irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050516

00:01.15vppbut i can push my glosly over priced cards on people but act like i'm fighting the machine
00:01.15shepherdso what's your problem?
00:01.15shepherdover priced?
00:01.30shepherdomg.. have you seen what others charge for a pbx solution?
00:01.30vppbut u miss the point
00:01.30shepherdgo research.. you're full of crap
00:01.30vppothers dont say oh look its free
00:01.30shepherdasterisk is free :)
00:01.31shepherdin fact!
00:01.31vppwe're killing ourselves to keep it free
00:01.31vppyes it is
00:01.31shepherdyou can use it 100% free
00:01.31shepherdwith softphones, etc :)
00:01.37shepherdso what's your point?
00:01.41vppbut digium make their money off it by pushing over priced hardware
00:01.48Qwellover priced?
00:01.49shepherdnow.. if you want something more advanced.. then you need an adapter, etc
00:01.59Qwelllooked at ANY other PBXs lately?
00:02.03shepherdand don't expect digium to just give you that free as well
00:02.04gbdrbobof course you and make money on open source software! Publishing code under the GPL doesn't commit you to communinism1
00:02.13vppwait a second
00:02.13jebbavpp, uh, show me /anything/ that does what digium hardware does for less... troll....
00:02.13vppasterisk is free
00:02.27vppso pull that out the equation
00:02.35shepherdand you're full of crap..
00:02.35vppso now we have digium cards
00:02.37shepherdmove on
00:02.41vppok never mind
00:03.05gbdrbobyou don't have to buy them! You've already said you could make cheaper fxo modules - go do that and sell them. I'm sure there would be a market
00:03.29shepherdyup.. that's the whole point of asterisk
00:03.41vppmy point is simply this.. digium + asterisk preach how they are so great because they are cheaper/free compared to the rest
00:03.49Qwellthey are
00:03.57vppexcept they take the free asterisk + add their overpriced cards = < than the fully comercial
00:04.05jebbavpp, uh, show me /anything/ that does what digium hardware does for less... troll....
00:04.09shepherdwtf, how so?
00:04.29jebbain fact, got a URL? I want one :)
00:04.39shepherdyes.. find us a cheaper solution please
00:04.41QwellI'd LOVE to see you get an avaya PBX (with hardware support) for anywhere NEAR the price of a * setup
00:04.43vppthe point is how can u say oh everyone else charges u over the odd
00:04.47shepherdor cisco
00:04.52vppbut still charge over the odd yourself?
00:04.57vppless over the odds but still way over
00:05.20Qwellgo away troll, nobody cares what you have to say
00:05.26vppand tied to free asterisk it pushes your product because overall its cheaper
00:05.34gbdrbob* doesn't need a pstn interface to work either - you can go fuly if and rent your pstn termination from one of the many providers out there.
00:05.39hypa7iavpp do you know anything about the open source dev model, and the various business models around it?
00:06.32Juggiehas anyone tried yak voip?
00:06.41Derylwhy do you guys tolerate this penis drip?
00:06.49Juggiethey use the xten sip phone so i'm thinking its sip
00:07.03gbdrbobvpp: we get back to supply and demand - things are priced according to what the market can bear in this business - digium still dramatically undercut the competition
00:07.06coldfeetguys anyone here worked with realtime and asterisk, I just installed the cvs-head and have setup my tables etc etc...but on looking at extconfig file, it doesnt say where I can put in IP address or user/pass details to connect to my db, just asks for db name
00:07.14hypa7iavpp: asterisk cards are around $1500 for a t1 card.  a basic cisco router with callmanager express is like $20000.  ever heard of the term "order of magnitude"?
00:07.32vppand sangoma is 350$ for a t1 card
00:07.40vppyet they are rubished
00:07.49vppi'm not her promoting them
00:07.50Juggiea digium t1 card is not 1500
00:07.52shepherd$1500 for a quad t1
00:07.54vppjust to be clear
00:08.00Juggiea quad is yes
00:08.03Juggienot a single span
00:08.10vppdigium single T1 is about 600$
00:08.27vppwhich is rediculous
00:08.27shepherdand where can you get a sangoma card for $350?
00:08.39Derylnow you're changing the story? are digium cards 1500 or 600?
00:08.43Derylyou can't flip flop in the middle
00:08.49Qwellpiss off
00:08.56QwellYou're so fucking wrong, and stupid to boot.
00:09.00shepherdDeryl: both
00:09.07shepherdDeryl: $600 for a single t1
00:09.11coldfeetseems like a chilled group :-)
00:09.12shepherd$1500 for 4 t1
00:09.21hypa7iacoldfeet: normally is :-/
00:09.28vpp589$ for a single port digium t1 last i checked
00:09.35vppbut i dunno i dont buy their stuff
00:09.40Qwellvpp: Do you have ANY idea how much we pay at my work for an avaya PBX *EACH MONTH*?
00:09.49Derylshepherd: but he said a sangoma SINGLE port T1 card was 350 so therefore that means he's comparing their single card as well (digium's)
00:09.52rabelaisand 550 for sangoma a101, what's the difference?
00:09.53vppQwell: probably too much
00:09.54MavvieDeryl: I have a digium card here for $125
00:10.08Derylno one is THAT dumb to compare a quad port with a single port and expect it to be the same price
00:10.14shepherdMavvie: t1 card?
00:10.19vppa101 does dchannel in hardware to start
00:10.22vppalso its 350$ b2b
00:10.28Derylso I'm wondering how much more he's going to troll before he finally stops adjusting to your argument
00:10.31vppdigium laugh at u if u ask for any qty price
00:10.39Mavvieit's pretty useless saying "this <brand> name card costs so and so much" and then getting upset about it because you didn't specify properly which type of card it was.
00:10.39vpptell u to get in line to buy 1 off price
00:11.34vpplol oh forget it
00:11.36*** part/#asterisk vpp (
00:11.47Derylvpp: did you fax digium your business license to prove that you ARE in fact a b2b and not some kid with a bit of money wanting the discount?
00:12.54*** join/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
00:14.39*** part/#asterisk coldfeet (~c@
00:15.35rabelaisI'm fed up with broadvoice and want to switch over to someone else, but am debating whether I should keep my number, does anyone know what happens at the routing level if I do a number transfer? will a dialed call go to broadvoice's pbx/routers and _then_ be transferred over to the transferred provider, or will it go straight to my new provider, never seeing broadvoice's system ever...cause if it still has to go to broadv
00:15.35rabelaisoice, doesn't that mean I may still face the same downtime as before?
00:15.41darwin35whats up with aserisk being limited to 10 #include lines
00:15.53*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc (
00:16.48mitchelocanyone here have experience with the dialtones being lost via zaptel channel? i.e. i call into the menu in asterisk and i dial 106, about 1out of 2 times it'll think i dialed 16 instead of 106
00:17.33MikeJ[Laptop]dtmf being lost, not dialtones
00:17.57mitchelocsorry, yea i confused the two
00:18.51*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (~V@
00:19.29*** join/#asterisk Turulo (~weed@
00:19.39mitchelocanyone on that? it's pretty important, and driving me crazy
00:19.44mitchelocmaybe "relaxdtmf"?
00:19.45|Vulture|how do you exclude a directory in a tar, say I wanted to "tar -cf /mnt/backup/backup.tar /" but didn't want it to backup /mnt/backup
00:20.23mtghman tar
00:20.31mtghsearch for exclude
00:20.39|Vulture|yea but its so much easier just to ask from someone who knows
00:21.04rabelaisthat would be an instant ban in my book if I was an op
00:21.04mitcheloci already had that enabled though
00:21.32Silik0nany iLand customers here?
00:21.39|Vulture|hahaha I answer questions in here all the time cut me some slack... so I didn't want to look up -X
00:21.57mitchelocgood point
00:22.04mitchelocshare the love ;)
00:22.23Silik0nmore like share the HATE!
00:22.56|Vulture|nah I only share hate when the conversation changes to AMP or *@Home
00:23.23mitchelocwhy do you hate those?
00:23.53fileit all goes down hill from there
00:23.57mitchelocplease share, i was thinking of making a similar product
00:24.02|Vulture|it takes the learning curve and just pisses all over it
00:24.03mitcheloci'd like to know the downfalls of those
00:24.21|Vulture|the problem is that it makes * easy... but hard at the same time
00:24.25|Vulture|it takes away from learning of a DP
00:24.47|Vulture|the DP in it is only variables, and for someone learning *... good luck
00:24.58*** join/#asterisk lattice (
00:25.01Silik0nmitcheloc: heres the problem those are tailored for a very specific use... like the name states "at home" and when it comes down to it people usually want something thats not in there so you have to figure out exactly how to mod your system to work with it
00:25.16*** join/#asterisk newsmafia (
00:25.19|Vulture|and its limited... for a home install.. works great, but for anyone wanted to have it work well... config it yourself
00:25.23mitchelocbut seriously, do you want to spend 2 hours configuring a server everytime you get a new install? it takes frigging forever!
00:25.28mitchelocsame commands...over and over
00:25.47jetsmitcheloc: that's why i have a shell script to apply my patches and wanted libraries and compile everything
00:25.49mitcheloctrue, i see your points
00:25.50|Vulture|mitcheloc: well I have a DP that I use over and over but its mine I know how to change every aspect of it
00:25.51jetsand nfs copy my default configs
00:25.55mitchelocheh i bought lol
00:25.58Silik0nmitcheloc: dood... if you are going to be building a ton of them do 1 dialplan you will use on all of them and then work from that
00:26.04|Vulture|making your DPs are what makes you a true * user
00:26.17|Vulture|Silik0n: lol were saying the same thing
00:26.26mitchelocdp = ?
00:26.37Silik0ndp == double penetration?
00:26.46mitchelocheh, oh yea...dial plan is easy part
00:26.49jetsloves my double penetration
00:27.03mitcheloci'm talking about the tedious linux install/upgrade/installing mysql/apache/asterisk, etc everything you need
00:27.05|Vulture|quad penetration :P
00:27.18*** join/#asterisk redhate (~redhate@
00:27.26mitcheloctheres only 2-3 holes, depending on who your looking at heh
00:27.28jetsmitcheloc: then image a box.
00:27.40fileooh penetration
00:27.43Silik0nmitcheloc: dood thats where things like ${FAVORITE_DISTRO} and scripted installs come in to play
00:27.53|Vulture|mitcheloc: thats what I do image... but these new SATA drives don't let me
00:27.57mitcheloci just wrote my script today lol
00:28.01|Vulture|so I am gunna try this tar backup/restore
00:28.14mitchelocbut yea..i see
00:28.18mitchelocanyone put firewalls on their boxes?
00:28.22mitchelocto only allow ssh + voip ports?
00:28.22|Vulture|I do
00:28.25Silik0n|Vulture| : dood... google around for ghost replacements there are some that are quite good
00:28.30|Vulture|block almost everything
00:28.35x9neti got a hardware firewall runing
00:28.41mitchelocyea, i've got one i was thinking of putting on it
00:28.42Silik0nmitcheloc: only idiots leave SQL servers open to the public ;)
00:28.52jetsmitcheloc: ya I use a pretty retentive IPtables script and change my ssh port plus use port knocking for the ssh port
00:28.55|Vulture|Silik0n: I tried a few all-in-ones for linux but none worked for my SATA even though it said it would (DELL SATA mind you)
00:29.06mitcheloconly idiots right software that comes with default blank passwords, as part of the config script it should make you change it!
00:29.19Silik0n|Vulture| we use tons of dell boxen... we have one that works just fine (with 3ware cards even)
00:29.37mitcheloc400sc = the perfect asterisk hardware
00:29.53|Vulture|I use a lot of 400SC but they replaced the 400SC with SC420
00:29.56|Vulture|thats what i use now
00:29.58|Vulture|they are SATA
00:30.06*** part/#asterisk redhate (~redhate@
00:32.48filestroke it baby!
00:32.52filemake it shoot sparks!
00:33.15|Vulture|file: thats not the only thing it shoops :O
00:33.21|Vulture|DAMNIT I messed that up
00:33.27*** join/#asterisk Pete_Largo (
00:34.11fileyeah you did
00:35.25*** join/#asterisk newbien (
00:43.18*** join/#asterisk DFT (
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00:47.54mitchelocis chan_alsa deprecated?
00:47.59mitcheloci can't find info on it anywhere
00:48.20mitchelocany how tos on it or something
00:51.15mitchelocdamn, what happened to that info? it must have been wiped off of voip-info
01:15.11*** join/#asterisk jbot (
01:15.11*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
01:16.01DFTsorry dude, just trying to get my asterisk started
01:18.42*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
01:18.52TheEmperorcan someone tell me is this is correct?
01:18.54TheEmperorexten => s,1,Dial(IAX2/${ARG1},60,tT)
01:21.32bjohnsonTheEmperor: yes
01:21.39jetson a queue timeout where does the call go?
01:21.55*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
01:21.55jetsor +1
01:22.03TheEmperorbjohnson: but when i press #, the call does not get transferred?
01:22.06bjohnsonTheEmperor: assuming ${ARG1} contains the right info including the number to dial
01:22.21bjohnsonTheEmperor: then I guess it doesn't include the right info
01:22.32TheEmperorbjohnson: yes, when i call another iax extension it works it's just the transfer that doesn't work..
01:22.34bjohnsonjets: I don't know
01:22.58mmlj4any issues with * running on AMD 64bit?
01:23.04scubasteveCan someone spare a few minutes to help out with what I think is an RTP/NAT problem?  Took a 7960 from home, am camping and using wireless hooked up..  My * network is 192.168.1.x and my network here at the campsite is the same.  I have NAT=yes in sip.conf but it looks like RTP is still going to the 192.168.1.x network, never to hit the internet on my * side.
01:23.12bjohnsonmmlj4: I think bkw_ does that
01:25.46filewe don't do it *yet*
01:25.49filebut it works fine on 64-bit
01:26.27mmlj4for what values of "we"?
01:26.34mitchelochas anyone heard anything about intercom documentation for asterisk (chan_alsa/oss)?
01:26.36filethe company bkw_ and I work for
01:26.40mmlj4ah, ok
01:27.02fileif David is in a good mood, we should have a testing rig up for 64-bit in a day
01:27.15*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:27.35filemmm dual opteron box
01:27.49mmlj4i'm actually looking at using a P4 (oh, i hate intel), due to AMD_64 nervousness.... if you guys think it's stable, I'm willing to give it a shot
01:27.51mitchelocis say opteron 2.2 faster then xeon 3.2?
01:28.02fileI have a 3.4GHz P4 with 64-bit ;)
01:28.05mmlj4mitcheloc: by a mile
01:28.07filethat's why I said it works fine
01:28.15mitchelocmmlj4: oh really?
01:28.27mitchelocheh i just bought a new server (1u/ibm/3.2ghz xeon/1gb ram)
01:28.29mmlj4check the benchmarks sites
01:28.39mitchelocbut i was eyeing those opterons...i know nothin about them though
01:28.42DFThere = 0, tmp->channel = 2, channel = 2
01:29.04DFTis this telling me that I should have chan 2 specified as chan 0 in zaptel.conf?
01:29.34mmlj4file: do you have any digium cards in that box? I'm sure SIP works fine, but the hardware is what bothers me
01:30.28filemmlj4: no, but I remember reading mailing list posts about them working fine
01:30.35mmlj4fair enough
01:30.37filecause someone asked about 64-bit
01:33.55TheEmperori still can't get call transfer to work pressing # ..
01:33.58Silik0nanyone here use iLand for colo?
01:34.21TheEmperorcan someone please have a look to see what I did wrong?
01:34.23TheEmperorthanks :)
01:35.45DFTnm, last message, zaptel.conf didn't like ; comment delimiters
01:38.09*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:45.18bjohnsonTheEmperor: you've watched the cli to see if the dial command used is the one you think is being used?
01:45.39bjohnsonTheEmperor: ie .. you don't have a _. or something grabbing the call?
01:46.21*** join/#asterisk Deryl (
01:46.29TheEmperorbjohnson:a ?
01:46.54TheEmperorbjohnson: i've gone and changed the whole thing to exten => 2006,1,Dial(IAX2/2006,60,tT)
01:46.59TheEmperorstill doesn't work :(
01:47.31TheEmperoralso, in my iax.conf under [general] there is dtmfmode=rfc2883
01:48.55bjohnsonwatch the cli
01:49.02bjohnsonduring a call
01:49.10bjohnsonsee what the system sees
01:50.26mitchelocanyone here have an ibm laptop?
01:50.56bjohnsonTheEmperor: you're pressing the exten to be transferred to as well right?  not just '#'
01:51.13bjohnsonmitcheloc: yes.  but a coworker is using it
01:51.25TheEmperorbjohnson: all i need is to press # right? or did i do something wrong...
01:51.36mitcheloci'm just bummed that the keys show so much wear and tear, my dell i had before for 2 years didn't show it
01:51.40bjohnsonwhat exten are you trying to transfer to?
01:52.03TheEmperorbjohnson:i use 2007 to call 2009 then transfer the call to 2010
01:52.04PatrickDKhmm, I love my ibm laptop
01:52.13bjohnsonmitcheloc: stop eating pancakes with maple syrup and using irc before washing hands
01:52.16mitchelocme too, but don't you notice that?
01:52.23PatrickDKhmm, not really
01:52.31bjohnsonTheEmperor: so you would type #2010
01:52.37PatrickDKthe dell my wife has, the keys keep breaking
01:52.47mitcheloci don't do that =p, i take good care of it (2.0/1gb ram/80gb/fingerprint reader/bluetooth/abg) hehe
01:52.53mitcheloci got it for $2200 ;)
01:52.59bjohnsonI've got Dells, IBMs, and Compaqs .. all about the same
01:53.04mitcheloc(take home, with taxes included)
01:53.13mitchelocibms got the best kb
01:53.14TheEmperorbjohnson: tried doing #2010 doesn't work :(
01:53.18PatrickDKI love the ibm little finger mouse pointer
01:53.20bjohnsonI would never buy Sony or HP (unless it was a hell of a deal)
01:53.26tzangerPatrickDK: the wiggle dick?
01:53.29tzangerI HATE those things
01:53.33tzangergimme a trackpad anyday
01:53.34mitchelocyea i've been learning to use it
01:53.35PatrickDKI hate touchpads
01:53.44mitcheloci only used touchpads before my ibm laptop
01:53.50mitchelocbut they did something write in implementing it
01:53.50PatrickDKtrackballs are my fav though
01:54.12bjohnsonI hate touchpads AND pointer sticks.  Mouse kicks them.
01:54.15shmaltzanybody here read the article in 2600 about cisco ip phone security?
01:54.20TheEmperorbjohnson: any ideas?
01:54.23bjohnsonTheEmperor: don't know then
01:54.28bjohnsonTheEmperor: watch the cli
01:54.32mmlj4shmaltz: URL?
01:55.22TheEmperorbjohnson: yeah, nothing happens when i press # and all..
01:58.39mitchelocshmaltz: hook it up
01:59.28*** join/#asterisk Moc[Toronto] (~mochouina@
01:59.34shmaltzno url
01:59.37Moc[Toronto]Hi all
01:59.39shmaltzyou got to buy it
01:59.48shmaltzwill see if I can find anything
02:00.20DFT2600 used to be online
02:00.50DFTokay, so I've got asterisk running vanilla out of the do I do know:)
02:00.55MikeJ[Laptop]hey moc
02:02.01DFTplease excuse the noobness, I have no telephony background
02:02.38shmaltzit goes on to tell you how insecure tftp and dhcp is
02:02.44shmaltzwith the plain text passwords
02:03.20shmaltzand how to sniff the mac out, download the sipxxxxxxx.cnf files
02:03.37shmaltzand upload your own by connecting to the telnet server on the cisco phone
02:03.46Moc[Toronto]hi mike
02:03.54shmaltzthe passsword can be accessed using the tftp files
02:04.11shmaltzanybody that ever configured a cisco phone thru dhcp/tftp knows about this
02:05.19TheEmperorbjohnson:weird problem, on softphones it works but it doesn't work on hard phones, the call transer i mean
02:07.04*** join/#asterisk jskcr|lappy (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
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02:13.48TheEmperorbjohnson:i don't think my hard phones are sending the right tones?
02:16.01*** join/#asterisk lunchbox08 (~geoff@
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02:17.32shido6yes, shmaltz
02:19.22shmaltzshido6, yep
02:20.12*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
02:22.22*** part/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
02:23.25*** join/#asterisk BrentM (
02:23.26*** join/#asterisk syslod (~yurplsl@
02:24.15BrentMim having lag issues with the asterisk anyone have any ideas
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02:28.06*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
02:29.34*** part/#asterisk DFT (
02:32.20syslodBrentM: What ur issues?
02:32.41*** join/#asterisk orion88 (
02:33.42*** join/#asterisk pimpwell (
02:33.56pimpwellanyone from New York (NYC/Westchester) Here?
02:34.21dev2005who is from CHINA?
02:34.22MikeJ[Laptop]no, we don't let newyorkers in here, sorry
02:34.42pimpwellanyone from Zimbabwe here
02:34.54filewho here actually knows who I am?
02:35.11MikeJ[Laptop]I know
02:35.19pimpwellyou're rick james
02:35.19MikeJ[Laptop]your file!
02:35.28filepimpwell: you lose
02:35.57pimpwellf^ck this game
02:36.00pimpwellIm not playing anymore
02:36.19MikeJ[Laptop]wah...crybaby :D
02:36.30filenow now you two, play nice
02:36.34pimpwellIm watching superman
02:36.41MikeJ[Laptop]oh.. btw ^=u
02:37.06MikeJ[Laptop]ain't so super anymore is he..
02:37.18MikeJ[Laptop]wow, did I jsut say that....
02:37.34pimpwellyou're going to hell
02:37.45pimpwellin a wheelchair
02:38.10MikeJ[Laptop]don't beleive in hell
02:38.31MikeJ[Laptop]if it does exist, all the cool people are down there anyway
02:38.36filespanish flea!
02:38.43pimpwellspanish fly?
02:38.51fileno, flea
02:38.59fileyou lose again
02:39.01pimpwellI have a website to make
02:39.08MikeJ[Laptop]dude, if you have little bugs down there, they probably arn't fleas
02:39.27BrentMsyslod: it is really laggy using eyebeam. it jitters and laggs but if we use x lite we have no problems with incomming calls. eyebeam seems to lag
02:40.44darwin35ok this system is pissing me offf
02:40.52darwin35the inbound all works
02:40.55MikeJ[Laptop]better than pissing on you
02:40.59darwin35the outbound is now
02:41.12MikeJ[Laptop]great... all set then
02:41.49darwin35I got 10 ciscos to load up
02:42.03MikeJ[Laptop]have fun
02:42.05darwin35I can call them but they cant call the real world
02:42.22MikeJ[Laptop]can they call each other?
