irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050413

00:00.11asteriskn00bso as many so I can have "press 999" for sales dept and so forth
00:01.21three55mlasteriskn00b: I'm not aware of a hard limit on the number of them, my only guess would be programming limits (variable sizes)
00:01.35SedoroxI have... 1 for sales.. 2 for techsupport... 3 to enter exten, 4 to repeat.. or something like that
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00:06.55*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
00:06.58Chotairemorning all.
00:07.03Chotaireanyone has a copy of gphone for palmos?=
00:07.22Chotairethat site is somewhat slow, when I found the app, the company is probably already bankrupt.
00:07.22shmaltzif I do ifconfig eth0:1 where does the config for eth0:1 get saved to in slackware?
00:08.05Chotaireshmaltz: /proc/sys/net/etc.. ? or what do you mean?
00:08.16Chotairedoing that will NOT save the configuration.
00:08.48shmaltzChotaire, the configs for eth0 is saved in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf where is the configs for eth0:1 saved?
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00:09.35Chotaireso where is eth1 saved then?
00:09.48blitzrageChotaire: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
00:10.12Chotairewill slackware read runtime configuration by cron and put them into the sysconfig?
00:10.23blitzrageslackware, no idea :)
00:10.36pepzishmaltz: add your ifconfig-line yourself to the end of /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
00:10.39Chotaireme neither... shmaltz, if you want that config saved, ifconfig will not help.
00:10.41shmaltzin /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf
00:10.45Chotaireyou must edit the conf file.
00:11.02Chotaireyes, like pepzi says then ;)
00:11.32Hogiehey twisted, you awake?  I want to give you some info that I figured out
00:11.35shmaltzthe problem i'm facing is that it is saved already ( or so I think, b/c rc.inet1 stop and then start brings it back up), but I can't find it anywhere
00:11.44shmaltzwebmin also reports that it is saved
00:11.49shmaltzbut I have no clue where
00:12.08Chotairegrep for eth0:1 ? ;)
00:12.32cybast1I have a question regarding the extensions.conf file . . . I have it successfully programmed up to route calls which are _91NXXXXXXXXXX out to a voip trunk, calls that are local (_9NXXXXXX) to a local analog trunk.  These routes are working great.  I then entered in the following to handle 911, 611, and 411 calls _9XXX,Dial(zap/8/${EXTEN:1}) but this doesn't seem to work  . . . . the pbx waits for approx 10 secs then issues reo
00:12.32cybast1reder tone
00:12.36cybast1any ideas
00:13.01Chotaireshmaltz: try grep -r eth0:1 /etc/rc.d ; grep -r eth0:1 /etc/sysconfig
00:13.32Hogiecybast1: try _9X11,
00:13.42cybast1ok will do
00:14.00Chotaireok, let me retry... anyone got gphone for palmos?
00:14.08ChotaireI need that freeware software to test it on a treo 600.
00:14.37cybast1nope that doesn't work either
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00:14.59cybast1does it matter the order in which I place this in the extensions file
00:15.03Murkyl<Bump> Anyone have a TDM400P with 4 FXO and Linux 2.6?  I'm having problems with the hardware I think.
00:15.51Hogiethat's weird, when i try dialing zap/g1/411, it says I must dial a 1, lol
00:15.58three55mlcybast1: Make sure you don't have ignorepat => 9
00:16.11cybast1i do have that
00:16.29cybast1explain please
00:16.29shmaltzOK, thanks guys, Chotaire its in rc.modules
00:16.40three55mlIt strips the 9 out
00:16.41Chotaireyup ok, I dont use slackware though ;)
00:16.43cybast1I want to have 9 to get an outside line and then have to dial 911
00:16.44Chotairehavce fun.
00:17.11Sedoroxmine.. I don't have it stripping the 9 off.. I just leave it on
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00:17.15three55mlI'm not sure, but I bet you're problem lies somewhere in there.  The 9 is getting remvoed by ignorepat
00:17.34cybast1if I just leave it as dialing 911 then too many acciedents can happen when one dials 91xxxxxxxx for long distance
00:17.52cybast1If someone hits the 1 twice by accident
00:18.05shmaltzcybast1, which number starts with 11?
00:18.10three55mlThere's a way around it I believe, but I don't know it off the top of my head.
00:18.22cybast1I am not actually dialing 911 for obvious reason I am trying 411
00:18.29Hogieisn't that why you match it again _91N ?
00:18.33shmaltzlast time I checked there isn't a number in the north american dialplan that starts with 11
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00:18.55sivana011 to exit north america
00:18.57Kumbangguys, can i make back to back test call mfcr2 with unicall in TE400P?
00:18.58shmaltzHogie, that is correct
00:19.08mrproper_any ideas why im getting: []Apr 13 09:08:10 WARNING[3632]: loader.c:305 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: _ZNK20H323_RealTimeChannel17GetRTPPayloadTypeEv
00:19.11Sedoroxbut you need the 0
00:19.12shmaltzsivana, exactly but not 911
00:19.12cybast1no number starts with 11 but if someone dials 9 to get an outside line followed by 1 for long distance and then by accident hits the 1 again . .voila police are on the way
00:19.31Hogiecybast1: you can call 911 as long as you state what you are doing.  I do it to test that stuff when we make changes to our key system here.  Just tell them you are testing for the pbx to make sure stuff is allowed out and ask them for the line info and they usually give you the address and name and such
00:19.46Hogiecybast1: _91N
00:19.48Hogiewont match 911
00:19.52sivanathat's why we didn't do 9 for outside lines
00:19.54HogieN = 2-9
00:20.05cybast1Iwhat do you use for outside lines then
00:20.17sivananothing.. just dial it direct
00:20.23shmaltzcybast1, and if they bump into a police man on the streeet and by mistake the police mans gun lands in their pocket when they are on their way to the airport and voila they are in a federa prison
00:20.28cybast1I have in _9XXX
00:20.57want561or772didtrue, that's very likely
00:21.17cybast1it seems like the pbx is waiting for more digits like it didn't make a match
00:21.20shmaltzcybast1, the mistake you describe will never happen to the point that the call is completed
00:21.50sivanaya, certainly before the digit timeout
00:22.05sivanathey'd have to pause long enough
00:22.21cybast1so hen what should I put in then
00:22.48cybast1and what should I use for an outside line
00:23.15shido6feeding time
00:23.33cybast1sivana thats for a local number
00:23.39cybast1i have that
00:23.51three55mlhehe :)
00:24.10cybast1I have those two entries and they work fine
00:24.27cybast1it's just the _9XXX that's not working
00:24.43sivanawhy do you have three Xs?
00:24.45cybast1does it matter the order I put the entries in the extensions file
00:24.58MurkylI took a funny way out with 911 calls while using 9 as an outside line.  I have 911 mapped to a voice prompt and 9911 dialing direct.
00:24.59cybast1X = any number correct??
00:24.59sivanayes, top down it reads
00:25.09three55mlcybast1: Yes
00:25.21shmaltzsivana, no it doesn't read top down
00:25.30sivanayes it does
00:25.33cybast1so then I should put the _9XXX befor ethe _9NXXXXXXX
00:25.42sivanaand first match
00:26.11sivanawhy do you need _9XXX?
00:26.12PatrickDKheh, that doesn't matter
00:26.15Murkylsivana: I think it just so happens to process that way but * does not guarantee.  Not 100% sure.  Need to check handbook.
00:26.21want561or772didyou probably want _9X11
00:26.25shmaltzsivana look at the link
00:26.25want561or772didfor 611, 411, 511, etc
00:26.27MurkylFor 411 as an example
00:26.45PatrickDK_9XXX or _9NXXXXXXXX will match correctly in any order
00:26.46three55ml111 isn't valid
00:26.47want561or772didor _9N11
00:27.03PatrickDKit depens on how many numbers you type before the timeout
00:27.08shmaltzsivana, whats silly
00:27.11Murkylthree55ml: I would be inclined to add 911 as a valid external dial.
00:27.13cybast1II'm trying switching the order
00:27.22MurkylSomeone may not know that you need a 9 for an outside line.
00:27.27shmaltzcybast1, take a look:
00:27.33three55mlMurkyl: I'm saying _9XXX would allow you to dial 9,111 which isn't really needed.
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00:28.01MurkylWell.. 111 is not a valid service now, but it may be later.  Or it may also depend on your locality
00:28.08three55mlAs far as I know, shmaltz is correct.  If you put the _9NXXNXXXX first - 9,911 would be considered a match until the timout occurs.
00:28.18three55mlPutting it first would be a better scenario.
00:28.30cybast1sivana's right
00:28.30tainted-three55ml how's premierepbx going
00:28.37cybast1changing the order worked
00:28.39PatrickDKthree55ml, order doesn't matter at all
00:28.46shmaltzthreee55ml, and everybody else, putting first does *NOT* help
00:28.46PatrickDKasterisk changes the order when it loads the config
00:28.51cybast1I used _9X11
00:29.01three55mltainted-: It's good
00:29.02shmaltz*READ THIS*
00:29.10cybast1and placed the entry befor ethe local and long distance entries
00:29.10three55mltainted-: Testing out DID providers to get someone solid
00:29.15P-ChanWhat would cause iax2 show peers to have OK on both sides, but NOTICE[26752]: chan_iax2.c:5441 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
00:29.15want561or772diduse _9N11 if you want to exclude that pattern from catching 911
00:29.22tainted-three55ml that's a toughie
00:29.30three55mltainted-: :)
00:29.30tainted-three55ml how much are u going to charge for a license
00:29.34cybast1good one want
00:29.46three55mltainted-: I haven't come up pricing yet for licensing it out.
00:29.51sivanacybast1: I think 'show dialplan' will output the order?
00:29.52shmaltzgtg guys
00:30.00shmaltzsivana, it should
00:30.07tainted-three55ml if it's a solid product, i'd like to use it
00:30.13Murkylshmaltz: Later!
00:30.14shmaltzhoever, don't bet on it next time you load asterisk
00:30.20three55mltainted-: Have I talked to you about it before?  I don't remember.
00:30.23tainted-three55ml i could code it all myself.. but i'm busy doing other stuff
00:30.25*** join/#asterisk dizzydiffi (
00:30.30three55mltainted-: I know how that goes.
00:30.34sivanashow dialplan show's you the "sorted" plan?
00:30.44tainted-three55ml yea i made fun of your design (37signals)
00:30.55three55mlOh yeah :)  Let me show you the new one...I think you'll like it.
00:31.11cybast1THANKS GUYS
00:31.13three55mlSent it to you in a message, don't want it in the channel
00:31.28tainted-yea u've got the touch for good design
00:31.44tainted-banner pics are a bit dark for the rest of the page
00:31.44cybast1is there a 'more' or 'less' equivilnt at the CLI
00:31.54tainted-not sure if u are going for contrast.. maybe reduce opacity a bit?
00:32.03tainted-otherwise looks very good!
00:32.06dizzydiffihelp i need to figure out how to \make SIP to H323 calls through asterisk
00:32.17three55mltainted-: Yeah, still playing with it some more.  Getting there.
00:33.22tainted-u use imageready?
00:33.52three55mltainted-: For the rolloevers?  No.  If that's what you were talking about then yeah, I don't like them right now (the plan buttons).
00:33.56cybast1how do you unblacklist a phone number?
00:34.09three55mltainted-: I had the HTML ImageReady generates.
00:34.42christothree55ml - I'm closer to the casue now. The System() command dies when I call a script with the following line (even if it's the only line in the script) :
00:34.45christoresample -by 5.5125 /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/$1-in.wav /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/$1-in-upped.wav 1>/dev/null
00:35.09three55mlchristo: Try > /dev/null 2>&1 at the end
00:35.11cybast1sorry wrong window I was trying to type help into asterisk
00:35.39three55mlchristo: I assume you're trying to run it in the background, right?
00:36.10tainted-three55ml only virtual pbx or going to do pbx boxen too?
00:36.25P-Chanif iax2 show peers both say ok, and when calling out from an asterisk server which trunks to one with a PRI you get the following message:
00:36.27P-ChanTx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: REJECT
00:36.31P-ChanWhat does that mean?
00:36.34christothree55ml - I've tried with > /dev/null 2>&1  - I'm not running in the background. Should I be specifying that when I call System() ?
00:36.50three55mltainted-: Both.
00:37.02three55mlchristo: Try removing the 1>/dev/null completely and see what happens.
00:37.07three55mlHave you tried that?
00:37.13christosame thing
00:37.26three55mlIs resample in the global path?
00:37.28christocan I put a '&' at the end to background it I wonder?
00:37.34three55mlTry putting the full path to it
00:37.39christoyes it is
00:37.46christowill try that anyway - just to be sure
00:37.53three55ml> /dev/null 2>&1 & <---- That would make it totally in the background and output nothing
00:38.48dizzydiffidoes anyone now how to make H323 phone call a SIP phone
00:38.49cybast1I hit *60 thinking it was another feature and it added the last incoming caller to my blacklist . .how do I remove this entry
00:38.59christothree55ml - oooh
00:39.11christopushing to the background seems to help....
00:39.29file[mac]cybast1: what phone?
00:39.47file[mac]or ATA...
00:39.51three55mlcybast1: help database - if you did it in Asterisk.  You can delete it manually, not sure of the command off the top of my head.
00:39.51cybast1on my analog phone
00:40.08cybast1connected to a tdm400
00:40.18cybast1a call came in the trunk
00:40.28file[mac]ah ic, you must have some dialplan that has some feature codes or whatever... do what three55ml said to find the entry
00:40.31cybast1I hit *60 and blacklisted it
00:40.42christothree55ml - however, this opens up an interesting connumdrum. the rest of the script assumes that the 'backgrounded' line has finished running (it actually takes a couple seconds) so that means I'm going to have to make the script a helluva lot more complex to ensure that it's done
00:40.54cybast1I'll try help database
00:41.24cybast1yes . . if I do database show it shows the entry
00:42.20cybast1it requires a family and key to delete the entry
00:42.28*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon_ (
00:42.31three55mlchristo: :)  So if it's not in the background, it doesn't work at all?  I was going to say you could make it say "Please wait..." or similar.
00:42.32cybast1what is the family and key?
00:42.33odie_flocon_hello all.
00:42.36three55mlcybast1: It should display that.
00:42.38three55mlLet me look
00:42.51odie_flocon_hey anybody know the default admin password for a polycom ip600 phone?
00:43.07Murkylodie:_flocon_: Default is 456 I believe.
00:43.36odie_flocon_ok thanks.
00:43.42odie_flocon_I'll try it in the morning.
00:43.50odie_flocon_I just got one in for work. :D
00:44.35cybast1got it
00:44.40three55mlcybast1: Cool
00:44.48cybast1thanks again guys
00:44.52three55mlNo problem
00:45.05MurkylExcellent!  What was the fix?
00:45.56cybast1are you talking to me Murkyl?
00:46.07Murkylcybast1: Yup.
00:46.34cybast1I did a datashow show whixh returned /blacklist/phonenumber
00:46.53cybast1so I entered database del blacklist phonenumber
00:47.07cybast1blacklist was the family and the phone number was the key
00:47.16Murkylcybast1: Ok.  filing it away somewhere in my mind for future reference.  :)
00:47.37cybast1hit *60 it will blacklist the last incoming call
00:47.45cybast1then you can try it
00:48.07christothree55ml - corrrect. it just doesn't work[tm] if it's not in the background by the looks of things
00:48.15cybast1speaking of feature activation codes is there any definitive guide to all the feature activation codes in asterisk??
00:48.52AgiNamuOK, can someone tell me when printf("%x", bytes[i]) can give a value larger than 255? bytes is unsigned char *
00:49.02file[laptop]in asterisk there is none fyi...
00:49.12sivanaAgiNamu: maybe try -dev  :P
00:49.16file[laptop]chan_zap has some though
00:49.32file[laptop]like disabling callerid, do not disturb
00:49.37AgiNamucybast1, google for "Verticle Service Codes"
00:49.38cybast1it will give ou up to 0xFF
00:49.41AgiNamuNANPA defines them
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00:49.50cybast1thanks AgiNamu
00:49.57file[laptop]there's only a few implemented in chan_zap though
00:49.58AgiNamucybast1, well, it's printing "fffffff2 1e ffffffc5 ffffff91" (calling it in a loop)
00:50.09Mavvietry %ux
00:50.34AgiNamunow it outputs "4294967282x 30x 4294967237x 4294967185x"
00:50.50Mavvieaccording to printf(3)
00:50.50cybast1perhaps somehow you;re getting an address for a pointer and not the contents
00:50.52sivanatry %*&#^$
00:51.14AgiNamuMavvie, now its printing "fff2 1e ffc5 ff91 ff8c"
00:51.25cybast1are you increment i and going outside the buffer
00:51.28odie_flocon_hmmmm interesting.
00:51.57cybast1you should it's a unsigned char . . . a char will give you weird results like that
00:51.58AgiNamuI even tried by assigning a char tmp
00:52.00MurkylAgiNamu: is your var definition: unsigned char *var1;  ?
00:52.03P-ChanWell, I'm almost out of the woods.  Thanks for everyone's help today - especially Sedorox! ;)  I'm outta here for today.
00:52.03odie_flocon_AgiNamu, did you pick that name cuz you are good at AGI?
00:52.04cybast1once you get over 7F
00:52.08MavvieAgiNamu: let me try
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00:52.13AgiNamuodie_flocon_, nope
00:52.18sivanahey Norm
00:52.30odie_flocon_hey nrom.
00:52.38odie_flocon_i mean norm
00:53.04AgiNamuMurkyl, yep, it's printbytes(unsigned char *ciphertext, int length) { for... printf("%x", ciphertext[i]); }
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00:53.47sudhir492a little quiet here today
00:54.15cybast1that should work
00:54.19NormAstFound out today that using the monitor Application creates echo on calls... when doin' TDM to TDM bridge
00:54.43tainted-NormAst what about voip
00:54.44sudhir492NormAst: That is very weird
00:55.05NormAstYea... But i creates about 60ms of delay.
00:55.21tainted-over voip?
00:55.24tainted-or tdm
00:55.28want561or772didquiet at voipjet too. they don't answer their email
00:55.32NormAstno... TDM to TDM bridged.
00:55.47sudhir492How about SIP-TDM calls. Do they also suffer with echo?
00:55.50tainted-NormAst what's your cpu util
00:56.02cybast1try printf("%X", *((unsigned char*) (cipertext + i)));
00:56.04NormAstP4 2.8gig. 512megs ram
00:56.11cybast1just for s + g
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00:56.41NormAstremove the monitor from the dial plan and no echo
00:57.08MurkylAgiNamu: Pure C code right?
00:57.18AgiNamuMurkyl, yea
00:57.45AgiNamuseems to be working now, with what cybast sent
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00:57.54cybast1AgiNami . .  found vertical codes on the net bt can't find one for hold
00:58.12MavvieAgiNamu: but keep in mind, that casting doesn't resolve the problem, only removes the symptons.
00:58.19AgiNamucybast1, hold can't be implemented as a VSC
00:58.32AgiNamuMavvie, yea. I'm trynna figure out wtf is going on. I guess I'll put it into the debugger.
00:58.34cybast1I don;t have a hold buton on my phone
00:58.55sudhir492What is the best way to delete a few voicemail files selectively from the /var/spool... directory? Even if I rm a few files from INBOX directory, voicemail application thinks there is no voicemail left
00:59.12cybast1It sound like you've got some other than a pointer to a unsigne dchar
00:59.15AgiNamuprintf("%hhx ", ciphertext[i]); seems to work
00:59.25cybast1something is getting messed u[
00:59.37Murkylcybast1: I agree.  It seems to think the pointer is larger than a byte.
00:59.38AgiNamuregardless WHAT it was, if I do "char tmp = fuckedPointer[i]" then there's no way tmp can be more than 0xff
00:59.58MurkylAnd char tmp still produces the wrong result?
00:59.58Mavvieor more than 0x7f
01:00.18AgiNamuthe char should be zero extended to the 32-bit int that "%x" expects.
01:00.23MurkylAgi: Try unsigned char tmp.
01:00.31MurkylSigned char tmp would produce 0xfffff7
01:00.55cybast1for anything over F
01:01.02cybast1that is
01:01.08AgiNamuoh yes, that's true
01:01.21AgiNamui musta done char tmp instead of unsigned char tmp
01:01.45AgiNamuOK, thanks guys. I think i worked thru it
01:01.52cybast1that would explain what you get the right result when you cast it
01:02.03AgiNamuNow i can get to real debuggin :P
01:02.30cybast1So the only way to implement hold is througha physical hold button on a phone?
01:03.54AgiNamubut your ATA or phone still needs to implement it
01:03.59cybast1flash will do it
01:04.11AgiNamuTheoretically, you can do it by having Asterisk monitor all your audi
01:04.21AgiNamuand checking for DTMF tones, but that's a baaad hack
01:04.27AgiNamuit'll fuck up say, when you call someone's IVR
01:04.31AgiNamuand it's impractical and a waste of CPU
01:04.40AgiNamuright, your device's firmware must handle hold
01:04.47AgiNamuI suggest buying the PA168
01:04.55tainted-AgiNamu how's res_mono? ;)
01:04.55AgiNamuThe PA168 is going to be the best freaking phone out there, feature wisde.
01:05.12tainted-who makes pa168
01:05.17AgiNamutainted-, heh, forget that. A: Asterisk API is undocumented, making an efficient implmentation a HUGE task (i.e., must document API first)
01:05.21*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
01:05.25AgiNamuB: Asterisk API changes too much to make anything stable
01:05.36tainted-tell me about it
01:05.36AgiNamuC: bkw_ says there are some showstopper threading issues
01:05.44AgiNamuCentrality Communications
01:05.48AgiNamuPA168 does IAX2
01:05.51dikadikamy auto attendant message is a little on the quite side, is tehre a way to kick up the volume a couple notches?
01:06.06AgiNamuGSM, G723, G729, ULAW, ALAW, soon iLBC, and in the future, Speex is planned
01:06.23AgiNamuIAX2 is getting full features implemented. native transfer will be in the next firmware release
01:06.30AgiNamuattended and so on should follow soon
01:06.40tainted-AgiNamu there are a ton of manufacturers
01:06.46tainted-with all those codecs
01:06.49AgiNamulike 20 different reference designs
01:06.56tainted-what makes it good
01:06.58AgiNamuI also plan to exten it to handle new ideas for IAX2. i.e., adding a "redirect" IE to commands
01:07.12AgiNamuit's the only IAX2 device out there, for starters. It also does H323, SIP, MGCP, and N2P
01:07.44tainted-i'm not so sure on that (IAX2)
01:07.53tainted-i could swear i've seen a few out there
01:08.16want561or772diddikadika: use the "sox" audio processor to batch increase the volume (option -v)
01:08.17file[laptop]they all use the PA168 chipset
01:08.27AgiNamutainted-,  actually touch one?
01:08.36file[laptop]it's in ATAs, phones, whatever...
01:08.37AgiNamuVirbiage claims they will have one. FarFon too
01:08.43dikadikawant561or772did, does that work even if i dont have a sound card working/installed
01:08.53file[laptop]I forgot about the farfon, eep
01:08.56AgiNamuI talked to another dev, who says he has multiple audio streams (i.e., 3-way calling) on the PA168
01:08.56file[laptop]and virbiage... haha
01:09.03AgiNamuAs well as MOH via ShoutCast
01:09.06AgiNamufor IAX2 on PA168
01:10.33want561or772didyes dikadika
01:10.39dikadikawant561or772did, thanks
01:11.27hermie_The Office_ is on tonight
01:12.02want561or772didvoipjet lives. voipjet just answered my email in a very courteous way
01:12.09want561or772didmaybe they're watching :o
01:12.55*** join/#asterisk kielstirling (
01:13.40kielstirlingHi all, can anyone help me with a caller id problem ?? I'm in Australia?
01:15.13*** join/#asterisk dca (
01:15.14*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
01:15.58shido6ls ls ls
01:16.03shido6la la la
01:16.11shido6aussie land.
01:17.00tainted-shido6 rip any people off lately?
01:17.11DaminThird: I don't fell me as a stealer ! I'm felling well in my basket ! Unstead complain, feel free to make a donation for the hard *work* I have done ! And for the fact that a patch will be released to the public !
01:17.17dizzydiffiplease please
01:17.33dizzydiffii need help with get H323 and Sip to talk on asterisk
01:18.04_GiGi_hm, asterisk have stable h323 channel ?
01:18.10kielstirlingSorry got abit lost .. How can I debug a caller id problem? I want to be able to identify if the modem I have support AU caller ID? I'm using FreeBSd
01:19.17dizzydiffii get some crazy error when i compile the Oh323 code
01:19.37dizzydiffiasteriskauio.o cannot be found
01:19.43kielstirlingIn AU we use Bell however the delay before sending the CND is a bit longer and I have read some modems don't support this
01:20.38Mavvieoh oh... analogue lines.
01:20.55Mavvienot worth the hassle :-)
01:21.03kielstirlingsorry yeah
01:21.47kielstirlingso no one can help me ??? :(
01:25.08*** part/#asterisk jcollie (
01:31.16*** join/#asterisk PBXtech[mobile] (
01:31.37*** part/#asterisk Murkyl (~Murkyl@ is kvetching
01:32.49*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Home (
01:32.49tzangerwant561or772did: it always is
01:35.19Q-At-Homebeen a long time :)
01:35.26want561or772diddo you guys have a trick for shutting off Playtones(dial) when the first digit is hit
01:35.43want561or772didmy current solution is a nest of extensions
01:36.34Q-At-HomeI've got a really strange strange problem, all of a sudden, if I take an inbound call from a wctdm fxo via a wctdm fxs... and hang up the call, the fxs starts ringing with a phantom call... its driving me nuts.
01:36.53NormAstCan I do Dial(sip:username:password@host/${EXTEN})  ???
01:37.17want561or772didi guess i just use DISA with no password
01:37.22*** join/#asterisk tito (
01:37.40titohi people
01:38.05titoi have some trouble with asterisk
01:38.05PBXtech[mobile]tito you suck. ken shamrock wooped ya
01:38.22titoApr 13 03:34:53 NOTICE[5269]: app_dial.c:759 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
01:38.35*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
01:38.44titoi have try google, forum, wiki
01:38.56titoand no issue to ride this error
01:39.15PBXtech[mobile]not much info there tito
01:39.30titowhat do you want ?
01:39.43PBXtech[mobile]could be in use could be configured bad
01:39.47titoasterisk-1.0.6 on 2.6.8-2-686
01:40.00PBXtech[mobile]hmmm dinner arrived
01:40.03titoseem good configured
01:40.16*** part/#asterisk PBXtech[mobile] (
01:42.02*** join/#asterisk stormfr (~StorM@
01:45.59*** join/#asterisk exonic (
01:46.29exonicHey all, i'm looking for a way to dial in a channel, making two bound together from AGI. Is this possible? Would it be possibel in the manager?
01:46.30stormfrhow is it possible to tune sip communication for high latency network with * ?
01:46.45*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
01:47.07exonicstormfr, I would experiment with various codecs.
01:47.20exonicsorry not the best answer but I really don't know.
01:47.56titoexonic, can you help me ?
01:47.57stormfrfor my case it's satellite communication
01:48.06stormfr723 have the best quality for this latency
01:48.27stormfrexonic: you look for initiate to call and bridge them ?
01:48.57stormfri have read something about it in ml or wiki
01:49.04exonicbut the trick is i'd like to be inside an AGI (python script)
01:49.20exonicthanks, i'll do some digging
01:49.25stormfrif i remenber one said to put them in a conference but i guess there is another way
01:49.30stormfrelse is to use callfile
01:50.04exonicoh, really. Hmm.. that's actually a good idea
01:50.34stormfrwith callfile it's not a problem but you will not be able to handle return code etc :/
01:51.04exoniccallfile is something placed in /var/spool/asterisk/outoing/ correct?
