irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050502

00:00.37bonez39I'd like to think at some point, I could get any movie file, or music file and have it just play, without acting's for that reason I will keep one windows machine around, at my office..
00:00.54bonez39so that I can see what funny movies peole might send me...look and sound like
00:02.09tzangerbonez39: that's funny, that's precisely why I use Linux
00:02.14tzangermplayer is teh shit
00:03.13*** join/#asterisk pcm (
00:06.48shido6use vlc
00:06.54shido6and call it a day
00:06.57*** join/#asterisk wvbroadband (~User@
00:07.12Nethabhe said vlc wasn't playing a video
00:07.16Nethabthat's what started the conversation
00:07.31shido6then a codec is missing
00:09.09*** part/#asterisk wvbroadband (~User@
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00:16.22*** join/#asterisk PaulTechy (PaulTech@
00:16.34PaulTechyI broke my * :[
00:16.38PaulTechyI cant get to take incoming calls
00:16.41PaulTechyIt makes outgoing still
00:17.11puowvipyou can't configure mysql not to listen on the network?
00:17.13puowvipthat can't be right
00:18.04PaulTechypuowvip you have to enable tcpip
00:18.11*** join/#asterisk gpearson (
00:19.34QwellJust make it listen on localhost
00:19.43puowvipskip-networking in /etc/mysql/my.conf
00:19.51Qwellor that
00:20.06QwellYou'll have to use the socket
00:20.28PaulTechypico /etc/my.cnf
00:20.29shido6stop breaking stuff :)
00:20.34puowvipsocket is all I'll need
00:20.48PaulTechyShould make it listen
00:20.51PaulTechysocket too
00:21.03PaulTechyOh not to listen ?
00:21.08PaulTechyyea skip-networking
00:21.20PaulTechyAnyone got any ideas on what I posted
00:22.17OloBoladoes anyone have any suggestions on how to make voicemail messages readable through a samba share? I've tried just about everything.
00:24.30NewSoleQuestion.... anyone have PRi's and want to make free calls.... we have 5 trunks and we are looking to share 20 channels off those trunks though a dundi type service to those willing to share 4 channels off their PRI....
00:32.57*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:37.23mozratAny idea why meetme won't work even with ztdummy?
00:37.59mozratthe config looks simple but I keep getting "That is not a valid conference number...."
00:38.59*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
00:49.48DeeJayTwoNewSole: where are you?
00:52.21odie_floconHey Guys' do I need a sip proxy to do remote sip stuff with *?
00:52.54NewSoleI am here
00:57.01shido6no, odie_flocon
00:57.28odie_flocondang I'm having problems shido.
00:57.46odie_floconnot registring. my router is setup as DMZ right now.
00:58.00odie_floconbut I can't see any registration tries on my remote connection
00:58.05shido6does it have a "nat processing" option?
00:58.17odie_floconI'll look for it.
01:00.58masoncI've never had any luck with DMZ
01:05.30odie_floconI have support for stun and static nat
01:05.51*** join/#asterisk prospektor (
01:07.18*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
01:07.32prospektorI am having a problem with my asterisk box, I call into it via fwd on an IPKall number on the IAX prot and I am trying to make an outbound call then also through IAX but I am getting an auto_congest error, any suggestions?
01:08.54shido6how many phones on your nat odie_flocon ?
01:10.29*** join/#asterisk meppl (
01:12.04odie_flocon1 right now
01:14.28*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
01:15.14shido6u have 2 options
01:15.17shido6port forward
01:15.18shido6or dmz
01:15.25shido6where is your * box in relation to your phone
01:16.03Nugget"it's under my desk"  :)
01:16.18shido6with regards to your network
01:17.21odie_floconok I've got * behind router
01:17.39odie_floconand * box set as dmz
01:17.46prospektorno one has run into the auto_congest problem before?
01:17.57denonrouter? that doesnt matter .. unless you really mean a nat device
01:18.11*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
01:18.27odie_floconthen I have phone at another location  behind another router, both are home network nat devices.
01:21.09trig_hmsorry wrong window
01:21.58*** join/#asterisk esandeen (
01:22.13esandeenhey all, quick question that maybe is obvious but I've just started looking at asterisk:
01:22.38esandeenif I use 1 fsx and 1 fxo module, can asterisk be configured to use my POTS line for outgoing local calls, and VOIP for all else?
01:23.04esandeeni.e. incoming local and incoming/outgoing long distance
01:23.22odie_floconyou can do anything you want to siwh *
01:23.30odie_floconsiwh = with
01:23.49esandeenoh I doubt I can do -anything- :)
01:23.56prospektoryeah you can
01:23.56esandeenbut I believe I can do a lot :)
01:24.00prospektorjust takes time
01:24.22esandeencan I quit my job and become independantly wealthy with * ? :)
01:24.25prospektornow can anyone answer a ? about this auto_congest
01:24.32tzangeresandeen: as much as you can do with anything
01:24.45prospektorI googled and only came up with about 12 entries
01:25.17esandeencan a single module connect to multiple phones in a house, or is it literally 1 module per phone/extension?
01:25.59seanesandeen: you want one FXO to hook to multiple phones?
01:26.03odie_floconyou could hook up multiple phones to one ext
01:26.07esandeensean, yes
01:26.20odie_floconit kinda defeats the purpose of the devices.
01:26.25seanesandeen: that's possible, but they'll all work as the same extension
01:26.39sean(same way you have multiple phones on your PSTN line at home, if you do)
01:26.52esandeensean, yep, that's what I thought - and that's fine with me
01:27.05esandeeni don't need 5 unique extensions in my home... yet :)
01:27.09odie_floconso what is the purpose of * if you want that?
01:27.15seanodie_flocon: not really.. if you stick an asterisk box between PSTN and your home's wires, you could use one FXS and one FXO.
01:27.32odie_floconI understand that.
01:27.36seanvoicemail, routing, AGI, etc
01:27.39esandeenodie_flocon, it goes back to my first question; I'd like to stick * between my incoming POTS and my phones
01:27.43odie_floconbut why go through all the work.
01:27.47esandeenuse POTS for local outgoing calls, VOIP for all else
01:27.54seanI have a single DID, and asterisk on my end.
01:28.16seanit currently rings 1) my soft phone, 2) my cell phone, 3) my home phone or 4) ALL of the phones
01:28.18odie_floconI'm building a system with 7 fxo ports
01:28.23seandepending on user input.
01:28.25odie_floconand 1 fxs port
01:28.31odie_floconas well as 6 wireless IP phones.
01:29.37odie_floconhow do you ring your cell phone with only 1 incoming line?
01:29.40esandeeni was almost ready to take the easy path & go with vonage/linksys pap2 but then I read about how the hardware is locked into vonage, and they charge you for it (again) unless you send it back to them on cancellation... decided that might not be so good
01:30.32seanodie_flocon: DID -> SIP Proxy (incoming) -> Asterisk -> SIP Proxy (outgoing) -> VOIP termination
01:30.56esandeensean, what's DID?  sorry for the newbie questions :)
01:30.59odie_floconahh using voip termination for extra pstn stuff.
01:31.04seanDirect Inward Dial
01:31.16seana phone number that gets turned into VOIP on my provider's side.
01:31.19sean(I'm new, too)
01:31.22esandeenk :)
01:31.46seanodie_flocon: yeah, I actually don't have any voip hardware.
01:32.01odie_floconI've got 6 WIFI sip phones.
01:32.18esandeenodie_flocon, who makes those?
01:32.25odie_floconI'm using Hitachi phones.
01:32.42seanI think I'm going to pick up a FXS / FXO (single). And wire up a "emergency override" switch for my wife (-;
01:33.29esandeensean, I'm thinking along those same lines :)
01:33.36odie_floconif you buy a Mediatrix box it hast hat built in.
01:33.43esandeenI have dsl now, dont' really want to change that
01:33.56esandeenbut going to standalone dsl w/o local phone service only saves $10/month
01:34.06esandeenso I figure for $10/mo, access to real 911 might be worth it some day :)
01:34.25prospektor911 is a joke
01:34.33esandeenok flava :)
01:34.37prospektorsorry it had to be said ;)
01:35.29sean911 -> pay-per-minute cellphone
01:35.50esandeenmost pay per minute cell phones are more expensive than a cheap plan...
01:36.09esandeenis 911 via cell any more reliable than "911" over voip?
01:36.10seannot if you ONLY use it for 911
01:36.23sivana-= 3534 extensions (3717 priorities) in 51 contexts. =-
01:36.28seanof course.. 911 over cell is an essential service and it's regulated
01:36.40seanactually cells with no plans (not activated) usually allow 911 calling
01:36.41esandeenhm most prepaid ones I've seen disable themselves if you dont' plunk down $20 now an then
01:36.50esandeensean,  yeah I guess I'd heard that
01:37.17esandeensean, did you find * hard to set up?
01:37.20seanvpp: your ExternalIpAddress isn't really
01:37.24NewSoleQuestion.... anyone have PRi's and want to make free calls.... we have 5 trunks and we are looking to share 20 channels off those trunks though a dundi type service to those willing to share 4 channels off their PRI....
01:37.32seanesandeen: not really.. I'm running debian
01:37.42vppsean: hehe of course not.. its a bug in asterisk
01:38.00seanvpp: ah.. nevermind me, then (-:
01:38.13prospektorso yeah, no one here can help with my auto_congest problem huh?
01:38.15vppits driving me insane because it should be fixed already
01:38.17seanI wish I had a real box closer to my DID.
01:38.27vppi think i might just edit the code myself
01:38.45seancurrently my production box is ~60ms away.
01:39.24seanmy home box is ~15ms
01:40.48esandeenis the digium card about the cheapest way to go for the FXS side of things?
01:41.33vppthe ofending line... doesnt instill much confidence witht that comment hehe
01:46.37*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
01:48.46*** join/#asterisk phroztoz (
01:49.28*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
01:55.08Drukenboth heads?
01:55.12Drukensounds painfull
01:56.23*** join/#asterisk hermie (
01:56.31sivanaI think there's cream for that now
01:56.50NewSolethis thing is driving me nutz.....
01:57.01Drukensivana: :)
01:57.55NewSoleI have 3 servers..... all three have the same config
01:58.00nDuffAnyone have hints for loading symbols from modules (ie. into GDB to be able to debug them?
01:58.15Drukenwuts the point in having three identical servers?
01:58.27Qwellfailover?  load balancing?
01:58.35NewSoletrying to do fall overs
01:58.46esandeennDuff, you need to build with -g and not strip it
01:59.17NewSolei have <main server>
01:59.30NewSoleand <slave A>
01:59.36NewSoleand <Slave B>
01:59.40nDuffesandeen, that's not the problem. I have symbols for asterisk itself -- just not the dynamically-loaded bits, and they're certainly unstripped. Indeed, using add-symbol-file, I get all the symbols -- but they're associated with the wrong addresses!
01:59.53esandeenoh hm, not sure
01:59.57NewSoleslave a can talk to main
02:00.11NewSolebut slave b can no
02:00.47NewSolein order for slave b to make a call it has to call slave a then slave a call master
02:01.19NewSolefor some reson it can not call master direct
02:02.12*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
02:03.10prospektorso yeah, no one here can help with my auto_congest problem huh?
02:03.53odie_floconprobably not
02:03.57odie_floconwhat is your problem again?
02:04.05*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
02:06.30*** join/#asterisk stilex (
02:08.29*** join/#asterisk iq|laptop (
02:08.35stilexi'm trying to get my agi script to listen to dtmf digits while its playing the background gsm file, and when the user presses a number it goes to that extension. Cant seem to get it working.. is there a app in agi that allows capturing of the dtmf digit and passing it to a goto when the script completes?
02:09.26stilexor not necessarily until the script completes
02:11.45*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:12.52vpphmm how does it take to get your password from the digium bug tracker?
02:17.05MeTaBSDhi all :)
02:17.11MeTaBSDcan i limit a call in minute ?
02:17.50ManxPowerMeTaBSD: You need to learn about "show applications" at the Asterisk CLI, as well as "show application dial" in the Asterisk CLI.
02:18.37*** join/#asterisk remmo (
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02:21.08MeTaBSDthx :)
02:21.16*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
02:21.19filemy wrists are on fire
02:21.34MeTaBSDAnd if i need to monitor all traffic for asterisk on my server
02:22.17ManxPowerMeTaBSD: If "traffic" means "record calls" then show application montor would be what you want.
02:23.35vppok here goes with my patch.. fingers crossed!
02:23.39MeTaBSDnot record call
02:23.53MeTaBSDBandwith traffic
02:24.02MeTaBSDMy internet Utilization
02:24.10ManxPowerMeTaBSD: then you need to look at tcpdump or ethereal. Neither is Asterisk specific.
02:24.38ManxPowerMeTaBSD: we can't help you with that here, since that's totally outside of Asterisk
02:25.58*** join/#asterisk hermie (~nick@
02:28.53MeTaBSDok good MRTG Cacti .. i think
02:29.17sivanalet me know if you get cacti working :)
02:29.50MeTaBSDSnmp and Asterisk .. i whish
02:30.16*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
02:32.00Qwellhmm, that should be possible...
02:32.10Qwellmrtg+asterisk would be kinda cool
02:32.24MeTaBSD :)
02:32.27Qwellhave a "calls per second" graph
02:32.38tzangerQwell: mine would be almost always at 0
02:32.55tzangerhell calls per day would be near zero for me at home
02:32.57Qwelltzanger: yeah, mine too :p
02:33.05tzangerbut at work it'd be interesting
02:33.32CoolAcidI can give you a good hint. your want to use iptables to mark the ports you want to listen to, then use a script to dump every 5 mins the counts on those marks.. then import them to cacti..
02:34.21tzangerCoolAcid: ?  why mark
02:34.33tzangerjust iptables -j ACCEPT will work
02:34.41CoolAcidso you can only see the bandwidth used by asterisk
02:34.53CoolAcidif you just pull interface usage, your gonna get everything
02:35.23tzangerCoolAcid: as I said, -j ACCEPT will do it too without having ot actually mangle the packets
02:35.46*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
02:35.46CoolAcidI'll be damned..
02:36.00CoolAcidso it does.. (see how much I look at my tables ;)
02:37.21CoolAcidtell you one thing, thats good to know ;) see what is getting blocked etc
02:39.08Sato1hi guys, does anyone has a sample of the sip context to authenticate an AP200? i dont know what i m missing
02:41.29*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
02:42.41docelmohmm dead room..
02:44.33*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
02:45.20*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
02:45.25NewSoledead room dead client....
02:45.42*** join/#asterisk lpires (~lpires@
02:50.01*** join/#asterisk scad (
02:51.24scadHey everyone... I am looking for a recomendation on a dsl router that i can get that has qos & traffic control ... so that my dsl router can "own the queue" and take it from the cheap pacbell one I have... any recomendations on off the shelf ones that do this...?
02:55.54docelmoI know an in expensive one that has 2 POTS lines built in for voip
02:56.42scadi see some dlink products.. but .. i am looking to try to control the buffer size so there is no delay
02:57.01docelmoHave you messed with the linksys RT31P2-NA?
02:57.23scadno.. will that get rid of my existing speadstream dsl router..
02:57.29scadI am looking it up now.
02:57.47docelmoyes and no
02:58.04*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
02:58.25docelmoIs your DSL terminal built into your router?
02:58.49scadyeah.. the rj11 goes into a speadstream
02:59.11docelmohmm..  You would have to get a seperate DSL terminal for this router I just mentioned..
03:00.31scadall of them that I see have the dsl client but I am not sure how they handle the buffer.
03:01.17*** join/#asterisk lunchbox08 (~geoff@
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03:01.51scadI am going to just go get one and see if it works...
03:02.38docelmoI can give you information on the Linksys Products as I sell them
03:03.16docelmoor not..
03:06.31docelmohmmm ok
03:07.18vppdoes anyone know where it gets the ip addresses from for RTP when your using h323?
03:07.26vppis it from rtp.c or from chan_h323.c ?
03:09.01docelmoI would imagine the chan..   Since it would be sent in the data stream
03:09.19vppok thanks :)
03:12.08*** join/#asterisk iq|laptop (
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03:21.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
03:24.44jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
03:29.08jbotI am a cow, hear me moo. I eat grass and weigh twice as much as you.
03:29.52*** join/#asterisk NK123 (
03:33.46slePPpurdy? :>
03:34.33iq|laptopAnyone tried AG-168V? this thing looks great. Any idea of the price?
03:34.39*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~adnans@
03:35.47*** part/#asterisk NK123 (
03:37.37ManxPower~google AG-168V price
03:39.26NewSoleQuestion.... anyone have PRi's and want to make free calls.... we have 5 trunks and we are looking to share 20 channels off those trunks though a dundi type service to those willing to share 4 channels off their PRI.... Msg me if interested
03:40.39*** join/#asterisk aspworld (~aspworld@
03:41.20*** part/#asterisk aspworld (~aspworld@
03:43.13stilexhey is there any way to stop asterisk from accepting dtmf digits while waiting in queue for an agent
03:43.38iq|laptop46.50 is cheap
03:44.00tainted-stilex in your dial string i believe there is a way
03:44.52ManxPowerstilex: not having context= line in queues.conf doesn't work?
03:45.31Sato1anyone sussesed to register an ap200 from addpac?
03:45.36Sato1...using sip
03:50.55prospektoranyone here able to  help with an auto_congest problem?
03:54.20*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
03:56.05vppi give up.. i'll just have to wait for the bug track password to arive and post it
03:56.08*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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03:59.53stilexManxPower: no, it doesnt seem to make a difference
04:00.05stilexi'm using agi if that makes a difference
04:00.46stilexany apps that will not allow * to recognize digits?
04:00.50stilexor pay attn to them
04:01.58ManxPowerTo spot the expert, pick the one who predicts the job will take the longest and cost the most. --Unknown
04:02.12ManxPowerstilex: most of them.
04:02.43ManxPowerstilex: how are you using queues in AGI?
04:02.52*** join/#asterisk cypromis (chuck-the-@
04:09.33prospektorhey I am trying to set up my * box so I can call into it from work and get an outbound line so I can make LD calls not on company dime
04:09.59prospektorI am behind a NAT so I am trying to use IAX2 in and outbound
04:10.00shido6fun stuff prospektor
04:10.28prospektorproblem is I am getting an auto_congest error
04:10.42prospektorand I can't find any info onlie to help me resolve it
04:11.28docelmoI had same problem..  But just the opposite.. I wanted to use company dime.. :)   I ended up with SIP and opening ports on my router
04:11.33vppdid u put debugs, tracing etc to try to narrow it down?
04:11.34prospektorI can call in, get prompted for my dial out number, but then it hang up on me
04:12.01prospektorI turned debugging on but it's all greek to me
04:12.15docelmoI wrote a AGI for a system like that..
04:12.23vpplol.. u see anything that says error?
04:12.33prospektorhold on
04:12.39docelmoMy boss wanted to be able to call the office from home and use the company phone network
04:12.39vppu need to try to figure out the route it taking to try to dial out
04:12.42prospektorI'll go to the box and brb
04:12.47vppu must have misconfigured something
04:12.52vppafter all its all greek hehe
04:13.16prospektordocelmo if you have the agi or where I can get it that may help
04:13.31prospektorbut I think I've prolly just fuxored my config somewhere
04:16.20prospektorno error just a notice: chan_iax2.c 2782 auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
04:16.29rvhianyone knows how to generate a unique file name in an * variable
04:16.35*** join/#asterisk cypromis (chuck-the-@
04:16.47rvhiI want to record a file, it has to be unique name
04:16.48ManxPowerrvhi: look at README.variables
04:17.41ManxPowerdrumkilla: I didn't know you liked holding user's hands.
04:17.52drumkillahaha ... I don't do it very often
04:17.54ManxPowerY'all are so *CUTE* togather.
04:18.06rvhiis it cvs head or stable?
04:18.17ManxPowerrvhi: README.variables
04:18.59drumkillaIt had been a while since I submitted a patch ... I was going through withdrawl symptoms
04:19.01rvhithx, guys, got it
04:19.03drumkillaso I wrote one tonight
04:19.13drumkillafeel much better now :)
04:19.21NewSoleQuestion.... anyone have PRi's and want to make free calls.... we have 5 trunks and we are looking to share 20 channels off those trunks though a dundi type service to those willing to share 4 channels off their PRI.... Msg me if interested
04:19.46ManxPowerdrumkilla: What do you think will happen if someone uses G729 and follows the make install instructions?
04:19.46drumkillaNewSole: why just just use DUNDi ?
04:20.00prospektornobobody has any ideas on the auto_congest?
04:20.21vppdrumkilla: if your handing them out free.. throw me a patch too lol
04:20.40drumkillaManxPower: if someone is downgrading from cvs head, they should know
04:20.46NewSolethis way with the dundi pach we have it trunks everything off and finds best route to pint
04:21.04ManxPowerdrumkilla: they should know to delete those modules too, but they don't.
04:21.06vppwith CVS head and h323 its setting the local address at in RTP
04:21.21ManxPowervpp: make sure all IPs of your box are resolvable.
04:21.33drumkillaManxPower: it's all in the same directory, right?
04:21.33vppManxPower: they are
04:21.39vppit only has 1 interface
04:21.50ManxPowervpp: what's the IP?
04:21.53vpp10.11.11.13.. but it keeps using
04:22.04ManxPowervpp: so you can do "host" and it will come back
04:22.13vpponly in the RTP tho.. everywhere else it see's the address
04:22.29ManxPowerhave any special bindaddrs or anything like that?
04:22.31Corydon76-homeI suspect you have the hostname listed in /etc/hosts going to
04:23.02vppCorydon76-home: i had.. localhost
04:23.13vppthen..   Tasty
04:23.19vpp'Tasty' being the hostname
04:23.25Corydon76-homeWhat's the name of the host?
04:23.28ManxPowertry it as   tasty
04:23.34vppyeah i did that
04:23.49vppi tried just Tasty, and with/without
04:23.52drumkillavpp: you have bindaddr set in h323.conf or whatever?
04:23.52Corydon76-homeOr rather, what's the FQDN of the host?
04:23.55vppbasically all the combinations
04:23.58ManxPowerCorydon-w: you mean the output of `hostname`
04:24.09ManxPowervpp: maybe it doesn't like the upper case T
04:24.12vppi tried it as and as in h323.conf
04:24.33vppManxPower: yeah i tried all that.. but same problem
04:24.49drumkillavpp: why'd you have to go and break it like that?  geez ...
04:24.54ManxPowervpp: I've never heard of that problem.
04:25.31vppits been driving me nuts.. i was looking at the source to try to explicitly set it to see what happens.. but i couldn't figure out exactly where it resolves the address
04:25.49ManxPowervpp: CVS-HEAD or 1.0.x STABLE?
04:26.10vppcvs stable i can't get to compile on this box
04:26.24ManxPowerdrumkilla: I'm pleased to see the the discussion on asterisk-dev indicating less interest in not breaking CVS-HEAD
04:26.43drumkillayeah, me too
04:26.47drumkillawill help speed up development
04:26.54Sato1i got the CVS-HEAD, and just updated via CVS, but i still get that CVS-HEAD, while in other asterisk i did it says something else... whats the difference?
04:27.07ManxPowerdrumkilla: speed up developement as well as creating a renewed interest in 1.0.x
04:27.11Sato1should i erase the whole tree and download it again?
04:27.26drumkillaManxPower: hehe ... people 'want their cake and eat it too'
04:27.35ManxPowerSato1: "make update" in the asterisk directory
04:27.48Sato1lets see
04:27.52drumkillaone of these days, we'll make 1.2 ...
04:28.02ManxPowerdrumkilla: one of these YEARS
04:28.09drumkillaI'll be in Huntsville with Mark and Kevin all summer, so that is one of the things I am going to pursue
04:28.23ManxPowerdrumkilla: Asterisk release cycle is starting to sound VERY MUCH like the phpGroupWare release cycle.
04:28.29coppiceusual thing in software. people say they want stable solid results, but keep chasing new and ever more pointless features :-)
04:28.33ManxPowerdrumkilla: perm or temp move.
04:28.45drumkillajust the summer
04:28.47shaZwazdrumkilla is going to hvae attended transfer and jitter buffer ?
04:28.48drumkillalike 3 months
04:29.20drumkillaI think, at an ABSOLUTE minimum, you can expect it by the next Astricon in the US, haha
04:29.24drumkilla1 year after 1.0  ;)
04:29.49ManxPowerdrumkilla: so you still going to be at Astricon EU?
04:29.54vppso any ideas?  maybe if u can tell me in which file it actually gets the address i can play around with it.. is it in rtp.c, chanh323.c or ast_h323.cpp?
04:30.03drumkillaManxPower: not Astricon :( ... but I'll be at VON
04:30.08ManxPowerDruken: Ah!
04:30.13ManxPowerOnly like 4 weeks away
04:30.21drumkillayeah, no kidding
04:30.37drumkillaI'm not even sure who else is going ...
04:30.44*** join/#asterisk voip0 (
04:30.54drumkillaI know Olle and Steve will be there - they are both on the open source panel
04:31.02ManxPowerdrumkilla: I have to spend the next two weeks doing system and network audits at my customer sites.  joy.
04:32.07drumkillagood luck  :)
04:32.41drumkillaManxPower: One day next week, you'll see like 50 commits from me, haha
04:33.03ManxPowerdrumkilla: as long as it fixes the SIP ringing on transfer problem and doesn't break anything I'll be happy.
04:33.11mmlj4ManxPower: your yearly gig for John?
04:33.15drumkillais that in the bug tracker?
04:33.18ManxPowerJust DO NOT comit ANYTHING for at least 2 week before you leave.
04:33.18drumkillabecause if not, I will forget
04:33.27voip0I have successfully installed Asterisk & configures kphone to connect to the server :-) I've done an echo test! What should I do next?
04:33.30ManxPowermmlj4: I do it every year before vacation.
04:33.38mmlj4yeah, i remember you saying htat
04:33.52drumkillaManxPower: I'll be sure to break some major stuff for you, don't worry
04:33.57drumkillaI'm out, good night  :)
04:34.05ManxPowermmlj4: you are rapidly becoming the PFY for Stirling.
04:34.13drumkillaI'm going to remove app_dial
04:34.15drumkillawho needs it
04:34.21mmlj4i need to do more with my * box, because of exactly that
04:34.50ManxPowermmlj4: I mean more general than that.
04:35.08mmlj4well, i already have the general stuff down pat :-)
04:35.14ManxPowerI forget what thing john wanted me to do that sounded very uninteresting, so I suggested he call you.
04:36.10ManxPowerThat Crossover office problem was another one of the things I suggested John contact you about.
