irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050518

00:00.04Juggiehow's todays cvs
00:01.29morrisI have never run asterisk before (beyond installing from cvs on my gentoo box and executing asterisk binary (Was able to see a prompt).. problem im faced with at the moment is with debian based machine (ubuntu) when i run asterisk it complains about no /dev/dsp.. ok so sound isnt installed how vital is that? i guess its for the music on hold?.. the other thing is when doing asterisk -r it gives me the version info then segmentation fault
00:02.15rcamAnyone here use Nufone... Can you currently make an outbound call?
00:02.25rcamjbot seen jerjer
00:02.28jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 10h 50m 14s ago, saying: 'ManxPower:  sounds interesting, but i've still never used it'.
00:03.03Darienhmm, I should post to the mailing list I guess
00:03.20ManxPowerJuggie, DO you have a
00:03.38ManxPowerIf so the the lib loader just isn't finding it.  THAT'S easy to fix.
00:03.54Juggiemanx, i do now.... i just used apt-get to install it and its happy
00:03.57Juggienow i have another problem
00:03.58JuggieMay 17 19:52:43 WARNING[20568]: codec_speex.c:211 speextolin_framein: Out of buffer space
00:03.58JuggieMay 17 19:52:43 WARNING[20568]: chan_zap.c:4472 zt_write: Frame too large
00:04.05rabelais   does anyone see what's wrong with my config? I get a 404 when I try to dialout
00:04.35ManxPowerrabelais, Well for one thing try pastig the URL.
00:05.27rabelaissorry, typo...
00:06.46JuggieManxPower, any idea on the warnings?
00:07.26ManxPowerJuggie, nope.  I use speex for all IAx stuff.
00:08.52bkw_Juggie, don't use speex
00:09.02bkw_he's using xlite
00:09.06bkw_and xlite pads it
00:09.11bkw_thats the only time I see that error
00:11.18tzafrirmorris, the ubuntu asterisk packages are out of date
00:11.38ManxPowerbkw_, So asterisk/contrib/thirdparty/spexxilbcfix_xlite.reg doesn't fix that?
00:12.12bkw_it might
00:12.14tzafrirmorris, use the proper debian packages (rebuild them if you need), or build from source
00:12.15bkw_but last I checked no
00:12.21morristzafrir...... shall i use the cvs version
00:12.32bkw_because they pad it
00:12.38tzafrirmorris, if you really like bleeding edge
00:12.39bkw_irts worth a shot
00:12.45tzafrirHEAD is less expected
00:12.46morrisi just want it to work ;/
00:12.55bkw_what to work?
00:13.00bkw_Updating ...
00:13.25tzafrirmorris, as for sound: do you use OSS or ALSA?
00:13.37morrisnone atm
00:13.39morrisi havent set anything up
00:13.55tzafrirwell, it's just a warning
00:14.03morriswill music on hold still work ?
00:14.14bkw_you don't need a sound card for MOH
00:14.22bkw_damn I wish I could smack the person that said that
00:14.31bkw_I would slap them so hard their momma would feel it
00:14.45znoGi'd slap their momma
00:14.50morrisi am their momma
00:15.33znoGbkw_: you know much about dring detection in Zap?
00:15.45*** join/#asterisk rube2 (
00:16.04tzafrirI've tried dring detection recently, but I still get unexpected results.
00:16.29*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
00:16.32znoGyou also get a range of patterns for the same distinctive ring number?
00:16.58dmccollumEvening everyone
00:17.09dmccollumDishwasha Are you around?
00:17.17tzafrirmorris, what version do you have (befor eit segfaults)
00:17.49znoGtzafrir: ah, good to know i'm not the only one then :)
00:18.14znoGtzafrir: it also says it should go to the default context if it doesn't match, but i had to explicitly add a dring pattern 0,0,0 for the main number. You also had to do this?
00:18.48tzafrirznoG, I gave up on it for the moment, and decided to study it later
00:19.37morrisroot@gentoo1 tikka # asterisk -h
00:19.37morrisAsterisk CVS-HEAD-03/24/05-00:47:17, Copyright (C) 2000 - 2005, Digium.
00:19.41morrisis the one on my gentoo box
00:19.51morrisbut i need to set it up at work before i do my home one really
00:20.01morrissince at home i have no use for it ;p
00:20.07znoGtzafrir: i, unfortunately, need it so i guess i would have to learn how distinctive ring works and play with the code to get it to work.
00:26.57morrischecking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... no
00:28.16*** join/#asterisk newbien (
00:28.37*** join/#asterisk DEEZED (
00:28.50wisdomHrm, has anybody worked extensively with the Sipura spa841's ?  (as in a reasonably large deployment of them)
00:29.05Mavviemorris: check your config.log
00:30.55morrisaparently, ubuntu doesnt come with a compiler as default
00:32.21morrisMavvie, dont slap me.. where would one normaly find the config.log
00:32.38wisdomnobody ?
00:32.54Mavviemorris: in the same directory as where configure was ran.
00:33.13morrisah, it doesnt have configure
00:33.20morrisi just did make
00:33.36morrisi downloaded tar.gz from
00:34.20*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:34.20Mavviemorris: the directory editline has one.
00:34.54Dariendamn, I can't find anything in the documentation about locales
00:35.16morrisah i see
00:35.24morristhanks Mavvie
00:36.03*** join/#asterisk DFT (
00:36.07morriswhat is termcap
00:36.20Mavvieman termcap
00:36.26morrisgood point
00:36.27morrisbrb ;p
00:36.38DFThello, how can I monitor in realtime what's going on when I try to connect vi sip softphone?
00:36.47Mavvieit describes what your terminal can do, and how to do it.
00:38.01xeet2anyone know how to determine the ip address of an iaxy?
00:38.19xeet2doesn't seem to be grabbing an ip through dhcp
00:39.04Juggieis it maybe set to static
00:39.12xeet2might be, it used
00:39.52Juggiethere a button to reset it
00:44.33*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
00:45.57ManxPowerIf anyone wants to talk about QoS issues, join #qos
00:46.26Mavvieis that related to the asterisk source code and documentation?
00:49.45Darienin an SQL table or an HTML table?
00:49.45*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
00:49.51Mavviean HTML table
00:49.59Dariensure there is
00:50.10Mavvieoh! do tell! do tell!
00:50.29DarienI don't know what it is
00:50.30Darienask in #web
00:50.35DarienI just know that it can be done
00:50.59morrishow do u mean update a table cell
00:51.21morrisif u give me a chance to understand ur problem, i could probebly solve it
00:51.59Dariento change the content of an element in HTML using e.g. Javascript
00:52.17Mavvieif I have this: <span onClick="change()" id="boo">boo</span>
00:52.31Mavvieand want to change the boo between the span tags into bar.
00:52.43Mavviedocument.getElementById("boo").value="bar"; <- doesn't work (does't complain neither ;-)
00:52.49morrisgive me 2 seconds
00:52.54morrisill see what i can do
00:52.57Mavvieokies, thanks for your help (in advance)
00:53.11Darientry that
00:53.25MavvieOOOOOOOOOOH! beautiful!
00:53.33morrisbastard ;p
00:53.50DarienMavvie: test it in Firefox and Safari first to make sure it works
00:54.02Darienit's a generally-accepted IE extension
00:54.06MavvieIt works in mozilla. let me check in IE.
00:57.01mepplgute nacht
00:57.09mepplgood night
00:57.56DarienMavvie: the 'proper' way is thus:  document.getElementById("boo") = "foo";
00:59.15Mavvieaha, that one works too. This is making my day so much better!
00:59.21Darien<3 me
01:05.46xeet2uhm, wow
01:06.00xeet2never seen browser discussion in here before
01:06.22xeet2can I ask some windows xp questions? =P
01:08.13morrisi will answer one ;p
01:08.20morriscoz i suck at everything else
01:08.48*** join/#asterisk Moc[Toronto] (~mochouina@
01:08.53Pete_Largohtml, windows, what's next a new steak-on-the-grill recipe?
01:09.25morrisPete_Largo, thats bad of you.. mentioning food when its 2am
01:09.36morrismade me starving hungry in about 5 seconds flat
01:09.40Pete_Largoit's never too late to eat :)
01:09.56Pete_Largobesides, it's only 8pm here in Texas
01:11.10morrisyea spose its not too late to eat.. unless i want more chins
01:11.38morrisdont want* whatever
01:11.41Pete_Largooooh Chinese!
01:11.48Pete_LargoI love Chinese food
01:11.51morrishmm chinese would be cool
01:11.56morrisi would settle for pizza tho
01:12.05newmedianMoc you should take advantage of all the nice Torontonian food.
01:13.02Pete_Largohey newmedian
01:13.17newmedianhey Pete_Largo
01:13.52*** join/#asterisk file[mac] (
01:14.42morrisargh u really have made me want food
01:17.19xeet2hey kram
01:17.25file[mac]my sweet sweet krammy boy!
01:17.48kramhi xeet
01:19.27MikeJ[Laptop]it's KRAM!
01:20.16xeet2how's life @ digium
01:20.32*** join/#asterisk shankland (
01:21.17morrisright im gonna sleep
01:21.18morrisgood night guys
01:21.23morristhanks for help / chat
01:21.30Pete_LargoPolycomm Soundpoint 400 ???
01:21.34Pete_Largoon ebay
01:22.12shanklandmorris web:D:P
01:22.25Pete_LargoI know Polycom has 300, 500, 600, but I don't see a 400 on the web site
01:23.50Pete_Largobut google shows a ton of links so I guess I _don't_ actually know everything :)
01:24.51file[mac]what's the matter bkw? :(
01:25.37morrislol @ shankland
01:26.02morrisi was off to bed ;p
01:28.38*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta (
01:31.46*** join/#asterisk netvulture (0@
01:32.17nestArdo the TDM400 cards work better than the X100P's?
01:32.20newmedianwouldn't you prefer a nice steak morris?
01:32.35newmedianor chinese? mmmm.
01:34.02morrisbastard ;p
01:34.08morristhey keep making me hungry mr shankland
01:34.18morrisive STARVING DAMNIT
01:34.22morrisim *
01:34.25shanklandeat then;)
01:34.30shanklandmmmm steak is good
01:34.31netvulturehey all, got a question about what the best way is to intergrate 2 sites each with their own asterisk server when it comes to voicemail? Any ideas? I'd prefer to have voicemail boxes local to the users, but still need to be able to forward cross-site. Thanks in advance!
01:34.37shanklandmmm domions pizza is good 2:D
01:34.42newmedianSome nice Thai food...  Toronto has such good food choices
01:35.16shanklandI have pizza sitting down stairs 2
01:38.35netvultureany ideas out there?
01:40.00netvultureis that question for me shankland?
01:40.15*** join/#asterisk AjudaBrazil (
01:40.38netvulturewell - i'm not a complete expert, but savvy enough to hear the answer and know what you mean
01:41.05AjudaBrazilhello people.  i need help please.. in asterisk with digium te100p + E1 PRI in Brazil.... any body can help me please?
01:41.13AjudaBrazilops, 110p
01:41.18netvultureso i guess that would be a yes - i know it well enough
01:42.36PTG123anyone in here really good with asterisk looking for part time work, possibly turning i nto to full time.. Tech support and basic install stuff.
01:43.02Pete_Largodefine 'really good'
01:43.12PTG123er experienced
01:43.21Pete_Largohow much experience?
01:43.40PTG123Dude i don't know :)
01:43.43jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
01:45.58Pete_LargoWell, really good and experience probably counts me out.
01:50.26*** join/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
01:51.41*** join/#asterisk Markaci (
01:54.06*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
01:55.37rvhikept getting core dump
01:56.25rvhithis is the bt
01:56.26rvhi#8  0x0807d9c9 in pbx_extension_helper (c=0x839c520, context=0x839c67c "dev1",
01:56.26rvhi#9  0x08077748 in ast_pbx_run (c=0x839c520) at pbx.c:1897
01:56.26rvhi#10 0x0807e221 in pbx_thread (data=0x130c2) at pbx.c:2120
01:56.28rvhi#11 0x40026e51 in pthread_start_thread () from /lib/
01:56.33jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
01:56.37NewSolesounds like me and my last GF... she kept dumping me
01:56.40rvhioops, sorry
01:56.54rvhias you can see, exten is mess up
01:57.02rvhicallerid has the wrong pointer
01:57.56Mavvieopener.documentit's more that "data" in frame 10 is wrong I think
02:00.56ManxPowerIf anyone wants to talk about QoS issues, join #qos
02:01.19QwellManxPower: How much are tickets to ManxPower 2005?
02:02.06ManxPowerQwell, They are only available to people in europe.
02:02.19QwellSo I see
02:02.22rvhimavvie, do you know how to print out data in frame 10?
02:03.40Mavvieframe 10 and then euhm... -> GDB cheat sheet
02:04.32*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
02:06.44AjudaBrazilanyone from brazil??
02:08.33newmedianAjudaBrazil could use some assistance configuring his E1 with Embratel (/Telmex).
02:09.56AjudaBrazilyes ;)
02:12.13PTG123the movie i just rented today is on hbo right now
02:12.49Qwellhaha, that sucks
02:13.30PTG123oh well atleast  am ripping it to my hard drive :)
02:14.59*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
02:15.46blitzrageheya JimVanM !
02:16.03blitzragesomeone please help Jim, he's a good guy :)
02:16.23JimVanMLOL! Thanks Leif
02:16.25*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
02:18.19JimVanMAnyone connected to a Sonus via PRI (NI2)? The Sonus is complaining about an information element that it doesn't recognize.
02:18.31newmediancode 46 violation
02:23.22kramhi jim
02:25.14Qwellkram: afternoon
02:25.45JimVanMheya kram
02:26.18kramafternoon awell
02:26.21kramerr qwell
02:26.26blitzragehello everyone! :)
02:28.11iqhi blitzrage
02:30.48*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
02:32.07*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
02:32.23xeet2the iaxy is officially wonderful
02:33.25newmedianorange or dark?
02:33.40xeet2haven't gotten my hands on a dark one yet
02:33.52Silik0nanyone have a really good spot for free (as in free not just royalty free) stuff for MOH?
02:33.55xeet2do they look as cheesy as they do in the images?
02:34.02newmedianAre the new IAXys on the street yet?
02:34.09QwellSilik0n: find some indy artist sites
02:34.20JimVanMDo they do name resolution?
02:34.40xeet2jim: no, but you can use backup servers
02:34.58newmedianSilik0n: have you looked at
02:35.17Silik0nQwell: I've been digging for some but havent found anything that said "good free" that was more then a 90 sec song
02:36.01QwellSilik0n: You didn't say the songs had to be good.  Hell, look at most MoH :p
02:36.25Silik0nhell I should just do like everyone else, load my mp3 collection in there heh
02:36.45Silik0nor does anyone know the answer to that?
02:36.59Silik0nor do I have to drive across town and see if I can scam one?
02:37.13Qwellscam one what?
02:37.28Silik0nmisfired to wrong channel
02:38.11newmedianSilik0n: Well, if you like Star Wars then you could always use from Star Wars: Revelations. That's a bit geeky but timely, considering how close the next Star Wars film is.  ;)
02:38.44Silik0nalready got tix for friday showing
02:39.25newmedianSame here. Hope it is better than first two.  I remember seeing the first showing of the originals, back in the day.
02:40.35QwellNewSole: Whats the problem?
02:42.15*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
02:43.13NewSolebeen waiting on someone for doing some work and time is critcal....
02:43.20*** part/#asterisk sivana (
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02:43.36QwellNewSole: like?
02:43.38NewSoleand he said for last few day we will do it after work... and no show
02:43.52QwellHmm, sounds like somebody I know
02:44.38QwellNewSole: What type of work you talking?
02:45.19NewSolegetting system stable... clean it up and do up dial codes
02:47.00*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
02:47.33blitzrageariel_: please turn off your auto announce
02:47.52QwellNewSole: stable how?  "dial codes"?
02:48.23ManxPowerIf anyone wants to talk about QoS issues, join #qos
02:48.31NewSolewell it works... but some providers I call I only get 1way audio
02:49.39Silik0nare you having NAT issues?
02:49.52NewSoleno its IAX
02:50.07Silik0nthats interesting
02:50.24Qwellwhich way is the audio?
02:50.39NewSoleI can hear them but they can not hear me
02:50.55Qwellall phones do the same thing?
02:51.35TheEmperori've got a pri connected to an e1 card, zapata.conf is configured, but i get this error message when i call in:  Extension '21682888' in context 'incoming' from '0321640263' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 4, span 1
02:51.43fileTheEmperor: read it
02:51.49TheEmperordialling out is not a problem..
02:51.53fileread the error
02:52.33TheEmperorfile:i've got 30 channels on the pri, so i need to configure a context for each number?
02:52.37TheEmperoris that what i am doing wrong?
02:52.47fileyou are sending calls into the context incoming
02:53.01filewell for the number 21682888, there are no extension entries in that context to handle it
02:53.28TheEmperori thought that if you put in s,1, then it should handle it?
02:53.41TheEmperoror since it is a pri, i need to specify each number and where it goes?
02:53.41files,1 is only when the dialed number is not known
02:53.45TheEmperori see...
02:54.17filecorrect, or use a pattern to match it
02:54.17*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
02:54.17TheEmperorwhat kind of pattern could I use?
02:54.17Qwellonly you know the answer to that
02:54.19fileQwell: it's 5 Xs actually...
02:54.25TheEmperorok i get it now..
02:54.25fileif 216 remains constant
02:54.36Qwell8 digit number?
02:54.43fileQwell: I found it weird too
02:54.45QwellE1, I know nothing about
02:54.49TheEmperor8 numbers correct
02:56.49fileI don't understand how we can make the error messages any more clearer
03:01.57TheEmperorwhat i've done now is to specify it as exten => 21682XXX,1,Answer() but it still says that that extesnsion does not exist :(
03:02.13*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (
03:02.18Qwellyou need the _
03:02.28Qwellread the docs to find out why
03:03.34newmedianYou could always _X. it?
03:03.39xeet2TheEmperor: instead of 21682XXX,  you need _21682XXX,
03:03.56TheEmperorwhy is that?
03:04.02xeet2regular expressions
03:04.10blitzragethats how pattern matching works
03:04.13Kernel_Corehi all , I am useing Xten SiP soft phone, I connect to asterisk ,(GSM Codec ) DTMF works , but when I want to pass DTMF to another cisco sip through asterisk , it doesn't work ! what is the solution ?!
03:04.18blitzrage_ == pattern matching
03:04.23QwellI said to read the docs to find out why...come on now
03:04.31blitzrageQwell: oh.... sorry :D
03:04.35xeet2hehe, sorry qwell
03:04.40Qwellnah, not you guys
03:04.55Qwellhe asked a dumb question after I explicitly told him what to do, and where to look
03:05.04blitzrageQwell: yah - gotta learn :)
03:05.19blitzragewelp... bed time, lates
03:06.04Kernel_Coreany suggestion?
03:06.50MikeJ[Laptop]Kernel_Core, fix your dtmf settings on your devices
03:07.37Kernel_CoreMikeJ[Laptop]: what should I set for cisco !? dtmfmode=rfc2833 is it correct ?!
03:08.25MikeJ[Laptop]check the wiki for the specific device, there are config examples out ther
03:08.52MikeJ[Laptop]and make sure the device is set to the same thing as asterisk
03:09.10MikeJ[Laptop]if you tell asterisk rfc, but the device is set to inband it will not work well
03:09.43Kernel_Coreyea , it seems
03:10.18*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
03:11.09*** part/#asterisk SarahEmm (
03:12.20|Vulture|znoG: there is a thing in the wiki about detecting and handling it?
03:12.27|Vulture|hit the up arrow
03:12.40|Vulture|Anyone ever see a problem where gsm files just stop playing
03:12.45|Vulture|Tones play fine
03:12.50|Vulture|its over Zap and SIP
03:14.13*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
03:18.56*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
03:19.15*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
03:19.31*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
03:20.37harryvvmy cell phone carrier just droped its per min rate from 30 cents for each min to 30 cents for 2 min then 5 cents every min after.
03:20.48harryvvthay really want the biz :)
03:23.45*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta_PM (
03:28.25NukemizerI am trying to create a dial plan to hangup on particular Caller ID, but can not figure out what syntax I have wrong Can anyone help ?
03:28.38Nukemizerexten => s,1,GotoIf($[${CALLERIDNUM}= 5551212]?Hangup)
03:28.57*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
03:31.37newmedianNukemizer, see for ex-girlfriend example
03:34.47nestArexten => s/_2125551212,1,Hangup
03:35.13Nukemizeroh my.. that easy.. dang i was making that WAY to hard
03:35.21Nukemizerthank you both !
03:35.37nestArno problem
03:35.54TheEmperorwhat does s/ do?
03:38.11NewSolehi folks
03:38.12newmedians is start, /_blahblah matches the caller ID... see the examples around the ex-girlfriend example, for example.
03:40.46*** join/#asterisk Silik0n (
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03:48.16matobagodoes anyone knows how could i see who im calling in a cisco 7940/7960
03:48.36loudmm on the screen ?
03:48.55matobagolike a reverse callerid
03:49.06Moc[Toronto]anyone live in toronto ?
03:49.39matobagoany ideas?
03:49.42newmediananyone else?
03:49.42Moc[Toronto]are the train going to strike tomorow ?
03:49.45*** join/#asterisk Silik0n (
03:49.49Moc[Toronto]I mean operator
03:49.58DFTI'm in the GTA
03:50.20DFTand I have to drive downtown in the morning too..blah
03:50.35newmedianWell, Moc, do you mean
03:51.23Godseymight anyone know how to configure a pap2-na properly to have the message waiting lamp light up on new voicemail?
03:51.39doolphhow can I forward an extension to another?
03:51.46GodseyI can make it ring the phone every once in a while, but not light the lamp
03:51.55Godseythe lamp on my polycom phones work just fine tho
03:51.56newmedianMoc, where are you, roughly? From reading that, TTC transit seems to be okay, just Go Transit stopping.
03:53.16Moc[Toronto]Im in front of the Toronto Rail station
03:53.32doolphwho want to test with me
03:53.47Moc[Toronto]I didnt saw much ppl
03:54.07newmedianMoc: Are you planning on leaving the city by train, or going outside of the core? The core TTC transit I think is fine, just the trains (and Go trains). First I've heard of it, anyway, I've had my head down.
03:54.21Moc[Toronto]im supose to leave friday by train
03:54.43newmedianMoc: not sure how fast this will be resolved. You may want to look into alternative transit.
03:54.47DFTyou'll probably be fine, I have to drive into the core in the morning
03:55.07newmedianUncertainty. It's what's for breakfast.
03:55.07DFTbut newmedian has a point..this is a labour dispute
03:55.31DFThang tight for a few more minutes..then tune into
03:55.53DFTthey'll have an announcement for sure..if not cp24 will have it covered
03:55.57newmedianYes.. after midnight.  Cable Pulse 24 might also be a good repetitive news venue to find out the status of that.
03:56.03*** join/#asterisk mutilator (
03:57.10Moc[Toronto]I'll stay here ;)
03:57.21DFTProbably a good idea
03:57.25Moc[Toronto]in the hotel all inclusive by buisness..
03:57.31Moc[Toronto](the only reason keeping me here)
03:58.22NewSoleE-911 is Fun
03:59.24mutilatorehm .. improbable at current is more like it
04:00.02newmediancat /dev/random > myaddress
04:00.04Moc[Toronto]it a crapy old hotel, but atless I got highspeed
04:01.07doolphhey there's any idea to translate all voice/sounds to spanish
04:02.00newmedianMoc if you walk West by about 3-4 blocks, then North 2-4 blocks, you'll be around dance central.  Or walk West another 2-3 blocks and North for 10 mins and you'll be in Chinatown.  Roughly.
04:08.58Moc[Toronto]no train strike
04:09.26Moc[Toronto]ok well sleep time,
04:09.56newmedianMoc, if you're in for a late night snack (or any time), I can recommend this restaurant in Chinatown:
04:10.15doolphomg how big is l_ipp_ia32_itanium_p_4_1.tar
04:11.05Moc[Toronto]hehe thanks will check it
04:11.42newmedianMoc do you like coffee?
04:12.17*** join/#asterisk mes (~mes@
04:13.59newmedianI can recommend this place (Casa Acoreana) for Coffee. They have a little Cafe, but the idea is you can buy a large bag (5lb?) of Blue Mountain Blend coffee beans for around $40 CDN (cash only).,+ontario&sc=1&radius=0&latlng=43723057,-79392486,9529158991227841209
04:14.05*** join/#asterisk Qorky (
04:15.43newmedianThe Casa Acoreana is within a few minutes walking distance from Swatow. :)
04:17.13newmediandamn. Now I want some Singapore Style noodles from Swatow. :(
04:19.29*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
04:22.45*** part/#asterisk trig (
04:31.20DFTnewmedian: have ever tried Pho 88 on Spadina?
04:36.34newmedianDFT: Don't think I have. You like?
04:36.38*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
04:40.46newmedianyou letting bubbles go in the bath again?
04:41.14NewSolena... my chair keeps squeeking
04:42.23*** join/#asterisk riksta (
04:43.34`SauronPho 75 on Lamar is good, though
04:44.25*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
04:44.34doolphanyone have installed speex ?
04:45.26`Sauronsomehow, I doubt we're talking about the same city, though
04:46.11*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:46.24TheEmperorsomeone was telling me how you need serious hardware to conduct a voip business like Quintum, is Asterisk serious hardware for voip?
04:46.41newmedianToronto. Although Montreal has excellent choices.
04:47.03MikeJ[Laptop]TheEmperor, depends on what you are doing
04:47.10MikeJ[Laptop]and how you do it.
04:47.21newmedianIt's not the size, it's how you use it.
04:47.30TheEmperorYeah, I was just wondering
04:47.39TheEmperorI mean, I have had all but success with Asterisk
04:47.41MikeJ[Laptop]newmedian, is that what people tell you... they lied
04:47.51TheEmperorwhy would I need Quintum stuff?
04:48.33MikeJ[Laptop]TheEmperor, asterisk is not a proxy... so you can do much higher load on a real proxy, if what you are trying to do is proxy.
04:48.33`Sauronnewmedian: Ah. Austin here.
04:49.21*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
04:49.55`Sauronasterisk isn't hardware
04:50.01TheEmperorMikeJ[Laptop] well not yet anyway..
04:50.22TheEmperorif I just wanted to do calling card applications, do I need a proxy?
04:50.27MikeJ[Laptop]it's squisywhere
04:50.56MikeJ[Laptop]not hard, but not quite soft :D
04:50.56newmedianIt's * squishy good
04:51.17newmedianfirm? firmware?
04:51.54MikeJ[Laptop]firmware is for hardware, squishyware is for software?
04:52.08MikeJ[Laptop]what's flacidware for ?
04:52.50MikeJ[Laptop]so, anyone here use asterisk.. I just saw it on /. and it looks really cool ;)
04:53.47MikeJ[Laptop]can you really make calls for free on it....  Can somone tell me eveything I need to do.. I don't like to read docs and i figgured I'd get quicker answers just asking anyway
04:53.47newmedianAsterisk? Never heard of it. I thought this channel was about pirates. Av Ast!
04:54.36MikeJ[Laptop]hehe... .this channel cracks me up... so bad I can't handle it usually
04:54.39NukemizerJaffa KREE
04:54.44newmedianMaybe a split into #newtoasterisk and #asteriskathome might be in order?
04:55.10MikeJ[Laptop]hey, I love telling newbies to install *@home..
04:55.17MikeJ[Laptop]I think it is a great learning tool
04:55.20*** join/#asterisk hellop (
04:55.48newmedian$6.95 Clone card + *@home = ... questions
04:55.48MikeJ[Laptop]and it usually gets them up to speed quicker than asking 10million questions in #asterisk
04:56.07MikeJ[Laptop]ummm.. the zaptel detection stuff is good on AAH.