01:51.25stormfryou can easyly generate it by agi
01:51.33stormfrdepend of your application need.
01:51.43stormfryou can monitor the call after launch it by manager
01:52.13*** join/#asterisk Hydroxide (user@Hydroxide.developer.debian)
01:52.23exoniccool, i'll look into that. Thanks
01:52.35Hydroxidewhen using the Record application, I'm having it record silence. (it's not a 0-byte file, it's silence that's as long as I recorded for.)
01:53.08Hydroxidewhat might be wrong? I can play pre-recorded or synthesized sounds OK, and I can use the phone and asterisk to have two-way conversations
01:55.49exonicHydroxide, you expect it to be a 0-byte file? Why? what about background noise.
01:56.05Hydroxideexonic: I don't expect it to be a 0 byte file. I was pointing out that some recording is happening
01:58.00exonicsorry I didn't read it right. So .. I don't know the problem. I am confused.
01:58.07yabooanyone own the soyo n400s gateway fxs unit?
01:59.34*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
01:59.34Q-At-Homespeaking of hardware, hows the sipura 841
01:59.49file[laptop]I dislike it's LCD
02:00.21Q-At-Homewhats it worth?
02:00.51file[laptop]what does thou mean?
02:00.58three55mlAnyone heard anything about that new Grandstream?  I think it looks pretty nice.
02:01.05Q-At-Homebucks to buy :)
02:01.17file[laptop]I saw one at VON... Brian Capouch had it...
02:01.27file[laptop]besides the LCD and speakerphone, it was a decent phon
02:01.29file[laptop]er phone
02:01.33Q-At-HomeI'm trying to get our place out of the "cisco is the only voip"
02:01.43denonfile[laptop]: besides the LCD and speakerphone? so, what .. it had a nice handset cord?
02:01.48Q-At-HomeI was going to bring in a budgetone :)
02:01.58file[laptop]denon: quality was fine, it worked :p
02:02.09denonheheh .. barbietones work too
02:02.27SedoroxQ-At-Home: do yourself a favor
02:02.30Sedoroxfor a qork enviroment
02:02.37Sedoroxdon't get a budgetone
02:02.43Q-At-HomeI know, I was being an ass
02:02.52Q-At-HomeI have 2 of em... in a drawer
02:02.56SedoroxThe Aastra's look like nice phones...
02:03.01three55mlSedorox: Yeah
02:03.02Q-At-HomeI have a sayson
02:03.07Q-At-Homelove it
02:03.11Sedoroxlol.. I have one here.. probably gonna get a Aastra when I get the time and try it out...
02:03.22Q-At-Homepoe is nice
02:03.33tzangeri has no voip phone... i's poe
02:03.33Q-At-Homein the sayson
02:03.54LegendSedorox: read the wiki on the aastra, they have fallen on their asses with the firmware
02:04.09Q-At-HomeI've heard rumor of an 8 call apperarance firmware
02:04.14Q-At-Homesayson == aastra?
02:04.33three55mlQ-At-Home: I believe so
02:04.46SedoroxLegend: well like I said.. they look nice
02:04.50Sedoroxdoesn't mean they work great tho :-p
02:05.27LegendSedorox: yes, i have one, and it is built well, and has the potential to be a GREAT phone, but the firmware is barebones
02:06.04Sedoroxwell I heard it doesn't do xml the best.. but I mean.. I'm just looking for a more advanced phone then the budgetone with several lines too
02:06.16Legendit doesn't do xml
02:07.13*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
02:07.24Hydroxidedoes recording sound from a zap channel have any dependency on the system's sound card?
02:07.36Hydroxidesip channel
02:07.38Sedoroxhehe.. that is the one I'm looking at
02:07.46Hydroxidedoes recording sound from a sip channel depend on the asterisk server's sound card?
02:07.53LegendSedorox: yes, it doesn't do xml
02:08.01Sedoroxyea.. but whats xml used for?
02:08.10Sedoroxmake custom stuff on the display?
02:08.28LegendSedorox: yes, the phone is VERY limited right now
02:08.30titoopen("/dev/zap/ctl", O_RDWR)            = 3
02:08.33titoioctl(3, 0x40244a12, 0x8061280)         = -1 EINVAL (Invalid argument)
02:08.36titowrite(2, "ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: "..., 54ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
02:08.36Legendconference doesn't work, redial doesn't work
02:08.38tito) = 54
02:08.41titogrrr :(
02:08.46Legendhaven't tried hold recenty
02:09.25*** join/#asterisk DH-Kelly (
02:12.01Sedoroxdo you like it tho, overall?
02:12.25DH-KellyWe just got our Asterisk machine up and running today/last night, this is pretty neat.
02:14.21three55mlDH-Kelly: Glad to hear it
02:15.10Q-At-Homehas anyone had any experience adding * to a meridian (nortel) box without using a PRI?
02:15.53Q-At-Homei.e use an fxs/fxo combo
02:16.59DH-KellyRight now we have a pretty basic setup, still need to add minor details like voicemail, etc, right now calls ring for 20sec and drop :)
02:17.25Silik0nQ-At-Home are you using asterssk in front of it?
02:17.26*** join/#asterisk boch (
02:17.48DH-KellyI'm trying to get a better sip server setup though, BroadVoice has once that is local to us, but we need to setup a custom forward (hostname to ip) mapping to use it
02:18.40*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
02:18.40*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
02:19.07DH-Kellyis there any way to do that short of running a local name server
02:19.21three55mlDH-Kelly: There are a ton of them, take a look at under "Providers"
02:20.37DH-KellyWell, we're pretty happy with broadvoice, I jut need to get that host->ip mapping going
02:20.42Q-At-HomeSilik0n: heres what I have, 2 locations with nortel boxes that want to forward calls to the other location during lunch, using voip
02:20.57Q-At-Homemaximum 3 channels up at any given time
02:22.13three55mlDH-Kelly: You could always just put the entry in your hosts file
02:22.29three55mlDH-Kelly: /etc/hosts - would bypass you having to run a local nameserver.
02:22.30DH-KellyI tried setting it in /etc/hosts, it seems thats only used for ip->hostname mapping
02:22.52three55mlYou can just use the IP in Asterisk, what's wrong with that?
02:24.03DH-Kellyhrm, I had tried setting the host= line differently and I got 404 errors, I will try the ip :)
02:24.17Q-At-Homeso, at lunch location1 forwards the phones to ext 5555 for example, which terminates on the remote *
02:26.02*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
02:26.29DH-Kelly-- Got SIP response 404 "Not Found" back from
02:26.53stormfrhow is it possible to tune sip communication for high latency network (satellite) with * (voice frame tx) ? Using G.729 or gsm but it's not enough.
02:27.07tzafrir_laptopI've just spent a couple of hours trying to make vmail.cgi strict, so I can feel safer changing it. Seems hopeless.
02:27.22PTG123stormfr: i don't think asterisk can be tuned for that..however voip in general can
02:27.31tzangerstormfr: codec doesn't fix latency
02:27.36tzangernothing fixes latency
02:27.50stormfryes but we can maybe setup more voice frame per packet like some phone can do ?
02:27.52tzafrir_laptopThat script badly needs a rewrite.
02:27.57PTG123tzanger: there is actually a satellite inet provider that has their own voip, and its suppose to work awesome
02:27.58stormfralso new jitter can help too
02:28.14PTG123tzanger however their jitterbuffer is designed to cache packets, to make it work well or some shit
02:28.42tzangerPTG123: there's no getting around the 600ms RTT, doesn't matter HOW many frames are in the packet or what the codec is
02:28.55tzangerPTG123: if it's geosync it's 600ms RTT
02:28.59*** join/#asterisk iq (
02:29.03tzangerPTG123: if it's LEO then yeah you can get amazing latency
02:29.05PTG123tzanger: sure your convo will just be 600ms lagged, the killer is when you get packets FASTER then 600ms
02:29.19PTG123which is why you need to cache packets, and make sure you always have a set latency
02:29.21PTG123like 1sec..
02:30.02stormfrsip to sip call seems ok, but sip to pstn are not well working, i was thinking maybe it's due of the transcoding ? any idea ?
02:30.14tzangerPTG123: how do you get packets faster than they're being sent?
02:30.32PTG123tzanger: the problem with sat is the latency isn't consistant.. so packets speed up and slow down
02:30.46PTG123so the key is to make them consistant
02:30.58tzangerPTG123: that's what a jitter buffer is for
02:31.07PTG123yes basically
02:31.51mrproper_im getting a segmentation fault after starting asterisk -vvvvvvvc using asterisk-stable-1.0.7
02:32.18want561or772didyou can't begin decoding a packet until the whole thing is received, either, so shrinking packet size marginally improves latency
02:32.18PTG123gdb it mrproper
02:32.33JunK-Ymrproper_: what's the latest line of ur CLI?
02:32.34tzafrir_laptopmrproper_, after what exacly?
02:32.42stormfrPTG123 / tzanger : is there a way to modify number of voice frame with asterisk without recompile it ? (seems not)
02:33.06PTG123no idea storm, i don't know much about the jitter buffer
02:33.32stormfrseems the new jitter only work with codec that's also been modified for use it
02:34.42JunK-Ymrproper_: start it with asterisk -vvvvvvvcg now
02:34.48JunK-Yit will gave ya a core dumpo
02:34.58JunK-Ywe need the backtrace of that core.
02:35.46mrproper_JunK-Y: how do i pull that info for you
02:36.01Q-At-Homeyay! phantom ringing is solved in cvs...
02:36.13JunK-Yya've the core file now?
02:36.25NuggetQ-At-Home: what branch?
02:36.28mrproper_where do you get that from?
02:36.49*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
02:36.49*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
02:36.54mrproper_same directory i ran -vvvvvcg in ?
02:37.02Q-At-Homeno idea what branch... but I assume unstable
02:37.06JunK-Yafter starting asterisk with -g option, when asterisk crashed, it will generate a file in the same dire where ya ran asterisk.
02:37.18Q-At-Homehrmm... who has the best rates on spa 3000's
02:37.19mrproper_JunK-Y: its 17meg
02:37.34Q-At-Homeeveryone in the usa wants an arm and a leg to ship to canada
02:37.34mrproper_17M Apr 13 11:25 core.19206
02:38.08JunK-Ywhen getting the core dump do:
02:38.08JunK-Ygdb -se "asterisk" -c <core_xyz>
02:38.08JunK-Yin gdb: do a bt full
02:38.37JunK-Ywe need that gdb output.
02:38.47mrproper_ok ill paste to a pastebin
02:40.21tzafrir_laptopmrproper_, from the looks of it, either the features module or the next one (more probable) is the one causing the crash.
02:40.52JunK-Ybt gives ya similar output?
02:41.58jterrerocan someone help me out? I have "exten => s,1,Playback(/var/etc/soundfile)" in the context mainmenu... i also have "exten => 301,1,Goto(mainmenu)" but when i dial ext 301 i cannot hear my sounds.. I know the sound file is good because I have "exten => 303,1,Playback(/var/etc/soundfile" and when i go to 303 i can hear my sound
02:42.03jterrerocan someone helpme out ?
02:43.33fugitivothat's weird
02:43.40jterrerothats just an example, too lazy to type /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
02:43.53Sedoroxjust did...
02:44.14tzafrir_laptopGoto(mainmenu) sends you to a priority called "mainmenu". Try Goto(mainmenu,s,1)
02:44.50tzafrir_laptopjterrero, for a sound in the default sound path you don't have to write the full path.
02:45.00mrproper_Junk-Y: any idea from that gdb whats going on?
02:45.06jterrerotzafrir_laptop: thx for the tip, really helpful
02:45.20jterrerotzafrir_laptop: what if i have a directory inside the default path
02:45.24jterrerocan i still just use the sound name
02:45.29tzafrir_laptopmrproper_, a. you didn't give there a backtrace.
02:45.46tzafrir_laptopjterrero, I figure you could give a path relative to it.
02:46.18tzafrir_laptopjterrero, don't forget that if you give a full path, the whole language-based sounds won't work
02:46.57jterrerolost me, not sure what you mean by language based sounds
02:46.58jterrerobut ok
02:47.14tzafrir_laptopmrproper_, I don't see any backtrace there. Did you run bt? is 'strncpy' the only function in it?
02:47.29tzafrir_laptopAnyway, it traces the issue to chan_features.
02:47.45JunK-Yu should try: rm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/; then make clean; make install
02:48.09tzafrir_laptoprm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* ; actually
02:48.34tzafrir_laptopbash: actually: command not found
02:49.09mrproper_JunK-Y: <----has bt info
02:49.10JunK-Yya rm -rf :)
02:49.36jterrerodo i have to specify in any of my asterisk config files to accept DTMF? i have sip phone that doesnt send dtmf (i can call a place with an ivr and when i push a button nothing happens) same is true when i dial into my pbx, it will not accept anything
02:50.03JunK-Yits in chan_features
02:50.50dcaanyone use realtime?
02:51.12tzafrir_laptopmrproper_, are you sure that was installed in the current install and is not a left-over?
02:51.18*** join/#asterisk adjacent (~scott@
02:51.32bochanyone here took the cvoice training?
02:51.33want561or772didiax media stream transfers don't work at all if one side can initiate to the other but not vice versa. which seems unnecessary
02:51.39JunK-Ytzafrir: that why i told him to rm all his modules, to make clean; make install
02:51.45tzafrir_laptopAnyway, another "quick fix" is to try to explicitly unload it in modules.conf and move on to see what would be the next problem
02:52.09Q-At-Homewho other than xten(xlite/pro) makes a sip "phone" for pocketpc?
02:52.28mrproper_tzafrir: it could be, i was running the cvs version with issues, so i ran a make clean all, and then started a new install of asterisk stable
02:52.48mrproper_tzafrir: should i have manually removed all of /usr/lib/asterisk/modules?
02:53.52mrproper_ill remove all of /usr/lib/asterisk* then make clean and recompile, ill be back if i have issues, thanks for the help guys
02:54.13*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
02:54.34tzafrir_laptopmrproper_, also make sure all of your "toolchain" (libpri etc.) is from stable when you build *
02:55.04mrproper_tzafrir_laptop: how can i clean up the old libpri/zaptel etc?
02:55.22JunK-Ymake clean;
02:56.02*** join/#asterisk teamjet (
02:56.33teamjethi, if you have some understanding of JTAPI/TAPI, can you use it to write modules for asterisk?
02:56.46teamjetwhat does asterisk developers do to develop add ons?
02:57.00teamjetthx for any insight, mucho appreciation
02:57.11JunK-Ywrite ur own app
02:57.18JunK-Ybased on app_skel.c if ya want.
02:58.58Delmarim not having much luck with this rxfax thingie.  my fax extension is working.... i created an extension and when i dial it from a SIP phone i hear fax noise etc... and Asterisk consol says.. redirecting to fax extension... then it just does Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'incomingFXO' and hangs up.
02:59.23Hogiedoes anybody know the best way to have 2 servers doing parking?  I have 1 server at 2 offices each, and I want to be able to park calls and pick them up on the other system...
02:59.24teamjetis developing add-ons to asterisk-friendly hardware a popular topic?
02:59.40JunK-Yteamjet: depends of each ones.
02:59.51*** join/#asterisk mog_home (~mog_home@
03:00.46Hogiejust set one up to like 800 and one to 700?
03:01.35dalaberaHogie , would be better if you send an email to asterisk-users, and explain with every detail and there someone will answer you for sure....
03:01.48*** join/#asterisk salviadud (~dude@
03:02.15salviadudi've just bought a sipura 3000
03:02.46salviadudwhere can i get some great faqs so i can set up a pbx, you think i can pull it off with the asterisk handbook?
03:03.14teamjetJunK-Y: lol what you are saying is very clear, but it sounds very confusing to mee
03:03.40*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
03:04.00pigpenI just got a new pri installed.  I have added "exten => _9NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/3/${EXTEN:1})" to my outgoing....
03:04.09want561or772didpigpen: can i use it?
03:04.33pigpenwell I gotta make it work first...
03:04.42want561or772didoh. carry on
03:05.04pigpenok..anyway...when I dial I see:   == Spawn extension (ccnbi-ext, 95683553, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/mark-870a'
03:05.06Delmaranyone know why im getting Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'incomingFXO'  when * tries to redirect to the Fax extension?
03:05.11pigpenwith the 568 number being local...
03:05.18pigpenI get only a busy tone...
03:05.30pigpendoes it sound like the telco hasn't released the line yet?
03:05.48Hogiedalabera: I would do that, but I dont do email, though I read the lists on the archive server
03:05.49Delmarpigpen, its dialing too fast?
03:05.59pigpenDelmar: huh?
03:06.20Delmaroh its a Pri card.. tis all digital then
03:06.42PTG123anyone ever sold dvds on ebay?
03:06.42pigpenso, think the telco hasn't finished provisioning?
03:06.44Delmarno as in Primary Rate ISDN channel = digital.
03:07.04jterrerodo i have to specify in any of my asterisk config files to accept DTMF? i have sip phone that doesnt send dtmf (i can call a place with an ivr and when i push a button nothing happens) same is true when i dial into my pbx, it will not accept anything
03:07.16Delmardid you provision the channel in zapata?
03:07.35Delmarring the telco and confirm its all running their end.
03:07.51Delmareasier to check their end than it is to muck about with * .. pointlessly..
03:08.12pigpenIt is a very new circuit....I just haven't worked with * much to trouble shoot...
03:08.39Delmaryeah i reckon if they tell you their end is sweet.. then u can troubleshoot your end.
03:08.56*** join/#asterisk LeoB (
03:09.07Delmartroubleshoot by starting at the easiest point. you will shoot yourself if u end up spending hours trying to fix * when it aint broke.
03:09.39Delmari dunno wht the hell is wrong with my rxfax thingie. the same tactics as a cisco...start with the telco...
03:09.58Delmaryep. haha
03:10.11LeoB[novice] could not register xlite with asterisk. please help
03:12.44jterrerois there a command at the CLI to debug DTMF signals"?
03:13.12QwellPTG123: ping
03:13.17*** part/#asterisk teamjet (
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03:14.08LeoBwould anyone help me configure xlite so that it works with asterisk?
03:14.39Nuggetonly if you can demonstrate that you've already tried all of the readily available walk-throughs and howtos and other good documentation online.
03:14.58Nuggetit is not our job to read web pages to you.
03:15.02want561or772didxlite only does SIP doesn't it
03:15.23LeoBhow can I demonstrate that? :)  I've spent a couple of hours and I couldn't figure it out... :(
03:16.03*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:16.08LeoB... the thing is that sjphone is not working either...
03:16.08want561or772didsend me a private message with your IQ
03:17.06want561or772didxlite had a wonky interface so i threw it away. i use diax on windows and iaxcomm in loonix
03:17.11*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
03:18.41LeoBso you think I should switch from sip to IAx?
03:19.18*** join/#asterisk Mazda-MX5 (
03:19.36Mazda-MX5Hi all~
03:20.29want561or772didif you're using a softphone, why not
03:22.40LeoBI thought sip was more popular...
03:26.23*** join/#asterisk Tuplink (
03:26.52Tuplinkwhat dose theis meen Apr 12 23:25:16 NOTICE[4343]: chan_iax2.c:5761 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '641726@default' does not exist
03:27.05file[laptop]the extension 641726 does not exist in context default
03:27.14want561or772didit means fwd is trying to connect to that extension in default but it's not there
03:27.25PTG123anyone have a need for any extreme networks, ciscos catalysts, or hp procurve switches.. gonna list a bunch on ebay, want to get rid of them cheap.. just taking up space :)
03:27.57Tuplinkso how do i fix it?
03:28.10Tuplinkextentions.conf and add an extention
03:28.15want561or772didcreate that extension and do something with it yeah
03:28.22*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
03:28.27want561or772didlike have it dial your softphone or console
03:29.19MrBelvedrI am trying to slim down my system. I am editing modules.conf. What are the minimum modules that need to be loaded to terminate iax calls?
03:29.32*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
03:30.08harryvvShaw cable router was down like 2 plus hours could not get on..and in thorey could not make a phone call if my phone service was all voip.
03:30.46r0d3ntnot in theory.. you couldn't...
03:31.06want561or772didthere should be a way to securely virtualhost asterisk dialplans for DIDs
03:31.38denonI dont think anyone's suggesting you replace all your pots lines with a shitty cable provider ..
03:31.50denonthats like saying you can replace your car with broken rollerblades
03:32.01file[laptop]but broken rollerblades are great! honest!
03:32.04denonvoip is, however, a reality with commercial circuits and qos
03:32.10denonhehe file
03:32.19NormAst:( had to reset my asterisk box ... 1.1 Gigs of memory usages...
03:32.24harryvvdeon :) belive it or not shaw is more reliable then telus dsl
03:32.25NormAst6 weeks up time.
03:32.49QwellNormAst: * was using 1.1gb?
03:32.58HogieI had 2 year uptime on my speakeasy sdsl circuit, I miss that apartment:(
03:33.00denonharryvv: doesnt matter .. unless its designed to be a commercially used circuit, it probably wont suffice for exclusive and real voice traffic
03:33.11harryvvohh sure I know.
03:34.05DH-KellyYou know, doing the basics in Asterisk is actually pretty easy once you force yourself to actually sit here and read the  manuals :)
03:34.42NormAstManuals...out of date.
03:34.56jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
03:35.01NormAsthee he
03:35.03calvinhphas anyone ever run into the problem where after about 7-9 minutes in a call it will blank out for about 10-15 seconds.  It comes back just fine, but no one can hear each other for that time span
03:35.05DH-Kellyfor the basic stuff this wiki seems to work
03:35.15HogieI couldn't believe I got my T1 circuit to work with both our current key system and the new asterisk box at the same time.
03:35.23calvinhpthis is with Cisco 7940 phones and Polycom IP300s
03:35.24Tuplinkok... i am able to recive calls from FWD now how do i make calls to it?
03:35.33Hogieno working late to "test" anymore
03:35.33QwellTuplink: by reading the rest of the howto. :)
03:35.39harryvvdenon: this is specially bad if shaw wants to sell there shaw voip service.
03:35.42Tuplinki did.
03:35.46PTG123calvinhp: running cvs?
03:35.47calvinhpthey are all set to the same codecs too
03:36.09*** join/#asterisk iq{tablet} (
03:36.12Tuplinkqwell its like 1 printed page i have read it
03:36.21denonharryvv: was their actual cable segment down? or just their routes to the outside?
03:36.33denonif it was just their outside routes, their voip service probably woulda kept working
03:36.39calvinhpPTG123: it happens between the phones so it doesn't really involve the TDM04B I have in the machine it seems
03:37.08Kumbanganyone experienced testing mfcr2 back to back with TE400P using chan_unicall?
03:37.25Tuplinkso any one get FWD to work?
03:37.35SedoroxI have it working
03:37.43Tuplinki cant make calls to it
03:37.50Tuplinkcan recive them tho
03:37.58PTG123calvinhp: are you reinviting each other?
03:38.02Sedoroxboth ways are fine for me...
03:38.04DH-KellyOne thing i'm not seeing, how do you make Asterisk (maybe my telephone bank?) not beep busy upon HangUp ?
03:38.08Sedoroxusing IAX2?
03:38.13Tuplinkcan you help me set it up?
03:38.24calvinhpPTG123: the ciscos have reinvite turned off, but the polycom has it turned on
03:38.36calvinhpI'm not sure what that does really
03:38.38Sedoroxdid you click the box to switch your account over?
03:38.43DH-Kellyshould I be running some other "sit and spin" command?
03:38.45harryvvdeon, thay said it was not physical plant so it looks like there router went down for 2 plus hours.
03:38.56Sedoroxthen just follow their setup on their site.. and it should work
03:39.08Tuplinki did
03:39.20PTG123calvinhp: sounds lik ean asterisk problem then.. and i don;'t know since i dumped cvs i haven't had that issue
03:39.20Sedoroxwhat do you get on the CLI when a call comes in?
03:39.25Sedoroxtry to make one
03:39.30calvinhpPTG123: this drop off will happen even when talking from a Cisco out using a Zap chanel
03:39.58calvinhpI figured it wasn't Zap since it will happen even when the Zap isn't involved
03:40.33Sedoroxyou should see something on the dialplan.... what happens on the phone? busy tone?
03:40.54Tuplink404 bussy yes
03:41.01PTG123don't know man.. could be a firewall issue
03:41.06Sedorox404 is not found.. check your dial plan
03:41.17Sedoroxmake sure the context that the phone points to.. has the fwd included in it
03:41.33QwellTuplink: Do you have anything in your dialplan for fwd out?
03:41.48MrBelvedrI am trying to slim down my system. I am editing modules.conf. What are the minimum modules that need to be loaded to terminate iax calls?
03:41.54dizzydiffii need help with h323 and sip configs
03:42.15Tuplinki made a context caled fwd with the 393's in it and included it in local
03:42.38QwellTuplink: paste the relevant part to (minus passwords...but, you shouldn't have a password in your dial line anyhow)
03:43.18*** join/#asterisk alegh (
03:44.33aleghHi, Does anybody knows if there is any application to listen the from an extension the recorded files with the Monitor command?
03:45.04JunK-Yalegh: record ur monitor file, then playback it?
03:45.14yxais there a reason to get a specific E1 or T1 card when a E1/T1 is the price?
03:45.23yxa*same price
03:45.47SedoroxTuplink: the phone is SIP?
03:45.58QwellTuplink: link
03:46.08*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
03:46.20SedoroxQwell: yes
03:46.24|Vulture|can anyone send me a testfax?
03:46.25QwellTuplink: part of it is missing
03:46.39Qwelland, you really shouldn't have user/pass in the dial line
03:46.42aleghJunK-Y: what I want is to playback the files and listen it from an extension
03:46.43SedoroxTuplink: what do you have in sip.conf for context= for either [general] or for the phone itself?
03:47.23JunK-Yalegh: then just exten => 1234,1,Playback(monitor_output); to play ur file, no?
03:47.48Qwellno context?
03:47.56Sedoroxin general.. what is context=
03:48.35Sedoroxunder the default context... include fwd
03:48.39Sedoroxreload.. and it'll work
03:48.55Tuplinkin sip?
03:48.57aleghJunK-Y: something like that but I have to first browse the folder and find the names of the files to playback
03:49.01Qwellin extensions.conf
03:49.08JunK-Yalegh: just save it.
03:49.17Sedoroxwhat Qwell said
03:49.36aleghJunK-Y: maybe a menu for listen again, go back and forward, etc
03:49.48JunK-Ythen do an agi.
03:50.16Tuplinkcan i just include local
03:50.35want561or772didit's unfortunate that chan_alsa and chan_oss hold open the sound card. otherwise i'd leave em running
03:50.40aleghI just looking if there is some app out there to used. Thanks.
03:50.42*** part/#asterisk DH-Kelly (
03:51.07JunK-Yu can do it easily with an agi.
03:51.08Sedoroxunless you change the context in sip.conf to local
03:51.09Qwellrecursive include, heh
03:51.10Tuplinkkool that worked
03:51.20Tuplinkthank you qwell
03:51.26JunK-Yi dont  work so much with dialplan, im almost directly in agi.
03:53.25niZonCan voicemail be configured to execute an external program/script when someone leaves a message?
03:54.24Tuplinkin IAX2/${FWDNUMBER}:${FWDPASSWORD}${EXTEN:3} after the / is the actual # that is diald rite
03:54.24Sedoroxthe :3 tells it to remove the first three digits
03:54.24Sedoroxthe 393
03:54.25Sedoroxso then its the number...
