irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050513

00:00.02*** join/#asterisk [hC] (
00:00.43Nethaba specific codec?
00:01.09*** part/#asterisk Nuxi (
00:01.50[hC]Im having some bizarre iax trunking problems... I'm using asterisk from cvs head this month, and connecting to a guy using cvs head from about 8 months ago.. he can connect to me and send calls to me, but I cannot connect to him and send calls to him. I've verified the iax.conf and the dial command over and over, and it all looks correct. I get the error ""No Authority found" - Is there any way to debug this further to see why i'd b
00:01.50[hC]e getting it?
00:02.07jontowyes, any one.. are there recommendations to try? your dialplan
00:02.49Nethabi thought trunking in HEAD was buggy now
00:03.14tzangerNethab: there are a bunch of patches poised to go in to fix it with the new jb
00:03.34Nethabas soon as kpfleming starts
00:03.45[hC]Im using head from march i believe
00:06.44jontowi think ill try ilbc
00:07.02jontowlooks pretty unintensive as far as low bandwidth goes
00:07.06jontowsure beats the hell out of ulaw :)
00:07.36Nethabquality suffers but bandwidth is saved
00:07.58jontowthats fine
00:08.08jontowit sounded pretty good over the IAX2 trunk i just tested on
00:08.11*** join/#asterisk TonyAlmeida (~tonyalmei@
00:08.25jontowi mean, compared to jittery scratched broken nasty ulaw over low bandwidth links, it sounded GREAT :)
00:09.43[hC]ill paste these configs to pastebin here in a sec, is there something other than iax2 debug i can use to try to narrow down what would be causing the no authority to come up?
00:10.47jontowactually.. it sounds good even trunked over IAX2 then over the PRI :)  not bad at all :)))  i think ill give that a shot when i get home
00:11.11shido6paste your dialplan an iax.conf
00:11.35shido6im headin out to timmy's to get some fewd so I'll be back in 20 minutes
00:12.26sylehow do phone numbers work exactly , how do you port them into voip internet space from PSTN?
00:14.08*** join/#asterisk anthm (
00:14.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
00:14.50jontowholy crap, it almost works
00:15.03[hC]here we go, here's my pastebin
00:17.25*** join/#asterisk newbien (
00:18.05Nethabyour using iax v1
00:18.11[hC]no, iax2.
00:18.32[hC]My dial states IAX2/ and the debug states VERSION:   2
00:19.05Nethabyour port is 5036, isn't that the old iax1 port
00:21.15*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
00:21.20shmaltzhi everyone
00:22.12shmaltzis there a way to have queues ring sip phones with a strategy based on who is on the phone (even if they are just answering direct or making outgoing calls)?
00:26.20*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
00:27.14|Vulture|anyone know why I might be getting "Out of g.729 Decoder Licenses" errors, I have 2 licenses and 1 7960 is connected happens only when I try to bridge the call
00:28.21vppi setup username=blah, host=someip
00:28.27|Vulture|it says: 1/2 encoders/decoders of 2 licensed channels are currently in use
00:28.46vppnow how do i identify all calls that come in with that username and from that host in extensions.conf?
00:30.26jontowgoddamned impressive.. i can't believe i passed intelligible sound over a dialup with VoIP :P
00:30.49Nethabwith ilbc?
00:35.49*** join/#asterisk nwhit (~nwhit@
00:36.46nwhithey guys... i am having a little problem with a t-1 using fxs_ks signalling.... asterisk doesn't always detect that the remote side picks up the phone... any ideas?
00:37.06nwhitor it takes a while for it to detect it
00:37.23[hC]shido6: still out? :)
00:37.40outtoluncnwhit: make sure that [context] has a exten t
00:38.02outtoluncotherwise it can take like 5-8 secs for it to fallthru
00:38.17nwhiti'll try that
00:39.14shmaltzis there a way to have queues ring sip phones with a strategy based on who is on the phone (even if they are just answering direct or making outgoing calls)?
00:39.34newmedianOff Topic: I'm looking for an IRC (client/)logger for Linux that will doggedly reconnect (if network problems) and log one or more channels to plaintext files. Any recommendations? (Prefer a non-GUI client/logger)
00:41.23nwhitouttolunc, what should it look like... exten => t,???
00:41.39outtoluncexten => t,1,Hangup
00:42.41outtoluncyears ago i had that issue and everyone said 'use kewlstart' ... well making sure you dialplan is correct is a good start <G>
00:43.03outtoluncit was hard for me, seeing as how my chanbank didn't support it <G>
00:43.24outtoluncit's set to loopstart and with a exten t works great
00:45.58nwhitouttolunc, that didn't seem to fix it... when I make a call out from, it goes Zap/1-1 Ringing .... and sometimes never reports Zap/1-1 answered SIP/201
00:46.06outtoluncside note: you should also have an h
00:46.15nwhiti have an h and i and t
00:46.33outtoluncyou are probably use a dial .... 20|r
00:46.38outtoluncor similar
00:46.40Nethabwhat about the s
00:46.45Nethabs h i t
00:47.07outtoluncs is only needed IF you send to that context without an exten#
00:47.08*** join/#asterisk geekguy (~cdra@
00:47.14Nethabs = default, h = hangup, i = invalid, t = timeout
00:47.55outtoluncs isn't default perse, it's something got here without and exten.. so use me
00:47.58geekguyHi Peoples
00:47.59ariel_(S) tart (H) angup (I) nvalid  (T) imeout.  hummm never
00:48.33geekguydoes anyone have info on a OCTTEL SP4220 please
00:48.41ariel_how things get put to gether is really strange.
00:48.42nwhitit works perfect sip to sip and zap incoming to sip
00:48.51outtoluncif you design your dialplan, it's 'rare' you ever need an s
00:49.33outtoluncjust remember: for it to 'fallthru' to s, takes time
00:49.49ariel_Not if you start it there.
00:49.50outtoluncthat is unless you SENT it to s
00:50.01[hC]    - Any ideas why i might be seeing this error/
00:50.07newmedianWasn't S the letter that the guy on Sesame Street was trying to sell in the alley? They stopped showing that segment, of course, Don't want to encourage drugs or luring kids into alleys.
00:50.12[hC]Peer side is cvs head from 8-9 mos ago, client side is cvs head from last month
00:50.17newmedianPssst. anyone want to buy the letter S?
00:50.31NethabI thought you got r-s-t-l-n-e for free
00:51.31nwhitany ideas on my problem?
00:52.21outtoluncAB1 by chance?
00:52.29ariel_exten => _6048803451,1,Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN}@dolphintel)
00:52.38jontowwith iLBC and GSM
00:52.44vppnwhit whats the problem?
00:52.52jontowthough they're both quite scratchy, and i think a well-tuned speex might be my real solution
00:53.32ariel_[hC], did you get that dial string.
00:53.35outtoluncnwhit: you said, zap, you didn't say what hardware was in the mix
00:53.49nwhitvpp, when i dial out from my sip phone through a zap channel (which is on a t-1 fxs_ks) the call takes a long time for asterisk to recognize it going from ringing to connected
00:53.58nwhitsangoma wanpipe
00:54.00outtoluncthere are some chanbanks that just can't handle disconnect supervision
00:54.05nwhitrobbed bit t-1
00:54.09vppnwhit i'm using the same hardware
00:54.20vppjust this second configured the exact same thing lol
00:54.38vppexcept i'm using PRI
00:54.52nwhitvpp, i have great luck with them for pri, data, etc.... i don't know if it is the card or the wanpipe drivers
00:55.10[hC]ariel_: you want me to try dialing like that?
00:55.15vppi just switched to the beta7 one.. had problems with the 2.3.3
00:55.23vpphow long is 'long' ?
00:55.38vpp2 or 3 seconds?
00:55.39nwhiti was using loopstart because that is what the telco told me to use, but it wasn't detecting remote hangups... now with kewstart it is, but not the connections
00:55.41vpp10 minutes?
00:56.02nwhit5secs --- 1min --- never.... it really varies on each call
00:56.20vppchannels bank?
00:57.26nwhitadit 600
00:57.50ariel_[hC], yes
00:58.19nwhiti just got a fix... i set turned off callprogress in zapata.conf and it immediately goes to a connected state when it dials... thats what I want
00:59.09[hC]ariel_: it didnt work
01:00.47outtoluncbut without callprogress=yes, on an e&m line don't you lose 'busy's?
01:01.17[hC]did fwd stop allowing people to dial toll free numbers thru their free service?
01:03.40ariel_[hC], you can also dial via exten => _X.,dial,iax2/username:password@ipaddress/${EXTEN}
01:03.56[hC]ie, without brackets?
01:04.14newmedianHas anyone created their own AUP / terms of service, regarding what is not acceptable terminating a VOIP on a PSTN? e.g. sequential dialing, wardialing, telemarketing, etc.
01:04.33|Vulture|Anyone here use g729
01:04.45*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
01:04.53ariel_|Vulture|, one of my customers does
01:06.26ariel_Inv_arp, welcome just another person from my home town is on the line....
01:06.39Inv_arpariel_: heh whats happening man
01:06.51|Vulture|ariel_: its strange I bought 2 licenses today and when I use my 7960 with g729 and bridge a call it says "WARNING[15174]: codec_g729.c:180 g729tolin_framein: Out of G.729 Decoder Licenses!" even though I use ilbc/ulaw on bridged calls
01:06.52[hC]ariel_: hmm. i just tried adding a register line and i got refused..
01:07.13ariel_[hC], then you have something miss typed some place
01:07.34[hC]ariel_: when adding a register line into iax.conf, the syntax register => remoteuser:remotepass@remotehost
01:07.45jontowMay 12 21:07:37 NOTICE[38977]: channel.c:1691 ast_set_write_format: Unable to find a path from gsm to speex
01:07.45jontowMay 12 21:07:37 WARNING[38977]: file.c:779 ast_streamfile: Unable to open demo-echotest (format speex): No such file or directory
01:07.48jontowthat sucks :o
01:07.53[hC]on remote host, you need a [remoteuser] context in iax.conf with username=remoteuser and secret=remoteuser, right?
01:07.53ariel_|Vulture|, check to see where your lisc are being used.
01:08.14*** join/#asterisk ClayReiche123 (
01:08.21ariel_jontow, did you install speex
01:08.21jontowvulture; 'show channels' ?
01:08.24|Vulture|ariel_: it only shows it being used for the sip client
01:08.38jontowhmm, no; i thought it was included and i found no clear directions on the wiki saying it weren't.. hmm
01:08.42|Vulture|but "show g729" displays "1/2 encoders/decoders of 2 licensed channels are currently in use"
01:08.46ariel_check you lisc count
01:08.49jontowguess i'll have to take a looksee
01:09.00*** join/#asterisk cmaj (
01:09.36[hC]ariel_: was my description above correct?
01:10.08ariel_jontow,  show translation
01:10.09*** part/#asterisk ClayReiche123 (
01:10.21|Vulture|something seems messed up with g729 with * HEAD
01:10.25nwhitwhy would I get alot static on sip lines after the call is put on hold?
01:10.31*** join/#asterisk tsp (
01:10.38nwhitand pick the call back up
01:10.42tspcan someone help mew tih alsa? I'm gonna clicks and pops when I use it with asterisk.
01:10.49|Vulture|"    201         000d6557-04  00101/00102   g729    Rx: ACK" "0/0 encoders/decoders of 2 licensed channels are currently in use"
01:11.12|Vulture|I am in an echo test in g729 and it says no licenses are in use
01:11.27ariel_[hC], looks right.
01:11.31Nethabit might only use them when decoding or encoding
01:11.36Nethabnot passing it straight back
01:11.58ariel_|Vulture|, do you have canreinvite=no or yes?
01:12.04tspNethab: hey, you use fwd or sipphone with asterisk right? how good is your sound coming through alsa on the console?
01:12.18Nethabi don't use the console
01:12.24|Vulture|ariel_: no
01:12.27Nethabi unloaded all unnessary modules
01:12.38|Vulture|ariel_: canreinvite=no
01:13.11ariel_|Vulture|, brb diaper change argh
01:13.14tspit's going click pop click click
01:13.17Nethabsound is fine with fwd, but sipphone sounds funny if i disable the jitter buffer
01:13.25tspbut I"m still hearing the sound
01:13.36*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
01:13.38tspwhat jitter buffer? where would that be defined?
01:13.56Nethabit's in iax.conf
01:14.31|Vulture|ariel_: np thanx for the help
01:14.36tspI think its a alsa issue - works better
01:17.02tspis there a list of config file parameters?
01:17.05tspe.g. for alsa.conf
01:17.23Nethabdon't know
01:18.39tsphow do I see if the jitter buffer is enabled?
01:19.19jontowgrep ^jitterbuffer /etc/asterisk/iax.conf
01:19.34*** join/#asterisk MikeJ_ (
01:21.32*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
01:21.41Mikesomeone knows if this message means im ok Channel 83: Individual Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 83)?
01:22.27*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
01:23.16[hC]shido6: poke
01:24.57ariel_|Vulture|, back.  Can't belive so much stuff can come out of a little girl.
01:26.12ariel_|Vulture|, have you tested with diallow=all and only allow=g729 for that device?
01:26.57tspwhy is alsa so bad?
01:27.21tspasterisk is doing all this static distortion stuff
01:28.40NethabAttention everyone, i just wanted to make sure everyone has at least heard the name Asterlink, that is all
01:28.59*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~user@
01:29.04tspcan anyone help wtih alsa?
01:29.55ariel_tsp, sorry I have never used alsa.
01:33.59*** join/#asterisk MikeJ_ (
01:35.18SedoroxAnyone use a Broadmedia phone?
01:35.18Sedoroxor have used?
01:37.40newbientsp: did all the usual stuff like adjust volume, turn off speakers to prevent echo, and feedback?
01:43.11*** join/#asterisk nn (
01:43.15TheEmperorcan someone tell me if this is correct? :
01:44.12*** join/#asterisk MikeJ_ (
01:47.22*** join/#asterisk nwhit (~nwhit@
01:48.16|Vulture|ariel_: thats how i have it, and it connects but for some reason it just eats up licenses
01:48.18nwhitanother crazy question.... why would I get horrible audio from sip phone to sip phone?  I have tried several different codecs with no avail
01:48.48|Vulture|ariel_: it doesn't like when I bridge calls... just warns me but still works... very odd
01:50.12|Vulture|I am gunna go to STABLE and see if it works
01:50.22nwhitthe bad audio is on the receiver of the phone that was called
01:50.24nni need to set up my asterisk tonight
01:50.43ariel_|Vulture|, we found that with only 2 we had trouble in transfing and other things like parking it took 3 lisc at many times.
01:51.09TheEmperorsomething weird is happening, when i check voicemail using sip it is clear. when i use iax2 it is all choppy, any ideas?
01:51.22ariel_But for some reason once you get the 2nd phone up it only took one more. So one was 3 lisc and 2 was 4 then 3 phones was 5.
01:51.38ariel_as the number were added we actuall got to an even count.
01:52.05MavvieI'm not really sure what to do with that one
01:52.13nwhitMaveric, i get the same thing
01:52.29nwhitMaveric, but everything works well for me
01:52.43nnanyone in vegas? :)
01:52.53nwhitnn, i live in vegas
01:54.46*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
01:54.55nwhitnn, why?
01:55.20|Vulture|ariel_: ah so there is like a license overhead
01:55.52nnnwhit: just curious what the job market is like ou tthere atm
01:55.56nndebating moving back
01:57.17ariel_|Vulture|, yes if you have zap channels.  when we did a system with just sip and iax it seem to not have that problem. But I only use stable not head.
01:57.48|Vulture|ariel_: the funny thing is that it works... just makes warnings lol
01:58.21ariel_yes inbetween there was a process that did not get the lisc.
01:58.54ariel_in head you can via the dial plan pick your codec. Which is nice. But it's not enough for me to move to head.
01:59.56Sato1anyone having problems with FWD to receive calls in an asterisk?
02:00.32Sato1i can recibe calls from "call me" option, but when i use another account, fwd hangup before my * even answer
02:01.03ariel_Sato1, are you using it via sip or iax2
02:01.22|Vulture|ariel_: didn't know you could do that in the DP
02:01.35|Vulture|ariel_: do you know what the command is?
02:01.40ariel_|Vulture|, you can in head
02:01.57HeppyCatgood evening\
02:02.00Sato1i use  fwd -> asterisk at work -> asterisk at home
02:02.08ariel_Sato1, what is your number?
02:02.17*** join/#asterisk loud (
02:02.31ariel_it's different number at home from work?
02:02.46|Vulture|ariel_: but do you know what the command is??
02:03.10ariel_Sato1, I got your voicemail on your asterisk box.
02:03.21Sato1got another number at home too, but i want to redirect from work to home too when nobody answers at work
02:03.37ariel_|Vulture|, was just reading about it last week. I don't remember but I think it's in the wiki.
02:04.04Sato1ariel_, that voicemail is not the asterisk box, its the fwd mailbox
02:04.06ariel_Sato1, make an iax2 account between the boxes and forward them via your iax.
02:04.10Sato1err. voicemail
02:04.31ariel_I got a menu and a voice that was not fwd system.
02:04.40Sato1ariel, it already made
02:04.54ariel_what do you get on the cli
02:04.59TheEmperordial,Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1}  : where do i specify g1? in zaptel.conf?
02:05.08Sato1hold on, i will paste in a page
02:05.37ariel_I get we are unable to answer your call now please leave your message.
02:06.46*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~t0tal@
02:07.02DefrazI was curious if someone might point me in the right direction to cut down on echo?
02:07.18DefrazI get it from sip to sip from sip to pstn and pstn to sip of course.
02:07.39ariel_Defraz, you have to start at echotraining=800 then work from there look up the settings on the wiki.
02:07.39DefrazI just don't know what to tweak anymore, does anyone have any suggestions?
02:08.36ariel_how is your network? Do you have switch or hubs?
02:08.55Defrazswitches and I even get it on my own controled network, bandwidth is plentiful.
02:09.15*** join/#asterisk iq|laptop (
02:09.16Defraz10/100s and I am running and addiquit machine
02:09.24ariel_Defraz, what is the server?
02:09.27Qwelladdiquit?  heh
02:09.40ariel_what is an addiquit machine?
02:09.57Qwelladequate :)
02:10.07Qwellway off...
02:10.27|Vulture|ariel_: okay now I have 4 lics... just have to wait for them to be activated so I can try this again
02:11.06DefrazIntel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz
02:11.15ChulJinwell, nethab, that's one way to advertise
02:11.26Defrazthanks been wanting to know how to spell that.
02:11.32Defraz2 gig ram
02:11.44Defrazfigured for 20 extentions should be fine
02:11.46*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
02:11.49Defrazand a pri coming in.
02:12.05DefrazI am using the linksys PAP2 atas
02:12.09NethabI'm not associated with them, but someone who's been in here for as long as tzanger has doesn't know about it... it's just sad
02:12.14Defrazeverything works but i get echo.
02:12.46ChulJinnethab: it gets worse...I only just yesterday discovered they do term/orig...I thought they just did consulting.
02:12.52Defrazseems like my memory usage goes up in the 70s and 80s
02:12.53ChulJinand bkw apparently works for them.
02:12.56ChulJinthat's all I knew.
02:13.19nitramweird thing... if i use the manager api to originate a call and that originated call is dialed through another * box through iax2 the extension dialed on the 2. * box looks like "<extension_dialed> <originating_extension> " while the original string was only "<extension_dialed>"
02:13.20Nethabthat's more than tzanger knew, and he's been in here for 2 years
02:13.28loudAny news about broadvoice, when will they put their shit together ?
02:13.38nitramhow come?
02:13.53ChulJinloud: ask ManxPower, he loves to discuss BroadVoice...
02:14.06nitramwhen i dial that same extension from a local phone everything is ok
02:14.07*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
02:14.12loudwill do
02:14.54nitramso the call inserted by the manager interface seems to be somewhat different than the one originated by a phone
02:15.08ChulJinloud: don't talk to ManxPower about broadvoice...
02:15.16ChulJinI was giving him a hard time...
02:15.42loudyeah, he owns a vo ip company right, i suppose he hates them
02:15.48loudbut he might know!
02:16.06loudsee, they have been down for like a week, thats very strange.
02:16.40Nethabdid you see broadvoices letter
02:16.58Qwell"Dear Asterisk users.  You suck.  Signed - Broadvoice."?
02:16.59nitramdamn... why is the callerid inserted there?
02:17.16Nethabthey made a major upgrade, and then one of the carriers closed their account
02:17.28Nethaband charged the 13x overage charges
02:18.46[hC]huh.. is there some problem with iax dialing in the last couple months of cvs head? for some reason i found that once i switched one of my iax contexts to use plaintext for auth, it was trying another context's password. when i removed that context, it stopped trying to send the password altogether.
02:19.52loudNethab, thank you.
02:20.21louddidnt know that, the letter.
02:20.46Nethabyeah a bunch of us called in about downtime, and they sent us the letter
02:21.47loudill re route to voipjet then.
02:23.49*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
02:25.20nitramwtf is the callerid appended
02:25.23ChulJin'' is sooooo getting signed up for dozens of porn spam newsletters.
02:27.13loudim sure they must block those emails at a router level.
02:28.27tspWhenever I dial an invalid fwd number - e.g. 123, the fast busy signal has a lot of distortion in it
02:28.32tspand so does other sound
02:28.35tspanyone know what's up?
02:28.51[hC]hm. okay maybe a better question. in an iax trunk, if you specify a plaintext password in secret= on both sides, and dont explicitly put auth=plaintext on both sides iax.conf, will it fail?
02:29.25Nethabthe congestion should be coming from your local system not from fwd
02:33.05*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
02:33.24ManxPowerBut since the congestion tone IS coming from FWD there's nothing you can do about it.
02:33.58ManxPowerI'm assuming you are using IAX to connect to FWD, of course.
02:40.07mepplgute nacht
02:40.13*** part/#asterisk Defraz (~t0tal@
02:40.18mepplgute nacht nugget
02:41.47Sato1ManxPower, you are talking about my fwd problem?
02:43.31*** part/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
02:43.39*** join/#asterisk file (
02:45.59ManxPowerI simply spout words of wisdom.  It's left as an exersize to the reader to determine of they apply or not.
02:46.29AgiNamuChulJin, why
02:46.43Sato1well, that apply to my case too, hehehe
02:46.58AgiNamuwhere's this open letter?
02:47.12ChulJinAgi: I was joking, of course. I have no problem with BV, because I sensibly avoid them.
02:47.27jbotextra, extra, read all about it, broadvoice is Follow the config instructions at
02:47.40[hC]for call quality, which is better, g726, speex, or gsm
02:47.50AgiNamug726 prolly
02:48.13*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
02:48.18[hC]freeworldtel seems to be using gsm for some reason, even though i am preffing g726
02:48.51ChulJinjbot: no, broadvoice is Follow the config instructions at but also beware:
02:48.53jbotChulJin: okay
02:48.58jbotfrom memory, broadvoice is Follow the config instructions at but also beware:
02:50.47ManxPowerWhen we were using G726 someone asked the MIS manager what phone system he was using because the voice quality was so good.
02:51.03ManxPowerOf course, it was not any better than ulaw/alaw.  It could not be.
02:51.28Juggiefunny people who think g729 is better then ulaw
02:51.33ManxPowerBut it is an indication of how close G726 sounds to ulaw/alaw
02:51.36ChulJinwow, speex is so expensive
02:51.37QwellManxPower: I've found that sometimes when you have a low quality MP3 (96kbps?), some people find that it sounds good
02:51.40ChulJiner 'expensive'
02:51.44[hC]Yeah, i notice that when using voipjet with ulaw, occasionally i get choppiness, and sometimes i echo back to myself a touch..
02:51.45Juggietoo bad everything is sampled into ulaw first
02:51.51ChulJinjuggie: g729 is better because it is not free.
02:51.55AgiNamuSo... in other words... don't buy your wholesale termination from retail vendors? :P
02:52.01[hC]using freeworldtel (link2voip) they pref 726, speec, and gsm, and of course the call fell back to gsm
02:52.42[hC]aha it seems to be reading it bottom to top, for pref
02:53.06[hC]is that normal in iax.conf? i thought it read top to bottom
02:53.06Qwell[hC]: its not "in order" I don't believe
02:53.16QwellIts a hard coded order afaik
02:53.23Juggiei actually found a sip phone that correctally follows the spec
02:53.27[hC]it must be on their side that the order is chosen.
02:53.30Juggieand doesnt try and be lame and do fucked up shit
02:53.34Juggieaka xten/firefly
02:53.39[hC]Juggie: which?
02:53.55[hC]ah. softphone.
02:53.56Juggiexten tries to help nat, but it just screws me over
02:54.08Juggiei want it to come in on the rtp port asterisk tells it to via sdp
02:54.11Juggiebut it does its own thing
02:54.17Juggieand picks other random ports
02:54.47AgiNamuWhat's a TN?
02:54.55[hC]hrm yeah cause i had a disallow=all, allow=g726, allow=speex, allow=gsm.. it was picking gsm. when i commented the gsm line out, it picked 726.
02:55.37[hC]so i guess preference cannot be decided on the end users part.
02:56.02Qwell[hC]: read what I said...
02:56.14[hC]Qwell: okay.
02:56.41[hC]I was under the impression that a disallow=all, and allow lines would imply preference order. I guess its just to specifically set codecs that can be used then.
02:56.54QwellThere was a patch or something for that though, wasn't there?
02:57.00[hC]Ya got me.
02:57.19[hC]Isnt a register => line only necessary if the peer has a dynamic ip?
02:57.26[hC]in iax.conf
02:57.30WilliamKanyone know if there is a wave file for call blocking?
02:57.35WilliamKerr wav
02:58.07[hC]i use this:
02:58.08[hC]exten => s,3,Playback(privacy-this-number-is)
02:58.08[hC]exten => s,4,Playback(privacy-blocked)
02:58.42WilliamKhmm, I don't have those wav's
02:58.51[hC]they're from the sound addons from cvs
03:00.31WilliamKum ok, how do I see a list of the tree for cvs?
03:03.26syleare there any examples to show how to call in your asterisk at home with your cell phone , then dial a long distance number?
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03:05.10Sato1i think i found the problem!
03:05.14Sato1well i did
03:06.20Sato1FWD is the problem as ManxPower said
03:06.42Sato1i just setup other account, and it is working fine, dont know whats wrong with my old account
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03:12.17TheEmperorcan anyone help me? when i use iax2 to check my mail, the sound is all choppy but using sip no problem..
03:16.16Nethabare you jittery?
03:16.45TheEmperori turned jitterbuffer off in iax.conf
03:17.15TheEmperorbut i might have done something wrong in extensions.conf, i am not sure..
03:19.21JuggieTheEmperor, how did your new extensions.conf work out for you
03:19.35TheEmperorJuggie: sip is working good, but problems with iax
03:19.35blitzrageif the sound is choppy, its not extensions.conf
03:19.51TheEmperorblitzrage: but when i use sip it's fine..
03:20.02blitzragethen its not extensions.conf
03:20.12blitzrageturn jitterbuffer back on and turn trunking off
03:20.22TheEmperorjuggie: still can't dial out though...even after defining group= 1
03:20.22blitzragedo one at a time and see if its any better
03:20.36TheEmperorblitzrage: in zaptel.conf?
03:20.37blitzrageyo file
03:20.42filehow are you?
03:20.44blitzrageTheEmperor: you said iax - so iax.conf
03:21.00blitzragefile: not too bad, just about to go do some more PHP / PostgreSQL programming
03:21.15blitzrageTheEmperor: zaptel.conf configures zaptel hardware and has nothing to do with IAX.
03:21.45blitzragefile: it should be a lot easier to answer these questions whenever new book comes out :)
03:21.53blitzragea new book*
03:22.02TheEmperorblitzrage: when i use iax with musiconhold it's fine, it's just voicemail..
03:22.26TheEmperorJuggie: can you have a quick look at my iax extensions?
03:22.29blitzrageTheEmperor: not too sure - thats screwed up :)
03:22.43fileblitzrage: are you still puttering away on things?
03:22.44blitzragenever had that problem before
03:22.52TheEmperorblitzrage: i even tried to update using cvs and all, but still no good :(
03:22.53blitzragefile: yah, puttering is a good word :)
03:22.57fileblitzrage: hehe
03:23.16blitzragefile: I believe how long it took me to write like 50 lines of code last night
03:23.35blitzragefile: just couldn't figure out what the hell the problem was - turns out I was putting a <form> inside another <form> that I didn't notice
03:23.43filepure sillyness
03:23.46Weezeycan anyone tell me how to make * show me why a module won't load?
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03:24.24blitzrage/usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvv | tee /tmp/debug.log
03:24.25JerJerWeezey: asterisk -vvvgc
03:24.36Weezeythanks blitzrage
03:24.45blitzragelisten to JerJer too, he knows more than me :)
03:25.04blitzrageimplicit: lol, whats up? :)
03:25.09implicitwhats up man
03:25.15implicitjust been coding a lot
03:25.24implicitSER modules ;)
03:25.33blitzragenot too much - just sitting back down at the computer after swimming for an hour then resting on the couch
03:25.42WeezeyJerJer: actually maybe you can help me, isn't loading  I've compiled using correct versions of pwlib and openh323, latest CVS.
03:25.48blitzrageimplicit: oh fun, I'm about to continue working on an Asterisk GUI
03:25.54TheEmperorcan anyone help, i am still having problems dialling out on Zap channels even when I have already defined that in zapata.conf as group=1
03:26.01implicitblitzrage, yeah it's really good stuff
03:26.05blitzrageimplicit: meh :)
03:26.13implicit:) u don't like SER?????
03:26.18blitzrageimplicit: its gotta be done :)
03:26.25fileyay SER
03:26.25TheEmperorin extensions file it's dial,Zap/g1/${EXTEN}
03:26.29blitzrageimplicit: oh, we're talking about SER now? :)
03:26.33impliciti thought we were
03:26.35implicitfile, right on
03:26.44blitzrageI don't know what i'm talking about anymore
03:26.46implicitfile, thanks for those ideas btw
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03:27.13blitzrageimplicit: I liked SER when I used it once - just haven't a need for it right now
03:27.25blitzrageimplicit: what are you using it for?
03:27.38blitzrageI'm always curious what people use it for :)
03:27.55_DAWTheEmperor - Errors?
03:28.07implicitblitzrage, for everything
03:28.14implicitblitzrage, tell me what i am NOT using it for
03:28.24implicitsems for error announcements and stuff
03:28.36implicitbut all routing, billing, everything
03:28.41blitzragehrmmmm, interesting
03:28.49fileit can do it all, you just have to write it.
03:28.54implicitfile, yep
03:29.00blitzrageI already have too much stuff to learn and document in Asterisk - I don't need another project :)
03:29.02implicitnot too hard to write anyway
03:29.05impliciti meant
03:29.17implicitIVRs are easy/nice in sems too
03:29.19TheEmperor_DAW: Errors when dialling out you mean?