04:56.28newmedianI think *@home is useful to show someone a complete "working" system; They can look at the config files, get a sense of things, and when they are ready they can wipe it and install from scratch.
04:56.33MikeJ[Laptop]I said good, not great
04:56.41MikeJ[Laptop]but it picks up an x100p fine
04:56.49shido6I should paypal those nuts money because asterisk@home has sent me a ton of students
04:56.50hellopWhen compiling asterisk on CLE266, 2.6 kernel: Seqmentation fault, Leaving directory /usr/src/asterisk/funcs.  Any ideas?  Reinstall OS?
04:56.53newmedianThey can get it going within an hour or so following tutorials on the 'net.
04:57.00MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, that's what I am saying
04:58.10hellopGo get some AAH
04:58.12*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
04:58.17doolph<MikeJ[Laptop]> hey, I love telling newbies to install *@home..
04:58.17doolph<MikeJ[Laptop]> I think it is a great learning tool
04:58.32MikeJ[Laptop]I don't use it....
04:58.38doolphwhy not
04:58.41doolphit's a good tool
04:59.02hellopA quick and dirty guide to making an Asterisk PBX on Debian GNU/Linux. <- is on the wiki, but link is down.  Anyone got it?
04:59.06`SauronI use * @ elsewhere
04:59.22MikeJ[Laptop]I usually say, install *@home, use it for a few days till you are sick of it's limitations, and you will be past all the basic newbie questions if you spend some real time studying how the dialplan works
04:59.46MikeJ[Laptop]doolph, it's fine if you have not run into the limitations.
04:59.59doolphi hacked it already
05:00.12MikeJ[Laptop]I personally am not a fan of how they do the stuff they do in AGI...
05:00.14doolphits pretty cool admin tool
05:00.16hellopfine fine, I'll get it
05:00.18newmedianI think the logical progression goes:  a) (optional) has anyone made a Zap card themselves, b) I've install AAH and can't dial in/out/to my provider/can't hear sound one way, c) I don't understand the docs, d) I've installed from scratch but I can't get x working, e) helping newbies, f) ... well, you get the idea.
05:00.35doolphand it help me understand lot of things that i didnt know
05:00.57MikeJ[Laptop]ok, as far as that goes, doolph prooves my point
05:01.21MikeJ[Laptop]then again he is in #asterisk at this hour so he is questionable anyways
05:01.35newmedianit's only 01:04 EST here
05:01.54doolphi just recompiled asterisk for speex codec
05:02.06doolphit seems to be good but no hardware support
05:02.08newmedianspeex no evil?
05:02.15MikeJ[Laptop]shido6, sent you students cuz AAH screwed them up so bad, or cuz they wanted to figure out how to do more and couldn't make the jump to REAL asterisk?
05:02.42doolphheh i wanted my show translation table complete
05:03.31doolphthere's any softhpone that support g723 or g729
05:03.48newmedianXten's eyeBeam has speex
05:03.48MikeJ[Laptop]not free ones
05:04.06MikeJ[Laptop]cuz g729 costs money
05:04.16doolphthen g723
05:04.31MikeJ[Laptop]I thought the paid xten stuff had 729, doesn't it?
05:04.44doolphbut it cost $50
05:04.52doolphwith that i can buy a sipura of 2 lines
05:04.59MikeJ[Laptop]yeah, not gunna find a free one legally
05:05.03newmedianI have a paid eyeBeam.
05:05.14doolphsend it me
05:05.20doolphi just want to test something
05:06.11*** join/#asterisk implicit (
05:06.14doolphcan you
05:08.10MikeJ[Laptop]explicit has left #asterisk
05:08.56GodseyI'm bummed, I have some cordless phones w/ an answering machine that I don't use
05:09.00newmedianI've not tried all the codecs to verify (use/passthrough), but in the eyeBeam menu my enabled codecs are: G722.2 Wideband, Speex Wideband, DVI4 Wideband, G711 uLaw, G711 aLaw, GSM, G729, EVRC, iLBC, Speex, DVI4, L16 PCM Wideband
05:09.10Godseythe VMWI only turns on with it's own answering machine
05:09.16Godseynot via the SPA-2000
05:09.25*** join/#asterisk ds1 (
05:09.42ds1how does one pronounce "G.711" .. is it G dot seven eleven?
05:13.09*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
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05:14.27*** join/#asterisk syslod (~yurplsl@
05:17.32*** part/#asterisk ds1 (
05:17.37newmedianSo far Xten seems to have all the "eye candy"; Firefly and other Soft Phones seem... clunky.
05:18.38*** join/#asterisk spiffs (
05:19.10spiffsgot a question
05:19.48spiffsi'm looking to buy a digium x100p
05:20.15spiffsI'm wondering if combined with asterisk, will this do iax and the ulaw codec?
05:20.29QwellYou don't need an x100p to do iax or ulaw...
05:20.53spiffswhat's a cheaper alternative?
05:20.58Qwellno hardware at all
05:21.03spiffsi need to hook this up to my alarm system
05:21.14shido6to do what
05:21.20shido6pin # verification?
05:21.27spiffsto send contact id alarm messages over iax supports it
05:21.40spiffsi'm using a borrowed s100I right now
05:21.49*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
05:22.14syslodAnyone got a QOS script laying around???
05:22.51spiffsso will an x100p replace it for this purpose?
05:22.58newmediansyslod: that sounds like a ManxPower question, but I think ManxPower is alseep
05:23.33*** join/#asterisk spiffs (
05:23.51h3xspiffs: I bought a ethernet card for my DSC alarm panel
05:23.52kb1_kanobesyslod: Google for 'lartc howto'
05:24.03h3xit just sends the alarms over the internet
05:24.21doolphanyone here can call me with fwd?
05:24.28kb1_kanobeh3x: what's the part number? I've only seen the x-10 interfaces before...
05:24.38spiffsh3x: right, but i need the alarm messages from the ring and tip pins of the alarm panel to the pc
05:24.40h3xits called T-Link
05:25.04spiffsthe alarm panel itself doesn't support ip
05:25.18h3xok well its not really gonna work over voip
05:25.41newmedianT-Link hmm? interesting. I used to work with DSC alarms a long while back.
05:25.45spiffsnextalarm has an iax pbx, and you directly connect to it with a digium
05:25.59spiffsthats my goal
05:26.07spiffsi'm using a s100I right now, works great
05:26.13h3xthey do? can that be CE certified?
05:26.26spiffsprobably not
05:26.33kb1_kanobespiffs: perhaps a voice-dialer, such a protalk alarm reporting unit (
05:27.38spiffsi want to know if the x100p can do iax with asterisk
05:27.41spiffsto send these messages
05:27.44h3xwell id suggest using a standalone adapter like they suggest
05:27.46spiffsthose cards are cheap
05:27.49h3xcoz if your shit goes down you are screwed
05:28.04Qwellfiguratively, and likely literally
05:28.07spiffsi intend to run it on a stable OS on an UPS
05:28.24h3xwell you cant use a x100p
05:28.28h3xcoz thats the opposite of what you need
05:28.48spiffswhys that?
05:28.58h3xits fxo you need fxs
05:29.30Qwell"cheaper alternative to an x100p", because your familys life is only worth $12
05:29.43spiffsheh, its just for my stuff
05:30.10spiffsi'll just buy a s100i then :P
05:30.53doolphhow many fwd numbers has
05:31.02doolph5-6? or 5-7?
05:31.15Qwell3, 5, 6, 7 in the near future
05:31.49Qwellor more, actually
05:32.01Qwellanywhere from 0 to oo
05:32.12doolphwhat's your number
05:32.14spiffswhats the cheapest fxs card?
05:32.25doolphcan i call you
05:32.39Qwellsure, you'll just get my voicemail though
05:32.57doolphi want to test
05:33.01Qwelltest away
05:33.03doolphG723 >> G711
05:33.40doolphummm it has g711 default
05:33.56QwellWhat does?
05:34.27doolphit works
05:34.36Qwell"The person at extension blah, blah, blah, is unavailable."  is it much of a hack to change it to "The person at this extension"?
05:34.53jayk_i'm trying to change the outside line number from 9 to 8
05:35.07jayk_when i hit 8, i get a weird pulsed tone..does anybody know how i can change this?
05:36.11doolphedit your extension.conf
05:36.29doolphyou must have some exten = _8XXXX
05:37.32Qwelljayk_: ignorepat =>
05:39.20jayk_i have ignorepat => 8
05:41.24rvhihi, someone helps me. so desparate now, * core dump 3 times today
05:42.53*** part/#asterisk spiffs (
05:43.38kb1_kanobervhi: which version (head or stable?) also, under what conditions?
05:45.02*** join/#asterisk nine76 (
05:47.07nine76if anyone knows a reason why one party would be able to hear the other party,but not be able to speak to them,i would really appreciate help. as the "other party" im trying to test with is vacationing in the philippines,and i dont have much time till he gets broed and wonders off:-/
05:47.33nine76same results,using x-pro and a sipura,even tried 3 different asterisk servers
05:48.37nine76thought i covered all the bases:(
05:49.04kb1_kanobenine76: one way sip audio usually turns out to be a firewall or nat problem, however I have no experience in that area.
05:50.56doolphnine76 try all clients running the same codec
05:51.15doolphbut really it should work even it doesnt
05:51.24doolphit seems a firewall problem
05:52.05doolphcheck rtp.conf
05:57.04Qwellnat=yes, canreinvite=no ?
05:58.20*** join/#asterisk Veesmooth (
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06:00.23nine76yes to all the above...I tried calling him after a quick extensions change,and when i call him,it works fine
06:00.38nine76so,since he actually heard my voice hes giving me a few more minutes:)
06:02.43*** join/#asterisk Veesmooth (
06:02.50Veesmoothhey everyone
06:02.55Veesmoothanyone up for a question
06:03.02QwellI could go either way
06:03.06nine76checking...yeah as I thought,canreinvite=no,nat=yes,rings fine...gets dtmf fine,alls fine except audio
06:03.41Veesmoothwho is good with vnc server?
06:03.51Qwellgood with it?  it's fairly simple...
06:03.56Veesmoothi know
06:04.00Veesmoothbut im having a problem
06:04.07*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
06:04.09Veesmoothim pretty good and know the basic commands and stuff with it
06:04.13QwellThis isn't really the right place for it
06:04.19*** part/#asterisk hellop (
06:04.29Veesmoothcheck this part out
06:04.33Veesmoothwhen i log into my unix
06:04.38Veesmoothi get only the terminal screen
06:04.43Veesmoothwhy cant i see my desktop
06:04.45Veesmoothas normal
06:05.20Qwellbecause you have to setup your WM
06:05.40QwellThis is covered in every vnc howto
06:05.45Veesmooththe wm
06:05.51Veesmoothis that whats it called
06:05.55Qwellor de
06:06.17Veesmoothok, let me go check it out
06:06.19Veesmoothand see
06:08.55jayk_are there any asterisk contractors here?
06:11.50rvhianyone good at gdb?
06:12.10rvhii have a few core dumps, trying to figure out what's wrong for hours now
06:15.17PTG123jayk: what do you  need?
06:15.22PTG123rvhi: paste them i'll help you
06:18.13*** join/#asterisk three55ml (
06:19.40*** join/#asterisk JoshuaTree (
06:19.50JoshuaTreehello guys....
06:20.41JoshuaTreeok can i explain my situation and get any help?
06:21.19Inv_arpJoshuaTree: hmm dont know can you?
06:21.37JoshuaTreewell thats the question
06:21.46rikstajust bloody ask
06:21.53QwellYou only get one question here.  You wasted yours.
06:21.59Inv_arpQwell: lol
06:22.03*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
06:22.18Inv_arpreminds me of a simpsons episode
06:22.39QwellInv_arp: yeah...
06:22.46[hC]Is there a way with the Cisco 79XX phones to specify an alternate proxy for each "line" you configure, via TFTP? You can do it manually on the phone's interface, but I cant see a way to specify that line2 should use proxy2...
06:25.15jayk_PTG123: too much...:)
06:25.28JoshuaTreeok we have an asterisk box at my workplace running slackware 10.1 its behind a firewall, when i connect to my VPN at work to use it i can connect and talk out by it but i'm using GSM and it starts getting all crackly and has a horrible echo in the background. is there anyway of fixing this?
06:26.01PTG123hah thought you fell asleep
06:32.53JoshuaTreeso i guess no one can help
06:32.59Inv_arpJoshuaTree: when you ping any machine thru the vpn whats the latency
06:33.15JoshuaTreeto the asterisk box
06:33.17JoshuaTreehold on
06:36.42[hC]when you are placing a call, is the call itself going over the vpn too?
06:37.09[hC]I would imagine it has something to do with the fact that the vpn is breaking the packets apart and confusing the buffering methods used in the codec
06:37.22[hC]codecs will try to predict how much to buffer, echo cancel, shit like this..
06:37.44[hC]and when you run over vpn, if it starts breaking up your packets in to segments that it has no idea whats going on, its going to confuse the codec most likely
06:37.53[hC]just a hunch
06:39.20[hC]you might try another codec that doesnt do the same type of predictions
06:39.28[hC]g726 might not be as affected as gsm..
06:40.04JoshuaTreewe were going to try g729
06:40.28[hC]that would be fine too
06:40.39[hC]each codec has its own way of dealing with certain issues
06:40.42[hC]some are better for packet loss
06:40.45[hC]some are better for low bandwidth
06:40.56[hC]a vpn would make the codec think you are having packet loss most likely
06:42.12Inv_arpJoshuaTree: anyway to test talk to asterisk without going thru vpn?
06:44.44*** join/#asterisk newmember (
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06:50.17doolphwhy in my ip phone says that the call was connected if the party havent answer the call
06:50.17Qwellconnected != answered
06:50.17doolphim calling another sip server
06:50.37doolphyes but in the mysql says answered
06:50.39*** part/#asterisk implicit (
06:50.50doolphI cant control the calls if it says that
06:52.06doolphthis wont work
06:52.24doolphthe call is not answered and it says that is billed
06:52.53QwellYou're saying your provider is billing you for ringing, when its not answered?
06:53.18doolphok i have 2 servers
06:53.23doolph1 with pstn access
06:53.32doolphthen from 1 i am calling to that one
06:53.44QwellThen it is "answered".
06:54.00QwellSo whats the problem?
06:54.15doolphbut if I dont pickup the phone
06:54.21doolphit shouldnt be answered
06:54.30doolphbut in my server 1 logs that is answered
06:54.32Qwellit doesn't work that way
06:54.41*** join/#asterisk dg1nsw (
06:54.42QwellYour second server IS answering the call.
06:55.39doolphit shouldnt be that way
06:55.43QwellWhy not?
06:55.58doolpheven my server 2
06:56.02Qwellserver 1 could give a shit less what server 2 does
06:56.03doolphit says that the call is answered
06:56.33Qwellbecause it IS answering the call
06:58.03doolphthe server is answering
06:58.20doolphbut the phone is not picked up
06:58.20QwellIf somebody can explain this in different terms, please feel free...
06:58.21MikeJ[Laptop]doolph, not necessisarily
06:58.41doolphi dont want the server answer the call when it is not answered
06:58.58PTG123you should get billed if its not answered
06:59.05MikeJ[Laptop]if I call an IAX address on server 2, that goes to a dial out a zap chan, it will not report back answered to server one until it acutally answers on the zap chan
06:59.19PTG123because they are getting billed
06:59.28doolphyes but i am getting billed
06:59.33PTG123as you should
06:59.48PTG123your getting billed for like 6 seconds and complaining? :)
06:59.48doolphthen it's wrong bill
07:00.07doolphbecause what if the people dont answer
07:00.11doolphit bills it too
07:00.20PTG123then you pay you .002 and suck it up
07:00.22doolpheven the person dont answer
07:00.33PTG123if your that tight for money, you better get a better job
07:00.55doolphim not getting billed for real
07:01.09MikeJ[Laptop]wow, your giving this guy a hard time.. and he's proabably right
07:01.21doolphI have 2 server
07:01.26doolph1 with pstn access
07:01.31doolph1 sip server
07:01.50doolphnow with sip server i am connecting to server 1 through iax2
07:01.55doolphto have pstn access
07:02.06doolphand when i try to make a call
07:02.24doolphit is logging and billed within my mysql logs
07:02.33doolpheven the call ISNOT answered
07:02.35MikeJ[Laptop]billed to who?
07:02.43MikeJ[Laptop]it's your server
07:02.56PTG123thats because the minute yous tart dialing
07:02.56PTG123it starts billing
07:03.00PTG123as it should
07:03.13MikeJ[Laptop]no it shouldn't
07:03.18doolphit shouldnt
07:03.27doolphit should starts to bill when answer
07:03.32MikeJ[Laptop]so this is an issue with how the call time is recorded in CDR
07:03.37PTG123no b/c you don't get anything different sent when you answer
07:03.45PTG123mikej: no not if he is going via iax
07:03.47PTG123as soon as he hits dial
07:03.49PTG123it starts the timer
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07:03.57PTG123b/c the second box has no idea what the first box is doing
07:04.02PTG123rather its ringing or answered
07:04.05QwellThats how providers do it, and honestly...why shouldn't they?
07:04.06doolphPTG123 then what via
07:04.09PTG123iut has no way to know one way or another
07:04.16QwellThey're being charged for the ringing.  I should eat that cost, as a customer.
07:04.22PTG123doolph, its right, there is no way around it
07:04.29QwellIt's MY call.  It's MY fault if the call isn't answered.
07:04.31doolphmy customer will get complain
07:04.46PTG123doolph, then write your own standards and your own system, and your own pbx :)
07:04.56PTG123or you can tell you rcustomers tough shit : )
07:05.11doolphno man
07:05.17doolphit should have a better way to fix this
07:05.24MikeJ[Laptop]you can use sip between the boxes
07:05.26PTG123doolph, you don't understand how it works
07:05.35PTG123MikeJ[Laptop], won't make a difference
07:05.36doolphi tried sip
07:05.38doolphand the same shit
07:05.40QwellPTG123: waste of time. :)
07:05.42PTG123the ringing you hear, is just audio
07:05.48PTG123its not like a pstn where its actually not connected
07:06.01MikeJ[Laptop]but it is before the answer, like early audio
07:06.18MikeJ[Laptop]now, on IAX....
07:06.20Qwellas soon as the packet hits the other server, the call is "answered"
07:06.32MikeJ[Laptop]it's not
07:06.41MikeJ[Laptop]you need a reply
07:06.47QwellYou know what I mean. :)
07:06.49doolphlet me try with sip
07:06.49MikeJ[Laptop]and negotiation
07:06.49PTG123exactly what qwell said
07:06.53PTG123ok listen :)
07:07.00PTG123i am someone who actually writest the code
07:07.04PTG123and understands the protocols
07:07.11PTG123you can try anything till you are blue in the face
07:07.13PTG123it ain't gonna change it
07:07.21PTG123once the rtp stream is connected, its connected
07:07.28doolphfor real?
07:07.35PTG123the only thing your box knows, is i got this audio stream connected
07:07.44Qwelldoolph: as he said, feel free to write your own protocol
07:07.45PTG123your using voip now buddy :)
07:07.48doolphhow the voip providor does then
07:07.54QwellEXACTLY the same way
07:07.54PTG123they bill you for it
07:08.01QwellI get charged for ringing.  And, why shouldn't I?
07:08.03PTG123rather they answer or not
07:08.04QwellIt's my call
07:08.10PTG123tell your customers this
07:08.12*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
07:08.14PTG123if they want to pay 7c a minute
07:08.15PTG123they can complain
07:08.23PTG123and for every call under 20 seconds
07:08.25QwellI'm perfectly fine with paying 0.02c for ringing
07:08.26PTG123you will give them free :)
07:08.33PTG123or you can payu the cheaper rates voip gives you
07:08.35PTG123and shut the fuck up :)
07:08.47doolphthat's what i was thinking
07:08.56doolphmake a php script that skip all calls under 20 secs
07:09.06doolphbut sometimes I will lose
07:09.15Qwelllarge scale abuse...
07:09.27MikeJ[Laptop]or bill off the cdr on your pstn gateway
07:09.32PTG123i have a nice dialer app i can use to abuse it
07:09.34MikeJ[Laptop]then no prob
07:09.37PTG123so let me know when you set up your system :)
07:09.43QwellPTG123: write something for me, to make a new call every 20 seconds, and bridge old calls?
07:09.52doolphabuse it?
07:09.53PTG123nah i will just play a 15 second message
07:10.01Qwellthat works, haha
07:10.04PTG123call me at 1800-BIG-TITS
07:10.20PTG123Hey big boy, want to talk to real women.. 1-800-BIG-TITS (HANGUP)
07:10.25MikeJ[Laptop]if he uses the cdr off the pstn gateway, he does know when the answer is, and can acurately bill
07:10.35PTG123MikeJ[Laptop], poor hack
07:10.41PTG123what if he has 2 gateways
07:10.42MikeJ[Laptop]poor hack how
07:10.53PTG123plus his ld probably is not on the pstn
07:10.58PTG123so that would be billed that way
07:11.04PTG123embrance voip
07:11.07doolphmy server is 100000km away from me
07:11.07PTG123er embrace
07:11.22doolphso i cant attach a pstn there
07:11.24MikeJ[Laptop]he has 2 servers
07:11.27Qwellyour server is on the moon?
07:11.36Qwell..thats pretty fucking sweet
07:11.38PTG123you know in the time i have wasted with this conversation, i could have made more money then all the extra money he was gonna lose by all  his clients because of this
07:11.43Qwellno wonder you're worried about .2c
07:11.47MikeJ[Laptop]your going to have bad satalite lag on that moon connection btw
07:11.52PTG123damn did they colonize the moon when i wasnt' watching?
07:12.04doolphPTG123 mobile calls are expensive
07:12.07MikeJ[Laptop]maybe you should charge for ringing with those satalite bandwidth cost :)
07:12.08PTG123MikeJ[Laptop], it opens up a warp bubble first
07:12.18doolphand a not accurasi system is not a good idea
07:12.36PTG123buddy if youw ant to write your own protocol go for it :)
07:12.48MikeJ[Laptop]PTG123, be nicer
07:13.01doolphwhat else should i install to my server
07:15.24Qwelloff to bed
07:15.27PTG123man anyone else hungry
07:15.34PTG123night qwell :) have fun with the rat race tommorow
07:15.51QwellPTG123: I get to finish unbreaking a windows server stuff.  heh
07:15.59Qwellgod I hosed that thing...
07:16.18Qwellmoving a windows HD to a new machine...NOT a good idea
07:16.57denonit works just fine ..
07:17.03denonyou just have to know what you're doing. :)
07:17.16denonmost likely, just blow away the enum tree and let it detect the new hardware
07:17.28*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
07:17.29Inv_arpQwell: new machine is different chipset?
07:17.40*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
07:17.54denonif you dont do that .. things may get ugly. but dont blame windows, you were the one who didn't do it. :)
07:18.05PTG123we need to get you outo fthat rat rac at some point :)
07:18.27PTG123denon: how is the xbox?
07:18.40denonfun stuff
07:18.49denonthough I've gotta replace that one controller, and that one adapter
07:19.00denonthe right joystick thingy on that one controller was totally trashed ..
07:19.04denonI think you must have dropped a couch on it
07:19.14QwellInv_arp: same chipset, actually
07:19.21PTG123didn't work
07:19.23PTG123or stuck or what?
07:19.25Qwelldenon: I tried doing an in-place reinstall, and it hosed it even more
07:19.25doolphim off
07:19.29PTG123sometimes they g et stuck, and you just push em in
07:19.30denonnah, its broke off inside ..
07:19.37PTG123weird really
07:19.46denonthere's plastic pieces rollin around in there ..
07:19.50denonyou can sorta make it work
07:19.56PTG123i wonder if it happened in transit
07:19.58denonbut not really
07:20.01denoneh .. hehe .. I doubt it ..
07:20.10PTG123i probably played that thing maybe 5 times
07:20.10denonnot like the thing is smashed on the outside
07:20.37Qwellanyhow, yeah, bed
07:20.44PTG123well atleast it works, you upgrade the hard drive?
07:21.05denon350 gig or somethin
07:21.05PTG123i have one with a broken cdrom i may chip
07:21.09PTG123and put in an arcade machine
07:21.14*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
07:21.15PTG123with a large hard drive
07:21.42PTG123i have no time for games :(
07:21.51denonyeah, me neither .. so im finding out
07:21.54*** join/#asterisk implicit (
07:22.19denonplayed it 5 times so far .. one I got pissed at the controller, and shut it off .. one messin with that stupid broken cable
07:22.32PTG123hah you have 3 people that play it? :)
07:22.33denongamers are supposed to be de-stressers heheh
07:22.40PTG123if you had 2 other controllers, why did the other one piss you off so much? :)
07:22.44PTG123what color was the broken one?
07:22.57denonyeah .. buddy came over, but we ended up just swapping 2 at a time is still available :)
07:23.27denongreen powerpad
07:23.47denonthe right joystick thing is basically just loose in there ..
07:23.50PTG123Zeeek, hah :) i already got my :)
07:23.55denonif you turn the controller on it's side, it'll roll to the side
07:24.14PTG123seems kind of odd
07:24.19PTG123last time i used it we used all 3 controllers
07:24.23PTG123to play football
07:24.28Zeeekwere either of you here yesterday for "nat=yes in [global]" discussion ?
07:24.41denonooooh, that explains it .. you're not supposed to play with the controllers, you're sposed to play on the TV :)
07:25.15PTG123Zeeek, no idea
07:25.49Zeeekit began "you must NEVER put nat=yes in global"
07:26.05denonlooks like they're about 25 bucks shipped . . bleh, wonder how much locally
07:26.10PTG123i don't see why not
07:26.17PTG123why ever trust the ip in the header
07:26.58rabelaisdoes anyone know if broadvoice allows number transfers out of their network?
07:27.02ZeeekPTG well, someone looked at the source and said the value was ignored but my point is...
07:27.21PTG123rabelais, you mean porting?
07:27.27rabelaisPTG123: yes
07:27.35PTG123rabelais, i don't see how they would have a choice
07:27.45rabelaisPTG123: ?
07:28.28ZeeekI've always had nat=yes in general section. So I commented it out 'for fun", restarted and it didn't change anything
07:28.31PTG123they don't have to say yes to port a number
07:28.41PTG123Zeeek, sip in asterisk is broken anyhow
07:28.57rabelaisPTG123: they don't? who then has the authority over the line?
07:29.10PTG123if you prove you own the number, with a bill
07:29.11PTG123they will port it
07:29.28Zeeekthe reason I bring this up though is that this morning the ip of asterisk box changed, and my phones were not getting audio. Putting nat=yes back fixed it.
07:29.31rabelaisPTG123: they, as in my new service provider?
07:29.41ZeeekNow, tyhink of how many people ask about the no audio problem?
07:29.58PTG123Zeeek, i have looked at the source, and nat=yes in general does set the default to nat = yes :)
07:30.04PTG123Zeeek, so the person yesterday was wrong
07:30.06PTG123rabelais, yes
07:30.07MikeJ[Laptop]who's andreas sikkema?
07:30.23rabelaishow cool
07:30.26rabelaisPTG123: thanks
07:30.30my007mscan i used meetme in sip "i don't have any card"
07:30.33Zeeekhe said it sets the default but that the default is later ignored at peer creation time
07:30.47PTG123its atually not
07:30.50PTG123er actually not
07:30.53PTG123it copies over all defaults
07:31.01PTG123so he was a moron :)
07:31.02PTG123or blind
07:31.06Zeeeknow, now
07:31.36my007mscan i used meetme in sip "i don't have any card" ?