02:42.28filethe roof, the roof, the roof is on fire
02:42.36*** join/#asterisk implicit (
02:43.06MikeJ[Laptop]ok, fix your dialplan
02:43.11MikeJ[Laptop]we don't need no water
02:44.15gtedarwin35, check if your 'from-sip' context includes the pstn context that you're trying to use.
02:46.04MikeJ[Laptop]what if he does not call it from-sip
02:47.41joaoviannaHi guys! Anyone using astcc ? I installed in my * box, but I can't put it working... The problem is, the web-admin is working but it does not create my database (mysql). If I create manually my database, it seens that my perl cant open it. But I don't have any message. Only "Database unavailable -- please check configuration". There are any log that I can see whats happening ?
02:47.42gteMikeJ[Laptop], An assumption (10 Cisco's) on my part. Replace that with whatever SIP/Skinny context the phones are in.
02:52.08BrentMCan Anyone Help My Present Situation: it is really laggy using eyebeam. it jitters and laggs but if we use x lite we have no problems with incomming calls. eyebeam seems to lag
02:52.19gteDoes anybody know if updating MWI via QSIG is possible with *? I'm trying to light up message waiting indicators on the remaining Nortel phones of an Asterisk/Meridian integration, using Comedian.
02:53.47MikeJ[Laptop]gte you can do it by dialing a set of codes to the meridian, it does not require qsig
02:53.58MikeJ[Laptop]I don;t have the codes handy atm
02:54.45tzangerMikeJ[Laptop]: *1[exten to ringback]
02:55.17tzangerer sorry
02:55.25tzanger*1[exten to indicate msg for]
02:55.51darwin35thats for mike
02:55.52tzanger*1243 will cause MWI on 243 to light up, and the "call" or "msg" softbutton will cause the phone to ring the extension that dialled *1243
02:57.05*** join/#asterisk rene- (~root@
02:57.18tzangerthat is only through an ATA though
02:58.08Juggiegte, i would say yes.... it should be no problem.
02:58.13rene-i wonder how does one goes to connect a v35 interface channel bank to a digium t1 interface?
02:58.27Juggiewith an ATA, and a few scripts
02:58.43*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
02:58.47gteMikeJ[Laptop]: You wouldn't happen to have those codes?
02:58.59joaoviannaAnyone using astcc ?
02:59.37*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
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03:02.34*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
03:03.02Kumbangcan * register to  one sip proxy with more than one sip account?
03:03.12*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
03:03.27JuggieKumbang, can you put more then one register line in sip.conf?
03:03.28Nukemizercan anyone help me create a dial plan that will allow dialing *82 when using my fxs and fxo cards ?
03:04.02Juggienuke, put *82,1,.... in your dialplan?
03:04.27Juggieexten=> *82,1,...
03:04.35Nukemizeras an extension ?
03:04.45Nukemizerahh ok.. perfect will try that
03:05.14Juggiein the context which handles calls for the interface you want to put that function on
03:05.27Juggieon zap there are alot of built in * codes
03:06.17NukemizerJuggie, thank you. you are right many * codes. testing now :)
03:10.38SuPrSluGjoaovianna: u have to make tables in mysql that aren't there yet. check the script  and add any missing tables
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03:15.36*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
03:16.27SuPrSluGjoaovianna: u need:  brands; cards;cdrs;iaxfriends;routes;sipfriends;trunks
03:16.59rene-what is the cheapest to connect a digium T1 card to a v35 channel bank?
03:21.09joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Thanks, I checking ... I create manually my astcc database.
03:21.52SuPrSluGjoaovianna: u need:  just add the missing ones
03:23.43SuPrSluGjoaovianna: don't forget to restart mysql
03:23.48*** part/#asterisk rene- (~root@
03:23.59joaoviannaSuPrSluG: ? Where I can get this script ?
03:25.00SuPrSluGjoaovianna: sorry. just look at the 2nd reply. those are the tables u need
03:25.07SuPrSluGjoaovianna: u need:  brands; cards;cdrs;iaxfriends;routes;sipfriends;trunks
03:25.37SuPrSluGjoaovianna: or it fails w/ the message u posted
03:26.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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03:27.04TheEmperordoes anyone know where i can find the dtmf tones set out in firefly?
03:27.20joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Thanks. I create manually those tables. My cgi seens not working with my mysql.
03:28.29*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
03:28.58joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Database unavailable -- please check configuration. How can I check if my perl is open the tables ? There are any log ?
03:29.22SuPrSluGjoaovianna: did u restart mysql?
03:30.09mmlj4can someone please try connecting to my box?
03:30.24joaoviannaSuPrSluG: yes. How can I check if my perl is working with mysql ?
03:30.53SuPrSluGjoaovianna: not sure
03:31.20dev2005who has made his own Tormenta 2 PCI Card?
03:31.23dev2005thanks  a lot
03:31.33SuPrSluGjoaovianna: when u go to the web page. does it display?
03:33.18joaoviannaYes, It read my configuration from ".conf", but when it tries to create or update data I get message "Database unavailable -- please check configuration"
03:33.49coppicedev2005: digium? govarian? :-)
03:35.46NukemizerI am having trouble locating what is causing *8 to return a fast busy from my dail plan structure. Is there a feature or blocked function that would prevent me from creating a *82 dial plan ?
03:35.57SuPrSluGjoaovianna: what do u have in /var/lib/astcc/astcc-config.conf?
03:37.03SuPrSluGjoaovianna: all look correct?
03:38.45*** join/#asterisk Kaos76k (
03:39.08Kaos76kIs anyone familiar with AMP and enum trunks?
03:41.06Kaos76kAnyone here?
03:41.19Juggieamp sucks
03:41.28Juggieit is the epiphany of lazyness
03:41.31joaoviannaSuPrSluG: I past the configuration file for you.
03:41.35Juggielearn to write your own dialplan
03:41.55Kaos76kWell Juggie... thanks for the help.
03:42.18Juggieyou'll thank me later when you discover amp is a pain
03:42.21Juggieand you cant do what you want
03:42.51Kaos76kSo far the only thing I have had a problem with is setting up an enum trunk.
03:43.20*** part/#asterisk Kaos76k (
03:44.20SuPrSluGjoaovianna: sounds like an issue of cgi not having permission to read the DB.
03:45.09joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Yes, I'm trying to get a simple perl cgi to test my connection ... Thanks.
03:45.36SuPrSluGjoaovianna: is the owner of astcc DB mysql or root?
03:47.44joaoviannaSuPrSluG: I'm using root as user.
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03:55.47SuPrSluGjoaovianna: is the /var/www/cgi-bin/astcc-admin.cgi owner also root
03:56.26*** join/#asterisk newmember (
04:01.15joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Yes, all perms...
04:01.18mmlj4can someone please try connecting to my box?
04:01.42*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (~me@
04:01.50Newbie___hi all
04:03.07Newbie___if i successfully register using X-Ten, can i do the same thing with * ?
04:03.28Newbie___i mean register with a provider
04:04.32Sato1you mean, register your Xten with asterisk?
04:04.33SuPrSluGjoaovianna: go to the web page and try only filling in the first 5 items leave the rest blank.
04:05.01Newbie___Sato1: i meant register Xten with another provider
04:05.05joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Lets do it...
04:05.15Newbie___and register * with the same provider
04:05.17SuPrSluGjoaovianna:just use the save button and not create db
04:05.23Sato1Newbie, depends on the provider, if they has sip port
04:05.49Sato1if the provider has also IAX port, then you can use your asterisk instead of your xten
04:06.30Newbie___they gave me a SIP server domain, i assume is sip registeration
04:06.59Sato1ask them if they have IAX enabled
04:07.17Sato1otherwise, you can connect your * using SIP protocol, see the sip.conf
04:07.24SuPrSluGjoaovianna:also can u log into the db at the cmd line?
04:07.45Newbie___i did use sip.conf to connect , keep getting unable to register
04:08.02Newbie___they also gave me, SIP server domain and Server IP address
04:08.13Newbie___which fit in nicely in xten and i can make call
04:08.36Sato1you can specify domain=something before "register" line
04:08.42Newbie___but in *, i know host=server ip, but SIP domain ?
04:10.01joaoviannaSuPrSluG: OK, My configuration was not saved in the config file.
04:10.40Newbie___i just did domain=xxx before register line, * return as registeration timeout
04:10.42SuPrSluGjoaovianna:got to be a permissions problem
04:10.55Newbie___Sato1: thanks, i read them
04:12.10joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Sorry, my changes were saved...
04:12.47SuPrSluGjoaovianna:can u get to the brands on the web page now?
04:12.57joaoviannaSuPrSluG: I can open my database and tables from phpmyadmin, but I don't know about Perl.
04:13.36SuPrSluGjoaovianna:i don't think the issue is perl.
04:14.52joaoviannaSuPrSluG: When I go to brands I have database problem... I'm pasting you the web link...
04:16.26*** join/#asterisk t0p (
04:17.09t0pG' Morning
04:19.30*** join/#asterisk neowillis (~Willis@
04:21.01SuPrSluGjoaovianna: i think u need to add  grant privledges to mysql. do u have3 webmin?
04:22.13*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
04:22.40joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Yes, my root has privitedges to all accounts.
04:28.52*** join/#asterisk neowillis (~neowillis@
04:28.58SuPrSluGjoaovianna: /etc/init.d/mysql restart
04:30.18SuPrSluGjoaovianna: it says your mysql up 16 days u must restart mysql daemon
04:30.20joaoviannaSuPrSluG: restarted !
04:31.19t0pjoaovianna: what's your problem?
04:33.23joaoviannat0p: astcc is not working... It seems perl is not open the database right.
04:33.56*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
04:33.59t0pjoaovianna: are you upgrading from 3.x to 4.x or something?
04:34.54joaoviannat0p: I'm using fedora (core 3), asterisk (1.0.7), perl (5.8.6).
04:37.00t0pjoaovianna: I am on exactly the same environment
04:37.23t0pjoaovianna: and had a problem with mysql
04:37.27SuPrSluGjoaovianna: do u have perl DBI installed
04:37.37joaoviannat0p: I had a lot of problems putting perl running.
04:38.07joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Yes, DBI is isntalled.
04:38.23t0pjoaovianna: I found about the issue from some websites recommending an upgrade to 4.x
04:38.23joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Yes, DBI,DBD:mysql
04:38.54joaoviannat0p: What problem with mysql ?
04:39.12t0pjoaovianna: what's your exact problem? what are the errors?
04:39.46joaoviannat0p: perl seems not connect to my mysql database.
04:40.04t0pjoaovianna: from *?
04:40.16*** join/#asterisk newsmafia (
04:40.28t0pjoaovianna: are you using realtime?
04:41.14joaoviannat0p: I think my perl is the problem. What is realtime ?
04:45.33t0pjoaovianna: have a look at that one and see if it's your case
04:46.13joaoviannat0p: I checked, but my mysql is working fine. I have other program in php using without problem.
04:46.27joaoviannaSuPrSluG: What do you think ?
04:47.56NukemizerIs there a way to make * dial a phone number once to Zap channels are bridged ?  using fxs/fxo ports
04:47.57SuPrSluGjoaovianna: seeing those messages in the top left corner. i think u may be right. i may be a mysql/perl conflict
04:48.14*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
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04:48.29SuPrSluGjoaovianna: those should not be there
04:49.00joaoviannaSuPrSluG: Those messages are some flags that I put to show the value of variables database and user, etc...
04:55.29SuPrSluGjoaovianna: do an ls -l /var/lib/mysql/astcc
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05:04.04joaoviannaSuPrSluG: I think my perl is not working...
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05:08.04Moc[Toronto]damn night..
05:08.36NewSolehot dam... lol
05:09.54NewSolewhat up Moc
05:10.12NewSoleWhat are u doing in TO
05:10.17*** part/#asterisk newsmafia (
05:13.30Moc[Toronto]work, gota redo an intranet in 1 week
05:13.55Moc[Toronto]over 20gig of intranet split in 4 different region to put into 1 page
05:13.59Moc[Toronto]1 site I mean
05:14.38NewSolesounds fun
05:15.41NewSoleI am messing around tring to get website up....
05:16.31x9neti should be doing more asp stuff
05:16.38Moc[Toronto]I hate doing ASP ....
05:16.46NewSolehey it looks good sofar
05:16.51Moc[Toronto]it feel alot better to do PHP
05:17.28x9neti know asp better but i have 2 linux servers and one windows box and only linux is setup at the datacenter rigt now :(
05:17.32x9netso its php for now
05:17.59t0pcoppice: are you there?
05:18.14NewSolegot most of the shell done... tomorrow is DATA....
05:18.36t0pcoppice: :-) Sorry to disturb you again
05:19.26t0pcoppice: is your library designed to initiate the "Answer Back" signal also?
05:19.28Moc[Toronto]gota sleep, waking up in 6.5 hours
05:19.36Moc[Toronto]5.5 hours I mean
05:19.49NewSolelol same here....
05:19.50x9nethave fun
05:20.02coppicet0p: I am not sure what yuo mean
05:20.10NewSolegot to have most of the data up by 5pm tomorrow before meeting
05:20.34t0pcoppice: it's a pulse of about 120 ms
05:20.52coppicet0p: to do what?
05:20.55t0pcoppice: use it to indicate charging process
05:21.44coppicet0p: oh, you mean charge pulses. i haven't implemented that, because I am not sure what to do with them.
05:22.24t0pcoppice: I mean after a free anouncement prompt, there is usually a pulse to initiate taxation
05:23.15coppicet0p: probably, but I am not sure how it is handled. I have never worked with a version of R2 which does this
05:24.59coppicet0p: so what happens? the call is treated as a free call, and then after the pulse charging begins?
05:25.07*** join/#asterisk JamesDotCom (
05:27.35t0pcoppice: Offer->Accept->Connect, I usually send a pulse of 120 ms before I do GC Connect with dialogic
05:28.35t0pcoppice: after the pulse I and telco start to count on how long the caller will stay online
05:29.04coppicet0p: please don't use offensive words like dialogic in public forums :-)
05:29.18t0pcoppice: Sorry :-(
05:30.03coppicet0p: their R2 is really bad. it crashes when anything isn't exactly as expected
05:30.26t0pcoppice: i see
05:31.14t0pcoppice: I really appreciate your library, and may have a chance to use it one day
05:31.56t0pcoppice: but don't know how long R2 will survive here
05:32.45coppiceR2 is still strong in a huge number of countries. I wrote the library with south america and china in mind. however, I have people using it all over the place now
05:35.03t0pcoppice: how long have you made them? I see from the name it's like "pre15", is it still in a beta version?
05:36.35t0pcoppice: some people here changed to ss7 as they say R2 is slow
05:36.53coppicet0p: some of the variants are in heavy use and some are just getting their first users. so, some are well tested and some are not. the pre15 thing is because I keep doing things to debug areas new people are trying. The first users have been using it for about 9 months
05:37.14coppiceR2 is slow, clumsy, lacks features, and should have died 30 years ago.
05:38.24t0pcoppice: but it still stays fresh :-)
05:38.51coppiceits like zombie that won't lie down in its grave
05:41.52coppiceyou'd be amazed how many clumsy old obsolete protocols are still in heavy use
05:42.41t0pcoppice: I don't know about in other countries but they are still in use here
05:43.25coppicethey are in use almost everywhere. I think only small places like HK and Singapore have clean networks
05:46.55*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
05:47.21t0pcoppice: Nice to talk to you, I better go for lunch now.
05:49.11Silik0nin the states if you were in need of a big ass pipe (say 500mb) who would you talk to?
05:51.28*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
05:52.41newmedianI'm looking over a quote re: PRI lines from Bell/Megalink. yikes.
05:53.12PTG123anyone use an ata186 for faxing?
05:55.07Silik0nPTG123: last time I tried that i could only get 711 passthru working but that was a couple years ago
05:55.19newmedianDoes anyone have a unit cost per PSTN they can throw me to compare? (Yes, I know Bell/Megalink is likely the most expensive provider)
05:55.25PTG123i can't figure out how to get that even working
05:57.33Silik0nnewmedian: PRIs?
05:57.39Silik0nthat all depends on the market you are getting them in
05:58.03Silik0nand if you are looking in .ca or .us or .mx
05:58.31Silik0nand in the states it varies from city to city (hell sometimes block to block to block)
05:58.31newmedianSilik0n: Yes, PRIs, in Toronto/Canada. For example, aside from all the claptrap re-worded terminology services and blarney, the unit price per PSTN is (in Canadian dollars): no contract: $29.13, 1 year: $26.13, 2 years: $25.13, 5 years: $22.63.
05:58.47PTG123new: where do you need a pri in?
05:59.32newmedianSilik0N & PTG123: likely Toronto/Canada to start, then throughout Canada.
05:59.47PTG123what kind of quotes are you getting, and why not a sip handoff?
06:00.09coppicePTG123: you probably won't get an ATA186 to FAX
06:00.28newmedianThe quotes are just starting to come in, so I've not enough info to compare, but Megalink looks mighty expensive, and seems like they nickel and dime you for everything.
06:00.29PTG123coppice: why not they work with vonage
06:00.56coppicePTG123: intermittently. they don't do T.38
06:01.00PTG123new: why not a sip handoff?
06:01.10PTG123coppice: well ulaw SHOULD work ok, on a decient connection
06:01.25coppicePTG123: what makes you think that?
06:01.37newmedianI was looking at setting up some basic DID and termination, as a provider, and also handle some SOHO remotely hosted scenarios etc.  I would prefer to be the provider, rather than subcontract out.
06:02.12PTG123new: yah but many disadvantages to a pri instead of sip./. you can still get sip from a wholesaler, and be the provdier
06:03.29newmedianThere seems to be a lot of volatility in the market with regard to reliability & availability of providers; Putting the key component in the hands of others also puts your reputation in their hands.
06:03.46coppicePTG123: read and see if you still expect it to work well
06:03.56jeffiknew: you looking for Toronto DID term?
06:04.15PTG123you do know around 35% of all normal phone calls are converted to ulaw and routed across the us :)
06:04.32*** join/#asterisk DFT (
06:04.57coppicePTG123: was that addressed to me?
06:05.05orion88what is ulaw?
06:05.15newmedianjeffik: on what basis?   Crunching numbers to see what's the best way to go.
06:05.25coppicePTG123: the figure is more like 99%, but that is irrelevant
06:05.57newmedianJudge Dredd is the ulaw
06:06.01PTG123well llocal calls aren't :) and thats more then 60% of calls
06:06.08PTG123so in theory it should work fine
06:06.17DFTnewmedian: ha
06:06.25coppicePTG123: all local calls are converted to ulaw inthe US
06:06.37PTG123no they aren't
06:06.57coppicedo you still have an analogue switch, then?
06:07.31PTG123anyhow thats neither here nor there i would just like a fax to go through 1 out of 2 times even :)
06:08.10PTG123there must be some setting i have wrong on this ata adapter
06:08.48coppicelook at the URL I gave, and see my explanation of why ulaw is irrelevant. A few ATAs have a fax mode where they try to work around some of the issues, but not usually that successfully
06:09.17Silik0nPTG123 theres a setting in there somewhere from fax passthru
06:09.17newmedianWhich reminds me, slightly OT, who are the puppet masters behind J2? ( etc.)
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06:09.36Silik0nits been too long tho.. check out cco for the manual on that thing
06:09.41PTG123Silik0n, i think i did that one right
06:10.07PTG123what is the lbrcodec any idea?
06:12.45Silik0nno my wife blew up my ata186 over a year ago heh
06:13.42newmediananger or hottiness?
06:13.51Silik0nsome how while "cleaning" my desk she plugged the wrong power adapter back into it
06:14.34coppicepower adaptors are the work of satan. he gave most of them the same plug :-)
06:14.42PTG123i am suprised that would break it
06:16.10Silik0nsmoked it
06:16.37coppicePTG123: hey, you're even surprised that local calls use ulaw :-)
06:16.49PTG123the jury is still out on that one :)
06:16.59PTG123i couldn't argue that one way or another
06:17.11coppiceyet you try
06:17.14PTG123my calls probably do, since i am on fibreoptics
06:17.54coppicepractically everyone is on a digital exchange, and the first thing they do with any analogue signal is digitise it to ulaw or alaw
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06:18.18PTG123well actually i am all voip now, hence my faxing issue
06:18.26PTG123you know i am keeping a vonage account just for faxing
06:18.30PTG123how sad is that :)
06:20.22*** join/#asterisk oej (~oej@
06:22.00newmediandoes anyone have a link to network map(s) that show the undersea routes out of New Zealand? (e.g. to Australia, Hawaii, etc.)
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06:23.12bsunilhello can anybody tell me how to ste the callerid
06:25.09PTG123you do it in the sip.conf or iax.conf for the device
06:26.20QwellDon't message me...ever
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06:37.51jeffiknewmedian: i use Unlimitel in Canada very good, i know the owner
06:40.52*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
06:45.40TheEmperorcan someone tell me, when i add a
06:45.54*** join/#asterisk clive- (
06:45.54TheEmperorto the dialplan, do I need to do define # in order for it to work?
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06:51.08ZeeekTheEmperor isn't it easy to try that and see?
06:51.30TheEmperorZeeek: how can I check that?
06:52.00Zeeekwell, I'd assume if it worked without "defining #" you'd be done?
06:52.16TheEmperorwell that's the thing, it doesn't work..
06:52.30Zeeekthe question to ask then is why what you did doesn't work
06:53.08Zeeekfirst of all, what 't' are you talking about?
06:53.15TheEmperorto transfer the call
06:53.29TheEmperori am wondering, does it matter what codecs are used?
06:53.31Zeeekso, "using 't' in the dial options..."
06:53.47TheEmperoryes, sorry or not explaining clearly
06:53.55Zeeekand it makes it real hard to answer
06:54.02Zeeekstart with one thing at a time
06:54.14Zeeekso, "using 't' in the dial options..." what is the ret
06:54.18TheEmperorok, when i put t into the dial plan, call transfer does not work
06:54.20Zeeekrest of the question?
06:54.27Zeeekexplain transfer
06:54.37Zeeekwho called whom?
06:55.04TheEmperorsay i am extension 2005, i call extension 2006, then 2006 wants to transfer me to 2007, 2006 needs to press #, but in my case it doesn't work..