03:29.28filethe asterlink build I have going is cute :)
03:29.59TheEmperor_DAW: It just hangs when I dial out..
03:30.47nwhitanother crazy question.... why would I get horrible audio from sip phone to sip phone on a local 100mbit lan?  I have tried several different codecs with no avail
03:31.14TheEmperor_DAW: this is what I get
03:31.33TheEmperorthe thing is, the phone line is plugged into zap 4...
03:31.56Juggieit wasnt easy but i made sipphone<-nat->internet<-nat/dmz->asterisk work
03:33.09JuggieTheEmperor, your extensions look fine..
03:33.19TheEmperorThanks Juggie :)
03:33.32Juggieyou never got groups working?
03:33.42TheEmperorstill doesn't work...
03:33.48Juggiepastebin your zapata.conf
03:33.59_DAWyes please pastebin
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03:34.19WilliamKnwhit, check your duplex settings for the nics and make sure they're 100full and not mismatched if you're using a switch
03:34.31blitzrageWilliamK: oooo, good thinking :)
03:34.33docelmoquestion..   Does the DIALSTATUS variable work with oh323?
03:34.50blitzragedocelmo: its set with Dial()
03:34.54Juggiedialstatus is dependant on app_dial not the protocol
03:35.22docelmoThats what I thought..  Cause..  its not working..   When was it implimented?
03:35.27docelmowhat version?
03:35.30WilliamKblitz, I recently had to write it into the sysinit, because the catalyst 5500 was doing one thing and the linux boxes were doing another
03:35.37nwhitWilliamK, on the asterisk box?
03:35.46nwhitWilliamK, or the phones
03:36.00WilliamKnwhit, start on the asterisk box
03:36.33WilliamKif it's half duplex, it could be "slightly impairing" not usually enough to notice though
03:36.51JuggieTheEmperor, why do you have context more then once.... you only need it once
03:36.56Juggielocal-in is all you need
03:37.01WilliamKhowever if you're switch is talking half duplex, and your box is full, it'll act like a 56k modem
03:37.07WilliamKIF it works at all
03:37.14TheEmperorJuggie: no need for group =1?
03:37.36nwhitWilliamK, where do I find that... sorry never have looked for it before
03:37.40_DAWNo need to two contexts
03:37.44WilliamKwhat version of linux?
03:37.53TheEmperori see
03:38.01WilliamKmii-tool or ethtool
03:38.02_DAWgroup one should be for your local-out
03:38.12JuggieTheEmperor, no, no need for context=local-out
03:38.34Juggieyou dont have analog phones
03:38.40TheEmperordo i still need group = 1 and so on?
03:38.53nwhitWilliamK, looks like i am 100baseT full duplex
03:39.08nwhitso you think i should drop it to half?
03:39.15Juggiewhy would you do that
03:39.17WilliamKdefinately not
03:39.34docelmois there something wrong with the cvs?
03:39.47JuggieTheEmperor, i dont know why that group woudnt take, anyone know?
03:39.49WilliamKhalf duplex = collissions, interface resets, etc.. = BAD
03:40.00nwhitWilliamK, that's what I though
03:40.08WilliamKall bad things for voip/data packets
03:40.15nwhitWilliamK, I have actually tried a different switch also
03:40.23TheEmperorJuggie: does asterisk look for lines in zap 1 and then if it's unavailable go to zap 2,3 and so on?
03:40.40JuggieTheEmperor, if you did Zap/g1 and your 4 channels were in that group
03:40.41Juggiethen yes
03:40.51JerJerum no
03:40.52Juggiewhen you do a dial on Zap/g1
03:40.54Juggiewhat happens
03:40.54WilliamKnwhit, unmanaged or managed switch?
03:41.08TheEmperorwell, there is no phone line plugged in there, so it just hangs
03:41.10nwhitWilliamK, i just did a flood ping to the phone and got 100% response with .5ms response avg
03:41.14TheEmperorthe line is plugged into line 4
03:41.15nwhitWilliamK, unmanaged
03:41.21Juggieremove that line from the group :) or just dial on line 4
03:41.44TheEmperori guess the question is, if zap 1 was busy, will the call go out on zap 2 ?
03:41.46nwhitWilliamK, the calls sound great going out through a zap channel it is just sip-sip in the office
03:41.51TheEmperori see
03:41.58JerJerbusy is different than simply no phone line
03:41.59TheEmperorso i should plug that line into zap 1 instead of 4 :)
03:41.59Juggieif zap chan1 was offhook
03:42.06Juggieit would move to chan2 and so on
03:42.08TheEmperori see isee
03:42.10TheEmperordumb me!
03:42.11WilliamKnwhit, check your packet payload sizes and make sure they're the same
03:42.28JuggieJerJer, i didnt realize he only had a line in the last port
03:42.28WilliamKworse comes to worse, try g711u until you get it figured out at least
03:42.42nwhitWilliamK, 20ms both
03:43.02nwhitWilliamK, that is the weird part.... i've tried g711u, gsm, g726 ... all the same
03:43.13nwhitWilliamK, i am thinking it might be my phones (Snom 360)
03:43.27Juggienwhit, is canreinvite=yes ?
03:43.33Juggieso the rtp goes phone to phone
03:43.37WilliamKnwhit, got the newest firmware?
03:43.40nwhitJuggie, tried it both ways
03:43.46nwhitWilliamK, the latest stable
03:43.53WilliamKtry an alpha
03:44.01CoaxDsmokin' the ganj!
03:44.04Juggieif canreinvite=no
03:44.06WilliamKyeah, that word scares some people
03:44.07Juggiei'd blame asterisk
03:44.14Juggieand say you had an irq conflict or something
03:44.16Juggiecausing problems
03:44.22Juggiebut you tried it both ways
03:44.44nwhitJuggie, it works rather well throught the asterisk box because the sip->zap works great
03:45.03nwhitok... i'm going to try to upgrade the phones... hold on a sec
03:45.16WilliamKwhich ver you trying?
03:45.30CoaxDDamn. in the last 2 hours, i've been doing nothing, and I earned $62.82
03:45.34TheEmperornow it works...
03:45.49TheEmperori was thinking that asterisk could tell which port i plugged the line into!
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03:46.55nwhiti was using 3.60b
03:47.09WilliamKah b is bad
03:47.16WilliamKleast on the 190s
03:47.26nwhitWilliamK, like what?
03:47.40WilliamKmy phone did all kinds of wacky things
03:47.50nwhitwhat are you using now?
03:47.51WilliamKALOT of fixes in "i" though
03:48.00WilliamKSNOM 190, and Sipura ATA
03:48.23nwhiti really like the sipura atas
03:48.36nwhiti wonder what cisco is going to do to them after the buyout
03:49.21WilliamKprolly keep going along as normal I would assume
03:49.26WilliamKor integrate them into Linksys
03:49.40WilliamKsince afterall they do have a large intercompany contract now
03:50.32WilliamKby the way, the 3.60d was even so bad I downgraded to 3.56i
03:50.37WilliamKon the 190
03:50.42WilliamKcustomers had a hard time hearing me
03:51.17nwhithold on
03:51.20WilliamKerr 3.56y not 3.56i
03:53.58nwhiti think it might be this particular phone
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03:55.01james_edhello all
03:55.27WilliamKnwhit, could always try and factory default it back
03:55.50nwhitWilliamK, that is what i am doing right now
03:56.09nwhitWilliamK, the phone was acting kinda weird... locking up sometimes on bootup, etc
03:57.33Juggienwhit, have you tried with qualify on or off
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04:01.14nwhitJuggie, nope
04:02.06james_edquestion...anyone familiar with cisco there a sip load for it?  i don't see one on cisco's site
04:03.11Juggiei had a phone that crashed without qualify=yes
04:04.16nwhithahaha... someone gave me a crossover cable to use for this phone....
04:04.50Juggieshoudnt even work
04:04.59JerJer7910 = SCCP only
04:05.05Juggieunless your switch does some funky auto sensing shit
04:05.13WilliamKactually I could see where it might though...MDI-X
04:05.16Juggiehow is SCCP support in * havnt tried it
04:06.09nwhitit sorta worked
04:06.22Juggiei use mitel 5220's now
04:06.24Juggiesolid phone
04:06.33Juggieonly complaint is lack of a remote directory support
04:06.41JerJeri haven't played with chan_skinny in ages
04:07.05Juggiethere are too many chan_h323 drivers now
04:07.21Juggiesomething needs to be done to form a consolidated project
04:07.39nwhiti am really kicking myself right now
04:08.00nwhiti thought i should try another cable... but noooo... the cable couldn't cause this....
04:08.19nwhitbut behold... it is the cable...
04:08.26nwhiti am amazed it even worked too
04:08.46sudhir492How big extensions.conf and sip.conf files will affect asterisk's performance badly?
04:09.10Juggiesudhir492, probally bigger then you need, but i would suggest using includes for readability purposes
04:11.29sudhir492I have around 100 entries now. Can expect it to grow to about 3500 (whole alumni association) with every extension practically having its own forwarding number. Can asterisk handle that without any decrease in performance
04:12.22Juggiesudhir492, are you just giving people internal extensions and redirecting to an external phone number?
04:12.59Juggieor are you giving everyone sip phones etc
04:13.46Juggiei dont like waiting
04:13.48sudhir492everyone has a SIP device too with internal number
04:14.08Juggiesoft phone? or hard phone?
04:14.24sudhir492but people like to forward on no-answer to their alternative numbers
04:14.43sudhir492some people are quite excited that they can make 3 phones ring at the same time :-)
04:14.58ManxPowerCisco's web site SAYS the 7910 supports SIP, however Cisco does not have SIP firmware for the 7910.
04:15.08Juggiebefore you get too excited
04:15.13Juggieprovide me with some details
04:15.17ManxPowerThis issue was one of the first "rude awakenings" I had in the VoIP world.
04:15.29Juggieeveryone has a sip phone which is a soft phone?
04:15.59JuggieManxPower, if your a cisco customer, call them up and ask for it
04:16.02sudhir492some people have soft phones, but most of them will Grandstream or Sipura
04:16.04ManxPowersudhir492: with 3500 phones Asterisk may take a while to start, but it should work fine after than.
04:16.27ManxPowerJuggie: Um, I have a full access support contract.  There is NO SIP firmware for the 7910.  It's a documentation bug on their web sire.
04:16.36Juggiei see
04:16.47Juggiesudhir492, first thing i will recomend is to NOT write a huge dialplan
04:16.55Juggieeg, give the phones names
04:17.04Juggieand have to resolve extensions to names in dialplan
04:17.06Juggiethat would be hell
04:17.23sudhir492All extensions are numbers.
04:17.26ManxPowerJuggie: The SIP user ID of each of our SIP phones is the MAC address.
04:17.30sudhir492going to be numbers
04:17.43Juggieso ,the phone registeres as 1000 or something like that.
04:18.06Juggiemanx, good setup, but i prefer using extensions as the user
04:18.13Juggiethat way dialplan needs no extra work
04:18.14sudhir492However, for most of the phones there are going to be forward on no-answer
04:18.52Juggieyour dialplan should be small then
04:19.02Juggieand sip.conf large
04:19.35ManxPowerJuggie: We used to do that.
04:19.51ManxPowerThen we realized that we were limiting ourselves by thinking a phone was an extension
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04:20.04Juggiemanx, i found that doing it that way eg making the phone register as 4010 for example, then you can do something like
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04:20.24Juggieand that covers all your phones :)
04:20.38Juggieif that dial fails, then the sip phone doesnt exist, or is not connected
04:20.43ManxPowerJuggie: and then you are locked into all phones being handled exactly the same way in the dialplan.
04:20.43WilliamKbut that's not always a good thing
04:21.00JuggieManxPower, that suits most organizations though
04:21.11Juggie90% of places want ring, voicemail
04:21.11sudhir492For example, I expect to see about 3 lines for most of the phones:
04:21.12sudhir492exten => 2000,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}|25)
04:21.12sudhir492exten => 2000,2,Dial(Zap/g1/17037980259&Zap/g1/7039730089|20)
04:21.12sudhir492exten => 2000,3,voicemail(2000)
04:21.25ManxPowerwhat is 1000 wants call forward on busy, and 1002 wants no voicemail, and 1007 wants three devices to ring?
04:21.46Juggiemanx, thats still not an issue
04:22.04Juggieyou could customize dialplan for them by hardcoding it, or writing some logic connected to a database
04:22.05Juggiewhich ever
04:22.35ManxPowerand one user wants line 1 on their phone to be extension 1000, but line 2 to be the same as their boss and have it ring at the same time.
04:22.51ManxPowerI just decided that thinking of phones as extensions was limiting our design.
04:23.03Juggiei think it depends on the application
04:23.23JuggieManxPower, how do you share a line though
04:23.30ManxPowerJuggie: I also figure that by the time we run into dialplan limitations we would be using a database.
04:23.53ManxPowerJuggie: You don't.  exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/MAC1&SIP/MAC2)
04:23.59Juggiethats what i thought
04:24.04Juggiei thought you might have had something better
04:24.25ManxPowerrather than exten => 1000,Dial(SIP/1003&SIP/1000)
04:24.56Juggiei agree....
04:25.07Juggiewhen you want alot of flexiblity that would make things easier
04:25.17ManxPowerSomeone calls up with a problem and I say What is the MAC address of the phone?  Rather than "what's your extension?" 8-)
04:25.25Juggiei would personally like to write a dialplan connected to mysql for controling your extension
04:25.40ManxPowerThe MAC address is, of course, printed on the bottom of every phone.
04:26.04JuggieManxPower, you know something the voip world needs is a templating tftp server
04:26.19ManxPowerJuggie: Something like the way Polycom does it?
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04:26.34Juggiewhat is their solution, i've not used any polycom sip phones
04:27.06Juggiei envisioned something like a tftp server connected to a database, i requested a certain file, and it just used a template + database record to build the file and send it to me
04:27.24kimo_sabeJuggie: I saw one of those somewhere.... I don't remember where though
04:27.39ManxPowerJuggie: Polycom has systemwide default config files and a per-phone config file to override any system-wide defaults.
04:27.48nwhitok... so it wasn't the cable after all....  I think it might be the phone, though
04:27.51ManxPowerall downloaded via tftp
04:28.09kimo_sabeZultys does that too
04:28.34Juggiemanx, cisco does that
04:28.37Juggieand so does mitel
04:28.44Juggiebut i want to remove those files all together
04:28.49Juggieone file, only
04:28.58Juggieand a database
04:29.00kimo_sabeit still would be nice to pull the display names and other configs from a RDBMS, or LDAP
04:29.45Juggieso imagin you have a database record with
04:30.07JuggieSIPSOMEMAC.cnf,thetemplate,value1,value2, and so on
04:30.27Juggieand the tftp sees the file your asking for, loads the template, fills in the missing values which are in the database and sends it along
04:31.05JerJerso write your own tftp server app
04:31.19JerJermine is a very simple perl script
04:31.22kimo_sabeJuggie: tftp is a simple protocol, query your DB based on the MAC requesting
04:32.17Juggieyah i'm just a busy/lazy guy ;)
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04:35.17DerylFreeBSD Users - Disable hyperthreading:
04:35.29Deryl(for those that don't know already)
04:36.30Derylhehe, hey Sedorox
04:36.35Sedoroxhola :p
04:36.46MavvieDeryl: the funny thing is, it's an i386 attack which works on all machines with an i386 inside.
04:36.47Derylleast you can't say i don't make sure ;)
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04:37.36DerylMavvie: umm, it's against specific CPUs
04:37.43DerylIntel Pentium Extreme Edition, Pentium 4, Mobile Pentium 4, and Xeon processors
04:37.49bkw_I seen the funniest shit at wal-mart tonight
04:37.53bkw_"Home Drug Test"
04:37.53Mavvieokay, but it's not FreeBSD specific.
04:38.05bkw_how fucking south eastern oklahoma do ya gotta get
04:38.20Deryli never said it was. it IS however a freebsd alert
04:38.23Juggiebkw, have you ever heard of xlite being fucking stupid when it comes to rtp ports
04:38.25Deryland many here run freebsd
04:38.37Juggiei spent hours trying to get phone-nat-internet-nat/dmz-asterisk working
04:38.48Mavvieonly four groups have responded.
04:38.51Juggieonly to discover xlite was ignoring the rtp port asterisk said (and my firewall rules for set for)
04:38.52bkw_Juggie, nope
04:38.56Mavvienot a single linux distribution.
04:39.00DerylMavvie: and your point is.. ?
04:39.02Juggieit was sending to like port 3000ish
04:39.28MavvieDeryl: still, that it is not FreeBSD specific.
04:39.33Juggiefound the setting in xlite,it was "obey reverse udp mapping rules"
04:39.36Juggieturned that off
04:39.38DerylMavvie: and where did I say that it was?
04:39.39Juggieand it works perfect
04:39.42Silik0njuggie: I have seen x-lite be stupid
04:39.55Juggieid like to know why it was ignoring the sdp header
04:39.55Derylit was notified to the freebsd list, I only run freebsd, so i only care about freebsd
04:39.56*** part/#asterisk nolan-- (~chatzilla@
04:40.03Juggieand picking its own port
04:40.04nwhitits weird... i get that horrible call quality whenever this one phone touches the call
04:40.17MavvieDeryl: you implied it by address the FreeBSD users and showing the FreeBSD security alert.
04:40.17Juggiebroken phone
04:40.23Nethabi thought x-lite used 8000
04:40.30nwhiteven if that phone parks the call and another phone picks it up... the call never recovers
04:40.33Silik0ni have verified a possible bug where it always assumes NAT when its on RFC1918 address space and talking to a public IP space SIP Server
04:40.33Nethabwhich is bad enough
04:40.45DerylMavvie: YOU thought that. people running freebsd know how to take it.
04:40.56nwhitJuggie, so you think that it is a bad phone
04:41.08MavvieDeryl: try finger and try again.
04:41.14nwhitJuggie, people on some of the other phones have complained also
04:41.25JuggieNethab, it does use 8000 for receiving rtp from *
04:41.36DerylMavvie: no need. you have a problem with what i posted.. tough shit
04:41.40Juggiebut for sending to * it should use what the sdp says
04:41.48Juggiebut it doesnt unless you change that setting
04:42.05MavvieDeryl: you're a big boy. Now have a lollipop and go happy playing in the corner.
04:42.15*** join/#asterisk Pete_Largo (
04:42.27SedoroxDelvar: Mavvie your both children.. so sit down and shut up :p
04:42.44Pete_Largobusy channel!
04:43.04Pete_LargoHi, I just found and thought it looked interesting
04:43.09DerylMavvie: if you are the same guy you purport to be, next time have clue enough to say hey just so you know.. this affects more than just XYZ. especially since the kerneltrap and other listings don't make that clear
04:43.56Derylhis fuckin problem if he has a problem with it
04:45.19ManxPowerSilik0n: Not a bug.  use nat=never to NEVER assume nat.
04:45.44Silik0nManxPower: its not in asterisk its a problem in X-Lite
04:45.57ManxPowerSilik0n: softphones suck.
04:46.11mmlj4hey ManxPower: i got * up and running here, 4 softphones, they all work locally, and voicemail works  # i think you were away the first time I posted this
04:46.12Silik0nyeah well i'm not lugging a hardphone everywhere i go
04:46.15Nethabi think softphones are soft and cuddly
04:46.25Nethabchildren are great, they taste just like chicken
04:46.56nwhitdoes anyone know where to find the exten little tags (template) for the snom phones?  i've see it once and can't find it again
04:47.18Silik0ny0 kram
04:47.39newmedianPete_Largo: welcome to our chaos.
04:47.40ManxPowermmlj4: See #$customer_city
04:48.00Pete_LargoThanks newmedian
04:48.38*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:48.48JuggieManxPower, nat=never had no effect
04:48.57Juggieits xlite, not asterisk
04:49.03Juggiesjphone worked fine
04:49.19Silik0nJuggie: what is the layout?
04:49.35Silik0nnetwork wise wonder if you are seeing the same thing I am
04:50.13Silik0nthats like begging for 1 way audio
04:50.29ManxPowerJuggie: softphones suck.
04:50.37JuggieManxPower, i'm not disputing that
04:50.51ManxPowerSilik0n: you don't have the same RFC address space on both sides, do you?
04:51.09Silik0nManxPower: nope
04:52.05JuggieSilik0n, sip is fine, if you understand the protocol
04:52.14Silik0nManxPower: I'm seeing RFC1918 - router (NOT NAT) - asterisk (on non 1918 space)  X-Lite ALWAYS assumes NAT and crazyness insues
04:52.14Juggieand you have control of the important parts of the network
04:52.45Silik0nJuggie: most people dont set it up right and end up with 1way audio on double nat like that tho
04:52.48Juggiexlite did the same thing for me on a private ip and public
04:53.07Juggieused 8000 and some 3000ish port
04:53.37Silik0ni did some debugging on the packets and X-lite was putting a pub IP in the sip From:
04:53.39Juggieit does the same thing when you force firewall to open ip
04:53.57Juggiethats easily solved, just set nat=yes
04:54.04Juggiedoesnt matter what xlite puts in there
04:54.23Silik0nyeah but X-Lite still is broken
04:54.33Silik0nthats just a work around not a fix
04:54.42Juggiemy problem was, in the sdp asterisk would say use 11100 or something as the rtp port
04:54.53Juggieand xlite would go ahead and use 3581 or something
04:55.04Juggienow of course, my firewall is setup to forward 10000-13000 into asterisk
04:55.08Juggiebecause those are the rtp ports
04:55.18Juggiei have set in rtp.conf
04:56.16Juggietheres an option that says "obey reverse udp mapping rules"
04:56.22Juggiein advanced conf, in rtp and sip
04:56.32Juggieturn to no, and it now acts properly
05:04.47firestrmanyone know with nufone, if im only doing outbound calls do i need to do register =>
05:05.02firestrmor is that for inbound only?
05:05.31ManxPowerregistration is only EVER for inbound
05:06.02firestrmManxPower, thanks, thats what i thought, but i wasnt quite sure..
05:11.40*** part/#asterisk james_ed (
05:15.59JerJerfirestrm: use   - you should have received and email quite a while ago asking you to update your config
05:16.38Qwellfirestrm: finally got everything going?
05:18.51QwellJerJer: y0
05:25.38PTG1234anyone in here set up ser before? :)
05:25.40PTG1234hey qwell
05:25.59QwellPTG1234: afternoon
05:28.33DerylI wish NuFone would get another allocation of DIDs. I'd like to get another DID from them so I have one for each business venture.
05:28.38firestrmCall rejected by No authority found.. that meas something wrong with username/password?
05:33.28JerJerwhere does it say 'NuFone support channel'  ?
05:33.40QwellJerJer: tattoo'd on your forehead I'm afraid
05:35.53firestrmJerJer, why the crappy attitude? what did i ever do to you? Ive allways tryed to treat you with respect and gratitude, and in response you return the favor with childish snide remarks. What gives?
05:36.23firestrmim sorry is im not leet enough for you..
05:37.07*** join/#asterisk rcam (
05:40.31Juggiehow do you change the sip settings in pulver communicator? do you have to buy it?
05:41.43firestrmJuggie, its in there, cant remember exactly but it was buried deep..
05:41.57firestrmsorry i cant be more help..
05:42.17Juggieit says to consult the site
05:42.21Juggieits like a game :)
05:42.23Juggiei'm digging
05:42.54firestrmya i know.. it took me 2 hours to find it as well.. unfortunatly ive uninstalled it since..
05:45.13*** join/#asterisk McUnixJr (
05:46.01*** join/#asterisk slamb (
05:49.15firestrmJuggie, i know how you feel.. im having issues with iax myself right now..
05:50.28Juggiei just want to find the stupid key thats hidden :)
05:50.38Qwellno config file?
05:50.43McUnixJrwhat key?
05:50.47McUnixJrhey Qwell
05:51.31slambHey, does anyone here use a softphone on OS X?
05:51.49McUnixJrslamb, i use SJPhone
05:52.00JuggieMcUnixJr, the key for pulver communicator is hidden on their site
05:52.02Juggieyou have to find it
05:52.16McUnixJrah - havent tried that
05:52.26slambMcUnixJr: Cool. How's audio quality / what codec do you use? I'm getting horrible distorting with X-lite.
05:52.55McUnixJrthe default gsm and ulaw that comes with it
05:52.56TheEmperordoes anyone know when i connect a pri modem to a balun and then from there to the * server e1 card, do i use a crossover cable or a straight through cable?
05:53.39McUnixJraudio quality is ok - some tinnish sounds
05:54.13McUnixJri also use SJPone on my dell inspiron 700m, its really bad from that system for some reason.  i think the mic is to close to the speakers and wind up getting feedback
05:54.44nwhithmmm snom firmware 3.60i breaks intercom... not nice
05:54.49*** join/#asterisk |neuro| (~|neuro|@
05:54.54QwellJuggie: key to do what?
05:55.06Juggiechange it from fwd to anothger sip server
05:56.33slambMcUnixJr: I'm giving SJPhone a spin on my Mac now.
05:57.25*** part/#asterisk BoRiS (
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06:03.48Qwellare they even selling it yet?
06:04.20slambMcUnixJr: Huh. I can get it to connect and make a call. I hear the ringing noise. I see from my Asterisk logs that it's responding to DTMF input. But I don't get any audio at all through SJphone.
06:06.32firestrmif im getting a  No authority found, does this mean that the server is rejecting my Username/pass? or could there be soemthing else affecting this?
06:07.09QwellJuggie: It isn't free...
06:07.19Juggiei cant find where to buy it
06:07.34Juggieand all the manual says is "you have to procure a key"
06:08.07firestrmJuggie, if you need to buy it, i wouldnt go with pulver communicator.. there are much better softphones out there.
06:08.31slambfirestrm: IIRC, that means it's looking for a user name that doesn't exist. (Or a peer name? I don't remember which is incoming and which is outgoing.)
06:08.47slambfirestrm: for example, I got that error when my iax.conf had a [sixtel] section instead of [sixTel]
06:08.57Juggiei thought you said you found it on their site
06:10.19firestrmslamb, hmmm ive checked and double checked the iax.conf.. its cut n paste from the "nufone" setup page on voip-info..
06:11.58slambfirestrm: hmm. maybe "iax2 debug" will show you what it's looking for.
06:13.40firestrmslam: debug is not much help.. username is correct, server is correct.. i know for certan im using the correct pass.. its just not allowing the connection, like the nufone machine doesnt recognise me..
06:13.59TheEmperorso anyone know if I need to use a crossover cable or a straight through cable to connect the pri to the e1 card?
06:15.00firestrmTheEmperor, straight, only use crossover from card to card on different machine without hub/switch/router between
06:15.02slambfirestrm: hmm. afraid I can't help more, then. I've been using Asterisk for 24 hours now, so...
06:15.18Qwellfirestrm: Thats for networking :p
06:15.20TheEmperorfirestrm: ah! thank you :)
06:16.05firestrmslamb: thanks for trying, at least your attitude is better than "those who are too leet" for us unwashed normals
06:16.27firestrmTheEmperor: no prob..
06:17.04Qwellfirestrm: When does it error?
06:17.11Qwellon register?
06:19.13firestrmQwell, im not going inbound on it , so im not registering.. when i try outbound i get Call rejected by No authority found
06:19.34*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
06:19.37*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (
06:19.39Qwellpastebin the relative sections of your config(s)
06:19.44Qwellpasswordless, of course
06:20.02firestrmok.. working on it..
06:20.28Qwellpost the link here when you're done.  brb
06:20.46*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
06:23.46PTG1234anyone here use ser with asterisk? :)
06:25.44blitzrageoh the joys of PHP and PostgreSQL!
06:27.30*** join/#asterisk remmo (
06:27.43remmoi hate networks and css
06:31.19Qwellfirestrm: looks fine to me...pretty much exactly what I have
06:32.11firestrmblitzrage: i feel for you.. i personally feel that the only way PHP makes sense if if your taking PCP :P
06:32.43remmoif ppl can not understand PHP then they should not be programming
06:33.13Qwellfirestrm: you don't have a second type=peer for that or something, do you?
06:33.20*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
06:34.03firestrmQwell, within the nufone definition or within the iax.conf anywhere?
06:34.38QwellI don't really know enough to be able to tell you what the problem might be
06:35.17firestrmQwell: i do for my [iaxfwd] def, but could that really be causing the problem?
06:35.42Qwellno, I mean another [NuFone] peer or something silly
06:35.59firestrmno, nothing at all..
06:36.02firestrmjust the one..
06:37.43firestrmQwell: i suspect that the problem is not on my side.. (im not going to say more about that one for fear of invoking the wrath of jerjer)
06:38.20BoRiSAnyone have a newer beta firmware for the Senao SI-7800 wifi phone then 10/17/2004? msg me please
06:39.21*** part/#asterisk |neuro| (~|neuro|@
06:40.39firestrmBoRiS: ever seen these?
06:41.03firestrmBoRiS: they look quite sexy as far as wifi sip phones go..
06:41.12BoRiSYeah....someone here in the channel has one of them.... :)
06:41.40firestrmBoRiS: any reports from them? im thinking about buying a bunch for a project..
06:42.58ManxPowerMozilla Calendar would be a lot nicer if it supported printing.
06:45.22JerJerok who wants to be the first to send a payment in and have it automatically apply to their nufone account?
06:46.26firestrmJerJer: i would be happy if your server accepted my username
06:46.52Wonka.oO( ouch )
06:46.57firestrmJerJer: but that does sound line a nice accomplishment
06:49.51*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
06:50.51JerJerif you expect me to help you i will at the very least need your username
06:51.01firestrmWonka: i know.. i could have been a bit more tactful.. sorry jarjar
06:51.45ZeeekHey JerJer
06:52.54ZeeekJerJer is there a way to know what preferred codecs are stored for national tollfree nufione numbers?
06:53.21ZeeekI see when you order a new one, you can specify this (when there are new ones offered, that is)
06:54.06JerJerZeeek:  nope - that option is highly broken
06:54.28JerJerit will be fixed with the new version that will launch here someday
06:54.51JerJeronly if you run an IAXy should you really be setting a codec restrction
06:55.12JerJercuz u can allow whatever codec's you want with asterisk
06:55.15ZeeekOk, I never figured out why I had that g729 problem with those DID
06:55.37JerJersome do pass-thru with their DIDs as well and want a codec forced
06:55.45ZeeekIt was because of the license problem, but only the DID cause the symptom by seeming to insisit on g729
06:55.46QwellJerJer: paypal or cc?
06:56.04JerJersame same
06:56.19JerJeryou can give a CC to paypal if you want - without having a paypal account
06:57.01Zeeekpaypal has one advantage over paying directly by cc: they don't care about the shippiong address
06:58.34*** join/#asterisk n4y (
06:59.57firestrmJerJer: congrats on the new functionality.. i look forward to using it. its just was was needed :)
07:00.20JerJersomeone without a paypal account and a credit card try it - the only cc i have is tied to the paypal account and they are being bitches about letting me use it
07:01.21firestrmJerJer: i didnt know paypal would let you do that.. even better :)
07:01.52ManxPowerWhat is the link to send money via paypal without having an annount on paypal?
