irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050626

00:01.05mafkeesfreakin hell, that ael rocks
00:02.00*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
00:02.15tzangerael is nice but convoluted
00:02.25robl^AEL is the best thing to come along since Asterisk :)
00:02.52DarthClueif you think ael is nice, you should take a look at res_js.
00:03.20robl^I want res_logo ;)
00:04.06sarahemmmafkees: that'd just be apps, res_c
00:04.44robl^hey!  I like c#
00:04.50mafkeesDarthClue: I know it's a matter of taste, but I hate javascript
00:05.13DarthCluei'm just saying that res_js is more powerful than ael
00:05.59fiferWhats the URL for AEL?
00:06.34kajtzures_dwiwnwiw >:) (do what i want not what i wrote)
00:06.41mafkeescvs co asterisk && cd asterisk/doc && less README.ael
00:07.04sarahemmerr.. s/head/HEAD/
00:07.15sarahemmgotta get working on that app, robl^ says so.. :)
00:08.35robl^DarthClue, put that away in public!
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00:09.19DarthCluerobl^: if you don't want to see it, look away.
00:09.23fiferDoes anyone have Python setup for * scripting?
00:09.38mafkeesfifer: yes
00:10.04mafkeesno, not that
00:10.14mafkeesI did write it all myself
00:10.18mafkeessame with php
00:10.33mafkeesnot using the class. I don't need all of it
00:11.13mafkeeswhat I want to do is not that hard, so I decided to just type it in instead of spending time with downloading and installing it
00:12.31mafkeesyeah, most of mine are in php too
00:12.42robl^php == good
00:12.52mafkeesbut one is in python, cause I need to talk to Exchange4Linux
00:13.09sarahemmmy current one is a backend PHP AGI that talks to a frontend php/apache script via TCP..
00:13.30mafkeesand since Exchange4Linux is returning cPickled data, I need python to unPickle it
00:13.42sarahemmmmmm, pickles.
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00:14.06mafkeesit's a lot like php's serialize
00:14.07*** part/#asterisk _af (unknown@
00:14.15mafkeesbut the 2 formats are not compatible
00:14.23sarahemm*nods* i know.
00:14.26sarahemmi code in python too :)
00:14.33mafkeesI hate python
00:14.50mafkeesthe way to group statements is just SO wrong
00:15.04mafkeesrely on bad can it be
00:15.17robl^mafkees, EXACTLY!!!!
00:16.02mafkeeseverytime I open a python script I have to reconfigure vim to show tabs as .
00:16.15mafkeesso I can tell wether it's a tab or just 2 spaces
00:16.45robl^everytime I open a python script, I port it to php
00:19.26*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
00:22.20infinity1this is a dumb questions. but is nufone for outbound calling only? i don't quite grasp these voip gateway services yet.
00:23.24sarahemmerr, afaik no
00:23.26sarahemmmost are both ways
00:23.31sarahemmyou get a phone number, adn you can call in or out
00:23.32DarthClueinfinity1: you can get inbound service with nufone as well.  Most provide inbound on toll-frees for 2 cents a minute.
00:24.19infinity1so nufone gives you a michigan phone #?
00:25.15infinity1maybe i should just give them $1 and play with it. heh
00:25.17DarthClueinfinity1: i believe so, yes.
00:25.43DarthClueasterlink will give you a toll free number for just 2 cents a minute prepaid.
00:25.50infinity1their website is confusing to me. probably cuz i'm a noob.
00:25.50mafkeesI wish there were some Dutch companies provideng DID based on IAX
00:26.12DarthCluewhose website?
00:26.20pingywonwhen i look at my outbound routing ..why does my trunk have an X next to it
00:26.21infinity1DarthClue: nufone
00:27.54PatrickDKpingy, all answers to be found at
00:28.54DA-MANstay away from sixtel
00:28.57sarahemminfinity1: where did you get $1?
00:29.04DA-MANunless you want to wait a few months for them to do anything
00:29.19*** join/#asterisk erickj_az (
00:29.25infinity1sarahemm: i duno. how much does nufone cost. i fugure to play, $1 will get me 50 mins. :)
00:30.08erickj_azSomthing has happened to my asterisk machine.  When I try to start asterisk I get: loader.c:473 load_modules: Loading module failed!
00:30.21erickj_azAnyone have any ideas on where to go?
00:30.26pingywonthat means its broke
00:30.29DarthClueinfinity1: you can do that with asterlink on a toll free.  nufone with michigan did will cost you $7.50 / month
00:30.34pingywonno prob
00:30.38pingywonthats my free advice
00:30.46DarthClueerickj_az: increase the verbosity and see what else drops out.
00:30.57sarahemminfinity1: oh.. you have to sign up and pay per month and such, i thought...
00:31.02sarahemmthe site is a little confusing
00:31.03erickj_azthat with more v's right?
00:31.15mafkeeserickj_az: yes
00:31.22mafkeesasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvc
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00:31.53erickj_azdoes that help?
00:32.09DarthClueerickj_az: pastebin the full output.
00:32.31erickj_azI'm sorry what is  pastebin?
00:32.37jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
00:32.45sarahemmbeat you robl^ ;)
00:33.57mafkeesI'm off ppl
00:34.00robl^sarahemm, that's only cuz yer not concetrating on writng apps.  if you had been, you wouldn't have typed it so quickly :)
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00:35.05sarahemmrobl^: lol, i'm at work and my * box isn't
00:35.34robl^sarahemm, no wonder you get nothing done.  :)
00:36.01sarahemmrobl^: well, i have to work :P
00:36.01mafkeeslatero all
00:36.04mafkeeshappy coding
00:36.07sarahemmwell, not that this is really 'working' but ... :)
00:36.26robl^bye mafkees
00:36.45DarthClueerickj_az: do you have a zaptel device in your machine?
00:36.58mafkeeswish me luck. Tomorrow I will be converting my 3 year running OpenBSD server to Linux (Debian Sarge)
00:37.04sarahemmgood luck mafkees :)
00:37.12mafkeesOnly for zaptel support
00:37.19mafkeescan you believe that ?
00:37.25erickj_azI was attempting to use an Intel 537 as a zaptel device, but couldn't
00:37.39erickj_azSo I just tried to get it back up and running
00:37.54DarthClueerickj_az: ok, so no zaptel device.  do you have ztdummy loaded?
00:37.55mafkeesI will get one of those "no longer supported" X100P devices
00:38.16erickj_azI don't think I know how to do that.
00:38.51DarthClueerickj_az: modprobe ztdummy
00:39.23erickj_azmodprobe: Can't locate module ztdummy
00:39.34erickj_azSo I need one of those?
00:39.55erickj_azBy removing the comment from the makefile?
00:39.55infinity1i added nufone to my config, and i get Call rejected by No authority found
00:40.01DarthClueerickj_az: take a look at this page... have to have a timing device which is normally a zaptel device.
00:41.02DarthClueinfinity1: do you have a nufone account?
00:41.29infinity1DarthClue: i just gave them $1 and they sent me config info
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00:41.58DarthClueinfinity1: not sure how long it takes for the accounts to be activated.
00:42.10erickj_azCan I use the Intel 537 modem as a zaptel device and use it as an fxo
00:42.28DarthClueerickj_az: not that i am aware of.
00:42.38bkw_erickj_az, yes you can
00:42.39sarahemmerickj_az: depends which 537
00:42.48sarahemm537xx where xx is letters.. what do you ahve?
00:43.18erickj_azNot sure is there a way to find out from the # prompt?
00:43.27infinity1DarthClue: do i need this in iax.conf? register =>
00:43.28sarahemmnot afaik. look at the chip on it :)
00:43.34sarahemmyou could try 'lspci' but i'm not sure that'll help
00:43.40infinity1DarthClue: they didn't mention that in the eamil.
00:44.08*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
00:45.27DarthClueinfinity1: depends on how you had nufone setup the account.  If you want incoming, yes.
00:45.46sarahemmerickj_az: i dunno, taht doesn't help
00:45.49sarahemmcan you look at the chip on it?
00:46.00infinity1DarthClue: no need for incoming yet.
00:46.09erickj_azI'll try..Waht would I look for on the chip?
00:46.19sarahemmerickj_az: it'll say 537XX where the Xs are letters
00:46.25sarahemmif the letters are PU it's supported
00:46.29sarahemmif it's EP or anything else, it's not
00:46.49infinity1DarthClue: so that register line makes it so their server knows to send calls to me if i had a phone # registered with them.
00:46.58sarahemmerr PU and PG are supported, PU is north america PG is global
00:47.21erickj_azNope not even a 537
00:47.31infinity1DarthClue: crappy service. their email says "Your account has been setup." meaning it should work. heh
00:47.36sarahemmerickj_az: err... what is it?
00:48.00DarthClueinfinity1: i use asterlink and it works as advertised.
00:48.05erickj_azIt's amodem that is on the motherboard of the machine with a daughter card
00:48.11sarahemmoh.. heh
00:48.14sarahemmlikely not supported
00:48.18infinity1DarthClue: i'll try that next.
00:48.27infinity1anyone here use nufone???
00:48.32erickj_azOK so I need to do the dummy thing.
00:48.38infinity1DarthClue: whats the mimumum i can try their service? ..cost wise?
00:49.58infinity1sarahemm: any idea on troubleshooting Call rejected by No authority found
00:50.11sarahemminfinity1: err, it may take awhile for nufone to set you up, maybe?
00:50.23erickj_azwill I have to re-compile asterisk or just zaptel?
00:50.27sarahemmjust zaptel
00:50.28infinity1sarahemm: grr .. i want instant gradification for my $1 :)
00:50.48sarahemmpastebin your iax config, infinity1 ?
00:51.02DarthClueinfinity1: they prefer $10 minimum to setup an account.  Mine was working within 15 minutes and has worked perfectly since.
00:51.18infinity1DarthClue: asterlink you mean?
00:51.28jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
00:51.29DarthClueinfinity1: yes, asterlink.
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00:52.17DA-MANnufone  kinda sucks, they don't set everything up quite right and blame the user no matter what
00:52.59infinity1DA-MAN: good think i gave them $1.
00:53.15infinity1DA-MAN: should have given em .25 first.
00:53.17DA-MANand that was just in the first few hours
00:53.23DA-MANthen it got worse
00:53.32sarahemmDA-MAN: who are you using instead?
00:54.05DA-MANa little pricier, but  good service, and cheap
00:54.13infinity1DA-MAN: the connect.voicepulse service?
00:54.14erickj_azI tok the # before the ztdummy line and re-complied zaptel and have the same result
00:54.21DA-MANerr not cheap, i meant iax compat
00:54.35DA-MANinfinity1,, yep
00:54.48DA-MANerickj_az, what the problem
00:55.11erickj_azJun 25 17:52:48 WARNING[26640]: loader.c:473 load_modules: Loading module failed!
00:55.45sarahemmerickj_az: did you modprobe ztdummy?
00:56.05sarahemmokay, so who has IAX support, is good and stable, and supports tollfree numbers? ;)
00:56.30DA-MANerickj_az, disable the chan_zap module if you aren't using it
00:56.48erickj_azlib/modules/2.4.22-1.2115.nptl/kernel/drivers/usb/host/usb-uhci.o: insmod ztdummy failed
00:56.52DA-MANsarahemm, (aka sixtel) for non-custom numbers is ok
00:57.03erickj_azAhh...I reember now...
00:57.05erickj_azI think
00:57.14DarthCluesarahemm: asterlink meets those qualifications.
00:57.31infinity1DarthClue: LNP?
00:57.32DA-MANDarthClue, think he meant iax providers hehe
00:57.58erickj_azthat did it.
00:58.03DarthCluei user IAX to connect to asterlink.
00:58.07erickj_azI forgot I had put that in there
00:58.46sarahemmDA-MAN: uhh.. talking to DarthClue about me?
00:58.52erickj_azI sogned up with voipjet and they seem to be great!
00:59.01DA-MANthink so
00:59.07DarthClueinfinity1: i doubt you'll find many who support LNP but you never know until you ask.
00:59.10erickj_azI got broadvoice up and wrking, but I'm not sure I want to keep them.
00:59.21infinity1oh shit nufone worked!
00:59.33infinity1wholy @#)*@)#(*$)@(*#$
00:59.41*** join/#asterisk Morex (
00:59.54PrionShould cdr_addon_mysql be logging incoming calls?
00:59.54erickj_azDoes any one here know anything about realtime and sip registration?
01:00.01MorexAnyone got any experience with the AGI commands GET VARIABLE or DATABASE GET?
01:00.05infinity1i can make fone calls for 2 cents a minute now ..>SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01:00.08MorexI can't seem to get them to work...
01:00.10sarahemmMorex: yes, why?
01:00.26infinity1now i need to dump this soft fone and get a real thing
01:01.18Morex'Cos I can't get it to work!
01:01.29MorexThe AGI refuses to find anything I try to send it...
01:01.31sarahemmMorex: umm, more details please? define 'not work'?
01:01.33MorexWoe is me...
01:01.40infinity1time to spoof callerid
01:01.43MorexI'll private message you...
01:01.50sarahemmcan we just do it here?
01:01.57MorexSure, if nobody complains...
01:02.03sarahemmwhy is everyone all about callerid spoofing lately?
01:02.12MorexOk so I'm trying to set up a variable inside extensions.conf
01:02.18MorexThen pass it to my agi servier
01:02.19erickj_azIt works great!
01:02.27MorexIn extensions.conf I have a line like
01:02.45Morexexten => myexten,1,Set(MyVar=100)
01:02.54MorexAnd then in my AGI server I'm sending
01:02.59MorexGET VARIABLE MyVar
01:03.02MorexResult is always
01:03.13Morex200 result=0
01:03.21MorexWhich is Asterisk's way of saying it's not been set.
01:03.25erickj_azI saw a change that will make sip registrations work with realtime out on Google, but now I can't find it. Does anyone know where it is?
01:04.33MorexI've also tried it with
01:04.45sarahemmit's SetVar not Set
01:04.50sarahemmfrom what i can see anyway
01:04.58MorexI tried it with that too
01:05.06MorexMy version of Asterisk said it was deprecated.
01:05.10MorexStill didn't work...
01:05.13sarahemmoh. running HEAD?
01:05.16MorexI'm using HEAD
01:05.23DA-MANhmmm head
01:05.31MorexIs it working for you with Stable?
01:05.36MorexI'll try downgrading...
01:05.45sarahemmi run HEAD
01:05.49sivanasarahemm: in HEAD, it's Set() now
01:05.52sarahemmi'm doing development work, so no stable for me
01:05.56sarahemmsivana: yeah, i just noticed that. heh
01:06.00OloBolaI installed asterisk from cvs on my friends redhat 9 box, but I can't connect to it. When I start it I get no errors or anything. Where are the error logs? Should I start there?
01:06.02sarahemmthey work fine here too
01:06.10sarahemmi'm not sure what the issue is with morex... hrm
01:06.17DA-MANOlaBola, hows your firewlal working
01:06.26MorexI'm able to access the variable from inside extensions.conf
01:06.39MorexWith NoOp(${MyVar})
01:06.46MorexBut it just won't get through FastAGI
01:06.51*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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01:06.56MorexIs that what you're using SarahEmm?  Or just regular AGI?
01:06.57OloBolaDA-MAN: great! (I hope)
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01:07.07sarahemmMorex: oh. i'm running normal AGI, not fast
01:07.16MorexMaybe that's it then...
01:07.20sarahemmcould be...
01:07.24DA-MANOlaBola, are you unblocking the ports required for sip/iax to work, because if you're not then you wont see any errors
01:08.19OloBolaDA-MAN: I see. Firewall rules? Any tips? I not real familiar with linux
01:11.14MorexAh well I'll post a bug and see what happens...
01:12.28efonzAnyone looking for International calls at great prices
01:17.19DA-MANtry disabling the firewall for a few minutes to test
01:17.22DA-MANsee if thats the problem
01:28.55*** join/#asterisk yartelecom (no-email@
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01:34.12*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Miranda@doughecka.user)
01:36.00*** join/#asterisk CpuID (
01:36.38*** join/#asterisk cybertoy (
01:37.05CpuIDhey ppls, anyone know what the story is with getting access to the asterisk console using like 'asterisk -rvvvvvvvv' but when asterisk is running as non root?
01:37.17CpuIDdo i need to try the console as the asterisk user or something?
01:37.45cybertoyprobably ... did you try that?
01:37.51CpuIDnot yet, about to tho
01:38.01CpuIDi wonder what my options are for executing the console as root
01:38.13infinity1asterisk -r
01:38.13CpuIDsince generally im su'd for something or other when i wanna check it
01:38.18infinity1i think is the console.
01:38.34CpuIDjust unable to connect here...since my asterisk server isnt running as root anymore
01:39.02CpuIDsec, bathroom then ill try
01:39.46cybertoyI have a wierd one now.. just upgraded to 1.0.8 and now in my extensions.conf a s/<callerid> extension is no longer working.
01:39.57cybertoybug or feature?
01:40.14cybertoycouldn't find anything that would point to that direction in the changelog...
01:44.17robl^cybertoy, known bug.  soon to be fixed
01:44.39cybertoyrobi, thanks.
