irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050407

00:00.24*** join/#asterisk mentat (~Mentat@
00:01.39nesysharryvv if you have any suggestion ... :)
00:04.44nesysthe is down?
00:06.50fugitivoanything to do videoconferences?
00:10.20*** join/#asterisk donavan (
00:10.24nesysregister =>
00:10.29nesysthat's ok, isn't it?
00:10.50Juxthmm when i do sip show peers
00:11.02Juxtit shows status unmonitored
00:11.29nesysJuxt use qualify=yes on peers contexts (sip.conf)
00:13.40*** join/#asterisk Weezey (WeezeyD@
00:13.47nesysJuxt it works? You'll see something like "OK (x ms)"
00:14.10Juxtyeah it does
00:14.15Juxtnow it shows OK 46 ms
00:14.32nesysthe link is good
00:14.38*** join/#asterisk danalien (~danalien@danalien.user)
00:14.54nesysyou have a jitter problem?
00:15.13Weezeyif I have an SPA-3000 which connects to asterisk on both the FXS and FXO sides and I make a call that goes out via asterisk, does it go out and then back to the same unit?
00:16.11Weezeyalso, does anyone have an open MeetMe I can call via IAX?  I want to see how it sounds.
00:16.16*** join/#asterisk syb-grrr (~syb_hmm@
00:17.13JerJer[mobile]preliminary "managed DNS lookup" support   <-----very nce
00:17.37Weezeymobile?  How so?
00:18.36Juxtnesys: yes
00:18.46Juxtit seems that the voice skips a bit
00:18.53Juxti don't have that problem with i connect to an iax provider
00:19.25nesysJuxt wich iax provider?
00:20.14nesysk ... mmm, have you tryed with another sip provider?
00:20.21Juxtno not yet
00:20.45nesyssip debug says nothing special?
00:21.22Juxtin fact it goes thru super clean, no errors or warnings
00:21.37Juxtalso with sip i hear this light "hum" int he background where with iax i don't
00:22.06Juxti switched everything to gsm
00:22.15Juxtboth iax and sip
00:22.39nesyshave you a low bandwidth link?
00:22.49Juxtno it's a 4 mbit link
00:22.57*** join/#asterisk paulc (
00:23.03Juxtok i see something whacky
00:23.16Juxtmy sip provider status just jumped to 417ms
00:23.51EssobiYou got latency foo'
00:23.56Juxtnesys, i am off to the gym but i will pick your brain when i get back or whnever i catch you. thank you!
00:24.01EssobiThat's going to kill your BW.
00:24.07WeezeyJuxt: how do you see your ms?
00:24.17Juxtqualify=yes in sip.conf
00:24.49nesysJuxt now I go to bed :) here 2:24 am :)
00:24.54Juxtoh ok
00:25.08Juxtdoing traceroute now
00:25.10nesysbut try with another codec
00:25.56nesysI use alaw
00:26.22Juxthmm i will try that
00:26.33Juxtbut i see an ungodly number of hops between me and that provider
00:26.36Juxtthat might explain it
00:27.01Juxtgood nite
00:27.07*** part/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
00:27.11nesyshow many? how much latency?
00:27.21EssobiJuxt go grab matt's trace route
00:27.45*** join/#asterisk bbledsoe (
00:28.04WeezeyI want a sexy headset.
00:28.15*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
00:29.02nesysEssobi what's mtr?
00:29.09bbledsoeanybody have any ideas what sort of date formatting a d-link ATA might use in the SIP header?
00:30.46nesysthere's someone connecting on FWD via IAX2?
00:30.50Weezeymatt's trace route
00:31.00nesysWeezey interesting
00:31.03SedoroxI am
00:31.17nesysSedorox have you problems now?
00:31.34Weezeynesys: never heard of it, I'm just guessing by what SOB said.
00:31.48nesysSedorox my registration is rejected :(
00:31.55*** join/#asterisk Schism (
00:32.11nesysWeezey I'll see that
00:32.12Sedoroxlet me check
00:32.20chaosconSedorox: I'm sitting in the console btw
00:33.07SedoroxI noticed
00:33.22*** join/#asterisk Cinen (
00:33.42chaosconhmmm very odd
00:34.54SedoroxI think its connected
00:35.20nesysSedorox are you registered via IAX on FWD now?
00:35.43Sedorox65.39.205.121:4569    589476         60  Registered
00:36.31nesystoday a lot of problems for me about IAX :) I would try that, but IAXtel is flapping, FWD reject my registration :(
00:36.46*** join/#asterisk netMonkey (~netMonkey@
00:37.10Sedoroxwe droped iaxtel
00:38.13nesyshave you got any IAX free provider on your white list? :)
00:38.39SedoroxI'm only linked with fwd right now
00:38.40Sedoroxthats free
00:39.06nesysyep ... but debug says nothing, and it rejects my registration
00:39.17Sedoroxgot everything setup according to their howto?
00:39.31nesysI use register =>
00:39.57*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
00:40.15chaosconSedorox: did you see the error that popped up?
00:40.18Sedoroxregister => 589476:<password>
00:40.38Sedoroxcould be why
00:40.39nesysand not
00:41.05harryvvsed you use xlite
00:41.18Sedoroxnesys: correct
00:41.22chaosconiax. and iax2. point to the same thing
00:41.33Sedoroxharryvv: yes
00:41.34harryvvneed somone here who has setup xlite on outside a network calling into a * network
00:41.37Sedoroxnot personally.. but once
00:41.59Wazbhi all
00:42.09SedoroxI've had xlite clients here in my dorm.... connecting to our * server that is colo'd
00:42.14nesysharryvv I don't understand, sorry
00:42.41harryvvyea I have a xlite >  * nat >  nat > xlite done anything like that?
00:42.44nesysconnection through nat?
00:42.59Wazbi am getting chan_oss.c:269 sound_thread, any suggestion
00:43.18harryvvbetwen the nats of course is the internet
00:43.19nesysnormally no problems there
00:43.28nesyswith x-lite
00:43.33Sedoroxwith sip
00:43.36Sedoroxnat causes problems
00:43.39Sedoroxget firefly
00:43.41Sedoroxand use IAX
00:43.41nesysno with x-lite
00:43.42Sedoroxthen try
00:43.47harryvvnesys so you configured the server and xlite client end on a remote end?
00:44.05nesysno here
00:44.20nesysbut I think nat=yes on server is enough
00:44.23Weezeyohhhhh, I'm downloading, that explains a lot about why that last call was so craptacular.
00:44.24harryvvtell me about it
00:45.03nesysharryvv Have you seen in sip.conf the specific x-lite configuration?
00:45.10harryvvI can call out on xlite to or all internal soft/hardphones but friend to friend with nats in between.
00:46.13harryvvmine is pretty much the same.
00:46.16nesysSedorox could you help me about iax-fwd in pvt?
00:46.32nesysharryvv ok ... and the problem is?
00:47.53Sedoroxnesys: sure
00:47.58nesysnice :) thanks
00:48.02Sedoroxtho is you follow the howto's.. it should work
00:48.17nesysI've followes that ...
00:48.30nesysprobably a mistake :(
00:48.31harryvvnesys check your msg
00:48.50drbrownI keep getting an error when I try to start my asterisk server
00:49.04Sedoroxdrbrown: paste it
00:49.29drbrownApr  6 15:57:29 WARNING[1138]: Unable to open IAX timing interface: Permission denied
00:49.48drbrownI have gotten ztdummy to compile and install properly
00:49.49Sedoroxyou running iax as a seperate user?
00:49.56Sedorox* as a sep uer
00:50.33Sedoroxpastebin what happens when you start it.. the entire thing.. not just that line
00:50.36jbotrumour has it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
00:52.45Sedoroxthats everything that shows up?
00:53.12Sedoroxdoesn't seem right
00:53.24drbrownI'm sorry that's what shows up in the messages log
00:53.29SedoroxI'm not sure what it is.. maybe someone else can help.. sorry
00:56.42drbrownI reposted on pastebin what happens when I start it  in real tim
00:57.52Sedoroxand it starts
00:58.41drbrownyeah, but when I type commands I get nothing
00:59.10drbrownstop now
00:59.19chaosconyou starting with -c?
00:59.48drbrownno asterisk -vvvp
00:59.52drbrownno asterisk -vvvvp
01:00.42Sedoroxyou need to start with -c
01:00.44Sedoroxto have a console
01:00.46*** join/#asterisk netMonkey (~netMonkey@
01:00.46Sedoroxand do commands
01:02.05drbrownI guess it doesn't matter if the timing device is not working?
01:02.55SedoroxI didn't see that error on the second pastebin
01:03.13drbrownI think it only shows up in the message log
01:04.46drbrowni know I havn't been able to get a single iax client to connect, but it could be another config error, this is my first setup
01:07.57*** part/#asterisk Blissex (
01:13.17bbledsoeanybody know anything about d-link ATAs?
01:13.34shido6whats up?
01:13.49shido6drbrown, your iax.conf
01:13.54shido6maybe its a newbie mistake
01:14.36robl^you can't paste to .ca..  its against the export laws..  you need a passport with a DNA sample to paste :)
01:14.38*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
01:15.01Sedoroxrobl^: not yet :-p
01:16.26*** join/#asterisk captrb (~crozierm@
01:18.52*** join/#asterisk captrb (~crozierm@
01:19.19*** join/#asterisk yxa (~void@
01:19.29*** join/#asterisk dersteer (
01:19.34captrbi'm trying to set the outbound cid info based on my sip extension
01:19.45captrbdoes anybody know of a variable with that info?
01:20.07captrbsuch that I could cut it out and use it in setCIDNum?
01:20.43robl^is there an easy / good way to export / import data from the Asterisk database (not realtime/odbc)?
01:21.32tessierAnyone know anything about vocal? Can it do anything that asterisk cannot?
01:21.58robl^captrb: not really. CLID is sent between the first and second ring.  no other time
01:22.35captrbrobl^: hrm.  so there is no way to set CID differently for each extension?
01:22.55captrbi think i'm going about this the wrong way...
01:23.29robl^captrb: never mine.  ignore that. I am not sure what I was answering.
01:23.38drbrownsorry for the delay
01:23.58captrbrobl^: ack
01:24.06robl^captrb: you can use the logic in your dial plan to set the CLID..  or you can just default to the caller id set in sip.conf for each phone
01:24.43captrbrobl^: oh really?  I tried setting something in fromuser, but it didn't set it.
01:24.57captrbrobl^: do you know, is that the wrong variable to assign the cid to?
01:26.09robl^captrb: nah...  in your phone definitions do something like" callerod="Rob"<4332
01:26.33ManxPowerDon't use quotes in callerid
01:26.36robl^ignore the return and put a space between " & <
01:27.25robl^ManxPower: no quotes??  I've had it in my sip.conf since ,0.7x and I copied from jtodd's example :)
01:27.36*** join/#asterisk dave_mwi_ (
01:27.48ManxPowerrobl^, *most* of the time they don't cause a problem.  Most of the time.
01:27.56ManxPowerI'll bet you don't have any Cisco phones do you, robbyt
01:28.00ManxPowerrobl^ too
01:28.27robl^ManxPower: all my  phones are cisco 7960s
01:28.32robl^and it works fine
01:28.37dave_mwi_anyone know why all my mysql cdr userfield values would be limited to 239 characters? The column is a 'text' column...not even a there some kind of internal limit on the size of the string?
01:29.12ManxPowerrobl^, then at least some versions of the firmware won't ring if callerid has quotes
01:29.15dave_mwi_I'm compiling the string with SetCDRUserField and AppendCDRUserField commands...
01:29.22ManxPower~google cisco ring quotes
01:29.46*** join/#asterisk marks__ (
01:29.55robl^ManxPower: I've had no trouble and used every firmware since 6.1
01:32.47syb-grrrsimple question from a newbie
01:32.59syb-grrrregular modems are supported by Asterisk, correct?
01:33.04*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
01:34.20harryvvyea if you call out
01:34.38drbrowneveyone have a good night
01:34.53drbrownI appreciate the help
01:35.35*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
01:36.25EssobiI got a few 60's too.
01:36.43EssobiNever had any not rin
01:36.48Essobiring even
01:38.22ManxPowersyb-grrr, no.
01:38.30ManxPowersyb-grrr, Let me repeat that: NO!
01:38.44ManxPowerEssobi, I could be srong about the vendor
01:39.22harryvvunless there is a asterisk driver made for it.
01:39.27drumkillaoops  :)
01:39.50harryvveven then the elelectroncics might not work
01:39.56harryvvelectronics :)
01:42.51*** join/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
01:42.56harryvvif a context= is missing from [context] in sip.conf or its out of place would it generate a error of cannot find extension context 'default' even if default is not a context used? I am getting that three times a min for no reason.
01:43.07qwerpi just face some really weird problem.
01:43.13harryvveverything is context=users
01:44.00qwerpi have a * box with ip A, and a gateway with ip B, when gateway goes down, all the sip peers soes crazy. thay can't make anny calls.
01:44.00captrbrobl^: thanks
01:44.27qwerpand when i do a "sip show peers" the status shows that the sip users are "lagged"
01:44.35robl^captrb: did it work?
01:45.22qwerpdo i have to set the gateway of the sip peers to point to * also or i can have a different gateway..
01:45.53*** join/#asterisk _zigo__ (
01:46.24_zigo__Hey, what have changed in the priority, what should I put instead of "n" ?
01:49.36Essobianyone used cdr_custom lately?
01:50.31EssobiI want to have the final dnis in my cdr's where I'm dialing more then one at a time.
01:50.51ManxPower_zigo__, I have no idea what you just said.
01:51.08*** join/#asterisk cc (~cc@byte.fedora)
01:51.24_zigo__I've update from asterisk 1.0 to 1.0.7, and my extension.conf does not work anymore.
01:51.37_zigo__It complains each time the priority is "n" and not numbers...
01:51.46drumkilla'n' was never in any version of 1.0
01:51.56robl^priority 'n' was only in head, I thought
01:52.00drumkillait is
01:52.03_zigo__Never mind...
01:52.07ManxPower_zigo__, "n" priority was NEVER in 1.0.x
01:52.17_zigo__Maybe it was an older version..
01:52.25drumkillanot there either  :)
01:52.30drumkillayou must have been running head
01:52.41robl^_zigo__: its only in development/beta versions.  not in stable.
01:52.58_zigo__Ha, I used the CVS version.
01:53.00ManxPowerI'm SO tired.
01:53.10ManxPower_zigo__, thought you could fool us, huh?
01:53.19_zigo__So I should add the numbers byexten => 600,1,Playback(demo-echotest) ; Let them know what's going on
01:53.19_zigo__exten => 600,n,Echo ; Do the echo test
01:53.23robl^have _zigo__ flogged!
01:53.24_zigo__mistake ! :)
01:53.25qwerpwhen i do a "sip show peers" what is the meaning of lagged on the status section?
01:53.32_zigo__(wrong key)
01:53.38dave_mwi_does anyone know if the length of the value you can pass through SetCDRUserField is truncated...say around 239 chars?
01:53.46_zigo__You seems to be specialists ! :)
01:53.49ManxPowerQwell, It means the device took longer than qualify= (yes=2000) to respond to a SIP OPTIONS request.
01:54.12ManxPowerdave_mwi_, It would not suprize me.  CDR is for call records, not for storing novels.
01:54.33_zigo__Well, I tried to switched versions because it was not working anymore.
01:54.54_zigo__It didn't accept inbound calls from broadvoice since 3 weeks.
01:55.11*** join/#asterisk zilas (
01:55.18ManxPowerdave_mwi_, It's prolly defined in the source what the max length is and you can change it and recompile.
01:55.21_zigo__Now it does again, and maybe I'm wrong with versions numbers, by the way...
01:55.40dave_mwi_Manx: ok, I'll do some looking for that
01:55.43*** join/#asterisk Asskick (
01:55.57ManxPower_zigo__, "show version" will show you, oddly enough, the version.
01:56.09_zigo__ManxPower: thanks ! :)
01:56.13Asskickguys anyone has the sip firmware for the cisco 7960 ??
01:56.29qwerpis there any specific issue that will result in the "lagged" issue? coz usually i don't have that problem. it just come out when there is some problem with my gateway..
01:56.33_zigo__By the way, I'll just write down numbers instead of "n", I don't care it's not the dev version anymore, I just want it to work!!!
01:56.44ManxPowerAsskick, I do.
01:56.49Qwellqwerp: It means you're lagged...
01:57.00ManxPowerQwell, network latency is the most common
01:57.17QwellHe needs to change his nick :p
01:57.18qwerpso, main issue is on the network.
01:57.28qwerpso i need to check on the network.. right?
01:57.31captrbrobl^: don't know yet, getting ready to look into it (fires elsewhere)
01:57.49AsskickManxPower could u eamil it to me ?
01:57.49ManxPowerhigh network latency will increase the time it takes to get back the OPTIONS response and phone are already pretty slow in responding to that.
01:57.58Asskicki just bought 2 cisco phones
01:58.05ManxPowerAsskick, I could, but then I would be comiting copyright infringement and could GO TO JAIL.
01:58.16ManxPowerAsskick, Cisco firmware is NOT FREE.
01:58.23ManxPowerIt's like $120
01:58.34Asskickhow come it aint free ??
01:58.36QwellManxPower: Thats per phone, right?
01:58.43QwellAsskick: because it costs them money to make
01:58.45ManxPowerAsskick, Call up Cisco and ask them.
01:58.45captrbPolycom doesn't give theirs out to end users either, but its obtainable
01:58.48ManxPowerQwell, yes.
01:58.53captrbdoesn't cost money regardless
01:58.57Qwellthats a bit excessive :p
01:59.07Asskick300 bux for a phone that wont be able to be used for asterisk
01:59.11ManxPowercaptrb, the difference is that polycom does not sell their firmware.  You are supposed to get it for free from your reseller.
01:59.18QwellAsskick: You can too use it with asterisk
01:59.29EssobiManxPower committing. ;)
01:59.32captrbManxPower: sucks when you bought them off the internet though.
01:59.38zilasztcfg: damm......line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
01:59.43Essobicaptrb TRUE THAT
01:59.48ta[i]ntedhave u guys tried yuxin products?
01:59.49Qwellzilas: modules loaded?
01:59.55ManxPowercaptrb, Yes.  It's a good lesson to teach people to do more research next time.
02:00.03qwerpis it adviceable to set asterisk on a class B network?
02:00.06zilasI think they are lets try again
02:00.13qwerpor should i just stick back on a class C network?
02:00.22*** part/#asterisk nesys (
02:00.23ManxPowerqwerp, Um, networks really don't have classes anymore.
02:00.25harryvvztcfg -v zilas
02:00.43captrbManxPower: well, i found the firmware and saved $600...
02:00.57qwerpManxPower, y do u say so?
02:01.02ManxPowercaptrb, The wiki has links to downloadable Polycom formware
02:01.30ManxPowerqwerp, this google search is for you:
02:01.35ManxPower~google CIDR glossary
02:01.43ManxPower~google CIDR RFC
02:01.50QwellCIDR <3
02:01.52_zigo__I realy think there MUST be a "maake deinstall" in Asterisk...
02:01.57_zigo__Is it planned ?
02:02.11fearnorzigo: so we can tell that to retards who ask silly questions here?
02:02.17ManxPower_zigo__, let us know when you have posted the patch
02:02.40ManxPowerWell, make install in 1.0.7 or later DOES tell you what you need to do to downgrade from CVS-HEAD to 1.0.7
02:02.59_zigo__I'm doing this:, and it's enough work ! :P
02:03.12fearnorok, i have a retarded question
02:03.17fearnori have polycoms ip500
02:03.22qwerpthanz for all the replys folks.
02:03.25*** join/#asterisk iq (
02:03.25fearnorwhen turned on, they display polycom logo
02:03.25*** part/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
02:03.29fearnorand then screen goes blank blank
02:03.41fearnoranyone experienced anything like that?
02:04.02_zigo__ManxPower: Are you of Asterisk's dev team ?
02:04.16fearnorshould i assume those polycoms are DOA?
02:04.22captrbfearnor: I have them, but they don't do that
02:04.25ManxPower_zigo__, No.  If I was employed by Digium or an official developer I would have to be nice to people.
02:04.37captrbfearnor: does it should the "setup" menu option?
02:04.44fearnorcap: no. blank screen.
02:04.46_zigo__ManxPower :)
02:04.50fearnoras in, logo, then nothing.
02:04.58captrbfearnor: more than one does it?
02:05.11ManxPower_zigo__, Abusing users that deserve it is one of the joys of helping the people that need help.
02:05.13fearnor4 of dem
02:05.19captrbfearnor: used or new?
02:05.22fearnorcould be  my PoE switch
02:05.30fearnorhrm, bought from voipsupply, bought as new :)
02:05.34ManxPowerfearnor, Plug them into the wall power
02:05.43fearnordo you know voltage they need?
02:05.45captrbfearnor: yeah, really
02:05.50ManxPowerfearnor, VoipSupply has been good to me in the past.
02:05.55captrbfearnor: I'm not using PoE
02:06.09ManxPowerfearnor, You didn't get the power supplies with them?
02:06.12fearnorcap: what voltage does it need? voipsupply didn't ship me wall wart
02:06.19captrbfearnor: try it with wall power and without them plugged into the network
02:06.21fearnorjust non-poe cable but no wallwart
02:06.26captrbfearnor: oh
02:06.32ManxPowerfearnor, Ah.  Call them up and order a wall wart.
02:06.36fearnorwhat voltage is wall wart should be?
02:06.42ManxPowerThat way you'll have at least one power supply.
02:06.58ManxPowerfearnor, If you use a non-approved power supply you void the warrenty and can blow up the phone.  don't do it.
02:07.09*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
02:07.13ManxPowerJust say no!
02:07.13Sedoroxfearnor: sure you ordered the phone with the wallwort.. if you did... email/call them
02:07.43captrbfearnor: 12vdc 400mA lps
02:07.44fearnorsedorox: was supposed to be 'like new' :)
02:07.50fearnorcap: gracias
02:08.05Sedoroxyea.. but to cisco
02:08.11Sedorox'new' doesn't include wallwart
02:08.17*** join/#asterisk _SMP_ (
02:08.21fearnortrue enough
02:08.26Sedoroxso you would have to look on the site where you ordered it to see if it includes it
02:08.36Sedoroxmost of the time they do.. but you never know.. coulda ordered the other one
02:08.38fearnormuchos gracias
02:08.57captrbfearnor: mine came with them... but no PoE cable.  must be different package
02:09.15ManxPowerfearnor, You know that polycom has different PoE cables for Cisco .vs. 802.3af PoE, right?
02:09.31fearnori have proper af cable
02:09.31captrbI'm REALLY impressed with the IP500's so far
02:09.42fearnorbut a ghetto af switch
02:09.52ManxPowerSedorox, Cisco is one of the vew vendors that does NOT include a wall wart
02:09.56fearnori actually have non-af cables too
02:10.13ManxPowerfearnor, And polycom doesn't do PoE in the phone, it does it in the cable.
02:10.23*** part/#asterisk bbledsoe (
02:10.35ManxPowerWell, for the 300 and 500.  The 600 has PoE built in.
02:10.38captrbonly ip600's, I think.
02:10.52fearnorthanks, i'm aware
02:11.29Asskickso what u guys recommend for a cisco phone.. use skinny support or rather try to get a sip firmware for it to connect to asterisk?
02:11.58*** join/#asterisk Slainte (
02:12.16Slainteanyone know what this means?
02:12.17SlainteWARNING[1133]: PRI: !! No channel map, no channel, and no ds1?  What am I supposed to identify?
