irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050512

00:00.17muntzI should maybe move the conf aside then
00:00.49*** join/#asterisk Barmal (
00:01.38Barmalhow can If do in asterisk something like this: repeat next three lines 5 times? can I make it with gotoif?
00:06.43[hC]hm. okay maybe i have to reword that. Is it possible (or advisable) to try to combine in+out over a single iax peer definition? It doesnt seem intuitive, or maybr im missing something
00:08.51bkw_[hC], thats called a "friend"
00:09.01bkw_it can make and receive calls
00:09.09bkw_in larger setups its not recommended
00:09.13bkw_like provider setups
00:09.22bkw_but most home/small office stuff can get away with it
00:09.31[hC]Right, but what im running into, is i want to place calls out and also receive calls, (me linking to my main provider) so obviously the context name, username and password has to match in the iax.conf on both sides
00:09.38[hC]but the host= line wouldnt match
00:09.55[hC]cause you have to specify what the opposing server's ip address is, in order to send traffic over
00:10.05[hC]but they have DIDs terminating to us, and we also use them for outgong calls
00:10.21bkw_no you fail to understand it
00:10.25muntzI figured it out
00:10.28bkw_a user will register
00:10.30bkw_a peer does not
00:10.31[hC]I suppose i do fail
00:10.50bkw_we receive calls from a user
00:10.50bkw_and send calls to a peer
00:10.53[hC]okay, and how about a friend? :)
00:10.54muntzin sip.conf I had bindaddr:My.External.IP.ADDY where I needed
00:11.10bkw_it can make and receive
00:11.48[hC]Right, so lets say i have an iax entry called [myprovider] that is type=friend, with a username and password, and i need to specify host=<their ip> so that i can Dial(IAX2/myprovider/extension)
00:11.51*** join/#asterisk djflux (
00:12.25bkw_for one
00:12.35bkw_well see in this case you can't
00:12.38[hC]and calls will go to them. in this case, they ALSO have to have an entry in iax.conf called [myprovider], no?
00:12.40bkw_you want fine control over it
00:12.43bkw_you can't do it with one entry
00:12.50[hC]fair enough
00:13.13[hC]im just confused, because friend seems to imply that you can send calls back and forth, but only if one side has a  register line
00:13.14bkw_you could with one friend and one user
00:13.21bkw_or one friend and one peer
00:13.36[hC]What would be the best way to do this then? They need to dial us for our DID, and we need to dial them for outgoing local calls
00:13.39bkw_you don't have to register
00:13.44bkw_you could do user@ip
00:13.52bkw_but you would have to do user:pass@ip
00:13.57bkw_but I don't recommend that at all
00:14.12djfluxI'm having a little issue with a DTA310 and asterisk ... I can call from a SIP soft client to the DTA and the phone attached to the DTA rings however I can't call the soft cleint from the phone on the DTA ... any ideas?
00:14.14[hC]I could just do two contexts on both sides I suppose
00:14.49*** join/#asterisk Hydr0p0nX (
00:15.03filedjflux: I can't call my soft client isn't exactly descriptive, do you get any error messages? a congestion tone? have you done a sip debug to see what the sip messages say?
00:15.50*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:16.00ariel_hello everyone.
00:16.09djfluxfile: sorry ... if I call a number that's not in the asterisk dialplan I get a fast busy on the phone.  if I call the number of the SIP soft client it appears that phone call goes through however I get no notification on the soft client and no ringing on the phone
00:16.35filewhat does the CLI show?
00:16.44filehi ariel
00:17.05ariel_hello file hope all is well.
00:17.49*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
00:17.49*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
00:18.35rvhiany ast_data users?
00:18.45rvhihow do i include a context?
00:19.28[hC]hey bkw.. so what i'll need to do then, is have a client-in and client-out on the provider's side, and then provider-in and provider-out on the client side
00:19.57ariel_sounds like lots of in and out's
00:20.03[hC]i guess client-in will be type=user and client-out will be friend
00:20.14ariel_user - peer
00:20.22[hC]client-in on the server side will be for us dialing into them, and client-out will be used for sending the DID to us
00:20.28fileariel_: thanks for correcting him while I was eating
00:20.41ariel_eating you get to eat...?
00:20.57[hC]ok ill use user and peer then
00:21.04filedjflux: subscribe has nothing to do with a call
00:21.51djfluxfile: I just did a sip debug ip [IP] and called
00:22.00djfluxthat's what appeared on the console :)
00:22.30filethen your ATA is SERIOUSLY weird
00:23.14*** join/#asterisk tld (~tld@
00:23.32ariel_djflux, what sip device do you have?
00:23.52djfluxWindows Messenger ... probably not the best client to test with :)
00:23.54filesubscribe... with SDP... that's weird, really weird
00:23.57ariel_bkw_, did you ever go to the Philippines for your installation there?
00:24.10ariel_get xlite, get xlite
00:24.19djfluxWindows Messenger 5.0.0468
00:24.29ariel_djflux, only 4.7 worked correctly.
00:24.29filethat's the softphone
00:24.36filebut his actual device is something else... I forget
00:24.39djfluxI can call the DTA extension fine
00:24.45fileit's sending a SUBSCRIBE instead of an INVITE
00:25.17ariel_dta310 sip express I have not seen it in over 2 years.
00:25.43bkw_ariel_, not yet.. I was going over there to redo some stuff
00:25.52bkw_and to crack da whip type thing
00:25.54filebkw_: wanna see something weird?
00:26.00djfluxfrom Messenger to DTA rings and works
00:26.01bkw_file sure send me your picture
00:26.04ariel_djflux, use this for testing.
00:26.08filebkw_: you already have one sexy!
00:26.15filebkw_: anyway, look at
00:26.18djfluxariel_, k ... downloading now
00:26.24fileit's a subscribe... with SDP!
00:26.27ariel_bkw_, that was over 4 months ago you were going.
00:27.00bkw_file and?
00:27.07*** join/#asterisk Moc (
00:27.08filebkw_: he's actually trying to place a call
00:27.09bkw_ariel_, ya
00:27.41ariel_Windows Messager version 5 and up had problems with asterisk 4.7 work just fine.
00:27.41filehi Moc
00:28.25ariel_I hate getting a summer cold. I feel like shit today.  Maybe I should go to bed early today.
00:28.28bkw_5 had sip support removed
00:28.34bkw_and you have to use insecure=yes
00:29.56djfluxariel_, no dice with xlite
00:30.00djfluxsame problem
00:30.11fileit's the DTA301
00:30.12djfluxcan call the hard phone with xlite, but not the other way around
00:30.23fileer 310
00:30.31djfluxhooptie ass 310
00:30.36*** join/#asterisk zilas (
00:32.32ariel_djflux, set the dta 310 settings to inscure=very in the sip.conf
00:32.47bkw_yes would accomplish the same thing
00:32.50bkw_you don't need a secret
00:32.53djfluxariel_, already done
00:33.02bkw_insecure=very would still make you need a secret
00:33.08djfluxthat's the only way I could get the stupid thing to connect to asterisk :)
00:33.08rvhianyone knows how to include a context in ast_data?
00:33.13ariel_djflux, get a gun and shoot it then get yourself an sipura.
00:33.17*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
00:33.25filethe SIP stack on the DTA310 is crap, 'nuff said
00:34.06djfluxwould having both insecure=yes and insecure=very in the same extenstion in sip.conf cause issues?
00:34.23filethe world would explode
00:34.25ariel_djflux, depending on which one it is. the black ones you could upgrade the firmware.  you will need to check with there distributor adp I think.
00:34.38*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
00:34.42djfluxI have a beige one from packet8
00:34.53ariel_djflux, remember the gun.
00:35.25djfluxhooptie ass DTA
00:35.36fileThis answer brought to you by Asterlink and Cluecon. Have a nice day, and remember to attend Cluecon! ^^^
00:36.22filewrong answer!
00:36.40filealthough I never asked a question...
00:37.51bkw_the answer would be 42
00:37.58[hC]so... does the username i send to the other host for an iax peer.. do they have to have that username set as the iax context name in iax.conf?
00:38.08filebkw_: you should do all the stuff for me you said you'd do today
00:38.14zipbkw_, ha hhgttg :)
00:38.23*** join/#asterisk newbien (
00:38.27[hC]ie if i am doing a Dial(IAX/provider/extension) they have to have an entry in iax.conf called [provider] ?
00:38.35[hC]it seems to be that way
00:38.40bkw_who tells you to do that
00:38.42bkw_do this
00:39.21bkw_you can't change the username if you do IAX2/peer/exten
00:39.23*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:39.45[hC]Okay.. i was just following a voip-info example.. :/
00:40.10bkw_and 70% of that is bullshit
00:40.18seanthen change it.
00:40.26MikeJ[Laptop]hey hey hey
00:40.38*** join/#asterisk jets (
00:40.40MikeJ[Laptop]I'm the other 30%
00:40.50MikeJ[Laptop]or was I the 70%?
00:41.01jetsshouldn't a pri debug go to my /var/log/asterisk/full or whatever i have debug specified in logger.conf?
00:41.51syleso whats difference between iax and iax2?
00:42.14MikeJ[Laptop]syle, iax is older
00:42.14filerun a diff on the source to find out
00:42.20ariel_syle, lots of things.  iax was replaced long ago.
00:42.34MikeJ[Laptop]iax is also commonly used as a name for what is now iax 2
00:42.36syleso is iax.conf in /etc/asterisk iax2?
00:43.02MikeJ[Laptop]there is no old iax in asterisk
00:43.15ariel_I wish they would have just renamed the iax2 back to iax.
00:43.49ariel_MikeJ[Laptop], yes it's still there in stable last I checked. Or at least on version 1.0.5
00:44.40MikeJ[Laptop]maybe I have just never paid any attention to it
00:44.55ariel_yes I found a asterisk box still using it between two computers on monday. I changed them....
00:45.02MikeJ[Laptop]pretend it does not exist, I do :p
00:45.51ariel_Those boxes have so many older file setup and patches by there ex employee I am not looking at upgrading them.
00:46.17*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
00:49.40*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
00:51.20nwhitwith call parking, how do I return a parked call back to the extension that parked it after the timeout?
00:56.38newbiennwhit: maybe transfer to previous extension ?
00:57.06JunK-Ynwhit: it will return automatiquely to the exten which parked it after the timeout.
00:58.05*** join/#asterisk Nethab (
00:58.57Nethabanyone know the proper way to use the new ${DB()} functions?
01:01.11RickTickhello ALL:  How can I append a "1" to my callerID? Is the prefix command obsolete?
01:01.35ManxPowerRickTick: SetCIDNum(${CALLERIDNUM}1)
01:02.06RickTickManxPower ..thanks
01:03.32ManxPowerWhoo!  Whoo!  The USD is slightly stronger today!
01:03.44ariel_RickTick, you need to added it to the end or to the beginning? 1800 or 80012345671
01:05.15SedoroxManxPower: compared to....?
01:05.25Nethabcompared to his monkey
01:05.33*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
01:05.49Nethabwho uses DBget and DBput
01:06.30ManxPowerSedorox: compared to a few days ago.
01:06.40ManxPowerIt's only a few cents, but every little bit helps
01:07.16newmedianLooking to enjoy those Euros ManxPower?
01:09.15RickTickManxPower ... I actually want to put a " 1 " infront of the 10 digit callerID.
01:09.35RickTickAreil to the front
01:12.01RickTickAriel:  I tried that and it gives ... 1"xxxxxxxxxx" .I want  1xxxxxxxxxx
01:12.57Nethabare you sure you didn't accidently use CALLERID, instead of CALLERIDNUM
01:13.17ariel_RickTick, what is your string?
01:14.31RickTickThanks guys... I mistaken was using CALLERID ... instead of CALLERIDNUM ... I thought they were the same.
01:14.53Nethabno problem
01:14.57Nethabhappens all the time
01:15.05*** join/#asterisk juice (
01:15.11mmlj4hey ManxPower: i got * up and running here, 4 softphones, they all work locally, and voicemail works
01:15.23Nethabi hear a but.. in there
01:15.47ariel_mmlj4, great to hear it.
01:15.47mmlj4Nethab: but out :-P
01:15.47drbrownanyone had any experience with fax detection?
01:16.08ariel_drbrown, as incoming via zap ports?
01:16.17drbrownariel: yes
01:16.58drbrownariel_: it works just fine, but my phones ring once before it sends the call to the fax
01:17.23ariel_ad a wait
01:17.39Nethabthe call has to be Answer() then wait(1) before trying to Dial your phone
01:17.46drbrownariel_: I added a wait(2), should I increase this?
01:17.59ariel_try 3
01:18.13Nethabi guess it depends on the length of the fax tone
01:18.22drbrownariel_: is it in seconds?
01:19.22ariel_JunK-Y, hello how are you tonight?
01:19.25JunK-Yhuh? its in ms apparently, that's change?
01:19.36JunK-Yim fine
01:19.44JunK-Yim watching the simpsons now :)
01:20.03Nethabthey changed the DBput and DBget stuff too
01:20.07Nethabthanks for the warning
01:20.42ariel_I am watching for the 1 million'th time a pooh movie with my baby.
01:21.17Nethabwatching and typing, that's multiasking if i ever heard it
01:23.31*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
01:31.58ariel_just wondering, why do some people say Many happy returns of the day instead of just wishing the person a happy birthday.
01:32.49*** join/#asterisk iq|laptop (
01:32.52Mavvieariel_: sounds like they're wishing you a long life instead of a wishing you a happy day.
01:33.41ariel_no I am watching Winnie the Pooh with my kid. That is what they say.. just sounds strange to me.
01:34.29newmedianBut the talking bear isn't.
01:35.25*** join/#asterisk ChrisHodgetts (
01:36.02*** join/#asterisk znoG (gs@
01:36.17iq|laptophello ChrisHodgetts
01:36.32[hC]is there any way to determine a better error when trying to dial over an iax peer than 'no authority found' - like can i figure out if it was a bad user, bad password, or something?
01:37.32fileyou use your head to figure it out
01:38.14[hC]is it possible to get that error if the context i am being dropped into has a problem?
01:38.25[hC]cause from what i can see everything else is fine
01:38.41filenope, it would say a different error
01:38.44fileit's your username/pass that is wrong
01:41.44file[hC]: you should come to Cluecon,, you'd learn lots!
01:42.02Qwellfile: get me a pass :p
01:42.25fileyou get a free pass by paying for it
01:42.40Qwellahh, ok
01:42.48fileisn't that logical?
01:42.51ChrisHodgettsdoes anyone use Linphone as a softphone to talk to asterisk here?
01:42.58Qwellfile: somewhat
01:43.17filebut really, $650 for access and that includes hotel for 3 days 2 nights, and 3 lunches
01:43.31Qwelloh, thats not bad
01:43.37fileplus you get to meet the minds behind asterisk, and watch us give presentations
01:43.41fileplus there's a Q&A session!
01:43.52Qwellno thanks :P
01:44.00fileyou know you wanna come
01:44.14Qwellhmm, that domain isn't even loading
01:44.24filebut in real life I'll actually start rambling on and on
01:44.31Qwellno such animal
01:44.34fileAugust 3rd to 5th!
01:44.39QwellWhere is it?
01:44.42filein Chicago
01:44.51newbienChrisHodgetts: tried many times to get linphone to be registerd in ast*; segfaults every time
01:44.53Qwellmaybe my boss will send me
01:45.01filetry and see, we'd love to have you attend
01:45.11newmedianChrisHodgetts: you're aware of ?
01:45.12ChrisHodgettsnewbien I have it registering, I got the latest
01:45.19QwellYou're having them filter my IP on, aren't you? :P
01:45.19ChrisHodgettsnewmedian yeah I signed up
01:45.23ChrisHodgettsthats really why I cam in
01:45.23QwellYou don't want me there at all!
01:45.26filecant' say I am!
01:45.32newbienChrisHodgetts: linphone 1.01?
01:45.54ChrisHodgettsI got it working on 0.12.2
01:46.08Qwellman, slow...must be ipv6
01:46.15ChrisHodgettswell, say *working* I got it so I could call local extentions
01:46.24Qwellahh, it is
01:46.28ChrisHodgettsnewmedian do you use
01:46.44newbienChrisHodgetts: k, segfaults for linphone 1.0x using the linphone 0.12.2 tiki setups
01:47.04newmedianChrisHodgetts: I've got a (test) account, yes.
01:47.12fileQwell: see? we don't stop anyone from coming!
01:47.13ChrisHodgettscould you help me with something then please newmedian
01:47.14Qwellfile: Do you know whoever is hosting the domain?  They should really add an or something
01:47.40ChrisHodgettsnewbien hmmmm -- I have never tried linphone 1.0x
01:47.43newmedianChrisHodgetts: ask away and let's see what happens
01:47.44Qwelleveryone should...
01:47.55iq|laptopfile, how many seats are available?
01:47.56ChrisHodgettsnewmedian I have it set up to the point where it attemtps to bridge the call
01:47.59ChrisHodgettsbut I hear nothing
01:48.01fileiq|laptop: tons
01:48.06ChrisHodgettsI have a friend who called my number
01:48.09ChrisHodgettsheard my talking clock
01:48.27iq|laptopfile, great - I'll try to talk my boss into paying for all this ;)
01:48.29filethe more the merrier, and you will definately learn some valuable stuff
01:48.31ChrisHodgettsbut when I attempt to make a call out, linphone tells me the call is connected
01:48.40ChrisHodgettsand I see asterisk bridging
01:48.42ChrisHodgettsbut I get no audio
01:49.18ChrisHodgettscalling internal extentions work, calling out via my zap device works
01:49.26newmedianChrisHodgetts: This sounds like one of those NAT/public IP problems that everyone here is so good at debugging. :)
01:49.42ChrisHodgettsis newmedian being sarcastic
01:49.59krymeSpeaking of ... is there some great FAQ to make SIP and NAT work happily together?
01:50.08newmedianNo, not really. I see that kind of question come up a lot if you lurk around this channel.
01:50.31ChrisHodgettsI belive I have nat working, by virtue that inbound calls to my external register can hear things
01:50.45*** part/#asterisk Nuxi (
01:50.52ChrisHodgettsbut I guess not nat from laptop > pabx > gateway > outsideworld
01:51.47ariel_ChrisHodgetts, start with canreinvite=no
01:51.59fileariel_: are you going to Cluecon?
01:52.11ChrisHodgettstried that
01:52.18*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~user@
01:52.25ChrisHodgettsdo I do this on the extention or on the sip proxy
01:52.38ariel_file, at this present time I can't say.  I don't have the cash for it right now. But maybe alittle close I might.
01:52.39TheEmperorcan someone please tell me what this means: -- Saved useragent "PHONE" for peer 2001
01:52.40ChrisHodgettsonly done on sip proxy at present
01:52.40Qwellfile: get the owner of to add an ipv4 only dns entry :p
01:52.58fileQwell: fyi only mail has IPv6 :P
01:53.07Qwellno, they all do
01:53.20filenope            1137    IN      AAAA    2002:42fa:4403::
01:53.22Qwellyep            1800    IN      A
01:53.36filethat's the only one I have
01:53.37Qwelldig aaaa
01:53.52ChrisHodgettsariel_ sorry, is that done in the sip proxy or in the extention?
01:54.02*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
01:54.10fileI even had anthm make sure
01:54.30Qwellfile: you need to do `dig aaaa` to get the ipv6 hosts (generally)
01:54.53*** join/#asterisk Pkunk (
01:55.10CyberKnetcd 4
01:55.16filedear me you're right
01:55.19Pkunkis there any such thing as a "stable" broadvoice server ?
01:55.20Qwellfile: I'm always right. :P
01:55.25fileQwell: HA
01:55.37fileyou should!
01:55.43fileQwell: if you go to Cluecon I'll buy you a drink
01:55.44Pkunkcurrently i've to keep changing servers nearly everyday
01:56.02Qwellfile: I think I owe drumkilla like 8 drinks.  ManxPower 1 or 2.
01:56.12filehow many do you owe me? lol
01:56.24newbienPkunk: why change? server wont authenticate a caller?
01:56.25Qwellalot :p
01:56.35nwhitwith call parking, how do I return a parked call back to the extension that parked it after the timeout?  it is currently returning to s,1 of the default context
01:56.41ChrisHodgettsnewmedian I dont belive so
01:57.57JunK-Ynwhit: which version? with latest head, it returns to the extension which parked the call.
01:58.11nwhitJunK-Y, I am running 1.0.7
01:58.29JunK-Ymaybe that's why.
01:58.30nwhitJunK-Y, I was thinking about upgrading to the new cvs head
01:58.34JunK-Yim not running stable.
01:58.40JunK-Yya should.
01:58.47nwhitJunK-Y, how is the current head?
01:59.05nwhiti had problems a couple of weeks ago and went back
01:59.18JunK-Ywhatcha mean how? im running it on all my prod machines.
01:59.30nwhitJunK-Y, stable enough?
02:00.03fileJunK-Y: The cluecon registration is up btw
02:00.11filenwhit: and you should go to Cluecon dude!
02:00.34JunK-Yfile: yeah i know, i'll tell my boss to register me.
02:00.50JunK-Yhe's paying the conf, and im paying the rest.
02:00.57nwhitfile, oh... why?
02:01.00fileso you're paying airfare and spending?
02:01.09JunK-Ydo you have the list of speakers?
02:01.12filenwhit: it's a great learning experience, it'll help you with asterisk
02:01.15fileJunK-Y: not yet
02:01.34fileplus you get to meet the minds behind it, meet he people who help in here (like me)
02:01.34nwhitwhen is it and where?
02:01.42fileChicago, IL August 3rd to 5th
02:01.57file$650 for it, but that includes 3 days 2 nights hotel and 3 lunches
02:02.04nwhitwhat am I missing here... ldconfig is complaining about "annot find -lidn"
02:02.21nwhitwhen is the last day to register?
02:02.23newmedianPerhaps you should just make an autogreet that pimps Cluecon?
02:02.24fileand, according to my research, the hotel does have high speed internet
02:02.28Pkunknewbien: i dunno . it just works fine for a while
02:02.30filenewmedian: that would be a great idea
02:02.38filenwhit: a long ways away from now :)
02:02.41Pkunknewbien: and then after a day you get DIALSTATUS=CONGESTION
02:02.56nwhitok... i am definitely interested
02:03.20nwhitwhat library is idn?
02:03.24file has a schedule for the days
02:03.31Pkunksometimes , i need to try 3-4 diff. servers until i get one that works
02:03.48ChrisHodgettsok :)
02:04.19Pkunkis it an asterisk issue ? or does Broadvoice just suck ?
02:04.56*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
02:07.08filePkunk: Broadvoice has been having problems lately
02:07.19nwhitwhat am I missing here... ldconfig is complaining about "cannot find -lidn" on compiling cvs head
02:12.26TheEmperorthis call doesn't go through when i try and dial out on a zap channel, any ideas?
02:12.28TheEmperor-- Executing Answer("SIP/2005-9ff1", "") in new stack
02:14.57*** part/#asterisk wwalker (~wwalker@wwalker.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
02:15.49newbienPkunk: DIALSTATUS=CONGESTION more than 50% of the time?
02:16.31bkw_and what is up in here
02:16.44nwhitWOW!!! my intercom now works on my snom phone... woohooo!!!!
02:17.05filebkw_: building kernel for PBlX
02:17.15file2.6.9 hated me
02:17.19fileit was b0rken
02:18.26*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
02:18.27filebkw_: can I just do a make iso afterwards?
02:18.53Carp1hey asterisklings
02:19.20niZonasterlings sounds better
02:19.33filewatch out, your asterisk is showing!
02:19.47niZonuh oh!
02:19.52rabelaisdoes nufone support number portability?
02:20.12rabelaislike, can I transfer my number to nufone?
02:20.20fileunless you live in Michigan, no
02:20.46Carp1THey only allow DIDs from Mich
02:20.55Carp1and of course toll free numbers
02:24.55Carp1hmm lol
02:25.15Carp1so file, you never got that app working?
02:25.51*** join/#asterisk Weezey (WeezeyD@
02:25.59Weezeyjbot, have you seen my baseball?
02:26.46iq|laptop~seen baseball
02:26.47jboti haven't seen 'baseball', iq|laptop
02:27.09jbot[iq] that apts IQ is lower than 1
02:27.31Weezey~three point one four
02:27.32jbotthree point one four is, like, a great song about finding a new vagina by The Bloodhoung Gang.
02:29.03L|NUX~iq L|NUX
02:30.04jbotit has been said that l|nux is struggling to reunite his parents via asterisk
02:30.40*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
02:30.51ChulJinGood evening Gentlemen!
02:31.19*** part/#asterisk darwin35 (~darwin35@
02:31.34newmedianAll our base?
02:32.22Weezeyno your
02:32.32*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
02:32.40Weezeyquiet tonight
02:33.00jskcr|lappyoops yup
02:33.20ChulJina long shot, but I might as well try: newmedian, are you Justin Newman of Newman Telecom?
02:33.47rabelaisI'm looking for a reliable service provider to transfer my broadvoice number over to, any suggestions?
02:33.55WeezeyDo you live across the hall from Jerry Seinfeld?
02:34.10rabelaisarea code 310
02:34.29bkw_310 what area is that?
02:34.33ChulJinWEST SIDE!
02:34.36fileSanta Monica, California
02:34.44bkw_we could actually do that ya know
02:34.53bkw_we do cover most of cali
02:34.56bkw_for did's
02:34.56ChulJinrabelais: I don't know if they do LNP, but I rather like VoicePulse for DIDs
02:35.01ChulJinoutgoing is rather pricey tho
02:35.13filebkw_: oh rightttttt I forgot about that
02:35.29bkw_did you kill the bot?
02:35.31*** join/#asterisk jeffik (jefik@
02:35.36filebkw_: they've done it again
02:35.51jeffikquestion about sipura 1001
02:35.56Weezeydamn.  h323 just is not working for me.
02:36.14rabelaisWeezey: is even a voip service provider?
02:36.33TheEmperorhi guys, what does this mean? Asterisk ended with exit status 1 you mean?
02:36.33TheEmperorAsterisk died with code 1.
02:36.40Weezeybkw; yes
02:36.59*** join/#asterisk tsp (
02:37.03jeffikWeezey: may i aks you?
02:37.12tspwhy is asterisk and alsa making all these clicking sound throughout my incoming audio?
02:37.14rabelaisah, yes...he told me
02:37.14Weezeyaks or axe?
02:37.27jeffikWeezey: axe
02:37.38rabelaisvoicepulse, ok...I'll look at that, chanks ChulJin
02:37.39bkw_no iax is pronounced eeeks
02:37.50*** part/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
02:37.51bkw_like "eeeks a mouse"
02:37.59jeffikjsut set up a 1001 works ok outbound, when i call the extension says user is unavailablre
02:38.03ChulJinrabelais: sorry, specifically VoicePulse Connect (
02:38.05fileor as the swedish call it, eye axe!
02:38.07ChrisHodgettswouldnt that bee eek a mouse?
02:38.17bkw_well ya
02:38.20bkw_but you get the picture
02:38.22bkw_smart ass
02:38.25ChulJinDoes anyone, by any chance, use any of the NV*Detect[s]?
02:38.26Weezeyjeffik; did you make it available for incoming?
02:38.46bkw_ChrisHodgetts, na don't do that
02:38.48jeffikWeezey: do i set that in the 1001 config?
02:39.00fileyay 1001, my extension!
02:39.18rabelaisWeezey: is reliable?
02:39.26WeezeyI haven't had any trouble yet.
02:39.51rabelaisWeezey: do you know if they support number portability?
02:39.58jeffikrabeblais: i use them some times
02:40.00Weezeymost places do.
02:40.08jeffikcan't get them for support though
02:40.19jeffiki have a bette provider using a SER
02:40.21rabelaiscause 1.7c a min and only $1.49 for a local hnumber is amazing  ;)
02:40.23Weezeyoh, no, you gotta know what you're doing.
02:40.34ChulJinrabelais: is that incoming?
02:40.38tspwhats up with alsa/
02:40.40Weezeyin or out
02:40.46*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
02:40.54rabelaiswell, I know what I'm doing, and I can't even get through to broadvoice support to complain anyhow
02:41.00jeffikFile: can you give mre a hint whre to enablre it?
02:41.01rabelaisan, so incoming isn't free?
02:41.22GroobyI am with BV
02:41.33Groobyand i can't get international call out's pissing me off
02:41.36filejeffik: what happens on your asterisk CLI?
