2808@
14:46.19noworkdoes * support fail over;
14:46.49TripleFFF2sdfno ast version there
14:47.09louddepends on which level of fail over, you could always implement round robin dns though.
14:47.51TripleFFF2sdfnot helpin
14:47.51TripleFFF2sdf#define ASTERISK_VERSION "CVS-HEAD"
14:47.51TripleFFF2sdf#define ASTERISK_VERSION_NUM 999999
14:47.52noworkif one call failed on route A will it try route B ,and C..
14:48.30TripleFFF2sdfi see one as #define BUILD_VERSION "CVS-HEAD-05/29/05-10:03:15"
14:48.37TripleFFF2sdfbut htat a really old one
14:51.24kerspoonwhen compiling zaptel I get error 127. the previous line is "/bin/sh: restorecon: command not found". Any ideas? is there something else I should have installed?
14:53.11*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
14:53.54leheli have now an empty asterisk box.. wich means without any kind of card
14:54.54lehelfor what is good.. virtuals..?
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14:57.22MustDieHELP !!!
14:57.54tzafriranybody here called 'help'?
15:00.02MustDie~seen help
15:00.02jbothelp <~help@> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 39d 23h 29m 40s ago, saying: 'join #debian-es'.
15:00.54stknkerspoon: you're using selinux on that box? if not you can remove the complete "if ...sestatus... restorecon" line from the makefile
15:01.22greg_workwhat am i doing wrong here?   SetVar(LOOPED=1)   ...     SetVar(LOOPED=$[${LOOPED}+1])    LOOPED becomes 1+1 then 1+1+1,  1+1+1+1 etc...
15:01.22MyshenkaHow do I put the "include" and "switch" statements from an extensions.conf file into a Realtime MySQL database? They don't fit into the table for static configuration bits nor in the table for extensions themselves. does not give any information on this question.
15:01.38kerspoonyeah selinux is on
15:02.20stknkerspoon: try to replace restorecon with the full path to the restorecon binary
15:03.45kerspooncheers I will try that
15:05.53noworkcan * do: if one call failed on route A will it try route B ,and C..
15:06.19iCEBrkrnowork: sure.
15:06.41Zeeekgreg_work this used to work: SetVar(counter=$[${counter} + 1])
15:06.48Zeeekthe only diff I see is the spaces
15:07.06iCEBrkrJust put consecutive Dial()'s
15:09.46Hmmhesaysheh, finally it works right
15:10.03mariogamboawhat version of asterisk is now in cvs. and how i can download?
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15:12.51greg_workZeeek: yeah, that was what it was. thanks..
15:13.23Zeeekthere is a weird sensitivity to spaces - I happen to remember that
15:13.24greg_workdamn scripting languages that don't have strings....
15:13.25*** join/#asterisk denon (
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15:13.36Zeeekah, but EVERYTHING is a string in asterisk
15:13.44greg_workyes thats the problem ;)
15:13.50mutilatoranyone know how to get ethernet stats from a bsd box for mrtg?
15:14.25harryvvnowork, yes it can
15:15.00harryvvsay zap or the pstn line died, you can put another say, iax account under neath it.
15:15.06JamesDotCommutilator: an snmpd?
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15:16.42mutilatorthat than putting an snmpd on there
15:16.45mutilatorknow of any way
15:17.25JamesDotComwhy not put one there?
15:17.48mutilatorj/w if there is another way w/o it
15:19.06*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
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15:21.58PBXtechare there any itsp's that will host block of 300 DID's?
15:22.23loudare they from california ?
15:22.41clinthomeAnyone familiar with Asterisk's IAX->Zap DTMF handling got a minute?
15:23.05PBXtechIAX DTMF handling.. thats kinda a given
15:23.44clinthomeSpecifically the translation between IAX and Zap...  Issue is that tones are not starting w/ the start packet, and are sent as little short tones at the stop packet...
15:24.06clinthomeI'm sure this has been covered, but boss's breathing down my neck.
15:25.28mutilatorstop wearing deodorant
15:25.34noworkanyone help me install * and calling card function, i can me privately.thanks;
15:26.48*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@
15:29.00clinthomeWell, it was worth a try...
15:29.59*** join/#asterisk dudes (
15:31.04*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
15:31.27|Vulture|Anyone here have a PRI in Miami, FL I am looking for suggestions on a carrier
15:32.24TripleFFF2sdfvulture ?
15:34.07*** part/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
15:35.19Alexi1there is an exemple on the web of extension.cont for outgoing call through a digium card which is not using the macro system ?
15:37.22bkw_missing the $
15:37.38|Vulture|I always do that
15:37.43bkw_its ok
15:37.47bkw_aleast you know how
15:37.54bkw_you get a cookie for that
15:38.09Kattybkw_: how's misteromgi'mdying feeling?
15:38.40bkw_don't know he's at work.. but he was bitching ALL NIGHT
15:38.51bkw_I suspect he's fine
15:38.59bkw_otherwise he would have not went to work!
15:39.10Kattymaybe he went to work so you wouldn't kill him ;>
15:39.26Hmmhesayswhat's the proper way to unset an array in perl
15:40.23anthmundef @array
15:40.30anthm@array = ();
15:40.44Hmmhesaysdanke anthm
15:40.45anthmdepending on if you want it to exist still
15:40.48Kattyyou headbutt it, Hmmhesays
15:40.53KattyHmmhesays: and then hug it
15:40.59*** join/#asterisk wwalker (~wwalker@wwalker.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
15:41.18Hmmhesayshaha, still got glass in my forehead from trying that
15:41.18*** part/#asterisk wwalker (~wwalker@wwalker.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
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15:44.20|Vulture|the difference in having a channel bank to a T1 and a PRI is pretty much the PRI is fully digital, and you can set your CID, and "hunt groups" are controlled better.. right?
15:44.54|Vulture|cause they are trying to sell me an XO Flex plan with 8 T1 phone lines on a 1.44 integrated.. but they don't have PRI with it yet :(
15:45.09Kattywhat's a "hunt group"
15:45.14Kattyis that the ringing/pickup group?
15:45.40|Vulture|where the PRI has channels you have to say line 1 ring line 2...
15:45.46*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
15:50.51Meaty|Vulture|  ?
15:50.56Meatysay line 1 ring line 2... ?
15:51.30|Vulture|yea on a standard T1 you have to tell phone #1 to ring #2 if #1 is busy.. they do it at the telco
15:51.49|Vulture|where on the PRI you have a ton of DIDs and if someone calls one of them, it takes the first avail channel
15:52.10*** join/#asterisk Malthus (~admin@
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15:52.31DarthCluepri are so much nicer.
15:52.32mxmassterhi all
15:52.37|Vulture|DarthClue: and digital
15:52.39Meatypri own
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15:53.02mxmassterquick question with realtime... i have odbc configured and working to where i can do realtime load sippeers name _name_ and see results
15:53.12mxmassterbut when i do sip show peers that information is not displayed
15:54.55Meatywhats results is showing when sippeers name _name_ is do ?
15:56.26Meatywhand is laoded ?
15:56.49*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
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16:00.52mxmassterMeaty: all of the information that i have stored in the database for that username
16:01.20f3rhi all
16:01.51*** join/#asterisk rjreb (
16:01.52f3rAny one is using * for packet cable?
16:02.19mxmassterMeaty: what i am asking is when i do a sip show peers i don't see any of the db users/peers
16:02.36Meatyi see
16:02.50Meatyno error message un verbose ?
16:03.01*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
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16:05.47Meatymxmasster > no error message in a verbose CLI ?
16:06.14MeatyWhats your * version ?
16:08.10mxmassterno error messages, i am using head
16:09.51*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
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16:16.17*** join/#asterisk MrCh|cken (~archivo@
16:16.38MrCh|ckenAnybody here has had any experience with iaxcomm?
16:16.42MrCh|ckenI cant get it to run
16:19.11*** join/#asterisk cfrank (
16:23.30yaaarMrCh|cken: it's always been kind of flaky for me
16:24.19yaaarMrCh|cken: initially it ran, but the voice was really terrible. switched from oss to alsa and that got better for a while, but then for no reason i could discern it stopped giving me audio...the other person could hear me, but i couldn't hear them. so i just gave up on it
16:24.28yaaarwhat's it doing to you?
16:25.03*** join/#asterisk kswail (
16:26.01MrCh|ckenyaaar, Nothing :( It wont even start
16:26.30MrCh|ckenyaaar, I'm, just looking for a user friendly Softphone .. whethere its IAX or SIP
16:26.41MrCh|ckenand that it work on linux (duh!)
16:28.25cfrankDundi config anyone?
16:28.56*** join/#asterisk anti (russ@anti.developer.gentoo)
16:29.47yaaarDarthClue: you around here?
16:30.33file[laptop]ugh NEEEEEEED food
16:30.42DarthCluefile: i need graphics, now!
16:31.00MrCh|ckenyaaar, --> I did an Strace ... I found an error but I have no clue what it means .. perhaps you could help me?
16:31.03clinthomeOk, if I make a call, analog phone1->Zap->asterisk->iax->asterisk->Zap->PRI->pstn->analog phone2, and I press a button on analog phone1 for three seconds, I get a quarter second tone in the earpiece of analog phone2 when I release the key on analog phone1.
16:31.07file[laptop]DarthClue: yeah well I can't make these people go any faster... WE ONLY HAVE ONE PERSON LEFT#W$%^&$%^&*
16:31.08clinthomeAny ideas anyone?
16:31.38*** join/#asterisk gtigene (~chatzilla@
16:31.56yaaarMrCh|cken: not too good with the stack traces; I'll take a look, but there are probably lots of folks around here better prepared to understand that stuff
16:33.43MrCh|ckenyaaar,  -->
16:35.14gtigeneMy Polycom phones are acting crazy. After a call is completed, when my user hangs up, the phone starts ringing and won't stop even though there is no call. Has anyone heard of this anomaly?
16:35.39MrCh|ckenI'm having trouble w. my domain name ... so better try
16:36.15yaaarMrCh|cken: are you running iaxcomm as root?
16:36.24MrCh|ckenyes ...
16:36.37MrCh|ckenfor testing sake yes
16:36.54MrCh|ckenis that a stupid thing to do?
16:37.16gordonjcpnot a genius idea, that
16:38.16MrCh|ckenjust testing ...
16:38.44MrCh|ckengoing to run it as a normal unpriv user then
16:41.54*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
16:43.34MrCh|ckenyaar -> connect(4, {sa_family=AF_UNIX, path="/var/run/.nscd_socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
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16:50.26MrCh|ckenyaar --> open("/dev/dsp", O_WRONLY|O_NONBLOCK)   = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
16:51.37mxmassteroutside of the cdr records, does anyone have a way to profile the sip inuse over a period of time? ideally i would like to put this in an mrtg style graph
16:52.06harryvv12:51 the shuttle launches
16:52.18harryvvpst of course
16:52.47*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
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16:53.13gtigeneMy Polycom phones are acting crazy. After a call is completed, when my user hangs up, the phone starts ringing and won't stop even though there is no call. Other than rebooting the phones, does anyone have a suggestion to prevent this?
16:53.37shmaltzgtigene, what polycom phone? what sip bootrom versions?
16:54.08shmaltzgtigene, how many phones you using?
16:54.13shmaltzalways been that way?
16:54.28Strom_Cgtigene: you could introduce them to a sledgehammer ;)
16:55.06shmaltzI don't get this, if ppl are interested in getting help, why do they ask and then run off?
16:55.23shmaltz~seen gtigene
16:55.23jbotgtigene is currently on #asterisk (23m 45s).  Has said a total of 2 messages.  Is idling for 2m 10s
16:55.23gtigenesshmaltz: Happens with 301 and 501, bootrom is I have about 14 phones. Happens intermittently, happened 3 times this am.
16:55.42Strom_Cor maybe gtigene is just a slow typist
16:55.49shmaltzgtigene, you sure they not pressing the volume buttons? by mistake?
16:55.54|Vulture|gtigene: what do the debugs say in *?
16:55.59gtigeneI was looking up the bootrom version.
16:56.00shmaltzStrom_C, maybe
16:56.21shmaltzgtigene, it took you so long and you still got it wrong
16:56.26|Vulture|never had a problem with my IP500s
16:56.30shmaltzit's sip
16:56.40|Vulture|isn't the boot like 2.6?
16:56.44shmaltzand you didn't mention the bootrom version
16:56.57shmaltz|Vulture|, either that or 3.1
16:57.23gtigeneshmaltz: I will get the bootrom version. Just a minute.