01:44.53cybertoyrobl^ that is.
01:45.17robl^cybertoy, there is a patch on the mailing list.  but its not official.  use at your own risk.
01:46.19cybertoyno worries.. I'll go back to 1.0.7 for now and wait for the official
01:46.31robl^cybertoy, search for "Re: [Asterisk-Users] * 1.0.8: no more reacting to callerid?" on the list archives if you want
01:46.46cybertoytnx.. will do.
01:48.17CpuIDrobl^: whats the date approx on that thread?
01:49.08*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
01:49.16CpuIDgot it, thx
01:52.00cybertoyI can't find it... looking at Asterisk-Dev list on ... that not the right place?
01:52.18robl^cybertoy, -users
01:52.21cybertoyI'm a monkey... asterisk-users... :)
01:53.20*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:54.36CpuIDso is it only when that syntax is used?
01:55.26CpuIDfrom what im aware, i dont think i use that syntax at all :)
01:55.40CpuIDactually yea i dont
01:55.57CpuIDi dont send anything anywhere based on CID, all good
01:56.13robl^CpuID, I am not sure.  I am still at 1.0.7 on my stable box.. about to move to head after I tweak my development box
01:56.21*** join/#asterisk mrplum (
01:56.23CpuIDah k
01:56.45robl^I just read it on the list :)
01:57.05mrplumI am trying to setup my FXO card, and believe my zapata.conf file to be configured correctly, but when I attempt to dial out to Zap/1 I get an error saying the Zap channel can't be created.
01:57.08cybertoyI have a disa to make international outbount calls ... and I use that to only allow that from my cellphone number... after I enter a code of course.
01:57.34cybertoyjust an added layer of security.
01:57.37cybertoynice feature.
01:58.44yartelecomHi, CpuID! what about h323 channel in your 1.0.7 box? this channel working right?
01:59.05CpuIDer, i dont think i use h323
01:59.08CpuIDancient :P)
01:59.36robl^cybertoy, I have similar.  :)  even have it setup to turn on/off my firewall of port 22 from my cell phone.. that way I can allow me to ssh from remote and then disable it again when I am done
02:00.14cybertoynow that's paranoid.
02:00.19cybertoybut cool :)
02:00.32CpuIDLOL niice
02:00.37CpuIDlove it robl^
02:01.42*** join/#asterisk darwin35 (
02:02.05robl^I am very paranoid about my network security.  I have 4 firewalls behind my DSL bridge :)
02:02.41cybertoyin that case I'm surprised you asterisk works... unless you have it in front of your firewalls.
02:02.59*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
02:04.26robl^cybertoy, I have a strange setup.  I have  several public IPs that come over my SDSL bridge. 1 IP is directly connected to my Asterisk box and it has an iptables firewall.  Other IPs each have nat/firewalls.. 1 per.
02:05.11robl^my ISP didn't give me a subnet.  its a bridged connection with several IPs.. not sequential
02:05.18OloBolaservice iptables stop
02:05.59CpuIDok i was wrong, about my asterisk console issues
02:06.23CpuIDi can get it from root, thats all fine
02:06.27OloBolaDA-MAN: I issued: service iptables stop. Then tried to start and attach to asterisk and got: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)
02:06.30CpuIDreason was, my asterisk wasnt started :)
02:06.35CpuIDstartup errors due to permissions :)
02:06.40cybertoyrobl, interesting... I just moved to the states... right now I'm in a temporary appartment. but for my new place I'm looking for an adequate ISP that can give me some static IP's ... haven't found one in the area here so far though :(
02:07.37robl^cybertoy, check speakeasy.  if you hqave DSL available from any provider, SpeakEasy will usually be available too.
02:08.30cybertoybusiness class I suppose?
02:08.39OloBolaDA-MAN: I installed as root, when I try to start from "/var/run/asterisk.ctl" I get a permission denied error.
02:09.21robl^cybertoy, they have static ips (as an option) for home users.  I think $2.95/mo per IP
02:09.51OloBolaCpuID: How did you know it was a permissions problem?
02:10.08CpuIDOloBola: started by using asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk -vvvvvvvv
02:10.11CpuIDnot from the init scripts
02:10.15cybertoyrobl, and they don't block ports like 80 or 25 either?
02:10.15CpuIDand watched the output :)
02:10.21CpuIDsaw permission errors to dsp and zap
02:10.31CpuIDthen saw a warning in the gentoo ebuild postinst function
02:10.43CpuIDabout asterisk needs to be in the relevant groups
02:10.46CpuIDfor audio/zap
02:11.00CpuIDmade sense, as /dev/zap was like 440
02:11.04CpuIDand group was dialout
02:11.12CpuIDso yea, added asterisk to dialout, and voila :)
02:11.12robl^cybertoy, they block nothing.  unless you want the pay extra for "firewall feature".  they are also asterisk friendly.  running servers is encouraged.  tehy are *THE* ISP for geeks
02:11.23CpuIDmmm speakeasy :)
02:11.23*** join/#asterisk Sed[Mac] (~Brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
02:11.29cybertoyI think they found a new customer.. :)
02:11.41OloBolaCpuUD: ok, thanks
02:11.50cybertoyrobl, I see they offer naked dsl as well.
02:11.57robl^cybertoy, they cost a little more, but service is fantastic.
02:12.19robl^if you sign up, use me as a referral :)
02:12.25CpuIDo0 naked dsl, hell yea
02:12.28cybertoythat's fine... I'm willing to pay extra for better packages...
02:12.36CpuIDi wish we had that here in AU
02:12.39CpuIDdamn telstra
02:19.19newlYou can get that in Australia.  It's called ULL service.
02:21.12*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
02:21.34OloBolaWhy would I get a permission denied trying to run /var/run/asterisk.ctl: Permission denied
02:21.51fileno permission?
02:22.21filewell it's not like a regular file...
02:22.36OloBolaI see, so what now
02:22.45filetry it as root?
02:23.00OloBolaI'm root and installed as root.
02:23.29fileif you're getting permission errors, then I somehow doubt it
02:24.38OloBolaIs it possible to have more than one 'root'?  I logged in as root.
02:25.00mrplumOloBola, are you running a script that might switch to an asterisk user?
02:25.03fileyou can login more then once, sure
02:25.32mrplumwhat's the command you are actually running
02:25.44mrplumoh or is that it? heh /var/run/asterisk.ctl
02:26.17mrplumdunno then :) if it's set 777 and you try and run it as root, it sure as hell should run
02:26.19OloBolaI'm just trying to start asterisk
02:26.30filethat'll fire up asterisk,
02:26.36fileuse asterisk -rvvvc to connect a console to the running asterisk
02:26.58OloBolaCool! I got an error this time.
02:27.06OloBolaAsterisk ended with exit status 1
02:27.06OloBolaAsterisk died with code 1.
02:27.12*** join/#asterisk doctor_za_ljubav (bkwyg@
02:27.16fileokay so do: asterisk -vvvvc
02:27.20filethat'll run an asterisk right there...
02:27.24fileand tell you where it errors it
02:28.41OloBolaJun 25 22:27:58 WARNING[3560]: loader.c:523 load_modules: Loading module failed!
02:28.54fileso add noload => appcurl_so
02:28.55OloBolaI need to reinstall curl?
02:29.00fileto /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
02:29.04OloBolaI se
02:29.04filenoload =>
02:29.08fileso it won't load that module.
02:29.34OloBolaok, it keeps trying to restart asterisk though
02:29.43filekill it
02:29.51fileand if you don't know how to kill it, then you have no business using asterisk
02:29.57OloBolathank you!
02:30.12fileand now I believe I'll run off to the store
02:30.28mrplumCan I talk to my x100 fxo through minicom?
02:30.36mrplumI'm just tring to get it off the hook so I can test it!
02:30.49mrplumasterisk continues to give me can't create zap channel errors
02:30.56mrplumdoesn't even try to use the modem
02:31.13fileyou configured zaptel.conf and zapata.conf?
02:31.22doctor_za_ljubaveveryone with the bluetooth cell connection solution?
02:31.36doctor_za_ljubaveveryone with the bluetooth cell connection solution, please pvt me?
02:32.02mrplumuhhh.. zapata.conf yes
02:32.06mrplumwhat's zaptel.conf?
02:32.08mrplumoh /etc/zaptel.conf
02:32.36fileand asterisk sees the zaptel channel?
02:33.02mrplumhow do I tell? ah there must be a cli command
02:33.06filezaptel show channels
02:33.06mrplumduh didn't think of that. lemme look
02:34.00mrplumno it shows nothing, I have a pseudo line
02:34.12mrplumwonder why, hmmmm
02:35.55mrplumI have only done a /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx reload when I added my zaptel changes, that will reload all configs though won't it?
02:40.44*** join/#asterisk pifiu (~myassisbi@
02:50.48fileer yeah not much sleep
03:02.12Sed[Mac]for the mac people.. do any use adium?
03:02.47Sed[Mac]i'm finding it weird right now.. but I like it
03:02.58fileI love it
03:03.10Sed[Mac]yea.. I just gotta get use to it
03:03.26Sed[Mac]I'm actually thinking about switching over
03:03.40Sed[Mac]if only I had a faster mac, lol
03:03.47OloBolaso if I'm connecting through x-lite sip phone I need to open up 5060 in iptables?
03:10.16*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
03:13.50tclarkhey has any one here played with the keil compiler and the palmh323 srcs, for the iax2 protocol load ?
03:16.43*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
03:22.15*** join/#asterisk dr123 (
03:22.40dr123Hey do the Cisco 7912 and 7905 Support using a SIP firmware then interfacing then with Asterisk????
03:25.39*** join/#asterisk shido (
03:26.56Sed[Mac]I'm sure if you can find the right sip image.. sure
03:33.37Qorkymy old 7905 doesnt have a sip firmware release.
03:33.44Qorkyback on topic people..
03:33.50dr123but do you know if an image exists for the 7912 or 7905 that does support SIP
03:34.11Qorkyim pretty sure there isnt one for the 7905. the old ones
03:34.18dr123but for the 7912G?
03:34.20Qorkythere are 7905G's arnt ther ?
03:34.27Qorkyi think all the G's can take sip.
03:34.32Sed[Mac]7905's are old
03:34.37dr123but not he 79701G right
03:34.38Sed[Mac]or maybe its a G
03:34.38Qorkyyeah way old.
03:34.45Sed[Mac]I mean not old*
03:35.01Sed[Mac]the school district i'm working for just installed them in their new building
03:35.08Sed[Mac]for the classroom and halls and stuff
03:36.01Sed[Mac]then 7960G's (I think.. or 40) in the offices
03:36.59*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
03:37.10dr123yeah but from what I undersatnd the 7970's dont work with SIP is that correct?
03:37.55Sed[Mac]I would try to answer... but I haven't used cisco phones yet... or really looked into it.. so I couldn't tell you
03:38.14robl^7970s don't have SIP (yet)
03:38.18DA-MANi know the 7960's use sip, and the images are called 79xx
03:38.28DA-MANalways assumed they were for the entire series
03:38.55robl^G = Global.  Just means that instead of saying "messages" it has an icon on the button that looks like an envelope.  :)
03:40.01robl^basically yhr global phones have images on the buttons that reflect function instead of imprinted with english text
03:40.51robl^that's the main distinction.. Also i believe it has to do with the power supplies as well.
03:41.26robl^but software and 99.9% of the guts are the same on a 7960 and a 7960G
03:45.16*** join/#asterisk locoast (
03:45.38locoasthello!! can I make an asterisk box work as an MGCP endpoint (client)????
03:46.10*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~my007ms@
03:46.55file[laptop]locoast: no.
03:46.58my007msi have problem with zaptel driver
03:47.09locoasti'm in the oven
03:47.22my007msfile[laptop], so u still there
03:47.25locoastimpossible like really impossible?
03:47.33file[laptop]locoast: no support is written for that.
03:47.37file[laptop]my007ms: I'm always here
03:47.52locoastpuf puf ok, starting 10 minutos microwave
03:48.13my007msu remmeber reboot ;)
03:48.27my007msi still have this no one help me ever
03:48.38locoastwhats going on 007?
03:48.59my007msi have TDM31B install in FC4
03:49.28my007msevery time i install it it work once but after reboot
03:49.35my007msnothing work
03:49.56locoasti'm not an expert but did you check using another motherboard?
03:49.57my007msi have to reinstall FC4 and zaptel from the start
03:50.19shidohere we go again
03:50.28my007msis motherboard have nothing with card
03:50.39robl^my007ms, the problem is FC and kudzu :)
03:50.46my007msshido what time u go to sleep :D
03:50.49locoasti got it now
03:50.51locoastfedora core 4
03:51.05my007mswhat ?
03:51.15shidoI dont sleep
03:51.29shidowhy are you using Fedora core
03:51.37robl^my007ms, kudzu *thinks* zaptel cards are network cards
03:51.42my007msi try asterisk@home and it's the same
03:52.04my007msso what i have to do stop kudzu ???
03:52.30robl^my007ms, I am not surel  I gave up trying to use fedora.
03:52.48infinity1does anyone have an # that works, that i can try?
03:52.49my007msso what u used ?
03:52.58robl^my007ms, I use debian
03:53.13robl^my007ms, a simple minimal install.  no GUI
03:53.20infinity1does anyone use iaxtel? heh
03:53.21locoastI dont have that kind of problems with RH3ES
03:53.57robl^locoast, right.  I used RHEL3 for a long time too.  its fedora core
03:54.13robl^RHEL/RHES3 both work well
03:54.15locoastyou can install rh3ES for free (you wont get support and updates)
03:54.16my007msbut y this after reboot what make card stop
03:54.40locoast007 do you know whats kudzu?
03:54.50shidoI keep telling you my007ms you need a startup init script
03:54.54shidobut you dont listen
03:54.59shidoso Im not going to repeat it again
03:55.09robl^my007ms, on rboot, kudzu (which auto detects new hardware) tries to tell Asterisk your card is a Tigerjet/Intel net card
03:55.26my007msyes this is what i get
03:55.27locoast007 you are in china right?
03:55.40locoastwhere are you?
03:55.53locoastI knew
03:56.13locoast(hey! I'm in Argentina, Manu Ginobili's country!!)
03:56.20locoast(just to let you all know)
03:56.24shidothere's a hit out on him
03:56.29shidofrom us at the "D"
03:56.52locoastwhos the real MVP!!!!!!????
03:57.01locoasti should switch to #nba
03:57.17locoastnoone there!!!
03:57.27locoastwe're all nerds on freenode
03:57.27shidoChauncy Billups
03:57.44locoastThey lost
03:57.58locoastMaybe in game 6
03:58.12shidoyes the refs will be shot tonight in 6 more minutes
03:58.27locoastchoose: Timmy D or Manu?
03:58.40my007mswhen i cat /proc/pci what i have to see to make sure that PC see the card
03:59.09locoast007 did you understand what sido and robl told you?
03:59.25my007msbut i try this and not work
03:59.30locoastok, so you have 2 options:
03:59.37my007msfirst ?
03:59.40locoastoption 1 for 007: drop FC4 and go to RH3
04:00.02locoast('cause debian will be probably too dificult for you)
04:00.27my007msi try CentOS
04:00.34locoastoption 2 for 007: write a script or configure kudzu so it does not try to recognize that card
04:00.57locoastoption 3 (for free): take out kudzu (if you are not gonna make hardware changes on your system)
04:01.00my007msok i stop kudzu in start
04:01.37shidoTimmy? yeah that name fits him
04:01.56shidoor her -
04:02.02my007msi was think that CentOS is like RH3
04:02.13my007msbut i have the same in CentOS
04:02.17locoast007: take out kudzo
04:02.17shidoit basically is my007ms
04:02.29my007msi do
04:03.53tzafrir_laptopCentos is like RHEL . 3 is like RHEL3. 4 is like RHEL4
04:04.35Sed[Mac]centos is based off of RHEL
04:05.50*** join/#asterisk Qorky (~Pooa@
04:07.35robl^centos is built from all the open source bits of RHEL.   a "rebuild"
04:07.46tzafrir_laptopit doesn't matter what kudzo thinks. Either modprbe for those manually before kudzu starts, or remove kudzu altogether.
04:08.00locoastjust remoove kudzo
04:08.27tzafrir_laptopAnd while you're at it, do file a bug report, with the output of lspci and lspci -n and the contents of kudzu's database
04:08.29my007msi stop it from start up
04:08.31locoasthow complicated could it be for a normal C programmer to write the code for MGCP endpoint?
04:08.37tzafrir_laptopa bug report to your distro, that is
04:09.05tzafrir_laptopkuzdu's database is somewhere under /etc .
04:09.10my007msbut i am not try i need to keep asterisk work if this fail i will have to reinstall FC4 and it take much time
04:09.37my007msi will uninstall this kuzdu
04:09.43tzafrir_laptopmy007ms, it will take so much time because you reinstall instead of fixing the problem
04:09.49*** join/#asterisk E|nyPRI_ (
04:10.31E|nyPRI_does anyone know when libpri broke outbound callername facility messages?
04:11.08tzafrir_laptopE|nyPRI_, what do you mean? any specific bug on the mantis?
