irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050429

00:00.06Moonwick[hC]: sec, let me play with it on my end
00:00.21jhowardPAobsidian-studios: There's a pair of T1's coming in, but I don't think they're full 24 channels each, and they go into AT&T boxes which provide analog pots to a 66 block.
00:00.22obsidian-studiosSift:  yes but with exception of video with audio, 10 is more than plenty for audio I believe a perfect phone lines only uses 64k max
00:00.30[hC]Moonwick: cool, thanks.
00:00.55Sift64k is the 711 codec right?
00:01.02obsidian-studiosok I would then either get fxo cards like the tdm400, recently I purchased some el cheapo modems that act as fxo ports
00:01.51obsidian-studiosSift: not sure on codecs, I just know that like when you split lines or when pots lines use parts of your T-1 they do it in 64k chunks per line
00:02.03jhowardPAobsidian-studios: I've got an Adtran ATLAS 550, but I don't know what types of connections I would need to use...  I'd rather not use fxo cards, as that doesn't seem to leave much capability for network-level failover.
00:02.41obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: I am not experienced with it but I believe there is other ways to get the lines to * via your T-1 and avoid pots entirely
00:03.14obsidian-studiosI would go that route if possible, I know digium and others sell T-1 cards? Just not sure what you need on the carrier end or * end to get things going
00:03.25jhowardPAobsidian-studios: That's what I'm hoping  ;)   I need to do it in a way where I can have an Asterisk server die, and have the other one take over - without buying new T1 lines.
00:03.29obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: you might want to check back during the day when the gurus are around and active
00:03.53shido6Adtran atlas 550
00:03.57jhowardPACool, thanks for the info...  I'm in a pretty foreign territory at the moment.  :)
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00:04.02obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: hmm, a bit harder you will need a device to terminate the T-1 and then use an available * server
00:04.13obsidian-studiosFYI I would believe your T-1 to fail before *
00:04.25obsidian-studiosso not really a need for redundant * servers?
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00:04.54jhowardPAIf I'm running it on PC hardware, it'll only last 3-5 years, max.  That's not long enough.  ;)
00:04.59obsidian-studiosor failover that's fairly advanced, I believe you can daisy chain * servers, and use multiple * servers, but both are way over my head and skills
00:05.22shido6yeah you can connect mutliple * boxes
00:05.27shido6but what are you trying to do
00:05.30obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: with two or more, it will not increase that, each * server will that have life span if that's what you think it to be
00:05.32shido6I missed the bulk
00:05.39obsidian-studiosshido6: failover
00:06.00obsidian-studiosshido6: he has T-1 with split pots lines now, wants T-1 termintated at like a router, then using more than one * server
00:06.12obsidian-studiosso if one * is gone, use another
00:06.18jhowardPAobsidian-studios: But they won't die at the same time, and when one does, there should be a window of an hour or so to re-image a new one and put it back in place.
00:06.40obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: do you really expect the machines to fail like that? Very unlike linux :)
00:07.12obsidian-studiosI mean I just took down a cobalt cube 2 that was in use for a client for like 4-5 years without issues, and only took it down due to it being slow and hard to update
00:07.28jhowardPAobsidian-studios: Hardware dies, it's a fact.  Disks will eventually not spin.
00:07.42obsidian-studiosespecially with only a T-1 I doubt you could easily kill a machine, unless it's crappy hardware
00:07.59obsidian-studiosFYI, I have done * deployments with Microtel PC's from Walmart :)
00:07.59*** join/#asterisk ANonymousUser (~ANonymous@f7bf8b07b6ac798b.node.tor)
00:08.26obsidian-studiosall true, but why not have a plan to just replace a * server ever couple of years
00:08.51shido6did batman ever pull a pizza out of his utility belt?
00:09.03syleno just weed
00:09.03obsidian-studiosas opposed to spending extra $ etc on fail over to almost never be needed. Unless you buy crap even a disk with allot of I/O should go at least 3-4 years or longer
00:09.05jhowardPAobsidian-studios: I'm talking about running the phone systems for a 100+ user office, which is strictly dependent on the phone systems to operate.  Also, they're cheap, and won't buy anything with an SLA, so I'm tasked with coming up wiuth something that won't break.
00:09.06Sedoroxwhy? if it runs... why bother with it...
00:09.15shido6syle, dcc me some rizzla's
00:09.16obsidian-studiossyle: weed were I want some :)
00:09.21sylewill do
00:09.33obsidian-studiossyle: so the DEA or FEDS can come take me home ;)
00:10.00Sedoroxjust get a box.. and get a 11 or two compact flashes and use them as the HDD's
00:10.00tainted-jhowardPA f them
00:10.10obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: but your only talking over a T-1, even if you get crazy your standard 2gh machine with decent hd
00:10.12syle--/ctcp dcc send shido6 2fatstogies
00:10.15obsidian-studiosshould have no problem
00:10.21Moonwick[hC]: try googling for 'native bridge'
00:10.31[hC]Moonwick: Excellent. Thanks for the search term.
00:10.37Moonwick- Attempting native bridge of IAX2/voicepulse-in-01@ and IAX2/NuFone/10
00:10.42Moonwickthat's what'll show up when it tries to do it
00:10.44tainted-100+ & they're cheap?
00:10.52ANonymousUserHypothetical question: Let's say I had  a patch to the default sip_notify.conf with some information gleaned from the documentation Sipura attempts to restrict to service providers only. Would folks-in-general have an issue with such a patch, anonymously provided, given that it contains no copyrighted content itself (but is based on the content of a distribution-restricted document)?
00:10.52tainted-gaylord fockers
00:10.56[hC]Great. Okay I'll play some more. Thanks for looking into it :)
00:10.58obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: seriously to justify the need due to load, you would need much more than a T-1 and more than 100+ users
00:11.05jhowardPAobsidian-studios: a pair of T-1's, and the bandwidth isn't an issue (I dn't think), it's the (lack of) reliability inherent in PC hardware.
00:11.23Moonwickno prob
00:11.30tainted-ANonymousUser url please!! lol
00:11.33MoonwickI'd been meaning to make my system do it anyway
00:11.39[hC]You guys probably wont know this, but... (hehe!) there was a tool i used in the past for windows of all things that was a real time SNMP monitor that would draw mrtg-like graphs (polling every 3 seconds or so) - Anyone know of a utility like this?
00:11.41obsidian-studiosI have hd's that literally are bad, a few I got that way and used for years as dns servers under linux
00:11.50sylehow much does a T1 line cost these days
00:11.51Moonwickcell phone + lag between my box and two different SIP providers sucks
00:12.35ANonymousUsertainted, I'd need a few minutes to test it, and a few more to put it up somewhere suitably anonymous.
00:12.36*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:12.43sylescrew cable modems and dsl lets just get T1 lines to our houses
00:12.54*** join/#asterisk nDuff (~cduffy@
00:13.00obsidian-studiossyle:  I am tomorrow :)
00:13.06syleno shit
00:13.11obsidian-studioscan't wait, me first T-1 :)
00:13.16tainted-ANonymousUser which providers does it emulate?
00:13.22jhowardPAobsidian-studios: Dude, I know Linux.  I know Linux inside and out.  I do pen-testing as a consultant, and I run farms.  This isn't Linux, this is a single-point-of-failure that would cost tons of money, and is related to hardware.
00:13.23obsidian-studios$460 a month you are welcome to pay :)
00:13.36syleholy crap
00:13.44tainted-jhowardPA then do failover u linux guru u
00:13.46obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: ok but I have linux used as POS in bars without a problem
00:13.52ANonymousUsertainted-, eh? Nothing like that... just some SIP NOTIFY events that aren't publicly documented but which Sipura phones handle.
00:13.58obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: flying liquor drunk users etc
00:14.10ANonymousUsertainted-, particularly usefully, the "dump your config" one.
00:14.13sylethats probably cheaper than hosting my damn server at a colocation for 1200 a year lol
00:14.18obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: machines being kicked, aside from the occasional touch screen eating it, they work great
00:14.22syleoww a month nm
00:14.34obsidian-studiossyle: hech yeah I stopped coloing years ago
00:14.34jhowardPAobsidian-studios: What's the MTBF on your hard drives?
00:14.40tainted-ANonymousUser ohh.. for unlocking ATAs?
00:14.46obsidian-studiosbeen with Covad on SDSL for years
00:14.46jhowardPAobsidian-studios: I need more than that  ;)
00:14.54obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: MTBF?
00:15.00FaithfulHey guys, do I really have to install X in order to use bluetooth with * ?
00:15.03jhowardPAMean time between failures.
00:15.13jhowardPAIt's a vendor rating.
00:15.18obsidian-studiosI have not had a failure aside from my laptop
00:15.24ANonymousUsertainted-, for provisioning them. I frankly don't see why Sipura restricts this stuff.
00:15.31obsidian-studiosI think the hard drives in my old Cobalt XTR are way beyond that
00:15.46obsidian-studiosI can assure you the ones in like that clients old Cube 2 is way beyond it
00:15.58obsidian-studiosin like 10+ years the only hds I have lost have had windows on it
00:16.12ANonymousUsertainted-, anyhow, the format of the dump is the same format that's used for uploading XML-based configs
00:16.17obsidian-studiosbut it's all about load, I/O etc, partitions, file systems, etc
00:16.34ANonymousUsertainted-, consequently, having the ability to do the dump lets one infer much of the interesting stuff from the Provisioning Guide.
00:17.02jhowardPAtainted-: Not trying to sound megalomaniacal, but I'm just pointing out that Linux isn't the issue - it's my lack of telecom knowledge.  If I don't know where the T-1 plugs into something, and what options I have on the network side, I can't do failover.
00:17.45obsidian-studiosjhowardPA:  also FYI one of my * deployments in the same club with the POS, well it's located in FL, Which means lighting and power spikes surges all the time. Many the walmart Microtel has eaten directly because client has not purchase ups, So far no problem, even though lighting during a hurricane took out old pbx
00:18.06obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: you can totally do failover
00:18.08ANonymousUser(not all of it; it also documents ie. how they do certificate signing for their SSL-based provisioning, but this is enough for folks to make Sipura config tools that are a bit smarter than "post to the web interface").
00:18.17obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: you are going to spend allot of $ and time, so the need better be there
00:18.46ANonymousUsero'course, it's possible that Cisco'll decide to stop restricting the docs and make this all public knowledge anyhow. I'd hope they would.
00:18.46obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: I mean if it fails you will be happy, when it does not you might kick yourself :)
00:19.42obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: do not get me wrong I totally understand, but if you spend like 2-3 times the amount of time and $, it better be something used and needed
00:20.01obsidian-studiosI mean I would go ahead and look into load balancing as well, not just failover so you can get a ROI
00:21.11sylewhat do you use?
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00:21.20sylei use to use those cisco arrowpoints
00:21.21vpphi guys
00:21.24jhowardPAobsidian-studios: It's all about guaranteed uptime.  It's not a question of whether or not the work will pay off due to use, it's a matter of whether or not I can guarantee that it'll not fail without warning and possibility of resolution.
00:21.27vppanyone use asterisk with H323 ?
00:22.00obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: it won't fail if you do things right
00:22.00MeTaBSDi need help
00:22.23vppi need help too.. but the doctor game me some pills so i'm ok today
00:22.31MoonwickI need an asterisk failover solution that'll withstand an alien fleet destroying the milky way with a black hole generator.
00:22.33obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: there are people out there using * with 100k users providing VOIP service and etc check the list tomorrow during the day and they will be in here
00:22.37jhowardPAobsidian-studios: thanks, but I'm afraid you're overly optimistic about hardware.
00:23.01obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: yes, because most times it's how hardware is used that causes failures, ie software :)
00:23.10vppwhich H323 should i use?
00:23.15shido6none of them
00:23.18shido6dont use h323
00:23.22obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: you know how many PC clients toss, give to me, or I recycle for them due to software issues
00:23.27nDuffobsidian-studios, yes, but the *other* times, while rare, are still enough to ruin one's day.
00:23.34vppshido6: but i need h323
00:23.47obsidian-studiosjhowardPA: everyone loves to blame hardware, but so much more goes into the hardware than software, not to mention the live span of this stuff just get's longer day after day
00:23.48vppsip is not an option
00:24.00nDuffobsidian-studios, especially if the suits are in the middle of a conference call w/ a bunch of investors.
00:24.12obsidian-studiosnDuff: I agree, I was just pointing out the $ and time, keeping ROI in mind
00:25.03MeTaBSDi search for exten exten => s,2,Playback(message) ... exten => s,3,cliententeracode and this code is in $var and exten => s,4,DBGet(codecheck=blacklist/${var})
00:25.03obsidian-studiosbecause those same suits may one day say why did this cost so much and never get's used :)
00:25.04obsidian-studiosnDuff: double edged sword :)
00:25.18nDuffobsidian-studios, if your suits don't appreciate reliability... well, let's say that while my suits have their failings, they don't include that one.
00:25.33obsidian-studioshowever as NASA has found many times, even a backup to a backup can fail :)
00:26.07jhowardPAobsidian-studios: I have approval for the money, I need to provide guaranteed uptime.  I'm not concerned with the cost, so long as it's not an overt waste based upon my own principles of parsimony.  I'll be back, I need to look some stuff up.
00:26.13jhowardPAThanks again for the info :)
00:26.15obsidian-studiosnDuff: they do but everyone has a budget, and I see people daily buying more than they need etc
00:26.19Moonwicknduff is pulling your chain.  he doesn't actually have a single suit.
00:26.20*** part/#asterisk kielstirling (
00:26.25Moonwickhe's a jeans 'n t-shirt kind of man.
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00:26.59nDuffMoonwick, heh. Actually, I've switched to shorts -- the new building gets pretty hot after the AC's turned off.
00:27.01obsidian-studiosI meant $ call Cisco
00:27.12jhowardPAobsidian-studios: That's too expensive to justify.  My tastes won't allow it.
00:27.18obsidian-studioswell then :)
00:28.57nDuffjhowardPA, wrt outside * consulting, I've found the Bristol Group ( to be pretty helpful. Their tech-types don't know everything, but they know the common cases and are willing to do research (on their dime, in my experience so far) to learn what they don't.
00:29.32syle[19:22] <obsidian-studios> jhowardPA: there are people out there using * with 100k users providing VOIP service and etc check the list tomorrow during the day and they will be in here
00:29.37sylequestion on that
00:29.47obsidian-studiossyle: yes I mentioned that a few times
00:29.53syleif your databasing extensions.conf with mysql....
00:30.07sylehow many queries a sec , ie how many voip users can you have
00:30.12syleper box
00:30.18obsidian-studiosI got to make some stuff for * and Firebird, mysql is for weenies :)
00:30.48syleyour entitled to your opinion i'm sure yahoo and NASA are weenies to but just wondering
00:32.19obsidian-studiossyle: not SQL-92 compliant or SQL-99, no store procs, triggers, udf etc stuff real dbs have. However my biggest grip is licensing, Nasa and yahoo have $. For the apps I develop if I based them on mysql I would have to buy a license and so would clients :)
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00:33.17Nuggetstill no excuse to be using it in the condition it's in today, though.
00:33.25Nuggetmysql is embarassingly poor.
00:33.40tainted-Nugget how so
00:33.43obsidian-studiosnDuff: Firebird/Interbase could be mysql's grandfather, been around much longer and used in some Army tanks
00:33.58tainted-nDuff if u give me the stored procedures argument, i will smack u
00:33.59syleumm get on topic though, asterisk....high read tables, simple fields, for * mysql is suitable
00:34.14Nugget embodies my perspective fairly well
00:34.28puowvippower requirements of a fully loaded TDM400P?
00:34.31Nuggetmysql does many things the totally wrong way for a database to behave
00:34.41Nuggetand it lacks features I'm unwilling to live without
00:34.53sylei guess so
00:34.57obsidian-studiossyle: many use * in commerical settings
00:35.00syleif your use to coding a certain way i can see that
00:35.04obsidian-studiossyle: mysql is not free for many of those uses
00:35.13Nuggetover the past 7 or 8 years I've been working with mysql the developers have shown a pretty abject lack of clue, too.
00:35.24obsidian-studiossyle: so it directly relates to *, postgresql would be a better fit license wise
00:35.27sylehow is mysql not free for commercial use
00:35.32syleits opensource
00:35.34obsidian-studiossyle: go look
00:35.37obsidian-studiossyle: hell no
00:35.57obsidian-studiossyle: sure the code is out there, but for commercial and just about any non web based app you pay
00:36.01puowvipOkay, I'll ask later.
00:36.04nDuffsyle, it's under a GPL, including the libraries for using it; consequently, if you want to link to those libraries from a non-GPL app, you need to buy a commercial license.
00:36.14*** join/#asterisk exonic (
00:36.15Nuggetpuowvip: best to just ask digium
00:36.30exonicANyone know how to do password recovery on a sipura 2000, I feel like an id10t for losing it.
00:36.38obsidian-studiossyle: mysql is still a good db though, but it's a bit over popular for it's actual weight in gold :)
00:37.01nDuffexonic, use the voice interface to reset it to factory defaults (***RESET), IIRC.
00:37.03sylei;m looking
00:37.07syle.tar.gz source downloads
00:37.20sylecommercial support if you your to stupid to run a db on your own
00:37.44exonicnDuff, lemme try, Thanks
00:37.49Nuggetit's not a matter of support, syle.  listen to what they are telling you.
00:38.00obsidian-studiosit's not just support you are paying for a license
00:38.07*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
00:38.11syleyeah thats just the commercial tech support package dude
00:38.47nDuffsyle, quote: "The Commercial License is an agreement with MySQL AB for organizations that do not want to release their application source code."
00:38.50exonicnDuff, can i PM you for a bit more help
00:38.52obsidian-studiosI would have to buy a license and so would clients
00:39.00Nuggetpersonally, I'm thrilled that mysql is so restrictively licensed.  I believe that it prevents many projects from making the mistake of choosing mysql.
00:39.07syleread that page duff it states if you want to package up mysql with code you develop then of course you need a license hehe
00:39.19opus_haha nugget
00:39.24nDuffexonic, sure -- though I'm not positive how much help I can be.
00:39.43sylenugget you can get around that
00:39.44obsidian-studiospostgresql and firebird you can include and resell to your hearts content :)
00:39.49Nuggetmysql is the windows me of databases, and the arguments in its favor are remarkable like those of windows me users.
00:39.59syleprerequsites: install mysql , then install my software hehe
00:40.05obsidian-studiosNugget:  man that is the best comparison yet
00:40.10Nuggetsyle: you still cannot link to the mysql libraries.
00:40.12obsidian-studiosNugget: going to save that one
00:40.17denonanyone know anything about the audiovox XV6600? (cdma pda phone)
00:40.17Nuggetso for most people that would not be a solution
00:40.23opus_almost all database servers have a way you can include the database server for free in your product... ms sql server, sybase i know for sure
00:40.31obsidian-studiossyle: you can't package as part of a product though the others you can
00:40.35syleummm i don;t beleive the libraries are licensed
00:40.35nDuffsyle, quote: "If you develop and distribute a commercial application and as part of utilizing your application, the end-user must download a copy of MySQL; for each derivative work, you (or, in some cases, your end-user) need a commercial license for the MySQL server and/or MySQL client libraries."
00:40.47nDuffsyle, you're not redistributing it yourself in that case.
00:40.55sylehow can you license something as stupid as a connect script library
00:41.16Nuggetwhat is a "connect script library?"
00:41.20obsidian-studiossyle:  you can license anything, most software patents are on concepts not actual code as well if that is not messed up
00:41.20exonicnDuff, ok, I won't i'll do some searchin, I thought I could perhaps dial ***RESET from my phone, but I just get busy signal
00:41.44syleyour /usr/lib/
00:42.04Nuggetand you believe that is a script?
00:42.07*** join/#asterisk tck_mi (
00:42.28sylewell in reality you don;t even need it even if they did commercialize it you can code your socket routines to use tcp or /dev/sock socket routines
00:42.32obsidian-studiossyle: but aside form licenses, there are real world limitations, no argument supports lack of stored procs, triggers, or udf's
00:42.59obsidian-studiossyle: the first time you build a db with them, building db's without get's really hard :)
00:43.01nDuffexonic, it might be 4 *'s rather than 3 -- pretty much, you type the *s and then the phone gives you a voice prompt; after that, you can punch "RESET".
00:43.17sylenugget no, its a dynamic library you can link into your c code, but that is way off topic
00:43.29exonicnDuff, I got it , Thanks a ton
00:43.29nDuffexonic, there's some waiting before the *s and the prompt.
00:43.34nDuffexonic, cool.
00:43.38NuggetI was just confused by you having called it a "connect script library", a term which I have still not been able to parse.
00:43.49exonic**** (4 of 'em did the trick)
00:43.49syleits ok
00:44.09Nuggetwell, it would help if you would use the same terminology as the rest of us.
00:44.18syleas you you mean
00:44.23syledon;t confuse the 2 :)
00:44.51NuggetI'll leave it up to the rest of the channel to determine which of us is more confused.
00:45.00sylei used that analogy on purpose to make what i was saying understandble to people who don;t know c
00:45.29Nugget"connect script library" is not an analogy.
00:45.33syleif your some elite c programmer i appologise
00:45.36obsidian-studiossyle: what's C ? :)
00:46.04Nugget"connect script library" is as much of an analogy as "your" is a contraction.
00:46.09Nuggetto use an analogy
00:46.13obsidian-studiossyle: what about wannabies :) we get no credit
00:46.15sylenugget do me a favor
00:46.18obsidian-studiosor apologies :)
00:46.19sylego smoke a joint please!
00:46.29Nuggetstop saying dumb things please!
00:46.53sylenugget is having one of those condescending days i guess
00:46.57syleor is he like that all the time
00:47.20Nuggetit's just becaue I'm old and crotchety  :)
00:47.27obsidian-studiosman I got my little * setup going but I would really like to see if I can get the caller id info to my analog phones,then I would be happy :)
00:48.54obsidian-studiosI am pretty sure the Cisco router is not helping since it does the sip -> analog, but I know nothing about the caller id stuff? Is that sent along with the sip information, or separate? I keep seeing stuff on Cisco's docs about SGCP and MGCP, and * has a mgcp.conf file? But do I use that with sip or instead of sip?
00:49.11drbrownHas anyone tried to get spa-841's to work in an intercom setup?
00:49.28drbrownI have been working on it, but am unable to get it to work
00:50.06benwhi, I'm getting  chan_iax2.c:2212 create_addr: No such host: 3230
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00:51.00benwI have changed iax.conf extensions.conf and sip.conf and it was working.  not sure whats broken, any ideas?
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00:51.51shido6that sux
00:52.02shido6whats in iax.conf and extensions.conf
00:52.21shido6crap I thought I could stick with xp again... screw it brb
00:52.39*** part/#asterisk Nuxi (
00:52.41Moonwicksyle: he's been like that for the 8 years I've known him, so it's nothing new :)
00:52.57benwin the iax.conf I have added register =>
00:53.42benwshido6: i'm trying to connect to another iax server for outbound calls
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00:54.41sylethats ok
00:54.56sylei plan on being the newbie in here anyways when i get my digium card eventually lol
00:55.06benwin the extensions.conf i have exten => _[8-9]XXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/3230/${EXTEN})
00:55.40benwbut when I try to dial 9XXX XXXX i get the above error.  any ideas?
00:56.25*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:57.22exonicbenw, perhaps try debugging iax on both sides
00:57.36shido6is there a pastebin I missed during reboot?
00:57.54JunK-Yshido6: nah
00:58.03benwexonic: do you mean use tcpdump to see whats happening to the packets?
00:58.34exonicbenw, in asterisk do "iax2 debug"
00:58.51tainted-obsidian-studios why obsidian.. are u guys volcanic in nature? or just black and mysterious like shaft
00:58.52*** part/#asterisk jhowardPA (~jhoward@
01:00.17obsidian-studiostainted-:  long long story, had another business that I purchased name for, and buddy already had this name when I started business with him, but he went other ways so I kept at it. I did some research once and guess obsidians can come in many tints, black based, one with a purple tint. There was like some indian spiritual properties. I lost the link before I could copy the blurb
01:00.20benwexonic:  i switched on the debugging but I get the same error
01:00.37*** join/#asterisk hassler (
01:01.04obsidian-studiostainted-:  if you want to laugh I was in CA at the time. When I moved back to my home town of Jacksonville FL, there was a game company that used to use that name, less the hyphen:) Nice quinky dink
01:01.19hasslerhey folks, is gnophone still active / valid, or is there a better option?
01:01.22exonicbenw, what's the eror, I musta missed in
01:01.44opus_Comedian Chris Tucker was arrested in April 2005 and charged with reckless driving and fleeing to elude after he did not immediately pull over his speeding 2005 Bentley. Tucker, 33, spent about 30 minutes in a McDuffie County lockup before posting cash bond and being released. According to cops, the "Rush Hour" star, an Atlanta native, was doing 109 mph on Interstate 20 when clocked by state troopers.
01:01.44tainted-actually it sounds like a gaming company
01:01.46exonicbenw, oh I see it, that's not the right format. Check the wiki on IAX channels
01:02.00*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
01:02.09opus_whopts wrong channel
01:02.31obsidian-studiostainted-: even funnier another buddy of mine loves nwn, he sucked me into it. Obsidian Entertainment is making nwn2 :)
01:02.50obsidian-studiostainted-: seems everywhere I go I am surrounded by other obsidians :)
01:03.03tainted-it's okay, i'm surrounded by tainteds
01:03.18tainted-mostly porn related though.. sigh
01:03.25benwexonic: whats not the right format?
01:03.30obsidian-studiosman 109 is nothing I drive faster than that daily and I am not kidding :)
01:03.41obsidian-studioslove the FL roads :)
01:03.59tainted-well if u were in CA u know the crazy driving style they've got here
01:04.01Qwellplease, you guys think you have it bad?  Check out what google shows for "Qwell".  I'm a lice treatment.
01:04.19Qwelland an RPG currency, or something
01:04.22tainted-i remember grannies flying by in civics when i first came to LA while i was doing 80
01:04.33shido6turbo'd ?
01:04.41shido6nitrous beasts!!
01:04.45Optici've pretty much got the go-ahead to do a 30-set PRI-based asterisk setup at work :)
01:04.46obsidian-studiostainted-: it's only bad in CA because you have allot of immigrants and etc from places where driving is limited or not the same, so their skills are non existent. In the state with the most and worse traffic in the US
01:05.09shido6have fun Optic , stare at the LEDS for 5 minutes for me
01:05.24Qwellobsidian-studios: If you live in CA, it's stupid to not have insurance that covers uninsured motorists.
01:05.35tainted-Qwell yea ur nick sucks
01:05.39Qwelltainted-: :p
01:05.44*** part/#asterisk hassler (
01:05.45obsidian-studiosnDuff: I miss 280 to Santa Cruz at like 2-3 AM doing like 130-140 or hitting the summit at like 80
01:05.57Optici'm ordering a bunch of sets tomorrow to try... I need to find "basic" and "executive" phones
01:06.10obsidian-studiosQwell: sore subject I lost on of my favorite cars in HS to a uninsured motorist
01:06.13Optici'm thinking polycom
01:06.18tainted-Qwell looks like qwest, reminds me of queer or qweeve
01:06.38obsidian-studiosQwell: moved to CA with my mom who worked for Prudential. I had life insurance since I was born :)
01:07.48*** join/#asterisk amir_ (~amir@
01:08.06obsidian-studiosok I am off for the evening to work on other things etc. I will be back tomorrow to get info on cid, sip, etc
01:08.22obsidian-studiosl8r all, * on
01:08.26PTG1234anyone need a dual xeon :)
01:08.33tainted-i had a friend named jon zuhkowski-faust.. he used to tell people that it was pronounced with a silent h.. i was like.. no one can say your f'in name silent h or not
01:08.39obsidian-studiosPTG1234: just as I leave, who does not :)
01:08.44Opticdo you think a P4 2.8 would be okay for 30 sets and PRI?