16:57.48shmaltzgtigene, never mind, first check if they pressing the volume buttons
16:58.07*** join/#asterisk focks (
16:58.18gtigeneshmaltz: OK
16:58.24|Vulture|shmaltz: you use 3.1? I am still on 2.6
16:58.39focksanyone had success with <mac>-directory.xml files on polycoms with sip 1.5.2
16:58.41shmaltzlet me know, then check  what |vulture| said (the CLI output in asterisk)
16:58.55shmaltz|Vulture|, nope, I' m using 2.6
16:59.10shmaltzthe only addition in 3.1 is the https support
16:59.11gtigeneBootrom 3.0.1
16:59.55shmaltzgtigene, now check about the volume buttons
17:00.27gtigeneshmaltz: OK
17:00.32|Vulture|gtigene: Id also recommend using 2.6.1 bootrom
17:00.42|Vulture|there is a note on the wiki about using 3.0
17:00.43shmaltz|Vulture|, you can't reverse
17:01.03shmaltzyou can't go from 3.x to anything lower
17:01.11|Vulture|did not know that
17:01.22gtigeneshmaltz: They say they were not pressing volume buttons
17:01.24shmaltzI think it's on the notes on the wiki
17:01.40shmaltzgtigene, I didn't say that they were
17:01.52|Vulture|"BR 3.x supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTPS boot servers, but once you upgrade to this release you cannot downgrade to versions prior to BR 3.0 and SIP 1.5. If you do not require one of these boot protocols, DO NOT upgrade to BR 3.x and instead stick with BR 2.6.1."
17:02.06shmaltzgtigene, how about any last minute reports sitting on their desk, did that lean onto the volume buttons?
17:02.23shmaltz|Vulture|, thanks
17:03.12gtigeneshmaltz: Mark's desk is clean. There were three other people. It happened to me a while back and I know nothing touched the button because of where the phone was located.
17:03.15shmaltzgtigene, you either got some mess in your dial plan, (thats why you got to look at the CLI), or someone is pressing the volume button (maybe it's sticky?)
17:03.38gtigeneshmaltz: thanks
17:03.41focksshmaltz: you had success with <mac>-directory.xml files on polycoms with sip 1.5.2?
17:04.04gtigeneshmaltz: what should I look at on the CLI?
17:04.05shmaltzgtigene, so check the CLI (do show channels), and then show channel sip/polycomphone-somehexvalue taken from show channels output
17:04.13shmaltzfocks, nope
17:04.20|Vulture|gtigene: its on 1 phone or all of them?
17:04.22focksshmaltz: what about intercome?
17:04.22shmaltznever tried the directory files
17:04.32gtigeneVulture: several phones
17:04.41|Vulture|I would guess its on the DP
17:04.43shmaltzfocks, never tried that either, but about to try it next week
17:04.48|Vulture|are they set to Private or Shared line?
17:04.52[TK]D-Fenderfocks : shmaltz has helped me set up a full set of auto-provisioning Polycom IP 600's here.
17:05.04gtigeneshmaltz: I assume you mean I should show the channel when its stuck ringing, is that right?
17:05.18shmaltzgtigene, yep
17:05.18focks[TK]D-Fender I've got almost everything working, directories don't though :(
17:05.29[TK]D-Fenderfocks : including FTP / NTP & MAC based XML files
17:05.32shmaltzthat will give you a clue, where in the DP it's initiating the ring
17:05.36|Vulture|gtigene: well see if its open when its happening.. if you don't see anything on * then its the pone
17:05.42[TK]D-Fenderfocks : you mean user contact list?
17:05.50focks[TK]D-Fender that is all in place, but the phones just seem to ignore the directory files
17:05.53gtigeneshmaltz: By the way, one time it happened I restarted asterisk and is was still ringing
17:06.02|Vulture|focks: I use rsync and have them sync to a remote server so all the companies can see eachother
17:06.10[TK]D-Fenderfocks : can I SSH to see your setup?
17:06.13shmaltzgtigene, doesn't matter
17:06.27shmaltzsince the phone got the ring signal
17:06.39focks[TK]D-Fender it's behind a firewall i don't control, so no
17:06.52shmaltzbut I would say that it means that the phone is messed up
17:06.54focks[TK]D-Fender all of the rest of the provisioning works
17:07.00gtigeneshmaltz: OK next time it happens I will show the channel. Thanks for your help. Any other suggestions?
17:07.09shmaltzyeah wait
17:07.37[TK]D-Fenderfocks : if its only the directory I'd guess its the file format or naming thats off
17:07.55*** join/#asterisk MicC_ (
17:08.39[TK]D-Fenderfocks : I haven't actually implemented the directory myself.
17:09.41shmaltzgtigene, if even thru a restart of asterisk this was ringing, then it's not from the dialplan
17:10.05gtigeneshmaltz: I am glad to hear that :)
17:10.06shmaltzat least according to my cisco phone (I didn't test it on a polycom, I don't have one next to me now)
17:10.26|Vulture|gtigene: are your phones in Shared or Private line mode?
17:10.40shmaltzgtigene, I am thinking it has to do with the volume button, either being pressed, or sticky
17:11.00shmaltzalso follow |Vulture| he is asking a sensible question
17:11.06gtigeneVulture: I don't know shared from private but in the phone settings there is a place where it says "private"
17:11.13Kattywhat's new?
17:11.22shmaltzgtg guys
17:11.23shmaltzc ya
17:11.37Kattyi see.
17:11.46MicC_hey guys
17:11.54MicC_got my ASterisk + AMP working yesterday
17:12.03MicC_got SIP extension to extension dialing
17:12.03*** join/#asterisk bytee_ (~byte@byte.fedora)
17:12.11MicC_I am all proud of myself.
17:12.17MicC_now to do something real...
17:12.47|Vulture|gtigene: okay.. its possible if it were in shared something crazy like that could happen
17:13.43gtigene|Vulture|: Thanks
17:15.00*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
17:15.26MicC_what is the best codec if you are running over 100mbit LAN?
17:15.35lyroyDoes someone know if there is any french language support for Festival?
17:15.37MicC_seems the high compression codecs suc
17:15.50*** join/#asterisk heison (
17:16.06mxmassteri'm having trouble calling 800 numbers via iaxtel
17:16.13ChkDigitlyroy: Yes, but don't ask me where to find it.
17:16.20mxmassteri get this error message
17:16.21mxmassterchan_iax2.c:2756 auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
17:16.38lyroyda who can answer me?
17:17.01sivanain a bottle?!.... brilliant!
17:17.32*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (negative3k@
17:18.29*** join/#asterisk rakanuj (rakanuj@
17:18.48rakanujWhen contributing to asterisk do you still need to sign a copyright form and fax it to Digium??
17:18.52rakanujI seem to recall you had to to that
17:19.51sivana~seen JerJer
17:19.51jbotjerjer <~JerJer@jerjer.bronze.supporter.pdpc> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 36d 8h 31m 43s ago, saying: 'read documenation, then ask informed questions'.
17:21.24*** join/#asterisk cmk (
17:21.34rakanujUm, I've spent about 40 minutes poking through voip-info and again looking for it, and I do remember it was on there 6 months ago.
17:21.48rakanujso if you're thinking I'm being lazy I'd hope that would change your mind.
17:22.15*** join/#asterisk Twister (Twister@
17:22.27crash3mwhat about
17:23.24rakanujI looked through their too.  I'm sure it's a brainfart on my part.
17:23.35rakanujthere.  see.  brainfart
17:23.59tzafrirrakanuj, if you want it to be part of asterisk you need to give Digium the permission to sell it as part of their non-free product, yes.
17:24.09tzafrirsee also
17:25.06tzafrirMicc, on a lan use ulaw
17:25.09rakanujAh, excellent ;)  TYVM
17:26.40*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
17:27.20SpaceBassi've got a seimens sip phone that has a ringing... once it starts, it doesnt stop...
17:27.25MicC_tzafrir: thanks
17:27.45SpaceBassits part of a ring group that times out after 25 seconds but it will ring forever even after another extension answers the call or the IVR picks up
17:27.55MicC_now my next questions...I would like to intergrate my FWD account so that I can dial out from my extensions.
17:28.01MicC_any howtos on that?
17:28.05MicC_I have the base setup on the Asterisk
17:28.31tzafrirMicc, google for 'fwd iax'
17:28.33SpaceBassMicc: if you go into advanced settings on our FWD account you can activate IAX2 which makes it easier, then there is a post on the wiki about it
17:28.45tzafrirand look in
17:29.00MicC_tzafrir: thanks guys...that was what I was looking for
17:29.18MicC_this is got to be the best chan I have ever gotten help in
17:29.52MicC_I am 13 questions and I got 13 answers in 10 seconds or less
17:30.03MicC_thanks guys. Off to IAX myself
17:30.14SpaceBassgood luck
17:30.20[Jedi]if I want to dialout on any of the E1s connected to my TE405P
17:30.24[Jedi]how should I do Dial()?
17:30.32[Jedi]now I do Dial/g1/dialstring
17:30.38SpaceBassstupid siemens phone is still ringing... I dont have to have to go upstairs and reset it ever time it does this....
17:30.41[Jedi]but I'd like it to use g1 or g2
17:31.14[Jedi]sorry, I mean Zap/g1
17:33.45*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:34.59*** join/#asterisk ^HeLL^ (
17:35.25SpaceBasslaunch was scrubbed for today
17:36.04^HeLL^hi all
17:36.14f3rhi all
17:36.24f3ranyone in packet cable??
17:37.14harryvvit was scrubbed?
17:37.31*** join/#asterisk darylp (
17:37.43pdugasfaulty fuel sensor
17:37.47SpaceBassfuel sensor of some sort
17:38.05mutilatordid they?
17:38.05SpaceBassHDnet has been doing live HD coverage with nasa's audio feed... pretty cool
17:38.20pdugasLooks like a faulty email subject from Digium too ;)
17:38.21mutilatori been watchin that
17:38.41SpaceBassi was looking forward to seeing it in hd too
17:39.01*** join/#asterisk Morex (
17:39.03MorexHello there
17:39.13MorexAnybody got any experience with the Sipura 3000?
17:39.20MorexMy client's got a weird error...
17:39.39cpatryMorex: ive tried to fix ur machine yesterday, ur ip wasnt online.
17:39.39SpaceBassreboot time... lets hope apple has finally fixed these SMB issues with this update...
17:40.01harryvv1 of four low level hydrogen fuel sensors have failed on the main booster tank
17:40.07MorexCPatry: I'm on Dynamic IP at home - my provider must have reassigned.
17:40.11MorexThanks for trying!!!
17:40.41harryvvWell, was going to take a trip out to the MCMillian Space center to see the launch on a huge 40 foot screen.
17:40.58mutilatortil another day!
17:41.05harryvvyea and today is my day off
17:41.32gtigeneharryvv:  launch in abt 2 hours is that right?
17:41.46*** join/#asterisk raglom (
17:41.53harryvvyea it was.
17:42.07raglomhi all
17:42.33gtigeneharryvv:  scrubbed it?
17:42.41harryvv1 of four low level hydrogen fuel sensors have failed on the main booster tank
17:43.28raglomany experienced with MD110 <- E1 -> asterisk ??
17:44.13*** join/#asterisk emp (~emp@
17:44.31MorexNE1 using Sipura SPA 3000?
17:44.43*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
17:45.04Hmmhesaysheh, they don't need to know if they are low on fuel
17:45.28*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
17:45.31Hmmhesaysi'm sure they have enough to get up there
17:45.35mutilatoryep, they either fall from the sky or they don't
17:45.36tzangerharryvv: I wonder what kind of sensor checking sensors they have to test that stuff
17:45.41Ariel_good afternoon everyone
17:45.54Hmmhesaysgood afternoon
17:46.16mutilatortzanger: probly their eyes, like looking at 4 monitors and one is static.. usually that means it's broken
17:48.29harryvvtzanger well, When I was a heavy lift helicopter technican we used Capacitence based fuel probes which I think are standard on my heavy aircraft. We have a bunch of test to do inside the cockpit before its released. Testing all the sensors and the varios sensors. we had like 30 to 50 plus advisory and master caution panel lights just on our panel. Today I think alot of that is automated with the use of onboard flight control computers
17:48.55gordonjcpye ghods
17:49.04gordonjcp30-odd lights for fuel level monitoring?
17:49.19harryvvfor everything related to the operation of the aircraft.
17:49.27gordonjcpwas going to say
17:49.35gordonjcpdepends on the aircraft, though
17:49.51gordonjcpjet and turbine aircraft can go wrong in a lot of subtle and complicated ways
17:50.01harryvvobiosly the larger and more role oriented aircraft the more systems it has to monitor.
17:51.29harryvvAlso, aircraft inspections is extreemly important. Once we had to scrap a $100,000.00 engine because FOD aka, a bolt washer the size of your finger hit the first stage compressor bladed nicking on..and who knows how many more behind it.
17:52.02shmaltzits pouring here, I can't go home
17:52.04Ariel_harryvv, do you miss the fod walks?
17:52.08gordonjcpharryvv: yeah
17:52.09harryvvWatching nasa tv on the net.
17:52.14harryvvAriel_ heck no!
17:52.22*** join/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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17:52.30gordonjcpharryvv: you don't know what that washer has hit, you don't know what the bits the washer has knocked off have hit...
17:52.45harryvvjust run a fricken vacume truck across the flightline and then inspect whats inside :)
17:53.05harryvvThat was borring, Every day FOD walk
17:53.09gordonjcpharryvv: I do a bit from a small tarmac strip in the NW of Scotland, right by the shore
17:53.28gordonjcpwe have a *hell* of a problem with seagulls dropping cockles onto the strip to smash the shells
17:53.33harryvvIts nessesary but.. there are faster ways of doing it.
17:54.04KattyHmmhesays: so i shut down the server and pulled the one card out, put the second card in. modprobe zaptel worked, but then my insmod wctdm went all screwed up :<
17:54.06Ariel_Katty, hello how are you today?
