irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050606

00:00.02drumkillano problem
00:00.07drumkillaand _NXXNXXXXXX for 10
00:00.16SarahEmmi know shmaltz
00:00.34shmaltzWhere I am we also have to do 10
00:00.47shmaltzbut I have done installs in areas where you don't have to
00:01.07shmaltzI also have requests from ppl to make it into 7 digit dialing even though on POTS they don't have to
00:02.08puppeti wish sweden had same length on phone numbers :/
00:03.08shmaltzthe North American number plan is the best in this area
00:03.41pjzdrumkilla: that isn't working...
00:03.49drumkillapjz: sure it is!  :p
00:03.51pjzdrumkilla: the mathcing you said to use
00:04.06drumkillalet me see!
00:04.27pjzoh, buh, it's not gtetting off the phone
00:04.34pjzhave to futz with the stupid on-phone dialplan
00:04.47QwellWhy do phones have dialplans?  Seems silly
00:05.00drumkillaah ha!
00:05.04drumkillaQwell: agreed ...
00:05.06shmaltzQwell, not if it's a VoIP phone
00:05.12drumkillaQwell: it's because SIP is a terribly protocol
00:05.19shmaltzhow will they know when to send to proxy?
00:05.20ariel_~seen sleep
00:05.23jbotsleep <> was last seen on IRC in channel #tacobeam, 278d 17h 28m 3s ago, saying: 'haha'.
00:05.23Qwellstill dumb :D
00:05.34drumkillashmaltz: IAX does dialplan lookups so you don't have to have that sillyness
00:05.39BlissexQwell: because most VoIP phones are actually small exchanges with a single phone attached...
00:05.54shmaltzdrumkilla, thanks I never knew about that
00:06.19drumkillayep, it will check along the way to find out if a number is valid
00:06.27drumkillaor more digits are needed, and so on
00:06.29pjzso now I have to reboot the phone..
00:06.58Qwelldrumkilla: How does one go about getting an Asterisk/Digium pen? :)
00:07.03puppetshould i get iax firmware on my ata 186?
00:07.06puppetor go with sip?
00:07.13drumkillaQwell: show up to a trade show, I guess :)
00:07.15SarahEmmata186 supports IAX2??
00:07.16shmaltzdrumkilla, I can do that with Polycom phones as well, however it creates a stupid pause in dialing
00:07.27puppetdont think iax2 ;P
00:07.32SarahEmmerr what?
00:07.56shmaltzSarahEmm, yeah sure, cisco now supports IAX
00:08.04pjzshmaltz how do you do it? I'd love to consolidate the dialplan lookup stuff of my polycoms
00:08.08drumkillashmaltz: stop spreading rumors!
00:08.30shmaltzpjz, I will have to look that up in the configs, but its the impossible match setting
00:08.37puppetsarahemm: ah no it didnt
00:08.39SarahEmmshmaltz: lol. alrightie. ;)
00:08.40shmaltzdrumkilla, it's not a rumor
00:08.46blitzragedrumkilla: hey, ask Mark and the boys to bring me a couple of Digium t-shirt to Astricon plz :)
00:08.47SarahEmm*more confused*
00:08.48drumkillashmaltz: show me
00:08.51shmaltzSarahEmm, just confirmed it
00:08.57pjzshmaltz: ah... what does it don on impossible mathc?
00:08.57drumkillablitzrage: contact Rick
00:09.10blitzragedrumkilla: can you /msg me his address?
00:09.10puppetshould i change to skinny or go with sip on my ata186?
00:09.29shmaltzpjz, there is a few settings, one will just drop it, the other connect to the server to find a match, please check for yourself
00:09.38blitzragedrumkilla: I want to make up shirts that say "THIS GUY!" with an arrow under it :)
00:09.49drumkillaha ...
00:09.53pjzshmaltz: okay, thanks
00:09.58Connor-puppet, go sip
00:09.59drumkillaI forgot about that
00:10.08shmaltzjust for the record: *ATA 186 from Cisco doesn NOT support IAX2 or IAX*
00:10.23drumkillashmaltz: that's what I thought :)
00:10.40puppetconnor-: ok thats what i got now so :)
00:10.47shmaltzgtg guys
00:10.50shmaltzcya l8r
00:13.02duruflehas anyone ever compared the sipura spa-841 to the polycom ip-300?
00:13.11shmaltzyeah, I did
00:13.21ariel_durufle, there not even close.
00:13.22shmaltzbut only the first revision from Sipura
00:13.32duruflewhich is better?
00:13.36blitzragespeakerphone on the Sipura is useless
00:13.43ariel_durufle, ip-300 by far
00:13.57ariel_the 841 works just fine but the speaker part sucks
00:14.55shmaltzbut IP-300 dosn't have duplex speaker
00:15.00shmaltzit's just a monitor
00:15.01ariel_the 841 is easyer to configure and also easyer to work from natted networks then the IP-300.  But the IP-300 works and sounds and feels better.
00:15.27shmaltzleaving now
00:15.43*** join/#asterisk meppl (
00:15.47durufleprobably worth the extra $55 then
00:15.56SarahEmmgah.. oyu can only stare at code for so long....
00:15.58ariel_durufle, depends
00:16.02SarahEmm*stops looking at * code and watches teevee
00:16.26duruflei have a budgetone 101 now, and its a piece of shit
00:16.32duruflei'm told the sipura is a step up
00:16.42ariel_SarahEmm, on tv or at least here it's an endless movie after movie of pooh bear....
00:17.14SarahEmmdurufle: yes, yes it is.
00:17.19puppetnight NOW ;P
00:17.26*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
00:17.30SarahEmmdurufle: my budgetone won't link on ethernet anymore. never detects it when i plug the cable in
00:17.33SarahEmmkimo_sabe: heh. ltns, hiya.
00:17.49ariel_durufle, I have not tried any of the BT but I don't just so you understand the bottons on the sipura are different and feel stick at first. but after you get used to it they work fine.
00:17.54kimo_sabeSarahEmm: hi
00:18.02SarahEmmariel_: the BTs Really Suck, imho.
00:18.11SarahEmmariel_: hehee. what's wrong with pooh bear?
00:18.26duruflethe ip-300 looks good
00:18.32ariel_SarahEmm, some of then I remember reading about 3 years ago when I first started that they did not detect 100baseT networks very well.
00:18.46duruflebut i'm not sure it justifies the extra $55 cost
00:18.56duruflesince i have to buy two of them, its over a $100 difference
00:18.57SarahEmmariel_: it used to just fine.. now it doesn't
00:18.58ariel_SarahEmm, nothing but my 2 year old likes to watch them over and over and over.
00:19.04SarahEmmariel_: ahh. :)
00:19.14durufleanyone in here from the Toronto area?
00:19.33ariel_We have now the hefalump movie and I have seen it today 5 times. argh.
00:19.40pjzif have extensions _5XX and 500 both defined... which gets matched?
00:20.00SarahEmmi'm in toronto durufle
00:20.04SarahEmmariel_: hehe. meep.
00:20.09ariel_pjz, depends on where you have them defined
00:20.10SarahEmmariel_: that sounds like something i'd do ;)
00:20.19pjzariel_: in the same context
00:20.38ariel_then add the _ in front of the 500
00:21.03pjzand it will match?
00:21.18ariel_yes _ matches first.
00:21.46pjzso if both _5XX and _500 are defined in teh same context, _500 will match first?
00:21.59ariel_yeppie she now wants spring time with Roo...... movie change coming....
00:22.38kimo_sabepjz: should. That's working for me
00:23.30ariel_asterisk sorts them internally even if you put them in different area of the same context.  so it will match the _500 before _5XX
00:26.16pjzstupid onphone dialplan
00:29.49puppetsleep or look at star wars 3?
00:30.16puppetok then sleep for real this time, wonde rhow many times ive said sleep :o
00:30.18puppetnighty ;D
00:31.10ariel_no work just go do some work......
00:32.02tzangerI bought one of those ultracheap dvd players at walmart
00:32.08tzangernot too shabby for CAD$40
00:32.14tzangertook it apart right away of course
00:32.15SarahEmmwhat's the difference between the S101p and S100p?
00:32.31tzangerthere's an active hacking community around the DVDReader chipset it uses, but not for the unit specifically
00:32.35Drukenwhy would you take it apart?
00:32.40shido6I use my xbox for dvd-age now
00:32.42tzangerI take everything apart
00:32.51shido6till I figure out how to get the stinkin remote to work in linux
00:32.51SarahEmmwhy would you *not* take a new toy apart?
00:32.54tzangerlaptop, pda, cellphone, receivers...
00:32.59tzangerwhat a silly question
00:33.04SarahEmmi don't see any reason to not immediately take any new geek toy apart :)
00:33.11tzangerI need to mod an xbox for fanless
00:33.22shido6no shit
00:33.24shido6it gets hot
00:33.37tzangerif I take the HDD out and replace it with CF for booting (network storage for everything else) can I eliminate the heat?
00:33.39shido6SarahEmm, I never got mythtv to work - stupid AIW card
00:33.47tzangerI have a little Shuttle PC for mythtv
00:33.54SarahEmmtzanger: me too :)
00:33.56tzangerof course all I use is mplayer and screen to do my movie watching
00:34.00tzangerPVR350 here
00:34.03tzangerMPEG decode, baby
00:34.04SarahEmmshuttle with a bttv card, xbox for playback
00:34.04shido6hell yeah
00:34.08shido6I wish I had one of those :)
00:34.11SarahEmmtzanger: doesn't support closed captioning in linux.
00:34.15SarahEmmuntil it does, it's not much use
00:34.18shido6I stream all my movies via the net
00:34.18tzangerSarahEmm: PVR350 does so
00:34.21shido6to the xbox
00:34.21SarahEmmin linux?
00:34.25tzangerSarahEmm: uh yes
00:34.26SarahEmmi was told it didn't
00:34.28shido6samba rox
00:34.30kimo_sabemplayer -vo aa 0wnz0rz
00:34.31tzangerSarahEmm: the recent ivtv drivers do
00:34.41SarahEmmi didn't think they did :o)
00:34.46tzangermplayer -vo xv for me (well x11 since pVR350 xv isn't quite there yet)
00:34.56tzangerSarahEmm: /dev/video32 I think?
00:35.02SarahEmmtzanger: video32 for what?
00:35.08shido6if you have tv out
00:35.15shido6you can make the tv out its own X screen
00:35.16tzangerVBI data
00:35.21tzangershido6: yup
00:35.36SarahEmmtzanger: cooool. thankyou. i'll have to look into it now :)
00:35.39tzangerSarahEmm: besides, you could just use mplayer to do the OSD stuff
00:35.40SarahEmmthe older drivers didn't support CC
00:35.45tzangerSarahEmm: IIRC
00:35.47SarahEmmtzanger: playback isn't the issue
00:35.50SarahEmmencoding is
00:35.52tzangerSarahEmm: ahh
00:35.55tzangerI have no encoding
00:36.01tzangerbut yes it does do the encoding too IIRC
00:36.03SarahEmmwhat do you use myth for then?
00:36.09tzangerSarahEmm: just movie player
00:36.12QwellI'm too lazy for CC...
00:36.12SarahEmmohhh. okay.
00:36.31tzangerI was playing with DVB-S and software encryption decode and stuff but I haven't actually watched TV in... months
00:36.35SarahEmmtzanger: i knew it supported for decoding, it's the encoding it doesn't support CC on afaik :)
00:36.41tzangerSarahEmm: it does
00:36.45tzangerSarahEmm: the recent drivers do anyway
00:37.01SarahEmmi'll have to look at swapping in that, if it works decently :)
00:37.07tzangeryou can capture 'em... I was catting /dev/video32 or something for a bit just to see what was all there :-)
00:37.19SarahEmmcool :)
00:37.20tzangerPVR250 is cheaper, as is PVR150 too IIRC and they all work with that driver.
00:37.27SarahEmm-500 works evidently too
00:37.31tzangerI have the PVR350 because I wanted crystal clear video out and hardware decode
00:37.33SarahEmmit's dual-tuner
00:37.37tzangerSarahEmm: nice
00:37.42SarahEmmi don't have tv out on my backend anyway, i have seperate frontends
00:37.45tzangerI would just use 3 or 4 DVB-S cards
00:37.49SarahEmmthe xbox works great for a frontend, blends in with the TVness nicely :)
00:37.52SarahEmmand is cheap :)
00:38.04SarahEmmso i'll likely pick up a -500 at some point to get 2 tuners (Shuttle only has one PCI slot)
00:38.05tzangeryeah I have the whole box doing it all (net boot, no HDDs or even CDROMs in it)
00:38.11tzangeryeah it sucks
00:38.13SarahEmmwhy no hdd or cdrom?
00:38.24tzangerSarahEmm: beacuse I want my living room silent except for whatever's coming out the speaker
00:38.34SarahEmmtzanger: you can hear the hard drive in it?
00:39.00tzangerSarahEmm: yes.  and the original fans too, swapped them out with not-so-cheap (but still inexpensive) quiet fans
00:39.04SarahEmmahh okay
00:39.19tzangerI have 4 200G drives and 4 120G drives downstairs
00:39.24tzangerso all the noise is down there
00:39.29tzangerbeside the furnace :-)
00:39.29SarahEmmmakes sense
00:39.36SarahEmmi've got a RAID upstairs in the file server (which is in the bedroom)
00:40.03tzangerSarahEmm: I suppose there is an upside ot hearing impairment then :-)
00:40.12tzangeryou get the nice gentle breeze of the casefans without the noise
00:40.17SarahEmm*Shrug* the xbox fan doesn't bother me, anyway
00:40.40tzangerthe shuttle fans sure did, which is why I changed 'em out (and they already ran slow, they're temp-controlled)
00:40.56SarahEmmmine's not *actually* a shuttle, it's a Chyang-Fun shuttle clne
00:40.57SarahEmmclone, rather
00:41.02SarahEmmworks well for this purpose :)
00:41.08tzangerahh this is an actual genuine shuttle S51
00:41.10SarahEmmit lights up the hallway too (super bright blue power LED)
00:41.11tzangerCeleron 1.8 CPU
00:41.14SarahEmm1.7 here
00:41.16tzangeryes this had that
00:41.19SarahEmmdoing software encoding so i need it
00:41.20tzangerthat was the first mod
00:41.25tzangerI pulled the fucking pins out and reversed them
00:41.30tzangerI don't care what you say
00:41.32tzangerJVC got it right
00:41.38tzangerred light for standby, NO LIGHT for power on
00:41.39SarahEmmahh hehe
00:41.50SarahEmmi don't mind the nightlight
00:41.51Qwellmy box does that, sorta
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00:42.01tzangerSarahEmm: no I mean watching a movie with a bright ass fucking LED in your face
00:42.06QwellWhen the box hasn't been turned on after hitting the PS switch, I get an led
00:42.07tzangerI mean really what idiot thought that up
00:42.18Qwellif I turn on the box, it goes off.  Turning off the box, will keep the LED off
00:42.25tzangerprobably the same retard who thought that putting a 5000mcd blue LED in a case was a cool idea
00:42.37tzangerQwell: what's the light there for then
00:42.39SarahEmmtzanger: ahhh, okay. mine's just the backend server, so i don't have to worry about that
00:42.43Qwelltzanger: not a clue
00:42.50file[desk]my iTunes just skipped
00:42.51file[desk]how odd
00:42.53QwellI probably screwed up on wiring. :p
00:43.10QwellI'm such a lazy SOB though
00:43.24tzangermy shuttle PC will have a 4x16 or 4x20 VFD display in the 5.25" drive bay when it's done
00:43.28shmaltzanybody here has a copy of DSA (Definity Site Administration)?
00:43.48SarahEmmshmaltz: err... is it free? why do you ask?
00:44.04shmaltzSarahEmm, not if I ask Avaya
00:46.00tzangeroh baby
00:46.03tzangerI'd love to use one of thoe
00:46.10tzangerbut the graphical ones are so damn expensive
00:50.00twistedfor some reason i doubt DSA is free
00:50.39tzangerno idea what that even is
00:52.06shmaltzanybody here has a copy of DSA (Definity Site Administration)?
00:52.25JerJerkeep repeating yourself and you will get kicked
00:52.43shmaltzOh, JerJer, it is for ppl like you that I do it
00:53.01robl^DSA is a software to configure a definity PBX
00:55.09shmaltzrobl^, yep
00:55.28twistedthis is #definity, nor is it #avaya
00:55.37twistedcheck with avaya.
00:55.44twistedyea, isn't
00:55.51twistedfor some reason or another i miss keys on this mac
00:57.57*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:59.55Silik0nschmalz: why dont you just use the console
01:00.12Silik0nits not like DSA really does that unless they have implemented a ton of new features
01:02.12shmaltzSilik0n, I don't have one, and I want to do remote configuration
01:02.32shmaltzSilik0n, also DSA supports imports so I can do mass upgradings
01:02.48SarahEmmtalk to avaya?
01:03.00blitzragetwisted: thats because Macs suck
01:03.48*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
01:03.57*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
01:04.03DaLionanyone have opinions on multi * boxes behind NAT ?
01:04.27DaLionanyone have hints.. like how to RTP packets handlie it.. if Registration is on one host and RTP stream on another
01:04.41DaLioni guess it would need sessions
01:04.50DaLion!jbot carp
01:05.03SarahEmmusing SIP across the NAT or just IAX?
01:05.39twistedblitzrage, from what I hear, so do you :P
01:07.01Silik0ni have a copy of it somewhere
01:07.10Silik0nbut its an old copy
01:07.16JerJerSIP can be encouraged to be friendly to NAT
01:07.22Silik0n(irca '01)
01:07.27JerJerbut IAX is natively friendly to both nat and firewalls
01:07.39JerJerSIP and Firewalls is another story
01:08.04blitzrageJunK-Y: you around?
01:08.29blitzragetwisted: yah, the gay community is in such a huff to try and convert me that their starting to spread lies now
01:08.58JunK-Yyes kinda.
01:09.05twistedblitzrage, haha... riiiight.
01:09.11blitzragetwisted: I'm not gay.
01:09.28SarahEmmblitzrage: mrrowr?
01:09.34SarahEmm*peers strangely*
01:09.43blitzrageSarahEmm: huh?
01:09.44SarahEmm(i suppose *peers queerly* might work better...)
01:09.48SarahEmmoh, jsut confused.
01:10.10twistedblitzrage, shhh :P
01:10.14blitzrageSarahEmm: not sure whats comfusing - I like girls :)
01:10.23SarahEmmblitzrage: lol, i wasn't confused about that
01:10.24SarahEmmme too! :)
01:10.30blitzrageSarahEmm: good for you! :)
01:10.37blitzrageSarahEmm: thats hot :D
01:10.44twistedSarahEmm is a very interesting person
01:10.55twistedI read her website this morning
01:11.20twistedI guess I could stop talking about her in 3rd person
01:11.32SarahEmmtwisted: oh? :)
01:11.34blitzragetwisted: uhhhh, yah :)
01:11.49SarahEmmsometimes the kitrich talks about herself in the third person too. *shrug* she's weird.
01:11.52twistedSarahEmm, yeah, you are definitely an interesting one :)
01:11.53blitzrageSarahEmm: yah, we all like strange :)
01:12.07twistedand I LOVE that workspace you have
01:12.08SarahEmmhehe :)
01:12.10twistedit's like all geeked out
01:12.10SarahEmmthankyou twisted
01:12.13blitzrageBob Dole
01:12.15SarahEmmit's neater now
01:12.21SarahEmmthat piccie was a little over-messy ;)
01:12.28SarahEmmstill contains all the same stuff, just better-organized now.
01:12.40twistedi loved the system that resided on top of the printer
01:12.51twistedno case or anything
01:13.08SarahEmmtwisted: that's my mythtv box ;)
01:13.10Drukenwho needs a case?
01:13.12SarahEmmnot myth
01:13.15twistedDruken, nobody
01:13.20twistedSarahEmm, word!
01:13.21SarahEmmthat's tonkinese, the asterisk box i'm doing my devel on :)
01:13.24SarahEmmwho needs a case for a devel box?
01:13.34SarahEmmit's going in a 2U rackmount case when it goes live.. for now this is fine ;)
01:13.56twistedmy asterisk server is a mini-itx box
01:14.03twistedit's been stable for over a year and a half
01:14.25twistedyeh, except i set off the temperature alarm on the cpu when I compile chan_sip
01:14.29Drukeni want to setup a small cube for an asterisk pbx
01:14.52SarahEmmhrm that box has been renamed heh
01:14.56SarahEmm*fixes the caption*
01:15.38SarahEmmthat's better. :) my desk really was messy then :P
01:16.08twistedyeah, but, it made me drool regardless
01:16.16SarahEmmgeekyness factor?
01:16.45SarahEmmheh :)
01:17.27twistedoh, and btw, I learned to code on the 64 also
01:17.38twistedi'd sit in front of that thing for days at a time
01:17.38SarahEmmcoool :)
01:17.42SarahEmmhehe, that's an old pic of me ;)
01:17.45SarahEmmme too...
01:17.55twistedthen save my code to tape
01:18.00SarahEmm1541 here ;)
01:18.01DaLionso anyone got CAPR+pfsync etc working for * ?
01:18.04DaLioni need a hand
01:18.06DaLionpm me
01:18.06twistedi got a 1541 later on
01:18.18twistedbut i loved my tape drives
01:18.23twistedbecause i could record it to audio tape
01:18.28twistedand play it to myself at night
01:18.41twistedall the screeching and beeping and bleeping would put me to sleep
01:21.00twistedgonads and strife!
01:21.27SarahEmmsquirreley wrath!
01:21.35twistedindeed ;)
01:21.49twisteddamn, it's 8:21pm, and the sun hasn't gone awa yet
01:22.06ariel_twisted, ah I still have a 1541 drive and an 128  I used to program vi it's cpu chip.
01:22.12twistedmeos?  sounds like an operating system
01:22.21SarahEmmnot meos
01:23.24twistedSarahEmm, caffeine shortage?
01:23.49SarahEmmtwisted: naw, i'm off caffeine
01:23.59SarahEmmyeah :(
01:24.05twistedby choice?
01:24.15SarahEmmno. :P
01:24.23ariel_argh I have ran into some complile problem with the old patch and for dundi and 1.0.7 It was made for 1.0.2.... trying to see the difference between them.....
01:24.23SarahEmm<-- big fan of caffeine
01:24.33twistedthat sucks :(
01:24.34Qwellblitzrage: sadist
01:24.43twistedblitzrage, you're a doc writer, you don't need caffiene
01:24.49blitzrageonly those who drink caffeine need caffeine
01:24.57blitzragetwisted: are you KIDDING ME?
01:25.02twistedblitzrage, nope.
01:25.10blitzragetwisted: you know how many hows I've put into the book in the last 2 weeks?
01:25.22blitzrageariel_: why? by drinking caffeine you become dependent on it
01:25.32blitzragetwisted: hours :D
01:25.40twistedblitzrage, probably quite a few
01:25.40ariel_blitzrage, yes and I love it.......
01:26.44JerJermmmmm powdered caffeine
01:27.36QwellI hear you can smoke that shit too...
01:31.02mepplgute nacht
01:31.19cpdietySarahEmm: Just checked out your website, nice scope, electrical engineer?
01:31.20twistedlater ariel_
01:31.26JunK-Yim checking code, and ive some difficulties to understand in what circumstances, agent-alreadyon.gsm is called exactly.
01:31.27SarahEmmi wish
01:31.33SarahEmmcpdiety: i can't do math. so no. just hobbyist.
01:31.37SarahEmmi built embedded computing stuffs.
01:32.05JunK-Ycause that sound (That agent is already logged on.  Please enter your agent number followed by the pound key.) seems illogic to me.
01:32.05SarahEmmcpdiety: if you ask me to add two two digit numbers in my head, it'll be awhile before you get an answer... i'd have loved to be an EE, but not happening.
01:33.40*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
01:33.50cpdietySarahEmm: Gah, I'm an EE/CompE student right now, I can't do math in my head anymore, that's why we invented computers right?  I cacn add/subtract/multiply and divide in binary though.
01:34.03SarahEmm<-- highschool dropout, after grade 9
01:34.49Qwellschool never did me any good either...
01:35.55Silik0ncollege is overrated... i never attended a day of it
01:36.24cpdietyI went to class about 4 times last semester
01:36.43blitzragewhat would happen if I were to implement two CDR databases at the same time?
01:36.47blitzragetheoretically :)
01:37.03*** join/#asterisk MikeJ_ (
01:37.20Silik0ntheoretically you would get 2 cdrs per call...
01:37.39Silik0nbut thats w/out looking at the code
01:37.51blitzrageSilik0n: yah, the cdr.txt says it will confuse Asterisk - but how, no idea
01:38.05shmaltzblitzrage, you would have a backup copy in case everything goes bellyup on you
01:38.07Silik0ndo you really need 2 DBs?
01:38.14Silik0nif not use a view
01:38.27blitzrageSilik0n: I don't need this at all, trying to document
01:38.34Silik0nor if you are doing it for backup, write a trigger that will copy the data elsewhere
01:38.38SarahEmmok.. i go play puzzlepirates then sleep
01:38.39SarahEmmnini all :)
01:38.41blitzrageshmaltz: well, in theory it would, but not if it doesn't work
01:38.57shmaltzof course only if it works
01:39.13Qwelltasty too
01:39.24*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
01:44.02*** join/#asterisk af_ (
01:44.17af_ipswuitchboard run on linux?
01:45.49doolphi dont know
01:46.23blitzrageaf_: it should
01:46.29blitzrageaf_: just like everything else :)
01:48.23af_it's a .net appl....
01:48.44doolphtry wine
01:48.44shmaltzaf, nope
01:48.45*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
01:48.50kimo_sabeaf_: try mono
01:49.14shmaltzthat's one of the reason I don't want to use it, it doesn't employ a proxy as a manager, but the app itself on each machine is a manager
01:49.14|Vulture|When I  try tro run the "reset" command when telneted into a 7960 I get "WARNING: Command may only be used in  privileged mode" anyone know how to get around that?
01:49.35shmaltz|Vulture|, make sure that the cfg file has it set to priv
01:50.37|Vulture|shmaltz: ah okay... should the phones connected reboot when i change that?
01:50.44|Vulture|shmaltz: I am trying to get them to reboot
01:51.21shmaltzyeah they will have to reboot
01:51.39shmaltz# Telnet Level (enable or disable the ability to telnet into this phone
01:51.40shmaltztelnet_level: "2"      ; 0-Disabled (default), 1-Enabled, 2-Privileged
01:51.43|Vulture|shmaltz: but will they do it on their own? I know they do when I change the sip images etc.
01:52.00ptiggerdinehas anyone used IXTel in australia, the only reason I ask it that the numbers used conflict with "freecal" numbers...
01:53.04shmaltzyeah if you put in the 2 lines that I pasted above
01:53.21|Vulture|shmaltz: okay thank you I have done that just waiting now
01:57.24*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
01:57.51Qwellres_odbc.conf pulls the username and password from odbc.ini, where cdr_odbc.conf doesn't.  Should it?
01:58.29Qwellptiggerdine: just change your dialplan a little.  91700 for iaxtel, 1700 for freecal or whatever
01:58.54*** part/#asterisk mog_home (
01:59.44ptiggerdinekewl thanks Qwell
02:00.03Qwelland just do like ${EXTEN:1}
02:03.04CoaxDokay, who's packin' the bowl for the channel tonie?
02:03.06CoaxDer tonite
02:03.38CoaxDah hell.
02:03.39*** join/#asterisk lilneon (~tj_r3@
02:03.48lilneonhey good night everyone..
02:04.08lilneonquick question here, anyone know how to compile a .diff file on rh9?
02:04.19tzangerCoaxD: over here man
02:04.19CoaxDlilneon: You dont 'compile a diff'
02:04.27tzangerI need a mad hit
02:04.46lilneonok so what do u do with it? just read it?
02:04.48CoaxDlilneon: You use a .diff file to patch in changes
02:04.52JerJerpatch -p0 < file.diff
02:04.58CoaxDtzanger: There ya go, sir
02:05.03CoaxDtzanger: Yer all good now.
02:05.09CoaxDtzanger: Pack another one, and pass it on or someshit
02:05.12tzangernot after drinking the water I am not :-)
02:05.12JerJerquite possibley it could be a -p1 depending how the diff was created
02:05.27lilneonhey pass it over here guys i think i need a reeal BIIIGGGG hit on that
02:05.28CoaxDtzanger: Dude, you dont drink bong water?
02:05.35*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
02:05.35|Vulture|tzanger:grow them though
02:05.37CoaxDtzanger: best high ever!
02:06.11CoaxDtzanger: (I *am* kidding.)
02:06.13lilneonso any of you guys came accross  a free g723 and g729 codec for asterisk?
02:06.40kimo_sabetrig_hm: awesome domain :)
02:06.45tzangerlilneon: nope, and it's not possible
02:06.47tzangerCoaxD: heh
02:06.49tzangerCoaxD: no shit :-)
02:07.07CoaxDlilneon: It is apparent to me that you have not done your homework
02:07.16tzangerCoaxD: no shit :-)
02:07.23|Vulture|YES! the wiki link of death!
02:07.23JerJercodecs are not free
02:07.32tzangerBEWARE THE WLOD
02:07.39QwellMy qcodec is free
02:07.40tzangerjbot, wlod is Wiki Link of Death
02:07.41jbottzanger: okay
02:08.12jbot[wlod] Wiki Link of Death
02:08.26lilneonnah guys i was just asking..
02:08.42CoaxDlilneon: Hit that bong one more time. you'll feel better
02:08.45lilneonhomework.. :S...
02:08.56tzangerlilneon: yes, but it's a question which smacks of ignorance... it's like asking if the free version of XP Pro is available
02:08.56|Vulture|I wish I had a bong...
