irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050416

00:00.02MikeJ[Jayden]like I said, we take skilled and unskilled alike, the unskilled ones just get smacked around a little more :p
00:00.34|Vulture|what is you like getting smacked around :P
00:00.58goldeneartzanger, so you should know a little bit it's internal functionality :)
00:01.53tzangerI don't work with the transfers
00:02.13covicihello, everyone, I have been looking for some documentation and can't find much -- I have looked in the doc directory, but there is not too much most program docs which I made using doxygen. Anything around?
00:02.41bugbotwiki is assigned nothing and reported M1412, M1666.
00:02.50tzangerwiki's reported bugs?
00:03.10|Vulture|thats kinda funny
00:03.14|Vulture|it was down last night
00:03.48|Vulture|covici: the wiki has all and tells all
00:03.53|Vulture|its like the * seer
00:03.59coviciI see.
00:04.51coviciBut no comprehensive manual with all commands and config directives?
00:06.33*** join/#asterisk BlOcKoUt (
00:12.43*** join/#asterisk ResQuad (
00:13.29ResQuadAnyone have any experience with Perl (Net::Telnet) and Asterisk Manager?  I'm having an issue that I just can seem to fix:
00:14.47sivanais there a way to kill Dundi on my server?
00:14.47sivanaApr 15 20:13:17 NOTICE[1098]: pbx_dundi.c:2965 dundi_rexmit: Max retries exceeded to host '' msg 0 on call 9506
00:15.27tzangersivana: move dundi.conf
00:15.32sivanaI don't have it
00:16.22sivanagone, deleted, long time ago
00:16.31seanI THINK I have asterisk connected to my DID via SIP Proxy. I'm not 100% sure. When I call my DID number, I get a busy signal whether or not I have asterisk running. Is there a way to be sure asterisk is connected to the DID properly?
00:16.37sivananot even sure where that IP is coming from
00:16.48sivanathis is why they shouldn't bundle all this crap with *
00:17.57sivanaany ideas? I don't see a
00:22.53ResQuadAnyone have any experience with Perl talking to Asterisk Manager (or something of the similar)
00:30.16*** join/#asterisk carlosh (
00:35.52*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (~bjohnson@
00:39.20*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
00:39.48FuriousGeorgehey all, just wondering how i can tell if i registerd my sip dialtone provider correctly in sip.conf
00:40.48FuriousGeorgei ran astereisk -cvvvvvvvvvvvv and didnt see anything, is no news good bes?
00:42.12fugitivoFuriousGeorge: ehmmm, try sip show subscriptions?
00:42.33fugitivoi mean
00:42.36fugitivosip show registry
00:43.25FuriousGeorgefugitivo:  i rule!
00:43.37FuriousGeorgethanks ;)
00:45.47*** join/#asterisk In-Side (
00:45.50In-SideGud night
00:48.01*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
00:48.11BlOcKoUthmmm im wondering, when i start asterisk, and there`s no users in sip.conf, and when i try to connect without user/pass asterisk leaves me in ? why that ?
00:48.28BlOcKoUthow can i tell asterisk not to let someone in if he dont send user/pass ?
00:48.39In-Sidehow can i change a contact header for a user?
00:50.39BlOcKoUtIn-Side: u mean coller id or what ?
00:50.49*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
00:50.56QwellBlOcKoUt: guest?
00:51.23In-Sideit is showming as  "Unknown@"
00:51.57BlOcKoUtIn-Side: u need to set up ur caller id for ur phone
00:52.10BlOcKoUtor u can force some caller id in ur sip.conf/iax.conf...
00:52.23BlOcKoUtcallerid: John Smith
00:52.37QwellThats not the same as CID
00:52.50BlOcKoUtQwell: hmm il;l check but i think guest is disabled
00:54.52*** join/#asterisk bah (
00:55.08BlOcKoUtQwell: ohhh i see, i need to define guest section
00:55.17*** join/#asterisk ShakaZulu (
00:55.50QwellBlOcKoUt: dunno
00:56.06BlOcKoUtQwell: 10x
00:56.11BlOcKoUti founded it in iax.conf
00:56.13BlOcKoUt; Guest sections for unauthenticated connection attempts.  Just
00:56.13BlOcKoUt; specify an empty secret, or provide no secret section.
00:56.24*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
00:56.27BlOcKoUti need that too in sip.conf
00:56.37NewSolewhat does yellow alarm on zaptel card mean
00:56.40In-Sideok I will tyr
00:56.47ShakaZuluHello. I need some help with Call Routing..?
00:56.48In-Sidebnut problem seems to be the ip
00:56.51In-Sidethat my provider reject
00:57.50BlOcKoUthmmmm Qwell, the same }:<
00:58.14QwellBlOcKoUt: Whats the problem?  You don't want people to be able to connect?
00:58.16ShakaZuluI need to route calls... without registering my Asterisk to any VoIP Providers...?
00:58.55BlOcKoUtQwell: yes
00:59.21BlOcKoUtim nowbie with asterisk, sorry if my question is stupid
00:59.35Qwellyeah, you want to REMOVE the guest user
00:59.45BlOcKoUtyes }:D
00:59.49Qwelldon't listen to me though, I don't usually know what I'm talking about
00:59.55*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
01:00.01QwellI'm making a drunken-educated guess
01:00.25BlOcKoUtmaybe that can help me }:D
01:00.29QwellThey kinda negate each other...
01:00.54BlOcKoUtbtw i dont have har phone, im testing it with SJphone
01:01.05BlOcKoUtand when i type just SIP:
01:01.14BlOcKoUthe put me in
01:01.32*** join/#asterisk dan2 (
01:01.51BlOcKoUtin default context
01:04.15Moc_Im going to one scars city tomorow
01:04.28Moc_I mean monday
01:05.09NewSolewhat does yellow alarm on zaptel card mean
01:05.11FuriousGeorgeassuming my pw and ip info is correct (i did just set them after all) why would this happen when i am trying to register x-lite with *
01:05.14FuriousGeorgeApr 16 01:03:45 NOTICE[7819]: chan_sip.c:7691 handle_request: Registration from 'brian <sip:brian@>' failed for ''
01:05.28*** part/#asterisk dan2 (
01:05.36*** join/#asterisk ShakaZulu (
01:05.40fugitivoFuriousGeorge: something is wrong
01:05.54FuriousGeorgeseems like x-lite is talking to my * box, but asterisk doesnt like the credentials
01:06.06Chujisip debug from the cli
01:06.38jhowardPAAlright, I think it's time to try again - I've been in here asking around all day - can anyone help me debug a music on hold problem that's not in the Wiki?
01:06.56nvrsI just got my cheapy $6 X100P working, and i dont know what people are talking about, it works great with zero echo
01:06.56fugitivoFuriousGeorge: check that page
01:07.08fugitivonvrs: i have echo
01:07.12FuriousGeorgefugitivo, i know im reading that one
01:07.24fugitivonvrs: i reduced it a lot, but still little echo
01:07.26FuriousGeorgesip debug just keeps saying 0 lines 0 headers
01:07.38nvrsi have echo at the begining of the call for about 4 seconds
01:07.47nvrsthen the echo fades out to nothing
01:08.07*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
01:08.16NewSoleAnyone have a TE405P Card
01:08.17fugitivothat means echocancel is working as supposed
01:08.32fugitivobut, it's not my case
01:08.56nvrsi guess it is hit our miss with these cards, sometimes you get a good one, sometimes not
01:09.29jhowardPAI'm not getting any sound on my music on hold, though everything appears to be correct.  Any suggestions on where to begin debugging it?
01:09.44fugitivoi don't think it's the card itself, i mean, it is, but it depends on your zone and wiring i think
01:09.47ZuluShakaAsterisk Guru's... Can anyone help me with Call Routing... Is it possible to receive Inbound calls without registering Asterisk to DID Provider...
01:09.58fugitivojhowardPA: is mpg123 installed in your system?
01:10.19seananyone use unlimitel?
01:10.30jhowardPAI'm using madplay now, though I was using mpg123 0.59r
01:10.42fugitivojhowardPA: did it work with mpg123?
01:10.44seanI have a DID hooked up to a SIP Proxy. Is it normal that's how asterisk would connect to a DID?
01:10.50jhowardPAfugitivo: no sir, same thing.  No audio.
01:10.58sean(I'm new to VOIP)
01:11.15fugitivojhowardPA: is audio working in your box?
01:11.33jhowardPAfugitivo: Yes, meetme and phone-to-phone calls are all working.
01:11.42_Brianfugitivo: figure out the flashhook issue?
01:11.49ZuluShakaSean: Have you configure Asterisk to receive inbound DID??
01:11.58fugitivo_Brian: no, i think i don't have any solution for that
01:12.04seanZuluShaka: I think so.
01:12.18*** join/#asterisk hermie (
01:12.21fugitivojhowardPA: check with ps ax if your madplay process is running
01:12.23seansip show registry shows it as registered
01:12.25_Brianfugitivo: check out:  ....i am waiting for the author to send me a patched version
01:12.37ZuluShakaSean: How..? Have you register your Asterisk to SIP proxy?
01:12.43jhowardPAfugitivo: It is.  I straced it, and it's writing raw sound to the stdout, as one would expect.
01:13.11vergeWhen I try to start * on a new server i get the following message.
01:13.11vergeUnable to open /dev/dsp: No such device
01:13.12jhowardPALike I said, this doesn't seem to be covered in the wiki - I checked the stuff in there.
01:13.13ZuluShakaSean: I am looking for a way to accept Inbound DID which forward from my DID provider..
01:13.25fugitivo_Brian: that looks great!
01:13.43jhowardPAI'm using 1.0.5, btw
01:13.47seanZuluShaka: yes, exactly.. but I keep getting "busy" when I call the number, and the cosole doesn't show activity
01:13.53_Brianfugitivo: yup...when i get a patched copy, i will toss it your way...
01:13.56fugitivojhowardPA: are you using oss or alsa?
01:14.09jhowardPAfugitivo: neither, I don't need the box to output audio at all.
01:14.12ZuluShakaSean: so "sip debug" and see if you have any incoming activity
01:14.18jhowardPAfugitivo: is that required for moh?
01:14.28seanZuluShaka: like I said.. no activity is shown..
01:14.53ZuluShakaSean: what configuration you did on your Asterisk...?
01:14.54seanI do get: Warning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells:  pid=10907 req_src_ip= req_src_port=5060 via_cnt==1"
01:14.54fugitivo_Brian: nice, really nice, i can't wait for it :)
01:15.10seanI don't know what that means
01:15.34_Brianok..back to idle land......catch ya all later..
01:15.45ZuluShakaSean: have you configured your Asterisk box with any DID configuration...?
01:15.58seanZuluShaka: yes.
01:16.20seanis this legit?
01:16.23seanexten => 5149070029,3,Dial(Local/220/n);
01:16.53vergehas anyone run into this problem before? When I try to start * I get this message "Unable to open /dev/dsp: No such device" then * dies.
01:17.11jhowardPAverge: are you using sound on the asterisk box, itself?
01:17.24ZuluShakasean: it should be  5149070029,3,Dial(Local|220|n);
01:17.36sean| ? ok
01:17.41nvrsfugitivo: Ahh, ok, so if your wiring is shit or "unbalanced" then these cheap ass FXOs are pretty unforgiving
01:18.03*** part/#asterisk ResQuad (
01:18.06*** join/#asterisk D1ng0 (
01:18.14ZuluShakasean: i am still thinking wat inbound config you have on your asterisk box to receive inbound call
01:18.38fugitivonvrs: right, if it's a better card, there'll be no echo, but, bad wiring + cheap $6 card = echo   ;)
01:19.40seanpastebining.. hold
01:19.56*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
01:21.27BlOcKoUthmmm stupid question again, why asterisk dot show all users when i type on cli sip show users or iax2 show users ?
01:21.45BlOcKoUti mean i enabled mysql freands in Makefile in channels dir
01:21.46fugitivojhowardPA: i think you should
01:21.58BlOcKoUtand when i try to use some username which is in database it works
01:22.24BlOcKoUtbut asterisk dont show users from database when i type sip show users for example
01:22.55ZuluShakasean: do you see any activity while doing debug....????
01:23.09ZuluShakasean: your config looks good
01:23.26ZuluShakasean: and you are registering to your DID server
01:23.29jhowardPAfugitivo: I tried that earlier, and it didn't change anything - but, the music on hold is independent of the server's sound system - it just transcodes into raw pcm and injects it into the SIP stream.
01:23.37seanno activity. gotta go.. BBL
01:24.04ZuluShakasean: so "sip show registry".. to make sure that your asterisk is regiter to your DID provider
01:24.24In-SideFrom: "99900012000" <sip:99900012000@>
01:24.28*** join/#asterisk ResQuad (
01:24.31In-SideI'm having problem
01:24.39In-Sideto set my ip on my header
01:24.51ResQuadHow do I tell what asterisk script directory is configured to? (Its not the default - thanks debian)
01:24.56In-Sideand my provider refuses my call as it is private
01:25.04In-Sidehow can i turn arount it?
01:26.31jhowardPAResQuad: dpkg -L asterisk
01:26.44jhowardPADebian says "you're welcome"  ;)
01:27.17*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
01:27.57*** join/#asterisk pbxjunkie (
01:28.15pbxjunkiehowdy hey :D
01:28.52In-Sidehow to get asterisk using a tun
01:29.21In-Sidehow can i configure it to use a tun server to resolve my ip or to send my external ip instead of my internal ip ?
01:30.19ResQuadjhowardPA: Thats lists where files are installed - but I'm still unsure which one is for scripts (hint: there is no "script" listed)
01:30.30ResQuadIn-Side: For what? an IAX provider?
01:30.47NewSoleAnyone have a TE405P or TE410P card
01:31.05In-Sideno for a sip
01:31.09jhowardPAResQuad: Sorry, I misunderstood - I thought you meant the AGI scripts.  :|
01:31.16*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
01:31.31ResQuadjhowardPA: thats ok
01:31.42In-SideResQuad: my sip provider is attribing a internal ip to my * gw
01:32.06ResQuadIn-Side: edit sip.conf - look for "externip = "  uncomment it and set a value - then restart asterisk
01:32.14*** join/#asterisk Ddziuban (
01:32.21DdziubanGood Evening All.
01:32.24In-Sideperfect solutions
01:32.37In-Sidemaybe is a good time to read better the sip.conf options ;)
01:32.43In-SideResQuad: thanks man
01:33.19ResQuadIn-Side: yea, basically thats what I did - If you want another sugestion dont read the config files and normal, pretend their scripts (in many cases like IVR it will make more sense) - No problem
01:33.50ResQuadSo... Um.  Is there a "default" or sample script that asterisk comes with that I can /usr/bin/locate ? (Since I cant find my script directory)
01:34.23In-Sidemine is /usr/share/local/asterisk
01:34.26In-Sidefreebsd here
01:35.22DdziubanI have seen a little "hack" floating around for AMP to assist with POLYCOM phones/asterisk. ANyone aware of such a "fix?"
01:36.30In-Sideit still persiste to call me as..
01:36.30In-Siderom: "99900012000" <sip:99900012000@>;tag=as7c78af1b
01:36.44In-Side99900012000 was my callerid in *
01:37.46MrBelvedri am having a problem getting asterisk installed. zaptel says that i need to have kernel-source instaleld. I am running 2.6 kernel on rh9.
01:37.55MrBelvedrhow do i get the 2.6 kernel-source package?
01:38.06MrBelvedrit does not seem to be available anywhere...
01:40.44*** part/#asterisk ResQuad (
01:41.48seanoops. Sorry about that.
01:41.58seanZuluShaka: sip show registry shows it           5149070029         105 Registered
01:44.14*** join/#asterisk loud (
01:49.35jmaczHi. I would like to know if anybody here has successfully configured the "atxfer" feature for *. I configured the features.conf based on the wiki information but didn't make it work.
01:50.15*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
01:50.52h3x0rMrBelvedr: its part of the base redhat install
01:50.56h3x0rbut you didnt turn it on
01:51.23PTG123my phone seems to hang up before it reaches voicemail on the other end, i have ,300 in the dial string.. think its the voip provider or the cisco phones settings?
01:51.25h3x0rkernel-source depends on a whole bunch of other stuff, but you can just download those packages from whatever mirror you got redhat to begin with
01:51.36h3x0rby the way, fedora core 2 is easier to get working
01:51.59h3x0rfedora core 3 is a pain in the balls because of the new kernel modules stuff
01:55.36*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
01:55.41odie_floconahh hello all.
01:56.01odie_floconwoo hooo.
02:02.16PTG123anyone here run courier-imap?
02:04.07*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
02:04.25*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
02:04.32dalaberahello guys....
02:05.00*** join/#asterisk voiper (
02:05.23BoRiSodie!!! how goes your FXS problems?
02:05.30*** join/#asterisk zeathe (
02:05.32voiperanyone here uses chan_h323 with 1.0.7 ?
02:06.07*** join/#asterisk GAL (~t7DS@
02:06.37GALhello there...
02:08.25sivanatzanger: you around?
02:08.38Luhiwuvoiper, i do
02:08.53zeatheAnyone here have any experience troubleshooting DTMF decode problems between a TDM400 and the Telco on POTS lines?
02:09.22voiperthank luhiwu. I got a quick question. I have call coming through h323 and going out using SIP
02:09.39voiperits getting connected but there is no audio
02:09.50voiperit works perfect with oh323
02:09.53Luhiwuvoiper, i have the opposite setup, call coming sip and goes out via h323
02:10.02Luhiwuand i do use chan_h323, not _oh323
02:10.31*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
02:10.41voiperi made it work with oh323 but want to try out chan_h323 as oh323 doesn't seem to hold up
02:11.19Luhiwui've just tested call to h323 and then sip, with no problem
02:12.01voiperh323 client -> chan_h323 -> sip -> provider (this is what i am trying to do)
02:12.20Luhiwudo you see rtp traffic passing thru asterisk?
02:13.11dalaberazeathe when are you experiencing dtmf problems? inbound/outbound, using an IVR etc?
02:13.18zeatheOutbound only.
02:13.23zeatheit appears.
02:13.33voiperyes i do as I get that as I get this warning message RFC3389: 1 bytes, level 1...
02:13.34voiperApr 15 22:08:52 NOTICE[3486]: rtp.c:298 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
02:13.51voiperI get this if i connect through a sip client too and it works fine
02:14.02Luhiwuvoiper, i do get the same message and it does work
02:14.06voipersorry its not a warning its just notice
02:14.22zeathedalabera, works fine for checking voicemail....
02:14.41zeatheplaced a call to several tech support lines for my day to day work and am able to navigate menus just fine.
02:14.46*** join/#asterisk wildgoose (
02:14.47Luhiwuvoiper, do you see rtp traffic going to your provider?
02:14.56voiperthis stuff works perfectly with oh323 I have other issues with oh323 thats why wanted to try chan_h323
02:14.58zeatheI'm wondering if it's actually a voltage or polarity issue with the PSTN connection.
02:15.16zeatheztmonitor shows good signal -- not too hot... not too soft.
02:15.46dalaberaare you using any codec besides ulaw?
02:16.07zeathenope...  I've got a Cisco 7960 using uLaw...
02:16.20zeatheLemme check my DTMF type -- I'm pretty sure it's RFC.
02:16.59zeathethe asterisk console shows all digits being passed through to the Zapata interface.
02:18.14zeatheThe phone configs for the Cisco are AVT_Always and inband disabled.
02:18.26zeathecodec's strictly g711 ulaw.
02:18.38zeatheSounds great.... Works great.... when I get a dial out.
02:19.24zeatheNo problems between asterisk boxes over IAX trunks.... I only hit trouble when I actually use POTS lines off the TDM.
02:19.26dalaberaI have same config with no problems ...
02:19.44zeatheSound quality on the line is fine too when I receive a phone call or when I send a call.
02:20.18zeatheThat's what's got me so baffled..... I've been debugging and poking around with this problem for weeks...  Finally gave up and decided to see if anyone else had suggestions.
02:20.47zeatheI'm just looking for troubleshooting suggestions... See if I missed a troubleshooting step or trick.
02:28.11*** join/#asterisk airios (
02:28.21*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
02:29.43airiosdo somebody have info on configuring the ciscos 7970 ip phones with *?
02:29.48*** join/#asterisk yaboo (~jsirucka@
02:30.20*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
02:31.26airiossomebody awake?
02:31.56seanI am, but I'm no help
02:32.11airiosok ... thx for answering :)
02:32.25airiosfriday night .... i guess bad timing
02:32.41*** join/#asterisk MrbBelvedr (
02:33.09seanyeah, I need help, too. I SEEM to be connected to my DID, but when I call my number, I get only *busy*
02:34.59seanhow do I "un-" sup debug
02:35.03seansip, even
02:35.07file[laptop]sip no debug
02:37.05seanis that valid in sip.conf ?
02:37.18seaninsecure=yes   maybe?
02:37.58Sedoroxthey both are
02:39.04MrbBelvedrzaptel is complaining that i do not have the latest kernel-source installed. I did uname -a and i am running  2.6.11-1.1226_FC4xenU
02:39.44MrbBelvedryum update kernel-source stupidly installs the 2.4 kernel-source
02:39.53MrbBelvedrwhat can i do to get zaptel installed?
02:45.12*** join/#asterisk WGFreewill (
02:46.11seanIf I'm successfully registered with my DID's SIP proxy, and I call the number, should I not get a packet on (asteris_server) UDP port 5060 ?
02:46.41file[laptop]provided their stuff works haha
02:46.54seanexactly. I don't want to complain if it's on my end.
02:47.01seansip show peers  -- shows it registered
02:47.12seantcpdump udp 5060    shows nothing when I call
02:47.18seanis there something else I should check?
02:47.26file[laptop]sip show registry you mean
02:47.35seanyes. sorry           5149070029         105 Registered
02:47.49file[laptop]well if nothing is showing up on port 5060 UDP, then the INVITE isn't reaching you
02:47.53MrbBelvedrhow can i get a RPM for asterisk?
02:47.53file[laptop]so I would say it's their end
02:48.14file[laptop]may wanna give them a ring a ding ding and inquire on the status of the number
02:48.28file[laptop]if they're nice enough they'll watch it progress through their system and see where it goes kaboom
02:48.53seanhmm.. well, it's 11pm on a Friday night.. and it's a cheap provider
02:48.58seanso I'll send them mail
02:49.06seanI get this in my FULL log: Apr 15 22:46:55 DEBUG[6150]: Registration successful
02:49.19file[laptop]that means we got a 200 OK back on the register we sent, so it was accepted
02:49.31file[laptop]but registers and actual calls are too completely different things
02:49.34file[laptop]er two
02:49.40seanwhat is this? Apr 15 22:48:41 DEBUG[6150]: Stopping retransmission on '091300224f634738498ce2ab01cd4077@' of Request 107: Found
02:49.55file[laptop]DEBUG messages are extremely verbose
02:50.00file[laptop]the normal person never sees them
02:50.10file[laptop]so I'm not going to explain every one, but rest assured - that's normal
02:50.15sean(I have x-lite hooked up on another sip/extension)
02:50.23seanok, that's fine. I just wanted to make sure.
