irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050515

00:09.08*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
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00:10.51Chujitzanger : That has got to be BS huh?
00:11.06ChujiThat rent my daughter
00:11.40tzangerChuji: yeah
00:11.45tzangerit's like
00:14.18*** join/#asterisk hellop (
00:14.51hellopCan someone do me a favor and send me this file via DDC?  >
00:14.58hellopMy ISP can't get to it.
00:17.57JohnsieGive me a moment, hellop.
00:19.57kb1_kanobeOh, sorry - just all the away/returns...
00:20.05kb1_kanobeno offence intended.
00:20.08tzangerwhat's that got to do with being a mime?
00:20.33kb1_kanobeI thought might have been communicating by gesture. Bad joke.
00:21.02tzangerkram: do you think the Infineon QuadFALC can sync to a 10-bit 2.56MHz E1?
00:21.16tzangerI've got hte datasheet but I haven't dove into it yet
00:21.17newmedianof course, it could be a steganographic trick; kram could be passing messages by the rate of his return/away per minute/hour.
00:21.28kramtzanger: i've never heard of such a thing before
00:21.40tzangerkram: it's  a nortel thing
00:22.56tzangerif it can't I'm gonna have to slipstream something
00:23.08tzangerbasically take the 10 bits and accept 8 of them to an outgoing E1
00:23.15tzangernot particularly fond of attemptin that
00:23.18tzangerforget all that
00:23.23tzangerdo you know if __do_dtmf() blocks?
00:23.26*** join/#asterisk kupo (
00:24.20tzangerI can't see it doing that (a quad T1 would only be able to play one dtmf digit at a time, and all spans would block on it then)
00:24.47Juggiei would highly doubt it hah
00:25.33Juggietzanger, that may be something to discuss in #libpri
00:25.40tzangerit's not a PRI thing
00:25.50tzangerbut I'll see if anyone's awake there
00:26.04Juggieyah, i know... but matt maintains zaptel too i think
00:27.39JohnsieI mirrored the site (without the author's consent)...
00:38.32*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (
00:47.30*** join/#asterisk djgregor (
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00:48.58dcaokay, got booted, so i'll ask again: is it possible to round robin dial multiple asterisk servers?
00:52.55*** join/#asterisk mistral (
01:01.31newbienhow many calls can a softphone handle at one time?
01:01.42Qwellnewbien: anywhere from 1 to 9000
01:01.44Qwelldepends on the phone
01:02.00fileoh no... not this movie...
01:02.10Qwellfile: ?
01:02.20Sato1which one?
01:02.33fileTwelve Monkeys
01:02.37fileit confuses me so much...
01:02.51fileit's like looking at app_voicemail
01:03.00Sato1good idea for tonight movies, i havent seen that one
01:03.23*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
01:03.46filethe Andromeda Strain is on tonight too
01:04.08DrukenHMEevening all
01:05.11blitzrageMikeJ[Laptop]: short form for what is up :)
01:06.19DrukenHMEis there a contract out for voip peer sharing??
01:06.30*** join/#asterisk jeffheath (
01:06.48DrukenHMEi've noticed the industry doesn't seem to do it much...
01:06.56newmedianbounty, you mean?
01:07.35Sato1you can just use voice over ip, but there are some codecs licenced, if thats what you mean
01:07.38DrukenHMEi mean, say i want cheap termination to new york, i would find a voip provider with pri services in NY
01:08.07DrukenHMErather than making the LD call myself
01:08.17DrukenHMEthat make more sence?
01:09.21DrukenHMElookin for termination to various places for like .005 to .01 per min, without the monthly fees, one of those traffic only things
01:09.23blitzrageI'm not sure what a contract has to do with that...
01:09.43DrukenHMEok, maybe a contract is a bad way of putting it...
01:09.48blitzrageunless you have a contract with a provider... but I think most people don't really care about it - you pay, you get service.
01:10.00blitzragejust like anything else - don't pay, get cut off
01:10.58DrukenHMEyeah, blitzrage, are you gettin what i'm talking about tho?
01:11.03*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
01:11.03Sato1unless you are not in US and the country you are in does not allow doing voip for comercial reasons
01:11.03blitzragenot really :)
01:11.13blitzrageI don't know what is so confusing or what the question is :)
01:11.55blitzrageanyways, I'm heading away from the computer ahead, just had to check email - peas.
01:12.22newbiencan most softphones/hardphones take more than one call at the same time?
01:12.39DrukenHMEok... i guess my question is are there any providers here that would do traffic termination for a very low price, without monthly fees, useage only
01:12.56Sato1newbien, depend on the software or firmware, but must of them can
01:13.08newbienSato1: thanks
01:13.32*** join/#asterisk cced (~dev2003@
01:13.43Sato1DrukenHME, there are, you can find them in, there is a list of providers
01:13.51Sato1newbien, no problem
01:18.07blitzrageDrukenHME: that only happens usually when you agree to a set number of minutes per month
01:18.18blitzrageso basically, the question can be answered with yes and no
01:18.31DrukenHMEhehe more or less a "maybe"
01:19.01ccedwho has made Tormenta 2 PCI Card?
01:19.11blitzragewell... if you want your minutes really cheap, then you have to buy a lot per month, if you just want service and not commit to any minutes per month, then you won't get as good a deal per month
01:21.07DrukenHMEi guess in my mind, i'd rather pay another voip provider for a local termination call, then pay the telco for a LD call
01:21.12blitzrageDrukenHME: yah....
01:22.04*** join/#asterisk MikeJ_ (
01:22.32MikeJ_DrukenHME, you probably need to negotiate those with the individual carrier
01:23.25MikeJ_and nobody would or should give you the time of day of .01 unless you are talking about commiting to significant # of minutes
01:24.54DrukenHMEMikeJ_: why not? get paid a cent a min for making a local call.... seems stupid not to
01:25.46MikeJ_keep dreaming you will get that without a commitment
01:25.59MikeJ_because companies have costs?
01:26.29newbienDrukenHME: has prepaid calls at .023/min; dunno about qos tho
01:26.32fileanyone wanna buy my laptop?
01:29.15MikeJ_file, what is it?
01:29.26MikeJ_and where has it been?
01:29.59Silik0nare you sure you wanna know where his laptop has been?
01:30.25fileupgraded to 802.11g
01:30.29Silik0nfile you can give me your laptop
01:30.32fileselling because I want a Powerbook :)
01:30.39file5110H btw...
01:31.12fileyou should buy it!
01:31.52MikeJ[Laptop]will you clean it first :)
01:32.05filepfft it hasn't been where Silik0n puts his laptops
01:32.06MikeJ[Laptop]how come no one wants to come play with me
01:32.07newmedianDon't you want the DNA evidence?
01:32.21MikeJ[Laptop]file, next to him on the bed?
01:32.31filemaybe, I don't know
01:32.37MikeJ[Laptop]996 baby
01:32.58*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
01:33.02filek 1 sec
01:34.57*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
01:38.37ccedwho has made Tormenta 2 PCI Card?
01:39.02*** join/#asterisk K9DI_BSD_WrkStn (
01:40.58mepplgute nacht
01:41.02implicitanyone know of carriers offering SMS origination?
01:41.10newbiensoftphone rings while your already talking to someone? how do you answer?
01:41.44filenewbien: uh it's dependent on the softphone, read it's instructions
01:42.25*** part/#asterisk OzJames79 (
01:42.40newbienfile: i would read the instructions if there were any ;) kphone,linphone,kiax  all have no info
01:42.47filewell then you plat with it
01:42.56filethere is no set standard on how a softphone is supposed to act
01:42.57mmlj4newbien: WHICH softphone? and have you READ THE FREAKING MANUAL?
01:43.09newbienfile, play with it?
01:43.12kupocalm yourself mmlj4
01:43.21filenewbien: yes, play with it
01:43.56newbienmmlj4: no man for kphone or kiax; linphone has no info about subject
01:44.22newbienfile, k, thanks, just curious
01:45.00*** join/#asterisk RickTick (
01:45.59RickTickhello All:  Anyone using any Open-Source software for prepaid billing?
01:47.35mmlj4newbien: sorry, i lost my cool. you're right, kphone hasn't a manual
01:49.35FuriousGeorgewhat should i be doing to get the chat feature in eyebeam working with *, or at least while its running
01:49.48FuriousGeorgei find exactly 0 info about it on the googlenet
01:50.21newbienmmlj4: no problemo ;)
01:50.32*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
01:50.46fileFuriousGeorge: you can't
01:50.55|Vulture|sup guys
01:51.02fileFuriousGeorge: asterisk does not support it
01:51.15FuriousGeorgefile: i see
01:51.23|Vulture|wow usually you don't hear "you can't" in the * channel
01:51.31FuriousGeorgethat explains the lack of docs
01:51.33filewant me to rephrase?
01:51.41file"You can't... on a normal build in the real world"
01:51.46FuriousGeorgein the positive
01:51.51FuriousGeorgeoh well
01:51.56file"You might be able to when I finish this patch"
01:52.04FuriousGeorgesweet, you da man!
01:52.21fileawww how nice
01:52.23filecare to donate?
01:52.33FuriousGeorgewheres your - Paypal accepted! :)
01:52.56FuriousGeorgelol, seriously, are you working on that
01:53.13filein fact on my internal build if you message my voicemailmain extension, it'll message back how many new messages you have :)
01:53.29FuriousGeorgeyou should start a thing with a code bounty.  i'd donate
01:53.34ccedwho has made Tormenta 2 PCI Card?
01:54.01FuriousGeorgeand by a thing, i mean some sort of web page
01:54.12tzangercced: why don't you read up at
01:54.16filemeh I'm just a messaging sorta guy ;)
01:54.20tzangerare you the guy who emailed me trying to clone the damn thing?
01:54.47filebut still, donations always welcome though! they help fuel the fire
01:54.50*** join/#asterisk cursor (
01:55.04tzangerthe tormentia2 is open source/open hardware, but it's also obsoleted by the TE110 and TE410/405
01:55.27FuriousGeorgefile:  im sorry but i dont give money to people i meet on irc, as a matter of principal.  now if they have some sort of web page thingy, then i'll believe anything i read
01:55.39|Vulture|urg the new zaptel drivers urk me
01:55.47newmedianUnless you're looking to Hack, it would be less trouble to just purchase a card from Digium
01:55.53mmlj4FuriousGeorge: but do you have problems with irc people giving *you* money? ;-)
01:56.02FuriousGeorgeabsolutely not, who wants to start
01:56.09fileFuriousGeorge: there I rant slightly about messaging ;)
01:56.24newmedianyou have piles?
01:56.25tzangerFuriousGeorge: file's not exactly a newbie here
01:56.43fileI remember being a newbie... those were the days
01:57.19cursorDo you remember it as if it was yesterday? :-)
01:57.24filenot really
01:57.39FuriousGeorgetzanger: i am
01:57.54|Vulture|OMG its a pictar of file!
01:57.57tzangerdid that aussie that was kidnapped in iraq die?
01:58.15fileyes there's a pic of me
01:58.21fileI got a better one earlier, lemme find it again
01:58.51filealmost got it...
01:58.54tzangerthat's me
01:59.01filebkw on the left, me on the right
01:59.09|Vulture|tzanger: thats a nice pic
01:59.15tzangerI have a stupid grin though
01:59.16cursorIf you want to see me, you'll have to get my GmuPG public key
01:59.24|Vulture|oh yea i saw it, I thought it was Got VoIP and it was Got Voice
01:59.24cursorGnuPG works too :-)
01:59.28tzangerbkw's heavier than I thought he was
01:59.30file|Vulture|: exactly
01:59.44filebkw is just like he is on IRC in real life :)
01:59.51fileright down to hogging the pillows the cheeky bugger
01:59.57cursortzanger: is that you on the right?
02:00.01tzangerdoes your shirt say "got void" or "got voip" ?
02:00.06filetzanger: got voice
02:00.12newmedianobligatory: "those aren't pillows!"
02:00.36|Vulture|thats my frog terrerium
02:00.51FuriousGeorge[homer] muffin..  aarrrggghhh [/homer]
02:00.54filehe left me with 2 pillows, and he got 3
02:00.56filevery unfair
02:01.05|Vulture|file: I hope you hogged the covers!
02:01.13tzanger|Vulture|: cool, but totally out of focus pic
02:01.20filenot really, I usually fell asleep before I got under the covers
02:01.28*** join/#asterisk OzJames79 (
02:01.42file4 hour timezone difference screwed with my mind
02:01.57|Vulture|tzanger: yea I know I didn't take it
02:02.16|Vulture|tzanger: I let my gf do it... last thing I let her do! :P
02:02.51tzangerheh I know why I hang out on efnet
02:02.59tzanger"I'll hack your boxers... the ones you're wearing!"
02:03.03tzanger"I'm not into doods"
02:03.06tzanger"But I'm a pretty man"
02:03.43Silik0nefnet rulez
02:03.59Silik0nefnet home of the DDoS
02:04.39cursorNow look what you've done - you scared FG away
02:04.52Silik0noh well
02:05.55tzangerForeign Girl?
02:06.06cursorprobably, yes
02:07.35Silik0njust remember that lisa, 18, 36D from NYC could really be Bob, 40, 275 from arkansas
02:07.50MikeJ[Laptop]or ken.
02:08.04tzangerbut he could be 36D too
02:08.10newmediansomeone with sticky digiums
02:08.49|Vulture|tzanger: nice one
02:19.00*** join/#asterisk iq|laptop (
02:29.10*** join/#asterisk theHub (
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02:33.56theHub#show channels
02:36.20*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:37.01PTG123hey anyone here use livevoip, voipjet, or nufone?
02:38.16tzangerI use nufone
02:38.29newbienPTG123: no, still researching the voip providers; many ppl here say their all about the same
02:38.52PTG123Well just curious complaints anyone has about them, or things they would like to see better about them, products they would like to see or whatever :)
02:39.15tzangerservice rocks, customer service really isn't there but I've never really needed it
02:39.33newbienPTG123: broadvoice had a congestion problem disallowing ppl making calls for about 4 days this week
02:39.51PTG123yah downtime is a common thread with alot of the providers.
02:40.03PTG123tzanger, how is the service not there?
02:40.12newbienPTG123: which providers have the most/least downtime?
02:40.20tzangerPTG123: I said the service rocks, the CS could use work
02:40.32PTG123newbien, from what i heard they ALL have downtime... nufone probably has the least, but doesn't offere dids
02:40.33tzangerI've *never* had downtime with nufone, not in 18 months of using them
02:40.43PTG123yah how is the CS not there is what i am saying
02:40.48tzangernufone does have DIDs but just not outside of some select MI and IL areas
02:40.53PTG123like they don't respond to emails timely, etc?
02:41.06tzangerPTG123: just hard to get answers from them outside of "it seems to work for everyone else"
02:41.23tzangerI usually just come in here and bug jerjer.  To their credit though, I've never had an issue that was their problem
02:41.54tzangeryou have to prove you have some clue (provide some debug results, etc.) and then they'll start to listen
02:42.49PTG123tzanger, so why do you use them even though they are more exp3ensive then others?
02:43.10tzangerPTG123: I won't flip providers for a half or even quarter cent a minute difference
02:43.16tzangerand as I said, THEY JUST WORK
02:43.22tzangerthat is worth its weight in gold
02:43.36PTG123originally were the providers just not there?
02:43.42tzangerI refuse to nickle and dime this shit and then constantly piss about with testing proviers
02:43.42PTG123they were the only choice?
02:43.49seanget multiple outbound providers.
02:43.53tzangerPTG123: nah, I tried voipjet, sixtel, livevoip, etc
02:44.06tzangersean: that's what I'm saying, I refuse to piss around doing that
02:44.23tzangerI have a couple of providers, one which provides very cheap per-min to areas I call a lot, and nufone for everything else
02:44.29seanit's trivial to flip over.. but I don't run a "real" service..
02:44.33seanjust playing for now.
02:44.39PTG123tzanger: who do you use for the cheap per minute areas?
02:44.41tzangerI want it ot work, not constantly sit there and "oh does provider x have crappy audio today?"
02:44.53*** join/#asterisk bobessutio (
02:44.55tzangerPTG123: I am signing up with on monday
02:45.08seanmy did provider charges $0.011 (CDN) in-network.
02:45.29tzangersean: yeah that sounds like unlimitel
02:45.35sean$0.04 out (US48+Can)
02:45.40seanyeah.. it is.
02:45.53seanand I have nufone for out-of-network..
02:46.17tzangersean: that's exactly what I'm planning
02:46.18seanonly because the buyin was so cheap, and they take paypal (and I happened to have some cash in my PP acct.)
02:46.27seantzanger: where are you?
02:46.29tzanger'although I just learned that asterilink is anthm/bkw
02:46.37tzangersean: southwestern ontario
02:47.02PTG123i wonder how much asterisk business is canadian
02:47.25seanI'm guessing a lot.. (-:
02:47.32seanwe hate our telcos (-;
02:48.09PTG123so any plans or features you wish any of these guys would provide?
02:48.30tzangernope, I just want voice termination
02:48.36tzangermaybe a little origination with unlimitel
02:48.56seanheh.. last time I had a run-in with Bell (they wouldn't service the line because it's terminated in the next building over, and they couldn't get in), I threatened to pump 220v back down the line (-:
02:49.14seannot that I'd actually do it, of course (for the record)
02:49.16ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone has information about mobile operators in sweeden?
02:50.05*** join/#asterisk drraid (
02:51.07drraidCan a single FXO x100p modem manage more than 10 voip lines simultaniously?
02:52.29ManxPowerdrraid: Yes, if you only want to have one call using the X100P at any one time.
02:52.54ManxPowerThe X100P (which is no longer sold by Digium) connects Asterisk to the telco.
02:54.31drraidManxPower, what would you advise for hardware for managing a t1 worth of lines with asterisk
02:55.37*** join/#asterisk orion88 (
02:55.54PTG123drraid: a tnt
02:55.58PTG123or a max :)
02:56.08MikeJ[Laptop]blitzrage, you around?
02:57.56*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
02:58.05ManxPowerdrraid: TE110P is the Digium T-1/E-1 single port card.  Digium also has two different 4-port cards.  Sangoma also has Zaptel compatable cards.
02:58.16ManxPowerdrraid: More information at
03:00.12*** part/#asterisk W1thdraw (
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03:00.21drraidthank you
03:00.54PTG123why use a pc server to terminate a t1, you can get a tnt made to do 20 t1s for $2500, it can actually transcode 500 calls at once, in g729
03:01.13PTG123when you need a xeon to do 40 on a pc
03:03.06DaminPTG123: IAX2. ;)
03:03.23PTG123why would i want to use iax2, so my callas are more latent?
03:04.22DaminPTG123: No, so you can handle up to 3x more calls in the same bandwidth..
03:04.38PTG123not true
03:04.41PTG123at all
03:05.10DaminPTG123: Comparing SIP to IAX2 w/ Trunking overhead?
03:05.20W1thdrawcan somone point me to a guide on how to config my asterisk sip config for my spa841 phone
03:05.26PTG123trunking overhead saves like 2k per channel maybe
03:05.43DaminPTG123: Maybe?
03:05.54DaminPTG123: But you don't really know, do you? ;)
03:06.09PTG123if your using g729 your getting 10kbps per channel, i don't think bw should be an issue
03:06.17DaminPTG123: I'll give you another reason.. Dundi..
03:06.21PTG123i am stating a fact
03:06.37DaminPTG123: It's braindead simple to build fault tolerance and route preference using Dundi.
03:07.02DaminPTG123: Actually, g729 overhead is 8k per leg, so 16k total.
03:07.12PTG123thats not true at all
03:07.21newbienW1thdraw: i had luck with fwd iax registry and ast* conf scripts at the fwd info page for iax registry; might get you started
03:07.42DaminPTG123: No?
03:08.03DaminPTG123: How much traffic is g729 per call leg, then, if not 8k?
03:08.04PTG123are you pulling these numbers from your ass?
03:08.18DaminPTG123: Yes. Straight from my ass.
03:09.38DaminPTG123: "A typical call consumes 64Kbps of voice bandwidth. G.729 reduces the call to 8Kbps (normal IP overhead adds to this number)."
03:09.56PTG123and where is the extra 8k overhead?
03:09.58PTG123in that sentence
03:10.13DaminPTG123: It's a bidirectional call. 8k one way, 8k the other.
03:10.22DaminPTG123: Hence, 16k TOTAL overhead.
03:10.42PTG123ok so when you get a 1mbps link of bandwidth, you only can do 1mbps both ways? :)who the fuck measures bandwidth that way?
03:10.50PTG123when you say 8k, its both directions
03:10.52W1thdrawon my sip phone it asks for a sip subscriber user id and a password
03:10.53PTG123and it adds 2k overhead
03:10.57PTG123which is saved with trunking
03:11.06W1thdrawhow do i set that up on the asterisk server side?
03:11.32seanW1thdraw: look at the sample for x-lite in sip.conf
03:11.41DaminPTG123: Yes, but the overhead of a typical SIP setup is about 1200 some bytes per packet, versus about 4 for an IAX packet.
03:12.15DaminPTG123: I'd pull out Mark's presentation from VON that compares the specifics, but it's at my office. ;)
03:12.28MikeJ[Laptop]FIGHT FIGHT !!!
03:13.14DaminPTG123: Consider that SIP sends everything as standard text, while IAX2 uses packed binary headers..
03:13.17PTG123the point is bandwidth shouldn't be your determinate figure, you need sip someplace in the loop, unless your using per iax2 phones which are crap
03:13.51seanNAT transversal is my determining factor. (-:
03:13.56DaminPTG123: That's funny.. We use IAX2 trunking to our customers, and SIP on their LANs..
03:14.07seanbut, as I said, I'm amateur
03:14.22DaminPTG123: So when you are atttempting to conserve bandwidth to the edge of the network, you would want to use IAX2 trunking.
03:14.41citatsforget the signalling and think of the media.  with a highly compressed codec the ip/udp headers are bigger than the actual payload
03:14.43MikeJ[Laptop]DO IT, DO IT
03:14.46seanfile: aww come on, Mr. 506.
03:14.49W1thdrawhow do i know what my device id is?
03:14.54W1thdrawdo i just make one up
03:15.06filemust... not... speak...
03:15.16MikeJ[Laptop]DO IT
03:15.22DaminPTG123: What happens when your $2,500 TNT (not legally licensed for that price BTW) fails?
03:15.27PTG123lets see a t1 does 1500kps
03:15.33MikeJ[Laptop]~troutslap file
03:15.34jbotACTION slaps file around with a large trout
03:15.36MikeJ[Laptop]DO IT
03:15.45fileI'm afraid not
03:15.55tzangerDamin: easy, you replace it
03:16.00tzangerDamin: they're fuckin cheap nowadays
03:16.17*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
03:16.23Damintzanger: And while you are replacing it? What is happening to all your call traffic?
03:16.30tzangerDamin: remember though that SIP signaling is really small compared to the voic epayload
03:16.35PTG123i would much rather rely on a tnt, then asterisk on a pc
03:16.39tzangerDamin: if you don't have spare equipment ON HAND you're an idiot
03:16.44tzangerplain and simple
03:16.45PTG123but then again talk to everyone who is struggling every day with their asterisk pcs :)
03:16.56Damintzanger: As opposed to having real-time failover to a secondary box using Dundi w/ Asterisk?
03:16.58tzangerwhether it's a second TE405P in your desk drawer or a second MaxTNT in the rack
03:17.17tzangerDamin: and you can't do this with a pair of DS3s and your TNT....why?
03:17.49Damintzanger: Don't get me wrong. the thought of slapping a DS3 into a TNT and terminating 28 PRI worth of traffic for Voice, Data and Fax is appealing, but by the same token, I'd rather spread my risk around.
03:18.09tzangerDamin: I have 6 DS3s terminated that way
03:18.15PTG123sip has been around for many many more years then iax2
03:18.16Damintzanger: How can you setup an TNT to do automatic, hands-free failover?
03:18.17tzangerand risk is risk :-)
03:18.20PTG123anything you can do with iax2 you can do with sip
03:18.34tzangerDamin: uh it's all built-in.  your switch needs to know it can fail over to the other DS3 but that's it
03:18.55Damintzanger: What if you don't have a switch and you have multiple carriers that you terminate to? How do you do it then?
03:19.23tzangerDamin: stop designing scenarios to break the statement.
03:19.44tzangerDamin: if you're terminating a DS3 to a MaxTNT you'll have the SAME fucking issues terminating a DS3 to a DS3000P.
03:19.44*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
03:19.47Damintzanger: Then start providing parameters around your arguement.
03:20.05Damintzanger: Terminating a DS3 to an Asterisk box is retarded.
03:20.14tzangerDamin: why's that?
03:20.23PTG123an asterisk box can't even transcode an entire ds3
03:20.26tzanger45Mbps < 132MB/sec
03:20.30PTG123nor the pci bus handle the bandwidth
03:20.30tzangerwho is talking about transcoding
03:20.34MikeJ[Laptop]damin, what about a bunch of asterisk boxes?
03:20.39jetsWelllll if you are doing tdm-> tdm i bet an * box can handle a ds3.
03:20.39tzangerPCI can certainly handle it, almost by 3x
03:20.41Damintzanger: Because anyone that puts all their eggs in a single basket is an idiot unless they are running a 5ESS..
03:20.51Corydon76-homeActually, the PCI bus CAN handle a DS3
03:20.52tzangerDamin: nonsense.  sheer and total nonsense
03:20.57PTG123tzanger, in theory, practice is usually different
03:21.15Damintzanger: So you would advocate terminating a DS3 to a single piece of equipment?
03:21.15ManxPowerOne would assume that Digium would not announce a DS3 card (nor other companies ship them) if a PC could not handle the bandwidth.
03:21.16Corydon76-homeBut you're right, software transcoding would be difficult for an entire DS3
03:21.20Damintzxanger: With no backup?
03:21.27tzangerdant: you take a pair of DS3000Ps in two boxes.  you then take a handful of dual or quad xeons which do the transcode and net-term, leaving the raw ulaw->DS3 to the DS3000P boxes.
03:21.32PTG123what pc can handle encoding 500 g729 streams?