02:09.24tzangerI love this song
02:09.35tzangerit just starts driving the mood down
02:09.54CoaxDtzanger: Wing rules, man
02:09.56tzangertake little wing and just spin right down into some really good solid blues guitar
02:10.09tzangermake sure you're drunk
02:10.32tzangerand if weed'll amplify mood, you'll be downright depressed.  unfortunately weed makes me giggle and paranoid, so it wouldn't work for this
02:10.58tzangershrooms, however, seemed to amplify my mood if I could focus so that'd be alright
02:11.02lilneonweed makes me hungry
02:11.17|Vulture|shrooms and weed are fine anything more is no good in my book
02:11.48tzangerI would love blotter sheet at least 4mm thick
02:12.20tzangerthink of a tootsie roll
02:17.18Nuggeteverything I think I see, becomes a tootsie roll to me.
02:17.48|Vulture|someone has to know how to force these 7960s to reboot without telnet or hard rebooting
02:18.16Qwell|Vulture|: somebody pasted a great link last night
02:18.23NuggetI wrote a perl script that telnets to one and reboots it
02:18.43|Vulture|Nugget: yea I had priv=1 so I set it to 2 and just need them to take the new config
02:19.33*** join/#asterisk menger (
02:20.15newlI was the one who pasted that link that Qwell bookmarked as "handy". :)
02:20.49Qwellyeah...did it not work?
02:21.20|Vulture|hmm can you repost
02:21.29|Vulture|I can't get them to reboot
02:21.59tzangerthis life, well it's slipping irght through my hands...  these days turned out nothing like I had planned...
02:24.10newl|Vulture|: google for 'reboot 7960', first link shall be yours
02:24.56Corndawg_whats the best codec for VoIP?
02:25.51QwellCorndawg_: There is no "best codec"
02:26.24Corndawg_ok whats the nices sounding in quality that doesnt take up too much bandwidth
02:26.27*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
02:27.34Qwellhow much bandwidth is "too much"?
02:27.42tzangertoo much bandwidth?
02:27.43Qwellsee how that works?
02:27.45tzangersounds like an oxymoron to me
02:28.07Chujigsm imho
02:28.22Chujibut most phones don't support it
02:28.29Chujiso g729
02:29.38*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
02:29.48ManipuraHello everyone....
02:30.09ManipuraWondering if Asterisk works on linux kernel 2.6 yet.....
02:31.27ChujiManipura : yup
02:31.49|Vulture|Manipura: works great on 2.6
02:32.16*** join/#asterisk riksta (
02:32.25ManipuraAwesome.. I just got Fedora Core 3.....
02:32.33|Vulture|yea I run all FC3
02:32.41*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (
02:33.15ManipuraYou know much about what packages are needed to run asterisk on a min install of FC3?
02:33.23CoaxDManipura: Stuff.
02:33.40Manipuraor should I spend 2 minutes and look it up on the net?
02:34.26drumkillaManipura: just type make and see what fails :)
02:35.23drumkillaand then google for the error
02:35.39ManipuraSounds like the way I usualy do things....
02:42.07*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
02:44.35*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
02:45.21pjz"anyone got any ideas why a sipphone500 wouldn't see its (t)ftp server?
02:45.32pjzthe polycom one
02:46.51pjzit's running 2.5 because it can;'t find the stupid server to update itself
02:47.41pjzI've got working tftp and ftp servers going, but the logs show it doesn't even *try* to hit them
02:47.49pjzI've got both options 66 and 150 set in the dhcp response
02:48.10pjzI see it DHCP up, so that proves its net is good
02:48.29pjzand the dhcp server is the same machine as the ftp./tftp servers
02:49.06*** join/#asterisk file (
02:49.10pjzno firewall, they're both on the same net
02:49.22pjz3 ethernet switches xconnected
02:50.01pjzhrm, it seems the phone didn't like my option 66 setting
02:50.17*** part/#asterisk lilneon (~tj_r3@
02:50.19|Vulture|oh well got to get to sleep... got to get this guy to reboot all the phone in the office by hand tommorow :(
02:50.22pjzI switched it manually to use 'Custom' (set by default to 150) and that worked okay
02:50.40pjz|Vulture|: isn't there a script for that?
02:50.51pjz|Vulture|: oh, I guess it depends on the phone
02:51.10|Vulture|yea it just wont do it
02:51.14|Vulture|duno its deal
02:51.28pjzwhat kind of phones?
02:51.38*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
02:51.47pjzif youv'e got central power-over-ethernet, you could go to the switch and pull the power on it :)
02:52.53pjzdon't they have a telnet or http interface?
02:52.56pjzyou could script to that
02:53.03pjzif it's turned on
02:54.07|Vulture|http no, telnet yes but not in priv mode
02:54.38*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
02:59.13*** join/#asterisk alkalineX (alkalineX@
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03:22.47brimstonehas anyone used for iax termination?
03:23.00brimstonei'm wondering how well their service is
03:24.18marlowePersonally i've found them t errible. But everyone has different experiences.
03:24.26marloweTry t hem out, doesnt hurt
03:24.37*** part/#asterisk tPO (~tPO@
03:24.51marloweCustomer service is terrible though
03:24.58marloweOr there lack of
03:25.44robl^I used them briefly..  had major  issues. lots of calls not going through, bad billing, and never answers phones  or replies to emails
03:26.04Nukemizeris it possible to an application return a value for "new" messages when exting the voicemail ?
03:26.59robl^Nukemizer, yes.  see "HasNewVoicemail"
03:27.31Nukemizerrob, thank you for your help :)
03:30.21*** join/#asterisk ptiggerdine (
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03:30.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
03:31.54MrBelvedrwhat ports need to be open for sip?
03:32.14Qwell5060 and whatever you use for rtp
03:32.18QwellI think it defaults to 10000-20000
03:32.55jmhunterso its official... somewhat...
03:32.59jmhunterapple is going x86
03:33.57robl^jmhunter, well. it says Intel.. not specifically x86.  :)  Intel also has non x86 processors.. like the Itanium 64bit. :)
03:34.55jmhunterwe'll see
03:35.00jmhunteri just meant intel
03:35.33NivexApple is going Intel, transmeta closes up shop.  The END is NEAR!!!
03:35.34*** join/#asterisk asdfgf (~beast@
03:35.34asdfgfhello everybody!
03:35.40jmhuntertransmeta is gone?
03:35.42*** join/#asterisk zobia (~laura_shr@
03:35.51jmhunterwho torvalds working for these dyas then
03:35.54*** join/#asterisk Cadu20 (
03:35.59Corydon76-homeI saw at least one rumor to the effect that Intel will now be designing and manufacturing PowerPC chips
03:36.02fugitivoyea! amdn will rule!
03:36.05robl^transmeta was sold to a comic book publisher.  :)
03:36.30Corydon76-homeTransmeta is now an IP firm.  Torvalds is working for OSDN.
03:36.33zobiaanybody can help me out of the installation of asterisk? i got some problem
03:36.50jmhuntero u mean va linux/research/software?
03:37.02Cadu20Hi... my asterisk is sayind 'unknown command sip' when I do a #include in sip... do anyone knows why?
03:37.20*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
03:37.26Cadu20And sorry about my english.. :P
03:37.32zobiaProSLIC 3210 version 2 is too old
03:37.33zobiaModule 0: Not installed
03:37.33zobiaProSLIC 3210 version 2 is too old
03:37.33zobiaModule 1: Not installed
03:37.33zobiaProSLIC 3210 version 2 is too old
03:37.33zobiaModule 2: Not installed
03:37.52zobiawho know what is the ProSLIC problem?
03:38.07Corydon76-homezobia: contact the reseller you bought the equipment from
03:39.11robl^I bought 10 servers from VA Linux and then 2 weeks later they were gone. :-/
03:39.15jmhunteruhh whats his name
03:39.37jmhuntercoaxd used to work for VA linux/research/ software'
03:39.40zobiais that a configuration problem?
03:40.21*** join/#asterisk dariob (
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03:41.11Cadu20Asterisk is saying 'unknown command sip' when I do a #include in sip.conf... does anyone knows what could cause this?
03:41.17JabroniGuys question, when I use the s,1,Background() where does it put the input of the user?
03:41.38Cadu20Jabroni, it goes to the extension dialed by the users...
03:41.40Corydon76-homeJabroni: it doesn't put it anywhere.  It's considered to be a new extension
03:41.47*** part/#asterisk Nuxi (
03:41.50JabroniI want to put a Goto() to another context and send that number as extension
03:41.51Cadu20Jabroni, after the specified responsetimeout.
03:41.52robl^Jabroni, it doesn't.  it just matches the digits for an extension number
03:41.59Jabroniexten => _.,1,Goto(from-internal,s,1)
03:41.59Jabroniexten => s,1,Background(silence/5)
03:42.03Jabronithat wouldnt work ?
03:42.36Corydon76-homeWhy do you think that would work?
03:43.01Jabroniwell it doesnt.. thats why im askin :s
03:43.21Corydon76-homeThat's not a rhetorical question... just tell me what you think it should do
03:43.58Corydon76-home"Give a man a fish... teach a man to fish..."
03:45.05zobiaHello Corydon76 , can you give me more detail about my error of run asterisk -vvvcfg ?
03:45.26Corydon76-homezobia: contact your reseller
03:45.44Corydon76-homezobia: why is that so difficult?
03:46.21zobiait's night there.
03:46.34Corydon76-homeSend them an email
03:46.53zobiaok, thanx.
03:47.46zobiau always ask people to contact their reseller?
03:47.46asdfgfPlease tell me.. how to increase the value of  time out for abonent number input  during "call transfer" ? (I'm sorry from my bad English :-)
03:47.47Jabronican I use a goto() just specifying a context and priority ?
03:48.18drumkillapri, exten+pri, context+exten+pri
03:48.23drumkillathose are your choices :)
03:49.05Corydon76-homezobia: No, only for that error, and similar ones like it
03:49.50Corydon76-homeSounds like your modules are early prototypes that your reseller ought not to have even sold you this late in the game
03:50.04Jabroniexten => _.,1,Goto(from-internal,${EXTEN},1)
03:50.05robl^zobia, its something that is beyond the scope of what the volunteers here can help you with.  its specific to the hardware. you need to contact them
03:50.11Jabronithat would be fine ?
03:50.18Corydon76-homeBut rather than guess about what your reseller did, I asked you to simply go contact your reseller.
03:50.38zobiaokay, i see. thanx
03:51.12Jabroniw00t worked :)
03:51.16Corydon76-homeIs it any wonder why the most experienced developers ignore newbies' pleas for help, when the newbies will not take simple advice?
03:51.32robl^hrmm. that reminds me, I forgot to fax in my timesheet for last week.  I need to do that before 10am tomorrow.
03:53.14*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
03:53.16kb1_kanobePassing variables over an IAX - how does this work? I'd like to pass PRI_CAUSE back down the path prior to hanging up....
03:53.54*** join/#asterisk caron0k (~ToT@
03:54.21caron0khello world
03:54.41Corydon76-homekb1_kanobe: the HANGUPCAUSE is sent transparently
03:55.06kb1_kanobebut not the PRI_CAUSE...
03:55.24Corydon76-homeDifferent variable
03:57.27Corydon76-homeActually, it's not really the variable, since that's virtual variable.  It's actually passing back the channel structure value corresponding
03:57.32pjzwhere do custom sounds come from?
03:57.33pjzwhat dir?
03:58.13pjzif I do a 'Read("SIP/foo","custom/foo")
03:58.36kb1_kanobeI see. It appears to be a specific part of the protocol rather than a generic mechanism... refactoring it is beyond my time and abilities at the moment. I will have to suffice with 'normal clearing' cause codes.
03:58.53*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
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04:07.18*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
04:11.05MrBelvedrsomebody please tell me what i need top open for sip
04:11.24MrBelvedri am talking about configuring my soft phone
04:11.30MrBelvedri am trying to connect to teliax
04:11.34MrBelvedriax is working
04:11.38MrBelvedrsip is NOT
04:11.40MrBelvedrplease help
04:11.43Qwell5060 and whatever you use for rtp
04:11.44QwellI think it defaults to 10000-20000
04:11.49QwellI said that earlier
04:12.00MrBelvedrlet me try , i did that already
04:12.04MrBelvedrwhat else is important?
04:12.13Strom_CBeing in this channel consists largely of "Draw circle, bang head here"
04:12.32MrBelvedryeah that is the nature of voip
04:12.38MrBelvedr"not ready for primetime"
04:12.46Strom_Cno, I was talking to Qwell
04:13.06robl^if you are using NAT, then SIP is a bit more complicated thanjust opening a few ports
04:13.11*** part/#asterisk jmhunter (~jacob@
04:13.17MrBelvedri am using NAT
04:13.35MrBelvedrdo i need to port fwd?
04:13.37Strom_CHow is it broken?  Do calls completely fail to go through, or do you have audio problems?
04:13.45MrBelvedrcomplete fail
04:15.20MrBelvedrit seems like sip and nat are a big cluster fuck
04:15.23MrBelvedriax owns
04:15.48robl^MrBelvedr, SIP is an odd protcol in the way it communicates.  Your computer tells the SIP conection your IP addressing as the one behind the NAT, which will not work.  you have to play some tricks and hope that all sides play fairly :)
04:16.07MrBelvedryeah i can't really be botheered
04:16.22MrBelvedri just need to test a system that my friend set up for me
04:16.33MrBelvedrand i need to make a few outgoing calls
04:16.36MrBelvedrthis sucks
04:16.47Strom_C<MrBelvedr> yeah i can't really be botheered  <-- there's the kiss of death right there
04:16.55MrBelvedrlol, yeah
04:16.58robl^MrBelvedr, if anyway possible, I suggest putting Asterisk on a public IP with packet filters.. NO NAT, if you use SIP trunks
04:17.19MrBelvedri have asterisk box acting as router
04:17.23MrBelvedrit works great
04:17.27MrBelvedrno problems there
04:17.45MrBelvedrnow i am trying to make an outbound call using a sip phone to my buddy in UK
04:18.03Strom_Ccalling through your asterisk box?
04:18.03MrBelvedrand the wiki says AVOID nat and sip
04:18.20twistedyes avoid NAT+SIP like the plague
04:18.31MrBelvedrno i am trying to go direct from my XP NAT'd machine to UK server
04:18.36MrBelvedrusing xTEn or Firefly
04:18.39robl^SIP + NAT cause about 99% of connection problems :)
04:18.46*** part/#asterisk caron0k (~ToT@
04:18.48Strom_Cis the UK server behind NAT?
04:18.50twistedyes, that is NAT + SIP
04:18.53twistedavoid it
04:18.56MrBelvedris there a way to use IAX to call a SIP url?
04:19.17twistednot without the magic packet converter
04:19.23MrBelvedrmy fireFly soft phone works great with iax
04:19.31Strom_CMrBelvedr: is the UK server behind NAT?
04:19.33MrBelvedrcan i call a SIP url with iax?
04:19.34twistedyeah, NAT+IAX is fine
04:19.37MrBelvedri don't know strom
04:19.52MrBelvedri am trying to call MAriott hotels to test my SIP connection thru teliz
04:19.55Strom_Cyou could try calling using SIP from the asterisk box
04:20.09Strom_Csince that is not behind NAT
04:20.13MrBelvedrcan i call a SIP url with iax????
04:20.39Strom_Cthat's like asking "can I order italian food in a restaurant that only serves gyros?"
04:20.54MrBelvedrhow can i use my softphone to route the call thru my asterisk router box?
04:20.59robl^my setup has dual NIC for my Asterisk box.  one NIC is a public IP and has iptables set to only allow SIP and IAX2 traffic.  the other card has a private IP and all my phones talk to that ethernet port.  so Asterisk  doesn't see NAT when connecting to SIP trunks.  works flawlessly
04:21.19MrBelvedrnice icea
04:21.32MrBelvedri have similar
04:22.01MrBelvedrmy asterisk box is running iptables and has two ethernet cards, one public, the other doing dhcp and connection sharing
04:22.14MrBelvedrso how can i do it like you robl?
04:23.52robl^MrBelvedr, I have a DSL modem (4 public IPs) -> 5 port switch.  1 port goes to Asterisk (public IP) andother port goes to a NAT router (Linksys) and it uses a differnt public IP.  then the Router connects to the second port of the Asterisk box
04:24.49niZonyesh so many of these iax prepaid providers have BBB reports against them
04:25.53robl^niZon, I think that they saw Asterisk as a way to quick and easy money.. and wasn't ready to provide adequete support  they just tried to run it as a side business.
04:26.30*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
04:26.53robl^I don't think they intended to be a bad company.. just they didn't realize how much work it really involved
04:27.10niZoni want my DID from link2voip :\
04:27.33niZonthey could at least put up a notice about being out of certain dids
04:30.34robl^I have been through so many providers its not funny.  I am scared to get a DID and advertise it for fear I will have to switch again
04:34.24niZoni just want something to expiriment with
04:34.51niZonall I want is a 204 or toll free DID from a provider who can do paypal
04:35.42JerJerinteresting....usually people don't want paypal
04:35.54robl^niZon, NuFone.  its the first IAX provider I used and the pest so far.  only issue is their limitted choice of DIDs..
04:36.06robl^best, even
04:36.55CoaxDcant understand why someone wouldn't want paypal.  For the customer, its great.  For the vendor, however, it sucks rotten donkey balls
04:37.08CoaxD(The vendor actually loses money due to the fees that are deducted.)
04:37.35robl^CoaxD, same with credit card. you have to pay transaction fees and mothy fees, settlement fees, etc
04:38.04newlThat's why in the real world, you build the price into your products. ;)
04:38.14*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:38.20CoaxDrobl: For sure.
04:38.27CoaxDrobl: I take 'em, so i know..
04:41.14niZonnufone can't do Canadian toll free..
04:41.20robl^but honestly, NuFone has been the most reliable of the IAX providers I have dealt with..  (even if JerJer gets grouchy sometimes)  :)
04:44.15niZonJerJer = employee?
04:46.24robl^niZon, employee.. I think also founder or co-founder.  I can't quite remember. but he's a good guy
04:48.40niZonJerJer: if you can do a Canada toll free then let me know
04:49.19*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
04:49.32robl^I remember someone else wanted canadian toll free from NuFone before.. but that was a long time ago..  not sure what happened.
04:49.33rue_mohrkb1_kanobe at the office per chance?
04:50.21rue_mohrkb1 we have an experianced openwrt guy in #electronics
04:50.22*** part/#asterisk asdfgf (~beast@
04:51.38NukemizerIs it possible to have voicemail listen for "D" tone while in voicemail while using an analog port?
04:51.46*** join/#asterisk inh (
05:02.51*** join/#asterisk juice (
05:05.40*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
05:06.08doolphanyone know how can i get more volume to some extension
05:06.59newlAdjust the volume on the CPE or FXS port (if supported).
05:08.04niZonI want to know how sixtel affords their google ads
05:08.38JerJereveryone go click on one  :)
05:08.40QwellniZon: 90's .com boom?
05:08.54Qwelldunno, heh
05:08.56newljeremywhiting: haha
05:09.03newlJerJer even
05:13.38DaLionanyone did carp with * yet ?
05:14.20pjzhow come my incoming context is rejecting a call even though there's an 'i' extension defined?
05:15.57DaLionpjz  dont know
05:20.12MrBelvedrArt Bell ownz
05:22.12*** join/#asterisk jaike (~a@
05:23.09newlthere's a name I haven't listened to in years
05:23.24jaikehelp implementing a queueing system i still need the caller id variable to show up on the agents phone..but it does not seem to happen
05:23.30remmoanyone used an amd opteron? on freebsd?
05:27.54*** join/#asterisk jonas (
05:29.09*** part/#asterisk jaike (~a@
05:30.05*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
05:30.14Qwellstupid ass xchat developers, making ctrl-w close a tab
05:32.35*** join/#asterisk maxgo (mglucksman@
05:34.38doolphits like ie
05:34.42maxgoHello you all, I need some assitsance configuring the SPA841 with Asterisk. The only way it seems to register is issuing the command: sip notify sipura-check-cfg 1000. 1000 is the extension number.
05:34.55maxgoAnyone knows what may be wrong?
05:34.57doolphthey followed IE logic
05:35.13*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
05:35.16doolphcheck codecs, protocol?¿
05:36.40JerJerfigure out what a pastebin is and use it
05:36.53*** part/#asterisk rue_mohr (
05:37.11doolphcheck if SPA841 is using alaw or g711
05:38.25maxgochecked, g711u
05:39.38pjzwhat's the fax-autodetect feature? how do I turn it on?
05:39.57pjzI mean, what do I put in my dialplan to make any auto-detected fax get forwarded to a particular extension?
05:40.08maxgoif i enter the sip notify command registers perfectly, what exactly the command does, is there a way to introduce it in the sip.conf file?
05:44.32maxgoPlease, is there a way tu run the "sip notify xxxxx-check-cfg yyyy" command automatically?
05:44.39*** part/#asterisk inh (
05:46.13maxgoIs anyone familiar with the command sip-notify sipura-check-cfg ?
05:54.26*** join/#asterisk ceegee (
05:54.30ceegeegood morning
05:55.43maxgonada doolph
05:55.54doolphits your phone maxgo
05:56.31maxgoit registers very well with other sip providers
05:56.46maxgoi don't think it's the phone
05:57.34maxgoisn't there anyway to call the command?
05:57.59doolphwhat command
05:58.35maxgosip notify sipura-check-cfg 1000. that makes it register.
05:58.40pjzmaxgo: is that a command you run from the asterisk cli?
05:58.54pjzmaxgo: how often does it need to get run?
05:59.10maxgoevry time asterisk loads
05:59.27maxgoand for each sipura extension
05:59.35pjzmaxgo: so write a script that 1) loads asterisk and 2) calls it on all the extensions
05:59.48*** part/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
05:59.52NukemizerI am having trouble getting one fxs port to be used to reset my analog MWI after I check for VM messages - I have been trying to find a method to make the Zap channel go reset the MWI after I check for messages. Is this even a possibility what I want to do?
06:00.06pjzmaxgo: you can call asterisk commands from the cmdline with 'asterisk -rx "sip notify sipura-check-cfg 1000"'
06:00.19*** join/#asterisk djin (
06:00.26pjzNukemizer: man I got no idea about mwi
06:00.32doolphthere is
06:00.35pjzNukemizer: it's on my todo list to learn :)
06:01.29doolphwhat is SER
06:01.44jbot[ser] Sip Express Router - see
06:01.44Nukemizeri can do both tasks but not together in one application
06:02.12maxgosorry to ask pjz but i'm really a newbie. how can i write a script, i mean, with a normal editor, is there a special extension, where should i put it so it starts at boot?
06:02.39doolphafter you run asterisk
06:02.45doolphjust add that line
06:02.50Juggiemaxgo, thats a linux question
06:02.55Juggienot an #asterisk question
06:03.23doolphdo I need SER?
06:03.38Juggienot if you dont know what it is
06:05.04*** join/#asterisk shido (
06:05.13shidopower just came back online
06:05.18maxgosure, but i bet you know how to do it, it would've saved a lot of time searchig on the web...  ; )
06:05.19doolphalways is good to learn new things
06:05.21Juggiewhere'd u loose power shido
06:07.36*** join/#asterisk juice (
06:08.08maxgoanyway, i don't think it is supossed to work issuing that command
06:08.55doolphyou just tell me that if you run that command in cli you can make it to wok
06:12.24maxgoyes, but i'm not sure if i have to issue the command everytime the phone needs to register; that just is not a good solution... i'm checking on it right now.
06:13.05doolphmaxgo try with another phone
06:13.07doolphlike xten
06:13.43*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
06:14.00maxgodon't have one available right now. sipura and cisco only.
06:14.18doolphdownload xten, its a free soft phone
06:14.35cjkhi, what characters are allowed in the definition of an extension
06:19.53maxgosadly the command needs to be issued again if the phone is restarted...
06:19.56*** join/#asterisk shido (
06:20.45maxgoi'm sure there has to be a way
06:21.23doolphcheck if your phone has something like
06:21.31doolphregister: Always
06:22.03*** join/#asterisk Betu| (~betul@
06:23.01Betu|hi;Does anybody know how can i use or convert cisco 7920 to sip
06:23.29Betu|want to use it with asterisk
06:24.42maxgothat's more like a cisco question, jejeje
06:25.03doolphyou need to enter administrator menu
06:25.20Silik0nanyone know a good sms message center number for the US sing app_sms?
06:25.28Silik0nusing app_sms that is
06:26.03doolphBetu| check this
06:26.11Betu|ok thanks
06:31.12rvhianyone use app_queue?
06:31.28rvhii tried to press any key to escape a context
06:31.37rvhibut it doesn't seem to detect any key
06:33.47maxgodoolph, the command works if run only once = )
06:34.07maxgoi can reset the phone and will register back
06:37.01*** join/#asterisk shido (
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06:42.09cjkis there any non alfa-numeric character i can use in the definition of an extension?
06:42.41cjkJerJer: ok i will try them
06:44.44*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
06:45.35maxgoThanks pjz, added the command to /etc/rc.d/rc.local and the phone registers instantly now, every time...
06:48.58*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
06:51.10*** join/#asterisk rajo (
06:53.45Jabronianyone knows if there are issues with asterisk flash operator and nat ?? something special that needs to be done ?
06:56.07Zeeekexcept forward the manager port
06:56.34Jabronithe asterisk server is DMZ'd
06:56.37Zeeekon the asterisk side if that's NATed
06:56.42Zeeekok then no
06:56.59Jabronibut seems like the flash client doesnt update when connecting from outside
06:57.16Zeeekit's because of the server def. I had the same problem
06:57.19Jabronibut works from computers inside lan
06:57.34Zeeekon the version I use there can be only one server name
06:57.42Zeeekwith an ip adr?
06:58.12Jabronion which config file u can specify that
06:58.19Jabronimaybe I can try using a DNS entry
06:58.43Zeeekyou can but it will only work on one or the other, inside or outside
06:59.06Zeeekmost routers won't like using a domain name to go to the internal adr
06:59.12Jabronion which file ? if my theory works i will let ya know how i did it
06:59.34ZeeekIf you don't know which file, I doubt you'll get it :)
06:59.47Jabroniwanna bet ? ;p
07:00.00Zeeekgo find it then
07:00.49JabroniI could put lets say entry on my local dns, and make it resolve to my internal ip address (192.x.x.x)
07:01.06Jabroniand have that same domain added on a internet dns, which resolves to the public ip address
07:01.23Zeeekthat's work but it's more dicking around than I wanted to do
07:01.37Jabroniwell I already have that set up for the mail server
07:01.49Zeeekthat'd work... ok well figure out which if the two .cfg it is :)
07:01.52Jabroniso it wouldnt be hard to set it up
07:02.06Zeeekbe better if he allowed multiple server names though
07:02.12Jabroniyup agree
07:02.22ZeeekI haven't updated cause I don't use it that muich
07:03.20Jabroniits the web_hostname ?
07:03.57Zeeekcan't remember there are two things that need to be changed, allow access to Apache from the different addresses and the server name of the FOP
07:04.11Zeeekwhy don't you go look it's one of two files
07:05.16*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~neils@
07:05.30Jabroniyup im lookin into
07:05.35*** join/#asterisk Martohtar (Martohtar@
07:06.17ZeeekI'd guess it's not buttons... so that leaves ONE :)
07:07.32Jabroniits still trying to access something from the internal ip address :/
07:07.44Jabronieven after changing the web_hostname
07:10.23Zeeekyou restarted the perl server?
07:10.24Jabroniguess i found it
07:10.34Zeeeknot that I know
07:10.42Zeeekyou're gonna make me look?
07:11.09Jabroniyup its that :)
07:12.04Jabroniyeah but on the variables.txt
07:12.08Jabronineeds to be modified too
07:12.16Zeeeknot on my install, you use @hole or something?
07:12.30Jabroniyup :$
07:12.37ZeeekI don't have any variables.txt
07:12.41Zeeekok that's why
07:13.04*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
07:13.09Jabroniintegration of asterisk and OpenCRM is nice
07:13.16Jabronii just installed 1.1 on a dev machine i got
07:13.23Zeeekif you knew enough to do the DNS trick you should dump @hole, it's really for people who know little about this stuff
07:13.41Zeeekgreat to get a start, a pain to run
07:14.03*** join/#asterisk indego (
07:14.20Jabronifor most bussiness @home can do the work easily, which requires simplistic stuff
07:14.35Jabroniim still a newbie with asterisk
07:14.43blitzrageZeeek: yo
07:14.47Jabronibeen playing with it for liek a month
07:14.56Zeeekblitz hi
07:15.39blitzrageZeeek: whats going on?
07:16.04Jabronirolf.. now the flash applet is crashing my browser
07:16.08maxgoHello again, I'm calling to a number asterisk registered to succesfully and i'm passing the call to an ip phone and getting this message but not listening any audio after answering the call: Attempting native bridge of SIP/ and SIP/1000-0695. Already checked codecs, all the same, ulaw.
07:16.11Jabronifirefox and IE
07:16.14blitzragerolling on laughing floor ?
07:16.14maxgoAny ideas?
07:16.24*** join/#asterisk scanna (
07:16.50Jabroniu got the idea ;p
07:17.24maxgoAsterisk is behind NAT but on DMZ...
07:17.54Jabronimaxgo and ur sip client ?
07:17.59Jabroniis behind nat too?
07:18.21Jabronicheck ur using the localnet= and externip= on your sip.conf
07:19.32maxgoI'm making the call from an IP phone with valid IP to the asterisk, which forwards the call to another phone but on the private network.
07:21.31maxgowhat's the format of the local net, i mean, how do i specify the mask?
