irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050703

00:13.48opus__anyone here use cepstral?
00:14.37opus__which version of asterisk do you use with cepstral?
00:14.45SarahEmmi don't use it with * heh
00:15.01DarthClueopus: why?
00:17.21SarahEmmNewSole: what's the problem?
00:17.57opus__DarthClue - i have a problem when it runs.
00:18.04opus__ is the console error message
00:18.12SarahEmmopus__: i use it, but not with *
00:18.12NewSoleI have a sip device when I connect to main server outside of my network on device it works....
00:18.21opus__I have /etc/ and LD_CONFIG_LIBRARY set but it does not work
00:18.34NewSolebut if I connect tough asterisk on local box in my network here... no audio
00:18.46SarahEmmany NAT between your asterisk box and the device?
00:19.05SarahEmmyou have the Amy voice installed opus?
00:19.11SarahEmmNewSole: no messages on the console?
00:19.13NewSolenone on local net but on outside system yes
00:19.35NewSolenope no messages
00:20.58DarthClueopus: do you have the 'Amy' voice?
00:21.13SarahEmmDarthClue: i already said that ;)
00:21.26SarahEmmNewSole: is verbosity turned up? pastebin the SIP debug msg?
00:21.39*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
00:22.22*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
00:23.18*** join/#asterisk Pete_Largo (
00:23.25Pete_Largohey all
00:23.57Pete_Largowow, don't everyone say hello at once now ;)
00:24.38*** part/#asterisk clinthome (
00:24.44DarthCluePete: you have to wait at least 30 minutes before assuming that noone is here.
00:25.57filewoot room cleanup done, I think
00:26.41NewSoleack now to put away all laundy
00:27.22fileI found a USB extension cable too so I have a Mac Keyboard and Mouse on my Dell now
00:27.31SarahEmmyay for geeksnuggles
00:28.55rtharpin show "channeltypes" if a devicestate is no, does any one know, how one would one go about enabling that?
00:31.02NewSolethanx SarahEmm it was a stuipd mistake.... I am using SER Routing with Asterisk Auth..... I set it up today for the first time.... and I for got to turn off NAT when connecting to local server
00:31.11SarahEmmahh heh :o)
00:32.14NewSolethat was fun you know.... I had to modify SER code so all auth like REGISTER goes to asterisk.... that way we have one database for both systems
00:32.51*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (~Brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
00:33.59filebut... you control all that stuff in ser.cfg
00:35.07NewSoleya but the method=="REGISTER" did not work the way we needed it....
00:36.17NewSoleit would not accept a client unless I had added a user to SER
00:37.18NewSoleand we did not want that we have a full accounting system in Asterisk and wanted to use that and use SER just to route all trafic though all the servers at once
00:40.20fileyou must have done something weird/wrong then
00:40.45NewSolewy is that
00:41.15filebecause there's no reason why it shouldn't work
00:41.50NewSoleI tried for 2 week to find someone to pay to get it done and no one steped forth
00:42.45NewSoleand I could not find any docs to do what I needed to do.... so I ripped apart the code and made it do what I wanted it to do
00:44.06*** join/#asterisk brenda-laptop (
00:45.08DarthClueer...looks at even.
00:45.23fileRegister now for Cluecon, and receive - free - a hug from me, file!
00:45.31fileit's a great deal!
00:46.27DarthCluefile: i've already told her she can be your special guest.  you have to answer all of her questions at cluecon.
00:46.56filemeh I'm not objecting to that
00:47.01fileoh you just made me remember something
00:48.16SarahEmmfile: ooh, that *is* a great deal! *Giggle*
00:48.21*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
00:49.14DarthClueSarahEmm: I keep trying to tell people that but for some reason they don't see it that way.
00:49.53*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
00:51.31SarahEmmDarthClue: what?
00:52.44SarahEmmnini :o)
01:15.53*** join/#asterisk pv2b (
01:17.37SarahEmmhihihihihihi file
01:17.46jbotsomebody said sarahemm was kitrichernesses.
01:17.54file[laptop]hi hi
01:18.00SarahEmmjbot, kitrich is a cross between an ostrich and a kitten
01:18.00jbotSarahEmm: okay
01:18.07SarahEmmwoo. now i can quit explaining that 50000 times a day ;)
01:18.08jbot[kitrich] a cross between an ostrich and a kitten
01:18.29Sedoroxso what does kitrich mean?
01:18.32DarthClueHow do you bread a kitrich?
01:18.34jbotwell, kitrich is a cross between an ostrich and a kitten
01:18.42SarahEmmDarthClue: yeast, flour, a little salt, a little sugar...
01:18.56SarahEmmthen you give the finished loaf to the kitrich :)
01:19.51tzangerI would hvae thought an ostten would be a ostrich/kitten cross
01:20.02SarahEmmokay, so it's a kitten/ostrich cross :P
01:26.20ManxPowerMy QoS isn't working.
01:27.25DarthClueManx: did you try plugging it in?
01:29.50ManxPowerDarthClue: yes
01:30.07DarthClueManx: and you turned it on right?
01:30.17ManxPowerDarthClue: yup
01:31.00DarthClueManx: i guess you should just pack it back in the box and ship it to me then.  I'll examine it and let you know what's wrong with it.
01:32.33ManxPowerBut how do I get the bits out of my router??
01:32.51ManxPowerAnd what is the correct type of box to hold bits?
01:33.02SarahEmma bit bucket, of course.
01:33.23DarthClueManx: if you don't know that then I guess we have a bigger issue here.
01:33.23SarahEmmjust seal the top with duct tape until you have a bitproof seal.
01:33.45harryvvwood shop router
01:33.48ManxPowerQoS seems to be part science, part art, and part voodoo.
01:34.11harryvvmanx, what kind of bits
01:34.19ManxPowerharryvv: QoS bits
01:34.34DarthClueManx: which part you missing?  I'm sure file can do the science, bkw can do the art, but the voodoo could be a bit hard to come by.
01:34.35ManxPowerI have it all set up on my router.
01:34.49ManxPowerWhen I upload all my IAX2 peers get lagged.
01:35.02DarthCluecan we substitute voodoo for 'The Force'?
01:35.12ManxPowerDarthClue: I leave near new orleans.  voodoo is not a problem.
01:35.35Nuggettcp qos flags alone won't do a thing.  You also need a shaping or queuing mechanism that acts on them.
01:35.37ManxPowerSince I'm uploading, QoS should work.
01:35.46ManxPowerNugget: you want to see my cisco config?
01:35.58NuggetI'm not IOS clued.
01:36.21NuggetI've only owned one cisco router in my life and I've long-since forgotten whatever I needed to know to make it work
01:36.22ManxPowerIt should be correctly set up.
01:36.25*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
01:37.30DA-MANhey drumzilla, my provider is using head. When I use head, everything works fine. when I use stable everything works fine except incoming callers don't hear ringing. Nor does my phone ring when I make outgoing calls
01:37.31tzangeris THAT all I needed ot make the equipment work?  chicken bones?
01:37.34DA-MANits just a sudden hello
01:37.38tzangerdrumzilla HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
01:38.01DarthClueDA-MAN: that's because head and stable don't play nice with each other.
01:38.10Nuggetasterisk development is so fucked.
01:38.14tzangerDarthClue: they don't?  daaaymn
01:38.34DA-MANthat sucks
01:38.38SarahEmmManxPower: err, you're allocating all bandwidth to default there, no?
01:38.38ManxPowerDA-MAN: tell your provider to turn off trunking and jitterbuffer for you.
01:38.46ManxPoweralso upgrade to 1.0.9
01:38.54ManxPowerSarahEmm: no, %100 of the REMAINING bandwidth
01:38.55DA-MANManxPower, am using 1.0.9
01:39.04SarahEmmooh, duh.
01:39.17ManxPowerpriority 64 means 64k, of course.
01:39.33Nuggetuse that cluebat on the right knees.
01:39.49Nuggetuse it on the asshats who neglect stable and release and make them unusable for real people.
01:40.07Nuggetit *sucks* to have to run cvs head
01:40.17tzanger?? wtf is wrong with HEAD?
01:40.36Nuggetit's wrong that there is not a stable and reliable option for people who just want to run a phone system.
01:40.48Sedoroxnothing when its from a girl... from * on the other hand...
01:41.00DarthClueNugget: i would be thrilled if stable and release were just that.  it would be nice if HEAD was feature testing and STABLE was full-featured with the exception of those that aren't fully tested rather than a frozen in time release.
01:41.07tzangerNugget: ok sure, but again, what's wrong with a version of HEAD that just works?  I've certainly not had any major issues and if a particular pull is fucked, you pull the day before
01:41.33Nuggetthere's a deep chasm of suck in the innocent "if a particular pull is fucked" phrase
01:41.53tzangerNugget: but the fact remains that by and large, HEAD *is* stable and HEAD *does* work.
01:42.02tzangerYES there are moments when it breaks
01:42.10tzangerbut having to run HEAD is far from suck.
01:42.12Nuggetwhat about the vast majority of people who don't want to idle in an irc channel all day just to know when it's safe to upgrade and when it isn't?
01:42.19tzangerNugget: I don't do that.
01:42.21Nuggetwhat about the vast majority of people who don't want to track commits
01:42.24tzangerI upgrade, try it, rollback if not.
01:42.31tzangerNugget: by and large, I don't.
01:42.44Nuggetyou have not described a professional or production plan.
01:42.49ManxPowerNugget: You are not alone.  There are a few of us 1.0.x people out there.
01:42.49Nuggetit *sucks*
01:43.01tzangeras I posted about 2 hours ago, my HEAD box has been up for 5 weeks and processed 610+ HOURS of calls in that time
01:43.21Nuggetthe plural of anecdote is not data.
01:43.32Nuggetthat just means you're lucky, or dilligent, or both.
01:43.41Nuggetit doesn't mean that the system isn't terrible
01:43.42tzangeryou're right -- it's not a method that I would consider professional, but it does wrok
01:43.56tzangerNugget: and actually yes, the plural of anecdote IS data.  I've always disagreed with that phrase
01:44.12tzangerif you've got 1000 people saying that shit stinks because they've smelled it... that's not just anecdote
01:44.33tzangerit also doesn't mean the system is as all-out bad or horrible as you make it out to be
01:44.48Nuggetno, but with your success we have one person, who is in arguably the best possible, most optimal position to make running cvs head work.
01:44.57Nuggetand even you admit that sometimes you encounter problems
01:45.02tzangermake a damn pull, test it, use it.  nobody's forcing you to upgrade what works (well exceept for this whole "head and stable don't talk" I just heard about)
01:45.22tzanger??  I am BY FAR not in the best position to make HEAD work.  Trust me on that.  :-)
01:45.25Nuggetproblems aren't always easy to test or even detect.
01:45.27DarthClueNugget: bkw and anthm run head on production, professional systems.
01:45.29tzangerNugget: agreed
01:45.36tzangerwhich is why 1.0.7/8/9 is there
01:45.56Nuggetyes, but 1.0.7/8/9 are neglected, deficient, and hardly worth using.
01:46.01Nuggetbecause they are neglected by the developers
01:46.05tzangeris this "HEAD and stable don't play nice" apparent in 1.0.9?
01:46.06ManxPowerThey are well worth using.
01:46.10tzangerNugget: how are they neglected?
01:46.15tzanger1.0.8 and 9 were *just* released!
01:46.16Nuggetwell, ok, I'm lapsing into hyperbole.
01:46.23ManxPowerNugget: 1.0.x are much less neglected recently.
01:46.28Nuggetthat's good to hear
01:46.55ManxPowerThis whole arguement would be moot if they would just fucking feature freeze CVS-HEAD and concentrate on bugfixes for it.
01:47.05tzangerthere was a pretty large gap between 1.0.7 and 1.0.8, and 1.0.8 wasn't tested before release, hence .9... but honestly... this *is* OSS and HIGHLY evolving software
01:47.16tzangerManxPower: that'll *never* happen :-)
01:47.18Nuggetthere are plenty of OSS projects who get this right.
01:47.29tzangerNugget: agreed...  digium's decided to go another method
01:47.34DarthClueManxPower: something of that nature is planned to happen shortly if i heard right.
01:47.35NuggetI can only hope that over time digium manages to find a way to do so as well
01:47.49tzangerwhile I don't advocate it, you can always take 1.0.9 or HEAD and fork it... but that's been tried and failed quite a few times now
01:48.00tzangerDarthClue: heard?  from who?
01:48.27tzangerI mean I think that's where 1.0.x series origianll came from (someone got fed up and decided ot make a feature freeze) but it's a lot harder than it sounds
01:48.34tzangerhell even digium's decided to try that same route with ABE
01:48.50DA-MANi'm still pissed at digium for unleashing the iaxy on me, i was dumb enough to buy them
01:49.09DarthClueone of the dev calls in the last 2 weeks.  they said the next release would be 1.2 but I don't recall how much of a feature freeze they were putting on HEAD to get that release.
01:49.14tzangerI think the iaxy mark 2 (ha ha... mark... get it? heh) is a lot better, although I have not tried either
01:49.37tzangerDarthClue: no need to feature freeze anything.  take today's CVS HEAD, branch it, and there's 1.2-pre
01:49.53tzangerthe linux kernel went through this kind of growing pain too
01:50.10tzangerand now we've got
01:50.26DarthCluetzanger: that may have been what they were discussing.  it was one of the calls where i was busy doing other things at the same time and not fully concentrating on the call.
01:50.28tzanger2.6 has been the worse kernel series for stability to date :-(
01:50.39tzangeryeah I have not been able to listen to hte dev calls for hte past number of weeks
01:50.47file[laptop]ugh hungry
01:51.11file[laptop]don't even try to pull that joke
01:51.13file[laptop]or I'll hurt youy!
01:51.23tzangerfile[laptop]: don't you have some code to write?
01:51.34file[laptop]I'm watching a movie :P
01:51.35DarthCluei listen, it's comprehension that gets me.  doesn't help when i am also making 3 other phone calls and trying to make the boss happy.
01:51.58tzangerI usually have the bluetooth headset connected to iaxclient in one ear and the phone in the ohter
01:52.35Nuggetfwiw, the plural of anecdote is not data because anecdotes do not spread or survive equally.
01:52.50tzangerI think the real question is "why does the USA want the DNS root servers" (most of them, anyway)?
01:52.57tzangerApparently there was an unwritten understanding that ICANN would be able to come up with at least one sensible new TLD before being given anything more important to do.
01:53.05tzangerthat first line (I think) should be >'d
01:53.28Nuggethah, that's good.
01:53.35tzangerit's so true
01:53.38tzangerso very, very true
01:55.14file[laptop]DarthClue: your face is showing, go and hide it
01:55.41tzanger"My name's Charie Baileygates... wanna see my weasel?"
01:55.48Nugget  <-- why the plural of anecdote is not data
01:55.54DarthCluefile: don't make me take your pillow.