04:36.39*** part/#asterisk voip0 (
04:38.19ManxPowerdrumkilla: What do you think about a SetVar that allows setting Multiple variables?
04:39.26mmlj4yeah, i'm finally going to have a minute to look at that on tuesday or so
04:39.43mmlj4he needs to send me a key for that, actually
04:39.45ManxPowermmlj4: Getting it to work is critical to our long term Linux plans
04:39.46NuggetHail Eris.
04:40.09mmlj4yes, i'm well aware that MLS is essential
04:40.31*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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04:41.03ManxPowermmlj4: I just mean it's an important thing to get resolved, but it's not a time critical thing, it's just one of the many things we have to deal with if we want to roll out linux machines to users and it's pretty far off in the future.
04:41.55ManxPowerPersonally I think the "linux" machhine for Mandeville is a little premature
04:42.05*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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04:42.46NuggetLinux is poo.
04:43.05coppiceOSX is tigger
04:43.20*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
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04:43.57ManxPowerMacs are another option.
04:44.25ManxPowerIt would turn them into a Mac Desktop shop.
04:44.26MeTaBSDANyone can help me
04:44.48Moccan't im dead
04:45.06MeTaBSDJust in Dial application
04:45.28MeTaBSDLIMIT_PLAYAUDIO_CALLEE - yes|no - Play sounds to the callee.
04:45.52MeTaBSDI activate a limitation for call but i need to PlayAudio to callee
04:46.06*** join/#asterisk voip0 (
04:46.51voip0hello is there a Asterisk IAX user listings somewhere
04:47.36voip0I filled in a lot of stuff during registration?
04:48.36voip0never mind
04:49.19*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:49.30voip0What should I do next I've installed asterisk it's working I've done an echo test....................
04:50.43MikeJ[Laptop]whatever you want to do... sleep?
04:51.05mmlj4voip0: take a look at DUNDI, that might give you a list of some kind
04:52.19jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
04:52.23MikeJ[Laptop]there you go...
04:52.53voip0it's really cool guys thanks
04:53.05prospektorquestion, could the congestion problem be, when I start asterisk I find a warning message chan_iax2.c 8995 load_module  Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such device.
04:53.29mmlj4i'm not opposed to macs... i have no interest in actually owning one, but as a MS-alternative, i'm down with it
04:54.10prospektorcould this be part of the problem with the auto_congest message I am getting and causing * to dump out of the call instead of out dialing the number I am trying to do?
05:02.34*** part/#asterisk jcollie (
05:08.26ManxPowermmlj4: I don't do desktop support so it would not impact me all that much.
05:09.51shaZwazseen implicit
05:09.54prospektorwith greater verbosity on I got this
05:09.56shaZwaz~seen implicit
05:09.57jbotimplicit <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 3h 42m 5s ago, saying: 'no asterisk in there now, but i'm going to pop it in to be a vm server and for error messsages etc'.
05:33.12*** join/#asterisk wvbroadband (~User@
05:33.45wvbroadbandanyone from nufone hang out on here?
05:35.00Qwellwvbroadband: yes, sometimes
05:35.07Qwellwvbroadband: Do you have a question we can help with? can really scrape a minimal build to be pretty....well.....minimal....
05:36.30*** join/#asterisk prospektor (
05:37.07prospektorI didn't even swear
05:37.16prospektorjust made an honest criticism
05:38.23prospektorI just want to know what I have to do to get some help
05:39.07prospektornot everyone is a programmer, some of us are just simple -- users I believe was the term used
05:39.21prospektortrying our best to figure it out
05:41.02prospektorI though it odd that as soon as I said I didn't find this place helpful I was no longer in the channel
05:41.45slePPpeople say this channel sucks all the time :>
05:42.02slePP<-- prospektor has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
05:43.09prospektorand I still can't find anyone to shed any light on what this auto_congest message along with the circuit-busy message mean or how I can fix them
05:44.35slePPthat first warning about 'no timing device' means you don't have any zaptel hardware
05:44.39slePPor you don't have the drivers for it loaded
05:45.00slePPthe auto congest makes me think the peer you are dialing is not correct in some way
05:45.09slePPie, not registered, connected, etc.. or you have no hostname for it
05:45.09blitzrageanyone use h323?
05:45.13blitzragein asterisk
05:45.28slePPblitzrage: i do, but i hereby deny any knowledge of making it work for anyone but me
05:45.36blitzrageslePP: I don't need to make it work :)
05:45.51blitzrageslePP: I just need to know the differences between the channel implementations
05:46.06slePPoh323 and h323?
05:46.21slePPslightly different feature set, one is newer than the other.. different authors and styles
05:46.22slePPthat's about it :>
05:47.51*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
05:48.04*** join/#asterisk prospekt0r (
05:48.15blitzragechan_h323 comes with Asterisk and comes from the CVS, but I need to grab that from asterisk-addons right?
05:48.23blitzrageand where do I get chan_oh323? :)
05:48.29slePPgood questoin. forget where
05:48.37slePPand i don't think chan-h323 is part of addons, it's just in stock
05:48.42blitzragefeel free to ignore my questions - I'm being lazy and just asking the IRC channel since I"m working on other things :)
05:48.45slePPyou need to compile all the openh323 stuff externally
05:48.52slePPbut yeh, forget where to get oh323
05:49.10prospekt0rfrom the digium web site: Asteriskâ„¢ is used by thousands of people around the world. Many of these people join our live IRC Asterisk chat channel and can provide useful information, advice and troubleshooting help.
05:49.22slePP265 users
05:49.27slePP4 of which are not idle :>
05:49.34prospekt0rall I've found is people telling me to go read more
05:49.34slePPof 265, i've seen about 30 unique people ever talk in here
05:49.41prospekt0rask better questions
05:49.43slePPprospekt0r: you did get all the stuff i said above?
05:49.49slePPbefore you disconnected again..
05:49.50prospekt0rno none
05:49.56prospekt0rI dropped for some reason
06:00.12*** join/#asterisk prospektor (
06:03.29Sato1how to enable asterisk to response on udp port instead of tcp port with h323?
06:06.19blitzrageyou don't
06:06.35blitzrageIt needs to use TCP port 1720 afaik
06:16.04*** part/#asterisk wvbroadband (~User@
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06:23.46Sato1blitzrage, but i tried even watching tcpdump using netmeeting, and both, netmeeting and the addpac i m trying to configure tries to reach the port 1719 in UDP, and doing a "netstat -lpn" to the box that has the asterisk, it binded the port 1719 (i changed that in h323.conf) but in TCP only
06:29.28vppgoogle udp 1719 and netmeeting.. you'll find that 1719 udp is the gatekeeper RAS port
06:29.45vppand 1720 TCP is is the H323 call setup
06:30.58Sato1the strange part is that in the tcpdump, i dont see any tcp report in the port 1720
06:31.07Sato1i'll dig a little bit more in it
06:31.21vppwhat u trying to do exactly?
06:31.29vppand did u debug/trace it?
06:31.38vppany firewall in between?
06:31.59Sato1there is a device from addpac, the AP200, and dont know why, i cant make it register with asterisk
06:32.27Sato1using sip, or mgcp, then i just compiles openh323/pwlib to enable the h.323 support in asterisk
06:32.39Sato1this AP200 supports h323/sip/mgcp
06:32.58vppok so u mean u can't get it to register using sip.. so your trying h323?
06:32.59Sato1the asterisk and the addpac are in the same network segment
06:33.21vppok so do u even see the call coming in from it?
06:33.57Sato1i get this lines:
06:33.58Sato1May  2 00:15:21 NOTICE[30545]: chan_sip.c:7711 handle_request: Registration from 'sip:108@' failed for ''
06:33.58Sato1May  2 00:15:21 NOTICE[30545]: chan_sip.c:7711 handle_request: Registration from 'sip:83@' failed for ''
06:34.48Sato1i tried in different ways, and i m really confused, i can make a grandstream or sipura, even the xlite work with asterisk without problem, but this ap200... *sighs*
06:35.40vpptry to comment out bindaddr in sip.conf completely.. i heard of an issue where that worked
06:36.00Sato1lets see..
06:36.21vppalso have u setup the username/password?
06:36.41vppi havn't used sip with asterisk.. actually trying h323 for the first time myself!
06:39.21vppits gotta be something in your sip.conf because it IS seeing it try to register
06:39.52vppincidentally.. did u get h323 installed?  what version did u use?  because i havn't managed to get it working
06:39.53Sato1sip works fine with other devices, but in the addpac, you get a user/password, then an extra field to determine the extension of every port it has (in this case, a FXS and a FXO)
06:40.28Sato1vpp, i just followed the instructions that comes in asterisk/channels/h323/README
06:40.42Sato1you have to download the openh323 and pwlib (good luck compiling, hehehe)
06:40.45vppyeah so which version?
06:41.14vppyeah exactly.. i can't get the versions of pwlib and openh323 in the 'stable' version of asterisk to compile
06:41.23Sato1the ones that comes in, dont remember them now, lemme check
06:41.27vppif i use the latest with CVS head (latest dev asterisk) it works fine
06:41.56vppok so thats 1.5.2 and 1.12.2
06:42.01Sato1Open H.323 v1.12.2 and PWLib v1.5.2
06:42.16Sato1ok, i got something new
06:42.30vppwhat linux u using?
06:42.44Sato1it registered the SIP, then, it started again sending the same messages i already said
06:43.01Sato1rh9 and centos (or something like that with kernel 2.6.x
06:43.15vppwhat did u have bindaddr set to?
06:43.21vppi cant get it working on centos 4.0 :(
06:43.44vppthe CVS head one has a bug.. where it sets its IP in the RTP as :(
06:43.44Sato1i just commented the bindaddr
06:43.53vppyeah what was it before?
06:43.58vpp0.0.0.0 or ip of your box?
06:44.13Sato1ip of this box
06:44.21vpphmm oddd
06:44.27Sato1should i restart?
06:45.04vppit should matter.. although u should type 'reload' when u change conf files
06:45.06*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
06:47.09Sato1i do reload the sip
06:47.11Sato1reload sip
06:48.24vppwhat u got in your sipconf for that phone?
06:49.56Sato1just a sec and i will post it to you in a page
06:50.56*** join/#asterisk Falstaf (
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06:53.24vpphmm seems ok to me
06:53.26vppusing nat?
06:53.34vppstick a nat=no in there for good measure
06:53.39Sato1nop, it is in the same segment
06:54.21vppalso u might want to try asinging it a static address and put it in there to make sure its actually associating it with that
06:54.32vppat least to start with.. one less thing to wonder about
06:54.54Sato1ok, it registered, at least one of them
06:55.00*** join/#asterisk fabioFVZ (
06:55.34Sato1but then, after a little while, the one of the lines registered, throws again the same failed mesages
06:55.56Sato1something about the qualify?
06:55.59Sato1lets see
06:56.12vpphmm posibly
06:56.18vppvery odd tho
06:57.13Sato1this addpac works fine with gnugk, and i m trying to migrate that to asterisk
06:58.10Sato1odd, it does keep registered
06:58.55Sato1nop, it timedout in some way and then it does not ring again and send me to unavail
06:59.36Sato1well, after more than 12 hours, and thanks to you vpp, i just gave a little step, i can make it ring for at least 2 minutes, hehehe
07:00.21vpphehehe cool
07:15.50Falstafwhat is the best way to check if a i have successfuly registerd with a provider inside the dialplan? what i want to do is "if that one isnt ready, use that one instead"
07:17.36Sato1via iax or via sip?
07:17.56Sato1you can see from your console using "sip show peers" or "iax2 show peers"
07:18.03Sato1peers or users, one of them
07:21.19Falstafi want to do it inside the dialplan(extensions.conf).
07:23.33*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
07:24.46Falstafand it's SIP :)
07:26.39*** part/#asterisk quickmoney (
07:36.38*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
07:38.34*** join/#asterisk mbishop (~martin@mbishop.user.gentoo)
07:39.04mbishopfwd is not registering, just retries over and over, could this be a nat issue?
07:40.23Jas_Williamsmbishop, yes why not use iax to fwd
07:40.57mbishopbecause I don't know how :)
07:41.22Sato1see the fwd documentation, its quite simple to learn
07:41.25Jas_Williamsmake sure you habe tcp 5060 forwarded to your * through your Nat device also udp ports noted in rtp.conf
07:41.27mbishopiax to fwd is free right?
07:41.40mbishopoh, 10000-20000 are udp?
07:41.44mbishopwell that could be the problem heh
07:42.02mbishopiax is better though eh? encrypted and such?
07:42.32Jas_Williamsiax is a different protocol passes nat devices easily as it uses the same port for both signalling and voice
07:42.36coppiceiax isn't encrypted. encrapted sometimes, but not encrypted :-)
07:42.40Sato1its yet another protocol, i coundt say better or worse, but easier
07:43.41vpplol encrapted
07:43.51Sato1i thing i got it
07:44.15Sato1me an my english :S
07:44.28mbishopwell 5060 is forwarded, 10000-20000 as well, but still it says it can't register
07:44.36Jas_WilliamsThomas crapper the inventor of the flushing toilet to crap get rid of solid body waste :)
07:44.41mbishopI'll look on voip-info for iax to fwd though, thanks
07:45.46Sato1what other advantage has iax over sip besides it only uses one port?
07:45.55coppicethink of the poor family that stil bears the name Crapper. What must life be like in school :-(
07:46.35Jas_Williamsmbishop, look here
07:47.15Sato1well, they can say that thanks to their grant grant grant.....phather, we dont shit in holes made in the backyard anymore
07:47.24Sato1father even
07:50.41Mavvie <- here we go again!
07:52.38*** join/#asterisk Perdition (
07:54.32PerditionIs there a complete official set of documentation for asterisk that I can grab some place? Ive more or less have 1/2 1/3 there 1/8 there ...
07:55.15PerditionWill this new Bussiness flavor come with complete documentation, or is that known?
07:56.17Sato1 can be a good start for documentations
07:57.02jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
07:57.15Jas_Williamsdetails on business edition
07:57.44Jas_Williamsthat dont work then :)
07:58.36PerditionThank you very much, the fwd.pulver connection is intresting, Im going to check that out.
08:00.29firestrmdooh.. wanted to add some good (and missing) info to the wiki, but my mailserver dont like it so i cant sign up..
08:00.49firestrmpostfix is very twitchy that way...
08:01.01vppat last! it works
08:01.11firestrmvpp, you still at it?
08:01.23vppyeah lol
08:01.34firestrmvpp, you are as hard headed as me :)
08:01.40vppswitched to asterisk @ home + oh232
08:01.50vppjust gonna take out all the crap from the @ home CD
08:01.59vppit'll do for now anyway
08:02.11firestrmi tried @ home.. couldnt get things to work properly.. everything was in the wrong place
08:02.25vppwell i dont want it as a pbx
08:03.05vppi just want Outside <-H323&Media--> Asterisk <-H323&Media-> Quintum
08:03.20vppcos the quintum has incompatability with alot of gateways out there
08:03.31Sato1vpp, whats the difference between oh323 and the actual h323 driver that comes with asterisk?
08:03.39vppand its hard to trace with it.. it falls over if u turn on traceing past a certain level when its full lol
08:04.02firestrmvpp, it loks like the wiki's mailserver might be misconfigured.. for some reason postfix rejected it on "reject_unknown_hostname"
08:04.05vppSato1: there were two free implementations of H323.. they both started from the same code but split into 2 seperate projects
08:04.05*** join/#asterisk Romik (
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08:04.27firestrmvpp, im digging deeper to see if i can figure out what is going wrong..
08:04.59vppok so now to add the codecs
08:05.07vpphmm or maybe i should clean up this crap first
08:05.14Sato1vpp, i just found that h323 driver that comes with asterisk, and makes you download the pwlib and openh323 is buggy, it does not open the udp ports, just the tcp ports
08:05.30Sato1there are now 3 systems i've tested that, and all 3 has the same problem
08:05.41Sato1already sent a mail about it
08:05.45vppwell if u download CVS head u can use v1.17.1
08:06.04vppbut i cant get it to work.. although i think it may be a centos + 1.17.1 issue
08:06.54vppSato1: what distribution do u use?
08:06.58Sato1thats the version i got
08:07.21vppthats a stable one
08:07.45Sato1redhat9 here, in a small box, a centos in the office, and i got a fc3 from a friend, the one i just last tested the h323
08:07.51vppso it uses openH232 v1.12.2
08:08.11vppwell its like this..
08:08.31vpp1) use Asterisk 1.0.7 (stable) + OpenH232 1.12.2 + pwlib 1.15.2
08:08.56vpp2) use Asterisk Head (latest dev - unstable) + OpenH323 1.17.1 + pwlib 1.19.0
08:09.01timecopupdating asterisk cvs from last year with cvs update -dP totally fucked a bunch of shit
08:09.32timecoplike broken makefiles and shit.
08:09.34vpp3) use asterisk 1.0.7 + oh232 (havn't managed to get this to compile manually but works with *@home)
08:09.38timecophad to delete and re-update a bunch of stuff
08:09.42Sato1thats what i just did today, make update :(
08:09.46vppoh version seems to be 0.6.5 although 0.7.1 is out
08:09.54vppfor asterisk?
08:10.04timecopheh h323 is a fucking piece of shit
08:10.14timecopcvs from few weeks ago + OpenH323 1.17.1 + pwlib 1.19.0 works
08:10.16vpptimecop- i'm noticing that!
08:10.17timecopat least on my systems
08:10.21*** join/#asterisk jonas (
08:10.26vpptimecop really?
08:10.33timecop"works" as in
08:10.36timecopworks with netmeeting.
08:10.39firestrmvpp, i have just finished my sipura to tdm400 switchover..
08:10.42timecoptrying to get it to work wiht some chinese voip provider
08:10.46timecopand it says no compatible codecs.
08:10.50Sato1so, if i use the CVS-v1-0-05/01/05-22:29:01... then whats the choise?
08:10.51vppCVS from today/last 5 days sends in the RTP
08:10.54*** join/#asterisk Jackthe (
08:11.00timecopgood thing im not using todays cvs
08:11.18vppSato1: 1.0.5 is a slightly older than 1.0.7 stable
08:11.31timecopAsterisk CVS-HEAD-03/28/05-08:38:46
08:11.33timecopis what im using
08:11.37timecopit works at least wiht netmeeting.
08:11.39vppu think u could send me the CVS u have?
08:12.11vppor is there a way to checkout non stable thats older?
08:12.13timecophm, i have somecustom patches, cant cvs allow checking out stuff from a certian date?
08:12.21timecopit should
08:12.24Sato1if it works with netmeeting, it will work with this ap200
08:12.24vppi don't know
08:12.39Sato1now, the big question....
08:12.45Sato1how do i get an older version?
08:12.50timecop-D date Check out revisions as of date.
08:12.58timecopcvs co -dP -D whatever
08:13.02vppso options for now if i want the latest are..
08:13.13vpp1) use CVS head from x weeks ago + openH1.17.1
08:13.24vpp2) use CVS head from today with oh 0.7.1
08:13.33timecop3) fuck h323
08:13.37timecop(the best choice)
08:13.42vpplol not an options :(
08:14.15timecopyes, clearly.
08:14.15timecopsame shit here.
08:14.15Sato1i gues i will give a try to oh 0.7.1
08:14.15*** join/#asterisk MajestiK (
08:14.15timecopi'd love to know how to fix this incompatible codecs shit
08:14.15vppSato1.. it seems to work fine here
08:14.15timecopi even wasted half a day getting g723 compiled.
08:14.30vppwith openh232 1.17.1 i had the RTP thing.. but also early alerting..
08:14.35vppi got ring
08:14.36Sato1timecop, with openh323?
08:14.39vppwhen i shouldn't have!
08:14.42mbishopso, once iax is set up for fwd, when I start * it should register?
08:14.57timecopmbishop: yes.
08:15.05mbishoptimecop: and if it doesn't? :P
08:15.15timecopthen you should look at iax2 show peers
08:15.19timecopand / or look at debug messages.
08:15.47vppok so here i seem to have asterisk 1.0.7 and asterisk-oh323-0.6.5
08:15.48*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
08:16.12mbishoptimecop: peers is empty
08:16.16vppi wonder what would happen if i tried to update it to 0.7.1
08:16.19*** join/#asterisk K9DI_BSD_WrkStn (
08:16.24timecopmbishop: well, did you edit al lteh shit in iax2.conf?
08:16.46timecopiax2 show registry
08:16.46timecopanything fun there?
08:17.07timecopthen you fucked up
08:17.12timecopshould be the fwd registry stuff in there.
08:17.30mbishopshould it be iax2.conf? it had iax.conf
08:17.34timecop65.39.205.121:4569   yourfwd#   yourip:4569     60 registered
08:18.05timecopyeah iax.conf and register should be like register =>
08:18.07timecopor something.
08:18.17mbishopyeah have that
08:18.23timecopi set this up like a year or more ago when fwd started beta testing iax, i havent touched it since hten
08:18.57vppahh it seams updating to oh 0.7.1 is trivial
08:20.04vpp2004-12-21: Updated versions 0.7.1 (for Asterisk CVS HEAD) and 0.6.5 (for Asterisk STABLE)
08:20.13vppso 0.6.5 is the latest stable then
08:21.10Sato1vpp, oh323 requires openh323 and pwlib, right?
08:21.17timecopof course.
08:21.18timecopthey all do
08:21.55Sato1then the h323 that comes with the asterisk tree is buggy
08:22.02vppopenh323 is the driver and asterisk-oh232 is the wrapper right?
08:22.10timecoph323 doesnt come wiht any asterisk tree.
08:22.14Sato1thats what is says
08:22.27vppits very confusing because they all have similar names...
08:22.33Sato1timecop, see your asterisk tree, you will find h323 in asterisk/channels/h323
08:22.36vppfrom how i understand it.. it works like this
08:22.50Sato1but it has a README that tells you to download the openh323 and pwlib files
08:22.51timecopthats chan_h323
08:22.55timecopusing openh323/pwlib
08:22.58timecopthats the one that sorta works.
08:22.59Sato1thats what i meant, sorry
08:22.59vppopenh323 is the driver, pwlib is libraries u need
08:23.02timecopthere's a external one
08:23.06timecopby whoever.
08:23.10timecopi could never get it to work
08:23.16vppthen u have a wrapper..
08:23.21Sato1timecop, that does not work, at least for me with the latest head of asterisk
08:23.28timecopdefine "doesnt work"?
08:23.33vppthere is Asterisk-oh232 (stable 0.6.5, dev 0.7.1)
08:23.39Sato1timecop, it does not open the UDP ports
08:23.48timecopquite posible.
08:23.52timecopit works for me with netmeeting (only)
08:23.54Sato1tested already in 3 boxes
08:24.01timecopAsterisk CVS-HEAD-03/28/05-08:38:46
08:24.02timecopwith this
08:24.08vppopenh323 (1.17.1 stable)
08:24.25timecopthat looks like 1.05
08:24.26Sato1this one does not open the udp ports
08:24.29vppit confusing because the wrapper and the driver have the same name witht that one
08:24.47vppthe one in asterisk CVS is the openh323 verson 1.12.2
08:25.16vppits all oh so confusing lol
08:25.26Jas_Williamschan_h323 works fine for me just make sure you have bindadd=valid ip address as this is the ip address sent out in the rtp packets
08:25.40Sato1ok, just double checking...  vpp, with CVS-v1-0-05/01/05-22:29:01, and oh323 0.7.1, what version of openh323 and pwlib do i need?
08:25.44vppJas_Williams, doesnt work for me.. even with that
08:25.53timecopSato1: the one in oh323 0.7.1 readme
08:26.03Sato1ok, done
08:26.14vppbut 0.7.1 is dev.. CVS HEAD
08:26.21vpp0.6.5 is the stable one
08:26.22Sato1Jas_Williams, it has the right ip
08:26.25vppi have that working
08:26.48Sato1lets start again...
08:26.50vppyeah asterisk 1.0.7 and oh232 0.6.5
08:26.52vpplol ok...
08:27.09vppfirst asterisk..
08:27.17vpp1.0.7 is the latest STABLE version
08:27.26Sato1CVS-v1-0-05/01/05-22:29:01 with oh323 0.7.1 and the openh323 and pwlib that oh323 says in the readme, right?
08:27.27mbishopI think it's my extensions.conf that is screwed
08:27.46vppSato1: yes
08:28.21Sato1i will do a double check to what Jas_Williams said before to proced with oh323
08:28.55firestrmvpp, time for bed for me.. ive completed the sipura to tdm400 switchover.. now i can rest
08:29.05timecopmbishop: well, if you dont see shit in iax2 show registry, then its your iax config thats screwed.
08:29.09vppfirestrm: hehe ok nite
08:29.21vpp[09:25] <Jas_Williams> chan_h323 works fine for me just make sure you have bindadd=valid ip address as this is the ip address sent out in the rtp packets
08:29.33vpphe's using chan_h232.. which is the one included in asterisk
08:29.51Sato1still, i just have tcp ports open for h323, no udp ports
08:29.52mbishoptimecop: hmm, ok
08:30.38Sato1232 or 323??
08:30.43vppalot of people seem to have problems compiling chan_323 or oh232 on their own
08:30.46vpphehe sorry 323
08:30.50vpptyping too fast!
08:31.15vpplol i keep doing it cos i use a chip that has 232 in it very often
08:31.40Sato1i know the feeling
08:32.10vppok so now i get it
08:32.25vppgot its confusing with all these h323's everywhere lol
08:32.55vppso there's 2 wrapers.. but they both use pwlib and openh323 which are the drivers
08:32.56Sato1whats the h stand for?
08:33.08*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
08:33.12vppdepending on the wrapper u need a different version of openh323 or pwlib
08:33.24Sato1i understand that part
08:33.37vppright so there are two wrappers
08:33.41Sato1i used to work with gnugk, that uses openh323 and pwlib too
08:33.43vppchan_323 which comes with asterisk
08:33.52Sato1...and does not work
08:33.58vppin asterisk/channels/h323
08:34.13Sato1and the oh323 wrapper
08:34.19vppwell the one that comes with asterisk 1.0.7 aparently works, because its 'stable' and everyone is using it
08:34.29vppbut you'r using that and your saying it doesn't
08:34.33vppok do the oh323 wrapper
08:34.38vppu need to download seperately
08:34.50vppthe latest version is 0.6.5 (stable
08:34.54Sato1hmm.. where do i find the version 1.0.7?
08:35.10Sato1ftp asterisk?
