irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050630

00:03.09tsumeDarthClue: on your head you say?
00:04.37DarthCluetsume: as long as they are still on, i'm fine.
00:05.07KattyDarthClue: (=
00:06.11SwKdont put a glass there just bug her room
00:06.46DarthCluemy phone is dead...needs a re-charge.
00:06.50*** join/#asterisk sbarn (
00:07.55sbarnhi everyone I have a question. Say I have a voip provider like vonage or voicepulse. Can I use asterisk to set up extensions in the house for different phones like an intercom? Also, could I use asterisk for voicemail and all of the other features or is that only for homegrown networks with sip or whatever?
00:08.16SwKsbarn: yes
00:08.38anthmproviding you come to cluecon
00:08.55anthmthat's me
00:09.04DarthClueanthm: can you give me call access?
00:09.29anthmwhatcha mean into 996?
00:09.31SarahEmmsbarn: vonage doesn't let you BYOD last i heard.
00:09.48DarthClueout of 996 and the universe.
00:09.53KattySarahEmm: is that related to bsod?
00:09.58SarahEmmlol Katty, not quite.
00:09.58sbarnSwK, so without any other hardware I can somehow setup asterisk for like music-on-hold and call logs and everything just using something like voicepulse?
00:10.05SwKSarahEmm: correct... they do have a "2nd line softphone" account that is reported to possibly work with asterisk tho
00:10.11SarahEmmahh okay SwK
00:10.47SwKsbarn: you need a computer to run asterisk on and you need something for timing for MoH (so either a x100p or a 2.6.x kernel and ztdummy)
00:10.57anthmsbarn, come to asterlink, it slices it dices, it juliens, you can do all kinds of goodies
00:11.09SwKthen go check out and read away
00:11.12SarahEmmanthm: except canada ;)
00:11.17blitzrageoooo... I get to reboot to enable a parallel port so I can hook up a printer.... booo (/me wanted a paperless office)
00:11.22sbarnanthm, whats that?
00:11.29SarahEmmblitzrage is back!
00:11.38anthmwe have canada we even employ a native canadian
00:11.49SarahEmmerr what?
00:11.53blitzrageanthm: thats because Canada is the new India
00:11.53SwKsbarn: asterlink is a VoIP provider that offers good services at a good price
00:11.57SarahEmmasterlink didn't have canada DIDs last i heard
00:11.58SarahEmmand lats i heard was like 2d ago
00:12.08SwKsbarn: and they have pretty good support/customer service too
00:12.18anthmoh well dids
00:12.22sbarnSwK, wow that seems really cool. i've never seen so many features as asterisk has..most of them i have no idea what they are. so really it doesnt matter what features a voip provider offers as long as it supports asterisk or what u called byod?
00:12.27SarahEmmanthm: what else would i mean? heh
00:12.35anthmthat's the real trick isn't it -Han Solo
00:12.41SwKBYOD bring your own device
00:12.43sbarnSwK, o ic..well i can even keep my own number w/vonage yet so doubt they have anything local, but thanks anyway
00:12.55SarahEmmsbarn: byod = bring your own device, which means they let you use your own device (like asterisk) instead of providing you with a device you have to use
00:13.20SwKsbarn: theres other providers that let you keep your n umber on a LNP
00:13.32sbarnSarahEmm, o..well wat about the hardware? just an ata?
00:13.50SarahEmmsbarn: VoIP providers provide an ATA often, yes
00:13.56SarahEmmand non-BYOD services lock you into using that ATA
00:13.58SwKVonage requires you to use their device they provide you on the primary line and restrict pretty heavily waht you can use on the "secondary line" which they really want you to use their softphone with
00:14.02sbarnSwK, I think i've checked just about everyone i can thing of
00:14.32SwKsbarn: what NPA/NXX is your number in?
00:14.38SwKif you want to port it
00:14.45sbarnSwK, whats that?
00:14.56SwKarea code and exchange
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00:15.30SwKwhere the hell is that (so I dont have to look it up heh)
00:15.40sbarncortland, ohio
00:16.14*** part/#asterisk tPO (~tPO@
00:16.21SwKthat might be a hard one to port
00:16.47SwKbut you can get something to pull that into your asterisk box like a TDM400 or a Sipura SPA-3000 from the local telco
00:18.25*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
00:18.38SarahEmmicky solution :P
00:18.53sbarndoes asterisk offer like a call-recording feature? perhaps something that records every call wihtout intervention?
00:19.16DarthCluesbarn: yes.
00:19.38pv2bsbarn, make sure to comply with your local laws if you do this though.
00:19.38sbarnwow it really does have everything lol
00:20.12anthmthe toothbrush attachment needs a little work
00:20.33SwKsbarn: asterisk will do pretty much anything the most expensive IVR/PBX solutions will do
00:20.44DarthCluesbarn: usually stating : this call may be monitored or recorded for quality purposes takes care of the recording issues.
00:21.06MikeJ[Laptop]it won't wash my car?
00:21.13SarahEmmSwK: and if it doesn't, write code to make it ;o)
00:21.15SarahEmms'what i'm doing
00:21.23SarahEmmand i don't know of many expensive ones that do what i'm doing with it either :)
00:21.29sbarnSwK, ya i'm just new to this thing..and im looking into changing over to a voip provider and then looked up asterisk today and saw all that stuff. how exactly does it do things like caller id and stuff without a provider?
00:21.38pv2bdarthclue, this may be different in different jurisdictions though.
00:21.51SwKsame way evernthing else does caller id :)
00:21.59colinm_Keebler Magic?
00:22.40sbarnSwK, well who's it look it up to? like everything else goes through the telephone company or voip provider
00:22.41SwKasterisk works off "F.M."
00:22.45DarthCluepv2b: most call centers use that and it covers them.  most have also started saying "if you don't want this call recorded, please tell the representative at the beginning of your call.", this doesn't keep it from being recorded, just makes it non-usable in court and such.
00:23.02SwKsbarn: that all depends on where you hook it up too...
00:23.33sbarnSwK, what if the provider (say vonage) didnt support caller id or some does asterisk do it?
00:23.34SwKF.M. == F'n Magic btw
00:23.42pv2bdarthclue, the fact that most call centers use that doesn't imply that it's enough to do what wherever sbarn lives, or even that it's enough to cover the call centers legally.
00:23.54pv2bbut that's just splitting hairs on my part :-)
00:24.23SwKif you dont get caller ID from somewhere asterisk cant very wellpass it on (unless you have built your own local DB for it to look it up in)
00:24.47pv2bfor example, i've heard some places require you to give a reminder beep every 15 seconds to remind you that the call is being recorded
00:25.11DarthCluepv2b: the worst that would happen is the call center would have to go thru every call and delete them if the person prefaced the call with "i don't want this recorded".  In reality, most either flag it (which is up to the agent) or it is never an issue unless it goes to court in which case it can't be used by either party.  But that's just splitting hairs on my part.
00:25.20SwKpv2b: in the U.S. the federal courts have held that only 1 party in the conversation needs to know its being recorded... Businesses need to advise it... but at home ... you can recored whatever you wan
00:25.44pv2bswk, this is assuming that sbarn is in the united states :-)
00:25.54pv2bwhich is an awfully big assumption to make.
00:25.57SwKpv2b: he is...
00:26.02MikeJ[Laptop]SwK, really, I can record everything?
00:26.05SwKpv2b: he stated that earlier in the conv
00:26.09pv2bah, right.
00:26.12SwKMikeJ[Laptop]: at home...
00:26.26SwKMikeJ[Laptop]: check your corp legal types before doing that at your day job ;)
00:26.41pv2bmikej, as long as you tell all your visitors you record all your phone calls
00:26.45sbarnis there a tutorial somewhere that would tell me how to go about setting up asterisk just for using the features onto something like vonage or voicepulse w/out sip or setting up an internal network?
00:26.45pv2bmikej, ;-)
00:26.56pv2bor anyone else with access to your telephone
00:27.02pv2b(IANAL. TINLA.)
00:27.21SwKpv2b: actually I know where mikej works and I have worked in that industry he need to check with his corp legal geeks
00:27.23sbarnbasically no more equipment then the ata or whatever that i get from the voip provider
00:27.29MikeJ[Laptop]no, I know for the office, we already notify on everything that gets anywhere close to our collections center
00:27.37MikeJ[Laptop]but I ment for home
00:27.46SwKyeah for home you are kool
00:27.58SarahEmmsbarn: err, you want to set up vonage without SIP?
00:28.00pv2bfor home, as long as (see above)
00:28.09SwKjust dont get caught using it for extortion ;)
00:28.11SarahEmmsbarn: so you want to use the vonage ATA, and plug the ATA into your Asterisk machine using regular POTS?
00:28.17sbarnSarahEmm, isnt sip that softphone or whatever?
00:28.25sbarnSarahEmm, ya
00:28.25SarahEmmerr, no.. SIP is the protocol
00:28.29SarahEmmbbiaf. sowwy
00:28.41pv2bSIP is the protocol most VoIP phones talk when calls are routed over IP.
00:28.53pv2bnot a specific application
00:28.55*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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00:29.02pv2basterisk can handle incoming and outgoing sip calls as part of what it can do
00:29.06MikeJ[Laptop]naw, it would be for conversations with the kids dad
00:29.09SwKt-dawg in the hizzy
00:29.19sbarnpv2b, then what does the provider (vonage) do?
00:29.21MikeJ[Laptop]cuz it sucks when stuff comes back to bite you
00:29.28SwKMikeJ[Laptop]: OH! yeah I know what you are talking about... record that shit...
00:29.30pv2bsbarn, i don't know about vonage, but I'd guess they use SIP.
00:29.42twistedvonage is a sip provider
00:29.44SwKMikeJ[Laptop]: put their CID in the dialplan and have it autorecord that shit
00:29.45pv2bsbarn, i wouldn't swear on my mother's grave that they use SIP though.
00:30.08SarahEmmvonage uses SIP yes
00:30.43SwKdamn i really should subscribe to the dev list heh
00:31.18CosmoCid_time_oui'm looking for open source postpaid billing too
00:31.33CosmoCid_time_ouanyone have information ?
00:31.48SwKCosmoCid_time_ou: good luck
00:31.49pwacemitOuch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (1)
00:31.53pwacemitdoes that sound like an asterisk error?
00:32.16SwKCosmoCid_time_ou: find that let me know ;)
00:32.19*** join/#asterisk user1fn (
00:32.51sbarnSwK, how does asterisk support features that the provider doesnt support such as 3way calling?
00:33.04user1fnhello, y'all... I need some education on an error message
00:33.09KKHuangaHow can kick off an agent in asterisk 1.08?
00:33.09user1fnwhat does this mean?
00:33.09user1fnNOTICE[30763] channel.c: Dropping incompatible voice frame on Local/92324193@longdistance-ff5b,2 of format ulaw since our native format has changed to slin
00:33.16CosmoCid_time_oui have a prepaid one and it worx perfect
00:33.43CosmoCidnamed Areski Calling Card
00:33.58SwKyeah areski is pretty simple
00:33.59CosmoCidbut just prepaid, postpaid soon he says
00:34.10CosmoCidi'm looking for postpaid
00:34.22tzafrirsoft hangup?
00:34.24pv2bsbarn, usually your SIP provider won't limit (or at least not limit too much) the number of outgoing calls
00:34.34SwKI keep saying i'm gonna write a postpaid system but I never have time hah
00:34.40tzafrirKKHuanga, soft hangup?
00:34.41CosmoCidareski v 2.14 rocks :P
00:34.50pv2bsbarn, so to implement three-way calling, asterisk will just place two outgoing SIP calls. it'll look like two seperate calls to your sip provider.
00:35.26sbarnpv2b, oo..does asterisk support outound callerid w/name or whatever? most voip providers cant send my name and number back i read
00:35.36CosmoCidbehind all anyone working with SER and *
00:35.46CosmoCidi have a SER installation over Fedora Core 3
00:35.46pv2bsbarn, hm. i dunno. i'm an * newbie.
00:35.50CosmoCidand it worx perfect
00:35.55KKHuangaTzafrir> with soft hangup, I only hangup the channel,. but the agent login still in the system,... :(
00:36.13CosmoCidit does nat traversal etc good stuff
00:36.14pv2bsbarn, i'm guessing that's partially dependent on your SIP provider though.
00:36.28tzafrirCosmoCid, just make sure that the caller-id or whatever is valid, and you have all the data in the CDR
00:36.53CosmoCidsince i have two 4 port analog fxo gateways i want to use them in asterisk and do billing on *
00:36.53KKHuangaI need to restart all asterisk daemon to do the kick off for an agent,.. :(
00:37.06CosmoCidbecause i do not want to bill SIP users whenever they call each other
00:38.48CosmoCidi dunno PHP
00:38.54CosmoCidso nothing to do with CDR
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00:41.11PatrickDKwhat does php have to do with cdr?
00:41.40pv2bthey're both tla's.
00:41.51CosmoCidPHP can formulize CDRs
00:42.07CosmoCidi guess PHP is helpful while working with SQL CDRs
00:42.15PatrickDKhmm, anything can do cdr's
00:42.23CosmoCidso can multiply+rate+time etc etc calculations
00:42.30PatrickDKphp is lazy mans way from db to web
00:42.50CosmoCidand gives you real time information about a user
00:43.13CosmoCidhow much it costs, call history etc etc..
00:43.19CosmoCidwhat can i do else ?
00:43.35CosmoCidfor calculations for CDR's in MySql ?
00:44.05PatrickDKyou can use c, c++, shell script, perl, ...
00:44.24CosmoCidi neither know them
00:44.36CosmoCidisn't any wizard style or visual things for it ?
00:46.45*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
00:47.05bkw__lets translate what CosmoCid is saying in to english -> "I want it all.. i want it now.. I want it for free.. and I want someone else to set it up!"
00:47.35CosmoCidi can pay no problem
00:47.40SarahEmm'it all' is fine. it's OSS! 'it all now' isn't. 'it all for free' isnlt'
00:47.43PatrickDKthan you want ccm
00:47.45CosmoCidbut i need to see first
00:48.04|Vulture|bkw_: what are the requirements for joining the DUNDi network?
00:48.09|Vulture|the public one that is
00:48.34CosmoCidbeing a newbie in asterisk or database is not a crime, right ?
00:48.42CosmoCidor guilty
00:48.51bkw__|Vulture|, dundi on the global scale is dead as far as I'm concerned
00:48.53PatrickDKonly if you refuse to learn
00:49.04PatrickDKand wizard, or visual things, will not happen
00:49.08bkw__dundi will not and can not scale
00:49.13|Vulture|bkw_: okay
00:49.23CosmoCidyeah i want to learn that's why i'm asking
00:49.31|Vulture|bkw_: it seems good for use between my servers
00:49.46bkw__in an enterprise env its perfect
00:50.00|Vulture|I guess thats where you know the quality of the peers
00:50.43bkw__and have full control of the network
00:51.14|Vulture|because I saw Asterlink at the center of the peering... didn't know if that was still going
00:51.22bkw__now if I were to sqliteify dundi it would go faster
00:51.29bkw__ya I had to noload the dundi module
00:51.41bkw__it has issues that keep services from working correctly
00:51.50|Vulture|really... what services?
00:52.01bkw__like crashing asterisk
00:52.08bkw__a few times it crashed due to dundi
00:52.13bkw__and I don't wanna chance it to that gain
00:52.15bkw__er again
00:52.17|Vulture|oh... is that due to large traffic?
00:52.30twistedbkw, rename it
00:52.39|Vulture|okay my traffic is under 20 lines active at a time
00:52.54|Vulture|over the dundi network
00:53.04bkw__|Vulture|, what really made me noload it is the time that ass hat did dundi lookups for all NPA-NXX's
00:53.16bkw__and flooded the network
00:53.30twistedbkw__, did you ever find out who that was?  it pissed us and our connected peers off too
00:53.36|Vulture|yea... needs some protection
00:53.40bkw__yes I found out
00:53.46bkw__and commented out their entry in my conf
00:54.34bkw__in any case i'll see if I can sqliteify dundi
00:54.41bkw__it would benefit from it more than anything else
00:55.10*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
00:56.29|Vulture|bkw_: PostgreSQL or MySQL?
00:56.45|Vulture|hmm never used sqlite
00:56.56Juxtyou run realtime off sqllite?
00:57.00|Vulture|can * post cdr to sqlite?
00:57.05bkw__|Vulture|, yes
00:57.11bkw__you can run realtime off sqlite
00:57.12|Vulture|ah then I would go to sqlite
00:57.13bkw__with res_sqlite
00:57.18|Vulture|realtime... :P
00:57.33Juxti run off pgsql via odbc
00:57.33bkw__go to
00:57.36bkw__and get res_sqlite
00:57.38anthmwell, it doesnt do realtime actually
00:57.39Juxti wish there was direct access
00:57.51bkw__anthm, doh thats right it wasn't updated .. it can do static configs
00:57.54trymariel_: you around ?
00:57.54bkw__and an sqlite switch
00:57.56SwKthe problem with sqlite is all the other apps that have to interact with asterisk/realtime that are all written for pgsql or mysql heh
00:58.12|Vulture|bkw_: your running June 15th HEAD on production correct?
00:58.24anthmyou can use odbc_sqlite
00:58.26bkw__|Vulture|, yes let me check we had a patch for the CDR
00:58.27trymcould anyone have a look at please ?
00:58.34trymany help will be greatly apprechiated
00:59.09bkw__I want disastricks 2.0
00:59.14anthmres_sqlite could use realtime if somebody paypals *cough* persuades me to
00:59.31SwKbkw_: no you want asstricks2.0
00:59.41bkw__you're not right
00:59.53*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
00:59.53|Vulture|bkw_: just built a nice SuperMicro server and wanted to get it running pimped out
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01:00.02SwKbkw__: I am 100% accurate in that answer
01:00.10bkw__SwK, we'll see
01:00.11|Vulture|cause I am gunna use these from now on with an image... so I was gunna use sqlite if it works well
01:00.18SwKI just heart when chan_sip just hangs for no appearent reason
01:00.34bkw__backtrace that
01:00.41bkw__see wtf the threads are doing
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01:00.58SwKyeah I can just stop and backtrace that on a system with 250+ sip peers heh
01:01.05|Vulture|bkw_: do you know if sqlite has a graphical management interface like phpmyadmin?
01:01.23SwK(yes i know thats the problem heh)
01:01.58anthmbefore you get too into it, sqlite is not a db server it's a serverless db all contained in a file
01:02.32anthmwhen mixed with a server such as asterisk, then asterisk *IS* the sql server
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01:02.51|Vulture|hmm well maybe Ill wait to see if bkw_ puts it into DUNDi
01:02.51PatrickDKsqlite, is just that, lite
01:03.01PatrickDKit won't handle a very large disk i/o load
01:03.05harryvvso anyone sucessfully make asterisk work in fc4 i386?
01:03.24|Vulture|harryvv: uuuhhh oh... I am installing FC4 i386 right now
01:03.27PatrickDKbut that is only if you handling like what, 30+ calls a second
01:03.30|Vulture|your saying there are issues?
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01:03.51bkw__PatrickDK, you just showed you didn't even read the sqlite website
01:04.11PatrickDKbkw, I have, been around a year ago though
01:04.12harryvvno, im asking will there be issues. is this for a pentium of athlon/opteron/
01:04.25bkw__PatrickDKit won't handle a very large disk i/o load  <-- this is a totally false statement
01:04.34bkw__all databases would suffer the same in that respect
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01:04.51bkw__sqlite is nice because you can do in-memory databases
01:04.58sivanawow.. you need qualify with NAT peers?
01:05.05|Vulture|harryvv: I doubt there will be issues
01:05.20anthmthe very most sucky db known to humanity can hold it's weight against asterisk in full swing as long as you use the cache if it's doing realtime
01:05.32|Vulture|but I can tell you in 48hrs cause this box is going on production with 2xTE110P and 1xTDM cards
01:05.45anthmthe asterisk will explode well before the db even breaks a sweat
01:05.54anthmso use any db you want
01:05.58Qwellanthm: even with access?
01:06.17bkw__bet it would
01:06.41anthmhooked up to a dot matrix printer where a person then reads it to a guy with a pencil and paper would even work
01:07.30bkw__talk about locking retention on lookups
01:07.45blitzragebkw__: you're such a geek :)
01:08.12bkw__if you guys haven't.. you must listen to the Dawn and Drew show
01:08.13blitzragewho.. you?  naaaaah
01:08.28bkw__its in the podcast directory
01:08.55anthmif you dont use rtcache your choices are limited to Ldap or bind or something along those lines cos you will pointlessly look up the same info several times a minute
01:09.33anthmand realtime switch, dont go there
01:09.51bkw__oh hell no don't even pbx_realtime NEEDS TO DIE or learn how to cache
01:12.23*** join/#asterisk nDuff (
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01:14.06nDuffHow do I set caller ID for specific lines in a channel bank (connected to internal phones)? There's the "callerid=" option in zapata.conf, but I'm a little unclear on providing such info specific to individual channels.
01:14.19*** part/#asterisk CosmoCid (~cosmocid@
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01:15.25nDuffperhaps instead of channel => 25-48, I need to set "callerid=<whatever> channel=25 callerid=<whatever> chanel=26 ..."?
01:15.51sivananDuff: basically
01:16.02sivanayou have callerid= in each group
01:16.08QwellWhat would be nice...
01:16.18*** join/#asterisk mag_um (~mag_um@
01:16.27Qwellif you could do something like callerid=55512$CHANNEL
01:16.28Qwellor some such
01:18.58brendaAre they really any benefits to using a Sangoma card over a Digium card?
01:19.05brendacause the prices looks the same to me
01:20.24sivanabrenda: I personally like the Sangoma card better, I like the design, I like the software, I like the installation
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01:21.58sivanaI also have a TE405P and it works great too :)
01:22.48brendathe TE411P looks nice
01:24.44MikeJ[Laptop]we really need an independent analasis of the differen
01:24.54MikeJ[Laptop]ce beteween them...
01:26.26pussfellerwhen my calls are set to play music instead of ring when I dial, it only actually completes the call about 1/2 the time
01:30.01|Vulture|when was the TE411P released?
01:35.32*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
01:37.14*** join/#asterisk iheartcanada (
01:37.41iheartcanadahi guys, i wish i could find some definitive online page for this but so far no luck, what are the bare minimum ports to forward to make use of sjphone behind nat?
01:37.48*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
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01:38.34tessierIs it really necessary to require users to identify before joining the channel? I couldn't get in yesterday because services was down.
01:40.02colinm_iheartcanada: 5060-5063 udp, 10000-20000 udp (assuming default configuration)
01:40.14iheartcanadacolinm_: thanks bud
01:40.45iheartcanadahey what's the reason these protocols are so greedy with port usage?
01:41.10iheartcanadai can understand if it uses 10 ports, but god
01:41.25PatrickDKhmm, 1 port for control info
01:41.30PatrickDKand 2 ports for voice
01:41.53PatrickDKif you can handle multible calls at one num_calls*2 ports for voice
01:42.39iheartcanadaanyone registered at sipphone? want to do a test with me?
01:42.42colinm_iheartcanada: you can scale back the RTP ports (10000-20000) if you don't need it in your sip.conf.
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01:46.11sivanayou need qualify=yes with NAT peers?
01:48.00JerJer[mobile]you never ~need~ qualify
01:48.20sivanawhen I remove qualify on NAT peers, they can call out but don't receive calls in
01:48.31JerJer[mobile]then register
01:48.40sivanathese are with Sipura
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01:49.06sivanawhat do you mean register
01:49.20JerJer[mobile]have the device behind nat register to your proxy
01:49.42sivanais that a setting in the Sipura 3000s?
01:51.44JerJer[mobile]this is not a complex problem
01:51.46sivanamaybe I missed them then... thanks, I'll have to check out the options
01:51.49JerJer[mobile]it is very very standard SIP
01:52.08sivanaI'm pretty sure I have register<yes> in the settings
01:52.18tzafrirFor all ye vim folks: the vim syntax hilighting fails to identify stuff like:
01:52.35tzafrir${TIMEOUT-${CONTEXT} , that is
01:53.33tzafrir${TIMEOUT-${CONTEXT}} , that is
01:55.59*** join/#asterisk file (
02:01.43tengulreanybody know asterisk support more hardware?
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02:03.52sivanatengulre: what are you talking about?
02:07.49mag_umi would like to share with you about areski
02:08.04mag_umanyone good in this
02:08.10sivanawhat is it?
02:09.31*** join/#asterisk bonez41 (
02:10.29bonez41should I get sipura 2000, 2100 or something else? want to set up pbx at home... to route wife's business calls on 800 number, plus route my office calls to me at my office, from home..
02:11.40harryvvthat will work
02:13.39Kizmetbonez41, get a 3000 , from what i have heard they are much better .
02:14.32sivanabonez41: I can testify to that
02:16.30dikadikadoes anyone have experience with amp specifically how it stores its user files, the admin password i have should work but it does not
02:16.43*** part/#asterisk mag_um (~mag_um@
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02:22.00tzafrira sipura 2000 is only an FXS. IIRC, a sipura 3000 also provides an FXO
02:23.17*** join/#asterisk da_monumental_1 (
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02:43.42*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
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02:44.50file[laptop]how was your birthday?
02:45.08drumkillait was absolutely amazing
02:45.57file[laptop]despite me not being there?
02:46.07drumkillaI missed you.
02:47.34*** part/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
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02:49.56*** mode/#asterisk [+o kram] by ChanServ
02:50.12*** join/#asterisk masonc (~net@
02:52.04masoncOne of my asterisk servers just stops working, but there are no symptoms, CLI still works, no clues
02:52.08masoncanyone ever see this?
02:52.47tengulresivana, my means is asterisk can not support dialogic hardware!
02:53.16file[laptop]it can support it, you just have to pay for it
02:53.19*** join/#asterisk crash3m (crash3m@crash3m.user)
02:53.34*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
02:53.40mog_homepay with blooooood
02:53.51drumkillamog_home: off with your head!
02:54.03mog_homedrumkilla i lost my head long ago
02:54.11drumkillahaven't we all
02:54.17DA-MANdamn 1.0.8 lasted a whole day
02:54.27mog_homeit was out for a week
02:54.31drumkillaDA-MAN: ha
02:54.57drumkillaif you don't use CID matching, it doesn't matter
02:54.57DA-MANmog_home, been using head anyways, just funyn i guess
02:55.23masonccan anyone give me a clue where to start with this one
02:55.30drumkillawell, we're not going to leave it out there with something known to be broken
02:55.39drumkillaespecially as fundamental as CID matching in the dialplan
02:55.44drumkillait was completely borked
02:55.46DA-MANdrumkilla, it was known broken in 1.0.7
02:55.48mog_homemasonc, are you running head or stable?
02:55.58drumkillaDA-MAN: do what?
02:55.59masoncwhat do yu get from cvs
02:56.06masonc1.07 I think
02:56.21DA-MANdrumkilla, 1.0.7 == known cid matching probs
02:56.37*** join/#asterisk ghostxz (
02:56.50mog_homewell the first thing you should know is head is UNSTABLE...
02:57.00mog_homesecond you will probably need a backtrace
02:57.05drumkillaDA-MAN: well I really just *LOVE* how people don't tell me those thigns
02:57.06DA-MANmog_home, those are features not bugs
02:57.09mog_homeso we can see what thread it is stuck in
02:57.13mog_homei know
02:57.18mog_homeim loving my most recent one
02:57.19DA-MANdrumkilla, it was all over asterisk-users
02:57.23*** join/#asterisk jonas (
02:57.27shido6if your on the list
02:57.28masoncit stays up for days
02:57.30shido6you know whats up
02:57.32mog_homei cant connect to digium iax server over my account
02:57.36masoncthen just stops routing
02:57.39mog_homei have a 40ms ping time
02:57.40mog_homebut blahhh
02:57.49drumkillawell there is no way I can keep up with that list
02:57.52ghostxzis it posable to just run a VoIP server with asterisk, but not have it hooked up to a phone? and not other hardware besides a network card?
02:57.58*** join/#asterisk bewest (
02:58.01ghostxzlike have a client that connects
02:58.03DA-MANnot many people can hehe
02:58.32masonchow do I do a backtrace
02:58.46mog_homedo you have gdb installed?
02:58.46drumkillaif you're running head, there is a cool script to do it
02:58.51DA-MANsorry drumzilla, if I notice any weirdness for 1.0.9 in asterisk-users I let you know. didn't know you were the stable maintainer until i whois'd ya. Nice host btw
02:59.39drumkillaDA-MAN: hehe, thanks - i just got that hostmask yesterday or so
02:59.41DA-MANerr drumkilla
02:59.46masoncnice script for backtrace?
02:59.57drumkillamasonc: yeah, in contrib/scripts/
03:00.02drumkillaast_grab_core or something
03:00.13drumkillait'll grab a backtrace from the current running instance of Asterisk
03:00.27masoncdo I use it when it has stalled?
03:00.27drumkillaDA-MAN: I appreciate it.  I surely was not blaming anything on you personally
03:00.44*** join/#asterisk dca (
03:01.05DA-MANdrumkilla, no prob. if I'm gonna idle in here I might as well just check complaints against the bug db every now and then ;)
03:01.31*** join/#asterisk sarah_away (
03:01.53DA-MANhello SarahEmm
03:02.35blitzragedrumkilla: yo!
03:03.06blitzragefile[laptop]: zup
03:03.27file[laptop]just got back from geocaching, did some Summer of Code stuff, setup a UML for someone
03:03.30file[laptop]resting now
03:04.08file[laptop]go Google if you don't know what it is
03:04.10blitzragefile[laptop]: geocaching is kind coo :)
03:04.16file[laptop]blitzrage: yeah I bought a GPS ;
03:04.22DA-MANdrumzilla, you do the zaptel stuff too or just the asterisk?
03:04.22blitzragefile[laptop]: I want one of those
03:04.43robl^I want too..
03:04.49robl^what is it?
03:05.13SarahEmmblitzrage: you'll have the rest of the info tomorrow you think?
03:05.42drumkillaDA-MAN: I tagged everything
03:05.49drumkillabut there were only 2 changes total
03:05.51robl^blitzrage, latest AEL??  was more goodies added?
03:06.05drumkilla1 patch to asterisk, and a new pci id in one of the zaptel drivers
03:06.30blitzragerobl^: well, more since I used it last (a week before it was released)
03:06.37blitzrageSarahEmm: yes, in the morning
03:06.54robl^blitzrage, it still needs #include support!!
03:07.01SarahEmmblitzrage: okay. we'll see ;)
03:07.04blitzragedrumkilla: idea's on that?
03:08.07*** part/#asterisk da_monumental_1 (
03:08.28drumkillaideas on what
03:08.48blitzragedrumkilla: including external files iwth AEL
03:09.19drumkilla#include works, doesn't it?
03:09.31blitzragedrumkilla: apparently not (not verified by me... but robl^ )
03:09.58robl^I don't have the error at hand.. something about "#include" unknown root
03:10.24*** join/#asterisk ParagonC (
03:10.36masoncok, got the script, did teh backtrace, what do I do with it
03:11.03mog_homesend it to drumkilla ^_^
03:11.12blitzragerobl^: what was the line you used?
03:11.16robl^my dev box is getting an OS reinstall at the moment, so I can't try a reload
03:11.32ParagonCwhats a good softphone to use ? i have asterisks up and running - and can call in fromy my cell - but thats kind of worthless - i'd like to make outbound calls on my laptop using the standard mic / speakers
03:11.51robl^blitzrage, I tried "#include file.ael"  and "#include file.ael;"
03:11.51shido6or iaxcomm
03:12.12drumkilla#include "file.ael"
03:12.13drumkillaisn't it?
03:12.47|Vulture|hmm anyone install * on FC4 yet? I am getting some errors compiling libpri
03:12.59drumkillaerrors or warnings?
03:13.06|Vulture|make: *** [pri_facility.o] Error 1
03:13.10drumkillayou're going to get a bunch of warnings about pointer signedness
03:13.14robl^drumkilla, it gripes it doesn' know "#include".  its an unknown root.
03:13.31robl^blitzrage, turn verbose level to 4 and reload in console
03:13.57|Vulture|hmmm pastebin is down
03:14.20blitzragerobl^: nothing'
03:14.56|Vulture|maybe I should go back to FC3
03:15.04blitzragethere is it
03:15.04|Vulture|at least I know that works
03:15.05blitzrageJun 29 23:14:11 NOTICE[29000]: pbx_ael.c:1114 handle_root_token: Unknown root token '#include'
03:15.18robl^Jun 27 18:03:44 NOTICE[961]: pbx_ael.c:1114 handle_root_token: Unknown root token '#include'.
03:15.20shido6are you using FC anything?
03:15.42shido6are you looking for problems?
03:15.55|Vulture|FC3 worked fine for me
03:16.00blitzrageFC sux
03:16.02blitzrageuse CentOS
03:16.17ariel_I vote for CenOS as
03:16.41|Vulture|does CentOS have rpm?
03:17.04blitzrage|Vulture|: uhhhh... yah - its basically RHEL
03:17.31|Vulture|okay then I will know it.. I was just making sure it wasn't like totaly different like BSD
03:17.36ariel_|Vulture|, yes and yum, rpm's and even up2date if you want to use that slow thing.
03:17.39blitzragejbot: centos is better than Fedora Core
03:17.39jbotblitzrage: okay
03:17.49blitzragejbot: Fedora core sucks
03:17.51jbotmethinks centos is better than Fedora Core
03:17.54shido6thank you
03:17.56|Vulture|ariel_: oooo NICE
03:18.02jbotmethinks fedora is RedHat's alpha/beta distro made for testing out stuff to be put into RedHat later.
03:18.05SarahEmm~fedora core
03:18.05|Vulture|you running 4.1?
03:18.23blitzrageoh yah... stupid spaces :)
03:18.39ariel_|Vulture|, CentOS 4.1 is better then FC3... For my asterisk boxes I am using CentOS 3.5
03:18.40blitzrage|Vulture|: I've run it yah. Basically 3 is 2.4 kernel, 4.1 is 2.6 kernel
03:18.41robl^jbot: SarahEmm is kitrichernesses.
03:18.41jbotokay, robl^
03:18.52jbotrumour has it, sarahemm is kitrichernesses.