17:54.17KattyHmmhesays: like it wasn't the right module for the card
17:54.25empanyone here useing wifi based phones? any recommendations?
17:54.28harryvvAriel_ We had our Hotel 1 crew truck hit a speed bump on base and all the metal items on the bottom of the magnet fell off and blew all four tires away from the flight line once. That was a good laugh.
17:54.29gordonjcpharryvv: what I do is, if I'm up there and there's going to be a lot of "mixed" traffic, I stick a yellow rotator beacon on the roof of the car, and make a couple of passes up and down slowly, leaning out the driver's door...
17:54.48gordonjcpsweep any chuckies and debris off into the weeds with a broom
17:55.31harryvvso, mabey this is going to be a 48 hours untill launch?
17:55.41harryvvMabey saturday?
17:56.07Ariel_harryvv, is weather the problem?
17:56.13*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
17:56.18Kattyis there a command to list the hardware linux sees? whether it has a driver attached to it or not?
17:56.31harryvvAriel, no one of four low level hydrogen fuel tank sensors is failing a ops check.
17:57.05*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
17:57.27gordonjcpKatty: lspci?
17:57.38harryvvwish I knew what the typical time line would be to defuel, replace the sensor and prepare for the next launch.
17:57.43gordonjcpKatty: obviously that's only for PCI stuff...
17:58.05gordonjcpKatty: you might also check syslog or messages, but that would only be for stuff that had drivers loaded
17:58.11Kattygordonjcp: good enough for me (=
17:58.38KattyHmmhesays: lspci shows two cards
17:59.35yaaarhey guys, when i do 'sip show peers' all my peers that are turned on show '5060' under "Port" ....except my cisco 7940, which also incidentally won't receive calls. it makes them fine, but when i dial it i get "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'" and the call goes direct to voicemail. anybody know what i'm doing wrong?
17:59.53tzafrirKatty, what cards do you have? also says "Unspecified" for the host, instead of showing the ip addy
18:00.10shmaltzyaaar, what's your net setup between the cisco and *
18:00.16KattyNetwork controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface <- tzafrir
18:00.22Kattytzafrir: lspci shows two of them
18:00.23tzafriryaaar, it is not registered?
18:00.26shmaltzyaaar, sounds like the cisco is not registering
18:00.29Kattytzafrir: lights are only on one...
18:00.43yaaarshmaltz: the cisco is getting a dhcp address from the * box on the same public subnet as the * box
18:00.54tzafrirnetwork controller: T1?
18:00.59Kattytzafrir: i shut down the server, took out the known good one, put in the second one in its place, started it up, and modprobe zaptel went ok, but insmod wctdm went nuts :<
18:01.04shmaltzyaaar, it looks like a registeration problem
18:01.06Kattytzafrir: like it was the wrong module
18:01.17yaaartzafrir:'re right, 'sip show registry' doesn't show anything
18:01.27tzafriris it head or 1.0?
18:01.27shmaltzyaaar, whats your CLI output?
18:01.48yaaartzafrir: 1.0.7 as a gentoo ebuild
18:01.50tzafriryaaar, noo, sip show registry show to where your asterisk is registered
18:01.58harryvvcrew just debarked the cabin and heading down the elevator.
18:02.03Kattyand they're not on the same irq :<
18:02.03tzafrirKatty, is it head or 1.0?
18:02.31Kattytzafrir: uhh?
18:02.34yaaartzafrir: er, * isn't registered to any sip providers, only iax
18:02.35Kattytzafrir: tell me how to find out (=
18:02.56tzafrirwell, with what version of zaptel do you work?
18:03.09tzafrirI suppose you're ought to know that
18:03.29yaaarshmaltz: I get the "executing dial(blah)" line, and then "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'", then "Everyone is busy/congested at this time" and finally the voicemail transaction
18:03.48shmaltzyaaar, agian this is a registration problem
18:04.32tzafrirKatty, how exactly did you install zaptel?
18:04.52harryvvkatty, do a ztcfg -v and tell us what you see
18:04.57Kattyharryvv: thanks :)
18:06.00Kattyi think i'll just wait for Hmmhesays
18:06.16yaaarshmaltz: can i find out why it's not registering?
18:06.22Kattyi know what will happen. there will be 20 people suggesting things and i'll just get confused.
18:06.28harryvvkatty, what does it say
18:06.37Kattyharryvv: that 4 channels are registered
18:06.43harryvvokay thats good
18:06.46shmaltzyaaar, from the CLI
18:06.49Kattyno, it's bad
18:06.52Kattythere are 8 all together
18:06.55Kattyit's not seeing an entire card
18:06.56shmaltzunless ur cisco is not set to register
18:07.05harryvvokay well, you should have said 4 out of 8 installed
18:07.11harryvvits possible you ran out of irqs
18:07.16thalunilmaybe its a good idea to pretend to be a woman when asking things? :)
18:07.18Kattyharryvv: no, they are on different irqs
18:07.37Kattyharryvv: 21 and 19, to be exact
18:07.40harryvvwhat other devices do you have installed in the expansion slots
18:07.47Kattya network card and a video card
18:07.58harryvv21 and 19?
18:08.07harryvv21 and 19? what
18:08.20Kattythose are the irqs they're on
18:08.37harryvvall 8?
18:08.44Kattyumm, no
18:08.46Kattythere are two cards
18:08.49Kattyone is on irq 19
18:08.52Kattythe other card is on irq 21
18:10.12harryvvi see
18:10.19Kattyso do i
18:10.24harryvvwhat motherboard are you using
18:10.26Kattyit's a very handy feature
18:10.45Kattyi'mma wait for Hmmhesays, m'kay (=
18:11.22harryvvLets see, worked with couple thousand pcs. You can wait if you want. Motherboard pci version does make a difference if it will/will not work.
18:11.36harryvvSome dells dont work with asterisk
18:11.37Kattyharryvv: for the record, i took the new card and put it in the old cards place.
18:11.52Kattyharryvv: and i did get an error. same pci slot as the old card.
18:12.13Kattyharryvv: i'll give the error to Hmmhesays and he can explain to me, while holding my paw, what is going on ((=
18:12.15Twisteranyone know where to get / how to make not so robot sounding voices
18:12.18Twisterin festival
18:12.28harryvvI did also read there is a hardware bug with some boards and the new digium cards and intel is working on it.
18:12.32Kattyharryvv: some people just don't go slow enough for me (=
18:12.39raglomI can't acces to for download chan_unicall.  Any known other mirror?
18:16.15mrgobyyou can check out some other voices Twister...  mbrola sounds good
18:16.23mrgobythere are liscencing issues though
18:20.00*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (exstatica@
18:25.19HmmhesaysI have arrived
18:27.27HmmhesaysI guess everyone else left
18:28.49tzafrirKatty, do you actively prevent interrupts sharing?
18:29.27tzafrirIsn't the bios smart enough when giving IRQ lines to PCI cards?
18:29.39tzafrirAnd what version of zaptel was it, BTW:
18:35.46jeremywhitinghi all, anyone know what "Rejected connect attempt from 'box1's ip address'" means when executing Dial(IAX2/box2,${EXTEN}) on box 1
18:35.51jeremywhitingin box 2's message log
18:39.04*** join/#asterisk [hC] (~hardcore@
18:39.54MadkissIs it right that when using FreeBSD and having a supported ISDN card installed, asterisk can use that ISDN card?
18:40.18*** join/#asterisk MrCh|cken (~dorphalsi@
18:40.26*** join/#asterisk kerspoon (
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18:46.43*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
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19:06.11empis the snom 190 the best bet if the phone is behind NAT?
19:12.36MadkissDoes somebody have experience with FreeBSD and * at all?
19:13.09KattyHmmhesays: mew (=
19:15.25NuggetI run a FreeBSD asterisk server.
19:15.30NuggetSeveral others in here do as well
19:15.54SwK[work]asterisk + FBSD works just fine.... Zaptel + FreeBSD is another story
19:16.16MadkissWhat I am wondering is whether there is a chance for getting a Fritz! ISDN card to work with FreeBSD and asterisk
19:16.25NuggetYes, I saw you wonder that an hour ago.
19:16.53Madkissyou did not answer.
19:16.57NuggetOf course not.
19:17.00NuggetI know fuck-all about isdn
19:17.08Nuggetgood luck, though
19:17.25*** join/#asterisk CosmoCid (~cosmocid@
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19:22.39jaigertzafrir, are you around to talk debian & * with me?
19:22.45harryvvWe just had a small goverment office install 1,900 ip phones using nortel systems and have a mirid of problems. I wonder what could be the max capacity of asterisk system.
19:23.16harryvvSay, opteron system or other as a server.
19:23.27DarthClueharryvv: are you running asterisk with those 1900 phones?
19:23.55harryvvno, its a goverment city hall where I live. Its nortel voip system.
19:24.05*** join/#asterisk cursor (
19:24.08harryvvThay tie 9 offices together.
19:24.13harryvvbuilding that is.
19:24.33gravemindsounds like fun...
19:25.01harryvvI wonder if there is a sip load simulator on the market.
19:25.25greg_workharryvv: you can build one with * pretty easily
19:25.29file[laptop]sipsak works
19:25.31DarthClueok, * capacity is determined by many, many things.  if your talking number of calls at the same time with no transcode and a dual opteron you could probably do 500 sip calls easy.  but it would require testing to find out for your particular situation.
19:25.33*** join/#asterisk abatista (
19:25.45file[laptop]you need to tweak the box too to get that amount
19:25.54harryvvI see
19:26.02harryvvso to be safe, mabey 400?
19:26.14*** part/#asterisk trickyrick77 (~rsegrest@
19:26.47harryvva couple boxes like that would work
19:28.03*** join/#asterisk gwynpen (
19:29.59cursorSo, what's the topic for today then?
19:30.11[hC]are there any examples anywhere of using load balanced iax peers? Like if i have my box, and it connects to two other boxes, I want to load balance outgoing calls out over the two of them, in a round robin fashion
19:30.30greg_worka/c + closed office door = good idea
19:30.46jeremywhitinghi all
19:30.59cursorround robin != load balancing
19:31.00jeremywhitinganyone got experience debugging iax connections
19:31.04DarthCluecursor: it's a race, the first person to get a cluecon announcement on slashdot gets a prize. /msg me if your interested.
19:31.13cursorOne server could get all of the long calls, and one could get all of the short calls
19:31.17jeremywhitingI keep getting rejected when one * dials another *
19:31.39jeremywhitingiax debug is saying CAUSE:  No authority found
19:31.53DarthClueyes cursor, cluecon.
19:32.13cursorwhat's the prize?
19:32.16cursora clue?
19:32.21cursoror a con
19:32.39DarthCluecursor: still being debated, probably a discount on a cluecon registration.
19:32.55cursorerr, ok
19:33.33mutilatorwhat are < and > called?
19:33.41cursorGoogle "cluecon": Did you mean: bluecon
19:33.48[hC]less than and greater than?
19:34.06mutilatorholy crap
19:34.06DarthCluecursor: google is just a little too blue.
19:34.07*** join/#asterisk CosmoCid (~cosmocid@
19:34.09jbotcluecon is, like, - Cluecon is an Open Source Telephony Expo and Developer's Conference that the community is tired of being spammed about.
19:34.10mutilatormy mind just exploded sorry
19:34.30cursorI must have missed the spam
19:34.36mutilatorthat totally didn't even enter my mind....
19:34.39DarthCluecursor: guess so.
19:34.48DarthClueof course, we don't actually spam anyone.
19:34.58Hmmhesaysexcept this channel
19:35.23cursorLooking at the website: Why the cluecon name?
19:35.40tzafrirjaiger, here
19:37.02cursorWell, it seems more reasonably priced than the last con
19:37.37tzafrircursor, because the domain was avaible?
19:37.48fileCluecon, clue usually means knowledge, so our conference is to promote an individual's knowledge of VoIP, VoIP development, the nitty gritty is available too
19:37.56*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
19:38.04jaigertzafrir, I want to have a packaged * but use app_voicemail compiled for postgres instead of flat files
19:38.29*** join/#asterisk SteveL (
19:38.40jaigertzafrir, what do you think of breaking some apps out in more fine-grained packages?
19:38.56bkw_jbot forget cluecon
19:38.57jaigertzafrir, so they can be more easily replaced
19:39.34tzafrirIs it possible to have two app_voicemail-s (one with file and one with pgsql)?
19:39.50tzafrirI suppose I can force the build by patching the makefile
19:40.19tzafrircursor, because I don't want to maintain a separate private package for jaiger.
19:40.30gwynpenany experts here on * queues?
19:40.38jaigertzafrir, I don't want to rebuild the whole package as that is a pain to maintain and there's a race condition when using more than one apt source
19:41.16tzafrirjaiger, well, I try to figure what is the best way of fiting it in the package
19:41.18jaigertzafrir, you don't need to maintain more than one for me... only perhaps break out some of the apps into "libasterisk-app-voicmail" or similar packages
19:41.54tzafrirHowever Directory seems to depend on voicemail, doesn't it?
19:42.00jbotextra, extra, read all about it, cluecon is - The Open Source Telephony Expo and Developers Conference featuring presentations by Mark Spencer, Greg Boehnlein, Ken Rice, Brian West, Vikrant Mathur, Craig Southeren, David Sugar, Bob Andreasen, Joshua Colp, Greg Merriweather, Brian Fertig, Peter Nixon, and Marc Olivier Chouinard.
