irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050417

00:00.07*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
00:04.39*** part/#asterisk Hydroxide (user@Hydroxide.developer.debian)
00:06.44*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
00:14.08*** join/#asterisk jonas (
00:16.24TUplinkERRRR this program is starting to get to me..... when i enter an extnetionat my IVR it takes it as 20 instead of 20002
00:16.31FuriousGeorgenothing is more confusing, or more poorly laid out than zapata.conf
00:18.17MichaelCatCan you capture and use the return codes if you call a shell script from a dialplan?
00:19.38three55mlPTG1234: No Rio?
00:19.47PTG1234rio was too big compared to the mini
00:19.56three55mlMost things are :)
00:19.58PTG1234and the mini's battery life of 18hours just sold me aloing with the size
00:20.20PTG1234hey three would you have a few moments to help me with courier later?
00:20.35PTG1234or do you have no idea how to set it up
00:20.38*** join/#asterisk file[mac] (~file[mac]
00:20.44PTG1234file: welcome
00:20.56three55mlI do, what are you trying to do and I'll tell you if I've done it before
00:21.07PTG1234i need it to use the vpopmail format
00:21.13PTG1234and have no idea how to tell it which auth module to use
00:21.19three55mlLatest version?
00:21.28PTG1234actually one sec let me reboot
00:21.35PTG1234so my ipod works :)
00:21.38three55mlLet me look
00:21.56file[mac]ooh iPod
00:22.59*** join/#asterisk Skarmeth (
00:23.04Skarmethhi all
00:23.33SkarmethI'm trying to set a lab asterisk with a md3200 board, but not found docs about it
00:23.47Skarmethcan anyone point me to any source of info?
00:26.34*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:27.25*** join/#asterisk In-Side (
00:27.27In-SideHi guys
00:27.45In-SideI have a problem that i will describe now to know if anybody can give me a clue
00:28.15In-Sidewhen i use iax2 to connect fwd everything works nice
00:28.28In-Sidewhen i use sip i get always 503 as answer
00:28.46Sedoroxyou can't use both to FWD
00:28.48Skarmethok, get it working
00:28.52In-Sideand if i try to configure a nated client directly it simple doesn't have sound as supposed
00:29.03In-SideI'm jsut using one
00:29.27SkarmethZapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
00:29.27Skarmethwcfxo: DAA mode is 'FCC'
00:29.27SkarmethFound a Wildcard FXO: Generic Clone
00:29.28SkarmethRegistered tone zone 0 (United States / North America)
00:29.42SkarmethI've two card's in this machine
00:29.53Skarmetha Intel 537 and a Ambient md3200
00:30.15jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
00:30.15bugbotpastebin is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
00:30.17Skarmethif I put fxsks=2, I'll get all two working?
00:33.29MichaelCatCan you capture and use the return codes if you call a shell script from a dialplan?
00:36.01MichaelCatyes it looks like system will not allow me to use custoemr return codes from a shell script, am i missing something or is there a way to do it
00:37.14*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (
00:37.17PTG1234ok back
00:37.24PTG1234ipod won't detect but i'm back :)
00:37.33file[mac]how rude of it
00:37.52PTG1234well i told you i bought a mac just for my ipod
00:37.56three55mlPTG1234: You just need to know where to specify to use vpopmail with Courier or what?
00:37.58PTG1234maybe i should use that again :)
00:38.13three55mlI think I might get a Mac mini
00:38.15PTG1234three ya
00:38.18PTG1234the docs for courier suck
00:38.24MichaelCatthe shell script does stuf and returns different codes 0 thru 9 depending on what it finds, i need to have the extension do differnt things based on the return codes from the script
00:38.31PTG1234file[mac]: shouldn't the ipod just show up in the list?
00:38.38PTG1234in itunes
00:39.08three55mlPTG1234: On Linux at least, you'd edit /usr/local/etc/authlib/authdaemonrc
00:39.23PTG1234let me look at that
00:39.46PatrickDKhmm, I have a fun email setup :)
00:39.53three55mlPTG1234: There's a line that says "authmodulelist="...add "vchkpw" to the list.  I just use vpopmail, so mine reads: authmodulelist="authvchkpw"
00:40.38PTG1234ok its in there so it will use that?
00:40.41*** part/#asterisk PTG1234 (
00:40.47*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (
00:40.50PTG1234what did i miss :)
00:40.58three55mlnothing, yeah...that should be it
00:40.58*** join/#asterisk sivana (~sivana@
00:40.58PTG1234authmodulelist="authuserdb authpam authvchkpw"
00:40.58PTG1234##NAME: authmodulelistorig:2
00:40.58PTG1234# This setting is used by Courier's webadmin module, and should be left
00:40.58PTG1234# alone
00:41.03PTG1234authmodulelistorig="authuserdb authpam authvchkpw"
00:41.07three55mlLeave orig
00:41.34PTG1234file you alive
00:41.40PTG1234my ipod has a folder icon on it with a !
00:41.42PTG1234what does that mean
00:41.55PTG1234and now usb won't detect it
00:42.09PTG1234think the batteries just need to be charged?
00:42.21file[mac]I haven't a clue
00:42.38file[mac]but yes, the batteries probably do need to be charged
00:43.22PTG1234so courier just should WORK?
00:43.26PTG1234how do i add an account?
00:44.23PatrickDKdunno, doesn't vpopmail use some kind of flat file or mysql database?
00:44.36PatrickDKI've used vm-pop and now I am using ldap
00:44.36PTG1234flat file
00:44.40PTG1234i think :)
00:44.41unterxcan you configure asterisk to allow multiple calls to phone sip phone?
00:44.48PatrickDKptg, probably just edit it
00:44.58PatrickDKunless couriour has some build in gui for it
00:45.05PatrickDKI know vpopmail doesn't
00:46.43MikeJ[Jayden]MichaelCat, you can use agi and set variables and check them after return
00:48.48MichaelCat<MikeJ[Jayden]>,that is what i am looking at now, but not sure the cleanest way to do it
00:49.20MichaelCatit looks like i can only pass one arg with agi
00:49.33*** join/#asterisk jterrero (
00:49.59MichaelCati pass the caller id and another arg, so I guess i could try to read the caller id from in the agi script
00:52.27MichaelCati am looking for a sample agi script to pass variable back and forth and have the agi call my other shell script instead
00:52.39*** join/#asterisk file[mac] (
00:53.33*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
00:56.31PTG1234can you hard reset and ipod?
00:56.40file[mac]yeah it's in the manual
00:57.28*** join/#asterisk topping (
00:57.54*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:58.52PTG1234its broke
01:01.16PTG1234hmm now a battery icon
01:01.19*** part/#asterisk outsidefactor (
01:01.24PTG1234i guess i'll leave it alone for an hour and hope it works when i come back :)
01:04.46Mavviesomebody here with an Patton 2977 card?
01:15.22*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
01:20.36PTG1234well looks like i am going back to the store already
01:20.58PTG1234its dead
01:21.02PTG1234flashing folder icon with a !
01:21.08PTG1234no computers reconize it, etc
01:21.36file[laptop]use the iPod Updater
01:21.37*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
01:22.00PTG1234doesn't see it
01:22.18file[laptop]ooh eek you broke it!
01:22.34PTG1234explain to me how :)
01:22.42PTG1234stupid f'cking ipod :)
01:23.07denonPTG1234: your wife get a #? :)
01:23.15file[laptop]look at that! :p
01:23.28PTG1234oh i think so denon, remind me in like 30 minutes, she ran to the store :)
01:23.28denonits .. an ipod .. apple product .. you deserve what ya get :)
01:23.37denonPTG1234 : im gonna be afk in like 20 seconds
01:23.42denonso if you remember .. remember ;)
01:23.57file[laptop]PTG1234: take a look at that page and give it a try
01:24.01file[laptop]and my Apple stuff works 100% :p
01:24.05file[laptop]Mac, iPod, and iSight
01:24.47PTG1234file: to do any of that i need the pc to reconize it :)
01:24.48PTG1234which it doesn't
01:24.56file[laptop]ah PC
01:25.12file[laptop]yeah it's all your fault it's broken too
01:25.20PTG1234why because i own a pc? :)
01:25.48PTG1234hah this notebook is so sweet :) no mac could compete :)
01:26.02file[laptop]meh I care not
01:26.18PTG1234ok going to go jump in my pool and cool off fromy my stupid ipod problems
01:26.44denon/timer 1 1800 /msg PTG1234 Automated Message: did she get a tracking #?
01:27.18file[laptop]PTG1234: what did denon get from you?
01:27.45*** join/#asterisk greyarea (
01:28.21greyareayo anyone around?
01:29.26greyareawell Im having a bit of a problem getting musiconhold to work in freeBSD in meetme.I was thinking maybe I could paste my configs and someone could point out what Im doing wrong?pls
01:29.32*** join/#asterisk tugalone (
01:29.52file[laptop]using mpg123 0.59r?
01:30.06file[laptop]got a timing device?
01:30.08greyareaum I believe its changed let me see
01:30.20file[laptop]use 0.59r, and 0.59r only
01:30.23greyareayeah using ztdummy
01:30.37greyareathe conf works but musiconhold does not
01:30.55greyareaok let me see what player Im using that might be the problem
01:31.04file[laptop]you HAVE to use mpg123 0.59r
01:31.11file[laptop]only then will I further help you
01:31.24greyareaok thanks
01:32.04PTG1234isn't there something better them mplayer now
01:32.16PTG1234besides you should really convert it to a raw file and play from it, so it doesn't use cpu cycles
01:32.30Sedoroxmplayer or mpg123?
01:32.30file[laptop]mpg123 and mplayer are two different things ;)
01:32.37PTG1234er mpg123
01:32.39PTG1234whatever :)
01:32.42PTG1234i am still seeing red from my ipod
01:32.54file[laptop]I just use mpg123 because it always works for me and requires no effort usually
01:32.56Sedoroxwhat happened to it?
01:33.00*** join/#asterisk BitShopSteveR (icechat5@
01:33.08PTG1234its dead
01:33.10PTG1234and its less then an hour old
01:33.25Sedoroxhow is it deasd?
01:33.42PTG1234flashing folder icon
01:34.07PTG1234maybe i should just go buy that instead
01:34.11PTG1234i got a bad taste from the ipod already
01:35.03tzangerPTG1234: they're not edible you twitt
01:35.10MavvieStatus: Provisioned, Down, Active
01:35.14Mavviego up you stupid link!
01:35.39Mavvieoh look!
01:35.45MavvieStatus: Provisioned, Up, Active
01:35.48PTG1234yah i thinhk thats my issue
01:35.54PTG1234the device_control folder is gone
01:36.02PTG1234but the computer won't reconize it for the updater to work
01:36.19*** join/#asterisk david (
01:37.42greyareahmm,I'm using MPG123 but I can't tell what version.
01:39.06*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
01:39.13*** join/#asterisk Rez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
01:39.32*** join/#asterisk ozzy_cow (
01:42.00PTG1234ok well if it does ahve an explanation mark and youve had it for less than a year apple will take it back and usuallly send you a new one
01:42.14PTG1234thats the onluy thing i can find :)
01:43.19*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
01:43.47*** join/#asterisk ZX81_Laptop (
01:44.00PTG1234ok screw it i am going to go buy the archos :)
01:44.26ZX81_Laptopanyone know why I get too many open files when ulimit is unlimited with 500 calls per second?
01:44.43PTG1234yah b/c linux sucks under load
01:44.45ozzy_cowis someone running asterisk with "connect" voicepulse ?
01:44.56PTG1234use freebsd
01:45.09cypromismorn kiwiman
01:45.38greyareayeah Voice pulse sucks
01:45.45ozzy_cowi keep getting  Call rejected by No such context/extension errors
01:45.59ozzy_cowgreyarea: really, who do you recommend?
01:46.01ZX81_Laptop[root@pabx ~]# /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 40: 16623 Aborted                 (core dumped) asterisk ${CLIARGS} ${ASTARGS} >&/dev/${TTY} </dev/${TTY}
01:46.06greyareaDid you add the key?
01:46.14cypromisZX81_Laptop: now that wasn't very hard, was it ?
01:46.47greyareaI hate how the DID I have with VP won't get CPN information.
01:46.56*** join/#asterisk want561or772did (
01:47.02ZX81_LaptopApr 17 13:40:17 WARNING[16623]: channel.c:505 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Local/6601@internal-1ce5,2', 10 retries!
01:47.21ZX81_LaptopApr 17 13:40:17 WARNING[16623]: res_musiconhold.c:601 mohalloc: Failed to create pipe: Too many open files
01:47.42ZX81_Laptopmy poor asterisk box
01:47.51ozzy_cowwell, i can't even get voicepulse to work
01:48.22greyareaI couldnt either until I found out you have to add a key.
01:48.23ozzy_cowgreyarea: whats CPN?
01:48.31greyareaCalling party Number
01:48.40greyareawhats behind private tags
01:48.48greyareaif someone tried to call with *67
01:48.55greyareaNot ANI but CPN
01:49.05greyareaVoip doesnt get ANI
01:49.20ozzy_cowwhat key do i need?
01:49.35greyareaI dont know I had someone else do that while I was out of town
01:50.10greyareaAnyone else with VPC should know what that is tho :/
01:51.20*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
01:51.50ozzy_cowoh, i have the key
01:52.09greyareawerd you get it?
01:52.10ozzy_cowit's in /var/lib/asterisk/keys
01:52.55greyareaYou see before I got this DID with VPC I had a acct with Nufone :)
01:53.13greyareaI like Nufone out of all the voip providers :)
01:53.22ozzy_cowi can't even get outgoing to work
01:53.35ozzy_cowi get "all circuits busy error"
01:53.47ozzy_cowand the logs show up with Call rejected by No such context/extension
01:53.50greyareaYou tring to dial in then out?
01:54.00ozzy_cowwhat do you mean
01:54.17ozzy_cowi didn't even set up dialing in yet :-)
01:54.17greyarealike you tring to call your pbx then enter an extension and dial of it?
01:54.33ozzy_cowhmm let me try that
01:54.47ozzy_cowbtw, my asterisk box is behind nat, do i need to forward ports?
01:55.09greyareaI don't have NAT set-up :(
01:55.38unterxanyone have any experience with meetme? I defined the proper conference room in meetme.conf, but when I use it as an extension in extensions.conf i get "that is not a valid conference number"
01:56.00greyareaIf your having problems with your extensions or iax.conf I can copy paste what I have.
01:56.31greyareaunterx:try this in you extensions.conf
01:56.31greyareaexten => 1,1,MeetMeCount,1
01:56.31greyareaexten => 1,2,MeetMe,1
01:56.43docelmoWho said you dont get ANI with VOIP?
