irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050504

00:01.53onlyItzanger you there
00:02.03onlyIcan i PM
00:02.20tzangerbajanman: if you're taking in calls and you need them to go to a different context (or machine) ... that's the big one
00:03.04onlyItzanger did you get your tdm11b
00:03.24bajanmanno. I'm trying to figure out why, one minute I can call, and the next its busy (outside to my *), but when I dial from * to outside, it works, then right afterwards, I can call to my *
00:03.26bajanmanthat's what's weird
00:03.38tzangeronlyI: yup but they're sold
00:04.10tzangerbajanman: sounds like a registration or NAT timeout
00:04.13miguellinuxopus_, hi, yes I cant register to any sip provider I get SIP 483 error Too many hops
00:04.45bajanmantzanger: I think youre right
00:05.18tzangerI'm always right.
00:06.38bajanmanI'm thinking it has to do with the externip =hostname issue...
00:06.45tzangerit saves a lot of guesswork :-)
00:08.14*** join/#asterisk neopher (
00:08.57neopherwhats a good "free" network anaylizer
00:09.18neopherplan on running it on neolinux
00:10.17Nugget99 flavors of linux on the wall... 99 flavors of linux...  take one down and pass it around... 118 flavors of linux on the wall...
00:11.18*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:13.30opus_<miguellinux> what is your traceroute ?
00:15.40DrukenHMEanyone here done an agi in php ?
00:19.48Nuggetphp has always seemed to me like a strange language to develop non-web apps in.
00:20.39Sato1havent seen yet any php on non-web apps
00:20.43DrukenHMENugget: perhaps... but if it's the only language you know....
00:21.18NuggetI know a better solution to that dilemma than "use php for everything"  :)
00:21.34Sato1DrukenHME, you may try based in the samples of perl, if you know php, you will catch perl
00:22.00*** join/#asterisk folsson (
00:22.09DrukenHMEoh probably... i've played with perl before.... it pisses me off too :)
00:23.33Sato1so.. there you have a sample so you can start doing somethings with php, it took me about 20 minutes to understand the perl scripts and do my very first agi in TCL, just saying digits
00:24.07Sato1and look for agi commands in
00:25.40*** join/#asterisk BSDnewbie (hehe@
00:25.52BSDnewbiehi ppl,
00:26.10BSDnewbieHas asterisk web interface or graphical GUI?
00:26.29Sato1those are separated projects
00:26.41Nuggetthere are third party web interfaces, but I can almost guarantee that they don't do what you're hoping they do.
00:26.57BSDnewbiewhat projects?
00:27.17Sato1BSDnewbie, search in, there are a list of interfaces
00:27.31BSDnewbieOkay tnx Sato1, Nugget
00:27.34Sato1mine is not yet posted there, need to translate it to english
00:27.35Nuggetif you are looking for a gui to asterisk because you think it will allow you to avoid learning how to set up asterisk, you should expect to be disappointed.
00:27.53Sato1good point
00:28.05Nuggetthere are web and gui interfaces which can allow you to automate or delegate the routine maintenance of a working asterisk server, but not much more.
00:28.19blitzrageI started creating a GUI for Asterisk and quickly realized documentation was more important
00:28.32BSDnewbiecan i get billing and record results via GUI?
00:28.38Nuggetyes, that's possible
00:28.54Sato1now, if you are looking for an easy way to configure your asterisk, i would recomend you to look for Asterisk@home, still, you will need to understand the basics of asterisk
00:29.10BSDnewbiethat is what i need :D. I don't need installation, configuration GUI
00:29.31Sato1BSCnewbie, you can enable cdr_mysql then create your own GUI
00:29.51Nugget might do what you want.
00:29.56*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
00:30.58miguellinuxopus_, only 9 hops from the * to
00:32.08miguellinuxopus_, IAX2 rules.. but SIP registration with this providers (simpletelecom and Broadvoice)
00:35.04miguellinuxwhich other ports I have to redirect , because it seems to be a problem of NAT
00:35.09christoI'm using the manager interface to setup SIP calls, but I get the error "Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back". Has anybody seen this one before?
00:40.08*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
00:40.36bajanmanwould NAT cause this:
00:40.36bajanmanNOTICE[2702]: app_dial.c:973 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3)
00:41.01bajanmanI'm trying to figure out why, when I do a transfer to my sip phone I get a busy... when its available
00:43.33onlyINugget what happen to meetme2 page
00:45.52*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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00:47.20Weezeybajanman: is it registered?
00:49.09bajanmanweezey: yes
00:49.51Weezeyare you doing Dial(SIP/context|20|r) ?
00:50.07bajanmanweezey: I had problems dialing to the *, and out. it would work, then not, then busy, so I decided to setup greetings. and transfers
00:50.27bajanmanthat I did try: was good/bad
00:50.36bajanmanso now i'm doing tansfers instead
00:50.49Weezeywhat do you mean by transfers?
00:50.58bajanmanso, I call to *, I get my board, and I try an extension to a sip phone: but its always busy
00:51.10bajanmanI dial into the switchboard
00:51.13bajanmanand do a transfer
00:51.24Weezeyi see.
00:51.27bajanmanbut every time I do, i get the message my sip  phone is busy
00:51.32bajanmanwhich it isn't
00:51.42Weezeywhat's the context of your phone?
00:52.21miguellinuxHelp, I get SIP 483 error "Too many hops" when I try to call by a registered sip provider, please help
00:52.38*** join/#asterisk denon (
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00:54.40*** join/#asterisk stormfr (
00:56.44drbrownWeezey: How do you apply the auto-answer support patch to asterisk?
01:01.13WeezeyI would assume:  patch -p1 < filename
01:01.55tzangerI always use -Np1 --dry-run to make sure it applies clean; otherwise it's a pain cleaning up after it shits all over the source dir
01:02.35Weezeytzanger: good point.
01:03.19drbrownWeezey: I will try, thank you
01:03.50Weezeycan anyone tell me how to make load?  I'm getting no error, it just dies.
01:04.09Nethabdon't use the one that comes with asterisk
01:04.13Weezey(also is there a way besides -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv to make errors show up?)  It seems
01:04.22WeezeyNethab: I can't compile oh323
01:04.45Weezeychan_pvt has been removed from CVS since early april, so oh323 won't compile.
01:07.30*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
01:13.57*** join/#asterisk Nethab (
01:18.55*** join/#asterisk jskcr|lappy (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
01:18.58jskcr|lappyhy all
01:20.22jskcr|lappyIm starting to make a live asterisk cd
01:21.14jskcr|lappyNo spent about a year at a company working on custom live cd's
01:21.19jskcr|lappys/No/i lol
01:21.42*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
01:21.58*** part/#asterisk Sato1 (
01:22.14*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
01:22.21Sato1wrong botton :S
01:27.21*** part/#asterisk T-Squared (
01:27.22*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
01:27.33shmaltzhi everybody
01:28.48shmaltztzanger, you around?
01:31.20*** join/#asterisk kimo_sabe (
01:34.08*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
01:35.28*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
01:40.34*** join/#asterisk Entegrity (
01:41.56*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
01:43.41PBXtechwhy is my irq CPU load like 30% ? is that normal? or is it because im using ztdummy
01:44.21*** join/#asterisk Taadow (Taadow@
01:44.33PBXtechor real
01:44.41TaadowJas->Not sure if you're around.
01:45.37TaadowAnyone know why (with h.323 debug on) under External RTP Session Starting RTP channel paramaters, it says ExternalIpAddress:
01:45.51TaadowIn call.
01:46.00TaadowWell, trying to establish I mena.
01:46.08PBXtechsounds like nat prob eh
01:46.27TaadowNo nat.
01:46.59Taadowgateway to gateway
01:47.57EntegrityHello, I'm trying to use asterisk to route all calls from a callmanager sip trunk to a vonage sip trunk and vice versa. What would my extensions.conf need to have. The sip pieces are done. [callman01] &  [Vonage] are sip contexts.
01:47.57TaadowExternal RTP Session Starting
01:47.57TaadowRTP channel id 1 parameters:
01:47.57Taadow-- remoteIpAddress: xx.xx.xx.xx
01:47.57Taadow-- remotePort: 10084
01:47.57Taadow-- ExternalIpAddress:
01:47.58Taadow-- ExternalPort: 18128
01:48.06TaadowVery strange.
01:48.31TaadowI'm assuming that would most likely be the reason I'm not getting audio.
01:49.21*** join/#asterisk HeadachesAbound (
01:51.37HeadachesAboundGee, it sure is quiet in here.
01:51.38EntegrityCould anyone help me with extensions.conf (I'm new to asterisk)
01:51.48HeadachesAboundWhat kind of help you need?
01:51.52*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
01:51.52EntegrityHello, I'm trying to use asterisk to route all calls from a callmanager sip trunk to a vonage sip trunk and vice versa. What would my extensions.conf need to have. The sip pieces are done. [callman01] &  [Vonage] are sip contexts.
01:51.58Entegrity^ :op
01:52.32EntegrityI may have somethings missing on callmanager but I see this in asterisk
01:52.44EntegrityI'm just too new to asterisk to understand the extensions.conf
01:52.49Entegrityand what it should look like
01:53.06Sato1Entegrity, what do you see in the console?
01:53.10EntegrityVonage/17813536      5061     Unmonitored
01:53.11Entegritycallman01      5060     OK (6 ms)
01:53.33Sato1no, you should have some extra messages anytime a call is generated
01:53.39Sato1or in any attempt
01:53.41*** join/#asterisk suma (
01:53.59Entegritymy dialplan is royally screw up right now
01:54.09EntegrityI used asterisk@home :o
01:54.17QwellThats why its all screwed up...
01:54.21EntegrityI renamed all the stuff they did
01:54.29Sato1start your asterisk using some "v" at it, if you do "asterisk -cg" add some "v"'s
01:54.35Sato1or asterisk -r, then asterisk -rvvvvvvvvv
01:54.35Entegritytrying to create my own extensions.conf
01:55.10Entegritywhats the default extensions.conf
01:55.59Sato1Entegrity, you may try, extensions.conf is a wide subject to explain, get as much information you can, then you can ask specific questions
01:56.47jskcr|lappyIf that does not work I take paypal :)
01:57.23EntegrityI'm close to building ser
01:57.26EntegrityI just need sip proxy
02:00.12Sato1how many devices you have with your asterisk?
02:00.16jskcr|lappyAsterisk is *not* a SIP proxy. A SIP proxy handles call control on behalf of other user agents (UA) and usually does not maintain state during a call and therefore is never the endpoint of a call.
02:00.34EntegrityI just want to learn callmanager
02:00.39Entegrityand use a voip provider
02:00.56Entegritybut vonage sucks
02:01.00Entegrityand its unreachable now
02:01.10Sato1so, all you got is an asterisk, the callmanager and a provider link?
02:01.12Entegrityit was working at one point
02:01.25jskcr|lappyWhat are you using vonage soft phone as you sip connection
02:01.28Entegrityand a softphone to test if needed
02:01.37Entegrityyes jsharp
02:01.44Entegrityyes vonage sphone
02:01.50Entegrityfor sip provider
02:01.55Entegrityfor now anyways...
02:02.00jskcr|lappyAnd now all of a sudden vonage stoped working
02:02.00Entegritylooks broke again
02:02.16Entegritysip connection broke
02:02.25EntegrityI had it working at one point :|
02:02.28jskcr|lappywait 120 seconds before trying to reestablish it
02:02.31jskcr|lappyits still working
02:02.51jskcr|lappyThis is common to vonage I had the same problem its not you its vonage
02:03.17Entegrityhow do I reestablish it?
02:03.32EntegrityI put everything back to when it worked...
02:03.35jskcr|lappywait two minutes before trying
02:04.01jskcr|lappyif you try to establish to fast to vonage it will block you automaticly for like 2-5 minutes
02:04.17Entegritythats problably whats giving me the headache
02:04.34jskcr|lappyyea I sat for like 2 hours and finnaly packet sniffed it to see its not me its vonage
02:05.06*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
02:05.46jskcr|lappyQuoth their TOS:  " c. Unauthorized Usage  Customer may not program the Number into any equipment or  infrastructure in or on which the number is intended or used as the   origination or destination of a communication other than the Device   that was provided by Vonage."
02:06.17Entegrityoh brother
02:06.22EntegrityI'm getting new service tomorrow
02:06.28jskcr|lappyIn other words they can terminate your account if they feel like it because you use asterisk on the soft fone
02:06.30EntegrityI need advice
02:06.56Entegritythis is what I want to do: Use Callmanager to VOIP provider
02:07.07Entegrityit supports sip, but not very well
02:07.15Entegrityneeds a proxy or some sort to do the authentication etc
02:07.30Entegritysupports h323 as well
02:07.40Entegritywhat should I use to interface with the provider?
02:07.59Entegritythey use sip right?
02:08.25Entegrityso Callmanager -> h323orSIPproxy -> SIPprovider(broadvoice)
02:08.37EntegrityI've been battling what to use for the h323orSIPproxy
02:08.56*** join/#asterisk steven_ (
02:09.03EntegrityI haven't tried SER yet...
02:09.25Entegritybut I figured asterisk would be a good option.
02:09.46steven_I have an analog phone connected to a linksys pap2-na which talks to asterisk via SIP. I'd like to be able to get new voicemail notification alerts sent to this phone.
02:09.55steven_what do I need to do to make this possible?
02:10.18wildcard0try mailbox=xxx in your sip.conf
02:10.47*** join/#asterisk Ahewes (
02:11.05steven_wild, but I have that defined.
02:11.37wildcard0ya. mwi is the next thing to try if that doesn't work
02:12.01steven_what's MWI?
02:12.07Himekosomething like it is broken if you are reading your cfg out of a db
02:12.32Himekoask slePP or LOT maybe
02:12.40wildcard0mwi = message waiting indicator
02:12.48wildcard0the device needs to have it on as well
02:12.50*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
02:12.51slePPwhat'd i do?
02:13.06HimekoslePP didn't you get mwi working
02:13.06wildcard0you made the baby jesus cry!
02:13.09Entegrityanyone have a broadvoice Retail Activation Code or Promo Code?
02:13.10steven_the device has it on, where do you set the mwi in asterisk?
02:13.11Carp1Anyone in here use PHPAGI?
02:13.23steven_I had MWI working with Asterisk@Home
02:13.27slePPHimeko: yeh, by getting rid of realtime sipfriends :>
02:13.45EntegrityRetail Activation Code or Promo Code? I'll send a referal
02:13.52*** join/#asterisk iq|laptop (
02:14.08steven_slepp, what did you have to do to get MWI working?
02:14.17Carp1Whats the difference between AGI and DeadAGI?
02:14.20slePPi stopped using sipfriends from a db
02:14.25slePPand just generate a sip.conf from the database instead
02:14.34Carp1Just foudn the answer.
02:14.48steven_slepp, there's no setting to enable?
02:14.53steven_I'm not using a a db
02:15.06iswmHow can I get incoming calls to wait for me to pick up?
02:15.08slePPyou're using sip.conf?
02:15.17slePPif you are, then you need to set: mailbox=mailbox@context
02:15.22slePPie: mailbox=1001@default
02:15.23slePPin the sip entry
02:15.27steven_I have that setting.
02:15.41slePPthen it should work if the device supports it, and the mailbox exists
02:15.42steven_strange it's not working.
02:16.59sumaanybody has latest version of Cisco 7960 IP Phone firmware
02:17.03sumathanks in advance
02:17.09mDuffare current CVS builds expected to work under valgrind? "valgrind --tool=addrcheck asterisk -c -f" is aborting for me with "stack smashing attack in function read()"
02:17.15Carp1Anyone in here use PHPAGI?
02:17.27*** join/#asterisk mbishop (~martin@mbishop.user.gentoo)
02:17.38mbishophow do I set up asterisk to wait for me to answer incoming calls?
02:17.44ariel_Carp1, that is a loaded question.
02:17.49sumambishop: Wait
02:18.06ariel_exten => s,1,Wait(20)
02:18.07kimo_sabembishop: how do you mean?
02:18.07Carp1ariel_: ?
02:18.33sumaanybody has latest version of Cisco 7960 IP Phone firmware
02:18.49ariel_Carp1, I use php and most of the people use it in some way or another.
02:21.05Carp1Completes, but doesnt stream the file.
02:21.17ariel_Carp1, your looking at version 1.12 or the newer one 2.0?
02:21.33Carp1I didnt know there was newer
02:22.18steven_slepp, should type = peer or friend?
02:22.32ariel_Carp1, first check path and then rights
02:23.04slePPsteven_: i think mailbox only works for type=user
02:23.05slePPor type=friend
02:23.18Carp1ariel_: What do you mean the path?
02:23.29steven_it's type=friend right now.. not working. perhaps I'll try user
02:23.35Carp1require "/root/downloads/phpagi-1.12/phpagi.php";
02:23.35ariel_peer is for outgoing calls user is for inbound and yes mailbox is for user or friend
02:23.37Carp1that line?
02:24.21*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
02:25.02Carp1chmod to 755, right?
02:25.20bkw_php for AGI....ewwwwwwww
02:25.28steven_corp, no
02:25.35steven_755 is executable.
02:25.44bkw_php needs to stay on the web where it belongs
02:25.45drbrownWeezy: are you only able to use the intercom with the SPA-841 with the development version of asterisk?
02:26.12seanbah. PHP is primarily for web, but is a fine general-purpose scripting language.
02:26.14steven_I think I may buy one of these polycom phones
02:26.15Carp1It says permission denied
02:26.21*** join/#asterisk voip0 (
02:26.23Carp1with 664
02:26.38steven_are you executing it from teh cmdn line?
02:26.52steven_ok, then use 755
02:26.59voip0Good morning / good evening
02:27.05Carp1in command line it still says permission denied with 755
02:27.22Carp1but when called from extensions.conf it doesnt, it just doesnt stream the file.
02:27.23steven_look at the location of the script in the first line
02:27.29steven_it's probably incorrect
02:27.41steven_mountie: the path to the PHP binary
02:28.01Carp1Oh, wait....its not denied from command line
02:28.18*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
02:28.29Carp1#!/usr/bin/php -q
02:28.32Carp1thats in my scrit
02:28.47Carp1[root@VOICE agi-bin]# whereis php
02:28.48Carp1php: /usr/bin/php /etc/php.d /etc/php.ini
02:29.09Carp1You know what
02:29.19Carp1phpagi.php isnt chmod right
02:30.03steven_I'M OUT!
02:30.04Carp1But it still isnt working in asterisk :-\
02:30.08Carp1it says its completed
02:30.12Carp1returned 0
02:30.16voip0hello, I've been able to connect to Digium using 500, how do I dial 17009999613 using a SIP phone?
02:30.18Carp1but it doesnt stream the file
02:30.58*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
02:31.54seanCarp1: become the user that asterisk is running as: su - asterisk
02:32.08drbrowncan anyone assist with setting up the intercom on the spa-841?
02:32.21Carp1Right now asterisk is running as root
02:32.27voip0Is there a test number that can be phone that after hangup will return a call to test my dialplan?
02:32.28Carp1and I am on the other terminal also
02:32.36seanthen try to execute the script: ./scriptname.php
02:32.52Carp1I did.
02:34.03*** join/#asterisk newmember (
02:36.18mbishopcan kphone be used for iax to fwd?
02:36.45mbishopif not, any good softphones that use iax? or can do iax to fwd?
02:37.02seanmbishop: don't see why kphone wouldn't work.
02:37.16seanbut I've never used it (-:
02:37.23seanit's plain IAX, AFAIK
02:38.13*** join/#asterisk voip0 (
02:38.14Carp1no stream played.
02:38.21mbishopsean: nah kphone wants sip
02:38.40mbishopsean: but it may be able to configure it like fwd to use the iax2 proxy
02:40.00Carp1I guess no one knows why my AGI isn't working.
02:40.23seanCarp1: if you Playback(demo-thanks) in your dialplan, does it work?
02:40.30*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
02:41.33Carp1Hold on
02:42.37Carp1May  3 23:55:15 WARNING[26218]: pbx.c:1646 pbx_extension_helper: No application ') Playback' for extension (local, 101, 1)
02:43.09seanlooks like a syntax problem.. what does your Playback line look like?
02:43.14sean(in extensions.conf)
02:43.24Carp1I messed it up
02:43.48Carp1Yeah, it works when I do this.
02:43.59seanhmm.. well, that's all I got. (-:
02:44.11seanbut it seems the AGI script is working properly.
02:44.18seanand you know that the file is playable
02:44.45Carp1Yeah, it just isnt playing back the file
02:44.55Carp1I wish i was still using the first version, I think it was better.
02:51.44Carp1I got it working!
02:51.59kimo_sabeCarp1: what was the trick?
02:52.17Carp1I had to make that file in /etc/asterisk
02:52.24Carp1More more question.
02:52.30seannice work (-:
02:52.31Carp1when I call a file to be streamed
02:52.45Carp1I jsut do agi_play("file")
02:52.53blitzrage"The Dial() application consists mostly of a bird, similar to the simpson's episode where the bird 'pecks' the keys on a telephone. The order of the keystrokes is predefined by the 'speeddial()' application and can be preconfigured using a 'mash' sequence if so desired"....
02:52.55Carp1but I downloaded hte extra sounds from CVS
02:53.05Carp1should I move them all to the asterisk sound dir?
02:53.36kimo_sabeCarp1: the ones you want to use at least
02:54.16Carp1comments in config files are with a ; or a #
02:55.22NethabAnyone hear about Uniden's UIP1868
02:55.25Carp1That may have not worked
02:55.38Carp1Becuase I didnt change my extensions file back to the agi script
02:55.41Carp1Its still on Playback
02:56.15Carp1Doesnt work.
02:56.22WeezeyCarp1:  ;
02:56.46*** join/#asterisk KristinG (
02:56.51Carp1I wish someone used PHPAGI so they could tlel me the trick.
02:57.02voip0hello I've setup Asterisk but I've not been able to make a call yet other then 500 asterisk demo? I have this in my extension.conf "exten => _1700NXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/${EXTEN}@iaxtel)" I would like to phone 17009999613 an echo test number? do I have to add an extra digit or something?
02:57.14KristinGany extensions gurus here?
02:57.48Weezeyvoip0: get rid of that last @iaxtel and see what happens.
02:57.57WeezeyKristenG: what's your problem?
02:58.18voip0thanks Weezey
02:58.20*** join/#asterisk salviadud (~dude@
02:58.30KristinGI have a few carriers
02:58.39Weezeyas you should.
02:58.50KristinGand I want to be able to try them in order if one cannot complete a call
02:58.59Weezeyno problem.
02:59.02wildcard0so just do one and then the next
02:59.15salviadudhey, im using a sipura 3000, do i need to do a zapata.conf file if i want to get my pstn line calling from line 1?
02:59.29Weezeysalviadd: nope
02:59.35KristinGweezy there needs to be some sort of if rule
02:59.35kimo_sabesalviadud: no, it's a SIP device
02:59.37wildcard0salviadud, no
02:59.40WeezeySipura 3000 is only sip.
02:59.56salviadudbut, its got a fxs and fxo port
03:00.05WeezeyKristin: for routing based on the number dialed.
03:00.13wildcard0KristinG, no, if a dial statement fails, it goes to the next priority.  just add the next dial on the next line
03:00.14*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
03:00.15kimo_sabesalviadud: and they're both SIP enpoints (UA's I think)
03:00.16Weezeysalivadd: they register seperately in sip.conf
03:00.32Weezeykimo: no, one's FXO one FXS
03:01.02kimo_sabeWeezey: yes, SIP doesn't care
03:01.07salviadudso, i can get calls from the pstn line, and maybe transfer them over IAX to someone in who knows where
03:01.08KristinGi tried that today and it failed
03:01.12kimo_sabeWeezey: I have one of them
03:01.23wildcard0KristinG, what was wrong with it?
03:01.26salviadudbut i can't use my sipura and asterisk to dial to the pstn line?
03:01.32salviadudit should be possible...
03:01.35Weezeyit is.
03:01.41WeezeyI have three set up right now.
03:01.43wildcard0salviadud, ya you can do that
03:01.59salviadudah... that makes me feel better
03:02.01KristinGit fails on the first carrier and goes to reorder
03:02.22salviadudim reading the vol1 documentation, i just registered to iaxtel
03:02.34salviadudim a newbie, but im learning!
03:03.03salviadudwell, thanx for the info, im gonna read some more
03:03.08wildcard0KristinG, how does it fail?  what does the carrier return?
03:03.55Weezeysalviadud: the forums on were a lot of help
03:04.00sylewhat is iaxtel
03:04.10Weezeya provider
03:05.04stormfris anybody update to last cvs ? seems pri is now don't working
03:09.21kb1_kanobelast nights libpri and zaptel from head are working fine for me.
03:10.07stormfri move back to 04/30/05 and work again
03:16.58Hogiehas anybody ever seen a cisco 7960 act funny running sip 6.3 in the regard that it starts doing random numbers when you dial (it happens when we dial 98 [817 is a local area code]).  It happens on 3 diff phones I put at the same location, but dont happen at other locations...  changed out power blocks, network cables, etc, I dunno:(
03:18.24stormfrhogie : i have around 50 and use long time 6.3 and never see this. now running 7.3 or 7.4. I have see funny thing with 7912 but it's not the same sip firmware
03:19.41Hogieso you ran 6.3 for a long time?  I dont get it, its at our 2nd office, and it only happens to 1 person, I can even switchout phones to that person, and it stays there, but *I* caused the problem to happen today, when she wasn't there
03:19.54Hogieso I know it isn't PEBCAK
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03:20.57stormfrdo you have check full log ? maybe a bad sip message
03:21.11niZon <- pastebin alternative
03:21.17niZonhas syntax highlighting too
03:21.19drbrowncan anyone assist in setting up an spa-841 on an intercom setup?
03:21.33Hogieits before it does SIp messages, it isn't timing out yet
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03:36.34Carp1My AGI not offically works.
03:39.33Sato1what it does?
03:40.26seanwow, call files are cool (-:
03:43.20outtolunccall files are NOT cool <G>
03:43.37outtoluncthat is if they never get 'answer' or 'failed' <G>
03:44.00sean'me laughs at file and his later-than-everyone-else timezone.
03:44.11fileyeah, almost 1
03:44.12fileI should sleep
03:44.18outtolunc(meaning spooled files that never get 'answer'd or 'failed' never get DIALSTATUS <G>
03:45.01seanah, I was wondering what happens in that case.
03:45.03nestArfile is in n00b runswick?
03:45.22seanfile: you have VOIP termination in 506?
03:45.25outtoluncall you get is the spool 'reason' code
03:45.29filesean: I wish
03:45.35outtoluncwhich isn't a global
03:45.41filewhich reminds me, I should ask Aliant how much for a PRI!
03:46.00fileten bucks says their answer is, "what's a PRI?"
03:46.27outtolunctakes that bet
03:46.38fileouttolunc: you're just desperate for money
03:46.51outtolunc(might get my new chair after alL <G>)
03:46.55outtoluncer all
03:47.02seanwhen I left, in 2000, a data T1 was >$1500/month (anecdotally).
03:47.36outtoluncdata T1's are priced seriously different from voice t1s and pri's
03:47.49nestAryeah, they're generally cheaper
03:47.56nestArat least in my region
03:47.57sean.. I had NBNet dialup service in the early-mid 90s. $6/minute at peak hours.
03:48.06fileah nbnet, hehe
03:48.11fileI remember fundy stuff
03:48.14outtoluncthe only time they 'appear' similar is if you live in bum-f-e.....
03:48.16seanah fundy.
03:48.17filefundy cable systems, then shaw got it, then rogers
03:48.23seancable modem early adopters
03:48.38seanwith the upstream on a modem that may or may not sync with your downstream
03:48.41outtoluncand that's due to the 'distance' factor
03:48.55nestAractually, my pri's cost about the same as most of our PtP t1's
03:48.59drbrownHas anyone installed the webmin module on the ftp site?
03:49.10filedrbrown: hasn't been updated in ages, doesn't work, give up now
03:49.13nestArwe pay $400/mo per pri
03:49.32drbrownthought it would be nice for my customers
03:49.51outtolunc(nestAr would shit if he knew what we pay for 'most' of the loops on our voice t1's)
03:49.54drbrownfile: have you used the spa-841 in an intercom setup?
03:50.06filedrbrown: nah, I'm not an SPA-841 user
03:50.21drbrownfile: do you use snom?
03:50.34outtoluncthe exception is the one that is long hauled for over 500 miles on mci <G>
03:50.55wvbroadbandI know they're going through some big upgrade, but anyone been able to get ahold of nufone support lately?
03:51.05wvbroadbandI've tried, I'd say 20 times
03:51.14fileI have a Cisco myself
03:51.25outtoluncnew account, or existing?
03:51.31outtolunc(nufone that is)
03:51.40sean(sortof (-; )
03:51.41jakepdevwvbroadband - there are nufone guys on here most of the time and #nufone
03:51.45fileI can't keep my eyes open
03:51.59sean'night file. Enjoy your muddy river.
03:52.08outtoluncstrange, existing accounts (i had an issue last week) he helped me with
03:52.18seanspeaking of.. go have a pint of Muddy River Stout at Pumphouse..
03:52.23wvbroadbandoh, I've been waiting for the elusive JerJer to sign on
03:52.38jakepdev~seen JerJer
03:52.43jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5d 22h 28m 33s ago, saying: 'try ulaw or gsm'.
03:52.57filesean: I'm not old enough to drink yet lol
03:52.57jakepdevdid you try ulaw or gsm?
