irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050616

00:00.25*** join/#asterisk _af (unknown@
00:01.01SauronHum. That's annoying.
00:01.33*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
00:03.01timecopexcept one problem
00:03.07*** join/#asterisk Robot_ (
00:03.08timecopwhen you mute xlite/eyebeam on osx
00:03.12timecopit mutes the system volume
00:03.13timecoplol @ that
00:04.21Nuxisounds like a mac
00:05.07_afis there a preferred OS for asterisk, silly question i know, but i must ask ;]
00:05.25clueconDebian, Solaris, Fedora, anything but windows.
00:07.08dalaberaanyone here using Email to Fax?? if so in what format you send the file format on the email?
00:07.10_afmind if i continue to ask silly questions, im not sure about the question policy of the channel is why im asking, im used to being in channels where if your not that experienced in the channel topic, they beat you ;]
00:07.16dalaberaanyone here using Email to Fax?? if so in what format you send the file format on the email?
00:07.33[hC]twisted: can you get that headset to work with a 7960?
00:07.42[hC]twisted: even more preferrably, with a lifter?
00:07.43`Sauronthe spa1k1 is weird
00:07.52`Sauronif you have a message, it'll ring half a ring every so often
00:08.23[hC]you can shut that off
00:08.28file[laptop]dalabera: PDF or TIFF
00:08.29Nuxihey, * runs on windows too.
00:08.33`SauronThat'd be nice
00:09.04[hC]i forget exactly where but i think its in regional or something.. at the bottom of the page there is a value for ring length on VMWI (voice mail waiting indicator)
00:09.09[hC]set it to 0
00:09.32Nuxi   go cygwin! (not everything works and it's slow)
00:09.57dalaberafile[] I'm trying to send an image from the  windows imaging software and when it send the fax it's received in blank pages
00:10.00`SauronVMWI Ring Splash Len:
00:10.02cluecon_af: we won't beat you too severely.
00:10.04`Sauronon the "User 1" page
00:10.13_afhaha thanks cluecon ;]
00:10.23timecopfuck cygwin
00:10.33timecopif anyone actually had a clue they'd do a proper port to win32
00:10.36clueconNuxi: he said preferred.  windows is not preferred.
00:10.38`SauronhC, thanks
00:10.52Nuxicygwin brings the stability of windows to a unix like environment.  lol ;)
00:11.07timecopanother words makes windows crash and slow?
00:11.20clueconNuxi: that would actually work as a selling point to some people.
00:11.26_afanyone had much luck/experience with the intel 537 chipset modems? i bought a few to test out
00:11.26Nuxior makes your unix-like environment crash and run slow.
00:11.37timecopthat already does that by itslef
00:12.06timecop\\golf has been up for: 267 day(s), 18 hour(s), 29 minute(s), 51 second(s)
00:12.10timecop^^ windows machine which is used daily
00:12.14*** join/#asterisk tPO (~tPO@
00:12.29cluecontimecop: what version of windows and what does that machine do?
00:12.30*** join/#asterisk Weezey (WeezeyD@
00:12.38NuxiXP SP2
00:13.10Weezeyg729 licenses... If I call into asterisk then make a call out to another SIP device which has 729, how many licenses do I need? 1 or 2?
00:13.22timecopXP pro, and it runs some cpu-intensive calculations and occasionally used as a file server
00:13.26`SauronMan, it's like all the austinites fell off the planet today
00:14.00cluecontimecop: more details?  sounds like it doesn't really do much.
00:14.11timecopWeezey: if you call from a sip device which sues 729 and you call into device which uses 729 and there is no codec translation going on, you need 0 licenses
00:14.46Weezeyfor some reason I tried that and it didn't work though.
00:15.05timecopanother words if your voip provider accepts 729 and you connect from some sip phone that does 729 in hardware, it should just pass it through wihtout any conversion
00:15.08timecopcluecon: no, it does
00:15.19timecopcluecon: the calculations are important, so are the files which are copied to/from it.
00:15.23Weezeytimecop: interesting.  thanks
00:15.36timecopthere's also a wince 3 development environment on it but thats only used like once a month
00:15.46timecopto do a new build of some PDA stuff used here
00:16.02jacksis there like a module for asterisk wich enables it to communicate with like a nokia mobile phone (trough a datacable)
00:16.20clueconttimecop: the calcs are important?  what kind of calcs?  I can do important calcs on my cell phone and I can store files on a usb thumb drive.
00:16.22Ariel_kernel-source is like 40mgs for CentOS  argh
00:16.53timecopAriel_: as opposed to kenrel sores for lunix 2.4.31 which is like 30megs? and 2.6 which is ~40?
00:17.04timecopcluecon: thats none of your business, really.
00:17.14timecopcluecon: fact is, its being used actively every day.
00:17.21Ariel_I did not expect it to be that big
00:18.26*** join/#asterisk Leomar (
00:18.36*** join/#asterisk \usr\sbin (~squirrelv@
00:18.59\usr\sbinhello everybody
00:19.12\usr\sbinhow do i setup caller id on my *
00:19.15cluecona windows machine being actively used for something more than a file server will quickly die due to inherent memory leaks in the windows runs.  I should know.  I can usually run my machine for about 2 weeks before it requires a reboot.
00:19.19*** join/#asterisk Morex (
00:19.24MorexHello all
00:19.43timecopcluecon: thats because you're an idiot admin
00:19.43LeomarHi ... anybody from Brazil ?
00:19.44MorexCan I ask a favour?
00:19.56cluecontimecop: what does admin have to do with a windows box having memory leaks?
00:19.59MorexI need someone from outside the UK to call two numbers, for testing...
00:20.11Ariel_\usr\sbin, via sip iax2 or pots
00:20.16MorexWould be immensely grateful.
00:20.24timecopMorex: perhaps, what are they?
00:20.40cluecontimecop: tell me how it is possible to eliminate something that is tied directly into the OS.
00:20.41\usr\sbinhi ariel, any howtos? im tryin to test with my sip phone xten, would that be ok?
00:22.13Ariel_\usr\sbin, use the power of the wiki:::
00:22.31\usr\sbinthanks. ill try
00:23.04timecopcluecon: by having a clue
00:23.08timecop(which I guess you dont)
00:23.19\usr\sbinAriel,  Be aware that setting fromuser= in sip.conf will overide SetCallerID!
00:23.28timecopbecause I got a machine that's up for > 250 days only because of a 8 hour power outage at the time which killed all the building backup power.
00:23.40\usr\sbinhow do i do that? is that the CallerID config?
00:23.44timecopwhich would otherwise been > 300-400 days
00:23.57timecopand its running windows
00:24.02timecopand its actively used daily
00:25.09cluecontimecop: you claim that you have a machine that is used for something more than a file server and it is able to perform the tasks required of it without a performance loss yet you can't specify what it is actually doing.  Any machine will run forever if it doesn't have to do anything.
00:25.30Weezeytimecop: you just saved me a buncha bucks.
00:25.52jackshmm how do i get dftm input from a user into asterisk?
00:26.03KrimHumcluecon:  You never asked.
00:27.04clueconKrimHum: yes i did.  to quote 'more details?' and 'what kind of calcs?'
00:27.18*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (
00:27.25*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
00:27.26timecopWeezey: :D
00:27.54timecopWeezey: got it working in passthrough?
00:27.54timecopjacks: you jsut do, depends onyour device.
00:28.38clueconjacks: take a look at to get started.
00:29.53MRH2ne1 know if  there is a  way to enter a cli command from the dialplan in extensions.conf?
00:30.49clueconMRH2: what command?
00:31.44MRH2I would like it to execute CLI > agent logoff AGENT/2000
00:31.58*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
00:32.29clueconMRH2: how is the agent logging in?
00:32.41[hC]that is  probably the most backwards approach ive ever seen to anything
00:34.17MRH2(with password though)
00:34.44clueconMRH2: who would be executing this command>
00:36.01MRH2hoping to run it by calling an extension
00:36.14clueconMRH2: take a look at it covers logging off as well as logging on.
00:37.24MRH2yep i have read it but I understand  u need the  password to logoff an agent
00:37.46clueconso you want to do it without the password?
00:38.09MRH2yep agent has password but logoff without password
00:38.34tzangeranyone here any good with VHDL/verilog?
00:40.39clueconMRH2: might work.
00:41.01MRH2ideally looking for something like... exten => 123, 1, magicapp (agent logoff AGENT/${AGENTBYCALLERID_CALLERIDNUM}}
00:41.33timecoptzanger: why
00:42.06tzangerjust have some beginner questions
00:42.29tzangerI've done all manner of hardware design but nothing in VHDL or verilog and the language is confusing
00:42.50MRH2I think i tried remove queue memeber .. will give it another go alothough agent is  a queue member
00:42.50*** part/#asterisk Morex (
00:43.16MRH2sorry  not a queue member
00:43.29*** join/#asterisk popooya (~popooya@364a7d22cb284cef.session.tor)
00:44.30*** join/#asterisk esilberb (~er@
00:44.55MRH2damn cluecon is gone :(
00:44.59esilberbhey all!!!!! did any1 ever deal with a fax passthrough issue??
00:46.22newlNo, 1 is a lonely number.
00:47.00esilberbnewl - do you get the feeling we're alone in here?
00:47.17Ariel_esilberb, your not along. But what do you mean fax passthrough?
00:48.08Ariel_esilberb, quickley I am about to leave to get some din din for the wife.
00:48.14esilberbi have a running asterisk which is connected as a client to a SIP server. When i connect a fax machine, i want the SIP session to use a special codec and not the one used for phone conversations
00:48.23*** part/#asterisk tPO (~tPO@
00:48.36*** part/#asterisk poillet (
00:48.45esilberbi looked this up on the Internet and there is SOME material on the subject but i couldn't figure it out
00:48.52Ariel_setup a different context and account settings
00:49.31esilberbbut how do i recognize that the machine is a fax? the zaptel driver can definately do that but i don't know how to configure asterisk
00:49.41Ariel_if you user sip1 as peer for your dialing out copy it to sip2 change the codec there and then put your fax in a seperate context.
00:49.58file[laptop]you can't detect it's a fax.
00:50.34esilberbi can. the zaptel driver can do that but asterisk has to answer the call first and receive a DTMF tone indicating this is a fax
00:50.41Ariel_esilberb, there is a sip add-on program on the wiki from nwdetec something that might help
00:50.54esilberbyou got a URL?
00:51.05Ariel_esilberb, no don't use it just read about it
00:51.10Ariel_look it up on the wiki
00:51.18esilberbnwdetec you say?
00:51.21file[laptop]ah it's coming in via zaptel?
00:51.25timecopesilberb: what
00:51.32timecopesilberb: yo ucan tell zaptel to do fax detectio nthen use spandsp
00:51.37timecopon the "fax" extension
00:51.38esilberbyes and going out though the network usinf SIP
00:51.41timecopfax -> rxfax(foo)
00:51.43timecopor whatever
00:51.50timecopfax over voip = not happening
00:51.54file[laptop]or you can dial somewhere... like... wait for it... a SIP device!
00:51.55esilberbexactly - the fax extension! what' sthat all about?
00:52.08timecopesilberb: just use it, thats where asterisk will route shit it thinks is a "fax"
00:52.10file[laptop]if a fax is detected on a zaptel channel, it'll go to the fax extension...
00:52.14timecopif you enable fax detection in zaptel/zapata.conf
00:52.20Ariel_you can sent a fax extension to any device
01:00.46tzafrir_laptopis there any RTFM on the meaning of the 'span' directive in zaptel.conf?
01:01.28tzangertzafrir_laptop: that's already in zaptel.conf
01:01.36tzangerthe description (a very good one, IMO)
01:11.38tzafrir_laptopOK, Debian's packaging managed to delete this file. Will be properly packed in the next version :-(
01:16.01*** join/#asterisk drbrown_ (
01:16.33MRH2ne1 know when the 406P / 411P cards will be available?
01:16.41drbrown_is anyone familier w/ the fxotune utility
01:18.36drbrown_maybe not
01:18.58drbrown_how is MRH2?
01:19.13Weezeytimecop: what would I need g729 licenses for?  routing into voicemail or to Zap channels?
01:19.32MRH2tired , horny..the usual how is dr brown?
01:21.50MRH2do u happen to know nething about these 406/411 cards?
01:22.33MRH2as per
01:24.29MRH2well i gtg have fun
01:24.38*** part/#asterisk MRH2 (
01:30.33*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:32.34timecopWeezey: yes, for example if you had somethign that required codec conversion
01:32.45timecopWeezey: zap -> voip (g729) would require 1 license per channel
01:34.50timecophow many hours am I looking at for compiling gay323 on a gay6-450 with 128megs of memory?
01:40.20*** join/#asterisk int19h (
01:40.31Qwelltimecop: depends
01:41.40timecopdepends on what fag
01:41.42timecopi just pasted the specs
01:42.00Qwellyour mom
01:42.13*** join/#asterisk Silik0n (
01:42.13*** part/#asterisk int19h (
01:42.17MikeJ[Laptop]depends on if you can stop being a bitch long enough to type make ;)
01:43.21*** join/#asterisk int19h (
01:44.21*** join/#asterisk juice (
01:46.17Opticmoo moo
01:46.49*** join/#asterisk SwK (
01:51.08*** join/#asterisk cryptnix (
01:51.20cryptnixwhats AMP's user/pass on asterisk@home?
01:51.25drbrown_are any of you guys familier with the fxotune command?
01:51.33cryptnixthe admin/password combo don't seem to work
01:51.53drbrown_I am uncertain as to whether or not I am using it correctly
01:52.09drbrown_fxotune -i 2
01:52.17Opticmoo moo
01:56.57*** join/#asterisk hermie (
01:57.24*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta_PM (
01:57.53*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:00.00*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
02:00.05SpaceBassevening folks
02:00.28MikeJ[Laptop]maybe where you are... did you ever think, maybe everyone does not live where you do
02:00.36MikeJ[Laptop]wow.. how egocentric
02:00.53SpaceBasseveryone doesnt live in Virginia?
02:03.49SpaceBassanyone know about cisco PoE and a way around it? :)
02:03.58Strom_Ca way /around/ PoE?
02:04.37SpaceBassi mean... I've seen re-wire diagrams for regular poe injectors... wondering if anyone has tried it
02:07.55SwKthere are cisco poe to .3af adapters out there
02:08.43SpaceBassi already ordered a power cube
02:09.01SpaceBassbut I have another 7940 coming with out a cube and have a spare injector (linksys)... was hoping to use it
02:09.38Strom_Cwell, it's worth a shot
02:09.47Strom_Cjust requires you making a new cable
02:09.51SpaceBasstried it, no dice...
02:10.03SpaceBassthats why i was wondering if anyone had done it successfully
02:10.12SpaceBassrather ambigious request
02:10.46Strom_Ci've got a separate power adapter I use for my 7960
02:11.17Strom_Cperhaps one day I will get lucky and a catalyst switch with PoE will fall into my lap...but until that day the extra adapter is fine for me :)
02:11.17SpaceBasshow is the 7960? wondering if I'm going to regret not getting it over the 7940
02:11.29Strom_Chaving six line keys is very useful
02:11.34SpaceBassi bet
02:11.46Strom_CI've got two extensions on one asterisk box and four on a completely different box
02:12.22SpaceBasscan you DND one line and not the others?
02:12.30SpaceBass(or one box and not the other)
02:12.43QwellStrom_C: sip?
02:12.48Strom_Cof course
02:12.50Strom_Cre sip
02:12.55Strom_Chavent played with dnd
02:13.18SpaceBassspeaking of sip... what is the process to get the firmware?
02:13.36Qwellget a ccp(?) account
02:13.45Strom_Cmy process is asking my company's network guys if they can download the firmware for me :)
02:13.54Qwellthere is always that, yeah
02:14.03Qwelldunno, is that what its called?
02:14.09SpaceBassStrom_C ... i like that process
02:14.18Opticwhat's the process to get polycom firmware? :)
02:14.24SpaceBassis that the support agreement licence?
02:14.56SwKOptic: go ook thru the wiki its out there
02:15.20Strom_Cfor polycom firmware, I think you have to wear the special robe, wave the special dead chicken, and then hop on one foot thirty times whilst repeating your MAC address in hex, octal, and Russian.
02:15.23Opticwe have an ip500 for evaluation at work
02:15.26Opticit seems very nice
02:15.45SpaceBassStrom_C funny, I thought that was the cisco process
02:15.51Opticwe have 14 sipura
02:16.00SpaceBasswell, I guess the cisco also requires a dna sample
02:16.25Strom_CSpaceBass: if that's the cisco process, my coworkers are really good at doing it without getting up or changing clothes :)
02:16.41QwellStrom_C: practice
02:16.48SpaceBassStrom_C well, I think if you are a cisco partner or have a support agreement its cake.. but if you are a home user its not easy
02:16.51Strom_Chehe probably
02:17.00SpaceBassand practice
02:17.10Strom_CSpaceBass: yeah, that's probably one of the benefits of being a huge cisco customer
02:17.52SwKOptic: if it already has SIP firmware you really dont need to change it up... just get the configs and admin manual from the link on the wiki
02:17.56SpaceBassStrom_C I used to work for a plat partner... was nice... everyone had cisco switches at home, etc
02:18.31SwKor paypal me $50 and its mac address and I'll have you a config in 15 minutes
02:18.35SpaceBassand now I work for a fortune 15 company as a drone with nothing to do with IT... so glad I got that MCSE under my belt
02:18.50SpaceBassSwK steep!
02:19.10SwKhey payday is still a few days off and I need smokes and booze
02:19.37SpaceBassroger the booze
02:19.45SwKbesides I'm a whore, not a cheap whore ;)
02:21.56SpaceBassarrruuggg I just want to play with this 7940...
02:25.09loudmost people in here got a cco account, we are just lazy to download the firmware for you.
02:25.25Qwellcco...thats the one
02:25.28SpaceBassloud thats even more reassuring
02:25.43SpaceBassanyhoo with out the power cube, its a moot point
02:25.47Opticspacebass... as in the fish?
02:26.02SpaceBassas in the insturment
02:26.38Qwellfish would have been cooler
02:28.01*** join/#asterisk mike^^ (
02:28.09mike^^if WaitExten(2) times out .. will it change the EXTEN?
02:29.04mike^^no one awake who knows?
02:29.09SpaceBasswhat would it change to?
02:29.18SpaceBass<-- more curious than knowing
02:29.26MikeJ[Laptop]mike^^, your being a rude ass
02:29.42mike^^im very sorry :(
02:29.43mike^^im in a rush
02:29.46mike^^im about to elave because of gf ;)
02:29.48mike^^u know how that goes
02:30.00loudgf first, * later.
02:30.02mike^^spacebase: in other words if i call my own phone and voicemail picks up within 2 secs if i choose the right exten
02:30.03mike^^thats why
02:30.04MikeJ[Laptop]naw... I'm married ;)
02:30.08mike^^loud:e xactly
02:30.12Qwellloud: you must be new here :P
02:30.21mike^^i just wanna know if WaitExten(2) and no one pushes a button what it will do to EXTEN
02:30.26MikeJ[Laptop]Qwell, hehe
02:30.33mike^^actually.. girls always first
02:30.35mike^^or no love
02:30.39MikeJ[Laptop]nothing I can think of
02:30.52MikeJ[Laptop]o wait...
02:30.54SwKmike^^: what does show application waitexten tell you?
02:31.03Qwellwhy not like...try it
02:31.04MikeJ[Laptop]you said waitexten
02:31.04SpaceBassFunny... I had to write my wife a cover letter today just so she'd promise to spend 10 minutes learning "my geeky phone thingy"
02:31.39SwKSpaceBass: you should have held out for sex
02:31.55SwKseeing all us married guys know we never get any
02:32.08SwK(unless its newly weds)
02:32.13SpaceBassSwK nawww thats standard procedure stil...
02:32.26SpaceBass1 year... still pretty 'active'
02:32.34MikeJ[Laptop]what, sex with SwK's wife?
02:32.37SwKyeah well that'll change soon
02:32.44*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:32.56SpaceBasscan the display on the 7940/60 display porn?
02:33.01SpaceBassxml maybe
02:33.13SwKSpaceBass: why not.. i've seen it displaying penguins
02:33.19SpaceBassexten => 69,s,1
02:33.32loudif you like black/white bmp porn
02:34.14SpaceBassbest arguement for a 7970 ever
02:34.22louddo they support sip now ?
02:34.31SpaceBassI have 2 iPicasso phones with color touch screens... got them on ebay... apparently no firmware
02:34.38MikeJ[Laptop]for crappy color instead of crappy b/w porn?
02:34.45QwellMikeJ[Laptop]: yes
02:35.13MikeJ[Laptop]that is somthing being married is much better for than ip phones
02:35.13SpaceBasshow big is the display on that wifi cisco
02:35.23MikeJ[Laptop]size dosn't matter
02:35.34MikeJ[Laptop]at least that is what my wife keeps saying
02:35.53SpaceBassi believed that until i found "mr. pinky"... now we just dont discuss size
02:35.59SpaceBasstoo much info? maybe
02:36.44SpaceBass<cricket sounds>
02:36.45cryptnixHere's a dumb question but I've been reading the "Setup your own IP-PBX" and ... well when I try to connect using XLite it keeps saying Login Failed!
02:36.45MikeJ[Laptop]I was joking, so ummm.. yeah
02:36.48SpaceBassquiet in here
02:37.08SpaceBasscryptnix which one? Kerry Grahams (or what ever)
02:37.10MikeJ[Laptop]cryptnix, that's cuz you are not logging in correctly
02:37.34cryptnixoh c'mon guys lol
02:37.51SpaceBasscryptnix, dumb question, but I assume you are using Asterisk@home
02:38.26SpaceBasscryptnix, did you set up the extension in AMP?
02:38.32cryptnixYes, I did
02:38.38*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:38.41MikeJ[Laptop]did you set it up right?
02:38.41*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:38.44SpaceBasswhats the extension number?
02:40.09SpaceBass<cricket sounds>
02:40.11cryptnixSpaceBass: Yes, I did.
02:40.14cryptnixI mean
02:40.21cryptnixhow much is there to screw up in AMP
02:40.36Qwellcryptnix: more then in *
02:40.45SpaceBasscryptnix in my expirence its pretty stright forward, but some stuff is so "masked" that it can be cumbersome
02:41.10cryptnixthe error thats on it says 403 Forbidden
02:41.32SpaceBasscryptnix in theroy all you need to do with x-lite is add the in and out server, the user and extenison (one in the same) and password(secret)
02:41.59SpaceBasssometimes x-lite doesnt take well to changes and needs to be restarted... noticed that on OS X more than windows
02:44.05*** join/#asterisk joe (
02:44.11SpaceBassclear as mud
02:44.16cryptnixi git 'r done
02:44.31SpaceBassgit er done!
02:44.59cryptnix:) I love it
02:46.58*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
02:47.06SpaceBasswhats the deal with video over sip? does it require anything server side or is it just added packets from client to client
02:48.32*** join/#asterisk mrproper_ (mrproper@
02:48.36cryptnixI want to hear the hold music it has on the system...
02:49.10mrproper_when specifying load => in the modules.conf starting asterisk reports: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_check_signature
02:49.27SpaceBasscryptnix dont bother... get a really bad new age Cd... its the same
02:49.41cryptnixi still wanna listen to it
02:50.18SpaceBassget xlite working?
02:50.33SpaceBassassign another exension and call it and put yourself on hold
02:51.08MikeJ[Laptop]mrproper_, remove all your modules and re-do the make install
02:51.10mrproper_but if i dont specify in the modules.conf when it starts iax it gets: unable to bind port
02:51.21cryptnixanother q SpaceBass ... whats the maintenance passwd on AMP
02:51.36SpaceBasscryptnix for amp?
02:51.39MikeJ[Laptop]mrproper_, then start asterisk back up
02:51.41SpaceBassuser: maint   pass: password
02:52.25MikeJ[Laptop]p ass word
02:53.34*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:53.59SpaceBassohhh just tried IAXcom for os x ... much nicer than x-lite
02:55.17SpaceBassnow I have a use for my spare bluetooth headset
02:55.33SpaceBassand I'm off
02:55.42outtoluncwas looking for one
02:55.51SpaceBassbluetooth headset?
02:55.51outtoluncspare=ebay <G>
02:56.18SpaceBassi had a first gen jabra that I didnt like so I got a sony ericson
02:56.41SpaceBassbut my kitchen computer has bt and a softphone....
02:56.53outtoluncthere are a few $50 ones that 'supposedly' work nowdays.. i'll give one of those a try soon
02:57.12SpaceBassthey were pricy for a while... havent checked lately
02:57.43SpaceBassnow I'm going to ogle the flat screen i hung (un level) in my bedroom
02:57.58outtoluncnods <G> i was given a gift card for office depot, walked around for hours, all i could find was a double prices bt card
02:58.09outtoluncer priced
02:58.18outtoluncso that's what i got <G>
03:02.39outtolunceven the dvd-r's were double what i usually pay
03:03.02outtolunci'd never 'shop' there, if i didn't have too
03:03.36outtolunc(as it was it took about 4 months for me to say screw it and go use the damn card)
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03:08.49SpaceBassoffice depot?
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03:09.01SpaceBassi'm always blown away by retail when I froogle...
03:09.13mxmasstershido: are you awake?
03:09.35SpaceBassbut I'm some what impatient and willing to pay $10 more to but something in town if I can
03:09.56cryptnixhmm SpaceBass what about the weather feature?
03:10.11SpaceBasscryptnix *61
03:10.14SpaceBassor is it 62
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03:10.30cryptnixbut its just hanging up on me
03:10.41SpaceBassyou getting nyc weather or nothing
03:10.54SpaceBasscryptnix have you used the Command line interface yet?
03:11.05cryptnixumm thats kinda vague
03:11.12cryptnixto asterisk?
03:11.18SpaceBassSSH into the asterisk box (requires downloading putty for windows)
03:11.32cryptnixI got it :-)
03:11.37SpaceBasslog in *cough* root and run 'asterisk -r'
03:11.45SpaceBassthen call weather and see what scrolls by
03:11.49SpaceBasssometimes it can be telling
03:12.55SpaceBasswith the weather script I've found it is processor intensive b/c of all the text-to-speach and it takes a second to do the FTP download... so somtiems you just have to wait on the line a second
03:13.26cryptnixall i see is asterisk1*cli
03:13.46SpaceBassok, once you see that, call weather and watch the screen
03:14.15mariogphi i newbie in this i have a little question is posible with E1 of digium to have  MFC/R2  works
03:14.36anthmgenerate 1x it in cron every hour into a raw sln
03:14.46cryptnixok, what am i looking for?
03:15.01cryptnixah, its a 2.5Ghz box with a gig of ram
03:15.08SpaceBasscryptnix copy and paste it into a form at
03:15.26jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
03:15.27cryptnixnaw, i lie :) 300mhz with 98 megs of ram
03:15.33cryptnixits amazing seeing this thing do this
03:15.43SpaceBassthanks jabot
03:15.57cryptnixi'm not that incredibly new to this
03:16.00cryptnix-- Executing Answer("SIP/200-1042", "") in new stack
03:16.00cryptnix-- Executing AGI("SIP/200-1042", "weather.agi") in new stack
03:16.00cryptnix-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/weather.agi
03:16.00cryptnix-- AGI Script weather.agi completed, returning 0
03:16.00cryptnix-- Executing Hangup("SIP/200-1042", "") in new stack
03:16.02cryptnix== Spawn extension (from-internal, *61, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-1042'
03:16.04cryptnix-- Executing Macro("SIP/200-1042", "hangupcall") in new stack
03:16.06cryptnix-- Executing ResetCDR("SIP/200-1042", "w") in new stack
03:16.08cryptnix-- Executing NoCDR("SIP/200-1042", "") in new stack
03:16.10cryptnix-- Executing Wait("SIP/200-1042", "5") in new stack
03:16.12cryptnix-- Executing Hangup("SIP/200-1042", "") in new stack
03:16.14cryptnix== Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-1042' in macro 'hangupcall'
03:16.18cryptnix== Spawn extension (from-internal, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-1042'
03:16.24SpaceBasscryptnix in the future use please
03:16.26cryptnixmusta hit ctrlv on the browser
03:16.30cryptnixI did!