02:50.34seanthanks very much for your help
02:50.51file[laptop]You're welcome and have a nice night
02:51.21seanif you ever need PHP help, let me know (-;
02:51.45file[laptop]I could use more systems to add to my build cluster though hahaha
02:52.06seanMine's cheap..
02:52.14file[laptop]but anyway, good luck
02:52.20seanthanks again
02:52.28file[laptop]oh I have dedicated boxes, but I have stuff here in my room
02:52.55seanyeah.. the $30 is dedicated, believe it or not
02:53.14file[laptop]and where is it... physically located
02:53.17seanI get a little network downtime about once a week.
02:53.29seanso it's not high-end production, that's for sure.
02:53.39seanAdditionally, it's only an AMD 1.4GHz
02:53.43airiosanybody configured a cisco 7970 with *?
02:53.45seanbut for $30.. (-:
02:53.55seanlocated in Michigan, I think'
02:54.19file[laptop]I've got a 2.8GHz box in California, and an AMD 2600 I think in New York
02:54.37file[laptop]CA is $90, NY is $60
02:54.45file[laptop]the NY one has been up for 160 days though, no downtime
02:54.51WGFreewill7970 wasnt working
02:54.56WGFreewillsccp extensions not supported yet
02:55.00*** join/#asterisk tainted- (
02:55.02file[laptop]just bought the CA one... so far been great
02:55.11WGFreewillsccp author was asking for a 7970 or some sniffs at least
02:55.19airiosWG: i saw a posting , so that is the latest then?
02:55.22seanthat's pretty sweet.
02:55.41sean139 days up (I got it 139 days ago)
02:55.45WGFreewillcisco really sux intentionally leaving SIP of the 7970
02:55.52file[laptop]always nice to have a dedicated box
02:56.07seanyep. I was virtual dedicated before.. nice, but not nearly AS nice
02:56.11seaneven on cheap hardware (-;
02:56.43WGFreewillPHP is needed
02:56.45WGFreewillto have AMP
02:56.50WGFreewillwrite configs for CIsco Phones
02:57.03WGFreewilland others
02:57.31airiosok ... thanks so much!
02:58.00file[laptop]serverpronto... sounds familiar
02:58.46FuriousGeorgeim following that howto for how to set up x-lite as an * client, and i cant register the x-lite user.  sayschan_sip.c:7691 handle_request: Registration from 'brian <sip:brian@>' failed for ''.
02:58.49file[laptop]not much traffic allowed
02:58.55FuriousGeorgei got sip debug on, but it might as well be in french
02:59.06*** part/#asterisk airios (
02:59.37*** join/#asterisk tekati (
02:59.58seanfile[laptop]: 200GB?
03:00.11seanFuriousGeorge: heh.. francais n'est pas si pire. (-;
03:00.24FuriousGeorgemain je n'aime pas du francaise
03:00.28*** join/#asterisk marc324 (
03:00.51file[laptop]sean: yeah
03:01.03seanmore than I use.
03:01.05file[laptop]sean: my NY box has 2 terabytes in each direction, and CA has 1.2 terabytes
03:01.51seannot bad for $60!
03:05.46seanwho's your $60 NY box with?
03:06.02*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
03:06.58file[laptop]someone ;)
03:07.13file[laptop]they're out of boxes right now, and it's a reseller box
03:07.42*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
03:09.10*** join/#asterisk Micc (
03:11.14FuriousGeorgeanyone here use
03:12.35Hogiefile, you have any colo?
03:13.29HogieFuriousGeorge: get your stuff figured out from earlier?  I ended up starting rolling out our phone system since I was bored and cleaned my office
03:14.01file[laptop]work does
03:14.11Hogieever heard of The Planet?
03:14.18file[laptop]we have boxes there
03:14.30Hogiewe do too (I live 15 minutes from their colo facility)
03:14.31seanwe had serious packet loss issues with The Planet
03:14.39seanand their support was VERY unresponsive
03:14.53*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:14.55Hogiesean: with their servermatrix boxes or were you a "real" customer? :P
03:15.25Hogiefile[laptop]: anyway, when we were putting a box up there, I had one of my minions with me... and he put the dell 750 down, up against the cabinet, and the firealarm went off
03:15.28seannot sure; I'm not the sysadmin at work.. it was a high-end box, though.. if that makes any difference
03:15.36Hogiehe thought he had done it, picked up the server and was ready to run out the door
03:15.37FuriousGeorgeHogie:  im proud to say, my problems were a result of not seeing the power molex on the board, and as a result not plugging it in right
03:15.46Hogiehah George
03:15.50MoonwickHogie: is your stuff in a cabinet, or is it out on a wire shelf?
03:16.00HogieMoonwick: cabinet
03:16.06Moonwickmy shit's on a wire shelf
03:16.14Moonwickwhich is okay, since it's all personal
03:16.26Hogieits towers though, right?
03:17.02Moonwickone's a rackmount box, the other machines are towers
03:17.02cbachmanI was at the facility where I colo one day, a guy came in, worked on some things on the wire racks, and then an hour later, another guy came in, plugged back in his machines and left.
03:17.17cbachmanapparently the first guy had yanked the power to his machines.
03:17.25DdziubanHmm, Nice security :>
03:18.05cbachmanMy stuff is in a cabinet.  It's not locked (although I have a key!) but at least the cables aren't all over.
03:18.10Hogiethat's what he looked like when that alarm was going off
03:18.15Hogiethat's my favorite picture of him
03:18.50HogieMoonwick: I was going to get a cage from them, then they stopped doing cages
03:19.36*** join/#asterisk jcollie (
03:19.48*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
03:19.56MoonwickI've been pretty happy with theplanet, even if they are 'ghetto colo'
03:20.11Moonwickthey've had rocky times and occasional outages, but they have their stuff together
03:20.25Hogiemind me asking how many digits your customer id is?
03:20.26docelmoI have my own center in NYC
03:21.17MoonwickI think it's 5
03:21.28HogieIm one of their "old" customers they say
03:21.39Hogie4 digit id
03:21.41MoonwickI've been there since early 2003
03:22.01Hogieare you in the area, or do you ship in?
03:22.24Moonwickit's a bit of a drive, but I can also get steak 'n shake when I'm up there.  :)
03:22.31Hogiewhen im bored, I go up and sit on their wifi in the parking lot, getting iso's fast:)
03:22.56Moonwickheh, I didn't realize they had open wifi
03:23.00Moonwickguess it makes sense, tho
03:23.28Hogieits only B, but still, that's faster than my home cable at night
03:26.23docelmoMust be nice..  The only fast thing I have is to goto my colo @ XO freeze and download on my network there
03:27.05*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
03:27.13SedoroxHogie: must pay a decent amount if your using irc on nextel
03:27.26HogieSedorox: heh
03:27.34Hogieim on nextel here?
03:27.44Sedoroxin one of the pics
03:27.45HogieOH, my blackberry
03:28.00Hogiework pays for unlimited everything
03:28.05Hogieand a static public ip
03:28.18Hogiejust 200/month
03:28.34docelmoI die when my bill exceeds 150
03:28.40*** join/#asterisk wdatkinson (
03:28.41Sedoroxbeen looking into their data+blackberry
03:28.46Hogie$99/month unlimited cellular/direct connect, 45 for unlimited internet/blackberry, and 30 for unlimited LD
03:28.49Sedoroxended up just getting a i860.. so thats outta the picture
03:29.22HogieI also have a verizon wireless broadband access account
03:29.27Hogiefor my laptop
03:30.18Hogieits nice to be out, and not having to packup the airplanes when someone needs their AD account unlocked
03:30.32wdatkinsonAnyone available to offer some assistance with DID routes?
03:30.47Hogie <-- That's my main hobby
03:30.57docelmowdatkinson what do you need to know?
03:31.28wdatkinsonI can't seem to get any DID routes to work via my broadvoice trunks or via my ZAP channels.
03:32.45*** join/#asterisk want561or772did (
03:33.04FuriousGeorgehogie, i am having trouble getting a softphone to register with my * server though
03:33.18FuriousGeorgehandel_request keeps failing, and sip debug is in latin
03:33.30HogieSorry George, I dont know softphones, I only have cisco 7960's... heh
03:34.25FuriousGeorgei started with this over my tdm400 card that i just got because ive done this once before, but i cant remember how i resolved this last time
03:35.03FuriousGeorgehogie, can you tell me what needs to be done before i can hear a dialtone.  that would be pretty cool
03:35.11FuriousGeorgeztcfg does complain anymore
03:35.26FuriousGeorgeand i was able tor egister my sip provider
03:36.07HogieI dont know anything about softphones though, that's where I'd run out of info
03:36.27MiccOk, do I need to do anything special to make asterisk build with odbc support? I've installed freetds and unixodbc
03:36.31FuriousGeorgewas asking about hearing dialtone
03:36.42FuriousGeorgei gave up on sp for now
03:36.46Hogieoh yeah, you have fxs
03:36.47MiccIs there a test program I can run to see if I've setup the freetds and odbc right?
03:36.57Hogielet me paste you my config file
03:37.02FuriousGeorgemy bad, realized i was ambiguos
03:37.11FuriousGeorgehow do you spell that word
03:37.17bugbotambigouse is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
03:37.17Hogiesec, I need to ssh back into work
03:37.29jbotambiguous is, like, open to two or more interpretations, or of uncertain nature or significance, or (often) intended to mislead.
03:37.29bugbotambigous is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
03:37.29bugbotambiguous is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
03:38.00FuriousGeorgegot it
03:38.07FuriousGeorge~thanks jbot
03:38.07jbotFuriousGeorge: bitte
03:38.08bugbotthanks jbot is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
03:38.22jbotfrom memory, drumkilla is the Asterisk v1.0-stable maintainer.  ph33r him.
03:38.22bugbotdrumkilla is assigned M2338, M3154, M3758, M3857, M3320, M3012, M2140, M2790, M2983, M3979, M3989, M1595, M3733, M2968, M3977, M2755, M3150, M2662, M3188, M2669 et al. and reported M2814, M4000, M3746, M3046, M3842, M3254, M3124, M3858, M3838, M3864, M3280, M3130, M3083, M3749, M3997, M3990, M3876, M3934, M3989.
03:38.35fugitivosaturday night
03:38.37FuriousGeorgetheyre taking over
03:38.59MrbBelvedrhow do i disable music on hold from loading?
03:39.12drumkillanoload =>
03:39.13drumkillain modules.conf
03:39.30Hogielook @ that George
03:39.58Hogiethat's the zapata.conf for my fxs lines
03:41.05Hogiehey drum, is it possible to assign SIP clients into groups like zap does?
03:41.53MrbBelvedrI don't have any voip hard ware other than an ethernet card. I want to make my modules.conf so that it is very efficient and just use IAX, can i autoload = no and then just load the iax related modules?
03:42.18file[laptop]yay drumkilla
03:42.24drumkillaMrbBelvedr: yes
03:42.26drumkillahiiii file[laptop]
03:42.31file[laptop]heyyyy drumkilla
03:42.45MrbBelvedrin other words, what are the only *required* modules to use iax?
03:42.46file[laptop]drumkilla makes me happy!
03:43.26drumkillayour codecs ...
03:43.40drumkillaand ... whater else you're using
03:43.44drumkillaI always just autoload
03:44.01*** join/#asterisk dirk0257 (
03:44.03MrbBelvedrk thx i will mess around  with it
03:44.45file[laptop]drumkilla: how are you?
03:44.52drumkillafile[laptop]: goooood
03:44.57drumkillafile[laptop]: watching a movie with some friends
03:45.06file[laptop]well, then shouldn't you be watching it?
03:45.12*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
03:45.13drumkillaI am ...
03:45.21file[laptop]a likely story
03:46.05*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
03:47.43*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
03:48.12soundguyis there a version of the g729 codec which people can download for initial testing purposes without having to pay for it?
03:49.12Hogiehow's it hanging Jerjer/
03:49.28docelmouhh yes
03:49.36docelmoif your using INTEL cpu
03:49.37JerJerusually to the left and a bit worn out
03:49.42JerJerum no
03:49.57docelmoI just did it this afternoon..  sigh
03:50.15SplasPoodHrm...  I have two asterisk boxes... both use extens in the format 70XX ...  I'm trying to set an exten up on one that is 7099, and does a Dial( SIP/, 40, Tr ) ...  It seems that it tries to authenticate with the remote asterisk since the sip users are the same?
03:50.23docelmo[23:48] <soundguy> is there a version of the g729 codec which people can download for initial testing purposes without having to pay for it?
03:50.40docelmoHe said that..  Didnt say anything about legal or illegal.. Just asked if its possible..
03:51.07JerJerand I am not going to point out illegal code that very well could get Digium in hot water
03:51.16JerJerso no there is not a legal solution to his question
03:51.27docelmosoundguy yes...  If your using it for development purposes you can.  In a production environment you need to purchase the DIGIUM license
03:51.57soundguynice :)
03:51.59docelmoHe didnt say anything about legal or illegal..   Dude..  ATTENTION TO DETAIL..  sigh
03:52.08drumkillaDUDE, it's illegal
03:52.11drumkillawe're not going to support that
03:52.28soundguy$10 US aint too much to pay
03:52.29docelmoIm not either.. I am just saying however, he asked if its possible..
03:52.32soundguyim just impatient ;)
03:52.40SplasPoodHeh, my question doesn't involve any legalities... We can discuss that :P
03:52.44docelmoI said yes..  I never said how to
03:52.55JerJerso you like to refer people to illegal solutions?
03:53.43docelmoNo... Do you not listen?   all I am saying is he said is it possible?   I said YES I didnt tell him where to go and get it..  Geesh..
03:54.06soundguyi've started a debate, oh no
03:54.29drumkillathere's not much to debate
03:54.35sivanadocelmo: he asked if there's a version he doesn't have to pay for.  The answer is NO
03:55.24dalaberaguys I have a question I haven't found the answer in wiki nor lists. when I issue "sip show channels" how do i interpret the Seq (Tx/Rx) Column? with values 00089/00090
03:56.22dalaberabasically what those numbers compare to? too high or to low or medium?
03:57.21drumkillaoutgoing call sequence num, and incoming call sequence num
03:57.43drumkillamore for debugging info
03:58.32dalaberaok, but how do I know if this numbers are good or bad, sorry to ask but this is something I'm not clear....
03:58.51drumkillayou don't need to worry about it :)
03:58.57drumkillathey should be ... close to each other, heh
03:59.08drumkillareally, just ignore it ...
03:59.22dalaberaok cool, right now I understand
04:01.43HogieIm proud I didn't burn down my office today when I installed our poe switch
04:02.04*** part/#asterisk Pinhole (
04:02.13soundguythe gsm codec is fairly bandwidth intensive isnt it?
04:02.23drumkillawant561or772did: I think you're addicted to this channel
04:02.23file[laptop]ha no
04:02.23want561or772didhey drumkilla i see you merged that alsa fix into 1.0
04:02.36soundguyor is it just dodgy quality?
04:02.40want561or772didi'm addicted to asterisk
04:02.41drumkillawant561or772did: indeed, it was extra broken in 1.0, hehe
04:03.07drumkillawant561or772did: you notice any problems?  or just making conversation :)
04:03.43MrbBelvedri just got asterisk installed. after i try to connect to it from the softphone the CLI says "KILLED"
04:03.45want561or772didnot anymore besides chan_alsa's same old holding open of the device
04:03.47MrbBelvedrand it dies
04:03.54want561or772didi mean while it's loaded
04:04.02want561or772didi wish it didn't do that
04:04.10MrbBelvedrhow can i see what is "killing" asterisk?
04:04.17*** part/#asterisk PTG123 (
04:04.22want561or772didi'd need to understand the ast_ locking functions it's using to know how to make it open/close on demand
04:05.18*** join/#asterisk jonas (
04:05.43Hogiewow, my barbietone came back to life... oh, what throwing it against a wall will do
04:05.48*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
04:06.29want561or772didit's unfortunate IAX2 isn't able to recognize when it's connected over loopback and transfer to a new channel
04:06.31*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
04:06.48drumkillabudgetone, heh
04:07.14drumkillawant561or772did: you want to understand how mutex's work?
04:08.16ManxPowerwant561or772did: Would you rather have a console call fail because some other application opened up the sound device?
04:08.50drumkillaManxPower: good point
04:09.46want561or772didyes i would manxpower. or at least have device holding configurable
04:10.28ManxPowerconfigurable might be nice.  console phones are not all THAT common anyway.
04:10.48want561or772didif someone needs a dedicated intercom they can probably figure out a way to keep other processes from playing audio :?
04:11.22want561or772didi have my extensions write to me on a terminal if they can't ring the console phone
04:12.25MrbBelvedrhow can i troubleshoot why asterisk is being "killed"
04:13.23MrbBelvedri am debuggging it with gdb
04:13.31|Vulture|on start?
04:13.39MrbBelvedrsometimes it gets to cli on start
04:13.45MrbBelvedrsometimes it doesn't make it that far
04:13.54|Vulture|pastebin your debug
04:13.56want561or772didi've used semaphores before drumkilla. i guess it's a matter of laziness in not looking at the ast_ locking contents yet
04:13.59MrbBelvedrk thanks
04:14.05|Vulture|asterisk -vvvvvvvvvgc
04:14.10want561or772didi'm still thinking about what the IAX2 transfer command does
04:14.18|Vulture|just post like the last 10 lines
04:14.48*** join/#asterisk theHub (
04:14.53MrbBelvedrvulture  :
04:15.24|Vulture|thats an odd error
04:15.50|Vulture|almost looks like its missing some deps
04:15.50dalaberaMrbBelvedr: I saw your posting earlier, just to let you know asterisk does not behave well with kernels > 2.4
04:15.50Hogiedamn, thi sis nice, I just intercom'ed to my desk from my barbie, and unmuted winamp running there, and it sounded ok
04:15.57|Vulture|dalabera: thats nonsense
04:16.02dalaberawhat flavor are in ?
04:16.30|Vulture|FC3 with 2.6.11 runs great... although the TE110P card takes some tweaking with the 2.6
04:16.45MrbBelvedri am running red hat 9 2.6
04:16.46dalaberaok good
04:16.48ManxPowerOT: I need recommendations for a secure CGI mail form.
04:16.48HogieIm running Whitebox 4 atm, on 2 boxes, and its seems to be fine with TDM03 and TE410P
04:16.51MrbBelvedris that the problem?
04:17.09|Vulture|MrbBelvedr: shouldn't be unless you rebuilt the kernel improper
04:17.20MrbBelvedrvulture, i am running on XEN
04:17.26dalaberared hat 9 does not come with 2.6
04:17.35MrbBelvedrare you familiar with that, it is the "virutal" vps thing
04:17.40|Vulture|yea thats why I assumed he rebuilt it
04:17.41dalaberaso I assume you updated your kernel.
04:17.52|Vulture|like virtuoso?
04:18.00MrbBelvedryea similar to virutoso
04:18.08|Vulture|thats your problem
04:18.12MrbBelvedrso i cannot recompile the kernel
04:18.19|Vulture|you don't have master root on this box do you?
04:18.25MrbBelvedrno not master root
04:18.30MrbBelvedrjust jailed root
04:18.42MrbBelvedrbut i am not doing anything fancy, just straight voip
04:18.47|Vulture|yea I don't think you can then.. because * has to modify modules etc.
04:18.52soundguyI just registered for two g729 codecs, so dont worry guys ;)
04:18.56ManxPowerMrbBelvedr: Well you're not going to be able to use MeetMe, IAX2 Trunking, or any cards.
04:19.09MrbBelvedrok, i don't care about anything like that
04:19.20MrbBelvedrhow can i get it to work in this environment?
04:19.37|Vulture|MrbBelvedr: no clue sorry
04:19.53MrbBelvedrthis sucks
04:20.01*** join/#asterisk tekati (
04:20.06MrbBelvedri have spent way too much time on this
04:20.17MrbBelvedranybody know a good host that will give master root?
04:20.18|Vulture|MrbBelvedr: how much are you spending per month on that box?
04:20.31|Vulture|oh wow... no
04:20.55MrbBelvedrthere was a fellow who got it running on xen though
04:21.07|Vulture|I use to host my colocs (no * servers)
04:21.26MrbBelvedranybody have an idea how to get it working?
04:21.35|Vulture|you check the wiki?
04:21.40MrbBelvedryeah, nothing
04:21.43MrbBelvedrnothing on xen
04:22.11MrbBelvedrhi shido
04:22.21shido6are you the owner of Mrbelvedr?
04:22.34shido6its late, I thought I was seeing things
04:22.36shido6how are you
04:22.38MrbBelvedrdo you want to login and try to get it workkin?
04:22.40shido6needless to say Im around
04:22.44MrbBelvedrok  :)
04:22.47MrbBelvedrok cool
04:22.50want561or772didis it receiving a kill signal or what
04:22.53shido6alcohol wore off
04:23.07want561or772did$7 is a nice price
04:23.14MrbBelvedryeah it is nice
04:23.16|Vulture|yea $7 is dirt cheap for virtual root
04:23.25MrbBelvedrthey are really friendly too
04:23.47|Vulture|bbl.. party time
04:24.42want561or772didwhere's their $7 plan
04:25.12MrbBelvedrsorry it is ten
04:25.15MrbBelvedr$10 has the $7 i think
04:25.32MrbBelvedri was not too happy with them though
04:26.50want561or772didall it does i guess is give you your own filesystem and ip to bind to
04:27.04MrbBelvedrnot really
04:27.13MrbBelvedrit uses xen
04:27.20MrbBelvedrnot sure how it works
04:28.21*** join/#asterisk guugmember (~Casa@
04:29.10guugmemberhello guys, who has configured a Digium E1 card with an Avaya´s Definity E1?
04:29.23guugmembershido6, hello greg
04:29.50*** join/#asterisk opus_ (
04:30.53guugmemberopus_, you have? and is it difficult? any tutorial or tips?
04:31.01guugmemberopus_, hablas español?
04:32.12guugmemberopus_, ??
04:32.47theHub_I_ was hoping to pass through * in front of a Merlin Legend w/ 2 Sangoma cards (maybe)
04:34.24*** join/#asterisk iq{tablet} (
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04:45.58Hogieif you had a choice between using app_conference and meetme, which would you do?
04:47.15ManxPowerDepends on how often I'll be using it.
04:47.26ManxPowerFor low usage (like what I have) MeetMe is find.
04:47.39ManxPowerI don't know enough about app_conference to recommend it or not,.
04:47.49Hogielow usage is like 2 - 3 conferences a week?
04:53.03*** join/#asterisk heison (
04:56.28want561or772didapp_conference boasts that it improves performance for huge conferences
04:56.43want561or772didafaik it's not as feature rich as meetme
04:56.47*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
04:57.09HogieI just want 20ish people, andd I have a zaptel card, so its not a timing problem
04:57.50want561or772didit looked like app_conference was boosting performance specifically for voip, not non-ip channels
04:58.10Hogiewell, all channels would be voip
04:58.14want561or772didthey talk about mainly saving encoding/decoding time in the special cases of 2 or 3 speakers
05:01.45Hogieokay, thanks
05:01.51HogieI think i'll stick with MeetMe
05:02.30want561or772didyeah if you have a large number of speakers your system will have to encode a unique audio stream for all of them
05:02.39want561or772didyou'll need a strong processor, probably
05:03.00want561or772didthat's assuming a good number of speakers aren't silence suppressed
05:03.00Hogieits a P4/3.2 with HT and 1mb cache...  doing nothing
05:03.08NuggetI would enjoy a solution which didn't require ztdummy.