03:53.07seanfile: oh yeah.. heh.. forgot it's 19 in NB
03:53.20fileyeah don't remind me
03:53.20seanwell, when you turn, that's the place to go, if you like good beer.
03:53.27outtoluncfile, let the glow of the lcd fade <G> you are getting SLEEPY.. SLEEPy.. SLEepy.. SLeepy.. etc
03:53.39wvbroadbandanyone else here work for nufone
03:54.00sylewhats the best cordless phone
03:54.03filegah goodnight
03:54.30sylei think only uniden makes cordless's right?
03:54.55outtoluncsyle, you are joking right?
03:55.04wvbroadbandsyle: one of those illegal (in the US, and FCC regulated areas) imports that work for miles
03:55.15seanso, back to call files.. what happens when the retries expire without a connection?
03:55.39wvbroadbandI once knew a guy who lived on a mountaintop and realistically could travel 20 miles away and still place calls
03:55.46outtoluncobviously, the call file disapprears
03:55.59seanand is there any indication of the result?
03:56.07outtoluncso, either trap the 'reason' and regen, or let it go
03:56.15sylei haven;t seen any voip cordless phones cept uniden
03:56.20seanhow would I trap the reason?
03:56.26seanlogs/console only?
03:56.36outtolunclook at pbx_spool.c you will see a res = ...
03:57.39outtoluncremember what i said.. unless xyz happens.. (it doesn't get to ast_pbx_run, and wasn't an 'answer' or 'failed' it doesn't get DIALSTATUS)
03:57.52outtoluncso that's out
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03:58.06vpphi guys
03:58.07outtoluncmeaning you will have to trap the res in pbx_spool
03:58.16vppanyone use oh323?
03:58.17outtoluncenough said
03:58.31seanouttolunc: ah. I see your point, now. That DOES suck.
03:58.50outtoluncsean, not much if you can code
03:59.02seanmy C skills are.. lacking.
03:59.12outtoluncbut, those updates will not be 'core'
03:59.30seanare there plans for a more robust call API?
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04:01.56seanmaybe this is too naive, but souldn't it make sense to have a /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/results ?
04:02.58Juggiesean, what asterisk needs mostly is a better event system
04:03.01Juggieand its in the works
04:03.05Juggiethat ould solve some of these issues
04:03.20Juggiethe guy who was working on it was just hired by digium.
04:03.27sean.. I'm really new to this.
04:03.48Hogiewow, nufone has saved us $11 this week so far
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04:04.26drbrownDoes anyone know how to use the CALL_INFO variable?
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04:12.54outtolunca /var/spool/asterisk/results is just plain wrong, more filehandles and resources is not that way
04:13.24outtolunci'd suggested an ast_state in channel stuct for it
04:13.53outtolunc(as noted previously, HELL there is already an moh_state) <G>
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04:15.55outtoluncbut then, that's just me <G>
04:16.12outtoluncsome people think the world exists in 'dial'
04:22.49kb1_kanobehuh... there goes the neighbourhood.
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04:25.05blankmanHey all. I don't suppose any of the guys from NuFone are lurking?
04:31.08outtoluncso WilliamK: were you attempting to ask about a certain 'type' of traffic TO or FROM mexico?
04:31.17Nethabhey WilliamK the new sipura firmware isn't available for the 3000 i'm so dissapointed
04:31.55outtoluncyou mentioned 'to' just asking since the rest was vague
04:32.49Sato1WilliamK, i guess iconnect
04:32.58Sato1i use it even being in mexico
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04:36.04Sato1and i anwered an our later, *smirsk*
04:37.53outtoluncthat or i just an being too general
04:40.14outtoluncregardless, of previous, i'd still like to help people with real questions
04:40.37vppanyone here use oh232?
04:40.51outtoluncnever heard of it
04:40.57kb1_kanobeI'm just trying out kernel 2.6.11 with Ingo Molinars realtime patches applied in a quest to consistent 100% score from zttest... but it doesn't seem to have made any material difference. This surprises me. Any suggestions?
04:41.29outtolunckb1: you meant the zttest-mod ?
04:41.42kb1_kanobeI was just using zttest for now.
04:42.10outtoluncthe tests they were 'referencing' was a mod that was named 'zttest-mod'
04:42.32outtoluncso if you are using zttest responses they will NOT equate
04:43.05kb1_kanobeerrr...? I was only comparing between my own machine. Not to the discussion on -users. There seems to be some consunsion with the math in that.
04:43.30outtoluncok elaborate
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04:44.03kb1_kanobeWell, I got to thinking that if there are jitters in the expected delivery of data to/from the t1 card then perhaps the kernel is part of the issue.
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04:44.18outtoluncbasically you mentioned you patched, but it didn't help.. it didn't help how?
04:44.20kb1_kanobethere has been much made recently of 2.6.11 for real time audio work.
04:45.01kb1_kanobewell, I still get 'misses' intermittantly and I'm still seeing plenty of EAGAINs in the console, accompanied by pops&clicks on the PRI.
04:45.03outtoluncthe whole point of the zttest-mod was too determine MB/kernel
04:45.14outtoluncso you are doing a 'side test'
04:45.26kb1_kanobecorrect. I'm ignoring zttest-mod for now.
04:45.33outtoluncusing existing methods that are already found to be 'non-effective'
04:45.45kb1_kanobenon effective how?
04:45.47outtolunc(as a real test)
04:46.11outtoluncbecause the base code looks at it 1024 wide
04:46.18outtoluncnot 1000 wide
04:46.37outtoluncas noted in the emails regarding the zttest-mod
04:47.08outtoluncare you sure you don't want to join 'the other' and test as they are?
04:47.14outtoluncer the others
04:47.21kb1_kanobedoes it really matter in the sense of zttest? It simply compares the expected samples in a sample window so, so long as it goes for 8192 and is expecting 8192 in slightly > 1 second, all is well, no?
04:48.10kb1_kanobealrighty then. I'm running zttest-mod
04:48.48outtoluncsimply put, for a test to mean anything, there must be other data, that other data must be from the same spec
04:49.01outtoluncIF NOT IT"S WORTHLESS
04:49.16kb1_kanobeFor comparison purposes, yes.
04:49.44outtoluncso, since 'all the coders' are doing zttest-mod.. if you want to participate.. i'd suggest using that
04:49.54kb1_kanobepoint taken.
04:51.29kb1_kanobewhich gets me back to my original point - isn't zttest-mod itself part of the possible issue if it's not running as a realtime process?
04:52.11outtoluncit's an 'issue in progress' they already know 'something is amiss' in the quantification
04:52.48outtoluncso, even if the 'current test' is amiss, at least 'that' is the one they are using to deal with the issue
04:53.12outtoluncso any mods are to 'it' and not something not even being used
04:54.04outtoluncwould you try and send speed tests to a company that said we are using 'xyz' for speed tests.. when yours was not
04:54.22outtoluncsome might..
04:54.36kb1_kanobenope. however i'm just comparing between my various * boxes and don't intent to share results from a modified benchmark. :-)
04:54.37outtoluncbut those would be dealt with similarly <G>
04:55.03outtoluncok, lets go on just zttest
04:55.21outtoluncand the differerces you have within your own boxes
04:55.31outtoluncprovide the data
04:55.41outtolunci'll wait
04:56.29outtolunc(i'm gonna go get a drink, but i'll be right back)
04:57.16*** join/#asterisk tomassia (~user@
04:57.50kb1_kanobeno worries.
04:57.52kb1_kanobeBox A (2.6.8-2-686 from debian testing) 17 active channels, 15 are t100p, 3 IAX2 --- Results after 356 passes --- Best: 1.026179 -- Worst: 1.022098 -- Average: 1.024011  real    6m5.079s user    0m0.012s sys     0m0.044s
04:58.08kb1_kanobeBox A (2.6.8-2-686 from debian testing) 17 active channels, 15 are t100p, 3 IAX2 --- Results after 356 passes --- Best: 1.026179 -- Worst: 1.022098 -- Average: 1.024011  real    6m5.079s user    0m0.012s sys     0m0.044s
04:58.33tomassiamy xlite cannot register to the asterisk server, what should i do?
04:58.35kb1_kanobeBox B (2.6.11-realtime) 18 active channels, 9 are t100p, 9 IAX2 --- Results after 164 passes --- Best: 1.024175 -- Worst: 1.023850 -- Average: 1.024017 real    2m48.867s user    0m0.009s sys     0m0.036s
05:00.17*** join/#asterisk tugalone (
05:00.32kb1_kanobebut it's difficult to compare as the results aren't displayed in terms of frequency, however I'm surprised box B is not bang on all the time given the kernel it's runing in.
05:02.21*** part/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
05:02.55tomassiahow can i register my xlite to the asterisk server
05:03.05*** join/#asterisk blaisen1 (
05:04.33*** join/#asterisk menger (
05:04.48mengeranyone had a snom phone which goes to music on hold but can't get it back again?
05:09.21outtoluncscrolling back, hey menger
05:09.27mengerhi otl
05:10.07outtolunc17 active channels, 15 are t100p, 3 IAX2  ??
05:10.33outtoluncthat was from kb1's paste before you got here
05:10.52kb1_kanobeSorry, I've got load running on the machine, otherwise the test results tend to be spot on (at least from the old zttest perspective)
05:11.14outtolunci was just talking about the #
05:11.44kb1_kanobeforget that realtime influence consideration - I just patched it up to see and it makes no difference.
05:11.56outtolunci'm 'assuming' that meant there was 1 'inactive' iax channel that for 'some' reason was pulled into the equation <G>
05:12.35kb1_kanobethere is one pstn b channel left open just incase. Someone must have been on it.
05:12.57kb1_kanobeerrr.. forget I said that.
05:13.30kb1_kanobeit's that beer you gave me talking.
05:14.04outtoluncyeah, but i didn't expect you to feed it to your * box <G>
05:14.22kb1_kanobeI try to keep it happy - that way it keeps me happy!
05:14.47outtoluncobviously the test (if that is actual output) is flawed <G>
05:15.23kb1_kanobehow so? you mean the fact it's > 1.0 seconds?
05:15.34outtoluncno it's inability to count
05:15.45outtolunc17 active channels, 15 are t100p, 3 IAX2
05:15.52outtoluncknock knock
05:16.12kb1_kanobeI'll just write a quick patch for that... brb.
05:16.15outtoluncnot only once, but twice <G>
05:16.48*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
05:17.18outtolunc(notes: i really want to help, and i'm sorry if my backward-country-ass brain just can't get around it) <G>
05:17.48outtolunci grewup on a farm
05:18.12outtoluncif the tractor in not infront of the plow, it does no good <G>
05:18.54outtolunc(lord knows we used it for many other things) <G>
05:20.35*** join/#asterisk nixter (~nick@OCI-19-41.OneCall.Net)
05:21.00drbrowndoes anyone know if they are going to port the SIPaddheader app to the current stable release anytime soon?
05:21.13drbrownor at all?
05:21.59outtoluncthat would be a question to post to the bugtracker, that way the 'maintainer' can inform you/us of it's travels
05:22.58outtoluncall, backports are the joy/bliss of one man, he does come out to 'chat' much <G>
05:23.26outtoluncbugtracker is your best bet for a response is what i meant
05:24.09drbrownthese spa-841's are pissin me off
05:24.22drbrownso close to complete, but so far away
05:24.24outtoluncthat sounds like a personal issue <G>
05:24.47outtolunccan you form it in a fashion that is 'bug' based <G>
05:24.50drbrownI just can't get the intercom function to work
05:24.54*** join/#asterisk pbx123 (
05:25.52outtoluncside features of MANY phones (hard or soft) are 'usually' the issue of the phone.. buton the off chance it's proto based why not start there
05:26.14pbx123Hi.  I'm new to iRC as well as asterisk.  Can anyone lend a hand?
05:26.15drbrownI wish the 480i was finished
05:26.26outtoluncyou have a phone, it uses, proto x, it is/isn't doing y
05:26.57outtoluncpbx123, hold a few
05:27.08outtolunc(i'll get to you)
05:27.35outtoluncdrbrown, are you going to elaborate?
05:28.19outtoluncif not, i'm sure pbx123 wants his turn
05:28.27drbrownthe spa-841 is a sip based phone, and I cannot get it to auto answer
05:29.02outtoluncand you have obviously talked to them about why it doesn't autoanswer?
05:29.19drbrownit has to do with the sip header
05:29.23outtolunc(that IS a phone (self) issue)
05:29.48outtoluncok so that phone autoanswer is tied to the proto
05:30.06outtoluncand what does that phone expect?
05:30.25drbrownasterisk in it's current state (stable) does not support setting the sip header
05:30.41outtolunc(and the following question will be what is asterisk sending/not sending that falls short)
05:31.14drbrownhere is an example of the "hack" that's supposed to take care of the issue
05:31.31outtoluncwell if you can... try shifting to cvs-head and see if that helps
05:31.59outtoluncthere are 'so many' things in head that aren't in stable.. (it as they say, is not funny)
05:32.02drbrownxten => 80,2,SIPaddheader(Call-Info: \;answer-after=0)
05:32.12drbrown"exten => 80,2,SIPaddheader(Call-Info: \;answer-after=0)"
05:32.37outtoluncthats is beyond the proto, that is called force-feeding
05:32.38drbrown"exten = 80,2,SIPaddheader(Call-Info: \;answer-after=0)"
05:33.27outtoluncat a proto level (if it 'part of the norm') all that is not needed
05:33.29drbrownI need a better answer than snom is what it comes down to
05:34.02drbrownI can't use the sipura spa-841 either
05:34.19outtolunci'll never say mnfr x is better than y, what i will say is that x had better interaction with the app, than y <G>
05:34.25mengerno snom users here?
05:34.33outtoluncdid you see the slight of hand <G>
05:34.53drbrownprice isn't the issue, when it comes to my customers it is the looks of the phone
05:34.54outtoluncmenger you having snom issues?
05:35.06mengerouttolunc, yep
05:35.14outtoluncpbx123 i've not forgetten <G> really
05:35.28outtoluncpbx123 priv me. .i'll help same time
05:35.29pbx123no problem, just let me know
05:35.33drbrownthanks take her easy
05:35.37mengerouttolunc, i have a snom 220, i have set the music on hold server to be 197 (extension which goes into music on hold)
05:36.03outtoluncsnom's require a set moh channel?
05:36.03mengerhowever we can't get the call back after, the snom handset can here them, but you can't here the snom user
05:36.11mengerouttolunc, seems so
05:36.17outtoluncnot the * channel aspect?
05:36.27outtoluncthat is outthere
05:36.30outtoluncbut ok
05:36.38outtoluncso, what happens
05:36.48pbx123I'm trying to see if my TE110P  is DOA. I just got it. After configurations, the light on the card just doens't light up at all.
05:37.14*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
05:37.22outtoluncpbx123 what drivers did you load?
05:37.24mengerthe call goes on hold, remote hears music on hold, but when the operator picks up again, you still here music on hold and operator can here you
05:37.29mengerbut you can't here operator
05:37.37outtoluncafk a sec
05:37.40*** join/#asterisk leibniz_ (~leibniz@
05:38.25leibniz_if i have an ip phone doing 3-way calling with two callers on the pstn, will the ip phone see one or two RTP streams ?
05:39.02mengerlecram, i suspect 2
05:39.08mengerleibniz_, i suspect 2
05:39.22pbx123Do I have it right, that all correct modules have to be loaded before the led can light up?
05:40.29leibniz_menger: does * support dsp boards for transcoding?
05:40.49remmothe spa3000 seems like they are feature packed
05:41.37mengerleibniz_, not sure
05:46.04remmoanyone has any hints to conf a spa3000 through a nat firewall, so i dont have to change the nat
05:47.12outtoluncsorry back, scrolling back
05:48.27outtoluncpbx123, you need the zaptel, and specific card driver loaded before it lights up
05:48.56outtoluncmenger, are you using another else? agentlogin/callbacklogin?
05:49.04outtoluncer anything
05:49.11mengerjust a dial(SIP/101)
05:49.23outtoluncstraignt 1to1 'dial'?
05:49.34mengerno queues
05:49.38outtolunccompatible codecs?
05:49.46mengeris all ulaw
05:49.51mengerand it works before you put them on hold
05:49.56pbx123great. basically, I just want to make sure the card isn't DOA just cause it doesn't light up at all. I'll keep trying, thanks.
05:49.56outtoluncyou are sure?
05:50.06mengerthey would have had my head by now otherwise
05:50.07outtoluncand no firewall issues?
05:50.13mengerand i have spoken to them on the phone too
05:50.19mengerall local lan
05:50.30mengerISDN BRI <--> Asterisk <--> Snom 220
05:50.41outtoluncpbx123  'cat /proc/modules' see zaptel and one for the card
05:51.02outtoluncif to do.. then ztcfg -vvv
05:51.06outtoluncTHEN try
05:51.48outtoluncmenger and yo got debug wide open, and verbose at 5
05:51.51pbx123I'm not at work where the server is, but i'll do so when I get back to work.  thanks again for your help.
05:52.13pbx123just want to beat the RMA deadline. good to know there is still hope for the card.
05:52.13outtoluncnp, i'll be here tomorrow, just priv me
05:52.34mengerouttolunc, i put sip debug on, i need to go on site and look as testing this from here is driving me nuts
05:52.51outtolunc9 times out of 10 it's the lack of something that 'can' be fixed
05:53.40outtoluncmenger i figured since it was ulaw you were using a card to get out
05:53.49mengerouttolunc, yep, i am
05:53.53mengerbri card
05:53.58mengerwith zaptel driver
05:54.17outtoluncthen hit the console 'set verbose 5'
05:54.33outtoluncmake sure debug is set in logger.conf
05:54.42outtoluncand run
05:54.59outtoluncwatch the console and /var/log/asterisk/debug
05:55.30outtoluncsee if ANY thing if outof place, especially 'incompatable codec'
05:55.51outtoluncand it transcodes on the fly regardless
05:56.32*** join/#asterisk tugalone (
05:56.38outtoluncyou have been around this long enough i feel like i suggesting the obvious
05:56.47outtoluncin which case, i don't mean too
05:57.11mengerasterisk*CLI> sip show channels
05:57.11mengerPeer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)   Format
05:57.11menger192.168.25.248   101         3c2680fb337  00101/00002   ulaw
05:57.11menger192.168.25.248   101         3c267ab6114  00101/00006   ulaw
05:57.11menger192.168.25.248   101         3c26729883e  00101/00002   ulaw
05:57.11menger192.168.25.248   101         3c2672020eb  00101/00002   ulaw
05:57.13menger192.168.25.248   (None)      3c2cf53c081  00103/00005   unknow
05:57.38outtoluncand junior on the end is what?
05:57.59outtolunchell he doesn't even know how to spell <G>
05:58.20outtolunc(assuming a chop, i was being funny) <G>
05:59.14outtoluncand as such i'm assuming you are using mac as 'user'
06:00.16outtoluncwhat device is a '3c2cf5'. no i don't feel like querying the db
06:01.17outtoluncsimple test, if you remove that device, do things go back to norm
06:01.34*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
06:01.36FuriousGeorgehey all.  i just installed a home intercom type system using asterisk softphone and a few fxs.  not hard, it has a simple dialplan for outbound calls.
06:01.56FuriousGeorgetomarrow i wanna install an "asterisk bridge" at an office at work
06:02.37FuriousGeorgethey spend 300/mo using the telco sercvice to foreward calls.  so i got a few fxo for that
06:03.22lehelZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
06:03.22lehelDid you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling
06:03.23leheland that FXO interfaces use FXS signalling?
06:03.40lehel<< tells me the "ztcfg"...
06:03.45Nethab~seen kram
06:03.47jbotkram is currently on #asterisk (3d 6h 23m 28s).  Has said a total of 139 messages.  Is idling for 1d 2h 10m 54s
06:03.53lehelwhere's the problem?
06:04.04FuriousGeorgethe point is:  do i need to do advanced things like call parking, or will it be as simple as: answer, and call the office with people in it
06:04.13outtolunclehel, that is a very good message, can you re-read it
06:04.30outtolunc(too yourself)
06:04.47lehelok.. but i don't know wich .conf file i need to change!
06:05.19lehelzapata.conf? .. zapata-channels.conf ??
06:05.19outtoluncwell both zaptel.conf and zapata.conf have 'signalling' right?
06:05.22*** join/#asterisk jskcr|lappy (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
06:05.31outtolunclook closer
06:06.16lehelthe problem is that i don't know wich Signalling method i should use
06:06.33outtoluncwell what card do you have
06:06.35lehelin zapata.conf > fxs_ks (now)
06:06.48lehelWildcard TDM400
06:07.19outtoluncand you most certainly looked at the info on digium right?
06:09.05outtolunc(feels like saying 'next' <G>)
06:09.29outtoluncso FG, what is your boggle?
06:09.51FuriousGeorgei just have a theoretical question
06:10.05outtoluncyou installed 'asterisk intercom' and want to get 'asterisk bridge' going.. right?
06:10.19FuriousGeorgeits wierd to ask.  i wanna install an asterisk bridge to avoid using telco pay-per-use forewarding service
06:10.20outtoluncsadly, i've never heard of them
06:11.11*** join/#asterisk Othello (
06:11.17outtolunci'm 'assuming' you simply want to forward you calls 'throught' an account (pstn/term provider)
06:11.26outtoluncer -t
06:11.36FuriousGeorgei just want it to answer a call after a given amount of time (not the hard part), then use the opposite line to call another local office
06:11.58outtoluncwell here is you first lesson
06:12.05FuriousGeorgei dont need call parking or nothing right?  i can just wait, answer the call on s, then call the office from the opposite line
06:12.07outtoluncthere are 2 sides to telecom
06:12.13outtoluncinbound, and outbound
06:12.21outtoluncthey ARE separate
06:12.35FuriousGeorgethats what i was afraid of ;)
06:12.39outtoluncif you want to 'join' them you have to get fancy
06:12.51FuriousGeorgeno fancy!
06:12.55outtoluncfancy is with asterisk simple
06:13.33FuriousGeorgethe point of my mentioning the home intercom thing.  it only involves fxs though
06:13.34outtoluncyou simply need to 'answer' the inbound (on one channel) and dial on aother (channel)
06:14.02outtoluncyour best bet...
06:14.25FuriousGeorgeso priority 1, would be the wait 20 sconds; 2, Answer on 's';, call on other line
06:14.28*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
06:14.37outtoluncthat will give you a basic overview
06:15.13outtoluncthe point being, once you 'have' the inbound (answered it), you can do anything you want with it
06:15.36FuriousGeorgeits been about a month since i read that one.  i got the book since then and read that.
06:15.53outtoluncplayback, please wait, playback ringing, dump it, whatever
06:16.06outtoluncyou really need to read it again
06:16.17outtoluncthere are examples that DO APPLY
06:16.32FuriousGeorgei was just trying to get a feel for how complex it would be, having no landlines at my appartment, i have no need for FXO
06:16.41FuriousGeorgeouttolunc: i will definately take a look at it tomarrow
06:16.46outtoluncthere are none
06:16.48FuriousGeorgejust wanted to go to work prepared
06:17.25outtolunc"once you answer" a channel, you can "DO anything with it"
06:17.46outtoluncanything is defined (not in whole) with that document
06:18.04FuriousGeorgesweet ;)  ill uise that as a reference while i hammer it out
06:18.24FuriousGeorgeand by hammer i mean trial and error-ate
06:18.31outtoluncjust remember, answer, playback/dial/whatever
06:18.53FuriousGeorgeouttolunc: ive been trying to visualize it in my head for a while, and thats a lot what it looked like
06:18.56outtolunconce you answer, you are in control of that channel
06:19.15outtoluncyou just have to decide what to do with it
06:19.37FuriousGeorgeouttolunc: i guess after that ill do voice mail, got a good reference for htat one?
06:19.52FuriousGeorgeon the wiki perhaps?
06:19.58outtoluncyou could feed it a background/prompt, playback 'gf go away', etc
06:20.28outtoluncwhich leads too, of what you decide to send it too isn't 'available' send it elsewhere
06:20.40FuriousGeorgeits actually for my two bosses with the same name.  "for maria press 1 for maria press 2" is what i had in mind
06:20.41outtoluncif if if if else
06:21.13outtoluncthats common and explained.. there are 'real'examples on various sites
06:21.21FuriousGeorgeouttolunc: so thats when i would use conditionsals, i get that.  that pascal class i took in HS in 98 will come in handy
06:21.34outtolunclook for dialplan
06:21.39outtolunchit the wiki
06:22.04outtolunc(first on 'unoffical links')
06:22.14*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
06:22.24outtoluncty lehel
06:22.38lehelouttolunc: i'm looking now the extensions.conf
06:22.45outtoluncsays.. "it's that easy"
06:23.20leheland on the "digium" says me to add on the [default] context.. but i haven't
06:23.23FuriousGeorgeyeah, i think im getting the hang of this.
06:23.31*** join/#asterisk three55ml_laptop (
06:23.40leheli should create [default]?
06:23.44FuriousGeorgeone lass ?  is there anything like a "counter" that can be used in the dialplan
06:23.45brookshireyou almost have to think of dialplan as it's own programming language
06:24.33FuriousGeorgebrookshire: i never did much coding but thats instantly what comes to mind here
06:24.34outtoluncexamples are example are examples
06:25.02brookshireit's pretty basic though.. not many functions it can do
06:25.04FuriousGeorgeouttolunc: you know of anything like a "counter" that could keep track of minutes
06:25.20*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
06:25.43brookshirefurious: you can read the logs
06:26.04brookshirebut there is also other stuff out there
06:26.22lehelouttolunc: so it is [outgoing] <10x
06:26.23FuriousGeorgebrookshire: i thought i heard something about * being able to keep track of billing
06:26.32outtolunctracking 'minutes' are the aspect of the cdr's (or if if app based, within each app)
06:26.55outtoluncsuggestion to each of you
06:27.26outtoluncif you have inbound, set a context for it, if you have more that one, you should have more that ONE inbound context
06:27.34outtoluncsame with outbound
06:27.48outtoluncput calls where they should be
06:28.15outtoluncif they 'fall thru' to [default] tell them (nicely) 'you shouldn't be here'
06:28.41outtoluncthen if you do this, you will understand/control your pbx
06:29.00outtoluncit really is, 'that simple'
06:29.22FuriousGeorgeyou've armed me with knowledge :)
06:29.34*** join/#asterisk fabioFVZ (
06:29.53outtoluncas is my mission in life, please don't tell me it's time to die happy <G>
06:30.19FuriousGeorgelol, gonna hit the sack.  thanks for the info
06:30.39outtolunc(usually i have to 'fight tooth and nail' and people thing i'm a total ....
06:30.45*** join/#asterisk oej (~oej@
06:30.52outtoluncer think
06:31.31outtoluncafter 25 years, i've gotten used to it <G>
06:32.07FuriousGeorgethe techy is oft' misunderstood
06:32.22outtoluncif that were only it
06:33.26outtolunceven if one is told what to 'push' step by step, there are still people that cannot do it
06:33.42outtolunceven today!
06:33.51FuriousGeorgeb/c they think they cant
06:33.58outtolunc(as they all work for the company i work for.. ) <G>
06:34.12outtoluncand i'm reminded, everyday <G>
06:34.53outtoluncso if some of you think i'm abrupt, you don't know the half of it
06:35.34FuriousGeorgeim out, g'night
06:39.20outtoluncdamn, i guess i am scary <G>
06:41.30outtoluncif there is one thing i have learn in all these years, if that *usually* this issue is already known, it's the ability of there person with the issue, and the person 'trying' to help to DIG it out of them
06:41.45outtoluncer is that
06:42.33dudeswhat's up  outtolunc
06:42.47outtoluncjust waiting for you <G>
06:43.01outtoluncit's all 'his' fault <G>
06:43.09dudeswe didn't see you in gnudialer, so we figured you weren't around
06:43.19outtolunci was earlier
06:43.50dudesI woke up later than normal.  Heath also rode with his boss and was later than normal
06:54.48*** part/#asterisk Nethab (
06:59.00vppdoes anyone know if there's a way to set the codec frame size in asterisk?
07:00.02outtoluncwhy would you want to adjust a codec frame size?
07:00.37outtolunc(noting the algorithm is kinda designed with it in mind)
07:00.53vppbecause different frame sizes have different overhead
07:01.01outtoluncwhy not just adjust your mtu and let your routers deal with packet size
07:01.40vppbecause i have limited bandwidth and would like to limit the codec frame size
07:01.43outtoluncif you want to 'max' a proto.. design a new one <G>
07:01.48vppso that i can handle more calls
07:02.02QwellHere's a novel idea...why not use a different codec?
07:02.05outtolunclike iax and trunking <G>
07:02.18vppbecause i can't control the codec the end user will use
07:02.38vpponly that it will be g729 or g723.1 with varying frame size
07:02.39outtoluncbut SOME codec have intermediaries
07:02.53vppevery 'real' gateway lets you choose it
07:02.59vppnot sure why atserisk doesnt
07:03.18outtoluncbecause its not designed that way?
07:03.33outtoluncit's designed to traverse, trunk.
07:03.58outtoluncand this isn't to your liking because you want to trim it more?
07:04.09outtoluncit's oNLY as big as it needs to be
07:04.32vppwell i'm thinking to replace my gateways with a bunch of asterisk's
07:04.39outtoluncif you MTU is adjusted to your 'usage' your network will 'react' efficiently
07:04.52vppsince i only have 512/512 at each site
07:05.32vppand need 24 calls.. the max i can do is.. G729 @ 30ms
07:05.41outtolunchave you ever delt with determining the 'block size' you should design a database to use? or a filesystem?