08:35.20vppit needs pwlib 1.6.6 and openh323 1.13.5
08:35.22vppu can use CVS
08:35.23Sato1i only know the cvs thing
08:35.25vppbut i think u have it
08:36.16Sato1thats what i have
08:36.23Sato1[root@master asterisk]# asterisk -V
08:36.23Sato1Asterisk CVS-v1-0-05/01/05-22:29:01
08:36.33Sato1i dont see that 1.0.7
08:36.35vppyeah so u have the latest stable
08:36.54Sato1i know what else do i have sleep
08:37.38vppTo get the current stable release, issue the following command:
08:37.38vpp# cvs checkout -r v1-0 zaptel libpri asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds
08:38.06vppwhich is why your says v1-0 followed by a date
08:38.12timecopugh what the fuck
08:39.06vppthats what it says on the atserisk page.. i guess the v1-0 tree always has the latest stable
08:39.20Sato1oh god!
08:39.42Sato1no way, i will leave this compiling the pwlib and openh323
08:39.47Sato1and i m off to bed
08:39.55vpplol ok cyaaa
08:40.14vpptimecop, what codecs are available for this asterisk then
08:40.18Sato1it will take at least another 4 hours in this amd-k6-II 500mhz
08:40.31vpp723.1 ( i seen) g729A, g729B, g729AB ?
08:40.51vppSato1: lol.. try compiling gcc on that
08:40.55Sato1723 for asterisk?
08:41.16vppyeah 723.1 and 729
08:41.23vppthere's free ones for 'educational use'
08:41.31vppor u register from digium
08:41.40timecopvpp: sure.
08:41.46Sato1and for personal/home use?
08:41.54vppSato1: non profit basically
08:42.06Sato1where do i find them?? :D
08:43.55vppbut anyway my question is are they G729,G729A,G729B or G729AB?
08:44.03vppand what are the digium ones?
08:44.20mbishoptimecop: registry finally has my info
08:44.27mbishoptimecop: but peers is still empty
08:44.37timecopthats fine
08:45.04timecoppeers was for something else anyway.
08:45.19timecopfor fwd you should only have registry -> i think cause thats what i have.
08:46.01mbishophmm well I'm not connected I don't believe, can't dial 612 or anything
08:46.08timecopwell uh
08:46.13timecopall those you need in extensions
08:46.35timecopadd something like 612 -> Dial(IAX2/whatever) etc
08:47.28vppi wonder can i lift the pwlib and openh323 directories from this machine and take them to another?
08:47.31vppi should be able to right?
08:48.29timecopi guess.
08:51.41mbishophmm well what's an easy way to dial a test number like time or whatever to see if it's working?
08:54.26vppbtw Sato1: if u wanna try OH232..
08:54.46*** part/#asterisk roamer323 (
08:55.55*** join/#asterisk djin (
08:58.07*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
08:59.23Jas_Williamsmbishop, dial 393613 if you put the details in extensions.conf as detailled on the fwd web site
09:02.21mbishopJas_Williams: what should the context be?
09:03.09Jas_Williamsmbishop, a context that is accessible from the phone you are calling from
09:03.34mbishopthat makes no sense to me heh
09:06.44Sato1vpp, thats what  i m traying to do, but i cant get the right libraries it says in the README
09:07.47vppwhy not?
09:08.42*** join/#asterisk pycsusz (
09:08.43Sato1there are not 1.6.6 version
09:08.52Sato1i m just seeing that in the url you gave me
09:09.00Sato1but now... *sighs* i dont have links installed
09:09.08Sato1what rpm has links?
09:09.17vppthats all the libraries u need
09:09.27vppuse some other computer to download and ftp them over
09:10.06vpponly use the 'Janus_patch4' ones if u want to try the latest dev one (0.7.1)
09:10.11*** join/#asterisk kimc (
09:10.36kimcgood morning from Detroit
09:10.38vppif u want to try 0.6.5 then use whats in the readme.. pwlib1.6.6 openh1.13.5
09:10.41pycsuszHi Everybody! If somebody use EICON DIVA SERVER 4 BRI card with debian linux, then please send private message to me!
09:11.00Sato1thats what i m traying
09:11.28mbishopJas_Williams: I'm just wanting to use iax to fwd, what should the 'context' be for the extensions to fwd?
09:11.38vppok so 1.6.6 and 1.13.5 are here
09:14.03Jas_Williamsmbishop, it depends on what contexts create a new context called [fwd-out] and paste the information there then add an include for this context for any phones that need to call the number
09:15.48Sato1the page you gave is for 0.6.5
09:16.01vppnotice the prompts..
09:17.05vppPatching oh323
09:17.06*** join/#asterisk nitram (
09:17.06vppcd openh323
09:17.06vpppatch -p1 < asterisk-oh323-0.7.1/openh323_1.13.5-make.patch
09:17.13vppsorry notice that bit
09:17.24vppso u can use either 0.6.5 (stable) or 0.7.1 (latest dev)
09:17.31vppboth require the same openh and pwlib
09:17.34vppupto u!
09:18.40*** join/#asterisk nrc (
09:18.58Sato1well, i see there is not a problem to do a small wrapper compiling after rebuilding the whole openh323
09:19.17Sato1anyway, i am leaving openh323 compiling, gotta go to sleep
09:19.23Sato1thank you vpn
09:19.28vppyeah exactly
09:19.28mbishopJas_Williams: sorry to be such a pain, I get the part about making [fwd-out] but how do I 'include this context for any phone that needs it'?
09:19.30vppok cyaaa
09:19.37Sato1see? i m really tired
09:19.59Jas_Williamsmbishop, what phones are you using sip ?
09:20.48mbishopJas_Williams: none? just software
09:21.19Jas_WilliamsXten ?
09:22.13mbishopI installed asterisk and wanted to use fwd, but the nat stuff screwed up so I am using iax to 'phones' or any other software
09:22.35mbishopwhenever I try to dial something it says no extension in local, dunno what that means
09:22.42vppis it safe to remove sendmail? or will asterisk throw a wobbly?
09:25.50pycsuszHi Everybody! If somebody use EICON DIVA SERVER 4 BRI card with debian linux, then please send private message to me!
09:32.10vppwhat does !! in the password field of a shadow file mean?
09:32.25tzafrirvpp, don't use sendmail. use a more decent alternative. postfix comes to mind
09:32.34tzafrirunless you distro really insists.
09:32.43vpptzafrir: i dont need any mail on it really
09:33.02vppbut i thought some programs go nuts if there isnt something available to mail 'syslog' or something
09:33.06tzafrirand there are a number of smaller send-only alternatives, such as ssmtp and nullmailer
09:33.40vppi havnt used linux is yearssssss, but i do remember sendmail is very insecure
09:34.13tzafrirvpp, yes, generlly it is a good idea to have a /usr/sbin/sendmail on your system
09:34.38vpphmm so what to do
09:34.43vppi could just firewall it off?
09:35.46tzafrirvpp, it doesn't have to listen on port 25. Not even of that of localhost
09:36.27vppso leave it there, but change the conf do it doesnt bind?
09:37.06tzafrirvpp, for that reason people use postfix. This is now the default of most distros. That said, sendmail is not as insecure as it used to.
09:37.33tzafrirI think it didn't have a remote root exploit in the last year
09:38.29tzafrirvpp, are you sure it binds by default to all interfaces?
09:38.38tzafrirnetstat -lntp |grep 25
09:38.55tzafrirsee if it binds to all interfaces or just to
09:40.14pycsuszHi Everybody! If somebody use EICON DIVA SERVER 4 BRI card with debian linux, then please send private message to me!
09:40.23vppyeah your right localhost only
09:41.54timecopjust use exim
09:41.59timecopand not even run a listenere
09:42.02timecopjsut use it for local only
09:43.19timecopsmall/easy to configure.
09:43.26timecopand no faggotry like qmail
09:43.59vppok so how do i turn off bootp and tftp
09:44.08timecopwhy the hell do you have it on?
09:44.29vppits an all in one astrisk @ home CD
09:44.46vppi couldnt get the oh232 compiled with centos.. so this will do to test it out
09:44.55vppi removed all the crap.. gnugk, AMP etc etc
09:44.58timecopoh, no idea
09:44.59vppextra passwords
09:45.07vppmysql etc etc
09:45.16timecopthe problem wiht opensores
09:45.17tzafrirexim has the basic problem of sendmail: everything in one daemon. postfix follows qmail's general path is separating different tasks to different proceccess
09:45.21vppso now i notice some ports still open.. bootp and tftp which is bad!
09:45.32timecopexim works fine
09:45.41timecopfor a local mta
09:46.05tzafrir"bootp" is dhcp (client or server)?
09:46.27tzafrirtftp: thisis actually the (x)inted listening
09:46.49vppthats right.. now i rememberrr
09:46.54mbishopok well now iax to fwd dials, but it always rings, hangs up, says rejected 'no such context/extension'
09:47.00vppwas confused cos i didnt see tftpd in /etc/init.d hehehe
09:47.11timecopso look in console an dsee what you fucked up
09:47.17timecopyoure probably passing too many digits to DIAL/IAX2
09:47.36tzafrirvpp, /etc/xinetd.d
09:48.17*** join/#asterisk |HelioS| (
09:48.26pycsuszHi Everybody! If somebody use EICON DIVA SERVER 4 BRI card with debian linux, then please send private message to me!
09:48.28vppso how do i disable things in xinet.d and init.d apart from rename/move them
09:48.45timecopwho the fuck allowed xinetd to be used on asterisk@home cd?
09:49.01timecop:( opensores is such a fucking joke
09:49.01tzafrirhave you actually read that file undet /etc/xinetd.d ?
09:49.01vppi have no idea
09:49.10timecopwhat was wrong with inetd?
09:49.16tzafririt has a nice "disable" entry in it
09:49.17timecopxinetd doesnt even fit into "scratching an itch"
09:49.21mbishop== No one is available to answer at this time
09:49.29timecopmbishop: asterisk -vvvvc
09:49.43mbishoptimecop: I'm in it already, dialing from console
09:49.57tzafrirtimecop, what's your problem with xinetd?
09:50.04timecoptzafrir: its pointless?
09:50.12timecoptzafrir: it provides a solution to a nonexistent problem?
09:50.15timecopinetd works fine?
09:50.24mbishopmy extension is 7 and no matter what number I dial it starts to ring, and then gives a 'busy'? tone and it says no one is available to answer and before that call was rejectd
09:50.34tzafrirvpp chkconfig --list tftp
09:50.37timecopxinetd has no purpose except incompatible, obfuscated config files and more shit to go wrong.
09:50.42|HelioS|someone here running AMP and Capi?? just want to know if it is possible, amportal doesn`t start if i use capi
09:50.43tzafrirvpp chkconfig --list |grep tftp
09:50.51timecopmbishop: 7?
09:50.51vpptftp            on
09:51.04timecopbwaha, asterisk@home is roothat?
09:51.08timecopoh my.
09:51.40tzafrirvpp chkconfig --disable tftp
09:51.40vppauth:   on
09:51.42mbishoptimecop: yes I made the extension _7
09:51.49vppthats all i gotta do?
09:51.53timecopi thought you said DIALING doesnt work
09:52.00vppits peristant after bootup?
09:52.17mbishoptimecop: I said it dials now, but then says rejected and hangs up
09:52.22timecopexten => _8.,3,Dial(IAX2/267210@fwd/${EXTEN:1})
09:52.24timecopsomething like that.
09:52.31timecopwell, you can ignore that 26 number.
09:52.38timecopand 3
09:52.42timecopand other stuff to adjust it to your shit.
09:52.53pycsuszHi Everybody! If somebody use EICON DIVA SERVER 4 BRI card with debian linux, then please send private message to me!
09:52.56mbishopyeah I get it
09:53.06mbishoptimecop: wel, what is the number after EXTEN?
09:53.08vpp--disable: unknown option
09:53.16timecopmbishop: that doesnt pass the "8"
09:53.18timecopso you dial
09:53.19vpp--del ?
09:53.24timecopand it passes ->12345
09:53.26tzafrirtimecop, xinetd allows much nicer handling by separate packages
09:53.26timecopto dial.
09:53.30mbishoptimecop: what do other numbers mean?
09:53.32timecoptzafrir: no, it doesnt.
09:53.46timecopmbishop: 3 is the sequence number in dial. for you, you probably just set it to 1.
09:54.10tzafrirwhich was one of the reasons why most distros have adopted it so quickly
09:54.20|HelioS|is there a good management/config interface which can deal with ISDN (Capi) and is able to use other languages than english?
09:54.38timecoptzafrir: tehre are about 2 thigns that would be useful to run from inetd, and both of those can be replaced wiht something standalone that doesnt even fucking need inetd.
09:54.45mbishoptimecop: thank you, it works now :D
09:54.48timecoptzafrir: its not 1989 anymore. shit like tcp_wrappers and inetd isnt necessary.
09:54.58timecopthere are a million better ways to handle shit.
09:55.20vppcan i just switch off xinit.d completely?
09:55.21timecopand i dont know of any "distribution' except root hat which "adopted" xinetd.
09:55.30tzafrirtimecop, the fact that you don't want it doesn't mean that others don't
09:55.38timecoptzafrir: give me ONE good reason to ahve it.
09:55.47|HelioS|timecop: suse, mandrake
09:55.53vppthe only other thing on is 'auth' whatever that is
09:56.00timecopvpp: ident
09:56.06tzafrirvpp, grep auth /etc/services
09:56.07timecop|HelioS|: HELLO, those are all roothat based
09:56.14|HelioS|right ;)
09:56.29tzafrirtimecop, Mandrake has not been RH-based since around 6.1
09:56.32timecopmandrake is just roothat s/roothat/mandrake
09:56.35vppok don't need ident
09:56.45tzafrirSuSE has basically never been RH-based.
09:56.56timecopexcept using redhat package manager.
09:56.57|HelioS|but rpm based
09:57.04tzafrirvpp, don't you use that system for IRC?
09:59.13vpphmm do i need ip6tables if i'm not using ip6 ?
09:59.41vppand i guess i don't need pcmcia!  oh and if i'm pissing u off just tell me to shut up :p and i'll google it
09:59.46tzafriryou don't really need it. But I figure that it is in the same package of iptables
09:59.56vppahh ok
10:00.18timecopi guess this is the reason rtoothat minimum install is like 600megs.
10:00.23timecopbecause they install a pile of shit nobody ever sues
10:00.24timecopuses too
10:00.32vppntpd is ntp client or server?
10:00.36vpplol yeah
10:00.44vppi should use toms root boot :p
10:00.58vppor whatever it was called
10:02.21pycsuszHi Everybody! If somebody use EICON DIVA SERVER 4 BRI card with debian linux, then please send private message to me!
10:03.36timecophey pycsusz do you ahve that on autorepeat or something?
10:03.38*** join/#asterisk newl (~newlook@
10:04.03vpphmm should i turn of 'atd'... u think it would be used by astrerisk?
10:04.13timecopthats cron/at stuff.
10:04.32vppmaybe i should check the crontab first :p
10:05.01timecopback in the day there waws only crond
10:05.07timecopbut some retard thought atd would be better.
10:05.16timecopprobably different config files for it too.
10:05.18RaYmAn-Bxtzafrir: Are you the same tzafrir (Cohen) from the elektra list? And if so are you still interested in the project?
10:05.49tzafrirRaYmAn-Bx, generally interested, yes. I don't have time for this ATM, as my day job involves Asterisk
10:06.17tzafrirI'd love to get Asterisk to use an elektra configuration backend :-)
10:06.19newlatd can be handy for running once off things at a particular time whereas crond is not capable of that.
10:06.53RaYmAn-Bxtzafrir: okay. I was considering suggesting an elektra irc channel here..Any thoughts on that? (I'm "Jens Andersen" btw, nss-registry guy)
10:08.15tzafrirno such channel right now. I'd love to see one. freenode is a nice network.
10:08.28RaYmAn-Bxokay, i'll proceed then :>
10:09.57tzafrirvpp, the "minimal" install is so big because it also installs a build system.
10:10.13tzafrirWhich is generally not something you need at runtime
10:10.32tzafrirYou can always keep a separate build machine, if you want
10:12.57vpphmm ok
10:13.10vppwell space isnt the issue.. so i can disable this stuff and be happy for now..
10:13.15vppits only a test machine anyway
10:13.26vppi guess i need portmap?
10:14.16tzafririf you don't use nfs, what needs portmap?
10:14.20vppxPl ?!
10:14.28vppok just checking :)
10:15.00vpp'xpl hub is av xPL Protocol hub' it says
10:16.17tzafrirX10 . That's where the @home parts of the name comes from
10:16.40vppso i don't need xplhub?
10:16.50vppi dissabled httpd and all the web gui and crap already
10:18.22*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
10:18.32vpphmm rhnsd... when it connects.. what exactly does it do? where does it tell u if u need an update?
10:18.41vppi guess i should disable it and check manually?
10:19.58pycsusztimecop no maybe do I need it?
10:21.10*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
10:27.25*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
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10:30.13tzafrirvpp, it tells you if you need updates via yum, IIRC
10:30.21*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
10:30.38tzafrirbut I don't think it has much use if you're not a desktop user
10:31.34tzafrirAnd anyway, all the asterisk software is not built with rpm packages on asterisk@home
10:32.49vppok cool
10:32.57vpphmm now i have an odd asterisk problem!
10:33.35vppi make a call.. and it connects fine.. when i terminate it i see a second call terminate with cause 41 on the destination gateway ?!
10:34.17*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
10:35.36Jas_Williamsvpp, you have an _. catch all that is catching the h extension thrown on hangup, I'd guess
10:36.13vppspot on
10:36.17Jas_Williamsvpp, try _X. it will work better
10:36.31vppexten => _.,1,Dial(OH323/${EXTEN}@quintum)
10:38.21vppgreat :d
10:39.03Blackvelwhat is this new junghanns bristuff cwain driver?
10:56.40cypromisHFC-PCI based e1 cards
10:58.55Blackveland how expensive are they?
11:01.24Blackvelany benefit?
11:01.40Blackvelasterisk t1/e1 + ZAPTEL drivers are very stable I think?
11:01.48cypromisif he gets the pcm bus done than for some applications yes
11:20.23|HelioS|i'm searching for an web interface like AMP, but with isdn support, any suggestions?
11:21.58tzafrir|HelioS|, I think DeStar has it
11:22.03jbotwell, destar is at
11:22.37|HelioS|thx, i'll give it a try
11:23.34*** join/#asterisk shaonss (~shaon@
11:25.14shaonsshow to come back to dialplan to dial some number after checking voicemail?
11:30.10*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
11:31.45tzafrirshaonss, the voicemail is an application just like dial. After executing it you generally continue with your dialplan
11:32.02tzafrirshow application voicemailmain
11:32.24cypromisyou could create the same app just out of the dialplan
11:32.30shaonssbut after checking my mail it hungup
11:33.29tzafrirpress '#'?
11:34.38shaonssyes i tried it does not comback to context
11:35.07*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:37.39vpphow do i view iptable rules?
11:38.04shaonssexten =>s,1,Wait(3)
11:38.04shaonssexten =>s,2,Answer
11:38.15pigpenvpp: iptables -n -L
11:38.18shaonssis not answering calls
11:38.22*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
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11:38.28pigpenvpp: or iptables -n -L -t NAT
11:38.48vpphmm none defined
11:38.57vpphow do i check if iptables is switched on?
11:39.08vppChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
11:39.08vpptarget     prot opt source               destination
11:39.21pigpenif you do these..and you only get ie: nothing...iptables has not been invoked.
11:39.25vppi got three of those.. INPUT,FORWARD, OUTPUT dont' have it running at all.
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11:51.50shaonsstZafrir: thanks how it is working
11:53.30shaonssbut exten =>s,1,Wait(3)exten =>s,2,Answer is not working
11:54.14shaonssin background it plays next pririty but i cant hear
11:54.24shaonsswhat could be the problem?
11:55.58*** join/#asterisk kielstirling (
11:57.55kielstirlingI'm having some strange codec problems Im going cisco h.323 g729 -> gnugk -> asterisk ->sip phone can any one help with some idea's
11:58.36kielstirlingMany the problem is no sound or buzzing sound
12:03.22*** join/#asterisk shamid4u_ (
12:03.37shamid4u_hi everyone
12:04.16shamid4u_i am getting an error "Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
12:04.17shamid4u_No ISA tormenta card found at d0000
12:04.17shamid4u_Zapata Telephony Interface Unloaded,
12:04.57shamid4u_can someone help me to figure it out,
12:05.21shamid4u_i got this error wehn i use command "dmesg"
12:06.40shaonsscan asterisk act h323 gateway?
12:06.50shaonssas a gateway?
12:07.19illuvatoryou mean gatekeeper?
12:08.04*** join/#asterisk meppl (
12:08.29shaonssi have 2 h323 gateway can i use them with asterisk?
12:08.33kajtzushaonss: yes
12:08.37shamid4u_any help for error"No ISA tormenta card found ad d0000"
12:08.54kajtzuI'm actually trying to do the same thing myself but I'm plagued with one-way voice
12:09.17shaonssbut asterisk does not support h323 by default right?
12:10.05*** join/#asterisk shepherd (
12:10.41tzafrirshaonss, you can add a h323 channel to asterisk
12:10.49ManxPowerAsterisk can act as a H323 Gateway, but not an H323 Gatekeeper.
12:10.52tzafrir(chan_h323 or chan_oh323)
12:11.10shaonssdo i have to compile or it is already compiled?
12:11.26ManxPowerh323 is one of the hardest thing to get working with Asterisk.  It requires specific version of the openH323 libs.
12:11.40ManxPowershaonss: read /path/to/src/asterisk/channels/h323/README
12:11.46newlIndeed, it's a pain in the ass.
12:11.48tzafrirshaonss, you've probably heard about openh323 if it is built.
12:12.18shaonsswhat about mgcp? my gateway support MGCP
12:12.52tzafrirshaonss, you chould see if the relevant channel module was actually built
12:12.58ManxPowershaonss: MGCP is included with Asterisk, but is not well supported.
12:14.17shaonssi have 2 cisco ubr924 how can i use those with asterisk?
12:14.23shaonssthey support h323,mgcp,sgcp
12:14.34ManxPowershaonss: Then they should work, huh?
12:15.23shaonsswhich protocol u suggest ?
12:15.28*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
12:15.38kajtzuon the ubr.. hmm :>
12:15.44shaonssbut it doed not support sip
12:15.47kajtzusgcp? you mean sccp?
12:16.54ManxPowershaonss: If it does not support SIP, then it does not support the most supported protocol for Asterisk
12:17.11shepherdsccp = skinny
12:17.19shepherdskinny is somewhat supported as well
12:17.22RoyKh323 == fatty
12:17.27kajtzuh323 = pain in the ass
12:17.31shaonssbut asterisk can act as a tranlator right?
12:17.48RoyKshaonss: asterisk can gateway between whatever it has channel drivers for
12:18.35shaonssanybody tried asterisk and h323 with success?
12:19.47ManxPowershaonss: Yes.
12:20.17shaonssis there any way to embed softphone with webpage so that my friends can call me from web?
12:20.29ManxPowershaonss: I tire of your questions.
12:21.12shaonssu guys can u give me some pdf of how guide if u have
12:21.16*** join/#asterisk sault (
12:21.27shepherdshaonss: just assume yes.. and rtfm :)
12:21.32newlFWD has some form of java (I think) client that you can embed in a page afair.
12:21.35saultanyone running g729?
12:21.42masoncshaonss => signate has a callme script
12:22.01shepherdthere is also an iax activex component out there
12:22.13saulti can't register with the digium license server
12:22.26shepherdwhat error is it giving you?
12:22.32saultConnecting to Digium License Server (!
12:22.52shaonssu have to purchase the licence key
12:23.00saultduh. done that.
12:23.05shepherdshaonss: he did that already
12:23.25saultorder 6561 (asteriskpbx-)
12:23.33shaonssthen it should not be a problem
12:23.52saulti need more coffee.  maybe i'm just missing the easy ones.
12:24.58shaonsssault: # ./register G729-1234ABCD
12:26.06saultDigium Product Registration
12:26.06saultCopyright (C) 2004, Digium, Inc.
12:26.06saultAnalyzing key 'G729-1234ABCD'
12:26.06saultConnecting to Digium License Server (!
12:26.10saultbut thank you for playing.
12:26.54saulton a related note, does anyone know how to license g723.1 for *?
12:29.35shaonssManxpower: why exten =>s,1,Wait(3) exten =s,2,Answer do not answer but exten=>s,1,Answer exten =>s,2,Wait(3) answers the call    but i need a wait first
12:30.56saultshaonss: is this a pri channel?
12:31.17shaonssits analog x100p
12:32.06saultwhat's priority 3?
12:32.20*** join/#asterisk wvbroadband (~User@
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12:32.57shaonssexten =>s,3,DigitTimeout,8
12:32.57shaonssexten =>s,4,ResponseTimeout,8
12:32.57shaonssexten =>s,5,Playback(beep)
12:32.57shaonssexten =>s,6,Background(silence/3)
12:32.57shaonssexten =>s,7,Dial(phone/phone0,5,rg)
12:33.40shaonssin the back it does everything but in channel no sound
12:34.03*** join/#asterisk farmatel (
12:34.32ManxPowerHere is the licensing priceing info for G723.1 direct from the patent holder's web site:
12:35.50*** part/#asterisk farmatel (
12:35.58ManxPowersault: contact Digium
12:36.10ManxPower(regarding your G729 reg problem)
12:36.36saultwaiting for reg server reboot
12:39.55*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
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12:43.38iCEBrkrmy g723 license registers but when I actually go and use it, asterisk console spews 'out of licenses' messages.
12:43.55iCEBrkrApparently I need a g723 license for each end of the call??
12:44.01ManxPoweriCEBrkr: You don't have a G723 license.
12:44.03*** join/#asterisk Donuil (
12:44.06iCEBrkrhang on
12:44.21ManxPoweriCEBrkr: I don't know.
12:44.40ManxPowerBut if you want to use G729 then you need a license at each end of the call.
12:44.59iCEBrkrYeah, that's what I figured.
12:45.40iCEBrkr...when I get around to it. :)
12:48.27guyeewhat can I do with Dial() if I want to continue execution of the current context even if the originating channel hungs up?
12:48.50guyeethe g option is OK but works only with the callee :/
12:49.01Dovidmorning all
12:49.30saultManxPower: so, no options under $30k/cpu for g723?  I was hoping in the $5-$20/channel flat rate range.
12:49.53iCEBrkrguyee: Depending on what you want to do, you could put your logic in h,
12:49.57DonuilHi... I've installed asterisk and I've observed the lack of the cmd dial from the CLI consolle... someone tell me it depend by the installation of the sound card and that I need to load the Alsa modules... It is really possible, but why is there the lack of CLI dial command in the wiki guide too?