07:32.11denonheh .. wireless controllers look kinda slick
07:32.23PTG123denon, my son has one for his gamecube, works well
07:32.24denonsucks that everything takes batteries though
07:32.29denonno rechargable stuff
07:32.30PTG123they last forever
07:32.38denonassuming you play it all at once
07:32.40denonno on/off
07:33.54PTG123i haven't changed his batteries yet i don't think
07:34.26denon2.4ghz .. should work well at my place .. Ive got all my wireless stuff off 2.4
07:34.43denonthe only thing that's still 2.4 is the microwave .. :)  phones, wlan, etc is far far away
07:35.21denonman, it's a sad day when Best Buy seems to be the cheapest place to get this stuff
07:36.50PTG123frys is cheapest for me
07:37.04PTG123or is where i order a ton of stuff
07:37.10denonhmm .. target has this "hip" one for 19.99
07:40.16*** join/#asterisk clive- (
07:41.11kapejodmorn clive-
07:41.44clive-hi kape:)
07:42.20clive-building up courage to try chan_capi pre0.4.0 on my production box :)
07:42.27clive-is it stable?
07:42.51kapejodit's called PRE1, not? ;)
07:42.59kapejoddoes that say STABLE-100? ;)
07:44.49*** join/#asterisk blint (
07:44.55blinthi everyone
07:47.07blinthas anyone used Asterisk in a pulse-dial environment?
07:48.34clive-Kape...when do you expect stable to be running?
07:48.37blintwe are about to build a PBX for our Russian office and I just learnt that there is no tone dialing in Moscow
07:49.11*** join/#asterisk cmk (
07:54.03kapejodclive-: you will be the first person to know ;)
07:55.19*** join/#asterisk newmember (
08:00.24*** join/#asterisk jefrey (~tmnut@
08:00.43clive-lol...if I ask everyday, :)
08:01.10clive-how stable is the pre version?
08:03.18kapejodok with * 1.0.7
08:03.26kapejodbut not with cvs head
08:10.13*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
08:14.32*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
08:14.51tessierThe whole idea behind pre-pay is that my account stops working when the balance reaches zero, right?
08:15.08tessierTherefore nufone is clueless for letting my account go negative.
08:15.24*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
08:15.30tessierApparently they have lost way more money than they ever made off of me.
08:15.42my007mshi everyone
08:16.30tessierNow I am left to wonder whether I should pay or not. I suspect not since it was nufone that didn't hold up its end of the deal.
08:18.43my007mscan some one help pleas i firet time read in API but i don't understand it can some one tell me how can i send Action: login
08:19.00tessierI think I have paid them a total of $40. My account is now $72.00 negative!
08:19.24clive-sounds like a deal there tessier
08:19.35tessierTheir automated system has been emailing me about it for ages. I got an email from a human about it and explained the above.
08:19.41tessierclive-: No kidding. I highly recommend nufone!
08:19.44tessierTheir accounting rocks!
08:20.00tessierI wonder if I slip  'em another $20 if I will be able to make calls again.
08:20.07my007mswhere i can i send this
08:20.39my007msfrom asterisk command line
08:21.42tessierssh is gonna drive me nuts. Still asks for my password even though I have the key installed and I am using ssh-agent
08:22.01my007mscan some one answer pleas
08:22.01tessierSome hosts let me log in without pass others don't. I've checked the perms and everything. Ugh
08:22.30denontessier: just because they give you a little leway, and dont instantly cut off your phone service, doesnt mean you should abuse them
08:22.58denonnufone goes out of their way to be accomodating - dont screw them because of it.
08:23.09tessierdenon: I would never intentionally abuse them and was only joking about trying to get more out of them.
08:23.14tessierI have taken their config out of my asterisk box.
08:23.31tessierBut they really should instantly cut off service. That is how everyone understands prepay to work.
08:23.36my007msHow to login API from where i can send Action: login ?
08:23.41tessierThat is how mobile phones have always worked.
08:23.55denonmost businesses dont want to be instantly cut off
08:24.04tessierBusinesses should NOT be on pre-pay.
08:24.19denonthere's two definitions of pre-pay here ..
08:24.19tessierIt is way too easy to spend more than you intended on phone services. This is why people use prepay.
08:24.27denonthe one you're referring to is for consumers that telcos cant trust ..
08:24.39tessierIf I only budget $20/mo for long distance then I pre-pay the $20 and rest assured I cannot go over budget.
08:24.52denona business prepay service is a way of getting around red tape, and being able to offer lower rates without billing and colletion hassles
08:24.54Zeeekthere should probably be an email reminder or something, but nufone doesn't do things like that. Most offers include an auto top up option of $nn
08:25.03denonZeeek: nufone does email reminders
08:25.08Zeeekthey do?
08:25.11denonthey remind you when you get low, and remind you again when you're below
08:25.13denonyes, they do
08:25.19Zeeekwell then there's no issue at all
08:25.20denonevery night
08:25.27denonI know - that's what I'm saying.
08:25.27tessierYes, they do. I get them.
08:25.34denonand yet he bitches :)
08:25.38tessierI expect to get emails when I get low. I don't expect to be allowed to go negative.
08:25.59denonwell .. read my statement above
08:26.00Zeeekdoes the reminder include the balance?
08:26.20denonuh huh
08:26.23tessierGuilty of what?
08:26.36Zeeekfrivolous complaints
08:26.38tessierThe balance should hit zero and stay there!
08:26.56denontessier .. im telling you ..
08:27.03tessierIt's really nufone that should be complaining but...
08:27.04denonthe prepay is a way to get out of billing hassles
08:27.08denonits not a cut-off
08:27.18denonhow come qwest will let you keep your line for 6 months ..
08:27.22denoneven though you never pay your bill
08:27.30tessierdenon: Because it's in the contract?
08:27.39tessiernufone has zero reason to trust me
08:27.39denonthis isnt a disposible cell phone ..
08:27.43denonits a telco service
08:27.49tessierI paypal them $20 and tell them a username and pass I want.
08:27.53tessierCompletely anonymously.
08:28.05tessierWhy would they extend me credit?
08:28.08denonI think people should appreciate the fact that they dont cut them off the second they forget to refill their account
08:28.15tessierWithout any contract or agreement or anything?
08:28.26tessierI do appreciate $30 worth of free phone service! :)
08:28.34denon*rolls eyes*
08:28.37tessierBut that's not the point.
08:28.38denonthis is a pointless conversation
08:28.45denonim just saying, there's more reasons for prepay
08:28.55denonnot just consumers with no foresight
08:29.06ZeeekI love prepay. I have no other kind of account
08:29.28denonanyway, im going to bed
08:29.35denonyou can stop typing whatever rant you were working on
08:31.03my007mscan some one help pleas
08:31.32my007msHow to login API from where i can send Action: login ?
08:31.57my007msi try in asterisk command line
08:32.50my007ms:) sure this is not right coz  API allows a programmer to connect to the Asterisk engine
08:33.09my007msand this is for sure not from asterisk
08:34.43my007mszeeek :) this is page i read in now but i need just tell me start where i can send  Action: login
08:36.46my007mswhere i typ this command
08:38.16Zeeekif I understand your question, which is far from certain, you do not type the command. YOu need to establish a dialog with the manager on port ...
08:39.19my007mslook Zeeek  now i run asterisk
08:39.32Juggieport 5038
08:39.36Zeeekthat makes it a lot clearer :)
08:40.16Zeeekmy007ms what is the manager API in your understanding ?
08:40.16my007ms:) my q is there to typ this in my shell  or in asterisk cmd
08:40.27kapejodtelnet asteriskserver 5038
08:40.31kapejodoff you go
08:40.44my007mssome thing to make more thing with astrerisk
08:40.46Zeeekah, that's where he wanted to go...
08:41.43my007ms:) i chat with u now from asterisk
08:42.10my007msi feel shame from that
08:42.26Zeeekwhat are you wearing right now?
08:44.18tessierDidn't expect to spend an extra $70 with them but oh well.
08:44.24my007mslook now i have open terminal  and runing asterisk  and i am in asteriks localhost*CLI>
08:44.30tessierIf I don't JerJer will tell people I don't pay my bills. Not worth that hassle.
08:48.06Zeeekmy007ms the manager is listening on a port for mannds... your wish is his command one could say
08:50.14my007msin my manger.conf there is port = 5038
08:51.01Zeeekanother answer to your question is that from the CLI, typing ? should show you all the possibilities of the CLI
08:51.54my007msin what CLI shell or asterisk CLI
08:52.22tessierpaypal says "We are currently performing regular maintenance of our security measures. Your account has been randomly selected for this maintenance, and you will now be taken through a series of identity verification pages."
08:52.31tessierAnd it asks for credit card and bank account numbers.
08:52.33Zeeekthat sounds ominous
08:52.37tessierHighly suspicious.
08:52.43Zeeekphishy even
08:52.44tessierBut I keyed in the domain name myself!
08:52.47tessierDidn't follow a link.
08:53.03Zeeekif yoiu use firefox there is an extension that checks the server all the time
08:53.06tessierAnd I entered my username and pass and it takes me to this page. I know what fishing looks like. The url looks perfectly real.
08:53.15tessierAnd this is a trusted certificate.
08:53.22Zeeekunlike nufones?
08:53.23tessierSSL encrypted page and everything.
08:53.29my007msthis is my manger.conf [general]
08:53.29my007msenabled = yes
08:53.29my007msport = 5038
08:53.29my007msbindaddr =
08:53.30tessierWhy don't they have a real cert?
08:53.30my007mssecret = password
08:53.38my007msread = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
08:53.40my007mswrite = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
08:53.49Zeeekmy007ms please
08:54.04tessierIt is a real legit verisign key.
08:54.07tessierSo they say it's paypal.
08:54.45ZeeekI'd write paypâl
08:54.47tessierNothing you can do with that alone except deposit money
08:55.01tessierah...I failed the first login and I am logging in from an IP address in Vietnam
08:55.28tessierSo they put me through a test.
08:55.53tessierThen it asks me to confirm that it really was me who tried to access the account from this ip
08:55.54*** join/#asterisk akaka (~wade@
08:55.58tessierI click yes...
08:56.13tessierWow, I have positive $12.88 in my paypal account.
08:56.21tessierAh, I sold lilo some FXO cards a while back.
08:56.50*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
08:59.01*** part/#asterisk akaka (~wade@
08:59.57*** join/#asterisk wadea (~wade@
09:01.35my007mscan someone tell  me what API is
09:02.02ZeeekApplication Programming Interface ?
09:02.22my007msto do what ?
09:02.46tessierAlways Purge Intestines
09:02.51my007msallows a programmer to connect to the Asterisk engine and issue commands or read PBX events over a TCP/IP stream.
09:02.59tessierAlmost Pickled Instantly
09:03.09tessierAngry Pets Intimidate
09:04.22Zeeekthat's fairly clear my007ms
09:04.39my007msnext Q then can u give me  example command line
09:05.23Zeeekmy next question is, could you go read and search a little bit to get the basic concepts?
09:06.03my007msok i will
09:06.46my007ms:) thanks Zeeek
09:06.52Zeeekmy pleasure!
09:08.33*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
09:10.29*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
09:11.20JoshuaTreedoes anyone know the best codec for going through a VPN, one that deals with packet segmentation better than GSM
09:11.47blintdoes someone have experience with Aterisk and pulse dialing? I know that it is possible to do dial out in pulse mode on a Zap channel, but can a voice menu be navigated in pulse mode?
09:12.08blintrussia doesn't have tone :(
09:12.55JoshuaTreeis anyone using g.729?
09:12.59JerJer[mobile]did i join #newbie ?
09:14.31ZeeekJoshuaTree yea
09:14.50Zeeekwe have a measly 4 channels of 729
09:15.14enotsblint, u cant
09:15.51JoshuaTreerunning from an external source?
09:16.04Zeeekyou could buy a handheld DMTF tone generator for users
09:16.30Zeeeklike the old answering machine boxes
09:16.37blinti am sad to hear
09:16.44kapejoda silver box
09:16.48Zeeekyeah that sucks in this day and age
09:17.01Zeeekbut it does add a layer of security :)
09:17.12enotsblint, change the country :)
09:17.53blintZeeek: my concern is actually someone calling us and not able to go to an extension
09:18.14Zeeekthere is usually an option to wait for an operator
09:18.20Zeeekin IVR I mean
09:18.35kapejodblint: you could spent some time on sphinx (speech recognition)
09:18.46kapejod"say 1 for disconnect"
09:18.52Zeeekor sphincter - tightening the muscle
09:19.05blintthat would be cool
09:19.17blintchecking it
09:19.22JoshuaTreewe have an asterisk box at my workplace running slackware 10.1 its behind a firewall, when i connect to my VPN at work to use it i can connect and talk out by it but i'm using GSM and it starts getting all crackly and has a horrible echo in the background. is there anyway of fixing this? i'm told there is ways of using jitter correction and stuff but its funny cause we have two Asterisk boxes and one seemed to work fine for a little while and this
09:20.08blintthx guys for the info!
09:20.17kapejodJoshuaTree: a jitterbuffer cannot fix your echo problem.
09:21.39tengulredo u have dialogic or other drivers for asterisk?
09:21.41JoshuaTreeyeah but our original asterisk box worked fine until we tried putting on the g729 codec then GSM really started playing up like i could call i could hear them but they couldn't hear me... and so forth
09:21.56tengulreanyone  have dialogic or other drivers for asterisk?
09:22.06kapejodtengulre: digium does.
09:22.35tengulrekapejod , but it no free?
09:22.42kapejodi guess not.
09:22.53*** join/#asterisk blop (blop@2001:6f8:204:33:bbbb:bbbb:bbbb:bbbb)
09:23.02tengulrebut why?
09:23.17tengulreis it open source?
09:23.23kapejodprolly not gpl
09:23.47kapejodwhy mess with dialogic?
09:24.26tengulreI will dead!
09:24.37JoshuaTreeand i alway kept getting too lagged messages
09:25.04tengulrebecause I have a dialogic card!
09:25.22kapejodwe all got to die.
09:25.33tessiermeesa people gonna die?
09:25.44kapejodbut there is ebay for your dialogic card....
09:26.17tengulrewhat u mean?
09:26.17tengulrepls detail!
09:26.30kapejodsell it on ebay.
09:28.27tengulrebut I ask my boss it's free!
09:28.51kapejodyou got a source for free dialogic cards?
09:28.51tengulrebut I tell my boss it's free!
09:29.01kapejod(sell them on ebay and be rich...) ;)
09:29.26tengulrewhat 's ebay?
09:29.55*** join/#asterisk bzbw (
09:30.34Zeeekcould you make that multiple choice, please?
09:30.44zoai pick c3
09:31.54*** join/#asterisk christo (
09:32.50tengulrezoa,what 's c3?
09:32.54ZeeekForbidden Planet
09:33.06tengulrekapejod, thk u ,good site!
09:33.41*** join/#asterisk syle (
09:34.10tengulreI want use asterisk in my home , which card is better and cheap?
09:34.47sylebetter and cheap don't go together
09:35.21Zeeeksyle were you in on the nat=yes discussion yesterday here?
09:35.55sylethis is a good one for your home , in fact the one i use
09:36.01Zeeekbecause this morning my phone had no audio after removing that from general
09:36.25Zeeekand when I added nat=yes back (uncommented it) I had audio
09:36.45Zeeekthe server ip address had changed overnight
09:37.13Zeeekso regardless of whatever else, that bit may be why so many have trouble with no audio or one way audio
09:37.53syleyou only need it if your ip changes
09:38.13sylepay the extra 5 bucks from your dsl provider for a static ip and you won;t need it
09:38.25Zeeekwell that's not the same as sayingt "NEVER put nat=yes in [general]" is it?
09:38.54Zeeekfunny you should mention that $5
09:39.04RoyKZeeek: wtf?
09:39.06Zeeekwe were promised a fixed ip a year ago
09:39.11sylemaybe i wasn't part of discussion your talking about, my NAT discussion was about it don't work i read with realtime
09:39.16sylebut maybe that has changed
09:39.31Zeeeksyle no that wasn't the same one
09:39.52Zeeeksomeone was looking at the source and we both made changes and looked at sipp show peers
09:40.04Zeeekit didn't seem to change anything
09:40.49sylepromised a fixed ip and they didn;t give you one?
09:40.55syleyou with cable or something?
09:41.03Zeeekwell, half correct...
09:41.22Zeeekwe have two accounts, one home one office
09:41.22JerJer[mobile]Zeeek:  does nat=yes in general even do anything?  (haven't eyeballed the code lately)
09:41.33Zeeekyes JerJer it definitely does
09:41.45JerJer[mobile]ahh ok cool
09:42.05Zeeekbut whoever looked yesterday came to the conclusion that it was later ignored at perr creation time
09:42.06syleif i remember right nat=yes sends your ip address to the server every 30 sec to 3 min
09:42.17nazgoola question about extensions: is there a way to change ${EXTEN} in extensions.conf? in AGI there's a SET EXTENSION command, but when i just try to Setvar(EXTEN=${defaultext}); that doesn't seem to work
09:42.27nazgoolany clue what i might be doing wrong?
09:43.13nazgool(i didn't find an equivalent to AGI "SET EXTENSION" for use in extensions.conf)
09:44.06syleidk i think using setvar is stupid to begin with, i use global section to do blah=blah
09:45.44nazgoolit's just in one precise context, in one case of a gotoif that i need to set EXTEN, so i can't do that in global
09:47.11sylei'd help ya but i haven;t gotten to doing agi with perl yet, prob by end of week :( it is 5am though i am sure someone can answer that in a few hours though
09:48.48sylei really hate gotoif though hehee
09:48.49*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
09:48.55sylei wish they had done if and else
09:49.11JerJer[mobile]propose the implementation on
09:49.24JerJer[mobile]i promise you will get a binary answer, eventually
09:55.01*** join/#asterisk newl (
09:55.37eper-werkFound a Wildcard: Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1
09:57.52JerJer[mobile]i've worked with the ostel guys before - they are cool
09:57.56*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
09:58.11JerJer[mobile]i can't jive chiense or whatever that is, sorry
09:59.04tengulrejerjer,do u know david?
09:59.07eper-werknobody happens to have the zaptel.conf settings for UK isdn30? :)
10:00.16JerJer[mobile]tengulre:  hmmm... maybe
10:00.26JerJer[mobile]i think the guy i've worked with more is Mark   ?
10:00.40JerJer[mobile]not sure anymore
10:01.00tengulreJerJer,do u have IVR builder?
10:01.25JerJer[mobile]its called Asterisk
10:01.46tengulreis it free?
10:02.11JerJer[mobile]asterisk is freely downloadable, yes
10:02.16Zeeekeverything is free if you're free in your mind
10:02.29_omerI need to fetch reports from asterisk....For example: number of dropped, attended calls inbetween two dates....what do I have to do for it??
10:03.10JerJer[mobile]mine the CDR records
10:03.29*** join/#asterisk Clavell (
10:03.35*** join/#asterisk truescot (~truescot2@
10:04.07truescothello ppl
10:04.11Zeeekit's off to lunch I go
10:04.49_omerhow do I get reports from asterisk?
10:05.03JerJer[mobile]the CDRs
10:05.34truescotis there anyone who can help me?, i have managed to get asterisk installed on fedora core 3, with a digium te100p and developers card, all runs ok and with the make samples it recieves calls
10:06.02truescotbut i cqan't get my head around zapata.conf f and extensions.conf
10:06.13truescotis there a good explination out there somewhere?
10:06.36ZeeekStarter tutorial:
10:06.36ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
10:06.41_omerJerJer:  yes CDR ....
10:07.28truescotyea been through all of those, guess i just have to read smarter :)
10:07.37ZeeekThe dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls.
10:07.53*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:08.29Zeeektruescot and the wiki has five pages of details on dialplans as well
10:08.44truescotyea, jsut being dumb i guess
10:09.01truescotread them all and still confused, have to re-read i guess
10:09.41truescotthat last link u gave i havent read yet, looks good, tnx a lot
10:10.09_omerZeeek: Make me to Thank you too ;)
10:10.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
10:11.03*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (~blitzrage@blitzrage.documenter.extraordinaire.of.asterisk)
10:11.19JerJer[mobile]asterisk wins
10:11.40RoyKwonderful. back to xchat :)
10:12.13_omerok Asterisk wins.....but how to get reports?
10:12.26_omerdo I need to setup MYSQL with asterisk or what???
10:12.32JerJer[mobile]CDR details
10:12.42_omerYES , CDR Details
10:13.05tessierCDR DETAILS! CDR DETAILS! WOooohoooooooo
10:13.14_omerI am not using Asterisk for calls termination but for my VoIP Based Call Center..
10:13.20JerJer[mobile]you can generate the reports however you want
10:13.29JerJer[mobile]with asterisk you have the ultimate power
10:14.14_omerJerJer: Yes, but how???
10:14.26JerJer[mobile]anyway you want
10:14.34JerJer[mobile]write a perl script to consume the csv files
10:14.37Clavelli have some problem: my asterisk box behind nat, and my ip phone is opposite side of my nat-box,
10:14.51JerJer[mobile]or a php script to chew on the records in a mysql db
10:14.55JerJer[mobile]its totally up to you
10:15.02Clavellwhen the ip phone registers to asterisk, asterisk say "registration failed"
10:15.06JerJer[mobile]Clavell:  get asterisk a public ip
10:15.23JerJer[mobile]or mess with the extern* options in the config
10:15.35_omerJerJer:  yes, but I need the details.....
10:15.56Clavellbut if i remove the secret= directive from sip.conf, it's ok....why?
10:16.56flotoxHow I can change voicemailmain language?
10:17.31flotoxCan i make it?
10:17.53JerJer[mobile]_omer:  if you want detailed information you are going to have to pay someone (not me) to hold your hand
10:18.23*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
10:19.00sezuanDoes anybody know what the 3 in PCMU/8000/3 means?
10:19.29JerJer[mobile]not I, says me
10:21.23_omerJerJer:  Is there any document explaining how to connect Asterisk with MYSQL...
10:21.34JerJer[mobile]i'm sure the wiki has something
10:21.44JerJer[mobile]and/or the asterisk documenation project
10:22.31JerJer[mobile]Clavell:  registration failed means the shared secret is not right or host=dynamic is not set on the type=peer
10:22.47JerJer[mobile]make sure the authentication realm is 'asterisk'
10:22.59JerJer[mobile]on your SIP ua
10:23.21Delvar_omer: how do you mean connecto ASterisk to MYSQL? for CDR's there is cdr_mysql, for AGI there is php/perl etc.., for user accounts there is realtime in CVS, for dialplan DBGET etc.. there is a mod
10:23.33*** join/#asterisk otaku42 (otaku@otaku42.developer.madwifi)
10:23.36otaku42hi all
10:24.12JerJer[mobile]oh waitress,  check please
10:24.20otaku42are there any documents describing the steps to take in order to tell asterisk not to log to any file, but use syslog (and only syslog) instead?
10:24.39JerJer[mobile]otaku42:  see logger.conf
10:24.52JerJer[mobile]logger.conf.sample to be exact
10:25.38_omerDelvar: now I explain you, Calls are coming over the IP to my ASTERISK (SIP) ... and Reps are attending it thru IP I need to get the reports..
10:26.22Delvarso you need access to the CDRS?
10:27.15_omerright now, I dont know anything how it would work....if Asterisk is already saving info somewhere or I need to setup any database...
10:27.49Delvarok by default it saves the CDS in a flat file as csv, Master.csv
10:27.49_omerMy asterisk dont have any Database or CDR Server.....
10:28.00_omerok.....and where is it located?
10:28.10Delvaryou can make it save CDR's to mySQL or even ODBC
10:28.28Delvarhmm i cant rember i think its /var/lib/asterisk
10:30.13_omerDelvar: is there any document who could explain about that?
10:30.40Delvarstep by step guide to setup mysql CDR's
10:31.01Delvar~googe asterisk mysql CDR
10:31.06Delvar~google asterisk mysql CDR
10:32.41_omerthanks Delvar
10:38.15_omerDelvar :   Your given URL works!!!! ...I read and found Master.csv ..I think fetching report from Master.csv is better than setting up MYSQL ..etc ..
10:39.02_omerspecially for a newbie like me ;)
10:39.16Delvarjust watch out teh file doesnt get over 2gb
10:39.29RoyKDelvar: wot?
10:39.42RoyKDelvar: asterisk doesn't support largefile?
10:39.45Delvardoesnt it mess up when the Master.csv goes voer 2 gig?
10:40.10Delvarnever got it that big myself its jsut what i heard
10:40.25_omerhow to make Master.csv empty?
10:40.35_omerjust edit and delete the text?
10:46.50*** join/#asterisk wiz8291 (
10:46.59wiz8291hi guys, anyone know of any asterisk consultants in London?
10:47.37kapejodwiz8291: i would know one in ireland
10:47.45fenlanderwiz: we are in Cambridge
10:47.47wiz8291we have a serious echo problem that needs sorting #;(
10:50.33clive-wiz maybe jason could help
10:53.44wiz8291i can hear everyone perfectly... its just the person who calls in to our system gets their own voice back
10:53.49cjksorry for asking this basic questions, but what is a gatekeeper used for
10:54.14kapejodcjk: it's like a registrar server (sip)
10:54.28kapejodwiz8291: what phones are you using?
10:54.34wiz8291sayson 390s
10:54.37*** join/#asterisk fantomax1 (~fanto@
10:54.39fantomax1hi all
10:54.47wiz8291with a rhino channel bank
10:55.13*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
10:55.16kapejodand zaptel t1 card?
10:55.43wiz8291E1 PRI on span 1 and the rhino on span 2
10:55.44cjkkapejod: ok so its not that important
10:56.11kapejodwiz8291: echocancelwhenbridged=yes in zapata.conf?
10:56.18wiz8291kapejod: yes
10:56.36RoyKanother memory leak
10:56.42wiz8291no echotraining
10:57.17wiz8291but i have tried it, it makes no difference
10:57.17RoyKframe.c:305 allocates memory unstoppably
10:57.17fantomax1if I put an extension like this , I'll have any dialed number going out to server_b ?
10:57.17fantomax1here is the ext
11:01.54RoyKwtf does ast_frdup do?
11:02.37kapejodwiz8291: did you play with rxgain and txgain?
11:03.10wiz8291yup, have been playing with those for a week, the echo only goes when they can't hear me anymore
11:04.29*** join/#asterisk tzanger (
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11:04.34kapejodare you sure that your te410p is not dropping audio (look for missed irqs)?
11:04.45wiz8291there are no missed IRQs at all
11:04.59*** join/#asterisk EvlHimeko (
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11:24.02*** join/#asterisk bsunil (~bsunil@
11:24.37bsunilcan any body tell me how to trace a call through asterisk
11:25.57RoyKset verbose 9
11:26.00RoyKmight help
11:35.45jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep
11:40.27Zeeekwhen I'm sleepy after all that
11:43.04*** join/#asterisk gth (
11:48.18RoyKanyone that can help me sort out a memory leak?
11:49.29ZeeekI forget, what did you want?
11:49.55MikeJ[Laptop]RoyK, what seems to be the problem
11:50.10MikeJ[Laptop]maybe very quick, I need to go to the office in a couple minutes
11:50.28*** join/#asterisk jeffik (~Jeff@
11:51.05*** join/#asterisk ManxPwr (
11:51.24MikeJ[Laptop]mornning Manx
11:51.29RoyKMikeJ[Laptop]:     buf = malloc(len); called from frame.c:305 isn't getting released
11:51.52MikeJ[Laptop]what happens to that buffer?
11:52.00MikeJ[Laptop]what is it for.
11:52.00RoyKthis seems to be getting called from channel.c:377
11:52.11RoyKfunction ast_frdup
11:52.21Sato1is there any other way to see "iax2 show user <user>" in the cli?
11:52.22RoyKcalled from ast_queue_frame
11:52.32Sato1the option is not available actually
11:52.56MikeJ[Laptop]I beleive when the frame is queued, it is freed after beein written, if you don't queue it, you need to do it yourself
11:53.00MikeJ[Laptop]off the top of my head
11:53.20MikeJ[Laptop]but I don't have time to pick through it
11:55.59RoyKManxPower: g'day
11:56.16ManxPowerThe Register has such funny headlines.  "Yahoo! tests! VoIP!"