05:03.20HogieI have an x100 sitting in the box, at colo
05:05.59heisoni have been using the PGSQL application but can't recall what builds the app. I looked at apps/Makefile and see under obsolete things, enabling it doesn't seem to build PGSQL, clues anyone?
05:07.11*** join/#asterisk techie (
05:07.31Hogieno idea heison
05:08.07habakukhi anyone know what the different states of the channels symbolize? : app_queue.c:419 changethread: Device 'Local/15415551212@default' changed to state '2' <-- I notice this changes between 1 and 2
05:10.29sivanaheison: what are you trying to do, we use PG here
05:10.52FuriousGeorgecan anyone tell me wtf this means:  chan_sip.c:6797 handle_response: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 120 sec
05:10.54habakuki.e.  I'm seeing a bunch of : app_queue.c:419 changethread: Device ... changed to state "2"
05:12.21heisonsivana: i have a bunch of code that looks up from postgresql and modifies callerID
05:12.35heisonit uses PGSQL()
05:12.41heisonis that replaced by something else?
05:13.14sivanaoh.. I see.. PGSQL was built into *?
05:13.57heisonPGSQL was available to * when i did this:
05:14.20Hogieoh, great
05:14.31ManxPowerFuriousGeorge: You must be running in debugging mode.
05:14.41HogieI load zaptel and wcfxo on a colo box, and it disappears from the network
05:14.45sivanaI see.. I never used that before
05:15.01ManxPowerHogie: COOOOLLLL!
05:15.18heisonsivana: you said you use PG, how?
05:15.23HogieI wonder if I should call or go down there
05:15.29Hogieshow up in my boxers
05:15.35ManxPowerHogie: Use "lspci -vv" to see what interrupts the network card and wcfxo are on.  I'll bet they are the same.
05:15.49ManxPowerMaybe just one v
05:16.02Hogieor cat /proc/interupts ?
05:16.09*** join/#asterisk bobessutio (
05:16.22HogieI guess it is time to drive down there then
05:16.26sivanaheison: we use it to store our routes/rates/customer mgmt
05:16.39sivanaheison: custom software that we are going to release shortly
05:16.46ManxPowerHogie: You can only cat /proc/interrupts AFTER you load the driver.
05:16.55sivanaheison: - main9.jpg
05:17.02Hogiewith lspci you dont have to load the drivers?
05:17.07ManxPowerWell, you can, but since the driver isn't loaded yet it doesn't do much good.
05:17.16ManxPowerNo, lspci does not require drivers to be loaded.
05:17.23heisonManxPower: do you use PGSQL()?
05:17.39ManxPowerTheres all sorts of very cool stuff you can supposedly do with lspci
05:17.49ManxPowerheison: Me?  A database?  *shudder*
05:17.57ManxPowerI do not need a database yet.
05:17.58Hogieim trying to decide if this is enough of a problem for me to get up
05:18.06ManxPowerI suppose I will at some point, but not now.
05:18.13heisonokay, okay...
05:18.28ManxPowerHogie: I've started always doing lspci -v before loading drivers to make sure there's no interrupt conflict.
05:18.47ManxPowerEspecially if someone else put the card in at my request and I'm configureing it.
05:18.48h3x0rsivana: thats pretty cool
05:18.58HogieI didn't even think about it on this box, and this box has more hardware in it than my other boxes (sata raid, etc... its a dell)
05:18.58bobessutioI gotta question about voip.
05:19.05bobessutioWhen I make a call the line isn't released until 12-13 seconds after they hang up.
05:19.06sivanah3x0r: getting there
05:19.13h3x0rso all that stuff goes into postgres?
05:19.13Hogieput it in the only pci slot
05:19.15bobessutioAny way to fix this?
05:19.29sivanah3x0r: ya, we use postgresql
05:20.32h3x0rsivana: do you guys have a carrier license?
05:21.11sivanah3x0r: not sure what you mean, we're in CA
05:21.38h3x0rwell on services/residential.asp it says "No Internet?  You can use our long distance service by dialing a local access."....
05:21.49h3x0rwell usually canada mirrors our telcom laws (and everything else)
05:22.11h3x0rbut here in the us, you cant touch anything calling card related without a license
05:22.30sivanah3x0r: yes, that's our dual stage system.. like calling card system
05:22.37sivanaya, we don't need that crap here
05:22.52*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
05:22.53h3x0rdo you just have canadian dids? heh
05:22.53sivanahowever, we do need to provide 911 to our fixed and nomadic VoIP customers
05:23.25sivanathat was ruled earlier in the month and we have 90 days to comply
05:23.47FuriousGeorgemaxnpower:  just saw ur respone.  i am in debugging mode.  shouldnt logging a softphone to your * server be relatively simple?
05:23.58FuriousGeorgeTransmitting (NAT):
05:23.58FuriousGeorgeSIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
05:24.09FuriousGeorgei think my ptoblem has something to do with that
05:24.18h3x0rwell shit dont you have PSAPs up there
05:25.00sivanathey ruled that we need to route to the PSAP serving the customer's geographic location
05:25.07sivanafigure that one out
05:25.16h3x0rhaha put a gps in the voip ata?
05:25.22sivanaI guess
05:25.29sivanawe have 90 days to figure it out :)
05:25.31h3x0rthat wouldnt work, gps dosent work indoors
05:25.45FuriousGeorgesomething came out in enlgish
05:25.48FuriousGeorgePeer 'brian' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic
05:25.52h3x0rho hum
05:26.09FuriousGeorgebut the softphone is on my asterisk server which has a static ip internally
05:26.16heisonsivana: turns out there is a bug in app_sql_postgres.c
05:26.31sivanareally.. never used it
05:26.36sivanawhat's the bug?
05:26.40newlFuriousGeorge: set host=dynamic for that user anyway.
05:27.12Hogielets see how fast the planet reboots my box by hand
05:27.14h3x0ri just had a really great idea
05:27.14sivanaFuriousGeorge: is you specify a register => then you need host=dynamic
05:27.28sivanaFuriousGeorge: if you want to use the static IP, remove the register => line
05:27.35h3x0rto make ata's do 911 without even having voip
05:28.01newlsome are capable of that.
05:28.04sivanawe're allowed to use an intermediary 911 provider... they will route to the caller's PSAP
05:28.08sivanabut that's expensive
05:28.33sivanathe closest intermediary wants $1k a month + per call charge
05:28.52sivanaor I can staff a 24 hr operator :|
05:29.00h3x0rwell thats cheaper
05:29.08h3x0rbut what would they do with no sleep?
05:29.25sivanawe only need to provide minimum of basic 911 which is audio only
05:29.37sivanabut kinda useless for domestic issues
05:29.57sivanawhich I think is the majority of 911 calls
05:30.08h3x0rwell cant you just do like a mapquest type thing with someones address to look up psap's
05:30.37sivanamaybe... still need a human
05:30.50h3x0roh they want you to hvae an operator?
05:30.56sivanathe other issue is if they take their ATA to another province
05:31.05FuriousGeorgesivana:  i think that fixed it but i cant
05:31.21FuriousGeorgexten says logged in
05:31.25FuriousGeorgeso i guess it did
05:31.32sivanathey want basic 911 to fixed and nomatic VoIP customers... they say "you figure out how to do that"
05:31.54sivanaand on top of that... you have 90 days :)
05:32.19sivanameanwhile, the public taxes paid for Bell Canada's 911/E911 network
05:32.23sivananice huh
05:32.24h3x0rhow about give every one of your customers a gsm phone
05:32.27h3x0rthat isnt activated
05:32.30h3x0rand like
05:32.32h3x0rglue it to the ATA
05:32.55h3x0rthat would fix the problem right
05:33.11h3x0rdont your cell networks have to take e911 calls even without activation?
05:33.15FuriousGeorgesicana:  the comment by register says it registers the client on an extension.  whats that got to do with my ip?
05:33.21FuriousGeorgesivana: *
05:33.25sivananot e911, they have basic 911 as well
05:33.49sivanaFuriousGeorge: what you mean?
05:34.05sivanah3x0r: they basically lumped VoIP together with cellular in terms of 911
05:34.08MajestiKI've got a weird problem with my PAP2.. the phone lines just go away, and I need to reboot, and everything's fine..
05:34.32sivanacellular network has at least a tower to go by... not really fair for VoIP
05:34.47sivanaMajestiK: does outbound work?
05:34.54FuriousGeorgesivana:  i was confusing register with regexten
05:35.08MajestiKsivana: nothing.. the lines are totally dead, and the lights for them are off
05:35.11sivanaFuriousGeorge: I never used regexten.. fixed now?
05:36.06sivanaregister is for dynamic IPs
05:36.20FuriousGeorgeit appaers fixed
05:36.24heisonManxPower: when i do diff -u, should it be diff -u newfile oldfile or diff -u oldfile newfile?
05:36.29FuriousGeorgeis there a show register command for clients
05:36.38sivanano idea
05:36.45MajestiKsivana: When this happens, I get no dialtone on the phones
05:37.12pgpkeysUS international is 011 or 01?
05:37.27FuriousGeorgemy bad
05:37.34FuriousGeorgeyou mean calling out from us
05:37.41pgpkeysno calling TO the us
05:37.48pgpkeyslike australia is 91
05:37.50Nuggetoh.  country code 1.
05:37.53FuriousGeorge001 area code + number
05:37.53pgpkeysUS is 01 iirc
05:38.22FuriousGeorgehow do i turn sip debug off
05:38.34FuriousGeorgei cant recall, sigh so much stuff to learn
05:38.41Nuggetsip no debug
05:38.52FuriousGeorgeof course
05:39.04afrosheenpgpkeys: I think usa is just 1, not 01 or 001 or 011..after all, we're the first as far as telephony goes :)
05:39.36FuriousGeorgesivana:  im having trouble understanding why i had to set host=dynamic, and what that has to do with the line where i register my sip provider
05:39.42FuriousGeorgethat is the only register line i find
05:40.08sivanaFuriousGeorge: register = dynamic IP... so the client needs host=dynamic
05:40.21sivanaif you specify IP in host, remove the register line
05:40.25pgpkeysthe code is 1 the international prefix is 011
05:40.28pgpkeysi just googled it
05:40.29FuriousGeorgeafrosheen:  im pretty sure i recal calling the us and starting with a 0, pretty sure it was 001
05:40.48pgpkeysit's 011
05:40.56FuriousGeorgesivana:  ok i get it, its refering to the * server, not the softphone's ip
05:41.00sivanapgpkeys: that's leaving North America
05:41.13Qwell011 is out
05:41.27pgpkeysso 1 in?
05:41.30sivana1 is in
05:41.50sivana011 is out, 1 is in
05:41.59pgpkeysah hah! thank you. that shit's confusing :)
05:42.00QwellSo, if I wanted to dial Venezuala, I would need to dial 011-58-number
05:42.10FuriousGeorgemy gf is from poland and she says they have to dial 001 when calling here
05:42.16Himeko1 is just the country code
05:42.20sivanayou could even do 011 1 705 497 9320 :P
05:42.22Qwellif Venezuala wanted to call me, it would be 00-1-number
05:42.24Himekostill have to add some other numbers
05:42.36FuriousGeorgeqwell:  thats how i remember it
05:42.45afrosheenFuriousGeorge: I guess poland doesn't have operators
05:42.54pgpkeysthat's cool. I'm doing a reseller agreement and they wanted to know the prefix to call ME so i was trying to figure it out
05:42.58Hogieit upsets me when I could have driven to the datacenter faster to reboot a machine than have a tech do it
05:42.58pgpkeyswas driving me nuts :)
05:43.19QwellFuriousGeorge: because Polands intl prefix is 00
05:43.22FuriousGeorgeim pretty sure its from everywhere.  if you are not in N America and you are calling the US you start with 00 then 1 + number
05:43.23Himekoin japan it would depend which provider i was using to dial internationally
05:43.23pgpkeysHogie: I used to get that problem at Abovenet's SJ1 and SJ2 NOCs all the time
05:43.32Himeko001 or 0088 or 0041
05:43.33QwellFuriousGeorge: no, thats what the international prefix is
05:43.37sivana00 = out for Poland?
05:43.41Qwellsivana: yeah
05:43.48*** join/#asterisk dgzag (
05:43.50FuriousGeorgesivana:  must be that for spain too
05:43.50sivanamakes sense
05:43.54Hogiepggkeys: and... their db has the wrong info for this box, so I dont think he's going to be able to find it
05:44.01sivanaFuriousGeorge: possible
05:44.02Hogiesince it says it is in rack EB45, and its not
05:44.06QwellFuriousGeorge: yes, spain is 00 also
05:44.06pgpkeysHogie: hehe yeah, typical
05:44.11FuriousGeorgeoh i c
05:44.15QwellFuriousGeorge: Do yourself a favor, and look at the link pgpkeys gave
05:44.24afrosheenhmm how do you get an operator overseas then? if you're dialing 00x...
05:44.27FuriousGeorgethat was nice of me
05:44.27*** join/#asterisk three55ml (
05:44.27pgpkeysso the first number on that chart is out, the second in
05:44.36Qwellpgpkeys: other way around
05:44.51pgpkeysok, backwards then
05:45.06Hogiewhen he comes back saying he cant find it, im gonna call him in a panic, and tell him i'll be right up there
05:45.24pgpkeysi know very few rolling hands that are smart
05:45.31pgpkeysmost of them are lug and plug geniuses only
05:45.52afrosheenpgpkeys: prior military experience?
05:45.58pgpkeyshehe yeah. 8 years.
05:46.00Hogiewell, hopefully he can figure out that our switchport is correct, and to follow it to cabinet EB46
05:46.13pgpkeysafrosheen: how could you tell?
05:46.20Hogielug and plug
05:46.20afrosheenpgpkeys: figured that's where you got a doozer phrase like lug and plug :)
05:46.32dgzagCan any one help with a newbie ZAP/g0 quesiton?
05:46.42sivanadgzag: what's up
05:46.52pgpkeysback in a few. setting up this account
05:47.18Himekohmm, in japan it is 001+1+number
05:47.22dgzagI have 2 x100p cards, but want to be able to route outgoing calls differently to each
05:47.25heisonsivana: bug # 4040
05:47.36bugbotM4040 is a feature bug that is new (unassigned): application PGSQL() fails to build due to conflicting types. It was filed by heison and was last updated on 04-16-05.
05:48.28sivanadgzag: did you set up different groups in zapata?
05:48.52dgzagim using asterisk@home.  :-)  so no.
05:49.18sivanaoh.. I've never used that thing
05:49.21afrosheendgzag: you have to break your interface channels into separate groups to route them I think
05:50.08sivanaheison: nice job.. do you work with C much?
05:51.12dgzagok.  i'll start looking at creating some groups.  Thanks for the direction!
05:55.37Hogie30 minutes so far on a reboot request, 10 minutes they have been "looking" for the server, lol
05:56.01h3x0rfedex them a labeling machine
05:56.10Hogieits not just that
05:56.25Hogiethey have the location wrong in their management system
05:56.28Hogienot even the same cabinet
06:01.21sivanawe have all our servers properly labelled.. hehe
06:02.27h3x0ri didnt label any of the stuff at my datacenter til i went on vacation for xmas
06:02.41h3x0rso i got out the labeller and labeled everything so my backup guys could reboot shit
06:02.54h3x0rfortunately they didnt need to do anything heh
06:03.19Hogiesivana: do you have stuff at The Planet ?
06:05.12sivanano.. we have our own datacenter here in .ca.. fully managed shop
06:05.24three55mlHogie: I used to have stuff there
06:05.38h3x0rsivana: if i was to do it all over again, id colo with somebody else
06:05.43sivanawe do dedicated server rentals and colo
06:05.49h3x0rits been a damn nightmare
06:06.12Hogieorbit has this box marked as sitting inside cabinet EB45, but its actually in EB46
06:06.29Hogieh3x0r: how big is your colo area?
06:06.39h3x0rit isnt very big, just 1500 square feet
06:06.49sivanaour site is  -> typically Windows based, but we've started doing FC2/Slackware servers
06:06.59h3x0rbut im in the same building as wiltel, xo, and broadwing
06:07.04three55mlHogie: When I had stuff there the didn't even have Orbit yet :)  It took lots of bugging to even get them to install access cards on our data suite door.
06:07.21h3x0rso i didnt really have much of a choice as all the other carriers own their own buildings across the street (which we cross connect to)
06:07.22Hogiethree55ml: you were in infomart dc1?
06:07.27three55mlHogie: Yes
06:07.41three55mlHogie: They were just building the new data center then
06:08.00h3x0rive done some crazy ass concept shit with my place though
06:08.04HogieI had a box they moved from DC1 to DC2, then we got colo
06:08.05h3x0rthe primary cooling is evaporative
06:08.16h3x0reverybody thought i was fuckin nuts
06:08.26h3x0rill be damned if it dosent work better than AC
06:08.36h3x0rof course, we're in vegas so its like 5% humidity outside
06:08.51FuriousGeorgeoh man this stuff is complicated
06:08.54three55mlHogie: I might get some new boxes there, I liked it.  I'm in Austin now...I wish there were more colo places here.
06:09.10h3x0rthe next thing we're doing is putting a special sprinkler system on the roof to cool it down in the hot summer months
06:09.32three55mlIsn't there some dust or something you put on the roofs?  Or have I been watching too much CSI?
06:09.35h3x0rit reduces the temp by 10% without raising indoor humidity
06:09.37afrosheenyou guys have to make it rain on your roof
06:09.40afrosheenthat's funny
06:10.04h3x0rno really, its
06:10.08afrosheenpeople in vegas have rocks for front yards also
06:10.11h3x0rits awesome
06:10.13afrosheencracks me up there
06:10.20h3x0rmany of the places have grass
06:10.25h3x0rthe reason some have rocks is because they are lazy
06:10.33afrosheenand water is hard to come by
06:10.34h3x0rup too late partying , no time to run a lawnmower
06:10.43afrosheennew mexico is the same way, arizona too probably
06:10.52h3x0rtheres plenty of grass and shit here
06:10.52Hogie(fmerrill-04/16/2005 00:41:02):
06:10.53HogieI am rebooting this machine now.
06:11.01Hogie(fmerrill-04/16/2005 01:08:34):
06:11.01HogieReboot complete.
06:11.12h3x0rWhats that like a java chat client or some crap?
06:11.26afrosheenthat's a fast reboot
06:11.39afrosheenanyone recommend cheap firewall appliances?
06:11.40h3x0rYeah what is it an IBM AS/400?
06:11.41sivanaglad I live in .ca... at least it's a bit cooler :)
06:11.43Hogiethe ticket was opened at 00:27
06:11.49sivanadon't have to water my roof
06:11.53Nuggetyou don't have to mow gravel.  sounds like a big win in my book.
06:11.58Hogiethat's a slow reboot, compared to what im use too
06:12.09sivanamow gravel?
06:12.09h3x0rNugget: and lots of pet rocks
06:12.19*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (
06:12.21afrosheenthat's barney, and earl, and franky
06:12.31PTG1234anyone know a good program for ripping cds to mp3?
06:12.37afrosheenPTG1234: grip
06:12.37NuggetPTG1234: iTunes  :)
06:12.44afrosheenwindows or linux
06:12.48PTG1234itunes only does aac doesn't it
06:12.50PTG1234windows :)
06:12.54Nuggetno, iTunes does mp3 too
06:13.00afrosheenon windows, nothing beats audiocatalyst
06:13.01PTG1234i thought that, but i couldn't figure out how
06:13.12Nuggetin preferences, the "importing" tab
06:13.21h3x0ryeah i guess the water district would have a hayday if they saw what i was doing with water
06:13.24h3x0rbut, fuck em!
06:13.40h3x0rvegas water district just bought water from arizona
06:13.41afrosheenbah itunes blows
06:13.48NuggetI love iTunes.
06:13.50shepherdno it doesn't :)
06:13.53sivanabuying water
06:13.55afrosheenit's such a fat bitch of a program
06:13.57Qwellh3x0r: AZ bought it cheap from us. :p
06:14.04Nuggetram is cheap.
06:14.14afrosheenram may be cheap but my time isn't :)
06:14.14Qwelland resold it to NV at a profit, probably.  heh
06:14.18h3x0raz is used to not havign any water
06:14.22h3x0rthey dont do stupid shit like we do
06:14.27h3x0r2 out of every 3 homes in vegas has a pool
06:14.30afrosheenh3x0r: oh like a dancing fountain
06:14.40afrosheenin the desert
06:14.41PTG1234do i want normal or joint stereo for stereo mode?
06:14.42h3x0rwell those fountians at the casinos have shower drain water in them
06:14.47Qwellafrosheen: To be fair, that water can be reused
06:14.55Qwellh3x0r: eww!  Seriously?
06:14.59afrosheenQwell: reused or not, it's tied up
06:14.59h3x0rJust think about someone pissing in the shower next time yous ee that show at the bellagio
06:15.00sivanah3x0r: ya right
06:15.01h3x0rQwell: Yes
06:15.05Qwellthats wrong
06:15.15afrosheenpee pee fountains
06:15.26h3x0rThe new Wynn resort is pumping water out of the wash into their fountians right now
06:15.30QwellI have a feeling thats a myth :p
06:15.34h3x0rthey have this big ass 5" tube and pumps going down desert inn
06:15.36NuggetI'm skeptical.  surely that would violate all kinds of health codes.
06:15.38h3x0rslowing down traffic every day
06:15.39afrosheenQwell: take a sip of it and let us know
06:15.42h3x0rassholes too
06:15.58Qwellh3x0r: ', not "
06:16.03Qwell" is small
06:16.06afrosheenwell the bellagio has that whole venice theme, you know how the water in venice is
06:16.12h3x0rwell it aint 5 feet
06:16.26h3x0rmaybe its 1 foot
06:16.37FuriousGeorgelol, i think i can call out now.  progress is slow.  of course it would help if my softphone didnt crash as soon as i connect !
06:16.40Qwell5" isn't exactly a "big ass" tube
06:16.47h3x0rthey need a vegas vegas hotel
06:16.49h3x0rlike NYNY
06:16.58h3x0rits like a mini vegas smashed together
06:17.03h3x0rwith midgets running it
06:17.04HogieManx, you there? heh
06:17.06h3x0rand everythings really small
06:17.09afrosheenI'd stay there
06:17.10Qwellh3x0r: New York is a city, New York is a state.  Vegas, Vegas wouldn't make sense
06:17.19Qwellunless you renamed NV...
06:17.22h3x0rits the Vegas casino in Vegas
06:17.25Qwellin which case, I'd be all for it
06:17.31FuriousGeorgegonna try yate
06:17.45h3x0ryou know what i shoulda done
06:17.50h3x0reven though its far away from any fiber
06:17.53Hogielspci -v shows my x100 on irq 22
06:18.01h3x0rwhen we had this stupid new law passed about strip clubs
06:18.09Hogieand nothing else on irq 22, so why did it lockup my box?