07:05.49vppor G723.1r6.3 @ 30ms
07:08.45*** join/#asterisk julianjm_ (
07:11.25*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
07:11.41outtoluncmy happy pill is in the form of a 'few' glasses of whiskey <G>
07:11.56outtoluncwhich, i've already had, mind you <G>
07:12.09outtoluncso this IS, as happy as i get5
07:12.12outtoluncer -5
07:21.39*** join/#asterisk JamesDotCom (
07:23.23JamesDotComi'm sure there must be more documents about debugging this kind of stuff, but I cant seem to find any... when making a SIP -> PSTN call through a quad-span card, a faint crackle can be heard on the PSTN side
07:23.58JamesDotComwe found the card was sharing an IRQ but changed motherboard and that seemed to minimise the crackle problems a little
07:24.06JamesDotCombut these ones are persistant
07:24.16JamesDotComZap -> Zap is fine
07:24.29JamesDotComjust !Zap -> Zap is the problem
07:24.47Qwellare you using a crappy codec?
07:25.00JamesDotComnup, g.711
07:25.18kb1_kanobeJamesDotCom: pops and clicks, no particular pattern?
07:25.43JamesDotComdoesnt seem to be a pattern, just persistent
07:25.53JamesDotComthey show up audibly on the pstn side of a ztmonitor -v
07:26.11kb1_kanobeinteresting, haven't tried monitoring mine.
07:26.15kb1_kanobehead or stable?
07:26.29JamesDotComif there is a pattern, i'm not sure what it correlates to yet
07:26.38kb1_kanobekernel 2.4?
07:27.01kb1_kanobehave you taken a look at the IRQ mapping in 'lspci -vvb' ?
07:27.08JamesDotComthe thing that's got me, is SIP -> SIP is fine, Zap -> Zap is fine
07:27.14JamesDotComand yes, i'll make extra sure now :P
07:27.55JamesDotComlspci -vvb | grep IRQ
07:28.00JamesDotComon 12, all by itself
07:28.03JamesDotComsorry bout the paste
07:28.13kb1_kanobewhich 2.6?
07:29.12JamesDotComi just have nothing to go on atm :<
07:30.15JamesDotComnor can i really find any documentation on how you would go about debugging the problem
07:30.37kb1_kanobethere is a patch in head that raises one of the debug messages to warning level which may give you something to correlate to: search chan_zap.c for 'Write returned %d (%s) on channel %d' and upgrade it to a WARNING and recompile and see what pops up. otherwise you'll need to run w/set debug 1 and read really fast.
07:31.04JamesDotComi'll give that a look
07:32.03kb1_kanobeits something i've been exploring the last few days myself. When I have more than about 26 channels up the write() in that function starts to fail and bits and peices of audio are dropped from random zaptel channels.
07:34.19JamesDotComalright, well unfortunately this is on a production machine atm
07:34.25JamesDotComso i'll give it a recompile tonight and test
07:34.36JamesDotComsee how i go, thanks for the help :D
07:34.52kb1_kanobenp, it might be a red-herring after all. :-)
07:36.02three55ml_laptopmsg PTG123 How's it going?
07:36.37Qwellmsg three55ml_laptop You need a slash
07:37.53three55ml_laptopOoops :)
07:37.55three55ml_laptopIt's late
07:41.00three55ml_laptopIt's quiet in here tonight
07:42.30tzafrirwhat night?
07:43.14three55ml_laptopI guess it is almost 3AM even here
08:03.16*** join/#asterisk opsys (
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08:04.01nrchi all
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08:30.01*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
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08:32.21Blackvelwhere is the difference between agi_dnid and agi_extension?
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08:37.22bonez39any other PC Magazine subscribers here?
08:39.23bonez39Dvorak had a rant in current issue about VOIP getting absorbed by the telcos...the ILEC's...did anyone else see it?
08:42.07*** join/#asterisk rajo ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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09:20.47*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
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09:22.34leheli changed the zaptel.conf and zapata.conf ... as it is
09:22.48lehelstill not working
09:22.58lehelZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
09:23.11tzafrirlehel, tried genzaptelconf?
09:23.42leheli'll try again now
09:27.25*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
09:35.13leheltzafrir: ok!.. that problem is solved
09:35.27Blackvelwhat is agi_dnid? is there any difference to agi_extension?
09:35.37Blackvelis there only a different for ZAP devices?
09:36.05Blackvelwhen i call with x-lite into * (exten 200), both variables have the value 200
09:36.29lehelAsterisk Gateway Interface
09:38.07Blackvelin fact
09:38.20lehelnow: [] => (Common ISDN API for Asterisk)
09:38.20lehelMay  4 12:37:54 NOTICE[4276]: chan_capi.c:2635 load_module: CAPI not installed!
09:38.32lehelMay  4 12:37:54 WARNING[4276]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
09:39.09lehelBlackvel: capi                   19584   0
09:39.09lehelkernelcapi             31908   1  [capi]
09:39.09lehelcapiutil               22112   0  [kernelcapi]
09:39.10lehelcapifs                  3888   1  [capi]
09:39.42lehelused: 0
09:40.06leheli hope this is my last problems.. pls help
09:41.09*** join/#asterisk Martohtar (Martohtar@
09:42.45lehelit is nothing to do?
09:43.18*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
09:50.18*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
09:51.05leheli have downloaded asterisk-chan_capi-0.3.5
09:51.24lehelwhen "make && make install" >> error error.... ??
09:52.24tengulrewhat error?
09:53.00leheli think there are just errors ;]  ... :(
09:53.09Blackvelmaybe you need to check your kernel headers
09:53.30lehelchan_capi.c:2716: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
09:53.43lehelchan_capi.c:2133: error: parse error before ')' token
09:53.46lehela lot of this...
09:54.22Blackvelmake sure your kernel path matche the one from Makefile
09:55.39lehelbut where to extract? anywhere is ok?
09:56.31lehelthere is no path in the Makefile
09:57.54Blackvelprolly for kernel header the chan_capi Makefile references some directory, with the -I option in make
09:58.11Blackvelmaybe you dont have it
09:58.39*** join/#asterisk laotan (
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10:11.32lehelBlackvel: could you be more specific pls..
10:13.16lehelshould i paste in my Makefile?
10:13.28*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
10:14.24langalsHi there...I am assuming that one can only use IAX trunking between 2 asterisk boxes, and not between an asterisk box and a NAT...could someone confirm?
10:16.13*** join/#asterisk DeeJayTwo (~deejay2@
10:16.14Sato1a NAT?
10:16.23Sato1or thru a NAT?
10:17.07*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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10:21.09langalsSato1 - this is my setup - I have an Asterisk box on a public IP, with users on different LANs signing into a meetme conference. There will be quite a few people on certain LANs at the same time, so I am trying to conserve bandwidth
10:21.36langalsSato - so those on a LAN will be communicating through the same NAT
10:22.00langalsSato1 - is there any way to to have to duplicate voice packets?
10:23.24*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
10:23.28Sato1depending on the device, there is an option from which you specify that every device uses your asterisk as a bridge, so, no matter from your LAN or internet, everybody can connect, if that option is not specified, when you call from internet to a device in your LAN, connection wont happend due the NAT
10:23.42*** join/#asterisk jskcr|lappy (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
10:24.59langalsSato1 - ok, thanks for the help
10:25.23Sato1and that option, at least in iax.conf is called "notransfer" and has to be set as "yes"
10:25.28Sato1not sure for sip
10:27.31*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
10:28.45Delvarsip is canreinvote=no
10:28.57Delvarcanreinvite=no *
10:29.08Sato1there it is
10:30.15lehelASTERISK_HEADER_DIR=$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/usr/include      ??
10:30.23lehelwich is the Asterisk header dir?
10:32.28Sato1in /usr/include/asterisk
10:32.32Sato1at least in my linux
10:32.43lehelwhat distro?
10:32.58Sato1rh, fedora, centoo
10:33.03*** part/#asterisk RobinReliant (~mozrat@
10:33.23leheli have no asterisk in /usr/include!
10:33.36Sato1what OS/distro?
10:34.02Sato1you can use the source tree
10:34.33Sato1it is inside your source tree at ./include/asterisk
10:34.46lehelthis is why i can't install asterisk-chan_capi
10:34.52Martohtar/usr/local/include ?
10:35.00Sato1that one too
10:35.21lehel.usr/local/include < empty
10:36.22Sato1if you downloaded the source from cvs, and installed in the normal way in a linux, it should reside at /usr/include/asterisk/
10:37.31lehelthe second is ok?
10:37.31*** join/#asterisk pokui (~pokui@
10:37.34Sato1is your asterisk up and running?
10:37.55Sato1dont know, i cant see your screen
10:37.56lehelit is up.. and not running.. i'm trying to configure now
10:38.05leheli have problems with chan_capi
10:38.26Sato1up and not running, ok... did you made "make install"?
10:39.49lehelcommand: asterisk -vvvgc
10:41.04Sato1dont msg me, try here, if i dont know, someone else may help
10:42.37lehel6 lines coming...
10:42.39lehelParsing '/etc/asterisk/capi.conf': Found
10:42.39lehelMay  4 13:39:38 NOTICE[5271]: chan_capi.c:2635 load_module: CAPI not installed!
10:42.39lehelMay  4 13:39:38 WARNING[5271]: loader.c:345 ast_load_resource: loa d_module failed, returning -1
10:42.40lehelMay  4 13:39:38 WARNING[5271]: chan_capi.c:2811 unload_module: Unable to unregis ter from CAPI!
10:42.41lehelMay  4 13:39:38 WARNING[5271]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module chan_ca failed!
10:43.02Sato1and.. i dont recognice that module from the normal asterisk instalation, you may have more success contacting the group or author that made that module
10:44.14lehel[] => (Common ISDN API for Asterisk)
10:44.34lehelmaybe i should just disable in the modules.conf ?
10:45.15Sato1or erase it from the modules dir
10:45.31newlerm..that's definately not a standard asterisk library.
10:46.00*** join/#asterisk wiz8291 (
10:46.19wiz8291hi guys, i have a problem with incoming caller id... anyone about that could give me a hand?
10:46.56fenlanderwiz8291L what is the problem?
10:47.01Sato1wiz8291, provide more information
10:47.09wiz8291basically, caller id is not presented...
10:47.15wiz8291no reason it shouldn't be
10:47.31Sato1caller id from what? to what?
10:47.37wiz8291i'm calling from my cell which DEFINITELY sends out the caller ID
10:47.50Sato1still the same, need more information
10:47.52wiz8291and i'm calling a Zap channel via an ISDN30e circuit
10:48.13RoyKanyone that knows what sort of sound file this is? phrase0101: raw G3 data, byte-padded
10:48.14Sato1oh, thats beyond my knowledge
10:48.31wiz8291so its incoming caller id on an E1/T1 i guess
10:49.51Sato1as far as i know, an ISDN is a digital 3 channels line (2 for voice and one for handling or control)
10:50.07Sato1but never used that before on asterisk
10:50.36wiz8291nah, this is an ISDN30
10:50.44wiz829131 B channels, 1 D
10:51.01wiz8291much bigger
10:51.11Sato1i c
10:51.28Sato1well, lets wait for anotherone for that question, sorry
10:54.41*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
10:57.18*** part/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
10:59.18pokuihi all, I'm having problems with pthreads on a 2.4.19 kernel ... includes/asterisk/utils.h has an #ifdef LINUX that tries to use pthread_create but pthread.h defines this as __use_ast_pthreads__ etc... any way I can sort this out?
11:00.44Blackvellehel: check your chan_capi Makefile against -I/usr/src/linux-headers or something
11:03.18tldI'm trying to make a stream available through Astrisk, and I'm using MP3Playback to do it.  This almost works, except that a) mpg123 sucks mountains through drinking straws, and b) I need a buffer in front of the MP3 player.
11:03.22tldAny suggestions on either?
11:05.45ManxPowertld: mpg123 buffers
11:08.55*** join/#asterisk clive- (
11:11.16tldManxPower: Yeah, but not enough it seems.
11:11.24tldManxPower: I'm playing a Norwegian stream on a US Asterisk.
11:13.38*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
11:14.29ManxPowerbuffering only applies between the mp3 application and the transmitted RTP.  Sounds like you have network issues.
11:15.20*** join/#asterisk eper-werk (
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11:16.55tldNo, what I mean is that I need a buffer between the incomming MP3 player and the playback routine.
11:17.09*** join/#asterisk rlg (~umairbari@
11:17.18tldBecause mpg123 starts playing at once, which means it can't have anything buffered in case of network delays.
11:18.38*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
11:19.02lehelAsterisk Ready.
11:19.32lehel*CLI> May  4 14:08:13 ERROR[5939]: rate_engine.c:697 poster_worker: Failed to connect to MySQL database 'rating': Unknown MySQL Server Host '' (1)
11:19.46lehelpls HELP
11:20.06Sato1[root@gateway rauleli]# ping
11:20.07Sato1ping: unknown host
11:20.08ManxPowertld: network delays would be buffered using the jitter buffer.
11:20.15pokuierr is there a particular version of gcc I should use with asterisk?
11:20.27pokuito get it to compile?
11:20.44Sato1lehel, that server does not exist, check if its the right name
11:21.32tldManxPower: You're thinking about it with a asterisk-only view.  My point is that asterisk can have as good handling it wants, and it won't help a bit if mpg123 cant' supply it with a stready stream.
11:21.37*** join/#asterisk onkeltimm (
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11:22.59pokuiok.. lemme start at the beginning. downloading and compiling asterisk gives me errors like chan_modem.c:690: warning: implicit declaration of function `__use_ast_pthread_create_instead__'
11:24.02tldslink sak:
11:24.06tldOops, sorry.
11:24.27Blackvellehel: what the heck. what version did you install? :)
11:24.49pokuilooking at the source gives lines like if (ast_pthread_create(&monitor_thread, NULL, do_monitor, NULL) < 0) {
11:26.22pokuibut utils.h has an #ifdef LINUX ... #define ast_pthread_create pthread_create
11:26.31pokuiany way round this loop?
11:26.43RoyK~lart OloBola
11:26.58Wonka~lart jbot
11:28.57RoyK~lart himself
11:31.18Wonka~lart itself
11:31.26Wonka~lart the bot
11:32.00eper-werkso i have an ISDN with 8 voice channels coming into the office, and this old PBX doesn't record voice, so can i get some card to put in the server+asterisk that will use the 8 voice channels from the ISDN line for incoming/outgoing calls? any idea of what card
11:32.41Blackveleper-werk: you need a isdn bri card
11:32.45Blackvelerr quad card
11:33.02Blackvelan even..typo
11:48.55*** join/#asterisk daork (~daork@
11:49.26daorkso, does anyone here have any tips on increasing the buffers that oh323 uses? I'm running h.323 over a 600-800 ms link...
11:50.01pokuihmm... fixing utils.h compiles with no warnings, but running asterisk -vvc gives undefined symbol: _Z18ast_pthread_createPmP16__pthread_attr_sPFPvS2_ES2_
11:50.11pokuion any ideas?
11:51.32*** join/#asterisk key2 (
11:52.54key2how do u tell asterisk to call a number from callerid with changing the first digit ? for a callback, ex: if the number 0123456789 calls i want it to callback on 9123456789 changin the 0 ot 9
12:00.33key2what's the :1 for
12:00.57daorkdrop the first digit
12:01.05daork:2 is drop the first two digits
12:01.28key2so basically, if I want my asterisk to callback someone that calls without answering when he calls
12:01.32key2how should I do that /
12:01.48daorkwhat are you trying to accomplish?
12:01.50key2like I wanna set up a callback that uses the callerid to call
12:02.17key2daork: I basically want to know for example how I could call my asterisk with a mobile phone
12:02.22daorkand you want to strip the first digit of the number and prefix it with a 9?
12:02.29key2and without asterisk answer after 1 ring, it calls back the mobile phone
12:03.04key2daork: first I wanna know how to callback without answering, is that doable ?
12:03.14daorki dont see why not
12:03.47key2like I call from a phone my FXO card, and as soon as i hang up it calls back this phone number
12:03.47daorkyou'd probably need to make an AGI or something
12:03.57daorkdid you read the asterisk documentation?
12:04.07key2i read the stuff about the dialplan
12:04.13daorkand you dont know what AGI is?
12:04.17daorkread the lot
12:04.33daorkand have a look at
12:04.40key2the asterisk gateway?
12:04.51daorkim sorry?
12:04.55key2agi is the asterisk gateway interface?
12:05.11*** join/#asterisk mtgh (
12:05.46daorkI believe * has some kind of builtin callback stuff, but I dont know how to drive it
12:06.09key2but basically
12:06.25key2how would the agi helps?
12:06.37daorkdo you know what AGI is?
12:06.44daorknot what it stands for, but what it /is/
12:09.02key2like u send command to asterisk trhough a language
12:09.14key2like u do a printf("a command")
12:09.22key2and since stdou is set to asterisk
12:09.29key2asterisk takes the command
12:09.54Ahrimaneslike cgi is a way to do stuff on a webserver, agi is a way to do stuff in asterisk
12:09.59*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
12:10.06key2got it
12:10.22key2and how do u run an agi ?
12:10.28daorkok, so, the way i'd implement callback is, take a call, send it to an AGI that writes it to disk, and have something that reads that call from disk and makes a .call file in asterisk's call spool directory to make the outgoing call
12:10.38daorkkey2: you've got some reading to do
12:11.03key2i start to get it
12:12.30*** join/#asterisk ethogeek (
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12:13.17daorkkey2: here you go
12:13.37ethogeekso is nufone dead for anyone else?
12:14.34*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
12:16.21OloBolaethogeek: yep
12:19.32*** part/#asterisk daork (~daork@
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12:21.03dca[laptop]morning all, anyone have any hints on modprobing a wct1xxp?
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12:32.02jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
12:37.54*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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12:45.02OloBola~Lart nufone
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12:51.20newbienhi, will kphone OSS sound work if i setup fwd for iax authentication, etc?
12:53.03bjohnsonwtf is Antispam UOL?
12:53.36bjohnsonI just sent an email to the biz list and some putz has their system set up to auto-reply asking for confirmation
12:54.42*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
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12:55.39bjohnsonhow kphone works has nothing to do with fwd
12:55.48bjohnson(when using asterisk as a gateway)
12:57.47Blackvelwho has tried new xten eyebeam? is it better in quality than xlite?
12:58.05Blackvelmy soundcard must be crap, I always had an echo with xlite
12:58.21shaonsswhich is the most compact linux(smallest) to use asterisk?
12:58.37gambolputtyI can't connect * to a mysql database of mine.  CDR works fine, but realtime doesn't connect.
12:58.59gambolputtycurrent CVS version of * is being used.
12:59.20*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
13:02.22newbienbjohnson: is my soundcard borked if i get a warning that alsa sound was not install and asterisk is using OSS sound?
13:02.37tzafrirshaonss, smallest is probably astlinux. (Naturally you can always roll your own)
13:02.39*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
13:03.13ManxPowerBlackvel: eyebeam is a video phone
13:03.25jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
13:03.38tzafrirgambolputty, I can't connect my * to your database either. However if you'll give some error messages and such, some folks here may be able to help you
13:04.06DeeJayTwosuppose a client A is connecting to a Server 1. The Server 1 is in fact a gateway and is sending everything to server 2, what happens on the network side? Is everything still passing by server 1 or is the client connecting to server 2? Well... Is there a way to avoid any unncesseray traffic?
13:04.51tzafrirManxPower, is there a similar stanza from the bot for "do a,b, c to give us your error/debug info"?
13:05.07ManxPowertzafrir: no idea
13:05.22ManxPowerBut you can tell jbot things
13:05.29ManxPowerjbot, tzafrir is a drag queen
13:05.30jbotManxPower: okay
13:05.36jbottzafrir is probably a drag queen
13:05.54DeeJayTwoHere I'm talking about iax connections... where the client A could be another gateway..
13:05.57shaonsstzafrir: the link does not work to download
13:05.58tzafrirjbot, tzafrir is
13:05.59jbot...but tzafrir is already something else...
13:06.14ManxPowerjbot, no tzafrir is
13:06.15jbotokay, ManxPower
13:06.20jbotrumour has it, tzafrir is
13:06.41tzafrirLet's try some phrasing before we harase the poor bot
13:06.59ManxPowertzafrir: you can /msg the bot to do that sort of stuff too
13:07.03gambolputtyfound a mailing list letter that said to use res_odbc.conf, not res_mysql.conf
13:07.09*** join/#asterisk chip_tmc (
13:07.10gambolputtywill try that now
13:09.05chip_tmcanyone know if MWI works with res_data?
13:09.05*** join/#asterisk vpp (
13:09.20vppis there a way to change the rx/tx gain in asterisk?
13:09.28kajtzusee zapata.conf
13:09.43vppbut will that work if there isn't a physical device...
13:09.49vppits just h323 in, h323 out
13:09.54*** join/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
13:09.57durexI'm having some problem to compile asterisk-addons on FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE...
13:10.01durexlook what I got:
13:10.06durexsu-2.05b# cd /usr/src/asterisk-addons/
13:10.07durexsu-2.05b# make clean
13:10.07durex"Makefile", line 56: Missing dependency operator
13:10.07durex"Makefile", line 57: Could not find .depend
13:10.07durex"Makefile", line 58: Need an operator
13:10.08durexMakenshi: fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
13:10.14kajtzuvpp: hmm wouldn't you set gain on your h.323 gateway
13:10.14cpatrydurex: use pastebin!
13:10.22kajtzuvpp: (where the call enters the h.323 realm)
13:10.23durexcpatry sorry, but just a few lines...
13:10.26*** join/#asterisk wmoran (
13:10.31wmoranHello all
13:10.39durexdoes anybody knows what it should be?
13:10.50gonzo-durex: use gmake
13:10.50wmoranHas anyone dreamed up a way to make Merlin phones work with an * box?
13:11.00vppyeah, but its normal on my gateway when its going to other devices...
13:11.03vppont he asterisk its louddddddd
13:11.17tzafrirdurex, try using gmake instead of the bsd make?
13:11.28*** part/#asterisk onlyI (
13:11.40durexyes... now it works ;-))) gmake!
13:11.41durexthank u
13:11.42*** join/#asterisk onlyI (
13:11.56newbienis my soundcard borked if i get a warning that alsa sound was not install and asterisk is using OSS sound?
13:12.01durexbut now I have a lot of compilation errors...
13:12.47shaonssmy sound card does not load how can i make it to load?
13:13.15durexwell... now I think I must compile /usr/src/asterisk first... and then gmake in /usr/src/asterisk-addons...
13:13.41tzafrir talks about handling such make issues more gracefully
13:13.43durexbut the place where addons must go isn't /usr/src/asterisk... my real path isn't it... I'm under FreeBSD
13:14.22durextzafrir thank u
13:14.35tzafrirdurex, you don't need the include of asterisk.h in the cdr_mysql app
13:14.38bjohnsonshaonss: openwrt
13:14.41tzafriruncomment it
13:15.35durextzafrir let me first end the gmake process of /usr/src/asterisk
13:15.45tzafrirdurex, my debian deb of asterisk-addons (built out-of-tree) can be found under
13:17.08tzafrirGenerally depends on asterisk-dev , which is some headers under /usr/include/asterisk/
13:17.55tzafrirthe diff is the part that may interest you. debian/rules is the makefile bits
13:19.07shaonssbjohnson:[root@Mypbx root]# openwrt
13:19.07shaonss-bash: openwrt: command not found
13:19.28durextzafrir plz take a look:
13:20.00vppwhy does the asterisk send ring before the far end rings?
13:20.10*** join/#asterisk Veto (
13:20.11tzafrirdudes, dr_addon_mysql.c:17:29: asterisk/config.h: No such file or directory
13:20.30tzafrirdurex, where are the asterisk include files?
13:20.33shaonsshow to use music on hold in extensions.conf?
13:21.08puowvipasterisk is yummy.
13:21.13durextzafrir I have to found it in FreeBSD....
13:21.22bjohnsonshaonss: ??  openwrt is the smallest linux distro I've seen that runs asterisk
13:21.26durexto find..
13:21.42bjohnsonshaonss: it is not a command
13:21.52shaonssbjohnson: ohhhh
13:22.40bjohnsonit only runs on mips based hardware I think .. but you didn't specify what hardware you were asking about
13:22.51*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
13:23.21durextzafrir /usr/src/asterisk/include/asterisk/config.h
13:23.22tzangerscuba steve!
13:23.23durexis it?
13:23.27scubasteveHey TZ!
13:23.58tzafrirdurex, so you need to get -I/usr/src/asterisk/include into CFLAGS
13:24.09shaonssbjohnson: i have pIImmx-264MB pc and i want to run just asterisk and its some components
13:24.15gonzo-durex: why don't you use ports?
13:24.47durexgonzo- AMP aren't on ports...
13:25.08wmoranHas anyone dreamed up a way to make Merlin phones work with an * box?
13:25.18*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
13:25.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
13:25.28djMaxso I know you can't send CID name over most PRIs, but can you get the telco's to associate names with CIDs?
13:25.29tzafrirdurex, amp is a complete asterisk distribution. However with some careful action you could package its separate components separately
13:26.00vppwhy does the asterisk send ring before the far end rings?
13:26.05tzafrirdurex, for stanrters, take a look again at and look for amportal
13:28.31durexwow... does anybody here running freebsd?
13:28.45*** join/#asterisk fantomax1 (~fanto@
13:28.55durextzanger It seems that I have to specify a lot of -I in cflags....
13:29.00fantomax1hi all
13:29.10tzangerdurex: what are you trying to do
13:29.44fantomax1can anyone suggest me how to solve the prob "Unable to allocate socket: Too many open files "?
13:29.50fantomax1thanks in advance
13:30.00ManxPowerdurex: every single person that I know of that was new to Asterisk and tried running it on *BSD switched to running it on Linux
13:30.02fantomax1I have 1.0.7 running
13:30.18ManxPowerSome of them switched back to *BSD once they gained experience with Asterisk
13:30.33tzangerfantomax1: are you ulimiting files?
13:30.42durexManxPower I don't use Linux on my servers, just BSD
13:30.46fantomax1i have the normal configuration
13:30.52fantomax1i can check wait
13:30.59ManxPowerdurex: Asterisk is only well supported on Asterisk
13:31.02fantomax1in /proc/sys ?
13:31.48fantomax1ulimit -n = 1024
13:32.01fantomax1i believe is the default
13:32.08*** join/#asterisk Meaty (
13:32.18tzangeryes it is
13:32.25tzangerfantomax1: are you running hundreds of calls?
13:32.36fantomax1uhmm not so few
13:32.48fantomax1i believe I have more that 200 sip channels opened
13:32.54newbienis my soundcard borked if i get a warning that alsa sound was not install and asterisk is using OSS sound?
13:33.06fantomax1anyway .. the load .. is heavy
13:33.18fantomax1for asterisk I mean
13:33.25fantomax1cpu and memory is ok
13:33.34tzangerfantomax1: well jeez
13:33.38tzangertry unlimit -n 2048
13:34.02Blackvelhey, who has the ultimate solution for zaphfc audio problems? maybe I only get them because i have connected my * to my isdn/analog pbx where all my telephones are connected to
13:34.04fantomax1but i tried ... and after a while the system lose this setting
13:34.08ManxPowerfantomax1: you can assume that each call uses at LEAST 4 file descriptors
13:34.09*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
13:34.31fantomax1uhmmm I see
13:34.33Blackveleither that or another way, these are the dmesg error messages I receive from time to time (and now I had tested asterisk to asterisk IAX2 calling):
13:34.41fantomax1so I need to extedn the limit ... enough
13:34.44Blackvelzaphfc: empty HDLC frame or bad CRC received (framelen = 4, stat = 0xff).
13:35.02ManxPowernewbien: you need to have alsa or oss installed, running, and working outside of Asterisk.  You also need the devel package for alsa or oss
13:35.14Blackvelzaphfc: dropped audio (z1=6075, z2=6058, wanted 8 got 17, dropped 9).
13:35.28Blackvelis there any miracle how to turn errors off? :)
13:35.34fantomax1i have the same error with RTP channel, but I believe is the same
13:35.53fantomax1problem I mean
13:36.39fantomax1max-files in /proc/sys/fs has anything to do with this limitation?
13:36.42*** join/#asterisk eluizbr (~eluizbr@
13:36.54bkw_ulimit can
13:37.02fantomax1ok ...
13:37.05newbienManxPower: alsa and oss work fine before asterisk install; i need to install the alsa devel libs now? OSS develop libs also?
13:37.06bkw_bet you're default to 1024?
13:37.08fantomax1i put 4096
13:37.11bjohnsonwmoran: is merlin nortel?
13:37.13fantomax1i was on 1024
13:37.19bkw_I put 1000000
13:37.30ManxPowernewbien: Yes
13:37.36jsharpmerlin is not nortel.
13:37.54*** part/#asterisk eluizbr (~eluizbr@
13:38.00ManxPowerMerlin is Lucent.  Meridian is Nortel
13:38.06jsharpmerlin == lucent/at&t/avaya/whatever they're going by this week.
13:38.34ManxPowerjsharp: I just call them "The Red Coffee Stain Company"
13:38.39wmoranMerlin are the old AT&T phones
13:38.41newbienManxPower: thanks, so asterisk or kphone will be mute with only OSS and no develop libs?