04:11.22*** join/#asterisk eth_ (~zxu@
04:11.24E|nyPRI_well,  fixed it.  but, I updated to CVS today, and its broken again
04:11.40E|nyPRI_itts back to sending DISPLAY message for callername, instead of Facility
04:12.04eth_hi all...
04:12.37eth_really appreciate if someone can help me with an IAX trunk issue...
04:13.20tzafrir_laptophi eth_ ..., tried asking your question?
04:13.31eth_got X100P installed and configured, but trunk=yes still cause the system to say chan_iax2.c:6480 build_peer: Unable to support trunk ....
04:14.18eth_ztcfg shows "Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)"
04:16.06Sed[Mac]what does "zap show channels" reveal?
04:18.45eth_Linux 2.6...
04:19.18eth_Asterisk CVS-v1-0-06/18/05-12:53:08 built by root@xwalk on a i686 running Linux
04:20.14shidodoes your box show ztdummy, too eth_ ?
04:20.27eth_you mean lsmod?
04:20.53eth_did not load ztdummy...
04:23.02shidosomething is screwed
04:23.23eth_humm... what could be?!
04:23.47eth_maybe i need to run HEAD of asterisk with Linux 2.6.x
04:24.28Sed[Mac]I don't think you need ztdummy since you actually have a zaptel card..
04:24.41Sed[Mac]you might.. you might since it seems you have a clone...
04:24.47Sed[Mac]so load it.. then see if the trunking works for you
04:24.58Sed[Mac]unless I'm wrong and someone feels like chiming in  :p
04:25.01eth_load both wcfxo and ztdummy?
04:25.07*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
04:25.15shidoiax trunking should work with your "clone"
04:25.26eth_yeah... it is a clone...
04:25.29SarahEmmwhat have ppls experiences with been here?
04:26.40*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
04:27.04eth_loading ztdummy still gives me "chan_iax2.c:6480 build_peer: Unable to support trunking...."
04:27.48*** join/#asterisk adiaowudi (~adiaowudi@
04:27.52Sed[Mac]I dunno... I believe I have trunking on now.. and both machiens have cloens in them.. and it works...
04:28.02Sed[Mac]it might be another setting somewhere...
04:28.03Sed[Mac]not sure...
04:28.07Sed[Mac]have you checked the wiki?
04:28.49eth_yeah... not much help on wiki...
04:28.57infinity1i have a strange problem. when i set the extension to dial freeworld to 393, it works, but as soon as i change _393 to something else in extensions.conf, i get Call rejected by No such context/extension
04:29.21eth_trying the latest HEAD instead of STABLE and see...
04:29.25infinity1whats up with that? does freeworld know about the 393 prefix or soemthing strange?
04:29.39Sed[Mac]infinity1, no... its something on the dial line...
04:29.45Sed[Mac]what are you changing it from.. and then to?
04:29.56infinity1i changed it from _393 to _7
04:30.19Sed[Mac]it should be something like...
04:31.00*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
04:31.03infinity1let me paste the whole line
04:31.09Sed[Mac]just that one line tho
04:31.36infinity1exten => _7.,1,SetCallerID(${FWDUSERID})
04:31.37infinity1exten => _7.,2,Dial(IAX2/${FWDUSERID}:${FWDPASSWORD}${EXTEN:3},60,r)
04:31.48infinity1as soon as i change the _7 to _393. no go.
04:31.55infinity1i mean the other way around
04:32.05infinity1heh ...if i change the _7 to _393 it works
04:32.10Sed[Mac]easy fix :-)
04:32.14Sed[Mac]here's why...
04:32.20DarthClueinfinity1: change the EXTEN:3 to EXTEN:1
04:32.24Sed[Mac]see the ${EXTEN:3} on the second line?
04:32.38Sed[Mac]the :3 means to remove the first three numbers..
04:32.48infinity1ah HA!
04:32.49Sed[Mac]so since your chaning it to just have one... you need to change it to 1
04:33.07infinity1thanks :) ...
04:33.09Sed[Mac]because.. say if you dial... 7589476
04:33.15Sed[Mac]it actually removes 758
04:33.20Sed[Mac]and tries to send 9476
04:33.27infinity1yea. i got it.
04:33.35Sed[Mac]hey.. I'm trying to teach him!
04:33.44infinity1learned something new. yay!
04:33.58infinity1now i'll see if i can receive a fwd call
04:34.23DarthClueI know.  And that's good, cause I'm pretty sure he has been working at it for a few hours now.
04:34.51infinity1i've been screwin with * all day today.
04:34.54*** join/#asterisk my007 (~my007ms@
04:35.01Sed[Mac]I know when I first started with *.. some things really got the better of me.. and looking back its like "Doh!"
04:39.12infinity1i have a question about 'best practices'
04:39.21infinity1so ..after this line, what should follow it ? exten => _7.,3,Dial(IAX2/${FWDUSERID}:${FWDPASSWORD}${EXTEN:1},60,r)
04:39.31infinity1it seems many things can follow.
04:40.00infinity1congestion, playback(invalid), nothing ...?
04:40.08infinity1and they all work similarly.
04:40.16Sed[Mac]normally.. if your set the things.. then you have the actual dial command
04:40.27Sed[Mac]you want the fall backs.. like the congestion...
04:40.33Sed[Mac]or if its a persons extention
04:40.43Sed[Mac]you'll want voicemail for no pickup and voicemail for busy... etc..
04:41.20infinity1it seemed to work best if i add the playback, and then hangup
04:41.35infinity1but i duno what the correct thing is really.
04:41.50Sed[Mac]for my fwd....
04:42.02Sed[Mac]hold.. let me check
04:42.03infinity1lemme try again :)
04:42.44Sed[Mac]I have pri of 1,2, and 3
04:42.54Sed[Mac]set caller id... the dial.. and congestion...
04:42.56Sed[Mac]thats it
04:43.18infinity1if i put congestions i get 'the person you are calling is unavailable' ..which doesn't sound like the right response when i dial a bogus #
04:43.45Sed[Mac]look on the CLI.. see if its actually playing the congestion...
04:43.46Sed[Mac]it might..
04:43.48infinity1but if i put playback invalid, hangup, it makes more sense.
04:43.55Sed[Mac]I've never actually hit a congestion that I know of
04:44.08infinity1what is a congestion?
04:44.34Sed[Mac]not really sure myself :p I would assume the server being unreachable.. or the person being unreachable.. hence unavailable
04:45.35infinity1heh. well, if yer bored, try the different optiosn. i'm going to leave it with playback/hangup.
04:46.03infinity1at least it makes sense from the user side.
04:46.05Sed[Mac]its personal preference :p
04:46.52infinity1try it different ways and watch the log messages. very different, which is strange to me.
04:47.31infinity1do you have a fwd # i can call ya on? heh
04:48.03*** join/#asterisk dyl0n (
04:50.28Sed[Mac]you can try the IVR I have setup.. but I can't talk on the phone right now
04:52.02infinity1can i try your ivr then?
04:52.16Sed[Mac]yea.. 589476
04:52.40Sed[Mac]just to let you know.. if you hit sales or tech.. it will ring my phone.. and the other dudes phone.. soo :pp
04:54.06infinity1so i wont do it .
04:54.24mrplumI'm trying to get my fxo card to pick up and I can't determine if it's working or not. It dials the interface and it says someone answers and it sits there, but I don't see anything happen on the phone line. is there a way I can manually issue the card AT commands to go off the hook?
04:54.47Sed[Mac]but there are other options and it tells you
04:54.47Sed[Mac]so.. you can call it.. and it'll say "welcome" and the other fun stuff..
04:55.11Sed[Mac]what do you mean?
04:55.16Sed[Mac]trying to dial into the card.. or from it?
04:55.29mrplumI'm trying to dial out of the card
04:55.48Sed[Mac]ok.. so what happens when you dial it?
04:56.05Sed[Mac]should come up on the console saying like "dailing zap <blah>
04:56.09Sed[Mac]Idunno.. I've had to look
04:56.12infinity1smartserv hosting. hm
04:56.34mrplumnot even dial, I just want it to go off the hook. I don't have a phone line so I setup a power supply to give it some loop current, but i never see the phone go off the hook when it tries to dial
04:56.45infinity1whos voice?
04:56.50mrplumI see it dial, I see it says answered ( I assume it answers cause I'm in immediate mode)
04:57.00Sed[Mac]it was some text to wav thing
04:57.13infinity1wow. not bad.
04:57.15Sed[Mac]mrplum, ah, I'm not sure about that kinda thing...
04:57.34infinity1was that your voice when i asked for more information (3)
04:57.46Sed[Mac]no.. that was the owners actually... Jeremy
04:58.01mrplumall it's gotta do is go off the hook and complete the circuit, this is being WAY to difficult.
04:58.01Sed[Mac]the other guys phone you woulda rung if you picked one of the supports :p
04:58.17Sed[Mac]why are you trying to do this tho if you don't have a phone line?
04:58.36mrplumI'm too cheap to buy an FXS card
04:58.52Sed[Mac]so your trying to turn it into a fxs?
04:59.07mrplumnot exactly, it won't ring my phone
04:59.18mrplumall I want to do is verify my modem works atm
04:59.35Sed[Mac]yea.. and you can't ping it up and get a dialtone or dial numbers either
05:00.10Sed[Mac]well.. if its just a dialup modem.. you should just be able to dial.. and it should say like "no dialtone" or actually dial, and if you stick aphone on it you can hear it
05:00.25mrplumokay i'll switch the mode see if that helps
05:00.43infinity1hm. fwd doesnt want to call me. jerks.
05:01.37infinity1can someone try dialing me? i'm not getting any traffic even after doing a register in iax.conf
05:01.45Sed[Mac]mrplum, I'm still not totally sure on what your trying to do :p
05:01.49Sed[Mac]but eh
05:01.56mrplumI just want my modem to attempt to dial
05:01.57Sed[Mac]infinity1, hold on...
05:02.02infinity1Sed[Mac]: thanks.
05:02.05mrplumpick up the line, and send some dtmf tones
05:02.08Sed[Mac]the fxo.. or a actual modem?
05:02.13mrplumwell it's an x100 fxo
05:02.21mrplumjust a softmodem though isn't it?
05:02.30Sed[Mac]pretty much
05:02.57my007someone good softphone SIP work in linux
05:02.59Sed[Mac]if you want it to dial.. you should just be able to hook a phone to it and hear the dtmf tones being sent from *
05:03.42SarahEmmerr, not afik
05:03.44SarahEmmyou need power on the line
05:03.49SarahEmmthe modem's not going to supply it, nor is the phone
05:03.55mrplumI have power on the line ;)
05:04.00SarahEmm9v bttery?
05:04.07mrplumerr 15V supply actually
05:04.13SarahEmmwhat's the issue then?
05:04.20mrplumI can't get my modem to go off the hook
05:04.26SarahEmmoh, wait... it's going to detect a RED alarm until you get a real line on it
05:04.29mrplumeven in dialtone mode it's dialing, and saying answered
05:04.32SarahEmm(i dunno what it uses to say 'that's a line'
05:04.43SarahEmmoh, you're using it as a regular modem?
05:04.56mrplumwell i made an extension in asterisk to Dial(Zap/1)
05:05.07mrplumand it dials, and it answers :)
05:05.12SarahEmmbut that's no dtmf
05:05.18SarahEmmdo Zap/1/123123123123
05:05.26mrplumerr the line actually has exten in it
05:05.36infinity1my god. jumped through the ceiling ...damn head phones.
05:05.39mrplum- Executing Dial("IAX2/matt@matt/8", "Zap/1/666") in new stack
05:05.43SarahEmmmrplum: what's the issue then?
05:05.50my007someone know good softphone SIP work in linux
05:05.53mrplumit doesn't really go off the hook
05:05.58mrplumI see no current flow through the loop
05:05.58infinity1good to know fwd's call back service doesnt work and its not me.
05:06.03SarahEmmmrplum: if you run zttool, is it detecting a RED alarm?
05:06.20Sed[Mac]I have problems with their service
05:06.23Sed[Mac]like if you call the one number
05:06.29Sed[Mac]it doesn't read back my CID
05:06.37mrplumno alarms
05:06.37Sed[Mac]so if it doesn't.. I would assume callback doesn't
05:06.58SarahEmmmrplum: hrm, okay....
05:07.08infinity1the callback thing is via their website.
05:07.11Sed[Mac]anyway.. I'm here.. but floating.. gotta clean my room
05:07.12SarahEmmand you're sure the power is hooked up right?
05:07.12Sed[Mac]oo ok
05:07.20infinity1l8. thanks for all the tips.
05:07.41mrplumpretty confident yes
05:08.11mrplumI would think I have something setup wrong if asterisk detects someone answering the line
05:08.23SarahEmmit assumes an answer as soon as it finishes dialling
05:08.30SarahEmmas it has no way to know with the x100p when the other end is answered
05:09.07mrplumlemme double check everything again
05:13.56mrplumit's all good, I don't undestand it
05:14.42mrplumI don't really understand why the x100p can't detect if the other end answers either, that's kinda crappy
05:15.20X-Robit doesn't understand polarity, that's why
05:15.23X-Robthe TDMs do.
05:16.08SarahEmmit detects polarity reversals tho
05:16.20X-Robthe x100's do?
05:16.26X-RobI thought they didn't.
05:16.26SarahEmmthey're kewlstart, no?
05:16.30mrplumztmonitor I here it dial!
05:16.32mrplumkewlstart yep
05:16.38SarahEmmyep, they are
05:16.46SarahEmmso they detect polarity reversal for disconnect supervision
05:18.02X-Robwith the 100s you need progress detection and disconnect supervision
05:18.11X-Robeg, audio
05:18.32shidogood to see ppl getting things to work
05:18.33SarahEmmdisonnect supervision is polarity reversal tho
05:18.53SarahEmmwhat's kewlstart then?
05:19.08X-Robdisconnect *supervision* is monitoring the line to see if hears a busy or 'other end has hung up'
05:19.15X-Robnoise, whatever that may be
05:19.24X-Robks is polarity reversal
05:19.28SarahEmmokay.. our telco calls the polarity reversal that
05:19.36SarahEmmbut digium calls the x100p 'kewlstart supporting'
05:20.04X-RobWell. When _I_ tried it with an X100, it never mentioned anything about polarity
05:20.04SarahEmmi'll test it tomrorrow
05:20.16X-Robwith my TDMs I get notified about polarity
05:20.46SarahEmmi'm not convinced VoIP is going to work with slow speed data tho.. we'll see.
05:21.12X-Rob'slow speed data'?
05:21.27X-Robaah yeah, your blind stuff.
05:21.30SarahEmmi can't find much about running it over VoIP connections
05:21.32SarahEmmblind stuff?
05:21.45X-Robstuff for blind people
05:21.47*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
05:21.55X-Robdeaf even
05:21.57SarahEmmblind people generally would have an easier time using voice telephones over TTYs ;)
05:22.10X-RobOK. I admit I'm stupid 8)
05:22.17SarahEmmpondering signing up with (sixtel) and testing it
05:22.35Sed[Mac]SarahEmm, the other thing.. some places.. I forget who.. they offer free 5 mins a month
05:22.38Sed[Mac]you could use them to test
05:22.55SarahEmmi see no basic reason it *shouldn't* work, with ulaw/alaw..
05:23.22Sed[Mac]as long as you have the internet connection for it
05:23.35SarahEmmshould be ok ;)
05:23.36Sed[Mac]guess so then :p
05:23.44X-Robbefore you get too enthusiastic
05:23.45Sed[Mac]mine's like 5/400
05:23.48SarahEmmand my firewall does QoS too so..
05:23.50X-Robyou might wanna read about fax-over-ip
05:23.57SarahEmmX-Rob: fax is 9600 or 14400
05:23.58Sed[Mac]yea.. I was just thinking that..
05:23.58X-Roband why it doesn't work
05:24.01Sed[Mac]wouldn't it be the same thing
05:24.01SarahEmmX-Rob: TTY is 45bps
05:24.11X-Robfax is 4800bps @ 600 baud
05:24.16X-Roband up from there
05:24.23SarahEmmtty is 45bps @ 45bud
05:24.38Sed[Mac]seems slow...
05:24.45SarahEmmit is :P
05:24.46Sed[Mac]for what its doing...
05:24.47X-Robok, so , 45 state changes per second.
05:24.52SarahEmmthere's a few faster protocols now
05:24.55SarahEmmbut that's the standard one
05:25.21X-RobDepending on the codec, um, 20-30 packets per second?
05:25.24SarahEmmX-Rob: yeah. 1400Hz/1800Hz FSK, 5bit data 1stop bit
05:25.33X-RobIt may work
05:25.38X-Robbut I wouldn't be relying on it
05:25.51X-RobWhat would be far funkier
05:25.58X-Robwould be to make spandsp understand it
05:26.26X-Roband convert it to ascii, stream it via TCP, and then reassemble it into an audio stream at the other end
05:26.32X-Robspandsp == fax
05:26.36SarahEmmwell that's what i'm doing here, basically
05:26.37X-Robsoftware fax
05:26.41SarahEmmi connect to the * box through a web interface
05:26.53SarahEmmi type, it goes over my network by ASCII, goes out over the FXO interface getting converted to audio at the * box
05:27.48X-Robwhere is the 45bps tty in this?