02:12.30*** join/#asterisk iq[tablet] (
02:13.35*** join/#asterisk ross_cav (
02:14.16*** join/#asterisk wdatkinson (
02:14.21captrbSlainte: don't know, sorry.
02:14.52*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
02:14.52*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted] by ChanServ
02:15.11captrbdoes anybody happen to use a PRI T1 with the bchannels split by a Adtran 600R?
02:15.21wdatkinsonCan anyone give me a hand setting up the follow-me config from
02:15.32*** join/#asterisk jmac (
02:18.15Wazbi am getting chan_oss.c:269 sound_thread, can anyone please tell how can i resolve this error
02:21.18ManxPowerAsskick, I suggest you sell it back on ebay and get a polycom or, if you are a cheap bastard, get a SIPura SPA-841, but be sure to upgrade the (free) formware.
02:21.48ManxPowerWazb, other process may be using asterisk, or you are running asterisk as non-root
02:21.52*** join/#asterisk |nix (~inix@
02:21.53*** join/#asterisk Silik0n (
02:22.03jmacyou wouldn't be talking about the clone fxo cards would you?
02:22.11SlainteManx  no idea about my PRI error above?
02:23.00Supaplexwhat did professor google suggest?
02:23.00jmacNFBBCA 02
02:23.03|nixhi, i would want all calls of channel 8 to go do extention 102, and  i wrote a gotoif string that don't seem to be working..  would anyone be kind enuf to help on this?
02:23.05|nixexten = s,1,GotoIf($[${CHANNEL:4:2} = 4]?local-extensions,102,1:)
02:23.22SlainteSupa, only thing was one person said they changed their motherboard for a similar error
02:23.45Qwell|nix: ${CHANNEL:4:2}?
02:24.00|nixQwell: i even tried CHANNEL:8:1
02:24.28|nixi've got 3 tdm04b on my PBX
02:24.36QwellIs that a valid variable syntax?
02:24.40Juxtis there some sort of software with which i could track ping latency over a period of say 24 hours and log it?
02:24.41Wazbi am running Asterisk as root
02:25.06*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
02:25.08Juxtwell i guess i could just do ping <host> >> log.txt
02:25.14SlainteJuxt, what interval do you want?
02:25.21ManxPowerjmac, in my professional opinion you have something seriously fucked up.
02:25.25Juxtlike every 10 minutes?
02:25.30SlainteBigBrother, Nagios,
02:25.38SlainteMRTG, Cricket, Cacti
02:25.43*** join/#asterisk blankman (
02:25.49Qwell|nix: What does ${CHANNEL:4:2} return?
02:25.51blankmanHey guys ...
02:26.02QwellSeems like it would return ...a string with a length of... negative 2
02:26.03ManxPowerjmac, put your /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf on
02:26.19blankmanSo, I have a strange issue with Global Crossing ... and I wanted to know if anyone else has had this problem.
02:26.36SlainteBlankman, yes they ar ecrap and I lsot a bunch in their stock dive
02:26.43jmacmanx: not sure what you're talking about, i was just kinda bsing
02:26.53_zigo__I used to have the following on the CVS version, how can I do same with the stable one ?
02:26.53_zigo__exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:0}@sip-account1,30)
02:26.53_zigo__exten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:0}@sip-account2,30)
02:27.06|nixQwell: i'll check that out
02:27.09|nixbut any quick fix?
02:27.20blankmanI need to "delay" the pulse dialing of the e and m wink ... namely ... I am using a te410 with em_w
02:27.25ManxPowerjmac, Sorry, wrong person.
02:27.25marc324root locus
02:27.28|nixi'm just keen on having channel 8, or zap/g4 calling a specific extension
02:27.32jmacno worries
02:27.42ManxPowerSlainte,  in my professional opinion you have something seriously fucked up.
02:27.47ManxPowerSlainte,  put your /etc/zaptel.conf and /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf on
02:27.54SlainteOkily dokily
02:27.55zilasztcfg -v : ztchanconfig failed on channel 1: invalid argument (22). ????
02:27.58blankmanWhen the GC t1 goes off-hock the digium card is pulsing the digits ... problem is that GC still hasn't completed the wink ...
02:28.04_zigo__(I hope I don't abuse too mutch asking stupid questions...)
02:28.16ManxPowerblankman, play with prewink
02:28.17Qwell|nix: What does ${CHANNEL} return?  NoOp it
02:28.39blankmanManxPower, okay, I tried that ... but I can't figure out what to do with it :-(
02:28.51|nixQwell: i'm new with this asterisk thingni, sorry but i don't really know what you mean
02:29.03Qwell|nix: README.variables
02:29.06Qwellread that, then comes back
02:29.20zilasdid you forget that FXS interfaces are configured with FXO signalling and FXO interfaces use FXS signalling. What the hell that suppose to mean?
02:29.23blankmanI set it to: prewink=200 ... cause they said they needed 200ms form the time they "go off hook" ... it does take it's values as ms right?
02:29.41Qwellzilas: exactly what it says...
02:29.55SlainteMank,     zttool  shows no errors, all modules load fine
02:30.02blankmanManxPower, so prewink=200...
02:30.10SlainteManx sorry
02:30.18zilasqwell: smart :) :) :)
02:31.25*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
02:31.34blankmanI also tried to  play with txwink, rxwink, and start ... all to know with no luck ... I also tried to set a few www in the dial to make it "hold" the dial .. but he system is still just going off hook and dialing ...
02:31.38*** join/#asterisk Carp1 (
02:31.49ManxPowerblankman, I was thinking more like increase by %30 over the devault.
02:32.11ManxPowerblankman, We had a problem where our provider was expecting longer winks than what we were sending.
02:32.19*** join/#asterisk lyoungz (
02:32.55ManxPowerblankman, We needed:
02:32.58Carp1damn, I'm trying to install Asterisk on a new box and its a pain.
02:33.01Carp1downlaoded gcc
02:33.08Carp1but gcc needs like 3 other files to install
02:33.13Carp13 other packages*
02:33.18*** join/#asterisk dan2 (
02:33.24dan2bkw_: ping
02:33.25ManxPowerCarp1, Um, use the package management your distro provides.
02:33.37Carp1I don't know much linux at all.
02:33.41Carp1I'm on RH8.
02:33.50QwellWhy so low?
02:33.57Carp156k :(
02:34.06ManxPowerCarp1, I sugest you spend a couple of hundred $ on books from and
02:34.14blankmanManxPower, okay .. I will try that one :-) but I still am curious ... they are getting our wink, it is just that we are "waiting" for it before we dial ...
02:34.23jmaccould anyone recommend a good a@h article aside from kerry garrison's piece? i'm a little stumped
02:35.03ManxPowerblankman, I think tzanger may bave been the one to help me with my winking problems.
02:36.37QwellDon't message me
02:36.49*** part/#asterisk dave_mwi_ (
02:36.50blankmanManxPower, okay, I will wait till he is on ... he is in NZ right?
02:37.01ManxPowerblankman, Toronto\
02:37.10ManxPower~seen tzanger
02:37.12jbottzanger is currently on #asterisk (3h 2m 50s).  Has said a total of 1112 messages.  Is idling for 2h 43m 3s
02:37.29SlainteManxPower,     zttool  shows no errors, all modules load fine
02:37.42ManxPowerblankman, copiece helped me with something too, I think it was with my Kewlstart problems.
02:37.49blankmanManxPower, ... toronto ... NZ same  both part of the crown ;-)
02:38.11blankman~seen copiece
02:38.13jboti haven't seen 'copiece', blankman
02:38.16ManxPowerSlainte, what does zttool say?
02:38.26Qwelljesus people
02:38.28Slainteno alarms,  all is good
02:38.29QwellDon't message me
02:38.40QwellThat doesn't mean a SECOND person can message
02:38.59|nixQwell: i've did the noop
02:39.00|nixApr  7 10:37:38 WARNING[16723]: pbx.c:1599 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'NoOp,GotoIf' for extension (incoming, s, 1)
02:39.01|nixApr  7 10:37:38 DEBUG[16723]: chan_zap.c:2420 zt_answer: Took Zap/8-1 off hook
02:39.03|nixApr  7 10:37:38 DEBUG[16723]: chan_zap.c:1327 zt_enable_ec: Enabled echo cancellation on channel 8
02:39.05|nixApr  7 10:37:38 DEBUG[1
02:39.10blankmanManxPower, on a different note ... it seems odd that we can "hold" up a dial some how no?
02:39.17QwellManxPower: He's all yours
02:40.00*** join/#asterisk mog_home (~mog_home@
02:40.16ManxPowergoing to buy booze.  bibiaw
02:40.28ManxPowercoppiece is in HK
02:40.40_zigo__Is there (by some magical chance) some doc somewhere telling the differences on the extension.conf form CVS and the 1.0.7 ? ... I think I'm dreaming, I don't do it for my own projects...
02:40.59blankmanManxPower, you know what debounce and start are for in the zapata.conf?
02:41.50blankman~seen coppiece
02:41.52jbotblankman: i haven't seen 'coppiece'
02:42.39blankmanbkw_ ... you don't know of away to "hold" the dial on the zap channel do you?
02:42.42Carp1I know!
02:42.44Carp1I will try yum
02:42.52Carp1I couldnt think of the name for like 2 days lol.
02:42.53Slainteblankman, what are you trying to do?
02:42.55QwellCarp1: RH8 doesn't have yum
02:43.07Carp1I'm downloading it.
02:43.07blankmanGet the digital t1 to work with GC ...
02:43.12Carp1I used it on RH8 before.
02:44.03SlainteBlankman do you need a pause?
02:44.10Slaintelike 2 seconds?
02:44.10blankmanThey are saying (and I belive them from "listening" to the dialing on the t-bird) that the system is getting the off hook and immediately out pulsing the number ... not waiting for the wink to end.
02:44.27blankmanSlainte, nope... 200ms would do it :-)
02:44.36Slainteblankman  very easy to do.
02:44.39blankmanSlainte, I did try the w
02:44.44ManxPowerblankman, I don;t know
02:44.52blankmanManxPower, Thanks :-)
02:45.05blankmanManxPower, once I know I will update the wiki.
02:45.15Slainteand the w did not help you?
02:45.20blankmanSlainte, is that what you were thinking?
02:45.20KristinGthank goodness this day is about over
02:45.33blankmanSlainte, the w in the dial?
02:45.46SlainteWell I have another way you can stick the pause in
02:46.42KristinGt-berds are fun :)
02:49.55iq[tablet]Hi, any document/link to starting asterisk development? CLI commands, etc. ? Just want to see if I can do anything useful :)
02:52.37blankmaniq[tablet], you can look at the
02:53.29iq[tablet]blankman, I do every day :)
02:56.07blankmanSo, the links there will give you what you need ... I think ...
02:57.03iq[tablet]blankman, thanks ... I'll do that
02:57.09_zigo__The CVS version seemed to work a lot better than the stable one... :(
02:59.02iq[tablet]_zigo__, whats wrong with stable?
02:59.21iq[tablet]_zigo__, did you install stable on top of head?
02:59.41*** join/#asterisk dsmouse (
02:59.42_zigo__iq[tablet]: I'm afraid I did, because I didn't find any uninstall script.
02:59.57iq[tablet]_zigo__, were you getting some module error ;) ?
03:00.10_zigo__iq[tablet]: No, that part is done already ! :)
03:00.12*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
03:00.29_zigo__I'm have 2 same section in my extension.conf
03:00.39_zigo__(copy of them)
03:00.46_zigo__And they don't produce the same result !!!
03:00.55iq[tablet]_zigo__, okay, most people (including myself) forget to remove modules
03:01.07_zigo__Am I dreaming or totaly disy ???
03:01.33*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
03:02.31*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
03:02.34Juxthello again
03:02.39_zigo__The first one doesn't work, it's with broadvoice.
03:02.50Juxthow would i find out which codec has been negotiated for a sip connection?
03:02.54Juxti did sip debug
03:02.59_zigo__It goes DIRECTLY to my phone...
03:02.59Juxtbut i can't see it, am i missing something
03:03.04_zigo__The second one does...
03:03.30Qwell_zigo__: Does broadvoice go to s?
03:03.59_zigo__But it does not play the welcome message...
03:04.01QwellIt goes straight to voicemail, or what?
03:04.12_zigo__No, straight to Dial(à
03:04.41znoGquestion. I have asterisk running on my linux FW (iptables) and i've allowed ports 5060(tcp/udp) as well as the RTP ports (10000 -> 20000). A SIP user connects to my * and they can hear me, but i can't hear them. What settings should I be playing with?
03:04.48Qwellis s,5(dial),Dial() valid?
03:05.07_zigo__That might be remaining of the CVS version !!! :)
03:05.25_zigo__Too bad...
03:05.27QwellWhat is it supposed to do?
03:05.35*** join/#asterisk hawaiianphoneguy (~mdarnell@
03:05.45_zigo__I've copy/past that from an example on the wiki...
03:05.53*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
03:05.54_zigo__(I'm not sure, but I think it's from there...)
03:06.29Qwellyeah, but what does it do?
03:07.12_zigo__I don't realy know.
03:07.23Slainteyou need to have a Command form the * command list, after the priority in a context
03:07.29Slainte(Dial) is not a cmd
03:07.40Slaintecommand from,
03:09.00blankmanHey, anyone know what featdmf is in the zapata.conf? I know it is a signaling ... but what kind?
03:09.17_zigo__It does same even without the (Dial) ... :(
03:09.17blankman~seen tzanger
03:09.19jbottzanger is currently on #asterisk (3h 34m 57s).  Has said a total of 1112 messages.  Is idling for 3h 15m 10s
03:09.34NormAstin band DTMF broken in CVS head?
03:14.19Juxtare there any soft phones that support g729?
03:14.57SlainteAnyone compile * on Debian.  I have an error configure: error: termcap support not found
03:15.30_zigo__Slainte: I'm trying to compile on my woody currently.
03:15.49_zigo__Slainte: saying app_queue.c:279: warning: unnamed struct/union that defines no instances
03:15.52_zigo__to me... :(
03:16.19_zigo__No, not that one...
03:16.33*** join/#asterisk Damin (
03:18.52*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
03:18.52iceypanyone here using LCDial?
03:19.02iceypcalling card app
03:19.12*** join/#asterisk danfrey (
03:19.24Slainteiceyp  it is not a calling card app.  it is a Least Cost Dialing routine
03:19.32danfreyare there any quicknet pros here?
03:20.01EssobiMmm. Anyone have an idea how to get c->cid.dnid into cdr_custom?
03:20.04dsmouseanyone know much about how sip works? not works with asterisk, but works low-level...
03:20.17danfreyI have a phonejack lite isa and would like to know how to use ulaw with it
03:20.23Juxti used lcdial for a while but chose to make my own LCR in FastAGI
03:21.00EssobiJuxt Why?
03:21.14Juxti had more extensive routing that it supported
03:21.48*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
03:21.53EssobiDid you really read the code?
03:22.08Juxtno i didn't read the code
03:22.22Juxtthere was more than 1 reason tho
03:22.26Juxti run on postgres
03:22.32iceypcan anyone suggest a good calling card app?
03:22.33EssobiI did.  you can make it do anything you want.
03:22.55EssobiIn fact.. I recoded lcdial to do quite a bit more then it does standardly.
03:23.18Juxtthat's cool man
03:24.08znoGquestion. I have asterisk running on my linux FW (iptables) and i've allowed ports 5060(tcp/udp) as well as the RTP ports (10000 -> 20000). A SIP user connects to my * and they can hear me, but i can't hear them. What settings should I be playing with?
03:24.11EssobiAnd I don't use pgres.
03:24.25SlainteznoG,  nothing to do with the ports
03:24.37reallost1grr... asterisk behind nat...
03:24.37Juxtwell i chose to run pgsql on production for more than 1 reason
03:24.44Juxtbut write-ahead-logging is the primary one
03:24.44SlainteznoG,  it is the sip.conf file,  make sure you have the proper type set i.e friend peer  etc.
03:24.56EssobiI do fine with mysql.
03:24.57Slaintecheack the wiki for sip.conf and look at the type parameter
03:25.15Essobi30+ million records in one table..
03:25.52EssobiBesides.. I know how to tune queries/kernels/mysql, so it fits my bill.
03:26.08Damin~say Touch my volume..
03:26.10jbotTouch my volume..
03:26.21Juxthey everyone is free to chose their posion :-)
03:26.26znoGSlainte: its set to friend. they can register fine, its just making calls they're not heard, but they can hear fine.
03:26.29Juxti like my triggers, subselects, etc.
03:26.32_zigo__Slainte: Are you using woody ?
03:26.39znoGreallost1: asterisk isn't behind NAT in my case. It's on the firewall
03:26.45Slaintezigo, sarge
03:27.00*** part/#asterisk dsmouse (
03:27.00*** part/#asterisk danfrey (
03:27.01Slainteznog, can they actually make a call?
03:27.03znoGreallost1: not sure if you were aiming what you said at me. :)
03:27.05fugitivomysql is for personal webpages, hehe
03:27.07_zigo__Slainte: I bet it's less trouble...
03:27.12reallost1znoG, no I'm having problems with a client who has asterisk behind a firewall and wants remote sip clients.
03:27.21_zigo__Slainte: Right ?
03:27.24Slaintezigo I am having a horrible time. It is all borken and I dont knwo why
03:27.27znoGSlainte: yep that's what im saying, they can make calls. It's just they're not heard.
03:27.34znoGreallost1: ah, looked into a SIP proxy?
03:27.38reallost1znoG, the problem is similar though, the calls connect, but nobody is heard.
03:27.42_zigo__Slainte: Did you had some trouble with app_queue.c ?
03:27.49SlainteznoG is it NATted?
03:27.52Slaintezigo  no
03:27.58reallost1znoG, they are running a cheap linksys firewall.
03:28.05znoGreallost1: in my case (I'm on the asterisk side) the other person can hear me, i can't hear them.
03:28.10_zigo__Slainte: Mine here didn't want to compile...
03:28.22reallost1znoG, maybe I can switch them out to a better firewall.
03:28.27znoGSlainte: as i said, no. the remote user is not behind NAT and on my side, * is not behind NAT.
03:28.30EssobiJuxt Triggers are nice.  Subselects are in mysql.
03:28.41Slaintezigo, mine compiled fine yesterday,  I did an apt-get upgrade at some point and now, it complains about termcap
03:28.41Essobitriggers are in 5.. but I wouldn't run that in production.
03:28.50_zigo__Now it's CURL... :(
03:28.54znoGreallost1: yeah, otherwise it might get tricky
03:29.21SlainteznoG,  I hav enot scrolled up to see everything you have said, sorry.  Regardless,  turn the iptables off to prove it is not the iptables
03:29.51EssobiJuxt I like merged table views. :)
03:30.01hawaiianphoneguyanyone know how to prompt a SIP user to enter an account code when they dial long distance?
03:30.12EssobiznoG sounds like your other party has an rtp problem.. fire up tethereal and see if it ever gets to you
03:30.25_zigo__Slainte: I have the choice with 1/ CVS sources that don't compile anymore with my woody and 2/ an * 1.0.7 that wont accept my extension.conf and 3/ an old CVS version that don't accept Broadvoice inbound calls anymore... :(
03:30.33_zigo__I'm having a very hard time too !!!
03:30.58Slaintezigo,  why wont the 1.0.7 take your extensions.conf?
03:32.16_zigo__Slainte: With same 2 parts of my extension.conf, it doesn't produce the same result, I don't know why !
03:34.16Qwell_zigo__: RUATA
03:34.35_zigo__Qwell: what ???
03:34.43Qwellreplace user and try again
03:35.17_zigo__What users ?
03:35.45_zigo__I'm a better coder than admin, sorry ! :)
03:37.45TheEmperoranyone know how to configure zaptel.conf and zapata.conf for an e1?
03:41.01*** part/#asterisk moy (~moy@
03:41.11*** join/#asterisk DEEZED (
03:41.23DEEZEDdoes anyone here use
03:41.43file[laptop]slowly am I going crazy
03:42.02*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
03:48.07*** join/#asterisk jcollie (
03:48.36Qwellfile[laptop]: I'll get you a job at my work...quicken it up a bit
03:48.52file[laptop]Qwell: too late ... *SNAP*
03:53.04Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: woohoo... kinky...
03:54.29file[laptop]ooh la la
03:54.56Wazbwhere i can find all conf file entries in *
03:57.02Carp1. /etc/asterisk
04:00.39Wazbsorry i want to ask is there any file which contains all conf filename entires
04:01.18Slainteyour asterisk.conf is the start and you can call other files as needed.  But certain modules look for certain files
04:01.22Slainteif you load the module you need the file.
04:01.31Slaintefor example meetme module need the meetme.conf
04:01.39Slaintesip module needs sip.conf
04:05.48*** join/#asterisk quickmoney (
04:08.24*** join/#asterisk MarkS_ (
04:10.50*** part/#asterisk marc324 (
04:12.06*** join/#asterisk marc324 (
04:13.20blankmanHey, what is the zapata in the cvs for ... meaning why is it there if you don't need it to build?
04:13.32blankmanThere is no read me on ...
04:13.37*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (~sudhir@
04:14.30sudhir492Hi all
04:15.37*** join/#asterisk Cinen (
04:19.55*** join/#asterisk niZon (
04:21.06ariel_sudhir492, hello
04:21.35ariel_blankman, you don't but if you need to dial via a pots line or complite ztdummy for timing meetme you need the zapata
04:21.48sudhir492hello ariel_
04:27.22ariel_slow night
04:32.49sudhir492yes, very slow night
04:34.02sudhir492Is it possible to have an asterisk box dual hosted
04:34.14Sedoroxdual hosted?
04:34.27sudhir492I mean have two IP address on two separted LA
04:34.45marc324do you need dual cpu, for running two te410 cards
04:35.04sudhir492I need two network interfaces.
04:35.37blankmanariel_, thanks ... so it is only if you don't have a zap card right?
04:35.51Sedoroxsudhir492: what would prevent you from putting two nicks in the box?
04:36.29ariel_blankman, no you need it if you have a zaptel and also if you need to use ztdummy for meetme and iax2 trunking.
04:36.40sudhir492Sedorox: Nothing would prevent me from that. However, I remember reading somewhere that Asterisk has problem in those cases
04:36.56SedoroxI wouldn't think so...
04:37.00blankmanariel_, I guess I am confussed ... what is ztdummy used for?
04:37.23sudhir492Sedorox: That is quite encouraging !
04:37.29ariel_timing for meetme and iax2 trunks when you don't have a zaptel hardware installed like a x101p
04:38.05Sedoroxfrom looking at it from a networking point of view.. it shouldn't cause any problems
04:38.16Sedoroxunless you have a shitload of phones on it.. and you don't have a fast enough box...
04:39.19blankmanariel_, thanks.
04:39.25sudhir492Of course. If one does not have fast enough box, the box will choke with 1 NIC too :-)
04:40.10Sedoroxthis is odd
04:40.18Sedoroxexten => _2[60-89],1,Dial(IAX2/stormy@mercury/${EXTEN},,rtT)
04:40.21Sedoroxdoesn't wanna work
04:40.28blankmanSo, before I go off and wade through all the zaptel code ... does anyone on list right now, know of a way to make the em_w setting for the zaptel (te410) wait for the response wink from the provider?
04:40.31Sedoroxthought you could do that...
04:41.11sudhir492Is there a network cable for Polycom 500 that does not need power supply. In case one has 802.3af compliant PoEthernet switch.
04:41.57sudhir492The current cable is a big PITA. The cable is not standard, at the same time does not obviate the need of a power supply either
04:42.18blankmanSedorox, try _2[6-8]X
04:43.26QwellSedorox: I think yours is 6, 0 through 8, OR 9
04:43.43SedoroxI want...