07:01.59JerJerwe had to do a bit of extra integration to make it happen
07:02.17JerJerit = credit cards without paypal accounts
07:05.59*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
07:06.15sylelol credit cards are the most important
07:06.26sylehow many people who don;t use internet know what paypal is
07:06.32sylebut everyone knows what a credit card is
07:06.52Qwellhow many potential voip customers don't know what paypal is?
07:07.15syleif i was to guess 50%
07:07.23QwellI'd say more like 95%
07:07.39sylei think you give more credit than is due
07:07.59syleyour not a programmer i guess
07:08.10Qwellusers != customers
07:08.22Qwelland, I am
07:08.37Qwellusers are idiots
07:08.45Qwellcustomers are still idiots, but they pay you
07:08.47syleyour not showing that then are you :)
07:08.51Nethabeveryone is a potential customer
07:09.06Nethabnot all customers are l33t
07:10.03sylehere is my question about voip, say you open a company using asterisk+ser or whatever, you charge 20 bucks a month unlimited, what are your real expenses? bandwidth, server, isn;t there a charge to get them a phone number and billed to you per month as well?
07:10.55firestrmQwell, yes true, but if they arent smart enough to know what paypal is, will they really be setting * boxen, and given that what are the chances they will be using nufone without asterisk?
07:11.13JerJeryeah you have to be pretty well informed to find nufone
07:11.17JerJerthat's for damn sure
07:11.30JerJertry finding us in search engines without using our name
07:12.00Qwellfirestrm: exactly my point
07:12.01syleyou run nufone website jerjer?
07:12.05firestrmJerJer: tell me about it, im an intermediate * user, and i still have the bruses to prove it :)
07:12.29JerJersyle:  i own and run nufone
07:12.42sylegood i been looking to talk to you , PM
07:14.03blitzrageI can't believe i'm still up coding
07:14.08blitzragesomeone shoot me :)
07:14.17Qwellblitzrage: I'll tell you a little story instead.
07:14.26blitzrageQwell: please
07:14.32blitzragesyle: oh you have no idea :)
07:14.34ManxPowersyle has style.
07:14.37blitzragesyle: I hate running out
07:14.37Qwellonce upon a time, a young programmer was up all night coding to his hearts content
07:14.47Qwellthe next morning, shit was b0rked
07:14.53syleyeah but its a pain to grow your own
07:14.54Qwellyoung programmer no longer codes after midnight
07:15.03blitzrageQwell: I'm more careful when I'm this tired because I know how tired I am :)
07:15.12Qwellblitzrage: Thats what I told myself too.
07:15.14blitzrageits 3:15am here :)
07:15.18blitzrageQwell: lol
07:15.23blitzrageQwell: so far, everything is working :)
07:15.27Qwellthats what he told himself
07:15.39blitzrageQwell: haha, stay in character :)
07:15.45Qwellyeah, its not about me
07:15.59firestrmblitzrage, try assembler with no sleep.. i used to code embedded apps for avionics till 4am..
07:16.03syleall night coding sessions consist of downing 2L of pepsi or coke, a pack of cigarrettes for frusteration and a few joints for tolerance
07:16.15sylei know the game quite well :)
07:16.51QwellManxPower: I thought you didn't code?
07:17.00Qwellor, is that a subtle hint that you're never sober? :)
07:17.06ManxPowerQwell: "code" is such a broad term.
07:17.12JerJermmmm joints
07:17.45ManxPowerQwell: I call it code, others call it "abomination".
07:17.53blitzrageI rarely program - but now I'm the main Asterisk admin for a service provider, so thus, I code
07:18.23blitzrageI think better when I smoke joints :)
07:18.26ManxPowerQwell: I write SMALL utilities, like the outcall notify and group voicemail and stuff like that.
07:18.34QwellManxPower: I see
07:19.03blitzragenever smoked in highschool r first year of college - first year of college, got C's and D's - started smoking... grades went up to B's and A's - go figure
07:19.14blitzrageManxPower: wish I had beer too
07:19.28blitzragereally gotta send out some invoices I guess ;)
07:19.29JerJermmmmmm beeeer
07:19.38blitzrageJerJer: what are you still doing up? :)
07:19.47JerJercoding like a little bitch
07:19.48ManxPowerblitzrage: the last time I mixed alcohol and pot I passed out on someone's bathroom floor.  I don't do that anymore.
07:19.53QwellJerJer: You and Greg hitting cluecon?
07:20.11blitzrageManxPower: you just need to know how to balance them - don't ever smoke after you're drunk - bad news all around
07:20.21ManxPowerblitzrage: *nod*
07:20.22blitzrageweed before beer - in the clear :)
07:20.38blitzrageManxPower: smoke after you're drunk, and you might as well just put yourself in the gravitron
07:20.38ManxPowerI don't drink much anymore anyway.  Bad liver.
07:20.53blitzrageahhhh, crappy. I don't drink much to begin with
07:21.11ManxPowerblitzrage: I prefer...other...intoxicants anyway.
07:21.25JerJerQwell:  not if they expect us to pay 700 bucks
07:21.29JerJerplus hotel
07:21.30JerJerplus beer
07:21.41JerJerplus dinners
07:21.44blitzrageManxPower: heroin?
07:21.58JerJeri dont mind Beer, Hotel, Dinner
07:22.01ManxPowerblitzrage: LOL!  That's one of the few things I've not at least tried.
07:22.34*** join/#asterisk valence (
07:22.35Zeeekhave you tried the lord?
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07:22.38firestrmblitzrage, lol
07:22.41blitzrageManxPower: me either, tried cocain a couple of times just to see what all the hype was about, wasn't impressed. Thats about it other than weed and beer (how Canadian of me :))
07:22.47blitzrageZeeek: lol
07:23.02ManxPowerZeeek: Naw!  That shit will fuck you up bad.
07:23.06Zeeekblitzrage a musician friend heard that from his mother in law
07:23.16Zeeek"you've tried everything else!"
07:23.19blitzrageZeeek: lol
07:23.37JerJergood cocain can be fun
07:23.46JerJerbut the bullshit that most have isn't worth it
07:23.53firestrmnaw, i didnt like it.. felt like too much coffee
07:24.11blitzragedamn semi-colons will do it to you every time!
07:24.13JerJerI miss George Young
07:24.13*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
07:24.16Zeeeka sniff of coke makes you feel like a new man... trouble is, then the new man wants some
07:24.35ZeeekGeorge Carlin
07:24.46blitzragemaybe I was too intoxiated, or it sucked ass all the times I did it, but honestly all I got from it was a numb throat
07:24.57Zeeekwell, I've had the ultimate geek's nightmare
07:25.04Zeeeknow I have to send my dream phone back, sniff
07:25.07JerJerblitzrage:  it was prolly cut at least a few times then
07:25.23ManxPowerIsn't this better talked about on #astrisk-drinkers?
07:25.41Zeeekbut first, to the market, food for the body
07:25.57Zeeekoh ManxPower if you do come to Paris, be sure and let me know
07:25.58JerJerlamers cut the shit with viteman A and C, baby asprin or other worse shit
07:26.13remmospecial K
07:26.19ManxPowerZeeek: Well I have three days unplanned.
07:26.20blitzragehaha, here's the kind of code I'm creating: $status = "If I wasn't so tired at 3:21 AM, this would have worked";
07:26.21firestrmZeeek, what hapenned to yr fone
07:26.30Zeeekit died young
07:26.37ManxPowerI extended my stays in Amsterdam and Amtwerp.
07:26.47ZeeekAmsterdam rocks
07:26.53Zeeekfor a few days, anyway
07:27.01Zeeekalready did all the rituals
07:27.04blitzrageno need to go to Amsterdamn, same shit in Canada ;)
07:27.14ManxPowerZeeek: Do you have any idea how long it takes to get from Amsterdam to Paris via train?  Also Amsterdam to Madrid?
07:27.20blitzrageJerJer: aye cap'n
07:27.28firestrmblitzrage, JerJer, BC = Best Cannabas
07:27.35Zeeekmy guess would be about 8hs?
07:27.36blitzragetoo bad I'm in Ontario :)
07:27.38ManxPowerblitzrage: Canada does not have
07:27.40Zeeek8 hours
07:28.03blitzrageManxPower: lol - fine with me
07:28.30ManxPowerblitzrage: Oddly, Toronto has something quite similar.
07:28.35*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
07:28.42ManxPowerWe stayed there twice.
07:28.55ZeeekManxPower Amst-Paris = about 5hrs
07:28.57blitzrageManxPower: yah... probably on Church street right?
07:29.10ManxPowerblitzrage: Just off Church.  Called The Bent Inn
07:29.18blitzragehahaha... how'd I guess, lol
07:29.20ZeeekManxPower and anyone lese needing info :
07:29.22hypa7iaand there's always the Hot Box Cafe
07:29.32blitzrageI could go for some hot box :)
07:29.44blitzragesaw some in the pool earlier in the night
07:30.15blitzragewell, that's it for me - off to bed!
07:30.18blitzragenight all
07:30.41hypa7iaManxPower: torontonian?
07:30.53ManxPowerhypa7ia: no, like to visit.
07:31.03firestrmme too.. got my nufone connection working.. im content and happy.. to sleep for me..
07:31.25ManxPowerIf canada wasn't so cold I'd move there.
07:31.30firestrmthanks again JerJer!
07:31.41hypa7iaManxPower: lol
07:33.02TheEmperorcan someone please tell me what this means?  WARNING[1185929152]: chan_zap.c:5993 zt_pri_error: PRI: !! Got S-frame while link down
07:33.29*** join/#asterisk implicit (
07:35.30*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
07:38.20*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
07:39.58nextimeanyone using pyastre?
07:41.04*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
07:42.49*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (~me@
07:43.09Newbie___MikeJ[Laptop]: thanks for yesterday
07:43.23*** join/#asterisk oej (~oej@
07:43.38BoRiSHey JerJer, How did you integrate paypal into your system for credit cards without having people to sign up?
07:44.31JerJerI logged into paypal and RTFM
07:44.37JerJerfor about 4 hours today
07:45.05*** join/#asterisk Brook_Jiang (~brook@
07:45.33Romikjerjer: nice thing to read!
07:49.42Newbie___anyone did a callback on * ?
07:49.52JerJercallback is trivial
07:50.03JerJerprovided you have a reliable trigger
07:51.10Newbie___JerJer: is it worth while to buy one off the shelf ?
07:52.51JerJerhell no - write one with asterisk
07:54.13Newbie___JerJer: any good recommendation ?
07:54.24JerJertype for a few hours
07:54.29JerJeresc shift z z
07:54.32JerJerrun it
07:54.52Newbie___JerJer: i am not familiar with *
07:55.11Newbie___enough headache with the present * box
07:55.13JerJerthen pay somene (not me) to develop you an app
07:55.36Newbie___know any one ?
07:58.47newmedianYou may want to ask that question again during the daytime, or after dinner, EST.
07:59.26Newbie___newmedian: thanks
07:59.41newmediannp. currently 4am EST. Of course, who needs sleep anyway.
08:03.54JerJerwhat is this word sleep ?
08:07.07[hC]JerJer: i looked it up in my dictionary and it said "See ______"
08:07.19[hC]It looks like nobody has ever figured it out.
08:13.06*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
08:14.29*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
08:14.57Aze`DEVAnyone have problem with cvs head and bristuff ?
08:17.41*** part/#asterisk oej (~oej@
08:19.36*** join/#asterisk oej (~oej@
08:19.49rabelaisis doing a phone number transfer a custom order (something that can't be done from the website) from
08:20.03*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
08:24.39*** join/#asterisk Savage-S (
08:29.02*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
08:32.09*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
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08:47.00*** join/#asterisk eper-werk (
08:50.54*** join/#asterisk ChrisHodgetts (
08:53.32ChrisHodgettsdoes anyone know what this could mean?
08:53.49ChrisHodgettsMay 13 20:13:56 WARNING[7864]: chan_sip.c:694 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 2202927650@ for seqno 21 (Non-critical Response)
08:54.13oejA SIP packet did not reach its target
08:54.25oejsip show channels will show you what's going on
08:55.05ChrisHodgettsthe call setup was, SIP Phone > Asterisk > SIP Proxy > Outbound call
08:55.30ChrisHodgettswould direction would that packet have been droped in
08:55.37oejThis could be something else as well, a qualification packet
08:55.45oejYou need to turn on "sip debug" to see what's going on
08:56.03ChrisHodgettsarr ok
08:56.11ChrisHodgettsthanks for your help, I will go and do that and have a look
09:00.07*** join/#asterisk n4y (
09:00.54eper-werkhas anybody used, voiptalk shop website to order things?
09:03.45*** join/#asterisk vpp (
09:11.40*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
09:19.49vppanyone around
09:20.35*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
09:22.44*** join/#asterisk Martohtar (Martohtar@
09:22.48*** join/#asterisk tiko_007 (~tiko_007@
09:22.59*** join/#asterisk _omer (~dfsdf@
09:24.02_omeranybody there?
09:25.32_omervpp: what should I type in linux shell to go back to GUI
09:26.59vpphow did u get to the linux shell?
09:27.35_omerwhen I started my machine....I got the shell
09:27.48vppwell then u can try
09:27.58_omerits red hat linux
09:28.10vppor startx
09:28.30vppdid u install X on it?
09:28.37_omerstartx I'm in x :)
09:28.50vppok np
09:30.05*** join/#asterisk th (
09:31.09thi'm searching for commercial support in germany. anyone here to offer such?
09:31.41oejIsn't germany a southern part of Sweden? If so, we're available...
09:34.36t0phi,what is the 20 and tr in Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN},20,tr) for?  I waited for 20 secs but it didn't jump to the next step
09:36.20*** join/#asterisk rsdvd (
09:37.42*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
09:38.33t0pJas_Williams: Hi
09:39.12Jas_WilliamsMorning fixed your X100P yet
09:39.34t0pJas_Williams: yeah, that card is broken
09:39.52vppanyone know why asterisk says 'congested' when trying to dial out of Zap/g1 when it boots up
09:39.54Jas_WilliamsAt least you now know :)
09:40.01t0pJas_Williams: it looks like a new card but it didn't work
09:40.04vppbut if i do reload (twice) it works
09:40.17t0pJas_Williams: thanks again for your help yesterday
09:40.59Jas_WilliamsNo prob.
09:42.24Jas_Williamsvpp: what zap card do you have in your server ?
09:42.48t0pJas_Williams: what types of (other) cards are you using now?
09:43.19vppJas_Williams: Sangoma
09:43.33vppT1 card
09:43.42t0pJas_Williams: I am thinking of purchasing the card with 4 x E1s interface but it's pretty costly
09:44.39Jas_Williamst0p: I use an X100P in my lab and a Frtiz PCI BRI in small office PBX and 4 port E1 card in large office PBX
09:44.40t0pvpp: cool, for own use or for a business?
09:45.26t0pJas_Williams: i see. is it an E1 CAS?
09:45.29vppt0p: just testing it out at the moment
09:45.30Jas_Williamslab (HOME) Small PBX my Office Large office client install
09:46.13Jas_Williamst0p: No asterisk does not support E1 cas over ZAP I'm using E1 PRI Q931 EuroISDN
09:46.19*** join/#asterisk HIValentine (
09:46.35HIValentineanybody use asterisk on bsd?
09:47.14t0pJas_Williams: I thought I saw a configuration for E1 CAS somewhere. let me have a look
09:47.33*** join/#asterisk atporter (
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09:48.48Mc_Tranoybody use pre-paid application?
09:49.13Mc_Tri see this page:
09:49.44vppanyone have an ideas?
09:50.17Mc_Trsorry, vpp, no idea
09:50.46zoawe have a prepay and post pay application
09:50.48zoabut no website
09:51.21Xavvyso nobody here runs asterisk on bsd?
09:51.47zoaoh yes they do
09:51.48zoai did once
09:51.52zoabut not any more
09:51.57zoaseems to work fine on bsd
09:52.00Xavvyhehe that doesn't sound good :)
09:52.08zoajust no one who used bsd and asterisk is awake now
09:52.16Xavvyyou'll do fine
09:52.31XavvyI just want to know your opinion on its stability
09:52.34vppi read there were problems. so i used centos
09:52.38vppbut those were pretty old posts
09:52.45Xavvyyeah I heard things as well
09:52.49Xavvywhich is why I came here :P
09:53.02vppwell i use centos 3.4 and its running fine
09:53.23Xavvywell, you said you used to run it on bsd
09:53.23t0pJas_Williams: It's at
09:53.26Xavvyit worked fine for you?
09:53.39t0pJas_Williams: I don't know if it will work
09:54.09vppi think there's alot more people running it on redhat
09:54.21vpp(centos is modified redhat enterprise)
09:54.27XavvyI don't like redhat, though :)
09:54.34vppi wanted to use slackware :p
09:54.43_omerI dont like linux :)
09:54.43Xavvyslack is awesome
09:54.51vppyup :)
09:54.53Xavvywhen I ran linux I started out with slack
09:55.02Xavvya buddy of mine even owns now, hehe
09:55.07vppbut in the end i thought there's no point being one of few running on that dist
09:55.09Xavvybut I switched to gentoo
09:55.13Xavvy(before switching to bsd)
09:55.14vppthe problem is when u ask for support.. even in here
09:55.26vppmost people blame the dist, or say oh i don't know i don't run it on that
09:55.36Xavvyany distro-specific problems I can ninja out myself
09:55.52vppreally your not gonna use the asterisk machine for anything else
09:55.57XavvyI'm just wanting to know whether I should run it on bsd or not
09:56.00vppit'll just sit there handling your calls hehe
09:56.10vppu just wanna use sip?
09:56.11Jas_Williamst0p: this is using unicall a new library from
09:56.14vppiax etc?
09:56.19vppthe built in stuff?
09:56.23vppthen i'm sure it will be fine
09:56.26Xavvyno hardware involved
09:56.29*** part/#asterisk rsdvd (
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09:56.33Xavvyunless I start doing faxes
09:56.35vppif u want to use h323/oh323 then stick to centos or redhat
09:56.42Xavvywhich is a whole different ballpark I hear
09:56.56Xavvydo you use faxes?
09:57.00vppwell as long as your using asterisk core stuff i don't think there will be a problem
09:57.00Jas_Williamst0p: It should work if you follow these notes
09:57.12atporteranyone got an iax<->pstn provider they're happy with?
09:57.16vppi use it for sip -> h323 or sip -> PRI or h323 -> pri
09:57.31vppbasically to translate
09:57.40vppits a cheap way to do it
09:57.53t0pJas_Williams: Okay, is the library free?
09:58.09Jas_Williamst0p: yes its open source
09:58.18vppi ended up using centos because i found the asterisk @ home cd
09:58.27vppnow i boot that
09:58.44vppthen move atserisk, libpri, zaptel and download the cvs ones
09:58.49vppthen switch off all the crap
09:58.51vppand i'm done
09:58.56vppinstall in 20 mins :p
09:58.59Sato1hiya vpp
09:59.11vpphey Sato1
09:59.57vppSato1: i'm trying asterisk with a T1 card now :)
10:01.03Sato1good luck
10:01.44Jas_Williamst0p: The author of the unicall library is quite often here
10:01.50Jas_Williams~seen coppice
10:01.51jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 18h 27m 18s ago, saying: 'ariel_: goodnight'.
10:03.34t0pJas_Williams: i see
10:04.56t0pJas_Williams: I have 10 E1 Interfaces here with obsolete dialogic voice boards
10:05.50Jas_Williamst0p: Some dialogic boards are supported by asterisk however you need to purchace a license from digium to use these boards
10:06.26t0pJas_Williams: yeah but it's too bad that the ones I am using aren't supported
10:06.38vppSato1: thanks
10:06.45vpphaving minor problems right now
10:06.50vppbut otherwise its working
10:07.04*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
10:07.38t0pJas_Williams: thinking of changing from MFC/R2 to ISDN
10:08.24t0pJas_Williams: what drivers/libraries are you using for ISDN?  only Zaptel?
10:08.30Jas_Williamst0p: ISDN is better as all signalling is out of band rather than dtmf tones for dinis ANI etc
10:10.05*** join/#asterisk Vercingetorix (
10:10.09t0pJas_Williams: is TE405P you are using?
10:10.30Jas_Williamst0p: Yes Thats the one
10:10.45*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
10:12.09VercingetorixHi, could someone tell me how to checkout CVS HEAD?  I need the cvs checkout command line syntax.  Thanks.
10:12.44Jas_Williamscvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk
10:12.50VercingetorixPutting dog out -- BRB.
10:13.25ZeeekHEAD won't work if you have a dog
10:13.41Zeeekoh, wait that's a horse, sorry. You need STABLE
10:14.08Zeeekcheap shot, but what the heck
10:14.15VercingetorixBack -- OK - That's what I did.  How do I check out stable then?  I've been downloading the prepared tarballs
10:14.53Zeeekisn't the syntax given on ?
10:15.13Jas_WilliamsVercingetorix: follow directions on
10:15.16VercingetorixThe sysntax is there, but there is no explanation as to what the commands mean.
10:15.35ZeeekI never needed to know :)
10:15.35Jas_Williamscvs checkout -r v1-0 zaptel libpri asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds
10:15.52Jas_Williams-r v1-0checks out version 1 = stable
10:16.16*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
10:19.58*** join/#asterisk brenda (
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10:24.29dtwilsonhaving a wee first time look into sockets programming - thinking of using it within asterisk for a pseudo
10:25.21*** join/#asterisk malabar (
10:27.04*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (
10:45.20*** join/#asterisk cmk (
10:46.10syleyes, why redo whats already done
10:46.27syleso you gonna use a socket to accept then do all the bridging code to?
10:47.37*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
10:49.26*** join/#asterisk newbien (
10:55.06syleif you do it my only pointer is use pthreads for each incomming call
11:05.19*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
11:06.46vppdocs ?
11:08.22Zeeekvpp what docs?
11:09.01vppi was looking for the trigger that points to where the asterisk docs are
11:09.07vppnewbie pming hehe
11:09.13jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
11:09.16ZeeekStarter tutorial:
11:09.16ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
11:09.56RoyK~lart Zeeek
11:10.08Zeeekhow the farfon?
11:10.26Zeeekat least my office door stays open now
11:10.34*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:10.39Zeeeknice rubber feet
11:12.08vppanyone use a sangoma T1 card?
11:12.33RoyKsame thing
11:13.11vppi'm finding that when i reboot it and i try to call out of it
11:13.15vppit says congested
11:13.20vppbut if i do reload twice
11:13.23vppits ok
11:13.39vppis the card failing to negotiate with the other side?
11:13.51vppungracefull shutdown when asterisk is rebooted?
11:13.56vpphad any problems like that?
11:16.36*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
11:23.19*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta (
11:23.58RoyKzoa: ping
11:24.03RoyK~seen zoa
11:24.05jbotzoa is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 7 messages.  Is idling for 1h 31m 57s
11:24.12oejzoa sleeping...
11:24.45RoyKoej: kan du anbefale noe godt hotell med wlan til VON?
11:25.04oejVet inte riktigt vilka som har wlan...
11:25.14oejMellanpris, lågpris, högpris?
11:25.49RoyKtja. sjefen sa <= 1500 per natt, så det kan vel bli noe bra, vil jeg tro...... gjerne billigere
11:27.03RoyKSEK 1700 per natt er vel ganske høyt
11:27.11oejAny hotel downtown Stockholm. We're running Meet Asterisk at Continental, check for info. It's by the train station that has the commuter train to the conference
11:27.44RoyKhow far from the city center is the conference?
11:27.56*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
11:29.41RoyKoej: meet asterisk doesn't really seem that interesting. I beleive I know what asterisk is :)
11:30.04oejYou need to register for astricon
11:31.14oej...or send me a talk proposal!
11:32.19Romikhow to set callerid of zapata channels?
11:32.29zoaoej, we have a new version of the sip jb again
11:32.35zoasolves some more issues we found
11:32.39oejzoa: You're alive!
11:34.04*** join/#asterisk prh (~paul@
11:34.45RoyKoej: astericon?
11:34.52RoyKoej: I was talking about the VON
11:34.58oejRoyK: I moved to Astricon :-)
11:35.07*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
11:35.15RoyKyou're not going to the VON?
11:35.39*** part/#asterisk darby_t (
11:36.16Nixeoj. I may turn up to Astricon
11:36.48Savage-Shello, does anyone has experience on asterisk with BRI, with sub-adressing on the D-channel?
11:39.48Savage-SAsterisk sees the sub-adressing coming in, but it does not pass it through from external to internal channels and vice versa
11:39.48oejRoyK: Yes, I'm speaking at VoN
11:39.49*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
11:39.49NixRoyK: you are in .ie right?
11:39.49dtwilsonRoyK: are you in .ie? so am I :)
11:40.29RoyKI'm in .no
11:41.00RoyKzoa: another new one?
11:41.12dtwilsonahhh - ok, was surprised to see if there were others here from .ie
11:41.16zoaanother one
11:41.41RoyKcan I have that url again?
11:41.49RoyKreinstalled the powerbook with a 7.2k spin drive.......
11:41.52RoyKbookmarks gone
11:42.03NixI need a DID in .ie
11:42.17Nixanyone have any recomendations? its for a customer
11:42.39Nixpreferably in dublin
11:45.07*** join/#asterisk ilium007 (
11:45.22*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
11:45.34leheltzafrir: are you here?
11:45.37RomikNix: I need in germany, japan, italy, france, spain do you know where i can order such DIDs?
11:47.26Nixin germany it is still illegal afaik
11:47.35Nixjapan maybe
11:47.38Nixthe others no
11:47.40Nixsorry :-(
11:47.56RomikNix: iconnecthere offer them, but only need their device - native work only with USA
11:48.13Romiknix: japan which provider?
11:48.22NixI have a japanese partner
11:48.25DelvarNix: do sip UK DDI's including dublin
11:48.27*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
11:48.42NixDelvar: I couldnt find dublin DIDs in voiptalk :-(
11:49.28Nixare you sure?
11:51.09Delvarlol my mistake
11:52.07ZeeekRomik look at the asterisk-biz mailing list - this is discussed daily
11:58.51Romikzeeek: where i check this list?
11:59.15Romikzeee: found it
11:59.36lehelline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
12:00.23*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
12:01.10eper-werkI hope telappliant/voiptalk sent my card out soon, there support is not very responsive
12:01.56*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
12:01.58*** join/#asterisk Mother__ (
12:02.06Mother__multiple greetings
12:02.13Mavvielehel: do some basic trouble shooting. does the file exist?
12:03.05lehelMavvie: ?? on my card aren't the lights on! :(
12:03.16leheli have problems with zaptel configuration
12:03.23Mavvielehel: still, do some basic troubble shooting: does the file exist?
12:03.25lehelPPP... ???
12:03.26Mother__quick question: in zapata.conf I have a zap channel as pickupgroup=1, then a SIP channel also has pickupgroup=1 in sip.conf, but I get "chan_sip.c:7802 handle_request: Nothing to pick up"
12:03.57lehelMavvie: i can't understood you! what file??
12:04.11Mother__I also have group=1 and callgroup=1 in zapata.conf for this channel
12:04.14Mavvielehel: the one mentioned in the line you pasted.
12:04.46Mavvielehel: go on...
12:05.03lehel?go on?
12:05.03lehelcannot open the file
12:05.21Mother__any ideas??
12:05.31Mavvielehel: now it's up to you to figure out when you can't open a file.
12:05.51*** join/#asterisk O-Zone_ (
12:05.57O-Zone_hi all
12:05.58*** join/#asterisk cursor (
12:06.09cursorhello all
12:06.28MavvieI guess that was too difficult
12:07.17O-Zone_i need some help to asterisk
12:07.40*** join/#asterisk Renfield (
12:07.47cursorWhat sort of help do you need?
12:08.04MavvieO-Zone_: asterisk is not a verb.
12:08.14O-Zone_i've installed asterisk
12:08.16O-Zone_from CVS
12:08.20O-Zone_with AMP
12:08.33O-Zone_i wish to use it as a PBX for SIP phones
12:08.38O-Zone_into an office
12:08.51O-Zone_how i can add SIP users ?
12:08.56O-Zone_i've added peers to sip.conf
12:09.03O-Zone_and now asterisk accept registration
12:09.11O-Zone_but deny calls between peers
12:09.51cursorYou need sip users and peers in sip.conf
12:10.16cursoror, if they are just phones then you can use "friend"
12:10.47cursorfriend is evil for service provider links, but is ok for phones
12:10.48Mother__grrrr I just cannot get *8# to work!!!
12:11.19Mother__it's bound to be something silly, but I have added group pickupgroup and callgroup almost everywhere now
12:11.29O-Zone_cursor: i try following the instruction to add friends  from mysql
12:11.32O-Zone_but don't work
12:11.33*** join/#asterisk stormfr (~StorM@
12:11.42cursorthis should be all you need:
12:11.42cursorcallgroup = 1
12:11.42cursorpickupgroup = 1
12:11.46cursorin sip.conf
12:11.48cursorand wherever
12:11.55cursordepending upon the phones :-)
12:12.08O-Zone_an example of my sip.conf peer
12:12.13O-Zone_callerid="" <9903>
12:12.22Savage-Shello, does anyone has experience on asterisk with BRI, with sub-adressing on the D-channel?
12:12.23O-Zone_9903 is the extension i've created with AMP
12:12.23Savage-SAsterisk sees the sub-adressing coming in, but it does not pass it through from external to internal channels and vice versa
12:12.24Mother__cursor: Cisco 7912s
12:12.51cursorO-zone: username = duccio
12:14.23O-Zone_i've added callgroup = 1 and pickupgroup = 1 to each peer
12:14.46Mother__this are the (L)user phones
12:15.26O-Zone_cursor: ufff...403 - not found
12:15.51cursorOZ: Are the phones on the same network as the Asterisk box?
12:15.56*** part/#asterisk Renfield (
12:16.00cursorI.e. Are there any NAT/firewall issues?
12:16.20O-Zone_Looking for fabrizio in sipexts
12:16.20O-Zone_Reliably Transmitting (NAT):
12:16.20O-Zone_SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
12:16.20O-Zone_Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK55299E33;received=;rport=5064
12:16.20O-Zone_From: "michele" <>;tag=77FCEB38
12:16.21O-Zone_To: <>;tag=as0dbe1be9
12:16.23O-Zone_Call-ID: 1380090725@
12:16.25O-Zone_CSeq: 1902 INVITE
12:16.27O-Zone_User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
12:16.31O-Zone_Contact: <sip:fabrizio@>
12:16.33O-Zone_Content-Length: 0
12:16.36O-Zone_cursor: yes
12:16.38O-Zone_there's a firewall
12:16.56O-Zone_but don't blocki anything between us
12:17.01RoyK ~pastebin
12:17.07Mother__hah it verks!!!