05:27.57*** join/#asterisk MichaelSaunders (~mick@
05:28.10SarahEmmX-Rob: the * box receives the text via TCP, and transmits the audio over the FXO interface out
05:28.15SarahEmm(audio being the TTY signal)
05:28.36MichaelSaundersTrying to get asterisk to connect to mysql for realtime it keeps failing to connect and tells me to refer to debug where do I find this debug
05:28.37X-RobI'm trying to figure out where the actual 45bps tones are being generated
05:28.42SarahEmmX-Rob: by *
05:28.52SarahEmmuhh...   C code?
05:28.57SarahEmmi'm not sure i understand the question
05:29.06X-RobSo you're using a software modem, there's no hardware here at all?
05:29.13SarahEmmthe only hardware is the x100p right now
05:29.16MichaelSaundersTrying to fimd the debud
05:29.20SarahEmmthere are hardware TTY modems, but i'm not using one for this.
05:29.26X-RobMichael - /var/log/asterisk/full ?
05:29.42X-RobWhat program are you using to generate the tty tones?
05:29.50SarahEmmX-Rob: Asterisk :P
05:30.04X-Robwhat _module_ are you using?
05:30.10SarahEmmsetting the 'ttymode' option on the channel
05:30.15SarahEmmthen using sendtext to send text to it
05:30.27SarahEmmit's built into *, just rarely used
05:30.42SarahEmmat least, i'm guessing rarely used 'cuz there's a fair number of bugs in it i've been working on heh
05:30.54X-RobI can't even find it documented anywhere
05:31.04SarahEmmit barely is
05:31.13SarahEmmsift through the code ;)
05:31.27SarahEmmit's not well documented and didn't work terribly well
05:31.39SarahEmmthe latter is slowly being improved as i'm trying to write apps using it, and fixing bugs as i go
05:31.58X-Robeditline/tty.c mentions 'ttymode' but that's for termcap stuff.
05:32.14SarahEmmno subdit
05:32.16SarahEmmerr wait!
05:32.20SarahEmmsorry, asterisk calls it TDD not TTY
05:32.26SarahEmmboth terms are used in north america
05:32.35SarahEmmi call it TTY 'cuz.. well, most people do
05:32.40SarahEmmTDD is inaccurate :P
05:33.18X-RobHrm. OK.
05:33.38*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~my007ms@
05:33.39SarahEmmsowwy for being confusing :)
05:33.43SarahEmmforgot * calls it something else
05:34.38SarahEmm*nods* simple slow fsk software modem.
05:35.18SarahEmmin HEAD it works pretty well :)
05:35.31X-RobI haven't noticed any patches for it come through
05:35.40SarahEmmthere've been.. two so far, iirc
05:35.44X-Robbut I'm guessign they're buried in mantis somewhere 8)
05:35.46SarahEmmthat have actually gone through
05:35.51X-RobYay you.
05:35.54SarahEmmi've got another 2 that'll go through next week hopefully
05:36.14SarahEmmi wanna get * rolled out at home, it'd be Really Nifty if i could get all this working
05:37.17*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
05:37.30X-RobWell, I see the problem.
05:37.37X-RobThat's gunna be quite interesting to work on
05:37.53X-RobBut, you've got a fair whack of leeway at 45aud
05:38.07SarahEmmwhat's the problems you see?
05:38.11SarahEmm(wow, that's good english)
05:38.26X-Robtrying to support taht over a voip channel is gunna be fun 8)
05:38.55*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~my007ms@
05:38.58SarahEmm*shrug* we'll see ;)
05:39.05mrplumIs there a way to get my x100p to do some kind of alarm? I want to see it do anything at all to show me it's semi working
05:39.12SarahEmmunplug it from the phone line
05:39.16mrplumdid that
05:39.19SarahEmmzttool (on mine anyway) will show a RED alarm
05:39.21mrplumstill no alarms
05:39.34*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
05:40.04X-Robsounds like a dead X100
05:40.05mrplumit's the "new design of x100p" board.
05:40.10*** join/#asterisk jonas (
05:40.13mrplumfrom eBay
05:40.17X-Robgo to ebay and buy another. They're like $7 or so
05:41.14SarahEmmor get a TDM400p :)
05:42.01Sed[Mac]mrplum, do you have a phoneline you could actually plug it into and see if it works?
05:42.08mrplumI wish
05:42.16mrplumnope though
05:42.30Sed[Mac]got a friend? take it to his house :po
05:42.43Sed[Mac]just thinking if you could see if its good before you get another one and find it still doesn't work
05:43.07mrplumyea I'll futz with this for another couple weeks before I give up on it.
05:43.57Sed[Mac]does any of the (alive) mac people happen to know how much a slot loading 500mhz imac g3 memory can support?
05:44.08mrplumthe boards are pretty bare, not much to them. I bet it's the custom wcfxo drivers, i'll email the address in the comments see if he has any suggestions
05:44.12Sed[Mac]I saw the slot loading on apple's support is only 512.. but I'm not sure when this is...
05:44.31Sed[Mac]yea.. its a softmodem.. everything done in the cpu
05:44.55MichaelSaunderscan someone explain to me dundi. I think I understand but I just want clarifications
05:45.10SarahEmmmrplum: err, if you have no phoneline, what are you doing with it?
05:46.16X-Robmrplum 'custom wcfxo' drivers?
05:46.32X-Robif it doesn't work with the standard wcfxo driver, it's not an X100p
05:46.41X-Robit's something else. And the odds are, it sucks.
05:46.41mrplumwell it's not really, afaik
05:47.05Sed[Mac]did you get it off ebay?
05:47.43mrplumit's a "clone"
05:48.43X-RobI think you've bought a lemon
05:48.46X-RobAsk him for help
05:48.47Sed[Mac]This card needs a separate zaptel driver which is
05:48.47Sed[Mac]delivered along with the card. Since the board is a newer design it needs a diffrent software
05:48.47Sed[Mac]driver for it to function.v
05:48.52X-Roband if that doens't work, consider your $20 wasted
05:49.11Sed[Mac]if you remove the battery.. does it atleast red-alarm?
05:50.31Sed[Mac]something isn't right then
05:50.41Sed[Mac]on my fxo.. soon as I remove the line.. it red's
05:50.42mrplumI unpluged the cable from the modem, no alarm, then I shorted the cable out and could here myself talk on the phone side
05:50.42SarahEmmmrplum: uhh.. what driver?
05:51.00SarahEmmwhat chipset is it
05:51.03Sed[Mac]SarahEmm, apparently the dude sent seperate drivers for it
05:51.11Sed[Mac]whats the output of lspci
05:51.53SarahEmmhrm.. that doesn't sound very good
05:52.08mrplumModem: Motorola: Unknown device 3052 (rev 04)
05:52.21Sed[Mac]and thats the only 'modem' in the system?
05:52.26mrplumyes the chip on the board is motorola
05:52.26X-Robshould be tigerjet
05:52.33SarahEmmthat's very nonstandard then, all the supported ones are intel or such
05:52.40Sed[Mac]here.. let me find the dude I got my card from
05:52.42SarahEmmi'd give up on that and get a 'real' 'clone' :P
05:52.43mrplumthis is what I get for buying cheap :)
05:52.52SarahEmmmrplum: $20 is a lot for one of those.
05:52.58SarahEmm'real clones' are cheaper than that
05:52.59SarahEmmand work
05:53.06mrplumI paid $12 + s/h
05:53.12SarahEmmmrplum: i paid like $10 + s/h
05:53.14SarahEmmand it works :)
05:53.41X-Robthat looks _Exactly_ the same as the 100p's I was playing with
05:53.57mrplumthanks for that link
05:53.58SarahEmmX-Rob: same s the one i have too
05:54.08mrplumand thanks for the help, I bought a really lame card.
05:54.10SarahEmmi've never tried passing voice through it, but works well for tty/tdd traffic
05:55.05Sed[Mac]thats the dude I bought mine from
05:55.10Sed[Mac]actually.. got two from him
05:55.14mrplum <- if your curious, dunno what's so special about it
05:55.16Sed[Mac]both work perfect.. same card too (from the pic anyway)
05:55.32mrplumcomes with all kinds of warnings, don't use unless bought this board of ebay, although the board don't work!
05:56.07Sed[Mac]might be hacked drivers
05:56.10Sed[Mac]it might only work for dialing out
05:56.28Sed[Mac]but yea.. do yourself a favor and get a "real clone" (like that isn't a oxymoron....)(
05:59.24r0d3nti've used a "clone" FXO pci card.. which came with it's "own" drivers .....
05:59.34X-RobThat driver has all the battery stuff taken out of it
05:59.37X-Robno wonder it doesn't work
05:59.46r0d3ntHOWEVER .. the asterisk drivers and software was completely compatible...
05:59.48X-RobI'm doing a diff on it against the normal wcfxo.c
05:59.57X-Robso that's why you're not getting a red alarm
05:59.59mrplummaybe I should try the regular drivers
06:00.10SarahEmmnice X-Rob
06:00.12SarahEmmmrplum: won't work
06:00.14Sed[Mac]I dunno if it'll work...
06:00.17SarahEmmmrplum: motorola chipsets aren't supported
06:00.21Sed[Mac]the normal only supports intel
06:00.22SarahEmmit won't even load, as the PCI ID doesn't match
06:00.27Sed[Mac]great minds think alike
06:01.01mrplumeh, what can you do.
06:03.07X-RobYou can try using the cvs head zaptel driver
06:03.11X-Robbut no guarantees that it'll work
06:03.51X-Robedit around line 979 of wcfxo.c
06:04.11X-Robadd the PCI ID (from 'lspci -n') and try '&generic'
06:04.37X-Robbut I'm 99% sure it will either crash the machine or just not work
06:09.17SarahEmmi go sleepies, nini
06:11.08*** join/#asterisk da-manFL (
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06:16.54Sed[Mac]and I'm off too
06:18.33*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~my007ms@
06:22.10tzafrirr0d3nt, which "clone" exactly? what drivers?
06:22.26X-Robtzafrir, it's a motorolla chipset.
06:22.42X-Robdrivers from
06:23.53X-RobI honestly don't know why someone would bother to go to all the hassle to hack on the wcfxo drivers, compile their own closed-source kernel core driver, when you can buy standard, working, x100's for US$10.
06:24.25my007msas i have many mahy problem with FC4 in zaptel TDM31B i will install deb any one have something to say
06:24.43my007msi never used deb b4
06:24.45X-RobI have something to say: Wibble.
06:24.52X-RobMandrake 10.1 is good.
06:24.53mrplumI wish I knew better, just ordered 2 of those $10 cards
06:24.54X-Robnice and stable
06:24.58X-Robup to date.
06:25.04mrplumand I don't even have a phone line hehehe
06:25.22X-Robtzafrir, quite possibly. I didn't bother strings-ing the binary
06:25.33mrplumI have some ideas of what to do with that card on 4th of july
06:26.22X-RobHrm, nope, there's no obvious GPL code in there
06:26.25X-Robit's only 4k
06:26.27X-Robso it's not huge
06:26.47my007mswhat does OS that X-Rob used?
06:27.06X-Robmy, I use a whole pile. I do documentation for Asterisk MAnagement Portal.
06:27.13X-RobSo, lots.
06:27.19X-RobBut, as I said, Mandrake 10.1 is good.
06:33.05tzafrirX-Rob, I believe that this thing is a GPL violation. But if you want to be sure, as Digium: they're the only ones able to sue, anyway
06:33.43X-Robtzafrir, why would it be a GPL violation?
06:33.58X-RobThere's a '-core' module, but it doesn't seem to contain any GPL code
06:34.57tzafrirBut it is linked with a GPLed code.
06:35.49X-Robindeed it is.
06:36.10X-Robld -r wcfxo2-core.o wcfxo2-module.o -o wcfxo2-helper.o
06:36.13X-Roblookit that!
06:36.42tzafrirwhat does it mean?
06:36.58X-Robthat's linking with digium's GPL'ed code
06:39.49*** join/#asterisk yartelecom (no-email@
06:42.49my007mswhat is command like rpm -q in deb
06:43.14mrplumwhat's -q do
06:43.30mrplumI don't appear to have that option in my rpm --help command
06:43.41mrplumoh query... try apt-cache search
06:44.00my007msi need to know if one deb like in fc and rh rpm -q <name>
06:44.25mrplummy007ms, right, that last line was to you
06:51.11X-RobI just posted to asterisk-dev about that card.
06:51.15X-Robthey may or may not care.
06:52.16*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
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07:01.11mrplumgood morning
07:01.48*** join/#asterisk BleedingMe (
07:04.12infinity1yea. i guess. 4 after midnight
07:04.15infinity1morning :)
07:04.29*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
07:04.44infinity1so now i can dial out.
07:04.58infinity1and iax2 is now qos-ified
07:05.10BleedingMei'm still working on the dialing in stuff :)
07:05.17infinity1fuckin menus, queus, agents. oh my!
07:05.54infinity1BleedingMe: get on fwd and we can talk. i finally got mine to work.
07:06.40X-Robfeel free to call me, un, dial 306 when answered
07:06.52X-Robthe answering thing is screwed.
07:06.55X-RobI prolly should fix that
07:07.11infinity1hah. i love the accent.
07:07.20infinity1what country?
07:07.43infinity1sorry. i'm bad at recognizing accents.
07:07.57BleedingMehas anyone seen any configurations in which asterisk was used as a dial-in dictation type system?  seems like it would be capable, just quite complicated to setup...
07:07.58X-Robif you call again it'll come straight through to my desk phone
07:07.58infinity1i was good at it when i interacted with foreigners daily. but i lost the touch.
07:08.28X-Robroyk - free world dialup # 47876 that's who.
07:08.39infinity1i pressed 1
07:08.45infinity1haha. yer not available.
07:09.25X-RobYeah, that's xtn 301
07:09.30X-Robwhich isn't here any more
07:09.32X-Robdial 306
07:09.33infinity1i'm connected to you using ulaw.
07:09.35X-Robrather than 1
07:09.43infinity1wonder if i should use something else with fwd
07:10.34*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (
07:14.07*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
07:14.52UmaroHey guys, can anyone point me to documentation on direct dialing?
07:15.09jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
07:15.57UmaroBasically, I want to have one asterisk server that has all my sip clients, and then I want to have all the other machines be able to call each user by only using their username.. I don't want to deal with extension numbers, etc. I was thinking something like SIP/Umaro@mydomain
07:16.30Umarobut on the client side of that attempt, I get a 404, and on the other side I get a Jun 26 00:12:37 DEBUG[6107]:  is not a local user
07:22.25Gunnarso, anyone know just _which_ 4 * projects got approved for Google's Summer of Code?
07:33.24*** join/#asterisk adiaowudi (~adiaowudi@
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07:47.13BladeRunner99Hi sir, who knows about a GUI application to configure extension & other functions ?
07:50.09tzafrirWhy use such a GUI? It will only limit you? ;-)
07:50.26UmaroIs anyone here doing direct sip user dialing? SIP/ ?
07:50.47Umarospecifically, where asterisk is running on said
07:53.14tzafrirYou need to have a sip user called user at
07:53.49BladeRunner99tzafrir: have u got a good doc to setup extensions.conf ?
07:54.09tzafrirBladeRunner99, what exactly do you want to do?
07:54.47BladeRunner99tzafrir: I have 4 extensions and a menu choice.....
07:54.59BladeRunner99tzafir Press 1 to joe, 2 to jim, 3 to clark
07:55.07BladeRunner99tzafrir: and a voicemail to the user
07:55.13tzafrirThat's an IVR
07:55.21BladeRunner99tzafrir: yes
07:55.41BladeRunner99tzafrir: and the ability to in and out
07:55.55tzafrirone of which is demonstrated in the "demo" that comes with the default installation
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08:12.51*** join/#asterisk BullWeivel (~BullWeive@
08:13.08BullWeivelcan you receive faxes with * ?
08:14.20BullWeiveli guess i should specify a little bit more then just saying that :)    can i receive faxes and have asterisk be smart enough to figure out its a fax...i have one phone line.  When someone calls they will get an auto attendant...  if its a fax then I want it to grab the fax and email a copy of it to me.
08:14.42BullWeivelis that possible ???
08:15.17*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
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08:18.22countAnybody have experience with Asterisk on OpenBSD?
08:19.32countI've got 2 * setups, one on FreeBSD 4.11, one on OpenBSD 3.7
08:19.34countidentical configs
08:19.37countsame phones, etc
08:19.42counton FreeBSD everything works wonderfully
08:19.53counton OpenBSD, the audio is one-way only
08:20.11countThe originator of the call can be heard by the callee, but the callee isn't heard
08:20.13shidoIm headin to bed
08:20.20shidodrop a mesg or two
08:20.25shidohelp in morn when wakey
08:20.30shidosleep now me will do now
08:20.37BullWeivelshido... can i do what i said ??