03:18.58jbotextra, extra, read all about it, blitzrage is a super cool fellow
03:18.59SarahEmmlol! nice
03:19.09drumkillai wonder what it has to say about me these days
03:19.11jbothmm... robl^ is the enemy
03:19.15jbotit has been said that drumkilla is Russell Bryant, the Asterisk release branch maintainer <>
03:19.23drumkillathat's not very exciting
03:19.24robl^*evil laughter*
03:19.25blitzragebooo, thats not cool :)
03:19.27jbothmm... bkw is wants to eat file's muffin
03:19.47|Vulture|Ill use 2.4 kernel seems more stable
03:19.56masoncis 1.08 a stable release?
03:20.09blitzrage1.0.8 <--- note the topic
03:20.09ariel_masonc, now 1.0.9 stable
03:20.32SarahEmmjbot doesn't know anything about file?
03:20.33drumkillamasonc: it's fine except for callerid matching in the dialplan
03:20.47file[laptop]jbot: file?
03:20.48jbothmm... file is a robot
03:21.06file[laptop]jbot: no, file is Joshua Colp, SIP guy at Asterlink <>
03:21.06jbotokay, file[laptop]
03:21.07jbotfrom memory, jbot is ibot's stupid cousin
03:21.30file[laptop]oh he has that module loaded... too bad
03:21.36file[laptop]jbot: file?
03:21.36jbotfile is probably Joshua Colp, SIP guy at Asterlink <>
03:21.41file[laptop]that works though ;)
03:21.44SarahEmmwhat module?
03:21.52file[laptop]allows you do a Debian lookup thing
03:21.54masoncwould I have problems with exten => _123434567,1,Dial(Something) on incoming sip calls?
03:21.54drumkillajbot: no, file is a silly muffin head man
03:21.54jbotokay, drumkilla
03:21.56file[laptop]~file ssh
03:22.12jbottwisted is probably, but you can paypal him at
03:22.28shido6masonc what are you trying to do?
03:22.30file[laptop]drumkilla: you're silly!
03:22.51|Vulture|ariel_: do you know if CentOS 3.5 supports SATA?
03:22.59masonccall comes to context [provicer-in]
03:23.09masoncI want to match the number called
03:23.18robl^anywya..  we need #include in AEL!  :)
03:23.24ariel_SATA Yes I have it working on 2 dells with sata
03:23.29file[laptop]okay everyone, we need singing trolls!
03:23.31masoncas the provider has given me three DIDs
03:23.33|Vulture|ariel_: thats all I neede ;)
03:23.34drumkillarobl^: yeah, it's not a completely trivial patch to write
03:23.56drumkillabut it'll get added soon enough
03:23.59ariel_|Vulture|, wait which ones are you using raid? type?
03:24.02drumkillathat's an obvious feature to have
03:24.09blitzragerobl^: you can just do the includes from for now
03:24.27drumkillafile[laptop]: you like to touch me a lot
03:24.30masoncwill try 1.09 tomorrow
03:24.35file[laptop]I'm a touchy feely person
03:24.40blitzragealthough I suppose if its done in AEL it probably won't get parsed correctly...
03:24.40file[laptop]you should know that
03:25.06file[laptop]blitzrage: I WILL give you a hug
03:25.15blitzragefile[laptop]: nope - I don't really like people touching me
03:25.17|Vulture|ariel_: they are non-raid Intel ICH6R
03:25.22file[laptop]blitzrage: too bad
03:25.30SarahEmmaww :(
03:25.30ariel_|Vulture|, no problem then.
03:25.35robl^drumkilla, esp since the README.configuration says "In all of the configuration files, you may include the content of another
03:25.35robl^file with the #include statement."  :)
03:25.42harryvvwhich sound app plays vm across the phone?
03:25.45drumkillayeah yeah
03:25.48blitzragerobl^: you can - thats not #include
03:25.55blitzragerobl^: thats a context include
03:26.06drumkillait's *not* a config file!
03:26.10SarahEmm#include ostriches
03:26.12drumkillaso THERE!
03:26.14shido6Im not an Asterisk whore
03:26.20|Vulture|ariel_: okay I am trying my new SuperMicro servers was only like $750 and can handle a lot of traffic
03:26.29harryvvdrumkilla you know of anyone running asterisk on fc3 x86_64?
03:26.31robl^drumkilla, I don't like you any more!  hrmpf! :)
03:26.34blitzragedrumkilla: huh?
03:26.39drumkillaharryvv: we have them in the office for testing
03:26.48drumkillablitzrage: it's a programming language, not a conf file
03:26.57harryvvdrumkilla: ever get mpg123 working on them?
03:27.05drumkillabut what we did
03:27.06blitzragedrumkilla: #include's should work then :)
03:27.10harryvvI am having hard time.
03:27.11drumkillais we built a 32-bit binary
03:27.14drumkillaand run it on both
03:27.28drumkillawe had trouble as well
03:27.33harryvvwell, doing everyhthing i know of plus some advice from others.
03:27.37drumkillabut it works now
03:27.45harryvvI would like to know what you did
03:28.01drumkillawell, we just built it on a 32-bit box ...
03:28.08harryvvI cannot get moh to work
03:28.12harryvvyea thats what i thought
03:28.17drumkillawe have a lot of servers for business edition testing
03:28.36*** join/#asterisk Pete_Largo (
03:28.43blitzragedrumkilla: liar!
03:28.52robl^is business edition in cvs or is it a private branch ?
03:29.06drumkillait's private
03:29.11harryvvwhats the biggest asterisk install you have done?
03:29.12blitzragerobl^: you buy business edition - based on CVS :)
03:29.16drumkillait doesn't have any features that the open source version does not have
03:29.23blitzragedrumkilla: it has less :)
03:29.33file[laptop]it's the stuff that won't go KABOOM
03:29.42harryvvdrumkilla:  whats the biggest one you have done so far.
03:29.43drumkillait was a snapshot taken a while back
03:29.49drumkillawith only bug fixes added since then
03:29.52robl^I have no baboom..
03:29.58drumkillaharryvv: biggest what
03:30.04harryvvasterisk phone install
03:30.13masoncI just did 60
03:30.30harryvvdecent sized install
03:30.45drumkillanothing really official
03:30.45file[laptop]so... tired...
03:30.52blitzragewhats a good way of writing and retrieving info from a postgres database from the dialplan that isn't going to become obsolete?
03:30.53ariel_harryvv, what do you call decent size?
03:30.55drumkillait's all in my head!
03:31.02drumkillablitzrage: hahaha
03:31.06blitzragedrumkilla: damn you!
03:31.06file[laptop]drumkilla: just like me! NOOOOOO!
03:31.32blitzragedrumkilla: I'm serious!
03:31.41harryvvariel well I guess there is no gage to compare it to. Biggest voip system I seen install was 1,500 phones in a 9 site location for a city hall and its offices.
03:31.45harryvvand lots of problems with it
03:31.51harryvvthat was a nortel install
03:31.53drumkillameep meep!
03:32.04file[laptop]drumkilla: you're meeping great
03:32.08drumkillai know of asterisk installs as big as 40,000 seats
03:32.17ariel_harryvv, ok .. my biggest is 9 servers and 2300 and counting users.
03:32.27drumkillaariel_: nice!
03:32.33harryvvariel, thats impressive
03:32.34SarahEmmjbot, meow!
03:32.34jbotjbot: woem
03:32.40drumkillajbot: die
03:32.40jbotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
03:32.45SarahEmmjbot: hoot!
03:32.55drumkillajbot: tackle file
03:32.55jbotACTION tackles file to the ground.
03:32.57blitzragewow... Homolka is so screwed - judge refused to give her a media ban
03:33.02harryvvarial, ever figure out a majic number what system can handle the most amount of seats?
03:33.12ariel_3 of the boxes are just asterisk to sip gateways with 3 digium TE410 in each.
03:33.22drumkilla3?  wowsers
03:33.25harryvvblitzrage:  yea I have been watching that to.
03:33.29shido6too many variables to find a magic number
03:33.46drumkillajbot: smack file
03:33.46jbotACTION smacks file upside the head.
03:33.50harryvvshido6: I sure a chart could be made up.
03:33.55drumkillagood night all!
03:33.57masoncanyone ever come up with a decent fax solution, in and out to normal fax machines?
03:33.57file[laptop]drumkilla: you're so abusive
03:33.59harryvvlike that of a smith chart :)
03:34.04drumkillai love you, file[laptop]
03:34.08shido6that would be a huge chart - you mean a database
03:34.09ariel_drumkilla, there just running connections to adtrans 750 nothing else but a 1 gig fiber between them and the asterisk farm.
03:34.19blitzragedrumkilla: night
03:34.23drumkillaariel_: that's cool
03:34.27shido6plug in mobo model, memory speed, proc, power supply model number and it shits a number
03:34.34file[laptop]drumkilla: sweet dreams
03:34.35blitzragefile[laptop]: are you just going to laugh at me too regarding the SQL info pulling/writing? :)
03:35.00file[laptop]blitzrage: maybe chuckle
03:35.19drumkillablitzrage: anything could become obsolete
03:35.25drumkillalook at what we've done to dialplan writing
03:35.30drumkillafunctions, now AEL
03:35.41harryvvvoipjet is having some fits with being reachable.
03:35.56shido6maybe their next to go :)
03:36.13blitzragedrumkilla: well, AEL doesn't really kill extensions.conf :)
03:36.27harryvvarial, so what long distance voip carrier have you had the most luck with
03:36.40drumkillablitzrage: indeed
03:36.48drumkillathere are things you can do in .conf that you can not do in .ael
03:36.56drumkillait's cool though, because you can use both :)
03:36.56blitzragedrumkilla: right
03:37.01blitzragedrumkilla: yah, thats what I like
03:37.25SarahEmmblitzrage: one more thing, ETA on install of a 416 DID and a custom-number tollfree :)
03:37.57blitzrageSarahEmm: I have to see if we have any 416 DIDs ready to go - tollfree probably 2 weeks...
03:38.07ariel_well it's late and I need to go to an early appointment. See you all in the morning.
03:38.37SarahEmmblitzrage: hrm. okay
03:38.42masoncblitzrage: What company are you?
03:39.02masoncSorry for the ignorance
03:39.08harryvvinteresting sixtel is having some issues now.
03:39.15blitzragemasonc: its ok, quite new :)
03:40.36harryvvblitzrage: how is it going compared to the compitition
03:41.35blitzrageharryvv: too early to tell right now. Still trying to get features and such implemented, but the service seems to be rock solid so far (I'm using it as my main phone circuit)
03:42.05file[laptop]and you have to join it because blitzrage is hot
03:42.45masonclooks like you are aiming for the residential market
03:42.54harryvvwell I would like to start a service here but doing biz here is costly.
03:42.58masoncany BYOD stuff?
03:43.04SarahEmmblitzrage: also, contract length? is there any?
03:43.09blitzragemasonc: partially - we're going for both commercial and residential
03:43.13blitzrageSarahEmm: month to month
03:43.38blitzragemasonc: Bring Your Own Device?
03:43.45SarahEmmblitzrage: cool
03:43.46masoncas n Asterisk
03:44.01blitzragemasonc: I don't think I understand what you're asking. Yes, we use Asterisk :)
03:44.12masoncbut what if I want to
03:44.20masoncin other words, IAX?
03:44.29blitzragemasonc: yes, both SIP and IAX2 termination.
03:44.31SarahEmmblitzrage: he wants to use his own device, not the ATA or whatever mixnet provides
03:44.38robl^blitzrage, he wants to IAX2 trunk you! :)
03:44.46masonctrunk me baby
03:44.46blitzragewho doesn't...
03:45.06blitzragemasonc: yes, but one of the provision's is that it isn't going into an auto-attendent
03:45.15SarahEmmyou didn't mention that
03:45.41SarahEmmblitzrage: i'm planning to send mine into something resembling one. that's an issue?
03:45.44*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
03:45.53file[laptop]look what you did blitzrage!
03:46.04harryvvthinking about that ch-47 that was shot down. We had one in our hangar 15 years ago and was the first such prototype.
03:46.05blitzrageSarahEmm: let me double check that for you - I remember overhearing it today
03:46.21SarahEmmblitzrage: uhh, okay.
03:46.29SarahEmmblitzrage: how do you define 'autoattendant' anyway?
03:46.32masoncharryvv: where is here?
03:46.43file[laptop]DarthClue: hrm no :P
03:46.46blitzrageSarahEmm: basically somethign that is using minutes that isn't you talking I think
03:47.07SarahEmmblitzrage: err.... okay
03:47.21SarahEmmnot being able to send it into an autoattendant is something i don't want.
03:47.28SarahEmmwow, good use of double negatives sarah.
03:47.31masonca provider that dictates how you answer your phone
03:47.31blitzragelol an answering machine is not allowed
03:47.48SarahEmmblitzrage: what's your policy on using TTY over it? :P
03:48.03blitzrageSarahEmm: I don't think we have a policy regarding that :)
03:48.04robl^SarahEmm, you know.  "Press 2 to listen to Alison call you dirty names.  Press 3 to talk to nude Teltubbies.."
03:48.27SarahEmmrobl^: hehee
03:48.42blitzragemasonc: well, the residential service isn't really designed to go into a business style PBX :)
03:48.45SarahEmmmasonc: text telephone, for hard of hearing / speech impaired / etc ppls
03:48.47harryvvmasonc: I was assined to the 1550th combat crew training wing which eventually formed ito a special operation wing. US army had a prototype CH-47 Special Ops chinook in our hangar. The aircraft was badly damaged fromt its very first Air refueling missing when the pilot, a army captain misjudgd the distance to the air refueling drouge trailing the C-130 and the rotor blades got tangled up in it. The end result was large chunks of roto
03:48.56blitzragemasonc: that'd be a commercial service - but I don't think we're going to be nazi's about it :)
03:49.10robl^jbot: TTY is text telephone, for hard of hearing / speech impaired / etc ppls
03:49.10jbotrobl^: okay
03:49.12SarahEmmmasonc: i use a TTY over POTS now, i'm adding lots of TTY functionality to * lately, and am going to try to rig something up over VoIP
03:49.31blitzrageSarahEmm: cool - I'm installing a HEAD box, so we can make it work for you :)
03:49.42blitzrageand for those who need HEAD functionality
03:49.45harryvvIt was a ugly thing to see but luckily it made it back.
03:49.52SarahEmmblitzrage: heh :)
03:50.09shido6hey blitzrage
03:50.13blitzragehey shido6
03:50.14SarahEmmblitzrage: so, if you could find out setup fees for a custom TF and a 416 DID, and ETA for provisioning said
03:50.18SarahEmmblitzrage: and about autoattendants
03:50.23shido6how much would you sell your company for
03:50.34blitzrageshido6: 1 billion dollars
03:50.34*** join/#asterisk cchasg (~cchasg@
03:50.51blitzrageshido6: I'm not in the position to sell it :)
03:50.55JerJer[mobile]two zig zags and a colt 45
03:51.01harryvvWe had probebly 1 billion dollars of aircraft in our hangars :)
03:51.25cchasganyone having issues with voicepulse connect right now?
03:51.28masoncblitzrage: E911 - any plans
03:51.37blitzragemasonc: yes, we have plans :)
03:52.05masoncI'd hate for it to kill off the good guys
03:52.53robl^you don't *have* to provide E911, if I understand correctly.. You just gotta make sure the customer no they don't get E911
03:52.55blitzrageI'm sure it won't - lots of room for everyone :)
03:53.10blitzragerobl^: really? I'd like that to be the case.
03:53.27blitzragerobl^: but we're looking at providing it.
03:53.39harryvvThere would be no issues with 911 here. The entire lower mainland is tied into one building for 911 calls.
03:53.54harryvvjust hook up any phone line in any city and it goes to the same building.
03:53.57masoncand again, where is here
03:53.58harryvvfor 911 calls.
03:53.59robl^blitzrage, I am pretty certain that is the way it works.  You have to make the customer aware (sign a waiver?) that E911 is not offered in the service
03:54.21cchasgor is iax2 broken in head?
03:54.24blitzragerobl^: hrmmmm... quite possible
03:54.30masoncno, I think this is a US issue
03:54.47masoncalthough, in reality, it's an issue for eveyone
03:54.48blitzragenote: mixnetworks is not *my* company :)
03:55.23blitzragemasonc: right - probably a Canadian issue within the next year or two though
03:55.38robl^anyone know what "dot" is?  I am trying to make progdocs and its telling me it can't find "dot"
03:55.49SarahEmmrobl^: . . . . . . . .
03:55.51SarahEmmthat help?
03:56.04harryvvDarth, my location is classified? depends what day of the week :)
03:56.54robl^blitzrage, yeah! :)
03:57.01masoncyeah, dot refers to an appication you need, can't remeber what but it's in the INSTALL file I think
03:57.12blitzrageJunK-Y: you around?
03:57.33robl^"Problems running dot. Check your installation! sh: dot: command not found"
03:58.02robl^masonc, there is no INSTALL file :)
03:58.29masonchmm, I just read it somewhere
03:58.37brendaIs there anyone that offers SIP or IAX termination across a dedicated pipe?
03:58.47masoncit was latex or something
03:58.49DarthCluebrenda: dedicated pipe?
03:58.50shido6british columbia, harryvv
03:59.00harryvvyes vancouver bc
03:59.10brendaDarthClue: like a T1 or whatever
03:59.24robl^masonc, yeah. it has somethign to do with doxygen / latex and friends.. but I can't quite figure out what I am missing
03:59.55masoncthere's a requirements list somewhere
04:00.12DarthCluebrenda: i doubt it.
04:00.23bewestI think dot is part of graphiz or something
04:00.29masonc+ **Note** This requires that you have      +
04:01.07masoncI guess that covers it
04:02.00brendaDarthClue: hmm... I guess I'd be better off getting dedicated LD from an LD carrier anyway
04:02.29shido6you're right
04:02.36robl^I have doxygen installed on this box but.. hgrmm. graphviz
04:02.40shido6if you dont mind them telling "Elbows on the table, Ma'am."
04:02.41DarthCluebrenda: cost wise, a dedicated ld pri would probably be cheaper
04:03.33shido6the Genuine Honey labatt beer isnt too bad
04:03.39shido6i still like coors light
04:03.51shido625 bucks cdn for 24
04:04.01shido6Coors Light, yes
04:04.04shido6I said it
04:04.07pwacemitbeer sucks.
04:04.11pwacemitpeopel who drink it suck more
04:04.16blitzrageCoors Lite? eww
04:04.17Juggieshido6, where do you buy beer.
04:04.22shido6where else?
04:04.25shido6The Beer Store
04:04.27blitzragepwacemit: we wouldn't get along :)
04:04.30blitzrageThe Beer Store!
04:04.37Juggieahh.... the 24 of coors is 27 not 25
04:04.43Juggiei buy my beer in quebec
04:04.45shido6but the genuine honey
04:04.57Juggie21.95 for a 24
04:05.01shido6they say its got honey in it
04:05.14shido6if thats so it needs a helluva lot more
04:05.29Juggiego to loblaws in quebec
04:05.31robl^woot!  graphviz was the culprit hiding "dot"
04:05.32Juggieand buy beer :)
04:05.54Juggiethats where i get mine
04:05.58shido6I used to hit "Loeb" a lot when I was in Ottawa
04:06.02Juggiedrive across the bridge to gatineau
04:06.06Juggieloeb doesnt sell beer
04:06.09shido6every other day I was in that place buying food
04:06.13Juggieloeb is a crap supermarket too
04:06.16Juggieloblaws is way better
04:06.27shido6but loweb was a block away
04:06.35robl^oh yeah!  walmart is better!
04:06.37shido6loblaws required a bus trip
04:07.27Juggiewhich loeb?
04:07.30Juggiethe one on rideau?
04:07.35shido6oh shit...
04:07.39shido6Im not saying anything else
04:08.10Juggiedont know beachwood
04:08.16Qwellhe made it up :D
04:08.18shido6almost downtown
04:08.24shido6vanier ish
04:08.29shido6Vanier Parkway ish
04:08.32masoncwhat does this error mean on starting asterisk  Section 'authentication' lacks type
04:08.34Juggietheres a new loblaws in vanier now
04:08.35Juggiehuge one
04:08.45Juggievanier is a crappy area
04:08.48Juggiei live in barrhaven
04:08.49blitzragecool! I just checked a server I have running somewhere: 23:57:57  up 221 days,  7:00,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
04:09.07pwacemitwhats cool about that?
04:09.19blitzragethat fact I havn't looked at the uptime in that long
04:09.20pwacemityou got an obviously unused server sitting doing nothing, collecting uptime.
04:09.21shido6all the ambASSadors live around there, is that why its crappy?
04:09.25Juggie[juggie@stumpy juggie]$ uptime
04:09.25Juggie01:44:55 up 122 days, 3:05, 5 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
04:09.27blitzragepwacemit: yep :)
04:09.50Juggieeveryone can show a big uptime these days :)
04:09.56pwacemitBoot time: 2003/04/08 22:18:19 +09:00
04:09.56pwacemitCurrent time: 2005/06/30 13:05:55 +09:00
04:09.56pwacemitElapsed time from boot: 813days 14:47:36
04:10.06pwacemitthats my isdn adapter
04:10.09blitzragethats pretty long :)
04:10.37shido6uptime is like "yeah, I can last all night long..." but when they do that booty thing its over...
04:10.49shido6give me a couple minutes...
04:10.59shido6are you ready??!!
04:11.05shido6Im still bootin babe, damn
04:11.11shido6give me a few more mintues
04:11.26masoncwhat uses [authentication] - only sip, right?
04:12.25masonchmm, can't see it missing
04:12.43masoncjust upgraded to 1.09, can't restart asterisk
04:16.41SarahEmmwhat putout?
04:17.43masoncBroken pipe
04:17.48robl^SarahEmm, putout == what most teen boys want their date to do on prom :)
04:18.22SarahEmm*blinks at 'sarahemm, putout'
04:18.38*** join/#asterisk jfonsecausa (
04:18.43robl^I wanna watch Edel & Starck!!!!
04:25.25blitzragerobl^: I didn't get so lucky on prom night
04:25.32blitzragerobl^: worst g/f ever :)
04:26.54Pete_Largoyou are not alone blitzrage
04:29.36*** join/#asterisk CpuID (
04:29.41|Vulture|hahaha I have the best prom story
04:29.54CpuIDhey ppls, anyone here pretty familiar with queue configuration? just came across an interesting thing, with the audio file playback
04:30.13|Vulture|yet it doesn't include sex...
04:30.20CpuIDive got a queue-thankyou message, which gets played at intervals fine
04:30.47CpuIDbut...the queue-youarenext is played at the start of the call as well, which i kinda dont want
04:30.59CpuIDi could be wrong here, that dont sound right
04:31.16shido6$250 and its fixed
04:31.23shido6ok ok
04:32.07CpuIDok, its more like, id prefer to have it say the thankyou message before it says the queue position
04:32.29shido6screw you , youre number 567, wait bio0tch
04:32.42shido6yes its possible, CpuID
04:32.52shido6just needs some dialplan logic magic pixie dust
04:32.56CpuIDwhat option should i be reading up on?
04:33.24shido6the one where you click on the bottom button at
04:33.29CpuIDhmm, maybe i should just have the you are next in the queue message redone, a little shorter
04:33.39CpuIDlol get over it :)
04:33.51CpuIDi just want advice, not a prewritten config, i aint no goon ;)
04:34.13shido6from super mario
04:35.36shido6hey hey hey!!!
04:35.43shido6watch the equipment
04:35.59|Vulture|nufone's new website is pretty nice
04:36.12|Vulture|looks like a real site :P
04:36.15shido6soon as jerjer finishes his new app
04:36.18shido6we'll launch the sucker
04:36.43|Vulture|JerJer loves the compliments
04:37.05shido6i cant talk
04:37.11shido6I have to finish tutorials
04:39.07shido6sometimes I wish i could go back in time when KFC sold a large bucket of chicken, when burger kings whopper seemed to not fit in one hand, when the Amiga was "ths shit" and the commodore 64 was in public schools.
04:39.25*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:39.52shido6then i would sell all my PAP2's at $500 each
04:40.23shido6whens this beer supposed to wear off
04:40.52DarthClueWhere is the new site?
04:40.58shido6no where
04:41.14shido6its under there...
04:41.19DarthClueWhat?  No preview?  Come On!  I won't tell, i swear.
04:41.45shido6~jbot Nufone
04:41.45jbotrumour has it, nufone is Visit for an excellent, native IAX termination service.
04:41.51shido6~jbot shido6
04:41.58shido6~jbot JerJer
04:41.58jbotfrom memory, jerjer is the guy who runs nufone
04:42.28DarthClueyeah, yeah, yeah. looks like the same old shit.  Where's the good stuff?
04:42.40blitzragegone to bed-  night!
04:42.47DarthCluenite blitz.
04:42.52shido6I'll Leif ya alone
04:43.35SarahEmmnini blitzrage
04:44.08*** join/#asterisk masonc (~net@
04:45.03*** join/#asterisk Qorky (~Pooa@
04:47.57*** part/#asterisk ParagonC (
04:48.14bkw__ok what is up in here
04:48.23bkw__guess we ran timecop off?
04:48.39SarahEmmwe did
04:48.42SarahEmmnot too much up here
04:48.45SarahEmmwe're playing with jbot ;)
04:49.54twistedjbot: slap bkw_
04:49.54jbotACTION slaps bkw_, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
04:49.54DarthClueWhat?  timecop was here and I missed it?
04:50.16twistedjbot: that wasn't his finger
04:54.41*** join/#asterisk SwK (
04:56.16*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
04:57.54MikeJ[Laptop]I got my stuff working :)
05:01.51MikeJ[Laptop]it's oh so quite... do do do do.. do do do do.... -bjork
05:01.51*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
05:02.27*** join/#asterisk Pete_Largo (
05:04.29SarahEmmhiya kram
05:04.47kramhi there :)
05:04.57MikeJ[Laptop]what's up stranger/
05:05.03Qwellkram: y0
05:05.22kramhi qwell: did you get it?
05:05.35Qwellkram: you know...I haven't checked my mail since Wednesday
05:05.46kramit was sent UPS!
05:05.54kramlike a week ago at least
05:06.09kram*searches for UPS tracking number*
05:06.25MikeJ[Laptop]you sent him a pen didn't you
05:06.35MikeJ[Laptop]wtf is up with mantis?
05:06.44wunderkinits praying
05:07.18SarahEmmmantis looks ok to me, what's up MikeJ[Laptop]?
05:08.05*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
05:08.05kramit says signed for by "snow"
05:08.39MikeJ[Laptop]mine was signed for by water
05:08.45MikeJ[Laptop]it was hot here
05:08.52wunderkinwhat about earth and wind?
05:09.01MikeJ[Laptop]they work downstairs
05:09.03Qwellkram: got a tracking number?  I'll call them, and see wtf is up
05:09.12MikeJ[Laptop]then kick em in the head
05:09.19DarthCluedeath signed for mine.  Some misunderstanding about hell freezing over.
05:09.32wunderkinthe pig did it
05:09.43wunderkinthe flying pig
05:09.44MikeJ[Laptop]hey, somone other than me test my stuff..
05:09.59MikeJ[Laptop]please :D
05:10.17MikeJ[Laptop]it's a nice toy that you want too...
05:10.49MikeJ[Laptop]you know you want it...
05:11.21MikeJ[Laptop]DarthClue, wassup
05:11.57DarthClueMikeJ: probably the moon by now.
05:14.55bkw__have I said how much I love sqlite today?
05:15.32DarthCluebkw__: no, but if you do, we may have to silence you.
05:15.43bkw__oh I just had an idea
05:15.57bkw__now to find a mms decoder in perl
05:16.30MikeJ[Laptop]go boi go
05:16.56MikeJ[Laptop]wow, it's quiet
05:17.07MikeJ[Laptop]pick it up, pick it up, pick it up.....
05:17.20MikeJ[Laptop]lets get a beat going....
05:17.35MikeJ[Laptop]c'mon party people...
05:19.56masoncshhh, be werry werry quiet
05:19.57twistedHELLS YEA
05:20.01twistedi'm a rock star!
05:20.17bkw__more like a cock star
05:20.30|Vulture|wait.. I heard cock star
05:20.32twistedwell, it's a star of a DIFFERENT kinda
05:20.44twisted*kinda music
05:21.12twistedheh, nah, my friend called me and wants me to help promote their album
05:21.13denonman, leave this place alone for a few hours ..
05:21.16denonand you guys go nuts :)
05:21.35MikeJ[Laptop]WOO HOOO
05:21.44MikeJ[Laptop]somone turn on the lights
05:22.14MikeJ[Laptop]shiny bright teeth
05:22.22MikeJ[Laptop]hey, test my shiz
05:22.41MikeJ[Laptop]I'm gunna be a naggy bitch till somone does
05:22.56SarahEmmMikeJ[Laptop]: test mine first! :P
05:22.59MikeJ[Laptop]and everyone knows how much of a naggy bitch I can be
05:23.05MikeJ[Laptop]SarahEmm, what's yours?
05:23.05SarahEmmof course mine requires you have a TTY to test it
05:23.14SarahEmmMikeJ[Laptop]: fixing the TTY functionality string handlingness
05:23.14MikeJ[Laptop]that is what I thought
05:23.21SarahEmmnobody can really ever test my patches :P
05:23.21twistedbugbot is dead
05:23.53MikeJ[Laptop]you just need to talk rough with him and he listens
05:24.02twistedi noticed
05:24.03denonSarahEmm's just being difficult .. again
05:24.13SarahEmmhow so?
05:24.21denon/j #asterisk-without-twisted
05:24.34twistedi can fix that denon ;)
05:24.45MikeJ[Laptop]there is no #asterisk without twisted...
05:24.57denonSarahEmm: dont tell me your memory is that short ..
05:24.58MikeJ[Laptop]you can make asterisk w/o denon?
05:25.22MikeJ[Laptop]./kick ....
05:25.26SarahEmmdenon: huh? evidently it is.. confused
05:25.53MikeJ[Laptop]it was that thing about the monkey and the midgit
05:26.10MikeJ[Laptop]cmon party people.. throw your hands in the air....
05:26.30|Vulture|come on party people.. wave em like you just don't care
05:26.34SarahEmmdenon: oh lol
05:26.38denonnoow you remember?
05:26.41SarahEmmi remember *that*
05:26.52denonthought you might :)
05:26.59MikeJ[Laptop]the monkey thing/
05:27.16twistedmonkeys, lesbians, soy, oy!
05:27.31SarahEmmdenon: i thought you meant something about me submitting patches nobody else has the ability to test
05:27.36denonnah, its a kitrich thing
05:27.40MikeJ[Laptop]monkeys and lesbians and soy, OH MY!
05:27.41twisted(that was a very obscure quote)
05:28.25MikeJ[Laptop]missed the reference
05:28.34twistedlike I said: obscure.
05:29.05MikeJ[Laptop]a severe thundersortm warning continues until 1230....
05:29.34MikeJ[Laptop]bullshit.. he's just hiding
05:29.34twistedwarn that storm!
05:29.51masoncI'm hacing a problem building cdr_addon_mysql - could there be a problem withMySQL4.1?
05:29.52MikeJ[Laptop]anderson cooper is on conan
05:30.01masoncIhave MySQL-devel
05:30.10MikeJ[Laptop]masoncm thre could be many problems.
05:30.30MikeJ[Laptop]there could be a problem with my tummy being upset..
05:30.49masoncit says no such directory - /usr/include/mysql - but it exists
05:30.49MikeJ[Laptop]ahhhh that's better
05:30.58MikeJ[Laptop]ahhh... well that is a little more info
05:31.08MikeJ[Laptop]are you sure
05:31.23MikeJ[Laptop]are you root?
05:31.34MikeJ[Laptop]to which, or bot?
05:31.43masoncI am root
05:31.56MikeJ[Laptop]so your not sure it exists?
05:31.58masoncand there are header files in that directory
05:32.09MikeJ[Laptop]oh, well why didn't you say so
05:32.24masoncthe mysql version is 4.1.10
05:32.24MikeJ[Laptop]head or stable?
05:32.45masoncjust downloaded the tarballs, built asterisk et al
05:32.51masoncthat's working
05:32.58MikeJ[Laptop]and you are using the addons tarballs as well?
05:32.58masoncbut the addon won't compile
05:33.08masoncdownloaded tarball
05:33.18MikeJ[Laptop]no idea, never used stable
05:33.41MikeJ[Laptop]I've made patches for it!
05:33.57MikeJ[Laptop]but never did more than compile it, and not addons
05:34.46*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
05:34.52*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
05:35.04SarahEmmwheee. failing over from wired to wireless on windows is less than seamless.
05:35.37MikeJ[Laptop]at my inlaws, everytime somone turns on one of the cordless phones, wireless dies....
05:36.05twistedMikeJ[Laptop], lol
05:36.11twistedMikeJ[Laptop], get them 5.8 ghz
05:36.34MikeJ[Laptop]ummm.. changed the wifi channel.. think it fixed it
05:37.26twistedi've thought about building a wifi jammer out of an old microwave
05:37.32twistedbut i decided i wanted to also preserve life.
05:37.40twisted(mine, in particular)
05:39.09DarthCluewifi jammer == tin-foil insulation
05:39.39twistedi mean to jam other people's wifi
05:39.40twistednot mine.
05:40.01twistedlike a very directional microwave blaster
05:41.28twistedif i can find a neighbor who can use my wifi without asking, more power to them
05:42.10MikeJ[Laptop]forget microwaves.. just use some sucky radioshack 2.4 ghz corless and your all good
05:43.24Pete_LargoI have a question/problem...  on internal sip to sip calls the caller has to wait an eternity before the call is connected (literally 10 seconds before the callee's phone rings).  Where can I change this?  is this an inter-digit timeout problem, or something more sinister (I thougth that * would dial immediately if the dialed number matched something in the dial plan)?
05:43.38|Vulture|you could use copper mesh inside your walls...
05:43.42QwellPete_Largo: only if it only matches one thing
05:43.50|Vulture|of course that would eliminate all radio signals...
05:43.53Qwellie; if you have a _X., don't expect it to work
05:43.56|Vulture|no cell phones... radios... wifi
05:44.12Pete_Largowell... yes, but still, 10 seconds (literally) of digit timeout?