12:17.23cursorOZ: by the way - change your password when you've finished :-)
12:17.34cursorI have your IP, username and password now - you pasted them all
12:17.34Mother__thanks all
12:17.49Mother__cya cursor, thanks
12:17.54cursorno probs
12:17.57O-Zone_cursor: you can't do anything...sorry :-D
12:18.09*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
12:18.20cursorI wouldn't anyway, but I can't speak for everyone here :-)
12:18.23O-Zone_cursor: i'm behind a firewalled network
12:18.31O-Zone_there's no problems
12:18.41O-Zone_there are dummy accounts
12:19.07O-Zone_i only want to make asterisk work :-D
12:19.09O-Zone_ideas ?
12:19.15cursordo your phones show up if you "sip show peers"
12:19.20cursorand "sip show users"
12:19.38cursorand "sip show registry"
12:19.58*** join/#asterisk durex (~ironman@
12:20.52t0pwhat DNS records do I have to add to allow SIP related queries
12:21.19O-Zone_moloch*CLI> sip show peers
12:21.19O-Zone_Name/username    Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port     Status
12:21.19O-Zone_duccio/duccio    (Unspecified)    D   N  0        Unmonitored
12:21.19O-Zone_fabrizio/fabriz   D   N  5060     Unmonitored
12:21.19O-Zone_michele/michele    D   N  5064     Unmonitored
12:21.25O-Zone_seems yes
12:21.26cursorunless you want SRV records too
12:21.35*** join/#asterisk fcbouan (
12:22.02O-Zone_sip show registry is empty
12:22.06O-Zone_what it mean ?
12:22.16cursornothing is registered
12:22.25O-Zone_cursor: so ?
12:22.29O-Zone_if i open kphone
12:22.33O-Zone_it say that i'm registered !
12:22.37cursorcheck your phones to make sure they are trying to register with Asterisk
12:22.43O-Zone_..after configuration
12:22.48t0pcursor: so, if someone calls me at as I understand there will be a query to one of my DNS servers
12:23.08cursort0p if you have an Asterisk box on then that's fine
12:23.29cursorif your Asterisk box is on then you can use that as a SIP address
12:23.30t0pcursor: i see
12:23.38fcbouanhi , can someone help me ? i need use ast_mutex_trylock() instead of ast_mutex_lock() for mysql query in c module ?
12:23.47cursorand you can also set up SRV records to point ->
12:23.54cursoras a shortcut
12:24.06t0pcursor: so, it goes to whatever IP it resolves from
12:24.23O-Zone_a pastebin site ?
12:24.26cursorunless has a SRV record pointing SIP elsewhere
12:24.47t0pcursor: okay, I understand now
12:24.55*** join/#asterisk clive- ( even :P
12:25.28cursorpatebin is used to throw away meat spreads
12:25.33clive-anyone here familar with chan_capi, I am trying to increase the gain, without success
12:26.17O-Zone_ << all REGISTER flow
12:26.21O-Zone_what0's wrong !??!?
12:26.32O-Zone_my colleaugue Fabrizio say that receives ACK from me !
12:26.35cursorI don't use capi, but I understand it's a digital line, so it probably doesn't have gains, as sucj
12:27.34*** join/#asterisk michal_ (
12:27.34clive-cursor there is a gain setting, but it doesnt seem to have an effect
12:27.59cursorok - I don't use CAPI, so I don't really know
12:28.18cursorNo ISDN here
12:28.31cursorSIP/IAX links only here
12:29.34cursorO-Z perhaps you need nat=yes in your friend block
12:31.41O-Zone_cursor: i've added it
12:31.50O-Zone_now it say: Service not available
12:33.04fcbouanis there someone who can help me for ast_mutex_lock usage ?
12:33.08*** join/#asterisk gbdrbob (
12:33.26gbdrbobI've found a minor bug
12:33.26O-Zone_SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable
12:33.34gbdrbobIn the monitor app
12:34.20cursorin CVS v1-0 or HEAD (or a package)?
12:34.23sudhir492what is the caller id variable in the channel?
12:34.37gbdrbobin stable
12:34.56gbdrbobif the monitor filename has a space in it them the automated mix/xleanup of the "m" option doesn't work
12:35.00sudhir492for some readon $CALLERID is blank !
12:35.08cursorI use NAME/NUM
12:35.40*** join/#asterisk Nuxi (
12:36.14sudhir492CALLERIDNUM is ok
12:36.32gbdrbobI put the callerid in the monitor filename and when it is withheld * substitues "CID withheld" the extra space stops rm working.
12:36.38MavvieCALLERIDIUM sounds like some kind of element.
12:37.36*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
12:37.59gbdrbobthe monitor app should escape space in the filename or put the whole filename in quotes when calling rm
12:38.10cursorThe monitor app shouldn't call rm
12:38.17cursorit should call unlink()
12:38.32cursorJust modify this line to add quotes:
12:38.32cursorsnprintf(tmp2,sizeof(tmp2), "( %s& rm -f \"%s\"/%s-* ) &",tmp, dir ,name); /* remove legs when done mixing */
12:38.41cursormove the existing end quote
12:38.56durexdoes somebody knows how to identify a 'realm' in a sip register ?
12:39.29cursormoving the end quote won't work :-)
12:39.48marloweis simpletelcom still i nbusiness?
12:39.55marlowethey have been unreachable for me for about a month now
12:39.55*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
12:40.09cursorNever heard of simpletelcom
12:40.43marloweI dunno - I dont use them - They were  backup like #5 but still.. The web site is up and all, I can login. They're just unreachable - No replies to emails.
12:42.28*** join/#asterisk heison (
12:44.07cursorgbdrbob: I could give you a quick and dirty fix to try
12:44.19t0pcursor: would you know the pattern to add SRV record in bind?
12:44.34cursor_sip._udp       IN      SRV     10      0       5060    voip
12:44.40cursorwhere voip is in
12:44.59t0pcursor: thanks
12:45.00O-Zone_what is they ?
12:45.01O-Zone_SIP/2.0 200 OK
12:45.02O-Zone_Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bK392e695e
12:45.02O-Zone_From: "Unknown" <sip:Unknown@>;tag=as43a3b05d
12:45.02O-Zone_CSeq: 102 NOTIFY
12:45.02O-Zone_Call-ID: 34e9682d0abf934432d005735d450bd3@
12:45.03O-Zone_To: <sip:michele@;transport=udp>;tag=4FC19A06
12:45.05O-Zone_Content-Length: 0
12:45.08O-Zone_User-Agent: kphone/4.0.5
12:45.09O-Zone_Contact: "michele" <sip:michele@;transport=udp>
12:45.18marloweO: next time
12:45.38*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
12:47.37O-Zone_why i can't register to my asterisk ?
12:48.41cursormichele@  <-- weird, but maybe ok
12:48.44cursor5062 ?
12:50.07Mavviecursor: it's okay
12:50.22gbdrbobcursor: go for it :-)
12:50.48cursorapprox. line 251
12:50.50O-Zone_cursor: asterisk is in the same machine of michele's sip client
12:50.56cursorChange this:
12:50.56cursor"(tmp2,sizeof(tmp2), "( %s& rm -f \"%s\"/%s-* ) &"
12:50.58cursorto this:
12:51.02cursor"( %s& find \"%s\" -name \"%s-*\" -maxdepth 1 -exec /bin/rm -f \"{}\" \\; ) &"
12:51.08cursorI said it was dirty :-)
12:52.02cursorand I haven't tested it, so beware :-)
12:52.38cursoroops - don't change all of that
12:52.49cursorjust the part that starts with "( %s&
12:53.41cursorChange this much of it:
12:53.41cursor"( %s& rm -f \"%s\"/%s-* ) &"
12:54.38RoyKdoes anyone have an overview over asterisk memory requirements?
12:54.47RoyKmy main sip gateway uses 1GB RAM
12:54.52cursoryes - Asterisk requires memory
12:55.20*** join/#asterisk Patrick^ (
12:58.02cursor(RoyK) Our Asterisk server has 512MB and sits comfortably in there
12:58.06*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
12:58.14cursorI suppose it depends upon your usage and the number of phones/links etc.
12:58.28clive-patrick, hi,,,,
13:01.00RoyKcursor: what traffic?
13:01.07cursornot a lot
13:01.19cursorrun "top" and see what Asterisk is using
13:01.33cursorPress "M" to sort by memory usage
13:02.37*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
13:03.09RoyKcursor: I know :P
13:03.18RoyKcursor: and asterisk uses a gig or so
13:03.26cursor10199 asterisk -11   0 29976 6576 3748 S  0.0  1.0   0:00.35 asterisk
13:03.33cursorOurs looks like that
13:03.36cursorseveral of those lines
13:03.41fcbouanis there someone who can help me for ast_mutex_lock usage ?
13:03.46RoyK13766 ?        S<     0:12      0   605 943582 853508 41.1  \_ asterisk -vvvg -c
13:03.50cursor12 of them
13:04.09RoyKnot too much trafiic now.....
13:04.12RoyKon that box
13:04.49cursorfcbouan: There should be plenty of examples in the code
13:05.11fcbouani got lot of deadlock
13:05.14fcbouanwith mysq ltt
13:05.29fcbouanwith realtime
13:05.43RoyKwhat sort of deadlocks?
13:05.44fcbouaneven if i remove all lock/unlock in my app
13:06.04fcbouandeadlock on mysql query
13:06.34fcbouanis module use separed ressource on mutex lock  or can interact ?
13:06.48fcbouanrealtime lock interact with my custom mod
13:07.04RoyKdoes anyone know why I can't "sip show peer xxx" with realtime?
13:07.05RoyKthat sucks
13:11.58newlRoyK: you can, use the load option.
13:12.19newlsee also: sip show peer<return> :)
13:12.40O-Zone_why my sip phones don't register on asterisk !?!??
13:13.05newlBecause it may be improperly configured?
13:13.27O-Zone_but my kphone say to me that i'm registered !
13:15.00clive-any capi users around?
13:15.51*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
13:20.08t0pHi, is this  exten => _1644,1,Dial(SIP/ correct? if my * has a real IP and the /etc/resolv.conf points to working name servers?
13:20.26t0pi'm on FC3
13:22.25cursort0p: looks ok
13:22.40*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
13:22.40*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
13:23.12O-Zone_between sip phone connected to asterisk server
13:23.13t0pcursor: :-) , it's my first day getting * to run
13:23.23O-Zone_can i call using username or i need to allocate numbers ?
13:23.48cursornumbers and usernames are interchangeable
13:23.54cursorit depends upon your setup
13:24.07cursorfoo can be a number
13:24.10cursorif defined
13:24.13O-Zone_my setup don't work :-(
13:25.08*** join/#asterisk iq (
13:25.09t0pcursor: I tried name-to-number mapping in extensions.conf but it didn't seem to work
13:25.22*** part/#asterisk clive- (
13:26.02cursorexten => foo,...
13:26.44cursorI have things like this: exten => echo,1,Goto(2009,1)
13:26.56cursorso that maps echo to 2009
13:26.59cursorextension 2009 is a local echo test
13:27.09t0pcursor: ok, i get it working now
13:27.14t0pcursor: thanks
13:27.26*** part/#asterisk n4y (
13:27.48O-Zone_users are extension ?
13:27.55O-Zone_i'm going crazy
13:28.18cursor"user" defines an incoming connection
13:28.24cursor"peer" defines an outgoing connection
13:28.39O-Zone_but Asterisk can handle REGISTER for SIP users ?
13:28.44newl"friend" defines someone you go out drinking with.
13:28.47O-Zone_why uit don't wok
13:28.47zoayes it can
13:28.59O-Zone_there's some docs hot to do it
13:29.11cursorIt all depends upon who's buying
13:29.41RoyKzoa: can I have the download url to the jb again, please?
13:29.53zoathe newest one is not online yet
13:31.15cursorremove legs when done mixing  <-- ouch
13:31.19*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (
13:31.53*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
13:32.08cjkhi,does anyone know a tool like sipsak for iax?
13:32.50cursorIf there is one then it'll be in the Asterisk CVS
13:33.00Sato1whats sipsak?
13:33.03*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
13:33.23cursorIAX is proprietory - SIP is standard, so more people work with it
13:33.53cursorproprietary, even
13:33.55*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
13:34.03Sato1hi ariel_, remember my problem with my FWD? its a FWD problem
13:34.23ariel_Sato1, great to hear it's not on your end.
13:34.30ariel_morning everyone.
13:34.34Sato1still a problem
13:34.45Sato1got another account and now its working fine
13:35.00cursorariel: Afternoon
13:35.02RoyKzoa: ok
13:35.16ariel_cursor, good afternoon to you.
13:35.20RoyKzoa: do you know when?
13:35.33zoacjk, astertest does it a little
13:35.37ariel_Just want to let everyone know it's a good Friday 13th....
13:35.43zoaas well as massregister.tar.gz
13:36.46Sato1thats the only thing i hate about my birthday, some times next day is Friday 13th
13:37.15*** join/#asterisk jackthe (
13:37.34ManxPowerDon't download  It contains all sort of useful AGI scripts and dialplan examples and config examples and ITU source code for G729 and G723.1
13:37.39NuxiWe're updating the firmware on all of our motorola vt1000s today just to test fate.
13:38.06RoyKManxPower: thanks. I won't
13:38.24ManxPowerRoyK: 8-)
13:38.39cursorSato1: Don't worry - Friday 13 was only really unlucky in 1307
13:39.18NuxiManxPower, I'm having trouble getting some of the G729 AGI scripts you just mentioned ...
13:39.29*** join/#asterisk OzJames79 (
13:39.46ManxPowerNuxi: I didn't mention any G729 AGI scripts.
13:40.12NuxiYou mean there are no G729 AGI scripts at
13:40.35cursorManxPower: I don't think the ITU allow you to distribute their src, but I don't really care either way :-)
13:40.48ManxPowerNuxi: There are no G729 AGI scripts there.  There are AGI scripts and there is ITU G729 source code, but they are not the same thing.
13:41.07ManxPowercursor: *shrug*  They let me download it for free so they can't be THAT concerned about it.\
13:41.45cursorI've deliberately not looked at it
13:42.25cursorFrom what I'm told, the ITU source is a bit of a mess anyway
13:42.38blitzragemorning all
13:42.43Sato1whats the difference between that ITU g729 and the intel code for g729?
13:42.52cursorArrest of Jaques de Molay, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, and 60 of his senior knights
13:43.01ManxPowercursor: Oh yes.  It doesn't even compile out of the box.  But I figure it's a good joke to let people download it and then know they will spend hours of wasted time trying to make it work.
13:43.03blitzrageManxPower: I'm going to really start thinking you're a bot when you don't sleep :)
13:43.03NuxiSato1, TU != ntel
13:43.05cursorFriday 13 October 1307
13:43.29ManxPowerblitzrage: I slept a total of 8 hours out of the paste 24 hours.
13:43.36ManxPowerI just sleep at weird hours
13:43.37blitzrageManxPower: yah, I imagine so
13:43.56blitzrageManxPower: you were awake when I went to bed at 3:30, and now you're away when I wake up at 9:45am :)
13:44.02Sato1so whats the difference? which one has better perfomance? ow.. which one its better?
13:44.06ManxPower5pm - 9pm, 4am - 8am
13:44.20blitzrageoh, I can't split my sleeping like that :)
13:44.25cursor10am - 10pm - 3 days later
13:44.27blitzragewish I could
13:44.50ManxPowerblitzrage: I can only do so if the splits are around specific times.  I get REALLY tired 3pm - 6pm every day.
13:45.15cursor2:45pm here now :-)
13:45.21zoathe itu one is better
13:45.27zoait also works on non intel
13:45.33ManxPowerUgh.  I need to call two places in Amsterdam today.
13:45.40eper-werkbit of a silly question however, does asterisk have anything like voice recorgnition or a "say the persons name" and it connects you to there extention?
13:45.46Sato1the intel works actually on non intell procesors
13:45.48ManxPowereper-werk: no.
13:45.57cursorManxPower you should keep that to yourself :-)
13:46.07ManxPowercursor: LOL!
13:46.10ManxPowercursor: HOTELS
13:46.44ManxPower"I want the readhead, number 4873.  Can you ship via fedex?
13:47.15*** join/#asterisk zamsler (
13:47.26cursorIt's only red hair under that lighting
13:47.45Sato1zoa, it does not compile in non intel procesors, but if you compile it in a intel procesor and copy to an AMD, it works
13:48.40sudhir492my asterisk occasionally crashes somewhere in pwlib :-(
13:48.44*** join/#asterisk jterrero (
13:49.05Nuxieper-werk, you can do that with a little bit of agi and signal processing.
13:49.45cursorYou'd do better with a directory list and extension numbers
13:50.02cjkzoa: thanks btw
13:50.19Dishwashawow, can't believe I stayed on irc idle all night, I normally get disconnected
13:50.47NuxiActually, it works quite well.  I have about a dozen people that I can dial by saying their name.
13:51.17blitzragecursor: you're fired!
13:51.43cursorDr. Michael Hfuhruhurr
13:51.57cursorTry getting voice recognition to find that
13:52.11cursorFrom "The Man with Two Brains"
13:52.37Nuxieper-werk, the trick is to not use ASR packages meant for dictation.
13:52.38cursorSteve Martin classic
13:53.00Nuxicursor, it will have no problem with Dr. Michael Hfuhruhurr.
13:53.57cursorIt might get confused with Dr. Oppenheimer
13:54.12sudhir492Hfuhruhurr :-) Is that a real name ?
13:54.19cursorIt is in that film :-)
13:54.35zamslersounds german
13:54.46cursorSounds gibberish
13:55.05cursorJust try to say it
13:55.48cursorIch spreche Deutsches wenig, aber nicht sehr gut.
13:55.58*** join/#asterisk jskcr|lappy (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
13:56.03RoyKskjønte det....
13:56.13*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
13:56.42cursor9 :-)
13:56.44*** part/#asterisk Grooby (
13:57.04RoyKNuxi: ya?
13:58.11Nuxiis JA the java version of ya?
13:58.20*** join/#asterisk slePP (
13:58.57cursorRho srapped mg kegtops awound?
13:59.27ManxPowerApparently the 468* "factory reset" on the Polycom phones does NOT clear out the "directory" on the phone.
13:59.41ManxPowerYou know the directory that defaults to silent ring for people in the directory
13:59.57*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
13:59.57*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
14:02.25*** part/#asterisk OzJames79 (
14:03.12*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
14:03.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
14:04.24zamslercursor.. Long as u don't flash.. u should be ok.
14:04.26zoahey ho brian
14:04.27*** join/#asterisk jets (
14:04.28Nuxidoes * run un hubble?
14:04.47zoabrian, do you remember the type of wifi phone file was using at von ?
14:04.59cursorNo - hubble just looks at the *
14:05.25*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
14:05.58cursorWhy use WiFi phones when you can use DECT?
14:06.20RoyKgood question
14:06.33cursorSaves nuking your brain
14:06.54cursorI wouldn't want a WiFi transmitter next to my head
14:08.13Sato1well, depends on the power, but 300mw... enough to give a good headche for a little while
14:08.15ZeeekManxPower why are you dreading calling Amsterdam? They all speak English
14:08.20Sato1...and less live neurones
14:08.25Zeeekand likely three or four other langs as well
14:08.55*** join/#asterisk user7621 (
14:09.18_-Jon-_Hey I have a strange problem..  I'm using my ATA at home and dial out, I hear the ringing sound.  But if I dial into the system with my cell phone, or any phone for that matter, and dial an extention that goes out the same line, I don't hear ringing.  Any ideas?
14:09.33*** join/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
14:09.41vaewynI'll take a wifi over those @#$@#$ 2.4ghz cordless headsets
14:09.56vaewynThe wifi ones are <50mw
14:10.36vaewynSome of the cordless ones but 450+mw out because they have @#$#$ antennas
14:11.22vaewynManxPower: try a Hitachi Cable WIP-5000 and see if you come back :P
14:11.34ManxPowervaewyn: It has 2 lines?
14:11.34Sato1or i would have lot of colissions in my wireless internet link
14:11.40newlditto..too much already in the air here
14:11.51ManxPowervaewyn: It's under $100?
14:11.53vaewynManxPower: Nope... callwaiting... but not 2 lines
14:12.12vaewynbut your 2.4 + the SIP brick weren't under 100$ either
14:12.37Sato1ManxPower, is there a patch to compile those codecs from Eric in asterisk? :D
14:12.43vaewynplus mine works in airports... hotel rooms... anywhere there is wifi
14:12.50ManxPowerSato1: No.  I said don't download it.
14:12.53cursorDECT isn't 2.4G in England
14:13.06vaewynHeck... I made calls from the VON floor with it :P
14:13.18ManxPowerYou can't expect me to help you on something I told you not do download.
14:13.19Sato1oops, i thought you was being sarcastic
14:13.30vaewynalso makes a great wifi network spotter :P
14:13.36ManxPowerSato1: No.  I just don't want to answer questions about it.
14:14.20ManxPowerI donnated the entire file to
14:15.00*** part/#asterisk user7621 (
14:15.09ManxPowerSato1: Like the Devil, I am known by many names.
14:15.26ManxPowerIn OKC I'm known as "Shut up!"
14:15.39AgiNamuManxPower, you're JerJer?
14:16.08ManxPowerAgiNamu: No.  I would have to own guns and support the war to be JerJer
14:16.30_-Jon-_Can someone tell me why this produces no ringing sound: exten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/2423,20,Ttr)
14:16.58_-Jon-_cursor, was that directed towards me?
14:17.15_-Jon-_I know I forgot to take those out! :P
14:17.37*** join/#asterisk darth-timeus (darth@
14:17.56cursorMay the source be with you, Darth
14:18.31cursorJon: Try without the Tt
14:18.43cursorthe "r" should fake a ringtone
14:18.58cursorI don't know how the Tt would affect it - I don't use Tt
14:18.58ManxPowercursor: as far as I can tell "r" never actually works when you need it to.
14:19.04cursorI don't use "r" either :-)
14:19.05RoyK18 past weekend start
14:19.08RoyK18minutes that is
14:19.10*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
14:19.19_-Jon-_I like to have that assuring ring sound :P
14:19.19cursor3:19pm here
14:19.20ManxPowerYou will hear ringing if Asterisk things you should hear ringing.
14:19.30RoyKcursor: sounds like uk
14:19.39cursorUK, yes
14:19.42ManxPower"r" tells Asterisk to provide ringing sound even when it thinks it's the wrong thing to do.
14:19.44cursorIs there anywhere else?
14:20.02newlAustralia? B)
14:20.08Jas_WilliamsNo UK
14:20.08RoyKwrong tz :P
14:20.10cursorYou can get a ring sound, followed by an engaged tone, which is just weird
14:20.15cursorDon't use it unless you have to
14:20.40Jas_Williamscursor is corrct do not use r unless you have a broken phone/gateway
14:20.44darth-timeusi can't get the asterisk to have two way audio
14:20.56darth-timeusi'm open to suggestion
14:21.06Jas_Williamsdarth-timeus: Nat or codec issue ?
14:21.15ManxPowerI thought UK fell into the ocean!
14:21.28AgiNamuCan someone explain why it appears that x,y are used as loop counters in res_agi?
14:21.37newlNo, it fell into his lap, along with Australia. ;)
14:21.37darth-timeusi don't have nat, or firewall configured
14:21.40ManxPowerSorry, that was the REST of Europe that fell into the ocean.
14:21.47AgiNamuinstead of i,j (or G-d forbid, descriptive names)
14:22.00darth-timeusJas_Williams: i'm new to asterisk, how can i check if is a codec problem?
14:22.08ZeeekAgiNamu converted COBOL ?
14:22.36Zeeekdarth-timeus disallow=none, allow=ulaw
14:22.46Nuximod_cobol:: typeorg physical-sequential
14:22.50ManxPowerZeeek: it's disallow=all
14:22.50Zeeekdarth-timeus disallow=all, allow=ulaw
14:22.52_-Jon-_Damn, still no ringing sound :(
14:23.00ZeeekI know, it's a funny hour for my typing
14:23.17Zeeekclean out the ringer, maybe it's clogged?
14:23.23Jas_Williams_-Jon-_: Are you calling through a gateway ?
14:23.48*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
14:23.48_-Jon-_Jas_williams, I'm calling a toll-free number from LiveVoip first.  Is that what you mean?
14:23.52ZeeekI always use 'r' and I always have ringing
14:24.06Zeeekbut once I had a distorted double ringing
14:24.06newlYou've got too much equipment on the line which is beyond the max REN value. 8)
14:24.22_-Jon-_Zeeek, I get that once in a while too
14:24.37darth-timeusZeeek: it is configured in that way
14:24.41Zeeekit's an ugly sound, like two rings on top of each other
14:24.58Zeeekdarth-timeus you need to pastebin an example of a call
14:25.04Jas_Williams_-Jon-_: are you tlking about the ring back tone generated by you phone when you make an outbound call via LiveVoip ?
14:25.06Zeeekor at least describe one
14:25.09AgiNamuwell, there's a nested for loop, using x,y
14:25.15AgiNamuso I'm going to go rename that
14:25.37AgiNamuesp. cause it's unrelated to x,y coordinates :P
14:25.37Zeeekwhy do we always start with i in c, anyway?
14:25.41_-Jon-_Jas_williams, right.  I hear nothing unil they pick up
14:26.05AgiNamuZeeek, cause thats just how we do it.
14:26.08newlZeeek: because programmers are self centered. :)
14:26.13AgiNamuthe thing is, you shouldnt ever get to k
14:26.25AgiNamuif you need 3 loop counters, some would say, if you ever get to j
14:26.35AgiNamuthen you should rename to something useful, like ixCommand or ixArgument
14:26.50*** join/#asterisk anthm (
14:26.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:26.53Zeeeknewl then should it be "for (me=0;me<100;me++) ?
14:27.02Jas_Williams_-Jon-_: That will be a Live Voip problem they need to provide progress tones to * an r on your outgoing dial should force you phone to hear ringing but  it is a nasty hack
14:27.06AgiNamu"Excess Flood"? Isn't the definition of Flood to do with Excess?
14:27.12ZeeekADD A,B   ; add a to b
14:27.15AgiNamu"Insufficient Flood"
14:27.47Jas_WilliamsJust Flood would be better English
14:28.00*** join/#asterisk darth-timeus (darth@
14:28.12AgiNamubut im guessing that I'll be murdered if I try to submit a patch that uses "ixCommand"
14:28.17Jas_Williamsdarth-timeus: Use pastebin :-)
14:28.18_-Jon-_Jas_Williams, err wait, hold on.  Let me explain something else..  I dial my toll free number and my Asterisk box picks up.  I dial the extention of my ATA at home and I hear no ringing either
14:28.50Jas_Williams_-Jon-_: Whic version of asterisk are you running ?
14:28.50*** join/#asterisk alvis (Alvis@
14:28.51darth-timeusJas_Williams: how i do that?
14:29.08Zeeek-Jon- We do that all the time. Who's your DID from?
14:29.17AgiNamuIs there any general prefix that's most Asterisk acceptable? like curcmd or curarg?
14:29.28jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
14:29.31_-Jon-_Zeeek, Livevoip
14:29.45_-Jon-_Jas_Williams, not sure, one of the CVS versions
14:29.50Zeeekand haven't there been msgs on the mailing list about them recently?
14:30.18jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
14:30.38Jas_Williams_-Jon-_: Do a make update in the src directory and try again :) or do a show version in the cli
14:30.50Zeeek-Jon- type this into google: livevoip ring
14:31.05Zeeekor is that your message?
14:32.08*** part/#asterisk grolloj (
14:32.16_-Jon-_Zeeek, wouldn't the problem be with my Asterisk box though?  Cause it's not rining when I call into Asterisk through LiveVoip, and then dial any extension
14:32.22*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
14:32.38_-Jon-_Jas_williams, doesn't give me a version # or date
14:32.40ManxPower_-Jon-_: That is a known problem.  No fix that I know of.
14:32.41_-Jon-_I'll try updating
14:32.53ManxPower~google livevoip ringing
14:33.11_-Jon-_ManxPower, oh okay, so not a problem on my part then
14:33.24ManxPower_-Jon-_: there are Results 1 - 10 of about 76 from for  livevoip ringing.
14:33.41Jas_Williams_-Jon-_: How about when you do an asterisk -r should show version as the first few lines
14:33.47Jas_Williamsroot@asterisk:~# asterisk -r
14:33.47Jas_WilliamsAsterisk CVS-HEAD-05/12/05-09:05:09, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005 Digium.
14:33.47Jas_WilliamsWritten by Mark Spencer <>
14:34.01cursorMine doesn't say that :-)
14:34.05ManxPowerIt's one of several reasons I won't use LiveVoIP.
14:34.15_-Jon-_Asterisk , Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005 Digium.
14:34.23Zeeekshow version
14:34.34_-Jon-_Asterisk  built by root@xero on a i686 running Linux
14:34.44ManxPowerAnother reason is that they are a small company that cares about it's customers about as much as a large customer.
14:34.55Jas_WilliamsAh its broke then :)
14:35.05_-Jon-_Time to get newest CVS :P
14:35.32eper-werkill have a asterisk pbx fully funning if voiptalk every send the card out
14:35.48Jas_WilliamsDo a make update in the src directory then make install to get latest cvs version and update version flags
14:35.49darth-timeusok here is the pastebin
14:35.57cursorI haven't taken the plunge back to CVS HEAD yet - still on CVS v1-0, but up to date
14:36.03_-Jon-_How often do you guys rebuild Asterisk?
14:36.12*** join/#asterisk flynux (
14:36.25cursorWhenever v1-0 updates come in on the asterisk-cvs mail list
14:37.22cursorNot smelling like tuna
14:37.28Zeeekdarth-timeus I don't think you mention this was h323?
14:37.48Jas_Williamsdarth-timeus: Which version of asterisk are you using and which h323 stack ?
14:37.51darth-timeusZeeek: i'm so sorry, my mistake
14:37.59Zeeekit's an important element
14:38.11cursorThe H.323 standard was written by a Brontosaurus
14:38.31ZeeekI won't value-judge, but I've neverused it ever so I can't be any use here
14:38.44Zeeeklike asking your priest for sex advice
14:38.50darth-timeusi'm using the last cvs, with openh323 v1_17_1
14:38.55Zeeekthese days, maybe just asking for sex
14:39.20cursorPerhaps if you're a young boy and ask a Catholic priest
14:39.51Dishwashawhat do you mean these days, Catholic priest have been molesting young boys for centuries
14:40.07Jas_Williamsdarth-timeus: which channel driver chan_openh323 or chan_h323 ?
14:40.27darth-timeusJas_Williams: chan_h323
14:40.34Zeeekthe latest craze is female teachers asking 12 year old boys
14:40.43Zeeekshit where were they 30 years ago?