08:20.50shido10 minute install 2 config 8 test
08:21.00shidodepending on proc speed of compiling spandsp
08:21.04shidothats all
08:21.06shidodont freak out
08:21.16shidocatch me in the morning or when these nut cases wake back up
08:21.28shidoprobably wanna wait for them because tey wont charge you :)
08:21.40shidoI must be sleepy - im pushin away customers :)
08:21.44BullWeivelalright... chat with you later.  im going to be calling nufoone
08:21.50BullWeivelbut for service
08:21.59BullWeivelarent u guys a ilec?  (and someone spoke at wispcon)
08:22.11shidowe're all kinds of stuff
08:22.26shidosee the new members page jeremy is working on?
08:22.29shidobe afraid
08:22.44shidoour shi% is still stinky but we're freshening up
08:22.49shidothat cmae out all wrong
08:22.51BullWeiveldont see it...where is that at?
08:22.51shidoIM GONE!
08:23.02BullWeivellater out to...its 3am here and i should be sleeping.
08:23.09shido4:23 am
08:31.34*** join/#asterisk jaike (~a@
08:32.25jaikehave a question many times larger is the filesize of wav49 files compared to gsm...given the same lenght of recording?
08:32.39brenda[laptop]anyone here work for nufone?
08:33.09countbrenda - I think shido does, but he just went to sleep
08:33.20brenda[laptop]oh ok
08:33.48brenda[laptop]was just wondering if we can bring dedicated circuits into nufone
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08:50.14Romik_livevoip - caesed operations
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09:09.12tzafrirjaiger, wav49 is gsm
09:09.46opus__the germans kick ass
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09:26.19opus__royk yo
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10:52.28Romik_livevoip - caesed operations
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11:07.54Romik_any body uses incomming numbers from nufone?
11:16.52Romik_da-man: what voip provide do you use?
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11:31.12Romik_da-man: you happy with them?
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11:55.26jaikeanyone know how to set monitor filenames when using queues?
11:56.52jaikei can only see monitor-format in queues.conf...but it doesnt show where to configure the filename output
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12:14.28ariel_mag_um, hello
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12:41.14MichaelSaundershow does one include things with asterisk includes
12:46.28ariel_MichaelSaunders, if you want to include a context in your main context you just do include = context   If you want to include a file you do #include=/etc/asterisk/filename.conf
12:48.32*** join/#asterisk JonUK (
12:55.21tzafrir#inclde "filename.conf"
12:55.38tzafrir#include "filename.conf"
12:55.46tzafrirthe last one
12:55.56RaYmAn-Bxisn't the first one include => context?
12:57.24tzafriranyway, I'd appreciate any thoughts on
12:57.57tzafrirRaYmAn-Bx, #include is a "preprocessor macro"
12:58.44tzafrirIt will just add the text of filename.conf in the place of the #include line, regardless of the structure
12:59.01tzafrirIt also works in any config file, not only extensions.conf
12:59.05tzangerso one of the loudest and most obnoxious VOIP providers is gone...
13:00.23tzafriranybody actually using shell command to change voicemail password? (see the link to bug report with patch above)
13:01.12cybertoytzanger, which one?
13:01.23RaYmAn-Bxtzafrir: hence why I said "first one" :)
13:01.34RaYmAn-Bxwhich was the other one than the #include one...
13:02.31tzafririnclude = context is equivalent ot include =>context?
13:02.50Zawfucking livevoip.
13:02.52tzafriror just something the parser complains about?
13:03.16tzangerdoesn't bother me all that much, I'm waiting for sixtel/ else the go by to die
13:04.55tzafrirAnd is there any guarantee that the voicemail password from the user will not have any special shell chars?
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13:08.45Zaware there *any* stable voip providers?
13:09.13coppiceyou mean stable as in "stable manure"? :-)
13:09.14tzangerZaw: I've *never* had technical issue with nufone
13:09.59tzangerZaw: I've also had good success with Unlimitel (but they're for very specific cities, their "off network" charges aren't as good as nufone's
13:10.20InfraRedZaw: define stable
13:10.44coppiceA large building for horses, usually wooden
13:10.49tzangerhe shouldn't have to define stable, y'all know what he means :-)
13:10.57tzangercoppice: you're in rare form today :-)
13:10.58ZawInfraRed: one that isn't going to claim bankruptcy at 4:00 am on a weekend, and has 99.99% uptime
13:11.17InfraRedZaw: quality costs money
13:11.23coppicetzanger: not we don't. one man's stable is another's flaky
13:11.26InfraRedi suggest gradwell
13:11.32MichaelSaundersariel_: but what about in a real time environment
13:11.41ZawInfraRed: i never said anything about it being cheap, i said stable.
13:11.59coppicetzanger: "Its working fine' is another highly variable concept
13:12.01opus__how can you tell the name/volume of a cd in linux?
13:12.06tzangercoppice: I am just starting some work on integer-based dsp code for codecs (likely gsm and MAYBE iLBC) and things like echo cancel and DTMF detection.  Any pointers?
13:12.17InfraRedZaw: and also
13:12.27tzangermagrathea?  hahaha
13:12.30coppicetzanger: why are you doing that?
13:12.32InfraRedgradwell afaik runs 90% of uk's isps voip offerings
13:12.53tzangercoppice: because the DSP I'm playing with (BlackFin BF533) is an integer DSP
13:13.44coppicethe GSM code is already fixed point. The iLBC fixed point code is not free, but I don't think they impose any restrictions on you implementing your own
13:14.22coppicemagrathea telecom doesn't go bankrupt, but if they aren't making money they go into hibernation :-)
13:14.48coppicetzanger: what are you putting blackfin in?
13:14.49file[laptop]so I go to sleep for the night and when I wake up my absolute favorite company (yes said sarcastically) goes bankrupt, great
13:14.50tzangerI did not know that about iLBC, thanks for the pointer!  I know that fixed-point g729 is available (and requires licensing) but at this point I'm not terribly worried about it
13:14.56file[laptop]it's gonna be a good day
13:15.21MichaelSaunderstzanger: Do you how to make extensions use includes
13:15.35coppiceiLBC is encumbered, but they allow people to use the floating point code freely. iLBC sucks, though
13:15.57tzangercoppice: just playing right now, really. it's just the bf533 dev board, but I was poking around a couple days ago and saw that conexant made some nice and cheap arm9-based cores that had some voip capability
13:16.14coppicespeex is running on some DSPs now. I'm not sure about the blackfin, but I think they have it all running fixed point now
13:16.25tzangercoppice: I agree that iLBC is teh suck ... I haven't tried speex yet
13:16.29JonUKHi everyone, does anyone have 5 minutes to give me a hand with installing App_odbcexec?
13:16.55coppiceconexant sucks. several people make VoIP chips, and almost anything has to be better than using conexant
13:17.09tzangerunfortunately all the dsp stuff in asterisk/zaptel is centered around floating point DSP.  I'm just playing iwth the idea of fixed point implementations of the core stuff
13:17.30tzangercoppice: :-)  I have heard that too.  (I've no experience iwth them)
13:17.30tzangerMichaelSaunders: yup
13:17.41file[laptop]coppice: hifive DSP dude!
13:17.49coppiceduh! zaptel runs on Pentiums and Athlons. floats are faster than fixed point on those
13:18.21coppicethe echo cancellation is the only fixed point code, as it has to run in the kernel
13:18.22file[laptop]yay livevoip is gone
13:18.26tzangerMichaelSaunders: #include filename to bring the contexts in, then include => context to include them in the specific places
13:18.55tzangercoppice: oh I understand WHY, I'm just playing around with the idea
13:19.29tzangercoppice: curious though -- why can't you use the FPU in the kernel?  the #define HAS_MMX seems to only add a couple instructions to save and restore FPU state
13:19.30coppicetzanger: the big selling VoIP chips are TI's. ST, Agere, Atmel and several others make complete VoIP phone chips.
13:19.58tclarkwhat about the pa168 based stuff :) ?
13:20.13tzangeryeah there are some neat things coming out of TI
13:20.33tzangerI have an OMAP5910 eval board too but it's not targeting VOIP directly (more cell phones) -- have a friend in Nokia that does the OMAP2 stuff
13:20.36tzangerthose are expensive chips
13:20.42coppicetzanger: you can use FP in the kernel, but it is very messy, and to be avoided if possible. you need to save and restore rather a lot rather frequently
13:21.17MichaelSaunderstzanger: is there a way to debug a call when it is dialing o find out where it matches
13:21.19JonUKI am just not sure about the "install" part of App_odbcexec, where you edit the Asterisk MakeFile
13:21.19tzangeryeah the idea's higher-density than one or two voice channels.. .most of the chips target just that
13:21.23coppicedon' use OMAP. that is a poor choice for a VoIP phone. there are real VoIP phone chips from TI. Actually OMAP is very cheap
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13:21.50tzanger1k pricing on OMAP5190 is like $30 IIRC
13:22.06file[laptop]I need to renew my domain sometime...
13:22.34coppicePA168 is much less integrated than some of the other solutions. they supply a full software package, which is the key selling feature
13:22.56file[laptop]I'm still questioning IAX2 CPE equipment
13:23.08tzangerOMAP is just neat in the sense that I could have the DSP doing the codec stuff and the ARM9 core (or was it ARM7 I don't recall ATM) and regular uClinux running on the ARM side just pulling preprocessed data over the processor link
13:24.06coppicetzanger: they have VoIP chips with an ARM, a DSP, a 100M MAC, codec intefaces, and almost everything except the analogue circuitry. much better suited than OMAP
13:24.18file[laptop]what codecs?
13:25.31tzangercoppice: yeah I saw some of that when I was perusing the site
13:25.33file[laptop]are companies actually targetting codecs outside of ULAW/ALAW/G729/G723?
13:27.38coppiceI wonder how many PA168s they sell?
13:29.25tclarkfile[laptop]: the pa168 all have gsm & ilbc
13:29.47ariel_well livevoip says it's main reason for going under is overbilling and credit card fraud... hummm maybe management/no support.
13:30.08file[laptop]tclark: the PA168 is unique, as it's IAX2
13:30.18file[laptop]and as for livevoip, they don't pay their bills
13:30.27key2file[laptop]: so PA168 is the best ?
13:30.27file[laptop]then they sue you when you try to cut off their service
13:30.30tclarkand h323 sip mgcp and some others
13:30.47file[laptop]the PA168 chipset is handy, due to the fact they open sourced their code
13:31.03coppicefile: no they didn't
13:31.17key2file[laptop]: where is it possible to find the source ?
13:31.18file[laptop]okay - released their code
13:31.31file[laptop]it's morning and I haven't had anything to eat/drink in a LONG time
13:31.36file[laptop]let alone caffeine
13:31.55file[laptop]or I loved in a parallel universe where they did
13:31.55coppiceno they didn't. have you actually looked at what they released? its a few fragments
13:32.11file[laptop]we've been able to build complete firmware out of it
13:32.24file[laptop]well, bkw did
13:32.28coppiceyeah, but most of it is binary libs
13:32.48file[laptop]can't release everything due to licensing
13:32.52coppicethat's understanable for the codecs, but lots and lots is binary libs
13:33.04file[laptop]atleast they released something
13:33.26tzafrirhow about making a SF project of it, so maybe some day someone will be able to replace a lib or two with something free?
13:33.27coppiceit seems to be something largely useless.
13:33.29tclarkthe protocols are all thet ist the codecs and the tcp stack that is missing
13:34.00*** join/#asterisk dial_911_now (
13:34.43file[laptop]girls just wanna have fun!
13:36.53file[laptop]I woke up too early
13:37.37file[laptop]someone care to knock me unconcious?
13:37.54coppicetclark: I looked through the protocols, and just found little fragments of source and big libraries
13:38.16coppiceUoIP - unconciousness over IP?
13:39.36file[laptop]coppice: yup
13:39.39tclarkkey2: the cvs server is at
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13:41.13coppicefile: so the protocols are not released as source. only some glue code has been released
13:42.57file[laptop]realllllly? I never looked cause, well, I don't have a phone like that
13:43.42file[laptop]next one I intend to buy is a Polycom 501 for it's presence/messaging properties
13:44.15mmlj4seen manxpower
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13:47.30tclarkcoppice: how long ago dod you looks at the release srcs ?
13:47.47coppiceabout a month, I think
13:49.59coppiceI bought an enermax power supply. I knew this was a dumb thing as I was doing it. now it sits dead after an hour of operation.
13:50.05JonUKHas anyone here installed the asterisk-addons package?
13:50.36file[laptop]coppice: then why did you buy it?
13:50.39jontowits not really a package so much as a small collection of software that you can throw into your existing installation, later.
13:50.48PoWeRKiLLhi coppice :)
13:51.01coppicefile: because the shop didn't have an SPI one
13:51.21file[laptop]coppice: 'tsk 'tsk, just to spite you I bet
13:51.25JonUKjontow, I am trying to get it installed onto my existing server and during the make install process I get a CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR message
13:51.46JonUKwould apreciate any assistance anyone can offer :)
13:51.46coppicePoWeRKiLL: hi
13:52.07coppicefile: the enermax looks very pretty :-\
13:52.16coppicethe SPIs just work :-)
13:52.32file[laptop]workingness > looks
13:52.50PoWeRKiLLcoppice do you have specification to create tiff file for sending fax ?
13:53.28coppicemake the TIFFs 1728 pixels wide. that is the key thing you need to get right
13:57.25*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (me@
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13:58.24SuPrSluGhello all
13:59.01Newbie___hi all, i got 10 g729 license from digium, and plan to install g723 from intel. now question will * crashed?
14:02.02SuPrSluGi'm in need of help w/ an incoming roll over/ hunt group. we have 4 lines. we have 2 seperate businesses. we had the provider roll over all lines for availability. Is there a way in the dial plan to recognize which number the call is coming in on and direct it to the proper context?
14:02.53file[laptop]SuPrSluG: if you're using the same lines, then it'll go to a central context... and if your provider sends you the phone number dialed then asterisk will try to match that in the context, and then you can go to the individual context based on that
14:03.50SuPrSluGhow can i tell if they're sending me the number dialed?
14:04.13SuPrSluGfrom cli?
14:04.21file[laptop]it'll say
14:04.28file[laptop]is this on analog? or PRI? or what
14:09.08file[laptop]analog you won't get the number dialed, too bad - so sad
14:09.31opus__ask them :)
14:09.41file[laptop]analog isn't that fancy
14:09.51SuPrSluGi wanted to use something like above in dial plan
14:09.55key2how can I redirect 200 concurrent calls from one asterisk to an other one that does playbacking ?
14:10.33key2do I have to use a trunk ?
14:11.05opus__probably redirect each call to the server with SIP and make sure canreinvite=yes is enabled
14:11.18SuPrSluGfile[laptop]:so i'll have to have the provider use 2 hunt groups
14:11.57JonUKHey, last request for assistance I hope!! I have resolved my first problem with making the asterisk-addons, but now I am getting an error regarding mysqlclient. Has anyone else had this ?
14:12.13key2opus__: with something like s,1,Dial(SIP...) ?
14:15.10key2opus__: with a single SIP account called 2000 on the other one ?
14:15.58key2opus__: so for each of those 200 calls on the SIP/2000 i'll get a unique ID and can retransfer them individually to somehwere else ?
14:16.25*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
14:16.29opus__you might want to look into passing some kind of extra variable inside of SIP
14:16.48key2opus__: how?
14:16.51opus__i haven't done that before, but perhaps setvar? or notify?
14:17.25key2and can I do it with the manager ?
14:17.38key2like get the info and make an app that redirect the calls to the second asterisk ?
14:17.58opus__what type of server is handleing 200 calls i'm curious
14:18.26key2dual xeon with 2 quad E1 TE411P
14:18.31key2hardware echo cancelling
14:19.01key2I even wonder if a dual xeon would be enough to do a ZAP <> alaw on 200 concurrent calls
14:20.17key2do u have an idea
14:21.02opus__I don't think so but haven't tried yet
14:21.26key2opus__: what does the CPU have to do if there is a hardware echo cancel and I convert from E1 to alaw
14:21.31key2normally not much
14:22.28opus__doesn't it still need to combine channels together though?
14:22.45key2what u mean to combine channel ?
14:23.23opus__transcoding two channels together
14:23.45key2in what case do you have to transcode two channels together ?
14:24.03key2I just receive 200 simultaneous calls that I resend to an other asterisk
14:24.21key2so I just do 200 x ZAP <> SIP (alaw)
14:26.53key2how many concurrent calls can I handle with a dual xeon from SIP to SIP with the same codec
14:28.16jontowtry it..
14:28.20jontowthats a pretty fast machine
14:28.32key2jontow: how can I try it?
14:28.52MikeJ[Laptop]keep making calls till it stops working?
14:29.23key2well I don't have 800 SIP phones to try 400 calls
14:29.42key2is there an easy solution to try ?
14:29.43Zawcan someone tell me why i am getting this error? - i'm using FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p5
14:29.53Zawthat's when i try making the freebsd asterisk port
14:30.11jontowtake a look at that, key2
14:30.11MikeJ[Laptop]key2, a lot...
14:30.39key2MikeJ[Laptop]: a lot of what ? concurrent calls ?
14:31.08MikeJ[Laptop]certainly one full quad card.