03:21.32MikeJ[Laptop]lets practice theory, then continue on with this holy war ;)
03:21.35tzangersimple, fails over nicely and is relatively cheap
03:21.44*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
03:21.51tzangerPTG123: you don't do it on one box, don't be silly
03:22.38Corydon76-homeExactly, we use a single box to move the traffic off to other boxes to do the transcoding and routing
03:22.42jetsI personally will be buying a few ds3 cards from digium.... just so * can handle least cost routing between the trunks, and not much VoIP.
03:22.59PTG123a tnt can do it :)
03:23.04PTG123on one box
03:23.07PTG123i trust alot more then a pc :)
03:23.11jetsOur network has access to the four qwest EAS groups in Idaho allowing us to do in state calling.
03:23.20Corydon76-homePTG123: only because it's doing hardware encoding
03:23.25ManxPowerYeah, but can a TNT transcode into anything useful to Asterisk?
03:23.36DaminPTG123: So where are you getting the legal license to do all the VoIP shit on a TNT for $2,500?
03:23.39PTG123Corydon-w, exactly its MADE to do it
03:23.41jetstnt's can do sip with the right liscensing i think.
03:23.52jetsya voip on a tnt is hella expensive
03:23.54PTG123Damin, your buying hardware
03:24.14tzangerPTG123: I actually trust a good PC to a MaxTNT
03:24.14DaminPTG123: Yeah, but you have to have the right hash codes to enable the features in the software.
03:24.15PTG123ManxPower, uh asterisk uses sip just fine :)
03:24.19tzangerthe DSP cards fail quite regularly
03:24.33Corydon76-homePTG123: yeah, you're going to spend a lot more more to do a single TNT box than multiple Asterisk boxes
03:24.36tzangerand I typically see the ethernet CARD go, not just one port
03:24.49PTG123Corydon-w, you must have missed the pricing thing :)
03:25.01jetsI trust a PC w/ linux and asterisk.... i have had a lot of good luck with both.
03:25.01Corydon76-homeI have a client right now who wants to keep his TNT billing, but move off all his traffic to Asterisk
03:25.02tzangerPTG123: so a decent server has triple-redundant power, can boot from CF or network and (IMO) is more redundant, albeit not hot-swappable
03:25.02jetsA lot.
03:25.03DaminPTG123: YUou still have responded to the licensing question..
03:25.13PTG123I can get them for that price, with the correct license
03:25.29jetsyou can even do 48V power with multiple powre supplies to some servers.
03:25.33PTG123i don't use pri's if i can help it, so this is a useless arguement to me, i get much cheaper rates without the overhead of a lcoal loop
03:25.35DaminPTG123: Sure you can.. but it's not a legal license..
03:25.38tzangerPTG123: you can not get *legal* MaxTNTs capable of terminating a DS3 fully-enabled for that price
03:25.41PTG123yes it is legal
03:25.48PTG123if company A had a license, and they sell their device with it
03:25.49*** join/#asterisk jonas (
03:25.49DaminPTG123: Bullshit.
03:25.49tzangerPTG123: the fully unlocked cards on ebay aren't exactly legit
03:25.50PTG123you own the license
03:25.52tzangerthey work though :-)
03:26.01DaminPTG123: Bullshit.
03:26.17DaminPTG123: Lucent's license specifically denies transferability..
03:26.27PTG123Damin: its illegal to deny transfer of a license
03:26.37jetsactually it isn't
03:26.42jetslook at all those cray systems that were sold on ebay
03:26.45jetsthey couldn't transfer the license.
03:26.47DaminPTG123: Tell that to the Supreme Court.
03:26.49PTG123i am not gonna argue that, thats what i got attorneys for
03:27.01jetsso the universities told everyone they had to buy a license after they bought the system.
03:27.02PTG123the company may not SUPPORT you
03:27.03DaminPTG123: Try and get Lucent support on that box..
03:27.12PTG123but they can not deny you the right to use it, and try and force you not to use it
03:27.15PTG123and i don't need support
03:27.16PTG123i'll buy 2
03:27.19PTG123if one breaks, i'll have another
03:27.28PTG123hell id by 4 if i cared for that price
03:27.29DaminPTG123: "Will Buy"
03:27.33PTG123like i said i don't use pris
03:27.37Corydon76-homeand if both have the same bug?
03:27.42tzangeractually it's not gonna get to the supreme court, it'll be nullified in whatever district you're in under standard contract law
03:27.46DaminPTG123: So, how many minutes per month are you terminating throuth TNTs and DS3s right now?
03:28.25PTG123damin: i terminate via sip.. pris and ds3s add alot of extra cost, that terminating via sip to a tier 1 carrier ends up being alot cheaper
03:29.23DaminPTG123: Whatever... So how many minutes are you terminating now? ;)
03:29.42PTG123if only that was your business :)
03:30.39Corydon76-homeActually, isn't that what you do, Damin?  Terminate minutes?
03:30.56DaminPTG123: Back to the original point.. you argued that using a Digium card to terminate a T1 into a PC was stupid and that you could do 20 on a TNT, but now you are saying that you don't even do PSTN termination on PRI and use SIP.
03:31.12DaminCorydon-w: That is one aspect of what we do, yes..
03:31.34PTG123i just said why would you do it :)
03:32.06Corydon76-homeSo it is his business
03:32.09DaminPTG123: And the simple answer is; 1. IAX2 trunking, 2. Dundi provides fault tolerance
03:32.24tzangerDamin: I'm not a fan of DUNDi; it needs a proper billing side
03:32.47Damintzanger: Depends on how you implement it. We use it for failover route-preference..
03:32.57tzangerDamin: true enough, billing don't matter then :-)
03:33.02tzangerI meant more as inter-carrier
03:33.31Damintzanger: Each Quad card has PRI from two different carriers, and they advertise the routes such that if any one box fails, the other box seamlessly handles the traffic. Works great for load balancing outbound calls..
03:34.08tzangerthat woudl work well, yes
03:34.16Damintzanger: All clients do Dundi peering w/ at least 2 other boxes..
03:34.43Damintzanger: Each client advertises their own DID's so routing is totally dynamic..
03:34.54tzangerDamin: very nice
03:34.55Damintzanger: It's a breeze...
03:35.03W1thdrawcan anyone help me get my spa841 phone to connect to my asterisk box i have no idea what im doing
03:35.19Damintznager: Our goal was to replicate BGP and OSPF for Telephony.. we've come pretty damn close..
03:35.36Damintzanger: All in all, the cost of the hardware was under 6k...
03:35.39PTG123W1thdraw, whats the probelm
03:36.05W1thdrawok i have asterisk installed and a spa841 and a spa2002 ata
03:36.16W1thdrawnow im lost in the configs files
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03:36.39tzangerDamin: ??
03:36.43tzangereach quad card is $155
03:36.45tzangerer $1500
03:36.46PTG123W1thdraw, just add a sip.conf entry for each
03:36.49tzangerthat's 4500 right there
03:36.51DaminWithdraw: First thing you need to do is get the phone to register against Asterisk. On Asterisk, look at sip.conf.
03:37.13Damintzanger: Yeah and two gateway boxes are less than $3,000.
03:37.25W1thdrawim looking at
03:37.34W1thdrawdo i just make up a device id or is there one preset?
03:37.41Damintzanger: Check out
03:37.50Damintzanger: Work great...
03:37.55PTG123W1thdraw, msg me i will paste you the entry
03:38.32*** join/#asterisk tld (~tld@
03:39.18Damintzanger: And for the record, $1,500 + $1,500 is $3,000 not $4,500. ;)
03:39.35tzangerDamin: I thought you said each box was connected to *two* peers
03:39.40tzangerthat woudl imply three boxes
03:39.52harryvvthats the quad t-1/
03:40.18Damintzanger: The CLIENTS are connected to the two gatweway boxes.. ;)
03:40.39Damintzanger: There are several clients out there, each of them maintain a dundi session to both of the gateways..
03:41.03harryvvguess so.
03:41.32*** part/#asterisk OzJames79 (
03:41.36Damintzanger: We use the following route "weights" to determine preference, (lowest wins).
03:41.40DaminA weight of 0-24 indicates a PSTN route to a dedicated carrier.
03:41.40DaminA weight of 25-49 indicates a failover PSTN route to a carrier.
03:41.41DaminA weight of 50-74 indicates a Primary VoIP route.
03:41.41DaminA weight of 75-99 indicates a Seconddary VoIP route.
03:41.41DaminA weight of 100+ indicates a least-preferred route to a private or
03:41.41Daminpublic Dundi connected network, such as Dundi-E.164, Dundi-Test or
03:42.00tzangersounds good, I have yet to really dive into DUNDi
03:42.16Damintzanger: If you understand BGP, it's totally simple..
03:42.32Damintzanger: Each box is responsible for advertising it's specific routes to the rest of the network. :)
03:43.12*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
03:43.44PTG123when does star wars come out?
03:43.58Damin19th of may..
03:46.10PTG123this livevoip channel stuff just amazes me
03:46.27tzangerlivevoip channels stuff?
03:46.43PTG123they charge $10 extra, for every simeltaneous call you want to do
03:46.51tzangerfuck 'em
03:46.56tzangergo with nufone or asterlink or something
03:47.02PTG123thats just retarted
03:47.09PTG123hah i don't need a provider :)
03:47.17PTG123just doing a little market research
03:47.58DaminLiveVoip will die eventually, as will all the Lemonade Stand ITSPs out there..
03:48.08fileAsterlink will live!
03:48.30PTG123asterlink isn't exactly set up to compete in the same market as livevoip
03:48.41filethus while we'll live
03:48.51*** join/#asterisk x9net (
03:48.53tzangerPTG123: what do you mean
03:48.54PTG123oh i am sure livevoip is extremely profitable
03:49.01filethey aren't
03:49.04MajestiKYeah.. Wycleaf is/was Fugees..
03:49.10MajestiKerr.. nevermind that one
03:49.10PTG123file, what makes you think that?
03:49.17fileuh, I know - don't ask
03:49.29PTG123well its crazy if they aren't
03:49.35x9netHi, Any one know why * wont take incoming calls using Voicepulse?
03:49.35PTG123knowing how cheap you can get it for, and how much tghey charge
03:49.37filethe owner is just... interesting
03:49.49PTG123they defintely don't give any support
03:49.52PTG123so what could cosat them :)
03:50.04bobessutiowhat are asterlink's us48 rates?
03:50.09filebobessutio: 2 cents/min
03:50.21PTG123the did layway is funny too, why not just create a mechanism to pull that data live to your site
03:50.27orion88what is asterlink?
03:50.29bobessutiofile: thanks
03:50.40fileit's where I, bkw, and anthm work...
03:51.34PTG123anyone know who livevoip terminates their canada stuff with?
03:51.45PTG123anyone have a livevoip canadian number?
03:51.54filePTG123: broadvox probably
03:52.00orion88file: are you related to asterisk, or is it just a coincidence?
03:52.25PTG123broadvox isn't big enough to give those rates are they?
03:52.33Daminorion88: File is Asterisk
03:52.38fileorion88: well, asterlink contributes a lot to asterisk... like chanspy for example, and we use it in our stuff, and we have termination/orgination
03:52.54Daminorion88: Well, File is Asterisk's Bastard Step Child..
03:52.56fileplus we are also hosting the PBX Developers Conference ^^^ see topic ^^^
03:53.16DaminPTG123: BroadVox has more traffic than Vonage dude..
03:53.26DaminPTG123: Except it's all Calling Cards!
03:53.57orion88so which one of you is mark spencer?
03:53.57DaminPTG123: I happen to know the CEO of BroadVox Direct (Their "residential" arm).
03:54.03PTG123Ililnois in august just seems crazy
03:54.12*** join/#asterisk [Lamer] (Lamer@
03:54.15Daminorion88: I am.
03:54.15jetsmark is in birmingham right now
03:54.19jetshe's @kram
03:54.22PTG123but maybe i'll go just to meet file ;)
03:54.31filePTG123: originally it was June, but I couldn't make it and other people couldn't
03:54.38filewell, I could make it - if I wanted to miss my prom and graduation
03:54.48jetsbooo who likes proms or graduation
03:54.49PTG123yah well june was bad for me too
03:54.52jetsProm's are SEXY!
03:54.55PTG123but august i maybe could do
03:54.56jetsSexy little bitch.
03:55.15orion88Damin: we've talked before... i was playing with your robot :)
03:55.17PTG123$650 to get in
03:55.24filethat includes hotel, plus lunches
03:55.29Daminorion88: I'm NOT mark.. ;)
03:55.32PTG123yah but who wants to stay at a best western :)
03:55.37PTG123or sit through conferences
03:55.44filethe people who go
03:55.45fileso quiet you
03:55.58PTG123file: any idea on how many registrations so far?
03:56.07orion88Damin: i just caught that from the running thing
03:56.15jetsi've met file!
03:56.16fileand bkw has been dead today
03:56.17jetswe kissed.
03:56.22PTG123yet me know, if attendence is good i'll go
03:56.22filejets: did we?
03:56.27PTG123er let me :)
03:57.03jetsDuh... we were gorgeous together.
03:57.10filethat was you and harley :P
03:57.14PTG123Guide to C and Software PBX debugging
03:58.35PTG123Voice Over IP Showcase SER, CISCO and many more!  -  Josh Colp ; can't miss that one
03:58.38PTG123everyone must attend
03:58.42jetswe didn't kiss. haha you would have pissed my husband harley off
03:59.00fileyes, attend, despite my thought of having no clue what exactly I'm going to present
03:59.04PTG123wait their is a female in here, everyone hide
03:59.09harryvvin a hospital enviroroment what would be considered more dependable/reliable asterisk or ser
03:59.15filePTG123: jets isn't female
03:59.30PTG123harryvv, ser for the proxy of devices for sure.. asterisk for vmail etc
03:59.48harryvvptg, how much different is ser over asterisk
04:00.01PTG123harryvv, ser is a sip proxy.. and doesn't a good job of that
04:00.04PTG123asterisk is a pbx
04:00.12harryvvdoesnt or does
04:00.19PTG123so if you have alot of sip devices, you put ser in front.. since asterisk sip support rather sucks
04:00.23PTG123er does
04:00.31PTG123hungry, and my brain is not functioning
04:00.45harryvvand why does asterisk sip support suck?
04:01.22PTG123harry: super loaded question, but lets start with it doesn't proxy
04:01.26PTG123which is important :)
04:01.27harryvvSounds like a combo of ser+asterisk+Freeradius would wok best in a large enviroment.
04:03.26filex9net: that's very vague
04:03.32bobessutiox9net, what is you config?
04:03.34filex9net: are you registered? does an error come up when you dial?
04:03.34x9netok well im using isx
04:03.40bobessutioare you registering?
04:03.52x9netwell the phone just rings, yes im registered
04:04.15jetsx9net: you need to make sure you have a register => for them
04:04.35x9nethow do i check that?
04:04.40drraidWhen it says a t1 line can manage 24 channels, are those voip channels?
04:04.54drraidor the equivelant of 24 POTS lines
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04:04.59harryvvthat is strait pstn channels
04:05.09harryvvyou can have 23 dial ins at one time.
04:05.27PTG123was getting food :)
04:05.35PTG123yes combo is a good solution
04:05.39PTG123file you guys don't use radius do you?
04:05.42*** join/#asterisk Pete_Largo (
04:05.43filenormally with a PRI you have 23 voice channels and 1 data channel though
04:05.43x9netis their a error log i can check to see if its not registering right?
04:05.50filePTG123: no
04:05.55jetsset verbose 30
04:05.57drraidHow many voip lines can a t1 handle?
04:05.58filePTG123: well, not for voip
04:06.10PTG123file: what do you use for your billing with ser?
04:06.12harryvvdrraid, depends on which codec you use
04:06.17drraidI see.
04:06.20filePTG123: custommmmm
04:06.23Pete_Largowhat is SER?
04:06.29fileSER = SIP Express Ruter
04:06.31fileer Router
04:06.48PTG123file: mysql based?
04:06.55filePTG123: nope
04:07.07PTG123what database you use?
04:07.13filewho said we use a database?
04:07.26harryvvI cannot believe that polycom will not allow me to be a resale provider because I would use them with asterisk.
04:07.51drraidIn the worst case scenario, how few voip lines can a t1 handle?
04:08.03PTG123i could they don't wanna support something that could possibly cause major bugs :)and they end u supporting it
04:08.18PTG123drraid, depends on your codec
04:08.27PTG123you could handle 200 possibly
04:08.50PTG123i should say
04:09.01drraidI just wanted an idea for a range, with or without the best codec
04:09.08PTG123well with a shitty codec
04:09.41drraidAnd can that all be multiplexed with a single modem and asterisk?
04:10.23drraidBy modem
04:10.23PTG123thought we are talking voip :)
04:10.24drraidi'm sorry
04:10.25x9netIAX is registered, it just seems like it wont pick the line up.  should i try sip? with vp
04:10.28PTG123why would you use a modem?
04:10.44drraidso VOIP comes in over ethernet?
04:10.55Pete_LargoI agree, why would modem even come up in a T1 discussion?
04:10.58PTG123none of us work for vp, so none of us wants to support it
04:11.01PTG123drraid: yes
04:11.11drraidRight that makes sense.. voice over IP
04:11.21drraidi was mislead previously, and i apologize for my ignorant questions
04:11.32x9netPTG123: was that to me?
04:11.47harryvvgoogle what is voip
04:11.55PTG123x9net, yes :)
04:12.06x9netwell that dont help me
04:12.14*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
04:12.21drraidvoip-info answered most of that, but i thought it had to connect to something (like a vonage box) before it could just go into an ethernet card
04:12.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
04:15.29ManxPowerdrraid: VoIP can come in over anything that supports IP.  Commonly it's Ethernet.
04:16.24drraidAwsome.  I don't knwo why i thougth otherwise.  Is there any other hardware required for asterisk to use VOIP with ethernet, other than the ethernet card?
04:17.35*** join/#asterisk jetdotnet (
04:17.59newmediandrraid: here are some diagrammus digiumus: VOIP world    and   PSTN->Asterisk->Phone
04:20.08newmedianSomeone may want to mention (hardware) timing required for conferencing.
04:22.15drraidEssentially, if someone wanted to setup a computer with asterisk to handle incomming voip lines, and then forward those calls via voip to some unrelated outbound number, would that require more than just a computer with an ethernet card?
04:23.01drraidThats all it would take?
04:23.16newmedianunrelated outbound number also = voip, right?
04:23.16drraidI <3 you guys
04:23.24filewell he said via voip
04:23.31newmedianyes, but I want to over-qualify
04:24.03drraidsay the number its forwarding too is a cellphone, would that outbound call be converted from voip by the voip provider?
04:24.55fileif they provide outbound dialing to regular phone numbers
04:25.09drraidAwsome.  thats what i couldn't find in the docs
04:25.35newmediandrraid: if the calls come in via VOIP (e.g. Soft Phone on a PC, or a Hard Phone, or via a provider like FWD), and the calls go out over VOIP (to a Soft Phone on a PC, or a Hard Phone, or to a VOIP number on a provider like FWD, or a termination provider) then all you need is ethernet + Asterisk etc.
04:26.34newmedianIf you want the calls to exit the VOIP cloud and hit a cell phone or a land line, then you need your destination to be a termination provider (account), and they will do the translation between VOIP and PSTN(/cellular)
04:26.50orion88would i be correct in saying that for an answering machine, asterisk is not what i want?
04:27.20newmedianAsterisk makes a good answering machine, but it's like using a jet plane to go to the corner store. :)
04:27.40orion88newmedian: that's what i thought
04:27.41implicitAsterisk is not bad for an answering machine
04:27.48harryvvorion, i use asterisk to split our calls between me wife and other people. Works fine for us.
04:27.48implicitSEMS is also not bad
04:27.53newmedianYou can get really funky with it, have all kinds of groovy answering machine features, integrate with your home network, control appliances, get information like the weather, etc. or... a simple answering machine.
04:27.55implicitdepends on what you are looking for
04:28.01implicitwhat features you need
04:28.39drraidFWD is a company who can provide that service?
04:28.58implicitwhich service?
04:29.04orion88well, i don't really _need_ anything :)  i'm playing and learning.... it would be cool if i could dial in remotely and check my messages, or get them e-mailed to me, stuff like that
04:29.13newmediandrraid: alternatively, if you're running your own local asterisk box, then you could do your own VOIP->PSTN and PSTN->VOIP by using a
04:29.30harryvvbtw, I was at this company where the security officer has to call into this pbx to give his user id his password then he is given a ivr of options to press. he presses 4 and says "he is okay" then presses another extention or dtmf to give grace period since if he misses the 1 hour mark it calls him. Kinda cool.
04:30.18newmedianorion88 then if you want cool features like that and much more, definitely pursue Asterisk
04:30.46implicitorion88, it depends on what type of services you are looking for, asterisk has a lot of cool features, it's easy to develop on ...
04:30.54fileI'm going to run out, yes at 1:30AM, to get some takeout
04:30.56fileI'll bbl
04:31.14drraidI see.  So i can do it locally, or if I pay the provider for the service, they can convert from voip to ptsn on my calls
04:31.20newmedianFWD is, more of a presence and VOIP phone number kind of place. (with or without an Asterisk box)
04:31.36implicitit isn't the most scalable, or something you should be using for carrier-grade ITSP settings, but asterisk does what it's designed to do well (PBX settings)
04:32.36newmediandrraid: Advantages of working with a provider is that they may have termination services in different provinces/states/countries, so it's kind of like ultra cheap long distance when you're dialing out. And you can also (separate service) get a DID and have a phone number non-VOIP people can dial, in the cities where the provider you choose has service.
04:33.02drraidThats exactly what i want
04:33.21drraidSo i can pay a provider to deal with the conversion with voip/ptsn in/out and just manage my end with asterisk
04:33.48newmediandrraid: But if you're primarily looking to get calls on/off the VOIP network into your local area code, and it's for personal/SOHO calls, then you could just get a card from Digium and put it in your PC, which connects to your phone line. This enables Asterisk to use the local phone network without having to contract with a provider.
04:34.26*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
04:34.38newmediandrraid: yes. There's lots of flavors to this ice cream, so lots of ways of going about doing it, and many different providers, etc.
04:34.59drraidI really appreciate your time and help with this
04:35.13*** join/#asterisk Kaos76k (
04:35.14drraidAnd again apologize for my ignorance previously
04:35.26drraidthanks alot.
04:35.32Kaos76kGoodevening.  Anyone familiar with setting up enum with Asterisk at home?
04:35.42newmediandrraid: one note: If you intend to host conference calls on your Asterisk, then you will need a card for hardware timing (see
04:35.53newmedianwell, close enough then.
04:36.32Kaos76kAnyone familiar with setting up enum with Asterisk at home?
04:38.27Kaos76kNo *@Home people here?
04:39.32denontry #asterisk@home
04:40.06Pete_Largowhat is @home?
04:40.42denonpointy clicky version of asterisk
04:40.49Pete_Largoahh, thanks
04:40.50newmedianKaos76k: Asterisk@Home help forum is at:
04:40.57denonwell, not version of asterisk .. so much as a distribution and installer
04:41.23newmedianPete_Largo: *@Home:
04:41.52Pete_Largothanks newmedian!
04:42.34*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
04:42.58newmedianPete_Largo: It's a good way for someone totally new to Asterisk to have a live working system, look at the configuration files, then erase everything and install Asterisk and tailor everything by hand. ;)
04:43.56RickTickhello All:  Anyone using any Open-Source software for prepaid billing?
04:44.00newmedianOr "pointy clicky" works too.
04:44.09Pete_Largoif only I had a spare machine...
04:45.54*** join/#asterisk shodan (~shodan@
04:46.20newmedianAlthough that won't work for a production system, but if you want to tool around with SIP/IAX2 locally it should be fast enough.
04:46.23shodananyone tried that 200$usd wifi voip phone ?
04:46.56Pete_Largoyou have a point.
04:46.59*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
04:47.47UmaroHey guys, having some problems making calls through the manager interface and having them work.. I keep getting "dropping incompatiable voice frame from IAX2/NuFone/1 of format slin because our native format changed to ulaw"
04:48.13Umaroiax.conf has disallow=all / allow=ulaw
04:48.37Umarowith iax2 debug, it says format is 4, capability is 63492.. that doesn't seem right
04:49.14Umaroany ideas?
04:49.50bobessutiowhat formats does nuphone accept?
04:50.09Umaroulaw, ilbc, g729, couple others.. not slin, though
04:50.14denoniax2 or sip, g.729, speex, ulaw. ilbc, gsm ..
04:50.22bobessutiotri using ilbc
04:50.35Umarotried.. same result, just says ilbc instead of ulaw
04:51.16Umaronormal calls work fine, it's just when I start them via the manager interface with an originate command..
04:51.30bobessutiohave you tried using a callfile?
04:51.55bobessutioi would be interested to see if it produced the same result.
04:56.42*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:57.12[Lamer]I am wondering if anyone here's using Asterisk Realtime Config?
04:59.42Pete_Largonight all
05:09.23*** join/#asterisk w0rd989 (
05:13.02Umarobobessutio: when I do it from a call file, it says the same thing, but only once as opposed to 5 or 6, and the call works fine
05:13.26Umarobobessutio: by "says the same thing" I mean the dropping incompatiable voice frame, etc.
05:22.49blitzrageMikeJ[Laptop]: I'm around now...
05:24.23newmedianI've noticed that the weekend tends to be introspection time on #asterisk, whereas during the week there's a lot more debugging going on.
05:24.46newmedianIf you look at the relative frequency of pastebins, for example.
05:24.58*** part/#asterisk djgregor (
05:25.01shido6what does the peanut butter mean when seen with the jelly on wheat bread on top of an asterisk box
05:25.10shido6I wonder
05:26.38newmedianone only has to examine the symbolism of the jelly being spread laviciously on the wheat bread, with * exposed
05:27.03shido6but is there a digium ds3 card in the asterisk system?
05:27.40newmedianand have the new IAXy hit the streets yet? When?
05:28.24newmedianThey remind me a bit of hockey pucks. Very Canadian.
05:30.15shido6sleepy time.