07:21.45JerJerrm -rf /boot ; reboot -n
07:21.51Jabroniif u have a mask
07:22.10Jabronion a 192.168.0.x network
07:22.14ptiggerdineHimeko, I'm kinda going round in circle with some logic... Does zaptel require that module "telephony" be available or am I missing something?
07:22.19maxgook, let me try... and if the externip is dynamic?
07:22.48Jabroniif u put a hostname (aka dyndns service) u must put something in the crontab
07:22.54Jabronisince it just resolves it the first time it runs
07:22.58Zeeekyou'll have to change it and reload sip every time it changes
07:23.07Jabroniso u have to sip reload in order to change the ip in case it changed
07:23.28Zeeekwhat I did was write externip=ip to a file and include it
07:23.50Zeeekthen when the change was detected the included file was written, the sip reload done and all was well
07:24.12Jabroninice thinking
07:24.27Zeeekit got a little more complicated for the IAXy :)
07:24.31Jabronihow u detect the file change ? u have another program ?
07:24.43Jabronithat checks for date change ?
07:24.45Zeeekhad to write a whole provision file including new ip and reprovision
07:25.01Zeeekno I did the dirty inside the ipchange detection script
07:25.10Jabronibtw dumb question.. how do i restart the operator panel ?
07:25.23Zeeekkill it and rerun
07:25.25Jabronithe variables.txt gets written onces it runs and reads the op_server.cfg
07:25.49Jabroni. /usr/bin/perl -w ./ ?
07:26.42Jabroniit respawns automagiclly :D
07:26.53ZeeekI runb mine manually
07:27.18Jabronii think that safe_opserver monitors and reloads it
07:27.36Zeeekas I do Apache. WHen I don't need them, I leave the servers off. Same with my Wifi... all those ports and routers listening unnecessarily
07:27.59Jabroniyup it worked now :)
07:28.45Jabronia restart was indeed needed
07:28.45Jabronii thought that the .php was the one that used the .cfg file
07:29.18Jabroniwhich codecs do u use for remote sip peers?
07:29.20ZeeekI don't have any php files
07:29.24Zeeekin FOP I mean
07:29.45Zeeekleast hassle is ulaw, but it's high bw
07:30.06Zeeekwhen I talk to someone 5,000 miles away with ulaw sounds like he's next door
07:30.15Zeeekexcept for the 1/3 second delay :)
07:30.18*** part/#asterisk truescot (~truescot2@
07:32.01Jabroniand for bw saving ?
07:32.27Jabroniits cuz at work i just have 384kbps uplink.. so i need to optimze bw the most i can
07:32.47*** join/#asterisk Broesmeli (~broesme@
07:33.10Jabroniwith 2 trunks on a remote site
07:33.18Assidhrmm.. i only have 64kbps :|
07:33.45Jabronialaw is 64 + overhead right? so its actually like 80kbps
07:34.24AssidG.711  64  87.2
07:34.50Jabronii would guess that is total bandwith ?? (up/down)
07:35.27Assidadvisable would be ilbc/gsm for my usage
07:35.45Jabroniim using sipura phones.. i think they dont support gsm :/
07:35.54Jabroniand spa3k
07:36.01Assidhow about ilbc>?
07:36.34Assidcan u get * to transcode ?
07:38.35Assidu can do that thn
07:39.00Assidtoday i play with making a menu system
07:43.36ZeeekToday I rule theee world
07:48.48*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~chatzilla@
07:49.06shaZwazhi ppl
07:49.48ZeeekshaZwaz hello
07:50.51*** join/#asterisk pino (
07:52.12pinoHas anybody got comments on Snom 190s?  Are they good office phones?
07:52.53Zeeekcheck the mailing list and the wiki
07:53.17Zeeek(if you haven't already)
07:53.31pinodone that :) comments seem to be positive
07:53.43ZeeekI have heard good abnout snom in general
07:54.25JabroniZeeek last question for tonight
07:54.35Zeeekit's 10AM here
07:54.48Jabronihehe 1am here
07:55.01Zeeekah, California
07:55.06Jabroniim trying to add a zap channel on flash operator
07:55.12JabroniBaja Californai actually
07:55.17Zeeekbetter still
07:55.20Jabronimexican side here
07:55.35Zeeekyou've almost won it back
07:55.50Jabroniam i missing somthing ?
07:56.02Jabronii have that on the op_buttons.cfg
07:56.12Jabroniit shows up on the flash applet
07:56.18Jabronibut when i call, it doesnt do anything
07:56.58*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
07:57.25hekaHello Im trying to build the cvs head version but the build stops with the following message
07:57.26heka./mkdep -a -d -pipe  -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -g  -Iinclude -I../include -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE  -O6 -march=i686  -DZAPTEL_OPTIMIZATIONS      -DBUSYDETECT_MARTIN     -fomit-frame-pointer  ast_expr.c
07:57.26heka./make_defaults_h > defaults.h.tmp
07:57.26heka/bin/sh: line 1: ./make_defaults_h: No such file or directory
07:57.26hekamake: *** [defaults.h] Error 127
07:57.27Zeeekmine says context=
07:57.58Mavvieheka: see -developers
07:58.03*** join/#asterisk CONTRABANDA (~ats@
07:58.06CONTRABANDAHi all
07:58.14hekaMavvie: I didnt understand
07:58.22CONTRABANDAplease help me with SIP video calling
07:58.31Mavvieheka: see -developers
07:59.12hekaMavvie:I saw that so ?
07:59.31CONTRABANDAi want to make sip video call, when i am turning on videosupport=yes in sip.conf , i cant make any calls
07:59.40JabroniZeeek well ill leave that for tomorrow.. no rush to fix that tonight... thanks for the help :)
07:59.56hekaMavvie: GNU Make 3.80
08:00.00Zeeeknp sounds like you got it under control
08:00.33Jabroniyeah.. after today everything is fine.. took me 5 hours to find a mispelling on the sip.conf ;p
08:00.34Mavvieheka: see -developers
08:00.57ZeeekMavvie see repetition :)
08:01.10MavvieZeeek: see Zeeek :-)
08:01.48hekaMavvie: Mavvie, can you expline in more details please?
08:02.03Mavvieheka: there is a large thread about it going on in -developers.
08:02.07Mavvieit's hard to miss.
08:02.23ZeeekI believe the gentlement is trying to incite you to read the mailing list asterisk-dev ?
08:02.27shaZwazhi Zeeek
08:02.34Zeeeklo shaZwaz
08:02.35Mavvieoh, it's called -dev? sorry.
08:02.38hekaMavvie: thats greatttttttt. its so simple to understand realy.
08:03.02Zeeekcould be
08:03.55blitzrageanyone know what a queue will do if it hits an overflow condition? (i.e., maxlen (total num of callers in queue) is reached, or no members exist)
08:06.06hekaMavvie: can you point me to some threads because Im not finding anything about make_defaults_h
08:06.33MavvieSubject: [Asterisk-Dev] Makefile changes in CVS HEAD
08:06.34Assidhrmm whats AGI() ?
08:08.36*** join/#asterisk blop (blop@2001:6f8:204:33:bbbb:bbbb:bbbb:bbbb)
08:11.36Zeeekwhat's the best way to send an incoming ZAP line you're talking on to meetme?
08:15.18*** join/#asterisk alphaque (~Alphaque@
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08:17.42shaZwazbe back
08:21.59*** part/#asterisk DaLion (
08:23.29*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
08:23.42*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
08:23.57lehelhow to use asterisk remotely?
08:24.17Zeeekexplain question
08:28.40lehelthe matter fact is that i'm using a web interface for asterisk (AMP), and there is a Flash Operator Panel, which works so far locally.. i want remotely too. But let's consider not use a web interface u can access the asterisk server?and make calls?
08:30.00ZeeekI don't know anything about AMP but FOP will work from anywhere
08:31.34lehelmeans not working now?
08:31.50Zeeekno will as soon as you try
08:32.23leheli tried.. butmy buttons are blinking Green/Red ..
08:32.40leheland i can't make any call remote
08:32.58Zeeekconfig error. You need to configure FOP but I'm afraid I can't help you with that if you have AMP
08:33.17Zeeekblinking means the flash is not connecting to the server
08:33.42leheli edited: op_server.cfg
08:33.48Assidstupid menu system wont work
08:33.52Zeeekand what did you put?
08:34.12lehelwith context [external] .. web_hostname,flashdir,security_code
08:34.34Zeeekweb_hostname is a domain name?
08:34.39Zeeekor an ip
08:35.41Zeeekyou need to restart the server after changes youknow
08:36.01Zeeekfunny this exact same problem was discussed about 1 houir ago
08:36.02leheli did
08:36.29lehelthen i should create/edit op_button_external.cfg
08:36.44Assidi just want 1 and 2 to work.. i can replicate for extension 3
08:37.09Assidi keep getting the "thank you for calling.." and call hangs up
08:37.55lehelZeeek: could you paste me the solution then?.. if it was discussed?
08:38.05ZeeekI didn't save the discussion
08:38.20lehelwho had this problem?
08:38.56Assidcan somone look at that pastebin?
08:39.08Assidi cant get the ivrs/menu working
08:39.10lehel..isn't here:|
08:39.11ZeeekAssid does the AGI part run?
08:39.28lehelZeeek: what else if not AMP?
08:39.42Zeeekdon't know - check the AMP forum or something
08:40.01lehelwhat do you use?
08:40.21Zeeeknothing - that's the best way to learn what you are doing
08:40.35ZeeekI do use FOP sometimes though
08:42.09Assidnah.. agi doesnt run
08:42.13Assidwhats agi for anwaysy?
08:42.28Zeeekif you don't know why are you using it?
08:42.37Assidcopied it from a demo
08:42.55Zeeekskip it if you don't even know what it is
08:43.36Zeeekmy suggestion would be to begin each menu item like this:
08:44.04Zeeekexten => 1,1?NoOp(Whoaaaaaa user hit 1! ONE!)
08:44.13Zeeekthen watch theconsole
08:44.25Zeeekexten => 1,1,NoOp(Whoaaaaaa user hit 1! ONE!)
08:44.47Zeeekexten => 2,1,NoOp(TWO yes TWIO!!!!)
08:44.55Zeeeketc etc etc
08:47.12Assidhrmm.. i got this to do it
08:47.19Assidi forwarded the call to the extension
08:48.14Assidkicks ass man.. sexoid
08:48.54*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
08:49.22*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~chatzilla@
08:51.20lehelZeeek: do you know any specific changes to do on some configs to make work FOP remote?
08:51.30Assidhow do i get the caller id tho?
08:51.34Assidit doesnt seem to work
08:51.43Assidshows as my 206 extension calling me
08:51.57*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (~PoWeRKiLL@
08:52.21Zeeeklehel no
08:53.34Assidnvm got it
08:54.36Assidhow do i accept more than 1 button ... like if i want the person to dial 10
08:54.50Assidthe system will accept it as 1 and then 0
08:55.05Assidcan i have something like 10# .. and then accept 10 ?
08:57.32ZeeekThe dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls.
08:58.38shaZwazZeeek: whats the max ip/zap capacity for a single *  machine ?
08:58.49Zeeekno idea shaZwaz
08:59.39shaZwazhow about  2 Quad E1 setup
08:59.46*** join/#asterisk admin0 (
09:00.01admin0hi all
09:00.07admin0does asterisk@home support radius ?
09:01.51Mavvieadmin0: try for a radius server.
09:02.12*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
09:02.17admin0does it support the radius protocol ? i mean the asterisk@home one?
09:02.42admin0is asterisk@home supposed to be a stripped down or low grade version of asterisk ? or is it just meant to make it easy for guys like us ;) ?
09:03.56PoWeRKiLLIs it normal that I have peer in the same lan that register with 59ms of latency ?
09:04.31ZeeekPoWeRKiLL salut - I see that all the time with IAX hardphones
09:05.12Zeeekwhen using qualify... which some won't allow you to do
09:09.02PoWeRKiLLI'm currently testing IP10S from swissvoice
09:09.43PoWeRKiLLZeeek do you already use ip10s cause transfer don't work on them
09:10.02Zeeekno, no swissvoice here
09:10.23Zeeekbut my SIP phones show 30-50 sometimes
09:10.32Zeeekdon't have any on LAN atm
09:10.55PoWeRKiLLwhat asterisk version do you use ?
09:11.25Zeeek1.0.6. Right now my home SIP phone is 49ms (iyt's 1km away)
09:12.47admin0will asterisk@home allow to use cisco ata devices behind NAT while authentication/accounting from freeradius ?
09:16.35shaZwazany idea how many concurrent G729 - G729 Channels can one machine support ?
09:18.41kajtzudigium said 80 on 2.4 ghz dual xeon
09:18.43gordonjcpif you're not transcoding it should be fairly easy
09:18.56kajtzushaZwaz: do your own benchmarks :)
09:19.07gordonjcpshaZwaz: try it and let us know ;-)
09:19.21gordonjcpI can do about a dozen GSM-GSM calls on a PII-350
09:19.46gordonjcpas soon as you start using IVR stuff it starts to get bitty
09:19.47shaZwazI need to prepare a feasiibility report before I jump into  production
09:20.36shaZwaz1 Quad E1/T1 card per machine ...thats for sure
09:20.58shaZwazas far as the data at suggests
09:21.13admin0i need to submit this paper to someone  for a project.. so just 1 more question: for a voip provider, is asterisk good for taking in sip calls or is SER recommended for such ?
09:21.16*** join/#asterisk avizion (
09:21.53shaZwazbut I need figures like how many SIP -> ZAP and SIP -SIP concurrent calls are supported per machine
09:22.24MavvieshaZwaz: feasiibility reports often have your own results in it.
09:23.00shaZwaznot all of them :)
09:23.36shaZwazwell its sorts of a feasibility
09:24.41*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
09:27.00Mavvieif they can afford a feasabilitly study they can afford a quad E1 card and a machine for testing.
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09:42.28gordonjcpZX81: who wobbled your ram pack?
09:43.18gordonjcppresumably goes blank while giggling
09:46.41lehelZeeek: are you still?
09:50.32gordonjcpis it worth being on the asterisk-users list?
09:50.54Zeeeksince it's free you could always try it and see
09:51.31lehelZeeek: i resolved the "remote" problem.. it's not  big deal
09:54.14Zeeektell us lehel
09:55.17*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
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10:00.56gordonjcpZeeek: no, it's more that I seem to get a couple of hundred messages a day on it
10:01.04gordonjcpall of which seem to be RTFM questions
10:01.45ZeeekMy opinion is, I have on gmail, I can search anythime, when I have a sec I scan it, there are sometimes interesting threads, some OT
10:02.02Zeeekthere are a number of "how do I dial out" questions, yeah :)
10:04.46*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
10:06.51lterscurrent cvs compile -> is broken ?
10:07.55lehelconnect remotely to FOP: 1. copy the "/panel" to "/external"; 2. edit op_server.cfg,: change web_hostname, flash_dir, security_code ! 3. run /amportal/external!;)
10:08.24Zeeekthose are instructions for AMP - I didn't need to do any of that
10:09.50lehelgood for you
10:10.28Zeeekstuff like AMP just adds extra layers - which is why I didn't know anything about that
10:11.35lehelZeeek: heard about asterisk@home? probaby.. there is  an Asterisk Info, asterisk_info.php ... but doesn't show me anything about asterisk
10:11.57*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
10:11.58Zeeek@home and AMP are on the same shelf AFAIC
10:12.07Zeeekat CompUSA :)
10:12.33*** join/#asterisk kuonSama (
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10:12.58shadebobHi, I search to upgrade a 7940 for SIP. To upgrade I need to pay something to cisco for download .bin?
10:13.16kuonSamaI do Dial(SIP/100,,m)
10:13.29kuonSamathe music is played correclty, but when the called party answer
10:13.42kuonSamaI want to play a tone for about 1/10 sec on both side
10:13.45kuonSamabefore connection
10:13.50kuonSamais it possible?
10:15.49ltersshadebob, yes
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10:16.29shadebobI can't find firmware on the net?
10:16.39lterskuonSama, in the cli do a show application dial
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10:17.02lterslook for 'A(x) play an announcement to the called party, using x as file
10:17.13ltersshadebob, not hardly
10:17.35kuonSamaok I look
10:18.22ltersonly * USD for the firmware.
10:18.45r5sysHi, I search to made the busy tone given to the telco (when my channel is busy).... the setting of priindication eigther inband or outofband made the same effect....  had some one an idea ?
10:19.16shadeboblters : ok, if it's the only solution.... :(
10:22.56kuonSama1ters: what I want is a song played to the calling party
10:24.30*** part/#asterisk Mr3T (
10:26.58ltersnow 234 total
10:27.12lterswas that u trying to comppile from cvs?
10:27.59lterscvs compile is broke this morning seems.
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10:55.30lubomierhi guys, i like to ask you, how i can make some testing calls via CLI... ? i can't use IP phone because i'm administrating PBX remote via ssh...
10:55.47shadebobsomeone use 7940 with SIP?
10:57.00postelshadebob: sure
10:58.45shadebobpostel : I have a little problem. I have configured an IP adress (192.168.1.x) on my phone. When I ping adress it's ok but when in the phone screen appear "Configuring CMList" ping down...? any idea?
10:59.38postelshadebob: ver?
10:59.54*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
11:00.24shadebobP0030301MFG2... I will try to upgrade but I have this network problem :s
11:00.41postelshadebob: that snot a SIP load
11:01.32Makenshido you know of any hard phones that support 802.1x with EAP-TTLS?
11:02.59shadebobpostel : sorry I don't understand snot :s
11:03.02Makenshisorry, i mean EAP-TLS
11:03.43Manipurais there anyone here that can help me debug compile problems?
11:03.44postelshadebob: that is NOT a SIP load  ----> P0030301MFG2
11:04.24shadebobpostel : sure. I want to upgrade to POS3-07-4
11:04.41postelshadebob: there is an upgrade matrix in
11:05.01postelshadebob: you cant go straight to 7.4
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11:06.21shadebobpostel : I will see matrix
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11:09.29Manipura#join asterisk-dev
11:10.57postelsorry, i was bores to tinyurl it
11:11.12shadebobpostel : thanks
11:14.54*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
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11:20.41kuonSamaI have a problem with MOH, when I put on hold, I don't have any music, but if I do WaitMusicOnHold, I ear the music
11:20.56kuonSamaI posted an email on the mailing list, without success
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11:36.35darkskiezkuonSama, I have no ideas. How are you putting people on hold?
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11:38.35Weezeyif I include a context, it ignores it until nothing in the current context matches, is that how it should go?
11:38.49Zeeeksounds about right
11:39.32WeezeyI have _NXXNXXXXXX in the current context, so it's ignoring the real number which is in an included context and going out to come back in (costing me $)
11:40.39darkskiezWeezey, not exactly afaik.
11:40.45*** part/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
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11:41.38hopper`Anyone know why i receive on a BRI (qozap module) Cause: Switching equipment congestion (42) -> Cause: Wrong message (98)
11:41.49durufleanyone have experience with the polycom ip-300 ?
11:43.13darkskiezsince when is h and extension and not a priority ?
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11:46.12kuonSamadarkskiez: by pressing the hold button on my phone
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11:47.03jbotit has been said that fxs is foreign exchange system - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
11:47.03kuonSamaon the CLI, the music start
11:47.06jbotmethinks hardware is If you don't know what you need, start with an TDM400P and an FXS module.
11:47.06Mavviewhere is that bot?
11:47.06darkskiezkuonSama, what phone?
11:47.06kuonSamacisco 7960
11:47.07kuonSamaand xlite softphone
11:47.07kuonSamaboth does not work
11:47.15kuonSamabut with an IAX phone, it work
11:47.20Weezeyjbot, you're slow today.
11:47.24kuonSamaif I press hold on the iax phone
11:47.28kuonSamaI ear the music
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11:48.14kuonSamaI have
11:48.14kuonSama-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/100-1b3a
11:48.23kuonSamabut I ear nothing on the phone
11:48.27Mavvieso it's the fxo I'm looking for.
11:48.53*** join/#asterisk stkn__ (nobody@stkn.developer.gentoo)
11:49.02Mavviethis silly fxo doesn't recognize it when the remote side has picked up the line. For international and long distance calls.
11:49.07Mavvievery irritating.
11:49.45MavvieWeezey: your handywork?
11:53.51Mavviedo yourself a favour.... never do analogue ports for a project. always use isdn.
11:55.07kuonSamawith MusicOnHold it work
11:55.09kuonSamaand I get
11:55.10kuonSamaJun  6 13:53:24 NOTICE[29117]: res_musiconhold.c:195 ast_moh_files_next: SIP/100-8b75 Opened file 0 '/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/
11:55.18kuonSamabut if I press the hold button, I don't have that line
11:55.29kuonSamabut in both case, I got
11:55.30kuonSama-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/100-8b75
11:57.14dzlabinginternal analog ports: ok, external analog lines: never, never - you never know the exact status of a line, thats aa general statement, not just asterisk is poor on analog lines.
11:57.16Mavvienope, only E1/T1
11:57.26Mavviedzlabing: my idea.
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11:59.43ramthahow can i place a call over the cli?
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12:09.03passihi there, can anyone give me a hand in configuring asterisk to use my isp provider? i managed the register and the predial of 8, the only problem is that he adds the 8 to the number he tries to call on the external sipgateway.
12:10.17jerliqueanyone using queues, got around the press # for the agent to receive the call??
12:10.27dzlabingput $EXTEN:1 into your extensions.con, that will remove the leading digit
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12:11.33durufleanyone use a polycom ip300?
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12:11.42Weezeyanyone know if there's an extension to dial on a norstar that brings you to the auto-attendant?
12:13.21passidzlabing: that worked, now i get the error NOTICE[6542]: chan_sip.c:6876 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"6948314" <>;tag=as0f493a7c'
12:13.32ramthacan i not establish a call for a sip user from the cli interface?
12:16.18Zeeekpassi what is the number you are trying to reach outside? Is it 694.... ?
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12:21.00Ahrimanesis there a way to alias voicemailboxes? - so that a users SIP number and pstn number end up in the same mailbox..
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12:23.01Manipura  <-- Just sending it out there
12:23.48durufleno-one has used the ip-300?
12:24.08passizeek: its the 10000
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12:28.05Zeeekpassi... I lost what you are trying to do...
12:29.24shadebobhi, I have an error when i try to upgrade sip 7940G firmware. I have a "disk full error"..? any idea?
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12:33.47passizeeek: just phone out with when i predial the 8
12:34.18Zeeekthen your problem is the config of because the exten:1 removed the 8 properly
12:34.43Zeeekmaybe you should your peer setup and extensions
12:35.36jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
12:39.32jerliquedurufle: i've used the ip500 whats up?
12:40.09*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~neils@
12:40.19Zeeektaht aways keeps em busy for a while, removing passwords and unames :)
12:46.59*** join/#asterisk Cheng29 (
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12:51.02RoyKcoppice: g§day
12:51.41Zeeekand mine isn't $3 a gallon
12:51.45coppiceRoyK: hi
12:52.46RoyKDPC=coppice OTC=RoyK CIC=0,1
12:52.58RoyKss7 is cryptic
12:53.16ZeeekOTC means Over the COunter
12:54.02ZeeekOld PC ?
12:54.53*** join/#asterisk Katty (~katrina@
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12:56.29astoriaHello! zttool is giving me 21 IRQ misses! Does this mean that I'm screwed and need a new mobo?
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12:57.41ramthaok once again: i want to make a call from the cli interface for one sip peer
12:57.45Zeeekit ain't nothin'
12:57.46ramthahow can i do that?
12:57.50ramthais it possible?=
12:57.57agallo"dial 100" ?
12:58.37astoriaI don't think you can..
12:58.45astoriayou can put something in the spool directory though.
12:59.04agallocli interface you mean the console that pop-up using the cmd "asterisk -r" ?
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13:01.18*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
13:01.54_omerhow to transfer a call to any SIP Address?
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13:03.37Ahrimaneswhy quietly?
13:03.52Zeeekyes, we'll all join in with you Katty
13:04.03Zeeekno need to keep it from squealing like a pig
13:04.22KattyAhrimanes: so the co-workers don't get disturbed.
13:04.36AhrimanesKatty: aah
13:04.37Kattyit decided to randomly corrupt my pst file
13:04.43Kattyhow great is that!
13:04.51AhrimanesKatty: you wouldnt want them to discover that you used outlook?
13:05.00Kattyboo, pst files instead of Real Mail Folders :<<<
13:05.11KattyAhrimanes: well, i tell you what
13:05.16Zeeekbut since you do a daily backuo, it's not a problem, right?
13:05.20KattyAhrimanes: you make evolution talk to exchange....on debian
13:05.30KattyAhrimanes: and you make it talk to the calendar and the tasks
13:05.38KattyAhrimanes: and then i can stop using outlook (=
13:05.39gordonjcpwe have to use Lotus Notes at work
13:05.41gordonjcpit's balls
13:06.02gordonjcpExchange is more kind of in the problem set than the solution set
13:06.05KattyZeeek: of course it's not a problem. i just grabbed the one of an external hd.
13:06.14Kattygordonjcp: you don't say :P
13:06.21Kattygordonjcp: unfortunately that's out of my hands too.
13:06.50Kattythere is an insanity in our office.
13:06.52Kattya disease.
13:07.16Kattywell not really a disease. It's just that the boss insists we use Microsoft servers because we sell and service them.
13:07.28*** join/#asterisk Flame123 (~Xela@
13:07.29Kattyand no matter how many times i try to tell him Don't Do That! He does it.
13:07.38Kattylike the vonexus server we're getting :<
13:07.49KattyDon't ask me what has pocessed him to buy it. We have a working asterisk server...
13:07.55Flame123hi, i have a question about capi, has someone experiences with it?
13:08.04KattyBut he seems to think it will sell better because it has Microsoft and HP backing, etc.
13:08.16gordonjcpKatty: hmmm
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13:08.50Kattygordonjcp: i think brian's going to call and talk some sense into him (=
13:09.27Flame123how can i bring asterisk to answere on both capi lines instead of answere only one line and set the 2. to busy?
13:09.39agalloQ: i got a problem with the GSM Protocol; i cannot receive DTMF from incoming calls; it will work only with A/U Law; is it an asterisk problem or is my provider wrong? ANy suggestions? *g*
13:09.51*** join/#asterisk Dossy (dossy@dossy.aolserver) it a problem of my extension or is it the capi.conf?
13:10.52darth-timeushi, can anyone help me please, the E1 in the central that i connect is not activating any channel when i start asterisk
13:11.06darth-timeusthey only activated when a call is placed to the central
13:11.14darth-timeushelp, please
13:11.33AhrimanesKatty: i know the headaches og both exchange/outlook and notes.. am glad to be in a tiny company where i setup the mailserver and define the usage now :D
13:12.27darth-timeushere are the zaptel.conf, zapata.conf and ztcfg -vv
13:12.54darth-timeusi'm using ubuntu 5.04
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13:15.14KattyAhrimanes: (=
13:15.14agalloanyone had DTMF problem with the GSM codec? ^^
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13:17.22darth-timeushere is other find, when i start asterisk it show me chanzap.c:7512 zt_pri_error PRI: !! no channel map, no channel, and no ds1, what i'm supposed to identify?
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13:17.39*** join/#asterisk K|ng (king@
13:19.08Hmmhesaysdefine problem
13:19.17Kattyproblem: (n) Hmmhesays
13:19.18*** join/#asterisk alvis2k (Alvis@
13:19.32*** join/#asterisk stevek (
13:19.45Hmmhesaysdon't say things like that this early, I have no idea what you mean
13:19.49*** join/#asterisk dandre (
13:20.02KattyHmmhesays: it's not mean. i'm just teasing you.
13:22.07KattyHmmhesays: you'd like my bedroom when i'm done redecorating. it has luis royo prints
13:22.59HmmhesaysKatty: that should be interesting, you'll have to send me some pictures
13:23.24KattyHmmhesays: of the royo prints or of the bedroom?
13:23.32Kattyi'm not so sure the canopy bed will fit in an entire picture.
13:23.44Hmmhesaysof the bedroom decorated with royo prints
13:24.01Hmmhesayscanopy bed huh? those are no good for bouncing on
13:24.05puppetkatty :o
13:24.07puppethmmhesays :o
13:24.09puppethi :)
13:24.09Kattythe two prints are Dreams II (sometimes known as the raven) and Girls bathing in moonlight
13:24.19eper-werkstupid Q but er how would i say "all" in terms of any number more than 4 digits for a exten =>  "ie any number moe than 4 digits use zap/1" _<xxxx,1,Dial(${OUTBOUND}/${EXTEN})
13:24.24Kattyhi puppet (=
13:24.28Hmmhesaysunless you are 3 feet tall
13:24.31dandreHello all,
13:24.32puppetkatty: What you doing?
13:24.33dandreI have some echo problems with my tdm400p card. As said in the wiki ( I have loaded wctdm module as follows:
13:24.34dandremodprobe wctdm opermode=FRANCE
13:24.36dandrebut I don't see any log or message. How should I be sure that the proper settings are taken into account?
13:24.39Kattypuppet: bugging Hmmhesays
13:24.48KattyHmmhesays: want to see it?
13:24.50puppetkatty: haha, sounds boing ;P
13:24.55HmmhesaysKatty: sure
13:24.59Kattypuppet: ;)
13:25.01Ahrimaneshm when creating a call file and placing it in the outgoing folder, when it calls out to my cellphone i get 1020XXXX as callerid, anyone know where this might be set?
13:25.03KattyHmmhesays: i order it monday!
13:25.04agalloeper-werk, yes if you look at wiki there is some example on how to use something like regular exp
13:25.15Hmmhesaysisn't today monday?