13:38.43wmoranIt's Lucent now
13:39.22wmoranI know they're a proprietary phone system (neither VoIP nor analog), but I just wanted to make sure nobody had figured out how to use them before I told this client that his old phones were useless.
13:39.23fantomax1in your opinion , with a Dual Xeon and 2 GB ram , how many concurrent call can I manage in GSM ?
13:39.34jsharpWe need someone in a non DMCAized country to reverse engineer the nortel and merlin protocols.
13:39.46ManxPowerwmoran: the only way is to put asterisk between the PBX and the telco.
13:39.54wmoranAre they still keeping those big secret?
13:40.08wmoranIt's amazing to me how many people still use those ancient Merlin systems.
13:40.08ManxPowerwmoran: Of course.  It's their ONLY advantage.
13:40.24wmoranOK, I know what to tell the client
13:40.41wmoranJust didn't want to tell him something and find out there was newly developed technology available.
13:40.50tzangerjsharp: I am working on that
13:40.54tzanger<-- Canada
13:41.08tzangerNorstar MICS and hopefully O11
13:41.12tzangerI think the protocol's the same
13:41.21tzangerI am waiting on another TE405P so I can hack it up
13:41.35wmoranAnything expected in the near future, tzanger ?
13:41.42*** join/#asterisk zoa (
13:41.47tzangerwmoran: near future as in next few weeks?  no.  probably 30-60 days off
13:41.54tzangerdepending on business of my day job
13:42.03wmoranHmmm ... but it will still be beta support at that point ...
13:42.13jsharpIf I could solve this conferencing feature request that the CEO wants, I could rip this Merlin out and replace it with *.
13:42.18tzangerwmoran: of course
13:42.25wmoranAnd you're doing it on your time, so interruptions/distractions are likely
13:42.31tzangerDMCA does not apply
13:42.41tzangerDMCA gives *specific* exception for interoperabiliyt
13:42.47tzangerwhich is exactly what this is for
13:42.52wmoranI didn't know that
13:42.54jsharpI'm sure they'd take a whack at it, though.
13:43.02tzangerat least that is my opinion, and yes they are likely to take a whack at it
13:43.05*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
13:43.36ManxPowerthe problem is that most people that will hack a closed protocol for interoperability don't have the money to defend themselves against lawsuits.
13:43.41ManxPowerEven if they would win.
13:43.46tzangerManxPower: correct
13:43.46wmoranAs long as you don't mind the whacking ...
13:44.07tzangernow while Canada's not exactly the safest haven from U.S. influence it should be relatively save
13:44.10tzangerer safe
13:44.13jsharpIts the proverbial "Who does a 800 pound gorilla sue?" "Anyone he wants to".
13:44.18tzangerand so long as I keep my development 100% open it can't get shut down
13:44.26tzangerthey can make ME stop working on it but my work to date is already out there
13:44.35*** join/#asterisk eluizbr (~eluizbr@
13:44.43*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
13:45.01eluizbrhow use kphone 4.1.1?
13:45.25eluizbrsomeone here use kphone?
13:45.58eluizbrnrc: you use kphone?
13:46.14tzanger09:48 < eluizbr> someone here use kphone?
13:46.14tzanger09:48 < nrc> yes
13:46.14tzanger09:49 < eluizbr> nrc: you use kphone?
13:46.36bjohnsontzanger: I'm waiting for a call from Bell.  Do you happen to know data T1 costs and if it would be available to a farm house that can't get DSL?
13:46.45tzangerT1 is available anywhere
13:46.50tzangerbe prepared for sticker shock
13:46.54bjohnsonthat's what I tought
13:46.55ManxPowerIt's just a matter of money.
13:47.14tzangerit'd be better to find someone who has a tall structure in town and wireless link it to there
13:47.25onlyIanygood iax hardphone on the market
13:47.43bjohnsonlocal wireless ISP is too full to serve them .. they've been on waiting list a year
13:47.48ManxPoweronlyI: You read the review on the mailing list of an IAX hardphone, right?
13:47.51tzangernot a wireless ISP
13:48.03tzangerfind a guy with a tall structure and just point-to-point, and get DSL there and share it with him
13:48.08tzangerin exchange for the use of his tall structure
13:48.14onlyIManxPower not really i'm on iaxtalk
13:48.35ManxPoweronlyI: too bad you missed it.
13:48.41onlyIManxPower looking at at320ed
13:48.43burbankmarcI keep getting this error "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' " and from what i've read it means my lines are busy, but they're not, it's a config issue, i'm just too much of a newb to know where to look
13:48.53tzangerburbankmarc: sip debug
13:48.58onlyIManxPower what mailling list
13:49.00ManxPowerburbankmarc: "sip show peers" should show your SIP phone
13:49.05ManxPowers IP address.
13:49.15ManxPowerIf it doesn't, then the phone isn't registering with Asterisk
13:49.20nrctzafrir: yes.. sorry, at work
13:49.30ManxPoweronlyI: asterisk-users, I think
13:50.08bjohnsonthey're looking at satellite now
13:50.15onlyIManxPower k thanks
13:50.20zoawhat would you guys think
13:50.31zoaof me releasing the sip jitter buffer stable version today ? :)
13:50.35burbankmarcmy phones are all registered and show up in the sip show peers
13:50.58*** join/#asterisk jief- (
13:52.18*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
13:52.45clive-zoa, woooohooo,,,great news
13:54.04jief-is there a special config you need in * for your phone to be able to pick up the voice messages when you press the voice message button? or is that a standard?
13:54.39ManxPowerzoa: stable jitter buffer for -HEAD for jitter buffer for 1.0.x?
13:55.22*** join/#asterisk rkioko (~kiokorobe@
13:56.11OloBolaa system status page is always nice, my lord
13:57.00zoastable jitter buffer for -head
13:57.16zoahow was the jitter buffer for you so far ?
13:57.25oejzoa: Great stuff.
13:57.41oejzoa: That was what indicated to me that we were allocating way to many RTP channels
13:57.44tzangerthere is no trouble with DTMF on SIP?
13:57.47tzangerwith jitter buffer?
13:57.52zoawe did around a million calls on it so far without glitches, so guess its ready to be tested
13:57.55oejzoa: So I removed them at the same time as kpfleming did...
13:58.10oejzoa: So now, the JB buffer is not initialized as often
13:58.21tzangeroej: eh?
13:58.24tzangerwhat did you change?
13:58.28zoaolle had a small preview
13:58.35oejzoa: But there must be something wrong with NAT support, since I got RTP errors with the patched rtp.c
13:58.40tzangerthe jitter buffer has some issues with IAX2 but I think it has to do with a couple of gotchas chan_iax2 has
13:58.47zoahmm we also used it with NAT i think
13:59.00fantomax1is there anyone here that used SIPP for testing ?
13:59.07zoafantomax1: i did
13:59.10oejzoa: Haven't had time to figure that one out, just saw it, replaced rtp.c with the old stuff and it works (I hope)
13:59.14fantomax1hi zoa
13:59.23clive-tzanger what issues do you mean?
13:59.27zoaat least i did a while ago
13:59.45zoahow do you mean you replaced it with the old stuff ?
13:59.59fantomax1can you give me some hint in how to setup a call including RTP , and possibly using an user not called sipp
14:00.10fantomax1I tried by myself .. but no luck
14:00.16fantomax1just the sintax
14:00.19tzangerclive-: if you hav asterisk boxes A and B, with JB on A and you make a call from A to B (even just to B's echo() app) and you hit DTMF digits, A's jitter buffer will go apeshit
14:00.20zoaa call including rtp, works with playback on the asterisk server
14:00.24jief-i have Gnet sip phones, when i leave a message, the light flash to notify me there's a message for me, but when i press the button to get the messages, nothing happens
14:00.26oejzoa: rm rtp.c / gmake update
14:00.32burbankmarcdebugging the sip didn't help me out too much, well it might of, just i don't understand it too much
14:00.39*** join/#asterisk frood (~frood@
14:00.41froodhey all
14:00.48ManxPowerjief-: nothing works magically.  you have to configure the button on the phone.
14:00.58zoabut not with for example app_milliwatt like some people on the mailinglist think they could do
14:01.00fantomax1yes ... i terminate the call on an extension with a prercorded audio
14:01.18froodat the moment, asterisk bridges all calls directly. how do i get them to go via asterisk so i can record them, etc
14:01.49oejfrood: Read the docs :-) Look at canreinvite=no
14:02.00bkw_oh zoa
14:02.02bkw_where art thou
14:02.03froodok, thanks for your help
14:02.20jief-ManxPower: there's no where  i can setup that in my phone settings
14:02.37clive-tzanger does anyone know about this bug?
14:03.04tzangerclive-: yes, stevek and kpflemming, although kpfleming probably doesnt' care at this point :-)
14:03.04oejbkw_: Question for you: If I get an AST_CONTROL_HOLD indication from pbx to chan_sip - would it be okey to start music on hold on that channel?
14:03.17bkw_I think so
14:03.21tzangerstevek is busy and I've bene busy too but it's just something I'm trying to figure out
14:03.26bkw_PCadach, added that if I recall
14:03.27clive-tzanger...why doesnt he care ?..:)
14:03.37bkw_he would be more able to answer that question for sure
14:03.41oejbkw_: The other option is to send an SDP to and let the phone sort out what to do
14:03.42tzangerclive-: because he's got a ton of tohter stuff to do and stevek and I are on it
14:03.46*** join/#asterisk shaonss (~shaon@
14:03.52durexfolks... does anybody have compiled for FreeBSD 5-STABLE ????
14:03.59bkw_oej hrm how would phones react?
14:04.06clive-tzanger well good luck in getting it fixed
14:04.21tzangerclive-: :-)  oh it'll get fixed
14:04.22durextzafrir should your would work on FreeBSD?
14:04.39*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
14:04.48oejWell, (guessing) Snom and advanced phones have a setting for music on hold URI, so they will propably know that they're on hold and do something about it. Other, simple, phone will propably be confused.
14:04.50*** part/#asterisk eluizbr (~eluizbr@
14:04.54clive-tzanger out of interest, would an option for a fixed length jitter buffer be a good idea, to overcome dtmf funnies?
14:04.56tzafrirdurex, assuming asterinsk and mysql are binary compatible: probably yes
14:05.23tzangerclive-: it's already got a limiter in it
14:05.25tzangerthat's not the issue
14:05.53durextzafrir could u send it to me?
14:05.59tzafrirdurex, mysql used there is version 12 of the interface (the newest for 4.0/4.1). As for Asterisk: I doubt it.
14:06.04shaonsshow to put user on hold in extensions.conf?
14:06.13tzafrirdurex, debs are ar-ed tarballs
14:06.32*** join/#asterisk opsys (
14:06.35durexplz gimme the URL again
14:06.55clive-tzanger, well we hope to hear good news about a fixed jitter buffer soon:)
14:07.13tzangerclive-: you and me both
14:07.29*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (~blitzrage@blitzrage.documenter.extraordinaire.of.asterisk)
14:07.30tzangerI'm getting "10s one-way audio" probelms even with jitterbuffer=no
14:07.38bkw_tzanger, with/
14:07.39zoaah yes
14:07.43zoathats a problem
14:07.45zoawe all know about
14:07.48zoause stable
14:07.50tzangerit's infrequent and the dead audio is one-way only which means it's NOT internet related, at least not in a normal sense
14:07.51zoait helps
14:07.57tzangerzoa: with IAX2??
14:07.58tzafrirdurex, I don't know bsd, but could a linux .so link with a freebsd binary/.so ?
14:08.01tzangerit's a know problem?
14:08.12zoayes its a know problem with native bridging
14:08.32tzangerdamn I didn't know that
14:08.35kajtzutzanger: mysql 4.1 uses major version 14 for the .so:s
14:08.36durexI have linux binary emulation enabled... maybe it works...
14:08.36tzangerwhere's the discussion?
14:08.45zoaon mantis there is some stuff about it
14:08.51tzangerI had no idea
14:08.53*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
14:08.54tzangerI can disable native bridging
14:09.11tzangerand in fact I have commented out IAX2_BRIDGE_OPTIMIZATION since it fucks up the new jb pretty good
14:09.26tzangerand submitted a patch to mantis that ocmpletely rips out the code that that enables as per kram's request
14:09.41durexdoes somebody have compiled for FreeBSD ????
14:09.47tzangerso if I kill native bridging entirely it will make that go away
14:09.55zoano probably not
14:09.58tzangeroh dammit
14:10.05zoaiax2 has some pretty weird timestamp things
14:10.12tzangerzoa: yes I am working on those with stevek
14:10.29zoaits the timestamps fucking everything up
14:10.36tzangeryes I know
14:10.55tzangeris that what you're talking about?
14:11.06clive-there is someone called "grollo" I think, who has apparently fixed up iax timestamping
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14:12.48djMaxanybody done anything to speed up polycom sip phone boot time?  Seems quite long.
14:12.48tzangeroh wait
14:12.55zoayes that was one of them
14:13.00tzangernative bridge == IAX_BRIDGE_OPTIMIZATION
14:13.01zoabut there is more similar stuff
14:13.06tzangerwhich is commented out on my systems
14:13.21tzangerwhich helped it a great deal but did not eliminate the periodic 10s one-way dead auido
14:13.38*** join/#asterisk loick (
14:13.55zoatzanger we only had that with iaxclient old jitter buffer i think
14:14.05zoathat 10s one way dead audio
14:14.06tzangerzoa: this is just * to *
14:14.08*** join/#asterisk adjacent (
14:14.09tzangerno iaxclient anywhere
14:14.15zoawell its the same thing
14:14.25zoayou do have jitter buffers right ?
14:14.28tzangeryour comment on april 4 is incorrect
14:14.37tzanger"only native bridging doesn't work" -- I think :-)
14:14.45*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
14:14.49tzangerI have newjb defined but I have at the moment jitterbuffer=no
14:14.52tzangerin iax.conf on both sides
14:14.55tzangersince it causes issues
14:14.58tzangerwith DTMF
14:15.22tzangeractually wait
14:15.34tzangerI have not seen it
14:15.39tzangerneither A nor B are native bridging
14:15.43tzangerbut PRI->A->B->C->PRI
14:15.53tzangerB is native bridging, even if BRIDGE_OPTIMIZATION is turned off
14:15.59tzangerand that's where I see it infrequently
14:16.17blitzragemorning all
14:16.17zoa3 asterisk servers
14:16.28zoabut without jb i dont know
14:16.31burbankmarcwhen i call this is what i get from the debug output: CSeq: 102 BYE
14:16.32zoadidnt see that yet
14:16.38tzangerA, B, and C are with jitterbuffer=no
14:16.43*** part/#asterisk Madkiss (madkiss@madkiss.staff.freenode)
14:16.46zoano idea then
14:16.47tzangerC I think has NEWJB *UN* defined even
14:16.49zoawhat could be causing it
14:16.50tzangerC = nufone
14:16.56zoabut we did see something similar before
14:17.06adjacentanyone familiar with dundi?
14:17.09blitzragewhats all this smart talk doing in #asterisk?
14:17.20tzangerblitzrage: shut up and go fetch me a coffee
14:17.30blitzragetzanger: only those who drink coffee, need coffee
14:17.55tzangerI haven't been sleeping well, I need it
14:18.06tzangerI drank a coffee+hot chocolate this morning
14:18.10tzangertime for a regular cofeee
14:18.10blitzragetzanger: doesn't matter - you shouldn't need it and shouldn't drink it :)
14:18.15tzangerblitzrage: :-)
14:18.46blitzragetzanger: that, and you're slightly too far away for me to get you a hot coffee, so it'd be useless
14:18.54tzangerblitzrage: hop to it
14:18.58tzangeryou're young and you have a bike
14:19.03blitzragetzanger: I don't "hop"
14:19.22blitzragetzanger: I wiped out on a wet streetcar rail the other day and took out my rear brakes :)
14:19.38blitzragetzanger: snapped the brake handle right off
14:19.46burbankmarcdo i need anything else here? exten => _2002,1,Answer exten => _2002,2,Dial(SIP/200x,10)
14:19.46jief-how do you retrieve messages in your mailbox with *?
14:20.13blitzrageburbankmarc: I don't think you udnerstand pattern matching...
14:20.18zoasomebody go try the new sip jitter buffer :p
14:20.29tzangerblitzrage: that'll teach you
14:20.35blitzrageexten => _200X,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},10)
14:20.38blitzragemakes more sense
14:21.03blitzragezoa: I don't get stats for jitter buffer or latency on CVS HEAD for IAX anymore?
14:21.11burbankmarcok, that's what i have for the voicemail portion....
14:21.13*** join/#asterisk Donuil (~fpatria@
14:21.36blitzrageburbankmarc: the extension part has to be THE SAME for every priority.
14:21.48tzangerblitzrage: is NEWJB defined?
14:22.01blitzragetzanger: I don't know where that gets defined :)
14:22.15froodthat works great
14:22.20froodthanks  guys
14:22.43*** part/#asterisk NewSole (
14:23.07burbankmarcnice job're the man
14:23.25bkw_"the" man?
14:23.27bkw_I knew it
14:23.52blitzrage*shakey fist*
14:24.03*** join/#asterisk Patrick^ (
14:24.15bkw_Patrick from canada?
14:24.16blitzrage"shake harda boi!" - Simpsons.
14:24.19bkw_har har har
14:24.31tzangerbugs' filters dont' work
14:24.37Patrick^bkw_: yep
14:24.37tzangerI am monitoring a half dozen bugs but the filter doesn't show it
14:24.37bkw_bugs has bu gs
14:24.41bkw_ironic eh?
14:24.43blitzragetzanger: you don't work
14:24.58tzafrirgee, nobody  has yet changed the topic? I thought worse about the mental capabilities of folks here
14:25.13blitzragetzanger: so where is this crazy NEWJB defined? Is it in the Makefile or some .c file or something?
14:25.28*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || ClueCon Dev Conf Aug 3rd - 5th - Chicago || h.323 rules!!! || bugs has bugs... ironic eh?
14:25.40*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Astricon Europe -- Madrid, Spain -- June 15-17 || ClueCon Dev Conf Aug 3rd - 5th - Chicago || h.323 rules!!! || bugs has bugs... ironic eh? (flea dip anyone?)
14:25.58blitzragemmmmm... flea dip...
14:26.11newbiendo i need to install the alsa devel libs before asterisk will use alsa instead of OSS?
14:27.24blitzrageI think ALSA just needs to be working...
14:27.28blitzrageand enabled in modules.conf
14:27.36jief-so, for someone to be able to retrieve their messages, i need to create an extention that uses Voicemailmain2()?
14:27.39blitzragenoload =>
14:27.46*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
14:27.46blitzrageload =>
14:28.14blitzragejief-: anything which has a '2' on the end I think is the same thing for the non-'2' version - but yes
14:28.42*** join/#asterisk kioko (~kiokorobe@
14:29.01blitzragebkw_: more chapters going up for review today
14:29.15blitzragebkw_: I'm hoping like... 3 more
14:29.38blitzragebkw_: just finishing up the last 'technical' chapter - the one after that is more fluffy :)
14:29.44tzangerthere it is
14:30.00tzangerdammit if I've sumbitted a patch or made a comment on a bug I should automatically be added to hte monitoring list
14:30.10tzangerit's not possible to search for anything I've personally seen or worked on otherwise
14:30.24blitzragetzanger: true - I thought thats how it worked in bugs-old
14:30.25newbienblitzrage: i get a asterisk warning that alsa was not used and OSS is the default
14:30.32tzangerI'm on bugs-old
14:30.37tzangerwell not bugs2
14:30.40blitzragetzanger: bugs-old == bugs2
14:30.48tzangeroh they moved it
14:30.58blitzrageyou didn't notice the "My View" at the top?
14:31.00blitzragedead give away :)
14:31.26tzangerblitzrage: my view doesn't show shit
14:31.43tzangerbug 3961 is not in "my view"
14:31.50tzangeroh wait
14:31.51tzangerit si
14:31.53tzangerer is
14:31.56*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
14:32.01carbon60Morning all.
14:32.01tzangerbut under "recently modified"
14:32.22*** join/#asterisk johnnyb (
14:32.35carbon60What is simplest/safest web app to use that will simply display SIP users's status? All I need is something that users can look at to see who is on the phone.
14:32.43blitzragetzanger: yah - should be under Monitored By Me
14:32.48tzangerit's not
14:32.52zoaflash operator panel probably
14:32.53tzangerthere is nothing under "monitored by me"
14:33.03blitzragetzanger: oh reeeeeeeeally
14:33.13blitzragetzanger: probably because you weren't using bugs2? :)
14:33.22blitzragetzanger: but I agree with you
14:34.01*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
14:34.03blitzrageanyone ever get a SIP NOTIFY to reboot a 7960?
14:34.04tzangerblitzrage: as I said I'm using
14:34.10tzangerbugs2 wouldn't let me log in or do anything about 2 weeks ago
14:34.12blitzragetzanger: yah, but its been moved over...
14:34.32*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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14:34.41blitzragetzanger: not sure what issues its caused - I think most of the other main devs have been using it for weeks now?
14:34.52*** join/#asterisk djMax (
14:34.55blitzragetzanger: so you might be one of only a handful of active devs who weren't using it... ?
14:35.15newbienblitzrage: do i: load =>  from the asterisk CLI?
14:35.53tzangerblitzrage: huh?
14:35.53djMaxif I have "conf => 100,1234" in meetme.conf, and I do "meetme,100||1234" in ext.conf, shouldn't it work?
14:36.44blitzragenewbien: modules.conf
14:37.58blitzragetzanger: I'm just thinking that other people have been using bugs2, so they didn't notice any change during the rollover, but you did since you weren't actively using it...
14:38.24tzangerbugs2 should have fixed the patch problem
14:38.37newbienblitzrage: alsa works fine long before i installed asterisk; works before and after asterisk is run
14:38.51RoyKanyone that knows what I can use for IAX2/H.323 gatewaying?
14:39.04tzangerI want to be able to copy a link and wget it in another window and get the right fucking filename, not ''
14:39.35blitzragetzanger: I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14:39.51anthmneeds a mime header to tell you the disposition
14:39.59tzangernow they added a fucking cookie too
14:40.01blitzragenewbien: load => in modules.conf and verify the module loads at startup and it exists in /var/lib/asterisk/modules/
14:41.11newbienblitzrage: k, will try it, thanks
14:42.22OloBolaI built an asterisk voicemail to mp3 to IIS to SQL Server streaming flash thinga majiggy
14:42.29blitzragenewbien: you didn't try it after the first two times I said it?
14:43.13newbienblitzrage: only now do i understand what you meant ;)
14:43.48*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
14:44.51djMaxin theory, would it be possible to have a meetme option that allowed an individual participant to increase or decrease their volume?
14:45.34bkw_djMax, you got about 7k on you?
14:45.35blitzragedjMax: I know a certain someone who has it working
14:45.48djMaxis that a bounty or something?
14:45.58bkw_well i'm sure 7k or so would make it be released
14:46.39djMaxheh.  Well, I guess that would make it theoretically possible then.
14:46.45*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
14:46.57djMaxI'll pay $500. :)
14:47.51djMax(by the way, I got around the meetme pwd problem by just using Authenticate() but not sure why it wasn't working with normal meetme.conf)
14:48.03blitzragedjMax: did you reload the meetme app?
14:48.13djMaxyeah, even restarted the server.
14:48.19anthmyou wanna pay 500 bux to change the vol in meetme ?
14:48.38djMaxI would pay $500 if there was a feature that let an individual caller in a meetme control their gain.
14:48.43Juggieohh anthm, thats a start to your 2k pot for app_confcall :)
14:49.04djMax(I would pay $500 to bkw_ because he's been very helpful to me in the past and I've definitely gotten more than $500 worth of value from *)
14:49.09tzangertrying grolloj's 3965 patches
14:49.18tzangersee if they fix dtmf and 10s audio drops
14:49.22tzangertrunking would be nice to try too :-)
14:49.30anthmoh then you're out of luck cos I'm the one who can do it =D
14:49.35tzangerdammit where's jerjer
14:49.41djMaxok, well then I'd pay you instead. :)
14:49.45anthmok im back
14:50.13djMaxI remember the other thing I wanted... Stealing calls from VM.  That one I just think we need for home use, so I got less money there. :)
14:50.31djMaxbut seriously, our company would happily pay $500 to have that feature in *.
14:50.37blitzragetzanger: need me to try so patches to help you test?
14:51.56*** join/#asterisk ilium007 (
14:52.27ilium007hi - first time in here
14:53.10ilium007just wanted to say hello - i have just stumbled across asterisk !!!! WOW
14:53.11eKo1be wary of the Asterisk de-virginazers
14:53.20blitzragetheir rough :)
14:53.29ilium007this is awesome
14:53.34puowvipcondoms $5
14:53.50Nuggetwithout ME this channel is just AWESO.
14:53.50*** join/#asterisk heison (
14:53.50puowvipget 'em while they're ....NEVERMIND
14:53.51eKo1ask durex for condoms
14:54.04ilium007especially considering we are looking at spending $100k on a phone system
14:54.19blitzragehi, I'd like to introduce myself
14:54.33RoyK~lart blitzrage
14:55.04sivanadoes 'reload' also reload the zapata?
14:55.11ilium007question - i have seen some of the digium hardware, what do you use to connect traditional phones to asterisk ?
14:55.12blitzrageyou guys are just jealous of my l33t sk1llz
14:55.14Nuggetapple delayed shipment on my powermac by nine more days.  you may all point at me and laugh cruelly now.
14:55.19RoyKsivana: yes
14:55.23RoyKbut not zaptel :P
14:55.48blitzrageilium007: TDM400P or a T1 card attached to a channel bank (Adit or Adtran are good choices)
14:56.03ilium007channel bank ??
14:56.29sivanaah ok
14:56.33sivanaI knew it was one of those
14:56.50*** join/#asterisk christo (
14:56.57zoaroyk, the sip jitter buffer is declared quite stable
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14:57.35blitzrageilium007: a channel bank allows you to have a higher density of FXS and FXO channels than what you could get with multiple TDM400P cards in a single machine
14:57.49RoyKzoa: nice
14:57.51ilium007oh ok cool
14:57.53RoyKzoa: where is it?
14:58.17ilium007blitzrage: can you give me a model number ?
14:58.26blitzrageilium007: Adit 600 or Adtran 750
14:58.44blitzrageilium007: adtran 750 off of eBay is cheaper than new
14:59.04puowvipis the only way to get dialed number information to use PRI?
14:59.05blitzrageilium007: I think netxusa sells them new
14:59.19ilium007ok cool
15:00.08bjohnsonpuowvip: no
15:00.12felipexexten => s,2,Dial(SIP/201,,tT)
15:00.21felipexin case of SIP/201 is busy
15:00.22bjohnsonpuowvip: most voip providers will feed through dialed number
15:00.31felipexhow can i call other sip ?
15:00.44felipexwhich extension i have to use?
15:00.48bjohnsonpuowvip: and if you use a fxo to connect an analogue line, you will know which fxo it came from
15:01.14bjohnsonfelipex: use the superdial macro
15:01.17bjohnsonon the wiki
15:01.29christowhen somebody calls SIP extension 3901 it drops to Voicemail after 10 secs. Great. When somebody calls XXXXX810597 I want * to forward to the same sip extension. The sip extension rule is in context [sip-local] so what would the Goto() command look like to pass through to sip-local/3901 ?
15:01.35PCadachoej & bkw_: AST_CONTROL_HOLD is just notification, not real control. So, remote party placed call on hold should start MOH or something else.
15:01.46ilium007blitzrage: very interesting - i am literally lying here in bed - 1.00am i cant sleep !!!! this is the best stuff i have seen in ages !
15:02.58blitzrageilium007: welcome to the addiction
15:03.10blitzrageilium007: I've been dealing with it for just over 2 years now... :)
15:03.28puowvipbjohnson, I must be using the wrong voip provider (broadvoice) then.
15:03.40blitzragethe 2 unemployed months I had 2 years ago was the best thing that ever happened to me :)
15:03.50blitzragepuowvip: yah... use :)
15:04.17puowviphopefully they have my area code
15:04.28HeadachesAbound* is not an addiction.  The last thing I need is another addiction.  And besides, I can stop if I want to.  I just don't want to.
15:05.26blitzragepuowvip: we have most (all?) area codes
15:05.32Donuilhi to all... I have installed an h.323 gatekeeper on a pc with oh323 and phonejack card correctly... I try to call h323 phone with a Sjphone trough asterisk but I have an error... asterisk says that the no channel type registred for 'H323'.. someone can help me?
15:05.35jsharpJust one more IAXing.  Just one more.  Then I'll quit.  I swear.
15:05.49jsharpDonuil: Did you go through the procedure of building chan_h323?
15:05.59jsharpIts entirely separate from building the main asterisk tree.
15:06.01blitzragepuowvip: what do you need, I think I need to look it up in my list for you - I haven't had time to do anything with the website yet (I didn't make it)
15:06.54ilium007blitzrage: would most people be looking at a VOIP / SIP solution rather than the traditional ADSI method ?
15:07.23*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
15:07.24blitzrageilium007: ADSI?
15:07.38puowvipblitzrage, area code 614. downtown columbus, upper arlington, grandview, hilliard, dublin are all OK
15:08.03puowvipand $1 says you don't have any area code 867 :-)
15:08.11jief-ok, in voicemail.conf, i have 501 => 1234,some name,
15:08.13ilium007blitzrage: newbie
15:08.15blitzrageilium007: My solution includes using SIP for local phones, IAX for VoIP trunks (service providers) and a pair of backup copper lines (analog)
15:08.21jief-so 1234 would be the password for mailbox 501 right?