06:18.22h3x0rone of the laws is that all dancing was to be done within eye sight of the front door so when vice comes in to bust people
06:18.31afrosheenHogie: are any usb modules loading
06:18.32h3x0rwell, I should have rented the 2nd floor of Jaguar's since they spent millions on it
06:18.39h3x0rand turned it into like, a datacenter and office space
06:18.40Hogieafrosheen: yes
06:18.47Hogieuhci, and ehci-hcd
06:18.48afrosheenHogie: get rid of them if you can
06:18.48h3x0rwith one way glass to the strip club
06:19.09h3x0reverybody would fly in from all over creation to colo shit there
06:19.34afrosheenh3x0r: only if they attached webcams to their servers
06:19.35Hogieafrosheen; taken out... heh
06:19.44PTG1234anyone have a rio karma, i was thinking about buying one :)
06:19.45h3x0ri can see it now, sign says "No Alcoholic Beverages or Women past this point"
06:20.01sivanaShirt & Shoes Optional
06:20.16afrosheenmullets only past this point
06:20.58FuriousGeorgeanyone here use x-lite beta for linux?  as soon as i got asterisk to stop complaining about my config, the damn thing crashes right after it says "connected"
06:21.11PTG1234thats why its beta :)
06:21.18afrosheenPTG1234: haha beat me to it
06:21.30FuriousGeorgegonna have to fire up a windows box later
06:21.42QwellPTG1234: How far did you get with that stuff today?
06:21.46afrosheenFuriousGeorge: wine will run the xlite windows client
06:22.09FuriousGeorgeafrosheen:  was gonna ask that but feared admonishment from *nix users
06:22.28afrosheenFuriousGeorge: well there aren't any decent linux clients, what can you do
06:22.50afrosheenFuriousGeorge: most of us accept that it's a windows world, but we choose to throw rocks :)
06:23.11shepherdwindows client world :)
06:23.16PTG1234Qwell: not all the way, but will be up early to see if i can finish it
06:23.21shepherdapache still owns the websites
06:23.29QwellPTG1234: cool
06:23.59afrosheenshepherd: word.
06:24.20Nuggetwhat does apache have to do with linux, though>
06:24.23Hogieafrosheen; about 10 seconds after wcfxo loaded, it locked up
06:24.33Nuggetapache runs on just about any os
06:24.48Nugget(even windows)
06:25.03Qwellwhats the point of running apache on Windows?
06:25.09shepherdi don't know many people who would run apache over iis on windows
06:25.11afrosheenHogie: what distro is this, and what kernel
06:25.18Qwellshepherd: exactly
06:25.19Nuggetplenty of people do.
06:25.24Qwellits either IIS, or...another OS
06:25.29Hogierhel3, and whatever latest 2.4 kernel is for rhel3
06:25.40Hogieon a dell 750
06:26.09afrosheenHogie: tail -f /var/log/messages after you load the module, see if you can catch it screwing up
06:27.13HogieI think i'll go fix it tomorrow
06:27.21HogieI dont wanna wait another 40 minutes for a reboot
06:27.38FuriousGeorgeafrosheen:  just remembered, if i dont have windows installed does wine come with its own dlls?
06:27.49afrosheenFuriousGeorge: yeah
06:27.52QwellFuriousGeorge: wine replaces the DLLs
06:27.59afrosheenHogie: oh this is the colo thing right
06:28.07FuriousGeorgedid it use to use window's dlls?
06:28.19afrosheenFuriousGeorge: I guess
06:28.21QwellFuriousGeorge: doubtful, that would be a nice lawsuit
06:28.30FuriousGeorgei see
06:28.34QwellThey probably did before it was released
06:29.17FuriousGeorgewhere do you recommend i install windows apps?  how does /usr/win32 sound?
06:29.59afrosheenor even ~, doesn't really matter
06:30.10FuriousGeorgethank god for distcc, or using gentoo would take FOREVER
06:31.17afrosheengentoo users are assumed to have plenty of time anyway :)
06:31.54FuriousGeorgelol, even with 4 boxes compiling (at times) totaling over 6 ghz, its still took 8 hours
06:32.06QwellI'm off to bed
06:32.12QwellPTG1234: Hit me up tomorrow when you're about ready
06:35.36PTG1234will do
06:38.15*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
06:38.38three55mlRealTime is such a love/hate relationship
06:38.47BoRiSoh yeah
06:39.57three55mlAny idea why ${EXTEN} would be blank in RT?
06:40.40three55mlNevermind, figured it out :)
06:40.41FuriousGeorgeafrosheen:  if i had windows dlls installed on this system then can wine use them?
06:40.57newlthree55ml: trying to use it in a macro?
06:40.58afrosheenFuriousGeorge: I don't know enough about wine to answer that
06:41.01FuriousGeorgei feel like i remember pointing wine to my system32 dir at one point
06:41.15afrosheenFuriousGeorge: just install wine then pile through it's default config
06:41.23afrosheenor not
06:42.55*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
06:43.10FuriousGeorgeholy cow winecfg crashed the hell outta my x
06:43.39afrosheenwhat are you running winecfg for anyway, defaults should work
06:43.40*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
06:43.56FuriousGeorgelast time i used wine circa 2002 it was required
06:44.02FuriousGeorgewas just about to skip that step
06:45.14h3x0rthats the other stupid law
06:45.20h3x0ryou cant have web cams in licensed strip clubs here
06:45.36QwellIt wouldn't be a strip club.  It would be a data center.
06:45.56*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
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06:46.05h3x0ri suppose they could get around that by assigning suite numbers with the post office eh
06:46.07FuriousGeorgesigh, seems like wine crashes x too
06:46.25FuriousGeorgebet its this kde 3.4 with composite enabled
06:46.25guugmembershido6, hey
06:46.33guugmembershido6, are you online?
06:46.35*** join/#asterisk brc-tux (
06:47.01guugmembershido6, read your messenger
06:49.07*** part/#asterisk brc-tux (
06:49.35|Vulture|Anyone here use any type of surge supression device between the T1 card and their PRI?
06:50.22tzangerfuck no
06:50.28tzangerall hte protection's already in the SmartJack
06:50.38sivanatzanger: is that you, it's like... late
06:50.39tzangerand Bell has tons of line protection on the trunks themselves
06:50.43tzangeryeah I know
06:50.44BoRiSHas steve underwood released an alpha/beta of his t.38 implimentation (or on the bug tracker) for testing?
06:50.49h3x0rthe protection is in there, but the fuckin telco usually forgets to hook up the ground wire
06:50.51h3x0rso it dosent do shit
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06:51.19h3x0rBoRiS: I donno but tell me if you find out :)
06:51.24*** join/#asterisk guugmember (~Casa@
06:51.45guugmembershido6, are you here
06:51.45|Vulture|tzanger:ok thanx they just installed my 2 T1s today and I am waiting now they said 1 week before fully ready to roll over
06:52.07h3x0rvulture, hey mang, long time no see
06:52.07tzangerh3x0r: your telco's fucked
06:52.25h3x0rtzafrir: Shrug, its been that way every place ive been
06:52.31h3x0rtheres a nice big ass copper terminal to hook up ground
06:52.34h3x0rbut they dont ever use it
06:52.42|Vulture|h3x0r: yea been busy
06:52.49h3x0rnick complete so dosent work on this #
06:52.58tzangerh3x0r: every place I have been there's a hugeass (well for telco) 14AWG wire connecting to earth with a tag saying DON'T FUCK WITH THIS OR WE WILL FUCK WITH YOU
06:53.07h3x0rI wish.
06:53.19tzangerbah, mark is rejecting 4038
06:53.23h3x0rI have seen sprint ground a stupid ass fiber distribution panel here
06:53.26bugbotM4038 is a feature bug that is new (unassigned): [patch] Allow incoming DIDs to be deflected to the "i" extension. It was filed by Corydon76 and was last updated on 04-16-05.
06:53.28tzangerhe hasn't closed the bug but he's not a proponent
06:53.30h3x0rwho gives a fuck, fiber dosent conduct electricity^#!^!##^!
06:53.45tzangerh3x0r: haha
06:54.10h3x0reven the FDLs i bought have a ground terminal
06:54.11h3x0rwhat good is it
06:54.24guugmemberwho has avaya´s definity experience here?
06:54.35newlh3x0r: What's your CPE worth? ;)
06:54.54h3x0rnewl, what difference does that make?
06:55.57sivanatzanger: that's got to do with that route that happened between us?
06:56.20newlYou're asking what good a ground terminal is for.  I'm asking what your CPE is worth to you in order to determine its true worth based upon your statement.
06:56.30tzangernewl: it's an FDL
06:56.31h3x0rnewl: a ground terminal on a fiber panel?
06:56.31sivanawhen I had the wrong context and you got noanswer?
06:56.40tzangersivana: oh yeah, that is true
06:56.52h3x0rits just a damned metal box with some places to hook up fiber connectors.
06:57.16h3x0rspeaking of which i should start selling that and dsx-3 panels
06:57.30newlObviously the manufacturer thought it wise to provide one.  Surely there's a reason to use it.
06:57.32h3x0rbecause i have found much cheaper sources than the crap jammed down our throats here in the US
06:57.39tzangernewl: consistency
06:58.06newltzanger: That could be one reason.
06:58.10tzangernewl: code
06:58.23newlThere'd be another.
06:58.24tzangerthere is no other reason unless perhaps they were expecting powered fiber
06:58.36tzangeror if the enclosures could terminate powered fiber
06:58.41sivanaok, I'm off to bed.. later guys/gals
06:58.44h3x0runderground fiber would be hooked up to some really crazy enclosures
06:58.51h3x0rundersea fiber
06:59.00tzangerh3x0r: I'd tend to agree
06:59.44h3x0rand it would have a big terminal block "40Kilovolts goes here -> "
07:00.06newlOkay, using that same method of thinking, one could say that grounding a termination unit used for FTTP would be worthless as well, no? :)
07:00.22three55mlI got my little AGI reads the rate tables for all available IAX providers and routes it through the best one based on the number.
07:00.26h3x0rfiber to the what, pole?
07:00.32three55mlI hope something like that hasn't been done or I wasted a night :)
07:00.40tzangeractually if the fiber were armoured the armoring could carry voltage
07:00.50tzangerhighly highly unlikely but possible
07:00.50h3x0rif you are talking about FTTP that needs power to run like t1 jacks then yes
07:00.59h3x0rbut it dosent need lightning protection
07:01.24h3x0rtzafrir: Well that is true
07:01.58h3x0rI guess for that matter
07:02.03h3x0rlightning can travel over damn near anything
07:02.05h3x0rconductive or not
07:02.22tzangernot technicall true
07:02.30newlI'd disagree with that.  The telco needs to protect its network as much as possible and the subs demarc (as much as required by regulations/law)
07:02.37tzangerlighning travels because the medium *becomes* conducting
07:02.57h3x0rtrees arent supposed to conduct electricity for instance
07:03.04tzangerthey're not?
07:03.15h3x0rever tried to hook up a multimeter to a tree? :P
07:03.25h3x0rperhaps the tree sap
07:03.26tzangerh3x0r: get through the bark and they conduct very well actually
07:03.30tzangersame as people
07:03.36tzangerget through the dead skin and we conduct amazingly well
07:03.49h3x0rwell it dosent take that
07:03.53h3x0rwe have oil in our skin
07:04.11newland vast percentage of water :)
07:04.15tzangeryes but you usualy measure a few megohms...  pierce that and get into the 'meat' and you drop to hundreds of ohms
07:04.21tzangerI've actually done this on myself :-)
07:04.44*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
07:04.51tzangerand I have not done it personally, but our company *has* meggered a pig before
07:05.02FuriousGeorgeafrosheen:   dont know what i did but wine no longer crashes x
07:05.08tzangerhundreds if not thousands of them
07:05.15h3x0rwhy for
07:05.18FuriousGeorgeturns out im not calling out.  says -- Got SIP response 488 "Not Acceptable Here" back from
07:05.50tzangerwe build industrial motor controls (soft starters and VFDs) -- onsite at a slaughterhouse someone asked if we could deliver a controlled current to a pig for purposes of knocking it unconscious in order to slaughter it
07:06.15tzangersome code changes and our RediStart Micro product line became the RediStun Micro product...  And no I am not making this up
07:06.32tzangerin testing the software we broke the backs of a few pigs (too much current)
07:06.45newlheh funky
07:06.47tzangerthe idea was to stun them, then slit their throats and let the pigs own heart bleed itself out
07:07.01*** join/#asterisk xeaded (
07:07.02tzangerthe old method was to lower the pig into carbon dioxide... but that's messy
07:07.48tzangerwe actually had a slaughter industry rag do an article about it, had a number of orders from it :-)
07:08.18three55mlWhat's that quote?  If there's over 4 people doing it, there's a magazine for it?
07:08.33tzangeryeah something like that
07:08.55guugmemberhwo has done this
07:08.55guugmember"Jose Solares" <>
07:09.26PTG1234anyone run courier here?
07:09.34three55mlI read a story once about a slaughter house that had computers stop working because the fans would get filled with lard, it'd pull fat in from the air when the parts were rendered.
07:09.43three55mlPTG1234: IMAP?
07:10.15PTG1234three55ml: yah
07:10.22PTG1234well the mail server w/ imap
07:10.36three55mlPTG1234: Yeah, I use it
07:10.44three55mlOn several servers
07:10.49PTG1234three55ml: what type of auth do you use, and you like it?
07:11.24three55mlvpasswd - LOTS of domains.  It's OK, has it problems but once you get it working it's fine.
07:11.34three55mlNever needed much other than that.
07:12.10PTG1234so how does vpasswd work, all one file?
07:12.22JerJerand directories
07:12.25PTG1234vpasswd is mysql?
07:12.57three55mlPTG1234: It's vpopmail, you can set it to use MySQL or directories like JerJer said.  It has it's own user and makes Maildirs for all domains and users you have setup.
07:13.11tzangerJerJer: ??  I use vpasswd with qmail and it's all cdb
07:13.17PTG1234well can i make it so it looks for the user in a dir
07:13.21PTG1234like domain/user/
07:13.26three55mltzanger: Can be either one
07:13.32three55mlPTG1234: It's like that by default
07:13.47three55mlPTG1234: Each user has a Maildir underneath a folder named after the domain
07:13.52PTG1234three55ml: whats the format of the file that stores the password?
07:14.13three55mlPTG1234: MySQL, cdb, or a few others a think.  I use MySQL.
07:14.25PTG1234i like the flat file thing
07:14.42three55mlPTG1234: Check out that link I pasted above, it's the page for vpopmail
07:14.42PTG1234i was hoping to use my own delivery daemon
07:15.53PTG1234hmm uses encrypted passwords
07:15.57PTG1234i hate that though :)
07:17.59tzangercourier lets you use a lot of different auth mechanisms, including custom
07:18.15PTG1234courier is marked as broken in freebsd ports
07:18.24PTG1234should i ninstall it manually you think :)
07:18.25three55mlYeah, there are a ton.  It has it's own authentication daemon.
07:21.05three55mlI got a new puppy today for my girlfriend'd birthday and it will not shutup
07:21.17tzangerthe puppy or the gf
07:21.27three55mlBoth :)
07:21.32three55mlBut right now the puppy
07:21.32PTG1234you crating it?
07:21.35newlThat'll teach ya to not get a cat.
07:21.55three55mlI think it slept all day and it wants to play now
07:22.18PTG1234yah you have to play with it during the day
07:22.21PTG1234and take it out every hour
07:22.53three55mlYeah, I've been taking it out a lot.  It's got pads in the house to go on, it's already doing it pretty good (only missed once) and it's only about 6 weeks old.
07:26.10PTG1234what type of dog
07:26.50three55mltoy poodle
07:26.55three55mlthing is about a pound
07:27.09PTG1234hah thats a womens dog
07:27.28three55mlShe wanted a Yorkie
07:27.35three55mlI drew the line at a $1,500 dog
07:28.12PTG1234i got a border collie recently :)
07:28.15PTG1234it kicks ass
07:28.48three55mlYeah, not my first choice...but you do what you've gotta do :)
07:28.53newlheh my ex-wife wanted a small dog, I wanted a Doberman, we compromised on a Minpin. :)
07:29.12*** join/#asterisk egon_l (
07:29.13three55mlnewl: I saw a bunch of those in the paper
07:29.41three55mlMy #1 gift mistake was buying her diamonds for Christmas.  The minute she found out you can upgrade them that's all she wants for presents.
07:29.50newlshould've gotten one.  They're far more entertaining that what the poodle would be. hehe
07:30.00three55mlnewl: Haha
07:30.13h3x0rthree55ml: tell her you want a telephone switch and you're even
07:30.34three55mlShe's actual really good at gifts, last one she got me was a new Timbuk2 laptop bag
07:30.41newlThey're loyal, very smart, can be quite subborn at times, and excellent escape artists.
07:31.49three55mlI wanted one of those poodle crossbreeds because I'm not a huge fan of straight poodles, but no such luck.
07:32.00newlstubborn even..typing is crap for mid afternoon.  Must be nap time haha
07:32.45three55mlnewl: What country you in?
07:32.51newloh well..the things males do for love :D
07:33.04newlthree55ml: currently residing in Oz
07:33.06three55mlUh huh
07:33.20three55mlAh, I was going to say...2:30AM here
07:33.56*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
07:34.10newlAhh, CST. :)
07:35.37newlFrom MI myself.
07:36.18three55mlI used to live there, in Texas now.
07:36.26three55mlWhat part?
07:37.31newlBeen all over SE MI really.
07:37.53three55mlNice, I lived in Plymouth...know where that is?
07:37.55newllived half way between Ann Arbor and Detroit (somewhat)
07:38.05three55mlYou should know where Plymouth is then :)
07:38.12newlAhh yep, sure do.  Cruised the strip many a nights. :)
07:38.25three55mlI lived above O'Callaghans smack downtown
07:38.31newlI grew up in Belleville.
07:38.34three55mlon Main St.
07:38.49three55mlI liked it up there, was only up there a little over a year.
07:38.52newlhah  I would've driven and walked past there heaps.
07:39.40newlhad an ex-girlfriend that I'm still good mates with that lived a minute or two off Main St.
07:39.43three55mlYeah, downtown isn't that big.  I ALWAYS got parking tickets when they got new cops, because they didn't know anyone lived down there and didn't think the downtown residence parking passes were real.
07:40.47three55mlLiving above a bar and having a few more out the back door makes you a little less productive, particularly when working out of the house :)
07:40.48newlI remember when they came up with the cruising restrictions.  You couldn't be seen going up and down Main more than twice within a 30 minute period.
07:40.55three55mlhaha, yeah
07:42.50newlmmm thinking of productivity, might go get some accomplished.  The Mrs is heading south for a week, might be nice and go wash her car for her. 8)
07:43.35three55mlWhat a nice guy
07:43.43PTG1234anyone know what package expect is part of?
07:43.51three55mlLet me look
07:44.02h3x0rPTG1234: its part of woman(1)
07:44.12three55mlSome gnu package, isn't it?
07:44.21h3x0risnt it related to awk or something
07:44.27PTG1234heh i have no idea just says i need it
07:44.30newlthree55ml: nothing nice about it..I'm buttering her up for a new hardware purchase. haha
07:45.02three55mlnewl: Haha
07:46.28three55mlPTG1234: Looks like it uses Tk -
07:46.28PTG1234hmm its some sort of language?
07:46.39three55mlSome some of wrapper to Tcl/Tk
07:46.49h3x0roh shit yeah i forgot
07:46.57three55mlSome sort
07:47.41PTG1234that project has not released any files
07:47.45PTG1234so thats not it i don't thin
07:48.14three55mlI've compiled something before that needed it
07:48.25three55mlapt-get install expect :)
07:50.07PTG1234ok i think i found it
07:50.09PTG1234this is freebsd :)
07:50.29three55mlI know, I was kidding
07:51.58PTG1234guy on apprentice was crying.. geesh on national tv
07:52.13h3x0rhe wasnt crying coz trump fired him
07:52.15PTG1234i hate it when you fire people and they start crying
07:52.20h3x0rhe was crying coz he gave up tobacco for no reason
07:52.23three55mlI never got too into the Aprentice
07:52.28three55mlI did see that one
07:52.34PTG1234man everytime i fired an employee almost they started crying
07:53.05h3x0rPTG1234: thats when you tell the ladies that its now appropriate for them to sleep with you
07:54.09PTG1234unless you PLAN to sleep with her :)
07:54.11h3x0rbut you have to
07:54.16PTG1234it causes more probelms when you don't i think :)
07:54.37h3x0rwell yeah
07:54.49h3x0rplumbing problems in the little head.
07:55.00three55mlI was at one of my business partners last week and he told me he got a new assistant, it was explained when she showed up the first day I was there :)
07:55.04PTG1234mine eventually sold me out..
07:55.36h3x0rsold you out to what
07:55.52PTG1234well i was a branch manager of one bank (owened the branch)
07:55.57PTG1234and was moving to another bank
07:56.11PTG1234and she gave the old bank all my secure stuff having to do with the new client pipeline
07:56.33PTG1234it was nasty
07:56.38PTG1234lost couple hundred grand easy
07:56.52h3x0rthats when you call guido
07:57.01PTG1234thought about it
07:57.14h3x0rwould you believe
07:57.25PTG1234but our relationship went sour when i had to start shutting down all her advances, b/c my wife was getting jealous
07:57.27h3x0rmy wiltel account rep had trouble getting ahold of me for like 3 consecutive days for a conference call
07:57.32PTG1234with all the flirting
07:57.35h3x0rshe said she was "going to send guido over if i didnt show up this time"
07:57.49h3x0ri should have had Monitor() on that channel
07:57.52h3x0ri coulda sued Wiltel
07:57.54h3x0rfor like
07:57.59h3x0rmafia connections
07:58.11PTG1234anyone seen that show blind justice?
07:58.41PTG1234its about a blind police officer
07:58.44PTG1234but here is what i don't get
07:58.47PTG1234he has a GUN :)
07:58.59h3x0rand a car right? :)
07:59.17PTG1234no car :)
07:59.20three55mlOhh yeah, I've seen the previews.