01:57.17bugbotANI is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
01:57.38bugbotani is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
01:57.46greyareaand in your meetme.conf
01:57.46greyareaconf => 1,
01:57.57greyareavoip doenst get ani
01:58.07Chujijbot ani is Automatic Number Identification Systems
01:58.08jbotokay, Chuji
01:58.10greyareaSO your telling me that it gets both CPN and ANI
01:58.15greyareayour crazy
01:58.21docelmoSo grey your telling me if I recieve a call via voip I will not get the ANI?
01:58.29file[laptop]you can get lots of stuff
01:58.40greyareawhat provider and on what switch is your DID coiming off of?
01:59.03greyareathats what determines it
01:59.40docelmoNo provider should block ANI unless someone did a *67 or something.  You should always get ANI or CPN..
01:59.42greyareaI wish that Nufones shit would send along the OCI digits or also know as the ANI II digits to me :(
01:59.59greyareaANI and CPN are 2 different things
02:00.22docelmoAni is the calling party number.
02:00.24unterxgreyarea: what is the point of 1, in meetme.conf?
02:00.36greyareajust for pressing 1
02:00.49unterxoh, just for testing
02:01.01greyareaNow traditionaly ANI is the CPN but you can change the CPN to generate a different callerid
02:01.07docelmoI deal with large scale voip deployments and I always get ANI I dont always get OLI but just the same..
02:01.44greyareaSo if you call me and I have my phone forwarded to tom,tom will see your CPN (Calling party number.
02:01.46greyareabut if
02:02.05greyareayou call me and I forward my line to NPA5551212 they wil see my number b/c IM the ANI
02:02.19greyareaI originated the call to them and Im the BTN the Builling telephone number
02:02.32greyareaBut your the CPN
02:02.40greyareatheres a difference my friend
02:03.09docelmoIn this instance this is true..  However ANI is all anyone looks at and normally the orignal ANI is passed along if via tandem
02:03.29greyareaVOip gets CPN
02:03.33greyareanot ANI
02:04.17file[laptop]docelmo: don't bother
02:04.17greyareaofcourse if someone puts private tags on their line in most carriers you can see their number but that does not mean that it is ani its justy CPN
02:04.25file[laptop]it's not worth it.
02:04.30file[laptop]I gave up long ago
02:04.34greyareaIf you dont beleive me test it yourself
02:04.35*** join/#asterisk doonut (
02:05.07docelmoDude I run 20 * boxes load balanced..   My front end is cisco or direct VOIP and I get ANI and OLI
02:05.28greyareaok one sec
02:05.32greyareawe can test this
02:05.46Silik0njesus fucking christ argue over stoopid shit why dont you
02:05.46docelmogreyarea, what is your area of expertise in VOIP?
02:06.12docelmoI think its funny..   Cause ANI and CPN are the same..
02:06.12sivanamy area of expertise is breaking shit
02:06.17greyareaIm going to call passing ANI and a differnt CPN let me know what you see.
02:06.45docelmoIm not gonna see shit cause I am in a chat channel not on your box ass..
02:07.03docelmofile knows I am right..  :)
02:07.20file[laptop]all I'm saying is you can get lots of things
02:07.29docelmoAnywho..  I am the Senior Network Data/Voice engineer for my company so I kinda know what I am talking about..  ANI and CPN are one in the same..
02:07.36greyareaI know about this man,you cant get ANI only CPN
02:07.50*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
02:07.51greyareathey always hire noobs :/
02:07.53docelmoANI IS CPN!   ARGH!   Im going to eat..
02:07.58greyareaNo it is not
02:08.09sivanading ding ding
02:08.22newlround two...
02:08.24greyareaANI is the BIlling number the number that orginated the call CPN is the person calling
02:08.44file[laptop]Silik0n: So how's life treating you?
02:08.46greyareaI only wish voip could get ANI
02:09.15file[laptop]*cough* it can *cough*
02:09.19file[laptop]I didn't say that
02:09.24sivanawho said that
02:09.28file[laptop]not me!!!
02:10.11greyareaSo.... your telling me that you can spoogf ANI? HAha,no you cant you can only spoof CPN.
02:10.28file[laptop]did I say that?
02:10.29greyareaANI is  the originating number.
02:10.36greyareanot the calling party number
02:10.52greyareayoull find out when you test
02:11.16newlheh cpn?  that's a new acronym to me. :)
02:11.36SedoroxLooks.. its a grey area... so leave it alone....
02:11.54drumkillafile[laptop]: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
02:11.59file[laptop]drumkilla: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
02:12.12drumkillahow you doin' ?
02:12.23file[laptop]I'm peachy, you?
02:12.38greyareaIf you think you get ANI,call from your landline thru 10102880 (it makes the ANI a NPA that the call was homed out of) and does a anifial but the info is still there call yourself and see if you see that 3 digit number
02:12.52greyareayou wont
02:13.26greyareaand or call yourself thru voicepulse passing CPN that you choose and see if it reads it or if it reads the ANI the VPC has set for their outgoing calls
02:13.35greyareayou are going to see the CPN that you choose
02:13.35file[laptop]voicepulse? pfft
02:14.07greyareanufone passes a anifail but its a 3 digit number and you wont see that either
02:14.29greyareawith voip there is always a ANI behind your CPN
02:14.42greyareathat is differnt
02:14.53file[laptop]who has a landline and wants to test this?
02:15.04greyareaI can call anynumber
02:15.10*** join/#asterisk _solstice_ (
02:15.15greyareawho wants me to call their box?
02:15.36greyareaI will pass a different ANI than the CPN and you can tell me what you see the CPN or the ANI
02:15.39file[laptop]just call that and hangup, that's all I need
02:16.00file[laptop]I'm curious to see what the equipment will send me
02:16.20greyareaok Ill pass 4803915000 as the CPN and 2124007300 as the ANI
02:16.32_solstice_Anyone here ever setup a asterisk box behind a cisco router on a nated network? Trying to get mine to work behind either a Cisco 837DSL / 3640 ..
02:16.51*** join/#asterisk voiper (
02:17.35greyareaok called
02:17.37file[laptop]'datz enough
02:17.40greyareathats a voip number right?
02:17.52greyareaoh btw I can pull tollfree info :)
02:18.44file[laptop]that was TDM
02:18.55file[laptop]going through a Lucent APX
02:19.07greyareawhat did it say?
02:19.09file[laptop]I wanted to see if it would give me the ANI in the SIP messages
02:20.15greyareaIm going to smoke msg me what it said pls
02:20.24file[laptop]nah it had the 480
02:20.32file[laptop]the SIP messages just looked a little odd
02:20.39file[laptop]indented weirdly...
02:24.50greyarearight see
02:24.53greyareaits simple
02:25.10file[laptop]but anyway, depending on the equipment you can get both
02:25.15file[laptop]you can get LOTS of things
02:25.19greyareaif a call comes straight from a PSTN line The ANI will generate the CPN and the CPN will generate the Callerid
02:25.56greyareaif a call is forwarded then the CPN iwll be diffent than the ANI or if a call comes from a PBX the CPN will be different if you change it
02:26.33greyareawell no it depends on the backbone provider sending the information along to the reseller and if the reseller sends that info to you.
02:26.39*** join/#asterisk rumba (
02:26.53newlIf it is forwarded, it's up to the exchange what to do with it.  Some are configured to presend the B party diverting, some present the A party.
02:27.17sivanaso then basically CPN = ANI.. right
02:27.28greyareawell right that depends on how your carreir handles forwarded calls
02:27.32newlsivana: no.
02:27.40sivanaI'm just stirring up the pot
02:27.47greyareano need to fight
02:28.25greyareabut traditionaly ANI is the CPN but CPN can always be changed.
02:28.37FuriousGeorgeso this snd_intel8x0 driver.  i cant seem to find an option in the kernel for it.  i found under OSS "Intel ICH 8xx" but i doubt thats it, since its for oss.  anyone got an idea what option in the kernel i should be looking for
02:28.37greyareato be something different than the ANI
02:28.56FuriousGeorgegeneric inte/nvidia/sis/blah support
02:28.57greyareaanywho tho
02:28.59newlI can program up a 6 line hunt group that'll present the 5 auxillary numbers as the prime for presentation purposes.  That doesn't mean the ANI will be the same.
02:29.13FuriousGeorgewhoops im in the wrong channel
02:29.17greyareaa "lead" number?
02:29.28newlFuriousGeorge: snd_intel8x0 is an ALSA module.
02:29.31sivanaright, but then ANI = CPN though
02:29.38greyareain ss7 alot of info is being sent
02:29.46sivanaand E = MC2
02:29.46greyarealike 4 different numbers
02:30.10sivanaand my ass = going home
02:30.14greyareaok yo can you help me know with my musiconhold pls :)
02:30.14FuriousGeorgenewl:  so its not in the kernel
02:30.46newlFuriousGeorge: Not by default, no.
02:31.02*** join/#asterisk iq{tablet} (
02:31.10newlFuriousGeorge: Well, not vanilla kernel anyway.  It may be provided by the distributor though.
02:31.24FuriousGeorgeyeah, i think its in my gentoo kernel
02:31.37FuriousGeorgeIntel/SiS/nVidia/AMD/ALi AC97 Controller (NEW)
02:31.51FuriousGeorgei have it built in, but still nothing
02:35.00greyareaok Im in freeBSD and I have my extensions.conf like this for music on hold while in a conference
02:35.00*** join/#asterisk jbAU (
02:35.15greyareaexten => 1,1,MeetMeCount,1
02:35.15greyareaexten => 1,2,MeetMe,1
02:35.35greyareaexten => 1,1,MeetMeCount,1
02:35.35greyareaexten => 1,2,MeetMe,1|M
02:35.47greyareaand in my musiconhold.conf
02:35.56greyareadefault => quietmp3:/usr/local/share/asterisk/mohmp3
02:36.13greyareaand my zapata.conf [channels]
02:36.14elricgreyarea, use to paste stuff
02:36.17*** join/#asterisk Tuplink_ (
02:36.34Tuplink_i need to dial a user in another context how do i do that?
02:36.48greyareaWhat am I doing wrong?
02:37.24greyareaThe conf works fine but the musiconhold isnt when the only caller.
02:37.42greyareaand mp3's play fine
02:37.45Tuplink_mpg123 is crap
02:38.04Tuplink_do a ps -aux | grep mpg123
02:38.15Tuplink_and see what its chewing of you cpu
02:39.21greyareathats for FreeBSD?
02:39.38Tuplink_im using freeBSD
02:39.47Tuplink_and MOH works interminitly
02:40.04Tuplink_its mpg123 that is the prob
02:40.10greyareaoh ok,I swear man I have taken this box offline somemany times using linux commands heh
02:41.15greyareamy extensions shit is correct though right?
02:41.18greyareaexten => 1,1,MeetMeCount,1
02:41.18greyareaexten => 1,2,MeetMe,1|M
02:41.25greyareahow I did the command?
02:41.41greyareaor option whatever
02:42.10*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
02:43.51greyareaTuplink:What player are you using?
02:44.12Tuplink_player for?
02:44.26Tuplink_not using any... that i know of
02:44.53Tuplink_im still setting up my box... diagnosed hte prob dont know how to fix it
02:45.11greyareaI have like over like 700 mp3's that play fine on my box
02:45.19greyareathats what I use it for a media player
02:45.24greyareaby phone :)
02:45.38greyareabut its in the conference I cant get it to work.
02:45.40Tuplink_oh... ok
02:45.49Tuplink_music on hold work?
02:45.51*** join/#asterisk kapanol (
02:45.54greyareaIm pretty sure I have the options setup correctly but Im not sure
02:46.15Tuplink_no idea then sorry
02:46.30greyareaoh ok thx though
02:46.35Tuplink_im having a prob of my own...
02:46.40greyareawhats your problem?
02:47.29greyareaMaybe its something I have done.
02:47.50Tuplink_i have a switchboard... if i dail it from internal it works great... if i dial to it from FWD it works.... but if i use a service to dial a FWD ext it dosnt work get hte menues and all just dosnt recive the user input
02:48.17greyareaI want a switchboard :D
02:48.34Tuplink_i call it a switchboard
02:48.49*** join/#asterisk tonya (~tonya@
02:48.55Tuplink_any ideas
02:49.04greyareaso dtmf isnt passing when you call from something else?
02:49.33*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
02:49.36greyareadual tone multifreq
02:49.44Tuplink_sounds rite
02:49.44greyareabuttons on your phone
02:50.08Tuplink_i have tryed it from a land line and a cell
02:50.19tonyahi you know where i could get a developers kit or any tutorials about developing SIP application in windows to connect to asterisk
02:50.22greyareaand what happends?
02:50.26Tuplink_i orderd 2 FXO cards yesterday
02:50.27greyareait doenst respond?
02:50.51Tuplink_you have fwd?
02:50.54greyareadoes it answer but wont listen to you pressing anything?
02:51.08Tuplink_it anwsers and you can hear it
02:51.12Tuplink_but cant respond
02:51.32greyareasounds like it has to do with DTMF not passing
02:51.43Tuplink_so how do i get that to pass?
02:51.52greyareaI havent had that problem
02:51.58greyareaLet me google a little for you
02:52.04Tuplink_or is it the service that im using
02:52.53newltonya: the SIP RFCs are probably a good start, more info here:
02:53.08greyareaTuplink look around here :
02:53.27greyareathere is some things you can change,I just never had to.
02:53.49greyareaSorry I couldnt be more help.
02:55.21_solstice_anyone know how to setup a nat'ed asterisk box behind a cisco router?
02:55.43Tuplink_its ok...
02:56.00Tuplink__solstice_ i want to know how to to...
02:56.06Tuplink_what ports have to be mapped
02:56.19Tuplink_5060 for SIP
02:57.26_solstice_yea .. exactly , and a range in the 16k - 20k range .. but for registration etc.. i can't seem to get that to work, unless i use the router as a full VPN unit, which is a extra overhead here ..
02:59.04Tuplink_i can get a SIP phone to register to my box... w/o hte 16k-29k range
02:59.39Tuplink_and can call... while watching the debugscreen and see asterisk respond but client gets no voice
03:00.29Tuplink_greyarea could it be a NAT ISSUE?
03:00.40*** join/#asterisk zignig (
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03:03.29_solstice_Tuplink: hmm .. maybe it is possible to setup a "keep state" rule for cisco to track the connections and pass the data out correctly
03:03.50Tuplink_i have a keep state on mine.
03:03.59Tuplink_mine is a openbsd w/ PF
03:04.34*** join/#asterisk toddf (
03:04.58_solstice_hmm .. openbsd should work .. Cisco is the one that is causing grief .. i knew a few people who made the openbsd thing work together with authpf shell for login, and call routed ..
03:06.18Tuplink_hum... i have had openBSD on my firewall for 3 days and asterisk on FreeBSD for 4 days
03:09.30_solstice_the problem seems to be cisco's don't support even states when routing .. kinda blows .. specially when you deal with DMZ's, etc ...