12:50.47iCEBrkrDonuil: If you wanna 'dial' from the CLI, look into the Manage API :)
12:51.14guyeeiCEBrkr: OMG... ok, sorry for the stupid question. :)
12:51.40iCEBrkrguyee: Naa, not stupid.
12:51.53iCEBrkrguyee: It's really more of a 'work-around' depending on what you wanna do..
12:52.15iCEBrkrguyee: Cuz sometimes you don't want your code executing in the 'h' extension.
12:53.40guyeeIceBrkr: I have to compress and remove the files of the monitored calls... but I just found out that Monitor() has an 'm' option. :/
12:53.56guyeeiCEBrkrk: I should've look for it more carefully
12:54.15iCEBrkrguyee: Yea, I put that in 'h'
12:54.34iCEBrkrguyee: The only problem is if you have an hour long call it takes a long while for it to merge and compress the audio.
12:54.41iCEBrkrLeaving that channel 'in-use' for that amount of time.
12:55.07iCEBrkrIt doesn't free-up that channel until after the encoding and Hangup() is called.
12:55.33shaonsshow to check my soundcard if it is capabel with console/dsp
12:55.35iCEBrkrAnd if you call Hangup() before the encoding, you lose a bunch variables-- Or something. I forget what breaks, but it's not happy when it goes to encode.
12:56.02guyeeiCeBrkr: Maybe I should kick some S in case of an hour long call... it's easier to implement :)
12:56.21iCEBrkrFaster machine would help too. :)
12:56.45DonuilICEBrkr I will follow ypur suggestion... however I've installed asterisk on another pc and I may call from console withoute API management...^_^
12:57.08iCEBrkrIF you have multiple channels to make calls on, it's basically transparent.  But if you're like me who's only tinkering with this stuff and have one PSTN line, it kinda sucks.
12:57.28iCEBrkrDonuil: Dialing from the console is kinda silly.
12:58.09iCEBrkrBlargh.. Monday Staff meeting. *Sigh* We have too many meetings!!!*@)!@*#)!@#
12:58.46*** part/#asterisk Donuil (
12:59.57tzafririCEBrkr, actually I wrote a simple script that places a call file
13:00.26*** join/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
13:00.27tzafrirIt proved useful for testing
13:01.58*** join/#asterisk shepherd (~matt@
13:17.31timecophow do I dial IAX2 through a peer defined in iax.conf?
13:17.59timecopi've been doing something likedial(IAX2/user:pass@host/exten
13:18.14timecophow do Iroute it through iax thing in iax.conf?
13:21.44*** join/#asterisk Patrick^ (
13:21.48tzafrirIAX2/peername/exten ?
13:23.59timecopdid that
13:24.00timecopdoesnt work.
13:25.15*** join/#asterisk predictive (
13:25.54ManxPowertimecop: then [peername] in iax.conf is not correct.
13:26.09predictivedoes asterisk just not have decent DNID support
13:26.19tzangerpredictive: eh?
13:26.27tzangerDNID == EXTEN as far as asterisk is concerned
13:26.34timecopthats what I get.
13:26.39predictiveso how do you determine the dialed number
13:26.49ManxPowertimecop: what does "iax2 show peers" show for peername?
13:26.49tzangerpredictive: uh
13:26.57tzangerDNIS/DNID is the dialed number
13:27.01predictiveyes I know
13:27.02timecopManxPower: the one I want
13:27.08tzangerRDNIS is the original number if it was redirected
13:27.09ManxPowertimecop: paste the line
13:27.21MikeJ[Laptop]DNIS=DNID=Dialed Number=EXTEN
13:27.21tzangerit's relaly up to whatever the telco is going to show you
13:27.22timecoptest/username (Unspecified)   (D)  0    (T)      UNKNOWN
13:27.36timecop"test" being the peer name.
13:27.51timecopim making a iax2 trunk to another location.
13:28.27ManxPowertimecop: (Unspecified) means NOT REGISTERED!
13:28.39ManxPowerMikeJ[Laptop]: Don't use _. pattern
13:28.46timecopoh it sure is
13:29.02timecopRegistered IAX2 to 'x.x.x.x', who sees us as y.y.y.y:4569
13:29.04MikeJ[Laptop]hehe, he wanted to know what was dialed, not do anything else :)
13:29.17ManxPowertimecop: no that's an OUTGOING registration to a REMOTE SERVER.
13:29.25timecopuh, duh?
13:29.33timecopand thats what im doing?
13:29.37ManxPowertimecop: (Unspecified) means NOT REGISTERED!
13:29.49predictivebut extension shows up as 's', which is the default
13:29.50timecopi want toregister to my REMOTE SERVER so I can place IAX2 calls thorugh it
13:30.00tzangerpredictive: this is on PRI?
13:30.10timecopby dialing IAX2/test/1234
13:30.11predictiveright now it's just a analog liine for testing
13:30.11tzangeror POTS
13:30.13ManxPowertimecop: The ONLY THING a registration does is tell the far end what your IP address is.  It does NOTHING else.
13:30.17tzangeryou can't get DNID from POTS
13:30.21timecopok, so what am I supposed to do?
13:30.34tzangerpredictive: you can't get that info off an analog line
13:30.38ManxPowertime host=ip.address.of.remote.end
13:30.41tzangercentrex MAY work but I kind of doubt they'll provide that
13:30.46predictiveok so
13:30.59predictiveI"ll need to further test with a PRI or IAX2 trunking
13:31.04predictivefrom an originator
13:31.43timecopthat worked.
13:31.54ManxPowerpredictive: The last person that used Asterisk for telemarketing was found in a ditch totally out of it and repeating "calling people bad!" and had to be put in a state hospital.
13:32.03timecophar har
13:32.07*** join/#asterisk dsfr (~dsfr@
13:32.10predictiveManxPower: who said anything about telemarketing
13:32.14timecopsomeone was in here few weeks ago
13:32.17timecopasking how to block their CID
13:32.22timecop"for fun pruposes"
13:32.26ManxPowerpredictive: nobody, but I thought I might mention it.
13:32.28predictiveour application is totally incall
13:32.40predictiveI just need to key off the DNID to do the right thing
13:32.42*** part/#asterisk sault (
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13:32.58timecopok how what the hell
13:33.01timecopi call my normal number
13:33.03timecopthen connect
13:33.10timecopand it dials IAX2/test/mh extension
13:33.17timecop(after I hang up)
13:33.18BlissexManxPower: doesn't ''register'' also tell the remote server which extension to route to that IP address being registered?
13:33.31ManxPowertimecop: sounds to me like you have an exten => _. somewhere.
13:33.37timecopyes I do.
13:33.44timecopand i plan to keep it that way.
13:33.44ManxPowerBlissex: Yes.
13:33.47timecopgot a better method?
13:33.55ManxPowertimecop: then plan on having all the problems associated with _.
13:34.06ManxPowerHow about _X.
13:34.15newlOnly if the register entry provides the extension number.
13:34.25predictiveis that 'Manx' as in the language
13:34.32ManxPowerSince _. matches all digits and "h" and "i" and "t" and and and
13:34.36timecopheh heh.
13:34.38tzangertimecop: with bell canada I can set my CID name and number to anything at all... the called party sees what I put there unless it crosses over to a different provider, and then my provided number is taken but the name is replaced with a lookup from a standard directory
13:34.41ManxPowerpredictive: as in the cat
13:34.47tzangertimecop: _. bad
13:34.52tzangertimecop: what's your reason for it
13:34.57timecoptzanger: home use.
13:35.04timecopnobody here is gonna dial fucking 9 to get an outside line.
13:35.04ManxPowerhell, CVS-HEAD even complains if you use _. pattern now.
13:35.05tzangertimecop: _. for home use?
13:35.12timecopanyhow, _X. works fine
13:35.14tzangertimecop: I use * at home and never dial 9 to get out
13:35.41ManxPowertimecop: How will Asterisk tell the difference between a call to be routed outside and a call that's an inside extension?
13:35.48tzangerI have NXXXXXX, 1NXXNXXXXXX and 011.... I never dial 9
13:35.52shepherdmanx: 1
13:35.56tzangerand I can hit 911,411,611 too
13:36.06timecopManxPower: 2 internal phonesa re *100 and *101
13:36.14ManxPowershepherd: so you have to dial 1 for local calls too.
13:36.17timecopand i dont call between them.
13:36.30ManxPowertimecop: well duh!  You don't need 9 if you extensions don't start with a digit
13:36.37timecopno shit
13:36.41timecopthats why I had a _.
13:36.47ManxPowerSo you are trading dialing 9 for outside call for dialing * for an internal extension
13:36.47tzangerand I have 101, 102 and 103 internal extensions
13:36.49timecopwhich i replaced iwht _X.
13:36.52*** join/#asterisk lilwookie (
13:37.07timecopManxPower: which never gets dialed nayway so its a non-ssiue
13:37.07tzanger99 times out of 100 _. is not needed, ever.
13:37.09timecopissue too.
13:37.11ManxPowertimecop: _. matches *
13:37.19shepherdmanx: sometimes.. if asterisk knows it is looking for a certain amount of digits.. after you dial them.. it waits a few seconds the dials it
13:37.30*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
13:37.37ManxPowershepherd: no, if it does that then it does NOT know exactly how many digits to work for.
13:38.07shepherdwell.. if you have 20xx setup for your extensions
13:38.08ManxPowerand any pattern with a . at the end will always cause DigitTimeout delay before completing the call.
13:38.16shepherdand you only dial 4 digits..
13:38.27shepherdasterisk understands it
13:38.28timecopManxPower: both are sip phones here so it doesnt matter.
13:38.34ManxPowershepherd: and what pattern is used for dialing extenal calls in your exmaple.
13:38.38tzangershepherd: trust ManxPower, if * waits for a second or so it is because there are several matches
13:38.38shepherdsame with like 2056523
13:38.54iCEBrkrtzafrir: Yea, a call file is good for 'cli' dialing. :)
13:39.25ManxPowershepherd: yes, so asterisk doest know if you are dialing phone number 2056523 or dialing extension 2011
13:39.42shepherdit always works for me
13:39.48masoncanyone know sangoma installations?
13:39.54*** join/#asterisk PuNk3rX (
13:39.55ManxPowershepherd: it will work.  You'll just get a delay when dialing extensions.
13:40.00tzangermasonc: yup
13:40.02shepherdso what ;)
13:40.09PuNk3rXhow is everyone doing today?
13:40.12masonctrying to configure zaptel
13:40.15ManxPowershepherd: I don't like a delay, users don't like a delay
13:40.23masoncwanrouter is loading and connecting to channel bank
13:40.24timecopshould my remote IAX2 peer be type of user/friend/what?
13:40.26PuNk3rXah, that part wasn't the greatest, lol
13:40.34timecop(works now as friend)
13:40.39shepherdbut 2 seconds isn't going to matter
13:40.49masonctzanger - can we do a private?
13:40.57tzangermasonc: that costs extra
13:41.06ManxPowershepherd: it's going to matter when users complain to their manager, who complains to the company president, who complains to the MIS manager, who complains to me.
13:41.16masoncbut can we
13:41.28ManxPowertzanger: Did you ask me on friday night how I knew about 48v?
13:41.30shepherdit's 2 seconds!
13:41.31shepherdget over it
13:41.39tzangerManxPower: no I didn't
13:41.46ManxPowershepherd: it's DigitTimeout.
13:42.02tzangershepherd: "get over it" isn't exactly a great political strategy
13:42.09ManxPowershepherd: my users are idiots.  They can't dial faster than 2 seconds between digits most of the time.
13:42.09PuNk3rXdoes anyone know where to start with troubleshooting a linux box, that isn't holding on to the modules?
13:42.22ManxPowerso I need to increase digit timeout to 4 seconds
13:42.23PuNk3rXit seems to drop the modules for the zaptel card, then asterisk doesn't work
13:42.34timecopon reboot?
13:42.36PuNk3rXso i have to rmmod them, and modprobe them, and they work
13:42.42PuNk3rXno, just randomly
13:42.53timecoprecompile kernel and desiable garbage like kmod
13:42.54PuNk3rXi know
13:42.57ManxPowerPuNk3rX: Make sure you have rev H or greater of your TDM400P card.
13:43.00timecopdisable even.
13:43.08*** join/#asterisk iq (
13:43.20PuNk3rXhow do i tell what rev it is?
13:43.24timecopand make sure your friendly lunix distro isnt running a module unload pass behind your back
13:43.28shepherdhow about this
13:43.34timecopManxPower: what hte fuck, whats this revision H about?
13:43.36shepherdyou can wait 2 seconds.. or dial 9.. your choice :)
13:44.00shepherdand put the user on his on dialplan with 9
13:44.02timecopcause I got a rev E
13:44.34*** join/#asterisk mAsH` (
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13:46.45ManxPowertimecop: It's a secret revision only available to people who read the mailing lists.
13:47.17shepherdI is out now ;)
13:47.26shepherdor coming
13:47.43drumkillaway to blow to surprise, GOSH
13:47.51mAsH`sorry, anyone never used extensionstate in manager API ?
13:48.13shepherdI can't wait for Z
13:48.16ManxPowerI think timecop should get an award for the most clueless person using asterisk for more than 1 year.
13:48.37drumkillano, I think that goes to me
13:48.43ManxPowerdrumkilla: Nah.
13:48.57ManxPowerdrumkilla: you need a co-maintainer and no I'm not volunteering
13:49.18drumkillait's definitely not a very glamorous job
13:49.20*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
13:49.23drumkillanobody really wants to help, heh
13:49.32drumkillabut one of my friends here at school has recently volunteered
13:49.32coppiceManxPower: most clueless on the internet, maybe :-)
13:49.41shepherdso like.. i thought i would learn c and gtk this weekend
13:49.43drumkillaso we'll see how that turns out
13:49.53shepherdand i finally get this program working
13:49.56shepherdand it compiles
13:50.00shepherdnow it won't
13:50.13shepherdi'll volunteer!
13:50.23drumkillashepherd: to the bug tracker!
13:50.35drumkillabackport patches!
13:50.40ManxPowercoppice: I was trying to be nice.
13:50.43shepherdi'll fsck up everything faster than you can say "moose"
13:50.48drumkillano, but seriously, if you are actually interested, email me
13:51.00langalsHi there...would someone be able to tell me where I can get a list of bug fixes / new functionality for Asterisk 1.0.7?
13:51.08ManxPowerdrumkilla: no offense, but you just don't have the time to be the only 1.0.x maintainer
13:51.19ManxPowerlangals: read the changelog
13:51.26ManxPower1.0.x never gets new features.
13:51.31drumkillaManxPower: I will after this week!  heh
13:51.47shepherdrussel: when you coming to huntsvegas?
13:52.03newlChangeLog hahah *pipes up as was discussed yesterday*
13:52.03drumkillashepherd: I'll be at work a week from today
13:52.15shepherdi'm sorry
13:52.22shepherdmark will drag you to insomnia
13:52.27shepherdbe prepared
13:52.30langalsManxPower - thanks
13:52.47shepherdand say no to redbull
13:53.03drumkillaI'm an hourly employee, so it's all good
13:54.36iCEBrkrMmmmm Redbull.
13:55.02mAsH`sorry, anyone never used extensionstate in manager.conf API ?
13:55.37iCEBrkrI gotta stop hang'n out in here, it makes me wanna code a bunch of Astrisk stuff. :)
13:55.53iCEBrkrLike, I wanna start working on my call manager thing again.
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14:02.39timecopis there a debug i can toggle
14:02.44timecopfor when a extension is searched?
14:02.57timecoplike I dial a nonexistent sip extension it tells me right away its a 482/wahtever
14:05.53shaonsswait(3) then answer is not working
14:06.10*** join/#asterisk davewise (~icechat5@
14:06.12tzafrirtimecop, you can usually have a idea from which context it was coming
14:06.27tzafrirbut that kind of talking won't get you an answer
14:06.51timecopya i found what was wrong
14:06.58timecopi had a missing prioerity in my Dial() thing.
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14:07.39davewisehas anyone used MGCP w/*?
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14:07.49timecopfirst thing I did was disable mgcp
14:08.27Nuggethe's right though, after timecop's little tantrum I absolutely no longer give a fuck.
14:09.06davewiseWell, I have an opertunity to connect some people up, but it is w/cablemodems that have MGCP in them
14:09.57davewiseI know from the wiki that * is a MGCP Server and can not be a client.
14:10.08timecopoh. is that wat cable companies in america are using for those phone-over-cable voip service?
14:10.49tzangerdavewise: it does not make ense for * to be an MGCP client
14:11.26davewiseBut they are trying to talk to each other and I was wondering if the * just connects them togeter and it dosen't need codecs unless they use a Zap card or if Every client sends all its data through *
14:11.40tzangerMGCP is very "low level" -- the server sees the offhook, each button press, etc...
14:12.13timecopi duno about MGCP, but with sip it can be either way, if it allows reinvite, 2 clients going through * can renegotiate conenction directly, else, its relayed through * yea
14:12.29tzangeryeah SIP is a much "higher level" protocol
14:12.32davewiseAppearently, MGCP is the Standard that the cable companies are using.  It appears that they come up w/ a standard called Cable packet or something like that and MGCP is part of it.
14:13.04tzangerthat's the great thing about standards... there are so many to choose from
14:13.07davewiseThat is what I was looking at (SIP) and am not sure how MGCP works....
14:13.18timecopNugget: go for it
14:13.34Nuggetgo for what?  coffee and donuts?
14:13.44timecopfor ignoring me
14:13.49timecopand be a typical fat american
14:13.59davewiseIf they are just talking to other MGCP clients, Hopefully the * doesn't need to use much processor or bandwidth (it it can just connect them to each other)
14:14.28nextimeare hfc with bristuff working against cvs head?
14:14.32Nuggethow do you know that I'm fat or american?
14:14.43Nuggetway to be a typical foreigner!  :)
14:15.05lilwookiequick why would one use TDMoE instead of IAX2 for trunking? I mean when is best if ever?
14:15.14lilwookieI mean quick Question
14:15.18SmooveBwhile(wah) do_wah();
14:15.20dmccollumMorning everyone. Nice attitude timecop.
14:15.39timecopare you also a fat american?
14:15.42timecopor a britsh douchebag?
14:15.52Nuggetfor all you know, I'm dutch.
14:15.59timecopit shows, it shows.
14:16.01dmccollumI'm a lean mean sex machine American.
14:16.22*** join/#asterisk AQ (~aqadir70@
14:17.15SmooveBlilwookie: I think tdmoe is superior where you can use it (machines on the same dedicated ethernet segment)
14:17.24davewiselilwookie: The disadvantage of using TDMoE is that you are using a NIC card like a Zap card (lots of Interupts) and it is using some of the Zap Channels that you have (250 Max)
14:17.30dmccollumQuick question. I upgraded my * box with a dual PIII's and 512MB RAM and put asterisk@home 1.0 on it. Everything works great except when I go into voicemail to record a unavailable message. It beeps to start the recording then immediately ends.
14:17.55Nuggetdmccollum: anything suspicious in the asterisk console?
14:18.23lilwookieThanks SmooveB & davewise.  I am thinking of backhauling a couple of PRI's from coloc to another coloc and trying to see the best menthod.
14:18.42dmccollumNot that I could see. I'm at work so can't really look at the console at the moment. Just wondering if there's any known bugs or settings that I should look at when I get home.
14:18.43davewiseMy experience w/TDMoE is that if your machine can support it, usually it will support sip or IAX and is probably less system intensive....
14:18.45AQmy asterisk box runs well with kphone but echo is porb., have any idea?
14:18.54AQhow to solve echo prob.
14:18.58davewisedepends on how you are engineering the system
14:19.12Nuggetdmccollum: ssh in and run asterisk -rvvv.  instant console.  :)
14:19.57dmccollumI don't have the ssh client installed on firewall for security.
14:20.13lilwookiedavewise, yeah I am doing IAX now for a single T1 and load is very minimal
14:20.15SmooveBbut you run asterisk on the firewall, that's secure? :)
14:20.27dmccollumNo, asterisk is behind my IPCOP firewall.
14:20.44Moonwickwow, who pissed in timecop's cereal today
14:21.05dmccollumapparently an American.
14:21.18davewiselilwookie: The biggest drawback I have seen is the number of interupts that your system has to handle.  It crashes a lot of systems.....
14:21.19lilwookiea fat one at that
14:21.25dmccollumMaybe his girl ran off with an American.
14:21.47dmccollumThat's gotta suck loosing your girl to a fat American.
14:22.03AQplz tell me about echo cancellation?
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14:22.15timecopwhats this tdmoe stuff im hearing
14:22.15lemmmhello, anybody from digium??
14:22.20davewiselilwookie: You just need to do a lot of carefull planning, If bandwidth is critical is the only reason I can see for justifying the setup.....  But that is just me.
14:22.27ManxPowertimecop: it was replaced by IAX2 w/trunking
14:22.32timecoplemmm: are you joking? its night time in united states of amerikkka
14:22.36timecopManxPower: i see
14:22.45timecopManxPower: was it good?
14:22.49Moonwickalright, timecop, shut up with the anti-american bullshit.
14:23.14tzafrirtimecop, it's morning there, actually
14:23.30lilwookiedavewise, yeah I could see the int's being a issue.  BW prob wont be an issue I am looking at using a dedicated GB from coloc to coloc
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14:23.35timecophow many 1800 numbers do you guys have?
14:23.38timecop1800, 877, 866?
14:23.40timecopdid I miss anything else?
14:24.03lemmmI have a TDM400P with some modules. It used to work. It´s not working now. All lights are off. Do they have to be on?
14:24.10lilwookiedavewise, thx :)
14:24.13timecoplemmm: yes.
14:24.30lemmmdo they turn on when you turn on the PC?
14:24.35timecoplemmm: rmmod/insmod the module. checkdmesg for shit like "unable to power up module"
14:24.37lemmmor after your load some module?
14:24.54timecopif you see shit like "unable to power up module" be prepared to ship your stuff to digium
14:25.03dmccollumIs asterisk@home the aah channel?
14:25.04lemmmI saw that
14:25.09timecopyou did?
14:25.19timecopfor how many modules?
14:25.20davewiselilwookie: I'm no expert but I worked with it a while, My solution is to not use except in rare instances....
14:25.21lemmmsomething like unloading zapata
14:25.34timecopno, that unable to power is pretty specific
14:26.14lemmmgimme 5 mins... however. tell me this: do the lights turn on when you power on the PC or after loading the modules?
14:26.22timecopafter modules, as far as I remember.
14:26.26lilwookiedavewise, you know its what irc is all about sharing experiences :)  I think I will stick to IAX
14:26.26webmanwill _*21X.# match *215551231234# and *2155544# ??
14:26.29NewSoleQuestion.... anyone have PRi's and want to make free calls.... we have 5 trunks and we are looking to share 20 channels off those trunks though a dundi type service to those willing to share 4 channels off their PRI.... Msg me if interested
14:26.30timecopi havent powered down my machines with tdm400 in months.
14:26.47lemmmlets try
14:27.10tzangerasterisk -rc gives me colour when not in a screen session
14:27.20tzangerbut when in a screen session it's no fun
14:27.33timecopexport TERM=lunix
14:27.45tzafrirMon May  2 07:27:17 PDT 2005
14:27.45tzafrirMon May  2 10:27:17 EDT 2005
14:27.47tzangertimecop: the termtype of 'screen' should work just fine
14:27.53tzafrirsorry about that
14:29.31timecopya well
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14:29.34timecopbut its opensores
14:29.39timecophow can you expect stuff to work
14:29.44AQhave any about "echo " problem
14:29.46webmanso, can you match one or more digits in the middle of an extension like _*21X.# ?? anyone know?
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14:29.55AQhave any idea about echo problem ?
14:29.55sivanastill at it eh, NewSole :)
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14:32.21NewSolewell we got 3 more hooked up so channel count is now up to 53
14:32.24lemmmMay  2 11:32:59 WARNING[4117]: chan_zap.c:848 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
14:32.24lemmmMay  2 11:32:59 ERROR[4117]: chan_zap.c:6476 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
14:32.24lemmmhere = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
14:32.25lemmmMay  2 11:32:59 ERROR[4117]: chan_zap.c:9560 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1'
14:32.27lemmmMay  2 11:32:59 WARNING[4117]: loader.c:388 __load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
14:32.29lemmmMay  2 11:32:59 WARNING[4117]: loader.c:509 load_modules: Loading module failed!
14:32.35jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
14:32.49tzangerI still like
14:32.52jbothmm... acd is All Cats Down, a Jazz term used when the musicians are passed out drunk (props to ManxPower)
14:33.02jbot[sivana] not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed
14:33.04lemmmsorry about that
14:33.07lemmmany idea?
14:33.19timecoplemmm: thats not what im talking about
14:33.24timecoplemmm: dmesg
14:33.27NewSolelemmm.... compile and install libpri and recompile astersik
14:33.33timecoplemmm: and look for error powering up module.
14:33.48lemmmZapata Telephony Interface Unloaded
14:33.48lemmmZapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
14:33.48lemmmIntel 810 + AC97 Audio, version 0.24, 18:07:59 Oct  3 2003
14:33.59NewSolelemmm.... compile and install libpri and recompile astersik
14:34.00timecopdid you insmod wcfxs?
14:34.09tzangerwhat the hell is wcfxs?
14:34.12tzangerwctdm man, wctdm
14:34.21timecopsince when?
14:34.25sivanasince a while ago
14:34.46timecopwell, i said I havent powered down my machiens wiht tdm400 for a LONG time.
14:35.07lemmmdid that again,same errors
14:35.15timecoplook in dmesg
14:35.35timecopdid you run ztcfg, too?
14:35.51timecopthat might be the reason why.
14:35.52lemmmthanks, gimme one sec
14:36.45timecopauthofallthrough is nice
14:36.51timecopi just foudn that in the sample config.
14:36.57timecopthat wasnt around a year ago when I last looked at it.
14:37.23webmanI just decided it wasn't nice and disabled it... could end up somewhere you didn't think you should!
14:39.27NewSolesivana.. the reason we are doing this is so commercial sellers can save $$ all around... because any time you use on service is free... except the fact u share 4 channels on your pri....
14:39.48lemmmhi again
14:39.52lemmmlights are up now
14:39.57lemmmthank you for your help
14:40.06lemmmi was freaked up for some m inutesd
14:40.12lemmmthank you guys
14:41.07predictivefinding a decent bulk channel reseller is near impossible
14:41.24predictivethey all have ghetto websites and like one guy to handle all the phones
14:41.36sivanaNewSole: we have a pri.. how would this help us?
14:42.15timecopNewSole: are you using those 4 channels for illegal purposes?