05:44.25QwellPete_Largo: check your digittimeout
05:44.25MikeJ[Laptop]Pete_Largo, ummmm... if it is a sip to sip calll.. the phone is where the timout is, not *
05:44.29MikeJ[Laptop]what phones?
05:44.34Qwellwell, and that
05:44.37MikeJ[Laptop]the calling phone
05:44.44Pete_Largowell, I was testing using a SPA-2000 to a GXP-2000
05:44.55|Vulture|I like the SPA-2000
05:45.00|Vulture|I still need to try out the IAXy
05:45.08MikeJ[Laptop]ok, so your dialplan on the spa is waiting for more digits
05:45.15|Vulture|can you set CID on the IAXy?
05:45.24Pete_Largohmm, on a hunch I tried GXP ==> SPA and it is only 3 seconds that way... some setting in the SPA then...
05:45.32MikeJ[Laptop]so set it to be more specific to what could be called, and you will likely get rid of that
05:45.34|Vulture|like on the actual unit, not from *
05:46.16MikeJ[Laptop]set the spa dialplan to only be what you want to call from it specifically, and that will go away, no overlapping patterns
05:46.44MikeJ[Laptop]ie, all external calls start with 1, so no 1xx or 1xxx extensions
05:47.05SarahEmmwoo! iaxy isn't configured over the FXS port :P
05:47.07MikeJ[Laptop]I like no overlapping patterns
05:47.08Pete_Largoah, but I do have 1xxx extensions
05:47.19MikeJ[Laptop]none of this _X. crap
05:47.20Pete_Largo10xx to be exact
05:47.37QwellPete_Largo: get rid of them :D
05:47.46Pete_Largo1001, 1002, 1003, etc
05:47.53MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, don't do that
05:48.18MikeJ[Laptop]or use a 9 for outside as an alt
05:48.22Pete_Largothat's like basic pbx numbering philosophy there.  start at 100 or 1000 and work your way up :)
05:48.49|Vulture|I use 9 for outside and 7 for interoffice ;)
05:48.56MikeJ[Laptop]I either don't use 1.. ext, or use 9 for outside line, then don't use 9xx ext
05:49.10Pete_LargoI could do that for a production environment, but around the house, the lovely missus would go berzerk...she can barely use a telephone as it is without cussing me...
05:49.11MikeJ[Laptop]actuall, I don't use 1. or 9. ext
05:49.25MikeJ[Laptop]ok, so don't use 1.. ext
05:49.31MikeJ[Laptop]use 2.. ext
05:49.43Pete_Largomaybe I'll change them all to 7xxx
05:50.25MikeJ[Laptop]whatever, I use 52xx for my home ext off the office, and use the matching 2xx ext at the house.
05:50.38Pete_Largothat's convenient
05:50.45QwellI make my users 12 digit dial their cube-mates
05:50.46MikeJ[Laptop]just need to have a numbering plan that works w/ no overlap
05:50.53MikeJ[Laptop]Qwell, nerd
05:50.58SarahEmmlol qwell
05:50.59Pete_Largowho here uses 6245 for voicemail?
05:51.02Pete_Largolol at Qwell
05:51.03Qwellok, I lied...
05:51.12QwellI don't have users...or cube-mates. :(
05:51.13MikeJ[Laptop]I have a non overlaping 4 digit dialplan in all my offices
05:51.38SarahEmmi have zero deployed * nodes :)
05:51.39MikeJ[Laptop]then I use open chunks for system stuff and such (like vm access)
05:51.41SarahEmm(so far heh)
05:52.06Pete_Largoanyone ... 6245?
05:52.08QwellSarahEmm: I've got 1, 1 user node.  heh
05:52.14QwellPete_Largo: no, but thats close to my exten
05:52.24Pete_Largo6245 spells MAIL on the keypad
05:52.37MikeJ[Laptop]well, that is for a mix of different pbx's including asterisk, nortel, comdial, and a concerto (davox) dialer.. so we mix it up... 4 digit dial between all of it
05:52.47Pete_Largoso you can tell end users to "dial MAIL for voicemail" and they'll remember it
05:52.48MikeJ[Laptop]we use 4357 for the help desk
05:53.04MikeJ[Laptop]just call HELP!
05:53.20Pete_Largothat's one I hadn't thought of... install HELP on all production systems so they can have a direct link to our offices
05:53.37MikeJ[Laptop]that's what we do..
05:53.51Pete_Largothough most people know 611 already is the "phone company"
05:54.09MikeJ[Laptop]works on all our systems except the one office I still have stuck on a norstar MICS
05:54.16SarahEmmheh, we were going over the *11 numbers at work awhile ago and half the NOC i work at didn't know 611
05:54.22SarahEmm(or 711 but nobody knows 711 :P)
05:54.28Pete_LargoLMAO SarahEmm
05:54.40Pete_Largo711 WAS the CNA (ANIbill) number
05:54.45SarahEmmwhat's that?
05:54.50SarahEmm711 is relay in a lot of places now
05:54.51SarahEmmincluding here
05:54.54Pete_LargoCalling Number Announce
05:55.01SarahEmmnaw, it's relay in most places now
05:55.01MikeJ[Laptop]711 is the store down the street from me
05:55.02Qwell711 is a kickass liquor store
05:55.02Pete_Largo711 and 311
05:55.04QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: :P
05:55.19masoncwhat is relay
05:55.19Pete_Largo7-11 is a convenience store here
05:55.20MikeJ[Laptop]it''s my morning donut stop on the way to work
05:55.33Pete_LargoDeaf/Hard of Hearing voice relay service
05:55.48MikeJ[Laptop]what?  speak up.
05:55.48Pete_Largotalk to an operator that types on a TTY to a D/HOH person
05:55.50SarahEmmPete_Largo: *nods*
05:56.12SarahEmmor type to an operator that talks to a hearing person :)
05:56.16Pete_LargoI've lived 30 years as an HOH and put up with a lot of shit because of it...
05:56.29QwellDarthClue: I had to do voter registration via relay once...
05:56.37Qwellthe lady insisted on talking...that was a bad idea.
05:56.48Qwellit...didn't work out...
05:57.12MikeJ[Laptop]ok, so who really really wants to test my patch?
05:57.20SarahEmmwe have no IP relay in canada, so my goal is to be able to gateway through my * box from the 'net to do so
05:57.23SarahEmm(for me..)
05:57.40DarthClueI was working for AOL tech support and had to walk someone thru something that didn't really translate well to me teling the operator and then waiting for the operator to type it out and then waiting for the person on the other end to respond.  What would have been a 5 minute issue took nearly an hour.
05:57.41Pete_Largooh, hey, that reminds me, do I need to upgrade to the lates head because of that security hole whats-is-face found?
05:57.42SarahEmmalmost finished a web interface to make/receive TTY calls via a * box on the LAN.. telnet interface later so you can from a blackberry or such
05:58.12MikeJ[Laptop]Pete_Largo, it's fixed. in 1.0.9
05:58.21DarthClueMikeJ: if i had a box i could test it on, i might.  But i don't, so i won't.
05:58.37Pete_Largowhat is the patch Mike?
05:58.42Pete_Largothat you want to test
05:58.44Pete_LargoI meant
05:58.45MikeJ[Laptop]DarthClue, you don;t have an asterisk box
05:59.02MikeJ[Laptop]it is some enhancements to background
05:59.27Pete_Largowhat do you need to test?  I have this * box here that I've been playing with at home.  it's not production...
05:59.54MikeJ[Laptop]let's you specify the context it exits too, instead of the current context, and lets you specify it only break playing, if there is a matching 1 digit exten for the digit you press
06:00.05MikeJ[Laptop]patch against head...
06:00.17MikeJ[Laptop]just need to try out those 2 functions basically
06:00.38DarthClueMikeJ: I don't have one that I can test it on.  I do have an asterisk box, just not one that I can pull out of service.
06:00.48Pete_LargoI am still a newb at this stuff, but you can test on my box if you want
06:00.57MikeJ[Laptop]I tested on my box
06:01.08MikeJ[Laptop]I just need outside input
06:01.11SarahEmmwoo! i finally am starting to feel un-newb-ish
06:01.33MikeJ[Laptop]as a rule, the person who wrote the code is not the best person to test it
06:01.46SarahEmm1.5mos of asterisk use! heh
06:01.52SarahEmmand like 5 patches submitted
06:01.52QwellSarahEmm: thats awesome BTW.  the web tty
06:02.01SarahEmmand finally the * tty functions almost work ;)
06:02.01Pete_Largoahh... well I'd be more than happy to test it.  how do I test it?
06:02.01MikeJ[Laptop]cuz they have a way they thought of to use it... and others may have another way they think of
06:02.12SarahEmmQwell: heh, it should be handy :o) i'll release it all once it actually works...
06:02.23MikeJ[Laptop]Pete_Largo, do you know how to apply a patch?
06:02.26SarahEmmQwell: US has IP Relay, but we don't in canadia, so this is kind of a substitute-but-better
06:02.44*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta_PM (
06:02.54MikeJ[Laptop]I am too tired to walk you through all that tonight
06:03.03MikeJ[Laptop]WOO HOO
06:03.10SarahEmmDarthClue: err, you were asking me about it awhile ago...
06:03.11MikeJ[Laptop]good deal
06:03.13SarahEmmMikeJ[Laptop]: meow?
06:03.14QwellSarahEmm: well, I'm sure a fair share of people in the US will use it too
06:03.15Pete_Largono skin off my back MikeJ :)  maybe another time
06:03.21SarahEmmQwell: hopefully :)
06:03.30Qwellhell, I'd use it when I'm feeling lazy...
06:03.32SarahEmmQwell: after the web interface i'll do a telnet interface 'cuz lots of portable devices have telnet ability
06:03.46DarthClueSarahEmm: how much advance notice do you need in order to get the travel plans taken care of?
06:03.54SarahEmmDarthClue: err... are you serious?
06:04.28DarthClueSarahEmm: if I can scrape the funds together.  Cluecon is for developers and anyone willing to implement TTY in * is a develoepr for sure.
06:04.29MikeJ[Laptop]ok.. sleepy time.
06:04.43MikeJ[Laptop]SarahEmm, you should come...
06:04.51MikeJ[Laptop]it will be fun and educational
06:04.53SarahEmmDarthClue: i didn't implement it... the basic 'turn text into tones' stuff was there, sort-of-working
06:04.59SarahEmmi'm implementing apps on top of that, and fixing the basic code
06:05.11SarahEmmMikeJ[Laptop]: oh, i'd love to come
06:05.11DarthClueSarahEmm: still counts.
06:05.16SarahEmmwoo! i count!
06:05.43DarthCluebesides, I'm pretty sure Katty doesn't want to come to cluecon and be the only female there.
06:06.08SarahEmmit's from a wed to a fri?
06:07.01SarahEmmi could fly to cluecon, stay for the con, then at the end fly west to spend the weekend with my partner, then fly home (as border-crossing-flights cost a lot more than domestic, and i'd already be in the country)
06:07.02DarthClueAugust 3,4,5
06:07.09SarahEmmso wed-fri :)
06:07.31DarthClueIt may be mid-July before I know for sure where I stand on funds.
06:07.48SarahEmmwell, i need time to think anyway :)
06:07.51SarahEmm*checks mile balance*
06:08.26SarahEmmhrm, i can do one leg on miles, but not others...
06:08.33SarahEmmwell, i'll see what i can do travel-wise and time-off-work-wise
06:08.39SarahEmmit'd mean 4d off work which may be hard to get
06:10.21*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
06:11.48QwellI bet my miles points would get me to me neighbors house or so...
06:11.58Qwellmy...ugh, why do I keep doing that
06:12.05SarahEmmi've done 4 free flights so far this year to see my partner
06:12.08SarahEmmso i'm running lowish
06:12.16Qwellfly much?
06:12.18SarahEmmlow on money after paying for 3wks of classes next month tho
06:12.25SarahEmmQwell: there's 3500mi between me and my partner.
06:12.32SarahEmmi fly a Lot, for personal travel only :P
06:12.39SarahEmm50-60k mi/yr usually
06:13.36Pete_Largothat's a lot of miles
06:13.47SarahEmmi love travelling and i love flying..
06:13.51SarahEmmand i love my partner..
06:13.54SarahEmmso.. it works out :o)
06:14.22SarahEmmanyway.. i'll see what i can do travel-wise for cluecon
06:15.03DarthCluesplit the cost of a car rental with blitzrage and drive to cluecon, then fly out from there.
06:15.33SarahEmmdoes blitzrage drive?
06:15.39SarahEmmi don't.
06:15.46DarthCluei think he said he had a license, but no car.
06:16.01masoncI found the compile error ni cdr_addons_mysql
06:16.11masoncpath to asterisk.h was worng
06:16.16SarahEmmworth talking to him anyway
06:16.43*** join/#asterisk jfonsecausa (
06:17.14tessierDarkSpectre: Watch yer cornhole, bud.
06:17.31tessierSorry, channeling Office Space again.
06:17.41DarthCluetessier: you talkin to me?
06:18.04djin_ibok, just upgraded to 1.0.9, but /me is wondering if a versioning would be more adequate for smal adjustments. Same as 1.0.4 -> 1.0.5
06:18.29djin_iboh well :)
06:18.31DarthClueUm, yeah, we have a problem with your tps reports.  You see, it appears as though you used the wrong cover sheet and well, um, ok.  Thanks Peter.
06:19.45*** join/#asterisk cmk (
06:20.01*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
06:23.53*** join/#asterisk loufoque (
06:24.02loufoquewhat's a PBX ?
06:24.14jbotrumour has it, pbx is a Private Branch eXchange
06:24.39loufoquewell it just tells me the meaning of the acronym, not really what it is and what it can do
06:24.49bewestloufoque, it's a phone system
06:24.59bewestkinda has info :o)
06:25.02SarahEmmit lists some basic stuff it can do
06:25.04SarahEmmit does lots more tho
06:26.27*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
06:28.19loufoquewow looks great
06:28.46masoncsay goodbye to the next three months of your life, then
06:28.55djin_ibmasonc :)
06:29.06masoncI'm off for some beauty sleep
06:29.40DarthCluemore like the next several years.
06:29.49SarahEmmmasonc: or more if you're using buggy functions ;)
06:30.48djin_ibloufoque, before you ask pAbx adds 'automatic' to the system.
06:32.54*** join/#asterisk clive- (
06:33.12djin_ibtzafrir, :)
06:33.37loufoquedon't tell me it is really in the installation gui !?
06:33.52tzafrirno, it's not
06:34.23SarahEmmnini all
06:34.31djin_ibwell, as long as we're sharing. Here a possible welcome message for you
06:36.54tzafrirdjin, now, I wonder if * actually supports such long extesion numbers :-)
06:37.14djin_ibwell, if allison sais so ;)
06:37.42djin_ibok, last one
06:37.46*** join/#asterisk ocelite (
06:39.52*** join/#asterisk flot (
06:42.45loufoqueis it me or does that voice looks stupid ?
06:42.59*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
06:43.05Qwellloufoque: Allison?
06:43.20Nugget  <-- heh, oops.
06:44.09*** part/#asterisk flot (
06:44.23bkw__ok I can post to my blog via MMS now
06:46.17loufoqueNugget: that's rather obvious
06:46.33loufoqueI'm even surprised ls foo -l is the same that ls -l foo
06:46.53Nuggetyeah, I didn't know that gnu readline behaved that way
06:46.58Nuggetor getopt, rather
06:47.33loufoqueQwell: who's Allison ?
06:47.41Qwellloufoque: the voice of asterisk
06:47.42Nuggetallison is the voice of asterisk.
06:47.48*** part/#asterisk loufoque (
06:47.48*** join/#asterisk loufoque (
06:50.50loufoqueI don't really like it.
06:51.11*** join/#asterisk shido (
06:55.01brendaI'm not a fan of her voice
06:55.41brendawell I'm not a fan of her voice
06:56.04brendashe sounds like she's about to laugh at you all the time
06:56.05loufoquegetopt or mms ?
06:56.20Nuggetsometimes the GNU nuts add features without any real thought to the utility of practicality.  Total "floor wax and a dessert topping" territory.
06:56.23tzafrirput a -- to stop it from parsing args
06:56.50Nuggetit's no accident that gnu hello world can read email.
06:56.52tzafrirNugget, I don't think it is a gnu extension. But I don't have any older unix to test with
06:57.13Nuggets nugget@dazed:~>touch foo                                              1:56:58
06:57.16Nuggets nugget@dazed:~>ls foo -l                                              1:57:02
06:57.19Nuggetls: -l: No such file or directory
06:57.59*** join/#asterisk Ron[Lead] (
06:58.20Ron[Lead]has anybody experience with h323?
06:58.21Nuggetdoesn't have to be old.  just not gnu.
06:58.43loufoquewithout GNU asterisk wouldn't exist
06:58.58Ron[Lead]I need to set-up phones connected to a GK (h323) connect to Asterisk (sip) phones
06:59.02Nuggetthat may be, but at least I'm happy to report that asterisk can exist without gnu today.
06:59.15NuggetI also doubt that it's true.
06:59.34DarthClueRon: take a look at chan_woomera.
06:59.43tzafrirbusybox ls behaves the same
07:00.21tzafrirwhat about oh323ooc?
07:00.33tzafriror whatever it's called?
07:00.45DarthClueI've heard chan_woomera is easier to get running.
07:01.10tzafrirchan_woomra may be simple, but you still need to build a separate server
07:01.20tzafrirsomething called opal
07:03.24Ron[Lead]I need to connect to * box, because I need some features of *
07:03.55shidochan_h323 works well
07:03.57Ron[Lead]I got from the GK the IP, user and password, how to set-up the rest ?
07:04.15*** join/#asterisk Martohtar (Martohtar@
07:04.23clive-tzafrir doesnt woomera/opal run on the same box as asterisk?
07:04.36shidohow many simultaneous calls do you need to utilize?, Ron[Lead]
07:04.51DarthCluetzafrir: take a look at the chan_woomera page.  The setup script will build woomera for you at the same time that it sets up chan_woomera.
07:05.37Ron[Lead]We use now GK, and I should get this slowly over to SIP, the first requirement is Meetme to make for two phones of each type (deadline today - hehehehehe)
07:05.44*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
07:06.31Ron[Lead]I have installed ooh323c
07:06.53shidohow many simultaneous calls do you plan to use , Ron[Lead] ?
07:09.26tzafrirDarthClue, what does woomera/opal require?
07:11.24tzafrirtell me it doesn't depend on a very specific version of openh323 (together with half of the libraries in /usr/lib)
07:15.31*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
07:18.36loufoqueIs it true that female geeks exist ?
07:18.52Qwellwhoever said that is a liar
07:20.06Nuggetmy girlfriend is one.
07:20.20Nuggeta linux geek, but a geek nontheless.
07:20.30Nuggetshe also likes cars and star trek.
07:23.06*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
07:23.27cjkhi, is there a decent changelog file for the head tree?
07:23.52loufoqueshe likes star trek !!? unbelievable
07:23.57NuggetI watch this channel and never "cvs up" on days when everyone is grumpy.
07:24.07*** join/#asterisk Broesmeli (~broesme@
07:24.15Nuggetit works well enough in the absence of structured changelogs.  :)
07:28.47*** join/#asterisk scanna (
07:37.34*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
07:37.52ZeeekPeople of the world, relax...
07:39.12loufoqueZeeek: why should we ?
07:39.28*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
07:39.51Zeeekbecause you aren't as loufoque as you think
07:40.02Zeeekhow are you today?
07:40.32Zeeekand more to the point, how is your asterisk ?
07:42.21cjkanyon here know the cvs command to get the log?
07:42.30Nugget"cvs log"
07:42.47*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
07:43.35loufoqueasterisk you mean the gaullic ?
07:44.25Zeeekcvs delete
07:49.04tzafrirloufoque, Asterisk, not Asterix the Gaul. That Gaul has a nasty habbit of sueing penguins:
07:49.15cjkhmm doesnt work....
07:49.45*** join/#asterisk skiold (
07:49.51tzafrirdoesn't work ==? What does happen?
07:50.39cjkwell i try to get a changelog of asterisk-head
07:51.08cjkso i do:  export      cvs login    cvs log
07:51.31*** join/#asterisk brenda-laptop (
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07:55.01tzafrircjk, you first need to get the files
07:55.50tzafrirwhy not simply run it from the CVS directory?
07:56.01tzafrirAnd don't export CVSROOT
07:58.00tzafrirIt will only confuse you when you work with other repositories
08:06.22*** join/#asterisk cmk (
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08:15.43*** join/#asterisk soulz24- (
08:16.07soulz24-hi all
08:16.25Nuggetnutty bash users.
08:16.52soulz24-not tcsh?
08:16.52cjktzafrir: i have the asterisk sources, thats not the problem, but i need some sort of changelog
08:17.41tzafrircjk, so why not simply run 'cvs log' from within the asterisk directory
08:17.58tzafrirbash or
08:18.11soulz24-has anyone did this? asterisk as bridge between 2 sip servers? is a time suck.  bash is just suck.
08:19.54Nuggetwhat else is there to do at three in the morning?  I'm sure as hell not going to teach cjk how to read.
08:23.31Zeeek~google define: flame
08:24.54*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
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08:38.50soulz24-has anyone did this? asterisk as bridge between 2 sip servers?
08:44.49*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
08:46.54shidoyes soulz24-
08:47.09shidowhats up?
08:49.09*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
08:51.14*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
08:57.18soulz24-shido: trying to interface SER and CCM 4.0
08:57.23soulz24-with asterisk in between
09:13.34*** join/#asterisk amir (~amir@
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09:23.09*** join/#asterisk Maksim (~max@
09:28.46*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~darkskiez@
09:30.16darkskiezSo, is the groupcounting thing totally confusing or what? how can I find out if someone is already on the phone? am i using the wrong thign
09:38.52jonathhhello, can anyone tell me how i might implement a 'paging' call using asterisk?
09:40.41*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
09:41.16jonathhyou know.. dial an extension.. and everyones phone beeps.. and i can shout out them all
09:42.38*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
09:43.55shidoim here
09:43.58shidoIm here
09:43.59shidoIm here
09:44.03jansaelldakskiez: what do you whant to accomplice, if you tries to dial an bussy extension you get bussy as a error code
09:48.20*** join/#asterisk moonaddict (~moonaddic@
09:50.49soulz24-has anyone did this? asterisk as bridge between 2 sip servers?
09:51.25moonaddicthey all! I want to build an asterisk pbx instead of our current one. internally, I use 4 analog lines - can I just stuf a few analog modem cards into the box to connect them? are there any specific requirements? I found only looots RTFM about ISDN and HFC cards so far. help!
09:56.15tzafrirmoonaddict, you can buy cheap FXO cards, which are basically software modems
09:56.17jansaellmoonaddict: get some digium analog cards
09:56.39tzafrirBut then again, someone still needs to provide the software for those software modems.
09:57.12tzafrirAnd if you want 4 separate FXO cards: you'd probably have interrupts problems and such
10:01.20*** join/#asterisk truescot (~truescot2@
10:01.45moonaddicttzafrir: well, FXO cards ... is there any list some nice person assembled that lists a few alternative vendors? I am located in Austria/Europe and the chance to get hold of Digium Hardwere here is small...
10:02.23truescotanyone got any idea haow to set up the grandstream gxp2000 phone so that when you press the msg button it automatically goes to the users voicemail?
10:03.15truescotmoonaddict you can buy digium hardware at beronet in germany and they will deliver anywhere
10:03.20jansaellmoonaddict: im also from europa (sweden) and we get them here
10:03.24truescotberonet also has its own hardware
10:03.29moonaddictsounds good!
10:03.57moonaddictbut still (I am a persinstant little bunny :) - are there alternatives to digium?
10:04.28truescotthere are a few but because of the timer thing you are best using digium
10:04.56moonaddictok. looking at beronet now. thanks all!
10:06.52truescotalso for fxo ports i am sure that you can just use a normal voice modem(not winmodem), but for the fxs cards u need something else
10:07.06moonaddictso this card {Wildcard TDM400P Quad-Port analog or ADSI telephones and POTS} would do the trick? one analogue device per port?
10:07.48*** join/#asterisk meppl (
10:08.22soulz24-has anyone did this? asterisk as bridge between 2 sip servers?
10:08.54truescotyea i have got the tdm400p card with 1 fxo and 1 fxs
10:09.09truescotand it works fine
10:09.20moonaddictok wonderful :=
10:09.38truescotwith that i can plug into 1 phone line and 1 phone
10:09.52truescotbut u can build the card up the way u want
10:10.42jonathhhello, can anyone tell me how i might implement a 'paging' call using asterisk?
10:10.44jonathhyou know.. dial an extension.. and everyones phone beeps.. and i can shout out them all
10:14.21*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~neils@
10:16.30shidojonathh, do u have crisco phones?
10:16.56jonathhwell currently i have a sipura and a grandstream. But i suspect i will need cisco
10:17.12shidosomething with a speakerphone
10:17.15shidowith autoanswer
10:17.22shidoi have paging on my box setup
10:17.26shidobuti have crisco
10:17.27jonathhok.. so how do you implement it with asterisk?
10:17.27soulz24-has anyone did this? asterisk as bridge between 2 sip servers?
10:17.43jonathhmy grandstread does have a speaker phone.. not sure about auto answer
10:17.49shidoim going to bed unless you're footin the bill for some pizza and coffee
10:18.06johnmsoulz24-: I actually do somethign very similar here, with some problems.
10:18.14shidosleepy time
10:18.28johnmsoulz24-: the SIP stack in asterisk doesn't have jitter support, and it's causing us some serious issues with call quality
10:18.55soulz24-johnm: okay, i am just trying to find out how can i transfer the call from one sip server
10:18.58jonathhthanks for your help
10:19.05soulz24-to another sip server, via asterisk
10:19.16soulz24-sip phone under sip server 1, can call asterisk
10:19.24soulz24-sip phone under sip server 2, can call asterisk
10:19.49soulz24-but what i want is, sip phone under sip server 1, to call sip phone under sip server 2
10:20.27soulz24-<-- pulling my head
10:22.34*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~my007ms@
10:23.15my007mshi all u all good in linux here
10:24.06my007msi have one Q when i login to asterisk@home it's run some kind of script say ip and othere thng where i find this
10:24.12my007msi need to stop it
10:26.40moonaddictis there any slimpc out there with one pci slot (for a quad-port-card) fit enough for asterisk?
10:27.10RoyKmoonaddict: depends what sort of quad
10:27.19RoyKiirc the sangoma 104 is low profile
10:27.23RoyKthe te410p is not
10:27.29moonaddictWildcard TDM400P
10:27.39RoyKi doubt it
10:28.19moonaddictI read the fritz fon-box runs user-supplied linux? any thoughts about that?
10:34.28darkskiezjansaell, I want when someone phones a phone thats already on a call, i want it to call other phones too, instead of just call waiting.
10:34.43jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
10:35.31truescotmoonaddice asus mage a goodone for your needs
10:35.39truescotlet me look and see what one it is
10:36.09Zeeekif he's away, how did he do that?
10:38.52moonaddicttruescot: thanks!
10:40.06truescotAsus S-Presso
10:40.14*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
10:40.26truescotthey are easily available on ebay for around 150 euros
10:41.30truescotits got a pci slot which is used by a tv card apparently but i am pretty sure if u r wanting it to be an asterisk box you will want to take that out :)(
10:43.27truescotalso you could try a rack mount server something like the dell poweredge 750 they comein cheap enuff
10:45.14darkskiezHow hard is it to find out if someone is on the phone, if I set a group, it only considers outgoing calls, if I do set group on the incoming call bit, it will override internal office calls so only one is counted ? This  is weird.
10:46.21*** part/#asterisk vuvie (
10:46.28*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
10:49.45Zeeekdarkskiez what is it you want to do?
10:50.54*** join/#asterisk ramtha (
10:51.10moonaddictI need to connect a hfc card to my pbx's internal isdn bus. do I need a xo isdn cable for that or a straight one? do I need termination? the * box is the only box connected to that bus...
10:51.27ramthai have place Europe/Berlin in zonemessages in voicemail.conf
10:51.46ramthabut i still geht in voicemail message: Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 12:50:47 PM
10:51.53ramthahow can i fix thaz
10:52.12darkskiezZeeek, if someone phones the reception phone, and it is already on a call, in addition to call waiting, to ring a few other phones so other people know there is a call to pickup.
10:53.00Zeeekdarkskiez try ChanIsAvail
10:53.05*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
10:53.21darkskiezZeeek, but the channel is available.
10:53.30Zeeekah because of call waiting?
10:54.10Zeeekyou could ring reception for 10 secs and then start ringing others?
10:54.35Zeeekhow about looking for ZAP channels ?
10:56.10*** join/#asterisk glLoadIdentity (~tuyan@
10:59.05robl^zum Tuefel!
10:59.08darkskiezI dont see why the group stuff doesnt work properly
10:59.20darkskiezIt's almost useful.
10:59.52Zeeekthere should be a function "getChannelParams(param)"
10:59.54darkskiezi used setvar=GROUP=<exten> in the sip.conf, and that does set the channel on calls
11:00.06darkskiezbut its the internal calls that are the screwy ones
11:00.23darkskiezas i cant set variables on the channel created by dial
11:00.36darkskiezthat are different from the local ones
11:00.38ManxPower_Awaydarkskiez: CVS-HEAD or 1.0.x?
11:00.42Zeeekor isZapOnhook()
11:00.46soulz24-has anyone did this? asterisk as bridge between 2 sip servers?
11:00.54truescotmoonaddict i think but i may be wrong on this that you should be able to use a streight cable, as long as you remember to set the signalling to pri_net on one side and pri_cpe on the other
11:01.09darkskiezManxPower_Away, head, but a month old.
11:01.34truescotao anyone here a grandstream guru?
11:01.54ManxPower_AwayRemember if you want variable to be inherited by spawned channels you need to prefix it with _ or __
11:02.02Zeeektruescot no one will admit to that status :)
11:02.27Zeeekbut I do have several BT100
11:02.46darkskiezManxPower_Away, yeh, but i want the inherited variables to be different to the local ones.
11:03.21truescoti am trying to get the msg button on the gxp2000 to automatically log into the voicemail system
11:03.44Zeeeknot like the message button on BT100? Just a number to fill in, eh?
11:04.00darkskiezManxPower_Away, for a SetFarGroup style thing
11:04.38johnmCan anyone help me regarding poor quality calls over a SIP link. The link is with the SIP gateway over a considerable distance (several hundred miles) although the problem is causedby the asterisk box. I think the problem is that the sip link on the asterisk side doesn't have a jitter buffer. Any advice?
11:04.40darkskiezso channels created via Dial(SIP/1234) get a group associated with them thats not the same as the incoming channel.
11:04.40truescotnot sure, when i put in the extension of the person it just calls them, if i put in *89 for the voicemail system it requires me to log in
11:05.16Zeeekyou asks for pw or doesn't know who the phone is?
11:05.17ManxPower_Awaydarkskiez: I use SetGroup/CheckGroup on both incoming calls and outgoing calls.  Works well.
11:05.28truescotasks for password
11:05.38Zeeekwell that's what it's supposed to do
11:05.50Zeeekyou can avoid that by not using password
11:05.53darkskiezManxPower_Away, thats what I wanted to do, but how does that operate on internal phone calls ?
11:06.01truescoti know but i would prefer just for it not to ask for a password at all
11:06.02*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
11:06.09ManxPower_Awaydarkskiez: Um, exactly the same way.
11:06.17Zeeekso don't put a password in the vlail entry
11:06.43darkskiezManxPower_Away, how do you dial an internal extension and have its group associated with it?
11:06.45truescotbut then people can access it from elsewhere
11:07.05Zeeekonly oif they know and are permitted to access vmail without forcing box?
11:07.15ManxPower_Awaydarkskiez: SetGroup(${EXTEN}-DIAL_LIMIT)  \n Dial(SIP/1234)
11:07.42ManxPower_Awayyou need a checkhroup in there too, of course.
11:08.48soulz24-has anyone did this? asterisk as bridge between 2 sip servers?
11:09.02darkskiezManxPower_Away, ok, so SIP/1234 has group 1234, it calls 4567, but if you call setgroup(4567) it will make call leg A frome 1234 become group 4567, but call leg B not have a group ?
11:09.52ManxPower_Awaydarkskiez: you need two setgroups.
11:10.06ManxPower_AwayOne to lock the dialing extension, one to lock the dialed extension
11:10.22ManxPower_AwayA channel can have more than one SetGroup associated with it
11:10.23darkskiezManxPower_Away, yes, but How do i do two? does Setgroup not change group as opposed to add it
11:11.14*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~my007ms@
11:12.19ManxPower_Awaydarkskiez: I believe you can have more than one setgroup for a channel
11:12.24ManxPower_Awayhave you even tried it?
11:14.33darkskiezManxPower_Away, but it says setgroup is the same as Set(GROUP=blah)
11:14.42darkskiezand you cant have multiple variables with the same name
11:23.15ManxPower_AwayI've been known to be wrong
11:24.53cchasganyone having issues with voicepulse connect right now?
11:25.01cchasgor is iax2 broken in head?
11:25.57*** join/#asterisk dandre (
11:26.04robl^IAX2 worked in HEAD as of last night
11:26.21dandrehello all
11:28.35cchasgvoicepulse isn't sending me my calls...
11:28.49cchasgcan call out...
11:29.08dandreI have a dialplan related question:
11:29.09dandreI have one extension devoted to the operator. What I would do is if the oprator is already online, dial immediately (without timeout) some others extensions acting as 'secundary operators).
11:29.11dandreHow should I do that?
11:31.01tzafrirhow is the operator connected? SIP?
11:31.19tzafrirIs that channel logged?
11:31.25*** join/#asterisk Jestie_jvrenmo (
11:31.39dandreYes it is SIP (all my phones are ip10S from swissvoice)
11:32.02Jestie_jvrenmopong pong ... yo ...