04:43.48Qwell60 through 89?
04:43.53Sedorox260-289 to goto one server
04:44.00Sedorox230-259 to another server
04:44.06Qwellyeah, probably gonna be a little hack
04:44.07Sedorox200-229 to another server
04:44.11QwellWould be useful though
04:44.40Qwellmight not be too difficult to code up a new syntax for that...
04:44.40Sedoroxblankman's thing worked
04:44.50blankmanSedorox, so your need to use: _2[6-8]X, _2[3-5]X and _2[0-2]X
04:45.12Sedoroxnow I know...
04:45.18QwellI was thinking more like 20-35, 36-58, 59-92...
04:45.22blankmanSedorox, so now you can fix my problem right ;-)
04:45.22SedoroxI was thinking it would go 60-89... then I just looked at the docs again
04:45.24sudhir492Sedorox _2[0-2]X, _2[3-5]X, _2[6-8]X should work
04:45.34SedoroxI wunno about the wink
04:45.35QwellWould be nice to be able to do [60:89] or something
04:45.54SedoroxQwell: no.. I'm going by 30
04:46.00Sedoroxincluding 0's
04:46.02Sedoroxmaking it esy
04:46.02QwellSedorox: yeah..
04:46.14Sedoroxsudhir492: yup.. we got it.. ehhe thanks tho :-p
04:46.21chaosconwell somewhat
04:46.27chaoscon290 still doesn't work
04:46.38Sedorox'cause I didn't finish yet
04:46.47Qwellchaoscon: 290-299 = _29X
04:46.52Sedoroxgeez.. be patient man!
04:46.59chaosconQwell: Sedorox is our VoIP tech ;)
04:47.09blankman~seen tzanger
04:47.10jbottzanger is currently on #asterisk (5h 12m 48s).  Has said a total of 1112 messages.  Is idling for 4h 53m 1s
04:47.11QwellWhat happens when you want to span 290-319?
04:47.47QwellI'm trying to make a case for spans like that, somebody help me out :P
04:48.09Sedoroxwell.. the last 10 90-99.. I have for globals.. then 300-XXX is for external dialing...
04:49.28Qwellnot quite, heh
04:49.37Sedoroxseems like it would sork
04:49.50blankmanQwell, myExten,1, _2[9]X,1,Goto(myExten,1), _3[0,1]X,1,Goto(myExten,1)
04:49.57Qwell210, 211, 21..., 290, 291, 29..., 310, 311, 31...
04:50.34Qwellblankman: yeah, perhaps
04:50.50SedoroxI didn't know you could double up like that...
04:50.59Qwelllike what?
04:51.05blankmanQwell, the best way is to make it a macro ...
04:51.16Sedoroxhow he had it.. with _2[9] and _3[0,1]
04:51.25QwellSedorox: Thats two different lines
04:51.43blankmanQwell, that way you can set the macro exit result and control your DP better.
04:51.47Sedoroxwell he had a , after ).. so I figured it was the same :-p
04:52.01Sedoroxgotta fix the extentions before chaoscon chews me a new one
04:52.12chaosconnow I wouldn't do that
04:52.13blankmanSedorox, oh ... sorry that was my short hand for you need three extension in the plan.
04:53.01Sedoroxyea.. I figured that what he would have to do...
04:53.04Sedoroxchaoscon: should work now
04:53.19blankmanSedorox, basically, make the extensions as abstract as possible then send the specific ones to them :-)
04:53.43Sedoroxwell we have three servers
04:54.06Sedoroxthe three different sections of 30 numbers goes to each server
04:54.17blankmanAfter a time you will learn to like PGSQL app ... makes life much easier for the extension :-)
04:54.17Sedoroxthe last 10 are for globals (vmail. meetme.. etc)
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04:54.40chaosconSedorox: will be MUCH better when its centralized ;)
04:54.42Wazbany idea how can i use gatekeeper for H323
04:55.11blankmanK. well I have to go all ManxPower if your still on thanks for your help earlier.
04:55.20Sedoroxchaoscon: well it will be staying that way :-p
04:55.28blankmanSlainte, I will let you know how it goes, thanks to.
04:55.40Sedoroxjust maybe the one context expanded into the other
04:56.33SedoroxI see chaoscon
04:57.17*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
04:58.05*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
04:58.16SedoroxI have to remove that logout button from my menu
04:59.04chaosconwell you will have a whole week to play without me buggin ya :P
04:59.46Sedoroxit should be done once I finish fixing the error (very easy to fix)
04:59.52Sedoroxand the matching extention
04:59.59Sedoroxwhich yours is done.. so...
05:01.50Sedoroxchaoscon: that extention that you tried.. should work now
05:02.31Qwellspying on your calls :p
05:02.40chaosconwe both watch the console
05:02.45*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
05:02.51Qwellwith zapbarge I mean
05:02.53odie_floconHey alll.
05:03.06Sedoroxwe run -vvvvvc in a screen
05:04.06QwellIs it possible to connect more then one console to * at a time?  asterisk -r
05:04.28Qwelllooks like you can
05:05.08odie_floconyou have more then one copy of * running on your pc at one time?
05:05.28Qwellno, the same instance
05:05.30*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
05:05.46odie_floconso why would you need 2 consoles?
05:05.58Qwellodie_flocon: Why not?
05:06.12QwellI leave one connected, I'm at work, I want to check things out.
05:06.19QwellIf I was limited to 1, I'd be stuck
05:06.27Sedoroxnot with screen :-p
05:06.29Sedoroxbut anyway
05:06.44florz... nur with kill =:-)
05:06.45Qwellscreen isn't always ideal
05:06.49odie_floconok now you've given a reason why.
05:07.48odie_floconhave you tried multiple connections?
05:08.06Qwellyeah, it worked fine
05:09.37odie_floconI want to monitor *
05:09.44odie_floconkinda like a heartbeat monitor.
05:11.55Sedoroxseems that FWD won't do new registers today.. but are fine for currents...
05:12.08afrosheenodie_flocon: what, you don't trust it? ;0
05:12.09SedoroxviLeR: is the second person I've talked to today having problems registering...
05:12.12SedoroxI'm fine..
05:12.34odie_floconI have a small house install.
05:12.51odie_floconand I want to keep this thing up and running all the time.
05:13.21odie_floconI do trust *
05:13.26afrosheenodie_flocon: if you're using zaptel hardware just set a cron job to make it reboot nightly, it'll work forever
05:13.43odie_floconreboot the machine nightly?
05:13.55afrosheenzaptel driver bugs are plaguing our server
05:14.15afrosheenreally starting to piss me off, I'm going to get rid of zaptel eventually
05:14.19odie_floconthis is why I want a heartbeat monitor.
05:14.30florz*CLI> show uptime
05:14.30florzSystem uptime: 5 weeks, 9 hours, 26 minutes, 45 seconds
05:14.33odie_floconproblem is I need 8 analog ports.
05:14.39SedoroxI don't have any problems with zaptel
05:14.43florzyeah, with zaptel - zaphfc only, though
05:14.45odie_floconso I can't get away with zaptel.
05:15.02afrosheenSedorox: I wish I didn't
05:15.17afrosheenone time the second card was giving static and not picking up on all channels
05:15.30afrosheenthe other time the first card woudn't pick up the phone
05:15.38afrosheenstuff like this makes me look bad at work :(
05:15.39SedoroxI only have one.. so...
05:15.54Sedoroxwhy don't you get a TMD400 and get two FXO modules
05:15.59Sedoroxwould probably be better then two X100p's
05:16.07afrosheenI have 2 tdm400's
05:16.10afrosheenand I hate them both
05:16.26Sedoroxsell to me :-p
05:16.38chaosconsell to me instead :P
05:16.40afrosheenthey're cursed cards I tell you
05:16.42odie_floconthat's my plan.
05:18.01odie_floconI need a reliable solution.
05:18.16afrosheenhey, it may work for you, just spritz with holy water after you get it
05:18.21odie_floconthis guy want's to buy 6 WIFI sip handsets.
05:18.34afrosheenwifi sip...*shudder*
05:19.02Sedoroxafrosheen: ahaha
05:19.08odie_floconhis current phones interfere with his wireless network.
05:19.10afrosheenthat and the meetme delay..oy vey
05:19.36odie_floconso he want's to buy 6 wifi phones.
05:19.44odie_floconand 6 analog phones.
05:19.49odie_floconplus a door phone.
05:20.20afrosheenno wifi
05:20.26odie_floconwants to be able to answer the door while he's on the elevator.
05:20.29afrosheenget him a handful of iaxy's and normal portable phones
05:20.31odie_floconwhy no wifi?
05:20.48*** join/#asterisk dersteer (
05:20.51odie_floconproblem is normal portable phones interfere with his pc's.
05:21.03afrosheenwhy would they do that
05:21.15afrosheenwireless network with his pc's?
05:21.17odie_floconsame range as his wireless G network.
05:21.23afrosheenthen he's using the wrong phones
05:21.29odie_floconwell yeah.
05:21.38Sedoroxanyone use the  Aastra 480e (PT-480e) ?
05:21.39afrosheencordless phones can be purchased in a variety of mhz/ghz formats
05:21.43odie_floconbut he saw these wifi sip phones. and want's them.
05:21.50afrosheenwho makes them
05:22.39afrosheenoh really
05:22.55odie_floconthey are like 400.00 usd each.
05:23.03odie_floconand he wants 6
05:23.20afrosheenthose are sweet
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05:24.11afrosheentoo bad they cost way too much
05:24.16afrosheenmaybe next year...
05:24.17odie_floconI know
05:24.28odie_floconso anyhow. I'm buying 6 in about a month
05:24.45afrosheenis this for some dude's house or a business?
05:25.06florz.o( business house )
05:25.09afrosheenhe must have some serious grip
05:25.11odie_floconno house
05:25.31odie_floconthe guy cut my bro a cheque for 27,000.00 last week.
05:25.48Sedoroxgive me... 10% of that please!!!!
05:25.57QwellI'll take 1% :P
05:25.58odie_floconhis only comment was that would buy a car.
05:26.16chaosconSedorox: eventually ;)
05:26.34Sedoroxanyone have experience with Aastra phones?
05:26.37odie_flocongood so it does have a headset plugin.
05:27.31odie_floconI was worried about it not having a headset plugin.
05:28.01odie_floconnope I havn't Sedorox.
05:28.16odie_floconright now I'm working on his sytem.
05:28.17afrosheenSedorox: strictly polycom so far
05:28.27odie_floconohh how's the polycoms afro?
05:28.32Sedoroxthe Aastra phone's look nice
05:28.35Sedoroxyea.. how are they?
05:28.39afrosheenpolycoms rock
05:28.45afrosheenwe have all IP500's
05:28.46odie_floconI'm looking at getting the ip600's
05:28.53afrosheenwe have probably 3 of the 600's
05:28.55Sedoroxfor me.. it will probably come down to either Polycom's IP600 or that Aastra
05:29.00afrosheenthe speakerphone is very hard to beat
05:29.04*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
05:29.05odie_floconI bet.
05:29.12odie_floconpolycom make the best phones.
05:29.19afrosheenfull duplex, which impresses compared to their old nortel system with half duplex speakerphones
05:29.20Sedoroxhow's the screen on them?
05:29.34afrosheenscreen quality seems to vary somewhat but the 600's are a beauty
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05:29.51odie_floconthey are like 301.00 each
05:30.01afrosheenthe 500's are almost as good for half the money
05:30.15odie_floconthey are 245 for the 500's
05:30.19afrosheenonly real advantages to the 600 are 3 extra 'lines' and a higher-res screen.
05:30.30afrosheenno no no
05:30.34afrosheen500's are never that high
05:30.45afrosheenwe bought ours for $167 each
05:30.46SedoroxSIP VoIP Business Phone
05:30.47odie_floconthat's my price in $cad
05:30.51afrosheenoh cad
05:30.54afrosheenyeah that's a good price then
05:31.00Sedoroxthats in US
05:31.07afrosheenuh that's too high then
05:31.16PTG123get the cisco instead of the polycom i have both
05:31.22odie_floconyeah and 301.00 cad for the IP600's
05:31.32afrosheenyeah vendor lockin and licensing fees RULE
05:31.51Qwellvendor lockin?
05:31.58odie_floconCisco is putting out a PBX system.
05:32.05odie_floconwith voicemail.
05:32.12Qwellafrosheen: please qualify that last statement...
05:33.11afrosheenyou're stuck pulling teeth trying to get cisco firmware images if you go Sip with cisco phones
05:33.18odie_floconI pay about $245 Cad, for the IP500, and 301 Cad, for the IP600's.
05:33.32Qwellafrosheen: as opposed to?
05:33.34odie_floconyeah. but * supports skinny now
05:33.36Qwellbeing stuck with polycom firmware?
05:33.53afrosheenthe only way you have a legal right to that firmware is with a service contract or other payout
05:34.14afrosheenwhereas anyone with polycom phones can get the firmware anytime at no additional cost from the suppliers
05:34.27QwellThat doesn't mean you're any more "locked in"
05:34.49afrosheenif you buy a service contract, you're locked in
05:34.58afrosheenin my opinion
05:35.03afrosheenyou're not just 'buying a phone'
05:35.07QwellHow are you not locked in with a polycom, or a sipura, or any device?
05:35.34afrosheennone of those other phones require BS service contracts
05:35.50QwellI'm talking about your "locked in" statement.
05:36.08foobosanyone experienced very choppy voicemail recordings?
05:36.08Qwellyeah, if you want SIP on a cisco, you have to deal with licensing, I'm not worried about that
05:36.31afrosheenI consider licensing a type of vendor lock in, that's what I'm trying say
05:36.48QwellSo, its just an opinion?
05:37.34afrosheenit's the way I see it, my interpretation of lockin
05:37.56afrosheenif it didn't require a contract and cisco handed out the firmware to anyone who bought a phone, it'd be different to me
05:38.28afrosheenat any rate, from what I've seen, some cisco phones are nearly rebranded polycoms anyway
05:39.01*** join/#asterisk netMonkey (
05:40.37QwellI don't even want to know what you're basing that off of
05:40.56afrosheennortel has done it in the past with their 3 way conferencing phones
05:41.14Qwelloh, I see...because Nortel does it, you think Cisco is it
05:41.46afrosheenwell where else would they get IP phones from, you think they have a Cisco factory?
05:41.54PTG123ok well my cisco blows away my polycom
05:42.04PTG123in quality, way it feels when holding it, features, and interface
05:42.17Qwellafrosheen: kindly message me when you're done spreading crap, so I can unignore you
05:42.27Sedoroxthen report on it
05:42.28afrosheenwhat a jerk
05:43.05PTG123just fyi for everyone usually there are 2 or 3 factories in korea that make most electronics like that.. however the designs are usually done by the company, the factories are contracted
05:43.16PTG123korea, china, etc
05:43.23afrosheentaiwan, you name it
05:43.32afrosheensame goes for laptops or anything else really
05:43.35Qwellits almost always the design that makes a product good
05:43.42PTG123actually laptops are usually built in us
05:43.46PTG123components are made elsewhere
05:43.53PTG123yah the design is what matters
05:43.57PTG123and in the case of phones the firmware
05:44.03Sedoroxdell's are assembled in mexico...
05:44.10Qwellmmm, the firmware helps, but thats not 100%
05:44.23QwellPTG123: like you were saying with the ciscos, "the way it feels when holding it"
05:44.27Sedoroxwiki go down?
05:44.34TomLwhat what what?
05:44.40QwellPTG123: That sounds kinda disturbing out of context BTW
05:44.40TomLsomeone going down? :O
05:46.06PTG123my cisco feels soft against my skin :)
05:46.12PTG123and the way it massages my ears.... :)
05:46.40Sedoroxnote to self... don't touch PTG123's phones
05:46.43PTG123i am really tempted to buy all thise broken 7960s on ebay and restore them right now
05:47.03Sedoroxif you do.. and they work.. let me know.. and if you didn't defile them
05:47.15PTG123hah why you wanna buy some 7960s? :)
05:47.23afrosheenbroken? but they feel soooo good ;)
05:48.02SedoroxI dunno...
05:48.06Sedoroxjust want a good ip phone
05:48.11SedoroxI have a Budgetone 100 right now...
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05:49.39QwellPTG123: broken how?
05:49.44afrosheenhave you guys seen the new iaxy's?
05:49.56afrosheenthey look like little cobra heads
05:50.20PTG123alot of different things
05:50.23afrosheenit's on digium's site..hang on
05:50.28PTG123i am taking apart mine now to see how easy they are to fix
05:50.55Sedoroxyour right...
05:51.21afrosheenwe're lucky we ordered ours a week ago or we wouldn't be able to get one now
05:52.34afrosheenhas anyone implemented a secretary phone yet?
05:52.34Sedoroxvoipsupply should still sell them
05:52.46Sedoroxno. but been thinking about it..
05:53.04afrosheenwe're going to need one soon and the closest thing we've found is the sipura 220
05:53.29afrosheenack make that the snom 220
05:54.27knight_anyone using BroadVoice with G729?
05:55.07afrosheenSedorox: it's this one with the optional panel
05:55.53Slainteafrosheen  I have the polycom 600 working as a secretary phone, with some XML stuff.
05:56.08afrosheenSlainte: how do you handle call presence?
05:56.28afrosheenwe want the sec. to be able to see if lines are already busy from the led's or whatever like a regular phone
05:57.08PTG123ok just succesfully fully disassembled and put back together the 7960
05:57.13PTG123Sedorox: you really want one
05:57.30Slainteafrosheen,  I use a small script that watches the sip extensions and voicemail, and then logs to a database,  every 6 seconds the web page refreshes and a php grabs the info from the database
05:57.35afrosheenPTG123: are they all breaking the same way or do they have weird issues
05:57.45QwellPTG123: How much you planning on selling them for?
05:57.52PTG123they all have a different issue
05:57.54Sedoroxptblank: if you get one fixed.. let me know what you want for one
05:57.57PTG123i figure its gonna take 2 phones to make one
05:58.17PTG123so probably gonna be between $110-$140 each
05:58.27PTG123the more people that want one though the cheaper they would get for us
05:58.30PTG123which is why i asked
05:58.48afrosheenSlainte: we could use FOP for that
05:58.56Sedoroxdepends if I have the money at the time I guess
05:59.16afrosheenthe sec will have a pc, I guess she'll have to keep FOP open but transfers may be tricky
05:59.18PTG123auction closes in 12 hours
05:59.36SlainteI could not convince the sec to use a PC,  she kept closing hte window
05:59.44SlainteI had to do it XML on the phone
05:59.49Slaintestupid cow
06:00.15afrosheenis she one of those potato chip crunching secretarys
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06:01.15Slainteno, just a stupid cow, thats all,  just a stupid bovine
06:01.16afrosheencoz we don't have ours yet, but when we do, I'll force her to use FOP or hit the road
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06:01.25ellvishi people
06:01.35afrosheenhi hellvis
06:01.38PTG123yay phone still works :)
06:02.12ellvisi am testing IAX calling and i am getting "Raw Hangup, src=3, dst=8903", where can be the problem?
06:02.33ellvisexcept the fact that between chair and keyboard:)
06:02.36afrosheenflash operator panel
06:02.37Slainteflash operator panel
06:02.50afrosheenit's getting better daily
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06:04.42afrosheenSlainte: explain a little more about how your system works, sounds interesting
06:05.14SlainteI have a perl script based on monastary  (available via the wiki GUI section)
06:05.35Slainteit interconnects with the terminal, and contiiously asks who is on or off, and who has voicemail
06:05.49Slainteit then updates the database via perl,
06:06.02afrosheenwhat database
06:06.03Slainteand the php web page does a simple query, creates a small table,
06:06.14SedoroxApr  6 23:05:16 WARNING[84033]: pbx.c:1889 ast_pbx_run: Channel 'IAX2/iaxfwd@FWD/2' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'ss-in', but no invalid handler.... hmmm
06:06.20Slaintea simple SQL one that can run on the same server
06:06.38Slaintelike 5 tables
06:06.54Slaintethere is a meta refresh tag to ahve it refresh every 6 seconds
06:07.01afrosheenso it does a query of asterisk, pushes that data to a database, the php script builds an xml table then dumps it to the phone?
06:07.27afrosheenwell so what does the phone do with the xml file, uses it's microbrowser to show her something?
06:07.42Slainteyes micro browser on the polycom 600
06:08.13afrosheenI haven't seen it in action yet
06:08.24afrosheenalthough we have some 600's we don't use the microbrowser at all
06:09.16Slainteit works well.I find the contrast is uneven on all our phones
06:09.19Slaintevery irritating
06:09.31PTG123yah the screen for the polycoms suck
06:09.33afrosheenyeah like I was saying earlier, the screens vary somewhat
06:09.36Slainteyou drop 500 bux on a phone and the screen is crap
06:09.41PTG123go with cisco
06:09.43afrosheenwho spent 500 bucks
06:09.53afrosheenours were barely over 275
06:09.55Slaintein bermuda everything has 33% duty plus the shipping
06:10.01afrosheenohh snap
06:10.15afrosheenI guess they're lucky to make it through the triangle
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06:10.31_zigo__500 bucks for a PHONE ! I'll keep my budgetone... :)
06:10.47afrosheencisco's don't support xml do they?
06:10.49Slaintewe are not using cisco because we are a cisco partner, but only securiy and wireless specialty.  To other voice people on the island.  If we sell the cisco phones we would get murdered from our channel partner
06:10.54Slainteyes they do
06:10.59afrosheenall models?
06:11.30Slainteth 7906 is the only one I know of
06:12.47afrosheenhas anyone gotten custom rings to work on the polycoms
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06:13.06afrosheenI've uploaded and played with the configs a million times and I can't ever select the ring wavs I upload
06:13.20Slaintenever tried
06:13.44afrosheenthe snom 220 has a very, very nice configuration manager built into it
06:13.52afrosheenkinda wish polycom would catch up
06:14.39Slaintethey said they are only gong to give their channel partners access to the config apps
06:14.51SlainteI think Apple should come out with a few IP phones
06:15.16afrosheenjust make some frosted white cisco's and slap an apple logo on them
06:15.42Slaintewell cisco steals all the speaker and mic technology from polycom
06:17.01afrosheendon't say that out loud
06:17.07afrosheenQwell is still here
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06:32.37Sedoroxturning in
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06:41.09ellvisanyone can help with ztdummy compilation problems?
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06:46.29knight_anyone using BroadVoice with G729?
06:46.55knight_I've heard about successes, but havent been able to reproduce that.
06:47.59wildcard0any wireless experts on?
06:48.47*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
06:48.52Zilaswhat would you offer for sending sms out of asterisk that would be free decision?
06:51.08*** join/#asterisk abracsas (~abuono@
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07:07.51rpr_Hi to all. I need help to troubleshooting an E1 connection. How can I verify the phicial connection?
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07:08.56rpr_Could be.
07:09.04wildcard0no i mean verify it via loopbac
07:09.08wildcard0it should be able to detect itself
07:10.43rpr_Can I diference between phisical and frame errors in any log?
07:11.29wildcard0hmm.  that's more difficult.  physical errors often manifest themselves as either completely non-functional devices or (rarely) masquerade as other errors
07:11.52wildcard0frame errors may indicate a physical problem, but most often a physical problem will result in a completely non-working connection
07:12.03*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
07:12.55rpr_MY connection doesnt work in any mode. But I've not any tool to knowif the wire is broken or if is a configuration error.
07:13.11Slainterpr,  are you using zttool
07:13.26rpr_Where can i find this tool?