07:59.20PTG1234but that may be less dangerous
07:59.32PTG1234its like come on boy.. bark in the direction i should shoot :)
07:59.47h3x0rfunny i typed "blonde justice" into google
07:59.49h3x0rfinger memory
08:00.02pgpkeysloud enough 'bark'? ;)
08:00.18pgpkeysgotta love a remington 700 with nightlight
08:00.28PTG1234we know where your head is :)
08:00.52h3x0ri should get em to start a reality show about telemarkters
08:01.02three55mlI'll take a Para .45 instead
08:01.07pgpkeysnon reflective front lens. you find me.. i know a mmanufacturer the military is gonna sue
08:01.19h3x0rtheres some funny ass shit that goes down in those places
08:01.45h3x0rvegas is full of em
08:01.47PTG1234talked to a telemarketing firm in india the other day
08:01.49h3x0ri had to do some work at one
08:01.50PTG1234was kind of funny
08:02.00h3x0rthis one top sales guy got fired for selling crystal meth
08:02.03h3x0rhe is black
08:02.12h3x0rso he was dealing the shit making more money than working there
08:02.14h3x0rbut he didnt use it
08:02.16PTG1234they don't make shit
08:02.18PTG1234which amazes me
08:02.28PTG1234their top sales guy probably makes them 1mil a year
08:02.29h3x0ryeah well especially in india
08:02.30PTG1234and he makes 30k
08:02.33pgpkeysi put our number on the national Do Not Call list. telemarketer calls us.. we can legally go sue happy :)
08:02.43PTG1234not if they are a bank pg
08:02.48pgpkeysbanks are different
08:02.53PTG1234and not for 6 months after you put it there :)
08:02.57pgpkeys3 months
08:03.00shepherdor government agency
08:03.03shepherdor the blind :)
08:03.05h3x0rso anyway, this guy had a sales award on the wall
08:03.10pgpkeys3. they were explicit about it.
08:03.13h3x0ri got out my label maker coz i was tagging t1 demarcs and shit
08:03.25pgpkeys*sigh* ok. 6
08:03.27h3x0rand i covered up "top sales of the year" with "Crystal Meth Dealer of the Year"
08:03.27PTG1234you are only required to get updates every 6 months
08:04.14pgpkeysso, how bout them Bears!
08:04.40h3x0rso ptg did you deploy asterisk at your bank
08:05.07h3x0rdoes allison phone sexxor your customers
08:05.13h3x0rin MOH
08:05.23pgpkeysguh screw it. i'm too tired to write these last 7 web pages.
08:05.34pgpkeysthink i'll do it tomorrow night. Night all. me ass is heading to bed
08:05.34h3x0rgood call im going to bed.
08:05.47pgpkeysme too
08:05.52PTG1234h3x0r: yah
08:06.02h3x0rallison or asterisk? :)
08:06.28PTG1234asyerosl "_
08:06.35PTG1234asterisk :)
08:06.38h3x0ryou know, it sucks, i was offered a job doing computer security/development crap long ago when the internet was new for an offshore bank in antigua
08:06.56h3x0rbut i was like uhm, 16 or 17 years old i think
08:07.02h3x0rjesus has it been that long
08:07.10h3x0ranyway, they were using windows nt 3.51 and well
08:07.12PTG1234nice place to live
08:07.18h3x0rthey disappeared off the net after a couple years
08:07.26shepherdh3x0r: you too?
08:08.13PTG1234i am thinking about living in th evirgin islands or antigua
08:08.17h3x0rPTG1234: im sorta curious, how does somebody start a bank anyway
08:08.29shepherdantiqua is a good place to live for computer stuff
08:08.34PTG1234h3x0r: well we use a national banks licenses.. b/c we need 50 states
08:08.36shepherdlots of online gaming goes on there
08:08.48PTG1234but if you wanted to spend the money and do the work, you prove you have net worth, and experience and apply for a license in each state
08:09.04h3x0rwell, if i was gonna do something like this it'd probably be offshore
08:09.09h3x0rso you dont have to deal with the bullshit
08:09.13*** part/#asterisk ChristianK (
08:09.17three55mlPTG1234: I looked at some places in the USVI back in August
08:09.47h3x0roh so you can go under somebody else's license? thats nifty
08:09.50three55mlUS Virgin Islands
08:10.02PTG1234nah you can't lend money unless you are licensed in the state
08:10.07PTG1234the bank i am with now got a federal license
08:10.12PTG1234and they apply for exemptions in each stat
08:10.14PTG1234er state
08:10.23PTG1234which is harder to do, but makes my life easier i only have to follow federal rules
08:10.30PTG1234instead of each states rules
08:10.59h3x0rhow do banks move money around, the federal reserve?
08:11.04three55mlI haven't seen an Asterisk question in here in hours :)
08:11.10h3x0rAh, screw asterisk.
08:11.39PTG1234no idea, we don't go through the federal reserve
08:11.45PTG1234we have credit lines of likr 100mil each
08:11.49PTG1234and we use them to fund loans
08:11.57PTG1234then we sell the loan to another bank or investor, or on the exchange
08:11.59PTG1234once we fund it
08:12.18h3x0rand then you have a big washing machine to put the money in? hahahhaahah
08:12.39h3x0rwhat was that movie with leslie nielson
08:12.46BoRiS<= insert here
08:12.55h3x0r"i dont see any money laundering around here"
08:13.05h3x0rand theres all these washing machines with cash in them
08:14.18h3x0raight, good night
08:14.48|Vulture|anyone running * on 2.6smp?
08:15.01PTG1234i try to avoid linux at all cost
08:17.03shepherdnothing wrong with linux :(
08:17.23|Vulture|shepherd: it runs fine in smp?
08:17.46shepherdit's multithreaded
08:17.52shepherdso it makes use of all processors
08:18.11|Vulture|thats what I wanted to hear
08:18.15|Vulture|thank you
08:18.46shepherdthough.. it doesn't run too well on a sgi altix supercomputer :(
08:18.51*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
08:19.14PTG1234man this rent a coder seems great, you can get anything developed for $150 :)
08:19.29shepherdwhere is that?
08:19.30pgpkeysaside from the constant kernel security releases that hit bugtraq and the constant distribs with common bad programming which cause even MORE security issues shown on bugtraq, not to mention that they don't isolate installed NON-BASE-OS applications in .usr.local like they should so it gets mixed in and is normally a high contributer to linux system crashes, poor isolation within application memory space, and the tcp ...
08:19.30pgpkeys... stack (which they got from freebsd and ruined) is slower than mud handling high packet counts (which is why linux makes such a poor high end soft-router)
08:19.35pgpkeys:) should i go on?
08:19.53pgpkeys(sorry was going to sleep but the asterisk manual fell in front of me and screamed READ ME!
08:19.56pgpkeysi had to listen
08:20.09PTG1234what is that refering to? :)
08:20.27pgpkeyshis 'what's wrong with linux?'
08:20.38pgpkeysor should i say 'nothing wrong with linux;
08:21.17pgpkeysbear in mind i have 10 years with linux, so linux has been a mainstay of my professional career. doesn't mean i like the thing, it just makes me money ;)
08:21.27PTG1234i always make everyon switch
08:21.36pgpkeysi'm totally on freebsd and openbsd now
08:21.41PTG1234one server at a time :)
08:21.51shepherdi like openbsd
08:21.51pgpkeys1 openbsd and the rest freebsd
08:22.09pgpkeysPTG1234: take em any way you can :)
08:22.14shepherdbut i've never really caught on to freebsd :(
08:22.25shepherdso i stick with linux for everything else
08:22.27pgpkeysyeah obsd is nice, just it's kernel is slower than molasses, but that's ok.
08:22.55pgpkeysthe only one i haven't 'caught on' to is netbsd
08:23.37pgpkeyswhat i like about the free *bsds is they conform VERY much more to commercial standards. makes it VERY easy to switch around.
08:24.05pgpkeysnot to mention the kernel and base userland sync, and the isolation of addons to /usr/local ring like they should be
08:24.15*** join/#asterisk corlis (
08:24.46corlispgpkeys: still here, or again? ;P
08:25.00pgpkeysstill here. i was going to crash but the asterisk handbook called my name :)
08:25.10corlisAh, heh
08:25.18three55mlThis damn dog pees every hour on the dot, keeping me up all night
08:25.19pgpkeysi'm in that tired then awake then tired then awake cycle.
08:25.31pgpkeysthere's the pot dog, USE IT!
08:25.58corlispgpkeys: yeah, know that too good...
08:25.59three55mlIt has a mat, but it's in the kennel so I have to take it out.
08:26.28corlisanyone here using asterisk+mISDN+fritzcard pci?
08:26.28pgpkeyscorlis: plus i like this channel. more than fairly active. lot of GOOD stuff in here. stuff i'll probably never touch but it's logged so i can review logs and seaarch for stuff i have issues with as the days go along
08:27.11corlispgpkeys: nod, already noticed yesterday that this one's populated with some really interested and helpful people
08:27.30pgpkeysnot me. my setup will be asterisk + x-lite/eyebeam with forwarding via extension to my cell phone when x-liteis shut down.
08:27.37pgpkeyscorlis: yeah very
08:28.33corlispgpkeys: that's about the same application that i need it for, but i have to utilize that isdn-card to receive and make calls
08:28.39*** join/#asterisk mbranca_home (
08:28.45pgpkeysonly other thing I'llbe doing is IAX to 3 other folks. we're setting up a voip sales ring. (basicly we've all agreed to umbrella our various services
08:29.12pgpkeysahh. i am on biz dsl and the others are on dsl or T#
08:29.28corlisreceiving was no problem, using IAX as protocol to my laptop the quality was incredible with a lag that you could count in milliseconds
08:30.02corlismy server is on dsl, and i'm on a 64kBit cablemodem :P
08:30.45pgpkeyswell we've all got awesome ping times in relation to what asterisk can stand. I also run bgp here for IPv6 (part of OCCAID, 2nd largest IPv6 testbed in the Americas). so i'm also interested in finding out if asterisk itself or any addons add ipv6 support
08:30.50corlisanyone here using at least mISDN and might be able to trace a problem?
08:31.06pgpkeyscorlis: 1.5/384
08:31.11pgpkeysmore than enough for this
08:31.31pgpkeysyou said you're on a 64kbit.
08:31.36pgpkeyswas telling you mine in return
08:31.42corlisah, now i gottit
08:32.16pgpkeysi get *really* chatty when tired. don't mind me. :)
08:32.31corliswell, you gotta try a 3d-surround-protocol with that bandwidth :p
08:32.33pgpkeystired or deeply into a subject.. i'm probably going to chat your ear off :)
08:33.01corlisI'm always chatty, tho not as chatty as my wife. heh
08:33.11opus_what is mISDN
08:33.16pgpkeyswell we're sticking with gsm across the board for our SIPs. (only 3KB/s both directions so that's light for the lines)
08:33.39opus_i hear IAX sounds better..
08:33.44corlisopus_: a kernel-patch (modular ISDN), so you can utilize ISDN... it's a different approach
08:33.57pgpkeysIAX is for linking asterisks as i understand it
08:34.00opus_is it worth checking out?
08:34.20opus_there are soft and hard phones IAX compatible
08:34.22corlispgpkeys: nod, it's asterisks own protocol
08:34.40corlisopus_: i use iaxcomm, which can be found on sourceforge
08:34.49three55mlIAX is generally used to link Asterisk servers, but there are IAX softphones and ATAs as well.
08:34.52pgpkeysthen the actual voice files are like G711u, G711A, SPX, and iLBC
08:35.05corlispgpkeys: right
08:35.25corlisi tend to throw things together and mismatch such stuff
08:35.33pgpkeysyeah the number i have from nufone is set for IAX rather than SIP (and I use x-lite as i said)
08:36.00opus_now if anyone sold an ASICS IAX chip that would rock
08:36.01pgpkeyscorlis: hehe i'm probably showing how much of a newbie i am to all this. i've probably got some of the stuff mixed my myself
08:36.10pgpkeyserr s/my /up /
08:36.20three55mlpgpkeys: Correct...most providers that provide IAX will provider SIP as well.
08:36.29corlispgpkeys: well, asterisk newbie here too...
08:36.34three55mlSIP is a more widely adopted standard and has it's advantages.
08:36.44pgpkeysthree55ml: when i got the line, buddy that has an asterisk running said to choose the IAX proto, so i did
08:37.04pgpkeyshe also said spx is the best of them all but not very well supported in asterisk
08:37.04PTG1234sip is better
08:37.08pgpkeysnot sure if that's true or not
08:37.16pgpkeysyeah, good question
08:37.17PTG1234one sec
08:37.19three55mlIn certain instances :)
08:37.19PTG1234i got this saved
08:37.21corlisthree55ml: nod, seen some table about that on more functionality
08:37.56pgpkeysi've got set to autoopen on netscape startup, but i'll be damned if i've looked at anything beyond the first page as of yet :)
08:38.16PTG1234This assumes everything is same except protocols used.
08:38.16PTG1234Normal telephone call with iax
08:38.20PTG1234Normal telephone call using same providers with SIP
08:38.20pgpkeysbeen busy as all hell of late. not much time to dive into things like i'd like to
08:38.25PTG1234call #1 150ms
08:38.27PTG1234call #2 20ms
08:38.31PTG1234- in SIP they will all negociate so RTP streams will go direct
08:38.34PTG1234- in IAX they can negociate somewhat but since both ends are SIP its sort of pointless
08:38.35PTG1234- until all phones use IAX and L3 uses IAX (Which won't happen) SIP is the better choice
08:38.42three55mlPTG1234 and I were talking about this the other nigt. Mostly has to do with reinvites.  Two SIP endpoints after connecting via X number of servers can directly connect to each other and bypass all the middle men.
08:38.47three55mlhehe, long paste :)
08:38.47PTG1234Most VOIP providers receive everything in SIP, so why would you want an added point of failure, that asterisk box in the middle?
08:38.50PTG1234school is in session :)
08:39.11PTG1234yes among other advantages
08:39.12corlisnod, read something about that reinvite stuff
08:39.25pgpkeysPTG1234: haha seems school's in! :)
08:39.27three55mlOn the flip side, I find most of the time termination providers using IAX sound better when using IAX instead of SIP due to setups on their end.
08:39.44corlisi use IAX cause my iax.conf worked, while my sip.conf didn't :P
08:39.46opus_so, how does reinvite work
08:39.48pgpkeyswell my problem then becomes (if that paste is true) that nufone won't change your proto once assigned
08:39.51PTG1234well thats sad, since they are most likely entering their box with SIP
08:39.56three55mlopus_: The two endpoints negotiate a direct connection.
08:39.57PTG1234so they are transcoding the audio
08:40.02PTG1234so it makes no sense it could sound better
08:40.06three55mlPTG1234: Agreed
08:40.12opus_what happeneds when it fails?
08:40.19PTG1234when what fails?
08:40.25three55mlopus_: It goes through the server instead of directly.
08:40.37pgpkeysright now I'm set as IAX GSM
08:40.46*** join/#asterisk serdiehard (~serdiehar@
08:40.52three55mlIn your sip.conf there's a directive called "canreinvite" which specifies if you want clients to be able to do it or not.
08:40.59*** part/#asterisk serdiehard (~serdiehar@
08:41.00pgpkeys(IAX as the proto and GSM as the sound conversion?) have i understood this correctly?
08:41.04three55mlpgpkeys: GSM is pretty low quality
08:41.08three55mlpgpkeys: Yes
08:41.20*** join/#asterisk tech_voip (~tech_voip@
08:41.27three55mlpgpkeys: If you have the bandwidth, I'd stick to ulaw or alaw.  Otherwise GSM would be third in line in my book.
08:41.28pgpkeyswell it's bandwidth considerations and it sounds just like my regular phone does
08:41.29corlisyelling at customers GSM is kinda good enough :P
08:41.39opus_three55ml - hmm.
08:41.59tech_voipcan we transfer from one agent to another agent the call in acd of asterisk-1.0.7
08:42.00PTG1234you should always turn off canreinvite
08:42.07PTG1234b/c if you use nat it won't work
08:42.08pgpkeysthree55ml: i figured on a business class DSL at 1.5/384 that GSM was the best choice
08:42.15PTG1234you should use g729 for voice
08:42.24PTG1234its less bw usage then gsm, and higher quality
08:42.29opus_why g729
08:42.32pgpkeysx-lite doesn't support it
08:42.41three55mlYeah, and if you have a set number of connections like you said you'd be using it's cheap.  $10/channel.
08:42.43PTG1234so open up your wallet and pay for xpro :)
08:42.54three55mlThey don't make it anymore.
08:42.55PTG1234well if you use sip you shouldn't even ened the 10 channel
08:42.59PTG1234b/c your provider has a license
08:43.03PTG1234three55ml: then eyebeam
08:43.11corlisPTG1234: oh, hrm. that's interesting. gotta check for g729 when i get my asterisk-crash done
08:43.13pgpkeysPTG1234: when cash comes available :)
08:43.17PTG1234i bought 3 licenses for personal use :)
08:43.33PTG1234i like xpro better then eyebeam
08:43.38PTG1234seems less buggy
08:43.45three55mlI have a copy of X-Pro still too
08:43.46pgpkeysprobably by the end of summer i should be able to afford everything i need.
08:43.49corlisMISDN free_device: entitylist not empty
08:44.04tech_voipis it possible the transfer in the acd
08:44.04pgpkeysi still would like to know if it's possible to use a walking phone like a cell phone is with voip
08:44.06*** join/#asterisk matgeek (
08:44.09corlisthat's where i'm hanging right now
08:44.38*** join/#asterisk egon_l (
08:44.46PTG1234pgp: huh?
08:44.47three55mlpgpkeys: What do you mean?
08:44.59matgeekGot a problem with Debian Asterisk and Voicemail, hang up the phone in the voice menu and get lots of: "ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame"
08:45.00PTG1234courier dies
08:45.03PTG1234OBJEXT not found
08:45.04pgpkeysright now, when x-lite is off it goes to my cell phone but that eats minutes on the cell and minutes off nufone
08:45.19pgpkeysso i was wondering if there were hand carried voip phones
08:45.30three55mlpgpkeys: There are WiFi VoIP phones
08:45.43corlispgpkeys: afaik, WiFI phones are on the way
08:45.44pgpkeysthe cell is the more expensive part of the voip to cell equation
08:46.03pgpkeysyeah but can i walk to the corner store with them?
08:46.13pgpkeyssome way, even if it's a pocket wifi adapter that comes with the kit
08:46.30corlisWiFi cell phones, that utilize VoIP if they have internet-connection
08:46.45pgpkeysyeah i can get inet connect on mine
08:46.54pgpkeysit's a samsung R-235
08:46.59matgeekVoicemail stuffed on Debian Asterisk 1.0.7, hang up the phone in the voice menu and get lots of: "ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame"
08:47.10pgpkeysit's a samsung R-2225M sorry
08:47.15pgpkeysdamn it
08:47.22pgpkeysme and my typos
08:47.26corlismatgeek: starting up asterisk does it say something about a missing soundcard, or something?
08:47.53PTG1234oh stupid i just needed gmake
08:47.54corlispgpkeys: well, but it's not connecting to Wireless Hotspots
08:47.55matgeekMissing a sound card? I tunred that all off...
08:48.10corlismatgeek: well, how should sound be recorded?
08:48.19pgpkeysno, the cell has the ability to dial the net through t-mobile's MTSO
08:48.31three55mlYou don't need a soundcard for voicemail
08:48.37*** join/#asterisk eddi3 (
08:48.38matgeekcorlis: Off the phone at an extension?
08:48.40corlisnot? oh
08:48.53corlisthen i'm wrong, sorry, matgeek
08:49.09pgpkeysi'd really like a deskphone i could pop an RJ45 connection to an ethernet card on the DMZ box
08:49.11matgeekcorlis: I hang up the phone, and this message happens like crazy, and I have to kill asterisk
08:49.12three55mlmatgeek: It's probably nothing, but do a Google search " WHATEVER"
08:49.21three55mlOh, I thought it was just once :)
08:49.36pgpkeysi was looking at a few of the broadspeed (i think that's the name)
08:49.48corlismatgeek: nother guess: Harddisk full? j/k
08:50.09eddi3hi if i have a 3-line hunting line (only 1 copper wire), can I hook that to a tdm400 with only 1 FXO interface?
08:50.14corlispgpkeys: dunno who produces Wireless internet cell phones yet
08:50.32pgpkeyscorlis: I'll wait. probably something out by the end of this year, first quarter next.
08:51.00corlispgpkeys: hopefully earlier, my contract is running out so i'll get a new cell phone soon :P
08:51.03three55mleddi3: How is the hunt working?  Some sort of signalling?
08:51.25pgpkeysright now it's a race it seems between the voip providers. as that settles down it'll have driven the hand held market for voip i'd imagine
08:51.28pgpkeysso we'll see
08:51.31eddi3three55ml i don't know :(
08:51.54pgpkeysyou've got nufone, vonage, and all the others battling it out so i'll wait til the dust clears on the provider front.
08:52.06three55mleddi3: Well one line kind of defeats the hunt aspect, doesn't it? :)  If it's a plain line then one FXO will work fine.
08:52.29corlispgpkeys: next 12 months will be very interesting... Here in germany, VoIP is just about to get a big booming thingie
08:52.43pgpkeyscorlis: it just started it's boom in the US
08:52.44three55mlpgpkeys: Nufone isn't exactly a forerunner in the consumer market
08:52.46eddi3three55ml my sp told me they can provided as many lines i want in a pair of copper wire. is she on crack?
08:52.55PTG1234i don't think their is much of a battle between nufon and vonage
08:52.55pgpkeysyou can't flip a channel without seeing voip commercials
08:52.58PTG1234vonage already won
08:53.01three55mlPTG1234: Uh, yeah
08:53.05pgpkeysthree55ml: yeah, vonage has that beat alraedy
08:53.09three55mlYeah...pebbles verus a mountain
08:53.16pgpkeysfreephone, nufone and a couple others are small fries
08:53.39three55mleddi3: Yes, she was full of shit if what you truly have is a POTS line.
08:53.40matgeekcorlis: Googled that and did not get much help.  this is a serious bug!!!
08:53.47three55mleddi3: What is it connected to now?
08:53.48matgeekin Asterisk 1.0.7!
08:53.58corlismatgeek: tried cvs?
08:54.08three55mlmatgeek: What OS?  Also if it's not a mission critical setup, try CVS.
08:54.27pgpkeysfrom what i know of the market (which is scant) seems net2phone, vonage and there's one other i can't remember the name of that are really battling it out
08:54.28matgeekcorlis: Debian PPC linux
08:54.32pgpkeyssee their commercials all the time.
08:54.33|Vulture|yea I use CVS v1-0 on my misson crit setups
08:54.49three55mlmatgeek: Try CVS stable or CVS-HEAD
08:54.56pgpkeysyavoip or something like that
08:55.06eddi3three55ml ok, i only have 1 line now. I would like to apply for 2 more, 1 for DID to the boss,  1 purely for fax. the original one i want to do an IVR
08:55.09three55mlmatgeek: Just go to the download page and follow the CVS instructions
08:55.13|Vulture|CVS-HEAD has some great features...
08:55.17corlispgpkeys: Here some oldschool-providers try to deal with this by offering isdn-flatrates
08:55.20matgeekthree55ml: Is this a bug that they have listed as fixed, or is it a PPC compile problem?
08:55.34pgpkeyscorlis: i've VERY bad memories with isdn
08:55.40three55mleddi3: DID has incoming signalling, you won't be able to get that on a POTS line like you're saying.  What they're probably give you is distinctive ring :)
08:55.46pgpkeysespecially when you kick the lines into toll saver mode and link the channels
08:55.53pgpkeysgod did i get raped by the telco for that one
08:56.00three55mlmatgeek: I'm not sure.
08:56.14three55mlmatgeek: But there are a lot of updates in CVS so I'd try that and see if you still have any errors.