15:08.27blitzragepuowvip: let me look :)
15:08.34ilium007ok cool
15:09.00puowvipbroadvoice was the only provider offering 614 that didn't require me to use their !#$@ ATA
15:09.55puowvipno thanks Vonage, no thanks Time Warner, no thanks Speakeasy
15:10.21Donuiljsharp I have installef the asterisk support oh323 that include all drivers and it makes the module...
15:10.29blitzragepuowvip: I have lots of 614 in columbus
15:10.39*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (~ph33r@chaoscon.user)
15:11.09blitzragepuowvip: you're right, I don't have 867 :)
15:11.35*** join/#asterisk adjacent (
15:11.53puowvipI'd *love* to have a virtual number in Inuvik, NWT just to fuck with my dad's head
15:12.05blitzragepuowvip: hahaha, that's where that is? :D
15:12.16ilium007blitzage: can you suggest some reading for a relative newbie on the voice scene, i have been involved in purchasing and specing traditional phone systems, but i am very interested in this
15:12.28*** join/#asterisk twisted[work] (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
15:12.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[work]] by ChanServ
15:12.35puowvip867 ("TOP") is Yukon, NWT, and Nunavut, Canada
15:12.41jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
15:12.49blitzrageilium007: ^^^
15:13.34blitzragepuowvip: yah, for Canada I just have Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria, Winnipeg, Hamilton, Kitchener, London, Ottawa, Toronto, Windsor, Montreal
15:13.42*** join/#asterisk ronn (
15:13.54Juggieblitzrage, gimmi one in ottawa :)
15:14.00puowvipthe lower provinces
15:14.09Donuilhi to all... I have installed an h.323 gatekeeper on a pc with oh323 and phonejack card correctly... I try to call h323 phone with a Sjphone trough asterisk but I have an error... asterisk says that the no channel type registred for 'H323'.. someone can help me?
15:14.26jsharpDonuil: Did you go through the procedure of building chan_h323?
15:14.28jsharpIts entirely separate from building the main asterisk tree.
15:14.44puowvipblitzrage, you in here often?
15:15.20Donuiljsharp yes I have installef the asterisk support oh323 that include all drivers and it makes the module...
15:15.20jsharpis it loaded?
15:15.38blitzragepuowvip: I'm in here nearly all the time - mostly in #asterisk-doc
15:15.49jsharpOhwait.  If you're using chan_oh323, you need to dial using OH323 as the technology, not H323.
15:16.11tzafrirhow do I kill a call on a zap channel? short of hanging it up manually?
15:16.24Blackvelkill a call? hangup?
15:16.31puowvipblitzrage, one more question :-) your business plan says "1 DID and 1 extension".  does that simply mean a max of two concurrent calls in any direction?
15:16.34blitzragepuowvip: if you go with mixnetworks, tell them Leif sent you
15:16.36Blackvelyou can use zap as you do with sip
15:16.50DonuilIs it possible an exten problem?  I use exten => 5552,1,Dial(H323/oh323:phonejack)
15:16.58bjohnsonpuowvip: actually, Ontario is historically referred to as Upper Canada
15:17.19bjohnson(and Quebec was Lower Canada)
15:17.25carbon60Do I need if I'm only using ztdummy for timing?
15:17.26blitzragepuowvip: thats something I need to clarify - I just started maintaining the backend and haven't dealt with what the really means yet :)
15:17.30puowvipbjohnson: thanks. Don't want to offend canadians :)
15:17.39jsharpDonuil:  You need to dial with Dial(OH323, not Dial(H323
15:17.49jsharpchan_oh323 uses a different technology name.
15:18.11onkeltimmif a friggin coward like me wanted to upgrade to CVS-HEAD (currently running 1.0.3), because his boss wants attended transfers, how would he go about this
15:18.12bjohnsonyes, we'll throw balls of Pine tree sap at you
15:18.16bjohnsonit's very sticky
15:18.20blitzragepuowvip: damn right - we don't want to be put into the same group as those crazy french :)
15:18.28tzafrirhmmm, isn't there a simple way to kill an ongoing call from the CLI?
15:18.32puowvipbjohnson, any hints how to get canadian companies to even consider my resume?
15:18.37blitzrageand we all know how uncomfortable it is to be sticky
15:18.37jsharpsoft hangup
15:18.39ilium007ok dumb ass question coming up
15:18.40carbon60tzafrir: sofhangup
15:18.41jief-i have a login problem with my voice mailboxes. i have defined them under voicemail.conf and added them user mailbox=50X for each phones under sip.conf. but i still can't log and get my messages
15:18.50carbon60Yeah, that.
15:18.52ilium007digium make a tdm400p
15:18.54bjohnsonuseless fact - amber (the prized jewel) is actually fossilized tree sap
15:19.12tzafrircarbon60, thanks. I managed to miss that one
15:19.22Zeeekilium007 read these two short articles^^^^^^^^^^
15:19.23ilium007why would you use many of these as FXO's instead of buying a chanell bank
15:19.40bjohnsonilium007: not enough needed to buy a channel bank
15:19.49tzafririlium007, how many pci slots do you have?
15:19.55Zeeekyou asked for a start: these are basic but a good intro
15:19.58ilium007thats what im getting at
15:20.06jief-this is the output from *:
15:20.07ilium007say i need 40 extensions in an offive
15:20.11ilium007how would you do it
15:20.20jsharp2 channel banks & 2 T1 cards.
15:20.23ZeeekFXO are for the phone lines
15:20.33bjohnsonagreed all around
15:20.49blitzrageits the only way to scale analog lines
15:20.55carbon60If I get "/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pri_dump_info_str", does this mean my kernel module is out of date or libzap is out of date, or what?
15:21.01Zeeekso, blitz, you fell off your bike?
15:21.03jsharplibpri is out of date.
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15:21.26blitzrageZeeek: haha, yah, I fell correctly though - only a small road rash on the inside of my left arm
15:21.32ilium007oh ok
15:21.46blitzrageZeeek: unfortunately the rear brake handle sheered right off - cheap plastic I guess... :(
15:22.23ilium007jsharp: what chanell banks do you recommend
15:22.43blitzrageilium007: didn't I mention Adit 600 and Adtran 750? :)
15:23.03*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
15:23.08ilium007i was looking for other options :)
15:23.18jsharpCarrier Access Access Bank II
15:23.31jsharpPractically a dime a dozen.
15:23.36drumkillablitzrage: !!!!
15:23.40ilium007so the product is just an external tdm device
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15:25.07jief-ok, im gonna try one last time to get help here with this. When i try to access a mailbox, i get a login error. here is the * output:
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15:25.24tzafrircarbon60, incompatible version of libpri?
15:25.35Zeeekjief- DTMF isn't working
15:25.39jsharpIts not reading the password.
15:25.46jsharpWhat Zeeek said.
15:25.49tzafrircarbon60, what version of zaptel do you use? from where?
15:25.55HeadachesAboundyep, what they said.
15:26.07Zeeekand this can be because of the codec depending on the phone
15:26.15Zeeekplus what the rest say
15:26.21Zeeekand what I said :)
15:26.25blitzragedrumkilla: !!!
15:26.30blitzragedrumkilla: how went the exams?!
15:26.42drumkillaone down, one to go in an an hour and a half
15:26.46jsharpMake sure DTMF mode in sip.conf matches what your phone is sending.  Inband/SIP INFO/RFC2883
15:26.48drumkillathe first one raped me pretty bad
15:27.11carbon60tzafrir: I had an old libpri1 from Debian.
15:27.12drumkillaI probably spent too much time with Asterisk intead of the book for the class :(
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15:27.20Dougnakaanyone here use nufone?
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15:27.36jief-Zeeek: well, in sip.conf, i have set my phones to inband, and the phones are set to inband also
15:27.38carbon60tzafrir: I've been using the same pair of zaptel kernel modules for a few months, too lazy to rebuild them.
15:27.39zoadrumkilla: good luck!
15:27.43blitzragedrumkilla: I don't think you spent ENOUGH time with Asterisk :)
15:27.45drumkillathanks!  i'm off again ...
15:27.47tzafrircarbon60, upgrade everything together. latest versions applied bristuff, which creates some incompatibitilites.
15:27.48zoathats plenty of time to check out the jitter buffer :p
15:27.48drumkillablitzrage: yeah, I agree
15:27.49jsharpjief-:  What codec are your phones using?
15:27.52Zeeekjief- inband won't work with mail IIRC
15:27.56ilium007none of these devices i am looking at seems to be loaded up with RJ45 ports
15:28.14bjohnsonilium007: you need hardware for that
15:28.24jief-jsharp: ulaw
15:28.24ilium007am i on the same wavelength ? should these tdm devices have cards in them with multiple rj45 ports
15:28.24jsharpilium007:  You'll need an external patch panel.  Most of them spit 24 lines out on a 50 pin amphenol connector.
15:28.24jief-Zeeek: ok, which one should i use then?
15:28.33Zeeekusually RFC
15:28.33tzafrircarbon60, as a bonus, building the kernel modules has become very simple. module-assistant makes it a matter of one command or so
15:28.35carbon60tzafrir: Yeah, would have been nice for debs to declare dependancies on newer versions.
15:28.36ilium007oh ok
15:28.39Zeeekbut I think both work
15:29.01bjohnsonilium007: feed from channel bank comes out as one big cable with a hundred twisted pair .. you add your own rj45
15:29.04tzafrircarbon60, I believe they do. If they  don't, file a bug. Newer ones should.
15:29.20ilium007i get it now :)
15:29.37jief-Zeeek: my phones support in/outbound and sip info
15:29.38ilium007ok so back to channel banks
15:29.38tzafrircarbon60, I'm leaving now. Hopefully tzafrir_laptop will be here in an hour or so
15:29.59ilium007are they expandable or do you just buy the whole thing in lots of say 24 or 48
15:30.21bjohnsonjust buy them loaded .. if buying used you won't save anything buying half now
15:30.23tzafrircarbon60, and if you're too lazy to build those modules,
15:30.29HeadachesAboundjief: what make / model of phones?
15:30.40jsharpYou can get them in 24 port models or you can get big chassis that take multiple T1s and have lots of card slots for port cards.
15:30.45jief-HeadachesAbound: Gnet SIP phones
15:30.56HeadachesAboundGnet SIP Model?
15:31.09jief-HeadachesAbound: P104SLD
15:31.37bjohnsonjsharp: he only needs 40 fxs iirc so he'll just be looking at the 24 port models
15:31.38ilium007ok cool
15:32.03jsharpjust get 2 24 port models.
15:32.27*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
15:32.33ilium007ok so when we are talkin FXS's are these what we would traditionally call an analogue extension or a digital extension - does asterisk support this notion
15:32.45jsharpAnalogue extensions.
15:32.52bjohnsonfxs is for analogue only
15:32.54jsharpAsterisk doesn't support digital phones.
15:32.55jief-according to, inband + ulaw + voicemail = no go
15:33.09gpukhello all - we are looking at moving our entire company phone system over to asterisk. The only question we have is this: how do people route non-voip calls to keep costs down?
15:33.10gpukObviously we could route over the national network (in our case BT in the UK) but ideally we'd like to do something along the lines of Skype Out - i.e. use a low-cost carrier for non-voip calls.
15:33.22bjohnsonyou have 2 options for digital phones: 1. a voip phone 2. a digital phone with an adapter to make it voip
15:33.34bjohnsonnobody does 2
15:33.54bjohnsonalthough the new nortel bcm50 looks interesting .. but I haven't asked for pricing info
15:33.58jsharpgpuk:  Find a voip carrier that has rates that you like.
15:34.00*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
15:34.05jief-alright, using outband it worked
15:34.05jsharpOr multple carriers if you need to.
15:34.09blitzragebjohnson: will that phone work with unistim?
15:34.21Deryl(SecurityFocus Vulns) Vulns: CVS Unspecified Buffer Overflow And Memory Access Vulnerabilities < >
15:34.21bjohnsonwhat phone?
15:34.33ilium007i am looking on ebay for chanel banks without much luck - i dont quite undrstand the terms used
15:34.33Deryljust an fyi. it's been updated today.
15:34.59bjohnsonilium007: read enough posts, you'll figure it out
15:35.00_Vileilium, look for Carrier Access, FXS
15:35.12_Vilesearch title and description
15:35.15bjohnsonI think he's referring to BCU, PSU, etc
15:35.21_Vilethey go for ~$125-$150
15:35.31_Vileor look for Mainstreet or Newbridge
15:35.35ilium007jeez is that all ?
15:35.37blitzragebjohnson: the Nortel phone you mentioned
15:35.44bjohnsonI keep hearing that .. but I've never seen any actually go for ess than $250 + shipping
15:35.48_Viledepends on what you want to use them for
15:35.55bjohnsonblitzrage: it's FOR Nortel phnes
15:35.55*** part/#asterisk newbien (
15:35.58_Vileif you're looking to for a channel bank to talk to the PSTN
15:36.05_Vilethen you need to look for Carrier Access, FXO
15:36.18_Vilewhich I don't know if you'll find, and don't know what the price range is
15:36.24bjohnsonthe bcm50 is like a voip gateway .. can do 12 nortel digital phones plus some analogue plus some voip
15:36.33bjohnsonlicensing activates how many it can handle
15:36.35_Vileand if you're looking for that, look for AdTran 650s
15:36.37blitzragebjohnson: oh, lol
15:36.44_VileAdtran 650, FXO
15:37.16wiz8291anyone got a second to help with some echo problems?
15:37.30bjohnsonadit 600 are supposed to be ok for fxo/fxs mixed banks too
15:37.31wiz8291on incoming calls, when the calling party speaks, they can hear a sort of distortion
15:37.38wiz8291the desk phones are saysons
15:38.09bjohnsondistortion or echo?
15:38.14bjohnsonor both
15:38.23_Vilebj, yep
15:38.33bjohnsonwhat is the pstn connection?
15:38.44bjohnsonor fxo
15:38.57*** join/#asterisk znoG (gs@
15:39.05bjohnsonyou got me on that one .. maybe cpu overloaded on *?
15:39.07*** join/#asterisk Fddayan (~fddayan@
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15:39.18wiz8291no load at all
15:39.23wiz8291its a dual proc with over 1GB ram
15:39.27*** join/#asterisk Seyr (
15:39.30wiz8291and this is with only one active call
15:39.37bjohnsonit all depends on what all is running on it
15:39.49wiz8291asterisk, on its own
15:39.51wiz8291there is no load
15:39.55bjohnsonbut sounds like cpu and mem should b ok
15:40.09bjohnsonwhat codec to phones?
15:40.14bjohnsonsayson are SIP right
15:40.26wiz8291nah, these are analogue
15:40.32wiz8291on a rhino channel bank
15:42.14jsharpIs your T1 card sharing an interrupt or anything odd like that?
15:43.45SeyrAnyone know why I can play TTS at a sampling rate of 8000, but when I change it to 16000, it wont play through *?
15:44.11Seyr* just hangs up....
15:45.09*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
15:45.20ilium007From the Digium site: The TDM400P takes the place of an expensive channel bank and brings the system price point to a low level.
15:45.36ilium007how can a 4 port FXS be a replacement for a channel bank ?
15:45.49jsharpIt is if you only need a few ports.
15:45.55ilium007i mean to get up to say 24 fxs you woudl need 6 pci cards ?
15:46.05wiz8291T1 card is on its own IRQ, not sharing
15:46.24jsharpFor a while, there was a gap...either you had a single port card or you had to get a T1+channel bank.  No in between.
15:46.40wiz8291any ideas on distortion?
15:46.41ilium007excuse my ignorance, but how many applications would only require 4 x fxs
15:46.49jsharpSmall office PBX.
15:46.55ilium007ok cool
15:47.34*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
15:47.39jsharpOr a bigger PBX that used voip phones for most of the extensions, but had a few analogue ports for cordless phones or faxes.
15:48.11eper-werkhmm ok i'm a nub however, a quad ISDN card has 4 ports on it, however the 8 channel isdn that comes in goes into this little box on the wall and looks like 1 single rj-45 comes out into the old telephone box, so do i need a quad card ?(this is UK isdn its funky)
15:48.36Gand_DJI was wondering.. has anyone tried a Sipura 3000 and the TDM400P card? Do they both have issues with echo cancellation & stuff, etc?
15:49.09wiz8291eper-werk: you on 2e or 30e ?
15:49.19eper-werkhonestly? not an idea
15:49.35eper-werkits a box on the wall with BT on it and two like BNC connectors on it
15:49.49eper-werkwe have like 12 DDI's aswell if thats any help :]
15:50.16SeyrCan Asterisk NOT stream a wav with a sample rate of over 8000?
15:50.43jsharpIn general, everything in * needs to be sampled at 8000.  That's native telephony sample rate.
15:50.50*** join/#asterisk DEEZED (
15:51.15Seyrahh... so when it looks at the file, if the rate is over 8000, it just bombs out
15:51.27HeadachesAboundexperience says so.
15:52.15jsharpeper-werk:  Sounds like you've probably got a 30E circuit.  You'll need the TE110 single port T1/E1 card, not the quad ISDN card.
15:52.40wiz8291eper-werk: its probably ISDN2
15:52.42eper-werkis there anything on the box that might be able to tell me what it is :P
15:52.52wiz8291nah, call up BT and give them the main number
15:52.54wiz8291they'll tell you
15:52.56jsharpfind a model number and google it?
15:53.15wiz8291i've never seen BNCs from BT though
15:53.23wiz8291only on megastream circuits
15:53.38eper-werkok well i say "bnc" because its a round plug and thats the closest connector i know of it :)
15:53.53eper-werkok it's an ISDN 30
15:54.31wiz8291in the middle of the 2 BNCs, there should be an RJ45 plug
15:54.38onkeltimmguys, can I just edit the Makefiles in zaptel, libpri and asterisk setting install prefix to st like /test and get a second test install on my * box?
15:55.14eper-werkISDN 30 I.421
15:55.17*** part/#asterisk gpuk (
15:55.40jsharpIf you want to hang an asterisk box off it, get thee a Digium TE110P card, then.
15:55.55wiz8291thats what i have
15:56.06wiz8291eper-werk: its a euroisdn circuit
15:56.16DEEZEDwois h.323 better than G.729?
15:56.16eper-werkah and what card have you got?
15:56.17Godseymight anyone be able to recomend a good customer billing software package?
15:56.33Godseythis isn't asterisk related really, but I'm sure someone here bills customers :)
15:56.55HeadachesAboundi use a guy named Guido from Jersey and he does a great job.
15:56.57jsharpDEEZED: h.323 is nothing like G.729.  H.323 is a protocol and G.729 is an audio codec.
15:57.23ilium007night all
15:57.23jsharpNarn Bat Squad Collections, Inc
15:57.55GodseyHeadachesAbound: thanks, I don't assess finance charges so I won't need that sort of package :)
15:58.08*** part/#asterisk ilium007 (
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15:58.44HeadachesAboundwe don't assess charges either, but we do accept donations, and Guido is very good at getting donations :)
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16:00.44eper-werki need a remote client VoIP phone -> broadband -> cload -> broadband -> our phone server -> telephone network via ISDN channel - Do i need another card for the VoIP and can asterisk do this ( the boss wants to record agents making calls to client so needs this setup)
16:00.45*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:02.30jsharpYou just need the ISDN card to the PSTN.  Asterisk should be able to monitor & record the calls.
16:02.32*** join/#asterisk jskcr|lappy (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
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16:04.20jsharpIs it a bad thing that everytime I reboot the server I have, it counts up different amounts of memory?
16:04.30jskcr|lappyvery very very very very
16:04.46eKo1replace your memory NOW
16:04.58jsharpI'll probably find packing peanuts in the memory slots.
16:05.23jskcr|lappyyoull end up corrupting your data to shit if it isnt already
16:06.10*** join/#asterisk tris (
16:06.53jsharpThere's nothing on the machine yet.  This is an initial install.
16:07.20jskcr|lappywhat distro?
16:08.09jskcr|lappyget a bootcd with a memory checker and run it on the machine first before you waste your time
16:08.57*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
16:09.19jskcr|lappyIt also probably means you bios does not have stop on errors setup for the memory if it supports it
16:11.19jskcr|lappyIm about to release a new asterisk live cd, anyone have any suggestions for third party asterisk apps to put on it?
16:12.31Lee__jskcr|lappy: AMP?
16:12.51jskcr|lappyalready put it on there anything else
16:13.06Lee__jskcr|lappy: what's the URL for your livecd?
16:13.19jskcr|lappyIt will be available next week
16:13.32Lee__so you don't have a web page yet?
16:13.41jskcr|lappyI have a few lol
16:14.22Lee__which one are you going to distribute the live cd on?
16:14.32Lee__argh. can you just give me the URL so I can bookmark it and remember to check back next week?
16:14.32jskcr|lappyIll get a few http mirrors from the other gpl projects I work on too.
16:14.53eKo1how about putting all the third party * apps you can find.
16:15.08*** join/#asterisk slazy-jave (
16:15.44slazy-javei actually want to configure modem with asterisk
16:15.49slazy-javehas anybody done that before
16:19.52*** join/#asterisk Taadow (
16:19.52*** join/#asterisk Juxt (~Juxt@
16:19.55TaadowGood day all.
16:19.58Juxtgood afternoon
16:20.16Juxti am trying to make 1 asterisk box peer with another
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16:20.20Juxtcan someone help me here
16:20.46Juxtmy server1 is the one my server2 should authenticate with
16:20.51Juxti have the following in the iax.conf on server1
16:20.51TaadowA question...  with h.323 debug enabled I notice that RTP's ExternalIpAddress is set to  Pretty sure this explains my lack of audio.  Anyone have any idea why it would be set to localhost?
16:21.05*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
16:21.35jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
16:21.56Juxtserver2 has this in iax.conf register =>
16:22.34Juxtthey refuse to authenticate
16:26.31*** join/#asterisk key2 (
16:26.54key2can asterisk work with a normal voice modem ?
16:26.59jief-i was wondering, is it possible to listen to some calls with *, for example, for a call center where managers would listen to analysts?
16:27.49eKo1You mean listen in on a phone conversation?
16:27.49jskcr|lappyjief-, ethereal works :)
16:28.16jskcr|lappyI wrote something to dump all the calls to timestamped files im gonna release soon
16:28.19slazy-javewell i also was enquiring the same does * work with voice modem
16:29.18jskcr|lappythe main problem was with the g.729 codec but thats about solved.
16:29.59key2so, no one knows if asterisk works with a voice modem ?
16:30.33jief-eKo1: yes
16:30.40jskcr|lappykey2, I think thats been pretty much negelected because the hardware is alot cheaper than most voice modems
16:30.48eKo1jief-: yes
16:30.52jskcr|lappysome will , some wont, some might someday.
16:31.00jief-eKo1: we are going to have a support center at the office soon, and my boss want me to be able to listen to the techs we're going to hire
16:31.17eKo1there's a Monitor app that does just that.
16:31.23wiz8291CLI, i can't make any calls!!!
16:31.31jsharpjief-:  Yes, you can listen to them...most easily if they're on analogue zap hardware.
16:31.33wiz8291i get NPI: Unknown Number Plan (0)
16:31.38wiz8291Presentation: Number not available (67)
16:31.41wiz8291any ideas?
16:31.44jief-we have a SIP system
16:31.45key2jskcr|lappy: at the same time u don't find the hardware everywhere
16:31.48*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
16:32.20jsharpThere's the ChanSpy application that should work for what you need, though.
16:32.42jief-jsharp: ok, im gonna look it up
16:33.11key2does someone know how to set up the flash hook time ?
16:33.23TaadowWith h.323 debug enabled I notice that RTP's ExternalIpAddress is set to when setting up a call.  Anyone seen this before? is kinda slow today
16:33.57Juggieits down for me
16:33.58Seyryeh, im getting "Page not found" half the time
16:34.00Juggieor was
16:34.14jief-wikis tend to be slow
16:34.33Seyrvoip-info is norm pretty good
16:34.41*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
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16:34.46zoavoip info crashes like every other day
16:35.22FuriousGeorgegood afternoon all
16:35.40jief-well, now its time to order our FXO card
16:35.40jskcr|lappygeorge are you furious about something?
16:36.26jskcr|lappy.whois FuriousGeorge
16:36.52FuriousGeorgejskcr|lappy: its a pun on a popular childrens cartoon character
16:36.55FuriousGeorgeget it?
16:37.27FuriousGeorgeand sometimes i become
16:37.34blitzragethe man in the yellow hat
16:38.50FuriousGeorgeholy cow, nicserv says someone owns that one, i should find out how to send him a memo
16:39.08jskcr|lappysee how long he hasnt been on they expire in 60 days
16:39.18FuriousGeorgecan someone recommend a good wired headset for computers (usb preferably), or a wireless one that somehow doesnt use bluetooth
16:39.48mishehuyou don't like bluetooth?
16:40.05FuriousGeorgemishehu: its too quirky with windows
16:40.12jskcr|lappylogitech makes a nice usb one for 34 bucks
16:40.28jskcr|lappyplanetronics ones suck
16:40.33jief-is there a place to get * voicemail default messages in french? or will i have to record them myself?
16:40.33FuriousGeorgedunno about with linux, but im too busy to try and make new devices work with my linux box
16:40.44*** join/#asterisk mozrat (~mozrat@
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16:40.59jskcr|lappymy logitech one works great with linux it comes right up as usb_sond
16:41.04jskcr|lappyoops sound lol
16:41.25*** join/#asterisk sivana (
16:41.29FuriousGeorgejskcr|lappy: i had a plantronics and an "ActionTech", both had mediocre at best sound and mic quality, and both would randomly connect to the headset and transmit only static, unbeknownst to user
16:41.56FuriousGeorgejskcr|lappy: im the only person using linux though
16:42.17jskcr|lappyyea get a logitech they work well
16:42.28FuriousGeorgejskcr|lappy: wired?
16:42.33jskcr|lappyno its usb
16:42.41FuriousGeorgeusb bluetooth?
16:42.51jskcr|lappyoh you want wireless.
16:43.32FuriousGeorgecuz i asked if it was wired and you said:  <FuriousGeorge> jskcr|lappy: wired?
16:43.32FuriousGeorge<jskcr|lappy> no its usb
16:43.43jskcr|lappyoh lol Im getting tired
16:44.38jskcr|lappythats the one I got
16:44.52*** part/#asterisk makhtar (
16:46.03FuriousGeorgei have the one that looks like that and is blue, but people dont like "the look"
16:46.18FuriousGeorgethey call'em "air traffic control" headsets
16:46.26FuriousGeorgethey sound great though
16:46.48FuriousGeorgeits the "premium" model of that one, i just noticed
16:47.05FuriousGeorgei was hoping for something that goes in one ear
16:47.07pigpenIs there any great way to forward an extention to a different extention? IE: I have a office phone...then work out of the office for a week...forwarding my calls to a soft phone...
16:48.11FuriousGeorgepigpen: someone once said to me "once you have answered a call you can DO anything with it".  so the priority after answer somewhere you just dial the propper extension
16:48.36*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
16:48.45FuriousGeorgeplayback a "please wait" somewhere in there
16:48.53kiokohi guys
16:49.27kiokoany good billing solution for* ?
16:51.08jskcr|lappyKioko you can do it with a dialplan and a mysql database pretty easily
16:51.19*** join/#asterisk KristinG (
16:51.43KristinGcan anyone help with a routing question
16:51.46Juxti keep getting errors like this No registration for peer 'secura2'
16:52.01eKo1Let me tell you, billing solutions for voip/pstn providers are very complex.
16:52.15kiokosoftware that does invoicing based on the CDRs
16:52.23eKo1So that 'pretty easily' business is bull.
16:53.10FuriousGeorgejskcr|lappy: does anyone make "single ear" usb headsets, i cant find any from logitech
16:53.34sivanaKristinG: what's your question
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16:53.41jskcr|lappyFuriousGeorge:  I saw a gaming one that was a ear bud
16:54.10KristinGI have 2 few different carriers that I route calls to depending on cost/call plan
16:54.26*** part/#asterisk pigpen (
16:55.03KristinGwhen I route with a one of them, I get 501 not implemented errors occasionally
16:55.24KristinGI would like to try a different carrier at that point instead of getting a fast busy
16:55.25zoago have a look at
16:55.29zoatell me what you think
16:55.54sivanaKristinG: what's the dialstatus at the point when you get 501?
16:56.25jskcr|lappyzoa:  it looks like a mac app
16:56.34zoaits a windows app
16:56.41KristinGsivana not sure
16:56.53KristinGi am in debug now
16:56.59KristinGand i can reproduce it
16:57.04sivanaKristinG: if you NoOp(${DIALSTATUS})
16:57.17sivanathen you can decide what to do with it
16:57.20jskcr|lappyzoa: I dont see any cid information
16:57.45KristinGsivana for example?
16:58.12sivanawell, if it's CHANUNAVAIL then call your fallback carrier
16:58.17zoaits there i think
16:58.19zoalets doublecheck
16:58.40sivanayou'll have to do up a little macro
16:59.06zoahmm link changed to in the mean time
16:59.24KristinGok the dialstatus is "congestion"
17:00.12sivanaafter your dial, do a goto r-${DIALSTATUS}, then have r-congestion,1,Dial(fallback carrier)
17:01.04KristinGso create an extension called r-congestion
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17:01.24sivanaya, it's probably best to make a macro that handles it
17:01.57KristinGonly problem i see with that is that it only falls over to one carrier
17:02.32ManxPowerYou can pretty easily recursivly call your dial result macro
17:02.32TaadowWhy would the RTP ExternalIpAddress be set to
17:03.19*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
17:03.29zoajskcr|lappy: point taken, there will be cid in the next version
17:03.51zoaits actually there but not with a hint or so
17:04.14jskcr|lappycid should be in bigger letters so you know whos callin
17:04.24*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
17:04.33jskcr|lappyThat way if you boss calls you can just forward them to voicemail ;P
17:04.49*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
17:04.57pjzso I'm ordering a PRI to use with a digium TE110P
17:05.07pjzand the telco is asking me a bunch of questions
17:05.48pjzwhich do I want? or need?