01:56.00file[laptop]but I like my pillow
01:56.07file[laptop]pure silly
01:56.09DarthCluemy point exactly.
01:56.14twistedDarthClue, file[laptop], don't make be put you two in separate corners
01:56.41twistedincoming +q alert!
01:56.51*** mode/#asterisk [+q darthclue!*@*] by twisted
01:56.58twistedhi file[laptop]
01:57.05*** mode/#asterisk [-q darthclue!*@*] by twisted
01:57.11file[laptop]what's up?
01:57.30twistedwaiting for the never-ending dryer to finish drying my pants so I can wear them to nashville
01:57.41file[laptop]ah heading back to nashville, what for?
01:57.44tzangerNugget: that's a contrived point -- yes if you are getting bad anecdotes or someone's stuffing hte ballot box you're gonna get wrong results.  :-)
01:57.51tzangertwisted: clean out the lint trap
01:57.53twistedfile[laptop], booze & billiards weekend
01:58.04file[laptop]'tsk 'tsk
01:58.10twistedtzanger, i know how to work a dryer, thanks.
01:58.19twistedi set it on "super dry"
01:58.23twistedand it's been running for about an hour now
01:58.30file[laptop]super duper dry!!!
01:58.30tzangertwisted: my particular dryer has a shitty design, I had quite literally two fistfulls of lint stuffed between the lint trap and the bottom of the lint trap access
01:58.41twistedtzanger, nice.
01:59.02twistedi have a three stage pipe filter
01:59.08twistedoh wait
01:59.25tzangercleaned that out (meaning pull the dryer out from the wall, remove two dozen machine screws and piss about with it for 45 minutes getting it appart, cleaned, back together and back aginst the wall) and it does a "super dry" in about 45 minutes
02:00.00twistedDarthClue, police love me
02:00.32file[laptop]and so do women
02:00.41twistedespecially police women
02:01.02twistedyou're fired
02:01.07tzangerwho's your ueber-boss?
02:01.29file[laptop]he whose name can not be spoken
02:01.38DarthCluean or al?
02:01.40tzanger(mcbain voice) who iz your daddy und vhat doess he do?
02:01.47file[laptop]DarthClue: shhhh
02:02.09DarthCluewhich one is it?
02:02.25DarthCluehe might of had a breakdown.
02:02.36file[laptop]the social hierachy goes like this
02:02.43file[laptop]Me -> bkw -> anthm -> Alan
02:03.13file[laptop]gotta love chains
02:03.20SarahEmmokie time to go sleepies
02:03.22DarthCluefile loves whips.
02:03.27twistedlol, nini SarahEmm
02:03.28DarthCluebeen using them on him all week.
02:03.35SarahEmmnini twisted :o)
02:03.37file[laptop]but uh I need to get the contact info for the design people...
02:03.46DarthCluegnite SarahEmm!
02:03.56file[laptop]DarthClue: unless you have it
02:04.08DarthCluefile: what design people?
02:04.15file[laptop]didn't think so
02:05.18DarthCluefile: i probably don't.
02:05.31file[laptop]DarthClue: you should make an Asterlink Keynote template/theme
02:05.47DarthClueAsterlink keynote template / theme?  for the web?
02:05.56file[laptop]no for Keynote
02:05.59file[laptop]Apple Keynote
02:06.14file[laptop]we'll have to fix that
02:06.29file[laptop]all the cool guys and girls own Macs
02:06.30bankruptooo nooss
02:06.32DarthCluei've already told bkw that i need one.
02:06.36*** join/#asterisk `Nomad (
02:06.37twistedi own a mac
02:06.51DarthCluehe is just looking for a good cost justification reason.
02:06.53file[laptop]I own two... and love them both!
02:07.04bankrupttwisted, I went to the apple store today
02:07.20bankruptI asked them if I can get a g5 withouth the os
02:07.30bankrupterr without
02:07.45bankruptthey said
02:07.51file[laptop]OSX rocks
02:08.11bankruptbut all I want is that cool g5 box
02:08.21bankruptI rather run gentoo on it
02:08.27Nuggetyou're a fool, then.
02:08.41Nuggetosx is in every way superior to linux, especially on a boutique platform like ppc.
02:08.43bankruptDarthClue, I did that
02:08.51bankruptthe said no to that too.
02:09.10bankruptNugget, really?
02:09.26file[laptop]er now
02:09.28file[laptop]and I can't type either
02:09.28Nuggetabsolutely.  there's nothing you can do with linux that you can't do as well or better with os x.
02:09.31bankruptbut all I want is a ~2000 server
02:09.36Nuggetthere's a million things you can do in os x that linux can't do
02:09.57bankruptwell I dont want os x :p
02:09.58mog_homename one?
02:10.08mog_homenot saying anything bad with os x
02:10.11Nuggetfonts that don't look like ass.
02:10.13mog_homeversus linux
02:10.15Nuggetrun quicken.
02:10.18Nuggetrun msoffice
02:10.20mog_homeumm i have fonts that look fine
02:10.24mog_homei have widgets
02:10.26Nuggetno, you just think you do.
02:10.31mog_homei dont run propritery software
02:10.33mog_homeumm no
02:10.34mog_homei def do
02:10.36twistedstop the madness! and xfree86 are 10 years behind in font rendering and kerning
02:10.57mog_homeand mac kernel is 10 years behind linux
02:10.59bankruptmog_home, srry I forgot [s][/s]
02:11.00mog_homewhose counting
02:11.06mog_homethey are both nice
02:11.11mog_homebut meh
02:11.21mog_homei always end up back at linux
02:11.26file[laptop]let's go hunting.
02:11.29bankruptmy friend has 40 widgets on his desktop
02:11.45bankruptand he askes me why is my g5 running slow
02:11.53Nuggetyeah, there's something else you can't do in linux -- run that sweet 30" display.  :)
02:12.01mog_homeumm yeah you can
02:12.05mog_homepeople have already done it
02:12.15Nuggetwith what video card?
02:12.17mog_homebut most people dont have quite that kinda cash...
02:12.20mog_homesame one mac uses
02:12.33Nuggetoh, I suppose yeah, maybe it would work on mac hardware.
02:12.42mog_homeand the card is public
02:12.43NuggetI've only looked at it from the x86 side
02:12.45mog_homeif im not mistaken
02:12.54mog_homei think you can run it on anything these days
02:12.58mog_homeorignally that was not the case
02:12.59Nuggetno, you can't.
02:13.07Nuggetit needs dual link dvi, which is hard to find for x86
02:13.14Nuggetthe x850 will do it, I hear.
02:13.16mog_homebut not impossibly
02:13.18Nuggetare those out yet?
02:13.23mog_homei saw some site
02:14.17bankruptQuadro FX 4000
02:14.31bankruptit has the dual link dvi
02:14.32Nuggetyah, but those quadro cards are expensive and suck for gaming.  :)
02:14.32bankruptI think
02:14.39Nuggetbut yeah, they'd work
02:14.55Nuggetcan't play world of warcraft on a console
02:15.01NuggetI'm addicted to world of warcraft
02:15.10mog_homemeh pso is good enough for me
02:15.19mog_homebut usually to busy for games
02:15.40*** part/#asterisk `Nomad (
02:15.45Nuggetyou're on irc.  you're not too busy.  :P
02:16.06mog_homebuilding my project
02:16.06Nuggetweird, the x850 is 2048x1536.
02:16.12mog_hometakes 1 hour and half to do
02:16.29Nuggetthe 30" cinema display is 2560x1600
02:16.32Nuggetso it won't do it.
02:16.43mog_homereally annoying as it still isnt working, you can push out those last few pixels
02:16.46mog_homeit wont matter
02:16.52bankruptwho needs that much res...
02:16.57mog_homesame problem with my 20 in on my mini
02:17.06mog_homewould do just 50 pixels shor of what i need
02:17.14Nuggetbankrupt: it's great.  everyone should have one.  :)
02:17.24Nuggetmog_home: bummer
02:17.38Nuggetyou can't have too much ram or too high resolution.
02:18.03bankruptwell I can't have too much cash in my swiming pool!
02:18.18bankruptman its like duck tails
02:20.10mog_homeman that makes my 20 seem so inadquete
02:21.29bankrupt"increase your rez with lacidis"
02:21.49bankrupt"will make your penis 10x biger"
02:21.54bankruptopps rez
02:24.32bankruptwell if I ever get a mac I'll run it headless
02:24.49bankruptjust because
02:24.58mog_homemine runs headless
02:25.00Nuggetmight as well just run opendarwin if that's all you want to do
02:25.13mog_homemight as well not get a mac...
02:25.26bankruptnope Im a gentoo whore
02:32.24countlinux for people with too much time
02:32.33mog_homedepends how you do it
02:32.37mog_homei just install some other linux
02:32.45mog_homeand then gentoo takes over like a cancer
02:32.53Nugget  :)
02:32.54countyou should kill it with extreme prejudice
02:33.00countNugget: that site rules
02:33.27mog_homeyeah that stuff is dumb
02:33.42mog_homebut it is real easy to have it configured the way you want it
02:34.21Nuggetyeah, building from a ports-style system can be nice if you need to adjust how things work.  It's less important these days than it has been historically, but it can still be handy sometimes.
02:34.42Nuggetapache and php used to really be awful unless you compiled them locally.  that really isn't the case now, though, thankfully
02:35.02Nuggetit's great if you run things like kerb5 or ldap, though.
02:35.08bankruptYea I have a lot of time
02:35.22mog_homei dont know great to get the things you need and nothing else, and they do have a package for everything
02:37.12bankruptno x for me on though
02:37.17Nuggetthat's silly.
02:37.45countgraphics are for silly dillys
02:37.48countnewfangled things
02:37.53count80x25 is all a real man needs
02:38.14Nuggetx11 sucks, sure, but it sucks a lot less than not having x11.
02:39.28mog_homebah x11 is nice
02:39.47mog_homei like x11 more than anything as it allows me to do anything
02:39.48Nuggetx11 hasn't aged well and it's holding back the unix desktop experience.
02:40.12Nuggetwith, though, I'm optimistic.  a little competition and new blood may be all it takes
02:40.15mishehuNugget: not that windows has aged well either.  ;-) is nicer so far.
02:40.38mishehuit's good to see some new stuff going into x for a change.
02:41.00NuggetI look at the stuff that microsoft is doing in the longhorn betas and that apple is doing in tiger and it's just amazing how far ahead they are of what x11 is built to deliver.
02:41.11bankruptI just ssh into my gentoo box from my laptop running plan9
02:41.25countplan9 from outerspace
02:41.31countthe os for people with nothing to do!
02:41.37Nuggetbah, plan9 is old and busted.  you need to run inferno!  :)
02:41.38file[laptop]yay ice cream
02:43.25bankruptthats what I need to do
02:44.27file[laptop]mmm brownie ice cream
02:44.39countmmm brown ice cream
02:46.46mishehuNugget: I donno, a lot of what I see in apple is eye candy...  I've not yet seen longhorn betas
02:47.09mishehubankrupt: your problem is that you either have no money, or you are morally devoid of value.
02:47.40bankruptoh I have the money
02:47.45bankruptits just in my pool
02:48.02bankruptI swim in it daily like the duck on ducktales
02:48.22countUncle Scrooge!
02:48.26countI haven't seen that in like
02:48.28count8 years
02:48.35bankruptI have the dvd
02:48.40countThere's a DVD?!
02:48.42bankruptopps tape
02:48.48mog_homesomeone has too much money...
02:48.54bankruptI made a dvd out of it
02:49.21bankruptI dont spend money
02:49.28bankruptI just swim in it
02:49.52file[laptop]who broke the interweb?
02:50.00file[laptop]mog_home: was it you?
02:50.04countsorry :(
02:50.17countI only broke a few of the interwebs
02:50.48bankruptjust call it and ask why its broken
02:52.09bankruptaye now Im gonna have to really get the dvd
02:52.29mog_homei hate the damn intweweb
02:53.10bankruptaye I hope he gets at least $50 for that crap
02:54.12*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
02:54.31bankruptmy fav penguin
02:54.38bankruptwell after tux
02:54.58mishehubah.  the question for tonight is, how much of my new PRI can I configure today, and even before that, how do I want to configure my primary DID...
03:00.12*** join/#asterisk eng1neer (
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03:11.30Mocdamn, wrong window
03:12.07rtharpin show "channeltypes" if a devicestate is no, does any one know, how one would one go about enabling that?
03:12.29countMoc: doing a bit of phone testing huh?
03:16.21Mochehe yea
03:28.25file[laptop]Moc Moc Moc!
03:28.38*** join/#asterisk WJN (
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03:32.25opus__file do you use dundi?
03:32.35file[laptop]do I? no
03:32.47opus__hmm.. i want to try it
03:35.08*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Miranda@doughecka.user)
03:39.22file[laptop]that's acceptable
03:39.49DarthCluedid i mention the clone was altered to be female?
03:41.03file[laptop]I'm already part of the collective
03:41.53file[laptop]the opteron box is ironically named assimilator1
03:43.51opus__you will only be assimilated if you agree to the terms of the gpl
03:44.03opus__all else will be destroyed
03:46.40WilliamK700:1 contrast ratio
03:48.26Goshen8ms too?
03:50.20GoshenI was looking at 19 inch flatpanels today too, because my 21inch CRT is going out on me
03:50.53opus__where is the download for asterisk on
03:52.11opus__i'm dumb9k
03:54.32DarthClueopus: the wiki is your friend ...
03:55.13*** part/#asterisk Primer (
03:57.39opus__whats the solution for detecting if a call went to voicemail or to a real person , hm
04:00.26file[laptop]hire a psychic
04:01.21robl^Ms.  CLeo!
04:01.31WilliamKGoshen, yeah 8ms
04:01.49WilliamKSamsung 930B
04:03.13*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
04:03.55iceypanyone got that cisco 7940 sip ios zip thats floating around, tis got the rings and everything in it
04:04.06iceypi lost mine because of hardware crash :(
04:06.49countI hear you can get it on CCO
04:06.52countwith your contract
04:07.31iceypnot at work, we got cisco partnership but i need the stuffs now :/
04:13.00GoshenWilliamK: the one I am looking at is 915N at newegg
04:13.49Goshen8ms with 700:1 19 inch for just over $300 shipped
04:13.59WilliamKGoshen, I have the 915N, it has a 500:1
04:14.12WilliamKdifference of night and day between the two panels
04:14.37Goshenfrom their site.. Contrast Ratio 700:1
04:14.44WilliamKupdated specs
04:15.00WilliamKthe original panels didn't come out with anything but 500:1
04:15.03WilliamKfor that series
04:15.43Goshenso I get the improved contrast with the lower pice, I think I will go ahead and order :)
04:18.57opus__i need about 4 of those
04:19.10iceypanyone got the with IOS'z and ringtones
04:19.35DarthClueiceyp: you won't get them here.  you will have to go to cisco.