03:16.39cryptnixI hit CTRLV in the browser on accident
03:16.49cryptnixdidn't mean to i swear
03:16.54cryptnixWent to fast ...
03:17.21SpaceBassdont give fuck all about dropping the damn f-bomb
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03:17.44illumiantus_can anyone help me set up a SIP trunk?
03:17.48JerJerfuck the fucking fuckers
03:18.12SpaceBasscryptnix assume your calling from exten 200
03:18.57SpaceBasslooks like its working... do you not hear a thing?
03:19.06cryptnixnope just immediately hangs up
03:19.16Nivexooh I had a fun idea for weather.  for those living near a decent sized airport, get a radio scanner that does AM and tune it to the automated weather for the airport.
03:19.26SpaceBasscryptnix what version of *@hom
03:19.27Nivexno text to speech drain and its realtime
03:19.55SpaceBassNivex now, how is that as much fun
03:20.09cryptnixjust downloaded it off of sourceforge as of yesterday
03:20.10cryptnixthe iso
03:20.10SpaceBasshow about ? faster... but still not as much fun
03:20.37SpaceBasscryptnix gotcha, the older .8 never worked right for me but the latest does...
03:21.26jbotaah is probably Asterisk@Home. The Asterisk@Home support forum is here:
03:21.43illumiantus_cryptnix: it's for a VoIP service provider and they did not provide me with ANY information other than my phone number and their IP address
03:21.46SpaceBasscryptnix take a look at /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/weather.agi
03:21.54SpaceBassand the
03:21.58SpaceBassin that same direcory
03:22.06SpaceBassillumiantus_ what service?
03:22.23illumiantus_Centric Voice
03:22.38cryptnixSpaceBass: I'm looking.
03:22.40SpaceBassdont know it
03:22.47SpaceBassillumiantus_ see if
03:22.48mrproper_When trying to dial from an IAX client to an extension with exten=> 100,Answer  it doesnt answer and gives the response: Auto fallthrough, channel 'IAX2/205@205-2' status is 'UNKNOWN'
03:23.02SpaceBassillumiantus_ see if helps
03:23.13SpaceBassits geared towards broadvoice
03:23.50SpaceBasscryptnix kind of ambigious place to send you, but maybe if you configure the FTP download stuff for your town it may work... duno... blind leading blind at this point
03:24.06cryptnixah :/ I see
03:24.10cryptnixtis cool
03:24.21cryptnixif its going to eat my CPU ... I won't implement it.
03:24.48SpaceBasscryptnix I'm on a 500mhz with 256mb and 12 extensions... works fine for me
03:24.58SpaceBasswell, it works ok.. takes about 25 seconds somtimes
03:25.03SpaceBassbut if you are on a 2.5 ghz your fine
03:25.28SpaceBassbut I at least hear the first "the current weahther...." then it takes about 20 seconds to FTP the file and festival it
03:26.20cryptnix2500 plus
03:26.24cryptnixamd me
03:26.39SpaceBassseacrest out
03:27.00Chujimodel name      : Pentium MMX
03:27.00Chujistepping        : 3
03:27.00Chujicpu MHz         : 166.590
03:27.06ChujiThat's all you need :)
03:27.15ChujiThat's my asterisk box
03:27.28SpaceBassChuji how many extensions?
03:27.42SpaceBassChuji your idea bout foward on busy to bv... genious I TELL YOU
03:27.44valenceUse cron and curl to prefetch text file of weather, then modify weather script to reference file.
03:28.35cryptnixnaw i lied
03:28.35SpaceBassor *cough* launchd
03:28.37Chujicheck out my 'show translations for g726'
03:28.41cryptnix300mhz/98 megs of ram
03:28.48cryptnixwith a drive that is dieing
03:29.12cryptnixi'm such a loser.
03:29.22SpaceBassi lied too.. I'm on a 300mhz not 500... but at least I have a new drive
03:29.23JerJerChuji:  i doubt it
03:29.24ChujiSpaceBass : Only use two or thee extensions at one time
03:29.25cryptnixstill wierd though why does it just hangup
03:29.36cryptnixoh well google will tell
03:29.40ChujiJerJer : Damin was close, but I got him beat out
03:30.15SpaceBassspeaking of drives... thinking of implementiing a "guest" mailbox that is cleared every monday, is it as simple as deleting the files from the vm directory with a chron job?
03:31.36JerJersystem type             : Broadcom BCM947XX
03:31.36JerJerprocessor               : 0
03:31.36JerJercpu model               : BCM3302 V0.7
03:31.36JerJerBogoMIPS                : 199.47
03:31.44SpaceBasswhere are voicemail files stored?
03:31.52outtoluncdamn speedy <G>
03:32.26SpaceBasswhats the cmd you guys are using?
03:32.39Chujicat /proc/cpu
03:32.40mariogpis posible with E1 of digium to make works with  MFC/R2
03:32.54SpaceBassbeen on os x too long
03:33.10ChujiJerJer : that's running *? What does your show translations look like for g726
03:33.16SpaceBasscupinfo on os x
03:33.17cryptnix/dev/hda2 5.1G 1.9G 3.0G 38% /
03:33.24JerJerChuji:  yes
03:33.30cryptnix6 gigger :-/
03:33.52Chujimuch faster than mine
03:33.55mariogpthe asterisk pbx works great with macos x for intel
03:34.19SpaceBassmariogp darwin?
03:34.23Qwellwow, those are high
03:34.42mariogpnop macos x 10.4.1 build beta
03:34.58mariogpin this case beta for developer
03:35.02ChujiBeen running my home pbx for over a year though. Works fine
03:36.22SpaceBassok... really going to bed now
03:36.22ChujiOnly problem is MySQL is slowwwww
03:36.23SpaceBassmariogp what hardware?
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03:50.18illumiantus_does anyone know how to do sip traces?
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03:50.18illumiantus_wait wtf
03:50.19illumiantus_i hink i just got it to work
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03:51.26dos000anyone can help with this .. i have 2 sip ata and i cant make one extension call the other for the life of me. They both are being registered with asterisk and all seems fine. just cant get them to dial each other.
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03:51.31illumiantus_okay... i go it to wor
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03:51.42illumiantus_but it only works for outgoing calls not incoming cals
03:51.42cryptnixWell I appreciate it guys ...
03:51.55illumiantus_I get a 503 on incoming calls
03:52.22cryptnixgoing to sleep ... i'll likely bother you all tomorrow sometime ... until then have a good night.
03:56.26illumiantus_anyone have any ideas?
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03:59.09kn0xdrumkilla- i need your help
03:59.25kn0xdo you have a copy of the Callback application?
04:00.09kn0xlooks like drumkillas gone for the night
04:01.16kn0xanyone ever implement a callback application? i feel kinda lazy...
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04:05.18[illuminatus]ok. I have 1/2 of this SIP trunk setup but I really need help with the incoming settings
04:05.41timecopi think compiling h323 on k6450/128m was a bad idea
04:05.45timecopi hear hdd swapping like crazy.
04:05.49timecopafter like 3 hours of compile.
04:09.16mxmassteri am trying to set a new callerid on my outbound calls... i am doing a SetCallerID(xxxxxxxxx) and then a dial
04:09.20mxmassterhowever it is not changing
04:10.08dudesmxmasster - SetCallerID((XXX) XXX-XXXX)
04:10.24mxmassterwhat about private numbers?
04:10.41dudesbe more specific
04:10.58mxmassterhow do i remove the callerid so it says "Private"
04:12.01dudesFirst off ... does your teleco provider allow you to do that
04:12.01[illuminatus]don't have a CID?
04:12.10dudesif they don't then you can't
04:12.57mxmassterthey told me that they do... however, looking at the sip debug, i am definately passing it correctly. they must not allow it
04:13.32dudesdo you have it set like I set above
04:13.52dudesbecause if it's not it probally won't pass ... also are you using a sample call file for testing?
04:14.18dudesi.e callerid: <(XXX) XXX-XXX> in your sample call file
04:14.21mxmassteri'm just calling my cell phone
04:14.43dudestry callerid: Private <(XXX) XXX-XXXX> in a call file to your cell
04:15.01mxmassterwhat do you mean, call file?
04:15.23dudesI can pm you a sample call file
04:15.27[illuminatus]why is it so difficult to setup a SIP trunk??? I can call out but I can't call in. When I call in I get this message.
04:16.05dudesilluminatus - for starters sip is actually pretty much not cool
04:16.10mxmassterdudes: in my sip debug i have this
04:16.12mxmassterFrom: "Private" <sip:3103568026
04:16.19mxmassterbut it isn't being set
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04:16.29mxmassteri'm thinking that it is not letting me control the callerid
04:18.40dudesI can set cid on a clients trunks
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04:19.10dudesBut if I didn't do it exactly like SetCallerID((XXX) XXX-XXXX) it didn't work
04:19.14dudesthat's all Im saying
04:19.23dudesit will say it's passing it through but it doesn't
04:19.24JerJerdont' format it
04:19.27JerJerjust put the number
04:19.47[illuminatus]dudes: our VoIP provider didn't provide me with *any* information other than their IP address and our phone number. I have the outbound part of the trunk working but I can't get the inbound working
04:20.12JerJersounds like your VoIP provider needs to be fired
04:20.14loudcall them.
04:20.29[illuminatus]they told me to call "asterisk support"
04:20.46JerJeri presume this is a sip provider?
04:20.55mxmassterdudes: i did it exactly as you said
04:20.58mxmassterit didn't work
04:21.08dudesilluminatus - you have two contexts in sip.conf
04:21.16dudesmxmasster - then you can't pass it yourself
04:21.26JerJerjust register to their proxy
04:21.33JerJerand start calling your number with sip debug turned on
04:22.05[illuminatus]dudes: no i only have one context
04:22.27dudesI think you need one for inbound and one for inbound
04:23.27JerJeryou are going to need one type=peer and one type=user
04:23.46JerJerunless you are lazy and want to succumb to the evil of type=friend
04:23.49dudesuser for inbound and peer for outgoing
04:25.19dudesusername, type, secret, qualify, nat, insecure, host, context (incoming)
04:25.47[illuminatus]according to them there is no password
04:26.00[illuminatus]type is set on both in/outbound
04:26.10dudesso you're on a trunk?
04:26.14[illuminatus]context is from-pstn
04:26.15dudesthat uses host auth
04:26.50[illuminatus]and i have outbound working but not inbound
04:26.54dudesI've never setup inbound on a trunk before
04:27.07[illuminatus]to get outbound working i had to setup the registration string
04:27.23[illuminatus]but the string looks like it has 2 parts
04:27.24dudesregister => u:p@addy
04:27.59dudesthat's two
04:28.03[illuminatus]where the fisrt user @ ip is inbound and the second is outbound
04:28.08[illuminatus]vice sersa
04:28.17[illuminatus]my egistration string is <number>@ip
04:28.21dudesthen make another context in sip.conf
04:28.25JerJerregister =>
04:28.30[illuminatus]that is hw i got it working
04:28.37dudesand register your inbound seperate to the outbound
04:28.49[illuminatus]and my kyboard is laging so sorry for the typos
04:29.04[illuminatus]JerJer - there is no password
04:29.07JerJeryou don't register to the proxy for inbound calls
04:29.09JerJerthen dont put one
04:29.32JerJeryou don't register to the proxy for outbound calls
04:29.38JerJerproxy authentication takes place on the INVITE
04:29.42dudesaccording to what you put above one uses a pass
04:30.20[illuminatus]that's how i saw people set it up for broadvoice
04:30.20JerJerthat makes no sense
04:30.26[illuminatus]but that'snot what iam usin
04:30.28timecopstill compiling h323
04:30.30timecopon k6450
04:30.33timecopbeen several hours.
04:30.41timecoplike 4+ hours.
04:30.41[illuminatus]12143294838@ is my registration string
04:30.45dudesprobally is reg user@ip and reg user:pass@ip
04:30.56[illuminatus]I ahd to have that to call outside
04:31.02[illuminatus]but I can't call inside
04:31.08JerJer[illuminatus]:  add register => in front of it
04:31.26JerJerand put in the general section of sip.conf
04:31.35[illuminatus]register=12143294838@ is what is in sip.cof
04:31.50JerJerand it doesn't register?
04:31.52[illuminatus]and for some reason i hve to hav the 1 in there
04:31.55dudesyou have a user right?  are both users the same for inbound and outbound?
04:32.05[illuminatus]when I try to cal it say it's n invalidnumber
04:32.10[illuminatus]but when i call out it ues that number
04:32.32JerJerlook to see if you registered successfully
04:32.38[illuminatus]I don't know, the VoIP provider didn't provide me with anything but the IP adress and phone number
04:32.50[illuminatus]how do I lok if I am registerd succesfully?
04:33.10[illuminatus]sorry again for the typos,my comp is laggingon keboard input for some reason
04:33.14dudeslike with the sip lines we have we register = user:pass@hostname:5060/Phone_Number
04:33.47dudeswe have the phonenumber at the end
04:33.57JerJerphone number for what?
04:34.06dudesfor the sip line
04:34.16JerJerok why?
04:34.33dudesI don't know ... that's just what commpartner's told us to do
04:34.43dudesso I'm not going to argue because it works great
04:35.29[illuminatus]ok using tat format worked too, but i still cn't make incomi calls
04:35.44[illuminatus]how do i check if I regisered successfully/
04:35.45dudesI didn't mean to imply t hat'd work for incoming
04:35.50dudessip show registry
04:36.14*** join/#asterisk dos000 (
04:36.43dos000is there a simple asterisk online book ?
04:36.58dudesdos000 -
04:37.05[illuminatus]             12143294838        120 Request Sent
04:37.22dudesaccording to that it's been set ... not registered            000010014500        23 Registered
04:37.41JerJer[illuminatus]:  ok its not getting there
04:37.44JerJercheck firewall
04:37.53JerJerthere and back
04:38.10dudesforward port 5036
04:38.22dudesI think that's for incoming sip
04:38.56dudesthen again you don't always have to forward ports if you use a sip proxy
04:39.16JerJerum 5036?
04:39.20JerJerand no you do not port forward
04:39.50[illuminatus]Sip read:
04:39.50[illuminatus]SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
04:39.50[illuminatus]Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6a1c39ea
04:39.50[illuminatus]From: <sip:12143294838@>;tag=as311f31b3
04:39.50[illuminatus]To: <sip:12143294838@>
04:39.50[illuminatus]Call-ID: 778b7ce93d7f624e693828657bd884bb@
04:39.52[illuminatus]CSeq: 116 REGISTER
04:39.54[illuminatus]Content-Length: 0
04:40.10jbotsomebody said pastebin was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
04:40.10JerJerthey are rejecting you
04:40.28*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:40.29JerJerQwell:  add in for more than 4 lines (maybe?)
04:40.43dudesiax is port 5036 ... opps
04:40.56[illuminatus]iax is 4569
04:41.04[illuminatus]i thought
04:41.08JerJeriax version 2 is 4569
04:41.13JerJeriax version 1 was 5036
04:42.03[illuminatus]i see.
04:42.12JerJerasterisk manaager interface is 5038
04:42.31QwellJerJer: shido was talking about a form you guys will have saying "I don't want e911".  If/when you do that, could you let me know?
04:42.55[illuminatus]ok soI took the registration strnig out bcause it is not ncessary fo outbnd calling
04:43.44[illuminatus]so is my registration string wrong and tha's why incoming calls aern't woking?
04:43.54Qwell[illuminatus]: or your provider just hates you
04:44.15JerJer[illuminatus]: i would say yes
04:45.01[illuminatus]my provider apparently nver heard of asterisk before ether :(
04:45.11Qwell[illuminatus]: time to find a new provider
04:45.22Qwellmight I suggest one who uses asterisk?
04:45.27Qwellnufone perhaps?
04:47.58[illuminatus]that would be a good solution
04:48.13[illuminatus]however, i think my boss already signed the contract to be a prtner with this jokers
04:48.29QwellSo then if they don't get it to work, they broke the contract
04:48.29*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
04:48.37Qwellsimple as that
04:48.57xeet2anyone know exactly what iaxcompat does?
04:49.13dos000anyone : i have an ata that registers to * as 5612000 how would one dial it when a call comes in that matches the number
04:50.09[illuminatus]yeah this guys are all cisco
04:50.11heath__dos000:    exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(sip/yourprovider/${EXTEN})
04:50.52dos000heath: there is no provider in this case. the 2 sip ata are both connected to asterisk
04:51.45dos000unless i am allowed to put asterisk ip address in there
04:54.19heath__oh, sorry i read you wrong
04:54.57dos000heath__, i am about to bang my head on the wall here !
04:55.19[illuminatus]:( i still can't register with these guys
04:55.44dos000heath__, this must be a one liner i am sure.
04:58.21xeet2hey greg
05:00.00dos000iam trying exten => _5NXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN});  which the docs says but its not ringing !
05:00.47Qwelldos000: what happens?
05:01.16JerJerthe value of ${EXTEN} has to be a valid type=peer in sip.conf
05:01.25JerJerthat's a fucking stupid idea
05:01.37heath__that's cuz you have to call the ata sip/5612000
05:01.48dos000Qwell, nothing i get a timeout
05:02.27xeet2jerjer: why's that?
05:02.28dos000jerjer: it is a valid number defined in sip.conf
05:02.46JerJerso for every number you dial you need an entry ???
05:03.33xeet2if every number you dial is a seperate device anyway, sure why not?  then if it doesn't have a peer entry, go somewhere else in your dialplan
05:04.00dos000jerjer: i know i am a beginner .. but so far i only have 2 phones. in the future there will be more.. pray tell what the best is to get a bunch of them registered
05:04.23xeet2jerjer: how would you do it?
05:04.35JerJergive meaningful names to sip devices
05:05.42dos000jerjer: for now tho all i need is for that phone to ring and i can call it a day !
05:06.11xeet2sometimes a phone number is a meaningful name =)
05:07.09dos000xeet2, exaxtlt
05:07.13QwellJerJer: exten => 18003911234,1,Dial(SIP/bob)?
05:07.34Qwellis that how you guys are doing it?
05:07.42dos000^%#$^%#$^%#$% ... finally ringing !
05:07.44QwellI'd love to see some of your configs some time, heh
05:07.59Qwelljust to see what a larger provider does
05:08.34*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (~strom@
05:08.41Mavvieanybody here with a Patton 2977 (aka DigiFire RAS)
05:09.01Mavviehi `Sauron! you have one?
05:09.02`Saurondigi Rasfire?
05:09.11JerJerexten => _1N.,1,DetermineRoute()
05:09.11JerJerexten => _1N.,2,Dial,IAX2/${ACCOUNTCODE}@${ROUTE}/${EXTEN}
05:09.11JerJerexten => _1N.,n,Goto(${DIALSTATUS},1)
05:09.19`SauronDigi RasFire ?
05:09.33JerJervery trivial softswitch
05:09.38MavvieDialFire RAS
05:09.44JerJermy own app to determine where to send the call
05:10.05`Sauronhum, nope
05:10.08JerJerthen the gateway simply does Dial,Zap/r1/${EXTEN}
05:10.09QwellJerJer: it sets route, account code, and exten?
05:10.12JerJervery trivial
05:10.14Mavvie`Sauron: hehe
05:10.29xeet2jerjer: what about using dundi?
05:10.35Qwellseems like it should be easy with a db lookup
05:10.40JerJeri don't need it for outbound
05:10.45JerJeri use it for inbound
05:11.08Mavvie`Sauron: I can't find the right code for setting the callerID. I get it for incoming calls, but setting it for outgoing calls is a no-no right now
05:12.20nnSetCallerID() or friends should work fine
05:12.54Qwelloh, it doesn't even need to set exten...duh
05:13.12Mavviemost likely will become a hack like that.
05:14.21dos000jerjer: is there a way i can specify sip passwords for a bunch of users ? or i need a separate entry for each ?
05:14.22xeet2anyone here ever connected * to a merlin pbx with pri?
05:14.42Mavviexeet2: somebody on -users has it.
05:15.05dos000i mean a separate entry in sip.conf
05:15.38xeet2dos000: if you're doing alot of peers and you're running head, you might want to look at using realtime
05:15.52JerJerhell no
05:15.54JerJerrealtime is not the answer
05:16.27xeet2you don't think so?  seems to work well so far...
05:16.29Strom_Crealtime what?
05:16.53xeet2realtime is an asterisk addon, config from database
05:17.26dos000okay ...
05:17.40xeet2jerjer: what don't you like about realtime? =)
05:19.50*** join/#asterisk michael1234 (~mick@
05:20.04JerJerit forces to asterisk to depend on the database
05:20.12timecopholy shit h323 compiled
05:20.19timecopafter like 5 hours
05:20.59xeet2jerjer: yes, but if your database is stable
05:21.39xeet2can always run the database locally on the box and act as a replication slave
05:22.30JerJerand how far will that scale?
05:23.35xeet2I'd say pretty far as long as your * boxes are slaves only, and your db updates are just user additions/changes and dialplan changes
05:24.32JerJergood luck
05:24.49*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
05:25.01xeet2you don't think that will scale well?
05:25.11xeet2I mean its better than flat text files imho
05:25.49JerJerthen tell me why class 4/5 switches are configured via serial port with a huge text file?
05:26.40Mavviebecause you haven't figured out how to do incremental updates?
05:26.50xeet2just because something is normally done one way doesn't mean thats the best way to do it
05:27.04JerJerwho says i haven't?
05:27.05xeet2and class 4/5 switches are one hell of alot more beefier than a * box
05:27.28xeet2so a single text file for a single switch is perfectly fine
05:27.58Strom_Cxeet: you know that DMS-100 and classic 5ESS are vintage 1979-1983 technology, right?
05:29.50*** join/#asterisk blitz_astricon (
05:30.15blitz_astriconmorning from Spain!
05:30.17xeet2yes, and assumed jerjer was referring to more recent versions of switches
05:30.40Strom_Cah ok
05:31.17JerJerwhy give a solution that used to work with so little, so much to depend on just because technology has improved?'s the KISS principle
05:32.01*** join/#asterisk dos000 (
05:32.18droothAnyone recommend a PHP app for call tracking and dispatching techs?
05:33.41xeet2because its easier to handle many * boxes when your config is in a db, at least in my opinion.  yeah the problem then becomes making the db reliable but thats not that hard to accomplish
05:34.24JerJeri have never said that we do not utilize a database for persistent storage
05:34.25xeet2you could always write some application that distributes configuration files, but why not use something thats already out there and working
05:34.44blitz_astriconits working? :)
05:35.00kimo_sabexeet2: like applications to distribute and maintain config files?
05:35.36xeet2blitz: realtime?  on all our * boxes it is working quite well, as long as we keep the database locally on the * box
05:36.11blitz_astriconxeet2: interesting. I spent about 30 mins trying to get realtime setup to document, and decided I didn't have the time :)
05:37.31xeet2it doesn't do too well when the db isn't local, 5 * boxes overwhelmed a hefty db server during peak times, hence the replication
05:37.49*** join/#asterisk Robot_ (
05:38.05JerJerso in reality you have only a small amount of scale
05:38.41JerJerif you can bring a hefty box to its knees with so little
05:39.05kimo_sabexeet2: are you storing RDP data in the DB? wow, what sort of call volumes are you seeing?
05:39.07xeet2well lets see, each box has a copy of the db locally, and each box runs pretty well that way.  whenever any changes are made, the db replication pushes it out without much effort
05:39.56xeet2when we ran everything off of the db boxes, without the db being local to each * box, thats when it got overwhelmed
05:40.32JerJerwith very little utilization
05:40.49JerJerso it is only going to scale so far in the replicated configuration
05:41.34dos000anyone know if asterisk at home would work on my debian system ?
05:42.18dos000i should say would install instead
05:42.32xeet2jerjer: I'd say it has a lot of room to grow though, I mean its not like there are any updates more than once an hour or so
05:42.33JerJerlearn asterisk the right way
05:43.59xeet2kimo: some of the boxes reach about 2k calls a day, so not too much yet, but seeing how little utilization the box is under at that rate makes me believe there's alot of room to grow
05:44.44JerJerwe do 2,000 calls before breakfast
05:45.02xeet2and you're alot bigger company =)  and you have what, 25 servers?
05:46.05[illuminatus]hey how many simultaneous calls does asterisk support?
05:46.10JerJerall of them
05:46.22Strom_CJerJer: out of random curiosity, how many erlangs run through you on a single day?
05:46.37Strom_C[illuminatus]: as much as the hardware you throw at it will handle
05:47.00[illuminatus]i was j/w cause digium is coming out with * business edition which supports only 120 calls
05:47.09JerJerthat's a single box
05:47.18xeet2jerjer: you guys should really be billing cabs =)
05:47.23JerJerand not dedicated to a very specific tasks, like my boxes
05:47.33JerJerbilling cabs?
05:47.50xeet2cabs revenue, inter-clec termination fees
05:48.30xeet2example - xo customer calls a local verizon customer.  even though the call is free to the caller, xo has to pay verizon about .002/min to terminate the call
05:48.40JerJerthat is called recip
05:48.43JerJerand we get it
05:48.58JerJerbut its trivial amounts of money per call
05:49.18xeet2is it for you?  its pretty high normally out here
05:49.45xeet2but thats why intra-lata in md is so costly in the first place
05:51.11xeet2that was the biggest reason people wanted to become a une-p clec, to bill cabs on those inbound calls...  its not very trivial when you reach 50k+ customers
05:51.46JerJerit is still trivial amounts of revenue for a major compay like that
05:54.25JerJerthe recip game is pretty much dead any more
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07:04.28[Outcast]So anyone else at the keynotes?
07:11.58*** join/#asterisk SuperMMan (
07:12.12SuperMManevening all quick question does asterisk not support RFC3389 ?
07:16.15SuperMManeveryone sleeping i take it
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07:24.08blitz_astriconSuperMMan: nope - it doesn't
07:26.16SuperMManoh to bad, i wonder how i am going to get around this problem then, it was told to me by the company i am getting ld service from that i need support for rfc3389, because right now my calls sound like i am on a two way radio
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07:28.43SuperMManblitz_astricon anyidea how i can resolve this problem?
07:35.59*** part/#asterisk jansaell (
07:37.01JerJernot supporting comfort noise would not cause a two-way radio sound
07:37.10JerJeryour provider is smokin dope
07:37.37QwellIs the person you're talking to saying "over" after every sentence perhaps?
07:37.46SuperMManJerJer well when i connect to his server with my GS soft phone i don`t have the priblem
07:37.57SuperMManQwell lol no
07:38.06QwellWhat is two-way radio sound exactly?
07:38.54SuperMManQwell have you ever used a two way radio? if so you know when the other end lets go of the transmit button that sound you hear
07:39.13SuperMManits hard to explain if you have never used a two way radio
07:39.42QwellYou hear it, they hear it, or both do?
07:40.18SuperMManonly when i am connecting though asterisk to the sip provider, but if i connect my GS to the sip provider its fine
07:41.46QwellI've said it before, and I'll continue to do so.  Thats why you use a provider that uses asterisk.  Many others are simply (as JerJer put it) smoking dope.
07:42.38SuperMManso no recommendations on fixing it?
07:42.47JerJerdisable cng
07:42.58SuperMMansorry cng?