14:42.39NewSolewell our coverage area is now... Ottawa, Toronto, Vancover, Miami, New york, Bajjing China, Soul Korea
14:43.34NewSoletotal of 53 channels open to users
14:43.38*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
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14:44.07predictiveif any of you guys know someone reliable for pilot DIDs in the contiguous 48 I'd love to hear abou tit
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14:45.05NewSolepredictive ??
14:45.12predictive's up
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14:45.59NewSoleDIDs in the contiguous 48
14:46.13predictivepilot numbers
14:46.37predictiveI've talked to a bunch of people but nobody seems to want to handle the volume for origination we need
14:46.53NewSolelike what....
14:47.26predictivethe prototype testing is 48 channels, 72000 users with about 500,000 minutes of usage every 6 months or so
14:47.41ManxPowersounds like something for Level3
14:47.55predictiveI didn't know they did origination
14:48.08predictivedeployment will be something like 30x that
14:48.16ManxPowerSo that would be 83,000mins/month
14:48.43NewSolewe orders a block of 500 Ottawa DID's and got them all in sequence
14:49.03predictive800 would actually work for us but usage is far too expensive
14:49.24ManxPowerpredictive: call up Level3, say "I need to terminate 83,000mins/month for the first 6 months, then about 30x/month after that"
14:49.25predictiveand not a bit of telemarketing!
14:49.31predictiveyeah, I will
14:49.45ManxPowerpredictive: kind of tough to do telemarketing with origination DIDs
14:49.57predictiveI know but someone went beserk about it earlier
14:50.12predictivewe're just taking a lot of call in info systems and coalescing them into one
14:50.20NewSolethey only cost us about 30 cents per DID
14:50.30predictivewell DID fees aren't the issue
14:50.32predictiveit's usage
14:50.38ManxPowersorry, tell level3 you need to originate, not terminate
14:50.57predictiveat this level a tenth of a cent means a lot of money downline
14:51.02ManxPowerpredictive: with that many mins, you want to use a large carrier.  lots of paperwork, however.
14:51.07lilwookiewith that sort of volume I am sure folks would give ya a nice usage rate
14:51.22predictiveanyone else but L3 I should look at
14:51.44ManxPowerThe key thing with people like Level3 is to make sure they understand you are going to be sending them piles of money.  Money usually gets their attention.
14:52.04predictiveheh yeah, the web has been ineffective at helping with this issue
14:52.21ManxPowerpredictive: that's because people with piles of money should talk to a sales rep.
14:53.34predictivebah, freaking sales guys
14:54.17Pj386"comfortably" :/
14:55.49shaonsshow to configure consol/dsp to play something on soundcard?
14:55.53*** part/#asterisk |HelioS| (
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14:57.32predictiveManxPower: 'piles' of money is relative haha
14:57.44predictiveespecially when you consider what PRIs are costing right now
14:58.33timecoplook at it this way, at least in american you CAN buy PRIs/DIDs.
14:58.44ManxPowerpredictive: that's the other thing.  Why not just get local PRIs from a CLEC?  It will be more reliable.
14:58.47Moonwickwe can buy politicians, too.
14:58.59predictiveManxPower: primarily maintanence issues
14:59.00ManxPowerMoonwick: yes, but politicians are usually more expensive.
14:59.01Moonwickthey sell them next to the donuts and pork rinds.
14:59.05timecopI voted for bush
14:59.16ManxPowerpredictive: Do you REALLY want to rely on the INTERNET to handle all your incoming calls.
14:59.19predictiveManxPower: the application is well defined and driving all around the country to upgrade/fix things is a lot of work
14:59.26predictiveManxPower: yes, it's not a critical application
14:59.31ManxPowerpredictive: Do you need DIDs in specific areas?
14:59.34predictivenobody's going to die if it doesn't work
14:59.39predictiveManxPower: yep
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14:59.50bjohnsonthis concept could be promoted to your customers
14:59.52ManxPowerpredictive: Ah, then PRIs may not be the best solution.
15:00.10ManxPowerJust once I would like to be able to honestly tell a user that someone DIED because of them.
15:00.50ManxPowerMaybe the users would then stop flailing around uselessly clicking on every brightly coloured image on the web.
15:01.14predictiveI'm a firm believer in ugly web pages that do only one thing
15:01.36predictivehell look at yahoo store, it's ugly as sin but works good
15:01.55predictiveand made paul graham a pile of money
15:03.18osmanizbathello i need some help about asterisk
15:04.07osmanizbati've installed asterisk@home with h323 support
15:05.01osmanizbati am trying to make call with our quintum gateway throgh asterisk
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15:06.24timecopanyone fucked with SIP MWI in asterisk?
15:06.27timecopand how do i make that shit work
15:08.04newlIf the mailbox is correctly enabled and you're not using RT, it works.
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15:08.57masonctzanger - they are working on a solution
15:09.11tzangerdid you tell david hi for me?
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15:10.07onlyIanyone running asterisk on FC3 ??
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15:10.36jetdotneton purpose ^^
15:10.50tzangerjetdotnet: anyone running * on FC3 on purpose?  hahahaha
15:10.51timecopnewl: what is RT, and how do I "correctly" enable a mailbox
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15:10.55timecopnewl: in voicemail.conf?
15:11.20timecopholy shit voicemail.conf is much bigger htan it was a year ago
15:11.36newltimecop: RT is RealTime..the db stuff..if you don't know what it is, you're probably not using it. :)
15:11.49newlyeah, voicemail.conf is where you want to be.
15:11.52timecopyeah, i tend to stay away from anything that has "db" and "my" in the same sentence.
15:13.44NuggetI want my new monitor, which has a usb hub built in, so I can reduce my desktop clutter.
15:14.23timecopnewl: so, i added a mailbox in voicemil, what do I do nex?
15:14.30lilwookieNugget, hehe just crazy glue a hub to your old monitor :)
15:14.38Nuggetewww :)
15:15.09znoI got an apple keyboard for my PC, it comes with 2 usb ports
15:15.34newltimecop: call yourself, leave a message and wait for the MWI.
15:16.11ltersanyone played with chan_sccp ?
15:16.20lilwookieapple keyboards are... ummm cute
15:16.22timecopnewl: my phone wants a "voice mail URI" for MWI checking
15:16.55lilwookietimecop, what phone?
15:16.57newlwhat phone? GS?
15:17.28timecopa chinese thing.
15:17.37timecop1.Voice mail URI  << the settong.
15:17.45timecopConfigure the voice-mail number to access to
15:17.45timecopwhen the [MWI] button is pressed. The
15:17.45timecopcorresponding MWI (Message Waiting Indication)
15:17.45timecopLED will on whenever the received NOTIFIY
15:17.45timecopmessage stipulating that there are unread (new)
15:17.45timecopmessages waiting on the configured voice mailbox
15:18.10newlthat's your mailbox extension number.
15:18.16timecopjust the number?
15:18.56newli.e. my vm extension is 101 so I enter 101 into that field and voicemail is entered with the extension for me, all I need to do is answer the password prompt.
15:19.17timecopwhats the connection with this NOTIFY thing?
15:19.22timecophow does it know theres voicemail?
15:19.35newlthe phone is notified by the vm application afaik.
15:20.49timecopis VoiceMail2 gone now?
15:21.16*** join/#asterisk tikkker (
15:22.26newlcan't say honestly.  I remember seeing both on the wiki at one point.  I'd guess that 2 has taken over as the now default application and renamed (at least perhaps in cvs).  Someone correct me if I'm wrong. :)
15:22.37timecopi see
15:22.41timecopwell its gone
15:22.48timecopand last time i looked at my voicemail stuff was like a year+ ago
15:22.53timecopi guess i;ll just rpelace it with VoiceMailMain
15:23.00ManxPowerIt looks like one of these days where the customer knows I should not be disturbed, but calls me every 5 mins anyway.
15:27.10tikkkerhello, what does this mean? Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory
15:27.30tikkkerthats inside /var/log/asterisk/messages
15:27.35timecopsounds like
15:27.38timecopyou donth ave a zap card
15:27.54tikkkerright i dont have zap card
15:27.58tikkkeri have an AVM C2
15:28.06tikkkerthats like an active ISDN card
15:28.10tikkker2x ISDN
15:28.17timecoplucky. i wish I could buy a fucking isdn card somewhere.
15:28.46timecopyou'll need a zap timing interface.
15:28.49timecopso get zaptel drivers
15:28.50timecopedit makefile
15:28.54timecopremove ztdummy comment
15:28.59timecopinsmod zaptel/ztdummy
15:29.19ManxPowertikkker: it means you cannot use Meetme or IAX2 trunking.
15:29.49tikkkerwhat is IAX2 trunking ?
15:30.00tikkkerlike talking via IAX2 protocol ?
15:30.03timecopplacing calls over iax2.
15:30.07tikkkerah k
15:30.36Nuggetiax2 trunking is when you run multiple voice channels in aggregate over an iax2 connection.
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15:31.55Nuggetyou use it to streamline the communications between two asterisk servers that can expect to have several simultaneous connections between themselves
15:32.42tikkkerso to connect 2 asterisks its very useful ? but if they communicate via SIP, i still need that ?
15:33.05timecopif they communicate via sip, its probably smarter to rewrite them to communicate over IAX.
15:33.27tikkkerah understand
15:33.40*** join/#asterisk dos000 (
15:33.41Nuggetfor single-channel calls that don't involve NAT, there's not much benefit to IAX over SIP.  Certainly not enough to justify a rewrite.
15:33.55NuggetIAX2 is superior for high traffic channels and anywhere that you have to work with nat hell
15:34.12tikkkerok thx for answering
15:34.20dos000anyone know links to configuring azacall ata to asterisk ? google is failing me.
15:34.41tikkkerbut if the IP-phones behind asterisk are SIP-phones, is IAX2 still in game ?
15:35.25Nuggetsure, it can be.
15:35.49Nugget[phone] ---SIP--- [asterisk] ----IAX2---- [voip provider]   <-- works fine
15:36.25tikkkerkewl, there are providers excepting IAX2 ?
15:36.31Nuggetsure, there are dozens
15:36.45illuvatorok, G.729 question
15:36.51illuvatorI paid for the digium license and installed it
15:37.00tikkkerlike also the big carriers - telia, MCI ?
15:37.03illuvatorbut it appears as though asterisk still doesn't want to do any G.729
15:37.16ManxPowerilluvator: then you need to contact Digium support.
15:38.21illuvatorwell my question is, is there a way to show what codecs asterisk is willing to use?
15:38.26mutilatorofftopic here but...
15:38.28mutilatoranyone used freeradius know how to log the nas shortname to the sql database too?
15:39.10shaonssConsol/dsp how to setup?
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15:40.06olivier_<illuvator> : CLI> show translation. If there is indication in ms for g729 translation, your licence is corrected installed. If not, your installation failed
15:40.16dca[laptop]morning all, anyone from Digium around?
15:40.30newlshaonss: load desired module in modules.conf for your configuration, edit [alsa|oss].conf to suit.  Alternatively read the wiki. :)
15:40.33*** join/#asterisk lilwookie (
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15:44.09*** join/#asterisk P-Chan (~jpfingstm@
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15:46.47shaonssnewl: alsa or oss
15:47.06*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
15:48.35P-ChanBefore I start messing with a production asterisk system, can someone tell me what the output of ${channel} would be?  Would it be enough to do a Gotoif such as if ${channel} = iax2/trunkname and ${DIALEDPEERNUMBER} = (somehow define 2 digits or perhaps put 1 entry per 2 digit possible number) then Dial(IAX2/trunk/${EXTEN})?
15:49.20P-Chanbtw, I know my syntax is off, I will be referencing the syntax while doing this.  I just need to know if this is possible the way I think it is.
15:50.08newlshaonss: The choice is up to you and how you have your system configured.
15:50.53shaonssnewl: alta stops the asterisk to load
15:51.48shaonssany way to poc the soundcard?
15:53.51*** join/#asterisk guyee (
15:54.25guyeehi, does NE1 know why my GS GXP-2000 display only the first digit of the dialed number?
15:54.33shaonssi am without any success
15:54.44zykeany one using asterisk RealTime?
15:55.14shaonssnew: no success with  oss
15:55.48newlshaonss: Is your machine properly configured for your sound card?
15:56.08PuNk3rXhow do you determine what the version is for the digium card, is there a command, or do i have to open up the PC?
15:56.37langalsHi there...I am assuming that one can only do IAX2 trunking between 2 Asterisk servers, and not between Asterisk and another server?
15:56.42newlPuNk3rX: lspci _may_ give you that information.  If not, you'd have to take a look on the card.
15:56.46P-ChanMy actual goal:  Having 2 locations connected with IAX2 to my server with my Tel card in it.  So my main server is just a system with the phone lines w/ 2 IAX2 trunks.  I want extensions to transparently work between the 2 locations.
15:57.14shaonssyes in hardware browser i can see soundcard>CS4236B:WSS/SB
15:57.36shaonssnewl:yes in hardware browser i can see soundcard>CS4236B:WSS/SB
15:57.38*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
15:57.39newlshaonss: right, but can you play audio?
15:58.21shaonsshow it does not work
15:59.02shaonssnewl:exten =>5,1,Dial(Console/dsp)
15:59.10davewisehas anyone used MGCP with Astreisk?
15:59.59shaonssnewl:Executing Dial("SIP/5000-2e22", "Console/dsp") in new stack
16:00.03shaonssMay  3 01:54:52 WARNING[10219]: channel.c:2040 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'Console'
16:00.03shaonssMay  3 01:54:52 NOTICE[10219]: app_dial.c:969 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Console' (cause 66)
16:00.28newlshaonss: Well, if your audio subsystem is improperly configured, that would be why the alsa or oss interfaces in Asterisk do not work.  I'd suggest checking the web for your vendor distribution.
16:00.48*** join/#asterisk dos000 (
16:01.24newlDiagnosing someone elses kernel and module config is a bit much for me to tackle at midnight. :)
16:04.40drumkillathat message indicates that chan_oss or chan_alsa are not even loaded
16:05.05*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
16:05.39newlAnd the underlying reasons could be many. :)
16:05.54drumkillamodules.conf is a good place to start
16:06.01*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
16:06.08brettnemhello all
16:06.08drumkilla/etc/asterisk/modules.conf that is
16:06.18brettnembeen a while since I dropped by..
16:06.46brettnemso what's new?
16:07.52brettnemguess things haven't changed in here much.. guess that's kinda reassuring..
16:08.22*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
16:08.34timecopback to the voicemail shit.
16:08.38timecopand SIP MWI.
16:08.51brettnemooh.. did that come up?
16:08.54timecopi have a phone wiht mwi on extension 100.
16:09.00timecopi ahve a mail box 100.
16:09.10timecopmy phone wants  "voice mail uri" for mwi.
16:09.14brettnemcoincidence? maybe...
16:09.25brettnemthat's just the extension to dial to check vm
16:09.36timecophow does it know that mail arrived to that phone then?
16:09.39brettnemwhat kind of phone cisco?
16:09.41newlsecond time told. :)
16:09.50timecopsome random chinese phone.
16:09.57brettnemwell mailbox= line tell asterisk to send a notification to the phone..
16:10.02brettnemits not subscription based..
16:10.13brettnemthe phone just gets a message from asterisk saying "you have 1new/3old
16:10.27brettnemit's really "dumb"
16:10.49brettnemhey does the sip rfc specifiy subscription based MWI? (ie: SUBSCRIBE)
16:10.49timecopwhat exactly am I putting in mailbox=
16:11.03brettnemyou put in an entry that corresponds to a value in voicemail.conf
16:11.09brettnemlike if you had
16:11.10timecopfor that sip peer?
16:11.29brettnem2000 => 1234,brett..
16:11.35brettnemyou'd put: mailbox=2000@bigcorp
16:11.39Lee__if you have a snom phone, asterisk sends it a message saying you have x new and -x old.
16:11.39*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
16:12.00brettnemyes .. then when mail drops in there, asterisk sends the notification (periodically) to that peer
16:12.21brettnemwhich is really annoying because it means asterisk natively won't send mwi to phones that arn't registered to it. grr
16:12.40brettnemLee__: Doesn't matter the phone type.. that's the message asterisk sends to any
16:12.51timecopk, how do I fake some voicemail?
16:12.58timecopits 1am and I dont feel like calling myself.
16:13.05brettnemit's really easier to just leave it..
16:13.07festr_hello, i'm heaving some problems on several E1. PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1. Kernel, intel P4-hyperthread. Cable is correct. I've read some issues with this, but no solution, what could help?
16:13.11brettnemjust make an extension that goes right to the box:
16:13.22timecopyeah i did that
16:13.46timecopi meant to leave my self some mail
16:13.46brettnemso.. call yourself
16:13.46brettnembrb.. must save my wife from a bug.. hmm
16:13.48Lee__brettnem: so every phone says it has negative old messages with a new message? sounds like a bug to me.
16:13.48festr_drumkilla: no known solutions? or things to try?
16:13.54shaonssnewl: when i installed linux i didnot installed multimedia support is this affecting?
16:14.15Lee__timecop: call your mailbox, go to advanced options and choose to "leave a message"
16:14.17newlshaonss: can't say.
16:14.26tikkkerhello - when i start asterisk, i always got couple of those lines in messages:
16:14.28tikkkerMaximum retries exceeded on call 3de58af35a24c05422409f32583fa081@ for seqno 102 (Non-critical Request)
16:14.40timecoptikkker: because you had some SIp phone registerd to it
16:14.49timecopand its trying to renew-register and fails it.
16:14.55timecopit didnt do that few months ago
16:14.59timecopmust be a new cvs "feature"
16:15.07brettnemtikkker: probably a natting problem
16:15.28tikkkeryeah its strange even there are no phones yet
16:15.32brettnemhmm.. negative messages.. might be a bug.. didn't notice that part.
16:15.47brettnemtikkker: ok wht is on that IP?
16:16.19tikkkerthe asterisk
16:16.21brettnemis that IP actually on that server? not port mapped or anything?
16:16.53timecopuh, asterisk behind nat :(
16:16.54brettnemdo you have any sip peers set up with qualification which are not dynamic?
16:17.15tikkkerehmm thats just a test config timecop
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16:17.22tikkkerthatswhy its still behind nat
16:17.30*** part/#asterisk jwitte (
16:17.37brettnemI hate nat
16:17.46*** join/#asterisk loick (
16:17.49brettnemtoo bad IPv6 isn't more popular. :)
16:17.59tikkkerbrett- i have set up only dynamic SIP clients
16:18.11brettnemhave any registered? have any attempted to register?
16:18.23tikkkerehmm no
16:18.31brettnemmaybe a phone attempted to register and was smart enough to send it's external IP
16:18.40brettnemdo you have localnet set in your sip.conf?
16:18.43tikkkeri dont have any phones yet here
16:18.46P-ChanGoogle has been turning up empty. :(  Nobody knows how to unify 2 locations so you can call and transfer between both locations using extension?
16:19.00tikkkerhmm sip.conf
16:19.01brettnemP-Chan: dialplan logic.. simple
16:19.25timecopoh what hte fuck
16:19.26*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
16:19.30timecopwhy is voicemail recording in 3 fucking formats
16:19.31timecopby default
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16:19.39brettnemP-Chan: actually switch is kinda made to do that.. but over the internet is a bit slow
16:19.41tikkkersip.conf - bind adress
16:19.41P-Chanbrettnem:  I should clarify - 3 servers - 2 connected with IAX2 to 1 central server with Telco lines.
16:20.01shaonssnewl: here cat /proc/modules
16:20.01shaonssixj                   121860   0 (autoclean)
16:20.01shaonssphonedev                3808   1 (autoclean) [ixj]
16:20.02shaonsssoundcore               6404   0 (autoclean)
16:20.05brettnemtimecop: I think it does that if you don't specify in voicemail.conf.. that way it can use the most effecient format for playback.
16:20.33brettnemP-Chan: switch or dundi are very nice solutions to your setup.. check out dundi. it's made for that.
16:20.37shaonssnewl:ithink soundloaded correctly
16:20.47brettnemtikkker: that bind is ok.
16:20.47P-Chanbrettnem:  Ah.  Ok.  Thanks.
16:20.55*** join/#asterisk Strom_TM (
16:22.23brettnemtoo bad dundilookup never got fixed
16:22.44shaonssplease help with Consol/dsp setup
16:23.00brettnemhey anyone know what cid gets sent in a blind xfer?
16:23.04timecopwell well
16:23.08timecopmy mwi is blinkming
16:23.20timecopblinking mistyped.
16:23.42timecophowever phone doesnt like extensions wiht a * in it.
16:23.56timecopit thikns its a ip call.
16:24.03timecopto x.x.x.200
16:24.05timecopon local subnet.
16:24.14*** join/#asterisk mike01 (
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16:25.30mike01hello, first time here
16:25.52brettnemhello mike01. Nice to meet you
16:26.09timecopwhat the fuck
16:26.12timecopthis isnt ognna work for home use.
16:26.14brettnemDon't be alarmed by the number of people in here.. almost none of them participate
16:26.22timecophow the hell can I just play back some voicemail messages
16:26.25brettnemwhy not timecop?
16:26.27timecopi dont need a fancy snazzy prompt
16:26.31mike01thnx; saw complaints about tdm400p on user list; are tdm400p to be avoided?
16:26.54timecopi dont need to forward/undelete/advanced ptions/loljews/etc
16:26.54brettnemwell all the digium cards are resource hogs. :P
16:27.10brettnemtimecop: so don't hit those buttons
16:27.18*** join/#asterisk n0b0dy1 (
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16:27.23brettnemtimecop: you might be able to turn some of that off in the voicemail.conf
16:27.24n0b0dy1anybody here using broadvoice?
16:27.41timecopmwi works though
16:27.48nestArnot i, but more than few, n0b0dy1
16:27.52brettnemmwi is pretty easy to get working
16:27.54*** join/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
16:27.55saultbroadvoice connect. and broadvoice.
16:28.01brettnemif you are registered.
16:28.04MasterYodacan you use sippeers/sipusers with sip.conf in extconfig at the same time?
16:28.09brettnemI don't like how it's imlemented tho
16:28.48*** join/#asterisk tld (
16:29.10saultsry, voicpulse connect, broadvoice BYOD
16:29.22MasterYodaMGCP suffers from the same NAT issues SIP does, correct?
16:29.41brettnemMasterYoda: I think they are similar.. but I've heard they are actually worse
16:29.43Nuggetdnt b sry sault, iz nt hrd to ndrsd u
16:30.05Nuggetjst b n a fclw nei mahe
16:30.12brettnemNugget: nice.. totally 3lit3
16:30.35n0b0dy1anybody know for certain if broadvoice will accept anything you pass for caller id?
16:30.42n0b0dy1or do they rewrite it as your assigned did?
16:30.44mike01anybody using tdm400p?
16:30.49brettnemoooh a cid spoofer.. :P
16:31.03dca[laptop]n0b0d1: not sure about broadvoice but teliax will
16:31.22saultmike01: i have used one, it's on my desk right now.
16:31.50tikkkeranybody seen this already:  chan_capi.c:2216 capi_handle_msg: Command.Subcommand = 0x5.0x81
16:31.50mike01do they work; or are complaints on user list overblown?
16:31.58brettnemMasterYoda: I had a MGCP blind xfer go bad on asterisk and it totally killed the MGCP stack on my box
16:32.03MasterYodabrettnem: Well I know the difference between the two, but I am not sure how MGCP on nat goes
16:32.18MasterYodabrettnem: what does that have to do with nat?
16:32.22tikkkerits below: Cryptographic Digital Signatures
16:32.25brettnemMasterYoda: me neither.. I'd avoid it like the plague..
16:32.25mike01sault: do they work; or are complaints on user list overblown?
16:32.28n0b0dy1no i'm just wondering
16:32.30n0b0dy1for call forwarding
16:32.35brettnemMasterYoda: nothing..
16:32.37timecopdont see any shit for making voicemail app suck less
16:32.49harryvvcan anyone vouch for supira sip routers?
16:32.49timecopthis shit is way to complicated.
16:32.55brettnemtimecop: the voicemail app sucks.. get over it.. really.. :)
16:33.07brettnemtimecop: then go use yate or ser+sems..
16:33.08timecopideally I just want dial->listen to shit -> next -> listen to more shit -> hang up
16:33.08saultit worked fine for me.  still the best solution i can find for FXO short of a channel bank
16:33.11harryvvbrettnem in what way?
16:33.37brettnemharryvv: it's not configurable. it won't work for phones that arn't registered.
16:33.47harryvvi see
16:34.05brettnemI'm actually trying to phase out some of my asterisk stuff.
16:34.17harryvvmy comedian voice mail female anouncers voice studers and trips on words spoken. its anoying as heck.
16:34.26harryvvphase out?
16:34.29brettnemharryvv: what interface
16:34.35brettnemharryvv: ie: get rid of
16:34.37*** join/#asterisk los415 (~los415@
16:34.45harryvvwhat do you mean what interface
16:34.55brettnemSIP, ZAP, IAX, String and can?
16:35.04harryvvbrettem what are you going to replave it with
16:35.05mike01sault: what's easier, SIP phone or TDM400p? to setup that is
16:35.05zykeharryvv: sipura phones are very easy to configure and use
16:35.12saultbrettnem: have you gotten yate to register/authenticate iax or sip?
16:35.38harryvvzykem im not talking about phones
16:35.38brettnemharryvv: SER + SEMS + Yate(maybe)
16:35.38zykethe sipura ATAs
16:35.46saultharryvv: you are listening to comedian mail with a sound card?
16:35.50harryvvmy sipura ata works fine
16:35.50brettnemsault: haven't actually started working with yate yet..
16:35.56*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:36.04brettnemI like sipura stuff.
16:36.05harryvvbrettnem hears ser is more robust
16:36.22brettnemharryvv: it can be.. the core application is built much better.. very clean
16:36.28harryvvbrettnem well see what happens when cisco finally buys out sipura
16:36.37saultit's nice, but it's got no client side, unless it's REALLY undocumented
16:36.55brettnemsault: what is?
16:37.10brettnemhave you used it?
16:37.25brettnemI just want a robust ISDN PRI to SIP gateway.. carrier grade
16:37.38saultyes, but only as a registrar. and haven't used iax2 with it, but almost got a peer call iax2 through.
16:37.53zykeany one using asterisk RealTime? which method is better ? ODBC or MySQl?
16:37.59brettnemsault: does it do transcoding?
16:38.05Blackvelmike01: sip phone
16:38.14brettnemzyke: most of the mysql stuff is deprecated.. I'd stay away from any of it.
16:38.24zyketimecop:  are you using the mysql method?