04:19.47iceypDarthClue i originally got them here
04:20.18iceypbecause someone was kind enough to share them
04:22.29*** join/#asterisk Xin_ (
04:24.51key2how does the on_agent works ?
04:25.09key2so u hear a beep between two calls and don't have to press any button
04:25.12posteliceyp: that "kind" someone was doing software piracy which is illegal last time i checked
04:26.24*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
04:26.35iceyphow do u reboot cisco ph again
04:26.43ManxPowerunplug the power
04:26.49iceyp* # 6 settings or something
04:27.04postel# +6 + settings
04:27.41*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
04:28.24iceyp* 6 Settings, thnx
04:29.02posteliceyp: yeah i do have the software, dont pm me
04:29.14iceypsorry :/
04:30.13posteliceyp: the support contract doesnt cost millions, contact a reseller
04:31.04ManxPowerENUM is pretty cool
04:31.13postelits pretty old too
04:31.22ManxPowerso is 1.0.x
04:31.34postelso are the hills
04:31.36ManxPowerBut unless you are volunteering to backport DUNDi....
04:39.01*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
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05:11.57rtharpis it normal if you unload a module and asterisk stops running?
05:12.39_DAWwhat module?
05:14.20*** join/#asterisk jdv79 (
05:18.09_DAWyou have specs in vpb.conf?
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06:31.10iceyphey guys, does anyone know how i can edit settings on a cisco 7940 ? I used to have it tftp'ing from a server but now i dont have those images or the ip the tftp ran on. When the phone boots its coming up with "Protocol Application Invalid"
06:31.20iceypIs there a way to reset the phone to defaults
06:36.00countno, it's unpossible
06:36.58countit's amazing what google turns up for things unpossible
06:37.00iceypso the phone is a paper weight now?
06:37.36iceyppretty paper weight with cisco logo on screen saying "Protocol Application Invalid"
06:38.51gordonjcpiceyp: how about that, eh?
06:39.36iceypleme take a lookie
06:40.05gordonjcpthere's this great site called Google where you can search for stuff like the phrase "cisco 7940 reset default"
06:40.16countI heard about that site
06:40.21countI should book mark it or something
06:40.21gordonjcpcount: it's pretty good
06:40.25countso I heard
06:40.32countIt probably can't beat msnsearch though
06:42.12iceypi cant even get into the menu to reset to factory default
06:42.20countdo you know the password?
06:42.30iceypno buttons work when i press them
06:42.44iceypi just see the boot screen, after configuring ip
06:42.57iceypbut then it gives an error "Protocol Application Invalid"
06:42.59gordonjcpiceyp: tried googling for that message?
06:43.21iceyptells u what to do on the tftp to possibly fix it
06:43.29iceypbut i cant set the tftp to fix it
06:43.42gordonjcpwhy not?
06:43.53iceypguess i need a dhcp server that has the tftp server set inside the dhcp
06:43.59iceypgordonjcp cuz i cant get into the menu
06:44.04iceypor do anything with the phone at all
06:44.10countpull the battery out
06:44.20gordonjcpwhy can't you pass the tftp params with DHCP?
06:45.29tzafrirwhat dhcp server are you using?
06:45.31gordonjcpor, why not run a network sniffer to see what the phone is actually saying?
06:45.58gordonjcp <- it's got a serial console port
06:46.16gordonjcpthat rocks
06:46.41tzafrirtcpdump actually does a good job as well
06:46.52gordonjcpthere is your answer right there, looks like a bog-standard Cisco cable to talk to the phone
06:49.14iceyptzafrir using my dlink router
06:49.17rtharpany one here that worked on the voicetroinx hardware before?
06:50.40*** part/#asterisk jdv79 (
06:57.13tsumejust out of curiosity, why did Digium raise their prices on the hardware than it used to be?
07:01.45tzafrirThat should teach him not to use such a crappy dhcp server.
07:02.11tzafrirWe initially had to use that dhcp server as an external requirement
07:02.27tzafrirWe spent a number of days trying to work around that requirement
07:03.00tzafrirEventually disabled the dhcp server on the router and used dnsmasq on a linux box.
07:05.32*** join/#asterisk mosty (
07:06.51mostyi'm playing with a zaptel card, i can dial into it now, and go through the dialplan, but when i hang up the phone, the zaptel card doesn't hang up too. is there a way to make this happen?
07:07.47rtharpwhich zaptel card?
07:09.10mostyit's an ambient 3200 md, i think
07:09.38mosty(yes that's it, i double checked)
07:13.25rtharpmosty: I'd go through the conf files and make sure everything matches the PSTN locale your in
07:13.58mostyok, i'll check that out
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07:49.43ChrisHodgettsI was wondering if anyone has ever managed to get voicemail redirection sucessfully on unavilable or busy situations
07:50.10ChrisHodgettsI set it up but it goes to unavilable first, then goes to busy if I am on the phone
08:08.33newlwhich would be right, if service unavailable divert, if it is available and rings out, divert, if it's available and busy, divert.
08:11.59ChrisHodgettswhat is the correct way to do it?
08:12.59newldunno..that's how diversions are handled on a real switch. :)
08:13.51ChrisHodgettsexten => 810,1,Dial(SIP/810,20,rt)
08:13.51ChrisHodgettsexten => 810,2,VoiceMail,u810
08:13.52ChrisHodgettsexten => 810,102,VoiceMail,b810
08:14.01ChrisHodgettsis what I have set up
08:24.17*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
08:26.28tzafrircan asterisk order a sip phone to use a specific ring type for an incoming call? hint such a phone? anything that works with some specific sip phones?
08:26.48tzafrirAny such extension in the SIP standard?
08:28.08DarthCluetzafrir: i don't think so.  but i could be wrong.  the wiki says...
08:28.12DarthClueIt is not currently possible to specify a custom ring tone, only a cadence on the default ringtone. You will have to listen quite carefully to tell that the ringing is different. Cisco bug ID CSCec42938 tracks the request for it to work on custom ring tones.
08:30.01DarthCluetzafrir: you might try and talk file into making it possible while he is working on his sip stuff.
08:30.21DarthClueoffer him a bounty and he will do it in a heartbeat i'm sure.
08:31.09tzafrirDarthClue, however: is it supported in other phones?
08:32.34DarthCluetzafrir: i don't think it is.  i think it may be an actual limition of the sip implementation in *.
08:32.54ChrisHodgettsnewl  have I set up those correctly?
08:34.54ChrisHodgettsI just cant work out what more I need to do to get it working .. and its really annoying
08:35.19tzafrirDarthClue, Is there an actual semi-standard way to tell the sip client "please ring differently" and asterisk fails to support it?
08:35.36*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@
08:36.06DarthCluetzafrir: i'm not familiar enough with the sip spec to say if there is or isn't.  i know that file is working on some messaging and presence stuff with sip and this may be covered in it somewhere.
08:36.07tzafrirChrisHodgetts, "810" in the Dial" line referres to a sip peer (sip.conf) hwereas it refers to a voicemail box in the other lines (voicemail.conf)\
08:36.33tzafrirDarthClue, thanks, I'll ask him
08:37.23DarthClueNo problem.
08:37.34ChrisHodgettswhat should I do?
08:37.56Assidcluck like a chicken
08:38.10Assidheya DarthClue
08:38.52DarthCluedid we get the problem fixed yet?
08:39.01Assidi removed my x100p
08:39.08Assidi recompiled from head
08:39.20Assidi also made sure ztdummy was called in right
08:39.40Assidnow i got a x100p
08:39.50Assidand i think that could be the problem
08:40.14tzafrirChrisHodgetts, what exactly is your problem?
08:40.33Assidi gotta plug it back in and test.. to be sure
08:40.38Assidif i plug it in
08:40.43Assidi need to recompile zaptel
08:41.05ChrisHodgettswell, an inbound calls comes in, and if I am on the phone, I get the unavilable message and once you hang up you see asterisk play the busy message
08:41.21DarthClueAsid: well, unload ztdummy, power down, plug it back in, load zaptel instead of ztdummy.  I don't think you actually have to recompile zaptel but i could be wrong there.
08:41.41AssidChrisHodgetts: you may want to check the dialplans
08:42.01AssidDarthClue: i currently have zaptel and ztdummy being loaded in my modules file
08:42.08ChrisHodgettsexten => 810,1,Dial(SIP/810,20,rt)
08:42.08ChrisHodgettsexten => 810,2,VoiceMail,u810
08:42.09ChrisHodgettsexten => 810,102,VoiceMail,b810
08:42.14ChrisHodgettsis my dial plan
08:42.22ChrisHodgettsAssid dialplan pasted above
08:42.25Assidbesides.. i still cant get the hang of getting the call to work on my x100p.. i get some weird noises
08:42.36DarthClueAssid: i mean te wcfxo module instead of ztdummy.
08:42.53AssidDarthClue: yes.. thats loaded.. and i even see it in dmesg
08:43.06AssidChrisHodgetts: u need to first handle based on the status of the call
08:43.30DarthClueAssid: i would think its probably the x100p then.
08:43.31Assidi get funny noises when trying to make a call
08:43.49Assidmaybe its coz i am in india.. .. different phone exchange maybe ???
08:43.59Assiddialtone sounds the same as the us i think
08:44.13ChrisHodgettsAssid how would one do that :)
08:44.19DarthClueAssid: the frequencies may in fact be different.
08:44.51AssidDarthClue: exactly.. so im kinda stuck there.. and with my limited knowledge.. i would need help setting that up
08:44.55Assidonce i do get it up..
08:45.10Assidmaybe i can get my sister to make calls through this..  to speak to her friends here
08:45.32AssidChrisHodgetts: umm.. hold on.. lemme fire up my box
08:45.40ChrisHodgettsthanks :)
08:46.16Assidi gotta (re)install java .. coz stupid sony ericsson needs it for the firmware update of their phones
08:46.23Assidand they dont know how to use the old ones
08:50.48eng1neerso pulling your x100p card fixed the fast audio playback?
08:50.51*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
08:51.06Assideng1neer: dynno.. i plugged it out.. recompiled and then worked on it
08:51.08DarthClueChris: do the following...
08:51.09DarthClueexten => 810,1,Dial(SIP/810,20,rt)
08:51.10DarthClueexten => 810,2,VoiceMail,u810
08:51.10DarthClueexten => 810,3,Hangup
08:51.10DarthClueexten => 810,102,Voicemail,b810
08:51.10DarthClueexten => 810,103,Hangup
08:51.11Assiddid everything together
08:51.17Assidgotta reboot
08:51.19Assidstupid java
08:51.21DarthCluesee if that works.
08:51.36ChrisHodgettsThanks DarthClue I will try that now :)
08:52.34*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~my007ms@
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08:53.11my007mshello world! :)
08:53.25DarthCluegoodbye sky!
08:54.51ChrisHodgettshmm thanks DarthClue that seems to work
08:55.24DarthClueChris: not a problem.  Just remember, the wiki is your friend.
08:55.38jbot[cluecon] - Cluecon is an Open Source Telephony Expo and Developer's Conference geared towards open source Telephony enthusiasts and developers around the world. There will be a full schedule of expert speakers as well as many presentations and booths from various telephony related businesses.
08:55.53ChrisHodgettshmmm .. didnt play the unavilable message :)
08:56.11DarthCluehead or stable?
08:56.15ChrisHodgettsit plays only the busy message now
08:56.16ChrisHodgettsdebian package
08:56.52ChrisHodgettsohh really
08:57.43*** join/#asterisk Damin_ (
08:57.45Damin_Wewp! That was fun..
08:57.48Damin_Router reload!
08:58.11DarthCluei don't use debian hence i am not familiar with the quirks that it has.  if it is truly * 1.0.7 then there could be a few bugs in it.
08:58.13my007mshow asterisk know that other end hung up
08:58.46DarthClueif your brave enough to do it...i would recommend dumping the package and running cvs head.
08:58.58my007msi have problem, when someone call me it's work nice but after he hung up my line still busy ???
08:59.32ChrisHodgettshmmm - :( no would "prefer" the debian package on this box :(
08:59.34rv_weaseli try calling 98825052 and i get this  -- Called 2/825052
08:59.55ChrisHodgettsrv_weasel do you have like :2 for hte extention to be dialed
09:00.06eng1neerHey Darth. I had to roll back to 1.0.9 because outbound reg would fail and not rereg on a dsl line have U had andy probs with that?
09:00.37rv_weaselChrisHodgetts: i dont follow you?
09:00.39DarthClueeng1neer: no, can't say that i have.
09:01.09DarthCluerv_weasel: pase the line (only the one) that has the dial command on it from your extensions.conf
09:01.15rv_weaseloh,  hey,  it should be dialing on 2/  but look at the number.  the first 8 is missing
09:01.16DarthClueer...paste even.
09:01.22ChrisHodgettslike in the dialplan do you have (for example me) IAX/1/${EXTEN:2}
09:01.33eng1neerbug tkt 3946 I added comments to that..  but I have 7 oubound reg provders
09:01.36ChrisHodgettswould drop off the first 2 digits on the number
09:02.51rv_weaselexten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
09:02.54my007msi have problem, when someone call me it's work nice but after he hung up my line still busy ???
09:03.11ChrisHodgettsyou are dropping the two digits on teh TRUNKMSD
09:03.15rv_weaselopps  wrong lin
09:03.24ChrisHodgettswhich will have a default setting in the [globals] setting I guess
09:03.44rv_weaselyes,  Zap/2 and 2
09:04.07rv_weaseli am trying to dial on the second card
09:04.18Pete_Largohmm, I'm having a hard time getting * to compile tonight.  what did I do wrong?
09:04.39DarthCluePete: did you sacrifice the goat and virgin first?
09:04.45rv_weaselwhen i use the first card it works right
09:05.17Pete_Largono, DarthClue, but I did drink s little sacred wine earlier
09:05.52DarthCluePete: OS?
09:06.23ChrisHodgettsrv_weasel not sure then sorry,
09:06.30DarthCluePete: HEAD or STABLe?
09:06.42Pete_Largotried stable first, then head
09:07.01DarthCluePete: did you completely remove all signs of stable before doing head?
09:07.01Pete_Largothe pastebin is head
09:07.33Pete_Largorm -rf /usr/src/asterisk then cvs checkout asterisk then make clean
09:08.00Pete_Largoit's worked for me in the past as well
09:08.08DarthCluePete: did you checkout just asterisk or did you also get libpri and zaptel?
09:08.09my007msi have problem, when someone call me it's work nice but after he hung up my line still busy ???
09:08.21Pete_Largozaptel and libpri compiled fine
09:09.14DarthCluemy007ms: for how long is the line still busy?
09:09.38my007msDarthClue for so long
09:10.16eng1neerso long translates to how many seconds?
09:10.48my007msDarthClue: how asterusk know that other end hung up the call ?
09:11.46DarthCluePete: looking around on google for asterisk readline.c to see if i can find a possible solution.