07:43.08JerJercomfort noise generation
07:43.21SuperMManjeremywhiting what file is that in?
07:43.27SuperMManeek sorry i mean JerJer
07:43.35Qwellthats something they have to do, no?
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07:43.57Qwellbut see, if both ends are hearing it...
07:44.08QwellThey wouldn't be generating it on incoming packets, would they?
07:44.14QwellI (sadly) just read the rfc
07:44.48JerJerwhat SIP UA does this provider run?
07:44.58Qwelldon't listen to me, I'm mostly clueless
07:45.06SuperMMantell you the truth i am not sure
07:46.39JerJerturn on sip debug and find out
07:47.04*** join/#asterisk Alexi1 (
07:47.19Alexi1hi all
07:47.33Alexi1is some one using * on fedora 3 ?
07:47.53JerJersure  - asterisk doesn't care about a distro
07:47.58Alexi1strange thing I cannot see him on top
07:48.01skefflingAlexi1, we are, not tried FC4 yet though, maybe today!
07:50.15SuperMManJerJer still looking but i think voizBridge
07:50.25Alexi1so have you ever hear about top command problem on fedora 3 or other distrib with asterisk
07:51.09QwellAlexi1: top only shows the processes that fit in the screen, based on whatever sort order
07:51.39JerJerso some random bullshit device they found
07:51.51Alexi1why it wouldn't "fit the screen" ?
07:52.01QwellAlexi1: because screen is too small
07:52.24SuperMManJerJer i guess.
07:52.45QwellOn an unmaximized window, default sized, you've only got about 15 processes that will fit
07:53.40SuperMManJerJer any ideas?
07:54.24QwellWhats so funny?
07:54.25Alexi1I will look that way
07:54.29Qwelluse ps
07:56.56QwellSuperMMan: is another provider not an option?
07:57.08Qwellif they won't help you fix it...ya know?
07:57.26SuperMManI can`t find a provider that is this cheap for where i call
07:57.35Qwellwhere do you call, and how much?
07:57.48SuperMManSouth Korea for 0.01
07:57.59SuperMManwith no commit
07:58.03Qwell0.01 usd?
07:58.09QwellNo wonder they suck. :)
07:58.31SuperMManthe call sounds great but that annoying sound
07:58.34Qwellproviders have A) Good service.  B) Low rates.  C) Good customer service.
07:58.39Qwellpick 2 (sometimes 1)
07:59.17SuperMManwell with taking the asterisk box a way i would say a,b having the asterisk box there i would say b
08:01.01*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
08:02.12QwellManxPower: afternoon
08:02.32SuperMMananyway thanx JerJer and Qwell for the help, i am going to take off
08:29.35inspiredIf a user calls *81*003706920101#, I remove the first four digits with ${EXTEN:4}. how can I also remove the # at the end?
08:44.44*** join/#asterisk jerry_hotlinks (
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09:08.47blitz_astriconinspired: if I remember correctly: ${EXTEN:4:-1}
09:09.18der[mat]hi *
09:09.32blitz_astriconinspired:  ${EXTEN:x:y} where x removes from the left side and y removes from the right
09:09.37der[mat]whats the difference between dd01 and aaln at the mgcp section?
09:09.44inspiredah, thanks blitz_astricon
09:09.55blitz_astriconinspired: np
09:11.10blitz_astriconinspired: I always forget the syntax for the y value :)
09:11.23blitz_astriconboth y and -y do something, but you'll figure it out
09:11.32inspiredhehe, ok
09:12.22*** join/#asterisk pietro (
09:12.46pietrowhere asterisk save the history of CLI commands ?
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09:14.25RoyKif using round robin queueing with app_queue.. how can i tell asterisk how long it should ring per agent before continuing to the next?
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09:19.49blitz_astriconRoyK: I remember reading that in the queues.conf file
09:20.09blitz_astriconRoyK: although it could be in agents.conf - I forget, but I have seen that option
09:20.16blitz_astriconRoyK: I remember documenting it for the book :)
09:21.45blitz_astriconRoyK: timeout= ?
09:22.06RoyKfound it
09:22.13blitz_astriconRoyK: was that it?
09:22.15RoyKtimeout=10 sounds reasonable
09:22.19RoyKthink so
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09:22.44blitz_astriconI love people being assholes, then not thanking people when they do help
09:23.47SoloFlyerif you help me ill thankyou :)
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09:24.29blitz_astriconSoloFlyer: lol, what was the question again?
09:24.56SoloFlyermodprobe-ing wcfxs opermode=AUSTRALIA isnt resulting in the FX0 modules comming up in Australia mode
09:25.46SoloFlyeri am doing something stupid... i just know it
09:25.52blitz_astriconSoloFlyer: try opermode=au
09:26.11blitz_astriconI think its just the two letter country code, not the full country name
09:26.19tzafrirWhat exactly is opermode Isn't it something that can be set by ztcfg?
09:26.38SoloFlyerits the full country code in wcfsx.c
09:26.57blitz_astricontzafrir: I don't think it can be set in ztcfg, but I could be very wrong :)
09:27.23*** join/#asterisk dan_w (
09:27.35tzafrirWhat exactly is it? Is it really equired for .au phones?
09:28.16*** join/#asterisk Thumann (
09:28.21Thumann:) hi ppl
09:28.24SoloFlyeronly if you dont mind the tdm400 not being able to detect ring tones hangup tones and
09:28.34SoloFlyerand causing really bad echo
09:29.01dan_ware questions about impedance allowed in here ?
09:29.17tzafrirSoloFlyer, But why us it something that can only be set at load time?
09:29.30blitz_astricontzafrir: its used to control line impedence etc...
09:29.30SoloFlyercause it has to be set on the card
09:29.51tzafrirQuestions dan_w , I hope they are
09:30.00blitz_astricontzafrir: its quite possible it could be setup in zaptel.conf - I forget the exact option name.
09:30.03SoloFlyeri suppose it could be set other than at load but its setup this way
09:30.27SoloFlyeraccording to every doco i have ever come accross...
09:30.51blitz_astriconI remember documenting that option
09:30.52dan_wwell, you know when you've got an FXS interface, and your 2 wire circuit to the FXO is really really short (like 10m) you seem to get very loud sidetone
09:31.06dan_wso I'm guessing this is some kind of impedance mismatch
09:31.32dan_wmy FXS hardware is a spa3k, and it has a list of impedance settings for the FXS interface
09:31.33SoloFlyer10meters ? or
09:31.51dan_wthis is kinda relevant to * as well, because I'm having the same troubles on my FXS interface from digium too...
09:32.07tzafrirSoloFlyer, opermode seems like a number, at least in the version of wcfxo I'm looking at
09:32.13dan_w10 metres or what ?
09:32.41SoloFlyer10meters doesnt sound short so i was just checking
09:32.43tzafrirtry: modinfo wcfxo
09:32.50dan_wits set at 600 Ohms at the moment.  I presume just "600" means ohms...
09:33.26SoloFlyeryes iirc
09:33.34dan_wwell, it might be even less than 10m, but 10m is pretty short compared to some local loops isn't it ?
09:33.57SoloFlyersuppose... :/
09:34.42tzafrir0 is 'FCC' (US). 1 is CTR21 (Austria, Belguim, etc. E.g: europe)
09:35.06dan_wSo, anyone got any pointers to info about impedance and FXS circuits ?
09:35.57dan_wI've kinda been trawling google all morning and not come up with much
09:36.07SoloFlyeri know the feeling dan_w
09:36.31SoloFlyerbut at least im getting paid for this... ( well up until 1700 i was )
09:36.52SoloFlyerits 1900 now!!
09:36.59dan_wah well
09:37.06SoloFlyerim hungry :(
09:37.08dan_wI've tried one or two random settings
09:37.14dan_wdoesn't seem to make much difference
09:37.41SoloFlyerso let me get this right u have the fxs interface connected to a fx0 interface
09:37.59dan_wI mean FXO interface as in "my analogue phone"
09:38.26SoloFlyerand fxs on the 3k
09:38.31dan_wso FXS port on the spa3k connected to my phone
09:38.56SoloFlyerthat should just work fine
09:39.10dan_wyeah, but the sidetone is way too loud
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09:39.22dan_wI'm randomly testing the impedance settings on the spa3k fxs port
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09:39.30dan_wbut I'd rather have a cl00 what I'm doing...
09:39.48SoloFlyerthe guy that works with me has a 3k witht eh phone connected about 1 meters away
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09:40.11SoloFlyerno problem
09:40.18dan_wright, so is he slightly hard of hearing or did he change the impedance ? :)
09:40.39dan_wit defaults to 600 Ohm, which *seems* to be the "wrong" setting
09:40.49SoloFlyerhe didnt have to play with impedence at all afaik
09:41.01Zgarbihi. any asterisk developers here? I have problem with SIP register reestablish connection. if fails it didnot tryes to reestablish. anyone could me help?
09:41.40|Vulture|Zgarbi: there are a lot of developers here...
09:42.24Zgarbiand you?
09:42.29|Vulture|and btw a SIP registration does attempt
09:43.06Zgarbiwhat is btw?
09:43.09dan_wmaybe I got my tip and ring the wrong way round
09:43.19SoloFlyerBTW = By The Way
09:43.22jbotrumour has it, btw is by the way
09:43.55*** join/#asterisk Morex (
09:44.21Zgarbiso what is solution for me?
09:44.26SoloFlyerim gonna recompile with stable instead of cvs
09:44.43MorexAnyone else having trouble with
09:45.15|Vulture|Zgarbi: whats the problem?
09:45.22MorexI can't get through
09:45.27|Vulture|Zgarbi: it tried to register and doesn't?
09:45.31MorexRequest times out
09:45.38MorexResponds to pings though...
09:45.57Zgarbiif I get lagged it doesnt reregisters
09:46.23blitz_astriconoh yay, grandstream not sending DTMF :)
09:46.28Zgarbi|Vulture| can I PM?
09:46.30MorexAnybody logged in from Astricon?
09:46.44blitz_astriconMorex: I am
09:46.46MorexProbably too busy attending...
09:46.47|Vulture|Zgarbi: sure
09:46.48blitz_astriconMorex: #astricon
09:46.57MorexWish I was there...
09:47.02blitz_astriconyah, its great :D
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09:54.58|Vulture|sup Poincare
09:56.05PoWeRKiLLAny idea why sometime sip show peers don't show any peer
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09:56.46|Vulture|new one to me
09:56.50MorexPowerKill: Nope.  I get the same thing though.
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09:59.03MorexVoip-Info's back up.
10:00.06MorexI didn't do it...
10:00.19SoloFlyeri take that back then
10:00.57MorexCoolies, 348 people have looked at my new OrderlyQ page since I put it up yesterday evening...
10:01.35SoloFlyerahhh its not working...
10:01.54MorexThey must be working on it
10:02.21|Vulture|wiki is my lifeline
10:03.58drraywiki is alive!
10:04.27MorexGone again...
10:04.40MorexIt's up and down more often than my trousers :-)
10:07.05*** join/#asterisk meppl (
10:07.27SoloFlyermorex you should get a belt it will fix that problem
10:08.00mithrowhats an OrderlyQ?
10:08.38MorexMithro: Call +44 845 004 5412 and find out :-)
10:08.54drrayI'm guessing the wiki needs a mirror
10:09.07drrayor does that make me captain obvious
10:09.09MorexThey're planning to put one up.  Read only.
10:09.26SoloFlyerit has a mirror
10:09.28*** join/#asterisk Zgarbi (~my@
10:09.51SoloFlyergoogle cached mode :)
10:10.00MorexMirror mirror on the wall, why do my SIP calls always stall?
10:10.12drraybecause sip is the suckiest of them all
10:10.46SoloFlyeryeah tell me that after i marry it
10:10.54drrayI married zap
10:11.00drrayso I am no one to judge
10:11.11drrayer, not
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10:12.03MorexSIP works fine for me...
10:12.19drrayI have two phones using it
10:12.21drrayit's fine
10:12.28SoloFlyeryeah its not sip that im having problems with
10:12.35SoloFlyerits the dam digium cards
10:12.42MorexThough X-Lite has issues with DTMF
10:12.43drraymy 7960 sits on the crossover cable
10:12.53drraydirectly into the pbx
10:12.54MorexAnd AGI has issues hanging up on SIP softphones
10:13.04MorexBut it's workaroundable
10:13.49MorexAh, crossover.  QoS networking with a single cable...
10:14.08drraywiki is aliv
10:14.38drraythe budgetone works through the internet just fine
10:14.47drraywell as fine as a budgetone can work
10:15.56SoloFlyermake: *** SUBDIRS=/usr/src/modules/zaptel: No such file or directory.  Stop. << anyone know why im getting that
10:16.08drrayrunning as root?
10:16.21drraydid you make clean?
10:16.30drraythen no
10:16.49MorexDoes it exist?
10:17.06MorexSometimes you need to symlink...
10:17.09SoloFlyerSVRADL50:/usr/src/modules/zaptel# make linux26
10:17.14drrayyour secret is safe with us
10:17.38SoloFlyerhow the fuck cant it exist !!! im running make from it :P
10:17.56SoloFlyersorry fsck
10:18.08SoloFlyeri knwo :)
10:18.40SoloFlyeryes send some of that this way...
10:19.21MorexOr is it ?  One of them's soothing...
10:19.42SoloFlyerwhats the other one... hardcore urban punk?
10:19.50MorexHard trance.
10:20.19MorexThere's too which is quite soothing.
10:20.20PoWeRKiLLMorex what are you doing when it's happens you just restart and it's goes back right ?
10:21.06MorexUm, I haven't tried it.  Show peers hasn't been mission-critical for me.
10:21.15MorexI just noticed my SIP peers weren't showing up.
10:21.55MorexThey've been working, just not showing in SHOW PEERS
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10:23.43drrayso if I wanted to write a perl/agi script to check the status of the linus.. how would I know how long they have been connected and who they are connected to?
10:24.02drrayagi channel status does not appear to give that info
10:24.19WeezeyAGI('How\'s Linux?');
10:24.58drrayWHERE IS CAPTAIN OBVIOUS when you need him?
10:25.00MorexDrray:  Try using the agi_channel variable passed by asterisk
10:25.14MorexRather than the name of the channel as it appears in sip.conf etc.
10:26.43WeezeyI built a PHP script to monitor my extensions with a connection to the monitor
10:27.24Weezeyit works pretty well, I use it to update a database record which updates a page for the stupid receptionist who needs to see who is on the phone at all times.
10:28.42drrayI need that for the cisco 7960 xml stuff
10:28.57drraydo you have to compute the time of call yourself?
10:29.05Weezeyyeah, you have to use your own solution with cisco and SIP.
10:29.16drraythis would be zap
10:29.18drraybut yeah
10:29.50Weezeydrray: date("U") - date("U", strtotime($row["calldate"]));
10:29.57Weezeycall time in secs in PHP
10:30.24drraythere is an agi_calldate?
10:30.38Weezeyi duuno, I use the monitor
10:31.50WeezeyMorex: If I had to sit on hold for too long with this mp3, I'd kill myself.
10:32.19MorexDrray: Nope
10:32.38drrayso what is the monitor?  since I'm asking stupid questions anyway?
10:32.48MorexDrray: AGI's only really useful to handle the call while it's in the AGI script
10:32.49Weezeyset up monitor.conf
10:32.56MorexYou probably need the Manager API
10:33.20drraymonitor is for recording calls
10:33.28Weezeyoh, right
10:33.32Weezeyit's too early for me
10:33.40drraytoo late for me
10:33.48drrayI'm like what the heck?
10:34.13WeezeyLeave it to me to use call recording to check the status of calls.
10:34.27drraybreak out the buttset
10:34.49Weezey"Uhm, yeah, Dave's been on the phone for a good hour now."
10:35.22drraybuttset is a lineman's handset, aligator clips
10:35.41MorexThis is an American thing, isn't it?
10:35.42Weezeytypically orange phonelike thing
10:35.42drrayfor listening at the telco block or off the wire
10:35.48MorexOh OK
10:35.49MorexGot it
10:36.04Weezeythey cost too much
10:36.19drraymy butsett has magnets that pick up the convo without brekaing the wire
10:36.26Weezeyyou can do a lot of the same functions with a hacked up radio shack phone
10:37.04drrayall you need is a pair of aligator clips and a regular phone for 90% of it
10:37.04Weezeynew hold music:
10:37.29drraythanks for the push for manager.api that is just what I wanted
10:37.43Weezeysorry for the misdirection
10:37.46MorexMore than welcome.
10:37.48drrayit's ok
10:41.24SoloFlyerim going home cya
10:41.41SoloFlyeri finished work over 3 and a half hours ago!
10:41.57MorexI'm supposed to have started at least two hours ago...
10:42.34jerry_hotlinksanyone be kind enough to give me an example of the read() function - its suppoosed to write a file perhaps?
10:44.39MorexJerry: Which language?
10:45.22jerry_hotlinksenglish or do you mean which programming alng?
10:45.37jerry_hotlinksthats a damn good question
10:45.48*** join/#asterisk Abbas (Abbas@
10:45.56MorexIn java read() on an input stream returns the next character in the file
10:45.58jerry_hotlinksis there no way of just using the read function to store the tones?
10:46.16MorexOr read(buffer) reads lots of characters into a buffer...
10:46.30MorexAh, and in Asterisk...
10:46.52Abbaswho provides toll free and normal DID  wholesale in UK, AUS , GERMANY, FRANCE  over the IP
10:47.04Abbas~ toll free
10:47.10Abbas~toll free
10:47.41tzangerI don't know if you'll find one provider that has DIDs available on three continents
10:48.16Abbastzanger   do know any one  provides any of above contries?
10:48.24jerry_hotlinksyep into asterisk
10:48.34tzangerAbbas: plenty do US, not sure about hte others as I'm an untravelled Canadian
10:48.37Morexshow application read
10:48.42Morexwill tell you all about it.
10:49.06Abbascan u help me getting some name in  US and Canada
10:49.10jerry_hotlinksyup i did that - how does it store the tones though?
10:49.29MorexOh, it'll set the variable to "1234" if you enter 1234
10:49.36jerry_hotlinksi c
10:49.41jerry_hotlinksthanks for that
10:49.45tzangerAbbas: nufone, voctel, sixtel, unlimitel...
10:49.46Abbastzanger    can u help me finding some name in US and canada
10:49.54tzangerAbbas: don't repeat yourself every minute
10:50.09tzangerAbbas: and a modicum of basic research is required or you'll just end up getting ignored
10:50.13Abbastzanger     their websites  ?  and let me know  asmany as u know
10:50.27tzangerAbbas: if you want me ot do your homework, I charge.
10:50.43Abbashow much?
10:50.59tzangerUS$95/hr min 1hr
10:51.24tzangerthe information you're looking for is very easy to find online
10:51.25Abbaswhat the hell is  this     even one website is not being told freee   on free asterisk help channel
10:51.32tzangerthis is a free asterisk help channel
10:51.39tzangeryou're not even trying to help yourself
10:51.50tzangerif you insist on being that lazy, I charge.  simple as that.
10:52.06tzangerask pretty much anyone on here, I'm one of the most helpful people you will meet here
10:52.15Abbasi have searched so many on google      i just want  a second opinion       so that can know   which are the companies  wwell known in US an canada
10:52.17tzangerbut I ask that you at least ATTEMPT to help yourself.
10:52.38tzangerAbbas: I gave you a starting list.  If you searched the mailing list archives or you'd find many more
10:52.56Abbasthanks   tzanger
10:53.26tzangerI'm not trying to be an ass, but I refuse to hand-hold.  I prefer to help people who want to learn
10:54.25Abbastzanger    by sitting   10000s   of miles away from US   how can i know which is reliable  by just searching on google and lists
10:54.39Abbasobviously i need an opinion from a reasonable and sincere person
10:54.42Abbasthats y i came here
10:54.43tzangerAbbas: I'm *in* canada and I don't know which are reliable since I don't use all of them.
10:55.00tzangereveryone is going to have their horror stories about specific providers
10:55.18Abbasu might be right
10:55.18tzangerpersonally I have exceedingly good luck with unlimitel for .ca DIDs but they don't do IAX2.
10:55.34Abbasthey do SIP?
10:56.06tzangerSixtel/Voipjet/Broadvoice seem to be "the baddies" but they have DIDs everywhere.
10:56.25tzangerNufone I've *never* had issue with and I push 5kmin/mo through them, but their DID selection is extremely limited, as is Voctel
10:56.58Abbasthats great knowledge  my friend
10:57.09Abbasthanks a lot for helping me
10:57.14*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
10:57.28tzangerMy personal opinion is to stay away from sixtel and broadvoice.  If you search the lists you will find an unbelievable amount of traffic about them being down or shitty audio or crappy service or DIDs not routing or any number of problems.
10:58.09dan_wditto sipgate
10:58.11tzangerbut then again some people say they are the best.  I simply won't deal with them based on what I've seen on the list and what I've seen with my own sixtel did.  it always seems to work but my call volume fromthemis so little it's hard to tell if I'm just hitting the right times
10:58.25*** join/#asterisk pantanero (
10:58.55dan_wsipgate didn't acknowledge an outgoing call issue for two days, despite frequent and informative emails from me
10:59.15tzangerI can tell you that I get *constant* "sip registration failed" "sip wrong password "qualify timeout" messages with sixtel.  I'm simply waiting for the account balance to hit zero before I terminate.
10:59.19dan_wit must be my config, allegedly, which didn't change before or after the problems started/ended
10:59.19Abbastzanger    u seems to be right
10:59.32tzangerAbbas: of course I'm right.  :-)
11:00.08tzangerbeing a reliable VOIP provider is a lot harder than people think
11:00.14Abbasi have seen many times  NUfone downage complaints  on channel
11:00.29tzangerI refuse to deal with proviers who don't have their own TDM networks (which is sixtel, voipjet etc)
11:00.52tzangerbecause all they do is shuttle your traffic on to someone else... so now your problem could be with the guy you're paying or they guy they're paying
11:01.00dan_wtzanger, of course it is, but sipgate cant even get the basics (their billing/auth system) right
11:01.02tzangeryes, nufone gets a lot of complaints about customer service
11:01.35tzangerbut you know what -- in the 1.75 years I've used them I've *never* had a technical issue that was their problem.  Nufone is VERY MUCH a "not for newbies" termination, but they are taking steps to fix that
11:01.42tzangerand jerjer and shido6 are on here all the time
11:01.44*** join/#asterisk [Jedi] (~fdsafasdf@
11:02.04tzangertheir customer service skills just need some polishing.  :-)
11:02.07tzangerI'll tell you what though
11:02.34tzangerwhen I am able to convince (yes you have to convince them) jerjer that I the problem isn't likely my end... he's on it like a fat kid on a cupcake.
11:03.27tzangerWe spent 6 hours together fixing a bug in asterisk.  the guy knows asterisk code and is capable of fixing it (as am I for some parts)
11:03.55MorexHow do you make an Asterisk feature request?
11:03.57tzangerand he also set up an entire test server for me which terminated to his TDM network so we could test new and exciting bits of asterisk without risking his entire VOIP network
11:04.09*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
11:04.12RoyKhello world
11:04.13MorexI need to change the way AGI behaves if it can't find the AGI server...
11:04.21tzangerasterlink is good too now that I think of it -- that's bkw_ and anthm, and both those dudes know what the hell they're talking about
11:04.45tzangerMorex: bugtracker is the way to do it but I'd post to -dev first and get some opinions/backup.  :-)
11:05.11MorexTzanger: Many thanks for that.
11:05.12MorexWill do.
11:05.34tzangerdan_w: I've never used sipgate (they're .de, perhaps you know other .de providers for Abbas)
11:06.05Abbasmmm in germany
11:06.33[Jedi]Morex: you're using FastAGI?
11:06.39tzangervoicepulse connect seems to work but I haven't used them in over a year...  their iax2 support was always spotty but I hear their sip network is good
11:08.01MorexJedi: Yup, and Manager
11:08.24MorexJust working on my new application server now...
11:09.38tzangeranyway I gotta get dressed and get the kids ready
11:09.51tzangerthat should be a good starting point for north america anyway
11:09.58Abbastzanger   actually i wanted to launch my calling card and wanted to get access numbers for that    i have my SIP server in US virginia
11:11.29tzangerI understand -- you want a nationwide provider of DIDs.  It's difficult to find a *reliable* provider whos got DIDs in the major US48 and doesn't require a million-minute-a-month minimum to talk to you.  All the little guys with US48 DIDs are just getting their DIDs over SIP (i.e. they're not terminating themselves) which is what leads to a lot of problems IME.
11:16.06Abbastzanger   i can start working   state by state   like  initially  i can go for NY  and then for other
11:16.50Abbastzanger    in this way i might find some good and stable on with no minute commitment
11:21.09*** join/#asterisk cluecon (
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11:22.47jackswhen using the DISA application, the following warning comes up: Jun 16 13:21:40 WARNING[28644]: cdr.c:286 ast_cdr_init: CDR already initialized on
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11:33.31dan_wanyone know if the spa3k supports early dial ?
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11:45.29_omerhow to download and install SOX ?
11:45.43tzafrir_omer, apt-get install sox
11:45.56tzafriror similar methods. It should be part of most distros
11:46.02bublboblhi all. Is there a way to tell asterisk not to load modem.conf ? (we have an undefined symbol : ast_unregister_modem-driver that prevents * from starting)
11:47.03tzafririn /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
11:47.13bublbobltzafrir>  where should I enter it ? :-$
11:47.20bublbobltzafrir>  thx :-)
11:47.28beavizdbublbobl: noload => i modules.conf
11:47.32beavizdduh ;)
11:47.35_omertzafrir: do I only need to type : apt-get install sox ? that's it
11:47.44tzafrirI don't remember the exact module name. Also: it may have dependent modules
11:47.49MorexGotta love Debian...
11:47.58tzafrir_omer, what distro>
11:48.28tzafrirOn what OS do you run asterisk?
11:48.35_omerRED HAT 9
11:48.47tzafrirOne of those
11:49.52tzafrir_omer, it should be one of the standard RH9 packages.
11:50.16tzafrircheck and/org
11:50.27*** join/#asterisk stkn_ (nobody@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
11:50.29tzafrirI don't know if that version supports gsm, though
11:51.05_omeru mean RED HAT ?
11:51.07_omerit supports
11:51.34_omerI have tried recording in GSM I need to make 1 file with SOX as I read in wiki
11:52.05_omerbut I dont know how to download and install SOX ...
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11:58.59*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (~romik@
11:59.26bublboblIf we disable chan_modem, then we lose SIP and many apps :+( . What is strange is that we have this "undefined symbol: ast_unregister_modem_driver" message since we changed musiconhold.conf. Did anyone meet such a pb ? :-o
12:00.00*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
12:02.27tzafrirbublbobl, so maybe try to get rid of the problem instead
12:02.54tzafrirWhat's the exact error?
12:03.09bublbobltzafrir>  Yes, but i don't know how to troubleshoot. One moment I copy...
12:03.20bublbobltzafrir>   []/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_unregister_modem_driver
12:04.03bublbobltzafrir>  we didn't change or recompile, only modified music on hold
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12:08.46bublbobltzafrir>  it seems to be the same pb as described here :
12:10.00Romik_j #gnudialer
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12:26.19beavizdbublbobl: np :)
12:26.45nainHI Guys
12:29.12nainHow i will Dial exten creating in extensions.conf using chan_h323 driver (from h323.conf) ?
12:34.03*** join/#asterisk newl (
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12:40.27*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
12:40.55Ariel_hello everyone
12:41.50teapotCan anyone tell me how I can handle a dialplan module returning -1 ?