03:54.34niZonthis looks interesting:
03:54.38Sedoroxso if you did :4.. it would remove 393 and then whatever the next was
04:00.17want561or772didcan someone call 638271 on FWD please, then choose option 1
04:01.21*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
04:01.29Tuplinki called it... no mic here ;)
04:01.30want561or772didso my console rings really loud. thank you
04:01.38PTG123holy crap i just had the problem with audio disappearing for 15 seconds
04:02.07PTG123on stable 1.0.7 who was just saying something about that
04:03.05*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (~jk@
04:03.42jterrerocan someone help me out? I am trying to have one of my incoming DIDs go to a mainmenu context.  when i call I cannot hear nor can i send DTMF, or receive DTMF
04:04.54TomL~seen ManxPower
04:04.57jbotmanxpower is currently on #asterisk (48m 54s)
04:05.29niZonbah wtf
04:05.34niZonmy CD rom is giving me IO errors
04:10.33DaLionyo lall
04:10.56ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone knows of a way to get Asterisk to write the cdr csv files as a specific user without running asterisk as that user?
04:11.25DaLionwhy not just use same group
04:12.17ManxPowerI guess I could do that.
04:12.50ManxPowerI have a cgi script that runs as, oddly enough, user "apache", group "apache", and I want the scrip to access the Asterisk CDR logs
04:15.02Mazda-MX5in SIP , why the some client must set dtmfmode=inband ?
04:15.17Mazda-MX5why not is rfc2833
04:16.18three55mlManxPower: Does Asterisk recreate the file, or could you try putting them into a group together?
04:16.29three55mlManxPower: Or you could always use cdr_mysql, pgsql, or similar
04:16.36harryvvmazda, the wiki talks about it
04:16.38ManxPowerMazda-MX5, no client must set that unless the other side sets it.
04:17.32ManxPowerthree55ml, I do not the added complexity of a real database for this application.  Asterisk no only recreates the file, it will change the ownership at random times back to what it thinks it's supposed to be at random times.
04:18.01*** join/#asterisk tylorflys (
04:18.10odie_flocon_it's muted me
04:18.42three55mlManxPower: Hehe, well that sucks :)  (The changing of the permissions)
04:18.44odie_flocon_brc_  I am that IAX user.
04:19.03odie_flocon_It says i'm muted when I enter?
04:19.03brc_*1 dude
04:19.08three55mlManxPower: Horrible way of doing it, but you could always use sudo and make a copy of it or similar.
04:19.08odie_flocon_how do I fix that?
04:19.45*** part/#asterisk gongoputch (
04:23.01*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
04:23.30ManxPowerodie_flocon_, If you read the docs for meetme you would know the answer to that.
04:23.41ManxPower"show application meetme" in the Asterisk CLI.
04:24.02odie_flocon_ok thanks ManxPower
04:24.18`SauronYummy powerbook.
04:24.22ManxPowerOr RTFW
04:24.50sivanaW = wiki?
04:25.22ManxPowersivana, yes
04:28.06*** join/#asterisk elric (
04:29.28elrichey any news on NVMachineDetect()? theres nothing on the wiki for it
04:30.35JunK-YNV means?
04:31.05elricits the abbreviation for the company that coded it.
04:31.13elricits answering machine detection
04:31.27jterrerowhat does an ! mean in front of a context
04:31.40*** join/#asterisk linsys (~non@
04:31.57three55mlI'm playing with NVFaxDetect right now without much lick
04:32.05elricah ok
04:32.08linsysCan anyone tell me what does? It looks like it has something to do with vmail?
04:32.20elrici dont like the way answering machine detection happens now
04:32.29elricwaiting a few seconds
04:34.22elrichas anyone else tried answering machine detection and succeeded?
04:35.19linsysthe reason I ask is because when I try and load asterisk I get the following error message " symbol strcasestr: referenced symbol not found"; when I set a noload in the modules.conf asterisk loads fine..
04:35.27linsysjust wanted to be sure what I was turning off..
04:37.28want561or772didis there a way to make asterisk like a traditional old answering machine where i hear messages as they are left
04:37.43ManxPowerBTW, if I was to give a talk at a conference which do you think would be better: 1) Introduction to QoS or 2) discussion of a 60 phone Asterisk deployment
04:38.08*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
04:38.19zoasecond one
04:38.23sivanaboth are good
04:38.38sivanaI'd like to know QoS
04:38.47sivanahow intro?
04:39.04sivanaworkable implementation of QoS or more overview type thing?
04:39.11linsysit probably depends on the audience
04:39.32sivanasecond one is more broad
04:40.10sivanawant561or772did: yes, the voicemail plays back oldest first I think
04:40.43ManxPowersivana, Over of issues and problems, as well as some practical examples.
04:41.04ManxPowerFor example: QoS and Frame Relay issues.
04:41.25sivanathe second one would be more broad.. and the QoS more specialized for seasoned * users
04:42.06sivanaif you're charging a cover, then go with the second.. hehe
04:43.05ManxPowersivana, it would be at a conference.
04:43.17ManxPowerI could do both.
04:43.38sivanaI think both topics are good and would be useful
04:43.46ManxPowerI'll have to look at it.
04:44.38*** join/#asterisk syle (
04:44.54drumkillayeah, depends on the audience ... but I would vote to attend the QoS talk  :)
04:52.15*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
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04:54.39want561or772didah. chanspy all.
04:58.12drumkillahow's it going want561or772did ?
05:00.34want561or772didi've turned asterisk into a jukebox/door buzzer/sex line/panopticon
05:00.53want561or772didthe only thing is chan_alsa doesn't seem to close the audio device on unload
05:02.41drumkillawhat?!  ha ...
05:03.18want561or772didalso i've tried to make media stream transfers work against two sessions coming from the same IP but behind NAT
05:03.31want561or772didby telling that ip to try txing to localhost
05:03.50want561or772didi'm waiting for a real phone line to test this with
05:12.17want561or772diddrumkilla do you know of a way to force an answered channel to transfer to a specific context/extension
05:13.35ManxPowerwant561or772did, Um, Dial(
05:13.42ManxPowerOr Goto
05:14.12brc_mod_ssl is a PITA
05:16.33want561or772didManxPower i mean for an already answered call that i want to transfer to my softphone on the spur of a moment, for instance
05:16.52*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
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05:17.28ManxPowerwant561or772did, Then you use the Transfer feature of the device you are using.
05:18.19ManxPowerFor Zap or ATAs, you use FLASH, for other VoIP devices you use the TRANSFER key/button of the device.  For devices too stupid to have a TRANSFER key, you use t and T options to Dial and use #
05:18.44QwellAll you have to do is hookswitch, to transfer?
05:18.52want561or772didwhose transfer button? i'm talking about a caller whose buttons i can't press
05:18.59ManxPowerQwell, on ATAs and Zap, yes.
05:19.00Qwellno t or T in the dial line?
05:19.07Qwellfor Zap I mean, yeah
05:19.07ManxPowerQwell, Correct.
05:19.13salviadudim a complete newbie, does anyone here own a sipura 3000?
05:19.17ManxPowerT and t should be only use a a last resort.
05:19.17Qwellwow...flash, dial, flash?
05:19.18want561or772didhe's leaving me a message in voicemail for instance. but i'd like to yank him out of voicemail and transfer him to my softphone
05:19.28ManxPowerwant561or772did, You can't do that.
05:19.55Qwellhmm, gonna have to try that out
05:21.03want561or772didwell there's this add queue member command on the console..
05:21.19QwellI feel dumb for not knowing that. :P
05:21.30salviaduddon't feel dumb, im the newbie here
05:21.37*** part/#asterisk DrJolo (~chatzilla@
05:21.48QwellManxPower: sadly, I've even RTFW
05:22.08TheEmperorManxPower:in the extensions file,do you need to put t in to be able to transfer a call?
05:22.26salviadudwell here's a question for ya guys.  can i run asterisk under a 2.6.x kernel?
05:22.36QwellTheEmperor: <ManxPower> For Zap or ATAs, you use FLASH, for other VoIP devices you use the TRANSFER key/button of the device.  For devices too stupid to have a TRANSFER key, you use t and T options to Dial and use #
05:23.14TheEmperorQwell:on my ip phone, there is no transfer key, just flash key which doesn't work
05:23.28QwellTheEmperor: <ManxPower> T and t should be only use a a last resort.
05:24.02sylei been wondering same thing salviadud
05:24.16salviadudim gonna read the faqs, and i'll be back!!!
05:24.32Silik0nanyone heard of a problem withSPA-841s where if youhave a call onbutton1 and a call comesin (on button 2) you try to use the builtin softkey to transfer the call andit bredges to thecalls together
05:24.32salviadudhonestly, i want to learn, but i don't know where to start...
05:24.44sylepeople bitch at me to move to fedora core 3 and to not stay with old school 2.4.x kernels yet i read they only support 2.4.x kernel somewhere hehee
05:25.21salviadudohhhh, i got slackware 10.1 on kernel
05:25.29salviadudso you're saying, it wont work?
05:25.33Silik0n2.6.x kernels work fine with asterisk
05:25.40Silik0nFC3 sux tho
05:25.52salviadudhow about slackware, whats your opinion on that distro?
05:25.59Silik0nimho anyway
05:26.13three55mlIn my opinion, for a purely server install Debian is your best choice
05:26.18syleyeah well try installing new sata drives on old installs and tell me how much it sucks then silik0n :)
05:26.36Silik0nwell I work at a company that does pretty mcuh nothing but * and we use either RHEL3 (for support contracts that want it) or ricer linux errr gentoo
05:26.48Silik0nsyle: do it all the time w/ gentoo heh
05:26.55ManxPowerQwell, Thank you, Qwell.  It's nice that you pasted that when some asked the question THIRTY SECONDS after I answered it.
05:27.03ManxPowersome = someone
05:27.25sylei got use to redhat but i refused to ever pay for linux so fedora seemed viable solution
05:27.30ManxPowersalviadud, All distros work.  I happen to prefer Mandrake, but that's not an Asterisk thing that's a ME thing.
05:27.38Silik0nsyle: then use WBEL or CentOS
05:28.00Silik0nboth are RHELs w/ the redhat logos and stuff stripped out
05:28.06QwellManxPower: without redundancy, we wouldn't have anything to live for. :p
05:28.10salviadudyeah, linux is so cool, i like to play with nmap, hehe
05:28.35sylethere are so many different version of linux you never know what to pick anymore
05:28.45Silik0nnmapping the wrong boxes will make your box disappear from the internet
05:29.01salviadudare you sure silikon?
05:29.10sylealways some new idiot comming out with installation scripts and his own kernel and creating a new linux distro somewhere
05:29.12Silik0nsalviadud yes I am
05:29.17salviadudactually, one day
05:29.21salviadudi nmapped this site
05:29.31salviadudand they had the telnet open
05:29.37salviadudi tried to enter as root
05:29.44Silik0nsalviadud: i know several people that fire off hostile responves to nmap scans
05:29.58salviadudy always use -sS
05:30.02salviadudits kinda sneaky
05:30.17Silik0nahhhh -sS dont mask you
05:30.32salviadudstill, i live in mexico, its a different country
05:30.41Silik0nmaybe 6 or 7 years ago that was ok but not today
05:30.44three55mlSame Internet :)
05:30.44ManxPowerI have 7 Asterisk servers running on Mandrake 9.2
05:31.19salviadudah come on, they're probably gonna see the log file and check out some ip from mexico tried to enter as root. its ridiculous
05:31.52salviadudanyways. i just like to know what OS people are running
05:31.55Silik0nsalviadud: actually you try to connect as root to some of my boxes and you get null routed
05:32.12*** part/#asterisk tylorflys (
05:32.16salviadudi don't know what null routed means
05:32.20salviadudwhat happens?
05:32.23Silik0nsalviadud: then nmap some of the MX servers for and get a good laff
05:32.40Silik0nnullroute? that means my boxes disappear from the internet from your perspective
05:32.51harryvvsounds like nuts rolled
05:33.06salviadudhow do i set up my firewall to do that?
05:33.21Silik0nask google
05:33.26ManxPowerQwell, I could use a redundant liver.
05:33.33QwellManxPower: couldn't we all...
05:33.55ManxPowerQwell, I could use one more than most people. 8-(
05:34.50sylefedora core 4 out
05:34.57Qwellsyle: oh?
05:34.59syleanyone tested gcc 4.0?
05:35.14Qwellsyle: its not out, its in test still
05:35.18salviadudcan asterisk run on solaris?
05:35.34Qwellsalviadud: don't expect the hardware/drivers to work
05:35.55sylei did have a question relevant to this channel when i came in lol
05:36.50salviadudim just curios, i don't think i'll ever get my hands on a solaris
05:36.51syleoww yeah....what if you wanted to run a VOIP business...hardware i see supported with asterisk has like 4 ports etc, what bigger solutions for many phone lines are there?
05:37.02three55mlsyle: T1 interfaces
05:37.07three55mlchannel banks
05:37.08Qwellsyle: quad T1, and now a DS3 card
05:37.16salviadudi actually work at a call center, we got like 3 channel banks
05:37.17Silik0nT1 cards, quad t1 cards, DS3 card one of these days
05:37.23salviadudbut we use freakin windows
05:37.42salviadudits not cool... windows is lame
05:37.51linsyssalviadud: Yes
05:37.52Silik0nor you can use hardware like a MAX-TNT or a APX-8000 to get very high density w/ hardware codecs
05:37.57linsyssalviadud: Asterisk runs on Solaris..
05:38.08linsyssalviadud: I just set it up on an e4500
05:38.11QwellSilik0n: What are those?
05:38.14salviadudit does eh... its very flexible then
05:38.14sylewhat kind of channel banks are you using?
05:38.38salviadudi haven't seen them yet.  the quality guy told me they were german
05:38.47salviadudand started with a letter V or something
05:38.49*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:38.54linsyssalviadud: like someone else said the FXO, or FXS, or T1 etc.. cards don't work, but if you have a channel bank or are providing and receiving just SIP or IAX traffic you are fine..
05:38.58salviadudi don't have access to the server , hehe
05:39.03*** join/#asterisk wildgoose (
05:39.16ManxPowerI figured out why my TDM400P stoped working ocasionally.
05:39.18Silik0nQwell: well a MAX-TNT is a box that takes a channelized DS0 and plays modem bank or PSTN->VoIP bridge... an APX8K is the same thing but w/ support for 4 DS3
05:39.57Silik0nwhen dialup was all the rage MAXTNTs were the shit
05:40.01ManxPowerI had the original verison of the card, the one without the power connector
05:40.34salviadudi want to implement open source on that company
05:40.53salviadudbut... its a longshot, i don't know * about asterisk
05:41.23Silik0nso download it and start playing with it
05:41.29salviadudstill, im very very positive
05:41.34salviadudyeah, i got hardware
05:41.36salviadudsipura 3000
05:41.46salviadudyou think i could setup like a small office at my home?
05:41.53Silik0nand get a copy of xlite or firefly and go have fun
05:42.13salviadudi need to know this though
05:42.18salviadudwhere is the best documentation?
05:42.18Silik0ni use a mix of sipuras polycoms firefly xlite xpro and eyebeam at home
05:42.25brc_ManxPower, that, or you had the static discharge issue
05:42.26salviadudis the asterisk manual good enough?
05:42.34salviadudall righty
05:42.38Silik0njbot docs
05:42.39jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
05:42.54salviadudi'll start over there
05:42.54brc_salviadud, what asterisk manual?
05:43.01salviadudthe big pdf from digium
05:43.02brc_whatup yo
05:43.20brc_that is about 3 years outdated
05:43.22Silik0nsetting up the laptop w/ eclipse
05:43.26brc_fun fun
05:43.37brc_there's a subversion plugin for eclipse
05:43.45Silik0nfinally got eclipse php apache and postgres all talking
05:43.46brc_be nifty to make a extensions.conf eclipse plugin
05:43.53brc_you ever setup mod_ssl?
05:43.58Silik0nyeah its easy
05:44.04brc_it's being a pita to me
05:44.13Silik0ncd /usr/ports/www/mod_ssl && make && make install
05:44.24brc_I'm talking about the configs
05:44.25DaLionoups.. thats was a 6 hours late answer ..
05:44.41Silik0nbrc_ look at they have a nice cheatsheet on that shit
05:45.07Silik0nor if you installed from source theres a target in the Makefile for generating selfsigned certs
05:45.25brc_nah, I've got the cert crap figured out
05:45.27Silik0nand if you are using a recent release of apache its a autoconf option to enable it now
05:45.32DaLionbtw anyone ever gets tons of select * from exten where ? etc etc like requests
05:45.44Silik0nand then apache{2}ctl startssl
05:46.10Silik0nDaLion: realtime sucks
05:46.25DaLionyeah i know.. some dumbass is dosing me
05:46.32brc_debian:/etc/apache2# openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -state -debug
05:46.37DaLiondont know why cos asterisk logs suck
05:47.23DaLionand alll i can find in line 277 of res_odbc_config.c
05:47.23DaLionand thats says its using SQLFecth(stmt) .. but SQLFetch nowehre to be found nowehre
05:47.23DaLioni sassumed its from myodbc or someshit
05:48.38DaLionSilik0n what would one use if not realtime .. lol its needed for provider like
05:48.51Silik0nDaLion: i use  agi i wrote
05:50.26three55mlDaLion: You can also do dynamic config files
05:50.31three55mlDaLion: And reload
05:50.38Silik0nwell yeah I do a combination of both...
05:50.55three55mlSilik0n: Me too
05:51.28three55mlSilik0n: Support for full config files, but I like RealTime for now :)  Queues, agents, and basic extension set sending off to RT is in dynamic configs.
05:51.36DaLionthink thats whats happening
05:51.36DaLionIs not problem in that we are selecting with NULL criteria on NOT NULL column?
05:52.02*** join/#asterisk shantanoo (~shantanoo@shantanoo.user)
05:52.28DaLionso .. res_odbc_config.c says around line 270.. that all passed trough.. but then it dies on a null returning a null value and asterisk trying to play with the null and spwes
05:53.09three55mlDaLion: Are you just trying to get RT to work?
05:53.35Silik0nthree55ml theres a variety of ways to do it... realtime limits stuff tho like MWI dont work just to name 1
05:53.41three55mlDaLion: Because if you're going to use res_config_mysql just comment out res_config_odbc from the Makefiles and you'll be fine.
05:53.48three55mlSilik0n: Agreed
05:53.58DaLionno its was working for months
05:53.58DaLional of a suddent its not
05:53.58DaLionwe thinkg its some shit in extensions
05:53.58DaLionand asterisk not liking what it is. expet theres 3000 extensions minimum andone by one not an option
05:53.59three55mlSilik0n: Actually VMWI does work now in RT
05:54.21DaLionwe using odbc i thnk
05:54.25three55mlDaLion: I had a similar issue but don't use ODBC for anything so I don't even load it.
05:54.37Silik0nand dont even get me started on ODBC storage for app_vm
05:55.31DaLionres_odbc is what is used for mysql
05:55.36DaLionvm is fine
05:55.43DaLiononly that stupid exention problem
05:55.47three55mlDaLion: There are two ways to do it
05:55.59three55mlDaLion: MySQL through ODBC or directly through res_config_mysql
05:56.02DaLionmakes asterisk loose connection and cant regain it so goes wild.. 150 mbit
05:56.11DaLionwe use first
05:56.18DaLionand worked grewat till around hight load
05:56.23Silik0nvm uses part of res_odbc but not much... it has its own odbc calls for storage (not configs) and its nastily slow
05:57.06DaLionproblem is i cant see what makes it barf in mysql binlogs and the asterisk full log doesnt show shit neither
05:58.09three55mlDaLion: Try a slow query log or something along those lines
05:58.46three55mlDoes the MySQL load shoot up or does Asterisk just die/
05:58.46DaLionnow i got nagios checking this shit with odbc show and paging me if happens
05:59.04DaLionasterisk load goes to 1400000 connectiosn per sec
05:59.13DaLionsince asterisk is fucking up
06:00.00DaLioni get millions of these all o sudden
06:00.01DaLionApr 12 15:07:03 WARNING[677]: SQL Fetch error!
06:00.01DaLion[SELECT * FROM extensions WHERE exten LIKE ? AND context = ? AND priority = ? ORDER BY exten]
06:00.01DaLionApr 12 15:07:03 WARNING[677]: SQL Fetch error!
06:00.01DaLion[SELECT * FROM extensions WHERE exten LIKE ? AND context = ? AND priority = ? ORDER BY exten]
06:00.12zoastill there dalion ?
06:00.52DaLionsorry afain ;)
06:00.59syleyou created your indexes properly on db?
06:01.22DaLion? yes
06:01.26DaLionlet me check
06:01.43DaLionhmm no indexe
06:02.00Silik0nindexs onDBs are overrated
06:02.15three55mlI disagree
06:02.17three55mlA lot
06:02.25sylewell if your using the like command your on drugs lol
06:02.38DaLionhmm why
06:02.43syleyou definately want indexes
06:02.50DaLionits asteirsk like command
06:02.51zoathe indexes wont help
06:03.01zoayou do want them though
06:03.02three55mlNot in this case, no
06:03.04DaLionand extensions table is made form wiki examples i think
06:03.13three55mlI'm just saying in general that statement isn't true
06:03.27sylewell i was just thinking of a way to speed up his db, what i thing is happening is his max connections variable for db is possibly to low
06:03.34syleyou check mysql debug logs?
06:03.48*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
06:04.07DaLioni cant
06:04.07DaLioni can only look in bin logs
06:04.16three55mlThat's a good thought.  What's your max connection count?
06:04.29DaLioneven is --log=/var/log/mysql.log is on ..
06:04.31three55mlSetup a MySQL monitor, there's a bunch out there...and see what's happening.
06:04.41sylewhat does 'mysqladmin -pyourpassword status' show?
06:05.04DaLionUptime: 12175  Threads: 6  Questions: 259590  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 0  Flush tables: 2  Open tables: 64  Queries per second avg: 21.322
06:05.16Qwell0 slow queries, so...
06:05.22three55mlWhat's your max connection count?
06:05.24DaLiononly 6 theards all the time 2 local 4 asterisk  with one being for cdr
06:05.36DaLioni dont know
06:05.36DaLionmaxconnect is
06:05.39sylemysqladmin -pyourpassword variables
06:06.11three55mlDoes this happen when you experience higher call volume?
06:06.37syletheres your problem i think
06:06.38DaLionyes it does around 50-60 concurent calls it does it
06:06.42three55mlThat's pretty low, what's your limit?
06:06.49three55mlWhat are your system specs
06:06.54three55mlRAM and CPU
06:07.10*** join/#asterisk dec (~tom@
06:07.14syleset max_connections = 1500 in /etc/my.cnf
06:07.15DaLionCPU: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz (2800.12-MHz 686-class CPU)  real memory  = 1073479680 (1023 MB)
06:07.41three55mlYou can easily set max_connections to 1024 or more
06:07.45DaLion| max_user_connections            | 0
06:07.47three55mlLike syle said
06:07.50DaLionok 1500 it is
06:08.01DaLioni dont think its reading /etc/mycnf
06:08.01QwellDaLion: That one just limits the number of time each user can connect.  0 is unlimited
06:08.07three55mlMost people never optimize MySQL :)
06:08.18Qwellthree55ml: until its too late. ;]
06:08.54DaLionyes i was looking for how to change it
06:08.58three55mlQwell: Yeah.  I have a lot of customer doing several million records a day, you start to learn pretty quick.
06:09.18DaLiononly thing that seem to work is if i hardcode this stuff in /usr/local/share/mysql/mysql.server
06:09.28syleyou should have a debug log though
06:09.36sylecd /usr/local/mysql/data
06:09.42DaLionit doesnt load the conf from it i think
06:09.45syleshould be a .err file there
06:10.01DaLionno data there
06:10.06DaLionno data dir
06:10.23sylewell whereever dir your data is in
06:10.25decHi all, I'm running asterisk 1.0.5 - having a slight problem. I'm dialling into my Asterisk box via a PSTN landline phone, through an IAX termination provider. This works fine. From there, I type in an extension which dials another asterisk box via IAX. For some reason, I get two-way communication for about 10 seconds, and then it drops back to one-way.. audio from the PSTN -> asterisk does not come through. Any ideas why?
06:10.26DaLionmy data is /var/db/mysql
06:10.35DaLionand .err says shit
06:11.05*** join/#asterisk heison (
06:11.17sylei been optimizing mysql servers for years look me up if you run into any real trouble
06:11.19*** join/#asterisk Nest0r (sdf@
06:11.55Silik0nsyle: i have a mysql server running on a 486 that needs to handle 2gigaqueries/sec can you help me there?
06:12.11sylebuy a new machine lol
06:12.47Silik0nand it runs mysql 2.3.2
06:12.59*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
06:13.50*** join/#asterisk clive- (
06:13.53DaLioncan max_connections be added to cmd line ?
06:13.53DaLion--max_conections i assume ?
06:13.59DaLion2 n's
06:14.14sylein your startup script sure
06:14.32sylebut that is old way to do it
06:14.33QwellWhy not put it in the conf file, and tell it where it is?
06:14.40sylemy.cnf is the new thing
06:14.49Nest0rŋalguien en espņaol?
06:15.01DaLionits not reading my /etc/my.cnf
06:15.12clive-hi all
06:15.16QwellDaLion: maybe you aren't putting the settings in there properly
06:15.27decanyone got any suggestions for my question above? :)
06:15.40clive-just wondering if anyone also has noticed climbing memory usage with time on asterisk
06:15.51Qwelldec: does latest stable, or cvs head do the same thing?
06:16.04*** join/#asterisk dersteer (
06:16.07decQwell: - i haven't tried anything above 1.0.5 yet, do you think it will help?
06:16.14Qwellit might.
06:16.15DaLionyes its already like it
06:16.15DaLionbut i see that ps -auwx says mysqld is runing from a /bin/sh .. and not from safe_mysql
06:16.18syleidk my mysql server is a dual xeon 3.0 cpus, scsi drives and 8 gigs of ram, now that is fun to optimize :)
06:16.19DaLionso i dont know
06:16.26three55mldec: I was going to recommend the same thing.  Depending on what version your IAX providers are using it could have an affect.
06:16.38decahh good point.
06:16.55drumkilladec: does it happen when it tries to native bridge?
06:17.04drumkillayou can try notransfer=yes
06:17.05decit happens before it bridges
06:17.07drumkillaor whatever the option is
06:17.13*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
06:17.13decthe same problem occurs with notransfer=yes
06:17.21three55mlI would at least upgrade to the latest stable and see what happens.
06:17.35decat first I thought it was a codec incompatibility... but i've got everything running disallow=all and allow=gsm
06:17.47DaLioncan we mod variables runtime ?
06:17.49DaLionfor mysql
06:17.54DaLioni cant afford to stop it
06:18.10decyou cant afford a 1 second downtime of mysql? :P
06:18.23decmust be pretty high availability production server
06:18.27three55mlsending an HUP signal shouldn't mess up too much, and I think it'll reload config.  syle's the expert though
06:19.02*** join/#asterisk ccfiel (ccfiel@
06:19.11ccfielhello ppl.
06:19.13DaLionno i cant
06:19.24decDaLion: ok. cool. :)
06:19.41decas far as i know, the only way to update the max_connections is by restarting it.
06:19.53DaLionload is only 20 queries per sec but its still too loaded for me to stop it
06:20.11three55mlNo slave in such a HA scenario?