02:41.36jeffikrabrelais: no it's per minutes, but they promised me a chicago did for 6 weeks and nevre delivererfd
02:41.39ChulJinrabelais: do you expect to have more than 6h22m21s of incoming traffic?
02:41.45ChulJin(per month)
02:42.04jeffikAll: i'm using a local Tronnto service, us,ca, intl
02:42.35*** part/#asterisk tsp (
02:42.39rabelaisChulJin: no, not really...but often times I do call into my number and then bounce a call out, so it'd use twice the line charge
02:43.00ChulJinrabelais:$1.49+$.017 ... voicepulse=$7.99+$.00 ... voicepulse is cheaper after 382 minutes...
02:43.27fileVoicepulse raised their rates ya know
02:43.37file$11/mth now
02:43.44ChulJinoh, that's right
02:43.50fileand up to 2.4 cents/min outbound
02:44.00filenow, recalculate in 5 milliseconds
02:44.03fileokay times up, you lose
02:44.06rabelaiswell, I'm around 600 minutes total a month
02:44.21jeffikfile: can you give me a hint as to whrere to look for allow calls on my 1001
02:44.23rabelaisassuming my bloody service _works_
02:44.43ChulJin'bloody'? you are in Santa Monica, aren't you? :)
02:44.55filejeffik: your question is very generic and vague, authentication problem? dialplan problem? codec problem?
02:45.00filejeffik: what happens when you try to call out
02:45.04*** join/#asterisk HeppyCat (
02:45.08ChulJinOK, make that 9h19m25s
02:45.19HeppyCatgood evening
02:45.19rabelaisya, I am in los angeles
02:45.39jeffikfile: oh my calls complete
02:45.51*** join/#asterisk PatrickDK (
02:45.52fileyou just can't do a Dial(SIP/1001) ?
02:46.26rabelaisuh, the cheapest plan I see at voicepulse is $15
02:46.39rabelaisam I missing something?
02:46.41filetwo separate entities
02:46.44filekinda sorta
02:46.55*** join/#asterisk _SMP_ (
02:47.14jeffikfile: i can call out, just when i dial the sipura 1001 i get recording the user is unavailable
02:47.30rabelaisah, it's like the backdoor
02:47.50*** join/#asterisk mechtn (
02:47.53filejeffik: well is it registering to your asterisk? do you have the dialplan setup correctly? what does your asterisk CLI say?
02:47.56*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:47.57ChulJintelasip is supposed to be good, I guess...I just signed up with them a few days ago... $14.95/month with 2 DIDs, unlimited incoming and outgoing; sadly they happily ignore my outgoing CID (Option o or not on Dial)
02:48.33filedarn, it's not tomorrow yet
02:49.23rabelaiswhat constitutes "long distance" for voicepulse? cause it says 2.4c for long distance
02:49.37filewell, US/Canada I believe?
02:49.52rabelaisah, so it's $11 fora  number and then 2.4c for outgoing calls?
02:50.32rabelaisasterlink doesn't seem to be geared towards the consumer
02:50.45ChulJinrabelais: anywhere
02:50.48filedefine consumer
02:50.53ChulJiner...well...yeah, US
02:51.01fileif you want a place where you can prepay money and make calls, that's both asterlink and voicepulse connect
02:51.09fileand tons of other companies
02:51.21ChulJinrabelais: the only 'free' outgoing calls are NANPA toll-free, I believe.
02:51.27ChulJinfile: it never will be...
02:51.46ChulJinbecause as soon as you just reach tomorrow, it becomes today, and tomorrow once again jumps out of your grasp
02:51.50ChrisHodgettswhy cant people accecpt that sometimes you actually have to *PAY* for shit
02:51.57fileChrisHodgetts: welcome to #asterisk
02:52.15ChrisHodgettsmy neck got sore from hanging it before
02:52.20fileI give free help everyday, but when someone asks me to essentially write them an entire dialplan for free... then I say no :)
02:52.39ChrisHodgettshence my , Sometimes you have to pay  :)
02:52.47ChrisHodgettsfile needs to eat
02:52.51ChrisHodgettspay his net bill
02:53.05ChrisHodgetts(I assume)
02:53.07*** join/#asterisk daork (
02:53.17fileactually not really, but still - I have other stuff seems to make sense, looks like the cheapest given my situation
02:54.22ChrisHodgettshope not to offend people here, but I get angry when people ask in user forums how to do something that you can tell is part of their job, and expect the user community to help them out
02:54.25jeffik<file> jeffik: well is it registering to your asterisk? do you have the dialplan setup correctly? what does your asterisk CLI say?
02:54.41jeffikfile: i'll have to look at it
02:54.45jeffiki'm running *@home
02:54.52fileoh dear god
02:54.53jeffiksoon to e *@soho
02:55.01jeffikfile: it's great i love it
02:55.21jeffikno no it's great for me
02:55.28rabelaisI had a question now at the asterisk level, lets say that I connect to via the iax protocol, but my phones are all sip, assuming they're all working on the same codec, g.711 or something, will my server be punished heavily trying to transcode between iax and sip?
02:55.42jeffikfile: i'a a 20 year nortel admin so this is really good
02:55.46filerabelais: no.
02:55.47*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
02:55.53filerabelais: it's not transcoding between different codecs
02:56.17rabelaisfile: ok, so it's just fiddling with packets, and there's no problem going from iax to sip?
02:56.22filenope, not a problem
02:56.25filein the core it's all the same
02:56.29TheEmperorcan someone tell me if my zapata.conf is correct?
02:56.43fileer brb
02:56.47|Vulture|Anyone know if there is a list of the prefixes that are in your local area calling?
02:57.17ChulJinnah, I want an ITSP that gives me all that and a bag of chips.
02:57.27rabelaiswould there be any reason for me to use sip to connect to if whey support iax?
02:57.36|Vulture|say for instance if 201-222-XXXX is in your area but 201-200-XXXX isn't.. is there a database that shows that?
02:57.49ChulJin...and, of course, pays me to use their exchange for the valuable feedback I will give them.
02:58.03Qwell|Vulture|: it often changes by LEC, doesn't it?
02:58.05ChulJinvulture: such DBs exists, but from everything I've seen, they are not freely available.
02:58.19Qwelland sometimes, a call may be local to me, but them to me isn't
02:58.21fileTheEmperor: you have the same channel range specified twice, with two different signalling types - can't do that
02:58.33jeffikfile: our @home has been up for over 90 days witout failure
02:58.36|Vulture|yea I can't find it on Bellsouth's website
02:58.41TheEmperorfile:thank you. what should be the correct way?
02:59.07TheEmperorfile:i have a 4 port fxo card used to receive and make calls using pstn
02:59.15jeffikfile: so may i ask where to look to enalre the 1001?
03:00.04ChrisHodgettswhat ..
03:00.10ChrisHodgettsregulation on who can use it!
03:00.22newmedianPricing and competition, that sort of thing.
03:00.23ChrisHodgettsdat shit is whack!
03:00.30*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
03:00.42newmedianMajor providers battling it out, and small upstart companies who want to get into the VOIP game paying the price.
03:01.40newmedianFrom what I recall, pure VOIP i.e. SIP/IAX2 wasn't the issue, it was once you cross to/from the PSTN where they wanted to get into pricing regulation.
03:02.11newmedian(And I seem to recall heading down the mandatory-911 emerg services path as well)
03:04.19CoaxDactually, that shit is NOT whack
03:04.30CoaxDfor voip TELCOS, it might not be a bad idea
03:04.47CoaxDright now, voip telcos can get away with *anything*, including going offline tomorrow - and there ain't squat that any customer could do about it
03:05.13CoaxDat least you could have 'regulated' telcos and 'non-regulated' telcos and let the customer make the choice, and assume all risks if going unregulated
03:05.47CoaxDin the USA, if you get a number through a celphone or landline telco, YOU OWN IT
03:06.11NewSole2but one good thing tho
03:06.13CoaxDif you get a DID from a voip telco, however, THEY own it. Aint no way you can snag that number away from them either without their permission
03:06.52CoaxDwhich basically means.. ...if your voip telco goes down tomorrow, and you happen to have a business DID through them, you are FUCKED
03:07.00NewSole2if you are on bell and you want to go to voip with new laws bell has to sell number before they did not
03:07.15CoaxDnewsole2: You got it
03:07.23CoaxDnewsole2: But unregulated telcos don't have to sell said number
03:07.36CoaxDbecause the voip telco OWNS the number.
03:08.29NewSole2yes but I tried to get my normal phone number bell put to my PSTN and they would not release it... now I can go to them next week and demand it
03:08.29CoaxDthe only thing you could do would be to get the voip telco to agree (in writing) that YOU OWN THE NUMBER before the transfer is made
03:08.36Groobyso can anyone recommand any good IAX voip provider that has good international rates?
03:08.45CoaxDnewsole2: In the USA, they have to allow you to do it regardless
03:08.53CoaxDnewsole2: Thats a new law this year
03:08.56NewSole2in canada they dont
03:08.58CoaxDlike. beginning of the year
03:09.05CoaxDer. no, it was last year
03:09.17CoaxDyeah, see, that sucks. but, tis the way it was for years and years here, too
03:09.31CoaxDthe pstn had to be heavily modified to get that shit to work, tho
03:09.45NewSole2this new rules that are passing tomorrow enfocres that they have to sell it
03:09.53CoaxD(The whole POINT of pstn's areacode/exchange system was that you'd never have a phone number that was "owned" outside its native switch)
03:10.24*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
03:10.29NewSole2we have alot of biz in the area that want to switch over to voip but dont want to change numbers
03:10.43CoaxDduh :)
03:11.01NewSole2come next week that wont be a problem now
03:11.09CoaxDheh coolio :)
03:12.28*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
03:12.28NewSole2I been following this info for new rules being set for voip in canada
03:12.31ChulJinApproximately six times the timeout having passed: #2. Does anyone, by any chance, use any of the NV*Detect[s]?
03:14.57*** join/#asterisk budi_ (~budi@
03:15.06FuriousGeorgeshould i look for anything special in a switch for a network with an * server?
03:15.50newbienis voip still tax free? broadvoice and packet8 are adding a fcc tax to their bills
03:16.27ChrisHodgetts$39.95 per month, for 5gig
03:21.09meshugahahah <G>
03:21.19meshugasomeone spent a little time on bbses :)
03:21.35outtoluncjust a few years
03:21.52meshugaah i spent my whole childhood of them
03:21.58meshugawoulda went longer but the internet killed them all
03:22.14outtolunci was joking, i used to run one in the old days
03:22.39meshugame too
03:23.10meshugawhat software?
03:23.21meshugaah, hehe
03:23.26meshugawasnt a fan
03:23.28outtoluncmultiline chat
03:23.32meshugai used the telix clone tho :P
03:23.50outtoluncgalaticomm was good too had that for awhile
03:23.55meshugai co-op'd a few major ones
03:24.11meshugai still got a ton of mbbs/wg software
03:24.16meshugamy friends gunna put one up
03:24.22meshugayou still own a legit copy?
03:24.37meshugai lost all mine in a fire :(
03:24.43meshugaand gcomm was sold off already
03:24.52meshugaand the majormud folks told me to go screw myself
03:25.00meshugacuz i couldnt prove anything
03:25.19meshugai had up to mod4 too.
03:25.22meshugaand tele-arena
03:25.24outtoluncprobably somewhere 'on floppy' <G>
03:27.27meshugahaha i hear ya. i only need the reg code, really. :P
03:28.02meshugaif you ever find that, i'd give ya some money/hardware/asterisk help/something cool for it
03:28.05newmedianit takes willpower to quit
03:29.28meshugamy personal favorite was synchronet
03:29.33meshugait was a late bloomer tho, sadly to say
03:29.35*** join/#asterisk pakapole (
03:29.37meshugasupported like 24 door types
03:29.40meshugamulti line chat
03:29.45meshugamessage baord with 3 different formats
03:29.48*** part/#asterisk pakapole (
03:29.55*** join/#asterisk pakapole (
03:31.22newmedianmeshuga, outtolunc, you're making me feel old, ya know.
03:31.41NewSole2i know
03:31.54meshuganewmedian: i try. :D
03:32.02Juggiemeshuga, everyone knows iniquity and renegade were the best :)
03:32.04meshugai ran a bbs list in 94
03:32.04m0f0xHi... does anyone got problems when compiling asterisk-h323 channel driver on Linux?
03:32.09meshugahahah dude juggie, iniquity sucked
03:32.16ChulJinah, BBSes...a 300-baud modem the size of an 8-track plugged into the side of my CoCo
03:32.19meshugaJuggie: i talked to fiend everyday until he disappeared :)
03:32.25Juggiemeshuga, iniquity rocked :)
03:32.27meshugarenegade was a horrible hack of WWIV
03:32.37meshugafiend would be the first to tell you that, too.
03:32.40Juggieoh yah, i partially took over developement of iniquity
03:32.42meshugaand iniquity was oooold.
03:32.44meshugaer neew
03:32.45meshugai mean
03:32.49Juggienever wrote any code, just did support and such
03:32.51meshugalike, the last bbs software developed
03:32.54Juggiewell it was pascal
03:32.57Juggiebut it was good i liked it
03:33.02outtoluncaw come on, no one mentioned fossil drivers yet <G>
03:33.04meshugaJuggie : indeed. so was renegade and wwiv.
03:33.13Juggierenegade had alot of hard coded strings
03:33.18meshugaouttolunc : i used synchronet and mbbs, who needs fossils :P
03:33.19Juggiepeople hex edited renegade to mod
03:33.28Juggieiniquity there was no need
03:33.38meshugainiquity was pretty, dont get me wrong
03:33.41Juggieplus it had IPL (iniquity programming language)
03:33.45meshugabut functionality lacked extremely.
03:33.46Juggiewhich was pretty cool
03:33.50meshugano, IPL was next to worthless
03:34.04meshugaJuggie : you never saw PCL, or baja then
03:34.07Juggiemeshugga, it worked for me for 3-4 years i ran a bbs
03:34.12Juggiemeshuga, admittedly no...
03:34.30meshugaJuggie : pcl rocked, baja was a 2nd. IPL was like, qbasic or something..
03:34.38meshugai miss bbses.
03:34.38Juggieipl was pascal
03:34.45meshugano i mean in functionality
03:34.49meshuganot in syntax/structure/etc
03:34.51Juggiecomplete with =: for assignement
03:34.57meshugayea i know
03:35.06Juggiewell, it just offered you stuff you needed
03:35.06meshugaJuggie : remember the editor bug?
03:35.18Juggiemeshuga, i probally knew at the time, what was it
03:35.39meshugaJuggie : in 1.25 you could gain access to the admin menu or something
03:35.41meshugaby hitting some key
03:35.45*** join/#asterisk t-mobile (
03:35.45meshugai think it was 1.25
03:35.49Juggieahh... i dunno
03:35.55Juggiei helped release iniquity 2
03:36.09meshuga2 was almost 2 years after fiend left
03:36.15meshugaa year after bbses were dying
03:36.16meshugalike what, 99?
03:36.21Juggiebbsing was pretty much dead
03:36.24meshugamaybe 97
03:36.25Juggiebut we did anyway
03:36.34meshugaJuggie : did you know nivenh?
03:36.38meshugahe took over for awhile i think
03:36.42meshugawho did the coding?
03:36.50Juggiemeshuga, someone from demonic or some mod group
03:36.53Juggiedid some patches
03:36.57meshugai hung out with all of them
03:37.04meshugaah demonic was a joke
03:37.09meshugafiend made fun of them all the time :P
03:37.14Juggiei forget but some guy did some patches
03:37.17meshugathats all i really remember of them
03:37.21*** join/#asterisk implicit (
03:37.21Juggieand he was with some mod group but i dont remember who
03:37.28meshugagood times.
03:37.34Juggiestill up :)
03:37.56Juggiethats who i worked with
03:37.59Juggiei did docs and that shit
03:38.07meshugahahahha, that guy knew howto code?
03:38.07Juggiei didnt know pascal and didnt care to learn
03:38.08meshugasince when
03:38.19Juggiehe didnt know much
03:38.37Juggiebut he knew more then me, all we really did was bug fixes, added some minor features
03:39.17meshugadamn no history button
03:39.19meshugai miss fiend
03:39.28meshugai wonder how nova soctica's treating him these days
03:39.49meshugaJuggie : did you ever use 1.25? his complaints about being a 286 with a CGA were truth, haha
03:40.12Juggiegood letter there.
03:40.22meshugaread it already
03:40.33meshugayears ago
03:41.32meshugahahah i bet thats fiend.
03:41.35meshugafiend was nuts like that
03:41.52Juggiei remember iniq had poor fido mail support
03:41.56Juggieit was a hack to get it in threre
03:41.59Juggiebut it got better later on
03:42.02meshugavery much so
03:42.08meshugainiquity was designed for glitz
03:42.11meshugastuff like tetris
03:42.12Juggieit was so customizable tho
03:42.14meshugawas totally just glitz.
03:42.16Juggiethats why i liked it
03:42.17meshuganot really.
03:42.22meshugait just looked rad out of the box
03:42.28meshugaand it was alot better then obv/2
03:42.32Juggieanything and everything the user saw was customizible
03:42.40Juggieyeah, but i didnt run my bbs out of the box
03:42.53Juggiei had a few ansi artists and shit mine was totally customized.
03:42.59meshugaIniquity is copyright 1994-1995 by Mike Fricker.
03:43.05meshugaits been 10 years?
03:43.11Juggieamazing eh
03:43.17meshugaapparently i've been on irc for 10 years.
03:43.30Juggiei ran iniqnet too
03:43.34Juggiei was hub for that
03:43.38Juggiethe iniquity fido support network
03:44.11meshugayea i rememeber iniqnet
03:44.16meshuganever used it
03:44.20meshugabut i do recall
03:44.31meshugaSubject: <q:2.02> - What is the latest version of Iniquity?
03:44.31meshugaDate: 20 Mar 1996 00:00:00 CDT
03:44.33meshugathats what i mean
03:44.37meshuga1.00 alpha 25
03:44.47Juggieyah, there were a few patches after that
03:44.52Juggiefor bug fixes
03:44.53Juggiethen 2
03:44.57meshugai dont think by him
03:45.04meshugahe gave up
03:45.06Juggiefirst they were by some dude in a mod group
03:45.11Juggiethen us
03:46.15Juggiei'm on the list
03:47.01TheEmperoranyone know how I can get rid of this?
03:47.04TheEmperorWARNING[2957]: chan_sip.c:694 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 55efc7fd28d5cb3f0f1886562b185209@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
03:47.18meshugayea dude, youre sip isnt authenticating proper
03:47.37hardwirepcponline man
03:49.01JuggieTheEmperor, it means something is going on with your sip packets not going to the right address
03:49.07Juggieprobally do nat=yes?
03:49.17TheEmperorJuggie: thanks, will have a look at that
03:49.25meshugalook at that call line
03:49.30meshugai got that problem today when it didnt auth
03:49.52TheEmperorall nat=yes in sip.conf for all users..
03:50.20TheEmperorand reinvite=no
03:50.35TheEmperoralso qualify=no
03:53.34Juggiefor nat
03:54.08TheEmperorthank you Juggie
03:54.51TheEmperorand i also have jitterbffer=yes
03:56.11rabelaiswith, what would be my reason to not get the 1.55c plan if I intend on using it? I mean, 65 minimum isn't that terribly much, what would be my reason to prepay only $10 and get the 1.7c?
03:57.10Juggiethere are cheaper places then
03:58.01rabelaisJuggie: that include a local did in los angeles?
03:58.07Juggiei believe so
03:58.15TheEmperorwhen i try to call out, the call never goes through, any ideas? : Executing Answer("SIP/2005-a453", "") in new stack
03:58.23Juggieit was like 15$ for unlimited... and it had good reviews on voip-info
03:59.11*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:01.38meshugaaint telasip brand new?
04:02.43*** join/#asterisk t-mobile (
04:02.50Juggiebrand new to resedential
04:02.57Juggiebut they have been doing business services for over a year
04:04.11Juggiedns created in 2003
04:05.04TheEmperorcan someone tell me what this means? WARNING[3106]: pbx.c:1889 ast_pbx_run: Channel 'Zap/4-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
04:06.05Juggiewell, its looking for
04:06.11Juggieexten => s,1,.....
04:06.12Juggienot finding
04:06.16Juggiethen it looks for
04:06.23Juggieexten => i,1.... also not finding
04:07.28TheEmperori put that under [incoming], would it help if i put it under default?
04:08.18Juggieyou clearly have no idea what you are doing :)
04:08.28Juggieput in your extensions.conf
04:08.32Juggielets see what your up to
04:08.34TheEmperorok :)
04:09.56TheEmperorJuggie: got it to work now
04:10.15Juggieeach context is seperate
04:10.27Juggiewhen you receive a call it goes into the incomming context
04:10.27TheEmperorfigured that out, thank you :)
04:10.32Juggieas defined by your conf
04:10.38TheEmperorwhat does this mean? 12:12:16 NOTICE[3648]: chan_sip.c:6638 handle_response: Peer '2002' is now REACHABLE!
04:10.39Juggieit can vary per device and per user
04:10.48Juggieit means that that sip phone was unreachable for a moment
04:10.50Juggieand now its fine
04:10.52TheEmperori see
04:10.55Juggieif you do sip show peers
04:11.01Juggieit should show you your phones, and the latency
04:11.10Juggieit will prboally say like OK (125ms)
04:11.35TheEmperorhow about this? ICE[3648]: chan_sip.c:6644 handle_response: Peer '2002' is now TOO LAGGED!
04:11.40TheEmperoris that a phone setting
04:11.44Juggiethats obvious
04:11.46Juggiewhere is your phone
04:11.49Juggieon the same network?
04:12.07Juggieyou shoudnt be getting those messages then
04:12.10Juggiebut sometimes it happens
04:13.47newmedianYou should probably only be worried if you get a message like NOTICE[1337]: cha_sip.c:b34r handle_response: Finish Him!
04:14.15FuriousGeorgeis there a defualt button sequence for call x-fer?  i notice eyebeam does it out of the box, and i didnt set anything up
04:14.45FuriousGeorgeits madness
04:14.54newmediancats and dogs, living together
04:15.07FuriousGeorgenewmedian: what?  asterisk and eyebeam?
04:15.11Juggieits called the sip protocol
04:15.14Juggieit includes transfer
04:15.21Juggiefantastic eh
04:15.33FuriousGeorgefantabulous indeed
04:15.43FuriousGeorgebut if i wanted to do it from a zap channel
04:15.51Juggiedepending on the channel
04:15.54Juggieyou would do dif things
04:15.55FuriousGeorgedo i gotta manually set that in my dial plan
04:16.11FuriousGeorgeit goes out via sip
04:16.16Juggieif you are attaching analog devices i think a bunch of *codes are supported
04:16.19Juggieunless you overwrite them
04:16.35Juggieif you are using a sip ata
04:16.37FuriousGeorgeJuggie: thats what i figured, *72 or something
04:16.39Juggiethen it depends on what the ata does
04:16.46Juggieall depends on how you hook it up
04:16.56FuriousGeorgeim using a tdm400 for my two fxs
04:16.58newmedianFor example, I can dial a 9*67w####### to block outbound caller ID
04:17.22FuriousGeorgewhere can i find a list of supported * commands
04:17.25Juggieis fxs providing service? or receiving
04:17.26Juggiei forget
04:17.28FuriousGeorgeor whatever theyre called
04:17.45FuriousGeorgeJuggie: it makes a dialtone and talk bat for my phones
04:18.01FuriousGeorgethe green one, right?
04:18.06Juggieright so it provides dialtone
04:18.08Juggielook here
04:18.14Juggieits 1/2 way down
04:18.40Juggieor a little more
04:18.42Juggieyou'll find it
04:18.47Juggietheres like 10 listed
04:19.10TheEmperorJuggie: why doesn't this call dial out? Executing Answer("SIP/2005-f047", "") in new stack
04:19.16TheEmperorit just hangs there...
04:19.39Mavvieit is dialing out, your logging shows it.
04:19.40JuggieTheEmperor, your extensions.conf
04:19.56*** join/#asterisk t0p (
04:20.20Juggieit is dialing, have you confirmed dialing is working?
04:20.24FuriousGeorgeit does not appear zap channels do the sip snaziness
04:20.25Juggiefrom zap
04:20.45Juggiesip snazziness?
04:20.47FuriousGeorgeor at least, i guess that would work if i had a landline
04:20.55t0panyone running Asterisk on FC3 here?
04:21.13FuriousGeorgeJuggie: was refering to auto foreward, etc.
04:21.14JuggieFuriousGeorge, what are you trying to do thats not working
04:21.20TheEmperorJuggie:how do i check it if it is dialling?
04:21.23FuriousGeorgethe *xx commands
04:21.29Juggiedid you see the supported list?
04:21.33FuriousGeorgebut i dont have a landline
04:21.34Juggiewhats missing?
04:21.38FuriousGeorgeya, looking at it
04:21.40Juggieyou dont need a land line
04:21.48Juggieasterisk supports those on a zap channel
04:21.56Juggiewhen you are providing analog service to phones
04:22.04t0pJuggie, budi_ :  can you tell me how i am supposed to start zaptel on FC3?
04:22.32Juggiemodprobe zaptel; Sleep(5000); ztcfg -vvvv
04:22.55t0pthere's a problem when put 'modprobe zapte' in /etc/rc.modules
04:23.07Juggieyes because of udev
04:23.07FuriousGeorgeJuggie: i dunno, i pick up the phone and dial *0 which should send hook flash and i hear a busy tone and asterisk doesnt really say anything except "picked up" "hung up"
04:23.30Juggieit takes a few seconds for the /dev/ whatever to create
04:23.49FuriousGeorgeooooh  ooh  i know,  README.udev in zaptel source
04:23.51JuggieFuriousGeorge, this is on a analog phone connected stright into an digium board irght
04:24.53FuriousGeorgeeverything else works (si=yes, in case for some reason you didnt know)
04:24.56Juggieso you pick up and do *69 or something
04:25.02Juggieasterisk shows what
04:25.07FuriousGeorgeJuggie: i got that far all by myself
04:25.19FuriousGeorge"pciked up zap/1"  "hungup"
04:25.28*** join/#asterisk JonR800 (
04:26.09Juggiedoes dialing work
04:26.11Juggiecan u dial a number?
04:26.29FuriousGeorgeit also says "starting a simple switch" between pickup and hangup.  dialing worked a second ago, lemme check again
04:26.44FuriousGeorgestill works
04:27.00Juggiei've never used this functionality
04:27.05FuriousGeorgei called an 888 which fwded me to a phone in switzerland, i was amazed
04:27.32Juggiebut it seems like its all enabled by default
04:27.34*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
04:27.41FuriousGeorgeJuggie: I think maybe (my provider) just doesnt support that stuff
04:27.49Juggiei know
04:27.54Juggieyour dialplan is conflicting
04:27.55FuriousGeorgebut then again, the same thing happens when i do ** your extensions.conf
04:28.05FuriousGeorgewhich should work, so it may not be that
04:28.11Juggieyou have overlap
04:28.12Juggiethats why
04:28.14Juggielemme see
04:28.20FuriousGeorgeone sec
04:29.57Juggiewell for one
04:29.58Juggiebad bad
04:30.32Juggieyou shoudnt include everything into everything like that
04:31.30TheEmperortalking to me? :)
04:31.56TheEmperorwhat did I do wrong?
04:31.56Juggieyou have everything included everywhere
04:32.00Juggienot good
04:32.09Juggielets logically look at whats going on
04:32.15Juggieyou have to think in terms of your inputs and outputs to the system
04:32.48Juggiedo you have pstn service from a phone company?
04:33.03TheEmperorthat is why i have the [local-out]
04:33.09Juggieok, so you get pstn calls in
04:33.12Juggieyou get sip calls in
04:33.17TheEmperoryes and we use those same calls to call out as well
04:33.20Juggieyou send pstn calls out
04:33.25Juggieand you send sip calls out
04:33.27TheEmperoras well, yes
04:33.37TheEmperorwe send pstn calls out using sip phones
04:33.47TheEmperorgoing through the digium 4 port fxo card
04:33.52Juggieyou dont make any local calls through the pstn?