08:56.22matgeekcorlis: Voicemail should be robust and working. This sort of bug should not happen in 1.0.7
08:56.24eddi3three55ml is that a kind of signaling? or a new kind of line different from POTS
08:56.45pgpkeysthey charged me .12.5/m per line in toll saver mode. never saw nor was i ever told there'd be charges like a regular phone line if i did taht
08:56.49pgpkeysman that cost me a bundle
08:57.03corlismatgeek: 1) reply to those that talk to you 2) asterisk is still a system in production, and it *might* be your configuration
08:57.04three55mleddi3: Distinctive ring is just rings that sound different for each number.  However you slice the pie, you'll still only have a maximum of one call at a time though.
08:57.29three55mlmatgeek: I would imagine it has to do with the PPC aspect...not the most tested.  Try CVS.
08:58.20pgpkeysok, i'm going to take off. gonna sit at the dining room table and finish reading the last 30+ pages of the manual. later all, enjoy.
08:58.21matgeekthree55ml: Yes, I had trouble as the packager with the zaptel source can't detect and set the compile flags properly...
08:58.29eddi3three55ml hmm so it there any way i could have 1 wire with 3 lines all working at the same time?
08:58.47matgeekthree55ml: Thing is sitting on a firewall, so can't CVSa and compile it there;-(
08:58.51pgpkeysi like doing a dry run at the manual before doing installs :) tomorrow (now today) is actual setup day :)
08:58.54three55mleddi3: If it's a plain old phone line, something you plug into a regular phone now...and the phone company told you they can get 3 numbers on it either they full of shit or they're giving you distincitive ring.
08:59.33corlispgpkeys: hrm. hopefully you won't make the head-hits-keyboard-cause-sleep-was-missing-typo
08:59.36three55mlmatgeek: Don't know then.  I would recommend searching the bug lists and such to see if you can dig anything up.
08:59.39*** join/#asterisk Thus0 (
08:59.45pgpkeyscorlis: hahahah probably will :)
09:00.19eddi3three55ml i see. so eventually, i'll either need to buy 2 more seperate lines, or apply for isdn/E1/T1?
09:00.29three55mleddi3: Yes.
09:00.39three55mleddi3: Why don't you just get VoIP lines for the incoming calls?  Very cheap.
09:00.45eddi3three55ml damn sales people
09:01.08three55mleddi3: As many numbers as you want, and at a 3-line capacity almost any connection could handle it.
09:01.55eddi3three55ml but wait, doesnt adsl work over pots? bandwidth is abundant too
09:02.30three55mleddi3: Yes, but you're talking about way different technologies.
09:03.10PTG1234man mailblocks has been losing my mail
09:03.12PTG1234its weird
09:03.22PTG1234and now i am seeing it
09:04.45eddi3three55ml nvm that. she said if i get a hunting ling, if the first line is busy, the call will be directed to the 2nd line
09:05.16three55mlYeah, that's how it'll have to have at least more than one line to have a hunt group
09:06.12three55mlOtherwise there's nothing to hunt :)
09:07.31eddi3three55ml i guess my bottom-line questions is 3 lines == 3 pair of physical wires?
09:08.34corlisor something with a splitter
09:09.10three55mleddi3: For 3 concurrent incoming or outgoing calls, yes...but there are ways to send signalling for just having multiple numbers on a single line.  If that makes sense.
09:09.23tzafrir_laptopanybody using vmail.cgi with mysql voicemail?
09:09.48tzafrir_laptopBecause I'm looking at at, and there seem some rather obvious sql injection pathes.
09:10.21three55mltzafrir_laptop: There usually is :)
09:11.29newlpatches I am sure, are welcome. :)
09:11.29tzafrir_laptopbasically someone takes the output of param with no validation at all and uses it in the same function inside an sql statement.
09:11.49tzafrir_laptopI'm trying to rewrite it, actually.
09:11.57tzafrir_laptopIt is horrible
09:12.31tzafrir_laptopI wanted to patch it, but the first thing I noticed was that there is no sane way to make it work with strict
09:12.55tzafrir_laptopWhich means I won't have any idea of what I break.
09:14.04corlisanyone have an idea where i could look for this:
09:14.07corlisApr 16 12:13:40 srv kernel: mISDN create_layer st(1) LM(10) inst not empty(c92a3860)
09:14.08corlisApr 16 12:13:40 srv kernel: MISDN free_device: entitylist not empty
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09:33.59corlissuddenly all quiet.
09:35.57PTG1234they go to sleep? :)
09:36.12three55mlI do
09:36.17three55mlAnd I'm about to :)  What's up?
09:36.21PTG1234real quick
09:36.24PTG1234i got it installed
09:36.28PTG1234how do i make it use like /raid/;mail
09:36.33PTG1234and put the deliveries in
09:36.41PTG1234er /raid/mail/domain/user
09:36.57three55mlhmm, no idea off the top of my head
09:37.56corlisain't that configured in the maildir variable?
09:38.17PTG1234set wherEW?
09:38.33corlisin the courier-config-file? :)
09:39.04corlisi think there's something like maildir=/home/$USER/mail, or something
09:39.17corlisnot using courier and thus not sure, tho
09:42.01corlisDOH! My system was still loading the old isdn-drivers...
09:42.18corlissurely that made asterisk not get a connect to the capi...
09:42.22PTG1234the only thing i can find is for it to use $HOME
09:42.28PTG1234where does it get that from is a better question
09:43.03corlisPTG1234: that's prolly the shell-standard $HOME
09:43.19PTG1234well that doesn;'t make sense, all mail would go into the same dir
09:43.49corlishrm. not if it's checking user after user
09:44.05PTG1234well either that
09:44.07PTG1234or users are global
09:44.12PTG1234so their can be only one bob
09:44.16PTG1234which isn't what i want
09:44.23*** join/#asterisk OzJames (
09:48.43PTG1234something to do with vpopmail
09:50.50psycodadMoin.. If I have a Zyxel 2000W wireless sip phone connected to a RFC1918 network behind NAT (without control about port forwarding there) and the asterisk is somewhere else, also connected to a (different) RFC1918 network behind NAT (where I have control over port forwardings), is it worth trying to get that SIP phone connected to asterisk ?
09:51.34corlisI'm about to go crazy here.... hrmpf
09:51.49*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
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10:03.02want561or772didfreakin console should receive debug messages by default
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10:04.05jhiverAnybody from NuFone on the chan plz?
10:04.36corliswant561or772did: why?
10:04.48corliswant561or772did: your asterisk crashes while starting?
10:04.58jhiverjust some issue with (ordering DID) + (my email has changed)...
10:05.22corlisjhiver: guess you won't find a solution here
10:05.43jhiverwell sometimes guys from Nufone are hanging out on the channel...
10:06.13jhiverit could have helped :)
10:09.19*** join/#asterisk jwitte (
10:09.50want561or772didcorlis: no, but if i start asterisk with -d, the logger.conf definition for console should allow it to actually see the messages..
10:10.56want561or772didit turns out app_transfer is broken unless you specify tech/destination instead of destination only
10:17.30NewSolemaking sure my connection is still alive
10:19.59*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
10:24.48corliswant561or772did,: sorry, can't help you there
10:28.45want561or772didi fixed it but now have a debian package issue
10:29.33want561or772didand's nameserver is down
10:30.44*** join/#asterisk agaragar (
10:31.01cjkhi, is it possible to make callmanagers work with asterisk if the callmanager is behind nat
10:32.07agaragari am new to * can someone help me with a few questions?
10:32.21corlisagaragar: depends on the question :P
10:32.37corlisfairly new myself, but still...
10:32.51agaragarok, i am going to setup an * server.
10:33.26*** join/#asterisk Dutts (~dutts@
10:33.30agaragari want to order 2 digium TDM40B cards, those are the 4 port FSX cards
10:34.22*** join/#asterisk Dutts (~dutts@
10:34.26agaragarwhich will allow me to have up to 8 regular POTS phones.
10:35.03corlis8 phones phoning all at the same time, yup
10:35.14Duttssorry for this noob question, but I want to upgrade to 1.0.7, I only installed * a few months ago, what ois the best way of doing it? can't seem to find guidance anywhere? is there an INSTALL or UPGRADE file in the tar? I compiled it last time fromt he cvs
10:35.15agaragari will only use VOIP lines out. so this should be all i need.
10:36.09agaragarit will run over a rogers extreme connection 5000/750 so there should? be lots of bandwidth.
10:36.23agaragarmy question is this..... :)
10:36.48corlisg729 with sip
10:37.17agaragarhow stable is this software?
10:37.48agaragarand.... can i setup a simple accounting system for each line....?
10:38.09corlisif it's up and running, it's fairly stable... from what i've learnt, some bigger SIP-providers use * too
10:38.17agaragarwhere phone calls are metered for minutes in/out and long distance costs.
10:38.26Duttscan anyone see my posts?
10:38.34agaragari see Dutts
10:38.56corlisagaragar: there's something like that included in asterisk, but i myself have never touched it yet
10:39.26corlisagaragar: but still you might need some commercial software for asterisk taking over the accounting part
10:39.28agaragarso, lets says the users on port FSX port 3 has 10 dollars credit.  and uses so many minutes .....
10:40.00corlisagaragar: there's alot of commercial packages out there for *, google should be your friend :P
10:40.22agaragarand when balace gets to a dollar, they get a tone or voice prompt on low account then the line is closed for incoming and out going calls.
10:40.32corlisDutts: there's no "upgrade"-file, you have to install it anew, but be aware that this could be a hard task
10:41.34corlisagaragar: * is able to use an odbc-connection for user-stuff, and it should actually be possible to write an "extension", that takes that into account, leading the caller first to a soundfile, then do the call
10:41.41agaragaris it possible to setup this sort of system...and would it be possible for users to goto a webpage on the *server and view their call history?
10:42.52corlisagaragar: from what i know of asterisk now, it's possible, tho not an easy task, you really should think about some commercial configuration-stuff. And surely you'll first have to set up a test-system
10:43.09agaragarthought so.
10:43.51agaragarbut budget is small, its for a few student borders in a bording house.
10:44.39agaragarso foreign students can give the lady that runs the house 20 dollars then they get credit on their phone. understand?
10:45.00agaragarwhen money is spent. phone won't work...then gives lady another 10 or 20 dollars....
10:45.06corlisNod. hrm. sounds very possible, tho really not easy...
10:45.47agaragarwill asterisk need 3rd party software or is this somewhere in the existing build?
10:46.00agaragarand webpages for viewing call history?
10:46.38corliswith asterisk, you have to configure 99% of this by yourself. But there might be some opensource-stuff out there, helping to ease it a lil bit
10:47.09agaragarany 3rd party opensource packages i should be looking at?
10:47.59agaragaroh and i have to order a couple TDM40B cards, is there a low cost site, or any store in toronto that i could go buy them????
10:48.46corlisdunno, manymanymany miles from here (GErmany :P)
10:49.04agaragarthat is far. :)
10:49.06corlismebbe ebay?
10:49.42agaragarnope ebay nothing today....should of bought a couple last week when they were up for bids. :(
10:50.11agaragarbest price i've seen is 296.00 US
10:50.25Duttscorlis: thanks for the advise, do you knwo if much has changed in the main configu files? if I mv my /etc/asterisk dir to somewhere else and then perform a clean install, should I basically be able to copy my extensions.conf, zapata.conf and sip.conf into my new install? my current version is Asterisk CVS-HEAD-03/09/05-02:14:09
10:50.39agaragarand i shop in CDN dollars, i don't have any of those fancy Euros. :)
10:52.08corlisagaragar: hehe, well i wouldn't call them "fancy" :P And yup, backup your config-files, do a checkout/install and look if some glitches are there. if so, it only will be tiny things
10:52.27corlisand google for that webpage-part
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10:53.35corlismoin ChristianK
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10:55.31Duttsis there a problem with atm does anyone know?
10:55.38cjkanyone here who has some cisco callmanager experience
10:56.43*** part/#asterisk owb (
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10:59.30jhiverguys, do you know of companies that offer french toll-free DIDs ('numéro verts') through SIP or IAX?
11:02.24cjkjhiver, what are you willing to pay
11:03.42ChristianKmoin corlis
11:05.31jhivercjk: I need it for testing at first, then I guess some monthly fee and a per-minute rate...
11:06.49Duttsis down anyone?
11:07.17jhiveri've got no idea what the market price is for french DIDs... let alone toll-free ones :/
11:07.29cjkjhiver, we,, do not have .fr numbers yet. but we will get some in a few weeks
11:08.29jhiversounds cool...
11:08.31*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
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11:10.18Duttscan't figure this out, can ping and traceroute to loads of domains but and, anyone else expriencing this?
11:11.35pinothere are some French providers too, it seems that (for instance) Direct Centrex offers toll-free numbers...
11:12.38Duttsnot sure if I have a technical problem or you guys are just ignoring me? can anyone see my posts?
11:14.28ltersDutts, same here
11:14.56*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:14.56ltersNameserver not responding A record not found, try again
11:15.27Duttslters: aaahhhhh thanks, thought i was going nuts, then no-one responded to my irc and I thought I had some even wierder problem......! =)
11:15.59ltersDutts, this appears ok tho:
11:16.02ltershost          A
11:16.21ltersDutts, fix now tho:
11:16.28lters<PROTECTED>          A          A
11:17.21Duttshmmm wierd..... yeah I get that from a host cmd as well.... one sec will try logging in again
11:17.37ltersDutts, make update works now.
11:18.13Duttsyeah works for me too.... hmm strange
11:18.42Duttscan I run make update to get 1.0.7 of *?
11:19.44ltersDutts, well I use it for HEAD
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11:20.17ltersDutts, if you choose the 1.0 version, make update will keep you current
11:20.33ltersif you choose 1.0.6, it may *stick* to that version.
11:20.41*** part/#asterisk Marlow (
11:21.28Duttslters, sorry mate, bit confused..... I installed Asterisk CVS-HEAD-03/09/05-02:14:09 from the cvs and installed it as per instructions, would like to update to 1.0.7, can I do that with make update?
11:21.41Duttssoryr I meant compiled as per instructions above
11:22.11ltersdo you want to downgrade ?
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11:22.38lters1.0.7 is the current stable... I think
11:22.48Duttsnope, just seen that 1.0.7 has been released and thought I;'d better grab the latest version? is my cvs-head actually more recent than 1.0.7?
11:22.57ltersThis will keep you cup to date on HEAD: make update;make clean;make;make install
11:23.00Duttsaaahhh and I've grabbed a nightly build so to speak?
11:23.35Duttsaaahhh sorry I see..... will those commands reaint my config or do I need to copy them over again from a backup?
11:23.38Duttsretain I meant
11:24.05ltersyour config will stay as long as you don't do *make samples*
11:24.05emrahHi. Is there anyone here using a Polycom? I just received a Polycom IP500, but there is no ftp port open or some stuff like that. Can you just tell me where I start configuring the phone? The http port is there, but I can't do anything there... Just some minimal configuration.
11:24.13emrahI can't register correctly to a sip proxy
11:24.28Duttsnice one.... and if I want to make a backup in case it doesn't work do I just need to copy /etc/asterisk ? or are there any other dirs I'm unaware of?
11:25.32lters/etc/asterisk has the configs, but the make commands will not touch it except for make samples
11:25.55Duttsah ok.... thanks I'll give that a go now =)
11:26.11ltersif you end up with a make that breaks *
11:26.20ltersyou can use cvs to back up a day...
11:26.29Duttswhats that command?
11:26.54lterscvs checkout -d "1 day ago" asterisk zaptel libpri or similiar
11:27.18ltersman cvs gives lots of info.
11:27.47ltersemrah, I used an ip600,
11:28.03Duttscheers I'll give it a go lters
11:28.12lterswhen booting the phone, watch for a place to enter ftp info.
11:28.30ltersemrah, has good tips for polycom
11:28.31gbdrbobisn't it -D ? I think -d is somthing else
11:29.01ltersgbdrbob, likely, I just was pulling from memory.
11:29.22*** part/#asterisk jwitte (
11:29.59ltersDutts, note it is "-D" not -d
11:30.45emrahlters: I'm blind
11:31.11ltersemrah, why ?
11:31.14gbdrbobI'm trying to install a separate test version of * before upgrading
11:31.23emrahlters: I will ask to someone. What do I have to do? When the phone boot, I have to watch a place for ftp? Where?
11:31.37*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
11:31.41emrahlters: I'm just blind, there is no reason :)
11:31.42Duttslters: cheers.... made a note of that! also, is it best to do a make update on both asterisk and zaptel (I don't use libpri)
11:31.43gbdrbobI've changed the INSTALL_PREFIX in the makefiles for * zaptel and libpri
11:31.54Blackvelheya, who can give me input on FastAGI/AGI?
11:32.02ltersemrah, have you found the help on the wiki for that phone?
11:32.20emrahI will search now
11:32.28gbdrboband edited the * include line to point at the new zaptel and libpri headers
11:32.32ltersDutts, the best order is: libpri, zaptel, asterisk
11:32.33emrahI found some tricks for auto answer or reviews, but no a guide start
11:32.41emrahstart*... sorry
11:32.56gbdrbobeverything complies but * crashes on loading chan_zap with:
11:33.05DuttsIf I don't have any pri kit, can I omit it? I think I did in the original build?
11:33.15Duttslibpri I mean
11:33.17ltersgbdrbob, why don't you move your good * to some archive folder...
11:33.33ltersDutts, you can try. It is simple to get it tho.
11:33.38gbdrbob"/usr/local/new/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pri_sr_set_channel"
11:33.53Duttslters: ok I'll just do the lot, best air ont he safe side
11:34.23ltersDutts, do the "export"
11:34.35ltersDutts, then "cvs login"
11:34.37gbdrboblters- I could but * is scattered across several folders - I didn't want to touch the working install until I had stest the new version for fear od missing somthing
11:35.03*** join/#asterisk DrJolo (
11:35.07ltersgbdrbob, head or stable ?
11:35.12Duttslters: ok yup, done that
11:35.25gbdrbobstable 1.06 with the bri mods from kapejod
11:35.37Duttsthen I've done cd/src/asterisk and then make update is that right?
11:35.38ltersDutts, "cd /usr/src" then "cvs checkout libpri"
11:35.54Duttslters: ah yes I see.... for libpri, yup ok I'll do that
11:36.07ltersgbdrbob, ah, hmm, don;t know then.
11:36.43gbdrbobI think chan zap is still trying to link to the old libpri files rather than the new one
11:37.44Duttslters: I'm currently doing a make on asterisk , can I ctrl-c it half way through, get libpri and then start again or will it mess everythign up?
11:37.44ltersDutts, sure
11:37.44Duttscool just wanted to check
11:38.44emrahlters: I'm sorry to disturb you, but how canI access the ftp, the port 21 is closed?
11:38.44ltersgbdrbob, I would do it safe. mv the good working src to a save folder. make clean;make install; from the new stuff in the right place.
11:39.12ltersemrah, what do you mean "port is closed"?
11:39.24ltersemrah, are you trying to ftp to the phone?
11:39.35emrahI can't establish any connection to the Polycom's ftp server. Only the port42 and 80 is opened
11:39.40DuttsI'm in the UK and wanted to apply the patches for UK BT Caller ID I found here, can anyone tell me if these have been included in the latest head and if not, are they still compatible with the latest cvs checkout?
11:39.57gbdrboblters: you're probably right - I have the old src - I can just reinstall if things go awry - I was hungup on not touching the working install
11:40.17ltersemrah, it dosen't work that way. the phone needs to ftp to your ftp server...
11:40.18*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
11:40.27emrahOh! ok
11:40.48emrahBut... How does that work? How can I ftp? The web interface is very strange...
11:40.59emrahI dont hear any dial tone when I peak up the phone
11:41.01ltersgbdrbob, unless your are doing major revision changes, a make install from any src should over write current one.
11:41.52gbdrbobwell, my current install is cvs head from May 04 so I'm expecting quit a lot to change..
11:43.19emrahgbdrbob: Waht are you trying to do?
11:43.41emrahAre you trying to dl the last version from the cvs server, installing it and nothinghas changed?
11:44.54gbdrbobemrah: I was trying to install a newer version into a test directory for evaluation, (/usr/local/new) so as not to touch my worksing install
11:45.35gbdrbobbut * seems to expect things to be in the defualt location - I've cahnged all the obvious options but the test version still won't load
11:45.37ltersemrah, you need to search for "Polycom SoundPoint" on the
11:46.03ltersemrah, you will find a nice page with install help, you will not get a dialtone till it registers to *
11:46.10emrahlters: Actually, my phone register to the sip server
11:46.16emrahwhen I call the phone, it rings
11:46.36emrahbut when I peak up, I don't hear anything and noone can hear me. i don't hear any dial tone too.
11:46.46ltersgot to go :)
11:47.28ltersemrah, be sure your cable is plugged in right in the handset, many folks say it is tricky
11:47.35gbdrboblters: thanks for the advice I'll have to keep an eye out for new channels or apps as they won't be overwitten if I switch back to the may 04 cvs and could cause problems
11:47.53ltersmay 04 is getting old.
11:48.05ltersgbdrbob, you may want to test on a seperate box.
11:48.33gbdrbobyep - It's been working fine, I can't test on a separate box as we only have one quadbri card
11:49.02emrahI've tried it too
11:49.04emrahno change
11:49.46gbdrbob(did I mention I'm 200 miles away doing this remotely via ssh so I can't put the card in another box either ...
11:49.53*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
11:57.55pigpenSo what voip software for linux to ya'll prefer
11:58.39gbdrbobon the desktop?
11:58.54pigpenI haven't screwed with them...and was courious
12:01.32gbdrbobI don't use linux on the desktop so can't really help - use xten sip phones on windows
12:01.59pigpenseems like GnomeMeeting is real popular...
12:02.18Duttsgbdrbob: sorry to butt in, you say you use xten, what headsets if any do you use?
12:03.06gbdrbobcan't recall the model no off the top of my head
12:03.20pigpenwell, I am pulling in GnomeMeeting...and I have a nice bluetooth headset  :)
12:03.30gbdrbobpigpen: there is a big list of softphones here -
12:03.31pigpen^^handy for at Starbucks
12:03.32Duttsgbdrbob: cheers will have to have a look at them
12:04.17pigpenwow...a lot better list than I found.
12:04.41corlisanyone here, that uses asterisk with isdn?
12:05.16corlishrmpf... weirdo... i can receive calls, but cannot call
12:05.27corlisIf i call: Segmentation fault
12:06.51emrahAnyone is using a Polycom IP500 heare, please?
12:07.39emrahpigpen: You are using a Polycom?
12:07.41gbdrbobcorlis- what card are you using?
12:07.58pigpenPolycom SoundPoint 500
12:08.25emrahPlease, can you just give me one information to helping me to start configuration?
12:09.29pigpenwell, the polycom will boot up and get in ip address...http to it...using the user Polycom and pass of 456
12:10.03pigpenyeah...good ref
12:11.15emrahgbdrbob: Where is it written how to edit xml files, and how to upload it on the phone?