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12:45.30darkskiezHow can I get asterisk to pay attention to the authorisation username, rather than the sip username? (I want to have multiple phones with the same number as a line appearance for outgoing calls)
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12:48.53Ariel_teapot more info on what you want to do is needed
12:49.24Ariel_darkskiez, you can have all your accounts normally and just set your outbound caller ID via the dial strings
12:50.02Ariel_cluecon, morning
12:50.08Ariel_those were easy ones
12:50.10darkskiezhave all of my accounts?
12:50.14clueconI know.
12:50.28inspiredhmm, do the iax and sip protocols support sending images?
12:50.48inspiredif so, does the same thing happen as with faxes? do they get screwed up at packet loss or are packets resent?
12:51.06teapotAriel_: I'll give you an example..
12:51.08*** join/#asterisk malfi (
12:51.19Ariel_inspired, not really there is a codec for sip and h323 to have video
12:51.34*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
12:51.40inspireduhm, ok
12:51.45teapotsay I have this in my dialplan:
12:52.02teapotNow what if Command returns -1
12:52.03Ariel_inspired, faxes can only be sent in an uncompress codec ulaw/alaw unless you have a t38 which asterisk does not support at this time.
12:52.03*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
12:52.05inspiredAriel_: so, for sip... will the image still get there if there's a lot of packet loss
12:52.06cluecondarkskiez, before your dial command you need an exten line that says...exten => 1XXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID(Your Caller Name<18889995555>|a)
12:52.09teapotHow do I test for that ?
12:52.20inspiredAriel_: yes, I know, but I've got some ideas
12:52.28inspiredwhat exactly does the codec for sending images do?
12:53.08darkskiezcluecon, yeh, I have that already, I have each phone set to its ddi, but I want to use the second line appearances to dial out from the main number, I'm not sure of the best way to configure those accounts.
12:53.10inspiredlet's say I send a pic over sip with that codec and there's huge packet loss on my link. will the full picture get to the receiver eventually?
12:53.10malfiIf I call my * via chan_capi and send some dtmfs, asterisk complains about "chan_capi.c:875 capi_read: Fax detected, but no fax extension". softdtmf=0 doesn't help. Any hint?
12:54.18Ariel_darkskiez, you can do 8 for use of this line or 9 for the normal one in your dialing rules
12:54.37darkskiezOh, bugger.
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12:54.58darkskiezso what is the point of multiple line appearances?
12:55.14cluecondarkskiez: I don't think you can use a single phone to have multiple registrations.  the purpose of multi-lines is to be able to take more than one call.
12:55.43*** part/#asterisk pif (
12:56.14Ariel_teapot, asterisk adds 101 to the number. like exten => s,1,Dial(Blah) exten => s,2,Congestion exten => s,102,Do something.
12:56.29*** join/#asterisk Bile_One (
12:56.34teapotI thought as much Ariel_
12:56.41*** part/#asterisk sigterm (
12:56.42_omerI just downloaded the SOX. now how to install it ?
12:56.53teapotAriel_: But in some cases a module won't return +101
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12:57.36Ariel_teapot, you then have to fix the dial plan correctly. I use macro's for mine and check for that same thing.
12:57.36thieumSsomebody knows about this message : "PRI: received SETUP message for call that is not a new call, wicked!!!" ?
12:57.50Ariel_Katty, morning
12:57.58teapotAriel_: In my example above where I use "n" instead of absolute numbers like "2", how do you handle the +101 ?
12:58.00_omermake install doesnt work..
12:58.05darkskiezcluecon, I have 7960's they do multiple registrations, they have parameters authname, and name, I was going to set authname to be the same for each line, to use the same account, it doesnt register if its the same, and set name to set the callerid.
12:58.18darkskiezcluecon, the problem being, asterisk seems to ignore the authname, is this correct
12:58.36Ariel__omer, look to see if there is an install script. you might have to do ./configure the ./
12:59.43darkskiezyou get meat smoothies?
12:59.44_omerthanks Ariel_ ....   ./configure works..
13:00.56*** part/#asterisk heka (~heka@
13:00.58Ariel_darkskiez, asterisk can't use the same account. It will only see the last one that registers
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13:01.21cluecondarkskiez: try this, including the verification of which code it is running...
13:01.52Kattyi want to rtfm on voicemail
13:01.53Kattywhere is it?
13:02.07cluecondarkskiez: you will need to use different authnames i think.
13:02.17clueconKatty: what about voicemail do you want to know?
13:02.19Kattyseeing how i don't really comprehend voicemail in the first place
13:02.24Kattycluecon: everything
13:02.31Kattycluecon: specifically how it works before i set anything up
13:02.45Ariel_Katty, wiki has lots of info on it.
13:03.00clueconKatty: start here...
13:03.01darkskiezso Asterisk ignores SIP Authorisation headers?
13:03.05Kattyi'mma get edjimicated
13:03.30Ariel_cluecon, your about 2 strokes slow today what's up? No coffee yet?
13:03.47Kattyhe obviously requires hugging
13:03.57clueconworking from home today...haven't hit the caffiene yet.
13:04.01darkskiezContact: <sip:5150@>
13:04.01darkskiezAuthorization: Digest username="5176",realm="asterisk",uri="sip:",response="37f0965dd6a3b04f8486d513d4ab4808",nonce="702741b3",algorithm=md5
13:04.02Ariel_darkskiez, asterisk is not a proxy server. It requires proper registrations
13:04.04Kattygah! can't open the cashews :<
13:04.39darkskiezIt sees that as username 5150, not 5176
13:05.14Kattywhy do they sell things  you cannot open without scissors or pocket knife at the gas station? of all places!
13:05.46darkskiezIf only I could get SER to accept multiple registrations and pass them on to *. But that looks like brain surgery.
13:05.54cluecondarkskiez: did you try that link?  it should give you what you want.
13:05.58Ariel_darkskiez, ser does
13:06.48darkskiezcluecon, I did thanks, i'm quite familiar with the cisco config already, but I'd forgotton about the weird proxy aspect of sip.
13:07.19Kattyi need an explination:
13:07.20darkskiezAriel_, is there a minimal config somewhere that does that?
13:07.23Katty210 => 5555,John Smith,
13:07.25Kattywhat is 210?
13:07.38Ariel_darkskiez, SER is a bear
13:07.39Kattyand what is 5555?
13:07.47clueconKatty: did you read the page?
13:07.50darkskiezAriel_, i know :/
13:07.55Ariel_Katty, the mailbox number
13:07.55Kattycluecon: yes, there is no explination...
13:08.05KattyAriel_: yes...but how do you use the mailbox number?
13:08.11Ariel_5555 password
13:08.12KattyAriel_: keep in mind i've never used voicemail before :)
13:08.19Kattyso you dial the 210?
13:08.44martinbaAriel_, what kind of flyning do you mean?
13:09.08cluecon210 is the mailbox, 5555 is the password.  that link is for configuring voicemail.conf which is only half the puzzle.
13:09.19Ariel_martinba, In my airplane going over the water and enjoying a open canopy flight.
13:09.37Kattycluecon: gah, that confuses me entirely
13:10.25martinbaAriel_, nice .. all I have is a RC Canopy aircraft ;)
13:10.31Ariel_Katty, extensions are different you can have an extension as 1000 with mailbox 200. It is all in the way you setup the dialing rules and via sip or iax2 mailbox=200
13:10.55Ariel_martinba, I have a Stol airplane called the Koliber 150a great fun plane
13:10.58Kattywhat is the 210 actually for though?
13:11.06Ariel_mailbox number
13:11.07Kattyyou pickup and dial 210 and they go into their mailbox?
13:11.19Ariel_and yes
13:11.27Kattyway to confuse the crap out of me :<
13:11.31Ariel_it is dependent on your dialing rule
13:11.57Ariel_Katty, the two are not sync.  You can dial into the voicemail application and put the mail box number
13:12.09Ariel_some people have them the same as the extension but allot don't
13:12.23Kattyso the voicemail app sits on a single extenison
13:12.30Ariel_it ca
13:12.31Kattythen asks for username (210) and password (5555)?
13:12.40Ariel_yes it can
13:12.47Ariel_or it can also work off a callerID
13:12.55Kattyi think i'd rather keep it simple :<
13:13.23Kattyif working off callerid is simple to setup (AND understand) then that would be neat
13:13.23Ariel_Katty, it's very flexable in how you can set the voicemail up.
13:13.35KattyAriel_: i imagine it is, but when you don't know anything, it's rather difficult :P
13:13.46Ariel_Katty, yes your correct
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13:13.50Kattyi think someone's going to have to hold my hand through this one
13:14.46`SauronOh, you're so Katty today.
13:15.22clueconKatty: i have a voicemail extension (in extensions.conf) that looks like this...exten => 100,1,VoiceMailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM})
13:16.01KattyAriel_: ((((((=
13:16.16inspiredis the codec or the protocol doing retransmission on packet loss?
13:16.17Katty`Sauron: i'm Katty everyday
13:16.18inspiredis it*
13:17.09clueconKatty: in voicemail.conf, in my [default] section i have 222 => 222,Cluecon,
13:17.24Katty222 is your callerid number?
13:17.31Ariel_inspired, not really
13:17.38Kattyand your password too?
13:17.57inspiredAriel_: hmpf
13:17.58Ariel_Katty, when you use s option it skips the password.
13:18.18clueconKatty: in my sip.conf for peer [222] I have a line that says mailbox=222@default
13:18.24inspiredAriel_: if _I_ make my own codec codec_filesend, can I make it retransmit until the whole damn file is received at the other end?
13:18.24Ariel_inspired, that is why you get loss of works or sounds crappy some times.
13:18.41inspiredor doesn't the codec have control of that? is it the iax2/sip protocol, and in that case I have to make my own protocol?
13:18.48Ariel_inspired, voice is real time does not work well with packet loss
13:19.02inspiredI don't want to send no damn voice ;)
13:19.02KattyAriel_: s option?
13:19.16clueconKatty: putting it all together, the sip peer 222 has a voicemail box 222 (this could be anything) with a password of 222 (this could be anything). would just say that box 210 has no password? and pull 210 from the callerid?
13:19.43inspiredAriel_: want to send a file through the iax or sip protocol and make sure it gets to the other end eventually, no matter how much packet loss there is
13:20.03inspiredis that possible if I make my own codec?
13:20.10clueconKatty: when they dial extension 100, it reads the calleridnum (which must be 222 or whatever the vm box number is)
13:20.21Kattyvm box?
13:20.36Kattywhere do you set up the callerid number?
13:20.39clueconKatty: since i use the s in my extension line, it doesn't prompt for the password, without it, it would ask for the password.
13:21.09Kattyfirst let's get the voice app on the extensions
13:21.09clueconKatty: i have a line in sip.conf under my [222] peer that says callerid=Cluecon <222>
13:21.17Kattyis it already setup, like the echo test?
13:21.34clueconyou will need to add an exten line similar to the one i posted.
13:21.40Kattyk, moment
13:21.47lehelpeople on asterisk: why my CLI> show channeltypes says me that:
13:21.53lehelZap         Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI                      no
13:22.04lehelDevistate: no <<
13:22.50*** part/#asterisk Maksim (~max@
13:23.04clueconlehel: because you don't have any zap channels configured?
13:23.14lehelof course i have! cluecon
13:23.17lehel4 channels
13:23.34cpatrysomeone already played with AEL ?
13:23.36clueconpastebin your zapata.conf and your zaptel.conf
13:23.40lehelthat's why is dubious
13:23.44clueconcpatry: AEL?
13:23.58cpatryAsterisk Extension Language
13:24.23cpatryjbot, ael is Asterisk Extension Language
13:24.25jbotokay, cpatry
13:24.32jbotmethinks ael is Asterisk Extension Language
13:25.11teapotURL for AEL ?
13:25.12Kattyok, i setup exten => 100,1,VoiceMailMain
13:25.38Kattywhere do i go to setup the individual's callerid number?
13:25.43Kattyis that in sip.conf?
13:25.44cpatryteapot: dunno, saw it from cvs.
13:25.50Kattywith their username/secret/pickupgroup, etc
13:25.58cpatryteapot: pbx pbx_ael.c
13:26.14cpatrysee the readme too.
13:26.23cpatryi'll have to learn about all that.
13:26.33Ariel_Katty, yes callerID="Bob Somebody"<222>
13:26.41KattyAriel_: which conf is that in?
13:26.52clueconKatty: in sip.conf you will need 2 lines 1 for the callerid and 1 for the mailbox...callerid=Name<555> where 555 is the number, mailbox=555@default
13:27.25*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
13:27.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
13:27.39inspiredhey twisted
13:28.35KattyAriel_: i added callerid="Angela @ Copi-Rite"<1000>
13:28.50KattyAriel_: that character won't throw it off, will it? more importantly, is that useless?
13:29.01KattyAriel_: will callerid show up at another company or just internally?
13:29.15cpatryteapot: get HEAD
13:30.01Ariel_Katty, it will show up everywhere unless you change it via the dialing rules. I have never tried that for mine. don't forget the mailbox=1000 in there as well.
13:30.18Kattyon, where's mailbox=1000 go? in sip.conf?
13:30.26Ariel_Katty, yes
13:30.31Kattyright below callerid?
13:30.41kajtzuorder doesnt matter
13:30.59cpatryAEL is intended to provide an actual
13:30.59cpatryprogramming language that can be used to write an Asterisk dialplan.
13:31.01Ariel_Katty, did you read what cluecon posted
13:31.04Kattykajtzu: i'm double checking i have it in the right spot :)
13:31.18KattyAriel_: of course, but i'm paranoid as hell :)
13:31.42Kattyjust be patient with me
13:31.45teapotah, thanks cpatry
13:32.24Ariel_cpatry, so your going to put in actuall programming language into the dial plan instead of normal scripting...
13:32.38thieumSthere's no way to change the ptime value in the SDP ?
13:32.58drumkillaAriel_: well, extensions.conf is getting out of hand
13:33.05clueconAriel: that is what ael is.
13:33.27Kattyi put the mailbox=1000@copi-rite
13:33.30drumkillaI have already completely redone my dialplan in ael
13:33.34Kattynow i'm going to go setup the context in voicemail.conf
13:33.34cpatryariel: give a shot to AEL
13:33.43cpatrydrumkilla: ya, just saw it, seems really great.
13:33.54Kattydo i setup 1000= s here or do i put that in the extensions.conf?
13:34.02drumkillait is soooo much easier
13:34.05cpatryand performance is equivalent to dialplan?
13:34.12drumkillacpatry: yes
13:34.23Kattyor would that make 's' the password?
13:34.26clueconKatty: in need [copi-rite]
13:34.30drumkillawhat it does is 'compiles' your extensions.ael into normal dialplan
13:34.33Kattycluecon: i've got that setup :)
13:34.39Kattycluecon: i'm right below that, trying to put my first line in
13:34.57Kattycluecon: i'd rather not have a password...but i don't know how to get it to skip it (don't know where the s goes)
13:35.15cpatrydrumkilla: great.
13:35.16Katty1000 =>,,Angela,email?
13:35.33clueconthen 1000 => 1000,Angela,email
13:35.43Kattythey must equal then?
13:35.43clueconthen you'll need to modify that line you put in extensions.conf
13:35.45cpatrydrumkilla: but the most amazing thing ive saw this week is the cdr buffer recently added.
13:35.57cpatrywhen few bugs will be fixed, that's gonna be awesome.
13:35.59clueconno, they don't have to equal.
13:36.06Kattycluecon: let me get this straight. to use the s option, you have to have your mailbox number and password match?
13:36.11Kattydid i really just ask that?
13:36.28clueconrepeat: no, they don't have to equal.
13:36.29Ariel_Katty, no they don't
13:37.32Kattyok, i have 1000 => 1000,Angela,myemailaddress@here.wherever
13:38.03Ariel_Katty, exten => 100,1,VoiceMailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM}@copi-rite) would be your exten to get the voicemail
13:38.13Ariel_Katty, that is fine
13:38.33Ariel_Katty, note the s in the new exten =>
13:39.10clueconKatty: now go back to extensions.conf and change the line to exten => 100,1,VoiceMailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM})
13:39.28Kattynot to say i don't want your help
13:39.29clueconer...yeah, what Ariel_ said.
13:39.33Kattybut....those two lines are different
13:39.37Kattyand  now i'm all confuzzled!
13:39.42Kattybut i shall trust Ariel_ (=
13:40.05clueconAriel_ has the right line for your setup.
13:41.02Kattynow i can ask if people want passwords.
13:41.18twistedAEL looks so flexible
13:41.47cluecontwisted: where can i read about AEL?
13:41.57cpatrytwisted: exactly.
13:42.00twistedcvs lists
13:42.02cpatrycluecon: cvs?
13:42.03lehelWARNING[13722]: chan_skinny.c:3180 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled         << why is that?
13:42.10twistedor check out latest head
13:42.49teapotlehel: prolly the wrong IP address in skinny.conf
13:44.04lehelteapot: ok! now: Jun 16 15:49:18 WARNING[13722]: chan_zap.c:10445 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling
13:44.26lehelcan't imagine.. why is this happening.. on all four channels
13:44.40Ariel_wrong signalling
13:44.44*** join/#asterisk truz24 (
13:45.08twistedzap on reload will reload the information about a channel, but ignores the signalling
13:45.13twistednotice it says "Reconfigured"
13:45.24twistedyou can't change the signalling on a running platform
13:45.55lehelbut i don't want to change the signalling
13:46.03*** join/#asterisk wrmem (
13:46.12lehelsignalling = fxo_ks
13:46.15twistedi should remove that message, as it's sorta confusing, or change it to a notice
13:46.23twistedlehel, yeah, and it doesn't change it
13:46.53cluecontwisted: how about make it say that signalling can't be changed on a reload and to change the signalling a restart is required.
13:46.55Ariel_twisted, nice idea
13:47.20lehelZap         Zapata Telephony Driver w/PRI                      no (Devicestate)        ... it is still "no"
13:47.22twistedcluecon, that message actually comes from a completely different area
13:47.44twistedi believe mkintf() spits that out
13:47.54*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
13:48.06twistedit's been a long time since i looked at it
13:48.40twistedcluecon, sure, write a patch
13:48.59twistedand a WARNING is *NOT* an error
13:49.05twistednor is a NOTICE
13:49.18twistedonly ERROR is an error ;)
13:49.18cpatrycluecon: excellent idea.
13:49.23clueconer...ok, i'll watch my language in the future.
13:49.27Ariel_twisted, yes and how many times will people keep posting them here.
13:49.37twistedAriel_, doesn't matter
13:49.44cpatryim sure blitz would like create such a document.
13:50.02twistedeven if we implimented cpatry's idea, people will still post them here.
13:50.04clueconAriel_: then it becomes a matter of saying go to and put in that number to find out what the problem is.
13:50.14twistedpossibly more so in the beginning
13:50.36cpatrytwisted: but we can refer them to that doc.
13:50.50twistedcpatry, as of right now, it prints out what the problem is
13:51.08cpatryi suggest 4 docs: 1) ERROR, 2) WARNING, 3) NOTICE 4) DEBUG (good luck)
13:51.08twistedif you don't think the language is sufficient, make a patch with better explanations
13:51.20*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
13:52.29lehelpeople i'm trying to connect two asterisk box.. with iax2... tells me:
13:52.32wrmemGrin, VMS style?  ZAPTEL-I-SIGCHANGE, Signallng requires a restart
13:52.37lehelJun 16 15:57:34 NOTICE[13748]: chan_iax2.c:6609 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '1000@'
13:53.26twistedwrmem, but is that all it requires? :P
13:53.32clueconlehel pastebin your iax.conf files with private info removed.
13:53.35[TK]D-Fenderlehel : looks like you forgot to have the other box imply which context to apply that extension to
13:54.43*** join/#asterisk \usr\sbin (~squirrelv@
13:54.54wrmemIf you are faking it, yes.  (Not that I actually believe that would be a good solution, but then you can have someone type in the error "name" (SIP-E-NOPEER) and not a number.
13:55.22*** join/#asterisk durex (
13:55.42thieumSdo you have any information about the ptime value in SIP and g729 ?
13:55.45twistedi believe that if you have half a clue, the current messages are easy to understand, and are in plain english
13:55.46martinbauarg... everytime i try 'ztcfg -vv' my machine stops responding, i have a 2.6 kernel, and my hfc card is not sharing any irq with another device. the zaphfc module loaded but it complains about zt_register. Any hints for me?
13:55.57twistedbut like I said
13:56.00thieumSis it set in the code ?
13:56.08twistedif you feel they should be changed, or elaborated upon, write a patch
13:56.33cluecontwisted: the key phrase is 'half a clue'.  i have not an opinion one way or the other, just an idea.
13:56.40\usr\sbinwhat is the proper way of starting *
13:56.52twistedspeaking of half a clue.
13:57.00Ariel_\usr\sbin, you mean like asterisk -vvvvgc
13:57.07cpatrytwisted: that document, like cluecon probably thinks too, could explain how to make these LOG_* disapears.
13:57.08Ariel_or safe_asterisk
13:57.38\usr\sbinwhat is safe_asterisk
13:58.09Ariel_\usr\sbin, it's a script that loads asterisk with some fail restart settings
13:58.31\usr\sbincan i put that on the init to start at startup?
13:58.41lehelcluecon: [TK]D-Fender:
13:58.47Ariel_\usr\sbin, which version of os are you running
13:59.09Ariel_in the asterisk directory do make config
13:59.45Ariel_also if you have zaptel device do the same there /usr/src/zaptel
13:59.55Ariel_it will make the files for you correctly.
14:00.50jontowcan one 'include' from voicemail.conf ?
14:01.18Ariel_jontow, include the voicemail.conf????
14:01.24jontowno, include *from* it
14:01.39jontowie. include other files as contexts, much like one can with extensions.conf, but not IN extensions.conf at all :D
14:01.47jontowfor external-tool-parsing reasons
14:02.04jontowwould just give me less work; so i ask.. thats all :)
14:02.18jontowif it can't be done, then i'll be doing it the harder way
14:02.31Ariel_you mean you want to in the voicemail.conf include other files?
14:02.35Ariel_the reply is yes
14:02.45jontowlike, in voicemail.conf:
14:02.52jontowinclude "othercompanysvoicemailboxes.conf"
14:02.55Ariel_#include =/path/filename
14:02.58jontowfor a 'virtual hosting' effect
14:03.37Ariel_jontow, yes but you need to only put mail box context in those files.
14:03.39Kattylooks like we're going to use passwords :<
14:04.44martinbawhen building zaphfc i get warnings that zt_register, zt_transmit, zt_receive, zt_ec_chunk and zt_unregister are undefined ... should i ignore that?
14:06.05*** part/#asterisk REdOG (~REdOG@REdOG.user.gentoo)
14:06.07*** join/#asterisk gatty (
14:06.26gattyafternoon all
14:06.30lehel[TK]D-Fender: how did you say?.. what sould i do?
14:07.18gattydo I have to do anything special to get the new "UK-approved" TDM400P to be recognised?  modprobe wctdm doesn't see it but it does show up in lspci output.
14:08.37*** join/#asterisk gabb0 (
14:08.45gabb0hello all
14:09.32martinbadoes anybody here has experience with zaphfc cards?
14:09.32*** join/#asterisk clive- (
14:10.23clive-does anyone heer have expereince with the eicon 4bri card ?
14:11.13tzafrirspeaking of zaphfc: I've finally started adding zaphfc and zaptel/pri in general support to genzaptelconf.
14:12.08tzafrirI have something that should work for zaphfc cards and looking for testers
14:12.38martinbai would be glad if i could test :)
14:13.16*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
14:13.41gattyforget my question - upgrading to latest CVS zaptel fixed it.
14:13.52*** join/#asterisk KeX (
14:14.02[Jedi]martinba: I do
14:14.02gabb0looking for some knowledge on echo and echo cancellation
14:14.19*** join/#asterisk davewise (
14:14.42gabb0I have a strange issue where if echo cancel is on, longdistance sounds like crap but local doesn't and if echo cancel is off then the opposite occurs
14:14.44tzafrir (version 0.3.0) . Should generally work. Doesn't try to load the module , though
14:14.46[Jedi]martinba: I have it working with a 13EUR single-BRI card :D
14:15.00*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
14:15.19tzafrirWell, I need to get going. I hope to come back later (as tzafrir_laptop
14:15.55martinba[Jedi], superb :) is it safe to ignore these zt_register etc. warnings when comiling / loading the module?
14:16.04martinbatzafrir, i will give it a try
14:16.38[Jedi]martinba: I don't get any of these
14:16.53[Jedi][root@ccard01 sounds]# dmesg |grep zt_register
14:16.54[Jedi][root@ccard01 sounds]#
14:16.58davewisehas anyone experienced a problem on SIP calls where, when you hear your SIP phone ring and answer it, there is silence for a period of time and then all the audio kicks in (like 4 to 20 seconds)
14:17.19davewiseThis is on a Sipura1000
14:17.28[Jedi]martinba: CentOS 3.4 with 2.4.21-32.0.1.EL kernel here
14:18.23coppicegabb0: are your long distance calls being carrier across a VoIP LD backbone? if so, echos on them generally won't cancel, and attempts to do so go bananas
14:19.06martinba[Jedi], ive a debian system with kernel .. with 2.4.31 .. the same warning occured
14:19.53*** join/#asterisk tekati (
14:21.10gabb0coppice, I believe ld travels over ds3 in this case.  a tech from the ld company has told us they are not doing any echo cancel at all on their end
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14:21.54coppicegabb0: that isn't what I asked?
14:21.54gabb0coppice, so I'm not sure why this is happening.  very strange
14:22.52*** join/#asterisk MattH (
14:23.07MattHHi,... what can I use to load test my asterisk box?  astertest doesn't seem to be working correctly...
14:23.11gabb0coppice, sorry.  some background I guess, we are using sip <-> asterisk <-> PRI <-> telco
14:23.18brimstoneMattH: call files
14:24.11MattHI considered that... but does that real do a realist load test?
14:24.14*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
14:24.15MattHI guess I could call another asterisk server
14:24.20coppiceits not strange. your long distance link is *not* over a DS3, though your local access to it may be. Its probably over an OC192 these days. question is, is it carried across that OC192 as VoIP or as circuit switched data
14:24.29brimstoneMattH: yeah, or call out and back in
14:24.45MattHbut how do I know when it breaks?  call in on a voip phone and talk?
14:25.01_omeranybody please tell me what kind of error is it ?
14:25.01_omerJun 16 07:29:33 NOTICE[7603]: frame.c:135 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
14:25.36*** join/#asterisk fa__ (
14:26.00brimstone_omer: turn off silence suppression on the phone
14:26.07fa__make -C  SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel modules
14:26.07fa__make: *** SUBDIRS=/usr/src/zaptel: No such file or directory.  Stop.
14:26.07fa__make: *** [linux26] Error 2
14:26.09fa__what's bad
14:26.23_omerbrimstone: in asterisk or phone?
14:26.31brimstone_omer: on the phone
14:26.58_omerI use X-PRO
14:26.58gabb0coppice, ok, I'm not sure.  so what you are saying is if it is voip then my echo canceling is making things worse?  So how to remedy?  if I turn echo cancel off then local sounds like crap?
14:27.12*** join/#asterisk bonez39 (
14:27.43coppicegabb0: you must seek your own path in life, grasshopper :-)
14:28.14_omerbrimstone: thanks..let me check...
14:28.54gabb0coppice, ha ha.  yeah, that is what I was worried about.  the "every case is unique" issue.  I noticed there was no more advancement on the patch to turn ec on or off in the dial command
14:29.07gabb0that would likely have been the solution to my problem
14:29.14gabb0well one possible one
14:30.31*** part/#asterisk popooya (~popooya@08b8ae1d0a6311b7.session.tor)
14:31.01Kattyit's not dialing
14:31.10Kattyit says it's dialing
14:31.20Kattyit says it answered it
14:31.20Hmmhesaysit lies... have nothing to do with it
14:31.28*** join/#asterisk beto75_ (~beto75@
14:31.31Kattybut...there's no ringring! ringring!
