irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050507

00:00.29*** join/#asterisk doolph (doolph@
00:00.31*** join/#asterisk HeadachesAbound (
00:05.10*** join/#asterisk osiris_of_the_24 (
00:06.15doolphwhat's the best way to manage CDRs
00:06.38harryvvwith a database
00:07.05doolphhow can i do it
00:07.36JunK-Ydoolph: make a search for CDR in wikis, ya'll find it.
00:07.58harryvvi need to finish my db for cdr.
00:08.11harryvvhere is a nice list of voiceovers for ivr.
00:08.17doolphi shouldnt install AMP right
00:08.28harryvvwhat is amp other then a connector?
00:08.29doolphi need spanish language
00:08.37harryvvorr company that makes connectors.
00:08.44doolphsome gui to manage asterisk
00:08.46harryvvyea go to that has spanish.
00:08.47shido6halfassed gui for asterisk
00:09.00harryvvyou mean its half of what it could be
00:09.06ElsharIn its defense, its better than the noassed other versions :P
00:09.14shido6we have our own
00:09.18ElsharBut still :)
00:09.23harryvvshido, nice
00:09.36harryvvshido6: who made it.
00:10.41*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
00:10.46jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
00:10.46FuriousGeorgehi all
00:10.48jbothmm... mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
00:10.56shido6jeremy made it
00:11.14jbotrumour has it, nj is home to the Sopranos
00:11.19shido6he built the provisioning system we use
00:11.25shido6and the billing/rating system we use here
00:11.37harryvvwe have a post office down across the border that gets alot of calls up here..cantonese,japanese,east indian callers call all the time and thay have a hard time giving answers over the phone. If I had the dev smarts would make a database thay could use to input that a customers packaged arived and interface that into the ivr.  :)
00:12.03shido6what info do you get ?
00:12.13shido6can a trk# be looked up for these "packages"
00:13.40harryvvpossible but that may be to hard from some of these numwits to understand. Would be better that the post office lady just check off "yes" in the db as it arives for that customer.
00:14.24tsphow the hell do i dial!
00:14.24tspdial iax2/something@o (my section in iax2.conf) doesnt' work
00:14.48harryvvthen the caller would put in the post office number into the ivr and it would say "yes it arived come and pick it up or no it has not" :)
00:14.48FuriousGeorgetsp:  what does asterisk say
00:14.57tspno extension - i have no extensions.conf i just want to dial for now
00:15.01FuriousGeorgenot that i would be able to help, im just saying, you should provide some info
00:15.02tspand my sound's not working either
00:15.05tspbut I can fix that later
00:15.06*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
00:15.38harryvvim going to go outside and enjoy this nice weather.
00:15.48FuriousGeorgetsp: you need a context that corresponds to you iax.conf client in the '[ ]'
00:16.10FuriousGeorgeyou should really read some docs front to back before u ask ?s in here
00:16.13tsphow do I make a context?
00:16.26harryvvread the docs
00:16.34harryvvgoogle it
00:16.42jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
00:16.42harryvvextension.conf examples
00:17.50Nethabhe doesn't have an extensions.conf and doesn't want to make one
00:17.51harryvvI need to mix nice background music with a nice intro prompt ;)
00:18.31tspNethab: I dunno how and this is all confusing as hell
00:18.46DEEZEDis there any docs on realtime VM other than the wiki?
00:21.29Nethabyou just need to make two sections [incoming] and [outgoing]
00:21.33tspNethab: oh
00:21.44Nethabincoming should have you in it
00:22.59Nethabi think exten => 1234,1,Dial(Console/dsp)
00:23.05Nethabin incoming
00:23.10Nethaband [outgoing]
00:23.19DEEZEDDo you have to enable realtime config when you compile?
00:23.47Nethabput exten => *1.,1,Dial(IAX2/fwd/${EXTEN:2})
00:23.51HeadachesAboundDoes firefly support md5 passwords?
00:23.51DEEZEDextconfig filled out. but VM is still using the static voicemail.conf
00:26.37Nethabfirefly sends passwords md5 hashed yes
00:28.24Mocwhere do you order custom printed cloth online ?
00:28.38tzangernow there's a question
00:28.42tzangersilk screeners?
00:29.12Mocwell bye
00:32.09MocIm about low volume here ;)
00:32.34Nethabthen you should whisper
00:32.59doolphanyone can tell which files do i need to run simplest * installation at /etc/asterisk seem good
00:34.45Nethabadsi.conf      codecs.conf  extconfig.conf   iax.conf          logger.conf   musiconhold.conf  sip.conf
00:34.59Nethabasterisk.adsi  dnsmgr.conf  extensions.conf  iaxprov.conf      manager.conf  rtp.conf          sip_notify.conf
00:35.06doolphonly for sip use
00:35.15Nethabasterisk.conf  enum.conf    features.conf    indications.conf  modules.conf voicemail.conf
00:35.25Nethabyou need those
00:35.50Nethabif you don't want iax then you can leave out iax.conf
00:35.57Nethabbut the rest... you need
00:36.04doolphok wait
00:36.21doolphi want a scratch installation
00:36.44doolphasterisk.conf extensions.conf sip.conf
00:36.47Nethabthe default installation has more than double that
00:36.47doolphwhat else do i need
00:37.03doolphok and what more
00:37.05Nethabto unload all the unneeded modules
00:37.16Nethabasterisk.conf is empty
00:37.50Nethabfeatures.conf to do transfers and call control via the dialpad
00:38.20Nethabrtp.conf to control the voice channel incoming and outgoing port
00:38.48NewSoleMay  6 20:36:41 WARNING[19586]: chan_zap.c:4409 my_zt_write: Write returned -1 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on channel 1 - audio may have been lost
00:39.15Nethabmusiconhold if you want music played when you put them on hold
00:39.25doolphI dont have any hardware running
00:39.46Nethabit can play mp3 files
00:41.07doolphI have done this before, but I lost all my config files
00:41.08tspcan I debug a dialplan?
00:41.11tspif so, how/
00:41.35Nethabin the console 'set verbose 4'
00:43.29Nethabhahah morse code is faster than SMS
00:44.33*** join/#asterisk j3nsrv (
00:45.57j3nsrvi've got a tdm400p with 4 fxo modules and i can't seem to configure it to use e&m signalling, I have put e&m=1-4 in /etc/zaptel.conf but ztcfg complains about fxo/fxs signalling?  Anyone come across this before?
00:46.51*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
00:47.09tspcan somoene call me on fwd?
00:47.15tspprobably won't be able to answer it though
00:47.35tspor I could just use the call me app
00:47.59JunK-Yfxo modules is for fxs signalling.
00:50.31j3nsrvare there e&m modules?
00:51.42*** join/#asterisk cyphase (
00:51.47tsp"no call to hangup up"
00:51.49cyphasehey everybody
00:51.58fileI built this asterisk on rock and rolllllll
00:53.57j3nsrvcan fxo modules be used with e&m signalling?
00:55.05*** join/#asterisk Smi|k (
00:55.25Smi|kanyone here very good with flash and asterisk?
00:55.44shido6Ive only had that working with e1's
00:55.50shido6e1/t1 interface cards
00:56.06cyphaseBye Everyone, see you all soon (today)
00:56.52*** part/#asterisk cyphase (
00:59.05Nethabit says your not currently online
01:10.40*** join/#asterisk Jayden (
01:11.11newmedianAnyone know of a good F/OSS HTML/CSS editor for use under Win32?
01:11.23HeadachesAboundwhats the syntax for a default catch all extension?
01:11.47*** part/#asterisk osiris_of_the_24 (
01:14.26newmedianNot _.    ?
01:14.44newmedianthis feels like hangman
01:14.45JunK-Ydont use _.
01:15.01JunK-Ysee mailing lists.
01:15.27JunK-Yuse _. in latest head, ya'll see a warning about it.
01:15.39HeadachesAboundwhich mailing lists?  and if that is the case then can we update the wiki?
01:16.54HeadachesAbound says to use _., just as an FYI.
01:17.32Nethab_. will throw a warning
01:17.35Nethabuse _X.
01:17.47Nethabit requires that at least one digit is dialed first
01:17.59Nethabotherwise you'll get a premature call
01:19.31HeadachesAbound_. requires it or _X requires it?  I'm asking because we will soon have about 100 numbers coming into the system and I want them to default to the s exten which i know i can get to using a GoTo(s,1), so I should then be able to put in exten => _X,1,GoTo(s,1) and that will send everything to s,1 by default right?
01:19.44Silik0n_. will match all the special extensions like i h s etc
01:19.53Silik0nwhere _X. doesnt match those
01:20.04Silik0n_X. onlys matches numerics
01:21.01Nethabif he has 100 numbers, then they will in fact be numeric
01:21.01Jaydenwho wants T.38 in asterisk???
01:21.18JunK-YJayden: everyone wants it :)
01:21.21HeadachesAboundalot of people want T.38
01:21.25Nethabnot me, fax's are so 20th century
01:21.43doolphanyone has installed a gui without reinstall the OS?
01:22.14Jaydentell them to put their money where their mouth is and add to the bounty...
01:22.21HeadachesAboundok Nethab and Junk-Y, so I should be able to catch all unspecified numbers with _X right?
01:22.40JunK-YHeadachesAbound: _X.
01:22.43Nethab_X. don't forget the . at the end, the dot, got it.
01:23.47JunK-Ylike ya put a dot at the end of a sentence. :)
01:24.22Nethabthe . means to match one or more X
01:25.10newmedianMany machines on X.
01:25.46HeadachesAboundah yeah, i prefer to end my sentences with ! or ? or :) or ;) or ~\/~
01:26.45Jaydengo for it
01:26.55JunK-Yif the majority of ur sentence ends with ?, u got a problem houston.
01:28.11HeadachesAboundproblems?  houston?  maybe!
01:28.29HeadachesAbound*? Absolutely!
01:28.53HeadachesAboundOf course, it's a friday night and i'm sitting here working, so i'm sure houston is the least of my problems.
01:29.01JunK-YHeadachesAbound: the only advice i can give ya, is set all ur 100 numbers in ur dialplan.
01:29.11*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
01:29.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
01:29.18harryvvso whats so important on the T.38
01:29.49Jaydenthere isn't one.
01:31.14JunK-Yharryvv: its fax on voip, which offers great possibility.
01:31.46HeadachesAboundJunK-Y: That's what I want to avoid.  I have enough things to deal with at the moment.
01:32.45JunK-YHeadachesAbound: its up to ya, its just an advice i can give ya.
01:33.56HeadachesAboundhehe, advice taken, digested, and regurgitated.  all i care about is making sure it works when i turn it on so the phb is happy.  i need a raise.
01:34.40Nethab_X. will catch all extensions not already defined
01:34.43harryvvsomone came up with the idea of hooking up a robitic rifle to shoot at game and can be controled over the internet by customers ;)
01:35.01harryvvyup, im a couch potato hunter ;)
01:35.10HeadachesAboundharryvv: old news.
01:35.15harryvvi know
01:35.23harryvvit was recently banned
01:37.05harryvvbut it would be usefull to mount something like that in insurgent held iraq.
01:39.45Nethabi like the adult swim method myself
01:43.53bkw_Nethab, so will _.
01:43.58bkw_but stupid people dont get how to use that
01:44.31Nethabthat's why i dissuade them
01:44.47*** join/#asterisk Jayden (
01:45.29bkw_so we now have a nice warning saying is a bad idea to use that
01:45.29bkw_pisses me off
01:45.29bkw_ok moving on
01:45.29bkw_XMLRPC rocks
01:45.41Smi|kanyone here have a good understanding of asterisk and know how to PUSH commands to the box to handle individual calls
01:45.43*** join/#asterisk timecop (
01:45.46tzangerXMLRPC is good
01:45.59bkw_tzanger, I have it .. na na ne boo boo
01:46.05bkw_all two seconds of work
01:46.19bkw_did it in res_perl
01:46.25timecopif I register to SIP in 2 places, do they both get a call?
01:46.26bkw_now everything needs machine readable output now
01:46.34bkw_timecop, NO
01:46.40timecopdo they both break?
01:46.51bkw_the one that registered last wins
01:46.52JunK-Ywe'll see all about res_perl at cluecon?
01:46.58bkw_JunK-Y, yes
01:47.05Nethabhow can qwest get away with $29.99 a month and $0.05 a minute long distance on the NEW VoIP plan
01:47.21tzangermy kids say na na ne boo boo
01:47.22bkw_Nethab, stupid people
01:47.24timecopNethab: "get away"?
01:47.32timecopthats hceaper than what japs charge
01:47.33JunK-Yseeing about a pri debug will be cool no?
01:47.34timecopper minute
01:47.35timecopfor voip
01:47.38bkw_they only "get away" with it if you're dumb enuf to fall for it
01:47.55Nethab30 a month and 5c a minute
01:48.16Nethabthere's no cost encentive for anyone
01:48.34Nethabwhy would anyone sign up for that, when the ILEC pots line is the same price
01:48.36timecopjap voip is 8c/3 minutes
01:48.53timecopsucks when there's no competition
01:49.12timecopand its billed in 18sec blocks or whatever
01:51.08Nethabhahaha it's only available in select areas, don't they know what the IP part of VoIP means
01:51.47bkw_thats lame
01:51.55bkw_the can deliver a DS3 via IP also
01:52.07bkw_but ok
01:52.22tzangerit's just TDMoIP
01:52.35*** join/#asterisk three55ml (
01:52.57three55mlAnyone user SER with Asterisk in here?
02:00.04NewSoleanyone know why we are getting this
02:00.05NewSoleMay  6 20:36:41 WARNING[19586]: chan_zap.c:4409 my_zt_write: Write returned -1 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on channel 1 - audio may have been lost
02:00.18*** join/#asterisk hermie (
02:00.32blankmanHey, can I ask a question of the developers of the new realtime stuff why they chose to "drop" native postgres, in the new versions? They only have MySql native packages ... they are asking use to use unixODBC for postgres ... why?
02:00.46*** join/#asterisk tugalone (
02:01.10blankmanWhy have continue MySql and drop Postgres?
02:02.06bkw_unixODBC works with mysql and postgres
02:02.08bkw_whats the problem?
02:02.14blankmanFor all those that used the stable version of the * they will not beable to "continue" to use postgres with out first going through all the "hoopla" of betting Postgres running through ODBC first.
02:02.25bkw_its like easy
02:02.30bkw_I don't even recommend using res_config_mysql
02:02.41bkw_unixodbc is EASY to setup
02:02.47bkw_so easy infact I can do it in no time flat
02:02.59bkw_but i'm the first person to ever do ANYTHING with odbc and asterisk
02:03.42blankmanI am not saying it isn't "easy" to get ODBC running ... haven't really tried yet ... it is just that it was a bummer to have to "back-out" all the changes that have gone into app_voicemail.c since the 154 checkin ;-)
02:03.53tzangerNewSole: I think practically everyone is getting that now
02:04.04bkw_blankman, write it.. or stop bitching
02:04.14bkw_but why
02:04.16bkw_unixODBC has it all
02:04.21bkw_it even talks to MSSQL
02:04.40blankmanhey bkw_, I wasn't bitch'n ... I was asking why the choice to drop it from the code base ... is it that very few people use Postgres?
02:04.49bkw_it wasn't a choice to drop it
02:04.55bkw_unixODBC supports wider databases
02:05.00bkw_and we have one interface to program for
02:05.04bkw_its just simple.
02:05.15filewhy write 5 different modules when you can use just one?
02:05.40blankmanbkw_ ... okay ... that I totally understand, but why keep all the MySql code in app_voicemail.c if you are saying that everything should got to the standard interface?
02:05.49bkw_blankman, its not
02:05.54bkw_it was removed in cvs-head
02:06.07blankmanbkw_ ... this week?
02:06.13blankmanIt was there last week ;-)
02:06.18bkw_in addons?
02:07.23bkw_its been gone from cvs-head for a long long time
02:07.32bkw_you're thinking the file from asterisk-addons
02:07.35bkw_that is for stable
02:08.20filebkw_: you're sexy!
02:09.08bkw_and I gotz XMLRPC
02:09.19filethat's hot
02:10.30blankmanbkw_ according to cvs it is there in 171 ... 191 ... I have just updated and yes, it is looks like it is gone in 209 ...but okay ... your are right ... on head its gone ... just USE_ODBC_STORAGE :)
02:10.53bkw_and thats just NASTY
02:10.56bkw_and you don't need that
02:11.04bkw_that will store the entire message in SQL
02:11.15blankmanbkw_, huh?
02:11.42bkw_ODBC_STORAGE is just to store messages in the database
02:11.52bkw_you don't need that unless you want the message file in the database also
02:11.57bkw_realtime works without that
02:12.07fileperfectly fine without that
02:12.28blankmanYou mean the USE_ODBC_STORAGE ... ah .. .haven't looked at the code yet ... we have been working on making the IMAP store instead:-)
02:12.39blankmanThat is why we ended up going wtf ;-)
02:13.31blankmanBasically, we were dup'ng effort all over the place :-( Anyhow, just from the "last" check we had, it looked odd that there was MySql but not Postgres ... our prefered OSDB.