13:25.20puppetits monday today
13:25.23Hmmhesaysor did I miss a day again
13:25.24puppetand in sweden its a red day ;D
13:25.28puppetswedens nationall day
13:25.31puppetor something ;P
13:25.38puppet~seen puppet
13:25.46jbotpuppet is currently on #asterisk (1d 4h 34m 28s).  Has said a total of 71 messages.  Is idling for 8s
13:25.46Hmmhesaysmy time is all messed up. I was sitting around the fire pit till 7am saturday morning
13:25.54KattyHmmhesays: i'm thinking i'll match the sheets/comforter up with the purply blue in the royo prints..and black drapes, obviously.
13:25.55puppet:o have i just said 71 messages
13:26.00puppeti need to get better
13:26.11puppetkatty: that bed looks coosy :o
13:26.43agalloWell, is there another place where to post my problem without be forced to read OT stuffs? :-P
13:26.44HmmhesaysKatty: that would look nice
13:26.55KattyHmmhesays: ye.
13:27.06KattyHmmhesays: i'll take pictures when it's all done.
13:27.08KattyHmmhesays: somehow.
13:27.15Kattyi'll get out the camcorder!
13:27.22Hmmhesaysthere you go
13:27.33puppetkatty: :o are you gone use the camcorder on the bed?
13:27.38Hmmhesaysu gotz teh problem solving skillz
13:27.49Kattypuppet: don't you make me come over there.
13:27.54puppetkatty: hahaha ;P
13:27.55Kattypuppet: it's monday morning!
13:28.08puppetkatty: i wokeup for 30 min ago
13:28.21puppetkatty: and its 15:00 here then ;P
13:28.22Hmmhesaysi've been up for an hour
13:28.23KattyHmmhesays: go look at the royo prints
13:29.26Hmmhesaysyeah I was looking at that
13:29.35Hmmhesaysthat girl looks like she wants to tear me apart
13:29.51puppethmmhesays: ehh just tie her to the bed and shes harmless ;P
13:30.10Kattyhmm, there's a bigger one of moonbath
13:30.40Hmmhesaysnsfw links incase anyone in here cares
13:30.40KattyHmmhesays: <- bigger
13:31.24*** part/#asterisk agallo (
13:31.24*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
13:31.33Hmmhesayshow big is the print you are getting?
13:31.41Katty30 x 40
13:31.50puppetkatty: nice one
13:32.03KattyHmmhesays: they're 'fabric' posters apparently. still going to frame them.
13:32.06HmmhesaysI don't think those would go well in my room
13:32.18HmmhesaysI would probably frame them
13:32.24Kattythat's why they're going in /my/ room
13:32.54Hmmhesaysso when are you going to invite me down to see them in person?
13:33.11puppet and is onmy wall :)
13:33.19KattyHmmhesays: when the house isn't a mess?
13:35.13Hmmhesayspuppet, those pictures are odd
13:35.31puppethmmhesays: its me on them :)
13:35.34puppethmmhesays: taken by me :)
13:35.57pjzanyone know how to set the date/time on a polycome soundpoint 500?
13:36.00Hmmhesayswell since we are all posting pictures here....
13:36.07puppethaha :=)
13:36.10pjzit doesn't seem to be paying attention to the NTP option in dhcp
13:36.21astoriapjz: log onto the web interface and set it up to use a time server
13:36.23KattyHmmhesays: i'm not so sure i should trust you in my house.
13:36.31HmmhesaysKatty: why is that?
13:36.33astoriapjz: i use - it works well
13:36.38puppethahahahaa hmmhesays ;D;D;D
13:36.49pjzastoria: hrm, I have a local timeserver, I just need to know where in the config to point it
13:36.50puppeti wantthe sims 2 now ;D
13:36.56Hmmhesayspuppet: i thought that was great... was up on fark the other day
13:37.01astoriapjz: use the core config on the web interface
13:37.01KattyHmmhesays: males can't be trusted.
13:37.05jsharpsims 2 rocks.  My wife plays it all the time.
13:37.08puppetkatty: sure we can :)
13:37.10KattyHmmhesays: they are Bad and Evil creatures, i hear
13:37.21HmmhesaysKatty: when have I ever done you wrong?
13:37.27*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
13:37.38gordonjcpHmmhesays: is that puppet outside your Sim's bathroom?
13:37.38Kattytrue ;)
13:37.44gordonjcp'cos it looks like his photo...
13:37.48puppetgordonjcp: *spank*
13:37.53puppetgordonjcp: ;D
13:38.02HmmhesaysI did shave most of my facial hair off though
13:38.03KattyHmmhesays: k, you can come visit.
13:38.08gordonjcppuppet: what? You're the one that's stalking Sims
13:38.09HmmhesaysKatty: woohoo
13:38.13KattyHmmhesays: but one wrong move and i'm booting you out on your tail!
13:38.18puppetgordonjcp: ;o)
13:38.19*** join/#asterisk Nuxi (
13:38.31HmmhesaysKatty: putting the pressure on there
13:38.32*** part/#asterisk Maksim (~max@
13:38.34puppetkatty: dont think hmmhesays got a tail, just you do ;P
13:39.25KattyHmmhesays: yeah well i don't trust males :)
13:39.38Hmmhesays sfw
13:39.40Hmmhesaysthere's the new me
13:39.45pjzastoria: n/m, found it, it's in the ipmid.cfg
13:39.51*** join/#asterisk anthm (
13:39.51*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
13:40.00JerJerKatty: good instinct
13:40.02Kattymorning anthm
13:40.08gordonjcpHmmhesays: woah scary
13:40.16puppethmmhesays: you look dangrous
13:40.21puppethi anthm
13:40.34KattyHmmhesays: yum.
13:40.40KattyHmmhesays: now grow it out to your shoulders.
13:41.00Hmmhesaysgrow what out to my shoulders?
13:41.10Kattyyour hair.
13:41.34Hmmhesaysgordonjcp I got some pictures like that
13:41.42puppetslow site ;P
13:41.44HmmhesaysKatty: longest it's ever been is down to my jaw
13:41.58gordonjcpHmmhesays: heh
13:42.03Hmmhesayswhat's that you're working on?
13:42.06Kattygordonjcp: heh
13:42.07*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
13:42.08puppetgordonjcp: are you a car?
13:42.17puppet"Katty says: pount"
13:42.19*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
13:42.20gordonjcppuppet: partially...
13:42.36Ariel_Morning all
13:42.37Kattypuppet: that's 'pout'
13:42.37Hmmhesaysgot a nightmarish suspension job to do there
13:42.47puppetkatty: doh ok, im swede! ;P
13:42.49gordonjcpHmmhesays: nah, I was rebuilding the brakes
13:42.51puppethi ariel_ :)
13:42.58gordonjcpHmmhesays: on my mate's TR6
13:43.22Hmmhesaysthe 'pads only' brake job?
13:43.25Kattyi think the latest of me is still on the webcam
13:43.33dandreHello all,
13:43.34dandreI have some echo problems with my tdm400p card. As said in the wiki ( I have loaded wctdm module as follows:
13:43.36dandremodprobe wctdm opermode=FRANCE
13:43.37dandrebut I don't see any log or message. How should I be sure that the proper settings are taken into account?
13:43.38puppetkatty: youre cute, but ive said that once :)
13:43.54Kattypuppet: it's really just lighting effects (=
13:43.59puppetkatty: pfft ;P
13:44.18Kattywhy does no one ever believe me? :<
13:44.19Hmmhesaysto be honest your accent is quite nice
13:44.28gordonjcpHmmhesays: no, rear drums off, shoes off, adjusters off, slave cylinders off...
13:44.38Hmmhesaysgordonjcp: ahh a real brake job
13:44.39puppetkatty: cause youre hot? ;P
13:44.39gordonjcpHmmhesays: strip and rebuild adjusters and slaves, refit
13:44.52Kattypuppet: not a piece of meat :<
13:45.02puppet"Katty says: pout"
13:45.08puppetkatty: :)
13:45.14Hmmhesayspieces of meat don't have nice accents
13:45.23puppettrue ;P
13:45.25Hmmhesayscause they can't talk
13:45.26Kattymoving on!
13:45.36*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@malcolmd.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
13:45.48Kattygosh. someone just froogled steaks.
13:46.34HmmhesaysI was out at the roadhouse this weekend and they had a band with a female on lead vocals... they did a cover of "dream on" that was kickass
13:48.07gordonjcpmmm steak
13:49.49*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
13:49.49*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
13:50.06puppetmorning bkw_
13:51.03*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
13:53.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:56.41_omerexten => s,1,Transfer(SIP/1233@  <----- did I something wrong?
13:58.11*** join/#asterisk ep1220 (
13:58.12*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
14:01.16dandreI have some echo problems with my tdm400p card. As said in the wiki ( I have loaded wctdm module as follows:
14:01.18dandremodprobe wctdm opermode=FRANCE
14:01.19dandrebut I don't see any log or message. How should I be sure that the proper settings are taken into account?
14:01.51|Vulture|anyone able to build the latests CVS?
14:02.13JerJer|Vulture|: run:   cvs up -dP
14:02.32JerJerthen make clean
14:02.35JerJerthen make
14:03.07|Vulture|JerJer: its like its in the middle of an update it errored on app_playback now its erroring on app_rxfax
14:03.29|Vulture|never had trouble before...
14:03.32JerJerapp_rxfax is not part of the source tree - so it very well could be broken now
14:03.47JerJermajor changes has gone into cvs -head in the last 24 hours
14:03.48durufleanyone use the polycom ip300 ?
14:03.49eper-werksave me some time, how do i tell asterisk to use zap/1-8 ?:)
14:04.00|Vulture|CVS-HEAD-06/04/05-14:01:24 was crashing on me under heavy load
14:04.07JerJereper-werk: then you will have to pay someone - not me
14:04.15bkw_Katty, puppet YOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYO
14:04.19puppetbkw_: slowpoke ;P
14:04.26bkw_sorry was on the phone
14:04.31bkw_taking care of an issue :P
14:05.04puppetbkw_: haha ;P
14:05.26_omer3 way calls it possible in asterisk?
14:05.36|Vulture|okay removed rx/txfax from Makefile see if this works
14:05.49JerJerwhy do you have it in the asterisk source tree?
14:05.54*** part/#asterisk ep1220 (
14:06.14JerJerit does have its own build method, which is outside of the source tree
14:06.47|Vulture|JerJer: I thought it had spandsp outside then rx/txfax apps inside the apps/ dir
14:06.51*** join/#asterisk af_ (
14:06.52JerJer_omer:  asterisk will do anything you configure it to do
14:06.54bkw_JerJer, no
14:07.12*** part/#asterisk melster (
14:07.16bkw_I even mail it to coppice last month
14:07.31JerJerthen i must have wrote one as well cuz my shit compiles outside of the source tree
14:07.43_omerJerJer: great! ....any help on 3 way conferencing?
14:07.50|Vulture|hmmm okay I am just behind the curve then
14:07.53_omeroops not conferencing.....but transfering
14:08.06JerJerpress the button that says transfer
14:08.20JerJeror the # sign, with a properly configured T or t dial modifier
14:08.37puppetwtb a meetme module that dont need ztdummy ;P
14:08.40*** join/#asterisk dwmw2 (dwmw2@
14:08.45|Vulture|keeps crashin
14:08.49darkskiezthe callerid has changed again
14:08.56_omerI need to configure asterisk to transfer the calls exactly like X-Pro .....
14:09.00JerJerpuppet: ztdummy is pretty solid on 2.6 now
14:09.09_omerJerJer: any example on web?
14:09.32puppetjerjer: thing is i ave messed up the box, with kernerl source and i dont wanne recompile to get the source avaiable to compile the modules blahablaha ;P
14:10.10Hmmhesaysugh I still haven't decided on a midrange wireless ap
14:10.24puppethmmhesays: linksys
14:10.46*** join/#asterisk BadSTuff (
14:10.54JerJer400mw 802.11b/g !!
14:10.57*** join/#asterisk digao_go (~t7DS@
14:11.04Hmmhesayspersonally i've had no issue's with linksys ap's
14:11.17puppetlinksys is the pwn
14:11.24jsharp400mw?  Oy.
14:11.35Hmmhesaysusing them in the environment they were designed for anyway
14:11.43digao_goAlguem me ajuda?
14:11.49digao_goproblema com o asterisk + xlite?
14:12.39jeremywhitinghi all
14:13.00jeremywhitinganyone know how to force a polycom phone to upload it's bootlog to the server from the server?
14:13.05Hmmhesays400mw? 0_o
14:13.18darkskiezhow has the define of the version number changed? thats what stopping rxfax building
14:13.21puppetjerjer: give me ;P
14:13.24|Vulture|oh wow * did change a lot of 48 hrs
14:13.24digao_goAhrimanes tipo so novo no asterisk e configurei ele liberando as linhas do sip.conf...pois instalei os exemplos
14:13.52digao_goAhrimanes mais o asterisk da erro o seguinte: chan_sip.c:7691 handle_request.: Registration From  'Teste'
14:13.53digao_go<sip:5678@xlite1>' failed from ''
14:13.57Ahrimanesdigao_go: english please.. no habla.. but i have had xlite working
14:14.23digao_goAhrimanes no speak english.....
14:14.35digao_goAhrimanes problem my asterisk server
14:14.46digao_goAhrimanes i using xlite for test
14:14.50digao_goAhrimanes error: chan_sip.c:7691 handle_request.: Registration From  'Teste'
14:14.51digao_go<sip:5678@xlite1>' failed from ''
14:15.23digao_goAhrimanes I go to try to go speaking English
14:15.27*** join/#asterisk DaWolfey (
14:15.30*** join/#asterisk file[class] (~jcolp@
14:15.32file[class]jbot: seen file
14:15.33jbotfile <> was last seen on IRC in channel #tacobeam, 14h 30m 58s ago, saying: 'kergoth: generic driver?'.
14:15.40file[class]what, no!
14:15.55darkskiez-       if [ -d CVS ] && [ ! -f .version ]; then echo $(ASTERISKVERSION) > .version; fi
14:16.02darkskiezwhy was that removed from the makefile ?
14:16.07file[class]jbot: seen file[mac]
14:16.08jbotfile[mac] <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 19h 32m 13s ago, saying: 'yessss'.
14:16.08DaWolfeygood morning/afternoon/evening
14:16.14*** join/#asterisk cluecon (
14:16.14file[class]no no no wrong IP
14:16.40DaWolfeywhen I do a reload in the asterisk CLI, should I be seeing the line "/etc/asterisk/modem.conf" parsed ?
14:17.20DaWolfeybecause, for some reason, it doesn't seem to be processed
14:17.28DaWolfeyany suggestions ?
14:17.46JerJerdont use chan_modem ?  i duno
14:18.35*** join/#asterisk angler_ (
14:19.08darth-timeushi, can anyone help me please, the E1 in the central that i connect is not activating any channel when i start asterisk, they only activated when a call is placed to the central,here are the zaptel.conf, zapata.conf and ztcfg -vv
14:19.12dandreI have some echo problems with my tdm400p card.
14:19.18darth-timeusplease i really need help on this
14:19.29darth-timeusor can you give me any reading that can help
14:19.29JerJerfile[class]:  pay attention to that monotone voice coming from the front of the room
14:19.33dandreAs said in the wiki ( I have loaded wctdm module as follows:
14:19.46dandremodprobe wctdm opermode=FRANCE
14:19.59dandrebut I don't see any log or message. How should I be sure that the proper settings are taken into account?
14:20.02JerJerdoes one have echo cancel turned on?
14:20.06darth-timeusi'm using digium te410p
14:20.16file[class]JerJer: he's in his office looking at stuff on his computer
14:20.41JerJerte410P is not tdm400p
14:20.58dandreI have put echocancel=on in my zapata.conf
14:21.32file[class]it's eerily quiet in here
14:21.34*** join/#asterisk scrub1 (~scrubb@nFrame-216-37-19-41.OneCall.Net)
14:21.37file[class](my class that is()
14:22.10eper-werkits a good feeling when your pbx works and you first recieve a call via the POT
14:22.12file[class]my good email, how sad
14:22.28file[class]er no good email
14:23.30puppet Anyone know why attended transfer dont work but blind?
14:24.23Kattywhy do i always have to do a mountain of paperwork before setting up a network? :<
14:25.00file[class]puppet: you don't have chan_local
14:25.07file[class]as it said :P
14:25.10puppetam i that stopid? ;P
14:25.12file[class]Jun  6 16:21:56 WARNING[17411]: res_features.c:790 builtin_atxfer: Unable to create channel Local/1003@outgoing/n do you have chan_local?
14:25.19file[class]^^^ do you have chan_local?
14:25.34Hmmhesays19dbm should be enough to make it through a foot of concrete and 10 feet beyond... I hope
14:25.37file[class]read the errors people
14:25.40file[class]they exist for a reason
14:25.44file[class]and warnings.
14:25.51JerJerHmmhesays:  yes 400mw
14:26.22puppetfile[class]: ;D smack me please
14:26.43|Vulture|JerJer: is your spandsp outside compile script posted anywhere?
14:26.54puppetfile[class]: thanks, works perfect now ;P
14:27.34bkw_file we need to finish up that ser stuffs today
14:27.37bkw_when you get home :P
14:27.50file[class]bkw_: if you call it, it shall go :P
14:28.07bkw_and if it doesn't.. I get to chop off your arm?
14:28.08HmmhesaysJerJer: i googled for awhile.. did you have a specific brand in mind? cause there are just a few it seems that transmit at that power
14:28.16file[class]you get to wait till tonight when I have free time
14:28.35Kattybkw_: hint!
14:28.38Kattybkw_: talk to robin (=
14:28.49Hmmhesayssomeone talk to my boss
14:28.58*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
14:29.02KattyHmmhesays: do my paperwork!
14:29.07file[class]bkw_: try it now and see if it works or not, cause if not I can hide an SSH window and muck with it
14:29.25HmmhesaysKatty: I've done plenty for you!
14:29.28puppetbt monitor sitll dont work :/
14:30.02bkw_stupid asterisk
14:30.20KattyHmmhesays: you're right, you have :<
14:30.25dandreIs this chanel related only to CVS or also to stable?
14:30.26file[class]bkw_: I'll secure it for our IPs too
14:30.38Ahrimanesdandre: both
14:30.46astoriaanyone know how to use teh CLI for an adit 600?
14:30.58Hmmhesaysmost cli's are not hard to muck your way through
14:31.18file[class]soooooooooooooo much to do
14:31.21astoriawell, i was hoping someone knew the default pw for adit 600 :)
14:31.26astoriai can't seem to find it on google
14:32.05astoriaand if i needed a null modem serial cable or straight thru
14:32.36Hmmhesayscheck the wiki
14:33.24*** join/#asterisk jsynack (
14:33.42astorianothing :(
14:33.59file[class]call adit? lol
14:34.18file[class]call support for adit
14:34.46Hmmhesaysariel might know
14:34.46file[class]which is carrier access
14:35.05astoriawell, i don't really own the adit 600.. it's the telco's, but they are too clueless to know what i'm talking about.
14:35.17file[class]how FuN
14:35.42astoriahell, i'm too clueless to know what i'm talking about
14:35.52*** join/#asterisk apardo (
14:36.45bkw_file dear its almost time
14:36.54bkw_two more hours or so
14:37.08file[class]time for what now
14:37.32file[class]I shall be in physics when it occurs
14:39.21dandreAhrimanes: I have a problem with echo cancellation on TDM400P
14:39.51Ahrimanesdandre: hm, well i'm not using any cards directly, so have no experience, sorry
14:40.21*** join/#asterisk m25callcenter (~aponph@
14:40.31bkw_Katty, yo yo yo
14:41.13*** join/#asterisk cuilean (
14:41.50dandreAhrimanes: Thanks for your reply.. . I really feel alone here!
14:43.18cuileanHello, all.  Dropping in to listen so that I can stave off problems before I begin. ;D
14:43.39Ahrimanesdandre: hehe, yes, can be a bit hard getting a response if people dont have the solution at hand
14:49.23cuileanOkay.. question that I may just not have gotten to yet in the manual.
14:49.40cuileanIs there a web interface for people to set up forwards and the like?
14:49.49cuileanOr is that something I'll have to automate m'self?
14:51.31Ahrimanesdont think there's a stock interface for this.. havent seen one anyway
14:51.41file[class]wow I got this working on Win2k3 IIS 5...
14:52.12cuilean'Kay... It's not overly difficult, from what I've seen... maybe I'll code it up and send it to Digium as a "contrib".
14:52.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:52.32Ahrimanescuilean: would be nice
14:53.24cuileanI'd be doing it with Perl, though... so... ::Chuckles::  IIS users would have to go through a hoop first. :D
14:53.42Ahrimanescuilean: that's good.. perl = good
14:53.58bkw_screw IIS
14:54.37clueconbkw_: do you have that one programmed into the conference yet?
14:55.07file[class]bkw_: I can get a Powerbook sooner then I thought, I have more money then I thought ;)
15:00.07*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
15:01.16file[class]T-Minus 2 hours till Steve Jobs Keynote.
15:01.18file[class]PLEASE STAND BY!
15:01.45Ahrimanesis it streamed anywhere?
15:01.46puppetwtb livestream ;P
15:01.49*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
15:02.07file[class]who knows!
15:02.48*** join/#asterisk shido (
15:03.12cuileanWatch... Jobs comes on and says, "With all the feedback we've gotten about Intel.. we're still going x86, but we're going AMD Opteron..."
15:03.19*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
15:03.39clueconcuilean: we can all dream.
15:03.51jbotwell, cluecon is - Cluecon is an Open Source Telephony Expo and Developer's Conference geared towards open source Telephony enthusiasts and developers around the world. There will be a full schedule of expert speakers as well as many presentations and booths from various telephony related businesses.
15:04.12file[class]yay Cluecon!!!
15:04.27cuilean::Raised eyebrow::
15:04.36cuilean::Hears crickets::
15:04.39puppetcluecon: where? not finding on slashdot :o
15:05.01astoriai wish cluecon was in downtown chicago
15:05.08puppetno wish cluecon was in sweden ;D
15:05.13clueconit has to do with florida judges throwing out dui charges, but it is the same concept.
15:05.18Ahrimanespuppet: come to astrican europe
15:05.31clueconif they can't prove that it actually works then it is difficult for them to use it as evidence.
15:05.32puppetoh thatone ;D
15:05.37puppetahrimanes: dont have the cash :'(
15:05.48file[class]COME TO CLUECON!!!
15:06.00puppet"oh baby come to cluecon"
15:06.04Ahrimanespuppet: ok, got the company to pay for it :D
15:06.15puppetahrimanes: ge them to pay for me to ;D
15:06.28Ahrimanespuppet: hehe
15:06.40astoriai gotta talk to my boss about it.
15:06.52puppetnice cluecon ;D
15:06.55astoriai don't work for an asterisk related business though, but we use asterisk
15:06.58maxgoAnyone has experience registering sipura phones on asterisk?
15:07.17Aze`maxgo i got 30 sipura spa-841
15:08.05clueconthis AMD 64 has a feature that turns of the fan on the processor when it's not needed.  When that fan shuts off, I can't hear my machine at all.  Makes me wonder if the stupid thing is on or not.
15:08.06Hmmhesaysmaxgo: haha
15:08.19Hmmhesaysmaxgo: randomly pick a name off the nick list
15:08.39cuileanCluecon--- you're just so intelligent, you can't tell because your brain processes everything you would've been relying on the computer to do. ::Winks::
15:08.44Anyonesorry maxgo i havent:(
15:08.49*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
15:09.20cuileanMere mortals like myself need the actual CPU power to envision reality. ;)
15:09.44maxgoOK Aze, I can't get a 841 to register. last night i achieved it using the "sip notify sipura-check-cfg" command, but now the command says it can't create an address for its extension number... did you have to configure something special?
15:09.58clueconcuilean: I use my CPU to envision a better reality.  One that lets me kill, mame, and destroy without actually having to keep a day job.
15:10.14cuileanAh, so you're a WoW player... ;D
15:10.33clueconcuilean: no. haven't really been able to get into that.
15:10.49puppetwow sucks ;P
15:10.49clueconnot enough time in my day to play many games.
15:10.53cuileanBe glad... you wouldn't have enough time left over for everything else you need to do. ;D
15:10.59cuilean<---Is an EQ player. :p
15:11.06puppet< AO player;P
15:11.44cuileanPJZ, I only play on FV... Trying to get the role-playing side of things going as opposed to the "Me Must Smash!"
15:11.50*** join/#asterisk Mc_Tr (
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15:12.00pjzwhy upgrade a character when I can upgrade myself ? :)
15:12.02*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:12.02puppethahaha cuilean
15:12.05cuileanBeen playing D&D for a long, long time, and miss the regular games. ;D
15:12.21maxgoAze: did you have any problem configuring the 841s?
15:12.22Mc_Tri have a big problem ;)
15:12.32astoriaanyone have a copy of the adit 600 manual pdf?
15:12.42cuileanPJZ--- Too bad you can't go to the "bazaar" and pick up some twinkgear. ::Coughs, winks::
15:12.55Mc_Tri use a TE110P in E1 mode
15:13.04pjzMc_Tr: I use one in T1 mode!
15:13.16Mc_Trbut in 8th (more or less) all call hangup.
15:13.18pjzanyone got any tips on configing a soundpoint 500 from an FTP server?
15:13.27darkskiezin 8th what
15:13.39Mc_Tr8th call, sorry, i'm not english ;(
15:13.49darkskiezi'm sorry too
15:14.02Mc_Trdied with:
15:14.02cuileanYou get up to eight channels dialing, Mc_Tr, and then they all hang up?
15:14.02Mc_TrJun  6 16:45:30 VERBOSE[22618]:   == Everyone is busy/congested at this time
15:14.02Mc_TrJun  6 16:45:30 DEBUG[22618]: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CONGESTION.
15:14.24Mc_Trcuilean: eight channel dialed, with conversations
15:14.53pjzcuilean: 'Me Must Smash!' is appropriate for trolls or ogres :)
15:15.00cuileanNon-asterisk question: CPU load when this happens?
15:15.07puppetpjz: and enforcersd in AO ;P
15:15.21puppetcuilean: when the cpu gets loaded
15:15.23cuileanPJZ--- Agreed... but I play an enchanter, so I can *be* a troll or ogre. ;D
15:15.33Mc_Trumm, cuilean: i don't know, but i think that not, P III 1000
15:15.39cuileanMc_Tr--- Is it 100% CPU when this happens?
15:15.51cuilean(Sorry, repetitive.)
15:16.03Mc_Trcuilean: i goto to test this
15:16.09*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
15:16.11cuileanMc_Tr--- That was a sysadmin kneejerk reaction. ;D
15:17.00Ahrimanescuilean: then he must add more cpu power... or .. wait
15:17.03cuileanAnyone have good luck with dual-CPUs for an Asterisk server?
15:17.17Ahrimanesyeah, can * actually use 2 cpu's ?
15:17.32shidodual cpus are better
15:17.34cuileanI've got a "spare" dual Xeon 2Ghz box here that I was considering using. :)
15:17.37darkskiezits multithreaded so i'd imagine
15:17.38Ahrimanesam running it on a 4-way machine now.. but it only runs on one cpu at a time
15:18.38shidowhat os are you using?
15:18.38shidoand what do you mean by 4 way? quad xeon?
15:18.38cuileanI'll be using SuSE 9.3...
15:18.41Ahrimanesshido: nah, smt enabled on freebsd, 2 physical cpu's and 4 logical
15:18.45maxgoAZe, are you still there????
15:18.56maxgoplease, help me on this one!
15:19.07shido2 HT CPU's
15:19.30RoyKfour hysterical CPUs
15:20.55Mc_Trcuilean: memory problem?
15:21.13Ahrimanesbut will disable ht soon.. but it doesnt look like * runs threads on more than one cpu
15:21.18cuileanMc_Tr:  Possible...
15:21.36gpearsonany tips on how to solve echo problems with an SIP Account.
15:21.49shidoturn the volume down or stop usng cheap headsets
15:21.49jsynackI had a problem like that (congestion) on  a quad T1 card that went away when I added a 2nd T1.
15:21.52cuileanMc_Tr: What do you get from a "sar".. ::Looking up options::
15:21.57shidois there a zapchannel involved, gpearson ?
15:22.15Mc_Tri don't have installed sar, i use top
15:22.20jsynackI think the err is in the asterisk way of finding a free channel, as the channels were open, but it thought they were not. If I created a special extention to call out on a specific one, it always worked fine.
15:22.22gpearsonasterisk only has SIP Trunk
15:22.43cuileansar -r?
15:22.50cuileanOkay, use top instead. ;D
15:22.54jsynackAdded the 2nd T1 to go to my own equipment to see if it was a provisioning err with the PSTN, and never saw the problem again.
15:22.56cuilean(top's a resource hog. ;D)
15:23.03maxgoAdvice on configuring spa841 plz...
15:23.19cuilean(Too many times when top *caused* the problem in my case. ;D)
15:23.39Ahrimanescuilean: what kind of machine was that on? hehe
15:23.49cuileanA P2-300, actually...
15:24.05Kattybkw_: what?
15:24.06cuileanRunning RH6.2, apache and MySQL...
15:24.15Kattybkw_: i was busy doing stuff
15:24.24Ahrimanescuilean: ah redhat..
15:24.27Kattybkw_: and by stuff i mean paperwork on wireless cards and print servers and routers, etc.
15:24.27Ahrimanesand even 6.2
15:24.29cuileanTrying to figure out why MySQL was slow... and top crunched.
15:24.42clueconKatty: you get that server up yet?
15:24.43PBXtechare digium G729 licences locked to the eth0? can they be moved if the PC is out of service?