07:13.37Slainteit is part of the zaptel package
07:13.48wildcard0rpr, start with putting a loopback connector on the end of the wire and ask your provider if they can see the loop
07:13.55wildcard0then you know if it's a physical error or not
07:14.11Slainteyou can set a software loop with zttool
07:14.43wildcard0that works too
07:14.44rpr_must i make with any parameter to see zttool?
07:15.13*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
07:18.41tainted_how do i tell if a client has a PRI line or a regular T1 line
07:20.12Slaintetainted is it used for internet right now, voice or both?
07:20.53RestLessGeminirpr : just type zttool and it will comeup
07:21.31Slaintethen it is probably channelised, you need to ask your local loop provider what channels they have setup
07:22.38tainted_Slainte is there a page that shows the different signalling types used by different pbx manufacturers?
07:23.14Slaintethe signaling is depdendent on the provider.  Look at the wiki for the zapata.conf  its a good start
07:26.47tainted_Slainte this is a general question.. if they use a lucent pbx and lucent phones.. will i need to replace the phones or can * replace just their pbx
07:28.05SlainteI seriously doubt you would be able to get the lucent phones to work on an * solution, without the lucent PBX in the mix somewhere.
07:29.14*** join/#asterisk netMonkey (~netMonkey@
07:29.14tainted_can i stick * between the lucent pbx and their line?
07:29.20Slaintethere line to the teloc?
07:29.48tainted_i don't think they want to overhaul their existing $$$$ pbx
07:30.15SlainteThere are setups like that yes, and it can be a good way to slowly move people to IP sets.  You will need to have configuration control of the Lucent unit.
07:30.43*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
07:31.09*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
07:32.46*** join/#asterisk GhostXz (
07:32.51RoyKI have this queue with sip and gsm phone members
07:33.50RoyKis it possible to use agents or something to have the gsm members 'log out'/removed in case they need  to switch their phone off? if we don't the telco will terminate the call with "subscriber not available" :P
07:33.55GhostXzwhats the website?
07:33.57GhostXzfor this
07:34.32GhostXzany screeenshots:P
07:34.49GhostXzwhats a PBX?
07:34.56RoyKGhostXz: you don't want screenshots from a terminal
07:34.59*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
07:35.04jbotsomebody said pbx was a Private Branch eXchange
07:35.15RoyKGhostXz: telephony...
07:35.18GhostXzwhat exactly dose it do o.o
07:35.22ZeeekTell a phony
07:35.25jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
07:35.28jbotrtfm is probably read the f*cking manual... try asking me about "FAQ"
07:35.34RoyK~lart GhostXz
07:36.05GhostXzi thought pbx was like one of thos media player things..
07:36.08Zeeekthen they're surpsied to see so few women here :)
07:36.10RoyK~lart GhostXz
07:36.25GhostXz~lart RoyK
07:39.39*** join/#asterisk zoa (
07:40.14luke-jr_GhostXz: Asterisk is, to make it simple, a phone server. It handles phone calls instead of eg webpages.
07:40.15*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
07:41.22RoyKis it possible to use agents or something to have the gsm members 'log out'/removed in case they need  to switch their phone off? if we don't the telco will terminate the call with "subscriber not available" :P
07:41.33GhostXza "phone server"
07:42.45luke-jr_GhostXz: for example, if I call someone, my phone dials a # which goes to my system running Asterisk. Asterisk routes the call to some random VoIP company that routes it over the POTS network to the destination
07:43.10*** join/#asterisk dersteer (
07:43.34luke-jr_well, not quite randomly selecting a company, but... you get the idea ;)
07:47.48jbotpots is, like, Plain Old Telephone Service as in "Old Analogue Crap"
07:47.50jbotfrom memory, pstn is Public Switched Telephone Network
07:48.00RoyK~lart himself
07:48.25ellvisjbot: database for jokes
07:48.57GhostXzi bet i cant use a cell phone ;p
07:49.13RoyKGhostXz: asterisk doesn't have any chan_gsm, no :P
07:49.20luke-jr_GhostXz: depends on WiFi coverage in your area
07:49.25GhostXzi know
07:49.29GhostXzi can have 2 phone lines
07:49.44GhostXzand i have em both hooked into a box
07:49.58GhostXzwhen then when my cell phones 1
07:50.03RoyKGhostXz: I have 120 phone lines (4 PRIs) connected to each box :P
07:50.13GhostXzit connects to the other phone line and dials a number
07:50.21GhostXzthen i talk to the person o.o
07:50.27luke-jr_GhostXz: ... why? =p
07:50.30GhostXzi dont know
07:50.35GhostXzthat would cost alot o money
07:50.40RoyKnice way to throw away money
07:50.52GhostXzthat is uselesss
07:50.57luke-jr_GhostXz: Or you could get rid of the PSTN/POTS lines
07:51.05luke-jr_GhostXz: and replace em w/ a VoIP solution
07:51.08knight_anyone using BroadVoice with G729? ;)
07:51.08GhostXzi still dont get wha ti can do
07:51.46luke-jr_GhostXz: disconnect the PSTN/POTS lines and connect the Asterisk system to your home's phone line
07:52.04luke-jr_GhostXz: and then your home's phones go to the Asterisk system
07:52.14luke-jr_GhostXz: then route the phone call over the internet
07:52.31*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
07:52.35*** part/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
07:52.46GhostXz( is lost )
07:52.53*** part/#asterisk outsidefactor (
07:53.00luke-jr_GhostXz: you can make phone calls over the internet
07:53.26GhostXzwhy do i need a phone line then
07:53.32luke-jr_you don't =p
07:53.52GhostXzcan VoIP's phone real phone #'s?
07:54.01luke-jr_if you get termination service
07:54.26luke-jr_and vice-versa if you get origination service
07:54.47GhostXzso basicaly when i pick up meh phone and dial a number the pbx will connect to the voip service, and dial the # from there and yeah
07:55.12luke-jr_or it can do some other fancy stuff first :)
07:55.35luke-jr_like change *01 to a longer #
07:55.45luke-jr_(speed-dial sortof)
07:55.47shido6flush a toilet
07:55.55shido6page you when certain system take a dump
07:56.04luke-jr_shido6: has someone actually written a script for that?
07:56.05shido6page all phones and do price checks on aisle 7
07:56.16shido6play interactive voice response menus
07:56.24shido6give you the weather
07:56.30shido6unlock a security door
07:56.40shido6Calling card business
07:56.44GhostXzso when someone calls like myself and punch in some passwds i can make it run xamp /music/*
07:56.50shido6termination/oringination/ ITSP
07:56.59luke-jr_GhostXz: or just setup music on hold :)
07:57.12GhostXzcan u make it talk :|
07:57.32luke-jr_Some people have done it :)
07:57.46RoyKshido6: what do you want to know?
07:57.56Slaintethe only thing it cant do is wipe your ass, but  if you get an IP module for your toilet, it can flush it for you
07:57.56RoyK~lart shido6 for /MSG people
07:58.47GhostXzso i can like call and make it say "Current play list" then list some songs then i hit a number and it will play it :|
07:59.15luke-jr_GhostXz: sure
07:59.28newlshido6: Would you happen to know why when A number calls B number, B diverts, A takes the CDR hit, not B? (presuming test bed of two extensions on the same asterisk daemon)
07:59.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
07:59.55GhostXzwell the only problm is i still want to use my normal phone :P
08:00.06GhostXzwhat the fuck am i talkinga about
08:00.14luke-jr_GhostXz: That's why you connect the server to your existing POTS wiring
08:00.37jboti heard pots is Plain Old Telephone Service as in "Old Analogue Crap"
08:00.37newlPlain Old Telephone System.
08:00.38shido6newl, are you in need of a billing solution for asterisk? :)
08:01.06luke-jr_GhostXz: your "normal phone"
08:01.07*** join/#asterisk marks__ (
08:01.08shido6Slainte, call us at 248-724-VoIP
08:01.09GhostXzPlain Old Telephone System
08:01.13GhostXzi c
08:01.50GhostXzhow would it connect
08:01.57luke-jr_various ways
08:01.59newlshido6: No.  I'd just like to know if I should log a bug report if this is the expected behavior, or if there is something I'm not seeing on the wiki or in the docs relating to diversions and proper CDR recording. :)
08:02.22luke-jr_I use a Linksys PAP2-NA (hard to find)
08:02.33luke-jr_Digium sells expensive PCI cards, IIRC
08:02.35PTG123very easy to find
08:02.41luke-jr_PTG123: NAs?
08:02.51PTG123i think the soyo w/ 4 ports are the best deal going right now though
08:02.53PTG123luke-jr_: yah
08:03.14*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
08:03.18PTG123of course i am an authorized linksys sales agent or whatever :)
08:03.42luke-jr_PTG123: can you sell em w/o service? =p
08:04.11PTG123hah i suppose i could, but whats the point :)
08:04.19shido6I have 200 PAP2-Na's sitting right here
08:04.23shido6I need to move them all
08:04.27shido6thinking about $70 each
08:04.33PTG123shido6: why you switching to something else?
08:04.39GhostXzI bet you want to give poor ol' GhostXz a free one
08:05.01shido6sure I'll send you one send 80 bucks and I'll send you one with 10 bucks of service
08:05.02PTG123i just got one of the new wireless gateways from linksys today.. can't wait to try it out :)
08:05.31GhostXzhow can i do this without buying something.. ;p
08:05.54luke-jr_GhostXz: you'll need some hardware to connect POTS lines...
08:06.05GhostXza dialup modem :P
08:06.08luke-jr_GhostXz: otherwise, you could use microphone & headset on a comp
08:06.48luke-jr_I think it might be possible w/ WinModems, but realise they won't put out the power needed by many POTS phones
08:06.58luke-jr_Wireless POTS phones should work tho
08:07.17GhostXzaka cordless phone
08:08.57shido6xten xlite and a noise cancelling mic with onboard dsps like the plantronics headset
08:09.23luke-jr_eww @ xlite junk
08:09.38luke-jr_GhostXz: PAP2-NA info @
08:10.09luke-jr_GhostXz: Make sure that if you get one, it's a -NA model. If it's not NA/unlocked, you won't be able to configure it
08:11.13*** join/#asterisk snitter (
08:20.13tainted_PTG123 u are linksys sales rep?
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08:26.14shepherdasterisk can make use of multiple processors right?
08:27.38Zgarbiwhat's wrong with new libpri? I cannot compile
08:28.31shepherdwhat distro?
08:29.09Zgarbitoday cvs
08:29.23Zgarbijust updated
08:29.34shepherdwhat distro of linux?
08:29.57Zgarbifedora core development
08:30.10shepherdthat would be odd
08:30.21shepherdit usually works on fedora first
08:30.37Zgarbipri_facility.c: In function 'asn1_name_decode':
08:30.38Zgarbipri_facility.c:190: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strlen' differ in signedness
08:30.43Zgarbipri_facility.c: In function 'rose_number_digits_decode':
08:30.44Zgarbipri_facility.c:237: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 1 of 'strlen' differ in signedness
08:30.44Zgarbimake: *** [pri_facility.o] Error 1
08:31.01shepherdi'll cvsupdate and see if i can get it working
08:31.42Zgarbigive me then PM, ok?
08:32.24GhostXzi think i should post this
08:41.07*** join/#asterisk jwitte (
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08:42.08Mimmushi, I'm trying meetme application but I get a 'unable to open psuedo channel - trying device' warning. Why? I don't use 'zap'
08:43.10shido6then use ztdumm
08:43.15*** join/#asterisk Fabe_ (
08:43.15shido6or x100p
08:43.37*** join/#asterisk Zgarbi (~my@
08:45.35Mimmusshido6: how need I config ztdummy?
08:51.27ZgarbiI have using linux2.6 kernel, and make in zaptel make config
08:52.07Zgarbiso then in init.d u will have zaptel. so start service zaptel will start ztdummy
08:52.56Mimmus[]Apr  7 10:51:52 WARNING[23144]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: /u
08:52.57Mimmussr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pri_suspend_acknowledge
08:52.57MimmusApr  7 10:51:52 WARNING[23144]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module chan_z failed!
08:53.16MimmusI made modprobe ztdummy first
08:53.39Zgarbiwhich kernel are u using?
08:54.00Mimmus2.6.8-2-386 (Debian unstable)
08:54.14*** join/#asterisk dersteer (
08:55.08Zgarbitry to compile zaptel with make linux26
08:55.29facek_what can i do with that problem
08:55.29Mimmusno, no: I used * Debian package
08:55.29facek_ioctl(ZT_LOADZONE) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
08:55.30facek_Failed to register zone 'United States / North America': No data available
08:56.09MimmusPoint is that the meetme then works, even if I get this error
08:56.42Zgarbiops... then I cannot help
08:57.16*** part/#asterisk eye69 (
08:57.35MimmusZgarbi: weel, it's only a warning
08:58.30Zgarbijust I as usual user want to say how I have compile ztdummy
08:58.43Zgarbizaptel, not a ztdummy
09:02.00*** join/#asterisk opsys (
09:03.33opsysAny bug Marshels on line????
09:04.30shepherdi'm like 1/2 a marshel :)
09:05.09shepherdbut not a real marshal
09:05.52opsysI placed a bug in the bug tracker, I placed it under the wrong catagory. I wanted to know if it could be moved to core asterisk
09:06.57*** join/#asterisk fenlander_ (~neils@
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09:12.50facek_can sb help me little with sip ?
09:13.08opsyswhat do you need with sip?
09:13.49*** join/#asterisk MarkS_ (
09:13.54zoaum here
09:13.58zoai will move it
09:14.01zoawhat is the id ?
09:14.23facek_opsys *CLI> Apr  7 11:12:12 NOTICE[6838]: chan_sip.c:7988 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer 'inezk' is now UNREACHABLE!
09:14.51shepherdi need to give myself admin rights tomorrow and i could have done it :/
09:15.14zoamoved it
09:15.27opsysthanks zoa and shep
09:16.03*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin|work (
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09:20.52*** join/#asterisk rlarsen (~richard@
09:21.35rlarsenCan anyone help me with agent/queues and transfer ?
09:24.32Zeeekthe sun is coming out
09:26.10rlarsenIs it possible to use the "sip transfer"-button in my xten softphone insted of '#' for transfering queue calls ?
09:28.31Zeeekshould be if it's not X-Lite
09:28.39rlarsennope eyebeam
09:28.53Zeeekwhat happens when you try?
09:29.07RestLessGeminixpro also has a transfer button
09:29.08rlarsenhangup , but '#' works
09:29.32ZeeekI don't know what the transfer button does on the X-Tens
09:29.46Zeeekit's grayed out on X-Lite IIRC
09:29.58rlarsenwith incomming none "queue calls" the transfer button works.
09:30.25*** join/#asterisk Muttley1976 (
09:31.10Muttley1976Does somebody already worked with RFC3311 (or the SIP UPDATE method ?)
09:31.25*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
09:32.13*** join/#asterisk Alex1 (
09:33.01*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
09:34.13Alex1french here ?
09:34.19Zeeeksort of
09:34.27Alex1càd ?
09:34.38Alex1fine thx
09:34.55Alex1got a problems with an sjphone
09:36.15ZeeekI never got sjphone to work
09:36.21Zeeeksome people love it
09:36.38ZeeekI used X-Lite, which worked. THen I used a bunch of IAX clients
09:36.54Alex1ok lol
09:36.56Alex1thx anyway :)
09:37.15Zeeekuse wengo
09:37.22*** join/#asterisk zyke (~zakforeve@
09:37.28Alex1wengo ?
09:37.41ZeeekSIP client for windows
09:38.52facek_Zeeek can you little help me with SIP. i am unable to call clients by SIP/name.. i am only able to call SIP/ip_Addr
09:39.25Zeeekare they registered?
09:39.27Alex1do u know a free software ?
09:39.35Zeeekwengo is free
09:39.39Alex1we need to be registered no ?
09:39.43Zeeekso is X-Lite
09:39.55ZeeekAlex, I don't know, but the software is open source
09:40.26*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
09:40.42Alex1we work on lan here
09:41.30Zeeekuse X-Lite, it works great
09:41.50Alex1it's a linux one ?
09:42.00Zeeekthey have one, yes
09:42.06Zeeekor so I've heard
09:42.45darkskiezis three any conference sip phones other than the polycom ?
09:42.56*** join/#asterisk msupino (
09:43.02*** part/#asterisk rlarsen (~richard@
09:43.11facek_how to change the confiugration of xlite
09:43.24msupinoAnyone knows how to group together two isdn cards , so when i use the Dial() command, it will use the first availble line from the 4 availble ?
09:43.32Zeeekfacek_ X-Lite has a manual
09:44.42Delvarmsupino: Spans and groups
09:44.55facek_Zeeek yes, but conf key is disabled
09:45.38Zeeekfacek_ I've never heard of that before. I you sure you're not hitting the wron button?
09:46.13Zeeekno, you're not sure?
09:46.13msupinodelver: i am using fritz with CAPI, more info please
09:46.20facek_i am not sure
09:46.23opsysfacek_:!! CONF is for CONFerance
09:46.24facek_where should i have that button
09:46.37ZeeekIt looks like tools
09:46.38opsysthe men if the button with the lines in the middle
09:46.58opsysthe menu is the button with the lines in the middle
09:47.23facek_i have
09:47.25facek_LINES 1 2 3
09:47.31facek_and no menu
09:47.41Zeeekfacek_ save some time. Try every button
09:47.56facek_Zeeek i am trying and trying
09:48.16ZeeekLook at this:
09:48.27Zeeekit's from google - I typed two word into google
09:48.44Zeeekconfigure x-lite
09:49.49facek_Zeeek sorry. i have other xlite
09:49.50Zeeekfacek_ Better yet:
09:49.53facek_no w i download this
09:49.53Alex1the sjphone cant loged on asterisk
09:50.12*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
09:52.01msupinodelvar : found a solution, thanks
09:52.26Zeeeknow, now...
09:52.35facek_Zeeek can you give me xlite.. the server have a problem with download
09:52.52ZeeekI don't have it here. Go to X-Ten and download the latest version
09:53.09facek_Zeeek can you little help me. i am making a simple solution.
09:53.11RoyK"how are xxx cards compared to digium cards" "buy digium, because they're so nice, giving us asterisk"
09:53.37ZeeekX-Lite can be downloaded here:
09:53.39facek_i have two peers on SIP. i allow everyone to call out.. and i want to make a good with BUSY or unavilable
09:53.43*** join/#asterisk jonas (
09:53.49facek_and i want enable to call for that people from world.
09:53.58facek_and then.. give them access to makle a transfer
09:54.15Alex1no french here ?
09:54.31Zeeek1/2 French
09:54.57Mimmusserious problem: chan_capi doesn't compile anymore with latest * CVS, even if I apply the special patch
09:54.57zykeany one familiar with the error  - chan_sip.c:7506 handle_request: Unable to create/find channel ?
09:55.06zykeis that a codec issue?
09:57.23*** join/#asterisk emitrax (
09:59.14emitraxIs there anybody that use cisco phone 7940 with asterisk?
09:59.14facek_i have that problem
09:59.15facek_ioctl(ZT_LOADZONE) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
09:59.15facek_Failed to register zone 'United States / North America': No data available
09:59.29facek_but in indicatiosn i have a [us] wiht description 'United States / North America'
10:04.17Mimmuswhy is not possible to integrate chan_capi in main * CVS?
10:06.08newlCall diversions are now getting recorded correctly in CDR. =)
10:06.22clive-mimmus, how did you manage to get chan_capi going with CVS head  in the end?
10:08.09*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
10:08.31Mimmusclive-: for europea<n users like me, capi is a channel like others
10:09.08*** join/#asterisk ]expic (~Inferna@
10:09.20clive-my question is, how easy was it to make chan_capi work with cvs head
10:09.28facek_clive- can you hep me with transfers?
10:09.49RestLessGeminiwhich other fxo/fxs interface cards asterisk support other then asterisk?
10:09.56]expicanybody had the problem with chan_h323 and no audio? i see that asterisk gets RTP traffic but doesn't resend it, i am doing sip<->h323 converting
10:10.01*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
10:10.31Mimmusclive-: sorry for my bad english, I don't understand very well: chan_capi worked untile some days ago, applying a patch
10:11.09Mimmusclive-: I found it on the wiki and lbarth on this channle helped me to apply to main * CVS
10:11.13*** join/#asterisk Kaneda_ch (
10:11.49Kaneda_chI'm new to SIP so don't flame :)
10:12.04Kaneda_chI would like to do the following setup
10:12.10clive-mimmus sounds like to me I will need some expert help when I get brave enough to try it:)
10:12.18]expicanybody had the problem with chan_h323 and no audio? i see that asterisk gets RTP traffic but doesn't resend it, i am doing sip<->h323 converting
10:12.31Kaneda_chSoftPhone <-> asterisk <-> Cisco 3640 <-> PBX <-> PSTN
10:12.51Kaneda_chfirst question: is that a good idea ?
10:13.22Mimmusclive-: oh, yes: in fact, I joined this channel this morning because I'm unable to recompile it with latest, current CVS!
10:13.39Mimmusclive-: I'm re-trying just now... mean CVS changed since your last time?
10:14.58]expicCommunication from sip to sip and h323 to h323 is working.
10:14.58]expicWhen i now call from the siphone (three tested) the h323 phone (also
10:14.58]expicthree tested) the connection is coming up and everything seems to be ok
10:14.58]expic(no errors, no debug info).  But there is no audio in both directions.
10:14.58]expicAlso when i call voicemail, i hear nothing one the h323 phone.
10:15.11Mimmusclive-: CVS changes always (peraphs... I'm not an expert...)
10:15.32RestLessGeminiwhich other fxo/fxs interface cards asterisk support other then asterisk?
10:15.40*** join/#asterisk MarkS_ (
10:15.44RestLessGeminiwhich other fxo/fxs interface cards asterisk support other then digium?
10:16.35Mimmusclive-: for instance, it looks for channel_pvt.h that is not in CVS anymore!
10:18.09clive-Mimmus, sounds like a lot of time is required...I wish Klaus would make a new chan_capi version
10:18.48Mimmusclive-: it would be better, possibly with FAX support!
10:21.01clive-is that why you are updating cvs?
10:21.43Mimmusclive-: no, I'm struggling with Astersik 'eternal' bug 2687
10:21.59clive-what is that one?
10:22.25emitraxdoes anyone know what kind of account I need with in order to download the SIP firmware for the cisco 7940 phone?
10:22.37Mimmusclive-: SIP not RFC compliant :-)
10:22.38*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
10:22.58Mimmusclive-: serious problems if phones are not directly connected to Asterisk
10:23.19Mimmusclive-: anyway, I was able to recompile chan_capi... uffff...
10:23.23abracsasemitrax: you have to buy something from cisco to get the account to download
10:24.45*** join/#asterisk Zgarbi (~my@
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10:31.13knight_anyone aware of any programs for any cellular phone that will set call forwarding when it detects a bluetooth device?
10:31.39knight_i get crappy cell service in my house, and i want my calls automatically forwarded to my voip lines when i'm home
10:37.24*** join/#asterisk Slainte (Slainte@
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10:38.17RoyKis there a way to keep dynamic queue members past restarts?
10:41.29*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
10:45.43foobosroyk, with cvs-head yes. there's persistent option
10:46.06facek_can somebody help me with transfers?
10:46.31RoyKfoobos: any idea if this could be hard to backport?
10:46.57foobosroyk, no idea, i'm just an user of that feature
10:46.59facek_RoyK ?
10:47.32*** join/#asterisk cc (~cc@byte.fedora)
10:51.00facek_RoyK can you help me with transfers?
10:51.15RoyKdon't think so...