02:13.51filemy loveeeee
02:14.21filemaybe it's not so easy, I will never stop loving you
02:14.26filebecause you're deep inside my mind, I need you
02:14.43blankmanAnyhow, we chose to make a SQL to IMAP system instead since we couldn't keep up with all the changes the committers were making ;-)
02:15.28blankmanbkw_ ... did I miss a thread on the XMLRPC comment before ... what do you have as XMLRPC?
02:16.23blankmanHey ... I am just coming out of my hole ... did you guys change res-conf so it will "monitor" the iax connections yet?
02:17.05bkw_blankman, res_perl and some hodge podge
02:17.11bkw_i'm about to do it in C
02:17.16*** join/#asterisk oob (
02:17.44filebkw is doing some super secret stuff ... or not
02:18.54blankmanbkw_ ... that will be good :-) Hey, I can't figure out the IAX encryption stuff ... anyone besides Mark and the few choosen at Digium have it working? Anyone have an ATA that supports their version?
02:19.13blankmanDoes the new IAXy support?
02:19.49blankmanIt looks like it is "done" ... for those who want to "hack" from the code, but I can't seem to figure out all the "swizel bits" that have to get set ...
02:20.13fileit doesn't work
02:20.35blankmanfile ... as in ... it doesn't work ... or we haven't been told how to set it up?
02:20.43fileas in it'll crash your box
02:21.09blankmanI understood from the sptb that they had it working with krams help ... but not with out it ;-)
02:21.59blankmanumm ... would be ... not good ;-)
02:22.33mepplgute nacht
02:22.44blankmanummmm that is a bummer ... I am sick of trying to get VPN's to have the right QoS 'shapes' :-)
02:23.38blankmanSo what is the groups collective best idea on the best IAX ATA at this point? Anyone have something other than the IAXy?
02:23.57fileanything based on the PA1688
02:24.13blankmanI have a pre-lim version of an ATA that is well on it's way to be "great" but not there yet :-(
02:24.28bkw_the IAXY will not last
02:24.38bkw_since the pa168 firmware is open source now
02:24.43bkw_and that device is 40 bucks wholesale
02:24.54bkw_and you have 50mhz on the pa168 to toy with
02:25.13blankmanbkw_, true ... but do you think someone will "step-up" and make a good IAX ata?
02:25.25bkw_the firmware for the PA168 supports IAX
02:25.35bkw_it has bugs
02:25.35blankmanI am finding almost all the manufactures balking at making the stack ;-(
02:25.38bkw_bug it works
02:25.52bkw_the PA168 stuff has it
02:25.56Qwell"bug it works", sup Yoda?
02:26.07fileyoda in the house!
02:26.19blankmanYeah ... I have one ... I like that can be flashed with SIP ;-)
02:26.28bkw_H323 or MGCP too
02:26.33bkw_I have the firmware and the build env
02:26.34QwellI want to show my friend a few cool features of *.  What would you guys recommend?
02:26.34blankmanMuch better on the pocket book ;-)
02:26.52blankmanMeetme :-) Easy, fast and you can't do it with other stuff :-)
02:26.57Qwellhe's coming from a (2 months being down) callvantage account.  He's gonna convert
02:27.13fileconversion factor is almost 99.975%!
02:27.33*** join/#asterisk Himeko (
02:27.36bkw_res_perl OWNZ
02:27.45blankmanHey, so bkw_ you didn't answer the XMLRPC stuff ... what was that bout?
02:27.58*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
02:27.58bkw_how nice would it be to get info out of asterisk via XMLRPC
02:28.07bkw_originate calls?
02:28.10SuPrSluGhi al
02:28.15bkw_and more
02:28.17fileonly youuuuuuu can make me feel so true
02:28.23fileI'll never ever be so blue, as long as I have you
02:28.31mtghbkw_ can you post your alison files somewhere
02:28.37bkw_mtgh, maybe
02:28.43Qwellbkw_: Did you ever get a "thats hot"?
02:28.47blankmanYeah ... we have been working that for about a month now ... also working on getting it to do XML-RPC=>VoiceXML bridge.
02:28.51bkw_Qwell, yes
02:28.56*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
02:29.19mtghbkw_ Please :) prety please
02:29.19blankmanmishehu, on XMLRPC?
02:29.21SuPrSluGi'm having an issue w/ incoming calls from certain cell phones being dropped. dtmf? digit time out ? any ideas?
02:29.27bjohnsonQwell: email notification of voicemail
02:29.44blankmanSuPrSluG, you have packets missing...
02:29.49bjohnsonQwell: least cost routing
02:29.55mishehublankman: well maybe, but the real bah is my annoyance with the broken x86_64 headers in the kernels.  having problems building things that I need...
02:29.57Qwellbjohnson: I showed him e164
02:30.09QwellWasn't there something that could send you a message on AIM when you got a VM?
02:30.22blankmanmishehu, heeheheh ... I hate that too ... try building * on suse > 9.1 ;-)
02:30.23SuPrSluGblankman: ? dropped?
02:30.23bjohnsonyeah .. on tips and tricks wiki page
02:30.33bjohnsonQwell: for other IM too
02:30.43mishehublankman: never used suse ;-)
02:31.02bjohnsonQwell: also IM notification of callerid info when a call comes in
02:31.05mishehuI punish myself even more so...  Slamd64...  unofficial slackware build for amd64
02:31.10*** join/#asterisk denon (
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02:31.16blankmanQwell, show him the blue tooth stuff if you can ... that stuff is neetoo
02:31.48blankmanHey, hows the *@home doing these days ... can't tell from the site ... they still rolling along?
02:31.55Qwellblankman: bluetooth stuff?
02:32.00Qwellbjohnson: ooo, that on the same page?
02:32.10QwellI'd like to set that up, and actually use it.  heh
02:32.37blankmanmishehu, you like pain I see :p
02:32.59Qwellvoicemail status based on IM
02:33.18blankmanQwell, you can have the the system setup so that it "see's" your bluetooth cell phone and routs calls to the number that is "tied" to that "machine".
02:33.40blankmanCool cause if you are like me ... my cell tells you where I "really" am ;-)
02:34.07blankmanHe so anyone got the GumStick server to work as an IAX client?
02:34.08bjohnsonblankman: does that actually work now?
02:35.05blankmanI had it working for a few ... then I went in a hole on the whole IMAP/PSQL/Monitor/QOS issue we have and am just now looking for some air ... so I am not sure the state of it :-( Sorry I can't help more.
02:35.48blankmanI had it working on VIA-800 as the * boxes that my IAX2's would connect to ... they run on my desktops ... it was "killing an ant with a cannon ball" situation ... but it worked at the time.
02:36.19blankmanI have been tring to get PADLock to work with * for a few weeks now on the side but haven't gotten very far ... sadly ;-(
02:37.14blankmanI do have an iButton working with asterisk though ;-)
02:37.36Qwellbjohnson: I'm not seeing the CID+IM stuff on this page
02:38.01blankmanWe can now water our plants through asterisk ... and we can control the offgrid rain catch system and solar arrays with it to :p
02:38.35blankmanWe even know which cows have come to drink :D
02:39.13blankmanWe are think of traking the Horses maybe ...
02:40.07*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
02:40.20blankmanbkw_ on the XML-RPC thing ... yeah, it is good an important as we look to allowing stuff to work with WSDL et all.
02:40.31tzangermy cat's passed out beside me and he's drinking in his sleep
02:40.38tzangerI was like 'wtf are you doing?'
02:41.24blankmanIt would be cool to have the ability to "expose" stuff as a web-service to stuff ... if we could expose the monitoring data as XML-RPC that would be really cool :-)
02:41.35tzangerSNMP would be nice too
02:42.09blankmanHey who is the best channel programmer out there these days?
02:42.22blankmanYou think he/she would do some coding for us?
02:42.48blankmanYou guys ever looked at the Aheeva stuff?
02:44.11blankmanThere stuff is cool ... last year at *con they did a cool demo ... they asked about "vnc" to "monitor" the screen stuff ... I have been thinking about since then ... and anyone else think it would be cool to capture the screen that an agent is using would be usefull?
02:45.34blankmanThat was missing a few words ... Do others in the community think it would be "good" to be able to capture the screens that specific agent would "see" from an agent "pop" as important?
02:47.16blankmanThey have an neat channel implimentation where they hold the channel open so that there is no delay on the connect for the incoming call to their agents ... it works well and they gave the code back the community somewhere ... anyone seen it?
02:47.41*** join/#asterisk iq_ (~iq@
02:50.28blankmanWell ... I guess I have to go back to the hole.Hope all stay well.
02:54.07WilliamKanyone have issues with the newest cvs build and getting a resource temporarily unavail. from zaptel?
02:54.27JunK-YWilliamK: nah
02:55.18*** join/#asterisk iq_ (~iq@
02:55.53WilliamKhmm, getting it almost constantly
02:56.00WilliamKgonna buy a new mb/cpu tommorow
03:00.51iqrm -rf dkp-src
03:13.15Qwelliq: ?
03:14.04iqQwell, wrong window - sorry
03:14.25QwellYou meant to do that in another channel?
03:14.32NewSole[iq_:#asterisk VERSION] was not wrong window
03:14.36QwellDon't do that
03:14.50iqI meant to remove #asterisk
03:15.20newmedianI got a version from iq_ a few mins ago. Why are you probing?
03:16.07tzangernewmedian: he is looking for mirc users to cyber with
03:16.18NewSoleI see CTCP version in channel and next to come is usaly a flash...
03:17.16tzangeryeah ther flash of a +b and /kick :-)
03:17.57iqsorry guys. I installed BitchX - I didn't now what /ver does. I thought it'll return version number of BitchX
03:18.58tzangeriq: use irssi
03:23.17*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
03:26.28Qwelliq: type /help
03:27.54iqQwell, ya - thats the cuase of problem. I did /help and was goign to try each and every option available in /help
03:30.12*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
03:30.48Qwellnext time, why don't you do /help ver
03:31.06QwellSurely, if you'd read the entire help document, you'd have known that
03:31.35iqQwell, had a bad day today?
03:32.30Qwellno, its just rediculous when people decide they'll do something, without knowing what it does first
03:33.01iqyes it is... and it is more rediculous when people keep draging one thing
03:33.04iqI already said I'm sorry
03:33.30newmedianWithout questions, there can be no answers.
03:33.40Qwelltell a man he's an idiot, he's pissed for a day.  Tell a man how to not BE an idiot, he'll stop being an idiot
03:33.53Qwellbut he still gets pissed...go figure
03:35.01iqnice poem.  ...if you want u can kick and block me if thats what will make you happy. - I got nothing else to say on this.
03:38.33*** join/#asterisk ScythelX (
03:39.18ScythelXhello all..this is prolly a stupid question - but with dundi I understand the whole peering concept to route calls better, but if you connect to the network and you place a call who pays for it?
03:39.19*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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03:50.29QwellDon't message me
03:50.51*** join/#asterisk harpertrow (
03:55.22*** join/#asterisk SimonR (
03:56.21SimonRdoes anyone know of a desk phone that can sync with your outlook?
03:56.32SimonRso that it will recognize phone numbers for you?
03:56.43SimonRand have your whole address book in its memory?
03:56.59SimonRI mean, can you import an address book into the Cisco phones?
03:57.35Qwellcisco phones have xml stuff...not sure what thats all about
04:00.27*** join/#asterisk angler_ (
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04:12.13Moccolor need to be fixed
04:12.38fileyeah definately needs to be
04:13.27harpertrowanybody had any success setting up a front door intercom system using asterisk?
04:18.33tclarkharpertrow: sure i use doorfon
04:18.39tclarkwith fxo ports
04:27.10harpertrowthe one from
04:32.55harpertrowtclark: have you also figured out a way to buzz somebody in?  I was thinking of setting up a door strike and being able to dial #9 to let people in - maybe set up a speed dial to unlock the door from my car when I pull up...
04:33.06*** join/#asterisk packetman (
04:34.51packetmanHey guys, I have Asteriskathome setup and I have disabled the Zap/1 channel so it does not automactically answer the line. Is there a way to have it ring my Sip softphone? by just listing to the line.
04:36.10packetmanI didn't disable the Zap/1 channel persay I just changed the context of that channel to point to s,1,noOp(noanswer)
04:48.26*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
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05:00.34*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
05:05.18ScythelXdoes asterisk benifit from a dual processor machine
05:08.27iqScythelX, atacomm sells asterisk with dual xeon... maybe it does
05:09.12iqScythelX, i mean a server with dual processor for asterisk
05:14.33*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
05:17.08ScythelXi thought it wasnt multithreaded, or mable thats just for clustreing
05:19.11*** join/#asterisk mwgbc (
05:19.28mwgbcHow do you change a number into a string in python?
05:20.43*** part/#asterisk mwgbc (
05:20.54tainted-~seen ptg1234
05:20.55jbotptg1234 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 6h 27m 58s ago, saying: 'i don't remember it :)'.
05:21.19jbotsomebody said moose was moose-penis
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06:11.03viio~seen JerJer
06:11.17jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 9d 47m 7s ago, saying: 'try ulaw or gsm'.
06:11.36viio~seen penis
06:11.38jbotpenis <fns@> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 231d 5h 55m 10s ago, saying: '?'.
06:12.17viio~seen nonexistantfakenick
06:12.21jbotviio: i haven't seen 'nonexistantfakenick'
06:13.15Sato1what is the difference between loop, ground and kewl start in a digium tdm card?
06:13.42*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
06:15.41sivana~google loopstart
06:16.31sivanajobt: no, loopstart is One of four common forms of CAS signaling; the others are groundstart, EANA, and E&M
06:16.41sivanajbot: no, loopstart is One of four common forms of CAS signaling; the others are groundstart, EANA, and E&M
06:16.42jbotsivana: okay
06:17.37sivanajbot: no, groundstart is One of four common forms of CAS signaling; the others are loopstart, EANA, and E&M
06:17.38jbotsivana: okay
06:19.04*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
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06:20.57stilexhey if i run modprobe zaptel to start a module what would be the syntax in /etc/modules.conf to autoload at boot
06:22.00newlyou mean in modprobe.preload?
06:23.00stilexi'm not really sure, its a redhat box
06:39.17*** join/#asterisk three55ml (
06:39.24three55mlHello all
06:40.24*** join/#asterisk OloBola (
06:40.42*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
06:41.27OloBolaI don't know C! I found a DIFF file that is supposed to fix a little problem I've got w/ *, what'll I do with it? What is asterisk compiled with? How would I know where to place the file?
06:42.06rue_mohrkb1_kanobe: playing with sata?
06:42.24kb1_kanobelol... yep.
06:42.37rue_mohris it co-operating?
06:43.04rue_mohryou should try to get more off time bud :)
06:43.19kb1_kanobegetting there - patch was simple, but getting the kernel wound up for this big a machine takes a while.
06:43.30kb1_kanobethere wasn't anything good on the tube. 8-|
06:44.08OloBolalove me
06:44.32three55mlAnyone using SER with *?
06:44.33rue_mohr:) module or new kernel?
06:44.57rue_mohrheh, there never is
06:45.01kb1_kanobeit's a patch to 2.6.11, but the box was still running 2.4
06:45.15kb1_kanobeso, after 156 days of uptime.... <poof!>
06:45.20rue_mohrcant wait till the hitchhikers guide commes to a move theatre near us
06:45.57kb1_kanobeit's the countryside, don't get your hopes up.
06:46.08rue_mohrheh, I'm just upgrading my home system a little, need something low bandwidth as I'm running 26sec incomming lag
06:46.31rue_mohrdribble:/home/dan# uptime
06:48.06rue_mohr:) did I ever tell you how greatfull I am for that ups?
06:48.56kb1_kanobeha! it couldn't keep a 40 station Rolm pbx up for 10 minutes and yet you get 455 days.
06:51.15rue_mohrwas that the huge box in the old phone closet?
06:51.25kb1_kanobeyeah - the toaster.
06:59.04rue_mohrmight be a good idea to archive a .config thats 'normalized'
07:00.14rue_mohrI'm not too surprised I accidently turned off ide disk and keyboard support in that router kernel
07:00.49kb1_kanobewe'll get there soon. I need to get a compile-farm head up and running.
07:01.38rue_mohrhmm, wonder if poor little dribble should get some upgrades sometime... dontt hink anything is brokn
07:01.57kb1_kanobewhy break something that works.
07:02.02rue_mohrit only takes 1 machine with 8 processors and 16G of ram :)
07:03.37rue_mohr23% [2 locales 434865/3984kB 10%]                                                                                          2450B/s 1h5m20s
07:03.37rue_mohrmakes ya appreciate high speed access more :)
07:04.48rue_mohrfew upgrades at home, its starting to get to the point where I have to get a lot of packages to install simple things
07:05.04kb1_kanobeWhoops - running 8 parallel makes doesn't do much on a uniprocessor machine.
07:07.35*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
07:09.08rue_mohrmust be a north american crowd...