11:56.20ManxPowerhello royk
11:56.56ZeeekManxPower I have a correction for you about nat=yes in [general]
11:57.03Zeeeknever say never
11:57.29wiz8291ok, my channel bank has been upgraded
11:57.37wiz8291now just to wait for a call to see if its fixed the echo!
11:58.31RoyKany idea how I can track this leak? astmm says buf = malloc(len); on line 305 in frame.c is being called excessively and that buffer does not seem to be freed. I beleive it's called from ast_queue_frame() in channel.c:377
12:02.47kapejodfile a bug :)
12:02.51Moc[Toronto]damn night
12:03.08*** join/#asterisk afaict (~afaict@
12:04.26ManxPowerGuys, I've not even finished my first cup of coffee.  don't make me think.
12:06.27ManxPowerSometimes I don't realize just how much talent I have.  This morning I managed to not get the coffee pot put in the coffee maker quite right.  Went out for a smoke, came back and there was coffee EVERYWHERE, except in the actual coffee pot.
12:07.11*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~chatzilla@
12:07.35shaZwazhi all
12:07.52afaictCan I set a machine with a FXO card connected in PTNS running asterisk and another machine with a FXS card connected with a normal telephone running asterisk ? Can I set asterisk to talk each other ?
12:07.58*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
12:08.11shaZwazu mean PSTN ?
12:08.27afaictpublic telephone network. i dont remember the name.
12:08.54shaZwazAFAIK its Public Switched Telephone Network
12:09.00afaictshaZwaz, thanks.
12:09.25afaictCan I set a machine with a FXO card connected in PSTN running asterisk and another machine with a FXS card connected with a normal telephone running asterisk ? Can I set asterisk to talk each other ?
12:09.34sudhir492ManxPower: I can understand your problem. I am waiting for my first cup of coffee too
12:10.03afaictone machine will be in one office and another will be in another office so it will be connected with IPSEC
12:10.11shaZwazdoes any one know of a script to block some code prefixes dialed ?
12:10.31afaictwill it works ?
12:10.56ZeeekshaZwaz you don't need a script, just use wilcards to trap them
12:11.08sudhir492Yesterday I had to rush in the morning for an emergency and by 10 o'clock, my eyes were hurting so badly, and my head was exploding. Didnt realize how much caffeine addiction I have developed
12:11.27afaictsudhir492, lol. nutz
12:11.33onkeltimmshaZwaz: exten => _0900.,1,Congestion or st like that
12:11.48shaZwazhi Zeeek
12:11.58onkeltimmor whatever you dial for phonesex in your country
12:12.14shaZwazits a list of like 10-15 prefixes
12:12.30shaZwazranging from 2-4 digits
12:12.40Zeeekyou can either list them like the 900 above or develop a wildcard expression
12:13.01Zeeekpastebin them to us and we'll work on it
12:13.08afaictno one answered my question . :|
12:13.11shaZwazso pattern matching might not be a good idea
12:13.18Zeeekthe greatest minds are avaialable free (I'm busy though)
12:13.23ManxPowerDo eurpopean cities have large numbers of crazy (as in should by in a psych ward crazy) homeless people?
12:13.36shaZwazok pasting now
12:13.36afaictCan I set a machine with a FXO card connected in PSTN running asterisk1 and another machine with a FXS card connected with a normal telephone running asterisk2 ? Can I set asterisk1 to talk asterisk2 ?
12:13.44Zeeekwhy, thinking of bringing mace?
12:13.57onkeltimmManxPower: you arrived in the netherlands? yes, then ;)
12:13.59vaewynafaict: yes...   using an IAX connection
12:14.06ManxPowerZeeek, no, just wondering.
12:14.11*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
12:14.22Zeeekit's harder to tell noiwadays with cellphones
12:14.32Zeeekif they're actually taling to someone I mean
12:14.32afaictvaewyn, thanks
12:15.01vaewynZeeek: especially those dorks with the ear clamshell bluetooth earpiece
12:15.05ManxPowerZeeek, I just thought it was a symptom of the USA not having a public health system
12:15.22Zeeekno I think it's all over
12:15.26afaictvaewyn, so if I make a call from asterisk2 I will be able to transfer to asterisk1 and then send call to PSTN ?
12:15.35vaewynafaict: yep
12:15.42afaictvaewyn, love ya
12:15.45ZeeekI really want a little device that jams cellphones from time to time
12:16.05vaewynI have one that jams bluetooth... and wifi...  kindof fun  :P
12:16.39vaewynThey sold it as a 'Gigarange Cordless phone'    :P
12:16.55vaewynbut it is a great wifi and bluetooth jammer
12:17.24ManxPowerone of my big annoyances with big cities is crazy homeless people.
12:17.26vaewynpop that puppy on and watch the businessmen howl
12:17.34afaictvaewyn, where can I read about Telecom/asterisk ? docs about asterisk explain something about telecom too or only how to set asterisk
12:17.41ManxPowerI just notice it more often now that I don't live in a big city anymore
12:18.11ZeeekStarter tutorial:
12:18.12ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
12:18.30jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
12:18.35jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
12:18.37jbotACTION is stuffing George*
12:18.38jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep
12:18.56shaZwazZeeek: you had a look at ?
12:19.04Zeeeknot yet I'm very busy
12:19.25afaictZeeek, thanks
12:19.36Zeeekafaict number two will get you started
12:20.29ZeeekshaZwaz taking a quick look: _00[128]X. will get you started
12:20.46wiz8291seems the channel bank upgrade may have done the trick
12:20.49Zeeekthat's I can give you free :)
12:20.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:21.08wiz8291out of 3 calls, one had a very slight echo... and that was to a cell phone with bad reception :)))
12:21.23*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
12:21.42shaZwazZeeek:  need to block these codes
12:21.42onkeltimmshaZwaz: these are just a few. just put them at the beginning of your outgoing context. pattern matching might be a Bad Idea, especially if the numbers may change over time
12:22.00*** join/#asterisk switch (
12:22.05ZeeekshaZwaz someone already answered that the first time
12:22.27Zeeekonkeltimm I agree, it was just to show the idea
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12:22.35Zeeekalthough he does want 001*
12:22.56onkeltimmshaZwaz: like start with: _001.,1,PlayBack(bad_boy)
12:23.36RoyK~nickometer L|NUX
12:23.38Zeeekor just congestion to save time :)
12:23.57shaZwazyou put these exten lines in a context and add it to the outgoing context
12:24.01onkeltimmor in your case more like _9001.
12:24.09Zeeekheh they used to sell dial locks for phones here
12:24.29RoyKZeeek: dial locks???
12:24.52Zeeekyeah a little thing to go in the first hole of the old style dial
12:25.02RoyKZeeek: hehehe
12:25.24RoyKZeeek: so all you had to do was hammer the pulse dialling yourself?
12:25.32Zeeekit was a national passtime to use the phone at work to call friends
12:25.49ZeeekRoyK yes you could easily with any dexterity
12:26.34RoyKZeeek: or perhaps if you could get those old digital watches from the eighties that had a phone book with DTMF dialling :)
12:27.09Zeeekthey that in Moscow for use with asterisk
12:27.16shaZwazvaewyn: seems to be nice  except 021
12:27.33vaewynshaZwaz: don't need 021 since 02. matches that as well
12:28.04vaewynif you block 02 then 021 block is redundant :P
12:30.13shaZwazvaewyn: thanks a bunch
12:31.29vaewynshaZwaz: no problem
12:32.07shaZwazand Zeeek too
12:32.53*** join/#asterisk cmk (
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12:35.40tzafrirspeaking of dring
12:36.23Zeeektzafrir you rang?
12:36.37tzafrirI talked with somebody here yesterday about distinctive ring and mentioned it didn't work for me. On a second chek: it does
12:36.52Zeeekyopu mean r2 r3 etc?
12:37.04ZeeekI use it in 1.0.6
12:37.20tzafrirthe local line here rings differently in local and external call
12:37.28Zeeeksame here
12:37.47Zeeekgreat facility allows one to ignore people who are calling from inside the co.
12:37.56Zeeekor the opposite
12:38.19tzafriractually, I kind of trust insiders
12:38.35tzafriroutsiders still get the default demo.
12:39.26*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
12:39.53dmccollummorning everyone.
12:39.56onkeltimmi know i am asking this over and over again, maybe i am asking the wrong question: how do i do callwaiting and callgroups with iax clients? please enlighten me...
12:40.09*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
12:41.15onkeltimmas far as i can see, chan_iax.c does not implement callgroups like chan_sip.c does for example. so callgroups are not possible with iax?
12:42.08onkeltimmweb sources tell me that with iax, callwaiting should be implemented by the phone... but there must be a workaround?
12:42.35eper-werkrunning in circles trying to set the zap cfg's for this isdn30e
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12:45.01jwitteHello - anybody out there having experiences with Asterisk on Dell 2850?
12:45.53harryvvshould work fine
12:46.01Zeeekbe sure to search the mailing list too
12:46.10*** part/#asterisk Clavell (
12:47.06MikeJ[Laptop]RoyK, find the leak?
12:49.19wiz8291anyone tell me how to add a new page to the voip-info wiki?
12:50.16*** join/#asterisk epoch (
12:50.35Zeeekyou need to have a login account (free with purchase)
12:50.43Zeeekif you have that, look for edit
12:50.46RoyKMikeJ[Laptop]: no, see
12:50.49wiz8291yes, i have edit
12:50.56wiz8291but i want to add a page, not edit an existing one
12:51.04ZeeekI believe there are instructions somewhere to add
12:51.11wiz8291it just says click edit and add a link
12:51.22ZeeekI'm trying to remember
12:53.41eper-werkshould zap show channels show 'things' even if the isdn cables not plugged in?
12:54.28ZeeekI think it shows what is entered in zapata.conf
12:55.07vaewyn~seen JerJer
12:55.23jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 23h 43m 9s ago, saying: 'ManxPower:  sounds interesting, but i've still never used it'.
12:55.31Zeeekuse the mobile version
12:55.47vaewyn~seen JerJer[mobile]
12:55.48jbotjerjer[mobile] <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2h 30m 56s ago, saying: 'logger.conf.sample to be exact'.
12:56.04Zeeek~seen JerJer[mobile]
12:56.05jbotjerjer[mobile] <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2h 31m 13s ago, saying: 'logger.conf.sample to be exact'.
12:58.21kapejodeper-werk: cat /proc/zaptel/* | grep Span
12:58.32kapejodeper-werk: and on the * CLI: pri show span X
12:59.35*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~Ariel@
13:00.05eper-werkoh the cards there and working but im like playing "try every different cfg" for it currently
13:01.52eper-werkpeople keep noticing when i pull the cable out of the old pbx *dum de dum*
13:02.47*** join/#asterisk memic (
13:05.25*** join/#asterisk Markaci (~Markaci@
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13:05.40vaewynHey... anyone found a way to toggle the MWI light on a nortel when you have * take over the voicemail system?
13:06.32*** join/#asterisk greg_work (
13:11.21morrisAnyone free to spoon feed ,e asterisk?
13:11.27morris,e = me
13:11.28morrisi have it running
13:11.38morrissetup to a sipgate account, accepting calls thanks to the demo script
13:11.48morrisi would like to learn how to add a sip client
13:12.01morrisand route calls to and from that and my sipgate accounts
13:12.21MikeJ[Laptop]morris, no
13:12.29jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
13:13.01morrisany keyword help speed my find up?
13:13.02MikeJ[Laptop]do some reading and what you can't figgure out people will ususally help with
13:13.11morrisok thats totaly fair ;p
13:13.17morrisman im tired from all the reading
13:13.36morristhx, brb
13:13.39MikeJ[Laptop]but prefacing with hey, I did nothing to learn for myself, so who is willing to spend their time teaching me.....
13:13.47MikeJ[Laptop]not so well received usually
13:15.14Zeeekhow do I set up and configure asterisk? I'm in a hurry
13:15.24*** join/#asterisk welby (
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13:15.31morriswelby mcroberts
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13:17.06Zeeek???? for the bad advice yesterday ??
13:17.25Zeeekwell it wasn't advice to me
13:17.34vaewynZeeek: First... take off your watch....   err wait... asterisk... ohh I read that wrong
13:17.36Zeeekso I ignored it
13:17.59*** join/#asterisk pointer (
13:18.41pointerI'm overlooking something simple in my cfg....
13:18.51pointerI'm getting cidname/num set to the cidname
13:18.52[TK]D-FenderZeeek : "You must learn patience.  PATIENCE?!  How long's that going to take?!"
13:19.01pointeron incoming calls to a tdm400p
13:19.48[TK]D-Fenderpointer : pastebin your zapata & zaptel and I'll take a look
13:20.11*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (
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13:22.47Zeeekyour money or your life ? "Take my life, you can't do shit in this town with no money."
13:25.23pointer[TK]D-Fender: k
13:25.31*** join/#asterisk pycsusz (
13:26.29pycsuszHi Everybody! Somebody listened something about this warning message: May 18 15:27:32 WARNING[1150]: chan_zap.c:7970 pri_dchannel: PRI Error: We think we're the network, but they think they'rethe network, too.
13:27.37jsharpchange from pri_net to pri_cpe in zapata.conf
13:28.07pycsuszthat's all?
13:28.08*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
13:28.21*** join/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
13:28.55cpatrythe polycom SIP 500 is deprecated?
13:29.01Zeeekmine is!
13:30.04vaewynI think all the X00 are deprecated now... the new ones they are shipping are the 301 501
13:30.10vaewyn600 is still 600 I think
13:30.35Zeeekand the difference is?
13:30.40Zeeek1 ?
13:30.52vaewynjs... let me find the announcement
13:30.54onkeltimmmore expensive, i'd say ;)
13:31.09vaewynnah... same price
13:31.13[TK]D-Fenderpointer : add "callerid=asrecieved"
13:31.51[TK]D-FenderZeeek : they upped the ram on them
13:31.55[TK]D-Fenderand bug fixes
13:32.11[TK]D-Fender600 supposedly remains the same though
13:32.14Zeeekbug fixes would be under firmware tho
13:32.40vaewynSomething else to cause they only offer the x01s in 3 countries for some reason so far
13:32.48Zeeekis there a publicly available book on these phones somewhere?
13:33.07Zeeekconfig I mean
13:33.21cpatrymaybe theres a link based on,,pw-182-10533,FF.html
13:33.26[TK]D-FenderZeeek : they have a rough book on
13:33.36onkeltimmvaewyn: maybe they did not get FCC/CE in other countries
13:33.38pycsuszjsharp thank you very much for your help it's already working :)
13:33.46Zeeek[TK]D-Fender thx
13:34.13*** join/#asterisk Trakk (
13:34.20[TK]D-FenderI'm tossing up between going with Cisco 7960G's and Polycom IP 600's here for our new phone system
13:34.30vaewynZeeek: for configuring them this is the ultimate guide:  for configs of the actual phones (as in what they have) check out their comparison on the web site
13:34.39*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
13:34.39vaewynI'd take the polycoms :}
13:34.57jsharppycsusz:  Excelllent.
13:36.02[TK]D-Fendervaewyn : yeah I think we had this discussion earlier, but I got a nasty good price on the 7960G's :/  Makes the choice a LOT harder.
13:36.08cpatrydamn, i bought the 500, 2 weeks ago.
13:36.29Zeeekvaewyn thx for that - I was expecting to have to be a dealer to download or something
13:36.50[TK]D-FenderZeeek : that guide is avail right on Poly's site :)
13:36.54vaewynZeeek: nope... just have to have a link to the dealers stuff :P
13:37.08pointer[TK]D-Fender: hrm...I added that and no go...still get cidname for both
13:37.21ZeeekIt also doesn't help that every version filename has a different numbering system
13:37.27pointer[TK]D-Fender: exten => s,3,SetCIDNum(${CALLERIDNUM})
13:37.30ZeeekI prolly have 20 version of the same doc now
13:38.34[TK]D-Fenderpointer : why are you using SetCIDNum like that?
13:38.43[TK]D-Fenderpointer : there's no need.
13:40.23*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
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13:41.27welbywiz8291, if only that was up about a month ago, i'd still have hair
13:41.37wiz8291welby: sorry ;-)
13:41.49welbytop tip, don't trust WLR people (or in our case teleworst)
13:41.51wiz8291its taken me about that long to get it all working properly lol
13:41.52*** join/#asterisk switch (
13:42.06wiz8291just fixed the last prob which was echo
13:42.14welbywlr bt isdn30e (also 8 ch), provided by TW, who are about as help ful as a kick in the teeth
13:42.21wiz8291down to the channel bank it seems... updated the firmware and all is good
13:42.25*** join/#asterisk HA (
13:43.06*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
13:43.07welbywiz8291, do you find that interantional calls that come in arnt preceded by a 0(or 00)
13:43.30welbyand hence screws up your setting of the cidnum
13:43.30wiz8291welby: national calls aren't preceeded with a 0
13:43.41wiz8291not sure about the internationals
13:43.53welbywiz8291, yup i know that, but internationals (afaik) should be
13:44.08JimVanMHas anyone worked with Asterisk in a HA environment? Running CompactPCI or AdvancedTCA stuff? Specifically, having the ability to run redundant CPU cores as available in CO switches or high end PBXs
13:44.24wiz8291hmmm... anyone want to call a UK asterisk box from abroad? (i won't pick up)
13:44.45pointer[TK]D-Fender: ah, ok
13:44.45*** join/#asterisk switch (
13:45.02pointer[TK]D-Fender: it'll pass it whatever I dial automatically?
13:45.07*** part/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
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13:46.51[TK]D-Fenderpointer : not sure I follow your intent.  Could you paste you entire extensions.conf for me?  I'll give it a quick scan.
13:47.59pointer[TK]D-Fender: I think I got it....thanks ;)
13:48.14pointer[TK]D-Fender: need to go afk to test on a real (ip500) phone
13:48.52ariel_[TK]D-Fender, so what did you decide about your pick for phones?
13:49.22*** join/#asterisk brad- (~brad@brad.developer.gentoo)
13:49.24heisonis there any different between the old IAXy and the new ones?
13:50.49ariel_heison, other the blue clear case?
13:51.27*** part/#asterisk makhtar (
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13:53.11[TK]D-Fenderariel_ : I'm still undecided.  Probably will suffer a great dea from "buyer's remorse" either way...
13:53.47ariel_[TK]D-Fender, why don't you get one of each and test them your self?
13:54.13[TK]D-FenderI hate to say it that so far Cisco 7960G's are a CHEAPER solution than the best offer I could get for Polycom 600's :/
13:54.21ariel_I don't use the Cisco due to there Lisc issues.  Since I like to make sure my customers have all the right lisc.
13:55.17ariel_[TK]D-Fender, I use more the IP-500 then the IP-600.  Which I have been getting from voipsupply fro under 200 each.
13:55.19[TK]D-Fenderariel_ : I verified that with (Can div of US company).  I can get 7960's WITH SIP lic for 253CAD.  I'm not sure I believe it....
13:55.47ariel_[TK]D-Fender, that would be a great deal if you can.
13:55.57eper-werkyay got it working!
13:56.11[TK]D-Fenderariel_ : I've checked out voipsupply and have found a cheaper place (considerably) :
13:56.13ariel_the 7960's are being replaced very soon.
13:56.25eper-werknothing brought a bigger smile to my face when i called the office from my mobile and the asterisk session flooded with stuff¬
13:56.27ctooleyYeah Polycom IP500's should go for about $180-185
13:56.33[TK]D-Fenderariel_ : So's the IP 500 :)
13:56.49[TK]D-Fenderctooley : Atacomm sells 500's for 180$
13:56.55vaewynBuy 100+ and you can get IP500s down to 150$ or so
13:57.08vaewynnot many people can stomach that though
13:57.28tzafrirany RTFM on how do I write indications configuration for my country?
13:57.49*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
13:57.52ctooleyvaewyn, which is pretty good considering bying IP500's in lots of 500 from Polycom costs more than that (for the reseller)
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13:58.38ctooleyAnd I haven't used the 501 but since it's the same price from distribution as the 500 I'm sure it's worth going that way over the 500's
13:58.39vaewynctooley: I know a supplier that got them in lots of 3,000 for the last couple purchases
13:58.39ariel_[TK]D-Fender, they have some of there phones on there web with many mistakes.  Also what is this Sip Auth req?
13:59.08vaewynHeck... our next purchase will be 1500-1800 of them :P
13:59.31onkeltimmgurus, IAX and callgroup, puh-lease! if you tell me i have to code it i will code it, i will sell my immortal soul, anything!
13:59.44ctooleyvaewyn, yeah but if you if you order 3000 of them from Polycom it takes forever.  Even Ingram and Techdata are having trouble getting them because Polycom is having supply problems.
14:00.38onkeltimmjust give me a go-nogo please
14:01.02vaewynctooley: Ingram's crap... not sure on Techdata but Ingram is pure garbage at getting this stuff
14:01.07*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
14:01.21vaewynThey'll claim anything to cover their goofups
14:02.04UmaroHey guys, having an odd problem where when my sip phone tries to make a call through nufone, it gets accepted, but immediately gets hung up. when I make a call through a call-file to the same Local/ext@context, it works fine
14:02.15ctooleyvaewyn, well, I'm not in the reseller business anymore, thank goodness, but they used to be a lot better than the "preferred partner" people that Polycom shoved at us.
14:02.16[TK]D-Fenderariel_ : I'm not sure personally what their "REQ" means.  I do intend to find out as well as sourcing locally (I'm in Canada).
14:02.23Umaroany ideas? I've checked all the obvious things, contexts, codecs, etc.
14:04.19ariel_wow atacomm has finally lowered his prices.
14:04.28[TK]D-Fenderariel_ : I want PoE so I'm looking at IP 600 anyways, not sure I want to fiddle with extra power conversion cords etc.
14:04.36ariel_He was selling the IP-500 last year to over 240 dollars.
14:05.00ariel_[TK]D-Fender, you have a poe switch?
14:05.05[TK]D-Fenderariel_ : and because I want the higer end functionality later I think I'd have to go with the 600's anywyas
14:05.15ctooley[TK]D-Fender, you can use IP500's with PoE just fine.
14:05.18[TK]D-Fenderariel_ : All new equipment to be bought.  So yes, I will
14:05.30vaewynThe microbrowser in the 600 rocks... I wait for the day they get that in the 500
14:05.40[TK]D-Fenderctooley : I know that, its just now you have to tack on 40$us to get the adapter cable for Peo
14:06.18[TK]D-Fendervaewyn : can you program the context/screen keys with a properly made browser page?
14:06.23ctooleyThat seems odd, I use my IP500's with a standard cable
14:06.42[TK]D-Fenderctooley : Everywhere I've read including Poly's site told me different
14:07.00[TK]D-FenderEsp those selling the cable ;)
14:07.22ctooley[TK]D-Fender, you can't use the cable with the power injector built into it, I just used a standard ethernet cable.
14:07.39vaewyn[TK]D-Fender: Yes and no...  you hit the services button and it turns into a webbrowser with the arrow keys and the checkmark driving the browsing
14:07.54ctooley[TK]D-Fender, at worst it's just a cable, buy one, and make your own ethernet cables with that pin out
14:08.10[TK]D-Fendervaewyn : was hoping to implement XML-like services here....
14:08.27vaewyn[TK]D-Fender: not yet... but it is supposedly coming...
14:08.34[TK]D-Fenderctooley : and bridge the power connector?  eek..... sounds warranty-voiding
14:09.08[TK]D-Fendervaewyn : I can always hope. l ike I said the diff in price is stomach turning.  Its always easier when there's a dollar diff :)
14:09.10ctooleythe PoE cable is just an ethernet cable.
14:09.29*** join/#asterisk cmaj (
14:09.31ctooleythe only "special" cable I've ever seen from Polycom is the one that has the power port for the brick
14:09.39*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
14:09.47[TK]D-Fenderctooley, AFAIK, it has a std pwr connecter and their PoE adapter cable splits from incoming eithernet and Y's into both.
14:10.20vaewynNah... is just poe via RJ45
14:10.23ctooleyYou mean the cable that lets you plug a brick into the wall instead of using PoE from a Powered swich?
14:10.24[TK]D-Fenderctooley : but they say quite plainly that you need their adapter cable for 802.11af
14:10.27vaewynthe 300 is the only one you have to split
14:10.48[TK]D-Fendervaewyn : well Poly did a good job of NOT expressing it that way...
14:11.38vaewynThe two different cables are because of the cisco polarity versus 802.11af polarity...  get one cable...  and make a bunch to match it :P
14:11.39ctooleyIf you you have a powered switch that supports 802.11af, you just need an ethernet cable that's pinned out as a straight through.  If you don't have a powered switch and want to use the brick, you use the cable that comes with the phone.
14:12.21ctooleyif you have a Cisco proprietary switch, then yes the cable is different but you can make those easy enough, there's dozens of websites with the pinout on the internet
14:12.49ctooleyand it's just a matter of a standard ethernet cable with a slightly different pinout.  Cat 5e and RJ45's
14:13.50UmaroHey guys, having an odd problem where when my sip phone tries to make a call through nufone, it gets accepted, but immediately gets hung up. when I make a call through a call-file to the same Local/ext@context, it works fine. I've tried iax2 debug, didn't give me any more clues.. anyone know what the deal could be?
14:13.58ctooleyif you're super paranoid, buy one cable from Polycom and use a cable tester to get the pinout
14:14.35ctooleyUmara, try "sip debug"
14:15.33mishehua client is ordering a PRI for use with asterisk.  the provider was suggesting 4 digits outpost with a restriction of no 8, 9, or 0 as the 4th digit.  they said that some systems can't handle this.  I requested 10 digit outpost with no 8, 9, or 0 restriction.  it is my understanding that asterisk does not have that limitation.  can anybody verify if I am correct?
14:15.45[TK]D-FenderOk, Poly's official FAQ PDF file states that for 802-11af you need to by an adapter cable.
14:16.36jsharpmishehu:  Yes, asterisk can handle either 4 or 10 digit outpulse.
14:17.22*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
14:17.25lehelYour Asterisk modules directory, located at
14:17.28mishehujsharp: with no 8, 9, or 0 restriction on the last digit, correct?
14:17.46lehelsorry... somebody have any idea?
14:17.56*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
14:17.58jsharpIt means you've got version difference.
14:18.10vaewynheck...   asterisk can handle 100 digit   ;P
14:18.15ctooleylehel, did you build asterisk from source code?
14:18.15vaewynbut that would be stupid
14:18.17leheland how can i make all version the same?
14:18.27jsharpYou need to shut down *, nuke /usr/lib/asterisk/modules, and "make install" again.
14:18.27lehelno... from cvs :(
14:18.34Umaroctooley: looks like it's hanging up immediately after it sends my sip phone an 183 session progress message
14:18.36ctooleylehel, that's fine, that's source code
14:18.59*** join/#asterisk desync (~Vasquez@
14:19.03lehelso?... ../modules ... make install ?
14:19.32ctooleylehel, cd /usr/lib/asterisk/modules and run ls -lrt.  The last time you built asterisk is giong to be the last time those files were created so you should be able to tell modules that older.
14:20.27lehel-rw-r--r--  1 root root   8708 2005-03-21 06:23
14:20.27lehel-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  79954 2005-05-18 17:11
14:20.34lehelthere is a difference
14:20.49tzafrirso app_devstate is from an older build
14:20.54ctooleyis app_devstate the only one?
14:21.20Umaroctooley: any other ideas? :(
14:21.24ctooleyif not, DO NOT paste them in here, that will get you banned for flooding.
14:21.24lehelnoo... when i'm running asterisk.. tells me first the res_odbc
14:21.44ctooleyUmaro: not really
14:21.52leheland and are old
14:21.57*** join/#asterisk file[class] (~jcolp@
14:22.04lehelhow can i newer them?
14:22.10tzafrirlehel, so they weren't built
14:22.15desynchi everybody. any useful solutions for situation SIPclientA<->NAT1<->Asterisk<->NAT2<->SIPclientB?
14:22.19ctooleylehel, you could shut down asterisk, move /usr/lib/asterisk/modules to /tmp/asterisk-modules-backup and cd /usr/src/asterisk (or wherever asterisk is) and run make install again.