14:31.09jontow(go look at the url)
14:31.24MikeJ[Laptop]with the right motherboard I would guess you could max out 2
14:31.39MikeJ[Laptop]echocancell will be an issue
14:31.48key2MikeJ[Laptop]: I got TE411P
14:31.51key2so harware echo cancel
14:31.55MikeJ[Laptop]I was just looking
14:32.20MikeJ[Laptop]a lot
14:32.35PatrickDKhmm, te411p doesn't have hardware echocanelling
14:32.43key2but basically, if I have 400 SIP phones, do I need them to be connected to an asterisk to be able to send them calls from an asterisk ?
14:32.54key2PatrickDK ??
14:32.59mtghkey2: yes
14:33.01MikeJ[Laptop]just remember, when using multiple boards, have a server where each pci slot you are using is on it's own bus
14:33.02jontowif you have 400 sip phones, man.. thats a lotta overhead :)
14:33.25MikeJ[Laptop]ok, lost me now
14:33.38mtghjontow: 400 is not that many .... I have an install with about 2000
14:33.55key2mtgh: and how many concurrent calls ?
14:34.14mtghbetween 1000-1500 over tdm and ip
14:34.22PatrickDKoh heh, never mind
14:34.25mtghwe have 8 ts
14:34.28key2PatrickDK: Wildcard TE411P   Quad-Span togglable E1/T1/J1 echo cancellation card enables per card or per port selection of either T1, E1, J1 signaling formats (3.3 volt PCI only).
14:34.52key2PatrickDK: why do you say it doenst have echo cancel
14:34.55PatrickDKI think I was thinking of the other card
14:35.04key2so it does ?
14:35.20mtghthe echo cancel is new to that card
14:35.32PatrickDKya, it's he te410p that doesn't
14:35.34mtghyou can get it for the older versions of it via a firmware upgrade
14:36.05key2mtgh: no that's not true, that's not a firmware upgrade ! that's a whol emodule you have to plugg in
14:36.32PatrickDKhmm, it doesn't provide very much echo cancelation though
14:36.45key2PatrickDK: how do you know ?
14:36.55PatrickDKheh? it says so in the specs
14:37.01PatrickDK16ms if you use all 4 ports
14:37.13PatrickDKor 64ms if you only use one port
14:37.24PatrickDKI try to go at a min of 32ms on my stuff
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14:44.51tzangermtgh: you can't upgrade the firmware on the cards, please don't speak out your ass
14:45.03tzangerit's very much a card swap
14:45.09GodseyI have a AG-168V that has ptsn port
14:45.19GodseyI can't figure out how to setup the dial plan in it :)
14:49.12tzangeroh wow
14:49.35tzangerlooks like hte new te410/405 went to an ee instead of proprietary xilinx configuration rom
14:49.39tzangervery nifty
14:50.00key2the xilinx is a FPGA not a rom
14:50.48tzangerkey2: no, but the xilinx FPGA uses a custom xilinx ROM for configuration
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14:51.05key2oh ok
14:51.06tzangerXS02 or something along that line is the part number
14:51.19key2and the board of the TE410 and TE411 looks the same ?
14:51.33key2just the fpga firmware that is != ?
14:52.02tzangerkey2: it is the same board
14:52.11tzangerthe TE411 is a TE410 with a daughtercard
14:52.25Pakipenguinanyone here using budgetone?
14:52.29key2tzanger: ok so there is an extra module
14:52.43key2that's the one that does the echo cancel right ?
14:52.51tzangerbut the older TE410s needed to be swapped out to do the firmware upgrade to support the new daughtercards
14:53.02FaithXPakipenguin: yup
14:53.07tzangeryes the daughtercard is an echo canceller
14:53.24PakipenguinFaithx , my budgetone started showing center > when i press login only
14:54.11FaithXPakipenguin: I don't know what you are referring to.
14:54.36PakipenguinFaithX: when you goto the admin screen from logon , it shows this
14:54.46key2tzanger: what's the price of the daughter card ?
14:54.52FaithXPakipenguin: what model?
14:55.14tzangerkey2: ask Digium.  :-)
14:55.30tzangermy guess?  take the cost of the TE411 and subtract from it the cost of the TE410 :-)
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14:55.38Pakipenguinbt - 100
14:56.08FaithXPakipenguin: an older phone then?
14:57.04key2tzanger: would it be smart to invent a pci card that does just echo cancel ?
14:57.22jontowhow would you mate it to all the random other devices?
14:57.36tzangerkey2: nope
14:57.56key2tzanger: why not ?
14:58.22tzangerkey2: you're doubling the PCI bandwidth used
14:58.27tzangerincreasing latency
14:58.44key2tzafrir: still better than the CPU echo cancel
15:00.24tzangerkey2: take a look at industry... I don't think so
15:00.36tzangerbetter to cancel it on the physicla T1 than do it over the PCI bus
15:03.32*** join/#asterisk efonz (~ekarim@
15:04.02efonzAsterisk and H323 ?
15:04.42efonzanyone using * + ser ?
15:05.25mrplumwhat's ser?
15:07.57*** join/#asterisk Strom_TM (
15:10.02efonzSip Express Router
15:10.17ariel_efonz, asterisk and H323 then next line asking about * + Ser.. Ser is a sip server
15:13.30mrplumSo you want to use Ser but terminate your ptsn number thorugh asterisk or something?
15:13.32efonzI know that very well..2 separate questions
15:13.59mrplumdunno if anyone uses, I'm sure as heck not that complicated :)
15:15.17efonzI am sure also ... have a small prob there..using ser for the last 6 months wtih *
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15:23.24efonzanyone familiar with '481 call leg does not exist " ?
15:23.55tzafrirany reason why there are new versions of the asterisk-sounds tarball that contain the same files?
15:24.34darwin35any one have a calll blocking setup ?
15:24.52darwin35call rejection
15:24.53tzafrirmine works great: I get none :-)
15:25.09darwin35mind sharing
15:26.01darwin35I need a way to block unwanted calls
15:26.09darwin35per exten
15:26.18darwin35and global
15:26.58PatrickDKthat depends on how you determine what calls are blocked and not
15:27.23PatrickDKif you just check against astdb, that is easy
15:27.35darwin35for right now thats the plan
15:27.52darwin35but plan to move to realtime once I read up on it
15:28.27darwin35only reason I ask is I dont find it in the wiki
15:29.42PrionIs there a good reference for the (new?) Set() command?
15:30.33coppicetzanger: cancelling echos within an E1 is OK, and flexible. Cancelling echos on an H.100 connected card with a PCI feed of its output is the most effective way in the telephony-in-servers world
15:30.55coppicetzanger: as you said, a PCI canceller card would suck
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15:39.37*** join/#asterisk Slup (~Slup@
15:40.34SlupRing Ring
15:40.48Strom_TMFive cents please
15:40.55Strom_TMPlease deposit five cents for the first one minute
15:41.37Slupi thought this was a free call :S
15:41.38*** join/#asterisk juice (
15:42.10Slupcna you do me a favor?
15:42.20Slupjust need someone to call me
15:42.26Strom_TMyeah, i'll call
15:42.29Strom_TMnumber please
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16:11.23Pete_Largo~convert 150 eur to usd
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16:25.16pifiuhey what are some websites with music on hold?
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16:39.40darwin35is dbdel still used ?
16:39.53darwin35in head
16:40.03*** join/#asterisk mag_um (cvx@
16:44.08Sluphi mag_um
16:47.35*** join/#asterisk rizzo2 (~luigi@
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16:49.39pifiuhey what are some websites with music on hold files?
16:50.52pcmi'm lookin for  Rob Thomas :)
16:51.40Slupwhat sort of music you looking for?
16:52.02pifiufor a business enviroment
16:52.08pifiubut its pretty broad
16:52.12pifiuand laid back, so i think anything will do
16:52.16Sluplol yea that is
16:52.32Slupany mp3 site
16:52.58pifiui could have sworn there was a site with free music
16:53.15pifiulike to search for different kinds and such
16:53.45Slupprobably is
16:54.21Slupi've had a look befor and didn't find much but that was quite a while ago and i didn't look to hard
16:54.39Slupi just use tunes from my mp3 collection
16:55.41*** join/#asterisk flotox (
16:56.42jontowfor a business environment, that can get hairy with legal concerns.
16:57.26Slupmmm depends how big the firm is
16:58.31*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
16:58.56dalaberaGuys Hello everyone!!
16:59.56PrionMight want to search for 'podsafe music' as most of that is unencumbered
17:01.45dalaberaI have an issue with a T400p card, I have a Pri T1 connected to the 2 span and for some reason there are certains calls that get stuck on the first channels on this server and prevent other calls to get in, Any IDEAS??
17:02.18pcmare you using PRI ISDN ?
17:02.21pcmw/it ?
17:03.35*** join/#asterisk Marlow (
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17:06.26dalaberawhy you any issues?
17:06.34dalaberayou know any issues?
17:06.47kimosabedoes any one know how to configure fxo fxs interfaces on a cisco router
17:07.10*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
17:10.09*** join/#asterisk MichaelSaunders (
17:10.19MichaelSaundersI am running asterisk realtime
17:10.27MichaelSaundershas anyone got voicemail working
17:14.15Marlowkimosabe: hasn't really anything to do with asterisk has it ?, try #cisco or something :)
17:14.38*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
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17:17.39dalaberapcm are you still there??
17:20.17*** part/#asterisk jeffik (~Jeff@
17:26.21MichaelSaundersMarlow: Do you have asterisk running in realtime
17:29.13infinity1time for another day of *
17:29.58*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:31.12infinity1its a toy
17:31.30infinity1i decided i'm going to purchase a toy gxp2000 today :)
17:32.10infinity1and maybe an ata. nothing with two g.729's though. too much $
17:32.24DarthClueyes g729 cost money to use.
17:32.30infinity1DarthClue: what you got? you got my attention has gxp2000 for $99
17:35.01DarthClueI doubt I could beat that price.
17:35.33infinity1how about a  HandyTone ATA286. its $55 on their website.
17:36.01infinity1wtf. $99 without the headset???
17:37.12infinity1GN Netcom 9120 w/ Flex-Boom Headset ...looks nice
17:37.21infinity1$275? oucH!
17:37.23DarthCluemost of my cost savings are in the polycoms.
17:37.36infinity1how much for a nice poly?
17:37.46Marlowinfinity1: that's because it's a prof. headset ..
17:37.55DarthCluei can get a polycom ip501 with a headset for about $250
17:37.56*** join/#asterisk DirtyAl (~alessandr@
17:38.02Marlowinfinity1: not only thought for bluetooth, but for callcenter environment
17:38.15infinity1Marlow: it has bluetooth?
17:38.41infinity1thats what i need. a bluetooth headset, so when i'm at starbucks, i can use it on my laptop + soft phone.
17:39.28BullWeivelwould you guys consider a dual-P2-450 with about 512mb of ram a decent asterisk box???  Its only going to have up to 4 FXO cards in it to grab pots lines.  Eventualy the box is going to be setup with an auto attendant for my little company...  all the phones will likely be Cisco 7940's using SIP.    Were talking at max 5 extensions.   It might also connect to nufone for long distance calling as well.    So anyways... shouldn't those hardware specs be p
17:39.59Strom_TMBullWeivel, with no transcoding you'll be fine
17:40.04Strom_TMkeep everything ulaw
17:40.14Marlowinfinity1: the Netcom 9120 is a combination headset ..
17:40.19Marlowinfinity1: it is bluetooth ..
17:40.25BullWeiveltranscoding... sorry for my noobness...what is that?
17:40.44Strom_TMgoing from ulaw to, say, G.726 or GSM
17:41.12infinity1i need to do some research on codecs. all i know is people say use gsm with nufone. heh
17:41.26BullWeivelahh okay..that is what i thought but wanted to make sure.    Which one works the best of poor internet links?  just would be nice to be on a trip and use the phone system over the internet.
17:41.48Strom_TMBullWeivel, G.726 if you can get away with it
17:41.52BullWeivelso using a softphone with bluetooth sitting at starbucks would be nice ;)
17:42.05Strom_TMotherwise, possibly GSM or iLBC
17:42.05infinity1BullWeivel: that was my idea. give it back :)
17:42.11Strom_TMbut try ulaw first
17:42.32*** part/#asterisk Marlow (
17:42.34BullWeivelyou can have it back :)  my laptop is a piece of crap...its an old P2-300mhz box.
17:43.38BullWeivelwell likely the box wont have more then one phone call coming through it at a time.   Im also looking at making the box doing faxing as well.  But not sure that is even possible with the cards I have.
17:44.10infinity1what order should a softphone use codecs in?
17:44.20infinity1g729, ulaw, and then gsm?
17:44.44kimosabeis any one configuring cisco to talk to asterisk ??
17:45.07Strom_TMno no
17:45.09Strom_TMulaw first
17:45.12Strom_TMthen g.726
17:45.20Strom_TMthen ilbc, then gsm
17:45.34BullWeivelkimsoabe:   you mean having it talk to the cisco VOIP call manager...  or to cisco gear. (ie the telephones)
17:45.43Strom_TMg.729 sounds just like gsm but costs more
17:45.49kimosabecisco gera routers fxo fxs cards
17:46.02kimosabetrying to replace motorolla routers on a site
17:46.33infinity1what aobut alaw
17:46.46Strom_TMalmost identical to ulaw
17:46.49BullWeivelahh okay..  i have never messed with those.   We have a Cisco Call Manager at my main job, but nothing asterisks.
17:47.09BullWeivelto configure the cisco i would check out there website though...they have some great documentation on configurations.
17:47.27kimosabebullwevel youve confugred cisco routers
17:47.43kimosabeyoure famaliar with voice pots config on cisco ?
17:47.49BullWeivelyes... but to work with Cisco gear.. and also not fxo/fso cards.
17:48.00infinity1i put it ulaw, alaw, g729, ilbc, gsm
17:48.06BullWeiveli have done it with T-1 cards and thats it.
17:48.33*** join/#asterisk SwK (
17:48.36kimosabethanks man
17:49.38*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (~linux@
17:50.42dalaberaI have an issue with a T400p card, I have a Pri T1 connected to the 2 span and for some reason there are certains calls that get stuck on the first channels on this server and prevent other calls to get in, Any IDEAS??
17:51.16*** join/#asterisk Supaplex (
17:55.44infinity1anyone have experience with the ata286 vs sepura ata's?
17:56.55*** join/#asterisk The_Duke (
17:59.25blitzrageyay php development
17:59.50The_Dukecan someone help me find a good 800# provider....
18:00.27DarthClueDuke: for voip?
18:01.28DarthClueasterlink is 2 cents a minute prepaid, $10 to start.  I had mine up within 15 minutes and it has worked flawlessly.
18:02.17*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
18:02.25*** part/#asterisk BullWeivel (~BullWeive@
18:04.13infinity1how about a good 408 area code provider.
18:07.32The_Dukeyes 800# for voip ;-)
18:08.03infinity1hmmm... too many hardward choices.
18:08.07infinity1er hardware
18:08.27SwKwhere is 408?
18:08.29mrplumI ran across sixtel the other day, haven't tried them but their prices seem okay,
18:08.33*** join/#asterisk BleedingMe (
18:08.36mrplumthey have 800#'s...
18:08.49mrplumof course I went to try and sign up and their servers were down :) dunno if htat says much for service
18:09.10infinity1how many features can you get with just and fxs port?
18:09.26SwKi've used a few different providers and lets just say that i've been on asterlink for a while and will be staying there
18:09.39infinity1i can't decided if i should use more fsx ports or voip phones.
18:09.59infinity1SwK: california, usa.
18:10.05SwKinfinity1: well do you need analogs for faxing?
18:10.06infinity1er san jose, ca
18:10.23SwKinfinity1: i have some BeverlyHIlls DIDs
18:10.54infinity1swk: i'm not sure what to do with faxing yet. right now i just use a fax to email gateway.
18:11.07infinity1i hear the digium cards are no good for fax.
18:11.16SwKthey werk
18:11.31SwKif you are talking about tdm400s
18:11.42infinity1yea. the current card.
18:11.47infinity1with 4 modules
18:11.52SwKotherwise you are looking at a FAX passthru over 711Ulaw
18:12.52infinity1so about the fxs vs voip phone. any thoughts? what features can you use with the flash button and an fxs port?
18:13.14ariel_I have used the digium TDM400 boards for a while now. I don't know why people think that faxes don't work with them.  They do I use them without any issues.
18:13.32infinity1ariel_: i haven't tried yet. just what i've heard :)
18:16.07SwKissues w/ digium hardware and faxing are usually related to T1 from the PSTN and T1 to a channel bank and then you have your timing setup wrong
18:16.39*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
18:17.51_Eagle_anyone know why when i do a GotoIf in a macro, it exits the macro?  the goto is within the macro, not outside of it
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18:18.31*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
18:19.25ariel__Eagle_, post the macro on and let us see it.  Tell us alittle about it and we might be able to help.
18:20.01_Eagle_well its quite simple... ive narrowed it down mostly...
18:20.05_Eagle_it gets to this line:
18:20.07_Eagle_exten => s,12,GotoIf($[${ACCEPTCALL} = 1] ? s|20)
18:20.24_Eagle_and the GotoIf resolves to True....