03:09.40*** part/#asterisk zignig (
03:09.55Tuplink_i need to make a DMZ with my pd
03:10.31Tuplink_i dont rember much about NAT and cisco
03:10.31_solstice_quite simple there .. suggestion having seperate nic all together in machine .. then DMZ becomes easy to setup ..
03:10.47Tuplink_not really
03:10.56Tuplink_just use ip's :)
03:11.11Tuplink_i dont want secure rite now i want it to work
03:11.25Tuplink_then secure
03:11.38_solstice_hehe ... i just read the faq pdf on openbsd's site .. had a few examples that made this work quite nicely .. hehe
03:12.10Tuplink_whats the link
03:12.40Tuplink_FAQ/PF cause i have that printed
03:13.20*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:13.44greyareaTuplink:  I dont know,mine doesnt have NAT set-up :/
03:13.57greyareaIm just behind a cisco router
03:14.03Tuplink_im on cable ;)
03:14.24Tuplink_than whats the prob?
03:14.27_solstice_greyarea: you setup natting and are able to access your asterisk box from outside ?
03:14.29greyareayeah I have a DS3 piped into mine w00t :D
03:14.50greyareano man,nat is not set-up
03:14.53_solstice_100MB fiber link here and DSL circuit as backup .. hehe
03:15.05_solstice_you just route live ip ?
03:15.26greyareayour handle looks familar
03:15.35_solstice_routable ip .. hmm .. greyarea: do you know if it is possible on cisco's to do a live route aswell as a nat ?
03:16.01sivanawhich router
03:16.10*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
03:16.14sivanaI'm doing it on the 1710 and 1720s
03:16.14greyareaI dont know man sorry
03:16.39_solstice_sivana: example plz .. . Got a 3640 (100MB intake) and a Cisco 837 DSL .. so atm -> ether ..
03:17.14sivanayou should be able to just add the subnet to the fastether
03:17.27sivanabut I'm not sure about atm -> ether
03:17.44*** join/#asterisk theHub (
03:18.12_solstice_don't worry about the atm -> ether part, basically dsl circuits are nothing more then atm protocol based circuits, ...
03:18.13want561or772didi modified MeetMe to allow a response timeout option, t
03:18.43want561or772didnow all my pbx menus throw callers into meetme musiconhold with a responsetimeout
03:18.47want561or772didi call this musiconholdhell
03:19.21want561or772didif they press a button, though, they are pulled out of hell and advanced to a new extension
03:19.49sivana_solstice_: what subnet are you running NAT.. 10.x.x.x?\
03:20.21sivanaok.. and that's on fastether?
03:20.58_solstice_internal .. outside i get 2 live Public IP's pushed to the outside interface .. 1 for nating one for DMZ
03:21.30sivanayou'll need another subnet then, but you put that one on the fastether
03:22.15_solstice_yea that would be fine .. i could use a 10.x.x.x for the DMZ .. but that would be nated then .. which i guess is what causes most of the grief with asterisk box..
03:22.27sivanayou'll need a subnet from your upstream
03:23.02sivanalet's a /29, take the first usable and put it on your fastether
03:23.09sivanathat becomes your gateway basically
03:24.32greyarealatez ppl ; also strom put up his ANI II and CPN readback number 1-877-TADA-LOL   it reads II digits and CPN NOT ANI
03:24.37*** part/#asterisk greyarea (
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03:28.24_solstice_hmm ..ok ill see what my provider can do ...
03:30.06*** join/#asterisk jcollie (
03:33.55*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
03:34.37cjkhi, asterisk goes down every 4 jours. i just traced the whole thing using strace and i see that i have too many openfiles. but it is 05:34 and there is no activity here
03:34.40cjkany idea
03:35.33_solstice_cjk, look at your processes and see if you have anything in the inittab that respawns and opens a new file .. btw, where are you at ?
03:36.39*** part/#asterisk doonut (
03:38.12cjk_solstice_, europe luxembourg
03:38.46cjk_solstice_, whats the command to check openfiles and the realted processes, could be attack too?
03:39.34Luhiwucjk, try "lsof"
03:40.13unterxwhat the hell, when I call a pstn phone they can not hear me
03:40.13cjkdamn i get this problem really since we have a bigger presentation in germany
03:40.16unterxthis is getting ridiculous
03:40.51cjkunterx, who do you blame
03:41.37unterxmyself, obviously
03:42.20cjkah ok
03:42.27*** join/#asterisk MarkS__ (
03:42.40iq{tablet}hi, anyone using AMP...
03:43.13cjkis this normal? voipgate1:~# lsof | grep asterisk | wc
03:44.06_solstice_seems ok ...
03:44.06_solstice_[root@asterisk1 etc]# lsof | grep asterisk | wc
03:44.38cjk_solstice_, ok i see
03:44.50MarkS__anyone from the 512 in here? -- whats a good voip service that is SIP / IAX compatible
03:45.51cjk_solstice_, whats the maxopenfiles your system allows
03:46.24iq{tablet}I'm trying to patch snapdsp for AMP/Asterisk. It is failing. Any idea?
03:47.57iq{tablet}Makefile.rej :
03:56.40MarkS__anyone from the 512 in here? -- whats a good voip service that is SIP / IAX compatible
03:57.32cjkwhats 512 ?
03:57.59Sedoroxarea codwe?
03:58.29*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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03:59.22MarkS__Central Texas
03:59.31MarkS__Austin, TX to be exact, the capitol of texas
04:04.25*** join/#asterisk iguy (
04:13.02*** join/#asterisk barshad (kkhhaannuu@
04:14.48barshadHello, can some one help me installing OpenH323 with asterisk ?
04:25.51want561or772didhas anyone signed this digium disclaimer and if so did you really fax it? can't i email it or some crap
04:27.57Moonwickemails aren't legally binding
04:28.19want561or772didwhat's the difference between faxing an image and emailing an image
04:28.44Moonwickoh, I wasn't thinking about that.  that might be good enough.
04:29.11want561or772didyeah, plus i think congress made "digital" signatures legal so that makes a lot of web forms legally binding somehow
04:29.28want561or772didmaybe a text email would be, too, if its legitimacy were believable
04:30.17*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
04:32.04want561or772didwell besides that, is there a way to transmit a fax to digium via their asterisk gateway
04:32.13*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:34.21newllegally binding emails are dependant upon the country in which you reside. :)
04:37.25want561or772didhow many countries besides the us would humor a lawsuit against digium for patches submitted
04:38.09want561or772didi mean of the countries digium wants to do business with
04:38.29FuriousGeorgenewl:  got the ole sound working.  took it out of kernel and made everything as modules
04:41.50FuriousGeorgeon a realted note, i am all proud of myself for registering my x-lite softphone with a user on *, but sipphone tells me i dial an unknown user, even when i dont.  something must be wrong with this line...exten=>_.,1,dial(sip/sipout/$(EXTEN),20)
04:42.41FuriousGeorgebut what can it be?  i bet its the $(EXTEN), part ;)
04:45.05FuriousGeorgedont hold back, just shout it out when you know it
04:51.50FuriousGeorgegod this place is quite for a change
04:52.50|Vulture|ammm I have port 4569 forwarded... I can get IAX2 calls but not dial IAX2 calls.. anyone have any idea?
05:00.07_solstice_Anyone here use eyeBeam with Asterisk?
05:04.45ManxPower|Vulture|: Two Asterisk servers or an asterisk server an IAX phone?
05:06.25|Vulture|ManxPower: SIP phone connected going to * server behind NAT
05:06.40|Vulture|SIP phone is behind NAT... but I have 7 of these and all but this one doesn't work
05:07.54ManxPower|Vulture|: Please put your drink down and step away from the keyboard.
05:08.05ManxPowerSIP does not use port 4569
05:09.22*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
05:09.25|Vulture|I have 5000-5063 and 10000-20000 forwarded too... Im not that drunk yet
05:10.05|Vulture|ManxPower: and I can make outbound SIP calls from that line, but not outbound IAX
05:11.26ManxPower|Vulture|: For the IAX calls, is it two Asterisk servers or an asterisk server an IAX phone?
05:15.46*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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05:18.03*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
05:22.21|Vulture|ManxPower: its an * server dialing out to POTS over VPC
05:22.26|Vulture|and i know it works
05:22.31|Vulture|its just being strange
05:23.58*** join/#asterisk padf00t (WinNT@
05:49.10PTG1234anyone alive?
05:50.16want561or772didi just sent an internet fax of my gimped signature to digium
05:50.47want561or772didmaybe they'll gimp my signature onto other documents
05:51.22PTG1234what color should i get? :)
05:51.26Moonwickyou didn't need your power of attorney anyway, did you?
05:51.42PTG1234its between black and red i am thinking :)
05:52.04want561or772didnah i have no property or feeding tube dispositions
05:52.12want561or772didwhat is it
05:52.24PTG1234did you go to url?
05:52.40PTG1234ah how come
05:52.42want561or772didit's too long
05:52.43MoonwickI'd get a white one that said "iPod"
05:52.59PTG1234dude this sony is smaller then the ipod :)
05:53.03PTG1234and its 30 hours of battery life
05:53.04want561or772didi found a $100 compact flash mp3 kit
05:53.05PTG1234compared to 10 on the ipod
05:53.15Moonwickbut it's sony
05:53.22PTG1234sony makes good stuff :)
05:53.30Moonwicksony completely missed the boat when it comes to music players
05:53.34want561or772didhow much does it cost
05:53.38PTG1234they did until this one
05:53.39PTG1234supposably :)
05:53.40Moonwickno AAC support, weird MP3 support...
05:53.47PTG1234it actually nativelys upports mp3 now
05:53.47want561or772didi hate how sirc linewraps urls
05:54.22Moonwickbut doesn't it require you to obfuscate them somehow when you load them?
05:54.36PTG1234not this one
05:54.41PTG1234it just came out
05:55.07Moonwickweird, I thought I read differently
05:55.58PTG1234your thinking of the HD1
05:56.03PTG1234this is the brand new HD3 :)
05:56.25Moonwickwell, I still dislike sony crap :)
05:56.26want561or772didthere needs to be an ogg-only CF player
05:56.31PTG1234suppose to be one of the highest quality mp3 players
05:56.42WilliamKmorning ya'll
05:56.53PTG1234hah did you just get up?
05:57.07WilliamKPTG, nope =)
05:57.22PTG1234hehe then why the morning :)
05:57.28WilliamKafter 12am
05:57.37PTG1234heh ah, its 11 here :)
05:57.39PTG1234still night
05:57.42PTG1234i have had the shittiest day
05:57.46PTG1234first i buy an ipod
05:57.51PTG1234then when i get home it breaks immediately
05:57.57PTG1234then i go to get a sony hd1
05:58.01PTG1234and they only have the floor model
05:58.02PTG1234so i buy it
05:58.06PTG1234and its missing the docking station
05:58.10PTG1234so i can't even use it :)
05:58.15PTG1234this is after going to 20,000 places
05:58.20PTG1234b/c every store carries different mo3 players
05:58.27PTG1234so fuck it i am ordering one :)
05:58.45want561or772didyou need to solder your own
05:58.57PTG1234not lik ei can make my own as small as that sony :)
05:59.27want561or772didyes you can look
05:59.48want561or772didbut you'll need a shed containing a few tons of plastic mold injector machinery for the shell
06:00.10PTG1234yah and it still won't be as small
06:00.14PTG1234i don't think you know how small that sony is :)
06:00.18PTG1234for a 20gb player
06:01.05want561or772didyes and if you factor in the battery.. this one uses one AA
06:01.34PTG1234dude your nuts :)
06:01.39PTG1234plus this one has 30hours of battery life
06:01.44PTG1234no AA battery is gonna give you that :)
06:02.19want561or772didhow densely can u glue 2 gig CF cards together
06:02.26want561or772didprobably pretty tight
06:02.57barshadcan any one help me installing OpenH323 with asterisk ?
06:03.07want561or772didi never did that
06:05.22*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@
06:05.43newlPTG1234: should've just bought a pda instead. :)
06:05.51PTG1234newl: i got 3 pdas :)
06:06.04PTG1234i did jus tbuy a new one 3 days ago
06:06.40PTG1234just got an PPC 6600 damn is it sweet :)
06:07.13newlhah same here, a ipaq h1930, h5450, and a Zaurus 5500 (should upgrade to an 800 series one of these days)
06:07.32PTG1234i got a Zaurus, an ipaq and now this PPC 6600
06:07.58want561or772diddear god
06:08.01PTG1234to be honest with the 6600 my other pdas feel useless
06:08.12PTG1234esp once sprint launches EVDO this month
06:08.29PTG1234500KB/s..   ...   go baby
06:11.29FuriousGeorgenow that ive mastered the connecting sip clients, im working on getting a dialtone out of my fxs
06:11.51FuriousGeorgei dont have a question yet, but i will, just warning
06:11.58FuriousGeorgePTG1234:  im looking at you
06:12.42CoaxDfuriousgeorge: Not hard, sir.  All about zapata.conf :)
06:13.42FuriousGeorgeyeah, im looking at it now, but im having trouble grasping the layout.  i dont get what does what, and a loot of settings i dont get.  im gonna mess with it for a few minutes
06:14.31*** join/#asterisk gdsm (
06:15.43CoaxDFuriousGeorge: I've just DCC sent you my working zapata.conf file
06:16.19CoaxDFuriousGeorge: If you need the file via some other means (since you have yet to accept the DCC) please, by all means, lemme know
06:16.37CoaxDah. there ya go!
06:16.49FuriousGeorgesorry was afk
06:16.55FuriousGeorgethanks a bunch
06:17.25PTG123450 free downloads too if i buy that player
06:17.27PTG1234woo hoo :)
06:18.08CoaxDFuriousGeorge: Sure!
06:18.47CoaxDFuriousGeorge: Stupidness, honestly.  But in reality, zapata.conf aint that tough to figure out if you know the general concept by which it was written. (I had to do a bit of reading before i understood.)
06:19.02CoaxDFuriousGeorge: Everything works in drop-down fall-thru logic
06:19.07*** join/#asterisk PTA (linux@
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06:19.16FuriousGeorgewell yours is what the unix people acll "human readable"
06:19.25CoaxDFuriousGeorge: Yepper
06:19.29FuriousGeorgebut im sure i will get it eventually, just so much stuff in there
06:19.39j0do i need to have a sound card installed to use music on hold?
06:19.42CoaxDFuriousGeorge: I always write my configs that way; that way, if i get hit by a bus, someone can figure it out
06:19.44CoaxDj0: No
06:19.54CoaxDj0: You're not actually accessing /dev/dsp
06:19.58*** join/#asterisk DrPhiljr (
06:20.04CoaxDj0: mpg123 output is piped; not played
06:20.12j0hmm.. i'm not getting any music played.. i'm using an x100p
06:20.26CoaxDj0: Make *SURE* you're using the specified version of mpg123
06:20.30CoaxDj0: No others will work
06:20.35j0i get some extra static and occasionally a strange "bong" sound...