01:08.46PTG1234i just built a new one
01:08.49*** join/#asterisk meppl (
01:08.50PTG1234and graphica are choppy
01:08.53PTG1234and i can't figure out why
01:08.56PTG1234so i am about ready to just sell it
01:09.03mepplgute nacht
01:09.06obsidian-studiosPTG1234: nah I only accept donations :)
01:09.41*** part/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
01:10.47*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
01:12.10*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
01:12.35*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
01:19.36jbotsomebody said jbot was heading for a crash is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
01:19.46_Vile~karma _Vile
01:19.46jbot_vile has neutral karma
01:20.15jbotI am a cow, hear me moo. I eat grass and weigh twice as much as you.
01:20.17tainted-~karma _Vile
01:20.17jbot_vile has neutral karma
01:20.30nwhiturg... i started something
01:20.31*** join/#asterisk implicit (
01:20.36JunK-Y~karma junky
01:20.36jbotjunky has neutral karma
01:20.41_Viletainted, I will be upset
01:20.42implicitis anyone here using any mediatrix equipment
01:20.50nwhit~karma nwhit
01:20.50jbotnwhit has neutral karma
01:21.00implicitfucking configuration sucks
01:21.01nwhit~where nwhit
01:21.27jbotmoooooooheh hehehehe!
01:21.43JunK-Yimplicit: nah
01:21.51jbotextra, extra, read all about it, asterisk is a PBX (Private Branch eXchange) and telephony toolkit.
01:21.54implicitJunK-Y, how've you been?
01:21.58jbotextra, extra, read all about it, ser is Sip Express Router - see
01:22.04implicit~ser kicks ass
01:22.21_Vileanyone have any external updates outside of the mailing list on the DS-3000?
01:22.28jbotmethinks sangoma is a company that makes PRI cards the way Digium should have done it in the first place....
01:22.43nwhiti agree
01:22.53JunK-Yimplicit: a lot of work.
01:23.12_Vilei'm taking a full week off in july
01:23.14implicitJunK-Y, same here man, lots of cool SER stuff
01:23.35JunK-Yi never touched SER, * is more a priority atm.
01:23.54implicitJunK-Y, well i do ITSP stuff so it's a must
01:24.08jbotDude! Are you getting a Dell?
01:24.08nwhitoh well
01:24.10_Viletwo days of which is spent flying, but days off
01:25.25_Vilefiel joo
01:26.20Sedoroxmm.. that didn't come out as planned....
01:27.13implicitJunK-Y, i'm doing all the registration, accouonting, billing, routing, vertical services, ...  all on SER
01:27.52implicitno asterisk in there now, but i'm going to pop it in to be a vm server and for error messsages etc
01:28.17_Vilewhat are you using for billing/routing?
01:30.52FaithfulHey guys, do I really have to install X in order to use bluetooth with * ?
01:31.42nDuffI'm trying to run Asterisk CVS, and it's failing on boot:  "__load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_monitor_stop". ast_monitor_stop is defined in res_monitor,so; how can I specify that be loaded before
01:32.04shido6turn it off in modules.conf
01:33.44fileor delete /usr/lib/asterisk/modules and do a make install again
01:33.50*** join/#asterisk fafnir (
01:33.56fileer wait haha
01:34.20fileit should automatically load it in that order
01:34.40shido6noload => in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
01:34.49fileodd though, that it isn't...
01:36.27JunK-Yu cant do noload =>
01:36.44JunK-Ychan_sip, chan_zap needs it.
01:36.59fileyay stuff
01:37.05nDuffshido6, I don't want to disable res_features -- I just want it to be loaded _after_ res_monitor.
01:37.19JunK-YnDuff: try what we already told ya.
01:37.46*** join/#asterisk amir|away (~amir@
01:38.48nDuffJunK-Y, I'm a C programmer, I've written code that uses dlopen() on more than one occasion, I understand -why- clearing and rebuilding the modules would sometimes work and consequently I understand under what circumstances it won't. Mine are a member of the latter set.
01:39.11filenDuff: yeah I didn't read enough, my attention is elsewhere
01:39.40filenDuff: but lemme go into the nitty gritty - it *should* automagically load in the correct order, cause if it didn't - loads of other people would be complaining... have you modified modules.conf at all?
01:39.54*** join/#asterisk anthm (
01:39.54*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
01:40.27altnDuff: why not just do a load=> and then load=> will that help?
01:40.46nDufffile, not that I know of. However, I'm working off a Gentoo ebuild modified to work against CVS, so it's possible it twiddled something during the build process.
01:41.53nDuffokay -- I put load=> before load=>, and it's no longer lacking the symbol in question -- now it's looking for adsi_available; so it looks like it really is an ordering issue.
01:42.08fileis there autoload => yes ?
01:42.10nDuff(not that either load=> line was there beforehand -- had to add them both)
01:42.11altnDuff: yay!
01:42.19*** join/#asterisk figfig (
01:42.23nDufffile, yes.
01:42.45filenDuff: I think you should grab CVS head and install from there ;) including samples
01:43.06figfigI am going crazy.  I have two broadvoice accounts, and one asterisk box.  I want to use both broadvoice accounts in one asterisk box.  Is this even possible?  I can't get it to work.
01:43.20filefigfig: sure it's possible
01:43.28Opticthat's no problem
01:43.46Opticit's the POWER of the DIALPLAN!
01:43.50figfigfor some reason I can not figure out how to do it.
01:43.52fileyay dialplan
01:44.00figfigI have two registrations in sip.conf
01:44.09figfigand two contexts in the dialplan
01:44.09nDuffcomparing the modules.conf in /etc/asterisk to modules.conf.sample in CVS, they match (except for the changes I just made).
01:44.17figfigand two sections in sip.conf
01:44.22figfigbut it doesn't work
01:44.26nDuffwill try doing a stock, completely unmodified build though.
01:45.03figfigIf I comment out the stuff for one number in sip.conf it works, and same for the other, but it doesn't work when they are both there.
01:45.22figfigany suggestions?
01:45.45figfigor any information that I can give that would allow someone here to see the problem?
01:46.06figfigAm I correct that I need two registrations, and two sections in sip.conf for each account?
01:46.14Opticfig: you need to understand the dialplan, really
01:46.28Opticyou could map a dial prefix to each one, 8 and 9 for example
01:46.34Optico ryou oculd probably select them at random
01:46.57figfigoptic: right now I have a context for each account
01:47.08Opticin sip.conf?
01:47.27filefor incoming or outbound?
01:47.38figfigoptic: I have two contexts in extensions.conf, and point to each one in the corresponding section of sip.conf
01:47.49Opticthat should work
01:48.03fileyou're pointing to both?
01:48.14figfigoptic: when I comment one number from sip.conf, the other works.
01:48.30filecause, like, broadvoice matches based on IP address on inbound calls... so like only one will match and go to the context
01:49.07figfigfile: I have a line context=<context> in the sections of sip.conf (ie- one points to the first context, the other to the other).
01:49.42filefigfig: you have two entries in sip.conf for inbound calls, correct?
01:49.50fileare they both peers?
01:49.51figfigfile: so you can't set up two accounts with one asterisk box.
01:50.00fileyes, you can
01:50.15fileyou just don't understand how the call gets into asterisk
01:50.27fileasterisk can't separate them because no authentication takes place - we match based on the IP address the call is coming from
01:50.45figfigfile I have two lines in sip.conf that start with rigister =>
01:50.56filea register line is not how a call gets into the box
01:51.01figfigfile: they are both peers
01:51.05fileit simply tells broadvoice where to send your calls
01:51.41*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
01:51.45filefigfig: do this, make one context with both numbers... and set the entries in sip.conf to that context
01:51.57filefigfig: if it works, you owe me a can of 7-up
01:52.13heath__which signalling should i use if i'm connecting a dialog card to a quad card (terminating to sip)
01:52.18figfigfile: do I need two [] sections in sip.conf?
01:52.36figfigfile: somewhere I need to put both passwords.
01:52.36*** join/#asterisk mentat (
01:53.10filefigfig: have two entries, but set the contexts to a single context... not two
01:53.21figfigfile: one second, I will try.
01:53.25filefigfig: asterisk doesn't know which account your call comes in from, so it goes to one of the two...
01:55.51figfigfile: now I am not even getting into aterisk (ie- a call is answered by the broadvoice answering machine).
01:56.13filefigfig: insecure=very is set in sip.conf for the peer?
01:56.41filethe host is set to where they're sending the call from?
01:56.57Siftso with * you basically can sound like a huge company...on incoming calls...based on what you have enabled?
01:57.17fileSift: sure, why not
01:57.22Siftis there places where you can get recording done
01:57.30Siftfor professional voice menus
01:57.44tainted-i just sent an awesome e-mail telling a bitch interviewer that i just closed a salary deal for 40% more than what they were offering, and that my new employer is looking for more talent if they'd like to pass me their resume. lol
01:58.40ariel_tainted-, what type of work is it?
01:58.45figfigfile: I am trying to figure out why sip show registry isn't even showing the account registered now.  One second.
01:59.06tainted-ariel_ c# programming
01:59.25ariel_tainted-, I see. A programmer.
01:59.27Siftfile does that cost?
01:59.33fileSift: yes
01:59.42fileSift: you expect people to freely record stuff for you out of their time?
01:59.46filegah, you already get a free phone system
01:59.52filestop being cheap :P
02:00.31Siftits not that I was being cheap...just that since I havent signed up yet...wasnt sure what was involved
02:01.26tainted-1 credit = 1 professionaly recorded prompt or twenty words
02:01.43tainted-was gonna ask her to read war & peace
02:01.50*** join/#asterisk SuperN (
02:01.51figfigfile: I think it now works.  Thanks!  Can you explain to me why they need to both be in the same context?
02:01.52Qwelltainted-: should only be a few bucks
02:01.56SuperNgood night
02:02.18filefigfig: because asterisk matches based on IP address and has no idea what account the call belongs to
02:02.45SuperNcan somebody help please?
02:03.04fileSuperN: can't help if we don't know what to help with
02:03.15shido6SuperN, ?
02:03.16figfigfile: how does it eventually know what extension to send to then (ie- I have a different extension in the registeer => lines, that is the only way it is differentiating).
02:03.20shido6whats wrong SuperN ?
02:03.26filefigfig: magic
02:03.37SuperNfile, I need to know if I can use the asterisk with a Netphone KE1020
02:04.18filefigure out what protocol it uses, look at the list on and if it's there - then you can
02:04.43tainted-i'd pay money to hear allison say "g's up -- hoes down"
02:05.11SuperNyes, the NetPhone KE1020A supports most of the asterisk's protocols
02:05.11tainted-or "rub your titties if u love big pappa"
02:05.24figfigfile: I just mean, if it can differentiate which account is coming in to to send it to the corresponding extension, why can't it also figure out the account that is coming in to send to the correct context....
02:05.32filemessage me and die
02:05.38fileer I mean, don't message me
02:05.45filetainted-: DEAD YOU ARE.
02:05.48fileQwell: you too
02:06.04Qwellat least 5 :p
02:06.06filefigfig: just accept it, unless you wanna rewrite it
02:06.43fileSuperN: no.
02:06.43Qwelltainted-: think she'd do a phone sex line?
02:06.58figfigfile: I don't want to rewrite it, just understand it (so that I don't have to bug someone here the next time I run into this).
02:07.10SuperNfile, no what?
02:07.27figfigfile: oh well, it works now.
02:07.28filefigfig: most people don't use the / at the end, cause most providers send the number dialed... and asterisk uses that as the extension, try it and see
02:07.42fileSuperN: no as in I don't do private messages
02:08.06SuperNcan I use the asterisk just for LAN?
02:08.37figfigfile: perhaps that would be a cleaner way to do what I am doing.
02:08.54SuperNyeah, Junk-Y.. just to call within the LAN
02:08.57SuperNis this posible?
02:09.04nDuffSuperN, of course.
02:09.27SuperNI don't want to have internet access
02:09.29figfigfile: I will try, one second.
02:09.33SuperNI just to do calls in the same LAN..
02:11.10nDuffSuperN, yes, that'll work fine.
02:12.32SuperNI have installed the asterisk.. where can I find basic information about setting up 2 Netphones?
02:16.43figfigfile: strangly enough it doesn't work when I set the extension as the phone number in extensions.conf
02:17.47nDufffile, cleared out /etc/asterisk and /usr/lib/asterisk/modules, did "make install" on a pristine copy of CVS HEAD, same issue.
02:19.26SuperNI have installed the asterisk.. where can I find basic information about setting up 2 Netphones?
02:23.18*** join/#asterisk iq (
02:26.07figfigfile: thanks for your info, it saved me more annoyance!
02:29.27*** join/#asterisk yxa (~void@
02:35.58*** join/#asterisk insync (
02:39.16*** join/#asterisk remmo (
02:42.03nDuffwell, heck.
02:42.18nDuffI just had to add "load =>", and that was it.
02:42.44usamone simple question, what is the most profitable to do with asterisk? .. Too many feature confuses me where to start ;)
02:45.03*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
02:45.33*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
02:46.14drbrownhow is everyone this evening?
02:48.56kb1_kanobeall messed up from another day of *, but otherwise fine...
02:49.00*** join/#asterisk khb (
02:57.43*** part/#asterisk khb (
02:59.39kb1_kanobeAnyone fancy a rousing game of 'find out why my_zt_write() is being intermittantly blocked (EAGAIN) when writing to a t100p card'?
03:02.20yxawhat is the best way to configure asterisk to access a database and return a result?
03:03.09denonyxa: look at AGI
03:03.16denon~google asterisk agi
03:03.42yxadenon thanks
03:04.40*** join/#asterisk Specky[W] (
03:04.48*** part/#asterisk Specky[W] (
03:05.11fileI'll pretend I didn't click that jast-agi link
03:06.27iqHi, how can I tell the Asterisk version is running on a machine?
03:06.40Qwellshow version?
03:06.50kb1_kanobeiq: Perhaps 'show version' in the console?
03:07.22iqkb1_kanobe,  Qwell, thank :)
03:08.25kb1_kanobe'help' is also a useful console command.
03:08.27iqAsterisk CVS-HEAD-04/11/05-06:05:44
03:08.44iqkb1_kanobe, most useful :)
03:15.36*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
03:17.00*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
03:18.05*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
03:24.10Siftanyone have a * box I can call to see how it sounds?
03:24.24kb1_kanobecalling from what?
03:25.27kb1_kanobeSorry, do you mean you want to call an * box on the pstn from packet8 or you want to call someone who has an * box that has VoIP channels to packet8?
03:25.39Qwellsift: one sec, lemme get my FWD number
03:25.49SiftI want to call an asterisk box
03:26.03Siftfrom my packet8 line
03:26.15QwellSift: try dialing 0451527043
03:26.19QwellIt should go straight to my VM
03:27.06Siftand that is just a mailbox on your *?
03:27.14Siftthats sweet
03:27.21QwellI think it was 613...its an echo test
03:27.23Sifthow did you get the lady ?
03:27.25Qwellactually, no
03:27.31Qwellthat won't work...
03:27.41QwellSift: All those prompts are in asterisk-sounds
03:28.10Sifthmm man I gotta install this
03:28.16*** join/#asterisk bah (
03:28.39QwellSift: Just remember the 0451 if anybody ever gives you a FWD number to call.
03:28.39Siftbut is it possible to use packet8 with *?
03:28.43Qwellnot easily
03:28.56Qwellit'll go voip>analog>voip
03:29.12Siftso its better for me to get a sipura 3000
03:29.15Siftwith broadvoice?
03:29.25Qwellbetter then packet8?  Probably
03:29.31QwellI hear bad things about broadvoice though...
03:29.51Siftso who do you recommend?
03:29.57QwellI like nufone, personally
03:30.15Siftgotta link?
03:30.35SiftDue to system upgrades we cannot accept any new accounts at this time.
03:30.35SiftPlease be patient.
03:30.36QwellThey aren't accepting customers through the site right now, but you can send an email to, and he'll help you
03:30.46QwellJust make sure to tell him Qwell sent you. :)
03:31.05Siftso what options do they have
03:31.06*** join/#asterisk MaggieL (
03:31.11Qwellas far as?
03:31.25Qwellcaller id, voicemail, etc?
03:31.30Siftdo they lock down devices?
03:31.35QwellNot a chance
03:31.35Siftor can you customize
03:31.45QwellYou just connect your * box straight to them
03:32.01Siftbut you need an fxo card right?
03:32.15Siftits strictly IP?
03:32.21*** join/#asterisk vinko (
03:32.32Siftcall quality?
03:32.41Qwellout of 10, I'd give them a 9, honestly
03:32.58Siftno fade or echo?
03:33.00QwellI was so surprised when I got my phone...I had never really used voip, so I expect a 5 maybe
03:33.14Sifthow much a month?
03:33.24QwellSift: well, occasionally it will break up, but thats my end lagging for some other reason
03:33.28Qwell2c/minute outgoing
03:33.54Siftohh so pay as you go
03:33.54Qwelland you can get a DID in MI for like $8 a month or so, with free incoming, OR, a US48 toll-free DID for $0/month and 2c/minute incoming
03:34.48Siftso 8 for .2 outgoing
03:34.56iqwill new version of * have native SQL support ?
03:35.10QwellThe only drawback to that, is they only have phonenumbers in MI right now
03:35.18Qwellbut, if you don't mind it being in MI, its great
03:35.21Siftright now I pay 20 bucks for nationwide
03:35.32Qwellthis is nationwide and Canada for 2c/min
03:35.45Qwelland VERY low rates for other countries.  check out the rates.csv on the main page
03:35.56Siftwhats your aver bill each mo
03:36.16Qwellonly been using them a little over a month, so, 24 cents, technically
03:36.33SiftI gotta have an OR number
03:36.46QwellSift: I just went ahead and got an 8xx DID
03:36.50Qwellit works out great for me
03:37.11Siftso calls to VM dont get charged?
03:37.31QwellThey do
03:37.42Siftbut calling out doesnt?
03:37.57Qwellcalling out from nufone is always 2c/min
03:38.04Qwellin Canada and the US that is
03:38.24*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
03:38.34QwellSift: The only time you get charged for incoming, is if you have a tollfree DID
03:41.21Siftso * is all command line driven?
03:41.38Qwellthere are GUI config utils, but I wouldn't recommend them
03:42.17shido6dont freak out yet
03:42.24shido6we have a new service coming out for vmail
03:42.31Qwellshido6: ooo, scoop?
03:42.44shido6did I say that out loud?
03:42.56Sifta new service?
03:43.12fileshido6: shhh be quiet
03:43.23QwellSift: shido is who I said to email.  if you have any questions, I'd bet he'll answer them
03:44.01Siftahh greg
03:44.35iqhelp: on one of my machine I am not getting audio of either side. No one can hear the other person
03:44.42Qwelliq: NAT?
03:45.15iqQwell: client is on NAT (DSL Modem -> Router -> ATA)
03:45.17QwellYou many times as I've seen NAT issues resolved, I couldn't even begin to tell you where to start.  I don't pay attention to NAT issues, because they don't affect me.  heh
03:45.29Qwellonly one ATA?
03:45.33fileforward ports, nat=yes
03:45.37Qwellhell, forward 10,000-20,000 to the ATA
03:45.42Qwell..and 5060
03:45.45fileif asterisk inside set localnet and externip
03:45.48Qwellok, here's a silly question
03:45.53filethere, file's quick NAT lesson
03:45.57QwellVonage works behind NAT, without having to forward ports.
03:45.58iqfile, nat=yes . already exist otherwise I can't even get the ring to work
03:46.00QwellWhats up with that?
03:46.11fileiq: qualify=yes, have them register and set canreinvite=no
03:46.32fileQwell: in reality you rarely have to forward the ports, it usually just works
03:46.52filelike I use Eyebeam, two X-lites, a Cisco, and a PAP2-NA behind my NAT and don't forward any ports... they just work
03:46.52Qwellhmm, I think I recall PTG saying that once the connection is made, it'll stay open for a little while
03:46.58QwellSo if you redo the connection, it'll "just work"
03:47.02Qwellevery so often, that is
03:47.11Siftfile what do you need that many for :)
03:47.15fileyeah... routers keep UDP mapping tables...
03:47.20fileSift: testing
03:47.33Qwellfile: well, when you're done testing the cisco... :P
03:47.53Siftis there any way to keep the signal all digital when using like broadvoice/vonage....those types of service?
03:47.55Qwellfile: It *IS* an issue when both sides are on NAT though, right?
03:48.05Qwelllike, IP?
03:48.11fileQwell: that's when you use canreinvite=no, well you should use it anyway... but no, not usually an issue
03:48.14Siftyeah so it doesnt go to analog
03:48.24QwellSift: Vonage no, broadvoice and such yes
03:48.31QwellJust get an IP phone, like a cisco
03:48.52filevery strict firewalls/NATs are what kill
03:49.00QwellNAT sucks
03:49.10Siftso this external hardware device just sits on the network and communicates with the * box over IP
03:49.21QwellSift: correct
03:49.25Siftand then on out to your WAN interface
03:49.35Siftto comm with BV or whomever
03:49.36Qwellthen it gets to them, and will hit the PSTN
03:49.39fileI just set everyone on my box up with nat=yes and canreinvite=no, I have yet to encounter a NAT user that has problems with those two... works fine, oh and qualify=yes to get past the sucky D-Link my best friend had
03:49.55Qwellsucky d-link?
03:49.59fileD-Link router
03:50.08fileit had a low expiry time on the UDP port mappings
03:50.08Qwellyes, I know what a d-link is. :p
03:50.13Qwellor was my question redundant?
03:50.24fileso if you tried to call him when he hadn't placed a call for a bit, you couldn't
03:50.26Qwellhow long is "average"?
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03:50.33Qwelllike minutes, or hours?
03:50.35fileit was a minute
03:50.46Siftso when they talk about the sipura having 1 pstn port
03:50.46fileit was horrible...
03:50.54Siftwhat does that mean
03:50.57jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
03:50.59Qwellread that link
03:51.00fileso I enabled qualify, and that fixed it :)
03:51.23QwellSift: very large different between FXS and FXO
03:51.32Qwellsaying "PSTN port" is silly, and mostly meaningly
03:51.41Qwellmeaningly, heh, thats going in the log
03:52.19iqfile, qualify=yes and qualify=yes
03:52.29filenat=yes, qualify=yes, canreinvite=no
03:52.32filefor peers behind NAT
03:52.45iqsorry about this, didn't meant to paste all here
03:53.15iqfile: ya it is done. but still no audio. what you meant by have them register?
03:53.45fileiq: and you reloaded?
03:53.48Siftok interesting
03:54.03iqfile: yes 'CLI> reload'
03:54.17filedid you know you can do sip reload? it's quicker, ANYWAY
03:54.32fileis your asterisk box behind NAT?
03:54.38filelike, what is the setup...
03:54.44iqfile: no I did not know. thanks :) ... I just have 3 extensions so far
03:54.57filewell I meant in the context of where the box is, where the phones are
03:55.06iqfile: astersik has internet IP . not behind NAT... all ports open
03:56.33fileand just the clients are behind NAT? what type of NAT....
03:56.52*** join/#asterisk _solstice_ (
03:56.57iqfile: Asterisk box is in CA. Client is in Nebraska (at my home)
03:57.37iqADSL Modem -> Belkin Router -> SPA-3000
03:57.45filebelkin? those are usually fine
03:57.45Siftok heres a question...could i, from work, use a softphone...communicate through my home * box, and out like I was calling from home?
03:57.52fileSift: sure.
03:58.18fileiq: I'd say manually map the rtp ports, 10000-20000
03:58.29Sifthow would that work, just point the address to my home IP?
03:58.38fileSift: sure
03:58.57Siftiq I grew up in lincoln
03:59.01iqfile: I connect to about 6 different Asterisk servers using my SPA-2000 from behind my NAT - this is the first ever problem of this kind :)
03:59.11iqSift, where are you now ?
03:59.21fileiq: did you set both peers to canreinvite=no?
03:59.24Siftmoved here a year ago
03:59.31_solstice_Does anyone know what the dial plan/config files would be to setup distinctive ring to force fax receive. The problem i am having is that some faxes don't seem to be sending the correct signalling to iniate the faxreceive part on asterisk ..
03:59.33iqfile: map ports on server side?
03:59.47fileiq: er I meant both peers
04:00.02iqfile: all extensions got nat = yes, canreinvite=no and qualify=yes
04:00.35filequite odd
04:00.41iqSift, I moved from St Louis in September
04:01.11SiftI told myself Id never go back to the midweset
04:01.29iqSift, I dont blame you for that :)
04:02.39iqfile: if UDP 10k-20k are not properly configured on server side then voice can't travel on RTP, right?
04:03.20Siftso the most traffic you can produce in a single voip call is 6.4K/s?
04:03.45filethere's a calculator...
04:04.08QwellSift: depends on the codec
04:04.18filethus why a calculator exists
04:04.25Siftlink to said calculator?
04:04.36Qwell~google voip codec bandwidth calculator
04:06.37Siftcan one control what codec is used when using commercial companies such as broadvoice?
04:06.47iqany easy way of confirming open ports ?
04:06.50filewell, the company has to support it
04:06.57QwellSift: but, yes
04:07.00Qwellif ^
04:07.29Siftso you can set it to 711 all day long on *, but if broadvoice doesnt support it...its still gonna sound like crap?
04:07.38QwellSift: no, it simply won't work
04:08.42Qwellit'll basically say that no compatible codecs were found
04:08.47Siftis there anytime where you can control it?
04:08.55Siftor are we always dependant
04:08.59QwellSift: If the providers uses more then one(most do)
04:08.59Sifton the company
04:10.53Siftpacket8 is using 729
04:10.57*** join/#asterisk jeffpc (
04:11.07Qwellg729 is supposed to be good, but its not free
04:11.18Siftis there a noticable diff between 711 and 729
04:11.24Siftisnt 711 higher qual
04:11.47jeffpcHello. For whatever reason, when I plug my phone line into the LINE jack on my X100P, it keeps the line off-hook. Any suggestions?
04:12.40Qwellisn't line for...line?
04:13.43jeffpcI'm not following
04:13.49kb1_kanobejeffpc: is the card correctly configured and running? That sounds like it's trying to busy-out the line for some reason.
04:13.55Qwella line plug, is where you plug in a line
04:14.03Qwella phone plug, is where you plug in a phone
04:14.14jbotextra, extra, read all about it, fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
04:14.39Qwellthe x100p has a passthrough port, which is where you would plug in a phone
04:15.47jeffpcQwell: yes, I understand. The wire comes off the pole, and gets split to several phones and my box
04:15.51jeffpcwhich has the X100P in it
04:16.04jeffpcthe cable is connected to the LINE port
04:16.06jeffpcthat's it
04:16.15Qwellphone line...right, see, I read that as phone
04:16.27Qwellis it a clone?
04:16.27jeffpcQwell: oh..sorry
04:16.47jeffpcQwell: no, not as far as I know (it was given to me)
04:17.24QwellDid you setup the drivers properly?
04:17.36jeffpcQwell: I think so :-)
04:17.48jeffpcI'm following
04:18.41vinkojeffpc: what does the zttool say Is it in Alarm?
04:19.11jeffpcvinko: hrmm
04:19.44vinkojeffpc: if you unload the modules then reload them.. does it go to "OK" then back to RED?
04:21.42iqIf ATA doesn't support one of the available Codecs - can this cause no audio problem?
04:22.31jeffpcvinko: I'm using 2.6 kernel
04:22.39jeffpcand it didn't want me to remove the module
04:22.43jeffpcso I forced it :-)
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04:23.08jeffpcand now everything zaptel related segfaults :-)
04:23.27QwellIf you upgrade newt, do you have to recompile zap?