11:32.20ManxPower_Awaydarkskiez: I suspect the docs are wrong.  Notice how the Synopsys and the Description are not consistant as to the format
11:34.01dandreI have put threewaycalling = yes in mys sip.conf to be able to use transfer function but the operator receives the second call and times out to the others
11:34.39RoyKfortytwowaycalling = yes
11:35.15Delvarwtf? lol
11:36.07Delvar<ManxPower_Away> SetGroup(groupname[@category]) is what i use
11:36.16dandreRoyK: I haven't understood
11:36.17Delvarwell SetGroup(groupname@category)
11:36.35Delvarwithout the @ bit i sometimes get problems
11:45.14*** join/#asterisk loick (
11:45.45*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@
11:47.30my007msany one have any file wav 8000Hz
11:47.43my007msi need to test
11:50.23*** join/#asterisk loick (
11:52.35*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
12:00.50ManxPower_Awaydarkskiez: see
12:03.44*** part/#asterisk bonez41 (
12:06.26cochi"[14:03] <jskcr> firefox" <- commercial breaks in here? ;)
12:07.56*** join/#asterisk maik (
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12:17.14*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
12:18.43Mimmushi, where can I find a release note for Asterisk 1.0.9?
12:18.59Mimmus(differences from 1.0.7, bug fixes, etc)
12:19.48robl^Mimmus, 1.0.9 is just a bug fix (caller ID matching) since 1.0.8
12:20.03key2Is there any way to use a GSM sim card with asterisk ?
12:20.06Mimmusrobl^, thanks
12:20.40Mimmusthere is a long list of bugs waiting for fixes
12:22.36key2No one knows if there is any hardware that can take a GSM SIM card to use with asterisk ?
12:22.42*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:23.19robl^key2, there are devices that allow you to connect a cell phone to Asterisk... but I don'tthink ther eis a way to connect a gsm card directly
12:24.25key2robl^: would it be interesting to have a pci card where we can put SIM card to connect to the gsm network for asterisk ?
12:26.47X-Robno it wouldn't
12:26.51X-Robit would be terrible
12:27.02X-Robyou try sticking a GSM mobile near a speaker
12:27.10X-Robimagine all that _inside a pc_
12:27.38X-Robsure, sure, you could cover it all in shielding
12:27.46X-Roband filter it out of all the ground wiring
12:28.00X-Robbut by the time you did that, it would be easier to get an ericcson voip/gsm gateway
12:28.08X-Robor one of those new spensy liveblue ones.
12:28.19X-Roboh, and they're FXS ports, too.
12:29.49key2spency ?
12:29.51key2X-Rob ?
12:30.52X-Robit's cheaper to get  usb bluetooth dongle and a bluetooth phone usually.
12:32.13key2the ericsson voip gsm gateway yo're talking about is a device that has gsm module from one side and gives you a T1/E1 from the other side ?
12:32.53*** part/#asterisk alvis2k5 (Alvis@
12:32.54gordonjcpt1/e1 is a hell of a lot of GSM channels...
12:33.55X-Robit's got a single FXS
12:34.53jansaelljust fr the gsm diskussion / im using a otion gsm/utms card for access when traveling and that does not disturbe the coomputer speakers at all
12:35.30X-Robjansaell, use GSM daily and you'll change your tune.
12:36.25jansaellwell i did use it for almot nine month when working as a consultant where we where not allowed to use our own computers on the customer net so i have used it extensivly
12:36.46X-RobGood for you.
12:37.00*** join/#asterisk Prion (
12:37.09X-RobHowever, you're still wrong. GSM is very noisy, and there's nothing you can do about it.
12:37.09jansaelli dont know how they do it but that card does not disturbe the speakers
12:37.34X-RobGSM switches the transmitter on and off 30 times a second.
12:37.48X-RobIT's just the way it works.
12:38.15gordonjcp50, isn't it?
12:38.19gordonjcp50 frames per second?
12:38.24jansaellyes / i know - but still - that card does not disturbe the speakers
12:38.40X-Robjansaell, I'm very happy for you.
12:39.03X-RobI'm wondering if you're actually going to realise that a SIM card has nothing to do with the tranmsission, but I'm probably just going to give up and go to bed.
12:39.11gordonjcpI found that using an external antenna got rid of a lot of GSM interference
12:39.25X-Robgordonjcp, I dunno. Doesn't _sound_ 50hz is.
12:39.53gordonjcpX-Rob: hmm, don't know, it may not transmit at the same rate as the frame rate
12:40.40gordonjcpThe coder operates on speech frames of 20 ms corresponding to 160 samples at the sampling frequency of 8,000 sample/s.
12:40.45gordonjcp20ms == 50Hz
12:41.05gordonjcpbut I agree that UK/EU GSM phones don't seem to "buzz" at 50Hz
12:41.06X-RobWe can figure this out. GSM works at 14400bps
12:41.25X-RobThere are 16 channels available per cell frequency
12:41.36X-Roblets say 19200 to make it easier
12:41.49*** join/#asterisk kensuke (
12:41.57kensukehi there
12:42.01X-Robdon't know the packet size.
12:42.07X-RobI think it's 30hz
12:42.15X-Robbut I could be wrong. There's no way it's more than 50hz tho.
12:42.26gordonjcpdon't know
12:42.28X-Robso 'somewhere between 30 and 50hz'
12:42.31gordonjcpI know a man who does...
12:43.40*** join/#asterisk dark_eel (Alvis@
12:44.50X-RobFrequency hopping is operator optional down to the individual cell.
12:44.54darkskiezManxPower_Away, Aha, OUTBOUND_GROUP was the variable I was looking for, dont know how I missed that before.
12:46.37ManxPower_Awaydarkskiez: Still doesn't handle cases where you call something that doesn't involve a dial command
12:46.39file[laptop]what an odd dream...
12:46.41ManxPower_Awaylike voicemail, etc
12:46.46file[laptop]aliens invading my town weird
12:48.03robl^file[laptop], did you forget to take the beige tablets again?
12:48.10kensukeCan someone please point me in the right direction. We have a digium card with 4 analogue lines plugged in. Incomming calls get pickup up by asterisk, and queued. We use sip phones to connect to asterisk. The call is clear whil in the queue, listening to the music, and the prompt, but as soon as a sip phone picks up, it goes very "crackly" ??
12:49.41darkskiezManxPower_Away, yeh, but the regular group handles that ok, no?
12:50.24*** join/#asterisk abatista (
12:51.15ariel_hello everyone
12:53.09kensuke:-( nobody ?
12:54.17djinkensuke, checked the codecs
12:54.38djinsip.conf <-> phones
12:55.26kensukeyip ... tried and tested the ulaw ones and gsm
12:55.45kensukeare those right to use on a wireless lan ?
12:56.38djinWLAN shouldn't be the problem
12:56.39*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
12:57.11kensukewhat is the defacto standard codec to use ?
12:57.40ManxPower_AwayThere is no defacto codec when talking about VoIP.
12:58.00djinthat answer was more typing ;)
12:58.04ManxPower_AwayOn a lan, *I* use ulaw
12:58.21kensukehehe, I meant what is the one that works for most people :-)
12:58.30kensukecould it have anything to do with a timer ?
12:58.30ManxPower_Awaykensuke: that dpeends on your needs.
12:58.43ManxPower_Awayulaw will work fine over the WAN, it just uses lots of mandwidth.
12:59.03KattyDarthClue: what's up with sarahemm?
12:59.07ManxPower_AwayFor WAN VoIP, use whatever codec is compatable with both your phone and with Asterisk.  There's usually only 1 or two
12:59.11kensukewell, we just using it as a pabx replacement, so no wan, just WLAN
12:59.25ManxPower_Awaykensuke: Ugh.  Wireless.  Ugh.
12:59.33ManxPower_AwaySo, what happens if you take wireless out of the picture.
12:59.49ManxPower_AwayAnyway, Wireless does not have a lot of bandwidth, so you could consider it "WAN".
12:59.50robl^I use ulaw on LAN.  I use g729 on 2 remote phones, and a combination of gsm and ulaw for SIP/IAX2 trunks
12:59.54kensukesame situation ... i just tried that
13:00.19ManxPower_Awaykensuke: what non-wireless SIP device did you use?
13:01.18ManxPower_Awaykensuke: if you are not in the USA, you should be using ALAW instead of ULAW
13:02.24*** join/#asterisk florinm (
13:02.55florinmaa so was a bug in 1.0.8 :(
13:03.12florinmi was just plaing to ask why the hell not working my astersik :P
13:03.17florinm1 question still
13:03.30ManxPower_AwayAt one point there was a problem converting between ulaw and alaw in asterisk, resulting in crappy audio quality.  I would assume it's been fixed, but I don't know for sure.
13:03.31*** join/#asterisk jeremywhiting (
13:03.47florinmi dial out via voip and the other end could hear me, but i could not hear him :(
13:03.50ManxPower_Awayflorinm: What was a bug in 1.0.8?
13:03.51florinmanyone knows why ?
13:04.00ManxPower_Awayflorinm: nat is the most common cause
13:04.14florinmmy server has a static ip
13:04.29ManxPower_AwaySo does mine, but it's still behind nat
13:04.32florinmassigned to router with route back to server (dmz)
13:04.43ManxPower_AwayAs I said, sounds like a NAT problem.
13:04.46file[laptop]you need to setup localnet and externip
13:04.56florinmi did so
13:05.03ManxPower_AwaySo you have externip= and localnet= set, of course, as is documented all over the place.
13:05.17florinmdid this
13:05.44ManxPower_Away*shrug*  It works for me.
13:05.53florinmsame settings but with cvs from 26 the system was working perfect!
13:06.00ManxPower_AwayHell, double NAT even works for me.
13:06.10ManxPower_Awayon 1.0.7
13:06.11florinmnow i upgradred to stable
13:06.22florinmto 1.0.8 and NOTHING working
13:06.43ManxPower_AwaySo you were using CVS-HEAD before, or -r v1-0 CVS before?
13:06.54robl^double NAT works now??!  wow!  though I haven't tried that in ages.  I have a public IP for my server
13:07.03ManxPower_Awaythen it would be a DOWNGRADE you did
13:07.11my007msi have tow wav file i need to make it one
13:07.19florinmso how to fix this :(
13:07.27ManxPower_Awayflorinm: Undo whatever you did
13:07.31florinmlast night i recompiled about 3 versions
13:07.37florinmnothing works now :(
13:07.37*** join/#asterisk jalsot_ (
13:07.46florinmand i have SAME settings
13:07.52ManxPower_Awayflorinm: Undo whatever you did
13:07.55florinm(i made a backup first)
13:08.05florinmi did undo
13:08.05ManxPower_Awayso restore from backup.
13:08.23ManxPower_AwaySo you are running CVS-HEAD of the exact same date/time as you were running when you had a working system?
13:08.23florinmbut only the setting as i didn't save asterisk too
13:08.51florinmi don't know now for sure what exact date/time was unfortunatly :(
13:08.54*** join/#asterisk wizhippo (
13:08.59ManxPower_Awayflorinm: It sucks to be you.
13:09.03ManxPower_AwayI cannot help you firther.
13:09.19florinmbut a stable version should work ok isn't it?
13:09.33florinmeven if i have nat isn;t it?
13:10.10florinmand externip=xxx.
13:10.23file[laptop]and localnet?
13:10.46file[laptop]which should be your LAN ip yeah
13:10.52file[laptop]well, LAN range... whatever
13:11.14florinmno joy :(
13:11.37file[laptop]do a sip debug to make sure the SDP has your external IP in it
13:11.48florinmit does
13:12.04file[laptop]then something else is wrong
13:12.06florinmsomething else
13:12.19florinmi put my 486 ATA adaptor
13:12.25florinmhere at work to connect home
13:12.27florinmis connect
13:12.34florinmbut i do not hear anything :(
13:12.39florinmi got dial tone
13:12.42florinmi dial out
13:12.47florinmbut no sound back to me :(
13:12.57*** join/#asterisk contrabanda (~G@
13:13.05ManxPower_Awayhis ports are prolly not correctly forwarded or something silly like that
13:13.06florinmand i get on any outgoing routers that trunk is engaged
13:13.14file[laptop]ManxPower_Away: yeah
13:13.26florinmi setup all the udp ports
13:13.31florinmto go to the adaptor
13:13.46florinmi'm getting nuts soon :P
13:13.48ManxPower_Awayflorinm: It was working.  Why did you fuck with it?
13:13.59florinmfuck knows :P
13:14.06florinmwanted to learn more ;)
13:14.07Kattyfuckity fuck fuck fuck
13:14.20Kattyis this normal language for geeks?
13:14.31florinmwho's geek ?
13:14.41florinmdo u see any ;) ?
13:14.49Kattyjut a couple
13:15.12florinmif was geek i was wringling like echo "please help "
13:15.12robl^normal languyage for geeks ==01001000 11010011 11110001
13:15.32florinmso any more suggestions ;) ?
13:15.41Kattyrobl^: i think you better make those sets of 4 instead of 2
13:15.47Kattyrobl^: else they're not going to mean much
13:16.49florinmconvert it to hex and read ;)
13:16.57ariel_morning Katty
13:17.09Kattyflorinm: shan't.
13:17.34Kattyariel_: what shall i do with asterisk today?
13:17.46kensukewhats the diff between ulaw and alaw ?
13:17.53Kattykensuke: one's american and ones not, or so i hear
13:17.58Hmmhesaysfix bugs
13:18.00ariel_Katty, don't know what's on the list of things to do?
13:18.06Kattyariel_: absolutely nothing
13:18.09kensukeis it purely a license thing ?
13:18.14Kattymorning Hmmhesays (=
13:18.19ManxPower_AwayChildren will change a person, and not for the better.
13:18.39florinmkids are fun ;)
13:18.42kensukeHey ManxPower: sorry, I got called from my desk
13:18.48ariel_kensuke, ulaw is used more in the states and alaw is used for E1 type of setups.
13:18.53kajtzukensuke: ulaw is a monotonic function of the amplitude, in alaw it's xorred with a bitmask of 0x55
13:19.02ManxPower_Awayflorinm: They would be if all those silly ethics rules were not there.
13:19.25KattyHmmhesays: explain to me how a que would work for my dialplan.
13:19.29ManxPower_AwayIf I had kids I'd do something like teach them that "Moo Goo Gai Pan" means "I need to go to the bathroom"
13:19.30wizhippoManxPower_Away: that's a pretty sad thing to say.... ethics? what do you want to do beat them?
13:19.37KattyHmmhesays: using John Doe theory
13:19.40ManxPower_Awaywizhippo: Well, that WOULD be a good start.
13:19.44florinmwhy i keep get that
13:19.50ariel_kids are both a blessing and also can be hell...remember they don't call the terrible 2's for nothing.
13:19.52kensukekajtzu: but if both asterisk server and sip is set to use ulaw... will it affect the setup ?
13:20.06Kattyariel_: ah, but you love her (=
13:20.22ariel_Katty, yes I do..
13:20.48kajtzukensuke: I use alaw as I'm in Europe but calls to the US work just fine ;)
13:21.04wizhippoManxPower_Away: for fun?
13:21.05*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (negative3k@
13:21.21Hmmhesaysyou get those last 2 lines katty?
13:21.22ManxPower_Awaywizhippo: Hurting someone is never "fun".
13:21.25florinmwhy do i get all trunks busy even if they are not
13:21.29KattyHmmhesays: nope
13:21.31ManxPower_AwayEven if they are evil.
13:21.48HmmhesaysI've never seen your dialplan, do you need a queue somewhere?
13:21.54KattyHmmhesays: not really
13:21.58florinm(even my nortmal pxo line is busy when is not
13:21.59KattyHmmhesays: it's a simple simple simple setup
13:22.03KattyHmmhesays: everyone has an extenion....
13:22.09KattyHmmhesays: incoming calls ring 4 phones
13:22.16KattyHmmhesays: everyone has a voicemail box
13:22.25*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (~romik@
13:22.27wizhippoAhh, just making sure you're not just some sick guy want to beat kids just for fun.
13:22.27KattyHmmhesays: i just don't get how someone would pick up a que call
13:22.52ariel_Katty, you don't pick one up. It's routed to agents
13:23.13Kattyagent K?
13:23.19Kattythe phone rings?
13:23.24Kattylike a blind transfer?
13:23.31kensukequestion: how much CPU does asterisk require ?
13:23.37Hmmhesaysin that setup no one would pick up a queue call
13:23.40Hmmhesaysthere is no queue
13:23.55ariel_kensuke, it depends on what your going to do
13:23.56KattyHmmhesays: yes, i realize that...
13:24.06KattyHmmhesays: but /if/ i did.
13:24.17KattyHmmhesays: the phones wouldn't ring?
13:24.30Hmmhesaysthere's a couple ways you could do it...
13:24.31KattyHmmhesays: how would i know to pick up the next call in the que? [] ( Refers backwards
13:24.41ariel_Katty, you have queus setup to have either login agents or pre-asigned ones
13:24.43kensukejust using it as a "pabx" type situation. 4 incoming lines into a digium, 1 queue, 5 sip agents
13:24.43ManxPower_AwayBut really, how else can you communicate with a creature that does not understand language, other than reward/punishment methods.
13:24.46contrabandawhat it means?
13:24.51ManxPower_AwayIt works for pets, it can work for children
13:24.54Hmmhesaysqueue's aren't like parking... your phone would ring if there is another caller in queue
13:25.02ariel_ManxPower_Away, huggs and kiss's work fine
13:25.07Kattyso it just sits there on hold
13:25.13ManxPower_Awayariel_: that would be the "reward part"
13:25.15Kattyuntil it's their turn in line...and then it's like a transfer
13:25.26KattyHmmhesays: right?
13:25.33ManxPower_Awayflorinm: I already said that I cannot help you more.
13:25.34Hmmhesaysasterisk will ring a phone or phones based on what you have set up
13:25.35ariel_Katty, yes
13:25.46Kattyi see, i see
13:25.47florinmwhat version should i use then ?
13:25.52Kattyyeah we have no use for that here
13:25.57florinmwhich is the one workign fine for u ?
13:26.15KattyHmmhesays: ariel_ thanks for explaining (=
13:26.22florinmi'll re -install all if needed
13:27.07Hmmhesaysqueues are good if everyone is busy and you don't want to send caller x to voicemail
13:27.16florinmand i get trunk busy even if is NOT
13:27.17florinm- Executing GotoIf("SIP/201-b665", "0?19") in new stack
13:27.43florinmand zap/4-1 is a pxo and is not busy
13:27.43ManxPower_Awayflorinm: your Dial line is wrong
13:27.52florinmno is ok
13:27.55ManxPower_AwayZap/4-1 is NOT valid
13:28.06ManxPower_AwayZap/4 CAN be valid
13:28.15florinmthen how u explain that i receive calls on it ok
13:28.16KattyHmmhesays: yeah, we don't have /that/ many clients.
13:28.27file[laptop]Dial line has no affect on receiving calls
13:28.30florinmand from ZAP/1-1 i can call via Zap/4-1
13:28.33ManxPower_Awayflorinm: either stop argueing with me or I'll not help you.
13:28.34*** join/#asterisk ast_freak (
13:28.35robl^florinm, because DIAL is for outgoing.. not incoing
13:28.41florinmi know
13:28.44ManxPower_AwayZap/4-1 is NOT a valid port number
13:28.45KattyHmmhesays: what's call parking?
13:28.47file[laptop]just do what Manx says
13:28.58florinmthen what is my port 4 on my TDM ?
13:29.06file[laptop]Zap/4 most likely
13:29.09ManxPower_Awayno amount of flapping your arms and saying you are a chicken is going to make you a chicken
13:29.16Hmmhesaysjust like the name, you park calls in a parking lot, and can retrieve them at your leisure
13:29.29ariel_leisure ha
13:29.34KattyHmmhesays: oh. then how would you pick up the next parked thing?
13:29.34florinmlet me change and try
13:29.49Hmmhesaysdial one of your parking extensions
13:29.50file[laptop]park to a different extension
13:29.55KattyHmmhesays: oh. k
13:30.08Hmmhesaysthere's a good write up on the wiki about parking
13:30.10KattyHmmhesays: give me an example of a company that might use it?
13:30.10ariel_Katty, it tells you which location it's at. 700 incoming 701 parking lot, 702 2nd parking lot etc.
13:30.27robl^Katty, parking allows you to put a call on "hold" and then retrieve it from ANY phne by dialing an extension associated with the special hold location
13:30.31Hmmhesaysparking is similar to putting someone on hold for someone else to pick up
13:30.46Kattythat's how our 1960s phones work!
13:30.58Kattythat might be handy to setup
13:30.59Hmmhesaysmost key systems have that functionality
13:31.03florinmsame ??
13:31.20ManxPower_Awayflorinm: what do you have on port 4?
13:31.30florinmpx0 line on tdm
13:31.38ariel_what is a px0
13:31.40Hmmhesayslook at bkw's valetparking
13:31.42KattyHmmhesays: so if john doe called bettie and asked for dan...she could him in parking lot 702 and dan could pick up the call when he gets off the phone?
13:31.50ManxPower_Awaywhat type of port is Zap/4 and what type of port is on the PBX?
13:31.52HmmhesaysKatty: that is correct
13:31.56KattyHmmhesays: :>>>
13:31.57jboti guess fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
13:32.03KattyHmmhesays: show me the wiki!
13:32.06florinmis my yes
13:32.13*** join/#asterisk MicC_ (
13:32.18KattyHmmhesays: or which conf file it's in (=
13:32.26Kattyprobably extensions.
13:32.32ManxPower_Awayflorinm: Unfortunatly your lack of english skills may be causing some confusion.
13:32.33Hmmhesaysno... parking.conf
13:32.38Kattybut to dial parking?
13:32.43Kattythat's in extensions, right?
13:32.44Hmmhesaysyou'll see it
13:32.53florinmwhat other languages u know ;)?
13:33.02Kattyyay, i have something to do today
13:33.08robl^noo. parking.conf is dead.  features.conf now
13:33.11Hmmhesaysthat's right
13:33.13Hmmhesaysmy mistake
13:33.21florinmon my Zap/4 is my TDM card chanlel 4 which is my normal PSTN line
13:33.25ManxPower_Awayflorinm: none.  I was just point out that it could be the cause of some issue.
13:33.27ariel_florinm, what is your main lang?
13:34.00ManxPower_Awayflorinm: So you are saying that Zap/4 is an FXS port (provides dialtone), and the PBX port is an FXO port (receives dialtone)
13:34.18ManxPower_AwayYou need Dial(Zap/4) then.
13:34.37ManxPower_AwaySince you can't provide digits when dialing an FXS port.
13:34.48KattyHmmhesays: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
13:35.03KattyHmmhesays: from what i'm reading you don't know how to pick up a parked call if there's more than one
13:35.09ManxPower_Awayflorinm: what happens when you plug a normal analog phone into Zap/4?
13:35.14florinmthe strange thing is that on Zap/1 if i pick up my phone on it and dial out, via Zap/4, it is working
13:35.17KattyHmmhesays: so if jeff and dan are both waiting for calls...what keeps themf rom picking up the wrong one?
13:35.31florinmon Zap/4 is my normal phone line
13:35.36robl^Katty, when you park a call, Asterisk will tell you an extension number for pick up
13:35.43ManxPower_AwaySo Zap/4 is an FXO?
13:35.43florinmon ZAP/1 is my analog phone on it
13:36.02Kattyrobl^: ooooh.
13:36.06Kattyrobl^: fanschmastic.
13:36.07ManxPower_AwayPay attention.  I just asked if Zap/4 was FXS and you said yes.  Now you are saying that it's an FXO
13:36.07florinmand from ZAP/1 i can dial out via Zap/4
13:36.17Hmmhesaysthey will still pick up the wrong one
13:36.21Hmmhesaysthat's how end users do it
13:36.26florinmfrom my SIP extension i get BUSY
13:36.44florinmso i realy do not know why
13:37.03*** part/#asterisk ManxPower_Away (
13:37.06florinmsorry, but someone was buggying me over the phone :(
13:37.32KattyHmmhesays: so when it times out, in 45 seconds or whatever, then it rings the original phone?
13:37.42HmmhesaysKatty: that's one way to do it
13:37.56Kattyor to voicemail?
13:38.25cjkis there a way do disable uniqueid loggin for cdr_odbc ?
13:38.38florinmanyone can help me then ?
13:39.02Hmmhesaysanother way to do it
13:39.06KattyHmmhesays: :>
13:39.32Hmmhesaysflorinm: use a drill .. make some 'art'
13:40.05florinmthat remind me of a article i found on net about securing ur pc ;)
13:40.34florinmmmhesays can help me pls ?
13:41.17Hmmhesaysflorinm: what's the problem
13:41.20[TK]D-Fendercjk : you could probably write a database trigger on update to blank it if you want.
13:41.37florinmfew problems now only 1 :(
13:41.41florinm1: sip
13:41.53florinmi dial out , the person can hear me, i can't hear back
13:42.04Hmmhesaysare you using NAT?
13:42.04florinm(that from a fxs port with a analog phone)
13:42.14Hmmhesaysis that person on the other side of the nat?
13:42.28florinmis a voip provider
13:42.41florinmis via a voip provider (sipgate)
13:42.41MicC_if I wanted to use Asterisk as a pure CTI call routing applications (ala Call manager) where would I start?
13:43.19florinm2. from a sip phone i want to dial out via my PXO port and i get trunk engaged
13:43.40florinmand is not (since from PXS i can dial out via PXO no problem)
13:44.03Hmmhesaysfxs? fxo?
13:44.10*** part/#asterisk contrabanda (~G@
13:44.11florinmThe TDM400p card
13:44.29florinmhas 1 FXS and 2 FXO ports on it
13:44.42florinmon port 1 is my FXS and a normal analog phone connected
13:44.56florinmand on port 4 is my normal PSTN live line
13:45.12Hmmhesayscan't plug an analog telephone line into an fxs port chief
13:45.33*** part/#asterisk Patrick^ (
13:45.52ariel_MicC_, start with reading and building your test system.
13:45.55jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
13:45.56*** join/#asterisk loick (
13:46.10florinmAn FXS device initiates and sends ringing voltage.
13:46.27florinmFXS sends the voltage to an FXO device, which receives it.
13:46.47florinmso as is stage on DIGIUM site , on the FXS port i put the analog phone
13:46.59florinmand on FXO i put normal line
13:47.21florinmso at least i think i did this correct
13:47.31florinmsince is working
13:47.35ariel_fxs is where you plug your phone into and the fxo is where you plug in the telco line.
13:47.36Hmmhesaysok, you have it right
13:47.49florinmi was getting more confuse :P
13:48.28florinmwhat is the solution ?
13:48.42florinmtrow everything out of window ?
13:48.43Hmmhesaysmake sure your nat is working correctly
13:48.55MicC_ariel_: its possible though is it not?
13:49.05Hmmhesaysnever toss a pc out... especially one with a flat top on it... works great for a little beer table
13:49.15MicC_I have like 10 dialogic boards and 10 linux systems to play with
13:49.31florinmi think i set it up correctly the nat
13:49.41Hmmhesaysoh yeah? try using just a phone with it
13:49.47Hmmhesayscut asterisk out of the setup to test
13:49.49Kattyno such host?
13:49.57my007mscan some one tell me how join 2 wav file in one
13:49.58Kattywhy does dialing 700 give me no such host?
13:50.25Kattysomeone smack me ;)
13:50.26robl^Katty, did you include parked calls in yer extensions?
13:50.28florinmi have a external ATA ataptor (no i'm at work) and connected to asterisk back home
13:50.32florinmi get dial tone
13:50.42florinmbut when i call i can't hear anything :(
13:51.01Kattyrobl^: sort of :P
13:51.02HmmhesaysI would, but I don't want a pen in my gut
13:51.08Kattyrobl^: i forgot to tell it what to do
13:51.15ChkDigit(the ATA likely provides the dialtone to the phone...)
13:51.31florinmis connecting to the asterisk
13:51.37Hmmhesaysflorinm: set up an echo test on your asterisk box
13:51.37florinmas i see as i try to dial out
13:51.46Kattyi think i'm going to need some hand holding here.
13:51.49florinmand i get trunk bussy
13:51.54Kattyjust cause i'm parinoid.
13:52.39robl^katty:  in the context you use for dialing out... "include => parkedcalls"
13:53.08KattyHmmhesays: if i put in an include => parkedcalls...
13:53.17KattyHmmhesays: then do i need a [parkedcalls] too?
13:53.25KattyHmmhesays: both in extensions.conf?
13:53.51robl^[parkedcalls] is created automagically
13:53.53KattyHmmhesays: a singular include => parkedcalls tells me 700 no host found
13:54.25Hmmhesayswhat do you have set up in your features.conf?
13:54.25KattyHmmhesays: Jun 30 08:56:33 WARNING[21597]: chan_sip.c:1612 create_addr: No such host: 700 <- like that.
13:54.49Kattyunder the general context there's:
13:54.59Kattyparkext => 700                  ; What ext. to dial to park
13:54.59Kattyparkpos => 701-720              ; What extensions to park calls on
13:54.59Kattycontext => parkedcalls          ; Which context parked calls are in
13:55.07robl^Katty, do you have any extension matching  like _X.?
13:55.12Kattyrobl^: yes.
13:55.18KattyHmmhesays: but i don't know where to tell it what to do
13:55.26kensukewhats the best sip phone for winblows ?
13:55.39KattyHmmhesays: like in the wiki
13:55.42robl^Katty, ok.. how is that defined?  you could be matching 700 before it hits parked calls
13:55.52Kattyrobl^: slow down buster (=
13:56.18robl^Katty, paste yer context to :)
13:56.21Hmmhesaysheh, you can pm me if it gets a little crowded in here
13:56.26KattyHmmhesays: i think i will ;)
13:56.43Kattyrobl^: thanks for helping, but Kats require slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww explinations.
13:57.05robl^Katty, sorry.  too much caffeiene here :)
13:57.28Kattyrobl^: i don't know someone practically has to hold my hand anytime i want to update :P
13:59.07robl^Katty, ahh.  well it soounds like extensions 700 is getting defined twice. 2 conflicting definitions.  have Hmmhesays check that for ya
14:01.42kensukeis SIP the only option connecting to an asterisk, in a pbz type scenario ?
14:02.18ariel_kensuke, asterisk can do more the sip.
14:02.46kensukewhat is the "best case" scenario for agents connecting via a pc with soundcard ?
14:02.54robl^asterisk can do IAX2, SIP, analog, SCCP, MGCP, H323
14:03.28*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
14:03.32ariel_h323 has to be added on. it's not there out of the box.
14:03.37dark_eelHello, I have problem with h323, How can I debug the h323 call in the asterisk, somebody can help me?
14:05.04bprice20hey fellas, Is the name portion of the callerid pulled from the rpid or the "from" part of the sip message
14:06.12bprice20because were having trouble with not getting the name for callerid on pstn to sip calls coming in through level3
14:08.44tzafrirkensuke, what do you want to connect?
14:09.24*** join/#asterisk Fraeggl (
14:10.06kensuketzafrir: We are trying to use asterisk as a pabx. Its "working" but when sip clients pick up the calls, the quality of the call drops drastically
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14:10.27develso has anybody modded/realtimed the astdb calls (i.e. to write sip reg info to a real database)?
14:10.28ariel_argh windows.... I have to reboot my system... argh.
14:13.12*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
14:13.41*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
14:16.00CoffeeIVI have a TE110P card.  Can I receive faxes on it's channels ?  They should work for faxes just like my old Wildcard 100 P right ?
14:17.24*** join/#asterisk Alric (
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14:20.32Nuggetthat seems like an optimistic and ungrounded assumption, but I really don't know.
14:21.22*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
14:24.30florinmArial can u help pls ;) ?
14:25.19kensukeok, whats better for a lan connection to an asterisk server ? sip h323 ?
14:25.21*** join/#asterisk convey (
14:25.22kensukeiax2 even ?
14:25.56conveyI am installing * ona new server and getting a no Termcap support, any ideas?  Termcap is installed.
14:25.58Ariel_florinm, have you setup in the sip.conf general section externip= and localnet =
14:26.03blitzragewhat kinds of setup fees are people paying to activate VoIP with carriers such as Vonage, LiveVoip,, etc...?
14:26.15Ariel_kensuke, depending on what your using if your connecting 2 asterisk boxes iax2 is best
14:26.43Ariel_florinm, that is for your one way audio
14:27.09Ariel_kensuke, what your you connecting to the asterisk box with?
14:27.15kensukeAriel, might be doing that later on ... for now ... just 5 clients connecting to asterisk, asterisk queuing incomming analogue calls from a digium card.
14:27.31Ariel_kensuke, what are the clients?
14:27.38jansaellconvey: what os?
14:27.40kensukeLinux / Windows
14:27.47Ariel_blitzrage, it depends on who your selling the service too.
14:27.48conveySuse 9.3
14:28.02blitzrageAriel_: assume a residential market
14:28.11blitzrageAriel_: I think thats the most common...
14:28.13Ariel_kensuke, softphones like xlite are sip.  firefox is iax and sip and hard phones are all types.
14:28.17conveyjansaell: when I compile asterisk it fails with no Termcap support
14:28.36kensukeAriel, so h323 doesnt really feature ?
14:28.55Ariel_blitzrage, most charge a fee of $ 40.00 but have promo's to get it for free. I don't like them nor use the ones that charge a fee. but I am a cheap penny less person.
14:28.56kensukeAriel, is there a firefox phone ? by mozills ?
14:29.12blitzrageAriel_: me too :)
14:29.54Ariel_kensuke, no not mozilla.  but h323 has many issues that are problems if your using nat iax2 is best then sip h323 and mgcp don't deal with nat well at all.
14:30.23*** join/#asterisk tclark (
14:30.37blitzragetclark: morn
14:30.43kensukeAriel_, ok, so iax2 then ... what softphone is the best ?
14:30.49kensukefor the clients
14:31.01kensukeby clients I mean the agent pc's
14:31.30jansaellconvey: you can se /usr/lib/libtermcap.o
14:31.51*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
14:32.18conveyjansaell: I see a and libtermcap.a
14:33.13conveyjansaell: I figured it out.  I was missing Bison :)
14:33.50conveyjansaell: Thaks for your help.
14:34.35jansaellconvey: cool - np
14:35.14florinmariel. I put that details allready, NO JOY what soever :(
14:35.45florinmwhat is the best cvs version to use ?