06:20.40DaLion-O, --set-variable=name
06:20.55DaLionno im working on clustering this shit
06:21.47syleyou don;t have to shut it down
06:21.57DaLiondoesnt work
06:21.59sylejust issue a reread of the config file
06:22.09DaLionmysqladmin: unknown variable 'max_connections=1024'
06:22.44syle-O -Dmax_connections=1024
06:22.51syleif your doing it that way i believe
06:23.38DaLionysqladmin: unknown variable '-Dmax_connections=1024'
06:23.43sylejust do --max_connection=blah
06:23.51sylejust do --max_connections=blah
06:24.19sylescrew the -O
06:24.54sylei still don;t know why you just don;t use my.cnf
06:25.01DaLionmysqladmin: unknown variable 'max_connections=1024'
06:25.07Zeeekjoin #farfon
06:25.08DaLionim on 5.02
06:25.59syleecho 'max_connections=1024' > /etc/my.cnf
06:26.03syleif you don;t have the file
06:26.16DaLioni do its loaded but not used by mysqkl it seems
06:26.38DaLionbah fucke it ill just restart mysql in 1 hour
06:26.55syledo you know this for sure? mysql by default in its own binary checks for that file
06:27.02sylechange a varaiable and find out
06:27.38DaLioncos i have log=/var/log/mysql and never worked
06:27.54ccfielcan somebody help me with my problem. i have a remote iax connection when it tries to connect to my * server and try to connect a sip client that is local. there where no delays in the coversation. but when the remote iax connects to an iax local connection in my *... there is a lag in the voice at least 2 mins.. what would be the problem?
06:27.56syledoes the dir exist?
06:28.25syle#1 you should not be using 5.x series mysql in production
06:28.34sylethats a devel version
06:28.43DaLioni know
06:28.45syle#2 4.x should be only ones you use
06:28.54DaLioni didnt install them
06:29.03DaLioni never use latest in anything
06:29.06want561or772didyou know what would be great? MusicOnHold on a large corporate PBX that allowed you to talk to the other disgruntled customers during the hours of waiting
06:29.14DaLioni use apache 1.X php 4.X etc
06:29.22dechehe want561or772did
06:29.24decsounds good
06:29.46DaLionshould i use the medium file or large.cnf ?
06:30.01want561or772didcraigslist would have to start a MusicOnHold missed connections board
06:30.05sylei;d use large since you have a gig of ram
06:30.12*** join/#asterisk kenshinblade (
06:30.31DaLionhuge for 2 gigeR+ and 2 cpu +
06:31.03DaLionthread_concurrency = 8
06:31.15syleset that to 2 if you have only 1 cpu
06:31.46mog_homecan any one explain to me what the p option is for in voicemailmain
06:32.31QwellIf the mailbox is preceded by 'p' then the supplied mailbox is prepended to the user's entry and the resulting string is used as the mailbox number.
06:32.38syleonly real bottlenecks you run into with mysql is write locks
06:32.40drumkillathere you go.
06:32.47QwellYou too can figure out your easy answers, by typing "show application myapp"
06:32.49syletable locks
06:33.18sylethis is why it is so important to optimize mysql
06:33.22ZeeekI can find any application called "myapp" :(
06:33.32*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
06:33.45sylecause if a read query is taking to long it can lock out all other queries on a table
06:34.09shantanooelric: you there?
06:34.20shantanoowith some time to spare :)
06:34.39sylepersonally i use innodb table format for high write tables
06:34.50syleand myisam for mostly read tables
06:35.04Qwellwant561or772did: That actually might be a good idea, in the right situation
06:35.09DaLionk rebooted
06:36.05sylei didn;t plan on comming in here to give advice actually, i came in here as an asterisk noob to learn lol
06:36.09shantanooinstalled asterisk and kphone on the same machine. but the kphone isn't able to register. how can i allow registration?
06:36.34DaLionfuck no max_connections still
06:37.18DaLionok all ok
06:38.00syleso what does everyone do for work
06:38.16sylei am guessing mostly run your own voip companies etc
06:38.26three55mlA bit of everything
06:39.20*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
06:39.49syledoes anyone in here actually work for someone else lol
06:39.55DaLionit didnt show in ps but it worked.. im now on /etc/my.cnf.. seem u need to start with rc.conf and not from rc.local
06:40.03elricshantanoo, yeah sort of
06:40.14three55mlsyle: Not in a long time
06:40.18three55mlWhat do you do?
06:40.56sylewell i finished up with spam after all the lawsuits going on, made alot of cash, investing in real estate, and thinking of a voip business now
06:41.17shantanooelric: installed asterisk and kphone on same machine. how do i start now? :)
06:41.28elricshantanoo, pm me
06:41.28three55mlI just sold an Ironport :)
06:41.50decan Ironport?
06:41.59DaLionthanks syle
06:42.04DaLioni owe u one or 2
06:42.20DaLionthread_concurrency = does want ? excactly paralele threads ?
06:42.38syleif you have 1 cpu set it to 2
06:42.43syleremember hyperthreading
06:43.08DaLionand does asterisk have that  thread shit.. i see 5 asterisk connections on mysql.. cant i get more ?
06:43.24DaLionseems like pconnects but cant figure if it is or not
06:46.25*** join/#asterisk pgpkeys (
06:47.04DaLionk thanks good night lly
06:47.10*** part/#asterisk DaLion (
06:49.48*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
06:49.56DaLionold_passwords                   | OFF
06:50.20DaLionif i turn this on i can use them without adding set password=old_password('something') right ?
06:50.30DaLionbut can i use both ?
06:51.20*** join/#asterisk pgpkeys (
06:51.48QwellDaLion: or #mysql
06:52.32DaLionquwell only that syle is the expert
06:52.48DaLionand never got any infod on there on that
06:52.52QwellDaLion: So are or #mysql
06:52.55*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
06:56.38*** part/#asterisk DaLion (
06:56.53pgpkeyssorry about that.
07:02.17*** join/#asterisk fabioFVZ (
07:05.16want561or772didManxPower, using asterisk like a traditional answering machine (being able to answer a call that's leaving a message) is possible with the manager api
07:13.42ccfielcan somebody help me with my problem. i have a remote iax connection when it tries to connect to my * server and try to connect a sip client that is local. there where no delays in the coversation. but when the remote iax connects to an iax local connection in my *... there is a lag in the voice at least 2 mins.. what would be the problem?
07:17.35decccfiel: codec incompatibilities?
07:18.16ccfieldec: what do you mean?
07:21.10*** join/#asterisk pbxjunkie (
07:22.05decccfiel: make sure that all connections are using the same codecs
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07:22.30decGSM, g723.1, etc
07:22.34ccfieldec: yes it uses gsm
07:22.40decoh k
07:22.46decno idea then, sorry :)
07:22.56ccfieldec: ok thanks anyway
07:23.34pbxjunkieanybody in here have a quadbri w/ a 2.6 kernel?:)
07:24.47*** join/#asterisk Alexi1 (
07:24.51Qwelloh, thats freaking stupid...if I call my work with my cidnum set to my (valid) number, it can't get through.  If I set it to a fake number, it works fine
07:25.02shantanoo'sip show peers' shows me the 2 users
07:25.13shantanoobut they can't call each other
07:25.17*** join/#asterisk rainfall (
07:25.29shantanoo'call failed: Not Found' <--- error
07:25.34shantanooany idea?
07:26.05shepherdshantanoo: same network?
07:26.15shantanooshepherd: yes
07:26.18shantanooits on intranet
07:26.20shepherdnope sorry!
07:26.53*** join/#asterisk Cronus-sct (
07:29.25Cronus-scti'm doing some resaerch on how to use a quadBRI card, to connect to a legacy PBX, before I buy such a rather expensive card, but I don't seem to find a lot on voip-info nor google
07:29.36Cronus-sctcan anyone give me some pointers to search?
07:31.44Cronus-scti would like to put asterisk in between the pstn and the panasonic PBX, do I have enough with the quadBRI or do I have to buy a power supply thing for the NT lines?
07:31.58Cronus-scti've seen this on some sites
07:33.45Cronus-sctthx in advance
07:34.57*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
07:36.58pbxjunkieCronus-sct: I've just bought a quad bri
07:38.11*** join/#asterisk Mazda-MX5 (
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07:38.53pbxjunkieif you want to connect asterisk w/ a panasonix pbx then you probably need a card with analog ports
07:38.54shantanookphone needs which port open?
07:39.02shantanooi think its firewall problem now.
07:42.24Cronus-sctpbxjunkie We get 4 ISDN lines from the telephone company. Was it easy to install the card?
07:44.09*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
07:44.40pbxjunkiei have yet to install the card, the documentation is VERY little, I've experienced compile errors with their driver and they have yet to answer my support e-mails
07:44.59pbxjunkieactually.. there's NO documentation on their card or the bristuff driver
07:45.13sylehow do you take an existing phone line a user has and turn it into a voip number exactly
07:45.18sylecall up the phone company?
07:46.35*** join/#asterisk wildgoose (
07:46.52pbxjunkiethe problem with european ISDN equipment manufacturers is that they're mostly german
07:46.56brc_syle, there is *NO* such thing as a "voip number"
07:47.46pbxjunkieAVM (who makes C1, C2, C4)  all docs save a few, are in German, forum posts... internet sites.. all in german.. and I can't figure out anything
07:48.38sylebrc_ : how do you convert an exising anolog number to a digital number so you can call it up with sip
07:49.09*** join/#asterisk kore (
07:49.10pbxjunkieyour phone provider must do that
07:49.13cypromispbxjunkie: a junghanns quadbri card ?
07:49.16syleata convertor my guess
07:49.17pbxjunkiecypromis: yes
07:49.21cypromisthe junghanns btistuff has enough docs
07:49.23brc_cypromis, duuuude
07:49.27cypromisalso examples etc
07:49.27pbxjunkiecypromis: really?:) where? :D
07:49.31cypromismorn brc_ :)
07:49.38cypromispbxjunkie: in the tarball for bristuff
07:49.38brc_how was the weekend?
07:49.51cypromisplus on the pdf that describes the jumper settings
07:49.52pbxjunkiethe tarball for bristuff has 1 file, called install .. and it hass. .let me tell you
07:49.54cypromisand it is in english
07:49.56*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
07:50.10cypromispbxjunkie: don't tell me I distribute the stuff
07:50.17cypromisbrc_: nice :)
07:50.19*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
07:50.27pbxjunkie52 lines of docs :D
07:50.42pbxjunkiecypromis: you distribute the stuff? meaning?
07:51.11cypromisI sell it for example
07:51.17pbxjunkieooh.. i see
07:51.20cypromisis a good definition of distributing it
07:51.42newl15oz will get ya 20? :)
07:52.24pbxjunkiecypromis: so you can tell me why the latest bristuff tarball doesn't compile then?:)
07:52.26cypromisit doesn't ?
07:52.29pbxjunkieit fetches it's own stuff.. zaptel.. asterisks..patches them
07:53.00pbxjunkiethen the driver compiles w/ 4-5 warnings and can't be inserted into the kernel
07:53.12cypromishmm seems we are running a financial companies callcenter on a non compiled software than
07:53.48cypromishow about a paste of the error message into ?
07:55.50*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
07:56.09*** join/#asterisk jeffik (jefik@
07:56.46Cronus-sctWhen I succesful connect the quadBRI to my panasonic PBX, do I need extra software to be able to forward a fax to the panasonic?
07:57.14Cronus-sctcan asterisk detect a fax signal?
07:57.28cypromispbxjunkie: ?
07:57.33cypromisCronus-sct: yes
07:57.53cypromiswhat do you mean by forwarding
07:58.22Cronus-scti receive a fax from the outside and asterisk has to detect it and send it to the panasonic pbx
07:58.31cypromispbxjunkie: those warnings are no problem
07:58.48pbxjunkiecypromis: they are when you try to insmod the driver
07:58.48cypromiscan I have the error on inserting into the kernel plus your zaptel.conf ??
07:58.48three55mlCronus-sct: Yes, goto and search for Fax
07:58.57pbxjunkieeer.. sure hang on
08:00.17*** join/#asterisk shantanoo (~shantanoo@shantanoo.user)
08:00.38shantanooback ;)
08:01.14PTG123anyone here know ip500s well?
08:01.35*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
08:02.40pbxjunkiecypromis: u see the pastebin?
08:03.24cypromischecking sorry was on the phone
08:03.57cypromispbxjunkie: that is compile time wanrings
08:04.02cypromisI need to see zaptel.conf
08:04.09pbxjunkieit's there!
08:04.11cypromiserrors showing after modules loading
08:04.26pbxjunkieafter the second seperator
08:04.30pbxjunkiemodule never loads
08:05.11cypromisaah it's in 9466
08:05.41cypromisrun a depmod -ae
08:05.50cypromisand use modprobe instead of insmod
08:05.54PTG123someone must know polycom phones :)
08:06.11cypromisPTG123: I know the conferencing ones
08:07.43pbxjunkiethat seemed to work :D
08:08.34*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
08:09.10cypromisyeah you where not loading zaptel with it
08:09.25pbxjunkiecypromis: check out the bottom :
08:09.25cypromisso the dependencies where not fullfilled and the kernel could not find the zaptel stuff
08:09.58pbxjunkieevery doc I've read anywhere said insmod, both voip-info and their ./INSTALL file
08:10.08cypromispbxjunkie: are you using terminators on the bus ?
08:10.11*** join/#asterisk christo (
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08:10.35pbxjunkiecypromis: all the buses are going to be NT mode
08:10.39pbxjunkieall the ports I mean
08:10.42newlinsmod should only be used if you know there are no other dependancies by the module you're loading.
08:12.12cypromispbxjunkie: I run a setup here with 4 octobri's per box
08:12.23cypromisyou occasionally get crc errors but they are harmless
08:12.34cypromiscaused by cable lengths and also by initialisation of phones
08:12.46cypromisyours sounds more like the wires are not connected to anything yet ?
08:14.02pbxjunkiei've got 2 wires on ports 1-2 atm connected to S0 buses..  ports 3-4 got nothing on them
08:14.56pbxjunkieor it could be the other way round (3-4 w cables , 1-2 nothing)
08:15.28facek_cypromis hi
08:15.59cypromisyu will get CRC errors on initialisation of equippment or on non connected wires
08:16.06cypromistypically at least
08:16.11*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~TheEmpero@
08:16.21PTG123anyone use a polycom phone here?
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08:52.43pbxjunkiecypromis: thanks for the tips.
09:05.44*** join/#asterisk terracon (
09:08.36RoyK~seen inspired
09:08.38jbotinspired <mikael@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 20h 58m 1s ago, saying: 'coc'.
09:08.53Zeeek~lart RoyK
09:11.57*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
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09:23.39RoyKpino: I'd guess herring could be held in an aquarium, given, say, 100 herring and a 100.000 litre tank to start with... a little more than what I've got
09:23.59ZeeekWhat CPU and RAM are needed for a 100 herring system?
09:25.11zoawtf is a herring ?
09:25.21zoafish ?
09:25.32Zeeekdelicious smoked
09:26.58ZeeekI like 'em in vinegar
09:29.01*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
09:29.18MuppetMasterAnyone know what the AMP uname/passwd for Asterisk@Home v0.8 us?
09:29.24MuppetMastersuppose to be admin/password but that does not seem to work.
09:31.23MuppetMasterAMP = Asterisk Managment Portal...
09:31.34MuppetMasterRoyK:  Were you really talking to me?
09:33.11MuppetMasterFound it on the AMP website, as the Asterisk@Home documentation is wrong.  Should be wwwadmin/password
09:33.20*** join/#asterisk pbxjunkie (~stormtroo@
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09:42.29Zeeekwhat is my root password?
09:42.39ZeeekI have asterisk running on this machine
09:42.48MuppetMasterZeeek:  ?
09:43.15MuppetMasterAh, making fun of me.
09:43.42MuppetMasterCan't help it if the Asterisk@Home documentation is wrong.
09:43.48MuppetMasterBut laugh if you must...
09:43.49ZeeekI know
09:44.06Zeeekbut someone asks that question often. I don't laugh... honest
09:44.22MuppetMasterYes, hence why the documentation needs to be fixed.
09:44.25Zeeekbut @hole needs its own doc and info resources
09:44.41MuppetMasterI have never used AMP...prefer the command line, but helping someone else who wants the GUI...
09:44.50MuppetMaster@home does have it.
09:44.52Zeeekthere is a definite need for gui
09:45.10Zeeekbut the damn things need to have their own documentation and it needs to be good
09:45.18Zeeeksince people who want this kind of thing need it
09:45.21MuppetMaster@home does have it's own and it is quite good.
09:45.25Zeeekneed, need, need
09:45.26MuppetMasterJust happen to have the uname/passwd wrong.
09:45.38Zeeekthat sicks. Oh well, you found it
09:48.07MuppetMasterI don't think so.
09:48.18MuppetMasterI think a phenomenal job has been done with Asterisk@Home, including the docs.
09:48.25MuppetMasterJust happen to have a significant error.
09:48.28MuppetMasterTo err is human...
09:49.32*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
09:50.26*** join/#asterisk CiNzAs (~ashes@
09:52.31Zeeekthe "sucks" was that the doc is wrong, not the products
09:54.15*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
09:57.09clive-does anyone know if the newer versions of asterisk will work without libpri compilling correctly ?
09:57.34zoai think they do
09:58.17clive-zoa thanks:), I am trying my best not to recomplie the kernel another 25 times before I get it working again
09:58.36clive-esp since I am using chan_capi
09:59.25*** join/#asterisk abracsas (~abuono@
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10:28.22saabluvrHi everyone...  Doe anyone know why the "serveremail"  in voicemail.conf is ignored ?
10:29.23saabluvrmy mailserver does not like senders without fq domains :(
10:31.09saabluvrthe command "hostname" shows the complete server address, but although i set the serveremail in voicemail.conf , the sender is root@machinename and not the address set in voicemail.conf ...
10:32.42Alexi1because the voicemail are own by root only
10:34.15saabluvrthat would be fine with me, but the receiving mailserver sees as sender "root@voip-machine" and not ""
10:34.27saabluvrand my SPF says : deny ...
10:39.33pbxjunkiecan somebody look at my zapata.conf and tell me WHY asterisk doesn't see my channels?
10:43.21*** part/#asterisk Alexi1 (
10:43.55pbxjunkieI get no channel type registered for Zap :/
10:53.21cj-rmHas anyone here used asterisk to programatically instantiate a telephone call between two parties (3rd pary call control)??? i.e. Some software tells Asterisk to ring phone A, then phone B and upon both parties answering Asterisk joins the calls together?
10:53.55cj-rmBut where Asterisk is not an end-point for the calls
10:54.08cj-rmIs that possible?
10:56.27cypromisare you sure you have loaded ?
10:57.28cypromisand the card jumpered to NT mode ?
10:57.53cypromissorry you have it in te mode as I see now
10:58.00mozratGuys could anyone help me load the SIP image onto a Cisco 7960 phone? I have a working TFTP server with the files as detailed in the Cisco doc, but when I boot the phone it doesn't even look for the OS79XX.TXT file
11:01.25cj-rmHas anyone here used Asterisk for 3rd party call control with SIP???
11:02.09Kumbanghello, anyone works with mfc r2 here?
11:02.15pbxjunkiecypromis: is not in modules.conf :D
11:02.23pbxjunkiecypromis: shouldn't it be there by default ? :/
11:05.22cj-rmis 3rd party call control even possible with Asterisk?
11:09.11zoasignalling = bri_cpe_ptmp
11:09.11zoa019 ; p2p TE mode (for connecting ISDN lines in point-to-point mode)
11:09.11zoa020 ;signalling = bri_cpe
11:09.11zoa021 ; p2mp NT mode (for connecting ISDN phones in point-to-multipoint mode)
11:09.11zoa022 ;signalling = bri_net_ptmp
11:09.12zoa023 ; p2p NT mode (for connecting an ISDN pbx in point-to-point mode)
11:09.13zoa024 signalling = bri_net
11:09.24zoawhy oh why do you have 2 signallings ?
11:10.04zoais that for chan_capi ?
11:12.25pbxjunkieI changed that I only use one
11:12.30pbxjunkiethe thing is I'm not sure which one to use
11:13.07pbxjunkieI jumpered the card in NT mode, so I connect the telco's S0 bus onto the card
11:13.43*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
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11:15.23pbxjunkiecheck out: , the message I get when * tries to load .. I think it's a compilation problem
11:16.26*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
11:17.00CiNzAsis there any command to unset a variable ?
11:17.02CiNzAsvia CLI
11:17.29*** join/#asterisk che (~che@che.user)
11:18.29cheheyyas. i am at a buying decision maybe someone got some first hand experience with the 4 channel isdn pci cards. either i am gonna take this one: or this one: comments and suggestions very welcome.
11:18.29CiNzAsI would like to unser a TRANSFER_CONTEXT variable
11:26.13*** join/#asterisk webman (
11:26.14Delmarif I have a single line such as exten => fax,1,rxfax(/var/spool/asterisk/fax/test.tif) .. it works fine and I end up with a fax received called test.tif but if i change the line to exten => fax,1,Goto(ext-fax,in_fax,1) which is really what I need, it breaks and wont even spawn the fax extension...* console says .. redirecting to fax extension, but then it just causes a time out.
11:26.23DelmarGoto broken?
11:27.23webmanso you have a context called ext-fax and a exten called in_fax ??
11:27.49webmanwhat does show dialplan ext-fax show?
11:28.17Delmarsec. im gonna hak up the ext-fax context and make it basic then retest, to prove the goto.
11:29.23webmandelmar: could also try something like "exten => fax,1,noop(here I am)\nexten => fax,2,goto(etc...)
11:29.41webmanthen on console, you should see the output from the noop, and then the goto.....
11:31.32Delmarand its intermittantly saying... Fax detected, but no fax extension... i changed nothing at all, and retried, and the fax received.
11:31.50Delmarthat was when i had just the line exten => fax,1,rxfax(/var/spool/asterisk/fax/test.tif)
11:31.54Delmarand nothing else.
11:32.10Delmarso its broken half the time without me doing anything for a start.
11:33.48Delmarso now i have under my [incomingFXO] context... exten => fax,1,Goto(ext-fax,in_fax,1)  and then under context [ext-fax]  exten => in_fax,1,rxfax(/var/spool/asterisk/fax/test.tif)
11:34.03Delmarjust failed claiming there is no fax extension
11:34.29pbxjunkiearrghhh :/
11:34.29pbxjunkieApr 13 14:34:01 WARNING[21295]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_retrieve_call_to_death
11:34.29pbxjunkieApr 13 14:34:01 WARNING[21295]: loader.c:391 load_modules: Loading module failed!
11:35.07Delmarand its doing that again.
11:36.32*** join/#asterisk ccfiel (ccfiel@
11:36.32ccfielhello ppl..
11:36.32ccfielcan somebody help me with my problem. i have a remote iax connection when it tries to connect to my * server and try to connect a sip client that is local. there where no delays in the coversation. but when the remote iax connects to an iax local connection in my *... there is a lag in the voice at least 2 mins.. what would be the problem? :(
11:36.32zoanative bridging
11:36.40webmanpbxjunkie: rm /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*; cd /usr/src/asterisk;make install
11:37.08webmanDelmar, I don't really know, I don't use the fax auto-detect, but sounds like you need to solve that problem first  ....
11:37.51*** part/#asterisk saabluvr (
11:38.29Mavvie*CLI> sip show peer test5
11:38.30ccfielcan somebody help me with my problem..
11:38.37Mavviestill have no idea what that number there is :-/
11:38.46webmanhmmm, could someone explain gain values to me please... I am looking at adjusting the tx gain on a polycom phone, the default value is 3, and I want to make it quieter... should I make it a higher or lower number?
11:38.50RoyKccfiel: if you ask, perhaps.
11:38.55*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
11:39.25ccfielcan somebody help me with my problem. i have a remote iax connection when it tries to connect to my * server and try to connect a sip client that is local. there where no delays in the coversation. but when the remote iax connects to an iax local connection in my *... there is a lag in the voice at least 2 mins.. what would be the problem? :(
11:39.28webmanMavvie: Wouldn't that be the time until the registration expires?
11:39.36ccfielRoyK: :)
11:39.41tzangerccfiel: two minutes??
11:39.55tzangerccfiel: you have a DNS lookup that is timing out?
11:40.08RoyK2 minutes lag?????
11:40.12Mavviewebman: that's what I thought, but the expiry is 1 hour (3600 seconds), which makes this a weird number.
11:40.21ccfieltzanger : what do you mean..
11:40.27Mavviewebman: and it doesn't decrease neither.
11:40.34ccfielyes 2mins...sometimes 1 min...
11:40.46RoyKccfiel: not seconds?
11:40.58ccfielno minutes..
11:41.02webmanMavvie: in that case, I can only suggest you "Use the source, Luke" :).... or just ignore it ....
11:41.06ccfielnot seconds..
11:41.24ccfielbut if you will wait you can hear the other end..but its very lag..
11:42.26ccfielit happen between iax remote ---> * server -----> iax local
11:42.53ccfielbut when i do iax remot ----> * server -----> sip local  theres no lag...
11:43.16ccfielthe communication is good
11:44.41jacktheccfiel: question, are you using the new jitterbuffer?
11:45.01*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
11:45.14ccfieljackthe: what do you mean?
11:45.35ccfieljackthe: where can i find that? :(
11:45.45Mavviewebman: heh... it's the Id of the expire, not the time.
11:45.51jacktheI mean, wich program do you use for iax local?
11:46.10webmanmavvie: of course it is... why didn't we both know that :)
11:46.34Delmarthe fax autodetection is working ok. its something to do with the extension.
11:46.36Mavvieuseless information to print....
11:47.22Delmarif I start using a Goto to another context and such, it breaks .. claiming there is no fax extension.
11:47.27ccfieljackthe: you mean the softphone..i used media X both local iax and remote iax connection..
11:47.48ccfielin my sip connection i used x-lite
11:48.02RoyKccfiel: using HEAD or what?
11:49.50ccfielRoyK: sorry for my ignorance... what do you mean by HEAD?
11:50.09jacktheccfiel: If possible, can you make a packettrace off the callsetup and the first 2 min of call (lets say until you hear audio)
11:50.41webmanccfiel: type show version and paste the response you see
11:54.38jacktheto much to handle for ccfiel :P
11:55.03*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (
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12:07.34smiley-is it possible to customize the voicemail-app without modfify the source code?   I have a few options I want to disable
12:08.20smiley-I have been thinking about replacing the audiofiles with silence as one solution..   but if it is possible to disable functions it's much better
12:09.52webmansmiley: well, you can customise the source code, or the sound files, or you can use some options from show application voicemailmain if they will do what you want....
12:11.30smiley-ok..  I guess I have to do the sound file trick then
12:15.42*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
12:18.40Cronus-sctin your extensions.conf, do you always have to do an answer and a hangup?
12:19.55webmancronus-sct: but often you want to ....
12:20.00dizzydiffinyone there
12:20.25dizzydiffipls i need help
12:20.35dizzydiffiwith sip to h323 translation
12:21.14dizzydiffihas anyone done this
12:21.27pepziwhat is this flash-function in x-ten eyebeam and on many sip-phones?
12:21.40RoyKdizzydiffi: asterisk h.323 channels SUCK
12:21.47RoyKthere really are no good solutions for it
12:21.51dizzydiffiyea it might but i need to do it
12:22.10dizzydiffiwhat of Open h323 with gnungk
12:22.16Mavviewebman: <- fixed!
12:23.33webmanmavvie: neat :) now that is good turn around time :)
12:23.48smiley-oh.. that reminds me..    show sip peers isn't working perfectly when using a mix of entries from real time config mysql and some static ones in sip.conf
12:26.16smiley-if I remove that static one from sip.conf  all the peers from real time are showing up..
12:26.29smiley-maybe I should update to the latest CVS
12:34.23webmanif gain is 3, how do I make the volume quieter, increase to 4, or decrease to 2 ??
12:34.53smiley-decrease seems logical..
12:36.40webmansmiley-: well. most things to do with audio don't seem to be so logical for me :) I'll try and see...
12:37.55*** join/#asterisk jonas (
12:39.46webmanwell, time for sleep for me now... cya...
12:43.55*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
12:44.05phpboyguys, what's a nice softphone that supports IAX?
12:44.11phpboyX-ten doesn't seem to support it
12:44.37phpboyu got a URL for that?
12:45.57odenphpboy: i have packaged some for mandriva (cooker), iaxcomm, tkiaxphone and kiax.