06:20.37CoaxDi think its 0.59r but cannot be sure as i dont use it
06:20.41DrPhiljrhi I am new to asterisk, I was wondering if I can set it up on my pc to receive faxes with my SIP provider
06:21.12CoaxDDrPhiljr: There's certainly fax capability within asterisk to accept faxes.  That said, doing fax over sip certainly isnt the way to go
06:21.14j0CoaxD: is 0.59r the asterisk or the mpg123 version?
06:21.23CoaxDj0: mpg123
06:21.40CoaxDj0: You also have to watch out because a lot of distros really use 'mpg321', and symlink it to 'mpg123'
06:21.43CoaxDj0: This will NOT work
06:22.03j0ok.. i'm 0.59q.. in musiconhold.conf should i use something like manual => custom:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 --mono -s
06:22.07DrPhiljrI can receive faxes when I am connected to my ATA box, why not with a soft client
06:22.10j0or use the default => quietmp3:....
06:22.14CoaxDj0: You need to use 0.59r
06:22.20CoaxDj0: And *only* that version
06:22.22*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
06:22.33iq{tablet}hi, anyone using '' ?
06:22.34j0CoaxD: ok thanks :) i'll try that
06:22.40CoaxD(apparently, something cool about that one)
06:22.50CoaxDsweet etc :)
06:22.59FuriousGeorgecoaxd:  whats the difference between loopstart and kewlstart
06:23.06iq{tablet}[]Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
06:23.21CoaxDFuriousGeorge: Read some :)
06:23.28FuriousGeorgefair enough ;)
06:23.43DrPhiljrCoaxD:I can receive faxes when I am connected to my ATA box, why not with a soft client
06:23.47*** join/#asterisk sandu (
06:23.48shmaltzFuriousGeorge, how is your asterisk coming along?
06:24.37iq{tablet}hi, anyone using fax support?
06:24.42FuriousGeorgeim able to set up my sip clients more or less by myself now (that which yuo helpped me with a few weeks back) and i ust got the tdm400s in the main
06:24.49FuriousGeorgeso now im working on those
06:25.06FuriousGeorgeonce i get that, ill start with voicemail, bells, and whistles
06:25.15sanduHi, I'm having a problem with *. DIALSTATUS never gets set. I'm using today's CVS; is there anything that needs to be set (maybe at compile time) to get this working ?
06:25.18*** join/#asterisk aspworld (~aspworld@
06:25.25*** part/#asterisk aspworld (~aspworld@
06:26.06DrPhiljrDo I need special HW to use asterisk or can I set it up to just receive faxes with my SIP provider?
06:26.23FuriousGeorgeschmaltz:  thanks again for that helping me out by the way, was a big moment actually getting a dialtone
06:26.33JerJerDrPhiljr:  it doesn't work
06:26.35JerJermove on
06:26.45j0CoaxD: wow.. dont know how i would of figured that out on my own :) thanks again
06:27.17DrPhiljrJerjer, why does it not work?
06:28.40FuriousGeorgedamn composite extension alwasy seems to make x misbehave after a few huors, but i love me some real x-parency so much i just cant help myself
06:28.47DrPhiljrI any newbie channel I can join?
06:29.30j0DrPhiljr: i think newbies are just supposed to read faqs/ otherwise welcome :)
06:30.25DrPhiljrJerJerI have been told faxing should work, so you are confusing me
06:30.36DrPhiljrJerJer: I have been told faxing should work, so you are c onfusing me
06:30.42j0its my understanding that whiel faxing works.. its not reliable enough to consider using
06:31.20*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
06:31.22DrPhiljrj0: Thanx. It works fine with my ATA box
06:31.53JerJerDrPhiljr:  not over IP
06:32.04*** join/#asterisk ChristianK (
06:32.40shmaltzFuriousGeorge, np
06:32.45DrPhiljrJerJer: I can confirm it works 100% with SIP
06:33.04JerJermaybe on your LAN with ulaw
06:33.11JerJerbut not reliably over a WAN
06:34.12DrPhiljrJerJer:  I have been receiving faxes over a year from regular landlines with my SIP provider
06:34.22JerJernot using asterisk
06:34.27JerJeror why in hell are you asking then?
06:34.39j0DrPhiljr: does your sip provider turn them into emails?
06:34.57*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
06:35.19DrPhiljrJerJer: I am asking because I don't want to connect my fax to a ATA box, instead I want to use my laptop with a soft client to recieve faxes
06:35.39DrPhiljrj0: No I receive them directly
06:35.56j0hm.. are there even any sip clients with fax capabilities?
06:36.01JerJerbecause your ATA speaks T.38
06:36.08JerJerasterisk does not currently speak T.38
06:36.47DrPhiljrj0: no there are no SIP clients with faxing cap, that's why i am want to use asterisk
06:37.33j0gotcha :)
06:37.35DrPhiljrJerJer: mylaw is all it takes to receive faxes, but you need to have fast oing times
06:38.37DrPhiljrj0: so is it possible?
06:38.42j0i wouldn't try it though.. like JerJer suggested
06:39.03DrPhiljrj0: why?
06:39.14j0well i suppose if u got great ping times.. why not :)
06:39.24j0give it a try. it may work for u.. but most likely, there will be issues
06:39.39DrPhiljrj0: I have 4ms ping times
06:39.52sanduDoes it take any config options to have dial() set DIALSTATUS and ANSWEREDTIME on the channel?
06:40.48DrPhiljrj0: so will asterisk work a soft client or ...?
06:41.01shmaltzthis is a nobrainer, dont know why it took them soooooooooooo long to figure this out:
06:41.24j0DrPhiljr: you mean a soft client to receive the faxes?
06:41.58DrPhiljrj0: yes
06:42.44j0if u can find a soft client that has fax capabilities (havn't heard of one yet) sure
06:42.52j0doesn't * have some sort of fax->email capabilities?
06:42.56*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:43.17DrPhiljrj0: no, that would be a greta solution, but no
06:43.31j0dont know anything about it.. but its probably worth a try
06:43.57DrPhiljrj0: well, i don't want to send faxes, just receive them
06:44.49j0google around.. i'm sure theres an oss solution for u
06:44.56DrPhiljrj0: waht about SpanDSP?
06:45.07j0never heard of it
06:45.27FuriousGeorgecoaxd:  when i first started today, even though i didnt have a dialtone, when i picked up the handset i could kinda hear that "handset echo" from the mouth to the ear part, but for the last few hours it has just sounded dead
06:45.46FuriousGeorgewondering if thats not part of my lack of dialtone, b/c i think now i have zapata.conf right
06:45.53j0i'm not sure, but i think there is a way to get * to send incoming calls to a local 'com port' which could have fax software setup.
06:46.21j0DrPhiljr: do you have a working * setup?
06:46.27FuriousGeorgewhy not have * send it over an analog line to a fax server or POTS fax machine
06:46.27DrPhiljrj0: no
06:46.35j0DrPhiljr: well start there :)
06:48.03sanduDrPhiljr: spanDSP would work; it receives the fax and saves it as a tiff so you email it
06:48.19DrPhiljrFuriuosGeorge: that's a solution i have been using up till now, but that mean my home computer has to be on all the times
06:49.08DrPhiljrsandu: is it possible to install asterisk with virtual pc on my xp machine?
06:49.23j0DrPhiljr: works fine.. i have a test asterisk server in vmware
06:49.35j0throw up *@home and ur golden
06:49.40sanduDrPhiljr: yes you could never tried it
06:49.51sanduDrPhiljr: also there's a windows port
06:50.05DrPhiljrthere is?
06:50.11sanduDrPhiljr: but again I have no experience with it
06:50.13j0hows that working out for ppl?
06:50.19j0i would assume no zaptel drivers too
06:50.28DrPhiljrwhere can i get the port?
06:50.28sanduDrPhiljr: yes no zaptel last I heard
06:50.42DrPhiljrsandu: what's zaptel
06:50.54iqhi, anyone know cause of this messgae: Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
06:51.25DrPhiljrsandu: I read that astrisk @home will format my drive
06:52.59sanduDrPhiljr: most likely, it will have to install linux but you might be able to do you own manual partitioning
06:54.22DrPhiljrmaybe using virtualpc is safe then?
06:54.35sanduso I guess nobody  has ever had problems with DIALSTATUS/answeredtime not being set :)
06:54.45sanduDrPhiljr: that or try the windows port
06:55.22sanduDrPhiljr: but I doubt you'll get spanDSP working on the windows port
06:55.25j0DrPhiljr: u just need to get off ur ass and start trying stuff!
06:55.31*** join/#asterisk pgpkeys (
06:55.33DrPhiljrwell the windowport won't help me since I need spanDSP
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07:01.03FuriousGeorgedoes anyne know what would cause an analog phone not to even have the "handset echo"  where you can hear the mouth part in the ear part
07:01.06jakepdeviq:  most likely a zaptel config issue... though it depends on the errors before theat
07:01.08FuriousGeorgeis taht a hw problem
07:01.17MoonwickFuriousGeorge: a completely dead line?
07:01.42FuriousGeorgei havent gotten it setup yet, but i feel like i was closer before
07:01.54iqjakepdev, I dont have any zaptel hardware. I think I wasn't suppose to compile zaptel support.
07:02.11FuriousGeorgeiq:  still useful if you wanna have conferncing
07:02.13jakepdevyou need to check what errors came before that one
07:02.22FuriousGeorgefor timer
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07:03.16iqFuriousGeorge, will keep it then :)
07:05.51jakepdevdoesn't look like the usual error.  but it seems pretty coincidental that it failed right next the the zap line
07:05.57FuriousGeorgeanother thing thats been bothering me:  i tell my bios to reserve irq 10 (b/c cat /proc/pci shows 10 is free) for pci slot 4, but when i load the driver its on irq 3
07:05.59FuriousGeorgewhat gives?
07:06.26iqjakepdev, I'm recompiling now
07:07.08FuriousGeorgeiq:  you will have to load another driver called ztrtc i think
07:09.04iqnever used it before :) ...i'm setting up this new machine to work with AMP
07:10.37jakepdevgood luck with it iq.  gotta get some rest.
07:10.41iqits working zaptel.conf was missing coz I didn't make sample sample
07:10.49iqjakepdev, :)
07:11.04jakepdevok - well good night all
07:12.42FuriousGeorgelater all
07:18.17*** join/#asterisk egon_l (
07:21.51iqanyone using asterisk@home? Default admin/password works for you - to log on to AMP?
07:26.58|Vulture|wow... *@home and AMP have brough a whole new crowd... I don't think I like it :P
07:27.44unterxI tried out *@home, but found I didn't like the mysql interfacing
07:27.44unterxso I'm back to square one
07:28.40|Vulture|the beauty of * is being able to configure it  yourself, AMP just kills that
07:29.04|Vulture|because its not a dialplan that anyone that just picked up * is going to even understand
07:29.29unterxI don't even know what the hell a dialplan is
07:29.37unterxso I didn't learn anything using *@home
07:30.02unterxwell, i know what a dialplan is, but I don't know how to write/customize one
07:30.06|Vulture|in AMP it is spread over 3 files I think
07:30.51*** join/#asterisk joaovianna (
07:31.01|Vulture|I mean don't get me wrong.. its a good dialplan but its confusing because its all variables
07:35.08unterxwhen you call your asterisk pbx, if all you get is a busy signal, would that be the result of a configuration error or not registering with your provider properly? (over sip)
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07:46.00barshadcan any one help me installing OpenH323 with asterisk ?
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08:31.55unterxthis is strange, extensions behind my asterisk box can place and receive calls, but can not send speach
08:32.22unterxie, it can call/receive calls from pstn phones, and can hear people on the pstn end talking/sending speach, but the person on the pstn end can not hear the sip phone
08:41.26*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
08:43.37Dovidhello all
08:43.57Dovidwhats the diffrence between x-lite and the reg. version ?
08:45.25barshadcan any one help me installing OpenH323 with asterisk ?
08:48.56JerJerbarshad: what is so difficult
09:08.25barshadJerJer: you there?
09:09.02cjkhi, is this normal? voipgate1:~# netstat -lp | grep asterisk | wc
09:09.18barshadis it possible to compile asterisk-oh323-0.7.1.tar.gz with current * CVS ?
09:09.31JerJercjk: depends how many calls are going on
09:09.43JerJerbarshad:  cannot help you there
09:10.16cjkJerJer, 1 single call and my openfiles limit will be hit soon and * will crash. this happens every 3 hours
09:10.33barshadJerJer: can you recommend me which version of * and openh323 should i use ?
09:10.55JerJercjk:  then you have problems
09:11.07JerJerbarshad:  i can only assist you with my driver
09:11.12JerJerasterisk-oh323 is not my driver
09:11.59*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
09:12.13barshadOh good, how can i compile your driver ?
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09:12.37JerJerread the README
09:12.55cjkJerJer, you are right. so now im trying to track down the problem. and maybe someone can tell me if 730 connectiosn is normal
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09:13.31JerJernetstat -lp | grep asterisk | wc
09:13.40JerJerthat's with 10 active channels
09:14.34JerJer*CLI> show uptime
09:14.34JerJerSystem uptime: 2 weeks, 1 day, 7 hours, 24 minutes, 55 seconds
09:14.34JerJerLast reload: 35 minutes, 56 seconds
09:15.00cjkJerJer, and lsof tells you what? lsof | grep asterisk
09:16.01cjkhmm thats similar here
09:16.49barshadJerJer: i can not find PWlib 1.3.4, can i use 1.9.0 ?
09:17.07JerJerdon't be lame, use cvs -head
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09:25.37cjkJerJer, i use quit alot of agi scripts. do you think the problem might come from there
09:30.22cjkhi guys what do you see on your system witht he following command? lsof | grep asterisk | grep "dev/null" | wc
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09:44.27cjknetstat -lp | grep asterisk | wc reports me 48, when i do a call it reports me 48+4 and when i finisehd it reports me 48+2, so 50. so after a few hours it reports me more the 1000 and asterisk crashes. any idea?
09:49.16foobosmaybe you have some firewall between and you don't see tcp rst packets
09:49.25foobosbad firewall that being
09:51.46foobosyou could also try "show channels" if it lists those
09:56.06*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
09:58.26unterxhow would one go about making menus with asterisk?
10:03.25pinounterx: look at how the demo menu is made...
10:03.33wildgooseSo how do people with an asterisk system work in an office with fax machines?  Do you wire the fax system to the FXS cards on the asterisk box and accept faxes over FXO input only?  If the fax arrives via the analog FXO input then do the asterisk addons for receiving faxes work reliably enough to be used for production?
10:03.57pinounterx: or read this wonderful example:
10:05.36*** join/#asterisk pif (
10:06.09pinowildgoose: I think that if you want to use traditional fax machines you must either use FXS cards in the * box, or FXO cards and some kind of line simulator (like your old legacy PBX)...