19:42.07jaigertzafrir, I'm thinking along the lines of apache modules
19:42.24cursorAh - cluecon description edited to remove spam complaints - nice :-)
19:42.38jaigertzafrir, not sure about that but probably
19:43.02tzafrirjaiger, this is how it is supposed to work. It is just that someone wasn't thinking straight whn writing that module.
19:43.07cursorThen again, I can't complain about the spam - this is the first I've heard of it
19:43.09DarthCluecluecon description updated to demonstrate that it isn't spam but is in fact quite feature packed and will provide many clues into voip and *.
19:43.38*** join/#asterisk Wonka (
19:43.56Wonkagrml. re.
19:44.12Wonkaasterisk does not want to start on my vserver
19:44.15tzafrircurson: is this the first time you'r in this channel?
19:44.35cursorI've not been here for a couple of months or so
19:44.42jaigertzafrir, how is it supposed to work?
19:44.45tzafrirhave you been in it sometimes in the recent month?
19:44.46WonkaI've got a linux vserver running, installed the debian asterisk packet...
19:44.49Wonkaand it gives Cannot find your TTY (9)
19:44.59Wonkastat64("/dev/tty9", 0xbffff8d0)         = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
19:45.04Wonkastat64("/dev/vc/9", 0xbffff860)         = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
19:45.15tzafrirjaiger, forcing the makefile to build an extra module shouldn't be difficult.
19:45.19Wonkano wonder, cause they're not there, cause it's a virtual server
19:45.39tzafrirI'll start with that. And have it manually being unloaded
19:46.10*** join/#asterisk Nethab (
19:46.12tzafrirWonka, then don't use safe_asterisk
19:46.25tzafrirthe package has an init.d script that is solid enough
19:46.51tzafrirAlternatively, rewirite safe_asterisk to use a terminal device that is provided by screen
19:46.54Wonka# /etc/init.d/asterisk start
19:46.55WonkaStarting Asterisk PBX: Cannot find your TTY (9)
19:47.09Nethabi cannot find your titties
19:47.11tzafrirWonka, edit /etc/default/asterisk
19:47.19Wonkaargh %)
19:47.29MicC_how do I get to the ASterisk console when I have AMP spawning it?
19:47.47Nethabasterisk -r
19:47.47gwynpenany idea on this: I configured a queue with AMP, got 2 agents available, 1st call comes in and 1st agent rings, BUT when 2nd call comes in, it'll placed on pos. 2 in the queue. Why doesn't 2nd agent ring?
19:47.57MicC_nethab: you da man
19:48.16tzafrirMicC_, use screendump ?
19:48.19*** join/#asterisk Hogie (
19:48.22Nethabor close enough anyway
19:49.53PBXtechhas anyone installed a fonality switch?
19:51.23cursorno - nobody has
19:51.27cursorthey'll go out of business
19:51.35Wonkahrm. why doesn't it go into the background?
19:51.44PBXtechseems solid
19:51.50WonkaPARAMS="-g -vvv"
19:52.01Wonkawhat am i missing?
19:52.03*** join/#asterisk shido (
19:52.16tzafrirWonka, not that. There should be something about using safe_asterisk in the first place
19:52.37Wonkatzafrir: i'm not using that anymore
19:52.50Wonkatzafrir: it starts now, but doesnt return to the prompt
19:53.05Wonkatzafrir: which is Not Good for a init script
19:54.52MicC_nethab: dosen't seem like it has as many options as it did
19:54.56MicC_that weird?
19:55.22Nethabthe console?
19:55.33PBXtech[cursor]: why do you say they will be out of business?
19:55.41MicC_weird eh?
19:55.45cursorYou asked if anyone had installed it
19:55.46cursorI said no
19:55.52Nethabyou can use tab to try to autocomplete the list of commands
19:55.58MicC_maybe its just the way its scrolling.
19:56.02MicC_I do
19:56.16PBXtechwell im sure the geeks in here like AMP, etc.. but they have a nice front end
19:56.23PBXtechfor the non-geeks :)
19:56.31MicC_maybe 30 commands
19:56.43MicC_are their differing priv levels or something?
19:56.44Nethabi like i nice front end on quite a few things in life
19:56.55cursorSSH makes a nice front-end to Asterisk
19:56.58Nethabno the commands are not restricted
19:57.04tzafrirWonka, sh -x /etc/init.d/asterisk start
19:57.22tzafriror restart
19:58.25WonkaStarting Asterisk PBX: + start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile /var/run/asterisk/ --exec /usr/sbin/asterisk -- -g -vvv -U asterisk
19:58.31tzafrirWonka, remove those '-v's from the PARAMS
19:58.55tzafrira 'v' for asterisk at startup is also an implicit -c
19:59.37cursorand add -p
19:59.52Wonkacursor: won't do on a vserver, tried that
20:00.06tzafrir-U asterisk is important there
20:00.14tzafrirOtherwise you'll have problems later
20:00.16tuxinator_linuxMcursor: You're still awake?
20:00.23cursorsleep is for the weak
20:00.35Wonkatzafrir: mh, but funny that it's in /etc/asterisk/default then, that's dangerous...
20:00.36cursorIt's only 9pm
20:00.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
20:00.53tzafriroh, it is added implicitly. OK
20:00.57tuxinator_linuxMcursor: 1 PM and I just got up
20:01.16cursorI left IRC for a few hours
20:01.32cursorI thought I'd better do some... err... work (is that the right word?)
20:01.39*** join/#asterisk hardwire (~hardwire@
20:01.47tzafrirWonka, it's not dangerous for safe_asterisk
20:02.00tzafrirAnd it is indeed not in my distro
20:02.01hardwiremy PRI service provider doesn't think echo can ever happen
20:02.09hardwirecause its.. digital.. you know
20:02.12cursormy PRI service provider doesn't think echo can ever happen
20:02.14tzafrirbut it is indeed not documented there well enough
20:02.39hardwirecursor: ?
20:02.54hardwireyou just feelign odd?
20:03.51*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
20:05.30kd5uzzI'm looking for a NAT howto...I'm behind TWO nat boxes and I want to use an * server that has a public IP.
20:05.39*** join/#asterisk escualis (~carlos@
20:06.03cursortwo NAT boxes?
20:06.13cursorlike: inet -> NAT -> NAT -> you ?
20:06.16kd5uzzcursor yeah
20:06.35cursorThat seems a little odd to me
20:06.54drraywe do that at work, we have an Access Point behind another Nat
20:07.04drraywe don't try to run sip/iaxy to it though
20:07.10kd5uzzbig .EDU => small wireless router => big antenna => 2.2 miles => smaller antenna => linux box acting as NAT => me
20:07.16*** join/#asterisk alerios (~alerios@
20:07.32kd5uzzI've got control of both NATs
20:07.46kd5uzzcursor yep, but its free and Fast :-)
20:08.06cursorUse IAX to connect out to the Asterisk server
20:08.20cursorYou can write off SIP in that setup
20:08.50hardwireyou could also set up a GRE tunnel
20:08.58hardwireand proxyarp a public IP to the box wanting to get out
20:09.24drraywrite off sip period
20:09.45Wonkawhy does it want to do anything with a zap channel?
20:09.47WonkaJul 13 22:08:38 WARNING[29100]: channel.c:1937 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'zap'
20:09.51escualishello, anyone knows how to create dial plan (mensuals) for a specific user?
20:09.55kd5uzzI don't have any software that uses I guess I need to build another * server?
20:09.56Wonkathere is no zap channel
20:10.06hardwireWonka: because some apps need zap timers
20:10.08Wonkathere is even noload => chan_zap
20:10.15hardwirelike meetme
20:10.23escualisor limit minutes?
20:10.31Wonkahardwire: oh my... it won't get them there :( vserver, no modules loadable...
20:10.35hardwireor your example setup still has CONSOLE=Zap/1
20:10.38hardwireor something of that sort
20:10.45Wonkano, thats thrown out
20:11.01hardwireWonka: quit hosting your crap there :)
20:11.35Wonkahardwire: meh. ATM, i'm just playing around.
20:11.52Wonkawhat would i load? ztdummy?
20:11.53kd5uzzsip phone w/ public IP <=> * (public IP) <=>  NAT <=> NAT <=> * (192.168.) <=> sip phone ?
20:12.32hardwirekd5uzz: what OS are the nat boxes?
20:12.37hardwireand what phone are you going to use?
20:13.11kd5uzzWonka edit the zaptel Makefile, look for ztdummy. remove the # that is RIGHT before it. Recompile zaptel (make install). modprobe zaptel then modprobe ztdummy ?
20:13.21ariel_anyone know of a pre-configured itx or like it box for m0n0wall?
20:13.23escualisi have a prestige2000w (zyxel) and works fine via NAT :)
20:13.26Wonkakd5uzz: i cannot load modules
20:13.38hardwirekd5uzz: the kernel he is running does not allow for loadable modules
20:13.42yaaarariel_: we use wrap boards with monowall for some wifi routing applications
20:13.53cursorescualis: I bet it wouldn't work on a NATNAT :-)
20:13.57kd5uzzhardwire first NAT is a compaq router, 2nd NAT is Slackware 10.1. I'd like to use a SIP softphone, X-Lite or I've got a few others
20:13.58Wonkahardwire: and it never will. vservers won't be able to load modules
20:14.01yaaarariel_: it works real nice; just dd the firmware onto a compactflash and plug it in
20:14.07hardwirekd5uzz: what OS :)
20:14.15tzafrirbuilding asterisk.....
20:14.29Wonkahmm. is there a possibility to make asterisk use the RTC instead?
20:14.37ariel_yaaar, thanks I will look into it.
20:14.38hardwireWonka: its a module :)
20:14.53Wonkahardwire: somewhere, the modules are accessed...
20:15.05kd5uzzhardwire I've got X-Lite running on your choise of WinXP desktop or Slack 10.1 laptop.
20:15.08Wonkai just want a meetme there
20:15.13jaigertzafrir, note the postgres version of the voicemail app is a #defined option
20:15.19hardwireok.. so the compaq server.. what OS is it :)
20:15.33escualisanyone knows howto create a mensual dial plan? or limit minutes to a specific user?
20:16.16kd5uzzhardwire compaq router...dumb OS really. Its a small SOHO plug your cable modem in and plug your desktops in and it just works type of device
20:16.27*** join/#asterisk brookshire (~matt@
20:16.30hardwireso you are screwed
20:16.40kd5uzzhardwire I guess so
20:16.42tzafrirjaiger, it seems I can generate a relatively simple dpatch to at least build a separate module
20:16.56hardwirekd5uzz: find a snat proxy somewhere
20:16.57hardwireand use it
20:17.01tzafrirThe funny thing would be to see what happens if I try to load both
20:17.03hardwirethat really your only choice at the moment
20:17.17tzafrirI figure asterisk will complain about "module already loaded"
20:17.29jaigertzafrir, they won't load I'm sure - they both try and register the "Voicemail" command
20:18.07hardwiretime to come up w/ a dialplan for the company
20:18.10hardwirethis should suck
20:18.13kd5uzzhardwire I was thinking of setting up the 2nd nat (the one on my end of the wireless link) to forward the ports that SIP (or whatever) needs to ONE other computer on my home lan. Wouldn't that basicly make it transparent? The Slack10.1 NAT (on my end) is in the DMZ of the Compaq NAT
20:18.35jaigertzafrir, don't you think fine-grained packages is the way to go instead of a bunch of forced modules?
20:18.38hardwirekd5uzz: you would theoretically have that work
20:18.47hardwireon your public ip forward it to the compaq
20:18.53hardwirethen forward that to the phone/computer
20:19.02hardwireand set your public ip in the phone
20:19.18tzafrirhmmm, something is terribly wrong. I currently build no pgsql support at all. Bah, I will haave to apply those fixes from unstable afterall
20:19.19hardwireif you are running slack on the public box.. I recommend finding the snat server
20:19.29hardwirethat would do you wonders right about now
20:19.35hardwireno funky config to remember
20:19.36*** join/#asterisk dack (
20:19.39kd5uzzhardwire public box is compaq router..its got the DMZ pointed to slack
20:19.39hardwirejust plain works (tm)
20:19.43tzafrirjaiger, I first have to see if it is possible to remove the main app_voicemail
20:20.01hardwireand the slack box is closest to you?
20:20.09kd5uzzhardwire I havn't been able to find a list of ports that I need to forward
20:20.12kd5uzzhardwire yes
20:20.17*** part/#asterisk gwynpen (
20:20.31dackCan someone tell my why AbsoluteTimeout is just hanging up instead of going to the T extension?
20:20.42hardwirekd5uzz: you should be fine dude
20:20.57hardwirejust install asterisk on the slack machine :)
20:21.02hardwireset the publicip in iax.conf
20:21.04mutilatoranyone know of a nifty way to auto gen colors for use in graphing?
20:21.08hardwireand badda.. bing..