10:51.22RoyKif just pressing * doesn't workk
10:51.46facek_RoyK work. but how can i specificy which numbers fot which people are transfering
10:51.59facek_RoyK where to specif a default context for transfers?
10:53.38RoyKdon't remember
10:53.55*** join/#asterisk Mother__ (
10:54.31Mother__anyone here that has played with OpenWRT?
10:54.32facek_RoyK o am looking on voip-info, but unable to find
10:54.36msupinoanyone using early dial with Grandstream and asterisk ? i am getting strange results when tring
10:55.10Mother__I've got it running, but when I try to ipkg the asterisk package, it sits doing nothing when it gets to the 'configuring asterisk...' part
10:55.53Mother__asterisk will start, but the configs are not present, this is on a 2.2 WRT54G with experimental OpenWRT
10:56.09facek_RoyK should i use mgcp.conf?
11:00.57knight_guess i have to write an app to do it
11:01.31RoyKfacek_: for what?
11:02.40facek_RoyK for enable transfers
11:03.01*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
11:03.21jbothmm... mgcp is Media Gateway Control Protocol
11:04.02facek_RoyK so where? where cani  specificy parameters for tansfers? and for dtmf sending by softphone and hardware hpone
11:04.52jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
11:04.58jboti guess wiki is
11:04.58*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
11:05.04foobosfacek, why not read the tutorials on instead of trying the shotgun approach to problem solving
11:05.05RoyK~lart facek_ for not rtfm
11:05.51*** join/#asterisk netMonkey (~netMonkey@
11:06.31facek_foobos i am reading
11:06.39facek_but i want to specifyc another context for transfer
11:06.43facek_and i dont know how to do that
11:07.09fooboswell i can tell you that mgcp has nothing to do with it
11:08.33facek_foobos now i know. but still dont knwo how to specifcy another context
11:12.17*** join/#asterisk markak2 (
11:12.23markak2afternoon all
11:13.21clive-howzit markak
11:13.54markak2i have a hassle that is not critical but annoying. asterisk no problems what so ever at this point. it jut seems to be taking a long time to answer incoming calls on the zap channels. i have tried searching for ways to speed this up but am falling short. it is currently answering after around seven rings i would prefer it to answer immidiately
11:15.58markak2anyone ideas ?
11:16.25*** join/#asterisk Makenshi (~makenshi@2001:630:1c0:2001:280:c8ff:fee2:921f)
11:16.32jlukdo you have distinctive ring setup
11:17.14markak2honestly i dont know. doubt it if it has to be done manualy.
11:17.27clive-whats your interface?
11:17.45markak2digium fxo card
11:22.17*** part/#asterisk Kaneda_ch (
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11:24.06markak2guys any idea where i might search to sort this out ?
11:24.15markak2not so much where as to for whatr ?
11:24.55clive-mark 7 rings?
11:25.13markak2never mind just got the immidate=yes jluk : thanks
11:27.26*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
11:30.38clive-mark did that work?
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11:38.18rprOne question to ALL: Is zapata driver compatible with 64 bits linux?
11:40.58markak2clive : no immediate is for fxs handsets connected and tells asterisk whether to get the dialled number then dial over the fxs channel or just give you the channel and pass what you dial straight to the channel
11:41.19markak2busy working on the distinctivering option
11:41.47Jas_Williamsmarkak2, do you user caller id ?
11:43.46*** join/#asterisk wired (~a@
11:43.54wiredwhats asterisk?
11:44.23Jas_Williams* ;-P
11:44.27tzangerI have to say that's probably the newbiest question I've ever seen here
11:46.03wiredit it like php or more of a "desktop" language like c
11:46.24wiredread up
11:46.30wiredthought it was a new lang
11:46.31zoarpr: yes
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11:54.52*** join/#asterisk dreamcode (~iancu@
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11:58.33dreamcodewhy doesn't MusicOnHold start when i put someone on hold ?
12:01.24*** part/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
12:02.11Slaintedreamcode,  musichold.conf
12:02.50dreamcodeit's ok an extension like : exten= 12,1,MusicOnHold().. works
12:03.28dreamcodemy problems seems to be.. that aserisk does not detect when someone is onhold
12:03.49Slaintewiki for musichold
12:03.52dreamcodeshould i reinstall it ?
12:04.18Slainteits a dead dog,  yes reinstall, adn while you are at it put the computer back in its box and send it back to the vendor, telling them you dont know how to read :)
12:04.36Slaintesorry I have been up all night working on a problem.
12:04.45Slaintethe wiki has a great musichold section
12:05.54dreamcodeman i read . i think all about musiconhold.. but i didn't found any thing about my problem
12:06.46dreamcodeif i run * with debug.. i don't have any line refering to aplication MusicOnHold .. to start or to stop
12:08.47dreamcodeScenario is:1) A call B 2) B answer ,then push Flash 3) shouldn't be A on Hold ?
12:13.01knight_wow, Live Blackjack on Golden Palace is fun :)
12:13.08knight_you see a live video feed of the cards in play
12:13.21knight_and there's a reader that detects the cards dealt
12:14.41*** join/#asterisk danalien (~danalien@danalien.user)
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12:20.13tzangerlove that post to -users
12:20.15tzanger"I am a big fan of both curry and Asterisk, but have not as of yet found a way to combine my loves."
12:20.17ellvisas i am not abble to modrobe ztdummy, should i jump under some truck or go to swim to the lake with a rock around my neck?
12:20.32tzangerellvis: that isn't the suggested course of action for problems of this nature
12:21.04ellvistzanger: ah, ok, i'll try some other chanel :)
12:21.30rikstayou could have a pot of curry on the stove, with one of those automated switches, hooked up to asterisk
12:21.35tzangerztdummy wants a very specific type of USB host.  You probably don't have it.
12:21.35rikstaand you could call the stove on the way home from work
12:21.36inspiredis G723 included in Asterisk?
12:22.07inspiredor do I need to pay a royalty?
12:22.55ellvistzanger: yes, i found it
12:23.25*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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12:31.32*** join/#asterisk jmav (~jmav@
12:31.39jmavHello all
12:34.07*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
12:47.48Zeeek"America Online (AOL) customers in 40 select cities have "Got VoIP!" Thursday, AOL began to roll out the beginnings of what will become a nationwide Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone service called AOL Internet Phone Service. "
12:49.33jmavI have a question ..... when i make calls with my granstream 286 using the zap card everithing works fine .... but if i try to connect from one grandstream to another grandstream the conection its not good anyone having this problem ? And if I use a service like stanaphone also have the same problem
12:55.14snitterwhat does that 'its not good' mean?
12:55.52*** join/#asterisk jmac (
12:56.08RoyKApr  7 14:47:43 WARNING[8637]: Unable to create RTP session: Address already in use
12:56.08RoyKApr  7 14:47:43 WARNING[8637]: No RTP ports remaining
12:56.25RoyKbeleive me, I don't have 2000 active calls through this box
12:56.29Zeeeknot enough rtp ports?
12:57.10snitteruh, omg
12:58.12RoyKZeeek: 2000 should be enough...
12:58.22RoyKunless asterisk doesn't release them, that is
13:01.09*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
13:01.35RoyKSIP Debugging Enabled for IP:
13:01.35miller7anyone here ever managed to make spandsp work to send out a fax?
13:01.40RoyKwhat is that port number used for?
13:02.45zoathats a remote sip signalling port
13:05.03*** join/#asterisk abatista (
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13:05.47Essobimiller7 I have
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13:07.59RoyKzoa: I have a problem with the client
13:08.06RoyKI get REGISTERs but not INVITEs
13:08.09RoyKfor some reason
13:08.40zoai also have a problem asterisk has issues under my heavy load :/
13:09.00zoaApr  7 15:55:54 WARNING[22335]: pbx.c:2010 ast_pbx_start: Failed to create new channel thread
13:09.00zoaApr  7 15:55:54 WARNING[22335]: chan_iax2.c:2765 ast_iax2_new: Unable to start PBX on IAX2/agent918@
13:10.21markak2has anyone here played with the indications.conf file. if i change the default from us to za would this help with ring detection and busy detection gl,obaly on asterisk
13:11.31RoyKit's only for playing stuff iirc
13:12.45Essobimarkak2 FXO lines?
13:13.31zoai also think its only for playing audio
13:13.53EssobiWhat's format is the easiest to transcode from to G711 and 729 for app_playback?
13:14.15jmacanyone have any thoughts as to why genzaptelconf -s -d would generate some ugly errors?
13:14.21EssobiI believe the actual indication code/configs is related to the zaptel drivers, ehh?
13:14.27*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
13:14.42Essobimiller7 Most of the time.  some faxes have a problem.
13:15.00EssobiI have super clean lines too, thou. :)
13:15.19miller7Essobi: I can receive faxes fine but I can't send no matter what I do
13:15.26miller7I have 2 * boxes and both are the same
13:15.27EssobiTo whom?
13:15.52EssobiOh, umm. are you sending from one * to another *?
13:15.58miller7For test, yes
13:16.00EssobiAcross IP?
13:16.07miller7no, across TDM
13:16.32jmavi am having problems when conecting 2 voip grandstream 286 over asterisk
13:16.33EssobiHmm. Sounds like a rx/tx loss or echo cancellation is killing it.
13:16.52jmavanyone can help me
13:16.52miller7the tx only?
13:17.00Essobimiller7 But that's just a guess..
13:17.02*** join/#asterisk jcollie (
13:17.12EssobiI mean rx/tx gain loss on the TDM
13:17.31miller7have you ever tried to txfax to the same * box via TDM?
13:17.43EssobiUmm. Yea.
13:17.50miller7does it work?
13:17.54EssobiOh did you disable the /tmp disk writes?
13:18.09miller7normal distro installation
13:18.11EssobiThat'll kill the performance especially if you got slow disk
13:18.15*** join/#asterisk Prowler (
13:18.22miller7linux gentoo
13:18.24markak2essobi : sorry fxs lines
13:18.29EssobiWhat version of spandsp/* are you runing?
13:18.31markak2essobi : sorry fxo lines yes
13:18.44miller7latest spandsp
13:18.52miller7asterisk is 1.0.2 I think on the PRI box
13:18.58Essobimarkak2 I'm pretty sure that's ni the libpri stuff somewhere.
13:19.05Essobimiller7 that's your problem.
13:19.14miller7u sure?
13:19.21Essobimiller7 use -head and the newest spandsp
13:19.34Essobithe new one is much much much better the it's previos ones.
13:19.48jmacany thoughts as to why my tdm extensions can't seem to dial anything, but my pc-phone can ring the extensions?
13:19.50EssobiI think there's still a tiny problem with canon fax machines, because they are simply stupid.
13:19.53miller7well, these are both production boxes so I can't easily put the -head
13:20.12Essobimiller7 True enough.  Been there, done that.
13:20.18miller7but I will go that way to test
13:20.23miller7at least that's something
13:20.36miller7back to cvs :P
13:21.22miller7at least, if I sent you a tiff file, can you see if you can fax it? because i did some conversion from windows prn to tiff?
13:22.00Essobimiller7 just back all your current versions up first.. makes it a lot easier.
13:24.17MikeJ[Laptop]are there sip firmware's for the 7940g/7960g cisco phones, I know there are for the onese without the g... but was not sure about the new phone
13:24.18*** join/#asterisk gres (~serg@
13:24.38EssobiAight, meeting time.
13:25.07EssobiMikeJ[Laptop] G and non G's only differ on the PoE spec and the pictures on the buttons.
13:25.23Essobiand the weight of the plastic on the shell.
13:25.43*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (~olivier_@
13:25.43rprSorry, I repeat my previous question: Is Zaptel / asterisk compatible with Linux 64? Are there any special consideration? Are  there any document that I must read?
13:26.07Essobirpr AFAIK, there is no problems with it.
13:26.08*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
13:26.09ariel_hello everyone
13:26.22miller7Essobi: sorry, got disconnected
13:26.33miller7what did I miss after you said about backup?
13:26.59jmac<Essobi> Aight, meeting time.
13:27.19jcollierpr: do you mean running asterisk on x86_64, ia64, or ppc64?
13:27.43MikeJ[Laptop]Essobi, cool, thank you
13:27.47rprJcollie: x86_64
13:28.15EssobiThere are G729 codecs from digium for x86_86
13:28.22jcollieno, i think that there are people running asterisk on x86_64 successfully
13:28.51EssobiI've heard of people running it too.. just make sure your mobo will work with any planned hardware and you're GOLD, JERRY, PURE GOLD.
13:29.15MikeJ[Laptop]does anyone have a working tiff to pdf to email script handy... the one I have is not working cleanly
13:29.23MikeJ[Laptop]for fax to email
13:29.54EssobiYou seriously can't write shell?
13:30.07tzangerI just did
13:30.09tzangersee, it's easy
13:30.23EssobiYou're so mean tzanger
13:30.24rprjcollie: I had think that i could had problems whit kernel driver of zaptel hardware.
13:30.33EssobiOh wait.. that's me. :)
13:31.40jmacsorry to repeate, but any thoughts as to why my tdm extensions can't seem to dial anything, but my pc-phone can ring the extensions?
13:32.07*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
13:32.10rprI if there are not  special considerations, tomorrow I will try it with one opteron processor.
13:32.17tzangerjmac: probably because the dialplan that your zaptel devices are dumping in to doesn't have anything useful in it
13:32.22miller7jmac: perhaps your dialplan is wrong?
13:32.23*** join/#asterisk pif (
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13:32.55jmaci knew being a lowly *@h user would get me in trouble quickly
13:33.06queuetueIs there any way to reuse a bunch of digital phones with asterisk? (IX-12KTD-2 , etc)
13:33.16DrWho17Is there such a thing as sip echo cancellation in asterisk
13:33.34Makenshii'm running asterisk on xeon em64t cpus with x86_64 kernel, no problems
13:33.50miller7queuetue: Yes, sell them and buy IP phones instead :P
13:33.54DrWho17I've recently started egressing calls via sip to a Lucent TNT, instead of out zap channels, and picked up an echo to the caller
13:34.14queuetuemiller7, That's "plan a" already - but I thought I'd check. :)
13:34.28DrWho17pbx -> t1 cross -> asterisk -> sip -> tnt -> pstn
13:34.33queuetueDrWho17, ?
13:34.35miller7queuetue: you can also use them as a nice way to bring the * box higher so you don't have to bend
13:34.42DrWho17queuetue: yea been there
13:34.51DrWho17it only talked about zap channels
13:35.29SlainteDrWho,  read the article on ciscos site about echo.  There is a link on the wiki for it
13:35.30DrWho17pbx -> t1 cross -> asterisk -> zap -> pstn works fine
13:35.53queuetuemiller7, That line did not get the laugh from the client we both expected. :)
13:36.23miller7oh well...
13:38.26*** join/#asterisk _SMP_ (
13:38.40markak2does anyone know what this is popped up on my CLI first time i have seen it
13:38.42markak2Saved useragent "Elite 1.0 Brcm Callctrl/ MxSF/v3.2.6.26" for peer 2008
13:39.11queuetuemiller7, are the interfaces on digital phones standardized?  Are they public?
13:39.19miller7markak2: some avaya perhaps?
13:39.20jcolliemarkak2: debug message from SIP i think
13:39.30miller7queuetue: I have no idea
13:39.40markak2miller7 : ahh thanks yes 1 avaya hardphone
13:39.53miller7markak2: you're welcome
13:39.56jcolliequeuetue: no, each vendor has a different proprietary standard
13:40.40*** join/#asterisk Gand_DJ (
13:41.27Mimmushi, I have a problem with app_capiFax.c crashing Asterix: does anyone know who is its author?
13:41.53miller7Mimmus: doesn't the source mention him?
13:42.24Mimmusmiller7: no, I found it as a patch for chan_capi
13:42.37jmaci may have unwittingly used a PCI v2.1 mb, if in fact i did, would my tdm cards not work at all or act strangely?
13:42.39miller7then you have to google it perhaps
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13:44.46Mimmusmiller7: peraphs he is  cas at  (Carl Sempla)
13:45.01miller7Mimmus: I have no idea
13:45.08miller7perhaps he is
13:45.15miller7perhaps he's not
13:46.48_THEEND_someone uses cisco ip phones?
13:47.18bjohnsonmiller7: some digital phones have converters you can buy for voip usage .. I think Nortel for example has one.  End result is you can buy a voip phone for the same price
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13:47.46miller7bjohnson: I'm sure you can
13:49.05bjohnsonmiller7: in the end you can point out that the current waste of investment was due to the use of a proprietary system encouraged by typical hardware vendors and that VOIP hardware that follows public standards will be adaptable to other hardware in the future that follows the same standards.  A feature that is not possible in proprietary systems
13:49.22danalienis it possible to 'software cross' the zaptel+bristuff driver? What I mean, is control what signal goes to what pin - instead of having to slit a kabel and 'hardware cross' it :-)
13:49.33miller7bjohnson: I agree
13:49.50DrWho17Slainte: so are you pointing me in the direction of a level mismatch?
13:50.59*** join/#asterisk moy (~kvirc@
13:51.11SlainteDrWho17:  It is important to understand how echo is created,  You upgraded the TAOS on your TNT lately?
13:52.02*** join/#asterisk devi-o (
13:52.08devi-ohi everyone
13:52.55DrWho17Slainte: no it's 10.1.1
13:53.00blankmanHey guys.
13:53.50devi-ois there someone who successfully compiled the mysql addon module for asterisk-realtime, i am failing because of a mutex statement which is undeclared in the lock.h - include
13:54.02devi-ohost OS is linux
13:54.50DrWho17Slainte: so since it's the caller hearing the echo, I probably should bump the output-pad on the t1's
13:55.03DrWho17the called-party doesn't get any echo
13:55.19DrWho17I can't find any echo canceller settings on the tnt itself
13:57.47devi-ohm when is it the best time to ask such questions in here ? :)
13:58.06miller7after lunch
13:58.08*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
13:58.12jcolliewhen someone that knows the answer is around
13:58.23DrWho17devi-o: I have compiled it, and use it
13:58.46*** part/#asterisk Mimmus (
13:58.53DrWho17last time was 2 weeks ago CVS
13:59.00devi-othe sources are fresh here
13:59.16devi-oso, you had no trouble  ?
13:59.22RoyKDrWho17: cvs co -D 'a fortnight ago'?
13:59.51DrWho17well, I manually applied the patch to the makefile, but other then that it worked fine
14:00.08blankmanSo, does anyone on currently have a T1 using em_w signaling to a provider?
14:00.22DrWho17blankwan: I am doing that also
14:00.24devi-oill blame it on the weather for today.. ill see tommorrow :)
14:00.46blankmanDrWho17, what did version of * are you running?
14:00.56*** part/#asterisk donavan (
14:01.02DrWho17haha, all kinds of versions
14:01.19*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
14:01.22blankmanI am having a problem that for some reason * isn't waiting on the wink single from the provider for the out pulse.
14:01.40DrWho17try increasing the wink
14:01.49ManxPowercan anyone resolve ?
14:01.56Essobiwink wink
14:02.07EssobiNope.. she still isn't picking me up.
14:02.07RoyK$ host has address
14:02.15EssobiMayday mayday,
14:02.22devi-oyoure already down
14:02.32*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
14:02.32ManxPowerRoyK, Thanks.  Must be a local issue then
14:02.35Mimmushi, does anyone knows why channel_pvt.h is not in CVS anymore?
14:02.59blankmanDrWho17, I have tried to mess with the different settings, but I can't seem to get the system to wait for their wink. Instead it just starts to out pulse the number when the hook state trans. occurs.
14:03.22blankmanDigium says that the system waits for the wink ... but looking at it on t-bird, it doesn't ...
14:03.37blankmanDrWho17, did you have this issue on yours?
14:03.59EssobiI need more coffee.
14:04.14DrWho17works, I've never touched it since then
14:04.23*** join/#asterisk MattB2 (
14:04.26blankmanDrWho17, yeah, tried that did work for me ... who is your provider?
14:04.30EssobiWhat version of *?
14:04.47blankmanDrWho17, I have GC ...
14:04.54DrWho17Asterisk CVS-HEAD-10/08/04-23:56:27
14:04.58MikeJ[Laptop]Essobi, I figured out my issue
14:05.00Essobithere was some discussion a while back about e&m missing winks in some cases.. can't remembers what thou
14:05.05devi-oare most of you real techies  workin at  the on or another telecom provider ?
14:05.16MikeJ[Laptop]it was that it is a bad idea to work on scripts of 4:30 am
14:05.17MattB2hi all... not sure if this is the proper place to ask... How is the phone socket on the X100P supposed to be used? When we plug a phone in with a line attached, the phone just rings constantly! Card is a clone not a Digium one - could be the propblem?
14:05.21EssobiMikeJ[Laptop] lol.. admission is the first step to recovery.
14:05.36devi-ofather i sinned
14:05.43devi-oi installes windows a thousand times
14:06.05EssobiMikeJ[Laptop] Yea.. Drunken kung-foo is way funner then tired kung-foo.
14:06.07MikeJ[Laptop]when you mistakenly delete one letter of a variable in one place, it does not know you *mean* the same thing where you refer to that variable
14:06.26*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
14:06.27devi-obut it was without a licence ... so u are forgiven he spoke to me
14:06.54ellvisanyone can recomend some IAX phone for windows?
14:07.07ellvisi tried diax, but i'd like to "play" with another one
14:07.16MikeJ[Laptop]elvis, sure, testcall.exe
14:07.18ellvisand google said not much about it...
14:07.26blankmanDrWho17, of the zaptel guru's know what the start, prewink and debounce are exactly?
14:07.29Mimmushi, does anyone knows why channel_pvt.h is not in CVS anymore?
14:07.41EssobiI havn't used a single iax phone on windows.. save firefly that crashed my box when I installed it.
14:07.45EssobiMimmus I answered you.
14:07.45blankmanellvis, firefly
14:07.53antifuchsMimmus: the pvt structure was removed
14:08.02EssobiMimmus in -dev but you left.
14:08.14MimmusEssobi: sorry, I missed it
14:08.19ellvisok, thanks, i'll take a look
14:08.25devi-ooh there are more * related channels  ?!
14:08.25*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
14:08.33EssobiI had terrrrible luck with firefly
14:08.44blankmanEssobi, it is windows.
14:08.59MimmusEssobi: I'm coming back to -dev, hoping in a replay from you!
14:09.04*** part/#asterisk Mimmus (
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14:09.32blankman~seen tzanger
14:09.34jbottzanger is currently on #asterisk (14h 35m 12s).  Has said a total of 1122 messages.  Is idling for 37m 17s
14:09.39ellviswell, i also experienced not much luck with firefly
14:09.47ellvisbut will probably try once again
14:11.22Darwin[laptop]asterisk is now working on fbsd 5.4
14:11.39Gand_DJI used firefly (still do for freshtel / verbiage)
14:11.53Gand_DJdon't recall having issues linking iax -> *
14:14.17*** join/#asterisk cjrm (
14:14.22cjrmhi people
14:14.48Darwin[laptop]grr no audio
14:15.08ariel_Darwin[laptop], what you spoke too soon?
14:15.32Darwin[laptop]well before it was crashing the kernel
14:15.44cjrmI'm interested in using asterisk to do 3rd party call control.  I want to do it as cheaply as possible.  What hardware will I need???  Could I use two bog standard modems?
14:15.47Darwin[laptop]I updated the zaptel and it stopped crashing
14:15.58Darwin[laptop]but now no audio
14:16.27cjrmI only need to manage a single call at a time.
14:16.43ariel_Darwin[laptop], you don't want to know about it. It's a RHEL repackaged OS
14:17.26ariel_cjrm, anything thing would work if your not transcoding.