10:06.27pinothen again, who wants traditional fax machines? ;)
10:17.10unterxthanks pino
10:17.24unterxhmm, whenever i record via asterisk it sounds quite bad
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10:39.53PoWeRKiLLMorning :)
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10:59.13cjkanyone here who knows how far t.38 implementaiton is in asterisk?
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11:13.42PatrickDKcjk, 0%
11:13.51PatrickDKunless someone just started it recently
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11:37.16emrahHi, I'm sorry to disturb. I'm blind, so I can't see how to change line in my polycom phone. do you have an idea? For example, when I'm online, how can I take an other line to call, where is placed the buton please?
11:37.30emrahin the left side, the long buton, is it one of them?
11:37.54emrahWhen I press the first one, it take the first line, but nothing happend when I press the second or the thirth one
11:44.07tzafrirany rtfm on checking that a sip extension is usable using sipsak or any other command-line tool?
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12:23.12tzafrirI'm using minisip as my client of choice for the moment
12:49.53SuPrSluGemrah:you have to make another extensoin for each in sip.conf and extensions.conf
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13:14.30Blackvelis it possible to stop an AGI command?
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13:29.24cjkhi, i sovled my problem. in fact if you register every second on asterisk using sip. your * will go down after 3-5 hours on a non tweaked linux
13:29.41cjki had a user registering every second and that caused big problems
13:29.56cjkmaybe one could code an anti-register-flood protection into asterisk
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13:35.53synopiahi @ all
13:35.55pinoi remember that being in one of Jiri's (of fame) presentations about SIP, as one of the problems they faced in developing SER
13:37.00pinocjk: did that happen because the re-registration happened before each registration was finished, or is there another reason?
13:45.05*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
13:45.16TUplinkwhere are the soundfiles lacated?
13:47.29TUplinkn/m /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
13:48.18TUplinkwhere dose voicemail get its number sounds from?
13:53.24jontowin /var/lib/asterisk/sounds ;)
13:53.38TUplinkthe numbers arnt in there
13:53.39mcnobodyTUplink /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/digits/
13:54.50TUplinkso if i wanted to play it to the user i would playback(digits/num)
13:55.18*** join/#asterisk ChristianK (
13:55.38mcnobodyor sayDigits(123)
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13:58.23TUplinkwhen i put extention 20002 in to my IVR it recives it as 202
14:14.50TUplinkhow do i set an ultmate timeout?
14:15.02TUplinkand how do i cancle it
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14:22.47ikey1hi can any one tell how to do loop back test with cross cable on E1's
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14:36.28HjemmeRoyKmorning, morons
14:45.36cypromismorning northman
14:46.12pinoare friendly greetings something reserved for Sundays?
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14:49.01cypromisnah rather reserverd for people you know
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15:05.38TUplinkis there any was someone can let me get a copy of their dialplan?
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15:07.45pinoyou can find many examples on the wiki
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15:12.37jbot[dialplan] something that is planned to be rewritten in, or no! it's gonna be rewritten in brainf!(k
15:12.37bugbotdialplan? is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
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15:32.47TUplinkhow do i go about making a confrance room?
15:33.44TUplinkwill asterisk do video?
15:34.10mcnobodyTUplink I have used video SIP calls. Works perfectly.
15:34.11bugbotmeetme is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
15:34.48TUplinkmeetme is my anwser to the conference
15:34.59TUplinkishte WIKI offline?
15:35.07TUplinki cant open up
15:35.33mcnobodyTUplink I can access to wiki but it's terribly slow.
15:35.42TUplinkoh... ok
15:35.48TUplinkis it anywhere els?
15:36.16*** part/#asterisk Bentley (
15:36.33mcnobodyTUplink I guess not...
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15:40.14MikeJ[Laptop]wow, this place is hopping
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15:47.33TUplinkcan the meetme room# and the extention to get to it be the same?
15:48.54WeezeyTUplink: I don't see why not.
15:49.05TUplinkok...cause i cant get in my room
15:49.24Weezeydid you create it in meetme.conf and reload?
15:49.30cypromishop hop hop hop
15:49.33TUplinkexten => 21001,1,Meetme(21001,m)
15:49.33TUplinkinclude => conference
15:49.48TUplinkand all incoming calls are put in localext
15:51.00*** join/#asterisk rkioko (~rkioko@
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15:55.50dmccollumIs there anyway to speedup how long it takes asterisk to route an incoming call to the ring group? I have a Vonage router with one PSTN port going to the x100p and the other PSTN port going directly to an analog phone and the analog phone will always ring two times before asterisk will ring my 7960's.
15:56.05*** join/#asterisk E|nyPRI_ (
16:00.20E|nyPRI_anyone running sql cdr?
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16:08.14TUplinkApr 17 12:08:11 WARNING[2795]: chan_zap.c:763 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such file or directory
16:08.29jakepdevdmccollum - you first need to find out where it is getting stuck at - you'll need to use some verbose logging
16:09.08ariel_TUplink, you need to have a zap card or Ztdummy installed
16:09.19dmccollumJakep: ok. I'll do that and see if I can see anything.
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16:09.22TUplinkwell... thats stupid
16:09.32dmccollumAnything particular I should be looking for?
16:09.36jakepdevcould it be that it's waiting for caller id?
16:09.37TUplinki have to have a ZAP card to do a meetme
16:09.59jakepdevdm - is the call coming from analog?
16:10.01ariel_TUplink, either a zap card or ztdummy
16:10.09ariel_meetme needs a timing device
16:10.10dmccollumJakep: yes
16:10.20jakepdevit's prolly waiting for caller id
16:10.36TUplinkjakedev its comming from COIP
16:10.36jakepdevthat happens between the 1st and 2nd ring
16:10.49jakepdevthen shouldn't be an issue
16:10.52TUplinkso how do i get ztdummy
16:11.00TUplinkbut it is
16:11.00dmccollumJakep: ok. That makes sense.
16:11.04QwellTUplink: Its part of zaptel.  Find the instructions on th ewiki
16:11.17TUplinkconf => 21001
16:12.02jakepdevdm - for analog origination, you can turn of caller id off  in the zapata.conf file and turn immediate=on.  that shuld speed it up
16:12.10jakepdevbut no CLID
16:12.32TUplinkQwell i cant install zaptel
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16:12.42jakepdevdm - er. zaptel.conf
16:12.43QwellTUplink: Why not?
16:13.39TUplinkum... dont compile on freebsd
16:13.47QwellThen you can't use meetme
16:14.03TUplinkim copying freebsd source to do it
16:14.14TUplinkand going to try it from the ports
16:14.32Qwellports won't have ztdummy, most likely
16:14.47TUplinkim going to install zaptel
16:14.55TUplinki orderd 2 fxo's
16:15.08TUplinkwill need it anyway
16:15.21jakepdevi'm trying to find a way to set DNID.  SetVar doesn't seem to work
16:15.35Qwelljakepdev: Whats DNID?
16:15.45jakepdevdialed number
16:16.03jakepdevANI works fine with SetCallerID
16:16.11jakepdevbut seems there is no couterpart
16:16.19ManxPowerjakepdev: Unless a call is forwarded, DNID is the same as EXTEN
16:16.40jakepdevok - i think i know how to do it then
16:16.45dmccollumJakep: What would happen if I left usecallerid=yes and immediate=yes? Would it start ringing showing unkown until the callerid came through couple rings later?
16:16.50ManxPowerAnd you can't set it, it's set FOR you.
16:17.02|Vulture|Can anyone here with a softclient try connecting to my * server?
16:17.24jakepdevi need it to go in the FastAGi message as part of the CDR
16:17.44jakepdevdm - if immediate is on - don't think you can get CLID
16:17.59ManxPowerif immediate=yes MANY things stop working
16:18.06TUplinkwhere do i get ztdummy
16:18.16dmccollumjakep: Ok. I'll play around with it and see what happens.
16:18.19|Vulture|ManxPower: I figured out the problem
16:18.51ManxPowerWhat was the fix
16:19.10|Vulture|ManxPower: I had put the domain in my /etc/hosts as " domainname" and I am using externip=domainname
16:19.19QwellI'm ignoring messages today
16:19.30|Vulture|so when it tried to establish a natted connection it was using 127.0.01 instead of the qualified externip
16:19.35|Vulture|stupid stupid me
16:19.52TUplinkdidnt i read that asteriks ignores /etc/hosts
16:20.06|Vulture|TUplink: it doesn't
16:20.11|Vulture|try it
16:20.26|Vulture|just make sure you restart *
16:20.27jakepdevManx: Re: " it's set FOR you." - not for me.  it comes up blank... here is the incoming stream upon start of call ANI#DNIS#
16:20.30ManxPower|Vulture|: It's pretty well known that you need networking set up correctly to use Asterisk
16:20.53QwellManxPower: What, asterisk doesn't do it for you? :P
16:20.59ManxPowerjakepdev: I believe DNID is only set for PRI.
16:21.10|Vulture|ManxPower: yea...  I don't think I was totally with it last night
16:21.20TUplinkqwell can i see a copy of your dialplan?
16:21.30|Vulture|I am gunna blame it on the booze... I was at the greenday concert last night... fun show
16:21.35Qwellnah, its ugly
16:21.44ManxPowerjakepdev: you can try immediate=yes (this is one of the VERY few cases where it might be a good thing) then have an exten line to catch the ANI#DNIS# then break it out yourself.
16:21.52jakepdevright :)
16:21.55TUplinki need one
16:21.57jakepdevthat's what i'm doing
16:22.03TUplinkim doing somthing wrong
16:22.08bugbotwiki is assigned nothing and reported M1412, M1666.
16:22.14|Vulture|I love that
16:22.17jakepdevmanx - but don't know how to set DIND
16:22.20|Vulture|the wiki is assigned bugs
16:22.44Qwelltip: DOn't do that
16:22.44Qwelljbot yells at you
16:22.45ManxPowerjakepdev: You are not getting DNID from the carrier.
16:22.45*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
16:22.45jakepdevit's another switch
16:23.00Inv_arpomg xchat got in here autimatically
16:23.01jakepdevjust sends ANI#DNIS# - i do two READ cmds
16:23.10ManxPowerso whre does it send DNID?
16:23.16jakepdevMYDNIS :)
16:23.59jakepdevbut ideally it would go into the proper variable i.e. DNID - which I think is supposed to be the number called
16:24.04bugbotDNID is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
16:24.11jbotdnis is probably A telephone service that identifies the number that the caller dialed for the receiver of the call. DNIS is a common feature of 800 and 900 services, and can identify the number originally dialed when multiple 800 or 900 numbers terminate on the same destination trunks. DNIS works by passing the dialed number to the destination device, which can ...
16:24.11bugbotDNIS is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
16:25.19*** join/#asterisk reinhardt (
16:25.34TUplinkis the WIKI somewhere els than
16:29.28jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
16:29.28bugbotdocs is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
16:29.28Silik0nit would be nice if the wiki guy would let someonemirror that damned thing
16:29.49ManxPowerSilik0n: I don't think anyone is stopping that
16:30.12Silik0nwell you could wget mirror it, but I mean true mirror of the DB and everything
16:30.24Silik0nI've offered and he refused
16:30.31ManxPowerWhy?  You would not be able to update the mirror anyway.
16:30.59Silik0na read only mirror would be very nice
16:31.19*** part/#asterisk ChristianK (
16:31.30jakepdevI scond that
16:32.16ManxPowerI don't use the Wiki all that much.  Much of hte information is downright wrong.
16:32.18Silik0nand it is quite often necessary
16:32.39ManxPowerI use the mailing list archives.  It has just as much wrong information, but it has more right informatiosn.
16:32.40*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Jayden] (
16:34.38file[laptop]yay Farscape
16:36.06file[laptop]yes, Farscape
16:36.07Silik0nwhats thaton?
16:36.19file[laptop]it's on a Canadian channel called Space: The Imagination Station
16:37.21MikeJ[Jayden]it's on scifi in the states as well
16:37.27file[laptop]I meant at this moment
16:38.02TUplinkhow do i do a modprobe zaptel on freebsd modprobe isntat command
16:38.07Silik0nfile[laptop] did you see where ben browder (sp?) is going to be on SG1 in the next season
16:38.14file[laptop]Silik0n: yeah
16:38.19Silik0nTUplink: did you install it fromthe ports tree?
16:38.40TUplinkim still downloading the freebsd src
16:38.50Silik0nmodprobe is a linux thing
16:38.54TUplinkthought i would save on space and remove it
16:39.03TUplinkyea... thats what i thiught
16:39.22TUplinkif i do it in ports will it take care of all of that?
16:39.51Silik0ndunno never bother trying heh
16:40.07Silik0nso figure it out and report back heh
16:40.29TUplinkhehe... ok
16:41.07ManxPowerTUplink: You won't find much help here about running Asterisk on *BSD.
16:41.18Silik0nthats fod damned sure
16:41.32PatrickDKhmm, I used to run asterisk on fbsd
16:41.48PatrickDKbut too many problems with threading libs and udp packets
16:42.02file[laptop]oh wow, Tiger is using GCC 4.0
16:43.16HjemmeRoyKfile[laptop]: is that released yet?
16:43.26*** join/#asterisk frogy (
16:43.39file[laptop]not really, 3.4.3 is the latest release
16:43.46file[laptop]that's why I said, "oh wow"
16:51.25*** join/#asterisk mbranca_home (
16:54.16*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
16:56.01shmaltzanybody here knows why april first is aprils fool?
16:58.57jbotrumour has it, aafj is
16:58.57bugbotaafj is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
16:59.38shmaltzManxPower, I heard that since Jesus was born on Dec 25th April 1st makes the day of conceiving
16:59.48shmaltz- 9 months
16:59.59shmaltzbeing Jewish it makes sense to me ;)
17:01.01RaYmAn-Bxexcept he wasn't conceived really :P...and as far as I remember it's not like he was actually born on was just adjusted because it fitted better.
17:01.47shmaltzRaYmAn-Bx, he wasnt' conceived really? so how was he born?
17:02.41RaYmAn-Bxshmaltz: well..supposedly he just appeared out of thin air.. :P seriously though, isn't the story that she just became pregnant?
17:03.14shmaltzwell then she conceived
17:03.21*** join/#asterisk loick (
17:03.25RaYmAn-BxI guess
17:03.54ManxPowerMyths usually don't make much sense if you analize them too much.
17:04.24shmaltzevery person I asked, if you would leave the coutnry for 6 months then came back to find your wife in her third month, and asked her how, and she answers from god. would you beleive her? they all said no
17:04.30voipheckanyone here has experience in configuring asterisk with quintum gateway?
17:04.32dmccollumI don't think Dec 25th is really the day he was born. I've heard it was actually spring time. December 25th was used because it use to be a Pagan holiday that was rolled in when The Romans declared the Catholic church as the official religion.