07:09.29kb1_kanobenah, it's the North America/East Asia sleep window.
07:09.37kb1_kanobenot many ppl from Hawaii here.
07:10.42rue_mohrI suppose as normal daylight hours pass over alot of uninhabited sea...
07:10.57*** join/#asterisk funkycow (
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07:11.39kb1_kanobeEngadget is reporting that Morse Code is actually faster than text messaging. According to the article, 93 year old Gordon Hill transmitted a message faster than 13 year old Brittany Devlin, despite Devlin's 'liberal use of texting slang.' And the fabulous quote they were they sending: 'Hey, girlfriend, you can text all your best pals to tell them where you are going and what you are wearing.'"
07:14.24rue_mohrheh, terrible 10 digit alphanumberic interfacees
07:14.51rue_mohrthen again, he could probably morse faster than alot of people type
07:15.46rue_mohrI cant remember if it was 150baud or 300 baud that some people could decode by ear...
07:15.53kb1_kanobeHmmm... 79 tasks just to have a host booted and a shell running, w/o any applications...
07:16.23rue_mohrbert / ernie?
07:17.02rue_mohrwithout X 79 sounds high
07:17.34rue_mohr?? I have x running with only 67 taks...???
07:18.05rue_mohrdriblle is a dialup machine running 37-
07:18.23kb1_kanobeirq servicing threads, event handlers, other kernel fluff mostly.
07:18.31rue_mohrah 2.6rt
07:18.46kb1_kanobeactually, 2.6.8 debian std.
07:20.11rue_mohrhmm, I didn't actually look at the process listing on that 2.6.8 machine...
07:21.26rue_mohrif I have a chance soon, gonna play with busybox and what I know about making kernel/ramdisk combo floppies
07:22.35kb1_kanobebusybox is pretty slick.
07:23.31kb1_kanobeYou didn't see my cellphone anywhere while you were here did you?
07:23.46rue_mohrI'm facinated with all the options in the make menuconfig
07:24.40rue_mohrnope, in the car?
07:24.46Silik0nthats cause the kernel is about as bloated as windows these days
07:25.36kb1_kanoberue_mohr: nah, it's hiding somewhere...
07:25.40Silik0nsomething is seriously wrong with a kernel that requires bz2 to be a reasonable size
07:25.58rue_mohrhmm maybe time to being down the mru, everything's timing out... and i'm only have a 26sec data backlog
07:26.24rue_mohrhmm, I should try the 'turn everything off' in 2.6 and see how close I can get to 360K
07:27.17rue_mohrSilik0n: well it DOES have drivers for everything, including XT keybaorddds
07:27.17rue_mohron parallel ports, iirc
07:27.28Silik0njust turn off all the stuff you dont need and select only items you require and you can get it pretty small
07:27.44Silik0nyeah like I said bloated like windows
07:28.10rue_mohr47% [2 locales 3414849/3984kB 85%]                               2228B/s 49m34s
07:28.14kb1_kanobesome of these options make me just want to run out and buy hardware to fit - like infiniband.
07:28.31Silik0ninfiniband is nice
07:29.05rue_mohrI dont think I was able to get close to fitting one oa 360K disk with room left for a initrd
07:29.31rue_mohr10000Mbit card??? :)
07:29.35Silik0ntry picobsd
07:29.47Silik0nyeah 10GB iirc...
07:29.57rue_mohrthat was  a doubletake
07:30.20Silik0nbuilt a cluster for a major university a while back and thats what we used...
07:30.24rue_mohrcat .. 7 I suppose?
07:30.48Silik0nfor the cluser databus... managment network was GigE
07:31.35kb1_kanobeinfiniband spec card suggests 822Mb/sec w/3% cpu load compared to GigE at 100Mb/sec w/80% cpu load on the platform tested
07:32.03Silik0ninfiniband was just fast as hell
07:32.17kb1_kanobescary stuff.
07:32.18Silik0nbut its been quite a while since I got to play with it
07:33.47Silik0ngentoo genkernel takes to f'n long
07:34.19rue_mohrhmm, think I'll cut this bash update off short and install a few hours sleep
07:34.45rue_mohrkb1_kanobe: gnight, dont forget to eat and sleep :)
07:34.53kb1_kanobesounds like a plan. join the 240-odd other sleepers in this channel
07:35.13*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
07:36.40Silik0nsleep is over rated
07:38.09*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
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07:43.20kb1_kanobeinteresting email to the list just now about working around an echo problem by adding a wait to the start of a zap dial string...
07:43.27*** join/#asterisk cmk (
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08:06.18ScythelXroughly how many concurrent calls can you have on a cable modem with 3 meg down 384k up on g729
08:15.08*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (~me@
08:15.25NoRemorsehi all, has anyone managed to get a cellphone PTT client to talk to asterisk/sip yet?
08:17.12JuggieScythelX, 384kbit / g729 req bandwidth = your answer
08:17.45NoRemorseg729 requires 384kbit?!
08:18.03NoRemorsehehe sorry was gonna say
08:18.11Juggiei never said it did
08:18.25Juggieyou missed the start where he said his cable modem was 3meg down/384kbit up
08:18.56NoRemorseyep np
08:19.00NoRemorsejoined too late
08:19.27NoRemorseno-one here has played with ptt and asterisk then?
08:19.45Juggieg729 = 31.2kbit
08:19.54Romikso 11?
08:20.20Juggiebut with cable modems
08:20.21Juggieand adsl
08:20.26Juggiethe more bandwidth you use
08:20.31Juggiethe higher your latency will become
08:20.45Juggiedue to your isp/cablemodem doing packet shapeing
08:20.53Juggieso i woudnt do more then 10
08:20.59Juggiedo some real world tests to find out
08:21.12NoRemorsethought g729 was onbly 8k
08:26.10Juggienoremorse, network overhead,sip overhead. rtp overhead, etc.
08:35.32*** join/#asterisk james_ed (
08:37.43james_edhello all
08:38.07OloBoladoes a patch exist for the voicemail message permissions issue?
08:39.02james_edwhat would cause 2 out of 3 pstn lines connected fxo ports on tdm400p ring busy...reboot fixed the issue.
08:51.24OloBolaI dunno, sorry
09:08.05*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
09:25.30jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
09:25.37jbotfrom memory, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
09:42.18*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
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10:28.19mepplguten morgen
10:29.04ltersGood morning
10:30.12WonkaWas meint Ihr damit? Wünscht Ihr mir einen guten Morgen, oder meint Ihr, daß dies ein guter Morgen ist, gleichviel, ob ich es wünsche oder nicht? Meint Ihr, daß Euch der Morgen gut bekommt oder daß dies ein Morgen ist, an dem man gut sein muß?
10:32.01Romiklivevoip down like 10 hours!
10:32.14OloBolaWonka: inheritence lottery?
10:32.41WonkaOloBola: what?
10:33.05WonkaOloBola: that's a quote of Gandalf from "the little Hobbit"
10:33.12OloBolaI see
10:33.26Wonkaregarding the meaning of "good morning"
10:33.39OloBolagood moarning
10:34.08OloBolagood mourning
10:34.26OloBolaevil joke
10:35.24*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
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10:45.14*** join/#asterisk mallum (
10:45.41mallumhey, does anyone have firmware files for cisco 7940 ?
10:45.49Blackvelaint that illegal? :)
10:46.14mallumI dunno, I own the phone
10:46.22Blackvelwatch out for cisco agents :)
10:46.26Blackvelyes, but not the software
10:46.45BlackvelI know that becoz I tried once to get IOS firmware for an isdn router
10:46.46mallumIts nuts
10:47.05mallumI would have never of baught the damn thing if I new it had no software
10:47.29Blackveli dont know 7940 but colleague told me about that "cisco problems"
10:47.52Blackvelthey are crazy if you ask me
10:48.08Blackvelhow much was 7940?
10:48.16mallum200 quid
10:48.43mallumthen another 15 for a 48V 0.2A power supply :/
10:48.52Blackvelwow, thats more than 250EUR then? :)
10:49.13Blackvelthat was the point where I had to laugh when my colleague told me that he had to wait for his power supply
10:49.23mallumtotally nuts
10:49.39mallumnow I cant even get recent firmware for it
10:49.47mallumor firmware that will do sip
10:51.32ltersdo sccp in the mean time...
10:51.44ltersat least you can use it.
10:52.55*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
10:54.21ManxPowermallum: before you buy your next phone, do the research first.
10:54.58mallumManxPower: Im so sorry oh msterful one
10:55.01ManxPowerPolycom phones are 1) cheaper than Cisco, 2) come with power supply, 3) come with firmware, 4) are well designed, 5) have a great speaker phone 6) have some quirks, but I still like them.
10:55.24ManxPowermallum: Oh, I've bought phones without doing the research first.  They still sit in the closet, unused.
10:56.49ManxPowerI believed the Cisco web site when it said that the 7910 can do SIP.
10:56.58ManxPowerIt can't.
10:58.00mallumManxPower: :(
10:59.08ManxPowermallum: MOST of us have bought equipment without doing enough research first.  My advice is to sell the phone and power supply on eBay or return it to the company you purchased it from.  Then get a SIPura SPA-841 (US$100), or a Polycom IP 500 (US$250 - US$350)
10:59.39ManxPowerThe SIPura has it's own quirks, but it does work.
11:00.36mallumManxPower: yeah, the cisco phones look so nice though :(
11:00.43Romiki can't beliave livevoip down like 12 hours! assholes
11:00.51ManxPowermallum: Yes, they do.
11:01.41Blackvelthat is the exten I dail
11:01.56Blackvelbut my test programm needs agi_dnid to be 1 instead of my local extensions 200
11:02.01Blackvelhow can I accomplish this?
11:02.07BlackvelI do not want to create an extension 1
11:02.55ManxPowerBlackvel: AGI(agi_dnid,1)
11:03.08BlackvelI am so stupid
11:03.10ManxPowerThe use $ARGV[0] I think, assuming you are using perl.
11:03.14BlackvelI forgot that I can pass arguments
11:03.22ManxPowerYou can only pass ONE arguement to an AGI, BTW.
11:03.30Blackveloh,only one? that is new for me
11:03.31ManxPowerIf you want to do more than one I use this:
11:03.45Blackveldoes that also apply to fastAgi? :)
11:04.35ManxPowerAGI(myhappyagi,1&2&3) and then in myhappyagi ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) = $ARGV[0] =~ /(*.)\&(.*)\&(.*)/
11:04.48ManxPowerBlackvel: I have no idea
11:05.56ManxPowerBlackvel: You can also SetVar(MYARG=whatever) and then use GET VARIABLE in your AGI
11:06.44Blackveli am so young and forget so many things I read about
11:07.02Blackvelright, that was in agidocs too
11:07.05ManxPowerBlackvel: Wait until you get old...and forget so many things you read about.
11:07.21Blackvelwill it get more difficult?
11:07.32ManxPowerBlackvel: I don't know.  I'm not THAT old. 8-)
11:07.59ManxPowerBlackvel: I can give you the URL to my archive of my Asterisk site if you promise not to ask me about all the sample AGIs.
11:08.20Blackvelbetter not... I do not understand that much about cgi/perl and stuff
11:08.29ManxPowerMy Perl AGIs look like a cross between C and COBOL.
11:08.32BlackvelI am the crazy guy who develops fastagi with java :)
11:08.40ManxPowerBlackvel: pervert.
11:08.58ManxPower$voicemail_context_group = 1;
11:09.03ManxPowerlong variable names like that
11:09.33Blackveltook me ages to get out all cobol details from my brain for more important stuff in life
11:10.04ManxPowerBlackvel: Learn Perl, even if you don't use it.  You will then be able to understand many of the sample AGI scripts (which seem to all be written in Perl)
11:10.09Blackvelmove code to trash
11:10.18BlackvelI can remember that command from cobol
11:10.35Blackvelespecially when trash redefines output :)
11:10.50Blackvelright, might have to do that
11:11.50*** part/#asterisk ckruetze (
11:11.52ManxPowerContains lots of interesting stuff.
11:12.23Blackvelweren't you the guy with the paypal donation last year? :)
11:12.46*** join/#asterisk ckruetze_ (
11:12.47ManxPowerBlackvel: one of many.  Nobody donated so I closed the site and donated the entire thing to
11:13.00Blackveldont care. same for me
11:13.13Blackveltook me at least 2-3 weeks to find out nikotel redirect problem with asterisk
11:13.14*** join/#asterisk tld (~tld@
11:13.22Blackvelnow it is in cvs, everyone uses it...and I have nothing
11:13.25Blackvelthats life
11:13.34ManxPowerIf I had to live on only the donations I got, I would have starved in 6.5 mins.
11:13.46*** join/#asterisk my007ms (~ms@
11:13.58Blackvelseems world is working different
11:14.05Blackvelfirst send money, then get information
11:14.25ManxPowerI've paid out $75 in bounties in the past 30 days.
11:16.41my007mshi all
11:19.38my007mshi all
11:28.08*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:31.17ManxPowerAsterisk sucks unless it has T.38!
11:31.55coppice"unless it has T.38" seems superfluous
11:34.16coppiceIt amuses me that most of the people talking about T.38 actually have no idea what it really is, or how poorly it is currently supported by VoIP equipment. :-)
11:50.02*** join/#asterisk memic (
11:50.20memicanybody has a download link for
11:50.25memicdownload ist working there
11:52.02Blackvelshould it be in that way? agi://|agi_dnid|78612")
11:54.10*** join/#asterisk bowman (~rsp@
12:02.23Blackvelthrow it away...changed my local extension number :)
12:11.35*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
12:11.38tessierHello all!
12:12.48tessierFor phone systems that require a 9 to get an outside do you fix the caller-id to put a 9 on it so they can just hit redial from the phones call history?
12:13.19Mavviesetcallerid(9${CALLERIDNUM}) ?
12:13.20tessierThat's what I was thinking.
12:13.20memicanybody has an download link to ?
12:13.20tessierWill that work on the incoming call also though?
12:13.20*** join/#asterisk apardo (~apardo@
12:13.20memicdownload there is broken
12:13.28Mavvieonly one way to find out
12:21.28Mavvielots of happy flamewars going on in -dev.
12:21.40Mavvieand most of them seem to make sense too!
12:22.51jontowi love it when that happens :)
12:22.55jontow(good morning, all)
12:23.34ManxPowerMavvie: The Asterisk code is complex and as a result is confusing.
12:23.47ManxPowerThe problem is that a PBX *IS* complex.
12:23.49MavvieManxPower: I know.
12:23.51jontowi spent some time with the people over at aheeva early this week
12:23.55jontowthey are a nice bunch :)
12:24.14MavvieManxPower: That I don't agree.
12:24.18ManxPowerThe code could be a little cleaner, but that can be said of almost ALL software.
12:24.27MavvieManxPower: It looks complex, but it should be very modular.
12:24.35jontowquite a cool operation, overall
12:29.06tldIs it illegal to call a SIP extension whos status is LAGGED?  I have a 7960 that's fully registered, I can call out from it, but not to it.
12:29.46ManxPowertld: stop using qualify then.
12:30.05tldahh, thanks.
12:30.06ManxPowerqualify=x means "don't call if the device is lagged more than x"
12:31.10tldI've been looking to get this solved for almost three days, and it's something as simple as THAT? ;)
12:32.04ManxPowertld: looking at sip.conf.sample would have saved you almost 3 days of work.
12:32.29coppiceMost of the world's most heavily used software is really horrible, and I am not just talking about windows. Most stuff that gets really useful gets pretty nasty along with it. cf sendmail :-)
12:32.37tldManxPower: I did, but for some reason I must have missed it.
12:32.52tldManxPower: I know I read that part of it, but it must not have stuck.
12:33.15tldAsterisk reminds me of early binds and sendmails.
12:33.25tldDon't get me wrong, Asterisk is good, it's not that.
12:33.34tldBut some thing, like debug messages...
12:33.51bjohnsonbind is sill nasty
12:33.59bjohnsonstill nasty
12:34.31coppicebind is just trying to compete with sendmail :-)
12:35.03tldAnyone worked with the Asterisk codebase?
12:35.18jontowlots of people
12:35.23coppiceno. nobody. it appeared by magic :-)
12:35.51ManxPowerLike a Balisk
12:36.03ManxPowerMark took a rooster egg...
12:36.03tldI'm just curious how comfortable it is to work with.
12:36.17Mavviemake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/edwin/asterisk/asterisk/pbx'
12:36.17Mavvie/bin/sh: curl-config: command not found
12:36.21Mavvienow that's a funky error.
12:36.37ManxPowertld: To me it looks "interesting" in the "acient chinese curse" kind of way.
12:36.39bjohnsonisn't it a Basilisk?
12:36.49ManxPowerbjohnson: You know cats can't spell.
12:37.01bjohnsonno I didn't know that
12:37.11ManxPowerMavvie: Asterisk sees curl installed, but not the dev libs
12:37.18bjohnsonthey're supposedly smarter than dogs .. but if they can't spell ?
12:37.20tldManxPower: Hmm,ok.
12:37.35ManxPowerbjohnson: dogs can't spell either.