14:17.26*** join/#asterisk djin (
14:17.51ariel_but modems are not support really only the X101p card or clones of them for fxo ports
14:18.16Darwin[laptop]no I had not heard about it
14:18.19cjrmariel_: what do you mean, transcoding?
14:18.54ariel_Darwin[laptop], look at  great iso
14:18.54malveriancjrm, You can get a W1000P for 7$ on ebay.
14:19.02malveriancjrm, That's what I'm using and it works like a charm.
14:19.22*** join/#asterisk kenshinblade (
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14:19.56phpboyhey guys
14:19.57Gand_DJ$7, but like $15 shipping... lol
14:19.58ariel_cjrm, more info will be needed from you on what you want to do.
14:20.06ariel_phpboy, hello
14:20.08phpboydo you need the zaptel drivers installed for linux aswell
14:20.25phpboyto get the digium card working with Linux
14:20.28phpboyI mean
14:20.30phpboywith asterisk
14:20.40ariel_if you have a zaptel card yes
14:20.56phpboyzeptel == digium drivers
14:20.56kenshinbladehi. could someone help me with SetCdrUserField action in manager API? I've found no docs about it and I didn't manage to ude it properly so far
14:21.37ariel_phpboy, what are you trying to do?
14:22.31bjohnsonwhat is a w1000p?
14:22.36cjrmariel_:  All I want to do is have a computer establish a call between 2 mobile phones.  I figured the cheapest way would be to buy two modems, setup two voice calls and pipe the audio between them with some magic on my linux box.  It's just for a demonstration so I don't need to handle more than one call at a time.
14:23.07bjohnsoncjrm: the cheapest way would be to call from cell phone 1 to cell phone 2
14:23.11ariel_bjohnson, misstype
14:23.18cjrmI figured asterisk might be able to do 'the magic'
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14:23.30cjrmbjohnson: Can't do that.
14:23.59bjohnsonthen go voip .. you don't need to tie into pstn at all .. they will do it
14:24.03cjrmbjohnson: I want the computer to establish the call between the two cell phones.
14:24.19Gand_DJYou'd need cellphone terminals then?
14:24.38Gand_DJ1 to broadcast to the cellphones.. and then program cellphones to connect to the terminal?
14:24.50bjohnsonin N.A. it would be approx $0.02 per minute x the 2 calls (plus whatever cell phone per minute costs for your plan apply)
14:25.16devi-oor program something into the api that triggers the call via another cellphone api (at serial or irda or bluetooth ports) ?
14:25.27bjohnsonmy understanding of gsm terminals is that they talk to the gsm provider .. not act as a gsm provider
14:25.54*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~neils@
14:26.29cjrmbjohnson: N.A?
14:26.37*** join/#asterisk Zebble (~Zebble@
14:26.38Gand_DJNorth America
14:27.02Gand_DJYou could use gsm terminal, but then you're paying for 4 connections
14:27.06Mimmusantifuchs: you wrote me that pvt structures was removed; is it difficlut to patch an application still using them?
14:27.09Gand_DJif they talk to the provider
14:27.26jmacmaybe meetme
14:27.52ariel_cjrm, in any case asterisk does not work with just any modem.
14:27.58bjohnsoncjrm: north america
14:29.04cjrmariel_: yeah...  So I see :) ...  If I have two phone lines for outgoing calls, what do I need to do to get asterisk to call two numbers and link the calls together?
14:29.24cjrmWhat hardware do I need?  And what software do I need to write :)
14:29.45antifuchsMimmus: AFAIK, it isn't
14:29.48bjohnsoncjrm: for cell phones .. the advantage of voip really is to pick a plan with lots of minutes, don't worry about LD costs, and create a dial in system for the cell users to call in to dial out LD calls
14:30.16bjohnsoncjrm: you need 2 fxo ports .. through pci cards or ATAs
14:30.21devi-oi have to quit.. cU guys
14:30.25devi-oand gals :P
14:30.29antifuchsMimmus: the cvs log of the change has a reference to the bug number where they explain how to rework your modules
14:30.33ariel_cjrm, either a TDM02b card that has two FXO ports or two X101P cards. any celeron or Piii with 256mg ram will do for 2 connections
14:30.46jmaci may have unwittingly used a PCI v2.1 mb, if in fact i did, would my tdm cards not work at all or act strangely?
14:30.58*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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14:31.10Darwin[laptop]ok fixed
14:31.10bjohnsoncjrm: but to do what I "think" you want to do .. 1. you do not need any hardware 2. there are cheaper and easier ways to do it then using an asterisk box
14:31.10*** join/#asterisk IPmonger (
14:31.26Darwin[laptop]i had to turn off g729 in sip.conf
14:31.28Mimmusantifuchs: emmmm... I'm not so able to retrieve such beast from CVS!
14:31.35Darwin[laptop]then got audio on fbsd
14:31.41cjrmbjohnson: I'm not interested in making calls from the cellphones.  I need my software (and maybe asterisk) to establish a call between the two phones.
14:31.54RoyKcan someone explain how sms works? I have this dect phone that allows me to send sms. does that open a modem connection or how does it do it? it wants a central number (one for recv and one for  send)
14:31.57cjrmbjohnson: like what?
14:32.16antifuchsMimmus: you could use a bit more self-confidence
14:32.18bjohnsoncjrm: well .. I guess I'll stop telling you that you don't need hardware since you don't want to listen
14:32.40Gand_DJI guess the modem would dial into a main sms station, pass on the sms info, and the sms station would forward to the proper place
14:32.52Mimmusantifuchs: in other words, reading the man page?
14:33.06cjrmbjohnson: I am listening, I'm just not sure whether you undestand what I want? :)
14:33.07ZeeekRoyK wiki
14:33.13antifuchsMimmus: "cvs log channels/chan_sip.c" isn't that hard (:
14:33.24RoyKZeeek: voip-info?
14:33.36Mimmusantifuchs: I have not the minimal experience with CVS
14:33.42Mimmusantifuchs: thank you
14:33.43Darwin[laptop]wow nice to have * back
14:33.54ariel_I am out for a while.  I got to see if I can get some work.  (Need to feed the family)
14:33.55cjrmbjohnson: Is there a web-based service for 3rd party call control that you know of?
14:34.23ZeeekRoyK and then this one
14:35.10Gand_DJI noticed that when I loaded *@home, it has hostname of asterisk.local
14:35.19Gand_DJis there a way to have it interface with a domain?
14:35.25Gand_DJThe linux CenOS part
14:35.26*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
14:35.35Mimmusantifuchs: OK, bug #3573
14:35.39Gand_DJThat way email part works right
14:36.18*** join/#asterisk SkySky (
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14:37.49antifuchsright. that one.
14:38.09Gand_DJhrm.... I get this everytime I load *@home (end of loading).... "** /var/www/html/panel/op_buttons_custom.cfg not readable... skipping"
14:38.22Gand_DJAlso says "sip/200 in position 2"
14:38.36Gand_DJdon't recall that happening when I manually installed * sometime last year
14:42.19phpboywhere can I get a copy of a zaptel rpm?
14:43.09newlholy crap, Mandrakesoft is to soon be known as Mandriva.  gadzooks what a bloody stupid name!
14:43.17blankmanHey, anyone know where this function is declared? Meaning which file ... I need to figure out its "new" signature since it hasn't been updated in either cvs head or stable for the app_sql_postgres.c
14:43.24blankmanpbx_builtin_setvar_helper(struct ast_channel *chan, char *name, char *value);
14:44.38moywhy dont you try grep command to find out?
14:45.04blankmanmoy ... I did ... but it is extened every where and I am not a regex expert :-(
14:45.17*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
14:45.36cjrmWhats the cheapest way of getting a computer to phone two phones and then join the calls together?
14:45.57Darwin[laptop]anyone having issues with grandstream phones and the message button not working with the latest flash
14:46.13newlcjrm: For the two phones to call one another sans computer. :)
14:46.34DrWho17he newl
14:46.59newlheya DrWho
14:46.59moyblankman: :p ...... sorry then, i dont have idea of what file is, the only files i have needed are the agi ones
14:47.27cjrmnewl: No, the computer to call two phones and then link the two calls together, so both parties can talk to each other.
14:47.33Gand_DJyeay... got something from fedex arriving today.. I think it might be my free copy of Office 2003 Premium :)
14:47.47newlcjrm: You mean ala 3-way calling?
14:48.01Gand_DJ100% legal
14:48.18DrWho17how does asterisk handle PIC codes?
14:48.19Darwin[laptop]MS office is junk use openoffice
14:48.31newlDarwin[laptop]: No problems with the message button here with the latest flash.
14:48.38Darwin[laptop]or koffice
14:48.55langalsHi there...anyone have experience with using meetme?
14:48.59Darwin[laptop]newl mine stopped working
14:49.02langalsI have a few questions on it
14:49.07DrWho17apparently I'm supposed to include PIC codes for our long distance provider
14:49.23*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
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14:49.35jsharpNeed to prepend the PIC before dialing an outgoing call?
14:49.41cjrmnewl: no, I mean 3rd party call control.  Picture the scenario.  Some software decides that 2 people should speak to each other.  It calls person A and person B and joins the calls together.
14:49.49The_Balldoes anybody know if a user using the normal version of firefly will be able to call a asterisk server?
14:50.11*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
14:50.27hajekdhi, someone here is using voipjet?
14:50.46hajekdthey said: "We now fully support CallerID to USA, Canada and most European countries. Some other ones, too!
14:51.21*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
14:52.45firestrmhey.. um is the command to grab stable not: cvs checkout -r v1_0_rc_2 asterisk ? at least thats what asterisk docs says it should be.. but cvs cant find the tg
14:52.54Nuggetfirestrm: no, that's not it.
14:53.02Nuggetwhere do the asterisk docs say that?
14:53.19Nugget"cvs checkout -r v1-0 zaptel libpri asterisk asterisk-addons asterisk-sounds
14:53.33bjohnsoncjrm: info on the on the wiki.  hardware needed: none if you use a voip provided
14:53.37bjohnsoncjrm: info on the on the wiki.  hardware needed: none if you use a voip provider
14:53.46Gand_DJThe_Ball, I don't think so
14:53.51Gand_DJyou have to use 3rd party versio
14:54.28The_BallGand_DJ, ok, i knew the third party version works, i was just curios if the normal version would be able to call astreisk
14:54.45Gand_DJI think normal is locked to freshtel only
14:54.56*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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14:55.24cjrmbjohnson: cheers :)
14:55.27The_Ballgambolputty, this is from their FAQ: What protocols does Firefly support? Firefly uses an enhanced version of IAX by default, however standard IAX and SIP are also fully supported.
14:55.39The_BallGand_DJ, eh, that was for you
14:55.43*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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14:56.13Gand_DJHrm, if you can setup domain & stuff in normal firefly, it might work
14:56.25Gand_DJI've never played with it.. I have 3rd party version on my pc
14:57.54cjrmbjohnson: So I should be able to establish two VoIP calls from asterisk to a VoIP service provider who will then route them to two cell phones???
14:58.32*** join/#asterisk netMonkey (~netMonkey@
14:59.23*** join/#asterisk Bonbon (~bonbon@
14:59.34Gand_DJYou can try this...... setup a DID for *, use 1 cellphone to call DID, setup * to allow authenticated calling outbound, and then once you call *, call out to the next cellphone (or have * auto-forward to cellphone 2)
14:59.56Gand_DJOr..... without a DID, call cellphone 1, and then 3way to cellphone 2.
15:00.03Bonbonhas anyone developed a windoze app which can be used with asterisk to transfer calls to other people?
15:00.23Darwin[laptop]yeah xten
15:00.34Bonbonno, like a recptionist console
15:00.50Nuggetwhy do you call it "windoze"?  it makes you look like an OSShole.
15:01.01Gand_DJnot windows based. but it would wokr
15:01.02Bonbonha ha
15:01.09Nuggetand yeah, is a decent solution for that.
15:01.26*** part/#asterisk jcollie (
15:01.42Bonbonah, right, you used it?
15:02.33bjohnsondon't be a poo Nugget
15:03.50BonbonNugget: can you transfer calls without using the mouse?
15:04.12Nuggetwhy don't you look and see for yourself if it would work for your needs?
15:04.24jmacfor simple 1x4 systems, would you guys recommend just using asterisk@home with AMP, etc?
15:05.34Bonbonok, thanks. What about AMP?
15:05.35*** join/#asterisk chap (
15:06.04pifkram: mantis doesn't send passwords to new accounts
15:06.46pifwhere do I report that bug if I can't login to the BTS?
15:07.00bjohnsonahh .. a gui that doesn't require you to use a mouse.  Don't see that requested much anymore
15:07.21mutilatorhey another person trying to defraud me on autotrader! I'm 2 for 2 now
15:07.53*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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15:10.23Zilaswhat would you guys offer for sending sms out of asterisk that would be a free decision?
15:10.30pifany digium personel around?
15:12.30MimmusUAO! I successfully patched  app_capiFax.c, removing any reference to channel_pvt.h
15:17.39mutilatoranyone recommend any load balancing appliances?
15:20.43*** join/#asterisk netMonkey (~netMonkey@
15:21.00Zilasgrand_dj: does it work in usa on bellsouth lines to t-mobile???
15:21.22Gand_DJNot sure. wasn't aware * could do sms :)
15:21.36Gand_DJI just searched google and found that
15:22.14Zilasthere is another option
15:22.15*** join/#asterisk GiabboO (
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15:37.55PinholeAnybody have any luck with sphinx2?
15:38.47djMaxI must be missing something obvious, but shouldn't _#1XXX match #1001?
15:38.52DrWho17ok, CIC codes
15:39.15*** join/#asterisk josealvers (~root@
15:40.04BlissexdjMax: depends on the order in which matches are done...
15:40.10josealvershello there.. please help me.. i installed asterisk using voicepulse connect.. i configured iax.conf and extensions.conf correctly.. but when I try to call using DIAX, i receive: Apr  7 12:30:43 NOTICE[18293]: chan_iax2.c:6983 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '1@outgoing' does not exis
15:40.45djMaxwhat's strange is that I don't even see the call coming into asterisk.  Shouldn't there be a debug level that shows an attempted extensions match?
15:40.51*** join/#asterisk BrianR___ (
15:41.00djMax(but I do see things like #2 coming in)
15:41.10DrWho17djMax: asterisk shows all calls that come into it
15:41.31chapdjMax: what is your verbose level?
15:41.42DrWho17at least sip/mgcp/h323/zap show up for me
15:42.31GiabboOcan anybody help me with the stripped initial 0 of my incoming calls ?
15:43.26djMaxyeah, "sip debug" shows the call, but not normal debugging/verbosity
15:43.42PinholeAnybody see anything that AOL is providing with their VoIP service that can't be done with *?
15:44.02*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
15:44.33BuckRogersGOOOOOD Morning
15:45.03djMaxok, I think I sort of see what's happening.  I have a Sipura that has a dialplan of #X.  So it's trying to call #1 even though I pressed #1001.  Question is where those three digits went.
15:45.18josealversApr  7 12:30:43 NOTICE[18293]: chan_iax2.c:6983 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '1@outgoing' does not exist
15:45.42josealverswhy this error happens?
15:45.58zoabecause your extension does not exist
15:46.18josealversbut I created them.. and edite them correctly
15:47.21josealvers--> /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
15:47.26mogormanhey anyone know how to allow more than one call to be placed to the same sip user on a snom 220
15:47.40*** join/#asterisk jcollie (
15:48.40jcollieso what IS up with Sipura's web pages? can't resolve their DNS
15:48.56pinojcollie: neither can i
15:49.02*** join/#asterisk zipp (
15:49.06GiabboOciao pino :)
15:49.21*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
15:49.31pino(ciao :) )
15:49.36GiabboOdi dove ? :D
15:49.44jcolliedamnation, i have a client that just bought a couple 841s and i want to grab the latest firmware before I go install them tomorrow
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15:52.24pinojcollie: looks like they have no mirrors :(
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15:55.57Gand_DJanyone here have a minute to help test something with *?
15:56.07Gand_DJYou'd need an iax phone though
15:56.14Gand_DJcuz of nat
15:56.16MasterYodawho wrote the say time agi command?
15:56.42jcollieanyone have a sample config for a sipura spa-841
15:56.44rhyginjust about to file a bug report for this but thought I bring it up in here in case anyone else has seen this... when using ${CALLERIDNUM} in extensions it strips '.' out of the CID but if you hit '#' it has the '.'
15:58.20*** join/#asterisk adx (
15:58.21rhyginExecuting VoiceMailMain("SIP/", "firstnamelastname") / No username but # key pressed. Using CID 'firstname.lastname'
15:58.31*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
15:58.40adxmoin @all
15:58.51Gand_DJFor someone to be able to remotely connet to my * box from the internet (like a softphone or something), do I need to forward any ports to the * server from the router? (sip & iax)
15:59.15rhyginGand: is * nat'd or behind a router/firewall that port filters?
15:59.26Gand_DJ* has a 192 IP
15:59.35Gand_DJbehind linksys router
15:59.44outtoluncthe first question should be using what protocol
16:00.02Gand_DJSome using sip, some using iax
16:00.09outtoluncsip yes, iax no
16:00.31rhyginthen you'd need to forward port 5060 UDP for SIP, 4569 for IAX2
16:00.52jcollierhygin don't forget RTP ports
16:00.54djMaxanybody know where the rest of the digits go in a case like I mentioned?  (sipura dialplan is set to #1S0, I dial #1001)
16:01.40rhyginjcollie: yep, i wasn't really going to get into it... nat'ing * (or any thing that uses random ports) is just messy
16:02.07Gand_DJok... so for iax, I just need to port forward 4569 UDP (not tcp) to * IP?
16:02.09pinodjmax: i think they are just discarded
16:02.14jcollieyeah, but you can edit rtp.conf and limit the number of ports you need to open
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16:02.24pinowhat if you try #XXXXS0?
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16:02.56djMaxthen my other things (#2,#3 etc) will have to wait.  I suppose I can do #1XXXS0, but that sucks.
16:02.56outtoluncgand i misread, if you * box is behind the nat, either put it in dmz or forward ports for everything you need
16:02.59djMaxwould be nice to have a way to say "match this, then let * do the rest"
16:03.06rhyginGand: I haven't used a linksys router in ages but if you can you'd be better to make your * box the 'DMZ' host on the router
16:03.21mgthlinksys will let you do a dmz
16:03.26rhyginthat way anything that was allowed through and didn't have a destination map already would end up at the * box
16:03.31Gand_DJI could do dmz, but for security I'd rather not (incase there's an open port on * to hack into)
16:03.38mogormanhey anyone know how to allow more than one call to be placed to the same sip user on a snom 220
16:04.13pinodjmax: DISA maybe is what you're looking for.
16:04.49moyDoes anybody have used voiceXml succesfully with Asterisk?
16:07.01adxanyone knows nome news about the Digium Te110 E1/T1 card and the driver reboot Problem?
16:08.11phpboywhen I run asterisk
16:08.14phpboyI get this error
16:08.14Pinholemoy, I haven't seen anything with asr work with *.
16:08.36phpboyOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
16:08.50phpboyWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
16:08.58phpboyhow do I go about fixing such an error?
16:09.11thetalonmoy we have a VoiceXML engine running as AGI
16:09.17adxi read something about the te110 in mail archives, but no really Solution.
16:11.45Gand_DJI setup port forwarding on my * box for 4569. If someone likes, you can see if you can register via IAX to my * box. U = 301 / P = test456
16:14.35phpboyGand_DJ: can we use the IP ur connecting from?
16:14.52moyPinhole: Thanks :) i guess im going to continue googling around
16:14.58Gand_DJyou can also use
16:15.23Gand_DJI think I have IRC dns running still
16:15.53pifbkw_ ?
16:17.14*** join/#asterisk gonzo- (
16:20.08phpboyGand_DJ: what's a nice soft phone for windows
16:20.10phpboythat I can use?
16:20.24Gand_DJFirefly does iax
16:20.39Gand_DJI have that test acct setup for iax
16:20.44Pinholephpboy: x-lite
16:21.16Darwin[laptop]grrr g729 is not working
16:21.42Gand_DJwhat's so great about g729?
16:21.54jsharpIts a good quality low bit rate codec.
16:21.55Pinholethetalon, do you have asr?
16:22.19_asrstop talking about me behind my back
16:22.23_asrmy irssi keeps lighting up
16:24.18Pinholehow about:  thetalon, do you have speech recognition working?
16:24.40phpboyI've installed zaptel drivers on Mandrake 10.1
16:24.45phpboyvia urpmi
16:24.56phpboybut I can't do a "modprob zaptel"
16:25.04phpboysays no such module
16:25.07phpboyhow do I fix this?
16:26.25pinoi've never used mandrake, but -- depmod -a perhaps? or are you using a custom kernel (and Mandrake only supplies drivers for the stock kernel)?
16:27.30phpboyI have a default mandrake install
16:27.43phpboyis there anyway I could go about installing the modules manually?
16:27.55Darwin[laptop]everyone at digium must be sleeping
16:28.14Darwin[laptop]yes  modules.conf
16:28.44Darwin[laptop]and then put in there what to loaad
16:28.53pinoif you find the zaptel.o / zaptel.ko files, you can also try with insmod
16:29.01phpboy/etc/modules.conf ?
16:29.29*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
16:29.33Juxtgood afternoon
16:30.00Gand_DJanyone able to register with my * box? :(
16:30.08phpboyI don't think the modules are installed on my box
16:30.09Gand_DJjust need to know if port forwarding is setup correctly
16:30.18phpboyGand_DJ: what's a nice soft phone for windows
16:30.21phpboyI'll help u test
16:30.31Gand_DJSomeone mentioned X-lite
16:30.36Gand_DJbut I think that uses SIP
16:30.37Darwin[laptop]or xten-lite
16:30.38*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
16:30.41Gand_DJI setup the acct for IAX.
16:30.50Gand_DJI know firefly does IAX
16:31.02phpboyDarwin[laptop]: any suggestions?
16:31.03Juxtfirefly is great
16:31.04outtoluncfirefly-thirdparty does iax
16:31.08phpboywell, other suggestions?
16:31.10Juxtexcept i can't find the damn g.729 dll
16:31.18Juxtand when i try to make it crashes
16:32.29Darwin[laptop]whats the url for the firfly third party
16:32.55*** join/#asterisk rpr_ (~ricardMad@
16:37.55phpboydoes anybody know how to install the zaptel modules on Linux?
16:37.57phpboyso I can do a
16:38.01phpboymodprode zaptel
16:38.13Juxtdid you read the instructions? it's there
16:38.27phpboyI installed it via urpmi
16:38.35phpboydidn't seem to have worked :/
16:39.06phpboyit installed the zaptel program
16:39.08Darwin[laptop]wow no one is answering at digium
16:39.10phpboybut not the modules :/
16:39.25phpboyDarwin[laptop]: u calling them or what?
16:39.40robl^Darwin[laptop]: well. it IS lunchtime
16:39.49MasterYodaDarwin[laptop]: we are here...
16:40.01djMaxanybody know of fixes for ast_waitstream_full in agi apps?
16:40.19JunK-YdjMax: whats wrong?
16:40.35djMaxthe wakeup call app keeps firing that
16:40.41djMaxnot EVERY time, but many times
16:40.58Darwin[laptop]Master Yoda I have issues with g729 for fbsd getting no audio
16:42.07mogormanMaster Yoda me too
16:42.26mogormanare you calling support?
16:42.37rpr_phpboy: you need to compile and install zaptel edit the config file /etc/zaptel.conf  load module zaptel and the specific module of your card. Then you can configure the asterisk's zapata.conf file and use zap channels in your asterisk configuration.