17:04.36*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:04.50ManxPower~google quintum
17:04.50bugbotgoogle quintum is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
17:05.23ManxPowerdmccollum: You'll find most christian holidays are near a pagan holiday.
17:05.29RaYmAn-BxI guess another somewhat amusing thing is the alternative meaning of conceive: to invent...
17:05.49dmccollumJust like the sabbath is really Saturday but the Catholic church moved it to Sunday to ease the transition for pagans.
17:05.53shmaltzoh my, your twisting my words ;/
17:06.11shmaltzdmccollum, St. Peters did that
17:06.19ManxPowerHeck, even chrismas has pagan things.  christmas tree, for example is just another name for a Yule tree.
17:06.28*** join/#asterisk iq (
17:06.46dmccollumManxPower: easter, Christmas, Sunday were all pagan holidays.
17:06.54RaYmAn-BxManxPower: it's still called something very similar in nordic languages (juletræ in danish)
17:06.55ManxPowerdmccollum: *nod*
17:07.04shmaltzSt peters was an observant jew, who was sent by the Jewish sages, to make sure that thing don't stay the same, one of the things were Saturday to sunday
17:07.48*** join/#asterisk GMsoft (~gmsoft@gmsoft.developer.gentoo)
17:07.51GMsofthi guys
17:08.53dmccollumActually it was Constantine that changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
17:09.25*** join/#asterisk blop (~blop@2001:6f8:204:33:bbbb:bbbb:bbbb:bbbb)
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17:09.34GMsoftdo you know there is a prog which use the IAX protocol to give free call to several european countries
17:10.04GMsoftyou just create a account and use your asterisk to make phone calls and it works great :)
17:10.31RaYmAn-BxGMsoft: ...
17:10.34RaYmAn-Bxgo on :P
17:10.45GMsofthave fun:)
17:11.03GMsofthowever it doens't allow you to call gsm unless you pay
17:11.19GMsoftand you don't have a phone number
17:11.27hohumwhy?  GSM isn't bound to licensing restrictions like G.729 is
17:11.28GMsoftbut that's still cool :)
17:11.38blophowever, you need the windows software in order to create yourself an account :p
17:11.39GMsofthohum: not the codec, the gsm phones :)
17:12.09shmaltzdmccollum, not according to what we jews beleive
17:12.18hohumI'm busy setting up a service similar to that
17:12.19shmaltzor know for that matter
17:12.25hohumbut it will acctually be free
17:12.32hohumand won't require windows
17:12.35GMsofthohum: really ? :)
17:12.43GMsoftto all countries ?:)
17:12.53bloplol , it cant be
17:12.57*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
17:13.19hohumit'll be free to on-net calls
17:13.24GMsoftah ok
17:13.30hohum$19/year for unlimited incoming with a DID
17:13.34*** join/#asterisk fievel (
17:13.35*** join/#asterisk Kal_Zakath (~Kal_Zakat@
17:13.37GMsoftbut this service allow you to connect to the pstn network
17:13.48hohumand you get charged for usage on outgoing calls
17:13.55hohumDirect Inward Dial
17:14.00hohuma phone number in otherwords
17:14.44blopk, but from which country ?
17:15.27hohumI'll only be able to offer US-based DIDs initally but I hope that will change soon
17:15.49hohumthe more termination contracts I sign with DID providers the more coverage I'll have
17:16.26*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
17:16.41jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
17:16.41bugbotdocs is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
17:16.42jbotwell, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
17:16.42bugbotmailinglist is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
17:16.58hohumI'm developing a billing system for SER and a voice mail platform based around Asterisk
17:17.19Blackvelis it possible to interrupt an AGI STREAM FILE?
17:17.40Blackvelmaybe I can send the AGI EXEC DIAL afterwards?
17:18.36*** part/#asterisk fievel (
17:19.43file[laptop]the number of VoIP providers out there is making me sick
17:20.14hohumfile: :)
17:20.24ManxPowerBlackvel: According tot the DOCUMENTATION, you can interrupt STREAM FILE
17:20.33hohumI'm doing this primarily because I'm developing a billing system
17:23.22easimonGMsoft: voipbuster works together with asterisk?
17:23.38GMsofteasimon: yes
17:23.47GMsoftit uses the IAX protocol
17:24.47easimonGMsoft: hm, never looked into iax so far... is there any docs on how to set it (voipbuster<->asterisk) up?
17:25.21BlackvelManxPower: well, looks like it can be stopped by the client side, but how about the * side?
17:25.35GMsofteasimon: just call using the iax channel
17:25.35Blackvelhmm... maybe it is not the command I have to think about.
17:25.37ManxPowerBlackvel: Huh?
17:25.46BlackvelI need something, where I can send a message and play a music
17:26.23Blackveland if something happens in the system, that I can control inside the AGI(FastAGI) that the command should be interrupted, just because e.g I want to connect the caller with the EXEC DIAL command
17:26.23ManxPowerYou mean make a call, not send a message, right?
17:26.38ManxPowerWhy not use MusicOnHold
17:26.40easimonGMsoft: i'll take a look into that, thx for the info ;)
17:26.52GMsoftnp :)
17:27.29*** join/#asterisk egon_l (
17:27.57BlackvelManxPower: wow, very good suggestion. I'll check doc how I can interrupt/stop this
17:28.04Blackvelprobably it is what I am searching about
17:28.08*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
17:28.09Blackvelbut there is even another ....
17:28.15shmaltzwiki is down?
17:28.24Blackvelas I have tested here, the dial command returns on busy or on timeout
17:28.32Blackvelif e.g I have setup a timeout of 30 seconds
17:28.45Blackvelhow would I be able to stop the AGI EXEC DIAL?
17:28.59BlackvelI guess I can't send just the HANGUP?
17:29.10Blackvelhehe I know, this sounds very werid
17:29.39ManxPowerBlackvel: you can't.
17:29.56ManxPowerDoing a Dial from AGI never does what you want.
17:30.06*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
17:31.17Blackvelhow do you mean that
17:31.27Blackvelits not good to call exec dial over AGI?
17:31.32Blackvelor just that I can't interrupt it
17:33.45easimonGMsoft: but i guess, i have to start voipbuster once to create the account, right?
17:36.35*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
17:36.46file[laptop]yay BoRiS
17:37.11BoRiSMr. File on his laptop. :))))
17:37.30BoRiSHow are you doing?
17:37.36file[laptop]how are you?
17:37.41Silik0nboris the whoris
17:38.02BoRiSWaking up and just heating up lunch in the microwave
17:38.36*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
17:47.27*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
17:53.47*** join/#asterisk iq (
17:54.37Qwellkram: afternoon
18:00.04*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
18:00.27*** join/#asterisk delphiuk (
18:01.50delphiukdoes anyone know why I am getting lot's of "storage size of blah isn't known" when trying to compile zaptel with asterisk 1.07 from cvs stable?
18:02.31MrBelvedrdo you have enough disk space? just a guess?
18:02.52*** part/#asterisk Kal_Zakath (~Kal_Zakat@
18:03.14delphiuk102 gig to be exact :)
18:05.24Blackvelmanxpower: but show application musiconhold only says that it will play indefinitely, but not how I can stop it in my AGI (e.g I want to execute DIAL)
18:10.42*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
18:13.02*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
18:14.57*** join/#asterisk In-Side (
18:15.22In-SideHi again wazz up people ?
18:15.43In-Sidedoes anyone has a cenario wich envolves ser+asterisk ?
18:15.58*** join/#asterisk ethogeek (
18:18.06*** part/#asterisk orange_haw (
18:18.11*** join/#asterisk asteriskn00b (
18:18.38In-SideI'm with some problems with * using a sip register to pass throgh the calls and I'm looking for some tips regarding to use ser as a nat helpper to asterisk box my configuration is something like this: [UAC -> ser]  -> [asterisk] <-> [firewall]  <-[all ports fwd]-> [router] -> cable mode - net <.> sip provider
18:18.59In-Sideeverything works fine if the provider is a IAX one
18:19.11In-Sidebut if i use sip nat refuses to work at all
18:19.33*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
18:19.42In-Sideor better... it works but rtp session refuse to be estabelished
18:20.23In-Sidedoes anyone has any tip that maybe usefull to read out or something
18:20.30In-SideI just lost in this mess :S
18:20.32asteriskn00bafternoon all, I am currently testing eyebeam on my network, calls work properly, however if I try to send a chat message to another user I get "SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed" of course documentation on eyebeam is no existent, anyone have any ideas?
18:20.39MrBelvedrdoes ast@home come with gnome or kde installed?
18:21.00In-SideasteriskDOTbz: seems that the device doesnt suport it
18:21.12In-SideasteriskDOTbz: are using soft ip phone ?
18:21.34file[laptop]asteriskn00b: asterisk doesn't support messaging like that
18:22.28asteriskn00bI thought that the messaging was sip based =/
18:22.35file[laptop]it is
18:22.40In-Sideso nobody can help me out with my problem ?
18:22.42file[laptop]but chan_sip doesn't support it
18:22.50In-SideasteriskDOTbz: ser supports it fine
18:22.58In-Sidebut your devices has to support it too
18:23.23file[laptop]SER is just a sip proxy so it doesn't have to support it, it can just relay the MESSAGE packet
18:23.30ariel_MrBelvedr, no
18:23.31file[laptop]but as In-Side keeps saying, your device has to support it too
18:23.35In-Sideok but it relays...
18:23.42In-Sideasterisk don't
18:23.55file[laptop]correct, asterisk doesn't support it
18:24.02In-Sideanyway I just can't use ser alone
18:24.12In-Sideas I can't register only with ser at my providers..
18:24.21In-SideI have to sticky out with * too
18:24.32In-Sideand now I just sticked to IAX providers
18:24.46In-Sideas the damn sip is just hard to play with nat at hell
18:25.38emrahAnyone know how to enable the whole three lines in a polycom? Now I can only use the first one.
18:26.13QwellSo, a friend of mine might be hooking me up with a 79x0(he isn't sure what it is)
18:26.24*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (
18:26.28QwellIts an "extra" that isn't logged in the company inventory...
18:26.37QwellSo, he's gonna send it to me.  heh
18:26.40file[laptop]ooh sounds sneaky
18:26.45ariel_emrah, I have 7 polycom IP-500 coming in this week. Hope there easy to setup.
18:26.49emrahPlease, there is no one here using a Polycom IP500?
18:26.49Qwellfile[laptop]: very much so, yeah
18:27.10emrahariel_: They are strange...
18:27.10PTG1234i use polycoms, although i would prefer not to :)
18:27.12In-SideI just hope to get the damn nat working... that is just what I'm wondering about
18:27.13PTG1234hey file and qwell
18:27.17file[laptop]hey hey
18:27.34In-SideIf i use my phone with stun it works well if i not use any UA on my entwork
18:27.36PTG1234file: wanna here the mp3 player update?
18:27.57ariel_PTG1234, why don't you like them?
18:27.59file[laptop]PTG1234: sure
18:28.12PTG1234ariel: they are uncomfortable, and have mutiple issues w/ differen tthings
18:28.21*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
18:28.25PTG1234so i went to compusa, to get another player.. and they had this sony HD1.. which was slick
18:28.29TUplinkApr 17 14:27:15 WARNING[475]: chan_zap.c:763 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such file or directory
18:28.29PTG1234but they only had the floor model
18:28.32PTG1234so i end up buying that one
18:28.35*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
18:28.36emrahariel_: They are easy to setup if you understand the first time. You can setup sevral phones with just one boot server, that's great.
18:28.39PTG1234and when i get hom there is no cradle in it :)
18:28.41PTG1234so nothing i can do with it
18:28.48PTG1234so i ended up ordering the hd3 online
18:28.52|Vulture|I use IP500s
18:28.58|Vulture|I have about 60 of them
18:28.59PTG1234man that thing is smaller then an ipod mini, 20gb of space, and 30 hours of battery life
18:29.02*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@localhorst.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
18:29.06file[laptop]well that's evil
18:29.10TUplinkhow do i get /dev/zap/pseudo
18:29.13In-SideasteriskDOTbz: regarding to your problem if you want to get WMI in asterisk, please take a look at this:
18:29.31PTG1234audio quality is suppose to be awesome too
18:29.40PTG1234but now i gotta wait til tuesday to have it
18:30.02easimonGMsoft: got it working, quality is - as expected - not the best...
18:30.13TUplinki need meetme to work. but keep getting WARNING[475]: chan_zap.c:763 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such file or directory
18:30.29|Vulture|TUplink: you don't have a digium card right?
18:30.32easimonTUplink: install ztdummy
18:30.35In-Sideseems to be impossible but I just can't find a soul that uses asterisk and ser together :S
18:30.48TUplinki belive it did install ztdummy
18:30.52|Vulture|did you make the zaptel drivers? yea what easimon said
18:30.59TUplinki installed /usr/ports/misc/zaptel
18:31.01file[laptop]he's using FreeBSD
18:31.02|Vulture|TUplink: you running 2.6 kernel?
18:31.08TUplinkum... FREEBSD
18:31.15ariel_TUplink, look at the Makefile for the ztdummy. comment it out on the zaptel drivers and make clean the make install then make clean and same with asterisk.
18:31.19PTG1234FreeBSD rocks! :)
18:31.21In-Sidethere is no problem with zaptel and bd
18:31.28TUplinki want both of them
18:31.34emrahI see some people there is using polycom phones. Please, how can I do to have every lines ok to place 3 calls together, and switching in them?
18:31.41In-Sideyou just have to load up the things right
18:31.48TUplinkit wont make from the download have to install it from ports
18:32.03In-SideI have a damn clone that just freaks out my bsd box
18:32.34In-Sidedamn cheap cards :S
18:32.39TUplinki did make ; make isntall on zaptel
18:32.53emrahIn-Side: are you speaking with me?
18:33.00In-Sideto all
18:33.03ariel_TUplink, did you remove the # from the ztdummy in the makefile
18:33.12TUplinkum... let me go loook
18:33.15In-Sideyou have to uncomment the lines
18:33.17In-Sideat configuration
18:33.22In-SideI can't say its work
18:33.34In-Sidebecause the than fxo/fxs card is a peace of shit
18:33.46TUplinki saw samtingdutting the make bout ztdummy
18:33.49emrahNo one knows hoe to enable all lines with the IP500?
18:33.55In-Sideand after few seconds workign crash the damn box :S
18:34.05emrahWhen I press the buton for line 2 or 3, nothing happened
18:34.09PTG1234emrah: you put them in the conf file? where is the rock science?
18:34.15In-SideI never had a hardware that could do this in my bsd box :S
18:34.26easimonTUplink: ztdummy is a kernel module... i guess you have to tell freebsd to load it at boot time...
18:34.27In-Sidecan anyone help me with nat ?
