irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050612

00:00.02SwK*CLI> unload
00:00.02SwKSegmentation fault (core dumped)
00:00.14|Vulture|HEAD SwK?
00:00.18SwKyeah head on fbsd
00:00.31dasuberdavidis there an outgoing context by defualt?
00:00.44RoyKSwK: do a backtrace and file a bug
00:00.54bkw__file[desk], dear try now
00:00.59|Vulture|dasuberdavid: you specify it in your sip.conf or iax.conf depends on what client your using
00:01.37|Vulture|I throw all my 800 through VPC... gunna throw my LD on asterlink this week to test it.. hopefully I can move away from VPC
00:01.39file[desk]bkw__: success
00:02.01*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
00:03.51bkw__file[desk], just forgot to add the TF var to globals
00:03.55*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
00:04.24*** part/#asterisk calvinhp (
00:04.36*** join/#asterisk iq (
00:04.51*** join/#asterisk jeffik (~Jeff@
00:04.56dasuberdavidis there anyone in here that can help me make my softphone be abel to call any number
00:05.05file[desk]bkw__: 'tsk 'tsk
00:05.09dasuberdavidi have another asterisk box terminating iax to pstn
00:05.31jeffikdasuberdavid: what softphone?
00:06.01jeffikdasubdfdavid: haved you tried x-lite?
00:06.07dasuberdavidwhere do i need to specify the _9NXXXXXX extension?
00:06.12dasuberdavidits not the phone thats the problem
00:06.31Cybertoydas, that'd be in the outbound context for local calls.
00:06.48cjkdamn CHANUNAVAIL variable is quite buggy....
00:06.57jeffikdasubderdavid: It's just that i can hlep you get x-lite working the transfer the settings to firefly
00:08.19file[desk]brookshire: I have that text messaging/presence stuff done :)
00:08.35brookshiredo yah?
00:08.50file[desk]somewhere on my server
00:09.03brookshireOH WELL :)
00:09.06file[desk]I wanted to run it by Mark though
00:09.18brookshirelol... do it!
00:09.26file[desk]not eligible though :(
00:09.29brookshireactually.. i think it's in the rules you have to pick a new project
00:09.31brookshirewhy not?
00:09.33Hmmhesaysthis is not good... the river is waaaaay up over it's banks
00:09.49brookshirei think anyone is eligible
00:09.53file[desk]not in university or college/not going into it
00:09.59*** join/#asterisk iq|laptop (
00:10.01Hmmhesaysand it's about to downpour again
00:10.09brookshireyou're still eligible
00:10.11brookshireare you 18?
00:10.32fugitivoanyone is using cisco 79xx and asterisk?
00:10.39file[desk]How do you define a student?
00:10.39file[desk]Someone currently enrolled in or accepted into an accredited institution including but not necessarily limited to colleges, universities, masters programs, PhD programs and undergraduate programs.
00:10.43*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
00:10.44file[desk]^^^ not me
00:10.47SarahEmmwheeeeeeee. hihi again.
00:11.04file[desk]so I shall just muck with what I've got for free :)
00:11.28brookshirei would still fill out an application and send in a proposal
00:11.36brookshirei mean.. the worst they could say is "no"
00:11.48file[desk]I've got no school to put in LOL
00:12.12brookshirelol.. fine!
00:12.15file[desk]that's two months regular work for me
00:12.29file[desk]but sure I'll apply :)
00:12.33file[desk]just to make you happy my dear Matt
00:13.04brookshiredang.. i seriously need to get mambo up for
00:13.31file[desk]I think I had something to ask you too, but I forgot
00:13.55brookshirethe answer is 42.
00:16.14brookshireanyone have any suggest project submissions as well?
00:16.23brookshiresuggested also
00:16.29SarahEmmfor what?
00:17.51SarahEmmthat sounds really cool :)
00:17.57*** join/#asterisk agave-txlink (phanop@
00:18.09tzafrir_laptopBah, such a silly contest. Google put up a small prize. Someone will actually get it, and the rest will code for free.
00:18.30brookshiregoogle is putting up $1,000,000
00:18.31SarahEmm'cept for the 'must make an IAX call to digium part :P
00:18.34brookshireand you are guarenteed
00:18.40tzafrir_laptopThey'll get great PR, as usual. It will appear as if they are massive free software sponsers
00:19.12Hmmhesaysmy C skills are not sharp enough to apply
00:19.21brookshireyou don't have to have c skills
00:19.36brookshirethere are projects you can do for asterisk in perl, php, or python
00:20.02Hmmhesaysyeah the web gui
00:20.10SarahEmmor AGI stuff...
00:20.19agave-txlinkwhat contest?
00:20.28file[desk]yay applied
00:20.31brookshireif you have an idea on something you want to do, you can always submit it
00:20.34tzafrir_laptop~google summer of code
00:20.47agave-txlinki see
00:21.00tzafrir_laptop!google summer of code
00:21.03Hmmhesayshrm maybe I will apply
00:21.11tzafrir_laptopwhere's jbot?
00:21.16Hmmhesaysnothing bad could come of it
00:21.40file[desk]I know what I want to do, I know how to do it, it's just getting something Mark would like/accept :)
00:21.52file[desk]that won't give him a heart attack
00:22.37agave-txlinkmaybe somebody will do t38 support
00:23.01file[desk]I've even contemplated sneaking stuff into CVS in small increments... lol
00:23.22HmmhesaysI don't think anyone will do t.38 support
00:23.26tzafrir_laptopWho needs Mark to accept it, with the ammount of Asterisk forks arround ;-)
00:23.52Hmmhesaysstore and forward is a more reliable way of faxing anyway
00:24.10file[desk]Hmmhesays: that's H-O-T
00:24.24Hmmhesayslol, what are you talking about?
00:24.26agave-txlinkbah, no cisco interop - no care
00:24.30SarahEmmHmmhesays: why don't you think anyone will do t.38?
00:25.16Hmmhesaysbecause faxing is timing dependent...
00:26.07Hmmhesaysstore and forward is a better way to implement faxing through asterisk
00:26.38SarahEmm*Shrug* never really looked into any fax stuff in *
00:27.03Hmmhesaysif you have asterisk boxes at multiple sites, you can fax uncompressed on the lan, store then forward to another asterisk box
00:27.39SarahEmmthat makes sense..
00:28.02Hmmhesaysthat way you aren't depedent on having a perfect network all of the time if you want reliable faxing
00:28.59fugitivoanyone implemented qos on linux?
00:29.43HmmhesaysThat's my opinion anyway SarahEmm, some may disagree
00:30.23*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (~jk@
00:30.34SarahEmmyeah, i have
00:30.39SarahEmm(re: qos)
00:30.43SarahEmmwhyfor do you ask?
00:30.51fugitivoSarahEmm: what are you using?
00:31.06Hmmhesaysthe mighty TC can do a great many things
00:31.27fugitivoany tip for asterisk?
00:33.22SarahEmmnot really.. i'm using it on my DSL for traffic shaping
00:33.29SarahEmmi've not used it for VoIPeyness
00:34.14Hmmhesayssame concept though, there are many guides floating around the internet
00:34.48Hmmhesaysyou can always just give priority to UDP
00:36.18Hmmhesaysif you are on a cable/dsl/satellite connection use it to keep your buffer free and you won't have any voip problems
00:37.02Hmmhesaysgenerally speaking of course
00:37.45SwKfucking pile of shit wont even try to register
00:38.07Hmmhesaysput it in the oven
00:38.21Hmmhesaysyou need to add some energy to it
00:39.05bewestdoes sip replace the caller id info at every hop?
00:39.24Hmmhesaysmake sure the flux capacitor is working right too
00:39.59SwKbewest well that all depends on the sip proxys its bouncing off of
00:40.01brookshiregot to go back in time
00:40.38*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
00:40.46file[desk]brookshire: Mattttttt
00:40.50SwKHmmhesays i'm wondering if the hiesenburg compensaor is functioning properly as well
00:41.13HmmhesaysYou will need 1.21 gigawatts
00:41.37Hmmhesayshaha, am I a geek cause I recognize that term and know what it is?
00:41.46SwKi think my colo facility would bitch if I tried to pull that much pwr to the rack
00:41.58Hmmhesaysget a mr fission
00:42.06SwKHmmhesays: no that makes you worse then a geek... it makes you a trekkie
00:42.09bewestSwK, so replacing the caller id is a property of the proxy?
00:42.17Hmmhesayshaha... maybe a little
00:42.18SwKbewest it can be
00:42.38Hmmhesaysused to compensate for the motion of the atomic particals
00:42.54SwKbewest the number of factors tht can cause cid changes is a bunch
00:43.09SwKHmmhesays actually its used to compensate for changes in quatum states
00:43.18SwKquantum states too
00:43.23Hmmhesayslol..... busted!
00:43.34SwKits the device that allows the transporter to work
00:43.55SwKno I'm not but I used to have a roommate that wanted to talk startrek physics all the time
00:44.17*** join/#asterisk newsmafia (
00:44.19SwKthat bastard even had a fucking "communicator" badge like in STTNG
00:45.45bewestSwK, is that what fromuser is for?
00:46.18SwKbewest it can be
00:46.27Hmmhesaystime to go for a little motorcycle ride
00:46.28SwKRPID can have something to do with it
00:47.28SwKon PSTN gateways they usually take CID from the From: SIP URI... like SIP:CALLERID@someproxy
00:47.32*** join/#asterisk Strom_C (~strom@
00:48.57bewestrpid... /me looks around
00:50.21SwKRemote Party ID... allows for masking CID and such
00:51.14file[desk]rpid stuff is GrEaT
00:53.41*** join/#asterisk newl (
01:00.50*** join/#asterisk TrevorSHarrison (~trevorsha@
01:01.20TrevorSHarrisonCan I group zap and sip devices into a single channel?
01:01.29*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
01:01.45TrevorSHarrisonthat isn't the right description
01:01.59TrevorSHarrisoncan I put zap and sip devices into the same group?
01:02.43X-Robgroup of what?
01:02.46X-Robcall group?
01:03.49TrevorSHarrisonyeah.... so I can do a Dial() on a mix of zap and sip devices
01:04.01TrevorSHarrison(a dial only using the first avil from the group I mean)
01:05.00TrevorSHarrisonI'm having issues with a 4 port fxo TDM card, so I got a sipura 3000 ata to test, but I want the line it controls to still be used by the same dialing cmds
01:05.45yaaarTrevorSHarrison, sure....just dial(SIP/1&Zap/1) like normal....
01:06.01TrevorSHarrisonwon't I get 2 outbound calls at the same time then?
01:06.15TrevorSHarrisonI just want * to pick the first avail to make the call with
01:06.39*** join/#asterisk Greyfox (
01:06.47TrevorSHarrisonright now I do a Dial(zap/g1)
01:07.14X-Robyou need an intelligent dialing AGI
01:07.19X-Robgoogle for it
01:07.33TrevorSHarrisonmany thanks
01:08.46GreyfoxHey all! I've got iconnecthere and it works great going out, but the incoming number they gave me doesn't get routed to me, despite me doing a sip registration with my phone number and password in sip.conf. Is there something magical I need to do to get that working?
01:13.22nemisusgreg_work sounds like a service provider problem, have you called them the find what's happening from their end?
01:14.01TrevorSHarrisonX-Rob: hey, could I ask you for a little clarification?
01:14.11GreyfoxMe? Heh they don't support asterisk. A few people have reported getting it working and the lack of documents on google typically indicates that I'm doing something wrong on my side.
01:14.37X-RobTrevor - You can, but I won't really be able to give you any 8-(
01:14.57X-Robfor 'smart' stuff like 'first available channel' you need an agi
01:15.14TrevorSHarrisonheh.... well, just an FYI, my google-foo really sucks bad today cause I'm not seeing any dialgroups.agi in google.
01:15.38X-RobI suck
01:15.42nemisusGreyfox I would use ethereal to see what your sending and what your recieving and see if there might be a problem they
01:15.46nemisusthey == there
01:17.30GreyfoxOoh yeah I could do that couldn't I? I suspect that I'm not registering correctly on my provider despite asterisk saying "registered" when I do a sip show registry. I'll give that a shot and see if it provides any useful info.
01:17.41shidoprobably just an iax.conf snafu, Greyfox
01:18.09TrevorSHarrisonX-Rob: just to clairify... its something that ships with AMP?
01:18.18Greyfoxshido: I'm not using iax for them. I'm using sip. Should I be using iax?
01:18.30GreyfoxThat could definitely be a problem heh heh your sip.conf
01:18.38shidobrb - food
01:19.52nemisusGreyfox I would register with what ever is supported by your service provider so you can see what's it should do, then use asterisk and compare.
01:20.28*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
01:21.19X-Robtrevor, AMP has a copy of it
01:21.47X-Robthat's it's home I believe
01:26.02bkw__just take my hand and lead me....
01:26.09bkw__and we can reach for the galaxy ...
01:26.11*** join/#asterisk itnomad (
01:26.16bkw__and now my dreams a reality
01:27.10Strom_Chi bkw__ :)
01:27.11bkw__no baby no
01:27.14bkw__OMG its Strom_C
01:27.29bkw__associated with that stupid detached CDR crap
01:27.34bkw__OH JOY
01:27.55bkw__Strom_C, whats up
01:28.09Strom_Coh, not, bills, asterisk, and so on :)
01:28.14bkw__same here baby
01:28.25bkw__ok now as it seems a box can segfault when a call hangs up
01:28.26bkw__but WHY
01:28.55Strom_Cit's line 476:
01:28.59Strom_C# CATSEX
01:32.14Hmmhesaysnow for a random picture
01:32.25Hmmhesays I want that as a display image on my cisco phone
01:33.04Hmmhesayscause it makes me laugh
01:33.32Hmmhesaysand the weekend is a good time to be not so serious
01:36.15SarahEmmwoo! weekend!
01:37.06*** join/#asterisk denon (
01:37.06*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
01:37.50HmmhesaysSarahEmm where you from?
01:37.56SarahEmmHmmhesays: toronto, canadia
01:38.07HmmhesaysI'm very close to canada
01:39.22Hmmhesays,22.031439&hl=en but not to you
01:40.38SarahEmmahh heh
01:41.13Hmmhesaysshido is making funny noises, he needs to go down for a reboot
01:41.45SarahEmmhihi shido
01:41.47shidowhat I do?
01:41.48shidoI just ate
01:41.49SarahEmmwas confuzzled
01:41.56Hmmhesays<shido> uym
01:42.10shidoyeah - dont buy an eluminix keyboard
01:42.26shidolooks cool.. but has a weird feeling I havent gotten used to yet
01:42.33Hmmhesaysit makes you miscschpel  "yum"
01:42.41shidoand bad engrish
01:42.55Hmmhesaysi had some bad engrish playing pool two nights ago
01:43.35*** join/#asterisk jbot (
01:43.35*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5
01:44.04Corydon76-homefile[desk] has been idle for 45 minutes and 48 seconds
01:44.34Hmmhesaysit would be cool if this 7960 had subscribe support
01:44.34shido~seen file?
01:44.35jbotfile <> was last seen on IRC in channel #tacobeam, 3d 23h 5m 17s ago, saying: 'LOL'.
01:44.44shido~jbot seen file
01:44.45jbotfile <> was last seen on IRC in channel #tacobeam, 3d 23h 5m 27s ago, saying: 'LOL'.
01:44.45Corydon76-homeOn my client, the command is:  /wi <nickname>
01:45.20Corydon76-home~seen file[desk]
01:45.21jbotfile[desk] is currently on #asterisk #elinux
01:45.27file[desk]eh? EH?
01:45.39Hmmhesaysgoes by your mask doesn't it?
01:45.53SarahEmmhow well does the 7970 work with *? it's skinny-only, no?
01:45.58Corydon76-homeI can't HEEEEEEEEAR you
01:46.13HmmhesaysSarahEmm no
01:46.21Hmmhesays~seen negative3k1
01:46.22jbotHmmhesays: i haven't seen 'negative3k1'
01:46.36Corydon76-homeSarahEmm: why not just use a Polycom 500?
01:46.55Hmmhesays7960's are nice too
01:47.13Hmmhesaysdo the IP500's support subscribe?
01:47.21SarahEmmbut the 7970 has a preeeettty colour screen ;)
01:47.22Corydon76-homeEasier to configure, easier to use, less have been launched through the nearest window...
01:47.31Hmmhesayscisco's are not hard to configure
01:47.44Corydon76-homeI never said they were hard
01:48.19Corydon76-homeBut they have been known to be difficult
01:48.21HmmhesaysShido why aren't you pm'ing me with an answer and plug for nufone?
01:48.30Hmmhesaysthey just have a learning curve
01:48.44Hmmhesaysgiven an hour on the wiki you SHOULD be fine
01:48.50SarahEmmCorydon76-home: my main reason for a 7970 would be the colour screen.. i suppose it's prolly overkill ;0
01:48.59Corydon76-homeYeah... just like assembly language has a learning curve... ;-)
01:49.09HmmhesaysSarahEmm you only live once... go for the color
01:49.23HmmhesaysCorydon: not quite lol
01:49.32SarahEmmHmmhesays: how well does skinny work with that in * tho?
01:49.36Corydon76-homebut those who write in assembly language absolutely love it
01:49.40newl.a c000 lda #$00 sta $d020 sta $d021 rts <-- ML learning curve solved. =)
01:49.42bkw__yo Corydon whats up
01:49.44bkw__long time no talk
01:49.49bkw__or should I say long time no rant :P
01:49.52Hmmhesaysti-83 baby
01:49.55Corydon76-homeHey HEY!  6502 assembly!
01:49.55SarahEmmspeaking of which, i should start designing my SIPcessories :)
01:50.22file[desk]bkw__: just SIP it!
01:50.28bkw__SIP it good
01:50.32file[desk]bkw__: would you like some milk from my sipple? :P
01:51.00MikeJ_sip it real good??
01:51.14bkw__sip is better than IAX
01:51.18bkw__in some cases
01:51.21Corydon76-homeMikeJ_: oooh baby baby
01:51.23MikeJ_can I just say that high school reunions are surreal
01:51.26Hmmhesayscan anyone tell me if the ip500 has subscribe support, so I can keep being lazy
01:51.34Corydon76-homeMikeJ_: Yes, they are
01:51.37bkw__Hmmhesays, its caled google dear
01:51.37Hmmhesayshaha we had one last night at the bar
01:51.39bkw__USE IT!!!
01:51.44Corydon76-homeMikeJ_: especially the 10th reunion
01:51.45Hmmhesaysbkw_: apparently you missed the lazy part
01:51.51bkw__google is for the lazy
01:52.01bkw__you just type in what you want and IT FINDS it
01:52.08bkw__now much more lazy do you wanna be :P
01:52.16HmmhesaysLOL, ok if google is for the lazy... what do the non lazy use?
01:52.26shidofart your idea
01:52.32shidoand have google respond on your TV
01:52.32*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:52.43bkw__ya know what
01:52.46MikeJ[Laptop]Hmmhesays, yes, somone can tell you that
01:52.47bkw__realtime fucking ownz
01:52.50Corydon76-homeThe non-lazy type in random URLs and learn from the experience
01:52.54Hmmhesaysif I bring google up, i have to read back in the channel too
01:53.08bkw__res_perl + realtime YA BABY YA
01:53.12Hmmhesaysrandom urls tend to bring up images of porn and farm animals
01:53.16MikeJ[Laptop]string of pearl's?
01:53.19bkw__I can bring your peer alive on any box in our platform.
01:53.26Corydon76-homeFARM SLUTS!!
01:53.31bkw__no matter where you register.. I FIND YOU!!!
01:53.48Hmmhesaysthen make them pay protection money?
01:53.53MikeJ[Laptop]well aint you a little control freak
01:54.16Corydon76-home(Hopefully everyone in here understands the reference to "Farm Sluts")
01:54.16Corydon76-homeOr if you don't, you can google it
01:54.16Corydon76-home~google farm sluts
01:54.18bkw__not sure how much love the database is feelin now
01:54.26SwKbkw__ that is *&IF* you register
01:54.37bkw__SwK, if you "can" register in your case dear
01:54.50SwKlike i said
01:54.56bkw__notice app_math has a fix for its fucked upness
01:54.56MikeJ[Laptop]I belevie the syntax for that is ${IF()}
01:54.57SwKthis thing wont even try
01:55.00Hmmhesayslets not google farm sluts kthnx
01:55.11bkw__SwK, how much you wanna bet its hostname related
01:55.15bkw__can it find its own hostname?
01:55.21bkw__oh kp got his hands on the create_addr function
01:55.25Corydon76-homeGoogle says 'farm sluts' is at
01:55.38SwKbkw__ yeah
01:55.42bkw__I think thats the problem dar
01:55.48SwKchan skinny isnt bitching
01:55.48shidoI've never used realtime
01:55.52shidodoes it own that much?
01:56.01Corydon76-homeHmmhesays: it's not what you think
01:56.03SwKrealtimes owns ass
01:56.10bkw__shido, realtime with res_perl is really nice
01:56.14Corydon76-homeHmmhesays: it's actually a very fun short film
01:56.15bkw__you're not locked into a mold
01:56.24SwKperl is ass
01:56.24shidoI dont know where to start, bkw_
01:56.27SwKwheres my res_php
01:56.30shidohow can I try it out
01:56.37shidoon my own box here
01:56.43Corydon76-homeWhere's my res_ook?
01:56.43bkw__well when i'm done with this i'll post some details
01:56.50SwKor res_tits
01:57.05shidoice cream sandwhich anyone?
01:57.09bkw__do those depend on each other?
01:57.11MikeJ[Laptop]yes please
01:57.16SarahEmmis this the autoritative source for the IAX2 protocol spec? :
01:57.18Hmmhesayssend one this way
01:57.19Corydon76-homeook, dammit
01:57.21bkw__and can you load them twice if needed?
01:57.28Corydon76-home~google ook
01:57.33SwKbkw__ which two? res_tits and res_cock and res_twat?
01:57.40MikeJ[Laptop]SarahEmm, there is no authoratative spec
01:57.42bkw__can I load two res_cock's if needed?
01:57.44SarahEmmerr.... there's not?
01:57.49Hmmhesayssounds like we got res_sexay
01:57.55MikeJ[Laptop]there is an in progress spec
01:57.59bkw__daddy kram is away
01:58.05bkw__and the cats will play
01:58.10SwKres_tits can be loaded with res_cock or res_twat
01:58.15MikeJ[Laptop]but it is incomplete
01:58.16SarahEmmMikeJ[Laptop]: is there any kind of documentation that's kept remotely up to date or something?
01:58.33*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
01:58.39MikeJ[Laptop]yes, chan_iax2.c, and libiax on
01:58.44SarahEmmheh, okay.
01:58.48SwKloading res_tits and res_cock is the same as just loading res_chix_with_dix tho
01:58.55Hmmhesaysbut if you load res_tits with res_cock res_spunk may segfault
01:58.58SarahEmmwas wondering about documentation wise more than code, but code works as documentation :)
01:58.58MikeJ[Laptop]the rfc is good, but incomplete
01:59.13SarahEmmi'll have to start looking through code and building in-brain docs then :)
01:59.19bkw__and off on a tangent we race
01:59.22shidouse LaTeX b4 messin with cokc
01:59.37HmmhesaysI reiterate, the weekend is for being 'not so serious'
02:00.00bkw__on the table?
02:00.03SarahEmmhmm, do i implement SIP or IAX first? heh
02:00.04bkw__with dirty dirty music?
02:00.32SwKres_cock is not dependant on res_latex but their concurnent use is recommended
02:00.44bkw__they can compliment each other
02:00.52bkw__unless your uptime is > 6000 days
02:00.56drumkillaSarahEmm: implement for what
02:00.58bkw__then you can skip it
02:01.06file[desk]bkw__: you do realize we have a room booked with a dance floor @ Cluecon...
02:01.15bkw__oh thats all we need
02:01.17bkw__geeks dancing
02:01.17SarahEmmdrumkilla: some hardware.. prolly will look at SIP first 'cuz it's more widely implemented and such.
02:01.22file[desk]PARTY!: P
02:01.27Hmmhesayssomehow I will find a way to attend
02:01.30Hmmhesaysi hope
02:01.31SwKbkw__: i'm still up for DJing stripper night at cluecon
02:01.41bkw__i'll order some chicks with huge tits for ya
02:01.49bkw__get it all on tape
02:01.54bkw__then blackmail everyone
02:02.02Hmmhesaysplay a joke and order a chick with 1 huge tit
02:02.09SwKbkw__ no cameras allowed at stripper night
02:02.17file[desk]we write the rules :P
02:02.20SwKHmmhesays or just order a shick with big tits and a huge cock
02:02.22bkw__how do you know I don't have the whole place recorded
02:02.34bkw__you guys aren't right
02:02.37HmmhesaysSwK: LOLOL
02:02.38Nugget  <-- ha
02:03.04SwKno what
02:03.23Hmmhesays[21:03] <SwK> Hmmhesays or just order a shick with big tits and a huge cock <Hmmhesays> SwK: LOLOL  <Hmmhesays> no.
02:03.29*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
02:03.45bkw__Nugget, dear
02:03.49bkw__do you wish to try the new stuffs
02:04.09Hmmhesaysi have a decision to make, go to the pub and play some pool, or sit here all night
02:04.24bkw__well you have a stick and balls already right?
02:04.40Hmmhesaystheres 1 ball........
02:04.48Hmmhesaysthere it is
02:04.59newldon't worry, they'll drop in time.
02:05.09Hmmhesaysgiggiddy giggiddy
02:07.23Hmmhesaysi gotta figure out how to make text to speech pronounce that right
02:07.24*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
02:07.44SarahEmmpronounce what right?
02:07.50*** part/#asterisk IPmonger (
02:08.04Hmmhesays'giggidy giggidy'
02:08.20Hmmhesaysit's from family guy
02:08.57SarahEmmahh okie
02:10.25Greyfoxecho "gi getty" | festival --tts
02:10.48Hmmhesaysgood call
02:10.58GreyfoxPretty close :-)
02:11.57GreyfoxActually "ji getty" works better I think.
02:17.33ChujiHey, is MattF from the mailing list ever on the channel?
02:18.35newlSarahEmm is self replicating.
02:18.52SarahEmm2i am?
02:19.53newlYou're cubed. :)
02:20.21SarahEmm2someone said /me upgrades SarahEmm
02:20.25SarahEmm2so now i'm Sarah Emm 2.0
02:20.43newlSelf modifying code.
02:21.10SarahEmm2hmm, IAX doesn't look too bad to implement :)
02:21.27bkw__Chuji, yes Cres1in is his nick if I recall
02:21.44*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
02:22.03ChujiThanks bri
02:22.48file[desk]bkw__: there's two mattfs... mattf, and our matt
02:23.29ChujiNot MattF from digium
02:23.50ChujiI'm talking about mattf@vicimarketing
02:23.58file[desk]I think he's mattf on here ironically
02:24.09file[desk]or not
02:24.15ChujiDigium has far too many Matt's
02:24.21file[desk]Chuji: yeah
02:24.28SarahEmm2we have 7 Mikes at the company i work at
02:24.37SarahEmm2almost 10% of the company, as we have 100 employees or so :)
02:24.45SarahEmm2more than 10% of the city i work in..
02:24.59*** join/#asterisk loud (
02:27.07bkw__that matt
02:27.14bkw__too damn many matts
02:27.56file[desk]bkw__: so, like, yeah - we are never hiring a Josh
02:28.35file[desk]another Josh
02:29.12ChujiThere are several Brian's around too
02:29.25ChujiHell there is another Brian Roy on the mailing list
02:29.44bkw__which josh?
02:30.06bkw__shhhh i'm upgrading LA
02:30.07file[desk]I don't want to get confused with another Josh :P
02:30.09bkw__be very very quiet
02:30.14file[desk]omg no
02:30.18file[desk]you know that can't go well
02:30.19bkw__you'll hear the kaboom
02:31.54*** join/#asterisk jbot (
02:31.54*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5
02:32.58*** join/#asterisk sivana (
02:33.04sivanawhat's the best way to figure out what's wrong with a T405P... we have red alarms after we had a power outage
02:33.09sivanaStatus: Provisioned, In Alarm, Down, Active
02:33.28SarahEmm2red alarms usually indicate that there's no line connected or whatever's on the other end is down
02:33.31SarahEmm2what's the card connected to?
02:34.13JerJeror someone forgetting to re-enable interrupt processing on the card
02:34.53JerJerbut that's a -dev problem  :)
02:34.56JerJeror was
02:35.06Pete_Largohow long does the red alarm last?
02:35.39newluntil someone plugs the U/IF cable back in =)
02:35.44Pete_Largoor rather, how long is the circuit in red alarm after the power comes back...
02:36.42newlU interface
02:37.31Pete_Largohmm, I'm guessing that the same someone unplugs the cable before plugging it back in... how long will the circuit stay in red alarm if nobody unplugs/plugs the cable?
02:37.48sivanaSarahEmm2: it's going into a PRI
02:37.58sivanaJerJer: I have interrupts in /proc/interrupts
02:38.05SarahEmm2err... are you saying it's down right now, because there was a power outage?
02:38.13SarahEmm2or that it goes down whenever there is, and you have to reload something?
02:38.16sivanawell... the power is back
02:38.31SarahEmm2okay, so all there is is a cable from the card to the smartjack?
02:38.38sivanait didn't come back up.. the lights on the TE405 is red, but the PRI went green
02:38.46sivanathe channel banks are still red as well
02:38.49newlIs the circuit synced?  Does it have line power?
02:39.00sivanawe have full power restored
02:39.02SarahEmm2does the smartjack have power, or any alarm LEDs lit on it?