06:55.52Zeeekwhat does your dial command look like?
06:56.09ZeeekDial(SIP/2006,20,t) ?
06:56.35Zeeekshould work, so must be the other end client
06:56.42TheEmperorexten => 2006,1,Dial(IAX2/2006,60,t)
06:56.53Zeeekwhat client is IAX2/2006 ?
06:57.04TheEmperorit's a voip hardphone
06:57.16Zeeekah I know why it isn't working then
06:57.20ZeeekI have one of those
06:57.33TheEmperorcodec problem?
06:57.35ZeeekThe # is defined as a call key
06:57.52TheEmperorso how can I fix this?
06:57.54Zeeekwhen you call you press # to send the dial string on those phones
06:58.03ZeeekTell me I'd be interested
06:58.18ZeeekI haven't worked with it enough to know but that is irritating
06:58.22TheEmperori got it working once, but now I can't get it working anymore
06:58.28Zeeekespecially for retrieving vmail!
06:58.31TheEmperoranother thing is, if I use SIP, it's no problem
06:58.39Zeeekthat's interesting
06:58.45Zeeekwhat phone?
06:58.47TheEmperorbut I find IAX2 voice quality is better than using SIP
06:59.09TheEmperorAny reason for that?
06:59.12Zeeekwhat phone?
06:59.20TheEmperorUsing that chip
06:59.23Zeeekthat a chip
06:59.34Zeeekwhat phone? it will vary by phone
06:59.59Zeeekezeephone or netweb?
07:00.01TheEmperoroh, the at320ed
07:01.03TheEmperorusing SIP has all the features but I find with IAX2 protocol, voice quality is better
07:01.21Zeeekhave you read this?
07:01.22TheEmperorbut lacks all these features :(
07:01.47Zeeekyou got the latest firmware and all that?
07:02.28Zeeekfor reference
07:02.47oejTheEmperor: When we get the new SIP jitterbuffer, SIP will kick ass with IAX2 :-)
07:02.51ZeeekI like that Windows config program, it's a nice touch
07:03.12ZeeekI tried SIP on my "IAXphones" but didnt like it
07:03.13niZonSIP and IAX are control protocols, they have nothing to do with eachother
07:03.15TheEmperorbut why is it that when i use iax2 over sip, the quality is better?
07:03.42Zeeekyes I don't know why, but that's just the implimentation in hos phones
07:03.54ZeeekSIP isn't fabulous for some reason
07:03.55oejThe emperor: Most IAX2 implementations has a good jitter buffer
07:04.13oejAsterisk doesn't have a SIP jitterbuffer... yet
07:04.30ZeeekIAX hardphones are, like MArk Twain once said, "Like watching a dog walk on its hind legs"
07:04.31rikstait does i just finished it
07:04.51Zeeek"It isn't done well, but you are always surprised to see  it done at all"
07:04.58ZeeekMark Twain rocks
07:04.59TheEmperorso now the problem is I want to use IAX2 but I don't have call transfer :(
07:05.13Zeeekand the # is hard coded in STABLE AFAIK
07:05.19oejIAX2 has native call transfers
07:05.30*** join/#asterisk remmo (
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07:05.37TheEmperoroej:i can't seem to get call transfer to work when I press # on the hard phones
07:05.44Zeeekoej so how to park a call without using the # key?
07:05.48oejStrange hard phone I guess
07:06.15oejZeeek: With stable, I guess you are forced to use the # key
07:06.28Zeeekplus we have one message service that calls us and says please press pound key to hear the message
07:06.41oejBut with an IAX client, like a hard phone or a soft phone, the coder could implement a "transfer" button like we have on some SIP phones
07:06.45Zeeekya but the # key on those hardphones is the dial key! :)
07:06.57Zeeekagreed, "couild" being the key
07:07.09Zeeekcoulda .= shoulda
07:07.53ZeeekI haven't played enough, there may even be a transfer button - I don't have those phones here
07:08.17*** join/#asterisk jonas (
07:09.02ZeeekOddly enough, I like SIP phopnes with send buttons. It lets you dial very long numbers with bifocals
07:09.24Zeeekwithout timing out while you hopelessly try to read the last 10 digits
07:11.30*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
07:14.19*** join/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
07:20.17TheEmperorZeek: this is weird
07:20.52TheEmperorZeek: if I use my sip soft phone to call my iax2 hard phone, pressing # on the hard phone works
07:23.42TheEmperorain't that weird??
07:23.54TheEmperorwonder if anyone knows why
07:23.55ZeeekI know on my phone, # is call and no # functions will work.
07:24.04Zeeekdid you read that wiki page I posted
07:24.09TheEmperornothing there
07:24.13Zeeeknothing about it there?
07:24.23Zeeekup to you then to find it and post the answer
07:24.33TheEmperori'll try to find out the answer..
07:26.40*** join/#asterisk ilium007 (~ilium@
07:27.09ilium007i am testing my asterinisk setup from work, and i need to open up my Netscreen firewall to allow incomming SIP traffic
07:27.19ilium007from what i can gather it is UDP 5060 traffic ???
07:27.46ilium007can someone tell me if this is correct ?
07:30.03*** join/#asterisk rabelais (
07:33.07*** join/#asterisk ptblank (
07:36.18Zeeekastrisk is behind NAT?
07:36.22Zeeekor client?
07:37.34ilium007yes it is
07:37.51ilium007asterisk server nehind NAT firewall and client is also behond NAT forewall
07:37.56ZeeekI'd recommend TCP/UDP and when it works, remove TCP and see
07:38.08Zeeekbecause I've never been sure
07:38.25ZeeekI think you may need to open 10000-n for the asterisk side too
07:38.54ilium007the protocol is listed as UDP, but my Netscreen 5GT only allows a VIP ( sort of like port forwarding ) to TCP ports
07:38.58ilium007SIP is UDP
07:39.16pimpwellgnight yall
07:40.01Zeeekyou could try putting * in the DMZ
07:40.37ilium007yeah i suppose i can....hmmmmmm
07:42.52Zeeeknever has worked for me though
07:42.59TheEmperorgiven up, gone back to SIP
07:43.03TheEmperorworking good now :)
07:43.08Zeeeka defector - horrible
07:43.14TheEmperorwhat to do?
07:43.32TheEmperorhow can I deliver a pbx system without call transfer to a client?
07:43.35Zeeekfind and publish a solution
07:43.40TheEmperorthey wouldn't accept it...
07:43.55Zeeekyou think that phone is ready for prime time?
07:44.30TheEmperorwith SIP I think it is acceptable
07:44.48ZeeekI honestly prefer my BT102 to those phones
07:44.58Zeeekbut that is very subjective obviously
07:45.28ZeeekI also like pockets on my T-shirts
07:45.38Zeeekbut no pen protectors
07:46.10*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
07:46.17Zeeekjoin #asterisk-waynes_world
07:46.28*** join/#asterisk clive- (
07:47.09ZeeekI own three IAX phones now
07:47.36ZeeekOne doesn't work worth a shit, one works "ok" and one works "fairly well"
07:48.10ZeeekGod I've wasted a lot of money to voIP experiments
07:48.55Zeeek"I did not say I was rich! I said, if I had all the money I have spent, I would *be* rich!"
07:49.24ZeeekI seem to be profound on world history today
07:49.37ZeeekMark Twain, Chicago bluesmen...
07:50.00Zeeeksomebody better break in or I'll be kicked for flooding!
07:50.24citatsZeeek: which iax phone is which?
07:50.36ZeeekYou can guess but I will be polite and not say
07:50.54Zeeekin the name of community solidarity
07:51.35*** join/#asterisk jason357 (~m00@
07:51.38Zeeekmy latest adventure with voip expenditures isn't bad either
07:52.22ZeeekI bought a polycom for about $200 and brought it home. It would cost at least 50% more here
07:52.52Zeeekunfortunately I had to send it back. Sending it FedEx or UPS would cost $110 ONE WAY!
07:53.21ZeeekWhat would you do? (rhetorical question) pay $200 shipping both ways or gamble?
07:54.16Zeeekit was a tough decision, but it got resolved by the fact that I didn't have enough cash to pay and had to send it via the P.O. for $45
07:54.27Zeeekbut now we all know, it may never arrive...
07:55.36ZeeekLesson: bite the bullet and find a local distributor who sells the thing for 2x the US price but will exchange it if it's bad
07:57.02*** join/#asterisk implicit (
07:57.53citatsMALLOC_DEBUG = -include $(PWD)/include/asterisk/astmm.h
07:58.02citatsbah, stupid mouse
07:59.07Zeeekshit happens
08:05.14*** join/#asterisk prh (~paul@
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08:22.32*** join/#asterisk ]expic (~Inferna@
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08:22.59]expici have BRI card and i see errors like May 16 09:41:05 NOTICE[31353]: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channe
08:22.59]expicl of span 4
08:23.03*** join/#asterisk ellvis (
08:23.08ellvishi people
08:23.10*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~neils@
08:23.14]expiclooks like ISDN layer 2 is down, can anybody heelp me?
08:24.57shido6whats up?
08:25.33]expici have BRI card and i see errors like May 16 09:41:05 NOTICE[31353]: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channe
08:25.33]expic-=10:22:43=- <]expic> l of span 4
08:25.41ellvisis there a way how to reduce traffic during phonecalls? i am getting 10 times higher values then online calculators are telling me ( i am using g729 (over iax2 channel)
08:26.54]expicellvis: payload
08:29.43]expiccan it be the problem that i missmatched with linecoding?
08:30.59t0perr, can mp3 be used with ControlPlayback?
08:32.45ellvis]expic: so, then it's all right, right?
08:33.30]expicellvis: whar is all right?
08:33.43]expicellvis: i see green light on BRI port
08:33.51]expicellvis: but i cannot get incoming calls
08:34.08]expicellvis: i see these incoming HDLC errors
08:34.16ellvis]expic: ah, sorry, haven't seen your question
08:34.32ellvis]expic: it was reaction on your "payload"
08:34.47]expict0p: yes you can play mp3, with MP3Player or mpg123
08:35.03ellvis]expic: and when you call that line from outside, you're getting non-existent number?
08:35.27]expicellvis: i think yes
08:35.39]expicellvis: i also have TA built-in into NT1
08:36.07ellvis]expic: check the type of line. if it's point - to - point or if it's point - to - multipoint
08:37.15]expicellvis: is it normal that asterisks says PRI signalling was activated on BRI line?
08:37.24*** join/#asterisk joepurl (~joepurl@
08:38.05ellvis]expic: i don't know, i don't think so. but my experience is very poor...
08:38.28]expicellvis: it's my first BRI card , so i am also not very convinced
08:40.41ellvis]expic: i had once problem with BRI and it was that the line was configured as point-to-point and i had to ask provider to change it to point-to-multipoint
08:40.45t0p]expic: Yeah, but is it possible to use it for ControlPlayback directly?
08:40.48*** join/#asterisk pids (
08:41.15]expicellvis: only ISP can provide me this info?
08:41.29ellvis]expic: yes
08:42.38]expicellvis; what's the difference between multipoint and point2point?
08:42.50pidsAnyone have any idea why an IAX call would get disconnected after about 1.5 minutes while someone is leaving a message. It only happens when someone is calling in from one of our UK numbers. Calling into out US numbers works fine.
08:43.50ellvis]expic: when the line is point-to-point, you can't receive calls untill they're not comming from one place
08:44.01ellvis]expic: at least, that's how i understand it
08:44.40ellvis]expic: that was the problem i had - none was abble to call me, i changed it and things went right
08:46.36*** join/#asterisk newmember (
08:54.49*** join/#asterisk wt (
08:55.10wtanyone here know the dial application well?
08:58.20wtBy default (no options), what happens if you Dial an extension that is in use?
08:58.57wtI thought that it went to the next priority, but that doesn't seem to be right
08:59.27]expicMay 16 10:57:55 NOTICE[31827]: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channe
08:59.27]expicl of span 1
08:59.30]expic:( the same
09:06.47ellvispri got event... it's shouldn't be there if you're using bri, no?
09:07.24ellvisi don't have much experiences with CAPI at all, i used (still use) only HiSax
09:09.22*** join/#asterisk Hali_303 (
09:09.42Hali_303i'm installing an X100P card
09:09.51Hali_303downloaded zaptel-1.0.7.tar.gz
09:09.55Hali_303and compiled, installed
09:10.06Hali_303however, when doing modprobe wcfxo:
09:10.27Hali_303/lib/modules/2.4.26/misc/wcfxo.o: init_module: No such device
09:10.27Hali_303Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
09:10.27Hali_303/lib/modules/2.4.26/misc/wcfxo.o: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.26/misc/wcfxo.o failed/lib/modules/2.4.26/misc/wcfxo.o: insmod wcfxo failed
09:10.50Hali_303what could be the cause? the card is installed of course
09:11.08Hali_3030000:00:14.0 Communication controller: Individual Computers - Jens Schoenfeld Intel 537
09:11.48Hali_303(and this appears 7 times, with numbers like 0000:00:14.1 .. 0000:00:14.7)
09:15.49*** join/#asterisk Aze` (~aze@
09:20.25*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
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09:22.30*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
09:27.11Zeeekwhat's the IRQ table look like?
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09:29.29TheEmperoranyone implemented bandwidth shapers in their * boxes?
09:39.47Hali_303Zeeek, you mean /proc/interrupts?
09:41.00*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
09:41.50Zeeeklooks good (don't flood the channel, use
09:42.05Zeeekcheck on /etc/zapata.conf
09:42.22Hali_303Zeeek, ok, sorry
09:42.29Zeeekno big deal at them moment
09:42.39Zeeekbut you'll get called on that later :)
09:43.34Hali_303I didnt touch zapata.conf yet.. maybe this is the problem?
09:44.04Zeeekyes it is
09:44.11eper-werkanybody bought hardware from voiptalk? (there the Uk distro for the wildcard) they seem to not be very good at replying to emails etc as in i've ordeed something voer a week ago and there not replying to when/if it will be shipped
09:44.13Zeeekwhat docs have you been working from?
09:44.42Hali_303Zeeek, I just googled and found some mailing list posts.. do you have a good doc on installing the X100P?
09:45.02ZeeekHali_303 you'll need something like this: fxsks = 1
09:45.08Zeeekfor an FXO
09:45.22ZeeekStarter tutorial:
09:45.23ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
09:45.38Hali_303ok thx, I'll take a look at those
09:45.41Zeeeklook at the site real quick and find the zaptel part
09:46.04Zeeekin fact:
09:46.59Zeeekeper-werk don't they give a phone number?
09:47.14ZeeekI have an account but never ordered any hardware from them
09:48.54Hali_303Zeeek, from this doc, it seems that I'll have to do modprobe wcfxo before editing /etc/zapata.conf
09:49.11Hali_303imean zaptel.conf
09:49.34Hali_303anyways I've added fxsks=1
09:49.49Hali_303but the error message remains ;(
09:51.03Hali_303shouldnt the X100P show up in the interrupt table? maybe there are too many cards in the machine (3 ethernet cards+1 VGA cards) and they take up too many irqs?
09:51.11Zeeekyes it should
09:51.29Zeeekwow! I didn't look at the crads, just the numbers
09:51.32Hali_303but as you can see, it doesnt show up in mine
09:51.37ZeeekIRQ numbers. Your card isn't seen!
09:51.49Hali_303yes. then this will be the problem :(
09:52.19Hali_303hmm strange.. how could I debug what is causing the problem?
09:52.24Zeeekisn't there a message on boot about the card?
09:52.32Hali_303in /var/log/messages?
09:53.05ZeeekFound a Wildcard FXO: Wildcard X101P
09:53.05ZeeekPCI: Found IRQ 7 for device 02:0a.0
09:53.05Zeeekwcfxo: DAA mode is 'FCC'
09:53.33*** join/#asterisk ]expic (~Inferna@
09:54.17Hali_303Zeeek, this should be the output of the wcfxo driver, right?
09:54.28Zeeekya sumptin like that
09:54.37Hali_303but since it is a kernel module, it doesnt get loaded on boot
09:54.51Hali_303only when I load it with modprobe wcfxo
09:54.54Zeeekonly if you tell it to
09:55.07Hali_303but then it gives the above errors on the irq ;(
09:55.44Zeeekpainful solution, but you'd have to remove all non-essential PCI cards and see if you see it in theIRQ table
09:55.56Hali_303yes, I'm afraid :(
09:55.59Zeeekor switch em around
09:56.12Zeeekyou have 2 eth ifaces?
09:56.16Hali_3033 :)
09:56.18Zeeekwhat else is in this box?
09:56.23Zeeeko 3...
09:56.31Hali_3033 PCI ethernet cards
09:56.43Zeeeklooks like that's it. Do you need USB?
09:56.44Hali_303and 1 VGA cards
09:56.59Hali_303hm good idea I turn off USB in the bios, right?
09:57.00Zeeekmaybe try to disable that then
09:57.08Hali_303and maybe the 2nd IDE too
09:57.15Zeeekif there isn't any
09:57.34Zeeekyou *could* pull two of the eth just for grins...
09:57.44Hali_303ok thx!
09:57.54Hali_303I'll try and report if it works :)
09:58.00*** part/#asterisk Hali_303 (
09:58.02Zeeekof course the quality of support is proportional to the price
09:59.16TheEmperordoes anyone have an example of gotoiftime config?
09:59.46Zeeekthere are a few here:
10:00.10TheEmperorZeeek: will check it out thanks
10:00.39Zeeekdownload the PDF and read it. It'll save you a lot of IRC time :)
10:01.06Zeeekit's 12 noon here - do you know where your interrupt routines are?
10:08.59RoyK~lart Zeeek
10:10.15*** join/#asterisk trimi` (~da@
10:17.38RoyKanyone that knows how i can find out which processes are using the most i/o time?
10:18.57wtanyone here know anything about ChanIsAvail?
10:19.27wtI am looking for a little info
10:20.33wtsuch as, why, when the channel is busy, does "exten => s,2,ChanIsAvail(Zap/2)" not jump to priority 103 when Zap/2 is busy
10:23.45wtwhy what?
10:24.09wtI am trying to implement 911 as suggested in the voip-info wiki
10:24.10tzafrirwt, do you use ${CHANAVAILORIG} ?
10:24.16*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
10:24.31wttzafrir: I have never heard of that
10:24.49tzafrirChanIsAvail does not jusmp. It simply sets some channel variables
10:25.00RoyKwt: don't bother with tzafrir. he's prolly drunk
10:25.01tzafrirshow application ChanIsAvail
10:25.24wtWhy does the wiki say "If none of the requested channels are available the new priority will be n+101 (unless such a priority does not exist, in which case ChanIsAvail will return -1)." then?
10:25.36wtthat must be incorrect
10:26.08wtthat says the same thing tzafrir
10:26.22tzafrirwt, well it WorksForMe (with Zap)
10:26.30tzafriron -stable
10:26.32wtI have Zap, too
10:26.40wttzafrir: how do you do it?
10:26.45wtI am on 1.0.7
10:26.50wtwith Zap devices
10:26.57tzafrirRoyK: me ? drunk? nah
10:27.19wt${CHANAVAIL} is Zap/2-busy-34432432 after ChanIsAvail
10:27.30wtit just doesn't seem to jump as expected
10:27.50wtand I don't know how to work around it or make it work
10:28.02wtexten => s,1,SetVar(SET_EMERG_FLAG=0)
10:28.02wtexten => s,2,ChanIsAvail(${EMERGENCY_TRUNK})
10:28.02wtexten => s,3,SetGlobalVar(EMERGENCY=1)
10:28.02wtexten => s,4,SetVar(SET_EMERG_FLAG=1)
10:28.07wtthat's what I have
10:28.12tzafrirwt, pastebin
10:28.17jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
10:28.36wtI thought 4 lines wouldn't be too bad with the low traffic on the channel
10:28.36RoyK~lart wt
10:29.44RoyKkill doesn't work :(
10:30.46wtthat is the whole section
10:31.19wtthe 102 and 104 were testing if I was off by one
10:31.42tzafrirwt, try testing ${CHANAVAILORIG}?
10:31.48*** join/#asterisk Hali_303 (
10:32.04Hali_303Zeeek, wow ;) now it works!!! I just changed the order of the cards!
10:32.07tzafriror CHANAVAIL
10:32.28Hali_303Zeeek, I mean modprobe now works, on the asterisk side, I have to do a lot of config I guess
10:32.35Zeeekok great news!
10:33.00wtis there a way to do a regex match?
10:33.08*** join/#asterisk zoa (
10:33.17*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
10:35.33*** join/#asterisk jbot (
10:35.33*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
10:35.42RoyK~lart hiself
10:35.50RoyK~lart himself
10:35.54wt~lart jbot
10:36.22ZeeekHali_303 just a few lines in /etc/zaptel.conf
10:36.35Zeeekand a few in zapata.conf
10:38.21*** join/#asterisk newbien (
10:38.36Hali_303Zeeek, yes, it seems that zaptel.conf and zapata.conf now works okay, because ztcfg -vv:
10:38.42Hali_303Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
10:38.42Hali_3031 channels configured.
10:38.48*** join/#asterisk kdayn (
10:38.50Zeeekthere you are
10:39.00Hali_303now what to do next? the tutorial on the web ends with this..
10:39.02Zeeekstart calling your friends now
10:39.13*** join/#asterisk fantomax1 (~fanto@
10:39.14Hali_303I need to set up an extension I guess
10:39.20Hali_303which uses this card
10:39.23Zeeekyou need to read this:
10:39.49Hali_303ok, thx!
10:40.31Zeeekor if you feel really lucky add exten => 2000,1,Dial(ZAP/1/18005551212)
10:40.45Zeeekextensions reload and dial 2000
10:40.59Zeeek(after asterisk running, obviously)
10:41.56Hali_30318005551212 is the phone number to dial when extension 2000 dialed right?
10:42.02wtsetgroup can be used for lines you are dialing to?
10:42.05Zeeekyes, dumb example
10:42.13Hali_303Zeeek, ok I'll try, thx!!
10:42.28Zeeekfirst read that link - just a few pages
10:42.47Zeeek"Handing Off Calls to the Analog Phone Network via SIP"
10:42.52wtcan I use SetGroup to seize an extension for 911 calls?
10:43.25Zeeekin an office setting?