14:35.50dark_eelHello, I have problem with h323, How can I debug the h323 call in the asterisk, somebody can help me?
14:35.55florinmi'm going to reinstall it again
14:36.33dark_eelHello, I have problem with h323, How can I debug the h323 call in the asterisk, somebody can help me?
14:36.58ChkDigit'h323 debug' in the CLI comes to mind...
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14:37.59florinmcvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk
14:38.02florinmthis is ok ?
14:38.15dark_eelChkDigit: I put "h323 debug, agi debug, and h323 trace 3 , but nothing happend
14:38.30brimstoneflorinm: looks good, make sure you cvs login first
14:38.34florinmi know
14:38.45florinmbut i wanted to make sure that is working on ;)
14:38.52florinmis the HEAD one isn't it?
14:38.53nottoobrightmorning all
14:38.57brimstoneif you have a tdm400P you don't need libpri
14:38.59tzafrirdark_eel, something does happen. You should describe the things that do happen and not what does not happen
14:39.29florinmi'll give it a try and see how is going
14:39.46*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
14:39.55florinmi need to del /var/lib/asterisk , /usr/lib/asterisk  , /etc/asterisk
14:40.02florinmany other folders?
14:40.14brimstonefor a complete uninstall?
14:40.15*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
14:40.29brimstonethere's the /usr/sbin/asterisk binary as well
14:40.31florinmi want to make sure i start from 0 again
14:40.37brimstoneand /sbin/ztcfg
14:40.47florinmsince i can;t make it working at all :(
14:40.48[TK]D-FenderYou can just recompile * over the last install.
14:41.02brimstonealong with /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/ modules
14:41.03nottoobrightflorinm make clean; make
14:41.04[TK]D-FenderWorks for me....
14:41.21brimstonebut you can install on top of the old one no problems usually
14:41.24[TK]D-FenderI do make-clean on mine and everything works great
14:41.25florinmyes i'll delete that too
14:41.39brimstonei normally do "make clean install" and let it do it's thing
14:41.41Ariel_kensuke, I like diax for iax2 phone and I also like xlite for sip both work great for me.
14:42.47Ariel_florinm, if your thinking that reinstalling things will fix your problem I don't think it will. But I don't use CVS head for production and if your new just learning I don't think you should be working with CVS head.
14:42.54florinmthe TDM400P is a I version anyone knows if this is the laters revision which works with UK PSTN's ?
14:43.18brimstoneflorinm: i heard that the latest CVS HEAD works with BT
14:43.48florinmwas working fine the other day, and i don;t know why i touch it :P
14:43.59florinmnow is nothing working :P
14:44.02RoyKanyone here using POE::Component::Client::Asterisk::Manager?
14:44.13florinmbut u know u never learn if u don't try ;)
14:44.26sylehow do you increase volume on the phone?
14:44.37syleis it phone.conf the rx and txgain values?
14:44.48brimstonesyle: it's in zapata.conf
14:44.53florinmo yes, i need to increase volume too on the tdm board
14:44.55brimstoneyou don't need phone.conf for anything
14:45.04florinmwhat is the normal values there?
14:45.13florinmfro rxgain and txgain
14:45.14brimstonesame for txgain
14:45.19florinmi tryed 2.0
14:45.22florinmand done NOTHING
14:45.29brimstonedon't go above 5 or less then -5 for either
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14:45.33sylewhat is different between txgain and rxgain, in and out sound?
14:45.46florinmi tryed rxgain=2.0
14:45.48blitzragetx - transmit, rx - receive
14:45.50florinmand nothing happed?
14:46.55brimstonecould try more
14:47.07brimstonemake sure you stop asterisk and restart it after you change anything
14:47.15file[laptop]blitzrage: ATTACK!
14:47.17brimstoneto be totally sure that the changes take
14:47.19florinmi did so
14:47.26florinmi even restarted pc :P
14:47.31florinmno gain :P
14:47.31sylehmmm seems louder now
14:47.41sylewait for someone to call later lol
14:47.50Ariel_when adjusting your tdm sound you can use ./ztmonitor locate in the /usr/src/zaptel directory to see the levels your gettin.
14:48.13florinmi'll try that
14:48.20florinmi allready deleted all :P
14:48.24florinmnow reisntalling it ;)
14:48.33florinmwhat is the best GUI for asterisk ?
14:48.42Ariel_florinm, amp in my view
14:48.51brimstoneflorinm: none of them, in my view
14:48.51florinmThat i have installed too
14:48.52eKo1florinm: vim
14:49.07florinmand no joy :(
14:49.26florinmarial if u have spare time i ca give u shell in my pc
14:49.33nottoobrightnottoobright thinks its time for lunch
14:49.38florinmis a fresh installed pc
14:49.46florinmsuse 9.3
14:49.52Ariel_florinm, spare time this is what I do as my business I charge money to connect to others.
14:50.03florinmhow much then ;) ?
14:50.24syleAriel_ how do you format <channel num> for ztmonitor?
14:50.36brimstonesyle: just 1, 2 or 3
14:50.41brimstonejust the Zap/?/ number
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14:50.47sylek thx
14:51.20nottoobrightanyone have the contact info to get a cisco service contract... I need 7960 mgcp firmware?
14:51.22Ariel_florinm, I charge depending on what needs to be done. I work of a spec sheet.
14:51.22syleUnable to open /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
14:51.26sylethat sucks
14:51.32SarahEmmshido: you 'round
14:52.05florinmthat is for my personal house so basicly to route the calls via the cheapest option ;)
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14:52.13florinmwith failback to normal pstn
14:52.19zoahey ho
14:52.36sylewhy don;t you have asterisk in your house doing that florin?
14:52.53Ariel_florinm, you might want to look at asterisk at home it's a predone ISO which works almost out of the box. It even has a good zap channel detection program in it.
14:53.07florinmi did that too
14:53.19florinmdidn't detect my card at all :(
14:53.37florinmi forced loading the modules, no fun
14:53.43Ariel_did you do genzaptelconf at the prompt?
14:54.06florinmso i forgot about it and reinstalled SuSe
14:54.39florinmi did all tricks with Asterisk@home regarding the TDM, changed order of modules, etc...
14:54.49florinmwas refusing to see my card :(
14:54.54*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
14:54.58florinmin suse my card is OK
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14:57.55blitzrageI found a wierd problem with loading the TE11x cards in SuSE
14:58.05blitzragelet me know if you are having that problem - I can help :)
14:58.15*** join/#asterisk penguinparty (
14:58.23brimstoneblitzrage: what was the problem?
14:59.08blitzragebrimstone: gave some wierd error on the modprobe wcte11xp driver (I forget the exact error), but it was wierd none the less. Do this:
14:59.14penguinpartyI have two asterisk boxes setup on eitherisides of a satellite link (high latency) what is the best way to minimize the effects of the packet latency across this link?
14:59.18blitzragemodprobe wct1xxp
14:59.23blitzragemodprobe -r wct1xxp
14:59.23florinmi have a te110 too
14:59.32blitzragemodprobe wcte11xp
14:59.43blitzragedo the first modprobe twice because the first time it will fail
14:59.49brimstonealias, i don't have a te110p here to play with
14:59.51blitzragethen unload *with modprobe*
14:59.51Kattydo i have to somehow include features.conf into extensions.conf for my *8, *2, #, etc to work?
14:59.55brimstonenor suse
14:59.58blitzragethen load wcte11xp and it works
15:00.05brimstonebut i'll keep that in mind when i get both at the same time
15:00.28florinmsounds realy strange the fixup
15:00.29file[laptop]penguinparty: don't use satellite, because you can't avoid high latency with it
15:00.37rephormKatty: you need to pass the right options to Dial()
15:00.54SarahEmmblitzrage: any news?
15:01.06blitzrageSarahEmm: just asked - waiting for the w0rd
15:01.09file[laptop]and no real way to make it better, except maybe changing codecs... try different ones and see if any help!
15:01.12SarahEmmk blitzrage
15:01.15penguinpartythats really not an option as my other asterisk box is in the jungle in central america . . . (unless someone wants to pull fiber for me)
15:01.19Kattyit's pample sarah time!
15:01.22rephormKatty: (t,T,w,W,etc) see the wikky :)
15:01.29rephormKatty: wiki rather
15:01.39penguinpartyfile: would you think that GSM is the best?
15:01.39*** part/#asterisk jalsot_ (
15:01.52file[laptop]penguinparty: like I said try and see... one may work better
15:01.56file[laptop]I've never done satellite.
15:02.13rephormblitzrage: you have to wait for zaptel to fully load before you can load the wcet11xp driver
15:02.17SarahEmmyou're going to have delay like you have on intercontinental sat calls, i think.
15:02.21jansaellgsm have very high latecy also
15:02.29SarahEmmit'll work, just be hard to talk on
15:02.36penguinpartyI sent them an Iaxy and it works ok sometimes straight across to my asterisk box her in NA
15:02.40penguinpartyhere in NA
15:03.04penguinpartybut I want them to connect thier iaxy to their asterisk box there
15:03.06Ariel_Katty, you need the callgroup and pickup group set for the *8 to work.
15:03.12blitzragerephorm: yes - give it a few mins especially on systems which need to create the device drivers for udev
15:03.13penguinpartythen connect the two boxes together
15:03.14rephormblitzrage: try using zaptel.init (in the zap cvs dir)
15:03.15KattyAriel_: everyone is under 1
15:03.27KattyAriel_: callgroup=1 and pickupgroup=1
15:03.37rephormblitzrage: oh. so, even after waiting you have to do the loading/unloading rigamarole?
15:03.38Ariel_the *8 can pickup anyones calls when you hear them ring
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15:03.47Kattyexcept nothing happens when i do that
15:04.02penguinpartyhow do you switch which codec to use? in the iax.conf? also how do I know which codecs to try? or which ones are avaliable?
15:04.10Ariel_what does the cli say when you do *8 and what are the phones?
15:04.10twisted[work]it's a penguin party!
15:04.22blitzragerephorm: yes. modprobe zaptel ; wait(30) ; modprobe shiat
15:04.30KattyAriel_: i'm trying to do *2 in the middle of a call
15:04.32Ariel_penguinparty, diallow=all allow=ulaw
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15:04.36KattyAriel_: when i put in *2, nothing happens
15:04.37KattyAriel_: at all
15:04.39blitzragetwisted[work]: seems like mostly a sausage fest
15:04.49Ariel_*2 in the middle of a call why?
15:04.50KattyAriel_: it's like asterisk doesn't comprehend
15:04.56KattyAriel_: attended transfer to call parking
15:04.56twisted[work]Katty != sausage.
15:05.07KattyKatty likes soy sausage though.
15:05.14file[laptop]Katty = toast.
15:05.17Kattyfile[laptop]: :<
15:05.25twisted[work]Katty, toast is good stuff!
15:05.33twisted[work]you put butter and jam on it, and mmmm
15:05.34gordonjcpmmmm soy
15:05.37Ariel_Katty, *2 in the middle of a call will do nothing.
15:05.39file[laptop]mmm muffin
15:05.46KattyAriel_: then what do i need to do?
15:05.50KattyAriel_: how do i do this attended transfer thing?
15:06.00bonez41what is 'soy sausage'?
15:06.06Ariel_Katty, what phones do you have?
15:06.10KattyAriel_: polycom500
15:06.23Ariel_ok the polycoms are simple
15:06.23Kattytwisted[work]: yes dear i look at that but i don't grasp things as well as you :P
15:06.24*** part/#asterisk penguinparty (
15:06.33rephormKatty: you might need a T option for dial
15:06.37twisted[work]Katty, heh
15:06.45Ariel_you press hold then you dial the exten press send when the person answers you press the transfer botton.
15:06.49rephormKatty: or on a polycom, press the transfer softkey
15:06.50*** part/#asterisk bonez41 (
15:06.54twisted[work]Katty, I'm sure you can grasp it... asterisk just has this funky learning curve
15:06.57KattyAriel_: that won't work though
15:07.02Ariel_no T
15:07.12KattyAriel_: if i blind transfer to 700 it works, but i don't here which lot they're put on
15:07.20Ariel_Katty, yes it does here all the time. I have 10 of them phones here.
15:07.22KattyAriel_: if i do a regular transfer to 700 i get disconnected with no such host
15:07.39file[laptop]use super valet parking or valet parking
15:07.42twisted[work]Katty, and you have transfer=*2 ?
15:07.49Kattylike this:
15:07.51KattyJun 30 10:09:55 WARNING[21861]: chan_sip.c:1612 create_addr: No such host: 700
15:07.51KattyJun 30 10:09:55 NOTICE[21861]: app_dial.c:977 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3)
15:08.01file[laptop]your dialplan is setup wrong
15:08.12twisted[work]yeah, i smell a bad pattern match in the dialplan
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15:08.33Ariel_Katty, your setting are not correct in the extensions.conf then.
15:08.36file[laptop]twisted[work]: smells like cheese!
15:08.37Kattyexten => _xxx,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
15:08.37Kattyexten => _xxx,2,Hangup
15:08.39file[laptop]er wait, that's your feet
15:08.43twisted[work]yeah, that's what's wrong
15:08.50Kattywhat did i goof up?
15:08.54twisted[work]includes are checked last
15:08.58twisted[work]700 will match the pattern _xxx
15:09.04Ariel_parking is preset via the feature.conf you include the context in your internal settings
15:09.06Kattyi need to remove those two lines?
15:09.16Kattyso it will default back to features.conf?
15:09.19twisted[work]I would put them in another include under parking
15:09.31twisted[work]so it's like
15:09.35twisted[work]include => parkingcontext
15:09.39twisted[work]include => myextensions
15:09.53twisted[work]so that it'll check the include parkingcontext first
15:09.58Kattyinclude => to-phone-company
15:09.58Kattyinclude => call-sip-number
15:09.58Kattyinclude => speed-dial
15:09.58Kattyinclude => to-parked-calls
15:10.01Katty^- like that?
15:10.06Kattyand then do [to-parked-calls]
15:10.09Kattywith those two lines under it?
15:10.15twisted[work]well, no
15:10.19twisted[work]call parking generates it's own extensions
15:10.25twisted[work]you don't have to specify them anywhere
15:10.34twisted[work]except the include to the parkedcalls context
15:10.47twisted[work]so i would make it like
15:11.02Ariel_but why would you use pattern matching for extensions do you have 999 sip phones?
15:11.06twisted[work]include => parkedcalls
15:11.06twisted[work]include => call-sip-number
15:11.06twisted[work]include => speed-dial
15:11.06twisted[work]include => whatever
15:11.24twisted[work]Ariel_, i pattern match EVERYTHING
15:11.29Kattytwisted[work]: and then what?
15:11.34Kattytwisted[work]: just ditch those two lines?
15:11.41twisted[work]Katty, if they were only for parking, yes.
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15:11.52twisted[work]if they were to dial other phones, no
15:11.55twisted[work]brb, phone's ringing
15:12.44KattyAriel_: i put john doe on hold (regular transfer) and dial 700?
15:13.03Kattyi mean fun
15:13.14Kattyhot dang
15:13.15Kattythat's neat
15:13.23Kattyk, i should just quit thinking so much
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15:14.24Kattynow how do i pick it up?
15:14.30Kattyjust dial the number?
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15:15.36sylei'm curious anyone actually have tons of harddrive space at their houses?
15:15.42sylestore movies etc
15:15.56brimstonei almost have a TB
15:16.02syleno shit
15:16.04brimstonebut that's not really a ton
15:16.12eKo1a metric ton?
15:16.18brimstoneyeah, right now
15:16.20florinmme to nearly ;)
15:16.23brimstoneone machine has SATA
15:16.31sylewhat did you use to rain all that space together?
15:16.35florinmusb hdd most of them :P
15:16.37brimstonebut no drives yet
15:16.42brimstonesyle: linux
15:16.46brimstonemd something something
15:17.01syledamn how many drives you have in that linux box hehe
15:17.08brimstoneonly 4 right now
15:17.21syle4 300 gig drives?
15:17.27brimstone400, 200, 200, 8
15:17.45syleinteresting so your doing a raid 0 then
15:18.27brimstoneright now
15:18.34sylereason i ask is i been wondering what people are using for cards to support tons of sata drives, i;ve seen units that can support like 10 sata ide drives and run about 1500 bucks
15:18.48sylehot swappable and all
15:18.53eKo1those are storage systems
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15:19.22syleabout the best bang for your buck right now for the home
15:19.26eKo1I have two of them, each can support 8 HDs (all hot swapable).
15:19.29syledon;t really need scsi
15:19.47sylewhat OS they run?
15:19.59kensukeiax2 is good for connecting to an asterisk behind a linux fw ? correct ?
15:20.06eKo1syle: eh, none.
15:20.50sylenone? how do you mount the drives on the network hehe
15:21.34eKo1they're daisy chained to one of my boxen's scsi controller.
15:22.02eKo1and from there, I do the mounting.
15:22.28Ariel_kensuke, yes since you only have to open one port 4569
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15:22.48sylei see, scsi is to expensive for the home i think, you get a terrabyte of space and gonna cost way to much, which is about 220 movies or so of space i believe
15:23.00kensukeAriel, rad !! udp and tcp
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15:23.20eKo1syle: well, this stuff isn't in my house, it's in the rack at the office.
15:23.42kensukeAriel, thanks alot !
15:24.08florinmi just setup the tdm
15:24.13florinmModule 0: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO
15:24.13florinmModule 1: Not installed
15:24.13florinmModule 2: Installed -- AUTO FXO (UK mode)
15:24.13florinmModule 3: Installed -- AUTO FXO (UK mode)
15:24.13florinmFound a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV I (4 modules)
15:24.13florinmRegistered tone zone 4 (United Kingdom)
15:24.19florinmis correct like so ?
15:24.19SarahEmmit'll work, just be hard to talk on
15:24.31ManxPowerflorinm: USE PASTEBIN
15:24.45jbotrumour has it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
15:24.51ManxPowerGads, you are new, aren't you?
15:24.52RoyK~lart florinm
15:25.26florinmso is coorect like so ?
15:25.30KattyHmmhesays: :>
15:26.18*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:26.21brimstoneflorinm: you can call digium's tech support and they'll make sure that the card works for you for free
15:26.25twisted[work]mmm... jews
15:26.27brimstonethey won't help with any dial plan stuff
15:26.29twisted[work]or wait, was that juice.
15:26.33brimstonebut they will make sure that the card works
15:26.41twisted[work]meh, all the same
15:26.51florinmi emailed them 4 times till now
15:26.55florinmNO ANSWER :(
15:26.59brimstonetwisted[work]: jew juice ?
15:27.03twisted[work]brimstone, eww.
15:27.17kensukeAriel_, you wouldnt happen to be able to recommend a AIX client for linux ?
15:27.22brimstoneflorinm: which domain where you coming from? they've had problems with yahoo accounts i've heard
15:27.23twisted[work]AIX?  wow.
15:27.29florinmis passed 4 days since i emaile them
15:27.29SarahEmmkensuke: uhh. AIX or IAX?
15:27.34Kattytwisted[work]: i'm jewish :P
15:27.35brimstonekensuke: IAX? iaxcomm
15:27.36Kattytwisted[work]: sorta.
15:27.36florinmi come from my OWN domain ;)
15:27.37SarahEmmkensuke: an AIX client would be like SSH
15:27.38kensukelol IAX ... thanx
15:27.39twisted[work]it's been ages since i've worked on an AIX box
15:27.43Ariel_AIX is an os for ibm
15:27.51kensukeI know
15:27.51twisted[work]Katty, hehe... there's nothing wrong with jew
15:27.53florinmand no answer
15:27.58HmmhesaysI could use an episode of MXC about now
15:27.58Kattytwisted[work]: jewish, german, and irish ;>
15:28.06Kattytwisted[work]: you could say i'm aggressively thrifty!
15:28.07twisted[work]oooh, you can drink
15:28.23Kattytwisted[work]: actually, i don't drink
15:28.28Kattytwisted[work]: family history :<
15:28.29Hmmhesaysgerman/english here
15:28.34twisted[work]oh, well, good for you, alcohol leads to bad things
15:28.37Hmmhesaystwisted.. what tribe?
15:28.42twisted[work]Hmmhesays, cherokee
15:28.50Kattytwisted[work]: long hair?
15:28.55kensukeso can anyone then reccommend an iax softphone ?
15:28.56twisted[work]nah, i keep mine shaved
15:29.01Hmmhesaysmy family has a history of drinking.... I drink
15:29.02brimstonekensuke: IAX? iaxcomm
15:29.04Kattywhat's up with this?
15:29.10Kattyno one ever has long hair!
15:29.24SarahEmmi have long hair!
15:29.24twisted[work]kensuke, iax softclients need to come a bit farther, in my opinion
15:29.31twisted[work]Katty, sorry :/
15:29.43twisted[work]but here in this heat + humidity, it pays to keep it buzzed
15:29.52KattySarahEmm: i know. and you're hothothot
15:30.02brimstoneflorinm: try calling 1-877-LINUXME (5468-963)
15:30.03RoyKbrimstone: IBM AIX?
15:30.09kensukeItwisted, thanx for the heads up. I dont ahve a choice, I gotta get into my network from my home through our firewall
15:30.15brimstoneRoyK: no, just IAX
15:30.18blitzragetwisted[work]: you're keeping buzzed in the heat? Makes sense - lots of cold beers
15:30.18florinmi'll have to do from home ;)
15:30.19twisted[work]kensuke, ah.
15:30.34twisted[work]blitzrage, haha...  that's only good AFTER work
15:30.42blitzragetwisted[work]: its better during work
15:30.47brimstoneflorinm: ok :]
15:30.48Kattytwisted[work]: s'ok (=
15:30.48SarahEmmKatty: meep! *hidemeows*
15:30.48twisted[work]blitzrage, it'd be nice during work
15:30.56Kattytwisted[work]: i have enough hair for the both of us!
15:31.05Kattyand Hmmhesays too.
15:31.07blitzragetwisted[work]: I can during work :)
15:31.09florinmdoes the fax thing realy works on asterisk ?
15:31.17twisted[work]Katty, word.
15:31.25HmmhesaysI love it when customers say that I should help them for free because they are under pressure
15:31.28Kattytwisted[work]: oh, are we going to play hangman now?
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15:31.38twisted[work]Katty, haha... :P
15:31.44florinmi've spent hours tring to make to receive a fax from my pall from germany
15:31.48florinmno joy :(
15:31.48Kattylet's have a hangman module for music on hold!
15:31.49blitzragetwisted[work]: lol - I only get away with it because my desk is beside my bed :)
15:31.50Kattyinteractive games!
15:32.09twisted[work]Katty, believe it or not, interactive games are in the works ;)
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15:32.24blitzragetwisted[work]: I've been hearing that for months!
15:32.27twisted[work]we already have metaboo
15:32.41Kattypost gifs
15:32.43Kattyor url
15:32.48blitzragetwisted[work]: you need a D&D or something that geeks like
15:33.05twisted[work]Katty, it's an asterisk based game
15:33.18blitzragetwisted[work]: have multiple players at the same time - I picture it like a BBS type game
15:33.33twisted[work]blitzrage, that's scary.  "Press 1 to roll your dice"
15:33.55Kattytwisted[work]: blackjack?
15:33.57twisted[work]i could make an asterisk dice game
15:34.02twisted[work]Katty, shhh :)
15:34.02blitzragetwisted[work]: "Are you sure you wish to murder twisted in his sleep? Press 1 for yes, 2 for no."
15:34.04Kattytwisted[work]: press 1 for another card
15:34.07Kattytwisted[work]: press 2 to stay
15:34.10Kattytwisted[work]: you win!
15:34.12twisted[work]it's in progress
15:34.14blitzrageblackjack could work
15:34.17twisted[work]slowly but surely
15:34.18Kattytwisted[work]: :>>>>>>>>>
15:34.19blitzragesame with poker....
15:34.25twisted[work]we're running into segfaults
15:34.29twisted[work]but it'll get there
15:34.36blitzrageBREAKFAST TIME
15:34.46florinmhere is diner time ;)
15:34.52twisted[work]now is the time on #asterisk when we dance
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15:34.55blitzrageits 11:30am here
15:35.04mikewho2Hey any ops alive?
15:35.06florinm4:34 am
15:35.14twisted[work]mikewho2, ?
15:35.15florinmsorry pm :P
15:35.20KattyHmmhesays: post gifs.
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15:35.39florinm1.2 brmstone ?
15:35.44brimstoneis 1.2 out?
15:35.48brimstonei'm using 1.1
15:35.51Hmmhesayspng schweethaat
15:35.54brimstonei'll have to get 1.2 then
15:35.56florinmi saw it today
15:36.03florinmis from yesterday out
15:36.12florinmbut not on main page yet
15:36.18MikeJ[Laptop]1.2 is not out...
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15:36.30brimstoneHmmhesays: prolly :/
15:36.32MikeJ[Laptop]not asterisk 1.2
15:36.42twisted[work]brimstone, keep AMP off a box
15:36.49florinmwhy ?
15:36.49twisted[work]brimstone, it's good for nubbs :P
15:36.54florinmaa :P
15:36.56blitzragetwisted[work]: nubbs!
15:36.58twisted[work]but you don't learn anything that way
15:36.59Hmmhesaysamp is no good for newb's
15:37.04blitzragetwisted[work]: your nubb key is stuck
15:37.13MikeJ[Laptop]mikewho2, what do you need an op for?
15:37.14florinmso no gui's then ;)
15:37.16SarahEmmblitzrage: hey, i'm just fixing bugs lately!
15:37.17Hmmhesaysamp is good if you know what you are doing already
15:37.21twisted[work]MikeJ[Laptop], it's taken care of
15:37.25blitzrageSarahEmm: thank you! :)
15:37.25SarahEmmblitzrage: 2 patches in the queue waiting for commits right now :)
15:37.32SarahEmmone a minor one a crash
15:37.33Hmmhesayswhich kind of defeats the purpose of a gui
15:37.42MikeJ[Laptop]morning twisted
15:37.57mikewho2MikeJ[Laptop] your last name isnt joyce is it?
15:38.03blitzrageSarahEmm: know anything about queues? There is a wrapuptime variable - but it should be overridable by the agent if they are ready before the wrapuptime finishes
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15:38.24SarahEmmblitzrage: nope never looked at queues
15:38.25Hmmhesayssweet geebus I love debian some days
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15:39.21blitzrageSarahEmm: me either, but I think I'm going to have to set one up to enable a feature where you have multiple lines on one phone, and they are rang based on status (in use) and then determines which line to ring next based on hunt groups and various methods
15:39.38KattyHmmhesays: i bet you say that to all the girls.
15:39.39SarahEmmall my codingness has been limited to TTY stuff so far
15:39.40KattyHmmhesays: i mean distros.
15:39.43SarahEmmi've only been using * for 1.5mos now :P
15:39.57Kattymy phone insaned
15:40.08Kattyhowever rebooting it worked.
15:40.15blitzrageSarahEmm: I've been using it like.... 3 years now I think - I need to get off my butt and learn more programming :)
15:40.58SarahEmmheh :)
15:41.10SarahEmmi needed to write some stuff before i deployed it here, so i dove into the code right away
15:41.56twisted[work]Katty, it insaned?  how so?
15:42.34Kattytwisted[work]: no music
15:42.36Kattytwisted[work]: no sound
15:42.38Kattytwisted[work]: wasn't muted
15:42.44Kattytwisted[work]: volume was up
15:42.46Kattytwisted[work]: etc.
15:42.56Kattyi know
15:43.06Kattythere are little ghosts here that like to play with my head
15:43.21Qwellall of which are in your head...
15:44.25Kattywhat's a reasonable ammount of time to leave someone on hold?
15:44.42florinmit start raining "cats and dogs" here :(
15:44.43SarahEmmdepends how annoying the customer is.
15:44.47SarahEmmif they're nice, a minute or two
15:44.48KattySarahEmm: :>
15:44.52Qwellif you're an ISP or retailer, forever is fine
15:44.52SarahEmmif they bother me, 20-30mins is fine
15:44.59KattyQwell: *grin*
15:45.15zoaits raining dougnuts here
15:45.29florinmi hate this weather here (Scotland)
15:45.32gordonjcpflorinm: heh
15:45.40zoais this astricon sarah ?
15:45.42QwellKatty: a builtin system that transfers people to the wrong place (ala Dell) would be great too
15:45.46gordonjcpflorinm: it's dried up in Glorious Sunny Greenock, where are you?
15:45.47zoayes ?
15:45.51SarahEmmno, i've never been to astricon
15:45.54zoaah k
15:45.59zoathere was a sarah on astricon
15:46.03SarahEmmmaybe cluecon, but not astricon :)
15:46.11zoabut nice to meet you anyway
15:46.16florinmJ11 M8
15:46.24gordonjcpflorinm: cool, are you going to ScotLUG tonight?
15:46.32*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
15:46.48florinmNo, got a we 5 week boy who need attention ;)
15:46.58florinmmy wife need help ;)
15:47.06florinmbaby want feed every 2 h :(
15:47.21florinmso evening time is my turn ;)
15:48.02gordonjcpflorinm: ah well, maybe another time
15:48.11gordonjcpflorinm: I'm kind of the other side of Glasgow
15:49.01SuPrSluGi'm having an issue with the dial plan and dundi.
15:49.20SuPrSluGi can call directly dial 211 and no problems , but when i use it in the dial plan dial(sip/211) which is remote i get unable to create channel sip no such host
15:49.39RoyKPOE::Component::Client::Asterisk::Manager doesn't work :(
15:49.59gordonjcpflorinm: pop into #scotlug some time
15:50.26*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
15:50.28SarahEmmwhen are the toronto asterisk meetupey things?
15:50.43CoffeeIV_I had a Wildcard 100 P and receiving faxes worked.  I switched to a TE110P and now it doesn't detect the incoming fax as a fax call -- is this normal or did I mess up something in my configs ?
15:50.46darkskiezoh fucksticks, asterisk has started segfaulting in GetGroupCount
15:51.00darkskiez( since I started using it )
15:52.21*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
15:52.32florinmi'm glad i didn't bring my motorbike today at work :P
15:52.53florinmis realy raing havy outside :P
15:53.09florinmnearly time to s-off :(
15:53.14darkskiezwhats that 'better' backtrace command againm
15:54.27drumkilladarkskiez: what version are you running
15:55.05darkskiezcvs head(a bit old tho, has been working fine so scared to change it)
15:55.09darkskieza month or so
15:55.15znoGway OT question: any of you guys use an IMAP syncing tool for day-to-day use?
15:55.25darkskiezi dont think app_groupcount has changed really in that time
15:55.34darkskiez#0  0x4018bf50 in strncpy () from /lib/
15:55.34darkskiezNo symbol table info available.
15:55.34darkskiez#1  0x40927418 in group_count_exec (chan=0x81a9e48, data=0xbcff2674) at app_groupcount.c:57
15:55.37harryvvso is the lattest asterisk fairly stable?
15:55.45harryvvlatest that is
15:56.11*** join/#asterisk wiseguy_ (chivilis@
15:56.13Ariel_harryvv, I don't have many problem if any with my version of stable for asterisk.
15:56.22RoyKdark_eel: enter the code and just change the group_count_* to a 'return 0'
15:56.29RoyKthey're not in use anymore anyway
15:56.31wiseguy_anybody can help, i can't get working cisco e1 and te110p e1 card
15:56.38wiseguy_no physical layer
15:56.46SuPrSluGanyone using dundi?
15:56.56twisted[work]wiseguy_, digium provides support for those cards
15:57.17wiseguy_but i can't see where to change t1 and e1 modes
15:57.28twisted[work]you need to contact digium then
15:57.38twisted[work]iirc, it's a jumper
15:57.41harryvvAriel_: one thing that no one has been able to answer about my asterisk is why the voicemail anounced voice options cut in and out.
15:57.42twisted[work]but i can't be certain
15:58.39harryvvnot the actuall messages left by people but the asterisk vm female voice has a little issue with no finishing option words before starting the next one.
15:58.40Ariel_yes it's a jumpter for the TE110p card
15:58.58wiseguy_Ariel_: oh
15:59.10florinmjumper where?
15:59.17florinmi have 1 of this card
15:59.22Ariel_on the actual card
15:59.24florinmnot set it up yet
15:59.35wiseguy_i'm trying to set it up
15:59.39florinmbut not remembering seening a jumper ;)
15:59.43Ariel_look at it. It's discription on what you need is on there.
16:00.01Ariel_I think off means t1 on means e1.
16:00.23wiseguy_one moment
16:03.34*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:05.18wiseguy_it was set to e1
16:05.27wiseguy_exactly what i need
16:05.35wiseguy_but i made a cable
16:06.13wiseguy_and the light don't shine
16:07.22wiseguy_howto debug physical layer
16:07.30Ariel_wiseguy_, here is a diagram for the cable:
16:08.08*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
16:08.27wiseguy_yes, the exact cable i have made
16:09.09wiseguy_really i have connected 1 to 4 and 2 to 5
16:09.23wiseguy_when i put in cisco, the lights shine
16:09.31wiseguy_but when i put in te110p
16:09.34wiseguy_nothing happens
16:10.32*** join/#asterisk Patrick^ (
16:11.19*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (~romik@
16:11.58Ariel_wiseguy_, what are your settings for your zaptel.conf and the zapata.conf use
16:13.27*** join/#asterisk crash3m (crash3m@crash3m.user)
16:13.56bjohnsonI feel like bashing newbies.  Any volunteers/
16:15.13Nuggetbjohnson: do I need a sound card to run asterisk?  which distro is best?  can I talk to my friend on skype with my gentoo box if I run asterisk.  Please tell me what to type.
16:15.35QwellNugget: s/gentoo/windows/
16:15.35wiseguy_Ariel_: :) any ideas?
16:15.53bjohnsonNugget: type cd /; rm -rf *
16:15.54Qwell"Please tell me what to type" is one of my personal all around favorites though...
16:16.02Ariel_wiseguy_, just a sec on phone.
16:16.11altQwell: right after "please tell me what to think" ;-)
16:16.37Qwellthose go with any software
16:16.44altone of these days I may just get a zaptel card.
16:17.00bjohnsonQwell: how about solitaire?
16:17.11Qwellbjohnson: gotta figure how to run it, right?
16:18.19CoffeeIV_Has anyone on here ever received a fax on a TE110P ?