04:24.23jeffpcI have to reboot to clean up this mess :-)
04:24.29jeffpckernel going nuts
04:24.34vinko:) Ok
04:25.09Dovid~seen kevin
04:25.13jbotkevin <dd@> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 53d 19h 58m 45s ago, saying: 'FREE Hosting Reseller'.
04:31.18Siftso what is better....getting a digium card....or a sipura 3000
04:31.44QwellI prefer the digium cards, but other people like the sipuras
04:32.17*** join/#asterisk jeffpc (
04:32.22jeffpcstill red
04:32.51jeffpcalso while I was booting
04:32.59jeffpcI had the cable plugged in
04:32.59Siftone is out of site...the other has to sit on a desk
04:33.23jeffpcand the standard dialtone changed to ringtone
04:33.24jeffpcI think
04:33.29jeffpcat least it sounded like it
04:35.31vinkojeffpc:  what I have had a problem with.. is that my Alarm was always "RED" and I found that
04:36.19vinkomy land line what "Off Hook" some where.. Like a phone had been left of the hook
04:37.03vinkoDo you have any line on Regular phone pluged into the same line that might be off hook?
04:37.23jeffpcthere are several phones on the same line
04:37.42jeffpcbut none of them make the in-use LED blink on the cordless phone :-)
04:37.59vinkoIf you pick one of them up do you hear dialtone?
04:38.00jeffpcbut if I plug the cable into the digium board..bam
04:38.40vinkowhen you run the ztcfg utility.. does it show that its configured properly?
04:39.26jeffpc1 channel
04:39.33jeffpcFSX ks
04:41.18blitzrageyo yo
04:41.22jeffpcif I pick up a phone
04:41.33jeffpcI hear the dialtone loud and clear
04:41.43jeffpcif I plug the cable into x100p
04:41.53jeffpcthe dialtone gets fainter
04:41.58*** join/#asterisk isamar (
04:42.03isamarHi folks
04:42.07vinkoHow many phones do you have on that line?
04:42.14isamaranybody using sangoma boards??
04:42.27*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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04:42.31twisteddid someone call satan?
04:42.36Qwelltwisted: yes ma'am
04:42.54jeffpcvinko: around 5
04:42.58twistedcall me ma'am again and find out what steel feels like against your buttocks.
04:42.59Qwelltwisted: 39372826
04:43.31Qwelltwisted: are you threatening me in a bizarre way?
04:43.31jeffpcvinko: actually 6
04:43.33vinkoplus the one that your using for the X100P
04:43.43jeffpcvinko: correct
04:44.03jeffpcbtw, I'm not using the pass-though
04:44.04twistedQwell, threats are a matter of perception.
04:44.04vinkoAre you in a position to unplug the others..
04:44.09Qwelltwisted: :)
04:44.16vinkoso your using just the one that you have for Asterisk?
04:44.52vinkothe more phones on a line the more the circuit is degraded..
04:45.01jeffpcvinko: well...if I were to plan it to happen in the middle of the night
04:45.37jeffpcyou think it might be that the x100p is expecting better signal?
04:45.49Qwellcould be
04:45.53SiftQwell are you able to config * so that when you press 911 on your phone, it will call the local police, since voip doesnt officially support e911?
04:46.03QwellSift: sure, if you know the number
04:46.09vinkoI have been told that any more that 4-5 phones on the same line causes problems..
04:46.12vinkoso it might be.
04:46.24Qwellwell, since it *IS* a pbx, there should be 0 phones connected
04:46.42vinkoQWell: in a perfect world.
04:46.48vinkobut the wife still needs to use the phone..
04:46.55QwellThats what FXS ports are for
04:47.08jeffpcQwell: the phones where here before I even knew of asterisk
04:47.32jeffpcand I doubt my parents would want their whole phone system redone :-)
04:47.39kb1_kanobeSift: you would need a line that terminates on your local telco exchange to get 'normal' 911 integration. Even if you were to dial the call center directly via a VoIP provider they wouldn't get the Computer Aided Dispatch information for your call (ie. the 'Enhanced' bit of 911)
04:48.24Siftcorrect...but so it was "transparent" to the household...when they dial 911
04:48.42QwellSift: You would need to repeat your address to the operator
04:48.49Siftthats fine
04:48.55Siftthey always ask anyway
04:49.37Siftis there anyway to block your # with asterisk?
04:49.47Qwellblock an incoming #?
04:49.49jeffpcQwell: actually, in the perfect world, I'd replace all the phones with VoIP equivalents :-)
04:50.32Siftblock outgoing
04:50.42kb1_kanobeSift: I have an analog line at each of my business locations that gets the first 911 call and pumps it out there. Subsequent calls overflow onto my central PRI which has been tagged as a non-geographic number in the database of the Call Center that provides our 911
04:50.43QwellSift: like mask your callerid?
04:50.45Siftcaller ID I mean
04:50.55Qwellsome providers let you change the CID
04:51.47jeffpcI'll be right back
04:52.08*** join/#asterisk cypromis (chuck-the-@
04:52.37Siftbut you know on a regular POTS line...even tho you block your caller ID, when you dial 800 will still show up
04:52.43Siftis it possible to block that with voip
04:53.14*** join/#asterisk jeffpc (
04:53.15mishehuthere is always ANI
04:53.28kb1_kanobeSift: if the party you're calling is ISDN and running * then there is always callerID data - aka. ANI.
04:53.49mishehucid is easy to spoof, ani not.
04:54.16Siftbut like what if I call to redeem a coupon somewhere...and it is an 800 number...I dont want my number showing they can spam me later with calls
04:54.27kb1_kanobenot gonna happen.
04:54.40kb1_kanobehiding the number, not the spam :-)
04:54.42mishehuSift: use a payphone
04:54.47Siftwhy are 800 numbers immune
04:55.13*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:55.17Siftwhy cant one totally block callerid from 800 numbers
04:55.29Sifthow is it that they can still read the ani
04:55.34mishehuSift: because the owner of the 800 has a right to know whose call he's paying for.
04:55.42mishehuSift: CID != ANI
04:56.09mishehuCID is something that you can effectively change.  ANI is supposed to be provided by the carrier, and unless you're a carrier, you can't change it.
04:56.22kb1_kanobethere are two different things involved. CallerID is what appears on the phone, ANI is internal telco information about the call. If you use ISDN then you get the ANI data as well as the callerID so you just discard the clid and replace with the ANI.
04:57.07vpphmm this is quite insane
04:57.09Siftso every call has ani data
04:57.25mishehuSift: *SIGH*  yes.
04:57.26kb1_kanobehowever, there are two parts to callerID also - the name and the number. ANI only provides the number, but the call centers don't really care about the name now do they...
04:57.32vppasterish-oh323 0.7.1 only supports openH323 1.13.5
04:57.47mishehukb1_kanobe: name and number as far as telcos go are only valid in certain regions of the world.
04:57.53vppbut centos 4.0 has gcc 3.4.3 which can't compile openh323 1.13.5
04:58.01vppand that 'problem' was fixed in a later openH
04:58.03kb1_kanobemishehu: true.
04:58.06mishehuUS/Canada has CIDName and CIDNumber fields, but Israel only has CIDNumber.
04:58.14vppwhich u can't use because asterish-oh323 isnt compatible
04:58.19vppso now i have to downgrade gcc
04:58.44mishehuvpp: run a parallel gcc install, or build it on another machine.
04:58.46Siftmishehu go easy on a newbie :)
04:59.03mishehuSift: being a newbie does not excuse you from asking redundant questions.
04:59.11vppmishehu: i'm just installing gcc 2.9.something in usr/local/bin and moving that to the front of my path
04:59.26mishehugcc 2.9.
04:59.37mishehuvpp: what distro?
04:59.44mishehuoh right
04:59.49mishehuit didn't click with me.
04:59.55vppahh heheh
04:59.59mishehuthat and I've never heard of it
05:00.05Ciberhey guys, can i make asterisk read multiple voice prompts with one line?
05:00.11vppam i right tho.. there isnt any way to use openh1.17.1 with asterisk?
05:00.19Ciberi tried exten => 2001,2,Background(for-tech-support,vm-press,1)
05:00.19vppits based on redhat enterprise
05:00.21mishehuCiber: what exactly do you mean?
05:00.30icexxvpp: had same prob
05:00.32Ciberbut commas don't work :P
05:00.34icexxw oh323
05:00.34mishehuCiber: you mean you want an IVR menu?
05:00.43Ciberwell yeah
05:00.53Ciberbut as you can see that's 3 sound files
05:00.54mishehuCiber: Background() only plays one file.
05:01.01Ciberbah :P
05:01.15vppicexx: what did u do?
05:01.20vppcos gcc compile just failed!
05:01.24Ciberso i need to make 3 those lines heh
05:01.37vppi feel silly now debuging that, when i should be fixing the openh issue directly
05:01.47kb1_kanobeCiber: you can use Festival to generate prompts in real time. It hasn't got much personality but if you use the ARCTIC_HTS voice it's not too bad.
05:02.02mishehuvpp: would it make you feel any better to know that I can't build samba 3.0.14a on Slamd64 with kernel and gcc 3.4.3?
05:02.12Ciberi'm on a mac :P
05:02.18Ciberdon't think we have any festival
05:02.19vppmishehu: a little lol
05:02.27mishehukb1_kanobe: does festival have VALLEY_GRL mode?
05:02.59mishehuvpp: oh that and my PCIExpress Radeon X800 has no functional drivers for it...  so vesa default driver for me...  *ick*
05:03.36mishehuI'd like festival to randomly add "like", "way out", and "you know" randomly during the prompt
05:04.27kb1_kanobemishehu: unfortunately no, but it can be quite interesting getting the misspellings just right to get the pronounciation to work out...
05:04.57*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
05:06.20mishehukb1_kanobe: hahaha
05:06.29mishehuif only I had the free time that it would take to set that up
05:10.14*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
05:11.34*** join/#asterisk vpp (
05:11.43vppstupid internet gateway died
05:11.47vppits all happening today!
05:12.10vppwhat did i miss
05:12.15vppany ideas on what i can do?
05:13.04vppi probably missed the last few messages
05:13.46kb1_kanobe<mishehu> vpp: would it make you feel any better to know that I can't build samba 3.0.14a on Slamd64 with kernel and gcc 3.4.3?
05:13.46kb1_kanobe<mishehu> heh
05:13.49Nuggetwhile you were gone we had a great discussion about gay marriage, abortion, gun control, and mysql.  We were able to come to a pretty solid agreement and then we all went out for ice cream.
05:13.55kb1_kanobe<mishehu> vpp: would it make you feel any better to know that I can't build samba 3.0.14a on Slamd64 with kernel and gcc 3.4.3?
05:13.55kb1_kanobe<mishehu> heh
05:14.06kb1_kanobeah, sorry about that!
05:15.19*** join/#asterisk flot (CCCP@
05:15.48vppu didnt get round to talkin about world peace then?
05:15.55vppi was gone for a whole few minutes u know
05:15.59vpplazy people u
05:16.42vppso anyone have any ideas, or shall i continue fiddling by my self
05:16.48vpp*with this compile
05:17.01vppjust to clarify lol
05:19.12*** join/#asterisk wvbroadband (
05:19.16mishehuvpp: world peace?  you're a dreamer!
05:22.11*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:22.28vppok what gcc should i downgrade to?
05:22.47isamaranybody using Sangoma???
05:24.12vppok gonna try 3.3.4
05:24.21isamarI am getting "segmentation fault" when I start * with Sangoma A101....
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05:30.02Ciberanyone know of a gsm encoder for mac?
05:30.35vppis there any g729A,B,AB codes for openh232 btw?
05:31.21PCadachvpp: codecs - yes, but not sure about capabilities...
05:31.54vppi noticed talk about g729, but not any specifics about A,B or AB
05:34.34tainted-Ciber just use sox
05:34.43tainted-Ciber isn't there a mac port of sox?
05:34.53*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
05:34.55Qwellheh, macs don't use mixers
05:34.59Qwellor, something
05:35.07Qwellone sec, lemme get the exact quote
05:35.53Qwell2005-03-09 23:24:11 <trey_>     cls
05:35.53Qwell2005-03-10 00:00:08 <cls>       but that doesnt fix the fact that MAC OS X (not sox) has no /dev/audio device
05:36.10tainted-lol what
05:36.17tainted-then how do macs do audio
05:36.27Qwellumm, lemme see if I can find the answer, heh
05:36.57twistedthey produce electromagnetic waves from the hard drive that eminate through the speakers.
05:37.21tainted-no wonder girls like macs so much
05:37.37Qwellahh, the answer was to convert to mp3, heh
05:37.39tainted-just listening to some music honey
05:37.42Qwellusing lame
05:37.45icexxyou live here ;)
05:37.53icexxany time of the day I come , you are here ;)
05:38.11Cibergoogling around and still can't find a damn converter
05:38.15twistedit takes two to tango.
05:38.16tainted-where else can u hang out with the net's brighest
05:38.18PCadachvpp: H323 have individual capabilities per each codec and I'm not sure it would happy if you announces G.729AB while remote party wants just G.729...
05:38.55tainted-iCExx what is iconnecthere
05:39.06icexxvob provider
05:39.17vppPCadach: yeah thats the thing.. with my current setup i'm having problems with speech path
05:39.19tainted-sip or iax
05:39.28tainted-did u fix your problems?
05:39.31*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (~nonyobizn@
05:39.55icexxnope ;) it doesn't work w asterisk. gives some error in the mid of the conversation ;) probably something with codecs
05:40.27tainted-u sure it doesn't work with asterisk? or u have some kind of config issue
05:41.05*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
05:41.13icexxi am not sure, but listen, it connects me to the other party, and 2 seconds into the conversation, a lady voice from deltathree tells me call cannot be completed as dialed, error 480 and drops the call
05:41.23icexxw/o asterisk works fine
05:41.55tainted-i think 480 is a server related error
05:42.07icexxye, but not from * side
05:42.16icexxfrom their side, but why, i can't understand
05:43.06tainted-which codec are u using
05:43.24icexxyou want me to show you sip debug out?
05:43.42tainted-did u read that thread?
05:43.49tainted-i think they fixed it when they switched to 711
05:44.46tainted-there's also a sample config..
05:44.56icexxlemmi see, didn't notice this one
05:45.10icexxyea, seen this one
05:45.26tainted-did u try 711 ulaw?
05:46.15icexxnope ;)) let me try
05:46.33icexxdisallow gsm ?
05:46.47tainted-or put it below allow = ulaw
05:47.54tainted-wow OS X tiger looks amazing
05:48.07JerJer[mobile]tainted-:  will it run on x86?
05:48.17vpparrggghh gcc wont build
05:48.34tainted-osx on x86? not likely
05:48.50JerJer[mobile]then what good is it?
05:49.10tainted-i'm not an apple fan by far
05:49.16tainted-but the gui is amazing
05:49.30tainted-they are king of usability
05:51.35QwellYou ask a friend for a google pen, you end up with a google shirt
05:56.37JerJer[mobile]hell i own goog ipo and I didn't get a pen or shirt
05:57.15JerJer[mobile]just lame ass proxy vote scantron sheets to approve some director morons to which I have no clue who they are
05:58.56tainted-how is google ipo doing
05:59.37QwellJerJer[mobile]: odd, I work for a company, and thats all I get
06:00.05JerJer[mobile]tainted-:  i bought in at 85 and last i looked it was like 219
06:00.52tainted-what timespan
06:01.05tainted-since ipo?
06:01.35JerJer[mobile]yes ipo was 85
06:01.35Qwelllike Aug 04
06:05.52*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
06:06.52*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
06:13.23*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
06:14.28*** join/#asterisk ISMe (me@
06:14.32ISMehi all
06:15.22ISMei plan to have 3 X SIPURA 2000 behind the same router to connect to *, any recommendation ?
06:15.55ISMecan i use port 5060 - 5065 ?
06:23.20*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
06:23.46lehelgood whatever u want..
06:24.07lehelhi tzafrir, ? r u 2day?
06:24.42lehel'tsup jakepdev
06:28.16leheleverybody is still sleeping maybe
06:30.14Qwellor still reeling from trying to read that
06:30.41icexxtained: have same prob
06:31.00tainted-icexx complain to them
06:31.21tainted-icexx i'm sure ur not first to run into 4xx error w/ asterisk
06:31.33tainted-icexx if they don't respond, change provider
06:31.59Ciberfour sipuras? isn't that going to get messy? :P
06:32.04icexxm=audio 6550 RTP/AVP 0 96
06:32.05icexxa=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000
06:32.05icexxa=rtpmap:96 telephone-event/8000
06:32.05icexxa=fmtp:96 0-15
06:32.12icexx711 right?
06:32.34tainted-a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000
06:33.00ISMeCiber: any suggestion ?
06:33.24Ciberit won't matter?
06:33.39tainted-icexx their live chat is open
06:33.45Ciberthe boxes will be in your lan
06:33.51Ciberso using the same port won't matter
06:33.59Cibersince they'll have different private addresses
06:34.25Qwellunless the * box is outside the LAN
06:34.33Ciberyeah that would be a problem
06:34.34Qwellhe didn't really specify
06:34.39ISMe* box is outside the LAN
06:34.54ISMesipura and * is like 500 miles away
06:35.01Ciberdepends how much your router sucks i guess
06:35.02ISMei mean apart
06:35.33Ciberi remember being able to do like 5060+1 or something to map the same port to different ip's or something on a router i had
06:35.38Ciberbut my memory sucks :P
06:35.41ISMemy dlink router can only open 5060 for 1 IP address
06:36.02ISMesipura uses 5060 and 5061, no problem if 1 sipura is use
06:36.27Cibercan't you setup another * box to manage the 4 sipuras?
06:37.01QwellThat would be ideal, but...
06:37.13ISMeerrrr to setup a new * would not be cost effective. server+TDM
06:37.23Qwellas long as the * server is setup right, NAT shouldn't be an issue
06:37.44Cibernot cost effective?
06:37.51ISMeQwell: we could use IAX to connect 2 boxes
06:38.00*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
06:38.02Ciberget a junk box from salvation army
06:38.05Ciberlike 20 dollars
06:38.07Qwellno, I mean, without a second * box
06:38.17Ciberand a 10 dollar 4 port switch
06:38.32Qwellif the sipuras are registering right, and the remote * box is setup right, NAT shouldn't be an issue
06:38.45Ciberthat too
06:39.06Ciberis he using sip?
06:39.11Cibercan just use iax :P
06:39.17Qwellkinda implies sip
06:39.26Ciberthose don't support iax?
06:39.46Ciberpoor guy :P
06:42.16jbot[nat] Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
06:44.16ISMeso guys, i cant use 5062 and so on for my 2nd sipura then
06:48.13QwellShouldn't need to
06:48.53Qwell<file> nat=yes, qualify=yes, canreinvite=no
06:48.53Qwell<file> for peers behind NAT
06:50.37ISMeQwell: then what port on the router should i open for my 2nd sipura ?
06:56.26lehelcan I apt-get from somewhere an Asterisk Graphical Interface?
06:57.28*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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07:01.35*** join/#asterisk tsipl (
07:02.24lehel10x ISMe
07:03.55*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
07:04.35Blackvelmorning. is it possible to use the Manager API and Originate to dail outbound without calling the "agent" first?
07:04.47Blackvelonly connect to the agent laters, when the customer is connected?
07:06.51JerJer[mobile]Blackvel:  eh?
07:07.19JerJer[mobile]just orignate it into a context and exten that drops the call into a queue
07:11.37rvhiis there any application to list all available variables?
07:12.18*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
07:14.22Qwellrvhi: for asterisk?
07:19.21*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (~nonyobizn@
07:20.04*** join/#asterisk scanna (
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07:26.07*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (~ph33r@chaoscon.user)
07:27.48rvhiQwell, i want to see the value of all variables in the dialplan
07:29.01*** join/#asterisk n4y (
07:30.35BlackvelJerJer[mobile]: into a queue? but I want to do outbound dialing, not inbound agent routing. Also the J2EE application selects the agent, not Asterisk with queueing itself
07:31.26Blackvelit is not possible to "only" dail an outbound party and on connection join it with an REDIRECT to an agent?
07:32.04JerJer[mobile]fuck j2ee
07:32.08JerJer[mobile]are you crazy?
07:32.37Blackvelthat is the spec
07:32.41BlackvelI can not do anything against it
07:33.01JerJer[mobile]sure you can - simply don't do that project
07:33.17JerJer[mobile]tell them j2ee is not the answer and to come back to you when they find a clue
07:33.24Blackvelbut according to Manager API docs on WIKi, originate can not call one party without calling the agent first
07:33.28BlackvelI wont
07:33.31BlackvelI dont care
07:33.40Blackvelas long as I get this code finished
07:33.50JerJer[mobile]you can orignate any call you want
07:34.09JerJer[mobile]there is nothing saying you have to use an agent
07:34.16*** join/#asterisk tainted- (
07:34.22Blackvelfunny English
07:34.33JerJer[mobile]the wiki needs to die - its full of useless bullshit that people call docuemention
07:34.34Blackvelthe system should call an outbound party
07:35.00Blackvelwithout calling an company telephone first
07:35.05*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
07:35.06Blackvelcall it agent or whatever
07:35.07JerJer[mobile]then do that
07:35.18Blackvelseems not working
07:35.34BlackvelI have to provide Action: Originate with Channel: + exten
07:35.51Blackvelonce the company telephone is picked up, originate calls the outbound
07:35.55JerJer[mobile]that is precicely how it works
07:36.04BlackvelI can not leave out exten
07:36.10JerJer[mobile]then you are using the oringate backwads
07:36.13Blackveland act as an application DIAL command
07:36.26Blackvelyou mean I could do this?
07:36.31JerJer[mobile]Channel: Zap/g1/12345
07:36.44Blackvelbut only at a successful connection it is clear what company telephone I can dail
07:36.49Blackvelnot when I start the Originate Action
07:36.57JerJer[mobile]that will cause a call to go out to zap group 1
07:36.59Blackvelbtw, tried that zap thing
07:37.02Blackvelhad no success
07:37.15JerJer[mobile]then when it connects it will drop into whateer context and exten you define
07:37.25BlackvelDIAL(ZAP/g1/1234) works in dialplan
07:37.46JerJer[mobile]and it does work in an action: originate command
07:37.47JerJer[mobile]i do it all the time
07:38.05BlackvelI use zaphfc/bristuff
07:38.14Blackvelmaybe it does not support this? Could that be?
07:38.14JerJer[mobile]can't help you there
07:38.22JerJer[mobile]i do it on TE410P cards all day long
07:38.27Blackvelcan I leave out exten in an originate?
07:38.39JerJer[mobile]that's not how it works
07:38.51omadonCan anybody help me with zaphfc problem and i4l question
07:38.54Blackvelwhat if I do not want to define the exten in the dialplan?
07:39.02JerJer[mobile]omadon: only if you ask a specific question
07:39.12JerJer[mobile]Blackvel:  you have to - that's how asterisk works
07:39.14BlackvelI want to use the originate as an dial, give the technology, ressource + extension directly
07:39.20JerJer[mobile]or you can dump the call into a specifc application
07:39.30JerJer[mobile]THEN DO EXACTLY THAT
07:39.42Blackvelif I have to provide exten
07:39.44Blackvelit does not work
07:39.53Blackvelor am I wrong?
07:39.54JerJer[mobile]channel: Technology/resource/exten
07:40.05JerJer[mobile]you have to either provide a context and exten and priority
07:40.06Blackveland for the 2nd
07:40.16JerJer[mobile]an application
07:40.55Blackvelsorry, didn't try originate with application: yet
07:41.05BlackvelI could pass dial(ZAP/g1/1234)?
07:41.18Blackvelapplication: is a command from show applications, e.g DIAL?
07:41.19JerJer[mobile]maybe, but why?
07:41.36Blackvelbecause there will be nothing in the dialplan
07:41.56JerJer[mobile]the same exact thing is accompolsihed by using a context and exten that does that same exact thing
07:42.10Blackvelright ok
07:42.11JerJer[mobile]hey a circular sentance
07:42.25JerJer[mobile]you can do the same exact thing by usng a context and exten
07:42.52JerJer[mobile]unless your crazy app has two totally random numbers being called, which you need to bridge
07:43.19Blackvelas I got told, the "agent"/company phone is unknown (2nd part of Originate)
07:43.36Qwellrvhi: yes, README.variables
07:43.36Blackvelonly on connect it will be selected and then some bridge should happen
07:43.37JerJer[mobile]and i don't know how u pass arguments using the Application keyword on an action: origniate
07:44.05JerJer[mobile]Blackvel:  it has to be known - else how you going to call it?
07:44.22JerJer[mobile]smells like your spec is broken
07:44.55Blackvelshow manager originate does not tell too much, true. show application dial tells more. Manager API should be updated ;)
07:45.07Blackvelthe outbound caller is known, not the company phone
07:45.14Blackvelonly on connect it should be dynamically selected
07:45.28Blackvellooks like I have to tell throw away spec and do something else
07:45.53Blackvelthat is the point
07:45.58JerJer[mobile]yeah and get rid of j2ee while your at it
07:46.03Blackveloriginate calls 2 parties at the same time
07:46.12JerJer[mobile]it has to be known - else how you going to know who to call?
07:46.17Blackvelthat "might" be a problem
07:46.24*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
07:46.25McUnixJris there a way to do party line calls on * ?
07:46.33JerJer[mobile]or you have to define how to dynamically select the 'agent'
07:46.48JerJer[mobile]McUnixJr:  conference calls?   certainly
07:47.05McUnixJris there a limit on the number of attendees?
07:47.05Blackvelpassing one originate and redirect afterwards would be the solution
07:47.25JerJer[mobile]but you have to have source and destinaton channels
07:47.33Blackveljerjer: yes, that is defined, but not before calling the originate. makes no sense with predictive dailer
07:47.44JerJer[mobile]oh god
07:47.49JerJer[mobile]good luck
07:47.55BlackvelI see
07:47.59JerJer[mobile]'m not helping spammers
07:48.06BlackvelI am no spammer
07:48.09Blackvelonly a programmer
07:48.14JerJer[mobile]you are helping them
07:48.19JerJer[mobile]so you are equal
07:49.07McUnixJrJerJer[mobile], so it is possible to have a party line functionality using conference call, is there a limit to the number of attendees?
07:49.15Blackvelcurrent part i am programming on (which also uses manager api for dial/hangup) is not. so I have to know manager api yet. dunno about the 2nd project part.
07:49.44Blackvelmakes no difference for me to call firstly the agent, then the outbound party
07:49.48Blackvelspamming is spamming
07:49.51Blackvelyou can abuse anything
07:50.26Blackveli do not know anything about that company and what it does, what it is using use. 3 around corner project. I do not know the final client
07:50.29Blackvelso I dont care
07:50.34Blackvelneed something for my CV
07:51.28JerJer[mobile]McUnixJr:  Asterisk doesn't care - so no there is no limit
07:51.39JerJer[mobile]but then there are bandwidth or phone line issues
07:53.29JerJer[mobile]Blackvel:  your spec is broken
07:53.32Blackvelhow to make it working to block some events in manager api? i am not interested in registry and peer connected things
07:53.47JerJer[mobile]when you place a phone call there is always a source and a destination
07:54.00BlackvelJerJer[mobile]: maybe for the 2nd part of the project yes. but I need to find this out. not for the 1st part (inbound caller + AGI)
07:54.00JerJer[mobile]the source can be a playback of a prompt or another channel
07:54.33Blackvelmaybe MOH is the solution
07:54.48BlackvelI am only the pure programmer, please don't judge me
07:54.59JerJer[mobile]so your saying my home telephone is going to ring and all i'm going to hear is MOH?