10:45.04ZeeekI think the only good 911 solution for fixed phones is to have an ordinary phone that can be switched on to an ordinary line to call 911, think of it as a fire extinguisher. Any voip solution will fall short by that measure
10:46.23ZeeekI'm always game to bet money on voip hardware, but less excited about betting someone's life on voIP itself :)
10:47.54wtI am using POTS
10:48.08wtI just want to be able to force anyone else off when 911 is dialed
10:48.46Zeeekmy system is failsafe
10:49.16wtthat way these people don't have to go down 2 floors to get to a phone that 911 works on
10:49.19Zeeeka phone with the ringer removed would be great
10:49.30wtI am not looking for worst case scenario
10:49.31Zeeekput one on every floor
10:49.55TheEmperoris this a correct command? exten => 4000,1,Playback(weareclosed)
10:49.55Zeeekagain, betting lives on zapata and asterisk... nah
10:50.45fantomax1hi all
10:51.13Zeeekwt I expect though that to do what you describe you'd need to write code to destroy or at least hangup a channel and then make the call
10:51.17wtWell, even supposing I did that, I would like 911 to work from any phone if the asterisk box is up
10:51.24fantomax1maximum retries exceeded on calls .. is a matter of connection or system lack of resorces ?
10:51.45Zeeekfantomax1 it means asterisk can't reach whatever it's tring to reach
10:51.47wtZeeek: that sounds correct
10:52.11Zeeekmaybe softhangup
10:52.22fantomax1is a matter of connection ? or too many calls ?
10:52.34wtZeeek: its in my dialplan already
10:52.35fantomax1i have 370 channels on a double Xeon
10:52.40Zeeekfantomax1 I think it's the device not being reachable
10:52.53fantomax1the termination you mean ?
10:53.07fantomax1maybe it's got the timeout
10:53.14Zeeekwt why screw with seeing if a channel is available at all? If someone calls 911 hang em all up!
10:53.14wtZeeek: I just need to know how to detect if a channel is used and then I can jump to the softhangup
10:53.48wtZeeek: I guess that curiosity comes from when I get to do a bigger installation
10:53.57Zeeekyou could do something like this:
10:54.23ZeeekPlayback(ernie in sales is calling 911 again)
10:54.41wtnot to mention, if someone jumps in at just the right time, it would get the line before I do, and then I need to softhangup again
10:54.46Zeeekpseudocode obviously
10:55.34wtI wish that there was a semaphore or mutex so that I could synchronize the access to the region
10:55.39wtin the dialplan, that is
10:56.01wtI think that makes sense
10:56.04Zeeekif wishes were horses...
10:56.10Zeeekbeggars would ride
10:56.10wtZeeek: thanks :-P
10:56.19Zeeekand if a frog had wings...
10:56.26Zeeekhe would bump his ass when he jumps
10:56.30wtI was hoping you'd say, "but there is
10:56.34Zeeekooops - wouldn't
10:56.45*** join/#asterisk csg (
10:57.06ZeeekI guess you'll have to write ome code to access the semaphores
10:57.21wtor just synchronize access to a channel
10:57.38*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@localhorst.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
10:57.40wtso that I could just say hangup the channel and then dial atomically
10:57.41ZeeekI was surprised to learn I couldn't just barge in on a channel (like picking up a phone)
10:58.19wtfor Zap channels, it looks like you can
10:58.32Zeeekyes you can in a way
10:58.38wtnot that you have zap channels
10:58.41Zeeekand it's cool because they can't hear you
10:58.50Zeeekoh but we do
10:59.14Zeeekture I refered to voIP above in my tirade about 911 but I should have said pbx
10:59.25wtI wish I could display globals from the console also; that'd be neat
10:59.36Zeeekcan anyone seriously say "I trust my life to asterisk"?
10:59.58wtI have to trust my life to NorTel when I am at FedEx
11:00.01Zeeek"my life and the potential loss of lives and property of hundreds"
11:00.04wtwhat's the difference?
11:00.17Zeeekcome on, you know what the difference is
11:00.25Zeeeknot that that's so great either :)
11:00.40wtthere's not much difference when it comes down to it
11:01.23Zeeekof course, if you're confident (you generic not YOU) with your asterisk install, then you have to never update without very, very extensive testing
11:02.00ZeeekI don't know, do pbx like nortel drop calls for no visible reason from time tot ime and stuff like that?
11:02.16Zeeekwe had a pbx here once. It worked as reliably as a phone
11:02.40Zeeeknot much intelligence there, but it did what it had to do
11:02.57Zeeekasterisk is great, but it is a work in progress
11:03.29Zeeekand everyone that uses asterisk should listen in to at least ONE developer conference call
11:05.18Zeeekwt wrt dispalying globals, ya it would be nice
11:09.19*** join/#asterisk hellop (
11:14.21Pj386Hey, anyone got any info on GAPS (the centralized configuration server from grandstream) ?
11:14.50Pj386I can't find any info, even on grandstream's website (only reference in manuals to "Please refer to GAPS documentation")
11:15.26Zeeekyou sure it wasn't "please refer to the many gaps in our documentation" ?
11:15.38*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
11:16.10*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
11:16.10RoyKgrandstream sucks....
11:16.11Pj386I'm not talking about asterisk ;)
11:16.33TheEmperorcan someone please tell me why this command doesnt work? i have already recorded the sound file...n someone tell me why this command doesn work? i have already recorded the sound file exten => 4000,2,Playback(weareclosed)
11:16.33TheEmperor* Disconnected
11:16.34Zeeeknever hear of the GAPS from them
11:16.36*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
11:16.48Pj386though this one was low :(
11:16.49Zeeekwhat's on 1 ?
11:17.16Zeeekwhat does CLI say?
11:17.18RoyKTheEmperor: background, not playback
11:17.28Pj386should be a meta tftp server wich allow you to store phone configs and distribute them
11:17.38TheEmperorRoyK:oh, i think you are right...
11:17.45ZeeekPj386  ya, I guessed that
11:17.49TheEmperorZeeek: when i dial 4000, nothing happens, just hangs up my phone..
11:18.00Zeeekno CLI output?
11:18.23Zeeekand calling another extension works?
11:18.46Zeeekmaybe the phone is eating some numbers ?
11:18.52Zeeekor adding some?
11:18.52RoyKset verbose 99
11:18.57TheEmperorhmm, i will check
11:21.19*** join/#asterisk jbot (
11:21.20*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
11:21.21TheEmperorhow do I check if the sound file I recorded is still there?
11:21.27Zeeekls ?
11:21.46Zeeekbut be logical, if the file isn't found asterisk will complain
11:22.04Zeeekdial 4111
11:22.10TheEmperorhmm, i changed the number from 4000 2700, still doesn't work
11:22.11Zeeekwhat happens?
11:22.37Zeeekyou reloading extensions?
11:22.45TheEmperorsame thing..
11:22.47TheEmperornothing happens
11:23.08Zeeekput the 4000 ext in pastebin
11:23.34TheEmperorjust checked the sounds folder, the sound file i recorded is there..
11:24.44Zeeekuse logic: create an exten => 4000,1?NoOp(Yo!) and see what happens
11:25.35Zeeekis closed included in the context your phone is dialing from?
11:25.53TheEmperorZeeek: oh...
11:26.31TheEmperorZeeek: something I missed... :)
11:31.58*** join/#asterisk jbot (
11:31.58*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
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11:59.50cjkhi, is there any way to save registration information (astdb) into a mysql db without using realtime module?
12:05.14TheEmperordoes festival eat a lot of cpu/memory while running and/or running in the background?
12:07.33*** join/#asterisk jbot (
12:07.33*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
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12:14.22lehelpls.. somebody help me to configure zaptel drivers for asterisk
12:14.53leheli have a TDM400P
12:15.34lehelchan_zap.c:764 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/channel': No such device
12:16.35tzafrirjbot, genzaptelconf is a script to general zaptel.conf and zapata.conf snippet for TDM cards, availble from or from the Rapid zaptel packaged. Ask tzafrir about it.
12:16.36jbotokay, tzafrir
12:16.44jboti heard genzaptelconf is a script to general zaptel.conf and zapata.conf snippet for TDM cards, availble from or from the Rapid zaptel packaged. Ask tzafrir about it.
12:17.04lehelline 13: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
12:17.04lehel./genzaptelconf: line 556: ast-cmd: command not found
12:17.47tzafrirjbot, genzaptelconf is also ignore warning about missing ast-cmd.
12:17.48jbottzafrir: okay
12:17.52jbotfrom memory, genzaptelconf is a script to general zaptel.conf and zapata.conf snippet for TDM cards, availble from or from the Rapid zaptel packaged. Ask tzafrir about it. ignore warning about missing ast-cmd.
12:18.19lehelMay 16 15:17:49 WARNING[20841]: chan_zap.c:764 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/channel': No such device
12:18.30tzafrirls -l /dev/zap/channel
12:18.46tzafrirand also: is the module zaptel loaded?
12:19.05lehelcrw-r--r--  1 root root 196, 254 2005-05-16 15:07 /dev/zap/channel
12:19.11lehelthe zaptel module isn't loaded
12:19.20tzafriris asterisk running as root?
12:19.39lehelthe lights aren't green
12:19.41tzafrirIf not, you probably need a chown/chmod to allow the asterisk user to write there.
12:20.05tzafrirOn a standard debian system, /dev/zap should be owned by the group dialout
12:20.15lehelasterisk is running as root.. i think
12:20.49tzafrirhmm: no such device: probably module not loaded
12:21.05lehelMay 16 15:17:49 WARNING[20841]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
12:21.22tzafrirlehel, I meant the kernel module
12:21.29tzafrir/sbin/lsmod |grep zaptel
12:22.07tzafrirzaptel module is not loaded
12:22.13leheli said that
12:22.18*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:22.35tzafrirThat was an asterisk module in your message before.
12:22.43tzafrirDo you have zxaptel modules built?
12:22.55tzafrirzaptel, that is
12:23.16lehelzaptel.conf is not configured
12:23.40tzafrirwithout the module zaptel loaded, zaptel.conf has no use
12:23.51lehel./etc/zaptel.conf : loadzone and defaultzone.. missing something
12:23.56tzafrirzaptel.conf is not used by the kernel space
12:24.06lehelhow can i load the zaptel module?
12:24.13tzafrirIt is only used by ztcfg
12:24.22tzafrirmodprobe zaptel
12:24.34tzafriror simpler: modprobe wcfxs
12:24.44lehelohh,, i forgot to tell you:
12:24.54lehelwhen i compiled zaptel:
12:25.01lehelsome.. PPP ... ??
12:25.30lehel"depmod: ..Unresolved symbols...
12:26.01leheli read: i should compile zaptel without PPP support
12:26.14lehelto prevent this error
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12:26.33lehelmodprobe: /lib/modules/2.4.27-1-386/misc/zaptel.o: insmod zaptel failed
12:26.35tzafrirwhat source did you use for zaptel?
12:26.44lehelthere it is
12:27.00lehelnot good?
12:27.12tzafriryou should upgrade your kernel to 2.4.27-2-386
12:27.14]expicMay 16 12:41:16 NOTICE[31827]: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channe
12:27.14]expicl of span 1
12:27.21]expiccan anybody tell me what is wrong?
12:27.36tzafrirWhen you get the time
12:27.49]expicit's BRI junghanns card
12:28.06tzafrirIt was a kernel fix that broke the ABI of many modules, and hence the name change
12:29.10*** join/#asterisk OzJames79 (
12:29.12tzafrir(And for 2.4.27-2-386 or 686 or whatever you'll be ableto use my pre-compiled modules, naturally)
12:30.01lehelok tzafrir !
12:30.09leheli'll do now that upgrade
12:31.22lehelbut anyway this PPP support ruins zaptel?..
12:34.19*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
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12:40.14tzafrirwhat version of asterisk do you use? from where?
12:43.33Zeeekaïe caramba
12:43.53leheltzafrir: from cvs
12:44.32tzafriroh, then my pre-compiled 1.0.7 won't help you much, I figure :-(
12:44.51*** part/#asterisk OzJames79 (
12:45.18leheland if i remove.. and download the 1.0.7 ?and then compile?
12:45.44Zeeekjbot, learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get the good stuff.
12:45.45jbotZeeek: okay
12:45.46lehelbut i think the problem is with the zaptel!
12:46.00Zeeek~learning asterisk
12:46.30RoyKZeeek: most people start off with masturbation...
12:47.01Zeeekthat's what I'm doihng with jbot right now
12:47.27tzafrir~bot abuse
12:47.28jbotLeave me alone.. I feel abused and molested.
12:47.34Zeeekjbot, RoyK is a good audience
12:47.35jbot...but royk is already something else...
12:47.48jbotsomebody said royk was someone who hasn't learned that drinking and driving isn't cool
12:48.21*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@localhorst.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
12:48.37RoyKjbot: no, RoyK is that viking asterisk guru
12:48.38jbotokay, RoyK
12:48.39Zeeekjbot, Zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
12:48.40jbotZeeek: okay
12:48.47jbotextra, extra, read all about it, zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
12:50.34coppicewoody allen said masturbation is people who believe sex is much too personal to share with another human being
12:50.45Zeeekhe's right, damn it
12:51.01]expicca anybody help me with BRI card?
12:51.21coppicewhy? are they that heavy? :-)
12:51.21Zeeekhe laso said death is exaclty like sex except you don't feel nauseus after
12:51.41*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
12:52.14*** join/#asterisk MattH (
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12:52.43MattHHi.. does anyone know of any example anywhere to do this:   dial into my * box... enter an access code... and then get prompted for the number to dial and have * dial out... and connect the two calls?
12:53.06Zeeekdidn't you ask this yesterday?
12:53.11RoyKcoppice: hi
12:53.17MattHZeeek: no
12:53.39MattHZeeek: I don't believe I've ever asked this question before
12:53.40Zeeekwell someone did, too bad you mised it :)
12:53.52MattHI know it can be done.. just wondered if there was an example before I go re-inventing the wheel :)
12:53.58Zeeekbut thanswer was something like "look at DISA and .call files"
12:54.18Zeeekhint: look at "wakeme" AGI
12:54.45*** part/#asterisk sheez (~scott@
12:54.53ZeeekI remember someone actually writing a callback from a hotel room at 3AM
12:55.22Zeeekthe only problem was if they answer "Hotel Paradise, please hold" while you recordeing is asking for your room number
12:55.44MattHahh disa looks like what I want
12:55.53Zeeekwould the callback number vary or be the same?
12:56.15Zeeekfor one person or several?
12:56.23Zeeekred or blus?
12:56.23MattHit would vary.. which is why it would be better if the user could call INTO the system and then call out... as all the calls TO the system will be local
12:57.27Zeeekwell if the number is limited they could enter a password and get a callback
12:57.36MattHyeah that could work as well
12:57.41Zeeekor even just call and hang up
12:59.21Zeeekwait, "have asterisk connect the two calls" you mean it would call one number, then the other and then connect those two?
12:59.28MattHno sorry
12:59.34MattHlike I'm local to the asterisk system but not voip or in the office
12:59.44Zeeekyou want a callback with dialtone so asterisk is billed for the call
12:59.49MattHI can call local access number 601-blah... asterisk prompts me to call.. i enter the number... and asterisk connects us
12:59.51*** join/#asterisk sheez (~scott@
12:59.54MattHbasically yeah
13:00.00MattHor DISA... either look like they will work well
13:00.19sheezhas anyone in here had any luck with mitel ip sets with sip?
13:00.26Zeeekyou want to use POTS from home to use POTS or voip from office?
13:01.33Zeeekdefinitely, DISA , PIN and you'll have dialtone and can dial any number including vmail
13:02.01Zeeekor add functions before DISA for vmail, intercom, whatever
13:02.17MattHyup that's what I'm looking for =)
13:02.58]expicCRC error for HDLC frame on card 1
13:03.03]expiccan anybody helop me what it is?
13:03.10]expiclayer2 is down
13:05.24tzangerit means there was a CRC error in the HDLC frame
13:05.34tzangerit means that the line quality is subpar
13:05.42]expictzafrir: yes, what things i should look first?
13:05.45tzangeror there is something causing the driver to miss bits
13:07.34]expicshared interrupt?
13:09.13*** join/#asterisk Blu3 (
13:09.19]expici set bit to 1
13:09.23]expicto clock from line
13:10.39*** join/#asterisk darth-timeus (darth@
13:11.14darth-timeusi still have the one way audio problem, so i try to compile the asterisk with the gcc-3.2.2
13:11.40darth-timeusbut i can't make the zaptel work, because it compile, install, but it don't create
13:11.50darth-timeusthe dev/zap directories
13:11.50tzanger]expic: PLEASE try to understand wtf you're doing
13:12.01tzangerwhy are you defining the same span 4 times
13:12.20Sato1darth-timeus, do you have udev?
13:12.27Sato1darth-timeus, or normal /dev?
13:13.24tzangerand why do you have the LBO set?
13:13.53darth-timeusSato 1: yes i have udev
13:14.33Sato1darth-timeus, go to your zaptel directory, and see the README.udev
13:16.03darth-timeusi have readed it, and i have included everything in my files, but i can't make it work
13:16.50tzanger]expic: hello?
13:17.33Sato1darth-timeus, what does ztcfg -vvv says?
13:18.14]expic<tzanger>it's nistake
13:18.21]expic<tzanger>i just paste 4 times
13:18.25]expic<tzanger>i do it once
13:18.52]expic<tzanger>that's why i said sorry, cause pasted it 4 times
13:19.08darth-timeusSato 1: line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
13:20.00Sato1well, not sure if thats the solution, after i had that, i rebooted my compyter and everything works
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13:21.36darth-timeusSato 1: ok, i'll give it a try
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13:27.00lunchbox08Anyone know a way to restart | stop | start the zaptel module as a non root user?
13:27.16Sato1using manger
13:27.45Hali_303I would like to download the latest zaptel driver, however, digium's CVS doesnt seem to work! does it work for you?
13:28.20Hali_303cvs login
13:28.27bublboblhi all, I need to record a call for quality testing purpose, is it hard to set * for this or shall I better plug a recorder on my IP-Phone ?
13:28.28Hali_303and then it waits for 3-4 minutes then timeouts
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13:29.03lunchbox08how would you restart zaptel via manager?
13:29.25leheltzafrir: Linux dev01 2.4.27-2-686  < ok?
13:29.57Sato1Hali_303, cvs is working, at least for me
13:30.08Hali_303satol, with the above lines?
13:30.25Sato1lunchbox08, see the info about manager on
13:30.27Hali_303Sato1, I've just tried it a minute ago an it hangs
13:30.53Sato1Hali_303, with those lines, actually, just checked a couple minutes ago
13:31.17leheltzafrir: ??
13:31.17Hali_303hmm then what could cause cvs stop working..
13:31.22lunchbox08I am looking at it right now... I do not see anything in regarding restarting zaptel... I can do a reload but that does nothing in regards to zaptel...
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13:31.55SexyKenHey guys -- quick question...
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13:32.06Sato1lunchbox08, "Action: command" "command: unload".....
13:32.12SexyKen...when some of my phones try to make an outgoing call it says 'No authority found'....any ideas why?
13:32.47lunchbox08Sato1, Thank you very much...
13:32.48Sato1SexyKen, could be lot of things
13:33.06Sato1lunchbox08, no problem
13:33.21SexyKenMay 16 07:32:17 WARNING[2513]: chan_iax2.c:6075 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
13:33.33SexyKenSato -- hrm.
13:34.07Sato1that mainly happends when Dial command does not send the proper user/pass, or the right extension
13:34.43SexyKenAny ideas on what I should do to trouble shoot it?
13:36.18Sato1not with that information, that just the result of the problem, i think you could paste the Dial command that is causing that
13:36.51SexyKenIt doesn't show the actual dial command...just that error.
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13:37.27Sato1the dial command in your dialplan, to see how you are making the call
13:42.15ariel_hello everyone
13:42.37Sato1morning ariel_
13:44.02darwin35why would a inbound exten loop and dial itself back out
13:44.49Sato1because it is not right configured?
13:46.51darwin35exten => 8667871709,1,Goto(in-pstn)
13:47.02darwin35it goes to a macro
13:47.31darwin35yeah it loops
13:48.14darwin35also I cant seem to make outbound calls
13:48.33darwin35all the nmbrs other wise work inbound
13:49.06Sato1i think you could paste the actual dialplan
13:49.16newlvalgrind it to death hehe
13:49.22darwin35its huge
13:49.43tzangerbkw_: I'm signing up for an asterlink acct right now
13:50.28RoyKdarby_t: patebin it
13:50.34RoyKpastebin, even
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13:51.34RoyKfrom show memory summary chan_sip.c
13:51.49RoyKthat just climbes and climbes and climbes
13:51.56*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
13:52.43RoyKbut I have no idea why it's not freed
13:52.44tzangerbkw_: why the fuck do I need a numeric-only password for an account?!
13:52.59bkw_tzanger, because you can't enter them over da phone
13:53.11tzangerbkw_: blech.  ok
13:53.36bkw_tzanger, soon you'll have the ability to use your asterlink account from any PSTN line too
13:53.42tzangerI see
13:53.49bkw_oh now he gets it
13:53.50tzangerso how do I enter my username then?  :-)
13:53.57bkw_your user_id is 6 digits
13:54.10tzangerdo I *need* a tollfree number?
13:54.18bkw_you don't have to take one
13:54.34tzangerI don't see that option
13:54.39bkw_RoyK, were are you getting these numbers?
13:54.49tzangerplease assign one, use one from below, I want a custom one
13:54.58newl1-888-tza-nger :)
13:55.02bkw_tzanger, i'll have the guys fix that then
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13:55.18bkw_it was there a few weeks ago when I tested it..
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13:55.49bkw_we went to lowes at freakin 7am today
13:55.56bkw_greg woke me up at 5:45am to go
13:55.57*** part/#asterisk lunchbox08 (~geoff@
13:56.08bkw_we spent 678 bucks
13:56.27bkw_we bought a new front door...
13:56.41rikstathat's an expensive front door
13:56.44tzangerbkw_: usually we see the CVS # as a CCV #
13:56.53newlriksta: I was thinking the same.
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13:57.02bkw_tzanger, you're kidding me right?
13:57.18tzangerbkw_: no, CCV is what I always have heard
13:57.24tzangerthe 3 digit code that is not embossed
13:57.32bkw_ya but I do not recall what we called it
13:57.38tzangeryou called it the CVS #
13:57.56tzangerugh you pop up my info too, damn you
13:57.57tzangerjust email it
13:57.57]expicpplz according BRI problem i solved it
13:58.01]expicthank you
13:58.59bkw_stupid i'll fix that too
13:59.05bkw_it is CVV2
13:59.16tzangeryeah CVV/CVV2
13:59.26NewSolemorning folks
14:00.06NewSolewell I could have said morning blolks
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14:01.50tzangerbkw_: how the fuck is my login incorrect?!