12:46.58odenphpboy: ehh, sorry. that is linux :)
12:47.55*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
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12:49.33phpboyall good :)
12:50.26newloden: uploaded to contrib or maintained elsewhere?
12:51.01odennewl: cooker.
12:51.25newlthose are in main?
12:51.25odennewl: i mean, yes. into the mandriva cooker contrib rep.
12:51.34odennewl: no.
12:51.41newlahh, okay.  I was gonna say, I didn't recall seeing them in main. hehe
12:52.57odennewl: they're fresh, i did it monday. iaxclient is a shared lib used by kiax too.
12:53.23newlgrabbing now.
12:53.34newlwhoops..libiax0 is missing
12:56.55Cronus-sctif you connect an asterisk server to a legacy PBX, is it possible to use Music on Hold?
12:57.12Cronus-sctis it also possible to give each internal number a voicemail?
12:57.16*** part/#asterisk JunK-H (~grepmoo@
12:57.30RoyKI guess that depends on the other pbx
12:57.38Cronus-sctit's a panasonic
12:58.07Cronus-sctif that helps
12:58.08RoyKI have no idea what's inside that.....
12:58.52Cronus-scti'll find out that when i implement it
12:59.44jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
12:59.46jboti heard mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
13:01.16ManxPowerariel_, I figured out the problem with the TDM400P that I had.
13:02.08ariel_what problem? and how?
13:02.33ManxPowerariel_, turns ou the card was the original first version of the TDM400P,l the one without the power connector
13:03.18phpboydiax isn't even trying to connect to my asterisk server
13:04.02ariel_ManxPower, ahh I see. I have never seen one without the plug.
13:04.31odenare there other open source iax soft phones i don't know about besides iaxcomm, tkiaxphone and kiax?
13:04.55Moonwicktried ikilledemwithaniax?
13:05.24ariel_oden, for linux or windows?
13:05.41odenthat builds under linux.
13:06.36ariel_don't know of any other. there is an xlite sip beta out there for linux
13:07.17*** join/#asterisk Chad-wl (~asdf@
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13:08.26phpboyanybody got some nice asterisk DOCS? isn't all that informative :/
13:08.45odenX-Lite? seems for ms or mac
13:09.02Chad-wlI'm trying to dial out over a TM400 card on the first channel, should my TRUNk=Zap/1-1 ?
13:10.32ariel_Chad-wl, no TRUNK-Zap/1
13:14.52*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@balu.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
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13:17.17ManxPowerAll SoftPhones Suck!
13:17.46*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~neils@
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13:17.56phpboywhen I phone using SIP
13:18.07phpboysometimes funny noices come over the line
13:18.18phpboycould this possibly be hardware related?
13:18.25phpboycompression issues of some sort?
13:18.33*** join/#asterisk betul (
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13:18.48tzangerphpboy: not compression but perhaps ethernet weirdness
13:19.05phpboyhmmm, u think?
13:19.05tzangerphpboy: i've seen that before where the card (or hdd controller) holds interrupts for too long and you get "chirps"
13:19.26phpboyexactly that
13:19.28tzangerphpboy: try playing with the PCI latency timers; set them all to 32 or 64 to start
13:19.38tzangerI bet tehre's something sitting in your system with a latency value of like 255
13:19.40phpboyso possibly hdd related
13:19.42*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@balu.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
13:19.50phpboyhmmm, how can I check?
13:19.50*** join/#asterisk betul (
13:19.55phpboyor where, rather
13:20.06tzangerlspci -v | grep latency=
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13:20.22tzanger~google pci latency tune asterisk
13:20.27phpboyBus: primary=00, secondary=01, subordinate=01, sec-latency=0
13:20.30phpboythat's what I get back?
13:20.37tzangerthat's all you have?
13:21.01tzangerahh not latency= sorry latency\   (backslash and space)
13:21.07tzangerdon't paste it here
13:21.09tzangeruse pastebin
13:21.41*** join/#asterisk _THEEND_ (~DrEaM@
13:27.05tzangeractually there's nothing too bad there, but what all's on IRQ 12?  cat /proc/interrupts
13:29.20tzangerwhat else is the asterisk system doing?
13:29.44phpboywhat do u mean?
13:29.58tzangerphpboy: why do you run ztdummy if you already ahve a timing source (wctdm) ?
13:30.13tzangeryou also have your USB controllers on the same interrupt; do you use them ofr anything?
13:30.45tzangerremove ztdummy
13:30.50tzangerand try it see if the chiping ocntinues
13:31.05tzangerwhat kidn of systme is it anyway (processor)
13:31.07phpboyhow do I remove/disable ztdummy?
13:31.13phpboyPIII 733
13:31.16tzangerrmmod ztdummy
13:31.18tzangerand odn't load it :-)
13:32.47phpboyI'm not all that clued up with Linux
13:32.59phpboyhow do I stop a module from loading on boot
13:33.06tzangerI can tell.  :-)  But that's not a problem if you're willing to learn
13:33.44CiNzAsvi  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zaptel
13:34.05CiNzAsand there you haver a line like this
13:34.17tzangerCiNzAs: only on some distros
13:34.19CiNzAsMODULES = "torisa tor ztdummy"
13:34.24tzangerCiNzAs: you can't assume everyone uses the same distro
13:34.34CiNzAsWhat distro do u use ?
13:34.34AvengerXslack: /etc/rc.d/rc.modules
13:34.39CiNzAswhatever ...
13:34.39tzangerAvengerX: untrue
13:34.40AvengerX(or whenever kmod requests it)
13:34.49newlIf I define an extension for say *78 (or some other internal extension) will asterisk use the one I define or the internal one first?
13:34.50tzangerslackware uses hotplug
13:34.57tzangeror rc.modules, or rc.local
13:35.01tzangerdepends on how you have it set up
13:35.06AvengerXtzanger: normally, ok?
13:35.45tzangerAvengerX: heh.  again it depends but rc.modules is a good place to look, although I'd be hard pressed to find an installation that puts it there since it's not a standard module
13:35.56phpboy#uname -a
13:35.57phpboyLinux asterisk1.local 2.4.21-27.0.1.EL #1 Fri Dec 24 02:04:03 GMT 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
13:36.06tzangerphpboy: what distro, not what kernel
13:36.06phpboyso how would I go about disabling it on boot?
13:36.57phpboytzanger: I'm using asterisk at home on cent os
13:37.05phpboyI think it's a bread of Redhat
13:37.06tzangerthat's what we needed to know
13:37.11phpboyok, cool
13:37.14tzangernow we need someone who knows *@~
13:37.23phpboytzanger: it seems to have fixed the problem...
13:37.33tzangerphpboy: hey, I'm good, what can I say.  :-0
13:37.40phpboytzanger: perhaps you can help me with another pressing issue
13:37.42phpboythanks a mil
13:37.43phpboyu rock :D
13:38.05tzangerphpboy: try the asterisk@home pages to see if anyone describes how to disable that
13:38.08phpboyI add a SIP user
13:38.12newloden: heh that kiax is pretty nifty
13:38.31phpboyand then an extention to contact that user
13:38.38phpboybut it doesn't seem to work all that well :/
13:38.52tzangerphpboy: did you do an extensions reload and a sip reload?
13:39.27newltzanger: kde iax client.
13:39.33tzangernewl: I guessed that much :-p
13:39.39phpboyI did an entire reload
13:39.55tzangerwell now that's got their collective heads up their asses torastricon's gonna need another way to schedule meetings
13:40.05tzangerphpboy: hmm ok well "it doesn't work all that well" is very vague
13:40.14phpboytzanger: doesn't work
13:40.16phpboythe SIP user
13:40.19phpboyI can login
13:40.21phpboythe works
13:40.34phpboybut dialing that extention
13:40.38phpboyno can do :/
13:41.00tzangerphpboy: well do you have an [extensions] context with all the extensions in it that is inlcuded from the default context of the sip users/
13:41.16phpboyI do
13:41.22tzangerobviously not :-)
13:41.58tzangerwhat does the * console say when you try to dial the new extension?
13:42.36phpboyNot found
13:42.46tzangerthen you haven't created the extension correctly
13:42.49phpboyI'm clearly doing something VERY VERY stupid here
13:42.56tzangerand I am not exactly sure what wrappers asterisk @ home uses so I am not much help
13:43.07phpboytzanger: u know what would make you a HACKER of note and put me forever in ur debt
13:43.13*** join/#asterisk malbech (
13:43.20tzangerphpboy: let me guess, if I figured this out for you
13:43.24phpboyis if you could quickly login to my box remotely
13:43.26tzangerthat's not hacking, that's just helping out
13:43.28phpboyand just had a look
13:43.30phpboyI'll fix it
13:43.38tzangerI am already a hacker of note.  :-)
13:43.40phpboyI just need you to point out the problem
13:43.45phpboyIF you don't mind
13:43.48phpboyI know, i know :P
13:43.50tzangerphpboy: I'm trying to help you already
13:43.58phpboyI know :D
13:43.59tzangerwhat context do your sip users get dumped in to
13:44.42*** join/#asterisk RyanW (
13:44.47phpboyin the extentions.conf file
13:44.56tzangerat the * console type show dialplan [ext-local]
13:44.59tzangerer without the []
13:45.05tzangerdoes the extension that doesn't work show up in there?
13:45.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
13:46.14RyanWi'm trying to ring a mobile phone via zap and also a sip extension simultaneously and my problem is the Telco answers the zap channel immediately even if the mobile phone is unreachable.
13:46.22RyanWdoes anyone have a work around for this ?
13:46.26*** join/#asterisk boch (~as24@
13:46.33Moonwickheh.  new mobile provider?
13:46.41Moonwickwhat do they do, answer and then play a ring noise?
13:46.41*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
13:46.43phpboyasterisk1*CLI> show dialplan [ext-local]
13:46.43phpboyThere is no existence of '[ext-local]' context
13:46.51bochanyone here took the Cisco CVoice training?
13:46.51RyanWMoonwick...thats exactly what they do
13:46.55phpboyI've obviosly done something wrong :/
13:46.58Moonwickthat's really lame.
13:47.04MoonwickI don't know if there is much you can do
13:47.20RyanWEvery telco in Australia does that
13:47.38Moonwickany idea why?
13:47.43phpboytzanger: I've obviously done something very stupid :/
13:47.46RyanWthey answer then play silencem followed by a recorded message "phone out of range or switched off" or they play a ringing sound
13:48.08Pj386phpboy: yeah, try reading everything tzanger said, he said "without the []" :)
13:49.47phpboysoz :/
13:49.49newl"Please wait while this call is diverted..."
13:49.53RyanWis there a way i can make asterisk place a call then identify the tone being heard and act accordingly
13:51.23phpboyasterisk1*CLI> show dialplan ext-local
13:51.24phpboy[ Context 'ext-local' created by 'pbx_config' ]
13:52.01tzangerphpboy: ok so what is a sip extension that works?
13:52.18tzanger(sorry was on the phone)
13:52.32phpboynone of them do
13:52.39phpboyI'm 300
13:52.44phpboyso what I'm going to do
13:52.50phpboyis add 301 quickly
13:52.54phpboyat another place on my network
13:52.57phpboyand see if it works
13:52.58tzangerwell that tells me that that macro is either not getting invoked correctly or it's the wrong macro altogether
13:53.11odennewl: cool. works ok?
13:53.22newloden: ahhyeppers
13:53.39tzangerphpboy: just for shits and giggles, try Dial(SIP/blah), where blah is in sip.conf with [blah] and type=user or =friend
13:53.54zoatzanger should be given an award today again :)
13:54.00tzangerI should?
13:54.03newloden: though installing the libiax0 package porked my cvs Asterisk install..nothing a quick make install couldn't fix.
13:54.08zoafor helping out people
13:54.25tzangerzoa haha yeah but I burn up the karma I accrue by flaming in the lists :-)
13:55.00zoai stopped doing free support, well for larger things like login in etc at least
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13:55.14zoajust cant keep spending all that time on it
13:55.27zoahouston we have a problem with the sip jitter buffer
13:55.36tzangerzoa: agreed.  but I enjoy helping and I keep this and -dev in the background while I work
13:55.40zoaits taking too damn long
13:55.53zoaanyone willing to take over ?
13:55.56tzangerit gives me a healthy distraction and it (can) help others
13:56.10tzangerzoa there is nohting about the sip jitter buffer in -head, is there?
13:56.25tzangerjerjer had (numerous) sigsegv's on switch-3 which runs the new jitter buffer
13:56.38zoaaha he also had ?
13:56.38*** join/#asterisk brc-tux (
13:56.46zoawe have some crashes on the sip jitter buffer
13:56.53zoaonce every some hundred thousand calls
13:57.15tzangerzoa: yes but it the code in -HEAD?  I thought the sip jitter buffer was not merged
13:57.23zoano its not in there
13:57.32zoathe last version is only here in the office
13:57.41zoathere is a patch for the last approach on mantis
13:57.48zoamost recent version doesnt even compile for now
13:58.00phpboytzanger: I've added 301 onto my network now
13:58.02*** join/#asterisk ajx (
13:58.07phpboywe still can't seem to contact one another
13:58.10phpboy"Not found"
13:58.22tzangerzoa: ahh okay... jerjer's running -HEAD from yesterday when he got it
13:58.27tzangerphpboy: did you do what I asked?
13:58.34tzangerwhat's your SIP user in sip.conf
13:58.44phpboyMy personal one is 300
13:59.02phpboyand the new user is 301 on the network
13:59.07tzangerwhat is it in sip.conf
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13:59.54tzangerphpboy: you have a [300] in sip.conf?
14:00.06tzangerwith type=user or type=friend?
14:00.08phpboyI do
14:00.21tzangerok I wonder if that's allowed
14:00.39tzangerI would have thought that * would try and interpret '300' as in IP and fail
14:01.04phpboyI authenticate
14:01.05phpboyjust fine
14:01.11tzangerI'm ont talking about authentication, I'm talking about dialing
14:01.18phpboywon't work on my console
14:01.26phpboyna, I can dial fine with it
14:01.28tzangerI didn't say on the console
14:01.32tzangerphpboy: that is outgoing
14:01.34tzangerthat's totally different
14:01.40phpboysoz :<
14:01.50phpboyI dial 300
14:01.52tzangerreplace that exten => 300,1,Macro() with exten => 300,1,Dial(SIP/300)
14:01.54phpboyfrom my softphone
14:01.54tzangerextensions 300
14:01.59tzangerand try dialing 300 from the soft phone
14:03.02phpboy"Not found"
14:03.03*** join/#asterisk SirPrize (
14:03.08tzangerok do this
14:03.14tzangerexten => 300,1,NoOp(I am trying to dial 300)
14:03.19tzangerexten => 300,2,Dial(SIP/300)
14:03.23tzangerextensions reload
14:03.24tzangerand try again
14:03.29SirPrizehow could I make asterisk only make one outgoing call per available SIP account ?
14:04.17SirPrizeI've tried using ChanIsAvailable("SIP/outgoingaccount"), but this always says there ARE available channels, even when I'm using the outgoing account for a call
14:04.28phpboystill not
14:04.51phpboyperhaps I should paste you my debug?
14:04.52[TK]D-Fenderphpboy : could you put your sip.conf and extensions.conf in a pastebin for us
14:04.59[TK]D-Fenderwould make things a lot easier
14:05.08bjohnsonSirPrize: setgroup and checkgroup .. look at the superdial macro on the wiki
14:05.08tzangerphpboy: do you see the NoOp() text on the console?
14:05.15phpboy[TK]D-Fender: good idea
14:05.18tzanger[TK]D-Fender: nah I like doing it this way
14:05.20tzangerhe's learning more
14:05.25RyanWSirPrize use the hangup extension to place the next outgoing call in the spool folder
14:05.27phpboythat's also true
14:05.35phpboytzafrir: I had sip debug running
14:05.39phpboylemme disable quick
14:05.44tzangersip no debug
14:05.54*** join/#asterisk tekati (
14:05.56[TK]D-Fendertzanger = Proponent of masochism ;)
14:06.04SirPrizebjohnson: thanks for that - will read and see
14:06.26tzanger[TK]D-Fender: nonsense; it's easy to just point out what's wrong when you have the configs but he's willing to learn and I am trying to cultivate that; there are far too many people already that want it the easy way
14:06.47SirPrizeRyanW: thanks, but I think you're trying to queue the calls to take place one after the other?  It's enough if I can identify if there's a call already in progress and just play a recording that the channel isn't available
14:06.48phpboytzanger: I do not :<
14:07.02tzangerphpboy: you do not see NoOp(blah blah blah) when you dial 300?
14:07.12phpboyI prefer learning, the hard way
14:07.17phpboythat way I won't forget :D
14:07.19tzangerthen your softphone does not start out in the [ext-local] context
14:07.24*** part/#asterisk brc-tux (
14:07.29[TK]D-FenderI suppose.  its a mixed blessing of sorts.  Depends how long you can be frustrated trying to help when it turns out to be the absolute last thing you'd look at
14:07.30phpboytzafrir: I'm search my debug for it
14:07.40tzanger[TK]D-Fender: this isn't frustrating at all
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14:07.43tzangerat least not at the moment
14:07.46tzangerwe're not going in circles
14:07.56[TK]D-Fenderthats a bonus ;)
14:08.11phpboytzanger: what are we looking at next then
14:08.28jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
14:08.32tzangeryour soft phone sip.conf entry, what's its context= line
14:08.37jbotit has been said that royk is my one and only sex toy
14:09.09jbotit has been said that tzanger is some #asterisk resident, although he doesn't know too much...
14:09.10tzangerI forgot about that one
14:09.29*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
14:09.38RoyKjbot: no, RoyK is that nice Asterisk consultant from .no :P
14:09.39jbotokay, RoyK
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14:09.51phpboycontext = ext-local
14:09.53*** part/#asterisk SirPrize (
14:09.57phpboyin my sip.conf file
14:10.06tzangerphpboy: for your soft phone entry?
14:10.12jbotsomebody said royk was that nice Asterisk consultant from .no :P
14:10.12tzangerwhat is your softphone's entry
14:10.23phpboytzanger: what do you mean by that?
14:10.51tzangerphpboy: the softphone entry in sip.conf
14:10.52phpboyah, I see what u mean
14:10.53newlhot grits haha
14:10.54phpboyhang ten...
14:10.54tzangerwhat is its [name]
14:11.46*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:11.59phpboyit was the wrong context
14:12.02phpboyI just learnt something
14:12.07phpboythat I WILL NOT forget :D
14:12.17*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
14:12.23RoyKcoppice: guten abend, herr coppice
14:12.32tzangerguten abend?
14:12.48coppiceit means "good crash"
14:12.54tzangerguten morgen, guten nacht... abend?
14:13.05mmlj4abend = evening
14:13.23coppiceabend == abnormal ending
14:13.30RoyKcoppice: remember those old novell servers ABENDing
14:13.44*** part/#asterisk calvinhp (
14:13.45coppiceIBM did it first :-)
14:13.50RoyKI know
14:14.05phpboytzanger: last Q
14:14.12phpboybefore I continue through these DOCS
14:14.21phpboyhow do I make it
14:14.26phpboythat after 5 rings
14:14.30phpboyit goes to my mailbox?
14:14.54phpboythat is
14:14.56RoyKcoppice: did you get to try that firmware yet?
14:15.06phpboyI think I've added the voice mail box properly
14:15.07RoyKphpboy: it's all in the docs
14:15.11RoyKphpboy: all of it
14:15.13phpboynow all I need is the redirect
14:15.17tzangerphpboy: well that's all in that macro
14:15.17RyanWphpboy......go read the macro vmdial ...
14:15.20RoyKphpboy: rtfm
14:15.22tzangerlook at the macro and see what it does
14:15.24coppiceRoyK: yep. it seems little different from the previous version
14:15.26jbotextra, extra, read all about it, rtfm is read the f*cking manual... try asking me about "FAQ"
14:15.26tzangerRoyK: he's doing very well
14:15.32phpboyRoyK: I'm reading on
14:15.36phpboyam I at the right place?
14:15.36RoyKcoppice: tzangerok...
14:15.37tzangerthat's blitzrage's site
14:15.45RyanWphpboy look in the default extensions.conf there is a macro called vmdial
14:15.47RoyKcoppice: meaning just as bad signal etc?
14:16.00Chad-wlWhy is x-ten getting a 404 error trying to dial local on a default asterisk configuration? I'm on the console with -vvvvv and I still don't see any errors. How can I tell what is failing?
14:16.12phpboyRoyK: no need to get hectic d00d
14:16.14coppiceyep. the fax machine either marginally decode or fail
14:16.18phpboywe're all here to learn/teach
14:16.24phpboyif it was ONLY up to the docs
14:16.29phpboywe wouldn't need this channel
14:16.39RyanWphpboy. you have not read the docs. you are lazy.
14:16.54phpboyRyanW: I got the system going via the docs
14:16.59phpboynow I need to relax a bit
14:17.01newlChad-wl: are you sure the client is registered?
14:17.04RoyKcoppice: could you send an email to yoda about it, please?
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14:17.20RoyKcoppice: and I'll see if I can ship down that 4port micronet
14:17.37Chad-wlnewl: It's a SIP client registering fine, I can call out and access the main menu (s context) is there another place to register?
14:17.42phpboygot doc source?
14:17.56phpboygood doc source
14:17.56phpboyI mean
14:18.27tzangeryes blitzrage et al have put a lot of effort into that
14:18.41tzangerI keep meaning ot help them out with it but you know what they say about good intentions
14:18.42RyanWphpboy. go configure the voicemail accounts
14:18.56newlChad-wl: sounds like it's registering fine then.  Make sure the clients sip.conf entry points to the correct context.
14:19.15Chad-wlnewl: what context should it point too exactly?
14:19.16phpboyRyanW: in your opinion... what's the best source for asterisk DOCs overall?
14:19.23*** join/#asterisk DrWho17 (
14:20.20newlChad-wl: whichever you decide that client should have access to.  e.g. all my test bed clients here use my test context.
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14:20.29phpboyRyanW: thanks :
14:21.39Chad-wlnewl: I'd like to have them access the sample "from-sip" context. Where is that context defiend?
14:23.12tzangerRyanW: don't give him the wiki... jeez that'll throw him into a tailspin
14:23.31newlChad-wl: try the local context (presuming you're using the default example configurations)
14:23.51newlor demo
14:23.51*** join/#asterisk sergiovel (~sergio@
14:23.55RyanWtzanger...if he goes and reads the wiki asterisk configuration from the "start here" bit onwards he'll do just fine
14:24.03sergiovelHello everyone
14:24.18Godseyis there an elegant way to use something like stdexten macro but have the DIAL command include W or possibly wW depending on if the call originated from a stdext?
14:24.21tzangerRyanW: I dunno, I have found the wiki to be a wealth of (very disorganized, often stale and many times conflicting) information
14:24.33DrWho17tzanger: exactly so
14:24.47tzangerwhich is a problem with wikis in general
14:25.06tzangerthey need a flock of maintainers to keep it coherent
14:25.07RyanWi work for an ISP managing 3 asterisk boxes and 100 extensions in 2 countries and the wiki has taught me how to compile/configure and manage asterisk
14:25.11DrWho17that is why I try to help if someone ask a question on the irc support
14:25.18DrWho17rather then reference to a wiki
14:25.19GodseyI was thinking GotoIf[${LEN{CALLERIDNUM}}==4]
14:25.32Godseybut haven't done it yet thinking someone here may have a good idea :)
14:25.45tzangerGodsey: that is right
14:25.45Chad-wlnewl: Thanks, I got it to connect,
14:25.46tzangerI do that
14:25.59GodseyRyanW: neat :) I manage 3 asterisk machines too but only 30 ext in an isp
14:26.21newlChad-wl: cool
14:26.51RyanWwe have a $50 000 Avaya PABX sitting in a pile in the kitchen at work because Asterisk shits all over it when it comes to reliability and functionality.
14:26.55Godseythe ISP wants to start providing voip to customers
14:26.57sergiovelI have a question guys, is there any webphone or softphone that will work behind a firewall. I have tried firefly and others without sucess. I want to install it in a company like IBM, HP, etc that usually only have port 80 open. I know that Skype works in this company...any suggestions? Most users are on Windows
14:27.12odennewl: yes, i see. i added the new jitterbuffer code to it from the iaxclient stuff.
14:27.21GodseyI'm having admin overload :)
14:27.28CiNzAssergiovel: no luck
14:27.30GodseyI manage all work desktops, servers, routers
14:27.35Godseyand now asterisk :)
14:27.35CiNzAsskype is peer-to-peer
14:27.38DrWho17sergiovel: the sip clients/iax clients should work fine
14:27.45Godseythere is almost too much for 1 person to do anymore
14:27.46RyanWGodsey. what company do you work for?
14:27.52CiNzAsDrWho17: i doubt
14:27.54GodseyRyanW: local isp near Seattle
14:27.57RyanWGodsey. i work fot
14:27.59sergioveli have tried but did not work
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14:28.34CiNzAsIf they block udp ports
14:28.46sergiovelhow does skype manage to make it work
14:28.56DrWho17oh, yes firewalling is a problem, missed that part
14:29.04CiNzAsSkype is a peer-to-peer
14:29.06DrWho17of course the ports need to be open
14:29.06newlusing a tunneling client (such as freedom or stunnel) on the local machine and connecting to that should allow anyone through a proxy. :)
14:29.13sergiovelthis company has a firewall that cannot be administered
14:29.20CiNzAsnewl: maybe
14:29.29Godseysergiovel: IAX :)
14:29.36newlCiNzAs: right, in theory anyway. :)
14:29.46sergiovelfirefly using iax did not pass :(
14:29.56Godseyput asterisk behind the firewall
14:30.02CiNzAsMaybe they have a ISA server or eles
14:30.07sergiovellet me expand a bit then...
14:30.08RyanWGodsey, i'm not in irc much but i do use msn messenger if you wanna pm me i'll give it to you, feel free to ask for advice with asterisk if u need to
14:30.16Godseytalking to outside world (or other asterisk machine) via iax
14:30.18CiNzAsi can't even do ssh tunnelling
14:30.22Godseyand sip internally to asterisk
14:30.29sergiovelthe server has to be outside their company for a conferencing solution
14:30.42sergiovelso 20 people need to access it from diferent companies
14:30.53sergiovelusually this big companies with firewall
14:31.02RyanWGodsey...or routing/bgp/linux/java/perl/asp for that matter.
14:31.04sergiovelthey all need to access the asterisk box
14:31.05Godseyuse hub and spoke topography
14:31.20sergiovelusing a web or softphone
14:31.57DrWho17then they need to allow the service through their firewall
14:32.09*** join/#asterisk scanna (
14:32.20CiNzAsYeap that's right
14:32.38*** join/#asterisk Eranpe (
14:32.42CiNzAsAsk the firewall addmin to open SIP ports
14:32.48sergiovelthat is going to be very difficult
14:32.50CiNzAsDuring the conference
14:32.58CiNzAsOtherwise .. i doubt.
14:33.00sergiovelbecause  I have to ask 20 companies to do that
14:33.09CiNzAsAnd if those are "big" companies ... i reall y doubt
14:33.10sergioveland the companies change everytime
14:33.34sergiovelcause this is a guy who will send an email inviting people to join the conference
14:33.47DrWho17oh, well it would be easier then getting each of those companies to have some custom configged client
14:33.48sergiovelhe want them to listen to them
14:33.54DrWho17or tunnelling solution
14:34.25CiNzAsWell .... Theres is other way
14:34.39sergiovelhow does skype work? they work over the 80 port?
14:34.54CiNzAsIf they cant'use the internet connection ... The client use the traditional phone system
14:35.22sergiovelbut the cost goes way up, i did the numbers
14:36.13DrWho17sergiovel: well it tries a few things I think
14:36.20DrWho17any, then 443, then 80
14:36.48sergiovelthat is nice...but we cant use skype with asterisk right?