12:37.55ManxPower"supposedly".  No, it's a well known fact that cats are smarter than dogs.
12:38.11bjohnsonManxPower: dogs aren't claiming serpiority either
12:38.20coppiceManxPower: I have never seen any Chinese in the * codebase. People object when I write coments in Chinese, and complain about compatibility if I use Chinese symbol names. ;-)
12:38.24tldManxPower: I thought it was a well known fact that dogs were smarter than cats?
12:38.31ManxPowerWhen was the last time you saw a cat pulling a sled thru snow?
12:38.38MavvieManxPower: It doesn't check for curl, just runs curl-config and prays.
12:38.53bjohnsonyou're confusing laziness with intelligence
12:38.53tldSo install curl and live happily ever after?
12:38.58ManxPowercoppice: "May your life be forever interesting" is the curse I'm thinking of.
12:39.01bjohnsona common upper management problem too
12:39.29coppice"May you live in interesting times" is closer to the meaning of the Chinese
12:39.57Mavvieis Mr Underwood here?
12:40.05ManxPowerMavvie: No, he never comes to IRC.
12:40.12bjohnsonI thought it was .. "May your lunch fill you for more than an hour"
12:40.43Mavviejust wanted to congratulate him :-)
12:41.14coppicehe's only here if there is money available.... that or complementary MacLaren F1's
12:41.33ManxPowerMavvie: about what?  Being as much of a bitch on the mailing list as I am?
12:41.42ManxPower(but mostly to people that deserve it)
12:43.32bjohnsonahhh .. anyone know how to use avidemux2?
12:45.55coppiceMaybe MacLaren should make keyboards, so everyone can have a MacLaren F1
12:46.24coppiceMavvie: what solicites congratulations?
12:46.41ManxPowerGads, deleting the backups of all my user's e-mail takes a long time.
12:47.24coppicenow how will they find viagra when they need it?
12:49.06ManxPowercoppice: The backups were corrupt anyway.
12:49.33ManxPowerToday I begin a week of auditing backups.
12:49.38coppicewell, the world has enough pricks anyway
12:53.05*** join/#asterisk trimi` (Pharrel@
12:53.53bjohnsonManxPower: time for a find script?
12:54.28bjohnsonManxPower: what daemon?
12:55.05bjohnsoneg courier can be configure to delete emails over a certain time period in specific imap folders
12:55.18ManxPowerbjohnson: we already use that on .Trash
12:55.39ManxPowerWe have 350 users, using IMAP.
12:56.56bjohnsonstart using it on their backups too
12:57.33ManxPowerthe rdiff-backups are on a totally different system that's not even running IMAP
12:59.01ManxPowerWe have about 50G of mail on our mail server.
12:59.57MavvieAnd of course 45Gb is in use by 35 users.
13:01.28ManxPowerbjohnson: I'm converting from doing backups from the mail server to the corporate backup server using rsync to using rdiff-backup.
13:01.37*** join/#asterisk destro_dm4 (
13:02.28ManxPowerbjohnson: I have scripts that run each night that look thru everyone's .Junk folder for messages older than 2 weeks and run sa-learn on them.
13:02.48ManxPowerI have scripts that run each night to look for deleted messages and move them into the user's .Trash folder.
13:03.24ManxPowerCourier-IMAP does a pretty good job of deleting messages out of each user's .Trash folder that are older than 2 weeks.
13:03.43newlerm..can't you enable that in the clients profile?
13:05.45ManxPowerclient's profile?
13:06.29ManxPowerWe used to trust users to empty their own Trash and to "purge deleted messages".  Then we realized that over %50 of the messages on the mail server were either deleted messages or in the .Trash
13:06.53ManxPowerAbout the only thing we trust users with these says is wiping their own ass.
13:07.15coppiceI thought trash bins replaced simple deletion purely to drive disk sales
13:07.39ManxPowernewl: This is all IMAP stuff, not local PC stuff.
13:07.55ManxPowerI don't deal with local PCs
13:08.09newlManxPower: most imap clients have an option to move to trash when deleted.  If so, you should be able to configure that for the profile (group policy etc).
13:08.26Deryland to think that Trash was to drive disk sales is just nuts. it's done to allow users to reclaim accidental deletions
13:08.27newlI know, but maintaining the desktops helps in maintaining the server(s). :)
13:08.27ManxPowernewl: any suggestions as to how?
13:09.11newlManxPower: nope.  I used to stage the desktops as new users came in and nipped things like that in the bud. hehe
13:09.20ManxPowerWe have a mix of users using Outlook and Outlook Express on computers on the corporate lan and at home, as well as users that only access their e-mail using the web interface, and a few using Mozilla.
13:09.48ManxPowernewl: %80 of our users have their personal computer as their company desktop, since the company doesn't buy computers for those users.
13:09.50coppicepraise to the few using mozilla
13:10.00newlno company definitions of SOE?
13:10.05newloof..heh that sucks
13:10.05ManxPowercoppice: They still call it "outlook"
13:10.22ManxPowernewl: It's a real estate company.  They don't live in the same universe as you and I.
13:10.29coppiceManxPower: good idea. keep a low profile :-)
13:10.46ManxPowercoppice: Oh, we tell them it's mozilla mail, but they call it outlook.
13:11.08ManxPowerHell, the users that use our phpGroupWare server call it outlook too.
13:11.40coppicehey, even the weather forecasters call it outlook
13:12.56key2could someone give me the ref of a cheap FXS card ?
13:13.24coppiceif you mean a PCI card, there aren't may choices
13:14.34ManxPowernewl: The company charges the users $38,000/year to have a desk and a phone.
13:14.43ManxPowerAnd the user has to buy their own computer.
13:15.02ManxPowerOh, we do provide e-mail, file server, network, internet, and marketing
13:15.22coppiceare they in the business of selling pyramids?
13:15.41newlwicked..franchise fees. =)
13:15.57ManxPowerNo, "Desk Fee"
13:16.30coppiceI have a huge monthly fee to use this desk. I call it a mortgage
13:16.45ManxPowercoppice: no, they are in the business of providing an "image" for real estate agents, so their clients don't relaize the person is a fly by night agent that got their license because they were bored of spending each day at the country club.
13:17.28coppicewould this image be a picture of a toad?
13:17.30ManxPowerNow they spend each day at the country club selling million dollar houses to all their friends at the country club.
13:17.45jakepdevnot a bad deal
13:18.10mmlj4ManxPower: you're cheerful this morning
13:18.18coppiceso, shouldn't the country club offer office facilities and cut their commute time?
13:18.39ManxPowercoppice: I'll suggest that to management.  They also go to the country club.
13:18.52ManxPowermmlj4: I just REALLY hate residential agents.
13:19.00ManxPowerThe Commercial Agents are not all THAT bad.
13:19.35mmlj4we're talking salesmen here, right? what's to like?
13:20.10ManxPowermmlj4: Maybe salespeople that don't bring their children in on the weekends to install Bonsai Buddy on their PC when mom/dad isn't looking.
13:20.47ManxPowermmlj4: Did you hear we actually had to block access to some sites because $user was going BACK to the sites with spyware in them?
13:21.03mmlj4nope, didn't hear
13:21.17ManxPowerWe did this after cleaning up $gender_pronoun's PC for the 4th time.
13:21.52ManxPower$user didn't complain.  I think they knew someone from MIS would have bitchsmacked them if they had.
13:22.16ManxPowermmlj4: have you been looking at the issues in the ticket tracker?
13:22.29mmlj4a few
13:22.40mmlj4you guys have had a bit of traffic, i saw
13:23.52ManxPowermmlj4: Not even close to what we will have when the users start being required to use it.
13:25.00mmlj4is this supposed to actually help? we're going to drown in tickets
13:25.15mmlj4how many issues does piggy handle per day already?
13:25.54ManxPowermmlj4: This will help.  Management will see how many user issues we have to deal with.  Management will be able to see the response times by MIS, and when a user is not happy with a solution, we can go back to the ticket logs.
13:26.09mmlj4ah, yeah. documenting the problem
13:26.18tldAnyone using VoicePulse?
13:26.33ManxPowermmlj4: Please, I don't say anything when John calls her "miss piggy", but I would appreciate if it you didn't call her that to me.
13:26.43mmlj4no problem
13:27.21ManxPowermmlj4: One of our major problems is that we have SO many things to do that some of them get forgotten or lost, then users get mad.  I'm hoping the ticketing system will solve that problem.
13:28.23mmlj4he freaked me out, the first time he caller her that... we have a pig here at our complex, her name is peggy (she's really gross, the name fits)... i couldn't figure out for a few seconds how he knew her, then i realized it was someone different
13:29.15ManxPowermmlj4: Another issue is that users seem genitically unable to report a problem with the information needed to fix it.  The tracking system will help us deal with those as well.
13:29.34mmlj4hey, i *might* go to YaPC in toronto this summer
13:29.48mmlj4big might
13:30.06tldI'm trying to sign up with VoicePulse, but I don't really get their form.
13:30.16tldIt asks for Card Number, and Card Code.
13:30.24tldCard Number is onething, but Card Code?
13:30.32tldIt can't want the PIN code?
13:30.43ManxPowertld: that's the little 3 digit number on the BACK of the card.
13:31.18tldThat's what I thought...  AKA CVC2 or CCV2 or something.
13:31.22tldBut it doesn't accept it.
13:31.35ManxPowertld: using Amex?
13:31.51blankmantld you may have to use the four digit card number.
13:32.33blankmantld. I stopped using them a few months back, cause they kept having issues with billing ...
13:32.47tldblankman: Who are you using now?
13:32.54blankmannot sure what is wrong, but sometimes just wait an hour and go back :-)
13:33.31tldheh, ok
13:33.49key2coppice: what cheap pci FXS are u suggesting me ?
13:33.52ManxPowermmlj4: The Ticket system also helps pinpoint where the tech made an error, as was demonstrated the other day.
13:33.57blankmanNuFone ... they don't have the greatest (read responsive) support in the world, but if all you want is IAX2 access, it works pretty good ... except from like 4-6ish EST ... they seem to not have enought bandwidth to handle stuff then.
13:34.08*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
13:34.11mmlj4who bungled what?
13:34.15blankmanJust have to call back though and only a few calls a month get dropped.
13:34.25ManxPowerSuzzane put in the right e-mail address into the notes of the ticket for John to set up the e-mail forwarding for a user's mail to the user's blackberry.
13:34.35coppicekey2: I think the cheapest FXS is the digium one. voicetronix in .au have a more expensive one. there isn't much else
13:34.40mmlj4and he typod it?
13:34.45ManxPowerJohn typed in the address wrong and generated 300,000 bounce messages into the user's mailbox.
13:34.56mmlj4hee, you mentioned that bit
13:35.32key2coppice: quicknet phonejack ?
13:35.35*** join/#asterisk Romik (
13:35.41ManxPowermmlj4: Mistakes happen, but now we know WHERE the mistake happened.
13:35.42blankmancoppice ... I think that telefinity has a pretty cheap PCI fxs as well ... not sure if they are selling them yet though.
13:35.49coppicekey2: are they still in business?
13:36.40blankmanHey ManxPower, were you on when bkw_ was saying that he thought that the IAXy would "die" cause the PA186 was OS now?
13:36.49*** join/#asterisk drumkilla (~russell@
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13:36.54blankmancoppice, Telefinity?
13:37.01coppiceblankman: I tried and got a service provider. where do i find them?
13:37.10blankmanThat is them :-)
13:37.17ManxPowerblankman: I've had bkw_ on /ignore since sometime yesterday.
13:37.32coppicewhy does a service provider make cards?
13:37.38filedrumkilla drumkilla drumkilla
13:37.42drumkillahey file
13:37.43blankmanThey have changed their model to be a provicer to ITSPs a little while ago.
13:37.53filehow are you?
13:38.04drumkillajust getting up ... I have to pack up everything I own today :(
13:38.18*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
13:38.30blankmanManxPower, well, what is your thought on this premise. That since PA186 is not OS and you can get the "hardware" for about 45/50 bucks, that the iaxy will go away since it is priced to high?
13:38.43Chujidrumkilla : You move too much
13:38.51blankmanI have yet to find an ATA that has a well designed deployment systems ... have you?
13:39.08coppicehow much of the PA168 stuff is being open sourced?
13:39.11ManxPowerblankman: I think the IAXy was a mistake.  Really cool idea, way underpowered for what people expect it to do.
13:39.19blankmanHeck, I can't even find a well designed deployment system for the phones.
13:39.35ManxPowerIt has like 4k of RAM and 4k of FLASH (or maybe 2k of each)
13:39.37coppiceI can't find a well designed ATA at all
13:39.49drumkillaChuji, no kidding
13:39.56blankmanUmmmm ... interesting ... we have about thirty of them in the field and other than the fact that they "wedge" and you have to send a new one ... they work well.
13:40.12drumkillaManxPower, those numbers aren't right
13:40.18ManxPowerblankman: they also don't support compressed numbers.
13:40.19drumkillaManxPower, and it works fine for ulaw
13:40.23ManxPowerdrumkilla: what are the correct numbers.
13:40.30blankmanThe idea that you "provision" them through * is what I find compeling. The Codec issue "bites" though.
13:40.40ManxPowerOh, I agree the IAXy works for ulaw, people want compressed codecs, DNS support, etc.
13:40.47key2what kind of technology does SKYPE use ?
13:40.48drumkillait's more than that ...
13:41.00ManxPowerdrumkilla: ask Kram sometime.
13:41.01drumkillaManxPower, yeah, DNS would be nice
13:41.03filekey2: their own
13:41.05blankmankey2: skype ;-)
13:41.19drumkillaI want to say 4k of RAM, and 64k of flash
13:41.19coppicekey2: skype uses botched up, but fairly well botched up tech
13:41.39ManxPowerThe IAXy seems designed for LAN deployment, but everyone wants them for WAN deployment.
13:41.42ManxPowerdrumkilla: ask Kram sometime.
13:41.44drumkillaManxPower, maybe I can get kram to let me add dns support this summer
13:41.54coppicethe chip in the iaxy is neat, but I think the design makes no sense
13:42.24ManxPowerI think the IAXy require bootp, not DHCP.  It did not work at all in some of our offices.
13:42.59key2coppice: what u mean
13:43.01blankmanI actually think that they are designed well for a specific market ... I just can't get them to say "alive" long enough. I have like 12 that I have to return to Digium :-(
13:43.20blankmanManxPower, what issue were you having?
13:43.31coppiceblankman: too much money for too little functionality
13:43.43*** join/#asterisk cmk (
13:43.50blankmanah ... yes ... that is a matter or volume ... like all things :-)
13:44.03ManxPowerblankman: it never got an IP address.
13:44.14blankmanWe actully have a new "configuration" for them so they are wireless ... it works quite well actually :-)
13:44.16ManxPowerI can't remember if we saw it requesting one or not.
13:44.22coppicenot really. its design its fundamentally cheap
13:44.34blankmancoppice, that to me?
13:44.38ManxPowerLike I said, the idean is very cool.
13:44.42ManxPoweridea, even
13:45.20coppiceis there a PA168 project at sourceforge yet? i thought there was, but I can't find it.
13:45.44blankmanSo, I have to go... nice chatting with all ... have a good day/night.
13:46.06destro_dm4hey, if I want to GotoIf depending on the incoming channel, can I do this?  exten => s,1,GotoIf($[${CHANNEL} = ZAP/4]?2:3)
13:46.43destro_dm4I am having a hard time getting asterisk to choose different attendants depending on the incoming channel
13:46.45ManxPowerdestro_dm4: ${CHANNEL} contains an instance identifier as well.
13:46.49ManxPoweri.e. Zap/4-1
13:47.02destro_dm4I tried that too, but it didn't work either
13:47.25ManxPowerdestro_dm4: Well put a Noop(CHANNEL=${CHANNEL}) in your dialplan to see the value of the variable
13:47.30Mavviesometimes I dream of "s,1,GotoIf($[...]?+2:+4)", where it will increase the priority with 2 instead of jupming to 2.
13:47.31drumkillause different contexts ... don't kill yourselfc
13:48.17*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
13:48.18key2Is it worth it to develop an FXS card that would cost around $20 ?
13:48.28key2or not enough people need that
13:48.28filedrumkilla: you are very silly
13:48.36drumkillafile, aren't we all?
13:48.50coppicehow would a $20 FXS card be made?
13:48.58filedrumkilla: not as silly as you
13:49.32drumkillaI can't wait to start tearing apart the bug tracker
13:49.50jakepdevif you could make a good quality FXS card for $20, i'm quite sure people would jump on it
13:50.22coppicethe reason you can't make one for $20 is because people won't buy many
13:51.01ManxPowerYeah.  Not all THAT many systems need a single port.
13:51.14*** part/#asterisk ckruetze (
13:51.50jakepdevat that price point, people could buy a couple
13:51.57coppicemake a 12 port for $250, and it looks more interesting. Still the volume isn't high enough to permit that
13:52.30ManxPowerjakepdev: and then run out of PCI slots.