16:18.43*** join/#asterisk vtsherwood (
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16:19.38coppiceCoffeeIV_: there is no problem getting FAXes with the TE110P
16:20.23*** join/#asterisk dikadika (
16:20.54CoffeeIV_coppice: I switched from a Wildcard 100 P to a TE110P, and also changed some of my other configs -- it doesn't seem to detect that the incoming call is a fax call now; I am trying to isolate the problem to the hardware or my configs or the line
16:21.58coppicedoes voice work OK?
16:22.32CoffeeIV_yes -- I do have a problem with the received volume being low
16:22.37wiseguy_Ariel_: kuku
16:22.48zoahey coppice
16:22.49*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (~grepmoo@
16:22.51CoffeeIV_hmm maybe I should fix that first then see if the faxes start working ?
16:23.01develdoes anybody have a ported addon res_config_pgsql ?
16:23.24Ariel_wiseguy_, first you should add a 1 to the beginning for your timing.    span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 to span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 ,signalling = pri_cpe  you may need to try pri_net
16:23.34coppiceCoffeeIV_: the volume on a digital trunk should eb pretty much standardised
16:24.13wiseguy_Ariel_: ok
16:24.25wiseguy_but i'm slave
16:24.28wiseguy_nor net
16:24.37*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
16:24.45CoffeeIV_coppice: yes, but when I call in, the greeting sounds faint -- I'll look into those txgain/rxgain settings and see what I can do
16:24.50Ariel_you said your not getting the green lite?  are you sure the other system is set to net
16:25.10dikadikadoes anyone know by chance where amp stores its passwords or how i can add users the admin password that i was given from *@home is not working
16:25.26coppiceCoffeeIV_: if the default gains don't work well something strange is happening
16:25.33Ariel_dikadika, on the cli do help-aah
16:25.34wiseguy_Ariel_: yes, i'm sure
16:26.08wiseguy_no i'm getting the error
16:26.13wiseguy_Jun 30 19:25:58 WARNING[548]: chan_zap.c:925 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
16:26.37wiseguy_but ztcfg -v shows the config
16:26.44wiseguy_SPAN 1: CCS/HDB3 Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
16:26.59JunK-Yztcfg -vvvv gives no errors?
16:27.06twisted[work]who wants to send me an iTunes gift cert?
16:27.13CoffeeIV_coppice: ok, what might that "something strange" be ?  Any ideas at all ?
16:27.14*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
16:27.22SpaceBassanyone have sip firmware for a 7912?
16:27.53wiseguy_JunK-Y: no errors
16:28.01coppiceCoffeeIV_: I assume you have this connected to the PSTN, rather than a channel bank
16:28.14wiseguy_Ariel_: any other ideas?
16:28.18JunK-Ythen its a problem in ur zapata.conf
16:28.39wiseguy_can you show yours?
16:28.53CoffeeIV_coppice: no, it is a channel bank
16:29.03JunK-Ynot at this time, see the wikis, there's a tons of examples
16:29.05jboti guess wikis is
16:29.12*** join/#asterisk CoderCR (~creyna@
16:29.12coppiceah, the gain could be all over the place then.
16:29.34CoffeeIV_coppice: it is an ADIT 600, which in turn is connected to pstn
16:29.37SuPrSluGif you're calling someone @ a remote office thru iax to an sip phone do you call it Dial(SIP/NXX,20) in the dialplan:
16:30.10CoffeeIV_coppice: I will look at my channel bank docs and see if there is something that sets the volume or gain in there
16:31.07*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
16:31.23wiseguy_i think the problem is that i have the isdn card inside too
16:31.25rephormSuPrSluG: on the local side, you Dial(IAX2/name-of-iax-context/extension@remote-context)
16:32.01rephormSuPrSluG: on the remote side, you have to have that extension in [remote-context]
16:32.19rephormSuPrSluG: 'name-of-iax-context' is the context in iax.cfg
16:32.51CoderCRHey all
16:33.07CoderCRAnyone here know what is the best way to record meetme.
16:33.22*** join/#asterisk shaon (
16:33.31Ariel_wiseguy_, I don't see any other settings but I would remove the ones you don't use.
16:33.37*** join/#asterisk bankrupt (
16:33.54shaonhello to everybody on the channel
16:34.07shidohello shaon
16:34.33SuPrSluGrephrom:i'll try that. i'm using dundi and can call the number just fine by dialing, but have issues when trying to call from the dialplan
16:34.51shaoni setup mysql and asterisk starts fine how do i check if it is logging calls
16:35.21wiseguy_Ariel_: can you help me with your settings
16:35.21JunK-Yshaon: see ur mysql table?
16:36.01shaonyes i tested select * from cdr; but it returns nothing?
16:36.09blitzrageJunK-Y: !
16:36.35blitzrageJunK-Y: hey, what was that module you said yesterday that I could use to write/read data from a PostgreSQL DB?
16:37.54blitzrageJunK-Y: what has to be installed for it to compile? I see the .c file. I installed the dev packages for postgres, but still no compile
16:38.03shaonjunK-Y can u tell me where can i find a step by step guide to setup PostgreSQL?
16:38.19JunK-Yblitz: libpq or something like that?
16:38.43JunK-Y~google postgresql
16:38.46blitzrageJunK-Y: ahhhh, thanks!
16:39.02JunK-Yblitz: compile it with astxs.
16:39.06blitzrageJunK-Y: libpq or libpg ?
16:39.34blitzrageJunK-Y: pq sounds too french to me :) (Parti Quebecois!)
16:39.41cochiconcerning the vast amount of qs in "postgres" i'd assume libpq ;))
16:39.42JunK-Yastxs -append=CFLAGS:"-I /usr/include/postgresql" -append=EXTOBJ:"-lpq" app_checklimit.c -install -autoload
16:39.43harryvvshanon take a look at google type in postgres howto
16:40.03JunK-Yhehehe, i indifferent to PQ, u know :)
16:40.06harryvvshaon: But stick with it can get a little strange when learning it.
16:40.15wiseguy_anyone else using te110p with e1?
16:41.26blitzrageJunK-Y: app_checklimit ?
16:41.36*** join/#asterisk Abbas (Abbas@
16:41.40JunK-Yits a private app, ive made. just use your app there.
16:42.04blitzrageJunK-Y: haha... gotcha :)
16:42.45blitzrageJunK-Y: does postgres have to actually be installed? I want to access a remote DB from this machine (which doesn't have PG installed)
16:43.00JunK-Yjust the libpq
16:43.26blitzrageyum search libpq - no response :)
16:43.44JunK-Yblitzrage: do u think ive installed psql on all my gates just to use that app? :)
16:43.54blitzrageJunK-Y: who knows :D
16:44.35*** part/#asterisk CoderCR (~creyna@
16:44.45wiseguy_te110p anybody help
16:44.55blitzragewiseguy_: do you have an actual question?
16:45.15JunK-Yblitzrage: if u run debian, use that package, postgresql-dev
16:45.21KKHuangaHi Everybody!!!
16:45.58wiseguy_blitzrage: yes. how to debug e1 physical layer, cauz i cant get the green light shine
16:46.00coppicewiseguy_: well, you could try asking an actual question
16:46.18KKHuangaI have an agent who i cannot kick off his login into the asterisk,.... there is a way to do that, without restart the asterisk
16:46.35coppicewiseguy_ do you have a red light?
16:46.38*** join/#asterisk srt (
16:46.56wiseguy_no lights shining
16:47.23coppicethen things look really bad
16:48.14JunK-Ywiseguy_: ive already saw that problem before, ive cut down the electricity, then boot the machine back and it was fine, a reboot wasnt enuf.
16:49.13blitzrageno lights at all? Drivers not loaded (my best guess)
16:49.29blitzrageshould have modulating RED lights if driver loaded...
16:49.51blitzrageJunK-Y: debian?! bah!
16:49.58coppicemodulated before the driver loads, and steady afterwards
16:50.07*** join/#asterisk bipolar (~bipolar__@
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16:50.22JunK-Ywiseguy_: try what ive told you to see.
16:50.44twisted[work]debian is like rough TP
16:50.57wiseguy_JunK-Y: oh, the light got up
16:51.08wiseguy_Jun 30 19:50:06 pioneer kernel: wcte1xxp: Setting yellow alarm
16:51.09sylehmmm if you added a 2 person bathtub/whirlpool to your house , would you have to upgrade your hot water tank from 30 gallons to 40 or 50?
16:51.20bipolarIs anyone here using an Adtran 550 to with Asterisk? I'm told that the 550 can do frame relay over ethernet, and I was wondering if that can be used with an asterisk server.
16:51.25twisted[work]syle, try asking in #plumbers
16:51.39JunK-Ywiseguy_: zap show status gives what?
16:51.41sylebe nice if they had such a channel lol
16:51.43harryvvmmm what are typical symptoms of say a big download interfearing with a voip connection?
16:51.51harryvvcutting in and out?
16:51.55twisted[work]syle, there will be such a channel if you join it ;)
16:52.03sylemore like #engineers :)
16:52.04Hmmhesaysch ch ch choppyness son
16:52.06Ariel_syle, use the new tank less ones.
16:52.23wiseguy_JunK-Y: no such command
16:52.26harryvvHmmhesays: Her voice did not become choppy on my side but it was on hers.
16:52.30syleariel that made no sense
16:52.41Hmmhesaysharryvv: cable or dsl
16:53.04JunK-Ywiseguy_: cause u dont run latest head.
16:53.32harryvvcable. btw...this is a first time in 5 months this has happened but dont ever recall downloading a huge file and doing this. On the other hand my wife watched live music vidio though the cable and voice conversations on voip been okay.
16:53.45*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:53.50Hmmhesaysdownloading is the problem, the buffer on your modem is getting full up
16:53.53sylewell its a simple capacity question not a well water is 8.3 pounds per 1 gallon how much do i support the foundation by question...just a simple volume question hehe
16:53.55wiseguy_JunK-Y: ok, i'll try
16:54.02harryvvI guess what I need to do is buy a QOS switch
16:54.17shidohold back on the downloads so u have some space in there
16:54.18Hmmhesaysor.... tc and htb
16:54.20*** join/#asterisk coldfeet (
16:54.24shidoso your modem doesnt queue shit for you
16:54.49coldfeethi guys, is there anyway of using a variable in the context= field in sip.conf
16:55.03shidoyou're thinking about it so wrong
16:55.04Hmmhesaysit's about 3 minutes worth of work to do with with TC
16:55.12shidoyou do all of that in the dialplan, coldfeet
16:55.22shidoremember contexts can include other contexts
16:55.28shidoyour "services" can be in a context
16:55.29coldfeetI need a separate dialplan per company
16:55.32unixmonsterdoes anyone have a good example of a linux tc + htb bandwidth controlling script for things marked TOS=lowdelay and what not?
16:55.33shidoyou can add and remove them as needed
16:55.37shidothats fine
16:55.46coldfeetbut my users are registered in ser
16:55.51harryvvother wise voip been good for almost all of the time. sixtel will have the occational problem of a disconect or disruption.
16:56.10coldfeetso from there they are directed to asterisk based upon various flags being triggered
16:56.41coldfeetnow when they are sent they all fall into one block within sip.conf which tnen sends them to one context...which I think will give probs when doing diff things for diff companies
16:57.26coldfeetso block 1 is called for all users in sip.conf, from here one contect is called which matches that in extensions.conf
16:57.52shidoyou do that in the extensions.conf
16:58.05*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:58.11coldfeetI want to either call diff contexts within that one block in sip.conf hence have a variable, OR somehow get ser to send to diff blocks in sip.conf, BUT asterisk matches on username, or IP address or default
16:58.29coldfeetshido, can u elaborate a little, I have it all running , am trying to make it a bit more friednly
16:58.38*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~Cresl1n@
16:59.10shidoI sent you some info
17:02.03blitzrageCresl1n: !!!
17:02.31orpheusWhy is everybody yelling !!!
17:04.06Corydon-wI don't know !!!
17:04.15coldfeettks shido just sent email
17:04.16harryvvorpheus: THIS IS YELLING
17:04.16*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
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17:06.06shaonmysql not logging  asterisk cdr plz help
17:07.11Corydon-wDid you configure the appropriate CDR module?
17:07.27machinehdCan anyone recommend a p4 motherboard that will handle 3 tdm04b cards without irq problems? I was looking at asus PSCH-L, but I have no clue.
17:07.53shaonCorydon-w yes i did when i run asterisk it does not show any error
17:08.03Corydon-wmachinehd: at that density, why not use a T1 card?
17:08.04JunK-YCorydon-w: im making a dial (which create a nativebridge), is there anyway to see after the dial, whats the duration? ForkCDR create duplicate key.
17:08.17*** join/#asterisk bdunn (
17:08.37Corydon-wshaon: which module are you using?
17:09.04machinehdCorydon-w, we're setting up a voip system for a mining company which does not have the luxury of a pri :)
17:09.05Corydon-wJunK-Y: no idea
17:09.19Corydon-wmachinehd: how about fractional T1?
17:09.35JunK-Ycause ive to way to analyse the 2nd part the of the nativebridge (if it answer, busy, etc)
17:09.36tzafrir_homeshaon: please stick to facts. Why do you believe asterisk should have been logging?
17:09.47tzafrir_homethat is: details, please
17:09.47shaonCorydon-w mysql-addon
17:09.51machinehdCorydon-w, plain old analog lines are all the phone company can bring in
17:10.09Corydon-wmachinehd: well, you're going to have to use multiple Asterisk machines, then
17:10.20*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (~darkskiez@
17:10.24Corydon-w3000 interrupts per second is just a tad bit high
17:10.52machinehdCorydon-w, so no one uses 3+ card in a single box?
17:11.03Corydon-wmachinehd: it's not recommended
17:11.16Corydon-w2 cards is the max recommended
17:11.22shaontzafrir_home i dont know i dont get any error everything is fine but no cdr
17:11.25machinehdcrap =/
17:11.32Corydon-wmachinehd: you could also do a single T1 card with an FXO channel bank
17:12.01machinehdCorydon-w, I don't follow? not too familiar with that
17:12.10*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
17:12.12tzafrir_homeshaon: I suppose then that you han't configured anything and expect it to work just because you want it? Or have you configured something?
17:13.12Corydon-wmachinehd: You can get FXO ports on a channel bank... Adtran sells them, for example
17:13.17shaontzafrir_home i configured cdr_mysql.conf
17:13.25*** join/#asterisk Weezey (~ohno@
17:13.36shaonwhat else do i need to configure?
17:13.41Weezeyif I make changes to zapata.conf what needs to be restarted to make them take effect?
17:13.43tzafrir_homeshaon: what asterisk version do you use?
17:14.01machinehdCorydon-w, I'll have to research that, thanks
17:14.13unixmonsterchanges to zapdata.conf require a 'ztcfg -vv'
17:14.25Weezeyunixmonster thanks.
17:14.29Corydon-wYou mean zaptel.conf
17:14.30tzafrir_homeunixmonster: those are changes to zaptel.conf
17:14.40shaontzafrir_home i think 1.06
17:14.47unixmonsterboth zaptel.conf and zapata.conf require that i believe
17:15.05Weezeyunixmonster: what about *?
17:15.47tzafrir_homeshaon: and you built mysql cdr from addons, right?
17:16.03*** join/#asterisk syzygyBSD (
17:16.05unixmonsterto tell you the truth I have never gotten a clear answer on that.  When i make changes to zapata.conf, zaptel.conf i usually use init script to restart asterisk.
17:16.06shaontzafrir_home thats right
17:16.09dikadikais there a way to setup "speed dial" type numbers, for example dial 25 and call your mommy
17:16.15unixmonsterthat is if there is no calls ongoing at that sec.
17:16.30tzafrir_homedikadika: it's called dialplan
17:16.32file[laptop]dikadika: dialplan logic
17:16.34*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
17:16.41unixmonsterI also put the correct rmmod and modprobe lines in my asterisk init script.
17:16.48dikadikawewt :)
17:17.04tzafrir_homeunixmonster: why rmmod?
17:18.03syzygyBSDis there a way to replace the dialplan/extentions.conf with another program without major recoding/compiling?
17:18.04tzafrir_homeshaon: so what exactly have you configured? Are you able to use the relevant configuration information with the command-line mysql?
17:18.06shaontzafrir_home do i need anything in extension.conf?
17:18.14SpaceBassanyone ever set up a skinny channel?
17:18.18tzafrir_homeshaon: no
17:18.47shaontzafrir_home i just tried SELECT * FROM CDR;
17:18.49unixmonstertzafrir: when i do /etc/rc.d/init.d/asterisk stop the rmmod.  When i do start its the modprobe.
17:18.51tzafrir_homeshaon: and have you set verbosity?
17:19.36tzafrir_homermmod there is generally pointless. Why would you need that module unloaded?
17:19.39unixmonsterbut keep in mind you shouldn't have to change those files very often.  And all the other files require just a plain reload or <module> reload
17:19.46SpaceBassto set up a skinny channel, do I have to do anything besides create the skinny.conf? I have skinny listed in the cli as an option
17:20.00tzafrir_homealso: can you guarantee you always call that rmmod when asterisk is down?
17:21.15bdunnHi guys... newbie here.  I know Linux well, but am new to *.  I have Vonage at home with a cable internet, and a T1 at my office with another VoIP provider.  What hardware do I need to look at to get started.
17:21.16unixmonsterit is not pointless.  If i want to stop asterisk, i usually stop the modules.  I don't really know how 'dynamic' the modules are with configuation changes to zaptel.conf.
17:22.13tzafrir_homeall the config changes to zaptel.conf need to be applied when zaptel is loaded , anyway
17:23.31*** join/#asterisk shaonss (~shaonss@
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17:24.57shaonsstzafrir_home sorry i was disconnected
17:25.19syzygyBSDbdunn: what are you looking to do? Do you already have a server you can run * on?
17:25.22unixmonstertzafrir: maybe you can answer this question then.  if you change something on a zaptel card, like loop start to ground start.. or framing.  Is a ztcfg all that is needed to ensure the module has loaded the changes and re-initialized the port with that new config.
17:25.23shaonsswe were talking about verbocity
17:26.11Hmmhesaysheh voipjet actually sounds alright
17:26.14HmmhesaysI am suprised
17:26.31*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:27.07tzafrir_homermmod and then insmod?
17:27.25shidofor a hot second, Hmmhesays  :)
17:27.42tzafrir_homeshaonss:  did you set verbosity?
17:27.49machinehdCorydon-w, so basically you get a digium t1 card plus a fxo channel bank?
17:27.56*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
17:28.27tzafrir_homeanyway, I'mm off now
17:28.32*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
17:28.38JerJer[mobile]thanks for all the fish
17:28.41Corydon-wand that will be a LOT more reliable than trying to run 3 TDM cards
17:28.55machinehdCorydon-w, Adtran is the recommended hardware?
17:29.09JerJer[mobile]accept nothing less than adtran
17:29.13PBXtechafter going to voicemail can i transfer a call with an option to my cell phone? <anyone done this?>
17:29.15machinehdCorydon-w, yes, that sounds way better. I wish I had knew about that sooner. =/
17:29.16Corydon-wIt isn't the only hardware, but it will work, yes
17:29.40Corydon-wAdtran tends to make very reliable hardware, though
17:31.03*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
17:31.16cjkhi, how can i bind sip only to 2 ips and not all of the server?
17:32.04Kizmetbindaddr <ip> then on the next line the same with the next ip.
17:32.16Kizmetwill listen on those two ip's only.
17:32.40cjkKizmet: i think this is buggy in asterisk
17:33.24KizmetMaybe you need to upgrade :)
17:33.40cjkim on head
17:34.22Kizmethave you updated it yet ?
17:34.35Kizmetor when did you get it.
17:34.45Kizmeti had the same problem the other day.
17:34.56cjkyesterday the same problem
17:35.09Kizmetput in a bug report :)
17:35.10SpaceBassanyone have a cco login or the sip image for a 7912 want to do me a huge favor :) ?
17:35.11cjkasterisk get the requests on ipA and answers with ipB, thats stupid
17:35.45ManxPowerJun 30 12:35:27 WARNING[7824]: channel.c:1447 ast_indicate: Unable to handle indication 3 for 'SIP/000e08eac9d8-a-d7d4'
17:36.36*** join/#asterisk meppl (
17:36.43develdoes anybody have a copy of the res_config_pgsql from brian capouch ?  i see it referenced, but can't find the file proper.
17:37.54bkw_ManxPower, you got some sort of indication that we dont know about
17:38.07bkw_are you talking to a head box?
17:38.53bkw_AST_CONTROL_PROGRESS AST_CONTROL_PROCEEDING and HOLD and UNHOLD were added to head and might not be in stable
17:39.53*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
17:39.55bkw_but 3 is AST_CONTROL_RINGING
17:39.58bkw_that is very odd
17:40.14bkw_and 2 is AST_CONTROL_RING
17:40.25bkw_oh 2 is local ring
17:40.28bkw_3 is remote ring
17:40.58SpaceBassARRRUGGG i hate cisco
17:41.13SpaceBasswhy... why is it so hard to get a smartnet agreement set up for some damn firmware
17:41.20SpaceBassa $300 phone should come with firmware
17:41.46shidodont freak out
17:41.49Hmmhesaysanyone in here using an iaxy?
17:42.06Ariel_SpaceBass, because it's Cisco... I change to Polycom due to that policy that they have.
17:42.08Hmmhesayscurious if they work well
17:42.33rephormSpaceBass: can you get the firmware from the vendor you bought the phone from?
17:42.34Ariel_Hmmhesays, I have two that are paper holder.
17:42.42unixmonsterfaxes.  Is there a way to detect, decode and mail a fax as a jpg,png or what ever to your email?
17:42.44Hmmhesaysno good?
17:42.45Ariel_rephorm, you have to buy it.
17:42.48develHmmhesays, i have one, had some initial problems with it (like it needed to be replaced), but the last one seems to work.
17:42.53SpaceBassrephorm nope
17:42.54rephormAriel_: oh. boo :(
17:43.03Hmmhesaysusing it behind nat?
17:43.11develHmmhesays, no.
17:43.13SpaceBassAriel_ I'm with you on that decision... shouldnt be this hard
17:43.16rephormunixmonster: yes
17:43.38Hmmhesaysheh, one would think that is the whole point of using iax
17:43.45Ariel_we have 2 of them and since there older units we can't get them replace. But they worked for a little while.  We had problems with them knowing the correct network speed.
17:43.57rephormunixmonster: to detect faxes on a line also used for voice, add a fax => s,1,... extension
17:45.07rephormunixmonster: i Goto a fax context, which runs rxfax, and then runs a bash script i wrote to convert the tif from rxfax into a pdf (i don't mail it, but that would be easy to add)
17:45.48unixmonsterok.. thanks, i will have to look into rxfax.  I need a fax machine to test this stuff though.
17:46.23unixmonsterand to detect its merely exten => fax,1,<rxfax call>
17:47.02rephormunixmonster: yeah. sorry, about the funky syntax above. :)
17:47.14unixmonsteryou have to answer the call first for detection, correct?
17:47.19Kattywhat should i have for lunch?
17:47.26Hmmhesayssome meat
17:47.32rephormunixmonster: hmm don't believe so
17:47.47HmmhesaysI can eat enough dead animal for the both of us Katty
17:48.04rephormunixmonster: oh wait, yes. i answer and wait for 2 seconds in the s exten before doing anything else
17:48.55rephormpoor dark_eel caught in the crossfire of a pampling
17:48.57darwin35I need ideas for mapped extensions
17:49.03*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (~romik@
17:49.08Hmmhesaysyou better add that word to the urban dictionary
17:49.09darwin35functionality for *
17:49.21KattyHmmhesays: let's go to lunch!
17:49.31KattyHmmhesays: you can eat all the icky stuff and i'll have the good stuff.
17:49.49HmmhesaysKatty: it'll be the other way around in my mind
17:49.59KattyHmmhesays: whatever you think.
17:50.08KattyHmmhesays: it's obviously all in your head.
17:50.18Hmmhesayslol.. that goes both ways
17:50.30Hmmhesayswe got pizza today cause my idiot co-worker quit
17:51.26shidois that the guy I've been paying?
17:51.27Hmmhesaysyou can't pay him off anymore shido
17:51.30shidoto screw wiff you
17:51.47shidonaah, Hmmhesays  I promoted him
17:51.52Kattywhat is up with my tab complete today?!
17:51.56harryvvferry destroyed 6 boats in vancouver
17:51.58shidohes gone on to bigger and better harassments
17:52.18shidofigured it was about time you could breathe ...
17:52.32unixmonsterhas anyone ever had the telco install an FXO line as ground start?  We ordered 2 lines from quest in Iowa and they came to us ground start.  I was not able to configure the tdm card for groupnd start however.
17:52.32Hmmhesaysthanks shido, appreciate it
17:53.45Hmmhesaysyou out in the boonies or what?
17:54.10develmy money is just on "q west doesn't know better"
17:55.33harryvvimagine being in a small boat and a ferry is out of control comming at you while your parked in a dock.
17:55.51harryvvThat would be a little exciting ;)
17:56.16shidobreak out your RPG
17:56.19shidoand game over
17:56.32shidoNEXT! (@2005 BKW)
17:57.36HmmhesaysI still play quake3... what is this rpg you speak of
18:00.51tclarkhey does any one know if ppl from xircom who do that rapid iso image hang out here  ??
18:01.01blitzragefor the love of god, would someone give file[laptop] a copy of EyeBeam for OSX?!
18:01.03Luke-Jrasterisk refuses to run all of a sudden :(
18:01.12blitzragehe'll get messaging in Asterisk working for you
18:01.22blitzrageand maybe even presence!
18:02.01DarthClueblitzrage: he'll do it anyhow.  he would much rather have you come to cluecon.
18:02.13blitzrageDarthClue: nah, he needs software to do it :)
18:02.25blitzrageDarthClue: I have no money, so no point in putting the sales pressure on me :)
18:03.06blitzragehey... whats the command in VIM to remove all spaces/tabs up until the first non-space character?
18:03.16DarthClueblitzrage: at the least, you will be providing transportation to SarahEmm so she can come to cluecon...if i can scrape together the money for the registration.
18:03.28blitzrageDarthClue: I don't have a car :)
18:03.35blitzragebut I can drive (driven LOTS)
18:03.37DarthClueyou'll be renting one.
18:03.42blitzrageDarthClue: oh, I can do that :)
18:03.54SarahEmmDarthClue: he will be?
18:04.44brimstonethere have been a lot of fancy people here, but i don't know if any of them are from intel
18:04.49brimstonesorry, ww
18:04.56DarthClueSarahEmm: yes he will.  He doesn't have a choice.
18:05.19blitzrageDarthClue: I'll rent it with your money :)
18:05.45*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
18:06.09DarthClueblitzrage: you are sharing the cost with SarahEmm since it will probably be cheaper than flying.  Unless it hits 3 USD / gallon.
18:06.31SarahEmmblitzrage: evidently we're splitting cost, you're driving, and we're both going to cluecon.
18:06.38SarahEmmblitzrage: at least, according to DarthClue:)
18:07.15harryvvanyone tested * on via epia motherboards?
18:07.38blitzrageSarahEmm: LOL
18:08.09harryvvblitzrage:  or take the train
18:08.12SarahEmmi can't afford it, but.. :)
18:08.16SarahEmmharryvv: train from here to there is nuts
18:08.26SarahEmmharryvv: here to the US you end up in NYC, then you'd train to chicago..
18:08.31SarahEmmtrain toronto to NYC alone is 13+ hrs
18:08.35harryvvI actually took the train from new mexico to seattle.
18:09.17blitzrageSarahEmm: yah... not really an option :)
18:09.20harryvvonly drawback on long train rides is trying to sleap on them. the constant rocking wakes you up unless you are a deep sleaper.
18:09.38SarahEmmharryvv: and the fact that toronto->nyc bus is way faster than train
18:09.48harryvvI see
18:09.56shidohope its not Via Rail
18:10.30harryvvthe new amtrak travels about 80 mph in remote areas now. If the tracks were smoother and banked it would reach over 100 mph.
18:10.55SarahEmmkatty! *meows*
18:10.56*** part/#asterisk outtolunc (
18:11.06Kattymew, SarahEmm
18:13.58*** join/#asterisk dr123 (
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18:14.37brookshirete406p is now out :)
18:15.11*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
18:15.41drumkillabrookshire: hotness
18:16.03coppiceI wonder how long it will take for PCI-E E1/T1 cards to appear
18:16.23dr123Does anyone here have experience with Dial plans: HERE IS WHAT I NEED TO DO... So when a PSTN Call comes in over Zapata Card it immediatly rings all extensions so that someone will pickup .. but I need to make it so that when I call (and NOT by Caller ID) that once it starts ringing all extensions I can press ** or something that will kick me from ringer extensions to a prompt that says like enter extention you wish to dial... Like a backdo
18:16.57dr123but while it is ringing... like an IF statement or something?
18:17.38drumkillaif not by callerid, then how the heck is it going to know it's you?
18:17.51dr123I would press like **867 or something like a passcode
18:18.08drumkillaCresl1n: turn the music back on!
18:18.16drumkillaand where did our rave lights go?
18:18.17Cresl1nduring the con-call?
18:18.29Cresl1nsomebody add the rave lights back
18:18.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o Cresl1n] by drumkilla
18:18.54drumkillayou got it under control
18:19.11*** topic/#asterisk by Cresl1n -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Asterisk 1.0.9 Released (CID Matching bug in 1.0.8) || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Disco rave lights on!
18:19.22dr123Is there a way to do that like Dial(${ALLEXTEN}:IF/**789, Then goto(backdoor,1,1)
18:19.43brookshirethat's scary
18:19.49Kattywhat does allexten do?
18:19.52Cresl1nPRI rocks
18:19.59drumkillaPRI sux0rZ!
18:20.09brookshiredrumkilla: hush nub
18:20.15Kattyis that like SIP/2000&sip/2001&sip/2002?
18:20.26Cresl1nISDN is SO cool
18:20.47dr123ALLexten - would dial/ring every availble extension in the house it is global var. defined as SIP/1100&SIP/1101 ETC ETC ETC
18:20.57robl^dial-up is so cool!
18:21.17Cresl1ndial-up sucks
18:21.21SarahEmmtin cans! :)
18:21.24dr123I mean i know that is not the correct syntax.... for the dial string what I am saying is there a correct syntax so that during a dial it will listen for a passcode...
18:21.32Kattydr123: oooh :>
18:21.34*** join/#asterisk Thus0 (
18:21.54dr123any ideas?
18:23.17harryvvdo you people sometimes hear high pitched chirps on the polycom ip500s?
18:23.48brimstonepump up the valium
18:24.29harryvvHmmhesays: im not being funny about this. It comes and goes and right now its pretty bad.
18:26.51gambolputtyWhen I make an outgoing pstn call on * through my fxo card, the other end picks up but * still says zap/1 ringing.  Any clues?
18:28.57shidoconfigured wrong
18:29.24darwin35a idea for some mapped functions for asterisk
18:30.54bdunnCan anyone tell me if the Cisco CP-7920 Wireless IP Phone is any good with an asterisk system?
18:32.55djin_ibbdunn, no. unless you van SCCP
18:33.01djin_ibvan = want
18:33.16bdunnSCCP.... well, I'm not sure what that is.  Is that not SIP?
18:33.34HmmhesaysSCCP isn't sip
18:33.38djin_ibno, is Skinny -> Cisco
18:34.07jontowSCCP = ugly
18:34.10djin_ibNo, SIP firmware for 7910/7920/7970
18:34.11bdunnI'm trying to pick out some SIP phones.  Any suggestions?  Don't care much about cost - just want good.  I'm only getting 6 of them.
18:34.17djin_ibdoes't exist
18:34.18jontowevery function of the phone is implemented on the call manager server
18:34.31bdunnWould like one cordless, but the rest corded.
18:34.32*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:35.11djin_ibDon't go for Zyxel P2000W -> crap
18:35.26djin_ibThe Hitachi seems to perform well.
18:35.49bdunnThis one?  IP-5000
18:36.12djin_ibthat's the one
18:37.11djin_ibthe ZyXEL Prestige P-2000W is not the one I was referring to
18:37.30heison~seen twisted
18:37.30jbottwisted is currently on #asterisk (17h 37m 37s).  Has said a total of 36 messages.  Is idling for 12h 56m 2s
18:37.45heison~seen ManxPower
18:37.45jbotmanxpower is currently on #asterisk (1h 44m).  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 1h 2m
18:38.09djin_ibstay away of that model
18:38.44*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~a@
18:38.50bdunnGotcha.  THanks  I'll just get the Hitachi for the cordless.  Can anyone recommend a good SIP corded phone?  I mean a really good one?
18:38.52shido6 what about this one?
18:39.48pabelangerAnybody having trouble connecting to
18:40.45vaewynbdunn: hitachi rocks!...  and for SIP desk...  polycom IP500 or IP600
18:40.50vaewynor the x01 versions
18:40.52fiferbdunn: I'm very happy with the Aastra 480i but many are loving the new Polycom 500
18:42.38bdunnThe VOIPSupply site lists Polycom as not being compatible with Asterisk.  ??
18:43.03bdunnSorry... "Please Note: Polycom phones are not supported under Asterisk Open Source PBX. "
18:43.04Ariel_bdunn, they work just fine with asterisk
18:43.05vaewynhun?  They are too
18:43.17bdunnNot supported... okay... big difference.  :-)
18:43.29Ariel_in fact even the blind transfer works with there 1.5.2 firmware
18:43.34pabelangerbdunn: Ya, for some reason if you call them any try and order the phone, they will ask you if it is for Asterisk.  I you say "Ya", they say they really should not sell it to you.
18:43.46*** join/#asterisk anthm (
18:43.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
18:43.54Hmmhesayspostgresql why do you hate me
18:43.56brimstonebdunn: i think that polycom doesn't support asterisk is the problem
18:44.20bdunnI have Polycom POTS phones now and really like those.
18:44.25Ariel_the more I use the Polycom's the more I like them.
18:44.36Silik0nPolycom refuses to acknowledge that their sip phones work just fine with asterisk
18:44.46pabelangerDon't Cisco now own Polycom?