14:22.21Umaroctooley: dang :(
14:22.25tzafrirasterisk's makefile has a bad habit of silently failing
14:22.50ctooleydon't delete the modules in that directory though, just move them somewhere else.
14:23.41ctooleydesync, yep, STUN... or move the SIP clients outside of the NAT
14:23.50ctooleythose are your only real options.
14:23.59desyncctooley:I need an asterisk-side solution...:>
14:24.02desyncnot client-side:>
14:24.34lehelctooley: just make install?.. no make clean?
14:24.36ctooleydesync, I think STUN would be your only hope
14:24.53ctooleylehel, if you run make clean it's going to build everything all over again.
14:24.57*** join/#asterisk dgillson (
14:25.00*** join/#asterisk Cheetah (~Akia@
14:25.06Cheetahwow hello :D
14:25.44mishehujsharp: any idea why those "other" systems can't handle the outpulse to be 8,9, or 0 on the last?  sounds like a silly limitation.  (just a question of curiousity, if you know the answer)
14:25.50jsharpI don't see why sip->nat->*->nat->sip wouldn't work if you turned nat=yes and canreinvite=no
14:26.23ctooleyjsharp, you run into problems when either NAT has multiple SIP clients behind it.
14:26.54jsharpI'm not sure why that limitation exists.  I've honestly never heard of it.
14:27.06ctooleyjsharp, let me rephrase that: _I_ ran into problems in that scenario.
14:27.14*** part/#asterisk Nuxi (
14:27.20newmedianctooley, and what did you do to overcome the problems that you ran into in that scenario?
14:27.20*** join/#asterisk Nuxi (
14:27.21jsharpYou probably had a NAT box that wasn't doing port translation as well.
14:27.37sylethere an example anywhere where i can just call my phone with some mp3 message
14:27.42HAis there an easy way to get * to do something like SayMoney(3.24) and have it read it as 3 dollars and 24 cents?
14:27.59ctooleynewmedian, I installed an asterisk server inside the NAT and let it be an IAX peer with the asterisk server outside the NAT
14:28.04CheetahI've got a stupid question:
14:28.06sylethink from what i have read i can just copy a file to outgoing dir on the computer
14:28.22HAsyle: use a call file that sets up the connection to an extension that plays the mp3.
14:28.22lehelOKAY!!!!! ladies and gentlem my asterisk is WORKING!!! ;))
14:28.38lehelthanks to ctooley and tzafrir :)
14:29.02ctooleylehel, np
14:29.03CheetahIn our company we've got a few spare ISDN lines. I thought about using those using VoIP clients to call real phones.. is this possible with asterisk?
14:29.17jsharpCheetah: US ISDN lines?
14:29.29jsharpCan do, then.
14:29.38jsharpThat's me.
14:29.41Cheetahare there tutorials/howtos on that?
14:29.49desyncit doesn't work, cause asterik relies on the fact, that NATs are symetric
14:30.00desyncso nat=yes works only for symetric NATs
14:30.48syleyou know one thing we are missing is ability to hear voicemail messages as they are talking in our voicemail boxes in realtime
14:30.51Cheetahjsharp, is it hard to do?
14:30.52newmedianCheetah, you may want to check out
14:31.01ariel_is there a setting to turn on qos for the polycom phones switch?
14:31.06jsharpYeah, what newmedian said...that's where I was going.
14:31.15Cheetahah thanks :D
14:31.23desyncso, is there a way to force media (RTP) to be passed alwasy by the asterisk
14:31.42syle#DEFINE symentric nat
14:31.46jsharpdesync: I'm running several SIP phones behind an asymmetric NetBSD ipf nat box and it all works just happily for me.
14:31.48Cheetahoh. i forgot to mention that I have an active Fritz! ISDN card in that box
14:31.58ManxPowerdesync, "canreinvite=no" on the peer/user/friend sections of sip.conf
14:31.59Cheetahi read that it would be compatible with asterisk
14:32.29desyncsyle:symteric NAT is NAT, where protocol:port on some host behind NAT is strictly the same on the NAT
14:32.37desynce.g. if host A is behind NAT
14:32.46desyncwhen host A opens UDP:X
14:32.46newmedianCheetah, a ?
14:32.58desyncsame UDP on port X will be opened on the NAT
14:33.06desyncerm, I mean used
14:33.18*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
14:33.31newmedianhmm, no.
14:33.34desyncManxPower:I should check this
14:33.34Cheetahno, basically just a simple ISDN controller that can do voice and fax
14:33.40ManxPowerdesync, that's not what you asked, however.
14:33.54Cheetahit works with hylafax and other voice based apps
14:33.55ManxPoweryou asked about RTP always passing thru Asterisk.
14:34.05*** join/#asterisk Silik0n (
14:34.43desyncManx:yup...cause I think this is the only decision for both clients behind NAT
14:34.56desyncto use asterisk as somekind of RTP (media) proxy
14:35.27Cheetahah tahnks
14:35.31Cheetahthat was the missing info ;)
14:35.39desynce.g. to establish media "tunnels" between both sides behind two different NATs
14:35.45newmedianCheetah: np
14:36.01jsharpif you set canreinvite=no, then yes, all RTP and signalling passes through *.
14:36.16desyncjsharp:thanx I'll try
14:37.41jsharpAnd if you have a symmetric NAT, the worst you'll have to do is set the "local sip port" on each phone to something unique.
14:38.26desyncI was trying to say, that asterisk connection tracking algo relies on the fact, that NAT clients are always behind symteric NAT
14:38.30*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
14:38.59jsharpI don't believe so...I may be on crack, though.
14:39.00desyncin fact, even that way, it's not working correctly
14:40.43jsharpI can do a "sip show peers" on a box here and it'll show SIP clients registered at the NAT IP address with port 11300 or something like that....not port 5060.\
14:41.21*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
14:42.36*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
14:42.46morrisi am confused about adding sip users?
14:42.50desyncguys thanx a lot...that works:>
14:43.02desyncof course after some patching in channel_sip.c
14:43.07morrisin xlite it asks for username and auth. user
14:43.16morriswhere is that defined in asterisk
14:43.29lehelhow can i make a backup of all my asterisk configuration?
14:43.33Sato1does some one has problems with trunk and jitter on a iax2 channel?
14:43.54jsharpbackup asterisk config?  tar up /etc/asterisk
14:44.11Zeeekdon't confuse authorisation user with password
14:44.19lehelthat's all jsharp?
14:44.21Sato1lehel, tar -cjvf /tmp/asterisk-backup.tar.bz2 /etc/asterisk
14:44.33leheleventually the zaptel.conf.. from /etc/
14:45.28morrisZeeek, *shruggs*
14:46.21Sato1lehel, you can move zaptel.conf to /etc/asterisk, then make a link back to /etc
14:47.00dgillsonis someone available to recommend hardware config for multi location install ?
14:47.07leheldone!... thanks
14:47.23*** join/#asterisk jpmcallister (
14:47.27wasimlehel: or use ztcfg -c /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf
14:47.36Zeeekmorris is you X-Lite behind NAT?
14:48.18_omermorris: you can use xlite without password..
14:48.18jpmcallisterWhat is the hardware used to distribute asterisk extensions to analog telephones?
14:48.23morriszeek yes, but not to the asterisk box.. currently while i have it as a testbed i have it on the same lan
14:48.48Zeeekwell I'll post a working config for X-Lite on the asterisk side if you need it
14:48.50wasimjpmcallister: tdm fxs cards, or te cards with channel banks
14:48.55jsharpjpmcallister:  Either a TDM400P card with FXS ports for 4 ports per card, or a channel bank.
14:48.59Zeeekhi wasim
14:49.02morristhat would be greatly appreciated
14:49.12jsharper, channelbank + TE110P T1 card.
14:49.22morris_omer, thanks
14:49.24Sato1jpmcallister, tdm
14:49.26Sato1i think i m lagged
14:49.39_omernp morris
14:49.53wasimre Zeeek
14:49.58*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
14:50.26Zeeekobviously set nat=yes when nec.
14:50.42Zeeekwasim you've been scare around these parts for ages!
14:51.08wasimZeeek: oui ... life is hard
14:51.21ZeeekI believe you knowing what I know
14:51.39newmedianDidn't bkw mention that X-Lite pads speex, around 8pm EST last night?
14:52.19lehelit is possible if i leave a voice-message (voicemail.conf <configured) to re-listen from the phone?
14:53.21_omerhow to get agent's INUSE time?
14:53.21*** join/#asterisk johnnyb (
14:54.25jpmcallisterjsharp: I have a about 200 extensions. So I think the best option is channel bank. Who made that kind of hardware?
14:55.03lehelfor example i call 2000... the voicemail is configured at 5000
14:55.14morris*CLI> May 18 15:53:55 NOTICE[11740]: chan_sip.c:7698 handle_request: Registration from '"Morris Webb (Adlestone)" <sip:2000@>' failed for ''
14:55.15jpmcallisternever mind. I just found in voip-info. tanks
14:55.45Zeeekmorris pastebin your config
14:55.58*** join/#asterisk Jedirl (~fdsafasdf@
14:56.05Chujinewmedian :
14:56.16JedirlI'm developing a FastAGI application with Java
14:56.18lehelso.. it isn't possible... ??
14:56.24vaewynjpmcallister: Check out ebay for cheap channel banks...  adit 600 and such
14:56.32JedirlI'd like to know how to invoke a "SetLanguage" from my AGI controller
14:56.37*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (~leigh@696d7ee2fbb8a2fe.session.tor)
14:57.23JedirlI don't know what SetLanguage does... if it is an application which I must "execute", or if it is a variable that I must set
14:57.31Jedirlany hint?
14:57.34Chujinewmember : You asked if bkw mentioned it... There is the log
14:57.53Zeeeknice one vaewyn
14:57.56newmedianChuji: ah. thanks.
14:58.15Chujijbot: botlog is Can be found at
14:58.16jbotChuji: okay
14:58.24jbotwell, botlog is Can be found at
14:58.31vaewynZeeek: thought of it... and just had to :P
14:58.36*** join/#asterisk inspired (mikael@
14:59.11Chujijbot forget botlog
14:59.11jbotChuji: i forgot botlog
14:59.18vaewynI do love it how most phones the DTMF cuts out the 'p' in password....
14:59.36Chujijbot botlog is a log of all conversations that can be found at
14:59.37jbotChuji: okay
14:59.42vaewyn'mailbox?' *bleep bleep bloop* 'assword?'
14:59.53Cheetahassword? ;D
15:00.01vaewynyep... exactly
15:00.15drumkillawe should add a little wait in there
15:00.15Cheetah"please enter your assword" ... "poop" ... "access granted"
15:00.20CheetahROFL this so funny
15:00.28file[class]hellllllllo folks
15:01.01vaewyndrumkilla: I've got a patch for that ;P had to do it locally because of a prudish norhell lady
15:01.08*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
15:01.47morriszeek :
15:01.50newmedianChuji what things get replaced with PROTECTED ?
15:01.54morrissorry it took so long
15:02.13vaewynI think it was like a whole usleep(250) or something    ;P
15:02.40Zeeekmorris that isn't it at all
15:02.58Zeeekyour login is related to sip.conf as someone said above
15:03.06newmedianhello file et. al
15:03.10Zeeekand just the few relevant lines wil doo :)
15:03.11vaewyndrumkilla: life treating you well?
15:03.19Cheetahis there a way to hook up user authentication to a mysql database?
15:03.36morrisi hadnt noticed
15:03.41morrisits hard following chat
15:03.42Zeeekor reel thyme as it is sometimes know
15:03.44morrisand reading the wiki
15:03.57Zeeekbetter get used to it fast
15:04.08vaewynI would recommend against it though... mysql == another point of failure
15:04.14Zeeekagree vaewyn
15:04.38*** join/#asterisk jeremywhiting (
15:04.39Cheetahvaewyn, well we've got many many clients and don't want to have to edit a text file every time something changes
15:05.05vaewynCheetah: then edit the db and run a script to drop out a new sip.conf based on that...  then reload
15:05.11ZeeekCheetah take a bake approach and generate static files from whatever db you like
15:05.23Zeeek"great minds run on like channels"
15:05.28*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
15:05.30Cheetahbut there is no direct interface, right?
15:05.42vaewynrealtime is direct
15:06.04Cheetahi mean that asterisk connects to the database and receives the data from there
15:06.19vaewynis just risky
15:06.26Cheetahah, that was my question ^^
15:06.29morrisZeeek, Quite clearly it was a simple case of.. IM A FUCKWIT.. gr.. its fine now its added to the correct config ;p thanks
15:06.33Cheetahi didnt mean to use it :D
15:06.36vaewynor 'riskier' I should say
15:06.40wasimyou could also just add extension in the *dialplan and then save it, thats direct
15:07.04Zeeekok morris, you moved up a rung ion the endless progression
15:07.10file[class]away I go soon yessssss
15:07.31morrislol gd gd ;p
15:07.39vaewynSo... lets see...  one step up is... nimrod?
15:07.53vaewynhey.. same level as me!
15:07.56newmediantricksy hobbits... wants to steal our precious Asterissskss
15:07.58file[class]yay 42
15:08.17vaewynwhat is six times sev... errr what was that again?
15:08.49NuxiNimrod was a mighty hunter.
15:09.01Zeeekhey Nuxi I been waiting to tell you
15:09.22ZeeekSIZE^H^H^H nat=yes in general : it DOES MATTER
15:09.28newmedianBut Emilio Estevez was a Mighty Duck
15:09.50NuxiZeeek, for both peers and users?
15:10.20ZeeekNuxi last night our server changed ip. When I woke up (yes, after coffee) I rebooted the phone (it does DNS on boot only) and guess what?
15:10.27ZeeekNO AUDIO!!!!!
15:10.42ZeeekI uncommented nat=yes and restarted and guess what?
15:10.53Zeeekback to normal
15:11.01vaewyn'Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die.'
15:11.02Zeeekwhatever it does, it does something!
15:11.14Zeeekwhat *is* that aboput? seen it in NANAE
15:11.15file[class]and away I go to the physics lab for lunch
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15:11.31NuxiI think there are some odd subtleties in this because "sip show peers" does not indicate nat, but "sip show channel" does.
15:11.54ZeeekI know and it didn't matter until a server ip change (+ sip reload)
15:11.56NuxiIn the source, for a peer, the general setting is not copied to the structure on creation, but for a user it is.
15:12.01newmedianBy the way, I did mention previously about Windows doing negative DNS caching; If a Soft Phone on Windows does a lookup and gets a negative cache, that could also cause problems.
15:12.06Zeeekahhhhhhhh this was a user
15:12.26Zeeekfriend even
15:12.49Zeeek"friend, good!"
15:13.01Nuxiyet the general setting is used when a call is made.
15:13.13Zeeekbut if it works....
15:13.21NuxiBut I don't know enough to declare it as such.
15:13.41ZeeekI just wonder if this isn't part of the answer to all the "no audio behind nat" questions?
15:13.58Zeeeksince the general wisdom has stopped showing nat= in general
15:14.10Zeeekmaybe there's something to it?
15:14.29NuxiI suppose I should go over to dev and see if anybody there (that is knowlegeable) cares.
15:14.42Zeeekno, don't wake those huys yet!
15:14.45NuxiIt'd be a one-liner to fix.
15:14.55Zeeekbut it'll break my box!
15:15.19Zeeekdid I mention I have nat=yes in each entry as well?
15:15.32*** part/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
15:15.54NuxiAlso of interest is that what happens when you say nat=some_made_up_word is differnent for users and peers.  user default to nating, where as peers default to not nating.
15:16.15NuxiSo, nat=yup works for users, but not for peers.
15:16.25ZeeekI haven't left defaults anywhere (except where there is no nat come tot hink)
15:16.49hypa7iadoes anyone know if it's possible to do asterisk -realtime with an off-box db?
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15:17.22wasimhypa7ia: i'd imagine so
15:17.23Zeeeksounds like a recipe for disaster
15:17.32vaewynhypa7ia: yes... but then 2 points of failure :}   mysql and network
15:17.42hypa7ianot using mysql :-)
15:17.43Zeeekand a chance to hang the big one
15:18.01vaewynok... DB of choice... and network
15:18.17*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
15:18.18Nuxisqlite and network?  no
15:18.22mike^^anyone from nufone here? I was sent an e-mai lsaying I have negative balanc e but i paypal'd $30 and my balance shows $5 (DID+$5)
15:18.25hypa7ialol, no
15:18.49hypa7iaexcept, being able to spell and all :-)
15:18.51lehel"../misc/wcfxs.o: insmod wcfxs failed"
15:18.53vaewynNuxi: hehehe... you can do sqlite on the network.... look at sqlrelay   :}
15:19.04Nuxi^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H unless you use NFS. or sqlrelay. or something.
15:19.06vaewynNuxi: makes me laugh every time I see it
15:19.28onkeltimmyou are a bunch. i look away for five minutes and you start making jokes in base 13 and honoring the worlds greatest swordfighter...
15:20.03vaewynThis channel is the home of the RoUCs   'Repositories of Useless Crap'   :}
15:20.21onkeltimmoh, and i thought that was my company ;)
15:22.23lehelwhy wctdm?? why not wcfxs?
15:22.31onkeltimmhow do you pronounce RoUCs? something like "rogues"?
15:24.40hypa7iareminds me of ROUS from the princess bride
15:24.47hypa7iarodents of unusual size
15:26.11onkeltimmhypa7ia: ah, these.
15:27.56[TK]D-Fenderhypa7ia : But I don't believe they exist.....
15:28.22[TK]D-Fender"asssssss yooouuuuu wwwiiiisshhh! *thud*"
15:29.30hypa7iathat movie rocks so much :-)
15:29.42[TK]D-FenderIt does.
15:30.06[TK]D-FenderAnbd good seeing Cary Elwes in "Ella Enchanted" too... very reminiscent
15:31.11blintbye everyone
15:31.15*** part/#asterisk blint (
15:31.54lehelwhy not wcfxs, wcfxo?.. why wctdm?.. from when?
15:32.37*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS (
15:33.41CaNaBiSa buddy of mine is going to give me a ip phone to use against his Cisco call manager, but I have to be able to register to his switch via IPSEC, whats the best way to handle this?
15:36.59onkeltimmnobody outside the us seems to know the princess bride... and i was a fantasy-crazed kid when it ran in europe... i am so glad that i did a google on enigo when he appeared in the /. poll... this movie's a gem.
15:37.46[TK]D-FenderWell I'm in Canada, so its not just the US...
15:38.18CaNaBiSI know princess bride
15:41.55hypa7iaCaNaBiS, that's not really an asterisk question is it :-)
15:42.07hypa7iaCaNaBiS, you'd be better off asking on the cisco netpro forums
15:43.21onkeltimmhmmm... "Die Braut des Prinzen" ... perhaps i missed it because the translation sucked big time ;)
15:43.49*** join/#asterisk km- (
15:43.53CaNaBiSdidnt know if you all knew if the Cisco phones could do ipsec connections
15:43.59*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
15:44.24km-hey, does anyone remember what global technology solution's webpage is?  it was something like
15:44.34km-ah shoot
15:44.38km-I remembered it
15:44.38Qwell~google global technology solution
15:44.42km-I tried that
15:44.53km-but thankfully
15:44.57km-I remembered it as I said it
15:45.08Nuxiwell, don't keep us in suspense
15:45.11km-anyone else here selling 7960's want to competitively bid
15:45.22shaZwazok guys have fun
15:45.43*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
15:46.50shido6km- ?
15:47.38km-shido6: Jer had told me to go to gts for 7960's at one point
15:47.45km-shido6: so thats who I'm going to
15:47.58km-but I was wondering who else might have a budding asterisk business here who'd like to make some money
15:48.25*** join/#asterisk cmk (
15:48.28km-heh, I need one by monday
15:48.41Qwellits already wednesday :D
15:49.02shido6I have a few
15:49.14sylei;m having a problem locating 7960's at a good deal in canada
15:49.25shido6I am in canada
15:49.33syleno shit
15:49.40Qwellshido6: Where about?
15:49.56shido6never said I was canadian :)
15:55.44CaNaBiSanyone happen to know if a Sipura will connect up to a Cisco Call Manager
15:56.17syleisn;t cisco call manager a phone that hasn;t been converted to SIP?
15:56.58vaewynno... call manager is Ciscos idea of a softswitch
15:57.02ariel_CaNaBiS, call manager is skinnyc SCCP not sip unless you add it on to them.
15:57.37CaNaBiSso if I wanna use an ATA with his switch, then I need to get a Cisco ata?
15:58.58ariel_CaNaBiS, no you need to add the sip modules there ata is sip as well.
15:59.10*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:59.35CaNaBiSis this a paid module?
15:59.39CaNaBiSor just something he can add?
15:59.57ariel_cisco everything is paid
16:00.23ariel_unless you got it with the unit when you purchesed it.
16:00.36CaNaBiShe's looking it right now
16:00.51CaNaBiShe says he sees that he can add a sip trunk
16:01.16nestArhrmm.. I was thinking about doing a small office with a TDM card, but they don't want to have to replace their phones, so I'm thinking I'll just get 4 SPA-3000's, that'll take care of the 4 incoming lines into * and 4 office phones..
16:01.27*** part/#asterisk nazgool (
16:01.29nestAranyone see a potential problem with that?
16:02.05ariel_CaNaBiS, depending on the Cisco unit there is a trunk sip and an local sip addon.  But I have not worked with them in over a year now.
16:02.21CaNaBiSheh, he's reading in his Cisco help, it reads how to get it to connect with Asterisk
16:03.01ariel_nestAr, I have setup some soho's with TDM board on the server and sipura for some of the extensions.
16:03.29newmemberWhy would I want to buy a T1 card with MGCP capability?
16:03.53*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
16:04.07ariel_newmember, don't know but what card are you talking about?
16:04.12_omerCisco Call Manager doesnt support SIP...
16:04.38Juggiedoesnt it support sip trunks
16:05.12newmemberariel_: it more of a gateway option AudioCodes Mediant 2000 Single T1 (MGCP)
16:05.17nestArariel_: well, i was just looking for a best way to keep the cost down.. if i was to do a TDM card for incoming lines, then they'd need either another TDM card, or new IP phones...
16:05.30CaNaBiSit must, he sees it in his manager
16:05.31nestAr~$650 in TDM cards
16:05.45nestArvs $400 for 4 spa-3000's
16:05.52ariel_nestAr, it depends on your setup.
16:06.01CaNaBiSand the Cisco help file tells how to convert the ip phone to sip and back
16:06.29*** part/#asterisk jwitte (
16:06.53nestArthe only real problem i see is with dialing out.. it might be a little hectic finding a free FXO to dialout with SPA's.. but i think a checkgroup/setgroup could do it..
16:06.58ariel_It's lunch time.....
16:07.36ariel_nestAr, I like the tdm for dialing out and turnks you can just set them up as dial,zap/g1
16:08.11morristype=friend           ; takes and makes calls
16:08.11morrisusername=2000         ; Username on device
16:08.11morrisnat=no            ;change sometime
16:08.36morrisshit sorry
16:08.38morrisMay 18 17:07:57 NOTICE[13094]: chan_local.c:378 local_alloc: No such extension/context 2000@default creating local channel
16:08.39nestArariel_: yep, i do too
16:08.41morriswas what i ment to paste and ask you about ;/
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16:08.46nestArmorris: lol
16:08.48nestArit happens
16:08.56morristhanks lol
16:09.26ariel_morris, password hummmm
16:09.57outtoluncon the end of allow=gsm
16:10.00jakepdevanyone ever see a linux server crash with no entries in the kernel logs?
16:10.22vaewynjakepdev: Yeah... but someone pulled the power cord  ;P
16:10.33jakepdevthat is my suspicision also
16:10.49jakepdevotherwise I figured it should log
16:11.43jakepdevsame thing with asterisk - if I have full debugging on in logger.conf - should show something in the logs relating to the crash?
16:12.11jakepdevlast thing i see is a DTMF digit
16:13.09morrisive actually managed to do something constructive with asterisk
16:13.41Zeeeknow let us pray...
16:14.00kapejodjakepdev: if you have bad hw the box might crash without anything in the logs
16:14.26jakepdevthanks kapejod
16:14.59JedirlAnyone developing with Java Asterisk 's FastAGI?
16:15.04Zeeekshido6 what is the 200 problem?
16:15.23Zeeek2000 I mean
16:15.24jakepdevJedirl - we're using FastAGI, but not in Jaca
16:16.17morrisThank you everyone for support, without you this would not of been possible.. ;)
16:16.38vaewyn"I'd like to thank the academy...'
16:16.58Zeeekok guys, cut it out:
16:16.59Jedirljakepdev: which implementation then?
16:17.20jakepdevjust using it with a .NET client - i got it to work with VB6 also
16:17.31jakepdevnot very difficult at all
16:17.38Jedirlhow does it scale?
16:17.55jakepdevwe're running it on 60 ports with no problems now on a Dual Xeon machine
16:18.18*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
16:18.43_omerdoes Asterisk support Dual Processor?
16:18.45Jedirljakepdev: have you tried any way of 'failover'?
16:19.10jakepdevI've requested a patch and JunkY has been working on that
16:19.19vaewyn_omer: yes.... duals... quads.... hexes... octs... :}
16:19.26jakepdevhis patch works only in HEAD
16:19.35JedirlI'm thinking on developing a simple local C proxy
16:19.50vaewynme drools over a quad dual core opterson board
16:19.50Jedirlwhich tests for availability of FastAGI servers and redirects connections to one or another
16:19.52_omerWOW!!!!! Asterisk supports that havent been made yet... ;)
16:20.09jakepdevJedirl - it can - yes
16:20.17vaewyn_omer: they are to...  dual core quad opteron... is an oct
16:20.43jakepdevJedirl - the patch is in Mantis
16:20.51Jedirlwhat is mantis?
16:20.59jakepdevthe bug tracker
16:21.50Jedirlok :D
16:23.08Cheetahis there a way to test a capi call from the CLI of asterisk?
16:23.13Cheetahlike "capi info"
16:25.59jakepdevCheetah - don't know of one, but couldn't you initiate the call from another device like an IAX or SIP soft phone?
16:26.26Cheetahthats the second think i'm trying to figure out -- how to allow softphones to use SIP to initiate the call :)
16:26.43*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
16:27.13jakepdevdo you have your entry in sip.conf already that pertains to your softphone?
16:27.23tzangerMay 18 12:24:45 NOTICE[2679]: chan_sip.c:8284 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to '<>;tag=as70ca57f9'
16:27.24Cheetahno, its all default (just installed it)
16:27.26tzangerMay 18 12:24:45 WARNING[2679]: chan_sip.c:8268 handle_response: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register
16:27.38tzangerif it failed to authenticate why'd I get a 200 OK back?  heh
16:27.57ZeeekI love that message
16:28.15jakepdevCheetah - download SJPhone
16:28.23*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
16:28.24Cheetahjakepdev, already did that ;)
16:28.37Cheetahwhat does the sip.conf entry has to look like if I want to use CAPI as outgoing gateway to the phone net?
16:28.57morrisFor greeting/Announcements, can a WAVE file be used instead of mp3?
16:29.38jakepdevCheetah - sip.conf only pertains to SIP connections, so you don't need to alter it for CAPI
16:29.51jakepdevmorris - yes
16:29.58morrissweet, thanks
16:30.11Cheetahokay, lets assume i leave it like it is, what do I have to do to make SIP clients -> CAPI/ISDN work?
16:30.45jakepdevCheetah - are you able to make test calls from SJPhone to Asterisk?
16:31.17Cheetahno, because I have no idea what the name/password of a registered SIP account on my server is - i assume I have to add one to the sip.conf first, right?
16:31.25jakepdevyes :)
16:32.08Cheetahwell, got an example for it? ;)
16:32.13morrissorry to be pain, what ports do i need to forward when NAT'd? i have to leave work now but i want to continue working with asterisk from home ;/
16:32.28*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
16:32.37jakepdevsomewhere around here
16:33.22jakepdevcheetah - look here:
16:34.36morris[away]right im off home, thanks again guys for help.