15:24.43cuileanWent to sar, and haven't really looked back. :D
15:24.52Kattycluecon: what server?
15:25.06Kattycluecon: vonexus server?
15:25.14clueconKatty: yeah, that one.
15:25.19Kattycluecon: pffft.
15:25.25Kattycluecon: i'm hella procrastinating that
15:25.33Kattycluecon: also, i don't have an administrator password.
15:25.39Ahrimanescuilean: but still using rh6.2? ;)
15:25.40Kattycluecon: so..i obviously can't do /anything/ on it yet ;)
15:25.49clueconKatty: yeah, don't blame ya there.  and that is a really good excuse.
15:26.06darkskiezPBXtech,  ifconfig eth1 hw ether 00:01:23:45:67:89 :)
15:26.08clueconKatty: you could have * up in under 15 minutes.  come on, ya know ya want to.
15:26.38cuileanNo, I'm not still using RH6.2 ;D
15:26.54Hmmhesaystook 30 minutes to install debian on my p233 laptop
15:26.55cuilean::Grins::  That P2-300 actually had a bad interrupt controller, which is why it was "sticking".
15:27.00Ahrimanescuilean: hehe
15:27.02PBXtechbut i want to move them to a server that already has licences already
15:27.14cuileanSo, I pitched it in the trashcan and built a new one.
15:27.49Kattycluecon: i already have the asterisk server up
15:27.55Kattycluecon: it's been up for ages.
15:28.14bkw_my backspace key stopped sending anything
15:28.19clueconKatty: so why does the boss want vonexus again?
15:28.21cuileanAnd MAC address changing is *BAD* (screams the network admin side of my head)
15:28.34clueconbkw_: that's what happens when you start looking at japanese pron.
15:28.37Kattycluecon: because he thinks it will sell better than asterisk because it has the backing of Microsoft and HP
15:28.47tzangermorning katty
15:28.54Kattyshido: for future reference, don't presume i'm dumb, k?
15:28.57Kattyshido: that sure ticks me off
15:29.17Hmmhesaysmac address changing is good if you are "borrowing wiFi" from somewhere you normally would have to pay for
15:29.17cuileanNoone really thinks that, Katty. ;D
15:29.26cuileanHmm--- Hmm. :p
15:29.32clueconKatty: got his number around?  I'd be happy to give him a call and explain the difference between sells better and sells repeatedly.
15:29.34Kattyshido: and stop private messaging met oo
15:29.36robl^bkw_, stop getting sticky stuff on the keyboard.  it'll last longer.  Coffee bad.  Cola bad.  Super glue bad.  etc. :)
15:29.40Kattyshido: that's getting equally annoying
15:29.47bkw_robl^, you're dirty
15:29.52Kattycluecon: bkw_ is supposed to call today
15:29.57Kattybkw_: IF HE WAKES UP
15:30.37Hmmhesayssomeone needs to kick shido in the junk
15:30.37clueconKatty: bkw_ is too busy looking at some japanese pron site that won't let him use his backspace key.
15:30.37Hmmhesayser... did I say that
15:30.37gordonjcpKatty: bkw_ was about earlier...
15:30.37cuileanWhoops.. ::Smirks::
15:30.39bkw_no its an iterm foobar
15:30.40robl^bkw_, huh?  I just mean not to spill sugary or adheisve things on the keyboard.  you must be feeling guilty for something  :)
15:30.51Kattycluecon: that's ok. it can wait. anime porn is more important
15:31.04clueconI can hear him mumbling and cursing on the phone.
15:31.29robl^cluecon, are you charging them $3.95/minute? :)
15:31.41clueconrobl: i wish.
15:33.18coppicevonexus looks quite buzzword compliant, but actually * beats it hands down for buzzwords
15:33.43Hmmhesayshaha buzzwords
15:33.59Kattyif i wanted buzzwords, i'd talk to a microsoft rep
15:34.00clueconcoppice: i could have an * box up in less than an hour that would be able to wipe the floor with vonexus.
15:34.30coppicewiping the floor == cleaning up the BS? :-)
15:34.59clueconwipe the floor = take bill gates to the cleaners :-)
15:35.39*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
15:36.08Cresl1nmornin folks ;-)
15:37.07*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
15:37.08denonbkw_: you mean with the new makefile stuf?
15:37.22JerJeryeah its a pretty evil time to cvs up
15:37.27bkw_roll baby roll
15:37.29darkskiezthe version number bit removed from the Makefile broke txfax
15:37.38bkw_thats easy to fix
15:37.43marloweis there any cards made for asterisk that are pci-x?
15:37.44bkw_don't build it in the tree
15:37.57darkskiezbkw: and i did
15:38.03coppicewhy did someone remove the version number?
15:38.06denonmarlowe: doubtful
15:38.07*** join/#asterisk thieumS (
15:38.09denonso I guess 1.0.8 isnt as close as it once was?
15:38.17bkw_this is cvs-head boi
15:38.18*** join/#asterisk greg_work (
15:38.25denonyeah.. but..
15:38.33darkskiezcoppice, dunno
15:38.45*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
15:38.58coppicefully non-compile compliant
15:39.33Mc_Trcuilean: My problem are CPU!!!!
15:39.45Mc_Trhow its posible?
15:39.51shidowhats up with the CPU Mc_Tr  ?
15:40.11shidocat /proc/cpuinfo to
15:40.16Mc_Trnormally, 90-100 idle
15:40.32Mc_Trbut in 6th-8th call 12% idle, and all call died
15:40.44shidowhat codec?
15:41.08shidoor codecs were you using?
15:41.32Mc_Trcodec: g711
15:41.35*** join/#asterisk cmk (
15:42.08shidocool, 711, coppermine, how much ram do you have in that think? cat /proc/meminfo and what else were you running on the box? :)
15:42.14cuileanMarlowe--- PCI-X, or PCI-Express?  (Just being certain.)
15:42.18shidoand bandwidth...
15:42.23Mc_Trshido: i don't know wahts happen with the cpu, but isn't normal.
15:42.28*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
15:42.40Mc_Trshido: 512 Mg
15:43.26Mc_Trshido: i have installed asterisk@home
15:43.50*** join/#asterisk R3DB0x (nobody@
15:44.15shidoso you have CentOS the student maker
15:44.17cuilean::looking at the hardware, and so far it's all PCI-regular.))
15:44.31Mc_Trshido: asterisk@home are buggy?
15:44.45Hmmhesaysasterisk@home is good if you know what you are doing already
15:44.48shidono asterisk@home isnt ... buggy - just more dialplan then you need for the gui
15:44.53digao_goI not speak english......
15:45.01cuileanQuel langue, digao?
15:45.03Hmmhesaysdebugging conf files that you do not understand in the first place is no good
15:45.06Qwelldigao_go: we not speak what you speak
15:45.26shidoHmmhesays, this is why asterisk@home has brought me more students than anything else
15:45.29cuilean::Blinks::  Oof... je parle francais.. :/
15:45.35digao_goII try to speak
15:45.38Mc_Trcuilean: looking at the hardware, it's for me?
15:45.40Qwellshido: You a teacher or something?
15:45.40cuileanEt comprendo Italiano.
15:45.55Hmmhesaysshido thinks he is god
15:46.07clueconcuilean: No Hablas Ingles.
15:46.07cuileanMc_Tr:  No, for Marlowe. :D  But I'll go grab that pastebin and look, *-newb that I am. ;D
15:46.09shidono I try my best to help when I can, Hmmhesays
15:46.14Kattyheaven forbid he take your title, Hmmhesays .
15:46.20Hmmhesaysyou are to arrogant for my taste
15:46.37shidowow, really?
15:46.52Hmmhesaysyeah the last time you pm'd me you were a complete dick
15:46.59digao_gomy asterisk is config to xlite no talk from other number....
15:47.02shidoI doubt you were talking to me
15:47.09Qwellwas his evil twin
15:47.15digao_goError: Call not aproved
15:47.20digao_goError: Call not apprroved
15:47.34Mc_Trshido: how much simultaneous conversation can i have with P III 1000?, thanks
15:47.49Hmmhesaysok.... compelete is to strong a word
15:47.52shidoI've had a little experience with asterisk in the past few years we've used it here. I try my best to share what I can without starving
15:47.55QwellMc_Tr: anywhere from 4 to 400, depends on your codecs and such
15:48.08Mc_Trg711 and gsm
15:48.15Makenshii wouldn't expect you to get much of a conversation out of a processor :)
15:48.17Qwelldepends on amount of transcoding
15:48.25Hmmhesayshaha if it wasn't you then I apologize
15:48.30Qwelland even can't really say without trying it
15:48.41Kattyshido: i don't think you'd have enough patience for some of us...especially for me.
15:48.59QwellKatty: he has enough patience for me...I think he could help anybody. ;]
15:49.27Qwelloff to work
15:49.34Hmmhesaysinterpretations of certain sentance structures plays a big part i'm sure
15:50.00*** join/#asterisk gtigene (~chatzilla@
15:50.03cuileanDigao--- I turn you over to the *-stars here. ;D
15:50.13shidoin the beginning we would answer emails and IM's with internet slang which made us seem a lot worse
15:50.27shidolately we've been trying to respond to customer support calls, emails and voicemail
15:50.36cuileanWhat on earth is internet slang? ;D ((Just kidding!))
15:50.39shidoand we've always been in the channel randomly helping people
15:50.48Hmmhesaysomg u R soooo joking lolz
15:51.07gtigeneIs there a remote equivalent to DbGet and DbPut so that I can update the Asterisk database from another host (not on the Asterisk server)?
15:51.36shidoask bkw, gtigene
15:51.37cuilean(Part of the reason I stopped playing FPS games.... too much /337-$/\/\@c|< going on.
15:51.42shidohe does a lot of db stuff for *
15:51.53shidobut you have to catch him in a good mood
15:52.03digao_gocuilean pvt
15:52.09cuileanIs useless, Hmm. :/
15:52.27*** join/#asterisk rootcane (
15:52.31MikeJ[Laptop]gtigene, you can do manager commands to do db
15:52.44shidoand phpmyadmin
15:52.53Nuxiwhat manager commands do db?  I don't see any.
15:52.54KattyQwell: i sure doubt that.
15:52.58digao_gocuilean PERSONAL MESSAGE
15:53.06shidoand a little JerJer magic is how we provision 8xx's accounts, payments, etc
15:53.16cuileanHmm--- I can set up a proxy-box that answers punkbuster the way punkbuster wants to be answered without so much as a wink... and still be running wallhacks and aimbots to my heart's content. :p
15:53.16MikeJ[Laptop]the db cli commands
15:53.25cuileanDigao--- I answered. :)
15:53.36*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
15:53.37KattyQwell: not unless you require hand holding and extensive explinations until your brain explodes (=
15:53.38Hmmhesaysyou just have to find a server where people don't do that shit
15:53.41gtigeneMikeLaptop: I will do it that way if necessary. I am concerned about reports that Asterisk is unstable when there is more than on Manager connection active
15:53.58cuileanHmm--- Agreed... but I found it easier to switch games. ;D
15:54.02gtigeneThough I myself have had no problem
15:54.34MikeJ[Laptop]gtigene, depends on what you are doing.. but I am not a manager fan, I was just saying how you can do it
15:55.17MikeJ[Laptop]I don't know what you are trying to accomplish, but it may be better to use an external db if it is going to get hit alot anyway
15:55.34gtigeneMikeLaptop: OK :). I want people to be able to set call forwarding by going to a web page.
15:55.37gordonjcpgtigene: you could always use a manager proxy
15:55.41*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
15:55.42[TK]D-FenderHello all, (hopefully) quick question : I'm on the WIKI page for "queue_log" and am learning how to read the queue file format but don't see an explanation of the 1st 2 fields (call/timestamp/etc)  Is there a good reference somewhere else for me to examine?
15:55.51rootcaneAnyone know a way to debug a TDM400 card, was working b4 brownout, asterisk thinks it works, but no joy.
15:56.02gtigenegodonjcp: Thanks for the suggestion
15:56.33shidohow does the card smell, rootcane ?
15:57.17shidoif it has the silicon death smell then Im sorry...
15:57.19rootcaneno burning smell...lights all work...I can even call and "connect" to an fxs..
15:57.30shidofxo no worky?
15:57.33shidobut fxs does?
15:57.43*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:57.45rootcanenot really...both sides think they work
15:57.55yaaarok, so, not to open up what I'm sure is a huge can o' worms.......but i've just got my asterisk box calling out via asterlink. things work great...but the call quality kind of bites. there's a bit of a lag, but more than that it sounds like i'm in a barrel, and a bit of popping/crackling to boot. any suggestions on where to start tweaking?
15:58.02rootcanethey just won't pass any information "text/tone" through
15:58.14shidoget rid of Xwindows, yaaar ?
15:58.22yaaarshido: no X on the asterisk server
15:58.32shidoyaaar, using a softphone?
15:58.42yaaarthere is X on the laptop i'm calling from, yes softphone, iaxcomm
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15:59.24Zeeekrootcane, this may be dumb question, but you have left the card off for a 10 minutes at least and disconnected it from all lines?
15:59.36*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@ I havent...but thats actually a very good idea...thanks
15:59.58ZeeekI've had the TDM and even X100P appear to die and after a rest work again after a power failure
16:00.14Zeeekand the X100P shorted the phone lines as well
16:00.25Zeeekmodems do this sometimes
16:00.46tzangeryou've had a modem short tip-ring under normal operation?
16:00.56tzangerpulse-dial doesn't even do that
16:00.58Zeeekafter a power failure, yes
16:01.09Zeeekand it was BOTH X100P in the last case
16:01.11tzangerZeeek: I've never ever seen that
16:01.18tzangerbut considering hte X100P's a modem...
16:01.22cuileanTzanger--- Yes, I have.
16:01.35ZeeekI didn't know what was wrong until I called the phone company - she said, hey your line is shorted out, unplug your modem!
16:01.37yaaari've got a x100p that has always held the lines open, ever since i bought it ($7 ebay) whether asterisk was running or not
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16:02.02tzangerodd odd odd
16:02.09Zeeekthat's the only case ever where th telco said something technical that was true!
16:02.12*** join/#asterisk onkeltimm (
16:02.23Zeeekevery other time they were full of shit
16:02.25iaxyHi all
16:02.34cuileanTzanger--- In my case it was a Practical Peripherals V.90 external...
16:02.39shidook brb, use or msg me
16:02.59iaxyanyone have digium cards that are flaky after a yer or so?
16:03.10iaxymainl;y tdm40 cards
16:03.12cuileanTzanger--- The brains of the modem got confused.
16:03.18ZeeekWe still have occasional circuit breaker problems, but now I have a UPS on the asterisk box :)
16:03.44tzangercuilean: again, there should be no operation mode that shorts out L-T
16:03.45Zeeekjust need one more for th DSL modems and we cool
16:03.52tzangergoing offhook is not shorting out L-T
16:04.01cuileanTZ--- I know. :)
16:04.15tzangerL-T is an industrial term for line and terminal :-)
16:04.23Zeeektzanger (sh)it happens
16:04.42CoaxDPlaying MPEG stream from Nickelback - Figure You Out.mp3 ...
16:04.44cuileanZeeek--- Let me see if I can find the power filter I used on the lines at the "Flaming Tush".
16:05.28ZeeekI've played there! Nice looking bartender
16:05.47HmmhesaysI remember I saw them play that live before the long road came out
16:05.54Hmmhesaysit rocked
16:07.28*** join/#asterisk jaiger (~jaiger@
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16:09.45cuileanFolks--- Trying to help Digao--- if he gets an "Error: Call not approved"--- should I be looking at the dialplan or the phone registration first?
16:10.13*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
16:10.15cuilean<---Playing translator from Google-trans to English.;D
16:12.35Jas_Williamscuilean: try doing a sip debug withing asterisk it may yeald more information
16:12.49cuilean(Xlite error:  "Error: Call not approved.")  I'm thinking it's registration, myself.
16:13.08*** join/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
16:13.16Zeeek"Adult subject matter"
16:13.24cuileanThanks, Jas. :D  ((Trying to be helpful to a non-English speaker. ;D))
16:13.36digao_goErro: XLITE -> Call not approved.......i not speak engilsh..
16:13.43digao_goPERSONAL MESSAGES
16:14.16Hmmhesayssomeone may want to fix the address typo on the cluecon site
16:14.29cuileanDigao--- Jas just recommended you do a SIP debug in asterisk.
16:15.06digao_goI not find archive....
16:16.05*** join/#asterisk angler_ (
16:17.00puppethmmhesays: address typo again? :o
16:17.02cuileanJas--- asterisk -vvvcf?
16:18.16cuileanDigao--- At the console, restart asterisk with -vvvcf, then use asterisk -r to watch the console for errors when you try to make the call.
16:18.43cuileanDigao--- Get the asterisk error, and post that here so we can see it. :)
16:19.04*** join/#asterisk StealthMethod (
16:19.22digao_gocuilean asterisk not reporter erro
16:19.26*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
16:19.28digao_goxlite report erro...
16:19.37digao_goconsole the asterisk is clean
16:19.56cuileanDigao---Does the console show the XLite phone as properly registered?
16:19.59*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
16:20.13*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
16:20.14*** join/#asterisk egon_L (
16:21.06digao_gocuilean command: sip show users
16:21.13digao_gowrite two users
16:21.25*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:21.26digao_goI find sessions?
16:21.48digao_goas I look for for sessoes
16:21.58*** join/#asterisk alt (
16:22.03cuileanDigao--- Did you start asterisk with extra "v"s for debug text?
16:22.04Hmmhesaysi hate softphones
16:22.54cuileanDigao said yes, he did.
16:24.27Zeeekactually X-Lite indiocates whether it thinks it's registered or not
16:25.00Zeeekwhat O/S is digao_go running
16:26.09Zeeekfor X-Lite side?
16:26.47ZeeekI know on Windows, X-Lite shows what proxys it is registered on
16:26.58Zeeekright click will show this
16:27.07digao_goX-Lite release 1103m
16:27.19digao_goslackware 10.1
16:27.20*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
16:27.25Zeeekif there is only one proxy, X-Lite will show status at the top
16:27.29cuileanDigao--- Slackware for both?
16:27.49digao_goXlite for windows
16:27.59digao_goServer asterisk -> Slackware 10.1
16:28.11digao_goSquid proxy with slack linux
16:28.15cuileanDigao--- Do you have multiple proxies set up?
16:28.16digao_goLog xlite
16:28.17Zeeekdigao_go X-Lite should say at the top: "Logged in - Enter Phone Number"
16:28.30digao_goWrite error the channel
16:28.45digao_goRECEIVE TIME: 20377361
16:28.45digao_goRECEIVE <<
16:28.45digao_goSIP/2.0 200 OK
16:28.45digao_goVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK52607E341A904D938663A5F38556DE45;received=;rport=5060
16:28.45digao_goFrom: Rodrigo <sip:127@>;tag=1332401454
16:28.47digao_go[tuxinator_linuxM]: Rodrigo <sip:127@>;tag=as1cf4cd8d
16:28.49cuileanZeeek--- Thank you. :D  I'll stay on to try to translate if need be.
16:28.49digao_goCall-ID: 0FEFE3CCCC2F41438114C8E73E6A7B4C@
16:28.51digao_goCSeq: 8449 REGISTER
16:28.53digao_goUser-Agent: Asterisk PBX
16:28.53Zeeekright click on X-Lite will show which proxies it has successfully registered and those not yet working
16:28.55digao_goAllow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER
16:28.57digao_goExpires: 1800
16:28.59digao_goContact: <sip:127@>;expires=1800
16:29.01digao_goDate: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 16:26:41 GMT
16:29.03digao_goContent-Length: 0
16:29.23darkskiezbad digao_go
16:29.33cuileanMy fault, folks. :/
16:29.38jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
16:29.49cuileanI tried to express that he should send that to the PM to me. :D
16:30.39Zeeekcuilean where is Call Not Approved text coming from?
16:30.45Zeeeknot X-Lite?
16:30.49cuileanThat's an X-Lite error message...
16:31.04cuileanFrom what I've googled, it appears on multiple-proxy setups in X-Lite. :/
16:31.08cuileanStill looking.
16:31.14Zeeekmaybe bad dial string then cause it sounds like he's registered
16:31.25ZeeekI had all 9 full at one time
16:31.41cuileanZeeek--- And Asterisk has no errors on the console... even with full debug turned on. :/
16:31.59Zeeekyeah it ain't getting there at all
16:32.17Zeeekunless otherwise expressed, all calls are to proxy #1
16:32.34cuileanSo, a bad dial string in X-Lite?
16:32.57Zeeekneed to know what proxy #1 is and whether it's enabled
16:33.15cuileanDigao--- PM.
16:34.08cuilean(AFK FAS.)
16:35.55FaithXHey anyone in here got bluetooth cell phone running as an extension?
16:38.53*** join/#asterisk funxion (
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16:39.51cuileanBack >:)
16:40.10Zeeekfunny I can't get X-Lite to register now either :)
16:40.26cuileanWait a minute...
16:40.37Zeeekbeen mùonths sine I've used it here
16:40.50cuileanDigao--- X-Lite Proxy IS NOT Squid Proxy!  It's the Asterisk box... check that?
16:41.18darkskiezFaithX, chan_bluetooth hasnt been developed for ages
16:41.46cuileanZeeek--- He found a native portuguese speaker. :D
16:41.54Zeeekgood :)
16:42.20cuileanThanks for the aid, Zeeek. :)
16:42.34cuileanI now return me to my usual reading status.
16:43.07cuilean(Pastebin is cool... why didn't I ever find this before?)
16:43.19maxgohi, anyone knows how can i debug a phone registration??? what commands can i use? can't register SPA841
16:43.53*** join/#asterisk jeffik (~Jeff@
16:45.28maxgowas able to register SPA841 using "sip notify sipura-check-cfg" command, now impossible, it says "Could not create address for '1000'"
16:46.21maxgoAZE` you said you have 30 SPA 841s. DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GIVE ME A HAND?? WITH 1?
16:46.28astoria~seen xeet2
16:46.46jbotxeet2 is currently on #asterisk (2d 10h 48m 54s)
16:46.55cuilean(Maxgo--- Watch the yellin', okay? ;D)
16:46.56funxionanyone know why a cisco fxs port would not return dial-tone?
16:47.09shidoits not turned on?
16:47.22maxgosure, sorry
16:47.55funxionvoice=port 1/0/0 signal groundstart stationsid name and number configured
16:48.03maxgoi'm a little desperate, i'm really regretting i got into this asterisk thing, specially for the wide support found
16:48.16cuileanMaxgo--- That's why I'm proceeding with caution...
16:48.31cuileanMaxgo--- I'm doing a *whole* lot of research before I jump full in. :D
16:48.50cuileanMaxgo--- Ordered myself a DIgium Devkit to work on at home before I go to my boss and say "Yes, I can do this."
16:48.51puppetmaxgo: since you said it worked before something must have changed
16:49.28maxgosure, i really don't know what it could possibly have changed
16:50.08astoriaahhhhH! i hate XO!!!
16:50.14puppetmaxgo: changed any configs? compiled it on new?
16:50.23puppetmaxgo: upgraded? what version you running?
16:50.38*** part/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
16:52.09puppetmaxgo: did you get a new cvs head then it stopped workin?
16:52.32*** join/#asterisk izo (
16:53.55maxgono, haven't updated cvs
16:54.16Zeeekblitzrage does this mean unemployment for Allison ?
16:54.20maxgois there anyway to debug registration messages?
16:54.28puppetsip debug on
16:54.45maxgoif i don't see any incoming message from the phone, what then?
16:55.47Zeeekby the way, I have cepestral and it's ok ("Dave"), but I would not inflict it for on anyone for mùore than a sentence or two
16:57.43*** join/#asterisk cinix (~cinix@3762da71d6768833.session.tor)
16:57.55cinixWhat is a popular configuration utility for Asterisk?
16:58.10ZeeekI like nano
16:58.22*** join/#asterisk therouterboy (
16:59.02[TK]D-FenderMC ;)
16:59.06cuileanvi. ;D
16:59.15Zeeekvi is too powerful
16:59.21Zeeekstay with nano/pico
16:59.24cuileanOh... and sed/awk... ;D
16:59.47cuileanCinix--- Some folks use AMP.
16:59.49cinixI've been using vim
17:00.05*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
17:00.48cuileanYou know, there's a question... Zeeek, does nano/pico have a shell escape?
17:00.49puppetjed pwns
17:01.08puppetsed awk is nice to
17:01.13Nuggetpico is crap, ok?
17:01.19puppetpico is the sux
17:01.28Zeeekpico is great
17:01.32puppetno it aint
17:01.34Zeeekonly two commands
17:01.36cinixbut I've having trouble connecting to my SIP port. I see on the console when asterisk starts that it's listening, and it shows up in netstat, but still refused.
17:01.41puppetjed is great
17:01.51cinixI could be overlooking something in the configuration file (obviously)
17:01.51Nuggetvi is difficult to learn and easy to use.  pico is easy to learn and difficult to use.
17:01.53cuileanOr... for the really hard core among us... "echo", redirected. ::Winks::
17:01.56cinixis there a hosts accept list of some kind?
17:02.06cinixNugget, well put.
17:03.00*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
17:03.18[TK]D-FenderRepeat question from "BrokenRecordMan" ;) ...... :
17:03.21[TK]D-FenderHello all, (hopefully) quick question : I'm on the WIKI page for "queue_log" and am learning how to read the queue file format but don't see an explanation of the 1st 2 fields (call/timestamp/etc)  Is there a good reference somewhere else for me to examine?
17:03.30cuilean(Had a jr. SA accidentally do an rm -rf /??? ... :p)
17:04.06cuileanLink for that wiki page, Fender?
17:05.43cuilean::Goes to look at it to see if he can figure it out from his 5ESS days::
17:05.51[TK]D-FenderSeems what I'm looking for is the encoding of the unique ID for date/time, and the 2nd log field whic is derived from it.
17:06.10[TK]D-FenderI'm sifting through code as well, but mind you I don't do "C" really.
17:06.14cuileanCan you pastebin a line or three from your queue_log? ;D
17:06.46cuilean(I'm not at home, where my Asterisk toy-box is.)
17:07.01cuilean(I do research here at work, then go home and play with it. ;D)
17:08.28[TK]D-FenderHere's the whole thing.  I believe quick visuals are clueing me in on its meaning, but the the decode mothod yet :
17:08.53Zeeekoh well....
17:08.54cuileanFirst field looks like a UNIX timestamp to me. ::Frowns::
17:09.38[TK]D-FenderI'm not sure I care as long as I can decode it easily in OHO or something else for analysis
17:10.12[TK]D-FenderLooks like the first field is a 5/5 spli for date/time
17:10.26maxgowhat Could not create address for '1000'
17:10.51maxgoin response to sip notify sipura-check-cfg?
17:11.57*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
17:12.30cuileanFender--- those are UNIX timestamps. :D
17:12.45cuilean1117202243 = Fri, 27 May 2005 13:57:23 GMT
17:13.42cuileanFender--- Looking up the algorithm now.  (I have it in one of my notebooks.))
17:14.00*** join/#asterisk funxion (
17:14.01cuileanIt'll be start-of-call, end-of-call, I think.
17:14.05funxionanyone know why a cisco fxs port would not return dial-tone? its enabled and configured and rings the phone on incoming call but no dial tone for outbound?
17:14.16cuileanOr vice-versa.
17:14.22cuileanVice versa, I think.
17:14.40[TK]D-Fendercuilean : thanks for your efforst, am looking too.....
17:14.56*** join/#asterisk jontow (
17:15.03cuileanFender --- unixsec = weeknumber * (86400 * 7) + offset_into_week + GPS_EPOCH;
17:15.14cuileanThat's messy, still.
17:15.53puppeti read unixsex :o
17:15.59*** join/#asterisk meppl (
17:16.04jbotsomebody said cluecon was - Cluecon is an Open Source Telephony Expo and Developer's Conference geared towards open source Telephony enthusiasts and developers around the world. There will be a full schedule of expert speakers as well as many presentations and booths from various telephony related businesses.
17:16.11[TK]D-Fender'lo HA
17:16.20cuileanBSD and SVR came together and begat Solaris, Puppet.. :p
17:16.37clueconTKD: There is a function that will convert those timestamps for you if your CDR is in a flatfile.
17:16.57cuileanYeah... C's ctime()...
17:16.57puppetcluecon: hahaha
17:17.10puppetany news about apple+intel?
17:17.15[TK]D-Fendercluecon : I'm looking for it now as well as the formula to do it myself in another panguage
17:17.47|Vulture|hey guys
17:17.53|Vulture|I think I found something in HEAD
17:18.08cuileanFender--- There's a PHP version there... with the sourcecode downloadable.:D
17:18.09robl^Apple decided to go with a Zilog Z80 instead of Intel.  *ducks*  :)
17:18.18clueconTKD: just dump it to mysql and select it back out.
17:19.02*** join/#asterisk darwinfish (
17:19.06[TK]D-FenderMYSQL?  *ick*
17:19.09*** join/#asterisk dudes (
17:19.36clueconTKD: I've only had about 30 minutes of sleep in the last 2 days so don't hold me to anything I suggest.
17:19.56robl^sleep!?!?  that's only forthose without coffee
17:19.58dudesI got a email from a guy from qwest asking me to turn off silence supression in the invite.  He thinks that that may be causeing the sip lines not to work.
17:20.03Ariel_ok anyone one know the code to factory reset a polycom phone?
17:20.14clueconrobl: i don't have coffee either.
17:20.14*** part/#asterisk gtigene (~chatzilla@
17:20.35[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : you can't get to it from the phone's menus?
17:20.40dudesAny advice would be appriciated.  I don't think that's the issue but before I send my e-mail I figured I'd ask
17:20.42clueconAriel: Sledgehammer?