02:39.06Pete_Largochannel banks?
02:39.09sivanano.. the smartjack is all green
02:39.23Pete_Largosmart jack green but card red?
02:39.25SarahEmm2you've tried unplugging/plugging everything?
02:39.42sivanaSarahEmm2: like the xover cable?
02:40.04sivanaI have full interrupts:   10:     783508          XT-PIC  t4xxp
02:40.13sivanaztcfg says all is good
02:40.25JerJerfrom smartjack to TXXXP card just use a straight thru
02:40.38*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (
02:40.41sivanawhatever it is now.. hehe... hasn't changed
02:40.48JerJeri use just normal cat-5 wired patch cables
02:41.02sivanait could be that then... I haven't changed any infrastructure
02:41.26Pete_Largowhy did you say channel banks?
02:41.34sivanaI have a set of those yes
02:41.46sivanaall 4 ports are blinking red
02:41.57JerJerkernel driver loaded?
02:42.04Pete_Largois the circuit:  SJ-->*  or is it: SJ-->CB-->* ??
02:42.32sivanathe PRI and CBs are in different prots
02:42.42SarahEmm2it's a quad t1 card, some connet to CBs some connet to the PRIs i think
02:42.45SarahEmm2ahh, yeah.
02:43.01sivanaactually.. PRI, CB, Portmaster 3
02:43.04MrBelvedrok, next problem. how do see what runlevel i am starting at by default?
02:43.07sivanaall blink red
02:43.32MrBelvedrjerjer  me?
02:43.39JerJerno your mom
02:43.52SarahEmm2sivana: you've unloaded and reloaded driver, then ztcfg'ed again?
02:44.54Corydon76-homeOooh, dick, where?  I want some
02:46.31jbotit has been said that asstricks is #asstricks, the underground gay Asterisk channel. Be afraid, very afraid
02:46.57sivanaSarahEmm2: ya
02:47.02Corydon76-homeOh, we're not that bad
02:47.20newl"Turn yours today!  And if you're one of the first 100 callers, you get..."
02:47.54Corydon76-homeActually, Chuji WAS kidding
02:48.45Chujicouldn't resist huh newl?
02:48.55Pete_LargoSorry I must have landed in asstricks by mistake...
02:49.12newlChuji: notta chance. :)
02:49.20Pete_Largono, it says asterisk
02:50.16ChujiCorydon76-home : Did you guys have an installfest this weekend?
02:52.23Corydon76-homeChuji: well, not really
02:52.38bkw__LA upgrade done
02:52.40bkw__no kaboom
02:52.43Corydon76-homeWe adjourned to JJ's, because the KungFu was closed up
02:52.45bkw__uunet upgrade going now
02:52.53ChujiOhh that sucks
02:53.03Chujigood turnout?
02:53.08Corydon76-homeYeah, they must've forgotten we were coming
02:53.18Corydon76-homeNot a bad turnout
02:56.05sivanawhat's the opposite of modprobe?
02:56.10sivanato unload
02:56.47SarahEmmor modprobe -r to unload that and anything that was loaded as a dependency
02:57.25diablopicoanyone have a quick fix for "loader.c:313 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pri_channel_bridge"
02:57.34JerJercvs up libpri
02:57.43JerJerand recompile and install it
02:58.03JerJerplease pay at he next window
02:58.04Chujidiablopico : Are you using a PRI?
03:00.22ChujiDidn't make the trek to Europe huh?
03:01.06ChujiNo interest in Neurofone?
03:03.40sivanais it possible to order off the new Digium site?
03:04.54agave-txlinkhow can i tell if asterisk did a sip reinvite when it does a Dial to another asterisk box?  both have canreinvite=yes in the sip.conf peer
03:06.54SarahEmmagave-txlink: i'd do a packet dump and look through it....
03:06.57SarahEmmthere might be an easier way.
03:07.03jayk_tyson lost
03:07.19*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
03:08.02ChujiKnockout or decisiong/
03:09.07agave-txlinksarah: okay, thought maybe asterisk had a way of showing it was bridging rtp
03:09.26SarahEmmit may, but i don't know it if it does
03:09.52jayk_mcbride pushed him down at the bell and tyson couldnt get up
03:10.00jayk_and when he did get up he stayed in his corner and quit
03:10.23jayk_tyson got frustrated and tried to break his arm
03:13.52bkw__god this compile is taking FOREVER
03:13.53jayk_its was a weird fight
03:14.02jayk_tyson announces his retirement
03:14.33*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
03:14.37file[desk]bkw__: I'm looking at a slideshow of VON, and it's making me depressed
03:17.18shidoruh roh
03:17.50shidois the fight over?
03:17.54shidoi missed it.
03:18.41jayk_yeah its over
03:19.22robl^did tyson try to bite someone's ear again?
03:19.51JerJer(23:12:33) jayk_: tyson got frustrated and tried to break his arm
03:20.10robl^JerJer, I like the ear biting more.  :)
03:20.57file[desk]I'm looking forward to Cluecon :)
03:21.51jayk_tyson is a dirty fighter
03:21.55SwKsomeone where w/ commit access msg .e
03:22.10jayk_he purposely head bunted mcbride out of frustration, causing a gash on mcbridge right eye
03:22.13jayk_then he tries to break his arm
03:22.33jayk_then mcbride pushes him down and tyson tries to get up but can't, then reaches his hand out to the refree who lets him stay down there
03:22.48robl^Darl McBride!?!? :)
03:23.23JerJermsg .e
03:24.53JerJerSwK: is cvs -head broken or something?
03:24.57JerJerlike doesn't compile
03:25.01JerJer...kind of broken
03:26.56JerJerT-minus one minute and i'm going to stumble back into the batcave
03:30.11*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
03:37.28SwKjerjer yeah..
03:37.39SwKfor anyone not using gcc3
03:39.45agave-txlinkargh.. curse level3 and their inband dtmf lameness
03:40.26SwKagave-txlink hah
03:40.33SwKagave force 2833 it works
03:40.41agave-txlinknot on inbound it doesn't
03:40.43SwKtehy just dont offer it in the invites
03:40.47agave-txlinki already tried that
03:40.53SwKit works for me
03:41.12agave-txlinkthank goodness for asterisk
03:41.18agave-txlinki have it doing the inband dtmf translations
03:41.34file[desk]I find it ironic they do g729... with inband dtmf
03:41.39agave-txlinkaccording to the level3 droid they have to do a software upgrade on the switch i am connected to for rfc2833 to work
03:41.53SwKagave-txlink: tell them to do it
03:41.58agave-txlinki have been waiting on this upgrade since may 15th
03:42.04agave-txlinkit is "escalated to tier 3"
03:42.23file[desk]agave-txlink: it would have been funnier had you said, "escalated to level 3"
03:42.23SwKthey upgraded me on the fly when i was in production testing
03:42.30agave-txlinkfile[desk]: lollers
03:42.45agave-txlinkswk: the inter-op box had rfc2833 working...  i interoped with rfc2833 only
03:42.50agave-txlinkand then they put me on that inband shit
03:43.04SwKagave-txlink: so complain to the sales driods
03:43.11agave-txlinkoh.. i have
03:43.17agave-txlinki shouldn't bitch too much at least I have a work around
03:43.36SwKI would continue to bitch until it works... keep escalating...
03:43.44SwKstart mentioning other providers
03:43.49agave-txlinkit's pretty sad that our company has an all-automated OSS system and level3 still has to have their sales droids take orders on excel spreadsheets
03:44.01SwKhah yeah
03:44.18agave-txlinki have a meeting in colorado with the higher level droids to explain to them how to implement an oss
03:44.30agave-txlinki am sure it will be a nice two day coffee extravaganza
03:44.33agave-txlinkwith lots of head nodding
03:44.37agave-txlinkand then i will go home
03:44.39agave-txlinkand there will be no oss
03:47.59*** part/#asterisk Cybertoy (
03:52.10SwKis there a good way to force iax registering?
03:52.32Sedoroxregister => ??
03:53.22bkw__muhaha uunet is realtime ified now
03:53.41bkw__SwK, hrm you still on that issue?
03:53.49SwKyeah I think I just found it
03:53.52bkw__I have updated 30 boxes since then
03:54.08bkw__granted this last one took FOREVER
03:54.10bkw__man it was a mess
03:54.18SwKJun 11 23:24:33 ERROR[38442]: acl.c:320 ast_netsock_bindaddr: Unable to bind to port 4569: Address already in use
03:54.19SwKJun 11 23:24:33 ERROR[38442]: chan_iax2.c:9245 load_module: Unable to create network socket: Address already in use
03:54.45Sedoroxasterisk is already running...
03:54.55SwKyou think
03:55.02Sedoroxkillall -9 asterisk
03:55.03SwKthat was on a unload chan_iax, load chan_iax
03:55.16Sedoroxnever did that..
03:55.39bkw__Executing Hangup("IAX2/", "") in new stack
03:56.01bkw__Executing Hangup("IAX2/", "") in new stack
03:56.04bkw__we got east
03:56.06bkw__we got west
03:56.13bkw__w00p w00p
03:56.22SwKpile o shit
03:56.43agave-txlinkbkw are you in chicago?
03:56.44SwKand 0 registration packets out to any of my termiantors
03:56.48bkw__agave-txlink, nope
03:57.05agave-txlinkjust wondering.  cluecon is in the same city as one of my major customers
03:57.17agave-txlinkelk grove village
03:57.24bkw__now when 60 hudson gets turned up... i'll be happy
03:58.09agave-txlinkare iax transfers implicitly on... or should i be doing notransfer=no [which looks retarded] ?
03:58.21bkw__notransfer=yes to turn them off
03:58.27agave-txlinki want them on
03:58.37drumkillathey are on by default.
03:58.43agave-txlinkokay, cool. i thought so
03:58.56SwKyou know I even tried binding directly to one of the many IPs on this fucking box and no joy
03:59.00SwKthis is gonna piss me off
03:59.22agave-txlinki'm so stupid
03:59.25agave-txlinkdtmf would make it not transfer, right?
03:59.48SarahEmmcan anyone else think of useful SIP/IAX/VoIP-related accessories other than phones and such? stuff like paging speakers, external ringers etc..
03:59.55bkw__SwK, one word... REBOOT
04:00.00bkw__wait its not windows
04:00.13SwKno its not
04:00.18SwKand its not linux either
04:00.58agave-txlinkargh. i am watching ivr logs
04:01.01agave-txlinkend-users are stupid
04:01.16agave-txlink-- Called maxdialns3/
04:01.24agave-txlinkwell no shit sherlock... no enter teh number no dialey dialey
04:01.35agave-txlinkthis one buffoon has tried at least 10 times to enter nothing
04:02.21agave-txlinkhis shenanigans made me think there was something wrong with dtmf.. but no, it was just a case of the morons
04:04.06SwKyou gotta be shitting me
04:04.23SwKmoved the god damned register up above a stack of comments and it started registering
04:04.32SwKsomething is fucked up with config parsing
04:04.33agave-txlinki have seen that before, too
04:04.43drumkillaSwK: the register has to be in the [general] section.
04:04.43agave-txlinkdrove me to drink
04:05.01SwKdrumkilla it was already in the general section
04:05.04agave-txlinkdrumkilla: when it happened to me, it was in [general], but i had comments in betwen
04:05.52bkw__oh man this is nice
04:06.11bkw__SwK, is it registered now?
04:07.16SwKyeah fianlly
04:07.28bkw__you want me to switch it back to IAX?
04:07.46bkw__hold please
04:07.49SwKnow I gotta fix all the other iax registrations
04:08.17bkw__SERVICE DELETED
04:08.25SwKcall my number
04:08.37*** join/#asterisk waz- (
04:08.44bkw__tick tock
04:08.47bkw__wiating on the system to update
04:08.56bkw__takes a min
04:09.12file[desk]well, depends when you catch it
04:09.56bkw__now no matter where you register on our system.. east/west/up/down/left/right
04:09.58bkw__NO MATTER
04:09.59bkw__we find you
04:10.02file[desk]it's magic!
04:10.03bkw__and can deliver the call
04:10.20bkw__and NO its not dundi
04:10.30bkw__ya know I may talk on this at Cluecon
04:10.33Sedoroxhow do you do that?
04:10.33bkw__this is some killer shit
04:10.39bkw__res_perl magic baby
04:10.40file[desk]yay looky, Mr. Rice's account has Multi Switch enabled!
04:10.51Sedoroxyour own script?
04:10.54file[desk]which you should only use if instructed to
04:11.02bkw__I told him to
04:11.08file[desk]I bet you did
04:11.12bkw__SwK, your account works great now eh?
04:11.45SwKlooks like someone called me
04:12.00agave-txlinkdoes this happen to anyone else?  you're about to upgrade asterisk ... but there's one call up that just won't hang up the damn phone
04:12.12bkw__SwK, was me
04:12.16bkw__just checking ;)
04:12.23SwKagave-txlink always happens
04:12.33agave-txlinkit can be 2am on sunday night
04:12.37SwKI check to see who it is then just hang up on them if its no one that matters
04:12.43file[desk]I accidentally use soft hangup
04:12.46file[desk]accidentally of course
04:12.50file[desk]network booboo
04:12.52bkw__I do "stop now"
04:12.54bkw__does wonders
04:13.13bkw__the longest part of me trying to upgrade boxes here is waiting on calls to fall off the damn boxes
04:13.22bkw__I can spend 10-15 hours on one round of upgrades
04:13.32file[desk]there's always someone on 'da phone
04:13.42bkw__when it gets to 1 channel.. I sometimes say fuck it
04:13.55file[desk]and then someone suddenly calls the callcenter, oh no!
04:14.02file[desk]"My call just got caught off."
04:14.09bkw__caught off?
04:14.10agave-txlinki've been cut off on TDM before
04:14.12bkw__wtf does that mean?
04:14.16bkw__agave-txlink, me too
04:14.17file[desk]"My tollfree services suck, they're always down"
04:14.17Corydon76-home"Ooops, the box musta segfaulted... good thing I upgraded, eh?"
04:14.28file[desk]"I want free service"
04:14.29bkw__+play fucked
04:14.33file[desk]"Gimme a service credit"
04:14.36file[desk]yada yada yada
04:14.38agave-txlinklol @ file[desk]
04:14.45agave-txlinki love it when you get complaints about dids not working
04:14.46bkw__ya and whats fun is our people fall for that shit
04:14.48agave-txlinkso you pull the logs
04:14.57agave-txlinkand you see that their crappy quintum sent back a reject
04:15.05agave-txlinkor something like that
04:15.06SwKbkw__ ok i need a sevice credit for eing a guinie pig
04:15.06bkw__agave-txlink, OH I HEAR ya
04:15.07file[desk]I luv it when they switch to one of the other companies we are, that always makes me smile
04:15.16bkw__SwK, i'll service credit you at cluecon ;)
04:15.30agave-txlinkfile[desk]: hahaha, i know.. i have several resellers and i ROFL everytime somebody switches to them .. and gets the pleasure of paying MORE
04:15.34bkw__we have someone cancel service from one of our brands.. and turn around and signup with yet another brand of ours
04:15.41*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
04:15.45SwKbkw__: but I can make phone calls on with blowjob creits
04:15.46bkw__its rich
04:15.57bkw__SwK, i'll take care of ya
04:16.04SwKi'm sure you would try
04:16.33bkw__h00ka credits
04:16.40|Vulture|hookas rock
04:16.55bkw__you would shit your pants if you seen our backend for our system
04:17.01bkw__its fucking mind blowing
04:17.08|Vulture|got a sweet ass 30incher with 3 hoses
04:17.10bkw__file I suspect is logged into it now
04:17.12file[desk]it does everything
04:17.17file[desk]bkw__: you're psychic!
04:17.21bkw__he doesn't like... EVERYTHING
04:17.28bkw__er like/lie/
04:17.33bkw__it does it all baby
04:17.51bkw__you should have seen that before I made it limit the amount of data it showed
04:18.08|Vulture|bkw_: is this the backend for asterlink?
04:18.08file[desk]you can do everything in here
04:18.10bkw__"sir can you wait 20 min while we pull your call records for the past 10 months"
04:18.21bkw__|Vulture|, the backend for our entire company
04:18.32agave-txlinkbkw, what DB do you use for call records?
04:18.37bkw__we run telephone, dialup, webhosting and all off this
04:18.41|Vulture|oh asterlink is just the reselling of your unused service?
04:18.46bkw__not really
04:18.49file[desk]asterlink is like a side hobby
04:18.54bkw__we have 30+ brands running on our platform
04:18.56file[desk]termination that is
04:19.02bkw__100+ dialup brands
04:19.04file[desk]it's there because we can do it
04:19.11bkw__too many webhosting customers you can't count
04:19.22bkw__I can turn up 100 brands in a day if I like
04:19.29bkw__I can convert your cluecon account into a resellfer
04:19.30bkw__or a visp
04:19.42bkw__or a total asterlink clone with a flip of a switch
04:19.44|Vulture|bkw_: webhosting is strange... some people pay outragous prices for nothing
04:19.53bkw__thats up
04:19.55bkw__er us
04:20.01agave-txlinkwhat visp company are you?
04:20.13bkw__name a few
04:20.22|Vulture|bkw_: what webmail client do you use?
04:20.29agave-txlink|Vulture|: i don't envy webhosters... lots of competition there
04:20.29bkw__perl webmail
04:20.46agave-txlinkbkw__: anyone particularly big/
04:20.52bkw__soon we'll have dynamic DNS tied to your iax registration
04:21.00bkw__agave-txlink, we used to have 800 NETZERO
04:21.06|Vulture|we have web/email hosting for our company and we are getting raped... but were kinda bound in there
04:21.10|Vulture|and its horrible service
04:21.20file[desk]oh cool we got new toll-free numbers
04:21.22file[desk]that makes me happy
04:21.29bkw__file[desk], 1350 to be exact
04:21.39bkw__file[desk], do you want a california did?
04:21.47file[desk]bkw__: not really, if I did I'd grab one
04:21.58bkw__well I have to manually tag it in LA
04:22.07bkw__otherwise it doesn't do what it should
04:22.11|Vulture|I got 909/904/386 PRIs
04:22.19file[desk]yeekz where does Alan get these names for brands
04:22.24|Vulture|909 is outskirts LA
04:22.26bkw__file[desk], don't ask me
04:22.29bkw__I have that too
04:22.29agave-txlinki used to live in 909
04:22.34agave-txlinkla verne :ugh2:
04:22.42agave-txlinkthat was a long time ago
04:22.50|Vulture|I was just in Ontario.. then went down to La Jolla
04:22.54|Vulture|man I love La Jolla
04:22.58agave-txlinkooh.. ontario
04:22.58file[desk]I haven't been on the intranet site in awhile...
04:23.01agave-txlinkyeah i lived in 619 for a while too
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04:23.11|Vulture|Ontario wasn't bad... cept it smells like cow shit in the morning
04:23.13agave-txlinkbut now i live in 972. hotter than hell and lots of fat chikcs
04:23.31|Vulture|agave-txlink: I like in Orlando, FL (407) hot chicks and hot as hell
04:23.36file[desk]no wonder faxmicro is doing so many signups... promotion - pfft
04:23.42agave-txlinki've been to orlando lots of times... comptel show
04:24.08|Vulture|anyone here use spandsp to do like Fax Machine --> FXS --> * --> spandsp?
04:24.20|Vulture|for some reason it doesn't work but PRI --> * --> spandsp does
04:24.32agave-txlinki'm upgrading stable to head so I can hopefully get faxing to work
04:24.35agave-txlinkfax detect that is
04:24.40file[desk]|Vulture|: TDM card?
04:24.44|Vulture|file[desk]: yes
04:24.45bkw__we have 4400 did's in LA
04:24.55file[desk]the TDM card sometimes has timing slips that effects faxing
04:25.00|Vulture|file[desk]: I can rx/tx faxes through the PRI fine though
04:25.08bkw__we have 15772 numbers total in our system right now
04:25.08|Vulture|through the fax machine
04:25.20agave-txlinki'm using nvfaxdetect with pRI but I get about 50% success on the fax detect
04:25.24|Vulture|bkw_: can I get a DAMN!
04:25.25bkw__file[desk], the LA box is doing rxfax on a PRI
04:25.42file[desk]bkw__: pfft knew that
04:25.45bkw__now if you knew how many accounts we add daily... you would fall the fuck over
04:25.48bkw__file about did
04:26.06file[desk]lemme add up for this week
04:26.06bkw__ack we need more DID's in LA
04:26.15|Vulture|bkw__: what AC?
04:26.22*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
04:26.24bkw__most of SOCAL
04:26.33|Vulture|I use Broadwing in LA... my rep is a dumbass
04:26.35file[desk]475 new signups this week
04:26.50bkw__we use PacWest
04:26.52file[desk]so far this month, 781
04:26.59file[desk]last month total signups was 1948
04:27.12|Vulture|bkw_: any clue how much a single PRI is... not your rate since you prolly have a few
04:27.27bkw__to be honest we run 4400 did's on that one T1 for just inbound faxing
04:27.32bkw__we peak at 10 channels used
04:27.45bkw__funny as fuck isn't it
04:27.46|Vulture|bkw_: you drop them to spandsp?
04:27.52bkw__we are adding another T1 this month
04:27.55bkw__yes we use spandsp
04:27.56|Vulture|and you charge what? 5-10 per DID?
04:28.03bkw__somethign like that
04:28.19agave-txlinkwho is your rep?
04:28.20bkw__damn file almost 2k
04:28.22agave-txlinki quit using them last month
04:28.24file[desk]bkw__: yeah
04:28.30file[desk]bkw__: I suspect we'll pass 2k this month
04:28.31agave-txlinkdue to sheer incompetence in the 2nd degree
04:28.34bkw__agave-txlink, no clue I don't take care of that shit
04:28.43agave-txlinki had over 10,000 dids with them, that was fun to port
04:28.45bkw__they have always been clueful when i talk to them
04:28.51agave-txlinkbkw_: lucky you
04:28.57bkw__but I don't take bullshit
04:29.01bkw__;you do what I say when I call
04:29.04file[desk]whoops still on SwK's account
04:29.12bkw__MOVE ALONG
04:29.14bkw__nothign to see there
04:29.51bkw__our system may look confusing as hell at first
04:29.53bkw__but its quite logical
04:30.00file[desk]nice comment on that credit :)
04:30.19|Vulture|I am trying to setup internal faxing so you can send to like 70, and it will email a fax to the accounting office
04:30.26|Vulture|but spandsp is hating it for some reason
04:30.35bkw__define hate?
04:30.38bkw__squished faxes?
04:30.41bkw__not working at all?
04:30.46bkw__check your clocking
04:30.50bkw__if you have frame slips
04:30.51bkw__you be fucked
04:30.57|Vulture|any way to fix that?
04:30.58file[desk]dejavu! didn't I talk about that? :)
04:31.10bkw__your span line in zapata.conf
04:31.14bkw__show us those lines
04:31.20file[desk]or streak naked
04:31.23file[desk]we'll take either
04:31.25|Vulture|bkw_: its not a span its a TDM
04:31.36agave-txlinkof course not
04:31.36bkw__oh tdm400 card?
04:31.38agave-txlinkthat would be too easy
04:31.41file[desk]timing slipsssssss
04:31.56file[desk]rumor has it something was introduced in the driver that's affecting timing somewhat
04:32.02bkw__all the analog stuff from digium can't do faxing correctly
04:32.07file[desk]causing faxing to go funky
04:32.13bkw__ya ya
04:32.28file[desk]I fax over VoIP using my PAP2-NA and a 9600 fax machine, and it works fine.
04:32.39bkw__but it "can" fuckup from time to time
04:32.43bkw__I did spandsp faxing over iax
04:32.44bkw__at 2400
04:32.46bkw__without issues
04:32.48|Vulture|bkw_: so the way over it is to use another T1 card to bring in a channel bank?
04:32.56agave-txlinkit's about a 50% chance over here
04:32.58bkw__that might work
04:33.00agave-txlinkon pri
04:33.04agave-txlinkas long as it's all digital
04:33.07agave-txlinki don't need echo can right?
04:33.14bkw__sometimes you do
04:33.29|Vulture|agave-txlink: I use echocan on my PRIs
04:33.32|Vulture|just not aggressive
04:33.34agave-txlink|Vulture|: I usually do
04:33.38agave-txlinki'm going to try it off
04:33.41agave-txlinkthe calls are all digital
04:33.45file[desk]oh well I'm gone
04:33.48|Vulture|later file[desk]
04:35.31bkw__i'm all upgraded out tonight
04:35.46bkw__I have upgraded a shit load of boxes without much breakage
04:36.18agave-txlinkboy you just tempted fate saying that
04:36.54bkw__its asterisk
04:36.57bkw__its my bitch today
04:37.01bkw__it dare not fuck with me
04:37.07bkw__or i'll fix it
04:37.19bkw__only have one box having issues.. its not major
04:37.30|Vulture|bkw_: to what version?
04:37.39|Vulture|I am using May 25 HEAD
04:38.39agave-txlinkare ciscos smart enough to turn off comfort noise generation if the call has tones in it like a modem/fax?
04:38.41bkw__as of today
04:38.51bkw__I have been testing and tweaking for the past week
04:39.05bkw__agave-txlink, no vad
04:39.07bkw__vad is bad
04:39.15|Vulture|ah cause I ran into some problems with about 4 days ago release
04:39.16denonbkw: running today's head on your prod gear?
04:39.19denonscary boi
04:39.33agave-txlinkdenon: why do you say that?  i just upgraded two boxes to today's head
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04:39.48bkw__denon, haha
04:39.52agave-txlinknot terribly important ones, but still...
04:39.57denonwell .. dunno, but in the past couple'a months .. head's been scary
04:39.57bkw__I have been keeping up to it
04:40.00bkw__what do you think I do all day
04:40.02denondunno about today though
04:40.06bkw__I compile and beat the hell out of asterisk
04:40.21bkw__I do have a patch set on this
04:40.25agave-txlinkdenon: i know what you mean, I had one from may sometime that was a disaster
04:40.26bkw__I don't just take it from CVS as is
04:40.35NethabI beat my wife daily *hiccup*
04:40.39bkw__Nethab, RIIIGHT
04:40.40denonwhen's .8 goin gold?
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04:40.48bkw__ok repeat after me
04:40.52bkw__cvs-stable is a pile of shit
04:40.53X-RobWhy are the americans still awake
04:40.59bkw__calls from stable to head sound like ass
04:41.02bkw__total fucking ass
04:41.02Nethabit's only 9:40
04:41.05bkw__TOTAL ASS
04:41.07bkw__and if you use it
04:41.10bkw__you deserve sucky calls
04:41.10SedoroxX-Rob: mmmm... because
04:41.23denonbkw: well .. most of my stuff is running .. uh ..
04:41.25Nethaboh jitterbuffer, why did you suck so bad until HEAD
04:41.33bkw__every customer that has had issues updated to cvs-head
04:41.36bkw__and its fine
04:41.42Nethabwow that's old
04:41.52bkw__I have marked todays date as one I recommend for customers
04:41.52denonits been good
04:41.58agave-txlinki've been running stable 1.0.7
04:42.00denonbkw: sans patches even?
04:42.04bkw__denon, lots of jitter buffer fixes since then
04:42.08Sedoroxshoudl I run HEAD or.. I guess it would be release?
04:42.12bkw__thats the main reason we updated
04:42.15agave-txlinkbut i keep trunk/jitterbuffer off knowing they suck
04:42.17|Vulture|bkw_: any clue how to change timings on the TDM with HEAD zaptel drivers?
04:42.19bkw__the audio quality is excellent now
04:42.19Nethabtoday? really, i'm running thursdays
04:42.22denonbkw: this build was actually one of the first ones with the cool new jitter stuff
04:42.29bkw__denon, lots of fixes since then
04:42.33|Vulture|CVS-D2005. is my babe
04:42.44denonbkw: so you'd upgrade to head right now .. without any funky patches?
04:42.46bkw__honestly todays date is a good one
04:42.57denon'cause if you really think so, Im gonna do it on some prod boxes ..
04:42.57bkw__the only patches I have applied are on the bug tracker
04:43.04denonbut I swear I'll hunt you down if it sucks :)
04:43.06bkw__I recommend doing it in a lab first
04:43.12bkw__my personal box is my test lab
04:43.15*** part/#asterisk SarahEmm (
04:43.18bkw__but todays cvs is pretty rock solid
04:43.23denonwell, I dont have a lab for everything
04:43.25bkw__the only bug I have is with res_perl
04:43.28Nethabyeah, don't go put a new HEAD straight into production
04:43.36|Vulture|the one on June 8th kept crashing * and restarting, on a heavy load server
04:43.38Sedoroxbkw_: today's CVS-HEAD?
04:43.57|Vulture|on the light loads... no problems
04:44.07bkw__we have major loads on ours
04:44.13bkw__its been good for 8 hours now
04:44.13denonI should blow away /usr/src first
04:44.18denonor at least the asterisk stuff :)
04:44.19bkw__denon, never
04:44.20bkw__back it up
04:44.24bkw__mv asterisk asterisk.old
04:44.28bkw__mv zaptel zaptel.old
04:44.32bkw__mv libpri libpri.old
04:44.34denonbkw_: eh .. I used to do that ..
04:44.35bkw__or even .date
04:44.37denonnow I just cvs -d
04:44.43bkw__I always back up my shit
04:44.51bkw__never know when I have to put it back
04:45.00agave-txlinki have every build i've ever done back to 2003
04:45.08Nethabmake clean
04:45.15|Vulture|also remove the modules dir ;)
04:45.17bkw__agave-txlink, they don't make hd's big enuf for every build I have ever done
04:45.22bkw__I do about 10-20 builds a day
04:45.36bkw__my switch kit does all the dumb work for me
04:45.48bkw__I recommend everyone does a switch kit (its what I call it)
04:46.00|Vulture|switch kit? like a script that automates it?