13:52.37jakepdevhow many times do we see the requests on here for the X100P - isn't that an indicator?
13:53.20coppiceUSB and audio were designed to go together. in practice they seem to have problems
13:53.42ManxPowerjakepdev: 100 people using 1xcard requires 100x the support of 1 person using 100 ports.
13:53.54coppiceactually USB was designed to look like an ISDN channel
13:54.35ManxPowerWe have one Asterisk system with 96 channels on it.
13:54.47jakepdevManxPower - i was not suggesting it was a good deal for the manufacturer, but I do belive many would buy it at that price point
13:54.48coppiceManxPower: probably a lot more than 100 times the support
13:54.58ManxPowerUsing the 4-Port TE40xP card, of course.
13:55.15mmlj4how big is that machine, ManxPower?
13:55.15coppicejakeepdev: what leads you to that conclusion?
13:55.33jakepdevbecause it's lower than anything else you can get now
13:56.11coppicethat is not a reason to buy. reasons are things like "I need to x, now what will x for me"
13:56.19ManxPowermmlj4: 512MB 1.8Ghz
13:56.32mmlj4or AMD?
13:56.36ManxPowermmlj4: P4
13:56.55ManxPowerMany of the channels are DACSed so there is minimal CPU usage for those.
13:57.44jakepdevcoppice - what's the lowest price you saw?
13:58.00coppiceforget price. look at demand
13:58.58jakepdevwell - i do agree a single port is kind of limiting
13:59.06*** part/#asterisk trimi` (Pharrel@
13:59.40coppiceexactly. the price is largely irrelevant to demand for this device
13:59.46coppiceand the demand is low
14:00.13jakepdevit'd be primarily for the hobbyist
14:00.45coppicethe FXO cards sell < $10 because 300M were already made and fitted in everyone's PC
14:01.16jakepdevas modems - i take it
14:01.17coppicejakeepdev: now that was a much better thought out comment :-)
14:01.35ManxPowercoppice: Yeah, but they won't be around for long as far as I can tell.
14:01.49jakepdevwhat vanilla or the hobbyist?
14:02.19ManxPowercoppice: I can't remember WHERE I hard it, but I seem to recall being told that Intel stopped making the chipset for the compatable card.
14:02.43coppiceall the best tastes are from tree bark
14:02.54jakepdevnever tried that
14:03.04jakepdevi have to try licking some trees today
14:03.24coppicewell, if Intel stop others are still doing it. ultra cheap FXOs are still possible. Only a driver is needed
14:03.42coppiceeh? vanilla comes from tree bark
14:03.53ManxPowercoppice: Yeah, but do you think anyone selling the clone cards are going to write drivers for Asterisk for them?
14:04.10ManxPowercoppice: vanilla comes from a seed pod.
14:04.18drumkillaManxPower, heck no they wouldn't :)
14:04.23drumkillathat's not easy money
14:04.32coppicewe were comparing with the economics of FXO cards, which also need a new driver
14:04.38ManxPowercommonly called a "vanilla bean"
14:04.45jakepdevwith that - i'm out
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14:05.14coppiceyou are right. I'm confusing vanilla with something else
14:05.30ManxPowercoppice: Were you thinking of cinnamon
14:06.00coppiceno, cinnamon is tree barks but some other common flavours are too.
14:06.01[KFC]JupiterHello - I have astwind...I installed and running it from coLunix....does this have the AMP browser also?
14:06.12drumkilla[KFC]Jupiter, no.
14:06.30ManxPower[KFC]Jupiter!*@* added to ignore list.
14:06.54coppice"doctor, i need something for this terrible astwind"
14:07.08drumkillaI know just the cure, it's called LINUX!
14:07.30[KFC]JupiterI get the spelling messed up
14:07.35drumkillano you didn't
14:07.40drumkillait's named that way on purpose
14:08.15filedrumkilla makes me happy
14:08.28[KFC]JupiterAnyway - so I have to do all the configuring from coLinux ?
14:09.32[KFC]JupiterI would rather use it on CentOS then....I have a VoIP phone connected via a ATA box and can't get the login/password/connecion info it wants for the trunk.
14:10.48Romikwhere I can look into implementation of *63 (redirect calls) feature of asterisk?
14:11.08memicanybody has newest Xorcom iso?
14:11.49fileRomik: asterisk doesn't implement it, either your phone does... the zaptel driver... or you write your own
14:12.06ManxPowerRomik: For which protocol?
14:12.35fileyou mean the actual protocol implementation? that's different
14:12.41ManxPowerRomik: Uh, ignore me.  Listen to file
14:13.03filewell if you wanna go further... some protocols do implement it, like MGCP... but I'm not gonna get into that
14:13.20[KFC]JupiterAnyone answer my question?
14:13.44Romikmanxpower,file: i will explain the case: we have incoming number that rings on few phones,  but some people redirect their office phones to mobiles, when somebody calls this group phone, the call redirected to the mobile, i want to prevent redirection when few phones ringing on same time
14:14.37ManxPower<file> Romik: asterisk doesn't implement it, either your phone does... the zaptel driver... or you write your own
14:15.01Romikmaxnpower: how i can prevent this?
14:15.05ManxPowerfile: actually, I think chan_zap does.
14:15.10ManxPowerRomik: prevent what?
14:15.20ManxPowerYou still have not told us what phones you are using or what protocol they are using.
14:15.21Romikthat ring to few phones will be redirected
14:15.22fileManxPower: mgcp does too...
14:16.08*** join/#asterisk jape (
14:16.18ManxPowerRomik: did you look at zaptel.conf.sample and look at the call forwarding options?
14:16.26[KFC]JupiterAnyone know how I can get my VoIP info for the trunk config?
14:16.33Romikmanxpower: i will look into now, thanks
14:17.11fileyou could also modify app_dial to prevent forwarding based on an option you give it
14:18.03Romikmanxpower: we use zap channels... file zapata.conf
14:18.51Romikmanxpower: we use digium quad card  + 3 channel banks of 24 lines
14:21.42[KFC]JupiterHow do you save settings in the editor, when I press F4 it is putting a "D"
14:21.51Romikfile: can i check from the script that phone set as forwarding?
14:22.42[KFC]JupiterCan someone tell me how to save my changes in the Editor? I am pressing f4 and it makes a D
14:23.19Romik[KFC]Jupiter: type /join #windows for advice
14:24.02[KFC]JupiterThey will help me?
14:24.09Romik[KFC]Jupiter: i hope so
14:24.18[KFC]JupiterWhy can't you?
14:24.41[KFC]JupiterThere is on one in #windows
14:24.42Romik[KFC]Jupiter: this is pure asterisk/voip channel
14:25.05[KFC]Jupiterok then you can help me with my VoIP issues for asterisk
14:25.35Romik[KFC]Jupiter: i can try;)
14:25.35[KFC]JupiterI have it installed with CentOS from the CD Image and I want to setup a trunk for my VoIP phone that is connected via ATA box
14:26.58Romikfile: this feature to prevent fowarding when mass dial executed - will be implemented in future version of asterisk?
14:27.51fileRomik: uh no.... not unless you do it, or someone else does it
14:28.20[KFC]JupiterRomik ^^?
14:31.51ManxPowerfile: I'll bet the info is stored in an astdb
14:32.15fileyou'd lose
14:32.29ManxPowerfile: Well I only bet a nickle.
14:32.42ManxPowerRomik: what's wrong just just disabline the feature in zapata.conf?
14:33.25fileit's actually in memory d00d
14:33.42ManxPowerfile: so if you restart Asterisk you lose all your zap call forwarding info?
14:33.51fileomg yes
14:34.09*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
14:34.12ManxPower<-- is smarter than he looks, ya know
14:34.19Romikmanxpower: I want that people will able to redirect direct calls, not mass calls.
14:34.37fileonly the blacklisting of numbers goes in the database
14:35.02[KFC]JupiterRomik: Can you help me>
14:35.12ManxPowerRomik: "redirect" = transfer or call forward?
14:35.36Romikmanxpower: call forward.
14:36.00ManxPowerRomik: Asterisk cannot do what you want to do
14:36.11file(not without modifications)
14:36.11ManxPowerHOWEVER, you can do this:
14:36.22ManxPower1) disable call forwarding in zapata.conf.
14:36.23[KFC]JupiterRomik: What are you familiar with?  it is the same as Liunx...I have Asterisk installed and it has teh AMP
14:36.33ManxPower2) build your own call forwarding scripts using the dialplan
14:36.44ManxPowerthe Wiki should have examples of that.
14:36.51Romikmanxpower: It always  want something special...
14:37.08Romikmanxpower: thanks...for the advice - i will implmeent it by my self.
14:37.24ManxPowerRomik: The easiest solution is to create a company policy covering this and then fire anyone that doesn't follow the policy.
14:37.40filegah servers continue to be in transit to Secaucus, NJ
14:38.12Romikmanxpower: we are marketing company - we want do things right...and policy does not helps, we value our empoeyers...
14:38.44Romikmanxpower: soon i will setup preditable dialer...that should be interestings...
14:38.58*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
14:39.00ManxPowerDid I just help a telemarketer?
14:39.06ManxPowerAm I going to Hell now?
14:39.15fileno but they're probably going to your ignore list
14:39.29ManxPowerfile: probably
14:39.41[KFC]JupiterTo Anyone who can Help: I have the Linux install of the Asterisk and have installed it fresh on another HardDrive and able to have access via the AMP on another machine.  I configured it to work with X-Lite so that all of my *## commands work and now I would like to use it with my Voice over IP provider.  My Voice over IP is through an ATA box.  How do I setup the trunk that will work with it in the AMP?
14:39.55Romikmanxpower: we are online marketing company...managing marketing budget
14:40.11ManxPowerReceived disconnect from 2: Corrupted MAC on input.
14:40.43[KFC]JupiterRomik, ManxPower, can any of you help?
14:40.54filecould it be anybody, I want somebody to love
14:41.08fileI need food...
14:41.21Romikfile: what you local time?;)
14:41.23[KFC]Jupiterfile, can you help me?
14:42.44Romik[KFC]Jupiter: open shell in linux, and run "asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc" and do your things..check the output
14:43.24[KFC]Jupiteryeah I know, but where do I get the login/password and such for the OUTPUT Settings in the trunk?
14:43.37[KFC]JupiterSo that it will work with my VoIP box
14:44.46Romik[KFC]Jupiter: you login/pass you should ask from your voip provider
14:45.12[KFC]JupiterI asked them and they don't even know what a PBX is
14:45.24[KFC]JupiterMy VoIP Provider is from Level 3 Communications.
14:46.03Romik[KFC]Jupiter: may be you should ask them a bit better.
14:46.21[KFC]JupiterWhat do you mean a bit better?  I ask them and they don't know what I am talking about.
14:46.38Romik[KFC]Jupiter: looks like you spoke with wrong support center of level3
14:46.48[KFC]JupiterI never recieved a login and password when I got it.  I have an ATA box that gets the connection because of the MAC Address.
14:46.57[KFC]JupiterAnd My phone number came with it.
14:47.16Romik[KFC]Jupiter: you should hack your box and see the details
14:47.52[KFC]JupiterI have a Motorola ATA VT1005V
14:47.57[KFC]JupiterHow should I go about doing that.
14:48.05Romik[KFC]Jupiter: i do not know
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14:48.54[KFC]Jupiter:( - What should I do
14:51.25Romikfile, manxpower: which voip providers are you use?
14:51.45[KFC]JupiterEven This Forum says:,12984848
14:51.50[KFC]JupiterBut I don't have Vonage.
14:54.00[KFC]JupiterI don't think it is possible to hack the VT1005V
14:54.21ManxPowerRomik: Nufone and Teliax
14:55.14ManxPowerI will not use VoipJet or LiveVoIP.
14:55.40ManxPowerI will also not use Broadvoice, or Vonage, or Packet8
14:56.28destro_dm4how can I dial something to transfer a call to park?  I want to have a button that does <transfer>70
14:56.49destro_dm4is there a * combo to can use for transfer?
14:56.57destro_dm4blind transfer
14:57.09coppiceIs VoipJet VoIP over avian carrier? :-)
14:57.57ManxPowerdestro_dm4: It depends on the phone and the protocol.
14:57.58Romikcoppice: voipjet is not bad, livevoip is 16h down!!!
14:58.06Romikmanxpower: thanks
14:58.07destro_dm4SIP on Polycom 500
14:58.47ManxPowerdestro_dm4: That is either controlled by the phone or you will have to write the feature into the dialplan.
14:59.05ManxPowerdestro_dm4: Asterisk's chan_sip does not support it, since people normally do it using the phone.
14:59.22ManxPowerWhy can't you use the transfer button on the phone?
14:59.41destro_dm4transfer button is ok, but then people need to know to transfer to 70
14:59.48destro_dm4and I have VERY simple users
14:59.49Romikmanxpower: telifax is only  4 concurrent call allowances, we have like 15 lines concurrent....
15:00.02destro_dm4so a programmed button that parks the call would make my life easier
15:00.10ManxPowerdestro_dm4: so do I.  If they are too stupid to do transfers then they don't get to do the transfer.
15:00.29ManxPowerdestro_dm4: Programming the button is TOTALLY controled by the phone.
15:00.39destro_dm4yeah, I know how to program the button
15:00.52destro_dm4I just don't know what the phone is doing when I select Blind Transfer
15:01.09ManxPowerdestro_dm4: it sends a SIP redirect, I think.
15:01.34[KFC]JupiterCan Level3 VoIP work with my PBX Then?
15:02.03ManxPowerYou realize that if you do a blind transfer to call parking 1) the person doing the transfer won't know what extension the call is parked on and 2) the CALLER will hear the digits of the parking space read to them.
15:02.34destro_dm4ha ha
15:03.06destro_dm4I would rather the parking space show up on the user's phone
15:03.09destro_dm4instead of read to them
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15:03.15destro_dm4but that is probably a different day :)
15:03.52NewSolemorning folks
15:03.59Romikmanxpower: do you familiar with voip providers at level like livevoip - but more reliable, with IAX, income calls,  concurrent calls, tool free, etc?
15:04.27ManxPowerRomik: I use Nufone and Teliax.
15:04.57coppiceI use the PSTN. works much better :-)
15:05.10Romikmanxpower: i have account in nufone  i will try them next week.
15:07.12Romikcoppice: we have office in middle east, and most calls terminated in US, France, Italy, Germany and Japan  - i do not think in my case smart use PSTN
15:07.39coppicewell PSTN calls for me are pretty cheap.
15:08.15ManxPowerRomik: VoIP is as reliable as your VoIP service provider AND your internet service provider AND all internet service providers your packets transit.
15:08.35coppicei.e. it sucks :-)
15:08.42Romikcoppice: we have marketing girl in antigua, with salary of $800/m she made phone bill of $2500, with voip it dropped to $50/m
15:10.11*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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15:10.38coppicethat surprises me. I would have expected salaries to be a lot less than $800/m in a place like Antigua.
15:11.15NewSolecoppice: we got costomer that owned a biz... thay made over $16,000 in phone charges.... using Voip now they are less then 700$ now
15:12.06coppiceNewSole: where?
15:12.13NewSoleI dont like his biz... but I like his $$
15:12.26NewSoletelemarketer company in Ottawa
15:12.40ManxPowerNewSole: You are going to hell.
15:12.59coppiceNewSole: what is he paying per minute?
15:13.02ManxPowerSure I'd like the income of being a Colombian Drug Lord, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to become one.
15:13.15drumkillaI am.
15:13.22NewSoleI am charging him 1.15 per
15:13.30ManxPowerdrumkilla: you must not be very good at it. 8-)
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15:14.00coppiceNewSole: if I pick up my phone and dial ottawa by PSTN I pay less than that
15:15.02NewSolecoppice... if you like PSTN so much.... then why are you in a Voip Channel
15:15.38NThoHi Guys, Is it possible to stream pre-recorded video clips (H.263) with asterisk?
15:15.47NThoOut of the box or glued with something else?
15:16.03coppiceI didn't say I like it so much. However, if VoIP is driven only by price it won't grow very far. the PSTN guys can drop a *lot* to compete.
15:16.38NewSoleno... Just went though that with meeting with Bell canada
15:16.38[KFC]JupiterIf I want to use my PSTN with Asterisk@Home then I can configure it in the AMP, and what does the Digium card have is it PCI connection that I connect and use?
15:17.05[KFC]Jupiterand I connect it with a regular phone line?
15:17.07NewSolethey wanted to make all of canada local.... but FCC and CRTC wont let them
15:17.14coppiceBell Canada delivers our calls, an I pay less than 1c per minute for the whole thing
15:17.52NewSoleok but what do you pay for over seas.....
15:18.05coppicethis is overseas. I am in HK
15:18.17filecoppice cheats!
15:18.21filebut in a good way.
15:18.33[KFC]JupiterI can get free Long Distance with: Digium Wildcard X100P OEM FXO PCI Card ?
15:18.36bkw_yo yo yo wasabi
15:18.48NewSolemy top cost for over seas from US/Canada is less then 5 cents
15:18.52bkw_Ok what the hell is up with people emailing me asking me if i'm pissed off or something?