04:34.05TheEmperorall pstn lines are connected to the * box
04:34.11TheEmperorno analog phones
04:34.21Juggiei misunderstood your setup
04:34.29Juggieyou told me you were providing dialtone to some phones
04:34.33TheEmperorso the sip phones would make local calls using the pstn lines through the * box
04:34.40Juggieok, only voip phones
04:34.47Juggieok well thats why *?? dont work
04:34.51Juggiebut your dialplan is still ass
04:34.57Juggiei have a few spare moments to lets go over it
04:35.00TheEmperori see..
04:35.01TheEmperorok :)
04:35.05Juggieyou have local incomming
04:35.10Juggieand sip incomming
04:35.12Juggieand sip outgoing
04:35.18Juggieyou send no calls OUT over PSTN?
04:35.32TheEmperorno, we use the sip phones to call out over pstn
04:35.47Juggiei think your misunderstanding my question
04:35.53TheEmperordialling 9 as a prefix
04:35.58Juggieyou have telephony service from two places
04:36.03Juggiesip, and phone company
04:36.10Juggieyou are using sip phones
04:36.12Juggieignore that fact
04:36.16Juggieforget that
04:36.20Juggiewhen you make out bound calls
04:36.27Juggiedo you wish to use ONLY sip for out bound
04:36.41Juggieso pstn is ONLY used for incomming calls
04:36.47Juggieand perhaps in an emergency situation
04:37.00TheEmperorwe still want to use pstn for outgoing calls
04:37.08TheEmperorbut using sip phones
04:37.16Juggieforget about your sip phones
04:37.25Juggiethink in terms of service to the pbx
04:37.28newmedianThere is a certain pythonequeness to this conversation.
04:37.45TheEmperorthen yes, we do want to use pstn for outgoing calls
04:37.47Juggieok, well through relentless questioning, i know some information finally :)
04:38.01Juggiei understand there is likely a language barrier so its ok.
04:38.26Juggieok, so you need local-in/local-out/sip-in/sip-out
04:38.31*** join/#asterisk t0pCop (
04:38.37HeppyCatsure is interesting that my phone gives a 404 when i try to make a call
04:38.54Juggiestop using default...
04:39.06Juggielet me open notepad here i'll start doing something up
04:39.13TheEmperorso i should have a local in context?
04:40.05Juggiebecause you need local dialing rules
04:40.45TheEmperori see
04:41.14Juggiesee, its all over the place... what you do is assign incomming calls to feed into local-in
04:41.24Juggieincomming sip calls feed into sip-in
04:41.25TheEmperorso something like [default] and then local in in there?
04:41.32Juggiedefault is no more
04:41.35Juggiethere is no default
04:41.43TheEmperori see
04:41.51Juggielet me mock something up here
04:42.31FuriousGeorgeJuggie: i was thinking about just that the other day, what if i want the incomming calls to be treated the same regardless of whether or not they are sip
04:42.58Juggieits possible that you might
04:43.08Juggiebut you cant depend on sip caller id so much as you can from the pstn
04:43.26Juggiei guess you could :)
04:43.33Sedoroxholy shit....
04:43.35FuriousGeorgemakes sense, but pardon my ignorance, why does it matter about the caller id
04:43.48Sedoroxmy did I ordered back in Feb from Link2voip STILL IS NOT setup...
04:44.14FuriousGeorgei mean if i run a business for instance i want everyone to hear:  Welcome To Spacely's Sprockets
04:44.17Juggieits just organization, callerid, well you could sort calls per 1-800 calls, long distance, local calls etc.. i dunno... let me do this guys dialplan :)
04:44.26FuriousGeorgeand all the rest when they call in
04:44.36FuriousGeorgesorry proceed
04:44.45Juggieyou could argue either way yes
04:44.53Juggieif you wish to treat both inputs as the same
04:45.16Juggiebut sometimes the pstn needs Wait() commands to get caller id for example
04:45.19Juggiesomething that sip wont need
04:45.33FuriousGeorgei get it, using caller id to determine where the call goes!  lol, im new to this
04:45.33*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:45.55FuriousGeorgei see
04:46.04FuriousGeorgemakes perfect sense
04:46.12JuggieTheEmperor, why do you have extensions that give you direct dialtone on a card
04:46.16Juggienot a great idea :)
04:46.24JuggieFuriousGeorge, its called the ex-girlfriend logic
04:46.27Juggieits on the wiki, check it out
04:46.29TheEmperorno good?
04:46.34Juggieits not disa
04:46.42Juggieyou are giving people dialtone on the local pstn line
04:46.46Juggiethey can now do anything
04:46.49Juggieand you have no record of it
04:46.57TheEmperorwhich part is that?
04:47.02Juggiethe part with 998 999
04:47.12Juggiein local-out
04:47.12TheEmperoroh ok, i can erase that :)
04:47.20Juggiefor your safety, please do :)
04:47.24TheEmperorok :)
04:47.27*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
04:47.31kb1_kanobeevening all.
04:47.45TheEmperorso i should delete default?
04:47.53TheEmperor[default] i mean
04:48.07Juggielet me show you what i'm going to do
04:48.20JuggieTheEmperor, how many local lines do you have?
04:49.32Juggiepstn=local lines
04:49.55Juggieok, and how about sip lines
04:50.03Juggiehow many numbers did you get over sip
04:50.14Juggiedo you want to answer the same way for all lines?
04:50.46Juggiewhy are you doing an exten=> t in incomming
04:50.51Juggiethere should be no timeout here
04:51.04TheEmperorif there was a menu there, i should delete that one actually..
04:51.13Juggiealso, why are you dialing all phones
04:51.16Juggiethat was just testing?
04:51.34iq|laptopHi, can I use my own sip stack with asterisk? Will it be too hard to do? I already have a working sip stack.
04:51.34TheEmperoralso, so that if other people are not around, someone will pick up the cal
04:51.52Juggieso you intend to write an ivr which asks for an extension and such?
04:52.08TheEmperorat this point no..
04:52.25Juggieso then when any of the 9 numbers are dialed you want to ring every phone?
04:52.32TheEmperornow just internal calls and also using pstn to call out
04:53.04*** join/#asterisk MajestiK (
04:53.25Juggieso when someone calls this company, what is supposed to happen
04:53.39Juggieor is this just for outgoing calls
04:53.49TheEmperora few phones ring and then whoever picks up the calls gets that call
04:54.31Juggiewhy does 0 go to Zap/1
04:54.34TheEmperorand everyone can call everyone internally
04:54.42Juggiei thought all the zap lines were pstn lines
04:54.56TheEmperorso it should then be s,1,Answer
04:54.59TheEmperorno ()
04:56.27Juggieno, let me show you
04:57.25Juggieluckly this is cut n paste
04:57.35Juggielike this macro
04:57.45Juggiewhich country are you?
04:58.04Juggiewhat format are your phone numbers in?
04:58.24TheEmperor8 digit numbers
04:58.34TheEmperor10 digit for mobiles
04:59.42Juggiedo they start a certain way
04:59.48Juggieso you have any idea if you can expect 8 or 10 digits?
04:59.53*** join/#asterisk Synapse-_ (
05:00.10TheEmperorif you dial out on pstn, dialling a land number starts from 3 to 9
05:00.12budi_/SIP/Registry//budi                               :
05:00.19TheEmperordialling a mobile starts with 01
05:00.20budi_anyone know how to delete that entry from database?
05:00.24budi_from cli?
05:06.28*** join/#asterisk HuangDi (~user@
05:06.39HuangDiJuggie: which macro is that?
05:06.47*** join/#asterisk iswm (iswm@iswm.user)
05:07.13JuggieHuangDi, just one for creating sip extensions
05:07.21JuggieTheEmperor, does your sip dialing work
05:07.41HuangDiJuggie: I can't seem to log back in as TheEmperor, so I logged in as HuangDi
05:08.04HuangDiI missed out what you posted just now..
05:10.00Juggiecheck it out
05:10.02Juggiesee if it makes more sense
05:10.04HuangDithanks :)
05:10.08Juggiei added notes to the top for how to set it up
05:10.19Juggiei dont guarantee it will work without any changes but its alot easier to see whats going on
05:11.24HuangDii see
05:11.26Juggiethere could be some hangups added in to clean stuff up
05:11.30Juggiemake much sense?
05:12.19HuangDiyes, it looks clearer
05:12.19HuangDithank you
05:12.19Juggiein [internals]
05:12.19Juggiewhen i cut and pasted the line
05:12.19Juggieand added everyones extensions
05:12.19Juggiei forgot to change the number
05:12.19Juggiesee how they are all 102?
05:12.33Juggiedo you undestand how the macro works?
05:12.57HuangDiwhat is ARG1?
05:13.12Juggiemacro is a stackable function
05:13.21Juggieyou can do macro(sip,something,somethingelse,etc)
05:13.24Juggieand they get put in the macro as
05:13.37Juggie${ARG1} ${ARG2} and so on
05:13.47Juggiein this case i am just passing their sip phone nma
05:13.55Juggiewhich is arg1
05:14.00HuangDii see
05:14.07HuangDilet me put all this in and see how it works :)
05:14.30budi_hi anyone know how to set up call forward on busy and direct diversion on SIP ?
05:14.45Juggiewhen you do
05:14.47Juggieexten => s,2,Dial(SIP/2001&SIP/2002&SIP/2003&SIP/2004$SIP/2005|120)
05:14.56Juggieyou should use the extensions you created in [internals]
05:15.01Juggie101,102,103 etc
05:15.18Juggieif you want to do that, add an include => internals into your sip-in local-in
05:15.23HuangDizapata.conf, is this correct? autodetect=on
05:15.24HuangDichannel => 1-4
05:15.32Juggielooks good
05:15.59Juggieyou have to make two changes in sip.conf
05:16.03Juggieone for
05:16.11Juggieand one for all your sip phones around the office
05:17.45HuangDii thought only sip.conf?
05:17.57Juggiebut your sip provider is
05:18.02Juggieaccording to the example you gave me
05:18.16Juggiethey should have a user in sip.conf if you have it setup properly
05:18.23Juggieso that you can receive calls via sip
05:18.43HuangDierm, i define the users in sip.conf, i don't need i think..
05:18.44Juggiehow this user is setup will control what context sip calls get sent to when they are received
05:18.54Juggieif you dont put it there, you wont get calls over sip
05:18.57Juggieonly send them
05:19.00*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
05:20.03Juggiei guess you never tried that
05:20.42*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
05:20.42*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
05:21.20HuangDino..i don't really understand that part..
05:21.34HuangDiwhat do you mean?
05:21.48Juggieyou have sip service from a sip provider
05:22.01Juggiewhen they receiver a call on a number they provided for you
05:22.08Juggiethey send it to your server, via sip
05:22.28Juggieto receive the call, they need to have an account in your sip.conf so that your pbx knows who they are
05:22.30HuangDiyes, i understand now :)
05:22.45HuangDino, no need for that yet :)
05:22.51Juggieok then forget sip-in for now
05:23.00Juggieleave it in the extensions but it wont be used
05:23.06Juggieregardless, you need to configure your sip phones
05:23.08Juggiein sip.conf
05:23.13Juggiesuch that the context for your phones
05:23.15Juggieis sip-phone
05:24.22Juggieyou made me miss the simpsons
05:24.40Juggiein sip-out
05:24.50Juggiechange ${EXTEN}
05:25.01Juggieas i added an 8
05:25.04Juggiefor dialing out via sip
05:25.09*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
05:25.09*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
05:25.11Juggiebut it has to trim off the 8
05:26.58HuangDifor Macro, does sip have to be SIP or it doesn't matter?
05:28.19Juggiewell, it can be
05:28.28Juggieand when you call it you do
05:28.39Juggieso whatever you want
05:28.53HuangDii see
05:30.56t0pJuggie: so, have you ever used X100P on *+FC3?
05:31.55Juggiejust a 405P
05:32.57HuangDiJuggie: can I do a macro-iax or iax extensions?
05:33.29Juggieyou can yes
05:33.34Juggieif u want to do iax that way
05:34.18*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (
05:40.12*** join/#asterisk shidan (
05:40.47shidanhey blitz whats happenin
05:42.55*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
05:49.09HuangDiJuggie: VoiceMailMain is this correct?
05:57.08HuangDiJuggie: i still can't make outgoing calls from the pstn..
05:59.27*** join/#asterisk ClayReiche123 (
06:00.26*** join/#asterisk showtime031 (
06:00.38HuangDianyone around still :)
06:00.43showtime031hi all
06:01.18showtime031hi huangdi
06:01.28HuangDihello showtime031
06:02.13showtime031are you running asterisk yet?
06:02.59HuangDii'm having trouble calling out on my pstn
06:03.17HuangDido you have any idea on zapata.conf configuration? i think i did something wrong there
06:04.18showtime031sorry i am new to this asterisk stuff
06:04.38ClayReiche123Can someone tell me why I'm getting "From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>" in my INVITE header?
06:04.42HuangDiok :)
06:07.26showtime031i want to be able to offer voip service, is asterisk the right solution?
06:07.51ClayReiche123can be....
06:08.40ClayReiche123How many customers do you want?
06:10.18showtime031well it will grow every week to about 5 to 10 customers a week but really speaking i have about 1000 or more customers
06:10.31t0panyone knows what this error means "app_dial.c:968 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0)"
06:11.00*** join/#asterisk pakapole (
06:11.27t0pI just finished setting up my * with 1 X100P
06:11.44ClayReiche123I'm using it right now for voip and have hit some challenges. We are getting ready to roll out service to 1000+ customers and I'm having doubts that it will handle it.
06:12.01t0pZaptel seems to be installed correctly
06:12.25ClayReiche123I have about 100  testers on it right now and getting some stability issues.
06:12.36t0pI'm using only simple settings
06:12.50ClayReiche123I'm starting to think that SER is the way to go, but I have no experience with it.
06:15.12ClayReiche123Can someone tell me why I'm getting "From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>" in my INVITE header?
06:16.15JuggieClayReiche123, ser would only help if it was doing load balencing across more then one asterisk server
06:16.16RaYmAn-BxI'm not sure what exactly you're confused about, but if it's the callerid, then it's because no callerid was available on the asterisk sending that message
06:16.38Juggieanyways b ack to simpsons, sleep
06:17.26RaYmAn-Bxpresumably SER would also help if a lot of the calls are IP-only
06:18.07RaYmAn-Bxisn't that was most bigger asterisk-using providers do? Use SER on client side and let that handle everything except calls to PSTN
06:18.30Juggiethat may help for free world dialup
06:18.42Juggiebut for a provider whos business is connecting users to the pstn
06:18.50Juggieser isnt going to help with media path
06:19.09Juggieit will however help be a registration server, as well as load balance across outbound asterisk servers
06:19.19HuangDiJuggie: everything is working now, except the pstn calling out, but when i change it to Zap/4 it works
06:19.39HuangDihow do i configure it so that * makes the call out on whichever port is available?
06:19.39Juggiehuang, your group isnt setup proper
06:19.48HuangDizap/g1 doesn't work..
06:19.50Juggiepaste me that part of your zapata.conf again
06:20.07RaYmAn-Bxthe provider I primarily use do quite well with one SER and one asterisk for pstngw..with around 8000 users (although, I have no idea about simultaneous calls...Haven't ever tried not being able to call though)
06:20.17HuangDichannel => 1-4
06:20.25*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
06:21.15Juggiebefore channel => 1-4
06:21.22RaYmAn-Bxactually nevermind, they might actually be receiving PSTN stuff over IP anyways.
06:21.52HuangDichannel => 1-4
06:22.01Juggieyes that should do it
06:22.07Juggierestart and try
06:22.19HuangDialso, on the top, is this correct?
06:22.27HuangDi; Default context
06:22.47Juggieyes that seems fine just try it
06:22.49Juggiei'm tired :)
06:22.58HuangDiok :)
06:23.02HuangDithanks man!!!
06:23.27*** join/#asterisk K9DI_BSD_WrkStn (
06:24.20Juggiedid it work
06:29.17ClayReiche123Juggie: I'm having some issues with asterisk that I suspect SER might handle better. Like codec negotiating... I wish (oh how I wish...) that asterisk would "learn" or pass through my endpoint codec list....
06:29.51pakapolehi! how do i post a question?
06:29.53JuggieClayReiche123, alot of the codec stuff got fixed in head
06:30.07Juggiesome of it may have been backported to cvs-stable
06:30.12Juggietalk to drumkilla
06:30.27ClayReiche123Juggie: also, I posted this question a minute ago with no response. I suspect SER might work for this too... Can someone tell me why I'm getting "From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>" in my INVITE header?
06:30.46Juggiebecause reinvite=no?
06:31.14RaYmAn-BxClayReiche123: which part do you not expect?
06:31.33RaYmAn-Bxthe "asterisk" name and CID? Or something else?
06:31.38Juggielooks to me like asterisk is stayinig in the media path
06:31.43ClayReiche123Juggie: 'From: "asterisk"'
06:31.44pakapolecan someone help me with Realtime and extensions?
06:31.47Juggiewhich if you are going voip<-> pstn
06:31.53RaYmAn-Bxafaik it also does that when no callerid is available
06:32.06ClayReiche123I'm having trouble with re-invites....
06:32.21JuggieClayReiche123, why are reinvites even a concern
06:32.30Juggieall your calls are sip<->pstn
06:32.48ClayReiche123juggie: I'm getting 1 way audio when re-invites=yes.
06:33.10Juggiedo you have your sip clients set for nat=yes?
06:33.19tainted-anyone good with AGI?
06:33.36tainted-i need asterisk to playback a string like "FOO123"
06:33.36ClayReiche123Juggie:The ta manufacturer says that reinvites aren't working properly with asterisk.
06:33.47tainted-and say "F-O-O-1-2-3"
06:33.48ClayReiche123Juggie: nat=yes yes
06:34.11JuggieClayReiche123, then post a bug report include a sip debug
06:34.28ClayReiche123Juggie: I'm not sure I believe him
06:34.55Juggiereinvite as i undestand is for changing the media path
06:35.04Juggiesuch that the rtp can go from phone to phone
06:35.09Juggierather then through asterisk
06:35.29Juggiebut since you are going out allways does it matter?
06:35.33ClayReiche123Juggie: He says he sees 4 invites... the 3rd one is correct and all would be well if it stopped there, but the 4th one hoses everything...
06:36.05Juggiesomething tells me i've seen this on bugs.digium before
06:36.09Juggiedid you post something
06:36.48ClayReiche123Juggie: no... but I will investigate further. I hesitate to post a bug report when I don't fully understand.
06:37.35Juggiewith canreinvite=no it works?
06:38.05RaYmAn-Bxtainted-: I'm haven't exactly used AGI, but can't you do the same as you would do from the dialplan? i.e. use SayAlpha and similar
06:38.35ClayReiche123yes, the call works perfect. But apparently I get the 'From: "asterisk"' in the from header.
06:39.08Juggiethats because asterisk is passing the media
06:39.11Juggiethe rtp
06:39.20Juggieso it is, from asterisk
06:39.28ClayReiche123I would love to stop doing that....
06:39.54Juggiewhat does it affect
06:40.26ClayReiche123does it not put load on the server?
06:40.45Juggiebut your calls are not sip to sip
06:40.58Juggiearnt you selling did's going sip->pstn
06:41.15ClayReiche123yes they are. Going to a sip gateway provider.
06:41.51ClayReiche123I have no digium hardware in these machines
06:41.51Juggieso your phones are on a private network
06:42.08Juggieasterisk is on private as well? or does it have two network cards
06:42.15ClayReiche123all over the place. We are attempting a carrier scenario.
06:42.30ClayReiche123asterisk is public
06:42.41Juggieit has a public & private ip?
06:42.49Juggieor just public
06:42.50ClayReiche123no just public
06:42.58Juggieand phones are mostly private then
06:43.08Juggiebehind nat
06:43.15ClayReiche123most of our customers are at home behind a broadband router.
06:43.48Juggiewhen there was one way audio
06:43.50Juggiewhich way did it work
06:43.52ClayReiche123and it would be nice to be able to down the server without dropping calls as well...
06:44.17RaYmAn-BxI would suspect we're back to SER with asterisk providing extra services...(like voicemail etc)..
06:44.27Juggiewhich way did did the audio work
06:44.41ClayReiche123voip phone could not hear pstn
06:44.58Juggienot suprising
06:44.59RaYmAn-Bxthat's a typical NAT issue
06:45.06Juggieheres the scenario
06:45.18Juggieyour phone has an ip of whatever on the private network
06:45.25Juggieif you say nat=yes in asterisk
06:45.31Juggieit ignores the from: ip
06:45.50Juggieand sends udp back to the address the packet came from
06:46.07Juggiei suspect your provider was not aware of that...
06:46.19Juggiesome devices may work
06:46.28Juggiethose that are smart enough to know their internet ip
06:46.50Juggiethose that report their local lan ip will fail unless * is in the path
06:46.52ClayReiche123I have some stun settings in my device, but that didn't seem to help.
06:47.04Juggieits not a good solution
06:47.10Juggieyou cant count on the user device
06:47.56Juggienot all devices have stun etc.... but regardless i suspect your voip provider didnt know the proper address to send packets
06:48.01ClayReiche123The provider claimed that asterisk was sending the private ip in the re-invite...
06:48.11ClayReiche123...asterisk, or the ta device....
06:48.27Juggieasterisk would only send the private ip if the device provided it
06:48.31ClayReiche123everybody was pointing fingers at somebody has been a nightmare.
06:48.46Juggiewell you can see whats going on by doing a sip debug
06:48.59Juggieif the device provides a local lan ip
06:49.02Juggieasterisk can deal
06:49.16ClayReiche123I've suspected the provider all along. I can point traffic out of our Cisco 5350 and re-invites work all day long....
06:49.38Juggieit may not be the provider.... look at the sip debug
06:49.45Juggiewatch what asterisk tells them is the from:
06:49.50*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
06:49.58Juggieif the from is a locallan ip thats why
06:50.01ClayReiche123in the 2nd invite?
06:50.14ClayReiche123would that then be the device?
06:50.14Juggieanywhere, just look for private ip adrresses in the debug
06:50.34Juggiethe device provides it
06:50.39Juggiewhen you do a sip show peers
06:50.41harryvvIs there a way in the dialplan to listen to a series of dtmf numbers then echo back another set of dtmf numbers?
06:50.43ClayReiche123gonna try that right now.
06:50.49Juggiedoes it show the public ip
06:50.51Juggieor private?
06:51.03Juggiedoes it say N under Nat?
06:51.59*** join/#asterisk BerndR (
06:52.10Juggieharryvv, Read
06:52.25RaYmAn-Bxharryvv: for sending there is SendDTMF..for receiving digit-timeout might work, but it goes to an extensions as opposed to retrieve the numbers
06:52.40Juggie'show application Read'
06:52.51RaYmAn-Bxor that :)
06:54.47harryvvRay, good :) want to see what it takes to energize the front door solinoid with a dtmf echo responce :)
06:56.10*** join/#asterisk j_c (
06:56.56harryvvIts usefull for the idiot who forgets the keys alot but not for me. Just want to see how well it works.
07:00.10implicithi harryvv
07:00.22harryvvwhats you doing up this late
07:00.29implicitgoing insane
07:00.45implicitdoing way too much work
07:00.50harryvvi bet
07:00.59implicitSIP-ninjaish stuff
07:01.36ClayReiche123juggie:the sip conversation is not clear to me from debug....
07:01.50implicitClayReiche123, don't worry about it
07:02.04implicitJuggie is a nice guy
07:03.09ClayReiche123Juggie has been extremely helpful
07:03.17Juggiei'm tired.... but i can tell you its a nat issue.... with canreinvite=yes asterisk but nat=yes asterisk should probally present the ip you connected from (rather then the ip in the header) to your sip provider
07:03.19impliciti know
07:03.21Juggiehowever it likely does not
07:03.23*** join/#asterisk techie (
07:03.31implicithe is a nice buffer
07:03.46Juggieyou mean patience? :P
07:04.03implicithe deals with all the BS that many of us are just can't handle any more
07:04.18Juggieits called living with female roomates only for the last 3 years
07:04.24implicithow many
07:04.29Juggiei've got a high tolorence
07:04.30implicitit must suck
07:04.36Juggie2 for a while, now 1
07:04.39Juggieno not really... its ok
07:04.46ClayReiche123I'm used to looking at ethereal traces... I have a hard time figuring out source and destination with debug...
07:04.46Juggieme and vicki have been roomates for like 3 years
07:04.49*** join/#asterisk ezhdeha (
07:04.54Juggiewe are like sisters
07:05.04JuggieClayReiche123, if you feel comfortable with me sshing into your server
07:05.08Juggieemail me @
07:05.11Juggieand we can talk tomorow
07:05.30ClayReiche123ok. thank you very much!
07:05.50harryvvnight all
07:05.56implicitClayReiche123, it would be very nice if you could also give Juggie a bit of monetary compensation if juggie can help you get what you need done
07:06.10Juggiebut like i said, with nat=yes, canreinvite=yes asterisk should present the ipv4 packet header ip to the server
07:06.15Juggiewhen it does the reinvite
07:06.24Juggiebut i'd bet it does not
07:06.33ClayReiche123You're talking about the nat'd ip?
07:06.44Juggieit instead presents what your sip phone presented in its sip header
07:06.45implicitJuggie, i deal with all my nat-fixing in SER
07:06.48Juggiewhich is likely an internal ip
07:07.01ClayReiche123hehehe... we've come full circle....
07:07.13Juggieit all comes down to the useragent
07:07.14*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
07:07.18Juggieif it can detect its real ip
07:07.18ClayReiche123....I started out commenting how I think SER would help me....
07:07.23Juggieyour going to have alot less problem
07:07.25implicitSER is excellent
07:07.34impliciti center my network around SER
07:07.39impliciti even do all my accounting/billing on SER
07:07.45implicitrouting, normalization, everything
07:07.45Juggieser could potentially do re-writing of the sip packets
07:07.53Juggieto help with nat issues
07:07.59implicitthen when i need to actually play with media i forward to sems or asterisk
07:08.03RaYmAn-BxClayReiche123: it only wasn't going to help you if you only did SIP2PSTN calls with your own hardware
07:08.04implicitor if i need voicemail, etc
07:08.08ClayReiche123man... that sounds nice.... I've been afraid of it for so long now....
07:08.22JuggieRaYmAn-Bx, hes scamming :)
07:08.29Juggiehes reselling someone elses voip
07:08.40RaYmAn-BxJuggie: so?
07:08.42implicitRaYmAn-Bx, you are full of shit
07:09.01Juggieso when he does rtp, he wants to cheat and go direct from the user agent to the sip reseller he is buying from
07:09.03implicitClayReiche123, how familiar are you with SIP?
07:09.11implicitat the protocol level
07:09.19Juggieessentially making only the SIP session use his bandwidth
07:09.25implicitJuggie, exactly
07:09.26Juggieand the RTP does direct to who he buys voip from
07:09.32RaYmAn-BxJuggie: yeah, I know...but there are wholesale providers
07:09.37t0pJuggie: do you have any idea of how to cope with the error "app_dial.c:968 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0)"?
07:09.49Juggiet0p, your zap driver not loaded?
07:09.50RaYmAn-Bximplicit: obviously I'm just guessing...can't be right everytime then :P
07:09.50ClayReiche123Well.... we actually have a Cisco 5350. We send some calls out our own tdm t-1 but most out of an ip provider.
07:09.57implicitRaYmAn-Bx, :)
07:10.16ClayReiche123I familiar with sip... certainly no expert.
07:10.19implicitClayReiche123, similar setup to a few couple of my clients
07:10.21Juggieimplicit, thats actually a good idea tho i just said
07:10.27t0pit's loaded correctly that's what I'm guessing
07:10.28Juggiewhen nat=yes canreinvite=yes
07:10.36implicitClayReiche123, although on a slightly larger scale than 1 t1
07:10.46Juggiesend ipv4 header ip in packet to whom ever
07:10.53Juggiethat way they have the proper return ip
07:11.01Juggieas likely it just uses the ip in the sip header
07:11.08Juggiei'll have to look into that further
07:11.10firestrmanyone here use nufone? How long does it take to get a payment processed? it been 3 days for me now..
07:11.21Juggiefirestrm, bug jerjer
07:11.21implicitfirestrm, man, get a real provider
07:11.34ClayReiche123We have 2-4 port t-1 cards... just not enough customers yet.
07:11.35firestrmimplicit, like...?
07:11.45implicitdepends on your traffic
07:11.57implicitClayReiche123, yeah
07:12.04firestrmimplicit, not much, single company right now..