14:02.02]expicExtension '80075599' in context 'from-pstn' from '21553554' does not exist
14:02.06tzangerI logged in, now it's on a second page with just two form entries: email and password
14:02.11]expiccan anybody explain me why it doesn;'t go to "s"?
14:02.16tzangerand (again, dumbass popup) "login incorrect"
14:04.41bkw_tzanger, its your
14:04.45]expic> "s" is run when a call comes in and Asterisk does not know the dialed
14:04.45]expic> number.  It does NOT mean "meaning anything coming in through that context
14:04.45]expic> will start there"
14:04.49]expicis that true?
14:05.03bkw_]expic, it can mean both
14:05.09bkw_"can" being the keyword
14:05.24]expicbkw: so should i make "i"?
14:05.35]expicbkw: cause i moved from fxo to bri
14:05.45]expicbkw: and now i get unknown extension
14:06.03tzangerbkw_: you might want to make a note of that somewhere, because it's asking for an email addy and I don't have an email addy
14:07.35tzangerbkw_: login incorrect
14:09.03bkw_tzanger, let me see
14:09.12bkw_are you using the form on the frontpage?
14:09.22tzangerI might be doing something really stupid but it's asking for my email addy so that's what I had been putting
14:09.34tzangerbkw_: no, I entered my user/pass on that and it took me to this other screen
14:09.36Sato1how accurated would be iptables accounting to measure trafic generated by iax in a call?
14:09.41tzangerbkw_: with "email" and "password"
14:09.47bkw_let me see
14:10.01bkw_it takes 5-10 min to get your account to active state
14:10.13tzangerhmm okay it's been that long NOW but I'll wait a little bit more
14:10.31tzangerand the second screen "email" really is "" and not my signup email addy?
14:11.01bkw_well you get an email account with us too
14:11.24bkw_it still shows pending
14:11.27bkw_let me kick it
14:11.37*** join/#asterisk sivana (
14:11.39*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
14:11.54bkw_well let me switch computers first
14:13.09*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
14:13.09*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
14:14.41darwin35 here is the dial plan
14:15.09darwin35to go with the loop I was having
14:16.48*** join/#asterisk n4y (
14:16.54Seyranyone here ever do any clustering with *?
14:17.14*** join/#asterisk loick (
14:18.49Sato1darwin35, and the loop is when you dial to a toll-free number?
14:19.32Zeeekbjohnson hey, uh notch...
14:21.05*** join/#asterisk bonez39 (
14:21.11darwin35when you dial the 800 to call in it loops and does not goto the autoattendant like it should
14:21.43mAsH`i have a hfc card in nt mode, i used bri_net as signalling, but when i start * i got this error:
14:22.06mAsH`anyone can help me ?
14:22.19docelm0What's the name of the company doing E911 Services? Intrado?
14:22.24Sato1darwin35, an intoming call?
14:22.31bkw_bri_net isn't valid
14:22.36bkw_pri_net is
14:22.40bkw_if you're using bristuff
14:22.42mAsH`in zaptel 1.0.6 i use it
14:22.44bkw_you need to contact those people
14:22.48bkw_no you don't
14:22.53bkw_zaptel HAS NEVER done BRI
14:22.59bkw_unless you use bristuff
14:23.11mAsH`i use bristuff
14:23.14bkw_in which case you'll have to contact the author of that software
14:23.31darwin35BKW come to the conf
14:23.36darwin35I need input
14:24.56*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
14:25.19Sato1darwin35, you got 2 errors
14:25.34mAsH`bkw_: who?
14:25.41darwin35what lines
14:25.45Sato1line 24 and 25, and 27-8
14:25.52*** join/#asterisk ronn (
14:26.08Sato1dont know really if a repeated priority makes a loop
14:26.23Sato1but that does not correct anyway
14:28.34Sato1got it?
14:28.40darwin35exten => 8667871709,1,Goto(in-pstn)
14:28.48darwin35thats the line on the server coonf
14:29.11RoyKdarby_t: goto(in-pstn,s,1) might work even better :)
14:29.33Sato1and much better if the priority is fixed
14:29.47RoyKshow application goto
14:29.48Sato1you got to exten with the same "1"
14:30.14*** join/#asterisk bobx (
14:31.27Sato1btw, line 28 shows "exten => 8667871709,1,Goto(autoattend)" instead of what you posted here
14:31.42Sato1it should be "exten => 8667871709,1,Goto(autoattend)"
14:31.50Sato1it should be "exten => 8667871709,2,Goto(autoattend)"
14:32.35*** join/#asterisk loick (
14:32.52Sato1lines 24 and 25 shows the same mistake
14:34.42*** join/#asterisk Nuxi (
14:35.23Sato1did you fix that priority?
14:35.46Sato1now it does not loop
14:38.53darwin35<darwin35> exten => 18667871709,1,dbput(Last/Caller=${CALLERIDNUM})
14:38.54darwin35<darwin35> exten => 18667871709,2,Goto(autoattend,s,1)
14:39.34Sato1that looks better
14:41.23darwin35it still loops back out
14:41.29darwin35and dials itself
14:41.59*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
14:42.17ronni have been trying to use the peer option in sip.conf to authenticate by host name ... but haven't managed so far
14:42.59ronneven if i specified type=peer .. asterisk keeps on asking for authentication
14:43.10docelm0Does anyone know a provider of E911 in Canada?
14:43.42*** part/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
14:43.53ronndo i need to use insecure=yes  as well ?
14:45.40*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
14:45.53ronnSato1: thanks
14:46.21ronnSato1: that means any call from that IP is allowed?
14:49.05*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
14:50.01*** join/#asterisk mikes2277 (
14:50.23*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
14:51.40mikes2277I am using the latest CVS but my * voicemail always cuts off messages after 30 seconds... I have maxmessage=250 in voicemail.conf but it doesn't seem to help, any ideas?
14:51.55*** join/#asterisk jefrey (~tmnut@
14:52.03jefreyi set autocreeper=no
14:52.10*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
14:52.18mikes2277whats that?
14:52.18jefreybut it seems like external peers still can send in traffic without authentication
14:52.28jefreywas there such bug in the older version?
14:52.45mikes2277on the vm? not that I know of
14:52.54mikes2277but i never tried
14:53.37mikes2277oops sorry
14:54.19mikes2277my irc client didnt start sending messages to me until after I sent my first one
14:54.50mikes2277does anyone know if maxmessage is the correct var to set?
14:55.22darwin35btw why is asterisk set to a limit of 10 #includelines in extensions.conf
14:55.40*** join/#asterisk focks (
14:56.14tzangerdarwin35: it better not have that limitation
14:57.19*** join/#asterisk _scat (
14:58.54*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
14:59.45focksCan someone take a look at my extensions.conf and show me where I need to put a pause in to give my telco time to take digits correctly?
15:02.10*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
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15:03.43*** join/#asterisk argtor123 (~argtor@
15:03.52darwin35tz ?
15:04.17darwin35what limitation
15:04.22argtor123Need some help from anyone who as experience with the EiCon DIVA 4BRI server cards and asterisk
15:04.27*** join/#asterisk MacDeath1 (davidn@
15:04.45MacDeath1hi there
15:04.53Seyranyone here setup * in a cluster?
15:04.54argtor123anyone who would be able to help?
15:05.01darwin35tzanger ?
15:05.01*** join/#asterisk HA (
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15:05.30darwin35it does
15:05.40docelm0Seyr, asterisk to my knowlegde cant be setup in a "TRUE" cluster. It can be "clustered" behind a load balancer
15:05.45darwin35the #includelines
15:06.04darwin351.0.7 has a set amount of #include lines of 10
15:06.24darwin35pissed me off
15:06.31Seyrdocelm0: so mostly like heartbeat with ldirector or something?
15:06.35MacDeathdoes anyone here use
15:06.45darwin35any more input  on my issue
15:06.47mutilatorwhats a "TRUE" cluster?
15:06.49docelm0yes check out
15:06.52*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
15:07.02Seyrdocelmo: i noticed the wiki has a link to OpenSSI as well
15:07.09Seyrdocelm0: im familiar with UM
15:07.14lehelzaptel module isn't loading has a clustered product
15:07.27docelm0Seyr, then you should be good to go..
15:07.29MacDeathI get the following error message when I try call
15:07.41MacDeathlehel : what errors are you getting?
15:07.42argtor123any Eicon Diva 4BRI card guru's around???
15:08.07Seyrwhat about SER? anyone use * behind SER?
15:08.12lehelMacDeath: modprobe zaptel: /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-686/misc/zaptel.o: insmod zaptel failed
15:08.24RoyKargtor123: that must be kapejod
15:08.32docelm0I have looked into that but found it wouldnt do the job for me
15:08.42lehelMacDeath:  ztcfg: line 143: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
15:08.46RoyKargtor123: he wrote chan_capi
15:08.59RoyKor chan_crappy as it is often referred to as
15:09.21argtor123RoyK: Many thanks
15:09.33*** join/#asterisk bofh42 (
15:09.59*** join/#asterisk dwmw2 (
15:10.13MacDeathlehel : does your card appear when booting up
15:10.18MacDeathcat /proc/pci
15:11.03*** join/#asterisk facek_ (
15:11.12lehelMacDeath: no ;(
15:11.23ZeeekMacDeath on one server only?
15:12.01*** join/#asterisk wasabi_ (~wasabi@
15:12.20*** join/#asterisk [Lamer] (Lamer@
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15:12.36lehelMacDeath: the lights are off
15:12.52MacDeathZeeek : yeah
15:12.54darwin35 ok current extensions.conf
15:13.10MacDeaththe only SIP server i attach to
15:13.18darwin35still having issues with 1800 inbound and all outbound
15:13.19Zeeekget a free FWD account
15:13.19doolphhSegmentation fault
15:13.19doolph[root@www asterisk]# Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
15:13.20doolphOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
15:13.20*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
15:13.24dalaberahello guys
15:13.58doolphhow can I disable music on hold
15:14.21ZeeekMacDeath a free SIP acct somewhere else would allow you to test and prove it's not from your end
15:14.38MacDeathZeeek : is fwd SIP or IAX?
15:14.43Zeeekeither or both
15:14.57Zeeekdidn't you say you use SIP?
15:15.15MacDeathi use IAX for FWD
15:15.17MacDeathand that is working
15:15.29Zeeekdoesn't mean much if your problem is with SIP
15:15.40Zeeekget e sipgate acct or something
15:15.55Zeeekthere's no lack of free SIP accounts I must have 20 of them,,,,, to name a few
15:17.55ZeeekMacDeath could just be that they are circuit busy
15:18.05Zeeekno room for your call
15:18.12MacDeathZeeek : its possible
15:18.22leheldepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-686/misc/zaptel.o
15:18.23MacDeaththats why i was asking if anyone has used them
15:18.30Zeeekunless the condition lasts for like three weeks
15:19.14Zeeekhey, by the way: 42
15:19.15lehelsomebody nows about PPP support?..
15:19.47Zeeekdo you guys know that Hitchiker's Guide is on the BBC now and you can listen on the web anytime?
15:19.47leheli'm compiling zaptel without PPP support.. but still 'have problems
15:21.08*** join/#asterisk christo (
15:21.25bublboblHitchiker's Guide to galaxy, or to * ;-)
15:21.30doolphdoes is important?
15:21.47Zeeekdoolph depends on whether you use sip
15:22.33doolphyes i want to use sip
15:24.59Zeeekmaybe you can avoid loading moh
15:25.19Zeeekare you sure you have the right version of moh?
15:25.48Zeeekmp3player I meant
15:25.49*** join/#asterisk sean (
15:25.57Zeeekhave you read yhis page?
15:26.29*** join/#asterisk anthm (
15:26.29*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
15:29.49RoyK~lart Zeeek
15:29.55*** join/#asterisk Trickyphillips (
15:30.01doolphif I dont have any hardware, ztdummy, usb, i dont need zaptel right?
15:30.30mmlj4you're just doing SIP, doolph? then no.
15:30.52doolphI only need SIP
15:31.06doolphand SIP or H323 trunks
15:31.27docelm0~google my_butt
15:33.11Zeeek~seen AnyGoodMovies
15:33.15jboti haven't seen 'anygoodmovies', Zeeek
15:33.21Zeeekme neither
15:33.36mmlj4can someone please try connecting to my box?
15:44.07*** join/#asterisk glock (
15:46.03*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
15:46.04glockAnyone know if AMP support ZAP channels yet?
15:46.34*** join/#asterisk syle (
15:46.41wasabi_So how do you all manage SIP addresses? They are email form... do you unify them with email addresses? and address them internally with
15:46.49wasabi_Or do you all just use for everything
15:48.12MacDeathit seems to work now
15:48.29MacDeathfor out going calls
15:48.51MacDeathbut incoming calls give me this
15:49.05MacDeathMay 16 17:39:46 NOTICE[409]: chan_sip.c:7288 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user
15:51.03[Lamer]Hi, Zeeek how do you split large extensions.conf? I will try not to use realtime
15:52.16darwin35ok mine is not working on outbound
15:54.10bjohnson[Lamer]: include
15:57.10bublboblbybye all
15:59.25Zeeekas I was saying earlier :
15:59.42Zeeekyou can listen (or record) the episodes of the series
16:03.17ellvisZeeek:) to you have a towel with you?:)
16:03.23*** join/#asterisk oej (~oej@
16:04.08Zeeekof course I never go anywhere without a towel
16:05.00*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
16:05.53HAis there anything better than festival for tts that is also free?
16:06.32Zeeekthere is something that costs $29/voice or something like that
16:06.32HAThink the Vogons might have something?
16:07.00Zeeek"it's the drizzle that makes me morose"
16:07.01*** join/#asterisk jets (
16:07.02QwellYou'll need to connect a babelfish to your trunk
16:07.02darwin35ok think I fixed the outbound calls now back to the inbound 866 issue
16:07.48SeyrHA: Cepstral has a real good one, but its like $30.00US per voice
16:08.12Zeeekthat's the one
16:08.24ZeeekI have that, it's ok but tedious after a few tests
16:08.32MacDeathMay 16 18:07:26 NOTICE[651]: chan_sip.c:7288 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user
16:08.40ZeeekA really good one would costs thousands
16:08.44SeyrI've heard Festival is a LOT better if you take the time to tweak it
16:09.21ZeeekMacDeath that's fairly clear, the area of the problem
16:09.22MacDeathZeeek : I have insecure=very
16:09.37HAwell, i've tweaked it to use a multisyn voice but it only works if i pre-record the files because of how long it takes to load the multi-syn voice.
16:09.39MacDeaththats for incoming calls
16:09.46Zeeekoh you need "insecure=very, very, verys, no SOOO insecure"
16:10.49MacDeathit registers fine
16:10.50*** join/#asterisk tzanger (
16:10.52MacDeathi can call out now
16:11.40Zeeekso call them and ask!
16:11.46Zeeekthey have a great support team I'm sure
16:12.03MacDeaththey reply to emails
16:12.08MacDeathin about 24 hours time
16:12.15Zeeekthat's something novel in this biz
16:12.47basilioMdoes any one have good experience with H323 and asterisk?
16:12.50Zeeekpastebin your sip setup MacDeath
16:12.51HAwhats the syntax for text2wave?  i swear i just did this and now its not working.
16:13.12*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
16:13.57*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
16:14.11_omerI am using SIP, how I can check what digits my carrier is sending ?
16:14.15lehelwhen i'm "make"ing asterisk:
16:14.17lehelmake[1]: *** [chan_zap.o] Error 1
16:14.47MacDeathi will do that now
16:15.33*** join/#asterisk felipeao (~felipeao@
16:16.51_omerI am using SIP, how I can check what digits my carrier is sending ?
16:17.14blitzragefrom the CLI?
16:17.41*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
16:18.06felipeaoBoards with the INTEL 537 (Ambient MD3200) chipset can be used as an FXO card. Does any1 know of any other  cheap board with a similar chipset that can also be used as an FXO card???????
16:18.53blitzragecd /etc/asterisk ; add 'debug' without quotes to the console => line in logger.conf ; perform a 'logger reload' at the CLI ; sip debug peer <carrier_peer> ; view the DTMF digits that get sent
16:19.11blitzragefelipeao: no, its dependent on the chipset, and those are the ones you need
16:19.34darwin35got outbound workking
16:19.39glockAnyone know if AMP works with asterisk cvs?
16:19.48darwin35got directline in working
16:19.53_omerthanks blitzrage ....I do it and let you know..
16:20.04felipeaoblitzrage, I know it depends on the chipset, but I would like to know if I may use any other chipsets besides INTEL`s 537
16:20.12blitzrage_omer: you don't have to let me know :)
16:20.36felipeaoblitzrage, I ask that cause Ive heard of people using Motorolas chipset
16:20.46_omer:) ...
16:20.58felipeaoto be precise, Morotola`s 62802-51
16:21.07blitzragefelipeao: nope
16:21.43blitzragefelipeao: Ambient/Intel MD3200 chipset - thats it
16:21.59felipeaoblitzrage, ok, thanks!
16:22.13*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
16:22.26MacDeathZeeek :
16:24.02Zeeekhere's a suggestion of the top of what passes for "my head", use the name of the provider in the peer entry unless you expect to only have one
16:24.34ZeeekI have never used that register syntax but I guess it works?
16:24.46*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
16:25.02Zeeekyou may need or want to use two pers, one for incoming and one for outgoing
16:25.35Zeeeksome people insist that type=friend is BAD in this situation
16:25.53MacDeathkay, thanks
16:25.57MacDeathi will change that
16:26.10Zeeekfromuser may not be 'welcome' here
16:26.30Zeeekdon't they give a config example? or it that it?
16:27.23*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
16:29.00lehelline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
16:29.23dalaberaGuys, With have one Avaya IP office and 1 asterisk box, the problem I have is that All calls are received from the avaya and transfer to *, but this calls more than 50% are being received with echo and haven't a solution for this, any ideas or clues??
16:29.58ZeeekMacDeath here is an example I founf that works with the hardest one I have had to get working
16:30.40Zeeekthis was one of the few times I had to screw around for a long time to get this working
16:30.49Zeeekthe rest of my peers entries are very short
16:30.54MacDeathim trying that now
16:31.05MacDeathis the insecure option per entry?
16:31.13Zeeeknot the two username and fromuser that I said you shouldn't use...
16:31.20Zeeekyes I'd do that
16:31.33Zeeekotherwise everything is insecure .....
16:32.00Zeeekexcept he wants to be called
16:32.07shido6if you want to be called
16:32.39*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:34.33*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
16:34.40doolphi am getting this error
16:34.41doolphWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
16:34.47doolphOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
16:34.47doolphSegmentation fault
16:34.52doolphwhat is it?
16:34.56Qwellan error
16:35.03MacDeathshido6 : thanks, trying that now
16:36.18MacDeathshido6 : you dont have a username at all there?
16:37.24Zeeekdoolph there are several messages about this on the mailing list
16:37.36*** part/#asterisk DFT (
16:38.26*** join/#asterisk braniff (~44r@braniff.user)
16:38.30Zeeekor look here:
16:38.41CoffeeIVThis is kind of OT and a long shot but I've asked everywhere else: I have an ADIT 600, setting it up for first time.  I get nothing on RS-232 and it does't DHCP or use a default IP. is there a trick ? better docs than on CarrierAccess's site ?
16:40.27braniffabout how long does it take to set up asterisk using a normal USA phone line with 3 extensions on the inside ?
16:41.21Zeeekneed more info
16:41.41HAbraniff: 5 to 10 minutes maybe more if you want more.
16:41.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPwr (
16:42.03_omerexten => 444111,1,GOTO(incoming-language,s,1)    <------ how do I know that my carrier is really sending 444111?
16:42.08*** join/#asterisk [Lamer] (Lamer@
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16:42.30*** part/#asterisk pashah (~root@
16:42.46NuxiActually, it can take hours to figure out how to get people in this room to do it for you.
16:42.52Zeeekif it doesn't branch yiou'll know
16:42.56braniffHA, that's much less time (and work) than i would have expected !
16:43.01ZeeekNuxi heh
16:43.14*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
16:43.34[Lamer]Zeeek: my man, can you show me a simple math calculation in dialplans
16:43.35HAbraniff: i setup a test box from scratch, having never used * before, in less than 5 minutes, and had it working.
16:43.51Zeeekyou mean like 2+2?
16:43.55[Lamer]Zeeek: the Math thing is funny to me
16:44.07_omerand for me its chemistry :)
16:44.14Zeeeknever used it
16:44.20*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
16:44.22doolphZeeek how can I disable MusicOnHold?
16:44.23fockswhat issues arrise with analog lines and asterisk? is it slow dialing? is the quality noticeably worse than PRI?
16:44.33doolphsince I dont have ztdummy or zap hardwares
16:44.34[Lamer]Zeeek: say SetVar(FOO=5)
16:44.35eKo1analog sucks
16:44.50[Lamer]Zeeek: and I want to increment the FOO by 3
16:44.56HAanalog is anal?
16:45.02fockseKo1 can you be a little more specific
16:47.09*** join/#asterisk jbot (
16:47.09*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
16:47.17doolphZeeek now the problem is just Segmentation fault
16:47.26doolphwhat can cause it
16:47.28braniffhow much processing power does * require for the simple setup i described ?  does it require a dedicated box ?
16:47.30ZeeekLamer it has to do with Setvar, ${foo} and + 3
16:47.55fockseKo1 i have TDM400 with FXS/FXO modules. is that the crappy equipment you refer to?
16:48.07eKo1Yes, I have one of those. It sucks.
16:48.20focksthat doesn't sound promising
16:48.27HAdedicated box would be good, but if you are only doing 3 internal extensions, and using SIP internal Extensions then you could get away with something small.  our test box might be a p3 400 if that.
16:48.40eKo1Well, analog sucks in general.
16:48.43eKo1Stick to digital
16:48.45[Lamer]Zeeek: yeah but I didn't get it done right I tried Math(FOO,${FOO}+3)
16:48.51eKo1like PRI
16:49.03fockseKo1 as i said, we do have a PRI but i have to demo it with analog before he'll let me switch it
16:49.30ZeeekI havent' used math yet but setvar(foo=${foo}+3) sounds reasonable
16:49.31eKo1I guess for demo reasons, it should be OK.
16:49.41eKo1But for production, you'll suffer.