04:46.12bkw__exact step by step
04:46.14Nethabthat moves the current one aside and builds a new one
04:46.15|Vulture|yea thats what I do
04:46.26|Vulture|confirm continue to next step after every build
04:46.29bkw__that way you don't forget shit
04:46.42bkw__when doing 30 or more boxes accross the country it really helps
04:46.55robl^I have a similar script but its currently set for asterisk 1.0.x branch
04:47.04denonyeah, Ive got a script that Ive hacked up for * updates
04:47.09denonsaves some hassle
04:47.20bkw__I always note and update mine while testing
04:47.23robl^part of a complete RHEL kickstart setup.  installs OS and asterisk in one go
04:47.40bkw__pblx will be close to that
04:47.42denonhmm .. just blew away /usr/src/asterisk .. forgot to back up apps .. good thing the nightly backup should have em
04:47.47bkw__but my switch kit will come as a prebuilt package
04:47.50|Vulture|yea I only have 8 boxes
04:47.56bkw__I can deploy it to my boxes in a few seconds
04:48.32robl^so you arally thing that head is about ready for primetime?
04:48.41bkw__its all we use
04:48.44robl^er.. really think.
04:48.52bkw__its what we have used from day one
04:48.53|Vulture|cause bkw_ loves his ChanSpy() module :P
04:49.00bkw__haha no
04:49.03bkw__I don't dare touch that one
04:49.19robl^well last eek I know head was broken and it wouldn't even compile for a few days
04:49.27bkw__no it wasn't
04:49.36|Vulture|it compiled
04:49.37bkw__it was never broken longer than 20 min last week
04:49.42|Vulture|it just had a few issues
04:49.47denonhmm .. I need to write a script to distribute the compiling of asterisk
04:49.52bkw__no it was broken for a few
04:50.00bkw__while kp went to eat dinner
04:50.05denonneed instantaneous compiling ..
04:50.11denoneven xeons seem slow when you're watching em
04:50.20X-Robmake -j8
04:50.21*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
04:50.26Sedorox" a watched pot never boils"
04:50.29X-Robat least you get to watch shit happening then
04:50.51bkw__Asterisk CVS-HEAD built by root@p4sge-7 on a i686 running Linux on 2005-06-11 19:06:11
04:51.10bkw__my 3ghz HT box is fast as hell
04:51.12denonSedorox: that's exactly what my wife would say
04:51.22robl^featurewise.. what is new in head besides dundi and realtime?  (i've been out of the asterisk loop for a while)
04:51.34denonbkw: yeah, I think this is a 3ghz xeon ht in this box too
04:51.52agave-txlinkthe main reason i haven't gone totally to head is that some customers i have using stable can't send to -head reliably
04:51.57agave-txlinkthey complain of "dropped calls" using IAX
04:51.59|Vulture|bkw_: you use HT on?
04:52.00denonmy workstation's got a dual 3(.06?) xeon64 .. finally a box that keeps up with me
04:52.26bkw__|Vulture|, yep
04:52.28Sedoroxbah... intel's 64 isn't 64... its bullshit
04:52.29bkw__never have issues at all
04:52.33agave-txlink|Vulture|: i use HT as well
04:52.35|Vulture|I turned it off cause I heard it can cause issues with TE110XP but I guess I was wrong
04:52.43|Vulture|okay its going back on and back to the smp kernels
04:52.43denonSedorox: not when you want a lotta ram .. :)
04:52.54bkw__oh turn it on
04:52.57bkw__use a 2.6 kernel
04:52.58bkw__and ht
04:53.02bkw__you'll be 100% A OK
04:53.03|Vulture|now if i can only fix these timining issues with the TDM
04:53.05SedoroxPsstt... AMD64 beats the shit out of everything intel....
04:53.10|Vulture|bkw_: thats what I use
04:53.15denonSedorox: that's the silliest thing I've heard all year
04:53.24denonbkw: I've been sticking to 2.4
04:53.26Sedoroxgo look up the benchmarks
04:53.28denonHT works
04:53.31bkw__denon, I said the same thing
04:53.33bkw__but went 2.6.9
04:53.35X-RobI can't see anything silly.
04:53.36bkw__never looked back
04:53.40bkw__kinda staying at 2.6.9 too
04:53.44denonSedorox: I can make a benchmark that'll show a 286 running faster than amd64..
04:53.53agave-txlinki only use 2.4 on some of the te-405p boxes that I am too lazy to upgrade since they see light usage
04:53.54X-RobDenon, that would be:
04:53.57agave-txlink2.6.9 for me on everything else
04:53.57Sedoroxdenon: lets see it
04:54.03X-Robprintf('286 is faster d00d!\n');
04:54.13|Vulture|I don't mess with kernels on machines i don't have KVMoIPs on :P
04:54.14bkw__I don't wanna venture to 2.6.10+
04:54.23denon80286: Overall Performance Rating: 350
04:54.26bkw__we have ipkvm on everything
04:54.27X-RobI've jumped into 2.6.11 with Gcc4
04:54.27denonAMD64: Overall Performance Rating: 12
04:54.27|Vulture|bkw_: why is that
04:54.29bkw__and remote power on everything
04:54.30X-RobI'm so asking for trouble.
04:54.31agave-txlinkbkw: wise decision. i am running 2.6.10+ on a few boxes and have seen frigging kernel panics
04:54.32NuggetWhatever you do, don't run 2.6.8.*
04:54.33bkw__and one button remote hands
04:54.35Nethab2.6.11 is the current
04:54.35denonthere, you've seen it
04:54.40agave-txlink2.6.11.11 is the current
04:54.42|Vulture|bkw__: 1 button remote hands?
04:54.47agave-txlinkwhich is re-damn-dick-ulous
04:54.50Sedoroxdenon: ahahaha
04:54.51bkw__|Vulture|, speed dial
04:54.58SedoroxI use 2.6.11-cko5
04:55.05Corydon76-homedick?  where?
04:55.07Sedoroxbut this is my personal laptop.. so... :p
04:55.08denonbkw: the soft floppy/cd stuff on compaq insight is kinda handy, when it comes to remote
04:55.15|Vulture|bkw_: ah okay yea I use remote power/kvm
04:55.25bkw__god bless APC
04:55.28newlConsole.WriteLine("My 20MHz C64 beats your 286!"); 8)
04:55.34denonbkw: lotsa vendors have em .. but yeah .. fire off an ISO to the management card, and you can boot a virtual CD with your ip kvm :)
04:55.41NuggetI mourn the loss of stable/dev linux branches
04:55.46|Vulture|I use TrippLite/Startalk for my UPS/KVM
04:56.06bkw__god bless avocent
04:56.07robl^newl, um c#. and comadore 64s er less than 1mhz :)
04:56.19|Vulture|bkw_: avocent has VNC right?
04:56.21agave-txlinkif you have two te-405ps in a single box, you can run an 8 PRI nfas trunk group, right?
04:56.24bkw__|Vulture|, no clue
04:56.31agave-txlinkand on that note, does anyone know when digium's c-t3 card is coming out?
04:56.33robl^.. were less than.. even.. can't type tonight
04:56.35bkw__agave-txlink, if you wanna loose it all
04:56.41|Vulture|ah I love my VNC/VNCS on my KVMoIP
04:56.45bkw__I don't trust nfas yet on asterisk
04:56.52agave-txlinkbkw: i have been using nfas for a long time
04:56.58agave-txlinki have massive nfas trunk grousp working
04:57.06agave-txlinkbut i have them split into 4 pri per box
04:57.09agave-txlinkwhich is getting kind of annoying
04:57.14newlrobl^: Never seen one with a SuperCPU? :)
04:57.20bkw__we do exactly one quad card per 1U box
04:57.30agave-txlinki'm doing one quad per 2U
04:57.34denonyay .. Asterisk died with code 1.
04:57.37agave-txlink1U was overhaeting and making me angry
04:57.37bkw__gives us the extra VROOM VROOM
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04:57.47|Vulture|denon: on HEAD?
04:57.54robl^newl, super cpu?  I had a stock c64 MANY years ago
04:57.56bkw__bet he did make install over his running asterisk
04:58.08|Vulture|bkw_: nice
04:58.20denonnah, I dont think it liked one of my own modules ..
04:58.30agave-txlinkanyone know anything about the digium ds-3 card?
04:58.34agave-txlinkrelease date?
04:58.45|Vulture|jesus DS-3...
04:58.48Nethabthat's why we need a woo zap interface that can go in another box with lots of slots
04:59.28agave-txlinkvulture: if asterisk had t.38 support we would start tearing out lucent tnts and replacing them with asterisk...
04:59.55Nethabblech faxes
05:00.08|Vulture|must... have... tdm timings fixed....
05:00.11agave-txlinkbut customers still use them
05:00.12Sedoroxwhats wrong with faxing over voip?
05:00.22agave-txlinksedorox: it doesn't work with asterisk
05:00.31Nethabthe problem? lossy codecs
05:00.36Sedoroxits just a normal call.. .why wouldn't it?
05:00.43denonbkw:  hmm ... did the mysql cdr stuff get moved again?
05:00.45agave-txlinksedorox: packet loss kills the fax call
05:01.03agave-txlinkdenon: a better question is, did that patch that fixed the asterisk freeze on mysql-death get moved into -head?
05:01.04|Vulture|agave-txlink: I have great sucess with fax-->spandsp
05:01.08Sedoroxfor sending or receive a fax?
05:01.24denonserious? a dying mysql would take down *?
05:01.26denongood grief
05:01.55agave-txlink|Vulture|: i don't have that luxury.  the type of faxing I get comes in over PRI .. i convert to IP to endpoint...  right now i am trying to detect fax and shunting it over tdm so it stays tdm
05:02.00agave-txlinkdenon: yup, had it happen to me.  sucks ass.
05:02.17agave-txlinkin fact it's worse than that
05:02.22agave-txlinkdo a heavy query on your mysql box
05:02.26agave-txlinkasterisk sees mysql is there
05:02.30agave-txlinktries to write cdr
05:02.32agave-txlinksql is slow
05:02.34agave-txlinkasterisk hangs
05:02.35agave-txlinkcalls die
05:02.50denonso much for threading
05:03.00agave-txlinkthere was a patch floating around but i can't find it on mantis
05:03.03Nethabdon't start on threadinf
05:03.28agave-txlinki have a sql cluster with replication so I avoid the cdr bug for the most part
05:03.38agave-txlinkbut....  once i had a crash on the primary write box
05:03.47agave-txlinkbrought down the network for 30 minutes until i figured out wtf was going on
05:04.29agave-txlink[i know 30 minutes sounds short but it basically blew our 5 nines figure for this year]
05:04.39denon30 min doesnt sound short.
05:04.49agave-txlinkyeah, in my world it's not.
05:04.50denonanything that drops all current calls doesnt sound short.
05:04.55Nethabit sounds short for a broadvoice outage, hahaha
05:05.08agave-txlinkwe had a 100% uptime in 2004
05:05.13denonfrom what Ive heard of BV, 30 days sounds par
05:05.15agave-txlinkwe're at four nines this year because of that
05:05.28denonagave-txlink: no cold spare gear?
05:05.38agave-txlinkdenon: that's why it only lasted 30 minutes
05:05.41denoncoulda jacked in new boxes within 5
05:05.52agave-txlinkit took me 25 mins to figure out wtf was wrong with asterisk
05:06.10denonI'd say after 5-8 minutes of downtime, you should move to cold spare so you're not rushed in fixing
05:06.29denonaw man, uniqueid isnt enabled by default in head yet
05:06.31agave-txlinkit was every box though...  and it didn't corelate to the particular outage at the time
05:06.37agave-txlinkso it was just hard to tarck
05:07.39agave-txlinkand the way i figured out the other bug was when i tried to do a delete * from cdr where accountcode=''
05:07.42agave-txlinkto get rid of some junk cdrs
05:07.58agave-txlinkthankfully that was at midnight so i mainly just crucified some test calls i had up
05:08.17agave-txlinktable locking = bad thing
05:08.18Nethabi don't rely on databases when for things i need in realtime
05:08.41agave-txlinkhaving SQL CDRs is a nice luxury though
05:09.11Nethabyeah, but offloading that through agi, to let asterisk trigger and forget it, and move on is better
05:09.14denonagave-txlink: though with bugs like that, I'd be tempted to just write an incremental import routine for the txt files
05:09.25agave-txlinkdenon: believe me I have considered it many times.
05:09.35agave-txlinkbut, i process so many calls
05:09.43agave-txlinkjust one hour of lost cdrs could mean thousands in lost revenue
05:10.20agave-txlinkanyway, the moral of the story is... run all your read queries on your replication slaves
05:10.29agave-txlinkand if you do a delete query, use "limit"
05:10.33Nethabthat's why providers have a 30 minute delay on CDR because they drop it in a queue and a cron job comes along and loads it into the database
05:10.56agave-txlinkthat's still a hack
05:11.00agave-txlinkthe correct way to fix is
05:11.02denonyeah, I'd certainly not want customers to have direct access to the cdrs ..
05:11.06denondefinitely push em out
05:11.24agave-txlinkcdr_mysql should cache back if it can't write and not block the main asterisk thread
05:11.31agave-txlinkand fall back to disk at last resort
05:11.44Nethabit should drop it to a file and have a seperate process load into database
05:11.50agave-txlinkdenon: we don't give them direct sql access of course
05:11.53Nethabthing message driven bean
05:12.03denonagave-txlink: well .. I mean access to that at all, via gui or otherwise ..
05:12.23agave-txlinkdenon: what's wrong wtih direct access to src, dst, billsec, disposition, calldate?
05:13.04denonagave-txlink: on the same server * is logging to?
05:13.14agave-txlinkoh, no...
05:13.18denonwell, for one, they could DoS the gui and take down *....
05:13.19agave-txlinkuse the replication slaves for that
05:13.25*** join/#asterisk wacky_ (
05:13.26agave-txlinkall oru views hit a replication slave
05:13.26denonyeah, thats what im saying .. push it out . .
05:13.38wacky_I still have 407 Proxy Auth. Required ...
05:13.42agave-txlinkthe only thing that hits the master is inserts and updates
05:13.50agave-txlinkselects get done on replication slaves
05:14.21Nethabi'd still have asterisk trigger and forget, so it's not reliant on the database directly
05:15.01*** join/#asterisk DarkStar1234 (
05:15.18|Vulture|bkw_: you still around?
05:15.37`SauronDoes anyone know of any CDR post-processing programs/scripts/etc?
05:15.53|Vulture|like asterisk-stat ?
05:16.07*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
05:17.28`SauronUmm.. maybe?
05:17.46`Sauronnever used asterisk-stat
05:17.52denonhmph .. uniqueid is still broke
05:19.59*** join/#asterisk valence (
05:20.01*** part/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
05:20.06Mavvie`Sauron: the cdr isn't the difficult part of it
05:20.09bewestdoes sip handle callerid differently than iax?
05:20.39*** join/#asterisk starsoldier (
05:21.00bewestwhen I call via iax, I get the proper callerid, but when I call via sip, the caller id is the extension of the machine
05:21.03|Vulture|asterisk-stat rocks
05:21.47`SauronMavvie: well, it's not really that bad
05:21.54denonoh yeah, in the config
05:22.02`SauronI'd just like to be able to (easily) see who's called me, like when I
05:22.08`SauronI've been out of town for a while
05:22.16`Sauron(such as the last 2 weeks:)
05:22.41DarkStar1234whats a good site for me a newb at this to learn basic commands?
05:22.54denonthe wiki
05:22.59denon~google asterisk wiki
05:23.05DarkStar1234k thnx
05:23.12denonhmm .. where'd the bot go
05:23.40bkw__this is fun
05:23.44bkw__someone broke the codec pref order shit
05:24.31bkw__yes again
05:24.38|Vulture|bkw_: you ever try "zaprtc" maybe it could fix the TDM timing issues with spandsp?
05:24.39bkw__thats ok.. I love ulaw
05:24.45bkw__|Vulture|, no
05:24.46bkw__it won't
05:25.06denonulaw rocks on the internal gigE though
05:25.18|Vulture|hmm what about the timing options, like "rxwink="?
05:25.34|Vulture|yea ulaw rocks for internal; g729 rocks for external
05:25.46bkw__if you have a card
05:25.47bkw__it will use it
05:25.51denonyeah, g729's ok .. speex is pretty cool too
05:25.53Nethabdidn't you do the whole one line codec order thing?
05:25.53bkw__ztdummy or zaprtc is pointless
05:25.59bkw__speex uses more CPU than g729
05:26.07denonbkw_: but it sounds nice :)
05:26.16|Vulture|bkw_: so there is no way around the TDM/Fax timing slip problems?
05:26.20Nethabsigned linear, it's all about slin
05:26.23|Vulture|I like ilbc
05:26.36bkw__|Vulture|, nope
05:26.46bkw__unless you get a PRI
05:27.22|Vulture|bkw_: hmm it works fine when I send a fax from * to the faxmachine with txfax, but rxfax doesn't work
05:27.38`Sauronhehn, we use ulaw/alaw internally, but then they had to add extra T's to some of the sites due to performance problems
05:27.46`SauronI asked why we didn't switch to some other codec
05:28.01`SauronApparently, they were worried the hardware we're running CCM on, couldn't handle the extra load...
05:28.34denonman, everything is deprecated
05:28.40|Vulture|lol yea
05:28.47|Vulture|I noticed that too
05:28.48denonfreakin console just scrolls on by
05:28.56denon"Every command you once knew is now deprecated"
05:29.20denonif we're going to keep changing syntax, maybe we should include a little perl config updater
05:29.45bkw__the old way still works
05:29.48bkw__its just printing warnings
05:29.51Nethabwhat else is deprecated now
05:29.51bkw__giving you time to update
05:29.56denonbkw: well .. some stuff disappeared last time I updated
05:29.58agave-txlinknvfaxdetect still doesn't work
05:30.04denondont remember what .. but calls stopped working
05:30.05|Vulture|hahaha NEXT is on MTV bkw_
05:30.14`Sauronyet ANOTHER hummer
05:30.16`Sauronthe H3
05:30.21denonoh the old exten-1 exten:1 stuff
05:30.25Nethabi had a next cube before
05:30.27denoner whatever it was
05:30.33`SauronNeXT cubes rock
05:30.36denonactually went away
05:30.40Mavviedenon: if you think that's horrible, imagine a console with constant hdlc errors because some t38 device is broken.
05:30.41bewesthere here
05:30.41Nethabgot it from NASA, they wiped the drive and it would never boot after that
05:31.10Mavvie12 console messages per second.
05:31.12bkw__i'm gonna need sleep
05:31.13denonwell .. new * on 3 boxes
05:31.14bewestwe have one like that
05:31.16Mavviecompletely useless.
05:31.18denonlooks good so far
05:31.33denonbkw: cya
05:31.38|Vulture|later bkw_
05:31.43`SauronMavvie: asterisk > /dev/null
05:31.43*** part/#asterisk bkw__ (
05:31.54SwKMavvie you want useless try touble shooting a production box with 100 sip phones all constantly making calls
05:32.26SwKthere should be a console filter... set verbose 0
05:33.07SwKset verbose 10 filter sip/2000 (or something) to only show verbose messages for a specific extension
05:33.12`SauronSwK: Useless: CCM.
05:33.36Mavvie`Sauron: it's outsourced :-)
05:33.48Mavvie`Sauron: all ccm issues: SEP!
05:33.51|Vulture|CCM == tehsuck
05:34.01`Sauronalternately, hack the source, comment out the things that log to the console
05:36.28*** join/#asterisk CpuID (
05:36.37CpuIDyo ppls, anyone here used one of the new iaxy's?
05:37.17Mavvieit always makes me sad seeing people scrolling through notepad to find call from a certain number.
05:38.03Mavvieon an 640x480 screen
05:38.37|Vulture|havent they heard of search?
05:38.56*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
05:39.20Mavviehas that stupid search not heard of regexps?
05:41.27CpuIDweird issue ppls, opinions would be good, i just provisioned this iaxy, it seems to have written the config fine, i did a power cycle as a test, the yellow light doesnt go solid as it says it should, but when i pickup the handset the asterisk CLI spits out "Jun 12 15:41:31 NOTICE[22596]: chan_iax2.c:5773 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x4/0x24 incompatible  with our capability 0xf902."
05:42.28CpuIDheh nice pic
05:43.18CpuIDactually, sec, let em check my iax.conf and see what codecs i allowed for this
05:43.23CpuIDthat could be the issue
05:43.34Mavvieis that william shatner?
05:43.37|Vulture|CpuID: you running HEAD?
05:43.42|Vulture|Mavvie: yea it is!
05:43.55Mavvieaka danny cean
05:44.59CpuIDok that must have been the issue
05:45.03CpuIDbecause it registers now :)
05:45.12`Saurondoes asterisk-stat require a DB?
05:45.29CpuIDniice, and i can make calls
05:46.07|Vulture|`Sauron: yes mysql I know works
05:46.22CpuIDhmm, actually
05:46.31CpuIDcodec wise, what would you guys recommend, adpcm or ulaw?
05:46.41|Vulture|`Sauron: I modified it to work with Monitor() and so we can retrieve any call in questions
05:46.46Nethabhas anyone used the new [authentication] section in sip.conf
05:46.52CpuIDoh yea?
05:46.55|Vulture|CpuID: ulaw for internal hands down
05:47.02Nethabyeah, it's very cpu friendly
05:47.06CpuIDah k
05:47.09Nethabrequires very very little cpu
05:47.11Strom_Culaw for everything if you can
05:47.14CpuIDwell, the iaxy is gonna be on the other end of a dsl connection
05:47.27CpuIDso thats the deciding factor, available bandwidth
05:47.38CpuIDulaw uses like 80kbit each way on sip i know that
05:47.41CpuIDwhats it like on iax?
05:47.50`Sauronwhat's the difference between alaw and ulaw
05:47.52CpuID(including overhead)
05:47.52Nethabi thought it used 64
05:48.12CpuIDim only interested in network utilization, not codec kb/sec :)
05:48.22CpuIDwith overhead it was roughly 80ish last time i looked on sip
05:48.23|Vulture|alaw is europe and ulaw is america
05:48.26Nethabthe difference is the method for encoding the same data
05:48.50|Vulture|same quality though
05:48.54|Vulture|same cpu power
05:49.38Nethabit's like a red car or a blue car, they are pretty much identical but color
05:49.57wacky_hey.. I'd like Asterisk to just *accept* a incoming call... Asterisk replies with a 407 Proxy Auth. Required and dump the incoming call
05:50.06Nethabif a device supports ulaw, it will support alaw
05:50.15wacky_any insights ?
05:50.18Nethabwacky_: with SIP?
05:50.39Nethabset to yes
05:50.52Nethabin sip.conf
05:50.58wacky_I have set insecure=very, a host=, etc,..
05:51.03wacky_in the [peer] definition ?
05:51.15Nethabinsecure now uses insecure = invite
05:51.22Nethabin [global]
05:51.35Nethaballowguest is global
05:51.40Nethabinsecure is peer
05:51.49wacky_insecure=invite I should put ? what about 'very' ?
05:52.07Nethabvery was broken down into the different things people used it for
05:52.16Nethabregistration, and calls
05:52.29Nethabso you don't have to do both
05:53.09Nethabthat is if your running a recent HEAD and not 107 stable
05:53.16wacky_what can be insecure now ?
05:53.26CpuIDeh, ulaw should be ok i think
05:53.33wacky_I have: "port, invite" as reply in 'sip show peer myinboundprovider"
05:53.36CpuIDjust tested then, it was 80kbit, including overhead
05:53.38CpuIDstraight outta bwmon
05:53.45CpuIDand its a 512/128 dsl connection
05:53.49CpuIDso hopefully itll be ok
05:53.49Nethab;insecure=port                  ; Allow matching of peer by IP address without matching port number
05:54.01Nethab;insecure=invite                ; Do not require authentication of incoming INVITEs
05:54.06*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
05:54.07*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
05:54.21wacky_but it still seems to require authentication of incoming invites!
05:54.29CpuIDgo iaxy :)
05:54.41Nethaballowguest = yes, will allow calls when asterisk can't match to a specific peer
05:55.34Nethabbut they will get put into the [global] defined 'context =' and not a specific peers
05:56.45Zeeekisn't allowguest yes by default?
05:57.06Nethabno the conf is set to no by default
05:57.49wacky_;allowguest=no                  ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes, this can also be set to 'osp')
05:57.56Nethabthe conf file has it commented out
05:58.20Zeeekso it's yes
05:58.28CpuIDhmm, decisions decisions
05:58.33CpuIDjust tested out adpcm for kicks
05:58.44CpuIDok, cpu load will be the decider i think, sec time to see what its like
05:58.46wacky_is there a new 'authentication' section ?
06:00.08CpuIDok, even though you guys suggested ulaw, adpcm is better off in my situation :)
06:00.15CpuIDbandwidth is more limited than cpu so ;)
06:00.21CpuIDand itll only be 1 call max, only 1 iaxy
06:00.23CpuIDso :)
06:00.29Nethabi saw that too
06:00.35Nethabi'm thinking about testing it out
06:00.43CpuIDbetween 40-50kbit on adpcm, vs 80kbit on ulaw
06:01.00CpuIDhmm, i wonder if i should stick this on the wiki
06:01.06Nethabi wonder if it will make incoming channels have the same SIP/<peer> name instead of SIP/<username>
06:01.14CpuIDso next time someone wants to know
06:01.30Nethabulaw is lossless
06:01.39Nethabadpcm is almost lossless
06:01.50CpuIDi did notice the quality
06:02.02CpuIDbut it wasnt enough to justify the bwidth i think :)
06:02.12Nethabit'll work for voice, but faxes won't
06:02.20CpuIDits only for voice in this situation
06:02.28CpuIDi just bought one to stick at my gf's place :)
06:02.36CpuIDso she can call me at home for free
06:02.50CpuIDand i thought id test it out, have been wanting to for a while
06:03.40CpuIDhmm, not bad
06:04.00CpuIDgsm uses in this case about 30kbit each way
06:04.10CpuIDand adpcm uses about 50kbit
06:04.11Nethabi'm putting fwd in the new sip.conf [authentication]
06:04.14CpuIDwhich will be fine
06:04.14Nethabsee what happens
06:05.29Nethabi think [authentication] will let you put your md5 hash password instead of plain text
06:05.47shidowhy not use for faxing?
06:08.17|Vulture|shido: you ever try?
06:08.42CpuIDok, now to setup my asterisk configs on my linode
06:08.44CpuIDthis should be fun
06:08.49wacky_do you know in exactly which conditions a 407 is sent by Asterisk ?
06:09.12wacky_what if IP address don't match ?
06:09.18wacky_it's going to ask for authentication ?
06:12.13wacky_Nethab - are you there :)
06:13.00Nethab407 is when they claim to be someone and asterisk wants them to give a password
06:13.29Nethabis this a service provider your trying to accept calls from?
06:16.07wacky_but asterisk refuses them, so I end up not being able to receive calls from the PSTN network..
06:16.50*** join/#asterisk newmember (
06:18.37Nethabok do you have a seperate type = user, and type = peer?
06:18.57Nethabis it a friend?
06:19.07wacky_I always had a single one and it worked.. but I'd really like to try anything that could work :)
06:19.09wacky_it's a peer
06:19.11Nethabdon't use friend, just use peer
06:19.15Nethabi use just peer
06:19.32Nethaball my providers are just peers with insecure = invite
06:20.08Nethabare the calls coming from a different IP address than the one you register to?
06:20.22wacky_the only thing is that there is a little tweak
06:20.37Nethabdefine tweak>
06:21.19wacky_oh my.. it's because the provider requires the use of an outbound proxy.. so we simulate it by setting an IP address in /etc/hosts
06:21.41wacky_that's complicated.. but maybe it's that..
06:21.48wacky_which IP address is compared on both sides ?
06:22.02wacky_the originating IP address of the INVITE request, and the other one ? which one is it ?
06:22.12wacky_is it the one listed in 'sip show peer myprovider' ?
06:22.33wacky_under 'Addr->IP' ?
06:23.00Nethabthe one resolved by pinging it
06:23.08Nethabwhich is set by hosts.conf
06:23.16Nethabor /etc/hosts
06:23.30wacky_in that case, they are exactly the same
06:24.06wacky_and it has worked previously, it's just since last week it stopped working.. and now Asterisk sends 407 requests, and I really couldn't tell what has changed, since I wasn't there and no one touched the machine..
06:24.17Nethabif you look at sip debug, it should say something like recognized peer [something]
06:24.57Nethabhave you done a full stop now since you set insecure = invite
06:25.24wacky_yeah.. the packet it sends the 407, it says: Found peer =
06:25.48Nethabthat's asterisk saying that not the packet but, yeah that's it
06:26.54wacky_well... yeah it recognizes the peer correctly.. but still asks for authentication
06:27.13wacky_now insecure=invite, same thing
06:27.29wacky_are you sure a 'reload' is enough to clean and restart all communications ?
06:27.32wacky_to test a new sip config ?
06:27.41Nethabthat's why i asked if you stop now
06:27.45Nethab'stop now
06:29.20loudreload wont stop communications.
06:30.33wacky_but anyway, it seems Asterisk doesn't deregister from the hosts it's registered already
06:30.46|Vulture|whats the RPM command to check a packages version?