09:11.58*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@
09:11.59Pete_Largothanks DathClue :)
09:12.05Assidstupid sony ericsson
09:12.11DarthCluemy007ms: can you pastebin the cli output of one of these calls?
09:13.20Assidokay where was i
09:13.39Assidshido: u awake?
09:14.01ChrisHodgettsAssid DarthClue paste didnt work :(
09:14.06ChrisHodgettscould you past your config :) please
09:15.09DarthCluePete: this looks like it could be a hardware issue from this post...don't know.
09:15.43AssidChrisHodgetts: check pm
09:15.47ChrisHodgettscheers :)
09:16.01Pete_LargoI was reading that one myself... trying a reboot and start over right now.
09:16.33AssidChrisHodgetts: modify as per your extension
09:16.48Pete_Largoside note: I would be very surprised if it is the hardware.
09:16.49ChrisHodgettsyeah, just giving it a go now :)
09:17.41DarthCluePete: me too.  not sure if something changed in readline.c recently or not to see if i can find anything in cvs commits.
09:18.32AssidChrisHodgetts: worked?
09:18.37Pete_Largoanother thing I find odd, DarthClue, is that make is saying mpg123 is not installed even though mpg123 IS installed...
09:19.04tzafrirPete_Largo, check and see how the makefile checks if mpg123 is installed
09:19.42DarthCluePete: that's not what it is crashing on though.  the mpg123 isn't really the issue i don't think as mine does that as well.
09:19.45Pete_Largoyeah, maybe a symbolic link would fix it right...
09:20.26*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
09:20.56ChrisHodgettsummmmmmmm no, but its given me ideas :)
09:21.06ChrisHodgettsJul  3 21:20:06 WARNING[7508]: pbx.c:1949 ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'outbound'
09:21.53Pete_Largoand now my ssh shell client crashed
09:22.01Pete_Largotime to go cry into the sacred wine
09:23.41DA-MANPete_Largo, use putty
09:24.45AssidChrisHodgetts: paste that extension
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09:27.33Assidexten => 7000-BUSY,1,Voicemail(bs7000) <--- u sure thats right?
09:28.09Assidtry (b7000)
09:28.10ChrisHodgettsI will try your ${ARGV1} but I had no joy on that
09:29.06Assidyeah.. try that
09:29.06ChrisHodgettsyeah still no joy
09:29.15Assidthat works fine here
09:29.21ChrisHodgettshmmm ok thanks :)
09:29.28ChrisHodgettsI guess it's crappy debian packages
09:29.44Assidim using sarge myself
09:29.56ChrisHodgettshmm same 1.0.7 ?
09:30.13Assidi was on 1.0.7
09:30.16Assidit worked there
09:31.31Assidwhat the hell does that mean???
09:34.41ChrisHodgettsbudgetone phone?
09:36.15ChrisHodgettshmmm  - I think I have seen that with the budgetone and the MWI subscription
09:36.21eng1neerchris did U get your 7000 ext working?
09:36.32ChrisHodgettsnaa... I am not sure whats going on
09:36.51eng1neerthink ur syntax is wrong
09:36.58eng1neerfirst line ok
09:37.02eng1neerafter that
09:37.12ChrisHodgettseverything I have read says what people have said on the wiki, and then what Assid has said, and still not getting any joy
09:38.20eng1neerexten => 7000,2,VoiceMail,u7000
09:38.35eng1neerexten => 7000,102,VoiceMail,b7000
09:38.48ChrisHodgettswithout the ()
09:38.51ChrisHodgettsnever tried that
09:38.51eng1neer2nd and third line above
09:39.08eng1neergive it a whirl
09:39.24eng1neer7000-  Ive never seen it like that before
09:40.11eng1neerIm running 1.0.9 and it worked with CVShead as well
09:41.06tzafrirChrisHodgetts, why crappy debs? why would you blame them?
09:41.28eng1neerI presume the s defaults the mailbox so U dont have to enter mailbox number?  I use diff mailbox numbers than ext in my setup
09:41.44jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
09:42.34ChrisHodgettsso even if the phone is busy, it stills plays unavail message
09:42.56tzafrirChrisHodgetts, what SIP phone is that?
09:43.09ChrisHodgettsBudgeTone 101
09:43.48*** join/#asterisk mosty (
09:43.59tzafrirLet's try this with my packages...
09:44.54DA-MANwhat pkgs tzafrir
09:45.08eng1neerChris snippit of my dial plan and I use budgetone 101s as well
09:46.26Assidi only get "thank you for calling" and it cuts off
09:47.49AssidJul  3 15:17:27 WARNING[3800]: app_voicemail.c:2252 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for ''
09:47.49AssidJul  3 15:17:27 WARNING[3800]: pbx.c:2361 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'SIP/assid-0f68' sent into invalid extension '2531' in context 'Hangup', but no invalid handler
09:48.08opus__in context hangup???
09:48.19opus__do you have Goto(Hangup) somehwere?
09:48.32opus__Goto (Hangup,2531,3)
09:48.45ChrisHodgettsI dont have a Hangup context, should I?
09:48.59opus__there is a function called Hangup
09:49.50opus__you extension is fucked
09:51.25Assidoh crap
09:51.26Assidmy bad
09:51.32ChrisHodgettsAssid I will give that a go :)
09:53.35ChrisHodgettsexten => 7000,1,Dial(SIP/7000,10,rtT)
09:53.35ChrisHodgettsexten => 7000,2,Goto(7000-${DIALSTATUS},1)
09:53.35ChrisHodgettsexten => 7000-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(u7000)
09:53.35ChrisHodgettsexten => 7000-NOANSWER,2,Goto(Hangup,7000,1)
09:53.35ChrisHodgettsexten => 7000-NOANSWER,3,Hangup
09:53.36ChrisHodgettsexten => 7000-BUSY,1,Voicemail(b7000)
09:53.38ChrisHodgettsexten => 7000-BUSY,2,Goto(Hangup,7000,3)
09:53.39ChrisHodgettsexten => 7000-BUSY,3,Hangup
09:53.50ChrisHodgettsalthough it seems a little excessive for a single phone number :)
09:54.17ChrisHodgettsnow to try and get a [voicemail] context, and route to that so I can have a macro :)
09:54.35Assiddunno how to use macro's yet :(
09:54.47ChrisHodgettsI was playing with enum macro, but I am still learing that :)
09:54.50Assidstill figuring out this one:     -- Executing VoiceMail("SIP/assid-b147", "b") in new stack
09:54.50AssidJul  3 15:23:56 WARNING[3800]: app_voicemail.c:2252 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for ''
09:55.15Assidi have that extension in there
09:55.19Assidjust doesnt wanna work
09:55.20opus__assid -- you prob have 3,4,Voicemail() when you should have Voicemail(extension)
09:56.20Assidsame call
09:56.39opus__then your voicemail box is setup incorrectly in voicemail.conf
09:56.57Assidgot it
09:57.09Assidit was  Voicemail(b${ARG1})
09:57.12Assiddidnt work
09:57.20Assidneeded to be b2531
09:57.41opus__you ahve SetVar setting ARG1?
09:57.54opus__what sets ARG12
09:57.55opus__what sets ARG1
09:58.01Assidi forgot that line
09:58.09opus__well obviously nothing:)
09:58.22Assidis there a way i can set this to be as a template
09:58.27Assidso it will use this for all
09:58.30opus__with a macro
09:58.35Assiddunno how to use :(
09:58.51opus__you can pick it up with osmosis
09:59.00opus__burn the latest asterisk cvs to cd and place under pillow
09:59.20Assidthe cd fairy will come and give me a $ ?
09:59.27opus__when you wake up in the morning it will become apparent how to do these things and then you will be a jedi master
09:59.42Assiddo i get a free lifesaver?
10:00.11*** join/#asterisk Pakipenguin (~uppal@
10:02.35Assidu guys use FWD?
10:02.42ChrisHodgettsI do
10:03.06eng1neeri do
10:03.12Pakipenguini do three
10:03.23Assidwhats ur no?
10:03.51Assiddo they support ilbc?
10:03.57Pakipenguinaint up right now , due to our fiber problem
10:04.05eng1neerdont think so
10:04.31*** join/#asterisk af_ (
10:04.47ChrisHodgettsilbc is really crap :(
10:04.58Assidwhy do you say that?
10:04.59eng1neerI have good luck with it..
10:05.07Assidulaw eats up along of bandwith
10:05.28eng1neerfwd does support iax though
10:05.35ChrisHodgettsyeah ulaw does,
10:05.38ChrisHodgettsI prefer GSM
10:06.00ChrisHodgettsI called someone using ilbx and it was really choppy, and they were getting annoyed with teh quility
10:06.08eng1neergsm does sound pretty good.. but ILBC handles dropped packets pretty well but there is a latency price to pay
10:07.27Assiddo they support GSM?
10:07.32Assidi never made a gsm based cal
10:08.51Assidwhat all codecs do they suport?
10:09.14ChrisHodgettsnot sure,
10:09.18ChrisHodgettsfwd I use IAX to
10:09.36Assidwhats ur no
10:09.50Assidim gonna try a ilbc->gsm conversion
10:09.57Assidover FWD passthrough
10:10.07tzafrirDA-MAN, my "home-made", currently at , but this is temporary
10:10.37ChrisHodgettshope the connection is still there, because I have been playing with my extentions
10:10.45eng1neerI think they just support ulaw
10:10.54ChrisHodgettsI thought they did tooo
10:11.34Assidcalling u law
10:11.41tzafrirBTW: the asterisk packages include two RSA keys (FWD ans iaxtel). Are there any other IAX RSA keys you think should be included?
10:12.46eng1neerAssid U said U were in india??  what time is it over there if U are?
10:13.33PakipenguinAssid: you'r in india?
10:13.52Pakipenguineng1neer : it should be 3:45pm there
10:13.52Pakipenguini am -30 minutes from india
10:14.36*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (
10:14.49eng1neerok wondered why he was always on in the middle of the night... Im a graveyard shifter.. Im at work
10:15.28Pakipenguinah i see , i am on 24/7 :p
10:15.34Assidi actually sleep around 3-4 hrs a day
10:15.34*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:15.41Assidim pretty much up all the time
10:16.04eng1neerso am I really... just curious..
10:16.14eng1neerhow did the test call go?
10:16.24Assidnot bad.. spoke to ChrisHodgetts
10:16.52eng1neerI can patch to my server from here if U give me # Ill call ya real quick if U want to test again
10:16.59RoyKmorning, morons
10:17.09PakipenguinAssid: once we get our link back up , we can iax -> pk -> india hehe :p try some hindi
10:17.34Assidacutally.. we could iax all our exchanges
10:17.53Pakipenguinah ,where in india are u from
10:17.58Assidyeah.. thats mine
10:18.06Pakipenguina friend's in delhi right now for TechED 2005
10:19.20*** join/#asterisk af_ (
10:21.16ChrisHodgettsseems to be working with the goto
10:21.21ChrisHodgettscheers Assid
10:21.27ChrisHodgettscall worked well as well
10:21.30*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
10:28.38eng1neeryes preferred
10:28.51eng1neerwill do sip but more experimental
10:29.08eng1neerand U can use gsm with those guys
10:29.12Assidno iax on voipbuster?
10:29.23eng1neeryes Iax is what they prefer U use
10:29.54Assidi need to download that dialler to be able to make an acocunt?
10:29.54Pakipenguinwhats voipbuster?
10:30.09eng1neerhave a good one goin home
10:30.24Assidl8z man
10:32.59Assidhey ChrisHodgetts: create an IAX extension for me
10:33.09Assidlemme register straight onto your box
10:33.16Assidand then use gsm/ilbc
10:35.57Assidhey chris: when i called you.. did you get my caller id?
10:37.58AssidJul  3 16:07:41 WARNING[3800]: chan_iax2.c:7383 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
10:38.01Assidand looops on
10:44.47*** join/#asterisk Sn0p (
10:45.08RoyKAssid: what version?
10:56.02*** join/#asterisk kodomo (
10:56.08kodomohi folks
10:56.23_charly_hi kodomo
11:01.56*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:02.10tzafrirRoyK, IIRC you recently mentioned on the users list a CLI "dial" command. Is it something available on head but not on 1.0?
11:03.00*** join/#asterisk af_ (
11:03.04RoyKtzafrir: i did?
11:05.18tzafrirhmmm, it appears to be part of chan_alsa/chan_oss , which I normally have unloaded. NM
11:08.04faaCan you help me with that: []Jul  3 09:07:47 WARNING[22286]: loader.c:306 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pri_set_debug_fd
11:08.22RoyKfaa: update/reinstall libpri
11:08.27RoyKi guess this is cvs head?
11:08.51faano. bristuff 0.20. RC8h.. asterisk stable 1.0.8
11:09.44faaRoyK I already compile once again libpri (without errors_ and problem is stil
11:10.17*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
11:10.47RoyKfaa: and libpri108?
11:11.32RoyKare you using the bristuff script to download/patch asterisk/libpri/zaptel?
11:18.34faaRoyK ok, nwo i have only:
11:18.36faaJul  3 09:19:22 WARNING[30905]: loader.c:393 __load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
11:18.39faaJul  3 09:19:22 WARNING[30905]: loader.c:514 load_modules: Loading module failed
11:19.51tzafrirBTW: if you want to apply bristuff to 1.0.9, simply edit the asterisk patch lightly: the .version file
11:20.06faa1.0.8 not 1.0.9
11:20.16RoyKfaa: don't know, then
11:20.18RoyKno time
11:20.25tzafrir(libpri 1.0.9 is the same as libpri 1.0.8 anyway)
11:20.35faa......Jul  3 09:21:29 WARNING[31055]: loader.c:306 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pthread_create
11:20.38faaJul  3 09:21:29 WARNING[31055]: loader.c:514 load_modules: Loading module failed!
11:20.44faastill problems
11:20.51RoyKfaa: do you need pbx_wildcalu?
11:21.00faano. i will disable it
11:21.01RoyKif not, add a noload => in modules.conf
11:21.09tzafrirfaa, maybe you have a non-bristuff asterisk and bristuff libpri or vice-versa?
11:21.14faanow i add noload =>
11:21.25faatzafrir no. I downloand pack. and compile
11:21.25RoyKbristuff without zap?
11:21.43faai down know what is bad.. of course i must load chan_Zap
11:22.24RoyKfaa: if you want to use isdn cards supported by bristuff, then chan_zap is something you should enable.....
11:22.37faabut I cant. problems iwht laod
11:23.20tzafrirfaa, what problems exactly? Did you build zaptel and libpri with the bristuff packages?
11:23.27tzafrir(or use my debs)
11:24.10faaWhen Can i paste 14 lines? I dont heva any brwoser
11:24.15faaCan I there?
11:25.00jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
11:25.16tzafrirThere is also the channel #flood , right?