07:55.06JerJer[mobile]that's gonna generate a lot of revenue
07:55.20JerJer[mobile]Blackvel:  you still have the option to tell them to go piss off
07:55.23JerJer[mobile]as the programmer
07:55.38Blackveldunno, maybe I need to tell, as you said, select the damn agent first, throw away the spec and dail then (2 channels)
07:55.39BlackvelI will see
07:55.40JerJer[mobile]i have told many phone spammers what's up
07:55.55Blackvelanyways, I need to find out more about this manager api :)
07:55.57newlJerJer[mobile]: So by your method of thinking, Ford Motor Company is equal to someone who uses their vehicle to kill someone for making said vechicle.
07:56.17Qwellnewl: No, it would be like being an engineer
07:56.23Qwelland being told to make brakes that don't work
07:56.23JerJer[mobile]ford doesn't make you buy a car
07:56.25Qwelland doing so
07:56.35JerJer[mobile]or make you drink and drive
07:57.02BlackvelI really do not know what this system is doing for the 2nd part. the 1st part is inbound. so fine with me. and for dial/hangup/play MOH I need MAPI anyways, and manager api spec/docs drives me crazy anyways
07:57.08*** join/#asterisk Sander4000 (
07:57.21JerJer[mobile]Blackvel:  mapi ?
07:57.25Sander4000Hello there
07:57.27JerJer[mobile]not gonna happen
07:57.28Blackveldoc like Application: Application to use is useless
07:57.30newlQwell: Or the alternative would be that the engineer was hired to do the job of designing the car that worked for the company to use and/or sell as they saw fit.
07:57.36Blackvelmanager api = mapi :)
07:57.40McUnixJrJerJer[mobile],  Thanks for the information !
07:57.52JerJer[mobile]Blackvel:  um ok
07:57.55McUnixJrnext question - what provider is best at the moment?
07:58.04JerJer[mobile]define best
07:58.05Qwellnewl: No matter how many people the cars (which were purposely designed to) killed
07:58.19Sander4000can anyone tell me what the best linux distro is for setting up the bristuff driver?
07:58.25Blackveldidn't want to break up a ground discussion in this chan
07:58.33Blackvelonly about manager api
07:58.41Blackvelso guys, forget what I told
07:58.51newlSander4000: Any Linux distro should suit your needs if you'd research.
07:58.59newlEven LFS.
07:59.40JerJer[mobile]espcally LFS
07:59.43Sander4000hmm i'm trying linux FC2 but i get all sorts of error during installation of bristuff
07:59.55newlQwell: Would it be any different if we changed the car to a missile that was designed and built for (presume for this example) defense purposes? :)
07:59.56JerJer[mobile]then find the author
08:00.06JerJer[mobile]provded you have read all of the relvant included documenation
08:00.09newlor build from source
08:00.47JerJer[mobile]Sander4000:  download slackware or debian - FC2 is a joke
08:01.11Qwellnewl: meh, if you're gonna keep using bad analogies, I'm done
08:01.47QwellCreating X that Y told you to create, even though X is immoral.
08:02.12Qwells/,/, and doing so,/
08:02.25newlQwell: heh okay.
08:02.43newlI just didn't agree with the original "is equal" statement.
08:03.01JerJer[mobile]newl: then say that
08:03.12Sander4000and denian works better? i have no problem installing tdm400 but i have to get tdm400 with 2 fxo, one te110p, and a quadbri card
08:03.31JerJer[mobile]it is my opinon if you purposely take on a job that supports the scum of the earth, you are the same as well
08:03.59JerJer[mobile]Sander4000:  its just a distro - it is the same basic linux kernel
08:04.00QwellLike working for a politician.  heh
08:04.04*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
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08:04.41newlJerJer[mobile]: Fair enough.  I believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion. :)
08:05.04JerJer[mobile]i have fired four or five morons doing predictive dialing on our network
08:05.12Sander4000hm i'll check it out then, configuring asterisk is no problem for me, but linux is a bit new to me
08:05.16newlpolitics..I usually avoid those conversations.  They're almost as bad as distribution and db wars hehe
08:05.24JerJer[mobile]Sander4000:  then check out mandrake
08:05.32JerJer[mobile]Sander4000:  and do not run X windows
08:05.48Qwellmandrake without X is like...
08:05.53Sander4000no just a clean install :)
08:06.01newlSander4000: or give Linux From Scratch a whirl, you'd learn something.
08:06.09JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  mandrake doesn't lke to run without x?
08:06.14newlQwell: any other Linux? :)
08:06.18QwellJerJer[mobile]: well, most of the tools are GUI, aren't they?
08:06.30Qwellthe mandrake specific tools that is
08:06.35JerJer[mobile]no clue - i've just been told it is a newbie friendly distro
08:06.42QwellJerJer[mobile]: Its great...with X. ;/
08:06.54newlnah, all qui tools have a console equiv.
08:06.55Qwellotherwise, you might as well be using anything else
08:06.57JerJer[mobile]and astersk hates X - at least with framebuffers
08:07.25JerJer[mobile]ever since redhat fucked everyone over - i've started rolling my own distro
08:07.27newlsans the package management tool, though with urpmi, it really isn't needed.
08:07.34Sander4000hmm linux from scratch is a little to much for me i have to get it up and running in 2 weeks
08:07.47Juggieuse centos
08:07.49QwellJerJer[mobile]: yeah...kinda turned me off to RH.  I went to Gentoo, and haven't looked back
08:08.16QwellI was fairly faithful to RH from 6.1 through FC1, and got fed up
08:08.31JuggieQwell, centos
08:09.00QwellI like Gentoo much more then I ever liked RH
08:09.42newlI started out on Slackware back in the pre 1 days, moved to RH in the 4.x days, Mandrake at 7.0, LFS for a few months, back to Mandrake.  Recently tried FC3 full install, didn't like it still and went back to Mandrake.  Have thought of Gentoo a few times but the thought of compiling all the time when I can actually be using my machine never thrilled me much.
08:10.15newlIn the end, any distribution is what you make it.  The primary difference are the tools they provide and support (if any).
08:10.23Qwellnewl: I spend about one night a week (while I'm sleeping) compiling stuff
08:10.33Qwelland if I want something new, I guess
08:11.00newlQwell: If I didn't like living on the bleeding edge I could probably get away with that too.
08:11.26newlOddly enough though, I haven't had anything substantial on Cooker break in quite awhile.
08:11.27QwellDo it every night then.  It's the same amount of compiling, and can be done at night regardless
08:12.13newlmight look into it time is coming up and I've been wanting to get another machine to fart around on.
08:14.23Qwellcoming up?
08:14.28Qwellits come and gone man :p
08:15.47newlI don't pay the IRS any longer :)
08:17.21*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
08:21.54*** join/#asterisk ramtha (
08:22.23ramthahi, how can i change the cid signaling from "network providet" to "past" ?
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08:26.53christomorning all
08:27.23masoncmorning teacher
08:28.32masonchow are you
08:31.53*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
08:31.56masoncanyone know a lot about rtp and nat
08:31.59christoFine thank you class, now please turn to page 37.
08:34.42*** part/#asterisk nitram (
08:36.39Zeeekmasonic ask and you shall see
08:44.42masoncI'm having problems with Sipura phones on a cable modem, asterisk server on another cable modem
08:45.06masonctwo phones work fine, one has one sided conversation
08:45.23masonconly difference is it is on a different ip class
08:45.30masoncbut there should be no firewalling
08:45.43Jas_Williamsmasonc it it nat ?
08:45.51*** join/#asterisk udppacket (
08:45.52masoncall real IPs
08:45.57Zeeekyou asked for nat and rtp?
08:46.10masoncwell, yes, I have two questions
08:46.28Zeeekare the phones on the same subnet
08:46.48Zeeekthere are total two phones?
08:46.49masoncbut the networks can see each other
08:46.54Zeeekcan you switch them?
08:46.58masoncthree phones
08:47.02ramthamasone: du you have the same problems if you activate canreinvite=no?
08:47.05Zeeektwo work, one not?
08:47.06*** join/#asterisk meppl (
08:47.23masoncyes, two phones working, one registers but has one sided voice
08:47.35masoncI cannot control the IP, it is dhcp from the ISP
08:47.36mepplguten morgen
08:47.41Zeeekand of the =two that wrok, are they together on subnet?
08:47.52Zeeekthat can be a proble
08:47.53masoncsame C class
08:48.06masoncwhy is it a problem
08:48.22ZeeekI don't know, I've had problems with IAX even
08:48.39Zeeekseveral clients on same sub
08:48.40masoncrouters shouldn't block rtp should they?
08:48.58Zeeekmaybe you could try setting the phones to different ranges?
08:49.02Zeeekfor grins
08:49.16masoncyou mean rtp ranges?
08:49.23ramthahi, how can i change the caller id signaling from "network providet" to "pass" ?
08:49.28Zeeekya you said sipura, I assume you cangive a strating port?
08:49.41masoncRTP Port Min:
08:49.45Zeeekjust for the heck of it, set one different
08:49.57Zeeekjust a wild hair :)
08:50.04masoncI have another problem, very similar
08:50.16Zeeekdiscount for multiple questions
08:50.19Zeeekgo for it
08:50.19masoncphones and asterisk, inside linksys router
08:50.25newlramtha: SetCIDName(pass)
08:50.33Zeeekya, I have the exact situation on both ends right nopw
08:50.35masoncput the pbx on the dmz
08:50.45ZeeekI didn't do that
08:50.46masonctried to connect with phone outside the router
08:50.52masoncone sided voice
08:50.56ZeeekI've not had luck using DMZ and SIP ever
08:51.03masoncwould the router block stuff?
08:51.06Zeeekdepends on the router I guess
08:51.20ZeeekI don't know but I use port forwarding on mine and it works
08:51.35masoncport forward to?
08:51.48Zeeekjust a sec
08:52.10ZeeekI had a URL but lost it.
08:52.34masoncwhat is outside your router?
08:52.54Zeeeklet me try to explain in concise terms
08:53.11Zeeekasterisk -> Linksys WAG54g -->DSL
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08:53.23masoncbut what device did you have outside
08:53.39Zeeekports 5060, 4569 10000-11000 fwd to asterisk ip
08:53.59masoncdid you try a sip phone outside or just providers
08:54.07*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
08:54.14Zeeekboth but the phones are all behind their own NAT
08:54.44Zeeekall sip.conf entries are canreinvite=no
08:54.53masoncI do that
08:54.58masoncnat = yes
08:55.03Zeeekmy son has a BT102 behind NAT
08:55.14Zeeekhe only forwards 5060 to the phone and it all works
08:55.31newlsame here.
08:55.32masoncconnecting to your asterisk pbx
08:55.36Blackvela WAG?
08:55.37Zeeekon the asterisk behind NAT, you have to use the externip= too
08:55.50ZeeekBlackvel that's what I got, it works
08:55.52Blackvelyou can not install a 3rd party firmware for that?
08:56.01masoncfor what
08:56.06ZeeekI don't think so. I have a WRT54g at home
08:56.25masoncI have WRT54G - it can be upgraded
08:56.33Blackveljepp, WRT, this is why I ask
08:56.37Zeeekand I haven't played with the other firmwares yet but I've downloaded them for when I retire and have lots of time to waste :)
08:56.39masoncthe question is, would it make any difference
08:56.49*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
08:56.50Zeeekprolly not
08:57.16Zeeeklet me say this, my setup works fine, I have several people on SIP phones, some with NAT  some not, several providers
08:57.20Zeeekit all plays
08:57.57Blackvelwag has internal adsl modem?
08:58.04BlackvelI guess no 3rd party firmware supports that
08:58.09Zeeekmost everything we buy here does
08:58.11BlackvelI installed openwrt linux on my WRT
08:58.38ZeeekI don't think it has anything I need so I haven't messed with it
08:58.41masoncZeeek, I would be interested to know if turning on the dmz feature broke it all
08:59.12*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
08:59.36Zeeekmasonc I've always been suspicious of DMZ. What order is it handled in?
08:59.47Zeeekports forwarded first then DMZ?
08:59.58ZeeekI have never gotten anything to work with DMZ
09:00.03masoncok, I am sld
09:00.06masoncok, I am sold
09:00.11Zeeekto me, the simplest thing would have been to put the phone in DMZ
09:00.19Zeeekso that's what I did, didn't work
09:00.29Zeeekno I'm talking about my experience
09:00.33masoncthe phone I want to work is on another C class
09:00.43ZeeekI also tried putting asterisk in DMZ and couldn't get that to work
09:01.02Zeeekmy own network incompetence, no doubt, but I DID GET fwding to work :)
09:01.19masoncI am testing now
09:01.26ZeeekI also have an Alcatel Speedtouch that freezes during calls
09:01.36Zeeekso I couldn't get that one to work with asterisk either
09:01.50*** join/#asterisk c_k (
09:03.27masoncDid not work, one sided
09:03.53Zeeekwhat didn't work?
09:03.59masoncDid you set the forwards as UDP or both
09:04.34ZeeekAs a newbie I prolly did both, but I think for rtp udp only is fine
09:04.44Zeeekon 5060 I think I did both
09:05.01Blackveldoes the manager support turning off special events, e.g registered?
09:05.14Zeeekthere may be quirks with the sipura phones, have you checked the mailing list and all that?
09:12.49masoncsorry, on the phone
09:14.32Zeeekyes, that is what it's all about... :)
09:15.05*** join/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
09:15.19qwerpi am having some problem..
09:15.43qwerpwhen i make a SIP call from * to another * thru Iptel (SER) server,
09:15.59qwerpevery 1 min ++ i got disconnect for no reason, any idea
09:24.53*** join/#asterisk mAsH` (
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09:30.29*** join/#asterisk tandrews (
09:32.35tandrewsCan someone give me a hand ? I want to get hold of the "called number" on an incoming ISDN call..
09:32.48tandrewsI can't find a variable that contains this info
09:33.15tandrewsIf I use "bri debug span 1" I can see the number buried in the output
09:34.00tandrewsI'm just unsure how to get hold if it for routing incoming fax calls to a specific MSN
09:35.43Zeeeksearch for DNID
09:36.19*** join/#asterisk salviadud (~dude@
09:36.24Zeeektandrews you may find answers here ^^^^^^
09:36.25ramthanewl: with this option i can rewrite the callerid. out switch sees an atribute in the call (callerid network provided) this must be changed to "pass", otherwise, the callerid is not displayed
09:36.36ramthabut i can not find anything about this in the net
09:36.39tandrewsthanks Zeeek - looking now
09:36.56masoncSorry, Zeeek
09:37.08Zeeekabout what? I'm not on hold :)
09:37.41masonctrue, but I hate to break th eflow
09:38.11Zeeekheh well it'll soon be lunchtime here
09:38.11masoncI don't know if the sipura has flaws but I tried a laptop with sjphone and it had the same problem
09:38.21Zeeekah that's interesting
09:38.42masoncI have changed the rtp range to 10,000-11,000
09:38.51Zeeekdid you try switching the phone that doesn't work with one thazt does, leaving all the configs the same?
09:39.15masoncit's not a equipment issue
09:39.19masoncI am sure of that
09:39.58ZeeekX-lite has an issue (I know, nothing to do with your prb) with silence suppression that causes one-way audio
09:40.14ZeeekI have no experience with the sipura phones though
09:40.31Zeeekyou should post this to the mailing list and see what comes up
09:40.45Zeeekalso have you searched the list?
09:40.53masoncwhich list
09:41.22masonc[Asterisk-Users] Sipura SPA-841 and firewall
09:41.26masoncposted today
09:41.30masoncno responses
09:41.32*** join/#asterisk guyee (
09:41.35Zeeek~google sipura
09:41.49Zeeeka little wide, but...
09:42.09RoyKperhaps jbot should use tinyurl
09:42.12Zeeeklooks like nothing there
09:42.37*** join/#asterisk tabmoW (tabmow@tabmow.linuxfordummies)
09:42.39Zeeekno, it's good to wake your ass up once in while RoyK
09:43.47masoncIf I take the google search down to requiring 841 as a string, there's nothing
09:44.02Zeeektoo soon... but I have seen some things
09:44.22Zeeekin fact a few people have them here, maybe they'll be around later
09:44.40ZeeekI almost bought one but decided to try a polycom ip500
09:44.40salviadudhas anyone fitted an xbox with asterisk in here?
09:44.41*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
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09:45.01masoncI have some  polycoms coming in today, I hope, will try them and see if they do the same thing
09:46.18Zeeekthey seem a lot more complex to setup
09:46.27ZeeekI hope it doesn't become a time sink
09:46.33Zeeekwhen I get mine I mean
09:46.49*** join/#asterisk porche (
09:47.20masoncI am provisioning ten of them so I should get the hand pretty quickly
09:47.41Zeeekwell come back and give me a hand around May 15th
09:48.01masoncif fedex finds my missing box, I will
09:49.22RoyKpeople with house alarms might be less than happy to find that their alarm's modem connection to the central works rather badly over VoIP
09:49.43Zeeekvoip is poo
09:49.49masoncthat's an issue I have to deal with
09:50.02zoawho needs a sip jitter buffer urgently ? :)
09:51.25zoaits there
09:51.31RoyKit is?
09:51.34RoyKin head?
09:51.47zoano no
09:51.48porchehi ppl
09:51.50zoasome patches for -head
09:51.58zoawill put em online somewhere today
09:52.00porchegot a problem with iax/dtmf detection with nufone
09:52.02zoabrand new patches
09:52.30porcheany1 has got similar problems?
09:52.52zoahmm maybe it will have to wait till tuesday
09:54.19tainted-porche don't use nufone to place or take calls.. that's when it breaks
09:55.06RoyKzoa: nice
09:55.18RoyKdoes anyone know when the 1.2 feature freeze will be?
09:55.23RoyKsomeone said february....
09:55.28RoyKwhat year?
09:55.30Blackveldoes the manager support turning off special events, e.g Event: Registry?
09:57.18porcheany suggestion for iax provider?
09:57.34masoncZeeek - look at this: The sip dub lines show this
09:57.36masoncRetransmitting #1 (no NAT) to
09:57.50masoncthat phone is the outside one and has nat=yes
09:59.09masoncporche - teliax
09:59.46porchedo they provide concurrent outgoing?
10:00.19porchelet's try
10:00.25masoncgreat support and call quality
10:00.37masonctry a pay as you go account, only 2c / min
10:01.07porcheyes saw
10:01.09porcheseems promising
10:01.14porcheeven for 50
10:01.20porchethey provide 2500
10:01.42porcheno reason for it
10:01.45porchewell main issue is
10:01.52porchei am fed up with alterign the providers
10:01.59porchei want iax but
10:02.01masonceveryone is
10:02.02porchea stable one
10:03.02tainted-porche u need concurrent outgoing?
10:03.11tainted-porche where are u calling to
10:03.36tainted-porche gafachi is pretty decent pricing
10:04.20tainted-porche pay as u go. don't expect any support
10:07.23masoncwhy is cheap pricing and no support attractive
10:08.59tainted-and they're stable
10:09.00Aze`Can i recive multiple call on xlite or sipura spa-841 ?
10:09.30tainted-masonc 1) most of the time with gafachi is client problem (99%)
10:09.42tainted-masonc 2) cheap is good
10:09.52tainted-3) they're stable
10:13.23*** join/#asterisk JonasNZ (jbergler@jonasnz.user)
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10:14.11newlramtha: so your carrier is overriding the information you're presenting then?
10:15.04masoncZeeek - I got it to work
10:16.21*** join/#asterisk Pkunk (
10:16.48Pkunkis there any FAQ page on how to get disconnect supervision working with TDM400P ?
10:16.49*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
10:17.07ManipuraHello everyone
10:17.58masoncAze, yes you can
10:18.14masoncon the sipura you have two line appearances so you can take two calls, or four if you upgrade
10:19.07Aze`masonc .. i can recive one call and make a call
10:19.14Aze`but i cant recive 2 call
10:19.24Aze`it's busy
10:19.39*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (
10:19.47Aze`is it configuration problem ? how configure it ?
10:21.56masoncyou should disable the second line
10:22.13porchemasonc, thanks
10:22.16masoncext2: Line Enable = no
10:22.21porchedo you have other alternative?
10:22.27masoncto teliax?
10:22.46masoncI also use livevoip
10:22.48porchethe thing is
10:22.53porcheit's ok in general
10:23.01porchebut nufone's quality in voice better
10:23.09porchei only have got dtmf problem there
10:23.32masoncI just had a fabulous call to moscow - best quality I have ever heard
10:23.48masoncvi teliax
10:23.49porcheover teliax?
10:23.51porchegot it
10:23.55porcheI was trying inside usa
10:24.00porchenufone was better
10:24.14masoncwhat codec
10:25.20kimcgood morning from Detroit
10:25.52porchehow is
10:26.26kimcPkunk: Are you having supervision problems with a TDM400 ?
10:29.45newlkimc: pipe me some WRIF will ya?  The radio stations here suck. 8)
10:30.16porchemason, any other codec that can be better than ulaw?
10:30.20Pkunkkimc: well my phoneline supports it
10:30.39Pkunkkimc: but asterisk just sites there doing nothing when the other side drops the phone
10:31.56porchemason which package is the best for livevoip?
10:32.06queuetueAre some x100 "clone cards" better than others?  Is there a source to purchase them instead of bidding on eBay?  I just need a single FXO for this location...
10:32.35kimcnewl: I'll send you a boat load of 'RIF :)
10:33.05kimcPkunk: Are you looking for polarity reversal or what?
10:33.51*** part/#asterisk JonasNZ (jbergler@jonasnz.user)
10:33.58newlkimc: it was good when they were using Real and had a direct link to the streams.  Now they're streaming WMA and their hosting company has some really obscure crap to try and keep people away :/
10:34.07Pkunkkimc: when the other end hangs up i can see a light go on and of in my phone
10:34.44kimchmm.. lemme see what happens if I hang up a call from my cell phone..
10:34.57Pkunkkimc: so i'm using kewlstart for my FXO ports
10:35.19kimcI'm using kewlstart too
10:35.22Pkunkfxs_ks , and only when busydetect=yes it is able to detect hangups
10:35.45Pkunkunfortunately busydetect=yes means a LOT of false hangups
10:35.56porchemasonc are you there?
10:36.01kimcIs there a cli command to turn up the debugging level for zap channels?
10:37.42masoncporche - I used a city plan I think
10:38.38*** join/#asterisk cupis (
10:39.15kimcMy dialplan is defective -it eventually goes to a fast busy when the other end hangs up
10:39.28cupisAnyone seen: "chan_zap.c:7143 zt_pri_error: PRI: received SETUP message for call that is not a new call, wicked!!!" before? Asterisk 1.0.5 on Debian sarge.
10:39.43kimcno PRI here
10:39.57cupismachine was running fine for the last few weeks - suddenly doesn't want to accept calls
10:40.28guyeeDoes * support H.323 for peers (not for clients)?
10:40.49vpphmm why does it say 'unable to connect to remote askerisk' when i added h232 support
10:42.11*** join/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
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10:46.49kimcis anyone able to use iaxtel?
10:47.11kimcthat is, is it up and running?
10:47.54kimcI've tried to set up iaxtel and us it to call Digium but it always returns something about
10:48.04kimc'Noone is here to take the call..'
10:51.40Luke-Jrkimc: I did a while ago
10:51.44*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
10:53.34kimcMaybe I'll try again today
10:53.44*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
10:54.15kimcJust noticed yesterday there is a small er 'phone company' around here with local
10:54.24kimcdialtones all over Michigan
10:54.42kimcThey claim free connections into iaxtel
10:54.53kimcSo I tried it, and it didn't work
10:55.11kimcThis is why I'm wondering about iaxtel still working
10:55.20kimcor not
10:57.52*** join/#asterisk Comintel (
10:58.16kimcmorning here in EDT :)
10:58.33Comintelim a bit stuck, i cant seem to get # transfers to work
10:58.58kimcHad the same problem until last week's breakthrough..
10:59.18*** join/#asterisk masonc (~lists@
10:59.20Comintelgot some Cisco 7910 ip phones and i want to transfer calls between them
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10:59.34Comintelcant seem to figgure it out
11:00.16kimcDid you connect to the cli and issue 'sip debug' and try it?
11:00.20porcheis free implementation of g.729 fine?
11:01.05PatrickDKdid you use tT on the dial command?
11:01.14Luke-Jrporche: depends if you respect software patents, I think
11:01.18PatrickDKand your using ulaw right?
11:01.18kimcfrom a shell prompt: asterisk -rvvvvvvvgc then get a prompt: *CLI>
11:01.42porcheI just want to test it, afterwards, sure must buy
11:01.43kimc*CLI>sip debug
11:02.16PatrickDKporche, I'm not talking to you
11:02.33porchesorry meant luke
11:02.58Cominteli had the tT in the dial statemtn exten => 123,1,Dial(SCCP/test,tT)
11:03.08Cominteli think its in the wrong place
11:03.12ZeeekComintel you're missing a parameter
11:03.16*** join/#asterisk csg (
11:03.17Luke-Jrporche: I'd personally go ahead and use it w/o buying it
11:03.18*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
11:03.23Zeeekshow application dial
11:03.28Comintelwhat am missing
11:03.30Luke-Jrporche: you might not be willing/able to risk it, tho
11:03.31Zeeekshow application dial
11:04.04RoyKshow application dial
11:04.08Zeeek*CLI> show application dial
11:04.14Zeeek*CLI> show applications
11:04.16Luke-Jrshow application dial
11:04.21Zeeek*CLI> show RokY
11:04.36porche:) got it, just need to see, how it is compared to ulaw
11:04.52Luke-Jrporche: where'd you get it?
11:08.18Zeeekwhat does anyone know about RFI
11:08.24Zeeekand DSL
11:08.38Comintelso, would it goe something like this? exten => 150,2,Dial(SCCP/cosh2,20,tT)
11:08.41Zeeekno one answered in 10000ms
11:08.51Zeeektry it Comintel
11:09.00Luke-JrZeeek: I could get DSL internet if I wanted to
11:09.32ZeeekI have two DSL connections and one has a weird problem just now causing me to put asterisk on a dynamic ip which is a real pain
11:10.30Comintelboss is happy, lol
11:10.49Comintelthe usual person who does the phone sytem is away
11:11.18Zeeekalways nice to rise to a new challenge though, right?
11:11.28Zeeeknow you'll be up for a raise
11:11.34Zeeek(rise if in UK)
11:12.49Cominteli doubt it
11:13.12Comintelthe bitch is going to be re-writing the call circuit
11:13.31Comintelmoved office
11:13.53Comintelso haveing to use asterisk and iax to transfer the old phone lines to the new office
11:14.06Zeeekyo maso
11:14.18masoncI found the solution
11:14.23masoncsymettric NAT
11:14.39Zeeekah... the old symmetric NAT ploy...
11:15.00*** join/#asterisk heka (~heka@
11:15.03Zeeekand the solution ?
11:15.19masoncthat was the solution, I enabled it
11:15.30Zeeekerrrr on what, the linksys?
11:15.53masoncno, on the sipura
11:16.18Zeeekit'd be great if you'd answer your post on the list
11:16.29Zeeekfor future generations I mean :)
11:16.40*** join/#asterisk Druken (
11:16.46masoncI usually do that - people think I am strange
11:17.04ZeeekHey, it doesn't cost much time to provide the asnwer
11:17.14ZeeekI really appreciate when folks do it
11:17.51masoncSymmetric RTP:
11:17.56masoncthat was the parameter
11:18.09vpphey.. where can i add the LD_LIBRARY_PATH so it picks it up before asterisk loads?
11:18.13ZeeekI don't recall anything about that on GS phones...
11:18.13vppi tried /etc/profiles
11:18.15vppbut no go
11:18.24Zeeekthat's in a NAT Travesal section or sthing?
11:18.32Luke-Jrvpp: export it
11:18.35masoncI read something about that on them
11:19.17vppexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH
11:19.27vppin /etc/profiles
11:19.49vpp*i define PWLIB etc too of course.. just didnt wanna flood too much in here
11:20.32vpp'set' once its booted up shows it there, but asterisk has failed to load (looked in the logs), if i start it up once its all booted it runs fine
11:20.44vppit gives me a library error, so its gotta be the path
11:21.31vpphmmmmm maybe cos i use PWLIBDIR=$HOME/pwlib
11:21.46vppand asterisk runs under a different user account? (pwlib is under root)
11:22.57Aze`Using dialagi .. i cant receve multiple calls on sip device... why ?