06:30.49wacky_is it important to stop/start all the time ?
06:30.52loudrpm -qa
06:30.55Nethabrpm -v?
06:30.58Nethabor -q
06:31.00|Vulture|not -v
06:31.01Nethab-q is it
06:31.06wacky_for the version ?
06:31.28wacky_rpm -qi package
06:31.29Nethabwacky_: only on major upgrades and config changes
06:32.06Nethabchanging a password doesn't require a restart
06:32.28wacky_changing the name of a peer, adding/deleting a peer, chaning the 'insecure' status, etc, etc.. does that require a restart ?
06:32.34|Vulture|yea trying to upgrade libtiff
06:33.30Nethabchanging peer names yes, insecurity shouldn't be
06:35.21wacky_ok, so what are the reasons for Asterisk to send a 407, what's the other possibilities ?
06:35.51Nethabon an incoming call just for the reasons i said
06:36.00Nethabotherwise it should send a 401
06:36.25*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
06:37.38wacky_would I need a separate user and peer ?
06:37.47wacky_but outbound calls work just alright
06:38.11wacky_it's just for incoming calls that Asterisk asks for authentication, and since the server doesn't have anything to authenticate, well it dumps the call
06:40.57*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:42.38Nethabi would try a type = user section, and not set a secret
06:42.47Nethabbut set a host
06:43.07*** join/#asterisk pjz (
06:43.24Nethabin /etc/hosts are you overriding the hostname used in type = peer
06:48.12Nethabso that you can use an outbound proxy?
06:50.06Nethabi'd say try taking that out and see what happens, and maybe create a seperate [peer] section with the outbound proxy in it and set fromuser and fromdomain in it
06:50.21Nethaband use that peer to dial out
06:50.32Nethabor create a seperate type = user
06:51.07Nethabthose are your options as far as i know, beyond that is beyond my expertise
06:56.43wacky_does the name of the section has any influence ?
06:57.34wacky_because I just notice that if I create a section type=user called [username] (the one used for my provider), Asterisk stops to say: Found peer ''..
06:57.47wacky_like if it was mixed up between two possible peers
06:57.59*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
06:59.12wacky_is it important it recognizes the peer, for inbound calls ?
07:03.34Nethabfor some reason it defaults to finding a peer for incoming calls, and not type = user
07:04.17Nethabthe message about finding peer something is just to let you know which one it found
07:04.47Nethabso if it magically finds one totally unrelated then you'd know it was totally jacked
07:05.09Nethaboh wait
07:05.21Nethabis the name in the []
07:05.33wacky_it was, yes
07:05.35Nethabas well as the host it's called
07:05.42*** join/#asterisk djin (
07:05.48wacky_originally, and that's what worked in the first place.. but I tried with some other names also
07:05.55Nethabyou shouldn't use the full hostname as the peername it confuses the heck out of it
07:06.11*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
07:06.26wacky_what should I put in the register => field then ?
07:06.39wacky_the [name] in the brackets, or the hostname really ?
07:06.59Nethabyou can put the hostname in the register line, but the [peername] shouldn't be the host, use host = to set the hostname
07:07.01nemisusis there any word on when a 1.0.8rc will be release?
07:07.54Nethabnemisus: in the next couple weeks i think
07:08.11Nethabas soon as kevin makes it happen
07:08.27X-Rob1.0.x is old
07:08.31X-Robbring on 1.1!
07:08.34Nethabi use HEAD myself
07:09.09*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
07:09.31Sato1hi, how do i enable users to change their pass in their voicemail?
07:09.59Nethabif your using voicemail.conf for your passwords then it's automatic
07:10.10X-Roboption 0 isn't it?
07:10.40X-Roboption 0 then 5
07:10.49Nethabasterisk will change voicemail.conf with their new password when they change it
07:10.50Sato1it should, but dont know why when i do press "3" for advance options, i just get the "press * to return to the main menu"
07:11.21Nethabit's not an advanced option
07:11.25Nethabit's a basic option
07:11.32Sato1found it
07:12.20tzafrirNethab, which version of HEAD is known to actually work? e.g: have all of its problems known?
07:12.26*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
07:12.26Sato1found an error
07:12.38tzafrirThat's why we distribute stable
07:12.40Sato1when switching to "language=es" it does not say the "0" option
07:12.55*** part/#asterisk rue_mohr (
07:13.08Nethabtzafrir: bkw_ said todays was the most stable and but free, because a bunch of major bugs were checked in
07:13.15tzafrirSato1, set verbose <enough> . Is a sound file getting played?
07:13.36X-RobI'm reasonably happy with today's
07:13.44X-RobI've put it on a couple of machines
07:14.04X-RobHere's the trick - Learn to read C, and subscribe to asterisk-cvs and asterisk-dev
07:14.08Nethabi'm still trying the [authenticate] section out so far it's working
07:14.35|Vulture|Anyone ever see "FATAL: Error inserting wctdm (/lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667smp/extra/wctdm.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)" my te110xp works fine but not the TDM
07:14.43*** part/#asterisk Nethab (
07:14.52tzafrirNethab, Stable is certainly not bug-free. But it is "stable" (not a moving target) and thus its bugs are mostly known
07:14.52X-Robvulture, it didn't compile properly
07:15.03X-Robcd /usr/src/zaptel
07:15.03Sato1tzafrir, i got a crapy copy of spanish sounds, i think i m going to do it myself based in the original english version
07:15.04X-Robmake clean
07:15.06X-Robmake install
07:15.15|Vulture|X-Rob: not a make first?
07:15.22X-Robmake install does a make
07:15.34X-Robyou coudl just go 'make clean install'
07:15.40X-Robbut that gives people the wrong idea.
07:16.10afrosheenSato1: be sure and put lots of reverb and tubas in the spanish sound set
07:16.21afrosheenand an accordian
07:16.27djinSato1, are these the crappy Spanish sounds?
07:16.42|Vulture|X-Rob: I just booted the 2.6 from 2.6.11 and did a make clean;make;make install then rebooted and it was giving that error on the TDM
07:16.42afrosheenvivaaaa los muerrrrteeeees bom bom bom bom
07:16.56djinThey were published on voip-info a couple of days back.
07:17.18X-Robyou don't need to reboot, vulture.
07:17.20X-Robthis is linux land
07:17.55X-Robso do a 'modprobe wctdm'
07:17.56|Vulture|X-Rob: well I got that error when I did a modprobe
07:18.02|Vulture|so I tried the reboot
07:18.05X-Roband if it says 'see dmesg' then do 'dmesg | tail'
07:18.15afrosheenSato1: mexican culture references
07:19.36X-RobDisagrees about version of symbol
07:19.43X-Robhaven't seen that before.
07:19.55|Vulture|running: 2.6.9-1.667smp
07:19.59Sato1djin, no, got them from someone else here working with asterisk too
07:20.40djinSato1, ok. I was interested to learn if these we ok. My Spanish isn't all that ;)
07:21.00|Vulture|X-Rob: gunna try booting up non-smp
07:21.00X-Robvulture - is that fedora?
07:21.04|Vulture|X-Rob: yea
07:21.06Sato1i just begun doing it myself
07:21.08X-RobDon't reboot
07:21.18X-RobStay where you are for a moment and figure out what the problem is
07:21.33X-RobWhat sorta machine have you got?
07:21.42|Vulture|Dell Poweredge 420SC
07:21.49X-Rob2 cpus?
07:21.54|Vulture|single HT
07:21.57|Vulture|but HT is disabled
07:22.05|Vulture|I was gunna get it working then enable HT
07:22.12X-Robturn on HT
07:22.21X-Rob2.6 is fine with ht and smp and asterisk
07:22.25|Vulture|X-Rob: I had to RMA the damn KVMoIP
07:22.34|Vulture|so I will try that in the morning
07:23.07|Vulture|think thats what could be messing with it?
07:23.12Sato1djin, are those sounds redorded by you?
07:23.14*** join/#asterisk epoch (
07:23.19X-Robin zaptel, watch the compile of everthing.. before the CC [M] stuff starts flying past, it'll say 'entering /lib/modules/xxxxx/build'
07:23.31*** join/#asterisk pjz (
07:23.32X-Robmake sure that what xxxx is is the same as what you're actually running
07:23.56|Vulture|X-Rob: yea it is
07:24.21djinSato1, no. They were published on voip-info a couple of days back.
07:24.58X-RobI'm guessing that you're loading the wrong driver
07:25.05X-Robcd /lib/modules/`uname -r`
07:25.43X-Robfind . -print -name wctdm*
07:26.03tzafrirHmmm, what distro is it?
07:26.16X-Robtza, fc3 by the sounds of it
07:26.42Sato1djin, i m looking for a plain spanish accent, got a couple sets before with very funny kind of accents, still, i desided now to do it myself, hehe
07:26.44|Vulture|yea its FC3
07:26.50*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
07:27.01*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
07:27.16Umarohey guys, what is it that makes it so when I don't specify a caller id, it comes across to my ip phone as "asterisk" ?
07:27.16|Vulture|X-Rob: does it matter if I modprobe wctdm or wcte11xp first?
07:27.24afrosheenSato1: are you looking for mexican accents or actual spanish
07:27.39tzafrirUmaro, set the caller "name"?
07:27.51SwKwhy do people insist on using FC? i have had and heard of nothing but problems with it
07:27.54X-Robvulture, did those commands produce more than one line?
07:28.10CpuIDim a gentoo man here
07:28.11tzafrirSwK, you hear of troubles with it because people use it
07:28.13Sato1afrosheen, mexican
07:28.16CpuIDnever any big issues :)
07:28.21tzafrirThat's the best indication of usage
07:28.29tzafrir(without proper packaging, that is)
07:28.31Sato1afrosheen, but plain, not with regional accents
07:28.36Umarotzafrir: yes, but what is it that makes it say "asterisk" instead of say, unknown?
07:28.37afrosheenSato1: ah, that's probably why the accents sounded strange
07:28.52Umarotzafrir: been looking through the source, can't find it
07:29.14|Vulture|X-Rob: yea the find, just found everything
07:29.23Sato1afrosheen, even here in mexico, you may find too different accents from different cities
07:29.24|Vulture|didn't limit to wctdm for some reason
07:29.43afrosheenSato1: so what part of mexico will give you a neutral accent?
07:29.56X-Robdu -a | grep -i wctdm
07:29.58X-Robin that case
07:30.08X-Robafrosheen, the middle, duh.
07:30.25afrosheenX-Rob: lol
07:30.30Sato1afrosheen, actually, no one, but all them can do a plain (without using specific regional accents)
07:30.44|Vulture|X-Rob: /extra/wctdm.ko
07:30.51X-Robonly one?
07:30.56afrosheenSato1: fascinating
07:31.21Umarotzafrir: do you know where it makes that replacement?
07:31.29X-RobI'd delete that one
07:31.31X-Robit shouldn't be in extra
07:31.33X-Robit should be in misc
07:31.47Umaroah ha! chan_sip.c
07:31.57X-Rob(I think)
07:32.04X-Robtry a make install in usr/src/zaptel again
07:33.11X-RobHA! How cool is that!
07:33.13X-RobA plane full of linux!
07:33.59|Vulture|X-Rob: put it back into /lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667smp/extra/wctdm.ko
07:34.12X-Roband modprobe wctdm still gives you that error?
07:34.24X-Robwell it's got me stuffed
07:34.36X-Robthat error means that the module you're trying to load and the kernel that's running are not matched
07:34.45|Vulture|when I installed to 2.6.11-1.14_FC3 it put it in extra and mis
07:34.54X-Robeither you compiled it against the incorrect kernel source
07:34.58X-Robor it's loading it from the wrong place
07:35.10X-Robtried 'insmod /lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667smp/extra/wctdm.ko' ?
07:35.50|Vulture|insmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667smp/extra/wctdm.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
07:36.57X-Robdmesg says..?
07:37.04X-Robsame thing?
07:37.08X-Robtry 'dmesg -c' first
07:37.12X-Robthat'll dump everything
07:37.17X-Robthen do the insmod again
07:37.26|Vulture|yea same dumps
07:38.09|Vulture|running HEAD on May 25th
07:39.10|Vulture|the IRQs are some strange ass #s in 2.6.9 vs 2.6.11
07:39.27|Vulture|the IRQs are like 169 vs 11
07:39.35X-Robapci interrupts
07:39.38X-Robthat's all OK
07:39.54*** join/#asterisk terracon (
07:40.52|Vulture|this is strange
07:41.18X-Robmaybe it's a wierd fc3 thing
07:41.29X-RobIt's worked perfectly on FC4r3 machines
07:41.36X-Rob(HEAD that is, from Today)
07:42.01|Vulture|what kernel 4.6.11?
07:42.08X-Rob2.6.11, yeah
07:42.08|Vulture|works fine on 2.6.11
07:42.18|Vulture|but is 2.6.11smp alright to run?
07:42.41|Vulture|bkw_: was saying about he wouldn't run 4.6.10+
07:43.13CpuIDmeh, im running 2.6.11 myself
07:43.22CpuIDno issues really
07:43.23X-Rob[root@localhost ~]# uname -r
07:43.24X-Rob[root@localhost ~]#
07:43.38CpuIDvoip-hq asterisk # uname -r
07:43.43X-Robthat's the devel branch
07:44.12|Vulture|rebooting to 2.6.11FC3
07:45.36*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
07:45.40|Vulture|works fine
07:46.23|Vulture|X-Rob: trying to eliminate problems with my TDM not working between Fax machine---FXS--*--spandsp
07:47.43X-RobWierd. That should be reasonably stable
07:48.10|Vulture|bkw_ said it had to do with TDM timing... but when I send the fax machine a doc from spandsp it works 100%
07:48.31|Vulture|so I updated libtiff... the creator of spandsp said that might have something to do with it
07:48.44|Vulture|the default FC3 version doesn't work well
07:54.06afrosheenversion of what, everything?
07:54.52|Vulture|3.6.1 doesn't work well but 3.7.2 does
07:55.00|Vulture|and 3.7.1 apparently
07:55.05Sato1i am facing the same problem with rxfax on FC3
07:55.10afrosheenI thought fc3 was supposed to be somewhat bleeding edge
07:55.55*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
07:57.21|Vulture|Sato1: you too?!
07:57.27|Vulture|okay I thought it was just me
07:57.56|Vulture|Sato1: does txfax send to the fax machine no problem but rxfax gives you like 1/10 of the fax in the center of the page?
07:58.56|Vulture|Sato1: I just updated to 3.7.1 I can't test until morning so..
08:03.23Sato1havent tried txfax yet
08:06.11Sato1but the problem i getting is when a fax is being received, the senders stops and says "poor line" or something like that
08:06.38Sato1is it caused also by libtiff?
08:08.16SwKwhat kinda connection?
08:08.24SwKVOIP or TDM
08:08.46SwKPOTS or T1/PRI
08:08.46Sato1using a normal fax machine it works
08:10.30|Vulture|hmm yes I think this is a TDM problem
08:10.38|Vulture|no my spandsp from PRI works 100%
08:13.37X-RobCan you drop the PRI while you're testing?
08:16.10*** join/#asterisk Linx (
08:16.21|Vulture|pull the te110xp card?
08:17.00X-RobI'm wondering if having both cards going is giving the machine an interrupt hernia
08:17.02X-Robdon't pull it
08:17.17X-Robjust unload the module and comment out the span in zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
08:17.36|Vulture|X-Rob: I will be in there tommorow and I can do whatever since its not a busy day and they get like no calls on the weekend
08:18.02Linxanyone know how to configure buttons on a cisco 12 SP+ phone with asterisk?
08:18.22X-RobLinx, would be better to come back when more americans are awake
08:18.28Sato1SwK, are you using spandsp on a TDM and working?
08:19.17|Vulture|bkw was telling me fax over TDM is sketchy at best
08:19.28|Vulture|but its been working fine for me
08:19.29LinxX-Rob: why ? you think no people on this side of the planet know anything about it?
08:19.36Sato1i use it at home, not really needed, just for testing
08:19.49X-RobWell, I know _I_ don't
08:19.57X-RobAnd there's not that many other people here at the moment
08:20.31|Vulture|how do most ppl handle faxes then? channel banks?
08:21.14X-RobI haven't been having a problem, but that's possibly because my faxes go to a fax machine, and, come in from the same TDM card.
08:21.32|Vulture|X-Rob: I go from PRI-->TDM
08:21.37X-Robit should work.
08:22.10X-Robbut, saying that, I'd trust brian's info a hell of a lot more than mine.
08:22.28Sato1from PSTN thru a TDM to a fax machine, works fine, but using spandsp instead of the fax machine does not work
08:23.12|Vulture|I am just having spandsp from the fax to the * not working
08:23.17Sato1at least for me
08:23.18|Vulture|but PRI-->spandsp works fine
08:23.29|Vulture|I think spandsp+TDM is where the problem is
08:23.43|Vulture|Sato1: do you have a test pdf or tif of the fax?
08:24.04Sato1not tested the txfax yet
08:24.42|Vulture|but don't you have a test rxfax?
08:25.21Sato1the option is still there in my autoattend, and whenever i get a chance from outside, i send a fax to my home to try it, and i get "poor line" problem in must of the faxes i use
08:25.59Sato1then, when i come home at night, i just recompile or change the version of something, it is not a priority for me actually
08:26.32|Vulture|ah gotchya
08:27.37Sato1i think i tried once, sending a fax a year ago from my home to somewhere else, and it didnt complete transmition, cut at the half or something
08:27.51|Vulture|Id like to get it to work so I can have them sex faxes between offices with ease.. and no paper
08:27.59Sato1using a sample that came with the source tarball
08:28.07Sato1a sample.tiff
08:29.07Sato1well, the only 2 or 3 times i really needed to send faxes from my home, i used my modem
08:29.35afrosheensex faxes, that's hot.
08:29.40|Vulture|yea I used sample.tif to send from *-->TMD(FXS)-->Faxmachine worked 100%
08:29.50Sato1anything else, i can tell ppl to scan it and send it thru email
08:29.58|Vulture|so does Fax Machine-->PRI-->*-->spandsp
08:30.17|Vulture|but Fax Machine-->TDM(FXS)-->*-->spandsp does now
08:30.29|Vulture|Sato1: yea right ppl are dumb
08:30.34*** join/#asterisk cluecon (
08:30.40Sato1using tiff 3.7.2?
08:30.41|Vulture|last thing I want to do is train a buncha ppl to scan a document
08:30.50|Vulture|Sato1: no Tiff 3.6.1
08:31.00|Vulture|upgraded 2 hrs ago Ill update status tommorow
08:31.04clueconVulture: but training is so much fun /end sarcasm
08:31.08Sato1you said 3.6.1 does not work
08:31.40Sato1but i think it is not a libtiff issue
08:31.55|Vulture|cluecon: lol
08:32.11|Vulture|its hard enough to get ppl to add a damn voice msg and name
08:32.18|Vulture|or change a pw
08:32.18Sato1unless libtiff involves signaling in the transmition of the fax, which i really dont believe
08:32.35|Vulture|Sato1: spandsp gets broken ALL THE TIME with HEAD
08:32.54|Vulture|so depends on the version it works/doesn't
08:33.41Sato1in the spandsp page says someting about accurate the rx/tx volume
08:33.57|Vulture|its a FXS...
08:34.06|Vulture|I guess I could try
08:34.19|Vulture|crank those suckers
08:35.05jalsotdoes anybody know why is mysql not recommended on an asterisk server? [according to]
08:35.33Sato1because they love postgsql?
08:35.42Sato1mysql works fine
08:36.10clueconsome people don't like mysql, some people do.
08:36.29Sato1vanilla, chocolate.. which one you like?
08:36.32jalsotI'm thinking about billing on the same box [and external extension handling from DB] and right players are: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL
08:36.38Sato1same with postgresql and mysql
08:37.01newlConsidering that most fax machines come from the factory configured for a 1.5 mile copper loop, the transmit and receive levels would need to be adjusted due to the close proximity of the pbx (which in essence IS the end point of the IEN).
08:37.08clueconVulture: if they are incapable of doing voicemail then I would recommend new IT policies that require a minimum IQ before they can ask for help.  The company could also use it as marketing to say that they hire only the smartest people.
08:37.12jalsotok, so maybe the question would be more relevant like: SQLite vs. (mysql or postgre)
08:37.38jalsotwhat do you think, which requires less resources?
08:37.44newljalsot: the answer is, use what works for you.
08:37.50ManxPowerSuperMegaCorp: We only hire not-dumb people!
08:37.51clueconjalsot: depends on exactly what you want out of the system.
08:38.03jalsotnewl: :)) I use mysql and sqlite as well
08:38.05Sato1jalsot, depends of the load you are going to use
08:38.16clueconManxPower: we already know who you hire.
08:38.22jalsotI have call recording on the box, for 30 channels
08:38.34jalsotand would like to optimize as much as it is possible
08:38.38clueconjalsot: what are the specs of the box.
08:38.39|Vulture|cluecon: HAHAHA it took 1 office 4 months to figure it out.. I gave them a manual.. its fucking 3 pages long
08:38.48ManxPowercluecon, I don't hire anyone.  If I hired someone then I would have to...*gag* manage someone.  *scream*
08:38.59clueconManxPower: my point exactly.
08:39.02|Vulture|cluecon: and and still there is only 1 person and all she has is a u/b message, no name etc.
08:39.04jalsotP4, 2GB RAM, Intel motherboard TE110P
08:39.09newlThat's why you hire someone to manage others for you.
08:39.12|Vulture|ManxPower: SAME HERE!
08:39.12jalsot2xSATA HDD in SW RAID1
08:39.27Sato1jalsot, any of those sql engines will work fine
08:39.37*** join/#asterisk dasuberdavid (
08:39.37jalsotSato1: great! thanks :)
08:39.40clueconVulture: I work with some of the least intelligent people i've ever known and even they can configure voicemail.
08:39.46|Vulture|hired ppl are too innefficient
08:40.03|Vulture|cluecon: you have never worked in the janitorial business
08:40.25dasuberdaviddoes anyone know how to run an asterisk application on an outgoing _9NXXXXXX extension?
08:40.48|Vulture|dasuberdavid: like a macro or what?
08:40.50clueconjalsot: with a box like that, as long as you build your programs efficient (especially the db) then you won't see a difference with the different dbs.
08:41.07dasuberdavidnot a macro
08:41.09clueconVulture: ok, i can believe it then.
08:41.11jalsotso for conclusion: mysql does not require more resources [like I/O] than a file-based sqlite
08:41.17dasuberdavidjust that a number can be called then a few applications ran
08:41.25jalsotcluecon: thanks for comments :)
08:41.30|Vulture|dasuberdavid: I think thats a HEAD feature
08:41.41cluecondasuberdavid: what kind of applications?
08:41.43jalsotI was just confused a bit whit that sentence on [Avoid mysql on the same server
08:41.49dasuberdavidlike SayNumber
08:42.08|Vulture|cluecon: we have some retards
08:42.20clueconlike an outgoing call that tells someone to call back at a number?
08:42.37Sato1jalsot, as said before, it is just a matter of preferences, some ppl preferes mysql, some other pgsql...
08:42.44dasuberdavidim setting up an ivr polling system
08:43.21jalsotSato1: ok, underestood [this box will not have much DB requirements, just some CDRs and simple selects]
08:44.01Sato1but for best results, use mSQL
08:44.06cluecondasuberdavid: thats simple to do.  take a look at the docs on files.  use call files to make the calls and connect the calls to an extension that runs those commands.
08:44.28clueconSato: you know better than that...only MSSQL can handle load of that magnitude.
08:45.02X-RobWoo SQLServer 7!
08:45.11X-Rob"So many patches, still no Security"
08:45.24*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
08:45.24*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
08:45.44X-RobSQLServer 7 - "Crash me by sendind random data to my port" (tm) (c) Microsoft
08:45.54Sato1i was just kidding
08:46.01X-RobSQLServer 7 - "Faster than a roladex - Just!" (tm) (c) Microsoft
08:47.43clueconWe run a system right now that uses a mssql backend and it just sucks.  We spend so much time babysitting the system that it is just not funny anymore.
08:49.14afrosheencluecon: yeah ours has to have the log file purged once a week, 1.5gigs of non-rotating logs is ridiculous
08:51.25Sato1i've never used mssql, but i've heared tons of complains, except for some newbies that says that storedprocedures rules *sighs*
08:51.38clueconafrosheen: try 45gigs every 3 days.
08:51.53ZeeekI noticed something odd today: in order to do IAX2/ I needed to add a user [me] context=me. The call would go to me,s,1 but in SIP/ that call goes to [default] exten =>me,1,Dial...
08:51.54*** join/#asterisk Chibski_Work (~chibski@
08:53.02X-Robyour context='s are screwed in iax.conf and sip.conf
08:54.31Chibski_WorkI have a real simple question i have been trying for the last hour to launch a simple SayNumber application once the outbound call is picked up. The application seems not to launch however. I have the iax debug set pretty high but i dont even see an error msg coming up saying that it wasnt able to launch the application. Any ideas as to what the problem could be?
08:55.47ZeeekX-Rob context='s ?
08:56.08ManxPowerChibski_Work, The Dial command does not continue in the dialplan until the call is disconnected.
08:56.08clueconChibski_Work: pastebin your relevant config files and cli output.
08:56.45|Vulture|everyone is up late tonight
08:56.47clueconChibski_Work: how are you making the call?  Dial command?
08:57.01clueconVulture:4am, it's early for me.
08:58.32ZeeekManxPower turns out I am going to be in Madrid
08:58.53ManxPowerZeeek, Cool!  turns out I'm not going to Paris.
08:59.02ZeeekI guessed as much
08:59.08ManxPowerZeeek, Well, I will be in Paris for 1 hour as I change trains.
08:59.21Zeeekmaybe see yu at the beerfest tue night (or are you there tues nite?)
08:59.57ZeeekJune 14
09:00.23*** join/#asterisk axscode (~axscode@
09:00.29ManxPowerI arrive in Madrid 14 jun at 9:13am
09:00.32ManxPowerSo I can be there.
09:00.47axscodeif im using SIP.. do it only on port 5060? thats all i have to open to my firewall for NAT right?
09:01.26ManxPowerZeeek, To get from Paris Noord to Paris Austerlitz is it worth it to take a taxi?
09:01.38Sato1where is going to be the next Astricon after the one in Madrid?
09:02.43ZeeekManxPower are you loaded with heavy bags?
09:03.07ManxPowerZeeek, yes.
09:03.28Zeeekthen yeah, I'd take a cab. Otherwise I could give you the metro directions
09:03.33axscodehi guyz.... with VoIP proto.. using SIP... do i need to open port aside from 5060?
09:04.01clueconaxscode: you trying to do NAT with SIP?
09:04.13ZeeekManxPower shit, you arrive early. I'll be there at 2-3PM I think, but a lot of people are arriving in the evening
09:04.18ManxPowerZeeek, No offence intended, but I a NOT taking the Paris metro if I can avoid it.  I speak no French and I have 1 hour to get to my connecting train.  8-)
09:04.39ZeeekManxPower none taken but at certain hours a taxi will be MUCH slower than the metro
09:04.43ManxPowerZeeek, I'm taking the train from Eindhoven NL to Madrid
09:04.44*** join/#asterisk niZx (
09:04.45Zeeekwhat time is the change?
09:05.00axscodeyes cluecon.. coz i have a router.. and i have to NAT it to my SIP inside the network.
09:05.02ManxPowerZeeek, Um, I get lots going up stairs.
09:05.25cluecon~google sip nat
09:05.54ManxPowerZeeek, Arrive Paris Noord 17:50, leave Paris Austerlitz at 19:43
09:06.14axscodewhy clue.. do i have to change something? is there a data interference if it is natted?
09:06.24ZeeekManxPower 6PM might be a little iffy. Let me look on the map. Austerlitz is south, nord ummmm, north
09:06.36clueconaxscode: take a look at and also go to google and do a search for sip nat.  that should get you started.
09:06.43ManxPowerTaking IC Trail from Eindhoven to Rotterdam, Thays from Rotterdam to Paris, then EuroNight trail from Paris to Madrid
09:07.07clueconI haven't dealt with sip nat yet, but i've heard it is a beast.
09:07.25axscodeohh... really.
09:07.32ManxPowerSIP w/NAT is NOT all that hard, if you accept the limitations
09:07.45axscodein what sense?
09:07.53Sato13:07am here, gotta go, nite/morning all
09:07.53clueconManxPower: most people don't want the limitations, hence, the beast.
09:08.07ManxPowerThe problem most people have is that they want their asterisk server behind a NAT router with a dynamic IP address.  That is NOT well supported at all
09:08.09clueconl8tr Sato.
09:08.35ManxPowermake that a statiC ip address for the NAT router Asterisk is behind and things start to get easy
09:08.37axscodeactually i have a static IP.. no probs with that..
09:09.02axscodeand i have a static IP also behind the nat and after the nat.
09:09.07axscodeso no problem i guess right?
09:09.12ManxPoweraxscode, you have to forward port 5060/UDP AND ALL the RTP ports that are used for audio.
09:09.41ManxPowerwhat ports are used depend on rtp.conf for Asterisk and the client RTP ports.
09:10.02ManxPoweraxscode, SIP is just a call setup protocol, it doesn't transport audio.  It uses RTP to transport audio
09:10.21jbotmethinks rtp is The Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video. RTP is used in virtually all voice-over-IP architectures, for videoconferencing, media-on-demand, and other applications. A thin protocol, it supports content identification, timing reconstruction, and detection of lost packets.
09:10.49axscodeso its totally different from TCP/IP ?