14:31.39beto75_hello guys
14:31.45jerry_hotlinksquick basic dumb question - how to exit the cli without shutting * down please?
14:32.02KattyALL LIES
14:32.13brimstonejerry_hotlinks: "exit" if it compains, don't start asterisk with the -c option
14:32.14*** join/#asterisk skiold (
14:32.16Hmmhesaysput a phone on the line and dial it manually
14:32.22KattyHmmhesays: it works
14:32.23Hmmhesaysjerry_hotlinks: !
14:32.36KattyHmmhesays: just...sporadically does this to me
14:32.52Kattylike...if the moon is exactly some distance to the sun it will work
14:32.55Kattyotherwise, DOOM
14:33.05Kattylike see, now it works
14:33.18*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
14:34.05Hmmhesaysis at always going out the first port?
14:34.13Hmmhesayscause you have all 4 channels in that group
14:34.18Hmmhesayslast I checked
14:35.11KattyHmmhesays: yes, it is
14:35.18KattyHmmhesays: i have to figure out how to fix that sooner or later
14:35.47brookshirekevin's tutorial is up :)
14:36.09cpatrybrookshire: thx
14:37.56*** join/#asterisk kn0x (
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14:38.45kn0xdrumkilla- you there?
14:40.20brookshiredrumkilla the nubbkilla
14:42.19kn0xi was looking for the Callback application.. i cant get it to work here
14:42.40kn0xanyways i still have the problem of getting inband DTMF from FWD to me...
14:42.47kn0xim using ulaw...
14:43.39[illuminatus]how come when I make an outgoing call, people can hear me but I can't hear them?
14:44.08kn0xyou have your volume to low.... or maybe you need a hearing aid
14:44.13*** join/#asterisk togusa (
14:44.17togusahello there
14:44.50togusais there someone to help me please ? I just have a question about a TE110P card
14:45.02[illuminatus]geee... you're a bunch of help
14:45.21[illuminatus]could it be because I can't receive incoming calls?
14:45.41togusain fact I'm from France, I recently ordered this card
14:45.48togusanow I want to buy a 1U server
14:45.50teapotbye all
14:46.02*** join/#asterisk Micc (
14:46.04togusaDell has a good one very cheap with a PCI-X slot
14:46.16togusaI just want to know if it is compatible ...
14:46.21togusacan you tell me ?
14:47.00togusaon the Dell website it is written 1 slot PCI-X 64bit/133Mhz
14:47.18*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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14:48.20togusaallo ?
14:49.50*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (
14:50.28*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
14:50.35SpaceBassi'm tryting to add a caller id preface to one of my zap lines. I have callerid = "MCK" but it doesnt seem to work
14:50.39SpaceBassis my syntax incorrect?
14:52.21gabb0coppice, thanks for the info
14:54.20SpaceBassanyone ever made a cable to use a standard PoE intjector with a cisco phone? as per
14:55.56clueconSpaceBass: on the callerid...are you trying to change the callerid when you dial, or making that particular zap always have the same caller id?
14:56.28marzltogusa, we are running a dell poweredge 2850 with te110p without any problems
14:57.18SpaceBasscluecon trying to add a prefix to incoming calls from ZAP/2
14:57.43togusaok marzl thank you very much
14:57.50togusahave a nice day !
14:57.58*** part/#asterisk togusa (
14:58.01SpaceBasscluecon I'd prefer to add it as a prefix, but if I have to overwrite it completely, then I will
14:58.03*** join/#asterisk DarkSpectre (
14:59.40Abbashow can we kill the call when callers balance hits 000
14:59.43JerJershow application SetCallerID
15:00.28SpaceBassJerJer thanks
15:00.35clueconSpaceBass, try using SetCallerID
15:00.43JerJercluecon:  TO SLOW
15:00.43*** join/#asterisk asdfblah (
15:01.01asdfblahanyone know is the avaya 4624 will work with asterisk?
15:01.19SpaceBassbut I am determined to make this cisco 7940 work first
15:01.25Ariel_SpaceBass, do you use amp?
15:01.31drumkillaSpaceBass: get a red bull
15:01.44SpaceBassAriel_ for some stuff
15:01.51drumkillawe're working on our second tower of red bull in this office ...
15:02.00*** join/#asterisk MattH (
15:02.10clueconAbbas: SoftHangup and some AGI Scripting.
15:02.18MattHis there a way to see what a zap channel is doing for outbound calling?  ie.. when I do zap show channels it only shows caller-id stuff for inbound
15:02.29Ariel_due to in amp you can put a pre fix to a ring group. When your zap port call comes in send it to that ring group can be for just one device
15:02.38JerJeris there an echo in here?
15:02.51JerJerAMP is a joke
15:03.19SpaceBassAriel_ how do I direct to a ring group?
15:03.21DarkSpectreanyone ever tried intergration of sphinx and asterisk?
15:03.46SpaceBassI have a ring group set up for these phones/lines in question but I had to manually write the context
15:04.07SpaceBassso I'm just using dial(SIP/xxxx&SIP/zzzz)... etc
15:04.42DarkSpectrei found some documentation on it but it was for sphinx2
15:05.20[TK]D-FenderDarkSpectre : Could you link me on it?  even if its old I'd like to see
15:06.27[illuminatus]so, does anyone have any idea why i can make outgoing calls but I can't hear anything I can only send but not receive
15:06.51HmmhesaysJerJer: amp is great if you are trying to impress someone who knows nothing but has the power to give you money to set up asterisk
15:06.56SpaceBass[illuminatus] using a sip provider?
15:07.06Hmmhesaysyou don't necessarilly have to use it <chuckle>
15:07.19[illuminatus]SpaceBass: yes
15:08.00SpaceBass[illuminatus] sounds like you are blocking rtp packets...or even port 5060
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15:09.30brookshireyes.. asterisk developers do take donations of redbull.
15:09.39[illuminatus]no, UDP 5060 is forwarded all the way to the * box
15:09.42Hmmhesaysand jager I hear
15:09.59Abbascluecon   thanks
15:10.13[illuminatus]SpaceBass: what if I don't register with the provider, would that do it?
15:10.32*** join/#asterisk newl (
15:13.19[illuminatus]my VoIP provider gave me nothing but an IP address and my phone number. So I've been trying to figure this out for about 2 days now
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15:13.58DarkSpectre[[TK]D-Fender]: sure, one sec
15:13.58Hmmhesayswho is that?
15:14.10[illuminatus]Hmmmhesays: the provider?
15:14.17SpaceBassdamn... that crazy PoE cable from worked!
15:14.42*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
15:15.10HmmhesaysSpaceBass: awesome I was thinking about doing that for a few 7960's I have here
15:15.41SpaceBassHmmhesays I tried it yesterday and didnt work... gave up
15:15.51SpaceBassbut then I thought... what if the cable was bad... made a new one and it worked!
15:15.51*** join/#asterisk DrWho17 (
15:16.00SpaceBassnow I just need the sip firmware... (ANYONE? ANYONE?)
15:16.23_omersip firmware of which device?
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15:16.31HmmhesaysSB: pm me
15:17.10obsidian-studiosgreetings all, anyone know if there is a way to increase the volume on WAV formatted voicemails? If I used standard wav format volume is great, if I use WAV format volume is extremely low
15:18.00obsidian-studiosit's the file's playback volume I am concerned with, normally I have to run through sox's with a volume of 9 which is like it's max and that brings it to a normal volume level?
15:19.10[illuminatus]can anyone help me with this registration string?
15:19.33jerry_hotlinksI could use some 1 on 1 help with capturing dtmf tones entered by the caller then sending them to an .asp script, anyone care to step up?
15:20.00obsidian-studiosman lots of people needing help, and it's quite in here, very un * like?
15:20.11[illuminatus]this is the info they gave me BTW
15:20.51eKo1Well, maybe because everyone is busy at the moment.
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15:21.11obsidian-studioseKo1: :) np, just found it odd, usually this channel is going off
15:21.52clueconilluminatus: i didn't see a registration in either of those pastebins?
15:22.28clueconobsidian: not sure.  what is the difference between wav and WAV?
15:22.28[illuminatus]the first one it's trying to register but it getting 501 and 403 messages
15:22.42clueconilluminatus: who is the provider?
15:22.45freathmm... "SIP/2.0 501 Not Implemented"
15:22.47[illuminatus]the second one is a sip debug dump they sent me when they tried to call me
15:22.58[illuminatus]CentricVoice is the provider
15:23.22_omeris there any one who could provide me a SCRIPT to use SOX in extensions.conf ..etc
15:23.26obsidian-studioscluecon: file size, WAV's are much smaller and quality is not as good as wav, but volume differences is my main problem
15:23.38[illuminatus]i'm trying to use this as my register string: 2143294838:@
15:24.07freatI don't think there should be a colon between the number and @
15:24.32[illuminatus]i tried it without the : too
15:24.35[illuminatus]that didn't work either =/
15:24.42obsidian-studioscluecon: since all voicemails are emailed, and immediately deleted off the * machine, I elected for smallest file size. But to listen to all volumes on the end PC must be maxed, or use sox to bring up volume before listening?
15:25.53*** join/#asterisk stkn (~stkn@stkn-active-pdpc.developer.gentoo)
15:26.02JerJerwhy don't you unfuck voicemail with imap storage of messages?
15:26.24clueconobsidian: why not record in wav and re-encode into mp3 or something if you really must email them?
15:26.28freatimap storage? sounds cool
15:26.47*** join/#asterisk agave-txlink (phanop@
15:26.47MikeJ[Laptop]there are a number of issues, one related to format, one related to a 10 db loss when using zap to record e-mail
15:26.55obsidian-studiosJerJer: physicall locations, there is no email server on the network of the * machine
15:27.01MikeJ[Laptop]as of yet, no one has been willing to fix it or pay for it to be fixed
15:27.02agave-txlinkokay. is there some kind of trick to get CVS-head to be able to send calls to CVS-stable-1.0.7 via IAX?
15:27.05MikeJ[Laptop]so it be broke
15:27.14JerJerbut it has to talk to the 'net to email
15:27.19clueconilluminatus: sip or iax registration?
15:27.20freatin voicemail.conf you can choose what formats get recorded....
15:27.23MikeJ[Laptop]put a bounty up
15:27.27[illuminatus]Cluecon: SIP registration
15:27.30obsidian-studiosMikeJ[Laptop]: ah so there are underlying issues
15:27.34JerJerso why couldn't it simply talk to an imap server and/or smtp server - not exactly sure of the implemenation
15:27.58obsidian-studiosJerJer: file size to upload, wav is considerably bigger and takes longer
15:27.59MikeJ[Laptop]one related to format (one of the wav formats works better), and one related to zap
15:28.13JerJeruse speex
15:28.22JerJer(requires development)
15:28.40MikeJ[Laptop]one of the wav formats has code that brings up the volume when it saves to file.  That seems to do the trick to some extent
15:28.55MikeJ[Laptop]somone could port that code to the other format_*.c??
15:29.00obsidian-studiosMikeJ[Laptop]: I am using a zap channel, but I believe it's more of a conversion/formatting issue than volume on zap channel? As wav and other format, gsm I think? Volumes are fine, but gsm's do not play easily on windows. I am pretty sure I can play on my linux desktop
15:29.00clueconilluminatus: did centricvoice give you directions on how to register with them?
15:29.27MikeJ[Laptop]ok, so you have issue #2.
15:29.31obsidian-studiosMikeJ[Laptop]: ah ha, that must be the standard wav format
15:29.38MikeJ[Laptop]there is a closed bug in mantis where you can find more info
15:29.50obsidian-studiosMikeJ[Laptop]: it's the WAV format I am hurting on, but might look into this myself
15:29.58MikeJ[Laptop]like I said, one of the wav formats has code to crank up the volume
15:30.28*** join/#asterisk algorithmn (
15:30.39obsidian-studiosMikeJ[Laptop]: wonder if it's specific to that format? Or if that same code is generic enough to be applied to both wav formats?
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15:32.15Ariel_There are 2 wav file types one is wav49 which is compressed and the sound is lower the normal wav is louder but files are very large
15:33.07obsidian-studiosAriel_: exactly and I am looking into if anything can be done to increase the volume on the wav49 ones, but not sure if that goes against the smaller file size or what?
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15:33.09calistoanyone here familiar with debugging app_sms
15:33.17obsidian-studiosMikeJ[Laptop]: thanks for the info
15:33.57*** join/#asterisk QuaG|NaR (
15:34.03Ariel_obsidian-studios, if you find something let me know.
15:34.33[illuminatus]WTF? Now these guys are saying "There is no registration necessary.  I will send an invite and Dimitriy just
15:34.33[illuminatus]needs to accept it from
15:35.07obsidian-studiosAriel_: seems like I will have to go into code base to see about changes etc, if you saw what  MikeJ[Laptop]: mentioned something was done to one of the wav formats to increase volumes, but there are also issues with the volume of the zap channels
15:35.40obsidian-studiosAriel_: I am hoping what ever was done to the one format to increase volume can be done to the other? I will have to look in code or etc
15:35.55freatturn it to 11 !
15:37.14jontowlotsa testing today.. hmm
15:38.21*** part/#asterisk beavizd (~anders@
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15:39.50MikeJ[Laptop]the details are in there
15:41.22MikeJ[Laptop]zap volume issue was specific to vm tho... weird.
15:41.56MikeJ[Laptop]very good details in that bug report... if you can come up with a patch, I am sure it would be appretiated
15:42.03*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~Michael@
15:42.18AgiNamuAm I correct in reading the CVS list? There's a new 'language' for extensions?
15:42.25obsidian-studiosMikeJ[Laptop]: ok thanks, not allot of time for this, but at the level it's irritating me, I might escalate it ;)
15:42.56BuckRogersgood morning all
15:43.02BuckRogerslong time no see
15:44.12algorithmnmr rogers.. im bucking my enthusiasm right now...
15:44.31BuckRogerscurve ur enthusiasm
15:44.50algorithmnjust like that chick last weekend...
15:45.28algorithmn'sloppy drunk * on a saturday night' - sublime...
15:46.06BuckRogersyeah i like to complile drunk,
15:46.18BuckRogersthen spew bile
15:46.24BuckRogersafter walking a mile
15:46.31algorithmnthrough the ghetto...
15:46.35BuckRogerswith my friend lile
15:47.30algorithmnhow much is too much..
15:47.32BuckRogersyeah well you would too when doing none stop deve for  a year now
15:47.46algorithmni drink on the job...
15:47.56bublbobl;-) (even without this reason :-P )
15:48.35BuckRogersJerJer you watching the room
15:48.48BuckRogersdid nufone start accepting customers agian?
15:49.06drumkillabublbobl: why do you say that * coders drink too much?
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15:49.36algorithmni think it may be my fault for that one drumkilla
15:49.39SpaceBassanyone know where the tftp server logs are by default on *@home?
15:50.11bublbobldrumkilla>  cause of the docs ! :-D No I'm jokin' of course.
15:50.42obsidian-studiosbublbobl: or is it because it works ;)
15:50.48bublboblI'm afraid my VoiceMailMain doesn't listen to my password when I dial it, I have "incorrect password '' for user '1001' what ever I type. I don't know how to troubleshoot.
15:50.58obsidian-studiosnot sure I trust the sober :)
15:51.20SpaceBassbublbobl sounds like the wrong setting for DTFM
15:51.27SpaceBassbublbobl try changing it to inband
15:51.38bublboblSpaceBass> I thought of this but it works for IVR, gonna try anyway
15:51.51*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (negative3k@
15:53.12davewisebublbobl: Have you tried making the password a single digit?
15:53.33[illuminatus]WTF no outbound calling won't work because it's "congested"
15:54.39*** join/#asterisk Dom` (
15:55.03Dom`Does musiconhold not line variable bit rate mp3's?
15:55.04davewisehas anyone experienced whare a sip phone rings (thats registered to an * server) and when you pick it up, the person calling in from the PSTN gets a message that the person is not available now?
15:55.17Ariel_obsidian-studios, as the bug reports there is no fix yet for the low volume
15:56.00obsidian-studiosAriel_:  yep a task for us
15:56.03[TK]D-FenderDom` : I believe converting them to non-VBR is a good idea, and you must remove the ID3 tag if any
15:56.24Dom`When it plays its as if it only plays the louder noises
15:56.27Dom`its quite odd
15:56.30Dom`as if ajust a symbol is playing
15:56.41SpaceBassHmmhesays is it usual that the phone would reboot itself several times?
15:56.43Dom`Is there a program which does that?
15:57.48Ariel_obsidian-studios, I just tested the sound files from an sipura 3000 and it's also very low.  But if it's left from a normal sip phone it's loud and normal sounding
15:58.16QuaG|NaRgood morning, could somebody help me figure out why i can modprobe my tdm400p and run ztcfg -vvv and see the channels setup but in the asterisk cli if i type zap show channels i only have the pseudo interface listed
15:58.36obsidian-studiosAriel_: hmm, regardless of wav format? When I record stuff internally via a analog -> fxs -> sip connection it's the same volume as on a zap channel?
15:58.45davewiseDoes anyone know how to set GLARE settings on a PRI in *
15:58.46Jas_WilliamsQuaG|NaR: Error in zapata.conf
15:59.01QuaG|NaRJas_Williams, great thanks
15:59.10obsidian-studiosAriel_: from what I have seen no matter the source, the volume is low on wav49 as compared to wav. Guess it can get worse than what I have seen
15:59.32Ariel_obsidian-studios, thats correct.
15:59.40cluecondavewise: what kind of glare settings?
16:00.05davewiseQuaG|NaR: wehen you run zttool, what does it show?  do you have the channels programmed in zapata.conf?
16:00.05obsidian-studiosAriel_: pretty sure we will have to modify/play with code and etc to make progress on this
16:01.05bublboblSpaceBass>  That was it, thank you :-)
16:01.16QuaG|NaRdavewise, it shows 5 channels configured, 1 x100p first channel, and channels 2-5 tdm400p, 5 channels configured
16:01.19QuaG|NaRnot exactly like that
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16:01.22QuaG|NaRbut i think you get
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16:01.32Ariel_davewise, your either pick a channel from the top number down or up from lower to top.   We use dial,zap/g1 for lower to top and zap/G1 from top to bottom opposit of what the channels come in via the telco
16:01.44davewisecluecon:  On a lot of Telco equipment for T1/PRI, there are settings for wether GLARE is handled by the CO or the CPE, the other has to yield GLARE
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16:03.05bublbobldavewise>  sorry for delay for my answer, pb came from my phone settings (used "inaudio for dtmf instead of rtp (rfc2833)
16:07.03sivanawhat's the best software based fax for use with *?
16:08.01eKo1My provider is sending me calls through SIP. The URI has the format sip:<DID number>@<>:5060. I've already made a entry in sip.conf for * won't answer the call.
16:08.10sivanaJerJer: is that SpanDSP?
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16:09.00eKo1It just get's stuck in SIP 180 Ringing.
16:09.14AgiNamuHow many people here provide VoIP services?
16:09.18Dom`Can anyone tell me a program for removing id3 tags/converting from vbr for use with musiconhold?
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16:10.52eKo1I do.
16:11.48MiccDoes AT&T Callvantage use asterisk?
16:12.03AgiNamueKo1, are you capable of setting ANI?
16:12.32AgiNamuCause I've heard there are lot of providers doing VoIP that don't have the ability to set ANI (like for emergency services)
16:12.47eKo1Nope. I don't even know if ANI exists here.
16:13.09AgiNamuoh, you're not usa-based... i shoulda asked
16:13.55agave-txlinkyou can set CPN but not ANI
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16:19.05*** join/#asterisk exonic (~exonic@
16:19.08exonicWhat's up folks
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16:19.44exonicfor the last half hour i've been reading on debugging RTP streams, I've got jittery sound and I think it's due to packet loss/latency.
16:20.06exonicMy question is does anyone know of some good software to help me debug this information?
16:20.13eKo1Well, why don't you do a path analysis and find out.
16:20.43*** join/#asterisk leandro_pt (~leandro@
16:21.20Ariel_it's lunch time
16:21.29eKo1software? all you need is ping and mtr.
16:21.54exoniceKo1, it waves in and out, sometimes it's solid, other times it's perfect. I think it's Comcast QoS.
16:22.10*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (exstatica@
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16:22.44leandro_pthi.. any PHP ppl out there know how to access the asterisk berkley Database??
16:22.46eKo1OK then. Contact them and tell them to get their assess in gear.
16:23.16eKo1leandro_pt: well, isn't there a set of functions to do that?
16:23.27exoniceKo1, =). Well that leads me to my first question, if there were some monitoring software where I could show them latency /packet loss.. i'd be well of in convincing 'em.
16:24.05exoniceKo1, i'll see what I can find on the server while it's happening. Thanks a ton
16:24.27eKo1get smokeping
16:24.35eKo1I used to monitor latency on my network.
16:24.41exonicok, cool.
16:24.45leandro_pteKo1, i wouldn't be asking if I knew.. however I don't want to use system + database get
16:25.27eKo1what do you mean "system + database get"?
16:25.29leandro_ptknowing with dba (flatfile, cdb?) type to use would be a big help
16:26.05leandro_pteKo1, my CID names are stored in the regular asterisk database
16:26.05[TK]D-FenderHey got a quick question : I'm looking to set up a server with 1 TE100P, 1 TDM04B, 1 TDM40B, (4 line analog in/out), Any issues with that many cards (of those mixed types) in a system?  Also I need suggeestions for a good motherboard to run those on.
16:26.22leandro_ptif you do a "database show/get/put" in the CLI you can manipulate the DB
16:26.52eKo1leandro_pt: OK. I understand now. I have no idea where * keeps its local database.
16:27.01leandro_pti want to access that data through PHP without having to do a system("asterisk -rx 'database get cidname'")
16:27.03eKo1You'll have to snoop around.
16:27.17leandro_ptat least on debian
16:27.27jeremywhitinghi all
16:27.43jeremywhitinganyone here use polycom phones or know them very well
16:28.00SpaceBassHmmhesays THANKS! everything is working great!
16:28.12[TK]D-FenderI use them jeremywhiting, and we've chatted before.  Whats up?
16:28.15jeremywhitingI'm trying to figure out a way to have a different ring depending on which number was dialed, not based on the callerid of the caller
16:28.21leandro_ptexonic, thanks.. i'm looking at that
16:28.40leandro_ptbut what is the right handler for the asterisk DB?
16:28.44jeremywhitingD-Fender: actually, I think I helped get your ntp server going, but that's ok
16:28.47leandro_ptthat would be a big help
16:28.53[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : you mean that when you place a call from the Poly that the caller hears a different ring sound?
16:29.11[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : Yeah thats right, and my clocks thank you endlessly :)
16:29.11jeremywhitingno so that our different lines coming in have a different ring sound
16:29.44jeremywhitingfor example if someone dials our 800 number have one ring sound, and if the call is a forward from the other office have a different ring sound
16:29.54[TK]D-FenderHmmm, I think there is an option for ring tone on the interface level but that may only be FXS ZAP channels
16:30.04[TK]D-Fendernot sure in SIP how to do that w/o CID
16:30.05Dom`Whats the best way to convert a file from a variable bit rate
16:30.11Dom`i stripped the tags out
16:30.23[TK]D-Fenderwhich you COULD mod to have that effect but you lose that info at the phone level then.
16:31.10[TK]D-FenderDom` : You may want to pick up an audio editing prog out there for that, not sure which to suggest as to avoid double compressing your MP3 into shit wuality./
16:31.24Dom`hmm yeh
16:31.29Dom`Could it be that?
16:31.36Dom`It like causes sea noises on the phone
16:31.42Dom`doesnt actually play the track
16:31.47[TK]D-FenderDoes it sound like shit on your speakers? ;)
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16:31.58Dom`The mp3 file?
16:32.00jeremywhitingyeah, that's what I thought, thanks
16:32.02Dom`no its vbr though
16:32.18Dom`What dialline would you suggest?
16:32.29*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:32.36[TK]D-FenderOh, well if it warbles it may not like VBR.  Try the "lossy" way of backporting to non-VBR to test it
16:32.53[TK]D-FenderDom` : I use "MP3Player" for my testing
16:33.17Dom`instead of musiconhold?
16:33.24*** part/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
16:33.28eKo1non-vbr files are recommended.
16:33.42*** join/#asterisk twisted[work] (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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16:34.10Dom`yeh i know, just need to either convert it or put one on that isnt vbr
16:34.23Dom`although i think it did the same when it had asterisk's default in the folder
16:34.53jeremywhitingD-Fender: is there a way to set a different ring tone for a different registration? maybe I could have one ring line1 and the other ring line2 on our IP-300 phones
16:36.00[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : For sure on different regs, but thats MESSY :/
16:36.16jeremywhitingyeah, but it works for what I'm doing I think
16:36.20[TK]D-FenderI only set mine up as 1 reg, 6 line keys assigned
16:36.31[TK]D-FenderWhats the goal?
16:36.35jeremywhitingboss's requirements, so they know how to answer the phone
16:37.11jeremywhitingwe've got employees working for both companies at the remote office, so they need to know which line the calls are coming on to know whether to say "Teen Options" or "Tipton Academy"
16:37.20jeremywhitingI know, it's silly, but nevertheless
16:37.25[TK]D-Fenderas in to treat an incoming call differently while not mangling the CID?
16:37.37[TK]D-FenderBecause thats the EASY way
16:37.38jeremywhitingand the lines are already on their own registrations, I did that from the beginning for some reason
16:38.22jeremywhitingI think I just wanted control over which lines I set asterisk to ring, etc, so I set each registration on each phone with it's own registration, etc
16:38.22[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : doing that will give you busy responses instead of ringing on another line key.  Makes for poor service levels
16:38.33jeremywhitingoh, I see
16:38.38jeremywhitingdidn't think about that
16:38.50[TK]D-FenderWell with eack key with its own reg, you can deficately set a distict ring for them
16:38.58jeremywhitingbut most of the time I have the dialplan ring line1&line2&line3 anyway, just in case
16:39.05Dom`does the same thing with non-vbr files to [TK]D-Fender :(
16:39.08Dom`Any suggestions?
16:39.21[TK]D-FenderUsing the right ver of MPG123?
16:39.45[TK]D-Fender(as in not using MPG321 which doesn't work)
16:40.39Dom`exten => 10,1,Answer
16:40.40[TK]D-Fendershould be 0.59r
16:40.40Dom`exten => 10,2,MusicOnHold()
16:40.43Dom`look correct of testing?
16:40.54jeremywhitingso just to clarify if say, jr1 is in use and a call comes in to dial(jr1&jr2&jr3&...) would it get a busy signal, or just ring the others that aren't busy?
16:41.16[TK]D-Fendermore or less.  in your console do you see it choosing the MP3?
16:41.25Dom`High Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0
16:41.28[TK]D-Fenderno, not in that case.
16:42.16jeremywhiting[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the help.  I think I can figure the rest out from here....hopefully
16:42.20[TK]D-FenderIt'll ring the others.  Awkward.  Is CID really important for your implementation?
16:42.32*** part/#asterisk twisted[work] (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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16:42.38Dom`[TK]D-Fender whats it supposed to say in console/
16:42.49[TK]D-FenderI really suggest mangling it :)  You could push the old data into a web page for retrieval :)
16:42.55Dom`- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/
16:42.56jeremywhitingyeah, because eventually, they want it set up to dial only the last person someone talked to if they call back a second time
16:42.57Dom`thats it
16:43.13TenkawaAnyone know any voip providers that are fairly inexpensive and would work with software only?
16:43.22TenkawaI want to build an asterisk box but...