17:20.45robl^cluecon, Starbucks is not your friend?
17:21.02Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, it just sits there for hours and does nothing via the phone menus
17:21.24[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : are you provisioning them from a central server?
17:21.26clueconrobl: Starbucks is not my friend as my boss is cheap and I have to keep the lights on or I die an agonizing death in the heat and humidity that is the place where I live.
17:21.27Ariel_cluecon, there nice phones I just got 3 for testing from a person.
17:21.56Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, yes but for some reason it's keeping settings that are not change with the provisioning setup files.
17:22.03*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
17:22.25|Vulture|Anyone seen that error I just posted?
17:22.33|Vulture|Thats new within the past 48hrs
17:22.39|Vulture|for HEAD
17:22.51[TK]D-FenderYou need to delete the phone's overrides.  When you enter manual changes it'll create an "addendum" file to override the defaults.  That'll make a cfg with the MAC address in it.
17:22.52*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
17:24.12Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, you lost me. I do have a macaddree.cfg file for the phones. It's new ones I created.
17:24.34[TK]D-FenderBy factory defaults do you mean to rollback the SIP & BR?
17:25.38cuileanAriel --- Have you looked at this yet
17:25.39Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, I want to remove what people have entered on the phone via there web setup. It's corrupted. I then want to upgrade them from 1.4 to 1.5.2 which I have.
17:26.00Ariel_cuilean, no let me take a look.
17:26.10*** join/#asterisk mtaht (
17:26.23cuilean4, 6, 8, and *... press and hold.
17:26.48cuileanVulcan Nerve Pinch.
17:27.03Ariel_cuilean, thanks let me try them.
17:27.04[TK]D-Fenderariel then you should have a "mac-phone.cfg" to delete
17:27.12Ariel_there great phones but so slow to boot.l
17:27.44[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : only noticed them to slow when I upgraded them to BR2.6 and SIP 1.5
17:28.27Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, is the boot rom upgrade make it work better? it says if you upgrade the boot rom you can't go back.
17:28.47Ariel_cuilean, by the way those keys seem to be working. Just waiting on the reboot.
17:28.58cuileanAriel--- Cool. :)
17:29.24[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : you can't go back if you go to the 3.x BR, but I only use the 2.6 as suggested by a few others here
17:29.43Ariel_[TK]D-Fender, yes I have not upgraded the br either.
17:29.56[TK]D-FenderI think you can roll-back from there to an earlier 2.x revision.
17:29.59|Vulture|Ariel_: whats your problem?
17:30.33*** join/#asterisk _CRC_ (
17:30.42_CRC_morning all
17:30.53cuileanAfternoon, _CRC_. ;)
17:30.57_CRC_has anyone had any experiance with TDM400's?
17:31.17cuileanCRC--- Only the one in my devkit. :D
17:31.32_CRC_mine is giving me grief :|
17:31.49_CRC_the retarded thing doesn't detect hangups via the FXO module :|
17:32.11cuilean:/  Mine works.
17:32.17_CRC_I've got the card set to "AUstralia" mode
17:32.24_CRC_cos the zones set to "au"
17:32.32_CRC_cos = got
17:32.53Ariel_|Vulture|, trying to get some IP-300,500 and 600 working with a new server.
17:32.58_CRC_but if someone calls in, and then hangs up, it just sits there with the line open :|
17:33.21cuileanCRC--- Just an odd thought... signalling configured properly?
17:33.24*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:33.33_CRC_cuilean: I would assume so.
17:33.46|Vulture|Ariel_: are they not registering?
17:34.21robl^did you plug them in?  *ducks* :)
17:34.27Ariel_|Vulture|, correct but I have been finding settings in them left behind that was added via there web setup.
17:34.35cuileanCRC--- I hard-set mine to use LS instead of KS... Because I knew VZ uses LS.
17:34.56|Vulture|Ariel_: you can make the -phone file for them, then chmod it 000
17:35.06_CRC_$ grep -v "#" zaptel.conf
17:35.06_CRC_loadzone = au
17:35.07cuileanCRC--- I'm not sure if I'd get the same results if I put them to Kewlstart signalling.
17:35.13|Vulture|and just don't put anything in it, it will force them to use the config file
17:35.36_CRC_I tried going from fxsks to fxsls
17:35.43cuileanAriel--- Any luck on wiping them out with that keypress?
17:35.46_CRC_didn't seem to do anyting :\
17:36.02_CRC_having DSL on the line wouldn't make any difference would it?
17:36.09cuileanCRC--- Umm... YES.
17:36.23[TK]D-FenderAriel_ : there is an option in the 2.6 BR / 1.5 SIP to remove all "user" settings which should do what you want.  My "sample" phones came with a FWD setup and some other whacked out cfg when I got them.
17:36.24|Vulture|yea DSL can do some fun things
17:36.32cuileanCRC--- Tell me you didn't plug a TDM400 FXO into an unfiltered line running DSL?
17:36.44_CRC_no no no, she's filtered alright :)
17:36.45|Vulture|it can randomly open the line, make it fuzzy, echo etc.
17:36.55_CRC_quality is perfect.
17:37.00|Vulture|whats the prob?
17:37.12cuileanCRC--- Okay, then you didn't fry the FXO port. ::WInks::
17:37.16*** join/#asterisk inspired (mikael@
17:37.19_CRC_when incoming calls hangup, the card doens't detect the hangup.
17:37.29astoriaAriel_: i was told to ask you about this, becuase you might know. do you know anything about logging into an adit 600?
17:37.30|Vulture|ah disconnect supervision
17:38.04_CRC_the only thing I haven't tried that I've come across is an absolute timer... cos that's just evil...
17:38.52cuileanCRC--- Don't do that.  Really.  If I've been on hold with a tech support call for half an hour and you yank the rug out from under me, I'd be very P.Off.
17:39.03_CRC_cuilean: agreed :P
17:39.20_CRC_lucky, this is just my screw around stuff at home
17:39.36clueconcuilean: but if we haven't helped you in under 30 minutes then you really don't want to talk to us.
17:39.46cuileanCRC--- Ditto.  I ordered a devkit and I'm playing around with it at home... Sit here and do research. ;D
17:39.54[TK]D-Fendercuilean : I read up on the UNIX timestamp, but for the log the call timestamp which follows has a decimal value.  Do you know its significance?
17:40.07cuileanMicroseconds, normally, Fender.
17:40.24[TK]D-FenderNot sure I care about "plank" time here ;)
17:40.24_CRC_I got an X100P, got it going... laughed at the 'quality' and then bought a TDM400 with a single FXO
17:40.46cuileanClue--- If you're talking to Hell (s/H/D/), sometimes it takes a half an hour just to get to the people who really know what they're talking about.
17:40.58|Vulture|X100P clones are fun to play with but if your going to have a setup that will last more than a month... TDM all the way
17:41.25*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@jerjer.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
17:41.26_CRC_|Vulture|: yeah - if it wasn't for the bloody thing not picking up hangups from incoming :P
17:42.04_CRC_I had a call queue happening for the telemarketers.... and they hungup, and the call still went to the phones, and then voicemail for ~35 seconds :(
17:42.09clueconcuilean: there are certain technical service lines that i won't call.  those include lines for Hell, HOL, and a few others.  I usually either fix it or burn it depending on the client I am dealing with and how much sleep / caffiene I've had.
17:42.59|Vulture|_CRC_: zapteller didn't work?
17:44.33_CRC_I'd rather cost em money and have em hang up :P
17:44.50|Vulture|_CRC_: do it for like a few min then hang them up
17:45.11_CRC_it's just annoyting getting 6-7 voicemails a day full of engaged tones :(
17:45.13|Vulture|_CRC_: answer, ring to infinity (to bill them) then zapateller them
17:45.15shido6keep the cat off the keys
17:45.23_CRC_heh :P
17:45.46shido6if no voice no vmail - maybe cid
17:46.27_CRC_then again, I don't know if SIT works in Australia....
17:46.53shido6that brings me back
17:47.04Ariel_astoria, Wow, Great that people say I might know something. But I have not worked the the Audit 600 just there older units and Adtrans
17:47.20bewestsorry bout that... damn kitty on the keys...
17:47.38Kattybkw_: i don't think robin liked you :<
17:48.28_CRC_any ideas on trying to debug this supervision issue?
17:48.47cuileanCRC--- You saw the only idea I had... but I'm still an *-newb. ;D
17:49.25cuileanAnother question for all of you out there... ::Grins::
17:49.47cuileanDoes the FXS port on the TDM series put out enough REN's for me to run multiple phones?
17:50.09*** join/#asterisk kram (~mark@kram.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
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17:50.23scrubbafternoon kram.
17:50.23shido6CRC does flashhook work?
17:50.25cuileanThat is, can I patch-block the single-port out to six phone jacks?
17:50.46_CRC_shido6: I have to say, I have no idea....
17:51.25_CRC_the SPA841 doens't have a flash function
17:51.31_CRC_and my cordless doens't seem to either :|
17:51.38shido6yes it does
17:51.45shido6just press the hookflash
17:51.56cuileanThe little button in the cradle, CRC. :D
17:52.02cuileanWhere the earpiece goes.
17:52.09*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
17:52.27_CRC_on a pure IP phone?
17:53.07cuileanShould correspond, yes... press-and-release gives a "flash" signal. :)
17:53.08dsfrcuilean, You should only use 1 phone per TDM port.
17:53.31cuileanDSFR--- Hmm.. should... ::Winks::
17:53.34|Vulture|do PRIs not generate rintones?
17:53.59|Vulture|because when I issue Dial(Zap/g1/#) I get 1 ring then nothing
17:54.03_CRC_I think my SPA841 no do flash...
17:54.04|Vulture|until answered
17:54.15cuileanDSFR--- But I was considering building a little rackmount box to feed my house's POTS wiring. :D
17:54.32_CRC_cuilean: I did that the other week :P
17:54.51_CRC_replaced the crappy phone quality wire with CAT5e
17:55.15cuileanAlready done, CRC. ;D  Rewired the house top to bottom into a media panel in my workroom.
17:55.16_CRC_I got to the boundry point, but figured I probably shouldn't continue out to the pit :|
18:02.03cuilean::Narrows eyes::
18:02.12cuileanJust a wierd, out-of-nowhere question, CRC...
18:02.15_CRC_how can I test the flash function?
18:02.18GodseyI was experimenting w/ asterisk running under vmware gsx
18:02.21Godseyoh man the suck
18:02.24_CRC_of the TDM fxo even
18:02.33*** join/#asterisk frogy (
18:02.38Godseythe linux host was losing time at 20%
18:02.40_CRC_cuilean: yah.
18:02.56cuileanSure you haven't accidentally reversed Tip&Ring somewhere?
18:03.10_CRC_cuilean: say what?
18:03.15*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
18:03.22cuileanSome POTS phones don't care a whole lot, and I'm not sure if the TDM400 would either...
18:03.32cuileanYou said you rewired the place.
18:03.46jarrodis it necessary to use DSPs in order to overcome the faxing issue?
18:03.51_CRC_wtf is Tip&Ring?
18:03.51jarrodwith say a cisco as5300?
18:03.55frogyCan anyone tell me something about transcoding?
18:03.56tzangerjarrod: "faxing issue" ?
18:04.00cuileanThe two wires in the POTS cable, CRC. :D
18:04.15_CRC_cuilean: they have polarity?
18:04.21cuileanYes. :D
18:04.28cuileanOne's Tip, one's Ring.
18:04.43_CRC_have never thought... cos everything I've plugged in works.....
18:04.50cuilean::Frowns:: True.
18:04.50_CRC_incoming call detection works...
18:05.03cuileanYOu shouldn't even properly get ring detection if you had them backwards.
18:05.12*** part/#asterisk BadSTuff (
18:05.30cuileanCRC--- Let me go test this over here, where the only thing I can blow up is myself.  BRB. ;D
18:05.39jarrodtzanger: being able to accept and send voip faxes
18:06.08tzangerjarrod: you can't do that easily
18:06.15tzangerany kind of jitter will kill it dead
18:06.19frogyWould * do transcoding when the incoming and outcoming legs both used the same codecs e.g. g729?
18:06.31jarrodhow are people using cisco solving it?
18:06.39jarrodim assuming its hardware dsps
18:06.49Juggiefrogy, no.
18:06.50jarrodthat convert from analog to digital
18:07.10_CRC_frogy: not unless you make it.
18:08.05frogyJuggie, if everyone in the system using the same codecs, then the server should be able to handle much more calls , right?
18:08.07*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
18:08.46mitchelocwhats up in asterisk land?
18:08.58mitchelocanything new?
18:09.49[TK]D-Fendercluecon : I found out where in "app_queue.c" to insert logging code to expose agents who don't answer queue calls :D  The bastards will NOT escape.....
18:10.17frogy_CRC_ , how can I make it? if they are using common codecs? And where to check if transcoding is active?
18:10.22mitchelochaha fender, i know the feeling
18:10.35_CRC_frogy: I check CPU usage :P
18:10.57frogy_CRC_ , any CLI?
18:11.14_CRC_dunno, sorry :|
18:11.57*** join/#asterisk perlmonky (
18:13.09cuileanCRC--- Yes, if you have it backwards, you shouldn't even get dialtone.
18:13.50mitchelocdenon: are you around?
18:13.54mitcheloc~seen denon
18:14.07jbotdenon is currently on #asterisk (7h 31m 8s).  Has said a total of 5 messages.  Is idling for 2h 35m 42s
18:14.19frogyanyone know if I need g729 license if the callers already purchased the license? e.g. callee and caller are both Cisco AS5300?
18:14.56tzangerjarrod: the cisco people are using t.38
18:14.57_CRC_cuilean: cool, so I know that's not my issue :P
18:15.01tzangerwhich isn't fax over VOIP, it's FOIP
18:15.04harryvvHas anyone evaluated the  Linux LiveCD VoIP Server Version 2.0.9
18:15.05tzangera whole different ballgame
18:15.20jarrodisnt asterisk using that as well?
18:15.21cuileanCRC--- That's correct.. but for future reference, there *is* polarity. ;D
18:15.36robl^frogy, only if Asterisk transcodes to / from g729.  for example all the sound files are usually in GSM format.. so it has to convert to g729, so you will need a license
18:15.43_CRC_cuilean: I think I just multi-metered it, and wired it straight through....
18:16.12*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
18:16.37*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
18:17.00_CRC_I would love to get a CRO on the line to see what it was doing during a ahngup :|
18:17.05_CRC_but alas, I don't have one :(
18:17.23frogyrobl^, so if I don't provide any media functions, eg. IVR, voice mail etc, then I don't need license, right?
18:17.37_CRC_frogy: yes you will.
18:17.56_CRC_because then asterisk is decoding the g729 stream
18:18.04robl^frogy, you shouldn't.  at that point Asterisk just acts as a "pass-thru" and doesn't touch the audio.  no license required
18:18.17_CRC_voicemail is not passthru
18:18.27frogyrobl^, thx.
18:18.28_CRC_nor is an IVR.
18:18.30jarrodwhat is the story with asterisk supporting t.38
18:18.43robl^_CRC_,  he said if he *DOESN'T* use IVR or voicemail
18:19.06_CRC_hahaha - I should stop trying to help people at 4:19am :p
18:19.12harryvv4 am??
18:19.16harryvvman goto bed
18:19.45_CRC_on annual leave atm from work, so not like I have to get up or do anything tomorrow
18:19.57jalsotdoes anybody use mpeg card for offloading mp3 encoding under linux?
18:20.01frogy_CRC_, what is your reasoning? As I said I'm not providing any media function. So it shouldn't decode the stream, right?
18:20.04cuileanAnnual leave... there's something I'd *love* to have. ;p
18:20.17cuileanApple *is* moving to Intel. :p
18:20.25robl^frogy, ignore _CRC_  right now. he's sleep deprived :)
18:20.26doolphanyone has working Calling Cards IVR system with asterisk?
18:20.33_CRC_frogy: sorry, I misread... if you *don't* use those, you'll be right...
18:20.39_CRC_don't being the key word.
18:20.47frogythx both.
18:21.24cuileanThey're having problems with heat with the Power chips, so what are they doing?  Going to Intel's fry-an-egg solutions. ::Sighs::
18:21.52_CRC_cuilean: does it actually say Intel X86 CPU?
18:22.01_CRC_cos intel make PPC stuff too
18:22.21Nuggetthe dev kit they're offering is a p4.
18:22.25robl^frogy, and if you did use voicemail and IVR you ONLY need enoug licenses for the total "concurrent" transcoding streams.   not for the total number of devices or calls.. just how may concurrent  streams of audio that Asterisk has to convert to/from g729
18:22.28_CRC_I'd take it with a grain of salt :P
18:23.07robl^it official :)
18:23.12Nuggetfor sure the driving factor behind this decision is the fact that IBM has fuck-all of a mobile solution and apple knows that laptops are where they need to be delivering.
18:23.29cuileanBut IBM doesn't, anymore...
18:23.32cuileanThey sold it to Lenovo. :p
18:23.44robl^then why doesn't make PowerPC Thinkpads? :)
18:23.55cuileanOr am I misreading your vector, Nugget?
18:24.58mitchelocibm laptops are awesome ;)
18:25.18cuileanThey have been, Mitch... Hoping that Lenovo doesn't screw them up badly.
18:25.45*** join/#asterisk gtigene (~chatzilla@
18:25.58mitchelocyea i know, i finally got one about a month ago, i love this thing =), but for lenova that would be bad business decision, you don't screw up what already works you know?
18:27.24cuilean::Chuckles::  Agreed, Mitch... But Apple seems to have done exactly that... ::Points S&W revolver at Jobs' foot::
18:27.30gordonjcprobl^: there *was* a PPC thinkpad...
18:28.00cuileanOh, you meant an IBM-branded one.
18:28.08cuileanGordon--- why?
18:28.15gordonjcpcuilean: why not?
18:28.46cuileanI suppose that's a valid rebuttal, since I still run a C=64 emulator on my AMD box. :p
18:29.08cuileanAnd when asked why by my wife, I said, "why not?" ;D
18:29.34cuileanFor the record... I'm not an AMD fanboy.
18:30.07cuileanBut for the past couple of years, they've been better suited for the things I do. ;D
18:33.25*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc (
18:34.07_CRC_so I've just set everything up using ls instead of ks, and still the same issue
18:34.32cuilean:/  Sorry, CRC...
18:35.02cuileanAnd watch the MDF, okay?  It's strong, but not necessarily that strong.
18:35.17_CRC_I terminate the call after 3 seconds.... and it goes though a 5 second announcement, then 20 seconds of ringing, then 10 seconds of voicemail, then the channel dies :|
18:35.32*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
18:38.06*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
18:39.18puppet(20:20:21) <@sun> there's something about this game's name that disturbs me... "Big Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me Harder"
18:40.28*** join/#asterisk wwhome (
18:44.58*** join/#asterisk infi (what@infi.user)
18:45.13cuileanSo, Completely OT... Since Apples going x86... how long do you think it'll be 'til someone rev-engies MacOS to run on any x86 platform? ;)
18:45.14*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
18:46.02robl^cuilean, 48 hours after the ISO for OS X 10.4.1 Intel appears on a bittorrent tracker tonite
18:46.11Syncrosreserve your copy of mac os x for pocket pc today
18:47.11jarrodanyone used a cisco 7200 as a h323 gateway to gateway voip router?
18:50.20cuileanIn my continuing reading, I notice GSM is the chosen sound format... isn't GSM a licensed format?
18:51.21*** join/#asterisk nestAr (
18:51.22StealthMethodlooking for help, i created an exten to record using monitor command, so i call on one channel and then call exten i created, works fine, now i need to make file name the number i called on first channel can any1 help
18:51.51StealthMethodso i conference first channel with call to other channel for recording
18:53.49*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
18:54.10Himekoi would assume the osx x86 in the transition devkit will run on regular x86 pcs
18:54.25Himekothere was no mention of a computer included for the $999
18:55.30Ariel_hello everyone.
18:55.40cuileanHello again, Ariel. :)
18:55.57Ariel_I am now at home having some nice lunch..... (I think I am going to be staying and work from home today).
18:56.04*** join/#asterisk heison (
18:56.10heison~seen kram
18:56.12jbotkram is currently on #asterisk (1h 6m 3s)
18:56.34jontowman.. asterisk/freebsd is spamming me bad with PRI/HDLC errors :/
18:58.17pinoHimeko: computer included, but you have to give it back to Apple by the end of 2006, more or less.
18:58.23*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
18:58.33pino(needless to say, there is no mention of them giving you back the money!)
18:59.10cuileanIn my continuing reading, I notice GSM is the chosen sound format... isn't GSM a licensed format?
18:59.21cuileanDon't I need to pony up for a license, then?
18:59.33cuileanOr do I go and change all of these over to OGG? ;D
19:02.41Pazzo[warning] stupid beginners question: It's the first time I'm using asterisk, I borrowed two ip phones for testing (working fine) - connected my asterisk to a public voip service ( - I can make a call, I can hear the other person - but the other person doesn't hear me crying :-( where should I look first?
19:03.08cuileanPazzo--- SIP?
19:03.21JuggiePazzo, sounds like nat
19:03.23cuileanPazzo--- Firewall?
19:03.24iCEBrkrPazzo: NAT?
19:03.28*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
19:04.10*** join/#asterisk mike^^ (~mike@
19:04.38Pazzolinux firewall, doing nat
19:04.49Dossyanyone here have a Sipura device?  Got any good/bad things to say?
19:04.53Pazzo(stateful) - do I need to open special ports?
19:05.12DossyCRAP!  Cisco to acquire Sipura?  Damnit.
19:05.21Pazzohi cuilean, Juggie, iCEBrkr! (thnx :)
19:05.27DossyFirst Linksys, now Sipura?
19:05.33iCEBrkrDossy: I have 3 Sipura2ks.  Rock'on!
19:06.05Pazzo(added "externip =" in sip.conf)
19:06.10iCEBrkrPazzo: Yea, check your firewall rules to forward those SIP/UDP ports, etc..
19:06.34Dossythe Sipura 2K is the 2 FXS model, right?
19:06.47iCEBrkrDossy: Yes.
19:06.58Dossydo they make a 1 or 2 FXO model?
19:07.04PazzoiCEBrkr: hmmm... does this mean that I need one public IP for every phone??
19:07.14Pazzoand why can I hear the other person?
19:07.19iCEBrkrPazzo: No, you should be able to use'm NAT'd
19:07.26Dossyisn't the SPA 3K a 2 FXS and 1 FXO ?
19:08.01DossyAnd, does Sipura make a device that does PoE?
19:08.19dsfrcuilean, you don't need a license for GSM.
19:08.40iCEBrkrDossy: SPA3k is 2 FXS and 1 FXO yes.
19:09.13Pazzocan anyone give me a link to a documentation explaining (how) which protocols/ports are going to travel over my fw?
19:09.57Juggieyou need 10000-20000 udp incomming allowed (or what ever range you set in your rtp.conf) and 5060
19:10.05Juggieother then that, the stateful nat should handle the rest
19:10.18cuileandsfr--- Thanks.:D
19:10.31iCEBrkrPazzo: I think I had to use a STUN server too.. Not sure tho.
19:10.36DossyOK, I think I need a USB headset for softphone VoIP -- the analog mic in on this Dell C840 is crap.
19:10.45iCEBrkrI had it setup with a STUN server, but I'm not 100% it's necessary
19:10.54Juggiestun isnt necessairy
19:10.58shido6noise cancelling mic
19:11.11cuileanDossy--- I use a Plantronics headset plugged into the analog ports on the side of my C640. ;)
19:11.15iCEBrkrWhat Juggie said.
19:12.04pjzhow do people test incoming fax capability?
19:12.22JerJersend a fax
19:12.48pjzrightk the question is, where can I find someplace that will send me a fax?
19:13.03astoriai'll send you a fax for ten dollars a fax
19:13.10pjz...for free.
19:13.19cuileanPJZ--- In the states?
19:13.22Pazzothnx guys! allow incoming udp 10000-20000? are you sure? I'm using a very strict policy... and now should I open 20% of the available udp ports??
19:13.25astoriathey'll be pretty faxes with pictures of dinosaurs
19:13.29pjzcuilean: yes
19:13.35Dossycuilean -- what model?
19:13.44DossyI was looking at Plantronics headsets and I'm not really happy w/ most of em.
19:14.13cuileanDossy--- It's at home, so I can't tell you off the top of my head. :/  (That's where my Asterisk test box is.)
19:14.21DossyI was considering this one:
19:14.43*** join/#asterisk max_comtel (mglucksman@
19:14.46Dossypjz:  use a software-based fax setup to send yourself faxes.
19:14.49*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
19:14.55Juggiehow long till i can get my hands on OSX for Intel i wonder
19:14.57cuileanDossy--- Mine's a full PC headset... double-ear headphones plus mike.
19:15.09Dossyjuggie:  uh, darwin x86 is out.  not the same as OSX, but ...
19:15.23Dossycuilean:  yeah, I need a portable headset to go w/ my laptop
19:15.26JuggieDossy, apple announced they were going intel today
19:15.34Dossyjuggie:  URL?
19:15.37Juggiemacosx dev edition for intel for sale in 2 weeks
19:15.47cuileanPJZ--- Wait... Radio Scratch has something of the sort... Hold on. :D
19:15.55Dossythat's old news.
19:16.37*** join/#asterisk t3t (
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19:16.46cuileanPJZ--- Radio Shack's got a "Faxback" thing...
19:17.00*** join/#asterisk Dus10 (
19:17.05Dus10Hello all
19:17.13Dus10I am looking to build an asterisk box
19:17.20cuileanPJZ- 1800-323-6586...
19:17.27Dus10The Dell SC460 looks pretty nice
19:17.41Dus10Where can I find good fxo and fxs cards?
19:17.50cuileanDus--- how many lines? :)
19:17.53PazzoIf asterisk is going to establish a connection between a local voip phone and someone somewhere on the net - does my ip-phone need to be aware of the whole nat configuration??
19:18.08pjzPazzo: no
19:18.21Dus10two or three
19:18.23pjzPazzo: not as long as your asterisk box is playing intermediary
19:18.35pjzDus10: Digium is pretty much the answer for production use
19:18.43pjzDus10: other stuff if you're just farting around
19:18.47cuileanDus--- Get yourself a TDM400 board... a TDM22B has 2 each FXO/FXS...
19:19.37StealthMethodso can any one give me any ideas, using monitor command i dont want exten but number dialed for callname, needed for verification purposes?
19:19.47*** join/#asterisk orpheus (
19:20.19Dus10what price would I be looking at for 4 fxo and 4 fxs
19:20.34cuileanDus--- You'd be looking at two separate TDM boards, then...
19:20.43cuileanDus --- A TDM40B and a TDM04B.
19:20.51Pazzopjz: thnx. another thing I don't understand: I have to accept udp/5060 and udp/10000:20000 on my fw - asterisk is running on a private ip and so is my voip phone. do I need some destination nat on the fw?
19:20.55Dus10but price-wise
19:21.11*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:21.20cuileanDus--- TDM04B is $320 from TelephonyWare... TDM40B is $290.
19:21.25pjzPazzo: I'm not sure what 'destination nat' means, so I can't really help you
19:21.40cuileanDus--- Those are "new" prices.
19:22.50cuileanPazzo--- Yes, you'll have to forward those ports to your Asterisk box.
19:22.59Pazzook, thnx!
19:23.14cuileanPazzo--- Your phone will talk to the Asterisk server, and the Asterisk server will do all the rest.
19:23.26*** part/#asterisk viLeR (
19:23.39orpheusI understand that in order to have any chance of geting faxes to work over G.711, I'll have to turn off Echo Cancellation and Silence Suppression, but how can I do that?
19:23.55cuileanPJZ--- Destination NAT is where someone's attempting to reach a server behind a NAT firewall like the Linksys broadband routers, and the port must be forwarded on to the private destination IP. :)
19:24.22pjzcuilean: ah, I wasn't sure if it was per-port or per-host nat that he meant
19:24.26cuileanPJZ--- Source NAT's the opposite... a client behind said NAT firewall's trying to get to a website, so the NAT firewall remaps the source IP to be itself. :D
19:24.53pjzcuilean: b/c sometimes instead of mapping on a per-port basis you map an external host - all ports - to an internal host.
19:25.00*** part/#asterisk Dus10 (
19:25.20cuileanPJZ--- The latter's called "DMZ"ing on most of those NAT boxes. :/
19:25.30cuileanPJZ--- Not a real DMZ, but that's what they call it. :/
19:25.37*** join/#asterisk sd-tux (sd@2001:6f8:1372:0:0:0:0:2)
19:26.29pjzcuilean: ah
19:26.44pjzcuilean: I know the technology, the names for it all just keep changing :)
19:27.00orpheussoo... anyone know much about faxing?
19:27.04cuileanPJZ--- Agreed.. Do you remember "black" and "red" zones? ;D
19:28.29Pazzocuilean: my fw does a full stateful nat and accepts all outgoing traffic. I'm doing a destination nat of  udp/5060 and udp/10000:20000 to "redirect" those ports to my asterisk server
19:28.29cuileanPJZ--- I wish the broadband routers didn't have that "DMZ" option... better known (to me, at least) as "PAYA" mode...
19:28.29Pazzostill no result - iptables shows no matches for the nat rules
19:28.29cuilean"Pants Around Your Ankles".
19:28.29Pazzo(and also no rejects)
19:28.35SarahEmmrehi :)
19:28.37cuileanPazzo--- Odd...
19:28.43Pazzoand I still can hear the other person
19:28.54Pazzobut the other person doesn't hear me
19:29.03cuileanDo they, too, have a firewall?
19:29.24Pazzomaybe it isn't my fault? I have no idea if this guy is doing everything the right way...