05:31.55newmediandream of the wheat
05:32.14*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (3NiEfYuq7c@
05:32.20Cherebrumeveryone call my conference bridge 317-225-4161 or 313-228-0715
05:32.28*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (3NiEfYuq7c@
05:39.49JohnsieAnd even if we did, wouldn't we dial via IAX2 anyway? :)
05:41.58*** join/#asterisk torisa (
05:42.45*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:45.15x9netis their a irc chan for *@home?
05:46.22newmedianx9net: don't know. But there is a forum: Asterisk@Home help forum is at:
05:46.35*** join/#asterisk bobessutio (
05:47.49x9netjust dont know why incoming calls dont work
05:49.12newmedianincoming from where to where?
05:49.36x9netfrom connect.vp to *, * just wont pick the call up
05:51.49newmediannot using vp; best time to ask question is probably either in the afternoon or the evening, in Eastern Standard Time. But most here don't run Asterisk@Home, but might be able to help generally.
05:52.49x9nethmm, im wondering if its a problem on VP side. i just called with my cell and got a "beep beep beep all circuts are busy", would that be from vp you think or *?
05:53.57bobessutiox9net, do you have voicemail with vp?
05:54.14bobessutiohmm, ok
05:54.26x9netim using connect
05:56.48bobessutiohave you tried configuring a softphone with vp?
05:57.12bobessutiosoftphones are usually easier than full-blown asterisk
05:58.10x9netyea, well i had it on my budgetone for for a few days
05:58.57bobessutioyou running windows or linux (on desktop)?
05:59.06x9netmy desktop is win xp
05:59.15x9neti got a eyebeam sp
05:59.21bobessutiosip or IAX with asterisk?
05:59.22x9netjust not using it right now
05:59.39x9netyou mean phone to *?
05:59.55x9netthats sip
06:00.19bobessutiono * -> vp
06:00.33*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
06:02.45bobessutiodownload iaxcomm
06:02.52bobessutioconfigure it for vp
06:03.09bobessutioif it works * needs fixin
06:03.13x9netinstall it on my desktop right
06:03.57bobessutioif it still doesn't work, then you have bad setting or a problem with vp
06:04.17bobessutioeither way, its not something anyone here can help you with.
06:04.43x9netcan you call 3106227054 and see what happens for you? if you get a error or not
06:05.04bobessutiogotta fire up the softphone ;)
06:05.20PTG123doesnt voicepulse have tech support? :)
06:05.44afrosheensoftphone? *shiver*
06:06.03x9netyea ill prob call them and see what they have to say, maybe they have a idea
06:07.11x9netnope, but is it just ringing on your end?
06:07.39bobessutiono, i think i am using the wrong account ;) gimme a sec
06:09.35x9netyea nothing here lol
06:09.48x9netill give vp a call and see if they have any ideas
06:09.52bobessutiodid you kill asterisk?
06:10.01x9netwhat you mean?
06:10.13bobessutiois asterisk still running?
06:11.37bobessutiokill *
06:11.37bobessutioyou are using iaxcomm right?
06:11.37x9neti will now
06:11.38bobessutiolemme know when you are ready
06:12.17x9netgrr for the host do i use the outoging to incoming for iaxcomm?
06:12.55x9netFor IAX2 incoming calls, use
06:13.07x9netonm teh iaxcomm their is a host feild
06:13.30bobessutioeww, interesting
06:13.45*** join/#asterisk tainted- (
06:13.48tainted-what kind of hardware would i want to buy to interface with a PRI
06:13.49bobessutiodon't think iaxcomm can handle that
06:13.55tainted-which wildcard?
06:14.19bobessutiotainted: lookup
06:14.25x9netill just giive them a call and see what they say, thanks for your help.
06:14.52bobessutiox9net, i have never used a config with different incoming/outgoing servers
06:14.58bobessutioyou are welcom
06:15.15x9netreally? is that for iax?
06:15.23x9netsip has the same
06:15.34x9netmaybe i should try setting up a sip trunk
06:17.24x9neti dont know im going to bed, im probaly so tired that im mising a setting
06:17.37afrosheenthat's a good time to quit :)
06:18.00x9netyea lol
06:18.23x9netits happened before, always one setting you look at like 50 times
06:18.33x9netok well im out.
06:20.24bobessutiois there any way do do a busy lamp field with asterisk?
06:20.42afrosheenbusy lamp field?
06:21.19bobessutiolights on a phone..
06:21.30bobessutioto tell what lines/extensions are in use
06:21.49afrosheenprobably requires some scripting on the server side
06:22.03bobessutiowhat phone would you use?
06:22.05afrosheenand on the phone itself, I know someone did this with xml on a polycom phone before
06:22.26afrosheenbut it didn't play with the lights, it just showed in the minibrowser on the display
06:22.57w0rd989anyone know of a good service for upcoming voip carriers? (small size)
06:23.04afrosheenwe're getting a secretary soon and will probably get her a snom 220 so I hope this is possible
06:23.09w0rd989I've looked at voipjet
06:23.17w0rd989but am interested in some other options
06:23.22w0rd989to compare services, prices, etc.
06:23.36w0rd989afrosheen: I am starting a local voip co. in my area
06:23.40w0rd989but I am still doing the research
06:24.13afrosheenwhat will your company provide
06:24.16afrosheeninstalls or what
06:24.18Johnsieafrosheen: AsterNIC. :)
06:24.50afrosheenI know the address
06:24.56w0rd989afrosheen: porting existing analog lines over to digital...provide asterisk pc's to perform connection to head-end VOIP and then connect to main VOIP provider via my "middle-man" voip
06:25.41afrosheenw0rd989, so you'll be doing in-house conversions and managing their voip traffic basically
06:26.01w0rd989afrosheen: yes sir
06:26.08w0rd989some basic voicemail, and multi-line ringing stuff
06:26.11w0rd989but nothing too crazy
06:26.20w0rd989some simple "911" dialout for the existing "dead" phone line
06:26.53w0rd989I purchased a sipura spa 2000 to test with and develop my main setup with
06:26.55afrosheenJohnsie, I don't know if our secretary will be that swift, although we've had AMP and FOP on our server for months and love it
06:27.39JohnsieI find using the FOP is the easiest way to see what's going on...
06:27.45JohnsieAnd if you change phones, the interface doesn't.
06:27.56JohnsieI had an airhead secretary and she loved it.
06:28.10Johnsie"Wow, I can transfer calls? Neat!"
06:28.23afrosheenwe might be able to get her to use it, I don't know...but it is kinda moron proof.
06:28.36JohnsieIf I had more office space, phones, and idiots, I could have run a phone sex line.
06:28.52afrosheenwhen you're staring at a button with a person's name and extension on it and it's red with a timer running, it's easy to see that they're on the phone.
06:29.01bobessutiodon't get any ideas...
06:29.02w0rd989getting the young wh0....I mean women to do it wouldn't be that expensive
06:29.04afrosheenand that's what FOP provides
06:29.13Johnsie0.21 is out now, I think.
06:29.19JohnsieAnd it's getting better and better.
06:29.24afrosheenyeah I'm on the fop mailing list actually :)
06:29.27w0rd989bobessutio: lol
06:29.29afrosheenI just never talk
06:29.32JohnsieI don't keep up.
06:29.43afrosheenI read it daily if it looks interesting, just like the AMP list
06:29.56w0rd989afrosheen: so...what ya think? any other good providers similar to voipjet?
06:30.04JohnsieOh, say, are any of you folks BroadVoice customers?
06:30.24afrosheenw0rd989, you'd be best off going local for something like that
06:30.43afrosheenw0rd989, the lower their ping is to you and your ping to the upstream provider, the better
06:31.05w0rd989afrosheen: problem being...I live in bo-dung northern, IN
06:31.05bobessutiooh oho
06:31.08w0rd989and basically all said and done
06:31.14w0rd989if I start going thru "local" guys
06:31.27w0rd989all my profit / expected profit = goes down the drain
06:31.30afrosheenyeah BV blows from what I hear
06:31.41w0rd989what you use afrosheen?
06:31.52bobessutiohaven't really got a chance to play with my account
06:31.58afrosheenw0rd989, your profit should come from initial design & install, maintenance contracts and service expansion
06:32.10JohnsieYeah, I'm ready to beat their faces in. :D
06:32.18afrosheenw0rd989, we use a little company called here
06:32.30bobessutioJohnsie, what went wrong?
06:32.32w0rd989afrosheen: I don't think I can compete with "nationwide" voip providers if I go and use local people
06:32.33JohnsieAnyone can run a SIP proxy.
06:32.40afrosheentheir stuff fucks up once in awhile but they're fast to fix it
06:32.47JohnsieTheir incoming and outgoing service has been usable about 20% of the time for the past ten days.
06:33.13JohnsieI have better luck using two Progresso soup cans and baler twine.
06:33.22Johnsie"Watson? Can you hear me?"
06:33.27bobessutiowhere are you located?
06:33.40JohnsieI'm in ALLTEL territory.
06:33.41bobessutiook, im in SF CA
06:34.10afrosheenJohnsie, LOL nice first phone call reference
06:34.20bobessutiohad a coulple calls break up on me
06:34.38afrosheenbobessutio, naw it was just some jerk blowing into his cell phone and hitting 'end'
06:34.39JohnsieI had Vonage, they were fine, but they don't work so nicely with Asterisk.
06:34.54bobessutiobut I was running it though 2 wireless connection a laptop and an ATA ;)
06:35.33afrosheenJohnsie, why not, just plug it into an fxs port and treat it as a pstn line through asterisk ;)
06:35.42bobessutioafrosheen, lol, i wonder of anyone actually does that...
06:36.06afrosheenbobessutio, if you didn't have a provider you might try it
06:36.21JohnsieNaw, I'm too damn lazy.
06:36.24JohnsieI run all VoIP.
06:36.40JohnsieI have no PSTN lines coming in anymore.
06:36.52JohnsieIn fact, my Asterisk box is hosted with ThePlanet in Dallas, Texas.
06:36.55afrosheenI think pstn is a necessary evil
06:37.09bobessutioyeah, i have to agree
06:37.15afrosheenyeah I've been to The Planet many times
06:37.31JohnsieBroadVoice is my PSTN interface, if you will.
06:37.35JohnsieAll SIP'd.
06:37.43JohnsieDo me a favor...
06:37.50JohnsieGo down there and punch a few engineers in the eye.
06:38.12bobessutioand what brought about this lust for violence?
06:38.17afrosheenthey have hot secretaries, like smokin hot
06:38.20JohnsieIt's just my general nature.
06:38.31Johnsieafrosheen: That must be why they don't pay attention when I call in.
06:38.31afrosheenit's really weird
06:38.43afrosheenI never see hot secretaries anywhere
06:39.00afrosheenonly old or fat ladies talking to their friends about what their cats did yesterday
06:39.37afrosheenyou have to enter 2 locking doors before you even enter the lobby, it's funny
06:39.37JohnsieOh, now that I'm chatting... haha
06:39.59JohnsieI'm having one Hell of a time remapping key sequences in features.conf ... has anyone else had this problem?
06:39.59afrosheenthey have a little phone in the first entryway where you hassle them to let you in
06:40.24JohnsieOh really.
06:40.30afrosheenyou'd think it was NASA
06:40.31JohnsieI'll give you my full name and customer number.
06:40.35JohnsieYou can tell them you're me.
06:40.40JohnsieThen go in and punch 'em.
06:40.46JohnsieJust for being dumb.
06:40.48afrosheenI'm here to punch an engineer in the eye for customer 699242
06:40.57afrosheenok come right in sir
06:41.24afrosheenI could bribe the secretaries with some roses or whatever crap hot chicks like for bribes
06:41.29JohnsieIf you saw some of the trouble tickets I've exchanged with them... sheesh.
06:41.38JohnsieI didn't know they were all hot.
06:41.44*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (~leigh@
06:41.50JohnsieThis one sales lady was flirting with me at 1 AM about three weeks ago.
06:41.52afrosheenI'll take the digicam with me next time
06:42.03JohnsieI was like, "Lady, I don't have time.  I'm pissed.  You people screwed up my server."
06:42.07afrosheenthe secretaries are the hotties, there are some trolls that work in the back
06:42.23afrosheenthey keep them in a humidity controlled dungeon
06:42.24[Lamer]Hi all, how do I insert the result from /bin/date '+%d/%m/%C%y-%H:%M:%S' to the database?
06:42.33JohnsieSo, you mean Satan's minions work at the front and you work your way back to Satan?
06:42.49afrosheenyeah, where else would you put the succubi
06:43.17afrosheensome of the dudes there are actually pretty cool though
06:43.33[Lamer]something like exten => 888,2,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} insert\ into\ `usage`\ values('`System(/bin/date '+%d/%m/%C%y-%H:%M:%S')`','${CALLERIDNUM}')
06:44.31[Lamer]is there any relevant docs at all?
06:49.05*** join/#asterisk dev2005 (~dev2003@
06:50.27Stereo[Lamer]: use CURDATE() in mysql
06:50.43Stereoor CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()
06:51.10Stereothis is mysql, right?
07:06.20*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
07:09.26[Lamer]Stereo: Thanks
07:10.03[Lamer]Stereo: what about others? I mean apart from date and time
07:10.44Stereodon't know about the rest
07:10.51[Lamer]Stereo: Do you know if I can store value in a variable in extensions.conf?
07:11.00Stereono idea :)
07:11.10[Lamer]Stereo: Ok
07:11.17Stereotry it?
07:11.43[Lamer]Stereo: yeah, I will give it a try
07:13.26[Lamer]Stereo: are you using realtime stuffs?
07:13.47*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
07:14.34StereoI just joined the channel because I thought it'd be a cool thing to try next week when I have some time
07:14.46Stereo<-- most newbie person around here
07:15.18hypa7iahehe, define "some time" :-)
07:15.23[Lamer]Stereo: man, I just installed and got it running yesterday
07:15.39hypa7iaStereo: check out , best tutorial i've found
07:15.41Stereowow, I wish I had your experience
07:15.54Stereooh, thanks :D
07:16.29[Lamer]Stereo: just keep asking in this channel but it seems noone is around
07:16.50[Lamer]hypa7ia: ohh, i'll check it out now
07:16.52hypa7iait's kinda sleep-time in NA
07:17.06hypa7iafor the sane ones anyway :-)
07:17.56Stereohypa7ia: that's a very cool tutorial. Many thanks.
07:18.07[Lamer]hypa7ia: I think I have come across that tutorial already
07:18.33[Lamer]hypa7ia: I got the Zap thing and dial-plan working okay now
07:18.46hypa7iait's short and to the point.  good for those with short attention spans... oh look a birdy!
07:18.56[Lamer]hypa7ia: now I put all the stuff into mysql db
07:19.25[Lamer]hypa7ia: yeah, u got it
07:19.27hypa7iai'm getting that going next week
07:19.33hypa7iabut postgres, not mysql
07:19.44hypa7iaa little partial to postgres
07:19.46[Lamer]hypa7ia: but the I am having problems with the realtime thing
07:20.34[Lamer]hypa7ia: I could do everything like inserting, updating data to mtsql from extensions.conf
07:20.40hypa7ialet me read scrollback... not sure that with my current level of expertise i'll be able to help, but i'll check
07:20.49*** part/#asterisk afrosheen (
07:21.30[Lamer]hypa7ia: but extconfig.conf just did not load my real-time thing correctly with the same permission
07:22.16[Lamer]hypa7ia: don't worry about it I can re-type again
07:22.30hypa7iaahh, cool
07:23.49[Lamer]hypa7ia: actually I follow
07:24.00[Lamer]hypa7ia: from this point
07:24.38[Lamer]hypa7ia: and put sip.conf => mysql,asterisk
07:25.01[Lamer]hypa7ia: and put sip.conf => mysql,asterisk,ast_config sorry
07:26.18[Lamer]in the ast_config I imported everything from sip.conf using a perl script
07:27.24[Lamer]hypa7ia: and modified res_mysql.conf to point to correct database
07:28.07[Lamer]hypa7ia: ans renamed the sip.conf to something else
07:28.28[Lamer]hypa7ia: start asterisk in debug mode asterisk -dvvvvvvgc
07:29.11hypa7iaand it's not letting you use a date was the issue?
07:30.08[Lamer]hypa7ia: asterisk will only run if I put "queues.conf => mysql,asterisk,ast_config" not the sip.conf
07:30.54hypa7iahmm.  i really don't know enough about real-time to help you out there
07:31.04hypa7iai may well by the end of the week though :-)
07:31.15[Lamer]the issue is that the sip.conf which I put in the table "ast_config" should load when asterisk starts
07:31.50[Lamer]hypa7ia: that's okay, at least I have someone to talk to
07:32.36[Lamer]hypa7ia: I've been shouting for more than 24 hrs haha
07:32.42hypa7iadoh :-/
07:32.59[Lamer]hypa7ia: but anyway I got the basics running which is good enough
07:32.59hypa7iasomething to do in the meanwhile is email one of the mailing lists
07:33.35hypa7iawell, i'll be around lots next week
07:33.44[Lamer]hypa7ia: are you a member of the mailing list?
07:33.46hypa7iagetting some systems up and running to do some testing
07:33.51hypa7ianot yet, will be soon
07:33.58hypa7iagetting organized :-)
07:34.11[Lamer]hypa7ia: what type of business are you running?
07:34.14hypa7iafirst my room, then my email, then... the world!
07:34.24hypa7ia[Lamer]: i work for a telco
07:34.32[Lamer]hypa7ia: i see
07:34.58[Lamer]hypa7ia: and interested in * personally?
07:35.24hypa7iapersonally an professionally.  sick of selling cisco, what can i say :-)
07:35.37[Lamer]hypa7ia: cuz I understand that teco also have "paid" IP solutions every where
07:36.36hypa7ia[Lamer]: yeah, the big ones i know of are Cisco, Nortel, Avaya, and Mitel
07:36.40hypa7iathere are others too
07:36.48hypa7iasome run on linux, some on windows
07:36.54hypa7iasome suck more or less than others
07:36.59hypa7iaall have shortcomings.
07:37.38[Lamer]hypa7ia: i see, I don't think I'll have a chance to touch those expensive solutions
07:38.07[Lamer]hypa7ia: I once went for an Avaya IP seminar
07:38.19hypa7iahaven't dealt with them much at all
07:39.21[Lamer]hypa7ia: don't think I can afford buying their solutions so I search through the net and found * last week
07:39.32hypa7ianice :-)
07:39.57hypa7iahopefully tomorrow i'll get my house asterisk server running
07:40.13[Lamer]hypa7ia: Ok, good on ya
07:40.18hypa7iaroommate is getting cranky about the computer in the living room "doing nothing"
07:40.24hypa7iaso i shall make it do something :-)
07:40.44[Lamer]hypa7ia: that's better than leaving it for no use
07:44.42[Lamer]Stereo: still here?
07:45.00Stereoreading the howto :)
07:46.06[Lamer]Stereo: I found, I think this is all they have
07:46.49[Lamer]Stereo: from what I asked you earlier
07:48.04Stereothat's cool, I didn't know you could put perl
07:49.48[Lamer]Stereo: hmm, sometimes I use shell,C and php but i am not really good at any of them
07:51.50[Lamer]hypa7ia: yeah, I wanna try that
07:52.21[Lamer]hypa7ia: yeah, I've heard its a very cool language with combination of perl+C if you don't think you know how to code, if you do :-)
07:52.46[Lamer]hypa7ia: well, at least it fills up the gaps
07:53.40hypa7iayes... it's a nice compromise on many fronts, speed, maintainability, power
07:53.42nextimehypa7ia : if you like py, you have to try pyastre :)
07:54.38nextimelook at
07:54.42*** join/#asterisk D1ng0 (D1ng0@
07:55.12nextimeanyway, is an embedded python interpreter in dialplan
07:55.23*** part/#asterisk Johnsie (
07:55.31hypa7iaooh, that's too neat
07:55.46D1ng0hey how do i debug why x-ten clients will not register in asterisk ?
07:55.47[Lamer]hypa7ia: I have a couple of E-Books about Python here
07:56.23[Lamer]hypa7ia: tell me if you are interested
07:57.03*** join/#asterisk Johnsie (
07:57.51hypa7iai actually have o'reilly Learning Python in Dead Tree format
07:57.59hypa7iastill working my way through it :-)
07:58.18[Lamer]hypa7ia: O'Reilly -- Python In A Nutshell?
07:58.58hypa7iaheh, not at a stage where i'm needing a nutshell book yet, and i'll probably buy it in dead tree when i do :-)
08:02.07W1thdrawhow do i install the demo extension file?
08:03.14W1thdrawerr sample of extension.conf?
08:03.15[Lamer]W1thdraw: the sample file?
08:03.38[Lamer]is it in the /etc/asterisk dir?
08:04.02*** join/#asterisk brad[] (~brad@brad.developer.gentoo)
08:04.03[Lamer]W1thdraw: with the name extensions.conf?
08:04.30W1thdrawwhen i try to do the demo dy dialing ext 100
08:04.33W1thdrawi get...
08:04.47[Lamer]W1thdraw: and you have your * up and runng?
08:05.06W1thdrawMay 15 10:04:56 NOTICE[2341]: pbx.c:1330 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'extensions'
08:05.16W1thdrawhow do i dial an ext?
08:05.50[Lamer]W1thdraw: are you using SIP phones?
08:06.01W1thdrawyeah i have a spa841
08:06.28[Lamer]W1thdraw: it depends on how you config your sip.conf
08:06.46W1thdrawim msg you
08:08.10newlThat message clearly tells you that the 'extensions' context is not to be found by Asterisk in extensions.conf.
08:08.10[Lamer]you can paste it at
08:08.31[Lamer]newl is right
08:09.09[Lamer]W1thdraw: let's see your extensions.conf also
08:09.38W1thdrawi havent changed anyhting in that
08:09.52W1thdrawits as it came when i installed asterisk
08:09.58brad[]Anyone here have documentation on Nortel PBX's? Specifically with trunking.
08:10.22[Lamer]W1thdraw: you will need to add a context "extensions" to that
08:10.40hypa7iabrad[]: any particular one in mind?
08:10.58brad[]hypa7ia: A Nortel CICS; looking to connect it to Asterisk with analog lines
08:11.16brad[]hypa7ia: Unfortunately I'm not the slightest bit familiar with Nortel PBX's
08:11.44[Lamer]W1thdraw: follow this config then
08:12.33W1thdraw[Lamer],  o sweet
08:12.45[Lamer]W1thdraw: it's got some descriptive examples there, tell me if you have any problem with it
08:13.53W1thdrawo yeah 1 more question how do i restart asterisk?
08:14.15[Lamer]W1thdraw: don't restart it, just reload it
08:14.43[Lamer]W1thdraw: type reload at the CLI> prompt
08:15.04[Lamer]W1thdraw: or asterisk -rx reload from shell
08:15.10W1thdrawdo i have to press the pound key before i dial the ext?
08:15.54[Lamer]W1thdraw: from those examples, you press 2001 from your 2000 extension
08:17.39hypa7iabrad[]: don't know those, alas
08:17.46[Lamer]W1thdraw: the example gives you a configuration for two SIP phones, 2000 and 2001 respectively
08:18.19[Lamer]W1thdraw: are your phones behind NAT?
08:18.33W1thdrawno they are on the same lan
08:19.08[Lamer]I saw nat=yes in your previous config, so you don't need it
08:20.00[Lamer]W1thdraw: follow the example I give you and it will eventually work for you, like it did for me yesterday
08:20.13W1thdrawill try
08:21.37PTG123always leave nat=yes
08:21.38D1ng0ok guys how can i put asterisk in debug moce so i can see why sip clients arent registering
08:21.49PTG123regardless if you are behind or not
08:21.55PTG123as long as you have canreinvite=no
08:22.06PTG123that keeps calls going th rough asterisk server
08:22.10W1thdrawyeah i have that
08:22.13PTG123and always uses real ip, not the ip it thinks it is
08:22.14[Lamer]D1ng0: start * with -dvvvvvvgc ?
08:22.20PTG123whats the problem W1thdraw ?
08:22.39W1thdrawim trying to dial into that sample ext
08:22.49PTG123what happens when you try
08:23.05[Lamer]PTG123: ohh, you are the man
08:23.31PTG123Lamer: why is that?
08:23.36W1thdrawPTG123 im not sure how to dial an ext
08:23.41W1thdrawor if am even able to
08:23.50*** part/#asterisk hypa7ia (~leigh@
08:23.57PTG123did you set up your extensions.conf properly?
08:24.04[Lamer]PTG123: i have some questions which you may help
08:24.16D1ng0[Lamer], yeah okay it is but im trying to figure out how to show all the sip traffic debug info in the asterisk temrinal
08:24.21PTG123well make em fast :) i am heading to  bed soon
08:24.22W1thdrawi was lookin gat this
08:24.42[Lamer]PTG123: he's just starting today, he won't know if it's proper or not
08:24.46W1thdraw" test that phone by calling extension 1000 (assuming you have the sample extensions.conf). You should get the demo greeting and be able to do such things as ECHO test"
08:25.15[Lamer]PTG123: I asked him to follow the example given on the onlamp website as he has two SIP clients
08:26.01D1ng0grrrr why doesnt "sip debug" work anymore
08:26.31rabelaisI'm looking to transfer my broadvoice number over to a different provider because broadvoice's downtime is simply unacceptable, I'm just plain fed up...but I'm concerned about this number transfer issue, is the number truly now with my new service provider (say for ex, telasip), or is it still with broadvoice, just being forwarded over to telasip, and thus might still be subject to the same horrible outages that plagued m
08:26.31rabelaisy broadvoice doing a number transfer, am I truly free of broadvoice, or am I still somehow still tied to their systems?
08:26.53PTG123you know i know nothing about it, but ever though about using that asterisk @home
08:26.59[Lamer]PTG123: Ok, first question is how can I do exten => 888,2,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} insert\ into\ `usage`\ values('`System(/bin/date '+%d/%m/%C%y\ %H:%M:%S')`','${CALLERIDNUM}')
08:27.00PTG123doesn't it do alot of this stuff for you?
08:27.29PTG123lamer: is that agi?
08:27.56[Lamer]PTG123: you mean I better use AGI for this?