14:37.14CiNzAsThe minimum requirement is that Skype needs unrestricted outgoing TCP access to all destination ports above 1024 or to ports 80 and 443 (the former is better, however). If you don't allow either of those, Skype will not work reliably at all.
14:37.28DrWho17can you run a sip proxy on port 80 maybe?
14:37.42DrWho17point their sip clients to it, and have it talk to asterisk
14:37.44sergiovelyou mean at each customer?
14:37.52DrWho17sergiovel: no on the outside
14:37.59sergiovelah..that is a good idea
14:38.12DrWho17I'm not sure how the rtp would work though
14:38.13CiNzAsSip cliente ---> Port 80 --> SIP PROXY ---> *
14:38.20DrWho17CiNzAs: yea
14:38.22CiNzAsYeap !
14:38.47coppicewhat works is what is not blocked
14:38.49coppicewhat is not blocks varies enormously :-)
14:39.03DrWho17right, and it's variable on every company
14:39.03fenlanderOften these companies don't really have port 80 open - it is just an http proxy, so a tunnel won't work
14:39.16DrWho17right, that too
14:39.19*** join/#asterisk yaout (
14:39.40DrWho17fenlander: although some of the streaming audio needs to go straight out, and company executives like that
14:39.48coppiceI think most big companies proxy port 80
14:39.50DrWho17so many firewalls have holes punched in them for htis
14:40.24fenlanderYes- but that is often handled directly by the proxy understanding the streaming protocol
14:40.54sergiovelnow the fact that skype works well in this one company that has 60 offices all over the world...I guess it shows that it can happen
14:41.10phpboytzanger: I must be over looking something
14:41.18fenlandersergiovel: yes - worth a try
14:41.19phpboyI can't see in that Doc that ryan pasted me
14:41.31sergiovelso the sip proxy idea might just work
14:41.34phpboyhow to make it go to voice mail after what ever number of rings
14:42.04fenlandersergiovel: you need to proxy the rtp traffic as well
14:42.22sergiovelit would be smth like ... softclient >>Port 80 >>SER>>Asterisk
14:42.30coppicedoes skype do anything to mitigate lost packets?
14:42.31DrWho17phpboy: unavailable
14:42.52phpboyDrWho17 ?
14:42.56fenlandersergiovel: and this is TCP port 80, not udp
14:43.05sergiovelyes tcp
14:43.13DrWho17phpboy: add an extension for it, the priority after the dial
14:43.36phpboyyeah, I thought so
14:43.44phpboybut how do you specify the ammount of rings?
14:43.52*** join/#asterisk bratner (
14:44.15sergiovelOk, I will give that setup a try...thanks guys for your feedback
14:45.26Chad-wlWhen I call out from a sip client it reports: Called 1/9056235555  Does that mean that it dialed a 1/ in the number?
14:45.35BuckRogersgood morning
14:45.36*** join/#asterisk jeffik (jefik@
14:46.22jeffikneed help getting x-lite to work
14:46.53BuckRogersx-lite there is a lot that you need to leave blank'
14:46.54mozratAny Debian Testing users here?? Who might know why I get []/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_unregister_modem_driver
14:49.49zoafor xlite setup
14:49.49BuckRogersphpboy: have you worked with mysql databases?
14:50.02*** join/#asterisk delYsid (~user@delYsid.developer.debian)
14:50.41smiley-speaking of softphones..   I can't get the softphones to match an extensions with #nn#    *nn* works..   but no #nn#    can't figure out why
14:50.51delYsidDoes anyone know docs which describe how to use asterisk just as a SIP proxy to connect one cisco phone to a public SIP gateway?
14:51.29zoamozrat: comment it in modules.conf
14:51.41zoadelysid, asterisk is not a proxy
14:51.55zoabut the thing you want can be done easilt
14:52.02foobosdelysid, if you need SIP proxy, use SER
14:52.08zoabut dunno for a place to look for
14:53.11delYsidfoobos: SER?
14:53.33newlheh ser would be a bit overkill
14:54.07fooboswell if you don't need the pbx, then why configure one
14:55.01newldon't load the module then.
14:55.36bochanyone here took the Cisco CVoice training?
14:55.51*** join/#asterisk Romik (
14:57.31mozratzoa, trying that now, thanks
14:57.45*** part/#asterisk RyanW (
14:59.15EssobiI'm loving this new NiN Downward Spiral Remaster.
14:59.34EssobiI think I'm going to whip up some new MOH. :)
15:00.48*** join/#asterisk mwgbc (
15:01.28mwgbcWill MoH play if you flash over to dial a three way call?
15:02.14ChkDigitmwgbc: It should play for the party that you flashed into the background.
15:03.55mwgbcChkDigit: Thanks that's what I needed to know.
15:03.58*** part/#asterisk mwgbc (
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15:09.18Essobimwg I believe so.
15:10.01EssobiIt does on my 7960s.
15:10.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
15:10.20EssobiNever used an FXS device.
15:13.55CiNzAsAnyone using CM 4.x with asterisk ?
15:14.01CiNzAsSIP Trunk
15:14.09sudhir492this may not be related to asterisk, but with so many unix experts here, someone might answer my question. My Asterisk server restarts for some reason. In the syslog, I see syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
15:14.13CiNzAsMy SIp trunk has gone crazy right now .... grrr...
15:14.31CiNzAsThat is no asterisk restarting
15:14.36CiNzAsthar is syslogd restarting
15:14.48sudhir492Where to find out more about the casue of this.
15:14.50Moc____why are all my International keep broking all the time !!!!
15:14.57*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
15:15.12sudhir492I know, it is not asterisk, it is machine rebooting
15:15.14Moc____the last working provider I have force me to use g729
15:15.16bprice20does anyone have an agi for implementing callback when busy
15:15.56bprice20so when a user calls a number and its busy it will keep calling back until there not busy then dial the user back
15:16.10sudhir492bpriec20: I wrote an AGI to callback after capturing callerid. You can use it after busy
15:16.15Nuggetbprice20: that's really difficult to do, since it's hard for asterisk to know the difference between "busy" and "ringing"
15:16.36Nugget(for many channel types)
15:16.49Moc____anyone can dial with voiceconduits internationally ?
15:17.01bprice20sudir492 that may work will you send it to me?
15:17.22bprice20nugget really?
15:17.27sudhir492CiNzAs: Yes. My machine is restarting for some reason. How to figure out why is it rebooting?
15:17.39Nuggetyes, really!
15:17.42CiNzAscheck syslog
15:19.33sudhir492CiNzAs: Thats what I am doing. In my syslog, I see message at 15:11, and then at 15:50 syslogd 1.4.1: restart
15:19.51bprice20I'd imagine when it tosses back congestion thats where I would pick that up, play the user a message give them an option to retry and run the agi
15:20.24*** join/#asterisk fbw (
15:20.32Moc____ok jerjer is not here, file wont talk to me !!! that suck..
15:21.18*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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15:22.33CiNzAssudhir492: cant tell
15:22.37sudhir492ChkDigit: Haha. I wish it was that simple :-) Then I could knock on someone's head and fix the problem. No, for some weird reason the machine reboots itself. I dont know where to find the cause of this
15:22.42CiNzAsyou have to check that
15:24.10*** join/#asterisk goobster (
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15:25.03bprice20sudhir492 try /var/log/acpid might gve you some clues
15:25.03ellvishi people
15:25.34bprice20maybe someone accidentally set up a cron
15:25.53fbwIs there a way to test the server using a pots modem to dial in or out, no voip
15:26.40bprice20yes you need fxo, or was it fxs hardware
15:27.13bprice20sudhir492-- get that e-mail addy?
15:27.30DrWho17sudhir492: right, add the kernel options noapic pci=noacpi acpi=off
15:27.46DrWho17if you use linux and are getting hardlocks
15:27.51Nuggetfxo talks TO a dialtone.  FXS creats a dialtone.
15:27.58sudhir492bprice20: Thats the first thing I checked. No entry in crontab. in /var/log/acpid all I see is at 15:08 1 rule loaded, and at 15:51 starting up
15:28.27*** join/#asterisk riksta (
15:28.29CiNzAsdamm it
15:28.35sudhir492bprice20: yes, go the email address
15:28.36CiNzAsi do a weekly restart to asterisk
15:28.42CiNzAsEverytime i do that restart
15:28.49CiNzAsMPG123 goes to 100% cpu
15:29.04CiNzAsjust one process, and only when i do a restart
15:29.29bprice20CiNzAs I had the same thing for a while I just added killall -9 mpg123 to the cron
15:29.38CiNzAsthats not a solution
15:30.51bprice20well it IS A solution maybe not a good one
15:30.58CiNzAsHehe .. or that
15:31.20CiNzAsMaybe ill do that.
15:32.43bprice20Wyhos an asterisk consultant I need a feature, don't know how to develop it and am willing to pay for expertise
15:33.03tzangerbprice20: we're all asterisk consultants to one degree or another
15:33.09tzangerwhat are you looking for
15:33.31bprice20I need a feature that will callback on busy
15:34.14bprice20So asterisk gets busy, plays back a message user presses something to confirm then asterisk calls every 3 minutes and when its not busy calls back user
15:35.13tzangerbprice20: hmm
15:35.17Essobibprice20 someone wrote a busy redial app I think.
15:35.26tzangerthat would be tricky
15:35.32EssobiI seen it mentioned somewhere before.. maybe the wiki.
15:35.37bprice20after some googling I apparently am not the only person looking for it. I'll pay someone for their time then post it online in voip-info
15:35.39tzangerbecause you can't tell if it's busy until you Dial()
15:35.40EssobiIt was a dirty hack if I remember right.
15:35.49*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@baghira.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
15:35.50tzangerand you don't want to bridge until Dial() says NOT busy
15:36.03tzangerI can think of a few ways to try
15:36.39Essobiexten => s-BUSY,1,answer()
15:36.59Essobiexten => s-BUSY,2,AGI(dial-back-i-wrote)
15:37.02Nuggetsometimes you can't tell if it's busy even after you dial.
15:37.03bprice20tru you can't tell if its busy until you dial but when you get Congestion (forgot the sip code) you can run the agi or whatever
15:37.10NuggetI don't get BUSY back from my FXO
15:37.28EssobiNugget You need a better FXO then.
15:37.34bprice20I get busy from my sip provider
15:37.43NuggetI just get bridged to the PSTN busy tone.
15:37.44bprice20Essobi can I have that?
15:37.47EssobiAyup.. sip supports it.
15:38.13tzangeractually I think I have a not so dirty trick
15:38.16Essobibprice20 lol.. I was being silly.. that's just an easy way to do it.. write an AGI to perform the call backs and you're golden.
15:38.29Essobitzanger True that?
15:38.33EssobiLet's hear it.
15:38.34bprice20oh see thats what I figured
15:38.59bprice20I need someone to write the agi
15:39.02EssobiA new option on Dial()?  That'd be super sweet.
15:39.24bprice20well theres the retrydial option but I don't know what thats used for
15:39.27bprice20not this application
15:40.41tzangerEssobi: this is just thinking out loud at this point
15:40.41tzangermy internet connections' acting up too
15:41.04tzangercallfile calls the busy #
15:41.15tzangerand bridges to a context that wait()s and checks a var
15:41.25tzangerand only dial()'s the extension waiting for nonbusy
15:41.38tzangerif the var shows the dial() is in progress
15:41.40tzangerit may be simpler
15:41.48tzangerbecause the channel wouldn't come up at all on busy
15:42.11tzangerand you'd just have an 'h' extension that checked for busy and did NOT clear the redial attempt if so
15:42.18EssobiRoger that.. you could kruft something similar to the retrydial function in the dialer, but Dial() would have to be able to continue operating after the initial call leg was dropped, then recreate it.
15:42.48tzangerEssobi: nah there's no need to alter Dial()
15:42.59Essobi:)  I like hacking app_dial.
15:43.09tzangerthat's what the Wait() is for... wait a few seconds and if the  far end is busy just hangup
15:43.41bprice20The reason I ask is because some switches have this functionality its like the last feature I've been unable to implement
15:43.55EssobiBut true enough, I think .call files would be the way to go..
15:44.19bprice20yeah looking into that but how do I tell it to dial over and over again?
15:44.31bprice20and furthermore to stop dialing, just remove the file?
15:45.15Moc____anyone having problems withy g729 codec É
15:45.26jeffiki need to add capability to press * to access voice mail from outside asteisk,  now when i press * i get the company directory
15:45.35*** join/#asterisk Makenshi (~makenshi@2001:630:1c0:2001:280:c8ff:fee2:921f)
15:46.06CiNzAsA little poll
15:46.07bprice20jeffec edit extensions.conf
15:46.16CiNzAsWhat you asterisk daily call load
15:46.21bprice20look for *
15:46.43bprice20CiNzAs more than 50 less that 100
15:47.10CiNzAsI'm using mine for a monitoring system
15:48.58*** join/#asterisk Dandan (
15:49.02Dandanhey all
15:49.27Dandani can't get the parking call feature to work and to announce the parking ext.
15:49.39Dandananyone knows how to get it to work?
15:51.44Dandanwhy is it so quiet?
15:51.44jeffikbprice20: ok, do you have the code to add?  I had it before i did an upgrade, it seems that it goes under macros
15:52.27*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
15:52.39Blackvelwhat means IPT?
15:52.55Moc____Why I can't find 1 voip provider that always work...
15:53.05DandanMoc: BV works for me :)
15:53.34Moc____well Im talking about the resellers
15:53.35CiNzAsIPT ?
15:54.15CiNzAsIPT  Internet Protocol Telephony (IP Telephony)
15:54.31Blackvelthat means VOIP?
15:54.46tzangerbprice20: email me about this so I don't forget, I will try a few things
15:55.16tzangerbprice20: callfiles are 'one shot' devices unless you have a retryattempt.  but I wouldn't use that
15:55.26tzangeruse a callfile and a little scripting in the dialplan to work with cron
15:55.36tzangeror hell just do it all in the dialplan
15:55.45bprice20tzanger will do
15:56.09*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
15:56.14tzangerbprice20: if I get it working you can paypal me what you think it's worth to you
15:56.57bprice20thats fair 80-150 range seem fine
16:00.08*** part/#asterisk BuckRogers (
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16:05.10sudhir492DrWho17: You are right, most likely the acpi is causing this problem.
16:06.25*** join/#asterisk easimon (~easimon@baghira.kawo2.RWTH-Aachen.DE)
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16:08.39CiNzAswhat is rigth before the syslogd restart ?
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16:26.06Wazbcan anuone help me COnfiguration Cisco with Asterisk , please!!
16:27.08*** join/#asterisk jdg (
16:27.22Nuggetwe can only answer questions, we can't just sit here all day and tell you what to type.
16:27.58WazbSIP call is originating from Cisco to  Asterisk. in which conf file i need to configure
16:28.34Nuggetall of them, probably.  what part do you not understand.
16:28.52mutilatoronly... 2?
16:29.46*** join/#asterisk stevej (~stevej@
16:30.08mutilatorpaypal me some cash money and i'll walk ya through it Wazb
16:31.31Wazbsorry mutilator i cann't
16:33.29*** join/#asterisk vagwin (
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16:38.09TomL~seen manxpower
16:38.15jbotmanxpower <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3h 20m 58s ago, saying: 'All SoftPhones Suck!'.
16:38.40*** join/#asterisk chris78 (
16:38.43NewSoleQuestion... anyone have problems with audio not playing
16:39.33*** join/#asterisk C4-Telecom (~sales@
16:39.44fooboswould be easier to answer if you told what adio
16:40.08C4-TelecomHi all
16:40.11NuggetI'm listening to iTunes right now.
16:40.12NewSolevoice mail.... Greetings....
16:40.13Nuggetno problems at all.
16:40.14foobosyeah.. my tv has busted speakers
16:40.21foobosso no audio from my tv
16:42.00NewSoleshido6... any idea
16:42.41sivanadoes sox convert mp3 to gsm?
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16:43.35foobossivana, you don't have sox installed?
16:43.49foobosyou don't have any mp3 files then?
16:43.53sivanafor an IVR.. the studio sent them to me as mp3
16:44.06fooboswell isn't it easy to test
16:44.37sivanaI guess my questions is "can sox convert mp3 to gsm?"
16:44.38foobosif that doesn't work, just use mpg123|sox pipe
16:44.53foobossivana, instead of asking, you have sox and mp3 file..
16:45.08foobosall you need to do is: sox some.mp3 some.gsm
16:45.12sivanaok, so you don't know
16:45.54*** join/#asterisk girabraz (~christian@
16:47.23foobosi just didn't want to give you that on silver platter since its an very easy task to test
16:47.53Wazbi used nmap -sU command and found that there is no listening on 5060 port, any help
16:48.04sivanaya, it's hard to type "yes" or "no" vs the lenghty chat we've had so far
16:48.17fooboswazb, try commmand. lsof -i -n instead
16:48.46foobosasterisk normally listens on all interfaces, not just
16:51.50*** join/#asterisk jonathh (~asd@
16:52.26jonathhHey.. can someone help to clarify to what i need to convert a bog standard phone(uk) to work with asterisk? i have heard noises about ATA?
16:52.57sivanafoobos: the answer would have been "no"
16:53.16shido6listens on all if you have bindaddr= set
16:53.33shido6its supposed to listen on all if you dont have any bindaddr set , too
16:53.38*** join/#asterisk heison (
16:54.33foobossivana, my sox supports mp3. you just need to compile it in
16:54.41foobosor like i suggested mpg123|sox
16:54.41*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
16:54.46NewSolehave you ever hear of asterisk not playing any sound
16:55.01Delvarjonathh: look the grandstream 486 ATA, has a port for analog phone and a lan port for SIP, so you can sip to asterisk. sell them in the uk.
16:55.02shido6sounds weird -
16:55.27jonathhnice one
16:55.53shido6how are you reaching your * box?
16:56.15NewSolei get
16:56.29NewSoleExecuting Playback("IAX2/8000000000000000@", "the-number-you-are-calling-is-not-in-service") in new stack
16:56.36NewSoleand its a gsm
16:56.54NewSolethen Playing 'the-number-you-are-calling-is-not-in-service' (language 'en')
16:56.59NewSolebut no sound
16:57.19shido6how do you know its gsm?
16:57.24NewSolebut yet I can call out to PSTN numbers and talk and listen
16:57.46DelvarNewSole: do you have a digium card installed and setup corectly? sometimes if incorectly setup it kills asterisk audio
16:57.49shido6NewSole, how do you know that file is in GSM format?
16:58.00NewSoleit is
16:58.09shido6how can you verify that?
16:58.10DelvarNewSole: also check what codec is being used (show channel SIP/bla)
16:58.16NewSoleit was working fine earlyer now dead
16:58.40shido6how are you reaching your asterisk box?
16:59.58shido6is that a phone?
17:00.09NewSolehardware phone your iax.conf for that phone
17:00.27NewSolefor the user
17:00.35shido6for the user and the peer
17:00.44NewSoleits in real time
17:00.55shido6find out the configs for that phone
17:00.57shido6and them
17:01.41NewSolewhat do you need I know all the configs right now... but nothing changed.... it just went dead
17:01.56Wazbnow i found UDP: 5060 entry, it means Asterisk is listening on 5060, right?
17:02.09shido6if you're certain what you know and whats in realtime then what do you have for the user and the peer
17:02.20NewSoleyup that info as you would if you wrote the iax.conf yourself
17:03.24jonathhcan anyone commment on the worth of converting an existing analogue handset over just getting a new SIP compliant one?
17:03.28jt_is there such thing as digital pots line
17:03.34jt_and does anyone know where i can get info on em
17:03.44jonathhthe converters seem to start at Ģ60.. that could go towards a new sip phone!
17:04.16shido6jonathh, can you take your analog phone with you wherever you are in the world and have it act as if it were in the office without incurring any charges?
17:04.50*** part/#asterisk CiNzAs (~ashes@
17:04.53jonathhthat is very true... (assuming you have the ata box and a BB line ;) )
17:04.56Delvarjonathh: its nice to keep your nice analog phone but be able to use VOIP...
17:05.15jonathhi actually have 2 cordless... that would be nice to keep
17:05.33Delvarjonathh: also the 486 has fail over, if voip is broken it goes over PSTN as normal.
17:05.41jonathhhow do you configure the IP of grandstream 486 ATA say?
17:05.52jonathhthat is cute..
17:05.53DrWho17through a web interface
17:05.56Delvarjonathh: web page configuration
17:06.01jonathhtht is nice
17:06.12jonathhi was worried it was a cheapy one.. and maybe only DHCP'd
17:06.13NewSolewell here goes
17:06.41Delvarhahah the 486 is easyer than some more expensive ones to configure
17:06.48shido6what in the world
17:06.57shido6NewSole, what codec is your iax phone set to?
17:07.01PTG123anyone use polycoms in here?
17:07.09jonathhso anyone in the UK found the grandstream 486 ATA for less  than Ģ60 tokens?
17:07.18mutilatori do
17:07.45NewSolephone can do g729/g723/ulaw/gsm
17:07.52shido6what is it SET TO
17:07.55PTG123mutilator: i have an ip500 that now reboots, downloads each file 4 times, then has a boot error and reboots again.. i think firmware may be corrupt.. any idea how to fix it?
17:08.06shido6do you have g729 licenses
17:08.15shido6how many?
17:09.38NewSoleon that box 100... but none are being used
17:09.44mutilatorsorry nope, havn't run into that yet
17:10.03*** join/#asterisk riquisim0 (~riquisimo@
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17:18.22lohelleIs it possible to config SER (sip proxy) to just forward requests to my asterisk servers (x.x.x.10 and x.x.x.11) and just use the SAME config on both servers? (only different IP's) ? does anyone have a SUPERSIMPLE ser.cfg that JUST handles forwarding (if that is all i need)?
17:18.56vaewynanyone remember from a previous install...  when you just plug the T cable in do you get yellow? or do they have to negotiate a bit before you even get that?
17:19.43DrWho17hrm, has asterisk anyway to interface with the Lerg, or will I need to make it myself
17:19.52fearnordr: you have to make it yourself.
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17:20.25DrWho17should be able to do it with realtime extensions I think
17:21.03DrWho17I was hoping someone had run into this before though, and would save me some work
17:21.30tldAny recommendations for a SIP provider to use with Asterisk?  Obvious requirement is 'real' SIP feed, no black-box solutions.  Also, I'm primarily interested in European providers, though US based ones are of interest too.
17:21.35tld(and is this too off-topic?)
17:21.44*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
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17:23.55Wazbhow can use we extern=> s......
17:24.30*** join/#asterisk signuts (~signuts@
17:25.25signutsHey all, i'm trying to create a call by placing a file in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing, I would like multiple channels bound. How do I specify? I tried seperating each channel with & and adding multiple Channel: lines, but neither seem to work. The Wiki has failed me once again also.
17:25.31heison[USENIX]wazb: when there is no extensions specified, usually as a result of a context being specified by one of the channels
17:26.00Hogiewhat's the diff between app_addon_sql_mysql and cdr_addon_mysql?  is app_addon for realtime config?
17:26.05Hogiein asterisk-addons
17:27.08Wazbit means if i want in order to work with extern => s is need to
17:27.17DrWho17Hogie: one logs cdr's to mysql, the other allows you to do mysql queries within asterisk directly
17:27.50Wazbit means if i want extern => s to work i have to disable all extern => _ entries in that context
17:28.21fearnordr: what are you really doing with lerg?
17:28.45Hogiethanks DrWho17, wish there was more docs in the source about stuff like that
17:28.45fearnorand s/extern/extern
17:29.12DrWho17fearnor: eh? I want the calling area for sip users to match that of the local telco
17:29.24*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
17:29.38fearnorfor billing purposes?
17:29.48fearnorwhy do you care about realtime then
17:30.01DrWho17yes billing purposes
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17:30.30DrWho17I want them to be able to 7-digit dial, in their area, and everything else is long distance
17:30.39heison[USENIX]wazb: i believe so, or if you put exten => s, before exten => _ should also work, since Asterisk does first match
17:30.50fearnordrwho: that's somewhat silly
17:31.05fearnoras in, i doubt anyone does that nowadays
17:31.18fearnor'fuck you, 10 digit dialing only. its 21st century, get with it'.
17:31.39DrWho17fearnor: yes, well I made that argument as well, but the people making the decisions didn't agree
17:31.56fearnorthen just prefix 7-digit with their npa
17:32.07fearnorand bill if it happens to be LD call in same NPA :(
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17:32.53heison[USENIX]wazb: you either disable all exten => _. or put exten => s in front of them
17:32.55rephormanyone here using polycom IP 300 phones? when a second call comes in, and i answer it, it drops the original call. according to the docs, it should place the original call on hold. any ideas?
17:33.06heison[USENIX]Wazb: that is my believe
17:33.08DrWho17how about I just incorporate the lerg into asterisk and make it work just like their pots line they are switching from?
17:33.11DaLionseem got ap prob think one 23 lines full and more come in and realtime complaions
17:33.28*** join/#asterisk GnL` (
17:34.21DrWho17looking into this enum stuff, see how feasible it is to move the lerg to it's format
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17:35.21Wazbno its not working <heison[USENIX]>
17:38.56Gand_DJHere's a question for those using fwd on *. I have fwd setup and when I try to make an outgoing call, I get "all circuits are currently busy"
17:39.27Gand_DJIf I loadup my softphone, I can call any fwd # fine
17:39.33*** join/#asterisk want561or772did (
17:39.38want561or772didcould someone call 638271 on FWD please
17:40.15Gand_DJsure.. 1 sec
17:40.48Gand_DJI get music
17:41.15want561or772didi don't get ringing :(
17:42.34Gand_DJmust somehow have it setup to auto-hold or something.. cuz I get music after a couple seconds.. no ringing from here either
17:43.28want561or772didyeah i have it start musiconhold after it gives instructions
17:43.44want561or772didit's no wonder ringing didn't happen though. i forgot fwd went via another path
17:43.47want561or772didcould you call again?
17:44.23Gand_DJno ringing... just went to music-on-hold again
17:44.31Gand_DJafter about 5 seconds of nothing
17:44.47want561or772didwell i'll test it locally
17:48.28want561or772didit just worked locally
17:48.49want561or772didnow i'll loop over fwd
17:50.10want561or772did:/ fwd also dials an extension
17:53.42*** join/#asterisk habakuk (
17:55.45want561or772didone last time?
17:55.56Dandanwhat num?
17:55.57Dandani can call
17:56.15Gand_DJ1 sec
17:56.22want561or772did638271 on fwd
17:56.40Gand_DJI get nothing for 5 sec... and music now
17:56.46harryvvI get alot of these. Anyone care to explain what it means?
17:56.48Dandani got sth like press star
17:56.51harryvvApr 13 00:07:42 NOTICE[5833]: rtp.c:451 ast_rtp_read: RTP: Received packet with bad UDP checksum
17:56.51Dandanand then music
17:57.26want561or772didmy console rang, though!
17:57.37want561or772didand then i listened to the music you were listening to through chanspy
17:57.44want561or772didso it's like a regular answering machine
17:57.54Dandanbut i got some choppy words
17:58.03want561or772didmy link is crappy
17:58.14*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
17:58.19want561or772didi should set it to use something other than ulaw
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18:11.40moydoes anybody knows a good (commercial or non-commercial) text to speech software?
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18:12.51signutsmoy, festival is the only one I know of (it's not the best either)
18:13.16moydo you know if has support for spanish voice
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18:16.58moyyep, it seems like it does support spanish.... thanks! ;)
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18:22.18foobosmoy, you should also try, they have few spanish voices
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18:26.55vaewynok...  have my T hooked up to the Norhell...  get a yellow alarm...  he brings it up...  still yellow alarm... and the Norhell puts it's side in red/green...  with pri intense debug on that span I never see anything but SABME frames...  anyone have ideas?