16:38.35saultno, actually only supports ulaw, even though the docs/configs say otherwise (stubs in the code)
16:38.46brettnemsault: yeah the docs suck
16:38.51timecopzyke: no, i was laughing at you even mentioning mysql for any kind of database.
16:38.53mike01Blackvel: thanks; kphone ok?
16:39.03timecopbrettnem: so whats so good about ser?
16:39.05zykebrettnem:  i couldn't find good docs on the ODBC methods
16:39.07brettnemsault: is there info on how to use it in the code?
16:39.26brettnemtimecop: it's written much better.. smaller codebase.. nice simple plugins.. simple routing language
16:39.28zykebrettnem: are you using the ODBC method?
16:39.30saultwell, the code is clean, all config file access is through one object, so it's easy to grep
16:39.40brettnemtimecop: distributable, scalable..
16:39.42*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
16:39.45brettnemtimecop: flexible
16:40.03timecopwhy is it hosted at that belios place.
16:40.05guyeeNE1 with GXP-2000?
16:40.12P-ChanIs there a way to do a GotoIf ${EXTEN} = NX  or something like that?
16:40.16timecopwhere all the smelly pirate shit like edonkey etc is hosed
16:40.21saultgot one on the way for tomorrow, guyee
16:40.22brettnemtimecop: why not? who cares where it is hosted? Why is asterisk hosted at that digium place? :)
16:40.31timecopbrettnem: because at least digium is legfal
16:40.34zyketimecop: i use Mysql a lot and why do you think it's not good for any database?
16:40.40timecopzyke: becaues it sucks.
16:40.41Nuggetmysql is horrible.
16:40.45brettnemlegal? what are you implying?
16:40.55zyketimecop: what are u using?
16:40.59timecopzyke: because it shits all over your data on power failure. because its not a real database. because it lacks features real databases had years ago.
16:41.08brettnemberlios is a fine repository..
16:41.16timecopof pirated stuff
16:41.17brettnemmysql is FINE for most people.. come on people.
16:41.20NuggetI use mysql, db2, postgresql, and oracle on a pretty much daily basis.  mysql is crap compared to the rest.
16:41.27brettnemtimecop it isn't pirated stuff..
16:41.30cjktimecop: sorry but you are totaly wrong.... either you are an oracle commercial or dont know shit about db's
16:41.34Nuggetbrettnem: so is windows me
16:41.45brettnemtimecop: they host apps that you use to get your pirated stuff
16:41.51Nuggetthe fact that mysql is popular doesn't make it not suck
16:41.51brettnemNugget: a fine point
16:41.54*** join/#asterisk Sato1 (
16:42.05Sato1vpp, are you areound?
16:42.13guyeesault: I got mine last friday. kinda... interesting phone. :)))
16:42.17brettnemNugget: mysql does suck. However, it fills the bill for people who don't know otherwise.. let them eat cake, right?
16:42.22zykeNugget:  depends on what you use it for... all have pros and cons .. but mysql is the best entry level db
16:42.33Nuggetzyke: I couldn't disagree more.
16:42.36timecopflat files are the best entry level db
16:42.37brettnemzyke: if you don't know what you are doing.. yes..
16:42.48brettnemoh. religion!
16:42.52seanopinion needed: what is an acceptable latency? the server I want to stick Asterisk on is ~60ms away from my DID... is that too far?
16:42.53Nuggetespecially about the "entry level" part.  because mysql teaches newbie database people some atrocious habits.
16:42.54timecopand you might even *gasp* get better performance with them.
16:43.03brettnemsean: that is perfectly acceptable
16:43.10saultguyee: doesn't have to be much better than my budgetel to be worth the price :)
16:43.11brettnemNugget: excellent point!
16:43.19Nuggeta lot of people would kill for 60ms latency.  :)
16:43.23*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
16:43.37brettnemNugget: I have.. a few times.. well.. mosquitos and such
16:43.38timecopi was gonna say
16:43.39zykebrettnem:  so you are using the ODBC methof for Realtime?
16:43.42seanNugget: really? I get 15ms on my home box, but it doesn't have a static IP.
16:43.51timecoplowest I seen here is like 100ms
16:43.56timecopand thats between me and my isp
16:43.58timecopgo japs.
16:43.58saultNugget: we can't have linux people teaching themselves, no can we. How's the view from the tower, btw?
16:44.12Nuggetsault: what on earth are you talking about?
16:44.17brettnemzyke: nope.. I was just saying that between the mysql and odbc methods in asterisk.. most of the mysql modules (FOR ASTERISK) are written poorly and are deprecated.
16:44.18harryvvI just talked to a Shaw Cable Tech and thay are going to incorporate a seperate chanell with qos on there cable system for phone use.
16:44.31saultnewbies teaching themselves bad habits..... do you use this asterisk thing, or what?
16:44.48brettnemharryvv: right.. and you won't be allowed to use it..
16:44.49timecopmysql users always write shit code.
16:44.49Nuggethow on EARTH did you hear that from what I said?
16:44.52timecopbecause thats how it works.
16:45.04harryvvwont be allowed to use it?
16:45.05Sato1hi timecop, do you remember the page vpp gave me yesterday about oh323?
16:45.06timecopabout 6 months ago I was looking at osme meetme patch
16:45.13zykebrettnem: i will take your word and work on the odbc method
16:45.13saultsomething sucks because it teaches bad habits.  Or did i misread you?
16:45.25brettnemharryvv: why would your cable company give you access to their qos enforces voip channel?
16:45.32timecop04:54 <vpp> btw Sato1: if u wanna try OH232..
16:45.33harryvvI am already uses my calbe for iax calls into the states
16:45.33Sato1it was something like ast recipies or something like that
16:45.34saultgood logic. got a zaptel card?
16:45.37Nuggetsault: what does that have to do with linux, open source, or asterisk, or towers?
16:45.41brettnemhold on hold on.... hahahaha
16:45.41Sato1that one!!
16:45.49Sato1thank you timecop
16:46.01Nuggetor being self-taught for that matter?
16:46.08timecopanyway, ser.
16:46.12timecopwhy would I use that over asterisk?
16:46.22brettnemI think nugget was suggesting that since Mysql is so... easy that it teaches newbie programmers to be lazy and not learn the right (strict) way of doing db operations.. they get comfortable and become lazy (crappy) programmers.
16:46.25davewisehas anyone used MGCP with Astreisk?
16:46.26harryvvunless my cable company becomes anal and shuts off sip/iax ports
16:46.33brettnemsame thing happens to PERL programmers. :) Like me. :)
16:46.40shaonssconsol/dsp setup how?
16:46.40brettnemharryvv: that's a lawsuit
16:46.45brettnemdavewise; I have
16:46.47saultbrettnem: if that's the biggest gripe for mysql, then maybe ms isn't that bad....
16:46.47Nuggetbrettnem: well, and also because mysql does things the exact opposite way as every other database you might encounter.
16:46.51brettnemshaonss: read docs
16:47.13shaonsstried in every way no success
16:47.16harryvvbrettnem i know..but lawsuits here in canada are far and few.
16:47.17brettnemsault: what would make you say that?
16:47.19saultperl is an excellent counter example
16:47.19*** part/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
16:47.26predictivemysql is potentially dangerous because it does things like silently truncate data
16:47.32predictiveand it's not picky about types
16:47.35brettnemharryvv: good time to jump ship then. :)
16:47.36sean.. so, my DID is ~60ms away from my * box. And I'm another ~75ms away from it. Is _THAT_ too far?
16:47.38Nuggetpeople who learn on mysql learn that it's painful to drop indexes, they learn that subselects don't exist and that it makes sense to select the whole table into the application and then manually filter from there, they learn that the database is supposed to silently change their data if it doesn't fit.
16:47.41timecoppython is an excellent example of what hapens when some retard was too lazy to learn perl and had too much time on his hands.
16:47.43saultNugget: you are describing the development of linux, from day #3 or so.
16:47.49harryvvgoverment has such a grip on its people here. Car insurance is goverment owned and making a profit.
16:47.50sean(basically, what number do people feel is too far, generally?)
16:47.55brettnemsean: keep it under 800ms and you'll be ok.
16:48.00timecopits a totally unnecessary langauge which serves no purpose.
16:48.04brettnemsean: latency isn't as big of a deal as jitter.
16:48.06Nuggetbasically they develop habits which teach them the wrong things about databases.
16:48.08seanbrettnem: exactly what I was looking for. thanks.
16:48.09predictiveexcept for people that use it
16:48.09timecopit doesnt do anything perl cant do (better, faster).
16:48.22predictivetimecop: you have stock in perl or something?
16:48.25harryvvi need to learn more on mysql and posges
16:48.27saultNugget: and you would suggest, um, Access, as entry level??
16:48.36seanagreed. MySQL devs who have no other DB experience are only a step above MSAccess "developers"
16:48.40Nuggetsault: huh?  now you're just being inflammatory.
16:48.43brettnempython is what happens when people are too lazy to learn PERL??!? did I read that right?!??? hahaha
16:48.51saulttimecop: oh, I'm not even going to go there.
16:49.00Nuggetare you seriously under the impression that mysql and ms access are the only two databases that exist?
16:49.22davewisebrettnem: Asterisk functions as an MGCP Server only (can't be configured as a client correct?)
16:49.28saultNugget: i'm having a deep philosophical difference of opinion of you. I agree it's off topic.
16:49.31brettnemdavewise: that is correct
16:49.34timecopbrettnem: there is no reason as to why python was created.
16:49.37saults/n of/n with/
16:49.47predictiveyou're just trolling now
16:49.50timecopbrettnem: it does al the same shit perl does, but slower + with a queer syntax
16:49.53brettnemtimecop: what are you talking about?!
16:49.56Nuggetmysql is technically inferior and less free than postgresql.  Why on earth would someone choose mysql over postgresql?
16:50.04predictiveNugget: marketing
16:50.13brettnemtimecop: yeah and perl does all the same shit as C but with a funky syntax. so what?
16:50.15predictiveand a huge following of php/mysql apps
16:50.24seanlet's be honest.. MySQL is "easier" for entry-level folk
16:50.25Nuggetin my experience, nine times out of nine it is because "I learned on mysql and if mysql isn't the best then I will feel invalidated"
16:50.27timecopbrettnem: point being there is already one interpreted langauge that everyone uses.
16:50.27brettnemand php does the same thing as perl with a funky syntax
16:50.28saultGiving people bad habits if used without proper direction, is not a valid argument for something having the quality "sucks"
16:50.30seanespecially when it comes to admin
16:50.30predictivebrettnem: wait! C does all LISP does but with sucky syntax
16:50.33timecoppython had no fucking purpose.
16:50.37davewisebrettnem: If 2 MGCP clients want to talk to each other, does all the bandwidth pass through the * or are they connected to each other to minimize bandwidth?
16:50.39brettnemhet, I know.. lets get rid of all languages and just use assembler.
16:50.43saultThis channel is filled with people that use a program that fits that argument.
16:51.13brettnemdavewise: it can be configured so that the clients talk to each other.. I'm pretty sure..
16:51.23Nuggetin the case of asterisk there doesn't exist a technically superior alternative which is equally or more favorably licensed and as cost-free as asterisk.
16:51.36*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
16:51.37predictivetimecop: perhaps you should read up on how perl (not PERL) is essentially a conglomeration of awd, sed, shell and whatever else Larry Wall thought was useful
16:51.45davewiseIn that case, the Asterisk doesn't need to support the codecs that they are going to use?
16:51.45saultSo price trumps stupidity??
16:51.47brettnemNugget: you know..SER is quite nice.. but lacking on [built-in] features..
16:51.50saultStill a bad argument.
16:51.57brettnemdavewise:I don't think so. unless it's T.38
16:52.00NuggetI didn't say that.  Yours is the bad argument.
16:52.01timecoppredictive: and how does PYTHON solve this non-problem?
16:52.13predictiveI'm missing the problem
16:52.15timecoppredictive: python is a typical case of opensores faggotry creating a solution to a non-problem.
16:52.22predictivepeople use what language they like
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16:52.28predictivePerl is open source as well
16:52.31NuggetI wish you would respond to what I say, and not what you wish I'd said because it's easier to argue against.
16:52.34predictiveso your troll isn't even a good one
16:52.38brettnemI think python was meant to be a OO solution to scripting.. but I may be wrong here.
16:52.49timecopperl has perfectly fine OO.
16:53.02saultMy argument is that you need a better reason to claim mysql "sucks".  Bad habits is not a good reason.
16:53.03brettnemoh come on.. OO perl kinda sucks.. it's crowbared in
16:53.13Nuggetbad habits is not my reason to claim mysql sucks.
16:53.22brettnemall of those languages fit the lazy programmer motif.
16:53.27timecopdoes mysql do transactions yet?
16:53.27Nuggetbad habits is just another aspect of mysql which we've discussed
16:53.36saultYour other reasons are using technically old information, or picking on the type of people that use mysql.
16:53.44Nuggetno, that's not true either sault.
16:53.48seancan I test for jitter using ICMP sequences (ping)? (I mean, is that a reliable test?)
16:53.58saultWhat were the other reasons again?
16:54.01brettnemsean: I do it sometimes.. but it's a bad sampling
16:54.02predictivemysql is fine for what it is, which is sql access to a flatfile style db
16:54.14Strom_TMoh dear god, do you still have a bug up your ass about mysql?
16:54.17cjktimecop: im quite sure that you have very small config files. 100.000 users in your sip.conf will kill your machine
16:54.18predictivenot hardcore data protection rdbms action
16:54.20seanbrettnem: suggestions for a better tool?
16:54.39timecopcjk: i dont have 100000 users in my sip.conf
16:54.42Nugget is a good list of many of the technical complaints I have with mysql.
16:54.48brettnemsean: don't really have one.. RTCP would help.. but it's not really in asterik yet.
16:54.55brettnemah I remember that page.. heh
16:55.01predictiveNugget: he needs to update that page for both mysql and pg
16:55.08Nuggetpredictive: he has a postgresql page too.
16:55.16brettnemsean: sounds like your connection is fine..
16:55.22saultsean: no
16:55.22saulttimecop: yes
16:55.22saultit even has row-level versioning and subselects (since at least 4.1)
16:55.30brettnemok guys.. I have to actually get some work done today.
16:55.39brettnembut.. it's been real fun..
16:55.44seanbrettnem: thanks again
16:55.49timecopsault: on default table type?
16:55.59timecopnot some untested-berkely-db-using-innodb-tables?
16:56.11predictivehey man I love bdb
16:56.12cjktimecop: you see. so dont shit on mysql because it can handle it. flatfiles can handle it
16:56.25timecopcjk: you're comparing fucking apples and oranges.
16:56.31cjkon im not
16:56.35cjkwell cu i have to leave
16:56.44saulttimecop: okay, so if you use the default table type and all default options with mysql, not only do you "suck" but so does mysql
16:56.53*** join/#asterisk skel (
16:57.10saultyou win. i concede.
16:57.18davewisebrettnem: Do you know if it is possible to do any of the MGCP configs in a DB (other than a text file) :)
16:57.24timecopgo pull the plug on your mysql "server"
16:57.27skelheya, anyone have any links to people who build asterisk and setup for businesses?
16:57.27saultbut, you might not want to teach yourself mysql if you have to use it.
16:57.27harryvvtimecop chill
16:57.30timecopand i'll go pull the plug on my mssql server.
16:57.37timecopthen we'll start both of htem at once.
16:57.41timecopsee how long it takes for oyu to unscramble your data.
16:57.42davewisebrettnem: I'm not particular to a dbms...
16:57.46predictiveskel: there's lots on the wiki
16:57.53skelpredictive: got a link?
16:58.35timecopdamn digium mailing list is fucking busy lately.
16:58.36saulttimecop: i've done it.  what NTFS service pack do you have?
16:58.39skelpredictive: much obliged, ty sir
16:58.42timecopdid they let all the morons run it now?
16:58.52timecopa year ago it used to be a few messages a day
16:59.40*** join/#asterisk Zebble (~Zebble@
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17:00.31Nuggetit's not a room!  it's a channel!  :)
17:00.37timecopthis is not a room
17:00.39timecopits a channel.
17:01.29NewSolewell tell me where do I find the asterisk channel... in #mysql
17:01.44ZebbleHas anybody else seen the Dial() timeout NOT work for SIP -> Zap calls, and work fine for Zap -> Zap?  If I call, using a macro Zap -> Zap, the timeout works.  Sip -> Zap using the exact same macro and the call just keeps ringing...
17:01.47timecopinstead of asking to ask, you could have just asked
17:02.06timecopZebble: Dial(Zap/foo|15)?
17:02.08skelNewSole: if /pete and /part were in a boat.. and /pete falls out.. who's left?
17:02.11*** part/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
17:02.25NewSoleits not my /part
17:02.36Nuggetskel: you should tell that joke in #2,000 -- they'll love it in there.
17:02.50ManxPowerZebble: only when you put the timout in the wrong place
17:02.50Zebbletimecop:  That's what I use.  Dial(Zap/1|20) times out properly if the originator is on Zap, but not if the Originator is SIP.
17:03.05skelNugget: ;P I was merely politely suggesting to piss off instead of trolling
17:03.15timecopZebble: what do you expect to timeout after 20 seconds?
17:03.18timecoplike ringing?
17:03.33Zebbletimecop:  yes, and move to the next priority in the dialplan
17:03.34timecopas in, incoming sip -> rings zap?
17:03.41Zebbletimecop:  yes
17:03.53timecoplemme see. im pretty sure i had that exact thing at my office
17:03.54timecopand it semed to work
17:04.20ZebbleI thought it used to work here too.  I'm thinking it might be a CVS HEAD thing.
17:04.28timecopyeah that works
17:04.37ZebbleI've updated a few times over the last few weeks.  Not sure which update broke it.
17:04.40Nugget---Mutt: imap://localhost/INBOX.Lists.asterisk [Msgs:2446 New:2444 Inc:2]---(thr
17:04.42timecopi have a dial thing that dials() then voicemails()
17:04.47*** part/#asterisk iheartcanada (
17:04.52NuggetI've been slacking
17:05.12Zebbletimecop:  that's exactly what I have.  Are you running latest CVS head?
17:05.21tikkkerhello: anybody an idea, i callout via CAPI, and the destination phone rings, but there is no voice and i also cannot hangup, kphone also only shows "TRYING"
17:05.38timecopyeah. well not really latest. one of hte machines is kinda "production" so last time I touchedi t was 3/28
17:05.57tikkkertalking between several kphones via SIP works fine
17:06.09timecopAsterisk CVS-HEAD-03/28/05-08:38:46  << works here.
17:07.12timecopi dont think they'd break something as basic as that.
17:07.15timecopyou probably got some config fuckup
17:07.21harryvvhow do you link up say a asterisk box to a propriatory pbx? I have looked at alot of phones here in town and 99% are still standard strait digital rather then voip. But, this town is growing rapidly so a good chance to sell new voip systems.
17:07.27timecopextensions reload and see if you missed a priority soemwhere or something
17:07.54timecopharryvv: you buy some tdm400's or if you need a bunch of lines, a channel bank
17:08.03timecopor you just sell them asterisk and voip phones.
17:08.21harryvvtimecop what if the customer does not want to get rid of there pbx? anyway to add on?
17:08.42timecopwell, define "add on"?
17:08.44Zebbletimecop:  I've run through it a few times now.  The exact same dialplan works perfectly for Zap -> Zap.  Only SIP -> Zap is broken.  Sounds like a bug, but just wanted to confirm.
17:08.47timecopyou want asterisk to provide dialtone for hte pbx?
17:09.06harryvvYes I guess. :)
17:09.18timecopwell then get some tdm400's with fxs modules on htem.
17:09.20shaonsshelp to register soundcard with asterisk
17:09.21timecop4 ports/card
17:09.30harryvvBut also, want strait digital phone to call voip phones.
17:10.30harryvvso are you saying like take 4 digital lines from the Digital pbx and tie them into the tdm400 cards of the asterisk box.
17:10.33masonccan you dial and extension from the asterisk command line?
17:10.34timecopyea i duno how you would integrate them. i'd guess you would setup asterisk as analog extension on the pbx.
17:11.17harryvvI have a feeling that once i start selling systems its going to be a little tough because of this problem.
17:11.38timecopthe idea is to get rid of the pbx.
17:11.40harryvvunless a company has a really good budget and dont care about there 5 yearold pbx :)
17:11.43timecopand sell them a server + ip phones.
17:12.01*** join/#asterisk flynux (
17:12.04timecopif they already have a pbx, the most you can sell them is voip for it.
17:12.04Zebbleharryvv:  what old pbx brand/model are you talking about?
17:12.05harryvvI also need brochures.
17:12.13harryvvZebble, any.
17:12.29harryvvLike nortel or panasonic or what ever
17:12.29timecopso you just sell them a box that gives dialtone to them through whatever voip provider.
17:12.47Zebblei've used asterisk as a "shim" between the incoming lines and the PBX so you can intercept incoming/outgoing calls and deal with them as you want.
17:13.00Zebblethis works with any system that has analog incoming lines (all of them, I guess  :)
17:13.02harryvvtimecop again, thay may want to keep the existing pbx network and want to "add on" with a voip system.
17:13.21timecopi've used asterisk with a NTT alphaIX pbx until they burned half of my fxs modules and I just said fuckit and pulled it
17:13.42timecopjaps are jsut not ready for VOIP shit.
17:13.52harryvvtimecop, so was the asterisk behind or in front of that pbx ?
17:13.55timecopi mean they gota be the onl country that charges per minute for voip calls
17:14.00timecopharryvv: it was providing it dialtone
17:14.00harryvvwhich was the slave and master :)
17:14.03timecopso behind.
17:14.07timecop(i guess)
17:14.27harryvvso the digital phones could talk to the voip ones?
17:14.38timecopit was jsut a gateway to a voip provider.
17:14.44timecopfor outgoing calls
17:14.53timecopand incoming calls didnt evne work
17:14.54harryvvso no voip phones were use then
17:15.01timecopbecause ring voltage generated by the fxs modules wasnt enough
17:15.02timecopor somehting.
17:15.06timecopfor hte jap pbx.
17:15.14timecopharryvv: there were, but unrelated.
17:15.32harryvvhow many have you sold so far
17:15.47timecopnone, becfause we wanted a test and it spectacularly failed.
17:16.02harryvvnot enough info on the web about this
17:16.18*** join/#asterisk oej (~oej@
17:16.58harryvvSo really the best market for this is new construction and beat the compitition or reallly old where there phoen system is ancient.
17:17.37harryvvor no phone system at all because the biz could not afford pbxs untill now :)
17:17.48timecopif you figure out how to charge your customers per minute of phone calls
17:17.52timecopyou can quit your day job then
17:18.01harryvvanother idea
17:18.27timecoper, phone > voip
17:18.35timecopbecause here they fucking bill for voip->voip calls
17:18.43timecopi mean thats ridiculous.
17:18.47timecopper minute.
17:19.14harryvvyou mean the commercial voip providers
17:19.29timecopwell, yueah, the only voip provider there is here
17:19.38harryvvbig city?
17:19.46timecopmore like country.
17:19.56timecopjapan, the failure of internet + voip.
17:20.00harryvvwe have over 1 million here
17:20.25timecopi know.
17:20.32timecopyou know whats really funny
17:20.41timecopfor $50 a month i can buy flat-rate calling plan to anywhere in japan
17:20.43timecopfrom a company in u.s.
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17:20.58timecopbut japs charge 8c/3 minutes for voip->voip calls.
17:21.18*** join/#asterisk mDuff (~cduffy@
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17:25.15voip0could somebody help me with a basic dialplan just all incoming calls ring kphone?
17:26.41voip0exten => Dial(kphone)
17:28.01masonctzanger - you still around?
17:28.38seanhow does "routing directly without SIP registration" work? -- someone point me to a doc?
17:28.42mDuffIs there a separate channel for Asterisk development? (I'm wondering if anyone could help me w/ getting debug symbols for modules into gdb)
17:29.23shaonsssox setup help
17:29.29bkw_voip0, you did not say Hi
17:29.38bkw_you know in real life you don't run up to a group of people and ask questions
17:29.39bkw_thats RUDE
17:29.54bkw_kphone is iax?
17:30.17voip0SIP softphone
17:30.19mDuffbkw_, teasing the newbie? In some channels, unnecessary chatter ("hi") is considered rude.
17:30.27harryvvbkw, yea you just do a simple intro and blend in with the groups culture :)
17:30.46bkw_mDuff, not here....
17:31.56tzangermasonc: yes
17:32.08sean"hi" is rarely considered rude. "Can I ask a question?" is always rude (-:
17:32.22bkw_and just busting in and asking is rude too
17:32.30bkw_kinda see the flow of the channel before busting in
17:33.06voip0I put: [incoming] "exten => Dial(kphone)" in my  extension.conf will I be able to receive calls please?
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17:35.02voip0do you know anything about dialplans kuj?
17:37.45voip0thanks I'm just so new to this stuff I'll go google again
17:37.56*** part/#asterisk voip0 (
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17:39.19tldAnyone have experience putting up secure VoIP with * in the middle?  I'm thinking about either phones supporting encryption/authentication, or small VPN solutions that could sit right before the phones.
17:44.04*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
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17:45.44eidolonhey folks - i have a sort of off the wall question.  has anyone implemented push-to-talk like functionality using 802.11 and VOIP?  i see vocera, but they're a) a commercial solution, and b) runs on windows.  i'm thinking of something to replace commercial radios at conventions / events.
17:46.30*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
17:46.51masonchas anyone ever configured an Adtran?
17:46.54mDuffeidolon, I don't see how it'd be *hard* to implement.
17:46.59FuriousGeorgedoesn anyone here use ipcop.  im wondering how to set it up for RTP
17:47.10eidolonmdu: yeah, it doesn't seem hard.  question is, can it be done for a decent price.
17:48.36mDuffeidolon, depends if you have a softphone already to start with. If you're starting with a softphone that does everything -but- that, it should be quick enough to be quite cheap. (If you're thinking of hardware, that's well outside my domain).
17:49.16eidolonwell, i found zyxels 802.11 phones (the Prestige 2000W)
17:49.23tldWhen a AGI script is servicing an incomming call, can I use the call-file solution to make a outgoing call, and have the two connected together?  And can I use two call-file files, and have both outgoing calls connected together?  (IE: To get Asterisk to dial two parties, and link them together)
17:49.25eidolonseem to be going for about $125 on ebay.
17:50.05mDuffeidolon, so you'd be wanting to use stock phones and implement this functionality server-side? That I'm not so sure about.
17:50.19eidoloni dunno, i'm sort of talking out my ass here.