08:28.03PTG123no i mean
08:28.06PTG123what are you trying to do
08:28.28D1ng0HELP !!! :)
08:28.43PTG123it looks like a lame way to do realtime
08:28.57[Lamer]PTG123: I just want to try to pass some variables or results from executing shell stuff to mysql
08:29.26D1ng0hey.. ok how can i debug sip in the asterisk console ?
08:29.42D1ng0sip debug ip doesnt show me anything
08:29.59Mavviemaybe you don't have debug turned on.
08:30.05Mavvieon the terminal
08:30.13D1ng0or can someone nmap this box for udp and tell me if sip is even listening ?
08:30.13[Lamer]PTG123: like TIMENOW=`System(/bin/date '+%d/%m/%C%y\ %H:%M:%S')`, and pass this TIMENOW to mysql
08:30.23D1ng0Mavvie, sip debug no longer is valid in cvs
08:30.53Qwelluse the MySQL builtin time shit
08:31.00PTG123Lamer: thats just scary : )will cause un-nec load on your box etc
08:31.51[Lamer]PTG123; what's better way?
08:32.08QwellGo ahead and ignore me.  I'm used to it.
08:32.20D1ng0Qwell, heheh me too
08:32.30[Lamer]PTG123: I want to process some enviromental variables before putiing them into mysql
08:32.41*** join/#asterisk OzJames79 (
08:32.41PTG123lamer: i have no idea what you are trying to do, it looks like log the calls
08:32.49D1ng0i just want to get asterisk into console debug mode to see the sip data when a client tries to connect but cant
08:32.50PTG123which the cdr will do for you
08:33.30QwellYou can't do sip debug?
08:34.22[Lamer]PTG123: just wanna make something like while in multilayer IVR system I will be logging what the user press and put it in the DB
08:34.40D1ng0Qwell, not in current cvs
08:34.42*** join/#asterisk moua (
08:34.45QwellWhy not?
08:34.57[Lamer]PTG123: so i can create something interactive with the users
08:35.15D1ng0sip debug
08:35.15D1ng0No such command 'sip debug' (type 'help' for help)
08:35.22D1ng0im using CVS
08:35.25QwellWhat'd you break?
08:35.31D1ng0as of 05/15/2005
08:35.51PTG123well i don't know alot about the AGI
08:35.58PTG123but i would think that would be more suited for this
08:36.01[Lamer]PTG123: say ask users a question then they responde by pressing a key pad then I will pass this parameter to the external program
08:36.04PTG123if it was me i would hack the C code :)
08:36.06PTG123but thats me
08:36.31*** join/#asterisk Thus0 (
08:36.50[Lamer]PTG123: what variable keeps what a caller press?
08:37.22[Lamer]PTG123: I might just pass that to an external prog then wait for the exit code
08:37.40*** part/#asterisk Thus0 (
08:37.44tainted-but that's you
08:37.56tainted-if it was me i'd hack the asm
08:38.10PTG123anything i do better support 100 people at once using it :)
08:38.14Qwella real man would hex edit the binary
08:38.16PTG123really 10k would be beter
08:38.23tainted-or just send electrical signals corresponding to 0 and 1
08:38.30tainted-Qwell PCTOOLS!
08:38.31PTG123a real man would write it from scratch in bit code
08:38.43tainted-bit code puts hair on your chest
08:38.49Qwellfront panel toggle switches and shit
08:38.51PTG123i use to love assembly
08:38.56tainted-it might take it from your head... but that's okay
08:39.00PTG123till i realized my code actually ran slower then if i wrote it in c :)
08:39.09PTG123b/c i wasn't smarty enough to do all the optimizations the c compiler did
08:39.24[Lamer]Qwell: where do i find the list of variables used while processing a call?
08:39.35PTG123lamer do you know c?
08:39.36D1ng0is there a toold to do a udp based traceroute to see if its being blocked somewhere ???
08:39.41jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
08:39.47tainted-google could be the answer to a lot questions
08:39.51[Lamer]PTG123: yeah, I write C sometimes
08:40.04PTG123just look at the sourcecode
08:40.10PTG123it has all the answers to all your questions :)
08:40.10[Lamer]PTG123: Ok
08:40.21PTG123its simplier then you think
08:40.38[Lamer]PTG123:  I agree
08:41.17tainted-this lady is sleeping in our office while we're running antivirus on her laptop
08:41.19[Lamer]PTG123: but can you tell me which part to look at for this case?
08:41.31PTG123tainted-, well what else do you expect her to do?
08:41.36PTG123you know all good pornos start this way :)
08:42.06PTG123Lamer: i don't do alot of IVR work, so not sure :) now if you wanted to know about sip, or realtime, or other stuff like that i'm your man :)
08:42.16tainted-we're lacking one major aspect of a good porno
08:42.21QwellPTG123: speaking of sip
08:42.22tainted-a good looking woman
08:42.23Qwelltainted-: hottie?
08:42.27[Lamer]PTG123: thanks
08:42.31PTG123the boom chicka wow wow music?
08:42.39Qwellyeah, the music is essential
08:42.41Qwelleven moreso then the hot chick
08:42.45tainted-no i got plenty of chicka wow wow
08:42.47PTG123well either a hottie or a case of beer :)
08:42.59PTG123beer + any women = hottie
08:42.59newltainted-: stand up, scream, "HOLY SHIT!! IT HAS A VIRUS!  WE'RE ALL DOOMED!". :)
08:43.04tainted-i'd need hard liquor for this one
08:43.14QwellPTG123: How's your chan_sip coming?  heh
08:43.18PTG123Some crown royal goes down good
08:43.18tainted-jack straight up
08:43.35PTG123atleast make it gentlemen jack
08:43.36tainted-newl i'm tempted to say that her laptop is haunted
08:43.52tainted-she just wandered into our office at 1am
08:43.54tainted-total stranger
08:44.05Qwelltainted-: "Hey Bill, what does 'C:\ not found' mean?"
08:44.07tainted-'do u guys fix computers here?' lol
08:44.24tainted-echo y | format c:
08:44.29newltainted-: Ask for her ID and if she can't produce, escort from building. hehe
08:44.35QwellWhy not just format /y c:
08:44.51Qwelleither way
08:44.52[Lamer]PTG123: ok, may I ask a question about realtime then?
08:45.10[Lamer]PTG123: before you go to bed
08:45.19tainted-lamer he never sleeps
08:45.38tainted-he is directly interfaced with his chan_sip
08:45.43tainted-which DOES WORK btw
08:45.44PTG123at 1:45am do your rates triple?
08:45.54[Lamer]PTG123: I put my sip.conf into mysql table namely "ast_config"
08:46.00tainted-not that i'm aware of
08:46.23newlIt used to be interesting many moons ago to walk into a department store with computers on display running Win3.x, hit a DOS prompt, fdisk the drive, exit the DOS session and leave it running. :)
08:46.27[Lamer]PTG123: then I modified extconfig.conf
08:46.36*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
08:46.49[Lamer]PTG123: putting "sip.conf => mysql,asterisk,ast_config"
08:47.16Qwellrealtime isn't in 1.0.x stable, is it?
08:47.22[Lamer]PTG123: i restarted asterisk again but this doesn't work
08:47.29PTG123no its not in stable
08:47.34*** part/#asterisk OzJames79 (
08:47.41PTG123do you  have a switch statement in sip.conf
08:47.42[Lamer]PTG123: what I want to do is to put everything into DB
08:48.05[Lamer]PTG123: Ohh, I put it in the extensions.conf
08:48.41QwellI wonder if I can convince my boss to send me to cluecon...
08:48.48Qwellits at a bad time I think
08:48.53PTG123you need it in whatever confs you want in the db
08:48.55PTG123btw realtime sucks :)
08:49.01PTG123i have written my own replacement for it
08:49.14PTG123but i did use it for a while
08:49.31PTG123i guess it all depends if you have 20 phones
08:49.34PTG123realtime should be ok
08:50.23[Lamer]PTG123: like I said, I am making a multi-layer IVR system so there will be like 1000 extensions
08:50.43[Lamer]PTG123: i'll surely need it then
08:51.28PTG123i would really hack up the code of the ivr
08:51.45[Lamer]PTG123: with the switch statement, do I put it alone in sip.conf? or I need something else
08:52.00PTG123thats all you really need
08:52.04PTG123is the switch statement
08:53.36PTG123ok anything else anyone before i go to bed? :)
08:53.51PTG123my mouse is already on its charger :)
08:54.15Qwellhow long does that last after a full charge?
08:54.25PTG123um i think like weeks
08:54.26PTG123i am not sure.
08:54.34PTG123i just sit it on there when not using it
08:54.36PTG123its bluetooth
08:54.37Qwellall day at least?
08:54.38tainted-how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop
08:54.45PTG123oh yah seriouslyw eeks
08:54.49Qwelltainted-: 36,563
08:54.56PTG123i have the same mouse for my notebook, and i just use normal aa batteries
08:55.02Qwellnot from my testing
08:55.04PTG123and hacven't changed them since i bought it
08:55.20PTG123whats not from your testing?
08:55.26Qwell36,563 licks
08:55.27tainted-newl lol
08:55.54tainted-i still remember that bastard owl
08:56.02newlme too
08:56.16PTG123man i saw hitchhikers guide to the galaxy today
08:56.21PTG123what a disappointment
08:56.23tainted-was that good?
08:56.34Qwellit was "okay"
08:56.35PTG123it doesn't follow the book at all
08:56.36Zeeekcan't expect a story like that to be a film
08:56.41PTG123and leaves out the best parts from the book
08:56.49PTG123the stuff that makes the book funny, it doesn't even go into
08:56.50tainted-h2g2 wasn't meant for movie form
08:56.53Qwellits like the TV series
08:56.57PTG123oh it could have been very well done actually
08:57.04PTG123the way they did it would have been perfect
08:57.09PTG123if they would have been better about editing
08:57.13tainted-the mainstream wouldn't follow
08:57.16tainted-if they didn't read the book
08:57.21tainted-if it was a direct translation
08:57.23PTG123i think they would
08:57.33PTG123b/c they had a narrator
08:57.39PTG123it coudl have been done
08:57.41PTG123thats the thing
08:57.44PTG123they didn't explain alot of things
08:57.57PTG123or say alot of things the narrator does in the book
08:58.07tainted-go to bed!
08:58.08PTG123it probably would have been like 30 minutes longer though
08:58.10Zeeekit would have to be at least 10 hours long to that
08:58.15tainted-i'm trying my best to kick this lady out
08:58.16PTG123that was probably why they did it
08:58.25Zeeekthe book has a lot of narration
08:58.31Zeeekand that's the funniest part
08:58.33PTG123makes me want to produce my own movie
08:58.42tainted-PTG123 do a flash movie
08:58.50Zeeekthe "bad news drive"
08:59.11Zeeekno one wanted to travel at the speed of bad news after it was discovered...
08:59.20PTG123why not do a real movie :)
08:59.25Zeeekthat when you got there, no one wanted to see you
09:00.25tainted-can i pour water on her head
09:00.40tainted-i think technically after 2am that is the courteous thing to do
09:01.08Zeeeka gentlement would use cognac
09:01.20ZeeekRemy Martin will do
09:01.27tainted-Zeeek that's 100$/bottle
09:01.34ZeeekCourvoissier in a pinch
09:01.48Zeeekpour some in a thimble
09:01.51tainted-i just had a vision of u dressed in a lady's man outfit
09:02.05tainted-with purple ruffles and a pimp cane
09:02.14[Lamer]PTG123: I just modified res_config_mysql.c, would I need to rebuild * a gain or only addons?
09:02.34tainted-Zeeek - Zeeek Bond
09:02.39Zeeekshaken, not stirred
09:02.48tainted-Here to assist you with your extension needs
09:03.02[Lamer]PTG123: ok, only addons
09:03.12Zeeekgreat post in the list about naming your servers
09:03.26PTG123only addons
09:03.38Zeeekthe guy named his Michelle and his wife said why'd you name it after that bitch?
09:03.51Zeeekand he told it it was because it always went down
09:04.54PTG123would be smarter if you said b/c she never went down :)
09:05.01PTG123and he named it after his wife
09:05.20Zeeekthat may not be tha case though
09:05.44Zeeekmy teeth
09:05.56[Lamer]PTG123: man, I had this error but don't know why it happens. I got this error res_config_mysql.c:597 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealT
09:05.57[Lamer]ime: Failed to connect database server
09:05.58ZeeekAM only though
09:06.16Zeeekis the server running?
09:06.20[Lamer]but all parameters passed to mysqldb are correct
09:06.29PTG123well its a bitch to get working :)
09:06.32PTG123so good lucky with that one
09:06.35PTG123really off to bed, goodnight guys
09:06.48[Lamer]PTG123: Ok, good night
09:06.50Zeeekcan you log in to the mysql server with the username/pass on command line?
09:07.03[Lamer]Zeeek: mysql server is running
09:07.07Zeeekcan you log in to the mysql server with the username/pass on command line?
09:07.31[Lamer]Zeeek: yes, I can even execute it in extensions.conf
09:07.58*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~arkuser@
09:08.11[Lamer]Zeeek: using exten => 888,1,MYSQL(Connect connid localhost user passwd dbname)
09:08.12Zeeekthen it sounds like you're in for a fun night
09:09.02[Lamer]Zeeek: when the * is running it may set efective uid to something else
09:09.36[Lamer]Zeeek: but it shouldn't matter while * is passing all required parms
09:09.38Zeeekthat shouldn't matter
09:11.19nextimeZeeek : maybe a fun morning if [Lamer] is in a different timezone :)
09:11.44nextime( like here, 11:11am )
09:11.55[Lamer]Matthew Boehm
09:12.14[Lamer]Matthew Boehm just didn't say anything about it
09:12.52[Lamer]nextime: somewhere in east asia or europe?
09:12.59nextime[Lamer] : italy
09:13.13Zeeekwhat an asshole to post an answer like that
09:13.30Zeeek(mathew i mean) it's morning here, too!
09:14.06[Lamer]Zeek: my res_mysql.conf is setup correctly
09:14.06Qwellwell, he does have a point
09:14.06ZeeekI hate when the mailing list posts snide useless shit
09:14.06Qwell"Check debug for more info."
09:14.07QwellDid you check the debug?
09:14.09[Lamer]Qwell: yes I know
09:14.41[Lamer]Qwell: yes, if you mean from the CLI>
09:14.51[Lamer]Qwell: anywhere else can I check?
09:15.04Zeeekmaybe change logging?
09:15.32[Lamer]Qwell: that's the error I got, and I modified the c code to show my dbuser,dbname,... they are all right
09:15.50Qwellwell, what did the debug say?
09:16.31[Lamer]and /var/log/asterisk/messages
09:17.29ZeeekQwell just for the record, I think it's best to answer the question if one knows the answer or not say anything. There was no real need for any info,, the unstated questionn was "wtf does this error mean?" and we all know error mssages are not very explicit sometimes
09:17.52ZeeekOTH, "No such context" is pretty clear
09:18.07QwellSo is "check debug info"...
09:18.15Qwellhe isn't answering my question though, so...thats fine
09:18.17Zeeekonly if there really is some
09:18.42ZeeekLamer you may need to change logging.conf to put more detail in log
09:19.10[Lamer]Zeek: Ok
09:19.15Zeeekjust an idea
09:19.53[Lamer]QWell; it's at
09:20.02Qwell[Lamer]: nah, I'm done
09:20.29[Lamer]QWell: sorry, my connection is very slow
09:21.14ZeeekQwell I think he wants to know where the debug info is?
09:21.14[Lamer]Zeeek: do I have to create the file?
09:21.30QwellZeeek: its in every manual... :(
09:21.36[Lamer]Zeeek: u got me!
09:21.42Zeeekshow me an example, I don'trecall seeing it?
09:21.50ZeeekI'm serious!
09:22.04Zeeekunless you mean the logging config
09:22.17Zeeekthat is in I think
09:22.46Zeeekfunny, there should be a debug conditional somewhere in realtime, no?
09:22.46*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
09:22.55[Lamer]QWell, Zeeek: that's fine I don't mean to ask you guys I am reading the docs now
09:23.19ZeeekI'm not a fan of adding sql layers to asterisk so I don't know anything about that
09:24.02ZeeekI think a ast-specific app that looked up stuff in an indexed file might be good
09:24.17[Lamer]Zeeek: hahaha
09:24.20Zeeekafter all, the data has a certain struct
09:25.07Zeeeknothing likke re-writing mysql as an asterisk module :)
09:26.02Zeeekwell, my laptop can't go in the shower with me, so... good luck!
09:26.20*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
09:28.47*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
09:29.18Blackvelwhat are the costs for UK 0870 number for people calling me from UK? Is that a true cheap landline call then?
09:29.40Blackvelits calluk which forwards to FWD
09:32.12RaYmAn-BxBlackvel: it's damn expensive
09:32.20RaYmAn-Bxit depends on the provider though
09:32.27RaYmAn-Bxbut it has nothing to do with national cost
09:32.38RaYmAn-Bxsame with 0845..nothing to do with local cost
09:33.21RaYmAn-Bxyou're better off either buying a proper DID or getting someone in the UK to sign you up for a geographic number
09:33.57Blackvelthat fwd service is then really bullshit as it seems to me
09:34.13RaYmAn-BxBT actually refers to 0870 and 0845 numbers as premium rate on some parts of their site
09:34.14Blackvelwanted to have the ability that ppl can call me with local pstn costs
09:34.37RaYmAn-Bxthe national telecom (British Telecom)
09:35.04Blackvelthere is no other way besides sipgate to register an UK number?
09:36.02RaYmAn-Bxnot for free as far as I know...gossiptel provides non-free geographical DID's though
09:36.29RaYmAn-BxI've had quite good experiences with sipgate tbh...
09:37.53Blackvelnot that easy I thought it is :)
09:37.57Blackvelas I
09:39.03RaYmAn-Bxall you need is to be able to connect from a UK ip..I mean..I signed up through an SSH tunnel to a UK shell I have
09:40.10Blackvelso you don't live in UK really? :)
09:40.40Blackvelsipgate is quite stable (at least germany). but quite expensive (2,6ct/min for UK call)
09:40.52Blackveland BV seems to be quite unstable :)
09:40.53RaYmAn-Bxno, I don't..but my girlfriend has family they can call us at same price as if we lived in UK
09:40.59RaYmAn-Bxoh, I don't use sipgate for outgoing
09:41.09Blackvelyeah that is great
09:41.29Blackvelwhat address have you given? uk address? does sipgate verify? :)
09:41.39*** join/#asterisk Fullmoon (
09:42.10RaYmAn-BxUK yeah..but I seem to remember that they don't actually care where you are once you have it registrered
09:42.42RaYmAn-BxI mean, for all they care you could just register it at the address of whoever you know there (i.e. the people who'd call you :P) and just use it
09:44.12Blackvelahhh...nikotel lets me register a US number
09:44.17Blackveleither san diego or LA
09:44.19Blackvelwhat would you prefer?
09:44.48Blackvelseems to be useless since people from other cities in US also have to pay too much for calling sandiego or LA number
09:46.53Blackvelhow does it work in the US?
09:47.20Blackvelwhat are typcial prices for calling a party from one city to another city
09:47.39Blackvelin germany it is called long distance call
09:48.08Blackvelthere is nothing higher than a long distance call for whole germany besides an international call.
09:49.52BlackvelRaYmAn-Bx: what sipgate UK have you got? what prefix is it? seems they also only provide UK local 0845 and uk national 0870
09:50.23RaYmAn-Bxthey only show geographical did's when you connect from a UK ip address
09:50.44Blackvelah got it
09:51.03Blackveland how does that local vs. long distance calling work for US then?
09:51.18RaYmAn-BxNo idea :) I don't live in US
09:51.34RaYmAn-Bxbut some US people I know get a lot of free long distance minutes include in their phone rental and stuff
09:52.13Blackvelso you signed up a local number in that UK city
09:52.22Blackvelso they don't have to call long distance?
09:52.43RaYmAn-Bxit costs the same as it did when we lived there
09:54.11BlackvelFor how many cities (UK) can you signup for a did with sipgate?
09:54.38RaYmAn-Bxpretty much all I think..but obviously only one per account
09:54.46RaYmAn-BxI have an Oxford one
09:55.26Blackveldo you have the url of telco uk?
09:56.03RaYmAn-Bxbut there are other providers of the prices aren't set in stone
09:56.27[Lamer]QWell: are you there?
09:57.07RaYmAn-BxBlackvel: one of the biggest problems with 0870 and 0845 numbers is that often people get minutes with their subscription..but calls to those numbers are never included
09:58.02D1ng0okayu well ive gotten a bit further now :)
09:58.22BlackvelI was not really aware of that
09:58.25D1ng0funny how asterisk sends me straight to voice mail when im registred and i call my own extension
10:02.08Blackvelwho lives in LosAngeles here? want to test my new nikotel did :)
10:06.17FullmoonGood Morning, Guys
10:15.09FullmoonI have installed asterisk @ home - it  says "May 15 06:14:35 NOTICE[3186]: CAPI not installed!"
10:15.15FullmoonShould it not do that?
10:15.59Blackveldo you want to use capi?
10:16.20Blackvelhave you plans to connect asterisk to telco pstn over isdn?
10:17.11FullmoonI want to use my AVM card with asterisk
10:18.44Blackveldunno, have not installed ast@home
10:18.59Blackvelis capi running (check lsmod)? is chan_capi loaded as module?
10:19.32*** join/#asterisk andreg (
10:20.00Fullmoonlsmod lists capi, but asterisk crashes when it tries to load the module
10:20.36Fullmoonwith above error message..
10:20.44Blackvelthen something is missing
10:20.55Blackvelchan_capi can not find the capi
10:21.04Blackvelwhat does lsmod say?
10:22.19Blackvelgood question
10:31.29*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
10:34.42D1ng0broadvoice still having issues ?
10:36.19Blackveldunno. is it working for you?
10:37.32D1ng0well its odd asterisk is reg'd but when you call the number it gives the stupid user is not available call and doesnt pass it up to asterisk... so im not sure if my asterisk is misconfigured
10:37.49Blackveland outbound?
10:38.02D1ng0dead air on outbound calls
10:38.21Blackvelis there any error msg in asterisk even?
10:38.31Blackvelor does asterisk get nothing back?
10:38.34D1ng0nope just kinda sits there
10:38.46Blackvelthat is bad
10:38.53Blackvelyou even don't get notified
10:39.08Blackvelhow long do you have BV now?
10:39.22D1ng0heh nope but BV has been so screwed up lately makes it hard to debug if ive got asterisk 100% configured
10:39.27D1ng08 months
10:39.43D1ng0but this is a new asterisk server, the good one is one a boat to ASIA
10:40.22D1ng0well the one i know was working fine is on a boat to ASIA :)
10:40.35Blackvelwhat are you doing with it in asia?
10:41.17Blackvelas BV has been more stable before?
10:41.40BlackvelI mean I would get crazy if I had to pay at least 20$ and never BV would be working as it seems the last weeks?
10:45.39D1ng0well i never had trouble with them till this damn upgrade
10:46.10D1ng0i moved from florida to the philippines buty BV still lets me call the states and people still their frweinds family and such to call me :)
10:48.44*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
10:49.06Blackvelthat is a big move
10:49.29BlackvelI understand. BV seems to be quite useful for this
10:49.37Blackvelwhy did you do that? :)
10:50.08D1ng0what move to Philippines ?
10:50.37D1ng0hehehe my wife is Philipino/Chinese and Im Australian so ASIA just made more sense :)
10:58.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
11:06.29D1ng0hehe okay my asterisk is misconfigured somehow
11:07.14BlackvelD1ng0: some ppl have problems with right configured asterisk servers and still BV gives no go :)
11:07.51D1ng0Blackvel, well my x-ten soft phone logs in fine and i call call thru broadvoice my broadvoice to it
11:08.12Blackveland that works
11:08.20D1ng0but i get a stupid operator saying user is unavalable when my asterisk is logged in :)
11:08.38Blackvelso many ppl had that problem last 1-2 weeks
11:08.42D1ng0Blackvel, yes straight x-ten works fine for me
11:09.48Blackvelwhat do you use? bluetooth headset? all my sound cards (tried two) are bullshit or create an echo. I know someone from UK who has bluetooth but that creates also voice problem for the calling side
11:09.58Blackveli only trust hardware therefore
11:11.05D1ng0Blackvel, i head set with microphone works fine for me
11:11.59D1ng0so lets see my asterisk register line is correct cause sip show registry says im registered
11:14.46Blackvelwhat soundcard do you use then?
11:14.56Blackvelerr are you using
11:17.11Blackvelis there any good irc chat room for US/LA?
11:18.21D1ng0Blackvel, uhhh laptop Toshiba 17" Satellite
11:18.33D1ng0not sure what soundcard is in it
11:18.52RoyKhow can i compile astmm?
11:20.14JerJeruncomment the entry in the Makefile
11:20.24*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
11:20.39RoyKstill doesn't work after clean install/valgrind
11:22.54RoyKshould astmm be compiled as a seperate module?
11:24.49BlackvelD1ng0: works quite good?
11:25.06D1ng0yupp clear as my polycom
11:25.13JerJerRoyK:  no, it is just a define - i believe
11:25.20Blackvelwhat headest?
11:25.34D1ng0its a creative labs headset was like 25.00
11:25.37JerJerare you doing make valgrind as well  ?
11:31.06RoyKbut no 'show memory' command works
11:31.31*** join/#asterisk jebba (
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11:42.23Zeeekhow's the weather in darwin?
11:49.32RoyKmorning, Zeeek
11:49.50RoyKwanna help me out getting astmm up?
11:50.35Zeeeknever hoid of it
11:50.56Zeeekbut thanks for not larting me. The marks are still visible from the last time
11:51.38Zeeekanyway, I find it in bad taste for one man to ask another for help in getting it up
11:51.38RoyKI was at a party last night and drank far too much
11:51.41RoyKfell over and broke my arm :(
11:51.46Zeeekno shit?
11:52.05RoyKjust a small fracture
11:52.11RoyKbut it hurts like shit
11:52.22Zeeekdidn't anyone evertell you that when you fell something hard on your shoulder and turn to see what it is, and it's the floor, you've had enough?