16:43.24*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (~maxc@
16:43.26jeremywhiting[TK]D-Fender: that seems more messy than just using the different registrations actually
16:43.28[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : Hmm... basically like assigning reps to callers....
16:43.29TenkawaI dont want any physical phones
16:43.45[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : watch out for when the customer calls you back on one of their 20 OTHER lines ;)
16:43.52Dom`default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
16:43.55jeremywhitingyeah, after a rep talks to a caller once, they always are supposed to get the call for that one
16:43.58Dom`got that in the config
16:44.02jeremywhitingyeah, I know, it's not perfect, but it works
16:44.37Lee__how come Asterisk turns my terminal black?
16:44.38[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : nifty  idea I'd like to discuss further but its lunch time.  I'll be around though and think about it (always something I could use here I guess)
16:44.43jeremywhitingand the boss will probably want me to filter out regular calls too, so if the family at home office calls once, and they pick up on the phone in the closet, it won't only ring in the closet from then on
16:44.46Lee__and how do I make it not do that?
16:45.18[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : you can route by a lot of methods.  Soo much to do....
16:45.19jeremywhitingso, needless to say there are some bad side effects
16:45.36[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : So what do you want to have?  Soft phones only?
16:46.02jeremywhitingplus coming from a webmaster/server admin background, having control over the whole phone system as well, is so envigorating
16:46.12[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : you can avoid those easily since your solution is all dialplan based like that.  "GOTOIF" is your friend.
16:46.26[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : I'm in the same boat... I love it.
16:46.39jeremywhitingmakes me want to start setting up server-control for the lights and bathrooms or something
16:46.54jeremywhitingmore power= greed for even more power somehow
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16:47.16jeremywhitinganyway, go eat lunch
16:47.47[TK]D-Fenderjeremywhiting : I *can* help you there, * controls my lighing and makes me coffee already at home :D
16:48.21Dom`[TK]D-Fender is it possible that its looking in the wrong dir, for the mp3's?
16:48.44jeremywhitingDom: did you put them in the same directory as the other music on hold files?
16:49.08Dom`There were other mp3's in there
16:49.16Dom`cant say i tried it before i removed them
16:49.23jeremywhitingthen that's probably the right place
16:49.42*** part/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
16:49.56jeremywhitingmight want to check the permisions on them too, make sure they're the same as the old ones were maybe, although I've never gotten my own mp3's to work either
16:50.03SpaceBassAriel_ you around?
16:50.06jeremywhitingso take my advice with a grain of salt I guess
16:50.22jeremywhitingonly tried once though, didn't go through the effort of removing the tags even
16:51.04Dom`/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s
16:51.11*** join/#asterisk minded (~minded@
16:51.13Dom`There the custum options it specifies
16:51.19Dom`but if you run that in the command
16:51.23mindedis there a command in asterisk to reboot all hpones
16:51.27Dom`it comes up as if it doesnt like the options
16:51.34Dom`ie displying the help
16:51.53mindedalso, why would i be getting the error Maximum retries exceeded on phone ....
16:52.06Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: yes
16:52.24Tenkawasorry took me so long to respond.. walked  away for a sec
16:52.42Lee__minded: no
16:52.48Lee__what kind of phones?
16:52.55mindedgrandstream budgetone
16:53.04[TK]D-FenderSounds easy.  calls come in/out through a VoIP provider?
16:53.21Lee__some SIP phones can respond to SIP Notify messages but you'll have to do some trial and error.
16:53.22Tenkawajust trying to find one
16:53.30TenkawaI don't know who is decent etc etc
16:53.32mindedwell question
16:53.41mindedany idea why im getting the  maximum retries exceeded error
16:53.44mindedand it wont let me dial through
16:53.47[TK]D-FenderTenkawa :  easy to do.
16:53.51mindedbut it seems that if i reboot all phones, it lets me dial
16:54.00jeremywhitingTenkawa: do you need incoming land numbers? aka did's?
16:54.17Tenkawajeremywhiting: just one. I'll have asterisk handle everything else via extensions
16:54.30Tenkawaie each computer
16:54.45jeremywhitingI had to find a VoIP provider that actually provided did's in my area code, that was the hard part
16:54.47TenkawaI may add phones later.. not sure yet though
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16:54.58jeremywhitingbroadvoice, etc didn't
16:54.58Dom`res_musiconhold.c:343 monmp3thread: Only wrote -1 of 1600 bytes to pipe
16:54.59Dom`Is that a problem?
16:55.00pjzif I call system() do I need "'s around the command?
16:55.21Tenkawawhats  the name of that one zaptel card to handle incoming pots connection?
16:55.27TenkawaI cant think of the name of it
16:55.34eKo1pjz: try it and find out
16:55.42Tenkawayeah which tdm
16:55.53eKo1or the x101p
16:55.59Tenkawathats 1 in 4 analogs
16:56.03Tenkawathats it
16:56.04Tenkawaor x100p
16:56.26Tenkawaif I do phones they are going to all be sip phones
16:56.29Tenkawano analog
16:57.13Dom`[TK]D-Fender what the default options for the mp3player() command
16:57.16Dom`ill see if it works with that
16:57.24TenkawaI wish asterisk wouldve been around before I got rid of my land line
16:57.33Tenkawagoing to be hard to convincemy gf to readd one
16:58.29[TK]D-FenderDom` : only way I use it is MP3Player(/path/to/my/file.mp3)
16:58.43Dom`pretty obvious then really
16:58.49*** join/#asterisk file[desk] (
17:00.53Dom`hmm that works
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17:02.59SpaceBassanyone know how to dial a ring group created in AMP in a maunal dial plan?
17:05.50Bile_OneDial(SIP/g1 <for group etc..>,25,rt).
17:06.02Ariel_SpaceBass, I am back from lunch
17:06.11Ariel_in the inbound did route that number there
17:06.28SpaceBassAriel_ since I'm using zap lines that dont pass DID will that work?
17:06.38SpaceBassBile_One sonds like that I need
17:06.42Ariel_SpaceBass, not really
17:07.30Ariel_Dial(Sip/g1 is not correct
17:07.51Bile_OneHow's that?
17:07.58Dom`[TK]D-Fender it is as if its playing another music file
17:08.15SpaceBassyeah SIP/g1 didnt work
17:08.29Ariel_SpaceBass, create a new context in the extensions_custom.conf and then there send the call to your ring group. number
17:09.00Ariel_Bile_One, you can't group sip devices for dialing to them.
17:09.08Bile_OneI assumed you knew to add a context.
17:09.22SpaceBassAriel_ I have the context in _custom now
17:09.42Ariel_and what is the dial string there?
17:09.57SpaceBassAriel_ so how do I send it to the ring group? thats the syntax im missing
17:10.06SpaceBassusing sip/xxx&sip/yyy now
17:10.29Ariel_Yes but you want to add a prefix to the dial caller ID
17:10.41sparrowI was wondering if someone could offer a direction to look or some information about the meetme app.  In my dial plan I call to meetme with exten => _8X.,3,MeetMe(${EXTEN}|sM) but if the user dial an incorrect conf number, the conf-invalid.gsm is played to them, and they hung up on without traveling the rest of the way through the dial plan. Is there a way to have the dial plan deal with a non-zero return without hanging up?
17:10.47SpaceBassAriel_ exactly
17:11.17SpaceBassAriel_ so I can use setcallerID and overwrite the CID, but I want to use the ring group from AMP so I can add to the caller id
17:11.35SpaceBassand I have the custom context and the ring group, i just dont know the syntax to dial the ringgroup
17:13.09Bile_Oneinclude your custom context in the extension.conf.
17:13.18SpaceBassnot sure I'm being clear
17:13.31Bile_Oneuse pastebin then.
17:14.18[TK]D-FenderDom` : Try and use another MP# with MP3Player
17:14.30SpaceBassit works fine, but its not using the ring group created in AMP
17:14.32Bile_Onebe right back.
17:14.35SpaceBassnot sure how do dial the rin group
17:14.38Dom`another mp3?
17:15.22[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : got experience with my question an hour earlier about mixing 3 digium cards and suggestions for motherboards?
17:15.52[TK]D-FenderDom` : yes, just grab another MP3 and test it with MP3Player(/thefile)
17:16.14Ariel_SpaceBass, let me get you a good syntax in a minute.
17:16.22SpaceBassAriel_ much appericated!
17:16.27Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, I was out to lunch.
17:16.41*** part/#asterisk Optic (
17:16.56[TK]D-Fender[12:25] <[TK]D-Fender> Hey got a quick question : I'm looking to set up a server with 1 TE100P, 1 TDM04B, 1 TDM40B, (4 line analog in/out), Any issues with that many cards (of those mixed types) in a system?  Also I need suggeestions for a good motherboard to run those on.
17:16.56Dom`What am i doing [TK]D-Fender?
17:17.00Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, I have used 2 digium TDM400p cards in dells but you have to play with the irq
17:17.14Ariel_I would not recommend more then 2 boards
17:18.32[TK]D-Fender2 total, or 2 TDM?
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17:19.16Ariel_SpaceBass, all you need to do is set this one line in your context: exten => s,1,Goto(ext-group,220,1) just put the ring group you made in stead of 220
17:19.49Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, two total cards not ports... max 8 ports
17:19.57SpaceBassAriel_ I just came to the same conclusion when I looked at extensions_additional
17:20.04SpaceBassbut I had s,1,answer before it
17:20.21Ariel_ok that works as well just make the 2nd line 2 instead of 1
17:20.29SpaceBassdo i need the answer line?
17:20.36Ariel_not really
17:21.00Dom`Anyone know where it is specified that musiconhold.conf will be used?
17:21.29SpaceBassAriel_ thanks, that did the trick!
17:21.30[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : what I mean is is it safe for 2 x 4-port TDM + 1 T1?
17:21.36cpatrydom: res_musiconhold.c
17:21.38jeremywhiting[TK]D-Fender: hey, do you know where I would be able to set different ring tones for diffferent registrations? I can't find anything in my phone1.cfg, or sip.cfg
17:21.41jeremywhitingany ideas?
17:21.48Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, once again I would say no
17:21.58[TK]D-FenderDang.. I need it for redundancy.
17:22.15[TK]D-FenderMaybe get a TDM22B and mix it up.
17:22.17SpaceBasssweet! i can go to lunch now
17:22.20cpatrydom: grep -Rn "musiconhold.conf" * is the solution :)
17:22.29SpaceBassthanks Ariel_ and Hmmhesays!
17:22.30Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, problem is the tdm400 cards seem to take allot of interupps
17:22.55Dom`I know where it is
17:22.58Dom`Its just not working
17:23.29Dom`plays 'sea' noises for some reason
17:23.32Hmmhesaysnp SpaceBass
17:23.57Ariel_SpaceBass, any time glad to help
17:24.06*** join/#asterisk escualis (~carlos@
17:24.06[TK]D-FenderDom` : I had that effect one too.. make sure both ID3 tags are gone
17:24.14escualishello everybody :)
17:24.21[TK]D-Fender(v1 & v2) and definately get some more test MP3's
17:24.38Dom`I used a program to remove the tags
17:24.45Dom`Im looking for the ones that used to be in the folder
17:24.50Dom`cant remember what there called though
17:25.04escualiswich range of ports it's needed for sip protocol?
17:25.18escualis5060 -> 65000?
17:25.44Ariel_Ok am going back to finishing some cable runs I am doing....bbl8r
17:25.55Dom`thats it i think
17:25.56jeremywhitingescualis: most things I've read said udp ports 1000-10000
17:26.06jeremywhitingor some huge range like that
17:26.28[TK]D-Fender10000-20000 for RTP, 5060 TCP & UDP IIRC.....
17:26.30Ariel_udp for sound 10,000 to 20,000 works with asterisk best.
17:26.53HmmhesaysAriel_: why would it matter?
17:27.06Dom`It is as if its playing really quietly in the background
17:27.06Hmmhesaysor.. .are you aren't talking quality i'm guessing
17:27.15Dom`and theres a load of rubbish over the top of it
17:27.18Tenkawacan asterisk emulate a voip phone adapter?
17:27.33HmmhesaysTenkawa: explain
17:27.36Ariel_Hmmhesays, ???
17:27.53Tenkawaie replace needing to use a Cisco ATA
17:27.53Dom`Are there any really obvious known bugs in it?
17:27.55Hmmhesays<Ariel_> udp for sound 10,000 to 20,000 works with asterisk best. <-- at first read I assumed you are talking sound quality
17:28.24[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : What are you looking to use instead of an ATA186?
17:28.25HmmhesaysTenkawa: pci cards from digium can have fxs modules in them
17:28.26Ariel_Hmmhesays, Ahh it's just what asterisk kinda wants.
17:28.40Hmmhesaysit's what you configure in asterisk.conf
17:29.21Tenkawamy goal is to take a voip incoming connection route it through asterisk into a tdm400p and hook up analog phones to it
17:29.24Dom`Deffinatly a problem somewhere along the lines [TK]D-Fender and it doesnt look like its anything that can be fixed
17:29.29Dom`theres very few config things you can do
17:29.57HmmhesaysTenkawa: what's stopping you?
17:30.03[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : ATA's are cheaper per-port and easier to install / replace / debug for those purposes.
17:30.47Lee__why does asterisk turn my terminal black? and how do I make it not do that?
17:30.47sparrowDoes anyone know how to stop asterisk from hanging up on a non-zero return from an application like meetme?
17:31.02SpaceBassBile_One thanks for all the input! lots to digets
17:31.06[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : I have a 2 port FXS / FXO card which works great.  I'd be doing what you are asking about myself if they offered DSL on a "dry" line here
17:31.20SpaceBassspeaking of ATAs will a modem work over them or not?
17:31.20Bile_OneYep, but you'll get it.
17:31.24SpaceBass(thinking about tivo)
17:31.44Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: well I need 4 independent extensions and the only way I can think of doing that through vopi is route the main number in to asterisk and let it do the rest or am I way off base
17:31.49*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
17:31.52SpaceBassBile_One what i needed was one line that said s,1,goto(ext-group,2,1) but I need to learn about call groups and pickup groups too
17:31.59Bile_OneSpaceBass, hit or miss, some will work and some won't.
17:32.00Lee__SpaceBass: it should with the fax module and uncompressed audio.
17:32.03clueconTenkawa: that would be the way to do it.
17:32.09Lee__but I haven't tried.
17:32.30Tenkawahaving 1 did is fine as long as I can split it internally
17:32.35[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Sounds like a workable idea.
17:32.44SpaceBassBile_One my TiVos and fax machine are the only analog devices i have left
17:32.46Bile_OneSpaceBass, my boss hacked his Dishnetowrk DVR to work with it.
17:32.54Lee__Tenkawa: many origination providers will give you 4 channels per DID.
17:33.03TenkawaLee__: really.. interesting
17:33.03[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : When * answers the call you can give them a menu and do whatever you want from there.  All easy stuff...
17:33.08Tenkawa[TK]D-Fender: yup
17:33.29*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
17:33.33TenkawaI'm trying to design a few system ideas to look into for a small office
17:33.53Tenkawawhats asterisks license ?
17:34.01Bile_OneSpaceBass, yes was some software he downloaded off the Inet, to allow him to connect to an * box, but I'm not sure what he did.
17:34.03dca[laptop]morning all
17:34.24dca[laptop]how can i capture all teh debug information from a particular call to a file? (if possible at all)
17:34.31SpaceBassBile_One might look into that... been thinking of hacking my tivo to display caller id
17:34.32clueconTenkawa: there isn't a license.  Use it and abuse it all you want.  But some of the technologies require a license to use.
17:34.36Dom`[TK]D-Fender, fixed it ;)
17:34.39Tenkawacluecon: ahh
17:35.06[TK]D-FenderDom` : Cool, what'd you do?
17:35.17Bile_OneSpaceBass, my DirecTv boxes do but my tivo doesn't.
17:35.41Dom`Stop the whole server and started it again
17:35.47Dom`appears reload wasn't doing the job
17:35.55Dom`Which is rarther annoying
17:36.20Tenkawaany of you use asterisks voice mail module much?
17:36.24Tenkawais it decent?
17:36.24[TK]D-FenderSometimes things become corrupted in run-time and you just need to cut the juice :D
17:36.36*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (~natt@
17:36.42[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : We all do and it works just fine
17:36.47jeremywhitingTenkawa: sure works great
17:36.56jeremywhitingemails us our voicemail, that's my favorite part
17:36.57kimosabeis any one using h323 on the sipura devices
17:37.04Dom`Cheers ;)
17:37.25TenkawaI've been looking on the site but I dont see specific documentation for the individual modules
17:38.45_omeranybody who uses SOX ?
17:38.49clueconTenkawa: go to
17:38.50*** join/#asterisk FuRR_ (
17:38.57cluecon_omer: we all do.
17:39.06jacksi use SEX
17:39.16_omerjacks:  we all do
17:39.18Tenkawacluecon: thank ya
17:39.23jacksi think that *joke* has been made before ;)
17:39.31Tenkawaoooh the wiki is nice too
17:39.36jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
17:40.09jackscluecon: you want me to pm you?
17:40.17SpaceBassmy directv dish is up on a telephone pole in my alley... been there for almost a year untouched and verizon picks today to install new fiber in my neighborhood
17:40.30Hmmhesaysyep don't want that PMS
17:40.30_omercluecon: Can you please provide me the Script to get some idea about using SOX .... I mean the syntax...
17:40.37Hmmhesaysspecially someone elses
17:40.48cluecon_omer: what do you want to do with it?
17:40.57jacksman sox
17:41.07*** join/#asterisk citats (
17:41.17Tenkawawould a single 2.6 gig athlon with 256 meg of ram be able to support 6-8 sip phones?
17:41.30Lee__there needs to be a sample of a DJ scratching on every wiki
17:41.31HmmhesaysTenkawa: unless you fark up the install
17:41.36TenkawaHmmhesays: jhaaaahaa
17:42.15Hmmhesaysyou could even transcode all those calls
17:42.18_omercluecon:  I use "Monitor" to record conversations....but the conversation finishs....I use SOX manually to make ONE file from TWO output files....I want to do it automaticlly when conversation ends..
17:42.26kimosabeis any one running h323 with sipura 2000 if so where is there a good readme on this ??
17:42.57_omercluecon: I dont know the syntax :   for example  exten = > bla bla bla use SOX
17:43.03Tenkawaduh.. analog because if Ido voip  I'm going to chew up 2x the bandwidth easily
17:43.05mindedany idea why im getting the  maximum retries exceeded error
17:43.07mindedand it wont let me dial through
17:43.09mindedbut it seems that if i reboot all phones, it lets me dial
17:43.36[TK]D-FenderTenkawa : Unless you really like your analog phones or just really want to save money I'd get SIP phones.  SPA-841 should do nice for you.
17:43.58Tenkawanod.. thats the plan.. thats all lan bandwidth so no biggie
17:44.06Tenkawabut I better use analog for uplink
17:44.33Tenkawago to regular co
17:44.51cluecon_omer: take a look at the wiki...
17:45.08Tenkawatime to see how cheap I can get a phone line
17:45.10Lee___omer: you'll probably have to write an AGI script which calls sox.
17:47.57kimosabewhos running h323  anyone ??
17:48.15Nuxi_omer: shell scripts run fine from AGI scripts
17:48.51SuperMManhey all question for music on hold is there anyway to play a live internet radio station?
17:49.03Lee__is there a way to add to Asterisk's search path for sounds? So I don't have to specify a absolute path for Record() and Playback() calls?
17:49.16Dom`If you stick musiconhold() in before a dial()
17:49.27Dom`how can you make it go to the test extension?
17:50.03SuperMManDom` was that answer for me?
17:51.43Lee__SuperMMan: have you tried giving it a URL?
17:52.03SuperMManLee__  ya all i get back is a error
17:52.09Lee__probably can't then.
17:52.15Lee__what's the error?
17:52.45SuperMManone second i will show you my setup and error
17:53.36SuperMMandefault => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/empty,  error: res_musiconhold.c:278 monmp3thread: unable to spawn mp3player
17:54.59mindedid atleast like a "no minded, i dont know
17:55.04minded!!! :)
17:55.15Lee__SuperMMan: that's because you're not giving it an mp3 stream to play, you're giving it a playlist
17:55.41Lee__cat out the contents of that playlist and find the URL to the actual stream and try again.
17:56.07Lee__"no minded, I don't know"
17:56.23FuRR_can someone help me here with a barge issue. I have 2 sip phones and an analog PSTN circuit, phone 1 dials out and establishes a call, i would like phone 2 to be able to dial *33 then the extension and barge the SIP extension. Is this doable? or would it be better to silently move the sip/pstn connection into a meetme room
17:58.07Hmmhesayshaha trying to compile zaptel without kernel source doesn't work so well
17:58.12dca[laptop]how can i capture all teh debug information from a particular call to a file? (if possible at all)
17:59.11SuperMManLee__ ok thanx
17:59.15SpaceBassif I have a phone with a message waiting light, can i make it "check" a mailbox that is different than the extension?
17:59.17Lee__dca[laptop]: /var/log/asterisk/messages and turn debugging on in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
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18:01.59Ariel_SpaceBass, edit the sip extension in amp and put the mailbox number you want
18:02.15SpaceBassAriel_ that simple? thanks!
18:03.21Hmmhesaysamp, the great confuser
18:03.53Ariel_Hmmhesays, some like it some don't it's got it's place
18:04.09SpaceBasswell, AMP was great at first, but now I've taken to editing the files manually... but i cannot edit an extension that AMP has created, b/c amp will overwrite it
18:04.28SpaceBassall in all i like amp for adding extension, manaing trunks, on hold music... stuff like that
18:04.40SpaceBassHmmhesays by the way, got that phone working... thanks! i'm loving it
18:04.48Dom`How do you get music on hold working whilst dialing?
18:05.05Ariel_add an m
18:05.09SpaceBassAriel_ no way to assing more than one mailbox to an extension is there?
18:05.21Dom`With no music on hold line Ariel_?
18:05.49Dom`whats up with that then/
18:05.59SpaceBassalthough speaking of music on hold and amp, it will not upload any of my mp3s
18:06.00SpaceBassnot sure wh
18:06.11Lee__SpaceBass: you have lame installed?
18:06.33Ariel_Dom`, looks right
18:06.37SpaceBassSpaceBass on my * box?
18:06.40Dom`Doesnt work though
18:06.42SpaceBassor on my workstation?
18:06.43Dom`Just dials
18:06.45Dom`no music
18:06.46Lee__SpaceBass: you should move this over to #amportal
18:07.09Ariel_Dom`, what does your cli say?
18:07.11HmmhesaysSpaceBass: learn asterisk before you use amp
18:07.18Hmmhesaysproblem solved
18:08.02mindeddoes anyone know why im getting the error
18:08.17Hmmhesayswhat error?
18:08.18Dom`Jun 16 19:11:46 DEBUG[5722]: app_dial.c:492 dial_exec: DIAL WITH URL=20|m_
18:08.29mindedmaximum retries exceeded on clal bleh
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18:08.41Hmmhesayscause something is farked up minded
18:08.46Hmmhesayssip debug
18:09.13mindedwhat do i look for in sip debug
18:09.40kimosabedoes any one know about running h323 on asterisk and sipura devices
18:09.43mindedit says unable to create channel type sip as well as the error when i try to place a call
18:09.52shidowhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ?
18:10.19Dom`that shouldn't be adding the bit to url should it Ariel_?
18:10.55Hmmhesayskimosabe: why would you do something like that?
18:11.16Hmmhesaysminded: take a closer look at your entry in extensions.conf
18:11.33Ariel_Dom`, just a sec on phone
18:11.38Dom`kk :)
18:11.47*** join/#asterisk Sephen (
18:16.02*** join/#asterisk smash- (smash@
18:18.47kimosabeis any one running g711 ??
18:20.33diablopicoshido , are you there ?
18:21.09Ariel_Dom`, do show application dial it will tell you all about m
18:21.23*** part/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
18:22.07Dom`'M(x) -- Executes the macro (x) upon connect of the call
18:22.14Dom`that m Ariel_?
18:22.19*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
18:22.24NSGNhello everybody
18:22.27Dom`oh no
18:22.32Dom`Doesnt really say much
18:22.40NSGNn00b here. i'm curious if asterisk is right for me
18:22.44Ariel_that is all there is for it.
18:23.01Ariel_I don't use it I like the ringing sound
18:23.17NSGNi have a celeron 700mhz with generic winmodem. will asterisk support this?
18:23.41smash-can someone do me a favor?
18:24.01clueconsmash: you want to know what it resolves to?
18:24.22Dom`Cheers ;)
18:25.32clueconsmash: and respectively
18:25.59clueconNSGN: not likely.
18:26.06NSGNawh, crap
18:26.49NSGNi am looking for a sollution to make calls over my network from a laptop to a pc that has a modem that is making the calls go out to the landline network
18:26.59clueconNSGN: * may run but the winmodem is probably a no go
18:27.54QuaG|NaRim having difficulty understanding contexts and how they tie in with the differnt .conf files, can anybody point me to some documentation that may help?
18:32.01*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
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18:33.11dca[laptop]anyone know of a good gui for monitoring queues in asterisk?
18:33.34SephenAnyone here using meetme2? I can't get the web interface to perform any actions on callers. I can see them in the conference, but kick, talk, listen, etc doesn't do anything.
18:33.35*** join/#asterisk smash- (smash@
18:34.02SpaceBassis there a way to have music on hold randomly start in the middle of a song?
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18:34.14*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (~file[
18:34.34Lee__can someone with a CVS checkout of asterisk-sounds tell me if you have this file: dir-intro-oper.gsm
18:34.37*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
18:34.41Lee__it's not in my checkout
18:34.41mindedWARNING[1925] : chan_sip.c:908 retrans_pkt: maximum retries exceeded on call
18:34.47mindedhelp me get rid of this pleas
18:35.11clueconLee__not in mine.
18:35.51clueconminded: are your sip peers registered when you try to make the call?
18:35.53Lee__cluecon: thanks
18:35.58*** join/#asterisk xarmiex (
18:36.17Ariel_let I found them in the /usr/src/asterisk/sounds
18:37.04mindedyes clue
18:37.06mindedeverything is registered
18:37.43clueconpastebin the full cli output before and after that line please.
18:38.06Lee__Ariel_: thanks
18:39.06clueconminded: pastebin the full cli output before and after that line please.
18:39.16mindedwell.. thats about it, but ok
18:39.17Lee__Ariel_: it gets stranger...
18:39.18Lee__nas:/usr/local/src/asterisk/sounds# ls dir*
18:39.18Lee__dir-instr.gsm  dir-intro-fn.gsm  dir-intro.gsm  dir-nomatch.gsm  dir-nomore.gsm
18:39.36Ariel_yes I see that.
18:40.11xarmiexanyone know if its possible to listen in on calls realtime ? ifso can this be done with both zap and sip channels?
18:41.26*** join/#asterisk sivana (
18:41.43Ariel_Lee__, found them /usr/src/AMP/amp_conf/var/lib/asterisk/sounds
18:41.45clueconminded: paste the FULL cli output, not just that line, please.
18:42.07Lee__Ariel_: but where did AMP get them from? original recording?
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18:42.35anthmapp_chanspy compliments of Clue Con
18:42.36Lee__it sounds like the same voice as the other dir-* stuff in the Asterisk tree
18:42.38mindedthats ALL itsays :(
18:42.40clueconxarmiex: ChanSpy
18:42.42Ariel_Lee__, good question.
18:43.17*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (~natt@
18:43.31kimosabedoes any one have a good readme on meet me confrencing
18:43.42enderSo I'm trying to setup my dialplan so that when a sip phone dials '9' they still get dial tone and then can dial out to an outside world.
18:44.07file[laptop]ender: it's up to the sip phone, not asterisk
18:44.15enderfile[laptop]: oh really?