15:19.13coppiceNewSole: where is that to?
15:19.26ManxPowerNewSole: The FCC?
15:19.32bkw_file dear
15:19.34bkw_what up
15:19.43fileeating, and then working on the SER platform some more
15:19.45coppicebkw_ while you are breathing I know you are pissed
15:19.55ManxPowerOne would assume that the FCC can't tell the CRTC what to do.
15:20.09bkw_well some people just unrealistic goals.... and  bitch about them.
15:20.11bkw_oh well
15:20.29bkw_I wanna see forward progress.. not going in circles.
15:20.30NewSolethey canada when bell wants to make US same charge as canada
15:20.35drumkillabkw_, sometimes you say very opinionated things, and you know that
15:20.43drumkillaand sometimes you offer no explnation
15:20.45coppiceNewSole: if you really mean anywhere that might is very cheap. I can call many countries for less than a cent a minute, but some are quite expensive
15:20.49bkw_drumkilla, yes I know that...
15:20.50drumkillaand by sometimes, I mean most of the time
15:21.09bkw_drumkilla, well if you wish I can start laying EVERYTHING out .. but that will piss even more people off
15:21.16bkw_I do hold back
15:21.18[KFC]JupiterANYONE: Can I use a regular 56K Modem as a Voice Modem?
15:21.27bkw_[KFC]Jupiter, NO
15:21.34bkw_by NO I mean we aren't going to help you
15:21.38bkw_you can try
15:21.39drumkillawell, the way I see it, is that if you want to say things, and want people to take you seriously, you need to offer clear reasoning
15:21.49NewSolemy most expensive feed to other contries is less the 5 cents right now
15:22.08bkw_drumkilla, I'll just shut up because my opinion would really blow some people's top if they knew even half the reasoning behind what I say.
15:22.21coppiceNewSole: China? Mongolia? Nepal?
15:22.22[KFC]JupiterBkw, why the yelling?
15:22.37bkw_[KFC]Jupiter, no yelling.
15:22.49filefrozen microwave pizzas for everyone!
15:22.55NewSoleyup... I have a Feed in China, Korea
15:23.13[KFC]Jupiterbkw, SoI can't use my regular 56K Voice Modem in place of the Wildcard?
15:23.29bkw_I said you could try
15:23.33bkw_but we aren't going to assist you
15:23.37bkw_you'll need to google
15:23.37coppice[KFC]Jupiter: you can use a voice modem as a voice modem, but I expect you want to use it as a * channel. why would a modem be any use for that?
15:23.51bkw_because that will cause hair loss really
15:24.04coppiceNewSole: a legal one? :-)
15:24.21NewSoleto a provider there
15:24.23drumkillaI have a modem port on my laptop, that means I can use it as an FXO, right?
15:24.24filebkw_: do you have any X100Ps laying around still? I want a hardware timing source for my colo box
15:24.27bkw_and if I had 10 bucks for every time someone asked that question [KFC]Jupiter I woudln't be here.. I would be laying on a beach somewhere....
15:24.31filedrumkilla: Yes, and then you too can become the vonage
15:24.35bkw_file hrm
15:24.42bkw_file, I might
15:24.43drumkillaso, with my laptop modem, I can be Vonage?
15:24.48filedrumkilla: of course!
15:24.55[KFC]Jupiternkw, Why do I need a WildCard and can't use the other modme?
15:24.59bkw_drumkilla, spoken like a true smart ass.. BRAVO!!
15:25.12drumkillaouch, wasn't trying to piss that guy off
15:25.30drumkillaManxPower, :(
15:25.39filewhoops I overcooked the pizza
15:25.47coppice"I have this 1955 chevy, and I'm wondering if I can use it as a * channel? If I can't, why aren't you slimy money grabbing bastards helping me?"
15:25.53bkw_drumkilla, can you give me an example of somethign I have said that didn't have any reasoning behind it?
15:26.21drumkillabkw_, yep ... "but in the usual fashion Digium and  gang ran that guy off. "
15:26.37filethere's always reasons/stuff behind what bkw says folks
15:26.37*** join/#asterisk MAKBUT (~Administr@
15:26.41NewSolecoppice... when we open we will be offering unlimited world wide package
15:26.43bkw_drumkilla, people that have been run off know.. digium does run people off.. they don't do it on purpose.
15:26.57bkw_the process from patch to commit is very anoying
15:27.09drumkillashould we just give everyone cvs commit?  :p
15:27.19drumkillaanyway, I'm not trying to start an argument or anything ...
15:27.23MAKBUThi peolple
15:27.33bkw_but having a choke hold on the project isn't good
15:27.36drumkillaI'm just saying, I can see how people think you're pissed off
15:27.44coppiceNewSole: there are lots of places where the only way to get cheap rates i by dodgy methods
15:28.03MAKBUTsomeone to worked the gateway welltech FXO
15:28.07filegive those that have been here long enough, can abide by rules, etc cvs commit... that's just my thought
15:28.16drumkillaa comment like that really just leaves people hanging ...
15:28.40bkw_drumkilla, well to be honest if it keeps up the project is gonna die off.
15:29.00NewSolewe dont have a problem with audio quality at all.... or call quality
15:29.01fileor fork
15:29.01bkw_we are loosing good people daily that can help make it better
15:29.02drumkillabkw_, that's another unfounded statement
15:29.05fileeek I said the dirty f word
15:29.10bkw_drumkilla, no its not
15:29.13coppice[KFC]Jupiter: if my voice modem you mean an external box, it cannot become a proper * channel. If you mean an arbitrary dumb PCI modem card, it could become a channel if someone developed a driver.
15:29.16drumkillaanyway, I really can't get into this right now ...
15:29.22drumkillaI have to pack everything I own :(
15:29.42bkw_drumkilla, i'm sure alot of this will be addressed when kevin is full time
15:29.49drumkillabkw_, indeed
15:29.56coppiceNewSole: but you might have problems with routes disappearing
15:29.58JunK-Ydrumkilla: ya moving today?
15:30.11drumkillaJunK-Y, packing today, driving again in the morning
15:30.32JunK-Ythen, good moving, see ya in 2 days :)
15:30.51drumkillaI won't have my cable modem until Wednesday :*(
15:30.57NewSoleNo... lets just say we have a main trunk feed from 3 large phone providers
15:31.40NewSolebkw.... I have some new accounting modules and provision modules..... who do I speak too to add them
15:31.48bkw_I have to get rid of my cable modem
15:31.51bkw_it has a 5gig/mth limit
15:31.58filedrumkilla: You need a pocket pc gsm phone, or a danger hiptop
15:31.59bkw_they charge 5 bucks per gig over that
15:32.03bkw_this was not known
15:32.06drumkillafile, buy me one!
15:32.23fileI'm not made of money now!
15:32.39bkw_drumkilla, also another thing is digiums hostility towards other hardware vendors.
15:32.42filenope, definately not money
15:32.49bkw_but thats a whole new can of worms
15:33.20drumkillashould we say ... please come in and share the market we have created?  I mean, come on ...
15:33.26drumkillaok, ok.  I'm done
15:33.33drumkillait is time to shower and pack!
15:34.02drumkillahow dare you!
15:34.06jontowDigium(r) Xenix!
15:34.11jontowi said that out loud :(
15:34.17drumkillaeverything Digium writes is open source, let's be serious  :p
15:34.31jontowvery true :)
15:34.33ManxPowerI'll be in #asterisk-stable if anyone needs help with 1.0.x
15:34.35*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:34.37filewell not everything
15:34.51bkw_drumkilla, digium is a hypocrite
15:34.56jontoweverything i've seen.. but.. point there is, i suppose i have not seen even close to all of it :)  in fact only a very small portion
15:35.13fileIAXy firmware!
15:35.16jontowi don't know; i think just like anyone else, they need an avenue to make money on
15:35.31coppicebkw_ Mark is showing real signs of paranoia about other vendors. they were obviously going to come to the party, and he needed to plan that into his strategy
15:35.51file'tis the way the world works
15:35.59bkw_but its open source.. or closed source.. you can't have your cake and eat it.
15:35.59*** part/#asterisk drumkilla (~russell@
15:36.52coppicethe real problem is its not GPL, so * cannot absorb any good stuff
15:37.27bkw_lots of good stuff out there would make the software totally kick ass
15:37.29bkw_but we can't use it
15:38.47MAKBUThello i help me please
15:38.58MAKBUTsomeone to worked the gateway welltech FXO
15:40.50mmlj4dumb question... i have kphone on 2 boxes here... I have an entry for [kphone] for the first one, and it works. How do I get the second one working? define [kphone2] or something?
15:41.35newlsounds about right.
15:41.51mmlj4so [name] is entirely arbitrary?
15:42.13fileit's the username
15:42.26mmlj4ah, ok, that makes sense
15:43.27newlJust know that if you don't make it the same as the username even though you're supplying the username= field, things won't work properly. :)
15:43.34*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (~xe1hek@
15:44.00fileusername is for something else
15:44.33newlit should be called something else then IMO.
15:44.49fileno it's exactly what it says
15:44.59fileit's the username, for something else
15:45.54fileit's used on peer entries for placing calls to the peer, if username/password authentication is required
15:47.16newlright, the same would be expected to apply for clients authenticating to the pbx
15:47.42mmlj4newl: um, i missed that
15:49.11mmlj4ok, you guys have thoroughly confused me
15:49.48mmlj4i'm going with [host1] and [host2]... fair enough?
15:50.02filesure why not
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15:58.36NewSolerooms gone dead
15:59.32fileparental units have returned
16:00.53NewSoleThis dam backup is taking a long time.....
16:01.01bkw_RUN FORREST RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:01.11bkw_damn keboardd
16:01.31NewSoleDVD's say they are 8x but burning at 2
16:01.43bkw_what burner?
16:01.58bkw_maybe your burner is on crack
16:02.10bkw_SMOKIN IT BABY
16:02.18bkw_i'm gonna get me a new 20 inch imac
16:02.21bkw_in 5 months
16:02.27NewSoleI use maxwells normaly... and they burn at 8 np...
16:02.31bkw_gotta pay some billz off
16:03.12NewSolebillz... yuck
16:07.07filebkw_: shake it like you mean it!
16:07.58*** join/#asterisk JohnSmith14224 (
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16:08.43newlMaxwell House DVD's? :)
16:09.07NewSolegood to the last pop....
16:09.50JohnSmith14224Has anyone using voicepulse connect noticed if they send you the ANI and DNIS?
16:10.32newlDrinking a few pots of coffee is definately on the TODO list whenever I happen to make it back states side.  Aussie coffee is weak as.
16:13.50*** join/#asterisk iq (
16:15.20destro_dm4can asterisk do broadcast voice mails?
16:17.51bkw_ok shower time
16:23.28Blackveldestro_dm4: what do you mean?
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16:35.45NeonLevelhas anyone get callerid working with "Found a Wildcard FXO: Generic Clone" ?
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16:41.21key2when I have to X100P, what's the zap channel ?
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16:45.41destro_dm4Blackvel: record a voice mail message that gets put into a list of mailboxes
16:46.15destro_dm4I saw some stuff on cc=10, etc but it doesn't seem to work
16:46.26destro_dm4or I don't have the right version
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16:49.01NewSoleyou need to do a "VoiceMail(uVMAIL001&VMAIL002&VMAIL003&VMAIL004)
16:49.27destro_dm4can't do: 93 => 93,Test Broadcast,,,cc=10
16:52.05ManxPowerdestro_dm4: wishing does create new features for Asterisk.
16:52.38destro_dm4I was looking at a bug item that showed that
16:52.44ManxPowerKeep in mind that Voicemail accepts a max of like 256 chars as options, so you can usually only do about 20 mailboxes in a group mail.
16:52.48destro_dm4didn't mean to me wishing
16:52.54ManxPowerdestro_dm4: most bugs are never put into the source code.
16:52.59*** join/#asterisk JmanA9 (
16:53.23ManxPowerdestro_dm4: you want my group voicemail script?
16:53.41destro_dm4let me try NewSole
16:53.46destro_dm4NewSole's suggestion first
16:53.55NewSoleI use it myself
16:54.49destro_dm4yeah, let me take a look at it
16:54.53destro_dm4I would appreciate it
16:57.08ManxPowerActuially this:
16:58.00ManxPowerdestro_dm4: ALL my script does is automatically build the parameters for Voicemail()
17:04.05key2how do I configure 2 X100P with asterisk, how do I tell which one is which one
17:07.50*** join/#asterisk zeckill (~zec@
17:08.45zeckillI am trying to SIP register with a Huawei SoftX3000 ... the register succeed but the call is dropped as long as it is connected to Asterisk
17:08.53zeckillcould anyone help please?
17:10.46iqzeckill, can you rephrase please
17:12.07zeckilliq: sorry... i am trying to SIP register with a VOIP service running Huawei's equipment... the registration succeed as shown in Asterisk. But when the incoming call via SIP comes into Asterisk... the call is dropped almost immediately
17:12.54key2Is there a nice way to stop asterisk without kill -9 ?
17:13.05iqkey2, stop now
17:13.52iqzeckill, never faced such an issue - sorry
17:14.22zeckilliq: that's ok
17:16.40zeckillhow about IAX <> IAX call drop ? any idea please?
17:19.55iqzeckill, can you make out bound calls?
17:20.46zeckilliq: the path is actually like this: x100p > Asterisk > IAX > IAX > Asterisk > SIP
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17:23.50sudhir492Inspite of so many Asterisk Management portals, I put together one of my own like any other self respecting programmer ;-) Purpose of this is to give a watered down interface for managing PBX. Please take look at
17:23.56*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
17:23.58kn0xanyone ever get a cisco 30 VIP phone?
17:24.04kn0x* working with asterisk
17:24.56sudhir492I plan to release this to the group if there is interest
17:25.09sudhir492Of course with improvements
17:25.27sudhir492The code is in python, works as a standalone web server or behind apache
17:26.47key2how can I know if my X100p cards are well handled by asterisk
17:27.32kn0xthey should be well handled by asterisk
17:27.44key2kn0x: yeah but what should I modify ?
17:27.56key2and what else?
17:28.25iqIs Mr. NuFone here? I can't get to login using my SIP phone. But I can make calls through Asterisk. I'm using
17:29.55sudhir492This is not meant as a complete management for asterisk, (that is best done IMO through conf files), but helps laymen to add everyday stuff on the pbx
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17:30.43kn0xkey- i dont use hardware
17:31.07kn0xbut i believe all config should be in zaptel.conf and extensions.conf
17:31.08Qwellkey2: zapata.conf
17:31.22kn0xoh see...
17:31.36kn0xdamn cluecon admission is too expensive
17:31.39destro_dm4ManxPower: could you dudge me along figuring out your script? (fairly novice here)
17:32.31kn0xso anyone ever use any old cisco ip phones?
17:32.31destro_dm4I meant nudge
17:33.10key2Qwell: how comes I have /proc/zapata/1 2 and 3
17:33.16key2and I only have 2 X100p
17:34.18sudhir492anyone from ISRAEL here
17:34.44ManxPowerdestro_dm4: No.  If you can't figure it out...oh well.
17:35.00Romikany idea where i can buy online "25 pair amphenol connector" ?
17:35.13ManxPowerRomik: blackbox, graybar
17:35.37ManxPowerRomik: or wherever you got your current amphenol connectors.
17:35.38*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (~ph33r@chaoscon.user)
17:36.16Romikmanxpower: local company made them for me, each $100
17:36.32QwellWhats an amphenol connector?
17:36.39destro_dm4ManxPower: ok, thanks
17:38.01key2Qwell: so u know why I have 1 2 3 in /proc/zaptel/ ?
17:38.11kn0xi have a problem
17:38.22RomikManxPower: do you know part number for this ?
17:38.35kn0xi have an old cisco 30VIP and i want to use it with asterisk
17:38.43kn0xbut i need the SEPDefault.cnf file
17:39.10kn0xand cisco no longer has it avalible because the 30vips are eol
17:39.23citatskey2: cat the files and see what device each is.  or use zttool
17:41.03blitzrageif I reload when calls are in use, does it ever drop them?
17:41.19citatsblitzrage: it should not
17:41.31blitzragecitats: ok cool, thats what I thought, just wanted to verify :)
17:41.53blitzrageand verified through a test :)
17:43.06*** join/#asterisk NeonLevel (~xe1hek@
17:44.32key2citats: Span 3: ZTDUMMY/1 "ZTDUMMY/1 1"
17:44.48key2citats: how can I remove this one
17:44.56citatskey2: your loading ztdummy, and you dont need to if you have real zap devices
17:45.01citatskeys: try rmmod ztdummy
17:47.26key2citats: it loads it in what file ? so I remove it once for good ?
17:48.27citatskey2: theres a million diff ways it could be loading.  in your linux distros module scripts.  in your asterisk startup script
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17:49.22JerJercitats:  your back?  or were you just silent for a while?