11:52.40RoyKtoo late
11:52.55[Lamer]Zeeek: Hey you're back
11:53.19Zeeekwhat the heck is astmm?
11:53.29RoyKmemory debugger
11:53.35Zeeekya Lamer, maybe RoyK can help you btw
11:53.37RoyKsee the makefile
11:53.48Zeeekah okk, the old memory leak issue
11:54.06RoyKstill trying to find it
11:54.13Zeeekis your system actually running OUT of memory eventually?
11:54.18[Lamer]Zeeek: I got mysql issue fixed already
11:54.38Zeeekcool Lamer, RoyK bummer
11:55.00Zeeekbut RoyK does it eal ALL the RAM?
11:55.01RoyKthe worst was asterisk just hung
11:55.07RoyKdidn't crash
11:55.07Zeeekyes, that's bad
11:55.17Zeeekwhen did this start? When you got the farfon?
11:55.32RoyKheh. no...
11:55.54RoyKit's prolly been like this all the time
11:56.10Zeeekwith 2GB it takes a while though?
11:56.14RoyKmight be mysqlfriends
11:56.18RoyK3 days
11:56.22ZeeekI was gonna say...
11:56.22[Lamer]Zeeek: FYI, the dbsock points to the wrong mysql.sock file
11:56.38ZeeekLamer write that down somewhere like the wiki, will you?
11:56.50ZeeekThere are hundreds of these jewels waiting to be discovered
11:57.09Zeeekuntil ten they're thorns
11:57.15Zeeekuntil then...
11:57.39ZeeekLamer did you find that in the debug info?
11:58.07Zeeekby the way are you "La Mer" or "Lamer" than someone else?
11:58.20[Lamer]Zeeek: yes, the debug told that it could not find the file
11:58.32Zeeekso in a word, the advice "see debug info" wasn't bad
11:58.49[Lamer]Zeeek: so, it's not worth writing it to the wiki
11:59.09[Lamer]Zeeek: that's what I thought Mathew was right
11:59.15ZeeekI wish the error messages were better, debug or not. When something dies, there's time to write a detailed reason right then
11:59.46JerJerRoyK:  it has to be something crazy you are doing - we run 1 gb of ram and have never seen that happen
12:00.00[Lamer]Zeeek: but first timer may not even know how to get the debug mode set up
12:00.12ZeeekI write two kinds of (bad) programs, one kind has zero messages the other says "can't open /usr/local/blah"
12:00.39darwin35hey jerjer
12:00.43ZeeekThere are so many different levels of experience out there it isn't obvious
12:00.53darwin35whe using 3include is iy "" or <>?
12:01.02[Lamer]Zeeek: you're definitely right
12:01.33[Lamer]Zeeek: anyway I will just have to keep going
12:01.35RoyKJerJer: I think it might be that mysqlsipfriends shite in 1.0
12:01.40ZeeekI myself had to deal with JerJer in my very first IRC experience ever right here! And he helped me with my TDM400P - lucky he was in a good mood that day!
12:01.47RoyKwe're testing out head in the lab
12:02.00RoyKrunning through tests and porting backend db
12:02.15*** join/#asterisk jeffik (jefik@
12:02.21[Lamer]Zeeek: and how's he today? =-)
12:02.28ZeeekSo far , so good :)
12:02.55ZeeekJerJer was seen 1 hour ago saying "Put down the crack pipe"
12:03.22Zeeeknot as good as "Next!", but still, not bad
12:04.33ZeeekI want to thank NuFone again publicly for giving my wife a way to call me toll-free from a country-western bar, it really does help
12:05.26Zeeekdarwin35 ??? what's the public key on that?
12:06.02darwin35on what
12:06.11Zeeekyour question or comment above?
12:06.21Zeeek[14:00] <darwin35> whe using 3include is iy "" or <>?
12:06.32Zeeekbloody windows pastebuff
12:06.34darwin35the 3 is a #
12:06.43darwin35I am just asking
12:07.04darwin35like if you use a #include in extensions.conf
12:07.04Zeeekit's double quotes
12:28.45shido6payphone? Zeeek?
12:31.34*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
12:33.05BlackvelGET DATA returns -1 when the caller hangups up?
12:33.13Blackvelhangs up?
12:36.50[Lamer]RoyK: may I ask about Asterisk in Realtime Mode?
12:38.50RoyKsure. what?
12:39.07darwin35i need help wit pickupgroup config
12:39.43[Lamer]RoyK: can sip.conf put it's gneral part in realtime mode also?
12:39.48JerJer[Lamer]:  dont' use it
12:39.55JerJerat all
12:40.25RoyKJerJer: why not?
12:40.39[Lamer]JerJer: so what's generally put in realtime mode? and how to switch it properly
12:41.25JerJerrealtime forces asterisk to depend on the database
12:41.42JerJerplease tell me what Class 4/5 switch depends on a database to function?
12:42.21[Lamer]RoyK: in extconfig.conf, I put "sip.conf => mysql,asterisk,ast_config"
12:43.12[Lamer]RoyK: and in I put "switch => Realtime/general" or "switch => Realtime/1111" providing 1111 is an extension
12:43.55[Lamer]RoyK: are these correct?
12:44.48[Lamer]JerJer: but it's much easier to manage for larger scale system. That's one of the advantages I can think of
12:45.57JerJerusing a database for us dumb humans to organize the data in a more efficient manor is absolutely necessary
12:46.14JerJerbut forcing asterisk to depend on that same database to operate is pure ludicrous
12:47.58[Lamer]RoyK: are you still there?
12:48.15RoyKyes. i donæt use realtime extensions. sorry
12:48.31[Lamer]RoyK: that's alright
12:48.57[Lamer]I don't expect JerJer to use it either =-)
12:49.09JerJerhell no
12:49.11RoyKJerJer: using files for 10k users isn't a good idea, though
12:49.22JerJerdid I say I used files?
12:49.44[Lamer]JerJer: man, tell me your solutions
12:49.50JerJeri've said realtime is not the answer
12:50.01RoyKwell then
12:50.22RoyKtell us the answer, o great guru
12:50.43JerJerwhat's my motivation?
12:52.30RoyKsometimes i wonder what the fuck is wrong with you......
12:52.56[Lamer]RoyK: take it easy :-)
12:53.32JerJerits called Innovation
12:53.34*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
12:53.54JerJeri have written my own provisioning system around asterisk which is at arms length to the GPL
12:54.35RoyK"at arms length"?
12:54.38JerJerand I assure you when I feel it is ready for the world to see, it will be released
12:54.47JerJer~google arms length GPL
12:55.43JerJermy provisioning system does not link with Asterisk whatsoever
12:55.59JerJerit just simply utilizes functionality that Mark has already built into Asterisk itself
12:57.04RoyKso basically the reason you don't want people to use realtime is you want them to purchase your solution?
12:57.16JerJerdid I say that?
12:57.27tzangerrealtime is a bad idea, period.
12:57.33JerJeri simply pointed out the fact that realtime is not the answer
12:58.23newlJerJer: Ericcson AXE and Alcatel S12 switches both use databases. ;)
12:58.58tzangernewl: good for them.  :-)
12:59.22Sato1realtime functions out of a dependence of a database.... *sighs* i m facing it, not easy to code in a gui
12:59.48JerJernewl:  are they real class 4/5 switches?  or just old bullshit hybrid pbx's?
12:59.59newltzanger: It is indeed.  They make money off of telcos.  Do you? :)
13:00.06newlJerJer: Absolutely.
13:00.17tzangernewl: sure, but not at the same level they do :-)
13:00.47tzangernewl: the point is that for 99% of installations (hell, 99.99%) there is *no need* for the database, it's just one more point of failure and slowdown.
13:01.06tzangernewl: just use the db to store what you want and generate static config files, then push those to the asterisk box when an update is made
13:01.24RoyKtzafrir: with 10.000 users_
13:01.44JerJerour Telcia switch has a few hundred meg file that gets sent via RS-232 to configure it
13:01.45RoyKmy current 4k user setup fscking needs a db
13:01.51JerJerthen use a database
13:01.51tzangerRoyK: that's perhaps something different, but 99.99% of asterisk boxes do not have 10k users on them
13:02.01JerJerbut don't force asterisk to depend on it to function
13:02.01RoyKi know
13:02.05tzangerhell 99.99% of asterisk setups don't even have 1000 users
13:02.08JerJerwhat happens when your database hangs?
13:02.26newlYou reboot it.  Same as what happens when an exchange packs it in.
13:02.27RoyKit doesn't
13:02.35JerJeror you need to upgrade the hardware on the database
13:02.38tzangerI believe the new hashtable stuff going into * will eliminate the need for DBs for even thousands of users
13:02.39JerJerie you run out of hd space
13:02.52RoyKJerJer: you can't use anything except a db for sharing users between servers
13:02.59RoyKJerJer: please try to see the facts
13:03.00tzangerJerJer: that's called hotswap hardware and LVM :-)
13:03.23tzangerRoyK: nonsense; you can still generate the files statically and reload when necessary
13:03.23ManxPowerEverybody knows the future of Asterisk is not Realtime, it's a genetically enhanged Uhura with perfect memory and 32 arma.
13:03.39ManxPowerarms too
13:03.39tzangera genetically enhanced urethra?
13:03.56ManxPowerUgh.  Now you can see my typing before first cup of coffee.
13:03.59RoyKtzafrir: no
13:04.01newlManxPower: Does it some with the ear piece too?
13:04.22ManxPowernewl: no ethernet port.  I'll leave it to your imagination as to where it's located
13:04.31RoyKtzafrir: currently we're on 1.0 with mysql sipfriends
13:04.36RoyKno reload required
13:04.37RoyKno nothing
13:04.54tzangerRoyK: just mysql which is nastier than a port-town whore
13:05.13RoyKit works
13:05.26newlHope non of your users rely on vm notification. hehe
13:05.31RoyKwe'll try porting to postgres on next install
13:05.34JerJerRoyK:  so let me DDoS your mysql server.  what's going to happen to the phone calls going on your asterisk box/
13:05.37tzangeryes, mysql works if you carefully craft around all its bugs and transgressions.
13:05.54RoyKJerJer: what server?
13:06.04ManxPowerJerJer: What IS the solution?
13:06.14JerJeryour mysql database that your asterisk box depends on
13:06.21ManxPowerAnyway, let me DDoS your Asterisk server and whats going to happen?
13:06.23tzangersqlite would be nice but sql just isn't necessary for this stuff.  db3 or gdbm would do a fantastic job
13:06.24JerJerManxPower: not realtime
13:06.24RoyKtzafrir: the database server's been running stably since it was installed 9 months ago
13:06.43JerJerManxPower: the three others will take over and we will filter you at the edge
13:06.46ManxPowerJerJer: I didn't ask what was not the solution, I asked what the solution is.
13:06.49tzangerRoyK: as I said, mysql "works" if you carefully craft around all its ideosyncrasies and transgressions
13:07.36ManxPowerI think Realtime IS the answer.  Realtime w/MySQL may not the be answer.
13:07.38tzangerbut as I said "works" in that regard really isn't working, at least not IMO.
13:08.05newlLDAP would scale better IMO.
13:08.12tzangerpeople use SQL for the same reason they use Windows; they just don't know there is anything different out there, so the only tool in their box gets used for everything
13:08.23JerJerManxPower:  so how do you deal with taking your database down for any sort of maintenance or simple faillure?
13:08.55tzangernewl: LDAP is nice, and it's designed to scale for this kind of thing.   I still think that's overkill though; a simple GDBM or DB3 db would do the job very nicely and without all hte overhead
13:08.56newlJerJer: You rely on the secondary which replicates from the master.
13:09.01ManxPowerJerJer: Um, how do you take SQLite down. It doesn't even have a server process?
13:09.24JerJerno clue, don't run SQLite
13:09.25tzangerSQL is nice, I love SQL.  But I do know that it's not the answer for every DB
13:09.26ManxPowertzafrir: You are a lot smarter than you look, ya know that?  *grin*
13:09.39tzangerManxPower: hahahaha  yeah and I have a face for radio
13:09.48JerJernewl:  so duplicate hardware for one task?
13:09.49newltzanger: Agreed, however the decision on what to use should be made with the anticipated number of accounts globally in mind.
13:10.09newlJerJer: Nah, that'd be silly.  You can turn off your other two servers. =)
13:10.26JerJerits called geographic redundancy
13:10.35ManxPowerJerJer: My point is that Realtime does NOT require a remote database.  It's just a framework for integrating databases into Asterisk.  That database could be, as tzanger said, GDBM or BerkelyDB
13:10.37tzangernewl: absolutely.  meet current needs and short/mid-term expansion.  SQL is still the wrong tool for the job.  there's no need for the relational nature and overhead that SQL has
13:10.42newlAnd the difference between that and two or more database servers would be?
13:11.17newlI don't by that argument.  Try again.
13:11.42JerJerif I can do the job cheaper, but as reliable as you, I win
13:11.42ManxPowerJerJer: SQLite is, as I understand it, is just an SQL interface to something like GDBM
13:12.14JerJerManxPower:  sounds interesting, but i've still never used it
13:12.26tzangerwhat's the email address for the -users list admin?  asterisk-users-admin?  asterisk-users-moderator?
13:17.28darwin35SQLite is a small C library that implements a self-contained, embeddable, zero-configuration SQL database engine. Features include:
13:19.30tzanger* dar-wehn has joined the con-fer-ence.
13:20.00*** part/#asterisk jelque (
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13:21.38gpearsondoes anyone have a docuemtn which shows how to lock a softphone or IP Phone to one Analog phone number attached to asterisk
13:22.10ManxPowergpearson: The concept does not really exist with Asterisk.
13:22.24tzangergpearson: sure it can be done
13:22.34tzangerdump them into a context that only has access to the one analog line
13:22.36ManxPowerPrhaps if you describe what you are trying to ACCOMPLISH, we can give you ideas.
13:25.53sudhir492So JerJer, what do you suggest for large number of extensions?
13:26.36sudhir492You dont have to give your provisioning system, jut a hint would be enough
13:26.40tzanger983 extensions.conf
13:26.44tzangeris that too long? :-)
13:28.34sudhir492So far, I have put together * boxes for businesses with a few dozen, or couple of hundred (max) extensions. Now I need to put together for my alumni association with around 3500 extension
13:34.43[Lamer]anyone using app_conference in the iaxclient project?
13:35.46[Lamer]just wondering if it requires any other hardware?
13:41.10tzangercondoleeza rice "this war [in iraq] came to us, not the other way around"
13:41.22jontowshe's so dumb.
13:41.41JunK-Ytzanger: mouhahah
13:42.23tzangeranyway time to get some coffee and visit mother iwth the grandkdis :-)
13:43.04JunK-Ysee ya.
13:49.29*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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13:52.42darwin35tz whats up
13:53.38darwin35TZang  come chat in the conf
13:54.17JunK-Yhe's afk, like he already said.
13:54.41darwin35ok junky you come chat
13:55.04JunK-Ynah, im checking something.
13:55.20*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
13:55.54darwin35grr I need input
13:57.07darwin35man the wikipage on callgroup and pickupgroup sucks
13:59.41ariel_hello everyone
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14:08.06Blackvelhi ariel
14:10.56ariel_hello Blackvel
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14:24.29trimi`any1 know good and cheap site for IAX calling with cheap rates  ? ? ?
14:28.07NewSolehello folks
14:28.14NewSolewhats cheap
14:28.24Derylthe corner hoe
14:28.39*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
14:29.07NewSolethat corner hoe... moved off the corner and in bed with me
14:29.20Deryldoh! hope you got your shots
14:29.35NewSoledam right....
14:29.53NewSolehad to find someway to put that hoe asleep
14:30.27Derylgood one :)
14:30.49NewSoleits what happens when I have not had my morning coffee yet
14:30.49*** join/#asterisk techie (
14:31.12NewSolethis dam website is killing me
14:31.23*** join/#asterisk switch (
14:31.40NewSolegot alot done but not even 1/8 finished
14:31.51NewSolebut looks good tho
14:32.03Derylexcellent. i've about 9 pages left to do on mine
14:32.14NewSolecheck it out
14:32.45Derylvirtual telecomm?
14:32.58Derylyou like a nufone?
14:33.37NewSoleno Virtual Teliphone.... and we sell primary hardware IAX2 Phones and service
14:34.03RoyKwhere from?
14:34.07jetdotnethmmm my security settings prohibit running activeX on that page...
14:34.09RoyKwhat fons?
14:34.09Derylwhat's the cost on a cheapy deskphone? I just need the phone. I already have a nufone #
14:34.31NewSoleonly activex on there is Flash
14:35.03NewSolecheapes is 75$
14:35.09Derylahh no wonder it's not displaying everything. i use firefox.
14:35.11jetdotneti prohibit everything though
14:35.17ManxPowerDeryl: The SIPura SPA-841.  Or you could use with a SIPura SA-1000 + analog phone
14:35.18jetdotnetyeah nothing in the middle
14:35.36NewSolelike i said 1/8 done
14:35.59NewSolehad to do the and the shopping cart
14:36.10NewSoleand some of the grapics
14:36.14jetdotneti at least get the flash banner in fff
14:36.19jetdotnetie nothing
14:36.22DerylManxPower: average price?
14:36.42ManxPowerDeryl: SPA-841 is around $100
14:36.54ManxPowerSPA-1000 is about $50, I think.
14:37.22ZeeekManxPower you think the Cisco^H^H^HSipura SPA-841 is that much better than the BT100s?
14:37.39Derylis it really shitty? I don't need multiple line features, just call forwarding and ability to direct to a voice mail
14:37.55ManxPowerZeeek: I would not give the BT100 to my ex-wife.  I'd give her a glass of poison, but not a BT100
14:38.03Deryli'm *extremely* new to voip to include hardware
14:38.09Zeeekheh, mine work great - as CHEAP deskphones
14:38.21ZeeekDeryl will you run asterisk?
14:38.39ManxPowerDeryl: *shrug*  Go with the BT100.  If you hate it, you've only lost about $65
14:38.55DerylZeeek: yes. I've been reading the book from the site, have it installed on my freebsd box, and will be attempting my own setup in the next few days
14:38.56ManxPowerThe BT100 doesn't even support callerid name.
14:39.22ZeeekDeryl so the point is asterisk can handle the features you want (except multiple lines)
14:39.27Zeeekno that's true
14:39.34ManxPowerZeeek: I won't use any Grandstream products.  They have a history of terribly, buggy firmware.
14:39.39Zeeekbut that's the major complaint I'd have with it
14:40.01Zeeekmine all work well, even in the hands of newbies
14:40.21ZeeekI got a whif of my ip500 which is a dream, but as you know I had to send it back
14:40.32ManxPowerThe BT100 also does not support a local dialplan so you have to wait for the timeout or like a call phone, press Dial/Send
14:40.38ZeeekI think those polcoms at near $200 are great
14:40.52ZeeekI happen ti like having a call button
14:41.27Zeeekthe call button (not # a real button) lets you dial annoyingly long numbers without needing to hurry - (maybe an old man thing, eh?)
14:41.43ZeeekDeryl read THIS: (coming)
14:41.49ManxPowerZeeek: *nod*  A good local dialplan will let you do that too.
14:42.10ManxPowerSince a good local dialplan will almost never rely on a timeout
14:42.18DerylZeeek: thank you
14:42.55Deryli've tried not to say too much in here because i really am not sure of myself with setting this up, but you're the first one i've seen give decent info besides ManxPower
14:43.37ManxPower<-- smarter than he looks, ya know
14:43.50Zeeekwow! in a class with ManxPower! I am not worthy!
14:44.14ZeeekManxPower are you into sightseeing and museums or what?
14:44.23ManxPowerZeeek: Yes.
14:44.48Derylright now i use x-lite through a friend's asterisk box.
14:45.07Deryldo i need to make him disconnect my account first or can i set it up and simply have my asterisk box log into nufone?
14:45.17Zeeekok, if you come over here, this da place. I'll invite you to lunch if you're available, can help with hotel advice possibly... etc. just let me know.
14:45.19Derylthus 'disconnecting' it from his
14:45.42ManxPowerZeeek: I'll prolly be in paris for 1 day
14:45.51Zeeekyou got my email the othr day
14:46.18Zeeekbtw if you need to you can use our net connection and WIndows PCs.
14:46.19ManxPowerZeeek: Did it come from "Zeek"?
14:46.31Zeeekno I mean I posted my address here
14:46.46ManxPoweroh.  Yes, but since it's not in my e-mail it's not saved
14:47.08ZeeekI'll return mail you with an almost real address and phone numbers etc.
14:47.24Zeeekor you can let me know the dates and times
14:47.26fileDeryl: you need to tell him to stop registering your account on his box, and once you register it on your own box NuFone will send your calls your way instead of to his box
14:47.51Derylahh ok.
14:50.12*** join/#asterisk ilium007 (
14:50.45ilium007hi all
14:50.58ilium007can someone help me with extension.conf ?
14:51.23filemaybe, we can only help if we know what to help with
14:52.06ilium007I have just set up my first asterisk box, have created two extensions in sip.conf, but i am unsire what is required in extension.conf
14:52.34fileyou should go read about the dialplan
14:52.36file~useful asterisk docs
14:52.37jbotmethinks useful asterisk docs is it has been said that useful asterisk docs is (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unnoficial Links") and (the Wiki), and (ManxPower's site), and, also, read all files in ...
14:52.48filegood links, will have the info
14:52.54ilium007i have been reading about dial plan
14:53.02ilium007i am confused about contextx thats all
14:53.21filecontext is like a part of the dialplan, you split it up
14:53.27Derylhehe man I am lovin jbot :)
14:53.31Deryljbot: botsex
14:53.32jbotOk! Drop your pants and bend over!, or
14:53.36ZeeekManxPower ok I sent you a msg at the address I found on the list
14:54.06fileDeryl: the geek one is cooler
14:54.15fileDeryl: it's all linux commands ;)
14:54.21filejbot: sex
14:54.22jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep
14:54.22Derylhahah cool
14:54.48Deryldebian pkg or cvs pull?
14:54.56fileit's run by Tim Riker, not us
14:55.16Derylsec. want to bookmark those URLs jbot spit
14:55.20newbienilium007: good example that works: sign up for fwd iax registry; use fwd info page for iax setup of ast* conf files; test and use as template for your needs
14:56.05ilium007newbien: what is fwd iax registry
14:56.42Derylmight want to edit that asterisk docs entry. ManxPower has moved all docs from to
15:03.41ZeeekDeryl this is good too: ^^^^^^
15:04.31Derylsec. firefox just shit the bed :/
15:04.57ZeeekI've heard it isn't that great on FreeBSD
15:05.41Derylno this is the windows version
15:05.54Deryli don't use unix for my desktops
15:06.01Derylunix is server stuff for me
15:06.15PatrickDKoh come on, what about win2k3 :)
15:06.24Derylnot a friggin chance
15:06.32ZeeekLo,gCorn ?
15:06.36PatrickDKheh, I have 3 win2k3 servers, and I don't trust them at all
15:06.59Zeeekwindows servers = military intelligence
15:07.00Derylsec. need to cremate some extensions here
15:07.04PatrickDKbut then, the only way to get windows to run halfway stable, is to never install a hotfix or upgrade
15:07.07DerylZeeek: hey now i resent that
15:07.12PatrickDKand well, that compromises security
15:07.14Deryli spent 8 years military :)
15:07.14Zeeekyou in the army?
15:07.21Zeeekoh, well you're out now
15:07.34Derylonce a soldier, always a soldier
15:07.38Zeeekyou're a voip rebel/pioneer
15:07.47Zeeekyou don't take orders, you kick ass
15:08.00Zeeektake no prisoners
15:08.10DerylOne Shot, One Kill
15:08.40Zeeekoperation desert thunder hasn't come to voip this year, but it'll happen in 2006
15:09.11Zeeekthe dancing light is lit
15:10.12Zeeekall seriousness aside.... when you can buy voip routers in Kinkos, voip has come out of the closet
15:10.36Zeeekit'sz not the next big thing, it's the last big thing
15:10.47ManxPowerAsterisk has the same goals as the USA: Total World Domination.
15:11.02ZeeekI heartily approve of the worn and deprecate the other
15:11.09Zeeekof the one
15:11.29Zeeekbtw asterisk and verything else out of the us suffers from one bad fault
15:11.38Zeeekit's very us-centric
15:11.48*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
15:12.06Zeeeknothing will ever work out of the box in ANY country - of course this is impossible to do, but it is a problem
15:15.26Zeeeknewsweek and other sources claim there is a serious brain drain problem now that the US has tightened immigration and work permit regulations. The US is no longer the top destination for foreign talent. Those in denial think that the US's strength is all Ameriacn, but this has never been true.
15:21.53ManxPowerZeeek: Once oil is bought/sold in Euros the USA will start to admit that there are significant problems.
15:22.11ManxPowerI hope to get out before that happens.
15:22.40Derylnever forget, every 'power' has it's cycle.
15:23.04ManxPowerDeryl: Of course!  This cycle seems to be Europe on the rise, USA on the decline.
15:23.14ManxPowerIt's a nice change. 8-)
15:23.41Derylto be expected. the US was a major power for over 50 years. that's a LONG time for a country to remain at the forefront or damn close to it
15:23.55Derylthe EU will have it's day and then decline as well
15:23.58ManxPowerDeryl: Yup.
15:25.25RoyKthe bush regime' budget deficit is still climbing
15:25.30RoyKtamtitam :)
15:25.30Zeeekwell, the EU may or may not have its day, but you are right, the US in the context of history is a young country
15:25.48DerylBush is hardly a regime.
15:25.53Zeeekremeber, Portugal and Austria were once ruling empires!
15:26.05Derylok, i'm staying out of this if it's going to be a farcefest
15:26.12ManxPowerZeeek: There are three things I think that has helped make the USA great.  Single currency, good roads, and no border crossings between states.
15:26.18ZeeekPloes claim the US constitution is based on theirs (and they may be right!)
15:26.18RoyKderka: the 'bush regime', meaning the regime fronted by bush
15:26.26*** join/#asterisk kdayn (
15:26.27ZeeekThe people!