17:06.07jskcr|lappypjz, look at the bright side I connected the first pri in the state of florida. I had to goto the co to help them set it up, over ten years ago
17:06.20pjzjskcr|lappy: heh
17:06.38pjzjskcr|lappy: so is there docco I can find that will tell me what I want/need set up?
17:06.50onlyIwas the first to have it done ( pri ) on ras in in montreal with Bell
17:07.09pjzis 101XXXX allowed? number of digits outpulsed?
17:07.10jskcr|lappyis it a e1 or a t1?
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17:08.15pjzwhat's the 'number of digits outpulsed' mean?
17:08.16mishehuStupid Bastard Cocksuckers country
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17:08.49Juxtok i am pulling my hair here
17:09.03Juxti have 2 locations, each has an asterisk server
17:09.05Nugget  <-- Bastard
17:09.23Juxti want people from location1 to be able to dial extensions at location2
17:09.23burbankmarcwhen i call my voicemailmain extension i get "comedian mail, mailbox" then nothing...
17:09.53pjzNugget: hehe cute
17:10.00pjzNugget: what city?
17:10.14*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
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17:10.50Juxtnuggest: what does BOFH mean?
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17:11.02pjzJuxt: Bastard Operator From Hell
17:11.04burbankmarcexten => 1000,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})
17:11.16Nugget183 and anderson mill
17:11.45Nugget(which is practically south dallas to hear some people talk  :)
17:11.54pjzme too, but I'm down in Tarrytown
17:12.14Nuggetdo you like spicy food?  you should come to our nuclear taco night tonight
17:12.16jskcr|lappythats for you pjz
17:12.20Juxtso can someone hold my hand and walk me thru 2 asterisks peering?
17:12.22pjzyeah, my company is about to move to the new Whole Foods building
17:12.30jskcr|lappy[Asterisk-Users] New PRI install with new te110p
17:13.08pjzjskcr|lappy: oh, it's wackier than that - I'm ordering the PRI from SWB and they want a bunch of questions answered
17:13.10TaadowDoes anyone know how H323 determines the ExternalIpAddress of an RTP stream?
17:13.26pjzjskcr|lappy: if it were pre-existing I'd just plug stuff in and see if it worked
17:13.31jskcr|lappypjz what questions?
17:13.40pigpenNugget, if you want real hot food....come to San Antonio
17:13.45jskcr|lappylike the provisioning of it ?
17:13.47pjzjskcr|lappy: 5.101XXXX Allowed:  Yes:       No:
17:13.48pjz6.Number of Digits Outpulsed:  â€‚    
17:13.50*** join/#asterisk K9DI_BSD_WrkStn (
17:13.54Nuggetif you want real hot food...come to nuclear taco night
17:14.04pjzjskcr|lappy: I guess so
17:14.17*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
17:14.35JonR800what's in a nuclear taco?
17:14.47*** join/#asterisk gtigene (
17:14.55Nuggetred savina habanero, savina, and regular habanero.
17:15.02pjzjskcr|lappy: Protocol, Glare Control, Glare Resolution, CPN option, some Caller ID specs, is porting required?
17:15.20pjzjskcr|lappy: I've never heard of half this stuff
17:15.28JonR800lol... that'd probably do me in, sounds like a good way to die though
17:15.43Nuggetit's wonderful stuff.  :)
17:15.53pjzjskcr|lappy: do I want Customor National protocol? and if national, FAS or NFAS?
17:16.01gtigeneWhat mail program should I use to have email notification of voicemails in voicemail.conf?
17:16.05Nuggetwe get together once a month and eat them, then cool down with free beer.  :)
17:16.10jskcr|lappydo it like this google for Number of Digits Outpulsed:
17:16.19*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
17:16.38jskcr|lappyyoull find all the questions are probably already answerd on the digium mailing list,
17:17.18JonR800I'm going to have to get some habaneros now and make tacos.  Though it's a bit harder to get habaneros in michigan.
17:17.34pjzjskcr|lappy: ah! good idea, thanks
17:18.25pjzNugget: hrm, I'm pretty much burnt out on super-spicy food (NPI)
17:19.43*** part/#asterisk gtigene (
17:20.00pjzjskcr|lappy: hrm, okay, no hit for 101XXXX allowed.  and I'm not even sure what that means.
17:20.15FuriousGeorgejskcr|lappy: think these usb headsets for ps2 work with pcs?
17:20.28pjzjskcr|lappy: ah, nm, I grok
17:20.54Nuggetwell, feel free to come for the beer.  :)
17:21.14jskcr|lappypjz: ive been workin on  project since yesterday at 2pm to now, Im right there with ya :P
17:21.48jskcr|lappyI usually go 40 hours on then sleep for 5 hours.
17:21.56pjzNugget:  where & when?
17:22.29Nuggettonight, 7:30p, directions at
17:22.42jskcr|lappyfree tacos?
17:23.36jskcr|lappyMan I miss living in dallas because of stuff like that :(
17:25.32Nuggetcool  :)
17:25.47facek_anyone use PAP2 over nat?
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17:30.11Vcore: ps2 headsets
17:30.14Vcothey do
17:30.24Vcothe mile long cord is a major plus
17:34.07pjzif I'm getting a PRI do I want DOD?
17:34.09pjzor DID?
17:34.10pjzor both?
17:34.16pjzI'm guessing i want both
17:34.28Corydon-wwtf is DOD?
17:34.47pjzDepartment Of Defense
17:35.01Corydon-wIs that just trying to say that the PRI is bidirectional?
17:35.45kb1_kanobedod is an analog signalling thing, pri is implicitly dod.
17:36.07pjzah, okay
17:36.08kb1_kanobeie. the remote pri switch cannot provide secondary dialtone.
17:36.09pjzgood to know
17:36.47pjzdo I want a back-up d channel?
17:37.06Corydon-wProbably not, unless you're getting multiple PRIs installed at the same time
17:37.51pjzand unless I have multipe PRIs, I don[t need Trunk Group Pverflow, do I?
17:38.06Dovidanyone got a moment to help me with a bandwith test
17:38.06kb1_kanobebackup d channel handles two conditions - that having one 64k D channel is not enough for the volume of control messages or, that the backup d channel comes on a different wire that is routed differently just incase a backhoe goes through the first cable.
17:38.31pjzkb1_kanobe: ah. neither of those should be an issue
17:38.38Corydon-wkb1_kanobe: yeah, but a single D channel should be enough, even for a DS3
17:38.50Corydon-win terms of the volume of call messages
17:39.06*** join/#asterisk ooPo (
17:39.32Corydon-wThe maximum you'd have to wait for a call setup with 671 voice channels is half a second, and that's only if 671 calls all come in at the same time
17:40.17burbankmarcwhen i call my voicemailmain extension i get "comedian mail, mailbox" then nothing...
17:40.31cpatryCorydon-w: how many PRIs do you have?
17:40.31Nuggetso enter in your mailbox.
17:40.34Corydon-wburbankmarc: it's prompting you to enter a mailbox
17:40.45Corydon-wcpatry: 1
17:41.05Vcoor are you expecting "voicemail" and not "voicemailmain"
17:41.42pjzwhat's Glare Resolution?
17:41.50pjzand Glare control?
17:42.46*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
17:43.20wiz8291anyone got caller presentation working in the UK?
17:43.23pjzdo I want Calling party number or billing number?
17:43.26wiz8291i am having problems
17:43.30pjzand do I need porting?
17:43.34kb1_kanobeGlare is a condition where both ends of a circuit attempt to grab it for use at the same time. They sound like vendor specific names for methods to work around this problem.
17:43.48pjzkb1_kanobe: hrm. okay, could be.
17:43.49kb1_kanobepzj: you might want a consultant. :-)
17:44.04Corydon-wpjz: porting is if you need existing numbers to be 'ported' to the new PRI
17:44.16wiz8291BT won't let me dial out since caller presentation was turned on on our PRI
17:44.53pjzkb1_kanobe: oh, i'm just trying to place an order for a PRI and SBC sent me this form to fill out
17:45.25HeadachesAboundglare is just what kb1 said.  we are preparing to put in a ds3 and switch everything over to an asterisk box (many sleepless nights await me)
17:45.37zoahehe indeed
17:48.06ooPoThe Wildcard X100P seems to be discontinued... is there an equivalent available?
17:48.14pjzthe TE110P
17:48.37ooPoIsn't that a T1 card?
17:48.48wiz8291no one?
17:48.49pjzisn't the X100P a T1 card?
17:49.00ooPoI have no idea. :)
17:49.10pjzgo to and look and find out
17:49.29HeadachesAboundDid i mention that my dreams are filled with alphabet soup zoa?  PHP, Perl, MySQL, *, AGI, CGI, Apache, Fedora, Linux, PRI, DSP...
17:50.03tzafrir_laptopnobody wants to pick up the maintinance of its drivers?
17:50.13HeadachesAboundwhat drivers?
17:50.21tzafrir_laptopof X100P
17:50.56HeadachesAboundway above my water line there tzafrir or i might consider it.
17:51.25pjzoh, I'm wrong
17:51.45pjzthe X100p is the single-POTS FXO line card
17:51.55tzafrir_laptop(X100P is the original FXO card)
17:51.56ooPoThe devkit package on digium, I don't suppose that's available to regular people?
17:52.12Vconow it's just getting the tdm card with however many FXO you want
17:52.13ooPoYeah, I just want a single fxo line to play with.
17:52.26Vcothe sinlge card is a bit of a waste tho..
17:52.42tzafrir_laptopooPo, then get a X100P on ebay or so.
17:52.45pjzooPo: just get a TDM11B
17:52.52Vcolike...a few more bucks.....and you have something that can expand once you've gotten "bit" from playing with the system a bit
17:53.01HeadachesAboundwe picked up a dev kit...we aren't doing much dev at the time, but i believe it is 1 per org / person so i don't see why you couldn't get it.
17:53.07tzafrir_laptopIn the worst case you'll lose some 20$ (s&h included) and some time.
17:53.19pjzooPo: or a TDM01B
17:53.20ooPoHmm. I may just pick up the devkit then.
17:53.24Vcoif you want a clone ya
17:53.54tzafrir_laptopThe devkit won't give you much beyond what you already have.
17:53.59Vcothats like buying 1024mb sticks of ram for $20...and expecting no problems..
17:54.04pjzooPo: the TDM01B is the equivalent of an X100P, but allows  you to buy 3 more modules that can be either FXS or FXO and add it into it
17:54.31ooPoahh, so I see
17:54.40tzafrir_laptopVco, what are the possible problems of such "clones", besides not being officially blessed by digium?
17:55.00burbankmarcburbankmarc h
17:55.04ooPo$129.95 on
17:55.26tzafrir_laptoppjz, but for that price you can get around 9 or 10 X100P cards. Or more memory for you computer, or a better CPU
17:56.05pjztzafrir_laptop:  ?  it's only like $133 for a TDM01B
17:56.23tzafrir_laptoppjz, it's only like 10$ for an FXO card.
17:56.26HeadachesAboundi think the dev kit is a tdm11b.  it allows you to add 2 additional modules later if you decide to but it comes with 1 fxo and 1 fxs.
17:56.30onlyI195 for TDM11B
17:56.35ooPofxo lets me hook up a normal phone line, then I can 'log in' to the server somehow from remote and use it?
17:56.36Vcotry logging the channel for a while and do a search for "x100p" and "problem"
17:56.41Vcoand "clone"
17:56.49kb1_kanobethe clones are based on the original reference design that started it all. The digium cards have been revised to address problems such as bad impedance matching and so on, but the clones have not. People using the clones tend to encounter problems, point the finger at *, only to find there is no avenue of support.
17:56.50tzafrir_laptoppjz, how much does extra 256MB of memory cost nowadays?
17:56.55jskcr|lappyVco its about 2-3 times per day
17:57.30jskcr|lappycid problems ring detection problems to list a few
17:57.34tzafrir_laptopVco, because they have a bad reputation. People have problems with digium cards as well.
17:57.39pjztzafrir_laptop: no one buys 256MB of RAM
17:57.57tzafrir_laptopVco, buy two, in case one is bad. It'll still be much cheaper.
17:58.41Vco**shrug**, i generaly pay a premium to get something that is less likely to fail
17:58.42pjztzafrir_laptop: I'd rather support the company that's doing real dev work and support on their cards
17:58.42burbankmarchow would you make it so when you call the voicemailmain extension you don't have to type the mailbox? something like this: exten => 1000,1,VoicemailMain(s${EXTEN})  ?
17:58.49tzafrir_laptopVco, I'm not suggesting to run your mission critical server on such cards. But if you want a card to play with, why not?
17:59.27jskcr|lappyI look at it more like paying for less agrivation
17:59.30Vcoand why not spend time working on features etc instead of trying to trace why <insert feature here> isn't working on your system...
17:59.36HeadachesAboundexten => 1000,1,VoiceMailMain(s${CALLERIDNUM}) - like that burbankmarc
17:59.37tzafrir_laptoppjz, I'd rather actually buy a card to have something to play with, so I can later convince my boss to buy a decent card.
18:00.16Vcoso you could spend $130 or waste $30...thats your call
18:00.42HeadachesAboundwe started with the dev kit for our testing purposes.  this was enough to convince the boss to pick up a Quad port T1 card (still for testing) and we are now preparing to put in a DS3 and another machine with 2 Quad T1 cards for production.
18:00.43onlyItzafrir_laptop about 90 CDN ddr 266
18:01.34BlackvelHeadachesAbound: how many telco lines do you have?
18:01.48burbankmarcafter making the change it still says doesn't prompt for a passwd
18:01.50Vco$90 for what?
18:02.01*** join/#asterisk _kb1_kanobe (
18:02.13tzafrir_laptopVco, it's not wasting. You could have actually wasted 130$. but with 30$ you'll likely get a working card.
18:02.42tzafrir_laptopand then you'll have some spare change for extra memory. Thanks onlyI :-)
18:02.48HeadachesAboundright now, we have 3 pri connections.  we are about to replace 2 of those with a ds3.  we are starting out with 8 active pri on the ds3 and plan to turn up the rest within the next year or so depending on business growth.
18:03.31HeadachesAboundburbankmarc: do you have the voicemail.conf setup for that extension?
18:03.51burbankmarcsure do
18:04.31HeadachesAboundthe 3rd pri that we have now will be turned of beginning of next year (january i think) and at that point, we will actually be paying about the same price for 8 pri that we presently pay for 3.
18:05.41HeadachesAboundi'm using CVS from a couple days ago, but when I use the syntax I posted earlier for my extension, it goes straight thru.
18:05.45onlyIHeadachesAbound WOw few trunks
18:05.49_kb1_kanobeis anyone here successfully running multiple codecs between the same pair of peers via iax? I mean along the lines of [hosta-gsm] and [hosta-ulaw] so you can explicity specify the codec to use for teh call from the dial() command?
18:05.56*** join/#asterisk citynet (~trillian@
18:06.06zoa_kb1_kanobe: ues
18:06.12zoathat seems to work just fine
18:06.16zoai tried that before
18:06.45_kb1_kanobecould I trouble you to pastebin the config? when I try defining the second peer it screws with the codecs for the first...
18:08.01ooPothanks guys, the TDM01B is pretty much exactly what I was looking for...
18:08.16*** part/#asterisk ooPo (
18:08.25zoayeah you are actually authenticating as the other user or so
18:08.26zoai guess
18:09.23_kb1_kanobethe only thing in common is the ip address and secret. The peername is distinct... however I'm using the 'friend' declaration - perhaps that's part of the issue.
18:11.01burbankmarci figured out my problem, i had the callerid feild in sip.conf set to a name, instead of a number, which is what threw it all off...hate being a newb
18:12.13HeadachesAboundcan we get a firm definition on the term newb?  I mean, I've only been using / playing with * for about 5 months, but does that make me a newb level 2 or level 3?
18:12.17jskcr|lappyanyone here using a sipura-3000?
18:12.44shepherdhaha.. that means your an expert :)
18:12.56shepherdyou're also
18:13.26HeadachesAboundso can I start charging outrageous fees yet or is that something only expert level 4 can do?
18:13.55shepherd*pffft* everything should be free
18:14.06shepherdand you should put in 90 hours / week
18:14.12_kb1_kanobehave you had your first 3am nosebleed yet? you can justify level 4 fees to cover the pending medical expenses.
18:14.53shepherdanyways.. new nin is great :)
18:14.57shepherdjust so you guys know
18:15.01shepherdin case you like nini
18:15.13HeadachesAboundi already put in at least 90 hours a week and i'm pretty sure most of that is free.  i don't think i've had the 3am nosebleed but i have had the 5 days without sleep hangover, does that count?
18:15.21Vcobah..whatever....slap the words "consulting" and "pbx" on the invoice and slide the decimal place waaaaaaaaaaaaaay over
18:16.30DEEZEDIn your guys opinion, are IAX providers could enough for commercial use?
18:16.49DEEZEDas far as reliability
18:16.53shepherddefinately voicepulse
18:17.28shepherdbut.. it really depends on your ping times to either
18:17.47DEEZEDhmm looks like voice pulse doesn't have pay per minute
18:18.00shepherdyes they do
18:18.07shepherdbut it's prepaid
18:18.15*** join/#asterisk SirPrize (
18:18.36zoadoes somebody know of a sip phone for nokia communicators ?
18:18.38shepherdyes... thanks
18:18.40DEEZEDoh thanks for the link
18:18.41shepherdthat link :)
18:19.01SirPrizeMy Sipura 3000 has a very noticeable delay between my dialing it, and before it starts ringing
18:19.05DEEZEDwow $11/month per phone number
18:19.06SirPrizeany ideas why this might be?
18:19.19shepherdthat's only incoming though
18:19.30shepherdyou can get only outgoing if you would like
18:19.53shepherdat $0.024 / min
18:20.00DEEZEDyeah im looking into running a small virtual ivr service
18:20.13Vcoat that rate..
18:20.38Vcoi'd have to talk 25 hours to cost the same as what a basic line costs here..
18:20.41_kb1_kanobecpatry: regarding the -dev question, check the dial() command. I doubt you meant to try to call '155@' - it'd more correctly be something like '155@incoming-context'
18:21.59Vcoanyone know of a good source for outgoing in japan?
18:22.02wiz8291anyone seen distortion on PRI channels before?
18:22.10wiz8291not echo, but distortion
18:22.29Vcoi can get a pots line at teh inlaws...but it's like $50/mo for basic line..
18:22.50_kb1_kanobewiz8291: describe 'distortion' - hiss
18:23.01_kb1_kanobe, pops, crackle, wheezes?
18:23.10wiz8291crackle and hiss i guess
18:23.18wiz8291when the person outside is talking
18:23.22wiz8291only they hear it
18:23.28_kb1_kanobeis the zaptel echo canceller on?
18:23.51_kb1_kanobeis it consistent for all pstn numbers?
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18:23.56wiz8291it is, yes
18:24.00*** join/#asterisk bstock (~bstock@
18:24.27_kb1_kanobeYou could try disabling the echocan and running some test calls to eliminate it - echocan implictly screws with the signal.
18:24.43wiz8291its worse without echocancel
18:24.59durexhaving problem now compiling app_addon_sql_mysql.c on FreeBSD
18:25.22_kb1_kanobeTry setting up a PRI DID that is answered by echo() and see if you get the same effect on that call.
18:25.30bstockhey, does anyone know how to get linphone to let me input numbers into asterisk?
18:25.42wiz8291_kb1_kanobe: done that, and yes... i do get the effect
18:25.50Juxtbstock: DTFM
18:26.12_kb1_kanobethen the issue can be reasonable isolated to the T1 line, the zaptel card or drivers.
18:26.23nestArcan someone write me up an RFC for PIFoIP?
18:26.26_kb1_kanobeis your span timing correctly set?
18:26.31durextake a look:
18:26.41wiz8291installing the latest cvs drivers now
18:27.15_kb1_kanobeand are your interrupts behaving
18:27.16wiz8291the card has its own interrupt
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18:27.54slePPhow do i get outgoing caller id to be proper with SIP?
18:27.55slePPfrom SIP->SIP
18:27.57_kb1_kanobedoes the output of 'lspci -vvb' agree with the output of /proc/interrupts for the card?
18:27.59wildgooseanyone know of a linux app which just pops up a popup when someone rings?  ie caller id on the desktop?
18:28.14wiz8291_kb1_kanobe: hang 2, just checking
18:29.05wiz8291they agree
18:29.08wiz8291IRQ 11
18:29.16*** join/#asterisk ionix (~ionix@
18:29.24ionixHey, how can I interface Asterisk with e911 ?
18:29.35ionixDo I have to populate a TCAP on SS7 or there is an other way ?
18:30.07ManxPower~mailinglist 911 OR e911
18:31.10wiz8291now i'm showing red alarms on everything after the cvs upgrade
18:33.24*** join/#asterisk pbx123 (~joel@
18:34.44ionixit doesn'T help at all
18:34.54ionixonly one person uses CMS MF
18:34.55pbx123\nic john
18:35.23wiz8291are there known issues with the zaptel drivers in the latest CVS build?
18:35.59_kb1_kanobeI heard someone say they had PRI problems late last night, but i've not seen anything.
18:36.32_kb1_kanobeyour modules are loaded and the dmesg blurb from the modprobe seems correct?
18:38.17*** join/#asterisk pbx123 (~ponaps@
18:38.40wiz8291but red alarms on both spans
18:38.51pbx123hi all
18:38.59pbx123have a problem here
18:39.22pbx123my te110p is not dtected by my motherboard
18:39.41*** join/#asterisk vpp (~noone@
18:40.14_kb1_kanobewiz8291: that's pretty odd - try going back a few days in cvs.
18:40.16vpphas anyone got asterisk working with gatekeeper/gateway originated calls (H323)
18:41.12*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
18:41.18wiz8291was going to go 3 days back
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18:46.11*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
18:46.41shmaltzanybody here using TDM400 FXO modules? intersted in troubleshooting a problem?
18:46.59tzangershmaltz: I'll take a crack
18:47.12johnnybshmaltz, I am
18:47.53shmaltzwhen doing:
18:47.53wiz8291so people know
18:47.55shmaltzs,1,Dial(somedevice,,60) and the calling party on the PSTN hangs up after 10 seconds what happens?
18:47.59wiz82913 days back in zaptel cvs is safe
18:48.05wiz8291using the 410P card
18:48.42shmaltzmeaning don 't do anything to the incoming call but ring something, and while it rings hanup
18:48.52tzangershmaltz: ?
18:49.11*** part/#asterisk SirPrize (
18:49.14shmaltzby me it takes about 4 rings untill asterisk realizes that my telco has stopped ringing the line
18:49.23shmaltztzanger, yes
18:49.48tzangerput a real phone in parallel with the TDM400, what does it report
18:50.39shmaltzjust stops ringing as soon as the caller hangs up (maybe a 1 second delay)
18:50.47tzangershmaltz: hmm
18:50.49johnnybshmaltz: have you run zttest?
18:50.59tzangerzttest isn't gonna show you shit here
18:51.02shmaltzI since do answer
18:51.18tzangerit just looks like the DAA is taking a while to indicate stop ring (or * is taking a while to acknowlege the DAA)
18:51.20shmaltzthat way * detects the hangup as soon as it occures
18:51.25tzangeryou'd need to do some zaptel driver debugging to see
18:51.31johnnybtzanger: when the zaptel interface loses interrupts, the TDM card has trouble knowing if a line is free or empty.  I've had problems along that line.
18:51.45shmaltzjohnnyb, I can confirm this
18:51.53tzangerjohnnyb: true enough but I have yet to find a system that loses interrupts
18:52.04johnnybtzanger: mine did.
18:52.15tzangerjohnnyb: oh I'm not saying it can't happen
18:52.18johnnybshmaltz: in your zaptel directory, run ./zttest
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18:52.54wiz8291upgrades haven't helped :(
18:52.57shmaltzI don't know exactly what the problem with 2 of my systems were, but they all stopped detecting rings alltogther untill I did a rmmod and modprobe again
18:53.01wiz8291if anything the distortion is worse!
18:53.11johnnybshmaltz: that's your zaptel _source_ directory
18:53.25tzangershmaltz: sounds like you have older rev TDM modules
18:53.28shmaltzjohnnyb, can I run it while asterisk is running?
18:53.30tzangercontact digium for a replacement
18:53.33_kb1_kanobewiz8291: if it's only in one direction it sounds like hardware.
18:53.33johnnybshmaltz: yes
18:53.34tzangershmaltz: yes
18:53.34*** part/#asterisk Juxt (~Juxt@
18:53.49gambolputtyDoes the "reload" command affect calls in progress?
18:53.50wiz8291it has been working fine
18:53.54wiz8291it changed today
18:54.04shmaltztzanger, what was the problem with the old revision?
18:54.11tzangershmaltz: you just described it
18:54.36shmaltzoh thanks
18:54.58_kb1_kanobewiz8291: this is a PRI card, yes? Perhaps you or the telco have a cabling problem developing on the outward side of the link. Can they provide you CSU stats (asterisk can't sadly)?
18:54.59shmaltztzanger, did you ever get echo cans?
18:55.00johnnybtzanger: does the rev show up in lspci?
18:55.04jsharpgambolputty:  Reload does not affect calls in progress.
18:55.10tzangershmaltz: no
18:55.16tzangerjohnnyb: not necessarily
18:55.22shmaltzjohnnyb, I think so
18:55.22tzangerpull the card and look at it
18:55.27tzangerrev H or I cards are most recent
18:55.42tzangerand I forget what the "fixed" FXO rev is
18:56.06tzangeryou should be able to fix it with a 220nF cap across pins 1 and 20 of any of the module sockets
18:56.08gambolputtyCan reload handle a 500 entry sip or extensions file okay?
18:56.18tzangergambolputty: why not try it?
19:03.17shmaltzjohnnyb dmesg does report the revision=
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19:04.03johnnybshmaltz: did you try to run zttest?
19:04.38shmaltznope, b/c all of the machine are currently in production, and I will not have a chance to test them until at least after business hours
19:05.03johnnybshmaltz: you can run zttest on a production machine.  In fact its best to.
19:05.06shmaltzjohnnyb, thanks anyhow, I will do that as soon as I have a chance
19:05.24shmaltzI can't, b/c it means changing the context for the incoming lines
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19:09.51MocHi all
19:11.26*** join/#asterisk wiseguy_ (
19:11.42wiseguy_how to describe source based extensions in asterisk?
19:13.11bjohnsonno idea what you mean
19:14.52bkw_amplify query
19:15.00bkw_because what you asked makes no sense!
19:15.06wiseguy_i want
19:15.23wiseguy_that ip phone
19:15.29bkw_which ip phone?
19:15.33bjohnsonthat one
19:16.01bkw_I get the impression that wiseguy_'s native language isn't english
19:16.14bjohnsonsounds franglais
19:16.18bkw_so cut him a little slack
19:16.55wiseguy_ok, i one that ip phone with number 510 is calling 390767, and gets the call threw one gw, and another ip phone 502 calls 390767, and gets the call threw another gw.
19:17.12wiseguy_yes, sorry for bad english
19:17.15HeadachesAboundI'm sorry, but we have no slack to spare.
19:17.29mozratwiseguy_: Source based routing in effect
19:17.36jakepdevi'm confused
19:17.47wiseguy_source based call routing in asterisk
19:17.54wiseguy_is the exact think i need
19:17.59mozratroute a call through a gateway depending on which extension it comes from
19:18.07mozratthrough a channel even
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19:18.25bjohnsonsend them to different contexts
19:18.50bjohnsonuse the context= line in sip.conf or iax.conf to point them at different contexts
19:19.01bjohnsonthen those contexts could route out over different channels
19:19.21wiseguy_thanks for help
19:19.28bjohnsonwith the dial() command
19:19.46bjohnson(ready for the next one)
19:19.58mozratbjohnson: get ready to pull
19:20.01mozratOK my turn
19:20.04*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (~crich@
19:20.17mozratdoesn't work for me - I have a Digium card
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19:20.44mozratmusic on hold and meetme doesn't work, I think cos of timing
19:21.30bjohnsonI don't think moh uses timing
19:21.37mozratis there a way to debug the timing source?
19:21.38bjohnsonso might be a different problem there
19:21.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
19:22.05bjohnsonmaybe start with moh .. can you playback() a file?
19:23.31mozratI can indeed sir
19:23.38iframeare thero rpm's for fedora fc3?
19:23.41djMaxok, the magic meetme feature is ready says anthm!  I hope we can get it through the submission process!
19:23.47mozrat[sir/ma'am] delete where applicable
19:24.15djMaxand I'm making good on my impromptu bounty
19:24.44johnnybHow does one get an extension which will ring several phones at once, without having to have an infinitely long dial string.
19:25.15dmccollumCreate a ring group and assing all those extensions to the ring group.
19:25.30dmccollumassing = assign
19:25.32johnnybHow does one dial a ring group?
19:26.21johnnybAnd what file are they created in?