17:49.34key2citats: but what's the command that loads it, so I find it
17:49.59citatsJerJer: i'll probably be back for a long while.  living the unemployed lifestyle now
17:50.19citatsjust gotta call marvin every week to get paid :)
17:50.20drumkillaawesome!  (on the you're back part)
17:50.46citatsawesome on the being laid off part too :)
17:50.53ManxPowerdrumkilla: Get packing!
17:50.53drumkillawell, if you say so, ha
17:51.07drumkillabut IRC is so much more fun ...
17:51.15ManxPowerdrumkilla: you must be our 1.0.x advocate at Digium!
17:51.39citatsbetter than quiting/getting fired.  at least i get a weekly paycheck now :)
17:51.42drumkillaI'll make it ... it's just a matter of how much of my stuff actually makes it to the car
17:52.01drumkillacitats, indeed ... and you can work on Asterisk!!!
17:52.15drumkillathe bug tracker is hatin' life
17:52.17ManxPowerdrumkilla: pay large muscle men to move the stuff for you.  That's what I do.
17:52.29drumkillaI don't have the money for that
17:52.42drumkillaI don't even have money to pay the rent for my apartment when I get there
17:52.46ManxPowerdrumkilla: You are moving to work for Digium.  They should pay for it.
17:53.11*** part/#asterisk jape (
17:54.16ManxPowerdrumkilla: are they at least paying you to work there?  *tease*
17:56.47key2citats: i have an fxo card and it says Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
17:57.00key2is it normal that it says fxs ?
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18:01.29Romikmanxpower: this product # ICMPP024T4
18:01.47key2why do I get that:
18:01.48key2== Unregistered channel type 'Tor'
18:01.48key2[root@asterisk1 asterisk]# Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pip
18:03.00Silik0nlooks like you shutdown asterisk
18:03.31key2so what should I do
18:03.36Silik0nabout what
18:03.41Silik0nthe Ouch line?
18:03.41key2to restart it then
18:03.51Silik0nthats just mpg123 bitching
18:04.09key2but I can't run asterisk
18:04.11Silik0nits safe to ignore... just restart it... if it crashed you need to figure out why its crashing
18:04.32key2it keeps on crashing
18:04.44key2i just changed /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/zapata.conf
18:04.54Silik0nthats why its crashing fix those
18:05.14Silik0nmost common crash on start up is mis-configured zap
18:05.55Silik0nor telling /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf that there are channels that dont exist
18:06.04Silik0nor mismatch of fxo/fxs
18:07.29Moclol I found my audio quality problem !!!
18:07.31Mochi Silik0n
18:08.14iqHelp: one of my * machine got T1 connected. I can't get to dial this tollfree number - any idea why not?  Thanks for help! - 1-800-648-6512
18:08.21Silik0nhey moc
18:08.26Silik0nwhats up y0
18:08.48MocSilik0n, nothing, gota do cleanup do grocery and prepare for another trip to toronto
18:08.59Silik0nhow was the last trip
18:09.39Mocvon was so so, and toronto suck, but everything arround that was great...
18:09.43MocI had alot of fun..
18:10.15MocSilik0n, was the packaged mailed ?
18:11.40Silik0ni keep forgetting to drop it off
18:11.59Silik0nthese 70hour work weeks are killing me
18:12.00iqanyone with T1, can you try dialing this number please:  1-800-648-6512 .
18:12.07key2if I have a ztdummy and real zap card, would it work or do I have to remove the ztdummy
18:12.08ManxPowerToronto is great!
18:12.18MocManxPower, toronto is boring...
18:12.25Qwellkey2: no reason to have ztdummy with zap hardware
18:12.25Silik0nkey2 you dont need ztdummy if you have a real zap card
18:12.32ManxPowerMoc: Huh?
18:12.42Mocyour the first one not agreeing so far
18:12.42Silik0nits wasted cpu and memory
18:12.45key2but asterisk@home put one by default
18:12.50ManxPowerToronto is a vibrant international city.
18:12.54Qwellso don't use asterisk@home
18:12.58Silik0nasterisk@home is crap
18:13.06Qwellasterisk at home is ok, asterisk@home is not
18:13.08ManxPowerMoc: Granted, I never went there for a conference, only for vacation.
18:13.10epochManxPower: yes, and it's full of jerks
18:13.13Qwellsubtle difference...
18:13.19sivanaToronto... lol
18:13.21epochfucking toronto ;P
18:13.48ManxPowerepoch: It's full of people that don't j-walk, not because they might get a ticket, but because you're not supposed to j-walk.
18:14.00Qwell"at least its not quebec"
18:14.00epochManxPower: that's not true
18:14.09ManxPowerQwell: Yeah!
18:14.19epochManxPower: where do you live?
18:14.27Qwellthat should be the motto of a city/province somewhere
18:14.28ManxPowerepoch: Near New Orleans.
18:14.40epochoh, that explains it
18:14.46MocQwell, Montreal and Quebec is more fun to go to.
18:14.49epochcome to Ottawa, you'll be astounded ;)
18:14.57epochmontreal's chill
18:14.58sivanano way.. come to North Bay
18:15.03MocIt was a while ago I went to ottawa
18:15.07ManxPowerepoch: I'll admit that, if you don't like big cities you won't like Toronto.
18:15.09epochbut the problem with montreal is that there are french people there ;)
18:15.10Qwellpei, here I come
18:15.23sivanaepoch: and mucho gangs
18:15.39ManxPowerBut I like bog cities.
18:15.39epochyeah, gangs in toronto & montreal
18:15.44ManxPowerI like big cities too.
18:15.52epochI don't mind big cities
18:15.52sivanaMontreal = gang HQ
18:15.57MocManxPower, I've went to a bunch of different 'bar' and club... and damn people are vedge..
18:15.58epochI just prefer montreal ;)
18:16.01ManxPowerepoch: Ever been to NYC?
18:16.18epochManxPower: nope, except for the airport :)
18:16.25epochI've been to DC though
18:16.33epochthat's a big city
18:16.42Qwell"ey, what the fack yoo luking at?"
18:16.45ManxPowerI managed to get mugged within 15 mins of my first time in NYC.
18:16.45QwellI don't think I'd like NY
18:17.04ManxPowerIt was a LONG time ago.
18:17.08epochyeah ,I have no desire to go there
18:17.44epochI can't believe the weather outside
18:17.47epochI'm gonna go enjoy it
18:17.52ManxPowerOh, I've been to NYC several times since.
18:18.01ManxPowerEnjoyed it, but I knew someone local.
18:19.07*** join/#asterisk jeffpc (
18:19.32jeffpchello, I'm quite confused about the i extension...what is it's purpose?
18:19.48Qwellits used when an invalid extension is dialed
18:20.01Qwellit just happens
18:20.10jeffpcno it doesn't
18:20.12Qwellif you dial 304, and none of your stuff matches that, it'll hit i
18:20.30ManxPowerjeffgus: If Asterisk is waiting for DTMF and you dial something that does not match an extension it will jump to exten => i
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18:20.52jeffpcI have:
18:20.53jeffpcexten => i,1,Playback(invalid)
18:20.53jeffpcexten => i,2,Hangup
18:20.54ManxPowerRemember I said, if asterisk is waiting for DTMF (excluding during dialtone).  It's mostly used for IVR stuff.
18:21.04opus_how did you get mugged
18:21.22Vcoyou guys have it all wrong...Winnipeg is the place to be
18:21.35jontowmontreal was pretty cool.. was there early this week for 2 days
18:21.37jeffpcManxPower: hmm, so IAX-based calls wouldn't get there
18:21.47BoRiSYou're on crack Vco. :-p
18:21.57jontowvisiting aheeva and viewing material on their new skills-based-routing dialplan-script-visual-editor dealie :)
18:22.02MocEveryone love MTL... dont know exactly why... but I like it too.
18:22.06ManxPowerjeffgus: if you accept the call, send them into an IVR and then they dial an invalid digit, yes.
18:22.17jontowyeah.. i got wicked wasted, and learned that they offer Big Bottles(tm)
18:22.20harryvvwinnipeg?? the laond of ice and snow?
18:22.28ManxPowerjeffgus: The call might go to exten => i on your LOCAL system when the far end rejects your IAX call.
18:22.28Vcowe wnated to go change the signs on the way into town to say "Welcome to Winnipeg, please don't leave"
18:22.43jontow(not at aheeva, mind you.. but much later, after dinner at the hard rock cafe' on crescent street)
18:22.57BoRiSVco: I'll have to add that next time I leave Winnipeg
18:23.10jeffpcManxPower: ah...
18:23.39harryvvBoRiS: you were saying that a extention can be changed to provide a distinctive ring to one extension. Do you have that info?
18:23.46jeffpcthanks all
18:23.50Sato1when ppl here referes IVR, it is the DTMF menus system? or its a complex system that actually recognices voice?
18:24.01QwellSato1: either
18:24.05Qwellbut usually the first
18:24.06ManxPowerjeffgus: in the PSTN if you dial a non-working phone number the far end switch will tell your local switch that the number is invalid and your local switch will play the announcement
18:25.01jeffpcManxPower: what if local switch doesn't have to contact far end switch?
18:25.19QwellThen local switch == far end switch
18:25.53jeffpcand then i doesn't get executed :-(
18:26.23Sato1so.. festival is needed for the actuall voice recognition? or is there another software needed for that?
18:26.26ManxPowerjeffgus: Look at the console and see what DOES happen.
18:26.33QwellSato1: festival doesn't do recognition
18:26.52Sato1ok, festival is only the text to speach system, right?
18:26.53QwellWhat was it, sphinx?  something like that
18:27.09jeffpcMay  7 14:26:55 WARNING[18342]: chan_iax2.c:5569 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
18:27.10BoRiShi harryvv: 1 sec....
18:27.15ManxPowerNobody I know of has ever gotten reliable speech recognition working with Asterisk.
18:27.18key2is there any distrib good for asterisk that is only on one cd ?
18:27.21jeffpcthat was
18:27.27jeffpclocal contacting far end
18:27.36Qwellkey2: gentoo :p
18:27.41jeffpc(nonexistant ext)
18:27.45Qwellor a debian netinstall
18:27.49ManxPowerjeffgus: and exten => i was not run?
18:27.57jeffpcit was just ringing
18:28.05QwellSo then you have something that matches
18:28.14ManxPowerjeffgus: Well if you'd take the "r" option off your Dial command.
18:28.40blitzragewhats the different between stop gracefully and stop when convenient again?
18:28.42ManxPowerQwell: he's prolly using exten => _.,1,Blash
18:28.50QwellManxPower: indeed, doesn't everyone? ;]
18:28.51Sato1damn, i thought i could finnally find something working about voice recognition in linux, hehehe
18:28.54ManxPowerblitzrage: I have no idea.
18:28.55blitzrageI think one stops accepting calls, and allows established calls to finish up, right?
18:29.24ManxPowerblitzrage: stop when convienent will accept new calls and quit when there are no longer any active calls.
18:29.24blitzrageI'm thinking gracefully stops accepting new calls, and when convenient just waits until no calls are active, but allows new calls to be established....
18:29.37blitzrageManxPower: yah :)
18:30.03Qwelljeffpc: and what are you dialing?
18:30.03ManxPowerjeffgus: do you have your exten => i in an include =>'d context?
18:30.25jeffpcwhich doesn't exist on PodoliVOIP
18:31.06ManxPowerjeffpc: do you have your exten => i in an include =>'d context?
18:32.51jeffpcManxPower: I have exten => i on both boxes
18:33.03Silik0nls -al
18:34.22jeffpcon the far box I get:   chan_iax2.c:5777 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from localbox, request '3@default' does not exist
18:34.37jeffpclocalbox was an ip
18:37.22ManxPowerjeffpc the "i" extension does not seem to be included with an include =>.  You have to have it in the same context as the device and not via an include =>
18:38.02ManxPowerjeffpc: Asterisk should terminate the call from whatever device you are using (you never told us what device you are using to make the calls)
18:38.54jeffpciaxcomm softphone
18:39.23jeffpcand the exten => i is in the device contenxt
18:39.28ManxPowerOn MOST phones the phone will provide you with a congestion tone for cailed calls.
18:40.17ManxPowerI casn pick up the analog phone on my sipura and dial "8" and get a congestion tone.
18:40.57ManxPowerThat's not really a valid comparison since the SIPura's have a built in dialplan
18:42.17Qwellthere is always Congestion()
18:43.14jeffpcoh well
18:43.17jeffpcI have to go
18:43.21jeffpcthanks for the info
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18:48.04Silik0nanyone know a good softphone thats sip and does video and desktop sharing?
18:48.40Nuggetyou lost me at "good softphone"  :)
18:49.14jbotsomething that should be drug out into the street and shot
18:50.05key2what's a trunk
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18:50.24packetmanHi Guys, anyone able to help me with this? I have AsteriskAtHome running with a x101p. I have the context for that channel pointing to a s,1,NoOP(Noanswer) this way the line will not pick up. I see in the logs it can detect a call is coming in, is there anyway to have it ring my sip softphone extention without having to pickup the line, only until I pickup the softphone?
18:50.32Chujithe thing that hangs off of an elephant?
18:50.36ChujiThe base of a tree?
18:50.47ChujiOr a CO line
18:50.56jsharpYou can do s,2,Dial(SIP/yerphone)
18:51.19packetmanah sweet
18:51.23jsharpIt'll dial your SIP phone, but not answer the incoming line until you answer the sip phone.
18:51.44packetmanthx, and when I pickup my sip extention it will open the line
18:52.17jsharpIt won't dial out the line until it gets a number from your softphone that matches the extenion you have set up to dial out the line.
18:52.24packetmanhmm how do I get it to open the line when I pickup the sip phone that is ringing/
18:52.33jsharpIt'll connect you.
18:52.37jsharpWhen you pick it up.
18:52.41jsharpSorry, I was confused.
18:52.59packetmanha ok so it will pickup the channel when I pickup the sip phone
18:53.16packetmansweet thansk for the help
18:58.41packetman<jsharp> Works like a charm thanks !!!!!!
19:08.01*** join/#asterisk Inkubot (
19:09.44Blackvelwho uses paypal here? plz talk to me. I have a question
19:09.52jsharpI do.
19:10.28*** join/#asterisk McUnixJr (
19:10.31McUnixJrhi !
19:11.32McUnixJrnoob question - I got asterisk up and running.  I am able to receive calls on FWD, and now would like to be able to dial out.  Do I need to choose another provider to dial out on?  What do I need to do to the extensions.conf (or other conf files?)
19:12.12*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (~leigh@996d50adacfad4e1.node.tor)
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19:16.47BlackvelMcUnixJr: you can do over FWD too
19:16.53Blackvelif you dont want to call pstn
19:17.04Blackvelnot sure if fwd supports that, prolly not
19:18.01*** join/#asterisk hermie (
19:27.56McUnixJrBlackvel, just lloked - they dont allow to non "free" calls.  is there a good provider out there I should try that you could reccomend?  Also, whenever I push a key on the handset (of course it gets a dial tone) i get the fast busy - i know that means one of the conf files isnt to point em in the right direction?
19:28.26*** join/#asterisk kimc (
19:28.27jsharpWho was asking about paypal.  I lost the messages in scrollback.
19:28.50kimchello *
19:28.59Qwelljsharp: Blackvel
19:29.45kimcIf I can define PHONE1=SIP/302 how can define PHONE2 when its a Zap channel ?
19:30.49kimcOk but what I want to do is have an incoming line go to an extension rather than 'directly' into the Zap channel
19:31.14*** join/#asterisk newmedian (
19:31.32kimcReally.. Ok
19:31.32Qwellthen exten => 304, will dial Zap
19:31.46Qwellor something
19:31.51QwellI've never used Local
19:32.07kimclemme try it.. brb
19:32.22McUnixJrany pointers on how to set up dialing out?  (I got in working through FWD)
19:32.42Qwelldialing out with <?>
19:32.51jsharpWhat are you dialing out on?
19:33.10McUnixJri dont have a provider yet :)  baby steps there a cheap provider to start with?
19:33.16Qwellnufone is good
19:33.58jsharpnufone.  voicepulse.
19:34.39McUnixJrok just signed up for nufone
19:34.53McUnixJr$20 to start using paypal
19:34.53QwellThey'll mail you your configs in a second
19:35.07newmedianDid you want to dial out via FWD as well?
19:36.26McUnixJrnewmedian - i think the outbound on FWD works (altho i havent tested that with a real person yet)  I am signing up for an 800 number thru nufone now as well
19:36.34McUnixJrwhat code should i do, all?
19:36.59Qwellnufone does a few
19:37.15kimcThis doesn't work, any thoughts on it: exten => s,7,Dial(Local/304)
19:37.24McUnixJrthe drop down is a "restrict" so by default its set to None (allow=all)
19:37.26QwellI would allow all
19:37.32McUnixJrok Qwell
19:38.11McUnixJrdoh! - it says no numbers available - try again later
19:38.21Qwellyeah, that happens sometimes
19:38.32McUnixJrhow long before trying again you think?