18:34.41In-SideI now it is not a real easy thing ... but.. ok..
18:34.44In-Sidejust some lights
18:34.49TUplinkanyone know how to load a kernel module in freebsd?
18:34.56In-Sidekldload name_module
18:35.02emrahPTG1234: But there is no actually a created configuration where I can see an example of that......
18:35.04ariel_In-Side, nat is well a pain sometimes but what are you trying to do?
18:35.06ManxPoweremrah: Each line needs to register as a different user
18:35.08*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
18:35.14emrahIt pure xml files that you have to write yourself
18:35.17PTG1234emrah: you know the line1_ entries?
18:35.17In-SideTUplink: you may load it up at startup
18:35.23PTG1234duplicate them with line2_
18:35.25PTG1234and line3_
18:35.25GMsofteasimon: yeah quality sux and the time to establish a call is really long
18:35.36In-SideasteriskDOTbz: regarding to your problem if you want to get WMI in asterisk, please take a look at this:
18:35.39TUplinkhow do i do that kldload zaptel dont work
18:35.48In-SideI'm with some problems with * using a sip register to pass throgh the calls and I'm looking for some tips regarding to use ser as a nat helpper to asterisk box my configuration is something like this: [UAC -> ser]  -> [asterisk] <-> [firewall]  <-[all ports fwd]-> [router] -> cable mode - net <.> sip provider
18:35.53emrahManxPower: But there is 6 possible registrations!
18:36.04delphiukcan someone tell me what linking i have to do with 2.4.27 source in order for asterisk to compile?
18:36.08In-SideTUplink: I can take a look
18:36.21easimonGMsoft: in addition to that, it does not hang up correctly ;)
18:36.47emrahPTG1234: I don't thnig that there is per line configuration
18:36.48In-SideTUplink: did you install the port ?
18:37.01PTG1234emrah: yes its exactly like i just said
18:37.08TUplink looks like it would be rite but it wont load
18:37.18ManxPoweremrah: Yes.
18:37.19TUplinkwhat are the odds it is down
18:37.22emrahPTG1234: What's the configurtion for line one then, where sould I find it?
18:37.32In-Sidedid you install this /usr/ports/misc/zaptel/ ?
18:37.32emrahHow is named the first link? phone one?
18:37.47In-SideTUplink: do you likje me to do a package for you?
18:37.51*** part/#asterisk loick (
18:37.53ManxPoweremrah: Configure the phone over the web page.
18:38.12ManxPowerOnce you get it working, read the admin guide and configure an ftp server to let the phone upload it's config
18:38.18TUplinkin-side huh?
18:38.19emrahManxPower: But there is 6 possiible registration!
18:38.47emrahSorry for the ! mark
18:39.12*** join/#asterisk egon_l (
18:39.30emrahBut what I mean is there is 6 registrations possible, with 6 diffrent proxy. So, how is i possible to work with 2 lines? And... I didn't understand how to peak up a call incomming in an other line when I'm speaking with someone else.
18:40.06emrahtree lines, sorry
18:40.27ManxPoweremrah: The polycom uses the same config files for all models.  The phone will ignore configs for lines it doesn't actually have.
18:40.45ManxPoweremrah: dude, you have to read the mailinglist acrhives.
18:40.57ManxPowerpolycom phones are not easy to configure, but they are great phones.
18:41.28ManxPowerOne of the few issues is that you can't disable call waiting on the phones, you have to keep a second call from coming in via GetGroup, SetGroup in the dialplan
18:42.13emrahThanks  a lot :) you helped me very much in this Asterisk room. I will do that, but just.. You don't have an indication? Should I register towo times the same proxy, How do I peak up the second incomming call? (I can't see the screen, as you know I think.
18:42.59ManxPoweremrah: correctly set up, the call will come in on a diffferent line on the phone
18:43.23emrahDo you know where I can find an example of  a guide to set is up correctly?
18:44.08*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
18:45.25emrahManxPower: Thanks a lot, but I have to go somewhere now. If you can just help me a bit more, leave me your essages in a private window.
18:46.03|Vulture|is the wiki down?
18:46.04*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
18:46.32Sedoroxwow.. 16 hrs to eat
18:46.38Sedoroxmusta been a big meal
18:46.42TUplink|vulture| i think it is
18:46.46docelmoya ya ya
18:46.58TUplinki cant get to it for that last 6 hours
18:47.16niZonthe wiki is slowwwwwwwwwwww
18:48.14ariel_I think it's down. I have not been able to get to the wiki since this morning.
18:48.37niZonyeah seems so..
18:48.44*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
18:48.46niZonsomeone needs to mirror it
18:48.57|Vulture|wonder how much traffic it gets
18:49.24niZona fair bit probablly..
18:49.26ariel_I think people have said that there willing to mirror it. But the person that runs it says no.
18:49.52|Vulture|well if its under 1 TB a month I could prolly do it it
18:50.09|Vulture|ariel_: yea then they should find someone else to do it
18:50.27|Vulture|that information is vital for people learning and those already using *
18:51.50SedoroxI know I would mirror it... even tho I don't have a big connection
18:52.25Dovidan anyone recomend a good wifi voip phone ?
18:53.19niZonhmm... 2 error pages from google so far today
18:56.01ariel_I have some of the pages printer out for my own use.  I have it as a manuel.
18:57.30ariel_|Vulture|, I will be around your area next week.
18:57.50PTG1234how much bandwidth can a bunch of text pages take
18:58.04ariel_|Vulture|, going to be staying in the Orlando area for 1 week. I have a time share I need to use.
19:01.37PTG1234anyone have an ipod shuffle?
19:04.29file[laptop]meep I'm back
19:05.20*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@localhorst.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
19:07.18*** join/#asterisk want561or772did (
19:11.56Duttsanyon ehere from the uk?
19:13.53shmaltzDutts, I'll be in the UK on Thursday
19:15.13delphiukDutts, yep, i am
19:16.49*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
19:18.04Duttsdelphiuk: I have a proplem sending proper callerid to my analogue phones hanging off my tdm400 card, I see the callerid come in now but I think it's getting sent in the wrong format so my uk phones don't like it..... what settings should I have in my zapata.conf to get this working?
19:19.39delphiukDutts, hang on. I can't even get the thing compiled at the moment. do you want to chat in asterisk-uk?
19:19.53Duttsyup no probs
19:19.54pinodutts: you might want to check -- if it ever downloads
19:20.12Duttspiino: ah will try that, yeah I'm having trouble on voip-info atm
19:21.12*** join/#asterisk Moc (
19:21.59|Vulture|everyone is
19:22.06|Vulture|the wiki is toasted
19:24.59Dovidthought it was my isp
19:25.04Dovidyes the wiki seems to be down
19:25.30Dovidanyone know of a good wifi woip phone ?
19:26.48Dovidanyone ?
19:27.34Dovidoh well
19:28.08*** join/#asterisk asteriskn00b (
19:28.18*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
19:30.29*** join/#asterisk dca (
19:37.26BoRiSDovid: Not even worth it yet
19:40.13delphiukDovid, I would recommend a normal DECT with a ATA
19:40.43*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL ( down again :-/
19:42.04*** join/#asterisk lters (
19:43.43|Vulture|is the Cisco one any good? although it has no SIP image
19:44.05*** join/#asterisk _Raptor_ (
19:44.11ManxPowerCisco what?
19:44.21GMsoft|Vulture|: which phone ?
19:44.37GMsoftevery cisco phone have a sip image
19:45.51ManxPowerNo.  Not all Cisco phones have SIP images.
19:46.33_Raptor_can anyone tell me how i can hide my caller id in chan_capi ( seems to be down)
19:46.35|Vulture|Ill get the model #s I don't their their Star phone nor their wireless has a SIP
19:47.50|Vulture|and the 7936 doesn't have sip either
19:48.02file[laptop]haha the 7920...
19:48.10ManxPowerThe 7095, 7940, and 7960 are the only phones that I know of that have SIP
19:48.18|Vulture|file[laptop]: whats funny?
19:48.30file[laptop]|Vulture|: it's a funny phone
19:48.41file[laptop]it has to see a CCM server on the network before it'll give you a list of the available access points
19:48.49|Vulture|oh wow...
19:48.54|Vulture|tricky tricky
19:49.07*** part/#asterisk RevK ([
19:49.08file[laptop]malcolmd tried to get it working at VON... haha
19:49.08|Vulture|so you couldn't even install a SIP image if you didn't have CCM
19:49.12*** join/#asterisk pino (
19:49.15file[laptop]it has no SIP image to begin with
19:50.10ManxPowerThe 7095, 7940, and 7960 are the only phones that I know of that have SIP
19:50.13ManxPowerLet me check
19:50.47|Vulture|file[laptop]: right, but I am just saying if one was released
19:51.01file[laptop]needless to say it's a funny phone
19:51.05|Vulture|you couldn't install it because it need CCM to detect the wireless
19:51.48|Vulture|polycom should make a wireless solution
19:51.49ManxPower7905, 7912, 7940, 7960, are the only phones that can run SIP.
19:52.32NivexDoes the Sipura SPA-2000 come fairly well recommended around here?
19:53.33file[laptop]<monotone> I wholeheartedly recommend the Sipura SPA-2000 and am in no way being influenced by Sipura.
19:54.00NivexThe first one I had was a dud.  Wanted to know if it was worth giving them another chance.
19:55.44*** join/#asterisk Milligan (
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19:57.02Duttscan someone take a look at my zapata.conf and tell me why I am not sending caller id properly to my uk pots phones please?
19:58.08Mocyou can't send caller id throught a pots phone line
19:58.24*** join/#asterisk likwid-- (
19:59.36Duttscan you not? I'm talking a standard BT line? I get it into my FXO port from the PSTN but cannot seem to send it out on my FXS port, you saying this is impossible?
19:59.47Duttson a TDM400P card
20:00.32Mocyou can't send callerid throught a FXO line.  Only receive them
20:01.15Duttsyup I agree.... but my question is about sending it out on my fxs line
20:01.26delphiukDutts, when it goes to FXO, it is from Asterisk in it's callerId format i think?
20:01.43Duttsto my regular phone (which when I connect directly to my bt service, withouth * int he way) works fine and displays caller id fine
20:01.48MocDutts, that another story.  You said send it to the uk pots
20:02.13Sedorox.... not sending caller id properly to my uk pots phones please?....
20:02.16Sedoroxhe said his normal phones...
20:02.27bugbotM1719 is a feature bug that is closed (markster): [patch] Caller ID support for UK (BT POTS lines). It was filed by TonyHoyle and was last updated on 10-03-04.
20:03.01DuttsMoc: sorry mate, yes I see where I have confused the issue there a little! =) no I only said pots to distinguish this phone from an ip phone or anything, analog phone would have been a better way of saying it
20:03.30pinoDutts: try applying that patch :) (assuming you're using an X100P)
20:03.51Mocpino, he said he use a tdm400
20:04.01MocI dont know much about how those card work in the UK
20:04.23Duttsusing a TDM400P, I thouight that patch was only to be able to receive caller id from the fxo on an x100p, from what U've heard this is supported in the tdm400p....
20:04.24pinoDutts: is your problem getting the CID from the PSTN to * or from * to the phone?
20:04.57*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
20:05.30Sedoroxthe way I'm unterstanding it.. from * to phones
20:06.00Duttspino: * to the phone, I can see in the CLI that my caller id is getting into *, then I do a Dial(Zap/1/${CALLERID}) and it shows correct int he CLI (in that the macro gets expanded corretcly) but my phone just shows CALL so I'm guessin git's int he wrong format or something
20:06.10pinoyes, sorry - i didn't read the lines above!
20:06.15DuttsI also get Apr 17 19:56:37 WARNING[7632]: chan_zap.c:3613 zt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling.
20:10.15Dovidwiki ral slooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
20:10.20Duttsoh it's up now?
20:14.02Duttsthat is the right syntax to send caller id isn't it? Dial(Zap/1/${CALLERID})
20:14.06Dovidvery sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
20:14.17file[laptop]it should go automagically
20:14.38Duttsso I can try just Zap/1 ?
20:14.42file[laptop]yes, try it
20:14.58Duttsactually that's a bloody good point, don't think I've tried that since I got inbound cid working =) one sec
20:15.03|Vulture|Dutts: if you have channel 1 defined
20:15.32DuttsVulture: yeah the call goes out correctly and everything, the phone rings, but caller id isn;'t diaplyed (it normally is able to display caller id when connected to the pstn)
20:15.45file[laptop]just try and see...
20:16.20*** join/#asterisk asteriskn00b (
20:16.31Dovidits down again
20:16.48file[laptop]asteriskn00b: what now?
20:17.09Duttsbah no that didn't work! =(
20:17.37Duttsis it this though every time it tries to make a call out it says this Apr 17 20:19:29 WARNING[7667]: chan_zap.c:3613 zt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling.
20:18.52asteriskn00bjust soking up the knowledge
20:19.00asteriskn00berr soaking
20:19.31Duttswhen you change zapata.conf, is it sufficient to just do a reload in * or do I need to do more?
20:24.11*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
20:25.55*** join/#asterisk PBXtech[mobile] (
20:26.33DovidDutts: when changing the zapta files you must stop asterisk and restart it
20:26.41Dovidstop now
20:26.50Dovidand then asterisk
20:27.16Dovidquerys on wiki are taking for ever...........................................................
20:27.28asteriskn00bi cant even get it to load
20:28.03Dovidu have to be patient
20:28.16Dovidlike 10 minutes for a simple query
20:28.40want561or772didwiki is taking siesta
20:30.38Dovidgona grab some zzzz and try later
20:30.42Dovidugh i hate it
20:31.15delphiuktutt, anbody would have thought that Asterisk was popular ;)
20:31.52want561or772didi think the wiki going to sleep is some other problem
20:32.32DovidRIP WIKI
20:34.11want561or772didmaybe there's an hourly backup going on or distance between the DB and cgi
20:34.26Dovidthen it would be like this every week
20:34.58want561or772didnearly every day i manage to hit wiki during one of its slowdowns
20:35.18asteriskn00bok all who has the best prices on ip phones... other than ebay
20:36.46want561or772didtry google cache Dovid
20:36.50*** join/#asterisk Marcel-AS16215 (
20:36.59Dovidtoo much of a pain
20:37.10Dovidanyone know of a good wifi voip phone ?
20:37.36Marcel-AS16215hi to all, quick question how i can download from CVS 1.0.7 i download always 1.0.1 with this command -> cvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk
20:38.29MikeJ[Jayden]Marcel-AS16215, you are not downloading 1.0.1 with that command, you are getting head
20:38.54Dovidanyone know a good voip wifi phone ?