17:50.32eidoloni just worked a big convention where they were using FRS radios, which are a PAIN IN THE ASS.
17:50.34FuriousGeorgeit appears that IPCop only forewards ports on TCP or UDP.  for RTP support do i have to put my * box in the DMZ?
17:51.06mDuffFuriousGeorge, doesn't RTP run over UDP?
17:51.21FuriousGeorgemDuff: i dunno?
17:51.29FuriousGeorgemDuff:  i hops so
17:51.39FuriousGeorgehope* so
17:52.11torisaA Byte Walks into a bar. The bartender notices and asks "What's wrong?" The Byte replies: "Parity error". The bartender nods, and says "I thought you looked a bit off."
17:52.20mDuffFuriousGeorge, that said, if your * box is going to be receiving incoming connections from the outside world, a DMZ is the right place to put it ('cuz letting folks from the outside world connect straight to your internal lan is just a Bad Idea).
17:53.35FuriousGeorgemDuff: i thought RTP and UDP were seperate and distinct.  you saying i shouldnt just foreward the ports to my * box?
17:53.36Corydon-wmDuff: what happens when we all adapt to the IPv6 way of thinking (i.e. no NATs)?
17:54.05mDuffCorydon-w, how does that stop you from having a DMZ?
17:54.16NuggetDMZ is a firewalling concept, not a routing concept.
17:54.22Nuggetjust as NAT is not a security tool
17:54.53eidolongonna be back in a bit.
17:54.54*** part/#asterisk eidolon (
17:55.00Corydon-wDoesn't, except that a DMZ is not distinct from the internal network
17:55.27Corydon-wOr will not be, rather
17:55.40mbishopin a line like 'exten => _.,3,Dial(SIP/2001,60,tr)' 2001 is a SIP number right?
17:55.50mDuffCorydon-w, eh? How isn't it? If they're still on different networks, with different IP ranges, and your firewall needs to be traversed to go between them...
17:56.20mDuffCorydon-w, to say otherwise would be to say that prior to the existance of NAT, there never was any distinction between different networks.
17:56.36Corydon-wmDuff: firewall in that case is really just a router... and packet filtering can be done at any level, not just at the firewall
17:57.38mDuffCorydon-w, no, the firewall isn't a router -- it could be bridging instead of routing; the point is that it's a single point your packets need to go through when traversing between networks, and that they're filtered in the process.
17:58.05saulttld: make both calls go to the same MeetMe conference
17:58.07mDufferm, isn't necessarily only a router
17:58.17mDuffor isn't necessarily a router at all
17:58.25Corydon-wmDuff: so a major Internet router that filters ICMP floods is a firewall primarily in your view then?
17:58.26tldsault: Thanks a bunch. :)
17:59.01mDuffCorydon-w, it's a router inasmuch as it routes, and a firewall inasmuch as it filters.
18:01.50mDuffCorydon-w, example: My network has an outer firewall, a DMZ, and an inner firewall. We'd still have that same structure even if the folks behind the inner firewall had publicly routable IP addresses.
18:03.07mDuffCorydon-w, incidentally, they're layed out in that order; a packet attempting to get to the internal network needs to traverse both firewalls (passing through the DMZ) to do so.
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18:04.22djMaxecho cancel q: I have a polycom video conf unit (fancy echo stuff) connected to a SPA-2100, connected to *.  After about 20 mins, the echo cancelling gets whacked out.  Question is, should I disable echo canceling on some parts of the chain?
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18:07.22P-ChanI'm having issues with this -> exten 3019 needs to put someone into "please enter your password" part of voicemail for extension 19, I have the following in extensions.conf:
18:07.29P-Chanexten => 3019,1,Goto(custom-danvm)
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18:07.38P-Chanand under the macro:
18:07.44P-Chanexten => s,1,VoiceMailMain(19@default)
18:07.48P-Chanwhy doesn't this work?
18:08.30mDuffdjMax, heh. incidentally, one of my coworkers used to be at Polycom and worked at those things. Has quite a few unkind things to say about their software division.
18:08.40P-ChanI've tried exten => 3019,1,VoiceMailMain... instead of s, but that didn't work either.
18:08.49Corydon-wP-Chan: that's not how you invoke a Macro
18:09.08djMaxyeah, it's annoying that given the cost of the ViewStation they don't have a SIP upgrade
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18:09.23shaonssplease help me with Consol/dsp
18:09.42P-ChanOk, sorry, not macro, but context. <blush> - exten => 3019,1,Goto(custom-danvm)      ;
18:09.50Juxtcan anyone suggest a good multi-port gateway
18:10.24Corydon-wP-Chan: that's not how you goto a context, either... you need to be explicit
18:10.43Corydon-wP-Chan: Goto(somecontext,someextension,somepriority)
18:11.03Corydon-wSo in your case:  Goto(custom-danvm,s,1)
18:11.04P-ChanCorydon-w: Oh..ok
18:11.26shaonssP-Chan: u have to put priority like exten => 3019,1,Goto(custom-danvm,s,1)
18:11.43tikkkerQuestion: how does the exten look like, when a call comes in from a CAPI with MSN 50, and gets forwarded to SIP 1234
18:12.30Corydon-wP-Chan: the arguments to Goto are parsed right-to-left... not left-to-right... so priority is the 1 main argument... with an optional second 'extension'... and an optional third 'context'
18:12.32P-Chanshaonss & Corydon-w:  Thanks.  I got it working.  ;)
18:13.22P-ChanCorydon-w:  I did Goto(custom-danvm,s,1) and then exten => s,1,VoiceMailMain(19@default) under the [custom-danvm] context. ;)
18:14.22shaonss(consol/dsp)  seup please help
18:19.50tikkkerq: where is the difference between incoming and outgoing calls in extensions.conf ?
18:21.00saulttikkker: incoming calls select extensions, Dial() command makes outgoing calls
18:21.45seanis there a simple way to present a dialtone on an incoming call that allows the caller to dial out?
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18:22.39saultsean: DISA
18:22.41ManxPowersean: "show application DISA"
18:23.01ManxPowersean: "show applications" is your friend.  Love it, caress it, give it flowers.
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18:23.15tikkkerso how do i select an incoming call from an ISDN card ?
18:23.20ManxPowerBut whatever you do READ IT BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION.
18:23.20seanboth of you: thanks! (-:
18:23.54saulttikkker: in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf, using the context= entry
18:24.20tikkkeraah i use CAPI, but there is an capi.conf
18:25.23*** join/#asterisk trimi` (~da@
18:27.40trimi`Does anyone know how can i make asterisk to make calls with 00 as prefix not with 011 for international calls like USA, im from europe and PPL are used to call with 00 instead of 011, but the problem is that i use a USA VOIP company with SIP to route the calls so they accept 011 as prefix for international calls
18:27.58tzangertrimi`: it's all in your dialplan
18:28.03tzangeryou can make asterisk do anything
18:28.15trimi`tzanger can you give me some help how
18:28.18trimi`im a begginer
18:28.28tzangertrimi`: read the asterisk handbook
18:28.36*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (~chuljin@
18:28.50tzangertrimi`: and then realize that you can Dial(Zap/1/00{${EXTEN:3}) to do what you want
18:29.07tzangeri.e. take the exten, chop off the first 3 digits, and then prepend 00 to that
18:29.15mbishophow do I define a sip extension if I'm not registering with sip?
18:29.28ChulJinGood morning!
18:29.33trimi`<tzanger> thanks
18:29.50Qwellare there any multiprotocol phones?
18:29.59Qwellie; no needing to change the firmware
18:30.47drumkillawhat's the point?
18:31.01Qwellnone, just curious
18:31.03ChulJintrying again :P is anyone aware of any phones, hardware or software, any technology, that support the dialplan commands SendText, SendURL, and/or SendImage?
18:31.29trimi`btw i got another problem, my x100p dont answer the call, its just ringing and x100p dont even detect as some1 calls, is there any way to test the x100p to answer a call ?
18:32.00saultdon't sccp and adsi support that?
18:35.25trimi`btw i got another problem, my x100p dont answer the call, its just ringing and x100p dont even detect as some1 calls, is there any way to test the x100p to answer a call ?
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18:35.52Qwelltrimi`: yeah, you said that 4 minutes ago
18:36.36shaonsscan asterisk play (real audo fle) *.rm or *.ram with sox?
18:37.30seanpotentially stupid question: is it possible for asterisk to export a CAPI channel so I can hook in PublicVoiceXML? (my inbound line(s) are SIP).
18:38.11RaYmAn-Bxshaonss: unless you change it a lot, it's prolly a better idea to convert to a more asterisk friendly format
18:38.59Juxtis there such thing as a 24 port FXO->SIP gateway
18:39.32heisondo we have any photographers here that use D70?
18:39.42shaonssRaYmAn-Bx: i need to play a online news broadcast wich in real audio *.rm how can i do it?
18:40.06Qwellshaonss: by licensing it from them, and having them send it to you as something else
18:40.13ChulJinheison: good luck with a non-* question...even * questions are overlooked. :P
18:40.59Qwellshaonss: Your playing it on a PBX requires a license anyways...
18:42.16shaonssqwell:its for home use
18:48.03dmccollumQuick question guys. I have two x100p cards in a dual proc machine. I can't seem to get both to get a different IRQ. They both share 7. As long as only one is in use at a time, I shouldn't have any problems should I?
18:48.28tzangerdmccollum: shuffle the cards
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18:50.20dmccollumtzanger: I'll give that a try when I get home.
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18:55.29mDuffdmccollum, as long as the driver is properly written (and polls each of the cards to see which one called the interrupt), it should just cause performance issues, as opposed to complete lack of function.
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18:56.32mDuff(well, IIRC, the driver's not responsible for polling -- but it *is* responsible for determining whether the card it's currently looking at is the one that called the interrupt. IIRC. Which is not particularly likely).
18:57.33saultJuxt: audiocodes?
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19:03.29ScaredyCatneeeeeeeeeeee plop
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19:10.42stoyanis there a cheak 1fxs or 1fxs+1fxo pci card?
19:11.15tzangerstoyan: 1fxs: iaxy
19:11.30tzangerstoyan: 1fxs+1fxo: spa-3k I think or TDM11P
19:12.16brettnemheison: I use a D70
19:13.03rvhihi try to dial out to a pager and page someone, the paging company has a prompt 'please enter the numberial page after the tone'. how to detect that it is over so i can send dtmf digits?
19:13.09stoyantzanger: thanks
19:13.32mDuffstoyan, is $200 (for a TDM-400P w/ appropriate modules) cheap enough? If not, you might want to consider external hardware instead (ie. the Sipura SPA-3000)
19:15.40stoyanmdyff - i have a fxo pci clone for $15. I was hoping to find an fxs pci card for aproximately the same ammount of money, but...
19:16.51tzangerstoyan: you own't
19:17.34seanwhat FXO pci card is $15? and does it actually work?
19:18.37Drukenstoyan: you won't find an FXS nothing for $15 bux
19:18.56trimi`<sean> yeap i bought
19:19.23tzangerno, it's not an x100P
19:19.33tzangerit's a winmodem that is the same basic card as the x100p
19:19.43trimi`i know
19:19.43tzangerbut without any documentation that the hybrid's any good
19:19.48trimi`with intel ambient chipset
19:19.54stoyanit's a z100p clone
19:20.06trimi`no its not clone
19:20.10trimi`its x101p
19:20.16trimi`not detected as clone card
19:20.27trimi`you can see it at
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19:23.44stoyanFound a Wildcard FXO: Generic Clone
19:23.47HeadachesAboundIs there a way to execute an AGI Script when a call is transferred out of a queue to an agent?
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19:26.11ScaredyCattrimi`: that card IS a clone, the clue is in the word 'OEM'
19:26.45seanfile: are you really in Moncton?
19:27.15filesean: yes
19:27.18fileRiverview actually
19:27.28seanhmm. I grew up there. (-:
19:27.44seanhow old are you?
19:28.06seanah. I'm 25. We probably don't know each other (-;
19:28.09filedoubt it
19:28.15fileI'm originally from Bridgewater, NS
19:28.27seanah. and you moved _TO_ Moncton?!
19:28.32fileparental units did
19:28.48obsidian-studioshello all, got a weird echo thing going on that only seems to be on my end when I call out. Calls in do not have the echo. I would like to blame my el cheapo fxo card, but the echo is there when not using any zap channels. I believe the echo comes from either the Cisco ubr924 or *. I am using analog phones connected to the ubr924s FXS ports, which are connected to * via sip. Any ideas?
19:29.07trimi`<sean> are these clones good ? cuz i just bought 2
19:29.20seanI don't know.
19:29.33ScaredyCatecho echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo echo
19:29.34obsidian-studiostrimi`:  sean: clones are not bad
19:31.08obsidian-studiosit's sounds like a very clear echo or reverberation like in a cave or somthing. It just happens once thought, so if I say hello, I will hear hello just after I say it. The other end does not hear the echo at all? But the echo does not repeat either.
19:32.30akl-maybe it's your carrier?
19:32.50obsidian-studiosI am the carrier :)
19:33.18ScaredyCatwith x100p's? lol!
19:33.42obsidian-studiosthe echo is not there on voicemail, but seems to be on main menu via an extension I have to play that
19:34.15obsidian-studiosthe echo is there when not using zap channels, fxo's or my x100p clones
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19:34.53obsidian-studiosnow if I get a call via a zap channel, and map it to my sip ->fxs -> analog phone, the call is crystal clear no echo or anything unwanted
19:35.30Drukenobsidian-studios: i had a simular problem... i ended up just going with an outgoing voip carrier :)
19:36.06obsidian-studiosIt's the analog -> sip -> * where  get an echo, so even if I call the other analog phone there is an echo, so using a voip provider will not make much difference
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19:36.37kimchello *
19:36.55Zebbleos:  have you tried setting echotraining=yes (or to a numeric value) in zapata.conf?
19:36.59obsidian-studiosI played around with a bunch of options in the cisco with regard to echo-cancellation, but can't tell if it makes a difference, and does not solve the problem
19:37.09ManxPowerI tell the damn customer to do exactly what they did when they had the problem.  The customer does everything EXCEPT exactly what they did when they had the problem.
19:37.20obsidian-studiosZebble: I can mess with that, but keep in mind the echo is there when not using zap channels
19:37.51Zebbleos:  oh, right...  analog is handled by the ubr?
19:37.57obsidian-studiosManxPower: got to love that
19:37.58Drukenwait a min.... obsidian-studios, what are the analog phones connected to?
19:38.09dmccollumobsidian: Just from a pure troubleshooting perspective I wouldn't think it would have anything to do with the x100p or zapata.conf
19:38.14kimcAnyone know how I can reduce the 10 secs of silence at the end of pots line voicemails ?
19:38.29Sato1anyone care to help try my setup with fwd?
19:38.41obsidian-studiosdmccollum: so far the x100p clones have worked better and easier than a $ TDM400 card with 4 fxo ports
19:39.02Zebblekimc:  change maxsilence= in voicemail.conf
19:39.03Drukensato, if i can find my fwd number you can call me...
19:39.14kimcgreat thanks muchly :)
19:39.35Zebbleos:  I've had the same experience.  The FXO modules on the TDM400 are a little touchy.
19:39.42Sato1Druken, ok, lets hope you find it
19:39.50DrukenSato1: 632421
19:39.58Sato1ok, there we go...
19:40.21HeadachesAboundIs there a way to execute an AGI Script when a call is transferred out of a queue to an agent?
19:40.35obsidian-studiosDruken:  the analog phones are connected to a Cisco ubr924s FXS ports, the router then talks to * via SIP. I have clone x100p cards that bring in at the moment one pot line soon to be two. Now if I call out over a zap channel the echo is still there if fact a bit louder and worse I think it' like double trying to cancel or something funky. However if it's an inbound call over a zap channel then sent to a sip channel which
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19:40.50dmccollumobsidian: Are there any rx/tx tweaks you can make on the Cisco ubr924?
19:41.14Sato1Druken, which party?
19:41.18seanHeadachesAbound: I don't know how queues work, offhand, but can they transfer out of a queue to an extension?
19:41.30Sato1i got a directory
19:41.35obsidian-studiosdmccollum:  sort of there is input output attenuation
19:41.35Drukenextension 101 is my extension
19:41.39Sato1sales, tech support...
19:41.39Zebbleos:  other than you're supporting asterisk and the TDM400 is a single card for 4 ports, yes.  The digium T1 cards, however, are superb.
19:41.42Sato1oh ok
19:42.23obsidian-studiosZebble: the pci bus load is better with a single card, but sort of a mood issue unless heavily loaded
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19:43.07Zebble4 cards isn't much of a load.  Just wish there were motherboards with infinite IRQ's and PCI slots.  :)
19:43.15*** join/#asterisk MattB2 (
19:43.18obsidian-studiosat first with the echo I totally wanted to blame my el cheapo fxo card as others had warned me of
19:43.52Zebbleos:  sounds like the ubr is the cause.  You might want to try disabling echo cancelling entirely on the ubr, if that's possible.
19:44.43obsidian-studioshowever more I made the problem repeat itself, the less it had anything to do with a zap channel or the card? I am pretty sure it's the Cisco's fault. Not the newest router, older firmware. I can't get a 12.2 or 12.3 IOS on it, only 12.1. So there could be problem on the Cisco's end, and/or problems on the * side of things. Or problems with the communication between the two
19:44.49DrukenZebble: got a SBC and a backplane
19:45.08obsidian-studiosZebble: yes I tried doing no echo-cancellation enable
19:45.14Drukener.. get rather
19:45.18obsidian-studiosZebble: not much of a difference, it's weird
19:46.05HeadachesAboundsean: No.  The calls are routed to the queue via various methods.  The calls are then transferred to dynamic agents based on the default queueing mechanics.  I need to run an AGI script that will fire of a message to an agent that contains information about the call.
19:46.18DrukenSato1: so what exactly did you say to me in spanish?
19:46.30obsidian-studiosZebble: also if it makes a difference I also get no cid info on the analog phone. That info is lost in the zap -> sip -> fxs or some where along the way
19:46.41MattB2hi guys
19:46.52MattB2any idea why this line is timing out after only 30 seconds?:
19:46.56MattB2exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/600,60)
19:47.00Sato1Druken, i said that i expected someone speaking english and i got surpriced to get answer in spanish, hehehe
19:47.14Drukenoh... ok :)
19:47.18ManxPowerMattB2: because you are not giving it a timeout.
19:47.28ManxPowerMattB2: Are you using 1.0.x or CVS-HEAD?
19:47.38Drukeni was like... wtf? hehehe
19:47.42MattB2it was a CVS-HEAD but from a few months ago
19:47.54ManxPowersorry, wrong fiend.  You are giving it a timeout.
19:48.05Drukenthen had to think of how to tell ya i don't speak... i probably screwed it up :)
19:48.10ManxPowerMattB2: the phone is prolly timeing it out.
19:48.12Sato1Druken, i was like.. how did he know i speak spanish??
19:48.46MattB2ManxPower: that thought had occurred to me, but can't find any mention of tmieouts in the phone's confgig
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19:48.57Sato1Druken, thank you for the test, mate
19:48.59MattB2also what's weird is at priority 2 I have a queue cmd, then priority 3 is voicemail
19:49.05MattB2and it's jumping straight from 1 to 3 after 30s
19:49.08DrukenSato1: no problem
19:49.13Sato1now.. lets back to the oh323 thing *sighs*
19:49.23MattB2and I know that the queue stuff is fine because if I code the first timeout to 15, it'll ring the queue
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19:49.40DrukenSato1: good luck with h323, it's EVIL!!!
19:50.09JerJer[mobile]while it is very evil many people are stuck with it
19:50.25JerJer[mobile]for some lameass reasons, but still
19:50.29ManxPowerMattB2: what phone?
19:50.37DrukenJerJer[mobile]: that may be true, but i'm not one of them and keep a safe distance
19:50.44MattB2ManxPower: grandstream gxp 2000
19:50.46Corydon-wYeah... I have found, however, that running an instance of Asterisk which has only h323 and iax in it is vastly more stable, though
19:50.52ManxPowerMattB2: can't help you
19:50.57ManxPowerbut sip debug might
19:51.13JerJer[mobile]Druken:  good
19:51.18DaminAnyone have Dundi?
19:51.39MattB2I don't know why it's missing the 2nd priority thou.. can understand that iof the phone timesout it will end before the 60s, but "missing" a line in the dialplan? weird
19:51.44DaminAnyone using it and can make an outbound call?
19:51.59DaminI.E. try calling to 650-339-0954 using Dundi please?
19:53.07Sato1Druken, i used to work with openh323 years ago, before asterisk, but now, i got some devices (addpac's model ap200) that can register with asterisk using sip, and those devices also has h323
19:53.17ManxPowerMy users can't seem to do a transfer when logging into a Queue using AgentCallbackLogin
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19:58.14MattB2is there any timeout on a ZAP call?
19:58.24MattB2ie can a zap incoming call timeout after 30s and jump to voicemail?
19:58.29MattB2or am I barking up the wrong tree?!
19:59.08DrukenSato1: i might, ya never know.. hehe it is me saying "hello"
19:59.33DrukenSato1: i never really know where the call is coming from... but i did know that was you
20:00.45DrukenManxPower: i've noticed that problem too... i always get the extension is invalid, but i know the context is setup right in the queues.conf and the extension does exsist
20:00.47ManxPowerMattB2: What do you think the 60 was for????????????
20:01.07ManxPowerDruken: I don't transfer the sissy way!  i.e. using #.
20:01.20ManxPowerMy phones are butch and have their own dedicated transfer key!
20:01.32DrukenManxPower: well, my cellphone doesn't have a damn transfer key
20:01.42ManxPowerDruken: I'm sorry to hear that.
20:01.50Drukenyou should be :)
20:01.54MattB2ManxPower: well if I specify 60s timeout it's timing out after 30s if I call direct from a ZAP line but going for the full 60 if I dial from internal SIP
20:02.16ManxPowerMattB2: Your sip phone is timeing out.
20:02.18MattB2so guessing problem is related to zap
20:02.22ManxPowerit haws nothing to do with Zap
20:02.41MattB2ManxPower: if I call sip -> sip it doesn't timeout, if I call zap -> sip it timeouts after 30s
20:02.53Sato1Druken, the same happend to me some times, i got a very good pronunciation of the few words i know in french, but i dont speak french
20:03.03MattB2so how does it timeout after 30s on zap calls but not on sip?
20:03.30DrukenSato1: i wouldn't say my pronounciation is very good...
20:04.03Sato1it was, at least the only word i heared from you, lol
20:04.34DrukenSato1: :) no comprende espanole
20:05.03Sato1ah! that one was not that very well pronunced, but understable, then i understood
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20:05.32ManxPowerMattB2: yes, the destination device is telling asterisk to go away after 30 seconds
20:06.04ManxPowerAll I can say is that the ONLY time I EVER encountered anything similar is when the phone was rejecting the call.
20:06.38MattB2ManxPower: if that were true I would assume that if I called direct sip -> sip it would also timeout after 30s, but it isn't
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20:07.36PCadachJerJer[mobile]: Hello! Looks like #4112 is ready.
20:08.27ramthahmm, i can not get a working caller id displaying over pstn. my pstn provider told me that i am sending a wrong number format. i must send national (germany) numberformat
20:08.31ramthawhat does this meen?
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20:09.22znoramtha: what's the german national number format?
20:11.41Beirdo~lart Beirdo
20:12.21ramthazno: i think +49XXX
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20:13.13znoramtha: what are you setting your SetCallerID to?
20:14.04ramthaprovider said that looks good, calling pres01 is set too.
20:14.15ramthaonly the number format seems to be wrong
20:14.45ramthacould it something eith: pridialplan=unknown ?
20:15.04ramthaif i set this to local or something else
20:15.14ramthathe zap connection is not working
20:18.05PuNk3rXanyone here deal with polycom phones?
20:18.37Carp1I'm trying to use astcc but in the web broswer, its showing up as text.  The people over at #perl say apache doesnt need to be compilied with perl support becuase the line on top tells apache where to find it, and the line on top is correct.  ANy idea's?
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20:19.19torisaneed to have ExecCGI for that directory and set the file chmod a+x
20:19.40slePPanyone want to buy about 20 pap2-na's?
20:20.01Carp1torisa: how to I set that dir to ExecCGI?
20:20.47QwellslePP: how much? :p
20:20.50torisaCarp1: what version of apache?
20:21.36slePPQwell: how many do you want?
20:22.08Carp1Thanks torisa.
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20:28.35sivanahas anyone ever reset the GS 486 ATA?
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20:30.20MattB2ManxPower: FYI I found the problem.  For some reason I had to answer() it first before the dial then queue command
20:30.23MattB2have no idea why
20:30.25MattB2but it works
20:32.45cyaltrne1 running * on Mac os x
20:32.57MattB2cyaltr: we ran it briefly for testing
20:33.17MattB2lots of unsupported stuff thou, so we changed to a linux box as soon as we could
20:33.29cyaltrworks great just had some difficulty getting it to talk to voipjet
20:33.38cyaltrworks fine with fwd
20:34.53*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
20:35.21Carp1is there documentation for astcc?
20:38.36denondocumentation? wussat?
20:39.21jakepdevdocs? that's the stuff I hear guys like ManXPower bitch about that nobody reads
20:39.38denonthat's cause nobody does :)
20:39.43Carp1nothing works so I'm guessing thats whats wrong?
20:40.01jakepdevyou're probably right
20:40.18*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
20:40.55Carp1How do I give rights?
20:41.11denonchmod? chgrp?
20:42.22*** join/#asterisk makhtar (
20:43.48ChkDigitWhat does: "Ouch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (2)" mean when the Zap channel stops hanging up?
20:45.39*** part/#asterisk makhtar (
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20:46.37*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
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20:50.02*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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20:56.22*** join/#asterisk Taadow (
20:58.41TaadowIs it possible to set the outbound codec, either on or not on a per extension basis?
20:58.57TaadowAs in accept all incoming and transcode to a single outbound codec?
20:59.25*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
20:59.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
20:59.38jakepdevtaadow - yes
21:00.07Drukenjust have that one peer or friend with a single codec, as well as a notransfer or canreinvite in place
21:00.26Sato1anyone has compiled oh323 or h323 for asterisk and does not see the udp ports that they should bind?
21:01.11TaadowMakes sense.  Thank ya's.
21:02.53*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
21:03.27terrapenoh good lord, what a weekend...
21:03.53terrapendon't ever...ever ever ever... never ever.... use for domain registration!