14:40.49newllucky boys :)
14:41.17*** part/#asterisk alvis (Alvis@
14:41.41DishwashaSee what happens when you're not allowed to spank anybody?
14:41.46cursoroops - scaring the locals
14:41.49*** join/#asterisk newmember (
14:42.11DishwashaThe spanking used to get the teachers' sexual frustrations out, but now they have to seek an alternative way
14:42.29clint_Has anyone here implemented or seen something like "Remote Access to Call Forwarding" feature offered by the phone co?
14:42.54Jas_Williamsdarth-timeus: Could you post a h323 debug to pastebin
14:43.10Zeeekclint_ you mean like being able to control what numbers are called when a call comes in?
14:43.23cursorlike "follow me?"
14:43.36Zeeekno, "walk this way"
14:43.42Jas_Williamsdarth-timeus: is your h323 device on the same subnet as * ?
14:43.43newltalk this way
14:43.47cursorMinistry of Silly Walks
14:44.36clint_Zeeek: The phone company gives a number you dial, you enter your phone number, a passcode, and where you want your calls delivered...
14:44.55cursorYou could do that with an AGI/app and use the Asterisk database
14:45.05newlI've done all sorts of call control extensions like that using RT.  It's a piece of cake.
14:45.13Zeeekclint_ look up DISA and astdb
14:45.15cursorcake - mmmmm
14:45.25Zeeekwe do it all the time
14:45.57*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
14:46.23darth-timeusJas_Williams: here is the pastebin
14:46.30Zeeekclint_ you use a PutDB to save a number, and then check the variable each time a call is handled
14:46.44darth-timeusJas_Williams: yes
14:46.46clint_Yeah, that was my first inclination (dialplan hack using the db) but was wondering if anyone had a solution in place or any experience with what to avoid...
14:47.06cursorJust be sure to password it
14:47.09_-Jon-_Isn't this strange..  I just downloaded newest CVS and it still shows no version
14:47.16cursorThe VM pin will probably do
14:47.28Zeeekclint_ it's a common example in docs
14:47.35clint_Yeah, that was my next issue - is there an easy way to have it look at their voicemail password?
14:47.56newlhmm..that DISA is intended for something similar to a remote call control of facilities.
14:48.02clint_Ok, I'll bite...
14:48.39*** join/#asterisk MattH (
14:48.46MattHDoes anyone have any advice on getting voipjet to work?
14:48.51clint_I still have voicemail using the flat file for configs, so the password is in there..  is there an easy way to access that from the dialplan?
14:48.54MattHI'm having an issue making any outgoing calls
14:49.35_-Jon-_Hey I figured out a way around the ringing problem..  Set your hold music as a ring tone and use m instead of r :)
14:49.37ZeeekMattH what's wrong, it works AFAIK?
14:49.37newlclint_: that IMO should remain as seperate subsystems.
14:50.06Nuxiclint_, agi is the answer to all questions for which 42 is not appropriate.
14:50.07newlclint_: As a subscriber, you may wish someone to have access to voicemail but not to your CF* facilities.
14:50.09clint_newl: and it will, cause I don't think there is an Easy Way(tm) :)
14:50.30*** join/#asterisk HA (
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14:52.56clint_newl: Yeah, and I think it's more graceful than the 50 or so line dialplan hack I have cobbled together so far this morning....
14:53.30newlclint_: it'll get larger as you start adding more facilities, trust me. :)
14:53.37Zeeeklookup "follow me" on wiki etc, there are several of these around
14:53.39darth-timeusJas_Williams: how do i switch from chan_h323 to chan_openh323
14:53.48cursorclint_: VMAuthenticate()
14:54.08*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
14:54.10newlI'm up to 474 lines in my facilities conf file alone.
14:54.15clint_newl: My thoughts exactly.   I look at what I have here and think "ok, now I need to add the ability to modify some other parameters from here...."  Ugh.
14:54.45clint_newl: Not to mention the stdext macro is getting out of hand.
14:55.20_omerInstalled Linux - - - Installed  Asterisk - - - now do I have to compile G729 (Which is available for testing) or what?
14:55.22ZeeekPersonally, I use groups of short commands like changing the number of rings, whaich lines are answered etc
14:55.24clint_What we need now is a function DoCLASS() :)
14:55.34zoahey kram
14:55.37bkw__omer, No you can't
14:55.44_omerI cant what?
14:55.44newlone of the first things that happen in both incoming and outgoing contexts is that things are directed through the facility extensions.
14:55.46bkw__omer, what country you in?
14:55.50kramgreets zoa babe
14:56.07*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
14:56.21clint_On another note, anyone here with Q.931 expertise?  I've got a helluva dispute going on with my carriers over some seemingly broken ISDN D channel behavior...
14:56.23blitzrageall hail kram! :)
14:56.25_omerAsterisk is in USA ....and I'm in Pakistan
14:56.44MattHZeeek: sorry was distracted.. I get an: Called voipjet/number  Hangup IAX2/voipjet/2
14:56.55bkw__omer, you can't compile g729 you must purchase it to use it
14:57.07ZeeekMattH I just dialed a number and it works fine
14:57.15_omerwhy???? is it because of country or what?
14:57.24MattHmy config is at:
14:57.26bkw_you must pay.. its covered by patents
14:57.27MattHin iax2.conf
14:57.29blitzrage_omer: its a proprietary codec
14:57.37cursorIt's closed source
14:57.50_omeryes I know...but for testing purpose it is available in Asterisk...isn't it?
14:58.00blitzrageits closed source
14:58.12blitzrageAsterisk will do passthrough if both ends are using that codec afaik
14:58.30ManxPower_omer: The G729 that you are referring to is illegal in most of the world.
14:58.33MikeJ[Laptop]_omer. the licences are inexpensive, just buy a couple...
14:58.35ZeeekMattH no disallow=all ?
14:58.47*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
14:58.51blitzrageisn't it only like $5 a license?
14:58.57*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
14:58.57AgiNamu$10 from Digium
14:58.58ZeeekI also have dropcount=1 although I don't remember why now
14:58.59AgiNamunot bad at all
14:59.01cursormore like $10
14:59.07blitzragewhatever.. still cheap :)
14:59.10AgiNamuwell, not bad, relatively to paying $50K
14:59.11bkw_per channel
14:59.19blitzragekey point :)
14:59.22_omerbut I remember.....last time someone compiled G729 in my server and told me that it is for testing purpose...and when I need to use it commercially then I have to buy it....
14:59.26blitzragehell... just use something else
14:59.28MattHsorry also have
14:59.28MattHbindport = 4569           ; Port to bind to (IAX is 4569)
14:59.28MattHbindaddr =    ; Address to bind to (all addresses on machine)
14:59.29ManxPowerHere is the licensing priceing info for G723.1 direct from the patent holder's web site:
14:59.33bkw_MattH, DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN
14:59.37ManxPower_omer: The lied.
14:59.40AgiNamu_omer, if you really want to, then you can go get the Intel sample code + ReadyTechnology open G729 is for that
14:59.47AgiNamubut it's "not legal"
14:59.49MattHouch sorry botty
14:59.51jbothmm... pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
14:59.51AgiNamuso no one here will help
14:59.58blitzragebkw_: oh come on... its like... 7 lines
15:00.05_omer<ManxPower> :  how come he lied....If I used that codec too..
15:00.06bkw_anything over 3 is too much
15:00.08Zeeek6 lines
15:00.13newlIf all 295 users pasted 7 lines... ;)
15:00.16kram5.5 lines
15:00.18MattHLOL ok ok I repent
15:00.19Zeeekwait let's do that
15:00.21ManxPower_omer: perhaps he was confused.
15:00.23blitzragebkw_: then I don't want to see you say more than 3 lines in a row :)
15:00.32bkw_I usuallydon't
15:00.33blitzragetoo much!
15:00.43MattHZeeek: I'm not even seeing it registering... iax2 show registry?
15:00.48bkw_yes it stoo much when people are talking and the lines get interweaved with other lines
15:00.48AgiNamuIf all 295 users weren't away......
15:00.50ManxPowerPeople seem to think ANYTHING is legal if it's "just for testing" or "just for educational use" or "just for non-commercial use".  That is simply not true.
15:01.01blitzragebkw_: thats the whole point of IRC :)
15:01.05MattHwait I take that back.. it is registering.. hrmm
15:01.08ZeeekMattH you have a qualify= in the voipjet entry?
15:01.12bkw_ManxPower, it might be ok for edu use... but not for comercial.
15:01.17newlManxPower: It may be true if the country you live in permits it.
15:01.29blitzragenot permits, but doesn't enfore :)
15:01.37ManxPowerbkw_: I've yet to see ANYONE cite a legal basis for any of those uses.
15:01.38Zeeek729 is free in ocuntries that don't have capital punishment
15:01.50bkw_VoiceAge gives out a 1 channel g729 for testing
15:02.01bkw_win32 only
15:02.05bkw_but still its out there
15:02.08ManxPowernewl: I *suspect* that the G729 stuff is covered under ITU Treaty, not patent laws.
15:02.08Nuxiwhat about uncial punishment?
15:02.09MattHZeeek: ack... yes... now it's working.. hrmm wierd
15:02.21bkw_nazi ITU
15:02.42ZeeekMattH follow the mailing list, there have been a few messages about voipjet (and others)
15:02.49ManxPowerIf it wasn't then there would be all sorts of companies selling unlicensed G729 phones in most of the world.
15:02.56MattHZeeek: thanks
15:03.22Zeeekfor those of you in Europe there is now voipbuster
15:03.34*** part/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
15:03.51Zeeekvoipbuster/myname  (S)  4569      OK (20 ms)
15:04.11Nuggetkickass.  apple's support line is in e164, so when I call it goes straight there via sip.
15:04.16_-Jon-_Anyone know of a simple way to do a callback?  I tried setting up an extention that hangs up and then dials my cell phone but once it hangs up it just stops
15:04.36ZeeekJon use a call file
15:04.50_-Jon-_Call file?
15:05.22Zeeekthey call you
15:05.27ManxPower_-Jon-_: Instead of saying "Call file?" Try asking the wiki "Call file?"
15:05.53_-Jon-_ManxPower, true, the wiki is smarter :)
15:06.05ManxPowerZeeek: Did he at least buy you dinner and drinks before you start holding his hand?
15:06.18ZeeekI have a need for increased karma
15:06.33ManxPowerI, of course, require dinner, drinks, AND cash before doing any handholding.
15:06.37Zeeekspeaking of which, when/if you come to Paris, I'll buy you lunch
15:06.47Zeeekbut I don't do it on the first date
15:07.00_-Jon-_ManxPower, name your price
15:07.06cursorManxPower: Don't forget the film
15:07.14ManxPowerZeeek: If nobody else asks to meet me regarding potential jobs I'll be spending a day or so in Paris.
15:07.45Zeeekin that case, you'd be better to go Amst. Paris MAdrid I think, no?
15:07.53cursorParis is full of French people
15:07.58ZeeekAmsterdam-Paris is 5 hours
15:07.59ManxPowerZeeek: Yes.
15:08.14Zeeeklet me know:
15:08.20_-Jon-_Heh they have REAL french people there
15:08.23_-Jon-_Unlike Canada
15:08.50_-Jon-_No offence to any Quebecers :)
15:08.53*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
15:08.55ManxPowerI got new glasses this week so I'm not the Hip Geek Manx Power
15:09.14_-Jon-_Are there even any French people in BC?
15:09.29Zeeekthat's why it was stupid not == NOW
15:09.34cursor"She's French-Canadian.  Sometimes she's Canadian and can be quite pleasent.  Today, she's obviously French"
15:09.39NuxiI'll take an order of French toash with a side of French fries with som French mustard.
15:09.48cursorI forget which film that's from
15:09.53ManxPowerZeeek: It's funny to see French people expect people in New Orleans to speak french.
15:10.07cursorA film with a mountain in it
15:10.18ManxPowerI think there are like 10 people in New Orleans that speak French.  LOL!
15:10.20ZeeekManxPower there are some people who do
15:10.37cursorJe parle un petit Français mais pas très bien.
15:10.44cursorAnd that's about it
15:10.49ManxPowerZeeek: I lived in New Orleans for 10 years and never heard a local person speak french.
15:10.56Zeeek*good enough to get someone in bed, that
15:11.23ZeeekI've never been to N.O. - always wanted to go
15:11.24CyberKnetManxPower: why does you saying that not surprise me?
15:11.38cursorJust say NO
15:11.51ManxPowerZeeek: New Orleans has under 1 million people, and 300 murders per year.
15:11.54CyberKnetcursor: amen to that.
15:11.55*** join/#asterisk darwin35 (~darwin35@
15:12.03darwin35BV is back
15:12.09ManxPowerI think the city itself is about 300,000 and has almost 300 murders per year.
15:12.26Zeeekone in 1000 murdered each year?
15:12.33cursorLive just outside the city then - 0 murders per year
15:12.37ManxPowerZeeek: Yes.
15:12.37Zeeekmust all be geeks
15:13.01Zeeekwhat are the murder motives? crack?
15:13.05*** join/#asterisk cmk (
15:13.14cursorPut an electric fence around the city and let them all kill one another
15:13.19CyberKnetZeeek: more like people euthanizing =)
15:14.08ManxPowerLooks like the crime rate was down in 2004:
15:14.19cursorprobably less people to kill than last year
15:14.22newlhah those call files are nifty
15:14.47ManxPowerZeeek: 2/3 of the citizens of New Orleans over 18 are illiterate.  That and poverty.
15:15.00Zeeekthey should be too stupid to kill each other!
15:15.12newlThat's the problem, they don't realize it. 8)
15:15.19_-Jon-_hmmm so how can i activate this callfile from an extension?  there is no mention of this anywhere
15:15.20Zeeekcourse, you don't need an IRC channel to compile a gun, do you?
15:15.21ManxPower4468 violent crimes in New Orleans in 2004
15:15.45cursorJon: Why do you want to activate it from an extension?
15:15.55cursorif you want to call a phone - just call it
15:15.59ManxPowerFor that link is only the city of new orleans i.e. 300,000 people.
15:16.06_-Jon-_cursor, heres my plan (it's to get free long distance :P)
15:16.10Zeeek-Jon- the short answer is system() - the long one, do a little reading!
15:16.26_-Jon-_cursor, I call toll free number, press a button and it hangs up and calls me back using BroadVoice.  Then I dial out
15:16.26cursorLike a callback?
15:16.44ZeeekDISA will do that too without hanging up
15:16.51ZeeekStarter tutorial:
15:16.51ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
15:16.55*** join/#asterisk cmk (
15:17.02_-Jon-_Zeeek, you are quick :)
15:17.10Zeeekflood! flood!
15:17.12Silik0nlast -msg
15:17.17NuxiZeek, next time use pastebin
15:17.31*** join/#asterisk rooster27 (
15:17.33ZeeekI could put it all on one line but then it isn't readable
15:18.14CyberKnetZeeek: yep. pastebin is good for multi-line content, plus as a bonus it stays around forever, so it will be indexed by google.
15:18.17Zeeek-Jon- the questions you are asking, we've all asked ourselves. There are lots of examples out there
15:18.29Zeeekpastebin is poo
15:18.33cjkis there any way to save the registration status (astdb) into mysql?
15:18.36Zeeekexcept for debug output and programs rocks
15:18.47cursorTime for me to go
15:18.51CyberKnetlater cursor
15:18.53Zeeekit should expire by default, too
15:18.54cursorI might be back later
15:18.59cursorIf you're unlucky
15:19.04Zeeekthanks for the warning cursor :)
15:19.13CyberKnetZeeek: sets about to create a knowledgebase. expiring by default is counter-intuitive.
15:19.15_-Jon-_Zeeek, hmm the .call file seems to be what I want but like I said, I googled it, checked the wiki and it seems like the .call file can only be used to call at a specific time
15:19.17cursorThis message probably won't change while you're staring at it.
15:19.23CyberKnetcursor: =)
15:19.26cursorThis message is slightly different than the one that was here a minute ago.
15:20.01Zeeek-Jon- you need to think a little then
15:20.11Zeeekyour script will generate a .call file
15:20.35Zeeektype this: show application system
15:20.55Zeeekso you'll write a script named "callback"
15:21.06_-Jon-_ohh okay
15:21.18Zeeekcallback, in any language you like, will create a file
15:21.28Zeeekand move it to the spool/outgoing directory
15:22.09Zeeekexten => s,1,system(callback ${EXTEN} param1 hahaha)
15:22.31Zeeekexcept it won't be EXTEN for 's'
15:22.33_-Jon-_ohh okay, you're smart zeeek :P
15:22.43Zeeekno it's all wrong, but that's the idea
15:22.46ManxPowerI'll be in #asterisk-stable (where all the cool kids hang out) if any has questions about 1.0.x
15:22.57ZeeekI have a question about 1.0.6
15:23.11Zeeekwill it always be stable?
15:23.44Juggieargh... i dont understand why these sip clients ignore sdp
15:24.05darwin35upgrade from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7
15:24.08*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:24.21darwin351.0.6 was buggy
15:24.29Zeeekbut it works!
15:24.37ZeeekI'm too scared to change
15:27.20*** join/#asterisk wasabi_ (~wasabi@
15:27.27wasabi_Does Asterisk allow you to monitor calls?
15:28.07*** join/#asterisk Fanguin (
15:28.12wasabi_I'm trying to get my head around all this and I'm having a hard time. We have some phones with a MOnitor button
15:28.15AgiNamuthink of asterisk as a call platform. call comes in, then you have your way with it.
15:28.22wasabi_Do we just somehow program these buttons to do something?
15:28.26wasabi_or do they just work?
15:28.29wasabi_I don't understand the interaction.
15:28.32HAwhere is the best place to get plantronics non-amplified headsets for cheap?
15:28.38AgiNamuAsterisk doesn't necesarily understand anything about your phones.
15:28.49wasabi_So how do we set up the phones?
15:28.59darwin35you unbox it
15:29.00AgiNamuI'm not sure what the monitor button on the phone does.
15:29.00HAwhat kind of phone is it wasabi?
15:29.11darwin35plug it in to the power and the net
15:29.22darwin35and cross your fingers
15:29.24wasabi_Well, on our current (sucky system) it asks what extension the user wants to listen into
15:29.29wasabi_without interrupting it
15:29.32HAwhat kind of phone is it wasabi?
15:29.40wasabi_It's not voip. I'm just saying.
15:30.06HAdo you intend to use a different phone with asterisk then?
15:30.34wasabi_Yes. And I don't know what phone yet.
15:30.39AgiNamuWell, you can do that with Asterisk, but you're going to need some kind of way for all this to work
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15:30.59wasabi_I'm simply asking questions to get an understanding.
15:31.04AgiNamuIf you think of Asterisk as a platform, like Linux or Apache
15:31.07wasabi_We'll be buying a bunch of phones. They'll have buttons on them.
15:31.15AgiNamuthat might help
15:31.17wasabi_AgiNamu, So I have to write code to make everything I want work right?
15:31.24HAyou can do the same with asterisk but you will need to configure asterisk with an extension that asks what extension you want to monitor.
15:31.26AgiNamunot necesarily, it does al ot of stuff out of the box
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15:31.30Zeeekwasabi_ if the buttons are programmable, you just write extensions to make asterisk do what you want
15:31.38wasabi_"write extensions?"
15:31.39AgiNamuBut if you want things to get monitored, then you tell Asterisk how you want that to work
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15:31.46AgiNamuwasabi_, do this
15:31.48AgiNamudownload asterisk
15:31.52AgiNamuthen read all the sample config files.
15:31.53wasabi_I have.
15:31.55AgiNamuthat's a great start
15:32.00wasabi_n't done that.
15:32.05wasabi_Oh great.
15:32.10wasabi_Is there any kinda GUI config util?
15:32.14AgiNamuthat'll explain a lot of the features
15:32.25HAtake a look at extensions.conf and get familiar with it.  then you'll understand extensions.
15:32.27AgiNamuthere are many GUIs
15:32.27rooster27hey all, i've got an outbound call problem. when i try to call an external number, it tells me "we're sorry, our circuits are busy now. will you please try your call again later?"
15:32.29AgiNamunot sure if any don't suck.
15:32.46Zeeekrooster27 calling what?
15:32.48AgiNamuAsterisk does a shitload out of the box
15:32.50rooster27my co-worker (who is in the same physical location as the phone server) can make outbound calls
15:32.55AgiNamuAnd it can do even more if you don't mind writing in C
15:33.00rooster27but i'm at a remote location and i can't
15:33.08wasabi_Well, see, I'm looking for a replacement to our current call center solution.
15:33.19wasabi_I don't mind setting it up initially being a little techy
15:33.26rooster27zeeek, when i dial 9 to try to hit an external number
15:33.34rooster27and then i dial the number
15:33.35wasabi_But if I have to tell the call center manager to get in there and edit text files thru ssh to add new extensions, well it ain't gonna work. ;0
15:33.35rooster27it says that
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15:34.04Zeeekrooster27 could be a million things at this point
15:34.15ZeeekSIP? NAT? codec problems?
15:34.39Zeeekwhat phone? what router setup?
15:34.40wasabi_How are the extra buttons delt with at the protocol level? Does SIP have some sort of signal for "some button was pressed"?
15:34.42rooster27my phone registers and i can call my co-worker on his extension - does that eliminate SIP ?
15:34.54Zeeekwasabi_ no which is why you need extensions
15:34.57rooster27it's a Cisco 7960 behind a NAT'ed cable modem connection
15:35.11Zeeekrooster27 and are there ports forwxarded?
15:35.37Zeeekis the number you are trying to call on PSTN or SIP provider?
15:35.55Zeeekwasabi_ see the button can be programmed to call a number
15:36.21Zeeekrooster27 you are sure there are available lines?
15:36.26HAwhere is the best place to get plantronics non-amplified headsets for cheap?
15:36.37ZeeekMidnight Headsets?
15:36.49wasabi_Oh. Is progamming the button a per-phone thing?
15:36.53rooster27zeeek, we have 5 lines plugged into the system and it's just me and my co-worker using it. i made sure he was off the phone when i tried
15:36.55wasabi_I think I get it then.
15:36.59Zeeekwasabi_ phone dependent
15:37.02wasabi_Asterisk holds an extension, running a "monitor script"
15:37.09wasabi_You program the phone button to call it.
15:37.19Zeeekyes that's it
15:37.21AgiNamuyou want to spy on another channel
15:37.23HAyep, thats about right.
15:37.36Zeeekfunny, SIP should have had a button system in it, like MIDI does
15:37.46HAi use chan_spy to monitor agent channels.  its very easy to do.
15:37.46eper-werkwhats the -r switch do with sed on linux?
15:38.00wasabi_how do I get to "my friendly asterisk CLI prompt?" =)
15:38.08AgiNamuThe Monitor cmd will actually save the current call to a file.
15:38.22ZeeekZapBarge is what you want
15:38.32Zeeekif it's ZAP
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15:38.55AgiNamuChanSpy won't allow you to enter an extention to listen to
15:39.07wasabi_What is this "zap" thing?
15:39.12HAor chan_spy, if your using head, will do the same thing.
15:39.14AgiNamuzap refers to zapata telephony
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15:39.24Zeeekwasabi_ time to do some reading
15:39.24AgiNamuinterfaces to T1 lines or analog telephone lines.
15:39.32AgiNamuYou will most likely have to keep trck of which extension is using which channel to use chanspy
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15:39.37HAyeah, you have to do some extra work to get chanspy to ask for an extension.
15:40.08Zeeekwasabi_ time to do some reading ^^^^^^^^^^
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15:40.34HAi use an agi to get the extension to listen to then i call chanspy using ChanSpy(|g) to get that particular SIP channel.
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15:43.55robeniZeeek, if i can call my co-worker from my remote location, does that eliminate the possibility of a NAT or SIP issue?
15:44.21alexnsUsing TDM 400, asterisk 1.07 rxgain/txgain on fxo channels doesnt seem to work
15:44.28alexnsanyone else seen this?
15:45.42robeni(my co-worker is also using the same phone system - not PSTN)
15:46.00Zeeekrobeni it would seem to - is the coworker using SIP too?
15:46.21robeniyes, he's using SIP, registering to the same asterisk server
15:46.46robenibut somehow he can make outbound calls to PSTN numbers and i can't
15:46.52Zeeekare you configured for NAT (nat=yes, canreinvite=no) ?
15:47.08Zeeekand are ports forwarded?
15:47.18Zeeekand is asterisk also behind NAT?
15:47.56Aze`DEVAnyone know i cmd System() can return value ?
15:47.59Zeeekand what does the CLI say during the call?
15:48.29ZeeekAze show application system will tell you
15:48.39Zeeekwhat it can return
15:49.03AgiNamuAze`DEV, no, i think nothing can return vlaues to thedialplan
15:49.28robeniZeeek, nevermind - i figured out the problem
15:49.30Zeeekif you write your own app you can set variables
15:49.30robenii'm an idiot
15:49.35robenithanks for your help
15:49.39Zeeekdon't be too hard on yourself
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15:50.19Aze`DEVAgiNamu, i need to do "wget" and read text on grabbed page.. how ? agi->perl ? can u help me ?
15:50.35Zeeekrobeni so tell us!
15:51.07AgiNamuAGI can set channel variables.
15:51.27jaigerhey all
15:51.55robenithe pbx recently moved from the same area code that i'm in to a different one
15:52.02robeninow i need to include the area code when i dial an external #
15:52.04Aze`DEVAgiNamu, are u crazy ?
15:52.13robeni<- dummy
15:52.21Zeeekshit happens
15:52.45AgiNamuAze`DEV, wtf?
15:56.38*** part/#asterisk jeffreyeni (
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15:58.10Juggiei hate sip so much
15:58.25Juggiewhy do we have a damn sdp if we are going to ignore it
15:58.54bochwhy do you hate sip?
15:58.59bochsip is nice
15:59.14Juggietry firewalling around sip
15:59.33CyberKnetas in with a SIP ata behind a firewall?
15:59.52Juggieno, as in a asterisk server behind a firewall.
16:00.07CyberKnetHaven't done that yet.
16:00.12ZeeekI have
16:00.15Juggiesdp tells the client, use 11527 or something to send me rdp
16:00.25Juggieand the client goes, screw you, i'm doing it my way
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16:00.33CyberKnetwow. that client is dumb.
16:00.44Juggieevery client does it though...
16:00.46Juggiexten, sjphone
16:00.51CyberKnetwhat about firefly?
16:01.03Juggiethey all try and be smart and use one udp connection
16:01.33Juggieeg, they receive packets from source port 3381: to 8000 rtp
16:01.39Juggiethat would be in the case of say, xten
16:01.46Juggieso they go well, i'll just send back to the source port
16:01.54newlMy Asterisk runs behind nat firewall just fine.
16:01.54Juggieso they send the rtp back to 3381
16:01.58CyberKnetfirefly has a box in options that says RTP Port that defaults to 5000
16:02.30Juggieright, but the clients are returning the rtp to the source port that they received from
16:02.38Juggierather then the port given to them in the sdp
16:02.52CyberKnetJuggie: you and me should write a sip client that follows the rules then ;)
16:03.25Juggiei dont get it...
16:03.34Juggiemaybe asterisk should be using the rtp range as the source ports as well
16:04.05HAis G.711 the same thing as ulaw?
16:04.15CyberKnetJuggie: it's an idea... but I dont know if it is accurate or not.
16:05.02wasabi_okay here's some questions.
16:05.33wasabi_these extensions, do they allow alpha chars?
16:05.40wasabi_and if so, should we be using user names for our users?
16:05.56wasabi_That way users can roam with their phones if neccassary.
16:06.01wasabi_Or connect phones from home (vpn)
16:06.15*** join/#asterisk Ridgeback (
16:07.03AgiNamuOK, any suggestions on what command name is best for an AGI function that sends audio to a TCP port?
16:07.11AgiNamuI dont want to use SEND AUDIO, cause its like SEND IMAGE or SEND TEXT
16:07.19AgiNamubut those are different things
16:07.26AgiNamuI was thinking FORWARD AUDIO
16:07.44AgiNamuTCP AUDIO?
16:07.56Ridgebacksounds good
16:08.25Ridgebackno prob :)
16:08.35AgiNamuTCP AUDIO <address> [<identifier>] and TCP STOP AUDIO
16:08.49Ridgebackhey does anyone know if nufone ever answer thier phones?
16:08.58RidgebackAgiNamu, looks good
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16:09.27AgiNamunufone has phones? ;)
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16:09.42RidgebackAgiNamu, lol  yeah!  but they never answer them!
16:11.32wasabi_So what about conference calls?
16:11.37JerJerhappy friday the 13th
16:11.52QwellJerJer: payday ;]
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16:12.44AgiNamuSHIT! why did you have to bring that to my attention JerJer
16:13.10AgiNamuI wouldn't answer my phone on friday the 13th either
16:13.14AgiNamuyou never know who it might be.
16:13.32HAFriday the 13th always brings me good luck.
16:13.36AgiNamuI dont answer the phone after dark either.
16:13.48AgiNamuthere's a lot of strange people out there.
16:13.57wasabi_Okay we have this want, can asterisk do it reasonably: We want a conference call station in the conference room.
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16:14.06Ridgebackwasabi_, conference calls?
16:14.06wasabi_And we want everybody attending the meeting to be able to request transcripts.
16:14.22AgiNamuunless you mean TEXT transcripts
16:14.29AgiNamuin which case I'd say that asterisk is not an ASR system
16:14.38wasabi_I understand.
16:14.40AgiNamusure, but you need to write a program around the conferencing system
16:14.51AgiNamubecause, AFAIK, it doesn't handle requesting transcripts.
16:14.57AgiNamubut it's certainly possible and not difficult.
16:15.05AgiNamuwell, not too difficult.
16:15.18AgiNamuare you a C developer?
16:15.30wasabi_I don't want to be. =)
16:15.46AgiNamuheh, that'll pass. :)
16:15.47JerJerAgiNamu:  no we just never answer fones -  we like the consent ringing noise around here
16:15.52wasabi_Oh I see, the conference room itself gets an extension.
16:15.57AgiNamuJerJer, yea, it's soothing
16:16.11AgiNamuconsentual ringing :)
16:16.22AgiNamui think that's not allowed in some states.
16:16.35wasabi_what is this ztdummy thing?
16:16.41HAi have never consented to being rung but that doesn't stop most people.
16:16.41AgiNamuwasabi_, recording it shouldn't be hard at all
16:16.53AgiNamuit's the "requesting a transcript" that falls into the realm of some management software.
16:17.04AgiNamuwhich you could write in C, assembler, C++, C#
16:17.12wasabi_Those in the meeting would have to somehow enter *, then their extension number.
16:17.17wasabi_That can be programed though?
16:17.34wasabi_So a bunch of dudes sitting around a table could type *myextension# or something
16:17.36AgiNamuyou could make it only send transcripts on friday the 13th if you wanted to.
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16:17.41CyberKnetAgiNamu: the perl folks are gonna get cross with you for neglecting them. And also the emacs folks =P"
16:17.42wasabi_And I could write software to forward it to their mail box?