11:31.25*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:38.30newlkimc: who'd that carrier be, Telnet?
11:45.37queuetueAre some x100 "clone cards" better than others?  Is there a source to purchase them instead of bidding on eBay?  I just need a single FXO for this location...
11:45.37*** join/#asterisk jwitte (
11:46.04jwitteHello, I get "PRI: !! No channel map, no channel, and no ds1?  What am I supposed to identify?" when trying to setup my trunk. Any hints?
11:46.11Drukenanyone ever had a problem with no sip clients being able to register?
11:47.15ZeeekDruken when our connection goes down, ya
11:49.13Drukenaside from that...
11:49.29Drukeni have local sip peers and even they aren't connecting...
11:49.32Zeeeksuddenly no phones can register
11:49.35Drukeni have no firewall...
11:50.00Drukenyer the iax2 is working fine
11:50.59queuetueWhere can I find a cheap, most-likely-to-work FXO?
11:51.20Drukenebay :)
11:52.01queuetueDruken, a) How do you know if it's the right model, and I'm not just getting ripped off, and b) Aren't some clones better than others?
11:53.02Drukenqueuetue: well, i've purchased i don't know how many off ebay, i refuse to pay more then 10 bux a card, and i find my "clones" work better than my digium hardware
11:53.14queuetueDruken, That's good to hear.
11:54.04Zeeekanyway since they don't make 'em anymore...
11:54.19*** join/#asterisk fabioFVZ (
11:54.39Drukenwell, there's that too Zeeek
11:54.46queuetueWhjy don't they make them anymore?  Digium can't make them as cheap as the clones?
11:54.51ZeeekDruken have you tried restarting-rebooting?
11:54.57Opticisn't the x100p just a voicemodem with a stable chipset?
11:55.11Drukentried restarting the server many times
11:55.11Zeeekqueuetue I think the complication is when digium has to add support
11:55.36Zeeekperhaps they didn't want to cater to a market that wants (and needs) $10 cards
11:55.40queuetueOptic, If that's so, then shouldn't it be possible to write drivers for other voicemodems?
11:55.51Opticit probably IS possible
11:55.54Zeeekgo ahead
11:55.59Opticbut it's hard because there's 1000 diffferent chipsets out there
11:56.01Zeeekthe world is waiting etc
11:56.05Opticso it's good to pick one and support it well
11:56.20queuetueZeeek, If it's true, maybe I will - I'm a kernel contributor. :)
11:56.34Zeeekwe all have our cross..
11:56.38Opticalso, documentation is pretty thin I would imagine
11:56.50Zeeekthat might be daunting
11:57.29ZeeekI have never written a driver of any kind (except maybe as an excercise years ago) but I'll bet a lot of the wrok is digging around undocumented features etc
11:57.35christoDBget  - 'Retrieves a value from the database'.  But what database is this referring to? How can I browse it and learn my way around it?
11:57.39Zeeekguessing parameters
11:57.57Zeeekdatabase show (or is it the other order?)
11:58.01Drukenchristo: the internal asterisk database
11:58.16Drukendatabase show
11:58.22Zeeekeven if you don't Put anything, asterisk does so you can look at it
11:58.22christoaaah I see.
11:58.40Zeeekthen just type a couple of useless entries in for fun
11:59.05Zeeekit's worth noting that you can do neat stuff with asterisk -rx "dbput ...."
11:59.14*** join/#asterisk stefanocarlini (
11:59.22Zeeekin cron
12:01.35Zeeektesting the syntax?
12:02.04Drukenhahahaha i'm such a goof
12:02.25Zeeekyou had the router turned off?
12:02.33Zeeekcable unplugged?
12:03.07Drukennope... i had forgotten i had ser running on the same machine
12:03.31Drukeni was playing around with ser this morning, and forgot to stop the process
12:04.00*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
12:05.16langalsHi there...I am trying to get an iax2 softphone working. It will be used from behind a nat, connecting to asterisk on a public ip...port 4569 is opened in the firewall of the nat, but it still does not want to register - anything else I must be aware of?
12:05.35jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
12:05.42tainted-i just finished some serious coding
12:05.54tainted-and GOD i love crossing stuff off my TODO: list
12:06.00Drukentainted: did you code in 1's and 0's?
12:06.09tainted-i cross it off ~oh~so~slow~ so i can enjoy it
12:06.11ManxPowertainted-, Anything we would be interested in?
12:06.35tainted-billing modules
12:06.41tainted-so probably not
12:06.44ManxPowerah.  Nothing i'd be interested in.
12:06.51ManxPoweri don't bill for alls
12:06.58ManxPowercalls, even
12:07.11Drukenreally... ManxPower wana give me an account then? :)
12:07.23tainted-Zeeek god that reminds me of someone from the past
12:07.41ManxPowerDruken, only if you become an employee.  Then you'll get an LD auth code and our LD carrier will bill you.
12:07.42tainted-but the crossing off of TODO: list item has become nearly religious
12:07.47FaithfulHey guys, do I really have to install X in order to use bluetooth with * ?
12:08.03DrukenManxPower: how much ya gonna pay me? :)
12:08.10ManxPowerFaithful, What drunken psycho told you that?
12:08.32tainted-ManxPower what are u interested in?
12:08.39ManxPowerDruken, Nothing.  People PAY to work for this company.  About US$30,000 is what they pay actually.
12:08.40tainted-maybe i've coded something that u'd like
12:08.51ManxPowerYou would also have to be a licensed real estate agent in the state of Louisiana.
12:09.06tainted-pay to work as real estate agent?
12:09.18Drukenwell, that's can't be all that hard to become licensed
12:09.19ManxPowertainted-, That's the way the industry works
12:09.24tainted-i'm bamboozled
12:09.31masoncAnyone working with the hospitality industry?
12:09.43tainted-masonc i have
12:09.44ManxPowertainted-, The recover their costs after selling 1 -2 houses.
12:10.21tainted-psssh 30k in 1-2 houses? must be some serious acreage
12:10.21masonctainted- have you done hotels with asterisk?
12:10.30ManxPowerI think they raised the desk fee this year and it's much closer to US$40,000, actually.
12:10.46tainted-no, but i've done internet terminals for hotels
12:11.02Zeeekthere are a lot of areas where you have to pay to be an agent or wholesaler or franchisee
12:11.15Drukeni don't think i could be a lowlife real estate agent, they rank with car salesman in my books
12:11.19Drukeni'm too honest
12:11.20masoncI'm looking to get some input from people who have used asterisk, we are about to use it in a hotel
12:11.36ManxPowertainted-, When the house is $500,000, the comissions add up fast.
12:11.37masoncthanks, I'm trying to sell some real estate
12:11.48ManxPowerWe have at least one agent that won't touch a hoise that lists for less than 1 million
12:12.10tainted-that bastard
12:12.16Sander4000at last i got my tdm400p to work :)
12:12.17syleyeah people sell a 500k house everyday lol
12:12.20tainted-how could he discriminate like that
12:12.25ManxPowerShe's the 8'th in the nation for residential realistate sold.
12:12.34tainted-well here in CA 500k will buy u a dump
12:12.34Sander4000incomplete manuals bah
12:12.37masoncaround here you would be hard pressed to find a house for $55K
12:12.37syletypically they sell 100k-200k homes with a 3.4% commission
12:12.40sylekinda gay
12:12.51tainted-masonc where are u at
12:13.07tainted-comm is 6%
12:13.21sylewhat a rip off lol
12:13.39tainted-i hate real estate agents as well
12:13.48ManxPowerTHAT is one of the major problems with IT at my largest customer.  The buggest assholes are also the ones that brink in the most money to the company.
12:13.59ManxPowerI can't type today.
12:14.04queuetueHouse prices are ridiculous all over.  Real Estate crash is just about guaranteed.
12:14.05tainted-masonc where the fuck is that?
12:14.39ManxPowerAt this company the comissions are split between the company and the agent.
12:14.50tainted-why does anguilla sounds so naughty to me
12:14.55masoncno idea
12:15.01Opticmooo mooo
12:15.02sylewell the thing is...
12:15.03Drukeni like to see those 4-6 million dollar homes go for like 800k because of a power of sale
12:15.06ManxPowerThe actual split percentage is determed on the golf course, of course.
12:15.12masoncthis is where I am putting the asterisk pbx
12:15.19sylegas prices etc are going up, meaning more people with those 300k homes are selling them
12:15.46syleso selling market is big right now
12:15.47sylebut it will even out
12:15.47tainted-check out the 'ask carl' graphic
12:16.03tainted-nice lip gloss carl
12:16.13ManxPowersyle, this company has a mix of commercial sale/lease/management, and residential sales.
12:16.20queuetueBell Canada Internet service is the worst I've ever encountered, I think...  Random droputs are making reliability very difficult...
12:16.47sylecommercial is always good, unfortunately they only come up in a blue moon
12:16.53ManxPowerwhen the commercial market is down, the residential market is almost always up, and the reverse is also true
12:16.57tainted-masonc omg u are in the middle of paradise
12:17.01tainted-masonc i hate u
12:17.05masoncI know
12:17.14masonclip gloss?
12:17.18masoncthat's a beard
12:17.40tainted-his lips are just a little bit too sassy
12:17.44ManxPowerI hate you too, masonc
12:17.53sylei don;t know about that manxpower
12:18.04syleso many factors involved
12:18.05tainted-no he's right
12:18.07Drukenuhmm.... is that webcam supposed to show us anything? hehe
12:18.09masonchey, I'm having such a good time I hate myself
12:18.16ManxPowersyle, not ALWAYS, of course.
12:18.20masoncahh, problemo
12:18.20queuetuemasonc, Thanks - I was looking everywhere for a silver caviar bowl!
12:18.21Drukenit's showing grass moving in the wind... but that's about it :)
12:18.42masoncthat's not grass, that's a palm tree
12:18.45*** join/#asterisk o_cee (
12:18.49ManxPowerBut when the economy is down, commercial is down.  And when the economy is down people want to "nest", i.e. buy houses.
12:19.08tainted-carl carl carl
12:19.35masoncmy wife drew that so she is sending you dirty looks
12:19.39ManxPowerThe USA Govt progam of propaganda to make people scared is good for the housing market.
12:19.50masoncterrorists are comign for you
12:19.55masoncthey are under every bed
12:20.03masoncremind you of anything?
12:20.04tainted-oh u can tell right off the bat a woman created the website
12:20.09sylepeople buy houses when the interest rates are low period, ecomomy is alot of factors
12:20.16tainted-especially with THAT color scheme
12:20.37masonccomes from the interior designers colour choices
12:20.43tainted-makes me feel like i'm walking through the drapery section of our local discount mart
12:20.43syleas you can see in the last month interest rates have gone up
12:20.45Drukenkeep waiting for barbie to pop up somewhere
12:20.49*** part/#asterisk lehel (~lehel@
12:20.50syledirect relation to gas prices
12:21.12masoncwe did the site
12:21.15sylebut same shit happens every year, and they will go down again and real estate will boom once again hehe
12:21.18tainted-masonc i'm just kidding.. it's a gorgeous site!
12:21.26ManxPowersyle, Yes.  But when the economy is down the govt tends to lower interest reates too
12:21.42Fraegglhi, does someone know good iax2 / mgcp softphones ?
12:21.47tainted-you're welcome, CARL
12:21.51Fraegglor any at all :) ?
12:21.59ManxPowerFraeggl, Only in my fantasies.
12:22.03masoncI'll tell Carl you send regards
12:22.08Drukenso... masonc, if we help.. we all get a week's free stay right? :)
12:22.22FraegglMaxPower, so there are none ?
12:22.31tainted-omg i actually HAVE that issue of architectural digest
12:22.39ManxPowerFraeggl, Alll softphones, not matter the protocol, suck.
12:22.43masoncwe got siz pages
12:22.49masoncwe got six pages
12:23.15FraegglManxPower just would want to try these protocols out..
12:23.17Drukensoftphones blow ass
12:23.38masoncsoftphones are great when you are travelling and all you have is your laptop
12:23.46masoncbut they are not suitable for serious work
12:23.56syleUS gov't did a good job of convincing its people about "911" and terrorist attacks, hell they took billions of tax payers dollars for security lol
12:24.00tainted-masonc wanna see where I was a while back?
12:24.06sylei bet president is in caribean after this
12:24.18masoncemployees hate soft phones
12:24.18ManxPowerAnd people wonder why I want to leave the USA.
12:24.23masoncalways giving problems
12:24.56ManxPowerI found out something interesting last inight.
12:24.56masonctoo many configuration variables
12:24.56masoncI don't even want to use them
12:24.56syleproblem is the middle class make up 90% of the voters, and they are easily brainwashed by television
12:24.56Fraegglhm.. sflphone knows iax2
12:24.56ManxPowerApparently the sales person at the telco we use found my asterisk site (which is closed, but still has an add about me looking for a job in Europe)
12:24.57syleyes most rich people leave US
12:25.16Fraegglis there any sofphone which can talk mgcp ?
12:25.19ManxPowerHe forwarded the page off the the person in charge of the non-asterisk systems at the company and our arch enemy.
12:25.23masoncwhy would most rich people leave the US?
12:25.32sylehell why not throw another billion to "homeland security" next year lol
12:25.41sylepeople actually allowing this crap
12:25.43ManxPowersyle, Fatherland Security, you mean?
12:25.53masoncyou have the most "rich friendly" govenment in the world
12:26.39masonctry being rich in france or england
12:26.39syleyeah, you know their fingerprint stuff at borders to try and prevent people from offshoring their money, smart move on gov;t making it look like a big media terrorist attack to take all that money
12:26.40ManxPowerixx, however, have been careful to fully disclose my plans with the MIS director, so he has known I want to move for many months
12:26.58masoncwhere is dutch harbour?
12:27.16tainted-aleutian islands
12:27.28masoncOMG, scary - cold?
12:27.55tainted-not when it's calm
12:28.19tainted-when it's windy, ur piss will freeze before it hits the snow
12:28.20sylei;ve considered moving the hell out of here a few times as well, i spent some time in different carribean islands this summer, problem is its so damn third world country that unless its a vacation or a retirement its not worth moving lol
12:28.29masoncnot for me
12:28.58*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
12:29.02syleeverything is cheap down there except the real estate
12:29.17sylebut you can get around that by buying cheap labor to build a house for you hehe
12:29.25tainted-syle what's your problem with US?
12:29.31tainted-seems like everyone's got beef
12:29.53syleinvasion of privacy is my beef
12:30.10tainted-please.. no one is interested in your p0rn
12:30.25syletrust me customs is
12:30.26Luke-Jrtainted-: unjust laws
12:30.30tainted-airport screening is done throughout most of the world
12:30.40sylespent 15 min going through my laptop last trip
12:30.49Luke-Jrtainted-: Patriot Act isn't
12:30.52tainted-try flying around europe
12:30.54Luke-Jrtainted-: Software patents aren't
12:31.04*** join/#asterisk insync (
12:31.06ManxPowerHere's a funny story (funny as in sad, not funny as in haha).  One of the PHBs at one of my customers was caught by the personel director in his office with a female employee under his desk getting, shall we say, stress relief.
12:31.15ManxPowerThey fired the womand, but didn't fire the guy.
12:31.31sylewhy is that sad
12:31.33tainted-much worse.. they've been dealing w/ terrorists on their homeland waaay before US
12:31.37sylewalk in there and cheer the dude on lol
12:31.50ManxPowersyle, they should have either BOTH been fired, or NEITHER been fired.
12:32.11tainted-well what was his title vs hers
12:32.29sylewhat amazes me in australia has had all this border technology the US is getting for many years already
12:32.30masoncthere's nothing cheap here, and there's no labour
12:32.32tainted-s/title/position/ but position would've opened myself to jokes
12:32.40ManxPowertainted-, that I don't recall, but he IS on the board of directors and she is not.
12:32.49tainted-there u go
12:32.51tainted-case closed
12:33.03ManxPowertainted-, that doesn't make it right.
12:33.18*** join/#asterisk kisu (~Snake@
12:33.50tainted-should've, could've, would've, but didn't
12:34.05queuetueManxPower, Why was it a fireable offense at all?  Is your company against sex? :)
12:34.23syleworse in what way manx?
12:34.25tainted-talk about executive privileges
12:34.28ManxPowerqueuetue, There is some rule about it.
12:34.29Zeeekwhy is there no humor in asterisk messages? I'd like to see " -- Registered to '', who sees us as "Duuuuuude"
12:34.57tainted-Zeeek post to mantis
12:35.09syleever landed in texas entering US
12:35.14ZeeekApr 29 14:12:17 NOTICE[804]: chan_sip.c:6644 handle_response: "If you can't be troubled to look this shit up, deal with it!"
12:35.15sylewhat a nightmare
12:36.16ZeeekWatch out behind you!
12:36.28Zeeekyou may become someone else's stress reliever
12:37.00Zeeekby the way, is queuetue French?
12:37.13Zeeekbecause it translates to "Dick kill"
12:37.24queuetueNo. :0  Why?
12:37.38queuetuequeuetue does?
12:38.09Zeeekqueue = a line, a tail or "Johnson"
12:38.26Zeeekdepending on your social framework
12:38.35tainted-anyone here been so lazy that after spilling water u just said, "not to humid in here, should just evaporate"
12:38.53queuetueMy nick used to be (maybe a decade ago) queue - then it became hard to get whenI siged up, so I switched to queuetwo, which also became difficult, then queuetoo, which was also eventually co-opted.  I have not met another queuetue yet.
12:39.29tainted-i had to resort to taintedtainted on aol
12:39.49tainted-Zeeek was prolly zeek at some point
12:40.06FaithfulManxPower: when I go to install bluez it complains about X as a dependancy for the keyring
12:40.07tainted-syle was prolly style
12:40.17tainted-ManxPower was prolly ManPower
12:40.50FaithfulAh he is gone
12:40.51tainted-Faithful how are u installing it
12:41.27Zeeektainted LOL isn't strong enough for your comment, it killed me, everyone here in the offcie lokked over "wtf?"
12:41.38tainted-are there sources
12:41.53tainted-just compile from source
12:41.56tainted-Zeeek what do u mean?
12:42.16Zeeekthe humidity - don'tknow why, that hit me hard, hysterical laughter
12:42.23Zeeekso out there...
12:42.28tainted-i know!!
12:42.38queuetueZeeek must be a big fan of evaporation...
12:42.41tainted-i spilt it b/c of your dick kill comment
12:42.56tainted-i jumped up b/c my box sits right under the desk
12:43.02Zeeekthere's something cosmic about that - I must remember it when I next am suffering and feeling sorry for myself :)
12:43.30tainted-and then i realized, the case is small enough where if the water were to reach the ground, it'd flow away from the box
12:43.33insynchas ne1 come across this situation I have my * server on a public ip at the office, i have 2 phones at a remote home behind the same fw. when calling from phone to phone that are behind the same fw i get no sound
12:44.05tainted-dude after a night of coding i don't even want to move my joints at the shoulder
12:44.47Zeeekwhat phones, insync
12:45.00Zeeekand why not just shout?
12:45.18masoncso droll
12:45.20insyncthats what i told em hehe.
12:45.37Zeeekseriously, I haven't ever had two SIP phones on the same side
12:45.48Zeeekbut I have had two IAX devices
12:46.26insyncincidently it happens the same when both are doing fwd
12:46.53tainted-insync can u just peer them directly to each other?
12:46.57tainted-some phones let u do that
12:47.42insynci can try i just thought maybe i was missing something in the config so i dont have to mess with each phone
12:48.12*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
12:49.11tainted-do they support IAX?
12:49.23tainted-b/c what u are doing is essentially double blind NAT
12:49.30tainted-both behind NAT i mean
12:49.36masoncwhich will never work
12:49.43tainted-IAX might be friendlier
12:49.45masoncwithout a proxy
12:49.48Zeeekah, a hairpinning problem maybe?
12:49.58tainted-no it works, but u have to doing some stuff
12:50.42tainted-"Yes, it's possible in spite of what ManxPower and others have said on the #asterisk channel!" lol
12:50.45tainted-from the site
12:51.24masoncit's not double NAT if you have port forwarding
12:51.44insyncmy * is on a public ip
12:51.48Zeeekwhere did you find that?
12:51.53insyncno nat server side
12:52.06tainted-insync well then it should be fine
12:52.11tainted-just fwd some ports
12:52.18tainted-5060 for SIP
12:52.21tainted-4569 for IAX
12:52.30tainted-and some RTP ports i think
12:52.38*** part/#asterisk stefanocarlini (
12:52.58tainted-hmm wait
12:53.00insyncforward them where if i want 2 devices
12:53.01tainted-he cheated
12:53.07*** join/#asterisk fantomax1 (~fanto@
12:53.10tainted-his asterisk box IS the router
12:53.16fantomax1hi all
12:53.23tainted-oh wait no, it's behind a linksys router
12:53.32tainted-insync just follow that guide
12:53.34tainted-it should work
12:55.02insyncah if i just use his clientside config it may work
12:55.08Zeeekthat site was done by a one year old!
12:56.45vpphmm where do u (if u can) set the packet size for the codecs in asterisk?
12:58.14tainted-good question
12:59.00*** join/#asterisk Romik (
12:59.03Zeeekisn't that done in the client?
12:59.05tainted-ok this water is really interfering with my typing
12:59.16ZeeekI thought it would evaporate?
12:59.17tainted-i'm leaving
12:59.34tainted-well i'm tired of the guilt trip it gives me
12:59.44tainted-I'M NOT GOING TO WIPE U
13:00.09tainted-fear my high school level understanding of physics
13:00.32*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
13:00.42insyncthanx cya
13:03.54Aze`How Can i check if a sip device is busy without dial it ?
13:04.26*** part/#asterisk kisu (~Snake@
13:05.12Sander4000does anyone know if an quadbri card should be detected at boot with linux fedora core 2?
13:05.37Sander4000i think i'm going nuts :(
13:06.19Sander4000every card gets detected but not the isdn quadbri
13:07.22cypromisdo a lspci
13:07.44Sander4000and the i can see if my comp sees the card?
13:08.59Sander4000ah now i see 2 cards present :) now to put the isdn back in my system  thanks!
13:09.30*** join/#asterisk gpearson (
13:13.24*** join/#asterisk negativecreep (~yama@
13:13.28negativecreephi all
13:13.52negativecreepia m using CVS HEAD and want to know if I need to patch it for ast_data support or not?
13:14.50*** join/#asterisk vaewynAFK (
13:15.19vaewynso... how bad is -head today?
13:15.38Blackvelmaybe you should try tomorrow? :)
13:15.38negativecreepguys got any idea about ast_data
13:15.40vaewyntoday seems like a good day to die...err... upgrade the test box
13:16.03Blackvelvaewyn: bad day today, one day before weekend
13:16.04vaewynBlackvel: that bad?  :}  which parts are screwed up?
13:16.18Blackvelif you make an error, you have to work the full weekend
13:16.30*** join/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
13:16.34vaewynBlackvel: this is just a test box...  not the prod onees :P
13:16.57Blackveldepends how often you have to test something
13:17.08Blackvelthe test box may be needed earlier as you might think now :)
13:17.26Blackvelwhy do you guys even upgrade? what benefit do you expect from the upgrade?
13:17.29vaewynhehehe... This test box I am the only one with access to it so :}
13:17.37negativecreepBlackvel: CVS HEAD has support for ast_data or do I need to patch it?
13:17.42vaewynI need to upgrade so I can actually submit a couple patches
13:17.44Blackvelok, I guess you won't have a problem so
13:17.52Blackvelnegativecreep: dunno, I use vi
13:18.03Sander4000is this normal ? ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 32: No such device or address (6) when i first modprobe the wcte11xp it gives this error
13:18.07negativecreepBlackvel: ?????
13:18.43Blackvelnegativecreep: why ast_data? wasn't that the thing which loads your extension from database? maybe ast@home does it all you want?
13:18.46Sander4000and then when i modprobe the wctdm the light will go blinking on the wcte11xp
13:19.16Sander4000so it seems to work
13:20.08negativecreepBlackvel: i want to load sip and all other configs from the mysql database..ast_data seems to be the solution...aint it?
13:22.37Sander4000what is the best option for an quadbri ?? isdn4linux bristuff or mISDN ?? i only have to use it in te mode or is the isdn4linux only for single isdn cards
13:22.39*** join/#asterisk MaggieL (
13:23.01Blackvelmaybe, or ast@home
13:25.45negativecreepBlackvel: ast@home seems to be a different thing.
13:28.15ionixast@home is a management software
13:28.28ionixi.e a package that contains asterisk + GUIs
13:30.50negativecreepionix: i need to store all sip/iax definitions in the database so that they are pulled from db on runtime.
13:31.34negativecreepi know its possible but cant seem to make it work with ast_data
13:34.08*** part/#asterisk n4y (
13:35.12*** join/#asterisk iq (
13:37.19*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
13:39.52*** join/#asterisk adjacent_ (
13:41.40Aze`Sipura spa-841, when all (2) channels are busy i cant trasfert call with xfer (annunced trasfert)... how resolve ?
13:41.43*** join/#asterisk felipex (
13:42.05felipexis there a way to see the number of the last call?
13:44.21vaewyntail -1 /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv   :}
13:47.04SignutsHello everyone
13:48.04*** join/#asterisk wildgoose (
13:48.10*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
13:48.21Signutsis there a way to have access to a dialplan in asterisk using /var/spool/asterisk/spool/outgoing/ . Specifically when the Channel: in the .call file isn't answered, I would like to take action, but I can't seem to find a way.
13:55.08*** part/#asterisk Optic (
13:56.37Zeeekhow do you say "not a single quote mark" in RegEx ?
13:58.00zoa^'{1} or so
13:58.30zoano still now what you would want
13:59.18Zeeekactually I meant double quote. I have a file that needs certain lines to be joined: looking to replace a line ending in " followed by a line NOT beginning with "
14:00.16Zeeekwait i think I got sumtin'
14:00.46Zeeekwoot I did it
14:02.37*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
14:08.08SignutsI'm creating a .call file in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing and wondered
14:08.08Signutsif there was a way to detect if the Channel: in the call file did not
14:08.08Signutsanswer (from within a dialplan).
14:11.21FaithfulI just bought and as a dual port ATA adapter they are excellent.  Not as many bells and whistles as the grandstream stuff but much better quality... and the features that count.
14:12.31FaithfulAnd cheaper than the single port grandstream ATA
14:12.42drumkillahow much?
14:13.33masoncI want to use a seperate t.38 ATA for faxing, any ideas on what to buy? and who can provide temrination?
14:13.35*** join/#asterisk o_cee (
14:13.38ionix86$ us
14:13.45drumkillayou beat me
14:13.51drumkillaI was about to type it
14:13.56ionixI can get a Linksys dual port ATA + router not locked for 70$ us
14:14.36FaithfulI would much rather Linksys
14:14.54ionixgotta go. see you
14:15.40*** join/#asterisk vinko (~vinkoval@
14:17.42*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
14:24.31Signutsanyone want to help me with a .call file problem. I am getting "WARNING[4837]: chan_sip.c:694 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call 0820d86a344b2a30073a5f9171902 (Critical Request)"
14:24.42Signutsand would like to trap this in the dialplan
14:27.47*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
14:30.05Mochi mark
14:30.11vaewynSignuts: that means you don't have network to the device...
14:30.58*** part/#asterisk MaggieL (
14:30.59Signutsvaewyn, not always, it's a SIP channel, which means the user is just not registered.
14:31.32*** join/#asterisk Lusid (~root@
14:31.58LusidAnyone know if there are any softphones besides GnoPhone that support the SendURL function?