18:27.40Jas_WilliamsAre you using a T1 cross over sounds like a cable issue
18:27.46*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
18:27.46vaewyn(also... to check myself... the TE405P are labeled by port correctly?  span 1 is labeled port 1 correct?)
18:28.37vaewynJas_Williams: When I plug in a stright cable it gets yellow alarm immediately...  when I use crossover I get nothing...  we have only checked the stright since we assumed yellow meant that polarity is correct
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18:29.10vaewynIt spasses out the Norhell when we bring this up so we have done is very few times in short spats :P
18:29.49vaewynJas_Williams: when the remote end is disabled should I get a yellow or red with a correct cable?
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18:31.37moyfoobos: Thanks!
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18:33.59vaewynJas_Williams: or is there a way to test polarity so I know which to use?
18:34.57tldAny recommendations for a VoIP client that runs under FreeBSD that'll work with Asterisk?  (preferrably using SIP)
18:35.37Jas_WilliamsNot that I know of TX must produce volts may be try a volt meter
18:36.00*** part/#asterisk CoderCR (
18:36.12vaewynwonder if my tone inject polarity indicator would help... hmmm  :}
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18:46.59likwid--was wondering what voip providers people use?
18:47.12CoffeeIVI have some of those cheap Digium Wildcard X100P FXO PCI cards.  Someone is asking me if they use "loop start" or "ground start".  Which is it, and where can I find out what those terms mean ?
18:47.15harryvvi use
18:47.18*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
18:47.36BlackthornIs there away to update voicemail.conf without restarting asterisk?
18:47.53mogormanor kewl
18:47.57mogormanthey dont support ground
18:48.00bjohnsona reload doesn't work?
18:48.35CoffeeIVmogorman: thanks, I'm googling those terms now . . . if you know of a good reference on that I'd appreciate the link if you have it handy ;)
18:48.41Blackthorni could start and stop the service, but that would drop the calls.
18:49.16likwid--harryvv, you keep a local phone service at all for local calls? cos 1.7cents a minute seems like it would outweigh over minimum local phoen service
18:49.17mogormango to and look up depricated x100p
18:49.21mogormanit says all specs of card
18:50.24CoffeeIVmogorman: thanks again, I'm looking now
18:50.44harryvvblackhorn, you have a live production asterisk and dont want to reload? You could make it reload when no calls are comming in or out by typing the command restart when convinent
18:50.58mogormangoogle will help, i dont think it is easy to find on site anymore
18:51.12Blackthornok thanks harryvv
18:51.16vaewynanyone here have a Meridian hooked via PRI to * that would be willing to copy paste the configs for both ends to me?  I'm having real issues with this thing
18:51.24harryvvlikwid, I have thought about that also.
18:52.14Blackthornwas just curious if there was a "sip reload" type command that I was missing that would reload the voicemail
18:52.24harryvvI dont have faith in my local cable internet company to have there line up 24/7. It was down 2 hours yesterday. So thus could not make any calls if my local/long was total voip.
18:52.46vaewynharryvv: that's what cellphones are for :P
18:52.54harryvvI have a prepaid cell
18:52.58likwid--harryvv, so you do keep a local service?
18:52.59harryvvnot cheap
18:53.13vaewynI swear cellphones are getting a huge boost from being 'backup' to voip phones :}
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18:53.40harryvvvaewyn, one way around it is subscribe to two internet carriers with independent backbones.
18:54.02vaewynharryvv: yeah...  but that is more money than the cell :}
18:54.03likwid--harryvv, how about this, can asterisk be configured to use regular phone service on local numbers, and only voip for all others?
18:54.14harryvvbtw, this is cool. Uniden just came out with a standard wireless with base phone and cell phone in one.
18:55.08polilikwid--, Yes.
18:55.29harryvvlikwide, yes my local calls are though pstn and long distance is voip. But if you make alot of calls to a remote caller that also has broadband then the most reliable and free calls are done that way.
18:56.01*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
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19:03.12bjohnsonharryvv: a lot of people forget about that option
19:03.33bjohnsonwell .. actually I like to suggest FWD since you can have voicemail that way
19:05.16want561or772didi think spool based out dialing is broken in latest cvs
19:05.17pointdisable native bridging in IAX notransfer=yes ?
19:05.40kajtzuanybody have good/bad experiences of running asterisk on x86_64 systems?
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19:06.16odenkajtzu: you have problems on x86_64?
19:06.20Duttshey guys can anyone tell meif asterisk needs portmap?
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19:06.29kajtzuDutts: no
19:06.38kajtzuDutts: portmapper is used for rpc services such as nfs :)
19:06.38Duttscheers, just trying to harden my rd8 install
19:07.27lohelledoes anyone have a sample extensions.conf + ser.conf for simple --> ser --> 2x asterisk setup ?
19:08.14cboxHi.. does anyone know have i set up a rull to answer for calls with the extension like SIP/46928732-XXX?
19:08.37fugitivoanyone using FWD with IAX?
19:08.54*** join/#asterisk crash3m_ (crash3m@crash3m.user)
19:08.54niZonfugitivo: Me, along with probablly half the people here :P
19:09.09fugitivoi'm having a problem with outgoing calls
19:09.12fugitivoApr 13 16:12:46 WARNING[2300]: chan_iax2.c:5553 socket_read: Call rejected by Unable to negotiate codec
19:09.22fugitivoi can receive and talk, but cannot make outgoing calls
19:09.28cypromischeck your llow= and disallow= lines
19:09.34*** part/#asterisk crash3m_ (crash3m@crash3m.user)
19:09.35niZon*allow :P
19:09.39fugitivoi did :\
19:09.50fugitivoin my iax.conf
19:10.01niZonwhoever you're calling might not like ulaw..
19:10.40fugitivoi'm calling 612, to get the time
19:10.55niZoni think they only use GSM for that
19:11.26fugitivothey have that number as a test for IAX
19:12.03fugitivoi don't understand, why the incomming connections works whithout any problem
19:12.06niZondid you simply fill in their examples?
19:12.41Duttsanyone know of s quick and dirty sendmail config tutorial? all I want tio do is allow * to email me with my voicemail, want sendmail to use my isp's smtp server if poss?
19:13.12niZonfugitivo: see what happens if you do allow=all
19:13.21fugitivoniZon: ok
19:13.41pinoDutts: in 2005 you'd probably like to stay away from sendmail
19:13.54Duttsah right ok, qhat else can i use then?
19:14.06pinowhatever. exim and postfix to start with...
19:14.09fugitivoDutts: qmail or postfix
19:14.19fugitivoniZon: the same error
19:14.30niZonfugitivo: what phone are you using?
19:14.34Duttscheers guys i'll have a look
19:14.36fugitivomaybe i should look anything else for a misconfiguration?
19:14.47niZoncheck your phone config
19:14.50niZonand your sip.conf
19:14.58fugitivoniZon: kphone, and a regular phone conected to an ata
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19:15.21niZonmake sure you're allowing ulaw in the phone conf, ata conf and sip.conf
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19:21.38fugitivoniZon: it seems to be everything ok
19:21.54BlackthornI have seen this voicemail extension writen several ways such as exten => 1,2,Voicemail,1234 and exten => 1,2,Voicemail,u1234 and then others with the u(1234). Which is correct?
19:22.02fugitivoniZon: if i don't allow ulaw, should the incoming calls work?
19:22.52niZonas long as you allow a codec both clients support
19:22.57niZonit should work
19:23.13fugitivobecause incoming calls works, outgoing calls don't
19:23.39niZonBlackthorn: the second one looks the best, but i'd prefer exten => 1,2,Voicemail(u1234)
19:23.57niZonfugitivo: what codec to incoming calls normally use?
19:23.58signutsBlackthorn, u means play the "Unavailable message" if the user recorded one.
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19:24.13fugitivoniZon: iax is only allowing ulaw
19:24.24fugitivoniZon: that's why i don't understand the problem
19:24.42niZonyou're sure your phones are configured to use ulaw?
19:25.01fugitivoniZon: yes, if not, how do i receive calls? :)
19:25.28Dandanwho can help me with call parking? it is not announcing the number... :/
19:25.32ChkDigitBlackthorn: The u1234 can be understood as unanswered, and b1234 as busy, and 1234 would be the same as u1234.
19:25.49fugitivoniZon: i get this when i make an outgoing call
19:25.52fugitivoApr 13 16:26:16 WARNING[2662]: chan_iax2.c:5553 socket_read: Call rejected by Unable to negotiate codec
19:25.59fugitivoi think that's fwd server
19:26.01niZonis it just FWD's 612 number?
19:26.13niZoni just tried it, worked fine
19:26.15fugitivoif i try to call a person, i get the same error
19:26.15Blackthornok thanks..
19:26.32fugitivosome problem with me and fwd server maybe
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19:27.17niZoncould be
19:27.25niZoni don't even use allow in my iax.conf for fwd :P
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19:27.58PBXtechif you upgrade your motherboard/ethernet will digium allow you to redo your g729 licence?
19:28.41Romiksomebody can advice about crash on asterisk 1.07 ?
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19:29.18niZonfugitivo: er, nm. I put it right after the register line
19:29.21dooderdoes FWD sometimes take a while to register when you first sign up
19:29.23eKo1Argh. I don't like FXO gateways. Stupid PoS analog crap.
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19:29.56fugitivoniZon: me too, well, i'll check all the configurations again
19:30.02fugitivoniZon: thanks for your time
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19:32.10PBXtechanalog echo crap
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19:32.23niZonhm, my wireless is having a hernia
19:32.24pinoRomik: very interesting, my own 1.0.7 has no chan_features.c. have you removed all the old modules before upgrading?
19:32.50*** part/#asterisk NK123 (
19:34.12fugitivoanyone tried if stanaphone works with asterisk?
19:34.17*** join/#asterisk Tuplink (
19:34.51Tuplinkhow do i make incoming calls from fwd go to my switchboard?
19:35.23RomikApr 13 20:44:08 WARNING[12418]: codec_speex.c:166 speextolin_framein: Out of buffer space
19:36.04wolfsonanyone head of fiercemarkets, just got some spam from them regarding an SS7 product
19:36.04*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
19:36.21dooderi can't get fwd setup at all. sucks
19:36.26dooderApr 13 19:36:07 NOTICE[1378]: Registration of '642438' rejected: Registration Refused
19:36.47Uther_Phas anyone here used or heard anything about sipXpbx from sipfoundry?
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19:37.11dooderi followed the guide on voip-info
19:37.16Tuplinkin [default] include include => fromiaxfwd
19:38.01Tuplinkuse the guide on FWD
19:38.45Tuplinkhow do i get calls from FWD to go to a switchboard
19:38.55xaican asterisk use openldap?
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19:39.36pinoUther_P: i compiled it but did not use it :)
19:40.43xainugget: hey.. how goes it.
19:40.52BlackthornOk, I'm trying to setup the voice mail. And I can call and leave messages just fine. But when i check voice mail by dialing it's own number it just rings off the hook. I'm sure i've missed something but can't put my finger on it :P
19:41.21NuggetI've been outside planting pepper plants, trying to enjoy today's sunshine.
19:41.38Duttscan anyone tell me what this means
19:41.38DuttsApr 13 19:43:52 NOTICE[17344]: app_dial.c:936 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0)
19:42.01DuttsI'm only got one line and it happens when I'm making an outgoing call, is it just that I'm using up all the outgoign lines?
19:42.19Jas_WilliamsBlackthorn, What do you have in extensions.conf for the Voice mail extension
19:42.22xaiOk, i see that it does.. I wasn't sure where to look for that info..
19:43.17Tuplinkhow do i get calls to the pbx to take me a menu
19:44.08tzafrir_laptopTuplink, you mean IVR?
19:44.34Tuplinkum... yes like press one to... two to
19:44.43*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
19:44.57tzafrir_laptopYes, this is IVR: Interactive Voice Response.
19:45.51tzafrir_laptopUse the context parameter in the channel (sip.conf, zapata.conf, whatever) to send the calls to a specific context in extensions.conf
19:46.21Blackthornexten => xxxxxxx,2,voicemail(xxxxxxx)
19:46.25tzafrir_laptopcontexts in extensions.conf are the sections (the titles in [])
19:46.43tzafrir_laptopUse the demo example
19:46.49xaiNugget: what variety? Somthing is eating at my serranos.
19:46.49Tuplinkgot thet [switchboard]yadda
19:47.07tzafrir_laptopfor IAX: iax.conf
19:48.36L|NUXwhen i issue this command sip reload then i get this on * cli
19:48.36L|NUXApr 13 07:48:35 WARNING[9671]: frame.c:988 ast_parse_allow_disallow: Cannot allow unknown format 'h323'
19:49.19Nuggetsome habanero plants I bought at lowe's and some red savina seeds.
19:50.13*** join/#asterisk funxion (
19:50.35funxionanyone here?
19:51.10*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
19:51.51funxionIm unable to modprob wcte11xp trying to install a te110p
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19:54.34Tuplinkso... what is the context in IAX.conf
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19:54.35Tuplinkis that to witch [] it takes you
19:54.39TuplinkApr 13 15:50:50 NOTICE[10935]: chan_iax2.c:5761 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '641726@switchboard' does not exist
19:55.22|Vulture|funxion: fedora core 3?
19:55.40funxionits centos
19:56.03funxionredhat cased
19:56.20|Vulture|ah well if its like FC3 I had the same problem
19:56.25|Vulture|well fine...
19:56.33rephormfunxion: that's a t1 card, right?
19:56.43|Vulture|its the new T1/E1 card
19:56.45rephormgah. he left...
19:56.51|Vulture|I just installed it it was a whore on FC3
19:57.20rephormthe centos kernel is 2.4.21, and doesn't have nethdlc stuff
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19:57.36rephormthe centos kernel is 2.4.21, and doesn't have nethdlc stuff
19:57.59rephormso, there are issues if you need hdlc. but, the module should work otherwise
19:57.59funxionsry didnt mean to disco like that
19:58.15rephormfunxion: actually, which version of centos? 3.4?
19:58.50syleyou guys saying fc3 has to many problems?
19:59.01funxionnot sure
19:59.22rephormfunxion: cat /etc/redhat-release
19:59.25|Vulture|syle: I like fc3... it does have problems though
19:59.49funxionthat doesnt werk
19:59.49CurusSuddenly my Grandstream 486 cannot register with my asterisk. How can I debug it?
20:00.11funxionits 3.4
20:00.22r0d3ntCurus, asterisk -r
20:00.26poliCurus, Did you check if there are any erros using asterisk -vvvvvgc ?
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20:00.42Duttsdoes running in verbose debug mode (loads of v's) slow the system down considerably... I'm playing around with a 1x1 * setup and finidnig it's having difficulty picking up some of the dtmf
20:00.56|Vulture|funxion: what happens when you modprobe it?
20:01.06r0d3ntDutts, which has nothing to do with -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
20:01.11Curuschan_sip.c:8804 handle_request_register: Registration from '<>' failed for ''
20:01.26Weezeydoes auto answer on a SIP device that supports it, occupy an extension?
20:01.35CurusI know I have the secret correct, because calling does work (and doesn't if I choose a wrong secret)
20:01.37poliDutts, Probably not... you just enable some extra lines of code that, IMHO, should get no sensible impact in performance.
20:01.39Duttsr0d3nt: ok mat ejust wanted to make sure it wasn't too much of a resource hit that it's losing it.... had that problem a while back on some prosody cards.... what is the problem then do you know?
20:02.00poliCurus, start asterisk with -vvvvvvvvvvgc and see if there are any errors.
20:02.16r0d3ntdtmf settings on the device.. or the extension...
20:02.19|Vulture|ah yes...
20:02.25r0d3ntthere is no performance hit for verbosity @ the console
20:02.27|Vulture|funxion: thats the same thing FC3 deals with
20:02.56*** part/#asterisk mozrat (~mozrat@
20:02.59DuttsI'm in the uk, don't think I've done anythign other than defaults so do you know what's different? It seems to be ok 90% of the time, but misses the digit 1 in particular if it's in the middle of a string
20:03.08|Vulture|funxion: do a "uname -r"
20:03.23Curuspoli: Nothing sip-related except that it can't find sip_notify.conf
20:03.34funxionis what it returns
20:03.41CurusAnd that handle_request_register thing
20:04.06Tuplinkwhat dose Rejected connect attempt from, request '641726@switchboard' does not exist
20:04.09funxionI get 03:01.0 Network controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface when I do lspci
20:04.11poliCurus, Ok, if I were you, I would go with a network debug software (like ethereal) and understand what is truly happening between them.
20:04.55CurusI thought sip debug ip whatever would be enough for that
20:05.03Duttsif I update my zapata.conf do I need to retsart asterisk or is a reload sufficient
20:05.41BlackthornScratches head: I can call my # from another line and leave voicemail. I can verify it is creating it on the * console.  When I pickup my phone and dial it's own number to gain access to voicemail it rings normally then says person is not available. Have an idea?
20:05.48poliCurus, could be, I don't know, I never used it. I always go with network-debug.
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20:06.33funxionrephorn |vulture| any ideas?
20:06.34Uther_PBlackthorn: what does the cli say whn you call your own number?
20:06.36|Vulture|sorry Ill help you in 5 min
20:06.42|Vulture|I can help you fix it but I am busy
20:07.43Blackthornwhen i call my own number it just says person is not availbel and puts me into leaving a voice mail as if i'm calling from another #.
20:07.56Uther_PBlackthorn: what does the CLI say
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20:08.26|Vulture|okay sorry about that had to take care of an urgent echo issue
20:08.42BlackthornThe console shows the voice mail being created when leaving a message.  When dialing it to check voicemail it says nothing.
20:08.51|Vulture|go into /usr/src and do a
20:09.12|Vulture|ln -s /lib/modules/2.4.21-27.0.1.ELsmp/build/ linux-2.4
20:09.24|Vulture|that should be what the directory is
20:09.28|Vulture|your running smp right?
20:09.51Uther_PBlackthorn: well, you have to configure it to goto the voicemailmain for that box..
20:10.51Uther_PBlackthorn: for my extensions I use a macro
20:11.13|Vulture|funxion: reboot the box, then we will rebuild the zaptel drivers
20:12.30|Vulture|funxion: do you have a T1 PRI plugged into the TE110P right now?
20:12.58|Vulture|how did you build your zaptel?
20:13.05|Vulture|make clean;make;make install ?
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20:13.18|Vulture|and are you running latest CVS?
20:13.20jlewisusing 2 tdm400p's and one x100p, is there some reason my channels are 1 and channel 2?
20:13.25BlackthornDoes anyone have a url to setting up voicemail?
20:13.31EgonisFresh install of Asterisk, and just got a SIP Phone -- what can I do quick and easy to sip.conf? do I need to static IP my sip phone?
20:14.01Derkommissarjlewis, is that e-1's or t1's
20:14.21jlewisneither...they're all fxo ports
20:14.48focksare the dual 10/100's on a phone like a Grandstream GXP-2000 like a mini-hub/switch?
20:15.01jlewisjust wondering why/how channel 2 got skipped and if that's something I should have known to expect
20:15.13Dandanfocks: grandstream has a hub
20:15.15Dandannot a switch
20:15.20jlewisit looks like 1 is the x100p, and 3-10 are the tdm400 ports
20:15.28focksDandan are there phones with a switch?
20:15.45Dandani heard snom and polycoms are... but it is NOT confirmed
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20:19.52johnnybThe grandstream BT-102's second port is near-worthless
20:20.06easimondandan: says it has a switch...
20:21.04focksi just need a solution because all the customer has is 1 cat5 for the and 1 cat3 for their current phone
20:21.46focksyes i see it claims it is a switch
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20:22.47johnnybOf course you can _buy_ switches fairly cheaply these days.  CompUSA has one for $20.
20:23.14focksright, but that's cumbersome :(
20:23.27focksrather it be in the phone
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20:23.59PTG123whats the questions about the switches in the phone?
20:24.08PTG123polycom and cisco both have a 2nd port
20:24.17|Vulture|thats why I love my IP500s
20:24.21focksjust wondered which phones had a switch
20:24.26|Vulture|got rid of all my 79x0s
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20:24.31fockssince i only have 1 cat5 at each desk
20:24.31BuckRogersanyone have an issue with grandstream handytone not fowarding the incomming call to the fxs port
20:24.44kajtzuPTG123: the 7940/60 2nd port can be used as a host or as a switchport (with spanning tree)
20:24.45PTG123speaking of IP500s, mine fetches each file 4 times, then reboots with bad boot.. and idea how to fix it.. think it got unplugged during firmware load
20:25.36easimonkajtzu: what worth is spanning tree in a 2-port-switch?
20:25.48focksno kiddin
20:26.12kajtzueasimon: prevents loops in case some dimwit connects the 2nd port to another switch and that one back to your regular topology .....
20:26.28BrianR___easimon: lets other switches better calculate path cost.. Ie, a path with two repeaters is more expensive than one with none.
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20:26.51BrianR___Also, like kajtzu says, it prevents dimwits from causing loops.
20:26.52easimon... regular LARTs do the same job - and are more fun ;)
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20:28.00jlewisah...figured out the skipped channel's the post-install ztcfg...loading wcfxo and wcfxs one right after the other seems to confuse things
20:28.09kajtzuI run a bunch of 7940/7960s with CME/ITS and am actively transitioning them to sip and asterisk :)
20:29.01mozratEvening guys - quick straw poll amongst you all. Which of the web configuration tools do you use for Asterisk? AMP looks great but the setup seems a little rigid
20:29.49harryvvkaj, is this for your local bussiness?
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20:30.47|Vulture|the latest stable zaptel drivers are yummy ;)
20:30.49focksanyone know what the Signate 5000 servers base cost is?
20:30.57focksit's a beast
20:31.00kajtzuharryvv: yes. I started running its back in 2001/2002 or so and then it changed name to cme :)
20:33.30harryvvyou mean you are installing asterisk systems or just running it for your own company.
20:33.38kajtzuharryvv: internally
20:33.45harryvvhow many phones
20:34.17kajtzuabout 20. The coolest thing with asterisk is conferencing. I don't have to use Unity anymore.
20:34.23CurusWhat does "Contact" mean in a SIP register message?
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20:34.40kajtzu(I really, really, really hate Unity)
20:34.57EgonisI have a fresh install of Asterisk, with (what I know) as a properly configured install.. connected a SIP Phone, and dialed '1000' and it says 'disconnect'... what am I missing?
20:35.25harryvvwhat is unity a commercial pbx? what did it cost
20:36.06Blackthornego: setup your extensions.conf file. Which defines where and what dialing 1000 should do.
20:36.47Curusasterisk does return "Forbidden" when my poor HT486 tries to register. Not very nice of Asterisk at all.
20:37.07kajtzuharryvv: cisco
20:38.00Blackthornego try this:  exten => 1000,1,Datetime()
20:38.06Blackthornin your extensiosn file
20:38.11Curusasterisk also likes returning "trying", my SIP provider doesn't do that.
20:38.17Blackthornit will read back the date and time toyou
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20:38.30harryvvkaj, what did you not like about unity and how much did it cost with the phones?
20:38.42harryvvhow much did the unity pbx cost
20:40.26Jas_WilliamsUnity is cisco voice mail not apbx
20:41.42kajtzuharryvv: unity works with cisco call manager
20:41.51kajtzuharryvv: unity expess works with call manager express (and call manager)
20:42.13kajtzuunity is a family really. it includes voice mail, conferencing, etc.
20:42.31harryvvwhat did it cost to you and for how many phones?
20:42.44Blackthornok thanks for all the help this evening. time to close up and head home.
20:43.04Tuplinkhow do i define sounds
20:43.26BuckRogersanyone have an issue with grandstream handytone not fowarding the incomming call to the fxs port
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20:44.39Jas_WilliamsTuplink, You need to provide more information what are you trying to do ?
20:44.43easimoni recently tested a german speech pack for asterisk - just installed the files and put language=de" into zapata.conf. asterisk also used them, but numbers and dates were "in english order"... how do i fix this?
20:45.31kajtzuharryvv: depends on your cisco rebates :)
20:45.45harryvvgive me a ball park
20:45.54harryvvwas t 5 grand  6 grand what?
20:45.58harryvvround it off ;)
20:46.17azidi have a voicemail problem. when callers hangs up during the playback of the VM message, an empty voicemail is being stored.. any ideas?
20:46.51Jas_Williamsazid, what pstn connectivity do you have ?
20:47.06azidpstn through sip
20:47.58Jas_WilliamsSip should clear down cleanly no Idea why you get a blank message
20:48.39azidok :(
20:49.09foobosazid, try adding some silence to the entrance message
20:49.18azidi mean.. i call over an analogue line to a SIP-gateway and then sip to asterisk
20:49.45harryvvso much for that
20:50.05azidfoobos, ok. i'm using the default now
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20:54.56|Vulture|anyone use spandsp to send faxes?
20:56.34foobosits pretty random what actual facsmiles work with spandsp
20:56.41eKo1WTF?! For some stupid werid reason, adding a w in the Dial() causes the call to go through; otherwise, nada.
20:56.45foobosgot very bad experiences with canons
20:56.50|Vulture|foobos: I have inbound faxes working 100%
20:57.09cypromisfoobos: you seem to be using an old spandsp version than I suppose
20:57.25foobosi tried it about month ago
20:58.02|Vulture|I was looking for a way to send faxes like someone emailes faxes@asteriskbox and it sends the attachments
21:00.58eKo1Him, the W option also seems to cause problems.
21:03.07eKo1Him, maybe I'm confused. In Dial(sip/pstn/w1213456), what does that w do exactly?
21:03.09bkw_spandsp works great
21:03.14bkw_still a few issues left
21:03.16bkw_but not many
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21:04.45Jas_WilliamseKo1, wait 0.5 sec then dial
21:04.53|Vulture|bkw_: do you use it for outbound faxing as well?
21:04.54bkw_dialtone isn't coming up fast enuf
21:04.55bajanmanI'm wanting to know what the mostly used / stable web/admin/managment app is
21:05.04|Vulture|bkw_: or do you use a standard fax machine?
21:05.07bkw_|Vulture|, not yet.. i'm going to test some stuff out here in a few
21:05.12bkw_we use hylafax for outbound
21:05.19bkw_but once I get stuff going its going to do outbound here
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21:05.34eKo1Jas_Williams: Where is that documented?
21:05.41|Vulture|bkw_: outbound via spandsp or Hylafax there?
21:05.54bkw_soon spandsp also
21:05.58eKo1I can use Dial(sip/pstn/B1213456) and it will work just as well.
21:06.02denonbkw: you're taking on fixing faxing?
21:06.08denonor just playing with making it work for you?
21:06.11bkw_faxing isn't broken
21:06.16eKo1I think I can put any letter I want and it will work.
21:06.22bkw_as long as you generate the correct format files
21:06.23denonthought it was still pretty quirky
21:06.25bkw_outbound works fine
21:06.32denonhow come its not in CVS? <G>
21:06.32bkw_it works fine
21:06.40bkw_no clue
21:06.40CoaxDbkw, my love
21:06.46|Vulture|bkw_: I couldn't find anything in the wiki about installing Hylafax on *
21:06.47bkw_maybe because steve has not disclaimed it
21:06.51CoaxDbkw: May I buy you a carmel sundae?
21:06.54denonah, maybe ..
21:06.57bkw_|Vulture|, we don't use asterisk on outbound
21:06.58bkw_har har har
21:07.00CoaxDbkw: Tonight? On our date?
21:07.21denonCoaxD's an insult to his state
21:07.22CoaxDbkw: *wink*
21:07.29|Vulture|bkw_: oh okay... well if you need a hand with spandsp outbound lemme know Ill be glad to test/help
21:07.39CoaxDdenon: Yeah, we're all a bunch of gay haters
21:07.49denonno .. you're just lame .. nothin to do with gay stuff
21:07.52Jas_WilliamseKo1, I did think it was only in ZAP channels looks like you have an issue with the dial plan in your sip gateway
21:07.53CoaxDdenon: Hehe
21:08.27bajanmanwould anyone be so kind, as to give me their opinion on what would be the most stable user interface, OTHER than *@home?