15:26.41ZeeekPoles claim...
15:26.54RoyKnoth poles
15:27.07ZeeekManxPower that is my dream for Europe, but I see it floundering already
15:27.14ManxPowerZeeek: *shrug*  Large parts of the US constitution don't really seem to be enforced anymore.
15:27.19Zeeekthe states idea is good
15:27.34Zeeekonly when convenient like the gun bullshit
15:27.39ManxPowerZeeek:  a single anguage also helped the USA.
15:27.42Zeeekright to bear arms
15:27.48Zeeekthat's shot now!
15:27.57Zeeekunless you mean spanish?
15:28.13ManxPowerZeeek: I don't like guns, but even me, the uberliberal, supports the right to bear arms
15:28.19Zeeekjoin #asterisk-politics
15:28.25ilium007can someone tell me if:
15:28.29ilium007exten => 993,1,Dial()
15:28.29ilium007exten => 993,2,Hangup
15:28.39ilium007is the simplest form of an extension entry
15:28.40Zeeekdon't interrupt important discussions! :)
15:28.59Zeeekwhat d'you mean "simpplest"
15:29.00DerylZeeek: you rock
15:29.09Zeeekthe simplest would be exten => Noop
15:29.22ilium007i just want to test my x-lite ohone
15:29.22Zeeekwith a priority in there if it supposed to work
15:29.25ilium007i have put the entries in sip.conf
15:29.35ilium007the phone connects and can all 8500 and 1000 etc
15:29.36Zeeekthe simplest would be exten => s,1,Noop
15:30.04ilium007i have made 2 extensions 947 and 927
15:30.17ilium007i just want to to be able to call 927, go to voice mail if unavailable
15:30.28RoyKilium007: why not 942?
15:30.39Zeeekilium007 look into macros
15:30.44Zeeekwhy not 42 ?
15:30.51Blackvelwho has experience with Nikotel and USA LA nummbers (nikotalk)?
15:30.55ilium007i am after a quick test so i can go to bed !
15:31.01ZeeekPoll: what should 42 do in dialplans as a default standard?
15:31.25ilium007thanks for the help guys
15:32.12fileZeeek: engage the improbability drive
15:32.23Zeeekah, of course
15:32.38Zeeekmaybe we'd need to add sme of those BBC recordings to sounds?
15:32.48fileyup, and then get sued
15:34.12Zeeekdepends on who hars them
15:34.45ManxPowerBlackvel: I have Louisiana Nimbers
15:34.52DerylBBC? send me all the Dr. Who series :)
15:34.54ManxPowerAnd Numbers too!
15:36.55*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
15:36.56Blackveli tried to get this LA number active, but nikotel seems to do something wrong. a fax tone is on phone when I call my number. very weird
15:37.17Sedoroxyou got assigned someone else's number
15:37.40*** join/#asterisk basilioM (~Miranda@
15:38.33Zeeekonce I got a $1000 phone bill. My neighbor, who just got out of jail, tapped into my phone line and was calling his girlfriend from his place on my line
15:38.44Zeeekmaybe that's the fax you hear. He moved up to fax
15:40.01Sedoroxwere you able to recover damages?
15:40.27BlackvelSedorox: I don't believe that
15:40.58Sedoroxeh.. I would.. if he was using it at night... and Zeeek had cable... and doesn't use the phone...
15:41.41Sedoroxanyway.. bbiab
15:42.30Derylchmod 0000 Zeeek
15:43.19Zeeekto answer, this happened YEARS ago. I had to call the operator who called the long distance number and asked the cluless idiot girl who has been phoning her and she answered
15:43.42Zeeekthe operator told me, ok but how do we know you didn't let him use the phone?
15:44.14Zeeekso I said you don't. I didn't pay. They shut me down. And I got a new line installed under a different name 2 days later
15:45.52Zeeekif you think about it, a person, not a compnay should be able to get a number and then kep it for life
15:46.04Derylok, here we go on the setup.
15:46.23Zeeekthat way the company asks you for your number and sticks a pointer to that
15:46.34Zeeekbetter chmod me back or it won't work
15:46.41*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
15:46.41*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
15:46.49Derylchmod 0555 Zeeek
15:46.58*** join/#asterisk Silik0n (
15:47.09ZeeekI washed off the sticky bit last night :)
15:47.09filebkw! Silik0n!
15:47.20DerylZeeek: hehe
15:48.51RoyKZeeek:  you can't do that_
15:49.27Zeeekdidn't want the stuff on the sheets!
15:49.48Deryli am SO not touchign that
15:50.20*** join/#asterisk meppl (
15:50.20ZeeekI am SO not wanting you to touch anything of mine
15:50.50Deryloh yeah. I can see this is gonna be a fun place to hang out :]
15:50.51Zeeekgotta be careful here, but us breeders are tolerated
15:51.04Zeeekonly if you really read those docs
15:51.10Zeeekotherwise, it's yer ass
15:51.17Derylumm, unless it's green, stick, and smokable.. I don't want to know anything about breeders ;)
15:51.26Zeeekand don't go installing @hole or any of those other wimpy crutches
15:51.40Derylnaww, I'd consider that a failing on my part if i did that
15:51.50Deryli have specific criterium for what i want
15:51.55ZeeekI call it the Cyrano factor
15:52.14Zeeekwhen the guy with nose isn't there anymore, you're screwed
15:52.28*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
15:52.41Deryli'm.. i'm.. i'm just going to remain silent
15:52.58Derylsomehow i have a feeling that will be safer at this point ;]
15:53.07ZeeekCyrano? Edmond Rostand? The poet with the big nose?
15:53.15ZeeekSteve Marin?
15:53.28Derylpoe, keats, those are the ones i know
15:53.45Zeeekyou are so not gay
15:53.48Derylneighbor needs me so you geta respite from my strangeness
15:54.01Derylno, i am definitely straight
15:54.04Zeeekyeah gop mow the lawn like you promised
15:54.13DerylI was given an outie so I could spend my days hunting innies
15:54.25darwin35need help with dial in logic and groups
15:55.02Zeeekask darwin35
15:55.16Zeeekdarwin35: ask.
15:55.33Zeeekbkw_ will answer
15:56.57darwin35BKW you alive
15:57.14darwin35he is not even here
15:58.16Zeeekhe was a few minutes ago
15:58.23Zeeekyou scared him away
15:59.02Zeeekthat somehow seems incredibly complicated
16:00.11Silik0ndarwin35 screw the diaplan write you an AGI in C to handle it al
16:00.18Zeeekunless it's the typo in line 20 you are looking for?
16:01.07Silik0nwhats the typo in line 20?
16:01.22Silik0nhah I see it now
16:01.59Silik0nmight be another one on line 26 as well
16:03.08darwin35I have never writen a agi
16:03.25darwin35and for the moment I have a short time to get this working
16:03.45RoyKdarwin35: what's wrong?
16:03.52Silik0nso whats seems to be the problem?
16:04.33darwin35hold a min have to ree look at it
16:04.48Zeeekother than the painful brain loop that occurs when reading it
16:04.54*** join/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
16:05.17*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
16:05.32darwin35its suppost to allow inboud to roll over but block call waiting
16:05.35ZeeekADD A, 1 ; add one to a
16:05.44*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
16:07.27darwin35and if pickupgroup 1 is in use got to pickup group2 and so on
16:07.33*** part/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
16:10.02Zeeekgive me a kinder mental picture, here. Why are there groups of many people? Are they phone hookers classified by some criterion?
16:10.23Zeeekwhy is the particular behavior needed I mean?
16:10.30*** join/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
16:11.21*** part/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
16:14.42*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (
16:14.58RickTickhello All:  Anyone using any Open-Source software for prepaid billing?
16:15.19darwin35for cisci phones to rollover incoming calls
16:15.35darwin35to line2 3 and 4
16:15.38*** join/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
16:15.54*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:16.14Zeeekok I see better now
16:16.30RoyKfor testing, how can i generate, say, 500 calls from one asterisk box  to another, keep them as they queue and then just hang them up? files ?
16:17.27Zeeekfollowed by "restart now"
16:18.13Zeeekthat looks neat!
16:18.27hypa7iayea :-)
16:19.05Zeeekmy family is away :(
16:19.18*** join/#asterisk rajo (
16:24.10*** part/#asterisk szw2001 (~vip@
16:24.22darwin35how do you turn off call waiting in asterisj so it is never used
16:24.48filedarwin35: you mean on a zaptel device?
16:24.57filecause if it's SIP, then it's the phone that does call waiting
16:27.29*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~arkuser@
16:27.53*** join/#asterisk asterisk99 (
16:28.30asterisk99anyone using Sipura phones/adapters?
16:28.42brad[]asterisk99: yes
16:29.04asterisk99brad[]: Did you have problems getting one phone eto ring another?
16:29.42*** join/#asterisk shepherd (
16:30.02asterisk99brad[]: My setup is OK with Grandstreams, but Sipura's won't call each other (I can call voicemail np)
16:30.18Zeeekfile so if the phone does call waiting should the criscos manage that using lines?
16:30.21RoyKdarwin35: setgroup
16:30.24RoyKsee that
16:30.30Zeeekhe saw it
16:30.58Zeeekasterisk99 what exactly happens when you call?
16:31.20brad[]asterisk99: Hrm, that's strange.
16:32.00asterisk99brad[]: After a 5 second delay, I hear the freaky hold music, then a busy tone
16:32.03Zeeekgotta be a sipura dialplan issue
16:32.04*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
16:32.17*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
16:32.26Zeeekfreaky as in "I dodn't put that there"?
16:32.35*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
16:33.00*** join/#asterisk shepherd (
16:33.11*** join/#asterisk kapejod (
16:33.14SuPrSluGdoes teliax offer lnp?
16:33.18Zeeekasterisk99 : what does the CLI say when you make that call?
16:33.23asterisk99Zeeek: No I was making a funny --- the on-hold music is your typical spaced-out new-age 1001 strings Moog music
16:33.35ZeeekI never heard it
16:33.36brad[]Does anyone here have experience trunking a Nortel CICS PBX to asterisk?
16:34.21ZeeekSuPrSluG they do have a site that might say
16:34.26*** part/#asterisk Pkunk (
16:35.05SuPrSluGthey show availble #'s in my area, but nothing definitive on LPN
16:35.18Zeeekemail them
16:35.30asterisk99Zeeek: I see Executing Dial("SIP/ext100-db96","Sip/ext/ext101|5|Ttm")
16:35.59ZeeekSip/ext/ext101 ?
16:36.03asterisk99Zeeek: Folled by ---- Called ext101
16:36.12SuPrSluGi wiil just checking w/ the channel to see iffin somebody else had done it
16:36.17asterisk99Zeeek: I see Executing Dial("SIP/ext100-db96","Sip/ext101|5|Ttm")
16:36.26RoyKbrad[]: just use a t1 or e1...
16:36.42*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
16:36.50Zeeekwhy are you only allowing 5 second to answer?
16:37.10Zeeekand why is there an 'm' for music in the dial?
16:37.11asterisk99Zeeek: Cuz for testing purposes, I didn;t want to wait 20
16:37.20Zeeekbut if it doesn't work...
16:37.21brad[]royK: Um a Nortel CICS doesn't have T1/E1 connections by default.
16:37.26brad[]Dangit, he left
16:37.36Zeeeknaw he's there
16:37.47asterisk99Zeeek: Ohhhh. THAT'S what the m meant
16:37.57Zeeekshow application dial
16:38.01brad[]Zeeek: ?
16:38.06ZeeekI dunno Brad
16:38.21ZeeekI thouhgt nortel was an old satteilte
16:38.59Zeeekor maybe I was confusing them with nortronics that made tape heads in the 60s
16:39.32Zeeekasterisk99 : still doesn't expalin the sipura difference
16:39.38asterisk99Zeeek: exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/ext100,15,Tt)
16:40.01asterisk99Zeeek: exten => 100,2,Macro(vmessage,100)
16:40.01Zeeekok what happens?
16:40.15asterisk99Zeeek: exten => 100,3,Hangup
16:40.59asterisk99Zeeek: exten => 101 (sames as 100 except 101)
16:41.09shepherdbrad[]: can CICS do voip?
16:41.23Zeeekactually it needs to be 102
16:41.35*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
16:41.45asterisk99Zeeek: 102??
16:41.59Zeeekoh you meant the extension
16:42.04asterisk99Zeeek: yes
16:42.06brad[]shepherd: It can do H323, but the only way available to this particular one (without spending lots of cash) is to trunk with analog lines
16:42.10Zeeekhave you looked at any simple examples?
16:42.13asterisk99Zeeek: yes
16:42.33Zeeekbecause the vm stuff is usually done with priorities
16:42.47shepherdasterisk support h323 (somewhat) you can try using that :)
16:42.55Zeeekthe classic "oneline" macro for ex
16:43.17shepherdwait... so you have to pay for h323?
16:43.24brad[]shepherd: Can't - that would involve spending hundreds of dollars on the correct module to implement H323 support (Yay Nortel!)
16:43.44shepherdyeah.. you can do analog lines
16:43.46shepherdor t1
16:43.59asterisk99Zeeek:   OK, now I can call one to the other (but the adapter does not cause a ring)
16:44.02brad[]shepherd: Are you familiar with the configuration involved on the Nortel?
16:44.13shepherdgood luck with that
16:44.47Zeeekasterisk99 : you mean the phone connected doesn't ring?
16:44.54Zeeekthat would be a local sipura issue
16:45.33asterisk99Zeeek:   Correct.., the only ring is thru the earpiece of ext100 when it calls ext101   (if I pick up ext101, the phones connect)
16:46.06Zeeekit may be the phone - what is it? European?
16:46.20ZeeekI have this problem with some phones
16:46.34asterisk99Zeeek:   Sipura (China)
16:46.51Zeeekoh I though you said adapter
16:47.18Zeeeksounds like the rig is set to zero or something dumb like that
16:47.26asterisk99Zeeek:   I bought both the Sipura 1001 adapter and thhe 841 deskphone
16:47.55*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
16:48.06Zeeekand what is connected to the ATA ?
16:49.01*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
16:49.03asterisk99Zeeek:   A Uniden is connected to the ATA (it works fine with the Grandstream ATA)
16:49.47asterisk99Zeeek:   It's a maddenly simple system
16:55.41*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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17:12.26W1thdrawafter i make changes to my sip.conf do i have to restart or can i just type reload at the cli?
17:13.14kapejodreload is enough.
17:13.28W1thdrawok thanks
17:13.35kapejodeven "sip reload"
17:13.51Silik0nW1thdraw: just type sip reload you dont ahve to reload everything
17:14.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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17:26.01shepherdor metallica?
17:26.58Sedoroxmetallica SUCKS...
17:30.02W1thdrawim having trouble dialing to diff extensions can someone have a look at this?
17:30.24RoyKno way
17:30.42RoyKi wonder how many runs large asterisk installations....
17:30.46MikeJ[Laptop]Unable to find a path from gsm to g729
17:30.53MikeJ[Laptop]there you go
17:31.33shepherdyeah.. you might have to buy some g729 licenses if you haven't already
17:31.35W1thdrawhow do i fix that
17:31.50shepherdthat works too
17:31.53MikeJ[Laptop]or buy license
17:32.00W1thdrawim poor
17:32.01shepherdin sip.conf
17:32.04W1thdrawso disable
17:32.18shepherdg729 is like $10
17:32.29shepherddon't give us that poor crap :)
17:32.38*** join/#asterisk newl (
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17:32.57SedoroxI was expeciting it to be like $100/license
17:33.18RoyKi wonder how many runs large asterisk installations.... large as in several thousands of users and 20-30k calls per day
17:33.23Mocit 10$ per channel used
17:33.24W1thdrawhmmm is it worth buying the license?
17:33.36RoyKW1thdraw: depends on what you want
17:33.42shepherdif your phones support gsm.. use gsm
17:33.43Sedoroxnot bad
17:33.45W1thdrawim just doinf this for a high school project
17:33.47RoyKgsm can do, but bad audio
17:33.58RoyKW1thdraw: then just use gsm or g711
17:33.59DevZer0newbie question, is it possible to connect multiple locations asterix PBX over the internet ?
17:34.02RoyKor g726
17:34.06shepherdulaw has the best audio quality
17:34.10RoyKdevel: yes
17:34.12shepherdbut uses lots of bandwidth
17:34.13RoyKshepherd: alaw!!!
17:34.17shepherdor alwa
17:34.18Mocg726 is great EXCEPT when audio volume is high..
17:34.20shepherdalaw :)
17:34.31RoyKulaw is evil
17:34.43shepherdso is alaw :)
17:35.18shepherdDevZer0: of course it is!
17:36.00shepherdunless you are talking about redundant asterisk boxes..
17:36.05shepherdthen that's a little sketchy
17:36.32RoyKdoes anyone have a HA-solution for *?
17:36.40W1thdrawok now i got a diff error
17:37.13RoyKW1thdraw: codec?
17:37.25W1thdrawi dont know
17:37.34RoyKtry disallow=all, allow=alaw
17:37.37RoyKstart there
17:37.42RoyKin sip.conf
17:37.44RoyKor iax.conf
17:37.45W1thdrawi just disabled gsm729
17:37.46RoyKor both
17:37.59RoyKg729 or gsm?
17:38.15shepherddo your phones support gsm?
17:38.24shepherdwhat do your phone support?
17:38.24RoyKW1thdraw: disallow=all
17:38.30W1thdrawi have a spa841 and spa2002
17:38.35RoyKtry that first
17:38.44RoyKW1thdraw: ok?
17:38.51shepherddo that
17:39.19W1thdrawdo i put that under each device id bracket?
17:39.57shepherdor globally above them
17:40.56W1thdrawo wait in my sip i have allow=g729 under each one
17:42.22W1thdrawi just removed all that crap and it works now
17:42.29shepherdtry gsm now :)
17:42.50*** join/#asterisk jabbzy (
17:42.55jabbzyhey folkes
17:43.45W1thdrawow crap i should have dialed one phone on speaker then picked up the other w/ speaker
17:45.13jabbzycould someone take a look at the the following on the pastebin  - its an SIP invite (asterisk as the client) that doesn't seem to register.  Should I be "concerned" about the IP address in the "call-id" - its a local host.  All other addresses are either sanitised or on the test system.
17:51.53DevZer0what sort of a PCI card i need to plug in digital phones to asterix ?
17:52.23shepherdas in t1, e1, isdn?
17:52.29*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta_PM (
17:52.44RoyKwhat digital phones_
17:53.04shepherdsingle t1 or multiple t1s?
17:53.07DevZer0see what we have is voice T1 comming in
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17:53.15DevZer0and then goes to like 48 extensions
17:53.28DevZer0what i dont understand is where i plug the extensions
17:53.39filechannel bank
17:53.49DevZer0ah ok
17:53.59shepherdyou can use a digium te110p or te405p or te410p
17:54.07DevZer0ah cool thanks..
17:54.36filekapejod: I know you... but where... ah, Junghanns
17:54.44RoyKdevel: sangoma is better :)
17:54.49shepherdno it's not
17:54.54shepherddon't believe the hype :)
17:55.09fileyou're just another Matt from Digium I bet
17:55.12RoyKit is
17:55.24kapejodfile: yes, sir! ;)
17:56.17*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
17:57.30newmediankapejod: when will ISDNguard.pdf be available?
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17:58.06newmedian(minus the PDF)
17:58.18kapejodnewmedian: it is available :)
17:58.30newmediankapejod: but not listed on the main site?
17:58.46kapejodnewmedian: that is because the new website is not online, yet ;)
17:58.53kapejodnewmedian: too much BRI to stuff ;)
17:59.44newmediankapejod: ah. By the way, does the QuadBRI now work in North America?
18:00.25kapejodnewmedian: no.
18:00.34kapejodnewmedian: it has a S/T interface anyway
18:01.45newmediankapejod: Do you know roughly when the new website will be online?
18:02.54kapejodnewmedian: somewhen during the next week
18:03.13*** join/#asterisk juice (
18:04.31kapejodnewmedian: de rien.
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18:09.16Blackvelhi kapejod, how is work today? :)
18:09.54kapejodhi Blackvel, what is work?
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18:10.28Blackveldamn java debugging
18:10.36kapejodjava is for girls.
18:10.48Blackvelwant to ask me for a date?
18:10.56Blackvelnot java multi threading
18:11.14kapejodBlackvel: i dont like that type of girls. ;)
18:11.39Blackvelbut yeah, I would kick me in my ass if I had to programm libpri q931 or whatever the name was :)
18:12.11Blackvelthat was a really bad week months ago when I tried to port your bristuff to cvs head
18:12.18kapejodsometimes people choose to do strange things
18:12.25Blackvellike you
18:12.40kapejodRC8d-CVS will be out tonight
18:12.56BlackvelI fear to tough my system
18:13.07kapejodgirly girl ;P
18:13.11Blackvelrc7k runs that nice with 1.06 + fwd + gmx + nikotel :)
18:13.21Blackveltoo much girly
18:13.23kapejodour production * runs on cvs
18:13.45BlackvelI let others test first
18:14.07Blackvelnoone can tell me what weird things I have to expect when I upgrade asterisk to cvs head
18:14.15Blackvelmaybe nikotel doesn't work then anymore
18:14.20Blackvelor again problem with internals ip
18:14.26kapejodyou will never find out ;)
18:14.42BlackvelI am really old school
18:14.51Blackvelwhen I use new software I want to know of the benefits
18:16.34Blackvelkapejod: oh well, its more than 6 month ago that iaxtel worked for me for inbound calls :)
18:16.38Blackvelnever found out way
18:17.01Blackvelif I may ask what voip provider have you connected to your company pbx?
18:17.11Blackveldo you have connected
18:18.06kapejodi recently got an isdn voice flatrate :)
18:18.18kapejodi dont believe in that voip stuff ;-P
18:18.57Blackvelbut only germany
18:19.15Blackveldon't say that too loud
18:20.06kapejodyes, .de only
18:20.11Blackvelarcor? :)
18:20.26Blackvelare you sure that they don't use voip?
18:20.34*** part/#asterisk liamk (
18:20.36Zeeekvoip is poo
18:20.41Zeeekand it never works
18:20.52kapejodjust marketing blabla
18:21.00Zeeekthe bubble is about to burst
18:21.09Blackvelmaybe works for direct * to *
18:21.12ZeeekI sold all my cisco stock yesterday
18:21.15Blackvelbut not with providers in bewteen
18:21.32Blackvelsee broadvoice
18:21.38brad[]Nortel PBX. Anyone familiar?
18:21.40Blackvelso many ppl complain that many times about it
18:21.52Zeeekactually my wife just called thru our NuFone DID a few moments ago and it was perfect
18:22.11kapejodit's just that so many people doing voip lack so much knowledge :)
18:22.16Zeeekwe haven't talked this much since I was "courting"
18:22.22BlackvelZeeek: what did do you own? uk? us? how much money?
18:22.30Zeeekcisco US
18:22.43ZeeekI can't discuss it here, it's against US trade regs
18:22.51Zeeekmight start a rush ya see
18:23.01Zeeekpeople have gone to jail for that
18:23.11Blackvelfor talking about nufone?
18:23.11*** join/#asterisk jmcorgan (
18:23.13Zeeekno cisco
18:23.39Zeeektalking about nufone is more dangerous
18:23.54kapejodyou get shot straight away, no jail involved ;)
18:24.01gambolputtycan a context have a dash character in it?
18:24.11Zeeekfirst you get ignored. Then yiu get shot :)
18:24.14jmcorganneed help with ENUM and NAT when lookup return SIP technology
18:24.20Zeeekgambolputty yes
18:24.23jmcorgani have * behind linksys
18:24.34jmcorganSIP works with broadvoice in and out, so set up is okay in sip.conf
18:24.34kapejodjmcorgan: install * on linksys
18:24.47jmcorganusing nat=yes and externip=...
18:24.56Zeeekports forwarded?
18:25.19jmcorganbut when using ENUM and it returns SIP, * doesn't use NAT, so one-way audio
18:25.33jmcorganhow do I force it to use nat for all SIP?
18:25.57jmcorganputting nat=yes in the [general] section of sip.conf doesn't seem to work
18:26.10Zeeekmine is behind linksys but I never saw that problem
18:26.25ManxPowerjmcorgan: sip show peer <peername> will show you the nat setting for that.
18:26.45ManxPowerremember that if you Dial(SIP/blah@hostorip) it won't use the peer section of sip.conf
18:26.53PTG123will force it always to use nat
18:26.56PTG123and canreinvite=no
18:27.04Zeeekyes I always forget that
18:27.06jmcorganPTG123: where do those go?
18:27.26jmcorganPTG123: I use those settings already in a peer section for broadvoice, it works for broadvoice calls in and out
18:27.54jmcorganPTG123: but for ENUM calls, where the dial string is like how manxpower just said, i guess it doesn't look at sip.conf general section
18:27.55PTG123in sip.conf
18:28.14PTG123you have something wrong if its not looking at sip.conf
18:28.15PTG123well wait
18:28.18PTG123is your box behind a firewall?
18:28.24jmcorganptg123: yes, it is
18:28.37PTG123and how is your box connecting to the provider?
18:28.42PTG123and your sip device is INSIDE the firewall?
18:28.47jmcorganptg123: and * is working fine with SIP and NAT inbound and outbound on broadvoice, so I know it's all working that way
18:28.57jmcorganit's only ENUM based calls over SIP that don't work
18:29.08ManxPowerjmcorgan: file a bug report.
18:29.09*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
18:29.26jmcorganmanxpower: was hoping *I* was the bug :-)
18:29.49PTG123answer my last question
18:30.15jmcorganPTG123: the * box is making an ENUM lookup, which returns a SIP technology string that is used in the dial command
18:30.46PTG123the sip device is where
18:30.59jmcorganPTG123: the SIP device is Asterisk
18:31.04Zeeekother end
18:31.12jmcorganPTG123: yes
18:31.29PTG123where does the enum record get returned from
18:31.33Zeeekwhat is the resulting string of the ENUM lookup?