07:12.07JuggieClayReiche123, when you understand the protocol, its easy
07:12.14implicitfirestrm, oh:-\
07:12.21Juggiei have my asterisk box on a private dmz network behind a firewall
07:12.27Juggiemy phones are on different private networks
07:12.27BerndRhello, when just playing .wav files is then codec ulaw the right one?
07:12.32Juggieand i make it work no problem
07:12.37Juggiejust have to understand how sip works
07:12.46t0pJuggie: I do "modprobe wcfxo,modprobe zaptel,ztcfg -vv"
07:13.02Juggiedoes ztcfg show any lines configured
07:13.08Juggieor spew an errror
07:13.18t0pJuggie: yes, Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01),1 channels configured.
07:13.36firestrmimplicit,i take it you have had bad experience with nufone?
07:13.50Juggieand are you doing Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN}) or whatever
07:14.47Juggiewhats your dial line
07:14.59t0pJuggie: there's no error, it's used to show an error when I specify wrong "signalling=" in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
07:15.03implicitfirestrm, well first i like SER, and i wouldn't send SIP calls over to * when they only need to be terminated, also i have reliable carriers that i deal with, so i don't need hacked-termination-providers like nufone
07:16.12t0pJuggie: yeah, this is what I put "exten => 3333,1,Answer,exten => 3333,2,Dial(Zap/1/026554820,20,tr)"
07:16.36firestrmimplicit, ive had nothing but trouble with sip, thats why nufone was appealing with IAX and all.. I just want to get away from Iconnect.. they are drving me insane!
07:16.43t0pJuggie: then I used my SIP phone to dial the "3333" extension
07:16.45Juggiethats not all on one line is it top
07:16.46implicitfirestrm, chan_sip is not SIP
07:16.53implicitfirestrm, it is a very poor implementatio
07:17.28implicitanyone familiar with the SIP protocol knows how flexible and powerful it is
07:17.44t0pJuggie: No, they are not on one line. I just don't want to flood this this channel
07:17.48Juggieyah but its not without its issues
07:18.19Juggieit doesnt deal well with nat
07:18.23Juggienot without header mangling
07:18.26budi_hi anyone know whether it is possible to redirect information like redirected reason (on busy), redirected number, etc when we do call forwarding?
07:18.49Juggieumm t0p, the dial loks fine... i'm not too sure... google for it, i have to sleep... i have to work in 5hrs
07:19.04firestrmimplicit, good point, however, i wish some time was spent on fixing things like chan_sip rather than adding new features..
07:19.19t0pJuggie: Ok, will talk to you later
07:19.52Juggieif ztcfg shows a channel configured that seems ok
07:19.57t0pJuggie: I've serached though google before coming to ask here, but still have no luck
07:20.16Juggiego through one of the X100 walk throughs
07:20.20Juggieand see if your missing something
07:20.30*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
07:20.30Juggiemy brain is poop
07:20.47t0pJuggie: Ok
07:29.31*** part/#asterisk ClayReiche123 (
07:31.07*** join/#asterisk makkia (
07:31.37makkiai can use a ISDN TA USB with asterisk ?
07:31.46makkiais chan_modem ?
07:33.17*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
07:34.04|Vulture|hmm this is strange trying to do a /outgoing/ callback file, it calls the # but says the context does not exist, yet I know it does and works
07:38.18*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
07:39.23t0punder [channels]
07:39.27t0pis it "channel=1
07:39.44t0por channel=>1
07:39.59t0pwhich is correct?
07:42.48Jas_Williamschannel => 1
07:43.00Jas_Williamsin zapata.conf ?
07:43.28t0pyes,in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
07:43.39Jas_Williamsthen channel => is correct
07:43.51t0pbut I saw manny people put channel=1
07:43.55*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
07:45.10t0pJas_Williams: are you using X100P?
07:47.13t0pJas_Williams: any special setting to get the X100P to dialout?
07:48.28t0pJas_Williams: I got the channel configured correctly but can't receive/send any call
07:48.59Jas_Williamst0p, can you try zap show channels in the cli
07:51.01*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
07:51.57cjkhi, what h323 channel driver do you recommend me for interconnecting a nice asterisk and an evil h323
07:52.10cjkhi, what h323 channel driver do you recommend me for interconnecting a nice asterisk and an evil callmanager
07:52.17*** join/#asterisk truescot (~truescot2@
07:52.20Jas_Williamschan_h323 works for me
07:52.35Jas_Williamsor callmanager v4 and sip trunks :)
07:53.09Jas_Williamst0p, also ztcfg -vvv
07:53.14t0pJas_Williams: as you see I set it to go to the "from-analog" context
07:53.18truescothello people am looking for help if anyone can, i cannot start up asterisk because i get the message "error while writing audio data: : broken pipe" anyone got any clues to what i should be looking for?
07:53.21Jas_Williamsfrom caommand line :)
07:53.50t0pChannel map:
07:53.51t0pChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
07:53.51t0p1 channels configured.
07:53.59t0pChannel map:
07:53.59t0pChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
07:53.59t0p1 channels configured.
07:54.32t0pJas_Williams: I plug only one X100P in there
07:55.44Jas_Williamst0p, looks good
07:56.05t0pand the /var/log/messages shows
07:56.11t0pMay 12 14:51:20 tas-pbx kernel: Found a Wildcard FXO: Generic Clone
07:56.12t0pMay 12 14:51:20 tas-pbx kernel: Wildcard USB FXS Interface driver registered
07:56.21Jas_Williamswhat do you have in the [from-analog] context
07:57.11t0pexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/1333&SIP/2333,20)
07:57.11t0pexten => s,2,Voicemail2(u1333)
07:57.11t0pexten => s,3,Hangup
07:57.11t0pexten => s,102,Voicemail2(b1333)
07:57.11t0pexten => s,103,Hangup
07:58.46Jas_Williamst0p, cat /proc/zaptel/1
07:59.17t0pit's at
07:59.49r0d3ntbrain init.d # cat /proc/zaptel/1
07:59.49r0d3ntSpan 1: WCFXO/0 "Wildcard X101P Board 1"
08:01.52Jas_Williamst0p, was that you ? r0d3nt ?
08:02.15Jas_WilliamsI don't think so
08:02.19Jas_Williamst0p, cat /proc/zaptel/1
08:02.32t0pno, thats not me
08:04.01t0pI put it as a comment on
08:04.17*** join/#asterisk tld (~tld@
08:04.36cjkJas_Williams: thanks
08:05.26*** join/#asterisk naif (
08:05.30Jas_Williamst0p, you currently have a RED alarm Span 1: WCFXO/0 "Generic Clone Board 1" RED
08:05.53t0pJas_Williams: what does that usually mean?
08:06.12t0pJas_Williams: IRQ conflict?
08:06.35Jas_Williamst0p, Your cable pin outs are incorrect or not plugged into a working phone line
08:07.31Jas_Williamsto test for irq conflict to a cat /proc/interrupts and pate to pastebin
08:09.12naifany news related to asterisk encryption?
08:10.35Jas_Williamst0p, you do have an interrupt conflict as well 9 is shared 9: 998435 XT-PIC acpi, uhci_hcd, wcfxo
08:10.55Jas_Williamswith acpi Uhci and zaptel card (wcfxo)
08:12.26t0pJas_Williams: is it the same issue as the 'RED alarm Span 1: WCFXO/0 "Generic Clone Board 1" RED'?
08:12.47t0pJas_Williams: because my phone line is working properly
08:13.12t0pJas_Williams: might just try to swap the tip/ring pair
08:13.49Jas_Williamst0p, I have not seen an int conflict cause non detection of the phone line, Where are you UK, Europe ?
08:14.18t0pJas_Williams: Thailand
08:14.28Jas_Williamst0p, are you sure you are plugged into the correct port on the card
08:14.59Jas_Williamst0p, it needs to be the one with a plug picture rather than the phone picture
08:15.00t0pJas_Williams: yeah, there are only two ports
08:15.31t0pJas_Williams: let me check again anyway
08:16.44t0pJas_Williams: it's plugged into the correct port
08:17.30t0pJas_Williams: any other way to test?
08:17.30Jas_Williamst0p, In that case I would check your Tip and Ring cables as you are seeing a RED alarm
08:17.59*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~user@
08:18.43tzafrir_laptopany ppc folks around here? any idea why zaptel is built with -msoft-float on ppc? (not using hardware floating point?)
08:19.38t0pJas_Williams: I just took a measurement of the voltage across tip/ring pair, and it's 63.9 Volts DC
08:20.08t0pJas_Williams: it seems very high, should this cause a worry?
08:20.33Jas_Williamst0p, which pair is it presented to on the X100P it should be 2&3
08:21.01t0pJas_Williams: yeah, the two middle ones
08:21.37jskcr|lappyin the us its normally around 48 volts
08:21.48Jas_Williamst0p, I haven't measured the voltage I would expect 48volts
08:22.52t0pJas_Williams: that's what I thought
08:23.20t0pfrom my pabx it's ~48
08:23.37tldAny FreeBSD users around?
08:24.15syleany examples of a 4 port (2 fxo, 2fxs) digium card out there?
08:24.20sylefor extensions.conf
08:24.39Jas_Williamst0p, do you have a message waiting light as I beleve this uses upto 90v to light the light
08:25.26t0pJas_Williams: no, just an ordinary POTS
08:26.05t0pJas_Williams: I will check the cable and change to 2 core cable
08:30.03PTG1234what do you need tld
08:30.32tldPTG1234: I'm starting to look at MeetMe and IAX trunks, so I need to get timing properly up and running.
08:30.38tldPTG1234: Was curious how others are doing it.
08:30.55tldPTG1234: Kernel with HZ=1000 and ztdummy kernel module enough?
08:31.04PTG1234no idea, iax is pointless to use :) and i don't use meet me
08:31.18PTG1234sip is much smarter, you using your own pri
08:31.23PTG1234or a voip provider
08:31.46tldIAX has some nicities, mostly the trunking, and easy NAT handling.
08:31.52tldOther than that, I'm running pure SIP.
08:32.05PTG1234do you really need to save that 2k of overhead doing a trunk
08:32.11PTG1234and nat is no better on iax thats a rumor
08:32.23PTG1234its just b/c iax updates more often, you can do the same in sip
08:32.33tldahh, I see.
08:32.34PTG1234with sip your box gets out of the loop
08:32.37PTG1234which is the important part
08:32.41PTG1234decreases latency
08:32.44tldI thought perhaps it had better handling of RTP streams.
08:32.59tldI prefer SIP for most things.
08:33.07PTG1234sip is a better way to go for sure :)
08:33.19tldAnd have only used SIP so far, but I'm adding a new DID in Australia, which wanted IAX.
08:33.33PTG1234any provider that uses iax you should run away from
08:33.37budi_#  D(digits): After the called party answers, send digits as a DTMF stream, then connect the call to the originating channel.
08:33.38PTG1234they don't know what they are doing
08:33.44tldI'm a really big fan of standards, which is pretty much enough to make me want SIP over IAX.
08:33.46budi_where does asterisk send dtmf to?
08:34.20tldPTG1234: Yeah, probably, but this is only for family convenience.
08:34.32tldPTG1234: If I start doing anything serious, I'll take another look at the providers there.
08:34.42budi_i mean in one of the options of Dial() command
08:34.51budi_there is option D(digits)
08:34.59PTG1234but anyhow
08:35.12PTG1234i do use iax and i dont worry about timing or anything
08:35.14PTG1234it just works
08:35.19PTG1234i use it for testing
08:35.25RaYmAn-Bxbudi_: presumably the called party since it would be saner to just send it using SendDTMF to the caller
08:35.40budi_but when i received the call caller or recipient doesn't hear any dtmfs
08:35.42tldThe thing with Asterisk is that if you use either IAX trunks, or MeetMe, you need a timing source.
08:35.57PTG1234budi: sounds like you need inband dtmfs, or oppisite
08:35.57*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
08:36.25budi_i am using inband
08:36.41PTG1234ok then don't :)
08:36.44PTG1234what codec you using?
08:36.48t0pJas_Williams: does the /proc/zaptel/1 update itself when I plug the line in or I will have to restart the PBX
08:37.00shido6when u plug a line in
08:37.02shido6it knows
08:37.53PTG1234try the oppisite of inband :)
08:37.58PTG1234or whatever
08:38.22tldnote to self:  Do *not* pull the zaptel module from a running kernel.  Bad Things Will Happen.
08:38.38PTG1234yah do what shido says
08:39.01PTG1234sometimes i wonder how people have such problems, b/c if you use defaults it just works
08:39.11budi_sorry it solved
08:39.36PTG1234how did you solve it?
08:39.39budi_my conf is wrong
08:39.50PTG1234well we figured as much :)
08:39.52PTG1234how was it wrong
08:40.03budi_it used rfc2833
08:40.11budi_then i change it to inband your conf
08:40.45shido6respond with the url it gives you
08:42.48gresHi all. I have * with te100p. I have extention for reception, where people, ringing from pstn phone, input local number. Most pstn phone work well. But when i call from pstn phone panasonic 2363 and iput local nuber, * do not see anything. Can anybody help me?
08:43.01gresHow can i debug dtmf?
08:43.49gresSorry for my english. ^)
08:46.57*** join/#asterisk ChrisHodgetts (
08:50.45*** join/#asterisk prh (
08:52.11BerndRgres, i have a similar problem like you.
08:52.45BerndRgres, dtmf works just with snom (voip-hardphone)
08:52.57BerndRgres, im my case
08:53.42BerndRgres, if i make a call from a classic pstn-phone or cell-phone dtmf does not work
08:54.45BerndRgres, what codec are you using?
08:56.05gresIn my case. DTMF work well from any phone ( cellular, pstn, fax and so on), besides panasonic 2326 and old pulse phone.
08:56.15shido6ok i found my wallet
08:56.47gresI use mainly two codecs, for faxing 711, for talks 729.
08:57.17shido6ok sleepy time
08:57.34tldAny Australians here?
08:58.38*** join/#asterisk fantomax1 (~fanto@
09:00.08ChrisHodgettsNew Zealand here
09:00.13ChrisHodgettssorry tld
09:02.09tldI'm trying to understand Australian number plans.
09:02.28tldI got the following DID information: DID/Centrex Extension: 0892821007 - 9143
09:02.37fantomax1hi all
09:02.41tldSo I'm trying to find out which number I should dial to get to it.
09:02.57ChrisHodgettstld I am having a hard time to figgure NZ and it's simple here :(
09:03.16fantomax1is there anyone that experienced the prob with too many files opened, cannot allocate SIP/RTP channels and so on ... ?
09:05.57*** join/#asterisk Mc_Tr (
09:06.40Mc_Tri have a TE110P T1/E1 card
09:06.55Mc_Trhow i configure as E1?
09:07.06Mc_Tror it's automatic.
09:07.09BerndRgres, still here?
09:07.59Jas_Williamst0p, I'm Back
09:08.09gresBerndR ye
09:09.09gresBerndR: do you solve some problem?
09:09.25BerndRgres, i get a 'Unable to find a path from gsm to g729' when i config sip.conf for using 729, gsm and ulaw
09:10.36gresUse CLI show translation
09:11.03*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~user@
09:11.20TheEmperoranyone know why when i play voicemail it sounds really scratchy?
09:11.23BerndRgres, thanks
09:11.28gresthen in sip.conf allow codecs you need...
09:11.43gresEverything mast work well. ^)
09:13.15BerndRgres, in my sip.conf i have a 'allow = g729' but no translation for g729
09:13.15tzafrir_laptophmmm, what exactly is ztcfg-dude?
09:13.25tzafrir_laptopztcfg-dude.c in the zaptel tarball?
09:13.50BerndRgres, 'show translations' shows 'g729     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -'
09:14.02gresBerndR install first.
09:14.39gresthen in cli loadmodule codec_g729
09:16.43TheEmperoranyone know why my voicemail sounds really choppy?
09:22.33BerndRgres, is there a open version of g729
09:23.30BerndRgres, 'Found total of 0 G.729 licenses' grrr..
09:25.35BerndRfantomax, do you mean me?
09:26.52fantomax1gres do u know anything about the prob .. too many files open , or cannot allocate channel
09:27.10fantomax1unable to allocate socket .. and so on?
09:27.23gresfantomax1: no
09:27.25fantomax1does anyone know anything about it ?
09:27.37fantomax1thanks anyway gres
09:28.51RaYmAn-BxBerndR: there is sort of an open version of G729, but it's obviously illegal to use without proper licenses (depending on country)
09:29.32*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
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09:32.56Mc_Trknow anyone how to configure TE110P T1/E1 for e1 line
09:37.21RoyKchange the strapping?
09:37.28RoyKor is it without jumpers?
09:37.39RoyKinsmod whatever t1e1override=1
09:39.54*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~arkuser@
09:42.23naifanyone know if from E1 PRI interface
09:42.30naifin europe it's possible to do spoofing of caller ID?
09:43.19zoayes its possible
09:43.44t0pJas_Williams: thought you've gone to bed
09:43.51*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
09:44.33Jas_Williamst0p, No I'm in the UK its only 10:44 AM here :) I had some real work to do
09:46.15t0pJas_Williams: It shows 1 WCFXO/0/0 FXSKS (In use) only if asterisk has started, right?
09:47.05Jas_Williams(In use) when zaptel drivers loaded and asterisk started
09:47.33Jas_WilliamsSpan 1: WCFXO/0 "Generic Clone Board 1"
09:48.28Jas_WilliamsSpan 1: WCFXO/0 "Generic Clone Board 1" without any error menas good
09:48.34t0pJas_Williams: I changed to my internal line now (with 51.1) Volts
09:48.54t0pJas_Williams: but it's still the same
09:49.09Jas_WilliamsCould be a card fault ?
09:49.45t0pJas_Williams: I thought the RED  was referring to the "RED" module
09:50.18Jas_Williamsno RED means RED alarm ie no VOLTS/Dialtone from the phone line
09:50.19t0pJas_Williams: could be, but it's a brand new one I got from ebay last week
09:50.58t0pJas_Williams: I will test with another X100P tomorrow
09:53.16*** join/#asterisk christo (
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09:58.30naifbut spoofing of CLI
09:58.35naifon PRI E1 in europe
09:58.44naifdepends on the telco?
09:58.54naifdoes someone know some telco that allow such operations trough asterisk?
09:59.35cjkdo i reall need to loac chan_modem?
10:00.08naifMc_Tr: yes?
10:00.11Mc_Trdo you know how configure E1 in asterisk, in spain
10:00.36Mc_Tri know this on my E1 line: Framing: CRC4       Encoding: HDB3
10:01.29Mc_Trbut zaptel don't know Framing CRC4
10:01.39Jas_WilliamsMc_Tr, What protocol EuroISDN ?
10:02.34ChrisHodgettsI had issue this morning, and the problem is still there :(
10:02.44ChrisHodgettswhen I make a call out via SIP to a Sip proxy
10:02.52ChrisHodgettsI get no audio on the softphone end -
10:02.56ChrisHodgettsthe call setup is all correct
10:03.16ChrisHodgettsbut when I ethereal I see the rtp packets but coming back from the machine with the softphone, I am seeing
10:03.25ChrisHodgettsa Destination Port unreachable
10:03.34Jas_WilliamsChrisHodgetts, Sounds like a NAT problem
10:03.48ChrisHodgettsit's an internal box, talking to an internal box
10:04.20Mc_TrJason357, i dont know, but it posible
10:04.44Mc_TrJas_W,i dont know, but it posible
10:05.51Jas_WilliamsMc_Tr, can you post your zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
10:06.04*** join/#asterisk Zaw (
10:06.05RoyKpastebin them
10:06.21jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
10:06.55Mc_Trzaptel.conf: span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3
10:06.55Mc_Trloadzone        = us
10:06.55Mc_Trdefaultzone     = us
10:06.57*** join/#asterisk nemisus (
10:07.19Jas_WilliamsMc_Tr, in zaptel.conf
10:08.25*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
10:08.28tessierHello all!
10:08.35Jas_WilliamsMc_Tr, Now reboot
10:08.38tessierDidn't realize I had failed to join this channel until just now when I had a question.
10:08.49tessierAnyone know what causes this? Been trying to solve this problem for nearly a month.
10:09.06tessierFound various other people with the exact same problem via google but as usual, nobody replied to them with answers!
10:10.52sylehow do i say dial on zap 1-2?
10:11.26syleexten => s,2,Dial(Zap/g1/2|20,t)
10:11.38sylei thought this was right but dials zap/1-1 still
10:11.44tessiersyle: Zap/g1 means group 1
10:11.55tessierIn your zaptel.conf (I think) you have defined a group.
10:12.02tessierIf you dial by group it will just pick any free line
10:12.09tessierIf you want to dial on a particular line don't use the group
10:12.27syleproblem is i don;t have a phone even connected to one of the ports but it uses it anyways
10:12.39syleso i want to be specific
10:13.08tessierProblem is you have a line with nothing plugged into it defined as part of your group
10:13.08syleg1 includes both fxo ports
10:13.55sylewell i am just testing right , how do i say dial second zap port in group 1?
10:14.50tessierSoo....anyone know what auto-fall through means?
10:14.57Jas_Williamssyle, just dial the port directly exten => s,2,Dial(Zap/2,20,t)
10:15.02tessierI swear the behavior of auto-attendants has changed since stable asterisk
10:15.21tessierAs soon as it finishes playing the message it drops the call.
10:15.31tessierDo I have to put something in the dialplan now that tells it to wait for input?
10:15.44sylethat works, anyway to specify zap/2 with a group to?
10:16.05sylei guess no point nm
10:18.34sylewell what i want to do
10:18.42syleis put my homelines on zap/1
10:18.48syleand my fax machine on zap/2
10:19.12sylei am guessing i can just pickup a part for zap/1 so i can plug multiple lines into it
10:19.26sylecordless, non-cordless etc
10:20.56sylewhat option can change ring tones?
10:22.03syledistinctive rings i guess
10:22.47sylebe nice if i could ring the phone a different way to know if it was long distance or not was what i was thinking
10:25.29*** join/#asterisk nine76 (
10:25.38Jas_Williamssyle, Typically the card will run upto 4 phones,
10:35.03*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
10:36.19cjkcant i do a noload => all in modules.conf and then load what is necessary
10:37.16shido6something like that
10:37.43shido6I do an autoload yes
10:37.49shido6and choose to do a noload
10:39.37ManxPowerI hate mornings
10:40.04RoyKManxPower: sleep longer
10:40.51shido6after 4 am hit I figured, what the hell Im not sleeping today
10:42.20*** join/#asterisk _pat_msg (
10:43.30ManxPowerI went to bed early, but had trouble sleeping.
10:43.53ManxPower7 days until I leave
10:44.58RoyKManxPower: leave where?
10:45.17RoyKshit. need to book hotel........
10:45.30ManxPowerRoyK: The ManxPower 2005 European Tour.
10:46.00ManxPower(which starts out in Stockholm)
10:48.36ManxPowerRoyK: I'm staying at a small B&B just outside of city center.
10:50.02*** join/#asterisk cmk (
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10:57.49Mc_TrHi Manx,
11:00.54tzangerYour certificate is set to expire in approximately -23.86 days time, you can renew this by going to the following URL:
11:02.30Mavvieyes, that's for you.
11:02.44Mavviethey replied to me with:
11:02.50MavvieWe've only just started sending out notifications of certificates about
11:02.50Mavvieto expire, and wasn't sure who has renewed their certificates or not.
11:03.33ManxPowerOut CA started sending us renewal e-mails 6 months before our certificate expired
11:04.16Mavviebut you would get 3 extra months if you immediatelly renewed it.
11:16.14*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:19.26*** part/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
11:20.23*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
11:25.58*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (~me@
11:26.08Newbie___hi, please help me
11:26.24Mavviesure, rate is AU$ 80 per hour
11:26.32Newbie___-- Extension '9500' in context 'default' from '0164229929' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/21, span 1
11:26.39Newbie___caller cant call in
11:26.47Mavviethe solution is there!
11:28.12Newbie___paypay dont take my cc, i am not in the 45 countries listed to accept cc
11:29.44cjkhow can i disable iaxprov?
11:29.49MikeJ[Laptop]do you have an extension 9500 in your default context
11:30.04Newbie___no, 9500 is my PRI number
11:30.19Newbie___fuck, i am dead
11:30.26MikeJ[Laptop]ok, well there is your problem
11:30.37MikeJ[Laptop]your are trying to make a call to 9500 and it's not there
11:30.39*** join/#asterisk __a (~a@
11:30.51__adoes anyone know what's wrong with digium's CVS server?
11:30.55Newbie___my PRI number is 2199500
11:31.03__aI can't checkout HEAD
11:31.06ManxPower__a: rerun cvs a couple of times.
11:31.25ManxPower__a: Digium's cvs server is actually serveral servers.
11:31.26__aI did around 10 times, it just gets stuck after a few files
11:31.41ManxPower__a: Oh well.  Wait a few hours and try it again.
11:31.45ManxPoweror get 1.0.x
11:31.48Dovidwhat are you looking for ?
11:32.24__azaptel drivers
11:32.24Dovidi got that on my server
11:32.25Dovidjust not the latest drivers
11:32.25__abut I'm running * HEAD, so I believe I need zaptel HEAD as well
11:32.25Doviddon have the HEAD
11:32.25MikeJ[Laptop]ManxPower, digiums cvs servre is not several servers anymore.. it's only 1
11:32.30RoyK__a: yes, you do
11:33.09__acvs server: Updating zaptel
11:33.09__aU zaptel/.cvsignore
11:33.09__aU zaptel/ChangeLog
11:33.12__astuck forEVER
11:33.14__apretty lame
11:33.16*** join/#asterisk FITA1 (~m_ahmed@
11:33.36FITA1hi all
11:33.38BerndRdoes anyone know how to make speex codes running in asterisk?
11:33.45ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop]: When did that happen?
11:34.02MikeJ[Laptop]__a, try checking out into a new directory
11:34.27MikeJ[Laptop]a week ago, NuFone no longer supplies a CVS mirror
11:34.51MikeJ[Laptop]asterlink now supplies the only mirror
11:34.51ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop]: Ah.  not suprizing.
11:35.12ManxPowerOne would think that Digium could afford to provide their own CVS server.
11:36.19MikeJ[Laptop]but why bother
11:36.22FITA1I m in a conference(app_meetme2) with my fried after few minutes we thought that we should invite our other friend. Can we do this by dial his phone number while we are in conference??????
11:36.30Newbie___calling out from that span is fine, but no incoming
11:36.41MikeJ[Laptop]FITA1, there is a bug in mantis
11:36.56MikeJ[Laptop]Newbie___, I already told you what the problem is
11:37.40__ayea, they could put it on sourceforge
11:37.45FITA1MikeJ[Laptop]: what is that bug
11:37.54Newbie___MikeJ[Laptop]: but i never define any 9500 previously
11:38.08Newbie___where can i look ? extensions.conf ?
11:38.14MikeJ[Laptop]you need an extension with the DNIS that is getting delivered down the line (9500 in this case) and in the context for that line (default in this case_
11:38.21MikeJ[Laptop]FITA1, look it up
11:38.44MikeJ[Laptop]Newbie___, yes, that's in extensions.conf
11:38.45*** join/#asterisk newbien (
11:39.20Newbie___MikeJ[Laptop]: ok
11:39.23FITA1MikeJ[Laptop]: I m unable to catch you
11:39.33MikeJ[Laptop]__a, can you put dual licensed commercial stuff on sf?
11:39.44MikeJ[Laptop]FITA1, go to
11:39.56MikeJ[Laptop]FITA1, look for the meetme bugs
11:40.11Newbie___MikeJ[Laptop]: can i trouble you to look at
11:40.12MikeJ[Laptop]FITA1, one of them is for outdialing from meetme
11:40.49MikeJ[Laptop]Newbie___, if you don't know how to make an extension, then you are in big troubls
11:41.17MikeJ[Laptop]Newbie___ do you want it to do that if it comes in as dnis 9500
11:41.26Newbie___i am already in big trouble
11:41.52Newbie___MikeJ[Laptop]: yes,
11:41.54MikeJ[Laptop]exten ==> 9500,1,goto(default,s,1)
11:44.37Newbie___MikeJ[Laptop]: before or after [default]
11:45.56MikeJ[Laptop]in the default context
11:46.22Newbie___MikeJ[Laptop]: thanks you SOOOO much
11:46.23MikeJ[Laptop]Newbie___, goto to voip info and read the stuff on configuration
11:46.41jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
11:46.41Newbie___it worked
11:46.54Newbie___but, i never add 9500 in [default] before, why now ? any idea ?