20:21.23hardwirejust connect to the slack box and have it forward sip to iax to the remote asterisk voip provider
20:21.33mutilatorhex color codes
20:21.45kd5uzzhardwire :-)
20:21.58hardwirekd5uzz: otherwise.. it should be pretty simple
20:22.06hardwireif you wanted to do the simple shit
20:22.15hardwirejust forward the sip port to the phone from the slack box
20:22.22hardwireand the rtp ports to the phone
20:22.28hardwireand set the public ip in the phone
20:22.31hardwireand it should just work
20:22.37hardwireI would say.. install asterisk
20:22.43hardwireits a learning experience that doesn't suck.
20:22.51hardwireunlike preschool
20:22.53hardwirewhich sucked.
20:22.53*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
20:22.59twisted[asteria]is manxpower around?
20:23.06twisted[asteria]i would like to slap him on the wrists
20:23.10cursorOnly if he's been eating pies
20:23.12|Vulture|ariel_: you around?
20:23.13*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
20:23.20ariel_|Vulture|, yes
20:23.22kd5uzzhardwire I just installed * lastnight :-) Where in the phone (X-Lite) do I set the public IP?
20:23.32hardwireyou wouldn't
20:23.38hardwireif you were going to use asterisk that is
20:23.42|Vulture|ariel_: who do you use for PRIs in Miami, I am shopping... XO says they don't offer their XOFlex option with a PRI yet
20:23.44hardwireare you planning to avoid using asterisk?
20:24.17UmaroHey guys.. give me the real dope. How well does asterisk work with multiple processors?
20:24.20ariel_|Vulture|, last I used was nuovox and Allegience with is now x/o
20:24.38|Vulture|ah okay... Nuvox I don't want to do
20:24.52|Vulture|ya my Sognoma card is alive!
20:24.57dackanyone?  help with AbsoluteTimeout?
20:25.05kd5uzzhardwire I'll end up putting another * server here at the apartment, but the SIP -> IAX -> Other * server seems a little too much right now. If I can simply forward two or three ports I'll do that just as a proof of concept
20:25.08ariel_|Vulture|, I had no choice with them customer already had a contract with them.
20:25.26hardwirekd5uzz: then do that..
20:25.33hardwirethere is a list of ports in the xlite software somewhere
20:25.43hardwireyou can change the range the rtp ports use
20:25.48hardwireas well as 5060 if you want
20:25.56kd5uzzhardwire what did you mean when you said to put the public IP in the phone?
20:26.04|Vulture|ariel_: yea my jax office had Nuvox.. just ended a 2 year contract and went with Xspedius
20:26.05cursorForget the $300 - provide a winner +10 ticket :-)
20:26.12hardwireI mean when it sends a sip header.. it can set the return address to itself
20:26.16hardwireor to another IP
20:26.20|Vulture|Xspedius has been great... Broadwing has been very bad in the CS dept.
20:26.21hardwirethat way the remote machine knows WTF
20:26.34*** join/#asterisk allanon (
20:26.35hardwiresomewhere in the software uinder nat settings.. you should be able to select something like "static nat"
20:26.55hardwireand then set the IP there for the public ip that routes in those ports
20:26.59kd5uzzhardwire maybe NAT Firewall IP?
20:27.04*** join/#asterisk l-fy (~diana@l-fy.developer.yate)
20:27.05Twisterwhen i try to use the en1_mbrola voice with text2wave i get this error
20:27.06TwisterFATAL ERROR : cannot find file /usr/share/festival/voices/english/en1_mbrola/en1/en1 !
20:27.07hardwireI don't freaking use soft phones :)
20:27.11l-fyhi twiste
20:27.11kd5uzzahh :-)
20:27.13l-fyhi Twister
20:27.16DarthCluecursor: winner +10 ticket?
20:27.16Kattyfreaking freak freak freak
20:27.18kd5uzzwell, thanks, you've been a great help
20:27.19Twisterhi l-fly
20:27.30l-fyTwister > it's l-fy
20:27.42cursorScreaming into a PC microphone isn't my idea of a phone call
20:27.48hardwirekd5uzz: good.. cause I hurt my finger typing all that
20:27.51l-fycursor > what about a usb phone?
20:27.58Cresl1nstupid phones
20:27.59l-fyor a handset?
20:28.07cursorI suppose a USB phone would be like a handset, so that'd probably be ok
20:28.08kd5uzzhardwire doh, sorry to hear that
20:28.09PatrickDKthey don't mke usb phones
20:28.14Cresl1nyeah they do
20:28.19hardwirePatrickDK: ?
20:28.20l-fyyes Twister i think you are twisted :(
20:28.22PatrickDKthey make usb keypad+soundcards
20:28.25kd5uzzPatrick^ I thought I just saw some one ebay?
20:28.27PatrickDKbut it's a softphone
20:28.28Umarois anyone here using asterisk in multi-processor enviroments?
20:28.31Twistersoorry, much confusion about that
20:28.34hardwirePatrickDK: yeh
20:28.39l-fyi'm sorry also for confusing you
20:28.45dackanyone?  help with AbsoluteTimeout?
20:28.46hardwireI don't think it would be that hard to confuse that as a USB phone
20:28.48Cresl1nPatrickDK: there are USB phones :-)
20:28.50hardwirewhat other purpose would it serve?
20:28.54hardwirejoystick w/ sound?
20:29.06cursordack: you need to detail the problem before people will be able to help
20:29.11dackCan someone tell my why AbsoluteTimeout is just hanging up instead of going to the T extension?
20:29.11hardwireI know
20:29.12PatrickDKheh, well, it doesn't do sip/h323/iax/...
20:29.18hardwirenumeric calculator that speaks the total
20:29.18dackcursor: is that detail enough?
20:29.19PatrickDKso it's not a phone, it's a damned soundcard
20:29.24escualishow can i create a plan who limits some users the length of his calls? like a limited mensual plan.  I think that option have a special name, but, i'm newbie and don't know it :(
20:29.35kd5uzzok, one last question... does anyone know of a free softphone for PocketPC? I've found a few trials..and microsoft portrait..but nothing else
20:29.50hardwireescualis: I would probably create an agi program that does that
20:29.50*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
20:30.06dackI can provide simple example from my extensions.conf
20:30.10[Outcast]is anyone in here working on the secure iax feature?
20:30.14hardwireescualis: or possibly a daemon that resides on the * server.. that uses the console to retrieve the current call list and perform soft hangups
20:30.28escualisyou have a manual o url explaining that?
20:30.35hardwireescualis: maybe tie it in with the asterisk CC system..
20:30.38cursorthe T exten should be used
20:30.45escualisi've mailed to the asterisk-users list but not have response :(
20:30.52hardwireyou are on the list?
20:30.53dackcursor: its not.  can I /msg you an example?
20:30.56hardwirethats your problem
20:30.59cursorPerhaps there's a problem with the syntax/location of that exten
20:30.59hardwireI am not on the list
20:31.05hardwireI can help you
20:31.05escualisjejeje xD
20:31.08cursoryou can pastebin it
20:31.13cursormy /msgs are blocked
20:31.16*** part/#asterisk l-fy (~diana@l-fy.developer.yate)
20:31.16hardwireactually I can't
20:31.36[Outcast]I was curios if it will encrypt just the audio or the audio and the signaling.
20:31.49dackcursor: pastebin?
20:31.53hardwireso if the AT&T voice synth could actually pronounce "Tanadgusix" correctly.. I would use it
20:32.08cursoror any other similat pastebin
20:32.15cursorDarth: I'll have it
20:32.18*** join/#asterisk denon (
20:32.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
20:32.19UmaroDarthClue: how much?
20:32.28cursorand anyone else who wants to donate free kit is welcome as well
20:32.42Kattycursor: let me rephrase that
20:32.55cpatryDarthClue: how do u sell it?
20:33.22UmaroI got a free IP500 when I bought my IP501. whee.
20:33.24escualishardwire, you know some software to do that?
20:33.30cpatryUmaro: really???
20:33.33cpatrythat's great.
20:33.34dackcursor: i would expect it to beep every second for 5 seconds then say goodbye and hangup.  it never says goodbye.
20:33.38Cresl1nooh... does darthclue hug good?
20:33.40hardwireescualis: I know how to program :) thats about it
20:33.56Umarocpatry: yeah, I don't think they meant to, though.. they sent me the IP500 first, and then must have panic'd and sent me the IP501.. never asked for the IP500 back, though
20:33.57KattyCresl1n: :P
20:34.26Kattyk, all better.
20:34.36Cresl1nthose MUST be good hugs then
20:34.42dacki'm using 1.0.8
20:35.45*** join/#asterisk pawalls (
20:35.51brookshireupgrade to 1.0.9
20:35.54cursordack: is that v1-0 or HEAD?
20:36.02escualishardwire, you make a program? perl? c?
20:36.04cpatryCresl1n: im giving u a BIG HUG!
20:36.08Cresl1noh no!
20:36.09cpatryonly if u have 5$!
20:36.10escualisplease help me
20:36.22Cresl1noh, whew!
20:36.23dackcursor: it's the 1.0.8 that is in gentoo portage
20:36.37brookshire1.0.8 was out for like 2 days
20:36.44brookshirethat's lame
20:36.52hardwireescualis: I make program for me
20:39.27*** join/#asterisk jbot (
20:39.27*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Happy Belated Birthday DarthClue || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - Speakers wanted!"
20:39.35brookshirejbot: die
20:39.35jbotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
20:39.41MicC_I am going from IP phone to PBX then PBX to FWD
20:39.45MicC_works inbound
20:39.45cursor612 works for me
20:40.11Cresl1nbrookshire: we gotta get that song
20:40.31Cresl1njbot: die
20:40.31jbotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
20:40.34brookshire/disco clubbin
20:40.44Cresl1nyeah baby
20:40.46cursor/disco dancin'
20:41.10brookshire/disco is the best irc command ever!
20:41.30brookshirejust ask david
20:42.01dackcursor: that's what I thought.  Is there any known bugs with AbsoluteTimeout?
20:42.34cursordack: I don't know - you could check the bug tracker
20:44.27dackcursor: nothing.
20:45.05dackcursor: you don't happen to have an * box handy to test that, do you?
20:45.21*** join/#asterisk focks (
20:45.37cursordack: sorry - not at this moment
20:45.45cursorI'm about to go now
20:45.51focksone of my Polycom's won't contact the boot server for some reason. anyone had this problem? all the others are fine
20:46.26dackcursor: ok.  thanks for the help.
20:46.43cursordack: I would help, but I can't just at the moment
20:46.51MicC_cursor: are you making your FWD connection using IAX?
20:47.00cursormicC: yes
20:47.34MicC_do you have a second? I just need to verify my work
20:47.48cursoronly a second
20:47.52MicC_you have extension 393 as the extension to reach FWD?
20:48.09cursorI use 7 for some networks
20:48.12cursor71 = FWD
20:48.17cursorso I'd dial 71612
20:48.21NuggetCresl1n: you should join #2,000 and see if you can get anyone in there to fall for the /disco joke.
20:48.21cursorfor the FWD time
20:48.24MicC_I tried to use 8
20:48.29dackcursor: that's ok.
20:48.39cursorI have 5 for client PBXs
20:48.43MicC_getting 404 errors now
20:49.02cursor5 xxx yyyy where xxx is the client number and yyyy is their PBX exten
20:49.20cursor9 for "outside lines"
20:49.38cursorand various rules within '9' to decide upon the actual route
20:49.43dackanyone know if it is possible to disable the "beep" when you dial on the console?
20:49.54Damin>+static struct devtype wct210 = { "Wildcard TE210P ", FLAG_2NDGEN | FLAG_2PORT };
20:50.05Damin2 port T1 cards! :)
20:50.13*** part/#asterisk drumkilla[work] (~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk)
20:50.27*** join/#asterisk drumkilla[work] (~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk)
20:51.02Hmmhesaysanyone know if chanspy is currently working in sip?
20:51.18bkw_yes it can... if you don't do reinvites
20:51.24drumkilla[work]Nugget: I typed that command in to see what it did, haha
20:51.27anthmsipping your drink at cluecon ?
20:51.35cursorAnyway - gotta go
20:51.42drumkilla[work]Cresl1n and I were laughing  :)
20:51.42Hmmhesaysyeah no reinvites at all, just wasn't sure of the current status
20:51.45Cresl1nnugget: we thought it looked like a trap
20:52.22cursorsee you lot later
20:52.59Nugget/JOIN 0 makes you part all channels, and the comma delimits on a join command.
20:53.13Nuggetso #2,000 is joining channel #2 and channel 0
20:53.47fockswho has Polycom auto-answer (for intercom) setup?
20:53.59focks[TK]D-Fender you have this working don't you?
20:54.06*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
20:55.37*** join/#asterisk file (
20:57.16PBXtechwhat kind of interface does the astlinux have?
20:57.24PBXtechif anything i guess :)
20:57.41PBXtecherr web interface
20:57.54|Vulture|anyone here running a Sangoma card? I get this error when I run the script "sdladrv: no version for "struct_module" found: kernel tainted." but the device loads and runs fine
20:58.20bkw_its fine
20:58.23*** part/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
20:58.30|Vulture|bkw_: okay thanx
21:00.42*** join/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
21:02.54Cresl1nwb mogorman
21:03.15mogormanhey give me ops again
21:03.26TripleFFF2sdfme too
21:03.29Cresl1nme too
21:05.11*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:06.40*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
21:06.43pawallsChanSpy does not work with asterisk-1.0.8, correct?