18:31.36PTG123the quick answer is it may not be possible to make it work
18:31.43PTG123the enum lookup might be returning an external ip
18:31.46PTG123so the asterisk uses it
18:31.51PTG123but its own ip is the external ip it returns
18:31.57PTG123and firewalls don't like to route back in
18:31.58PTG123don't ask me why
18:32.03jmcorgani've captured SIP packets
18:32.07PTG123anyone in here do alot of international calling?
18:32.28Zeeekto the US, yes
18:32.34jmcorganthe returned enum lookup is SIP/
18:32.48Zeeekwhat happens if you dial it without using ENUM?
18:33.17Zeeekit isn't in your own domain is it?
18:33.46jmcorgancaptured SIP packets show the INVITE goes out, the TRYING comes back, a PROGRESS comes back (with SDP info), then * sends a stream of RTP packets out to the remote RTP port
18:34.11jmcorganbut the INVITE * sends out has my internal IP in it in the SDP header
18:34.20jmcorganso the return packets never arrive
18:34.37PTG123well asterisk shouldn't do that if its set up properly
18:34.39PTG123well first of all
18:34.49PTG123is the default in sip.conf set to canreinvite=no and nat=yes
18:34.53PTG123for all things
18:34.55PTG123in the top of the file
18:35.11jmcorganPTG123: nat=yes and externip=.... but not canreinvite
18:35.20PTG123what the hell put it as well
18:35.23jmcorganPTG123: I guess I can try adding canreinvite=no
18:35.32jmcorganstandby while I do that
18:36.01Zeeekwe're all standing by :)
18:37.54*** join/#asterisk theHub (
18:38.41fileyou need externip AND localnet
18:38.44ZeeekManxPower on the off chance that you enjoy vegetarian cuisine...
18:39.55Zeeekfile: is that because * look at the header and if it is the same as localnet say "oh-oh, I screwed up!"
18:40.52jmcorganok, even with 'canreinvite=no', 'externip=(my external ip)', and 'nat=yes' in the [general] section of sip.conf, * sends a INVITE out that has, in the SDP portion of the packet, 'c=IN IP4', which is obviously an internal IP address, hence audio from the remote end never arrives
18:41.08fileZeeek: well it tells asterisk when to use the internal IP in headers, and when to use the external IP
18:41.14filejmcorgan: you need localnet
18:41.37*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
18:42.01shmaltzI'm getting unresolved symboles when running make install for zaptel, but not when modprobing it
18:42.04jmcorganfile: as in localnet=
18:42.05blitzragelike file said, you need localnet to tell Asterisk what networks are local
18:42.09shmaltzwhould I worry about this?
18:42.13filethere's an example in sip.conf
18:42.18jmcorganfile: I'll check the actual syntax on the wiki
18:42.27kapejodshmaltz: not with a 2.6 kernel
18:42.28jmcorganfile: and let you know in a couple minutes if that fixed it
18:42.39shmaltzwell, I'm runnign 2.4.29
18:42.47filejmcorgan: ie, localnet=
18:42.48blitzragejmcorgan: either /24 or / I believe are valid.... but not positive - check sip.conf.sample, not the wiki
18:43.24jmcorganfile: but odd that localnet isn't needed in the peer section for broadvoice when using sip and nat
18:43.33jmcorganblitzrage: thanks, will do
18:43.39filethey might have NAT stuff enabled
18:43.53blitzrageprobably do since nat=yes doesn't hurt anything if you're not behind NAT
18:43.55fileand localnet and externip aren't valid in peer entries
18:43.59Zeeekor it may not work tomorrow
18:44.08jmcorganzeeek: ouch
18:44.25jmcorganok, standby
18:44.41blitzrageaiiight, I'm out. Gone to play beach volleyball
18:44.42Zeeekas to the
18:44.57fileblitzrage: Wearing a shirt? or just swimming trunks? eh? EH?
18:45.16Zeeeknetmask question, they should both work but no one has ever written that down authoratatively AFAIK
18:45.34Zeeekheard a good one last night
18:45.38blitzragefile: its cold here, I'm wearing clothes :)
18:45.38ZeeekBoxing is gay
18:45.42fileblitzrage: Gah
18:45.43jmcorganfile: you are now my official * guru
18:45.52filejmcorgan: HA
18:45.56Zeeektwo men in silk shorts fighting over a belt
18:46.08blitzragejmcorgan: too late, I already claimed file, lol
18:46.16blitzrageZeeek: lol
18:46.23jmcorganin otherwords, localnet fixed the problem
18:46.30Zeeekit was a gay comedian btw, I would never dare
18:46.38*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
18:46.42blitzrageaiiight, peas y'all!
18:46.46filebye bye Leif
18:46.50Zeeekbye blitz
18:47.20shepherdheh.. awesome.. asterisk is eating up 85% cpu in idle
18:47.49jmcorganok, so now i have ENUM working, if the lookup fails, it falls back to broadvoice
18:48.11jmcorgancool.  thanks everyone
18:48.25filenow, come to Cluecon and buy me supper or something!
18:48.35shepherd9624 asterisk    84.3% 10:17:46  11    46   408  2.54M  4.65M  3.09M  38.4M
18:48.43Zeeek<watch out for the something part>
18:49.51jmcorganfile: ever heard of 'Scores'?
18:50.04jmcorganfile: down in Naperville or somewhere close by?
18:50.25jmcorganoh, it's "Gentleman's Club"
18:50.37jmcorgannot too far from where Cluecon will be
18:53.01Zeeekthe FBI is monitoring this channel
18:53.20docelmoFemale Body Inspectors?
18:53.30jmcorganwell, that would have been in the "or something" category
18:55.30jmcorgananyway, thanks for the (free) help, irc still beats google :-)
18:55.35m0f0xCan someone show me a sample of sip.conf, with some users on it? My users can't identify themselves on Asterisk
18:56.36fileI meant or something as in food for another time :P
18:57.05*** join/#asterisk slePP (
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19:03.33shmaltzI'm getting unresolved symboles when running make install for zaptel, but not when modprobing it
19:03.34shmaltzshould I worry about this?
19:06.50*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
19:07.29Blackveland kapejod is complaining about OO and Java? hahaha
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19:19.48shmaltzit's just a plain sunday, let be rest
19:22.54newmedianAnyone seen Unleashed? pass/fail?
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19:31.33W1thdrawanyone know if there is somekind of demo that asterisk can go thru, i need it for a presentation
19:31.54Zeeekthere are little features you can demo like the directory
19:32.24Zeeekthe echo test is a flop as demo except for hardcore geeks
19:32.37*** join/#asterisk valence (
19:32.45Zeeekvoicemail retrieval is demoable
19:32.48W1thdrawyeah its for a high school project
19:32.58W1thdrawim just trying to figure out what im gonna show them
19:33.09Zeeekif you're willing to write twenty lines of extensions you can do amazing stuff
19:33.19newmedianhave an app ask them to guess a number, or a bigger-than-a-breadbox thing.
19:33.23newmedianOr hook up an eliza to it.
19:33.30Zeeeklike an annoying bank IVR menu
19:33.47Zeeekfind the agrressive wakeup application
19:33.54W1thdrawanyone know where i can find a few interesting ext files?
19:34.11*** join/#asterisk vpp (
19:34.14Zeeekit rings you at a programmable time and then asks you for the answer to a numerci question
19:34.27vppcan u get all extensions to ring in asterisk?
19:34.35Zeeektake a look at
19:34.45Zeeekthere is a movie theater demo in it
19:34.56Zeeekvpp how many are there?
19:35.05vppfor now
19:35.13Zeeekthe dial app syntax is available
19:35.22Zeeekshow application dial
19:35.45W1thdrawi dont even know what that is
19:35.46Zeeek$EVERYONE = $phone1&$phone2
19:36.01Zeeekthat was for vpp
19:36.39Zeeek$EVERYONE = $phone1&$phone2 <- mising proper syntax, look it up
19:36.49Zeeekthe key is the &
19:37.43ZeeekDial(SIP/2000&IAX/yermutha,25,T) <-mistake here too, look it up
19:38.09ZeeekW1thdraw look at the site and find the downloadable PDF there are several examples in it
19:38.40W1thdrawthis site
19:38.40ZeeekI received my first tsunami nigerian spam yesterday
19:38.53Zeeektake a look at <- yes this site
19:38.56W1thdrawkewl thanks
19:40.46ZeeekW1thdraw you lmight check here too:
19:40.50Zeeeksome fragments
19:41.11ZeeekI've heard of a few interesting apps (in case you need stuff to say?)
19:41.34Zeeeklike a call in amazon order system when they dial a book number and asterisk looks it up and says the title
19:43.06*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
19:43.14W1thdrawnice that would be kewl
19:43.25W1thdrawbut the school wont let me connect anything to the network
19:43.42W1thdrawbecause of a past incident
19:44.13W1thdrawthey would let me use a computer in my project so i setup asterisk on my xbox
19:44.35fileQuicktime makes me sad
19:44.44newmedianeducational institutions make me sad
19:45.06*** join/#asterisk x9net (
19:49.08SuPrSluGjust checked out teliax. weird!! from what i've gleaned, they charge a $.02 connect fee for BOTH inbound/outbound calls AND $.02/min thereafter for BOTH incoming AND outgoing calls.
19:49.45SuPrSluGdevil's always in the details
19:50.31SuPrSluGoh plus $4.95/mo DID
19:57.40*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
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19:58.50newmedianAssuming you weren't trying to "maximize your profit," i.e. make somewhere between cost and cost+30%, does providing DID & Termination at a flat fee (no per-minute charges) work out? Or are you basically forced to play the per-minute game if you want to be profitable.
19:59.25Qwellif you can get minutes cheap enough, sure
19:59.25*** join/#asterisk nvrs (
19:59.33Qwellthere is no such thing as an "unlimited" plan though
19:59.56newmedianQwell: I mean, opening up a business as a provider of DID & Termination for one or more area codes.
20:00.07*** join/#asterisk Trakk (
20:00.29QwellWhat I said still applies
20:00.31newmedianNot farming out the actual conversion to a third-party.
20:00.49rabelaisI'm looking to transfer my broadvoice number over to a different provider because broadvoice's downtime is simply unacceptable, I'm just plain fed up...but I'm concerned about this number transfer issue, is the number truly now with my new service provider (say for ex, telasip), or is it still with broadvoice, just being forwarded over to telasip, and thus might still be subject to the same horrible outages that plagued m
20:00.49rabelaisy broadvoice doing a number transfer, am I truly free of broadvoice, or am I still somehow still tied to their systems?
20:01.17QwellI don't think you can transfer the number from broadvoice
20:01.44rabelaisQwell, why not?
20:01.54newmedianQwell: other than for burstable bandwidth issues, aren't the PRIs at fixed known cost? And DIDs scale per usage as a pass-along expense. So is it just the bandwidth you are referring to? or?
20:01.59Qwellbecause you don't own the number, like you would with say Verizon
20:02.05PTG123fyah you can
20:02.06QwellBroadvoice still owns the number
20:02.09PTG123you just have to show the bill
20:02.13PTG123doesn't matter :)
20:02.17PTG123you prove its yours with a bill
20:02.35rabelaisQwell: but I can transfer numbers _to_ broadvoice, what happens then? they steal the number away?
20:02.37PTG123if you own it, it just makes it easier
20:02.39rabelaisthat doesn't make senes
20:03.09rabelaiswhatever...this is a technicality, that's not what I'm concerned about
20:03.40rabelaisI'm worried about what happens if broadvoice's service goes down (like it does all the time) will that cause problems with my transferred number?
20:03.55Qwellnot if it gets transferred
20:04.03ZeeekI still say the end users should be able to buy numbers, like domain names
20:04.06rabelaisbasically, I'm asking, am I really free from broadvoice once a number is transferred over?
20:04.28BlackvelI think it would be better
20:04.35Blackvelto be able to buy numbers as dns names
20:04.39QwellThen you'd have squatters
20:04.47Qwellsomebody could easily buy an NPA
20:04.51Blackveland to be free to forward them to any provider you want
20:04.55rabelaisBlackvel: all you're promoting now is enum  ;)
20:05.21Blackvelthis "port of one number to an provider which you will change because of quality problems in 1 month" is kinda useless
20:05.28ZeeekQwell well domain squatting has settled down quite a bit
20:05.30Blackveloh am I? I was not aware of :)
20:05.40QwellZeeek: not really...
20:05.48rabelaisBlackvel: in one month?
20:05.53Zeeekoh yes, considerably - but it's still a problem
20:05.54Blackvel2 weeks
20:06.02TrakkGuys.. I'm having a problem with a new Asterisk@Home install. I have created 2 extensions. I can not make either of them ring. It keeps going directly to voicemail.
20:06.03rabelaisBlackvel: I've been fed up biwh their service for 9 months
20:06.18Blackvelwhy do you stay?
20:06.21Zeeekwhere is that @home forum again?
20:06.36TrakkForum would be nice.
20:06.36Blackvelbecause of your ported did?
20:06.40rabelaisBlackvel: hence, I'm not giving them the benefit of the doubt
20:06.42Zeeekthere is one
20:06.51Zeeeklook at the sourceforge page I think
20:07.31rabelaisBlackvel: not sure, I'm probably going to go to telasip, though I was debating sixtel as well
20:07.55Qwellsixtel sounds more like an ipv6 tunnel broker
20:07.56Blackvelare that US providers?
20:07.57TrakkI'm so overwhelmed with the new concepts, and my wife is driving me batty
20:08.05Zeeekand well she should!
20:08.19BlackvelTrakk: about what concepts?
20:08.19rabelaisyes, us providers
20:09.20rabelaisso does anyone know what happens at the routing level if I do a number transfer? will a dialed call go to broadvoice's pbx/routers and _then_ be transferred over to the transferred provider, or will it go straight to my new provider, never seeing broadvoice's system ever
20:10.34TrakkDID / CDR / DialPlan / Scripting
20:10.56TrakkI'm looking for something that will give me a basis for understanding it.
20:11.07jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:11.36rabelaisTrakk: just run through the wiki, that's gonna be the most valuable source for you
20:12.45ZeeekStarter tutorial:
20:12.46ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
20:13.02Zeeekthen look at the wiki especially about dialplan
20:13.16TrakkYea.. I'm looking for references like what the O'Riely books did for Perl and documentation
20:13.26ZeeekLook at asteriskdocs above
20:13.32TrakkI'm on it.
20:13.38Zeeekthere is a PDF you can print and read on the train
20:13.52Zeeek(or behind the wheel if you are on the freeway in L.A.)
20:14.33TrakkI have a 70mile commute (each way) to work.
20:14.38Trakkmostly highway
20:15.05Zeeekok, get a TTS program and read it onto a cassette!
20:15.14Zeeekgod that would sheisse to listen to :)
20:15.27*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
20:16.36ZeeekTrakk here are some great wiki pages about the heart of asterisk, the dialplan:
20:17.02ZeeekThe wiki has a huge amount of stuff but it is awkward to work with at first
20:18.45*** join/#asterisk Veto (
20:20.14shmaltzZeeek, the one is wrong
20:20.36Zeeekyou mean it has wrong stuff or a bad link
20:21.05shmaltzit says only 2 situations it will do match as you go
20:21.13shmaltzdisa will also do match as you go
20:21.14*** join/#asterisk Johnsie (
20:21.22rvhiany use cdr_mysql?
20:21.29shmaltzrvhi, yep
20:21.46Zeeekwrong by omission - still the wiki (as I warned) is quirky and hard to use at first but has a lot of great info
20:21.47rvhii load the module and modify the config file
20:21.52rvhibut can't make it work
20:22.11Zeeekshmaltz you should correct the wiki if you're sure of what you're saying
20:22.21rvhiany suggestion on where to start troubleshoot?
20:22.29*** join/#asterisk Veto (
20:22.33shmaltzZeeek, I will when I have a chance
20:22.36TrakkThe dialplan on this @home install is insane
20:22.38shmaltztoo busy at the moment
20:22.45shmaltzI always do
20:22.53shmaltzTrakk, really?
20:22.55Zeeekplease don't talk about @hole here
20:22.56Trakkwhich is one of the reasons I'm overwhelmed
20:22.59shmaltzso why did you intall it?
20:23.07Zeeekforget that stuff and just install asterisk
20:23.07Trakkthey use an AGI
20:23.14TrakkI didn't know it did..
20:23.19shmaltzit's the most stupidest thing I have seen (A@H)
20:23.26Zeeekyour wife is trying to tell you : learn asterisk!
20:23.45Zeeekand there is an @hole forum
20:23.47TrakkI wanted to start with something simple with a web UI
20:23.51Trakkso I could experiment..
20:23.54Zeeekbad mistake!
20:24.03Trakkthen go back.
20:24.05Zeeeklike learning sex by masturbating
20:24.08Trakkto bare-bones
20:24.12Zeeekcopyright zeeek 2005
20:24.26TrakkI claim prior art
20:25.32TrakkAt least I knew what I liked!
20:25.40newmediansticky digiums
20:25.52Zeeekset the sticky bit
20:25.53TrakkOk. I'll wipe the system, and install new.
20:26.02Trakkso.. debian?
20:26.26Zeeekyou guys remember the opost to the video card forum about the guy whose "friend got sperm on his CPU"?
20:27.05Zeeekthat was the funniest thread in the history of the internet
20:28.40newmedianSo, informally, is Debian the preferred base rather than something like CentOS?
20:29.31Blackvelzeeek: that was the funniest statement which I have ever read about :)
20:29.48ZeeekI can't find that post but it's hilarious
20:30.11Blackvelnah your action thing above comparing asterisk vi and sex :)
20:30.13Zeeek"so my friend was upgrading his system and..."
20:31.11shmaltzZeeek, here is the new version:
20:31.21Zeeekyes, I'm proud of that. Especially since I wouldn't know a protocol if it came up and bit me but I somehow knew it wouldn't  get better if I wimped out with a GUI when setting up asterisk ;)
20:31.47Zeeekshmaltz, thanks for fixing that, we all owe to the "communiy" to fix these horros
20:32.57*** join/#asterisk darby_d (
20:33.08shmaltz~ google friend got sperm on his CPU
20:33.24shmaltz~google friend got sperm on his CPU
20:33.24filehe must have really like his CPU
20:34.52newmedianYou're on a Quest for Sperm
20:36.25*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
20:37.30Zeeekok guys here it is enjoy!
20:37.50ZeeekLets say a "friend" of mine was "pleasuring himself" in the middle of working on upgrading his PC, with the card on the table, he made a "mess" of the card.
20:38.24Zeeek"Hmm I take it you have a thing for hardware parts? Anyway you can just RMA it I'll doubt they'll check for semen."
20:38.39*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (
20:38.50*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
20:40.45Zeeek2- pages of posts
20:44.57shmaltzZeeek, that is great
20:45.15shmaltzI don't think it was the sperm that damaged it though
20:45.34shmaltzb/c sperm is an insulator, and not a conductor ;)
20:45.39shido6what the fug?
20:45.49shmaltzshido6, hi
20:45.50shido6keep your porn away from the dells
20:45.56Zeeeksomeone said that but saltwater IS a conductor
20:46.00Zeeek"Wow I tried applying this to my 6800 GT and I have had no more freezes! Woohoo! I suggest everyone should try this as it seems to work wonderfully and increases your benchmark scores ,it also gives you pleasure and satisfaction"
20:46.22shmaltzZeeek, well I didn't see this
20:46.31Zeeekhard to read all 28 pages!
20:46.35shmaltzhowever it is a contuctor for human life ;/
20:47.02ZeeekOk I have a sad update.
20:47.02ZeeekEarlier I applied the semen to my card and thought I had struck gold because my freezing problems stopped and my speeds increased. Well my problems are back big time. I called an Nvidia doctor and they informed me that my card is now more than likely pregnant. He said my card will start craving exotic voltages and will get bloated and slow way down. He suggested I dump the card before it starts costing me mega bucks and just get with another
20:47.32ZeeekI'm tellin' ya, 28 pages
20:47.47shmaltz#10 is not bad
20:47.54Zeeekthis thread was linked to in every hardware forum in 2003 apparently
20:48.37shmaltzbkw_ can I have a talk with you
20:51.27Zeeek" So he misread the instructions and thought it said "spermal compound" instead of "thermal". Probably a cummon mistake"
20:52.20bkw__shmaltz, take it here
20:54.07bkw__Zeeek, dude please...
20:57.19Zeeek"SPI Support (Scalable Penis Insert)"
20:58.17shmaltzZeeek, enough take it to #p0rn
20:58.20ZeeekThat has to be the best thing a few teenage amles have ever done in the history of the world
20:58.29Zeeekyeah that's it
20:58.44bkw__Zeeek, if you wanna keep that up you must email me pictures of yourself nude
20:58.50Zeeekjoin ãsterisk-politiks
20:58.58bkw__with the words "BKW RULES" on your body somewhere.
20:59.22bkw__gotta have proof.... :P
20:59.23Zeeekbkw_ that's what they kept asking for on that forum they wanted me^H^H my friend to show proof
20:59.50filebkw__: guess what I have...
20:59.58ZeeekI already have BKW RULES *shaved* on my ample chest hair rug, and I'm straight!
21:00.09bkw__take pictures.. I gotta see this
21:00.17ZeeekI'll do anything for the asterisk community
21:00.18filebkw__: I have to rewire my room to get that box back online, I've run out of power Captain
21:00.39filemakes me sad
21:00.44shmaltzgtg guys
21:00.45Blackvelfile: how that
21:00.47shmaltzc ya later
21:01.01Blackvelare you missing a power socket?
21:01.03Zeeekshmaltz is better than butter
21:01.22filenot enough power plugs
21:01.48rabelaiscan I reload just the iax config?
21:01.53rabelaissorta like how I do sip reload
21:02.07rabelaisah, ok...thank you
21:02.36Blackvelfile: what box is it?
21:03.07fileBlackvel: the 64-bit box I have
21:03.19filelemme get it back up and running and make an ISO
21:03.21fileand see if she works
21:05.10*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
21:05.21Blackvelwhat are you doing with it?
21:06.31filebkw__: oh right, I couldn't get a kernel made
21:06.46Blackvelhow many boxes do you have in your room? :)
21:06.50fileit hated the modules_install
21:06.54fileBlackvel: Right now?
21:07.11fileI've got a Mac, my regular server, my 64-bit workstation, my laptop, and a server being prepped to go to colo
21:07.14Blackvelhaha..will that change even?
21:07.41Blackvelmost ppl nowadays have their own server
21:08.05drumkilladang file, you've got me beat by one
21:08.09drumkillawe'd be even if my xbox didn'
21:08.12drumkillat die :(
21:08.14*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
21:08.14Blackvelwhats colo?
21:08.24Blackvel<- stupid
21:08.32Zeeekmakes you feel high for an hour
21:08.36drumkillawhere someone else takes care of your stuff
21:08.42drumkillafeeds it ... takes it on walks
21:09.06shepherdhey russell :)
21:09.14drumkillahey shepherd
21:09.19drumkillawhat's up?
21:09.37fileRussell Wussell is so cute
21:09.37shmaltzZeeek, how do you know about it:
21:09.39shmaltzZeeekshmaltz is better than butter
21:09.42shepherdtrying to figure out why asterisk would be eating 85% cpu on idle
21:10.01shepherdmpg123 not installed
21:10.07shepherdthis is mac though
21:10.17fileshepherd: add noload => to modules.conf, restart asterisk, and see if it goes down
21:10.18drumkillaasterisk 0wz j00r b0x3n!
21:11.08Zeeekshmaltz I didn't mean... ummmm
21:11.29ZeeekI mean for cooking!
21:11.29shmaltznope, not at all
21:11.30shmaltzI"m laughing
21:11.32ZeeekI love when there's some burnt chicken stuff in it
21:11.36shmaltzI'm just asking how you know what shmaltz is?
21:11.55Zeeekethinc cleansing failed in our neighborhood in 1941
21:12.07shmaltzwhere u from?
21:12.12fileZeeek: you smell like feet
21:12.20W1thdrawto reload the musiconhold.conf do i have to restart it or can i just "reload"?
21:12.22ZeeekI should take my shoes off
21:12.31shmaltzZeeek, where you from?
21:12.34ZeeekI was born centuries ago in Minnesota
21:12.40fileW1thdraw: restart
21:12.55shmaltzZeeek, and you have got yiddish speaking ppl there?
21:13.02Zeeeknow I live in Paris staying one page ahead of people who read English a little slower than I do
21:13.15Zeeekfrankly I never learned it
21:13.39W1thdrawfile, whats the easyest way to restart asterisk
21:13.40Zeeekin fact I bet more Peurto Ricans in NY speak yiddish than anyone in MN
21:13.58Zeeekrestart now
21:14.00fileW1thdraw: type restart now in the CLI?
21:14.15W1thdrawit says no such command
21:14.26shmaltzZeeek, so where do you know what shmaltz means from?
21:14.27Zeeekor prss the little "where do you want to go today" logo ?
21:14.38fileW1thdraw: you typed: restart now
21:14.42ZeeekI have eaten shmaltz
21:14.52W1thdrawkewl thansk
21:14.53Qwellin asterisk, and not a console, or something stupid?
21:14.59shmaltzZeeek, but u still didn't tell me where from
21:15.14ZeeekW1thdraw is working on a high scholl project, give im a break
21:15.39Zeeekshmaltz you hear iot all the time like chutpah, schmuck, goy
21:15.43W1thdrawyeah its a school for special kids
21:15.53Zeeekunless you live in the south ;)
21:15.55shmaltzok, ok
21:15.59Blackvelor you can try asterisk -rx restart
21:16.06shmaltzso where do you live? zeeek
21:16.12ZeeekDon't play it too hard, W1thdraw :)
21:16.32shmaltzW1thdraw, or asterisk -rx "restart now"
21:16.37shepherdhmm.. well.. that seems to sorta work'
21:16.40ZeeekW1thdraw you mean like you're 7 years old and going to college next year?
21:16.40shepherdbut i don't know
21:17.03W1thdrawno... more i was hit in the head and im special, special
21:17.22Zeeekwell you're hangin with guys in here!
21:17.39Zeeek*the*guys I meant
21:18.32Qwellmany of us are also special, in our own little ways
21:18.32Zeeekoh, yes!
21:18.40W1thdrawis there a new 2600 out?