16:50.02focksthat's why i won't use analog in production
16:50.14focksi'm just asking what to look for in analog that will go away with digital
16:50.18Zeeekanalog has such a warm sound, like with vinyl
16:50.36Zeeekand the echo is so reassuring to know that you're alive
16:50.58Zeeekand when the canceller kicks in you can tell and all :)
16:51.19shido6braniff, what are you trying to do?
16:51.34focksZeeek is dialing slow with analog?
16:52.04Zeeekbraniff I have three regular phones and two lines. You could do 3+1 phont line with one TDM400 card and 3xFXS and 1 FXO
16:52.11Zeeekfocks not here
16:52.22Zeeekdialing used to be slow but it's instant now
16:52.32ZeeekAnswering can be slow though
16:52.36focksZeeek must you send a wait or anything like that before your digits?
16:52.44*** join/#asterisk Bentley (
16:52.54*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (negative3k@
16:53.05Zeeekbut that would depend on your telco, no?
16:53.13focksi imagine so
16:53.30Zeeekwell our equip is relatively modern here now
16:53.36[Lamer]Zeeek: err it seems to work now
16:53.38focksZeeek in my initial test with *@home, it was about 50/50 whether you'd get a successful call or receive "if you'd like to make a call, please hang up..."
16:53.39Zeeeka few years ago it was hopelessly old
16:53.52Zeeekdrop @home
16:54.09jboti heard zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
16:54.09focksi have
16:54.19braniffZeeek, where is the best place to buy the equipment you mentioned ??
16:54.24Zeeekwhere are you?
16:54.28_omerlol & jbot
16:54.42Zeeekfirst check digium site for "retail" price
16:54.53Bentleyhello.  I'm trunking 2 * boxes via iax2.  As soon as I add trunk=yes to iax.conf at both ends, i can no longer make calls (iax2 debug shows a "Subclass: INVAL").  Both boxes have Digium cards.  Any ideas?
16:54.59ZeeekI have ordered from
16:55.05focksthem too
16:55.08_omerany one from india?
16:56.31*** join/#asterisk pashah (
16:56.42pashahhello all
16:57.56_omerexten => 444111,1,GOTO(incoming-language,s,1)    <------ how do I know that my carrier is really sending 444111?
16:58.40Uther_P_omer: if it goes into incoming-language
16:59.05pashahwhat is the best way to start if I need to register the .start. of the call (ie when the call have) arrived in cdr? agi?
16:59.19pashahstart reading i mean
16:59.32*** join/#asterisk abefroman (
16:59.53_omerUther_P : yes , If I send 444111 through my IP works....
16:59.55docelm0omer you could debug your messages
17:00.48ZeeekBentley you have zaptel hw ?
17:00.59_omerconsole => debug  . . . .now what? I dont see
17:01.13BentleyBoth boxes have digium cards, and modules are loaded, yes
17:01.18abefromanIm looking at Asterisk for a possible replacement phone system. I have a number of remote offices and telacommuters. Can tellacommuters take a sip phone home with them and use it as if they were in the office ?
17:01.36docelm0no sip debug or iax debug
17:01.39*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:01.41ZeeekBentley i shot my wad then
17:01.49Uther_P_omer: what do you mean by sending... you mean as the number dialed, or after the call is answered, as digits entered?
17:01.56BentleyZeeek: thx - i'll try -users
17:02.06Zeeekfigure of speech, hehe
17:02.12docelm0abe yes
17:02.13mishehufinally finalized the PRI order.
17:02.35mishehunow I won't be wasting $600 on the t110p
17:02.42_omer<Uther_P> : before answering the call.......
17:02.50_omer<Uther_P> : I mean.....before answering the call.......
17:03.00HAanybody know how to make festival load a voice and keep it loaded?
17:03.13Zeeekkeep me loaded, please
17:03.20ZeeekI'll sing for you
17:03.24Uther_P_omer:  444111 is the did?
17:03.38abefromandocelm0: What type of call quality can I expect and will all the features work? Will I have to expose astersisk to the internet or are you talking VPN ?
17:03.57HAZeeek: if you can stay loaded into festival and provide realtime tts with no delay then you've got a deal.
17:04.15pashahwhat is the proper way to grab asterisk NOTICE messages with agi?
17:04.15docelm0you can use VPN or expose to the net. Your choice. I recommend using g729
17:04.26docelm0I have it setup like this for my office where I work now
17:04.43_omer<Uther_P>  and <docelm0>   ..thanks I got it :D ...
17:04.52Zeeekrealtime tts with no delay.... muhahahah
17:05.51harryvvAnyone know of a downloadable script that would probe warning and error message and triger a sound file?
17:06.04Nuxipashah, I believe you need to use the manager api to get NOTICE messages.
17:06.15Uther_Pharryvv: wouldn't be that hard to write one
17:06.38harryvvin what Uther_P :)
17:06.56Uther_Pdon't write in vb
17:07.52pashahNuxi: that means there is not way I can do that with agi? I think if I will be using manager api heavyly it will cause pain, am i not right?
17:08.10HAharryvv: using mono and something else painful would be good to use.
17:08.28harryvvon linux? that is a windows product
17:08.31Uther_Pharryvv:  while (<STDIN>) { $blah .= $_; }  if ($blah =~ /message you are looking for/i) { `mpg123 soundfile`; }
17:08.33Nuxipashah, I use the manager api from my agis without a problem.
17:08.43Uther_PC# blows nutz
17:08.48HAharryvv: can be used on linux with mono.
17:09.17abefromanAnyone here use Cisco 7940 phones with asterisk? How well do they work? What features are available ?
17:09.28harryvvwhere are the cli messages stored anyway /var/log/asterisk
17:09.34Uther_Pthey aren't
17:09.37pashahNuxi: wount i be to rude if I will ask you an example of agi for that?
17:10.00harryvvi hear lots of good things about 7940s
17:10.06harryvvbut thay are pricy
17:10.15shido6if you can afford the 40
17:10.17shido6get the 60
17:10.30shido6I have a crisco 7960 here and I love it
17:10.35abefromanharryvv: we have an existing system with about 40 stations and want to use them
17:10.36Uther_Pcrisco, heheh
17:10.50shido6you need 40 crisco's, abefroman ?
17:10.53shido6they work great
17:11.05shido66 lines per phone
17:11.08shido6great speakerphone
17:11.10Nuxipashah, I believe there are examples in phpagi version 2.
17:11.10Uther_Pare you saying crisco on purpose? :P
17:11.23pashahNuxi: thanks
17:11.38shido6I had a barbietone which i used and tried to break to get the crisco
17:11.43shido6but the barbietone just wouldnt break
17:12.19rob-try unplugging it during a firmware upgraxde:-)
17:12.28abefromanshido6: we have 40 now we may buy more but I wanted to know if this is an option if we go with asterisk .. sounds like they work fine !
17:12.36rob-that broke my ata286
17:13.15*** join/#asterisk Patrick^ (
17:13.25harryvvabo, any problems with those phones?
17:14.04Nuxipashah, there are no good examples of exactly what you want, but you should be able to use add_event_handler to do that.
17:14.41pashahNuxi: thanks for the pointer
17:14.54NuxiLet me know if you get stuck in the process somewhere.
17:15.44*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (~juanjoc@
17:15.45pashahNuxi: ok
17:15.51harryvvAnyone here recomend a voip supply reseller on the west coast?
17:16.19*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
17:16.24RaYmAn-Bxanyone aware of any recent asterisk CVS-HEAD changes that could cause <TAB>-complete to stop working in the cli?
17:16.28Qwellits a shame newegg doesn't sell voip hardware
17:16.47doolphhow can I reinstall * from scratch
17:16.57harryvvnewegg is excelent
17:16.59lehel<when trying to run asterisk
17:17.09harryvvnegegg is Very fast at shipping parts.
17:17.13leheli  think i have problems with zaptel;((
17:17.14harryvvnewegg :)
17:17.17Qwellharryvv: If I pay the $2.99 rush processing, with ground shipping, I have my shit the next day
17:17.29Qwellas long as I make the order by about noon
17:17.33lehelzaptel module isn't loading!.. why?
17:17.40HADigium should use Newegg for selling the cards.
17:17.48HAWhen is Digium gonna have a DS3 card?
17:18.03HAhow soon?
17:18.13Qwellask away
17:18.40*** join/#asterisk DrWho17 (
17:18.44leheli have a TDM400P .. 4 fxo's.. need help configuring my Wildcard!
17:19.10shido6lehel, whats up?
17:19.14lehelline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
17:20.01harryvvlehel, go back and read the howtos.
17:20.10docelm0I dunno DS3 in a PC? The TDM 4 T1/E1 card has enough trouble with its resources.. Im kinda hesistant to even think about a DS3 card
17:20.35harryvvdoc, what problems do you encounter?
17:20.45Qwell"It's slow on my 233"
17:21.07docelm0When all 4 are in use the linux crashes cause of memory interrupts.. I sent the card back and bought a cisco gateway
17:21.31HAwhat kind of machine were you using docelm0?
17:22.07harryvvwhat card doc
17:23.34*** join/#asterisk jets (
17:24.21jetsAnyone ever seen a lot of CRC errors on your transmit pair to your * box?
17:24.29doolphhow can I uninstall asterisk
17:24.33shido6docelm0, theres a trick to it :)
17:24.44bkw_I do know what i'm talking about most of the time
17:24.45denonyou dont yell LOUD enough :)
17:24.48ZeeekI heard you: netx!
17:24.52Connor-bkw_ Most?
17:25.03jetsbkw_: because people have self serving biases and don't want the truth from you, they want there opinion reaffirmed.  people are stupid like that.
17:25.08bkw_if i'm not right i look up the answer and correct myself.
17:25.21bkw_well get this
17:25.26bkw_meetme does have a design flaw
17:25.27shido6docelm0, you bought a cisco gateway because you couldnt configure your quad card?
17:25.30bkw_its not ztdummy thats at fault
17:25.32bkw_its meetme
17:25.35bkw_meetme SUCKS
17:25.39bkw_it needs to be fixed
17:25.47denon"submit a patch"
17:25.51bkw_we tried
17:25.55bkw_we said screw it
17:25.57bkw_we wrote our own
17:26.07bkw_nobody wants to listen to us
17:26.08denonmark didnt want the patch?
17:26.15bkw_and HEAVEN forbid we create an extra thread
17:26.23CoaxDdenon: Just got a quote from AT&T for a Burstable T1.  $427/mo
17:26.25bkw_well we created an extra thread to do the sound playing
17:26.28bkw_and other stuffs
17:26.34CoaxDdenon: Not oversold, SLA, the whole works
17:26.37Connor-who's not listing to you bkw?
17:26.37bkw_because meetme will lag X ms of the enter exit tones
17:26.43CoaxDdenon: Crazy shit, man
17:26.51bkw_so if you have people coming and going in a meetme it will lag more an dmore
17:26.54bkw_over time
17:27.01bkw_then get this if you go into the user/admin menu
17:27.08bkw_you lag the amount of time you were in that menu
17:27.15bkw_or you did last I checked
17:27.30W1thdrawhow do i get asterisk to auto start when i start linux
17:27.54doolphI have running asterisk fine, then I installed asterisk-addons and zaptel (i dont have hardware) now i get segmentation fault, how can i reinstall it all correctly?
17:27.58bkw_um you make an init script
17:28.11bkw_doolph, if you don't have hardware don't install zaptel
17:28.22bkw_what does it say when it segfaults?
17:28.27bkw_that might be most helpful
17:28.31doolphonly that
17:28.33bkw_you don't need everything from asterisk addons
17:28.38doolphsegmentation fault
17:28.43HAgot a question for ya it possible to make festival load a voice and keep the voice loaded so that it doesn't reload the voice everytime it tries to encode?
17:28.44bkw_asterisk -vvvgc
17:28.51kajtzuwhoa. x-ten finally released their x-lite client for linux. no betas anymore :)
17:28.54bkw_HA don't use festivle
17:29.00bkw_its a pile of dog shit
17:29.09denoncepstral rocks
17:29.11denonit really does
17:29.18W1thdrawauto start asterisk?
17:29.27bkw_W1thdraw, thats a standard *nix admin question
17:29.29tessier_Anyone know how many layers of include => asterisk will parse?
17:29.30HAwhat would you recommend then?  i need something that is free.  I'm presently using text2wave to do the encoding, but it reloads the voice each time.
17:29.33doolphbkw_ well i just removed /etc/asterisk now
17:29.42bkw_doolph, asterisk -vvgc
17:29.48bkw_would have told you what module was causing the segfault
17:29.50W1thdrawbkw_ any sugestions?
17:29.53doolphfor what is -g?
17:29.59bkw_drops core
17:30.30bkw_W1thdraw, well you create/write/invent/use/searc for an init script to go in /etc/rc.d or /etc/init.d on your distro
17:30.36bkw_then you add it to the default run level
17:30.48ZeeekW1thdraw try looking here: it's old but I think it says
17:30.52bkw_and if you're evil
17:30.56bkw_you can use inittab to start asterisk
17:31.02W1thdrawsorry if this is a noob question but how do i know what run level to set it to?
17:31.14bkw_these are basic system admin concepts
17:31.17bkw_you should know these things
17:31.37*** join/#asterisk imagmo (
17:31.44bkw_see this is like your doctor coming in and saying "where is the heart located?"
17:31.46bkw_scary shit
17:31.58ZeeekW1thdraw is working on his high school project
17:32.08bkw_then I give you "some" slack
17:32.16Zeeeklook at and save a lot of time
17:32.18doolphbkw_ if I dont have zaptel i cant use music on hold right
17:32.19bkw_the contrib directory has the init scripts in it
17:32.21Zeeekour time!
17:32.26bkw_doolph, you sure as hell can
17:32.37W1thdrawok thanks guys
17:32.43bkw_ok find me the moron putting stupid shit in the wiki.. i'm gonna thump him
17:32.44Zeeekdoolph is another one who refuses to read
17:32.44bkw_or her
17:32.46*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
17:32.58doolphOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
17:33.01doolphi get that message
17:33.11doolphthen it exits
17:33.39ZeeekW1thdraw you could search for safe_asterisk as well
17:33.51Zeeekthat'll prolly lead you where you want to be
17:34.35bkw_doolph, um thats not really anything to worry about
17:34.37bkw_you can ignore tht
17:34.44bkw_but knowing where it segfaults would be most helpful
17:34.54bkw_why not go in and NOT install asterisk-addons
17:35.00bkw_because it has some shit in there that can break shit
17:35.09bkw_like res_config_mysql for example
17:35.16bkw_go to /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
17:35.17bkw_rm -rf *
17:35.24bkw_cd /usr/src/asterisk
17:35.31bkw_make clean install
17:35.31bkw_and try again
17:35.55bkw_you're one of those "lets install everything just because we can... I don't know what this does.. but lets install it!"
17:36.09_scatanyone have a good like to howto's for asterisk?
17:36.09doolphi have removed everything now
17:36.24Gand_DJQuestion (unrelated to * for someone who's only played with java programming.. what would be best to learn... Visual Basic, C or C++?
17:36.27bkw_I strip my asterisk installs down when I get them working.. no need having crap you don't use.
17:36.41bkw_Zeeek, I don't think doolph is paying attention
17:36.43doolphbkw_ I was trying to install AMP from scratch copying the bash script from asterisk@home
17:36.45Zeeek_scat the above link is old but good
17:36.50bkw_doolph, AMP ewww
17:36.51bkw_total ass
17:36.51*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
17:36.55Zeeekje's been on my ignore list for hours
17:37.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
17:37.08doolphthen what do you suggest
17:37.14bkw_if you can install AMP you don't need it
17:37.21Zeeek_scat my advice is also to read the whole PDF at
17:37.30doolphi dont need what
17:37.36newmedianbkw: ha!
17:37.50bkw_you have the clue level to install AMP you can use emacs/vi/nano/pico/$EDITOR to manage asterisk.
17:38.13bkw_hell I can't even get AMP to install
17:38.18bkw_and i'm not fucking newbie
17:38.27doolphI have asterisk working with manual installation
17:38.29Zeeekbkw_ your base advise is good for any project: install what you need first and get it working. Then try addons
17:38.35newmedianbkw: you just need to change your crufty installation for a nice and clicky Asterisk@Home and you'll be all set. ;)
17:38.39Gand_DJappears asterisk@home website is down
17:38.42_scatk, will do...
17:38.42doolphand I have edited sip.conf, voicemail.conf...
17:38.51Gand_DJI got AMP installed manually last year, and I was a newbie :)
17:39.00Gand_DJI still am kinda
17:39.01bkw_newmedian, apparently you don't know me... or you wouldn't be saying that.
17:39.14doolphbut now I want something more easy to add sip.channels or trunks
17:40.43doolphnow i need to eat something
17:40.53*** join/#asterisk heison (~heison@
17:41.11darwin35BKW come to conf
17:41.57harryvvanyone know of any voip phone suppliers that are located on the west coast?
17:44.02kFuQCisco Systems, Inc.
17:44.02kFuQ170 West Tasman Dr.
17:44.02kFuQSan Jose, CA 95134
17:44.05kFuQ(800)553-NETS or
17:44.05*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~t0tal@
17:44.11kFuQthere ya go harryvv
17:46.04*** join/#asterisk elpcns (
17:46.57harryvvFk Suppliers not Manufactors
17:47.07harryvvlike voip supply or attacom
17:47.31harryvvdont worry about it
17:49.01HAhow well does cepstral work with asterisk and how difficult is it to setup?
17:49.27Zeeekeasy to set up, works fine but generates wav file first
17:50.15Zeeekor maybe I didn't set that part up. I just needed a conversion of text files
17:51.39harryvvwhat is it
17:52.07elpcnshello everybody. first time on this channel. I got here because I have a problem with a TDM400p I recently got. Can someone help?
17:52.21Zeeekspit out the problem
17:52.28*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
17:53.36elpcnsI have installed this card on a LInux (CentOS 3.4) Asterisk (v1.07) server. Every time I reboot the server kudzu tells me that the card has been removed
17:54.12Zeeekand you do what afetr that?
17:54.24elpcnsand offers me to configure it again after this wctdm driver does not load
17:54.42Zeeekso modprobe, ztcfg are done on each reboot?
17:54.57elpcnsI just disable kudzu to avoid this
17:55.05Zeeekpossibly a sleep(1) between
17:55.37Zeeekhow are the drivers loaded if there is no modpobe?
17:55.59elpcnsmodprobe zaptel is all the time loaded
17:56.10tessier_Can anyone help me make sense of that Dial log message?
17:56.14tessier_IAX2 calling to SIP? huh?
17:56.29Zeeekwhy not?
17:56.43tessier_oh..the inbound leg is IAX2 and * is converting to SIP?
17:57.15Zeeeksomeone who is using IAX2 happenbs to be calling someone else who uses SIP
17:57.38Zeeekneither one knows or cares
18:03.47jetsHey which matt at digium is tech support today :P
18:04.53*** part/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
18:11.05*** join/#asterisk jbot (
18:11.05*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
18:16.35newmedianDo you think there's sufficient enough thrust (perhaps of quality) that Asterisk@Home should get it's own #asteriskathome, and/or an #asteriskbeginner style channel? At some point the irritation level may boil over.  :)
18:17.01*** join/#asterisk mrunix (~bwann@
18:24.42Zeeekthat got a unianimous accolade
18:25.42*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
18:26.31jetshey file are you at your office
18:27.23*** join/#asterisk Spooch (
18:27.33*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
18:31.36QwellI have this analog phone...its got a mute button...that doesn't do shit
18:33.07*** join/#asterisk rcam (
18:35.29*** join/#asterisk bjkmad (~prometheu@
18:36.53bjkmadneed help about g729 codec
18:37.17*** join/#asterisk alt_phil (
18:37.31alt_philHey all
18:37.40RoyKbjkmad: just buy it :)
18:38.05bjkmadi am student
18:38.12QwellThen don't use it
18:38.27MiccIs there a known problem with iaxclient and DTMF tones?
18:39.08bjkmadis there any open source or free g279 codec
18:39.09MiccThe app I'm developing using iaxclient is sending dtmf tones all garbled. Then I tried iaxcomm and it has the same problem.
18:39.46alt_philI had a quickie question... How can I stop an agent's voicemail from answering a queue?  If an agent's phone doesn't ring (like on DND), but they're logged on, the queue call goes strait to their voicemail.
18:40.03QwellSo, can I mute a call from CLI?
18:40.05alt_philAnyway to stop that from happening?  I just don't want an agent's voicemail to ever answer a queue.
18:43.16*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
18:43.50jetsMormon Matt
18:43.51bjkmadthere are about 300 people here and nobody is talking,everybody is so busy?
18:43.52jetsMatt matt matt
18:44.05doolphwhat you need bjkmad
18:44.24Qwellbjkmad: If you can't afford g729, you don't need it.
18:44.35bjkmadi have to use g729 codec
18:44.42QwellSo buy it
18:44.50jetsalt_phil: What I do is have a "queue" extension and a "internal" extension.
18:44.56doolphbjkmad there's a trial
18:44.59bjkmadi am student:)
18:45.04jetsWhen they log in log them in on there queue extension, e.g. 1000 --- that doesn't have voicemail in its extension dialplan
18:45.07Qwellbjkmad: Then you don't need it
18:45.37doolphbut it will expire if you dont buy it
18:45.41bjkmadthis is  about my senior project
18:45.48alt_philOk, that's a cool way of doing it - thanks jets.
18:45.50doolphit only cost about $20
18:46.10bjkmadper chanell,isn't it?
18:46.18Qwell$10 per channel from Digium
18:46.24Miccbjkmad, implement your own.
18:46.30*** join/#asterisk christo (~chris@
18:46.53bjkmadgood suggestion:)
18:47.17QwellI don't think you can...
18:47.23Qwellnot legally
18:47.54sylewhat about SIP and g729?
18:48.30sylewhat codec do you use for SIP?
18:48.44Miccbjkmad, improve on the patent 10% and repatent your improvments.
18:48.52RoyKdoolph: expire? i mean - it's open source.....
18:49.14doolphwell it is not free
18:49.43Qwellany way you look at it, if you're going to use g729 legally in the US, you MUST buy a license
18:49.52implicitor you must license your implementation
18:49.56RoyKi know
18:50.01RoyKbut who cares? :)
18:50.08implicityou can get the reference sources from ITU-T
18:50.09RoyKnoone will know if you don't
18:50.20RaYmAn-BxQwell: the interesting question is which other countries you also have to buy a license
18:50.20implicitRoyK, not true, failures won't be noticed
18:50.23QwellRoyK: Thats true, but we don't support it.
18:50.37NuxiOr, find some way of invalidating the patent, which (if possible) would cost much, much, much more than the license.