11:25.25faabrowser - i dont have any
11:27.07tzafrirfaa, paste in #flood
11:28.49faaHm. I was have a problem in zapata.conf
11:28.51faanow is good
11:28.54Pete_Largotzafrir: from earlier... Makefile uses which to verify mpg123, I did not have which installed.  problem solved :)
11:29.09faathis was because I dont have connected any cards to computer, and I didn't configure it yes
11:34.23ChrisHodgettsalso turns out, that I cant have on a Budgetone phone ,a 30 second timeout, otherwise it says, the phone is busy]
11:34.41gordonjcpspeaking of strange phone problems...
11:35.16gordonjcpDoes anyone know about Avaya 4602s failing to re-register if you set them up to register their voicemail light?
11:36.27*** join/#asterisk oej (
11:38.47*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
11:39.25*** join/#asterisk moonaddict (~moonaddic@
11:39.40moonaddictI am having trouble with "s" on incoming calls:
11:39.44moonaddict-- Accepting voice call from '13331846' to 's' on channel 0/1, span 1
11:39.57moonaddictwhy is there no number/extension instead of "s" ?
11:42.05faathis is standard extenson in immidate answering
11:43.56moonaddictwell the trouble goes on: I dial "3337854250" from the outside, but asterisk shows this as:
11:44.03moonaddictExtension '25' in context 'inbound' from '13331846' does not exist.
11:44.12moonaddictso the leading "0" is chopped off!
11:45.06*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
11:52.16*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@
11:53.13*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
11:56.31Pete_Largoquestion regarding 1.0.8... How do I exit the CLI without shuting down the pbx now?  I use to could use exit and the pbx would still be running in the background...
11:57.01moonaddictgiven that you started aterisk NOT with -c and actually attached
11:57.10moonaddictto the running instance of asterisk with "asterisk -r"
11:57.37Pete_Largowell, asterisk -r can still use exit
11:57.47Pete_Largovery interesting
11:57.50moonaddictthat works too.
11:58.26moonaddictI have 3-digit extension. how can I force asterisk to collect all 3 digits someone dialled and NOT give up after catching just 2 ?!
12:00.56tzafrirctrl-c though will not save CLI history. bug?
12:01.45tzafrirmoonaddict, is this a sip phone?
12:02.20moonaddicttzafrir: no, I try to call from an external phone to my asterisk box (zap connected to telco's NTBA).
12:02.36moonaddictand asterisk gets the call, but seems to chop off the trailing digit. any trailing digit...
12:04.18moonaddictI dial "3337854123" (3337854 = main number, 123 = extension) -> asterisk sees this as:
12:04.19moonaddict-- Extension '12' in context 'inbound' from '13331846' does not exist.
12:04.32moonaddictspent endless hours on this already. why??
12:07.41gordonjcpwithout seeing extensions.conf it's hard to know
12:10.44moonaddict1 sec
12:10.53Pete_Largothis is odd, for some reason wcfxo is not loading on boot...therefore asterisk is failing to start... if I modprobe wcfxo then everything is hunky dory...  wtf did I do wrong now???
12:12.47moonaddicthere's dialplan and the other stuff:
12:13.15moonaddictfor any person who is able to fix this, I award a bounty of USD 50,- (paypal)
12:14.38*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
12:14.43gordonjcpwell you've got an extra "1" in line 38
12:14.53gordonjcphi SarahEmm
12:15.18moonaddictgordonjcp: well,  that was trial/error as my calls initially were coming in to '11234567xxx'
12:15.40moonaddicttried with and without. BUT that does not really explain the mad digit-chopping * is doing.
12:15.57gordonjcpare you *sure* that asterisk is chopping the digit?
12:15.58Pete_Largohi SarahEmm
12:16.28moonaddictyes, my other pbx (the one I am trying to replace) got all 3 digits.
12:16.31moonaddicton the same line.
12:17.02moonaddictI have internal phones with "403", "401", etc. so as this worked before with the old pbx, ...
12:17.43gordonjcpwhat happens if you dial an extra digit?
12:17.48djin_ib(internal-phones,$EXTEN:8,1) ??
12:18.05moonaddictI get the number with the last digit before that. e.g. dialling 1234567x1234 I get "123"
12:18.15PatrickDK${EXTEN:8} isn't it
12:18.36moonaddictdjin_ib: thanks, that's an oversight.
12:18.37djin_ibPatrick, you posted it right, thanks :)
12:19.00djin_ibmoonaddict, (internal-phones,${EXTEN:8},1)
12:19.57Pete_Largowell... that was interesting, and a semi easy fix.  I just changed every instance of 'insmod' to 'modprobe' in /etc/rc.d/init.d/zaptel
12:20.08moonaddictthanks all, fixed that, problem persists.
12:20.32djin_ibPete_Largo, 'make config' in zaptel source dir.
12:20.40Pete_Largoyeah, I did that
12:21.00gordonjcpmoonaddict: what happens if you change the 8 to a 9?
12:21.45moonaddictgordonjcp: Extension '12' in context 'inbound' from
12:22.36gordonjcpchange it to a 7?
12:22.43moonaddicttried, nogo
12:22.59gordonjcpyou *are* reloading after you edit stuff?
12:22.59moonaddictI am actually suspecting, the problem is not in the extensions.conf, but in zapata.conf
12:23.05gordonjcpyeah, could be
12:23.14moonaddictI am reloading. even stopping/sstarting after changes to zapata
12:23.25djin_iboverlapdial=no ??
12:23.36moonaddictso I am in Austria/Europe and for some reason, this freaking country's telco is special
12:23.39moonaddictor so it seems.
12:23.43Pete_Largoyeah, I tried it again just to make sure... and it's only one line here.   but changing from 'insmod' to 'modprobe' works fine
12:24.01PatrickDKinsmod requires paths
12:24.04moonaddictI assembled the running zapata.conf by trial/error/google and it *seems* to work
12:24.09PatrickDKmodprobe find it itself
12:24.40moonaddictI mean - for starters - is "bri_cpe" as signalling right if I am connected directly to my telco's ntba?
12:24.43djin_ibI still don't quite understand the problem, moonaddict. You have a _11234567XXX in your extensions, but you're referring to 1234567123?
12:24.45moonaddictor "immediate=no" ?
12:25.02djin_ibbri_cpe is correct
12:25.23djin_ibimmediate=no is correct.
12:25.38moonaddictdjin_ib: I tried with or without the leading "1". it's just there because once (over the past 2 days) I saw an incoming call recognized as "11234567" and not only the extension...
12:26.00moonaddictwhat about the overlap? does that do anything nasty?
12:26.21moonaddictor pridialplan - can that mess with what * sees as dialled string?
12:26.36djin_ibok, back a couple of steps. what is the number you're trying to call an to what extensions does it need to go?
12:26.38moonaddicthonestly, I am at a loss. after all those hours I cannot get it work.
12:27.18moonaddictI have a main number (assigned by telco) 1234567 and behind the telco's NTBA I used to have a pbx and behind that
12:27.23moonaddict7 phones.
12:27.30moonaddictall of them with 3 digit extensions.
12:27.37gordonjcphave you taken out that extra 1?
12:27.41moonaddictdialling just the main number would ring e.g. extension 200
12:27.52moonaddictdialling 1234567x333 would ring internal extension 333.
12:27.58moonaddictgordonjcp: yes.
12:28.19djin_ib1234567x333 -> what's the x?
12:28.26moonaddictbut then there'd be that 2nd line "_XXX,1" that should take care of any number shorter than the above, would'nt it?
12:28.35djin_ibyou mean 1234567333 by that?
12:28.40moonaddictx is nothing. just to make it nicer to read.
12:29.02djin_ibso, 1234567333 is the full 'telco' number?
12:29.12PatrickDK_XXX will only match 3 digits exactly
12:29.49moonaddictso I just took out ALL the _xx lines and theres just
12:29.49moonaddictexten => s,1,Answer
12:29.55moonaddictstill: * says
12:30.01moonaddictExtension '12' in context 'inbound' from '13331846' does not exist.
12:30.29PatrickDKtry changing the goto(....) to a noop(${EXTEN})
12:31.14djin_ibans what is the number you trying to call when you get the extension '12' error?
12:31.55moonaddictok to rule extensions.conf OUT as the source  of the error:
12:32.00moonaddictthis also gives me
12:32.07moonaddict-- Extension '12' in context 'inbound' from '13331846' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/1, span 1
12:32.27moonaddictdjin_ib: I try to call "1234567123"
12:32.43PatrickDKmoonaddict, change s to _.
12:32.45djin_ib1234567123 <-> 13331846 ??
12:32.54moonaddictI really do think the problem is located deeper, like in zapata.conf
12:32.56PatrickDKs only works when there is no number you dialed
12:33.11djin_ibbetter use _X.
12:33.14moonaddictdjin_ib: yes. the 133318... is some mobile I am calling from
12:33.38moonaddicts? ah. will try in a second with noop
12:33.47djin_ibok, so * is only picking up the 1st 2 digits.
12:33.59PatrickDKdjin, so he thinks
12:34.33moonaddictAccepting voice call from '13331846' to '12' on channel 0/1, span 1
12:34.50moonaddictwell. still 2 digits instead of 3. but thanks for the "_." tip.
12:34.53PatrickDKwhere is the noop output?
12:35.11moonaddictExecuting NoOp("Zap/1-1", "12 x 13331846 x 13331846 x ") in new stack
12:35.20moonaddictas I wrote
12:35.20moonaddictexten => _.,2,noop(${EXTEN} x ${CALLERIDNUM} x ${CALLERIDNAME} x ${PHONE})
12:35.28moonaddictI am paranoid ;)
12:36.10PatrickDKhmm, the goto sent you there
12:36.15PatrickDKthe point was to do that before the goto
12:37.09moonaddictPatrickDK: I figured you just wanted logged info about what * sees. we did that. it's step #2 (#1 being "Answer") so no margin for error,is there.
12:37.23PatrickDKyes there is
12:37.34moonaddictI am listening :)
12:37.35PatrickDKyour goto statement sent it to that extention
12:37.44PatrickDKand the goto chops the number up
12:38.07moonaddict - there is no goto
12:38.13moonaddictor am I misunderstanding something?
12:38.40djin_ib is you full extensions.conf at the moment?
12:38.44PatrickDKyou completely removed exten => _11234567XXX,1,Goto(internal-phones,$EXTEN:8,1)
12:38.55moonaddictwhat you see is the FULL extensions.conf
12:39.08djin_ibI assume you did a reload?
12:39.14moonaddictI figured: as * never sees the "1234567" part of the number, I might as well remove that.
12:39.38moonaddictI reload whenever I make changes to extensions.conf and I "stop now" after changes to zapata.conf
12:39.49djin_ibok, just checking ;)
12:39.57PatrickDKseems odd
12:40.00moonaddictsure, I do that too and it makes sense :)
12:40.41moonaddictthat's why I am trying to politely point you folks to my (borked?) zapata.conf and the physical setup as I suspect the error there.
12:41.13djin_iboverlapdial=yes, could you try that (not sure if it helps, but can break it either)
12:41.23djin_ibOverlap dialing mode (sending overlap digits)
12:41.36djin_ibcan = can't ;)
12:42.04moonaddicttried, didn't make it better or worse.
12:42.35moonaddictand what's this:
12:42.35moonaddictPRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
12:42.39moonaddictshould I be worried?
12:43.14djin_ibirq issue, probably
12:43.52moonaddictor that after turning on intense debugging:
12:43.53moonaddict> Unnumbered frame:
12:43.53moonaddict> SAPI: 00  C/R: 0 EA: 0
12:43.53moonaddict>  TEI: 000        EA: 1
12:43.53moonaddict>   M3: 3   P/F: 1 M2: 3 11: 3  [ SABME (set asynchronous balanced mode extended) ]
12:43.53moonaddict> 0 bytes of data
12:43.55moonaddictSending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended
12:46.13moonaddictyou don't happen to have the correct setting for my zap interface for austria lying around?
12:46.41djin_ibI'm afraid not.
12:46.51moonaddictin /etc/zaptel.conf:
12:47.04moonaddictsounds reasonable?
13:01.06*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Miranda@doughecka.user)
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13:34.51tzafrirmoonaddict, 'extensions reload' after changes to extesions.conf
13:35.02tzafriris a bit cheaper than a full reload
13:36.58moonaddicttzafrir: thanks.
13:40.29gordonjcptzafrir: oooh, thanks, didn't know about that!
13:42.23robl^anyone know what c functions should be used to set/get dialplan variables?  i.e. if I write an app_*.so that needs to set variables that extensions.conf can see as ${variable1}?
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14:04.10moonaddictcan I just set my outgoing callerid to whatever I like? guess not, but what's your thoughts?
14:05.52jontowmoonaddict; if you're on the right type of PRI ..yes
14:07.11moonaddictand how can I check that? if SetCallerID() does not change things, then I am not, I guess?
14:10.14jontowpretty much, yeah
14:10.23tzafrirmoonaddict, you can set the caller ID you send. It is up to the service provider to decide whether or not to use the caller ID string you set
14:11.23*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@
14:11.38Assidanyone using voipbuster?
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14:24.14moonaddicthow can I have a catchall in my dialplan ... if the # was not matched by any other exten =>, then do this...?
14:25.26mostyi think _ matches any extension, from memory
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14:25.47moonaddictmosty will try thanks
14:27.58*** join/#asterisk kswail (
14:28.39*** join/#asterisk Weezey (~ohno@
14:29.15Weezeywhat's the correct way to update my sources?  (I want to just overwrite any files that are new from cvs.)
14:29.36Tenkawamorning all
14:29.46mostymoonaddict, or perhaps "i" (invalid extension)
14:29.57mostyweezey: cvs update (from memory)
14:31.10Weezeymosty: that's what I thought, but * won't compile.  it doesn't upgrade nicely or something.  I've had this problem in the past and I have to rm -rf /usr/src/asterisk and then cvs checkout and it works fine.
14:31.30WeezeyI just wondered if there was a cvs way to do that.
14:32.10mostyWeezey, perhaps you need to do a make clean first?
14:32.50Weezeymosty: did.  :(
14:34.52mostywhat sort of errors do you get?
14:35.49*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
14:36.04Weezeymosty: I just gave up.  :/  I think I needed to do a cvs checkout again to make it work.
14:37.47mostyWeezey, it would be interesting to do a clean checkout in another dir, then compare the contents of both to see what the difference is
14:47.40*** join/#asterisk isamar (
14:47.59isamarhi folks
14:48.13isamaranybody making multiport binding for SIP using * ??
14:49.21isamarI wanna do port=5060,443
14:49.27isamarfor example...
14:50.01*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
14:51.16mostyisamar: perhaps a firewall rule can do it if asterisk can't
14:54.29mostymoonaddict, according to the pattern you want is .
15:01.13*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
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15:07.20WeezeyHas anyone written anything that routes calls out alternate paths if a PRI has X channels in use?