21:18.51shmaltzI like that cover
21:18.53hypa7iajust got mine in the mail :-)
21:19.00shmaltzlooks like they have new stuff on the mta
21:19.07W1thdrawthere a b and n that sell it
21:19.13W1thdrawi think im the only one who buys it
21:19.34shmaltzhypa7ia, what are they saying about teh MTA?
21:19.45hypa7iathe cards have basically been decoded
21:19.58hypa7iahaven't gotten through that article yet tho
21:20.05W1thdrawnice i got my onhold music to work
21:20.09shmaltzwhat about the hp?
21:20.09W1thdrawmr. roboto
21:20.13shmaltzprinting ?
21:20.17W1thdrawwhat are some other good songs
21:20.26shmaltzover the net and messing up the printger thru telnet?
21:20.37hypa7iahehe, yeah, it's good
21:20.45shmaltzit's old
21:20.47hypa7ialooks like there's some sort of primitive java vm on them
21:20.50shmaltzsos = same old shit
21:20.56shmaltzthere is
21:20.59shmaltzvery old stuff
21:21.08hypa7iafirst i'd heard of it
21:21.13shmaltzI mean 2600 alone wrote about it more than I can remember
21:21.49ZeeekI went by an ATM a couple days ago that was a full screen Win2k logon
21:22.01QwellZeeek: not uncommon
21:22.20Zeeekwhy the fuck would they use Win for those and not something embedded?
21:22.29Qwellgot me
21:22.49Zeeeksome hacker should walk by and sign in
21:22.55Qwellno kb
21:23.05Zeeeknumeric keypad
21:23.10shmaltzZeeek, you can't just walk by and sign in
21:23.15Zeeekbackdoor numeric username/pw
21:23.17hypa7iathey are using /embedded/ windows
21:23.21hypa7iawhich still sucks :-)
21:23.25shmaltzif you see that machine unlocked, then there is an armed gaurd watching over it
21:23.52Zeeekno it was just unavailable (outside)
21:24.04shmaltzanyhow, the turnstiles and the bus entrys are all *not* running windows
21:24.13shmaltzit's just the vending machines that are
21:24.20shmaltzand it was a simple business decision
21:24.25Zeeekshmaltz ever been to email anti spam usenet server?
21:24.30shmaltzthe physical security on it is awesome
21:24.30shepherdwhy not just use a dummy term :)
21:24.34Zeeekthe start there is called shiksa
21:24.37shmaltzzeeek, yep, why?
21:24.42newmedian... I hear tell it's because IBM is telling people to get their bank machines off of OS/2, and Diebold is forcing upgrades to Windows.
21:24.52Qwellnewmedian: not at all
21:24.55Zeeekwhat is it again e...
21:24.57shmaltzshepherd, b/c it doesn't require a connection
21:25.06hypa7ianortel BCM's still run on windows NT
21:25.51shmaltzthe idea behind the vending and the card reader machines is designed that *no* connection what so ever is required for it to be in operaiton
21:26.05shmaltz*thats why* dumb terminals are ruled out
21:26.09Zeeekshmaltz how does it know if you have any credit?
21:26.18Qwellits on the card
21:26.31shmaltzwindows was the cheapest to get up and running because of the availablity of the hardware
21:26.39shmaltzZeeek, it's on the card
21:26.53shmaltzzeeek, thats why decoding this is *major*
21:27.03Zeeekthat would be easy to reprogram then no?
21:27.10shmaltzzeeek, nope
21:27.17Zeeekyou talking tape or chip?
21:27.26shmaltzzeeek both
21:27.39Zeeekah the code used on the tape is a bad mutha?
21:27.43shmaltzchip on the readers, and tape on the cards
21:27.59Zeeekit is very common to get cards swiped in fake machines over here and the code is copied
21:28.08shmaltzin areas where there have been lots of tempering, they have disabled some features
21:28.09Zeeekno we have chips on the cards
21:28.17rabelaiswhat does, call rejected, no authority found mean? I'm getting it with iaxtel, and how do I go about fixing it?
21:28.34shmaltzZeeek, once you use a card in 2 areas that it is not possible, the MTA will nullify that card
21:28.36shmaltztry it
21:28.41shmaltzcops will be waiting for yo
21:28.57ZeeekI'm not into that kind of activity my good man...
21:29.24ZeeekI'm more the Ocean 11 level
21:29.32shmaltzif you use the card with $2.00 on it, and x minuts later with $4.00 on it, and no record of you purchasing the extra $4.00, then they will be waiting for you
21:29.45Zeeekwell, almost, I'm more Ocean Spray level right now
21:29.50Qwellbut...if they aren't connected to anything...
21:29.55Qwellhow could it possibly know?
21:29.57shmaltzthe system is *very good*
21:30.24shmaltzQwell, each and every reader reports everyso often about its readings and writings on these cards
21:30.25Zeeekbetter then to just knowck the cardholder on the head and take the card
21:30.51Zeeekaftre shoulder surfing the pin obviously
21:31.29W1thdrawanyone have problems w/ spa2002 and on hold music?
21:31.33Zeeekso how do all these charges from eastern europe happen? My firned visited yugoslavia or someplace a few years ago and suddely the charges were rolling in
21:31.46ZeeekThe bank told him it was one of those illicit card swipers
21:31.52shmaltzthere was one token clerk that cut the wire that connects her terminal to the central computer, and sold metrocards, which never got reported so she was able to take those metrocard earnings home
21:31.58Zeeekthey do a swipe walking to register
21:32.20Zeeekah I thought you were talking about bank cards
21:32.24shmaltzafter using one of those cards twice, it was marked as unusable
21:32.48ZeeekW1thdraw back to that again, are we?
21:32.56shmaltzppl complained, and the mta got down to the bottom of it, they have since enclosed the wires in a fire vandal proof case
21:33.49ZeeekNANAE that was it
21:33.58shmaltzlook at this:
21:34.26W1thdrawZeeek, yeah i think its the analog phone im using
21:34.34*** join/#asterisk sd-tux (sd@2001:6f8:1372:0:0:0:0:2)
21:35.29shmaltzanyhow, 2600 has something on VoIP as well
21:36.49W1thdrawo i got another question...
21:37.16shmaltzgtg guys
21:37.18shmaltzc ya
21:37.31shmaltzwhy doesn't /bye work?
21:37.45shmaltzgota do /quit
21:37.58shmaltzsince I'm chatting it should let me do /bye
21:38.04*** part/#asterisk shmaltz (
21:38.20W1thdrawbut that only makes u leave the chan
21:40.07Zeeekwhat are you chatting on DOS ?
21:40.39Zeeekoops he finally went to his reward
21:40.47*** join/#asterisk DrJolo (~chatzilla@
21:40.53Zeeekgnight all!
21:41.29*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
21:44.40W1thdrawwhy am i getting these errors
21:44.40W1thdrawMay 15 23:40:55 NOTICE[18059]: res_musiconhold.c:309 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
21:44.59W1thdrawit it happens when theres no traffic
21:45.11*** join/#asterisk clive- (
21:45.24shepherdis mpg123 installed?
21:45.32clive-any chan_capi guys about?
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21:46.56x9netANy *@home users in here today?
21:47.05*** part/#asterisk aribge (
21:47.53kapejodwhat's chan_capi?
21:48.43shepherdsomething to do with isdn, right?
21:49.11W1thdrawshepherd, yes it is
21:49.12W1thdrawAsterisk:/etc/asterisk# whereis mpg123
21:49.12W1thdrawmpg123: /usr/bin/mpg123 /usr/share/man/man1/mpg123.1.gz
21:49.20*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
21:49.25shepherdwhat version?
21:49.46W1thdrawHigh Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3.
21:50.01shepherdthat's not the version :)
21:50.27W1thdrawwhat ver do i need?
21:50.51shepherdwell.. i ment.. that's not the version... it's something else
21:51.53W1thdrawin my musiconhold.conf i have...
21:52.02W1thdrawdefault => quietmp3:/usr/share/asterisk/mohmp3
21:52.11W1thdrawdo i need anything else?
21:53.45shepherdthis is what i have:
21:53.46shepherddefault => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z
21:53.46shepherdannoying => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/annoymp3,-z
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22:05.03W1thdrawis there such a thing as a prepaid voip service
22:05.25RaYmAn-Bxaren't most?
22:05.26W1thdrawthat work w/ asterisk
22:05.44W1thdrawno like with broad voice u have to pay monthly
22:05.45shepherdlol.. yeah.. i think most are
22:06.49jbotwell, nufone is Visit for an excellent, native IAX termination service.
22:06.58brc_~tell W1thdraw about nufone
22:07.19shepherdnufone is great too :)
22:07.42shepherdeither nufone or voicepulse :)
22:08.04rabelaisdoes fwd's iax registration work? it keeps giving me a "registration rejected", but my number and password are correct, I can login to the account through the website that way
22:08.14trimi`<jbot> nufone its not acceoting new acc latelu
22:08.16trimi`<jbot> nufone its not acceoting new acc lately
22:08.26filetrimi`: yes they are
22:08.33W1thdrawdoes nufone have a prepaid plan
22:08.44trimi`does voicepulse allow calling to internation plans or only USA ?
22:08.52filerabelais: did you enable IAX? waited?
22:08.55W1thdrawcuz im only gonna have to make a few calls to demo it
22:08.59fileW1thdraw: Yes if you went to their website you would know this
22:09.01filetrimi`: yes
22:09.28W1thdrawfile, im there i just cant read
22:09.35rabelaisfile: I have to enable iax service?
22:09.39shepherdhehe.. i will be the first to say, there really isn't much on nufone's website
22:10.00filerabelais: yes
22:10.07filerabelais: And then wait like 15 minutes I think or something
22:10.27filego there, read
22:10.41rabelaisfile: thank you
22:10.57W1thdrawshit why is my connection so slow today
22:22.13*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (~V@
22:22.44gbdrbobis there any way to get a field logged to cdr in the dialplan as a varialble, specifially the billsec field? I want to set up a channel that is only used for a set number of minutes a month
22:22.45|Vulture|Anyone have any recommendations, I need to backup a SATA drive to a ATA drive and my backup program doesn't see SATA drives, anyone know one that will?
22:23.29gbdrbobbeing able to add call duration upon hangup to a field that get's zeroed on the 1st of the month would be the simplest way to do it, I think.
22:27.38gbdrbobI guess that I could have an agi script that scans the last few lines of the cdr file of the call lenght of that call upon hangup but it would be an ugly kludge
22:29.47*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
22:30.48gbdrbobwhat I really need is an app_gsmdial - It's for LCR via a gsm module with free minutes - will only sue it for mobile to mobile calls...
22:31.21gbdrbobguess I'm taliking to myself then :-)
22:34.40*** join/#asterisk coldfeet (~c@
22:35.09coldfeethey all
22:35.36coldfeetI just installed asterisk again 1.0.1 version
22:35.47coldfeetwanted to get voicemail config into mysql
22:36.06coldfeetso downloaded the asterisk-addons and followed instructions
22:36.24coldfeetbut I now get app_voicemail.c:1520 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '040600'
22:36.31*** join/#asterisk masonc (~lists@
22:36.43coldfeetthe entry 040600 is in the DB, as opposed to being in voicemail.conf
22:37.13coldfeetI know the voicemail.conf is connecting to the DB, as i put the entries into the voicemail.conf file in [default]
22:37.31coldfeetdo I need to delete all the other settings,
22:41.20coldfeetoh I have USE_MYSQL_VM_INTERFACE=1
22:41.20coldfeetin the asterisk/apps/Makefile
22:41.39gbdrbobsorry I've not set up * with mysql yet so can't help others may be able to though...
22:41.50bkw__eww asterisk stable
22:41.58bkw__that was removed in CVS-HEAD
22:42.14bkw__coldfeet, why are you using 1.0.1?
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22:42.36coldfeetum....good question, it was what I got used to...what is the latest stable
22:42.45coldfeetI can just drop it in now
22:42.46bkw__but I use CVS
22:42.50Qwellbkw_: somebody was saying "sip debug" was removed from head?
22:42.57Qwellwere they just idiots, or what?
22:42.59bkw__Qwell, since when?
22:43.04QwellThat answers that
22:43.12coldfeetok is 1.0.7 stable or cvs, i dont want to go cvs, until Realtime is stable i guess
22:43.23bkw__realtime is stable
22:43.31bkw__just alot of stupid people dont get it
22:43.32Qwellrealtime IS stable, or is IN stable?
22:43.34bkw__so they say its bad
22:43.35filebkw__: 64-bit you know what is uploading
22:43.42bkw__file YAY
22:43.47coldfeetso its in 1.0.7...:-)
22:43.53Qwellcoldfeet: no
22:44.07bkw__CVS-HEAD is better
22:44.16bkw__its ages ahead of "stable"
22:44.20bkw__and stable means feature stable
22:44.29bkw__not "stable" in the sense that it will not crash
22:44.43Qwellcvs head probably crashes less
22:44.49Qwellbecause there are more people fixing shit there
22:46.03Juggiethats not true
22:46.07Juggiei've never seen -stable crash
22:46.18bkw__I have seen it do alot worse
22:46.21coldfeetokay just to clarify this before I wipe my old setup :-), cvs-head or 1.0.7..
22:46.27bkw__who said WIPE it
22:46.30bkw__back it up
22:46.43coldfeetdnt like backups all in or nuthing I say
22:47.30coldfeetcvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk  will get me head
22:47.47coldfeeti am glad I said "get me head" no "give me" ...its late
22:47.56bkw__well not give
22:47.57bkw__but get
22:48.55rabelaiswhat does "no authority found" mean?
22:49.34MikeJ[Laptop]means it found no authority, silly
22:49.34bkw__exactly what it says
22:49.36bkw__ie no user/pass matched
22:49.36bkw__user no exist
22:49.36bkw__wrong password
22:49.36coldfeetokay so now that I am getting cvs-head should I use voicemail.conf with mysql or go the whole 9 yards and use realtime and do it all in mysql
22:49.41bkw__coldfeet, go read the wiki
22:49.42filebkw__: if it doesn't work I blame it on a resident failure field from David
22:50.50rabelaisbkw_: well, I know the user/pass is correct, because the register line works, my dialout just doesn't want to work regardless of the format I try
22:52.09MikeJ[Laptop]rabelais, it could be somthing screwey in the entry in sip.conf and sitll have the register work
22:52.23MikeJ[Laptop]it means it's not matching to anything
22:52.31MikeJ[Laptop]hot and sexy who?
22:52.39rabelaiswhat's not matching?
22:53.16rabelais:/ I don't get the iax configuration really different from the sip one?
22:53.21Juggieyour dial is wrong
22:53.27Juggieyour not specifying a server
22:53.37MikeJ[Laptop]that would do it
22:53.41Juggiethe @fwd means context
22:53.48Juggienot server in iax.conf
22:53.59MikeJ[Laptop]or your mispelled or somthing in either sip or extensions onyour dial
22:54.02rabelaisJuggie: that's different from how sip works?
22:54.11filedid anyone else notice that fwd is setup as a user, and not a peer?
22:54.19fileso asterisk won't use it for the outbound call and won't work?
22:54.20rabelaisJuggie: cause my sip plans dial that way
22:54.22Juggiedid you loko at the docs for Dial(IAX2
22:54.26MikeJ[Laptop]oh... hehe, he pasted conf... missed that
22:54.56Juggieexten => 6242,1,Dial(IAX2/asterisk1:asterisk@${ASTERISK2}/4023@iax,${DIALTIME},r)
22:55.26Juggiefor example
22:56.36rabelaiswhat does the ${asterisk2} specify?
22:56.52rabelaisthe connecting sever?
22:57.45Juggieits a global var i have set
22:58.00rabelaiswhat does the /4023@iax do?
22:58.14rabelaisthat the number calling?
22:58.25Juggie4023 is the number being dialed
22:58.29Juggieand iax is the context being dialed
22:58.40Juggieyou can omit @iax if you only have access to one context does the iax channel type need all this? cause with sip, I can do dial(sip/${exten}@broadvoice) and it's very happy
22:59.43rabelaisall my username/password/host stuff is back in the context definition
22:59.48Juggiebecause with sip the dial string is different
22:59.58Juggiesip has no context
23:00.02Juggiefor example
23:00.18filein a normal world you usually never need to specify context on IAX2 as well
23:00.36filebecause a sane person just sets up a regular context that includes all of them that they have access to...
23:00.52fileas for your problem rabelais, you have fwd setup as the wrong type in iax.conf
23:01.25filethere's examples out there for FWD, I suggest using them
23:02.25filerabelais: heck the FWD IAX site has examples on there that you just plug your information in
23:02.50rabelaisfile: I did try thoes
23:03.10filethey work, believe me - if they didn't, you either did something wrong or your account isn't in the system yet
23:03.15fileor an error occured on their part
23:03.53rabelaisok, I'll look over them again
23:04.16fileer upload
23:04.32MikeJ[Laptop]what's saggy?
23:04.48fileyour Mr. Pleasure!
23:05.12fileer I mean my connection is laggy when uploading
23:05.59MikeJ[Laptop]how did you know that name
23:06.38fileI'm psychic.
23:08.32rabelaisis dialing out to the 800 numbers from fwd often come back conjested?
23:08.36gbdrbobdoes anyone have an example of an * setup using gsm moduls with a limited number of free minutes - ie routes calls via the gsm units till minutes used up then uses other trunks?
23:08.46filerabelais: Are you dialing out right?
23:08.51rabelaisfile: yup
23:09.00rabelaisfile: err, at least I think so
23:09.00filerabelais: what are you dialing?
23:09.30rabelais8002667872, but that's translated to 1${EXTEN}
23:09.49filedoes your dialplan have it so that will go to FWD?
23:10.29filewell on FWD you have to put * in front
23:10.45fileso *18005558355 for example
23:11.36rabelaishey hey!...that worked   :)
23:11.52fileuh huh
23:12.25rabelaisthis is I can call those 800 numbers without having to worry about them hunting down my real number
23:17.51*** join/#asterisk vpp (
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23:21.02vppis there any cheap FXO device for asterisk?
23:21.28Nuggetthat depends on what "cheap" is to you.
23:21.55vpperm cheap = loswest in price that u know of :)
23:22.47*** join/#asterisk Veto (
23:27.08mmlj4select FXO where quality = "crap"
23:28.16vppsounds like an sql query lol
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23:28.32gbdrbobvpp if you want a digital line and you're in europe, a second hand Bt speedway isdn card is a good bet
23:28.46vppi dont need a digital line
23:28.52gbdrbobaka: avm fritz
23:29.01mmlj4if we're going to learn technology, we might as well incorporate it into our geek speech, vpp
23:29.20vppam i talking to bots?
23:30.50vppoh well
23:30.52gbdrbobvpp: then you're petrry much limited to the one port fxo card digum sell for $99.
23:31.01vpp99$ for an fxo?!
23:31.08vppi'll make my own
23:31.20blitzrageX100P sucks
23:31.32gbdrbobthey are available cheaper elsewhere...
23:31.34Silik0ndigium no longer sells a 1 port FXO, they only sell the quad card
23:31.43gbdrboboh, my bad
23:31.54shepherddigium sells a 1 port FXO
23:31.55vppits a conspiracy
23:31.58blitzrageSilik0n: yep - and theres a reason for that :)
23:32.03vppFXO is cheaper to make than FXS
23:32.08vppu don't need an SLIC
23:32.13Silik0nand getting the ghetto 10 modem card for a FXO only works somtimes
23:32.15shepherdbut it comes with 3 expansion slots :)
23:32.24Silik0nyou still need a slic on a FXO just not a RSLIC
23:32.24vppbut they know the average nuuub uses an FXS for his oh so cool ip phone
23:32.49vppno u dont
23:32.57Silik0nslic != rSLIC
23:33.07vppan SLIC creates the voltages to power the line
23:33.26Silik0nthat would be an rSLIC
23:33.30Silik0nr for rnging
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23:34.20vppRSLIC = ringing slic?
23:34.23vppoh ok
23:34.28vppthats silly terminaology
23:34.47vppi consider SLIC = rslic
23:35.03vppbecause it represents the powered line
23:35.10Silik0na SLIC it just that a subscriber line interface chip
23:35.33Silik0nand its needed to separte the line from the equipment
23:35.35vppi think in the 80s u could differenciate between RSLIC and SLIC
23:35.45vpptoday you gotta be joking?
23:35.46Silik0nyou still can...
23:36.04blitzragewish me luck in poker!
23:36.06vppi've created an SLIC and RSLIC myself
23:36.08Silik0nsure you can get alotta stuff with it integrated, but there are times when you want it discrete
23:36.09blitzrageI'm out - peas!
23:36.16vppDC-DC convertors have moved a long way
23:36.20vpplook at silvertel
23:36.24vpp3v (r)slic
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23:38.00W1thdrawhas anyone had trouble getting flooded w/ May 16 01:04:10 NOTICE[20834]: res_musiconhold.c:309 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
23:38.00vppgo look at the 'RAT'
23:38.29vppu dont even need a real off the shelf SLIC for god sake
23:38.35vppuse a gyrator
23:38.44coldfeetin cvs-head is there a reason why none of the commands work from cli, eg sip debug etc etc
23:38.54vppi think whats happening here is that the FXS market has crashed
23:39.03vppbecause of the home voip bandwagon
23:39.18vppu even got people like linksys making their routers with them built in
23:39.27vppbut they know FXO is being used to terminate voip = $$$
23:42.34gbdrbobthe digium dgital cards (e1/t1) are very competitive though
23:43.02vpplol a digium bot?
23:43.10gbdrbobnot quite
23:43.50gbdrbobI don't acutally have any digium hardware I'm in Uk and use a junghanns quadbri card
23:43.54vppso the cheapest FXO is 99$
23:44.09vpphow many people here want FXO?
23:44.17gbdrbobactually its $133 - the $99 was for the discontinued card
23:44.49vppisolation, DTMF receiver and we're set
23:44.54gbdrbobbut the $133 card can be upgraded with another 3 fxo or fxs modules
23:45.07vppIAX or SIP through 15$ FPGA
23:45.26vpp20$ part and board cost
23:45.46shepherdvpp: you can create a port for both fxo and fxs, but it costs to much
23:45.59vppfxo powers the line
23:46.06vpp12$ off the shelf price SLIC
23:46.12vppor RSLIC if u like
23:46.47vppfxo doesnt need to power the line, but needs a dtmf receiver 6$ off the shelf price
23:47.22bjohnsonthe SPA 3000 is actually the cheapest .. one fxs and one fxo for $99 USD
23:47.50vppthats a marketing price and not based on cost
23:47.54bjohnsona channel bank is the cheapest per port if you need enough
23:48.06vppbecause they know someone who needs FXO will just pay for it
23:48.12bjohnsonvpp: I can only buy at the marketing cost
23:48.22vppnah.. quintum is cheapest per port
23:48.24gbdrbobIf you want the cheapest option: Intel modems marked with 537 or MD3200 chipsets. These cards install and behaves exactly like a Digium Wildcard X101P card. (There are problems with intel 537EP & FA82537EP chipsets, but the 537PU & 537PG should work.) OEM X100P "clone" cards are sold based upon this soft modem chipset. People report very mixed results. Most start their Asterisk learning with these very inexpensive cards.
23:48.26vppbut i'm talking h323
23:48.39vppand quintum is useless
23:48.55vpptheir codecs use more bandwidth upload than the oposing gateway download
23:49.03bjohnsoncheapest pstn interface is no card at all
23:49.12gbdrbobyou can find those modems for less than $20
23:49.24bjohnson(voip provider)
23:49.34vppcheapest solution is to use a PC with 6 x PCI FXO cards from china
23:49.40vppand stack them up
23:49.43vppthats a joke
23:49.48bjohnsonyeah .. but 6 won't work
23:49.59bjohnsonso cheapest and doesn't work isn't really a solution
23:50.01vppits cheaper to stack up PC's than to buy a 20$ box that does single port FXO, but they sharge 99$
23:50.19vpp6 will work
23:50.30bjohnsonI guess that would make a rock from my yard the cheapest solution
23:50.48shepherdcheapest isn't always the best, though :)
23:50.59vppbest in which regard?
23:51.03vppcodec is done on pc
23:51.09vppits analogue
23:51.22vppits really not that hard
23:51.42vppi've made PSTN equipment
23:52.13vppu know u could buy a atmel FPGA.. although they call it some fancy name with IP in it
23:52.30vppconnect it to a SLIC and u have a single port gateway for < 50$
23:53.26vppi think i'm just venting
23:54.38vppbecause i see something thats suposed to be free, but with a grossly silly price tag on equipment u need to work with it
23:54.57vppwhich is fine really
23:55.03vppbut don't tell me its cheap
23:55.04vppcos its not
23:55.25vppit has a 300 to 500% markup and i'm being nice
23:56.50vppnevermind! cya tommorow :)
23:57.09gbdrbobthat's capitalism, supply and demand - they have to make money somewhere and the * software would be _very_ expensive as a closed source app - an * system is still much cheaper/more flexible than many systems that companies get sold
23:57.25vppthats bullshit
23:57.31vppwho made this software?
23:57.36vppdid they ALL get payed for it?
23:57.47vppyou can't say here's something open source
23:57.49vppeveryone help
23:57.59shepherdwell.. that's how it happened
23:58.06vppand also say hey i'm gonna make $$$ on this
23:58.14vppcos i spent my time on it
23:58.21vpphow much did digium make on it
23:58.31vppand how much time did they spend relatively?
23:58.44vppif they really spent that much it would have been closed up by now
23:58.49shepherddigium currently makes $0 on asterisk software..
23:58.53vppu can't have it every way
23:58.58shepherdthey are trying to make a "business edition"
23:59.03vppyes but they push their cards
23:59.04shepherdbut so far.. $0
23:59.09shepherdyes.. so what?
23:59.18vppeverywhere u go there is propganda that digium is best
23:59.28gbdrbobit's open source but don't try to pretend that most of the development work hasn't come from digium - a lot of community involvemnt yes, but digium puts a lot in too
23:59.29vppbut u cant have it both ways can u
23:59.49vppis it free cos people help
23:59.54shepherdwell, if you think it's bull.. then why don't you take what you can
23:59.57vppor is it free enough so i can get people help

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.