16:35.48Cheetahjakepdev, lemme check that ;)
16:37.18*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
16:39.38*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
16:41.50Cheetah"wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for 'testuser'..."
16:42.24jakepdevthe password is secret=?????
16:43.04Cheetahi just set it to "test"
16:43.10Cheetahthis is the register line:
16:43.36Cheetahregister =>
16:43.48vaewynok... this may sound odd... but does anyone else have "RemoveVoicemail" as an application?
16:44.27vaewynI can't remember if that is one I added or not ....  hehehe
16:45.32*** join/#asterisk gtigene (
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16:46.14*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
16:46.37gtigeneHow do you eavesdrop on calls in Asterisk (I am the Asterisk administrator)?
16:46.54vaewynmonitor... or barge commands... or... oor... oorr.. :}
16:47.29gtigenevaewyn: We dont want to barge in on calls, just want to hear the conversation.
16:47.35*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
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16:51.47gtigeneonkeltimm: Thank you
16:55.10Zeeekvaewyn not in 1.0.6
16:56.05onkeltimmvaewyn: not in head as of last week
16:56.10onkeltimmmust be yours
16:57.42jakepdevCheetah - was on the phone.... You can take out the register line
16:57.43vaewynZeeek & onkeltimm:  Thanks :}  i think I am having a Reagan moment
16:57.50*** join/#asterisk Twister (~jason@
16:58.04Cheetahjakepdev, so it still says that my PW is incorrect
16:58.25Twisterhey all..was just wondering if its worth getting this book ( or should i just get the information from voip-info
16:58.36jakepdevyou can take the secret line out of your sip.conf file
16:58.41blitzrageariel_: please turn off your auto-announce
16:59.42Cheetahi guess I dont have to regsiter with it, right? i just want to do outbound calls
17:00.25MikeJ[Laptop]Twister, that book is bad
17:00.43onkeltimmgot great reviews at amazon, tho...
17:00.45jakepdevCheetah - SJPhone will perform the register with asterisk - not vice versa
17:01.01MikeJ[Laptop]and older
17:01.06Cheetahi know, but do I need to register a client that only does calls, and doesn't receive any?
17:01.26*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
17:01.48blitzrageMikeJ[Laptop]: yah :)
17:02.05blitzrageTwister: that book IS voip-info - but old
17:02.23jakepdevCheetah - no - oncee SJPhone registers, you can make and receive calls
17:02.59*** join/#asterisk jamesewing (
17:03.01Cheetahjakepdev, well, i can't register since it always tells me that the password is incorrect. where do I have to add the account for the client that tries to register?
17:03.22jakepdevCheetah - in sip.conf - there should be a line that says sercret=????
17:03.27jakepdev???? is your pwd
17:03.47Cheetahjakepdev, yeah, i tried to modfiy a block of them to suit my needs
17:03.50Cheetahdidn't work too well though
17:04.24jakepdevCheetah -  it will work without that line also
17:04.38Cheetahthere is something like [sip_proxy-out] type=peer, secret=testpass, username=testuser, fromuser=yourusername, host=dynamic
17:04.45*** join/#asterisk C4-Telecom (~sales@
17:04.53C4-Telecomhi all
17:05.55Twisteroh ok thank you blitzrage
17:05.59newmedianHello C4. Does your Telecom explode?
17:06.01Twisteri figured that was the case
17:06.17C4-Telecomhow many procesing power is needed for * box no transcoding, 8 E1, only switching & billing ???
17:06.39jsharpAll TDM?  Or TDM to Voip?
17:06.46C4-Telecomnewmeridian> nope.... explosive prices
17:06.47jakepdevCheetah - [sjphone] type=friend host=dynamic username=sjphone dtmfmode=inband context=incoming
17:06.49C4-Telecomal tdm
17:07.10jsharpA big, fat, single proc 3Ghz machine should handle that.
17:07.44C4-Telecomjsharp> RAM??
17:07.52jsharpEnough to keep it from swapping.
17:07.56jsharp512 or so.
17:08.54Cheetahjakepdev, "registration from '<sip:sjphone@>' failed for ''"
17:10.23HAwhat is the pci voltage in a dell 750?  i need to know whether to get the te410p or the te405p.
17:10.40*** join/#asterisk NightHawke (
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17:11.26NightHawketrying to get a set of TDM cards to mount on a system
17:11.38NightHawkewhat is the command string to do that?
17:11.48harryvvha, same as any other pci slot
17:12.03NightHawkeok what is it?
17:12.05Twisterok couple questions about scaling and such, Im going to implement asterisk in 3 offices, going to be doing voip phones with an isdn pri with 15 lines
17:12.11harryvvgoogle pci specs
17:12.15*** part/#asterisk IPmonger (
17:12.18Twisterprobably 40 extensions
17:12.25Twisterthe locations are gonna share the lines
17:12.39Twisterwhat kinda hardware would i need for this?
17:12.44*** join/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
17:12.53HAharryvv: Is it 3.3 or 5.0?  I ask because I know that some people here use them.
17:13.10wasimTwister: nothing much, t1 card, use alaw on the network, so no transcoding
17:13.42Twisteralaw? (sorry im a bit of a telen00b
17:13.57wasimlike, zero compression
17:14.09mishehuanybody had problems running the g729 register file?  I downloaded it and gave it execute perms, but it says "cannot execute binary file" error
17:14.18Twisteroh ok
17:14.24Twisterso the te110p card?
17:14.26Twisterwould work
17:15.22Twisterhow powerful of a machine ya think id need, im working with a very small budget as the company is non profit
17:15.40Jedirlin a IVR machine with a 4-E1 card, with the only codec used being alaw, and all the speech files in alaw format, and all the business logic being done externally with FastAGI... A P-3 with 1Ghz, 1Gbyte of RAM and SCSI hard disk how much channels do you think that could handle?
17:15.58Jedirlat a time?
17:18.45*** join/#asterisk hellop (
17:19.03hellopAlright! I got Asterisk installed for the second time!
17:19.05HAharryvv: nevermind.  Dell support could improve some, but at least the Linux guy sounded like he had a brain.
17:19.25HAjbot knows it all.
17:19.26jbotOf course!
17:20.26vaewynjbot: who's your daddy?
17:20.27jbotYOU are, Mr Sexy Pants!
17:20.56mishehujbot: who's the most evil person in the world?
17:21.56mishehu"I have combined the DNA of the most evil creatures in the universe to make the most evil one ever..."   'Turns out its Man'
17:22.15vaewynBill Gates to be exact
17:22.32JedirlWhich text-to-speech software would you recommend for Linux?
17:22.34vaewynAlthough... the SCO guys are really edging in on that
17:22.45JedirlI'm trying cepstra and seems great but I'd like to test more TTS's
17:22.47jakepdevCheetah - if you do a sip debug at the asterisk CLI - it should show you why the registration has failed
17:22.57vaewyncepstra and festival
17:23.09Jedirlfestival's quality for non-english is quite bad
17:23.19Jedirlany more TTS's?
17:23.24jakepdevfestival's quality for english is pretty bad also
17:23.50Jedirljakepdev: festival's quality for english is awesome compared to festival's quality for spanish
17:23.51*** join/#asterisk meppl (
17:24.04vaewynreminds me of a joke  'Those guys at NOAA must have tons of cash... They have Stephen Hawking doing their weather reports!'
17:24.08Cheetah"Looking for in default" ... "SIP/2.0 404 Not Found"
17:24.22Jedirlso there aren't any more available TTS's for linux? just cepstra?
17:24.40vaewynhate to say it... but cepstra and festival are the best...
17:24.56vaewynin fact... basically the only options
17:25.15Jedirlthen maybe I should do the TTS in a windows machine
17:25.23mishehuugh.  I want to register this codec before goign to lunch
17:25.33Jedirlwhich TTSs would you consider for Windows?
17:25.36jakepdevCheetah - in SJPhone - use the username sjphone with no password
17:25.38HAfestival does have multisyn voices which are an improvement over the regular festival voices.
17:25.45*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
17:25.56jakepdevJedirl - Speechworks
17:25.59HAbuild your own tts in windows.
17:25.59Cheetahjakepdev, it tells me that the password field can not be left empty
17:26.03vaewynHA: true... and I havn't tried those out yet...
17:26.11jakepdevJedirl - SAPI
17:27.08HAwe are using them for pre-recorded tts only at the moment.  i've got some testing to do, but it may be possible to do some decent live tts using festival_client instead of text2wave or the built in * commands using multisyn voices.
17:27.34mishehuugh again.  konqueror must have done something to the dl of the file...
17:28.02jakepdevCheetah - in SJPhone - uncheck require password in Profiles | Edit
17:28.19*** join/#asterisk naula (~nschmidt@
17:28.29Cheetahjakepdev, do I have to enable STUN?
17:28.40naulaDoes anyone know of a good beginners guide to get asterisk up and running?
17:29.33Cheetahokay, i did that
17:29.43Cheetahsip debug still tells me 404 not found
17:29.49vaewynSTUN == evil
17:29.54jakepdevwhen trying to make a call?
17:30.12jakepdevor just registering?
17:30.17Cheetahnaw, when the client is trying to register to the server
17:31.27RickTickNaula:  there is an asterisk guide being sold .... on the net ... pretty informative
17:31.55HAif i didn't mention it before, just for future information, the PE750 has both a 3.3 and a 5.5v pci on the riser.
17:32.25jakepdevuser name in sjphone is sjphone?
17:32.59Cheetahjakepdev, yeah
17:34.31jakepdevCheetah - try this: [8001] type=friend host=dynamic username=8001 dtmfmode=inband context=incoming
17:34.35*** join/#asterisk MrClean (
17:34.41jakepdevand change the user name in SjPhone to 8001
17:35.23jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
17:35.23*** join/#asterisk loick (
17:35.55naulathank you
17:36.01Cheetahjakepdev, now it worked.. at least the registrationo
17:36.11MrCleanCan somebody tell me if channel variable inheritence (with prepended underscores) is broken or non-existent in asterisk ver. 1.0.7?
17:36.40Cheetahjakepdev, now when I try to make a call it gives me "cannot find extension context 'incoming'"
17:36.41jakepdevok - now you need to add the context [incoming] in your extensions.conf file and
17:36.41Zeeekquick, I need a unix god
17:36.55jakepdevsummoning god - please wait
17:37.00newmedianZeeek: su -
17:37.17jakepdevconnection falied - incomatible codec
17:37.31Nivexgod: no such user.
17:38.00Zeeekhow do I mv all files that do NOT have .tif at the end to *.tif ?
17:38.01newmediandog loaded and ready; using codec dyslexia
17:38.16ZeeekI know it's simple but I never do shit like this
17:38.29HAwhat do ya need Zeeek?
17:38.46Zeeekfind file that don't end in .tif - add the .tif
17:39.17Zeeekfind .... -exec mv {} {}.tif - doubtful
17:39.33jakepdevCheetah - you can try the following: [incoming] exten => s,1,Playback(goodbye)
17:39.35Zeeekfir $file in
17:39.50jakepdevCheetah - that shold play the goodbye message to your softphone
17:40.47ZeeekI'm already stuck trying to negate the find -name  :)
17:42.53Cheetahjakepdev, now it tells me again 404 not found.. but not for the registration, but for the call itself
17:43.00newmedianYou could pipe your output of an ls, e.g. ls | grep -iv ".tif" |  .....
17:43.35jakepdevCheetah - [incoming needs to be on a line by itself
17:43.42Cheetahi know that ;)
17:43.47Cheetahthats what I did
17:44.09jakepdevwhat are you dialing?
17:44.22Zeeeknewmedian yeah I suppose that's be simple enuf - sounds like the MSDOS days though
17:44.26jakepdevon your softphone?
17:44.58jakepdevok - then use 1234,1,Playback(goodbye)
17:45.20jakepdevexten => 1234,1,Playback(goodbye)
17:45.28Cheetahstill 404
17:45.38jakepdevwhat's the 404 say?
17:45.48Cheetahnot found :D
17:45.56jakepdevcontext not found?
17:46.51Cheetahlemme read the log
17:47.33Cheetahi did the following:  exten => 1234,1,Answer   exten => 1234,2,Playback(goodbye)  exten => 1234,3,Hangup
17:47.42*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:47.55Cheetahbut it cant play the file, since its not found :D
17:50.19[TK]D-FenderCheetah : I always give mine a fully qualified path name.
17:50.33Cheetahi got it to run with the tt-weasels sound ;)
17:50.47jakepdevCheetah - the sound files are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds i believe
17:51.03Cheetahjakepdev, now how do I make it use CAPi to call the world? ;)
17:51.39jakepdevmake sure you can get audio through first before you start bridging
17:51.49Cheetahyeah, i can hear the sound now :)
17:51.57Cheetah"weasels have eaten your phone system"
17:52.02Zeeekthat was an irritating waste of time! I never expected a Windows user to rename graphics files dropping the extensions
17:52.07*** join/#asterisk Moc[Toronto] (~mochouina@
17:52.37jakepdevCheetah - now instead of Playback, use the Dial cmd with your CAPI parameters
17:52.50Cheetahokay, where do I get info on that?
17:53.54harryvvWhat dial application can be used to say..dail 50 phone numbers and play a message? example would be if a company got hit by a virus and wanted to leave a vm to everyone to watch out for this such and such virus?
17:54.35jakepdevactually - looks like there may be some notes in the somments on that
17:54.35vaewynharryvv: Well... if they are in a * voicemail system then just cp the voicemail into each box :}
17:54.49vaewynharryvv: if not then use .call files
17:54.51harryvvva, okay and if not? files?
17:56.26MrCleanHow do I get channel variable inheritance to work?  Prepending underscores (ie. SetVar(_FOO=foo)) doesn't seem to work.  Do I need a specific version of Asterisk?
17:56.28jakepdevCheetah - I'm trying to figure out how to get ISDN here.  you get good pricing?
17:56.36harryvvthat to
17:56.47Cheetahjakepdev, well, for in-germany calls we pay €0.01 /mn
17:57.08jakepdevok - that's not bad at all
17:59.07vaewynalthough... 200+KB/s wireless ain't bad :P
17:59.59vaewynThey are starting to roll out DSL2 around here though... so maybe I will be within it's range
18:00.14Dishwashaverizon is rolling out fiber to the premise in DFW
18:00.15vaewynI'm sitting at about 33,000ft from the CO by wire
18:00.39Cheetahi got it to use CAPI
18:01.07Nivexjakepdev: my parents sat for three weeks only to find out they couldn't get DSL
18:01.10Nivexjakepdev: twice
18:01.11Cheetahi set TRUNK=CAPI and added "exten => 1234,1,DIAL(CAPI/0:134,60,T)"
18:01.14vaewynhahah... I'll never see fiber to my home unless I get out my shovel and start digging a 7 mile trench
18:01.22jakepdevhaha - i don't feel so bad now
18:01.24Cheetahbut it tells me that there are no available card right now "all busy"
18:02.27vaewyngot the main chicago-detroit long distance fiber not 1/2 mile from my house... to bad I can't just 'T' into that  ;P
18:02.32*** join/#asterisk bmd (
18:03.15Cheetahit worked for a moment and I could hear audio
18:03.36*** join/#asterisk ronn (
18:03.42DishwashaOh yeah, well, SBC has been offering me dark fiber service for years
18:03.46Cheetahnow it went "segmentation fault" "eror while writing audio data: broken pipe" "Warning, flexible rate not heavily tested"
18:03.49naulaok, Question. I follow the directions here: for installing my TDM card with FXS module and the port still is not working. Is there something else I need to do?
18:04.20*** join/#asterisk focks (
18:04.28[TK]D-Fendernaula : Does ZTCFG look like its supposed to?
18:04.45fockshow do i tell a GrandStream 102 what digits to dial when i hit the voicemail button
18:04.56jakepdevCheetah - you'll need someone else to help from here - don't know why it would be saying that
18:05.10naulafender: ztcfg comman?
18:05.16Cheetahgoogle groups said that mpg123 is causing this...
18:05.17Cheetahany ideas?
18:05.29vaewynfocks:  Voice Mail UserID   entry
18:05.30ronnanyone knows how to kill a zombie channel?
18:05.51focksvaewyn so i'd put like *98 exten?
18:05.57jakepdevCheetah - i doubt it has to do with mpg123
18:06.07Cheetahnow a few test calls worked
18:06.08naulafender: nothing comes up when I type ztcf.
18:06.13jakepdevCheetah - most likely due to capi configs
18:06.38vaewynfocks: whatever you would normally dial yourself
18:06.57Cheetahmight "capi debug" have caused this?
18:07.11jakepdevdon't think so
18:07.22naulaztcfg -vv shows everything is correct though
18:07.43*** join/#asterisk rg1 (
18:07.52ronnanyone knows how to kill a zombie channel?
18:07.59jakepdevbut - i must admit that i've only worked with Analog, PRI, SIP, and IAX
18:09.04fockssip reload?
18:09.16Cheetahjakepdev, thanks a lot for the help!
18:09.20Cheetahit saved me hours ;D
18:09.27sudhir492ronn: soft hangup SIP/4488-e964<ZOMBIE>
18:09.50ronnsudhir492:  thanks
18:09.59jakepdevCheetah - np - good luck with it
18:11.26*** join/#asterisk kiokorobert (~kiokorobe@
18:11.31ronnsudhir492:  can you do the same for a this as well? Zap/pseudo-1462573877
18:11.38rvhii got three core dumps yesterday, here are the 'bt' and 'bt full'
18:11.39Cheetahhow do it tell asterisk to use the number that has been entered into the field? i tested "exten => .,Dial(CAPI/1:${EXTEN},60,T)
18:11.46Cheetahthat doesnt work, though
18:11.49sudhir492ronn: yes
18:12.03jakepdev${EXTEN} is the number dailed
18:12.25Cheetahhm, what about the identifier in the first place?
18:12.29Cheetahi made it "."
18:12.42rvhigoing up a few functions, they all have corrupted data at pbx_extension_helper()
18:12.44*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
18:12.47jakepdevhow may digits?
18:12.59sudhir492Cheetah: if you are using pattern, then use exten => _.,1,Dial(CAPI/1:${EXTEN},60,T)
18:13.01Cheetahit varies, depending on how many numbers are in the phone number
18:13.03rvhianyone can help me on this?
18:13.12jakepdevfor example - _XXXXXX will trap 6 digits
18:13.16jakepdevdon't use ._
18:13.29jakepdevit's bad news
18:13.33Cheetahit workes :D
18:13.41Cheetahnow how to remove the lag that I'm experiencing? :)
18:13.46Cheetahi feels there is a few ms lag
18:13.58jakepdevat what point?
18:14.07Cheetahwhile talking to the other phone
18:14.25jakepdevyoure noticing delay?
18:14.33CoffeeIVI put a TE110P in an asterisk@home computer; I removed the 100P's that were there before and ran "genzaptelconf -s" and it put a commented out section in zapata-channels.conf.  I added the lines "span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs" and "bchan=1-23" and reloaded configs, but "zap show channels" shows no channels.  Is this what I should expect ?
18:15.12jakepdevCheetah - VOIP is translating so there is a delay when coding/decoding
18:15.21Cheetahahh okay
18:15.31Cheetahits not really horrible, but noticable if you hear both devices
18:15.41Cheetahso... which codec is the best? without too much quality loss?
18:15.43jakepdevyes - i wish there were no delay also
18:16.01CoffeeIVdo I have to add lines such as "fxoks=1-23" or similar before I see channels ?
18:16.06jakepdevg729 works well - but it is $10 per channel - g711 works well though and it's free
18:16.26jakepdevuse allow=ulaw
18:16.47jakepdevin sip.conf
18:16.55PTG123g711 takes 100kbps, g729 uses 8
18:17.23PTG123let me see $10 for life, to save 90kbps? :)
18:17.36Cheetahokay, i did that, but its still not as good as Skype :)
18:17.56PTG123ulaw quality is going to suck if you have traffic on your network
18:17.57Cheetahbandwidth is not the problem.. the clients and server are connected via 100 mbit
18:17.57jakepdevwhat codec is Skype using?
18:18.03*** part/#asterisk bmd (
18:18.05PTG123skype uses gsm most likely try it
18:18.05Cheetahtheir own
18:18.09Cheetahi just compare it ;)
18:18.15PTG123try gsm
18:18.26PTG123its free, and performance is good
18:19.23MrCleanDoes channel variable inheritance work in Asterisk 1.0.7?
18:19.45Cheetahquality is good now ;)
18:19.58Cheetahnow I get alot of "WARNING Inband DTMF is not supported on codes GSM"
18:20.05PTG123yah disable that in your conf
18:20.09PTG123er no
18:20.10PTG123i think
18:20.12PTG123something like that
18:20.14Cheetahwhat is inbound?
18:20.35fockshow can i fix low volume on a TDM400?
18:20.40focksrx and tx gain?
18:20.45Cheetahi have set "dtmfmode=inband"
18:20.54jakepdevinband means dtmf is in with the audio
18:21.02PTG123you don't want it inband
18:21.02km-use dtmfmode=rfc2833 I think
18:21.48Cheetahthat fixed it :)
18:21.51Cheetahfoodises waits
18:22.08PTG123i recommend getting g729 licenses
18:22.13PTG123its much better then gsm
18:22.24Cheetahwell, maybe once we use it more itensive on this machine
18:22.32Cheetahfor now a ISDN->VoIP gateway will do fine :)
18:22.33*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
18:22.48jakepdevMrClean - aren't the variables per channel or global?  didn't know of any other options
18:23.04naulaok, Question. I follow the directions here: for installing my TDM card with FXS module and the port still is not working. Is there something else I need to do?
18:23.27jakepdevnaula - digium provides free support on this
18:23.55MrCleanThe wiki says that channel variables can be inherited by other channels created by the main channel if the variable name is prepended with an underscore or two.  The page isn't clear on which version(s) of asterisk support this feature.
18:24.19*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
18:24.58km-hey, does anyone here use asterisk-java and FastAGI?
18:25.04km-I've been playing with it and it is really something
18:25.43*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
18:26.06km-ipmonger: coatesville!
18:26.09NuxiAnyone playing with java not with fastagi?
18:26.14IPmongerkm-: yes!
18:26.19km-ipmonger: howdy from exton
18:26.23IPmongerkm-: hello!
18:26.49km-yeah, we run asterisk at our company
18:27.18km-nuxi: are there java apis that aren't necessarily wedded to agi?
18:27.32km-hehe, ccm == teh suck
18:27.54IPmongeri think my ccm got set up the bomb
18:27.56km-We've got a p3 sittin here with a TE405P running to our legacy NEC system
18:28.43km-nuxi: I need to find the author of asterisk-java in here and pick his brains, there needs to be tons more tutorials on it
18:29.02km-nuxi: I can't for the life of me figure out how to instantiate the getdigits command so that I actually get digits
18:29.06*** part/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
18:29.23IPmongerkm-: you near "main street" @ exton?
18:29.29km-ipmonger: I was at there for lunch today
18:29.32km-china grill++
18:29.47IPmongerwe practically live @ desert moon
18:29.50IPmongerand the b&n
18:30.03km-I'm not a big fan of mexican
18:30.09km-chinese, however, I can deal with
18:30.22km-what company do you guys work for and are you hiring? :P
18:30.26*** join/#asterisk jakepdev[work] (
18:30.46km-there we go with another philadelphia suburb
18:31.01IPmongera clec w/HQ in NC
18:31.13km-haha, yeah, I think your company is quoting us for phone service
18:31.14vaewynwell... if you don't like chinese just wait 15 minutes and eat something else   ;P
18:31.20km-vaewyn: rofl
18:31.26km-in one end, out the other
18:31.59Corydon-wIPmonger: cool, can we get IPv6 routing on USLEC?
18:32.05IPmongernot yet
18:32.09km-I wouldnt mind an ipv6 drop myself
18:32.15IPmongeri've been pushing it
18:32.36Corydon-wDamn... we hardly use our USLEC uplink now anyways
18:32.37km-luckily I've got buds in belgium who gre-tunnel me a couple /64s
18:32.40IPmongerif one of our sales reps talks to your company, make sure and mention that you want it
18:33.11km-more ip addresses than I ever know what to do with....
18:33.33Corydon-wSupposedly sometime this year, USLEC is going to support dynamic allocation of our PRI channels between voice and data
18:33.57km-now that sounds like a useful technology
18:34.15Corydon-wkm-: well, it's already part of Asterisk... ZapRAS
18:34.21IPmongerCorydon-w: are you referring to the Dynamic-T product?
18:34.32Corydon-wIPmonger: have no idea what the product name is
18:34.45km-I love talking to telco companies and I tell them I want frac PRI service and they're like "umm, you cant do that!"
18:35.22km-we have XO right now
18:35.31km-and they've more or less bent us over the router and had their way with us
18:35.36jakepdev[work]anyone know where to get ISDN for phila. suburbs?
18:35.48km-jakepdev: there are a couple regional ISP's that can help out
18:35.54jakepdev[work]for voice?
18:36.04jakepdev[work]or only data?
18:36.06km-jakepdev: OH.  Have you tried calling verizon?
18:36.12IPmongerCorydon-w: Dynamic-T is a VOIP solution
18:36.14km-I'm pretty sure ISDN is available everywhere
18:36.22km-at least in SEPA
18:36.23jakepdev[work]they don't offer residential ISDN
18:36.41km-oh, just dont tell them its residential, it's for your "home office"
18:36.41jakepdev[work]they stopped last year
18:36.51IPmongerjakepdev[work]: what about DCAnet?
18:36.51Corydon-wIPmonger: well, that sucks
18:37.04jakepdev[work]hmm - i'll check DCA net
18:37.21IPmongerjakepdev[work]: I used to use them for DSL - they're based out of Wilmington, but they do ISDN
18:37.23vaewynISDN is usually too far over priced in the US to be worth it anyways... especially with PRI and DSL options
18:38.39vaewynheck... is 1/5th the cost of a voice PRI to get 2B+D ISDN here
18:38.53Nugget <-- yay
18:39.33vaewynNugget: bwahahaha... niiiiceeee
18:39.55jakepdev[work]if there is such a thing
18:39.56vaewynhahahaha... not in the US
18:40.05vaewyngermany has it
18:40.19jsolaresanyone here has experience connecting an avaya definity to an asterisk box?
18:40.21IPmongeryes, isdn is very expensive here in the US compared to other options
18:40.28jakepdev[work]jsolares - yes
18:40.51km-jsolares: no
18:40.54jakepdev[work]jsolares - what is your app
18:41.13jsolaresjakepdev[work]: with e1's? i'm having a weird issue, according to my asterisk box the d-chan is down, and acording to the definity there's nothing on the other side
18:41.17km-jsolares: I meant, to say "no, but I did it to an NEC system!"
18:41.22jsolaresthe zttol gives no alarms
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18:41.40jsolareskm- an enter too soon ;)
18:41.50jakepdev[work]jsolares - we use T1 E&M - couldn't get the E1 config to work
18:41.51km-exactly, overzealous enter-key massaging
18:42.02jsolareswell crap
18:42.15jsolaresi have the TN2464 card in the definity
18:42.26jakepdev[work]actually - as trunks or as DS1FD stations?
18:42.33jsolaresas trunks
18:42.41jsolaresi'm considering a swift kick to make it work
18:42.44jakepdev[work]ok - i think we might have got that to work
18:43.38jakepdev[work]does your d channel match avaya to asterisk?
18:43.59jsolareserhm come again?
18:44.21jakepdev[work]what is the d channel set to on the avaya?
18:44.27jsolaresi have d channel on 16 on both
18:45.01jakepdev[work]were you able to get T1 working?
18:45.29jsolaresi have a E1 only card on my asterisk, dont have T1
18:45.31jakepdev[work]or is it just an e1 card for your asterisk?
18:45.34*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
18:46.22jakepdev[work]asterisk should be set to pri_cpe
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18:46.35jsolaresnot pri_net??