18:44.52Silik0nhell no
18:44.54bdunnI think I'll pick up five POlycom IP-600s and one Hitachi cordless.  Everyone think that sounds good?
18:45.08vaewynwhat's funny is that polycom does a lot of buddy-buddy stuff with digium :P
18:45.13Silik0nI still havent found a real need for a IP600
18:45.36vaewynSilik0n: the microbrowser is nice... once they have that in the 50x series then I will downgrade
18:45.40brookshirevaewyn: and why do you say that?
18:45.41Ariel_The IP600 has a better screen and it has PoE
18:45.43fiferWhats the IP600 give you over the 500?
18:45.51fiferPOE Rocks
18:45.59Silik0nother then that...
18:46.00vaewynbrookshire: cause I saw them all chatting it up for hours at VON
18:46.10brookshireoh.. right
18:46.18vaewynhours... and hours...
18:46.20brookshirei think they have given us 2 phones.. and that is it
18:46.31Silik0nvaewyn: the word I got from them was "would would like to support asterisk, but its too much of a moving target" bs
18:46.56brimstonei love moving targets
18:47.00brookshirevaewyn: it's not in their best intrest to say they support asterisk anyways..
18:47.03bdunnWould Cisco be any better or worse than Polycom?
18:47.04brimstonethey're worth the most points
18:47.06*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
18:47.12Silik0nlike asterisk is just going to up and completely break how sip works or something
18:47.12fiferI'm not sure how big a deal it is that the phone manufacture officialy supports *
18:47.15brookshiresame with cisco
18:47.30vaewynI doubt they ever will... because then people will throw it in their face if we break something...  which ain't right anyways
18:47.34JerJer[mobile]tell that to Blackberry
18:47.35Silik0nbrimstone I keep saying HSV range DAY
18:47.51vaewynthey support the SIP standard...  so... hey.. that's great :P
18:48.02fiferI do know that Aastra does, they use * as one of their test beds
18:48.08JerJer[mobile]Blackberry wouldn't let us show that their device interoperates with Asterisk because there was no 'business relationship' with asterisk
18:48.21SpaceBassa Blackberry works with asterisk?
18:48.26brookshirei wish i had a global wall like lilo
18:48.28JerJer[mobile]RIM Wifi
18:48.35DarthCluePolycom will officially support asterisk when a 3rd party provider gets a reseller agreement with them.
18:48.47SpaceBassJerJer[mobile] which bb?
18:48.48*** join/#asterisk SteveL (
18:49.40JerJer[mobile]not sure - its a brand new RIM phone that has a wifi radio with a SIP app running as the 'phone'
18:49.41Silik0nDarthClue: They WILL NOT even talk about such an agreement
18:50.11DarthClueSilik0n: if a 3rd party with alot of clout / money offers it, they will.  Polycom will bite on a big contract.
18:50.18Silik0nDarthClue I know I have tried to enter such talkes and got and this is when I was selling one of their "approved" IP-PBX platforms
18:50.19SpaceBassJerJer[mobile] ahhh
18:51.32SpaceBassi haev the 7100... drat
18:51.50vaewynrobl^: congrats!
18:52.01Ariel_SpaceBass, BlackBerry 7270
18:52.17SpaceBassAriel_ just saw that
18:53.41SpaceBassi got excited for a second...
18:53.56Ariel_SpaceBass, I would like there product but I want there smaller units
18:54.13SpaceBassi have a pocketpc with wifi too, but its not exactly set up to be a phone with mic and speaker location
18:54.35funxionwhats the envir variable for dialed number?  Anyeone?
18:54.38Ariel_JerJer[mobile], yes your correct (goes turns on grammer checker)
18:56.00Ariel_funxion, or from a provider? ${DNIS}
18:56.06vaewynyou're   ;P
18:56.18funxionAriel_ sry I should have been more specific I'm dialing out using a .call file and need to pass the dialed number to a system command
18:56.36SpaceBassthere's not a 3rd party sip client for RIM devices is there?
18:56.38funxionAriel_ sry I should have been more specific I'm dialing out using a .call file and need to pass the dialed number to a system command still apply?
18:57.00funxioncrap sry
18:57.16funxiondoes ${EXTEN} still apply?
18:57.49bdunnI have a T1 coming into the office, so I know I need TE110P card.  I will use all SIP phones.  I also have one POTS FAX machine - what do I need for that?
18:57.57blitzrage${EXTEN} was removed from CVS last night
18:58.10funxionI tried lol
18:58.23*** join/#asterisk DeFi (
18:58.58eKo1bdunn: You need * sir.
18:59.13Ariel_SpaceBass, i would love to get a palm lifedrive and add a softphone to it.
18:59.34bdunnWell, yeah, but how do I connect that one Fax machine POTS line to the Asterisk box?
18:59.54*** join/#asterisk xtrvd (
19:00.00shido6FXO card
19:00.38eKo1bdunn: just use a sip ata.
19:00.53*** join/#asterisk rawle (
19:00.57bdunnLike the IAXy?
19:01.26eKo1no, that's an iax ata.
19:01.48shido6IAXy is an analog adapter - that requires an ethernet connection
19:02.14*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:02.14bdunnOh... could I hook up the fax machine to that and have that hook up to the switch that the Asterisk box is on?
19:02.19rawlerunning FC3. udgraded to latest kernel and udev-58. now the command ztcfg-vv won't work unless i type udevstart. how can i eliminate the udevstart?
19:02.25xtrvdCould anybody point me in the direction of how I can customize my extensions.conf in order to do things like Setting CallerID from one person calling another specific extension, along with any other goodies (Alarm clock phones, etc)?
19:02.34SuPrSluGwhat is the proper way to call an extension using dundi in the dialplan?
19:03.11ManxPowerOh god!  The newbies!  The Newbies!
19:03.13*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:03.30eKo1xtrvd: check the wiki
19:03.31Ariel_xtrvd, just edit the extensions.conf
19:03.55rawlerunning FC3. udgraded to latest kernel and udev-58. now the command ztcfg-vv won't work unless i type udevstart. how can i eliminate the udevstart?
19:04.04SuPrSluGi'm using -> Dial(SIP/NXX,20) in the dialplan: i can call the extension from cli but not thru the dialplan.
19:04.08eKo1why would a man be wearing coats...
19:04.38DarthClueeK01: if you have to ask, i'm not telling you. \ end womanly scourn.
19:04.42bdunnIs there a good book on Asterisk?
19:05.02crash3mbook? we dont need no stinking book! *snicker*
19:05.08crash3mI dunno, never thought to look for one
19:05.30rawlecan anyone help me with udev?
19:05.35SuPrSluGbdunn:yes . still the best source
19:06.09xtrvdAriel_: Edit the extensions.conf, that's a great one. </sarcasm> It's not that I dont appreciate help, but I know how to edit text files, but you're not helping by pointing me in a direction that has nothing to do with what I asked... Examples perhaps?
19:06.22funxionIm still unclear on this.  If Im dialing using a .call file what envir variable can I use to pass the dialed number to a system command?
19:07.07funxionI would tthink that ${EXTEN} is going to pass the extension which would be 1 not the dialed number
19:07.23*** join/#asterisk Saaib (
19:07.30xkevis there an irc channel for SER?
19:08.00shido6you're in it
19:08.08xkevwell then :)
19:08.36JunK-Yxkev: #ser, but almost idle.
19:09.11shaonsshelp mysql setup!!
19:09.12rawleok anyone running fedora core 3 and udev-058-1??
19:09.28Saaibhi all, anyone can recommend any good-n-cheap SIP phones (hardware) ?
19:09.33SuPrSluGafter rebuiling asterisk. i have no dial command at the CLI. why?
19:09.49eKo1Saaib: define cheap
19:09.56funxionwould anyone know if ${DNID} would werk?
19:09.57SuPrSluGanyone else have this happen to them
19:10.02xkevI'm tryin to figure out how I can not send 404 for a failed lookup (480 instead), but then I want to send a 404 when the target doesn't exist at all in subscriber table
19:10.09eKo1SuPrSluG: since when can you dial from the cli? need a sound card..
19:10.25SuPrSluGdo it all the time
19:10.35rawleor make sure modules are loaded...
19:10.40xkev..I can just change sl_send_reply() after my if(!lookup()), but I'm lost what func to use to just simply look it up
19:10.41SuPrSluGgood way to test stuff remotely
19:10.44SaaibeKo1: well i'm just starting to find out about hardware, and not sure about the average price, any help will be appreciated
19:10.56xkev..if it exists, not registere
19:11.03rawlethat's why i'm here...i have to issue udevstart to get ztcfg -vv to work......
19:11.11eKo1cheap: grandstream, sipura. expensive: cisco, polycom
19:11.14shido6SuPrSluG what are you doing
19:11.15SuPrSluGgot a soundcard
19:11.24shido6you dont need a soundcard
19:11.39rawlemodprobe zaptel...modprobe wcfxo....ztcfg -vv...
19:11.40SuPrSluGtrying to dial from remote boxes
19:11.41SaaibeKo1: thanks, will take a look
19:11.51shido6to do what, SuPrSluG ?
19:11.53*** join/#asterisk sremington (
19:13.52rawledoes anyone use this command...udevstart?
19:14.57[TK]D-FenderI just saw a 4 port Digium T1 card for sale with echo cancel onboard, any eta for the 1 port version?
19:15.14*** join/#asterisk M_at (
19:15.38M_atCan someone tell me the IP address of please - my ISP wont resolve it.
19:16.02shido6stop fiddling with resolv.conf
19:16.09xtrvdDns resolved to
19:16.42M_atTa - I don't play with resolve.conf - I use Mac OS X for desktop use :)
19:17.52*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@
19:18.20Assidumm.. whats a good provider which gives unlimited outgoing minutes?
19:18.51djin_ibDoes anyone have any experience with OSP in Asterisk?
19:19.05M_atTo where Assid and how many minutes you thinking you'll use?
19:19.42AssidM_at: local - unlimited.. international.. such as india... maybe something at /around 7c/min
19:20.17M_atYes but what is local :)
19:21.11Assidall us
19:21.20M_atNot for ME it isn't :)
19:21.38Assidactually.. im not int he US either.. helping a friend set his u
19:23.21*** join/#asterisk tsetane (
19:26.27Assidwould anyone else know of any good providers?
19:26.30pabelangerwhen upgrading from 1.0.7 to 1.0.9, I can just install over the binaries, or should I go through and delete them first?
19:26.45Nuggetaccept no substitutes
19:27.15*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
19:27.18Assidcant open that page
19:27.23NuggetI'm pretty unhappy with my voicepulse account.  I don't use my nufone enough to have an opinion.  asterlink rocks, though.  I happily endorse them
19:27.48Assiddo they have unltd outgoing? and how much for intl?
19:27.55Assidto asia/india in particular
19:28.32dr123Does anyone here have experience with Dial plans: HERE IS WHAT I NEED TO DO... So when a PSTN Call comes in over Zapata Card it immediatly rings all extensions so that someone will pickup .. but I need to make it so that when I call (and NOT by Caller ID) that once it starts ringing all extensions I can press ** or something that will kick me from ringer extensions to a prompt that says like enter extention you wish to dial... Like a backdo
19:30.19shido6there is no such thing as unlimited, Assid.
19:30.51M_atunlimited local and long distance calling (*Subject to fair use policy)
19:31.07Assidsure there is
19:31.14Assidvonage provides it
19:31.25shido6read the fine print
19:31.35Assidhes never had to shell out more cash
19:32.33shaonssdr123 edit in /etc/asterisk/features.conf
19:32.35*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
19:33.28shido6then you aren't pushing the limits of their unlimited plan - which means you are overpaying
19:33.55shido6and if you are happy with vonage, why are you asking for better plans? :)
19:34.30shido6we provide a prepaid package where you pay only for what you need rather than overpaying for something you dont use
19:34.34Assidasterlinx doesnt have any plans mentioned on their site?
19:34.38M_atAssid - Is it only for one guy and his family?
19:34.46AssidM_at: office
19:35.01M_atAnd what Vonage service is he using?
19:35.07Assidnot sure..
19:35.25Assidhe said they just offered it to him.. under "under previous good deals"
19:35.51*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
19:35.51Assidmaybe cause he makes alot of intl calls
19:35.52bdunnVonage has an unlimited business plan now.
19:36.03Assidthey do
19:36.05bdunnNot international unlimited... just LD
19:36.11Assidall US
19:36.17bdunnCanada too I think.
19:36.22Assidbut they gave a good deal to him.. coz he makes alot of internation
19:37.19shido6thats what they tell everyone :)
19:37.21*** join/#asterisk Katty (~angela@
19:37.34unixmonsteri use the broadvoice unlimited business and have been quite happy with it
19:37.52Assidbroadvoice huh
19:37.52shido6cross your fingers
19:37.54bdunnIs there a good ebay market for Digium and IP phones?
19:38.13shido6u find the ebay listers here in this channel, bdunn
19:38.26M_atOver here Vonage's service is no better price wise than the incumbent provider for local and LD
19:40.47*** join/#asterisk cfrank (
19:40.51Supaplexbdunn: depends if your phones are the ones I'm after, and if they're the right price.
19:41.27SpaceBassBV blows my local pstn provider out of the water, but they dont have loacl numbers in my area
19:41.33*** join/#asterisk jake1932 (
19:41.41bdunnPolycom Soundpoint 600.  I'm about to try an Asterisk experiment.  :-)
19:41.55SpaceBassbdunn you buying or selling?
19:42.12cfrankbkw_, Dundi-Test VOIP Looking Glass broken?
19:42.51bdunnWell, I'm buying six Polycom 600 phones, one Digium TE110P, and one Digium TDM20B.  If it all is a miserable failure, I was just wondering if I could unload the stuff on ebay.  :-)
19:43.05*** join/#asterisk lsantiago (~lsantiago@
19:43.13M_atI'll give you $50 for the lot if it fails :)
19:43.17lsantiagohey guys
19:43.19SpaceBassbdunn my first asterisk expirement was a failure and I sold some stuff back for about what I paid for it (on ebay)
19:43.29jake1932you can unload most anything on eBay with the exception of body parts
19:43.36lsantiagoanybody having problems installing 1.0.9?
19:43.39bdunnSpaceBass - Any advice from the failure?  :-)
19:43.53SpaceBassbdunn Asterisk@home .07 was a POS
19:44.08SpaceBassnot sure if that is advice or not... but it sucked... i've learned a lot since then too
19:44.18lsantiagoi'm getting this error when i try to compile 1.0.9:
19:44.21lsantiagocdr_tds.c: In function `mssql_connect':
19:44.21lsantiagocdr_tds.c:415: error: `TDSCONNECTINFO' undeclared (first use in this function)
19:44.21lsantiagocdr_tds.c:415: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
19:44.21lsantiagocdr_tds.c:415: error: for each function it appears in.)
19:44.21lsantiagocdr_tds.c:415: error: `connection' undeclared (first use in this function)
19:44.22lsantiagocdr_tds.c:460: warning: implicit declaration of function `tds_free_connect'
19:44.24lsantiagocdr_tds.c: At top level:
19:44.26lsantiagocdr_tds.c:71: warning: 'connect_time' defined but not used
19:44.28lsantiagomake[1]: *** [cdr_tds.o] Error 1
19:44.30lsantiagomake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk_1.0.9/asterisk-1.0.9/cdr'
19:44.32lsantiagomake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
19:44.32JunK-Ylsantiago: stop flooding
19:44.48lsantiagosorry :(
19:44.49bdunnWhat version is Asterisk at now and is it any good?
19:45.05lsantiagobut it keeps restarting itself...
19:45.10shaonssplease help for cdr database!!!!!
19:45.17jontowlsantiago; i think you're horribly mistaken :)
19:45.25jontowwe're at 1.0.8.
19:45.33unixmonsterlsantiago: you need to make sure your pointing to the mysql libraries correctly during compile.
19:45.37jontowi'm still running 1.0.7, and its damned stable for me and my cow-orkers
19:45.37M_at1.0.9 is on the website
19:45.49jontowreaaallly.. as of today?
19:45.59*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
19:46.02SpaceBassbdunn i think most people are using 1.0.7
19:46.19lsantiagounixmonster: how do i do that?
19:46.25bdunn1.0.7 is pretty stable?
19:46.40Qwellbdunn: 1.0.9 is out now
19:46.56SpaceBassbdunn but there is a spinn off called asterisk@home that is more of a complete distro... burn the iso, and it formats the drive, installs linux, compiles 1.0.7, etc... but most people here would find it to be too.... hummm help me out someone
19:47.31M_at*@home is a great starting point to get used to how stuff works
19:47.32SpaceBassits not as robust in that it uses AMP - a web based front end - and that can be cumbersome for setting up custom stuff
19:47.49SpaceBass*@home is the only reason I'm able to do anything at this point...
19:47.59M_atYou can edit the conf files too SpaceBass
19:48.08SpaceBassM_at yeah, gotten good at that now :)
19:48.13bdunnWhich distro is that based on?
19:48.19SpaceBassthanks mostly to what I've picked up around here and the wiki
19:48.26SpaceBass(basically RHEL)
19:48.48M_atI've got the latest one running here it's much more stable now but it's a very sticky tape solution
19:49.01Ariel_I vote for CentOS just plain works.
19:49.58SpaceBassbeen meaning to install CentOS in vmware... but my IDE controller for my DVD-rom drive is broken
19:50.01Ariel_people forget that with amp your not restricted to there dial plan only. You can add and make lots of changes via there custom settings.
19:50.16QwellSpaceBass: mount the iso
19:50.22SpaceBassAriel_ I
19:50.46SpaceBassAriel_ I'm a big fan, but it seems to be geared towards a signle pstn zap set up... at least with #athome
19:50.52bkw_you need to back down your tds libs
19:50.58SpaceBassQwell going to d/l the iso tonight
19:50.59bkw_they changed the libs in 0.63
19:51.03bkw_back it down a version
19:51.11bdunnIs drive speed an issue with Asterisk?
19:51.12brendais it better to use sqlite or mysql for cdr?
19:51.15Hmmhesaysareskicc is a pain in the arse
19:51.21Ariel_SpaceBass, it's suppose to be that way it gets you started fast.
19:51.27Qwellbdunn: if you get alot of voicemail...maybe
19:51.32robl^brenda, depends on the volume of calls
19:51.33SpaceBassAriel_ like I was saying the other night about my hardware...  I think when I get some real hardware I'll go for just installing * with amp... not AAH
19:51.56brendarobl^: better to use sqlite for a large volume?
19:52.18robl^brenda, I'd muse MySQL with a large volume. make it a sperate server
19:52.30brendathe mysql cdr stuff looks old and I'm worried it might break
19:52.43SpaceBassAriel_ and I'm greatful for how quickly it got me started
19:53.02brenda* Modified August 2003
19:53.04lsantiagobkw: what do you mean?
19:53.21vaewynlilo: congrats!!!!
19:53.45*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (~dennis@
19:54.01robl^brenda, age doesn't mean it will break. it just means it works well enuff not to need a bug fixed every other day :)
19:54.02bkw_lsantiago, the freeTDS changed in 0.63
19:54.07bkw_its no longer compatible with cdr_tds.c
19:54.12bkw_and might never be
19:54.14pjzbdunn: I had good luck with Rapid, sort of
19:54.17bkw_so back down a version
19:54.29SpaceBassand speaking of newbies... I had to actually teach the directv guy how to do his job today...
19:54.49pjzbdunn: and I really vote for debian as the hands-down easiest flavor of linux to administer
19:54.50brendarobl^: true... I'm just paranoid
19:54.50M_atIsn't that normally the way with Sat TV installers?
19:54.56SpaceBassseems to be
19:55.13Qwellcable installers too
19:55.28robl^brenda, if you are paranoid, wear a tin foil hat.  mysql cdr works :)
19:55.31Qwell"There is no jack in that room." "I'm looking right fucking at it, buddy..."
19:55.36SpaceBass"you want me to do what? " ... "i want you to cascade this multiswitch from the combiner downstairs... pretty easy
19:55.41SpaceBassso he calls his boss to see if that is custom
19:55.57SteveLI've followed all the directions on the wiki to get music on hold to work, but asterisk never runs mpg123 and the music doesn't play....what am I missing?
19:55.58M_atIf it aint on their list they get confused
19:56.05SpaceBassI wired my own house... lutron qick ports are great!
19:56.16Qwelllutron?  levitron?
19:56.19SpaceBasscat5, voice, and coax in every room
19:56.23SpaceBasswhich ever... i dunno anymore
19:56.30Qwellyeah, they are nice
19:56.39brendarobl^: I suppose I have the source code so I can fix anything that breaks anyway, right? ;)
19:57.12SpaceBassbanana ports to send speaker connections through walls to surround speakers...
19:57.15M_atLeviton :)
19:57.28QwellM_at: thats the one :p
19:57.40Qwellwhere'd that r come from?
19:57.56SpaceBassme probably
19:57.57M_atNever heard of them - Google has tho
19:58.04robl^brenda, MANY people use the mysql cdr.  if it breaks there will be more than a dozen programmers trying to fix it :)
19:58.22QwellM_at: they make snap-in face plates and jacks
19:58.41Qwelleasily/quickly replaceable/changable
19:58.46M_atYeah on their website now - THe Acenti line looks stunning
19:59.09M_atWhich coming from the UK is high praise for US wall outlets :)
19:59.24brendarobl^: paranoia dead! thanks!
20:00.33Ariel_SpaceBass, I get them at homedepot here.
20:00.54QwellAriel_: yeah, home depot has everything...
20:00.57SpaceBassAriel_ I do too now... when I did the house I ordered from b/c it was cheaper in bulk... now when I need to add/fix/swap I go to the depot
20:00.58shaonssto run mysql with asterisk do i need odbc?
20:01.00bdunnIs voipsupply a good place to purchase this stuff?
20:01.25QwellI want like...
20:01.28Ariel_bdunn, yes I use them and also atacomm
20:01.29SpaceBassbdunn I like them
20:01.29Qwellwalls with hinges
20:01.31*** join/#asterisk juice (
20:01.48Qwelljust put a hinge on the drywall and shit...
20:02.11SteveLdo i have to have a soundcard in my asterisk server for music on hold to work?
20:02.19QwellSteveL: I don't think so
20:02.27M_atI'm looking at these for my new flat :
20:02.42SteveLdamn, i was hoping that was the reason it wasn't working
20:02.51QwellSteveL: mpg123 --version, what you got?
20:02.58QwellYou need 0.59r, no more, no less
20:03.04shaonssstevell no you dont need but you need a timer like dummy or zaptel driver
20:03.06bdunnBefore I order this stuff - would most people get the Cisco 7960 or the Polycom 600?
20:03.06Ariel_StealthMethod, no
20:03.14Qwellshaonss: not for MoH you don't
20:03.16Ariel_SteveL, no
20:03.17SteveL.59r.....ahhh ok ill check that
20:03.23Qwellshaonss: very common misconception
20:03.28Ariel_bdunn, polycom
20:03.35M_atbdunn: You need the software licenses for the Cisco - do you need them for the Polycom?
20:03.50SpaceBassM_at those are slick
20:03.58QwellI want to get a polycom next
20:04.36shaonssto run mysql with asterisk do i need odbc?
20:05.18M_atSpaceBass: Full range of electrical outlets and switches  that match at
20:05.38lilovaewyn: thanks 8)
20:05.53lilovaewyn: man, what an experience
20:05.53*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
20:06.23schwankare there any free pstn gateways in Manitoba, Canada?
20:06.52SpaceBassI'll have to remember that for when I move to europe
20:06.57vaewynlilo: I bet... you guys rock though :P
20:07.09vaewynNivex: cause you have to identify first
20:07.20vaewynthen join
20:07.34bdunnOKay... so - just to make sure I understand this right.  I can take a SIP phone somewhere else, hook it up to the Internet, and connect back to my asterisk system as if I'm a local extension and do everything I would be able to do as if I were at the office with the Asterisk system, right?
20:07.35Nivexi need to find some way to send id and wait some time before join
20:07.53vaewynuntil you get +e
20:08.00SpaceBassbdunn the only caveat is that SIP doesnt do well with NAT sometimes
20:08.07SpaceBassbdunn and it does even worse with nat on both ends
20:08.26xtrvdI cant get NAT on both ends to work, so I have my PBX on its own external static IP
20:08.34bdunnI have firewalls at both ends that I can control - so is it just directing some ports? <- what did i botch up?
20:10.07lsantiagoanybody here using ast_data?
20:10.32xtrvdI had firewalls on each side of mine, but NAT <-> NAT doesn't work for me AT ALL
20:10.42lsantiagowith 1.0.5 or later?
20:10.56SpaceBassbdunn sip usually uses 5060 and some huge range of udp ports for rtp
20:11.07SpaceBassIAX is much better for NAT but not many IAX phones out
20:11.55shido6doesnt matter
20:12.01shido6use IAX for the long haul
20:12.04lsantiagounixmonster: thanks for the are da'man!!!!
20:12.08xtrvdI had 4569 and 5060 open on both sides of the firewalls to my phones, but I couldn't get the phones to call each other.   I *had* to route through my asterix box with its external IP
20:12.08shido6use SIP on the LAN and IAX on the WAN
20:12.21M_atbdunn The problem is that SIP uses multiple ports and connections. If you have NAT then it normally doesn't let the second connection in because the firewall hasn't seen the originating connection for it.
20:12.43Nivexa shame there isn't an ip_conntrack_sip module for linux iptables
20:12.44shido6nat'd sip works, as long as you have control over your stateful routers
20:12.55shido6you dont need it Nivex
20:12.56M_atI'm putting IAX between boxes and an IAX box with SER in front out on the live internet
20:13.07Hmmhesaysanyone toyed around with areskicc?
20:13.19shido6email areski directly, Hmmhesays
20:13.22shido6send him some cash
20:13.25shido6and he'll help you out
20:13.34Hmmhesayshehe, i don't care that much
20:13.43shido6best of luck
20:13.55Hmmhesaysheh, being a jerkoff again
20:14.04shido6grab a postgres book and dive in
20:14.19shido6everyone has an opinion
20:14.30Hmmhesaysat least you aren't pm'ing me trying to sell me support
20:14.37Hmmhesayslike usually
20:14.37shido6you can give yours to my light bill
20:14.43*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:15.07shido6its no secret, we provide support for a fee
20:15.08Hmmhesaysscrew you shido6, I don't need a postgres book
20:15.55shido6areskicc uses postgres if you dont need the book then why are you asking if anyone has toyed with it?
20:16.42Hmmhesaysyou assume I know nothing of postgres
20:16.53Hmmhesayssecondly there are about a million reasons I could ask that question
20:16.54shido6I dont assume, its just you being an ass
20:17.03schwankHmmhesays, being your typical congenial self again I see?
20:17.17brendastop fighting kids
20:17.23brendadon't make me stop the car
20:17.36Hmmhesaysschwank you are way to sensitive
20:17.43M_atShe'll turn the channel around if you don't shut up and play nice
20:18.09Hmmhesaysshido6 why would you say I need a postgres book.... other than assuming I don't know anything about it already
20:18.18brendaIf I had kids, I'd just reach around and slap them
20:18.41schwankbrenda... never ever shake a baby.
20:18.57M_atKick the baby
20:19.03brendadon't kick the baby
20:19.16shido6wouldnt be able to drive afterwards because your arm would be broken in several places.
20:19.27funxioncan anyone tell if it is possible to get * to register to cisco gatekeeper using H323?
20:19.36shido6yes, funxion
20:19.46funxionI am
20:19.57shido6"/usr/src/asterisk/channels/h323/README" is your friend
20:20.09funxionI know I can register to gatekeeper just wanted to make sure it wasnt gnugk specific
20:20.24funxionthnx a lot shido6
20:20.36shido6be sure to use g729r8 if u use g729
20:20.38brendashido6: violent!
20:20.48shido6we're being hypothetical here, brenda.
20:21.09shido6conjure up some deer in front of the car
20:21.22brendaget some katanas in the mix
20:21.41brendarandom samurai pouring from the sky to defend me
20:21.49shido6dragon punch your ass
20:21.54Kattyway to set my hilight off
20:22.16Hmmhesaysi'm suprised you didn't tell him to get an h.323 book and dive in
20:22.17shido6then get some soft serve from mcdonalds
20:22.20shido6like nothing happened
20:22.36*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
20:22.44brendasounds like my kind of hypothetical situation
20:22.53brendacept for the having kids part
20:23.14shido6car all messed up ive got a red mark on my face and brenda with a broken arm... speaker screaming, "that'll be 5.85, 2nd window drive thru please"
20:23.58brendawould make for a good short film on IFC
20:24.32schwankso wait now...
20:24.35shido6Hmmhesays, areski has a good idea but the app needs help
20:24.39schwankcorrect me if I'm wrote here...
20:24.47schwankthere are women in this channel now?
20:25.03SpaceBassxtrvd one more thing... there is an extension in that .conf that uses festival to call my wife a tool... she didn't think that was funny, so I dont recomded using that one
20:25.16Hmmhesaysyou want to know the reason I asked if anyone has toyed with it mr arrogance?
20:25.41shido6not until you address me by my name, Hmmhesays
20:25.49brendachop his head off with a katana
20:25.53Hmmhesayssorry Mr. Arrogance
20:26.08xtrvdSpaceBass: 'festival'
20:26.11xtrvdSpaceBass: 'festival'?*
20:26.11schwankthe hell.
20:26.26Hmmhesaysba dum ching
20:26.32xtrvdA tool she shall be!
20:26.50SpaceBassxtrvd its  a plug in app for text to speech
20:27.04xtrvdSo much to learn.
20:27.50schwankthe evolution of irc... a group of informed people begin a channel and like-minded individuals join
20:28.03M_atand then?
20:28.07cjkhi, does anyone know how i could monitor my asterisk if: it still accepts call, if it still accepts registrations
20:28.28jake1932cjk - manager?
20:28.52cjkjake1932: ok i know the manager, but i do not see how this could be a realisitc monitoring option
20:29.01shido6iax2 show peers to see if anyone is registered as a peer
20:29.03schwankand then undesirables join, run out the people who made the channel what it was
20:29.09shido6u can turn on debug
20:29.11shido6to watch everything
20:29.18schwankand we have conversations about "pampling" each other in place of code
20:29.22shido6iax2 debug
20:29.35jake1932manager should show you anything you want to know
20:29.55brendaschwank: worse yet... you're trying to have a conversation about these people who cause problems
20:29.59jake1932except audio
20:30.09schwankI know.
20:30.13schwankI feel dirty.
20:30.17shido6the manager wont show you failed registration attempts
20:30.22schwankimport sys; sys.exit()
20:30.33cjkshido6: true
20:30.43brendapython can not save you now
20:32.19jake1932but you could throw test calls and monitor the output through manager
20:33.26jake1932maybe a script or something every few minutes
20:34.43*** join/#asterisk Navman (~p_e@
20:37.37*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
20:38.27jake1932cjk - or conf logger.conf and look at /var/log/messages
20:40.18pigpenhey guys...I need some help...
20:40.36pigpen* box with pri via a digium, calls come in fine...
20:40.50pigpenhowever if I call voicemail, another extension or dice.
20:40.59*** join/#asterisk Cramnoselo (
20:41.05jake1932what's the error?
20:41.19pigpenwhen calling voicemail, while doing debug I see * is playing the prompts...but I hear no  audio
20:41.29pigpenwhile an incomming call via the pri is fine.
20:41.34schwankpigpen... answer the call
20:41.35M_atDo you hear anything on other calls?
20:41.49M_atOutgoing that is
20:41.56pigpenwhen I call another extention, the other phone rings, but we get hung up on immediatly.
20:42.05pigpenOutgoing, it goes to congestion.
20:42.29M_atYou got direct connectivity between you and the IAX box - no routers, firewalls etc in the way?
20:42.39schwankpigpen... ' exten => blah,1,Answer() '
20:42.47pigpenI actually dumped a perfectly working AMP config...
20:42.57pigpenand moved my config inplace, that worked fine prior to amp
20:43.19M_atAsterisk Management Portal
20:43.26schwankI see.
20:43.28pigpenM_at beat me.
20:43.33schwankwell, check your codecs then
20:43.39pigpenI wanted to try it to see if it is is not.
20:43.44schwankand if you have a firewall
20:43.46schwankturn it off
20:44.08schwankI had the same problem last week.
20:44.13schwankI wanted to use a default deny firewall...
20:44.23schwankbut it doesn't work with the nature of rtp
20:44.34schwankwhich requires a huge port range
20:44.36shido6are you using your linux box for firewalling?
20:44.37brimstonewhat's the default username/password to amp?
20:44.44M_atIt sounds exactly the same as I get when trying to connect via SIP from work with NAT and NAT transformations switched on therer and my * box on the DMZ of my Internet router here
20:44.54schwankshido6, at the moment
20:45.07M_atI can call and get calls but the audio is never setup. I need to put SER in between on another box or summat.
20:45.19pigpenwe have been running this for 4 months, it has nothing to do with a firewall, internet connectivy, routers, etc...
20:45.37schwankpigpen, well then hotshot.  what is it?
20:45.47pigpenerr...something with * ?
20:45.51*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
20:45.57M_atI'm guessing you're using a SIP softphone or handset?
20:46.08pigpenI have been working it now for 2 hours..I am running out of ideas.
20:46.16pigpenNo, polycom SP600
20:46.22M_atThat's a SIP handset
20:46.28schwankso is there a firewall?
20:46.31pigpensorry..I saw softphone.
20:46.41M_atTry an IAX softphone
20:46.43jake1932brimstone -  maint/password
20:46.44schwankopen it up and try again.
20:46.50M_atIf you get the same behaviour it's *
20:47.39schwankand don't be so damned closed-minded when you ask for help.  Obviously if you've tried everything you know and it didn't work, you should try something you wouldn't normally do.  Isn't that why you came here to ask for help?
20:48.29schwankI had the exact same problem with my polys last week.
20:48.38schwank(well, symptoms)
20:49.16schwankwow.  and look at that comma splice.  nicely done swank.
20:49.33M_atHow'd you fix it schwank?
20:49.42*** join/#asterisk evilrabbi (lawlz4life@
20:50.10evilrabbican someone give a link to buy a TDM400P card? I cant see to find it on digiums website
20:50.51schwankM_at, firstly I had to install g729 licenses because that's what my provider uses, next I had to answer my calls (on the test extension) rather than just playing an mp3 to it otherwise it timed out and died on its own
20:51.04M_atIsn't there a "store" button o nthe digium site evilrabbi?