21:07.03bkw_pawalls, talk to anthm
21:07.40Nethabdid chanspy ever work?
21:07.42darylpok, what does "ops" do for you that is necessary to have?...sorry for being off topic...
21:07.50DarthCluechanspy works fine.
21:08.02bkw_<- is an op
21:08.05Nethabnot if you try to cycle through the active channels to listen
21:08.20DarthClueNethab: since when? using HEAD right?
21:08.21bkw_you must be using broken code
21:08.42Nethabof course it's broken code, it doesn't work silly
21:08.58DarthClueNethab: chanspy works just fine.
21:09.30Nethabpressing # to cycle through channels to listen to people causes the same meetme choppiness delay thing
21:10.01Nethabunless there was a fix in the last month
21:11.08bkw_more like its broken
21:11.18bkw_if its doign that
21:11.20DarthClueNethab: using HEAD?
21:11.39Nethabalways HEAD
21:11.48Nethabhaven't tried it in the last month though, my HEAD right now is current
21:12.06|Vulture|Im running June 15th with GREAT sucess
21:12.22kd5uzzhardwire it worked :-)
21:13.05*** join/#asterisk Micc (
21:14.20MRH2when using a call file to dial a call what initiates the call to the 'from channel'
21:14.30tzafrirdarylp, an "op", is a channel operator. E.g: one with the permissions to kick and ban, when being harassed
21:15.09bkw_Nethab, # changes the vol
21:15.10darylpwell, yes, I know that much, but why do people froth at the mouth for "ops" hadly seems necessary for the average user
21:15.25Nethabsorry *
21:15.36bkw_its got a nice jitter in it now
21:15.41*** join/#asterisk wizhippo (
21:15.43bkw_mine does.. odd
21:16.18Nethabyou got it too
21:16.47Nethabkeep cycling it should get worse
21:17.02MiccI'm convinced that dtmf detection for pri in cvs head is not working.
21:17.28MiccI've done everything I can think of to test it.
21:17.38MikeJ[Laptop]ooohhh ohhh can I be an op.. PLEASE!!!
21:17.46MiccEven using meetme I can hear that the dtmf tones are comming accross properly but its still intermittent.
21:18.23MiccMikeJ, you want to be an op so you can kick me? ;)
21:18.56MiccI don't mean to be mean to asterisk but its really frustrating me.
21:18.56Nethabit takes more than one channel though
21:19.18Nethabit's frustrating to everyone
21:19.27*** join/#asterisk kkrueger (
21:19.41Nethabexcept mark, he thinks it's perfect
21:19.57MiccNethab, well if you tell me that it is broken and its not just me then I'll get in the code and fix it.
21:20.05*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
21:20.06MiccNethab, but everyone has always told me its wonderful.
21:20.20bkw_Nethab, quit
21:20.24bkw_wrong window
21:20.32kd5uzzWhen conferencing many users how does the audio get from one user to the rest..doest it go from A to * then to B,C,D,E, etc..or does A send it to each B,C,D,E directly? I'm thinking of having someone grab the Shuttle launch audio and put it on an * server so many people can listen
21:20.43Nethabok i'll quit, i'm sorry *boo hoo*
21:20.43MiccNethab, so I keep going back to testing and retesting and changing configuration.
21:21.04bkw_Nethab, no you better shut up because i'm debugging this right now
21:21.55Miccbkw_, let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
21:22.03bkw_quit yer bitchin :P
21:22.07kd5uzzMy * server is at an edu..I'm sure I can handle the bandwidth for ~20 - 30 people with just the first machine..but only if the * is the source for the audio
21:23.26Nethabif you hook up the audio feed to a softphone and dial the conference it will work
21:23.29MiccNethab, bkw_, are you guys talking about the dtmf problem or something else? I'm so confused.
21:23.39tzafrirkd5uzz, in app_meetme asterisk mixes everything as ulaw
21:24.07bkw_try slinear
21:24.11Nethabsigned linear
21:24.12kd5uzztzafrir ahh, nice
21:24.34Nethablike pcm, only fatter
21:25.12*** join/#asterisk mansing (
21:25.17tzafrirNethab, how come fatter?
21:25.27Nethabit's raw uncompressed
21:25.43tzafririsn't pcm raw?
21:25.49Nethabbut it only stays that way internally to the conference app
21:27.31*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
21:28.03hardwirekd5uzz: what method worked?
21:28.26kd5uzzhardwire forwarding ports from slack to softphone
21:28.29Mikeguys i have a GS 488 here, im trying to use the FXO to dial with asterisk, i created a sip user name outgoing exten => _9[1-8][0-9]XXXXXX,4,Dial(SIP/outgoing/${EXTEN:1}) but i just get dialtone
21:28.32hardwireso inbound works?
21:28.34hardwireor just outbound?
21:28.38kd5uzzhardwire I'll start researching iax, etc
21:28.42kd5uzzhardwire both
21:28.47hardwiregood going tiger.
21:30.07kd5uzzI've got another * server elsewhere on campus that I was playing with... I tried to call from one * server to the other and now I keep getting Jul 13 16:33:22 NOTICE[20992]: chan_iax2.c:4970 register_verify: No registration for peer 'Daniel' (from 139.78.....
21:30.24*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (Xen_@
21:30.39MiccAnyone have CVSHEAD asterisk and zaptel working well with DTMF tones?
21:31.13*** part/#asterisk mansing (
21:32.06*** join/#asterisk trickyrick77 (~rsegrest@
21:32.51*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
21:34.07MikeJ[Laptop]Micc, sure
21:34.13MikeJ[Laptop]kd5uzz, mmmm
21:34.21MikeJ[Laptop]your not registered....
21:34.40*** join/#asterisk perlmonky (~perlmonky@
21:34.53kd5uzzMikeJ[Laptop] yep..but it keeps saying that..even after I've stopped playing with it
21:35.12MikeJ[Laptop]after you have stopped calling?
21:35.19Math`kd5uzz: iax2 show registry
21:35.20Math`in the CLI
21:35.23Math`what does it says
21:35.29perlmonkyhaving a problem with outgoing zap channels, it dials before a true dialtone is recieved... have tried busydetect/relaxdtmf no luck, suggestions?
21:35.53kd5uzzMikeJ[Laptop] nothing listed
21:36.24Math`(on the one thats supposed to register, of course)
21:36.26kd5uzzahh..but on the other it lists me
21:36.34Math`does it says registered?
21:36.40kd5uzzMath` unregistered
21:36.47kd5uzzhow can I tell it to stop trying?
21:36.58Math`kd5uzz: you have a register => line in iax.conf?
21:36.59kd5uzzor make it work for that matter...
21:37.04Math`(on the one connecting, again)
21:37.13kd5uzzMath` standby...
21:37.27kd5uzz(it was a long night..I don't remember putting it in there, but who knows..)
21:37.38Math`well thats the only way to register :P
21:38.13kd5uzzis it as simple as adding one line on the other machine to make it work?
21:38.28Math`well the error u got is... "The machine didnt register"
21:38.33Math`logically u make the machine register and it works
21:38.56*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
21:39.46kd5uzzMath` I understand.
21:39.55kd5uzzI'm going to go re-read manuals..
21:41.01*** join/#asterisk Nuxi (
21:42.15*** join/#asterisk The_LightSide (
21:42.21Nethabkd5uzz: if both servers have static IP's there's no need to register
21:42.45The_LightSidehopefully a quick question....
21:42.59kd5uzzNethab ahh
21:43.07The_LightSidehow do i configure a duxbury ISDN (Bri) to work with asterisk?
21:43.13tzafrirnice. Added a little patch to detect pgsql in the apps dir, build in addition to the original, and most importantly, not load it by default
21:43.17*** part/#asterisk trickyrick77 (~rsegrest@
21:43.22tzafrirAnd all of this with very small impart
21:43.24Nethabjust put the static IP in the peer entry
21:43.30*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
21:43.38tzafrirIf anybody asks: this will probably be in Rapid
21:43.52Nethabthe register stuff is to identify your IP
21:43.59tzafrirAnd hopefully soon promoted to Debian and to the CVS as well
21:44.48Assidhey space!
21:45.08*** join/#asterisk trickyrick77 (~rsegrest@
21:45.26SpaceBasscant ever have too many rubber dickies... thanks
21:45.50*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
21:45.56mishehuI hope that was a typo
21:46.04*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
21:46.06SpaceBassONE HELL of a typo
21:46.10Assidme too!
21:46.12mishehuone is never alone with a rubber duck
21:46.13*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
21:46.15kkruegerOK clever folks, I've got a weird one.  Asterisk 1.0.7 (Debian stable), 5ess T-1 line to archaic Nortel PBX.  Used to work.  Upgraded kernel, now it's ... odd.  Calls in to * work fine; calls out get hung up after one ring.
21:46.19mishehutopic anybody?
21:46.20*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
21:46.27SpaceBassi have no need for 1/2 turtlenecks or any other inturpertation of the word
21:46.35Nethabtzafrir: signed linear is a form of pcm so is unsigned linear
21:46.45NuggetI'd argue that you're not really alone when you've got a rubber dick, either.
21:46.59Assidi tjhink i need sleep
21:47.02tzafrirkkrueger, you upgraded kernel, so original zaptel won't work, rght?
21:47.06kd5uzzNethab thanks. I'm sorry to say that I'm still too far behind to know exactly what you mean by peer entry :-)
21:47.07tzafrirmaybe a timing issue?
21:47.20kkruegerYeah, rebuilt zaptel.  :)
21:47.33Nethaba peer is someone you connect to, and a user is someone who connects to you
21:47.56tzafrirkkrueger, a CLI trace helps in such cases
21:47.59SpaceBassohhhh   new music tuesdays on itunes
21:48.03kkruegerIt looks like * is sending SETUP, Nortel is sending ALERTING, and then ... something goes off the trolley, * sends a RELEASE COMPLETE.
21:48.07kd5uzzNethab I've got that part :-) But what entry? In iax.conf, sip.conf??
21:48.15Assiduse friend if you want to have incoming and outgoing calsl
21:48.26tzafrirkkrueger, pastebin a trace from the CLI
21:48.30Nethabthe iax.conf entry [name]
21:48.30kd5uzzFriend = User + Peer
21:48.42kd5uzzNethab ahh
21:48.56kkruegertzafrir -- not sure how to pastebin, just paste in channel?
21:49.04jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
21:49.06Nethabinstead of host = dynamic, you can give it an IP address and they don't have to register
21:49.27kkruegerpardon my newbitude.
21:49.39Assidregister is much safer tho
21:49.40kd5uzzOH..I get it now...I've only made entries into sip.conf, but I guess it looks almost the same
21:49.46Assidso .. set the ip.. and allow to register
21:50.14Nethabthe more i look at the code, the more i see how it was all written by 1000 monkeys
21:50.30Cresl1n2000 monkeys
21:50.35mishehuwell, it makes me happy to see my PRI is working...
21:50.39MikeJ[Laptop]jumpin on the bed
21:50.52Cresl1nPRIs make me happy
21:50.56Nethabthe whole if you get 1000 monkeys enough time, they will paint the mona lisa
21:51.02citats1 fell off and broke his head?
21:51.03MikeJ[Laptop]Cresl1n, you sicko
21:51.13MikeJ[Laptop]broke his head
21:51.14Assidcitats you sicko!!!
21:51.18MikeJ[Laptop]wide open
21:51.32mishehuNethab: there's an infinite number of monkeys who wish to show us their script of hamlet that they've worked up.
21:52.24mishehubut 1000 jerry springer participants will not produce anything remotely intelligent.
21:52.34Nethabjust flying poo
21:52.36dantthey're busy working on the next release of windows server tho
21:52.55Assidwindows server
21:52.59kkruegerokay, one big noisy pri dump ::
21:53.09NethabLonghorn was written by cattle i thought
21:53.14Assidmaybe we should patent the word server so windows doesnt use it
21:53.23*** join/#asterisk maruk (
21:53.41Assidactually.. i had to buy a copy of winxp pro
21:54.07Assidlong story..
21:54.49*** part/#asterisk maruk (
21:55.40*** part/#asterisk dsfr (~dsfr@dsfr.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
21:55.41pawallsNethab, What code are you referring to as terrible?
21:55.59*** join/#asterisk dsfr (~dsfr@dsfr.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
21:56.09*** part/#asterisk dsfr (~dsfr@dsfr.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
21:56.12Nethab!!!!!!!---------------************* Why are we here with this packet????
21:56.24Nethabbut it happens on every notify
21:56.44*** join/#asterisk dsfr (~dsfr@dsfr.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
21:57.28*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
21:57.29Nethabor how about the thread reentrant stuff
21:57.30kkruegerso is my guess correct that * is tearing down the call for some reason?
21:57.37Nethabor the manager api
21:57.49pigpenhi there a irc channel for the flash operator panel?
21:58.07Nethabor the memory structure lockout when you try to enumerate the current channels
21:58.25*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
21:58.42Nethabor the complete lack of asynchronicity
21:59.29pawallsIs there anything documenting application api changes between latest release and cvs?
21:59.34Nethabor the 5 different version of user management one for each channel driver, when in essence a user agent is a user agent, regardless of protocol specifis
22:00.11blitzrageahoi from Denver!