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18:46.56jakepdev[work]we use it in cpe mode
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18:47.07fockswhat is a reasonable rxgain to use for a TDM400?
18:47.17jsolaresjakepdev[work] and the avaya is set to network?
18:47.40jsolaresthat i hadnt thought of, lets see
18:49.06jsolaresStatus: Provisioned, Down, Active
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18:49.20jakepdev[work]ztcfg -vv?
18:50.46jakepdev[work]jsolares - I think this config worked for me:
18:51.09jakepdev[work](i know it's net)
18:51.36goldenearhi there. I need some advice : what is IYO the best billing/rating (open source) software for asterisk ?
18:52.46jsolaresok a question then, does it have to be AFTER connecting them with the crossover cable?
18:53.35goldenearmy asterisk server only manage IAX : all the clients are IAX2 only and I have an iax trunk link to a provider for DID or dialout.
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18:56.21jakepdev[work]we connected it using a standard PRI crossover cable
18:57.11jsolares1-2,4-5 to 4-5,1-2 if i'm not mistaken
18:57.21jsolaresthe only problem i seem to have is that the dchan is not up
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18:57.31jsolaresi change anything in zaptel.conf and i get alarms
18:57.33jakepdev[work](1-4, 2-5)
18:57.51goldeneardoes anybody know TRABAS ?
18:57.56jakepdev[work]this one:
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18:59.38doolphanyone has a good billing software that work with sip trunks, but the billing must be accuracy
18:59.48jsolaresyep that one, confirmed
19:01.11goldeneardoolph, I won't deal with sip, only IAX
19:01.27doolphwell it's same
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19:01.45doolphmy problem that the call is being connected while it is still ringing
19:01.46rg1I have a TE110P Digium T1 card - trying to get it "fired up" - no lights on the back - asterisk running - can anyone help me with config?
19:01.55jsolaresjakepdev[work]: thanks for the help, i'll be checking it after lunch
19:02.01jakepdev[work]ok - gl
19:02.04HAanybody know where i can get a good and cheap demultiplexer?  i think thats what i need to break up our ds3 into seperate t1s
19:02.26rg1Note: re TE110P - I have a good loopback connector in back - still no lights at all - anyone else using this card?
19:02.36doolphHA you need a good router, like qos
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19:03.23goldeneardoolph, you may have use the "duration" field of the CDR instead of "billsec"
19:04.14goldeneardoolph, what billing system do you use ?
19:04.15sudhir492HA: what is your budget?
19:05.03sudhir492rg1: yes I use te110 both in US as well as south america (euro isdn). works well
19:05.50rg1sudhir492 - can you help me with the .conf for that?
19:05.55doolphgoldenear the one from asterisk with mysql
19:06.10sudhir492rg1: what is your zaptel.conf? strip out the comment and post it on pastebin
19:06.21HAsudhir492: would like to keep it around $2500
19:06.32doolphmy duration is same that billsec
19:06.37sudhir492HA: you should not have problem with that
19:06.49sudhir492you can demux cheaper than that
19:07.18rg1sudhir492 - you mean "zapata.conf"?
19:07.31HAany recommendations?  I have no idea where to begin with this and I have to get a quote put together today for the boss.  Just found out that our DS3 will be a bnc term and we need to break that up into Cat5 T1 Connections.
19:07.33sudhir492rg1: /etc/zaptel.conf first
19:08.01sudhir492zapata.conf later
19:08.02doolphgoldenear what bill soft do you use?
19:09.15goldenearI haven't done my choise yet ...
19:09.45sudhir492I wrote my own billing software :-)
19:09.55goldenearthat's why I need some advice of people using asterisk and a billing software
19:10.34HAany recommendations on the best way to break a ds3 into t channels?  specific hardware that is known to play well with asterisk is best.
19:10.36sudhir492goldenear: what are you trying to do with asterisk. what are your billing needs
19:10.39*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
19:10.39rg1sudhir492 -
19:10.57goldenearsudhir492, is it open source or does it only feet your personal needs ?
19:11.29sudhir492I plan to release it opensource, not done yet
19:11.39rg1sudhir492 - does that pasted info mean that it did not recognize my card?
19:11.39goldenearI simple want to use asterisk as a softswitch for iax only clients
19:11.40sudhir492some gui work still needes to be done
19:12.29sudhir492rg1: where is your span line?
19:12.41rg1its commented out
19:12.50sudhir492then it will not work :-)
19:13.02goldenearI have a provider for dial out and I need to bill my clients for using the dial out
19:13.17rg1actually i guess i have it in zapa-channels.conf - but does it need to be in this file as well?
19:13.38sudhir492rg1: use the following (only 4 lines, hence I am taking the liberty to post right here)
19:13.53rg1in zaptel.conf, right?
19:14.20rg1does this card have 31 channels?
19:14.41sudhir492where are you using? in US or somewhere else?
19:14.57sudhir492here it is for us
19:15.35sudhir492take out the comment cahr
19:15.56rg1do i also put thse lines in zapata-channels.conf?
19:18.40sudhir492actually, you can make span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs too depending on your timing need
19:19.13rg1we want the asterisk card to furnish the timing - so 1,1,0,esf,b8zs ?
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19:19.29sudhir492HA: you can try Adtran M13 DS3 mux on ebay
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19:19.59rg1sudhir492 - you show clear=1-23 - shouldn't that be bchan=1-23?
19:20.05HAthx sudhir.
19:20.06sudhir492you can get cheap sometimes, close to $1000
19:20.12mike^^unsupported media type with ich?
19:21.00sudhir492rg1: you are right. This is from my production box:
19:21.01sudhir492loadzone = us
19:21.40rg1sudhir492 - will re-read configs suffice?  or do i need to do a restart?
19:22.01*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
19:22.23sudhir492I am posting zapata.conf for you on pastebin
19:22.29rg1sudhir492 - just FYI, we are hooking up our asterisk box to an ADIT 600
19:23.38rg1how do i find that on pastebin sudhir492?
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19:23.50sudhir492stop asterisk. then do the following:
19:24.31mozratEvening guys - any UK PRI users with callerid enabled here? BT tells me they've now enabled it on my line but I can't see any numbers coming through :(
19:24.34Duttsanyone here use their rtp.conf to limit the number of ports they need to open on their firewall?
19:25.12sudhir492modprobe -r wcte11xp
19:25.12sudhir492modprobe zaptel
19:25.12sudhir492modprobe wcte11xp
19:25.12sudhir492ztcfg -vvv
19:25.12sudhir492asterisk -vvvgc
19:25.24HAsudhir492: something like this work ?
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19:25.44sudhir492rg1: I gave you the url:
19:26.30rg1sudhir492 - i see you are using on line#31 "signalling=pri_cpe" - I'm not hooking this up to a PRI - it's getting directly connected into the ADIT 600 TDM T1-1 port
19:27.02DishwashaI currently have a 7960 phone with 6 lines and have turned off Call Waiting in the phone.  I am using the ChanIsAvail app to determine which of the 6 SIP lines are available, but when I am on the first line, ChanIsAvail still shows that line as being available.  Of course when it dials it reports the line is busy.  Any ideas on why it is showing the channel available or a better way to check...
19:27.04Dishwasha...if the line is available?
19:27.09rg1sudhir492 - yes, got it and was viewing line#31
19:27.33sudhir492rg1, in that case your signalling will be different
19:27.50sudhir492and you will have 24 channels too
19:27.52rg1yes, what should it be you think?>
19:27.59rg1yes, i already put bchan=1-24
19:28.12sudhir492they are not bchan
19:28.24sudhir492Let me check, I have a box that connects to T1
19:28.54Duttsguys.... anyone?
19:29.07sudhir492channel => 1-24
19:29.41sudhir492everything else should be the same
19:31.04sudhir492rg1: if you are near the machine, wait for the light turn green before starting asterisk
19:32.07rg1so stop asterisk now?
19:32.46sudhir492HA: yes that will work
19:33.32*** part/#asterisk johnnyb (
19:33.44rg1sudhir492 - i'm pretty confused - I have the TE110P card in the machine - no lights on back
19:34.05shido6whats ztcfg -vv say?
19:35.48mozratrg1 T1 or E1?
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19:36.02sudhir492unload the module and load it again, like I told you before. If the T1 is connected to the card, it will turn yellow and then green, if T1 is not connected or is down, the light on the card will blink red
19:36.43rg1mozrat: T1
19:36.53sudhir492with te110p card, make sure you load zaptel first and then wcte11xp
19:37.19mozratrg1, OK - I had a TE110P card this month and didn't set the jumper on the card to E1 - T1 is the default setting
19:37.27sudhir492did you check the jumper setting on the card? make sure it is for T1 (I guess that is no jumper)
19:38.23rg1is there a juimper?  we are going to see....
19:39.10sudhir492rg1: you have everything you need now :-) good luck.
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19:48.11jakepdev[work]anyone using the SPA-3000?
19:48.57jakepdev[work]i'm noticing some strange artifact when it's trying to do the echo cancel - i mostly hear this when someone is talking while i'm talking
19:49.19*** part/#asterisk IPmonger (
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19:51.08naulaanother question for you wonderful people. I setup my TDM w/ FXS card and can get a dialtone. However the second I dial a number asterisk hangs up the call
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19:51.23naulaany idea what could be wrong
19:52.54[TK]D-FenderCould be your dial plan....
19:53.00[TK]D-FenderWhat are you using for FXO?
19:53.09ariel_naula, you do not have it set to the right context
19:53.42naulaI dont have an FXO card, im trying to dial out through my sip provider
19:53.47naulaone moment, let me check on the context
19:54.01DishwashaYou know, I really wish they hadn't depricated incominglimit and outgoinglimit.  GetGroup/SetGroup doesn't really work in a Dial group scenario
19:54.27*** join/#asterisk DARP (~diegoramo@
19:54.34shido6find the old code
19:54.40shido6and shove it in your version
19:54.43DARPneed some little help
19:55.37*** join/#asterisk Dunkirk (
19:56.00naulaWhat should the context be on the FXS card? I dont need incoming calls, just outgoing.
19:56.10Dishwashashido6: Well, maybe there's an alternative that can accomplish what I want.  I want a Dial group where it dials 2 extens, plus 1 of 6 extensions.  I want it to pick 1 of the 6 extensions based on whether it is currently in use, so if the first extension is in use have it use the second extension, etc.
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19:56.47DishwashaUnfortunately in my SIP scenario, ChanIsAvail reports a line is available even if it is in use an cannot accept any more incoming calls
19:57.07DishwashaI'm afraid I will have to AGI this
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19:58.58DunkirkI'm trying to do what I thought would be the MOST simple thing to do with *: I bought a TDM411, and I'm trying to hookup my phone line to the FXO port, and my phone to the FXS port.
19:59.36DunkirkI've got all the modules loaded and the software is running, but the docs stop short of actually telling me how to configure my physical phone to receive calls and dial out.
19:59.38shido6ok, so whats wrong Dunkirk ?
19:59.42DunkirkCan anyone help me?
19:59.50shido6what do you want it to do?
19:59.52shido6spell it out
20:00.05shido6"when a call comes in, I want it to answer, "thank you for calling ...."
20:00.12rg1sudhir492 - ok, so far i have  green lights on my TE110P and ADIT-600 connection
20:00.21shido6then I want it ring my cell phone and ring my fxs , too and dump into voicemail if no one picks up after 5 rings
20:00.27shido6I need that kind of detail, Dunkirk
20:00.43Dunkirkshido6: I just want an incoming call to ring my physical phone, and to give me dial tone to dial out when I pick up the handset.
20:00.53DunkirkI just want Asterisk to be invisible for the moment.
20:00.58DunkirkAfter that, I can get fancy.
20:01.16shido6ok well do you have your house line connected to your card
20:01.19[TK]D-FenderDunkirk : you mean for an extension to get an IMMEDIATE live external dialtone?
20:01.20shido6and a handset connected to your card?
20:01.34Dunkirk[TK]D-Fender, Yes.
20:01.34shido6show me ztcfg -vv at
20:01.55*** part/#asterisk darby_t (
20:02.28DishwashaDunkirk: You probably want Dial(line,time|r) the |r gives a ring to the person calling in
20:02.33[TK]D-FenderI guess you could just to a dialplan entry like "exten => _.,Dial(Zap/1/${exten})" but that defeats the idea of having a PBX sorta...
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20:02.52DunkirkSorry, screwed up the first paste. ;-)
20:03.20Dunkirk[TK]D-Fender, I just want to learn at this point. Ground up.
20:03.34Dunkirk[TK]D-Fender, Nice nic, BTW.
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20:05.56[TK]D-FenderWhat are you using for FXS/FXO?
20:05.59Dunkirk[TK]D-Fender: So that would be my *only* line in extensions.conf?
20:06.09Dunkirk[TK]D-Fender: A TDM411P.
20:06.18DunkirkThe "dev kit" card.
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20:06.27[TK]D-FenderNo, far from, but the only basic part  for dialing out.
20:07.20Dunkirk[TK]D-Fender: So can you explain "exten => _.,Dial(Zap/1/${exten})" to me?
20:07.33DunkirkAnd, using my card, that should be "Zap/4", right?
20:09.44Dunkirk[TK]D-Fender: I tried that line, and I can get dial tone and dial a number, but then I just get dial tone again.
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20:10.15DunkirkMy total extensions.conf file is here:
20:10.39krymeOK.  I've come to the conclusion that sixTel sucks.  Does anyone else have a provider that they'd recommend?
20:12.01viperdude_ukhi, i am total newbie to asterisk but not to linux. I have been looking for a tutorial on google all afternoon to show me how to do the following. I just want to setup up 2 SIP extensions that can ring each other on my LAN. Does anyone know a basic tutorial that shows how to do this?
20:12.47mozratviperdude_uk:  the asterisk handbook would go some small way
20:12.54mozrator you could get asterisk@home
20:13.43mozratI keep meaning to find out which is better
20:13.52mozratthey are "out of the box" deployments
20:13.52viperdude_ukok i will check them out thanks
20:15.09krymeI personally prefer Asterisk@Home
20:15.32mutilatorstate tax return came in
20:15.34mutilator05/16/2005     ACH CREDIT SOM INCOME TAX PAYMENTS 050516     $5.00
20:15.37rg1back here agian seeking assistance - Trying to setup my channels on Asterisk - have TE110P card connected to an ADIT 600.  Have green lights all the way around at this point with these 4 lines in zaptel.conf:
20:15.58mozratrg1, was it the jumpers?
20:16.00rg1need help on setting up the channels
20:16.08rg1mozrat - nope, no jumpers
20:16.13rg1i think the above lines
20:16.14rvhihi, my * kept crashing, is there any knob to turn on in Makefile and make it easier troubleshooting?
20:16.25rg1mozrat, can you help me set up my channels?
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20:17.08mozratrg1... I can try :)
20:17.10shido6what is the g729 freq for iax trunking
20:17.33mozratrg1, are you going to lump them together into one group?
20:17.38rg1mozrat - super - if I knew even the files I'll be dealing with, that would be a great start
20:17.47rg1nope - here's the setup mozrat:
20:18.12doolphrvhi check your modules
20:18.18rg11. Channels 1-3 will be connected to loopstart interfaces from phone co
20:18.31rg12. Channels 4-6 will be connected to groundstart interfaces from phone co
20:18.57rg13. Channels 9-16 will be connected to analog handsets
20:19.35mozratso what do you have in /etc/zaptel.conf ?
20:19.46[TK]D-FenderDunkirk : That line I gave you was a sample since I don't know your actual setup, but your extensions.conf could be really abbreviated for what you are describing.
20:21.06mozratrg1, ok so now in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
20:21.12mozratyou can define your groups
20:21.18rg1going there....
20:21.48mozratsee, I'm don't know all that much about this - you may need to define some groupings in /etc/zapata.conf... anyone?
20:21.49rg1i'm there
20:22.09*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
20:22.42mozratwait one sec, rg1
20:22.49rg1mozrat - ok
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20:23.42Dunkirk[TK]D-Fender: Well, like I said, I just have one FXO port, 1 FXS port, my telephone line, and a handset. I know I've got it wired correctly, I just want Asterisk to act like it's not there: push everything coming in to the handset, and let the handset dial out just like normal.
20:24.08Dunkirk[TK]D-Fender: I would have *thought* that this would have been the starting point for every example, to make sure it all works, but I was oh so wrong.
20:24.30mozratrg1, in zapata.conf you need to define your ISDN switchtype...
20:24.58rg1its not that
20:25.16lesouvagedoes anybody knows a not to expensive place to stay in madrid during astricon
20:25.30mozratrg1, its the groupings?
20:25.42shido6ok im back
20:26.40lesouvageDunkirk: try xorcom rapid asterisk. It's completely preconfigured and I'm sure it will work.
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20:28.08Dunkirklesouvage: Thanks for the tip. I'm downloading now. Maybe I can extract the configs and apply it to my Gentoo setup.
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20:29.24pcmanyone uses asterisk with SIP and the call sounds good after a few minutes ?
20:30.15pcmkapejod: what version do you use ?
20:30.31pcmkapejod: did you experience something like that in any 1.0.x versions ?
20:30.45lesouvageDunkirk: if you try rapid don't forget to enable sip in the rapid-menu by typing yes.
20:31.02[TK]D-FenderDunkirk : what you want to do is set it up with some "test" extensions to lead to voicemail, another one for a playback test, and so on.  The defaul ones in the samples file is too convoluted for new users I find.  If I'm on later I'll pass you some samples
20:31.10kapejodpcm: we use cvs head and * 1.0.7
20:31.11[TK]D-Fenderbut for now I've got to go.
20:31.52lesouvageIs noboddy going to madrid?
20:31.56pcmkapejod: i used broadvoice with 1.0.6 and the call got broken after a few minutes
20:32.12pcmkapejod: i mean the voice just chokes itself ...
20:33.58kapejodpcm: ever complained to broadvoice? ;)
20:33.59mike^^rtp.c:377 ast_rtcp_read: Got RTCP report of 68 bytes
20:34.04mike^^i cant get any calls to go through now
20:34.14mike^^it dials but then nothing happens
20:34.21mike^^anyone ever had that prob?
20:34.23kapejodlesouvage: i think madrid in general attracts lots of tourists.
20:35.28Blackvelah kapejod there...starting ad about his bristuff cvs head version :)
20:35.36mike^^May 18 15:34:39 DEBUG[16145]: channel.c:2733 ast_channel_bridge: Bridge stops bridging channels SIP/2200-207b and SIP/iconnect-054a
20:35.46kapejodBlackvel: nope
20:36.15lesouvagekapejod: there is an asterisk conference taking place in june. Hotel Auditorium is an expensive place to stay so I was just wondering if anybody finds a cheaper place to stay in Madrid during the conference.
20:37.07filethere's also Cluecon in August
20:37.18*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:37.23filethen come and get some!
20:37.47kapejodwhat could ulaw clue help me? ;)
20:37.48hypa7ialesouvage, there is probably a youth hostel in madrid
20:37.56kapejodlesouvage: or a bridge
20:39.08Blackvelwell you could ask file to pay
20:39.23Blackvelhe wants us to be be there
20:39.36*** part/#asterisk sezuan (
20:39.45kapejodfile: you got astricon shares? ;)
20:40.18fileeh? no :P
20:40.30filebut you should go to Cluecon, it will deepen your understanding of Asterisk
20:41.02mishehuit's a shame there's no Astricon - Middle East going on next month
20:41.07mishehuas I'll be in the mideast
20:41.27kapejodfile: i would doubt that, but in general it might be a good idea for * users. :)
20:41.33fileit will!
20:41.38anthmmishehu you said you were gonna come if i changed the date =|
20:41.50mishehuanthm: I am going to the one in chicago
20:41.55kapejodfile: seen bristuff yet? :)
20:42.02mishehuanthm: in august
20:42.11anthmotherwise known as cluecon !
20:42.35anthmregistration is open
20:42.35mishehubut I was talking about a hypothetical astricon in the mideast...  namely, in Israel.
20:42.43mishehuanthm: oh, have to register?
20:43.02mishehuah topic
20:43.06mishehudidn't read that for a while now
20:43.09anthmwell it helps to get you in if you pay for it and reserve a spot =>
20:44.24mishehuah in elk grove too
20:44.24hypa7iawow, that looks like a cool con
20:44.32mishehuquite convenient for me.
20:44.49anthmno real offense , i'm not into "PC" so I can't resist , the one in isreal could be astrikkkkkaahhhhhn like a jewish guy coughing =p
20:45.08vaewynhehehe... bummer you pay for hotel when I live so close :}
20:45.09mishehuanthm: what if I don't need the hotel rooms?
20:45.16mishehuI don't seem to get that option on the register
20:45.19anthmyou got a sleeping bag?
20:45.21PTG123yah or don't want to stay at a best western
20:45.39hypa7iai lived in a best western for a year
20:45.46anthmyou dont want to stay in the hotel where the thing is for a dirt cheap rate that comes with free lunch ?
20:45.49PTG123i don't like to stay at anything less then 4 stars :)
20:45.52hypa7iait was converted into a univeristy residence :-)
20:46.26anthmit's kind of a inclusive package
20:46.27mishehuanthm: I have a business to run at the same time as teh conference ;-)  and I'm only about 10 to 15 minutes away from elk grove
20:46.44anthmwell we can probably swing it
20:46.49anthmask bkw
20:46.57vaewyn2 stars... 3 stars... 4 stars...  screw it... we want to know important stuff... like how many data T1s do they have to feed us?  :}
20:47.27mishehuI mean, I don't mind paying to register, but not $650 to 800 for a hotel room I don't need.
20:48.00mishehuvaewyn: where are you?
20:48.20vaewynmishehu: SW lower Michigan...  about 2hrs out if traffic is really bad
20:48.21hypa7iamishehu, of that probably only $300 is the hotel
20:48.33develi just updated to the latest cvs (friday), and now dtmf (rfc2833) on my grandstream devices (bt and ht) doesn't work to asterisk (vm, transfer) but works extermally, and works fine for other devices (polycom, sipura, snom).  is it just me?
20:48.34tzangerwhat was the problem with this again?
20:48.35tzangerexten => s,n,GotoIf($[${ARG2} != ""],s,gotac)
20:48.38tzangerI need spaces?
20:48.56mishehuhypa7ia: still, why would I want to pay $300 when I am so close to home?
20:48.58anthmi think we can
20:49.15anthmpull out a discount for no hotel
20:49.27mishehuanthm: that'd be perfect then.
20:49.48PTG123yah i thik that would be smart
20:49.51vaewyngive bkw_ a foot rubdown and you're probably in even if you don't pay   ;P
20:50.32vaewynoops... shouldn't have said that... now everyone will be freeloading  :}
20:50.36*** join/#asterisk vvo (
20:50.40mishehuhypa7ia: maybe apply that same foot rubdown technique to ms. boss...
20:50.56mishehuvaewyn: nah, I'll pass on giving brian a footrub.
20:51.11hypa7iathat would almost certainly get me fired
20:51.17PTG123anthm, whats the web address for it again
20:52.32PTG123wonder how long it would take to fly myself
20:52.33mishehuand a Star Trek asterisk convention would be AstriKAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNN!!
20:52.45mishehuor was that khan?
20:53.38mishehuyah that's it.
20:53.52hypa7iaeggcellent smithers
20:54.18mishehucaptain kirk at the helm of asterisk
20:54.28hypa7iacaptain kram?
20:54.35vaewynjust don't let him sing...
20:54.51mishehunah nah, commander kram, reminiscent of commander keen
20:54.59vaewynhypa7ia: bwahahaha
20:55.16hypa7iathat song is... roflcopter
20:55.19vaewynhypa7ia: That was Spock... but still hilarious you know that reference
20:55.23anthmmishehu, msg bkw for details
20:55.33blitzragekram: yo
20:55.58blitzragecommander keen rocked
20:56.01vaewynhwy... none of this shows bkw_ as speaking...  :}
20:56.12hypa7iagood job HA :-)
20:56.30hypa7iajill of the jungle >> commander keen
20:56.48vaewyn'watch out for that tree!'
20:56.56vaewynohh wait.. that was George
20:56.58mishehuhypa7ia: you just like jill of the jungle because she was showing leg
20:57.18hypa7ianah man.  she was my hero when i was a kid
20:57.25hypa7iacept for the stupid toggle puzzle
20:57.41hypa7iablasted toggles.
20:59.38HAincludes 35 IP500s, 45 Plantronics Headsets, 2 PE750s, 2 410p cards, Some KVM equipment, a couple of UPS backups, 1 ADTRAN MX2800 M13 - Multiplexor, and a pc with 1TB of data storage for recording all the calls to.
21:00.19vaewynHA: not too shabby :}
21:00.29HAneedless to say, we get free shipping on everything we plan to order from tritech since we will be spending about $12000 there.
21:00.32hypa7iayeah, that's a sweet setup :"-)
21:00.49bkw_vaewyn, i'll be there
21:00.55bkw_what do you want to hear me speak about?
21:01.10HAit will be sweet if it all works.  i really need some rest and i won't be getting any for the next 2 months at least.
21:01.58HAif it doesn't work...i'm gonna blame it all on bkw_ and leave his contact details when i disappear.
21:02.03vaewynbkw_: SIP failover  ;P   (just kidding... I know...)  just couldn't believe you would be such a big part of this and stay silent the next time...  you at least have to be the Q&A moderator so you can yell 'NEXT!!!'
21:02.11*** part/#asterisk jamesewing (
21:02.47harryvvha what are you ordering from them
21:03.04harryvvnever mind
21:03.12vaewynHmm... wonder if I can get work to pay for this...  they may not like it since they already payed for VON   :{
21:04.22harryvvha you work for some kind of call center?
21:04.37*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
21:04.39hafigures that the nicks i feel like at the moment are all 0wn3d by someone else.
21:05.07HAdon't hate me, it's just a job.  collections.  and the people we call, well, they deserve it.
21:05.45vaewynHA: is ok...  I bet our university has sent tons of people your way :P  (or a company like yours)
21:06.17vaewyn'26000$ back rent on a dorm room...  ?!?!?!?' COLLECTIONS!
21:06.42HAour collectors are actually quite nice about it and most of the people we call realize that it is something they should have taken care of.
21:06.57harryvvha yea im sure there is alot of nasty people that balk at paying.
21:07.10HAwhat uni vaewyn?  i'll tell the sales guy to give em a call.
21:07.37vaewynHA:  hehehe...  Andrews University...  SW Lower Michigan
21:07.56harryvvI guess its one of Krams rare moments of rest and he comes here ;)
21:07.56HAthat's why the * box will record it all and why we are going to have a Terrabyte of storage dedicated to the recorded calls.
21:08.20vaewynHA: very good idea
21:08.24*** join/#asterisk pfn (
21:08.31harryvvHa what dial conf allows that. I think I have seen it before.
21:08.43hypa7ialaters all
21:10.09vaewynjust a monitor command
21:12.43rvhianyone uses valgrind before?
21:12.56rg1OK, newbie here - have asterisk with TE110P T1 card - need assistance in setting up just 1 channel for a loopstart signalling
21:14.39mishehumy mind is fried today, but I thought that the loopstart/kewlstart/etc were for analog lines
21:19.15*** join/#asterisk kl_pl_01 (kl_pl_01@
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21:24.15cjkhi, how long does digium needs to give us the g729 licenses
21:24.19cjksould be realtime
21:24.59jsolaresit takes a year
21:25.01filea day or two
21:25.06jsolaresthey do a research of you and your company
21:25.20mishehucjk: I ordered mine yesterday, and this morning I received them.
21:28.17bkw_vaewynAFK, he ran
21:30.04bkw_i got 100000 people msging me at once
21:30.05cjkok thank you guys
21:30.21MikeJ[Laptop]bkw, bkw..
21:30.30MikeJ[Laptop]can you tell me how asterisk works ?
21:30.48HA\/msg jbot help
21:31.05HA\/msg bkw what is the answer to life and can * tell me?
21:31.25HA\/msg bkw will you help us newbies discover the joys of using *?