18:20.45_Eagle_this shows up in the verbose...
18:21.18_Eagle_and then it exits, instead of going to s,20
18:21.35_Eagle_and yes, i checked to make sure s,20 exists, and i dont *see* any typos...
18:21.56_Eagle_ive tried changing all kinds of stuff... different order, different variables, etc
18:22.24_Eagle_i tried using s,20 and s|20
18:22.36sivanaanyone here use SugarCRM?
18:23.25infinity1sivana: xrms
18:23.38infinity1sivana: we hate sugarcrm users :)
18:23.44_Eagle_the concept i'm using is all based on an exampleon and i dont think i'm trying to do anything they aren't doing there
18:23.50sivanaxrms is another product?
18:23.58infinity1sivana: imho its better than sugar.
18:24.42_Eagle_any ideas?
18:24.52sivanainfinity1: I'm checking it out
18:25.14_Eagle_i mean, you CAN use GotoIf in a macro, as long as you dont leave the macro, right?  or is the example on voip-info wrong?
18:25.25infinity1sivana: i've used xrms a lot. not with * yet. i've written a few plugins for xrms.
18:26.08sivanainfinity1: oh god.. it's more confusing :)
18:26.19sivanabased on the demo
18:27.16_Eagle_can anyone verify that for me?
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18:27.35infinity1sivana: do some research. the sugar guys are assholes  in my opition. they got all pissy with tigercrm because the used sugar crm as their code base
18:27.39SwKany nagios users?
18:27.43infinity1sivana: and its obviously open source.
18:28.13infinity1sivana: once i found that out, i won't get near sugar. its the principal :)
18:28.42Qorkyanyone here got more than one fritz! card PCI v2.1 working in the same machine ?
18:28.46infinity1but still, xrms i think is better. its flexible, and UI is more basic, but yet very powerful.
18:28.51infinity1gotta go. l8
18:30.16_Eagle_anyone at least know where i can find an authoritative answer on that?
18:30.28Slupi'm trying to understand somthing if someone can give me some help ...
18:32.32_Eagle_slup:  you ever wonder if they're ignoring you on purpose? :-)  50 billion people on the channel, and no one awake?  hard to believe... :-)
18:32.45Slupi have an * box and am trying to get it to accept incomming sip calls so i have forwarded 5060 etc to * but then i cant make calls on a phone that is setup with an account directly to an external provider
18:33.32Slupdo i need to have a proxy on the network or am i just setting things up wrong?
18:33.40_Eagle_you also have to open up another range of ports i think...  sip uses 5060 for the control stream, but then there's an rtp stream too
18:33.46_Eagle_i dont know which range it is
18:33.59*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
18:34.01Slupyea i have 10000-10500 udp
18:34.05_Eagle_are you getting one-sided conversations?
18:34.16_Eagle_(kinda like me on irc)
18:35.03Slupno i'm getting service unavailable when i ring from the phone thats setup with the external provider
18:35.43_Eagle_is the asterisk console giving you any clue?
18:35.51_Eagle_you have it on verbose.... -vvv ?
18:36.01tzafrir_laptopset verbose 3
18:36.05_Eagle_try sip debug?  look for error messages?
18:36.32_Eagle_although i admit, sip debug is a pain to read/parse by a human who doesnt know the inner workings of the sip protocol
18:37.15*** join/#asterisk djin_ib (
18:37.17DarthCluesip requires 5060 and rtp 10000 to 20000, iax and iax2 require different ports as well.
18:37.24_Eagle_time to repeat my question from before that never got answered...
18:37.32_Eagle_i mean, you CAN use GotoIf in a macro, as long as you dont leave the macro, right?  or is the example on voip-info wrong?
18:37.45Strom_TM_Eagle_, why dont you just try it and see?
18:37.57JohnsieStrom_TM: Exactly.
18:38.06JohnsieI wouldn't consider a credible source of data.
18:38.07Slupi have this build that has a nifty web interface but it dosn't give you any access directy on the box
18:38.24_Eagle_strom:  because it doesnt work for me...  but the example on shows 2 different people doing it successfully
18:38.34DarthCluetake a look at for more info on the firewall.
18:38.44_Eagle_so i'm wondering if i'm doing something wrong, or if the examples are outdated
18:38.52DarthClue_Eagle_: voip-info is more of a starting point and it also depends on which version of * you are using.
18:38.56JohnsieThey're either outdated or completely wrong.
18:39.04DarthClue_Eagle_: you using HEAD or STABLE?
18:39.05_Eagle_i'm using today's CVS
18:39.19DarthClue_Eagle_: what page on voip-info?
18:39.43_Eagle_just upgraded, because it wasnt working, and my old version was several months old, so i thought maybe this was new functionality
18:39.50_Eagle_let me grab the url
18:40.05_Eagle_its on the Dial instructions... the examples for call screening
18:41.42_Eagle_there's an example about a third of the way down that uses it
18:41.48DarthClue_Eagle_: pastebin the relevant sections of your conf.
18:41.51jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
18:41.54_Eagle_and another example about half the way down, by a different person, that uses it too
18:43.48Strom_TMEagle: those examples look like they jump around within the macro
18:45.45_Eagle_thats what i want to do, strom
18:46.24_Eagle_i added a bunch of verbose commands because i was trying to debug exactly where it was dying
18:46.30_Eagle_thats why it is so long and messy
18:46.59Strom_TMwhy are you using pipes?
18:47.15Strom_TMtry having extension,priority rather than extension|priority
18:47.15*** join/#asterisk rnovotny22 (arthur11@
18:47.19_Eagle_i tried it with commas... didnt work... so i changed to pipes
18:47.22_Eagle_doesnt work either way
18:47.38_Eagle_i always used to use pipes...  long before commas worked
18:47.52Strom_TMGotoIf($[${ACCEPTCALL} = 2] ? s|16)
18:47.55Strom_TMshouldnt this read
18:48.04Strom_TMGotoIf($[${ACCEPTCALL} = "2"] ? s|16)
18:48.55_Eagle_its not that way in the examples
18:48.59_Eagle_they dont use quotes
18:49.36Strom_TMthats how my gotoifs are and they work
18:50.01DarthClue_Eagle_: try "${ACCEPTCALL}" = "2", also, what shows on the cli?
18:50.12Strom_TMGotoIf($["${EXTEN}" = "5552368"]?incoming_voicepulse,s,1
18:54.52_Eagle_i added the quotes, as instructed... still doesnt work
18:55.36_Eagle_instead of going to s,20 it just exits the macro.. and goes to the GOTO in the MACRO_RESULT variable
18:55.50Strom_TMtake the spaces out around the question mark
18:56.54DarthCluejust the one after the question mark should do it.
19:00.23_Eagle_that did it!
19:00.39_Eagle_took out the spaces, and it works!
19:00.48_Eagle_thank you thank you thank you thank you!!
19:00.54Strom_TMyay!  now was that worth all the pointless bitching?
19:00.59_Eagle_ive spent like 3 hours on this!
19:01.20_Eagle_strom:  yes... actually.. because if i hadn't bitched, i wouldn't have found the error :-)
19:01.30_Eagle_thank you very much everyone!
19:01.36Strom_TMyou're welcome :)
19:01.58_Eagle_i guess i'm too used to C where whitespace is ignored
19:02.09_Eagle_didnt even THINK about the extra whitespace in extensions.conf
19:02.39_Eagle_thanks again!  enjoy the rest of your day :-)
19:02.58_Eagle_oh... btw...
19:03.05_Eagle_dunno if its just me here...
19:03.10_Eagle_but when i tried to compile today's CVS...
19:03.23_Eagle_it crashed my machine.. total lock up... needed a power cycle
19:03.33_Eagle_old versions never did that
19:03.54_Eagle_so i rebooted, and tried again... this time doing a make where i left off.. instead of doing a make clean first
19:03.58_Eagle_and it worked....
19:04.04*** join/#asterisk slup (~Slup@
19:04.09_Eagle_but then i tried recompiling again, after i upgraded libpri...
19:04.09*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (~romik@
19:04.24_Eagle_and same thing happened...  computer froze during compile... at a different point in the code
19:04.40_Eagle_again, never happened with other versions... only today's CVS (last time i upgraded was a few months ago)
19:04.55_Eagle_in case anyone else mentions a freeze up or whatever... just wanted to let you know
19:05.37_Eagle_i dont have time to debug it now though... i'm late
19:05.42_Eagle_thanks again... seeya
19:07.26*** join/#asterisk iheartcanada (
19:07.43iheartcanadahi, i have just installed sjphone, how do i test that i have it installed and configured correctly for use
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19:13.49Strom_TMhey! it's bkw!
19:18.52iheartcanadawhat does a company like do for you?
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19:34.18dyl0nhat zufällig grade jemand eine gultigen dvbshop rabattcode da?
19:35.33dougheckawhy, yes, I think we do
19:39.06iheartcanadahey i am a little confused, what's the difference between setting up your own asterisk box and using
19:39.33blitzrageother than the convenience of being able to do whatever you want with your own Asterisk
19:39.42dougheckaaaannd therea ya have it folks, NOTHING!
19:52.48*** join/#asterisk eric`` (
19:54.16NewSoleanyone alive
19:54.27Strom_TMwe all died of anyeurisms
19:54.45NewSolethis heat must have killed everyone
19:56.26NewSolelol... I watched starwars lastnite before bed
20:01.32*** join/#asterisk pifiu (~myassisbi@
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20:09.19sudhir492Anyone here using farfon ATA?
20:09.32sudhir492it supports IAX2 only
20:10.25*** join/#asterisk eric`` (
20:11.10file[laptop]there's an ATA now?
20:13.41*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (
20:14.23dyl0nkennt sich jemand gut it asterisk aus und kann mir bisschen beim einrichten helfen?
20:14.26ariel_I actually have not even seen the farfon either.
20:18.09ariel_I also remember that Virbiage was going to be making a sip phone.  I have also not seen them come out.  But I heard that they instead are going to be making an iax ATA unit.
20:29.55*** join/#asterisk DA-MAN (
20:30.39pifiuhey ariel got the polycom 501 to work
20:30.48pifiui havent gotten the cisco yet
20:30.50pifiuto work at least
20:33.26sudhir492I am looking for a cheaper ATA, in quantities of 100, but Linksys has increased the price for us lesser mortals
20:33.40djin_ibpifiu, which cisco?
20:33.48sudhir492And Digium guys have very arrogant pricing.
20:34.26shidohow many?
20:34.31shidosudhir492, you need 100
20:34.31djin_ibsudhir492, sipura
20:34.34shidoshipped where?
20:34.41shidoI have 10,000 in stock
20:34.48sudhir492Northern VA, near DC
20:35.00shidofedex 2 day good enough for you?
20:35.01sudhir492yes, PAP2-NA will work
20:35.07sudhir492sure. what is the price
20:35.27shidoI sell them individually for 80 with NuFone minutes
20:35.34shidodo you need minutes or just the units
20:35.50shidoI'll work out a bulk discount price for the 100 lot
20:36.07sudhir492I dont care for nufone minutes. Most of the ATAs are going to my business clients, for their call centers
20:36.30sudhir492just the units
20:36.32shidono problem - drop me a line to so its logged and I'll reply with a price
20:37.39*** join/#asterisk quickmoney (
20:38.52quickmoneyhi, sorry to ask again, if i install Asterisk in my production gungkh232 box, will this affect my h323gk/?if i only use Asterisck SIP function, it should not conflict, correct??
20:39.02quickmoneydon't hv spare server at this moment;
20:39.44sudhir492has anyone here used pa-1688 based ATAs. How is their quality and support?
20:40.33sudhir492shido: do you use other ATAs than PAP2-NA and iaxy?
20:40.42shidoI use a lot of gear
20:41.02shidothe pap2s are easy for me to configure when Im testing or training an asterisk student
20:46.37*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (
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20:53.07festr_!seen zoa
20:53.22DarthClue~seen zoa
20:53.22jbotzoa <zoa@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 18d 21h 18m 15s ago, saying: 'ciao twisted'.
20:53.29festr_thanks DarthClue
20:53.47bewestif I"m using Playtones to give a dial tone, how can I stop the sound immediately whenever they enter a number?
20:53.47DarthClueThe bill is in the mail.
20:53.48festr_18days hmmm
20:54.34festr_anyway, i have seen jitter patches fot sip channel ( anyone have tryed this?
20:55.04Qorkyhmm i dont have /dev/capi devices. what am i missing ? can anyone please help
20:55.31Qorkyim running 2.4.26 and have installed my fritz card. drivers seem to load all fine.
20:57.22Qorkyi modprobe capi and the modules look all good.
20:57.55Qorkyfcpci                 532192   1
20:57.56Qorkycapi                   17760   0
20:57.56Qorkykernelcapi             30752   2  [fcpci capi]
20:57.56Qorkycapiutil               22592   0  [kernelcapi]
20:57.56Qorkycapifs                  4016   0  [capi]
20:58.08Qorkywhat should creat the /dev devices ?
21:07.07Qorkydoes isdn4k-utils create those /dev's ?
21:10.47Qorkyhmm going round in circles is fun.
21:10.59*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
21:14.52*** join/#asterisk tabmeister (
21:15.31tabmeisterafter using ports to compile on FreeBSD what is the next step?
21:15.49tabmeisteri tried to do make samples however its not recognized
21:20.58*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
21:25.32*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
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21:33.26*** join/#asterisk colinm_ (~colol@VDSL-130-13-8-95.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
21:37.14The_DukeMatt I just sent you an email
21:37.32filehe's not here...
21:38.32SwKtabmeister: the port on FBSD is rather old last time I checked... you're better off checking it out from CVS and going that route
21:39.56*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:40.15*** join/#asterisk ETH_ (~user@
21:41.39shidomake samples?
21:42.17Qorkyarg! i cant get get the /dev/capi device
21:42.21tabmeistereh :(
21:42.52p0lardon't go up in smoke
21:43.02Qorkyhmm what creates that device ?
21:43.03file[laptop]I'm good, i'M GOOD
21:43.18tabmeisterim running 1.0.3 isnt that the newest ver?
21:43.29Wonkatabmeister: rtf topic
21:43.29file[laptop]1.0.8 is the newest, LOL
21:43.32tabmeistershit :|
21:43.34tabmeisterthank you :)
21:43.43file[laptop]it's amazing what information is right at your fingertips
21:43.54tabmeisteryeah how surprising.. im out of it
21:45.12tabmeisteri downloaded the tar, untarred it however when i run make i get tons of dependency errors
21:45.35*** join/#asterisk techie (
21:46.11tabmeisterfile[laptop] what did i do this time :o
21:46.24file[laptop]you're here, that's a good enough reason
21:47.30tabmeister>:) is the latest version compat with BSD?
21:47.35X-RobSucks you be you americans, doesn't it.
21:47.55X-Robyou have broadvoice that sucks arse, _and_ livevoip eating everyone's money
21:48.28*** join/#asterisk telephoneman (
21:48.31X-Robwhilst we only have voip providers that don't give you what you paid for, never recharge your accounts, and when you do manage to speak to them only talk to you in cantonese or mandarin
21:48.32X-Roboh yeah
21:48.33file[laptop]meh some people put LOTS of money into their account...
21:48.37X-Robwe've got it good here
21:49.17X-Robfile, has matt (sineapps) contacted you yet?
21:49.18telephonemanDoes anyone know whats happened with (Steve Underwood's spandsp site)?
21:50.08*** join/#asterisk Champi (Champi@2001:6f8:319:0:0:0:11:101)
21:50.09file[laptop]he's not on here
21:50.16X-Robeg, no 8)
21:50.16file[laptop]his nick is ZX81
21:50.31X-RobThat's the piece that I didn't know.
21:50.55*** join/#asterisk dudes (
21:51.14file[laptop]I never knew this but apparently my cellphone has GPS capabilities
21:51.16file[laptop]how sneaky of them...
21:51.53X-RobAll US cellphones have GPS capabilities
21:51.55X-Robfor your 911 stuff.
21:52.31imcdonaYou can actually track people with the nexttel phones....
21:52.38imcdonaparaents keeping tracks of kids etc
21:53.16SwKshit you dont even need the GPS to track people with a cell phone
21:53.37SwKall you need is a couple of field strength meters and their their IEMI
21:54.02imcdonaReminds me of following the needle back when I was heavily into CB
21:54.03X-Rob...and some way to make the FSM's only pick up the phone's IEMI...
21:54.07X-Robwhich is the hard bit.
21:54.14*** part/#asterisk colinm_ (~colol@VDSL-130-13-8-95.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
21:55.13SwKX-Rob: why is that so hard... its not like the stuff is using strong crypto
21:55.44X-Robwell. a FSM is usually an analogue device. With no concept of the contents of the frequency.
21:56.13SwKwell yeah so its not as simple as I made it sound, but its still not a hard task
21:56.21dudesAnyone know of a dual VGA video card (no DVI or TV-out.) Just two monitor outpurs
21:56.48X-Robmost dual cards have an adaptor that will convert DVI to VGA
21:56.57SwKdudes: what X-Rob said
21:57.24dudesX-Rob - thanks ... I didn't know that
21:57.33SwKjsut go look at compusa they have several in the not to expensive range
21:57.39SwK(ie: sub 100usd)
21:58.13DarthCluedudes: you can also pick up that adapter for a fairly reasonable price as well.