09:10.55ZeeekManxPower you'll need to rush a little, but follow the TAXI signs at Austerlitz and you should be there in an hour or so. You have almost 2 hours in fact
09:11.01ManxPoweraxscode, RTP runs over UDP
09:11.50axscodeoh... i think when u NAT over the router.. its all DataGrams and Streams.. dont u think? coz i only supply for port in my control pannel for router.. so i assume all proto is NATted?
09:12.03ManxPowerZeeek, When I was in Antwerpen I sometimes had an easier time puzzleing out the french than the dutch on menus.
09:12.40Zeeekwell, taxi is taxi...
09:12.46ManxPoweraxscode, RTP is a protocol that runs using UDP.  So you need to forward the UDP ports that the audio runs on and that changes.
09:13.02ManxPowerZeeek, Yes, but I meant if I had a fit of insanity and took the metro. 8-)
09:13.08Zeeekafter the guy loads your bags in the trunk, just say "Gahr doo norrr"
09:13.17axscodesad thing i cant run zaptels driver on FreeBSD 4.X
09:13.20axscodethis is real bad.
09:13.24ManxPowerZeeek, I do NOT really like the act of moving from place to place during a vacation
09:13.38ZeeekThe metro would be crowded at 6PM but faster. However, with a lot of bags that'd suck
09:13.47ManxPowerZeeek, Actually I'm going from Nord to Austerlitz
09:14.00Zeeekthe taxi would cost around $20-25 I'm guessing
09:14.22Zeeekhad I thought for a second, I'd have realized that :)
09:14.26ManxPowerZeeek, I have one large suitcase, a backpack (medium) and my laptop bag.
09:14.40Zeeekkeep the laptop withyou in the back seat
09:14.49ManxPowerZeeek, The laptop never leaves my hands
09:15.00Zeeek"Gahr Doh stair litz"
09:15.02ManxPowerit never goes into the trunk
09:15.23ManxPowerZeeek, I'll find someone here in Eindhoven that writes french and I'll make up a few signs.
09:15.39ZeeekIf you think the taxi did a good job, give him a 10% tip. Otherwise, 0
09:16.05ManxPowerZeeek, *nod*  I HAVE been in Europe for 20 days already 8-)
09:16.22ZeeekIt's different from region to region, let alone between wountries
09:16.40ManxPowerZeeek, tipping seems pretty similar
09:16.41ZeeekIn Parisz, people often leave tips in a restaurant (even though sevice compris)
09:16.48Mw3I've been in Europe for about 7300days :)
09:16.53Zeeekoutside Paris, no one even leaves tips in a restaurant
09:16.54ManxPowercluecon, nobody wants USD anymore.
09:17.11Zeeekno one ever did outside the US except black market
09:17.28ManxPowerI KNOW where most of the houses of sin are.
09:17.36Zeeekso for anyone to call IAX2/
09:17.37*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (~me@
09:17.40NoRemorsehello all.
09:18.10NoRemorseIf anyone here uses h.323 ina sterisk, any idea why "h.323 debug" command doesnt give any extra output on the console when a call is placed?
09:18.11ZeeekI need a [me] type=user context=context ?
09:18.14ManxPowerHeck, the name of the club I'm going to tonight translates into "Purgatory" in english
09:18.18clueconMorning, Evening, Afternoon NoRemorse.
09:18.53clueconManxPower: Purgatory can't be all that bad.
09:19.09NoRemorseno ideas? why wouldnt h.323 help be implemented, but still show in the help list?
09:19.13djinManxpower, just let me know when you needs any Dutch translation ;)
09:19.18|Vulture|I keep hearing things outside... am I going insane?
09:19.22axscodehey guyz.. my FreeBSD 4.X dont support for zaptel. Is there something that i can replace zaptel so that i can do the same as if i have zaptel.
09:19.30djinWhy were you in Eindhoven, btw? Not many people want to be there ;)
09:19.35ManxPowercluecon, It was AWESOME last night
09:19.49clueconVulture: you've already gone therefore it is impossible for you to go again.
09:20.04NoRemorseafk, pm me if you ahve any ideas please.
09:20.30axscodehello... anybody home.. hehe..
09:20.57ManxPowerdjin, Where are you located?
09:21.40djinHaarlem, near Amsterdam.
09:22.09ManxPowerMy trip so far: 7 nights Stockholm, 6 nights Amtwerpen, 1 night Delft, 8 nights Amsterdam, currently in Eindhoven
09:22.54djinDid you say you went to 'purgatory' in Eindhoven?
09:23.13ManxPowerdjin, Yes, but didn't think anyone on this channel would actually know about the place.  LOL!
09:23.45djincluecon, well. . . ..
09:23.59djinI hope it's not the same ;)
09:24.03ZeeekManxPower finding free WiFi ?
09:24.14ManxPowerZeeek, Sort of.
09:24.35|Vulture|cluecon: I think those ppl at the offices drove me insane
09:24.37ManxPowerI don't have wifi on my laptop, but the hotel I'm at has a wifi->ethernet device in the room
09:24.52|Vulture|cluecon: actually I changed some settings and now I cant sleep till I test them!
09:25.01ManxPowerI've been staying at guesthouses and B&Bs mostly.  Much cheaper.
09:25.26djinManxPower, did you like Amsterdam, btw?
09:25.34clueconVulture: i wasn't driven, i went freely.  much more enjoyable on this side of reality.
09:25.49|Vulture|cluecon: Ill make note of that!
09:26.02ManxPowerdjin, Yes, but I would not want to actually live in Amsterdam, just within a 2 hour train ride of Amsterdam.
09:26.22ManxPowerI lived in New Orleans for 10 years.
09:26.30djinYou mentioned Brussels earlier.
09:26.49ManxPowerdjin, I ended up not spending time in Brussles, just Antwerp
09:27.24ManxPowerI went to The Boots in Antwerp.
09:27.32djinDid you meet any Dutch (Asterisk related) companies in the NL?
09:28.01ManxPowerI met 1 person in Antwerp, 1 person in Amsterdam, will meet 1 person in Eindhoven
09:28.01Zeeekback to my original question: I thought if the default context in iax.conf was "default" then if you had an extension "xyz" in default, IAX2/ would go there? This is the case in sip.conf AFAIK?
09:28.29ManxPowerZeeek, do you have a [xyz] in sip.conf?
09:28.31djinManxPower, perhaps this is not the place to chitchat. Perhaps we'll talk in Madrid.
09:28.36ManxPoweror username=xyz?
09:28.39ZeeekManxPower no that's why I find it odd
09:28.42ManxPowerdjin, *nod*
09:28.57Zeeekdjin I thought you weren't coming to Madrid?
09:29.06djinSure I am.
09:29.20djinand wine.
09:29.24Zeeekok then
09:29.47ZeeekManxPower so how is it that xys@ works like that in sip.conf?
09:29.56Zeeekwith no user [xyz]
09:31.14*** join/#asterisk jonas (
09:32.50Zeeekanyway the question is, will be calling a USER type in the [sip|iax].conf? Where I thought it was calling an extension in [default] of [sip|iax].conf ???
09:32.54ManxPowerZeeek, If nothing matches in sip.conf then I thought it went to exten xyz in the context= in [general], but it might go to exten s
09:33.18ZeeekManxPower it seems to me that IAX2 and SIP are acting differently
09:33.19ManxPowerZeeek, type=user can only send calls to asterisk, not have calls sent to it
09:33.26ManxPowerZeeek, they could be.
09:33.38ManxPowerI don't currently accept unauthenticated SIP calls
09:33.44ManxPowerso I don't have experience with it
09:33.53Zeeekactaully to test I'm calling myself so that may not be the greatest proof of anything (loop)
09:33.57ManxPowerZeeek, look over the sip.conf.sample (recent one)
09:34.09ZeeekI'm using STABLE 1.0.6
09:34.37ManxPowerwell look at the one in there then, there might be an option to enable unauthenticated calls.
09:34.40ManxPowerI don't know for sure.
09:35.51Zeeekallowguest=yes by default
09:36.05Zeeekah maybe they go to [guest]...
09:46.16MooingLemurWhat would be the best way to implement inbound call screening, preferably without the caller's knowledge?  Call comes in, and I want to be able to have the answerer decide whether to take the call or send it to voicemail.  The catch is that the receiving phone is going to be an external cell phone.   I'm thinking about somehow parking the call and then dropping a spool file to cause asterisk to call the recipient...
09:46.46Zeeekyou mean using CID?
09:46.53Zeeekthat sounds like it'd work
09:47.02*** join/#asterisk axscode (~axscode@
09:47.18MooingLemurno, as in, the recipient picks up, presses 1 to answer the call, presses 2 (or lets it time out) to send the call to vmail
09:47.36axscodeguyz.. how to disable modem module? coz i dont have a modem on my PC.. coz it keeps on loading the modem module thus it giving me error.
09:47.51axscodewhat file to edit for that?
09:50.11axscodeyes.. but it keeps on loading hte modem module.. i tried also puting ";" no use.
09:52.55*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
09:56.25axscodeis there conf that calls modem driver? aside from module?
09:57.19*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (
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10:11.09ManxPoweraxscode, define "modem driver"
10:11.48ManxPoweri'll be AFK a lot, so better answer fast.
10:12.30coppiceIts the guy that controls the modem's steering wheel, of course
10:13.00jayk_isnt it supposed to be MaxPower?
10:13.11jayk_<Homer> I'm not Homer Simpson, I'm MaxPower!
10:14.12ManxPowerjayk_, Well that WAS the original
10:14.13Zeeeknow it's late
10:14.33ManxPowerbut since my last nick was WereCat....
10:14.52coppicehave you tried ManxCat yet?
10:15.06jayk_poor cat, he could have been a werewolf...
10:15.11jayk_but you....well i won't say
10:24.09*** join/#asterisk loick (
10:27.23Chibski_WorkOk i have my call file set it calls my phone. However it seems like the server that im terminating on is somehow sending their ivr menu to the outbound call. How do i get around that?
10:33.17*** join/#asterisk dan_w (
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10:37.06djinyou should point it to the right context.
10:37.09|Vulture|hmmm I think the Monitor() command is messed up when it goes MoH
10:37.39|Vulture|if someone hangs up when in MoH the Monitor() command dissregards the ,m flag
10:38.48Dovidhello all
10:38.53|Vulture|sup Dovid
10:39.05Dovidhaving the following problem to connecting to Voxee, can anyone assist ?
10:39.06DovidJun 12 18:30:42 WARNING[25882]: chan_iax2.c:5553 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
10:39.49Dovidwhen i register it goes thru fine
10:41.25|Vulture|Dovid: "sip show registry" shows it fine?
10:41.40Dovidits IAX
10:41.47|Vulture|iax show registry
10:41.52|Vulture|sorry I haven't slept yet
10:41.53Dovidgona check
10:42.05Dovid|Vulture| Same here
10:42.15|Vulture|that makes 2 of us ;)
10:43.07Dovid|Vulture| Seems to be working fine
10:43.24Dovid|Vulture| 122 60 Registered
10:44.03Dovidsip works fine with them, its the IAX. and thier tech person dosnet seem to be that smart
10:44.06|Vulture|Dovid: is that error when you make a call out?
10:44.18Dovid|Vulture| Yes
10:44.26|Vulture|Dovid: it looks like incoming calls should work
10:44.42|Vulture|Dovid: can you pastebin your iax.conf context, just *** out login/pw info
10:44.53Dovid|Vulture| dont have incoming with him, just outgoing. and the outgoing dosent work
10:47.31|Vulture|well it shouldn't be set to friend I would use user or peer
10:48.13|Vulture|go ahead and add a auth-md5
10:49.03|Vulture|and qualify=yes so we can monitor it
10:51.24Dovidhow do i convert my pass to md5 ?
10:51.25*** join/#asterisk Jason68 (
10:51.32Jason68hi all
10:51.33|Vulture|run a "iax2 show peers"
10:51.36|Vulture|after a reload
10:51.41|Vulture|Dovid: its auto
10:51.45|Vulture|hey Jason68
10:52.01|Vulture|Dovid: its just the method of passing
10:52.08Jason68i tried to setup sip for incomming connections from
10:52.47Jason68i get: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to '<sip:[sipgatenbr]>
10:53.08|Vulture|Jason68: looks like you put the context in the username field
10:53.17|Vulture|remove the []
10:53.26|Vulture|in your register=> lin
10:53.37Jason68it's just a replacement
10:53.55Jason68[sipgatenbr] = replaced by the real number
10:54.11|Vulture|ah, then your username or password are incorrect
10:54.26Jason68nope, because autcalling goes well
10:54.40Jason68same credentials
10:54.41|Vulture|okay.... hmm
10:54.44Dovid|Vulture| changed it
10:54.48Dovideverything is the same
10:54.52Dovid|Vulture| same error
10:55.10|Vulture|Dovid: try making an outbound call
10:55.25Dovid|Vulture| did. wouldnt go thru
10:55.39|Vulture|Jason68: do they have different servers for inbound calls?
10:55.53Jason68don't know
10:55.54|Vulture|Dovid: I would say the provider might not support IAX2
10:56.07Dovidhehe. he says that he does. and the reg. goes thru
10:56.49|Vulture|Dovid: do they have to activate your account for it?
10:57.12Dovid|Vulture| not that i know of. spoke to thier tech guy. he seemed clue less
10:57.18|Vulture|nice prices ?
10:57.45Dovid|Vulture| hmmm. now i am getting diff. error
10:58.26Zeeekyou're trying IAX2 with ?
10:58.29|Vulture|Dovid: what error
10:58.32Dovidun 12 18:53:45 WARNING[25882]: chan_iax2.c:2212 create_addr: No such host: voxee
10:58.32DovidJun 12 18:53:45 NOTICE[25882]: app_dial.c:764 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2'
10:58.32Dovid== Everyone is busy/congested at this time
10:59.09|Vulture|on the outbound calls right?
10:59.13|Vulture|try removing md5
11:01.00|Vulture|okay I think its work time
11:02.40Dovid|Vulture| still dont work. eh. think i am gona roll over. it can wait.
11:03.13Jason68Zeeek: yes
11:04.17djinAnyone any 7920/SCCP experience? doesn't do IAX2 AFAIK
11:04.48Zeeekif they do, I'd like to see where it's written
11:04.55Dovid|Vulture| thanks for the help
11:05.04|Vulture|Dovid: np sorry I couldn't help
11:05.11Zeeekam I confusing 2 different questions?
11:05.20Dovid|Vulture| NP. u did ur best. night
11:05.28Jason68my problem is: chan_sip.c:6846 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to '<>
11:05.45Zeeeklet me see what my register looks like
11:06.48Zeeekregister =
11:07.02Zeeekis that what you have?
11:08.19Jason68outgoing calls with the same credentials are working and when i run sipgate X-lite it's working to
11:08.25Zeeekyou could try to play wioth a SIP client like X-Lite and see if that registers - that sometimes helps debug
11:08.36Zeeekok you were ahead of me
11:08.41Jason68hehe ;)
11:09.11ZeeekI'm not currently registering. Maybe they changed something. I'll change to register to see
11:09.52Jason68i heard something about the put something like in asterisk
11:10.01Jason68is that true?
11:10.16Jason68because of the time out
11:10.24Zeeekok I just registered with them and no problem
11:10.58Zeeekso sip show reg doesn't show them?
11:11.28Zeeekdid you pastebin your sip.conf entry ?
11:12.53ZeeekJason68 are you getting that message when you try to call
11:13.03Zeeeksomething funny about that
11:13.32Jason68ik get:
11:13.58ZeeekI just noticed my whole entry is commened out and I can register
11:14.06Jason68chan_sip.c:6846 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to '<>;tag=as5fe2703d'
11:14.28Zeeekare you using NAT?                 sipnr            120 Auth. Sent
11:15.33ZeeekJason68 also do you have a [] peer entry?
11:15.38Jason68yes and i forwarded 5060 and 8000-8020 to the asterisk box
11:16.02ZeeekI think something is fscked up in that peer
11:16.28Zeeekyou could try changing the name to [sipgate] but keeping in the REGISTER command
11:17.24Zeeeknat=yes and externip and localnet are all set in sip.conf of course...
11:17.31djinWell to be more specific, does anyone have sccp(-2) experience? I got the phone lokking for *, but failing to register.
11:17.49Zeeekwrong window
11:18.04Zeeekthird floor, window 5
11:18.35ZeeekJason68 pastebin your [] from sip.conf
11:19.09Jason68where can i pastbin?
11:19.22jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
11:19.45Zeeekchange usernames and âsswords
11:21.37*** join/#asterisk mosty (
11:22.21ZeeekJason68 comparing...
11:23.18ZeeekJason68 here is my free assessment:
11:23.33Zeeekremove nat=yes, sipgate is NOT natted
11:24.01Jason68or in general?
11:24.02Zeeekchange username and fromuser to your sipgate phone number (not DID if you have one, the sipgate number 1.....)
11:24.08Zeeekin ONLY
11:24.28ManxPowernat= settings in [general] don't work anyway
11:24.33bkw_May  9 14:38:11 NOTICE[22475]: CVS STABLE IS NOT THE ANSWER
11:24.34ManxPowerat leasst in 1.0.x
11:24.49Zeeekthe most significant difference is that in mine the fromuser and username are the nimbers given not a web login
11:25.01Jason68username andfromuser are sipgate phone number
11:25.05ZeeekManxPower they have an effect, or don't you remember?
11:25.30ManxPowerZeeek, no effect on my post 1.0.7 CVS
11:25.30Zeeekah sipnr, ok, but the 7-dig one they gave, not the 44 or whatever?
11:25.40ZeeekEffect on STABLE 1.0.6
11:25.52Jason68yes the 7 one
11:26.15Zeeekok the only other theing that's different (looks to make sure JerJer is nowhere to be seen)
11:26.25Zeeekis I have type=friend
11:26.36bkw_ManxPower, yes nat= works in general in 1.0.x
11:26.42ManxPowerZeeek, That's a sin ya know.
11:26.54Zeeekwe have a saying: WHATEVER WORKS!
11:27.18Zeeekas it happens I don't use anymore, it's commented out
11:27.35Zeeekdrops out too much eery day
11:27.57Jason68what do you use now then?
11:28.15Zeeekfor what? I just used sipgate in the early days to learn what DID was and all that
11:28.55Zeeekfor free accounts, FWD is the most reliable. For Eu calls I use voiptalk. For local calls I have a couple of local providers
11:29.29bkw_I love how the term DID is so misused
11:29.31ZeeekFor USA I use nufone, voicepulse, voipjet, iconnecthere
11:29.46Zeeekyes it's yhas sort of come to mean "a number that anyone can dial"
11:29.47bkw_Zeeek, no asterlink?
11:29.57Zeeekgimmie a test acct and I'll go with it!
11:30.04bkw_go signup
11:30.06ZeeekI'm very interested in that
11:30.10Jason68zeeek: does not work at all here
11:30.15ZeeekI've been meaning to one of these fine days :)
11:30.26ZeeekJason68 what doesn't work?
11:31.00jbotfrom memory, did is Direct Inward Dialing
11:31.28ZeeekI don't know, try commenting out the whiole entry in sip.conf - YOU ARE doing a SIP RELOAD each time, right :)
11:31.37Jason68mh no i get one line: chan_sip.c:6665 handle_response: Peer '' is now REACHABLE!
11:31.47Jason68and then i get the failures again
11:32.10Zeeekremove qualify from the entry by the way, it screws up bad with
11:32.44bkw_why do people think you send calls over SS7
11:33.23Zeeekbkw_ explain what DID is? I thought it was just a number you called
11:34.11Jason68what does:  "parse_srv: SRV mapped to host, port 5060" meen?
11:34.12bkw_did is a concept
11:34.20bkw_Jason68, exactly what it says
11:34.41Jason68what is the before
11:34.43coppicenot really. DID means you deliver the dialed number.
11:35.04bkw_I never thought of it as what people think of it today.
11:35.07Zeeekwhat is IID? Indirect INward Dialing ?
11:35.09Jason68i have and not
11:35.25h3xthere is also DOD and DIOD
11:35.29bkw_so it has an SRV record
11:35.34bkw_Jason68, go read
11:35.35X-RobAnd DITA
11:35.39ZeeekJason68 turn off srvlookup or whatever that is
11:35.45bkw_no don't turn it off
11:35.49Zeeekor turn it on
11:35.50bkw_they are there for a reason ya know
11:36.07Zeeekif you want to call ?
11:36.25bkw_that and then some
11:36.28Zeeekotherwise, all works well without that IMO (and limited experience)
11:36.47bkw_if you register to
11:36.59bkw_but has the srv record would find that
11:37.17bkw_so :P
11:37.31bkw_bottom line is SRV records have a purpose
11:37.44Zeeekunderstood - but every provider I'm hooked to seems to provide a name that is valid as A rec
11:38.09bkw_they fail to use the technology to its fullest... *COUGH* broadvoice *COUGH*
11:38.50h3xbkw, as if asterlink dosent have marketing bullshit all over your web site :P
11:39.05bkw_h3x, and whats wrong with that?
11:39.12bkw_granted I didn't do the site.
11:39.20h3xwell thats what "DID" is
11:39.35h3xsort of
11:39.45djinDoes anyone know how I can check if * is accepting port 2000 (UDP)
11:39.46bkw_well a DID is really a concept where a number points to your internal extension
11:40.03h3xactually the voip delivery of local DIDs terminology comes from when you "order a DID" on trunks to convert to voip
11:40.38bkw_also for all you people up north.. its fucking pee are eye.. not pry
11:40.55h3xwtf says pry?
11:41.03bkw_they say pry for PRI
11:41.15bkw_its PEE ARE EYE
11:41.17h3xwho canucks?
11:41.35h3xfrog smokers
11:41.37bkw_You pry the lids of stuff..
11:41.55bkw_ess eye pee or SIP
11:42.02coppiceif you pry the lid off a PRI something nasty will come out
11:42.13drrayok, I have a stupid question.. when I get to my second t1 port on a wildcard, how does it know that 33 is the 9th spot of second t1 port?
11:42.19bkw_might get some Q.931 in your eye
11:42.35*** part/#asterisk Jason68 (
11:43.17bkw_ok i'm going to go watch cartoons.. lay down.. relax.. and just enjoy the day.
11:43.43coppicethe day is nearly over
11:44.13*** join/#asterisk rabelais (
11:44.44coppicethat bot knows nothing important :-)
11:44.57h3xno i mean why watch em on sunday
11:45.02h3xwe hve the cartoon network and stuff now
11:45.31coppiceI don't think the cartoon network is much of a place for watching cartoons
11:45.51h3xsort of like MTV with music videos?
11:46.33coppiceworse. cartoon network seems to choose material purely on minimum hourly operational costs
11:47.03h3xlike the game show network
11:47.18Zeeekthe reality network
11:47.23h3xthat will be next
11:47.37coppicethe naked nuns channel
11:48.31coppicehow come competition doesn't work for TV like it works for TV sets?
11:49.24h3xwhat, if you make programming worse than everything else then you make more money?
11:49.40h3xi think the news started that phonomenon
11:49.41dan_wthe cartoon network is unwatchable IMHO
11:49.51rabelaisdoes anyone know if it's possible to get a number transfer _out_ from broadvoice?
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11:49.58coppicethat seems to be the thinking of the channels
11:50.51h3xif they replaced neilsen ratings by something more accurate
11:51.00h3xtheyd have to shitcan like 90% of everything on the air
11:51.17coppicedunno how those work
11:51.36h3xthey supposedly random sample 1 out of 1000 households
11:51.39h3xfor what they watch
11:51.44h3xmultiple that by 1000
11:52.27h3xeverybody thiks they use automated means to do all of this when in fact only 85% or so of it is actually automated with a black box and instead, go by a diary method
11:52.36h3xwhere household members have to remember what they watched and write it down
11:53.22dan_wif I was watching on a neilsen set it wouldn't be able to keep up with my channel hopping :)
11:53.39coppicewhen I lived in the UK someone occassionally came to the door and asked what we watched last night. it can be really hard to remember
11:53.46dan_wthey have too many ad breaks in the US
11:54.21dan_wis that because british TV is really dull ? :)
11:54.26h3xcoppice: Well that method definately isnt very alcoholic beverage friendly
11:54.36coppiceI had to replace the EEPROM that holds the settings on my old TV. It wore out from channel hopping in advert breaks
11:54.47h3xhaha they'd ask "Were you watching BBC 1, 2, or 3?"
11:55.10h3xi had a problem like that in a zenith but i didnt fix it
11:55.25coppiceh3x: what's funny?
11:55.38h3xweraring out a eeprom
11:55.44h3xis that a eeprom or eaprom
11:56.16coppicedoes anyone call them eaproms any more? I think it was a 2402
11:56.43h3xhehe well it sounds like it was a old set
11:56.57coppicewhy? they still use 2402s
11:57.15coppicethough they tend to be 24c02s these days
11:58.16h3xhm i2c.  well i guess it couldnt be that old
11:58.17coppice2402s are cheap, but the volumes must be wonderful :-)
11:58.46coppiceOK, it was a 1992 set, and the ROM was replaced in about 95
11:59.05coppiceI lived alone then, and was really pissed off by ads
12:00.37h3xpre-tivo eh
12:00.43h3xor myth tv :P
12:01.41*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
12:02.18h3xso how did that tv take a blanked eeprom firing up
12:02.19coppicenever seen a tivo
12:02.32h3xyou arent missing much
12:03.15coppiceit was just one bit in the bytes that store the channel number which failed. I think the channels went 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12, etc
12:03.43h3xi had the same problem, didnt think to replace that
12:04.01h3xthe rest of the tv was in bad shape anyway
12:04.13coppicereplacing a 10 cent chip with only 8 pins seems worthwhile
12:04.55h3xand to think what people used to pay for transistor radios..
12:05.15Zeeekbkw_ cartoons?
12:05.19coppice50 years ago this year
12:05.31h3xnow thats some ..  sun bounce lag
12:05.40coppicesorry, since 50 years ago this year
12:06.19jontowimpressive; my cheap-clone FXO card made it through the housefire :)
12:06.35jontowhowever.. caller-id does not work and once every random while i get a 3 second red alarm
12:06.44jontowand volume issues ;)
12:06.44Zeeekok, so I signed up for asterlink - but the register string they send is not working
12:06.56jontowseems like everything that *can* go wrong with the cheap clones did due to fire
12:07.24jontowlooks like its time for me to pickup one of the modular TDM cards ;)
12:07.51coppicejontow:they don't handle nuclear blasts very well, either
12:09.14coppiceI think that guy on the asterlink front page has just noticed the arrival of the Vogons
12:09.50*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
12:10.19X-RobThat's a really terrible photo
12:10.21jontowon the other hand.. im at work on sunday, commissioned to build a very important IVR server that accepts inbound calls and then routes them outbound based upon a single boolean choice
12:10.22X-Robyou can see right up his nose
12:10.59X-Robjontow - ' Please push one If this is a 1-900 porn sex call ' ?
12:11.05jontowseems simple, i guess.. just not sure i want my ass on the line solely for this one :)
12:11.10coppiceX-Rob: the resolution of these digital cameras is getting really good now, eh?
12:11.17jontownah, tech support vs. billing office for a big important client
12:12.08X-RobWhere's brian so I can mock him.
12:12.13X-RobProlly gone to have breakfast.
12:12.20jontowi want breakfast :/
12:12.32X-RobI've just had dinner and a single scotch to calm me down
12:12.41X-RobNow I'm pissed off again tho
12:12.42coppiceI only just finished dinner
12:12.49X-Robstupid fucking voip providers.
12:13.01X-Rob'Your area code doesn't match your post code'
12:13.10X-Rob"Dear moron. Actually, yes it does. Dickhead"
12:13.17X-Rob"Love, rob"
12:14.38bkw_Zeeek, it takes up to 30 min to get into all our systems
12:15.34bkw_ok no good toons on
12:15.40bkw_bbl going to watch will and grace
12:16.39Zeeekbkw_ since I noticed outgoing works, I guessed that much - looks like a great service - time will tell :)
12:20.37michael1234anyone able to help me with ser
12:21.35michael1234willing to pay
12:24.21*** join/#asterisk puppet (
12:30.59Romik_somebody knows where i can get timezones for phone areas worldwide?
12:35.30newlyou mean like mapping NPA to time zone?
12:36.49X-Robthat'll suck. Australia has 3 timezones, and +61-8 contains all three of 'em.
12:38.13newluh huh
12:40.13*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
12:54.57*** join/#asterisk hail04 (
12:55.43hail04hiya, having trouble getting asterisk to install on debian sarge...I am getting the "termcap support not found" error message....installed all packages apart from -devel ones which werent found in packages list and probably arent for debian sarge...checked the net cant find anything to satisfy anyone able to help
12:58.05maikhail04: apt-get install libncurses5-dev
12:59.34*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (~V@
12:59.47|Vulture|Anyone seen this with spandsp
12:59.56hail04it appears to be working now...thankyou very much maik
13:00.24|Vulture|the fax is going through just the first line
13:00.54|Vulture|and txfax works to the machine, and rxfax works from PRI--> but spandsp rxfax won't work from FXS-->spandsp
13:04.45Romik_newl: yes NPA to timezone
13:05.26hail04nup failed with collect 2: Id returned 1 exit status
13:09.08jeffikanybody using sipura 1001?
13:12.03nemisusX-Rob you could map +61-89 rather than just on number area code
13:12.27nemisusI'm gathering tas had 61-8x as well
13:12.46X-RobI think tas is 61-3
13:12.54X-RobBut you've got NT, SA and WA
13:13.02X-RobSA has daylight saving, NT doesn't
13:13.26X-Rob(in 61-8)
13:14.03X-RobUm. Darwin is 08-89. I think Adelaide is 08-88
13:14.07X-Robit's annoyingly close.