22:00.17*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (
22:00.27tzafrirkkrueger, can't spot anything useful there
22:00.35Nuggethow's life a mile high?
22:00.45kd5uzzI've got a friend trying to use Microsoft Portrait as a SIP client on his pocketPC. I've used it from my desktop with no problem. For some reason it is telling him that the username is invalid. I don't even see him trying to connect to the * server. Is there some other auth method that * uses that I wouldn't see..or is it just a client software problem?
22:00.59*** join/#asterisk maveric (
22:01.07SpaceBasskd5uzz:  havent used it ... been meaning to
22:01.23NethabPortrait? isn't that for pictures?
22:01.41kkruegertzafrir -- thanks for looking anyhow :)
22:01.46kd5uzzNethab yeah, but its got SIP also
22:02.08kkruegerany hints where to look next?
22:02.10mavericHas anyone ever had the problem with their asterisk server that when there is any decent amount of io that asterisk has some major issues such as (call cutting in and out being unresponsive to most things)
22:02.40blitzrageNugget: pretty good - lots of nose bleeds this week :D
22:02.48Nethabsip is sip, you might want to check the username vs auth username on his client, and check his [peername] vs his username = in sip.conf
22:03.08*** join/#asterisk MikeJ__ (
22:03.28kkruegerhere's the thing that confuses me:  "No response to SETUP message" -- as if * didn't see the response from the other end. but it's in the dump (the ALERTING mesg).
22:03.46kd5uzzNethab k. Funny thing is he can't connect with MY info either..and I can (but I'm using the desktop version)
22:04.17Nethabis the configuration options look the same on the pocketpc version
22:04.35MavericHas anyone ever had the problem with their asterisk server that when there is any decent amount of io that asterisk has some major issues such as (call cutting in and out being unresponsive to most things)
22:05.05Nethabyes, it's because asterisk isn't asyncronous
22:05.12Nethaband likes to lock alot
22:05.36kd5uzzdoes anyone know of another free SIP client for PocketPC?
22:07.45sivanaanyone here used the * manager much?
22:08.51Nethabkd5uzz: have you tried sjphone for pocketpc
22:09.06*** join/#asterisk shido (
22:09.45MavericNethab do you know if they are ever planning on making it asyncronous
22:09.59*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
22:10.00Nethabheh, depends on who you define as they
22:10.11Mavericwell everyone you would suppose and mark
22:10.26Nethabdigium, no plans yet, other people have been talking about it for a while
22:10.26Maverici haven't had the problem until recently
22:10.32Mavericand tracked it down to io
22:10.51Mavericdd'ed 4 gigs to disk while doing a call with recording
22:11.00Mavericand all i can say is it went to total shit
22:12.12Maverici will have to talk to digium about making some plans for this :P lol
22:12.25Mavericyou around malcolmd
22:13.40kd5uzzNethab I'll take a look..thanks
22:14.17*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:15.13SpaceBassarrruuuggg our new corporate travel people suck
22:15.23SpaceBasssorry had to vent
22:15.31SpaceBasswho was asking about PPC sip clients?
22:16.24SpaceBasskd5uzz:  did you look at the one from the xlite people
22:16.34SpaceBassits pay ware... but i have heard good things
22:16.37kd5uzzTheir PPC client isn't free
22:16.50SpaceBassI wanted to use it but my PPCs mic and speaker arn't condusive to use as a phone
22:16.57SpaceBasswell free is another issue...
22:17.03kd5uzzIt looks nice, and X-Lite IS nice..but I'm a broke collage student
22:17.03*** join/#asterisk fluidicsl (
22:17.49fluidicsljust got a new fxo card and I installed it and configured it but when ever i try and make an out going call asterisk gives me a busy/congested msg
22:17.55kd5uzzAnd I'm just playing right now, this isnt the kind of project I want to invest in..unless its just time :-)
22:18.00fluidicslany ideas ?
22:18.03SpaceBasskd5uzz:  It doesnt get any better when you graduate :)
22:18.32SpaceBassfluidicsl:  you install zaptel drivers?
22:18.38SpaceBassfluidicsl:  what card?
22:18.46SpaceBasskd5uzz:  b/t that and portrate thats all I know
22:18.49fluidicslwild card x101p
22:18.55*** part/#asterisk mkrufky (~mk@
22:19.02SpaceBassfluidicsl: do you have outbound routing setup?
22:19.16SpaceBassfluidicsl:  what shows on the CLI when you try and make a call?>
22:19.46Assidhow much is a FXS card?
22:19.55Assidcheap one?
22:19.57fluidicslalot more than an fxo
22:20.06kd5uzzFXO cards are $10 on ebay...
22:20.11Assidyeah.. i have that
22:20.16Assidno caller id on that
22:20.22SpaceBasswhy not an external FXS... like an iaxy or someting
22:20.28SpaceBassAssid:  still no caller ID?
22:20.31Assidtoo exp. more than i wanna spend
22:20.35AssidSpaceBass: nope..
22:20.40SpaceBasscaller ID works fine on the x100p
22:20.43Assiddidnt try after hat actually
22:20.48AssidSpaceBass: clone?
22:20.52SpaceBassAssid: yep
22:20.57Assidit dont like me?
22:21.00*** join/#asterisk Micc (
22:21.21SpaceBassfluidicsl:  I am not sure... you can try doing a pastebin of your extensions.conf and zapata.conf and see if anyone can help
22:21.24jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
22:21.40SpaceBassAssid: are you picking up before, during or after the 1st ring?
22:21.48Assidmuch after
22:21.53Assid10 rings maybe
22:21.59Assidi dont see it in the vvvvvc
22:22.18SpaceBassAssid: the card doesnt pick up until 10 rings, or your not picking up a sip phone until 10 rings?
22:22.27Assidi kept a wait
22:23.50Assidreally.. right now.. dont bother anymore
22:23.58Assidi'll look into it later
22:24.08Assidmy personal play ground.. now .. FXS
22:24.17Assidhow much would a FXS card cost?
22:24.25Assidcheap one?
22:24.33SpaceBassI need incoming caller ID... its how I have it set to hang up on a certian friend who likes to call drunken at 3:00am
22:24.42SpaceBassAssid: again, why a card and not an ATA?
22:24.51AssidATA's are too expensive
22:24.57SpaceBassless than cards!
22:25.09Assidi wouldnt mind a voip phone.. but nothing available in india..
22:25.20SpaceBassyou can get an ATA on ebay for $50 and a card will run at least $150 (i think)
22:25.21Assidand.. well.. the shipment from abroad maybe expensive
22:25.28MicC_any use for a Dialogic D/240SC-T1 with an Asterisk server?
22:25.55Assidwhats better ? ATA or ipphone?
22:26.00SpaceBassIP PHONE
22:26.08Assidwhats a decent one .. cheap
22:26.11SpaceBassbut thats only b/c Ive had major problems with one particular ATA
22:26.15Assid50-60 $
22:26.26hardwireanybody got snom intercomming working
22:26.31hardwireI added in a patch for intercomming
22:26.33Assidand how much do you think it will cost to send it to india
22:26.34hardwireits.. odd
22:27.03hardwireit adds a simple variable to chan_sip.. but doesn't seem to work with it
22:27.08SpaceBassgrandstream bugetone for $50... no idea bout international shipping
22:27.23SpaceBassAssid: another option is a $15 usb phone and a softphone running on your computer
22:27.26SpaceBassnever tried that myself
22:27.56SpaceBassAssid: is there an ebay specific to india?
22:27.56fluidicslpasted my extentions.conf and zapata.conf !
22:28.07SpaceBassfluidicsl:  you have to paste the URLS here in the channel
22:28.14*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
22:28.22AssidSpaceBass: no seller in india with it
22:28.34Assidanything with IAX?
22:28.37Assidi had seen one..
22:28.48Assidit had SIP/IAX
22:29.30AssidSpaceBass: no no.. i saw a IP phone
22:29.57SpaceBassi  need to rewire some analogue ports in my house to use the passthrough on the x100p
22:30.46SpaceBassAssid:  there are a few iax phones out there....
22:30.56*** part/#asterisk pabelanger (
22:31.42SpaceBassfluidicsl: I'm looking
22:31.51SpaceBassbut that shouldnt be comforting
22:32.12fluidicslhah, k thx
22:32.35SpaceBassfluidicsl: might try including outgoing in your internal... not sure if thats required or not
22:32.40SpaceBassinclude => outgoing
22:33.14fluidicslshouldent but I will try any ways
22:33.30pawallsAST_DECLARE_OPTIONS is is very useful.
22:33.51pawallsToo bad it's not available in a production release yet.
22:33.57SpaceBassfluidicsl:  although i dont see anything pertaining to zap channels
22:34.16pawallsAny idea when Digium plans to release a new version of Asterisk?
22:34.30fluidicslthere is in the outgoing context
22:34.54SpaceBasssee it now
22:35.06Assidalrite.. im starting to fall asleep on the keybaord
22:35.11Assidcatch u guys lates
22:35.34SpaceBassfluidicsl:  syntax I think   exten => _0X.,1,Dial,Zap/1/${EXTEN:1}
22:35.45fluidicslwhat about the syntax
22:35.51SpaceBasslater Assid
22:35.56SpaceBassfluidicsl:  looking at something
22:36.42SpaceBassfluidicsl: for testing sake, try removing the /${EXTEN...
22:36.51SpaceBassoops nevermind... hang on
22:37.00SpaceBasswhats the cli show again?
22:37.04fluidicsl-- Executing Dial("SIP/2000-fa4f", "Zap/1/5105171517") in new stack
22:37.30fluidicslthe call is executing, but it is saying the line is busy for one reason or another
22:37.39SpaceBasswhere are you in the world... just curious
22:37.53fluidicslCA, BayArea
22:38.21pawallsfluidicsl, cat /proc/zaptel/1
22:38.26*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
22:38.33SpaceBasswhat happens if you dial 1510...
22:38.54fluidicslSpan 1: WCFXO/0 "Wildcard X101P Board 1"
22:39.09kd5uzzthe free version...
22:39.11fluidicsl510 is the aread code
22:39.21fluidicslI need to dial 1 to make the call
22:39.27pawallsfluidicsl, You're positive this span is not already in use?
22:39.33fluidicslspan ?
22:39.48fluidicslhow would I check
22:40.10pawallsIf you have a wildcard, plug a phone into the other port.
22:40.14SpaceBassfluidicsl:  when you cat /proc/zaptel/1 how many does it say is in use
22:40.17pawallsPick up and try manually dialing the number.
22:40.26fluidicslSpan 1: WCFXO/0 "Wildcard X101P Board 1"
22:40.32fluidicslok give me a second to get a phone
22:40.33SpaceBasspawalls: good point... sometimes the one on top isnt zap one :)
22:40.53*** join/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
22:41.51*** join/#asterisk TokyoJimu (~jimmy@
22:42.51fluidicslI realized I dont have a standard dial tone will that effect it
22:43.42pawallsDo you know what tone zone you use?
22:43.52fluidicslI am in the us
22:44.07pawallsI guess you could try loadzone=us-old
22:44.12pawallsWhat does the tone sound like?
22:44.21fluidicslthe tone is kinda stutterd to indicate that I have msges but its the same tone
22:44.31fluidicsllet me c if I cant change it real fast
22:44.42TokyoJimuIf I'm doing a time include in extensions.conf, do I want 08:00-17:00 and 17:00-08:00 or 08:00-16:59 amd 17:00-07:59.  I want to make sure that both are not included at any time.
22:44.53pawallsHmm, that's odd if that causes the problem.
22:45.53TokyoJimuIn other words, does the second time go to HH:MM:00 or HH:MM:59?
22:46.34*** join/#asterisk mozrat (
22:47.10fluidicslhm what else could it be
22:47.50mozratHey guys - I have asterisk from Debian Sarge, when I dial in over ISDN to my voicemail and use the DTMF menus the next option plays too quickly... the sound of DTMF is overlapping with the beginning of the next file
22:47.55mozratis this normal?
22:48.02pawallsfluidicsl, When you pick up the phone through your card you get a dialtone?
22:49.20*** join/#asterisk turkeychuk (
22:50.14pawallsTokyoJimu, I'd say go with :59 to be safe.
22:50.19pawallsMost of the examples I'm seen do it that way.
22:50.27pawallsHowever, above always takes precedence.
22:50.42*** join/#asterisk Zarbo (
22:50.42pawallsSo it shouldn't matter.
22:51.41turkeychukhas anyone ever used voipbuster
22:52.05turkeychukfree phone calls from pc to phone
22:53.46*** join/#asterisk brookshire (~matt@
22:54.22hardwiresnom intercomming works
22:54.51hardwireeven w/ auth
22:54.54hardwireI should wiki this
22:54.54TokyoJimupawalls: Thanks.  All the examples I've seen only have one time.  I'll ask on the list just to be sure.
22:55.48pawallsturkeychuk, You've used it?
22:55.52fluidicslI fixed my dial tone but I am stull getting busy/congested
22:56.11pawallsfluidicsl, Okay.. when you dial the number from the phone you plugged into your Wildcard, it goes through fine?
22:56.16turkeychukwhats the most flexible program to use asterisk with
22:56.22turkeychukvoip program
22:56.49pawallsI really need a crossplatform SIP phone with configurable buttons and notify LEDs.