19:38.38McUnixJr1 day, 1 week, 1 hour
19:38.41QwellI tried like once a day
19:38.48newmedianMcUnixJr: did you enable IAX2 with FWD or are you using it as SIP?  Did you set up an outbound-allroutes-custom for it?
19:38.48Qwellsometimes twice, heh
19:40.21McUnixJri enabled IAX2
19:40.54NewSoleQuestion..... I am getting Flooded with "chan_zap.c:4409 my_zt_write" on my Ottawa PRI but other PRI's I get nothing..... any idea
19:41.36McUnixJrwhat should i put now for NuFone outbound?
19:41.42QwellMcUnixJr: Check your email.
19:41.49QwellThey sent you everything you'll need
19:44.51*** join/#asterisk michael1234 (~mick@
19:45.02michael1234dos anyone know how to turn the debug up on chanh323
19:45.58McUnixJrQwell, duh they did.  ok the one questions where to put exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial,IAX2/name@NuFone/${EXTEN} in the extension file exactly?
19:46.22QwellMcUnixJr: In a context, like [NuFone-out], is what I used
19:46.35QwellThen just include that context in local or something
19:46.43*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
19:47.03Qwellshido6: y0 y0 y0
19:47.06newmedianMcUnixJr: This is what I use for FWD out, for example. Comments/criticisms from others good. :)
19:47.47Qwellshido6 just missed out on the fun
19:47.48*** join/#asterisk Cheng29 (
19:47.57*** join/#asterisk packetman (
19:48.28packetmanHey guys what is the best way to connect my asterisk over a SIP or IAX connect to a PSTN gateway provider?
19:48.47Qwellpacketman: What are you asking for?
19:48.50jsharpUh.  Over IP?
19:48.52Qwella good provider, or what?
19:50.31packetmanover IP
19:50.49shido6packetman, what do you have?
19:50.50packetmanright now I have it configure with a x101p conencted to my vonage router
19:51.05Qwellpacketman: get a provider and drop vonage
19:51.08McUnixJrwoohoo (im all excited of course) its working
19:51.11QwellI suggest always
19:51.14QwellMcUnixJr: congrats
19:51.32QwellMcUnixJr: Tell shido6 here who told you which provider to go with. :p
19:51.36packetmankinda dumb as its SIP softphone to Asterisk out x101p into vonage box out vonages service and then out their PSTN gateway works well though
19:51.39newmedianshido6: You've concatenated the two Number/Name into a single; I've recently had trouble with Stable not always extracting the name/number properly, which is why I broke it out into two instructions.
19:51.41McUnixJrthanks Qwell and everyone - now...on to integrating my Vonage, Packet8 and Sunrocket lines :)
19:52.27packetman<Qwell> can I get incoming DID with them for canada?
19:52.38Qwellpacketman: don't think so.
19:52.50*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
19:52.54packetmanCan more then one call go out their service at one time
19:53.04hypa7iathere are a bunch of people doing incoming DID's in canada
19:53.13shido6dids from where?
19:53.17shido6ottawa? vancouver?
19:53.19shido6or toronto
19:53.25Qwellshido6: You guys have DIDs there?
19:53.31hypa7iai think unlimitel does most of ontario
19:53.39NewSoleya vancover only week days... but toronto and ottawa now
19:53.49shido6NuFone doesnt yet - but does
19:53.54newmedianhypa7ia: Toronto? Unlimited? Any others than unlimitel?
19:53.59Qwellshido6: partners of yours?
19:54.02hypa7iaere's a good list
19:54.05packetmanTHis is what I am looking for, so I have a IP connection to a VOIP provider that can give me access out their PSTN gateways and I can use more then one softphone at a time out their service
19:54.09McUnixJranother question - how to set CallerID on the outbound?
19:54.14packetmantoronto DID?
19:54.18Qwellpacketman: nufone will do that
19:54.19Blackvelah fwd supports dailout now?
19:54.28QwellMcUnixJr: Check the pastebin shido6 pasted a few minutes ago is a personal project handling .ca
19:54.58packetmansweet I will check out Nufone and unlimitel
19:55.02newmedianMcUnixJr: see or
19:55.06shido6as soon as i can prove it can hold its own, it may become a part of nufone
19:55.24shido6wait, is that insider information? can I go to jail for that? ;)
19:55.54Qwellor...xetricom...I'd probably stand to make more
20:01.44jsharpclean up on #asterisk!
20:02.30*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
20:03.50jsharpOhboy.  This should be fun.
20:04.21McUnixJrre-hi - ok i got the number to come through, but the name on caller ID isnt coming through (on NuFone) any ideas?
20:04.45*** part/#asterisk Simmerch (~chris@
20:05.01QwellMcUnixJr: What did you use?  SetCIDNum and SetCIDName, or SetCallerID ?
20:05.39McUnixJrexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCallerID("MyCo" <8008008000>)
20:05.52McUnixJrthe number came through
20:05.55McUnixJrthe name did not
20:06.03McUnixJrstill listed as anonymous
20:06.16*** join/#asterisk grinthock (~Grinty@c915d5ae83283331.node.tor)
20:06.19QwellI seem to remember somebody saying quotes didn't always work
20:06.30McUnixJrill try that now
20:06.53jsharpIs that on your outbound leg?
20:07.37jsharpYou can't normally set names on outbound calls.  Just numbers.
20:07.48McUnixJroh - thats a bummer
20:07.50Qwellit works for me
20:08.02NewSolecompany is
20:08.06McUnixJrQwell, did you use SetCallerID ?
20:08.12NewSolewrong windo
20:08.13QwellMcUnixJr: no, setcidnum and setcidname
20:11.13jeffikshid6: you and Bernie Ebbers
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20:11.45McUnixJrQwell,  whats format for setcidnum and name?
20:12.34newmedianwhat goes around comes around
20:15.07newmedianAlthough I'm thinking perhaps _**393X. might be better than _**393.   ?
20:15.59McUnixJrQwell, same result - Anonymous and the correct number showing
20:16.07QwellMcUnixJr: odd
20:16.22QwellMcUnixJr: Got a number I can call, to see what mine says?
20:16.32McUnixJr714 515 4109
20:17.06McUnixJranonymous 800 391
20:17.36Qwellnone of these display name...
20:17.51QwellI guess I always just assumed it worked
20:18.27QwellWhat part of Orange you in?
20:18.33RomikMcUnixJr: calling your you see something?
20:18.45McUnixJr202 556 0000
20:18.49NewSolethere is a mistake in that Caller ID setup
20:19.06sylewhat is a good terrabyte solution for home, raid and hotswappable
20:19.06QwellNewSole: ?
20:19.09McUnixJrQwell, in coyote hills,
20:19.13sylefor play@tv
20:19.15RomikmcUnixJr: this my .... voipjet block something with callerid today
20:19.39McUnixJrmowe po polsk?
20:19.41NewSoleya Qwell... I tried that before and never worked.... I had to do it different
20:19.48QwellNewSole: how did you have to do it?
20:19.58McUnixJrdo tell NewSole ! :)
20:20.49NewSoleSetCallerID(NXXXNXXXXXX) then SetCIDName(NewSole)
20:21.38QwellNewSole: the number is coming through fine
20:21.56NewSolewhen u do SetCallerID(NXXXNXXXXXX) first is sets anme and number to NXXXNXXXXXX then do the name
20:22.14NewSoleu go a Num I can call to show u
20:22.20NewSoleu got
20:22.23McUnixJrNewSole,  i had SetCIDName first
20:22.30McUnixJrNewSole,  714 515 4109
20:23.07McUnixJr613 482
20:23.22NewSoleok I know whats going on
20:23.27Qwelljust for shits and giggles...don't say the name on this call, just whether it says anon or not
20:23.31RomikmcUnixJr: what do you see now?
20:23.53QwellMcUnixJr: Do you see anon for this 714 call?
20:24.13McUnixJrQwell,  try now
20:24.13Qwellif my cell will connect...stupid thing
20:24.28McUnixJrshows anon
20:24.34NewSoleis 714 515 4109 a PSTN or VIOP number
20:24.36McUnixJrmight be my VoIP provider?
20:24.38Qwellyeah, something has got to be wrong with your device
20:24.47McUnixJrthat number is from SunRocket
20:25.00Qwellmy cell says my name when I call, and I've verified that
20:25.03McUnixJri get caller ID however from other phones
20:25.23McUnixJrhmm - weird
20:25.36NewSolecould you device be looking for SS7 sig
20:26.51McUnixJrQwell,  that call to my cell only shows the number
20:29.18*** join/#asterisk ScythelX (
20:29.33ScythelXhello all does anyone know if nufone supports t.37 or 38
20:29.48Qwellhow weird
20:29.57Qwellsomebody in another channel was just talking about t37 and t38... was planes
20:30.15ScythelXwasnt me :p
20:31.34ScythelXah i c, so i have to use fax pass though at like g711
20:32.25McUnixJrso am i to assume then that its Anonymous cause SunRocket ?
20:32.56NewSoleSunRocket could be doing SS7
20:33.48*** join/#asterisk DEEZED (
20:34.11ScythelXwhat does SS7 do exactly, do you connect a bunch of ds3 lines into it?
20:34.20ScythelXlike a switch?
20:34.36ScythelXI know the hardware is crazy expensive
20:35.02DEEZEDdoes anyone here use realtime VM with mysql?
20:41.08sivanaif I merge /28 and a /29, does it become a /27?
20:41.16packetmanAnyone have expreience with FWDout?
20:41.32Qwellsivana: no
20:41.37Qwella /27 is two /28s
20:41.52McUnixJrpacketman, im thinking of doin it, just read about it last night
20:41.57sivanais it possible to merge /28 and a /29?
20:42.12Qwellsivana: no matter how you do it, it'll always be a /28 and a /29
20:42.16packetmanIm trying to dial out on my softphone
20:42.20QwellThey may be close to each other, but...ya know?
20:42.20packetmanwith FWDout
20:42.34McUnixJrand what would be really cool is if I could get a Warsaw Poland overlay number so my father in law could call it and be routed to my asterisk box
20:42.37sivanaQwell: hrm.. trying to free up some IPs
20:43.05packetmanyes FWDout is pretty cool, Im just trying to get it going
20:43.18Qwella /29 is only like 4 usable addresses, isn't it?
20:43.46*** join/#asterisk stilex (
20:44.10stilexhey all, is voicemail2 still in use in the new releases? * shows no command found
20:44.12RaYmAn-Bxthat's including the router gateway ip though..essentially it's only 5..(but you can in some cases use all 8)
20:44.12Qwellhmm, right, 4 on my network
20:44.45packetmanI have exten => _8.,1,SetCallerId, I believe the _8. means I have to dial 8 on my softphone to get out but I try 89055551212 and it does not work I get busy tone. I get call failed 848 address incompleted
20:45.08QwellYou're using an email address as CIDName?
20:45.28packetmanThats the settings suggedted by FWDout
20:45.47stilexanyone succesfully get MWI working on a cisco 79xx?
20:46.24packetmanexten => _394.,1,SetCallerId,
20:54.19newmedianpacketman: Roughly same as in my (or the revised
20:57.01stilexis voicemail2 old??
20:57.04stilexand not used anymore
20:57.31*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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21:00.19RomikMcUnixJr:  which number you saw?
21:00.28McUnixJrscared the crap out of Romik
21:00.35McUnixJranonymous anonymous
21:00.51RomikMcUnixJr:  wait ..i will call again
21:01.15McUnixJranonymous unkown number
21:01.53Romiklast try
21:02.49Romikstill busy
21:03.32*** join/#asterisk Knightowl42 (
21:03.38McUnixJrtry now
21:06.04*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
21:06.37*** join/#asterisk [hC] (~hardcore@
21:07.13[hC]What is the best way to implement a 'dialout' menu in asterisk? What i'd like to do is have people enter an extension from a menu, and then it will say
21:07.30[hC]''please enter the number to call' followed by a dialtone, just like you would expect
21:07.48[hC]Im using WaitExten which seems to work okay, Playtones continues to play a dialtone thru each digit however.
21:16.17tzafrir_laptopI'm trying to connect my * fxo card to a local pbx. currently after trying to answer a call it "hangs" the line busy. My only way to release the line was to remove it from the fxo card, connect it to a phone and manually hang up.
21:16.42tzafrir_laptopAny way to do the same "reset" now that I'm away from that office?
21:19.21McUnixJrsorry i dont know
21:24.47*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
21:27.27[hC]anyone here knowledgeable with IAX functionality? I am curious if there is any  mechanism for retaining actual call durations when you are able to do a native IAX bridge? Cause it ends up looking like the calls are dropped, although they are just handed off
21:27.54*** join/#asterisk ]data[ (~data@
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21:37.32bkw_[hC], you collect CDR's at your border
21:40.50[hC]bkw_: well if my asterisk does an IAX native bridge to one of my providers, the call times will obviously seem short because its going from the provider to the end user direct at that point
21:41.24bkw_then you can't do it
21:41.27[hC]This rate-engine addon apparently has something to do with solving the problem, but i still dont understand how.
21:41.54[hC]oh i think its just maximum call time
21:41.56[hC]not accountability
21:42.30*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
21:42.48sudhir492how to convert 16bit wav file to 8 bit
21:43.06facek__sox maybe
21:47.56sudhir492yes, but I am not able to find the right options for that
21:49.06*** join/#asterisk kimc (
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21:57.53ScythelXare you able to set codec usage in a dial plan?
21:58.02ScythelXlike for exten 4 use this codec is getting a nice ddos
22:01.26*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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22:30.14docelmoAnyone in here good with joining tables in MySQL?
22:33.04docelmoI dont need anyone to do free work..  I just need to understand how to join command works in the query..  the mysql docs are confusing the hell outa me
22:36.01Legendgoogle on inner and outer joins
22:36.28hardwireI love joins
22:48.58docelmoI hate them..
22:48.58*** join/#asterisk outofjungle (~outofjung@
22:50.25docelmoGoogle's DNS is screwed up
22:50.29docelmothis is interesting
22:52.00*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:54.54Legenddocelmo: google seems to have lots of DNS problems
22:54.57denondocelmo: looks like just, not, as well
22:55.14denonbut is hosed
22:55.16McUnixJrgoogle took a dump
22:55.22denonand froogle
22:55.26McUnixJrmy smokeping results are horrendus right now
22:55.28denonnope, is working
22:55.36denonbut not
22:56.43*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
22:56.57docelmohehe..  ohh well..  I found what I needed and got it working..  I am creating a inclusive LCR right now that will do CDR's based on the LCR
22:58.53docelmoI know its kinda played out.. But the LCR's out there will not do what I need them to..
23:06.05lesouvageI triy to integrate freeworlddialup (fwd) into my asterisk box and follewed the instructions of to be able to make outgoing fwd calls and receive fwd calls.  When registring I got this message in the cli " chan_iax2.c:5869 socket_read: Registration of '621532' rejected: Registration Refused" while I'm sure my password, username and number...
23:06.06lesouvage...are ok. Any suggestions?
23:08.51*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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23:11.58Smi|kreboot and try again
23:12.28jsharpo/~ Fdisk, format, reinstall....doodah...doodah o/~
23:14.35tzangerjsharp: I just posted in -dev
23:14.38tzangerI think my poor old P3/700 is starting to die
23:14.42tzanger/usr/sbin/asterisk: cannot execute program
23:14.44tzangerand then you say that
23:16.07*** join/#asterisk tld (~terje@
23:16.28tldAnyone have experience putting Asterisk in small machines?  I'm thinking about Soekris and SBC systems?
23:19.44*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
23:19.49ariel_hello everyone
23:21.30jsharptld:  You'd run out of processor power pretty quick.  You wouldn't be able to have a lot of simultaneous calls.
23:29.01tldjsharp: Yeah, that's why I'm looking for something more than the typical geode CPUs. Something Piii or Via perhaps.  Don't have to be too powerful, but it would be nice to find something with a matching box, that can drive Asterisk for a typical medium-size office.
23:36.37tzangertld: well if you used cards with DSPs you could... :-)
23:40.57*** join/#asterisk vpp (
23:41.07tzangerevening kram
23:41.16kramevening andrew
23:41.19kramwhat's shakin
23:41.30tzangermoving data off a shitty drive
23:41.36vpphi guys
23:41.37tzangerand trying to figure out these ztwrite errors
23:42.07tzangertrying to understand what would cause the driver to say a write was not possible
23:42.11tzangereven though audio is NOT dropping
23:42.29tzangermy hunch is that it's a driver error (write succeeded but returned an error)
23:49.21vppdoes anyone know if there is a addon for asterisk to query a radius with commands?
23:49.28vppi want to write a prepaid script using AGI
23:51.07hardwirego for it
23:51.53vppi saw the PortaOne radius client, but its only for v1.02
23:52.10vppmy last resort is to manually patch the files based on the patches it has for v1.02
23:52.39vppbut i'd rather trace it all out to see what its doing.. and i dont really have time for that
23:52.45vppis there another radius client for asterisk?
23:53.17*** join/#asterisk key2 (
23:56.52jsharptld:  Why not something like a VIA Mini-ITX?
23:58.02*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.