14:32.40vaewynNo... it means they lost a connection from a previous registration...  If they havn't registered you won't get that error
14:32.48vaewynqualify would fix that
14:33.10*** join/#asterisk lilwookie (
14:33.25lilwookieGoodmoring all :)
14:34.18*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
14:34.29porcheq: which way is best to develop, over dial plan or over agi?
14:34.35lilwookieQuick question, I am using Realtime IAX and it seems to be working, I can make/take calls etc.  But when I do IAX2 SHOW PEERS the DB channels dont show up.. this normal?
14:34.54Signutsvaewyn, i'm creating the call from a .call file (placing a tmpfile in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing) If the channel: field is nto answered, I never get to my context/extension/priority and therefore dont' have the ability to tell the user waiting that I couldn't complete the call. My only option is to have a timeout +5 seconds or so greater than the WaitTime: field in the .call file. It's not a very clean method.
14:35.47*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
14:36.06Signutsporche, I always base that on how complex the application is.
14:36.15Signutsmore complex programs I put into an AGI
14:36.26porchewell it's complex
14:36.30porchebut the problem is
14:36.38porchethere is a problem in agi
14:36.48porcheit runs the agi program
14:36.55porcheand control goes to agi from then on
14:37.04porchebutfor example I have record in one place
14:37.14porcheif user hangs up just there
14:37.21porcheI have some zombies around
14:37.28porcheI do have h, t
14:37.33porcheall possible detection
14:37.35jsolaresuse the callback
14:37.42jsolaresuse the channel status codes
14:37.45*** join/#asterisk convey (~van@
14:38.13porchehm, true,
14:38.28porcheit's the agi's responsibility to detect it sometimes I think
14:38.33porchegot it
14:38.42LusidSo, GnoPhone is the only softphone that supports popping a web url?
14:38.53porcheto summarize, agi is better i think for the complex ones
14:38.59jsolaresit's not, it should be tho
14:39.23*** join/#asterisk dikini (
14:39.26*** join/#asterisk uzd (
14:39.34Sander4000ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6) i get this error whe doing ztcfg after loading qozap.ko can anyone help me?
14:39.44jsolaresbut then again, having proper detection only adds a couple of lines at most
14:39.54*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
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14:40.15uzdwould someone explain the purpose of the CONSOLE global var in the extensions.conf-dist?
14:40.23uzdi can't get my Dial() macro working
14:40.40uzdnot *my*, but the Dial() macro, rather
14:40.41porchegot it js
14:40.44*** join/#asterisk xAD^nFL (
14:40.48porcheI think I must redesign the agi code
14:40.57porchefor faster work, i did it with php
14:41.03porcheneed to at least move to perl
14:41.10jsolaresi'm using perl
14:41.38uzdyou guys should shift to python :)
14:41.39porchewell, I do have several libs in php, ready to go, it was quicki
14:41.45jsolaresi'll be moving some to C sometime soon
14:41.47porcheuzd, i hate it
14:41.54jsolarespython is weird
14:42.02uzdwell, it's object oriented..
14:42.06porcheyes, C seems more reasonable, but time consuming
14:42.16SignutsI use python all the time, things it never has... can't OOP have myvar++ or myvar += 5, man!
14:42.19uzdthat's the biggest obstacle if you're not an OOP person
14:42.22porchemost of the time I dont have so much time, need to prototype very quick
14:42.24uzdbut it's worth learning.
14:42.25jsolaresi'm good with the C*'s , perl, php, java (i hate it tho)... but python... it's just weird
14:42.37uzdisn't php5 oop?
14:42.46porchei have java also
14:42.56kimchow can I ring a zap channel and a sip channel from a DID?
14:43.01jsolaresuzd, i think so
14:43.08kimcthis doesn't work:
14:43.09kimcexten => s,3,Dial,Zap/1|20&SIP/302,21,tr
14:43.10porchedone a project with it, damn, it has got bugs in tcp/ip code at that time
14:43.10jsolaresi'm mostly in php4 land tho
14:43.18porcheyes php5 is oop
14:44.14porchey php4 more that enough usually
14:44.41lilwookieis it normal that Realtime IAX users dont show up in CLI's IAX2 SHOW PEERS ?
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14:51.52langalshi there...I am using a client which has VAD enabled and it cannot be turned off....when going through a NAT it only keeps the address mapping for a few seconds when no audio from the client....thinking a solution might be to send an empty audio packet every second or so...does anyone know if this would be possible?
14:54.40EssobiWell, umm.
14:54.48EssobiThat's called VXD.
14:55.16EssobiIt is SIP?
14:55.35EssobiI know there's been some VAD/VXD work done..
14:57.38*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
14:59.53mutilatorso turn off vad for the server end?
15:01.09*** part/#asterisk dikini (
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15:01.24uzdok. i have outbound working fine.. inbound goes straight to voicemail. any advice on why this would be?
15:01.55uzdi'm peered up propery
15:02.32SuPrSluGuzd:show incoming @
15:02.40uzdlet me ask this.. in the extensions.conf-dist, is there a default context for incoming from pstn?
15:02.42uzdi couldn't find it
15:02.47uzdand have no idea how to create one
15:03.05SuPrSluGuzd:defined in zapata.conf
15:03.40uzdthe dialplan for incoming is in zapata.conf?
15:03.58SuPrSluGuzd:the context for incoming is
15:04.29SuPrSluGuzd:where it's pointed to is where it goes
15:04.54christocould somebody please explain what on earth this macro is doing?
15:04.54uzdwhat's the name?
15:05.54langalsmutilator - but it is on the client end - if there is no audio from the user, then the client does not send any packets
15:05.55SuPrSluGuzd:context = ?  in zapata.conf
15:06.17uzdSuPrSluG, you're speaking to abbreviated
15:06.21uzdi can't figure out what you're saying
15:06.30Chotaireyeah, lots of ficken.
15:06.35uzdcontext = default
15:06.42SuPrSluGuzd:you tell it what context to go to . mine = inbound
15:06.57uzdok, what does your inbound context look like though?
15:08.28*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:09.20stoyancan I place a test call to one of the sip channels from the CLI?
15:09.39porcheteliax is crazy :)
15:09.52porchethey disabled my account, really weird
15:12.52*** part/#asterisk kimc (
15:12.55stoyancan you tell me what this warning message means: chan_iax2.c:5631 set_config: Ignoring port for now
15:13.00uzdSuPrSluG, you still here?
15:13.18SuPrSluGuzd:yep. uno momento.
15:13.34*** join/#asterisk kimc (
15:14.10uzdmine is here:
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15:15.34xAD^nFLyo all, i have some and weird problems with Asterisk Stable 1.0.7 + Eicon Diva Server 2-Bri + EPIA M6000 + JugCAPI 0.3.5 + Kernel 2.6.10 Capi/Eicon Module, when i made a call over Asterisk (console) or over SIP Phone and the other side pickup the phone.. Asterisk Crash ;-( , i have here the GDB output message, please help me, many thanks
15:16.33uzdwhat the hell
15:16.37uzdi don't understand
15:16.52xAD^nFLeheh ..yep i have miss
15:16.53SuPrSluGuzd:ok. you're using macro-standard extension. problem = to use that the dialling party must dial an extension. I use that for internal #'s
15:16.58xAD^nFLi made a call over CAPI
15:17.07*** part/#asterisk ckruetze (
15:17.08uzdSuPrSluG, i replaced mine with yours and changed the extension
15:17.32uzdsame deal... incoming calls to right to voicemail
15:17.51SuPrSluGuzd:u reloaded?
15:18.44SuPrSluGuzd:context in zapata.conf=from-pstn?
15:19.28uzdso close, yet so far :)
15:20.22SuPrSluGuzd:go to CLI> and set verbose 4. then dial in and paste what happens. I should be able to figure it out then.
15:20.31dmccollumAny suggestions on a good distributor for Digium cards? I've been talking with NextUSA out of Greenville, SC. They're price for a TDM11B is $173.00. Not sure if that's considered a good reseller price or not.
15:20.54hohumthis is kind of OT
15:20.57dmccollumSorry the name is NETXUSA not nextusa.
15:21.31hohumif there are any SIP experts around, what SIP message contains what RTP Proxy I should use on inbound calls <IE my vendor sent the INVITE>
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15:22.20odie_floconhas anybody tried to install * on mdk 10.2????
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15:25.08Hogiedoes anybody run * with any digium cards on a Dell PE SC420 by chance?
15:25.13SuPrSluGuzd:r u dialling into BV or a real pstn #
15:25.23hohumwhere would I be pulling the address to send the RTP stream to? From: or Via:?
15:25.30astoriaHey, can someone confirm for me that the TE110P can do NI-1 Signaling? Cant find anything on google.
15:25.31uzda real pstn
15:25.34hohumor something else?
15:25.49uzdI have a number from broadvoice
15:25.56uzdI'm dialing into that number from  my home pstn
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15:26.18hohumor contact perhaps?
15:26.35SuPrSluGuzd:turn off sip debug w / sip no debug. i want to see if the zap channel switch is triggered. ok
15:27.52uzdSuPrSluG, it didn't display anything
15:28.46SuPrSluGuzd:it should look like
15:29.33SuPrSluGuzd:does  CLI> show zap channels  have a card there?
15:29.46uzda card?
15:29.51uzdthis is how i'm setup
15:30.26stoyancan you tell me what this warning message means: chan_iax2.c:5631 set_config: Ignoring port for now
15:30.34uzdi think we're confusing things
15:32.48*** join/#asterisk Yellow_FUzzy (
15:32.51SuPrSluGuzd:try a lspci  and see if your x100p card is recognized
15:33.04uzdi don't have a card
15:33.11falzanyone using 79xx cisco's have a way to make the caller ID when  you "transfer" via soft buttons be the original caller, instead of the party that initiates the xfer?
15:33.16uzdsorry, I think I was confused earlier
15:33.28uzdperhaps I am dialing into BV
15:33.33SuPrSluGuzd:u need that to call in from the pstn.
15:33.43stoyancan I place a test call to one of the sip channels from the CLI?
15:33.53uzdSuPrSluG, I'm dialing into bv
15:33.56*** join/#asterisk VPhantom (
15:34.05hohumWhat header of a SIP message tells me where to send the RTP stream?
15:35.09uzdi had this config working fine with asterisk@home but I reinstalled :)
15:36.25uzdSuPrSluG , you still around?
15:36.38uzdor did I drive you to the brink of insanity?
15:39.08*** join/#asterisk christo (
15:39.18SuPrSluGuzd: u need to start here.  if u have a did(pstn # w/ them.
15:39.31VPhantomAny Dialogic VFX users around? I seek advice on which hardware to purchase.
15:39.41*** join/#asterisk Veto (
15:39.46uzdSuPrSluG, I read all that and have those settings defined
15:39.49hohumwhat header in a SIP message tells me where to send the RTP stream
15:40.35uzdhohum, i bet the RFC will tell you
15:41.18uzdI have a did
15:41.31uzdi'm getting the terminology f'd up
15:42.13uzdanyways... thanks for your help
15:43.00SuPrSluGuzd:CLI> sip show registry
15:43.15SuPrSluGuzd:bv there?
15:43.18uzdHost                            Username       Refresh State         5618922172@s        16 Registered
15:44.08SuPrSluGuzd:also add insecure=very to ur sip.conf settings for bv
15:44.21uzdi have it.
15:47.15uzdwhat is zapata?
15:47.30Hogiedoes anybody run * with any digium cards on a Dell PE SC420 by chance?
15:51.04astorianope, but you'll probably run into IRQ problems
15:51.18uzdi think this may be related to the fact i'm running on fbsd 4.x.. zapata has some issues on that version.
15:51.23astoriai've seen some people discuss this on the mailing list
15:51.31uzdand i had to hack the code slightly to get it to work.
15:51.48astoriatime to go home yipee!
15:52.23SuPrSluGuzd:can u make outbound calls thru bv?
15:55.43SuPrSluGuzd:can u make outbound calls thru bv
15:55.51uzdSuPrSluG, yes I can
15:56.37SuPrSluGuzd:try here ?   i don't use bv. seem there are some issues.
15:56.39lilwookieanyone using Realtime IAXpeers?
15:57.51uzdSuPrSluG, yeah, that's very old. the problems are non-existent now
15:58.01uzdthat was <1.01
15:59.11mike-ffapparently not completely non-existent ;)
15:59.22mike-ffok, I have nothing useful to add, I'll be quiet now
15:59.46uzdthese issues aren't related to bv per se. but rather my ignorance and lack of configuration skills
15:59.52bkw_Broadvoice doesn't have ANY issues
15:59.57bkw_with cvs-head
16:00.01bkw_move along
16:00.22uzdbkw_, you using bv?
16:02.01tzangerbroadvoice just has issues
16:02.04tzangerit has nothing to do with asteirsk
16:02.16uzdwho said it did?
16:03.20tzangerjust look at the mailing list archives
16:03.30tzangerevery fucking week "is broadvoice down" "having bv issues" "can you get to broadvoice"
16:03.33uzdthat was from several years ago
16:03.36tzangerjesus christ people, stop using it
16:03.44tzangeruzd: several years ago?  This is THIS WEEK
16:03.46tzangerand last week
16:03.48tzangerand the week before
16:03.50tzangerand the week before that
16:03.59uzdsorry, I thought you were referring to the asterisk patch
16:04.00tzangerbroadvoice is NOT a shining example of a stable VOIP company
16:04.14uzdsure, but they offer the best LD rates to a lot of places
16:04.20tzangernufone, OTOH, is.  They're just permanently "not officially open" :-)
16:04.29tzangeruzd: do you buy everyting based SOELY on price
16:04.37tzangerhow good is something when it's not there 1/2 the time you need it?
16:04.47tzangeris 1/3 of a cent really worth the pain and aggravation?
16:04.51uzdwhy would y ou assume everthing?
16:04.57tzangerI'm not assuming anything
16:05.06uzdI'm using VOIP to save money on international long distance
16:05.20uzdbroadvoice was the least expensive and I'm not bound to a contact
16:05.24tzangeruzd: and as I said, is the 1/3 of a cent difference between BV and the alternatives worth the hassle?
16:05.27uzdwhy wouldn't I drop $25 and seee?
16:05.35uzdif it works I use it, if it doesn't I switch
16:05.36uzdbig deal
16:05.37*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (~sudhir@
16:05.43tzangersounds like a great plan
16:05.44Gand_DJHave you tried calling them for help?
16:05.56uzdwhat's wrong with the plan?
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16:06.01tzangerbut 5 minutes of searching on the list would reveeal that they're probably the #1 worst VOIP company in general use
16:06.26sudhir492when I do database show, I see something like line=92m1z05n at the end of some entries
16:06.32uzdI've been using it for weeks and I haven't had any issues. I just started having issues when I started using it on freebsd 4 instead of 5.
16:06.32sudhir492what does that mean
16:07.14sudhir492tzanger: I joined in late. which company are you talking about?
16:07.26uzdhe's talking about broadvoice.
16:07.28christoI have a dialplan with a mish-mash of different users. Some have 0870 numbers redirected to SIP phones, some just have SIP phones, some have SIP phones redirected on timeout to mobiles, others have SIP phones dropping to voicemail. There are about 30 users in all, all with different things. Is there any way to put a database behind this config and allow it to be managed thru a web console?
16:07.58tzangeruzd: you're part of the quiet minority then I think :-)
16:08.02tzangeruzd: if it works for you, great
16:08.11tzangerif not, well there are many others in that choir :-)
16:08.23uzdoh and tza, 1/3 a cent difference? they offer $25 unlimited calls.. nobody else does anything close to that.
16:08.25*** join/#asterisk Godsey (
16:08.34tzangeruzd: $25/mo is not unlimited
16:08.47tzangeruzd: try pushing 4000 minutes a month through them and find out how unlimited 'unlimited' really is
16:08.56Godseynow that cisco is buying sipura, there is probably no chance of getting sipura supporting iax right? :)
16:09.15tzangerGodsey: no, but sipura will support skinny now :-)
16:09.28uzdtzan, I think I've already used about 3000 this month
16:09.31*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:09.54GodseyI got here late, unlimited on what network? :)
16:09.57tzangeruzd: I'd be VERY surprised if they let you keep this up :-)
16:10.17uzdwell.. no contract so if they don't, i bolt.
16:10.39Sander4000can someone help me with a quadbri with bristuff ?
16:10.41Godseyuzd: what company?
16:10.53shido6that sounds funny
16:10.58shido6like eurohood
16:11.03Godseywe're thinking of doing long distance for our customers :)
16:11.08sudhir492tzanger: Any VoIP carrier will go bust if they really started giving "unlimited" unlimited. IMO, unlimited is just a euphemism for couple of thousand minutes
16:11.15Godseywe have unlimited long distance on our voice pris
16:11.38sudhir492In that sense, it can even be called misleading
16:11.55Godseynot really, every industry does it
16:12.02shido6"unlimited" is a brainwashing technique used by telcos to suck ppl into thinking they arent going to get fucked over
16:12.12tzangerGodsey: ?
16:12.27Godseyuses unlimited with exceptions :)
16:12.36Gand_DJThat's when you read the TOS, and if it don't give a limit... you sue :)
16:12.36tzangerunlimited long distance on your PRI?  as in "unlimited calls at $x/min
16:12.42shido6when in truth all "unlimted" is saying is "elbows on the table, sir."
16:12.45newlThere's always fair use, AUP, ToS fine print. :)
16:12.52sudhir492They all base unlimited on some statistical usage.
16:12.53Godseytzanger: no, unlimited calls, no fee for call minutes
16:13.24Godseywe've used them in the past as modem call back lines
16:13.29shido6if its true unlimited, then open up the flood gates and see what they say after a month
16:13.42Godseyit's been this way since 97 :)
16:13.47GodseyAT&T has always offered it
16:14.12Godseyit's $1800/pri
16:14.46SuPrSluGuzd:they're right. last week alone here many a bv user. i use nufone and have never had an issue other than the initial setup. :-)
16:14.46Godseywhere our dial in only pris are around 271
16:14.57sudhir492Godsey, you are getting screwed if you are paying $1800 for any PRI, even if it is unlimited :-)
16:15.15sudhir492How many minutes do you use on that PRI?
16:15.24SuPrSluGseems i'm stuttering today!!
16:15.27Godseyabout 300/month right now :)
16:15.30Godseywe're an isp
16:15.37*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
16:15.37Godseywe receive calls almost exclusivly
16:16.13FarrisGAre there any other decent Soft phones besides X-ten's stuff?
16:16.40Godsey1800 including all tax if that matters :)
16:17.00sudhir492On a very busy PRI, one is able to send typically 250,000 minutes per month
16:17.37newlFarrisG: firefly, kiax, FWD's client, linphone to name a few, all fully capable.
16:17.42sudhir492Theoritically, one can send 4 times as much, but practically it is difficult to send more that quarter million minutes /mont
16:18.26uzdSuPrSluG ?
16:18.52uzdoh.. well regardless of other peoples experiences
16:18.54uzdi've had a great on
16:18.59GodseyI guess we could suppliment our pris with l3 or something for completing calls out at a higher rate for peak
16:19.08Godseyand utilize 100% of our cheap pri :)
16:19.09tzangeryeah incoming only PRIs are less expensive than two-way and LD-only PRIs are cheaper than free local PRIs
16:19.26Godseythey are ld-only
16:19.35Godseywe cheat tho :P
16:19.48tzangerld-only won't be flat-fee then, at least none that I've ever seen
16:20.03Godseywe selected our local calling area as a small area where we have no customers :)
16:20.44Godseysprint used to have it, not sure if they do now
16:20.53Godseyit was combined voice/data I think it was called ion
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16:26.57Gand_DJI got signed up with Selectcom for toll-free services. Hopefully these guys are good. :)
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16:33.16Derkommissaris there a way, when the queue does calls the agents, for it to verify first if the agent wants the call. Like. Press 1 to accept this call or 2 to ignore.
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16:34.30Sander4000can someone help me with a quadbri with bristuff ?
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16:39.19stoyan'ignorepat => 9' doesn't work for me :( I always loose the dial tone after I dial the first digit, even if it's '9'. Any ideas?
16:40.52shido6dont need it
16:40.57lilwookiestoyan, ignorepat needs to be in the contect the dialing channel is in
16:41.28shido69N1.,1,Dial(IAX2/user@peer/${EXTEN:1}) takes out the first digit
16:42.04shido6exten => _9N1.,1,Dial(IAX2/user@peer/${EXTEN:1}) takes out the first digit
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16:42.06stoyanshido - it works/dials correctly, only that I don't get dialtone after I dial 9
16:43.02stoyanlilwookie: yes, it's in the context with the longdistance extentions. and this context is imported into the context my channel is in
16:43.54lilwookiestoyan, in my experience it needs to be in the context of the channel not in an Included context
16:45.19shido6you want dialtone after 9?
16:45.25shido6why not dial the complete number?
16:45.41shido6you should get dialtone when u pick up the phone
16:45.45shido6whats your setup?
16:46.17shido6and what do you want ( after stating your setup , may want to paste your zapata.conf , zaptel.conf, extensions.conf to
16:46.26shido6brb - my web is down
16:47.51stoyanshido6: it's not that big deal. I can live without a dialtone after the 9, but I was wondering why it doesn't work.
16:48.29Gand_DJHeh, the phone number for the CRA is busy
16:48.44Gand_DJappears all pri's are in use
16:49.58Gand_DJjust got in... their hold music is choppy as hell
16:50.11Gand_DJCanada Revenue Agency needs better pbx
16:51.09Syncrosthey prefer to spend money on golf bals
16:53.52pigpenYou know...I think I am having dtmf issues with my asterisk...when I call in with certian doesn't recognize the dtmf correctly.  I have a incomming PRI on a digium card...
16:58.09*** join/#asterisk McUnixJr (
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17:04.03stoyanshido6: it's for the ignorepat thingy :)
17:08.47shido6do you have any zaptel gear?
17:08.57shido6or a NuFone account for outbound or a inbound 8xx?
17:11.00shido6stoyan ?
17:12.05stoyanshido6: I have a x100p and iax2 connections for outbound calls
17:12.18shido6show me zaptel.conf
17:12.20shido6and zapata.conf
17:12.23stoyanall of them work perfect except that i loose the dialtone after '9'
17:12.30stoyanjust a sec
17:12.32shido6you're supposed to
17:12.41shido6so finish dialing
17:12.55shido6thats what your dialplan tells it to do
17:12.59stoyanyes, but what is ignorepat used for then
17:13.01shido6its waiting for the rest of the numbers
17:13.06shido6its deprecated
17:13.14*** join/#asterisk riksta (rick@
17:13.29stoyanso I shouldn't be using ignorepat?
17:13.43shido6do you WANT to still hear a dialtone after you press 9?
17:13.52shido6or do you want to make the call after you finish dialing the numbers
17:14.04shido6so if the number is 555-1212 you dial 9555-1212
17:14.07shido6and the call goes out
17:15.12*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
17:17.13stoyanshido6: zapata and zptel configs uploaded [channels]
17:17.55stoyanchannel => 1
17:18.01stoyanshido6 :
17:18.20MikeJ[Laptop]~patebin is your friend
17:18.21jbotMikeJ[Laptop]: okay
17:18.32iqwhat happened :O
17:19.02MikeJ[Laptop]~pastebin is a place to paste your configs without flooding the channel at
17:19.03jbot...but pastebin is already something else...
17:19.19jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
17:19.34MikeJ[Laptop]hehe... patebin, oops
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17:34.09mishehuhmm...  why would ztmonitor be complaining about /dev/dsp ?
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17:34.46mishehuI don't have such a device, and have prevented the oss module from loading in asterisk
17:34.56denonso has anyone rigged up a cdma device or a bluetooth device to tie asterisk to a cell network?
17:34.57MinorKingCan anyone recomend a decent GUI that can be used for things like creating extentions and basic management features?
17:35.07denonI know there was some gsm stuff out there, havent heard much talk of cdma though
17:35.12*** join/#asterisk guyee (
17:35.43iqOkay, the Asterisk I'm trying to connect does not support any of the coded supported by my ATA. What would happen? No Audio ?
17:36.12guyeehi, can NE1 tell me what 'regexten' is used for?
17:36.33iqguyee, what is 'NE1' ?
17:36.38guyeeanyone :)
17:36.43*** join/#asterisk systest (
17:37.02*** join/#asterisk trash0r (
17:37.15trash0rhi ;)
17:39.26*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
17:41.11*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
17:42.01trash0rcan anybody check this please.. - i can't get it working :/
17:42.15*** join/#asterisk cianhughes (
17:44.44shido6no audio
17:44.46shido6is nat
17:45.41shido6specify a codec in the general stanza of your sip.conf
17:45.45shido6not just allow=all
17:46.59trash0rok i'll try
17:47.39trash0rstill the same problem
17:47.45jief-hey guys. my Gnet sip phones aren't registring with *. I posted my sip.conf and extensions.conf file here: Im very new to this whole thing. and i have no idea what to do now. when i try to ring an extension, after a while i get a busy signal
17:47.58jief-also, in the phone 'logs', i always have time outs
17:48.24trash0rit's ringing, but as soon as i accept the call it disconnects :/
17:48.34*** join/#asterisk Elshar (
17:48.40shido6help is on the way
17:48.58*** part/#asterisk critch (
17:48.59shido6anothew newbie mistake
17:49.32trash0rshido6: btw, phoner shows "protocol error, layer 2" on disconnect
17:51.01*** part/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
17:51.55shido6stop using friends
17:52.02shido6a friend is supposed to be a user and peer
17:52.08shido6break the friend out to a user
17:52.10shido6and a peer
17:53.30*** part/#asterisk systest (
17:56.29trash0rshido6: are you talking to me?
17:56.40*** join/#asterisk jackfiber (cico@
17:57.49jackfiberhey I got real trouble with grandstream handytone, while handytone is behind the nat and * is on the Internet, anyone has set this successfully?
17:58.28shido6hold on
17:58.35*** join/#asterisk pussfeller (
17:59.55shido6where was I
17:59.58shido6oh trash0r
18:00.14jief-SuPrSluG: thanks, im gonna try this
18:00.31trash0rshido6: mh?
18:00.35shido6trash0r you have no password set for your phones?
18:01.08trash0rhmm.. isnt it the "secret" thingie?
18:01.16shido6yes but for 501
18:01.19shido6you have no "Secret"
18:01.34shido6and the password is what you should set for your individual phones
18:01.42shido6and it shouldnt be the username
18:01.43*** join/#asterisk Ayano (
18:01.44trash0ri am not jief-
18:03.14shido6trash0r show me your new sip.conf
18:03.23shido6do a sip debug at the CLI
18:03.23bkw_LIES LIES LIES
18:03.25bkw_ALLL LIES
18:03.26shido6and a sip show peers
18:03.56shido6not sms is it, bkw? ;)
18:04.19trash0r11/11       D   N  1743     OK (150 ms)
18:04.19trash0r10/10       D   N  5060     OK (197 ms)
18:04.31zoasend em my greetings
18:04.36zoain the email
18:04.44bkw_4988 active channel(s)
18:04.56jackfiberanyone has Handytone or any other grandstream phones?
18:05.03bkw_them dumb bastards
18:05.04zoayes i do
18:05.05bkw_I swear
18:05.06bkw_TO GOD
18:05.08shido6first ip phone was a budgetone, jackfiber
18:05.10bkw_I WANNA KILL
18:05.13zoaits really stupid
18:05.15zoatold ya so
18:05.23trash0rshido6: <- this is my config now
18:05.25zoajust didnt have an hour to test it
18:05.40zoabut got mad when i saw the last thing on the mailinglist
18:05.52jackfibershido6,  I wanna to get help on grandstream doesn't matter which product because all are somewhat similar
18:06.54nwhitdoes anyone here use cisco phones?