11:47.15MikeJ[Laptop]you never took calls on that dnis before?
11:47.39Newbie___it has been working as it was for the last 9 mths, same 9500 number
11:47.44MikeJ[Laptop]if you didn't know how to add that, you REALLY need to spend some time reading
11:48.00Newbie___no, i meant. i never add that and it was working
11:48.35MikeJ[Laptop]I don't know... that's a PRI config... if it never came in on that dnis before and now it is, and you changed nothing then your pri provider did
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11:54.03BerndRdoes any know the problem of interrupting calls when playing audio files?
11:54.21*** part/#asterisk Networker (
11:54.30*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (user@
11:54.31BerndRit's no matter if the files are wav or mp3
11:54.46BerndRthe codec also does not matter
11:55.28BerndRand the amount of parallel call also does not matter
11:56.34BerndRevery few seconds a short interrupt could be heard
11:58.39BerndRthe hardware is a dual xeon with 1GB RAM
11:59.25BerndRCPU load is just about 1-2%
12:00.07Mc_Trwhen y call to an one zap channel, and this zap channel are forward to a sip extension, why it takes 3 seconds (more or less) in ring sip extension?
12:01.52BerndRi only have sip calls (no zap)
12:03.03BerndRthe duration of the interrupt is about 100-200ms
12:03.10ManxPowerMc_Tr: Perhaps Zap is waiting for callerid information?
12:04.36darwin35anyone here have call forwarding working
12:04.48ManxPowerdarwin35: yes
12:05.00darwin35manX hey
12:05.04darwin35mines stopped
12:05.09darwin35dont know why
12:05.14ManxPowerdarwin35: Just set it in your polycom phone.
12:05.22darwin35did they change phrasing
12:06.06darwin35I need it for the grandstreams
12:06.36ManxPowerdarwin35: Sorry, I would not even give my ex-wife a grandstream device.
12:06.51ManxPowerI'd give her a bomb, but not a grandstream.
12:07.01darwin35well it was the first set of phones  I bought
12:07.09darwin35before I knew they where shit
12:07.32darwin35but I still keep them around
12:07.39darwin35they are paid for
12:10.14darwin35but back to cf
12:11.42*** join/#asterisk durex (
12:11.43darwin35 there is what I have
12:12.09sylelets say you had exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX first in config file, isn;t a exten => _1800NXXXXXX after never going to get executed since 1800 matches the first instance of it? or should you put toll free numbers before long distance?
12:12.13darwin35its not suppost to dial the nmbr just store it but it dials it and does not store it
12:12.27*** join/#asterisk tld (
12:12.42ManxPowersyle: patterns in the SAME context are matched most specific first, regardless of order.
12:13.02ManxPowerThis may or may not apply to include =>'d context stuff
12:15.16*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
12:15.38darwin35it use to work on 1.0.7 but on head it stopped
12:15.50ManxPowerwell do back to 1.0.x
12:15.58ZeeekI have a ManxPower emergency
12:16.14ManxPowerBut as everyone knows CVS-HEAD is production quality and has no major bugs.
12:16.36ManxPowerZeeek: Is there any significant reason I should stop in Paris during my trip?
12:16.39ZeeekI locked up my ip500 so tight 468* doesn't unlock it
12:16.46Zeeekany siggestions?
12:16.51Zeeekor sug?
12:16.51ManxPowerZeeek: I've never had that happen.  Did you powercycle it?
12:16.54darwin35shooot it
12:17.06Zeeekhundreds of desperate times
12:17.19darwin35call the manufacture
12:17.25ManxPowerZeeek: I don't have any suggestions then, other to RMA it.
12:17.28Zeeeknot easy
12:17.30ManxPowerdarwin35: Polycom does not support Asterisk users.
12:17.50Zeeekwell, since I just brought it in my suitcase, I may be screwed
12:17.53darwin35that bites
12:18.02ManxPowerZeeek: Try powering o the phone without it being plugged into the network.
12:18.07Zeeekgotta stop playing with yoys when jetlagged
12:19.09ManxPowerZeeek: Is there any significant reason I should stop in Paris during my trip?
12:19.13ZeeekI've done that, but I'll try it again later. Right now I am on the same hub. It show athe logo on powerup and get an ip from DHCP
12:19.27ManxPowerZeeek: Well, that's a start. 8-)
12:19.36ZeeekManxPower other than it's prolly one of the better cities, I dunno
12:20.05ManxPowerZeeek: I meant from a "talking to people about a job" perspective 8-)
12:21.32*** join/#asterisk eeek (~Zeeek@
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12:24.04eeekshit, that vreally looked like a good phone :(
12:26.53BerndRis there a possibility to configure asterisk to use smaller udp packages for data transport? i think default is 172
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12:29.06FITA1should I use that patch
12:30.40*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
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12:31.08FITA1can any body help me, i m new to Is it safe to use patch avaiable on this link
12:31.47*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
12:32.25ilium007hi all
12:32.41ilium007can anyone help me with an asterisk install
12:32.52ilium007i found a doc last night on the net about installing on gentoo linux
12:32.55ilium007cant find it now
12:32.59*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
12:33.16ilium007just wondering if there is anyone that can help
12:33.23BerndRilium007, emerge asterisk
12:33.44ilium007i gather emerge is the gento package insatller ?
12:33.46Aze`Anyone know gsm box products ?
12:34.10BerndRilium, yes
12:34.13_pat_msgthere is problem with gentoo because zaptatel don't use devfs
12:34.19_pat_msgfor u information
12:34.45*** join/#asterisk CdtDelta (
12:34.47BerndRilium, use version 1.0.7
12:35.26BerndRilium: it's masked but ok
12:36.18ilium007masked ??
12:37.10BerndRilium, the currrent relese in portage tree is 0.9 as far as i know
12:37.22ilium007oh ok
12:37.35ilium007i have never installed gentoo
12:37.50ilium007i have downloaded the minimal install cd iso
12:37.59ilium007not as easy as freebsd !!
12:38.24flickerflyapparently, there is a patch for zaptel for devfs, but it's ugly
12:38.26BerndRilium, i never installed freebsd :)
12:38.39darwin35dude asterisk works fine on fbsd
12:38.53ilium007yeah ????
12:39.03darwin35its int he ports
12:39.05ilium007i though id give gento a go
12:39.10ilium007never seen it before
12:39.11darwin35ok have fun
12:39.22ilium007what is the recommended option ?
12:39.39BerndRilium, /usr/portage/net-misc/asterisk
12:39.55flickerflyor use udev and not devfs
12:39.56durexI'm running all my * on FBSD
12:40.13ilium007makybe time to tak out gentoo cd and star with freebsd again
12:40.43ilium007i dont have any digium cards yet, but i read you can connect * box to VoiP provider
12:40.57darwin35ye you can
12:40.57ilium007is this tru
12:41.04darwin35sip and iax2
12:41.08ilium007then for testing i can just use softphoens
12:41.14darwin35I have mine connected to 3 providers
12:41.25ilium007this is so damm cool
12:41.27BerndRilium, if you like conferences you need udev too
12:41.40darwin35I have a iax nmbr a sip nmbr a 888 nmbr abd a local nmbr
12:42.02ilium007i am interested in it all as I am just about to spend $100k on 3 systems for work, Alcatel boxes
12:42.07jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
12:42.12ilium007in my searched i came acros asterisk
12:42.17*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
12:42.48Aze`Anyone use xfer trasfert on * ?
12:43.10ilium007i also read that without the digium cards i need to set up timing
12:43.13ManxPowerAze`: All the time.  Press the transfer button your polycom phone.
12:43.29ilium007will this be on top of the free bsd software that is in the ports ?
12:43.35ManxPowerIs nobody able to spell this morning, or is my display screwed up?
12:43.51ilium007heheheh i can never spell in chat rooms !
12:43.57Aze`ManxPower i want use atxfer function of asterisk.
12:44.39ManxPowerAze`: Yes.  Press the transfer button on your phone.
12:44.48darwin35ztdummy is part of zaptel in pports
12:44.48ManxPowerDoes your phone NOT have a transfer button?
12:44.57darwin35you add 1 line to your kernel
12:45.08BerndRilium, for conferences you'll need a timer
12:45.09darwin35options HZ=1000
12:45.25Aze`ManxPower i've proble with use zap channel... i listen double ring .. 1th simulated by * and 2th real.. why ?
12:45.29darwin35recompile and loadup ztdummy
12:45.42Druken100,000? god i wish i had that much money to blow on a phone system
12:45.54darwin35same here
12:45.58ManxPowerAze`: I don't know, but if you want to transfer using a zap channel then enable trasnfers in zapata.conf and press FLASH/RECALL to use it.
12:46.27ilium007we are a hospital
12:46.32ilium007multiple sites
12:46.47darwin35going to add wifi phones for the DR ?
12:47.00ilium007DR ?
12:47.09ilium007oh docs...DECT
12:47.34ilium007staying away from wifi phones, need to spend more time on radius / 802.1x security solution
12:47.53Drukenradius? wtf for?
12:48.14ilium007WPA authentication for a wireless data network
12:48.19darwin35they have wep in them
12:48.36ilium007wep aint wpa
12:48.50darwin35the have 128 bit encryption
12:49.02darwin35I use them in nursing homes
12:49.07ManxPowerI wish I knew why so many people have a fetish for t/T transfers with Asterisk.
12:49.08ilium007yeah - and a static key
12:49.19ilium007it dont take too long to bust a 128 but WEP key
12:49.41darwin35I use very stange keys
12:49.50ilium007anyway i like the dect phones and i dont have decent access points
12:49.59Aze`ManxPower but isnt annunced trasfer but blind:)
12:50.03jskcr|lappyit only takes 1 hour to break a 128k wep key
12:50.04ilium007i dont think it matters how strange you make your keys
12:50.10ilium007they are always the same - static
12:50.21ManxPowerAze`: No it is NOT.
12:50.28ilium007WPA changes its encryption keys too quick to be able to crack them
12:50.35ManxPowerAze`: the FLASH supports announced transfers
12:50.52ManxPoweror maybe even
12:51.45GroobyFLASH didn't work too well for me with an ATA
12:51.51darwin35well I had to have wireless for the nurses and no one has messed with the systems thus fare
12:51.54Groobyi can never be sure when it's transfered through
12:51.57ilium007i spose
12:52.04DrukenGrooby: works good for me
12:52.05ilium007i would just feel better with WPA
12:52.15Groobythat's good for you
12:52.30Romikmanxpower: what is this r t/T transfers ?
12:52.31Pkunkit's the usual ASCII charset , with those wierd |^_^| like higher chars inside
12:52.33ilium007he, can someone take a look at this site and let me know if this install guide for * on gentoo is acurate:
12:52.39Pkunkwhoops wrong chan
12:52.42ManxPowerRomik: no, this is with flash transfers
12:52.43Aze`flash is #.. ?
12:52.55ManxPowerno, flash is the flash or recall button on your analog phone.
12:53.13ManxPowerT/t # transfers were never designed to be the primary way to transfer in Asterisk.
12:53.16Aze`on my sipura spa-841 ... i havent it
12:53.42ManxPowerAze`: Make up your mind. Are you using a SIP phone or a Zap channel?
12:53.49DrukenManxPower: FLASH or LINK
12:54.02darwin35if I where you I would use a debian minimal install and then install the needed packages
12:54.05ManxPowerAze`: The read the damn docs for the SIPura phone.  It will tell you how to do superviserd transfers.
12:54.07Romikmanxpower: we use Flash to transfer call with flash on zap phones... receive call - flash dial speak....flash (3 parties on line) hangup.
12:54.11darwin35then build and install *
12:54.21darwin35but thats me for linux boxes
12:54.23ManxPowerRomik: exactly!  no T/t crap needed.
12:54.25darwin35or slackware
12:55.02Aze`manxPower .. i know how use superviserd trasfers on SIPura phone.... but it's complicated to use by stupid receptionist..
12:55.07Romikmanxpower: what is T/t ? it some special button?
12:55.13ilium007not freebsd ??? i got the disks here thats all !!!!!!
12:55.24darwin35fbsd is easy also
12:55.35ManxPowerRomik: no it's a special option to the dial command to allow you to use # to transfer if you are using devices that are too stupid to support transfers.
12:55.38Aze`i want use special button to do supervised trasfers
12:55.46darwin35and the ports ver installs the bri stuff
12:55.57darwin35isdn support
12:55.59Romikmanxpower: thanks! i undestand!
12:56.16darwin35what ver of fbsd
12:56.22darwin35I am on 5.4-s
12:56.23ManxPowerAze`: The last I heard supervized transfers using t/T in CVS-HEAD do not work.
12:56.48ManxPowerI don't have even 1 person using t/T transfers.
12:56.54ManxPowerSince it makes IVRs not work.
12:57.27DrukenManxPower: how does it not make ivr's work?
12:57.54ManxPowerDruken: Because most IVRs want you to press # at some point, at which time Asterisk asks you for the extension to transfer to.
12:58.16ilium007what is the zaptel driver - is this the timing thing
12:58.29*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
12:58.32darwin35ztdummy is timiing
12:58.53ilium007oh and thats the one that depends on the type of usb chipset you have ????
12:58.53*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
12:59.01darwin35its part of the zap drivers only neede for meetme
12:59.01ariel_hello everyone
12:59.20darwin35not on fbsd it uses any usb chip
12:59.26syleany examples on setting up block lists?
12:59.41darwin35youput 1 line in your kernel
13:00.07darwin35and then loadup ztdummy and you have timing
13:01.21ilium007ok cool
13:01.22darwin35nnice to know all my porting work is being used
13:01.31ilium007what do you mean by 1 line in kernal
13:01.53ilium007hmmm i am getting lost quick here !
13:01.53darwin35when you build your kernel you add the line options HZ=1000
13:02.32darwin35have you never built a kernel on fbsd
13:03.17ilium007nope :(
13:03.50ilium007this is just hobby stuff at the moment for me :)
13:04.02ilium007i am willing to learn though !
13:04.22darwin35heheh but you willing to pay to be trained
13:04.42darwin35or are you office broken
13:04.44ilium007its a hobby :) thats part of it - find help for free :)
13:04.58BerndRdoes anyone have a solution for this jittery sound while playing audio files?
13:05.12darwin35yes its callled timing
13:05.28darwin35and dropping mpg123 and get madplay
13:06.09BerndRi'm using mono wav with 8000
13:06.13darwin35you have to have a timing device for MOH
13:06.25bjohnsonnot that I've heard
13:06.30darwin35not sure then
13:06.39bjohnsontiming is for iax trunks and meetme
13:06.53darwin35are you using mpg123
13:07.10*** join/#asterisk eye69 (
13:07.16BerndRmpg123 is running
13:07.37darwin35did you install the one that comes with *
13:07.51darwin35with make mpg123 in the * dir
13:07.56eye69Hey. Can anybody give a tip on a workable free SIP client for Windows? I just want my friends to be able to use my Asterisk server.
13:08.03*** part/#asterisk Grooby (
13:08.03ilium007darwin35: can you give me an idea on what is required to add that line to the frbsd kernel ?
13:08.12RaYmAn-Bxeye69: x-lite or sjphone
13:08.13BerndRinstalled by emerge
13:08.13MikeJ[Laptop]BerndR, head or stable?
13:08.17ilium007x-lite ??
13:08.28eye69RaYmAn-Bx: Ok, thanks.
13:08.32darwin35ill pvt me
13:09.37BerndRi use mpg123 Version 0.59s-r9 (2000/Oct/27)
13:09.46sylehow do i say if incomming calling number is this...?
13:10.33MikeJ[Laptop]syle, use 2 lines XXXX and 999
13:10.33ManxPowerexten => 9999999,1,Dial(SIP/666)
13:10.46ManxPowersyle: Is English not your native language.
13:11.02MikeJ[Laptop]wait, was that a range of numbers or 1 number?
13:11.21MikeJ[Laptop]it's one of our answers anyway
13:11.28ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop]: His lack of English language skills does make it hard to help him.
13:11.41MikeJ[Laptop]be nicer
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13:11.56BerndRmike, i'm -20
13:12.24sylemaxpower i mean for calls comming into me
13:12.55sylenot going out
13:12.55BerndRmike, the priority of asterisk
13:13.05ManxPowersyle: That IS for calls coming into you.  All calls into Asterisk are treated the same.  Asterisk tries to match the dialed number with an exten => line.
13:13.08MikeJ[Laptop]BerndR, sorry not following
13:13.22ManxPowerUnless you are using analog, in which case it will try to match exten => s,1,whatever
13:13.27MikeJ[Laptop]syle, replace the dial line with whatever you want
13:13.50MikeJ[Laptop]but the part after extern => is the number matching part
13:14.21Sato1do i really need to compile zaptel to make work asterisk if i m not going to use any digium in this box?
13:15.20sylehmm i tried that and it default to s , so i guess i can;t match on the analog fx port at all?
13:15.38ManxPowerSato1: You do not need Zaptel if you are not using any Digium or Sangoma hardware and do not need MeetMe or IAX2 TRUNKING
13:15.39darwin35if you want trunking and meetme yes
13:15.54ManxPowersyle: FXwhat?  FXS or FXO?
13:16.03*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
13:16.09ManxPowerWe can't help you if you are being lazy about your typing.
13:16.25ManxPowerYou cannot match on dialed number on analog FXO ports.
13:16.25|Vulture|is it required to patch HEAD with g729 or is it on there now?
13:16.31Sato1ManxPower, i need iax2 actually, this box will be connected to another asterisk via iax2
13:16.37ManxPowersyle: Since the telco doesn't even send you the dialed number.
13:16.43*** join/#asterisk Patrick^ (
13:16.51syleit does i get call display
13:17.14ManxPowerSato1: IAX2 works without zaptel.  IAX2 TRUNKING does not.  TRUNKING is something you can enable to save bandwidth when you have 3 or more calls going between the same two asterisk servers.
13:17.28Sato1got it
13:17.33ManxPowersyle: NO!  The telco sends you the CALLING number (CallerID), not the DIALED number.
13:18.01*** join/#asterisk trig (
13:18.20syleso is there a way around this? environment variable for callerid
13:18.41ManxPowersyle: You cannot get the dialed number.  You can get the calling number.  What do you want to do?
13:19.10sylei want if 9999999 is matched to send this bastard telemarketer to a busy signal
13:19.12BerndRwhat version of asterisk-oh323 is better? 0.6.5 or 0.5.10
13:19.38ManxPowersyle: So you want to send the call to a specific location if the CALLERID matches something?
13:19.41*** join/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
13:19.53ManxPowersyle: You are going to have a lot of trouble if you have trouble expressing yourself.
13:20.00ManxPowersyle: look up "ex-girlfriend" in the Wiki
13:20.16ManxPower~google ex-girlfriend
13:22.06syleexten => 6153248305/_931NXXXXXXX,1,Queue(queue1);
13:22.27syleCID i take it is the second part
13:22.29ManxPowersyle: You cannot know the dialed number on calls from an FXO port.
13:22.39ManxPowerexten => s/_931NXXXXXXX,1,Queue(queue1);
13:23.07*** part/#asterisk eye69 (
13:24.26*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
13:24.37MikeJ[Laptop]syle read the wiki.
13:26.07*** join/#asterisk airwolf (
13:26.16airwolfhi everyone
13:26.19MikeJ[Laptop]~google ex-girlfriend
13:26.36MikeJ[Laptop]well that wasn't helpful
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13:26.59airwolfanyone know how to call inphonex account from asterisk?
13:27.15airwolfi had register a free service from inphonex
13:27.41airwolfhow can i call another inphonex user?
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13:39.15tzafrir_laptopI'm trying to figure out something in the zaptel makefile
13:40.27tzafrir_laptopINSTALL_PREFIX serves like a prefix under which the package should be installed, right?
13:40.39tzafrir_laptopBecause there are some places where it is ommited.
13:41.03*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
13:41.17tzafrir_laptopAnd I'm trying to figure out why in the current debian package they have replicated this functionality with DESTDIR
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13:45.39CyberKnetThose Teliax guys are pretty nice =)
13:45.49*** join/#asterisk Betu| (~betul@
13:45.51ManxPowerCyberKnet: Yes they are
13:46.28CyberKnetHopefully they'll get 60/6 billing soon with no connection fee.
13:46.50ManxPowerI don't really mind the connection fee TOO much.
13:46.55krymeIs there a FAQ somewhere that tells how to setup SIP through a NAT device?  I haven't been able to find any real good information on it.
13:47.15ManxPowerkryme: Is the SIP device behind NAT and Asterisk NOT behind NAT?
13:47.26krymeManxPower, correct.
13:47.51ManxPowerkryme: if you use nat=yes in the [sipdevice] section of sip.conf then there is no special setup on the SIP device.
13:48.11krymeWow.  Too easy.  Thanks.  :)
13:48.12ManxPowerIn fact, if you do do special setup on the SIP device or the NAT router then it will usually break if you use nat=yes
13:48.35krymeThat's awesome.  Then things will work out amazingly for me.  :D
13:48.40ManxPowerkryme: I'm assuming you do not have a totally stipud SIP device and not a totally stupid NAT router.
13:49.41krymeWell, right now I'm just using a softphone.  I'll be getting a ZyXEL Prestige 2000W shortly, tho.
13:49.51ManxPowerkryme: That's a very bad idea.
13:50.09bkw_"Because its his opinion"
13:50.16ManxPower~google Zyxel problem
13:50.36ManxPowerResults 1 - 10 of about 147 from for  Zyxel problem
13:50.44bkw_for the "most" part the phone works from what I hear
13:51.06Sato1is it cheap?
13:51.09bkw_the early firmware for th ephone sucked
13:51.09ManxPowerkryme: FULLY research the phone first before buying it.  Some people have had issues.  Make sure you are aware of the issues first.
13:51.32bkw_Later firmware seems to have addressed a lot of the problems
13:51.33h3x0rall voip phones suck
13:51.39bkw_no they don't
13:51.40ManxPowerkryme: Then if you still want to, go buy it.
13:51.50ManxPowerAll softphone suck
13:51.53bkw_ManxPower, has me on his ignore.
13:51.57Sato1i just got a soyo g668 to play around for a little while
13:51.59bkw_and he's speaking out his ass righ tnow
13:52.07bkw_If softphone sucks.. asterisk sucks
13:52.13sylei did search for ex-girlfriend on wiki pages don;t think i got one, would someone be nice enough to provide the full url?
13:52.15bkw_because asterisk is nothing more than a softphone
13:52.19bkw_on steroids
13:52.35ManxPowersyle: Try searching for "exgirlfriend"
13:52.35krymeOK.  I appreciate it.  I'll do some more research.
13:52.36h3x0ryeah well
13:52.39ManxPowerIt's a BASIC feature of Asterisk
13:52.42Betu|Hi; is there any doc. about incompatible codec setting ?
13:52.46h3x0ra soft phone is like a girl without a pussy
13:52.50h3x0rwhats the point
13:52.55bkw_h3x0r, no
13:53.10Sato1i wouldnt say that much
13:53.12CyberKnetbkw_: so I'm curious... do you just have a number in a different state given the lack of porting by asterlink for oklahoma, or do you have a 405 area code, or just an 800 number, or... (how else can I get more invasive? =P)
13:53.14bkw_softphones with dedicated audio hardware like the DA-60's I think.. work great.
13:53.17syleno matches
13:53.27ManxPowersyle: then search the mailing list.
13:53.29bkw_CyberKnet, we have nothing but tollfree right now.
13:53.37bkw_CyberKnet, but that is about to change.
13:53.41ManxPowerIf you want me to hold your hand then I require dinner, drinks, and cash.
13:53.43CyberKnetbkw_: Aaaaah.
13:53.51CyberKnetbkw_: about to change in what regards?
13:53.57h3x0rbroadwing's generator is so fucking loud%#!^#!$^$#!
13:54.14bkw_CyberKnet, can't say yet
13:54.18bkw_doing interop testing soon
13:54.22*** join/#asterisk chipach (
13:54.40CyberKnetdoes doing number porting require having hardware in that area code, or is it just software based?
13:55.05bkw_it depends
13:55.11CyberKnetlike so many things =)
13:55.29FITA1I m in a conference(app_meetme2) with my fried after few minutes we thought that we should invite our other friend. Can we do this by dial his phone number while we are in conference??????
13:55.46ManxPowerkryme: Also be sure to research WiFi issues with VoIP.  Expecially "turbo" mode. I'm not sure if the turbo mode issues still apply or not, but it's better to do the research before you drop the money on a phone
13:55.54CyberKnetWell, please let me know when you get Oklahoma. I really want to use asterlink, but I couldn't convince my wife to get an 800 number instead of porting our existing number.
13:56.04bkw_CyberKnet, will do.. I want it also
13:56.20ManxPowerCyberKnet: no other providers have numbers in OK?
13:56.33*** part/#asterisk Betu| (~betul@
13:56.37CyberKnetbkw_: I can imagine so. Is it realistic to expect you might get it, or are there many more area codes in line before it?>
13:56.41CyberKnetManxPower: Not many.
13:56.50CyberKnetManxPower: Vonage does. =P"
13:56.54bkw_kryme, you can ignore ManxPower .. he's an opinionated prick that thinks he knows everything and has an opinion on just about everything, most of which is based on hearsay.
13:57.17ManxPowerCyberKnet: looked at Teliax?
13:57.27bkw_kryme, he hitachi wifi phones are very nice
13:57.29ManxPowerCyberKnet: there are a little more expensive, but I've been happy with them.
13:57.33Beirdobkw_: I think every channel collects a few of em :)
13:57.35CyberKnetManxPower: I was in negotiations with them earlier today.
13:57.49bkw_Beirdo, i'm sure
13:58.12ManxPowerCyberKnet: If you have very high usage someone else might be better, but for low to medium usage I think they are a good choice.
13:58.16bkw_CyberKnet, i'm in oklahoma.. so you know I am gonna get that one first
13:58.19FITA1bkw_:I m in a conference(app_meetme2) with my fried after few minutes we thought that we should invite our other friend. Can we do this by dialing his phone number while we are in conference??????
13:58.32bkw_FITA1, I dont use meetme or meetme2
13:58.33CyberKnetbkw_: heh. Wasn't sure of your position in the ocmpany heirachy chart =)
13:58.35bkw_so I dont know
13:58.50bkw_CyberKnet, hehe
13:58.56FITA1any suggestion
13:59.13CyberKnetbkw_: Well then, I will wait with bated breath.
13:59.13FITA1bkw_: what do you use
13:59.16bkw_go search for outdial on the wiki
13:59.35bkw_we wrote our own conf app
13:59.50CyberKnetManxPower: I make about 200 calls a month, average about 1000 minutes on those calls. teh connect fee is only totalling about $2.00 a month, but it's $2.00 that counts.
13:59.55FITA1I have looked at it, but it doesn't suit or not the approprait solution
14:00.19ManxPowerCyberKnet: if $2 makes or breaks a deal you have problems I cannot help with.
14:00.35FITA1bkw_: ur own conf app is not and open source
14:00.49bkw_FITA1, nope
14:00.50CyberKnetManxPower: there isn't a person in the world who should *not* be concerned about $2.00
14:00.51bkw_its internal only
14:01.01FITA1so sad
14:01.07h3x0rtwo bucks?
14:01.14BeirdoCyberKnet: sure...  Bill Gates
14:01.18bkw_CyberKnet, its good to be froogle
14:01.27FITA1do somthing for others toooooo
14:01.30bkw_froogle people aren't usually in debt
14:01.36Beirdos/froogle/a cheep bastard/ :)
14:01.39CyberKnetbkw_: Yes sir.
14:01.46bkw_i'm semi froogle
14:01.46CyberKnetBeirdo: You already know I'm a scotsman =P"
14:01.51Beirdoalthough there is something to be said for that
14:01.51bkw_but i'm also semi in debt
14:02.02CyberKnetbkw_: $2 for connect charges. $5 for access period. It all adds up.