13:14.20hail04it exits with cannot find -lssl, collect 2: Id returned 1 exit status and me being rough with debian and no knowledge of asterisk dont know what to do...also cant see alot on web
13:14.33X-Robhail04, you need openssl-devel
13:14.37nemisusperth is 61-89
13:14.45*** join/#asterisk dsvanlund (
13:14.45newlRomik_: good luck with that. :)
13:14.56X-RobAhha, so that's 08-9xxx-xxxx
13:15.06newlnemisus: if you don't live in Subiaco, sure. :)
13:15.07X-RobDarwin is 08-8xxx-xxxx
13:15.44newlSubi is 086
13:15.56nemisusnow that's shit...
13:16.02nemisusdidn't realise
13:16.10X-Roblast time I was in darwin I was looking for an APC UPS reseller, and looked on APC's website. They didn't have an address, only phone numbers. I dialed one (that I thought) was close to where I was, and ended up making a fool of myself asking if they can deliver same day to a place 3800km away.
13:16.58X-Robdidn't _I_ look like a dickhead 8)
13:17.12X-Rob'Uh. Where's palmerstone?'
13:17.16nemisusindeed, but I'm sure the sales guy understood
13:17.18X-Rob'Um. It's just outside of the city'
13:17.23X-Rob'I haven't heard of it'
13:17.24newlnemisus: don't worry, it took me by suprise too and I work for the bloody company. :)
13:17.37X-Rob'Well, you head south for about 15k's, and it's on the left'
13:17.46X-Rob'Yeah. From Darwin'
13:17.50X-Rob'Um. We're in adeliade'
13:18.13X-RobNo, he was pissed off, coz I wanted about $15k worth of UPS _now_ 8)
13:18.20nemisusnewl, I bet ppl bag on you for working there...
13:18.59X-RobI worked for telstra. Twice.
13:19.05X-RobBoth times I didn't last more than 2 weeks.
13:19.07nemisusX-Rob: I've dicsovered that nothing happens "now"
13:19.15nemisusX-Rob: lol
13:19.28nemisusyeah I can't say I'd last long if I worked there
13:19.37newlX-Rob: consultant? ;)
13:19.51X-RobOh, no, consultancy a couple of times. I don't mind that because I can just say what I want and get paid.
13:20.04X-RobOnce I was second level on the X25 helpdesk
13:20.24X-RobOther time I was working on the servers that run the telstra cable network
13:20.55nemisushad a friend work for t's broadband help desk... oh the stories
13:21.11X-RobI've managed to, thankfully, repress the memory of the ballsup of a network that they'd built for their cable modems.
13:21.31newlGlad I don't have to deal with it. :)
13:21.50jeffikanyboyd using sipura 1001?
13:22.25newlIf it isn't FR, ISDN, OnRamp, Securitel, DDN, or any other data product, I don't have to worry.
13:22.55nemisusSecuritel?... EFT lines?
13:23.27newlused for alarms.
13:23.38newlfound mostly on larger corporations and ATM's.
13:24.19newlEFT would typically be PSTN or Argent on ISDN.
13:24.46newlOr those new ones that work on ADSL.
13:24.59nemisusthat's the two forms I've seen but, didn't know
13:25.03X-RobNew ones that work on ADSL?
13:25.07X-RobClue me up.
13:25.30X-RobWe've got a smegload of Argent lines and nearly all the sites have ADSL
13:25.37newlDon't know much about them myself.  Only caught a glimpse when I was looking for something else on Friday.
13:25.40X-Robwould be a nice saving if we could piss 'em all off.
13:25.58newlADSL isn't my turf..not a data product (per se).
13:26.00nemisussave shit load
13:26.20*** join/#asterisk Marlow (
13:26.24|Vulture|sup X-Rob
13:26.44nemisusX-Rob: definitaly VPN at the ATM layer
13:26.52X-Robnem, ah, phooey.
13:27.04nemisusit's a guess
13:27.08X-RobWe need something that's a standalone box that works via ipsec.
13:27.12X-Robplugs into the internet
13:27.20X-Roband just works.
13:27.28X-RobVulture, still having spandsp problems?
13:27.30nemisusX-Rob: ipsec has being comprimised
13:27.37|Vulture|X-Rob: yea but now I am in the office
13:27.46|Vulture|I am trying to go to HEAD-CURRENT
13:27.50|Vulture|see what happens
13:28.09nemisus|Vulture| compiled on friday fine
13:28.19X-Robnem - has being? has been? wtf? since when?
13:28.22nemisusneed a RC release
13:28.29Marlownemisus: that depends on what encryption you use ..
13:28.30|Vulture|nemisus: its for spandsp from fax machine-->FXS--*--spandsp
13:28.38X-Robnem, HEAD isn't gunna be 1.0.8
13:28.41Marlownemisus: saying ipsec has been compromised is pretty vague ..
13:28.41X-RobHEAD's gunna be 1.1.0
13:28.52X-Rob1.0.7 CVS is going to be 1.0.8
13:29.01nemisusX-Rob has been, auscert alert about 2 weeks ago
13:29.05|Vulture|those are my internal errors
13:29.08X-Robbut, sayign that, _right now_ CVS is the most stable it's been in ages.
13:29.38X-RobCisco Security Advisory -- Cisco IPSec Malformed IKE Packet Vulnerability
13:29.45X-RobYes, I know that Cisco's have a bug
13:30.04X-Robbut you'd assume that a box would be running embedded linux with openswan or something in flash
13:30.20ruskidoes anyone know of iax providers on the waix ?
13:30.48newlthere aren't any.
13:31.00nemisusdon't even know of one in oz
13:31.22Marlowruski: waix ?
13:31.35|Vulture|see if spandsp even builds on HEAD-CURRENT
13:31.42newlWestern Australia Internet eXchange.
13:31.50newlpeering point..
13:32.04Marlownewl: what about freshtel ? they not around there ?
13:32.08X-Robvulture, oh
13:32.11X-Robgood point.
13:32.12X-Robno, it won't.
13:32.38|Vulture|yea it didn't a week ago right after they made all those big changes
13:32.54MikeJ[Laptop]what broke txfax and rxfax compiling?
13:33.09newlMarlow: nope.  They're over in Melbourne area somewhere.
13:33.15MikeJ[Laptop]the makefile changes?
13:33.17|Vulture|not a clue MikeJ[Laptop],I  will pastebin the output
13:33.18*** join/#asterisk cluecon (
13:33.41newlIt's possible they may be peering with PIPE which is Victoria peering.
13:33.43|Vulture|error output of HEAD
13:34.44clueconVulture: from when?
13:34.49X-RobVulture, steve has _just_ posted to -users
13:35.02X-Rob>Commenting out the if else combination of course gives a clean compile.
13:35.02X-RobI don't know what to do about this. The software automatically worked
13:35.03X-Robwith 1.0.x or 1.1.x until a little while ago. Now they have changed
13:35.03X-Robthings so you cannot write code which will do that. You can only find
13:35.51nemisusnewl: that appear to be peering with pipe
13:36.22MikeJ[Laptop]X-Rob, link/
13:36.31|Vulture|kk lemme try that
13:36.46MikeJ[Laptop]i'll find it
13:36.52newlnemisus: If that's the case, whoever is on a provider that peers should be right. :)
13:37.46|Vulture|which elsif is he talking about?
13:37.57X-Robread the link
13:39.05|Vulture|in the Makefile for apps right?
13:39.32MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, so he should be able o do that with an ifdef too no?
13:39.42X-Robwell no
13:39.50|Vulture|hmm I think its in rxfax
13:39.54X-Robhe's saying he can't find out what version it is
13:40.06hail04isnt it fun having lack of extensive knowldege in things like debian sarge getting nowhere with getting a package of openssl that has similarities to a "dev" package...maybe its just a bad night to frig around with this
13:40.09X-Robthat'll be in app_rxfax.c line 88
13:40.17MikeJ[Laptop]becasue that thing is not defined in stable, so do ifdeff??
13:40.28|Vulture|okay thats done; compiling
13:42.21X-RobThere's a fair bit of momentum building up to quite a nasty fork by the sounds of it.
13:42.50|Vulture|nope... didn't compile
13:43.10X-Robsame error?
13:43.13|Vulture|hmm no
13:43.18|Vulture|maybe I commented wrong 1s
13:43.30X-RobUh looks like it
13:43.37X-Rob'#' isnt' a comment in C
13:43.58X-Rob.// /* ... */ is
13:44.13*** join/#asterisk pa4ab (
13:44.38nemisuscant type // straight into IRC need some regex to clean it :)
13:44.48newl// :)
13:45.09newlwith xchat, just escape it with an extra.
13:45.26nemisushmm I'm stuck in winblows atm
13:45.28zigmanor hit strg+ enter on mirc ;)
13:45.30|Vulture|oh lol wrong comments
13:46.03zigmansorry ( german keyboard here)
13:46.16nemisusnope didint' work
13:46.26zigmanwhat client ?
13:46.37|Vulture|there we go
13:46.41zigmansame here
13:46.50X-Rob. /quote privmsg #asterisk //
13:47.40nemisusmaybe it's a mapping thing...
13:47.51|Vulture|see if this makes any difference in my spandsp
13:48.09nemisus|Vulture| do you have CVS access?
13:48.27nemisusat least bugzilla it
13:48.47nemisussorry rather mantis ( wtf that is...)
13:49.31|Vulture|nope... oh well the HEAD-CURRENT didn't change my issues
13:49.43|Vulture|oh well I guess internal faxing will just have to wait
13:50.28nemisuswell it's nearly midnight, work in the morning, night all
13:51.00X-Robnemisus, it'll get closed with a 'not our problem'
13:51.17X-Robbecause spandsp is pure GPL, not hand-over-some-rights-to-digium
13:51.44|Vulture|yea thats why TDM+spandsp will never work well
13:52.05X-RobYet again, all the good stuff is not in asterisk
13:52.09X-Roboooh, the fork's coming
13:52.11X-Roband it's going to be nasty
13:52.18X-Roband there shall be shouting and gnashing of teeth.
13:52.37|Vulture|wasn't it already discussed about 2 months ago on the conf?
13:52.52|Vulture|or more than that
13:53.18hail04I give up on this fahshizzle
13:53.50X-Robit is nearly midnight
13:54.32X-Robnot for me
13:55.22MikeJ[Laptop]there are already forks.. but there was not really talk of forks on the conf...
13:56.32X-Robthere are little forks
13:56.36X-Robbut nothing major
13:56.48X-RobThere are -always- forks
13:56.57X-Robbut half the developers haven't moved over to the other fork
13:56.58MikeJ[Laptop]somthing major would be a re-write, not a fork
13:57.04X-Rob(which I consider a 'major' fork)
13:57.42MikeJ[Laptop]with asterisk, it is so modular, it resists a full fork
13:57.53|Vulture|driver rewrites would be nice
13:58.00MikeJ[Laptop]cuz if you are pissed, you can just keep your modules, or put them wherever you want
13:59.04X-RobUntil someone goes 'right. spandsp, bristuff, etc etc, is all available here'
13:59.16znoGi wonder if it'd be hard to modify the voicemail app so that the date/time of a message is just an option from the menu and its not always said when its playing messages
13:59.17MikeJ[Laptop]that already exists
13:59.18X-Rob'no digium redistribution issues'
13:59.38X-Robbristuff just patches 1.0.7
13:59.44X-Rob(last time I looked?)
14:01.06MikeJ[Laptop]I know it is working on head, maybe not the patches you have
14:01.19*** join/#asterisk WeezeyD (Weezey@
14:01.41X-RobI don't use it
14:01.52X-RobBut I probabyl will one day
14:01.54MikeJ[Laptop]well, then it's not an issue...
14:02.00X-Robnot for me, no
14:02.13MikeJ[Laptop]heh. just checked the site, the head snapshot is not posted yet... will be soon
14:02.19MikeJ[Laptop]from what I hear
14:03.33MarlowX-Rob / MikeJ[Laptop]: it's working on head, but the patches aren't been done by kapejod
14:04.14MikeJ[Laptop]I lied, the experimental head based branch with all that stuff is out there on aefirion's site
14:04.31MarlowMikeJ[Laptop]: exactly :)
14:04.35MikeJ[Laptop]heh.. I was just checking the svn
14:04.51MikeJ[Laptop]I didn't know if the head based one was on there or not
14:04.55X-Rob'' is owned by cisco!
14:05.58*** join/#asterisk MikeJ_ (
14:06.05*** join/#asterisk minestrone (
14:06.40WeezeyDwhat's a freebx?
14:06.52X-Robsounds a bit like pbx
14:06.55X-Robbut it's free
14:07.20WeezeyDhmm, cisco 'eh?
14:07.26WeezeyDthey bought sipura
14:07.32WeezeyDwho knows what they're up to.
14:07.42MikeJ_snow good
14:07.50MikeJ_hey what?
14:07.51X-RobI used to -work- for infosec@cisco
14:07.57X-RobI know what they're up to.
14:08.06X-RobAnd you should be happy you don't know.
14:08.08MikeJ_is that "work" or work?
14:08.13X-RobNo, real work.
14:08.23WeezeyDthey're going to crush us like bugs?
14:08.35MikeJ_<office space>  I can't say I've really been missing it
14:08.37X-Robthey're going to crush us like _extra crushable_ bugs.
14:08.41WeezeyDso, spill some beans.
14:08.42jeffikAll: Need some help with Sipura 1001
14:09.03WeezeyDjeffik: what do you need?
14:09.05MarlowWeezey: that is very old news, that they bought Sipura .
14:09.07X-Robjeffik - I think we all need help. Perhaps you should be a touch more specific.
14:09.11MarlowWeezey: they also own Linksys
14:09.14MikeJ_hi to you to jeffik, how nice of you to say hi
14:09.17WeezeyDMarlow: yep
14:09.31jeffikMikeJ_: Hi
14:09.36jeffikAll: Hi
14:09.54jbothello, weezeyd
14:10.10MikeJ_you are all so so sad
14:10.15X-Robit doesn't love me.
14:10.22jeffikGot Sipura 1001, on AAH, outgoing ok, incoming gets alison7 the person at ext xxx is unavailable
14:10.30drumkillaMikeJ_: what happened to the laptop?
14:10.42MikeJ_Nick collision probably
14:10.44drumkillait's just not the same without the [laptop]
14:10.44X-Robjeffik - sounds like it's not registering
14:10.54MarlowX-Rob: then i can tell you that the boys in Intel actually play around with asterisk :)
14:10.54MikeJ_I use that nick on my wifes laptop sometime too
14:10.55X-Rob* MikeJ[Laptop] has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
14:11.06jeffikwell it says it's registeed when i look at the sipura
14:11.07MarlowX-Rob: talking about cisco and crushable bugs
14:11.14MikeJ[Laptop]that better?
14:11.26X-Robjeffik - sip show registry
14:11.47X-Robthat's not right
14:11.52X-Robthat's the _outbound_ registry
14:12.00X-Robsip show peers
14:12.00MikeJ[Laptop]hey, somone test my stuff... I don't have a box I can onat the moment
14:12.17drumkillatest what
14:12.18jeffikis what i get
14:12.32MikeJ[Laptop]stupid little patch
14:12.44X-RobI'll post to mantis that it works if you want.
14:12.49X-Robbut I haven't tested it 8)
14:13.05X-Robjeffik, I'm clueless on dialparties - I've never looked at it.
14:13.45MikeJ[Laptop]jeffik, isn't there a #amportal of amp specific stuff
14:14.15jeffikX-Rob: when i do sip show registry it only shows my trunks
14:14.39X-Robjeffik, yes, I've already mentioned that, and then you said that it's a problem with dialparties.
14:14.50X-Robwe've since then suggested tha tyou join #amportal
14:15.05MikeJ[Laptop]hey, i said that!!!
14:15.12jeffikX-Rob:ok thaks,
14:15.21X-RobMikeJ has since then suggested that you join #amportal
14:15.23X-Robis that better? 8)
14:16.08WeezeyDgeeze, what is it?  New spam day?
14:16.19MikeJ[Laptop]that should help ;)
14:17.47MikeJ[Laptop]well, I'm off to work on screwing up all the includes in the asterisk tree (there are over 4000 btw, if you were wondering)
14:18.14X-Robyou keep at it
14:18.16MikeJ[Laptop]about 2000 of those are system headers, the rest being refernces to asterisk header files
14:18.26X-RobBreak as many of 'em as you can
14:19.11*** part/#asterisk jeffik (~Jeff@
14:19.17MikeJ[Laptop]my 'hope' is to start getting header files themselves to start including what they need directly, so there is no longer a need for this include order dependency crap
14:20.13MikeJ[Laptop]or say screw it, and get a lot of the system includes into asterisk.h, and then just include that in the other h files
14:20.27MikeJ[Laptop]then we at least have only one place to mess with stuff like that
14:20.40MikeJ[Laptop]or to mess with "most" of the stuff like that
14:20.43X-Robasterisk.h would make it tider(ish)
14:20.55X-Robbut asterisk.h would then itself become amazingly messy
14:21.18MikeJ[Laptop]X-Rob, yes and no...
14:22.15MikeJ[Laptop]~troutslap file[desk]
14:22.16jbotACTION slaps file[desk] around with a large trout
14:22.33file[desk]that's hot
14:22.41MikeJ[Laptop]I know
14:22.57file[desk]that's sexy
14:23.12X-Robtrout.avi is -Not- sexy.
14:23.12drumkilla~frag file[desk]
14:23.13jbotACTION readies the nuke launcher and fires some rounds at file[desk]
14:23.19|Vulture|I do not get rxfax....
14:23.52MikeJ[Laptop]everyone all gone, just you all alone for a week?
14:23.58drumkillayeah :(
14:24.12drumkillaI have a lot of things to take care of, though
14:24.44MikeJ[Laptop]file, did you graduate yet?
14:24.48file[desk]MikeJ[Laptop]: no
14:24.49MikeJ[Laptop]get to it already!!
14:24.58drumkillafile[desk]: then move to Huntsville
14:25.08file[desk]drumkilla: ok!
14:25.44drumkillaok :)
14:25.52MikeJ[Laptop]with a 300lb hooker
14:26.13file[desk]or Mark's!
14:26.13drumkillai'll be moving out in August, though
14:26.13drumkillaso yeah, there are plenty of people to crash with here
14:26.16drumkillamark, kevin, josh ...
14:26.53MikeJ[Laptop]that 300lb hooker
14:26.54file[desk]I was tempted to visit :)
14:26.54drumkillaI live in a crackhouse, though
14:27.02file[desk]does that make you a crackhead?
14:27.12*** join/#asterisk felipex (
14:27.13MikeJ[Laptop]nice, does that come with free crack?
14:27.23drumkillanah, I'm just renting a room.
14:27.23MikeJ[Laptop]being your house and all?
14:27.32drumkillaI stay away from the crack
14:27.47file[desk]but then how do you get your coding done, if not for crack?!?
14:27.47MikeJ[Laptop]good plan
14:28.00drumkillafile[desk]: I don't
14:28.08drumkillaonly get coding done at work, I guess
14:28.10file[desk]bad drumkilla bad!
14:28.44file[desk]drumkilla's been a very bad boy
14:29.55MikeJ[Laptop]maybe this should move to a "different" channel
14:31.48drumkilla~thwack file[desk]
14:31.49jbotACTION beats file[desk] on the foot with a toaster
14:31.56MikeJ[Laptop]awww.. I was defended
14:32.00jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep, or super extractor,
14:32.08MikeJ[Laptop]hehe, that cracks me up
14:32.09file[desk]drumkilla: do you wanna be touched?!?
14:32.19MikeJ[Laptop]hey.. wanna hear a funny joke?
14:32.31MikeJ[Laptop]it's about lawyers
14:32.40file[desk]oh no
14:32.54WeezeyDPhoning home doesn't have to cost you a dime, get your mom an internet connection.
14:32.54MikeJ[Laptop]file[desk], you already know it
14:32.55drumkillafile[desk]: I can touch myself!
14:33.10file[desk]MikeJ[Laptop]: :P
14:33.37MikeJ[Laptop]why I get diconnected :(
14:33.52file[desk]I swear I didn't do a soft hangup! honest
14:34.15drrayI seem to have smoked a FXS port on my channel bank (zhone)
14:34.32MikeJ[Laptop]smoke.. good idea, I'm going to go outside and do that.
14:34.45file[desk]you're evil
14:35.12drraythe zplex has outlived its usefullness
14:35.26drumkillafile[desk]: :(
14:35.55drumkilla~thwap file[desk]
14:35.56jbotACTION pees on file[desk] and grins happily
14:36.43file[desk]drumkilla is silly
14:36.58WeezeyD<dodgeball> of course it's not necessary, but neither's drinking my own urine, but I do it because it's sterile and I like the taste.
14:37.07drumkillaariel_: it's #asterisk on a weekend
14:37.20file[desk]Asterisk Uncensored
14:37.36file[desk]Asterisk After Hours
14:37.45file[desk]Asterisk Developers All The Time
14:37.54drumkilla/kick file[desk]
14:38.17file[desk]drumkilla: I had a dream I was going to Cluecon lastnight, but they wouldn't let me in the US :(
14:38.22drumkillastupid command never goes through ...
14:38.27drumkillafile[desk]: hahaha
14:38.33drumkillasux0rz for you!
14:38.37WeezeyDfile[desk]: is that because you're a terrorist?
14:38.44file[desk]WeezeyD: :(
14:38.46Juggiei woudnt let bums from New brunswick in the us :P
14:39.04MikeJ[Laptop]hey.. 996
14:39.05drumkillaI mean, have you seen file[desk] ?!
14:39.07file[desk]I wouldn't let people from Quebec go anyway, and as for Ontario... well screw Ontario!
14:39.08drumkillahe LOOKS like a terrorist
14:39.16WeezeyDfile[desk]: or because they're using that new xray vision screening thing and they saw how big your johnson was and couldn't let you in without a permit.
14:39.16file[desk]I'm the perfect terrorist
14:39.28MikeJ[Laptop]I'm on my way to ontario
14:39.29Juggiefile[desk], your just jelous of ontario :)
14:39.32MikeJ[Laptop]in 30 min
14:39.39Juggiemikej where are you going
14:39.57WeezeyDgood 'ol Windsor.
14:40.00MikeJ[Laptop]party at my grandparents house
14:40.04WeezeyDGo visit my friends at MNSi.
14:40.16Juggiei'm flying to toronto in 6hrs
14:40.35drumkilla... to get crack.
14:40.39file[desk]drumkilla: nooooooooooo
14:40.43WeezeyDJuggie: I'll come meet you at the airport.   I'll have a sign with "Jugs" on it.
14:40.46file[desk]resist the urge
14:40.54Juggiehaha.... thats ok :)
14:41.04Juggiei am here for a cisco bootcamp for the week
14:41.07WeezeyDthe new Terminal 1?
14:41.16Juggieyah i guess
14:41.26WeezeyDit's splendiferous
14:41.29WeezeyDwhere you from?
14:41.44WeezeyDI like Ottawa
14:41.55WeezeyDNapanee is nice.
14:41.59minestrone[newbee] whould someone help me configure incoming calls in my asteriks@home environment?
14:42.13WeezeyDI go up for that Capital Classic horse show every year.
14:42.37WeezeyDmy girl's into all that crap.
14:43.36*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:43.51*** join/#asterisk file (
14:44.53mostyyou know what they say about girls who like horses ;)
14:44.55WeezeyDfile is no longer at his desk
14:45.04WeezeyDmosty: they have big feet?
14:45.22mostyactually, that *is* what they say. ie "you know what they say about girls who like horses ;)"
14:45.46WeezeyDmosty: they like to bounce.
14:45.52WeezeyDon big animals
14:46.09WeezeyDthe truth is, they're pretty nuts
14:46.33mostywell here, when people say that, they just trail off chuckling
14:47.02WeezeyDjust like that; "you know what they say about a guy with big hands?"
14:47.08X-Rob'big gloves!'
14:48.33WeezeyDso frickin' hot here.
14:50.17ariel_minestrone, we can help you. There is channel just for amp setups it's called #amportal
14:50.38*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
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14:55.14WeezeyDhey!  remember King's Quest?
14:55.24Juggiekings quest 1-7
14:55.28Juggiewho could forget
14:55.33Juggieor space quest, or quest for glory
14:55.47WeezeyDahh, the good old days
14:55.56WeezeyDwhere games came on 19 floppy disks
14:56.59*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
14:58.28*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
14:59.19JerJerPolice Quest
14:59.37Juggiequest for glory was the best
14:59.40Juggiepolice quest was ok
14:59.50JerJerLeisure Suit Larry
14:59.58Juggiethat was good too
15:00.08WeezeyDI liked making turns at 100mph on city streets in PQ
15:00.32JerJerlol yeah
15:02.08WeezeyDhave you guys played Peasant's Quest?  It
15:02.18WeezeyD's a nice blast from the past.
15:03.52ariel_I actually kept my Commador 128 for just that until it's drive broke.
15:08.02WeezeyDthrow baby.
15:09.53WeezeyDone of my DIDs is constantly mis-dialed
15:10.20filepoor you
15:10.27MarlowWeezey: eh .. you wouldn't want to know, how many people misdial stuff .
15:10.39MarlowWeezeyD: especially 1800 or UK 0800 numbers
15:11.00SarahEmmat my last job my desk number was one digit off from the Ricki Lake Show's number....
15:11.05SarahEmmt'was amusing/annoying
15:11.47drumkillaheh, could have used Asterisk .. "If you're calling for Ricki Lake - WRONG NUMBER, otherwise, press 1"
15:12.07WeezeyDdrumkilla: it's per minute, so I'd have to pay.
15:12.30WeezeyDI wanna find out what number they are really dialling, then mimic the system that's there.
15:12.32MarlowWeezey: that depends if it's a toll-free or not .
15:12.44WeezeyDthen send out bills for phone calls.
15:12.50MarlowWeezeyD: and of course, if you're paying for inbound
15:12.56WeezeyDMarlow: am.
15:13.08MarlowWeezeyD: paying for inbound is lame
15:14.03Marlowhere in Europe the only time you pay for inbound is, if you are roaming internationally with a cellphone
15:14.03*** join/#asterisk MattY1234 (
15:14.58Marlowand i'm potty training our salesguys on using voip in the Hotel as much as possible instead of cellphones ..
15:15.13MattY1234Hi, is anyone here available to help me with a little Asterisk problem? :)
15:15.27fileMattY1234: ask your question, detail the problem
15:15.51drumkillawrong channel, this is for Asterisk ... the kneepads!
15:16.07Marlowdrumkilla: ehehhehehe
15:16.12MattY1234well im a n00b and only installed it yesterday but I keep getting Jun 12 15:58:37 NOTICE[26597]: chan_iax2.c:5448 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
15:16.20MattY1234ive edited my sip.conf etc
15:16.33drumkillawell, you should be looking at iax.conf silly head
15:16.33MarlowMattY1234: that's for iax ..
15:16.33SarahEmmwell, as per the message, that's an IAX issue not a SIP issue :)
15:16.34MattY1234im trying to use DIAX softphone
15:17.00drumkillageez. just flood him guys
15:17.00SarahEmmerr.. you want iax.conf not sip.conf
15:17.02jontow"well im a n00b" ... <-- too easy :)))
15:17.26jontowpoor guy :P
15:17.44Marlowjoin #asterisk-n00bs :)
15:17.49jontowi kinda liked diax a bit; wasn't so polished though..
15:18.34MattY1234well it was a bordem thing which is why I installed it
15:19.34MattY1234all I wanted to do was get it running so I could make calls between PCs and get it to make a few outbound calls with an old Winbond ISDN PCI card
15:19.54SarahEmmyou have a BRI at home?
15:20.00MattY1234no its at work
15:20.02SarahEmmahh okay.
15:20.03MattY1234all plugged in
15:20.14Marlowwait a second ..
15:20.18Marlowsarge has been released ?
15:20.20MattY1234it picked it up as an AOpen card
15:20.25SarahEmmMarlow: a week or two ago, yeah.
15:20.26olivier_yep Marlow
15:20.50*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (~jk@
15:20.56Marlowcoffee kicks in
15:22.07*** join/#asterisk meppl (
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15:22.31MattY1234so with the above in mind wheres the best place to start?
15:23.22fileI crave my Powerbook :(
15:23.50fileI ordered it Wednesday, it should be here by... well... Wednesday!
15:23.54file15" Combo with 1GB of RAM
15:23.56SarahEmmyay =^.^=
15:24.05WeezeyDSarahEmm: what kind of dell?
15:24.11SarahEmminspiron 700m
15:24.16fileI beat bkw_ :P
15:24.20filejust like I said I would
15:24.43bkw_file ?
15:24.48SarahEmmfile: err.. physical, or to buying a powerbook, or what?
15:24.52bkw_let me talk to alan and see if I can beat you
15:24.54filebkw_: on getting the Powerbook
15:25.12bkw_I'll get you
15:25.13fileno outside help allowed! :P
15:25.16SarahEmmgah, i forgot to enable frame tracing.
15:25.17bkw_i'll give alan all your AIM logins
15:25.20bkw_that should fix it
15:25.41filethen he'll add me to his list of people to pester when there's a problem
15:25.49robl^I need coffee!  I really need a faster cofeemaker
15:25.57SarahEmmhehe robl^
15:26.00fileI need a laptop! I really need my Powerbook
15:27.59*** join/#asterisk Aboulafia (~adlp@
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15:27.59filecool, Grandstream added some more codecs to the GXP
15:27.59*** join/#asterisk rajo_ (
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15:28.25bkw_file, which ones?