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19:28.08[TK]D-Fenderjohnnyb : Create a variable containing the people (or a subset of them and combine the groups) and us that.
19:28.19[TK]D-FenderThat'd be in extensions.conf
19:28.25johnnyb[TK]D-Fender: Thanks
19:28.37*** part/#asterisk iframe (~iframe@
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19:28.50[TK]D-Fendernp.  I have a "Ringall" created to ring all of my home phone and pass that to "Dial"
19:29.01johnnyb[TK]D-Fender: Is there a way to create a variable in sip.conf that can be accessed from extesnions.conf?
19:29.07sivanawith queues, is there a way to have agents automatically log in ?
19:31.02sivanaI need to set up a queue with 2 agents.. continously logged in
19:31.08dmccollumI have a ring group setup with just one voicemail box that all unanswered calls goto. Then I have *97 setup to dial that voicemail and skip the password. Works great for home. Just have to hit the mail button on the phone and goes right into voicemail.
19:31.27dmccollumfrom any phone.
19:31.48*** join/#asterisk netofsickcoder (~netofsick@
19:39.47tldCheapest best way to get people up and running against Asterisk with adapter?  Anything Sipura?
19:39.51djMaxis mantis signup broken or just damn slow?
19:40.34bjohnsonjohnnyb: I think ring groups are a zapata.conf only feature
19:40.50mozratis there a way to get asterisk applications (such as music on hold) to produce more debugging?
19:40.50bjohnsonI think [TK]D-Fender's idea is best
19:41.01bjohnsonset verbose 5
19:41.23mozratbjohnson: as in asterisk -rvvvvvv ?
19:41.24HeadachesAboundyou should be able to do a ring group with any Channel i think.
19:41.29bjohnsonmozrat: make sure you're using the m option in your dial command
19:41.31HeadachesAboundI do it with SIP extensions.
19:42.00johnnybHeadachesAbound: so how do you dial the ring group?
19:42.07bjohnsonHeadachesAbound: how?
19:42.46mozratbjohnson: tnx
19:42.46bjohnsonhow do you make a ring group?
19:42.46*** part/#asterisk Dovid (
19:42.47bjohnsontld: cheapest way is softphones and pay per minute voip provider
19:42.54HeadachesAboundexten => 2,1,Dial(SIP/234&SIP/235,10,t)
19:43.10bjohnsonthat's not a ring group
19:43.23bjohnsonthat's just ringing multiple phones
19:43.27tldbjohnson: Yeah, I was thinking of getting them up and running with X-Lite, but I'm looking for something to offer them if they want a 'real' phone.
19:43.36HeadachesAbounddoh, ring group...uh yeah, right, what's a ring group?  round robin sorta thing?
19:43.47tldbjohnson: You want them to ring one at a time, or a random free operator?
19:44.02bjohnsonI think groups are a zapata.conf only feature
19:44.22johnnybtld: we like our grandstreams, but I've heard SIPura's are better.
19:44.29*** join/#asterisk Ferrari (
19:44.38bjohnsontld: no .. I was just surprised such a feature existed since I looked for it a few months ago and couldn't find anything
19:44.43blitzrageall hail kram!
19:44.44Ferrarigood day everyone
19:44.48Ferrarianyone know if there is a version of app_veletparking that works with astersisk 1.0X... I need to have a way to park a call to a specific parking slot and then retrieve it later, finally once the call is retrieved i have to be able to perform # transfers.... Is this a realistic concept.  Thanks
19:45.01bjohnsonSPA 841 voip phones are supposed to be good for <$100 phones
19:45.19HeadachesAboundare you thinking of being able to send a call to a group of lines, like you do with outgoing pri calls?
19:45.20blitzrageFerrari: I don't think that app has been updated for quite some time - you'll either have to code it yourself or pay someone to update it for you I suspect
19:45.30tldneat.  So Sipura SPA 841 and one of the Sipura adapters to make present a low-end offer, and Ciscos for a high end. :)
19:45.34blitzragebjohnson: they are - I've used one
19:45.44bjohnsonHeadachesAbound: I'm just referring to dmccollum's instructions to johnnyb
19:45.57tldSipura phone/adapter works well with Asterisk through NAT?  (* on a public, client behind nat)
19:46.04blitzragetld: Cisco 7940/7960 and Polycom IP500 are my choices
19:46.07Ferrariwhat is the best way to go about finding an eager programmer to assist (for hire)
19:46.08shido6damn right
19:46.21blitzrageFerrari: you can make a bounty on the website
19:46.22shido6polycomm or crisco
19:46.25HeadachesAboundoh, so the key is to avoid the infinitely long dial string...
19:46.38blitzrageshido6: oh yah... I have the IP500 on the left of my monitor, the 7960 to the right :)
19:46.42tldblitzrage: thanks.
19:46.46MoonwickFerrari: look on the nearest streetcorner for an unshaven geek holding a "will code for food" sign?
19:46.46sivanahow do you turn off the music for queues?
19:46.50*** part/#asterisk Seyr (
19:46.53bjohnsontld: currently SPA devices are all SIP .. which blows when dealing with NAT .. but you can get it to work if you try hard enough
19:47.07[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : I'm looking to implement * at my work and am swinging the IP500's with PoE.  Have you used PoE on them yet>  Also how easy is it to develop XML services for those phones?
19:47.08bjohnsontld: a SPA 841 does not need an adapter
19:47.08djMaxcvs head build: "no rule to make target h323/Makefile.ast"... Thoughts?  Google turned up nothing.
19:47.11tldthanks guys.
19:47.30blitzragebjohnson: you just need to understand how NAT works :)
19:47.36blitzragebjohnson: not you specifically... you generally :)
19:47.45tldDoes the Polycoms offer a browser/menu system like the Cisco?
19:47.48djMaxI didn't even know the Polycom's would support XML services.  Are you sure they do?
19:47.58tldCan I set up a custom environment to allow users to sign in, access corporate info etc?
19:48.00[TK]D-FenderI believe so... I will verify...
19:48.22blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: honestly not sure, I just go the phone and haven't plugged it in yet :)  I don't use PoE here unfortunately
19:48.43blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: yah, let me know, I'm curious about the XML :)
19:48.56bjohnsontld: through an IVR .. definitely .. through a screen .. depends on the hardware
19:48.58blitzragerumours say Polycom used to make Cisco's phones for them
19:49.07tldbjohnson: I was thinking of Polycom hardware.
19:49.26bjohnsontld: thought you wanted cheap
19:49.28djMaxrumours and the fact that when I pull off one of the covers on the poly I see a cisco log
19:49.42tldbjohnson: Yeah, but then I started dreaming. ;)
19:49.52bjohnsonpolycom 500 = $200 each
19:50.15bjohnsonSPA 841 = $90 each
19:50.16ionixcheck froogle
19:50.20tldthough with shipping and norwegian taxes, that's $350. ;)
19:50.20ionixfor the ip500 for 164
19:50.41Nivexhas anyone seen the grandstream hard phone offering?
19:50.46[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage : their spec sheets say XML...
19:50.52blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: nice!
19:51.07blitzrageshit > grandstream anything
19:51.07tldreally nice. :)
19:51.14blitzrageok... <=
19:51.15[TK]D-FenderHave you worked with PoE?
19:51.23tldSo sipura for lowend, cisco/poly for high.  Simple enough. :)
19:51.31*** part/#asterisk Ferrari (
19:51.31tldNow I just need to get my hands on a couple of sipuras and a poly.
19:51.35blitzragetld: that seems to be what I'm looking at now
19:51.45[TK]D-FenderTLD : Uniden UIP-200 = great midrange
19:51.50blitzragetld: Maybe even Poly over Cisco unless someone REALLY wants a "Cisco"
19:51.53tzangerbjohnson: I hate wall warts
19:51.54tzangerwith a passion
19:52.05djMaxactually, the admin guide for the IP500 says "Soundpoint IP supports an XHTML microbrowser"
19:52.20djMaxand the config file can specify its homepage.
19:52.24shido6the uniden is not bad
19:52.32*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
19:52.43tldbjohnson: Compared to having UPS with each phone, it's dirt cheap.
19:52.51tldbjohnson: You reduce to a single UPS for the switch
19:52.52bjohnsontzanger: passion lets you know you're alive
19:53.01PBXtechcan you do a flash hook on an FXO card?
19:53.05[TK]D-FenderdjMax : I'll have to follow up on that.  Whatever it takes to get web-like functionality on those things...
19:53.05tld[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.  Hadn't heard anything about the unidens, so it's good to know. :)
19:53.07tzangeryup and POE keeps those fucking wall warts out of my system
19:53.18tzangera centralized "big" power supply is far more efficient anyway
19:53.31djMaxthe polys actually inject the wall wart into the ethernet cable that goes to the phone, so I can't imagine why they'd use something other that PoE type electrical specs.
19:53.36bjohnsonPBXtech: supposed to be able to .. info on wiki
19:53.36djMaxExcept that they're polycom.
19:53.44[TK]D-FenderBy wall-warts I presume you mean the transformer blocks?
19:53.51blitzrageshido6: the UIP200 isn't too bad - I liked the 841 better though
19:54.04djMax12vdc, 400ma.  Ugh.
19:54.14bjohnson[TK]D-Fender: yes
19:54.22PBXtech[bjohnson]: do you know if it works well?
19:54.29bjohnsonPBXtech: no
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19:54.35bjohnsonno idea
19:55.10bjohnsonbut someone was here about a month ago, releived that his crappy call waiting started to work
19:55.36[TK]D-Fendertzanger : What switch do you use to power yours?  Had problems with any specific model?  I'm looking at a D-Link 1526 right now
19:56.04tzangerI don't use SIP phones
19:56.10tldOff topic, but anyone know of a online fax service that's recommended?  Could use something to go along my asterisk?
19:57.10tldtzanger: what do you use then?
19:57.33tzangertld: phones.  regular phones
19:58.50Nivextzanger: through an ATA or an FXS card?
19:59.58fileblitzrage: MEEP MEEP
20:01.02tldtzanger: Which one?  ATA og FXS?
20:01.15tzangerTDM400P and T1+CB
20:01.27blitzragetzanger: what phones?  I like the N.T. Vista series
20:01.34tzangeryeah they're nice
20:02.05*** join/#asterisk UltraGra (~grahamoco@
20:02.47sivanatzanger: I solved the knox issue with a queue!
20:02.57sivanaslight music at the beginning though
20:03.04sivanawould like to replace that with a ring or nothing
20:03.29tzangerwhat was knox' issue?
20:03.43sivanawell. I put in two Sipura 2000s
20:03.47filehi blitz
20:03.56UltraGrahi all
20:04.00sivanaand needed to "huntgroup" the SIP users
20:04.17sivanaso I put those channels into a knox queue
20:04.27jskcr|lappysivana how do you like the sipura-2000's
20:04.39sivanajskcr|lappy: I don't know.. the client seems to love it now
20:04.44sivanaI never used one
20:04.54sivanahaving the two lines is nice
20:05.42UltraGraanyone using te405 telephony card?
20:05.42tzangerUltraGra: yes
20:06.05UltraGraever tried a span 2 span loop back test ?
20:09.38_kb1_kanobeUltraGra: Can't see why it wouldn't work.
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20:10.30outtoluncthe point being, using 2 ports (crossover cable), you only want to set 1 to loopback on the net side
20:11.18UltraGraneither could I .. we've just commissioned an 'at-home' system .. all seems ok .. green lights on the 2 looped back E1 ports .. but when placing a call we get a 'congestion' message ...
20:12.11_kb1_kanobeone span is network and the other cpe?
20:12.57UltraGrahang on
20:14.53UltraGradoes the 'congestion' problem ring any bells? - we're new to this so config could be wrong (tho digium tell us its ok) ..
20:14.54tldAnyone not in the US who can comment on pros and cons about ordering SIP hardware from different online stores?  Anyone to stay away from?  Anyone with good service and not too high shipping costs?
20:16.41Dovidanyone know of a site where i can see diff. major internet routes and see how the networks are doing etc. ?
20:17.41tldDovid: Which level do you want it at?  High level, or low  level?  You might want to google 'BGP looking glass'
20:18.02bjohnsontld: voipsupply is a favorite
20:18.04_kb1_kanobeUltraGra: 'congestion' means lots of things, all of which imply 'can't get there from here'. keep diging.
20:18.28bjohnsontld: the owner frequents #asterisk and the mailing lists
20:18.36UltraGrathanks guys .. i'll repost question after some more digging!
20:18.51tldneat.  I've noticed the site before, and always got the warm fuzzy feeling I get from a decent online merchant.
20:19.07tldUnless there's a big reason not to, I'll probably give it a try with my next order.
20:19.44UltraGraanyone have experience with calling card 'addons' for asterisk?
20:20.43key2On what linux is it the easyest to install asterisk ?
20:21.13mozratkey2, if you just want a quick install have you seen asterisk@home or xorcom?
20:23.25eKo1key2: The distro. doesn't matter. Just pick one.
20:23.31*** join/#asterisk dant (
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20:26.19key2mozrat: thanks
20:26.20key2i saw
20:26.28key2i just installed on a redhat
20:26.42*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
20:27.00bjohnsonif you know redhat, you might like @home which is based on Centos .. a RHEL clone
20:27.08NuggetLinux is poo.
20:27.13*** join/#asterisk nitram (
20:27.38key2how do u say in a dialplan, to dial a number received from an SIP interface on the ZAP interface ?
20:27.55key2i have to set route for outgoing ?
20:27.59bjohnsonit doesn't matter how it is received
20:28.26bjohnsonor some variant .. plus args if desired
20:28.42key2bjohnson: so basically if I want to place a call from my SIP phone, what am I supposed to do ?
20:28.56bjohnsonpick it up and starting hitting numbers
20:28.59Nuggetconfigure asterisk.
20:29.21key2yeah but I have to configure it in a way that if an outgoing call is placed, so it uses zaptel right ?
20:29.32bjohnsonmake sure it is configured in sip.conf and point it at the context in extensions.conf that allows you to dial() through an outside channel
20:30.45Nivexexten => 1234,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
20:31.01bjohnsonwell .. that would dial 1234
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20:31.07bjohnsonnot usable for most people
20:31.14Nivexoh, duh
20:31.40Nivexexten => .9_,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
20:32.12key2Nivex: it means dial the digit received from EXTEN and drop the 1 ?
20:32.28Nivexkey2: no, it means drop the first digit (in this case, the 9)
20:32.42Nivexso you'd dial 9 and then the number, and the call would get routed out through Zap/1
20:32.59key2Nivex: thanks
20:33.02*** part/#asterisk mbishop (~martin@mbishop.user.gentoo)
20:33.09key2Nivex: do u know otherwise how to call back a number ?
20:33.39key2like if I call my FXO from a phone and live one ring, it calls back the number received from the callerid
20:33.39PBXtechdoes anyone know how the RANDOM command works?
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20:36.23machinehdAnyone using the Cisco Conference Station 7936? If so, would you recommend it?
20:37.06*** join/#asterisk bajanman2 (
20:38.16blitzragekram: you around?
20:40.40key2what does .9 means in .9_,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1})
20:41.45torisaany two digit number ending in 9
20:41.55Nivexit should be _9.
20:42.55bkw_thats backards
20:43.00bkw_er _9.
20:43.06bjohnsonkey2: start with the basics before you get into callbacks, etc
20:43.30key2so _9XXXXXXXXX == .9_ ?
20:43.51jskcr|lappylol I just noticed digium stoped selling the x100p's
20:43.58drumkilla. matches anything
20:44.07outtoluncspin it around
20:44.10drumkilla. could be 1 or 9auepaisdjfo;aslnf0239023nlwkn234n2
20:44.17jskcr|lappywhen did that happen
20:44.30drumkillajskcr|lappy: a long time ago
20:44.36bkw_. is greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedy
20:44.49jskcr|lappylol Ive only gotten the t1 cards lately
20:45.07jskcr|lappyI just wanted a x100p for the timing only
20:45.34Nivexjskcr|lappy: use the ztdummy module with a USB controller
20:45.35jsharpThey were probably taking a beating on the folks selling the "clone" cards.
20:46.07jskcr|lappyNivex, umm music on hold iiisss iiikkiii someetiimees
20:46.12drumkillathe tdm card is just obviously a better product
20:46.16blitzragedrumkilla: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20:46.20blitzragedrumkilla: how was the 2nd test?
20:46.28drumkillamuch better than the first
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20:46.30jskcr|lappyyea this is for a internal sip only network for the timing for music on hold.
20:46.30citatsdrumkilla: how goes your finals?
20:46.39PBXtechanyone use a ML110 G2 server?
20:47.01drumkillacitats: done now :)
20:47.24citatsalways a good feeling to have that weight off your shoulders
20:47.38citatsregardless of how well you did :)
20:47.41drumkillayeah, it is ... thanks :)
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20:47.49drumkillathis morning was rough ... but, it's over
20:47.50bjohnsonkey2: no _9XXXXXXXXX != .9_
20:48.03citatstill the fall?  or are you done done?
20:48.10cjkhi, rxfax iw working great on my system, but i do not find a decent doc on txfax? anyone a good link?
20:48.33key2bjohnson: where do I find docs about that?
20:48.35MeatyThere are a setting in asterisk to automaticaly change the playtone when there are one or more new message in the user voicemail ?
20:49.00Meatyare there*
20:49.17jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:49.28bjohnsonlook at the dialplan page
20:49.33bjohnsonor extensions.conf
20:50.09bjohnsonMeaty: I think that it is a device feature.  My SPA's play a double tone
20:50.44key2i looked at the doc on but it doesnt talk about .9_ format
20:50.53blitzragekey2: because there is NO SUCH THING!
20:51.26PBXtechlinda like i before e
20:51.26Meaty_9. ?
20:51.26blitzrage_ means you are pattern matching
20:51.34blitzragethe . means anything and everything past that point
20:51.41blitzrage.9_ means nothing
20:51.50*** join/#asterisk EnigmaPTK (
20:51.51Meatymeans error
20:51.55Nivexkey2: I'm sorry, I typed it backwards the first time. :(
20:51.55EnigmaPTKAfternoon everyone...
20:51.58blitzrageMeaty: aye!
20:52.03key2ok :)
20:52.06EnigmaPTKAnyone Know anything about the Avaya 4630SW Phone?
20:52.08blitzrageNivex: thats it... YOU DIE NOW!
20:52.09MeatyWhats a SPA ?
20:52.10key2Nivex: that's why I didnt get it
20:52.17blitzrageMeaty: a place I never get to go to
20:52.18EnigmaPTKAvailable Yet?  SIP Work worth a damn?
20:52.33*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (~Nuke@
20:52.35Nivexblitzrage: I corrected myself!  I guess noone saw the correction :(
20:52.48blitzrageNivex: guess not :)
20:53.16*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
20:55.19key2someone has tryed SJphone with asterisk
20:55.33CleanerXworks pretty fine
20:55.48key2CleanerX: how do u declare sjphone is sip.conf
20:56.02CleanerXno specials
20:56.07*** join/#asterisk Veryhot (
20:56.22CleanerXjust the usual settings as for every phone
20:57.08CleanerXforgot what the dtmf was, but you just have three choices so it should be easy to find out which one worked
20:57.20key2when I place a call from it, it says "no one can be reach at this time"
20:57.41key2CleanerX: rfc2883 ?
20:59.23tldCan anyone recommend a SIP or IAX provider that will let me re-sell minutes?  Preferrably one who also offers DIDs?
20:59.50GoshenIAXy seems to be absorbing *67...
21:00.03CleanerXenable sip debugging in asterisk
21:00.08GoshenI dial *675555555 and only the 5555555 goes to the server
21:00.15CleanerXyou will get the problem there
21:00.22Goshenwhen I dial *67 I get a stutter and return of dialtone
21:00.32Goshenso it must be the IAXy that is absorbing the *67
21:00.40bjohnsonMeaty: a SPA is a place where you go for a manicure
21:00.51GoshenGuess I have to use another code for passing to the server to pass to my provider
21:01.27bjohnsontld: all of them
21:02.10Meatybjohnson : k thanks :)
21:02.20pjzwhat protocol does a TE110P suport? NI1? NI2?
21:02.29MeatyI have searched on google : spa voip :P
21:02.31pjzif I have a choice when I'm orddering a PRI, what should I get it set to?
21:02.31bjohnsonMeaty: it's also a Siprua product line
21:02.33tldbjohnson: All of them provide DIDs, or all of them would let me resell?
21:02.38Meatylol yeah
21:02.50bjohnsonerr Sipura
21:02.51Meatybye ! I must leave, thx
21:03.09GoshenAHA! I dial 67555-5555 on my IAXy phone, then tell asterisk to append * and it :)
21:03.10CleanerXsipura has been bought by cisco :-)
21:03.14bjohnsontld: call them
21:03.29bjohnsonsipura bought by cisco?  shit
21:04.04tldbjohnson: d-link divition
21:05.07Veryhotbj: yeah they will buy vonage soon :)
21:05.20tldGoogle/Cisco merger would be interesting. ;)
21:05.39Veryhottld: how about M$ buy cisco? :)
21:05.53Veryhottld: winIOS
21:06.05tldWindows Router edition
21:06.30Veryhotyeah. with updates
21:07.08tldFirst thing to do after upgrade is to connect VGA and keyboard to device.
21:07.20jsharpAnd your 7206VXR gets replaced with a Dell PeeCee with a T3 card in it.
21:07.42VeryhotDidn't Sipura founder created the ATA186?
21:07.55*** join/#asterisk fcgreco (~fcgreco@
21:11.04bjohnsondlink bought sipura?
21:11.34bjohnsonVeryhot: yeah
21:11.46fcgrecohi. I need an information. I am using two analog lines with digium TDM card. I would like to know how can I dial any number , like "0", to pick the line, and start dialing a phone number. Can anyone help??
21:12.19bjohnsonuse a pattern match that starts with _0
21:12.34bjohnsonand remove that digit from the {EXTEN}
21:12.44bjohnsonoops .. I've said too much
21:13.23fcgrecobut I can not listen the dial tone!! I am used to dial 0 in my PBX siemens and get the line!
21:14.01*** join/#asterisk HeadachesAbound (
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21:19.31jakepdevanyone know how do get peak port usage in asterisk?
21:21.06pjzjakepdev: I don't, but that would be cool! maybe get something like rrdtool to monitor port usage?
21:21.47jakepdevi know it can be done via a creative sql query, but was hoping not to have to go that route
21:21.49_kb1_kanobeif I change address bindings in iax.conf will a reload remap them or do I need to restart *?
21:23.14jakepdevkb1 - i think a reload will do it
21:24.06jakepdevpjz - yep - but i'll settle for some nice text based results at this point
21:24.47*** join/#asterisk redG ([U2FsdGVkX@
21:25.50jakepdevfcgreco - if you want to hear the dial tone from your other switch, you need just 0 not the _0
21:28.09GoshenCan't he just put in ignorepat=0 ?
21:28.43jakepdevthat won't give dial tone from his other switch
21:28.55*** join/#asterisk salviadud (~dude@
21:28.59jakepdevthat'll give * dialtone
21:29.02*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
21:29.07salviadudanyone have a fwd numer?
21:29.21salviadudi want to test if i can receive calls
21:29.53jakepdevsalviadud - you know fwd provides a way to give you a test call
21:29.59jakepdevon their website
21:30.04salviadudi know i can dial
21:30.12jakepdevit can dial you
21:30.19salviadudthe echo test?
21:30.22Goshenyou go to the website and tell it to call you
21:31.09jakepdevit's different than an echo test
21:31.26salviadudall right
21:31.30salviadudim testing it right now
21:31.34GoshenI will call you, whats your number?
21:31.44jakepdevanyone else suddenly getting tons of spam?
21:31.57Goshenjakepdev: nope
21:31.58jakepdevwithin the past few days
21:32.25salviaduddamn, seems like it don't work...
21:32.26Goshensalviadud: what is your number?
21:33.29Goshenhmm, have to edit my have so many digits, it goes local over 7 digit dialing :)
21:33.33*** join/#asterisk alegh (
21:33.56jakepdevloco or local?
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21:34.18aleghhi, anyone with experience with sangoma cards with *?
21:34.23Goshendials my local calling area 365-1692
21:34.24salviadudi think its my sipura
21:34.29*** join/#asterisk HeadachesAbound (
21:34.30salviadudbadly configured or something
21:34.44Veryhotanyone using TelaSIP?
21:37.06*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (~jas_willi@
21:37.10djMaxone more attempt: anybody know why I would get errors making with cvs head?
21:37.11salviaduddoes somebody understand the block anonymous call service?
21:38.13Sato1for digium?
21:38.27*** join/#asterisk pat_lehem (
21:38.49Sato1that will link your asterisk with digium system so if you have questions, you can use your own asterisk to call them
21:38.51salviadudsipura 2000 or 3000
21:38.51tzafrir_laptopdjMax, presenting those errors may help folks here with the guess work
21:39.54djMaxsurely.  Just wanted to see if it was a common thing first.  "No rule to make target 'h323/Makefile.ast' needed by ''. Stop."
21:40.07Jas_WilliamsI'm just compiling cvs head h323
21:40.22Jas_WilliamsThat was an error a few days ago
21:40.48Jas_Williamsgot to src/asterisk and do a make update then try again
21:41.24Sato1h323 does not compile if you dont do the openh323 and pwlib
21:41.33salviadudhow do i find out if i need STUN or Outbound proxy config?
21:41.49Jas_Williamsalso you you need to make opt in channels/h323
21:42.03Sato1salviadud, just if you are behind a firewall
21:42.10*** part/#asterisk pat_lehem (
21:42.11Jas_Williamsfollow every step in asterisk/channels/h323/README
21:42.18salviadudi am behind a firewall
21:42.37*** join/#asterisk pat_lehem (
21:43.01salviadudi used the outbound proxy thing anyway, i dunno if thats the best thing
21:43.12Sato1the outbound proxy its when you are behind a firewall and you have a sip proxy with a real ip and an ip behind the firewall
21:43.30djMaxmake opt did it. thanks.  Did I miss that somewhere?
21:43.40salviadudwell i guess im ok
21:43.49salviadudi still can't receive calls though...
21:43.52pat_lehemWhat is the best way to track which event relates to which action in the manager API?
21:44.12Sato1if your asterisk its in your router box, then you dont need it, but you would need to set canreinvite=no in the device's sip configuration, that will make your asterisk act as a proxy with outside calls
21:44.24aleghanyone who tested dtmf callerid?
21:45.01*** join/#asterisk tikkker (
21:45.02Jas_WilliamsdjMax, now do a make clean; make install in the asterisk directory to ensure asterisk is compiled correctly with h323
21:45.16*** part/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
21:45.24pat_lehemI looked it up, and it seems ActionID is supposed to be a way to track actions. However, it seems most events do not send the ActionID back.
21:45.30pat_lehemso I was wandering about that...
21:45.32djMaxok, doing now.  I always wondered, should I be stopping asterisk while doing "make install"?
21:45.52Jas_Williamsno performance may be affected tho
21:46.43djMaxguess I'll have to reread how the linux fs works, because that seems like a nifty trick.
21:47.32Jas_WilliamsdjMax, asterisk is running in memory, once new version is made and installed, do a restart now in the cli
21:47.47Sato1djMax, follow what channels/h323/README says, you need to point some variables to openh323 and pwlib, otherwise you wont compile it
21:48.39Sato1some environment varialbes
21:49.04tikkkeri want to use the ztdummy timer but asterisk cannot find the channel "zap"
21:49.10tikkkeri got 2.6 kernel
21:49.26tikkkerand modprobe zaptel and ztdummy also dont complain
21:49.26*** join/#asterisk jonathh1 (
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21:49.49jonathh1hey guys i have just plugged in my x100p for the first time.. is there anyway i can tell if asterisk knows it is there
21:49.59|Vulture|Anyone here know a good source for a sample Telephone Usage Policy, all I can find on google are Cell Phone Policies
21:52.06Sato1jonathh1, you need to compile the zaptel driver, and let your system recognize it, then do the modprove zaptel and configure your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
21:52.42Sato1|Vulture|, may help you find more specific samples
21:53.54|Vulture|Sato1: thanx didn't even think of checking the wiki
21:54.15Sato1no problem
21:54.37xeet2vulture: you can also sign up for a sip provider and look at theirs
21:54.47xeet2they're all pretty much the same anyway though
21:55.38tikkkeranybody here already done the ztdummy trick with a 2.6 kernel ?
21:56.51BoRiSlol Vco
21:56.54*** part/#asterisk pat_lehem (
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21:59.31aleghanyone with experience with sangoma cards with *?
22:00.23mepplguten abend
22:00.46*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
22:02.04|Vulture|yea I am looking for one to use in my office
22:04.41Sato1|Vulture|, you mean setting extensions.conf to restrict calls to your users, or route specific calls to sip/iax providers?
22:07.54*** join/#asterisk durex (~ironman@
22:08.42durexI'm having problem with cdr mysql compiled on FreeBSD...
22:08.56Sato1so.. whats the problem?
22:09.09durexI compiled asterisk-addons and instaled, but when try to run Asterisk, I got the followin error:
22:09.33durex|   /libexec/ /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules/ Undefined symbol "ast_config_load"
22:09.49xeet2did you recompile asterisk after asterisk-addons?
22:10.15|Vulture|Sato1: no something that says that "you agree your calls can be monitored or recorded... you can only use phones for business purposes.. etc."
22:10.44Sato1|Vulture|, oh
22:11.06durexshould I recompile asterisk after compile and install asterisk-addons?