14:02.09BeirdoI spend lots, and am currently not in debt
14:02.09bkw_CyberKnet, yep
14:02.26CyberKnetBeirdo: Thats because your pay check is the size of the empire state building =)
14:02.32bkw_Beirdo, send some to me
14:02.34bkw_i'll help you
14:02.52CyberKnetI have a PAP2 courtesy of Beirdo =)
14:03.13Beirdotoo bad you now want to ditch Vonage, it won't be as useful now
14:03.15CyberKnetalthough the bastard is locked... but I knew that when I acquired it.
14:03.33CyberKnetBeirdo: It has gained me 7 digit dialing for 3 months. well worth the 25 bucks I paid.
14:03.52Beirdoand it got a useless box out of my apt
14:03.58CyberKnetplus it is WAY more reliable than that motorola piece of crap I had.
14:04.09CyberKnetI'll definitely be returning the motorola over the linksys =)
14:04.23CyberKnet(have to return one to avoid a $30 charge)
14:04.38FITA1bkw_ I want an application boss
14:04.47CyberKnetand there's a *tiny* chance that I could unlock the PAP2 eventually. Not the Motorola though.
14:05.05CyberKnetIs unlocking ATA's a banned subject in here? I hadn't considered that it may be.
14:05.08bkw_FITA1, get da checkbook out
14:05.16chipachAnyone here have any experience using rxfax with *?
14:05.23FITA1i have :)
14:05.26bkw_chipach, yes it works
14:05.31bkw_FITA1, how much you got?
14:05.32chipachI'm getting "Poor Line Quality"
14:05.41FITA1how much you want
14:05.53chipachIt doesn't seem to be training correctly, yet two fax machines over the same physical lines DO work.
14:05.59ManxPowerCyberKnet: bkw_ will disagree with me, but I think that trying to unlock a PAP2 is rather pointless unless you just want to do it for the hack value.
14:06.03bochis this: "SIP/user:pwd@host/ext" right, for an outgoing call ?
14:06.19CyberKnetManxPower: for what particular reason?
14:06.31BeirdoManxPower: that makes no sense
14:06.39CyberKnetManxPower: an FXS costs $50 minimum.
14:06.42ManxPowerboch: bkw will disagree with me, but I think I saw something on the -dev list about that format not working.
14:06.43Beirdohe has a 2-line ATA that he could use if it were unlocked
14:06.52CyberKnetManxPower: Are you now going to tell me I have problems for wanting to save $50?
14:07.04bkw_ManxPower, can fuck off because I don't disagree with him.... It's pretty pointless.
14:07.17bochManxPower deam
14:07.28bkw_boch, no
14:07.36bkw_you setup peers/friends
14:07.47bkw_and its SIP/exten@peer
14:07.57bkw_or SIP/ip/exten
14:08.01bkw_or SIP/exten@ip
14:08.07bochim making a dynamic routing with my agi
14:08.09bkw_take your pick
14:08.44ManxPowerCyberKnet: no, I'm saying that chances of you being able to unlock the PAP2 are pretty small.
14:08.45CyberKnetI would like to hear why it is pointless please, if someone wouldn't mind explaining.
14:08.52Mc_TrHimeko, i come back
14:08.53bochdamn, my work is useless
14:09.11CyberKnetManxPower: aaaah. Yes. I'm not going to invest much time in it.... more like "keep an eye open and try if something gets thrown my way"
14:09.23ManxPowerCyberKnet: now THAT is a good idea.
14:09.42CyberKnetManxPower: The likelihood of it being able to be unlocked are astronomically low.
14:09.54Sato1todays HEAD-CVS does not compile
14:09.59Beirdowhich is why I sold it off to a Vonage subscriber
14:09.59h3x0rspeaking of cheap ass mother fuckers
14:10.02bkw_Sato1, what is the error?
14:10.07bkw_because I just compiled it
14:10.12h3x0ri was moving and needed to get rid of some steelcase furniture
14:10.20h3x0ri couldnt sell it for $20 if my life depended on it
14:10.24Sato1chan_zap.c:61:2: #error "You need newer libpri"
14:10.29h3x0rbut i put it on craigslist for $0 the day i had to move out
14:10.31*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
14:10.33h3x0rand i had 25 calls about it
14:10.42CyberKnetBeirdo: And why I will probably do the same and use the cash towards either a digium FXO+FXS card, or an SPA-3000
14:10.48bkw_Sato1, update your libpri
14:10.53bkw_its telling you exactly what to do
14:10.54Sato1i did
14:10.56Beirdothird-hand PAP2
14:11.14Sato1still giving the same error
14:11.17bkw_no you didn't
14:11.25bkw_make clean
14:11.26bkw_make again
14:11.28CyberKnetBeirdo: we have to share the "love" around. heh.
14:11.47Sato1Updating from CVS
14:11.48Sato1cvs server: Updating .
14:11.48Sato1[root@master libpri]#
14:11.49CyberKnetstrange kind of vonage love.
14:12.00CyberKnetSato1: make clean in libpri and make install
14:12.05Sato1ok, lets do it again
14:12.11bkw_make update libpri too
14:12.13bkw_make clean
14:12.16bkw_make update clean install
14:12.26CyberKnetsorry, that's what I meant.
14:12.37CyberKnet<-- new clubie
14:12.42bochis it possible to read the var ${HANGUPCAUSE} in agi script, after the $agi->exec(dial ?
14:12.44Sato1i did it, lets do it again
14:13.40Sato1done with libpri, lets go back with asterisk
14:13.47ManxPowerboch: Unless they fixed that, you cannot get access to automatically set extensions.conf variables within an AGI without doing something like SetVar(MY_HANGUPCAUSE=${HANGUPCAUSE}) before calling the AGI
14:14.14ManxPowerboch: Ah, after execing a Dial.  Gads, I have no idea.
14:14.34ManxPowerboch: Does you AGI script even still have control after Dial exits?
14:14.47Mc_TrManxPower, i solved my problem
14:14.50Sato1so.. lets see, it will take some time, its an AMD-k6-II 500mhz
14:15.16Mc_Trin zapata.conf i change usecallerid=yes to usecallerid=no
14:17.26ManxPowerMc_Tr: You're welcome
14:17.36bochManxPower yes
14:18.17bochi need that for the accounting, or if the call failed, pick another route
14:19.59bochmaybe a i could convine DeadAGI and uniqueid..
14:20.06bprice20I have 2 sip questions.
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14:20.34bprice20port number there.  Currently is  = Contact:
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14:20.39ManxPowerboch: see this
14:20.50ManxPower~google HANGUPCAUSE AGI
14:21.01bprice20and in the SDP body of the PSTN - SIP OK message could you send a
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14:21.42JuggieManxPower, i think they may have fixed that because i've had no problems
14:21.57bochthanks ManxPower
14:22.50ManxPowerJuggie: There was talk of it.  I guess it would depend on what version of Asterisk you are using.
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14:25.03bochOnce you run Dial from an AGI script, you lose control of the call via
14:25.03bochthe AGI script.
14:25.10bochthats the answer :(
14:25.58m0f0xHey, does anyone got a successful build of channels/h323, on CVS version?
14:26.10ManxPowerboch: I thought so.  Want to know how I dealt with the problem?
14:26.41Sato1m0f0x, just read the README file, do what it says, it should compile with no problems
14:27.01m0f0xSato1, I did, can I paste the error on a pastebin?
14:27.05bochManxPower yes, tellme
14:27.19bkw_Never dial in an AGI
14:27.24bkw_only set Vars and exit out of the AGI
14:27.33ManxPowerboch: This is how I did it in the past.  Not doing it anymore.
14:27.51Sato1m0f0x, well, may be some one else may help, i just did it with the mentioned versions of pwlib and openh323
14:27.52Sato1so lets see
14:28.03ManxPowerboch: I run the AGI to set the required variables, in the next priority I run the Dial, then in the following priority I run an AGI script to process the results.
14:28.18Juggiethat is the best thing to do
14:28.34bkw_Cluecon is a good place to go to learn all about this stuff
14:28.38m0f0xSato1, Which Linux distribution you're using? registration is open!
14:28.45Juggieyou can use the same agi if you want
14:28.47bochManxPower i see
14:28.49Juggiejust be sure to pass in flags....
14:28.53Juggieso you know your state
14:29.25ManxPowerboch: it may seem more complicated than required, but it's what needs to be done.  Also investigate the "g" option to Dial
14:29.27Sato1m0f0x, an old one, rh9
14:29.37bochManxPower but, why dont you do that any more?
14:29.43m0f0xSato1, take a look:
14:29.52m0f0xSato1, are you using Asterisk stable or CVS?
14:29.55ManxPowerboch: I don't have need dial from within an AGI anymore.
14:30.08ManxPowerboch: It was my first attempt as a Super dial script.
14:30.08bochoh, okey
14:30.23Sato1m0f0x, i m using the one before todays
14:30.34m0f0xSato1, I see
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14:31.10m0f0xSato1, You build pwlib & openh323 just by running make opt, right?
14:31.11ManxPowerboch: I decided it was easier to have a billion line extensions.conf macro 8-)
14:31.24Sato1m0f0x yup
14:31.54Sato1m0f0x but... once again, make sure you download the right versions of pwlib and openh323 mentioned in the readme file
14:32.10m0f0xSato1, I did that... :(
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14:32.23bjohnsonManxPower: you should check out the superdial macro on the wiki
14:32.24bochManxPower: i have all the routes in a sql db, so i order by price, and dial it
14:32.36bochif it fails, pick the next one
14:33.17Sato1bkw_, still, getting the same error while compiling todays version, it says that i need a new version of libpri, and i just made sure for 3th time it was the latest from cvs
14:33.25ManxPowerbjohnson: that has not even close to the functionality of my script
14:33.40rcamWould you guys recommend installing Asterisk on Debian or Red Hat Linux Enterprize?
14:33.54ManxPowerbjohnson: let me put up a copy of my script on pastebin
14:34.17rcamEnterprise rather*
14:34.26m0f0xSato1, Thanks anyway, I'll recheck everything again
14:34.35Moc_Anyone have a DLink  DES-1526 switch É
14:34.58bjohnsonanyone know how to get 'find' to exclude a directory?
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14:40.19bochnice dialplan
14:40.30jterrerocan someone please help me out? i get the following message when trying to modprobe wct4xxp
14:40.33jterrerozaptel: Unknown symbol crc_ccitt_table
14:41.01ManxPower"The variables can be set using SetVar, DBGet, AGI, web based CGI script, manager interface, government mind control rays, etc.  How they are set is up to you."
14:41.24ManxPower~google crc_ccitt_table
14:41.29rcamIn the lastest build of * is some sort of timing source still required for MOH?
14:41.36ManxPowerjterrero: now don't you feel silly?
14:41.47ManxPowerrcam: no,  Not since 0.70
14:41.52ManxPoweror maybe 0.90
14:41.54rcamManxPower Nice.
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14:42.15jterreroManxPower: ??? what do you mean
14:42.42Juggiejterrero, for asking the question without doing research first.
14:42.58jterreroive looked at the digium mail list and postings from other users
14:43.02jterreronone of them fix my issue
14:43.06jterreroive been doing this since yesterday
14:43.24rcamManxPower Are there any isssues with running Asterisk on Debian 3.0 Stable?
14:43.24jterreroi just recompiled latest kernel for gentoo, did everything from scratch
14:43.27jterrerosame shit
14:43.30jterrerosorry, language
14:43.41Juggieits fuckin ok
14:43.56ManxPowerrcam: no idea.
14:44.14Beirdoor like our highschool bus driver once screamed at us: "HEY!  Watch your fucking language!"
14:44.26ManxPowerjterrero: you mean none of them talk about making sure to enable that feature in the kernel build?
14:44.39rcamWhat do you guys think of Asterisk@Home?
14:45.12ManxPowerrcam: I think it could be good for people with simple needs for a home asterisk install
14:45.25bjohnsonManxPower: that doesn't work the same as the superdial macro
14:45.47bjohnsonManxPower: that is only suitable for incoming calls
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14:46.15Juggieoh oh
14:46.17ManxPowerbjohnson: see the dial-result macro near the end of that pastebin
14:46.20Juggielibpri is fuxored
14:46.22rcamManxPower Would it not suffice for a company?
14:46.27bjohnsoneg s-BUSY only goes to voicemail or hangs up .. doesn't return to the dialplan to try another extension
14:46.36Juggielike 3-4 bug reports about libpri in the last 1-2 days
14:47.08ManxPowerbjohnson: Um, s-BUSY will try another extension.
14:47.18ManxPowerset by the CFBL_DEST variable
14:47.43ManxPowerbjohnson: unless I screwed it up yesterday when I worked on updating the macro. 8-)
14:47.59Juggiesomeone finally pinpointed it
14:48.12Juggieapril 22nd, libpri got screwed
14:48.16bjohnsonit only tries one alternate number .. not an unlimited list
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14:48.42ManxPowerbjohnson: that is correct.
14:49.05ManxPowerbjohnson: I don't have an unlimited number of paths to a destination 8-)
14:49.16bjohnsonbut you might have more than 2
14:49.26pussfellerrcam, a company shouldnt be using gui tools to set up their communications, they need to understand how to do it themselves, by hand
14:49.26ManxPowerbjohnson: I feel that if your providers are THAT unreliable then you have problems no macro can solve.
14:50.05ManxPowerbjohnson: I have considered adding support to macro-dial-result for more than one backup destination
14:50.05bjohnsonI'm also thinking about it's application in a followme call system or ringing multiple extensions within an office in sequence
14:50.40bjohnsonManxPower: just noop() it back to the dialplan that called it .. the admin can then recall the macro with a different destination
14:51.09bjohnsonor dump it to a different voicemail, or hangup, whatever
14:51.25bprice20How do i force asterisk to use a=ptime:20 as opposed to a=ptime:30 in the sdp stream
14:51.37*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
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14:51.55bjohnsonlike a subroutine call in a program usually returns back to the line from which it was called
14:52.47ChkDigitThat would be a nice way to hang a program...
14:55.07vooduhalCould someone help me with a swig/perl issue. I'm trying to port ast_readstring over for use with res_perl and I'm having a bit of trouble writing the .xs file to run xsubpp to produce what I need to add to res perl.  The prototype for ast_readstring is int ast_readstring(struct ast_channel *chan, char *s, int len, int timeout, int ftimeout, char *enders);
15:00.44bprice20How do i force asterisk to use a=ptime:20 as opposed to a=ptime:30 in the sdp stream?
15:01.43bochextension 's' will be always executed for an incoming call on a context?
15:01.54*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
15:02.18ChkDigitboch: Not necessarily
15:02.19sudhir492boch: not really
15:02.32bochi cant figure out how it works
15:03.17sudhir492the best strategy is to use some variant of Goto(context,s,1)
15:03.27ChkDigitIf there are other extensions that match the incoming call (given extension via SIP or H323, or pattern matching on CallerID), then it can run another extension.
15:04.59MeatyI want show ib a web page, how channel is presently actived on asterisk, whats is the best way to do that ?
15:05.19MeatyCan i do a pipe on asterisk ?
15:05.45ChkDigitor the Asterisk Manager interface.
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15:09.59El^DiabloWhen I get static on my line, I seem to get this message in my logs (several times a second) May 12 11:09:02 NOTICE[5037]: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1. Any ideas?
15:10.28FITA1Does any one use app_meetme2(coferencing), and dial out to invite a friend
15:10.56Juggiei've never heard of that
15:11.14Juggienot in code form anyway
15:11.18Juggiei heard it talked about
15:11.58Juggieas for inviting a friend
15:12.00Juggiethats easy
15:12.18Juggieyou just need to use agi or a .call file to generate a call which throws you into the context which has code to join a converence
15:12.41Juggieif you want to make it dynamic, set a variable in your call generation that tells asterisk what conf room to join.
15:13.16*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (
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15:16.11|dennis|question: i just downloaded mpg123-0.59r, compiled it and installed it. I then enabled musiconhold in my zaptel.conf. When i put a call on hold..all i hear are static ounds..... any help???
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15:16.45ManxPower|dennis|: have you confirmed that your removed and previous version of mpg123?
15:17.12El^Diablonobody has any ideas on HDLC Aborts?
15:17.17ManxPowerEl^Diablo: Yes.
15:17.41|dennis|i never had any previous install of was a fresh install of sarge..i installe dmpg321 first..but same static i removed mpg321 and installed mpg123...
15:17.50rcamAre there any issues with Debian Woody and the lastest version of *?
15:17.52ManxPowerEl^Diablo: It means "we got corrupted data from the card".  The most common reason is some device locking interrupts for too long.  You read the mailing list archives for the common fixes?
15:18.56El^DiabloYeah. They talked about shared interrupts, but it it is on it's own interrups and it isn't showing any interrupt errors.
15:19.16rcamSomething is seriously wrong with
15:19.19El^DiabloIt also talked about clock slip (presumably due to the interrupts), but I didn't see any way of testing that directly
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15:19.33ManxPower~google hdparm HDLC
15:19.43ManxPower~google hdparm abort
15:19.50ManxPower~google hdparm
15:20.20ManxPowerEl^Diablo: IDE, RAID, graphics all commonly cause this problem as well.
15:20.45ManxPowerSo do just crappy chipsets.  I've run into motherboards that just won't work without massive problems with HDLC abots
15:21.06El^DiabloIt could be a crappy chipset, I'll have to see which one it is using
15:21.10|dennis|ManxPower: i never had any previous install of was a fresh install of sarge..i installed mpg321 first..but same static i removed mpg321 and installed mpg123...
15:22.01ManxPower|dennis|: what is the output of "ps -ax | grep mpg123"?
15:22.13Sato1now the error changes
15:22.14Sato1chan_zap.c: In function `zt_handle_event':
15:22.14Sato1chan_zap.c:3084: `ZT_EVENT_DTMFDIGIT' undeclared (first use in this function)
15:22.39ManxPowerEl^Diablo: modern server chipsets are commonly pretty crappy when it comes to interrupt latency
15:22.46|dennis|ManxPower root     17246  0.0  0.3  3764 1576 ?        S    08:58   0:00 mpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -b 2048 -f 4096 fpm-calm-river.mp3 fpm-sunshine.mp3 fpm-world-mix.mp3
15:22.47Sato1it also said: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
15:23.07|dennis|ManxPower: and there is no call in progress..
15:23.31ManxPower|dennis|: mpg123 is always running
15:23.46|dennis|oh okiee...just wondering...but yeah..thats the output...:)
15:24.08ManxPower|dennis|: do a "find / -name mpg123 -print"  moh sound rpoblems are almost ALWAYS issues with some oddball version of mpg123 laying around somewhere.
15:25.14ManxPower|dennis|: Weird.  No idea what the problem is.  It should work.
15:26.08|dennis| i need any sound drivers or anything on the server installed? by any chance? or do i even need a sound card on the server? i would not think so but you never know...???
15:26.22ManxPower|dennis|: nope
15:26.42|dennis|thanks...shall see what else i can do....thanks anyways...:)
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15:28.09jief-hello guys, i just received my TDM400P with 4 FXO ports. i modprobe'd zaptel, and now i try to modprobe wcfxo. but i get unresolved symbols. is there another module i should load also?
15:28.43tzangerjief-: wctdm
15:28.53tzangerwcfxo is for the X100/X101 cards IIRC
15:29.09jief-tzanger: i dont have that module. its not part of CVS
15:29.15ManxPowertzanger: it's still wcfxs in 1.0.x
15:29.24ManxPower1.0.x MAY have an alias for wctdm
15:29.33tzangeroh okay I didn't realize it was 1.0.x
15:29.43ManxPowertzafrir: I don't know what verison he's running.
15:29.53jief-tzanger: wouldn't i load wcfxo if i only have FXO ports?
15:30.07cpatryjief-: no FXS
15:30.11jief-im running 1.0.7
15:30.12ManxPowerjief-: no.  you would still load wcfxs or wxtdm.  Yes, the module name is confusing.
15:30.18cpatrywcfxs is for FXO ports.
15:30.28ManxPowerjief-: if you had read the README in the zaptel directory you would know this.
15:30.29jief-crack is bad for developers ...
15:30.29cpatryits always the opposite.
15:30.55cpatryjief-: crack is bad for which arent reading all the infos here and there too huh?
15:30.59ManxPowerjief-: you want the REAL answer?  read the README in the zaptel source directory?
15:31.05jief-ManxPower: our developer built a RPM for the drivers, and i dont have the README with me
15:31.22jief-alright, ill get the source
15:31.25cpatryget the src from cvs, not package.
15:31.33ManxPowerjief-: go to your developer and smack him upside the head
15:31.44cpatryand tell him to STOP CRACK too!
15:32.10ManxPowerjief-: and say to him "next time give me the docs, asshole!"
15:32.47cpatrytell him ya had fun with his mother yesterday night too. :)
15:33.04jief-so, now that i read the README and know i need to load wcfxs. what could prevent it from loading? does it require any other modules?
15:33.36Juggieif i add someone to a meetme conference as listen only, i cant unmute them is that correct?
15:34.06BerndRhas anyone patched rtp.c for improving the problem of jittering while doing sip calls?
15:34.24BerndRdoes this help?
15:34.31cpatryJuggie: guess so.
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15:34.37malcolmdbleh, network card died
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15:36.30jsharpCan asterisk, with chan_skinny or chan_sccp pretend to be a skinny phone or is it a call manager only?
15:37.13ManxPower"There is some sort of wow factor to the 35-pound cat in your Manhattan apartment."
15:38.18airwolfhow to make call from Asterisk to a Inphonex user?
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15:48.41loutuxhi everybody!
15:49.07|dennis|ManxPower: could it be because I dont have any zaptel ahrdware. all i did was compile and install asterisk. I have not installed ztdummy. Do i have to or is it part of asterisk?
15:49.26SeyrWhhat would cause audio to crackle(??) a little from an * server? Im connecting with a phone or softphone to it and every now and then it crackles a bit
15:49.33Seyrusing GSM
15:50.17JuggieSeyr, sharing irq's
15:50.31Juggieif you are using a zap board make sure its not sharing an irq with anything
15:50.34*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
15:50.38Seyrnot using one
15:50.52Seyrusing IAX
15:51.50*** join/#asterisk angler_ (
15:52.19Seyrbrand new dell 1850 server with FC3 and * installed, no other apps except pre-reqs and base FC3 install. box is not behind a firewall. audio crackles just a bit. enough to notice
15:52.36JuggieSeyr, then check for irq sharing
15:52.41Juggiesomething sharing irq with network c ard
15:53.17Seyrthanks, checking
15:53.32Seyrits got 3 NICS in it. 2 onboard and one PCI
15:53.44Seyri didnt order it....
15:54.05Juggiedisable any you arnt using
15:54.16Juggievia bios or whatever
15:54.18Juggieremove the pci one even
15:55.22Seyri needed a reason to get out of the office. going to the datacenter to do that is the perfect excuse :-)
15:55.51Seyralmost ready to start ordering sip phones for it
15:56.58Seyri have the menus all done and have it talking via SOAP to our windows boxes (for db, etc). just starting to work on using phones with it
15:59.03*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
16:02.52darwin35BV is down again
16:03.15loutuxwhat are you talking about?
16:03.30|dennis| works now..just needed a do i increase the volume?
16:03.39|dennis|on music on hold?
16:05.35*** join/#asterisk fefede (
16:05.46fefedehi all
16:06.31GroobyDarwin, i am looking for new providers now
16:06.38GroobyBV is just unacceptable
16:07.36SeyrGrooby: For your * box?
16:07.57SeyrAsterlink is who I am using
16:08.00Seyrso far 0 problems
16:08.23Stereohi folks
16:08.49Groobyi don't see residential
16:08.56Groobyyou using it for business?
16:09.17StereoI'm looking for a company that can provide me with a number a POTS user can call. Except this is in Luxembourg. Any ideas of where to start looking?
16:09.18Romiksomebody uses via c3 processors? on which freq. possible to use it without fan?
16:09.45Grooby800mhz is the highest w/ out fan
16:09.54Groobyelse you have to get those special heatsink case
16:10.11Romikgrooby: i have 798000 kHz (100 %)  it very hot without fan!
16:10.28SeyrGrooby: yeh
16:10.31Romikgrooby: when i stop the fan
16:11.21SeyrGrooby: should just call and tell em what you need.
16:11.48fefedei am try to get working some ipphone's... I have some problems in the codec negotiation... How can I do, to make asterisk don't interfere in the negotiation??
16:12.07fefedeI like that the end point resolve de codec to use....!
16:12.40Groobyi am looking for something cheap for local in US
16:12.50Groobyi already sign up for Teliax pay as I go plan
16:12.57Groobywhere it's only for outbound international calls
16:13.40Sato1they have now voip-plans also pay as you go
16:14.28Groobyi'll have to look into that
16:14.56SeyrAsterlink is flat 2 cents a minute, I believe. no fee and a toll-free #
16:15.26Sato1fwd has toll-free
16:15.55Sato1free accounts, and you may dial to many other providers for free
16:18.21*** join/#asterisk _omer (~dfsdf@
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16:21.55_omerhow to take the backups of Asterisk configuration to protect is from accidental crash...
16:22.04_omerhow to take the backups of Asterisk configuration to protect it from accidental crash...
16:22.42Romikomer: burn it on CD
16:22.48cpatry_omer: i would say isnt an asterisk question, its a *nix question.
16:23.29_omerRomik: which folder?
16:23.33*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:23.39Romik-> /etc/asterisk/
16:23.47_omeralright.....thanks :)
16:24.07tzangertar -czvf /tmp/asteriskconfig-20050512.tgz /etc/asterisk /etc/zapata.conf
16:24.20tzangerand if you have custom sounds or voicemail /var/spool/asterisk
16:24.26*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
16:25.03_omerthanks tzanger.
16:26.00*** join/#asterisk R3DB0x (nobody@
16:26.29pepziI get empty sip reads every 10 seconds.. Sip read:\n\n0 headers, 0 lines .. why? i have two eyebeam-softphones connected
16:29.22ManxPower~google eyebeam
16:32.14*** join/#asterisk HeadachesAbound (
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16:43.05outtoluncso, anyone know why if you use Background(file) and Read() right behind it.. if while Background() is playing you hit digits.. it *think* isn't an extension and tries to dial <G> when all you want is Read() to get the digits <G>
16:44.13ManxPowerouttolunc: because you should not use Background if you don't want to accept DTMF during playback.  Use Playback
16:44.51outtoluncwhat i wanted was the 'exit on dtmf'
16:45.04outtoluncso that it stopped playing
16:45.53bkw_Dev meeting today 1pm CST  IAX2/
16:46.01outtoluncoh shit that's right
16:46.09*** join/#asterisk wasabi_ (~wasabi@
16:46.15outtoluncman this week has gone by fast
16:46.19wasabi_Anybody able to recommend a voip phone that works perfectly with asterisk?
16:46.21jontowi've got a loop caused by a transfer.. :o  and all sorts of semi-cosmetic problems with my PRI on freebsd
16:46.41jontowoh i need to fix that
16:47.34*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || ClueCon Dev Conf Aug 3rd - 5th - (Registration Open Now) || Dev meeting today 1pm CST IAX2/
16:48.01jontowwhat the hell..
16:48.18jontow<< [ TYPE: Null Frame (5) SUBCLASS: N/A (0) ] [SIP/132-d98e]
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17:07.46h3x0rjonas: wheres the freebsd zaptel
17:08.03h3x0ri mean
17:08.25*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
17:10.34_omeranybody who have used ASTERISKWIN32?
17:10.50*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
17:10.56ChulJinGood morning Gentlemen!
17:11.03*** join/#asterisk rcam (
17:11.05ChulJinW00T! on several levels...
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17:11.22Romiksomebody can help to with expression that replace / to - in the string in asterisk language
17:11.37bkw_show functions
17:12.09rcamWhere does lynx save downloads by default?
17:12.10*** join/#asterisk fidsap (~fidsap@
17:12.57ChulJinPWD before launching Lynx, I believe
17:13.20rcamChulJin PWD?
17:13.28ChulJinyour working directory
17:13.31rcamI see.
17:13.49*** part/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
17:14.38rcamI tried to find a guide to do a remote install of Asterisk@Home or any distro for that matter... Any ideas of where to go?
17:14.49Romikbkw: i can't find way to use regexp on this? ther regexp to extract not to replace :(
17:16.04jontowit is a T100P running freebsd-zaptel-0.9 from latest ports
17:18.29*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:18.54hypa7iarcam, onto what OS?
17:19.50*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
17:20.02bjohnsonrcam: yes.  you need something to connect to first .. ie a ssh daemon
17:20.14shmaltzdoes callpickup (features.conf) work for queues?