16:17.55AgiNamuCyberKnet, I only stuck to C languages :)
16:18.02AgiNamuwasabi_, right
16:18.09CyberKnetAgiNamu: Assembler is a C language now? =)
16:18.09AgiNamuagain, not hard
16:18.15AgiNamuNo, C is an assembler language
16:18.15HAor their email box.
16:18.20AgiNamuC is portable asm :P
16:18.28wasabi_Okay, I think I have a more generic way of solving this.
16:18.29CyberKnetAgiNamu: heh
16:18.40wasabi_Anybody anywhere on anycall at anytime should be able to hit a button and type an extension to send a transscript to.
16:18.44newllda #$00 sta $d020 sta $d021 rts B)
16:18.58AgiNamuwasabi_, you could prolly get it done for like $400 or so
16:19.02AgiNamuif you hired someone
16:19.09CyberKnetnewl: heh
16:19.12AgiNamumaybe a bit more. i dunno. never looked at the conferencing app code.
16:19.18AgiNamubut i can't imagine it'd be THAT difficult.
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16:20.00AgiNamuvolunteering? yea for money
16:20.09AgiNamuI'm a great volunteer with some cash.
16:20.35CyberKnetcode for cash is not a bad arrangement. Keeps me comfortable.
16:20.38AgiNamuas soom as im finished workong on res_agi
16:20.42flickerflyI liked it better with with
16:20.48AgiNamuand getting rid of all ths retarded variable names
16:21.02AgiNamuand writing tcp audio forwarding
16:21.08AgiNamuyea, i'll look at conferencing.
16:21.21CyberKneteven better if the person paying lays in GPL/LGPL as part of the arrangement.
16:22.01AgiNamuyea, fine
16:22.07AgiNamuif they wanna do that to themselves, great.
16:22.22AgiNamuIf they want to require that I delete it and forget I even did it, that's fine too.
16:22.30AgiNamuIf they want to BSD it, that's even more fine.
16:22.42AgiNamu(like the PA168 people... yhea!)
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16:23.05AgiNamuCentrality is a model for other hardware manufacturers
16:23.25AgiNamuThey were so pleased that people contributed code to their firmware (like adding IAX2 native transfer)
16:23.38AgiNamuthey decided to open up and BSD-license the entire codebase
16:24.08AgiNamuSo it's the first commercially viable IAX2 device in existence.
16:24.31AgiNamuSurprising digium doesn't do something along that line
16:24.39AgiNamulike, make an IAX ATA and business class phone.
16:29.10CyberKnetAgiNamu: the IAXy isn't an IAX ATA?
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16:29.36jaigerI've been having problems where my PSTN calls are periodically dropped, the console says "Hungup".  can I find out which party hungup?
16:30.59AgiNamuCyberKnet, I meant a commercially viable one
16:31.04Silik0nBSD > GPL
16:31.12AgiNamuULAW doesn't count as comprehensive codec support :P
16:31.28Silik0nbut uLaw has a higher MOS
16:31.43AgiNamuthe PA168 supports ULAW/ALAW, G723, G729, GSM, soon iLBC and eventually Speex.
16:31.46Silik0nso its obviously the best codec to use
16:32.25AgiNamuwell, im outta here
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16:35.09atporteranyone got an iax<->pstn provider they're happy with?
16:35.12CyberKnetearly morning, eh?
16:35.23CyberKnetatporter: outbound, or DID?
16:35.42CyberKnetI'm only outbound with voipjet right now.
16:35.43atporterpossibly different providers though, I guess
16:35.51CyberKnetreasonably happy with the little use I have.
16:35.57atporterI'm not too happy with sixtel
16:36.11CyberKnetatporter: For what reasons?
16:37.10atporterhad some spotty outbound calls, close to two weeks since I ordered a DID and I've not gotten it, over 36 hours since I opened a trouble ticket asking why and it's not been touched
16:38.08*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp ( looks pretty nice
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16:39.24Silik0natporter: i have asterlink and I am happy with them for inbound 800 and for outbounds 9they just dont have a many NPAs so a local did you might not find from here
16:39.54blitzrageJerJer: prices are probably going up for now that they are going to be regulated by the CRTC
16:42.07cpatryblitzrage: whatcha think about all that?
16:42.29blitzragecpatry: probably good for me ;)
16:42.45cpatryit offers a great opportunity for videotron  what did I miss?
16:42.52blitzrageuhhh, yah :)
16:43.15blitzragebjohnson: CRTC is regulating the major phone companies VoIP offerings so they can't use VoIP as a loss leader
16:43.19bjohnsonwhat bell product is being discussed?
16:43.26cpatrytheir voip services started close to montreal, heard their services are pretty good.
16:43.33bjohnsonoh .. bell had prices for voip?
16:43.44cpatrybjohnson: nope, not released yet.
16:44.20cpatryi hope its gonna be better then their sympatico (HSE) for stability :)
16:45.01blitzrageI would fricken hope so
16:45.12blitzragesympatico sucks in my experience though
16:45.24bjohnsondon't know .. hacen't used them in years
16:45.42cpatrysympatico's crap here.
16:45.42Juggieahhh, i finally see the SIP nat problem
16:46.00Juggiesome clients like to use the rtp source port to return their RTP packets
16:46.08Juggierather then the port in the SDP
16:46.36bjohnsonmy philosophy is that they have been dropping prices since competition has been allowed.  Therefore, they were screwing us before.  Therefore even if they meet the lowest price, I won't be using them since I WANT their competition to be around for a long time so they can't screw me again
16:46.47Juggiei wish i could control the source port range for RTP from asterisk.
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16:48.02bjohnsongenerally my philosophy against any dominant leader in any market
16:48.16Juggierogers is waiting for bell to make a move in ontario
16:48.22Juggierather, bell is waiting for rogers
16:48.34Juggiebell doesnt want to step on its pstn service any earlier then it has to
16:48.48Juggiewhich i think is a mistake because if rogers comes out with a killer solid service, they will get the customers
16:49.06Juggiebell should have moved first to force rogers to come out with a service that wasnt 100% ready
16:49.24blitzrageRogers Internet sucks bawlz
16:49.29blitzragebut good cell service
16:49.34Juggieits already going to be super hot
16:49.45Juggierogers isnt using ethernet for voip
16:49.56Juggiebut instead an ata which goes right onto the coax
16:50.02Gand_DJMTS Voip is being targetted at businesses, and not residential
16:50.22Juggieit is going to plug into the wall, and have a built in battery
16:50.29Juggieso if the power goes out, you keep your phone servicve
16:52.45blitzrageJuggie: yep, probably requirements for 911
16:52.46DishwashaI have the eyeBeam SIP softphone from Xten and for some reason it is telling me "Network does not support park" even though I have both a features.conf and a parking.conf and have included the parkedcalls context in my extensions.conf
16:52.48Dishwashaany ideas?
16:52.50harryvvjuggie, yea cable is going to take a majority of telus phone traffic away from them.
16:53.03harryvvshaw cable and rogers as well as others.
16:53.05blitzrageCogeco probably has the best network I've seen so far
16:53.07Juggierogers may be an asshole company
16:53.11Juggiebut their network is pretty solid
16:53.18Juggiemy internet never ever ever goes down
16:53.18blitzrageI get a true 10mbit/1mbit pipe for $60/mth
16:53.34blitzragemines gone down like... twice I think for a total down period of like 20 mins
16:53.48harryvvin what time range
16:54.00JerJerwe get gige for $100 a month - true gige both ways  :P
16:54.11Juggieyah right
16:54.20blitzrageJerJer: oooooooo :)
16:54.30jontowtake me to your uplink
16:54.35blitzrageharryvv: like... 2 years maybe
16:54.37Juggiei can get E10 for 700$ a month
16:54.40Juggieun metered
16:54.50blitzrageJuggie: I'd never by something that was metered
16:54.55blitzrageI don't believe in it :)
16:55.02Juggiehence, un-metered :)
16:55.09Juggie10mbit duplex 700$
16:55.33blitzrageugh... too much
16:55.46blitzrage$60 10mbit/1mbit unmetered
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16:56.18bjohnsonharryvv: per day
16:56.27blitzrageif I got 10 connections it'd still be only $600 :)
16:56.31Nemesis760Hello all.
16:57.07harryvvbjohnson: I was replying to blitzrage comment on down time.
16:57.12Juggieblitzrage, i understand its 60$
16:57.19Juggiebut you understand that E10 is not cable modem
16:57.23Juggieits ethernet over fiber
16:57.27Juggieits full 10mbit outbound
16:57.33Juggieand its a business line
16:57.49Nemesis760I need a bunch of Voice PRIs, and got a quote of $357/ea from TimeWarner... these are 0-mile, we'd be colo'd in their facility. Does this seem reasonable?
16:58.14Juggie357 aint bad
16:58.17mutilatora bunch = ?
16:58.34Nemesis76010 to start... could be 50+ within 6 months.
16:58.45bjohnsonone = 1, couple = 2, few =3, bunch =4
16:58.56harryvvdont be to suprised if cable companies decide to mount ether/pstn/cable wall mount boxes in the near future
16:59.01blitzrageanyone notice the new xbox looks like a Dell? :)
16:59.33*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@localhorst.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
16:59.33Nemesis760They said since it's 0-mile anyways, wouldnt save anything by laying over a DS3.
17:00.32AgiNamublitzrage, but Dells don't have triple-core PowerPCs at 3.2GHz
17:01.06CyberKnetyessir they do not.
17:01.15AgiNamuanyways, consoles suck
17:01.22Nemesis760Anyone here have success stories with more than 2 Quad-Span cards in comodity hardware (IE. Dell Dual XEON)
17:01.28AgiNamuby the time the xbox2 ships, nVidia will be kicking their ass
17:01.40CyberKnetAgiNamu: by Q3?
17:01.59AgiNamuyea, i wouldn't be surprised.
17:02.06Nemesis760I'm working on the assumption that 2 is max. ??
17:02.13CyberKnetAgiNamu: CPU-wise x86 will only be dual core by then.
17:02.24AgiNamuCyberKnet, no, i meant as far as the graphics go
17:02.26blitzrageinfinite core!
17:02.27CyberKnetAgiNamu: I've never much been one for ATI gpus anyway
17:02.39AgiNamuand you can put multiple dual cores on a single mobo
17:02.48blitzrageI'm not a gamer, so it just needs to be able to do 1600x1200 at 32bit :)
17:02.50AgiNamuso I think having a quad-core system wont be an issue
17:02.56blitzrageand 85 Hz refresh
17:03.07AgiNamuI hate CRT
17:03.09CyberKnetAgiNamu: you can already buy a quad machine.
17:03.11blitzrageI love CRT
17:03.14blitzrageI hate LCD :)
17:03.15AgiNamuCyberKnet, yep.
17:03.21CyberKnetAgiNamu: 2xdual core does not a quad core make
17:03.23AgiNamuCRTs make me sick
17:03.27AgiNamusure it does
17:03.32blitzragereally? I have that problem with LCD
17:03.34AgiNamuthere are four cores :P
17:03.35CyberKnetno, it makes two dual core cpus
17:03.43CyberKnetit doesn't make a quad core cpu
17:03.49AgiNamuno of course not
17:04.13*** join/#asterisk iamnotbob (~nolan@
17:04.21AgiNamucourse, i wonder what the xbox price will be
17:04.27CyberKnetnow, it might be that because there are *four* cores instead of three that it might run faster, but if you disabled one of those cores I very much doubt it would run anywhere near comparison to a three core PowerPC processor
17:04.33AgiNamuanyways, it doesnt matter. Xbox will still suck cause no one writes good games for it.
17:04.36CyberKnetAgiNamu: I wouldn't be surprised to see it in the 299-350 range
17:04.44AgiNamuso unless you want to play Halo and "Some dumbass super Sport"
17:04.50CyberKnetHalo2 is amazingly good =)
17:04.51AgiNamuyou're screwed.
17:04.58AgiNamuMS goes on an on about how good Halo is
17:05.02AgiNamulike, it sold a few million copies.
17:05.03CyberKnetdumbass super sport is and always will be dumbass super sport
17:05.10AgiNamulike that's some kind of success
17:05.24SedoroxHalo is only good for Red Vs. Blue
17:05.30CyberKnetI believe the success was that it was multi-milion copies on launch day
17:05.55AgiNamuyea, all those poor guys with Xbox and nothing to play
17:05.56iamnotbobdoes anyone know how to get asterisk to play moh (under fedora 3) for sip devices
17:06.02blitzrageAgiNamu: whaaat?!
17:06.02pussfellerdidnt ms hire rare to make halo
17:06.15blitzrageAgiNamu: I prefer xbox over that playstation bullshit
17:06.31AgiNamuWell, as soon as Microsoft gets Squaresoft on board
17:06.32pussfelleri know they bought rare, but I don't know what they made for them
17:06.48blitzragehaha... look what I've started, an xbox discussion :)
17:06.57FanguinHello, can somebody help me and give me a hint why this six lines long agi php script does not play a file?
17:07.10AgiNamuFinal Fantasy X and X-2 have sold 10 million copies alone.
17:07.18AgiNamuLet alone the millions and millions from the rest of the series.
17:07.27AgiNamuOnce MS understand taht you need good games, things might go o.k.
17:07.32AgiNamubut their current titles suck hard.
17:07.48AgiNamuand Halo on Xbox.... wtf....
17:08.08iamnotbobxbox & like is a little off topic for this channel
17:08.23AgiNamuiamnotbob, no it's not. we're discussing how chanspy can work on xbox.
17:08.50AgiNamumeh, xbox only does 1080i
17:08.53AgiNamuwhat kind of lame crap is that
17:09.21Juggie1080p is still expensive
17:09.42DishwashaI have the eyeBeam SIP softphone from Xten and for some reason it is telling me "Network does not support park" even though I have both a features.conf and a parking.conf and have included the parkedcalls context in my extensions.conf
17:09.47*** join/#asterisk t3chno (~endeavor@
17:09.54AgiNamudont the dell lcd tvs support it
17:10.19iamnotbobok......sure... hdtv is still a bit off...
17:10.42AgiNamuno its not. I've got a 1280x1024 display that im using right now for xchat
17:11.30t3chnohey, i got a real n00b question for this.. can i get voip like vonage or something.. and run it to asterisks so it answers my vonage line, and then make it transfer any calls to a phone plugged into the modem on the box?
17:11.56Qwellt3chno: vonage is pretty locked down
17:12.06t3chnooh really.. hmm
17:12.19iamnotbobyes * will work with vonage... don't ask me how to do it.
17:12.38t3chnobut can i have it transfer to a phone plugged into the modem?
17:12.49t3chnolike "press 0 for assistance" and itll ring a phone
17:13.38DishwashaAccording to Asterisk dosn't properly support the parked call feature
17:13.39iamnotbobbasicaly, but the "modem" should be already functioning as an interface....
17:14.12t3chnook im really new to this
17:14.15t3chnowhat does that mnea
17:14.26iamnotbobI have read somewhere that * is not fully sip compliant, and from what little I know of it, that is a true statement.
17:14.34iamnotbob* = asterisk
17:14.39AgiNamuis anything fully sip compliant?
17:14.44blitzragewhat IS fully SIP compliant?
17:14.45bjohnsont3chno: the "modem" would have to be a fxs or fxo .. not a modem
17:14.49Dishwashasipexchange from pingtel should be
17:14.53blitzrageI read the SIP RFC... I don't think even that is SIP complient :)
17:14.59t3chnook, what is fxs or fxo
17:15.05blitzrageDishwasha: and i bet its not 100%
17:15.09jbotit has been said that fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
17:15.27Dishwashadidn't pingtel help develop the RFCs?
17:15.34bjohnsonand vonage will work with * if you pay for subscru=iption, pay for soft phne service, and kiss away any minutes of the main service
17:15.43bjohnsonthere are much better options
17:15.45iamnotbobyes there are things fully sip compliant, but still thete are deviations..
17:15.45blitzrageI don't remember  seeing that... but who knows
17:15.49QwellI thought * wasn't allowed, even with the softphone account?
17:16.01iamnotbobfreeworld dialup, and iconnecthere are some others
17:16.02blitzragefuck vonage(tm)
17:16.04DishwashaThat's what they said during a sales meeting we had where they were a partner
17:16.42t3chnohang on, what if i just plugged a vonage hardware modem into the line in on a modem on the * box?
17:16.53t3chnowouldnt it just assume its a normal phone line?
17:16.54AgiNamut3chno, forget modem
17:17.02AgiNamubut yes, you can take your adapter, put that analog to Asterisk
17:17.08DishwashaOf course, Microsoft could claim the same thing for the XML working group but they came out with their own incompliant XML
17:17.13t3chnoright ok
17:17.14AgiNamuDishwasha, that makes no sense
17:17.18blitzrageI don't understand why you would pay so much for vonage and go through all sorts of hoops trying to get it into Asterisk, just use a more open service provider for less money
17:17.28DishwashaAgiNamu: What doesn't?
17:17.38AgiNamutheir own incompliant XML
17:17.51DishwashaYes, Microsoft XML is not complain with true XML standards
17:18.05bjohnsont3chno: forget modems
17:18.13t3chnook well, what about the call transfer thing? give the ability to transfer the call to a phone plugged into the * box
17:18.27Dishwashatrue XML standard = W3C
17:18.27bjohnsonyou could plug a vonage ata into an fxs .. but then you're buying double the hardware
17:18.31AgiNamuDishwasha, what is "microsoft XML?"
17:18.35iamnotbobuse a ata adapter rather than a modem or asterisk's compliant hardware
17:18.45AgiNamuand what is it not compaint with
17:18.52blitzrageI'm blitzrage SIP compliant
17:19.04AgiNamuspecifics man
17:19.05DishwashaIt encompasses a lot of things such as SOAP
17:19.17AgiNamuso you're saying MS soap doesn't work on other platforms?
17:19.21DishwashaAnd like I said, the W3C group
17:19.26DishwashaAgiNamu: No, you said that
17:19.33AgiNamuyes, you did. but you didnt say what its incompatible with
17:19.42*** join/#asterisk jdg (
17:19.42AgiNamuits like idiots who say "IE should be more standard compliant!"
17:19.43Dishwashaworking on other platforms != standards compliant
17:19.44bjohnsont3chno: what you are describing will work .. it is very basic.  Just replace "vonage" with "decent voip provider" and "modem" with "fxs" or "fxo"
17:20.23t3chnohaha ok.. i wasnt really looking into voip and not specifically vonage
17:20.24AgiNamuoh, so this is a theoretical "it's not w3c compliant" thing
17:20.24t3chnobut ok
17:20.30bjohnsonAgiNamu: right .. it's the idiots who design ONLY for IE
17:20.32AgiNamuyea, I'm fine with that
17:20.32t3chnobut what is fxs/fxo?
17:20.43DishwashaAgiNamu: There's this thing called the internet, look it up and you find lots of information on it
17:20.45AgiNamuor the people who ask for IE to support CSS3
17:20.46bjohnsont3chno: hardware that you buy
17:21.02Qwellhow about supporting css at all properly first?
17:21.12t3chnook.. and the difference between that and a modem?
17:21.13AgiNamuDishwasha, that's exactly what I thought. nonsense "it's not compliant" claims that dont really say anything.
17:21.20t3chnosorry im really new to the whole telephony thing
17:21.23bjohnsonhow about sites not catering to IE and designing standards compliant sites
17:21.36bjohnsont3chno: 1. ability 2. cost
17:21.39AgiNamubjohnson, IE is quite standards compliant if you tell it to.
17:21.44DishwashaBecause we've deviated from my using microsoft XML as an example of a vendor who had a seat in the standards process and created something non-compliant to compare to pingtel having a seat in the SIP standards process and potentially making a SIP PBX that is not SIP compliant
17:21.55AgiNamubut to maintain backword compatability, it still has even the netscape emulation hacks inside it
17:22.00bjohnsonAgiNamu: mine won't listen to me
17:22.05t3chnoum ok
17:22.07AgiNamuDishwasha, you're right.
17:22.51t3chnook so fxs/fxo is like a supercharged modem?
17:22.56jbotsomebody said fxofxs was An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
17:23.15bjohnsonthey are voip hardwarea modem is not voip hardware
17:23.21Dishwashaso, full circle, does anybody know how to get the parked call feature working with Xten's eyephone?
17:23.36t3chnooh ok
17:23.53jetsWhat is everyone's favorite linux soft phone
17:23.55AgiNamut3chno, really, go read some documentation and general telephony info
17:24.08AgiNamujets, Wine + Firefly?
17:24.12t3chnogood idea
17:24.37bjohnsonyou can run voip over a IP network created by a modem (but very good quality) .. but the modem is just acting like a LAN switch in that case .. not voip hardware
17:24.59jetsFirefly works well under wine? cool.
17:25.12Dishwashayou could try sjphone jets
17:25.16bjohnsonie .. you can't plug a phone into it and hear something other than beeps and whistles
17:25.17Dishwashanot a favorite but it works
17:25.40DishwashaI thought the knew gnome had a sip phone built in
17:25.46Dishwashahaven't confirmed tho
17:25.48AgiNamujets, no i have no clue
17:25.50AgiNamui was makin a joke
17:25.56ronnis there a way to change the codec of a sip channel on the fly? just before dialing the channel ? instead of reading from sip.conf?
17:26.06bjohnsoniaxcomm is a linux softphone
17:26.17bjohnsonI've also used linphone.  kphone is popular
17:26.18AgiNamuronn yes
17:26.23bjohnsonmost people end up buying hardware
17:26.29AgiNamubut i dont know if it's available in CVS
17:26.33AgiNamuI wrote a patch to do exactly that
17:26.37AgiNamulemme find it
17:26.39ronnAgiNamu:  how do yo udo that? is there an application for that
17:26.47AgiNamuno, its a channel driver patch
17:26.52ronnoh i see ok
17:26.53AgiNamuOh wait. for sip, i didnt write it. i dont think
17:26.57jetsI have a hard phone just want something for travelling i spose
17:27.00AgiNamuthere is a SIP_CODEC variable you can try
17:27.02jetsthanks gents
17:27.15CyberKnetbjohnson: don't we all =
17:27.37ronnSIP_CODEC: in which source file is that?
17:27.37jetsI have three pri's to play with but they aren't too happy today
17:27.44CyberKnetcrying shame to see six of them here at work every day with onlu 80% utilization =)
17:28.06AgiNamuronn, that link has my patch
17:28.13ronnAgiNamu: got that. thanks
17:28.14AgiNamuadds a CODEC_OVERRIDE channel var
17:28.16*** join/#asterisk MajestiK (
17:28.23AgiNamuthe SIP_CODEC didnt do shit for me
17:28.26AgiNamuas it's for something else
17:28.28AgiNamunot outgoing calls
17:29.05ronni need it for outgoing calls
17:29.46AgiNamuyea, mine works for outgoing
17:30.09AgiNamualthough, i dont know if it works on chan_sip. i think so
17:30.10AgiNamuif not, ping me
17:30.25ronnyes. i will
17:31.11*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:31.15ManxPowerWhat time is it in Europe at the moment, and do they have daylights saving time?
17:31.27ManxPowerSpecifically Sweeden, Frande, Benelux, etc
17:31.37ronnit's 7.30 CET
17:32.03*** join/#asterisk slePP (
17:32.04ManxPowerronn: Thanks.
17:32.16ManxPowerThat's what I thought.
17:32.37ManxPower7 hours ahead of Central USA time
17:34.29Deryl(for those not monitoring the freebsd sec list)
17:34.31DerylHTT Vuln Info Updated:
17:34.39Derylthis is NOT limited to freebsd.
17:34.53*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
17:35.03*** part/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
17:35.06QwellDeryl: Thats what you get for using Intel. :P
17:36.02DerylQwell: waaa
17:38.25*** join/#asterisk CyberGlitch2 (~jsievert@
17:38.42AgiNamuDeryl, is that freebsd specific
17:38.59Deryli just said it wasn't
17:39.10CyberGlitch2hello all
17:39.17AgiNamuduh, yes you did
17:39.51*** join/#asterisk rcam (
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17:41.25durexheheh i love this: cvsup /etc/supfile-stable && cd /usr/src && make buildworld && make installworld && reboot
17:41.47Deryldon't forget mergemaster
17:42.13durexyes yes hiaehaih and to compile the kernel too! ;-)
17:42.13Derylespecially so you have the most current cvs output tags in files that have them
17:42.24durexderyl, yes sure, relax about it... but is it what I like in BSDs... specially fbsd
17:43.50Deryldurex: why do i need to relax? i'm not uptight.
17:44.09wasabi_So what about integrating of asterisk into other directory platforms? Any work been done?
17:44.13wasabi_Specifically LDAP.
17:46.30*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:47.25CyberGlitch2so i just got my first asterisk@home box set up and i was wondering what other cool stuff you could do with it?
17:48.02jontowif you can find the soundfiles you can make it squeal like a pig
17:48.19bjohnsonwasabi_: you can do ldap lookups
17:49.22CyberGlitch2how do i go about setting up confrence rooms?
17:49.34bjohnsonwasabi_: there has been talk about everything from making a read/write ldap system for voicemail, disa authentication, followme scripts and even full storage systems for an entire ldap based config system
17:49.43NuggetCyberGlitch2: reading the documentation would be an excellent start.
17:49.44bjohnsonI don't thnik much has been done with that
17:50.01Silik0n.last -msg
17:50.06bjohnsonCyberGlitch2: the default system is called meetme
17:50.48CyberGlitch2Nugget, i suppose but i was hoping that you might bless with with you wisdom and insite on where a good guide is
17:51.00*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
17:51.23bjohnsonthe wiki is always a good place to start
17:51.36bjohnsonor the asterisk command line with "show application"
17:52.16Juggiedoes anyone possibly not have a gmail account
17:52.22Juggiei have like 50 invites here, if anyone wants
17:56.21*** join/#asterisk HerVegas (~a@
17:59.20durexJuggie lol
18:00.50Groobyso who here uses voipjet?
18:01.14harryvvi have it but yet to use it. now i have a firewall that can pass sip traffic.
18:01.32Inv_arpGrooby: i do (outbound only) works fine
18:01.51Groobydo they provide inbound calls?
18:02.27Inv_arpGrooby: not sure... i 'am going to use iax.xx for inbound
18:03.08harryvvI have had lots of good luck with
18:04.03Inv_arpharryvv: been using BV but to many probs  timeouts, only ulaw support etc...
18:04.21Inv_arpso its gonna be either VP connect or
18:04.25Groobyi am using BV
18:04.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (
18:04.43Groobynot really happy w/ their outtage at this point....
18:05.27Inv_arpGrooby: me too,  i dont think its working now
18:05.58GroobyI currently got a backup for outgoing calls now
18:06.23Groobybut still tryiing to find something better at least w/ some sort of unlimited domestic calls
18:06.34Grooby(that is also stable)
18:07.00HerVegasGrooby,Inv_arp: do you know what kind of outage has?
18:07.26Inv_arpHerVegas: not with them yet... but i hear there pretty good
18:07.38Groobyi dunno..never used them...just heard of them
18:08.06Inv_arpdarwin35: jobs like that exist?    nice
18:08.09HerVegasthanks, I was just checking
18:08.12darwin35now to pack and move
18:09.12harryvvwhat is BV inv?
18:09.52harryvvHer, its not often.
18:10.00Inv_arpharryvv: yeap
18:10.17*** join/#asterisk channan (~channan99@
18:10.18harryvvin fact, I dont know if asterisk records voip service time outs
18:10.19*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:11.27*** join/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
18:11.40Flyboy6440ok have an odd question i suppose..
18:12.00Flyboy6440zap channels support *60.. this works great for adding the last caller to the blacklist..
18:12.07*** part/#asterisk jdg (
18:12.11Flyboy6440however iaxy devices do not support this...
18:12.13*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
18:12.16DishwashaAlright, looks like the ability to do park calls is a transfer feature, so it just so happens that the specific park button on the eyePhone doesn't work is all
18:12.25Flyboy6440anyway to add this type of functionality?
18:12.54shido6what do you mean Flyboy6440
18:12.58shido6stick it in the dialplan
18:13.04shido6the iaxy isnt as smart as you think it is
18:13.05ManxPowerFlyboy6440: You can do it yourself or pay a bounty for the feature.
18:13.13Dishwashathe odd thing is I don't hear the park announcement like I'm supposed to
18:13.31shido6Dishwasha, you watch "Dragon" one time too many?
18:13.44ManxPowerDishwasha: hearing the park announcement requires Supervised/Consultative transfer.  Sounds like your phone is only doing Blind transfer.
18:13.44Dishwashashido6: YES!!! You're like the only person in the world who gets it!
18:13.54shido6thats one of my favorite parts
18:14.05shido6and I remind myself of it everytime I slack off
18:14.09Flyboy6440was thinking of sticking it in the dialplan, but was'nt sure how i suppose
18:14.12ManxPowerFlyboy6440: The IAXy sends each digit AS IT'S DIALED to Astrisk, so you can handle it in the dialplan like Shido said
18:14.16DishwashaManxPower: How would I tell if I can do supervised or consultative transfer?
18:14.30Dishwashashido6: Yeah, love that movie.
18:14.47ManxPowerDishwasha: Supervised/Consultative transfer allows you to talk to the dialed party before completing the transfer.  Check the docs for your device.
18:15.04Dishwashaokay, so that's a SIP phone feature then, thanks
18:15.20*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
18:15.21ManxPowerDishwasha: EVERYTHNING is a device feature in SIP
18:16.11wasabi_two phones on a lan with asterisk as a proxy, do those phones talk directly to each other or thru asterisk?
18:16.38harryvvasterisk is the bridge that makes it possible.
18:16.59wasabi_oh, so two phones can't call each other, like two software phones can
18:18.03*** part/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
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18:19.41bjohnsondragon is the one with sean connery as the dragon's voice?
18:20.21DishwashaManxPower: Looks like those features are a CVS feature, not a 1.0.X feature
18:21.27bjohnsonwhat's "Dragon" then?
18:21.37DishwashaThe Bruce Lee Story
18:21.45*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@
18:21.56DishwashaStaring Brandon Lee
18:22.33ManxPowerDishwasha: That's just the # transfter hack.  Most people don't need it
18:22.49bkw_actually valetparking can do what he wants
18:22.57harryvvI think dialpad was one of the first to offer telephony over the net before cisco had voip approved?
18:23.09darwin35I need valetparking bkw will you park for me
18:23.16DishwashaManxPower: ah, well realistically as long as I can do a blind, my customers are doing overhead paging anyway when they park so I'
18:23.19Dishwashall be alright
18:23.43bkw_brought to you by the nice guys that run, and more...
18:24.06bkw_CLUECON registration is open btw..
18:24.18harryvvwhy the wording of clue?
18:25.00harryvvAt first thought it was out of sarcasim :)
18:25.02bjohnsonColonel Mustard did it in the library with a candlestick
18:25.08bjohnson(the sick bastid)
18:26.22bkw_harryvv, why?