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15:29.31filebkw_: they added GSM and G723 5.3k
15:29.38filethey seem to be slowly adding on the features they said they would have
15:29.56*** join/#asterisk jonas ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:30.16*** join/#asterisk Strom_TM (
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15:30.29fileI wonder if I can coax a phone out of them for messaging/presence testing with asterisk
15:31.12Strom_TMdepends on what kind of phone :)
15:31.29fileGXP2000 :P
15:32.14*** join/#asterisk valence ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:32.38fileMr. Carlson, how are you doing?
15:32.45SarahEmmhow is the GXP2k compared to the budgetones?
15:32.47Strom_TMDoing quite well :)
15:32.58fileSarahEmm: much better, it's not as cheap ironically
15:33.12Strom_TMI'm assembling my asterisk talk for defcon
15:33.22fileStrom_TM: excellent
15:33.36SarahEmmfile: cool... i'm very much not impressed with the bt101 heh
15:34.08filethe barbietone!
15:34.54SarahEmmwill have to get a cisco or a polycom when i deploy things here...
15:35.20Strom_TMI'm working on the section discussing terminal equipment...I've got a cisco 7960 and polycom ip600 as examples of the high end, a budgetone 100 as a low end example, and a snom 190 as a midrange example
15:36.00Strom_TMim not so sure about the snom as a midrange phone; it seems kind of pricey considering you can get ciscos for almost the same price
15:36.29SarahEmmi was thinking cisco for here, but people keep pushing me towards teh polycoms
15:37.42filegood man!
15:37.42drrayI used the cisco 7969 for a mitel console replacement
15:37.49drrayit's very nice
15:37.54SarahEmmonly one i've tried is the bt101
15:38.08drrayI have a BT101 on my desk
15:38.09SarahEmmdrray: 7960? that's prolly what i'd get...
15:38.19SarahEmmdrray: me too, but it doesn't seem to work anymore..
15:38.31drrayI severely messed it up
15:38.34drraythe BT101
15:38.36drrayhad to reflash it
15:38.38drrayand pray
15:38.44drrayit righted itself
15:39.37Strom_TMNow the real question I leave that 7960 sitting disused on a shelf outside in the office?
15:39.45*** join/#asterisk olivier_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:39.52drrayI bought teh budgetone 101 with the asterisk dev kit  and was very happy with it at first
15:40.03SarahEmmdrray: hmm, a flash is something to try i suppose.
15:40.04drraygot to test asterisk for under $300
15:40.14SarahEmmit looks like it's working fine, except it never detects an ethernet link
15:40.25drraySarah mine was clicking on bootup
15:41.01drrayI power cycled it during a reboot and messed it up
15:41.28filethe energy's too much for me
15:41.37fileI'm mighty deep and I can't get away
15:41.40fileI've gotta stay
15:41.43filecan't run away
15:42.33*** join/#asterisk blop (blop@2001:6f8:204:33:bbbb:bbbb:bbbb:bbbb)
15:44.24Strom_TMwoohoo, we just had a tiny earthquake in los angeles
15:45.04JerJernot even a 5.0  :)
15:45.08SarahEmmalmost a 5 looks like?
15:45.11Strom_TMit was a 5.6
15:45.17SarahEmmokay, so more than a 5 heh
15:45.20Strom_TMbut it was a ways away
15:45.53*** join/#asterisk tclark (
15:49.10fileit's all, like, an orbital simulator!
15:49.31bkw_MacGyver died
15:50.12fileno he didn't
15:50.19SarahEmmRTFA :)
15:50.23SarahEmmsomeone else who was on the show did
15:50.45Strom_TMThat was a disappointing earthquake
15:51.18fileStrom_TM: maybe another will come!
15:51.31Strom_TMbut it was epicentered all the way out past Temecula
15:52.01djindude, MacGyver will not die. If he needs a pacemaker or something, He'll make one out of a touthbrush and a fork.
15:52.17bkw_ah yes
15:52.23bkw_I read the headline...:P
15:52.25robl^djin, and some bubblegum!
15:52.28bkw_dude I just woke up again
15:52.32bkw_i'm fucking tired
15:52.37djin+ ducttape ;)
15:53.19*** join/#asterisk Romik_ (
16:04.14*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~pingu@
16:04.23PakiPenguinEvening Everyone
16:06.10*** join/#asterisk pjz (
16:07.01Weezeycows say nrr
16:08.01*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
16:09.03*** join/#asterisk exonic_ (
16:09.40exonic_How is TDMoE on asterisk? I'm very interested to incorporate a cluster of asterisk boxes in stead of the two I'm currently using
16:10.45*** join/#asterisk Marlow (
16:14.51*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (~Personal@
16:15.18bkw_RUDE RUDE RUDE
16:15.23PakiPenguinhey JerJer
16:15.40bkw_exonic_, do you run up to a group of people and just bust in and ask questions?
16:15.45bkw_atleast say Hi
16:15.56JerJerPakiPenguin:  moo
16:16.03bkw_exonic_, use google
16:16.06bkw_it has the answers
16:16.16bkw_you be playing with fire if you use TDMoE
16:16.27bkw_two words.. KERNEL PANIC
16:16.28exonic_well I better start doing that on the street. Run through the mall, stop and start asking people about TDMoE
16:16.34PakiPenguinJerJer, meeooow :p , pvt for one sec please?
16:16.59bkw_exonic_, hahah smart ass.. I like you!
16:17.01exonic_bkw_, thanks for the input, and sorry for just busting in
16:17.08bkw_tiz ok
16:17.19NeonLevelgood afternooon, hey does anyone know, if there's an * channel in spanish?
16:17.21*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
16:17.23bkw_your the first that has countered with that.
16:18.07*** join/#asterisk _sigterm (
16:18.54Marlowbkw_: kernel panic ? HEAD only or both HEAD and stable ?
16:19.10exonic_i'm googlin about those kernel panics, that's exciting :)
16:19.17*** join/#asterisk ArkyLady (
16:19.19bkw_i'm just saying
16:19.26bkw_kernel panic can and does happen with TDMoE
16:19.43SarahEmmshow frame stats
16:19.50fileyeekz my mother is worrying about every little thing
16:20.01Marlowfile: and that is news ?
16:20.11file"Did you get this signed?" "Did you deposit this check?"
16:20.24fileno wonder she complains about being stressed out
16:20.48exonic_move out, that's how you get the upper hand
16:21.55exonic_bkw_, care if I probe for more info about these kernel panics?
16:21.56bkw_hey guys check this out
16:22.00bkw_go turn on the dnsmgr
16:22.05bkw_go into iax.conf
16:22.08bkw_rename a peer
16:22.11bkw_then reload
16:22.15ArkyLadyno probing bkw now
16:22.33bkw_exonic_, not unless you want me to bill you for said probing
16:23.42fileooh getting personal
16:23.51*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
16:26.49bkw_bwo bugs repoted
16:26.54bkw_er two bugs
16:27.02bkw_dnsmgr causes segfault if you change an iax peer
16:27.09bkw_and iax2 codec pref is broken AGAIN!!!
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16:33.48*** part/#asterisk NeonLevel (~Personal@
16:35.49diablopicowhat part of the install for zaptel creates the /dev/zap directories ?
16:36.28drumkillaif you're running devfs, the makefile does it
16:36.48drumkillaif you're running udev, then you have to install the udev rules for it
16:36.55diablopicoi did the cvs download ,, and the make clean / make install ,, didnt see any errors ,, but asterisk witll not run
16:37.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:37.55diablopicohow do i find out what i am runnning ?
16:38.01JerJerasterisk -vvvgc
16:39.52*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
16:42.47djin*CLI> show version
16:43.03djinoh sorry.
16:43.14djinyou said it's not running :)
16:43.29zoaim running version 0.9 of zos
16:43.46diablopicoright ...
16:44.20diablopicothe CD that was shipped with the cards was broke in shipping ,, any one know what is on the cd ,, and where i can dl to replace it ?
16:44.39zoaprobably asterisk sources
16:44.46zoadownload them from
16:45.05djinAh, ManxPower. Now I know what company you were visiting in Eindhoven ;)
16:45.24djinThey work closely with one of my telecom providers.
16:46.20diablopicoi did the cvs donload of the latest stable version ,, i am running all the make clen ; make installs for it ,, but when it is all done ,, there are no /dev/zap directories ,, and chan_zap.o fails
16:47.20Marlowdiablopico: that's because for zaptel you also need to build the modules .
16:47.23Juggiediablopico, os?
16:48.13Marlowdiablopico: so you did compile both zaptel, asterisk and libpri ?
16:48.18diablopicofedora core3
16:48.31diablopicocompiled all 3
16:48.54Marlowdiablopico: and did make install on all 3 ?
16:49.11Juggiediablopico, in zaptel directory
16:49.14Juggiedo make udev
16:49.23*** join/#asterisk jontow (
16:49.24diablopicook .. let me try
16:49.59diablopico*** no rules
16:50.24diablopicois that a config file i need to modify ?
16:51.50Marlowdiablopico: that was in zaptel .
16:51.54Marlowdiablopico: you need to do that .
16:52.01diablopicoi did
16:52.07diablopicocd /zaptel
16:52.10Marlowhmm ..
16:52.17diablopicothen make udev
16:52.22*** join/#asterisk iq (
16:52.38diablopicothe zconfig.h has udev support already set up
16:52.40iqHi All
16:52.55diablopico#define CONFIG_ZAP_UDEV
16:54.13diablopicoMakenshi: *** No rule to make target `udev'.  Stop.
16:54.19Marlowdiablopico: check this:
16:54.28Marlowdiablopico: see that you have followed all the steps
16:54.35diablopicodid i do something wrong ?
16:54.45Marlowdiablopico: it's actually "make linux26"
16:54.49Marlowdiablopico: try that .
16:55.01Marlowdiablopico: but that page is step for step for fc3
16:59.43*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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17:03.17*** join/#asterisk skel_home (
17:03.44*** join/#asterisk MattY1234 (
17:04.02skel_homedoes anyone know a soft phone for linux that will work with the Cisco Call Manager? I know its not an asterisk related question but this is the only crowd that would have a clue I thought.
17:04.09MattY1234anyone got Asterisk making outbound calls with an ISDN BRI card? Winbond chipset
17:04.24*** join/#asterisk iq|laptop (
17:04.45MattY1234Im not sure what it should be defined as in extensions.conf
17:04.52bkw_RUDE RUDE RUDE
17:04.59bkw_what is it with people
17:05.06bkw_just bust in the channel and ask questions
17:05.20*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Please say Hi before asking questions.
17:05.37MattY1234well its more of a continuation from my dumb questions earlier and I did ask nicely then :)
17:06.02bkw_well two of you do it at once.. damn
17:06.17jontowskel_home; no.. if its SCCP (Skinny) based CallManager.. no.
17:06.19zoait takes at least two to do it good
17:06.23bkw_did your momma not ever slap the piss out of you for being rude?
17:06.32skel_homejontow: that it is =/ ok thanks
17:06.34MattY1234I was being abused earlier :)
17:06.35bkw_mine did once.. never was rude again
17:06.36zoaactually i think there is some cisco softphone that might do sccp
17:06.41jontowthe hardphones even suck; if you can get it to listen to SIP, you may have something goin for ya.. otherwise; just use asterisk and trunk it in
17:06.45jontow.. zoa; for linux?
17:06.46*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
17:06.55skel_homebkw_: you're being rude right now.. or at least terribly untactful
17:07.05bkw_the one and major bitch i'll have is busting in and not saying hi before asking questions.
17:07.22drumkillaeveryone should do this
17:07.27MattY1234I said hi earlier
17:07.30drumkillai'm working on level 27.
17:07.55*** part/#asterisk skel_home (
17:07.57MattY1234hi, anyone got Asterisk making outbound calls with an ISDN BRI card? Winbond chipset?
17:08.00*** join/#asterisk skel_home (
17:08.18SarahEmmhihi skel!
17:08.23*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Please say Hi before asking questions if you're new here.
17:08.32skel_homefair enough =]
17:08.38MattY1234SarahEmm knows I said hi earlier
17:08.58bkw_well still its rude to just join and ask questions without seeing the flow of the channel
17:09.11MattY1234and then got ribbed because I was using IAX when I shouldnt be :)
17:09.21bkw_who did the ribbing?
17:09.25MattY1234cant remember
17:09.39MattY1234they wanted to flood me which I didnt think was too friendly
17:09.41bkw_chances are it was someone that didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
17:09.56bkw_this channel is full of people that know it all
17:10.11bkw_the mailing list is too
17:10.15*** join/#asterisk shido (
17:10.22MattY1234btw there was no flow of the channel it was quiet :)
17:10.24bkw_opinions are like assholes everyone has one... if you remember that you can move on :P
17:10.32MattY1234true true
17:10.39drumkillabkw_ usually has 5 or 6
17:10.52skel_homewhoa.. alien alert
17:11.01bkw_opinions that is
17:11.01drumkillaopinions ... not assholes
17:11.03bkw_not assholes
17:11.09skel_homethat's gotta be bad if you ever go to prison
17:11.12bkw_drumkilla, :P
17:11.23bkw_he must not know me well
17:11.25MattY1234it would be alot of toilet paper if it was 5 or 6 assholes
17:11.33drumkillahaha ...
17:11.42drumkillaif you had 6 of those ... my hat would come off to you
17:12.20drumkillathat would be mighty impressive
17:12.57bkw_reminds me of southpark
17:13.02bkw_and the 4 assed monkey
17:13.22drumkillagood times
17:16.08MattY1234so now we have the nice thoughts any help with my question? :)
17:16.34drumkillathe answer is no!
17:19.41skel_homeHow many roads must a man walk down?
17:20.08Marlownone .. but that doesn't get him anywhere :)
17:20.13drumkillawho walks?
17:20.41Marlowdrumkilla: the fool :)
17:21.23MattY1234anyone know what the aopen driver is all about then?
17:21.46MarlowMattY1234: about everything called chan_modem_something is useless :)
17:22.20MattY1234its only a test box
17:22.32MattY1234if it works then I probably get something decent
17:23.00Marlowthat it is a testbox doesn't mean that you want to bother with the grieve and quality the chan_modem drivers will give you
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17:23.33cochihm huh. got lost in here
17:23.40*** join/#asterisk telephoneman (
17:24.31bkw_drumkilla, did you see da bugs I posted?
17:24.45bkw_iax2 codec pref stuff is broken yet again
17:24.57drumkillafix it
17:25.14bkw_4514 should be commited already
17:25.28telephonemandoes anyone know the status of Digium's DS3000P card?  Release date?
17:25.30bkw_drumkilla, anthm and I will fix it... ;) but we didn't break it
17:25.43bkw_does anyone never say Hi
17:25.50telephonemanhi people
17:26.20jontow(hi bkw)
17:26.37Marlowtelephoneman: read the thread on the mailinglist .
17:26.45Marlowtelephoneman: and don't know more than now :)
17:26.59telephonemanusers, biz, or dev
17:27.03Marlowtelephoneman: but that is as near as you get yo your info .
17:27.13telephonemanok i'll check it out
17:27.13Marlowtelephoneman: anything, but users is probably not far off :)
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17:27.36Marlowtelephoneman: and plan a couple of hours for it ..
17:27.36MattY1234Marlow: so what drivers should I be using or is it not worth it at all with the ISDN card?
17:28.15MarlowMattY1234: sure .... anything that has either capi, mISDN or hfc/bristuff support .
17:29.00MarlowMattY1234: even though you are in the second worst country worldwide for ISDN :)
17:29.25*** join/#asterisk iq_ (
17:30.09MattY1234why is it so bad?
17:30.15MattY1234in this country?
17:30.24MarlowMattY1234: because BT does odd things to ISDN ..
17:30.28diablopicook ,, i have asterisk running actually.
17:30.35MarlowMattY1234: anyhow ..  if you have ISDN available, then a 20 eur billion isdn card from Komplett will do ..
17:30.35MattY1234BT do odd things all the time :)
17:30.56MarlowMattY1234: and will give you decent results with mISDN or bristuff
17:30.58diablopicobut now zap show channels gives me    Chan Extension  Context         Language   MusicOnHold
17:31.16MattY1234I got a winbond ISDN chipset PCI card at the moment
17:31.22diablopicois this supposed to show all 62 channels from the e1s ?
17:31.31MattY1234whats the diff between that and the billion ISDN card?
17:31.38drumkilladiablopico: yes
17:31.40MarlowMattY1234: if you can get it running with mISDN on kernel 2.6 . go ahead ..
17:31.47MarlowMattY1234: then you need chan_mISDN
17:31.56drumkillaor 60 of them, at least
17:32.21diablopicoso now i have to edit the zaptel.conf to make it show them ?
17:32.25MarlowMattY1234: you .. search google for it :)
17:32.29drumkillazaptel.conf zapata.conf
17:32.41MarlowMattY1234: it's not part of asterisk itself .. third-party add-on
17:32.49drumkillamicrosoft isdn
17:33.04diablopicook ,, i have done this with the e100p card ,, but not with 2 te110p cards before
17:33.04Marlowdrumkilla: actually not .. but you might think ..
17:33.12drumkillajusssst kidding
17:33.34MattY1234Marlow: i4linux works with the chipset card I have at the moment
17:33.36Marlowdrumkilla: even though i don't think so .. microsoft would never use the non-capital "m" for anything .. everything needs to be capital
17:33.37drumkilladiablopico: pretty much the same config.  different driver, and double the channel list in those files :)
17:33.58MarlowMattY1234: might be .. but as I said .. the modem drivers are poor ..
17:34.10MarlowMattY1234: you will get odd voice with chan_modem_i4l
17:34.29MarlowMattY1234: and unreliable results
17:36.10MattY1234Marlow: k, thanks
17:38.00MattY1234Marlow: for all your help :) Gives me a bit of reading/research to do :)
17:40.50SarahEmmgah! :P
17:41.09SarahEmmfinish off one bugfix, write three lines of app code, discover another bug in * to fix *giggle*
17:41.29MarlowSarahEmm: isn't that the usual ?
17:42.05SarahEmmheh, lately it seems to be 'cuz i'm using functions that nobody seems to use
17:42.15SarahEmmi'm hoping i'll get to a point where everything just works and i can just write the apps
17:42.33MarlowSarahEmm: or doesn't realise, that they are broken ..
17:42.44SarahEmmno, this is broken like 'hangs up the channel instead of working'
17:42.48SarahEmmthat's hard to not realize ;)
17:42.49diablopiconoe i get ::: WARNING[26420]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
17:43.12diablopicoi think the conf file is wrong ,, but maybe you can give me some insight
17:43.48drumkillalet's start with the zaptel side :)
17:43.53drumkillais zaptel.conf written?
17:44.32drumkillais the module loaded?
17:44.46drumkillafile: !!!
17:44.49drumkillai missed you ;)
17:45.21diablopicowhat do you mean module loaded ,, i did the modprobe zaptel ,, and modprobe wct1xxp
17:45.52drumkillawrong module ... load wcte11xp
17:46.12drumkillaand then run ztcfg -vv
17:46.17drumkillaand verify that the output is happy
17:46.22skel_homeI'm going to register a search engine for the dead and it will index nothing but dead links
17:46.25diablopicook ,, let me try
17:47.24bkw_file, are you ready for your emacs lesson?
17:47.39filebkw_: not particularly
17:47.43diablopicoline 142: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
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17:47.55bkw_let me know.. i'll show you the ways of the emacs
17:47.57filehow is Thursday for you?
17:48.02fileor maybe, next year!
17:48.09bkw_haha no
17:48.11bkw_tony made me learn it
17:48.14bkw_i'm happy that he did
17:48.26bkw_trust me it will make your life easy
17:48.52drumkilladiablopico: sounds like you don't have udev setup correcrlt
17:48.55fileI'm busyyyyyy
17:48.56drumkillacorrectly, that is
17:49.05bkw_we don't have to do it now
17:49.09bkw_we can do that later
17:49.13jontowfor me.. there is just something about an editor that i have to leave open for the simple annoyance of startup time :))
17:49.13fileyesterday was my "relaxation day"
17:49.20filetoday is my productive day to finish school projects
17:49.32bkw_I get most of my work done on sat and sun also
17:49.35filetomorrow is my running around at school tying up lose ends day
17:49.36bkw_no people bugging me all day
17:49.43filetuesday is my physics insanity day
17:49.50filewednesday is my teaching my teachers how to do stuff day
17:49.54filethursday is more physics insanity
17:49.58filefriday is graduation practice all day
17:50.04filesaturday is driver's license junk
17:50.13fileyada yada yada
17:50.14bkw_you gonna drive to cluecon?
17:50.23filedrive to cluecon? yeah that would take a few days LOL
17:50.36bkw_about the same time i twould take me
17:50.57bkw_If we hire you know who.. i'll drive
17:51.30diablopicoi cant find the rules file to modify with the lines given to me in README.udev
17:51.52bkw_what is the conf file name?
17:52.34MooingLemurhmm.. there's no way to know what extension a parked call will end up in before it parks, is there?
17:52.46fileMooingLemur: if you use valet parking or super valet parking, yes
17:52.48bkw_parking drama
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17:52.58bkw_super valet parking was a test
17:52.59bkw_thats it
17:52.59diablopicoplease excuse my ignorance ,, but this is actually only the second time i have looked at asterisk ,,
17:53.12diablopicowhat conf file ?
17:53.14bkw_diablopico, this isn't an asterisk conf file
17:53.19bkw_the udev.conf or what ever
17:53.21bkw_I don't use udev
17:53.23bkw_so I haven't a clue
17:53.29bkw_but you can locate the file with find
17:53.31bkw_or locate
17:53.34bkw_if you know the filename
17:53.36MooingLemurso that the dialplan can drop a spool file knowing the parked exten
17:53.42diablopicook ,, let me look ,,, thanks
17:53.47Marlowdiablopico: you use fc3, which 2.6, so you use udev :)
17:54.00SarahEmmanyone know how many people are expected at cluecon?
17:54.01bkw_he doesn't know the file name to put the udev rules in
17:54.02diablopicothanks Marlow
17:54.11bkw_SarahEmm, I want 120--150
17:54.15SarahEmmbkw: cool
17:54.20SarahEmmbkw_: smallish :)
17:54.31bkw_well dont think we can really be much help if we get bigger than that
17:54.34bkw_it will be chaos
17:54.58bkw_now i'm still on a mission for bandwidth to be beamed in
17:55.06bkw_I don't wanna get stuck with the DSL the hotel has
17:55.11fileyessssss we neeeeeeed bandwidth
17:55.16bkw_i'm really trying my best to get someone to beam us something in faster
17:55.23bkw_maybe JerJer can help me find someone
17:55.47SarahEmmheh, we get lots of extra bandwidth normally beamed in at the convention i help out running, this year it didn't happen and we ended up with a T1 for the convention...
17:56.03bkw_that sucks
17:56.07SarahEmmt'was slightly slow ;)
17:56.55bkw_see I don't want that to happen here
17:57.01filewe're geeks, telephony geeks
17:57.02bkw_astricon was hell over that
17:57.03filewe NEED bandwidth
17:57.07fileor I will go crazy
17:57.07bkw_we USE the internet
17:57.10bkw_we don't sip on it
17:57.12bkw_we fucking use it
17:57.15SarahEmmthis con is geeky peoples too, lots of people trying to get online..
17:57.18bkw_we we might "sip" on it
17:57.21filebkw_: haha
17:57.26filethat was bad.
17:57.29bkw_we might "eeks" on it
17:57.37fileyeah very bad
17:57.52Marlownaughty naughty bkw
17:58.36filebkw_ touched my inodes again
17:58.44bkw_i'll be the ring leader at the place
17:58.48bkw_so you know its gonna be fun
17:58.59SarahEmmit'd be nifty to meet random peoples i talk to here
17:59.26bkw_all of astricon I had people showing up saying thanks all the time
17:59.29*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
17:59.34bkw_because apparently I helped them at some point
17:59.34DaLionanyone use winsasterisk ?
17:59.44bkw_what is it with people
17:59.47filebkw_: we should get hats with our IRC nicks :P
17:59.54bkw_file, lets do
17:59.56bkw_top hats
17:59.59filebkw_: haha
18:00.06DaLionseems VM is wrogn path
18:00.17bkw_DaLion, you just busted in and asked
18:00.18bkw_how rude
18:00.23DaLionhey brian sorry
18:00.26DaLionhold habbit
18:00.27bkw_its ok
18:00.36bkw_just trying to get some manners back into people around here
18:00.40drumkillathe fix is to use linux
18:00.41bkw_not all
18:00.50bkw_I have to agree with drumkilla
18:00.52bkw_I hate linux
18:00.55bkw_hate hate hate it
18:00.57bkw_but ya know
18:00.57DaLionFBSD ?
18:00.59bkw_to use asterisk good
18:01.01bkw_you need it
18:01.02fileI like OSX
18:01.07bkw_me too
18:01.10DaLioni use pocket pc
18:01.14bkw_and once we have hardware support for all the goodies
18:01.18bkw_that will be sexy
18:01.29fileI had a dream lastnight we had full zaptel on OSX
18:01.47DaLionhmm you work too much when you dream of dialplan fixes ?
18:01.53filelastnight was my asterisk geeky dreaming night
18:01.55bkw_file that will happen in a week or so
18:02.03drumkillaa week or so?  ha
18:02.13fileDaLion: I get ideas in my dreams
18:02.21filethen I wake up and use my laptop beside my bed to type them out before I forget
18:02.40DaLionu know why you get ideas in shower ?
18:02.45DaLionor bathroom in general ?
18:03.12DaLionthe absence of color make your subconscient more focused..
18:03.20DaLionwals are white etc..
18:03.36DaLionthat only happens to people with no colored walls in bathroom.. 89% a study said
18:03.46DaLioni wish asterisk was white
18:03.56drumkillawhat the heck is going on
18:04.11filewho wants to see geeks dance? COME TO CLUECON!
18:04.23drumkillaonly if I get to dance with file
18:04.25DaLionbtw ... my darn asterisk latest head is still not pushing the right SDP packets...
18:04.34filedrumkilla: that can be arranged
18:04.47DaLionits writing the sip ansers as so .. the rtp stream never get routed
18:04.59fileDaLion: have externip and localnet set?
18:05.05drumkillaanother solution for you ... don't use SIP !
18:05.11DaLionno choice
18:05.23filethen you don't have it set right, because I know of tons of people who use externip and localnet right
18:05.29filein fact I just helped someone earlier this week
18:05.40filedrumkilla: so come to Cluecon and you shall dance with me!~
18:06.05DaLionim using nat to nat
18:06.14DaLionbasically box is behind a double firewall with carpe tc
18:06.25DaLionbut tcp and udp all ok
18:06.30DaLiononly thing is audio streams
18:06.32fileokay, I'm resisting the urge to yell at you
18:06.44DaLionSER is only solution i can thing of
18:06.51drumkillawhy is SIP required again?
18:06.52filewhy would SER help you?
18:07.00DaLionis i put one outside the FW.. but then whats the use of a FW if you have outside boxes..
18:07.07DaLioncoz i got SIP users
18:07.10DaLionon outside..
18:07.28filewhere do people get this idea that SER is the magical SIP fix for everything
18:07.30DaLionand they cant just all buy a suse box to play with talking about ata's users
18:07.40DaLionSER with nathelper could help
18:07.51drumkillaDaLion: IAXy!
18:08.01filea properly setup asterisk can do it too...
18:08.24Marlowdrumkilla: doens't help, if they aren't delivered right now .. also doesn't help, because it doesn't support low bandwidth codec
18:08.42drumkillaI'm just joking around here, folks.
18:08.44diablopicook ,, got the udev.conf file , and the permissions file adjusted ,, and when i run modprobe ,, i dont get an error
18:08.50filedrumkilla IS a joke
18:08.54drumkilladiablopico: woohoo
18:09.03drumkillaand ztcfg -vv ?
18:09.22fileyay kram
18:09.27drumkillakram is my hero
18:09.29DaLionit still not rewriting the sdp thingy.. i see 172.16.x.x and 192.168 .xxx in the darn contact etc etc
18:09.37DaLioni tried route , yes, no, etc
18:09.57Marlowdrumkilla: bit i'm really excited to see, if virbiage's ata is worth something ..
18:09.57fileSDP != contact
18:09.58diablopico0 channels configured ,, line 142: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
18:09.58DaLionand RFC3581
18:10.19DaLionwell a tcp dump shows and etc etc
18:10.32filenat=yes for users/peers behind NAT, localnet=blah, externip=blah, if asterisk is behind NAT itself
18:10.38filein your case you may need to forward the RTP ports
18:10.54DaLionyeah im forwarding 9999 to 30k
18:11.00diablopicops -ef
18:11.02filekram: would you like to dance with me @ Cluecon?
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18:27.10*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || Cluecon -- PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 || Please say Hi before asking questions if you're new here.
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18:31.21diablopicook ,, got ztcfg -vv to report happy
18:32.07diablopicoso now what ,, do i need to run zttool ?
18:33.31DaLionif i remember correctlthy
18:33.42DaLion*default release=cvs tag=.
18:33.47diablopicocan i get some help ,, i have no idea what all this is in zttool
18:33.48DaLionwill this get latst head or stable ?
18:33.56DaLiondiablo whats the card ?
18:34.25diablopicoi have 2 of them
18:34.35DaLionlet me pastebin my zapata.conf
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18:35.25DaLionnot sure about  busydetect=no
18:35.40DaLioni should use yes.. since when i use the phone attached it picks up
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18:37.39diablopicothat config is form fxs , is the TDM card different ?