19:30.02Pazzo...I just connected my asterisk to the first public voip service I've found ( and launched a call to the first person I found in the public address book :-)
19:30.03cuileanSIP experts--- If Pazzo can't be heard, but can hear... doesn't that mean that he's receiving everything he needs?
19:30.10*** join/#asterisk i2tb_work (
19:30.40doolphanyone here has installed asterisk with knoppix?
19:30.50cuilean(I have to admit that all my Asterisk playing has so far been behind my firewall, not across it.)
19:30.54Pazzocuilean: that's what also seems logical to me - but as regarding asterisk I'm a stupid beginner I'm still in doubt ;-)
19:31.06pinoPazzo: iVoice has an echo server at 4041. try it.
19:31.08cyburdinedoolph: why would you want to do that?
19:31.39doolphfor fast test for customers
19:31.59doolphlive cd + fast installation of asterisk
19:32.03Pazzopino: hehe, thnx!
19:32.09Pazzoecho test is working :-)
19:32.12*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:32.21*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
19:32.56bannermanI have a TDM400 with four FXOs, and some SIP phones. I'm getting occasional echo and bad call quality. I was just checking my IRQs in /proc/pci, and noticed that all my devices are IRQ 16-22. I'm used to seeing like.. 5-11. My Wildcard is by itself on IRQ 17.
19:33.21i2tb_workHey I just got a TDM400P and installed it into a computer and installed asterik@home on that computer, I can call and leave voice meesages on extions but I can not ever get an extision to ring, I have setup a SIP x-lite ext and an ext using iaxy, any one know why I can leave voice mail meesages but the ext will not ring
19:33.23FarrisGI'm having a problem troubleshooting the cause of this: When someone calls an extension, after the designated call Timout, the voicemail system does not send the caller directly to the user's mailbox, but instead asks for a mailbox number.
19:33.56Assidi think i got duped
19:34.03Assidi bought a x100p
19:34.10Assidand this guy aint replying to my emails
19:34.14Pazzohey guys: are you shure that you need to open all these ports? I closed all ports on my fw (it's still stateful and all outgoing traffic is allowed) - and's echo test still works perfectly!!!
19:34.22Assidif he doesnt reply by tomorrow..
19:34.26Assidim gonna report him
19:34.47SarahEmmAssid: an OEM clone of an x100p you mean? how long has it been?
19:35.00Assidsince saturday
19:35.02bannermanAssid: ebay? I purchased one about 3 months ago and still haven't heard from the guy.
19:35.02tzangerthe x100p is an oem clone itself
19:35.04Assidand today is monday night
19:35.05tzangerjust a very specific one
19:35.23cuileanBannerman-- There are extended IRQs... not sure why yours went up there, though.
19:35.26Assidthats like a grand for me down the drain
19:35.27Assidthat sucks
19:35.27SarahEmmtzanger: true, but i meant 'a 'real' x100p from digium' or not
19:35.33SarahEmmassid: huh? a grand?
19:35.42Assidconverting to INR
19:35.46Assidim in india..
19:35.48SarahEmmsince saturday? it's only monday
19:35.54doolphAssid what mark is it
19:35.58cinixif I connect to asterisk with a SIP client, should I be able to get a dialtone?
19:36.06bannermancuilean: think I should go into bios and set it to use IRQ 9 or something?
19:36.07Assid£20 = INR 1000
19:36.11*** join/#asterisk Patrick^ (
19:36.14cuileanPazzo--- If you don't have those ports open, you won't be able to receive calls. :D
19:36.16SarahEmmassid: ahh. that hasn't even been one business day tho
19:36.32Assidwell.. heres hoping for the best
19:36.34Pazzocuilean: aaaaaaaaah! thnx :-)
19:36.44Assidhe is a "power seller"
19:36.53Pazzoports are open again :)
19:37.03SarahEmmassid: it might take a day or two. it hasn't even been one day yet
19:37.06FarrisGThe console shows "Playing 'vm-whichbox'" as the next action after " -- Executing VoiceMail("SIP/username-211e", "") in new stack"
19:37.06Pazzomaybe someone using can msg me his/her number for doing a short test? it would also be interesting to see if people are able to call me from outside!?
19:37.10SarahEmm(depending where you are, of course)
19:37.13Assidyeah.. i guess
19:37.15iCEBrkrAssid: You gotta give people at least a 3-4 days. Geesh
19:37.35Assidi really shouldnt be working soo many hours a day .. everyday
19:37.55cuileanBanner--- On my test box at home, I went to all-manual configuration on the PCI slots.
19:38.00robl^Assid, don't freak out.  He may not be in the office today.  He could be home with a hangover and check his email tomorrow :)
19:38.21FarrisGAnd this could be related: If you dial the directory, then dial someone's last name, it no longer plays that person's recorded name, it just spells it out.
19:38.32cuileanBanner-- I shut down a lot of other things on the box I knew I wouldn't use, and stuffed the TDM board in as IRQ 3.
19:38.34Assidcant help it.. ever since i got ripped off by differetn people.. i kinda have lack of trust now
19:38.56Assidthey 'broke me'
19:39.03Assidin mroe ways than 1
19:39.11Assidoh well
19:39.15AssidTV time
19:39.16bannermancuilean: yeah, I disabled USB and all that good stuff as well.
19:39.26jeremywhitingcinix: depends on the softphone
19:39.47Pazzohmmm... ok, I could call someone and it works great :-) is there somewhere a "call-me-back"-feature? like the echo test?
19:40.08*** part/#asterisk pino (
19:40.15Assidi gotta figure out a way to make datbase connectivity and a whole lotta stuff.. but all that later/tomorrow
19:40.21robl^Assid, I've had my share of rip-offs on ebay.  but after 1000+ transactions, I've only had maybe 5 go bad.  so, I think most people are trustworthy there.
19:40.21Assidnow.. little tv to cheer me up
19:40.34Dossyyeah, has anyone else experienced asterisk just dropping audio?
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19:40.43bjohnson_sixtel is pissing me off
19:40.57cinixjeremywhiting, I'm just trying to get my outgoing to iaxtel working, and haven't had much luck in debugging it.
19:41.04Assidrobl^: yeah.. just that the fact that im prolly spending 3 times as much just on transport of the item.. plus the whole currency conversion shit
19:41.12CoaxDDossy: !#$! :)  *hug*  How the HELL are YOU??
19:41.14Assidi think maybe i should habve tried locally first
19:41.18*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
19:41.18cinixsip debug shows me 404 not found errors, but I can't understand why
19:41.31jeremywhitingcinix: you get asterisk command line going? type iax show peers
19:41.35DossyI'm okay.
19:41.40Dossybeen very busy.
19:41.58jeremywhitingiaxtel has been down a bit I heard lately, I couldn't register with them when I tried to set up 800 numbers with them friday either
19:42.00cuilean'Kay, scramming... Got a lot more reading to do. ::Grins::
19:42.01clive-anyone having any luck with chan_capi and CVS head ?
19:42.05CoaxDDossy: yeah, same here!
19:42.12rue_mohr1after I edit voicemail.conf, whilst in asterisk -r   I say reload?
19:42.13DossyTrying to get excited about this whole VoIP thing, but it's just as crappy today as it was back in 1994.
19:42.15drumkillajeremywhiting: try it again now
19:42.22*** part/#asterisk cuilean (
19:42.23cinixjeremywhiting, nobody
19:42.32DossyThe only thing that's changed in 10 years is the cost and the amount of open source software.
19:43.24clive-Dossy so why you trying to get excited?
19:43.45cinixbut I have a 1-700 extension configured
19:43.54Dossyclive:  well, I'm hoping to use Asterisk to build a very large IVR system.
19:44.48robl^I have an interesting IVR menu system created just to annoy telemarketers and ppl I don't like.  I call it "IVR Hell"
19:44.51clive-Dossy prolly can do the job.....and you dont have to use voip either, you can just use isdn lines
19:45.23CoaxDDossy: Why is it that many of us end up in all the same places? :)
19:45.34Dossyclive:  oh, we've already got 3000 channels worth of capacity via Level(3)
19:45.39*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
19:45.41DossyCoaxD:  Small world, after all.
19:45.44CoaxDDossy: Sure is
19:46.04clive-Dossy you want 3000 channels of IVR;s?
19:46.17DossyOK, I lied -- peak capacity is 2800, but I'm rounding.
19:46.36Dossyclive:  Current IVR peaks at 2800 channels - all PRI into Dialogic cards.
19:46.38FarrisGHow do I go about troubleshooting this? Why do I now get the following instead of putting a caller directly to the target's voicemail box?
19:46.55DossyL3 VoIP into a Sonus switch to PRI into hosts.
19:47.01jeremywhitingit's ok, I've got all our toll-free calls going out through fwd instead now
19:47.03DossyWant to ditch the PRI and do pure VoIP end-to-end.
19:47.07clive-I know I am going to get shot down, but if it aint broke, dont fix it
19:47.18JerJerDossy:  so do it
19:47.27JerJerrecord all of your prompts in all codecs you plan to support
19:47.29*** join/#asterisk Weezey (Weezey@
19:47.30dsfrThey worked out some problems with IAXTEL over the weekend.  Is anyone else still having problems as of Monday morning?
19:47.37DossyJerJer:  Yeah, but using what software stack?  I'm finding Asterisk to be ... lacking ...
19:47.47JerJerthen go somewhere else
19:48.08DossyJerJer:  Well, I was hoping there were folks here who knew Asterisk well enough to discuss things with.
19:48.08JerJerasterisk will do anything you configure it to do
19:48.12i2tb_workdoes anyone here answer questions?
19:48.37JerJeronly if intelligent questions are actually asked
19:48.40DossyJerJer:  Can you explain why it randomly doesn't play back prompts and gives dead air?  I didn't (intentionally) configure it to do that.
19:49.14robl^the trick with Asterisk is knowing how to  configure it and getting the right hardware.  It's a phone system construction set with all the piece to build what ever you want.. assembly required.
19:49.15jeremywhitingcinix: what softphone are you using?
19:49.34JerJerrobl^:  and batteries are not included
19:49.46FarrisGIf my questions are not intelligent enough, please let me know. I really need to get this problem fixed.
19:49.55robl^JerJer, hehe.  true.  that's why I have my UPS :)
19:50.03Dossyright now each IVR host has enough dialogic cards to support 138 channels per box.  these boxes are (I believe) 2xCPU 3.06 GHz Xeons -- I'm hoping they can support >138 concurrent VoIP IAX2 calls.
19:50.49*** join/#asterisk loick (
19:51.30JerJerlimit the amount of transcoding and asterisk will do it without breaking a sweat
19:51.45*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
19:51.56terrapenanybody running -HEAD on a Mac?
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19:52.05cinixjeremywhiting, kphone
19:52.11Cresl1nnot recent -head
19:52.28kusznirFarrisG: the problem is the second variable  (" ") is supposed to include the extention of the person's voicemail you are trying to reach.
19:52.37harryvvWhats the most logical setup for the cables comming from the road pstn t-1 and dslam or what for a voip setup?
19:52.52terrapeni'm getting horrible jitter on everything
19:52.54cinixjeremywhiting, I can call all the default extensions like 1000, 8500, 500, but when I try to reach 1-700 using the code from iaxtel's website, or the default in configure using 91700 it gives me a not found error
19:52.58FarrisGkusznir: And what could possibly account for that empty variable? Where is it set?
19:53.02terrapencalls from my SIP phones to voicemail, incoming calls over IAX2, whatever
19:53.02cinixand sip debug shows me 404 errors
19:53.04FarrisGkusznir: (and thanks for the response)
19:53.04terrapenits all jittery
19:53.07harryvvSeems canada does not offer pstn/data on the same t-1 or t-3
19:53.15kusznirFarrisG: this is specified in your extentions.conf.  You can prefix it with a "uxxxx" or "bxxx" to get seperate busy or unavialble messages.
19:53.30kusznirFarrisG: hold on, I'll get an example from my extentions.conf
19:53.55ChkDigitharryvv: Yup, sucks doesn't it.
19:54.37jontowanyone seen T100P drivers for NetBSD?
19:54.41harryvvChkDigit do you have a voip service?
19:55.04jontowguess not :)  google hits 2 times, on the freebsd page
19:55.14FarrisGkusznir: Ahh, I get it now. And I think I have an idea how this happened. My assistant was trying to install some gui tool for asterisk which rewrote a bunch of conf files and inexplicably shaved a bunch of stuff off of some of the lines in said files
19:55.16harryvvjerjer you have both pstn/data sharing the same cable right?
19:55.26bjohnson_sixtel is pissing me off
19:55.44tzangerbjohnson_: heh
19:55.45jeremywhitingcinix: what does iax2 show peers say? you are trying to connect to iaxtel via iax protocol right?
19:55.49harryvvbjohnson I used sixtel alot whats up.
19:56.06cinixiax2 show peers shows no peers
19:56.07kusznirFarrisG: ok, cool.  Sorry about the slow responce time...looks like a lot going on in here.  I'm actually pretty new to * myself.
19:56.17cinixvia iax protocol correct
19:56.32jeremywhitingcinix: did you edit /etc/asterisk/iax.conf like they say to on their website?
19:56.47FarrisGkusznir: Shit happens :)
19:57.05cinixyes. when I start asterisk I see
19:57.06cinix-- Registered to '', who sees us as
19:57.11cinixwhich is the website
19:57.38cinixbut that's for incomming right? ougoing should just be extensions.conf
19:57.40jeremywhitingok, does 'iax2 show registry' show anything about them?
19:57.54cinixah yes
19:58.00cinixsays I'm registered, refresh 60
19:58.07jeremywhitingregister is for incoming, but you need a context for them for outgoing in iax.conf as well
19:58.20cinixoh... hmmm
19:58.36cinixlemme check that out then. I have callerid permisions setup I think
19:59.11JerJerstart asterisk -vvvgc
19:59.11bjohnson_tzanger: did you check your dids?
19:59.23tzangerbjohnson_: yeah they work
19:59.24harryvvbjohnson_ whats the issue with sixtel
19:59.38bjohnson_harryvv: my 2 SW Ontario DIDs have been out for about a week and their CDN toll free csupport line is down
19:59.43JerJerand watch what it says about iax.conf
19:59.48JerJerthere is an error in your file
20:00.00harryvva week! frick
20:00.03bjohnson_I emailed them last week and only got their auto reply with a trouble ticket that their system says doesn't exist
20:00.21terrapenjerjer, what version of asterisk are you guys running for the most part?
20:01.00JerJercvs -head
20:01.04bjohnson_at the time they were one of the few with both Kitvh and Lon DIDs .. time to shop around
20:01.13*** join/#asterisk ZOP (NachoGod@ZOP.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
20:01.21terrapeni wonder why -head is giving me such problemos
20:01.32harryvvbjohnson_ and this is though sixtel mmm I have thought about getting a did though them. I could Highly recomend Navigata. Thay got back with me for sales 3 times first within 2 hours then each time a few hours latter but..there wait time If I wanted T1 is 6 weeks for install time.
20:02.09harryvvnavigata. give them a call.
20:02.16cinixjeremywhiting, think I need this: regcontext=iaxregistrations ?
20:02.20terrapenwhat's all this crap?
20:02.21terrapenJun  6 15:02:10 NOTICE[17259]: rtp.c:430 ast_rtp_read: RTP: Received packet with bad UDP checksum
20:02.36terrapenUDP checksum errors.... strange
20:02.47JerJermake clean
20:03.04harryvvbjohnson_ firstrm uses navigata and has been good to there company.
20:03.12cinixnah didn't help
20:04.12harryvvgota leave for a while.
20:05.04blitzrageterrapen: turn off the error checking in rtp.conf :)
20:05.51terrapenk :)
20:06.02terrapenbut its jittery as hell
20:06.09terrapenyou think that will fix it?
20:06.16terrapen(i'm rebuilding right now)
20:06.58terrapenim thinking it must be a configuration problem because it happens in 1.0.7 and -head
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20:09.18hardwirelook at me.. I needed ID
20:09.21hardwireI feel 21 all over again
20:12.44bjohnson_harryvv: what's the url for their voip?  I only see telco and internet access
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20:18.08jeremywhitingcinix: never seen that before
20:21.22cinixjeremywhiting, yea that wouldn't be the problem. I must be missing something very basic. I've made asssumptions like in extensions.conf when they use $(EXTEN) that it is replaced with the number dialed
20:21.28cinixi suppose if thats not true that could be why
20:23.13*** join/#asterisk iswm (iswm@iswm.user)
20:23.34Weezeyanyone use a Cisco 7960G with one or more 7914Gs?
20:24.54WeezeyIs it possible to make the Cisco extensions show lines in use?
20:25.07Weezeyor does it just do that on it's own?
20:28.00robl^Weezey, its possible, but you need to use chan_sccp2
20:28.27robl^if you use SIP, it will not work
20:28.49Weezeycan I use a combination of sccp and sip?
20:29.25robl^Weezey, the 7960 AND the 7914 must BOTH be using SCCP
20:29.55Weezeylike sccp on that phone, but the others use SIP.
20:29.57jeremywhitingcinix: but that is true
20:30.10Weezeywait, is there any reason not to just use all sccp?
20:30.29cinixI just read a post about Iaxtel servers being fubar'd yesterday
20:30.44cinixthe post said there working good now, but is anyone else able to connect through them?
20:31.10robl^Weezey, that would "kinda work".  But the 7914 shows the status of sccp phones and lines.  not SIP as far as I know.  so it wouldn't update the status properly
20:31.38robl^Weezey, only that sccp support is still a bit buggy compared to sip
20:32.36justnulling2is anyone using simpletelecom with *?
20:32.40shido6save yourself the headach
20:32.41robl^chan_sccp2 is getting bettter all the time, but I wouldn't use it for "real world" applications
20:32.41shido6use sip
20:34.24robl^Weezey, if you just want an "operator panel" you can use Flash Operator Panel or you could use a Snom 220 SIP phone with the add-on button panels
20:34.43WeezeyFlash Operator Panel?
20:34.44*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:35.20WeezeyDEAD SEXY!
20:35.26robl^Flash Operator Panel is a software operator panel.  Use a computer and a mouse to see status of phone and transfer ca;;s
20:36.02robl^so am I, after a few beers :)
20:36.17Weezeyrobl: awesome, I think that might be a good solution for the office here (that way everyone in the office can use it, not just reception)
20:38.46MikeJ[Laptop]Cresl1n. who is at marks desk?
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20:40.23JerJerchan_skinny has had some serious lovin lately
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20:43.33Cresl1nme or matt :-)
20:43.36Cresl1nI don't know which
20:43.46Cresl1nnow matt
20:43.53robl^JerJer, I saw.  it would be nice if chan_skinny and chan_sccp could merge and share resources instead of 2 competing channels
20:45.15JerJeri have disclaimed my code - the authors of the other driver(s) have not
20:46.02MikeJ[Laptop]JerJer, see the dev list this morning.. he said he will
20:46.03robl^I saw on the list that Theo stated he has disclaimed his part of it
20:46.11MikeJ[Laptop]the orig author
20:47.37JerJerhe's one of many that would have to disclaim
20:49.05MikeJ[Laptop]I figured..
20:49.37robl^true.. but its a start
20:49.48robl^if we can get the others on board...
20:49.55JerJerthe trouble we had before is chan_skinny follows the ~norm~ on how to implement a channel driver for asterisk
20:50.02JerJerchan_sccp did their own thing completely
20:50.57JerJerand asterisk-oh323 is in that same realm - didn't bother to try to even remotely follow how the channel is configured, for example
20:51.15tzangerdammit katty
20:51.21tzangernow I have this itch to watch the muppets
20:51.24puppetkatty: gah
20:51.36Kattytzanger: oops.
20:51.36blitzragetzanger: I have access to the first 5 seasons of the muppets
20:51.48JerJerblitzrage: stream them
20:51.49tzangerit's time to cue the music, it's time to dim the lights, it's time to get things started on the muppet show tonight!
20:52.04puppetaye stream it blitzrage
20:52.12JerJerdo do doo do do Phenomenon
20:52.20blitzrageJerJer: hrmmmm... want to donate the bandwidth? :)
20:52.30tzangerPiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigs innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!!!
20:52.57*** join/#asterisk BeBrA (
20:53.03robl^thats all I need.  my NuFone DID gets answered by the Swedish Chef :)
20:53.23Kattytzanger has obviously insaned.
20:53.59puppetpeeeepiiiiii piiiiiip trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr grrr
20:54.09tzangerHellu, yuoo hefe-a reeched rubl's fueecemeil system. Rubl's nut here-a, pleese-a leefe-a a messege-a et zee tune-a... beeeeeeeeeeep! Bork Bork Bork!
20:54.56blitzrageJerJer: just avoiding the question now? :)
20:55.04BeBrAhello! can I use an analog phone with asterisk? (adding some hardware on asterisk box)
20:55.06tzangerjerjer has more bandwidth than god
20:55.07pjzanyone got a pointer to info on what to point the mwi on my phone at?
20:55.43tzangerJerJer: so if I had the muppets online you'd stream them for me :-)
20:55.52blitzrageJerJer: uh huh :)
20:55.54JerJerhoops that iddn't work
20:56.08*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
20:56.11JerJerin fact we are working on a video streaming project right now
20:56.12robl^JerJer, only when they file a propper support ticket :)
20:56.13JerJerso sure
20:56.24puppetbebra: yes
20:56.42*** join/#asterisk Navman (~p_e@
20:56.47BeBrApuppet: how and which hardware do I need? ;)
20:57.36kusznirBeBrA: there's several ways utilizing different hardware.
20:57.38tzangerHellu, Tudey is Mundey, Joone-a 5. I em nut in zee ooffffeece-a tudey, es I veell be-a esseesting seles oon IRC. Pleese-a leefe-a a messege-a et zee tune-a und I'll retoorn yuoor cell es suun es pusseeble-a. Iff thees is un imergency, pleese-a deeel '0' tu be-a cunnected veet oooor recepshuneest's fueecemeil. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
20:57.57BeBrAalso cheap hardware or only some "dedicated" hw?
20:58.03shido6dont use /usr/src/ffmpeg.cvs/ jerjer
20:58.24tzangerwhy is ffmpeg.cvs not so ff?
20:58.55kusznirBeBrA: don't know what you mean by "only some "dedicated" hw".  The class of hardware depends largely on how many phones and how you plan on connecting them.
20:59.38kusznirBeBrA: for example, if you have your network going out to the locations where you want the phones, you can use ATAs like Vonage and other large VoIP carriers use.
21:00.24BeBrAI want to use just in my house
21:00.56kusznirBeBra: if you're looking to run Asterisk as a PBX with a bunch (probably more than 24) of analog lines leaving one location (which is where the * server is iat), you use other solutions.
21:01.10kusznirYour best bet is probably to use an ATA then.  \
21:01.37kusznirSomething like
21:03.13*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (negative3k@
21:03.17pjzanyone know how to access the message waiting indicator in voicemail?
21:03.53fugitivoanyone tried kfax to send faxes using asterisk?
21:04.18BeBrAkusznir: with that box I can connect up to 2 analog phones and connect on my lan to use asterisk?
21:05.16*** join/#asterisk JustBe (
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21:06.44JustBeHow can I verify that Realtime was properly configured when I complied Asterisk?
21:06.55kusznirBeBra: with the box I specified, it supports up to 2 "lines" or "extentions".  You can use splitters and attach a bunch of phones to one jack in the same fashion as a regular household phone line (put a phone in the bedroom, kitchen, etc).
21:08.03*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (~dennis@
21:08.21JustBeI can access the database from the linux command prompt but it does not appear that Asterisk reads the database in extensions.conf using the switch command
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21:13.35|Vulture|anyone having issues with broadvoice?
21:16.44|Vulture|ah nvm
21:18.17harryvvits interesting that using a wholeale voip providers that a CID can be abused or used for fun. |Vulture|  whats up ? bv broke?
21:18.33JerJerrealtime and properly in the same that's funny
21:19.29|Vulture|harryvv: nah just had to change some settings for HEAD
21:19.34gtigeneHow can I get some basic info about using Perl db_File to access the Asterisk database?
21:19.48bkw_realtime ROCKS!!!!!!
21:19.55gtigeneLike, do I have to use locking?
21:19.59Cresl1nmacs can only do one thread
21:20.09bkw_Cresl1n, you know better
21:20.20bkw_I don't really know how i'm gonna feel about x86 mac's
21:20.35cyburdineJustBe: having fun yet? realtime does rock.... but is a pain to setup without good documentation
21:20.42bkw_but its all good
21:20.54*** join/#asterisk mjman (
21:21.38cyburdinean x86 mac is going to be great!  it will level the playing field comparing OSs
21:21.53JustBecyburdine: Thanks for the insight.
21:22.26cyburdineJustBe: are you following the setup on
21:22.58JustBeI sure thought so but there is not much there on the setup.
21:23.34JustBecybudine:  I can use isql commands to acces the DB but Asterisk does not seem to access it
21:23.52mjmanHi, I am setting up a pbx server with asterisk. I have configured all of the extensions and such, and now all that remains is to configure it to be able to make calls to the outside world. I am using a Tiger320 card with a Digium FXO module. I cannot find any information on what settings i should use in zaptel.conf and what kernel modules need to be loaded. Can anyone help??
21:24.56*** join/#asterisk daxvon (
21:25.17JustBecyburdine:  From what I can find it appears I must have unixodbc working before compiling Asterisk otherwise it does not install the needed files
21:25.48JustBecyburdine:  I did this but is there a way to see that Asterisk is configured to be able to use Realtime
21:25.52cyburdineJustBe: I was unable to get odbc and asterisk working... I gave up and used MySQL
21:26.06dsfrmjman, take a look at
21:26.09cyburdineJustBe: which worked right out of the box
21:26.41mjmandsfr: thanks for the link!
21:26.51JustBecyburdine:  No wonder Bill was not involved
21:27.25cyburdineJustBe: a coworker took over trying to get postgreSQL + ODBC working... I've moved on to UI for our product.
21:27.34cyburdineJustBe: Bill?
21:27.42JustBeHas anyone gotten Realtime to work with ODBC ?
21:27.56JustBecyburdine: Bill Gates
21:28.27JustBecyburdine: Bill Gates and Linux are like mixing water and oil
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21:29.24darwinfishanyone know why I would get an error from * saying sip_xmit returned -1
21:29.34crash3mJustBe: I'd say more like mixing Sodium -w- water
21:29.45darwinfishI know its something to do with xpro
21:29.59darwinfishit was working before I compile pwlib and openh323
21:30.45JustBebxw_:  Are you using Realtime with odbc?
21:32.06*** part/#asterisk |dennis| (~dennis@
21:34.06cyburdinewas there something in asterisk that needed to be flagged in order for it to see an install of unixODBC?
21:34.15cyburdinewhen building?
21:35.07mjmandsfr: when i do a modprobe wctdm, i get: "ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)FATAL: Error running install command for wcfxs"
21:35.36darwinfishanyone know why I would get an error from * saying sip_xmit returned -1
21:37.04*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
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21:42.53darwinfishanyone here
21:43.00nitintutlanithis is nitin
21:43.21nitintutlanidoes ne one now about Direct inward hardware
21:44.25*** join/#asterisk Nethab (
21:44.47nitintutlania DID modem or PBX working with asterisk?
21:44.56*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (
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21:44.57Nethabiaxtel is working?
21:46.55harryvvi just used iaxtel 10 min ago working here
21:46.59dsfrNethab, It should be now.
21:47.23Nethabiaxtel is the test place that could never keep up with registration requests
21:47.26darwinfishanyone know why I would get an error from * saying sip_xmit returned -1
21:47.32Nethabnow i'm registered yay
21:48.00drumkillait should be good now
21:48.06drumkillawhen I logged in friday, it was choking
21:48.37harryvvThese good prices? $765/mo on a 1 year contract. Includes 23 (or 24) PSTN and the first 15 DIDs.  DIDs are $1.50 each after the 1st 15.  Installation fees are waived.
21:48.37harryvvT1 data pricing:
21:48.38harryvv$858/mo on a 1 year contract.  This is 1.5 Mbps uplad and download.
21:48.58darwinfishu got ruipped off
21:49.08harryvvin the pstn or data
21:49.22bannermanI pay $380/mo for a full T1 with a 2 year contract, but that's through a local ISP. MCI/Sprint/ATT are all over $1000 in my area.
21:49.23darwinfish425/mo 1 year
21:49.32harryvvthis is canada
21:49.43darwinfishur better off getting 6 mbp dsl from speakeasy
21:49.55darwinfishguess thats y
21:50.22harryvvHow does vonage provide free pstn from canada into the states? or does it? thay say free long distance into the states for 20 dollars.
21:50.35*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
21:50.43gambolputtyI am getting a context=any for voicemail
21:50.49gambolputtyin realtime
21:51.04kusznirI'm curious how vonage does it too....
21:51.19harryvvbannerman, and that is pstn and data though the same t-1 or larger?
21:51.35kusznirAlthough harryvv: you might want to check out the list of providers on, there's several that provide wholesale service.
21:51.59darwinfishanyone why I would get a warning __sip_xmit returned -1 when trying to make a call from xpro
21:52.03harryvvkus, and what about local pstn termination?
21:52.11kusznirharryvv: one I saw provided DIDs at $1/mo, and $40/mo per channel for unlimited LD.
21:53.01harryvvI need to give vonage a call and see how thay price things out here. I think all there termination is in vaginia.
21:53.22*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:53.27Blissexharryvv: you wish :-)
21:53.41*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
21:54.06*** join/#asterisk xcore (~rmaraschi@
21:54.53kusznirharryvv: I don't know if this company provides service to Canada, but for US, it doesn't matter...I get local DIDs, and can call out anywhere in the US (including locally).