17:22.03*** join/#asterisk durex (
17:22.09rcamhypa7ia bjohnson I have a Debian box running now.
17:22.33rcamhypa7ia bjohnson I am considering leaving it as is an just installing all of the software... But I like the ease of A@H.
17:22.42durexI'm trying to authenticate to a VoIP provider via ISP. I have to specify realm to this authentication. Where do I specify realm on registry line on sip.conf?
17:23.00durexsorry, via SIP
17:23.08harryvv* ports are all udp right?
17:23.17hypa7iawell, rcam you can just apt-get install asterisk
17:23.26hypa7iathat won't give yuo the latest version tho
17:23.26rcamhypa7ia I did.
17:23.29shmaltzdurex, I beleive asterisk should be smart enough to do this alone
17:23.31rcamhypa7ia I know.
17:23.41rcamhypa7ia I need AMP installed as well.
17:23.47durexshmaltz I have to change the realm to other one than the usual...
17:23.49*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
17:23.51hypa7iarcam, so you wantt he latest version, is that the issue?  or is it AMP that you're looking to install
17:23.52rcamhypa7ia No package for that.
17:24.02shmaltzdurex, then check the wiki
17:24.03hypa7iawell then either make one or install it from scratch
17:24.08rcamhypa7ia AMP.
17:24.22rcamhypa7ia I only know my way around... Doing all of that takes me a lot of time.
17:24.40rcamhypa7ia Which is why I was considering A@H.
17:25.13terrapenare there any EEs around?
17:25.15hypa7iathose are your only options as far as i know... you could always do a fresh install ofA@H
17:25.17BoRiSharryvv: yes
17:25.47shmaltzwhat a schmuck, askes a questions, I try to help him, no thanks and when I want to give him the answer he is gone.
17:26.04shmaltzdurex, don't ask *me* again
17:26.44rcamhypa7ia Which is what I was thinking... But it's a remote machine... I have never done a remote linux install.
17:26.51terrapenevery CRT monitor in my building is wobbling very severely
17:27.11shmaltzterrapen, are they watching some porn on it?
17:27.15harryvvBoris never mind :) I was doing some firewall test and got a report that iax2 was blocked but just made a two way iax call so obviosly that was not the case
17:27.16rcamhypa7ia I downloaded the ISO with Lynx.
17:27.25outtoluncprobably because the nuclear reactor near you is leaking <G>
17:27.37terrapeni think its the power company
17:27.40terrapenbut im not sure
17:27.46shmaltzso call the power company
17:27.59Himekoi get the wobble in my current house sometimes
17:28.00shmaltzif it's a power issue, they will get ruined
17:28.20shmaltzgtg guys
17:28.22shmaltzce ya
17:28.24harryvvyou mean a power drop
17:28.25Himekoit's even plugged into a apc smart-ups
17:28.51*** join/#asterisk netofsickcoder (~netofsick@
17:28.52outtoluncapc smartups does not have isolation (at least any worth a damn)
17:29.29Himekowell, if i unplug it and it is runnign off battery and it still wobbles it is certaily isolated
17:29.29ChulJinNB to all (cf. my complaints yesterday): I can now recommend telasip.
17:29.37ChulJinfromuser= will always git ya
17:29.39hypa7iarcam, at that point you're talking about a chrooted install... i don't know how to do that.  i'd go with putting in AMP manually.
17:29.43harryvvI worked at a company that had a Fiery print server hooked to a power strip. Some kind of power surge or blackout was not enough for that strip to stop it and wipped out the OS. Company presidents prior network manager obviosly should have thought more of that print server.
17:29.57outtoluncisolation and isolated aren't really the same thing <G>
17:30.08hypa7iadoes anyone have experience with whitebox vs. CentOS as a RedHat clone platfor for asterisk?
17:30.11ChulJin(success 1)
17:30.15outtoluncand if it's happening on batt power, it's either the monitor itself or the ups <G>
17:30.22ChulJinsuccess 2: I finally got RxFax working
17:30.27harryvvhypa, it works great in fedora core 3
17:30.34Himekoor weird em fields
17:30.52outtoluncthat or a magnetic field like i mentioned before <G>
17:31.09outtoluncremember the nuclear plant <G>
17:32.16*** join/#asterisk durex (
17:32.53hypa7iaharryvv, i'm eventually going to be putting it on real supported redhat, so i was looking for something closer.. the two big ones seem to be centOS (that's what A@H runs on) and Whitebox
17:33.15harryvvfedora core 3 is close. It has the red had embelem near the top.
17:34.31*** join/#asterisk jjhall (
17:35.22hypa7ialol, harryvv, i know that, it's less binary-compatible though as i understand
17:35.31jjhallanyone know why an entry in hosts.conf wouldn't be picked up?
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17:35.46jjhallThinking of 2 things at once.  :-)
17:35.56tandrewshello :)
17:35.57jjhallI mean /etc/hosts
17:36.32harryvvhypa, dont know but..if you have a althlon 64 do not use it as a work station. You miss out on alot of x86_64 aps
17:37.45Romik"Zap/23" : "/Zap/huyap/" this expression will replace Zap to huyap in the asterisk?
17:38.17sivanaariel_: ping
17:38.37ariel_hello sivana
17:38.41sivanahey :)
17:39.12hypa7iaharryvv, that's good to know.  thanks!
17:41.25tandrewswhat exactly is a "wink" ? As in "rxwink" time in zapata.conf ?
17:42.03durexhaving problem to specify a realm to a registry in sip.conf
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17:44.14Romikanybody can help me with regext in asterisk? "Zap/23" : "/Zap/huyap/" this expression will replace Zap to huyap in the asterisk?
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17:46.22tandrewsDumb question - what is "huyap" ?
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17:48.24Romiktandrews: just a sample
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17:51.00comintelwhats the command to show the dial statement
17:51.10tandrewsRomik: I use agi to munge stuff like that - that way I can use sqlite in the equation
17:52.41*** join/#asterisk vpp (
17:52.43vpphi guys
17:52.52*** join/#asterisk rcam (
17:53.02vppmy asterisk is stuck on 'Loading zaptel hardware modules:'
17:53.09vppany idea's?
17:54.45jontowwould "PRI got event: HDLC Bad Fcs (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1" be caused by using regular ethernet-spec'd cat5 instead of a t1 cable?
17:54.50jontowor negligible overall?
17:55.38Romiktandrews: no way to make simple regular expression replacement?
17:56.31*** join/#asterisk marky (emes@
18:02.53ManxPowerDoes Europe use the same battery sizes as the USA?  AA, AAA, C, D, etc?
18:03.05ManxPowerRomik: see README.variables
18:03.08ManxPoweror use an AGI
18:03.26RaYmAn-BxManxPower: those definitely exist at least..whether it's the same size I have no idea..
18:03.33RaYmAn-BxThey also generally have alternative names on them
18:03.44markyanybody care to point me in a direction
18:03.54ariel_ManxPower, yes they have the same type of battery
18:03.57markyi've been looking at the tutorial for asterisk and broadvoice
18:04.09markyi've got a voip account with my ISP and i'm not getting it to work
18:04.19ariel_marky, bv seems to be down allot right now.
18:04.32markyi don't have them....just referencing that tut
18:04.36wisdomthey've had a hard time keeping up with customer demand
18:04.41ManxPowerariel_: I thought so, but it would be VERY annoying to arrive and then find out they don't
18:05.20harryvvhi Manx, To your knowledge is there a asterisk context that will echo back a different dtmf tone if a caller calls a extension? May be a usefull selling feature to anyone who needs access to a dtmf solinoid door access.
18:05.20ariel_ManxPower, the biggest difference are the electrical plugs.
18:05.28markyi'm just looking at getting a calling in/calling out system that I can mess with
18:05.38markyi don't deal with creating situations in my head
18:05.52ManxPowerariel_: got that dealt with
18:06.14markyworks best if i just put it together and get it working
18:06.14Romikmanxpower: AA and AAA is for sure
18:07.33harryvvactually what may work is a recording of the dtmf and use that as playback
18:09.36DrWho17marky: I've been using voipjet for 1 month, no troubles, their web interface sucks, their CDR's aren't quite right, but the voice service has been fine
18:10.49Romikmanxpower: still do not undestand how to make regexp to replace Zap to Sip for ex:  Zap/23 to  Sip/23  ?
18:11.43markycan anybody point me a tutorial that might explain the trunks and whatnot
18:11.43vaewynJerJer: got a customer asking me if their nufone account will let them call Canadian 800 numbers... I am assuming no... correct?
18:11.46Romikmanxpower: do not forget in europe everywhere is 220-230 volts...most euipments in states is 110v
18:11.52*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
18:11.56markyi just printed off the asterisk handbook that may or may not help
18:11.59markyi've got service
18:12.13RaYmAn-BxManxPower: when you say dealt with, I assume you know that most European countries have different electricity sockets? (but most at least has the same voltage at between 220 and 240)
18:12.21harryvvManxPower: where are you going
18:12.38harryvvI was going to say that
18:12.52harryvvalso the frequency is different
18:13.01*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
18:13.02harryvv50 hz vs 60 hz here
18:13.25*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
18:13.32vppif i have a T1 card setup in span 1
18:13.35harryvvManxPower:  call radio shack thay may still sell frequency/voltage conversion adapters.
18:13.37RaYmAn-BxI think it's 50hz here..but most things you buy here can take both 50 and 60 (and a lot can take 110V as well)
18:13.38vppwhat do i put in extensions to dial out of it?
18:14.30RaYmAn-BxI have a canadian iPAQ where the powersupply works just fine here with a simple converter that just makes the plug match up
18:15.00markyapple computer equipment is simalar as well
18:15.05marky$80 accessory kit...
18:17.42vaewynvpp: zap/1 for channel 1   or zap/g1 to use next in span
18:17.58vaewynassuming your span is setup as a group
18:18.02vaewynwhich it should be
18:18.32*** join/#asterisk zwhitley (
18:19.32zwhitleyAny Digium employees here?
18:19.45vppoh ok.. how do i set it up as a group?
18:21.08vaewynvpp: group=1  in your zapata.conf
18:21.25vaewynor group=2 if you want it to be group 2... etc...
18:22.38*** join/#asterisk jjhall (
18:22.40Romikregex make me crazy!!!! :( i can't find way to do it
18:22.52vaewynzwhitley: There are... but they don't interact much...  if you have a setup/config issue though feel free to ask and someone can try to help you
18:23.19vppok cool
18:23.43vaewynvpp: if you used the zapata.conf.sample then it will already be there
18:24.46zwhitleyI don't have any config questions. (at this moment) just wanted to mention something to a Digium employee that was directly relateed to Digium.
18:25.04vaewynzwhitley: ahh :}
18:25.05hardwirehow dare you
18:25.55vaewynhardwire: because I use swisscheese for underwear?!?
18:26.10DrWho17Romik: download the file to an editor, and do a search and replace then
18:26.11zwhitleyif there are any out there msg me, if not I'll just write an  email. thanks.
18:26.45vppwhats the 50 for?
18:26.50vppis that right?
18:26.57vaewynnumber of seconds to wait for answer
18:27.01vppahh ok
18:27.02ManxPowerthe 50 time to wait before giving up
18:27.14JuggieManxPower, have any expirence with agi processes going defunt
18:27.15vppok cool
18:27.15DrWho17vpp: digium has a manual on their site for basic questions
18:27.16Trionnisanyone have suggestions for a provider to replace broadvoice?
18:27.18ManxPowervpp: I assume these are FXS ports?
18:27.22Juggiebut none the less still terminating and asterisk moving on
18:27.29vaewynManxPower: T span
18:27.32Juggieasterisk knows they are over, but they still hang around in the process list.
18:27.33TrionnisI kinda need the unlimited EU calling, and of course, asterisk support
18:27.34ManxPowerJuggie: only when I forget to have a callback handler for when people hang up.
18:28.01Romikmanxpower: could you advice with regex replacement?
18:28.02DrWho17Romik: ok, I thought you just wanted to batch change zap's to sip's
18:28.07*** join/#asterisk joe (
18:28.12JuggieManxPower, none of my agi code does dialplan functionality just database, setting vars and stuff, how would i implement a call back handler?
18:28.13ManxPowerRomik: only what is already in README.variables
18:28.19vppManxPower.. its a T1 card
18:28.37Romikmanxpower: there no sample  for : operator
18:28.40ManxPowervpp: So you don't need to dial a phone number or anything like that?
18:28.51dalaberaHas anyone experience echo problems transferring calls from a legacy PBX into Asterisk?
18:28.54ManxPowerRomik: I have never done REGEX unless it's in an AGI
18:29.04vaewynReminds me...  anyone that is planning on hooking to a Norhell...  use 5ess pri_net on your end or it won't let you dial anything but 'local' extensions
18:29.04vppwell it comes in SIP, goes out on the T1
18:29.10ManxPowerJuggie: The examples for asterisk-perl should give you the needed info.
18:29.19ManxPowerSee also the pastebin I'm creating in a moment
18:29.20Romikmanxpower: any other way to replace substring inte string?
18:29.36Juggieyah i'm looking now, but my agi's dont do anything that rely on input from the user
18:29.37vaewyns/Zap\//SIP\//g   or the other way around
18:29.40Juggieso i dont see how they could be blocking
18:29.47Juggiei'm not getting channels tied up
18:30.03Juggiei've seen that happen, where a zap channel doesnt terminate because the agi is still running
18:30.10Juggiebut thats not happening in this case
18:30.23vaewynJuggie: anything on 'show channels' ?
18:30.45Juggiewell i just restarted to make them go away, but i dont think so
18:30.54vaewynhm... odd then
18:30.58Juggiei'll check again when some more processes build up
18:31.04*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
18:31.07Juggiethere were like 200 defuncts
18:31.16Juggieif they were trying up lines
18:31.20ManxPowerJuggie: using asterisk-perl?
18:31.22Juggieall my lines would have been held up
18:31.24Juggieno, phpagi
18:31.30ManxPowerJuggie: I can't help you then
18:31.37ManxPowerMy pastebin is for asterisk-perl
18:31.49Juggieyah i know... its the same idea tho i'll check
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18:36.34ManxPowerJuggie: And if you laugh at my code I will be forced to hurt you. 8-)
18:37.47*** part/#asterisk PCadach (
18:39.21JuggieManxPower, i dont do perl :)
18:40.33CyberKnetEvery man has had a go on Perl. How did you miss out? =)
18:40.37vaewynManxPower: actually not bad...  if you ever turned use strict on though it would slap you down  :}
18:40.55sudhir492ManxPower: Its time you too moved from Perl to Python.
18:41.15vaewynsudhir492: it's time python got over itself  ;P
18:41.53Lee__Perl is great. Python is great. Java isn't. there. it's settled :)
18:41.58vaewynpython was an answer to problems that perl use to have...
18:42.06vaewynnotice the past tense
18:42.15vaewynLee__: hehehe
18:42.20seanI love how I have 2 java apps running on my desktop, and also two full JVMs. how nice.
18:42.24vaewynyour new here arn't you?   ;P
18:42.45Lee__fairly. one month.
18:42.53anthmdo what you want, just don't be dissing perl
18:42.54Trionnisanyone have suggestions for a provider to replace broadvoice?
18:42.57TrionnisI kinda need the unlimited EU calling, and of course, asterisk support
18:43.00vaewynLee__:  I was trying to be facetious...  but anywyas  :P
18:43.32*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
18:43.36vaewynLee__: depending on the mood wars can go on for days in here :P
18:43.52Lee__I'm new but I'm a few steps away from getting Asterisk on an embedded platform.
18:43.55Corydon-wIt's time to move from Python to assembly language.
18:44.12Corydon-wAt least in assembly, you can do thing in multiple ways
18:44.14vaewynLee__: Cool... congrats :}
18:44.39vaewynLee__: You should hook up with kpfleming...  he got it running on the Linksys WRT54G boxes :P
18:44.42Lee__thanks. it's my first hack at embedded Linux.
18:44.56Lee__woah, a $50 * appliance  :)
18:45.02vaewynyep :P
18:45.03Lee__probably can serve one channel though.
18:45.26anthmhow did vi take the loss did it need a hankey?
18:45.35vaewynAs long as you don't transcode it handles quite a few calls
18:45.54Lee__cool. I really need to get one of those things
18:46.09vaewynemacs lost... it just didn't notice cause the results were in plain english   :P
18:46.47*** join/#asterisk Nuxi (
18:46.49vaewynemacs is like S&M.... it loves control...
18:47.10vaewynctrl-x ctrl-w
18:47.42ManxPowerEMACS OS: Your nightmare has just begun!
18:48.37CyberKnetEver wonder why in web forms suffix drop down box they have "Jr" or "Sr" or "III"... but not even once have I ever seen one that said "Master Of The Universe". I mean, what am I supposed to do?
18:48.37anthmevery feature I ever added to asterisk that you shamelessly use was coded in emacs so have that in mind as you think of ways to knock it.
18:49.01*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
18:49.10ManxPowerCyberKnet: Leave it blank.
18:49.14seanCyberKnet: I intend to sign up as Senator next time I buy an airline ticket online.
18:49.26ManxPowerFuture Emporer of the Planet is never there either.
18:49.31*** join/#asterisk Dishwasha (~chatzilla@
18:49.44ManxPowersean: that will keep you off the plane ya know.
18:49.46Inv_Arphmm anyone having incoming BV issues?
18:50.02CyberKnetsean: definitely.
18:50.06ManxPowerIs there a day when someone does NOT ask "Anyone here having problems with BroadVoice?"
18:50.11*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
18:50.17DishwashaHey, I figured I might as well mention that zaptel-1.0.7.tar.gz and libpri-1.0.7.tar.gz have corrupt tar files from, so if anybody here works at digium you might mention that
18:50.21seanManxPower: bah. it's an innocent "mistake"
18:50.29vaewynanthm: but you coulda done the same thing in any editor... so I still knock it :P
18:50.51vaewynManxPower: before they opened for business   ;P
18:51.11seanplus, I'm in Canada. We're much less uptight about air travel (even though we ARE still uptight about it).
18:51.12vaewynanthm: Hey..... I'm on your side on the perl thing....
18:51.20DishwashaOh wait, nevermind, seems to be an issue with microsoft ftp, weird how asterisk, asterisk-sounds, and asterisk-addons worked fine tho
18:51.52vaewynanthm: my main complaint with emacs is that it isn't small enough to work off a boot disk...  and hence I would have to keep 2 editors in my mind
18:51.58DishwashaWell, this is cool, I have finally deployed my first asterisk server complete with dialplan
18:52.07jsharp"issue with microsoft" is usally the answer to most of life's problems.
18:52.18Dishwashajsharp: hah
18:52.19blitzrageOT: anyone know how to cut a number of characters from a string in PHP
18:52.22vaewynanthm: heck... I don't even use vim... I use nvi just so it doesn't screw with my mind :P
18:52.25anthmahh but when would you do software develompent on a boot disk!
18:52.25Lee__Dishwasha: congrats. I hope Windows didn't get in the way too much
18:52.26blitzragejust need a pointer to the right function
18:52.30jsharpuse substr()
18:52.34blitzragejsharp: thanks!
18:52.48DishwashaLee__: Oh no, fortunately I'm using Linux for everything but downloading
18:53.02vaewynanthm: I don't...   but then again when I do software development I use EPIC under eclipse now...  that is taking over as my only method of perl coding
18:53.24DishwashaSo, if anybody needs help configuring asterisk to integrate with MCI's VOIP service, let me know.  I might even write up a little instruction for the Wiki
18:53.37vaewynanthm: You should try it sometime...  it really does speed up development... especially in CVS/shared environments
18:55.12anthmthey only way left for me to speed up development is clone myself
18:55.32Dishwashaanthm: You should play the game "Evil Genius"
18:56.57Lee__argh! configuring a serial console boot Linux has so many insane steps. I feel so old skool.
18:57.36DishwashaDoes your getty look like spaghetti?
18:57.53harryvvAnyone seen a case  while in in vm option 3 does not respond?
18:57.58Lee__I got past grub and Linux, only to find that getty's not configured.
18:58.14Lee__harryvv: nope
18:58.14Dishwashaew, most distros do weird, which one?
18:58.39Dishwashathat probably explains it, I haven't used debian (directly) as of yet
18:58.47DishwashaI'm an ol' slackware fuddy duddy
18:58.51Lee__I was able to install it via netboot, which was kind of rad.
18:58.53*** join/#asterisk juice (
19:00.49*** part/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
19:01.30jetsHow do you change the IRQ on a te410
19:01.39jsharpMove it to a different PCI slot.
19:01.42vaewynmove it to another slot
19:01.56*** join/#asterisk drmac (~drmac@
19:01.59Dishwashawatch out for motherboards that do PCI slot sharing
19:02.00jetsThat's the only PCI slot in this server!
19:02.03vaewynor if you have a good bios... reassign that slot
19:02.14drmacanyone here help me with ztcfg errors?
19:03.23harryvvsomething is really bugy with this voicemail. Always studders and some times does not respond to prompts like selecting advanced options #3.
19:03.27*** join/#asterisk nytefall (~n2nightfa@
19:03.48jontowi wonder how to get an easy module going in asterisk built from freebsd ports
19:04.04nytefallgot a question for asterisk T-1 guru
19:04.42nytefallwhat DT type does an E&M signalling need to pick up dialed digits?
19:05.12nytefallis it MF or DTMF?
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19:06.31drmacI get this error when running ztcfg: "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)"
19:06.46jsharpnytefall:  You can use DTMF or MF, depening on which flavor of E&M you select.
19:07.02jsharpdrmac: It means you've got your signalling set wrong for the particular card
19:07.57*** part/#asterisk leandro_pt (
19:09.44drmachmm..everything is pri, b8zs, esf..
19:10.35nytefalljsharp --> can you direct me to a source where I can get more details?
19:10.54vaewyndrmac: pri_net or pri_cpe?  not just 'pri' correct?
19:11.06jsharpnytefall:  Look at zaptel.conf under signalling type.
19:11.40vaewynzaptel doesn't have signalling... that is zapata
19:11.50jsharpoops, yes.
19:11.52vaewynzaptel is framing/timing
19:12.11jetsThe ident dial on these cards don't change anything
19:12.29jontowwhat the heck.. since when did the UNIQUEID field become something like: asterisk-47909-1115925106.0
19:12.30jsharpUh.  Ident dial?
19:13.26jetsthis te410p has an ident card 0-9 and a-f
19:14.55rcamAnyone here setup AMP before?
19:15.00jsharpCan you stick your zaptel.conf on
19:16.45vaewyndrmac you have bchan=1-23 and dchan=24  or something akin to that?
19:17.05jetsDoes the te410 run at 133mhz
19:17.07drmachang on..i think its something else..
19:22.24*** join/#asterisk techie (
19:23.17ChulJinAnyone here having problems with BroadVoice?
19:24.29opus_yeah, broadvoice does not work
19:24.32rcamChulJin I tried to call them earlier to sign up... And even there phone system was messing up.
19:24.56rcamI figured if they could not handle their own phones, they can't handle mine.
19:25.01ChulJinI don't touch BV...I just wanted to get ManxPower's goat. :P
19:25.21*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~t0tal@
19:26.03*** join/#asterisk Juxt (~Juxt@
19:26.03rcamChulJin NuFone works well.
19:26.31*** join/#asterisk dsfr (~dsfr@
19:26.33vaewynNuFone works very good
19:26.43Lee__so does my getty! yea!
19:27.02Lee__is NuFone accepting any new customers yet?
19:27.14marloweLee__: chan_zap up but now im getting this:
19:27.44drmacMay 12 14:32:51 NOTICE[16360]: app_dial.c:968 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 0)
19:28.03drmaccause 0 isnt defined anywhere
19:28.18Juxti have 6 fxo cards in my box
19:28.31Juxtwhat's the simplest way to cycle thru them to find an avaiable one for an outgoing call?
19:28.35vaewyndrmac: what does a   pri show span 1 say?  ( it)
19:28.46*** join/#asterisk netofsickcoder (~netofsick@
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19:28.57vaewynJuxt: make them one group and   call zap/g1  instead of zap/1
19:29.03bjohnsonJuxt: groups in zapata
19:29.30Juxtso create goup=1
19:29.34Juxtand add channel=1
19:29.36bjohnsonJuxt: and/or use superdial macro that could then let you call out via voip provider if the zap group is busy
19:29.38Juxtchannel=2, etc
19:29.56ManxPowerJuxt: SIX FXO cards?  You sick bastard!  How did you get them on their own IRQs
19:30.11bjohnsonJuxt: btw, 6 pci cards is likely gonna be a problem
19:30.14vaewyndrmac: umm...  what is the /R1/ for?   that should be  zap/g1/18005551212....
19:30.24drmacR is for reverse round robin
19:30.38vaewynforgot about that one
19:30.45Juxtyeah i am expecting problems :-)
19:30.57Juxtnot all of them have their own irqs
19:31.00Juxt2 of them share 1
19:31.02Juxtnot good i know
19:31.17jontowwhy not get a pair of the 4port card?
19:31.25drmacchanged it to g1 just to be sure and got same behavior
19:31.26Juxtthis is a temporary solution
19:31.27vaewyndrmac: You arn't by any chance connecting to a Norhell box are you?
19:31.36Juxti have these phone lines for 3 more months
19:31.38vaewynok... just checking :P
19:31.43Juxtnot worth buying 4 port cards
19:31.51Juxtso in zapata
19:32.05drmacyou can get digium X100P's off ebay for about $10 each
19:32.06Juxtdo i just add channel=n one per in the group?
19:32.43vaewyngroup=1   channel => 1-23
19:32.44vaewynor such
19:32.52vaewyndrmac: you got something like that also?
19:32.55drmacvae: i just enabled pri debug span 1
19:33.03drmacand when i made the call again..
19:33.06drmacsame thing
19:33.09drmacno debug stuff
19:33.12Juxtwhat does pickgroup do?
19:33.15drmacwhich means the call never made it to the pri
19:33.26drmacpickupgroup is for *8
19:33.28vaewyndrmac: do you have the    group=1 and   channel => 1-23   lines in zapata.conf?
19:34.16jsharpzap show channels   shows you all 23 channels?
19:34.27drmacshows all 96 channels *wink*
19:35.08jsharpAnd your D channel is up?
19:35.16drmacyep..all 4
19:35.57Juxtok i got the channels working, thank you guys
19:36.07drmacapp_dial is the one giving the error..
19:36.30drmacpri debug doesn't show anything because app_dial never sends the call to the pri
19:37.28drmacdial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0)
19:37.33ManxPowerdrmac: pri debug will show stuff regardless
19:37.44ManxPowerdrmac: PRIs are chatty beasts
19:37.46drmacno..pri intense debug will
19:37.57ManxPowerdrmac: just wait.
19:38.17drmacenabled "pri debug" on all 4
19:38.39vaewynumm... drmac... ztcfg has run right?  and you have restarted asterisk since you last changed the zaptel.conf or zapata.conf correct?
19:38.39jontowwhat would you guys like to see in ?
19:39.04vaewyndrmac: full restart...  not just a reload
19:39.50*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
19:39.57vaewynhmm... I am puzzled then... your configs look good
19:40.37Juxtok this superdial macro thinger
19:40.45Juxti am looking at the attibutes, they confuse me :-)
19:40.45drmacdebug isnt helpful either...
19:40.46drmacapp_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=CHANUNAVAIL.
19:42.39jsharpPositive your D channels are up?
19:44.07drmacguess i'll call the card manuf's again
19:46.02Juxtcan someone show me a working samle of superdial?
19:47.10ManxPowerdrmac: you are using BRI?
19:47.18ManxPoweror have 4 PRIs?
19:47.19vaewynManxPower: PRI
19:47.36drmac4 pri
19:48.09drmacbtw, i have yet to see any pri debug messages
19:48.33jsharpCan you try just Dial(Zap/1/18005551212)
19:48.38jsharpWithout using the group?
19:48.52vaewynnot a bad idea to try
19:49.57drmack,..hang on
19:50.28drmacWOAH! that worked!
19:50.32drmacwhat the hek
19:50.44vaewyngroups are messed up
19:50.48drmacsomebody dont like my groups
19:50.54DefrazUmm, what things can I check to see why I have echo. I have plenty of bandwidth, in fact I am only using it on my network(asterisk) and I hit the local pstn with a pri
19:51.05DefrazCan seem to find anything that might fix it.