18:07.43nwhiti am having problems with them hanging up the person after a certain amount of time if you put a person on hold
18:08.02nwhitand they hang up after some time if the other side puts the person on hold
18:08.08pigpenYou know...I think I am having dtmf issues with my asterisk...when I call in with certian doesn't recognize the dtmf correctly.  I have a incomming PRI on a digium card...
18:08.34jackfiberanyone with grandstream phone?
18:09.15jackfiberSHIDO6, do u have budge tone?
18:09.57SuPrSluGjackfiber:i have 1
18:10.12SuPrSluGjackfiber:a 102
18:10.15zoajackfiber: read this:
18:10.25trash0rshido6: the debug shows some stuff now:
18:10.27zoaread on stun
18:10.30zoaand the sip.conf options
18:11.13jief-SuPrSluG: i tried your config, i still get a busy signal and ring on the other phone
18:12.57SuPrSluGjief:do they register now?
18:13.32SuPrSluGjief:CLI>sip show peers?
18:14.07conveyanyone have experience with robbed bit T1 connections? (NON PRI)
18:14.19SuPrSluGjief:CLI>did u reload?
18:14.20jackfiberTHANKS ALOT ZOA
18:14.50Corydon-wconvey: yeah, they're pretty much the same as connections to channel banks
18:14.56jackfiberZOA, seems my problem is the Handutone (phone) is behind a symmetric nat so NAT=route can help
18:15.12conveyCorydon-w: what signalling do you use?
18:15.26jief-SuPrSluG: mind if i paste something in pv?
18:15.28Corydon-wfxs_ks or fxo_ks, depending upon the side you're on
18:15.29*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
18:15.29conveyCorydon-w: I am trying fxsks and it is haning the channels
18:15.31shido6jackfiber, whats wrong
18:15.41conveyCorydon-w: Hanging
18:15.56Corydon-wconvey: are you sure the telco isn't using some other signalling, such as e&m?
18:16.28conveyCorydon-w: I am connecting zap channels to a T1 card on my phone system.  Using Asterisk as a Voip -> TDM gateway.
18:16.45Corydon-wconvey: for that matter, is the line even esf/b8zs or is it d4/ami?
18:17.04conveyCorydon-w: it is esf/b8zs
18:17.13outtolunci think convey needs to start over, slowly <G>
18:17.24Corydon-wconvey: well, you need to ask your telco what signalling they're using
18:18.00Corydon-wYou could try trial and error, but I wouldn't recommend it
18:18.34Corydon-wconvey: also, does your zaptel.conf match what's in your zapata.conf ?
18:18.34conveyCorydon-w: I am connecting my asterisk box into my PBX.  I am using asterisk as the carrier.
18:18.42cianhughesanyone using asterisk with an ISDN Bri, just need to do a simple PBX setup & am not sure which ISDN PCI card to buy
18:19.01Corydon-wconvey: then check your configs
18:19.06jackfibershido6>  I got a HT behind nat and asterisk on Internet, what option do u use to make valid connection anything I use has an issue in example NAT=yes couse no audio at one line no nat causes no registration port forwarding causes no nAT and no audio
18:19.07*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
18:19.41*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
18:19.41Nivexjackfiber: you may need reinvite=no and canreinvite=no
18:19.56jackfiberI set both
18:19.58Nivexjackfiber: to keep Asterisk in the loop instead of having it try to hand off
18:20.02Nivexjackfiber: oh, well phooey
18:20.12jackfiberI think one is valid (can reinvite) and reinvite has been removed from asterisk code
18:22.03jackfibercan anyone give me his handytone config that works for him?
18:22.15jackfiberor any grandstream budgetone?
18:22.50jackfiberI need:   RTP port, NAt setting and portforwarding if applicable on grandstream side
18:23.02shido6where is the gstream on your net with regards to your * box
18:23.07shido6nat? public ip, ?
18:23.29jackfibergrandstream is behind NAT and * on public IP on public Internet
18:24.54jackfiberI need to know a working setting I got tired as I teste most possible settings and got one failure at a time sometimes audio sometimes no ring
18:25.31jackfiberr u using grandstream behind NAT with * on the public?
18:25.51jackfiberxlite works fine !!!!!!  but not grandstream !!!!!!
18:25.59shido6if xlite works
18:26.08shido6then its just a setting you're screwing up in the grandstream
18:26.09*** join/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
18:26.18obsidian-studiosgreetings all
18:26.25shido6let me go get mine and plug it in
18:28.14shido6this is what we do, jackfiber :)
18:29.09obsidian-studiosstill trying to get caller id working on analog phones via my cisco's ubr924 fxs ports. Seems I have two choices, SIP or SGCP/MGCP? I assume that caller id info is part of the sip protocol? I tried messing with mgcp but got funky results mainly on the routers end. Since router only supports SGCP?
18:30.16bjohnsonobsidian-studios: CID can be sent through SIP .. how/if it works comes down to configuration
18:30.28shido6I bet you used an outbound proxy in your settings, didnt you jackfiber
18:30.34obsidian-studiosso far sip works great, but no caller id info. Also the analog phones do not stop ringing when say the call has rung to many times and sent to voice mail?
18:30.39shido6asterisk isnt an outbound proxy to your phone
18:30.42shido6its a sip server
18:30.49shido6so leave outbound proxy blank
18:31.01shido6fill in sip server, - crap u know what.... let me get a screenpaste for you
18:31.08jackfibershido6>  NO
18:31.22Qwelljackfiber: drop the caps
18:31.23jackfiberxlite works with no nat set on * side
18:31.41*** join/#asterisk los415 (~los415@
18:31.41shido6jackfiber, msg me with your settings (Caps is like SCREAMING)
18:31.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
18:35.08bjohnsonobsidian-studios: I don't know cisco systems.  CID will work with SIP
18:35.08bjohnson(in general)
18:35.13*** join/#asterisk PaulTech (PaulTech@
18:35.16PaulTechHello all
18:35.31obsidian-studiosbjohnson: what I figured I think the IOS does not support it via sip
18:35.51obsidian-studiosbjohnson: it's a eol platform, with limited resources so I can't use a 12.2 or 12.3 IOS
18:35.52PaulTechAnyone wanna make a few bucks giving me a hand
18:36.13QwellPaulTech: ask away
18:36.38obsidian-studiosbjohnson: took me a while to find a working 12.1 with sip? But I am thinking I might be better to try and use SGCP/MGCP. Anyone care to comment on those protocols?
18:36.53Derkommissarwhy does asterisk on the sip invites, sends a from "" "" with nothing else
18:36.56DerkommissarINVITE sip:9543898047@ SIP/2.0
18:36.56DerkommissarVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5ec8e7c6
18:36.56DerkommissarFrom: """" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as44c0e1e2
18:37.04PaulTechI have a iax connection for outbound calls, I signed up for for a free did (While I learn)
18:37.06Derkommissarhow can i change the 4 "
18:37.17PaulTechI run a datacenter in Orlando and setting up in Mexico to sell routes
18:37.26PaulTechWondering if you have any ideas
18:37.36PaulTechI cant seem to get it to register
18:37.43QwellDo they suck?
18:37.49Qwellif that, thats likely why
18:37.59Qwellregister =>
18:38.07Qwellwith spaces, and = should be =>
18:38.27MinorKingCan anyone recomend a decent GUI that can be used for things like creating extentions and basic management features?
18:38.36QwellMinorKing: GUIs suck. :)
18:38.38heath__if busydetect=no, and i call a busy number, will it just answer and send the busy tone from the telco? or will the call fail to go through?
18:38.41MinorKingi know
18:38.51MinorKingUnfortunatly I need one for those less technical then I
18:38.52QwellMinorKing: They do more harm then good
18:39.09MinorKingI have the initial configuration but need to hand it off to others for just extention creation and dialplans
18:39.47PaulTechIt doesnt seem to be registering..
18:39.55QwellPaulTech: Do you get errors?
18:40.13PaulTechName/username    Host            Dyn Nat ACL Mask             Port     Status
18:40.13PaulTechstanaphone/5166      5060     Unmonitored
18:40.21PaulTechThats the problem Qwell I dont
18:40.25PaulTechI have debug and verbose at 5
18:40.30QwellPaulTech: sip show registry
18:40.32PaulTechNo output on console
18:40.49*** join/#asterisk McUnixJr (
18:42.02PaulTechOnly thing I get on SIP is some more info...when I call in using some phones, and I go to type in an extension like...8013, * is only seeing 8 or 80 ...ideas?
18:42.59Qwellpigpen: digittimeout set to something rediculously low?
18:43.15pigpenI have no clue...where would I look or set this feature?
18:43.15QwellPaulTech: Where in sip.conf are you putting the register line?
18:43.19QwellIt needs to go in [general]
18:43.26PaulTechI take it from-sip-external
18:43.30PaulTechShould be uncommented
18:43.30pigpenin the extentions.conf?
18:43.38PaulTechyes Qwell
18:44.08PaulTechport = 5060           ; Port to bind to (SIP is 5060)
18:44.08PaulTechbindaddr =    ; Address to bind to (all addresses on machine)
18:44.08PaulTechcontext = stanaphone ; Send unknown SIP callers to this context
18:44.10PaulTechcallerid = Unknown
18:44.12PaulTechregister =>
18:44.17jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try make it man...
18:45.04PaulTechSorry Qwell does the digittimeout go into the extentions.conf?
18:46.14Qwellpigpen: yeah
18:46.42PaulTechWarning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells:  pid=33036 req_src_ip= req_src_port=5060 via_cnt==1"
18:46.47PaulTechIs that too bad?
18:47.06Qwelldunno, doesn't look like it
18:47.08PaulTechHmm looks good
18:47.08Qwellits only a warning
18:48.16PaulTechYep, I owe ya a beer Qwell
18:48.18QwellslePP: You ever get any good passwords in there? :p
18:48.35slePPQwell: i had a cease & desist notice over one set of passwords.. heh
18:48.43Qwellerm, that sucks
18:48.47PaulTechTell me if you ever need any type of hosting or did's
18:48.55slePPsomeone pasted about 1500 compromised passwords to some website, got a notice 'to remove it immediately' attached to the cease & desist
18:48.59QwellPaulTech: I'm pretty much set there
18:49.13QwellslePP: nice
18:49.46slePPi'm truly surprised 4 of 13 people don't want to see another draw
18:52.21*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
18:52.46PaulTechNow to figure out queues
18:54.27*** part/#asterisk obsidian-studios (
18:55.12PaulTechAs soon as someone calls it should goto queue 1 and play music till someone picks up
18:55.38AyanoI have a asterisk@home installation and I configured a tdm400p with a trunk on 4.  It is still not picking up the calls.  Any suggestions?
18:56.55PaulTechApr 29 14:59:14 WARNING[17882]: Unknown keyword in queue '1': agentannounce at line 15 of queue.conf
18:58.54PaulTechI dont even have a queue.conf
19:00.15*** part/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
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19:02.37*** join/#asterisk shaon (~shaon@
19:03.44shaoncan anybody help me setting up an asterisk ivr?
19:04.21AyanoI have a asterisk@home installation and I configured a tdm400p with a trunk on 4.  It is still not picking up the calls.  Any suggestions?
19:04.48Ayanoshaon: did you check the examples on the wiki?
19:05.29shaonyes but my issue is bit different than sample wiki
19:05.47pigpenDigitTimeout(3)...shit..that is short!
19:05.58SuPrSluGshaon:what r u trying to do
19:06.27shaonAyano !!! my suggestion is to use your asterisk on linux  thus u will get more control
19:06.59*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
19:07.17AyanoI'm using linux.  I just used asterisk@home because it configures a whole bunch of stuff for you.
19:07.40pigpenwhat is this asterisk@home....?  I keep seeing it...
19:07.58PaulTechGoogle Says !
19:08.00pigpenat first I thought is was devs giving home users hell....
19:08.06PaulTechIt's a web GUI thanks.
19:08.28Ayanoit is a cd that you can download that loads centos, and asterisk, and a few web guis in one shot.
19:08.42shaoni want to receive a call from pstn (zap/1) then it will say a menu then it can dial any extension and disconnect the call but aster conversation it will come back to the main menu should not disconnect
19:08.47pigpenneat idea....but...hmm...
19:10.25SuPrSluGshaon:use goto(s,(whatever priority)
19:11.07SuPrSluGshaon:in the menu
19:11.45shaonSuPrSlug: but when the call is finished zap/1 hangs up
19:12.10SuPrSluGshaon:put the goto before hangup
19:12.35shaoni was thinking to use macro
19:13.14sivanaanyone here use Xlite?
19:13.35shaonbecause i have many sip number and gsm number to dial from PSTN
19:13.57shaonthrough asterisk
19:16.35shaon*AsTeRiSk GURU* help !!!!!!!!!!
19:21.21*** part/#asterisk jackfiber (cico@
19:21.39shaonSuPrSluG r u there?
19:22.05shaonany idea?
19:22.21fileneeeeeed fooooooood
19:22.25*** part/#asterisk gpearson (
19:25.19SuPrSluGshaon:pastebin ur menu
19:25.49*** join/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
19:26.14MasterYodahow big is a min or a sec of gsm data
19:26.18MasterYodaalso for wav
19:27.28Lee__gsm is aprox 8kbps
19:27.36*** join/#asterisk fosco (
19:27.39Lee__wav is 64
19:27.47bjohnsonPaulTech: it includes a web gui called AMP.. @ home is an install cd that includes a bunch of software including the Centos Linux distro, asterisk, and AMP
19:27.48coppiceGSM is 13.2k bots per second
19:27.54PaulTechYea bjohnson
19:27.59PaulTechI have all 3
19:28.01foscoanyone with a digium card? (TE410P) ?
19:28.01Lee__sorry, my bad
19:28.04PaulTechwithout the cd :)
19:28.10Lee__I guess only speex and g729 can get down to 8
19:28.16PaulTechand I know how each part was setup so I did this um learning thing :D
19:28.27*** join/#asterisk juiceib269 (
19:28.39coppiceLee__ its not you day, is it :-)
19:28.55Lee__no, it isn't. having problems with AMPs default Meetme rooms
19:29.01coppiceG.723.1 is 5 or 6kbps.
19:29.21PaulTechNow if only I could figure out how to force all sip calls into 'Music on Hold' then ring extension iax2/202
19:29.24Lee__coppice: woah. is g723 patented?
19:29.27bjohnsonshaon: use the special hangup exten
19:29.34*** join/#asterisk shaon (~shaon@
19:29.54coppiceyou can go lower, but no popular VoIP codec currently does. AMR might catch on, though. That can go down to 4k bps.
19:30.03shaonDial plan help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19:30.08bjohnsonshaon: use the special hangup exten
19:30.14Lee__I have a lot of hope for speex but this dude on the mailing list says it eats CPU
19:30.33Lee__I haven't been able to try it yet
19:30.34bjohnsonLee__: the more compression, the more cpu needed
19:30.40coppiceg.723.1 is patented. Almost any decent codec is smothered in patents. I'm amazed speex managed to steer around them
19:30.42bjohnsongeneral rule
19:30.52Lee__sure but each algorithm does it differently
19:30.54shaoni am very new can u please give me more detail?
19:31.03coppicespeex takes about as much CPU as G.729
19:31.06CoaxDg.729 is bad with a lossy link
19:31.13CoaxDwhereas gsm does fine with that
19:31.18SuPrSluGbjohnson:like h,1,goto(whatever?)
19:31.21Lee__the ogg project is all about reinventing patented codecs
19:31.23akl-you suffer quality-wise with gsm, though
19:31.33bjohnsonshaon: follow one of the billion examples to make an IVR.  Also use the hangup extension to catch when a person hangs up and send them to the start of the IVR again
19:31.38Lee__akl-: I know, I'm using it on an IAX trunk
19:31.49bjohnsonSuPrSluG: yes
19:31.57*** part/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
19:32.01PaulTechWhy dont my queues work ! lol
19:32.09SuPrSluGshaon:like h,1,goto(whatever?)
19:32.15bjohnsonSuPrSluG: not certain how well it will die if the pstn caller hangs up .. needs to be tested
19:32.21Lee__coppice: who's the distributor of g723 licences?
19:32.46bjohnsonI don't think there is one
19:32.52bjohnsondistributor of g723 licences
19:32.53coppicelicencing G.723.1 is a huge pain. there is no low cost route for small scale users
19:33.04SuPrSluGbjohnson:well if pstn caller hangsup it's over ain't it?
19:33.20shaonbut i have 5 sip extensions do i need  to specify all 5 extension rule in incomming context?
19:33.26Lee__where do you go to start licensing it?
19:33.43bjohnsonSuPrSluG: not certain since you're going to an ivr .. I guess make sure there is a timeout in the ivr
19:33.43SuPrSluGbjohnson:no need to send an internal # to the ivr, right?
19:34.02bjohnsonSuPrSluG: most ivrs would be s extens
19:34.05coppiceLee__ you can start at the voiceage site
19:34.31bjohnsonLee__: and tell them why they should bother tlking to you
19:35.02bjohnsonshaon: do i need  to specify all 5 extension rule in incomming context?  Answer - only if you want to call them
19:35.38*** join/#asterisk ikey1 (ikey@
19:35.43SuPrSluGbjohnson:it's shaon issue, but thanx for the special h, it's nice to know if a caller gets disconnected they can be put back from whence they came. lol
19:36.10coppiceThe farce with these patent licence package deals is they won't indemnify you again more patent holders crawling out of the woodwork
19:36.18shaonthen it will be a big context can i use macro for this? then there will be no repetation of same lines
19:36.25Lee__bjohnson: they only deal with multinationals?
19:36.52coppiceeven MS doesn't have a proper licence for G.723.1 :-)
19:37.48shaonbjohnson: thanks for h,1,foto(wahtever) suggestion
19:38.03Lee__huray for speex
19:38.13bjohnsonshaon: yes.  most people use the stdexten macro, define their local extens in a separate context, and include that context where they want access to those phones
19:38.49shaoni have another problem
19:39.39shaonbjohnson: i have a quicknet phonejack card as a consol
19:40.12bjohnsonI can't help you there
19:40.29bjohnsondon't have that hardware
19:40.55shaonwhen i try to dial _393. it only takes one digit after 393(one digit) and dial
19:41.12bkw_shaon, what channe driver?
19:41.30bkw_it can't do wildcards
19:41.34bkw_don't use them with chan_phone
19:42.05Lee__shaon: I can recommend AMP for lots of good defaults, although installing and configuring AMP was one of the most painful tasks involving a computer I have ever done.
19:42.14PaulTechAnyone feel like helping with music-on-hold ?
19:42.25PaulTechAMP was stupidly easy to install
19:42.37denonbjohnson: wha? where?
19:42.45denondamn, he didnt even tell me he was getting those!
19:42.54denonsup b :)
19:43.04PaulTechbkw_, full log shows Starting Music on Hold, mpg123 is installed. Default is set as group and uncommented
19:43.06PaulTechHit me
19:43.43shaonany idea where i can get a GSM gateway?
19:44.47SuPrSluGshaon:google asterisk gsm gateway. it's blue something or other
19:44.57bkw_PaulTech, READ
19:44.58bkw_no clue
19:45.05shaonthnks a lot
19:45.12bkw_it hurts to think about such things
19:45.18*** join/#asterisk adker (
19:45.27bkw_some days I wanna take asterisk and blow it up
19:45.32bkw_others I make phone calls with it
19:45.34denonrm -rf /usr/src
19:45.56bkw_A new book by Spark Mencer
19:45.56fileI need fooooooood
19:46.17bkw_I don't have CVS commit
19:46.19fileI need tacos or I will explode
19:46.29denonbkw: and you wonder why? :)
19:46.35PaulTechI wonder if my server needs sound installed
19:46.53CoaxDPaulTech: Um, no
19:46.58*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
19:47.00denonbkw: shopping for a new cell phone .. I hate this, cause the technology I want is always 6mo away
19:47.01CoaxDPaulTech: It just needs mpg123 0.59r, no other version
19:47.02bkw_PaulTech, you're using voipjet thats your problem
19:47.12CoaxDbkw; dude. heh
19:47.13bkw_denon, cellphone
19:47.15bkw_nothing more
19:47.17bkw_nothing less
19:47.20bkw_don't get camera phones
19:47.20PaulTechbkw_, doesnt allow for that kinda bitrate ?
19:47.29bkw_PaulTech, No I just dislike voipjet
19:47.32CoaxDPaulTech: It doesn't have anything to do with voipjet. :P
19:47.38denon'cause I can put a 1GB mmc in it
19:47.41bkw_CoaxD, it might
19:47.43denonnfi why I want that ..
19:47.47PaulTechbkw_, I'll buy from anyone I dont like any them much :P
19:47.49denonbut it's got an mp3 player and fm radio :)
19:47.49CoaxDPaulTech: bkw just dont like it because the owner of it came in here and started spamming his shit to everyone every 5 minutes
19:47.49shaonDoes anybody know how to make asterisk support H323? i tried but endup with a million compiling errors.
19:47.51PaulTechI was just testing
19:48.04Qwellshameless plug in 3
19:48.05CoaxDPaulTech: When he first got started in voip testing
19:48.13PaulTechShady ?
19:48.37CoaxDPaulTech: Nah, not shady.  just new.  He also had some serious issues with his email dealiebob a while back - i helped him with those
19:48.40denonbkw: found out our regional carrier now does unlimited mobile to mobile .. which is cool, but now my plan has more minutes than I'll ever use .. so no need to rig up a phone to the asterisk server :\
19:48.57CoaxDPaulTech: I.e. several spam tests he was failing due to being a moron, etc
19:48.57*** join/#asterisk NK123 ([
19:49.04PaulTechWe're just learning it now :)
19:49.06CoaxDPaulTech: That said, the guy was certainly NICE..  No doubt about that
19:49.09PaulTechPlanning pretty big things
19:49.15PaulTechJust new
19:49.27PaulTechI just ordered our 3 T1's
19:49.38PaulTechAlready got 4Gbps of data backbone
19:49.48PaulTechCould do with a VoIP Expert if anyone is looking for a job in Orlando ;)
19:50.00denonyay, lots of good 4Gbps backbone will do with 4.5Mbps out to the world :)
19:50.11PaulTechdenon, t1 is for voice...
19:50.17denont1 or pri?
19:50.17PaulTechand the 4Gbps if pre-existing
19:51.27denoncould be interesting
19:51.42CoaxDdenon: I want IAX2 over E1 to be a standard!
19:51.45shaonhacking quintum A800 anyway? i know ip
19:51.47PaulTechHehe I like IAX2 but I didnt see any non "soft phones" supporting it in a good price rate
19:51.49CoaxDdenon: I WANT MY 4 MORE CHANNELS, BITCH!
19:51.58CoaxDOr something
19:52.09filegah a channelized T1? I like PRIs myself
19:52.14denonif you had an E1 .. you'd have to live .. somewhere else
19:52.19denonlike france, where the girls dont shave their pits
19:52.26PaulTechand they do shave their pits
19:52.27*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
19:52.34filedenon: I bet you know that stuff intimately
19:52.38PaulTechbeen there, its pretty common over there to shave
19:52.39denonPaulTech: well .. ok, but the water is undrinkable
19:52.43denonI know that first hand
19:52.52denonlooked like weak tea comming out of the spout in paris
19:52.55PaulTechActually its harder in american than most of Europe
19:53.09denonit was brown man ..
19:53.17PaulTechYea, that was the bathroom man
19:53.19shaonany Quicknet Phone jack User?
19:53.27denonshaon: good luck .. nobody uses that crap
19:53.41PaulTechPlaying MPEG stream from fpm-world-mix.mp3 ...
19:53.41PaulTechMPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz joint-stereo
19:53.42PaulTech[2:18] Decoding of fpm-world-mix.mp3 finished.
19:53.47denonshaon: I know it seems like a good idea to save $5 and use that thing .. but its not
19:53.50PaulTechOk so my server uses the MP3
19:53.53PaulTechBut the PBX dont play them back
19:54.00*** join/#asterisk bajanman (
19:54.06shaoni bought it fro ebay for $5 so using it now
19:54.09denonPaulTech: weird id3? vbr?
19:54.15*** join/#asterisk McUnixJr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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19:54.15QwellBMI is on to him!
19:54.17denonshaon: get what you pay for :)
19:54.21PaulTechdenon, stock mp3 it comes with
19:54.32denonmpg321? :)
19:54.49PaulTech-bash: mpg321: command not found
19:54.58QwellWhat version?
19:54.58PaulTechHigh Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3.
19:55.09PaulTechVersion 0.59r (1999/Jun/15). Written and copyrights by Michael Hipp.
19:55.33shaonis this possible to do sip over dialup connection with asterisk?
19:56.26*** join/#asterisk _Vile (
19:57.08*** join/#asterisk shaon (~shaon@
19:57.25Blackvel1p = 0,01 pounds?
19:57.31bjohnsonPaulTech: talk to ManxPower
19:57.35shaondid i miss anything?
19:57.40Blackvelso 1p is lower than 1 euro cent?
19:57.47bjohnsonPaulTech: especially if he can do from off-site
19:57.56*** join/#asterisk leandro_pt (~leandro@
19:58.09bjohnsonshaon: yes it's possible .. just not good
19:58.22PaulTechbjohnson, about ?
19:58.29PaulTechThe job ?
19:58.35bjohnsonPaulTech: you mentioned looking for voip expert
19:59.00shaonis this posible to do SIP over dialup connection ?
19:59.06bjohnsonshaon: yes it's possible .. just not good
19:59.19Blackvelshaon: I wouldnt go below isdn
19:59.22fileooooooooh The Incredibles is on
19:59.47shaonone of my friend got dialup so...
19:59.49SuPrSluGwhat extension?
20:00.07Blackvelwhats a good UK amount for pstn? 1p/min?
20:00.17shaonwhich codec is best i mean use less bandwidth?
20:00.21bjohnsonBlackvel: free is always good
20:00.34bjohnsonshaon: speex
20:01.01shaonbut very few device use that codec
20:01.24shaonany device u know?
20:01.53PaulTechA brother needs some help with music-on-hold
20:01.58PaulTech15 bucks to the winnar?
20:02.38CoaxDPaulTech: run mpg123 and get version info
20:02.40shaoni got 1 licence from digium 2days back can i use it with other person because it only 1 user registration or i need 2 licence?
20:03.00PaulTechCoaxD, newest
20:03.07CoaxDPaulTech: You *need* 0.59r
20:03.08bjohnsonshaon: what device are you talking about?
20:03.12PaulTechVersion 0.59r (1999/Jun/15). Written and copyrights by Michael Hipp.
20:03.15PaulTechWell that works out well
20:03.16CoaxDPaulTech: Okay
20:03.22CoaxDPaulTech: And what do you hear on the other end?
20:03.27PaulTech" "
20:03.36bjohnsonPaulTech: can you playback() a mp3
20:03.47Qwellits probably just really quiet
20:03.47bjohnsonthen it's not mpg123
20:03.47PaulTechI can do MusicOnHold(30)
20:03.56PaulTechor whatever the command is
20:03.59shaonany device use speex codec u know?
20:04.29PaulTechQwell, I dont have *quitemp3* enabled
20:04.31bjohnsonPaulTech: you want to hear moh when on hold?  when you dial the internal extension you use the 'm' arg?
20:04.32PaulTechits just mp3
20:04.49PaulTechbjohnson, sip connections when they are put on hold
20:04.56*** join/#asterisk kiokorobert1 (~kiokorobe@
20:05.26shaonhow can i use real streaming audio to play with astersik?
20:05.34bjohnsonshaon: read the wiki
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20:05.42bjohnsonshaon: but it dies frequently
20:05.48PaulTechdefault => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3-empty,
20:06.00shaon"Real Audio" not mp3 or mpg
20:06.15PaulTechvi realstream.c
20:06.16PaulTechget going
20:06.17shaonfrom real network
20:06.30shido6once again
20:06.34bjohnsonshaon: check into slimserver support of RA.  then pick up the mp3 stream from slin=mserver
20:06.37shido6for those that missed it b4
20:06.42bjohnsonshaon: read the wiki
20:06.44shido6FUCK WINDOWS! ok thank you have a nice day
20:06.54Blackvelbjohnson: you can suggest me free voip providers, if you like, especially for UK/US
20:07.13PaulTechbjohnson, I dont understand the question if I make a extension call MusicOnHold(30) it plays fine
20:07.36bjohnsonBlackvel: I thought there was and some french one that had lots of minutes for like 9eur/month or something
20:07.52shaonusing slimserver can i listen a online radio broadcast?