18:39.32DaLioni think i got same card as you
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18:39.47diablopicoTE110P for european E1
18:40.00diablopico120 ohm
18:40.10DaLionoh now
18:40.20DaLioni dont lol
18:40.54diablopicoin zttool , it shows unconfigured . what am i supposed to do with the cards ,, LOOP ?
18:41.03SarahEmmno, run 'ztcfg'
18:41.11SarahEmmafter setting up /etc/zaptel.conf
18:41.20diablopicoi did ,, 0 channles cofigured ,, all ok..
18:41.29SarahEmmerr, 0 is not all ok
18:41.34SarahEmmyou set up the config file?
18:41.50diablopicothat is what i am asking for ,, is help setting it up
18:42.14SarahEmmokay... have you edited the config file at all?
18:42.15SarahEmmread the docs?
18:42.19diablopicothe post you made was for fxs , so i am not usre that will owork
18:42.37diablopicoi have tried ,, but get failures
18:42.43DaLionis module loaded ?
18:42.46DaLionmodprobe ?
18:43.00diablopicodo you know what signalling tag to use for CAS/r2 ?
18:43.05diablopicodid modp[robe
18:43.12DaLionand dmesg say all ok ?
18:43.23diablopicono message ,, just loaded mod
18:43.37DaLionmy dmesg says 4-5 lines about it
18:43.44DaLionZapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
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18:43.54DaLionFound a Wildcard FXO:
18:44.25diablopicoright ,, that is what i expected ,, but i get nothing ,, i thought i had to run zttool to initiate the cards
18:44.54diablopicoUNCONFIGURED    Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0
18:45.04diablopicoand Card 1
18:46.19diablopicoi am lost ,,,
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18:52.11gambolputtyCan * execute another dial command when it gets back a 503 "service unavailable" message from a device?
18:52.35shidonext priority
18:52.43gambolputtylike 101?
18:52.54shidoyou catch on quick.
18:53.08gambolputtywas only used to doing 101 with voicemail
18:54.18shidothink about it
18:55.07shido2, if they arent available
18:55.11shido103, if they are busy
18:57.06*** join/#asterisk Chibski_Work (~chibski@
19:00.38WeezeyI thought it was 102 if busy.
19:00.42jontowim having problems wrapping my head around flow control in the dialplan; and i don't know why.. :o
19:00.42Weezeythat explains a lot.
19:01.03jontowsay i have an IVR that i want to loop 3 times, based upon the 't' (timeout) extension.. after 3 times, dump the caller
19:01.16*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
19:01.39jontowGotoIf($[${ITERATIONS} >= 2]?5:6)
19:02.02jontowwhere ${ITERATIONS} is a local (channel) variable, not global, and is incremented at every hit of the 't' extension..
19:02.13Weezeyjontow: I would just set my timeouts to 10 seconds, and then set absouluteTimeout to 30
19:02.14jontowthe GotoIf() there ALWAYS evaluates to 0?5:6
19:02.37Weezeyt is timeout, then T is absolute timeout
19:02.39jontowwell, its a slightly generic solution to teach my crazy ass some dialplan logic :)
19:02.52*** join/#asterisk DeeJayTwo (
19:02.53jontowi just can't get the GotoIf() expression to *change* ?
19:03.04jontowits like defining ${ITERATIONS} as constant
19:03.28jontowheh :)  it changes elsewhere (ie. when the loop iterates, the value increments) .. but not there
19:04.50WeezeyI've never had much fun with GotoIf, lots of trial and error
19:08.45*** join/#asterisk marc_in_lux (
19:08.55marc_in_luxgood evening
19:09.04marc_in_luxI'm very new with Asterisk
19:09.26marc_in_luxand by pure chance I managed to register my softphone on my laptop
19:09.46marc_in_luxbut I'm having trouble getting my SIP provider registered. I think I may have to do with NAT
19:10.04jbotmethinks sip+nat is <--- Zoa's tutorial
19:10.08marc_in_luxis there a way to trouble shoot?
19:10.20jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
19:10.23marc_in_luxChuji, thanks. I'll go there
19:10.41marc_in_luxThe docs are hard for a newbie in telephony
19:11.14Chujipatience my friend... If you are looking for something quick, Asterisk is not for you
19:11.24jbotastriholics are people that spend every waking hour working with Asterisk. They need a life!
19:12.47gambolputtyThe reason astriholics spend so much time with * is that they can get or keep a job.  :)
19:13.27marc_in_luxI'm not after a job. Mainly, want to set up reliable IP telephony at home :-)
19:13.42ChujiHope you aren't busy for a couple weeks
19:14.04marc_in_luxvery basic, so don't shoot me: I do not need to port forward something like 5060 on my router - right?
19:14.10jbotrumour has it, asterisk@home is, or
19:14.23Chuji^^^^^ easy setup
19:14.23marc_in_luxChuji, no computer left.
19:14.57marc_in_luxI have a server here, running sarge, providing web, email, file, print etc. Would like to add asterisk
19:15.12RoyKin the case of multiple sip peers being members of multiple queues, and without (incoming|outgoing)limit and call waiting on the client, asterisk will keep on calling people already on the phone, right?
19:15.40ChujiRoyK : Yup
19:15.44marc_in_luxI thought, being able to configure those beasts I should get along with Asterisk. But, the terminology is hard enough to derail a beginner...
19:16.46Chujimarc_in_lux : What provider are you using?
19:16.56ChujiYou might not have to worry with NAT
19:16.58jontowi believe i've got it :)
19:17.04jontowcool shit
19:17.24RoyKChuji: any idea how to stop that, if a dumb client doesn't allow me to turn off call waiting?
19:19.19ChujiRoyK : That's a SIP thing man. You can edit app_queue to honor setgroup maybe
19:20.08ChujiSeems like you could congrol it though, I know... I've fought with it before
19:21.41*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
19:22.55marc_in_luxChuji, any insight into why I might not have to worry with NAT
19:23.32diablopicocan anyone help with the zapata.conf setup for 2x TE110P ???
19:23.49SarahEmmdiablopico: you've read the docs?
19:24.03diablopicoas much as i can understand
19:24.10SarahEmmzttool reports everything is good?
19:24.15diablopicoasterisk runs until i try to configure the channels
19:24.31SarahEmmokay.. does zttool show status is OK?
19:24.32diablopicozttool says the cards are unconfigured
19:24.41SarahEmmthen it's not a zapata.conf problem, it's a /etc/zaptel.conf issue
19:24.48SarahEmmcan you your zaptel.conf file?
19:25.04ChujiSome carriers do a better job of supporting NAT. But you should probably go ahead forward port 5060
19:25.09diablopicolet me try that
19:25.23*** join/#asterisk newsmafia (
19:25.29ChujiOr get yourself an IAX carrier
19:25.43marc_in_luxChuji, will try that. Back in 5 mins, I need to reboot the router :-)
19:26.47marc_in_luxtcp or udp?
19:27.14diablopicosorry for my ignorance ,, i will look of=ver the /etc/zaptel.conf for correct config ,, thanks
19:28.04*** join/#asterisk Thus0 (
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19:39.51diablopicoSarahEmm: i have 31 channels configured now ,, but when i run asterisk , zap show channels it says psuedo only
19:39.59*** join/#asterisk marc_in_lux (
19:40.11diablopicoztcfg -vv shows 31 channels
19:41.37SarahEmmeven after ztcfg it still shows UNCONFIGURED?
19:41.40SarahEmm(in zttool)
19:42.32diablopicolet me look
19:43.35marc_in_luxChuji, didn't help :-\
19:43.52diablopicoRED             Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0
19:44.03diablopicoRED             Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0
19:44.19diablopicoOK              Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 1
19:44.34SarahEmmok, RED indicates you've got nothing plugged in, or the other end is down or somesuch. the OK one is fine tho
19:44.37SarahEmmdid you set up zapata.conf?
19:44.38diablopicoi take it RED is not good
19:44.47SarahEmmRED means that channel likely has nothing plugged into it?
19:44.54SarahEmmdo all of your ports have something plugged in?
19:44.55diablopicoi did for one of the cards ,, i dont know how to add the second card
19:45.18SarahEmmerr.... i meant physically
19:45.20SarahEmmis every port used?
19:45.39diablopicothere are E1s plugged in ,, but i have no way to check their status
19:45.46SarahEmmokay... every port has an E1 plugged in?
19:46.05diablopicoonly 2 ports ,, one for each card
19:46.08SarahEmmokay.. do the cables go into smartjacks on the other end, or what? (i've not used T1s up close)
19:46.20SarahEmmerr, not used E1s rather
19:46.35diablopicosame here ,, and i am 8000 miles awayfrom the connection
19:47.04SarahEmmthat's the only way i've worked with E1s too ;)
19:47.21SarahEmmcan you ask the people on the other end to make sure they're plugged in and the smartjack isn't showing any alarms, read off the LEDs to you, etc?
19:47.34diablopiconobody there at this time
19:47.48diablopicothey sais it was all good =before they left
19:48.12SarahEmmhow did they determine 'all good' tho?
19:48.36diablopicothe /etc/zaptel.conf is only configured for 31 channels ,, could that be it ?
19:48.54diablopicoi dont know how they determine anything in that country
19:49.17SarahEmmChuji: heh, i'm working on that in parallel with *..
19:49.30marc_in_luxChuji, that's something I have working :-)
19:49.51ChujiSarahEmm : I have a frontend/backend combined, I need to get a new frontend
19:50.11marc_in_luxget an epia
19:50.13ChujiI'm thinking about those via epia
19:50.18DaLiondoes cisco phone havenat= ?
19:50.28marc_in_luxwith a PVR350 card they make beautiful frontends
19:50.34SarahEmmdiablopico: well, you're missing config for more than 1 E1 it sounds like
19:50.35Chujimarc_in_lux : You using the epia?
19:50.39SarahEmmif you only have 31 channels configured
19:50.48Chujihappy with it?
19:50.58marc_in_luxvery much.
19:51.00diablopicoyes,, i dont know how to add the secnd card
19:51.08marc_in_luxI have a PVR in it an use the tv out
19:51.13diablopicobut i will try if no one has suggestions
19:51.28DaLiondarn .. sip still using fullcontact form sipfreinds and not the ipaddr .. !
19:51.32Chujimarc_in_lux : I've seen some people having problems on the mailing list so I was nervous
19:51.42*** join/#asterisk Thus0 (
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19:51.50Chujimarc_in_lux : But I like the size of the box
19:51.53marc_in_luxChuji, can't judge how the epia's decoder is. Never tried that
19:52.02SarahEmmdiablopico: i dunno either, sowwy. i don't use E1/T1s
19:52.33diablopicothank you for your help ,, you cant know how much you did help ,, and i mean you did .... thanks
19:53.24ChujiThe via epia M10000 looks good
19:55.18*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
20:06.25Chibski_WorkHi, is there a way to launch two applications at the same time? Such as Dial() and Background()?
20:06.56diablopicook ,, i show 62 channels configured when i run ztcfg -vv / then it says segmetation fault ?
20:07.04*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
20:07.09diablopicoanyone wanna try that one ?
20:08.38diablopicoguess not
20:13.23DaLionok sorry.. i added nat=yes to a user context.. i still see sending rtp to 192.168 etc .. i hace a defaultipaddr = my well as nat=yes, canreinvite=no and qualify
20:14.25DaLionunless its PF ..
20:14.44DaLionhmm no.. since i see the right ip in ip_addr of sip friends also
20:15.22DaLionand regcontact says n192
20:17.12*** join/#asterisk Jason68 (
20:17.20Jason68hi all
20:17.47Jason68how come that my Asterisk Manager API is not running?
20:17.53*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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20:18.06JerJermanager.conf is not setup correctly
20:24.45*** join/#asterisk rabelais (
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20:33.37brimstoneChibski_Work: why are you launching 2 applications at the same time?
20:33.56*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
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20:48.19mikewho2hi fellas
20:48.30*** part/#asterisk Jason68 (
20:48.43diablopicocan anyone help ,, i have 2 E1s , but can only get asterisk to see 48 total channels ,, like they were T1 ,, not E1 ,, anyone ?
20:48.55SarahEmm<-- not a fella ;)
20:49.03diablopicohaha Sarah
20:49.05JerJerSarahEmm:  prove it
20:49.22*** join/#asterisk marc_in_lux (
20:49.24drumkilladiablopico: did you set the jumper on the card?
20:49.26SarahEmmi don't think i want to know
20:49.26JerJerdiablopico: either asterisk is misconfigured or your telco screwed up
20:49.45marc_in_luxist there a place I can flood some stuff?
20:49.46JerJerSarahEmm: show a pic
20:49.57diablopicoi did not see the cards ,, they are installed about 8000 miles from me
20:49.59SarahEmmthere's plenty on my website, mostly old tho, one from a few months back. *shrug*
20:50.12JerJerSarahEmm:  i'm not a sicko like many others here
20:50.21JerJerdon't know your url
20:50.25diablopicoanyway ,, i got 48 total channels ,, now all i need is to figure out how to get asterisk to terminat a h323 call
20:50.25SarahEmmJerJer: whatever. it'd not like i hide pics, they're on my website.
20:50.36Nuxi ?
20:50.40SarahEmmJerJer: be a little more resourceful than that :P
20:51.01JerJerthat takes thought and effort
20:51.07marc_in_luxI see this:
20:51.16marc_in_luxwhen trying to register with my SIP provider.
20:51.31Nuxihmmmm sarahemm runs c#    sarahemm dotNEt
20:51.40marc_in_luxwhat does it try to tell me?
20:51.41SarahEmmi don't run C# :P
20:51.43SarahEmmC# is icky!
20:51.43brimstoneew sip
20:54.39cochianybody knows a way of catching dtmf while (fake)ringing? like pressing pound for getting into hidden IVR?
20:56.41brimstonecochi: Ringing, then WaitExten(9) or so
20:56.56brimstonethen have # be an extension
20:57.59drumkillabrimstone is on fire!
20:58.32brimstone"cuz i'm awesome!" - MasterYoda
20:58.55brimstonei guess you have to hear him in person to really get that quote
20:59.00cochimh well. keeps ringing, doesnt branch into the corresponing extension :(
20:59.18brimstonecochi: pastebin that context
21:00.56*** join/#asterisk telephoneman (
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21:01.26cochiquite pointless anyway ;)
21:02.45cochimaybe because of DigitTimeout being 5 secs mh
21:03.38cochimh apparently not :|
21:04.07DaLioncan one tell me wth its still doing this .. ? this is sipdebug
21:04.14brimstonecochi: i'm not sure now
21:04.52brimstonethat looks like it should work
21:05.43cochimh k
21:06.02brimstoneit's almost identical to what i'm doing
21:06.04brimstoneso i dunno
21:07.13cochimh there's something wrong. even if i do Ringing / Wait(5) / Hangup  the system doesnt hang up after 5 secs of ringing
21:07.29fileblitzrage: have fun
21:07.31SarahEmmwoo! have fun!
21:07.35fileblitzrage: I wish I could be there to meet you!
21:07.50blitzragethanks guys and gals :)
21:08.00JerJerblitzrage: hope you have lots to keep you occupied on the jet
21:08.21blitzrageJerJer: just sleeping - leaves at 10pm, so I shouldn't be too bad for jet lag
21:12.32JerJerblitzrage: i would take a sleeping pill as soon as you get off the jet - so you can get to the hotel and crash
21:12.44JerJeri'm usually wired when i get off the jet
21:13.15filethe east coast to west coast trip for VON for me yieled some rather bad jet lag
21:14.33*** join/#asterisk HeadachesAbound (
21:14.33SarahEmmVictorian Order of Nurses?
21:14.41drumkillaVoice On the Net
21:14.55fileyesssss I met drumkilla there
21:15.00drumkillayou sure did!
21:15.10filedidn't get in his pants though :\
21:15.19drumkillayou didn't even try!
21:15.23filedrumkilla: true
21:15.26filebut you did sleep with Mark!
21:15.32fileI couldn't barge in on his territory :P
21:16.27filehe who shall remain nameless has told me to shutup
21:16.30filewhat's everyone up to?
21:16.39drumkilla~thwack file
21:16.41jbotACTION smacks file on the toe with a Holy Bible
21:16.58diablopicowell file ,, if i am included ,, i am just pulling my hair out on an installation
21:17.09drumkillafile: you've got to try this riddle thingy
21:17.17fileriddles are silly
21:17.38drumkillafile: who are you to talk about silly?
21:19.10PatrickDKhmm, anime con :)
21:29.06*** join/#asterisk Makenshi (~makenshi@2001:630:1c0:2001:280:c8ff:fee2:921f)
21:32.13diablopicohello ,, how do i set extensions to send the call to the te110p cards installed in the server ?
21:32.44diablopicopardon me for sounding dumb ,, but i am not well informed in asterisk yet
21:32.56brimstonediablopico: you dial a Zap channel
21:32.59brimstoneor a Zap group
21:33.21SarahEmmPatrickDK: anime con? what?
21:34.00PatrickDKjapanese animation :)
21:34.08DaLionman asterisk sucks some days
21:34.08SarahEmmerr, i'm aware of what anime is :P
21:34.09DaLionPeer audio RTP is at port
21:34.10PatrickDKthose are about the only con's I goto anymore
21:34.12SarahEmmjust wondering why you were saying that
21:34.16DaLionthe hell its sending there got
21:34.26PatrickDKI still goto the navsea ones sometimes, those are fun
21:34.54PatrickDKused to go to the startrek one here, but it is way too political the last 5 years or so, so stopped going
21:35.49SarahEmmfile: i'm going to try.
21:35.54SarahEmmyou did say i had to and all. :)
21:36.09Makenshidoes asterisk do video as well as it does audio?
21:36.30*** join/#asterisk cluecon (
21:36.49Makenshiim interested in ivr using video
21:37.10fileivr using video? with asterisk? no, just give up now
21:37.12fileor write the code to do it
21:37.30Makenshithought so
21:37.50fileI seem to be in a very, "here's the facts, deal with them" state today
21:37.57cochiivr with video? *mhmh* sounds like pr0n-on-demand ;)
21:38.19Makenshicochl, i got the idea of a 3g/h.323 gateway and its potential uses :)
21:38.21cochi"If you wanna see chicks with big boobs press 1"
21:38.31Makenshicochl, precisely :)
21:38.39filejust what we need, res_pr0n
21:38.42cochii'm trendy. i sense all that ;)
21:38.46fileproviding pr0n to all asterisk applications and modules :P
21:38.59SarahEmmhmmmm, can i write a TDD module for that?
21:39.01PatrickDKhmm, very scary
21:39.10cochijust use libaa ;)
21:39.17SarahEmmso we could do it now! :)
21:39.40cochilet's do it and get rich quick (tm)
21:47.07*** join/#asterisk jo3sm1th (~email@
21:47.44jo3sm1thI need someone to ssh in and configure asterisk to work with its just like 5 lines of code to use a pc2phone program and to dial the softphone when a DID is called
21:48.32filefor free?
21:49.37drumkillafile is cheap
21:49.47drumkillahe'll do anything for $5
21:50.59jo3sm1th75$ per hour billed in 15min increments
21:51.09filewow, I _am_ cheap!
21:51.26jo3sm1thI want the guy who helped me 1 week ago to make the answerin service with the british female voice but I dont got his name
21:51.41mikewho2whats a good guide for asterisk? im installing for the first time
21:51.58brimstonemikewho2:, click on download
21:52.17brimstonebut you'll have to make sure you have the depends for your distro
21:52.24brimstonewhich distro are you using?
21:53.07mikewho2I need to figure out the depends...
21:53.10mikewho2mysql and such
21:53.16brimstonethere's a better installer guide, but i can't think of it right off hand
21:53.44clueconmikewho2: what version of redhat?
21:53.55mikewho2release 3
21:54.00mikewho2kernal 2.4.21
21:54.57clueconyou might try the directions at and see if they work for you.  EL 3 should be similar to FC3 and they work just fine.
21:54.58brimstonedrumkilla: what about abe?
21:55.11brimstoneis that what he's on?
21:55.14drumkillaRHEL3 is certified against it ... heh
21:55.22DaLionis theres a way to block an ip form connecting ?
21:55.30filedrumkilla: I see you.
21:55.32mikewho2drumkilla it doesnt work on  rhel3?
21:56.42cjkhi, does anyone know a mobile phone doing wireless lan and voip?
21:57.49drumkillamikewho2: yes it does
21:57.53drumkillafile: liar
21:58.52filedrumkilla: it's the truth!
22:01.18*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
22:01.38mikewho2How do I disable the firewall in RHEL3
22:02.13mikewho2and how do I install bison :)
22:02.27bewestget a daddy bison and a mama bison...
22:03.17bewestit's a gnu package
22:03.48mikewho2soooooo.... how do I install it :)
22:09.29*** join/#asterisk SwK (
22:12.08bewestdownlaod the package
22:12.20bewestthen probably ./configure;make;make install
22:12.48*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
22:12.51bewestyou sure it's not already on your system, mikewho2
22:13.13*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
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22:15.29fugitivowhy music on hold works only when there is noise using gsm and ilbc?
22:16.42*** join/#asterisk dan_w (
22:17.29SwKfugitivo do you have silence supression turned on somewhere?
22:17.38fugitivoSwK: hmm
22:17.51fugitivoSwK: where should i look?
22:18.07SwKwell not on asterisk cause it doesnt support it
22:18.46dan_won I'm following the information about getting a budgetone to register with asterisk
22:18.55dan_wit says " Make sure to have a username=xxx entry in sip.conf that matches the phone's name as given in the square brackets"
22:19.13dan_wanyone got any idea what square brackets it is talking about ?
22:19.41fugitivoSwK: maybe the softphone?
22:19.45dan_wfrom the sip debugging, asterisk is rejecting the phone's attempts at registration with a 403 Forbidden message
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22:19.56SwKfugitivo could be
22:20.04*** part/#asterisk grant_A (~email@
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22:22.46stkndan_w: [bla] section square brackets
22:23.49dan_wright, well my config should be ok then
22:24.31dan_wI have had this working before.  there no nat in the way, and asterisk is aware of that (no NAT in the sip debug output) and the username/passwords match
22:24.46dan_wclues anyone ?
22:26.42dan_w101 I think
22:26.55dan_whold up, its some kind of user/pass issue
22:27.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:27.46dan_wremoving the username and secret lines from sip.conf, and removing the sip ID, authenticate ID and secret from the phone has made it work
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22:30.59X-RobIt's morning again.
22:32.08dan_wthis is a bit wierd, I'm just getting "Sip read: 0 headers, 0 lines" repeated when sip debug is on
22:32.19dan_wwhen I reboot the phone
22:35.49*** join/#asterisk jo3sm1th (~email@
22:35.50jo3sm1thI need someone to ssh in and configure asterisk to work with its just like 5 lines of code to use a pc2phone program and to dial the softphone when a DID is called
22:37.10X-RobYou want asterisk work done?
22:38.35dan_wis 'sip show registry' supposed to list all users registered on the asterisk server as well as registrations with remote servers ?
22:38.57jo3sm1thXrob yea
22:39.02jo3sm1thjust extensions.conf
22:39.08jo3sm1thits like 5lines and 30mins max
22:39.12jo3sm1th$75 per hour
22:39.20stkndan_w: works for me w/ asterisk-1.0.x
22:39.49X-Robgot MSN?
22:39.56X-Rob^^ msn me
22:40.25dan_wstkn, thats exactly what I have
22:41.07dan_wsomething isn't right here, I think I may have botched the upgrade
22:41.34stkndan_w: sip registry is for register => lines in sip.conf
22:41.34dan_wI had an old version on this machine, probably 2 years old, which I upgraded
22:41.45dan_wright, so thats ok... but the wierd sip debugging ?
22:41.55fugitivowhat ports does iax uses
22:42.01stkndan_w: no idea
22:42.03dan_wI deleted all my old modules, and compiled a new asterisk from source, did make install...
22:46.35RoyKfscking netcom in .no
22:46.50fugitivothis is weird
22:47.19fugitivousing a softphone with iax, i hear voicemail, with festival, why i don't listen the recorded audios?
22:47.48Romik_jo3sm1th: do you have internaltional DID with iconnecthere?
22:48.59*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
22:49.49jo3sm1thRomik do I need one
22:50.58*** join/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
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22:51.39fugitivoi can't register my firefly using iax with my external ip, and i don't see anything on the firewall logfiles
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22:52.04nemisusfugitivo is firefly iax2?
22:52.19Romik_jo3sm1th: they not work OK
22:52.37fugitivoit works using the internal ip of asterisk
22:52.41fugitivobuy i want to use it remotely
22:53.25fugitivoports 4569 and 5036 udp are open
22:53.33fugitivodo i need anything else?
22:53.38Romik_jo3sm1th: look here
22:54.10jo3sm1thIts a US number
22:54.12jo3sm1thcan it be done?
22:54.29Romik_jo3sm1th: US is simple
22:55.53*** join/#asterisk DarkStar1243 (
22:58.31fugitivoany idea about the iax registration problem?
22:58.58jo3sm1thexten => 16463752119,1,goto(callthrough,s,1)
22:59.03jo3sm1thCallthrough is what?
23:01.10jo3sm1thCan you ssh into my asterisk and set it up with my ich account for $75 per hour
23:01.29Romik_jo3sm1th: no
23:03.37Romik_jo3sm1th: you should raise the prices, there nobody work for $75/h
23:04.09sarah_Awayi should start working in VoIP then :P
23:05.40*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
23:12.36fugitivoi can't solve the iax remote problem
23:12.53fugitivoif i have port 4569 open, should it work?
23:13.26JerJerudp port 4569
23:13.34fugitivoit's working with the internal ip, but not with the external address
23:13.48JerJerbinding on both interfaces?
23:14.13fugitivowhat do you mean with binding?
23:15.50fugitivothe port is open for internal and external interfaces, i don't see any block message in my firewall logs
23:16.44zoait should be forwarded
23:17.09*** join/#asterisk need_tutorial (
23:17.28need_tutorialhello everyone
23:17.38fugitivoi must forward the port to my internal client?
23:18.13*** join/#asterisk jablko (
23:18.14need_tutorialif anybody knows any good url for tutorials and references or manual or any guides for asterisk ?
23:18.17*** join/#asterisk file (~jcolp@
23:18.23jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
23:19.40*** join/#asterisk rcw (
23:19.44fugitivoany idea?
23:20.01fugitivoi thought iax was going to be easier than sip
23:20.44jo3sm1thCan anyone set up aasterisk with iconnecthere
23:20.49jo3sm1th$75 per hour
23:21.27drumkillawhat is iconnectthere?
23:22.15tzangera kind of crappy service
23:22.18tzangerone of the first though
23:22.22tzangerso they may have really come a long way
23:22.32drumkillajo3sm1th: are you behind NAT?
23:23.05drumkillaif so, I don't feel like messing with it
23:23.22fugitivomy asterisk is my firewall, the iax udp is open for both external and internal interfaces, if I register with a client inside my lan, it works, if I try to register with the same client, using the external IP address of my asterisk, it doesn't work
23:26.41jo3sm1thDrumkilla: no
23:27.02jo3sm1thc0m1ngUP circa 2002-2005 and beyond says:
23:27.02jo3sm1thc0m1ngUP circa 2002-2005 and beyond says:
23:27.09jo3sm1thTwo websites showing a rough outline of what I need there
23:28.49*** join/#asterisk bonez41 (
23:32.38JerJerfugitivo:  do you have an ip address defined with bindaddr in iax.conf ?
23:34.30*** join/#asterisk asteriskDOTbz (
23:34.47*** join/#asterisk PBXtech-mobile (~upirc@
23:35.25*** part/#asterisk PBXtech-mobile (~upirc@
23:37.27jbotfrom memory, iaxtel is A free service to * users to connect via VoIP to other iaxtel users.  URL:
23:38.27jablkoanyone here successfully using iaxtel?
23:38.32jablkoi keep getting -
23:38.34jablkoJun 12 16:29:07 WARNING[16161]: chan_iax2.c:1480 attempt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host on IAX2/ (type = 6, subclass = 1, ts=8, seqno=0)
23:38.57SarahEmmhmm, text methinks. send text, receive text.
23:42.05fugitivoJerJer: no, should i set it?
23:48.00fugitivoJerJer: i set the bindaddr and still not working
23:48.11fugitivoJerJer: i don't see any error in the asterisk console
23:49.25bkw_don't let port= get ya down
23:49.43bkw_i'll be you have it.. and its WRONG
23:52.15fugitivostill not working
23:52.23bkw_its port=
23:52.31fugitivodamn, i don't see any block message in my firewall logs
23:52.34bkw_it was honoring port= in latest cvs
23:52.39fugitivoand asterisk doesn't show anything
23:53.56bkw_netstat -na | grep 4569
23:54.15SwKnetstat -anA inet
23:54.21SwKnetstat -anA inet |grep 4569
23:54.48bkw_no diff in output
23:54.58bkw_between what I said and what you said :P
23:55.15SwKwell if you drop the grep theres a monsterous
23:58.06Juggieseg fault
23:58.27SwKsegfaults rules
23:58.52Juggieaccidentally put a char on the first line
23:58.56Juggieof sip.conf
23:59.00Juggieit was 'v;'
23:59.06Juggieinstead of just ';'
23:59.08Juggieseg fault :)
23:59.34SwKwell thats not nice
23:59.36Juggiemy own fault.. and it told me it had a problem before it crashed
23:59.38Juggiebut still
23:59.41SwKsounds like a bug in the conf parse
23:59.48Juggieimagin, edit sip.conf and do a reload
23:59.53Juggieand it crashes taking down a bunch of active calls
23:59.54Juggienot good

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.