20:51.07schwankfinally, when I was setting up the firewall, I had to open up a huge range of tcp and udp ports
20:51.22*** join/#asterisk dikadika (
20:51.49pigpenOk..good idea with the iax
20:52.02pigpeniax => sip ext works fine.
20:52.12pigpeniax => trunk no dice
20:52.20pigpensip phone => no dice.
20:52.28dikadikai had my * server up and running great, then the power went out and now * does not turn on when rebooted, when i try to start * with "asterisk -vvvvc" it gives me a broken pipe error, anyone able to help me figure out why?
20:52.41M_atSounds like your trunk is setup wrong then
20:52.59M_atwhat do the logs say dikadika?
20:53.11dikadikalet me pastebin them
20:53.12*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:53.14pigpenok...I will post the configs in pastbin
20:53.40schwankalso, I had to change some settings in the polycom phone
20:53.45schwankunder registration
20:54.05dikadikathe cli logs or the log file?
20:54.18schwankbut you can use 'sip show peers' to see if that's necessary
20:54.20M_atthe full log
20:54.56pigpenschwank, yeah..registered fine, and recieveing calls via did routes over the pri trunk
20:55.07dikadikahere is the cli, full logs coming up
20:55.11M_atYou may want to archive the old file then try starting it again with a blank log
20:55.42schwankso wait then, what's not working?
20:56.51dikadikam_at: ok just rename the file?
20:57.17evilrabbiM_at heh i didn't see it
20:57.17dikadikathe last thing in the log is Jun 30 16:49:45 WARNING[1465]: Loading module failed!
20:57.52evilrabbiand i still see no "store" button
20:58.11M_atWell I can't see the digium site because my ISP is crap :)
20:58.31evilrabbifilter it?
20:59.03shido6do you see zaptel there?
20:59.44pigpenSorry it took so long...
20:59.47evilrabbiand cant you hook a standard analog phone directly into the FXS port?
20:59.51*** join/#asterisk Godsey (lanny@Godsey.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
21:00.08dikadikaok here is the log file from the latest start attemp:
21:00.26shido6pigpen what does lsmod say?
21:00.46pigpenthe kernel is module-less
21:01.21*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
21:01.24pigpenthe zap drivers are built in (don't blame me, my business partner insisted and re-wrote the driver to be embeded)
21:01.35pigpenand has worked great for months.
21:01.36NewSoleanthm... u there
21:02.15shido6so what does ztcfg -vv say
21:02.42pigpenit says it is happy...and hi Greg
21:02.55shido6then do this
21:03.00shido6vi /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
21:03.06pigpen"24 Channels configured"
21:03.16shido6add ,debug to the line where you see consule
21:03.30shido6then run asterisk -vvvgcd
21:03.37shido6and pastebin what you see
21:03.43shido6the last 20 lines I go...I uncommented the line for console that ended with debut
21:06.45pigpenshido...good god...
21:06.51pigpendoes it stop? was dumping alot due to my iax client...
21:07.42CramnoseloOK, anyone know why *@home would see a TDM04B card and yet dialing out just results in a busy signal??
21:08.11M_atIs this a clean install of *@home?
21:08.16dikadikacramn is your phone registered?
21:08.41*** join/#asterisk _mountie (
21:09.10*** join/#asterisk |CyberRed| (
21:09.11CramnoseloM_at, it somewhat clean... I did the install then have run the genzaptelconf -s -d as recommended
21:09.25Cramnoselodikadika, yes it is registered
21:09.36M_atCramnodelo: And you've added your first Zap trunk?
21:10.08Cramnoseloyup, first modified the zap/g0 trunk, then removed that one and added a new one...
21:10.17Hmmhesaysheh, he's officially gone... after 3  years.. I can't help but feel a little sad
21:10.35M_atAnd told your outgoing rules to use it?
21:10.51Cramnoseloyup, that I did...
21:11.03Hmmhesayshey Katty
21:11.03*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
21:11.15KattyHmmhesays: ewwo (=
21:11.20dikadikadoes the cli output say anything interesting cramnoselo
21:11.39Cramnoselonow, when i look at the zapata_auto.conf file, it shows there are 4 channels, but no trunkgroups
21:11.53|CyberRed|can someone helpme with ISDN cards??
21:12.26*** join/#asterisk SteveL (
21:12.36dikadikalol katty :)
21:12.56M_atWhat ISDN BRI or PRI, what card?
21:13.12Cramnoselodikadika, cli output??
21:13.23|CyberRed|hayes isdn pci :S
21:13.25Ariel_Katty, thanks I need that.
21:13.37M_atUsing I4L then?
21:13.44|CyberRed|not yeo
21:13.48|CyberRed|not yet
21:13.49Ariel_But I am at home watching my baby and she is making so much noise... Mingraines and kids do not mix.
21:13.58|CyberRed|cant configure it
21:14.13RoyK|CyberRed|: what chipset?
21:14.31dikadikacramnoselo: if you are at the computer logged on as root type asterisk -r and you will see the promp change to cli> then try and make the call
21:14.37|CyberRed|dont know
21:14.41RoyK|CyberRed|: find out
21:14.46RoyK|CyberRed|: lspci for a start
21:14.58|CyberRed|its an HAYES PCI ISDN
21:15.14|CyberRed|Cologne Chip Designs
21:15.24KattyAriel_: :<
21:15.24|CyberRed|do you know it?
21:15.56pigpenok guys...for giggles, I moved the config that AMP had running back into prime time...
21:15.58pigpenworks great.
21:16.14pigpenmy configs must be screwed...
21:16.41|CyberRed|guess not :(
21:17.03KattyHmmhesays: oh.
21:17.08KattyHmmhesays: you were right about the recording thing
21:17.18KattyHmmhesays: verbosity was on 3...apparently i was recording the entire time and didn't know it ;)
21:17.57HmmhesaysKatty: spying on yourself huh?
21:17.59RoyK~lart dark_eel
21:18.00|CyberRed|here it is the full output
21:18.04RoyK~lart DarthClue
21:18.10|CyberRed|02:09.0 Network controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI] (rev 02)
21:18.38KattyHmmhesays: exactly.
21:18.38*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
21:18.49ManxPower~google Cologne ISDN
21:18.59Cramnoselodikadika, dont really see anything too interesting should I be looking for something specific?
21:19.00ManxPowerDoes jbot not do google searches anymore?
21:19.02Hmmhesaysanyone want to guess how long php will take to compile on a p233 with 96meg of ram?
21:19.07RoyK|CyberRed|: that's hfc pci
21:19.11ManxPowerUseful Asterisk Docs (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unofficial Links") and and
21:19.17M_at7 and a ahalf weeks
21:19.19RoyK|CyberRed|: try bristuff from
21:19.19pigpenHmmhesays, 3 hours
21:19.24jbot[mailinglist] Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
21:19.26Ariel_pigpen, have you talked to anyone at the #amportal there are a few there that work with amps files all the time.
21:19.28pigpenHmmhesays, gentoo?
21:19.58pigpenAriel_, actually, I want to move away from AMP..I am not to crazy about it.
21:20.11Hmmhesaysi'm gonna say 25 minutes
21:20.18pigpenI literally put my old configs back in place and no go..odd.
21:20.22Ariel_pigpen, no problem. I work with both normal setup files and amp ones.
21:20.55pigpenI am going to do some diff's...maybe I am doing something stupid...
21:21.20*** join/#asterisk moonwick (
21:21.28pigpenbut the Amp configs are a bit too goffy for my taste.
21:21.28Assidumm.. what exactly does this do? Digium IAXy (s101i) FXS Adapter ?
21:21.41Hmmhesays#amportal is usually pretty dead kidding.
21:21.56Cramnoselodikadika, dont really see anything too interesting in the cli when I call, should I be looking for something specific?
21:22.04M_atAssid: Connects a phone to an * box via Ethernet
21:22.23M_atIt's an IAX version of a cisco ATA - more or less
21:22.34pcmm_at: rather less :)
21:23.13dikadikacramnoselo: i was really just curious if you were getting any output at all relating to when you make the call,
21:23.30Ariel_shido6, you keep posting that up. I guess you want people to see it.
21:23.40shido6ppl ask about the IAXy
21:23.42shido6so boink
21:23.59Ariel_I have 2 of the old blue ones sitting hold papers....
21:24.16Hmmhesaysi'm guessing they've gone through some hardware revisions
21:24.21M_atThat page really doesn't say much
21:24.21Ariel_hold/holding papers down......
21:24.34shido6its not supposed to say anything
21:24.40Assidany wireless IAXy ?
21:24.42M_atThen why promote it?
21:24.43pcmariel: they don'[t weight that much
21:24.53shido6because it shows a pic of how you can use it
21:25.06*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
21:25.07Hmmhesaysjust like any other ata on the planet
21:25.09pcmm_at: you promote to sell :) hehe
21:25.17M_atAhh yes - Sales.
21:25.26M_atHow much is it for an hour again?
21:25.33Hmmhesaysvatsamatta twisted
21:25.34pcmm_at: if not sure :) the reason is the $$$ :)
21:25.49M_atWhat about the  £££?
21:25.54*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
21:26.14pcmtwisted :) don't do that :) after a year won't be that many left :)
21:26.31Assidis there such a thing as wireless IAXy?
21:26.39M_atNo Assid
21:26.42pcmassid: only if you add something wireless to it
21:26.44Hmmhesayssure... with a brigdge
21:26.47Hmmhesays*bridge even
21:26.56Hmmhesayshuzzah, wireless iazy
21:27.02shido6not without an attachment
21:27.02pcmtwisted: heellllo ?
21:28.19Assidhrmm.. how ?
21:28.29jbotgoogle is, like, a search engine found at
21:29.05shido6you can use a cordless and a PAP2 or IAXy or you can get a wifi phone
21:29.07key2I had a question
21:29.25key2would It be interesting to make a GSM pci card for asterisk ?
21:29.43shido6then you wouldnt need an ATEUS
21:29.46shido6that would be cool
21:29.57key2shido6: it would be ?
21:30.01Hmmhesayswe don't need to be installing asterisk in grass huts
21:30.05shido6checkout the UTStarCom F1000 WIFI VOIP Phone
21:30.06M_atGSM is a nasty frequency that should be kept clear of the inside of your PC
21:30.10pcmkey2: i want to make one
21:30.13shido6if you're looking for a wireless phone
21:30.19key2pcm ?
21:30.21shido6I have those in stock
21:30.27*** join/#asterisk Pete_Largo (
21:30.37pcmkey2: i mean it's my next project heeh :)
21:30.52key2pcm: I wanted to make one too :)
21:30.59M_atIs there anything shido6 doesn't try to sell here?
21:31.00*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
21:31.22M_atGood becasue I need a new liver
21:31.23key2shido6: how much do you sell your UTStarCom F1000 WIFI VOIP Phone
21:31.38Hmmhesaysisn't there an asterisk-biz channel for that schtuff
21:31.58pcmon irc ?
21:32.04pcmasterisk-biz on irc ? :)
21:32.20Pete_LargoI am trying to get * to work with my BroadVOX direct account, BvX says that they won't support it, and wouldn't give me any info to set it loaded up tethereal and captured a few packets...  what I can't figure out is the password...  I don't know much about SIP Register, so I could be off, but is the password sent as a MD5 hash?
21:33.14Hmmhesaysyep there are currently 5 people in it
21:33.21KattyHmmhesays: you should talk to me
21:33.35Hmmhesaysdefine talk
21:34.03Hmmhesaysi suppose I can now that my co-worker is gone
21:34.39Hmmhesaysa few minutes I gotta set that in the dialplan again
21:35.07yaaarso anybody know why my cisco 7940 can make calls, but has no audio? neither party can hear the other
21:36.17M_atshido6 do you sell UPSs?
21:36.33M_atyaaar: Firewall? NAT? Config problem?
21:37.46yaaarM_at: no, the phone is attached to the same ethernet switch as the * server, there are no firewalls between.
21:37.56yaaarM_at: plus, the softphones work fine
21:38.30JerJer[mobile]shido6 sells anything that isn't nailed down
21:39.41yaaarM_at: if i call a voicemail box, it hangs up saying "No audio available on SIP/210-c7cf??"
21:40.18M_atWrong codecs installed?
21:42.35yaaarhmm....i put 'ulaw' as the preferred codec, and that's what i'm allowing in sip.conf
21:43.58Hmmhesayswell my estimate was way off... going on 30 something minutes here
21:45.48*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
21:45.58pigpenWell, I must have my outgoing zap channels misconfigured...any good examples?
21:46.10pigpenI haven't found any good ones yet.
21:46.18pcmpigpen: then write one :)
21:46.37pigpenlet me rephrase:  I haven't found any that apply.
21:47.30DarthCluepigpen: have you tried the wiki?
21:47.47Hmmhesaysthere's a wiki?
21:47.51pigpenyeah...but comming up dry
21:48.00Kattyis that a wiki in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
21:48.19Nuxiwiki == wish it kontained information
21:48.19DarthClueKatty: why don't you check and see.
21:48.27Hmmhesays"is that a half a pack of certs in your pocket or are you happy to see me" --Family Guy
21:48.29DarthCluepigpen: what kind of hardware?
21:48.32KattyDarthClue: :<
21:48.42pigpensingle port T1 digium
21:49.03pigpeninbound is fine...outboud is no go.
21:49.16DarthCluepigpen: so you need dial commands?
21:49.56MicC_anyone use dialogic cards with Asterisk
21:50.00pigpenlike: exten => _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
21:50.24pigpenI was using it this way about 3 months ago...but now that I am trying to go back to the old isn't working.
21:50.29*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
21:51.32DarthCluepigpen: you can't do a direct copy / paste and use old configs with new software.  if this is what you are trying, you will need to rebuild the configs from scratch.  up the verbosity to at least 15 and pastebin the output from the cli.
21:52.11pigpenmay be a ver change...
21:52.13pigpenI will do..
21:54.14shido6why not, DarthClue, just change the IP
21:54.23shido6in the iax, sip , manager .confs
21:54.38pigpenok..I wil l debug again...
21:54.41pigpenhi shido6
21:55.48DarthClueshido6: depending on how significant the software has changed, his config may attempt to use or not use things for the features he wants.  this could result in it crashing.
21:56.09DarthClueor not working or whatever.  but he should start clean if he is having problems with a zap dial command.
21:56.16shido6if ur using a yr old config, maybe so
21:56.24shido6the cli will tell him whats up
21:56.24DarthCluemy point exactly.
21:56.29Ariel_MicC_, most that used to use the dialogic have given up with them.
21:56.44shido6do u have a g729 license, pigpen?
21:57.12pigpenyeah..not activated...
21:57.17shido6it shows
21:57.24shido6show audio codecs
21:57.28shido6will tell you what codec 4
21:57.30shido6and 256 is
21:57.34*** join/#asterisk clive- (
21:57.39shido6ring any bells?
21:57.44shido6ahem... sip.conf
21:58.05Assid <-- will this show voicemail of * ?
21:58.13pigpenok..hint taken...I will look.
21:58.21Hmmhesaystime to call it a day
21:58.55DarthClueAssid: define show voicemail.  You talking about message waiting indication?
21:58.57pigpeng729 is not specified...but not disallowed...
21:59.47shido6disable it if you dont have the codec "activated"
22:00.32*** join/#asterisk Dishwasha (~chatzilla@
22:01.04pigpen^^this is what I have now.
22:01.47Assidthe indication
22:01.47*** join/#asterisk Dishwasha (~chatzilla@
22:01.48Dishwashahowdy folks
22:01.57pcmwhat's up ?
22:02.22shido6mailbox= in sip.conf
22:02.22Dishwashabeen a little while since I've hung out here
22:02.23Dishwashahey shido6
22:02.43DishwashaThis sucks, my provider changed the SIP gateway product they are using and now I'm having call problems
22:02.48shido6sip debug hurtin your eyes
22:02.48DishwashaThey're using a CiscoSystemsSIP-GW-UserAgent
22:02.48*** join/#asterisk key2 (
22:02.50pcmshido6; You can't sell anything like that (throuwing nkife  :))
22:02.57Dishwashanot really, I know exactly what's happening and unfortunately I think it's something that asterisk needs to have fixed
22:03.16*** join/#asterisk denon (
22:03.16*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ is still trying gsm...
22:04.12AssidDarthClue: will the message waiting indication work with * ?
22:04.33DarthClueAssid: yes.  if the phone supports it.
22:04.40DarthCluethe one you posted should.
22:05.30pigpenshido6, cool!
22:06.12shido6pigpen your sip.conf
22:06.17shido6and your dialplan
22:06.40*** join/#asterisk Ahewes (~rsb@
22:09.15AhewesIs it possible to set the Caller ID name for an outbound connection?
22:09.25AhewesThat is, using SIP?
22:09.39AhewesLike a SetCallerIDName function?
22:09.46shido6pigpen, noooo
22:09.50*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
22:10.56bkw_free? we don't need no stinking free stuff.
22:11.11bkw_free stuff its bad
22:13.54DeeJayTwowhen personb hangup, his phone ring a little shot...
22:14.00DeeJayTwohow can I avoid it?
22:14.07shido6have him check his voicemail?
22:14.43shido6does he have a stutter tone when personb picks up his phone
22:14.44shido6or her
22:15.02DeeJayTwoit's even doing it when hanging up from voicemail system..
22:15.29M_atwhat is the phone?
22:15.37DeeJayTwoit's on a channel bank
22:15.40DeeJayTwoanalog phone..
22:15.43M_atSWo analogue
22:15.45shido6your asterisk box needs some #$%%y its spurting rings all over the place
22:17.03shido6does your CLI tell you anything wen the phone rings when u hang it up?
22:17.19DeeJayTwono error..nothing..
22:17.21shido6asterisk -vvvgcd  < add .debug to the console line in /etc/asterisk/logger.cinf >
22:17.22DeeJayTwoonly hangup ;)
22:17.31shido6.debug = should be ,debug
22:18.03shido6console => notice,warning,error,debug
22:18.41M_atDeeJayTwo - Where are you?
22:19.25shido6good question
22:19.38shido6and telco name
22:20.30shido6the fingers you have used to dial , are to fat. If you wish to request a dialing wand , press your palm on the keypad now.
22:23.13ManxPowershido6: "What is the Simpsons?"
22:23.13shido6that is correct.
22:23.14shido6you are in the lead.
22:23.14M_atCan I have Famouse Faces for $100 please?
22:23.20JerJer[mobile]my daddy shoots people
22:23.28shido6I cant stream the daily double sound to everyone
22:23.35X-RobACtually, it's 'mash the keypad with your palm now'
22:23.46shido6my nose makes its own candy
22:23.52clive-any news on asterisk 1.2 being relased?...
22:24.03X-Robclive, checkout CVS HEAD and pretend it's 1.2
22:24.34clive-x-rob , thanks:), but is it safe to run that on a production box?
22:24.46X-Robcertainly, thousands of people are.
22:24.51X-Robstable doesn't mean 'doesn't crash'
22:24.54X-Robit just means 'not moving'
22:25.19X-Roband HEAD is 1.1 by the way, not 1.2
22:25.19clive-all depends on how often it crashes
22:26.25shido6"Daddy says I'm _this_ close to sleeping in the yard."
22:26.45Dishwashaewwwww....looks like I have to use insecure=very on my sip peers : (
22:26.53DishwashaI wonder what the implications of that is
22:27.58JerJer[mobile]very insecure
22:28.54*** part/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
22:29.41DishwashaOh cool, I thought it was redrum spelled backwards
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22:42.14tsumeholy shit..
22:42.34tsumegod dammit, it wasn't even 2 hours before the next global message
22:42.45tsumelilo: wtf man
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22:47.12*** join/#asterisk TESTER2 (
22:47.31brimstonei did
22:47.35TESTER2WARNING[432] chan_zap.c: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
22:47.39TESTER2after that no more sound from the server... any idea?
22:48.14TESTER2It needs a complete reboot (not only an asterisk reboot) to work again
22:51.13*** part/#asterisk clive- (
22:54.24*** part/#asterisk Nuxi (
23:01.06brimstonei can't wait for someone to call digium's tech support line and say "wha? i got throught! woo! first time caller long time listener!"
23:01.39TESTER2no one can help me with the Red Alarm?
23:01.59twisted[work]TESTER2, red alarm means cable failure
23:02.17twisted[work](well, link layer failure)
23:02.36twisted[work]TESTER2, what kind of interface?
23:03.02twisted[work]is this a REAL x100p or one of the knockoffs?
23:03.16TESTER2a clone one :)
23:03.38twisted[work]heh... well, you're pretty much on your own there...  if it was digium, you could get ahold of them
23:03.39harryvvtester, what do you have hooked up pstn or pri
23:03.47twisted[work]harryvv, x100p is pstn.
23:03.47harryvvokay pstn
23:03.59harryvvwiggle the pstn line in the back
23:04.05harryvvif its not been cleared
23:04.08harryvvtwisted i knoiw
23:04.27twisted[work]x100p shouldn't throw a red alarm though
23:04.44twisted[work]even if there's no line plugged in
23:04.45harryvvdoes asterisk record red alarm failures? would be curios to see them on a graph.
23:05.03harryvvthe pstn or phone line to the x100p will if its disconected
23:05.16twisted[work]harryvv, that's a new one on me then
23:05.35twisted[work]that was one of my biggest complaints about the fxo interfaces, is that they wouldn't alarm if the line was discod
23:06.38harryvvtwisted here
23:06.40TESTER2How to increase the logging level of the asterisk messages file?
23:06.40harryvvARNING[9742]: chan_zap.c:5942 handle_init_event: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
23:06.40harryvvJun 30 16:06:19 NOTICE[9742]: chan_zap.c:5937 handle_init_event: Alarm cleared on channel 1
23:06.55twisted[work]harryvv, i wasn't saying you were lying
23:06.59harryvvnow, would like to pipe that to some script and sound a alarm
23:07.03twisted[work]i was saying that i never remembered them doing that
23:07.15harryvvwake us up in the middle of the night :)
23:07.21twisted[work]for a fxo failure?
23:07.29twisted[work]hah it's not worth the trouble
23:07.33harryvvi know
23:07.46twisted[work]now for a pri... :)
23:07.54harryvvi need to buy a pri card.
23:08.05TESTER2How to increase the logging level of the asterisk messages file? logguer just seems to increase the console logging
23:08.26twisted[work]look in /var/log/asterisk
23:08.39twisted[work]the verbosity will increase in the cli if you set the verbose higher
23:08.47twisted[work]but it (should) be full verbose in the logs
23:08.48TESTER2yep this is where I look /var/log/asterisk/messages
23:09.44TESTER2messages => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose
23:11.10TESTER2But I don't see any debug log in the messages file
23:11.47*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
23:13.31twisted[work]TESTER2, hmm.  should be DEBUG[%i]:
23:13.44twisted[work]harryvv, you could always write out the warnings to the syslog and check there
23:13.48twisted[work]hi Katty : )
23:13.54Kattyewwo (=
23:13.57twisted[work]what is a pample, btw?
23:14.08Kattycats pample warm and furry things when happy
23:14.16twisted[work]ahh, okay
23:14.18Kattypample means hi in Katty language.
23:14.24Kattyas does mew and mrow
23:14.34twisted[work]yeah, I have two cats
23:14.48twisted[work]but one of them just gets on your lap and lays down when happy
23:18.22*** join/#asterisk pingywon (
23:19.00harryvvsucks to see this dvd fc3 iso download has been occuring since this morning
23:20.03twisted[work]ewww fc3
23:20.22shido6dont hurt yaself
23:20.31shido6use CentOs the fresh maker
23:20.32Ariel_why fc3????
23:20.50shido6or redhat 9
23:20.56Ariel_use a much more stable release of an os CentOS....
23:22.48TESTER2I installed asterisk on a fc1,fc2 and freebsd 5.3/5.4 box and with the fc I had no problem
23:23.08Ariel_FC3/FC4 are well very different
23:23.19TESTER2but with the freebsd #@$%&?%?&% not hard to install, but stability problem with the zaptel
23:24.12TESTER2Ariel_: why? they look very similar to me... same range of kernel + openoffice 2 (1.9)
23:24.30TESTER2sorry the openoffice 2 is a new feature
23:25.17Ariel_TESTER2, look more they have changed the way udev works and have added more support for x86_64.. (works on some things but has problems with others).
23:25.39TESTER2any big change?
23:26.06TESTER2CentOs is debian-based?
23:26.19Ariel_TESTER2, no it's RHEL
23:27.34TESTER2Today there is too much distribution :)
23:27.36*** part/#asterisk ghostxz (
23:27.43Ariel_I used to use FC1 and FC2 until I found CentOS
23:28.22TESTER2it's more for servers,workstations or both?
23:28.30*** join/#asterisk Navman (~Navman@
23:28.59Ariel_TESTER2, both
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23:29.16Ariel_they have a server version and there many disks for the desktop.
23:30.03harryvvany one here have good experaince and recomend a qos af style swtich?
23:30.12TESTER2I'm not satisfied with my freebsd box, so I'm gonna reinstall it with a new OS... probably FC3
23:30.14harryvvfor small networks under 30
23:30.54harryvvArial, what are the reasons you like centos over fc?
23:31.33PatrickDKharryvv, most layer2 switchs,and all layer3 switchs I know of do qos
23:31.44Ariel_harryvv, many CentOS is RH enterprise but without the paid support from RH.  It has everything that the commercial version has.
23:32.11Ariel_harryvv, I have used the netgear 24 port switch with poe and layer 3 for around 1100 dollars.
23:32.18mikewho2can anyone name a good vpn that does QoS
23:32.24mikewho2i dontthink my linksys rvs08 does it
23:32.38Ariel_linksys has sveasoft
23:32.41PatrickDKhmm, you don't qos vpn's
23:32.44mikewho2is that QoS
23:32.53mikewho2all in one
23:33.38Ariel_The wrt54Gs have a linux build for them that you can upload there is even an asterisk setup for it. some place out there.
23:34.51PatrickDKheh, I used to use a p133, but my bandwidth finally went faster than he p133 could handle
23:35.40*** part/#asterisk TESTER2 (
23:36.30Ariel_PatrickDK, seems to work fine on the networks I have put them on.  I have a few on the small via system as well.
23:37.18PatrickDKwell, it all depends on the firewall rules, and the qos methods used
23:37.39PatrickDKbut mine firewalls between networks also, and they got upgraded to gigabit
23:38.10PatrickDKand the p133 would only handle like 30-40mbit or so for me, if I remember right
23:38.44X-Robpci bandwidth is limited to 60mb/sec or so
23:38.49X-Rob(for ethernet traffic)
23:38.52X-Robso gigabit would have flooded it
23:39.04PatrickDKfor 66mhz, 64bit pci?
23:39.10X-RobNo. On a p133.
23:39.19PatrickDKah, ya
23:39.29PatrickDKI went and upgraded it cause of the gigabit cards also
23:40.32PatrickDKhmm, I need to figure out this pptp problem I'm having
23:40.44harryvvAriel_: sell any of those netgear switches to customers ?
23:41.13Ariel_actually yes we have 2 of them at customers sites.
23:41.35dikadikawhenever i shutdown * something happens to my file and i have to delete it and recreate before i can start * again...
23:41.40dikadikaanyone kno wny?
23:42.18*** join/#asterisk parity3 (
23:42.25Ariel_harryvv, we got this mainly for the poe but works great:
23:42.38PatrickDKya, only get it if you want the poe
23:42.47PatrickDKwithout the poe, it's like half the price
23:43.02harryvvi see
23:43.06Ariel_PatrickDK, correct but we needed the poe and it worked with cisco and others.
23:43.11PatrickDKI got two of them and they are good
23:43.28Ariel_dikadika, what file?
23:43.45PatrickDKya, I am running it with the two gigabit linked
23:44.03dikadikait is zapata-auto.conf
23:44.22Ariel_PatrickDK, same here we actually vlan them each on it's own segment with the gigabit links.
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23:44.47harryvvdo the customers really side for the half price poe switches?
23:44.49Ariel_dikadika, that is strange.
23:45.05Ariel_1/2 price poe????
23:45.06PatrickDKoh, I vlan everything, but I bond the gigabit ports so each switch have full 2gigabit to it, and for failover
23:45.06X-RobKatty - eyes?
23:45.18KattyX-Rob: to look at
23:45.21X-RobI've got a complete collection myself, I don't need any of yours.
23:45.26dikadikaits an *@home file, and i can regenerate it with the genzaptelconf -s command
23:45.29X-RobBut thanks for the offer 8)
23:45.51PatrickDKhmm, I don't think anyone in here does *@home
23:45.54harryvvsorry for the switch that does not offer pos
23:46.07Ariel_dikadika, it should not do that. instead of genzaptelconf -s add the -d as well.
23:46.09dikadikait started happening when we had a power outage, now it does it every time
23:46.18dikadikaok one second
23:46.21PatrickDKif you aren't using the switch for poe phones, then the model without poe is better
23:46.38harryvvAriel_: and you looked at all switches and prices? That seems to me a bit high for a switch.
23:46.40Ariel_PatrickDK, some of us do.
23:47.06Ariel_harryvv, if you want PoE it's the lowest cost one out there with layer 3.
23:47.17harryvvthats retail cost
23:47.19Ariel_but you can get the same unit without the poe
23:47.27X-RobAriel_ - which one? (missed it)
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23:47.32harryvvare thay upgradable
23:47.33PatrickDKya, that is all I was trying to tell im
23:47.43X-Robthe netgear one
23:47.44PatrickDKupgradable? flash yes, otherwise no
23:47.49X-Robthought you'd found a cheaper one
23:47.53harryvvie, poe upgradable
23:48.14PatrickDKheh, I opened mine, to clean out the dust
23:48.22PatrickDKthere is no way I can see it being upgradable
23:48.25harryvvI will leave it up to the customer if he wants poe or not and pay twice for it.
23:48.31PatrickDKit's crammed packed with shit
23:48.58X-Rob_sure_ you opened it to 'clean out the dust'
23:49.02X-Robwe believe you
23:49.07Ariel_harryvv, PoE is used for phones and you can also plug in some cisco's wireless devices without having to get the power bricks.
23:49.19PatrickDKheh, well, it was running in a dusty room forawhile, while they finished the office
23:49.28harryvvAriel_: I know what poe is
23:49.33X-Roband you thought that was a good excuse as any! 8)
23:49.42PatrickDKgetting poe in the switch is ALOT nicer than an external device
23:49.58PatrickDKcause if they have any 2pair network wire, poe will work over it, if it's built into the switch
23:50.21dikadikaariel_: ok that woked, but it still breaks when i shut down
23:50.23PatrickDKwell, not poe per say, but 802.3ad
23:50.24harryvvwhat do you mean by external. On my polycom it has a built in power connection on the ethernet. which is okay
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23:50.41PatrickDKharryvv, the external power injectors
23:50.50PatrickDKpeople normally stack them onto switchs
23:50.52Ariel_dikadika, did your setup from iso go correctly from scatch?
23:51.04harryvvso those plug into the switch ports obviosly
23:51.17PatrickDKya, then plug the network wire into it instead of the switch
23:51.21dikadikaariel_ yea everything went good, i was up and running for several hours then we had a power outage
23:51.25dikadikaand this happened
23:51.38PatrickDKand it costs just as much as getting a switch with poe
23:51.42harryvvpat, are thay exernally powered? if so daisy chained?
23:51.50KattyAriel_: how's the headache
23:51.53harryvvPatrickDK: okay i see
23:51.59X-RobPatrickDK, but, the point is that not every device needs POE
23:52.04Ariel_Katty, lots better.
23:52.13PatrickDKx-rob, idealy yes
23:52.17X-Robwith the inline injectors, you aren't wasting POE ports
23:52.21PatrickDKbut people like to plug stuffinto any port,and it works
23:52.29X-RobPEople are also stupid 8)
23:52.38X-RobDepends on how much money the business has
23:52.39PatrickDKyes, but they get what they pay for
23:52.52X-RobIF they're willing to waste money on having POE to every port, well good on 'em
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23:53.02Ariel_X-Rob, yes but you have all those extra cables and a mess in the wiring closet.
23:53.14|Vulture|yum CentOS goodness ;)
23:53.19X-Rob6 of one, half a dozen of the other.
23:53.36Kattyi need a song to sing
23:53.45X-RobKatty - 'Guess who's back', eminem
23:53.48harryvvso what is so great about centos over fc4? i am almost done downloading it.
23:54.09Ariel_Katty, I am hearing number/ numbers by Owl for winnie the pooh
23:54.12|Vulture|harryvv: haven't used FC4 yet
23:54.19KattyAriel_: i was thinking alice in wonderland
23:54.23X-RobFc4 uses lvm by default
23:54.45enzo123just installed centos 4.1
23:54.45Ariel_Katty, my kid love pooh
23:55.05|Vulture|Is zttest still working? I am getting 99.75..... all the way stable
23:55.12Katty <- me
23:55.33Katty^- i recommend packetpocketsocket
23:56.20X-Rob'I touch myself.ogg' is not.
23:56.27Kattyno it's not
23:56.38Kattyonly the katrina directory is me (=
23:56.43PatrickDKhmm, fixed my pptp problem
23:56.52PatrickDKhelps when I actually load the kernel module
23:57.07KattyX-Rob: lots of people like fly me to the moon as well
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23:57.26X-RobI really have to do this and then get back to the hospital
23:57.54harryvvyea nice ferry collision like the movie speed 2
23:58.00harryvvgot it on vidio
23:58.22Ariel_enzo123, how is it. I have not tried it yet
23:58.37ocelite00has anyone here networked
23:59.07Kattythat's funny ;)
23:59.21PatrickDKhmm, I hope so, we are on one :)
23:59.23Ariel_Katty, is that you singing?
23:59.28KattyAriel_: yes
23:59.33KattyAriel_: provided it's in the katrina directory
23:59.35harryvv20 boats moed down by a ferry with 500 passangers aboard.
23:59.50X-RobAaaaah. That was Andrew Denton and Amanda Keller on 2MMM
23:59.58KattyAriel_: that's also me playing piano in phantom of the opera (=

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