15:07.37Weezey(to allow for incoming)
15:08.17tessier_Weezey: Just don't put all of your channels into group you are using to dial the pri
15:08.30*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
15:09.16Ariel_morning everyone
15:13.00Ariel_It sure seems like a slow Sunday.  I was working outside in the Yard when it started to rain. So it's inside for a little while.
15:13.44file[laptop]oh well this day isn't starting well
15:13.50file[laptop]the '3' key on my remote is broken
15:14.57*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
15:15.18Ariel_well clean it out. sometimes it's just something stuck in the key
15:16.43file[laptop]easier said then done
15:17.09Ariel_some times that is the case.
15:18.19Ariel_Well since I am inside I guess I am going to have to working inside things. Like change the filter to the A/C, Pay my bills clean out my office. Boy there are sure allot of things on this honey do list.
15:18.51file[laptop] effect
15:19.31SarahEmmslow sunday here.. at workies
15:20.08file[laptop]whatever shall I do today
15:20.13*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:20.19file[laptop]hail DSP guy
15:20.57coppicehail storms seem quite the thing these days in europe and asia :-)
15:21.03*** join/#asterisk isamar (
15:21.07file[laptop]that was bad, that was very very bad
15:21.50coppicethese hail storms are getting bad. its just like the day after tomorrow. in beijing lots of cars and truck lost windscreens
15:22.12isamarI need to bind sip in two ports..
15:22.15isamaris that possible ?
15:22.27mostyisamar: perhaps a firewall rule can do it if asterisk can't
15:22.50shido6 hrs at the medic
15:22.51isamarNAtted SIP ?
15:23.01isamardoes it work?
15:23.35countI use it every day
15:23.53countyou gotta have STUN or a UA and server that supports it
15:23.57countor a proxy
15:24.09af_what is UA?
15:24.34cypromisuser agent
15:24.37cypromisor ukraina
15:24.42cypromis\depending on the contextr
15:24.42Weezeyanyone tried the new H323 channel?
15:24.47isamarcount: I mean a SIP server behind NAT
15:24.59coppiceIP over United Airlines avian carrier
15:25.23isamardoes it work?
15:25.42isamariptables ?
15:32.33mostyisamar, i see a question mark, but no question
15:33.23countNo, I'm not using iptables
15:34.33mostydoes anyone know if you can get a trial license for the g729 codec from digium? or if there are other implementations for asterisk that do have free trials?
15:35.04SarahEmmnot that i know of
15:35.08SarahEmmit's $10. it's not expensive :P
15:35.51mostythis is true, it's just sunday night here, so i can't get my boss to buy stuff for me till tomorrow
15:36.16coppicemosty: a trial isn't really needed, as the digium g.729 codec sounds *exactly* like g.729 ;-)
15:36.39mostycoppice, i've never heard g.729 though :)
15:37.01NewSoleanyone know why I get this
15:37.02NewSoleJul  3 11:43:56 WARNING[8172]: chan_sip.c:8528 handle_response: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE
15:37.16file[laptop]wrong password on authentication for an INVITE I would assume
15:37.40SarahEmmNewSole: what are you running?
15:37.55file[laptop]probably a provider
15:37.56coppicemosty: well, that is largely irrelevant. the key reason for using g.729 is the other end uses it, and you need to be compatible
15:38.56mostycoppice: i get to decide what the other end is, and i want to know if gsm (or some other free codec) is good enough, or we should pay for g.729
15:39.02SarahEmmNewSole: duh. version i meant :P
15:39.17SarahEmmmosty: if you can't afford $10 for testing.....
15:39.27SarahEmmNewSole: hrm. were you in here yesterday asking about this?
15:40.36SarahEmmthen you're the second person having this issue in 2 days with HEAD
15:40.39SarahEmmthat's not a great sign
15:40.44SarahEmmwhat's the other end of the connection newsole?
15:40.48mostysarahemm: we can afford it. but i can't get my boss to do that till tomorrow and i was just wondering if there was another way to test in the meantime. if not then no big deal
15:41.12SarahEmmNewSole: it's an Asterisk->Asterisk link?
15:41.19SarahEmmmosty: ahh. no, no way :)
15:41.22SarahEmm(to do it)
15:41.33coppicemosty: gsm and g.729 are comparable in sound quality for voice, but gm uses 13kbps while g.729 uses 8Kbps. That sounds a big difference, but the overhead of RTP is huge, and wipes out most of the benefit. IAX shows a bigger difference
15:41.44NewSoleon other end
15:42.07NewSolei get
15:42.08NewSoleJul  3 07:44:58 NOTICE[27659]: chan_sip.c:8578 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "Michael Workman" <sip:6134820702@>;tag=as38d0cbae
15:42.17*** join/#asterisk af_ (
15:42.26file[laptop]do you have fromuser set?
15:42.33mostycoppice, that's very useful info- thanks
15:42.46SarahEmmNewSole: why using SIP between two * boxes instead of IAX?
15:44.57*** join/#asterisk kswail (
15:45.13SarahEmmmeeep! *tips over kitrichly*
15:45.53WeezeyI rebuild my asterisk box, and now one of my menus gives me: == Auto fallthrough, channel 'Zap/3-1' status is 'UNKNOWN' and hangs up after playing the prompt to dial an extension.
15:49.49*** join/#asterisk toresbe (
15:49.52toresbehey dudes
15:49.56toresbegordonjcp: evening
15:50.14gordonjcptoresbe: hey
15:50.21toresbeI'm at Debconf
15:50.35NuggetLinux is poo.
15:50.35toresbeI was thinking about setting up a VoIP server her
15:50.44file[laptop]OSX FOREVER
15:50.54toresbeoh God.
15:51.00gordonjcptoresbe: read those links I posted to you ;-)
15:51.11toresbegordonjcp: I am
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15:53.52file[laptop]because we all know hopping is very productive
15:53.53phenixamdanyone have auto fax detection working with a zap pri?
15:54.39*** join/#asterisk asteriskDOTbz (
15:54.48file[laptop]I can't get out!
15:55.41toresbehmm. asterisk config is obviously black magic.
15:55.55file[laptop]yes, black magic
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15:56.55file[laptop]it turns your heart black, black as black!
15:57.00file[laptop]because you can't get any blacker.
15:57.38toresbetrue, that
15:57.46Supaplexthere's alwasy the anti-mater blackness
15:57.49Nuggetslack > black
15:58.03file[laptop]could add an extra-blackening agent I suppose
15:58.04Supaplexpoo > slack
15:58.36SupaplexI take that back, that live slack cd isn't to bad.
15:59.17Supaplexoh great, now it's sterile AND black.
15:59.44darwin35dont touch it . it might fall off
15:59.50Supaplexrobl^ will have to use acetone before bleach would work :p
16:09.47tzangerthere's a live slack cd?
16:09.55tzangerslackware ownz joo
16:11.19Supaplexyou don't even know about it, and you claim it ownz. ha.
16:12.33loudi used slack in like .. 1996 i guess
16:13.26tzangerSupaplex: no, I know slackware
16:13.28loudnow (with all respect, tzanger) i'd rather sodomize myself with a salad fork instead of using it :)
16:13.30tzangerI've been using slackware since '96
16:13.46*** join/#asterisk kswail (
16:13.48tzangerI have tried almost every other distro out there, I keep coming back to it
16:15.40Supaplexthat's cool.
16:16.12SupaplexI only resent I never discovered linux until win98 was released.
16:19.16*** join/#asterisk kswail (
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16:20.42tzangerit's actually kin dof funny
16:20.44SarahEmmmcc interim linux, yeah
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16:21.00SarahEmmheh, mcc interim distro started in 1991 :)
16:21.09tzangerI met citats and his brother about 10 years ago and we seem to keep bumping into each other over the years
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16:21.43tzanger91 I was still in high school
16:21.56SarahEmmi was in public school :)
16:22.16SarahEmmi started with linux a little after that.. was prolly.. 11?
16:22.29tzangerwow you're a lil'un
16:26.49gordonjcp91 I had just started, or possibly just dropped out of, university
16:27.08sarah_awayforaging, bbiab :o)
16:35.40*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
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16:40.12Supaplexsarah has an execelent idea.
16:41.23Supaplex10:27 < sarah_away> foraging, bbiab :o)
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16:54.08*** join/#asterisk Andrezo (
16:55.01Andrezoanyone know the voiceblue GSM . VOIP gateways price?
16:55.11Andrezotired of sending mails, without replies....
16:58.08Supaplexfile[laptop], fireworks are better at NIGHT
17:04.00file[laptop]pfft this is a free show
17:08.22*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
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17:24.35ManxPowerIf you don't get a response from a company, then perhaps you should not try to use then.
17:24.38ManxPowerthem too.
17:26.40Andrezoyeah, but there arent many GSM gateways that work good with asterisk
17:27.00Andrezoand that voiceblue gateway seems to work very well with *
17:27.13Andrezopitty that costs about 2000-2500 euros, as i heard
17:27.18ManxPowerGSM = Cell or GSM = VoIP Codec?
17:27.18Andrezobut not sure
17:27.23Andrezothat's why i'm asking :)
17:27.38Andrezoa real GSM gateway
17:27.44file[laptop]HELLO MOTO
17:27.53Andrezoto make calls to cell networks
17:27.55ManxPowerOh.  One of those.
17:28.40*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
17:29.42file[laptop]ManxPower: how goes it?
17:31.33*** join/#asterisk Hmm-home (
17:34.46DeeJayTwowhat would you use as a rackmount server to hold 3 TE110P cards?
17:35.02ManxPowerDeeJayTwo: I wouldn't.  I'd get a 4-port card
17:35.21DeeJayTwoaren't 3 TE110P cards less expensive than 1 4 ports?
17:35.28ManxPowerDeeJayTwo: same price
17:35.39Supaplexbuy 3ports, get 1 free.
17:35.50ManxPower1-port = $500, 4 ports = $1500
17:36.10Supaplex4 one port cards = $2000
17:36.23ManxPowerEach Digium card requires it's own, unshared interrupt.  In modern machines that can be a problem
17:36.46DeeJayTwoso what about this single quad?
17:37.01DeeJayTwoWhat would be a good rackmount server? (company / model)
17:37.02tclarkcan someone remind the name of the app that replaces the mp3 player that anthm did ?
17:37.15ManxPowerSupaplex: you are WRONG
17:37.20DeeJayTwowhich supports unshared IRQ for the quad port....
17:37.27DeeJayTwonot every bios are able to do this..
17:37.46Hmm-homedon't get a machine with on board everything
17:37.54ManxPowerDeeJayTwo: We've had good luck with the Intel reference boards
17:38.11file[laptop]I'm melting... MELTING!
17:38.27Supaplexmy bad, you said 1 port is $500. four of those cards at your quote is only as accurate as you are.
17:38.53ManxPowerSupaplex: I thought you meant the 4-port card is $2,000
17:39.19Supaplexwell of course not :)
17:40.11*** join/#asterisk netofsickcoder (~netofsick@
17:40.14ManxPowerI've heard that the Sangoma do not have problems with IRQ shareing
17:40.50ManxPowerfile[laptop]: You need body hair to be hot.
17:41.04file[laptop]ManxPower: pfft got that
17:41.07Supaplexit's probly humid there.
17:41.32file[laptop]proof? just you wait!
17:42.06*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:42.11file[laptop]wait... wait... continue to wait
17:42.14file[laptop]hi shido6!
17:50.25SarahEmmhihihihi meow
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18:00.08Andrezoso, no one know the voiceblue GSM VOIP gateways price?
18:02.57Andrezoor the EUROTECH one?
18:04.15*** join/#asterisk Jedirl (
18:04.38JedirlI have a TE405P plugged in a supermicro machine, and asterisk works well with it, but dmesg says it's a 410P when it loads the drivers
18:04.41Jedirlis it OK?
18:05.04NewSoleok this is driving me nuts
18:05.36ManxPowerJedirl: it should be fine.
18:05.50ManxPowerI thought that minor issue was fixed like 2 months ago.
18:06.07*** join/#asterisk iq (
18:06.20JedirlI'm using asterisk 1.0.7
18:06.21Jedirlwith bristuff
18:06.29NewSoleok this is driving me nuts why am I getting this
18:06.30NewSoleJul  3 07:44:58 NOTICE[27659]: chan_sip.c:8578 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "My Call ID Name" <sip:6134820702@>;tag=as38d0cbae
18:06.35ManxPowerJedirl: IIRC, the problem was fixed post 1.0.7
18:07.02ManxPowernewl: you don't have a [My Call ID Name] in sip.conf
18:07.30ManxPowerNewSole: you don't have a [My Call ID Name] in sip.conf
18:07.45NewSoleyes I know....
18:08.14NewSolebut the only place [My Call ID Name] shows up is in CallerID
18:08.23ManxPowerSounds like you are using X-Lite/X-Pro
18:08.40NewSolethats where its trying to get auth from
18:08.52NewSoleasterisk -> Asterisk
18:08.56file[laptop]you need to set fromuser
18:09.05NewSoleI did
18:09.44file[laptop]do a sip debug on both boxes and see what it's trying to authenticate as
18:09.50ManxPowerNewSole: 1) Why are you using SIP for Astrisk<->Astrisk?
18:09.59file[laptop]and yeah, SIP between Asterisk boxes is BAD
18:10.10ManxPowerIt's not well tested, at least.
18:10.26file[laptop]it's just hell to make it work
18:11.12file[laptop](due to the way SIP works and stuff)
18:11.47NewSolewe tried IAX2 between astersik -> asterisk and got 1 way audio... even on current head
18:12.19file[laptop]are you mixing stable and head by any chance?
18:12.51NewSoleI was at first.... then I went to head only and still
18:13.21ManxPowerNewSole: If you can't get IAX working between two Asterisk servers then it will not be easy for you to get SIP working between 2 asterisk servers
18:13.24file[laptop]did you do an iax2 debug to see if voice packets were being received?
18:13.52file[laptop]I need to publish a document, "How to debug an asterisk problem - in 100 different ways"
18:13.56NewSolealso... I can not get FAX Mach to work it does not work on iax
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18:14.17file[laptop]what? that made no sense to me
18:14.19file[laptop]Fax Mach?
18:14.28ManxPowerNewSole: it won't work any better with SIP.
18:14.46ManxPowerYou do understand that Fax over VoIP is problematic at best, right?
18:15.31shido6like talking to a brick wall
18:15.37ManxPowershido6: Ah.  OK.
18:15.45shido6the hospital
18:15.47NewSolemay Faxes.. I can get them to work on SIP but not IAX
18:15.47file[laptop]shido6: a brick wall would have a better conversation
18:16.00shido6I didnt say it :)
18:16.07shido6I spent 6 hrs at the hospital
18:16.17shido6you dont pay in cash perse
18:16.20shido6but you pay in time
18:16.24shido6for healthcare
18:16.26file[laptop]quite true
18:16.32shido6then the drugs were 70 dollars
18:16.37ManxPowershido6: I have to pay in cash.