18:26.50darwin35bkw in the show with a bar of soup
18:28.01harryvvbkw, well there is alot of sarcasim and thought at first before going to that domain it was for people that did not have a clue :)
18:32.23*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
18:32.47buddahis there anyone that might be able to help me with a Caller ID issue?
18:33.27*** join/#asterisk LoRez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
18:34.07Flyboy6440duh.. that was too easy...
18:34.16Flyboy6440i should have figured that out sooner..
18:35.17Flyboy6440thanks shido6 was able to implement it by using a ## transfer option :)
18:36.19blitzragePolycom IP500 question, in the Registration menu (web interface) under the Identification section, what is the Address field for?
18:36.40*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || PBX Developers Conference in Chicago Aug 3-5 Register Now!
18:36.53ManxPowerblitzrage: want my phone specific configs?
18:37.11blitzrageManxPower: I just want to document what the field is for, as it has confused me :)
18:37.29blitzrageI thought it said Username or something at first, but I've just noticed thats not what it says, but the phoen works fine :)
18:38.09ManxPowerblitzrage: no idea.  I just the text config files with the min number of settings needed.
18:38.24blitzrageahhhh, yah, I need to document the web interface
18:38.30CyberKnetbkw_: how goes the day?
18:38.35blitzragethanks though
18:38.43blitzrageanyone else who uses Polycoms?
18:38.45ManxPowerblitzrage: well if the phone can upload it's config via FTP then change the settings, look at the uploaded config file
18:38.54shido6whats up blitzrage
18:39.04blitzragesee my question above shido6 :)
18:39.26blitzrageManxPower: yah, but I'm documenting for someone else to provision the phones, so I have to document it :)
18:39.51buddahcan anyone point me in the direction of an answer on how to set the outbound caller id for a polycom ip 500?
18:40.16blitzragebuddah: Registration > Display Name
18:40.47buddahwell i have 3 ip 500s, all with the same display name, but they dont show the display name for caller ID
18:40.57buddahthey show the reg.x.address it seems
18:41.23durexhaving problem to specify a realm to a register in sip.conf
18:41.39durexrealm and domain in [general] didn't work...
18:41.45durexany idea ?
18:41.53ManxPowerblitzrage: I think that is either the button label or the callerid info
18:42.25blitzragehrmmmmm, well the button label is Label...
18:42.35blitzrageand callerID info is Display Name afaik
18:42.58blitzrageI have no idea why there would be an address field in the Indentification seciton when all that stuff is lower in the Server 1 config
18:45.15ManxPowerreg.1.auth.password and reg.1.auth.userid are the SIP userid and password
18:45.23blitzrageI'm not doing it from the text file so I have no idea what you're talking about :)
18:45.40buddahyeah manx
18:45.49ManxPowerblitzrage: I'm saying you can set the options in the web interface, then look at the generated text file.
18:46.05blitzragewhich is stored where?
18:46.11ManxPowerblitzrage: OR you could just read the Admin Guide.  It has info on the web interface, phone interface, and text file config interface.
18:46.23blitzrageI looke din the admin guide and found nothing about the web interface
18:46.36ManxPowerblitzrage: the phone will upload the text config file to it's boot server.  Info in the Admin Guide
18:46.53blitzragelike I said, I'm not using any of that stuff :)
18:47.15ManxPowerblitzrage: It does not have a seperate section of the manual.  Each option in the first part of the manual is mentioned how to set via each of the three interfaces.
18:50.44darwin35BKW I am moving to Arkensaw
18:51.20ManxPowerdarwin35: Marrying your sister?
18:51.23Juggiebkw_, is there a way to control the source ports * uses for RTP?
18:51.27darwin35hillbilly way of spelling
18:51.28machinehdAnyone using a maxtnt with asterisk?
18:51.36ManxPowerJuggie: Did you look at rtp.conf?
18:51.51Juggiethose are listen ports
18:51.58ManxPowerJuggie: Are you sure?
18:52.05bkw_Juggie, rtp.c
18:52.07bkw_er rtp.conf
18:52.21ManxPowerJuggie: Well you and bkw_ can argue about it.
18:52.27Juggiebkw_, those are the ports * listens on for RTP to be returned
18:52.34Juggiei'm talking about when it sends packets to a client
18:52.37Juggiesay xlite for example
18:52.45Juggieit sends to port 8000 with a source of like 3000ish
18:52.54Juggienot in the range in the rtp.conf
18:53.04bkw_what client?
18:53.11bkw_you need to control the source ports on the client too
18:53.40Juggiewell, i'm fightting with nat
18:53.50Juggiewhen i can get the client to use the ports given in the SDP
18:53.54bkw_well control the source ports on both ends
18:53.56Juggieit works because i have that range taken care of
18:53.57bkw_and you have it made
18:54.32coppiceJuggie: sounds like a storybook I was reading my son this week about a bully called Nathaniel :-)
18:54.42Juggiebut, xlite likes to try and be helpful, so audio works for a split second sometimes, until it gets RTP from * with a souce port of 3000ish
18:54.48Juggiethen xlite starts sending to that port instead
18:54.54Juggiefirefly does the same thing
18:55.26Juggiewhen clients follow the SDP it works.
18:55.31Juggieits when they dont thats bad.
18:55.37*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
18:55.53blitzragesounds like a client problem :)
18:55.56Juggiei think the firewall may be smart enough to keep the source ports open for return traffic, i have to go play with it some more
18:56.07Juggieblitzrage, thats true
18:56.09blitzrageI'm not sure how you can control the source ports of the remote end if it doesn't listen to SDP
18:56.24coppiceJuggie: if you can understand what teh SDP specs mean. I find them pretty woolly in places.
18:56.35Juggieit all depends on what * chooses to use as its source port for the RTP to the client
18:56.37blitzragecoppice: really? seems pretty straight forward to me...
18:56.44Juggiewhatever * uses, thats what it will do.
18:57.02Juggieif the range was controlable, or it used source ports within the rtp range
18:57.05Juggielife would be good.
18:57.26coppiceblitzrage: I am pretty unclear exactly what the T.38 stuff should really look like, and I don't seem to be alone from the implementations I have seen
18:57.51bkw_thats what I keep trying to tell people
18:58.03bkw_t.38 == HELL
18:58.17blitzragecoppice: oh yah, I avoid that stuff like the plague :)
18:58.36coppiceyeah. I think everything about T.38 was developed by sheep farmers
18:58.52Juggiethe firewall should be smart enough anyways to keep the source port open for return for RTP, its jst needs to be configed proper... but its isa2004 what do you expect
18:59.10blitzrageI'd like to go over the T.38 specs and just use a whiteboard and create a conversation and write out what the packets *should* look like
18:59.39bkw_I think they leave a lot of the stuff up to the implementor
19:00.01*** join/#asterisk alvis (Alvis@
19:00.08coppiceYeah. like everything but the ASN.1
19:02.09blitzragethats stupid
19:02.15*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
19:02.27blitzragewhat kind of a "standard" leaves it up to the implementor... if thats the case, whats the point of the standard
19:02.41blitzrageother than to make the ITU rich :)
19:04.03coppiceWell, standards traditionally only specify the absolute minimum needed for interoperability, and try to obfuscate everything else. T.38 doesn't even do that
19:04.26ManxPowercoppice: write your own spec, callit T.39 and publish it.
19:04.36CyberKnetcoppice: heh. Not Fun(tm)
19:04.37ManxPoweror T.38++ with everything specified. 8-)
19:05.32bkw_well lets do it the asterisk way :P
19:05.36bkw_wait nm
19:05.37bkw_lets not
19:06.02jetshahaha break it and argue about eerything ? :)
19:06.23ManxPowerwrite our own and not document it?
19:06.25coppicenah. write and implementation, and claim its the spec
19:06.54jetsspeaking of no documentation where does a queue timeout go to, the enxt priority?
19:06.56tzangernobody here knows a little analog electronics, do they?
19:07.07tzangerthe gain-bandwidth product of a bipolar transistor... is it linear?
19:07.14blitzrage.... yes
19:07.24coppicetzanger: yes. a lot. advice is $300 per hour
19:07.26*** part/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
19:07.26tzangeri.e. if the GBP is 300MHz, then at DC it's gain is 300, and at 300MHz its gain is 1
19:07.55blitzragepay up biatch! :)
19:07.57tzangercoppice: ha, that important it isn't, I'm just trying to remember...  but AFAIK the GBP isn't linear
19:08.13blitzragewith a name like Tony, watch your knees
19:08.28tzangeroh and FYI, nortel's optical links appear to be E1s that run at 2.56MHz
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19:08.58coppiceA transistor doesn't truly have a GBP. An amp built from the transistor does, and the GBP of that is linear
19:09.47tzanger??  a bipolar transistor operated in its linear region is an amplifier, is it not?
19:10.35tzangerI was certain I could have driven a PN2222A at 2.56Mhz without trouble but it appears not.  I wonder if a TIP120 can handle that frequency  :-)
19:10.43coppiceyep, but now we are constrained to linear behaviour, and GBP is a straight line
19:10.46tzangerfailing that I'll just have to break down and get a small mosfet
19:10.54tzangercoppice: ahh okay
19:11.18tzangerso if I'm operating it as a switch the Max. switching frequency is nowhere near the GBP
19:11.22tzangeras I'm saturating it
19:11.34tzangerit's been quite some time since I've been playing with this stuff, as you can no doubt tell
19:11.45tzangerbjohnson: I'm the student, coppice's score would be off the chart
19:11.49blitzrageI haven't done any of that since highschool
19:12.09coppice"you can't have infinite GBP" is the electronics equivalent of mechanical engineers saying "you can't have perpetual motion" (although with sufficient curry it can seem like you do)
19:12.13blitzrageand we can all imagine how much I'd learned in highschool :)
19:12.17tzangerblitzrage: :-)  I love analog design, I'm just a little rusty
19:12.37blitzragetzanger: me too, I used to build guitar pedals in highschool :)
19:12.42CyberKnetI have suffered stunted perpetual motion from curry before =)
19:12.49blitzragecurry is the best
19:13.01tzangerI'm not asking for infinite GBP, just a transistor I have in the parts bin with sufficient switching frequency when driven into saturation :-)
19:13.04CyberKnetcurry is the absolute best way to flush your system.
19:13.19CyberKnetproviding of course that you have a REALLY stout toilet bowl.
19:13.20tzangerI thought I was perhaps just not giving it enough base current but I now know that's not hte case
19:13.27tzangerI don't do curry
19:13.31coppiceI spent a few hours in an Indian hospital the other week after some fish curry :-(
19:13.51CyberKnetcoppice: aaah =( Now that does not sound like fun.
19:13.53blitzragenot a fish fan...
19:13.58CyberKnetI've never had a fish curry.
19:14.07tzangera pipe length tester for TDM400P...  at first I thought you turned it into a TDR :-)
19:14.10CyberKnetdoesn't sound like I ever will, either.
19:14.19CyberKnetI nice green curry would be good though.
19:14.55*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
19:15.04coppicea really good thai green curry - through away the meat, and just drink the gravy :-)
19:15.09tzangeroh, coppice: apparently zaptel from 1.0.7 does NOT CPU spike and works quite nicely with tx/rxfax
19:15.14CyberKnettzanger: I heard some people giving negative accounts of the TDM400P when operated in the 1xFXO 1xFXS combination. Is there any merit to that?
19:15.20tzangerI have not confirmed it myself yet
19:15.29tzangerCyberKnet: I hope not, I've sold 3 of them :-)
19:15.57CyberKnetI want one, but can't justify the price when I can get a SPA-3000 for half the cost.
19:16.11TonyMIs JerJer about?
19:16.18tzangerJerJer: you about?
19:16.22tzanger(was it that hard??)
19:16.32CyberKnettzanger: heh
19:17.10tzangerI've stolen two optical transcievers from the norstar system, and looped them to a pair of MAX490s (full-duplex RS485 transcievers)
19:17.35tzangerI've got it looping back and the singal looks good but I seem to be baffling these PN2222A transistors with a 2.5MHz clock
19:17.51tzanger680 ohm resistor from the output of a HC14 to the base of the transistor
19:18.13tzangerone side of the ressitor, 2.5MHz squarewave, other side, about 0.7v
19:18.19tzangerthe transistor's permanently saturated :-)
19:18.54coppiceif the HC14 is switching it shouldn't be
19:18.57tzangerso I stuck a 25ohm resistor across the 680 ohm to really bop the base around...  it worked to an extent but I was obviously doing it a disservice :-)
19:19.16tzangerwell 4.3V across 680 ohms is 6mA base current
19:19.35tzangerI'm guessing the gain of the transistor is just too small at 2.5Mhz to really move the C-E current
19:19.58tzangerso I could either use a darlington (but they're slower) or break down and use a FET
19:20.04coppiceits not the gain. its the resistor and the charge storage in saturation
19:20.37tzangerI'm not getting rid of charge in the B-E capacitance fast enough?
19:21.32tzangerthe E of the transistor's just to common, the collector goes to a 50 ohm resistor to +5 and also to the A of the fiber optic emitter (whose K goes to common)
19:21.49tzangerso there's a fair whack of current it has to shunt when turning on
19:22.27shido6need bay leaves
19:22.41shido6u still lookin for pb&j info tzanger ?
19:22.56tzangerwhich is also why I can't just take the HC14 output (I have three paralleled up to make sure I have lots of drive) to the LED...  the HC14 can only source about 25mA per inverter, but no real stats on what the entire chip can
19:23.22tzangershido6: no just zaptel stuff, bkw seems to think that __do_dtmf blocks when sending DTMF
19:23.33tzangerI personally can't see it but at this point I haven't got a better idea
19:26.58*** join/#asterisk mflorell (
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19:28.51tzangercoppice: I did an opto design a while back that kept the phototransistor collector current change as small as possible to speed it up
19:28.59tzangerI was hoping I woudlnt' have to do something similar here
19:29.56CyberKnetheh. Verilan are selling a "TDM11B" bundle that has "One (1) TDM400P, One (1) FXS Module (green), Three (1) FXO Modules (red)"
19:30.10CyberKnetI'm guessing that you dont get three FXO =)
19:30.44tzangerCyberKnet: that's just a dev kit lite
19:31.34CyberKnettzanger: Yeah, I saw the same bundle on digiums website and the contents. Just amusing that they say Three (1) FXO.
19:31.46tzangerThree (1) I got it now
19:31.56CyberKnettzanger: aaaah... you didn't notice =)
19:32.05tzangerI look at TDM11B and know what it is
19:32.13CyberKnetYeah, I know what it is too.
19:32.21CyberKnetdigium will only sell it to developers.
19:32.28CyberKnetI'm sure they have their reasons.
19:32.51tzangerCyberKnet: ??
19:32.54tzangeryou're on crack
19:32.54CyberKnetVerilan + shipping is the same cost as digium - shipping though.
19:32.59CyberKnettzanger: I assure you I am not.
19:33.06tzangerCyberKnet: the TDM11B can be purchased by anyone
19:33.22CyberKnetNot according to digium's online store.
19:33.36CyberKnet"Notes: This package is exclusively for Asterisk Developers"
19:33.45*** part/#asterisk alvis (Alvis@
19:34.04CyberKnetNow, they may ship it regardless...
19:34.16CyberKnetbut the page says developers only.
19:34.44CyberKnetclick "Order Online"
19:34.44tzanger"Digium now offers an alternative to the Asterisk Developer's Kit Lite and the Developer's Kit TDM to Asterisk developers and for people who wish to integrate Asterisk as a SOHO (Small Office / Home Office) PBX."
19:35.04tzanger"Notes: This package is exclusively for Asterisk Developers. "
19:35.22CyberKnetnb: you can withdraw your crack accusation now =)
19:35.37tzangerCyberKnet: yes I do withdraw that... the website's on crack
19:35.47CyberKnettzanger: that may be the case. I couldn't say.
19:35.53markyif i debug when i dial a phone number....and it adds 400 to the end?
19:37.00marky400 is the prefix of my outbound trunk..not sure if that makes a difference
19:38.06*** join/#asterisk slePP (
19:38.39bjohnsonyour dialplan would be where to fix it
19:38.53CyberKnetsup slePP
19:39.11slePPmy internet sucks ass
19:39.43CyberKnetslePP: remove ass from internet. internet will no longer be able to suck it.
19:40.17bjohnsonslePP: clean up your internet.  There's pron all over it
19:40.40slePPwho do you think put the porn there? :P
19:41.08CyberKnetslePP: sorry 'bout that porn, buddy =)
19:41.20fileslePP porn!
19:42.26slePPslepp porn rules
19:42.55CyberKnetslePP: porn owned by slePP, or porn of slePP?
19:43.41*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
19:43.44CyberKnetgah. I'll pass.
19:44.42CyberKnetI have no desire to see slePP handling his Tiny286
19:44.45CyberKnetno sir.
19:48.36*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
19:50.16fileslePP is uber-sexy
19:50.53filemount /dev/slepp
19:51.51CyberKnetdd if=/dev/file of=/dev/slep
19:52.05CyberKneterm... append one more p for me.
19:52.25*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
19:53.09slePPmmm... coke
19:53.53filebad slePP bad
19:54.37coppicetzanger: I updated to the latest CVS for zaptel. It seems my new test program  doesn't see such wild jumps in he path length, but I still see some
19:54.57tzangervmstat doens't show CPU spiking every 5s or so?
19:56.19coppicecan't see any spikes now, but I found that behaviour rather erratic anyway
19:56.33tzangerhmm interesting
19:57.29mflorellI've been trying to add a new Manager action to allow Bridging of 2 existing channels
19:57.40mflorellI've hit a wall, any developers out there?
19:58.03coppicewhat? behind the wall?
19:58.11tzangerthe "all-ones" AIS pattern should look like a 50% duty cycle square wave of 2.048MHz for E1 and 1.544MHz for T1, shouldn't it?
19:58.35mflorellhere's the code:
19:58.35TonyMmflorell: not a real developer, but I try to hack - what's the issue?
19:58.58tzanger193 1s sent 8000 times a second, or 257 bits 8000 times a second?
19:59.07mflorellTonyM: me too, but this has been bugging me for a while so I decided to give it a shot
19:59.32coppicetzanger an E1 has a three level code
19:59.58tzangerhmm I need to read up on E1
20:00.08mflorellI've got the two channels MASQd and then brodged just fine to the point they are talking to each other and the other 2 channels are dropped
20:00.10TonyMmflorell: I was going to have to do it in the near future, so I'm interested. Just pulled your code up on the screen.
20:00.24*** join/#asterisk ClayReiche123 (
20:00.28coppicehence the name HDB3
20:00.43mflorellthen it kind of freezes
20:01.30mflorellI really just need to understand what is keeping ast_channel_bridge from returning
20:01.37tzangercoppice: hmm
20:01.47ClayReiche123I'm noticing poor audio quality in conjunction with this NOTICE. I have already disabled silence suppression on the endpoint I'm in control of and it didn't seem to help... frame.c:128 ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
20:01.52mflorelland why the 2 dropped channels sometimes get stuck in channel_walk_locked mode
20:02.08tzangerHDB3 is just a variant of AMI is it not?
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20:02.31tzangerit doesn't seem to be any different in terms of 1s and 0s, just inversions when transmitting on copper
20:02.31ClayReiche123Can anyone tell me what I can do to fix it?
20:02.42tzanger(there is no -light and +light on fiber, obviously)
20:02.48*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
20:03.14TonyMmflorell: ah, ok. Sounds like you already know more about it than I do! What other part of Asterisk did you take ideas from? I was going to look at the code around the manager "Link" event.
20:03.34sylewhat is a good ip phone?
20:04.04Zeeekat what price?
20:04.05mflorellTonyM: you actually can't use anything currently in the manager, you cannot even code it into manager.c without a lot of other junk
20:04.12*** part/#asterisk muntz (
20:04.18sylewell no more than 300 would be nice
20:04.18TonyMmflorell: I just need to go out for 15-20 min to take a visitor home... will you still be around?
20:04.42coppicetzanger: fibre uses pulse operation, so is always a binary code. most wire codes are 3 level. It helps with whitening, and to reduce DC
20:04.51mflorellTonyM: I grabbed some stuff from res_features, app_dial.c, app_queue.c and channels.c
20:04.59sylei was thinking the cisco 7960 from the asterisk book
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20:05.15mflorellTonyM: and res_features actually seems like a logical place for this to reside
20:05.30tzangercoppice: right I understand but that doesn't answer my AIS signal question :-)  it's described as "unframed all-ones" which to me should look like a 50% duty squarewave of the clock frequency
20:06.01tzangereven on copper though, it's all-ones so AMI, B8ZS or HDB3 would look like +-+-+-+-+--
20:06.01coppicetzanger: I just go a big jump in the loop length with the latest zaptel
20:06.03coppice508 -> 516 -> 660 samples
20:06.21mflorellTonyM: this is about 3 half-days of playing around with this. I've tried lots of different ways of doing this. I had one simple way working, but it only worked between 2 IAX channels and only if they were connected to Playback
20:06.24tzangercoppice: if you've already got this up and running, would you be able to pull 1.0.7 and see what it does?
20:06.41RoyKsipgw1:~ # ps axvf|head -1 && ps axvf|grep -v grep|grep asterisk\ \-v|head -1
20:06.42RoyK13766 ?        S<     0:15      0   605 1392038 1272608 61.3  \_ asterisk -vvvg -c
20:06.44coppicetzanger when coded in HDB3 is doesn't
20:06.56tzangercoppice: ??  I'm looking here
20:07.03coppicetzanger: if 1.0.7 is OK, shouldn't the latest CVS b OK?
20:07.08mflorellTonyM: I'll be here
20:07.11ClayReiche123...any takers...?
20:07.14tzangerHDB3 only fucks with how zeroes are sent (specifically, 4 zeroes)
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20:07.28tzanger1s are always sent alternate-mark, at least if I'm reading this correctly
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20:08.21tzangercoppice: also, 1.0.7 is not CVS HEAD  :-)  someone here ysterday said their debian package for zaptel was receiving faxes all day for weeks with no problems
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20:08.33coppicetzanger: before the HDB3 coder, yes. not on the wire
20:08.38tzangerthe debian package is just 1.0.7, but there is a patch I haven't looked at yet
20:09.26sylehow about iax phones?
20:09.46coppicehas 1.0.7 been out for weeks? :-\
20:09.58Zeeeksyle I have a few of those
20:09.59*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNoob (
20:10.04AsteriskNoobafternoon all
20:10.47tzangercoppice: forgive my ignorance, but could you explain?  As I said, my understanding (which I'm willing to accept is wrong) is that HDB3 sends 1111 as + - + -...  and 1s are always sent as the alternate mark of the last 1.  zeroes are sent as the lack of mark, unless 4 are encountered, in which case a bipolar violation is sent as the 4th zero, and when eight zeores are sent the you have the first zero of teh quad turning into a 'balancing" BPV...  so a singal
20:10.48*** join/#asterisk Config_t (
20:11.40AsteriskNoobso, i got an interesting issue
20:11.41*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
20:11.49AsteriskNoobi switched from 3 X100P's to a PRI circuit
20:11.59Zeeeksyle ^^^
20:12.01*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
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20:12.34AsteriskNooband i used to be able to use the dial string of 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX on my phones, and the - meant nothing to a DTMF based system so it worked, with the PRI however any calls with a - in them is rejected.... How can I remove all the -'s before dialing?
20:12.37docelm0Does anyone know of a SIP<->H323 converter or a module that actually works with asterisk 1.0.7?
20:13.07coppicetzanger: Here's a pretty picture
20:13.23syleisn;t there a flashing light in case you have messages in asterisk on that phone?
20:13.23ZeeekAsteriskNoob there are string handling apps - read the doc (I don't remember the name)
20:13.26sylelooks pretty plain
20:13.33Zeeeksyle - no MWI
20:13.41syledamn, out of question then
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20:13.58Zeeekthat' about the best iaxphone I've seen so far
20:14.08sylewithout MWI i might as well just have an analog phone
20:14.16docelm0Does anyone know of a SIP<->H323 converter or a module that actually works with asterisk 1.0.7?
20:14.31fockswhat would I need to add to this to wait 1 second before dialing so i don't have problems with the telco not getting all the digits? exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Macro(dialout-trunk,1,${EXTEN})
20:15.00tzangercoppice: that picture just verifies what I'm saying
20:15.07tzangerif I sent nothing but ones, I get a squarewave
20:16.36ClayReiche123Can I get some help? I want to know if I can disable whatever it is that drops g729 packets due to VAD...
20:17.08ClayReiche123frame.c:128 ast_smoother_feed
20:17.20coppicetzanger: oh, yeah, sorry. I'm so used to seeing three levels I forgot that continuous ones actually works out to a square wave.
20:17.28tzangerok... whew :-)
20:18.01tzangerso an AIS signal on an E1 looks like a 2.048MHz squarewave
20:18.14tzangerI'm seeing a 2.56Mhz squarewave on this Norstar system
20:18.28coppicea 1.024MHz square wave
20:19.07syleis it possible to setup an extension to access your voicemail box without having to put in a username password?
20:19.14blitzragesyle: yep
20:19.18MeatyI have a channel bank configured on asterisk dans i want to user a special (second) ring for my analogue phone. Is it possible with asterisk ?
20:19.27tzangeryour'e right
20:19.32syleplease do tell, cause its a real pain in the ass lol
20:19.37tzangerso wtf is this norstar system sending then, heh
20:19.37blitzragesyle: show application voicemail
20:20.06blitzragesyle: your hint - '8500' =>         1. VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})
20:20.34blitzragesyle: the rest can be obtained via show application voicemail
20:20.38coppiceone of the schemes for junctiopn lasers ends up with something like 2.56MHz for an E1. Its years since I touched it, though (used to have a team designing them once upon a time).
20:21.21syleblitzrage: VoicemailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM}) is what i have but i don;t think that is working cause of the analog phone possibly
20:21.47coppice2.56 = 1.25*2.048. Its something about stuffing 5 things were there were 4
20:22.01ClayReiche123Can I turn VAD off on asterisk?
20:22.18*** join/#asterisk dos000 (~dos000@
20:22.27blitzrageClayReiche123: you turn it off on the phone
20:22.36tzangercoppice: oh dear
20:22.40sylei know in incomming i can do : exten => s/phonenumber,1,Wait(1)
20:22.42dos000anyone knows the cost of the proprietary ss7 stack from digium ?
20:22.49tzangerit appears my plans to take over nortel are a little overambitious :-)
20:23.00tzangerI was hoping to convert the optical signal to copper and feed it into a Te405
20:23.21dos000tzafrir, nortel .. pfft ... it takes courage to work there these days !
20:23.57coppicenortel was a really great place when I worked there. sad to see what has happened.
20:23.57tzangerbuilt the circuit to do that and just fed it back over to the other optical interface...  but as I said I was seeing 2.56MHz squarewave on what I'd call the AIS so it was throwing me
20:24.15ClayReiche123blitzrage: * appears to be doing its own. I have * in my media path and I'm getting this message. (along with poor audio) frame.c:128 ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
20:24.45tzangercoppice: do you have a name for this 2.56MHz E1 clock thing so I might do some more research?
20:24.45coppiceYou need optical to 3 level conversion. HDB3 is 3 level, whatever a continuous 1 might look like.
20:24.57tzangeryeah I ust found something
20:25.39blitzrageClayReiche123: I've never known * to have VAD built in...
20:25.46tzanger"converts T-carrier clock rates to E-carrier clock rates" and it mentioned 2.56Mhz too
20:26.18tzangerCLKIN of 2.56MHz, CLKOUT of 1.544
20:26.26tzangermust read more :-)
20:26.34tzangerI just plugged in "2.56MHz E1" and that came out
20:26.56*** join/#asterisk Juxt (~Juxt@
20:27.16bjohnsonMeaty: yes
20:27.20Juxtgood afternoon
20:27.26Juxtdoes anyone use firefly here?
20:27.34bjohnsonMeaty: depends on phone hardware
20:27.52coppiceIt was 1988 the last time I worked with E1 over fibre :-\
20:28.03tzangeraww come on that's not that long ago :-)
20:28.04coppiceat nortel, too
20:28.19Juxti can't seem to make delays when i add a number in contact
20:28.20tzangerI appreciate your help and insight so far though, it's really helped
20:28.56Meatybjohnson: My phone is analogic basic phone
20:29.19bjohnsonyou want a different ring .. or two different rings?
20:29.22sylehate analog no MWI
20:29.30bjohnsonsyle: incorrect
20:29.35Meaty2 different
20:29.39Zeeeksome analog phones have mwi
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20:29.41MeatyIs it not the channel that can this ?
20:29.51Meatychannel banks*
20:29.51bjohnsonsyle: I have 2 analog phones with MWI that worj with my SPA units
20:30.27sylelucky bastard, i have it but phone doesn;t seem to let me configure the MWI
20:30.42coppicesyle: many analog phones have MWI
20:31.11Romikany advice on it? firefly with asterisk 1.07 | May 13 16:34:15 NOTICE[19682]: channel.c:1314 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/livevoip/3 of format speex since our native format has changed to ulaw
20:31.11sylenot the panasonic kx-tg5110 i have
20:31.15*** join/#asterisk drumkilla_ (
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20:31.23tzangeranyway I gotta go get my kids, ttyl
20:33.11ClayReiche123blitzrage: I'm only inferring from the NOTICE I'm getting... just looks like it's doing "something" to the media stream....
20:33.29blitzragedrumkilla_: !!!
20:33.42drumkilla_hey blitzrage !!!!
20:33.51blitzragedrumkilla_: how goes?
20:33.55drumkilla_I have been at my apartment for 3.5 hours trying to get internet and cable hooked up
20:33.56blitzragedrumkilla_: pass everything?
20:34.04drumkilla_ha, yeah, I passed
20:34.11blitzragedrumkilla_: haha, oh the joys of the first few days :)
20:34.14*** part/#asterisk makhtar (
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20:34.43drumkilla_blitzrage: what's up with you?
20:34.43*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
20:34.58blitzragedrumkilla_: trying to figure out how to setup auto-rollover redundency for Asterisk... :)
20:35.18drumkilla_fun times
20:35.30blitzragedamnit, I was hoping you'd reply with, "oh thats easy, just use XXX"
20:35.38drumkilla_well, ha
20:35.39Meatybjohnson : I have foung
20:35.41wizhippoanyone have a click sound after a call is connected using tdm400's?
20:35.50drumkilla_I mean, there are multiple ways
20:36.03Meatybjohnson : Its 333,1,Dial(Zap/1r2)
20:36.16Meatyr2 mean ring 2
20:36.19drumkilla_blitzrage: tell me more about what you want
20:36.23sylewiz now you mention it i have heard that a few times
20:36.24blitzragedrumkilla_: basically, I want to have a list of servers, then if the call fails to go through on the first one ebcause the server is down, then try serv2, etc...