21:31.35HA\/kill HA Very annoying!
21:31.43HAthat about right?
21:32.13jsolaresppl when connecting 2 asterisk with e1/t1 does one need to be pri_net and the other pri_cpe? or pri_net on both?
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21:35.16HAthe professionals don't know what to make of me.  for some reason they just don't understand transdimensional time travel.
21:36.11MrCleanIs it possible to undef a global variable?  ie. given SetGlobalVar(foo=bar), is it possible to explicitly clean up ${foo} when it's no longer required?
21:36.33HAdoes asterisk understand transdimensional coordinates in relation to IAXy packet communication?
21:36.47*** join/#asterisk asteriskn00b (
21:37.51sudhir492rg1: are you still struggling with your T1 card ?
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21:38.37sudhir492earlier I forgot to tell you that you need to modify zaptel.conf too if you are using T1 instead of PRI
21:38.52rg1a bit
21:39.02sudhir492it should read e&m=1-24 instead of bchan=1-24
21:39.10rg1let me do that
21:39.17rg1and do i need to reboot the machine after that change?
21:40.08HAwell, i'm off to see the wizard now.  just remember that it is all bkw_'s fault.  And thanks for the help on the multiplexer sudhir.
21:40.20jsolaresrg1: ztcfg -vv
21:40.48asteriskn00bevening all, new asterisk install on centos 3 Whenever I try to start asterisk, it randomly dumps and will not load, I have tried asterisk -vv but I get no "error" messeges.  Any ideas on what to look for?
21:41.00rg1ztcfg: invalid option -- w
21:41.00rg1Usage: ztcfg [options]
21:41.06*** part/#asterisk grolloj (
21:41.16ariel_pastebin pastebin please
21:41.18jsolaresit's two v's hehe
21:41.25rg1thx :)
21:41.52sudhir492rg1: you dont have to reboot the machine. We are not running windows, are we :-) Just unload and load the driver
21:42.07rg1boy thats the truth
21:42.11toothey - any tips on how i can get the music on hold to be louder plz? i'm using default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z but its still very quiet?
21:42.38sudhir492toot: record at a higher volume :-)
21:42.39rg1ok, what that did was made it so that when i dialed into the asterisk on a phone# it now rings - it was giving me a busy signal
21:43.02tootits just off an mp3 - and it's cd quality ;) :)
21:43.52sudhir492rg1: means you are in business :-) beer time !
21:43.57rg1sudhir492 - ok, now i need to somehow get a trunk line configured into asterisk to access that outside line - some sort of channel thing
21:44.19rg1can you help me do that?  Not beer time yet - just sugar-water.....but help me and we'll make it Miller time
21:44.52rg1when I'm in CLI mode, i do "show channels"  and it gives me this:
21:45.02jsolarespastebin pastebin
21:45.06rg1asterisk1*CLI> show channels
21:45.06rg10 active channel(s)
21:45.06sudhir492didnt I already gave you zapata.conf file, (replace signaling=pri_cpe with signaling=em_w)
21:45.11rg1will do that now
21:45.14jsolaresoh no channels
21:45.22altE&M? eeeewww ;-)
21:45.36sudhir492ztcfg -vvv, before running asterisk
21:45.57jsolaresmeh, i'll go give the definity and the asterisk box a kick and see if the e1 works then
21:45.57*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
21:46.49sudhir492try  ... Dial(Zap/g1/....) path
21:47.00sudhir492good luck
21:48.28rg1hey sudhir492 -
21:48.37rg1for signalling you want me to use em_w?
21:48.38*** join/#asterisk cursor (
21:48.56toothmm still can't get it louder - but cheers for the link outtolunc
21:49.39sudhir492rg1: yes, if you are using T1 trunk from telco
21:49.54*** part/#asterisk vphirke (~vphirke@
21:50.09outtolunctoot: on that page loud => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
21:50.12sudhir492rg1: actually, you can ask your telco to confirm what kind of signalling they expect
21:50.16outtoluncnote the LOUD
21:50.25*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
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21:50.54tootyep but loud is just the class - its the mp3 or quietmp3 that defines the volume
21:51.04doolphwho got installed a menu that ask you what extension want to transfer
21:51.22tooti'm using default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 so its already using the 'non quiet' version
21:51.37toothowever its still not loud enough, granted its louder than using quietmp3 :)
21:51.50cursorTry a louder mp3 :-)
21:52.08tootna tis not the mp3 - i'm a tad confused on this one. but hmm
21:52.11harryvvmm my music on hold is not working.
21:52.17tootno odds really :)
21:52.19sudhir492rg1: provided e&m wink does not work. In USA that is the most common
21:52.35*** join/#asterisk SarahEmm (
21:52.50rg1sudhir492 - i'm not using a T1 trucn from telco
21:52.59rg1i'm using a loopstart pots line
21:53.18santiagohi, i have a problem with some sipuras 2000, after some time, suddenly the phone doesn't work, but the extension is registerd and when it is called, a extX is ringing message is displayed in the CLI. anyone has had this problem?
21:53.34harryvvI think my wife would love it putting U2 as music on hold ;)
21:53.36sudhir492rg1: Then how are you interfacing with te110 card?
21:53.53rg1through an ADIT 600
21:53.53*** join/#asterisk loud (
21:54.11tootgone for the Stone Roses myself. naturally i'll get some legal music before i go live. ahem
21:54.16rg1what is the signalling for loopstart/POTS?
21:54.18doolphwho got installed a menu that ask you what extension want to transfer
21:54.34sudhir492e&m will still work. channel bank is properly configured too
21:54.55sudhir492make sure that channel bank is properly configured too
21:55.49sudhir492on a trunk interface, you dont do loopstart.
21:56.12sudhir492good luck
21:56.16jsolaresi give up
21:56.26outtolunctoot:  mpg123 -g n  set audio hardware output gain
21:56.59rg1sudhir492 - well, the one line is actually NOT  a trunk line
21:57.16Dishwashastupid question, how do I set a variable to the return value of a function?
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21:57.33rg1just for the heck of it, do you know what the signallaing is for loopstart?
21:58.11Dishwashalike if ChanIsAvail returns a 0, I want to assign 0 to foo
21:58.43jsolaresfxs loop start = fxsls; fxo loop start = fxols
21:59.21*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
21:59.41tootis there an asterisk gui call manage app for windows about anywhere?
21:59.56tootgoogle gives me lots of pages talking about one but ..
22:01.20rg1jsolares: what would signalling=fxo_ls  do for/to me?
22:01.27tootjust got to that site. aye :)
22:01.46*** join/#asterisk jeremywhiting (
22:01.55Dishwashaseriously, when I read all it talks about is assigning direct values to a variable.  Is there some global return variable I can use to find out the return value?
22:02.48jsolaresrg1: no idea...
22:04.09*** join/#asterisk Dishwasha (~chatzilla@
22:04.15DishwashaWow, that was weird
22:04.24NuxiDishwasha, you may be forced to use agi.
22:04.27DishwashaDid anybody by chance answer my question while I was gone?
22:04.40DishwashaNuxi:  Really??
22:04.44jsolaresyes but i forgot the answer
22:04.49Dishwashajsolares: hardy har
22:05.11DishwashaYou'd think you could use return values in a dialplan
22:05.46NuxiYou might be able to use the if construct.
22:06.51DishwashaIf I use gotoif, gotoif expects 0 for false and anything else for true, but many functions return -1, so it would be misleading if I tested for true
22:07.28cursorWhich command do you want to trap the rc from?
22:08.08DishwashaCheckAvailChan and CheckGroup
22:10.06*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
22:10.13|Vulture|anyone using a PRI --> spandsp?
22:10.44Dishwashaso how would I go about "trapping" an rc?
22:12.40cursorI've never needed to do that from a dialplan
22:12.46*** join/#asterisk lancey (
22:12.48lanceyhi guys
22:13.00lanceyanyone have a safe_asterisk script for FreeBSD?
22:13.06DishwashaI'm doing something special : )
22:13.35*** join/#asterisk tangel (tangel@
22:13.36darkskiezanybody got a PRI line in the UK? i'm confused about "select services" and their charges.
22:13.53tangelwhen * picks up my house line on an incoming call the caller receives silence until either pick-up or VM
22:14.03tangelis there a command to place in extensions so that the ring is heard by the caller?
22:14.13|Vulture|tangle: add ,r to your Dial
22:14.18Jas_Williamstangel r
22:14.35darkskieztangel: what line type is it?
22:14.43rg1jsolares - also, when I try to add a trunk on the web setup, it asks me for a Zap Identifier (trunk name) - and when I hover over that heading, it says
22:14.59jsolaresweb setup... ewww
22:15.11tangeldarkskiez, zap
22:15.41tangel,r would go on the Dial() line at the end?
22:15.51darkskieztangel: change your extensions.conf to not Answer the phone first.
22:15.53NuxiDishwasha, as I said, agi.  It seems really odd that you can't get a return value, but ...
22:16.16darkskieztangel: otherwise the callers will be billed for unanswered calls etc.
22:16.32tangeldarkskiez, do what now?
22:16.39DishwashaNuxi: Np, I think I can do it with n+101 stuff
22:16.39tangeli have privacy manager enabled
22:16.59tangelerr. i guess zapateller is what really answers the call
22:17.08darkskieztangle: Ah, I see, so its on those calls, then add r to the dial, yes.
22:17.18tangellike this: exten => s,4,Dial(${RIALTOALL},15,Ttmr)  ?
22:17.30SarahEmmanyone know what the AGI 'TDD MODE' command actually does? (
22:19.01*** join/#asterisk bonez39 (
22:19.54darkskiezSarahEmm: for deaf folks
22:19.57NuxiTDD sends text to channels supporting it
22:21.38tangelwhere does the r go?
22:21.56darkskieztangel: that was right
22:22.03tangelit still doesn't work
22:22.33darkskiezextensions reload?
22:22.39tangeli restarted *
22:22.59Nuxireboot the windows box next to the * box.
22:23.03tangelwhat i really would like is * not to pick up the analog call unless someone answers a ringing extension
22:23.11tangelhehe.. good idea nuxi
22:23.20tangeli'm sure my outsources would've recommended exactly that
22:23.32darkskieztangel: dont use zapateller and privacy manager then.
22:23.47tangelit seems like such a good idea though  =|
22:23.49tangeli'll try without
22:24.16darkskiezI'm amazed zapateller works if you havent Answered
22:24.16|Vulture|any spandsp users here?
22:24.51Jas_Williams~seen cursor
22:24.53jbotcursor is currently on #asterisk (36m 16s).  Has said a total of 3 messages.  Is idling for 12m 13s
22:24.53tangelis there a pastebot?
22:25.19jbotpaste is probably see
22:25.28jbothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
22:25.30cursor"is probably see" ?
22:25.49SarahEmmnuxi: okay.. what kind of channels support it though?
22:26.21Jas_Williamscursor, Vulture wants help on spandsp
22:26.24SarahEmmdarkskiez: hehee. i'm aware of what a TTY is, just wondering what the * function does, to see if it's something i'd need to hack more code into to make useful, or if it's working now and i just can't find any info on it
22:26.44|Vulture|hmm I think its working with HEAD zaptel drivers now
22:26.47|Vulture|doing another test
22:26.57|Vulture|the PRI+spandsp is iffy
22:26.58cursorJas: I don't use that, so I'm probably no help
22:27.43tangeldarkskiez, does that make sense?
22:28.02Jas_Williams|Vulture|, Its normally sync problems that breaks spandsp check your sync sources
22:28.19NuxiSarahEmm, I don't really know. But you can tell by the return values if it is currently supported on the channel you are on.
22:28.27darkskieztangel: not to me.
22:28.52tangelwhat would you expect it to look like?
22:29.11darkskiezsorry, something else was in my head
22:29.14tangeli really don't want to pick up the call until either someone answers a ringing extension or it times-out to voicemail
22:29.37tangeli would love for the regular analog lines/phones in the house to continue ringing in the meantime
22:29.43darkskiezdunno if zapateller answers the call if answer is set and there is a callerid.
22:30.07doolphwhat is Queues
22:30.20darkskieztangel: perhaps you need a wait(2) in there first to allow the callerid to be received.
22:30.28SarahEmmnuxi: okay. to me based on the lack of anything other than that function it looked like it was something to be implemented later, that didn't exist yet.. i don't see any way to transmit/receive text from a channel...
22:30.47tangelcaller id seems to be working.. and privacymanager only kicks in when it should
22:30.54*** join/#asterisk loud (
22:30.57SarahEmmit'd be easier to do it natively in * than transfer a call to a TTY modem and do it that way.
22:31.05NuxiMost channels do not support sending text.  I think iax does, but I'm not sure.
22:31.20SarahEmmi'm talking about sending to/from the PSTN..
22:31.24SarahEmmover POTS
22:31.27SarahEmmso it's unlikely :)
22:31.38*** join/#asterisk Jedirl (
22:31.43Cheetahhello :D
22:31.43darkskieztangel: privacy manager may have the callerid by the time zapateller has executed.
22:32.05darkskieztangel: set verbose to a highish number and paste the log
22:32.21tangeli expect zapateller would play the tones if it didn't have caller id in the first step
22:32.29Jedirlcould anyone help me to size my platform? as it involves no transcoding, I'm a bit lost on sizing it because I'm quite new to asterisk
22:33.00Jas_Williamstangel, do a NoOp(${CALLERID}) before the Zapateller to fid out if caller ID is there at that time
22:33.37Jedirla P-III 1Ghz with 1Gbyte of RAM and SCSI storage, with a 4-E1 interface card, how many simultaneous channels could handle in a IVR and switching evironment, provided there's no transcoding and everything would be a-law?
22:34.04|Vulture|Jedirl:  nice setup... too bad the proc isn't a bit more
22:34.05Jedirlcould I handle the full 4-E1s with such a machine?
22:34.17|Vulture|Jedirl: you dropping it to any phones or just IVR?
22:34.32|Vulture|well.. what I mean is will there be any bridged calls
22:34.33Jedirl|Vulture|: prepay application
22:34.40Jedirlfirst there will be an IVR
22:34.47darkskiezJedirl: could be iffy from what i've read. if you can afford the card, you should be able to afford a better machine.
22:34.50|Vulture|ah okay they it will bridge to another ZAP
22:34.50*** join/#asterisk mattbridges (
22:35.03Jedirlwhich handles authentication and credit checking and then it will bridge the call to another channel
22:35.33|Vulture|should work since its all zap
22:35.35doolphhow can I playback sounds
22:35.37|Vulture|but could be iffy
22:35.42mattbridgesHello all, can anyone help me to get caller ID working with my X100P in the UK?  I've patched it but still can't get it working.
22:35.47Jedirldarkskiez: of course, but it's a rock-solid server and i know it's stable, it's proven, so if it could handle the load I trust it more than I would trust a 800$ 3'2Ghz P4 machine
22:35.58doolphfrom cli
22:36.07doolphi want to test some sound files
22:36.21Jedirl|Vulture| so you think it should handle the full 4 E1s without problems? thankyou very much :D
22:36.24|Vulture|Jedirl: I would say it should as long as you don't bring any sip peers online
22:36.33Jedirlno, no, never, no VoIP involved
22:36.37Jedirljust plain a-law
22:36.50|Vulture|yea since its just switching its pretty low intensive on the cpu
22:37.04Cheetahi have a question regarding codecs... right now i was testing the voip stuff using the gsm codec. however this one has a very crappy quality compared to normal phone quality. can somone suggest some alternative codes? bandwith is not a problem
22:37.04Jedirlif there was any VoIP, I have a hardware-based VoIP gateway which handles 6 E1s
22:37.47JedirlCheetah: I love *-law, but 64kbps may be too much :D
22:38.13CheetahJedirl, too much for what? we are just running an ISDN gateway ;)
22:38.52Jedirltoo much bandwidth for some kind of internet users
22:39.20|Vulture|I use ilibc
22:39.21Cheetahwell, all traffic goes over 100 base t ethernet
22:39.24|Vulture|sounds great to me
22:39.28|Vulture|much better than gsm
22:39.39Jedirlgsm over IP sounds very bad
22:39.48JedirlI guess GSM in mobile phones is 'enhaced' by many filters
22:39.55Jedirlbecause it doesn't sound that bad
22:40.00darkskiezJedirl: very few mobile phones use that gsm codec
22:40.07|Vulture|yea I think old ones do
22:40.12darkskiezthey use an enhanced one
22:40.16|Vulture|the new phones sound much better
22:40.30darkskiez|Vulture|: yeh its quite dated afaik.
22:40.40Cheetahso, what do you suggest to use as codec if you have 100Mbit uplink to the server and require best quality and relatively high compatibility with voip devices?
22:40.56JedirlCheetah: *-law
22:41.06|Vulture|my friend was using a 4 year old phone just upgraded and I can hear him perfect now, before it sucked sounded like bad gsm
22:41.24Jedirlany of them
22:41.32Cheetahwhere is the difference?
22:41.40|Vulture|ulaw=US, alaw=UK.... basically correct?
22:41.46Jedirlalaw europe, ulaw us
22:41.51Cheetahah.. okay ;)
22:41.59Jedirllike T1 and E1
22:42.00|Vulture|but it doesn't matter sounds the same
22:42.10|Vulture|yea its when it goes over a D-Chan
22:42.22DishwashaIs SetGroup/CheckGroup independant or shared between contexts?
22:42.33|Vulture|man... KVMoIP is a great invention
22:42.47Jedirlyup, absolutely great
22:42.58Jedirlbut I still preffer sun machines with a serial console
22:43.01|Vulture|been using StarTech... cheap and affective
22:43.18*** join/#asterisk loick (
22:43.26|Vulture|apparently serial on linux can cause problems with the PRI cards from digium
22:43.43|Vulture|yea there is a whole list
22:43.46|Vulture|run zttest and check it
22:43.54Jedirlwhat's zttest?
22:44.04|Vulture|you want nothing under 99.85 over 5min
22:44.09|Vulture|its in zaptel dir
22:44.14|Vulture|when you compile
22:44.24|Vulture|it tests PCI communications with the card
22:44.24JedirlI haven't ever installed a zaptel hardware device
22:44.38|Vulture|if its bellow that it can cause drops, pops, and ugly things
22:45.40|Vulture|but if my Dell SC420s can support TE110P cards... I would think any mobo can lol
22:45.41tangelit definitely seems like zapateller is broken
22:45.46tangelit picks up the call even if there's callerid
22:45.58|Vulture|tangel: HEAD or 1-0 or stable?
22:46.00JedirlDell+Digium = problems I've herad, right?
22:46.16tangeli haven't updated * in a very long time
22:46.18|Vulture|Jedirl: nothing I haven't been able to patch for
22:46.36JedirlBy the way, any AGI or FastAGI developer here?
22:46.37|Vulture|Jedirl: I run only dell hardware so..
22:46.47JedirlI have a question
22:47.24|Vulture|best way to get help here is to just ask :)
22:47.24JedirlI don't know - if I want to do SetLanguage from my AGI or FastAGI script, what should I do? set a variable? or execute SETLANGUAGE? or what?
22:47.47tangelhow cani write a dialplan such that if there's no callerid, then execute zapateller?
22:48.26|Vulture|tangel: GotoIf()
22:48.44tangeli see examples for specific numbers, how can i match any caller id?
22:49.22*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
22:49.22|Vulture|tangel: well if the Callerid=""
22:49.46tangelgood point.. ah.. example 3 on voip-info looks good
22:49.50*** join/#asterisk KernelSanders (
22:50.06tangeldo those out-of-order tones really work or am i wasting time on zapateller for nothing?  =]
22:50.22rg1help - in zaptel.conf - what is the loopstart symbol vs. say "e&m"
22:50.51SarahEmmthat's the type of signalling used
22:51.03rg1yes, but what is it for "loopstart"?
22:51.07SarahEmme&m is usually used on links between PBXs and such
22:51.13SarahEmmone sec :)
22:51.28Nuxijedirl, you would exec setlanguage from an agi.
22:52.08JedirlNuxi: how can I do it?
22:52.11Nuxiwhich language toolkit are you using?
22:52.21rg1any luck there sarahemm?
22:52.26Jedirllanguage toolkit?
22:52.28SarahEmmlooks like fxsls or fxols
22:52.47SarahEmmis that what you were looking for? i'm slightly confused by the q :)
22:52.54JedirlI just want to play es/, fr/ or en/ sound files on the IVR depending on the user's input in the IVR
22:52.55SarahEmm(you may also want ks for kewlstart which is ls with disconnect supervision)
22:53.17Jedirlwhat's a language toolkit?
22:53.25Nuxijedirl, if you are not using a toolkit it would look like this:  EXEC SETLANGUAGE language
22:53.35Jedirlok, great
22:53.40Jedirlthanks, Nuxi
22:53.47Jedirlby the way, what's a language toolkit?
22:53.55Nuxiare you using a perl php java python or c library?
22:54.16JedirlFastAGI with Java
22:55.14Jedirlthe one in
22:55.14NuxiI'm not familiear with the java stuff, but there should be an interface to the exec command.
22:55.21Jedirlyes, there is
22:56.10JedirlOther implementations of AGI have anything like a 'language toolkit' for developing multi-language IVRs?
22:57.18NuxiWhat I meant by language toolkit was a library in some programming language.  I guess that was pretty easy to get confused.
22:57.30Jedirlok ok :D
23:03.00*** join/#asterisk crash3m (crash3m@crash3m.user)
23:03.16crash3manyone know how to reset the user/admin passwords on an IP500, when you dont know the current user/admin passwords?
23:11.58SarahEmmhmm, chan_zap evidently supports TDD mode...
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23:21.00*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
23:21.28ariel_Hello everyone
23:21.48santiagohi, i have a problem with some sipuras 2000, after some time, suddenly the phone doesn't work, but the extension is registerd and when it is called, a extX is ringing message is displayed in the CLI. anyone has had this problem?
23:23.09ariel_is the sipura behind a nat?
23:23.17DishwashaBTW guys, I just implemented a dial plan that will dial any of 6 lines on my cisco 7960 phone based on whether a call has already been placed on that line within a Dial group
23:24.12DishwashaSo far it's only customized for 1 phone with set extensions, maybe sometime I'll virtualize it more so it can be expanded across multiple phones with variable numbers of lines
23:25.37*** join/#asterisk morale (
23:26.08moraleanyone live in alberta, can you recommend a decent VoIP provider?
23:26.33|Vulture|Dishwasha: kinda like a virtual key-system?
23:26.49Dishwasha|Vulture|: not familiar with the terminology
23:27.05|Vulture|nortel norstar system for example
23:27.17DishwashaNot familiar with that either
23:27.20|Vulture|where all users can see the total lines on the system on their phone and their current states
23:27.49|Vulture|well what you just explained is a great dialplan for a small office wanting to replace their current system
23:28.42*** join/#asterisk Cardoe (~Cardoe@Cardoe.developer.gentoo)
23:28.46DishwashaIt's more of a hack for SIP phones that don't report SIP availability properly (may be an * bug too)
23:29.10moralei need to find a SIP provider which i can have the login/password
23:29.39DishwashaOr, a dial plan that allows you to dial only 1 line out of 6 on a phone based on what's in use without dialing every available extension on the phone
23:29.55CardoeHaving a firewall/SIP issue
23:30.01CardoeI have my asterisk box behind a firewall
23:30.09CardoeI'm forwarding tcp/udp 20000-21000 to it
23:30.14Cardoertp.conf lists 20000-21000
23:30.21CardoeI'm also forwarding 5060 and 5061 to it
23:30.23|Vulture|the 7960 should report
23:30.31Cardoemy client is behind a firewall as well
23:30.39Cardoeforwarding 5060 to the client
23:30.39|Vulture|because Flash Panel sees their states
23:30.42Cardoeand I still can't connect
23:30.48Cardoeanything else I'm missing?
23:30.53Dishwasha|Vulture|: If I have line 1 in use and call waiting disabled, ChanIsAvail reports 102 as available
23:31.21Dishwashaer, 102 is my extension for line 1, oops
23:32.34Dishwashaand then I get a busy on line 102 when I do a Dial
23:32.52DishwashaI'm using 1.0.7 though, could be a new bug in *
23:34.07*** part/#asterisk makhtar (
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23:36.33*** join/#asterisk pdracevich (
23:36.56newmedianAnyone in NZ? What's the status of the emergency at present?
23:37.09pdracevichhi all, I have just update my test asterisk box to the latest CVS-head and some of my extensions now no longer work?
23:37.19crash3mnewmedian: the emergency?
23:37.22crash3mwhat emergency?
23:37.26pdracevichexten => 706,1,Dial(SIP/21311919@x.x.x.x)
23:37.32pdracevichHELP please
23:38.41newmediancrash3m: take a look at the front page of the NZ Herald using (select newspaper by Country, New Zealand).  Flooding, houses washed away, cars floating away... just reading now.
23:39.15*** join/#asterisk duke149 (
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23:40.27duke149got a quick question for anyone free to help. dont need to know how just if its possible..
23:41.06duke149is it possible to use Asterisk with our existing phone system and link them in so the users cant tell which one they are actually going through?
23:42.17|Vulture|like you want to use * for LD?
23:42.49pdracevichAny one here from Auckland?
23:42.50|Vulture|newmedian: by what?
23:43.50newmedian|Vulture|  take a look at the front page of the NZ Herald using (select newspaper by Country, New Zealand).  Flooding, houses washed away, cars floating away...
23:43.53duke149basically our current phone system is old and crappy. we need to add more phones to it but its like very expensive for the add on cards. so i was hoping that I could add an Asterisk server to the side. have all the new phones go through Asterisk then link into the old system
23:45.39newmedianSomeone could phone Hamish from; I believe sipserve is in New Lynn, Auckland
23:45.42NewSolehello world
23:46.44|Vulture|newmedian: wow I have been so busy I haven't turned on the news
23:47.21duke149You all from New Zealand?
23:47.46*** join/#asterisk abatista (
23:47.46newmedianWe're from all over.
23:48.18newmedianA fair number of Canadians, Americans, UK, NZ, other countries ... it's a global channel
23:49.14ariel_argh network problems today.....
23:49.34duke149anyone ever used any Wireless VoIP handsets?
23:49.58pdracevichI have duke149
23:50.21duke149whats it like pdracevich. Are the handsets you used sturdy?
23:50.27newmedianpdracevich, aren't they head heating headache inducing things that haven't quite got the technology right yet?
23:50.52duke149we have wireless ericson system here but the dudes in the warehouse drop them all the time. they break after 2-3 drops and they cost like $500 to replace/repair
23:50.56pdracevichI have used to the Zyxel pw2000 (they make good paperweights now)
23:51.10newmedianBetter to do ATA + cordless, no?
23:51.22pdracevichThe best one I have used is the FT177 handset
23:51.47duke149whats the distance of them tho? they need to go arround 500 meters and thats with 5 base stations on our site.
23:51.54Qwellnewmedian: cheaper, certainly
23:52.09*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
23:52.47duke149this is another reason im looking at Asterisk for wireless voip..
23:52.53QwellWhen one wants to get docs on a commercial PBX (Avaya for instance), where would one go?
23:53.05pdracevichThey can do that, I have had them up around 700meters
23:54.37pdracevichwhats the other eason Duke149?
23:55.14duke149we need more phones. we have lots of people sharing 1 ext. like 3 phones on one ext.
23:55.57*** part/#asterisk SarahEmm (
23:57.47duke149we are soon to be rolling out wireless accross the whole site for our barcode system so it would be a good opportunity to get wireless voip going also.
23:58.09*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
23:58.38justnulling2where can i get latest sip firmware for cisco 7960?
23:58.44crash3mfrom cisco
23:58.48QwellDo you really want a large office of assholes on wireless phones walking around? :)
23:59.01crash3mQwell: unwired assholes? no thanks
23:59.08Qwellcrash3m: indeed
23:59.50duke149well they are already unwired the current system is just crap
23:59.52newmedianOf course there's always something like this  but then that's not Asterisk or VOIP.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.