18:16.45ManxPowershido6: You got off easy then.
18:16.53shido6if I just shoot across the border I can be "served" in 20 minutes
18:16.57ManxPowerAny time I get a prescription it's at least $150
18:16.58shido6or they give me movie tickets
18:17.16shido6but you have to bendover for customs
18:17.24shido6so either way
18:17.28shido6"elbows on the table, sir"
18:20.09*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (~romik@
18:23.22Romik_anyone have Zhone Zplen10 firmware  news from 1.0.1?
18:23.54file[laptop]you mean zplex10?
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18:24.01Romik_file: yes
18:24.24Romik_file: could you help me, with newer firmware?
18:25.29ManxPowerI thought Zhone apandoned the Zplex and don't even admit they exist anymore.
18:25.41file[laptop]Manx is correct
18:25.46file[laptop]you get what you pay for :p
18:26.10file[laptop]cheap units though
18:26.16file[laptop]and they work ... for the most part
18:26.30unixmonsterZhone is crap
18:26.50unixmonsterCarrier Access is the best..  but not the cheapest
18:26.58file[laptop]zhone works.
18:27.22unixmonsterit does work.  I have one in production that just give me too many headaches
18:27.22Romik_file, manx,unixmonster: may be somebody has more fresh firmware from 1.0.1?
18:27.37file[laptop]Romik_: I doubt it, good luck
18:28.05unixmonstersuuport from Zhone is non existent.  They will not even admit they make them anymore.
18:28.30Romik_unixmonsert: i do not need their support, just need firmware...
18:28.53unixmonstersorry mine is currently 1.0 i think.
18:29.07shido6I have one but never turned it on
18:29.18SarahEmm^-- quick google search turns that up. has firmware, looks like.
18:29.21file[laptop]I'd like a zhone unit and a T1 card just to play with myself
18:29.23SarahEmmi know nothing about them, but that might help.
18:29.34Romik_Sara: thanks
18:29.39SarahEmmRomik_: welkies.
18:30.00Romik_i have 4 - and am very happy with them, i just purchased additional 12 ;)
18:30.30SarahEmmwhy do you need new firmware romik?
18:30.40unixmonsterthere is a link to 1.0.9
18:31.01file[laptop]oh wow the firmware is still on their site...
18:31.06file[laptop]er FTP site yeah
18:31.09Romik_sara: just got 12 new, but few 1.0.1 few 1.0.3 few 1.0.8
18:31.15*** part/#asterisk jdg (
18:31.20Romik_sara: want to make them same version
18:31.21unixmonsteryeah.. didn't know myself.  might wanna try that.
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19:31.58Udanceanyone alive?
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19:34.51SarahEmmi am!
19:34.52SarahEmmbut you're not.
19:35.22dooderanybody have asterisk-perl0.08.tar.gz laying around. The website that hosts it appears to be down and I can't find any mirrors
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19:44.25Ariel_dooder, I have that file: asterisk-perl-0.08.tar.gz
19:44.45af_what is asterisk-perl?
19:45.10ManxPoweraf_: It's a version of Asterisk ported to perl.
19:46.02SarahEmmaf: it's the interface modules for writing AGI scripts in perl
19:46.05SarahEmmManxPower: mew?
19:47.46Ariel_so what is everyone doing on this Sunday?
19:48.39ManxPowerAriel_: Redesigning my voice network.  You?
19:49.30Ariel_ManxPower, working on honey do's.  Got the grass cut, A/C filter changed and some general yard work done. But it's hot so I am taking a breather inside.
19:50.18ManxPowerres_perl is NOT asterisk-perl
19:51.08SarahEmmAriel_: at work...
19:51.09*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (~Brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
19:51.28Ariel_SarahEmm, it's Sunday what are you doing at work?
19:52.14tzafrir_laptopSome of us work on Sundays :-)
19:52.20trymdoes asterisk have an official.. t"his is my problem"
19:52.25trymdoh.. stupid laptop keyboard
19:52.31trym"this is my problem, here is how you fix it"
19:52.58trymnah.. too lazy.. I just thought people experiencing the same problem as me, shouldnt have to go through everything I did
19:53.27Ariel_Official how too... there is not one. wiki is closes.
19:53.29SarahEmmAriel_: i work 4 days on 4 days off
19:53.38SarahEmmAriel_: so my 'week' is 8 days, and does not sync with 'normal people weeks'
19:53.57SarahEmmtrym: the wiki? :)
19:54.02Ariel_SarahEmm, ok at least you get 4 days off in a roll
19:54.09trymSarahEmm: I guess itll end up there ;)
19:54.10MikeJ[Laptop]trym, that is what the wiki is for
19:54.15SarahEmmAriel_: yep :)
19:54.27SarahEmmAriel_: and i'm off weekdays all month to take classes, only work sat-sun :)
19:55.02*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:55.08Ariel_SarahEmm, well that is life. I work when there is work to be done.  Sometimes everyday of the week.
19:56.16*** join/#asterisk af_ (
19:56.23trymi have an extension that calls ceveral cell numbers, giving the call to the one answering first. However.. when one of the phones is turned off.. voicemail answers. That is a big no no. Is there a way to work around this using some of asterisk's magic.. maybe disabling voicemail, and redirecting it to a sip number answered by asterisk ?
19:56.27SarahEmmmeep! *is poked in a kitrichey sorta way*
19:56.42SarahEmmtrym: disable voicemail ;)
19:56.50trymdisable voicemail and do what?
19:56.53SarahEmmtrym: that way it should just ring
19:57.00ManxPowertrym: no way.
19:57.02SarahEmmthen use a timeout to say 'if it isn't answered in x keep going'
19:57.02trymSarahEmm: it wont ring if the cell is off?
19:57.10SarahEmmdepends on the provider
19:57.12ManxPowerother than to have the carrier turn off voicemail on the phone.
19:57.24SarahEmmtrym: what does your provider do if voicemail is off and the phone is off?
19:57.28SarahEmmmine just makes it ring forever
19:57.39trymSarahEmm: mine says "the phone is outside of reach or switched off etc"
19:57.47trymwhich also is a big nono
19:57.56trymso I guess I can have the provider use a different "voicemail" number..
19:57.58SarahEmmredirect it back to * is an option i guess.
19:58.01SarahEmmmessy tho
19:58.05trymyeah.. thats what I was thinking
19:58.07SarahEmmyou could have it redirected like 6 times then :P
19:58.12SarahEmmwhat if all but the lats phone are off?
19:58.16SarahEmmit'll be redirected over and over
19:58.19Sedoroxtrym, there is a way that the person has to press '#' before the call is answered.. or it cuts off after like 5 secs... good for cellphones and voicemail
19:58.19SarahEmmthat's no god...
19:58.35SarahEmmanyway.. workies to do. bbiab.
19:58.54Sedoroxand after X amount of time.. you can have it goto its own voicemail, or try a different set of numbers (work through priority)
19:59.14trymsounds interesting
19:59.19Sedoroxhehe, queues
19:59.56trymso.. even though a call is answered.. asterisk doesnt consider the call answered until the person presses # ?
20:00.20Sedoroxtrym, well, the connection is made... but the actual call isn't connected through untill # is pressed
20:00.43Sedoroxlookup agents and queues ( I think you might need both.. not sure) on the wiki
20:00.45trymand if # isnt pressed within 5 seconds.. it is disconnected ?
20:00.52trymok.. sounds nice
20:00.59trymand Im guessing there is no howto on this ? ;)
20:00.59Sedoroxor something like 5 secs
20:01.01Sedoroxits a short time
20:01.08Sedoroxthe wiki...
20:01.15Sedoroxit has examples and stuff... just follow them
20:01.18Sedoroxthats how I set mine up
20:01.20trymoki thanks
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20:02.57ManxPowerThere is an option to Dial to require confirmation
20:03.07ManxPowerno queues required
20:03.25trymagents have to login by default
20:03.37trymsetting it to call the agents instead is an easy thing to do ?
20:03.55Sedoroxyea.. I think you don't _need_ agents...
20:04.09SedoroxManxPower, I would assume that would be a Dial() variable?
20:04.36Ariel_agents have different options they don't need to login it depends on how you set them up.
20:05.06trymsounds nice
20:05.07ManxPowerSedorox: "show application dial"
20:05.11Ariel_look a the dial(zap/????/c option I think.
20:05.34SedoroxAh, so yea.. trym look that yup :p
20:05.37ManxPowerAriel_: I thought "c" was replaced by a more general option, but maybe only in CVS-HEAD
20:05.47Ariel_ManxPower, I am still using it.
20:05.51Ariel_but I use stable
20:06.03ManxPowerYay!  I figured out how to do "authenticated" ENUM stuff without requireing a password in the ENUM database
20:06.08Sedoroxbbl... gonna mess with some routers
20:06.33Ariel_ManxPower, great your really going after the enum stuff.
20:06.52ManxPowerAriel_: It massivly simplifies my dialplan.
20:07.01trymasterisk is truly a masterpiece
20:07.01Ariel_I am actually doing a customers system with dundi for all there servers setups.
20:07.11ManxPowerMostly I want semi-guest access between servers for extension routing.
20:07.24ManxPowerAriel_: DUNDi is supported in 1.0.x?
20:07.36Ariel_I have a 1.0.7 with it up and running.
20:07.51ManxPowerAriel_: is it included in 1.0.x?
20:07.52Ariel_someone gave me the tar with it already setup.
20:08.00ManxPowerOh!  OK.
20:08.01Ariel_do you want it?
20:08.03ManxPowersomeone backported it then.
20:08.10ManxPowerAriel_: no thanks
20:08.33Ariel_it's working But I am going to have to look into getting the diff so I can set it up for 1.0.9
20:08.53ManxPowerAriel_: if you do get it, I would like a copy.
20:09.08ManxPowerWith setvar= and dundi it might be worth a 1.0.9+MP verion of Asterisk
20:09.14Ariel_ManxPower, sure as soon as I convice a programmer to get it done.
20:09.34Ariel_I have 9 servers I am setting this up for 3 are up and running just fine.
20:10.48RoyKfucking shit. <-- anyone that can fix that for me? i'll gladly pay
20:11.53*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:12.13ManxPowerRoyK: First upgrade to 1.0.9
20:12.56MikeJ[Laptop]RoyK, looking now, please watch your language...
20:14.02tzafrir_laptopAriel_, so is there or isn't there a dundi backport for 1.0?
20:14.26tzafrir_laptopSomeone just asked about this in a debian bug report and /me answered with a definite no
20:15.01Ariel_tzafrir_laptop, there is one for 1.0.3 which was patched on a 1.0.7 which I have. I have not done the -diff files to see what they did to patch it.
20:15.40RoyKManxPower: is there any relevant updates in 109?
20:15.46Ariel_tzafrir_laptop, so for 1.0.8/9 no not yet.
20:15.53RoyKManxPower: as related to rtp allocations?
20:15.55ManxPowerThe rtptimeout might help you.
20:16.17ManxPowerit won't FIX the problem, but it might work around it.
20:17.08MikeJ[Laptop]RoyK-  You are not responding to questions on that bug, how do you expect it to go anywhere
20:17.08tzafrir_laptopfile, I was told you might know: is there any semi-standard way to tell a sip phone "please ring differently"?
20:17.51MikeJ[Laptop]also, does it never happen when you turn qualify off or did you test for a while, it didn't happen, then you turned it back on and had another crash?
20:17.53ManxPowertzafrir: search for Alert-info and alert_info
20:18.51dooderAriel_ : can you send me a copy ?
20:21.14af_what offer exactly asterisk-perl?
20:21.30ManxPoweraf_: It's Perl bindings for Asterisk AGI
20:21.41dooderAriel_ : thanks
20:22.00af_what difference from res_perl, then?
20:22.16Ariel_dooder, if you make a diff file let me know.
20:22.18MikeJ[Laptop]RoyK, any resoponse?
20:22.37ManxPowerres_perl is the Asterisk C API bindings for Perl
20:22.49trymWhen using AgentCallbackLogin().. is there a way to "permanently" login an agent.. ?
20:23.03*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
20:23.09djin_ibyes, don't log out
20:23.11MikeJ[Laptop]trym, permanentlY?
20:23.15ManxPowertrym: no.  Everytime you restart asterisk the agent will have to login again
20:23.41djin_ibok, ManxPower. Overlooked that option.
20:23.58trymmanxpower: I cant make a script that logs inn all the agents I want when asterisk starts?
20:24.00ManxPowerdjin: which option?
20:24.12ManxPowertrym: use static agents and chan_local
20:24.24trymill do some reading
20:24.24djin_ibthat the agent has to re-login after restart op *.
20:24.26trymthanks manxpower
20:24.39ManxPowerYeah, it sucks
20:24.55*** join/#asterisk file (
20:25.03MikeJ[Laptop]how often do you restart asterisk?
20:25.04dooderwhat are you gues talking about a patch for ?
20:25.10dooderwhat would I be patching ?
20:25.52tzafrir_laptopnow, can the init.d script run a number of commands through the CLI after a login?
20:26.09MikeJ[Laptop]djin, why not just modify the app to store it in astdb?
20:26.16tzafrir_laptopor should asterisk execute an asteriskrc ?
20:26.46MikeJ[Laptop]dance boy dance
20:27.13MikeJ[Laptop]when you do that, are you acually getting up and dacing?
20:27.14ManxPowertzafrir: asterisk -rx "happy command"
20:27.15djin_ibMikeJ[Laptop], me likes to add an userinterface to it.
20:28.17MikeJ[Laptop]I'm not a fan of agi
20:31.04ManxPowerAGI is great for taking input, doing stuff with it, and giving back output.
20:35.16Weezey>| stupid echo.
20:35.35cnbAriel_: saying she was way off when trying to predict what you'd do today isn't an option then? ;)
20:37.05SarahEMmwheeee back.
20:42.34trymManxPower.. who needs cable when theres tvrips
20:42.54trymthough almost the entire scene got busted recently
20:43.43ManxPowertrym: I don't want to spend time getting TV shows off the internet.  I want to turn on my TV, press the TiVo button on my remote, and watch shows.
20:44.06DA-MANhehe tivo is awesome
20:44.15trymyeah.. tivo owns
20:44.28trymbut for people like me.. who cant get tivo
20:44.37trymgetting a tvshow in 3-4 minutes.. isnt bad
20:44.49trymand I dont pay shit
20:44.51SarahEmms'why i like MythTV :)
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20:44.57clive-any news on stable 1.1  or 1.2,,,,whichever?
20:45.04trymMyth.. mmm.. mythbusters.. sweet
20:45.06SarahEmmno tivo subscription, no restrictions on what i can do with recordings...
20:45.10SarahEmmwoo mythbusters :o)
20:45.17trymmythbusters are my heros
20:45.22DA-MANhehe me too
20:45.25ManxPowerclive-: no.  check back in 2006
20:45.32DA-MANmythtv is too much work, tivo just owns
20:45.46ManxPowerLOL!  He thinks I'm joking.