21:04.22terrapen(the old saying that "A happy customer tells one friend and an unhappy customer tells ten friends" is true
21:04.48terrapeni'm going to tell everybody about the shitbags that run Stargate
21:06.02terrapenall of my domains (30+) use and as authoritative nameservers
21:06.04*** join/#asterisk _murf_ (
21:06.16*** join/#asterisk jabbzy (
21:06.28terrapeni specifically remember renewing's registation 3 months ago
21:06.38terrapenbut somehow, stargate claims i did not
21:06.59*** part/#asterisk makhtar (
21:07.08terrapenand the put the domain into their little extortionate status called "redemption"
21:07.11*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
21:07.16terrapenand you have to pay $150.00 to get it out
21:07.20terrapenbut wait, it gets better
21:07.44|Vulture|if I have 11B+1D would my D channel be 24?
21:07.51fileterrapen: I keep my receipts/history stuff for stuff like that so if they claim I didn't pay, I bring up the info
21:08.00terrapenwhile it is in "redemption", they put a wildcard DNS entry for it, pointing everything at this seedy junk advertising web site run by some pakistanis in new jersey
21:08.05jabbzyhey quick question to you asterisk guru's, howw do you ensure asterisk is not in the media path after call setup?
21:08.14terrapenfile, i learned this lesson now :)
21:08.43terrapenwell, because this domain hosted my authoritative nameservers, EVERY SINGLE DOMAIN OF MINE was redirected to the cheezy junk advertising click site
21:08.54terrapenand it gets better yet,
21:09.02terrapenthey put a TTL of 1 week on that wildcard
21:09.19terrapenso despite having paid their extortion, many folks will get the junk site for as much as one week
21:09.24terrapenbut wait, better yet!
21:09.26*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
21:10.01terrapeni tried to change the authoritative nameservers for my domains to point at a working domain but Stargate's web interface kept responding with some "Error #542, Please contact customer support."
21:10.15niZontime for a new registrar
21:10.27terrapenand they, of course, have no phone support whatsoever and no email support over the weekend
21:10.33terrapennizon, you're telling me... :)
21:10.39terrapeni just moved everything to GoDaddy
21:11.02niZonfile a report with the bbb
21:11.07terrapenit is now my mission to seek the destruction of Stargate
21:11.10terrapeni am.
21:11.30terrapenbut Stargate already has numerous unresolved BBB filings
21:11.42|Vulture|Anyone here deal with PRIs?
21:12.01|Vulture|I am trying to find out how many DNIS digits I need for * to handle my DIDs correctly
21:12.01niZonit would be nice to get their registrar status revoked
21:12.11terrapenhow can that be done?
21:12.29terrapenRegistrars are generally sleeze
21:12.32terrapenalways have been, too
21:13.34Jas_Williams|Vulture|, Shoot and we can try and help, hell two heads are always better than one :)
21:13.39terrapeni was going to register but it looks like they already did :P
21:13.46terrapenso i will get
21:14.13|Vulture|Jas_Williams: I am trying to find out home many DNIS digits I need for my 904XXXXXXX numbers to be handled
21:14.35|Vulture|I would suspect 7 correct? because on the implimentation form they put 0 even though I request 7
21:15.49Jas_WilliamsDepends on the carrier I suppode in the UK it can be any between 4 digits and 6 digits
21:16.14|Vulture|Jas_Williams: okay then I should prolly call them and check on this thanx
21:17.29Jas_Williams|Vulture|, how many digits are passed on inbound calls in and out are likely to match
21:18.02*** part/#asterisk Patrick^ (
21:19.01*** join/#asterisk dammm (
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21:22.30dammmanybody there?
21:22.41altgo away... I'm sleeping
21:22.48*** join/#asterisk Nethab (
21:23.03masoncanyone help with an adtran channel bank?
21:23.05*** join/#asterisk stilex (
21:23.49stilexhey anyone know how to reload a specific static file out of the static realtime db from the CLI? like sip.conf reload or something
21:24.08stilexi know you can use dynamic realtime but i'm just interested in the static part
21:24.17dammmMay  2 18:24:54 WARNING[4739]: chan_zap.c:848 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
21:24.27dammmamy help on that?
21:24.34dammmMay  2 18:24:54 WARNING[4739]: loader.c:388 __load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
21:24.34dammmMay  2 18:24:54 WARNING[4739]: loader.c:509 load_modules: Loading module failed!
21:26.41Corydon-wYou forgot the load the module?
21:26.44jabbzyhey quick question to you asterisk guru's, howw do you ensure asterisk is not in the media path after call setup?
21:26.58jabbzy(for SIP to SIP)
21:27.02Nethabif rtp debug shows no activity
21:27.39Nethabbut you can't *force* calls to bypass asterisk, some phones might not support re-invites
21:27.54Corydon-wYou don't ensure it.  It'll do it if enabled and it can.
21:29.01Jas_Williamsjabbzy, canreinvite=yes also make sure bothe ends are using the same codec and you don't have a T or t in the dial command
21:29.28*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
21:29.56Nethab~seen WilliamK
21:29.59jbotwilliamk is currently on #asterisk (17h 35m 39s)
21:30.49Nethabdid WilliamK tell any of you how he got his modem to connect over his sipura at 33.6kbps?
21:31.21Drukeni heard something about it...
21:31.31*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
21:32.15Nethabhe said it was with new firmware i think, but the website only shows the same one I've had for months
21:32.33*** join/#asterisk DEEZED (
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21:33.45jabbzythanks Jaz Nethab and Croydon-ww
21:33.58sivanais it possible to group two SIP channels together, like an equiv group?
21:34.00_murf_Hey, if anybody cares, I am here, and can answer questions about the privacy enhancement to Asterisk, bug #752.
21:34.15Nethablike a CallGroup
21:35.28n0b0dy1_murf_: where's this bug?
21:35.38n0b0dy1oh app_dial.c?
21:35.42*** part/#asterisk grolloj (
21:36.02_murf_n0b0dy1: yes
21:36.20Drukensivana: what ya trying todo?
21:37.02sivanaI have Sipura 2000 with has 2 lines...  I need to dial one DID and have it choose an available line
21:37.19sivanaeach line is a separate SIP user
21:37.22Drukenlike a huntgroup
21:37.52Drukenjust have the two dials right after each other, or in the same line
21:38.09sivanahrm... there's no group=1 like Zap?
21:38.13sivanabut for SIP
21:38.21*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
21:38.23Drukennot without using a queue that i'm awear of
21:42.59*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
21:43.18*** join/#asterisk key2 (
21:43.52key2how can I set a callback on an asterisk ? like after 1 ring, it calls back the number that called
21:44.05JerJer[mobile]write an app
21:44.17key2JerJer[mobile]: what u mean
21:44.40n0b0dy1if you want that feature
21:44.43n0b0dy1write (and submit) code.
21:45.06JerJer[mobile]key2:  learn more about asterisk, then u will know what i mean
21:46.02*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
21:46.11terrapenits funny how many people use Asterisk for phone sex lines
21:46.40terrapeni saw a consulting request for someone who described a system that sounded amazingly like a phone sex line
21:47.34Drukenif it works, it works right?
21:47.44Jas_Williamsterrapen, the power of meetme rooms
21:48.08Jas_Williamslower setup costs greater profit
21:50.32stilexanyone know how to reload sip.conf from the realtime db using the CLI
21:50.56stilexcan you reload a specific config mapping without reloading *
21:55.37n0b0dy1terrapen: where?
21:55.50n0b0dy1allison smith does sound like a phone sex operator come to think of it
21:56.35Drukenn0b0dy1: i'd have phonesex with her... but it'd cost WAY too much....
21:58.03*** join/#asterisk Nethab (
21:59.07Jas_Williamsstilex, static realtime configs ?
21:59.27L|NUXi setuped voicemail but when i try to see my voicemessage from vmail.cgi it show 0 messages but i can see there are three messages on my account what to do ?
22:00.26*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
22:01.00Jas_Williamsstilex, just do a sip reload that should do what you want
22:08.03*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
22:10.27*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
22:10.49o_ceei heard some guys here got pre-production S35 WLAN's? any blogs etc about them?
22:13.15Nethabthat's not WiMAX is it
22:13.21*** part/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
22:13.37Drukeni go postal if it is...
22:13.39stilexJas_Williams:  what about voicemail.conf agents.conf etc
22:13.43*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
22:13.47o_ceenah wlan afaik
22:14.12o_ceebut all specs are subject to change i guess, but wimax won't be availible until end of the year, no?
22:14.31Drukeni priced out an aircard for my laptop, wholly shit, talk about expensive
22:16.46Nethabintel released their chips, but they're pre-standard so compatibility is up in the air
22:17.28o_ceewhat was it, 10-15 km? that's pretty nice.
22:18.05ManxPowerspammers are REALLY hammering my server
22:19.06Nethabi don't understand why spammers send fake ebay emails to an address i don't use for ebay
22:19.28nestArcast your net, see what you catch
22:19.35nestAri think that's the idea
22:20.26*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
22:20.49ManxPowerWell their nets are killing my dolphins!
22:21.19nestAri know that feeling
22:21.34Groobyanyone having problem w/ broadvoice?
22:22.19ManxPowerGrooby: I think the question is "Is anyone NOT having problems with BroadVoice?"
22:22.34Groobyso I guess major network outtage?
22:23.19nestArlol. we got a post card from
22:23.26nestArtrying to sell us colo
22:24.00nestAr1,000 Mbps of IP - $13,000/month
22:24.01Nethabi'm not having problems with broadvoice
22:24.57Hymieyou're a broadvoice, nethab
22:25.02HymieYOU"RE A BROADVOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:25.09Nethabwhere are you located
22:25.23Nethabi just test called in and out just in case
22:25.27Nethabthey both workes
22:27.08*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
22:27.45bkw_broadvoice works fine with asterisk
22:28.06Nethabbkw_ peoplse are complaining their having an outage again
22:28.18Nethabbut i'm not having any problems
22:28.20key2someone can tell me how to dial a "R" (flash) with AT command ?
22:28.44Groobynethab, which proxy are you hitting?
22:29.07Groobydid you modify your /etc/hosts?
22:29.12Nethabi'm don't specificy anything
22:29.19Nethabi let it do it's own determination
22:29.32Nethabthose IP tricks in the wiki are misleading
22:29.37Nethabthose don't work anymore
22:29.37Groobyi think it's just default to the MIA server
22:29.50bkw_I do it so I can use g726 :P
22:29.55bkw_and rfc2833
22:29.58Groobyi c i c
22:30.03*** join/#asterisk dabravo (~dabravo@
22:30.03Groobyi am hitting DCA
22:30.07Groobymaybe they are upgrading?
22:30.25Nethabi don't know if they use SRV records or location based DNS but i've never had a problem with
22:30.27key2is the FAB2537EP compatible with asterisk or not ?
22:31.06GroobyMIA works fine
22:31.14Groobylooks like problem with DCA
22:32.03*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
22:32.06Nethabi want to rewrite the wiki page for broadvoice, but i'm afraid I'll piss off the egos of the people who wrote all those unecesary hacks in there
22:32.29dabravoAnyone know something about universities interconnection with asterisk?
22:32.37Groobywelp..the /etc/hosts thing is up on the new BV support page
22:33.16dabravoIt was an innitiative but I can not remember who is working on it
22:33.28Nethabi don't know if it's because my rate center is better connected or what but i've never had a problems
22:34.01NethabSome universities are interconnecting with VoIP but not necessarily using asterisk
22:34.05Groobygonna use chicago for now
22:35.51niZonasterisk@home doesn't want to give me audio
22:36.00dabravoNethab, what else do you know?
22:36.08niZoni have allow=all set in sip.conf...
22:36.14*** join/#asterisk adjacent (~scott@
22:36.22shido6dont allow=all
22:36.25shido6specify your codecs
22:36.32Nethabi know that monkeys learn throw poo from their mothers not their fathers
22:36.38adjacentcan asterisk be used to capture a fax? so i could email it or print it automatically?
22:36.42Groobynizon, are you getting 1 way audio?  if so, maybe it's your firewall
22:36.53Nethabyes, asterisk can recieve faxes
22:37.09Nethaband email them or store them
22:37.55niZonGrooby: this is all on the same network
22:38.04adjacentNethab: cool. one more question, if you dont mind, before i research the mechanics. could i set up ###-###-####-(###) and route incoming faxes based on the trailing three numbers?
22:38.15*** join/#asterisk danalien (~danalien@danalien.user)
22:38.16dabravoNethab, do u know who is working on it? or where can I find information about get connected with other universities?
22:38.39Groobynizon, you don't have zonealarm installed right?
22:38.40Nethabit depends on your provider, if they don't transmit those digits to your asterisk server it won't know what to call
22:39.10Nethabmost of the time people set up a seperate number and send it directly to fax
22:39.19adjacentNethab: if a provider not supporting this called my provider, who did, the numbers wouldnt get transferred, right?
22:39.25niZonGrooby: no nat, no firewalls
22:39.55adjacentnethab, yeh, but a did is like $5 a month, so multiple numbers is somewhat cost prohibitive to individual fax lines in an office
22:40.02Nethabi think if done properly you can use the same line and have asterisk auto detect a fax tone, and if not continue with voice prompts
22:40.49Nethabfrom what I remember doing an Answer(), then Wait for a couple seconds is what you do
22:40.53adjacentid like to give sales reps a fax line a peice and have the fax get emailed to the right guy. sounds like i have to pay for a DID number for each incoming fax line then
22:41.25Nethabor get a provider who provides trailing digist
22:41.34Nethabtransmits them to you
22:41.50adjacentyeh, but if "big company X" has a provider that wont transmit trailing digits im screwed
22:42.04adjacentthe fax wont go trough without a catch all in that case
22:43.01adjacentgot it. thanks =)
22:46.22*** join/#asterisk marlow (
22:47.36adjacentheh. one more thing ;) can one wa DID channels be bought in bulk at reasonable rates? <$5/month?
22:49.05*** join/#asterisk cyaltr (
22:50.21marlowI need a good supplier for 7960's ...
22:50.24marlowany bids ?
22:50.34*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
22:50.46NuggetI'll sell you as many as you want for only $800 each.  :)
22:51.03`SauronNugget: Fresh off the truck from mexico, esse?
22:51.06marlow`Sauron : eh .. if you want to spend a fortune :)
22:51.09jakepdevi'll sell you some for $1500 each
22:51.17marlowNugget : you must be kidding
22:51.49*** join/#asterisk mbishop (~martin@mbishop.user.gentoo)
22:51.50jakepdevheck - at those margins i could easily get into the resale business
22:52.07marlowjakepdev : sure .. if that price was for 20 ...
22:52.23mbishopif I signed up for a while ago, why would it still be giving 'Call rejected: No authority'?
22:53.22cyaltrit took mine about 20 minutes to register iax on fwd
22:53.32marlowjakepdev : i was looking for serious offers ..
22:54.15Nethabi don't think anyone wants another shady ebay supplier
22:54.39mbishopcyaltr: so more than likely it's their server?
22:54.52Nethabbut those are the only kind you'll find for what most of us would call 'reasonab;e'
22:55.00cyaltrhow long ago did you do it
22:55.12Nethabconverting to iax is a manual thing for them still?
22:55.17marlowNethab: depends ..
22:55.47marlowNethab : actually .. voipsupply's 300 bucks incl. power supply  aren't too bad
22:56.14Nethabfor the 7940?
22:56.20Nethabthat;s way too much
22:56.31marlowNethab : nope . 7960
22:56.36Nethabconsidering the Polycom's are 225 and are better phones
22:56.48marlowNethab : the 7940 would not be worth that
22:57.07Nethabbut polycom doesn't have the kind of reseller channel
22:57.35sivanais it possible to have SIP1 & SIP2 = Group 1?
22:58.01Nethabyes, otherwise it'd be a call, not a call group
22:58.25cyaltrne1 using os x for asterisk
22:58.54Nethabwow, fwd is using Savvis?
22:59.10sivanaNethab: you can I can dial(SIP/Group1) ?
22:59.37sivanawhat a day
23:00.12marlowNethab: which of the polycoms is the one you are referring to ? .. they have 3 ..
23:00.24*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
23:00.48Nethabwell at least the 500, the 600 is more expensve
23:01.22marlowNethab : 500 goes for 200$, 600 for 300$
23:01.39Nethabexactly less than the cisco
23:02.43marlowNethab : depends ... usually the 7960 compares to the Polycom 600 .. and that would be the same price
23:02.56marlowNethab : at least in this case
23:04.10Nethabthe IP500 is better than the 7940 in my opinion and is generally cheaper
23:04.10altmarlow: given the choice, which would you use?
23:04.27JunK-Yip500 is great.
23:04.33altout of those 3, I've only used the 7940/7960
23:04.38Nethabi don't expect to afford the top of the line for any company
23:05.08marlowalt: i only know the Cisco's ..
23:05.25marlowalt : but Polycom usually knows, what they are doing
23:05.26Nethabi'm the opposite, i've never used a cisco
23:05.48bkw_and why is that?
23:05.59Nethabbut every non-VoIP company i've been to had polycom
23:06.40Nethabactually that's not true, i have a linksys and a sipura, so all i have is cisco in my closet, <eg>
23:06.46althee hee
23:07.17bkw_linksys == sipura
23:07.22altI've use the 7940/7960, ATA186/ATA188, Azacall 200, WiZTel WiSIP (I think that's the product name) and the Azacall IP104
23:07.24bkw_linksys = crap with cisco logo on it
23:07.31altyeah, linksys just bought out SIPURA
23:07.33bkw_so you really have TWO sipura's
23:07.33JunK-Ybkw_: mouhaha
23:07.51bkw_and cisco bought sipura last week
23:07.55ManxPowerbkw_: as opposed to before where it was crap with the linksys logo on it.
23:08.00altI don't think I'll buy a sipura now. I'm assuming they'll do to sipura what they did to the PAP2
23:08.16Nethabi have a linksys broadband router and a Sipura 3000
23:08.24bkw_so we can have the PA168's
23:08.27bkw_with open source firmware
23:08.30JunK-Ybkw_: its confirmed? last article i've read was just a proposition.
23:08.34bkw_that speak IAX2/SIP/MGCP and H323
23:08.36bkw_so muhahahah
23:08.39altthe linksys routers are very promiscuous.
23:09.12Nethabmaybe now with open source software the quality with improve
23:09.28altthey work nicely with VoIP. my netgear and the dlink that Telus supplied us don't work with VoIP very well. (if at all)
23:09.36Nethabthey always seemed a little cheap to me, not grandstream cheap, but still
23:09.36altand the Speedstream 5660 in Router Mode.
23:10.15altBTW, if anyone here is a Telus customer in BC/Alta, just say 'no' when they call to sell you their D-Link firewall (DSL-604+)
23:10.21altit's a steaming pile of dung.
23:10.46marlowbkw_ : any good bids, who to buy a 7960 of ?
23:11.08Nethabthere's another router/voip combo thing that's crap too, starts with a Z but i returned it really quick and forgot the name
23:11.20ManxPowerspeaking of SIPura, they seem to have more updated firmware
23:11.42*** join/#asterisk anderiv (
23:11.43NethabManxPower, where i've their site only has 13g,
23:11.52ManxPowerNethab: look closer
23:12.10NethabWilliamK said he got a decent modem connection going, over it but i can't find it
23:12.11ManxPowerunless you have an SPA 1000 or 1001
23:12.19Nethabi have a 3000
23:13.11ManxPowerlooks like they don't have updated formware for the 3000
23:13.18ManxPowerI mostly care about 2100 and 841
23:13.40Nethabonly for the 2000 and 21000
23:15.28pjzanyone got opinions on the uniden uip200 ?
23:15.47JunK-Ypjz: for that price, get a polycom.
23:16.01pjzJunK-Y: $120?
23:16.31JunK-Yfor 60$ more, u can get a polycom.
23:16.34Nethabin the notes for the new SPA 2000 it says the 1000 is included
23:16.50Nethabanyone heard more about the uniden UIP 1868
23:16.56pjzJunK-Y: is the IP300 that much better?
23:17.16JunK-Yip300 doesnt have speaker ive heard.
23:17.39Nethabis no speaker better than crappy speaker>
23:18.05JunK-Yget a good speaker with 500
23:18.10ManxPowerThe IP 300 has a speaker.  It does not have a microphone.
23:19.08pjzthe IP500 is $80 more than the UIP200
23:19.15pjzthey're about feature-equiv
23:19.30JunK-Yno, never.
23:19.46Nethabno word on the UIP 1868?
23:19.56JunK-YNethab: never tried it, cant tell.
23:20.02pjzNethab: never used one
23:20.08JunK-Ypjz: go read some reviews on wikis.
23:20.13pjzJunK-Y: where?
23:20.16Nethabi don't think it's out, it was announced in january
23:20.19jbotfrom memory, wikis is
23:20.35pjzJunK-Y: right, but where are the reviews?
23:20.49Nethabit's the cordless 5.8ghz voip phone from uniden
23:20.56JunK-Ymake a search
23:21.43Nethab"I'm making a search, I'm checking it twice, gonna find out which keywords are naughty and nice"
23:22.16pjzJunK-Y: I found *one* review page that only mentions a few phones
23:23.47pjzJunK-Y: nothing on the uniden or the ipdialog siptone2
23:24.07JunK-Yive tried both, the only thing im gonna tell ya, get a polycom
23:24.14JunK-Yits incomparable.
23:25.09pjzhrm, okay
23:25.26*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
23:26.55pjzgot any help on how I can justify paying almost double for one over a UIP200 ?
23:27.32JunK-Y3 lines vs 2, nice quality, microphone, etc.
23:27.48pjzhrm, okay.
23:27.53pjzI'll have to see what I can do.
23:28.12JunK-YPoE too.
23:29.20Nethaband it comes with a power supply *cough* cisco *cough*
23:29.42pjzI'm not doing PoE so that's not a real feature to me
23:29.55Nethabthat's why an included power supply is good
23:30.00Nethaband why cisco is bad
23:30.03pjzI see
23:30.45niZonanyone know why * won't send RTP packets?
23:31.05Nethabcause it's sending to the wrong place because of NAT most usually
23:31.26niZonno nat in the way
23:31.38niZonaccording to tcpdump on the * box, no RTP packets are going out
23:31.55Nethabbut they are coming in?
23:32.08niZonthis is the default *@home 0.9 install
23:33.17*** join/#asterisk egon_l (
23:33.56Groobysee you all later
23:34.00*** part/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
23:34.01Nethabbleh, *@home
23:34.13ManxPowerAsterisk expects all IPs to be resolvable.
23:35.00Nethabhe says there's no nat
23:35.09Nethabis everything on the same subnet
23:35.15egon_lany one knows how to add a card x100p xfo  in xorcom rapid??
23:35.21*** join/#asterisk Takahashi (
23:35.38niZonyep same subnet
23:35.47TakahashiI'd like some help
23:35.49niZoneverything registers fine
23:35.51Nethabare both set to canreinvite = no
23:36.08Nethabtry putting ,tT in your dial command
23:36.11*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
23:36.31niZoncanreinvite=no is set
23:36.39Nethabthat will force asterisk in the rtp stream to listen for # transfers
23:36.50Takahashii'm from brazil and i have some problems to configure TDM400p in my server
23:37.09*** part/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
23:37.32Takahashithe FXO port don't answer
23:37.59TakahashiWhat I have to do in this cases
23:38.33Nethabany TDM400p experts out there?
23:39.08TakahashiSomeone to help
23:39.10niZonhm, i need to find it burried in the *@home configs
23:39.51*** join/#asterisk shepherd (~matt@
23:40.32niZonnone of the applications work either
23:40.48niZon* doesn't seem to be sending any RTP data out at all
23:41.08pjzniZon: what's the console say?
23:41.22pjzniZon: run asterisk with -vvvvc
23:42.37*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
23:44.15*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
23:45.10dmccollumWhen I try to record a message for my unavailable message it will beep then immediately go into the press 1 to accept this etc.. Here's the output for the line after the beep in the console.
23:46.03*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
23:46.22drumkillaTakahashi: contact
23:46.26dmccollumAny thoughts on how I can correct this?
23:46.41JunK-Yshow modules like wav ?
23:46.56rvhiis there a way to set callid number to any string?
23:47.06JunK-Yrvhi: SetCallerID
23:47.12rvhie.g. sip request can have any string in the callid number field
23:47.24denonman, dell servers cannot keep time
23:47.28denonPOS RTCs
23:47.29rvhiif i have setcidnum(abcd), it didn't take it
23:47.32ManxPowerrvhi: yes, but many devices will refuse a non-number callerid number
23:47.34drumkilladenon: kick them
23:47.45JunK-Yrvhi: setcidname
23:47.45niZonthis is creepy
23:47.45denondrumkilla: this sucker lost almost a second in about 20 minutes
23:47.51rvhibut, sip phone allows it, is there a way around?
23:47.58rvhisetcidname didn't set the number
23:47.59JunK-Yor for cidnum and name, u can use setcallerid
23:48.01ManxPowerrvhi: it was only in the past month or so that you could set CIDNUM to non-number.  Maybe only in CVS-HEAD
23:48.10JunK-Yu want to have the name or the num?
23:48.14drumkilladenon: sync it every minute :)
23:48.20ManxPowerrvhi: you can confirm by NoOp(CALLERIDNUM=${CALLERIDNUM})
23:48.35*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
23:48.59rvhiwhen i send it to a sip phone, it replaces with 'private'
23:49.22Takahashiok. i'll contact.
23:50.46ManxPowerrvhi: Do you see that in the headers/
23:50.49ManxPowersip headers?
23:51.00*** join/#asterisk bajanman (
23:52.53bajanmanquick question anyone?
23:53.17*** join/#asterisk anthm (
23:53.17*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
23:53.22bajanmanexten => _1866NXXXXXX,3,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@???????,30,r) I'd like to know what part is the ???????
23:53.45JunK-Ybajanman: the host?
23:53.48ManxPowerbajanman: that's the [????????] in sip.conf
23:54.04ManxPowerJunK-Y: if you tell him to put a hostname in there I'll smack you,.
23:54.30JunK-Ycause i dont want to explain him all the sip.conf :)
23:54.57ManxPowerJunK-Y: you want to explain to him why when dialing by hostname all the peer/user/friend information is ignored?
23:55.42JunK-Yur good in that stuff, im leaving it to u. :)
23:56.05ManxPowerNuh uh!  I have work to do!
23:57.14rvhimanxpower, here is the results
23:57.52rvhibut sip header uses From: "test server" <sip:private@domain>"
23:57.52JunK-Yso it works, cidnum is test123, whats wrong?
23:58.07rvhiso caller num is still private, not test123
23:59.15rvhidon't think so...
23:59.33rvhiNAT never changes From field of a sip packet
23:59.54rvhisomewhere it is override by private

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