22:11.07xeet2durex: I've seen that suggested - and working on similar issues with the addons
22:11.19Sato1i've never used that about the Policies, but i remember seeing that in voip-info
22:11.51|Vulture|Sato1: yea I want to make sure I get them to sign it before I start to record... and we have a message that says it when people dial in
22:12.07durexxeet2 are you running asterisk on FBSD?
22:12.26xeet2durex: no, but that issue doesn't appear to be platform specific
22:12.41xeet2seen that same error on linux
22:13.19Sato1well, i just did the addon for mysql yesterday, and the only error i got was that i was not pointing to the right path for the mysql.sock
22:13.28durexxeet2 :(
22:13.30durexany idea?
22:13.45Sato1durex, did you recompile your asterisk and tried again?
22:13.50xeet2durex: did you try to recompile asterisk?  also, did you update to the latest cvs?
22:13.59durexSato1 I'll try it now...
22:14.04*** join/#asterisk cyt0plas (
22:14.21cyt0plasHi all.
22:15.31*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
22:15.37durexI have instaled asterisk from ports tree...
22:15.49harryvvWhere are the cheapest ip300s I can order from.
22:15.50durexand now, downloaded asterisk and asterisk-addons via CVS to /usr/src
22:16.13durexmodified the follow lines of my /usr/src/asterisk-addons/Makefile:
22:16.25cyt0plasAnyone ever dealt with doing a man-in-the-middle setup between a T1 PRI and a T1 (non-PRI) legacy PBX?
22:16.26durexCFLAGS+=-I../asterisk/include -I/usr/local/include -I../asterisk
22:16.48Daminline 146: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
22:16.49xeet2harryvv: what is "cheap" to you?  (what price are you trying to beat)
22:16.59harryvv130 dollars per phone
22:17.07DaminFirst attempt at building Zaptel under Linux 2.6 on Tao Linux 4.
22:17.16xeet2hang on, I'll see what I can get them for
22:17.17harryvvIts my assumption this is the most requested phone by medium to large bussiness?
22:17.26durexIf I specify -I/usr/ports/net/asterisk/work/asterisk-1.0.7 and -I-I/usr/ports/net/asterisk/work/asterisk-1.0.7/include
22:17.34durexI got an compilation error....
22:17.48harryvvI want a phone that does not look to cheap like the spa 184 but is much more like the ip 300.
22:17.54*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
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22:19.13durexxeet2 Sato1 take a look at the error at:
22:19.21*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
22:19.22durexand I'm running
22:19.34durexFreeBSD 5.4-STABLE FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE #0: Wed May  4 18:20:31 BRT 2005  i386
22:19.44xeet2harryvv: mmm, the price I can get them for is the same price everyone else can get them for
22:19.55harryvvand that is 130
22:20.08harryvveven same on ebay
22:20.16durexxeet2 any idea?
22:20.18harryvvxeet, how many phones have you sold so far.
22:20.41xeet2ip300's?  maybe 2 or 3...  done about 50 cisco 7960's though
22:20.45xeet2they're quite popular =)
22:20.51*** join/#asterisk psywar (
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22:21.25harryvvreally..was it partly because of the the clients requesting them? or you showed them the brochures?
22:21.45xeet2we bought one with us and plugged it into their then-cable modems
22:21.45durexI'm really don't know more what to do with that....
22:21.55durexapp_addon_sql_mysql.c:162:36: macro "AST_LIST_REMOVE" requires 4 arguments, but only 3 given
22:21.56xeet2er, brought
22:21.59durexgoing crazy!
22:22.01psywarwhen a number calls me, I need to hit DTMF 9, but it doesn't appear to "go through" my SPA-2000 and out the zap interface.  Any ideas how I fix this?  tia
22:22.17xeet2durex: looking at your pastebin, hang on
22:23.01harryvvand so you demonstrated it by slapping in your pbx and phone on there existing network and were impressed then? Who do you normally focus on for a client base?
22:23.15durexxeet2 ok
22:23.58harryvvAlso, is there licencing requirments for these phones? anything that these phones need to work with asterisk
22:24.04xeet2harryvv: yes.  mostly real estate related services, but not on purpose, just word of mouth...  everyone goes into their offices and sees their nice cisco ip phones and wants a phone like it
22:24.36xeet2that and the 7960's have been appearing on tv shows and commercials alot lately
22:24.51harryvvhaha thats good. Realestate here is hot though.
22:25.12xeet2which is good, they all need a phone system that can do anything you tell it to
22:26.10xeet2just get them to sign a contract for 1-2 years of support and maintenance...  our usual rate is 20/mo/phone
22:26.44xeet2durex: what version of mysql are you using?  did you recently upgrade?
22:27.09harryvvso you charge them 20 dollars per phone then. Do you have them go though a voip carrier you own ? or though another service?
22:27.09durexsu-2.05b# pkg_info | grep mysql
22:27.12durexmysql-client-4.0.24_1 Multithreaded SQL database (client)
22:27.12durexmysql-server-4.0.24_1 Multithreaded SQL database (server)
22:27.12durexp5-DBD-mysql-2.9007 MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface (DBI)
22:27.12durexphp4-mysql-4.3.11   The mysql shared extension for php
22:27.19NukemizerCan anyone tell me how I might be able to test my TDM card ? I have a TDM11B and my FXO card stopped answering calls without providing any error messages. my Fax line was ringing to that port
22:27.40xeet2harryvv: did you recently upgrade?
22:27.43xeet2er, durex
22:27.49harryvvupgrade to what
22:27.56xeet2sorry, that was to durex
22:28.16SedoroxIf I buy a cisco from say... do I have to worry about firmware to get SIP.. or will they have that already?
22:28.23durexxeet2 yes, something about 2 weeks
22:29.37xeet2sedorox: most of the time you will get a phone that does not have sip code
22:29.55xeet2you have to buy the sip code/license from cisco
22:30.05Sedoroxhow much does it normally run?
22:30.18ManxPowerSedorox: $80 is the lowest I've seen for Cisco SIP
22:30.43ManxPowerThat and lack of an included power supply is why we don't use Cisco
22:30.48xeet2sedorox: alot cheaper with more than one license
22:30.51SedoroxI wonder if voipsupply pre-loads it tho.. because they advirtise SIP and asterisk tested....
22:31.11xeet2manx: yeah, thats a pain.  we've had to put in poe switches on ever install
22:31.12Sedoroxhehe, well they have a deal right now for a 7960 and a power block
22:31.17ManxPowerthey prolly do, or bundle the two togather
22:31.22SedoroxI'm debating between a IP600 and a 7960
22:31.40harryvvwhats a power block
22:31.41jonathh1hey guys
22:31.47jonathh1i am trying to get my x100p working
22:31.50*** join/#asterisk Weezey (~Weezey@
22:31.53durexxeet2 could have a problem if I just upgraded MySQL?
22:32.03Sedoroxthe power adapter for the phones
22:32.07jonathh1i have downloaded nad installed Zaptel on asterisk site
22:32.20jonathh1and have the card modprovbed without complaints
22:32.25jonathh1bit the zfcfg -v
22:32.36jonathh1reveals 0 deiveces
22:32.46Sedoroxdo you have zaptel.conf configured?
22:32.50shmaltzdo I now have to log in to browse ?
22:32.51jonathh1some online helpfiles refere to  vi zapata.conf ?
22:33.06Sedoroxthats on asterisk side...
22:33.10Sedoroxcheck /etc/zaptel.conf
22:33.16jonathh1i have zaptel.conf configuired in the sense i have changed the stuff to uk
22:33.20Sedoroxyou have to set that up too for it to get detexted
22:33.50jonathh1only lines uncommented
22:34.01*** join/#asterisk bajanman2 (
22:34.10Sedoroxis needed too
22:34.16bajanman2has anyone did a firmware upgrade on a spa-2100?
22:34.28ManxPowerbajanman2: Yes.  I followed the directions.
22:34.49bajanman2hmmm where can I get instuctions?
22:35.00shmaltzdo I now have to log in to browse ?
22:35.21bajanman2I'm not a provider or anything, so I don't have access to their support area
22:35.27jonathh1what order do i modprobe? zaptel then wsfxo?
22:35.40Weezeybajanman: scroll down.
22:35.52ManxPowerbajanman2: anyone can access
22:36.00bajanman2manxpower: I've been there, and downloaded the firmware.. maybe I didn't explain it. it won't allow me to upgrade
22:36.08Weezeyjonathh1: I just do wsfxo and it forces zaptel
22:36.30Weezeybajanman: sure it will, you just need your IP.
22:36.38jonathh1ok ztcfg now see's one device
22:36.38Weezeyit also helps to be on the same subnet
22:36.46bajanman2I have the ip.
22:37.27jonathh1how does asterisk know what it is called etc?
22:37.27bajanman2it gives me the error: upgrade failed: Can't connect to spa
22:37.52ManxPowercan you ping that ip?
22:38.04ManxPowerif you can't ping it then you can't upgrade it
22:38.10Sedoroxjonathh1: your best bet... go read the wiki on how to do it/set it uo
22:38.18Weezeyis it blinking 3 fast, 2 slow, 3 fast?
22:38.50bajanman2I can ping it
22:38.53jonathh1does one create the zapata.conf themselves?
22:38.58shmaltzwhat do you guys think about what siparu is doing to cisco for the 2nd time in 2 years?
22:39.12psywarhey I know the dial plan controls placing calls, but what controls what happens when I receive a call and hit a key?  anything?
22:39.21bajanman2****  option 110#
22:39.37Sato1jonathh1: its easy to do, check the sample itself
22:39.46psywarwhat kind of things can I do
22:39.57jonathh1ok i have just seen an example comes with the asterisk source
22:40.02bajanman2does it need to have the password for admin set to nothing?
22:40.08psywarI'd like to put people who put me on hold, on hold.
22:40.29*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
22:40.37ManxPowerpsywar: the answer to all your questions is "it depends on the phone"
22:40.49WeezeyHow do I hide my callerID on outgoing PSTN?  (how do I dial *67 (pause))?
22:40.53*** join/#asterisk three55ml (
22:41.01ManxPowerWeezey: analog port?
22:41.02Sato1jonathh1, before editing zapata.conf, you have to edit /etc/zaptel.conf, there is where you declare the ports of your digium device
22:41.10WeezeyManx: yeah, Zap
22:41.13*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
22:41.17three55mlAnyone use MWI in RT with SIP?
22:41.19Weezeyand Sipura
22:41.34ManxPowerWeezey: You didn't see the "w" option on "show application dial"?
22:42.02psywarHow do I figure out how to send a DTMF signal "9" when the pizza guy arrives?
22:42.05psywarI'm on a schedule here
22:42.34psywarI need to hit that to let himin the gate
22:42.52psywarThis is on a SPA-2000
22:43.10bajanman2can someone point  me to the support area (for non providers of sipura)?
22:43.17psywarWhat's blocking the 9?
22:43.27psywarthe phone, or asterisk?
22:43.35psywarerr.. s/phone/SPA/
22:43.51*** part/#asterisk Veryhot (
22:44.04psywarIt seems intrusive for either to be blocking DTMF tones.
22:45.38ManxPowerpsywar: the phone has total control of everything in SIP.
22:45.45ManxPowerLook at your SPA dialplan.
22:46.22psywardial plan isn't for outbound calls only?
22:46.38JunK-Ypsywar: huh?
22:46.55psywarJunK-Y: someone is calling me from the gate.  I need to hit 9 to let them in.  It doesn't work.
22:47.05psywarit hangs u
22:47.17psywarthe pizza guy
22:47.20psywaris on his way here now
22:47.26shmaltzManxPower, callpark was changed to call back the extension? (in CVS HEAD)
22:47.38psywarSo, how do I let him in?
22:47.59bajanman2manxpower: is there anything you had to change on the spa-2100 itself, before you upgraded?
22:48.03JunK-Yu send it a 9 ^
22:48.36Sato1how do i change the rpt range ports for iax protocol?
22:48.45tldI'm really struggeling to understand something.  Could anyone help me with the last piece of what I'm not understanding?  I'm trying to set up a call from a SIP extension (m197) to a number.  Originate command (Manager API) and error message at:
22:48.50psywarWWhen I hit 9, it doesn't work.
22:48.56tldWould *really* appreciate a nudge in the right direction.
22:48.56psywarIt hangs up instead.
22:49.02psywarHow do I send it a 9?
22:49.05psywarIf pressing 9
22:49.07psywardoesn't work
22:49.19JunK-Ywhere ya want to send a 9?
22:50.15psywarto the inbound cal
22:50.25psywarthat the pizza guy makes from my apartment gate
22:51.10psywarwhere is this dial plan you speak of?
22:52.06JunK-Ywhich output do ya've ?
22:52.33jonathh1guys i cant get asterisk to recognise my x100p
22:52.41jonathh1any suggestions?
22:53.22JunK-Yhuh? your gate is connected to * ?
22:53.34psywarmy gate places a regular analog telephone call
22:53.39psywarto my asterisk machine
22:53.42Sato1jonathh1, see /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
22:53.46psywarand it rings my SPA-200 phone
22:53.51psywarbut when I hit 9,
22:53.59psywarsomething fucks up and doesn't transmit it to the gate
22:54.05PatrickDKpressing 9, has to be enabled on your spa-2000
22:54.18psywarhow do I do that?
22:54.23PatrickDKsipura doesn't do single digits by default
22:54.43JunK-Ypsywar: not working with sipura.
22:54.52PatrickDKpsywar, sipura manual
22:55.02jonathh1ztcfg see's the card
22:55.10jonathh1but show channels is asterisk doesn't
22:55.11psywarI got like a three-page pamphlet, wouldnt' call it a manual really
22:55.19jonathh1is what i have in my zapata.conf
22:55.24psywarwhat if I need to hit arbitrary digits?
22:55.25JunK-Yits language, no s
22:55.28aleghanyone with experience with sangoma cards with asterisk?
22:55.38psywarSIP can't do that?
22:55.41psywarthat's fucking stupid
22:56.19JunK-Ycant do what?
22:56.21PatrickDKsip do what?
22:56.32PatrickDKpsywar, the manual is on their website
22:56.42JunK-YPatrickDK: i think he needs more reading.
22:56.49Jas_Williamsjonathh1, what error do you currently gwt ?
22:56.50PatrickDKthey have it setup to only alow *?? #,*, 7 digits, 10+ digits
22:56.58PatrickDKmore help, I will not give
22:56.58Jas_Williamsget ?
22:57.40PatrickDKactually, that isn't the issue
22:57.42Jas_Williamsjonathh1, what does ztcfg -vvv give
22:57.44PatrickDKcause your already in a call
22:57.45psywarI've seen that dial plan somewhere before but can't find it now.
22:57.49jonathh1well when i try and dial wit hthe device i get 'no channel registered for zap'
22:57.53jonathh1pls hold
22:57.59PatrickDKpsywar, you have tones working correctly?
22:58.14shido6do you have the kernel drivers loaded ( ztcfg -vv) or lsmod
22:58.15psywarI can access my pager's voice mail menus just fine
22:58.19jonathh1ztcfg -vvv reveals..
22:58.20jonathh1Zaptel Configuration
22:58.20jonathh1Channel map:
22:58.20jonathh1Channel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
22:58.20jonathh11 channels configured.
22:58.31psywarand this is important
22:58.36psywarb/c the piuzza guy is due any minute
22:58.38shido6jonathh1, use from now on for posts like that
22:58.52PatrickDKpsywar, did you post your config on pastebin?
22:58.53jonathh1soz guys
22:59.00Jas_Williamsjonathh1, great, next post your zapata.conf to
22:59.15psywarand everyone is playing stupid
22:59.19psywarwhich annoys me greatly
22:59.27PatrickDKpsywar, help you asked
22:59.35psywarPatrickDK: I thought it was a sipura problem, not a * problem
22:59.36PatrickDKwe can only help you as much as you help explain the problem
22:59.41PatrickDKand I said PASTE THE CONFIG
22:59.44PatrickDKand you haven't
22:59.52psywarI could
23:00.02psywareveyroen says it's the dial plan in sipura
23:00.06key2what do u put to cancel the ECHO on asterisk
23:00.06JunK-Ypsywar: wtf with pizza guy?
23:00.07jonathh1ok zaptata
23:00.10PatrickDKonly wen you make a call
23:00.15psywarJunK-Y: are you hard of thinking?
23:00.21PatrickDKifyour already in a call, it's not the dialplan in sipura
23:00.23Jas_Williamsjonathh1, Here's mine
23:00.24JunK-Ygo down and unlock the door?
23:00.44*** join/#asterisk jeffik (~jeffik@
23:00.47JunK-Ypsywar: apparently, less then you i guess.
23:00.47psywarAND I HAVE TO HIT 9
23:00.50jonathh1thanks.. where in the world are you? is it region specfic?
23:00.58jeffikhello all
23:00.59Jas_WilliamsUK BT line :)
23:01.01*** part/#asterisk kisu (~Snake@
23:01.14jonathh1i'll just copy yours then ;)
23:01.25PatrickDKpsywar, I refuse to repeat myself again
23:01.34key2how do u set up the echo cancelation with asterisk ???
23:01.39psywarI guess I'll go read the sipura manual
23:01.49JunK-Yand ya cant go down and unlock that damn door without PRESSING 9 ?
23:02.02Jas_WilliamsI have some patches installed for uk caller id so you need to comment out usecallerid = yes               ; we want Caller*ID support
23:02.02Jas_Williamscidsignalling = v23             ; UK (BT) Caller*ID uses the V.23 std
23:02.02Jas_Williamscidstart = history
23:02.12psywarI'm tired of explaining myself too PatrickDK
23:02.18psywarI've only done it 3 times at least.
23:03.03tldI'm trying to place a call using the Manager API, but it always fails with "May  4 19:05:21 NOTICE[1180]: channel.c:1852 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel SIP/m197-d876".  I'm using the same context as the SIP extension normally has, and I can call the same extension I'm trying to call manually on the phone...  Any ideas?
23:03.17tldI've tried googling for about an hour, but I'm not getting anywhere.
23:03.26psywarwow, that 2 page "data sheet" didn't help at all
23:03.48psywarwhere is this manual I'm supposed to read?
23:03.52Jas_Williamsjonathh1, use this version until you get uk callerid patches installed
23:03.59key2could someone tell me how to set up the echo cancelation with asterisk ???
23:04.42JunK-Ykey2: echocancel=yes ?
23:04.47shido6zapata.conf, key2
23:05.05jonathh1yep just commented out.. restarting asterisk
23:05.06key2JunK-Y: does it work for SIP
23:05.10jonathh1wish me luck :)
23:05.16*** join/#asterisk kioko (~kiokorobe@
23:05.45jonathh1hmm should 'show channels' show something?
23:06.13xeet2key2: echo cancellation should be done at the point where tdm meets ip, a pure ip call shouldn't have any echo problems
23:06.14Jas_Williamszap show channels will
23:06.22Jas_Williamsshow channels will not
23:07.03Jas_Williamsjonathh1, do you want to test outbound calls first or inbound ?
23:07.12jonathh1it doesn't seem to like the command zap show channels
23:07.25jonathh1i have the entry in extensions.conf
23:07.41jonathh1exten => _0X.,1,Dial,Zap/1/${EXTEN:1}
23:08.19key2how do I rehash with asterisk, once I changed a .conf, do I have to restart asterisk
23:08.20shido6unless you're speakerphone sux
23:08.24shido6or your mic sux
23:08.26Sato1you are missing a point after the X
23:08.30xeet2shido6: true
23:08.37Jas_Williamsjonathh1, can you stop asterisk then do an asterisk -vvvc and post the full output to it sounds like your zaptel module is not loading
23:08.50shido6key2 you dont have to restart asterisk unless you're screwing with zapata.conf
23:08.50Sato1oops, sorry, didnt see it, font too small
23:08.51JunK-Ykey2: reload
23:08.55shido6otherwise do a reload
23:09.01shido6JunK-Y's on it..
23:09.27aleghanyone who tested dtmf callerid with x100p?
23:09.38jonathh1pls hold
23:09.42JunK-Ycan i ask whats dtmf callerid?
23:09.49key2so how comes when I use 2 SIP phone, I have a big echo ?
23:09.50JunK-Ywhats diff from callerid standard?
23:10.01JunK-Ykey2: what kind of sip phone?
23:10.13xeet2junky: different countries/regions do caller id in different ways
23:10.14aleghJunk-Y: cid comes in dtmf before the first ring instead of fsk
23:10.42shido6thats the reason
23:10.46shido6get a noise cancelling mic
23:10.52JunK-Yalegh: never touched that part, isnt the case in NA.
23:10.59xeet2usually things are done one way in the us, and are done a better way elsewhere
23:10.59jonathh1does the asterisk -vvvc dump to a file anywhere?
23:11.06key2shido6: it comes from the mic ?
23:11.08shido6-vvvgc does
23:11.13Jas_Williamsjonathh1, no
23:11.13shido6when it dies
23:11.28_kb1_kanobejonathh1: see /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
23:11.29aleghjunky: I found information in bug 9 and 1719 but I could not make it work reliable
23:11.46Jas_Williamsjonathh1, why not asterisk -vvvvc | tee file.txt
23:12.00jonathh1ok, im all over it :)
23:12.09JunK-Ywhich bugs? from ?
23:12.44*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
23:12.55aleghnow they are closed
23:13.06JunK-Yit makes a long time since bug 9 and 1719 was resolved.
23:13.53JunK-Yi cant help ya so much about it, cause i never touched that kind of stuff.
23:14.14aleghyes, but I believe that there are so much countries differences and that issues were partially resolved
23:14.49JunK-Yalegh: im sure ya can find someone in UK which can help.
23:15.00psywarwell apprently they have removed the dial plan as a settable parameter in the newest SPA-2000 firmware, as it's not on any of the web pages it generates.
23:15.04aleghand I don't feel with enough knowledge to tru to continue that work
23:15.10*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
23:15.14*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
23:16.19aleghjunky: I believe that cid used in UK is very similar to what I need but the patches did not work for me. Maybe timings or something like that
23:19.56jonathh1any comments Jas_Williams
23:20.11Jas_Williamsno zaptel loading ?
23:20.24Jas_Williamsdo you have this file ? /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
23:21.20aleghI have another question: Does anybody used sangoma cards?
23:21.45jonathh1firstly my path for that would be usr/local/asterisk/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
23:22.04jonathh1and no
23:22.09jonathh1there is no chan_zap
23:22.20Jas_Williamsthat is your problem then
23:22.36jonathh1does the zaptel stuff need to be present when asterisk is compiled?
23:23.07Jas_Williamsyou need to re make asterisk yes you should compile zaptel and libpri before asterisk
23:23.22Jas_Williamsmake clean make install
23:23.24jonathh1i'll get right on that
23:23.43jonathh1do i need to tell it where zaptel is?
23:24.12Jas_Williamsno it will find it in your kernel
23:24.21tzafrir_laptopjonathh1, the makefile try to detect on its own. if it has failed, you'll need to edit it
23:24.54jonathh1ok. just me being the awkward sod that i am... installed aasterisk in a none standard place
23:25.06jonathh1i have sym links to everything that i can see.. needs one
23:25.08tzafrir_laptopJas_Williams, zaptel can be easily built outside the kernel tree
23:25.54jonathh1anyway i can tell after doing a make.. if it found zaptel?
23:25.54tzafrir_laptopjonathh1, so look at the makefile and figure out why it won't build chan_zap
23:26.23jonathh1the first time round.. zaptel wasn't there
23:26.28jonathh1plain and simple
23:27.05durexshit... I'm having a delay of 2.300 ms to my next-hope
23:27.08*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (~jas_willi@
23:27.11durex@¨%&¨%@ telecom
23:27.39Jas_Williamsjonathh1, opps just disconnected how is it going ?
23:28.26jonathh1i am recompiling asterisk
23:28.42jonathh1i ahve vchecked the make file.. it is looking in the right places for zaptel.h
23:28.56jonathh1dunno how long this will take.. tis athlon700
23:29.15jonathh1i think the bacteria living on the dust add 1 or 2 MHz's
23:31.00*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
23:31.17Jas_Williamscheck for the
23:31.31xeet2durex: 2.3ms or 2300ms?
23:31.55jonathh1present and accounted for
23:32.10jonathh1lets fire this puppy up
23:32.22Jas_Williamsok your dial command did not look correct
23:32.46jonathh1zap show channels has out put
23:33.00Jas_Williamsremove the :1 after the extension unless you prefix all numbers with a 0 eg 00207....
23:33.17key2is a RJ45 SIP phone == USB SIP phone /
23:33.25key2or not same quality
23:33.43jonathh1i was..
23:34.06Jas_Williamsmake a test call then :)
23:34.12jonathh1yay :)
23:34.14jonathh1it worked!
23:34.30xeet2key2: there is no single answer to your question.  a comparison between two specific models would be better
23:34.51mDuffkey2, a USB SIP phone doesn't really do SIP, generally; rather they tend to offload that to the computer they're connected to.
23:35.06jonathh1now i want to process incoming
23:35.10jonathh1any pointers?
23:35.23Jas_Williamsnow to fix your inbound my config specified an incomming context of from-pstn you need to create an s extension in there
23:35.29key2mDuff: ok that's what I wanted to know
23:35.40mDuffkey2, so typically they're just a pair of USB Audio devices coupled with a keypad, a LCD, an on-hook/off-hook detector, etc all controllable by USB.
23:35.46Jas_Williamseg [from-pstn]
23:35.56jonathh1ah ha
23:35.58jonathh1hang on
23:36.16*** join/#asterisk znoG (gs@
23:36.16Jas_Williamsextne => s,1,dial(SIP/MYPHONE)
23:36.31xeet2actually some new usb phone-like devices just use the power and network connectivity via usb but still do everything else on their own
23:37.19mDuff("working on" == "one of the coworkers has been using it for the last week or so, but development is stalled 'till more hardware shows up in the mail")
23:38.39jonathh1dude it works
23:38.42jonathh1but for some reason
23:38.47jonathh1it rings like 4 times
23:38.50jonathh1before it answers
23:39.24Jas_Williamsjonathh1, you need to add usecallerid=no to zapata.conf
23:39.43Jas_Williamsuntil you patch for uk callerid
23:39.51jonathh1well ti is commented out currently..
23:40.05Jas_Williamsis uses yes by default
23:40.18jonathh1lets try
23:41.20jonathh1getting May  5 00:41:05 NOTICE[22636]: chan_zap.c:5374 ss_thread: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...
23:41.30jonathh14 times before my SIP/grandstream kicks in
23:42.08Jas_Williamsjonathh1, have you restarted asterisk after the usecallerid change
23:42.16jonathh1well i reloaded
23:42.18jonathh1what does
23:42.50*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
23:43.18key2is this one OK:
23:43.25Jas_Williamsjonathh1, you need to restart,
23:43.28scubasteveAnyone in here ever have anything bizarre happen with SixTel?  I found one of my DID's I have through them is now routed to someone else.
23:44.03Jas_Williamsimmediate=no means do not pick up the line until told to do so
23:44.25jonathh1now it dont work :)
23:45.10jonathh1unable to create channel zap
23:45.39Mocscubasteve: I've lost 6 DID with some provider.. they all use broadvox and they seem to cut DID from reseller and bring them back to them..
23:45.49Jas_Williamssounds like a typo in zapata.conf
23:46.15Jas_Williamscheck asterisk -vvvc it may give a clue as it tries to load chan_zap
23:47.19shido6anyone else want burger slin?
23:49.38jonathh1May  5 00:49:08 WARNING[28093]: chan_zap.c:9615 setup_zap: Ignoring ohannel
23:49.39tzangerburger slin?
23:49.41jonathh1is all it says
23:49.43tzangeris that a new voip joint?
23:49.56jonathh1got i
23:50.04scubasteveMoc:  Yeesh!!
23:50.05jonathh1( i think )
23:50.21*** join/#asterisk salviadud (~dude@
23:50.25scubasteveMoc:  This DID is worth fighting for.  I've got it on letterhead, business cards and corporate checks.
23:50.37scubasteveMoc: And it's also a very spiffy sounding number.
23:50.41tzangerscubasteve: ugh
23:50.49Mocmy sixtel 1800 are all dead too
23:51.04scubasteveThere will at the very least be a lot of visible noise about this if I don't get it back.
23:51.07salviadudanyone here have a sipura 2000 or 3000?
23:51.19mDuffsalviadud, I have a few 2100s.
23:51.20jonathh1Jas_Williams you are a star
23:51.25jonathh1there is now little delay
23:51.33Jas_WilliamsThats how it should be
23:51.42salviadudmduff im trying to get incoming calls on line 1 from FWD
23:51.46Jas_WilliamsTime for sleep now
23:51.54jonathh1cheers dude
23:52.01Jas_Williamsno problem
23:52.34salviaduddoes it matter if im on public ip?
23:53.05salviaduddo i have to put a yes on the answer call without reg?
23:53.41salviaduddo you have a specified sip port?
23:53.46mDuffsalviadud, they have NAT tunneling support (via STUN), but I have no familiarity whatsoever with FWD.
23:53.47*** join/#asterisk Evanrude (
23:54.14salviadudhow you do you get incoming calls?
23:54.23salviadudip dialing?
23:54.54jonathh1thanks for all the help tonight guys
23:55.17mDuffsalviadud, PRI -> * -> SIP phones
23:55.59salviadudthat asterisk... its a beauty.
23:56.14salviadudstill, i can't get into asterisk if i can't configure my sip
23:56.25salviadudthanx anyway, im gonna try the stun method

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.