20:36.24MeatyThanks for your help
20:36.27sylenot very often though
20:36.29Meatyalls :P
20:36.43drumkilla_blitzrage: well, in Asterisk, that's really simple, right?
20:36.54blitzragedrumkilla_: file says ${dialstatus}
20:37.12blitzrageI think I've buiilt it up too complex in my head, lol
20:37.41drumkilla_mhm :p
20:37.45wizhippoI get it all the time.  any idea how to get rid of it?  it's sounds like another extensions is picked up and hung up.  Almost like someone is listening in.
20:37.47Juggieanyone use iax with fwd? i can get into the thursday conference server, but i'm not getting registered to fwd...
20:37.49drumkilla_that's simple dialplan stuff, man!
20:38.07blitzragedrumkilla_: whats a dialplan?
20:38.34blitzragedrumkilla_: but do the channels return a chanisunavail when its unavail, or congestion, thats the real question. I remember tzanger mentioning something about that previously :)
20:39.14wizhipposome one mentionioned it might be the tdm gards and how long they hold the voltages reversed until a call is established.
20:39.36TonyMmflorell: you still there?
20:40.25kb1_kanobewizhippo: go you have the zaptel echotraining turned up?
20:41.12wizhippoi have it set to yes
20:41.37drumkilla_blitzrage: well if the server is down, it would be unavail right?
20:41.41drumkilla_blitzrage: no server to send congestion
20:41.43blitzragewell... it should be :)
20:41.52kb1_kanobewizhippo ok, I just wondered if you'd set it to something else. no problem.
20:41.53blitzragebut I heard it sets congestion
20:41.58blitzrageI need to test to verify though
20:42.01filetry and see
20:42.14wizhippowhen i compiled i turned on aggresive becasue I can here it echo when i type on my keyboard
20:43.13kb1_kanobeaggressive can do wierd things to the sound - did it noticbly improve your echo problem?
20:44.34wizhippoit got rid of the echo picked up from typeing
20:44.54blitzragewizhippo: have you tried turning on echo training? (just a suggestion)
20:45.00*** join/#asterisk jr99 (
20:45.05wizhippoya it's on
20:45.11jr99someone save me from broadvoice.. OMG they suck.
20:49.38*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
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20:50.21pigpenHi all...How many digium 4 port fxo cards would I dare to put in a single P4 3.0Ghz Xeon 2 w/ 1GB ram?
20:50.37pigpenabout 20 sip clients
20:50.44pigpenthat many?....really?
20:50.55Juxtyeah, then you'll run out of irqs
20:51.06pigpenk...the proc/mem can handle it?
20:51.10Juxtmake sure it's a board where you can assign an irq to a pci slot
20:51.14Romikpigpen: put 2 x of quad T1 cards and connect 8 channels banks
20:51.19Juxtyeah not a prob at all
20:51.26Juxtin fact your box is an overkill
20:51.31Juxtby a factor of 10 or so
20:51.39pigpencool... has been hard to find a difiniatve answer..
20:52.22pigpenRomik, that is what I was thinking about if I need more...
20:52.31pigpenwho's channel bank do ya'll like?
20:52.38bkw_ones that work
20:52.54bkw_the kind that take t1's and turn them into FXO/FXS
20:53.25*** part/#asterisk r3d5un (~r3d5un@
20:53.37jr99how stupid would it be to take a vonage or packet8 adapter and put it into a FXO port on a digium card?
20:53.37Romikpigpen: i use ones...i buy them for 169$ each
20:53.52bkw_jr99, it about all you can do
20:54.11mflorellzhones are great, I even made a perl script to speed config them
20:54.12*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:54.14pigpenRomik, how many analog lines would it handle?
20:54.16jr99sucks. packet8 and vonage are the only ones who have the DIDs I want..
20:54.27bkw_jr99, give me till the end of the day
20:54.29jr99broadvoice does, but even with the right DIDs they don't work most of the time.
20:54.31bkw_I might be able to help you
20:54.32Romikmflorell: could you share your script?
20:54.33TonyMAny chan_h323 gurus here?
20:54.33pigpenI would guess I would need to get a single pri card then..
20:54.46Romikpigpen: each T1 is 24 lines
20:54.50mflorellsure, just a minute...
20:55.20Romikpigpen: they have 2 kinds... 1st = 8 FXO and 16 FXS  or  2nd= 24FXS
20:55.22mflorellhere's the zhone programmer script:
20:55.25pigpensure...pri/chanalized T1 does 24 channels..but the zhones many analog...
20:55.29*** join/#asterisk NightHawke (~NightHawk@
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20:55.57NightHawkeTDM cards, whats the pinouts for RJ11 pots
20:56.08mflorellthe script is for the 24s zhone, not the one that is 8 and 16
20:56.17mflorellalthough you could adapt it to your needs
20:56.45mflorellWe had to program 8 of them, and after the first one I figured I'd save an hour if I programmed a script to do it
20:56.50*** join/#asterisk Tall-guy (
20:56.53Romikmflorell: what this script do? :) my system admin configure it via serial port..
20:56.54ClayReiche123drumkilla: do you know anything about this NOTICE? frame.c:128 ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
20:57.04Tall-guyanyone using asterisk with ComWave (voip provider)?
20:57.10mflorellyou just need to config the network port via serial
20:57.25Romikmflorell: cool
20:57.28BoRiSClay: Turn off VAD
20:57.34mflorellthen it logs in and sets every analog port and T1 channel and crosses them together
20:57.41BoRiSVAD/Silence Suppression
20:57.44Romikmflorell: what rxgain and txgain do you use?
20:57.52ClayReiche123On both endpoints?
20:57.59mflorellfor Zhone channelbanks?, 0, 0
20:58.03BoRiSOn your sip phones
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20:58.21*** part/#asterisk Juxt (~Juxt@
20:58.43NightHawkeTDM cards, whats the pinouts for RJ11 pots
20:58.49Romikmflorell: on zapata configuration?
20:59.07ClayReiche123BoRiS: It's off on my Sip phones... I use Qwest as a Voip provider... they must have it on their gateway...
20:59.38ClayReiche123BoRiS:  support call to them I guess... I hope they will turn it off for me.... Thank you BoRiS!
20:59.48BoRiSnp Clay :)
21:00.03mflorellRomik: signalling=fxo_ks
21:00.43mflorellRomik:  and zaptel needs fxoks=1-24
21:01.00*** part/#asterisk ClayReiche123 (
21:01.17mflorellthat is for 24 FXS Zhone though not the one with 8 FXO ports, that's a little different
21:01.31niZonBoRiS: what voip phones do you have?
21:01.40Romikmflorell: zapata.conf:signalling = fxs_ls
21:01.41Romikzapata.conf:signalling = pri_cpe
21:01.41Romikzapata.conf:signalling = fxo_ks
21:02.16mflorellI believe you can set it up to do loop-start, but never used it myself
21:02.31*** join/#asterisk slePP (
21:02.32mflorellI always use Kewlstart for Channelbanks
21:02.41mflorellbwk_: got a minute to look at some code
21:02.47develi just updated to the latest cvs (monday), and now dtmf (rfc2833) on my grandstream devices (bt and ht) doesn't work to asterisk (vm, transfer) but works extermally, and works fine for other devices (polycom, sipura, snom).  is it just me?
21:02.51Romikmflorell: what your rxgain and txgain in zapata.conf?
21:03.14mflorellRomik: 0.0 and 0.0, but on one machine I have 1.0 and 1.0
21:03.27*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~mywaleed@
21:03.36Romikmflorrel: you do not hear echo?
21:03.50mflorellnot with echo-cancelling turned on
21:03.58mflorellsometimes when it is off
21:04.07mflorelldepending on the load on the machine
21:04.15mflorellso I just leave it on
21:04.36BoRiShi niZon!!!!
21:05.03Romikmlforell: we have echo....when call abroad..or voip...we have rxgain=0 and txgain=-6
21:05.17Romikmflorell: i think we should put rxgain=-1
21:05.27Romikwhat is this  Kewlstart ?
21:05.42mflorellRomik: what trunks do you use?, do you have echo-cancelling turned on in zapata?
21:05.45NightHawkeTDM cards, whats the pinouts for RJ11 pots
21:06.07mflorellKewlstart is just another RBS protocol for signalling
21:06.29mflorellI think there is Groundstart, Loopstart, kewlstart
21:06.30fileslePP: I see you!
21:06.51fileactually I don't, but whatever!
21:07.11Romikmflorell: echocancel=yes
21:07.11Romik, echocancelwhenbridged=yes
21:07.11Romik, echotraining=yes
21:07.11Romik, echotraining=80
21:07.33mflorellRomik: and you still get echo?
21:07.55mflorellRomik: What kind of trunks do you use?
21:08.13Romikmflorell: rare, but still, most calls routed via livevoip or voipjet
21:08.40Romikmflorell: even when i call from my ATA via my home asterisk to the office via speex ..i head very small echo.
21:09.28mflorellRomik: well, the echo would probably be on them then. We use T1s mostly and have very little echo, even the IAX2->GSM from remote offices usually don't have echo
21:09.44Romikmflorell: i hear my i send very high signal...or  something else...
21:10.01Romikmflorell: when we on PRI there no echo at all ...crystal clear
21:10.05AgiNamuslinear is exactly PCM is the same as in a normal wav file right
21:10.40AgiNamuCan socket() return 0 as a valid value?
21:11.31Silik0ndamn T-Mo pisses me off
21:11.34NightHawkeTDM cards, whats the pinouts for RJ11 pots
21:12.23Silik0nNightHawke: the middle pins are ring&tip... the actual pin numbers depend on if they used 4 6 or 8 wire jacks
21:12.35Silik0n(or 2 wire jacks)
21:12.45NightHawkewill be wiring 2 pair/phine
21:12.55NightHawkephones are POTS types
21:13.37NightHawkeand the jacks are RJ45 type
21:14.39Romikmflorell: where do you buy connection cable 25 pair to phone patch pannel?
21:14.42NightHawkeso essentially the pairings are pretty much ITU standard
21:15.12Silik0nthen you'll use pins 4&5 on the RJ45 for line 1 and pins 3&6 for line 2 if you have 2line pots phones
21:15.33NightHawkety all! ^.^
21:15.48mflorellRomik: we usually use a type 66 punch-down block with a standard 25-pair cable, you can get them cheap on ebay. then we punch down pairs to the phone jacks(RJ11)
21:15.58Silik0nromil: check your local cabling supply house they will have AMP 25pair paigtails
21:15.59*** part/#asterisk Patrick^ (
21:16.30Romikmflorell: what name of this cable?
21:16.31mflorellRomik: Graybar in the USA has them just about everywhere, but they aren't cheap
21:16.34Silik0nor you can get AMP to AMP cables and punchdown blocks prewired with the mating AMP connectors
21:17.11mflorelljust a 25-pair female-female cable with Amphenol connectors on both ends
21:17.14Silik0nRomik: getting the from graybar or ${favorite_cable_supplier} is cheapre then paying a field tech to build them
21:17.43Romikmflorell: we use custom made 50 pin Amphenol connector to ethernet patch pannel.. it cost us $90 each...
21:17.44Silik0nbut if this is for a home project...
21:18.05mflorellthat's actually not bad
21:18.14coppicebut getting people to spend hours hand assembling a couple they coulde buy for peanuts is so traditional :-)
21:18.24mflorellI've seen them for over $160 in some catalogs
21:18.53Romikcoppice: i live not in states....for me order something in simple pay it twice local..
21:19.33coppicea 50 - 50 amphenol leads should be about $10-15
21:19.52*** join/#asterisk extremis (
21:19.53Silik0nromik appears to be in Isreal
21:20.09Silik0n(which obviously i cant speel)
21:20.27Romiksilik0n: hehehe
21:20.31extremisdoes anyone have a cdr-csv to postgress conversion script? The mysql import and conversion scripts don't handle my csv correctly so alot of the records are inserted with 0 for date and time
21:21.36Romikcoppice: what about  66 punch-down block with a standard 25-pair cable? what name of this cable...? i just made search on ebay - not found anything with AMP 50 male connector
21:23.42ManxPowerRomik: Amphenol
21:24.05Corydon-wAnd try
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21:24.41extremiscdr-csv to postgres? anyone?
21:25.07*** part/#asterisk mflorell (
21:25.14BoRiSSorry extremis, I can't help you :(
21:25.34bkw_extremis, its called PERL
21:25.38bkw_use it and abuse it
21:26.01bkw_oh guess what
21:26.04BoRiSwhat? answer:  No items matched "Amphenol".
21:26.17bkw_asterisk has bugs
21:26.25bkw_haha Romik for a moment I thought that was
21:26.38Romikbkw: yes
21:26.40outtoluncsiemon s66m
21:27.17*** part/#asterisk wizhippo (
21:27.33Romikanybody can tell me product number for this "punch down blocks prewired with the mating AMP connectors"?
21:27.36extremisbkw: you have a perl script for csv to mysql by chance?
21:29.08outtoluncCross Connect Hardware Siemon S66M4-24  Display item details for 284879 88233987 Field-Terminated M Series S66 Blocks
21:29.43blitzrageif someone calls into Asterisk via a PRI, dials digits, will Asterisk convert that inband to RFC2833 if the call is forwarded back out to another server, or will it stay inband?
21:30.14bkw_extremis, its a few lines of code.. you can code it in a shakes of a lambs tail
21:30.19RoyKblitzrage: pri uses OOB, right?
21:30.37blitzrageI suppose it should, thats right :)
21:30.41extremisbkw: nope
21:31.12extremisI'm not sure what invalid characters are
21:31.14blitzrageany ideas why I would be getting dupe DTMF being sent via RFC2833 then?
21:31.25extremisso I don't know how to properly sanitize it before trying to shove it in the db
21:31.29Romikouttolunc: but this one comes without 50AMP cable pre wired ?
21:31.53extremisbut apparently the solutions that have been posted don't sanitize things correctly, but since I imported so many records its hard to track it down
21:32.10extremisI was hoping that someone else suffered that pain first
21:32.33bkw_$line =~ s/\'/\\'/g;
21:33.00outtoluncromik, call graybar, tell the rep you want a siemon s66m punch down with 2 25pair male or female (you call) one CO on CPE side
21:33.08*** join/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
21:33.28extremisbkw: what about "
21:33.35MasterYodaextconfig can be used for zaptel.conf correct?
21:33.41extremisother people are stripping it from the beginning and end and near ,'s
21:33.56outtoluncthat of paypal me some $$ and i'll send you some <G>
21:34.43Romikthis bug/problem i have since 1.05 (now 1.07) verision of asterisk - chan_zap.c:1472 zt_set_hook: zt hook failed: Device or resource busy  for details:
21:34.54*** part/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
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21:35.24extremisI'm also curious what ('s would do
21:35.27extremisand |
21:36.37*** join/#asterisk ClayReiche123 (
21:36.51ClayReiche123hi all
21:40.33*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
21:40.55ClayReiche123I have a deep/heady question... It appears that * is sending SDP information for g729a different than my upstream Voip provider is expecting. They are using a Sonus switch/gateway and they are expecting to see "a=fmtp:18 annexb=no" to determine g729a and * apparently sends "a=silenceSupp:off" to specify g729a. Is there any way for me to change how that is specified in the INVITE with SDP?
21:41.06ClayReiche123...maybe it's not so deep....
21:41.10extremisother than INSERT,SELECT... what else should I grant the areski user to do?
21:41.47fileClayReiche123: a=silenceSupp:off is not for g729a, it's just saying that silence suppression is off
21:42.17channanhi, anyone's using Broadvoice here? My broadvoice has been down most of the time in more than a week now. Many calls to Broadvoice (and emails) with no answer... What's going on???
21:42.22bkw_file do you have a util to convert gsm to g729 and g723.1 files?
21:42.27bkw_I can't find the one I had
21:42.56ClayReiche123file: Should * be using "a=fmtp:18 annexb=no" then?
21:43.29*** part/#asterisk grolloj (
21:44.11ClayReiche123file: I guess the question is, how do I get "a=fmtp:18 annexb=no" in my Invite with *?
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21:44.36markywell maybe...
21:44.53ClayReiche123...or "can I"?
21:45.23*** part/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
21:52.01CyberKnetbkw_: you have any ballpark on when you'll get DID LNP in Oklahoma?
21:54.58bkw_CyberKnet, don't know yet
21:55.02bkw_we are doing the test later today
21:55.38CyberKnetcould be weeks, or could be months kind of deal?
21:56.25ClayReiche123I have that line in my INVITE from my sip phone TO asterisk.... when Asterisk send the INVITE to the Sonus, that attribute is missing...
21:56.50shido6oh gawd
21:57.01ClayReiche123no kidding...
21:57.03shido6I smacked Sonus a few times when I was a t GX
21:57.18shido6before they filed for bankruptcy protection
21:57.24blitzragePRI <-> Asterisk <-g.729 w/ rfc2833-> IVR      the IVR sees duplicate DTMF digits, but I have no idea why, any suggestions?
21:57.27ClayReiche123Qwest uses it.
21:58.58*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
21:58.58ClayReiche123I think I'm back to wishing I chose SER... I know I could manipulate the INVITE... (probably wouldn't have too though...)
21:59.12shido6so toss in ser
21:59.21shido6Sir Asterisk
21:59.22ClayReiche123I don't know it....
21:59.25ClayReiche123at all...
21:59.26harryvvclay you used ser yet?
21:59.32shido6time to lear
21:59.46develi just updated to the latest cvs (today), and now dtmf (rfc2833) on my grandstream devices (bt and ht) doesn't work to asterisk (vm, transfer) but works extermally, and works fine for other devices (polycom, sipura, snom).  is it just me?
21:59.47ClayReiche123I'm thinking yo're right....
22:00.00CyberKnetbkw_: please excuse my seeming impatience. I'm just trying to figure out if I need to sign up with another provider in the mean time, or stay with vonage till you have it available.
22:00.19harryvvCyber, heck sign up with sixtel
22:00.32harryvvif you want long distance
22:01.02AgiNamuI LIKE ASTERISK
22:01.09AgiNamuSorry... Loud Howard moment there.
22:01.12CyberKnetharryvv: no, I want DID
22:01.34harryvvcyber, sixtel offers did
22:01.45ClayReiche123I DO TOO.... I just wish I could manipulate INVITES.... :)
22:01.50CyberKnetharryvv: Not in my NPA NXX
22:02.00harryvvcyber, mmm that sucks.
22:02.23harryvvwhat area code/location
22:02.30CyberKnetteliax has it, but asterlink rocks beyond what teliax can even comprehend =)
22:02.31blitzrageis there a way I can verify that DTMF is being sent via RFC2833 instead of inband?
22:02.57bkw_rtp debug
22:03.02blitzragebkw_: thanks
22:03.16blitzrageoh yay... guess not in 1.0
22:03.26ClayReiche123It falls short for me enough that I wish I knew c and could participate in the development....
22:07.07harryvvanything ip or tel .com releated is about exausted. Looking for a company name that sound even remotely clost to voip is a long shot.
22:08.15harryvvyea, one syber squater wanted $10k for a voip name.
22:08.34CyberKnethate cybersquatters.
22:08.43blitzragewhy does everyone hate me? :)
22:08.50ChkDigitYou mean someone has taken ?
22:08.54ClayReiche123so... no ideas with my INVITE problem?
22:09.05markyi tried to buy from a guy and he wanted $12k
22:09.06harryvvand then there are those almost worhtless web sites that has some domain name that sounds like a telephone,ip,voip or what ever releated.
22:09.19markyand when i laughed it him he said it was negotiable
22:09.37markybut i didn't figure it was negotiable to $50 so i never responded
22:09.51CyberKnetharryvv: well, if you cant beat them... join them. start registering tle and iop .com domaisn =)
22:10.04harryvvThere was one company that wanted to sell me for 12k and i said I had to sounded to much like nortel and I could see the confusion with my future company name.
22:10.50markythat's crazy though....that's like ....alot of moolah
22:10.50markyyou could probably get taken to court for it as well
22:10.50markyfor being a sound alike...
22:10.58harryvvI know
22:11.03harryvvwas thinking the same thing.
22:11.07denonway OT: any of you guys know someone who works a lot with photography/lighting?
22:11.24markyif domain names were cheaper...i'd probably do it but at $8 a pop...that's too much
22:11.26harryvvdenon, as in cinema photography?
22:11.33denonharryvv: nah, still
22:11.35harryvvor stills
22:11.45*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (~V@
22:11.51denonyou fit that bill?
22:11.57*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
22:12.11harryvvno, just had a classmate who is a cinamaphotographer.
22:12.12blitzrageI might have an idea for your INVITE problem is you have an idea for my duplicate RFC2833 DTMF digits
22:12.23harryvvdenon i do decent 3d modeling.
22:12.24*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
22:12.29|Vulture|Can anyone give me a hand, trying to configure a TE110P and TDM with 2 FXS cards, the PRI works fine but the TDM I cant get to work here is the config/output I am sure its something simple
22:12.42denonharryvv: well, this is a lighting question .. like real lights, not just perspectives on a screen :)
22:12.52harryvvwhat about them
22:13.44*** part/#asterisk TonyM (
22:13.46denon(moved to privmsg :)
22:15.40*** part/#asterisk OzJames79 (
22:18.13blitzrage|Vulture|: seems everyone is busy working on other things right now
22:19.10AgiNamuI can use fdprint* on a socket?
22:22.10extremisok, I figured out my cdr problem, source isn't ever the SIP channel but instead is the callerid that is being set when it leaves asterisk (ie when it leaves the pri)
22:22.21extremisis there any way to make the source show up as the extension?
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22:23.55|Vulture|well I got it, all it needed was to be moved out of the PRI banking... so 25-26 worked
22:23.58devel|Vulture|, did you try putting the fxo at chan 25-26 (i.e. outside of the span)
22:24.30|Vulture|hahaha nice devel ;)
22:27.59*** join/#asterisk juice (
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22:30.27dalaberahello everyone!!!
22:38.19*** part/#asterisk ClayReiche123 (
22:41.22pussfellerhow do I hang up the pstn line
22:41.38pussfellersoft hangup various combots dont work
22:43.55|Vulture|like hangup a single zap line?
22:44.37pussfellerthe real question is why didn't it hang up its self after voice mail
22:45.18|Vulture|pussfeller: possibly you don't have disconnect supervision
22:45.35|Vulture|Ive seen it in only 1 set of lines I have ever used
22:45.48|Vulture|in that case I use a timeout... until I can get it fixed
22:46.15pussfelleris that a signal the phone company sends?
22:47.04pussfelleri remember the fiber optic guy teling me the lines took a real long time to hang up here
22:47.59|Vulture|pussfeller: yes thats correct
22:48.48pussfellerwell i did soft hangup Zap/1-1 and that took it off offhook
22:49.00pussfellerbut ended up with a 32 minute VM message
22:49.04AgiNamuwell, i got my send audio code working
22:49.09AgiNamuerr, written
22:49.12pussfellerits set to 3 minutes in voicemail.conf
22:49.13AgiNamuyet to test and try it out
22:49.38*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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23:14.17ManxPowerApparently ariel_ talked about his asterisk server again.  *tease*
23:14.25docelmoWhen I download head from cvs I use this flag correct?   -r v1-0
23:14.39|Vulture|no thats stable
23:14.40ManxPowerdocelm0: that downloads CVS 1.0.x
23:14.46*** join/#asterisk critch (
23:14.50|Vulture|the 1.0 branch
23:14.54|Vulture|not the true HEAD
23:14.57ManxPowerHe sure is chatty for being AFK
23:15.23Legendanyone ever integrated a * box with an avaya ipoffice?
23:15.25|Vulture|damn those door fones are easy to install
23:15.49*** join/#asterisk habakuk (
23:15.50docelmoWhats the flag for HEAD?
23:16.07Corydon-wNo flag
23:16.08Nuggetthere is no flag for HEAD>
23:16.10Nuggetit's the default
23:16.21Corydon-wThat's the whole point of HEAD... it's not a branch
23:16.22docelmodamnit..  I need to download it again then
23:16.35Nuggetmore importantly, what's the flag to turn off that annoying away message?
23:16.57Nugget18:14 <docelm0 is AFK, home.. not at work!. Gone now for:�1day 2hrs 1min� (Pager is On, /ctcp docelm0 Page <message>) WI-n-v-i-s-i-o-nW
23:17.16Nuggetturn that shit off.
23:17.37docelmoohh..   I didnt know it was doing it.  I will see if I can kill it..  I will login to my office later tonight and look at it.
23:17.58docelmoits probably one of the timers
23:18.20*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
23:19.49habakukanyone remember how to allow a sip device only from a certain ip to make calls without authentication?
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23:24.18ariel_habakuk, if its the same as iax.conf it's deny=
23:24.40ariel_habakuk, then inscure=yes
23:24.44Legendwhats the best h323 channel driver to be using with stable?
23:24.52habakukarielm thx
23:25.12*** join/#asterisk Cassador (
23:25.23CassadorSalute gents
23:25.24ariel_Legend, there are 2 oh323 and the one that comes with asterisk h323 there is also a new one that is in testing.
23:25.53Legendariel_: so running -stable i shouldn't need to compile in anything?
23:26.25ariel_Legend, yes you do see the h323 readme
23:26.39Legendok, thanks
23:26.53*** part/#asterisk ajnewbold (
23:26.56docelmoLegend go here:
23:27.23docelmoits what I am using now to build h323 the god forsaken protocol..
23:27.39Legenddocelmo: nice
23:28.03Legenddocelmo: i am going to take a masochistic trip this weekend, we have an avaya ipoffice kicking around, wanna see if i can integrate ;-D
23:28.22docelmoI would imagine it wouldnt be an issue.
23:28.41Legendand you like oh323 better than the built in channel driver
23:28.53docelmoI have worked with SIP so much I prefer it over ANY protocol except IAX it works so well
23:29.05docelmoyes..  I find its less headache to build
23:29.20docelmowhat OS are you gonna build it on?
23:29.33Legendlinux, debian sarge
23:29.36docelmoI have no problems with CentOS but FC3 is kicking my ass
23:29.56docelmoI dont know about debian..  I have used and like it but Im hooked on Cent now
23:30.06Legendill give it a whirl
23:30.22ariel_Legend, give this a try
23:30.36ariel_it's the new driver that there trying to get into asterisk and they need testers.
23:30.42Legendariel_: yeah, looks good
23:30.47Legendi used that one already
23:30.55docelmoMemory Issues?
23:31.16ariel_Legend, this one is going to be supported by digium from the looks of it.
23:31.30Legendariel_: are you sure you pasted the right link?
23:31.39docelmoya its for a stick of rqm
23:31.41docelmoerr ram
23:31.45ariel_the one in asterisk h323 is not hard if you know he is looking for the files to be in the root area for installation.
23:32.09ariel_Legend, sorry
23:32.09docelmowell jj shouldnt have coded it that way
23:32.14ariel_I was doing 2 things
23:32.22Legendariel_: hehe
23:32.49docelmoThat one I have tried..  builds beautiful but lacking lots of codec support and features..
23:32.57ariel_trying to get some memory for a netfinity server.
23:32.59docelmoI need something I can use in production now unfortuneatelly
23:33.54docelmoI use all supermicro Xeon and Tyan Opteron hardware platforms
23:34.35*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (
23:34.38ariel_docelmo, it's a customers that needs W2K 2003 SBS installed.  It pays the bills service calls
23:35.03docelmothis is ture
23:35.06docelmoerr true
23:35.12ariel_besides supermicro's sata raid is only supporting rh 9 right now.  There refusing to upgrade the driver.
23:35.28docelmowith SBS watch workstation licensing..  its a bitch
23:36.11ariel_docelmo yes your correct. It does suck. But this is an architech office and all they have is XP pro for autocad.
23:38.27docelmoya..  I had to upgrade all my servers to 2003 standard cause of the licensing shit.  It was cheaper that way.  I have 150 client machines 25 servers in my main office  not to mention VPN and remote sites that use our network
23:40.54*** join/#asterisk nords (
23:41.37ManxPowerUm, so you have 6 clients per server?  You must be running Windows on the servers.
23:42.15docelmoI have to for alot of the applications we run.  Wow!
23:42.27ManxPowerWhy not just run them on the desktops?
23:42.28docelmoout of the 25 I have 10 linux servers
23:42.37docelmoCant run MAS on the desktop
23:42.45docelmoand others like it
23:42.59docelmoalot of proprietary crap..   Were a telco in Tampa, FL
23:43.02*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta (
23:43.03nordshopefully someone can help me out here.   For some reason when ever i issue a "redirect" command to a new conference it hangs up the channel.  This was working for me in the past
23:43.37docelmoover my head....
23:43.46nextimeanyone using pyastre?
23:44.15ManxPowerWe managed to get rid of all servers and replace them with Linux, except for the Windows Terminal Server and the AS/400
23:45.14ariel_nords, I have not used the redirect but what does it say on the cli when this happens?
23:45.48docelmoI wish..  but Im the IT guy in charge but I dont make those decisions..
23:46.06docelmoManx have you guys been able to get Samba to intergrate into a windows domain?
23:46.36docelmoI could with NT/2000 but 2k3 isnt working very well
23:46.45nordsAction: Redirect
23:46.47nordsChannel: IAX2/test@
23:46.48nordsExtension: 9011
23:46.50nordsResponse: Success
23:46.51nordsMessage: Redirect successful
23:46.53nordsEvent: MeetmeLeave
23:46.54nordsPrivilege: call,all
23:46.56nordsChannel: IAX2/test@
23:46.57nordsUniqueid: 1116027810.0
23:46.59nordsMeetme: 9010
23:47.00nordsUsernum: 1
23:47.02nordsEvent: Hangup
23:47.04nordsPrivilege: call,all
23:47.05nordsChannel: Zap/pseudo-784886717
23:47.07nordsUniqueid: 1116027851.1
23:47.07docelmoDUDE!   PASTEBIN.CA
23:47.08nordsCause: 0
23:47.10nordsEvent: Hangup
23:47.11nordsPrivilege: call,all
23:47.13nordsChannel: IAX2/test@
23:47.14nordsUniqueid: 1116027810.0
23:47.16nordsCause: 0
23:47.21docelmoor not
23:48.19nordssorry, I didn't think there was enough for pastebin
23:48.28nordsshould i have used it?
23:48.29denon>4 lines is plenty for a pastebin
23:50.31*** join/#asterisk mike-ff (~mike@
23:51.33nordsthe stupid thing is the redirect was working for a couple of months up till today.  I have tried it on both the debian stable package, and also CVS Head as of the May 12th
23:52.39ariel_nords, what did you change today?
23:54.37*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
23:54.39PTG123May 12 23:50:56 WARNING[44678]: chan_sip.c:611 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x815421c (len 440) to returned -1: Can't assign requested address
23:54.42PTG123anyone seen that before?
23:55.10pussfellerwhats the syntax for setting absolut timeout
23:55.17pussfelleri cant find a real example
23:57.21*** join/#asterisk NewSole2 (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.