19:51.05drmacthey be here:
19:51.36vaewyndrmac: just out of curiosity... try zap/g5/....
19:51.45vaewynI think it is overwriting g1
19:51.50*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
19:51.53vaewynsince is the same channels
19:52.21Carp1Right now I'm writing my AGI scripts in PHP..  Do you think it would be better to learn Perl to write them or learn C and just create an application?
19:52.22drmachang on..
19:53.09*** join/#asterisk casterman (~casterman@
19:57.42drmacnope g5 gave same error as before
19:58.13vaewynHmm... odd...  I would try only using g1-g4 with no overlap... and build up from that and see where it breaks
19:58.38vaewynAFKhave fun all
19:59.05drmacyes..gonna do that
20:03.01NuxiCarp1, what are your goals?
20:05.37*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
20:05.45drmacCarp1, what is wrong with PHP?
20:05.51drmacall my AGI's are in php
20:05.55drmacwork wonderfully
20:06.27*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
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20:09.51Juxtcan you write Fast AGI in php?
20:10.20jontowcan you write Fast AGI in Fortran? (WATFOR only)
20:11.47Carp1drmac: From what I hear, its a resource hog
20:12.38NuxiThat's why nobody uses it for servers.  What kind of idiot would run php on a server?
20:14.02Carp1What do you mean no one uses it?
20:14.06Carp1I know alot of people that use it.
20:14.25jontowi like writing AGI with /bin/sh
20:14.40*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
20:14.54jontowfirestrm; talkabout FastAGI :)
20:15.31shmaltzanybody knows if *8 (call pickup) works with queues?
20:15.37NuxiFastAGI is absolutely necessary to write agis for java.
20:15.44firestrmjontow, that why i only use assember for embedded systems.. nothing faster.. maintainance is a bitch.. but its fast.
20:16.28*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
20:18.10NuxiCarp1, if php is too slow, resource intensive, etc, then you probably want to write an app, as that would be the most efficient.
20:24.20*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:25.44shmaltzanybody knows if *8 (call pickup) works with queues?
20:26.23*** join/#asterisk makkia (
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20:29.05Juxtif i use firefly, how can i transfer calls?
20:30.10bjohnsontrue geeks run mod_logo
20:30.21Beirdopen up
20:30.34Beirdoforward 100
20:30.36Beirdopen down
20:30.43bjohnsonright 90
20:31.20Juxtcan i program say *<extension> to transfer a call to that extension?
20:31.29bjohnsonJuxt: yes
20:31.31Beirdothat brings back memories
20:31.40Juxtbjohnson: how is that done
20:31.48opus_* ChulJin will start writing mod_apl as soon as his special 300-key apl keyboard is delivered.
20:31.57opus_whoah that would rock!!!!
20:31.57bjohnsonJuxt: during a call or at dial tone?
20:32.04Juxtduring a call
20:32.22bjohnsonJuxt: you would have to reprogram the code to look for * instead of #
20:32.34bjohnsonand then use the tT dial options
20:32.35Juxthmm well...
20:32.43|Vulture|anyone know why I might be getting "Out of g.729 Decoder Licenses" errors, I have 2 licenses and 1 7960 is connected happens only when I try to bridge the call to Zap or IAX
20:32.49Juxti don't hav ea problem with # either
20:32.51bjohnsonJuxt: you're aware that # will work right?
20:32.57Juxtit doesn't seem to
20:33.05bjohnsonyou used tT?
20:33.14*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
20:33.29Juxterr no
20:33.41ManxPowerJuxt: Is your device too stupid to support it's own transfers?
20:33.46bjohnsonfind and read about the options to the dial() command
20:34.06ManxPowerFor Zap you use FLASH/RECALL/LINK, for SIP you use the Transfer key on your phone.
20:34.12ManxPowerQuite simple, really.
20:34.17Juxtyeah i am using firefly
20:34.21Juxtdoesn't have a transfer key
20:34.34ManxPowerAll SoftPhones suck.
20:34.41Juxtthat might be true
20:34.49bjohnsonlikely been discussed on the mailing list .. probably needs the tT
20:35.09Juxtyeah the mailing list archive isn't really searchable
20:35.13Juxtunless i am missing something
20:36.06jbotmailinglist is probably Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
20:36.35jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:36.48ManxPowerMaybe I don't post those links often enough
20:37.53*** join/#asterisk MrSam2 (
20:38.32MrSam2anyone using a SpeedTouch 716 with asterisk
20:39.35ManxPower~google speedtouch
20:39.38harryvvAre there any other voip suppliers near the pacific nw ? atacomm and voip suppy are just to far away.
20:42.12MrSam2already tried that, no help
20:42.44MrSam2asterisk is returning a 407 when I try to dial from the fxs ports
20:44.12Beirdoharryvv: I think there's one in Vancouver, BC, close enough?
20:44.16*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
20:44.48docelm0does anyone know how to pull the dialstatus information from an oh323 channel? I am having quite some trouble with this. Works with IAX and SIP but not the oh323
20:46.22*** join/#asterisk kietlak (
20:48.55harryvvBeirdo, if its the same company that sold me the sipura ata 1000 then thay really jack up the price. Thay charged like $130 for my ata. Phones are corospondingly expensive also.
20:49.09Beirdoah, that could be
20:49.28opus_anyone here run x86_64?
20:49.33Beirdobut that's still cheaper than the bend-over-and-take-it brokerage fees in cross-border shipping
20:49.40opus_does gaim and firefox take half a gig of memory like my system does?
20:50.39harryvvActually yes or mabey no. I have imported PC hardware and still payed the same gst/pst as it was purchaced locally.
20:50.57MrSam2can I disable the 407 authentication requests
20:51.02harryvvUnder what cases are brokerage fees are charged?
20:51.22docelm0opus yes
20:51.31docelm0dual opteron 248
20:52.17harryvvdoc, I have the 244  but only one cpu at this moment.
20:52.30docelm0I have 15 of these servers
20:54.53harryvvdoc, what are thay being used for.
20:55.07*** join/#asterisk vooduhal (
20:55.33vooduhalCan anyone here help with a swig/perl question?
20:56.12vooduhalI've got ast_readstring working now but I'm not sure how to handle the char buffer length issue.
20:57.08vooduhalThe prototype of ast_readstring is: int ast_readstring(struct ast_channel *c, char *s, int len, int timeout, int ftimeout, char *enders)
20:57.27vooduhals is the location to put the user input, and len is the length.
20:57.30*** join/#asterisk _DAW (
20:57.40docelm0harry, asterisk call processing
20:57.48vooduhalBut how do I handle the length of a string in perl so that I can properly give it a length?
20:57.59docelm0I have 5 setup loadbalanced running calls
20:59.45*** part/#asterisk Juxt (~Juxt@
21:02.28opus_doccelm0 - do applications take like 10 times the amount of memory on your system? I know that with 64 bit addressing, everything is big, but like this is ridicolus
21:02.42opus_firefox takes 400mb started with no page loaded
21:03.00opus_gaim taikes 189mb
21:03.15opus_X is using 2 gigs of virtual memory
21:03.27docelm0No.. I dont use much of anything on my x64 boxes
21:03.41`Sauronlook at the RSZ/RSS size
21:03.48*** join/#asterisk meppl (
21:03.56`Sauronbecause a large chunk is shared libs accounted for more than once
21:04.11opus_what utility can show me this?
21:04.11mepplguten abend
21:05.04opus_fuq, i'm going to have to upgrade to like 4 gigs of ram just to browse the web
21:05.35mepplnett .
21:06.36docelm04812 1 root 313m 4400 8364 S 0.4 175m 0.0 305m 27:04.26 asterisk
21:06.50docelm0that is my top report of my asterisk daemon
21:07.17|Vulture|anyone know why I might be getting "Out of g.729 Decoder Licenses" errors, I have 2 licenses and 1 7960 is connected happens only when I try to bridge the call to Zap or IAX
21:07.17ChkDigitEs ist tag hier, meppl... =)
21:07.43opus_14107 root      18   0  167m 6708 3844 S  0.3  0.7   0:00.10 asterisk
21:08.02mepplgood evening chkdigit
21:08.56*** join/#asterisk in-side (
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21:10.14in-sidedoes anybody knows a good billing frontend ?
21:10.27in-sideor a nice and adaptative billing system ?
21:10.28docelm0custom coded.. :)
21:10.40in-sideya i have one custom coded already
21:11.20in-sideit is not opensource and i haven't time to continue to developping it
21:14.32niZonanyone use a sipura-841?
21:14.45niZonhow is it?
21:15.08ChkDigitIt is ok.  Reboots sometimes.  But all-in all good for the money.
21:15.14ChkDigitReboot only takes 3 seconds.
21:16.48niZonreboots during calls?
21:16.55pussfellerwhats the downside to using an ata vs using a pci unit?
21:17.20ChkDigitniZon: It has never done that.  Just on occasion while sitting around.
21:17.30in-sideniZon: I have some spa 3000 units
21:17.32pussfellerthe upside seems to be no irq worries
21:17.33in-sidewazz up?
21:18.21in-sidepussfeller: I see no downside in using a ata to be honest
21:18.41in-sideChkDigit: wich firmware are you using ?
21:18.48pussfellerim running out of pci slots :)
21:18.56in-sidedid you checked the cables ?
21:19.10in-sidepussfeller: in fact I preder ata always
21:19.25niZonin-side: you like the 3000s?
21:19.26in-sidethe only downside could be prices
21:19.32in-sideniZon: very nice
21:19.33niZonChkDigit: how's the speaker phone?
21:19.44in-sidedocumentation lacks in advanced information
21:19.55niZoni should get an SPA-841 and SPA-3000 for some testing
21:20.01in-sideno much futher information is gave
21:20.07in-sideI would prefer spa 3000
21:20.14in-sideas it is much more extwnsible
21:20.22in-sideand you could keep your old phones
21:20.37niZonwhich is why i said AND :P
21:20.38in-sidetill now I just had a problem with spa 3000
21:20.45in-sidewith sip compact messages
21:20.53niZonhow did you solve it?
21:21.00in-sidefirmware upgrade
21:21.04in-sidenot a big issue
21:21.07Romiksomebody can help me with regex  - Zap/23/sadfsdfsdf/sdfsdfsdf/ i need to strip all / and put into $1  = ([^/.]*) not work right :( ?
21:21.59in-sidesound are very nice
21:22.01in-sidevery real
21:22.17jalsotwrong windo ;)
21:22.20in-sidemuch control over sip parameters
21:22.21in-sideand so on..
21:22.22niZoni wonder how good the GXP-2000s are
21:22.34pussfellerim stuck with kphone right now which sucks cause I can't play music for fear of getting a call and the sound card won't release
21:22.54pussfellerwhich is a whole rant in and of itselfr
21:23.00in-sideniZon: well it is nice... normal I would say
21:23.08ManxPowerpussfeller: welcome to the world of softphones
21:23.23niZoni'm bored of playing with softphones
21:23.28pussfellerthats more welcome to the world of lousy linux software mixing
21:23.33in-sideI had test some ut ya.. it is enough
21:23.39in-sideI have some cheap brand units
21:23.44in-sideand they work nicelly
21:23.54in-sidehave 2 lines visor
21:23.57pussfellersupposedly it can be done on an i810
21:24.11in-sidesoftphones real sux
21:24.19niZonthere aren't enough canadian companies that sell voip equipment
21:24.21in-sidebut is nice to debug
21:24.22pussfelleri can hear the mic and music at the same time, why not sound from an application
21:24.38ChkDigitin-side: I can't recall the firmware, and the phone is elsewhere right now...
21:25.06ChkDigitniZon: The speakerphone is a problem.  The mic appears to be on the bottom, and does not pickup sound well.
21:25.06in-sideChkDigit: eheh ok
21:25.16in-sideI would check if there ar eno firmware upgrade first
21:25.22in-sidethen next check the power cable
21:25.29ChkDigitYou may be right.
21:25.39in-sidesome of my phones
21:25.46in-sidehave the cables behind to tight
21:25.53ChkDigitA friend is using it, and did the install...
21:25.59in-sideI don't know if sipura ones suffers from the same
21:26.15niZonChkDigit: you're talking about the GXP-2000?
21:28.16ChkDigitniZon: No the Sipura SPA-841.
21:28.52HeadachesAboundanybody here got polycom IP500s?
21:29.04ChkDigitI have one of those too..
21:29.18ChkDigitThat one, I love.
21:29.19HeadachesAboundwhat kind of headset jack do those have on them?
21:29.37ChkDigitRJ-11 I believe...
21:29.49HeadachesAboundis there somepleace that i can detailed specs / pics of the ip500?
21:29.57ChkDigitI think they're amped.
21:30.42*** join/#asterisk rcam (
21:31.34HeadachesAboundwill be back in a bit, must go home now!
21:32.15ChulJinreminds me...
21:32.49ChulJindo you suppose anyone makes adapters to allow 2.5mm headsets to be plugged into RJ[narrow] headset jacks?
21:33.44niZonChulJin: make your own? :P
21:33.48ChkDigitI've never seen any.  There should be plenty of headsets for RJ-14 or 2.5 though.
21:34.01niZonthe RJ11 should have 4 pins, 2 for mic and 2 for speaker
21:34.58*** join/#asterisk jbot (
21:34.58*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || ClueCon Dev Conf Aug 3rd - 5th - (Registration Open Now) || Dev meeting today 1pm CST IAX2/
21:35.39ChkDigit~jbot How ya doing... =)
21:36.00ChulJinoh yeah
21:36.23jbotwell, sipura is selling out to Cisco... fags.
21:37.32jontow:-/ does that mean sipura is going to be high priced and suck now? ;)
21:38.34ChkDigitIt could have been worse, the Canadian Gov't could have given Nortel enough money to do it, and make it exhorbitantly expensive.  Then croak and die.
21:38.56joeChkDigit: believe it or not I think radioshack has some
21:39.21ChkDigit2.5-RJ14 adators?
21:39.32ChkDigitOr Cisco/Sipura/LinkSys phones?
21:39.42joe2.5-RJ14 adators
21:40.18seanradioshack is such a ripoff for that stuff, if there's a _real_ electronic shop around.
21:40.54seanwent to buy some phono plugs earlier this week.. $5.99 at RS. The local electronics shop (where they have aisles of capacitors and resistors): $0.89.
21:41.16seanyeah, true..
21:42.10*** join/#asterisk bsgr (
21:43.02*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
21:47.44opus_i had the manager at my local radio shack try to outsmart me last sunday
21:47.56ChkDigitDo tell... >=)
21:48.26opus_tried to chew me out, i bought a power supply, used it on something, took it back. said that I damaged it. volt meter said 15.5 volts for a 12v adapter
21:48.42ChkDigitSure, no load.
21:48.59opus_yeah, he woulnd't give me a refund
21:49.11opus_so I bought another one, showed him, and he got pissed.
21:49.17ChkDigitSo, did you hit him with it?
21:49.20opus_had to do refund for two :)
21:49.44*** join/#asterisk dr123 (
21:51.03dr123hey can anyone help me witha registration problem... I have 2 asterisk servers on the same network behind the same nat and I have them registred to one another and IAX2 show registry does show they are registered but when I place a call that should port over from one server to the other the call is immediatly terminated
21:55.07|Vulture|anyone know why I might be getting "Out of g.729 Decoder Licenses" errors, I have 2 licenses and 1 7960 is connected happens only when I try to bridge the call to Zap or IAX
21:55.22*** join/#asterisk Milligan (
21:56.06|Vulture|but the call is in g729...
21:56.30|Vulture|and I have every SIP channel set to disallow=all;allow=ulaw except for the one i want to have 729
21:56.36*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
22:02.15*** join/#asterisk sneak (
22:04.23Nuxianybody got a cdr to store calls in the windows registry?
22:04.38*** part/#asterisk grolloj (
22:04.59*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
22:06.00ChulJinnuxi: place a bounty, I'll do it.
22:06.09*** join/#asterisk HeadachesAbound (
22:06.21ChulJinWB Head'ound
22:06.45HAty CJ.
22:07.00HAI think I prefer the shortened form.
22:07.15HAI think, therefore I am HA!
22:08.34comintelwhats the command to show the dial statement, in the CLI?
22:08.46ChulJinshow application dial
22:09.03comintelcool, thanks
22:09.31joeanyone here runing on centos4?
22:09.46joerunning, even
22:09.51ChrisHodgettsI was wondering if anyone could help with this, its a NAT problem I assume, but I dont get why :)
22:11.06Nuxinat -> problem :: cardinality(problem) >= cardinality(nat)
22:14.03*** join/#asterisk MajestiK (
22:14.12ChrisHodgettsI run linphone on my laptop
22:14.21ChrisHodgettsasterisk on an internal box within my network
22:14.37ChrisHodgettsand I have portforwarded rtp ports to the internal box
22:15.57ChrisHodgettsI have registered with a sip proxy provider
22:16.15ChrisHodgettsyou call the number they have allocated, and it reachses an extenetion within my pabx, and audio is heard on the remote
22:17.05ChrisHodgettsthen when the laptop makes a call out, rtp packets are seen by the laptop, but no audio is heard, and from a tcpdump /ethereal says that icmp destination port is unreachable -- on the pabx machine
22:17.31ChrisHodgettsbut when you call an internal extention I dont see these errors, and rtp packets flow both directions
22:18.18*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
22:18.22ChrisHodgettswondering what I could/am doing wrong
22:19.55*** part/#asterisk bsgr (
22:21.08ChulJinhaving * behind NAT
22:22.51HAanybody know where to get headsets for a polycom ip500 for cheap?
22:26.17firestrm4 days still no nufone..
22:26.53rcamfirestrm Hello... What's wrong with Nufone?
22:27.26firestrmrcam, sent payment ~4 days ago, still no credit..
22:27.38rcamfirestrm It takes a good while.
22:27.39tzangerfirestrm: have you emailed support@
22:27.44tzangerhave you bugged shido6?
22:27.48r0d3ntHA, many standard headsets are compatible.
22:27.50rcamfirestrm Call and get on them.
22:28.09rcamfirestrm Have you ever used AMP...
22:28.10firestrmrcam, i dont want to be annoying though.
22:28.21firestrmrcam, no whats AMP?
22:28.21rcamfirestrm Yeah I know how it is.
22:28.26pussfellerdo those generic x100p 's handle caller id
22:28.56rcamfirestrm Asterisk Management Portal
22:29.00firestrmtzanger, i might resort to that..
22:29.07ChrisHodgettsyeah sorry ChulJin I do have * behnd nat
22:29.24firestrmrcam, ive seen it.. but no.. never used it.. im a Vi kinda guy..
22:29.29JerJerfirestrm:  or instead of just bitching about it send the transaction reference id number to fucking
22:29.39HAhow about an rj11 to 2.5mm adapter or cable?
22:29.40firestrmJerJer, i did..
22:29.42JerJeri hate whiny bitches
22:29.58pussfellerJerJer, do you work for nufone or something
22:30.02rcamfirestrm JerJer = Nufone.
22:30.19rcamHowdy JerJer, how have you been?
22:30.20pussfellerwhat kinda image do you think that gives nufone
22:30.40firestrmJerJer, should i send it again? i sent it 3 days ago..
22:30.44HAwell, off to play parent for a while.
22:30.52JerJerpussfeller: then don't buy our service
22:30.57JerJeri could really care less
22:31.02pussfelleri guess so
22:31.32firestrmJerJer, it sould like you'r havign a bad day :(
22:31.55JerJernope - i just hate whiny bitches
22:32.04JerJereither do something about the problem or shut the fuck up
22:32.18JerJeri see 3 email to that have not been dealt with
22:33.20*** join/#asterisk Nethab (
22:33.58firestrmJerJer, well.. Im trying to do somthing about it. but unfortunatly your page says nothing about, although it does list, i know you might be busy, or even just dont care, but you really cant blame people when you dont give them the correct information on how to conduct a transaction.
22:33.59*** join/#asterisk Alvaro123 (Alvis@
22:34.56*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
22:35.23*** join/#asterisk darth-timeus (darth@
22:35.36darth-timeusi'm configuring a new asterisk server
22:35.40AgiNamuHi Darth
22:35.47darth-timeuswith fedora 3
22:35.51AgiNamuDo you need help configuring your Asterisk server?
22:35.57darth-timeusyes, please
22:36.03darth-timeusmy problem is this
22:36.06AgiNamuSure, what difficulties are you experiencing?
22:36.09jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
22:36.14MikeJ[Laptop]there you go :D
22:36.23firestrmdarth-timeus, have you read yet?
22:36.43firestrmdarth-timeus, that the best place to begin.
22:36.45AgiNamuOK, why don't you ask your question.
22:36.58AgiNamuThen, depending on the content, we will either help you, mock you, or offer you consulting.
22:37.19darth-timeuswhen i place a call i can't hear what the other end conversation
22:37.24darth-timeusbut they can hear me
22:37.26AgiNamuAre you using SIP?
22:37.33darth-timeusno, h323
22:37.41AgiNamuOh, sorry, I don't use H323.
22:37.42MikeJ[Laptop]darth-timeus, which driver
22:38.32Nethabdarth-timeus: that's a common NAT issue
22:38.37Nethabone way audio
22:38.59darth-timeusbut my network, is not using nat
22:39.03darth-timeusor firewall
22:39.20MikeJ[Laptop]darth-timeus, which channel driver
22:40.04Nethabanyone read the open letter from broadvoice
22:40.21Nethabisn't chan_h323 the broken one that comes with asterisk?
22:40.21MikeJ[Laptop]how old?
22:40.53MikeJ[Laptop]JerJer, Nethab has a question for you ^^ :)
22:41.05MikeJ[Laptop]darth-timeus, how old is your copy?
22:41.08daorkMikeJ[Laptop]: hahaha
22:41.14Nethabi don't need new service silly head
22:41.15AgiNamuNethab, which open letter?
22:41.35Nethabthe letter from their president about their service problems
22:41.42darth-timeusis the 0.1.0
22:42.25JerJerfirestrm:  Pay attention
22:42.26JerJerSend money via PayPal to to continue to fund your account, if you  can.
22:42.26JerJerWire transfer information is available upon request.
22:42.37*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
22:43.02firestrmjerjer, done 4 days ago..
22:43.11*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
22:43.32firestrmJerJer, and i just resent the transaction to billing
22:45.20*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
22:45.37darth-timeusi use the openh323-1.15.1
22:45.45darth-timeusto compile it
22:45.53darth-timeusi guess is a little old
22:46.25firestrmoh,, my mistake.. 3 days ago..
22:46.30MikeJ[Laptop]darth-timeus. read the readme carefully, it requires specific versions
22:48.58darth-timeusi use the version in the readme, for both the openh323 and the pwlib
22:49.12darth-timeusdo you think, the problem is a compilation issue?
22:49.23MikeJ[Laptop]asterisk cvs head??
22:50.41darth-timeusAsterisk CVS-HEAD-04/28/05-15:20:51, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005 Digium.
22:51.03MikeJ[Laptop]update to current head
22:51.11MikeJ[Laptop]I beleive that issue was fixed
22:51.23firestrmJerJer, thanks..
22:51.28darth-timeusok, i'll give it a try
22:51.32Nethabyeah cause old head isn't very good
22:51.43Nethaber, wait...
22:51.46vppdarth-timeus: turn debug on
22:51.48Nethabthat came out wrong
22:51.51vppand check the RTP address
22:51.54vppi've had the same issue
22:51.59vppgave up on it and moved to oh323
22:52.22MikeJ[Laptop]jerjer commited a bunch of fixes the last few days, get up to date then troubleshoot
22:52.51darth-timeusok, i'll let you know
22:53.01darth-timeusgood bye
22:53.06AgiNamuThanks for playing.
22:59.33xkevthat page is no help.  anyone understand the alternate echo cancelers?
23:00.17kb1_kanobeno. the reference implementation behind mec2 is good and valid. As an implementation though mec2 is somehow flawed. :=-)
23:01.47harryvvany of you have cbc news turn on you tv if you do biz with voip in canada. Canadian goverment is thinking of regulating voip service.
23:02.17kb1_kanobexkev: Hmmm.... take a look at bug 2820 in Mantis
23:03.12Nethabtheir considering regulating voip in as much as preventing the ILEC's from undercharging and forcing everyone out of business
23:06.27jontowit'll have to be regulated someday, or it'll be shitty underpriced service with no guarantee you'll ever get ahold of an emergency dispatch agent in time of trouble, and things will generally be chaotic :)
23:06.58*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
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23:11.39xkevkb1_kanobe thx
23:11.40*** join/#asterisk ilium007 (
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23:15.11xkevanything to worry about wrt echotraining=800
23:16.05xkevand use -DAGGRESSIVE_SUPPRESSION on that?
23:20.40Nethabwhat's the deal with the new ${DB()} stuff
23:20.52*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@sedorox.staff.smartserv)
23:21.01vppis that corect?
23:21.18bkw_regulating voip is like trying to heard minnows
23:21.28bkw_you can try
23:21.30bkw_but you will fail
23:21.35Sedoroxahahahah I like that
23:21.54*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || ClueCon Dev Conf Aug 3rd - 5th - (Registration Open Now)
23:22.32vpphow do i set the callerid before i dial?
23:22.42dr123anyone using asterisk on a WRT Linksis Wireless router.. I have it installed and working but I dont have any idea how many extensions it can handle at once
23:24.20tzangerdr123: so try it
23:24.27tzangerdr123: then tell us so we have a defininitive answer
23:24.34tzangerit's open source, contribute some data
23:25.16dr123I am contrubting I am trying to get a useful doc up on the wiki on voip-info for how to like to asterisk servers together using IAX
23:25.24dr123as thiers sucks
23:25.28tzangergood :-)
23:26.21dr123but before i can publish i need help with the dial string
23:26.23GroobyDr you using wrt54g?
23:26.48Groobywhat do you mean by # of extensions?
23:27.02Groobylike..load-wise on the internal network?
23:27.03dr123how many simultanious dials can be used
23:27.07dr123yeah load
23:27.24Groobyi don't think it uses a lot...i would say the limit would be on your bandwith isn't it?
23:27.34DishwashaQuick question, does anybody know how much a new Mortel Meridian 1 Option 11C mini costs roughly?
23:27.40Dishwashaer, Nortel
23:27.54dr123the bandwidth is 100 Mb
23:28.03*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
23:28.05dr123i dont think that is the limiting factor
23:28.33Groobyyou got a 100mb out?
23:28.36dr123has anyone linked 2 asterisks servers via iax on the same network
23:28.39Groobyor we talking the 4 ports internal lanes?
23:28.43vpphow do i view the current codec for a channel
23:28.46dr1234 lan lanes
23:29.12Groobythat's a good question then...i really dunno....
23:29.37dr123what does that mean
23:29.42dr123# ...
23:29.46Groobyyou might be able to ask in there
23:29.55dr123i didnt know that is what we are talking about
23:30.00dr123ill look there
23:30.34*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
23:30.48dr123Grooby have you ever linked 2 asterisks servers on the same network behind the same NAT
23:30.51*** join/#asterisk Astrak (
23:31.07Astrakhi ppl
23:31.29DishwashaDoes anybody know how much a new Nortel Meridian 1 Option 11C mini costs roughly or something equivalent?
23:34.08Groobydr, no..why?
23:34.18Groobyyou having trouble linking them?
23:38.16bjohnsonlinking * servers via iax is same whether on the same network or not
23:45.42*** join/#asterisk bkw__ (
23:46.25*** join/#asterisk fefede (
23:46.29fefedei am try to get working some ipphone's... I have some problems in the codec negotiation... How can I do, to make asterisk don't interfere in the negotiation??
23:46.30fefedeI like that the end point resolve de codec to use....!
23:47.41fefedesome way to doit????
23:48.55*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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23:52.41*** join/#asterisk HA (
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23:54.03fefedehi... I made some question some minutes ago... but i can't read answer because I lost my conection..
23:54.18*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
23:54.50HAwhere can i get cheap headsets for polycom ip500s
23:54.52dslxAny ISP's here using * as a hosted PBX platform?
23:56.12fefedesome ideas? I need to leave my IPphone's negotiate the codec with out asterisk interaction...
23:56.14shido6fefede you have something misconfigured in your sip.conf
23:56.23shido6not allow=all
23:56.27shido6should fix your problem
23:58.18fefedeno but i like that the end point make the choice
23:59.09jontowhas anyone actually tried a VoIP call with a specific codec over a 24.6kbit dialup connection? :)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.