16:42.41mogormanwe arent on the phone...
16:42.43mogormanor im not
16:42.50mogormanbut g729 on bsd is not supported...
16:42.56Darwin[laptop]yes it is
16:42.58mogormanthus unsupported versions of g729...
16:43.02Darwin[laptop]they have compiledit now
16:43.09Juxtdoes anyone have the g729.dll for firefly compiled?
16:43.29phpboyrpr_: only trouble is
16:43.32Darwin[laptop]they have compiled it for fbsd now
16:43.36MasterYodaDarwin[laptop]: unfortunately we do not support using our g729 codecs on freebsd, although they are available...
16:43.36mogormanCodecs for FreeBSD 5.2.1 are made available in an unsupported format:
16:43.37phpboyzaptel module isn't working
16:43.39Darwin[laptop]its on the web page
16:43.52phpboyI moved from FreeBSD to Linux
16:43.54mogormanbut what is going on darwin
16:44.00phpboyzaptel drivers cause kernel panics
16:44.02Darwin[laptop]well kram and I have wokred on it
16:44.07MasterYodamogorman: is a luser
16:44.12phpboyrpr_: I modprode zaptel
16:44.15phpboydoesn't working
16:44.17mogormanMasterYoda WHHHE
16:44.18phpboydoesn't work
16:44.24Darwin[laptop]it was working  till we patched a load problem
16:44.26phpboyI'm trying to install it manually now
16:44.44phpboyand see what happens
16:45.17Darwin[laptop]it was only loading about once every 4th to 5th boot
16:45.23Darwin[laptop]he fixed it
16:45.31Darwin[laptop]now I get no audio
16:47.19rpr_phpboy: for more information visit
16:47.24GiabboOcan I ask about RxFax problem ?
16:47.43phpboyI have learn't a HELL of a lot in the last 4 days
16:47.45phpboywith asterisk
16:47.53phpboyand I haven't even got it working yet
16:47.59GiabboOlol phpboy
16:48.00phpboyonly started playing on Linux today
16:48.01Darwin[laptop]asterisk is a learnig curv
16:48.02Gand_DJlol I got it working internally
16:48.08rpr_phpboy: Do you use linux 2.4 or linus 2.6?
16:48.21phpboyMandrake 10.1
16:48.31phpboykernel 2.6
16:48.32MasterYodadont use mandrake
16:48.33GiabboOcan anybody help me with RxFax WARNING i get after fax is received ?
16:48.41mogormanits mandriva now
16:48.41phpboyif I do a 'uname -a'
16:48.48phpboyMasterYoda: I'm VERY new to linux
16:48.51MasterYodamogorman: really?
16:48.57MasterYodaphpboy: don't use mandrake...
16:48.58phpboyso I'm gonna start as basic as possible
16:49.02mogormanMasterYoda go read slashdot...
16:49.07GiabboOthats good u start phpboy :)
16:49.12mogormanoh wait you dont read slashdot MasterYoda, luser
16:49.14phpboyMasterYoda: any reason, not to?
16:49.25MasterYodaphpboy: in my experience it does not work well
16:49.29phpboyI'm a FreeBSD guy myself
16:49.32MasterYodaphpboy: especially not with asterisk
16:49.37phpboyMasterYoda: all I need is to get asterisk working
16:49.41MasterYodaphpboy: oh, well then, go slackware, gentoo, or debian
16:49.46phpboyI hear it works famously on any Linux platform
16:49.52MasterYodaphpboy: you have unix experience... stay away from mandrake
16:50.03Gand_DJI just installed the *@home package.. did everything for me :)
16:50.32MasterYodaphpboy: I perfer debian, but you might like slack as I hear it is very unix like
16:50.33*** join/#asterisk LoRez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
16:50.34phpboyC compiler doesn't work properly
16:50.46phpboynow wait
16:51.54phpboy:< :< :<
16:52.05*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
16:52.06phpboydoesn't seem like I can build zaptel manually either
16:52.08tzangerwhoa whoa whoa...  just slow down kids
16:52.12tzangerdon't make me separate you
16:52.13GiabboONOTICE[5809]: channel.c:1764 ast_set_read_format: Unable to find a path from slin to unknown
16:52.14phpboywhat's the next step gents?
16:52.16Juxtis there a way to find out which codec has been negotiated with a sip provider?
16:52.19GiabboOhow do I correct this ?
16:52.20Juxtsip debug doesn't seem to say it
16:52.24tzangerphpboy: fix your C compiler
16:52.35pinophpboy: you should install the kernel sources, probably!
16:52.48phpboytzafrir: how do I go about doing that in Linux?
16:52.59*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
16:53.34rpr_phpboy: are you sure that the modules, teh kernel source and the kernel image taht you use are the same version?
16:53.41PinholeJuxt: sip show channels
16:53.50phpboyit's it brand new install
16:53.52ariel_phpboy, I guess this is your first use of linux?  Are you trying to setup an asterisk server for testing, production or learning?
16:53.53phpboyso I'd imagine so
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16:54.03phpboyariel_: learning
16:54.11phpboyso that I can get to know asterisk and Linux
16:54.13phpboyin one
16:54.31ariel_phpboy, I would say you should look at Asterisk@home it a complete ISO with os and asterisk setup.
16:54.34tzangerphpboy: well it depends entirely on your system.
16:54.45Juxtthank you pinhole
16:55.00phpboytzanger: Mandrake 10.1 default install
16:55.44tzangerphpboy: mandrake 10.1 default install should be able to build, I tink
16:55.46*** join/#asterisk heison (
16:55.47Nuggetlinux is poo.  :)
16:55.51heison~seen JerJer
16:56.01jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 39d 37m 6s ago, saying: 'mrgoby:  sure'.
16:56.01ariel_phpboy, I think that mandrake has yum do yum install kernel-source
16:56.05Wonka~seen JarJar
16:56.06jbotjarjar <> was last seen on IRC in channel #kde, 157d 21h 29m 49s ago, saying: 'configure: error: missing argument to --prefix'.
16:56.23*** join/#asterisk _zigo__ (
16:56.24phpboyI'm upgrading the system
16:56.30phpboyhopefully that'll help
16:57.33*** join/#asterisk Drel (
16:59.26Juxtwhat dictates which codec gets selected when a sip connection is established?
16:59.40*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
17:00.01ariel_Juxt, which version are you using? head or stable?
17:00.38ariel_codec is with disallow=all then allow=ulaw, allow=gsm. In head I think it's in the order placed in the sip.conf
17:00.41Juxti am trying to force g.729 firefly -> asterisk > sip provider
17:00.42phpboyI'm gonna miss gym tonight because of this :<
17:01.02ariel_phpboy, get your self the iso from asterisk at home and start there.
17:01.23phpboywhat all is this?
17:01.31_THEEND_how can i change language to a cisco phone?
17:02.05PinholeJuxt, it also seems (in my experience) to depend on the preference of the sip phone as well.
17:02.15ariel_Asterisk@home has the OS - CentOS great linux distro, has ASterisk, has AMP and can configure your zap ports even if you only use ztdummy.
17:03.03Gand_DJariel_, since I don't use a zap card / port.... do I have to manually install ztdummy?
17:03.13phpboyalmost a turn key solution
17:03.16Gand_DJI keep getting that ixxxx error
17:03.17GiabboOApr  7 18:55:31 WARNING[5897]: app_rxfax.c:305 rxfax_exec: Unable to restore read format on 'Modem[i4l]/ttyI0'
17:03.17phpboyfrom the sounds of it
17:03.25GiabboOanybody have solution for this ?
17:04.04ariel_phpboy, it's almost a turnkey solution. But you can learn and change all the settings yourself.
17:04.16*** join/#asterisk loick (
17:04.27phpboyof course
17:04.30phpboywhich is what I want
17:04.30ariel_Gand_DJ, my setup came with ztdummy already configured in aah.
17:04.38phpboythanks a mill ariel_
17:04.45*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
17:04.57StealthMethodany one heard of a predictive dialer....truedial
17:04.58Gand_DJhow can I tell if ztdummy is installed?
17:05.00StealthMethodold software
17:05.20ariel_phpboy, there is also AMP which is a gui for configuration of asterisk in AAH and you can also get help with amp on the #amportal section here.
17:05.23StealthMethodtruedial predictive dialer
17:05.24*** join/#asterisk LoRez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
17:05.37StealthMethodlooking for help, if anyone familier , would greatly appreciate
17:06.12*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
17:06.12ariel_Gand_DJ, if you do zttool it should tell you there
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17:07.15Gand_DJI show nothing in there
17:07.21Gand_DJAlarms & Span
17:07.22Gand_DJthat is it
17:08.23ariel_Gand_DJ, read this then and install it.
17:08.39Gand_DJmaybe I deleted ztdummy from AMP... as I saw 1 zap channel in there and deleted it
17:08.49shido6any r2 users?
17:09.42phpboyI get this error when running asterisk
17:10.06phpboyOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
17:10.06Gand_DJI see why ztdummy wasn't installed.... Virtual PC & Virtual Server doesn't recognize usb devices
17:10.12phpboyhow can I fix this?
17:10.21Gand_DJusb_uhci is not in lsmod
17:10.24GiabboOneed help with RxFax module, please contact me in private thx
17:10.44DrWho17anybody egressing out a Lucent TNT/APX? the TNT doesn't seem to send out the callerid I've specified in Asterisk
17:10.54Gand_DJshido6: R2?
17:10.55DrWho17while Zap channels hooked to the same trunks do
17:11.51ariel_DrWho17, are you using ani settings in your dial string?
17:12.04phpboywhen trying to compile zaptel manually
17:12.10phpboyI get the following error
17:12.40phpboyYou do not appear to have the kernel sources fro your current kernel installed.
17:12.45DrWho17ariel_: no, and the TNT displays the callerid I've specified in it's monitoring of the call, it just get sent out to the pstn
17:12.59phpboyhow do I install it?
17:13.05GiabboOphpboy, u need the kernel source under /usr/src and a sym link /usr/src/linux
17:13.19*** part/#asterisk rhygin (audio07r@
17:13.23DrWho17has to be something on the TNT ignoring dropping those things, but it is picking them up via sip
17:13.27phpboyI don't have that dir
17:13.30GiabboOphpboy, uname -a to get ur running kernel version
17:13.34phpboylooks like I'll have to install the src
17:13.35phpboybut how?
17:13.50GiabboOphpboy, then download the tar package of the kernel u are running now
17:14.35ariel_phpboy, does your distro have yum or up2date ?
17:14.43GiabboOphpboy, untar it under /usr/src and make a symbolic link to like /usr/src/linux -> /usr/src/linux-2.x.x
17:14.47DrWho17ariel_: exten => _XXXXXXX,4,Dial,SIP/BYEXTENSION@tnt1|60,
17:14.51DrWho17pretty basic
17:15.05ariel_DrWho17, add the a at the end
17:15.11DrWho17hrm, ok
17:15.29Gand_DJHrm... When in the Operator Panel... when I click on the Lock, it asks for a security password.. what's the default pass?
17:16.08GiabboOi'm havin problem using ScanDsp, i get this error { app_rxfax.c:305 rxfax_exec: Unable to restore read format on 'Modem[i4l]/ttyI0' } after i receive a fax, takin a look on the asterisk-fax spool directory i see the TIFF image and its pretty good, but rxfax send me failure mail, anybody know why ?
17:16.13DrWho17ariel_: where at, I'll clean up my extension lines too heh
17:16.13ariel_Gand_DJ, good question I have never click there...
17:16.41ariel_DrWho17, exten => _XXXXXXX,4,Dial,SIP/BYEXTENSION@tnt1|60|a,
17:18.44*** join/#asterisk MindChild (
17:18.57ariel_Gand_DJ, passw0rd
17:19.17DrWho17ariel_: heh no dice
17:19.23Gand_DJthat worked
17:20.21ariel_DrWho17, then you might have a problem with the configuration on the tnt
17:20.21Gand_DJhrm.... when I refresh screen.... the lock becomes unlockd
17:20.49ariel_Gand_DJ, you just reloaded it
17:21.04ariel_it suppose to refresh it's self
17:21.08MindChildOk, I am a total nothing when it comes to this stuff, so please try not to burn me to a crisp. I have a box full of old office phones from our old office. I think the system was Avaya Merlin (Im not sure that even matters). Could I use these phones somehow, rather then getting ATA adapters for analog phones?
17:21.15Gand_DJheh..ok.. I haven't figured out the point of this panel yet
17:21.31DrWho17ariel_: well, yes that was my suspicion as well (since out the same trunks hooked up to zapchannels it works perfectly)
17:21.44*** join/#asterisk djMax (
17:22.13ariel_MindChild, are the phones analog or digital?
17:22.13DrWho17that and the TNT shows the callerid->calledto correctly
17:23.12Gand_DJanyone here have an iax softphone? Just need someone to see if my router is forwarding ports properly.
17:23.26MindChildariel_: I believe digital. They use cable with an RJ45 connector, though Im sure they arent cat5
17:23.29Gand_DJU = 301 / P = test456
17:23.40ariel_MindChild, ebay them
17:23.54MindChildSo I cant use them then...?
17:24.07*** join/#asterisk dogz- (
17:24.08ariel_MindChild, you catch on fast
17:24.21Juxtwhat does this mean: Apr  7 13:23:54 NOTICE[15835]: channel.c:1833 set_format: Unable to find a path from g729 to slin
17:24.21JuxtApr  7 13:23:54 WARNING[15835]: channel.c:2263 ast_channel_make_compatible: Unable to set read format on channel SIP/rnktel-f49b to 256
17:24.30MindChildI wasnt sure if you were implying it wasnt possible, or hinting its not worth the trouble
17:25.18ariel_MindChild, both it's not worth the money and you can't directly use them with asterisk unless you use the Merlin pbx its self
17:25.49MindChildok, thats what I figured. No wonder we got new phones when we got the new phone system
17:26.33*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
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17:27.03MindChildNow, I assume there are phones that have an ethernet port, that can directly work with an astrisk PBX on the lan. Is there some definitive list somewhere?
17:27.27shido6IP Phones
17:27.28ariel_MindChild, use the wiki.
17:27.34jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
17:29.33ariel_MindChild, Any time.
17:30.46Gand_DJhrm.... anyone? I'm going to re-install *@home in a couple min
17:30.51*** join/#asterisk owie (
17:31.53PBXtechanyone know this error: chan_iax2.c:5067 socket_read: meta trunk cmd 1 received, I only understand 0 (perhaps the remote side is sending trunk timestamps?)
17:32.42Juxtdoes anyone have Budgetone 102 ?
17:33.52shido6my first ip phone
17:33.54shido6still here
17:33.57shido6whats up?
17:34.07Juxtwell i need to get some phones for testing
17:34.10Juxtso i thought i'd get that one
17:34.12*** join/#asterisk Elshar (
17:34.28Juxtwhile i am waiting on gxp-2000
17:35.06Gand_DJanyone have access to those X100P clones? Getting one off ebay is like highway robbery with shipping rates
17:35.07festr_could someone help me with configuration of TE410P? ztcfg: 124 channels configured. zapata.conf: switchtype = euroisdn,  signalling = pri_cpe, pridialplan=local, group = 1, channel => 1-15,17-31,32-46,48-62,63-77,79-93,94-108,110-124. but when asterisk start -vvvgcd: Ignoring switchtype, Ignoring pridialplan, Signalling must be specified before any channels are etc.. i've successfully configured some single E1 cards. asterisk 1.0
17:36.00Juxthow does it compare to say Sipura SPA-841 ?
17:37.37dogz-Hi, i moved to linux per bkw_ suggestion... I was having a terrible time getting asterisk to work with my two X100P cards till i ran "ztcfg" and now asterisk starts up like a champ... Being so new to linux im quite unsure how i can get ztcfg to run each time at startup... Can someone point me in the right direction?
17:38.04Lee__dogz-: what distro?
17:38.30Lee__you're new to Linux and you picked Gentoo!!!
17:38.35Lee__my god
17:38.44PinholeGentoo is the best/worst place to learn linux.
17:38.54dogz-Eh im a freebsd guy so its not to bad :)
17:38.57Lee__that should be /etc/init.d/rc.local or /etc/rc.local
17:39.18Lee__oh, never mind. Usually when someone says "new to Linux" they mean Windows
17:39.48dogz-any suggestions similar to the freebsd handbook?
17:40.01festr_anyone here using TE410P? has great docs
17:40.46blankmanhey does anyone on know how the iax2 provision works? Where do I get more information on it ... like the format for templates etc?
17:40.54Lee__so does for when you get tired of recompiling glibc because of an update to rm.
17:40.58blankmanfestr_, i am.
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17:42.33JuxtSipura SPA-841 vs BudgeTone 101 ? any opinions?
17:43.21*** part/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
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17:44.35shido6how many iaxy's blankman
17:44.37*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
17:45.41Tall-guyhey lads, is there a quick way to find out what version of "zaptel" I'm running?
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17:50.19Tall-guywhat is the weight of an unladen swallow?
17:52.20Lee__Tall-guy: modinfo zaptel?
17:52.49MindChildWhat would be recommended as the cheapest, reliable Hard Phone?
17:53.01*** join/#asterisk miguellinux (~miguellin@
17:53.27miguellinuxPlease I need some help with broadvoice on *
17:53.35denonwhy not ask broadvoice?
17:53.48PTG123broken 7960 cisco phones are going more then good ones usually go for on ebay right now, makes no sense.
17:54.01PTG123i'm gonna start selling broken stuff
17:54.19denonPTG123: cant you get a cheap smartnet and send it in?
17:54.29PTG123a cheap what?
17:54.35denoncisco service agreement
17:54.48PTG123oh i doubt these things woul dbe covered
17:54.50PTG123but no idea
17:54.53PTG123like broken displays
17:54.54PTG123broken cases
17:55.09denonno clue, Ive never had a busted 7960
17:55.13Nuggetone of my 7960's locks up after a while and I had to write a script to reboot it every night.
17:55.16denonour employees dont kick their phones across the room
17:55.19miguellinuxBroadvoice on asterisk, where I can get a hint?
17:55.24Nuggetit's perfectly solid as long as I reboot it daily
17:55.34PTG123nugget: weird any idea why?
17:55.36Nuggetno clue
17:55.52ikeycan any one help me to install two digium cards in single machine with 8 isdn pris
17:58.26terrapennugget, did you try a new firmware?
17:58.27*** join/#asterisk RChadwell (
17:58.34PBXtechanyone know this error: chan_iax2.c:5067 socket_read: meta trunk cmd 1 received, I only understand 0 (perhaps the remote side is sending trunk timestamps?)
17:58.48Nuggetyes, it's not firmware version specific.  the phone has always done it
17:59.01drumkillaPBXtech: is one side running CVS head and the other stable?
17:59.12PBXtechumm yea actually
17:59.18drumkillathat'll do it
17:59.28drumkillaon the cvs head side, you need to have "trunktimestamps=no"
17:59.32PBXtechoh, doesnt affect the call though
17:59.33drumkillaI think that's the option ...
17:59.43*** join/#asterisk salimfadhley (
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17:59.58drumkilladoesn't affect the call?  The call shouldn't work at all if you're seeing that message, heh
18:00.03*** join/#asterisk iq (
18:00.33PBXtechi wasnt getting audio on CVS to CVS so i was trying from Stable to CVS
18:00.48PBXtechits odd sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt :/
18:01.11drumkillawell as soon as it uses trunking, it's not going to work if its using trunktimestamps
18:01.25drumkillathat was a backwards incompatible change
18:01.54Darwin[laptop]everything is workign execpt g729 on fbsd
18:01.58Darwin[laptop]this rocks
18:02.08Juxtwell g729 is quite kick ass
18:02.11Juxtyou will miss it
18:02.20drumkillai thought 729 works on bsd now ...
18:02.37jmaci may have unwittingly used a motherboard not supporting PCI 2.1, if i had done so, would my TDM cards not work at all (not be recognized by the system), or behave strangely?
18:02.38Darwin[laptop]I am trying to reach kram about taking over the support for g729 on fbsd
18:02.45PTG123g729 works great on fbsd
18:02.54Darwin[laptop]not on 5.4
18:03.01Darwin[laptop]get no audio
18:03.07PTG123works on 5.3 fine
18:03.12PTG123did it authenticate ok darwin?
18:03.28Darwin[laptop]yes kram and I fixed that a few weeks ago
18:03.40Darwin[laptop]but on 5.4 we get no audio
18:03.43Gand_DJDo you have to install something into the * server to properly support G729 in a softphone?
18:03.48PTG123oh weird
18:03.53PTG123you could always use intel libs
18:04.21Gand_DJor does G729 work with * in it's default setup
18:04.23MindChild5.4 ist even fina;
18:04.43malverianHas anyone tried using Comdial Impact phones with Asterisk?
18:04.48drumkillaGand_DJ: passthrough works by default, for transcoding, you need a license from Digium
18:05.15Darwin[laptop]well everything works on 5.4 fine execpt for g729 . asterisk compiles and loads fine
18:05.23Gand_DJtranscoding? You mean to have * convert 1 codec into G729, or vise versa
18:05.29drumkillaGand_DJ: yes
18:06.09knight_anyone get g729 working with BroadVoice?
18:06.20Darwin[laptop]it works fine with bv
18:06.36Darwin[laptop]I had it working fine on 5.3
18:07.30Darwin[laptop]but moved to 5.4 to work on keeping * working and stable
18:07.53*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
18:08.17Darwin[laptop]its my job in life
18:09.07terrapeni hope that, someday, there are drivers for the T1 cards for FreeBSD
18:09.54terrapenugh.  i think i have an ear infection
18:10.23Darwin[laptop]there is
18:10.27Darwin[laptop]in the svn
18:10.52terrapenfor which card?
18:11.37festr_blankman: still here?
18:13.44*** part/#asterisk Tall-guy (
18:14.03*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
18:14.19*** join/#asterisk asingh ([U2FsdGVkX@
18:14.43pfnwtf is wrong with people
18:14.49pfnpeople are paying >$100 for a broken cisco 7960???
18:14.52pfnjesus christ people are morons
18:15.04terrapenwelcome to ebay
18:15.13terrapenyou can sell anything on there
18:15.19terrapen"Used Diapers - NR"
18:15.26pfnI just need a broken 7960 so I can replace my lcd
18:15.39pfnand try to see if I can make a hook-switch using my cs50
18:16.37PTG123they are paying > $150
18:16.38PTG123its stupid
18:16.54pfnmaybe I should just throw my 7960 away and get an ip600
18:17.09terrapendoes gonzo IRC?
18:17.14terrapenpfn: nooooo
18:17.42pfnthe lcd screen is busted, pretty useless without a replacement screen
18:18.08terrapenwhat did you do to it to break it?
18:18.46pfngot my wife mad at me...
18:19.18terrapenthat happened to my father's laptop once
18:19.23terrapenshe threw it in the street
18:19.39terrapenbecause he insisted on taking it with them on their vacation
18:19.56festr_my problem solved, i didnt make install in libpri
18:19.56terrapenmy girlfriend knows better than doing something like that :P
18:20.45PTG123i would be getting a new wife :)
18:26.40dogz-If everytime i try to dial a sip extension from my own, and recieve the following error "chan_sip.c:1398 create_addr: No such host: 1000", "unable to create channel 'sip'"... That would suggest that my extensions.conf file has problems correct
18:34.02blankmantzanger, have you looked that the zaptel em code closely?
18:34.06*** join/#asterisk CoderCR (
18:34.45blankmanManxPower said you helped him with his issues on it before ... and I wanted to know if you would work with me on it as well?