21:08.47Jas_Williamsbajanman, VI
21:08.53bajanmanok ok.
21:08.55eKo1Jas_Williams: I tried it with a digit and it works as well. I think the gateway either ignores or looses the first 'digit' sent to it.
21:08.55bajanmanI use vi
21:09.11bajanmanJAS: but, I'm looking at: voice mail web.
21:09.14eKo1no no, vim
21:09.14Jas_WilliamseKo1, sounds like it
21:09.28bajanmanJAS:working on easy extensions input: without vi...
21:09.28eKo1I hate analog gateways. Shit!
21:10.08eKo1bajanman: echo "#include my-new-ext" >> extensions.conf
21:10.38Uther_Pcan someone refresh me on the asterisk app name for the audio loopback?
21:10.38bajanmaneK01: yes I know how. I'm sorry, maybe I'm not being clear?
21:11.11bajanmanI can use .conf files. I'm looking for a web/GUI? that I can use for viewing my messages, adding extensions, etc
21:11.41bajanmaneKo1: I tried *@home: and I cried: it sucks. but how good is AMP?
21:12.28Jas_WilliamsUther_P, echo()
21:12.34Uther_Pheh, thanks
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21:13.34bajanmanwhat would be a good "dial plan" wizzard to use?
21:13.47antivi? :)
21:13.58|Vulture|why use all that crap... the sources are the best way
21:14.35Jas_Williamsbajanman, @home is built using AMP so no difference
21:14.38bajanmanI'm good at linux, but a noob @ *. so I'm learning: but *@home was the worst. AMP does all kinds of stuff to the .conf files
21:14.46bajanmanJas: Ok, good point, BUT,
21:15.12bajanmanJas: is there anything out there, that will "help" me create a dial plan, and get me familiar with the * structure/.conf files?
21:15.51|Vulture|bajanman: make samples
21:16.02|Vulture|it creates a buncha step-through sample files
21:16.15Jas_Williamsbajanman, make samples in the source directory or look at src/asterisk/configs/????.conf.sample or read wiki
21:16.23bajanmanVluture: yea, did that. guess I should stop being lazy, and actually spend the time to view it, BUT
21:16.25jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
21:16.50bajanmanI guess what I'm getting at, if there is an example of a simple dial plan?
21:17.00|Vulture|bajanman: dial plans are an never ending project, you will go back 3 months later and be like "What the hell was I thinking?!"
21:17.00bajanmanwithout all the extras? so that I won't get confused?
21:17.11|Vulture|bajanman: on the wiki there is
21:17.18bajanmanVluture: ahhhh
21:17.20|Vulture|bajanman: some pretty simple ones
21:17.37bajanmanhow can I find it? (I actually have that page up)
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21:18.52|Vulture|at the bottom under Example files on the net
21:18.57Jas_WilliamsI was too slow :)
21:19.00|Vulture|hahaha Jas_Williams I think that was a tie
21:19.52bajanmansweet: thanks Jas/Vulture/eK01
21:19.57bajanmanI'll start with that
21:20.24bajanmannow that being said: my plan is to have family members on it eventually: is there a web interface for them to access their acocunt?
21:20.41|Vulture|bajanman: voicemail?
21:20.52bajanmanand I suspect billing?
21:20.55|Vulture|1 sec. phone
21:21.07bajanmanthought so: but. what is the most widely used...
21:22.25Jas_Williamsbajanman, Voice mail has its own web interface
21:22.45Jas_Williamsbut I just have the messages forwarded to email works well for me
21:22.54|Vulture|yea AMP just combines all that in an ugly way
21:23.39bajanmanlol yea, I figured AMP was bad: I had an associate join #asterisk, and was laughed at, when he asked for help
21:23.48bajanmanIt seems way to messy
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21:24.20bajanmanis there a good billing gui?
21:25.18Jas_WilliamsNot at the moment import the CDR's into your database of choice and write your own
21:25.30DaLionbajanman yes.. my hands.
21:25.36bajanmanhar har
21:27.14bajanmanthanks all for the help
21:30.04bkw_AMP needs work
21:30.08bkw_its too ugly
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21:33.36PTG123Anyone need any network gear, i have a bunch i was gonna list on ebay.. :)
21:33.40PTG123bkw_: yes it is
21:33.49eKo1Argh, stupid analog gateways.
21:34.41niZongot any extras? :P
21:34.42blitzragePTG123: sure, send it over
21:34.44|Vulture|is voicemail broken in v1-0?
21:34.47eKo1ka me ha me haaa!
21:34.54|Vulture|I cant login...
21:35.06KalD|Workwow - so my company just decided to go .BOMB...
21:35.07PTG123blitzrage: send what over?
21:35.14blitzragePTG123: all your extra equipment :)
21:35.23niZonPTG123: what do you have?
21:35.26darkskiezi hate the 7960
21:35.41darkskiezno speeddial setting over the network
21:35.41PBXtechhate 7960 you on drugs?
21:35.48darkskiezno rejecting incoming calls
21:35.57PTG123niZon: um not sure, like some alteon 180e's, some catalyst switches, some extreme network switches :)
21:36.05PTG123blitzrage: not for free :) real cheap, but not free ;)
21:36.13PBXtechand you think its the phone fault.. uhh hu
21:36.13darkskiezno sip subscriptions
21:36.14blitzragePTG123: what you got, I might need something
21:36.39PTG123got a bunch of other stuff i am going through it tonight, so let me know what type of things your looking for.. its all from my hosting company, decided to clean out storage
21:36.56darkskiezPBXtech: well its cisco's sip implementation i hate
21:37.05blitzragePTG123: well, once I see a list, I might see something I  "need"
21:37.17darkskiezcripped xml screens
21:37.17blitzragePTG123: cheap servers and switches are always handy
21:37.19niZondarkskiez: aparently chan_sccp2 is coming along
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21:37.58PTG123blitzrage: Well i just listed a bunch of switches :)
21:37.59darkskiezi tried chan_sccp2 the other day, it is coming along indeed, but it was glitchy, hold music b0rked etc, couldnt hang up some calls etc.
21:38.04Uther_Pfor internal calls from one sipura 2k, to asterisk to another sipura 2k, the delay is just a tad over 1/4 second on a 100Mbps switch... is this average?
21:38.08darkskiezbut it is promising.
21:38.26tzangerUther_P: any kind of min. jitter buffer setting?
21:39.11Uther_Pwhere is that set, because I've never been able to locate one
21:39.18Tuplinkhow do i put a call on hold from xlite
21:39.44Uther_Pisn't there a hold button in xlite?
21:39.54Tuplinkum..... i dont c one
21:40.00niZonclick one of the extension buttons...
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21:40.06Uther_Poh yea, heh
21:40.07Uther_Pthats it
21:40.32niZonI think X-lite has a memory leak... or the version I have anyway
21:40.39niZoni caught it using 74MB of memory
21:40.43Uther_Pxlite blowz
21:40.55Uther_Pyea, sounds like a leak
21:41.11Uther_Psounds like more than a leak, thats a freakin crack
21:41.17niZonPTG123: got some links to those switches?
21:41.31niZonUther_P: it opened the flood gates
21:42.01PTG123niZon: one sec.. let me find examples on ebay
21:42.15PTG123 thats the alteon
21:42.34Uther_Pdoes asterisk have a jitter buffer for sip?  because I've never been able to find one
21:43.06niZonPTG123: did you list those?
21:43.43PTG123those are examples
21:43.46PTG123id let them go real cheap
21:43.51PTG123rather then bother with listing them :)
21:43.57PTG123looking for the extreme networks
21:44.29niZonhow cheap?
21:44.35PTG123thats the extreme networks
21:44.53PTG1231u 48 ports switch w/ 2 gigabits.. and full managed like layer10 something like that
21:44.55PTG123its pretty insane
21:45.07PTG123make me an offer if you want something :) i am trying to clean out storage
21:45.34file[laptop]PTG123: ooh stuff in storage? what'cha got
21:45.47Moonwicklayer 10, eh
21:46.00Tuplinktheir are only 7 layers
21:46.04PTG123a lot of shit :) anything a host would have.. its from my other host
21:46.04Tuplinkswitches are 2
21:46.08Moonwickis that the layer where you reach into the user's cranium and start fucking with their individual brain cells?
21:46.08PTG123Tuplink: ok layer 7 then
21:46.17PTG123lets not argue about layers, i pasted a url
21:46.24PTG123the extreme networks is a router + switch + do it all in a 1u slot
21:46.44PTG123niZon: need anything?
21:47.00PTG123anyone need a wrt54g and booster? :)
21:47.15niZoni wouldn't mind another WRT
21:47.35PTG123also got one of those, but probably overkill for everyone
21:47.43PTG123niZon: modded how do you mod them? :)
21:47.51heison[USENIX]Uther_P: i
21:47.55PTG123niZon: i just used a straight 802.11b booster.. which works awesome..
21:48.02PTG123i replaced it with a WRX
21:48.05|Vulture|did voicemail change between 1.0.5 and 1.0.7?
21:48.06heison[USENIX]whoops, wrong window
21:48.15|Vulture|because its telling me unable to read password from voicemail
21:48.22niZonPTG123: different firmware :P
21:48.27|Vulture|WARNING[4661]: app_voicemail.c:3389 vm_execmain: Unable to read password
21:48.35PTG123oh yah of course :) it runs sveasoft
21:48.40PTG123i got an accoun tthere
21:48.49niZonah cool, mine has sveasoft as well
21:48.51|Vulture|PTG123: which release?
21:49.04Tuplinkim making a vim... i want the user to be able to dial an extention from that menu how should i go about it
21:49.06PTG123vulture: any one you want since i got an account :)
21:49.13|Vulture|PTG123: no which one do you run
21:49.18PTG123it had the latest before i replaced it wht the WRX or SRX or whatever it was
21:49.20niZoni need new antennas for my internal wireless cards
21:49.30|Vulture|I am running 7a and 5a mostly
21:49.33PTG123so anyone need any switches cheap?
21:50.11|Vulture|someone has to know about this VM error
21:50.21|Vulture|I get it when i upgrade to latest from 1.0.5 on all my boxe
21:50.24syle#DEFINE cheap
21:51.07PTG123depend on which you want.. like 75% or less of what you can get them for on ebay :)
21:51.30file[laptop]PTG123: I could go for a small gigabit switch
21:51.57niZonI could use a small patch panel..
21:52.10file[laptop]we're like kids in a candy store
21:52.39PTG123niz: probably have a patch panel i'll let you know tonight :)
21:52.49PTG123fil: the only gigabit siwtch i have is the alteon, its probably overkill
21:52.53*** join/#asterisk CoolAcid (~jk@
21:52.54niZonhm ok
21:52.55file[laptop]yeah it is
21:52.58file[laptop]this is for my apartment :p
21:53.02PTG123but along those lines you seenj the new netgear wirelese with gigabit switch in it
21:53.06PTG123its like $120
21:53.16PTG123and supposably it has the best qos available in the small units
21:54.24*** join/#asterisk DARP (
21:54.25Jas_Williams|Vulture|, What is a sample line from your configuration so we can check
21:54.53DARPiīm trying to configure the chanel oh323, but have some problems:
21:54.59niZonPTG123: do you have any voip stuff? phones? ATAs?
21:55.14DARPwe have a gatekeeper and i register to it
21:55.16PTG123niZon: i use all that stuff
21:55.17DARPits ok
21:55.30PTG123i have 48v power supplies for POE thats about it
21:56.16eKo1Man, I wish all net. equip. was PoE.
21:56.21DARPbut wen i try to dial ever response to me that reason 11 (Gatekeeper could not find user)
21:56.30niZoneKo1: mod it!
21:56.36PTG123anyone need an xbox or a shitload of dvds? :) Everything must go
21:56.41niZonI built a poe adaptor for my bwfw11s4
21:56.59niZonPTG123: entertainment for those late nights in the datacenter?
21:57.01file[laptop]PTG123: What else do you have?
21:57.20PTG123niZon: haha something like that.. i am just trying to clean space.. my house is overwelmed :)
21:57.34DARPsome of you have tryied to conect to a cisco router?
21:57.36PTG123file: not sure what you need :)
21:57.39PTG123xbox and a bunch of games
21:57.43file[laptop]how much for the xbox and stuff?
21:58.06PTG123no idea, make me an offer.. got to clean up space.. :)
21:58.09eKo1I needs an xbox.
21:58.20file[laptop]I have no clue what they go for
21:58.30file[laptop]so pick a number!
21:58.35file[laptop]and make it nice
21:58.36PTG123got 179 of them i will never watch.. thinking about listing them all tgether on ebay for dvds
21:58.37eKo1$100 or $150 I guess.
21:58.50harryvvDARP why do you ask? are you talking about a 3600 series cisco router?
21:58.53eKo1used, probably $50-80
21:59.03Uther_Pjust so I'm clear on this... asterisk has NO jitter buffers for SIP, only for IAX[2] and ZAP, right?
21:59.36PTG123i even have an x-arade joystick i was going to make a arcade machine from for it :)
21:59.48PTG123i am cleaning out my closets etc, my wife is on a cleaning kick
21:59.57niZonspring cleaning
22:00.20PTG123like $120 for xbox and 20 games?
22:00.30PTG123or whatever.. ah make it a $100 for you file :)
22:00.39denonPTG123: hmm? what games?
22:00.41file[laptop]how cute
22:01.00file[laptop]any VoIP related stuff? :p since we are in #asterisk...
22:01.12PTG123man i need to sell all this so i can afford voip stuff :P
22:01.25file[laptop]mmm VoIP
22:01.27denonPTG123: I might be interested
22:01.28PTG123unless you got a way to crack some vonage atas, i got 3 of those i am gonna throw in the trash
22:01.35file[laptop]which ones?
22:01.38PTG123denon: umm.. pm me i'll list the games
22:01.50PTG123file: 2 motorolas and a cisco
22:02.24file[laptop]any servers? :p
22:02.25*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
22:03.41PTG123heh a bunch of 1u amds and p3s
22:03.57|Vulture|hmmmm v1.0.5 works but 1.0.7 doesn't... I can't get voicemail to login on 1.0.7
22:04.30file[laptop]PTG123: see expression in privmsg. ;)
22:04.32|Vulture|did anything with the config change?
22:06.53DARPharryvv we have a cisco 7200 as GK
22:08.00PTG123Cisco 7206VXR router w/ mutli ethernet, and an oc3 card if anyone needs one of those too :)
22:08.40harryvvdarp, sorry im in no postion to chat on dcc or now. mabey much later tonight.
22:09.21harryvvdarp you know the IOS?
22:09.56eKo1PTG123: are you spring cleaning your house or your datacenter?
22:10.26easimon|Vulture|: i guess it won't help you, but i have no problems with voicemail in asterisk 1.0.7
22:10.39*** join/#asterisk asteriskn00b (
22:12.06asteriskn00banyone have an opionion on the aastra 480i set?  Quality and Sound Quality?
22:14.16|Vulture|easimon: it was me... of course... it was my dtmf setting
22:17.08Uther_Pcan asterisk's cli report the RTCP XP round trip delay for an open sip channel?
22:17.31*** join/#asterisk P-Chan (~jpfingstm@
22:17.38P-ChanHello! ^^
22:18.14*** join/#asterisk susekid (
22:18.45sylewhat kind of channel banks are supported with asterisk
22:18.57sylethere a url somewhere
22:19.00PTG123i got like 175 dvds i think i am just gonna throw on ebay for $500
22:19.17harryvvoriginal movies?
22:19.46|Vulture|hmmm thats a good deal
22:20.02|Vulture|PTG123: link me to to that when you put it up
22:20.15P-ChanOn  in example 4, the iax.conf on "master" has [slave] listed twice, once as user, once as peer.  Can someone explain how the context=??? works in correlation to exten => xxx, Dial, IAX2....
22:21.13*** join/#asterisk Smilk (
22:21.36P-ChanWell, actually as far as the "type=user" copy of the text I understand that its coming from the slave server and uses its context to determine how it dials out (dialplan)
22:21.41P-ChanBut what about the one below?
22:21.55PTG123us region 1 movies or whatever
22:21.59Smilkdoes anyone know if there is a simple utility out there that will allow me to highlight a phone number, right click, and have "dial" as an option? When clicked I want it to pick up the modem, dial the number, then hang up after 10 seconds
22:22.14Smilkso I can pass the modem in the middle between analog phone line and analog phone
22:23.19PTG123 179 dvds
22:24.37PTG123$500 :)
22:24.45*** join/#asterisk Frac (~sn@
22:25.37FracHi.. When i connect to asterisk it works fine when calling the extension my phone is on.. but after 2 minutes the phone is not recieving any calls.. Why is that?
22:25.45file[laptop]are you behind NAT?
22:26.14FracBut i have enabled nat in both asterisk and on my phone
22:26.22file[laptop]that doesn't mean NAT will magically work
22:26.40|Vulture|Frac: qualify=yes?
22:26.44file[laptop]do what Vulture says :)
22:26.59niZonPTG123: are you going to compile a list of stuff you have to get rid of? :P
22:27.21Fracso i should set qualify=yes
22:27.30HogieI have a zap channel (setup with fxo singaling to our old pbx) that is hung on offhook... is there a way to cause it to hang up?
22:27.48Fraci will try that
22:27.53FracWhat about stun?
22:28.11Hogiethis is on a T1 card, btw, and I can't really unplug it atm
22:28.30PBXtechzap destroy
22:28.59file[laptop]Frac: that won't help, your router is closing the UDP mapping quickly, so when asterisk trys to send indication to your phone about the call it doesn't get it because your router rejects it
22:29.19file[laptop]Frac: qualify causes asterisk to send a packet every 20-30 seconds or something, which causes your router to keep the UDP mapping open
22:29.35file[laptop]it's like jamming a stick in a door to force it to stay open
22:29.39HogiePBXtech: that says:  DON'T USE THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.   and doesnt say it will hang it up
22:30.06Fracfile[laptop] Ok.. But i donīt have control over this firewall.. Is there anything i can do about it then?
22:30.19file[laptop]yes, turn on qualify
22:30.26file[laptop]do people not read my explanations?
22:30.30Fracfile[laptop] did that..
22:30.51file[laptop]then do a sip reload to reload the changes, and it should work
22:31.02Fracfile[laptop] did that as well..
22:32.03*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
22:32.04Fracfile[laptop] it has a status of UNREACHABLE
22:32.11file[laptop]the firewall!
22:32.12syledo you need a license or anything to sell VOIP?
22:32.15file[laptop]is nasty.
22:32.29shmaltzwhen I'm trying to install app_valetparking.c I get the following:
22:32.31shmaltzasterisk/channel_pvt.h: No such file or directory
22:32.32syleVOIP phone plans
22:33.11Fracfile[laptop] yes.. It's something brand new shit they just bought.. And now nothing is working.. :D
22:33.27susekidHello all
22:33.31susekidanyone know if lingo is friendly with asterisk
22:33.43file[laptop]susekid: would know
22:35.31susekidI went on theter but I couldn't find any info on that
22:36.51shmaltz~google lingo
22:37.15shmaltzsusekid, does jbot help you?
22:38.00*** join/#asterisk dooder (~nateputna@
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22:39.12susekidIs everyone on in here running asterisk at an enterprise level?
22:39.29johnnybWhat do you mean "at an enterprise level?"
22:39.50shmaltzsusekid, you mean everyone or anyone?
22:40.27*** join/#asterisk techie (
22:40.45susekidMy real question was does anyone have this working with linuc
22:40.52johnnybsusekid, I doubt it, because many people come here to learn about HOW to run asterisk.
22:40.58johnnybsusekid, yes.
22:41.06Mavviejohnnyb: :-)
22:41.12johnnybOr linux ?
22:41.26Mavvielingo is a word game.
22:41.27johnnybWhat's lingo?
22:41.28susekidI have it setup on my linux box
22:41.37susekidvoip service
22:41.50shmaltzsusekid, of course not
22:42.02Mavviesusekid: if it does do SIP or IAX, yes.
22:42.54susekidIt is SIP to PSTN service
22:43.08susekidI believe it users those protocols
22:43.28Mavvieif it does do SIP, then yes.
22:43.56Mavvie <- where is the time that I needed to fight and struggle to get my bug reports handled?
22:44.05susekidLingo sent me A "ATA" router
22:44.38FracHow do i transfer calls with asterisk?
22:44.46shmaltz~seen anthm
22:44.49jbotanthm <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 8d 5h 32m 6s ago, saying: 'at cluecon!'.
22:45.46*** join/#asterisk mwgbc (
22:46.32mwgbcIs there a way to adjust "flutter time" in Asterisk so it will release calls better when the person tries to hang up?
22:46.54malbechHello, I search a turnkey softswitch based on Asterisk (& SER ?), I need help ...
22:49.20*** join/#asterisk Ariek (
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22:53.17shmaltzbkw_ ????????????????????
22:53.27mwgbcIs anyone familiar with somthing called "flutter time"
22:53.42Mavviemwgbc: it's what women have when the baby is nearly due?
22:53.46shmaltz~google flutter time
22:53.59shmaltzMavvie LOL
22:56.42Ariekdoes the asterisk outgoing spool option for outgoing call work oke.
22:57.00*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
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22:57.11shmaltzAriek, you tell me, test it and if it doesn't we'll know
22:58.16docelmoDoes anyone know of any problems with the licensing model of *?    Im running g729 w/ reinvite and its using all of my licenses when it shouldnt
22:58.25Ariekthats the problem.. I'm starting tomorrow morning with a test config.. And I was wondering if this was an good solution. Instead of using the manager api
22:59.22mwgbcHow do you adjust the sensitivity of Asterisk to sense when someone has hung upon the other end of the line so it will disconnect the call?
23:00.10BadKneesHi. Someone please recommend me a good hardphone IAX2 or and SIP which you have tried and really like. I've tried a few, but they all have quirks and wierd behavior. I need 40 hardphones really quick, and i hate quick decisions
23:00.37MavvieBadKnees: you should say which ones you tried, and what their problems were.
23:01.35BadKnees1. AT-320 dosen`t allways hangup (when you hang up) - with the newest firmware
23:02.04BadKneesSometimes it hangs up in the middle of a converstation
23:02.39BadKneesAnd it has a lot of wierd useless buttons that confuse my users
23:03.33*** join/#asterisk jdg (
23:03.40want561or772diddoes iax support switching codecs midstream
23:04.01BadKneesHave tried some ATA, but that not what i want.
23:04.12want561or772didalso, which are the lowest bandwidth codecs? it seems like my originated calls default to ulaw even though bandwidth=low in iax.conf
23:06.19FengShuianybody here familiar with channel variables and transferring?
23:06.20*** join/#asterisk yel (
23:06.42FengShuiI've got a channel variable that's getting copied between channels on a transfer and I'm not sure if that's expected behavior
23:07.06yeldoes fritz card pci now on the kernel 2.6 have full support ??
23:08.56*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
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23:10.47moyhi everybody, can i change the language in wich the voicemail is said?
23:12.27*** part/#asterisk Ariek (
23:12.31Wazbhow can we strip some digits in extension
23:13.02shepherdBadknees: there is some iax phone from the guys who made firefly
23:13.09shepherdhave you tried that one?
23:13.15BadKneeshmm, no
23:13.28BadKneesWhere can i find it
23:14.44shepherdoh.. it's in manufacturing :(
23:14.48shepherdi just read that
23:15.02PTG123anyone need a pda? :)
23:15.38want561or772didalso a did
23:16.25BadKneesCool, this phone look good. The phones based on PA168 all use the firmware from, i think. And i think the problem is with this firmware.
23:16.36PTG123hah got  a3975 ipaq w/ bluetooth blah blah blah and tons of accessories.. and a sharp cl-5500 the linux one i was gonna toss up on ebay
23:16.49want561or772didooh zaurus
23:16.56want561or772didi was hoping to do voip on a pda
23:17.11moyWazb: check at the end of that web page
23:17.13want561or772didi have no money though :(
23:17.30PTG123yah a zaurus :)
23:17.36PTG123well thats no good then
23:20.32drumkillai have a zaurus ... anyone want to buy it?  :)
23:20.41drumkillaI bought it and never really used it ...
23:20.49file[laptop]yay drumkilla
23:20.58blitzragedrumkilla: I have one too to sell
23:21.07blitzragebtw: kphone works great on it
23:21.13blitzrageand does register to Asterisk
23:21.19harryvvI have a pda that my wife game me hardly every use it.
23:21.21blitzragecalls to and from the Z work
23:21.24harryvvgave me ;)
23:21.33blitzrageI want a small laptop...
23:21.53harryvvI need a laptop for alot of reasons :)
23:22.29*** part/#asterisk mwgbc (
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23:24.15*** join/#asterisk Enigma8121 (
23:24.30criptosDamnn.. I have 2 iaxy, both registerd... when I call from one iaxy to another, I have ring, but no sound from the phones...
23:24.34criptosany ideas?
23:24.42*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
23:25.44malbech<mwgbc> Is anyone familiar with so
23:26.24Enigma8121Evening everyone... I just purchased a used 7960 for testing, and I've got a small problem - firmware.  While I understand the process of upgrading a SCCP to a SIP, I don't have the required collection of firmware(s)...  Could anyone be kind enough to help me get ahold of ver 2.x, 3.x, etc so that I can get current up to 7.4?
23:28.39*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
23:29.19*** part/#asterisk BadKnees (
23:32.20PTG123enigma:  there is a rumor if you point your tftp to
23:32.23PTG123it may just update automatically
23:34.52robl^Enigma8121, 7.4 is buggy.  stay away.  7.3 works better than 7.4
23:34.52Enigma8121Thanks for the info...
23:34.52criptosno one using iaxy?
23:34.59Enigma8121I'll see if the rumor just happens to be true - for educational reasons only :)
23:36.07robl^hehe.  well I don't know abut the validity of the rumour.  I just know that I had trouble with random reboots during calls, and the clock disappearing on 7.4.  I went back to 7.3 and everything works fine
23:37.05PTG123i think its 7.3 on there actually
23:37.19Enigma81217.2 it appears
23:37.36PTG123actually 7.2
23:37.41PTG123it works so why fix it :)
23:41.54*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
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23:43.33PTG123anyone want to buy like 175 dvds for $500, before i list them on ebay
23:45.32*** join/#asterisk _SMP_ (
23:47.19HogieI run 6.3, is 7.2 much better?  Really what I want/miss from 6.3 is autoanswer config
23:47.36docelmoAnyone in here from NYC area?
23:48.00pgpkeysnope, buffalo
23:50.38malbechI search a TurnKey softswitch based on Asterisk (& SER ?)... Any idea ?
23:53.36malbechNot realy easy to find someone who can provide one ...
23:54.14NuggetPTG123: dunno, do you have crappy taste in movies?  :)
23:54.51PTG123nugget: nah i buy all the new releases :)
23:55.02PTG123alot of real recent ones too.. i just want to make room in my house :)
23:55.09PTG123and got way too much stuff
23:55.11Nuggetcan I get a loan way too fast to pay for them?  :)
23:55.24PTG123haha only if its for a home :)
23:55.37PTG123thats our web based origination system we developed :)
23:56.36Nuggetnot enough good ones on that list to make it worth taking all the bad ones.  sorry.  :)
23:57.35PTG123what ones are good one s:)
23:57.44PTG123i pretty much have every movie that has come out over the past 2 years on the list :)
23:58.19Nuggetall the crappy movies, sure.  there's just way too much adam sandler and rob schneider junk there.
23:59.10PTG123haha, well what good ones am i missing i am saying

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.