22:57.05pawallsAnyone know of one?
22:57.14pawallsI'm so surprised these aren't all over the place.
22:57.34*** join/#asterisk drumkilla[work] (~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk)
22:57.34*** mode/#asterisk [+o drumkilla[work]] by ChanServ
22:57.43InfraRedwhat is a cross platform phone
22:57.54brookshirei have no idea
22:57.56brookshirewhat is that
22:58.05InfraRedfind some java phone then
22:58.10brookshiredoes that mean it does sip and iax?
22:58.15InfraRedpay someone to wrrite you one
22:58.21pawallsThe point is, I need one that has configurable buttons.
22:58.29*** topic/#asterisk by drumkilla[work] -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Astricon 2005 in Anaheim Oct 12-14 - Speakers wanted
22:58.32pawallsEg.. I press configurable button #1 and it dials *082
22:58.33InfraRedget the sdk
22:58.34pawallsOr some such.
22:58.36InfraRedand diy
22:58.55pawallsInfraRed, I'm surprised there is not already a free one.
22:59.15pawallsThere are several free software SIP phones, but none with configurable buttons.
22:59.17InfraRedpawalls: you have very specific requirements
22:59.19pawallsWhich is a shame.
22:59.19fluidicslyeah when I pick up my phone on the phone port I get a dial tone
22:59.21pawallsNo I don't.
22:59.22tzafririaxcomm is cross-platform
22:59.25InfraRedwrite one
22:59.35pawallsfluidicsl, What about when you dial the number you're trying to dial from asterisk?
22:59.43fluidicslit works fine
22:59.52pawallsInfraRed, That's stopped being funny about 5 years ago.
22:59.56fluidicslthing is I dont think the call is ecen raching the card
23:00.18pawallsfluidicsl, That's possible..
23:00.32pawallsfluidicsl, Try running asterisk with -vvvvv
23:00.34InfraReddude, you have all the tools
23:00.37pawallsSee if it prints anything useful.
23:00.38InfraRedlift your finger
23:00.41InfraRedand stop moaning
23:00.54pawallsInfraRed, I'm not moaning, I was asking if anyone knew of one that existed.
23:01.04fluidicslaffter I do the -vvvvvv what should I do
23:01.09*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
23:01.12pawallsI'm sorry, I have a full time job and work on other OSS projects, I don't have time to write my own software for every single thing I need.
23:01.25*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
23:01.48pawallsfluidicsl, Try starting a call.
23:02.39*** join/#asterisk mansing (
23:02.42pawallsIf you pick up your handset do you hear anything?
23:02.53fluidicslyes I get a dail tone
23:02.58fluidicsloh u mean on the pass though port ?
23:03.06fluidicslhold on
23:03.12pawallsSee if you can hear asterisk picking up the line.
23:03.13*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:03.40brookshirepawalls: firefly
23:03.45brookshirei think it's crossplatform
23:04.33fluidicslI dont here anything
23:04.38fluidicsljust dial tone
23:04.59fluidicsllike I siad I dont think the call is ever makeing it to the card
23:05.02*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
23:05.35pawallsbrookshire, Does it have configurable buttons that an idiot in sales could use? ;)
23:05.36pabelangerany recommandations on a cheap 1 port VoIP ATA?
23:05.45pawallsbrookshire, I did try it.. didn't seem like it had what I needed.
23:06.02mishehupabelanger: define "cheap"
23:06.21pawallsfluidicsl, Your zaptel proc info looked fine.. anything weird in dmesg?
23:06.27pabelanger$100 less?
23:06.44pawallsfluidicsl, Do you have loadzone=us  /  defaultzone=us in your zaptel.conf ?
23:07.03mishehupabelanger: and you mean FXS right?
23:07.20*** join/#asterisk unabonger (BhongwanSh@
23:07.36pawallsAnd do you have signalling=fxs_ks in your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf ?
23:07.42mishehuthere's linksys pap2s, but you have to successfully hack them, or there's iaxy's from digium...  there's sipura ones I think that go for about $100 too.
23:08.14mishehuanyway, time to head on out.
23:08.34unabongeranybody know why my parkedcall timeout doesn't work as indicated on FreeBSD/Asterisk?
23:08.40unabongerf(*&$(*& thing
23:09.25fluidicslwhat would be weird in dmesg ( I wouldent know what to look for )
23:09.36hardwiresimexay I will have a 16khz MoH server :)
23:09.48hardwirethis is going to be an interesting problem to solve
23:09.56hardwireeevrybody at the office listens to the MoH
23:10.02hardwireall the time.. with our NEC system
23:10.37hardwireman I would love it if snom would release a NAS/ESD or Music mode on their phones
23:10.48hardwireit just dials an extension or connects via ESD when idle
23:10.50unabongerparkingtime => 1800                     ; Number of seconds a call can be parked for (default is 45 seconds)
23:10.58unabongerShouldn't this mean I can park a guy for 30 minutes?
23:11.24*** join/#asterisk riksta (~rick@
23:11.34unabongeror park a call anyway? , heh
23:12.31fluidicslits probably som4ehting in my extentions.conf but I wouldent know what
23:13.34unabongerwhy doesn't the parkingtime setting work?
23:13.42pawallsAny softphones with BSP support?
23:13.58pawallsfluidicsl, I don't believe it is.
23:14.09pawallsfluidicsl, Your extensions.conf is making the call.
23:14.11*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
23:14.19pawallsDo you have it pasted somewhere I can look over it quickly?
23:14.27fluidicslyeah hold on
23:14.34SplasPoodwhat's asterisk's support for g726 like?   Can it transcode between that and gsm, ulaw, etc?
23:16.39*** join/#asterisk perlmonky (~perlmonky@
23:16.48pawallsYou don't have to dial a "1" before dialing long distance?
23:17.11perlmonkyhas anyone had to figure out how to pause before dialing on zap channels?
23:17.27fluidicslI do
23:17.46fluidicslwhy do you ask
23:18.09perlmonkyfluidicsl: me or previous conversation?
23:18.18*** part/#asterisk pabelanger (
23:18.44fluidicslpawalls, yes I do need to dial one
23:18.52*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
23:18.55pawallsfluidicsl, I don't see a "1" in your Dial()
23:19.09fluidicslyeah but I was makeing a local call
23:19.17pawalls858 is your local ?
23:19.24pawallsBefore you were doing a 5xx number I thought?
23:19.35pawallsfluidicsl, Then why does it have so many digits? :-P
23:19.36fluidicsllet me just make sure thats not the problem
23:19.58pawallsYou're dialing from your SIP phone "018582329200" ?
23:20.37hardwireChannel: SIP/200
23:20.37hardwireContext: tdxphone
23:20.37hardwireExtension: 6666
23:20.37hardwirePriority: 1
23:20.37hardwireCallerID: "Intercom" <299>
23:20.38hardwireSetVar: INTERCOM=true
23:20.44hardwirethats so damn neat
23:20.46fluidicslthat should have been local
23:21.05unabongerhas anybody had any trouble with call park timeout not working, this shit is really fuckin' annoying.  Worked fine on RH9, but now that I'm running Asterisk on FreeBSD, it doesn't seem to work at all.
23:21.41pawallsfluidicsl, That's very strange..
23:22.07pawallsYour extensions.conf looks fine.
23:22.17fluidicslcould it be a problem with the driver ?
23:22.35pawallsfluidicsl, You are dialing "05171520" on your sip phone to get it to do that?
23:23.13fluidicslhow does asterisk know that my card is at zap/1 ?
23:23.58pawallsexten => _9N.,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
23:23.58pawallsexten => _9N.,2,Congestion
23:24.12pawallsTRUNK=Zap/1                                     ; Trunk interface
23:24.12pawallsTRUNKMSD=1                                      ; MSD digits to strip (usually 1 or 0)
23:24.34pawallsfluidicsl, You specified it in the Dial() in your extensions.conf
23:24.43pawallsThe above is what I use for my wildcard at home.
23:24.54pawallsI use "9" as my dial out prefix.
23:25.07fluidicslwhat I mean is how do I know any thing is at zap/1 ?
23:25.16fluidicslwhere should that be configured
23:25.33pawallsThe "1:" means channel 1
23:25.50fluidicslSpan 1: WCFXO/0 "Wildcard X101P Board 1"
23:26.00pawallsWhich should be your FXO card.
23:26.05fluidicslit is
23:26.08fluidicslI guess
23:26.51unabongerfuckin' broken parked call bullshit
23:26.51fluidicslcould it be a problem in zapata.conf ?
23:27.21sivanaanyone using queues with CVS-HEAD?
23:27.29sivanaI get this with the first person in line
23:28.37pawallsfluidicsl, You can pastebin it if you like.
23:29.38*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
23:31.21*** join/#asterisk Cybertoy (
23:31.32fluidicslsudenly I cant runaasterisk becuse is failoing
23:31.42fluidicsloh ic
23:32.27*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
23:32.40*** join/#asterisk Hmm-home (
23:33.01fluidicslthe zapata.conf
23:33.07fluidicslis in the first pastebin
23:33.19fluidicslat the bottom
23:33.28Cybertoyanyone have eyebeam and is up for a test?
23:33.40[hC]is there a free eyebeam client?
23:33.49pawallsfluidicsl, where is your loadzone=us
23:33.52pawallsand defaultzone=us ?
23:34.04fluidicslI thought they were part of zaptel.conf ?
23:34.10Cybertoyhc, nah.. don't think so
23:34.27Cybertoyhc, but the sip provider I'm with offered it for free.
23:34.28pawallsAh.. you're right.. sorry :)
23:34.45pawallsI assume you meant for your zapata context to be "incoming" ?
23:34.48[hC]Cybertoy: hmm, interesting. Ive been wanting to play with it
23:35.00*** join/#asterisk kswail (
23:35.00fluidicslbut it shouldent really matter
23:35.04fluidicslwhat does sapata.conf do
23:35.10fluidicsland what does zaptel.conf do ?
23:35.24tzafrirthe conf file of
23:35.36fluidicslyes but what is its purpose ?
23:35.58tzafrirconfigure the zaptel channel
23:36.06fluidicslah ok
23:36.33alerioshi, how can I change the path to where the unavail vm messages should be recorded? should I use a variable on asterisk.conf or I have to edit app_voicemail.c ?
23:36.40*** join/#asterisk mkrufky (
23:37.35fluidicslwaite I think it just started working
23:37.54aleriosI get this message when trying to record it: -- x=0, open writing:  voicemail/default/131/unavail format: wav49, (nil)
23:38.31aleriosshouldn't it be /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/131/unavail  ??
23:38.46*** join/#asterisk snewpy (
23:39.27fluidicsllol, thats so weird it just started working
23:39.30fluidicslI have no idea why
23:39.45tzafriralerios, have you looked at voicemail.conf?
23:39.56*** part/#asterisk twisted[asteria] (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
23:39.57tzafrirthere are some things you can change there
23:40.33aleriostzafrir, yes, but I didn't saw an option for that ¿ what did I missed?
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23:41.44tzafriralerios, maybe the message is just with some relative path?
23:41.58tzafrirAre there actual errors?
23:42.08*** part/#asterisk Nethab (
23:43.30*** part/#asterisk eric`` (
23:44.23aleriostzafrir, well, when someone records a vm, it is stored on /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/...  and it works fine
23:44.46aleriosI gess the problem is because of the unavailable message record path,
23:44.48*** part/#asterisk Morex (
23:44.54aleriosbut I don't know how to change it
23:46.12*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (
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23:47.13mxmassterhi all... i have been looking at a bunch of different providers rates and am working on a lcr dialplan. i want to store this information in a database. for the US i would think countrycode/npa/nxx would be the proper format, but i know the format changes with different countries
23:47.24mxmassterwhat is a standard db structure for this?
23:47.28mxmassterhow do i store this data?
23:48.09Cybertoymxm, E164 format...
23:48.57Cybertoythat'd probably be my favorite.
23:49.20CybertoyI haven't really tried that yet though ... just doing E164 lookups prior to dialing a number... but never setup a e164 zone myself.
23:52.23*** join/#asterisk iq (
23:54.15mxmasstere164 format
23:54.46mxmassteri don't see that documented on their web site
23:54.56aleriostzafrir, thanks anyway
23:55.24*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (~dasenjo@
23:56.43mxmassterCybertoy: that explains e164 but doesn't document the db format for the numbers
23:56.47*** join/#asterisk bdunn (
23:57.20Cybertoymxm, well .. it explains the dns zone file ... you'll have to setup a DNS server with those entries in there...
23:57.22bdunnIs there any way to automatically enter the voicemail when you dial the voicemail extension?  As in, I don't want to have to type in the mailbox number and optionally not the password either.
23:57.35bdunnFrom the SIP phone that owns the mailbox that is.
23:57.47Cybertoymxm, so technically it has little to do with Asterisk .. more with DNS...
23:58.11mxmassterto go back to my original question... i want to store this in a database
23:58.14mxmassternot in dns
23:58.51shidobdunn, yes
23:58.55Cybertoymxm, sry then...
23:59.09bdunnshido - Macro?
23:59.14shidonot quite
23:59.17shidosimply dialplan logic
23:59.25Juggieanyone know drmac's nickname on irc?

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