20:07.57PaulTechexten => 6601,1,WaitMusicOnHold(999)
20:08.11bjohnsonPaulTech: to call another extension you use the dial() command.  do you use the 'm' arg available with the dial() command
20:08.17bjohnsonshaon: yes
20:08.25bjohnsonshaon: but it's not a good idea
20:08.28PaulTechIm not calling other extenions this is from outside > inside sip connections
20:08.36bjohnsonPaulTech: HOW???
20:08.47bjohnsonyou still use dial()
20:08.57PaulTechIm still learning man
20:09.19bjohnsongo to cli and type show application dial
20:09.25bjohnsonlook at what the m option does
20:09.29shaonbjohnson, thanks
20:09.30bjohnsonthen tell us if you're using it
20:09.57bjohnsonsounds like what you want
20:10.28bjohnsonnow edit your extensions.conf to use it
20:10.30PaulTechI dont think so... tell me if Im wrong thou, I mean after someone picks up the line then puts on hold
20:11.05Blackvelbjohnson: sipgate is stupid, 2,6ct/uk, 2,3ct/us. nikotel has for 50EUR asset a rate of 1,5ct/min to UK/US
20:11.15Blackvelmaybe still too expensive (well now I pay 2,6ct/min)
20:11.21shaonATA 186 anybody wants to sale?
20:11.31Blackvelnikotel has expensive rates too, 2,9ct/uk
20:11.32bjohnsonBlackvel: I haven't looked at euro voip providers
20:11.44Blackvelis with 1p any good?
20:11.49bjohnsonshaon: forget the ATA 186 .. get something better
20:11.57BlackvelI would love to get BV, but that is then 20$ per month
20:12.09shaonwhat u suggest?
20:12.36AyanoCan someone give me a hand getting a tdm400p installed.  I thought I did everything right, but it is not picking up the calls.
20:12.42bjohnsonshaon: Sipura SPA 2000 for 2 fxs port .. you might prefer the SPA 1001 or 3000 models depending on what you want though
20:12.49AyanoI have a fxs on 1, and an fxo on 4.
20:13.02bjohnsonBlackvel: what are the NA voip providers to UK?
20:13.33leandro_pthello.. does any know if there is a "relaxdmtf" for chan_capi?
20:13.36*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
20:13.53shaonAyano, Did u check zaptel.conf and Zapata.conf and context?/
20:14.46bjohnsonBlackvel: looks like most UK is about $0.02 USD (mobile is much more though)
20:15.01bjohnsonBlackvel: isn't $0.02 USD about 1p?
20:15.04shaonanybody from Australia?
20:15.04*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
20:16.04Ayanoshaon: I have the fxo card looking like this... fxsks=4 in zaptel
20:16.12shaonanybody used Addpac AP160?
20:17.15Ayanoshaon: and signalling=fxs_ks, context=from-pstn, callerid=""<0>, mailbox=, and channel => 4
20:17.48Ayanoand the pots line going into channel 4
20:18.32shaonwhat about zapata?
20:19.37Corydon-wWhat, no chanel=5 ?
20:19.49AyanoI have channel => 4
20:19.58shaondid u check context?
20:20.31shaondid u modprobe?
20:20.54shaonztcfg -vv
20:20.58AyanoI don't know
20:22.02shaonrun “/etc/init.d/zaptel start” to let the zaptel script to load all zaptel
20:22.06Corydon-wAyano: If you tail /var/log/messages, does it say that it failed to properly initialize the card?
20:22.24shaonrun “ztcfg –vv”
20:23.29*** join/#asterisk veryhot (
20:23.54Ayanocorydon-w: no it doesn't
20:24.00*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (
20:24.05AyanoIt doesn't say anything about it.
20:24.07Corydon-wAyano: do you have dialtone on channel 1?
20:24.25veryhotanyone know when will open again?
20:24.25AyanoI didn't do anything to set it up though.
20:24.28Corydon-wAyano: have you run ztcfg ?
20:24.49Corydon-wAyano: what is the output of:  lsmod | grep -c zaptel
20:25.18AyanoCorydon-w: I used asterisk@home for the installation, and then followed thier directions.  Do I still need to?
20:25.26Corydon-wAyano: Please
20:25.38*** join/#asterisk Genosse_Darklord (
20:25.42Ayanojust type ztcfg?
20:26.02Ayanok, hold on.
20:26.50AyanoIt just went to the next line and didn't display anything.  Do I need to run from a spec dir?
20:27.03Corydon-wNo, that's usually good
20:27.10Corydon-wNow try:  ztcfg -vv
20:27.20Corydon-wDoes it say anything about channels being configured?
20:27.56Ayano2 channels, 1=fxo, 4=fxs
20:28.04*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
20:28.18Corydon-wOkay, that's good
20:28.47Corydon-wDoes your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf match what's in /etc/zaptel.conf?  i.e. same signalling on both?
20:28.52FarrisGdoes anyone sell a combo headset/handset/speakerphone combo for PC softphones?
20:29.32AyanoYes, should the signalling be opposite of what the card accually is?
20:29.59Corydon-wAyano: is Asterisk started?
20:30.09Ayanoyes, and sip to sip works
20:30.29Corydon-wAyano: on the asterisk command line, try:  show modules like zap
20:31.29Corydon-wAyano: does chan_zap show up?
20:32.58AyanoIt gives help, I dont think its right, hold on.
20:33.07bjohnsonFarrisG: err .. you're describing a hardware phone
20:33.46shaoncorydon-w: can u please help me with ivr setup?
20:34.09Corydon-wshaon: why me?  Just ask the channel
20:34.09Ayanoit just gives me usage.  are you sure that is the right command?  if I just type show modules it works.
20:34.22Corydon-wOkay, you have an older version
20:34.50Corydon-wAyano: so does chan_zap show up in that long list?
20:35.07Corydon-wAyano: or you could try:  help zap
20:35.36veryhotDID help, know any where I can get unlimited DID quick beside VP?
20:36.22*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
20:36.44shaonhelp !!!!!!!!! h323 setup on asterisk
20:37.07Ayanok, hold on
20:37.30jboti guess rtfw is Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
20:37.32*** join/#asterisk ruskel (voip@
20:38.13bjohnsonveryhot: no such thing
20:38.27Ayanoif I do a show zap channel and it doesnt show them.
20:38.34veryhotbjohnson: hi
20:38.36jboth323 is probably An ITU-T standard for packet-based multimedia communications systems. This standard defines the different multimedia entities that make up a multimedia system - Endpoint, Gateway, Multipoint Conferencing Unit (MCU), and Gatekeeper - and their interaction. This standard is used for many voice-over-IP applications, and is heavily dependent on other ...
20:38.48Corydon-wAyano: there's no such command.  Do:  help zap
20:38.59veryhotbjohnson: everyone take so long, some don't even get a # for week.
20:39.22AyanoHold on, its rebooting.
20:39.39Corydon-wWhy are you rebooting?
20:39.49bjohnsonveryhot: so?
20:40.40veryhotbjohnson: guess I go and use VP
20:41.19shaonwifi hack any idea?
20:41.37bjohnsonveryhot: ok
20:41.47bjohnsonshaon: wifi hack?
20:42.10shaonwireless 802.11b wep hack
20:42.29shaonhow to do it?
20:42.39AyanoCall me old fasion, but when I make changes I'm scared one will cause it not to boot, then it makes it easier to find the problem.  : ) lol
20:42.50PaulTechYou would you recommend for inbound DID, For testing
20:43.08shaonbjohnson:i get 3 signals in my laptop
20:43.08PaulTechWe're getting our big commit from LVLT but I just want to test with two inbound lines
20:43.17bjohnsonPaulTech: any of a thousand per minute providers
20:43.30bjohnsonPaulTech: nufone is a usual starting point
20:43.32veryhotpaultech: I like voicepulse connect
20:43.34Himekothis is not #wephacking
20:43.49veryhotbjohson: nufone still closed
20:43.51PaulTechI like voicepulse already
20:43.59bjohnsonvoicepulse is a monthly charge .. usually not the best price
20:44.15PaulTechWell this is for a office so unlimited inbound is <3
20:44.25Ayanocorydon-w: ok, I did a zap show channels, and it showed a psedo channel and not the other two.
20:44.35veryhotpaultech: I tried so many other DID providers, they suck at giving a did
20:44.41kiokorobert1anyone tried teliax
20:44.44PaulTechveryhot, bigger from a telco ?
20:44.49PaulTechbetter rather
20:44.55bjohnsonPaulTech: always read the fine print on the "unlimited"
20:44.57shaonhimeko: how to hack wep?
20:44.59veryhotpaultech: nope, just small provider
20:45.23bjohnsonkiokorobert1: teliax gets good reviews
20:45.28Corydon-wAyano: then almost certainly there's something wrong with your zapata.conf
20:45.35PaulTechbjohnson, been in the IT market awhile
20:45.39PaulTechI understand unlimited
20:45.47Corydon-wAyano: perhaps you have two different lines that both say [channels] ?
20:45.48PaulTechThanks thou
20:45.52veryhotpaultech: who have you tried?
20:45.54Corydon-w(I've seen that before)
20:46.04veryhotpaultech: some place got suck support.
20:46.17PaulTechveryhot, just one testing
20:46.22PaulTechWe have a deal with LVLT and BellSouth
20:46.22kiokorobert1thanks bjohnson
20:46.28PaulTechto provide the DID alone
20:46.33veryhotpaultech: some place don't even have DID, but they advertise it.
20:46.41Corydon-wAyano: try posting your ENTIRE zapata.conf to
20:46.52PaulTechveryhot, yea
20:49.38AyanoCorydon-w: k, hold on.
20:52.54AyanoYou got it?
20:54.16Corydon-wWell, there's your problem
20:54.25Corydon-wYou removed the #, didn't you?
20:54.25AyanoWhat's the damage
20:54.45Corydon-w# does not indicate a comment in zapata.conf
20:54.56AyanoI can add it though.  Hold on.
20:55.15Corydon-wYou have:  "include zapata-channels.conf" instead of "#include zapata-channels.conf"
20:55.29Corydon-wAnd you'll need to stop and start asterisk after this change
20:55.48Ayanok, trying it.  I didn't remove it, that is how it was generated.
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20:57.43Ayanodidn't come back up, hold on....
20:57.52Corydon-wAyano: the problem is, it was not acutally reading your config file
20:59.17AyanoIt is saying broken pipe unregistered tor, and zap
20:59.37Corydon-wAyano:  and technically, the callerid on channel 4 should be callerid=asreceived
21:01.25AyanoI made the changes and asterisk wont start.
21:01.43Corydon-wAyano: you're probably going to need someone to ssh into your machine and figure out the problems... because this piecemeal stuff is getting old
21:02.16Ayanosorry let me try a few things
21:03.18JimVanMBrainstorm request: I have a lamp connected to a Sipura, which I want to "ring" whenever there are calls int the queue
21:03.27JimVanMAny ideas on the best way to do this?
21:03.41JimVanM(it has to stop rining when tere are no calls in queue)
21:03.44ThunderDumpmr house
21:04.32Ayanocorydon-w: can you go back to the pastebin and check the syntax on the channels for me?
21:04.53Corydon-wSyntax looks fine
21:06.16*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
21:06.28AyanoOkay, I'm going to try a few things.
21:06.35*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
21:06.51DaLionIusing 3 SPA-3000 boxes, they
21:06.52DaLionall set to register once an hour but r SIP protocol seems to be returning a $VAR that
21:06.52DaLionis telling  to re-register every 3 minutes.
21:07.04DaLionany way to fix ?
21:13.30*** join/#asterisk ramtha (
21:13.49AyanoCorydon-w:  I rebooted the server and it came up with asterisk running.  I did a stop gracefully, and asterisk -vvvvc.  What is the difference?
21:14.05ramthahi, where i can find the hangup cause, wich asterisk gets if all channels of a span are full??
21:14.20AyanoCorydon-w: and now the channel is working...  Your my hero for today!
21:14.23AyanoThank you
21:14.24ramthacan i simulate calls? are there any tools?
21:15.34Ayanoramtha: i think 7777 simulates and outside call for most systems.
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21:17.21ramthaAyano: how can i execute 50 calls at the same minute?
21:17.31ramthasecond ;)
21:18.46AyanoYou can write a script to do it, or you can write a webpage to do it as well.
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21:19.16masoncanyone know how to configure static routes into a linux box?
21:19.18ramthaok i have no skill for that ;)
21:19.26Hydr0p0nxroute add
21:19.43masoncI have eth0 and eth1
21:19.50masoncthe gateway is on eth0
21:19.52AyanoYou can also just manually create 50 call files and drop them in the spooler.
21:20.02masoncbut I have some IPs I have to route to through eth1
21:20.02PatrickDKhmm? static routes? are those possible anymore?
21:20.17mike-ffmasonc eth0 and eth1 need to be on different networks
21:20.17PatrickDKoh heh
21:20.28PatrickDKor do proxyarp
21:20.47ramthamasone: route add -net netmask
21:20.52mike-ffmasonc and then you need to add a default route to your router on eth0 and network routes to the gateways on the eth1 subnet
21:20.55ramthalast ip ist gateway ip
21:21.21Ayanoramtha: You can also just manually create 50 call files and drop them in the spooler.
21:21.44ramthaAyano: wich cmd i must use?
21:23.09Ayanoramtha: I have a context file somewhere in my e-mail.  Give me a little bit.  I have to run out for a few minutes.
21:24.06ramthano problem, thx
21:26.03Ayanoramtha: is this something that has to be done right now?
21:27.10ramthaAyano: nothing must be done right now ;). i think i dont need id. i only must verify that i do not get hangup cuase 1 if all channels of one group are full
21:27.53*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (
21:28.31AyanoOk, I'll be back on later on.  I have to take my daughter to school.  Hit me up when I get back on.
21:29.07AyanoThank you Corydon-w
21:33.19*** join/#asterisk Trickyphillips (
21:34.10jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
21:34.14jbotmailinglist is, like, Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
21:35.27*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
21:35.46tldCan I run the extension/sip userlist in a PostgreSQL database?  Any anyone know of a resource I can read up on it if it's doable?
21:38.38*** part/#asterisk Patrick^ (
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22:03.15webrunnersHello Everyone....  Can anyone possible help with a Call Queue question?
22:07.02webrunnersAny Asterisk consultants here?
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22:07.26iqwebrunners, ask the question. I'm sure I wont know the answer but someone else might ;0
22:08.06*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (~nonyobizn@
22:08.16*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
22:09.43FuriousGeorgehey all.  i know my credentials are right in sip.conf, and this has never happened before though this is a new setup.  can someone transalate that for me?  im still learning voipese
22:09.59FuriousGeorge <--thats the error
22:10.30webrunnersI trying to figure out on how to make asterisk not keep ringing a phone that is loged into a call queue when the agent is allready on a call.
22:11.51FuriousGeorgen/m it stopped happening
22:15.58FuriousGeorgeactually, this error happens when i try to log in an xlite to my * server.  why would that prevent me from authorizing to my sip dialtone provider
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22:22.29FuriousGeorgeso does anybody know why i opening xlite makes my registration with sipphone timeout
22:22.33In-Sideis any ser magic by there?
22:22.34FuriousGeorgeit doesnt make any sense
22:22.48In-SideFuriousGeorge: nat
22:23.00FuriousGeorge* and xlite are on the same side of the nat
22:23.03In-Sidemaybe... if it was in ser I would have a answer for yo
22:23.13FuriousGeorgeits only when i open xlite that i get kicked off
22:23.20In-SideI  was confronting the same problem some hours ago..
22:23.38FuriousGeorgeits not like im even trying to make a call
22:23.52In-Sidenow I found the anwer.. but a new problem arise....  i  can't find a perfect solution for both problems :S
22:24.10In-Sideyes the session timeout
22:24.15In-Sideand it hangup
22:24.19In-SideI had same problem
22:24.27FuriousGeorge <--thats the error i get
22:24.28In-Sideit was about the re invite
22:24.33FuriousGeorgereinvite huh
22:24.49In-SideI don't understand much of asterisk to help you sorry
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22:25.02FuriousGeorgeapparently no one is here today
22:25.15In-Sidetry to decrease
22:25.21In-Sidethe registration time
22:25.29In-Sidelike 300 or something
22:25.37FuriousGeorgein what?  xlite?
22:25.48In-Sidecheckout your configuration to see if you impose a time limit
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22:25.52In-Sideand sxlite is conform to it
22:26.04In-SideI cant be more explicit sorry
22:26.36FuriousGeorgeno, ive done this before and ive never had this problem, its not that.  i never needed to set that before
22:27.17*** part/#asterisk FarrisG (
22:30.03FuriousGeorgeit appears when i sip show peers, the user for my xlite is already logged on.  then i open xlite and really break everything
22:30.51FuriousGeorgeso i guess i have to figure out why this user is being logged on by defaulty
22:30.59*** join/#asterisk _SMP_ (
22:33.31In-Sidesorry i can't help you
22:33.41In-SideI was just wondering
22:34.32In-Sidein ser i use this code to turn around that issue
22:34.32In-Sidef (method=="INVITE" && client_nat_test("19")) {
22:35.18In-Sideso what is the real problem ?
22:35.32In-Sidethe are multiple logins with same account ?
22:35.40In-Sideis that the problem ?
22:35.48*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
22:36.25Lee__in the US, is getting a 911 POTS line from Verizon the way to deal with 911 service?
22:37.03*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
22:37.34Lee__I want my Asterisk boxen to respond to 911 calls even with a power outage
22:38.03Lee__so I get an FXO card and the lowest level of service from Verizon and only route calls to the FXO if they are 911
22:38.06JerJer[mobile]Lee__:  then power your asterisk box with a UPS and backup generator
22:38.17Lee__nonono. like the old skool phones
22:38.32bjohnsonand make sure your isp doesn't fail
22:38.40NuggetLee: but yesyes, JerJer's suggestion also solves your problem.
22:38.56Lee__the FXO cards have a loopback, right? I can get at least one analog phone to maintain 911 service this way.
22:39.04*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
22:39.05Nuggetwhy not just get a UPS?
22:39.07In-Sidewhy he will need the isp if the call will be route trought pots ?
22:39.15In-Sideget an ups
22:39.19bjohnsonLee__: ohhh .. you mean the crap clone cards
22:39.22In-Sideand get the asterisk box up
22:39.24In-Sidejust that
22:39.28JerJer[mobile]Nugget:  because a ups will even eventually die if edison does not come back
22:39.36Nuggetget a bigger ups.  :)
22:39.38Lee__I don't care who makes the card. The Digium one looks good
22:39.45In-SideJerJer[mobile]: well buy an generator
22:39.46Lee__UPS is a shoddy solution
22:40.00In-Sideyou have another way
22:40.03ManxPowerAnyone here set up Tellabs hardware echocan devices?
22:40.07In-Sideuse an sipura device
22:40.08bjohnsonLee__: the digium ones don't have a bypass iirc
22:40.12In-Sidesipura 3000
22:40.18NuggetIf you think a UPS is a shoddy solution, you're in for a shock when you start messing with the current state of FXO solutions.
22:40.19bjohnsonand SPA 3000 is one option
22:40.22Lee__the analog phone network has the advantage of sending DC on the line. that's why analog phones still have service in a power outage
22:40.23In-Sidespa 3000 can dout
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22:40.27JerJer[mobile]In-Side:  that is what i suggested n the first place, smart guy
22:40.39In-Sidesorry i didn't see
22:40.51In-Sideanyway he will still need the power source
22:41.00JerJer[mobile]Lee__:  you need a UPS to sustain thru the edison power loss
22:41.14Nuggetwhy do you need an SPA anyway?  isn't a phone plugged into the wall what you're talking about?
22:41.16In-SideLee__: you need eggs to have an omelet
22:41.25Nuggetyou need a $4 telephone.  instant 911 fallback
22:41.28In-Sideif he use and spa 3000
22:41.29Lee__but not if there's a single analog phone connected to the FXO card and I walk up to it, plug a phone in and use it.
22:41.41NuggetLee__: just plug the phone into the wall and use it
22:41.44In-Sidethe outage porwer will be much lower
22:41.59bjohnsonleave a phone plugged into the pstn, parallel to the fxo
22:42.03Lee__yeah, the $4 telephone, but it'd be nice to use that line when there isn't a power outage too, right?
22:42.05bjohnsonjust turn it's ringer off
22:42.09QwellDoesn't the SPA 3000 have passthrough?
22:42.12NuggetLee__: ok, so use it.
22:42.15In-Sideno no
22:42.16bjohnsonQwell: yes
22:42.22In-Sidewell yes it has
22:42.25Lee__bjohnson: that's what I thought, just checking. you guys are really touchy about questions.
22:42.26Nuggetdoesn't the SPA 3000 require power?  :)
22:42.29Qwellis that what he's using, or am I not reading high enough up?
22:42.40QwellNugget: No, thats the thing.  if the spa3000 loses power, it becomes a passthrough
22:42.40In-Sideno spa 300 has pass torught i thkin
22:42.43In-Sidelet me confirm
22:42.43bjohnsonNugget: not for passthough between the fxs and fxo
22:42.48In-Sideyes it has
22:42.54In-SideI tried and it has
22:42.56Nuggetit's still a shoddy solution, if you ask me.  :)
22:43.00Lee__Cool, the sip 3000 sounds cool
22:43.04In-SideI jsut forgot why i obought this
22:43.11In-Sideit is cheap
22:43.16In-Sideand works nicelly
22:43.23In-Sidenice peace of hardware
22:43.31ManxPowerThe SPA-3k is good if you want local pots service for any reason
22:43.42In-Sideand has another advantage
22:43.44Lee__ManxPower: thanks.
22:43.52Qwellthere aren't many ATAs with FXO, are there?
22:44.00bjohnsonQwell: no
22:44.01In-Sideya some
22:44.07In-Sidebut not so nice as sipura ones
22:44.16In-SideI like then
22:44.31In-Sideanyway... there are anybody there that works with ser also?
22:44.46In-Sideser channel seems to have alot of dead people
22:45.04In-SideI can hear the moon there....
22:45.23ManxPowerIn-Side, We think SER kills people.
22:45.36ManxPowerNo proof, but the evidence suggests that SER is a mass murderer.
22:45.48QwellManxPower: sure, take the easy joke :p
22:45.48In-Sideyes.. I start to thinking the same
22:46.03ManxPowerQwell, A SERial killer?
22:46.07In-SideI'm not a english speaker...
22:46.12QwellNo, thats the easy pun
22:46.13In-SideI just understand ehehe
22:46.29In-Sideanyway ser is a killer application
22:46.48In-Sidebut... I thinking the long usage of it my cause brain damage or something
22:47.21In-Sideok... if there are no Ser user here I have a question about asterisk that is hrt my brain
22:47.49In-Sidehow can I get asterisk to work as brigde and not trying to translate the codecds of my devices ?
22:48.07bjohnsonset them to use the same codecs
22:48.14In-SideI use g729 and 723.1 in all of then but * keeps trying to translate it
22:48.33In-Sideand of course i don't have the license to use it
22:48.46JerJer[mobile]then don't translate t
22:48.57In-Sidehow can i turn off it ?
22:49.11JerJer[mobile]asterisk will pass thru the data
22:49.21In-Sidetranscode_via_sln = no
22:49.24JerJer[mobile]if the path stays the same codec all the way thru
22:49.25In-SideI try this
22:49.29In-Sidewith no success
22:49.34JerJer[mobile]and you don't have any dial modifiers or play any prompts
22:50.09In-Sidehows that I can't have dial plans ?
22:50.15JerJer[mobile]In-Side:  and your running cvs -head as of at least yesterday?
22:50.22JerJer[mobile]dial modifiers
22:50.36QwellJerJer[mobile]: I've never seen anything that says so, besides when ordering a DID.  Does nufone use SIP?
22:50.47JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  sure
22:50.53In-SideJerJer[mobile]: I really newbie on asterisk sorry
22:51.00In-Sidewhat that really does?
22:51.49QwellDo you guys terminate yourselves, or use a higher power?  I'm fine with PM if you don't want to discuss in the open
22:52.24*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
22:53.11FuriousGeorgethis sip registration problem appears to be with xlite using oss (using wine) while asterisk tries to do the same.  if i start asterisk first, then xlite, sound doesnt work in xlite
22:53.46In-Sideyou could say it more soon you was using wine
22:53.58FuriousGeorgehow can i just turn sound off in the console
22:54.08Qwellnoload alsa and oss modules?
22:54.12Qwellnot sure what that will affect
22:54.33*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:54.46FuriousGeorgeQwell: where do i put this noload optionj?  i see alsa.conf and oss.conf, but they appear to be called by a third file
22:56.26FuriousGeorgebeautiful.  now to make the dialplan work.  thanks again, Qwell
22:56.32Qwellworks? >
22:56.50FuriousGeorgewell, i can use xlite via wine to test my dialplan
22:56.57FuriousGeorgebut not EVERYTHING works ;)
22:59.50FuriousGeorgeQwell: if i open asterisk first it still breaks xlite's audio
23:00.12QwellYou didn't do it right then
23:01.17FuriousGeorgek, im just confused, there seems to be another problem.  when i open xlite, it automatically starts trying to make a call, if asterisk is already open
23:02.38FuriousGeorgeno ive closed xlite and im still getting erros about Maximum retries exceeded on call
23:03.48FuriousGeorgenow its working, if i open asterisk first thenopen xlite, all is good
23:04.29lesouvageFutiousGerage: If you want to do it the easy way install Xorcom Rapid, a ready to use Asterisk distribution.
23:05.57FuriousGeorgelesouvage: the point is really to learn this
23:06.12FuriousGeorgei keep getting sidetracked because i need to get better with linux itself
23:09.35lesouvageDoes anybody know the exact hight of an tdm400p pci card. It's maybe a kind of strange question but  I'm developing an start-up SOHOasterisk box with standard an x100p card but I want to offer the option to upgrade to a n tdm400p card .
23:12.47*** join/#asterisk leandro_pt (
23:15.29FuriousGeorgeim having trouble finding the link for the x-lite for linux beta, anyone got it?
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23:22.06leandro_pthi.. anyone use chan_capi + dmtf?
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23:29.56OloBolawhen where is the message envelope info stored for comedian mail? I can't find callerID info in the "Message Information file". Is it somewhere else?
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23:33.02OloBolaI found it
23:33.34*** join/#asterisk jackfiber (cico@
23:33.44jessterhaving trouble getting ring-answer to work with Polycom, anyone try this? I was confused on the wiki.
23:34.01jackfibercan u get any voip phone to work behinf SpeedStream NAT routers (ADSL) ?
23:34.28jackfibercan u get any voip phone to work behind SpeedStream NAT routers (ADSL) ?
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23:45.16nwhiti am having problems with cisco phones hanging up the person after a certain amount of time if you put a person on hold
23:45.19nwhitand they hang up after some time if the other side puts the person on hold
23:45.22nwhitany ideas
23:48.56nwhitjackfiber: who's that for?
23:51.42jackfiberit's for qualifying the connection if ur are behind NAT the connection might be dropped by router/ADSl closing UDP port qualify =yes on asterisk side will cause it to be kept open by quality=yes caused 2 seconds
23:51.54jackfiberintervals keep alive packets
23:51.56jackfiberu can set
23:52.13jackfiberwhich sends jeekalive every 100miliseconds
23:52.20jackfiberand any other number
23:52.38jackfiberr u on PPPoE or PPPoA ?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.