18:50.38Qwellsupport or condone
18:50.39implicitRoyK, but if you are successful in any sort of VoIP business people will find out
18:50.44RoyKi buy my g.729 licenses for production
18:50.56RoyKjust ordered another 50
18:50.58implicitfor non-commercial use i don't think it is illegal
18:51.04implicitRoyK, who's licenses do u use?
18:51.21implicitthey are $$$
18:51.23RoyKthey're ok
18:51.32RoyKboss pays
18:51.38RoyKi don't
18:51.45sylewhat you mean per channel? you mean if you were running a channel bank?
18:52.00RoyKthey should have differenciated prices on those
18:52.01implicitsyle, in simultaneous use
18:52.02Qwell!google g729 license howto
18:52.11Qwell~google g729 license howto
18:52.13Qwellwrong channel :D
18:52.26RoyK~lart Qwell
18:52.28implicitif someone has a couple DS3s or more they should just license the code for themselves
18:52.47mmlj4any idea why someone would be trying to connect on UDP ports 1026-1029? that's not related to SIP, or FWD by any chance?
18:53.05bjkmadi have seen a lot of people who buy licence by they still in trouble
18:53.13RoyKmmlj4: perhaps they want to test if you're running an old portmapper or something
18:53.32RoyKalways a lot of nice people on the net probing your boxes
18:55.43*** join/#asterisk jbot (
18:55.44*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
18:55.55jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep
18:56.29HA~more sex
18:56.57HAjbot must be tired.
18:57.16Corydon-wOr lagged
18:57.24darwin35this inbound issue is killing me
18:57.44Nuxi~google sex
18:57.53darwin35all the direct inbound work
18:57.58QwellNuxi: You're going to break google
18:58.00implicitdarwin35, to tell you the truth, it doesn't seem like a big issue :)
18:58.06QwellNuxi: Too many results
18:58.09RoyK~fsck Nuxi
18:58.10jbote2fsck /dev/Nuxi : warning! filesystem contains morons!
18:58.24darwin35but the 800 and main nmbr dont point right
18:58.51Qwelldarwin35: Are you working in the right context?
19:00.39[TK]D-FenderI'm about to make some final proposal's the big cheese here about an * solution and am trying to pin down which phone models I'm best served with.  My top picks right now are Uniden UIP-200, Polycom 500/600, and Cisco 7940/7960.  Any specific caveats that I should be aware of in this?
19:02.03*** join/#asterisk cmk (
19:04.35darwin35poly or cisco
19:05.03*** join/#asterisk Duante (
19:05.27darwin35hold a min
19:06.00*** join/#asterisk flynux (
19:06.44Duanteyawn any body here/
19:06.46xkevfender, I went with polycom after review of snom, polycom and cisco
19:07.07QwellI would go with the ciscos, but...thats just me
19:07.09xkevthey _all_ have minor bugs :)
19:07.23xkevthe polycom 600s are dreamy.  7960 can't touch it. :)
19:07.52Qwellyeah, because, if the 7960 touches the 600, the 600 cries and runs away
19:07.54jetsShould I be concerned about CRC errors on a t1
19:08.04implicitQwell, not an untrue statement
19:08.08*** part/#asterisk hellop (
19:08.12xkevmy decision was based primarily on the microbrowser, the interface, and the cost.
19:08.28QwellI can't say I've used any IP phones, really
19:08.32xkev..oh and not having to use 48V or cisco proprietary PoE
19:08.33Duantehmm anybody know how to on incoming calls ... example:  if the person dialed 838-2002 it routes it to extension 400.  but if they dial 838-2003 it routes it to extension 700
19:08.35MiccI have a question about how asterisk deals with DTMF and iax2 to sip in-band dtmf
19:08.42QwellIf somebody is willing to ship me some, I'll be glad to make an informed opinion
19:08.45*** join/#asterisk darwin35 (~darwin35@
19:09.00QwellDuante: How are they coming in?
19:09.02xkevduante, depends on what tech is bringing you the incoming calls
19:09.18Duanteiax2 im using voicepulse...
19:09.37QwellDoes it send it to exten => 8382003,1 ?
19:09.44xkevshould be via extensions in the context your incoming calls hit
19:09.56MiccDoes anyone want to help me understand how DTMF works with these protocols and asterisk? Maybe the best way to do DTMF is to play the sounds over the line as samples instead of having IAX/asterisk handle it.
19:10.00Qwellif so, thats VERY simple
19:10.24xkevfor PRI (same thing) I do _NXXNXXXXXX,1,DBget(jump=DID/${EXTEN}); then Goto(${jump});
19:10.26QwellMicc: There are generally two ways to send DTMF.  inbound, and rfc..something
19:10.28tzangerMicc: you can't send continuous tones over compressed codecs
19:10.31xkev..but I have lots of DID
19:10.36Qwelldon't msg me
19:10.45Qwellerm, inband rather
19:11.44darwin35ok who was I chatting
19:12.11Duantenot sure qwell...  im using voicepulse with iax2...  the call comes in and hits the main greeting in extensions.conf.. but how can i test what number triggered it?
19:12.35QwellSo it uses s, or what?
19:13.04xkevtry it
19:13.27QwellNuFone doesn't suck.  They send it to the exten matching the DID
19:13.31xkevif VP calls a Dial(IAX2/you@there/${DID}) then you should get the DNID
19:13.58Duantehow do i test the dnid?
19:14.03Duantein the extensions.conf
19:14.05xkevdo you have two register lines for your two DIDs?
19:14.19xkevNoOp(${DNID}) iirc
19:14.41xkev..if so, then make two contexts and the stupid 's' will work that way
19:14.57QwellMaybe its just defaulting to s?
19:15.03xkevI suspect it would
19:15.05QwellHave you tried making an exten that matches your DID?
19:15.13xkev(xkev) try it
19:15.15rcamThe server for Nufone is right?
19:15.22Qwellrcam: or switch-2
19:15.34Duanteasterisk by default routes to matching extension?
19:16.37Qwelldepends on the provider
19:16.43QwellI guess
19:17.16marloweDoes anyone know how to set on a polycom ip500 via the web based interface to only use specific rtp ports?
19:17.25marlowei see forced port and port range start
19:17.31marlowei dont see a port range end though
19:19.49*** join/#asterisk _THEEND_ (~DrEaM@
19:19.50*** join/#asterisk vinko (~vinkoval@
19:20.10_THEEND_someone could help me? i have this error...
19:20.11_THEEND_insmod: error inserting 'zaphfc.ko': -1 Invalid module format
19:22.00darwin35  this is what I get when some one dial in on the main nmbr
19:22.07*** join/#asterisk Micc (
19:22.38MiccGrrr. My linux box decided it wanted to eat all available memory and start swapping like crazy and not let me switch workspaces. Fun fun.
19:22.59MiccIts only been running for a few weeks.
19:23.50MiccAnyways, I wasn't able to get the response to my question about dtmf because I couldn't switch workspaces. Does someone want to talk to me about dtmf stuff real quick?
19:24.24MiccIs the best way to just play the sound down the pipe or let IAX/Asterisk handle the dtmf.
19:24.26DrWho17Micc: sounds like you should diagnose your linux problem first
19:24.34rcamjbot Seen jerjer
19:24.46jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 6h 12m 32s ago, saying: 'ManxPower:  sounds interesting, but i've still never used it'.
19:24.46MiccDrWho, this isn't a production machine.
19:24.53_THEEND_noone coul help me? insmod: error inserting 'zaphfc.ko': -1 Invalid module format
19:24.57MiccDrWho, we run BSD for our production asterisk server.
19:26.38[TK]D-Fenderxkev : So you've had a pretty decent experience with your IP 600's?  Any unresolved issues?
19:27.06cjkis there a way to use h323 and g729 in asterisk?
19:27.09Duantehmm still trying to figure out my question if anybody has some input
19:27.23doolphcjk yes
19:27.28doolphjust you need to find out
19:27.41elpcnsSorry, I'm back again. I have two problems with a TDM400P (4FXO modules rev. H) 1. Kudzu tells me that the card has been removed every time I reboot the server (only when the server is rebooted) 2. The card is not dialing correctly a given phone number. I always get the message from the TELCO sayin that the phone number dialed is incorrect. I'm using asterisk 1.07 and CentOS 3.4. Does any one has ever have a problem like this?
19:28.33doolphelpcns your need to fix your dialplan
19:28.48*** join/#asterisk bah (
19:29.06elpcnsbut I'm executing a simple dial(zap/1/7805800)
19:29.43cjkdoolph: so its not just basic configuration?
19:30.06elpcnsno I don't think so
19:30.20Duanteto use g729 you need a liscence for each conversion... but if your phones are all g729 you dont need anything
19:30.23Duantejust turn the codec on
19:30.49Duantebut if your phones(g729) -> service(not g729) its 1 conversion per open line
19:31.55*** join/#asterisk Johnsie (
19:32.04Duantealso if you have any other codec allowed besides g729
19:32.06RoyKDuante: you need license for transcoding
19:32.07Duanteasterisk will choose it
19:32.16RoyKnot for doing passthrough
19:32.19Duantethats what i said just above
19:32.24Duanteliscence for each conversion.
19:32.32RoyKer. yes.
19:32.39RoyKi read conversation..... :P
19:32.58RoyKever heard of the dyslexic satanist that sold his soul to santa?
19:33.06Duanteum no
19:34.16Duanteanyone else have some ideas about my problem?  i dont think you guys explained your thoughts very well so i wasnt sure what you suggested
19:34.18focksand the guy who worships dog
19:35.44Duanteheres a question... if i didnt want to use default s... how would i change it?  so incoming call would use something besides default
19:36.22elpcnsCan someone help me to figure out what might be the problem with this TDM400p card?
19:36.43tessier_elpcns: I have sworn off tdm400p cards.
19:36.56tessier_Nothing but cheap cisco routers with fxo ports for me. They cost about the same anyhow.
19:37.11elpcnsok I see
19:37.20tessier_And actually the more I learn about SER the less I find for asterisk to do in my system.
19:37.27tessier_Need to investigate SEMS and see if it is ready for production yet
19:38.13elpcnsare you using sip express together with Cisco ?
19:38.33doolphsorry im happy
19:38.37tessier_elpcns: yes
19:38.42doolphi got installed *
19:39.08elpcnshow does it work? tessier
19:43.01*** join/#asterisk jbot (
19:43.02*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
19:43.11*** join/#asterisk cursor (
19:44.35elpcnsDoes anyone know how to deal with the TDM400P card from Digium?
19:45.00cursorHow to deal with it?
19:45.27elpcnsYes I've been having some problems with it
19:45.30cursorIt's a card - if you have enough of them, you can deal a hand
19:45.52cursorDid you try Digium support?
19:46.09elpcnsnot yet
19:46.15cursorok - what's the problem
19:47.04elpcnsI got this card from ebay and I have two problems with a TDM400P (4FXO modules rev. H) 1. Kudzu tells me that the card has been removed every time I reboot the server (only when the server is rebooted) 2. The card is not dialing correctly a given phone number. I always get the message from the TELCO sayin that the phone number dialed is incorrect. I'm using asterisk 1.07 and CentOS 3.4. Does any one has ever have a problem like this?
19:47.10elpcnsI got this card from ebay and I have two problems with a TDM400P (4FXO modules rev. H) 1. Kudzu tells me that the card has been removed every time I reboot the server (only when the server is rebooted) 2. The card is not dialing correctly a given phone number. I always get the message from the TELCO sayin that the phone number dialed is incorrect. I'm using asterisk 1.07 and CentOS 3.4. Does any one has ever have a problem like this?
19:47.13elpcnsI got this card from ebay and I have two problems with a TDM400P (4FXO modules rev. H) 1. Kudzu tells me that the card has been removed every time I reboot the server (only when the server is rebooted) 2. The card is not dialing correctly a given phone number. I always get the message from the TELCO sayin that the phone number dialed is incorrect. I'm using asterisk 1.07 and CentOS 3.4. Does any one has ever have a problem like this?
19:48.09darwin35  need hlp with this
19:48.12*** part/#asterisk darth-timeus (darth@
19:48.25cursorelpcns - sorry, I don't know
19:48.50shido6darwin35, hhehehe
19:48.53shido6what are you doing?
19:49.03DrWho17elpcns: disable kudzu, and dial the correct number
19:49.45elpcnsI did disable kudzu, but is this correct?
19:49.53cursordarwin35: How are you calling Dial() ?
19:50.42marloweDoes anyone know how to set on a polycom ip500 via the web based interface to only use specific rtp ports?
19:50.46marlowei see forced port and port range start
19:50.47marlowei dont see a port range end though
19:50.53elpcnsexten => _9NXXXXXX,2,Dial(Zap/1,{EXTEN:1})
19:51.15Qwellelpcns: Do you need to dial an areacode?
19:51.17cursormarlow: It probably doesn't use a lot of ports
19:51.37elpcnsit's a local number
19:52.01elpcnswith prefix 9
19:52.19Qwell${, not {
19:53.02elpcnsyou mean I have to add the area code?
19:53.10cursorelpcns: Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
19:53.19Qwellno, use the var, don't try to send crap chars
19:53.34cursorOr, probably, Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
19:54.47elpcnssomething like this: exten => _9.,2,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
19:54.57cursorinstead of 1
19:55.03Qwell9.?  that would be silly
19:55.32cursoryes - you probably don't want to send everything over a zap link
19:55.44Uther_Pyou would want either _9NXXNXXXXXX  and/or _9NXXXXXX
19:55.47cursorYou might want to consider VoIP - especially for international calls
19:56.07DrWho17elpcns: no, adding the $ sign in front of {EXTEN:1} would have fixed it already
19:56.36DrWho17I always disable kudzu, I usually know when I'm adding hardware or not, I don't need kudzu to tell me
19:56.45elpcnsyes I missed it ($) sorry but it's in my dial plan
19:57.31eKo1DrWho17: That's OK if you're the only admin. screwing around in the server room.
19:57.34elpcnsok Kudzu has been disable
19:57.35DrWho17well, what does debug say when you try to dial it?
19:57.54DrWho17eKo1: why do you want them to run into kudzu asking questions?
19:58.21eKo1Actually, the kudzu is for me. I need to know what the hell happened.
19:58.32DrWho17I disable everything that is non-essential, less things to remember and screw you over later
19:59.06doolphwho do need help
19:59.12elpcnsI do
19:59.31doolphabout what
19:59.39DrWho17elpcns: is the card any good? Have you tried any of the other ports beside the one you are testing with?
19:59.54DrWho17sometimes people put those on ebay, because of lightning strike issues
19:59.54elpcnsTDM400P misbehavior
20:00.29elpcnsyes I even tried with diferent hardware
20:00.50doolphwhat's the problem
20:02.06elpcnseverytime when I reboot the server kudzu rediscover the card. I have already disabled kudzu but I'm not sure if this workaround is appropiate
20:02.43Qwellelpcns: There are times, where you should be selective about who you get help from...
20:02.46QwellThis is one of those times.
20:02.49doolphtry chkconfig --remove kudzu
20:03.28*** join/#asterisk krw (
20:03.57doolphanyways what is kudzu
20:04.02fockshardware detection
20:04.09focksit's annoying
20:04.16doolphthat shitty
20:04.22cursorAs I understand it, krudzu just probes hardware and loads any missing kernel modules
20:04.25*** join/#asterisk Pete_Largo (
20:04.31cursorwhy not just set up the machine to load the modules by default?
20:04.32*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
20:04.37ariel_hello everyone
20:04.52fockshonestly, who yanks cards in and out of their machines between boots
20:05.16focksand doesn't know what modules to load/unload in the event that they like to yank cards
20:05.17cursorhonestly, who boots their server?
20:05.25focksright on
20:05.31elpcnsok I'm listening
20:05.39eKo1focks: admins. who tell the dumb technicians to do so.
20:05.47cursorWhich kernel version do you have?
20:05.52focksuname -a
20:05.57ariel_I just booted 2 servers.. (Had to change there names).
20:06.05Qwellreal men hotswap pci
20:06.14focksariel_ hostnames?
20:06.18focksno reason to reboot
20:06.30Qwellunless its windows
20:06.32eKo1Qwell: that doesn't look right.
20:06.32focksQwell lol, i used to do that with a Packard Bell and ISA modems
20:06.36ariel_focks, yes host name.. (Windows servers)
20:07.07focksQwell shorted out the LEDs on my NIC but it worked fine otherwise
20:07.18Qwellfocks: I hotswapped RAM once...on accident
20:07.27fockshow did that go? ;)
20:07.38Qwellit hung...thats about it
20:07.39cursorvery hot seap
20:07.46focksi hotswapped a WD IDE drive and RMAed it
20:07.59jetsi like things that are hung.
20:08.27Qwellpsh, I hotswap IDE all the time. :p
20:08.27Qwellit doesn't WORK, but...
20:09.24*** join/#asterisk R3DB0x (nobody@
20:09.34*** join/#asterisk mango_man (
20:09.55fockswhat should my sup file look like to get stable instead of latest CVS?
20:09.55fockswould i use '*default release=stable tag=.' ?
20:09.55cursorYou'd do well in the middle ages then
20:10.57_THEEND_insmod: error inserting './zaphfc.ko': -1 Invalid module format
20:11.00_THEEND_noone could help me?
20:11.31cursorDid you build that module on the machine you're using now?
20:13.30cursorairplane noises?  that's a new excuse
20:14.48Qwellcursor: You know, like "Vroom!  zipp!"
20:14.50Pete_Largowhat's wrong with airplane noises?
20:15.07cursorWhen I make "airplane noises", everyone else runs away
20:15.28*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
20:15.35cursorAlthough the silent ones are worse
20:15.39Pete_Largothat's half the fun, then you can chase them!
20:15.50_THEEND_cursor yes
20:15.52cursorstealth bombers
20:17.36slePPanyone remember who western canada internet is?
20:17.43focksanyone had trouble with this?
20:17.44fockschan_sip.c: In function `build_user':
20:17.44fockschan_sip.c:10007: parse error before `struct'
20:18.10*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
20:19.50doolphwhere does *77 records save to? canada?
20:22.10*** join/#asterisk HoopyCat (
20:22.31*** part/#asterisk Bentley (
20:22.38doolphwho is onoline
20:24.04HoopyCatonoline is a close relative to gasoline; it's primarily used in molotov cocktails.  it got its name from the sound uttered by the recipients of said object, e.g. "oh no!"
20:25.13cursorIs that similar to the aaaarghline?
20:25.59*** join/#asterisk bonez39 (
20:26.04*** join/#asterisk mikewho2 (
20:26.10mikewho2Hello guys, anyone around?
20:26.12*** join/#asterisk bjk_mad (~prometheu@
20:26.25Uther_PI'm more of a cylinder
20:26.33cursormikewho2: no - there's nobody
20:26.34x9netI got a budgetone 101 and when i call out at about 14 seconds the call drops, im thinking its with the codecs anyone have any ideas? xlite works perfect calling out, so * is set up right.
20:26.49mikewho2blah :p
20:26.53mikewho2i knew id get  that answer on irc
20:27.03Uther_Pthen why ask?
20:27.05Uther_Pwhat a boring game
20:27.20mikewho2so is asterisk the most popular voip pbx out there?
20:27.23darwin35man this is killing me not getting this figured out
20:27.29darwin35and no one helping
20:27.31Uther_Px9net:  is it always the same time?
20:27.59x9netyea like 14 sec some times 10 sec
20:28.08mikewho2im kinda new to voip
20:28.10x9netthe call will go out but just drip
20:28.26darwin35when I dial in on the company 866-XXX_XXX nmbr it loops and fails
20:28.27Uther_Px9net: when using xlite, is there accually a mic pluged in and sending sound, or were you just using it to test connection?
20:28.45x9neti got a head set hooked up
20:29.05Uther_Pahh, wondering if the problem might have been callprogress
20:29.09Uther_PI had a problem with that
20:29.38x9netso * is configured right, i think it has something to do with g711u i just cant seem to see how to set that in the bugetone101
20:29.40mikewho2what kind of hardware would i need at the client lvl if all my calls are routed through a pbx server
20:29.51Uther_Pheh, what?
20:29.58mikewho2i have a central server
20:30.01Uther_Pthats gotta be the vaugest question ever
20:30.12mikewho2What im driving at here is this
20:30.22mikewho2I want to have a server running this software
20:30.25x9netyou mean a hardware phone?
20:30.44x9netyou need a sip phone,
20:30.47darwin35you have to setup the device
20:30.51Uther_Pany ip phone that supports sip or aix will generally work
20:30.54doolphyou have to setup the server
20:31.01darwin35in sip.conf and threw its webpage
20:31.19Uther_Px9net:  bugetone uses pcmu by default
20:31.29mikewho2is there something in the protocol that automatically finds IP phones if its on the same network
20:31.35Uther_Pheh, no
20:31.46Uther_Pthe phones have to register
20:31.48doolphyou need to register all ip phones
20:31.56doolphcool Uther_P
20:31.59mikewho2does this happen during DHCP?
20:32.06darwin35any input on the pastbin
20:32.11mikewho2or is it better to have static IPs and just register the phones
20:32.27doolphmikewho2 it doesnt care, you need to add the server in your ip phone
20:32.39mikewho2i see.
20:32.47*** part/#asterisk darwin35 (~darwin35@
20:33.39x9netis pcmu g711u?
20:34.25*** part/#asterisk bjk_mad (~prometheu@
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20:35.21*** join/#asterisk jeffik (~Jeff@
20:36.01x9neti just shot a email to grandstream so ill see what they say.
20:36.48*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
20:36.51Seyrheyas people
20:37.18*** join/#asterisk Granamear (
20:37.37x9netAny hardware sip phones you would recomend? im thinking i want to get a better phone.
20:37.38Seyri have an IAX peer and if I add another one, my first one drops. anyone have a guess?
20:40.11*** join/#asterisk jbot (
20:40.12*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
20:40.18harryvvfocks its not nice
20:40.26harryvvI dont like its looks.
20:40.30sylesipura is kewl but doesn;t the cisco 7960 support more like 8 lines?
20:40.45harryvvfor 129 you can get a really good phone by buying a polycom ip300
20:40.55focksthe grandstream 2000s are more like an executive type phone than the 841
20:41.17x9netthat the one your talking about?
20:41.35harryvv841 is a cheap ip home phone :) even my uniden looks alot nicer then that phone.
20:41.53*** join/#asterisk Cassador (cass@
20:41.53syleyou got the uniden cordless phone!