12:11.24corlisgbdrbob: avm-fritzcard pci
12:14.47corlisomg, it works
12:14.47corlis<- fool
12:15.04gbdrbobthe guide I wrote is rather out of date now but did you take a look at it?
12:15.35corlisgbdrbob: I prolly read everything on voip-info twice now :P
12:15.49corlisbut what actually was the solution was a missing ; in capi.conf :)
12:16.14corlisso one msn had two entries, thus resulting in the BANG, i assmue
12:17.00corlis... and once again, as usual, it were the tiny little things that made me nearly mad.... HRMPF
12:17.57gbdrbobemrah: I think the phone fetches it's configuration from an ftp server you need to set up,
12:18.51*** join/#asterisk jake_ (
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12:31.20Blackvelis it possible to cancel the DIAL or play MSG AGI command once you have sent them to *?
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12:46.20darwin35top of the morning
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13:01.26blitzrageauto-away and announce sucks
13:05.54blitzrageannounced away sucks to begin with
13:06.00blitzrageI don't really care where you are... ;)
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13:07.20blitzragehey, OT question: any one have suggestions for small laptops? I'm thinking like the size of a paperback
13:08.50cjkanyone here who has experience with cisco callmanagers behind nat
13:11.23emrahAnyone can please indicate to me somewhere where I can find a setip guide for my Polycom IP500 phone?
13:15.19*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
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13:16.18In-SideHi guys
13:16.55In-SideWhy my asterisk gw keeps saying his contact is.. Contact: <sip:s@>;q=0.00;expires=160
13:17.20In-Sideit is get keeping register it self as "s" :(
13:17.47RaYmAn-Bxis that a problem? s is just default extension...
13:18.05In-Sideis it is for me
13:18.08DuttsI'm setting asterisk to auto-reun on startup, should I use the -p parameter or not? asterisk is the only thing running on this box
13:18.22In-Sidemy provider doesn't allow me
13:18.42In-Sideto make calls based at "s" contact
13:18.43RaYmAn-Bxadd /extension to the register => line
13:18.56In-Sidelet me try ;) thnx
13:19.02RaYmAn-Bxand possibly add a fromuser to the definition of the connection
13:19.15In-Sidefromuser is configured right
13:19.18RaYmAn-Bx(and fromdomain)
13:19.24In-Sidebut I don't know if it is using it
13:19.38In-Sideborm "from" are in connection not in general right ?
13:24.05*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
13:29.51In-SideRaYmAn-Bx: it fixed it, but I have another problem
13:30.47In-SideRaYmAn-Bx: asterisk keeping trying to use as realm or domain the same name that appears at hostname in register and not the "realm" or "fromdomain" lines
13:31.08In-SideI tried to put the configuration in the [provider] and in general
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14:16.29Yoghi ... is there any public sip echo test server to test sip ? i didn't find any still working addresses on google.
14:22.13Blackvelanyone knows if I can cancel any AGI commands and overwrite a sent message with a new AGI command (e.g play for 5 minutes a audio file with dial)?
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14:31.25emrahExcuse-me, anyone can please help me to find a help for setting up a polycom ip500 for a local asterisk?
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14:38.49Blackvelinside *?
14:39.00Blackvelisn't that like with any other voip phone , too?
14:45.00emrahBlackvel: No, inside the phone
14:45.53In-Sideinside iy is me
14:46.25Blackvelhmm dunno
14:46.30*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
14:46.45Blackvelyou only need to find the sip server property + auth user/pwd
14:46.49Blackvelis there more? :)
14:47.32In-Sidedamn my ser just can't connect anymore to my asterisk
14:47.44In-Sideit was fully working yestoday :(
14:49.08cjkhi, since we did our presentation on thrusday our asterisk goes down every 3-4 hours. i do not see anything in the logs. my other not know asterisk servers have no problems. so i really think someone knows about a DOS thing in asterisk. anyone seen similar things
14:50.00tzangercjk: what does it go down with
14:50.17coppicealice :-)
14:53.31cjktzanger, i log into the cli. asterisk -rvvvv  i am 2 seconds connected then i am back in bash
14:53.41tzangerwhat do you see immediately above
14:53.43cjkwhen this happes * asterisk does not accept more calls
14:53.44Duttsanyon ehere in the uk with a tdm400p card?
14:54.02cjktzanger, just the headers of *  version etc...
14:54.09tzangercjk: look closer
14:54.19tzangerthere will either be an error or something like "Killed (SIGSEGV)
14:54.39cjktzanger, no, no killed error
14:54.45In-Sideand my one just don't accept any calls when i change it to 5070
14:54.52In-Sideport it had work for a while
14:54.59tzangercjk: oh wait
14:54.59In-Sidethen just stopped to work :(
14:55.02cjktzanger, the same day of that presentation, the guy from inalp/patton told us that he would be able to hack * in 5 mins
14:55.03tzangeryou have -r
14:55.04In-SideI see no reason for that
14:55.13DuttsI can't seem to get uk caller id to work wiuth my tdm400p card, get this error Apr 16 14:55:59 WARNING[865]: chan_zap.c:3613 zt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling. anyone got any ideas?
14:55.14tzangerso asterisk proper is still running?
14:55.27cjktzanger, it runs fine for about 3 hours
14:55.34cjkand it has been running fine for months
14:55.36tzangerwhat is the daemon doing
14:55.40cjkbefore out presentation
14:55.50cjktzanger, i see some processes
14:55.55cjkbut in face nothing is working
14:55.58cjkbut in fact nothing is working
14:56.13tzangercjk: is the daemon running
14:56.14cjkafter a killall -9 asterisk and a restart of the deaemon. it runs fine for 4 hours
14:56.41tzangercjk: take a look at vmstat 1 output during those 4 hours
14:56.43tzangerwhat changes
14:56.51*** join/#asterisk nextime (
14:57.49cjktzanger, ok. normaly i am not that paranoid. but its just too close after that presentation.
14:57.56*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
14:58.08tzangercjk: then slow down and see what's causing it
14:58.17tzangerfirst, stop running -g
14:58.27tzangersecond run asteirsk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
14:58.34tzangerand watch the console for 4 hours
14:58.46tzangerturn on debugging in logger.conf and run -vvvvvvvvvvvvvddddddc
14:58.47emrahPlease, I'm sure there is many person using Polycom's phone here... Can you help me?
14:58.49tzangersee hat is happenning
14:59.40cjktzanger, ok
14:59.51tzangeremrah: not me
14:59.54emrahIf there is something visual with the phone to do, or some stuff like that... I don't know if my files areupdated, it doesn't register with my asterisk...
15:00.13In-Sidehey guuys i really need help
15:00.22In-SideI didn't change anything at my ser server
15:00.40In-Sideit was working yestoday now asterisk didn't received it request
15:01.05*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
15:01.55TK80hello, how can i tell * to recognize an ISDN device which uses CLIR? I've set up
15:02.00Blackvelemrah: most have a web interface, yours too?
15:04.33*** join/#asterisk david (
15:04.40emrahBlackvel: yes
15:04.50davidis there a problem with nufone today? I can't originate a call to either switch-1 or switch-2
15:05.04emrahbut there is 3 main menus, and it doesn't work how I set it, so I'm trying to know why
15:10.35Blackvelwhat is the cheapest DE->UK voip provider?
15:14.27In-SideBlackvel: this is not the right place for this question
15:14.35In-Sidetry at some voip providers forum
15:15.04DuttsI can't seem to get uk caller id to work wiuth my tdm400p card, get this error Apr 16 14:55:59 WARNING[865]: chan_zap.c:3613 zt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill.  Cancelling. anyone got any ideas?
15:15.16RaYmAn-BxBlackvel: presumably it's cheapest to go for a plain UK provider..
15:16.02In-SideRaYmAn-Bx: How can i be shure that my ser is trying comunicate with asterisk at 5070 port ? and see if asterisk is anwsering ?
15:16.34RaYmAn-BxIn-Side: sorry, never used ser...presumably you could see using something like tcpdump or ethereal
15:16.57In-Sideya I go for tcpdump
15:17.09In-SideRaYmAn-Bx: I was asking regarding to asterisk
15:17.23In-Sidecause my ser says at debug it is fowarding to ser
15:17.31In-Sidebut i have no information at asterisk side
15:17.55file[laptop]sip debug
15:18.01file[laptop]will also show packets
15:18.11In-Sideno information with sip debug
15:18.22RaYmAn-Bxpresumably that means it doesn
15:18.26RaYmAn-Bx't receive any data
15:18.26In-Sidethe wierd thing is that it was workign before
15:18.35RaYmAn-Bxbefore what? :P
15:18.36In-Sideya.. I have to go for tcpdump
15:18.40In-SideI don't know hehe
15:18.52In-Sideit simple stops to work for one moment to another i see no reason
15:20.59BlackvelRaYmAn-Bx: oh are there any?
15:22.07eKo1Anybody here use Clipcomm hardware?
15:25.01*** join/#asterisk _SMP_ (
15:25.30TK80please help... * won't let me use my SIP connection when my ISDN device (connected to a HFC card in *) is configured to use CLIR. The calling ID is passed to *, but with the 'presentation forbidden' flag set.
15:27.13eKo1Anybody here use Mediatrix hardware?
15:27.15Blackvelwhat was CLIR again?
15:27.25bugbotclir is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
15:27.57Blackveldo you use overlapdial=yes, immediate=No
15:29.35Blackvelwhat is your problem? you cant call any exten over a sip provider?
15:29.36*** join/#asterisk juiceib269 (
15:30.50*** join/#asterisk moy (~kvirc@
15:32.11TK80Blackvel: I've set up * with one ISDN phone connected to it. I'd like to make SIP calls using the ISDN phone. This is only successful if the phone doesn't use CLIR.
15:33.10Blackvelhmm why?
15:33.17*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
15:33.17Blackvelas long as you get the to dial exten?
15:35.05TK80If i disable CLIR on the ISDN phone, everything goes all right. If CLIR is enabled, dialing any number other than local extensions results in * terminating the call.
15:35.47Blackvelbut with clir enabled you get the "to be dailed exten" also?
15:36.20*** join/#asterisk jake_ (
15:36.35jake_hi, where can I get rawplayer.c?
15:37.34TK80exactly. i can call my own phone, but can't use SIP when CLIR is active.
15:37.51jakepdevanyone know the default pwd for mysql using *
15:37.55TK80incoming SIP connections are not affected.
15:39.48TK80it seems that * evaluates my caller id as unknown if CLIR is enabled and therefore won't let me use the SIP connection.
15:41.19TK80(the caller id is transmitted with 'presentation forbidden' flag. I used 'pri debug span 1' to find this out).
15:42.17*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:42.45emrahAnyone can help me with the Polycom IP500?
15:43.08jakepdevtk80 - can you pastebin your output from a test call - working and non-working?
15:43.43Blackveltk80: what is the exact msg and what sip provider?
15:43.53TK80paste it here?
15:44.21Blackvelif its a short 1-2 liner, otherwise pastebin
15:44.24Silik0nemrah get the zip file with the xml configs ref'd on the wiki for the 1.4.1 firmware and set up a boot server.. if you've tried configing it from teh web ui, nuke all that config via reset user settings and a factory reset (468*) and then tftp or ftp boot it
15:45.19Silik0nand upgrade it to the 1.4.1 firmware too (of course if you set up the bootserver right it will automagically upgrade the firmware to 1.4.1
15:45.34emrahSilik0n: May I speak with you in a private window, please?
15:45.53jakepdevTK80 - use
15:46.17Silik0nemrah: sure
15:46.22emrahThanks :9
15:46.38TK80sorry, i don't know what is...
15:46.46jbotsomebody said pastebin was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
15:46.46bugbotpastebin is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
15:47.52TK80ok, just a moment
15:51.21Silik0nyou'll need unixODBC installed for res_odbc...
15:51.27*** join/#asterisk ikey1 (ikey@
15:51.36*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
15:51.51jeffikmorning all
15:54.01jeffikhave a question about routing for 011 international calls
15:55.44WeezeyI installed the open g729 implementation, but it doesn't work, I get the same error as this guy:
15:56.42coppicedo you have a PIII like that guy?
15:57.53coppiceand you didn't look in detail at the names of the files you use?
15:58.04TK80jakepdev: (failed call), /9666 (successful call).
15:58.09jakepdevweezey - are you using this for educational purposes?
15:58.16jakepdevweezey see this:
15:58.37Weezeycoppice: where'd I go wrong?
15:58.56Weezeyjakepdev: yeah, I want to see how it sounds.
15:59.33WeezeyI'm skeptical of how good 8k/s can be.
15:59.57coppiceThink what the p_4 might mean in this file name: :-)
16:01.19WeezeyI thought that was just version 4.1?
16:01.23*** join/#asterisk bah (
16:01.46coppicesorry, you might be right. however, i think wat exists requires a P4
16:01.46pgpkeysitanium is not a p3 ;)
16:02.06jakepdevTK80 - i'd like you to redo this, but start * with options vvvvvvvvgcd and turn off pri intense debug
16:02.07coppicebut one day it might be as good as a P3 :-)
16:02.21JerJeram i right in thinkin that the emergency number in europe is 114 ?
16:02.44pgpkeysI've got so much work to do, and not enough coffee to do it in.
16:02.49RaYmAn-BxI've been running the open g729 codec successfully both on a PII as well as Via C3 (Nemiah)
16:02.53fenlanderJerJer: 112 is common
16:02.57JerJeroh 112
16:03.06JerJerhmm where did 114 come from.....  thanks
16:03.09coppiceemergency in the UK is 999
16:03.12RaYmAn-BxUK just recently added 112 as well afaik
16:04.13Weezeycoppice: I'll change the Makefile to use no SSE and see what happens...
16:06.57TK80jakepdev: It will take a while...
16:09.13Weezeycoppice: nothin.  damn.
16:09.23Weezeyhow else can I install 729 to play with?
16:10.12pinojerjer: 112 is the standard on GSM networks, but I'm not sure if/when it becomes the standard across Europe
16:10.56RaYmAn-BxWeezey: I haven't looked at what the problem was, but try using the PII setting instead? (It uses a different IPP core whatever that is :P)
16:10.56coppiceGSM networks normally allow 112 to work for any phone, subscribing or not
16:11.05WeezeyRay: k, thanks, I'll try it.
16:12.42WeezeyRayman: no go.
16:14.56Weezeyjakepdev: hrmm, I hate paying for something I can't try.
16:15.27jakepdevi understood - but how much is your time worth?
16:15.51jakepdevI believe digium will help you with the install if necessary
16:16.52*** join/#asterisk asteriskn00b (
16:16.55Weezeydo you use 729?
16:17.03jakepdevunless you make less than $10 an hour, in 45 minutes you would have broke even
16:17.44Weezeygood point.
16:17.50jakepdevi haven't but I've had it recommended to me if were going to go the SIp route
16:18.17asteriskn00bi have been looking around for a ata, I see that the linksys pap2 that i can buy a compusa is tied to vonage and there is no apparent way around it, has anyone had any luck getting the Packet8 Voice Adapter to work with linux?
16:18.31jakepdevasteriskn00b - i have
16:18.43jakepdevif you're referring to the DTA310
16:19.03*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
16:19.58asteriskn00bthis is the one at compusa doesnt state dta310
16:20.04sivanaWeezey: we have g729, you could buy 1 license and make a call through us
16:20.14sivanaworst case it was $10
16:21.02jakepdevasteriskn00b - it looks like the one i have
16:21.19asteriskn00buhh ohh
16:21.38jakepdevasteriskn00b - if they upgraded the firmware to prevent firmware downgrades - you're SOL
16:22.09asteriskn00byeah thats what i was thinking
16:22.34jakepdevplus "A service agreement with Packet8 is required"
16:23.59*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (~jk@
16:24.09jakepdevasteriskn00b - you might be better off with
16:26.29asteriskn00byeah i am going to have to break down and just put an order in... I am so in the "instant gratification" mode tho =)
16:27.00jakepdevyep - that was what prompted me to dust off the DTA310 :)
16:27.29Silik0njust get a PAP-2NA and crack it
16:27.38Silik0nor a PAP2 rather
16:28.27TK80jakepdev: is all output I get with -vvvvvvvvgcd
16:28.36asteriskn00bi have not found how to crack the pap2 that is tied to vonage... all I have found is how to blow it up attempting to open it
16:31.35Duttscan anyone tell me if I should be runnign asterisk with the -p parameter
16:32.23bugbotM4040 is a feature bug that is resolved (markster): application PGSQL() fails to build due to conflicting types. It was filed by heison and was last updated on 04-16-05.
16:33.11jakepdevTK80 - can you do anything with the call before trannsfer - ie. play a gsm file? w or w/o CLIR?
16:36.04darwin35what has happen to sobomax
16:36.52Duttsanyone???? will runinng with realtime priority make it perform better>
16:37.11jakepdevTK80 - w/o looking at your dialplan, i'd say it's failing on SetCIDNum
16:37.27jakepdevare you using a variable in SetCIDNum?
16:38.16TK80jakepdev: if I use block dialling, there's some more output. look here:
16:39.52jakepdevTK80 - what does your outgoing context look like n your dialplan?
16:44.59*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
16:46.29TK80jakepdev: 9669
16:47.36jakepdevyou gots include this =- include that... hold on - but should make it simpler
16:48.43seanwhen I set bindaddr= in sip.conf, my DID tries to send calls to; if I set it to my IP, the DID works. However, I want asterisk to listen on multiple IPs. Ideas?
16:48.57jakepdevTK80 - the scenerio is: PRI call comes in - ask for ext then dial SIP exten?
16:49.13*** join/#asterisk zilas (
16:49.25file[laptop]sean: uh that's... odd
16:49.35seanfile[laptop]: yep, but that was the problem
16:49.46sean(according to my provider.. and when I changed it, it worked)
16:49.53file[laptop]sean: I have never ever heard of that happening
16:50.13file[laptop]can you do a sip debug, and pastebin the REGISTER stuff?
16:50.18file[laptop]when you have
16:50.26RaYmAn-Bxsean: if you have a static ip, you can always try setting externip/localnet as a workaround
16:50.30seangive me a few mins
16:50.43seanI have the externip set.. but not the localnet -- perhaps that's the problem?
16:50.52zilasI am looking for a cheap ip phone. What you guys think about grandstream budgetone 101?
16:50.53file[laptop]that would make funky stuff happen
16:50.59zilasis it any good?
16:51.04Qwellzilas: Its a budget phone.
16:51.05seanalso, my provider says my SIP registration is: <sip:5149070029@>;q=0.00;expires=46
16:51.13QwellEver heard the term "You get what you pay for"?
16:51.15TK80jakepdev: No - I want to pick up the phone and dial a SIP number. With disabled CLIR, everything works all right!
16:51.15seanI'll try to set the localnet, or unset the externip.
16:51.15file[laptop]try setting localnet
16:51.30seanwill do. back in a few mins.
16:51.34*** join/#asterisk iq{tablet} (
16:52.00jakepdevyour phone is on a channel bank
16:52.29zilasQwell: so what you recommend the best up to $120?
16:53.10Qwellzilas: If you want a "cheap" phone, the GS fits that description.
16:53.22TK80It's an HFC ISDN card with 2 channels.
16:53.48Yoghi. how can I distinguish domain-names in incoming sip calls ?
16:54.02Qwellits cheap, but its not great from what I've heard
16:54.27iq{tablet}cheap :)
16:54.50zilasoh so you say budgetphone is ok :) I am trying to google see whats wrong with it but it looks decent for me has all the features and stuff
16:55.03file[laptop]it's VERY cheap
16:55.11file[laptop]we call it... the barbietone!
16:55.16RaYmAn-BxYog: you might have success using ${SIPDOMAIN} variable
16:55.18file[laptop]Your first VoIP phone!
16:55.21zilas$64 ebay
16:55.22Qwellfile[laptop]: You call it that.  Nobody else does. :p
16:55.28file[laptop]Qwell: yes other people do :p
16:55.40coppicemost people call it the barbietone
16:55.47zilasanother choice is Zultys but no display
16:55.48Qwellfile[laptop]: I just like to mess with you. ;]
16:55.50iq{tablet}zilas, which phone
16:55.53coppiceand far less kind names :-)
16:56.00zilaszultys zip2
16:56.16file[laptop]coppice: how is the world treating you Mr. Fax man!
16:56.28coppicewaves are just what DSP guys need :-)
16:57.27zilasanother choice polycom soundstation ip 300 and sipura spa 841  those fits in a price but which one is the best buy?
16:57.48TK80jakepdev: I'm sorry for my slow reactions, I'm from Germany and my English isn't that good...
16:57.56seanunsetting externip fixed it
16:58.06seanfile[laptop]: thanks again.
16:58.09zilaslooks like you guys would prefer snom wont you?
16:58.23YogRaYmAn-Bx: Thanks, using the conditional operator with this variable will do the trick.
16:59.06zilasbad parts its $150 more than Grandstream 101
16:59.53zilasso I am lost between research what to buy.....
17:00.08file[laptop]sean: Tee he he
17:00.40Duttsanyone here from the uk?
17:00.46iq{tablet}zilas, sipura
17:01.47coppiceDutts: from or in?
17:01.59zilaswhats is that 2 line apperance
17:02.19iq{tablet}zilas, try to read
17:02.22zilasebay $85 ain't that bad
17:02.37*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
17:02.48Duttscoppice: I mean operating * in uk, sorry shoul djave been more specific, having a problem connecting uk phones to my system and caller id
17:02.51iq{tablet}zilas, dont do ebay. spend 5 extra and buy from some real store.
17:03.21iq{tablet}zilas, whoever give you a good price ;)
17:03.22*** join/#asterisk zno (
17:03.35iq{tablet}zilas, give me your credit card number, I can order for u ;)
17:03.58Qwelliq{tablet}: I need 2 Opteron chips...would you mind getting those too? :p
17:04.05zilasthat sounds kind of you
17:04.12zilasqwell: not using my credit card
17:04.19iq{tablet}Qwell, of course not. Just let me get Credit Card number from zill
17:05.17iq{tablet}zilas, just type your credit card number, expiry date and billing address here
17:05.25Qwellssn too
17:05.26iq{tablet}zilas, we do not have any secrets
17:05.43zilasand mothers maiden name would help right?
17:05.55iq{tablet}zilas, I'm sorry to say - but - you are a genious
17:05.57Qwelland pets name, if you wouldn't mind
17:06.05zilaswith home adress
17:06.28iq{tablet}zilas, no - just billing address. Dont worry about Shipping address. we can take care of it ;)
17:06.40zilasthat was a good one
17:07.00mmlj4zilas: um, anyone on the intarweb can find out your mother's maiden name... i hope you're not giving that out for security purposes
17:07.17mmlj4make up something bogus if you're required to give that out
17:08.12*** join/#asterisk limo (~limo@
17:08.20coppiceif people know my mother's maiden name it makes her feel insecure :-)
17:08.37limohello all. Please I need small help with extensions
17:08.50*** join/#asterisk kram (~mark@kram.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
17:08.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o kram] by ChanServ
17:08.54coppiceyou need those viagra spam ads
17:09.53iq{tablet}limo, unless these are hair extensions, just ask the question :)
17:10.07limoWhen I have extension exten => ZZZ,1,Dial(SIP/something) in context local and I need to use this context from another but with prefix
17:10.51limoI have another context virtual and what to write there ? When I will call _01ZZZ, I want to go to local
17:11.06jakepdevtk80 - u still around?