21:58.42dudesI've been trying to bridge a sis315, but I don't think the card has the right chipset.
21:59.22dudesI think I'll upgrade to an nvidia Dual Head so I can use both monitors and use the sis315 for TV only (as it is now.)
22:00.37dudesAnyone ever used a Mobile XP
22:00.43file[laptop]you can't touch my Powerbook
22:00.48file[laptop]it has magical powers
22:09.56*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
22:15.13PatrickDKheh, just go matrox video cards
22:15.24PatrickDKthey are so much faster, except at games
22:15.34PatrickDKbut then, who plays games anyways
22:16.07darwin35 need some feed back on these extenesions .
22:17.02darwin35not sure I got all the maping right
22:17.23darwin35but put alot of work into it
22:21.12darwin35food is over Rated .. joltcola and chips and twix bars
22:21.36ManxPowerThose are food!
22:22.12*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
22:22.43UmaroHey guys, anyone here have a working SER/Asterisk system running? Having some small issues
22:23.06ManxPowerdarwin35, put them into test/production and see what happens
22:23.33JerJer[mobile]Umaro:  i am sure many have that combo running
22:23.33ManxPowerCancel my subscription.  I don't want your issues.
22:24.35darwin35well I am just needing some feed back on them I am just mapping fuctions that are out in tthe real world .
22:25.07*** join/#asterisk Falle (
22:25.10darwin35and make a fully functiona; pbx with all the mapped features
22:26.18darwin35been a good bit of fun doing it . but need feedback now and then
22:27.02ManxPowerdarwin35, My expectations for users is pretty low.  My users don't use text messaging on their cell phones becuse "it's too complicated"
22:28.23darwin35well I just thought it would be nice to put out a enten.conf when I am done that is fully functional for all skill levels
22:28.50darwin35my bad
22:29.22darwin35and sms is pain on a cell phone
22:29.35ManxPowerdarwin35, It's really how you look at it.  Do you build a dialplan interface to custom calling features FIRST, then add a web interface, or do you do it the other way around.
22:29.40darwin35unless your just broadcasting to them
22:29.42ManxPowerWe will be doing it the other way around.
22:30.26ManxPowerdarwin35, "it's too complicated" means "too complicated to READ text messages".  I don't even know of they are aware they can SEND them.
22:30.40darwin35I thought build the pbx then the web interface
22:30.46darwin35but maybe wrong
22:31.19PatrickDKhmm, it's a pain to read text messages on my cellphone
22:31.24*** part/#asterisk terrapen (
22:31.25PatrickDKsending them is pretty easy though
22:36.57mmlj4hey ManxPower :-)
22:37.25darwin35well it helped me to kill time today and the last week
22:37.46darwin35while we  wait for new replacement hardware to cooem in
22:37.48ManxPowermmlj4, Did you work on the two cat5 jacks that had problems?
22:37.51mmlj4um, did you leave a notebook in the server room at the new office? or have you been there yet?
22:38.04mmlj4i fixed the kitchen one, but don't know where the other one is
22:38.24ManxPowermmlj4, No.
22:38.28mmlj4and punched down most of platinum, etc.
22:38.52ManxPowermmlj4, Would having the jack letter/number help?
22:39.17mmlj4no, that would make it too easy :-)
22:39.43ManxPowermmlj4, They are in the trouble ticket for the issue that was assigned to you on friday.
22:40.16mmlj4hey, you want I buy you lunch in miss'ippi one day, so you can tutor me on extensions.conf?
22:40.33ManxPowermmlj4, You should have attended Astricon. 8-)
22:40.38mmlj4oh, i didn't get any email from cerberus, i'll have to look at it
22:40.41ManxPowerThe next one is near Los Angels in Oct
22:40.59ManxPowermmlj4, *nod*  There's some oddity with cerberus and e-mail notifications
22:41.06mmlj4there's the boot camp thingies, i might cough up the dough for that one year
22:41.29ManxPowerTicket #66276-208: Jeanne no network link
22:41.31mmlj4i figure 2 fair-sized jobs and the $5000 fee is covered, etc.
22:41.57ManxPowermmlj4, Well, Europe was *FUN*
22:42.01mmlj4hmm,. october... when is oscon?
22:42.46mmlj4august, though
22:42.52*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
22:43.07mmlj4i was thinking of taking the hallway track, if i could get out there, etc.
22:43.13ManxPowerAh.  I would only consider a couple of conferences.  Usenix, Astricon, etc.
22:43.25carbon60Evening all.
22:43.47ManxPowermmlj4, Ever see this:
22:43.51*** join/#asterisk sarahemm (
22:43.52carbon60Is it true that channel vars don't propagate into the context a dial macro executes in?
22:43.53mmlj4someone on the baton rouge LUGlist is asking about the security usenix con
22:44.29mmlj4yeah, safari.. i don't read fast enough to make it worth my while
22:44.42mmlj4i mean, i can read, and do all the time, but books never end up getting read around here
22:44.54ManxPowermmlj4, Make the time.
22:45.33ManxPowermmlj4, I used it the other day to use the book Practical Perl (which I own, but didn't have with me) to look up some stuff.
22:46.23mmlj4so, about lunch...
22:46.50ManxPowermmlj4, Maybe after the 4th of July?
22:46.56mmlj4ok, fair enough
22:47.00ManxPowerI've not even made it HOME yet.
22:47.21*** part/#asterisk Romik_ (
22:51.56*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
22:52.00shmaltzhi every1
22:54.11jbotmethinks sun is starting to "sneak" it's way towards the horizon... a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace
22:54.19jbotSunday sucks, because tomorrow is monday (See monday).  Also, sunday is the day we do all the stuff we should've done Saturday, but didn't.
22:54.27sarahemmtoday is pseudofriday for me
22:54.31jbothmm... monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
22:54.32sarahemmlast day of work before my weekend!
22:54.44shmaltzsarahemm, why?
22:54.49sarahemmshmaltz: why what?
22:54.57shmaltzwhy is it friday for you?
22:55.16jbotTuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday).
22:55.17sarahemmbecause i work 4 days on 4 days off. so my work week doesn't sync with weekdays
22:55.27shmaltzhmmm, I see
22:55.28sarahemmso this week i work until today, and i'm off mon-thurs, then back from fri-mon in theory
22:55.33sarahemmbut i have monday off to take classes mon-fri...
22:55.34jbotWednesday sucks, because it is only half way through the week.
22:55.42jbot"This must be Thursday.  I could never get the hang of Thursdays." (Arthur Dent)
22:55.53jbotFriday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
22:56.02jbotSaturday is the day that sucks the least!
22:56.13shmaltzbut it still sucks :)
22:56.55sarahemmfor me it did 'cuz i was working :P
22:56.59sarahemmand would rather have been out doing_stuff
22:58.02shmaltzsarahemm you in the US?
22:58.11sarahemmnope, canadia
22:58.22shmaltzmon is July 4th so no classes here
22:59.20sarahemmnot this monday
22:59.25sarahemmthis monday is june 27 :)
22:59.36slupquick distro poll:
22:59.38slupfor running * which distro do you recomend?
23:00.03shmaltzslup, which one do you currently use?
23:00.16slupfedora C2
23:00.47shmaltzyou can stay with that one. It should work just fine
23:01.00Qorkyhmm anyone able to get multiple fritz cards to work in the same machine?
23:01.03QorkyI'm stuck.
23:01.39slupout of FC2 and RH9 is there much in it?
23:02.12slupor any of the fedora cores
23:02.18shmaltzyou can stay with FC2 vs RH
23:02.38slupto be open linux isn't my fortey
23:02.43shmaltzthere is nothing better in RH vs FC2 regarding asterisk
23:03.08shmaltzslup, it's ok, a lot of us started out that way
23:03.10slupwhat do you run?
23:03.34shmaltzbut for someone not sure what to run slackware might be the last coice
23:03.43slupso your a bit deeper into linux now then
23:03.46shmaltzit doesn't have any package managment
23:03.51*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
23:04.04shmaltznow, yep, before nope
23:04.17shmaltzit took asterisk to get me into linux :)
23:04.18slupyea i have a set of linux videos i'm watching which is filling me in to a point
23:04.29slupyea me too
23:04.40shmaltzslup, stop that, the best teacher is experience
23:05.01sarahemmthe best way to learn things is to play with linux, break things horribly, and spend days recovering :)
23:05.02slupi've been saying for years and years got to get into that
23:05.04sarahemmyou learn a lot like that.
23:05.12shmaltzuse guides on the internet to get you thru it, and then just play around
23:05.32shmaltzI couldn't agree more with sarahemm
23:05.38shmaltzgtg guys
23:05.40sluptrouble is i have a business to run and Linux and * have a nasty way of making fortnights disapear :S
23:05.40shmaltzc ya
23:05.51shmaltzslup, same here
23:05.58shmaltzbut that's the only way
23:06.17slupsee ya shmaltz
23:07.02slupyea i'm trying to get to the stage where i have a working * so i can break fix learn on it
23:07.51sarahemm* is nifty :)
23:08.04Qorkyhmm anyone able to get multiple fritz!Card PCI to work in the same machine?? please.
23:08.17sarahemmwhat *is* a fritz!Card?
23:08.17slupi'm dyslexic, read books when i have to but if i can just have the thing infront of me and push this and pull that and see how it reacts i learn so much more
23:08.28sarahemmslup: me too :)
23:08.33sarahemmerr re: hands on learner, not dyslexic
23:08.58slupwas going to ask :)
23:09.31Qorkysarahemm its a popular isdn card
23:09.43sarahemmISDN's too expensive here, so not me :)
23:10.02sluphow long you been working on * sarahemm
23:10.18sarahemmalmost a month i think
23:10.21sarahemmactually, about a month
23:10.32slupnice and how far you got?
23:10.34sarahemmmostly writing apps and fixing bugs in the * code :)
23:10.39sarahemmumm, how far? whatcha mean?
23:11.27slupwell from what you just said it sounds like you had a head start from the off
23:11.39*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
23:11.47slupwhat you had got it to do
23:11.53sarahemmlinux and networking is my job.. so i'm familiar with it..
23:12.14sarahemmi'm working on TTY/TDD relation functionality mostly, i've not really touched the voice end yet heh
23:12.16slupbut coding apps and delving in to the source gp girl ;)
23:12.31slupahh ok
23:12.51sarahemmi want to get this stuff done, then i'll start owrking on other stuff...
23:13.05sarahemmthis is an app to be able to use a web browser to make/receive TTY/TDD calls from asterisk..
23:13.08sarahemmDamin: meow?
23:13.10DaminLiveVoip is bankrupt..
23:13.18DaminColor ME surprised. ;l)
23:13.21slupyea thats the other thing with * even if you are PC technical chances are your not a voice engineer too
23:13.24terrapenwhat did they do?
23:13.37sarahemmslup: *shrug* i've done my fair share of telecom related stuff :)
23:13.51sarahemmslup: i work mainly in networking and telecom related stuff but do linux stuff too
23:13.56Daminterrapen: Termination / Origination provider. Lemonade Stand ITSP..
23:14.19terrapenyeah, nobody has ever tried that before...
23:14.32DaminHopefully, the first of many idiots who the market will shake out..
23:14.33darwin35I bet alot of these springup overnight companies go under. they dont plan properly and buy all the hardware that is top of the line and then dont get the user base they need to survive
23:14.46tzangerI think there's more to it than that, darwin35
23:14.54slupsarahemm sounds like the perfect cv for *
23:15.28tzangeryou'll note that on the list at least one person said they weren't getting charged the right rates, I bet there's some recip stuff going on too
23:15.46darwin35i think that all asterisk boxes should auto seach out eachother and make a link  and auto route calls
23:15.57darwin35one giant asterisk network
23:16.08slupwel then code it darwin35
23:16.16terrapeni finally got OpenBSD working nicely on this Sony Picturebook
23:16.17Damindarwin35: Egads.. NO!
23:16.31terrapenwell, actually, to be precise, OpenBSD worked fine
23:16.40terrapenit was that was having problems
23:16.48terrapennow to install asterisk :)
23:16.53sarahemmslup: heh :)
23:16.59darwin35damin why not
23:17.04terrapeni wonder if asterisk would run on a Zaurus running OpenBSD
23:17.09terrapenif it would have enough power...
23:17.29Supaplexdepends on what you want it do to.
23:17.41terrapenjust handle an IAXy
23:17.43terrapenno transcodinbg
23:18.23terrapen^^ perfect little box
23:18.36terrapenhard as hell to find
23:18.39Supaplexget me one, and i'll eventually tell you. :) hehe
23:18.55terrapenbuy one on ebay :)
23:19.01terrapenor somewhere up there
23:20.55Supaplexif stealing were'nt stealing, I'd resell a few of them to pay off that dumb CC of mine. hehe
23:21.10opus__when dialing in realtime, i try to dial SIP/202 in my realtime database which is a user in the realtime database
23:21.14opus__but I get channel unavailable
23:21.39opus__And when I manually add Dial(SIP/202) to my dial plan I also get channel unavailable... has anyone seen this before?
23:22.07MikeJ[Laptop]opus__, perhapse SIP/202 is not available?
23:22.20opus__Its the extension I am dialing from..
23:22.39opus__I added rtcachefriends=yes and 'sip show peers' does not work.. Each user is a peer
23:23.08MikeJ[Laptop]your dialing from you too you, and it's unavailable?
23:23.17opus__It should ring on the other line
23:23.21MikeJ[Laptop]perhapse somone is on the phone so it is not available?
23:23.29Qorkyany have an extensions.conf example for capi?
23:23.31MikeJ[Laptop]what other line?
23:23.37opus__Its a polycom 500
23:23.42opus__it should ring from itself
23:23.52MikeJ[Laptop]what is the other line set up as, same sip peer?
23:23.53opus__BUt I can't dial anywhere
23:24.16opus__chan_sip.c: Peer '202' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic
23:24.27MikeJ[Laptop]if the phone is not registered properly, you can't call it
23:24.47MikeJ[Laptop]has nothing to do with rtcache, has to do with you have it configed wrong
23:25.18MikeJ[Laptop]how is it going to find the phone?
23:25.34opus__But rtcachefriends should eventually allow me to do 'sip show peers' and display the users i have setup in the database, right?
23:26.03MikeJ[Laptop]how are you going to call a phone, if asterisk does not know where it is?
23:26.27MikeJ[Laptop]and how is a peer that is not registering going to show up in show peers?
23:26.48opus__let me truncate the user table and readd the user
23:26.51MikeJ[Laptop]so fix your config for registration
23:26.56ETH_is there anyway to check how many calls in one trunk?
23:27.19MikeJ[Laptop]sigh... I can't do this tonight
23:27.59ETH_finally got iax trunk up and running, but not too sure if all calls are trunked or individual iax connections....
23:29.14*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
23:30.04*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
23:30.45opus__whoah sip show peers works now
23:31.01opus__some of the table columns needed to have a blank '' instead of a NULL
23:31.13opus__like allow and disallow callgroup etc
23:32.54opus__can I register => in reatltime?
23:33.33*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
23:35.30FaithfulHey guys,  for some reason it seems I have to reboot my system every day or so or I can't make reliable trunk connections to peer IAX servers.  I am running 1.0.6-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC7j
23:36.44Faithfuland it is just flakey stuff... like one call is fine the next just times out... cpu load is low... ?
23:39.05opus__faithful did you build from source?
23:42.15Supaplexterrapen: are the sl5500's any good?
23:50.17*** join/#asterisk DarthClue (
23:51.18sarahemmhihi DarthClue
23:52.03*** join/#asterisk xai (
23:53.01sarahemm17deg all the time in the DC..
23:53.26DarthCluethe office is much cooler than the house right now.
23:55.04tzanger17oC jesus my testicles would be chatterring at that temp
23:55.59sarahemmtzanger: heh. the computers like it :o)
23:56.06sarahemmkitriches like it around 27, but they're weird.
23:56.33DarthCluesarahemm: is that F or C?
23:56.37xaiA few months back someone said that * integration w/ ldap was not great. Is that still the case, or ?
23:57.23MikeJ[Laptop]there is an addon out there for ldap lookup, it works
23:57.30MikeJ[Laptop]last I tried it did at least
23:57.36sarahemmDarthClue: C
23:57.39sarahemm<-- Canadian
23:58.12tzangertoo cold
23:58.19sarahemmthere's a lot odd about sarahemm
23:58.22tzangerMy comfy zone is about 70-72
23:58.35tzangersometimes I like it colder and sometimes warmer but typically speaking
23:59.05DarthCluetzanger: it's about 95 with 40% humidity where I'm at and the ac isn't helping any.
23:59.32xaiIts alot easier to keep warm in a cool climate than to keep cool in a hot one, especially with a lot of systems humming.
23:59.47tzangerbut I try to never get stuck where a lot of systems are humming
23:59.51tzangerdrives me absolutely nuts after a while
23:59.58tzangerthat much white noise is hard on the ears

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.