20:41.57syletell me about it please
20:42.15harryvvI found a polycom supplier here that can sell me the same priiced phone as in the states and its a local reseller.
20:45.20sylehmm reading some thread on the internet, ip phone is same as SIP phone i thought
20:45.44*** part/#asterisk braniff (~44r@braniff.user)
20:45.53syleyeah dude i think the cisco 7960 is the way to go
20:45.53harryvvugg syle, its just a standard analog phone running off a ata. But thay do make nice looking phone.
20:46.17QwellIs it difficult to mod phones?
20:46.35QwellThis mute button only works when depressed...I want to make it like a switch
20:46.36cursorno - just paint it green and attach a spoiler
20:46.41fockslike to run Tetris on them>
20:46.42sylei am thinking the cisco 7960 and the uniden cordless phone for my house, since wireless is just unreliable half the time
20:46.57Qwelllame, no screws
20:47.00cursorThe 7960 mute is a toggle
20:47.07Qwellcursor: This is a POS analog
20:47.24sylecursor : you american or canadian?
20:47.27cursorput the caller on hold instead of mute
20:47.29Qwellmomentary switches for mute is rediculous
20:47.41cursorthat'll latch, and it can play music too
20:47.43Qwellcursor: conference call, I need to hear, but not always talk
20:47.55*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
20:48.03Qwellis it possible to (un)mute from the * CLI?
20:48.11syleyeah that is gay hmmmm
20:48.19sylemute has to work on conferance calls for sure
20:48.19focksto make wireless reliable, simply add wires ;)
20:48.27Qwellsyle: indeed
20:48.46MiccI'm having problems with DTMF tones generated from asterisk. I assume asterisk is suppose to generate it because its getting sent as an IAX2 frame then has to convert to inband for my dialout SIP line.
20:48.47ManxPwrsyle, No!  There are many VoIP protocols.  SIP is just one of them.
20:48.50sylei am taking a shit in the bathroom half the time on conferance calls
20:48.56sylenoone wants to hear that lol
20:48.57cursorto increase wireless security - simply add wires
20:49.26cursorYou should have a toilet room then
20:49.28harryvvbtw, is there a phone that can be setup with a button to "make bussy" ? say a really hated goverment agency that deals with the public can have this feature configured and if a cutomer service agent is getting nasty calls from a clinet say..he owes taxes he/she can put him on busy by activating that button?
20:49.34cursorNobody wants to see a turd in the bath
20:50.11syleharryvv i;ve done that with asterisk
20:50.17focksi usually take reserve all shit-taking to video conference calls
20:50.37*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
20:50.40harryvvsyle but with a botton or say a dtmf ?
20:50.41sylecallerid match him then answer ; congestion
20:50.59*** join/#asterisk Trakk (
20:50.59harryvvwhat if its one uniqe call every week?
20:51.05cursorand wait for the overdue tax fines
20:51.05syleyou mean realtime?
20:51.12syleor permanent block his number
20:51.40harryvvsyle, I did some work at a tax office ..thought it was interesting and a neet feature.
20:51.47eKo1The client will just call you from a payphone and screw you over.
20:51.51harryvvsyle..dealing with 5 million customers?
20:51.54sylei am not sure how you could do it as call is comming in since to even use the phone at that point would just answer his call
20:52.07sylei think i could code something that would do that though
20:52.20harryvvek01, canadians are not that radical
20:52.40eKo1not yet...
20:52.41syleinterface with agi and perl i probabably could
20:52.45harryvvI would call the button the "just simmer down button" :)
20:53.10cursorOr the "wind that customer right up" button
20:53.11niZonhow can you get ANI info in asterisk?
20:53.20sylei don;t think there is anyway way to do it on the phone though while a call is comming in
20:53.23sylefrom your computer you could
20:53.56sylejust click something on your computer and that interfaces with asterisk and you could block it
20:54.23syleyou had 2 ports
20:54.55syleits a real bitch to do harry lol
20:54.56eKo1niZon: I thought that's just the callerid.
20:55.08syleeasiest way is just to block the number from further calling you hehe
20:55.29ManxPwrMany IP phones have a Do=Not-Disturb option
20:55.49*** part/#asterisk extremis (
20:55.56harryvvsyle, say the reciving party saw the caller id..then pressed the button.
20:56.08harryvvsyle..but thay cannot..thay owe taxes ;)
20:56.40syleyes but the problem is after they have called , a dial plan already is executing for the call
20:56.42harryvvManx, including the ip300
20:57.01doolphanyone here know how to fix issues
20:57.02harryvvsyle, true.
20:57.14bannermanman you could just pay your taxes :-P
20:57.42Uther_Pheh, most people don't bother trying to use h323
20:57.43sylei think only way would be to modify the c source
20:57.49syleof asterisk
20:57.53harryvvbann...people who owe taxes dont have access to these agencies like I do.
20:57.55sylebefore the bridge takes place
20:59.10mikewho2what IPphone do you guys recommend
20:59.12mikewho2the cisco one?
20:59.27Uther_Pthe $500+ cisco phones
20:59.28kajtzuis it possible to pass other parameters than just the conference number to Application: Meetme through the manager interface?
20:59.35bannermanI like the Polycom IP500
20:59.42mikewho2really, how much did that run ya bannerman?
20:59.47sylewell i don;t think hes talking about taxes, unless he doesn;t own his own house or he'd be screwed hehe, thinking maybe collection agency
20:59.47kajtzusetting Data: 1234,,1234 doesn't seem to work
21:00.05QwellAfter a dial, there isn't any way my dialplan could catch DTMF from me, is there?
21:02.30*** join/#asterisk jbot (
21:02.31*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
21:02.32cursoror drill a hole and add a new switch
21:02.39QwellThere are no screws...I'd have to bust it
21:02.41sylethis is software level
21:02.47cursorcut the mic line and wire it through a switch
21:03.17cursoryou could firewall the RTP packets being sent to/from your phone :-)
21:03.33sylei would inform cisco to update the IOS software
21:04.02sylethey need an if condition if the phone is not currently muted, mute=off
21:04.27Qwellwhy would cisco care about my $5 radio shack analog phone?
21:04.46cursorThey'll try to sell you a 7960
21:04.51syletalking about cursor's 7960 cisco phone hehe
21:04.55cursorand one of their PBXs :-)
21:04.57QwellWhats wrong with his phone?
21:05.13QwellHe was describing the "proper" solution.
21:05.18cursorMy phone is great
21:05.31QwellI should just splurge, and get a $10 phone
21:05.33sylehow much you pay for it?
21:05.47syleits about 300 bucks right?
21:05.59cursorThe phone on my desk was $100 from eBay
21:06.08Qwella 7960?
21:06.14Qwellnot bad at all
21:06.19cursorIt was a good deal
21:06.22Qwelldefective repaired?
21:06.30cursorjust second-hand
21:06.42Qwellused ones are almost the price of a new one usually
21:06.56cursorI see them cheap every now and again
21:07.08cursorIt's best to jump in and get one cheap - even if you don't need it right now
21:07.17Qwellpick me up one for < $150, and I'll pay you for it later :p
21:07.35krwhello all, i'm getting a seg fault when I call a url with a querystring from CURL.  Anyone know what might cause this?
21:07.38PTG123anyoen know of a decient firewall distribution based on bsd?
21:07.45cursor$150 is like £0.0000002
21:07.50cursorBritish Pounds
21:08.01cursorThat'll be me
21:08.02sylewhat version IOS you got the phone up to now?
21:08.10cursor7.1, I think
21:08.14krwptg123: check out
21:08.23syleonly 7.1 ? you have cisco login?
21:08.41sylehmm that sucks
21:09.00cursorI'll update it when Cisco fix their XML stuff
21:09.05cursorso I can code softkeys etc.
21:09.20PTG123krw: there a web based setup for this?
21:09.22syle100 bucks
21:09.39syleso if anyone wants a good phone there you go hehe
21:09.40krwptg123: yep, works very well.  there are screenshots on the web site
21:10.22PTG123krw: looks good.. any recommendations for micro pc's to run it on?
21:10.28syleyou use POE?
21:10.36PTG123krw: does it do QOS?
21:10.44loudi wonder if 7.0.3 supports g726
21:11.06cursorI have a power "brick"
21:11.23cursorPOE would be nice, but it's not worth the price
21:11.34harryvvsyle 100 bucks times 2
21:11.48harryvvits not going to be 100 dollars I am cirtain of that.
21:12.10harryvvcursor, for you or customers
21:12.49cursorPOE isn't really worth the price
21:12.55sylei wonder if my gigabit switch supports POE
21:12.55cursorunless you happen to have it already
21:12.59*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
21:13.01cursoror your switch comes with it already
21:13.02QwellYou can't do gbe and poe
21:13.09Qwellboth use 4 pairs
21:13.28fockswhich module is used for TDM400?
21:13.34Qwellfocks: wctdm
21:13.47wtsyle: is it over $2k?
21:13.47focksthat's right
21:14.00Cassadorsrry m8s..., for use sip only , how many conf should I config?
21:14.26focksQwell in additon to zaptel right?
21:14.31Qwellfocks: yes
21:14.34CassadorExtensions.conf, Sip.conf ?
21:14.49focksQwell hmm, just hangs when i modprobe it
21:15.47*** part/#asterisk Patrick^ (
21:17.31blitzrageCassador: and rtp.conf if you need to limit the number of ports Asterisk listens on for RTP
21:18.24bannermanAnyone use Nufone?
21:18.31bannermanMajor problems today, more than any other day
21:18.39Qwellbannerman: works fine here.  What problems?
21:19.00bannermanQwell: Calls fade out or drop completely
21:19.02Cassadorthanx blitzrage :) ..., Its the first time that Im trying to do anything in it..., I just want to make some kind of test with xlite
21:19.19*** join/#asterisk p1tst0p (
21:19.20Qwellbannerman: sure its not your connection?  It's been fine for me all day
21:19.21bannermanQwell: I've had problems for weeks, but just today it's been particularly bad
21:19.40bannermanQwell: Connection is lovely, and I talked to another fellow today who has the same exact problems.
21:20.03bannermanqwell: what's your ping like?
21:20.36Qwell73 to switch-1, 90 to switch-2
21:20.43bannermanhm, worse than mine
21:20.48bannermanI get 62
21:20.50bannermanto switch-1
21:21.56bannermanI was going to ask you about your setup, but there really isn't much that I haven't tried
21:22.07bannerman2.4 and 2.6 kernels, 1.0.7 and CVS-HEAD on both kernels
21:22.21bannermanwith firewall + qos, without, disconnected the computer network completely for a day to ensure that it was a clean connection
21:22.37bannermanI use sip phones.. polycom ip500s and some cheapoes
21:24.57sylei have a good question: ata adapters obviously can;t do this but lets say routers: where your dsl or cable modem plugs in...anyone offer QOS on them or traffic shaping, Ie: if your downloading stuff, it will cut that download speed and give more bandwidth to your call if you pickup line
21:26.27sylecurrently i think only more high end cisco routers do this
21:26.45Qwellmy $50 router does QoS
21:27.01RaYmAn-Bxsyle: Sipura SPA 2100 can actually do that..It works as a router plug in internet in one end and all your computer in the other
21:27.18Gh0stybuy linksys, load some hacked firmware and you got a wonderfull router :)
21:27.48syleso the sipura is doing NAT as well?
21:28.00RaYmAn-BxI'm not actually sure, but I would assume so
21:28.32HoopyCatg'nite folx
21:28.39syleis it actualy a router? ie: you can log into it, map ports, have switch plugged into it fine, do firewalling and support xbox live?
21:29.38RaYmAn-Bxcheck the site :) I'm not entirely sure..I just remember that it's supposed to be able to do that :) I don't have one myself
21:29.57blitzrageQoS isn't traffic shaping though
21:30.01MiccSo I'm going to assume I've got to generate my own DTMF tones when using the IAX protocol because FRAME_DTMF doesn't seem to work.
21:30.05*** join/#asterisk laotan (
21:30.42MiccAsterisk sends a garbled tone that sounds almost like two or three shorter tones.
21:30.53MiccCould this have something to do with timing?
21:31.37syleyeah what we need is to traffic shape fxs ports
21:32.36Micchmmm... I think I might have found my problem is with voicepulse and timing.
21:33.35RaYmAn-Bxthe SPA 2100 obviously sends it's own traffic first and then whatever traffic other people essentially it does do traffic shaping. But it's simple and only prioritizes it's own traffic..I don't think it does anything else (and only upstream traffic)
21:36.11Miccnope, false alarm. voicepulse is something else.
21:37.07sylenot sure
21:37.26syleanyone charging over 1.2 cents a minute is gay though hehe
21:39.14BeirdoI always though being gay had to do with sexual preference, not how much you charge for VoIP
21:39.20syleray: i think sipura is selling great things, but i am not explaining to end users how they have to go buy a switch cause sipura only supports 1 ethernet port hehe
21:39.35QwellBeirdo: What you charge for service is based on sexual preference, I think is what he's implying
21:39.44sylei guess that is why everyone is going with linksys, dlink etc
21:40.58sylefor the tech savy it don;t matter, they only want 1 port and link up with their 10 port gigabit switch, but most people don;t do that hehe
21:42.12juanjocDoes anyone know if spandsp can be used on 64 bit Linux running on an AMD64 machine?
21:42.40juanjocI'm mainly interested in the stable version of spandsp (0.0.1k)
21:43.15syle64 bit linux damn, you guy unnecessarily expensive hardware :)
21:43.41*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
21:43.41QwellWhats wrong with 64bit?
21:44.03jontowtoo many bytes!
21:44.07juanjocspandsp is not compiling correctly.
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21:44.45syleconsidering i could probably outdo your 64 bit machine for same price with 2 32 bit machines and a load balancer you tell me :)
21:44.45xaiIs there a standard cdr tracking app for billing?
21:45.27*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
21:46.06sylexai i had same question actually
21:46.38sylewhats everyone using for account billing with asterisk?
21:47.04*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
21:47.15syleqwell: where can i find documents on that function?
21:47.26xaiI just am curious what most people consider stable/standard/etc..
21:47.28QwellI don't know.  I probably made it up
21:48.20bannermanQwell: While you're enjoying newbie questions, do you have any idea what might be wrong on my side to get these calls to drop so often?
21:48.33Qwellbannerman: not sure...
21:48.46Qwelltried calling them?
21:48.49bannermanQwell: hahaha.
21:48.54bannermanQwell: Good one.
21:49.10bannermanQwell: Multiple voicemails and emails, no answer.
21:49.42bannermanQwell: I think I'm too little for thme.
21:50.16*** join/#asterisk darwin35 (~darwin35@
21:50.31bannermanQwell: The best response I've had yet has been here. Usually I Greg or Jer will give me a thing or two to try, then stop responding.
21:50.39*** part/#asterisk darwin35 (~darwin35@
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21:51.51kb1_kanobebannerman: what is the configuration that's dropping calls? also, which code base - stable or head?
21:52.44syleqwell so where are the app_cdr files stored?
21:53.11bannermankb1_kanobe: I've used two systems. One is a single P3, used 2.6 kernel there, tried both 1.0.7 and CVS-HEAD. Other platform is 2.4, dual athlon, had 1.0.7, upgraded to CVS-HEAD at Greg's request which made no difference.
21:53.20*** join/#asterisk sleepy_one (
21:54.11kb1_kanobehow are the calls travelling? Ie. PRI->IAX, SIP->IAX...?
21:54.18sleepy_onehello all :) is there a way I can extract the number called to reach asterisk when I get calls on my PRI? I need to route calls based on the number dialed to reach the system. tia
21:54.47sleepy_oneI have a T1 PRI with a Digium T100p wct1xxp card
21:55.31EdwinLi have trouble configuring the zaptel driver on a server with both TE405P & TDM400P cards. it kept giving me ZT_CHANCONFIG fail for various reasons no matter how i change the span/channel# around.
21:55.43*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
21:55.54kb1_kanobesleepy_one: calls arriving PRI implicitly contain the dialed number - all PRI trunks are effectively DID lines. Go study the wiki for a while...
21:56.04sleepy_onehave you executed lspci to see if the cards are detected?
21:56.05CassadorI have this message: "Registrations from 'Sipphone <sip:teste@10.0.02> failed for ''
21:56.15CassadorWhat this means?? Or what I need to check?
21:56.53xaisyle: i don't see anything that is exceptional yet. Do you?
21:57.00darwin35your sip.conf and the config in the phone
21:57.07sylewhen you do show modules....use count=1 or 0 does that mean if its enabled or not?
21:57.19darwin35make sure the username and passwd match
21:57.44CassadorDarwin35: ok..., I will check
21:57.58EdwinLif i put only the config for 1 card and load only the driver for that card. they
21:58.09syleno buy i am wondering if app_cdr = 0 on show modules means its not being used
21:58.12EdwinLthey'll work nut not both at teh same time.
21:58.27bannermankb1_kanobe: SIP -> IAX
21:59.16bannermanI've used every combination of protocols on both sides, used some cheap SIP phones, some polycom ip500 and some softphone.. exact same behavior
21:59.45focksis there anything I can do for echo cancellation and hollow-sounding analog calls with a TDM400?
22:01.51*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
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22:15.31ManipuraDoes anyone have any comments on Link2Voip.. I'm thinking about switching to them for DID's & termination.
22:15.42*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
22:15.45sylei think i found something
22:16.23sylejust need something to get these into mysql
22:16.51outtoluncsyle cvs co asterisk-addons
22:17.54sylethen how do i tell it to log to mysql for app_cdr?
22:18.23xaisyle: yea.
22:18.31*** join/#asterisk zyke (~zakforeve@
22:18.41xaisyle: sorry been too busy,.
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22:19.53markyanybody willing to lend me some thoughts
22:20.02markymy sip debug says i can't authorize
22:20.20markyand i'm pretty sure i've got all my nat taken care of
22:20.31eivindtrmarky: Then it's probably right...
22:20.42Nuximarky, when are you going to return that thought?
22:21.09markyhigh noon
22:21.17Nuxithat'll work.
22:21.48zykewhat is a Zap/pseudo channel? is that what's used for meetme?
22:21.55sylei think i get idea
22:22.20syleinstall addons first , then include module in modules file, then modify cdr_custom with database info
22:22.33xaisyle: and
22:23.29eivindtrAnyone have any tips on how to control timing? I have a Sangoma PRI card, but the sound is bad. I want to use ztdummy instead.
22:23.58xaisyle: and
22:24.08eivindtrmarky: Got some more info to go with that thought?
22:24.19syleahh good research dude
22:24.42sylei was searching unix server itself hehe
22:25.53sylethats what i was looking for
22:25.59syletalk to you later xai got to go
22:26.19zykewhat is a Zap/pseudo channel? is that what's used for meetme?
22:28.30markyeivindtr, i'm lookin at some stuff
22:28.44markyjust going over nat with *
22:28.57markyi'm just trying to get a call going out
22:29.02markysuch a small mission.
22:29.32eivindtrwell, helping you is not such a small mission with info like that. What client do you use?
22:29.53markysip device?
22:29.56zykeanyone knows how to stop a Zap/pseudo ?
22:30.27eivindtryeah, any of those..
22:30.57markyhandytone 486
22:31.01sleepy_onecya all l8r
22:31.25markysorry, i'm mid-call
22:31.40markyhandytone, but a@h still won't auth with my ISP
22:32.27eivindtrmarky: never used a@h. Make sure you don't mess up user name with auth name. SIP is a bit wierd about those. Safe bet is to keep them the same...
22:32.55zykeanyone knows how to stop a Zap/pseudo channel?
22:33.08outtoluncstop now <G>
22:34.00eivindtrAnyone knows how to fine-select timing source in the *-config? I want to use ztdummy even though I have a zaptel device...
22:34.01zykeouttolunc: stop now Zap/pseudo ?
22:34.33*** part/#asterisk makhtar (
22:34.35outtoluncno, 'stop now' from the CLI
22:35.09outtoluncthere is NO WAY to kill it.. zap destroy will skip right over it (unless a new way has been added in the last couple weeks)
22:35.15zykeouttolunc: but stop now would shut down asterisk ..
22:36.00outtoluncyeah it would
22:36.44zykeouttolunc: it's causing the box to run at 99%
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22:37.11outtolunci've already told you what you need to do, if you somehow can't get that.. then live with it <G>
22:38.06*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
22:41.54outtoluncchan_local.c line 321 local_destroy() has been commented out
22:45.13outtoluncand the only thing that ever gets near local_hangup is using the 'glaredetect' option
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23:10.18*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
23:10.35markythat's weird
23:10.41niZon~seen boris
23:10.53jbotboris <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 1h 44m 49s ago, saying: 'what?'.
23:10.53markyguess i haven't irc'd for a short while
23:11.05niZonlaggy bot
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23:33.26zykeanyone knows what a Zap/pseudo channel is?
23:35.08marcus5its a fake zap channel
23:35.14marcus5used as a timing source for meetme/moh and such
23:35.27marcus5if an asterisk server doesnt have real zap channels
23:36.36outtolunc.. /usr/src/asterisk/doc/localchannel.txt as a description
23:40.36*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
23:42.06zykethanks marcus5
23:42.18zykeand outtolunc
23:42.27*** join/#asterisk tsp (
23:42.30tspMy alsa problems are solved!
23:42.41tsphad to set both input and output to hw:0,0 - they were commented out before
23:42.57tspnow - I need a good free iax provider - fwd keeps canceling my cals
23:44.28tspanyone got a free iax provider? I'm behind a nat firewall
23:44.51zyketsp: how do u mean free provider?
23:45.20tspwell - I only want to call other users of sip, not outbound pstn - maybe toll free though
23:46.22zykei think virbiage got such service
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23:47.54tspnot them - I can't use firefly
23:47.57JoshuaTreeHas anyone used SIPPS with Asterisk?
23:49.12JoshuaTreeyeah it's made by ahead its a Windows SIP Client
23:50.16doolphif it is sip client it should be supported
23:51.00JoshuaTreewell i can get it to work local but from the outside world it fails
23:52.09JoshuaTreeand asterisk goes crazy
23:52.20JoshuaTreeor maybe its the software
23:52.24JoshuaTreei don't know
23:53.11PTG123define crazy
23:53.26JoshuaTreei logs in the account
23:53.31JoshuaTreethen it logs it out
23:53.52JoshuaTreei don't know if its SIPPS logging it out or Asterisk
23:54.36JoshuaTreeon the SIPPS client the logged IP address it is getting is the asterisk box, then it switches to
23:56.10JoshuaTreeas for example it gets sip:USERNAME@ then switches to sip:USERNAME@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.