20:38.55MikeJ[Jayden]Marcel-AS16215, look on the wiki under asterisk download
20:38.58*** join/#asterisk mog_home (~mog_home@
20:39.43MikeJ[Jayden]Dovid, none of them are really good
20:40.08Dovidwell i need one for a client
20:40.20Dovidthe cisco one looks tempting but the price isnt
20:40.25want561or772didget a portable phone & fxs
20:40.40Dovidhe wants to put em on hold, call tranfer etc.
20:41.02Dovidi can prob get him a pda with wifi
20:41.14Dovidnot a bad idea
20:41.33Dovidget cheap pda's wit wifi and put a soft phone on it
20:43.55*** join/#asterisk rowter (~Drake@
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20:44.41niZonPDA's with wifi aren't cheap :\
20:45.35want561or772didfxs ports should allow you to flash over to a pbx menu, choose options like forward, then flash back to the line you put on hold
20:51.13DovidniZon: they are on ebay
20:51.27Dovidcheper than a cisco at least
20:53.32Duttsanyone know what'd going on with the wiki?
20:53.53Sedoroxit went p00f
20:54.02smiley-    is that the version to go with if I want to use the odbc-functions with asterisk?
20:54.07poliDutts, I am trying to get in for 3 hours now, offline. :(
20:54.15smiley-who needs the wiki then there is google cache? ;)
20:54.19Duttspoli: heheheh ok I think I'll give up for tonight
20:54.35poliDutts, ;)
20:57.35*** join/#asterisk drbraun (
20:57.41drbraunEvening all
20:58.13Marcel-AS16215Do Asterisk Conferncecall works on FreeBSD with the ZapTel Dummy Driver
20:58.34Blackvelbye for today :)
21:00.46*** join/#asterisk starme (
21:00.57starmehello all
21:01.38starmeanyone awake?
21:02.27Weezeyto call with SIP, what's the correct Dial string?  Dial(SIP/user:pass@host/number?)
21:02.40*** join/#asterisk Rob- (
21:04.30drbraunhi starme
21:04.36starmeweezey: dial(SIP/SIP_CHANNEL/number, length,r)
21:04.52starmedrbraun: hows it going?
21:04.59Weezeystarme: it has to be in sip.conf to work then?
21:05.16drbraunstarme, shite, to be honest. fricking chan_capi .....
21:05.17starmeweezey: what are you trying to do?
21:05.29Weezeystarme: just dialing out via sip
21:05.45starmeas a part of an application?
21:06.10Weezeyno, just as part of extensions.cofn
21:06.12starmestarme: honesty is always good
21:06.24Weezeytalking to yourself?
21:06.25drbraunstarme: ;)
21:06.31starmeso from a phone or softphone
21:06.35drbraunstarme: what about you?
21:06.39starmedrbraun: long day ;)
21:06.49starmedr: working on my asterisk config
21:06.50Weezeystarme: to a phone relay
21:07.15starmetrying to understand the whole context thing, I have a bunch of lines, but I want to restrict the directory and outbound lines to specific things
21:07.35drbraunstarme: spent 11h so far today on this issue. got no incoming audio from chan_capi when making an outgoing call. other side can hear me fine. Otherway round works with no probs ...
21:07.49starmeweezey: thats that I have in my extensions.conf to handle an outbound call for a find me line
21:08.06*** join/#asterisk anthm (
21:08.06*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
21:08.21starmedrbraun: you set nat?
21:08.33*** part/#asterisk anthm (
21:09.09drbraunstarme: making a sip call to * on the same network, i.e. no NAT. Same issue when connecting via IAX2
21:09.44starmewhat is chan_capi?
21:10.00drbraunstarme: in deed :( And the voice quality of the call is great. If it would only be both ways :)
21:10.23drbraunstarme: capi channel for .... CAPI devs :)
21:10.42starmeforgive me, I am still learning
21:10.48drbraunstarme: me too
21:11.00drbraunnothing to forgive ;)
21:11.21starmeI have a bunch of polycoms, and a couple SIPURA 1001 atas
21:12.20drbraunstarme: cannot complain about toys. If the fricking capi chan would work, I'd be a happy soldier
21:12.37starmewhat exactly is a capi device
21:14.15drbraunstarme: an ISDN card which can be handled by The Common ISDN API (CAPI). AVM and the likes fall under this.
21:15.18drbraunstarme: you must be in North America or some other non-European part of the world, right?
21:16.08drbraunstarme: 'You don't do' ISDN very much over there, do you?
21:16.25Dovidwiki still dead ?
21:16.32drbraunwiki is up again
21:16.33starmerarely, sometimes in a data center
21:16.36starmebut not often
21:16.56drbraunupppssss, may be it is down again :)
21:17.07Dovidall images are down
21:17.23starmecan anyone help with this: I have an * install that has multiple SIP and a single ZAP line coming into it
21:17.23Dovidsite  is down
21:17.39bugbotwiki is assigned nothing and reported M1412, M1666.
21:17.39starmeI want to split up my extensions for director and allow outbound calling through a specific trunk
21:17.54jbotone warez list being sent
21:17.54bugbotlist is assigned nothing and reported M2430.
21:18.16starmeso all my "200" extensions have one directory and go outbound on the ZAP channels
21:18.36starmemy "400" extensions have access to their directory and go outbound on a specific SIP channel
21:18.44drbraunanybody out there that is running chan_capi with an AVM controller? Prefrebly in Germany?
21:19.17*** join/#asterisk rabelais (
21:20.12easimondrbraun: yup, here...
21:20.21*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
21:20.45drbrauneasimon: Have you got a min? Mind if I msg you directly?
21:21.48*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
21:22.38rabelaiswhat is the name of the online directory where I can register my name and iax/sip address?? it was a .org, and it had a w and a 3 in it I think, maybe an h as well...but I can't find it anymore
21:23.39Qwelle138?  something like that
21:23.42bugbotenum is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
21:23.51bugbote138 is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
21:24.03QwellThats the one :P
21:24.17NewSoleand yes you can register
21:24.27rabelaisah, ya
21:24.27rabelaisthat's it
21:24.30rabelaisthank you
21:25.26NewSolekeep getting "No Auth Found"
21:30.18rabelaisI'm at the signup page for a user is trying to contact someone with an account, will they ever need to know/type in the account username? or only the number that they assign me later
21:31.36*** join/#asterisk jonas (
21:34.00*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@localhorst.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
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21:34.48want561or772didi thought e164 was for registering ip presence for lines you also own a DID for
21:35.27want561or772didiaxtel, though, would assign you a 700XXXXXXX number which they forward to
21:37.02DovidWIKI DOWN
21:42.23want561or772didstill :(
21:42.41smiley-use google cache :)
21:43.12want561or772didanyone know the correct format for callerid that cellphones want? NXXNXXXXXX alone makes them want to put a + in front of the number
21:43.16want561or772didlike it's international
21:43.39PatrickDKheh, iaxtel doesn't assign did's
21:43.55want561or772didi know, i didn't mean they gave you a did
21:44.24want561or772didjust a new id which didn't require an existing did
21:46.39*** join/#asterisk Strom_TM (
21:52.10smiley-Segmentation fault
21:52.13smiley-yes \o/
21:52.56Luhiwuanyone knows who can sell bulk cheap DIDs?
21:53.09Luhiwuany country, any areacode, just cheap :)
21:54.23Dovidwhats the url that u use for google chache ?
21:56.18niZontry that :P
21:56.47Dovidhuh ?
21:58.06smiley-search for the thing with google.. and then press the Cached link
21:59.05niZonin the search bar enter cache:<url>
21:59.06Dovidwiki isnt in google cache
21:59.11Dovidgoto head to work
21:59.14Dovidbe back later
21:59.19bugbotgoogle is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
22:00.49smiley-is there any "real version" of ODBCput and that stuff in asterisk now?    the app_dbodbc  seems to segfault all the time
22:02.48*** join/#asterisk jeffik (jefik@
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22:22.11*** join/#asterisk pbxjunkie (
22:23.16gambolputtyIs there a limit to the number of simultaneous calls * can handle in one box?
22:23.36file[laptop]I'll pretend I didn't see that
22:23.45Strom_TMonly limited by the amount of hardware you want to throw at it
22:23.50tzangergambolputty: no, asterisk utilizes superconductors; once you get up to running speed the resistance loss in the conductors vanishes
22:23.59file[laptop]many factors attribute to the number
22:24.09tzangerit's kind of like zero-point energy but without the quacks
22:24.10file[laptop]including the rotation of the earth
22:24.14|Vulture|codec for one
22:24.16Strom_TMand by "hardware" I mean hammers, jigsaws. screwdrivers, etc
22:24.25file[laptop]indeed, hammers
22:24.32tzangerI find that when the earth spins counterclockwise I can't handle nearly the same number of calls
22:24.42|Vulture|tzanger: ROFL
22:24.46file[laptop]tzanger: it's true!
22:25.01tzangernow whenever that happens I just sacrifice a virgin and my call volumes come back to normal
22:25.02Strom_TMalso, your call capacity increases by about 15% during a solar eclipse
22:25.06|Vulture|tzanger: but when the earth stops its a bitch on server load
22:25.10tzangerit's getting awfully hard to convince people to come over these days
22:25.11file[laptop]those virgins, can always count on them
22:25.43|Vulture|tzanger: if you need any my roomates are available... but I think your looking for female virgins
22:25.57tzanger|Vulture|: yeah male virgins aren't rare enough
22:26.27|Vulture|tzanger: true... is there an age limit on the female virgins? like 18+?
22:26.42|Vulture|cause I think it might be pretty hard to find a 21 year old virgin
22:26.46file[laptop]like a virgin, OOOOOOOOH
22:28.20Strom_TMoh god, now my head is full of the sounds of bad digital mastering
22:28.38file[laptop]it's nice to have you back in the channels!
22:28.50Strom_TMhehe yes, i need to not go away for so long :)
22:29.52|Vulture|whats the best over the counter drug for neck pain?
22:30.00file[laptop]a two by four
22:30.04file[laptop]over the head
22:30.10tzangerfile[laptop]: no no no that's for generating neck pain
22:30.12|Vulture|Im serious
22:30.12Strom_TMwhat kind of neck pain?
22:30.28tzangerStrom_TM: he swallowed his viagra too quickly and he's got a stiff neck now
22:30.43|Vulture|well I fell climbing a few weeks ago and was like... SHIT then I stood up and I was fine...
22:30.59|Vulture|but then this morning I wake up and arch my back and my neck goes snap
22:31.04|Vulture|and now its tense as hell
22:31.12|Vulture|don't have much motion in it
22:31.23file[laptop]go for a massage!
22:31.32|Vulture|yea I think I might
22:31.42Strom_TMtry ibuprofen - it's an anti-inflammatory analgesic
22:31.45|Vulture|they have them cheap here.. for the students learning
22:32.05|Vulture|Strom_TM: took like 3 at noon and 2 more a min ago
22:32.13Strom_TMactually, go for a dose of ibuprofen and a dose of acetaminophen and that should do the trick
22:32.54|Vulture|tylenol... thanx google :)
22:32.59|Vulture|brb getting some
22:37.12Moc|Vulture|, yea, IP600 are nice phone
22:38.27|Vulture|I have a buncha IP500/7960/7940s and were slowly phasing out our 60/40s
22:38.39|Vulture|but I still want to try a 600 for personal use
22:38.58Strom_TMmy only terribly minor gripe about the 7960 is that when on speakerphone, the SIP firmware plays the touchtones. whereas the SCCP firmware plays beeps.  I want the SIP firmware to beep, dammit :)
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22:39.17Strom_TM|Vulture|, how much do you want for the 60s? :)
22:39.34MrBelvedrhow can i install a pacage from the CENTOS cd-rom
22:39.35MoonwickStrom_TM: I can empathize :)
22:39.51|Vulture|Strom_TM: duno we haven't gotten to that phase yet, I will be selling 60s and FXO modules torwards mid summer
22:47.12NewSolekeep getting "No Auth Found"
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22:53.32NewSoleanyone alive
22:54.19Strom_TMwe're all dying in fearful agony
22:55.07NewSoleso I am not alone... lol
22:56.07TomL~seen manxpower
22:56.12jbotmanxpower is currently on #asterisk (1d 19h 41m 20s).  Has said a total of 71 messages.  Is idling for 3h 4m 23s
22:56.12bugbotseen manxpower is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
22:56.19TomLdamn you manx :P
22:56.25jakepdev<MrBelvedr>: Centos is an RedHat variant - so i'd assume to install a package - you's use RPM
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22:56.54file[laptop]gah packet loss
22:56.56file[laptop]silly ISP
22:57.00dmccollumYep, CentOS is built from the Redhat source, so it should be almost identical.
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22:58.47sudoervoip-info is down
22:58.55jakepdevsure is
22:59.22dmccollumI hate when great sites like that go down. was down for a couple months.
23:01.32sudoeri take it cluecon is fake?
23:02.07file[laptop]...sure it is
23:02.28sudoeris there a website for it?
23:02.35file[laptop]not yet
23:06.12sudoerid like to go
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23:08.07Romikhello - somebody can advice  what this a problem? Apr 18 00:17:45 WARNING[24533]: chan_iax2.c:5553 socket_read: Call rejected by Unable to negotiate codec
23:08.22file[laptop]it was unable to negotiate the codec
23:08.28Romikwhat it mean?
23:08.29SlainteI think its a codec problem :)
23:08.40cypromispeople who can read have an advantage I;d sau
23:08.42cypromisI'd say
23:08.57cypromisit means your allow/disallow line son both sides do not match
23:09.14Romikit should make convertion in this case?
23:09.33cypromiswhere ?
23:09.41cypromisif you disallow it to connect with a compatible codec
23:09.52cypromisis the stream between the two endpoints supposed to do the translation ?
23:10.06Romikbut this possible
23:10.20file[laptop]Romik: you can't talk to another box using a codec if they don't support it
23:10.55cypromisasterisk will translate between two different connections
23:11.03cypromisbut not on a conncetion
23:11.07cypromisthat is not possible
23:13.01Romikthis is related to [general] section of iax conf?
23:13.16Romikyes! this is fixed it
23:13.21Romikthank to everybody
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23:15.57want561or772didi think my change fell out
23:15.57Romikthis can be ignored: Apr 18 00:23:34 NOTICE[24533]: channel.c:1314 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/livevoip/5 of format speex since our native format has changed to ulaw
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23:57.09NewSoleanyone alive
23:57.11Juxtlol me
23:57.29shmaltzwiki is down?
23:57.33Romiksomebody can advice about this message "Apr 18 00:23:34 NOTICE[24533]: channel.c:1314 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/livevoip/5 of format speex since our native format has changed to ulaw"?
23:57.34Juxtthat too
23:57.36shmaltzNewSole, just born
23:58.27NewSoleno... newsole because we made a decision and we are going to suply DID's and Voip to Asterisk users
23:58.58JuxtNewSole, whcih company are you with?
23:59.53NewSolelets just say... clearity and and dropping is not a problem.... and we support g729 and g723

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