17:11.18limomaybe it is stupid but I did not understand it from docs :(
17:11.56seanin a extension->  Dial  line, I want to send to a local extension.. do I use SIP/context  or Local/extnum ?
17:12.36jakepdevto send to an ext - use Dial(SIP/exten)
17:12.55limoI want to use my local context from more contexes but with another prefixes. Any suggestions ?
17:13.04seanjakepdev: so, Dial(SIP/220) ?    or Dial(SIP/sean)
17:13.14emrahI have a Polycom and I can place calls. But when I receive calls, and when I peak up the phone, I can't hear the person who is calling me, and no one can hear me hider.
17:13.28emrahI'm using SIP 1.4.1
17:13.50jakepdevlimo - can you give an example?
17:14.22emrahI have an Asterisk in my local area network
17:14.24jakepdevemrah - sounds like RTP ports are being bloacks
17:14.35jakepdevcheck RTP.conf and make sure all of them are open
17:14.57emrah(It works when I use an other phone :) )
17:16.01jakepdevthe only way I know SIP audio gets blocked is by RTP ports not being open
17:17.36Duttsanyon ehere got nmap installed and a few mins? =)
17:23.09*** join/#asterisk JohnnyC (~JoaoCorre@
17:23.14JohnnyCHello all
17:23.21Duttshey johnny
17:23.27JohnnyCIm using IAX to connect to FWD
17:23.46JohnnyCeverything runs fine . If I receive a call I get 2 calls simultaneous instead of one
17:23.50JohnnyCHi Dutts
17:26.07Duttshave you got nmap johnny?
17:27.35JohnnyCI got console
17:27.40JohnnyCi see two dials
17:29.17coppicestop drinking :-)
17:29.43*** join/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
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17:39.22*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
17:39.48Moc_2 day left before I become a bloke for a week !!! ;)
17:39.51QwellJohnnyC: Why not paste the output and the relevent section of your dialplan to
17:40.55*** join/#asterisk advorak (
17:42.16want561or772didtransfer works now :)
17:46.27emrahIf anyone hear is using a polycom IP500, can you help me to resolve a problem? With my local Asterisk, I can place calls from my Polycom, but I can't reseive calls.
17:46.33emrahThe phone rings, but nothing else.
17:47.07dalaberaemrah, check the wiki it has a specific configuration...
17:47.23*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
17:48.24*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
17:48.34heath__I need the user "www-data" to be able to call "asterisk -rx \"whatever\"", what's the safest way to do this?
17:48.48cjkheath__, why do you need this
17:49.00heath__i need a cgi prog to be able to hangup a channel
17:49.10cjkheath__,  ok then use the api
17:49.12cjkthats easy
17:50.35cjkheath__, you just do a network connection with your cgi and then you can execute whatever you want
17:51.40heath__yeah i was thinking about making a simple daemon for hangups
17:52.24*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
17:52.39PBXtechis this astlinux any good?
17:53.02*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (
17:53.06mxmassterhi all
17:55.49FuriousGeorgehey guys, i succefully registered my sip provider and got my X-Lite client to log into * but im having trouble making outbound calls.  right now i dont have sip debug on and it says after attempting to bridge connections:  Got SIP response 488 "Not Acceptable Here" back from
17:56.18zilasastralis voip
17:56.31FuriousGeorgemy provider is
17:57.11asteriskn00bhas anyone had anyluck unlocking the linksys Pap2 that is bound to vonage?
17:57.12*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
17:57.24QwellasteriskDOTbz: just get an NA
17:58.03MikeJ[Jayden]asteriskn00b, yes, it can be done
17:58.19asteriskn00byeah... but i have to order one of those... I have money burning a hole in my pocket now and I am looking for a little instant gratification =)
17:58.30jbotextra, extra, read all about it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
17:58.30bugbotmailinglist is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
17:58.36Qwellasteriskn00b: get it overnighted
17:58.52MikeJ[Jayden]asteriskn00b, call vonage, they will unlock it.
17:58.57Qwellfor a fee
17:59.11asteriskn00byeah i should, I heard it could be donne, but have not found on google how to actually accomplish it
17:59.16MikeJ[Jayden]he said he had money burning a hole in his pocket
17:59.31QwellMikeJ[Jayden]: Whats it cost for them to do it?
17:59.31MikeJ[Jayden]call vonage, they will charge you like $15
17:59.46Qwellthats not too bad.  What if you go to circuitcity and buy one for $.01?
18:00.55FuriousGeorgelet me rephrase:  what is not acceptable when asterisk says 488 "Not Acceptable Here"
18:01.01FuriousGeorgewhen making outbound calls
18:01.16jakepdevlook at the * AUP
18:01.27mxmassterhi all
18:01.39FuriousGeorgeis that to me?  whats an aup
18:02.07FuriousGeorgeim not good with the acronyms yet
18:02.34jbotfrom memory, aup is Acceptable Use Policy, an agreement with your service provider about what's allowed and what's not, or advanced unix programming, or 'Don't be a twink. If you're a twink, you'll get bounced. What constitutes twinkhood shall be at the sole discretion of the ops, who are somewhat eristic in their approach to things. You'll probably get warned ...
18:02.35bugbotaup is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
18:02.46mxmassteri have a number of sip extensions which go to cisco ip phones... these phones work perfectly for inbound and outbound calling... i just created a sip extension to an xten xlite device... this device endpoint has a lot of latency, when a cisco phone calles the xlite device the xlite device has perfect call qualtiy, but the cisco phone has echo in the headset
18:03.26mxmassterspecifically the cisco phone user hears himself in the headset when he talks
18:05.14mxmassterwhat should i be looking at to fix this?
18:11.08JohnnyCHi , anyone knows why my asterisk dials twice to my SIP phone when receiving a call from FWD ?
18:11.28*** join/#asterisk marc324 (
18:11.58QwellJohnnyC: Why not paste the output and the relevent section of your dialplan to
18:12.04*** join/#asterisk kuj (
18:13.50JohnnyCQwell: check it out
18:14.00JohnnyCthe code for receving is simple
18:14.13file[laptop]paste the CLI when a call comes in
18:15.22QwellDoes ${FWDRINGS} contain SIP/xlite&SIP/xlite, or something?  he
18:16.39JohnnyCQwell: here
18:17.00JohnnyCFWDRINGS=SIP/joaocorreia        ;the phone to ring
18:21.19QwellDon't msg me
18:22.46FuriousGeorgewould would mgcp be unable to get my external ip
18:24.58*** join/#asterisk miller7 (~none@
18:25.31miller7can someone send me a TxFax application session? Like copy/paste what it shows when sending a fax?
18:25.40*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
18:28.53FuriousGeorgedoes anyone know what this means:  wait a s
18:28.58FuriousGeorgeWARNING[5960]: chan_mgcp.c:4044 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, MGCP disabled
18:29.18FuriousGeorgei get the unable to get our ip address part.  the rest, no so much
18:30.38hermiewhat every true BOFH's server room needs:
18:31.02FuriousGeorgeor at least, does anyone know what file i should be looking at.  when i google this i find non-related mailing list entries
18:33.38FuriousGeorgeor i just find nothing
18:33.48file[laptop]mgcp.conf in /etc/asterisk
18:33.52file[laptop]put your IP in the right spot
18:33.58FuriousGeorgethanks so much
18:37.07cjkanyone here who got callmanger working with asterisk when the callmanager is behind nat?
18:37.11FuriousGeorgefile[laptop], what if my external ip is dynamic  i set bind address to under general
18:38.08file[laptop]I don't use MGCP
18:38.22FuriousGeorgethanks in any case
18:40.53FuriousGeorgefile[laptop]:  you know what it was, there's a bug whereby reload doest reload mgcp.conf, so i had to start and restart and that did it.   says so on  thanks for your help
18:41.05FuriousGeorge*had to stop and restart.  gotta run
18:41.30*** part/#asterisk darwin35 (~darwin35@
18:48.58*** part/#asterisk miller7 (~none@
18:50.09*** join/#asterisk nwhit (
18:51.33*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (
18:53.16cjkhi, is there a way to download portage from the web?
18:53.26*** join/#asterisk aspworld (~aspworld@
18:59.22aspworld~seen tzanger
18:59.25jbottzanger is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 288 messages.  Is idling for 3h 59m 34s
18:59.25bugbotseen tzanger is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
18:59.37seanany suggestions on interfacing VoiceXML (VXML) with asterisk? is pretty sparse on info...
18:59.50file[laptop]that's because asterisk doesn't do anything with VXML
18:59.59file[laptop]so write up an interpreter if you want haha
19:00.13seanheh.. and a voice rec. engine and a tts engine (-;
19:00.37seansmart: a Soft VXML "phone" that speaks SIP/IAX
19:00.48seanthat would be nice..
19:01.40*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
19:04.58*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
19:06.16PTG1234man does no one sell the rio karma any more?
19:07.22*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
19:08.32asteriskn00bso if i were going to deploy softphones on my lan, what would your suggestions be?  I personaly like the looks of Xten Eyebeam, however I have not been able to get a solid answer from xten if the chat and video functionality would work with asterisk
19:09.03aspworldis that the XLite software?
19:09.08PTG1234video probably won't work properly.. i actually like xpro better, tbut they no longer sell it
19:09.22PTG1234key to softphones too is usb headsets
19:10.08asteriskn00bwhy is usb such a key?
19:11.30PTG1234b/c with normal soundcards the computer will drop audio sometimes, depending on what pc is doing
19:11.43PTG1234usb keeps everything on an external processor/dsp.. it works better
19:11.57asteriskn00bgot ya
19:12.12asteriskn00bhmm will have to look for some, have any recommendations?
19:12.17PTG1234we deployed softphones accross our office
19:12.22PTG1234yah the plantronics
19:12.46PTG1234although the dsp-500 sometimes has the mic boom cord break
19:13.54*** part/#asterisk bonez39 (
19:15.54asteriskn00bdid you use xten pro in your deployment?
19:16.34PTG1234eyebeam is a little buggier if you ask m
19:16.35PTG1234er me
19:17.13asteriskn00bwell the fact that they do not offer a trial version concerns me
19:18.21MikeJ[Jayden]they dont offer a trial version of polycom ip500's
19:18.48PTG1234use a p2p network and get a copy to try it out
19:19.01*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
19:19.02PTG1234MikeJ[Jayden]: yah but you could go someplace to try one out
19:19.08nwhitanyone had experience with the moimstone phones?
19:19.23MikeJ[Jayden]you can go somwhere and try eyebeam too
19:26.43eKo1Anybody here use Clipcomm hardware?
19:27.03eKo1or Mediatrix hardware.
19:29.30QwellPTG1234: How's it going so far?
19:29.46PTG1234slowly :)
19:29.53PTG1234hows your family thats in town?
19:30.05Qwelljust left
19:30.21PTG1234you got a couple minutes?
19:30.30eKo1Does anyone use FXO gateways with *?
19:30.30PTG1234k msg me
19:31.26eKo1Hmm...looks like nobody's doing analog here today.
19:32.10*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
19:35.23eKo1Man, I wish I had a PRI here.
19:35.31eKo1Stupid telco.
19:35.45aspworldwhere are you?
19:35.55eKo1in a third world banana country
19:36.12aspworldah... cans and wax cord?
19:36.30eKo1actually, that would work much better than the shit we use here.
19:37.24eKo1It takes over 4 months just to get an E1.
19:37.36aspworldya, that really sucks
19:37.45ariel_don't you love the 3rd world banana Country's.
19:37.55eKo1only the bananas that they export.
19:38.07ariel_eKo1, which one are you in?
19:38.51ariel_eKo1, nice spanish speaking area.
19:39.01eKo1the spanish here sucks ass.
19:39.39ariel_eKo1, it's better then my hack job.
19:39.39eKo1they speak honduran here.
19:43.10eKo1What job is that ariel_ ?
19:43.59ariel_I learned spanish here in South Floirda so it's a combo of Cuban/mix with just about every other bad stuff from South America.
19:44.19eKo1Ah, I used to live in South Florida. I know what you mean.
19:45.23eKo1How would you say refrigerator in spanish?
19:45.41*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
19:48.31|Vulture|its a cognate
19:49.16|Vulture|just refrideradora or something like that spelling was never my good part
19:49.34eKo1jbot, translate en es refrigerator
19:50.23eKo1figures, the 'correct' word is actually frigorífico.
19:50.36|Vulture|coulda sworn it was feminen
19:51.10|Vulture|hmm nvm it doesn't sound right when i say it lol
19:57.13|Vulture|anyone having issues with VPC?
19:57.33|Vulture|hmm nvm
20:00.44*** join/#asterisk asteriskn00b (
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20:01.24DuttsI know this might ound a bit wierd, but is there a way to automatically dial out to an extension when someone enters a meetme conference?
20:05.13seandoes caller ID depend on my outbound provider?
20:06.06seanhmm... too bad (-;
20:11.53BuckRogershappy saturday
20:12.13*** join/#asterisk stevej (~stevej@
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20:21.23want561or772didDutts, you could originate a call in a meetme context
20:21.34want561or772diduse the manager api
20:22.32Duttsnot done much with meetme, what I basically want to do (bit wierd I know) is when an extension is picked up and a call is made, place them in a conference with the outbound leg and make a second call to another extension adding them to the confereence
20:24.33*** join/#asterisk kuj (
20:35.43*** join/#asterisk ikey1 (ikey@
20:37.21*** join/#asterisk _Raptor_ (
20:38.08*** join/#asterisk The_Ape (
20:41.01_Raptor_short querstion: can anyone tell me in which variable the extentions is stored. i have in my h323 context s,1,Dial(CAPI/123:${EXTEN}) but then it tries to call s but it should dial 666 when i call 666@host
20:41.43*** join/#asterisk blaisen1 (
20:41.54blaisen1anyone here using LiveVOIP's tollfree numbers?
20:43.07*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
20:43.08brc_j #996
20:46.17QwellChuji: its a forwarding channel that takes you to #asstricks
20:46.38bugbot#asstricks is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
20:46.53jbotasstricks is probably #asstricks, the underground gay Asterisk channel. Be afraid, very afraid
20:46.53bugbotasstricks is assigned nothing and reported nothing.
20:46.59file[laptop]blaisen1: why, what's up?
20:47.20In-Sidedoes anybody knows how to use etherreal to diagnostic sip ?
20:47.29Chujihmm, we have a mantis bot now?
20:47.44QwellChuji: something like that
20:47.49bugbotM2501 is a minor bug that is closed (markster): [patch] Fix 'show applications like <string>'. It was filed by Corydon76 and was last updated on 09-25-04.
20:47.58blaisen1livevoip rules
20:48.46blaisen1i'm pretty sure there is no other voip provider out there better than livevoip
20:49.01bugbotM2023 is a feature bug that is waiting for feedback (unassigned): [request] Add channel-specific VM gain parameter. It was filed by radamson9 and was last updated on 04-14-05.
20:49.01Qwellblaisen1: I'll bet there are
20:49.05blaisen1i get to take a break now because, when I call my livevoip toll-free numbers, it says they aren't in service
20:49.14ChujiThat's my favorite bug
20:49.15blaisen1so i mean, that makes them a plus in my books.. but probably not my bosses
20:49.16roamer323blaisen1 - flame baiting?
20:49.43blaisen1roamer323 sorry just venting.. what a bunch of idiots livevoip are
20:49.59blaisen1of course.. i was warned.. so its my own fault for recommending them
20:50.17blaisen1right tzanger?
20:50.53roamer323blasisen1 - you are absolutely unlikely to find any current affordable provider that will give you any "acceptable" commercial level of service :-(
20:51.20In-Sidedoes anybody has used ethereal to debug sip?
20:51.20blaisen1roamer323: agreed... i've tried so many providers I'm likely just going to go back to PSTN tollfree service
20:51.45blaisen1roamer323:  so many jokes out there... must be run as hobby's out of their mom's basement or something... link2voip being another joke voip provider
20:51.52blaisen1or freeworldtel or whatever other aliases they have seems to have vanished.. still have a $15 credit, calls don't work
20:52.14blaisen1no one answers the phone
20:52.23blaisen1and they wonder why regulation is knocking at the door
20:52.55blaisen1i think nufone is probably the best out there as far as i can tell in terms of reliability
20:53.16blaisen1just not friendly customer service (i've had no problems, but i've seen some posts..)
20:53.35blaisen1argh.. sorry just venting
20:56.21roamer323kram - your roadshow talk - will an existing asterisk user find anything interesting in it, or is it just an intro-thing for lay people?
20:57.41*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Jayden] (
21:02.22The_Apeis there any command i can use in the CLI to show call progress without using sip debug or typing show channels every second?
21:06.59_Raptor_exten => _X,1,Dial(CAPI/123456:${EXTEN}) << why does this not dial 45678 when calling 45678@host ?
21:07.20Qwellbecause _X only matches one number
21:08.48The_Ape_raptor_: match on _XXX.,1,Dial..... or similar, instead
21:13.02*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
21:13.15_Raptor_ok, it works
21:13.42_Raptor_thank you
21:18.06*** join/#asterisk n4y (
21:18.19_Raptor_with our eumex i can make internals calls with R11 or R12 but dial R12 doesnt work
21:19.51|Vulture|what ports do you need for IAX2 to make calls? just 4569?
21:19.54*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
21:23.15nwhitanyone had experience with the moimstone phones?
21:24.54*** part/#asterisk srt (
21:25.17The_ApeHave anyone tried Meetme conferencing? i tried it over 100Mbit LAN with 4 people.  latency shifting between 2 and 6 seconds? any ideas? I'm using ztdummy..
21:25.57The_ApeICMP to the server is  < 2ms
21:27.31The_Apenever any latency on normal SIP-calls. just meetme
21:28.52foobosthe_ape, 2.4 or 2.6 kernel?
21:29.12foobosthen you might have the wrong usb chipset
21:29.39foobosyou could try instead for meetme timing
21:30.02The_Apefoobos: only the 2.4 needs the usb drivers? or did i get it backwards?
21:30.22foobosnot sure. i don't run 2.6 kernels in production
21:36.40*** join/#asterisk poli (
21:37.31The_Apefoobos: zaprtc seems to be for 2.4 kernels "error inserting './zaprtc.o': -1 Invalid module format"
21:41.01MajestiKAnyone know where I could find the Sipura provisioning compier?
21:48.52*** join/#asterisk jterrero (
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22:03.31*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
22:03.41luke-jr_slePP: has a banner that is false advertising for a company, FYI... :|
22:06.29*** join/#asterisk iq (
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22:11.57clive-can some help me with a silly perl question.. I am trying to print an output file with the result like this: print outfile "$arry{amount}/10000\n";
22:12.46clive-I have tried brackets and stuff, cant get the mathematical answer out
22:13.05foobosprint outfile ($arry{amount}/10000), "\n";
22:14.23clive-hmmm...thanks...just got to get this section out of the whole line...
22:15.37*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
22:17.37niZonluke-jr_: false advertising?
22:19.56heath__Is it slander or libel if committed in an IRC channel?
22:20.23luke-jr_niZon: a banner has cheaper pricing than the company offers
22:20.50heath__are you talking about
22:21.38luke-jr_heath__: yea
22:21.52heath__you get that advertised rate if you prepay 200 bucks
22:22.26luke-jr_strange they would have it on a banner on not advertise the same on their own site
22:22.35QwellYou would have seen that, had you bothered to click on the banner...
22:22.43luke-jr_Qwell: I did click it
22:22.50Qwell"1.43? per minute - Pay only 1.43? per minute when you prepay $200 or more."
22:23.16luke-jr_Qwell: I didn't scroll down, though
22:23.28QwellI don't even have a scrollbar on this page
22:24.04luke-jr_so I have horiz & vertical on it
22:27.17want561or772diddoes agi_background still not work with nonzap hardware for MeetMe conferences?
22:27.59heath__want: last time i checked didn't work
22:29.33*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
22:29.53PBXtechis there any way to log a PRI DEBUG to a flat file?
22:31.43want561or772didi think so with logger.conf
22:32.00PBXtechoh ok
22:32.02*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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22:47.59*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
22:48.06TUplinkApr 16 18:46:46 WARNING[7853]: channel.c:2634 ast_channel_bridge: Private bridge between SIP/20002-a222 and AsyncGoto/SIP/20001-76e9<ZOMBIE> failed
22:48.12TUplinkwhats that mean?
22:49.39TUplinkwhen i transfer someone to my switchboard their input is not recived?
22:52.45TUplinkany ideas?
23:01.43*** join/#asterisk DrJolo (~chatzilla@
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23:02.04SuPrSluGhi all
23:03.52SuPrSluGanyone using astcc?
23:15.06*** join/#asterisk obiyoda (
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23:16.30TUplinkwhen i transfer someone they cant get input any thing to my VIM
23:16.48*** part/#asterisk obiyoda (
23:19.46MrbBelvedri am turning my linux box into a router/firewall/asterisk machine
23:20.13MrbBelvedris there an easy to use router package I can install that i can admin with a web browser?
23:24.35SuPrSluGMjrbBelvedr:not a web browser, but take  a look at guarddog for an easy to configure iptables generator
23:32.42*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
23:37.39JohnnyCAnyone with a FWD account want to test with me ?
23:44.36*** join/#asterisk unterx (unter@2001:4830:2016:cd92:a429:d928:2819:d281)
23:45.42Hogiehmmm, I think I have a weird problem...  and I can't really research (im on wifi @ my colo atm on my laptop)
23:45.54HogieMy server gets the following 3 lines scrolled until it locks up
23:46.03Hogiewhen I modprobe zaptel then modprobe wcfxo
23:46.19HogieUhhuh.  NMI received for unknown reason 20 on CPU 0.
23:46.26HogieDazed and confused, but trying to continue
23:46.32HogieDo you have a strange power saving mode enabled?
23:48.09*** join/#asterisk file[mac] (~file[mac]
23:49.02unterxhmm, it seems whenever i call from my voip to a pstn telephone, it rings, i can pick it up, but i can't hear sound on either end
23:49.05unterxany idea?
23:51.16file[mac]are you behind NAT? using SIP?
23:51.26unterxSIP, all public/fully routable ip addresses
23:52.04file[mac]sounds fishy
23:55.27unterxincoming calling works fine from a pstn, calls in, dials the extension, and both can talk correctly
23:55.32unterxbut only calling out does not work
23:56.04file[mac]are both ends SIP?
23:56.14unterxone is pstn, one is sip
23:56.21unterxmy provider is broadvoice
23:56.31file[mac]okay so both are SIP in asterisk
23:56.33*** join/#asterisk three55ml (
23:56.36file[mac]for each entry in sip.conf put:
23:56.43file[mac]for your phone and broadvoice
23:57.14file[mac]do a sip reload, then try again
23:58.36*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
23:59.10unterxyep, that was it
23:59.12unterxthanks file[mac]  :)
23:59.41cjki have on both asteriks set the ilbc before gsm but those damn * chose gsm anye idea why?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.