21:54.54Seyranyone here using Cisco 7960 phones for SIP? I have a TFTP server setup with the files and also copied them to 8.3 filenames and it is downloading the P0S3 bin, but i get an Aborted after it downloads and it just loops... downloads bin, aborts, downloads bin, aborts...
21:55.38harryvvkus, I am doing this to be a voip provider.
21:55.54*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
21:55.57FuriousGeorgehi all
21:56.04darwinfishseyr did you edit the config to upgrade
21:56.23kusznirI'm not saying its best, just that it might be worth looking into.
21:56.38FuriousGeorgei just installed an fxs module on my tdm and when i try to start asterisk now i get a "broken pype" and "no such device" for channel 3 when i installed it
21:56.51FuriousGeorgethe light doesnt turn on but ztcfg doenst complain either
21:56.53*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
21:58.24FuriousGeorgewhy would that happen other than the daughter chip is shot
21:58.58Seyrive read multiple web pages on how to convert the 7960 to SIP and im pretty sure im doing it right :-) it is connecting to the TFTP server and it is downloading the OS79XX.TXT and it is downloading P0S3-07-.bin, but after it gets done downloading the bin, the TFTP server says it aborts the transfer. I have a TFTP server running on linux and windows and tried both
21:59.18Seyrno clue what im doing wrong
21:59.30*** join/#asterisk flotox (
21:59.36*** join/#asterisk Katty (~katrina@
21:59.53darwinfishseyr one sec
22:00.03*** join/#asterisk angler_ (
22:00.43darwinfishseyr what ver u upgrasding too
22:00.57Nethabiaxtel's bridge to FWD is down?
22:01.14Seyrrunning 3.3 now
22:01.26*** part/#asterisk xcore (~rmaraschi@
22:01.27zoathe 7960 is quite difficult for the tftp server
22:01.33darwinfishyou know you cant upgrade directly to 7.4 ryte?
22:01.36Seyrlooks like 3.3 has the 8.3 filename prob
22:01.37zoamost tftpservers dont seem to work
22:01.40Seyrno, didnt know that
22:01.43darwinfishzoa its easy
22:01.44Nethabyou can't jump from 3.3 directly to 7 can you?
22:01.53darwinfishno you cant nethab
22:02.02Seyrwhat do I need to do?
22:02.07zoacheck there is some link on howto put the sccp firmware on a 7960, the sip firmware is similar
22:02.09Nethabgo to 5 first
22:02.18darwinfishno 6.3
22:02.28darwinfishyou can jump to 6.3
22:02.33darwinfishthen to 7.4
22:02.35Seyr3.3 -> 6.3 -> 7.4 ???
22:02.42Seyrthanks a TON
22:02.45darwinfishthat should do it
22:02.49Seyrbeen fighting this for over an hour
22:02.51*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
22:03.11darwinfishI/ve been though it a fwe times
22:03.13Seyrcisco have the 6.3 image still?
22:03.18RoyKJerJer: wtf is wrong with realtime???
22:03.23darwinfishI keep forgeting everything I did to get it working
22:03.37darwinfishseyr yes
22:04.38JerJerRoyK:  you force asterisk to depend on the database
22:07.06RoyKcan you please point me to another solution that allows realtime updates without restarting or reloading asterisk? reloading asterisk with 5k SIP entries takes bloody well two minutes on a fast computer
22:07.32Corydon-wDouble your pleasure, double your fun.  Double the problems which can occur with your phone system.
22:08.09FuriousGeorgecan anyone help me figure out why i ahve installed an fxs and now this happens:
22:09.11zoaroyk, it should be faster now already
22:09.21zoawith the new channel walks
22:09.45zoadebian 3.1 released
22:09.46*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:10.06JerJerdon't reload 5k sip entries you dumb fuck
22:10.31RoyKzoa: it's not faster.
22:10.35RoyKjust tried it......
22:10.41RoyKzoa: debian 3.1???
22:10.49zoawas released tonight
22:11.22RoyKzoa: asterisk is clearly not built for large systems
22:11.34JerJerno its only your mindset
22:11.55cinixI cannot for the life of me get my asterisk server to accest calls
22:12.12cinixi register fine, aand when I'm not registered anyone tring to call gets a message saying so
22:12.35cinixI see a lot of junk in iax2 debug is there something I can look at to see if it attempts to accept the call?
22:12.36JerJerif I am so stupid, how am I running a very large asterisk based service?
22:12.37zoaroyk, i dont know for you but my setup probably handles some million users :p
22:12.40JerJerfind a clue
22:12.41gtigeneDoes anyone here access the Asterisk database from outside the dial plan?
22:12.58RoyKzoa: how?
22:12.59gpearsonanyone have tips on how to reduce echo via SIP Trunk
22:12.59zoai agree with jj,  its how you use it
22:13.12RoyKzoa: with a SER box doing all the authentication or so?
22:13.15zoaan intelligent network layout
22:13.43zoaa ser location server being part of the solution but not necessary
22:14.01RoyKJerJer: number of peers?
22:14.06RoyKor users
22:14.26zoaroyk, i have a server with 1000 peers, doesnt seem to be a problem
22:14.41RoyKzoa: using just files?
22:15.01RoyKthen a reload prolly take 20secs or so
22:15.22zoawho cares it takes 20 seconds
22:15.23*** join/#asterisk Trevor_B (
22:15.26zoait doesnt block the operations
22:15.34Trevor_Banyone here use *@Home?
22:15.38FuriousGeorgeno1 has any suggestion as to this ??!!
22:15.43zoa@home is for wussies
22:15.44JerJeruse the power of asterisk, don't bastardize it with bullshit
22:15.49*** part/#asterisk makhtar (
22:15.51Nethabi was about to say losers
22:15.56JerJeri haven't issued a 'reload' command in months
22:16.03*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
22:16.22RoyKJerJer: meaning you restart asterisk every day or so?
22:16.42zoaFuriousGeorge: a problem in zaptel.conf or zapata.conf
22:16.44JerJeri haven't restarted an asterisk box in at least a week or so - because i upgrade very often
22:16.47Nethabi never do reload either but not because i use a database, cause i don't have any users haha
22:16.53zoajj, same here
22:17.04zoanever need to restart it except for some zaptel things or upgrades
22:17.54RoyKhad to restart my * box quite regularly before that app_queue bug was fixed.......
22:18.02JerJerdon't run app_queue
22:18.09Trevor_Blets go at it this way
22:18.16RoyKJerJer: what other choice do you have?
22:19.00robl^just put people in an enternal music on hold..  let them give up before someone answers.  :)
22:19.13Nethabhas anyone heard anything about the Uniden VoIP cordless phones
22:19.18RoyK~lart robl^
22:19.23Trevor_Bany reason why if i have a context [from-internal] and it #includes [from-internal-custom], that extensions inside the main context work, but anything from the included custom context just busies out?
22:20.02*** part/#asterisk Nethab (
22:20.20SedoroxTrevor_B: you don't #include...
22:20.32Sedoroxyou include => from-internal-custom
22:21.05Trevor_Bsomeone said #'s were not comments in asterisk conf files, just the semicolon was. Is that incorrect?
22:21.18Sedoroxthey are not...
22:21.19Trevor_BI see all the custom stuff 'load' when i issue a extensions reload command, they just dont workl
22:21.28Sedorox#include is only for including outside files
22:21.33Sedoroxnot for including other contexts
22:21.35Trevor_Boh oh, sorry
22:21.42Trevor_Bthe #include is for the extensions_custom.conf
22:21.48Sedoroxamost the right patch
22:21.49robl^#includes are differnt.  they let you split your extensions.conf into multiple files
22:21.50Trevor_Binclude => from-internal-custom
22:22.10Trevor_Bsorry just lazy typing in IRC on my part
22:22.18Sedoroxyea.. if its in a seperate file.. you have to #include that file.. then include => it in the context...
22:22.20Trevor_Bthe #include and include => are in the correct order
22:22.27Trevor_Bthats done
22:22.33Trevor_Bi see the custom stuff 'load'
22:22.48Trevor_Bbut if its in the custom file, it just busies out if i dial, if i put it in the main, it works great.
22:22.50Sedoroxif you do a 'show dialplan' on the cli, do you see the context(s)
22:23.01robl^I use #includes because my Asterisk box has 3 differnt personalities.  answers as 3 different companies.  all the details for a company is in  a seperate file
22:23.19*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
22:23.34Seyrok, I got the Cisco 7960 6.3 version and have the same problem
22:23.38Sedoroxcompilcated there roamer323
22:23.40Seyraborts the download
22:23.47Sedoroxthere we go...
22:23.56FuriousGeorgezoa:  i forgot to hook the power up to the card :)
22:23.59FuriousGeorgethats what it was
22:24.43Trevor_BSedorox: I get from-internal when i show dialplan from-internal, but now i dont see the custom one when i try it
22:24.49Trevor_Blet me reload and see if im missing stuff now
22:25.28Trevor_Bpermission issue now
22:25.39Sedoroxbbl.. gotta run out...
22:25.43Trevor_Bwonder how i screwed the pooch on that
22:25.46Trevor_Bthanks Se
22:26.01Sedoroxusually the little things
22:26.14SeyrI'm trying to update a Cisco 7960 from 3.3 to 6.3 and it aborts the download after it downloads the bin
22:26.48SkySkyHi all
22:27.11Seyrit gets the 0S79XX.TXT and downloads P0S3-06-.bin, then aborts AFTER it downloads the bin
22:28.06Corydon-wAnother problem with the crappy Cisco... it requires that you upgrade it piecemeal... one major version at a time.
22:28.13Corydon-wEbay it and get yourself a Polycom
22:28.22robl^wasn't 6.3 when Cisco split the firmware into the universal loader and the sip layer?
22:31.18darwinfishrobl yes
22:31.19*** join/#asterisk lancey (
22:31.21lanceyhi guys
22:31.34darwinfishseyr what does it say in the os79xx.txt
22:31.42lanceywhen using expressions, should there be spaces around the operators
22:31.58lanceyexten =>        _X.,    3,      GotoIf($[${NUMBER} = 00359889811778]?53)
22:32.01lanceyis this correct?
22:32.21lanceyi just updated asterisk to the latest CVS, and this seems to produce always true
22:32.29lanceyno matter what's inside ${NUMBER}
22:32.33lanceyhas anything changed?
22:32.34Seyrdarwinfish: P0S3-06-3-00
22:32.46Seyrgoing to 5.3 now
22:32.49Seyror about to try
22:33.12darwinfishseyr jsut for fun copy and paste from the file name of the bin file into the .txt file
22:33.35Seyrhehehe... i did :-)
22:33.42*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
22:33.48puppetlancey: why do you do like that btw? is number callerid?
22:34.16puppetok ;p then i get why ;P
22:34.20lanceythis is the output of a script
22:34.32lanceywhich adds the correct country/area codes
22:34.38lanceythis is used to ban numbers
22:34.48lanceyanyway, it worked before i updated 10 min ago
22:34.57lanceyand now it always gets true
22:35.05lanceyno matter what's inside ${NUMBER}
22:35.10lanceywhich is pretty strange ;>
22:35.10robl^head has issues today.  head is bad.
22:35.37lanceywell i need some features which are not in stable, i think
22:35.43darwinfishrobl yup
22:35.51darwinfishi upgraded
22:35.53lanceyand i had generally used head up to now, with no problems
22:35.59blitzrageanyone here making it to Astricon next week ?
22:36.10darwinfishI wish
22:36.14robl^lancey, head is screwed up today.  get head from about 4-5 days ago
22:36.32lanceyrobl^ how do i do that?
22:36.32darwinfishanyone here have h323 working?
22:36.48lanceydarwinfish get rid of h323 as soon as you can, it's evil :>
22:36.59darwinfishI need it
22:37.36lanceytoo bad
22:37.44lanceyrobl^ would you enlighten me, please?
22:38.29lanceyi'm running throught the man page...
22:38.34lanceyahm, the -D option?
22:38.38robl^lancey, cvs co -D
22:39.31lanceyyup, found it out, thank you
22:39.37lanceyis 2005-06-04 good?
22:40.22robl^lancey, I can't answer that.  I heard on the list and on IRC today  that its suggested to go back 4-5 days.
22:40.57robl^I don't use head right now, so I am not certain.  I just kow LOTS of people have been complaining today
22:41.48*** join/#asterisk Corndawg_ (
22:43.16*** join/#asterisk eS|201-dum (~bleak@
22:43.54*** part/#asterisk gtigene (~chatzilla@
22:44.03eS|201-dumneed help
22:44.18kusznirask your question if someone knows the answer, they'll respond.
22:47.49eS|201-dumneed to connect my asterisk server to an pbx (panasonic one), so i bought an ambient3200, right now can open a phone line, but cannot in pbx
22:51.24eS|201-dumany idea? where im wrong with =(?
22:52.09kusznirsorry, I don't have any experience in that area yet.
22:52.32kusznirA few hours ago, this channel was quite active, might want to stick around and try again when there's more activity.
22:53.13darwinfishwhat type of port are you connecting to on the panasonic?
22:53.44shmaltzeS|201-dum, what you trying to do?
22:54.07eS|201-dumto connect my asterisk box to an pbx
22:54.24eS|201-duma real one, panasonic =P
22:54.34darwinfisha real one?
22:54.39darwinfishFXo FXs?
22:55.40shmaltzAsterisk is a real PBX, while Panasonic is a key system, but anyhow go on
22:55.48shmaltzwhat Panasonic you using?
22:55.51*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
22:56.37lancey[01:55] <shmaltz> Asterisk is a real PBX, while Panasonic is a key system, but anyhow go on
22:56.40shmaltzFurious, how is your asterisk sudies going? a pro yet?
22:56.57shmaltzsudies = studies
22:56.59eS|201-dumim a noob =(
22:57.05FuriousGeorgeschmaltz:  i got sidetracked with some other stuff but slowly but surely im comming along
22:57.22shmaltzes|201-dum, what you trying to accomplish with asterisk, that you can't get from the 308?
22:57.31FuriousGeorgeim trying my first REAL fuctional PBX stuff.  thanks for asking
22:58.19shmaltzlancey, is that a liars nose?
22:58.32eS|201-dumcuz i can't just leave asterisk, need both
22:59.09darwinfishsry wrong keybound
22:59.14lanceyshmaltz nopez
22:59.27lanceyshould it?
22:59.29shmaltzeS|201, the only practical way to configure Asterisk with the 308 is to put the Asterisk box in front of the pana box, like this:
22:59.30shmaltzPSTN-VOIP < > Asterisk < > Panasonic
22:59.38shmaltzlancey, hell no
23:00.07lanceyi'm just sharing your opinion
23:00.16eS|201-dumwas that i did
23:00.29shmaltzeS|201-dum, again what are you trying to get from Asterisk? VM, IVR, VoIP? please name something
23:00.33eS|201-dumbut asterisk cannot open pbx's line
23:00.49shmaltzeS|201-dum, we'll get there
23:00.50*** part/#asterisk FarrisG (
23:00.58shmaltzso how u connecting * to pana?
23:01.00darwinfishex|201-dum: what type on line?
23:01.16shmaltzfxo what????????????/
23:01.26*** part/#asterisk nitintutlani (~nitintutl@
23:01.26eS|201-dumambient modem
23:01.27shmaltzyou have fxo cards on asterisk?
23:01.32darwinfishand what type of port do you have on your asterisk box?
23:01.44shmaltzthats where you are wrong
23:01.50darwinfishI beleive he is trying to connect fxo to fxo
23:01.53eS|201-duman ambient FXO,, a generic modem
23:02.00shmaltzpana is expacting fxs not fxo
23:02.11darwinfishit doesnt work that way es|201
23:02.24shmaltzyour fxo from asterisk should be connected to your PSTN/POTS
23:03.08FuriousGeorgelets say i want an incoming call, no matter what, to first try to dial zap channel 3 for 20 seconds.  whats wrong with this: exten => _.,1,dial(zap/3),60
23:03.08darwinfishfor that to work you would need an "analogue" port on your pbx \
23:03.08shmaltzand your fxs from asterisk should be connected to the CO ports on the panasonic 308
23:03.08FuriousGeorgepriority 2 goes through, but i cant figure out whats up with that
23:03.35shmaltzFurious, you have to do it this way:
23:03.36shmaltzexten => _.,1,Dial(zap/3,60)
23:03.54*** join/#asterisk RndmTngnt (~rik@
23:04.19eS|201-dumplus i want to have an asterisk# (voip) as an exten in pana
23:04.35eS|201-dumwhat should i do?
23:04.41shmaltzeS|201-dum, you can't
23:05.13shmaltzyou will have to tell pana to always use the same 3 cos (the max co ports on the 308 is 3), and within asterisk define the rules
23:05.16darwinfisheS|201 do you have any analog ports?
23:05.33darwinfishliek for fax or modem off hte pbx?
23:05.44shmaltzyou could tell the pana to pass lets say 9 before it dials, that way you can have asterisk decide based on the 9 to use VoIP
23:05.56darwinfishconnect your * box to that
23:06.05eS|201-dumthank u
23:06.09shmaltzdarwinfish, you can't configure the panasonic 308 to use fxs post for dial out
23:06.25robl^panasonic switches usually have analog AND digital ports.  depends which pair you pull from the 4 conductor jack
23:06.29darwinfishwhy not
23:06.37*** join/#asterisk riksta (
23:06.40shmaltzrobl^ not the ta308
23:06.57shmaltzdarwinfish, because it's a limited system
23:07.01robl^shmaltz, ahh.  I used to have a KX-TD816
23:07.03shmaltzit's targeted for home market
23:07.24FuriousGeorgeshmaltz:  hmm, i would think either syntax should work, but the one you suggested didnt do it for me.  the wierd thing is, it just goes to priority two within the same context
23:07.28*** join/#asterisk astoria (
23:07.28shmaltzthe max capacity on a 308 is 3 CO (FXO), by 8 Extensions
23:07.59shmaltzFuriousGeorge, thats b/c it can't do anything with priority one for some reason, what is the CLI output?
23:08.02lanceywouldn't it be easier to connect the 8 extensions directly to asterisk
23:08.06astoriajust got a PRI, it automatically cuts off all calls after 15 seconds.. incoming calls aren't even picked up ... extensions.conf right. any quick ideas on why telco is cutting me off after 15 secs?
23:08.07lanceyand the 3 lines to the asterisk box
23:08.13lanceyand get rid of that panashits at all?
23:08.14shmaltzlancey, nope
23:08.16eS|201-dumwhat if i had disa on pana ? would be the same?
23:08.24shmaltzb/c you can't have it dial out thru there
23:08.39FuriousGeorgeshmaltz:  it just seems to skip to priority 2, which forewards the call to another number if no one answers
23:08.40shmaltzastoria, not paying your bills?
23:08.55astoriaschmaltz: I just had it installed! i haven't had a chance to miss a bill yet :)
23:09.14shmaltzlancey, but that would be very expensive, also the pana phones are key phone which means it shows you all the extensiosn if they are in use or not
23:09.21astoriai have the extensions.conf right, and it starts doing things, but there is no sound on the calling end and cuts after 15 with weird tone.
23:09.34FuriousGeorgeactually, it skips right to "starting simple switch on zap 2-1 which is the second priority, ill try sticking a "wait" in there
23:09.55lanceyshmaltz i get it now
23:10.03lanceyguys, asterisk expression logic
23:10.05lanceyis broken
23:10.11*** join/#asterisk Micc (
23:10.17lanceysomewhere between 15 may and 1st of june
23:10.24shmaltzlancey, why do you think so?
23:10.34lancey$[${variable} = xxxx]
23:10.37JerJerlook for commits during that period
23:10.38MiccI'm back.
23:10.38lanceyalways returns true
23:10.45puppetaint it what agis is returning thats bugged?
23:10.45eS|201-dumim so thankful w all of u!!!!!!!!!
23:10.49lanceyi reverted back to CVS 2005-05-15
23:10.50lanceyand it's fine
23:10.59lanceywith CVS 2005-06-01 it's broken
23:11.03*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
23:11.06Cresl1nHey peeps :-)
23:11.07shmaltzI c
23:11.13JerJerso back off by a week
23:11.17JerJerthen add a day
23:11.18shmaltzread up a bit
23:11.24shmaltzthat will help you
23:11.26JerJeruntil you narrow it down to a specific day
23:11.33JerJeror just look for the commits
23:11.40JerJeron the cvs mailing list
23:11.45eS|201-dumsure i will
23:11.57shmaltzyou need to get 3 FXS ports (like the TDM400 from digium) and connect it to panasonic
23:12.21FuriousGeorgeshmaltz:  im gonna revisit this after dinner
23:12.30FuriousGeorgesee everyone soon
23:12.58darwinfishastoria: what kind of card do u have?
23:13.14astoriadarwinfish: te110p connected to adit 600 connected to XO PRI
23:13.22shmaltzactualy in your case it's better you get 3 SPA3000, plug each line port into your POTS lines, and each Phone port to the panasonice, then configure those SPAs to connect to asterisk, so that you have a nice and cheap config that looks like this:
23:13.24shmaltzPSTN/VoIP < SPA 3000> Asterisk < SPA 3000> Panasonic TA308
23:13.30*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
23:13.34astoriadarwinfisH: i think it may be some kind of signalling issue?
23:13.50shmaltzastoria, first take tha adit out, why is it in there?
23:13.55lanceyi should file a bug report for that, i think
23:14.04astoriaschmaltz: it's from XO to split data and voice
23:14.11shmaltzlancey, first check if someone didn't file one yet
23:14.11puppetlancey: the more info you give in the bugreport the faster it can be fixed
23:14.24shmaltzastoria, doesn't matter, first test it this way
23:14.31shmaltzthe Adit is from XO?
23:14.39astoriaschmaltz: yeah
23:14.46lanceyi will
23:14.47darwinfishastoria: do you know the framing and coding?
23:14.47shmaltzhmmmm, I c
23:15.05astoriadarwinfish: esf, b8zs
23:15.05shmaltzu sure u have the B and D channels configured right?
23:15.18shmaltzhow is it split?
23:15.21astoriaschmaltz: i can see calls coming in and make some outgonig calls
23:15.33astoriaschamltz: they have two cards in the adit, one for voice PRI, the other for data
23:16.20astoriai can make an outgoing call and listen, but my voice gets cut off after 15 seconds..
23:16.27astoriain fact, i can stay on an outgoing call as long as i'd like.
23:16.42shmaltzyeah, but what channels are suppose to be the voice, and what for the signaling? (from the Adit to asterisk)?
23:17.00astoria24 is D, and 1-11 are B
23:17.12astoriaor at least thats what they told me.. they're not the most reliable company in the world though.
23:17.29JerJerrun them clear channel and look for d channel or b channel data
23:17.59astoriaclear channel = plug direct into the PRI from XO?
23:18.16JerJeri think
23:18.16shmaltzastoria, try changing it to 12 for D
23:18.30astoriaschmaltz: tried it, same problem.
23:18.46shmaltzso try what JerJer is saying
23:18.53shmaltzgtg guys
23:18.55shmaltzc ya
23:19.34astoriajerjer: how would i look at each individual channel to determine it's type?
23:21.23astoriausing clear: unable to open channel 2
23:21.39astoriachannel 1 is PRI signalling signalling
23:21.44*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
23:21.54terrapeni found out what was causing all my jitter
23:21.54*** join/#asterisk heison (
23:21.59terrapenthe damned screensaver
23:22.04terrapenMac OS X :P
23:22.19MiccSo the current CVS Head is no good?
23:22.53darwinfishastoria are they providing clocking?
23:22.58lanceyuse something aroung 2005-05-15
23:23.11darwinfishastoria: how do you have your clocking configured?
23:23.16JerJeri'm runing cvs -head from 3 days ago without issue
23:23.25astoriadarwinfisH: i am pri_cpe, span=1,0,0
23:23.36JerJerso no timing?????
23:23.40JerJerare you mad?
23:23.50astorialike a fox!
23:24.13Micclancey, thats what I'm using I think. Whats wrong with head and how long to a fix?
23:24.27JerJercheck it out and find out for yourself
23:25.53astoriai change to span=1,1,0 and get the same problems
23:27.07lanceyok, here it is
23:27.09darwinfishwhats your switchtype?
23:27.15lanceyi didn't find it reported before
23:27.25lanceyplease delete if i was wrong
23:28.14astoriathe adit 600 says ni1, right on it.
23:30.33darwinfishastoria: is your zapata.conf what is your context?
23:31.01robl^ok, question for the digium hardware pros.  what would it take to create an accurate PCI timing device.. just nofxs/fxo port.  somethign that could be used on VoIP-only systems
23:31.18JerJerrun 2.6 with ztdummy
23:31.59astoriadarwinfisH: it goes to context DIDincoming, where it hits the right extension..
23:32.04robl^JerJer, does ztdummy work well on something like a SMALL embedded system.. i.e. soekris at 233mhz?
23:32.49JerJerduno about soekris
23:32.57darwinfishdoes that extesion work otherwise? like from another extension?
23:33.01JerJerit works on my embedded platform - that's all i care about
23:33.05robl^I know ztdummy used to have problems with timing accuracy.  a slow cpu like a 233mhz geode would be worse, no?
23:33.22denonJerJer: can I run a 1200 user enterprise pbx off an old, defective wrt54g?
23:33.46denonoh, they'll all be running g.729
23:34.00Nuggetsoekris is good stuff, but I've never used it for asterisk.
23:34.05lanceydenon if you are crazy :>
23:34.05denonand upstream trunks will be speex
23:34.06robl^denon, hehe.  I was thiking 5-10 users on a soekris.  1200?!?!   :)
23:34.24terrapenwhy would you want to run Asterisk on a soekris
23:34.36terrapenits really underpowered
23:35.12Nugget"under" is relative.
23:35.24NuggetI'd run one here if I wasn't using a tdm400p.
23:35.33Sedoroxif your not doing codec translation.. its perfect..
23:35.33robl^terrapen, just a small embedded system for a remote office.. no moving parts.. all solid sate (CF card for storage), quite, low power requirements
23:35.40Nuggetlow power, no moving parts, quiet, little heat.
23:35.42Nuggetthey're great.
23:36.08denon286s matched that description too
23:36.18twisted[work]haha yeah.
23:36.29twisted[work]not to mention 8086/8088
23:36.33denonat least, most of them did - especially without the HD, and once it was booted off the floppy
23:36.38robl^my idea is to have one connect to a main office Asterisk server over an IAX2 trunk and then server 5-10 SIP phones at the remote site
23:36.56*** join/#asterisk Ariel_ (
23:37.01Ariel_hello everyone.
23:37.19twisted[work]time to go home. and stuff.
23:37.23Sedoroxrobl^:  it'll be fine for that
23:38.32*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (~blitzrage@blitzrage.documenter.extraordinaire.of.asterisk)
23:39.00SarahEmmhihi :)
23:39.55twisted[work]oh wait
23:39.56twisted[work]i was going home
23:40.16SarahEmmbibi twisted
23:40.20twisted[work]robl^, quite familiar, thanks ;)
23:40.53niZon204 (Manitoba) or toll free canada
23:41.09denonthey have phones in canada?
23:41.26niZonuh ok..
23:41.30SedoroxniZon: I got a US50/Canada toll free from
23:41.35robl^denon, yeah.  they cranks on the sde of the phones though
23:41.50robl^er. they have cranks..
23:42.01denonrobl^: next time your cell battery goes dead .. you'll wish you did too I guess
23:42.05robl^mental note:  type with BOTH hands.
23:42.11niZonSedorox: yeah but it seems they don't do paypal and having just turned 18 I don't have a cc
23:42.15Sedoroxrob-: stop wanking off
23:42.26SedoroxniZon: Actually.. I think they do...
23:42.32lanceybye guyz
23:42.35Sedoroxnot 100% sure tho
23:42.42niZonthere flash is making me mad, thats for sure
23:42.47Sedoroxmy contact is moving.. so I'm not able to get in contact with him (ahah)
23:42.57Sedoroxyea.. their site I don't think is the best.. but service is good
23:43.24niZonhow'd you manage to get a DID from them?
23:43.55Sedoroxsee PM
23:50.25bkw_SO HELP ME
23:50.33bkw_do not msg me people about help with ODBC
23:50.37bkw_its covered out the ass on the wiki
23:51.20*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
23:52.53cinixhey does anyone know if iaxtel is working?
23:53.00cinixi see in the topic to test it :) I'm having no lucjk
23:53.01drumkillait should be
23:53.05drumkillacan you register?
23:53.09gpearsonanyone have recommendations on which service provider is good for *
23:53.14cinixneither can a friend of mine
23:53.22drumkillawelllll ...
23:53.38drumkillaif you can't register, sounds like it may be on your end :)
23:53.40cinixjust wondering if we are the only ones :) we might be doing the same stupid thing
23:53.42drumkillayou should be able to ...
23:53.55Sedoroxwhy will it be happy now?
23:54.04cinixokay back to the drawing board if it works for other people
23:54.39*** join/#asterisk jjhall (
23:56.07cinixSedorox, any luck after you dropped it?
23:56.29cinixit's right?
23:57.06drumkillacinix: yeah ...
23:57.17SedoroxI didn't see much of a use for it besides just having a number.. and it would register back like every 2 mins.. got annoying.. so I stoped having asterisk use it
23:57.29tuxinator_linuxMhey drumkilla
23:57.47drumkillahey tuxinator_linuxM
23:58.02cinixthanks drumkilla
23:58.03*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
23:58.10Ariel_bkw_, sounds like your having one of those days?
23:58.29drumkillacinix: check iax2 debug
23:58.39drumkillamake sure it's actually getting through
23:58.41drumkillaif so, you probably have some wrong info
23:59.48cinixit's timing out

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.