18:44.18file[laptop]ender: yes
18:44.28*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
18:44.32Seyrheyas people
18:44.49james_edhello all
18:45.13Seyrif I have an * server using IAX to connect on the backend, and client phones using SIP, is H323 used anywhere in this?
18:45.15xarmiexclue, thx thats looks like what i need
18:45.15enderfile[laptop]: any idea what the setting might be then?  this is a Sipura phone.
18:45.16clueconminded: yes, one sec while i look at it.
18:45.31file[laptop]ender: it's in the dialplan part...
18:45.32clueconSeyr: not unless you force it to.
18:45.40file[laptop]you tell it to keep dialtone... I forget how, I did it a long time ago
18:46.08Seyrcluecon: SonicWall support told me that my problem with my phones behind a SOHO3 is that it only supports version 1 of H323.....
18:46.14enderfile[laptop]: oh, well I have that.
18:46.19endersortof I guess
18:46.25james_edPSTN question relating to asterisk all??
18:46.27enderI have that setting in a [outbound] contxt
18:46.38enderthen in include => outbound  in my [default] context.
18:46.38file[laptop]ender: I meant the dialplan on the Sipura
18:46.59clueconSeyr: where does our IAX connect to?
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18:47.42james_edI have a 2 line analog phone (cheapy).  I have tdm400p w/ 3fxo's and 1fxs-to analog phone...
18:47.45enderfile[laptop]: ah looking there.
18:47.46tzafrir_laptopjames_ed, if you won't ask we won't know ;-)
18:47.46Seyrmy Cisco 7960 works fine behind a SonicWall TZ and works fine behind multiple PIX setups and Linksys Firewall, but behind a SonicWall SOHO3, I only get the first inbound call, but cannot get anymore calls unless I turn the phone off, wait a sec and turn back on.. then it gets the first call again, but none after.. unless I boot it again
18:47.55Seyrcluecon: connects to Asterlink
18:48.02kimosabeim trying to configure mmet me conferencing on my server does any one know how
18:48.21mindedlet me knokw what u think cluecon
18:48.31kimosabei keep getting not a valid confrence number recording
18:48.34james_edcan i manage multiple calls coming into *box with cheapy anlalog phone..etc. put call on hold...get another call?
18:48.39file[laptop]kimosabe: do you have a zaptel timing device?
18:48.56file[laptop]james_ed: most likely
18:49.16kimosabefilelaptop check this out
18:49.24clueconminded: what does sip show peers return?
18:49.39james_edi can't seem to get it working...i can recieve 1 call fine...when i try to make a simultaneous call in ... i get busy
18:49.44kimosabefile lap top i have 8 sipura 2000 models runnin
18:49.56mindedit returns all of the peers
18:50.06minded2 hosts are unspecified (no phone has been assigned to these)
18:50.09file[laptop]kimosabe: I don't care, you asked about meetme I'm answering - do you have a zaptel timing device? if not, you'll need to use ztdummy, zaprtc, or get a zaptel card
18:50.16mindedbut all of the phones have specified ip's/ports
18:50.23file[laptop]kimosabe: if you don't know what those are, Google - widely discussed stuff
18:50.29clueconminded: what kind of phones
18:50.44mindedgrandstream budgetones
18:51.03kimosabefilelaptop i dont run zaptell im just getting not a valid confrence number
18:51.14file[laptop]kimosabe: you NEED a zaptel timing device, or else meetme won't work...
18:51.32file[laptop]kimosabe: it'll give exactly what you're describing I believe
18:51.54file[laptop]and do you have conference room 1234 specified in the config?
18:51.58clueconminded: if I've followed this conversation, it is the phones and not asterisk.  i don't have mine with me at the moment, but mine require a reboot on occassion to force them to re-register.
18:52.14mindedya like
18:52.19mindedwhen i reboot all the phones it works
18:52.24james_edany suggestions on how to handle multiple call coming into *box from PSTN?
18:52.28mindedbut i've done that like 3 times today
18:52.32mindedand they have messed up again
18:52.33file[laptop]minded: do you have qualify turned on for them?
18:52.42mindeddunno file, how do i do that
18:52.51file[laptop]qualify=yes in the entries in sip.conf
18:53.04clueconminded: i know there is a way to fix that, but i don't remember what i had to do.
18:53.32mindedi dont file, my qualifyyes is commented out
18:53.41mindedand itsonly under my main context, not each phones context
18:53.46file[laptop]try and see...
18:54.15Seyrcluecon: so what do you think about the H323 thing? Do you think SonciWall Support is full of it, or is that a reasonable assumption? that since it only supports H323 version 1, my SIP phones wont work behind it
18:54.17mindedput it under each phone context?
18:54.23file[laptop]minded: sure
18:55.38clueconSeyr: verify that you have the right ports open on the firewall.
18:55.44mindedwhen i reloaded after doing that it says
18:55.58mindedPhone '... is now UNREACHABLE
18:56.05*** join/#asterisk teapot (
18:56.07file[laptop]okay now get it to register
18:56.12mindedhow ?
18:56.17mindedreboot the phones
18:57.25mindedk sec
18:57.27mindedrebooting now
18:57.32mindedok i rebooted, now reload?
18:57.45Seyrcluecon: for client phone, ports on the firewall shouldnt matter
18:57.48mindedtry and dial now
18:57.59file[laptop]just let it go for awhile, and see if it fixes it
18:58.13Seyrthe server is at a datacenter with the correct ports open
18:58.18mindedso dont mess with it?
18:58.22mindedor... try and call?
18:58.28file[laptop]you can try and call if you want
18:58.51mindedits ringing
18:59.35mindedk another question
18:59.39mindedwhen i hang my phone up
18:59.41clueconSeyr: if the sip ports aren't open then it won't get thru the firewall at all.
18:59.41mindedthe LCD reads 487
18:59.49mindedand its like i have to pick it up and hang it up again
18:59.51mindedbefore it closes theline
19:00.18file[laptop]487 Request Cancelled...
19:00.25file[laptop]am I supposed to know how to operate your phone? :p
19:00.50mindedlemme ask u something
19:00.52mindedwhat does that qualify do
19:01.01file[laptop]qualify sends a packet to the phone every minute
19:01.04file[laptop]to make sure it's still there
19:01.13file[laptop]in certain situations, it keeps NAT mappings and firewalls open
19:01.26*** join/#asterisk donavan (
19:01.33file[laptop]nice to meet you.
19:01.48teapotwhy does *8# only work on zaptel phones not on an IAXy ?
19:01.55Seyrcluecon: Are you talking about outbound ports or inbound ports? I never have to open ports at client locations to use the phones.
19:02.25file[laptop]teapoint: what does that do?
19:02.29Seyrcluecon: I've used the phones behind SonicWall TZ, Cisco PIX and Linksys firewalls and have never touched the firewalls
19:02.40teapotfile[laptop]: beep beep beep ....
19:02.57file[laptop]maybe the IAXy doesn't have it implemented?
19:03.14file[laptop]er surprised
19:03.38file[laptop]incompatible encoding!
19:04.26file[laptop]oh call pickup
19:04.34file[laptop]gah I crashed my terminal
19:04.36teapotnothing seems to get logged for *8# from the IAXy
19:04.40clueconSeyr: if your not using H323 and the SonicWall guy says it's because the firewall doesn't support H323 then i would think it has to do with having the ports open or closed.  If the call is simply passing thru the firewall like normal data would then it wouldn't matter if the sonicwall supports H323 or not.
19:04.40CoaxDhah. I just did my ASL fingerspelling alphabet..  I haven't practiced in 2.5 months, and i learned it 3 months ago.  but yet, it was right there, and i knew it all..  I *never* learn things that well. Sheesh.
19:04.43teapotja, pickup
19:04.52file[laptop]maybe it's not implemented like I said!
19:05.01teapotsorry, I mean "yes, call pickup" ;)
19:05.13file[laptop]let me uncrash my terminal and see
19:05.40jbothmm... cluecon is - Cluecon is an Open Source Telephony Expo and Developer's Conference geared towards open source Telephony enthusiasts and developers around the world. There will be a full schedule of expert speakers as well as many presentations and booths from various telephony related businesses.
19:05.40file[laptop]nope not implemented
19:05.42file[laptop]please try again.
19:05.45outtoluncanyone know if A@H has gcc on it?
19:06.11teapot<dumb question> where would it be implemented if it was ?
19:06.31file[laptop]another channel driver.
19:06.35file[laptop]if you REALLY wanted I could do it
19:07.11Ariel_outtolunc, yes
19:07.23file[laptop]teapot: what do I get?
19:07.32kimosabedoes any one have meet me with out having fxo cards ?
19:08.06kimosabei currentlly have 8 sipura devices in diffrent areas but i get not a valid confrence number eerrror
19:08.15shidouse RTC, kimosabe
19:08.30kimosabeshido is there a read me on rtc ?
19:08.42shidofile is the readme
19:08.52shidobut I think he needs something cute for his new mac
19:09.32*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
19:09.45file[laptop]I'll be right back
19:09.54outtoluncwell i would think that if a person had actually used it, then it might be a dumb question, which obviously i have not, and since some are telling you that you are wrong.. hmmm
19:11.00kimosabeshido excuse my ignorance where is the readme
19:11.31brimstoneyes, but you have to question who put the mac in the closet to begin with
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19:12.16*** join/#asterisk vooduhal (~christoph@
19:12.56dros7anybody know where I can get an fxo card close to toronto?
19:13.42vooduhalHey guys.  Quick question.  I have 2 zaptel cards with 4 fxo modules each, and it takes 2 rings before the card will pick up the incoming call.  Does anyone know how to get it to pick up as soon as possible.
19:13.52brimstonedros7: Last one on this page:
19:13.54file[laptop]teapot: any thoughts? hrm? eh? EH?
19:14.15teapotfile[laptop]: where did you look to see that it hadn't been implemented ?
19:14.33teapotthought so
19:14.33brimstonevooduhal: immediate=yes in zapata.conf, but you'll lose caller id
19:14.45Ariel_vooduhal, yes callerid=no it's waiting for hte caller ID also you can add immediate=yes
19:14.52teapot9300 lines of module :p
19:14.53vooduhalThank you.
19:14.55file[laptop]probably never implemented because IAX2 wasn't designed as an ata protocol
19:14.58file[laptop]more server to server
19:14.59*** join/#asterisk Marlow (
19:15.01teapotalmost as bad as chan_zap
19:15.16pjzso what do people do for faxes?
19:15.38pjzfax-machine-as-ui is kind of nice though
19:15.54Ariel_pjz, spandsp and put an actuall fax machine on a fxs port
19:16.00file[laptop]teapot: I can put it in... but the best I could do for testing would be from another server
19:16.11dros7brimstone: thx :)
19:16.15pjzokay, so is there a standard email-to-spandsp toy someplace?
19:16.24pjzor cgi?
19:16.25pjzor something?
19:16.31teapotfile[laptop]: you can toss a patch in my direction - I can take it from there...
19:16.44brimstonedros7: any time
19:17.13MikeJ[Laptop]file[laptop], dont do it.. it's not worth it
19:17.22MikeJ[Laptop]make him paypal you
19:17.29file[laptop]I'll make it then hold it hostage
19:17.31teapotfile[laptop]: It's not critical to my life ;)
19:18.06teapotMikeJ[Laptop]: ZA citizens are barred access to paypal :p
19:18.41vooduhalThat worked great.  Thanks guys.
19:19.24*** join/#asterisk smash- (smash@
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19:21.27file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: what'cha up to?
19:22.02MikeJ[Laptop]ordering norstart phone system parts
19:22.15file[laptop]sounds exciting
19:22.26file[laptop]almost like... selling your soul!
19:22.40MikeJ[Laptop]well, that's the system in that office right now
19:22.46MikeJ[Laptop]and they need the callerid
19:23.00MikeJ[Laptop]hey, 4 port fxo cards are only $100
19:23.06MikeJ[Laptop]so better than digiums
19:23.22file[laptop]but can you make it sing a song?
19:24.00MikeJ[Laptop]but digiums cards can't either
19:24.12file[laptop]sure they can
19:25.27*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
19:27.36vooduhalOk guys.  Here is another question.  We have some Polycom IP 500s, and some PSTN lines connected to those 4 modular cards.  We've been having major problems with echo and after working with digium and doing everything they told us we still had the problem.  We figured out a solution, which is along with echotraining and echocancel to add a couple of w's when dialing the number.  Does anyone know if this is a good solution, or if there is something else
19:28.16r0d3ntI could never completely get rid of echo with polycom phones.
19:28.19jeremywhitingthat ought to work, just puts a brief pause before dialing
19:28.29jeremywhiting[TK]D-Fender: ping
19:28.46r0d3ntPolycom's engineers told me their phones have no echo cancellation on the handset, but do on the speakerphone....
19:29.57r0d3ntthis was with a T1 or a PRI
19:30.06r0d3ntthe only way to get rid of echo with polycom was not to use polycom
19:30.16r0d3ntI've experienced this on 3 different PBX's....
19:30.56r0d3ntbasically the polycoms are cheap for a reason...
19:31.00*** join/#asterisk alerios (~alerios@
19:31.46r0d3ntthey are designed to work with Polycom's PBX which has it's own crappy propriatary echo cancellation....
19:32.43truz24what do you use rod3nt ?
19:32.44Ariel_r0d3nt, strange I like the polycom's and have been using them with those issues.
19:33.50truz24what are the polycoms for ?
19:33.55truz24the agents ?
19:34.11*** join/#asterisk Apple (~appleboy@Appleboy.wikipedia)
19:34.24smash-what signaling method do i use for zapata.conf?
19:34.26jeremywhitingany of you with polycoms know how to set a ring tones on a per-registration basis. e.g. different rings for each line button?
19:34.43Appleanybody know of a way for when people are in a conference room for them to press something like *6 and it will mute their line, but they can still hear, and then *7 to unmute?
19:34.48smash-; Signalling method (default is fxs).  Valid values:
19:35.15JerJerApple:  sure its called app_meetme
19:35.36brimstoneApple: i believe the default is *1 to mute
19:35.54JerJershow application meetme
19:36.40Appleerr, whoops
19:40.03*** join/#asterisk jo3sm1th (~email@
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19:40.36jo3sm1thOnce you have registered Vp in iax.conf how do you set extensions.conf to ring your Firefly phone when someone cals your Voicepulse DID
19:42.23*** join/#asterisk madchimp (
19:42.30anthmcontext=rtfm ... [rtfm] exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/rtfm)
19:42.45Godseysomething like Dial(IAX2/Firefly) if you have [Firefly] in iax.conf
19:42.48pjzwhere are full meetme docs?
19:42.51Marlowanthm: eh .. load and clear :)
19:43.19GodseyLOAD "*",8,1
19:43.42[TK]D-FenderI didn't know Polycom had their own PBX, every  rep I've spoken to says they only authorize other provider's solutions with their phones.
19:43.43clueconpjz: start here
19:43.45MarlowGodsey: RUN
19:44.00clueconPolycom has a PBX?
19:44.13anthmmeetme .... in hell mwa ha ha ha
19:44.14Godsey[TK]D-Fender: polycom doesn't allow people to just buy polycom phones.
19:44.24[TK]D-FenderThat's what r0d3nt alluded to
19:44.37Godseypeople buying them from places like ingram micro are not protected under waranty from polycom
19:44.42[TK]D-FenderGodsey : Not far from given the # of sources I can get them from.
19:44.49pjzcluecon: oh, I've got it set up, I was looking for more of a User's Guide for ... my users.
19:45.14ctooleyGodsey, yes the are
19:45.14[TK]D-FenderGodsey : I'm looking to get mine through CCP (a fully auth'd reseller in Canada)
19:45.18Marlowpjz: write one :)
19:45.19Godseypolycom makes their money off software, not the hardware
19:46.14Godseyunless you buy the phone from a polycom partner as part of a bundle incluing the software you are not covered w/ polycom
19:46.15ctooleyA new phone purchased through Ingram Micro, Techdata, T2 Supply, or other wholesale distributors are fully covered under the warranty unless the wholesaler sells it to a reseller that isn't authorized
19:46.48Godseyyour only recource is to try and RMA w/ who ever you purchased it from
19:46.53ctooleyGodsey, I sold hundreds of phones without software, using Asterisk, with Polycom fully aware that I was using Asterisk and seveal got replaced
19:47.35GodseyI get mine replaced to, but I have to lie and tell them I'm using one of their solution providers platforms
19:47.44jo3sm1thGOdsey what if you dont have Firefly in  iax.conf
19:47.52file[laptop]cool it worked...
19:47.54Godseya nice engineer guided me into that course of action to get phones replaced
19:47.59ctooleyAnd the reseller doesn't even have to do the RMA, several customers just got the RMA form from Polycom and got phones fixed.
19:48.04Godseyjo3sm1th: you have it somewhere
19:48.13Godseymaybe sip.conf I don't use softphones
19:48.38jo3sm1thCan you just do exten => 3102221111,1,Dial(IAX2/softphonename)
19:49.56*** join/#asterisk sepski (~sep@
19:50.03Godsey.. thisis ... *.conf [thisis]
19:50.14Godseyoops Dial(*/thisis)...
19:50.18Ariel_strange I have a polycom that is hissing right now. I called polycom yesterday and gave them the s/n and they just issue me an RMA for replacement.
19:50.50GodseyI had all kinds of problems last year trying to get some DOA IP300 and IP600 phones replaced
19:50.54Ariel_they did not want to know who or where I got it from.
19:51.20Ariel_Godsey, maybe they have changed there ways
19:51.21jo3sm1thGodesey is that for me?
19:51.28Godseyjo3sm1th: yes
19:51.37jo3sm1thI don't understand how is exten => 3102221111,1,Dial(IAX2/softphonename) wrong
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19:51.48Godseypay for a licence for firefly for me and I'll help more :P
19:52.16SpaceBassjo3sm1th i think you need a timeout at least
19:52.17sepskiwould this be the right channel to ask questions about the possibilities of asterisk, in order to find out if it's something we could use in our local county administration ?
19:52.19Godseyit does video right?
19:52.31SpaceBasssepski as good as any :)
19:52.40GodseySpaceBass: I don't think ,60 is required
19:52.40Lee__sepski: you should probably consult the info on the wiki first
19:52.47sepskibeen there
19:52.51Lee__there's copious amounts there.
19:52.52clueconjo3sm1th: your dial command should be Dial(IAX2/iaxusername)
19:53.12GodseyI think I was thinking of other softphone software
19:53.22*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
19:53.23clueconsepski: what's the question?
19:53.26GodseyeyeBeam :)
19:53.32Lee__sepski: also you can search the list archives vial google " keyword"
19:53.52Godseyhow does eyeBeam work in a meetme? Heh
19:54.11jo3sm1thThats what I have
19:54.16jo3sm1thand it is registered in iax.conf
19:54.36jo3sm1thAnd it makes calls  from firefly just doesnt receive any
19:54.45GodseyI keep telling you
19:55.02dros7anybody know where I can buy cheaper knockoff FXO cards in the toronto area?
19:55.29SpaceBassdros7 always some on ebay
19:55.31[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : I'd sooner believe that they didn't care who you got it through or that they traces the serial # to the reseller and didn't care
19:55.31Ariel_jo3sm1th, you have to use the users context name in the iax.conf  [user1]
19:55.31clueconjo3sm1th: what shows on the CLI when it doesn't receive calls?
19:55.43jo3sm1thNothing at all
19:55.55SpaceBasswhere is voice mail stored?
19:56.02Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, could be. either way it's on it's way to them.
19:56.06jo3sm1thIt just says "my call did not go through"
19:56.27clueconnothing? increase your vvvvvvvv level and pastebin the cli output.
19:56.45dros7Spacebass: thx, I should have thought of that...
19:56.56[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : Yup :)
19:57.09SpaceBassdros7 I got mine for like $7 each on ebay
19:57.21Ariel_SpaceBass, /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default
19:57.29sepskiwe have a rather large pbx in the local administration local office, all small official buildings are connected with broadband, and all have small time pbx's paying the telco bloodmoney to connec to the central pbx, idea was to replace all the small pbx's out there with a asterisk server centraly and ip phones remotly, (i assumed propritary pbx phones dont work with asterisk), question was if it's possible to interoperate with a local pbx, using 4 digit inte
19:57.29sepskirnal numbers, and also get citylines thru the large pbx, dialing 0+ 8digits.
19:57.43jo3sm1thThere is NOTHING, no response from CLI like it never reaches my pbx at all
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19:58.41jo3sm1thI dont have "answer"
19:58.58dros7Spacebass: did you buy them from a canadian?
19:59.16SpaceBassdros7 england I think... but payed us dollars
19:59.17Ariel_sepski, you might have to get a consultant in your area to help out.  But it can be done with asterisk.
19:59.18Lee__sepski: yes, although you might be limited by the outbound bandwidth on the small official building's broadband connections
19:59.20clueconsepski: should be able to do that.  you'll need to be able to connect between * and the central pbx.
19:59.39gambolputtyIs there any way to use the manager originate command to immediately ring the caller as the callee is ringing?
19:59.40sepskiLee__, 100mbit CoS fiber network all around
20:00.02gambolputtyThe caller doesn't get rung unless the callee picks up.
20:00.02sepskiLee__, and they dont have more then 4 lines today anyways, it's realy small officews
20:00.07Lee__sepski: the company where I work has a "business class" cable line and it drops out every so often.
20:00.09dros7spacebass: ah, ok.  I want to go pick it up.  Need it fast, so shipping from states isn't really an option right now
20:00.26SpaceBassI have a business class cable line at my home
20:00.27cluecongambolputty: isn't that how it works now?
20:00.28Lee__sepski: if you have enough outbound for as many calls as you have phones, you're good to go.
20:00.33SpaceBass8mbs down / 1 mbs up
20:00.39gambolputtybut I want it do
20:00.41sepskiLee__, our network have hardware to give voip packets priority
20:00.50Lee__you sound quite well hooked up.
20:00.52gambolputtyI want the caller and callee to ring at the same time
20:01.00mistralsepski: QOS is not a hardware its more a software thing
20:01.01SpaceBassjust saying never had dropouts (yet)
20:01.08jo3sm1thIts got to have 2 lines exten => XXX,1,Answer
20:01.09gambolputtyso that the caller can hear the callee's phone ringing
20:01.11Lee__mistral: cisco switches have QoS
20:01.14sepskiqos is software in our switches (hardware)
20:01.15jo3sm1thDoesnt it?
20:01.18FuRR_sepski, QOS only works as far as your edge ;-)
20:01.19SpaceBassyeah but a traffic shaper works on level 3
20:01.30cluecongambolputty: switch your caller and callee then.
20:01.35sepskiFuRR_, i know, but this is all in our own network
20:01.42mistralSpaceBass: QOS can work on level 2 - 4
20:01.47mistralan beyond :>
20:02.01*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
20:02.29sepskibetween *  and pbx, could i use multiple isdn 64K's ? how many can fit in * ?
20:02.51Uther_Pare there any plans for a dynamic, db served dial plan?
20:03.02Lee__Uther_P: search the wiki for Asterisk Realtime
20:03.04sepskii assume i must maintain a list on * telling it what 4 digit numbers are on voip and what are on the pbx ?
20:03.04gambolputtyI don't think that will work
20:03.09Uther_Pah, thanks
20:03.15gambolputtyboth should ring at the same time
20:03.20gambolputtynot one at a time
20:03.30Lee__sepski: yeah, that's the dialplan. you'll do all your routing in Asterisk
20:03.59clueconsepski: not sure about the 64k isdn lines.  can you do t1 interfaces to the pbx?
20:04.24sepskicluecon, with the size of that thing, i'd be suprised if it couldt have such interfaces added
20:04.55sepskie1 in my case
20:05.24clueconsepski: if it can do t1/e1 lines to the * side, you could pickup digium cards (4 t1/e1) that would give you access to asterisk from the pbx and from asterisk to the pbx.
20:06.25sepskicluecon, very nice, i was a bit worried if i could get enoughf lines between them, since most conversations is between small office and central
20:06.42sepskibut an E1 should be plenty.
20:07.09*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (
20:08.11*** join/#asterisk jbot (
20:08.11*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || ResetCDR = broken bug 4531 has the FIX
20:08.34clueconsepski: you can also get a single e1 interface card that will work with *.
20:09.30sepskicluecon, i'v read that on the web, what i was most worried about was 4 digits vs 8 digits etc
20:09.57clueconsepski: extensions are very flexible in *.
20:10.18cluecon4,8,16,32, even 1 digit extensions are possible.
20:10.38clueconalthough i suspect someone would want to kill you if you used 32 digit extensions.
20:10.55SpaceBassanyone have expirence with distinctive rings on a zap channel?
20:11.04sepskitheoreticaly if one wanted to reuse the propritary phones and pbxs on the small offices, could you set up * at all locations skipping the telco that way ?
20:11.22clueconsepski: yes.
20:11.38Lee__cluecon: that sounds like Windows programming for COM objects.
20:11.57file[laptop]MikeJ[Laptop]: poke
20:12.28sepskicluecon, and * could be 'transparent for the pbx's ?  seams there are several ways to attach this.
20:12.44clueconsepski: exactly
20:13.15sepskivery flexible. but it would take a more machines, and more management then just replaceing i think.
20:14.12sepskiperhaps a small embedded computer would suffice, like an itx board or similar at the small offices
20:14.32Lee__sepski: I got Asterisk running on a Soekris 4801 with a 128meg CF card
20:14.48Lee__that's too small for what you'd be doing but just as a point of reference...
20:14.52Thumanni'm so drunkj'
20:14.53teapotpast bedtime
20:15.16sepskiLee__, as i said very small officces
20:15.27Thumanni wanna be a firetruck
20:15.31Lee__that board is CPU bound. 233Mhz IIRC
20:15.49Lee__transcoding is out of the question
20:16.30sepskithanks for all your information, wife wants me of the comp now :P
20:16.44clueconsepski: yvw.
20:16.47sepskitest install next week i hope :)
20:17.22r0d3nt[TK]D-Fender, what did I allude to ???
20:17.42*** join/#asterisk Nethab (
20:19.13Nethabanyone here use the [authenticate] sectioin in sip.conf
20:21.17smash-can someone help me set signalling on zapata.conf
20:21.35smash-is it cpe or pri-net
20:21.38Nethabyes, you can use it to specify all your outbound authentication
20:21.38[TK]D-Fendercluecon : My home ext's are organized as ABCD where A=2 (company#), B = 0/1 (hard/soft), C=Floor #, D=room#
20:21.52Nethabso you don't keep multiple copies in your register and peer defs
20:22.23[TK]D-Fender[15:31] <r0d3nt> they are designed to work with Polycom's PBX which has it's own crappy propriatary echo cancellation....
20:22.53[TK]D-FenderNoone has confrmed there is a Polycom produced PBX.  They only mention auth'd solution providers
20:24.23*** join/#asterisk funxion (
20:26.11Ariel_Nethab, I would like to see more on this. but I did not see this in stable any where in there samples.
20:26.37funxionis there a way to reload * from the command prompt?
20:26.40Nethabit's in the sip.conf.sample provided in HEAD
20:26.50funxionlet me correct that from shell not CLI
20:26.56Uther_Pfunxion: you could pipe the comamnds to the cli
20:26.56Ariel_Nethab, ahh it's new then. I only use stable right now.
20:27.19Nethabi was asking cause there is no documentation other than the config file and it's 2 line sample
20:27.23Uther_Pfunxion: like,   printf "reload\nquit\n" | asterisk -r
20:27.28Uther_Pfunxion: that might work
20:27.46funxionwouldn't that still start a remote session
20:28.19funxionI was looking for somehting like asterisk -rx without actually restarting
20:28.24vooduhalCan anyone suggest someone who offers a course in general VoIP technologies?