20:46.07SarahEmmtoo much work?
20:46.09SarahEmmsetup is work, i suppose
20:46.13SarahEmmi never have to touch it other than that really
20:46.16ManxPowerGetting my TiVo back from the boyfriend will be...interesting.
20:46.18DA-MANtoo much more expensive too
20:46.45DA-MANtivo was 350 including lifetime
20:46.55clive-Manx, I hear rumours,,,it woudl be nice to have a new version, because theer are a few issues regarding iax2 trunking , sound quality and other stuff with using differing versions of *
20:47.08RoyKMikeJ[Laptop]: what_
20:47.10RoyKMikeJ[Laptop]: what?
20:47.30ManxPowerclive-: I've wanted a released and bugfixed new version of asterisk for a couple of months now.
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20:47.42RoyKMikeJ[Laptop]: what do you mean?
20:48.01RoyKManxPower: rtptimeout?
20:48.06clive-Manx, can I put my name on that waiting list,,,lets make it a petition:)
20:49.08RoyKManxPower: rtptimeout in sip.conf is set to 30
20:49.15ManxPowerI think there's a bribe bounty.  I think it currently has a case of Red Bull in it at the moment for a release before end of july
20:50.18clive-30 days ....  ok, who is the case for red bull for?
20:52.08ManxPowerclive-: mark, of course.
20:53.00clive-Manx, well I hope your right:)
20:53.30ManxPowerclive-: Oh, unless there's a total revolt, I don't expect a relase before the end of the year.
20:53.42*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
20:54.08ManxPowerThe developers are too interested in new features, and not interested enough in bug fixes, and mark doesn't seem to want to put his foot down yet.
20:54.26clive-Manx, the trouble is that things are changing too fast causing compatibility issues...
20:54.35ManxPowerclive-: Yup!
20:55.31clive-hmm, ok, I'll add some red bull
20:56.00*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
20:57.05clive-Manx, its a bit of a runaway train, where does one see this list of newfeatures?
20:58.23RoyKManxPower: FWICS there is no real difference between 107 and 109 RTP handling
20:59.02ManxPowerclive-: README.upgrade
20:59.59*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (~linux@
21:00.18RoyKManxPower: any idea what to do next? any idea where i can find a decent programmer that can fix this?
21:00.20ManxPowerclive-: It may not be that exact name, but the file name will be obvious
21:00.45ManxPowerRoyK: Post a bounty.  I posted a $125 bounty on friday and got the patch in less than 6 hours.
21:01.14RoyKManxPower: i guess that was a little more trivial than this
21:01.25ManxPowerRoyK: I way overpaid for my bounty.
21:01.32ManxPowerIt should have been $25 9-)
21:01.45DA-MANhehe ManxPower what was the patch for
21:02.12SarahEmmsomeone needs to post a bounty for something TTY related ;)
21:02.54ManxPowerDA-MAN: Backport of the setvar= in [sip|iax].conf
21:03.13DA-MANoh to stable
21:03.30ManxPowerCustomer wanted something that required that ASAP.
21:03.33ManxPowerSo they get to pay.
21:05.41*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
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21:14.01Ariel_RoyK, can't you for now increase the open rtp ports?
21:14.43RoyKAriel_: no point. it'll fill up anyway
21:14.57RoyKAriel_: beleive me, i don't have 10.000 concurrent calls
21:15.12RoyKit filled up on 2k, increasing it to max 10k did no real change
21:15.43Ariel_RoyK, I think it's a matter of timing. Due to I have some servers that are handling over 100 calls per minute without this issue.
21:15.56*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
21:16.31RoyKAriel_: point me to one of them running SIP
21:17.06Ariel_RoyK, why?
21:17.51RoyKAriel_: because I am, and that this is related to RTP, and not many run other RTP-based protocols than SIP
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21:26.57RoyKAriel_: ?
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21:29.08Ariel_RoyK, I can't point you to one of my customers servers.
21:29.22RoyKAriel_: what are you running?
21:30.13RoyKrtp-based protocols?
21:30.14RoyKamount of registrations? customers?
21:30.14Ariel_RoyK, both sip and iax2 but the one that is getting most of the calls has over 2000 sip accounts
21:30.14RoyKrunning what version?
21:31.47ManxPowerDial(IAX2/host/${EXTEN}) causes the remote side to get a garbage username.
21:32.18Ariel_ManxPower, really?
21:32.39ManxPowerAriel_: try it and have iax2 debug enabled on the remote side
21:33.51Ariel_ManxPower, ok let me login to a customers system to see.
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21:53.04Ariel_ManxPower, I did not see any garbage name. I saw normal name. in this case it was boxA-user
21:53.30shmaltzManxPower, did you mean this:
21:54.35shmaltz~july 4
21:54.53shmaltz~4th of july
21:54.54Ariel_ManxPower, this server is running stable 1.0.7.
21:58.59*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (~V@
21:59.37|Vulture|Anyone have a solution for lightning protection travelling in on RJ45?
22:00.44shmaltz|Vulture|, use STP instead of UTP
22:01.27|Vulture|we got a direct hit in one of the small sat. offices... took down 3 switches and a Polycom IP500 and a Fax Machine
22:02.09shmaltz|Vulture|, you sure it was the cat5 cable?
22:02.22|Vulture|Cat 5e
22:02.32shmaltzin any case Shielded would have helped
22:02.43|Vulture|all the items are on APCs
22:02.54|Vulture|yea... and it blew out lights on the outside of the building too
22:02.55shmaltzhow did it get into the cat 5 cable? you running them outdoors?
22:03.12|Vulture|shmaltz: yea we have 2 lines outdoors :(
22:03.16*** join/#asterisk pv2b (
22:04.31|Vulture|gunna try these:
22:05.00shmaltz|Vulture|, use STP for the outdoor ones
22:05.20shmaltzthat *will* help you, and if you use UTP that product will still not help much
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22:08.06dudesHas anyone played with festival?
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22:12.01|Vulture|shmaltz: one of them was shielded the other was not.. I think thats the one that carried the killer
22:12.26shmaltz|Vulture|, I agree, unless the first one was not grounded
22:12.51|Vulture|no its the carrier line, it was grounded
22:13.08|Vulture|and the other one ran right under where the strike was
22:13.53PatrickDKreally you need a gas discharge lightening arrester
22:14.22PatrickDKI don't know if they make them for cat5 though
22:14.31|Vulture|were having a professional company come in and put an antenna on the roof
22:14.56PatrickDKoh, defently use gas discharge tubes for rf coax wire :) they work great
22:14.57|Vulture|figure thats prolly the best bet.. stop it before it hit the equiptment
22:15.26*** join/#asterisk SkySky (
22:17.55SkySkyHI all, my asterisk is running outside of NAT, and a sip client from another location which is behind NAT, it can register to my asterisk box without a problem, but the problem is the client cannot receive any sound, (it can send out sounds though)
22:18.13DA-MANyour firewall is blocking rtp
22:18.24RoyKSkySky: or try forcing codec to alaw
22:18.34countWhat DA-MAN said
22:18.43SkySkyto both server and client?
22:18.46|Vulture|yea sounds like firewall if the call goes w/o sound
22:19.12|Vulture|Anyone know what a Polycom IP-501 is?
22:19.19countit's a SIP phone
22:19.20count3 lines
22:19.25|Vulture|501 though?
22:19.31countit's the new version of the 500
22:19.33|Vulture|whats different from the 500
22:19.38file[laptop]more flash
22:19.39|Vulture|okay... guess I will order those
22:19.47|Vulture|for the new 1.5.2
22:19.49|Vulture|ah yes
22:20.01countI wish they'd fix the http interface bugs
22:20.04ManxPowerthe IP300 can handle 1.5.2
22:20.06countso it didn't take 10 minutes per setting
22:20.36ManxPowerI put it on about 40 of them yesterday
22:21.13|Vulture|ManxPower: yea but according the the notes the new version opens up more features on the 501..
22:21.17file[laptop]is MSN Messenger acting... badly, for anyone else?
22:21.19|Vulture|I just didn't know they called it a 501
22:21.24ManxPower|Vulture|: *nod*.
22:24.26*** join/#asterisk iq (
22:27.04shmaltzManxPower, did you meant the setvar-varibale=value?
22:32.53|Vulture|anyone done an RMA to Polycom? I got a phone that the far right keypad directionals don't work
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22:39.46rv_weaselwhat do i put in my zapata.conf to keep asterisk from answeing a certain line
22:39.54tzangerrv_weasel: nothing
22:40.13rv_weaselok  so it is the dial plan then
22:40.14tzangerrv_weasel: you simply dump it into an extensions.conf context that does nothing (i.e. no Answer())
22:40.29tzangerrv_weasel: also make sure immedate is NOT on in zapata.conf but it shouldn't be on in the first place
22:42.02rv_weaselok,  so my Zap/1 has a context=5052 and this line should NEVER be picked up
22:42.15*** join/#asterisk litage (
22:42.16tzangerwhat's in [5052] context?
22:42.31rv_weaseljust a line identifier
22:42.53rv_weaselcant i use that to keep track of it elswere?
22:42.56tzangerwhat is in there
22:43.08tzangershow diaplan 5052 (pastebin it don't put it in here)
22:43.55rv_weaselthere is no dialplan  for it.  the demo would pick it up
22:46.03|Vulture|actually... s,1,Answer;s,2,Hangup
22:46.37rv_weaseli dont want it answered at all.  just let ring
22:47.06|Vulture|wait.. why plug it into your system at all then?
22:47.26|Vulture|or just don't specify it in zapata.conf
22:47.28rv_weaselfor outgoing
22:48.17rv_weaselthis is the home line.  edventually it is going to go straight to a WiSIP
22:49.18|Vulture|rv_weasel: if its plugged in and someone calls it your best thing is to answer it and say # isn't in services
22:49.37|Vulture|or answer it and give congestion or something... or else they will keep your line open by ringing it
22:50.27rv_weasellet me give you an idea.  i have 2 lines in the house.  i have a partner that works at a desk somewhere else during the day. (Software Sip) and then the store, hardware sip.  sometimes everythign fprwards to a CELL
22:51.12rv_weaselthe second line is the home line.  would like to use it as an extra outgoing line
22:52.07|Vulture|rv_weasel: tell the phone company to forward all inbound calls to that line to the office #
22:52.16|Vulture|unless you plan on using the home # for inbound
22:52.48rv_weaselno,  i use that for outbound
22:52.48|Vulture|or use some IAX provider for you outbound overflow 2cents a min is cheap as anything
22:53.11|Vulture|then have the phone company forward all inbound calls to the home # to the office #
22:53.14rv_weaseltrue,  and then unplug the second line
22:53.21|Vulture|then you have 2 for outbound and 1 for inbound
22:53.28ManxPowerI'm sending instant messages to my polycom phone.
22:53.35|Vulture|ManxPower: how?
22:53.43|Vulture|from 1 poly to another?
22:53.56ManxPowersipsak -M -vv -s sip:0004f201e554-a@ -B "Today is the first day of the rest of eternity"
22:54.05ManxPowerNo.  From sipsak to the phone.
22:55.21|Vulture|nice nice... is there an addon for * to send msgs to the phone?
22:55.30ManxPowerI doubt it
22:55.44ManxPowerbut you can always run System to execute sipsak.
22:55.45|Vulture|ManxPower: and you ever use the Buddies or get the MyStat to work with *?
22:55.57ManxPower|Vulture|: have not tried it.
22:56.03*** join/#asterisk pressure_man (
22:56.17pressure_manis anyone here using asterisk realtime?
22:56.19|Vulture|ManxPower: okay
22:56.36rv_weaselsomeone got a 1700 for me to try to dial?
22:57.02|Vulture|1700... thats reserved I thought
22:57.03pressure_manor any other method of storing config in DB?
22:59.53rv_weaselnow why can i run demo on my sip,  but not dial out.  i can dial out from console.
23:00.00*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:03.56rv_weaselbut now i need to figure out why me sip wont ring.  it transfers calls to it, you can answer it, but it never rings
23:04.28*** part/#asterisk _charly_ (
23:04.28*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
23:05.02rv_weaselwhat is a good windows softsip?
23:07.45Hmm-homesjphone is ok
23:08.28DA-MANsupports iax2 as well
23:11.47rv_weaselthings are starting to come together now.  heading in the right direction now.
23:12.11rv_weaseldo i have to put echocancel in my sip.conf?
23:12.36Hmm-homedo I have to drive 45 miles tonight?
23:13.10Hmm-homeif I want to
23:13.37pressure_manwhat is the preferred method (at present) of storing config in a database?
23:14.05Hmm-homewhat part of the config?
23:14.15pressure_mansip extensions, dialplan
23:16.22pressure_mani see that most of the web front ends for * store config themselves in a DB, but write out .conf files and tell asterisk to reload
23:16.57pressure_manyeah, read the entire wiki about 47 times
23:17.17pressure_manseems there are 4 or 5 ways of config-in-DB
23:17.45pressure_manwhich is the preferred method, or which is the one most likely to be the defacto method in the next release of asterisk
23:18.00pressure_man(i hate coding twice)
23:18.29Hmm-homecheck the dev mailing list and see what they have to say
23:19.06pressure_manwhen storing static .conf files in the database, am i correct in understanding that they don't get broken down into key => value pairs?
23:19.23pressure_manie, the .conf file gets stored as a TEXT or BLOB in the DB?
23:21.15*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
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23:26.14*** join/#asterisk Weezey (WeezeyD@
23:30.42WeezeyAuto fallthrough, how do I disable it?
23:31.49*** join/#asterisk SwK (
23:45.28rv_weaselwill someone try to call 17008828395
23:49.58sbingnersays you're unregistered or unavailable
23:50.00*** join/#asterisk darkgumby (
23:51.27Hmm-homein extensions.conf
23:52.36pressure_manwiki says CVS-HEAD is needed to run asterisk realtime, but extconfig.conf exists in 1.0.7. what's up with that?
23:54.08countone of the two is lying
23:54.16rv_weaselif i dial from  sip to console i get  echo canelation.  but it i dial sip to zap i get echo on the sip handset,  but not at remote ptsn
23:54.38pressure_mananybody running any kind of config from database?
23:55.25pressure_manis asterisk realtime the One True Way?
23:55.59sbingnerwtf is asterisk realtime
23:56.17pressure_manrealtime config lookups in SQL DB
23:56.37pressure_manappearing hopefully in asterisk 1.2
23:56.54pressure_manbut so far seems to be very mysql-oriented. i prefer to use pgsql
23:57.08pressure_manalternative is to use ODBC (yuck)
23:58.06sbingnercool, I like mysel :b
23:58.52Weezeyaha, I needed to update my extensions... WaitExten
23:59.51*** join/#asterisk x86 (~x86@x86.developer.poipu)

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