20:28.28Uther_Pfunxion: yes, it opens the cli, then reloads, then quits.... if you don't wanna see it... redirect it to null....  printf "reload\nquit\n" | asterisk -r > /dev/null
20:28.57funxionthnx a lot Uther_P
20:28.58r0d3nt[TK]D-Fender, Interesting... when I worked with Polycom to try and resolve the echo issues.. in the end, they took back all the phones....
20:29.01Uther_Pno problem
20:29.29vooduhalI think we have our polycom echo issues resolved finally.
20:29.50[TK]D-Fenderr0d3nt : my only comment was about Poly not making a PBX like you seemed to imply
20:29.57Ariel_vooduhal, you added ww to the dial out string.
20:30.32funxionUther_P ti doesn't werk
20:30.38funxionnice try though
20:30.45vooduhalWell, the combination of: rxgain=4.0,txgain=4.0, echocancel=64,echotraining=800, and the w to dialing out seemed to fix it both directions.
20:30.54vooduhalThat and resolving the IRQ conflicts.
20:31.03r0d3nt[TK]D-Fender, I was under the impression that they do make a PBX..
20:32.16Uther_Pfunxion:  in the asterisk manpage... -x command
20:32.33Uther_Pfunxion:  it says, conenct to a running astersisk process and execute a command on a comman line
20:32.51Uther_Pfunxion: sooo... asterisk -x reload
20:33.11Uther_Pfunxion: fyi, that pipes any cli output to the stdout
20:33.38Uther_Pfunxion: so it you want it silent,  do asterisk -x reload > /dev/null   <-- or maybe to a log file if you are scripting it
20:34.19vooduhalI thought it was asterisk -rx 'command'
20:34.21*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
20:34.29shmaltzhi evry1
20:34.32Uther_Pvooduhal: -x implies -r
20:34.56Uther_Pwhen -R is not explicity supplied
20:35.22Uther_Pthe example in the manpage shows -rx  but not needed
20:35.31vooduhalSo anyone have any suggestions for training?
20:36.21shmaltzI had asterisk 1.0.7 crash on me, I have no clue why, I'm assuming that the reason was that my PRI went down and asterisk didn't handle it nicely, has any1 seen this before?
20:36.29Uther_Pumm... rtfwiki :P
20:36.58drumkillashmaltz: no ... did you start asterisk with -g?
20:37.10drumkillaok ...
20:37.16shmaltzso shoud I?
20:37.17drumkillawell, if this turns out to be something you can recreate
20:37.26Uther_Pshmaltz:  asterisk used to crash on me all the time when I was using a digium quad fxo card.... once I got rid of it and went all voip, I didn't have that problem
20:37.36drumkillaalso, build asterisk with 'make valgrind'
20:37.46drumkillaso we can get a clean backtrace
20:37.48shmaltzUther_P, well I'm not using TDM or fxo
20:37.53drumkillaUther_P: did you contact support about it?
20:37.57funxionUther_P wooduhal was right
20:38.08funxionit doesn't work withour r
20:38.12shmaltzthanks drumkilla, I also had an issue with HEAD
20:38.23Uther_Pfunxion: hrm.. heeh the man page lied
20:38.36Uther_Pdrumkilla: no,  the digium card fried on me, and we were migrating to VoIP anyway
20:39.08drumkillaUther_P: did you RMA the card?
20:39.11shmaltzdrumkilla, is there any disadvantage of using -g?
20:39.12Uther_Pfunxion:  heh, the manpage says that -x implies -r unless you specify -R, guess that was a typo
20:39.16drumkillashmaltz: no
20:39.21Uther_Pdrumkilla:  nope, still got it around here somewhere
20:39.28drumkillait just tells asterisk to do a core dump if it crashes
20:39.35drumkillaUther_P: well, if it's messed up, you can get a new one
20:39.51Uther_Pbut... I don't want a new one... that card was just problems man
20:40.05drumkillayou probably have a really old rev of the card
20:40.07Uther_Pwell... probably the drivers more than the card, but
20:40.17drumkillaanyway, just making sure you are aware of your options .....
20:41.37Uther_Pfor example... if for some reason the module was removed before asterisk was stopped, the system would hang completely, and it would put the card in a state where it wouldn't mod probe again unless you completely powered off the server and powered it back up again
20:41.42Uther_Pa simple reboot didn't fix it
20:43.21shmaltzWhen using HEAD when ever I would get an Unable to forward frame error on the PRI, I would get dissconnected, but since downgrading to 1.0.7 it just displays the warning and keeps going
20:43.24*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
20:43.38SephenAnyone here using meetme2? The php web app shows the users in the conference, but it doesn't do anything when I click on kick, talk, listen, etc.
20:45.12X-RobI go away for a night, and 'AEL' is invented.
20:45.16Sephenshmaltz: I just pulled down HEAD two days ago, and I see only the warnings.
20:45.43shmaltzOk, I'm talking about around March
20:47.47*** join/#asterisk B2382F29 (
20:48.15[TK]D-FenderHey shmaltz
20:48.22[TK]D-FenderGoing well with Poly * plan
20:49.23shmaltzD-Fender, not bad, having some issues with NAT
20:49.28SephenTKD-Fender: Our Poly is going great too.
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20:50.54Corydon-wYeah, I agree... tux rules...
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20:51.28[TK]D-FenderNAT = PITA
20:51.33predictivehas anyone seen polycom 501s register on a bizarre port
20:51.42Uther_Phaha who owuld do that
20:51.43[TK]D-FenderSO glad its not an iddue for me so far
20:52.12file[laptop]predictive: NAT.
20:52.22Uther_Pnow he needs to get the bsd daemon stabbing his pitch fork into his skull
20:52.24tux_rulezI was wondering, has anyone written an asterisk module to screen callers for a radio call-in show?
20:52.44predictivefile[laptop]: yea, but I have the NAT setting correct in the polycom, so I can't figure out why it's using this weird port
20:52.46X-Robhow would you do that?
20:52.46Uther_Pheh, wow... thats rather specific
20:52.51file[laptop]predictive: the way your NAT works
20:52.59B2382F29hi, i have a problem with call forwarding. i'm using chan_capi... and _X.,1,Answer   _X.,2,Dial,CAPI/3127313:bYYYYYYYYY|30|tr in the context for incoming calls (YYYYY is a cellphone number). When i call asterisk with cellphone 1, the second cellphone gets called as intended, but i can only hear the sound from 1 to 2 ... from 2 to 1 i get no sound.... any ideas ?
20:53.03X-RobLast time I looked, there's no way to check for IQ<80 from caller ID?
20:53.21SephenCan Asterisk do PRI/B2 transfers?
20:53.35Uther_PB2382F29: sounds like a firewall/nat issue
20:53.43B2382F29Uther_P, with CAPI?
20:54.03X-RobOr maybe you could have an IQ test when they call in. 'How many sides does a triangle have? Push 1 for 'not three', push 2 for 'three'." If they push 2 they get put on hold
20:54.09Uther_PB2382F29: err... I'm not familiar with capi... so maybe I cannot help you
20:54.16X-Robotherwise they get put through
20:54.19B2382F29Uther_P, ISDN
20:54.59Uther_PB2382F29:  one phone dialing into the server, then it dialing back out to another cell phone?
20:55.07B2382F29Uther_P, yes
20:55.31Uther_Phrm, odd... can't help ya there man
20:55.39Uther_Phaven't jacked with isdn
20:57.00B2382F29Uther_P, is it correct to first answer the call and then dial the second cellphone?  so the extensions.conf could not be the problem?
20:57.48Uther_PB2382F29: no, that should be fine... the cli says "attempting to bridge call blah blah blah"
20:58.07B2382F29Uther_P,  CAPI[contr1/3127313]/1 answered CAPI[contr1/3127313]/0
20:58.26B2382F29Uther_P,  Private bridge between CAPI[contr1/3127313]/0 and CAPI[contr1/3127313]/1 failed
20:59.01B2382F29Attempting native bridge.... is before that
20:59.05Uther_Phave you searched for that problem
21:00.57B2382F29Uther_P, didn't find anything... could it be a problem that the MSN is the same for the incoming and outgoing call?
21:01.19Uther_Plike I said man... I don't know too much about isdn
21:01.35Uther_Pdoes your server have a dsp?
21:01.44Uther_Pcan you dial from the cli out and get sound both ways?
21:02.14B2382F29Uther_P, i can dial the voicemail, i hear it and my talking is recorded
21:02.26Uther_Pjust bridged than
21:03.03B2382F29Uther_P, from the server i didn't test ...
21:04.58Uther_PB2382F29: did you read this?
21:07.48ardorwhats capi?
21:07.50predictiveman linksys must actively be trying to break sip
21:07.57Uther_Pardor: module for isdn
21:08.53*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (
21:08.56B2382F29Uther_P, well, my capi.conf looks like that and the connections to the voicemail are all working
21:09.10Uther_PB2382F29: you have 2 cards?
21:09.16B2382F29Uther_P, no, 2
21:09.19B2382F29aeh 1
21:09.28Uther_PB2382F29 which card are you using
21:09.48B2382F29AVM Fritz! with fcpci
21:11.23Uther_P"Note on DID, AVM Fritz A1 and fcpci,  You cannot use the AVM Fritz A1 card in P2P mode where you can use DID. "
21:12.18B2382F29Uther_P, yes.i can not use direct dialing... but i don't dial, i just forward the call
21:12.39Uther_Plooked like it pertained... wasn't sure what it ment however
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21:15.25B2382F29creating pipe for PLCI=0x101 msn = 3011883 .................. creating pipe for PLCI=-1
21:15.38B2382F29the second looks suspicious
21:16.09SephenIf I use rtcachefriends=yes in the sip.conf, how often does Asterisk re-read the list? For instance, if I make a change to someone
21:16.44SephenIf I make a change to someone's config, will asterisk eventually re-read it by itself (a timeout feature to cache), or do I manaully have to force a sip reload?
21:16.52anthmif it re-registers ot always overwrites it
21:17.24Lee__is there a directory option that reads back the extension the call is getting transfered to before it rings that phone?
21:17.50Lee__I have this buggy directory AGI that does it but it won't exit when it's done.
21:18.12jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
21:18.12Sephenanthm: Only during a re-reg though? It doesn't periodically pull an update?
21:18.20anthmunless you set rtautoclear the peer will stay in there forever but it's still subject to modification all the while
21:18.39Sephensmash- I'm using CPE, and it works fine.
21:18.50sivanadoes every call to ${UNIQUEID} in the same context yield a different number?
21:19.11sivanaor is it the same per context?
21:19.30Sephenanthm: Do you have a website which documents all of the realtime directives somewhere? Documentation seems sparse.
21:19.39anthmrtautoclear can be yes to match the expire time exactly
21:19.48anthmor a number for that many seconds
21:20.09anthmthe configs/sip|iax.conf.sample is all the docs
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21:24.19m-00kieif anyone has any suggestions as to how to set up a videophone system, id appreciate any pointers :)
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21:30.28shidoUC channel 1 protocol error. Cause 32773
21:31.29smash-in extensions.conf
21:31.34smash-do i have to monfiy TRUNK=Zap/g2                                    ; Trunk interface
21:31.34smash-TRUNKMSD=1                                      ; MSD digits to strip (usually 1 or 0)
21:32.13jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
21:36.35map71smash: I would like to know that also. On my (working) server I have no such TRUNK variable. Where is it used?
21:37.36sivanaanyone using spandsp here?
21:38.34wrmemTRUNK is just a variable, often used to make dialout strings shorter.
21:38.34smash-i just dont wanna stay late.
21:38.53smash-wrmem i setup zatel.conf and zapata.conf up
21:39.01map71smash: now I saw it. This TRUNK stuff you CAN use in the dialplan in a Dial command: Dial (${TRUNK}/...) ...
21:40.13map71has anybody a working a asterisk stable server with a working format_mp3?
21:40.22map71it just does not work for me ...
21:40.34wrmemif zaptel & zapata config files are correct, and you have a context set up in extensions.conf to get incoming calls, you are set.  But first, just concentrate on getting out of RED and YELLOW alarms tomorrow.  Don't try to build beyond that until the alarms are gone.
21:41.20smash-were do these alarms show
21:41.32smash-kuz i route alot of traffic out
21:41.53*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
21:42.04|Vulture|Anyone here a customer of Broadwing or Focal?
21:42.15wrmemsmash-: read the docs, you'll find it
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21:42.39smash-i got it
21:42.47|Vulture|god nothing but bad customer service on the account managment side... want to see if anyone else uses them to see if their rep is worth anything
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21:43.07|Vulture|their tech guys are good... but their CS people.... wow
21:43.35Kattyexten => _xxxx,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}|30)
21:43.35Kattyexten => _xxxx,2,Voicemail(${EXTEN})
21:43.36Kattyexten => _xxxx,3,Hangup
21:43.40Katty^- did i oops?
21:43.55uuuppzI'm trying to set up my voipbuster account as a trunk
21:43.59uuuppznd am having problems
21:44.08Kattyit's supposed to go to voicemail in 30 seconds (5 rings) but i think it's insaned
21:44.16uuuppzif anyone here has got this working, I'd appreciate a hand
21:44.46Corydon-wCreative Labs VOIPBlaster?
21:45.03uuuppzthought I'd mistyped then
21:45.06uuuppzno voipbuster
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21:48.28*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (negative3k@
21:50.02X-Robuuuppz, asterisk@home?
21:50.23Ariel_Katty, why don't you use a macro for that
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21:50.40Hmmhesaysmacro's are cool
21:50.58Hmmhesayskeep you from having to type out an annoyingly long dialplan
21:51.18Ariel_Katty, there should be a macro-standard if you setup off the sample.
21:51.30uuuppzX-Rob: nah installed from source on sarge, but I am using AMP
21:51.35Ariel_Hmmhesays, yes your correct
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21:52.17X-Robuuuppz - the AMP channel is #amportal
21:52.36*** join/#asterisk mariosit (~sitelco@
21:53.09uuuppzX-Rob: ah thanks, got it working anyway ;)
21:53.19*** join/#asterisk Ariek (
21:53.37mariositis posible use mfc/r2 with digium e1 card
21:54.02Hmmhesays8 minutes then some fun in the sun
21:54.30Nuxihmmm.  I thought it was 8 light seconds to the sun.
21:54.41HmmhesaysI'm not going to the sun
21:54.45Hmmhesaysi'm going for a motorcycle ride
21:54.48mariositha ha ha
21:54.54*** part/#asterisk dalabera (
21:54.58AriekIs asterisk able to do a hold call (with the callmanager) I can't find any reference to it
21:54.58*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
21:55.47Hmmhesayshopefully I won't see so many squids riding around without shirts this time
21:56.03mariositwhat kind of mothebord is recomend to use with asterisk
21:56.24shidomariosit, yes
21:56.37shidoim setting up r2 in saudi arabia now for a student
21:56.43sivanaanyone using spandsp here?
21:56.50Hmmhesaysr2 can be tricky
21:57.10Nuxinope, Hmmhesays was right.  according to, it's 8.31675359 minutes to the sun.
21:57.17Hmmhesaysespecially when they tell you "<insert country here> style r2"
21:57.18*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
21:57.23HmmhesaysNuxi: nice
21:58.05Hmmhesaysi was off by 33.33_ seconds
21:58.16Hmmhesayser.. off again, damn
21:58.31mariositwhy r2 can be tricky i'm live in mexico
21:58.59Hmmhesayssometimes it's hard to get a straight answer from the telco's what the spec's are for the line they have
21:59.18`Sauronand sometimes you have to dictate to the telco what specs you want
22:00.28Hmmhesayssometimes the telco can't won't change the specs on the line and can't tell you what they are
22:01.03`Sauronsometimes your telco gets a notice that you'll switch 100+ circuits to a different carrier if they don't tell you what you want
22:01.25HmmhesaysLOL, good point there
22:02.10`SauronThey jumped in line quickly when we pulled one of those.
22:02.13eKo1Too bad that can't work here...there is only one god...erm telco
22:02.21`SauronConsidering the fact that we're one of the larger cash cows they have
22:02.26`Sauronif not THE cash cow
22:02.50`Sauronand there's plenty of competitors who'd love to take on our account
22:03.23`Sauron75-100 T's, ~15 GigE and an unknown number of other crap
22:03.27*** part/#asterisk wrmem (
22:09.45*** part/#asterisk tux_rulez (
22:10.57*** join/#asterisk asteriskforuk (
22:11.09asteriskforukHello everyone..
22:11.17*** part/#asterisk Ariek (
22:12.04smash-hey will make samples over right conf files?
22:12.14asteriskforukne1 can help with connecting remote 7960... tried the FAQs error msg Registration from '<sip:786@;user=phone>' failed for ''
22:12.30*** join/#asterisk cluecon (
22:12.54smash-how do i check to see if PRI conf properly
22:13.50mariositasterisk -r
22:14.03twisted[work]or zttool ;)
22:14.42sivanaam I missing something... rxfax is hanging up before my fax is done being sent
22:14.56mariositlet me stand for exaple if i want to connect asterisk pbx to another asterisk pbx i need to use the iax protocol?
22:15.07sivanamariosit: I would
22:15.50twisted[work]mariosit, that's a good way to do it, yeah.  other ways are via sip or hardware, but iax2 would be a good choice ;)
22:16.18mariositok i need to study how work iax well
22:16.25mariositthanks for the advice
22:17.11sivanacan someone send me a fax? :)
22:17.38smash-hrm docs on asterisk say
22:17.39Lee__I'm having a hell of a time with an AGI script that doesn't exit when it's done. It's written in PHP. Could someone recommend instructions to force it to exit cleanly?
22:19.00hardwirereboot the machine
22:19.02hardwireits the only way
22:19.17smash-*CLI> zap show status
22:19.17smash-Description                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
22:19.17smash-wanpipe1 card 0                          OK                  0          0          0
22:19.39hardwireI want a wanpipe :(
22:20.36dalaberasmash RTFM !!
22:20.56eKo1Lee__: exit();
22:23.35*** join/#asterisk Navman (~par_edlun@
22:24.23dalaberasivana where you able to set the fax on asterisk?
22:25.27kn0xanyone been able to get inband dtmf to work through FWD?
22:25.33dalaberalet me help you, what you need?
22:25.34sivanahaving an issue with it hanging up before it's received
22:26.10dalaberawhat card and linux os are you?
22:26.54sivanaslackware, te405p
22:27.05kn0xdrumkilla- have  you ever been able to get the Callback() application to work?
22:27.30sivanadalabera: I'm not using the fax ext.. sending a DID directly to rxfax()
22:27.41*** join/#asterisk NSGN (
22:27.53twisted[work]heh.  rxfax works great
22:27.58NSGNanybody here have experience with teravoice server?
22:27.58sivanadalabera: faxdetect=incoming
22:28.15twisted[work]all of our voice did's here at the office double as our fax numbers ;)
22:28.17sivanatwisted[work]: not so far :)
22:28.24twisted[work]yes, works beautifully
22:28.40sivanaI'm doing this:  exten => 7052232145,1,Macro(faxreceive,${EXTEN},; FAX Receive TEST
22:28.55sivanahangs up before it captuers
22:28.58twisted[work]uhm, that's a macro pointer.
22:29.27twisted[work]of course that won't work.
22:29.38sivanagoes to that macro :)
22:30.18twisted[work]well, if it's hanging up before it's done, check the directory permissions
22:30.34dalaberagood point...
22:30.40twisted[work]rxfax will handshake and all that jazz
22:30.55twisted[work]but then will disconnect as it begins to recieve fax data
22:31.00sivanaI think I need the ARG1 to be existing in the dir first
22:31.00twisted[work]because it can't write it
22:31.25sivanaby golly.. I think you're right
22:31.38twisted[work]i know i'm right
22:31.56sivanabingo... thank you
22:32.29sivanawas missing the directory representing arg1
22:33.05tzangeryou dumbass :-)
22:33.17shmaltzwho is this (it showed up on my CC statement):
22:33.18shmaltzTOLL FREE COMMUNIC
22:33.20shmaltzis it asterlink?
22:33.29twisted[work]shmaltz, why don't you ask them?
22:33.37*** part/#asterisk B2382F29 (
22:33.44clueconshmaltz: that is most likely asterlink.
22:34.09shmaltzcluecon, thanks
22:34.18twisted[work]good luck
22:37.27Marlowtwisted[work] : wouldn't you need to be cable bound to get unplugged ? :o)
22:37.50twisted[work]Marlow, ?
22:38.07twisted[work]i'm not on wireless here if that's what you're thinking
22:38.31Marlowtwisted[work] : eh .. thought so, since you said good look ..
22:38.42twisted[work]good luck ;)
22:38.56twisted[work]you'd have to climb through a maze of other cables and desks to unplug my shit
22:39.08Marlowehehe ......... and get stuck
22:39.17twisted[work]or at least injured
22:41.00tzangeruse ser with sphinx!  everyone should be very good at using their sphinxser!
22:41.34tzangeroh COME ON
22:41.36tzangerthat was FUNNY
22:41.52Marlowtzanger : not really
22:41.58Nuxiusing sphinx, yup, that's funny.
22:42.16tzangereveryone's a critic
22:43.06*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
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22:43.54*** join/#asterisk LeeColleton (
22:44.46eKo1So the moral of the story is: don't try sphinxser jokes in #asterisk and expect them to be funny
22:45.09twisted[work]one more mention of sphinxser and I'll put a boot in your sphincter.
22:47.02Nuxi() sphinxser()
22:47.16Nuxigotta hurt
22:50.32Uther_Psomeone know if tar has a switch for only extracting new files, and not to overwrite existing files? (i'm looking in the man page but not seeing anything)
22:50.41LeeColletonHello!  I'm trying to get my iaxcomm softphone to connect to asterisk but it keeps saying "Registration rejected".  I'm using ACTOS to configure the system but I don't know if I should be setting up peers or users or friends or what.  Is there a good HOWTO for this setup?
22:51.13jbotextra, extra, read all about it, doc is The command is "~docs", moron!
22:51.23jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
22:52.17LeeColletonthanks eKo1!  jbot is saucy.
22:54.11Uther_Psnigger? heh
22:59.36*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
23:00.26*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
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23:00.56*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
23:04.03Nethabno not really
23:04.23Nethabanyone used the [authenticate] section in sip.conf
23:04.44*** join/#asterisk anthm[tablet] (
23:09.54*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
23:13.04*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
23:13.24harryvvanyone here experaincing a backorder of ip500s from atacomm or other mfg?
23:14.14*** join/#asterisk DaLion (~DaLion@
23:14.28clueconharryvv: the 500s are being discontinued if i remember correctly.
23:14.33DaLionhey we all know 7960 works with asterisk.. does the 7914 extention module also work ?
23:15.22harryvvi know, thay are being replace by the 501 for a security upgrade.
23:15.43harryvvseems to be a very popular phone.
23:16.12clueconyes, they are.
23:16.34*** join/#asterisk tPO (~tPO@
23:17.13*** join/#asterisk SoloFlyer (~jkl@
23:18.09harryvvand atacomm cannot hold onto them at all. once in the door thay are all shipped.
23:18.09MarlowDaLion : sccp only
23:18.20MarlowDaLion : the expansion module can't talk anything else ..
23:18.23DaLionneeds cisco call manag ?
23:18.37opus__junk-y -- yeah i saw that wtf
23:18.39harryvvBut who else carries the ip500 and is located in the pacific region?
23:18.42MarlowDaLion : you can use sccp with asterisk ..
23:18.58JunK-Yopus: pretty fucked up huh?
23:19.00opus__anyone have a realtime config tar ball I could try?
23:19.02MarlowDaLion : but i'm not sure, how much chan_skinny or chan_sccp supports that exp. module
23:19.04shmaltzanthm, you around?
23:19.22opus__junk-y the site that i first saw that retracted it mysterously
23:19.28opus__where did you read it?
23:20.12JunK-Yopus__: my roomate told me
23:20.52Marlowharryvv : why not just order from voipsupply ?
23:22.33Marlowharryvv : they are usually fast and unproblematic, no matter where you are ..
23:22.51Marlowharryvv : even easier for me to order from them instead of here inside Europe
23:22.52opus__thats cool
23:22.56opus__they must make a lot of money
23:23.13opus__has anyone tried the auto-answer hack for the ip500?
23:23.18opus__how do I set the ring type in asterisk?
23:23.30opus__btw AEL looks cool
23:27.46shmaltzopus_, it's on the wiki
23:27.50Marlowtzanger : uhh .. that's long ago ..
23:28.51tzangerwho you gonna call?  GHOSTBUSTERS
23:29.47agave-txlinkwhat is different between port 4539 and 5036 for iax?
23:29.49jbotsomebody said ael was Asterisk Extension Language
23:30.07tzangeryeah that looks kind of strange (ael)
23:30.24tzangerI wonder why they went with their own custom language
23:31.22DaLionno tit s actualy ~~~~GOST ~~ BUSTERS ta nana na nan ~~~
23:33.28SwKanyone have a dell 600m laptop?
23:33.29opus__does that mean realtime worked?
23:34.08*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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23:36.05MarlowSwK : ehh .. you wouldn't want to own that :)
23:36.49MarlowSwK : dell d600 is listing -->
23:37.00MarlowSwK : i mean 600m
23:37.17SwKthats exactly what I was ref'ing
23:37.32SwKwas looking for independent confirmation of that
23:37.48MarlowSwK : but since the 600m is a model, that is U.S. specific, not sold outside the states ..
23:37.58MarlowSwK : most people on this side of the pond don't care :)
23:38.35MarlowSwK : and it might be the same for the 700m .. again .. U.S. only model
23:38.45SwKwho the hell knows tho
23:39.03MarlowSwK : bb is watching ya :) ..
23:39.07SwKwould be interesting to get secondary conf on the keylogger then see what the /. effect does to dell hah
23:39.32SwKand I have some words for echelon to... jihad, george bush bomb whitehouse
23:40.28opus__the dark side
23:41.42MarlowSwK : the original site, that had the article is allready taken down ..
23:41.57Nethabport 5035 is the asterisk management port
23:41.59MarlowSwK : the one in germany is a copy .. i have another copy of that page ..
23:42.03Nethabi mean 5036
23:42.18Nethabwhat's this security upgrade for the Polycom IP500
23:42.28MarlowSwK : we don't want people to forget ...
23:47.32pifiui have a question
23:47.48pifiuwhat is asterisk most demanding of in a system, as far as specs go?
23:47.55pifiuto hold maybe 5-10 calls at a time
23:48.05pifiumemory? cpu? cpu cache?
23:51.07*** join/#asterisk malfi (
23:51.18Marlowpifiu : depends, if you want to transcode or not .
23:51.31Marlowpifiu : if you want to use voicemail, conferencing etc.
23:51.37Marlowpifiu : many factors ..
23:52.00*** join/#asterisk Robot_ (
23:52.11Robot_hey there
23:52.59Robot_can anybody tell me what does " WARNING[12895]: chan_sip.c:908 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call xxx@xxx for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)" means ?
23:55.08MarlowRobot_ : what it says, it's a non-critical warning .. ignore it .. bad sip behavior either on asterisk or the other side :)
23:55.34Robot_can i turn those warnings off ?
23:56.08MarlowRobot_ : sure .. don't log at your logs or the console :)
23:56.40Marlow*pling* ... warnings gone ..
23:56.41Robot_if i lower the debug level ?
23:58.19opus__hmmm, realtime not working .. how can I check if its loaded, connected, etc?
23:58.49*** part/#asterisk tPO (~tPO@
23:59.17*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:59.27Ariel_hello everyone
23:59.36*** join/#asterisk cryptnix (~cryptnix@
23:59.48cryptnixhmm, guys ... per trunk can I have a different "greeting" ???

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