18:35.21CoderCRHello all
18:35.41blankmanHey CoderCR
18:36.14Hmmhesaysin living color
18:36.22*** part/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
18:36.23Hmmhesaysoh wait, that was handyman
18:36.58zoadogz that would meab your sip.conf has issues
18:38.42dogz-oh, thanks
18:39.47tzangerblankman: I have looked at it
18:39.57tzangerbut again I do not understand where asterisk is winking
18:40.01tzangerI forget who told me it does
18:41.40GiabboObye all
18:42.01blankman:-) So, the question that I have for you is when you where looking at it, did you remember seeing away to "hold" the dial for x milliseconds of time after the hookstate transition?
18:42.34*** join/#asterisk Slainte (Slainte@
18:43.32*** part/#asterisk Pinhole (
18:44.13rvhiin voicemail, there are folders. my customer thinks it is too confusing. can we only have two folders,
18:44.17rvhinew and saved?
18:44.59blankmanrvhi, just change the gsm message to only anounce save and new.
18:46.03*** part/#asterisk CoderCR (
18:49.41*** join/#asterisk SagoDan (
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18:51.58*** join/#asterisk Tall-guy (
18:52.36Tall-guyany ADSI programming gods here?
18:52.43*** join/#asterisk wildgoose (
18:52.54SedoroxSurvey: Where are you located (State) and what is your current Gas price (Normal, 87)
18:53.24*** part/#asterisk Drel (
18:53.31Tall-guysedorox: man, you don't wanna know  (Canada)
18:53.34Gand_DJCanada Manitoba... Gas is 89.0 cents / liter
18:53.40paulcVancouver BC, it just hit C$1.00/liter
18:53.42Tall-guyGand_dJ: 94.9 here buddy
18:53.50Gand_DJ92.4 before the 3.5c off
18:54.09Sedoroxmine here is upto $2.23/gal
18:54.14wildgooseHow can I have a variable set depending on my starting context? The point is to have a standard dialplan, but to dial out via a different sip provider depending on the handset used (business/personal)
18:54.41Tall-guysedorox: works out to $3.80 CDN/US Gallon....or about $3.15 US/US Gallon
18:55.01SedoroxI knew canada was higher then us
18:55.05StealthMethodno one heard of truedial predictive dialer
18:55.19Slainteour gas is 2.05 US/LITRE  so that is $8.20 a gallon
18:55.19Tall-guysedorox: lotsa taxes on fuel here....
18:55.25Tall-guyslainte: where u at?
18:55.27firestrmanyone want a good laugh? i was exploring an odd space that was walled off in a closet, i broke through the gyproc, and discovered a that someone had boarded over a bathroom.. :-D
18:55.40Tall-guyslainte: can I talk to you offline?
18:55.51firestrmonly in victoria..
18:55.55Slaintesure, but I reserve the right to ignore you :)
18:56.13Slaintesure fire off a message
18:56.18WeezeyOffline?  Carrier pigeon?
18:56.26Tall-guyweezey: tin cans and string
18:56.34Tall-guy(but my soup cans are sip compatible)
18:56.34firestrmarmy ant ip protocol
18:56.40*** join/#asterisk dan2 (
18:58.15Tall-guyfirestrm: you sure that room wasn't a water closet?   :)
18:59.13firestrmTall-guy, you might be onto something.. the guesses round here before i broke through were, dead bodies, treasure of al capone..
19:00.23firestrmi have never seen so much screwed up construction until i moved to Victoria B.C.. the building inspector must be on crack..
19:01.00Tall-guyfirestrm: my sister is building on pender island....plenty of odd things out there.
19:01.49*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:02.01firestrmTall-guy, thre really frightning thing is that for some reason in every house older than 10 years, all the electrical is switched neutral.. YIKES!!
19:02.59Wazbhi all
19:03.23firestrmWasb, wish i was..
19:03.38Wazbwhere i can write environment varialbes so they remain permanent when i restart my Linux
19:03.59*** join/#asterisk WebGuest (
19:04.04firestrmWazb, scribe em onto the platter of you hard drive..
19:04.21firestrmgo ahead just open it up,, use a sharp awl..
19:04.27PTG123are there archives for mailing lists someplace
19:04.58firestrmWazb, or you can try .bashrc
19:05.29*** join/#asterisk zippp (
19:05.42firestrmwish i was
19:10.05*** join/#asterisk Geraldoramos (~FullT@
19:10.21*** join/#asterisk P-Chan (~jpfingstm@
19:10.26Weezeyhmm, need to go buy a nice headset.
19:10.29P-ChanHello. ^^
19:10.42Weezeyguh!  I hate it when people cc you on an email and you have nothing to do with it.
19:10.56lesouvagetzafrir: I installed ampportal from using apt-get. When I want to enter the starting page of AMP  the .php script isn't run, the browser tries to download it. What should I do to make AMP work with Rapid asterisk?
19:10.56CoaxDWeezey: Happens to me all the time
19:10.57eKo1firestrm: eh, that only works if Wazb uses bash.
19:11.10CoaxDWeezey: And, joke lists.  I hate joke lists.  Why does everyone have to have a fscking joke list?
19:11.12WeezeyI was part of the conversation before, you don't need to involve me anymore.
19:11.26P-ChanI'm currently settinig up AMP w/ Asterisk on a virtual server and am having to manually adapt most everything for this environment. /sigh - I keep getting Autodial: Unable to open file, any ideas?
19:11.36Weezeyis my antidote to sending jokes
19:11.40WeezeyI get '
19:11.51SlainteP-Chan enable debug on the logger.conf
19:11.57WeezeyI get 'em and put them there, if you want to see them go, if not, don't.
19:12.16CoaxDweezey: Hehe
19:12.19P-ChanSlainte: ok, will do and test again, brb.
19:13.09*** join/#asterisk drooth (
19:13.46WeezeyWhat's the best way to log calls with asterisk?  I need to track the time of calls.
19:13.58SlainteWeezy, look at the Wiki for billing
19:13.58antidoes anyone know the differences between the cisco ip phone 7960 and 7960G, I know the button are internationalized, but other than that?
19:14.11P-ChanSlainte:   Still get the same.  I also get a bunch of Context 'from-internal' tries includes non-existant context 'from-internal-custom' and other of the same messages before the Autodial error
19:14.15Slainte* will do csv or SQL, in MySql, post, or sqlite
19:14.36tzangerP-Chan: do you have a "from-internal-custom' context in extensions.conf?
19:14.46eKo1you forgot ODBC
19:14.55tzangerP-Chan: simple test:  type "show diaplan from-internal-custom" in the asterisk CLI
19:15.19Slainteand ODBC :)
19:15.19WeezeySlainte: cool, I basically just want to know how to capture on and off hooks properly.
19:15.29P-ChanUnable to connect to remote asterisk - althrough it is running, I don't have since I'm on a virtual server, maybe that has something to do with it?
19:15.43SlainteWeezy, it is automagic if you read the Wiki.  Asterisk is not hard,  You do need too read.
19:16.22P-ChanSlainte:  Oh, I can get CLI if I start asterisk manually, amportal starts safe_asterisk
19:17.10Slaintethats a good start
19:17.42P-ChanSlainte:  Dialplan doesn't exist...
19:18.05WeezeySlainte: that's very cool.  All kinds of logs to parse now.  thanks.
19:18.32P-ChanSlainte:  from-internal exists, but no -custom.  I'm gonna search the AMP sources for this internal-custom one
19:20.09*** join/#asterisk tekjacob (
19:21.07tekjacobanyone have a good clean way to light a MWI on a SIP phone when the phone registers to one * box and the Voicemail app lives on another?
19:22.09P-ChanSlainte:  It takes care of a few of the missing dial-plans, checking for the others now too - ext-local, ext-group, ext-queues, outbound-allroutes
19:23.27Weezeytekjacob; what phone?
19:23.47Weezeywait, my possible solution won't help you.
19:23.55tekjacobWeezey mostly Polycom IP500
19:24.07tekjacobWeezey Some Cisoco 7960
19:24.19*** join/#asterisk ikey (ikey@
19:24.36P-ChanSlainte:   The extensions.conf in the amp sources contains: include => ext-local, but no  actual file exists. :(
19:24.42SlainteP-Chan,  thats the best way to do it.  Jsut deal with the problems ones at a time.  90% off errors in * for new people, is in the extensions.conf
19:25.05Slaintethats fine, is it referenced from anywhere else, i.e in any calls?
19:25.32P-Chanexten => #,2,AGI(directory,${DIR-CONTEXT},ext-local,${DIRECTORY:0:1}${DIRECTORY_OPTS}o)
19:25.42P-Chanexten => *411,3,AGI(directory,general,ext-local,${DIRECTORY:0:1}${DIRECTORY_OPTS})
19:26.14*** join/#asterisk toyosi (~gabri@
19:26.50toyosihello people
19:27.01P-ChanSlainte:  I hate to do this, but I think I'm going to resort to comparing my installatino to the one on the *@Home installation - a cheap way out I suppose.
19:27.34tzangerwhat's that amazing echo cancel howto doc that was on the lists?  I can't find it and google's being unhelpful
19:27.44Juxtyay my metro-ethernet just arrived :-)
19:28.00fearnori'm tired from dropping bombs on asterisk-biz ;)
19:28.03*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
19:28.33fearnortzanger: slang. bombs/science means 'clue' ;)
19:28.42Juxtyeah 10 megabit of router-less traffic, a fiber hand off
19:28.56fearnorwerd to metro fiber
19:29.06fearnor'dropping science like bombs'
19:29.07tzangeryoun're not supposed to drop bombs on -biz, you're supposed to collect contracts
19:29.15fearnortzanger: yeah well
19:29.31fearnori'm not interested in 99% of customers who would come from -biz
19:29.57CoaxD260 packages upgraded, 74 newly installed, 36 to remove and 5  not upgraded.
19:29.58CoaxDNeed to get 135MB of archives. After unpacking 95.0MB will be used.
19:29.58CoaxDDo you want to continue? [Y/n] n
19:30.16fearnordisk space is cheap ktnx
19:30.29CoaxDfearnor: Yes, but tis a reasonably long download on my T1 :)
19:30.34Juxtscsi disk space isn't cheap
19:30.40fearnorit is cheap.
19:30.42tzanger135M on a T1 isn't bad
19:31.08CoaxDtzanger: I get about 90k/sec if that
19:31.12tekjacobSo no love on the two asterisk scenario (phones register to one - VM App on the other)?
19:31.27tzangerCoaxD: that's not a T1 then
19:31.50Juxthypothetical question: if i had to transcode from 1 codec to another, what would i use?
19:31.56toyosiI need some help with the snom phone
19:31.56CoaxDtzanger: Well i'm not sure then
19:32.01CoaxDtzanger: Maybe you can tell me what this means
19:32.02CoaxDSerial1 is up, line protocol is up
19:32.03Juxtprovided i am currently running asterisk and nothing else
19:32.06CoaxDtzanger: kthx
19:32.07tzangerT1 should max out around double that
19:32.21CoaxDtzanger: Sure, it maxes out around that. :)
19:32.23tzanger1544kbit = 193kByte
19:32.33CoaxDtzanger: It actually equals out to be about 170kbyte/sec
19:32.38CoaxDtzanger: (or a little more)
19:33.23tzangeryeah that's about right
19:33.23CoaxDtzanger: mathematically, you are correct
19:33.23toyosiI leave a voice mail and the phone displays a vmail button
19:33.23tzangeryou need to take into account TCP/IP overhead
19:33.23toyosiI then press the button and get a fast busy
19:33.23CoaxDtzanger: Yeep
19:33.23toyosiplease help!
19:33.23*** part/#asterisk tekjacob (
19:33.27CoaxDtzanger: The point is, I do indeed have a T1.  The path between and us doesn't allow us to push the full amount
19:33.49CoaxDtzanger: Plus, i'm competing with local traffic
19:33.49tzangerCoaxD: use a different mirror then :-)
19:35.28toyosiis anybody using the snom 190?
19:35.57CoaxDPlaying MPEG stream from The Little Mermaid - Kiss The Girl (Techno Remix).mp3 ...
19:36.27Juxthow about barbie girl rammstein cover
19:36.57*** join/#asterisk tekjacob (
19:37.22Juxti use shakatura in my music on hold, trips people out
19:40.07PBXtechwhats the deal with IAX establishing a voice path but no audio on either side? doesnt it use that same port to voice path?
19:40.32MindChildCan Astrisk just be a simple voicemail mechnism? Something I can use as an answering machine, and called into for messages when away? Or is there a more appropriate project for that?
19:40.44PBXtech[MindChild]: sure
19:41.00bjohnsonMindChild: it can be used for that
19:41.10JuxtMindChil: you want to deploy a pc just to use it as an answering machine?
19:41.23MindChildJuxt: at the moment, yes
19:41.25PBXtechoh the horror
19:41.39MindChildIm not finacially ready to nab some digiphones
19:41.39bjohnsonof course .. it would work on a pc that was used for other stuff too
19:41.40Juxtyou can just have one extension, s
19:42.09*** join/#asterisk _Brian (
19:43.14*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:43.20MikeJ[Laptop]~seen juggie
19:43.25jbotjuggie is currently on #asterisk (8d 12h 36m 47s).  Has said a total of 60 messages.  Is idling for 22h 45m 48s
19:45.18bjohnsonMindChild: the emailed notifications are a nice feature for that purpose
19:47.01PBXtechwhats the deal with IAX establishing a voice path but no audio on either side? doesnt it use that same port to voice path?
19:47.40bjohnsonmaybe codecs?
19:49.12MindChildOk, this is probably the bonehead question of the day... rather then getting an ATA adapter and using an analog phone, is there some way to use a second modem, or even a serial card to plug a plain old phone into the Asterisk system?
19:49.27*** join/#asterisk bah (
19:50.07PBXtechtried ulaw and gsm
19:50.27JuxtMindChild: yes you can send a call to a zap interface easy
19:50.54PBXtechany other ideas?
19:51.00*** join/#asterisk Veryhot (
19:51.02MindChildOK, you lost me. What is a "zap" interface?
19:51.12PBXtechare you Veryhot?
19:51.15Juxta zaptel compatible voice modem
19:51.26Veryhotpbxtech: hi
19:51.42PBXtechoh a scale of 1 to 10 how hot are you
19:51.55Veryhotquick question about Asterisk@home, anyone able to get voipjet working with it?
19:52.05MindChildIm 11
19:52.55PBXtechvoipjet should work fine, follow the instuctions like they said
19:53.04MindChildJuxt: Ok, just to be straight, I can have one modem as the one that answers the phone line, and a mess of "zap" modems, with a phone hooked into them>
19:53.31ariel_MindChild, a mess of zap modems?
19:53.51Veryhotpbxtech: I did, but it keep dial out as /voipjet/ I need xxxx@voipjet
19:54.09Veryhotpbxtech: work fine with voicepulse thought.
19:54.10JuxtMindChild: you're seriously limited to the number of pci slots in the server tho
19:54.35MindChildJuxt: I have multitudes of machines. PC hardware wont be an issue
19:54.42*** join/#asterisk cp5 (
19:54.57MindChildIve got many multiproc pentium pros I got to put to use. They all have 2 PCI buses
19:55.04cp5anyone know under what conditions i would get warnings in asterisk: "No D-channels available!  Using Primary on channel anyway"
19:55.14cp5i have a quad T1 card in there, two ports are CPE, two are net
19:55.27cp5and all calls seem to drop at that time
19:55.54JuxtMindChild: sounds like you're building a tank out of scrap metal
19:56.09MindChildJuxt: I got lots of solutions looking for problems!
19:56.27festr_just a question, when call come to my E1, and i make after Dial Busy application, no busy tone is generated to incomming call, how to debug this? or what to do? :)
19:57.41MindChildSweet. So maybe I can finally do something with all of those modems
19:59.04Slaintecp5,  I am having the exact same problem all day
19:59.15Slaintewhat build are you using?
19:59.46tzangerit was anthm who said that asterisk winks properly
19:59.53tzangerwho was I talking to about tha tnow
19:59.58tzangermanxpower and someone else
20:00.42*** join/#asterisk dogz- (
20:00.57cp5Slainte, what kind of card? are your configs net or cpe?
20:01.15Slaintecpe, T100P
20:01.17cp5Slainte, 1.0.6 asterisk/zaptel
20:02.11dogz-does someone mind taking a look at my config files , when attempting to make an outgoing call it informs me how it cant create channel type Zap... and im unsure what would be wrong with my zapata.conf
20:02.19festr_what Busy application exactly does?
20:03.31festr_And does this work for E1? and it is generating busy audio to the PRI channel? because when debbuging pri debug span 1 after exec. busy nothing will pass to the E1
20:03.44festr_or have i miss something? :)
20:05.59bannermanOk! I'm getting closer to the root of my ringtone problem, I think. I have LiveVoip and Nufone, but prefer to use LiveVoip. Unfortunately, when I call my LiveVoip number I get no ringtone while Nufone correctly generates a ringtone. I signed up for a month of broadvoice and their asterisk instructions have me use dtmf=inband and dtmfmode=inband. I get no ringtone with broadvoice when using g729. Do I need to somehow force it to use rfc2833?
20:06.16jontowhmm, i want my dual ppro back
20:06.21jontowor that quad ppro that i almost had and never got :(
20:06.29*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
20:07.05jontowi think that makes me weird.. ill be quiet now :o
20:07.25*** join/#asterisk Veryhot (
20:07.49*** join/#asterisk marno (
20:08.07marnoany who knwos one of this error?`
20:08.10marnoCall failed to go through, reason 8#
20:08.12*** join/#asterisk drbrown (
20:08.16*** part/#asterisk thetalon (~toddl@
20:08.27marnoCall failed to go through, reason 5
20:08.31drbrowndoes anyone have any recomendations on cheap iax phones?
20:08.37*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
20:08.39marnoCall failed to go through, reason 0
20:08.44marnoCause not handled
20:10.31*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
20:11.42drbrowndoes anyone have any recomendations on cheap iax phones?
20:13.43Veryhotdrbrown: there is a new company that make some iaxphone
20:15.15*** join/#asterisk NK123 (
20:15.37rvhiis there a command to show which pri channels are being used?
20:16.12jontowshow channels
20:16.52jontowi mean.. that'll catch all channels in use
20:16.58jontowbut you'll be able to see which Zap channels at least
20:17.19jontowzap show channels .. that'll also work
20:17.21jontowbut it lists them all.
20:17.31MindChild"cheap" being relative
20:17.46MindChildmaybe Im the only one in the world who doesnt think $70 is cheap
20:17.52drbrownveryhot: how good are the phones?
20:18.33Veryhotdrbrown: haven't tried them yet
20:18.36*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
20:18.41jontowmindchild; i prefer "less expensive" ;)  because i agree with you..
20:18.49jontow$70 isn't something i can just toss whenever i feel like it
20:18.52Veryhotdrbrown: need to get one, but seem good price
20:18.55jontowalthough it'd be nice.. :)
20:19.47drbrownI was going to get a phone off of, but their site sucks.
20:23.29Veryhotdrbrown: this are new iax phones
20:23.51bannermanSo.. are there any "less expensive" iax phones?
20:24.34*** join/#asterisk captrb (~crozierm@
20:26.01Juxtwell as far as voip goes 70 bux is as cheap as it's gonna get
20:26.23Juxti remember when cicso was the only contender, $300 was cheap then
20:26.35MindChildThey should have some IAX phones in little electronics kits like you get at radio shack where you can piece together your own phone
20:26.55bjohnsoncheap is relative
20:27.03Juxtbuy a decent microcontroller and write you own IAX stack
20:27.17Juxtyou're still looking at about 30 bux for the controller
20:27.27bjohnsoncompared to a Nortel system where the phones are $200 + each .. even for a basic phone .. a basic wifi phone is cheap
20:28.16*** join/#asterisk pmowry (~chatzilla@
20:28.50droothdoes anyone know a VoIP fax provider?
20:29.06droothie: send fax via VoIP over the net
20:29.13Juxtdroot: welcome to hell my friend
20:29.19bjohnsoncompared to buying a 2 line multi handset 5.8 GHz cordless system for $200 .. buying 1 line single systems on fxs ATAs is same cost but fuller feature (therefore better value for same cost .. equals cheaper)
20:29.19Juxti just went thru this
20:29.24droothyou did? and?
20:29.25Weezeysome faxes to some machines go fine.
20:29.32Juxtwell yeah... g711
20:29.36Juxtand it just might work
20:29.49Juxtyou need to send fax to 9600 baud max
20:29.56droothI thought that VoIP FAX would work!
20:30.04droothhow about a provider that I can try it with?
20:30.07Juxtmost machines let you set max baudrate
20:30.08Weezeyso did a whole lotta people.
20:30.10droothI know in the USA there are some
20:30.18Juxtany provider that allows you to use g711 will work
20:30.22Juxtunless they do transcoding
20:30.26bjohnsondrooth: so why are you asking us if "you know"
20:30.28Juxtand send your traffic elsewhere
20:30.39pmowryHello, does anyone know a SQL query to export phone info from a Cisco CallManager 3.2 system?  I want to move a department to an asterisk system for testing.
20:30.43Juxtremember 9600 is the key, anything higher is a waste of time
20:31.01droothbjohnson: I want to set up faxing with a VoIP company
20:31.11droothbut I don't know who I can call.
20:31.31Juxtdrooth: if you find an ata device that supports t.38 let me know
20:31.36Juxtso far i found none
20:31.48droothwhat is that device for?
20:32.03Juxtata device is what lets you connect pots to voip
20:32.19Juxtso if you have a fax machine you'd connect it to it
20:32.55fearnorjuxt: linksys PAP supports
20:33.12fearnordrooth: we support t.38
20:33.21bjohnsonfearnor: are you certain?
20:33.27Juxtfearnor who are you with?
20:33.31bjohnsonor does it just say supports fax
20:33.36fearnorbj: thats what calladvantage uses, and they do fax.
20:33.43fearnorjust: pilosoft
20:33.47bjohnsonmy SPA units do not do t38
20:33.58dogz-jontow: sup buddy
20:34.07bjohnsonthey adjust to ulaw when a fax is deteced
20:34.08fearnorbj: hrmmmmm
20:34.10*** part/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
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20:34.25Weezeybjohnson: I've sent faxes out those.
20:34.32fearnorbj: well, did you *try* t.38 with a gateway that supports t38 on them?
20:34.34Juxtuugh you can't buy linksys device unless you're a big cahuna
20:34.56bjohnsonfearnor: there is no documentation or web setup pages that even mentions t38
20:34.57Weezeybjohnson: they don't all get there, but I did use 14400
20:35.04bannermanMy plan is to just use an Internet fax service, the kind where you email your faxes and receive them via email
20:35.09bjohnsonthey do however have settings for ulaw
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20:35.46droothbannerman: what internet fax service are you using.  I think efax is overpriced.
20:35.50bjohnsonbannerman: that is avoiding voip .. and seems to be the current method that is most dependable
20:35.53Juxtcan you reprogram a previously configured linksys pap?
20:36.22queuetueCan anyone recommend a SOHO router thta will provide shaping/QOS?  I'd prefer to not dedicate a general purpose PC for this.
20:36.25bjohnsonJuxt: only if you have the admin password
20:36.31bannermandrooth: I haven't gone there yet. Still using PSTN for faxes. Trying to get my phones working right first.
20:37.33queuetueIs the WRT54G sufficient?
20:37.48droothbeen there, done that
20:37.50droothdont waste your time
20:37.53droothbuild a linux router
20:37.57droothpfsense or m0n0wall
20:38.03Juxti concur with drooth
20:38.17Weezeywhat about cisco?
20:38.23*** join/#asterisk PBXtech[mobile] (
20:38.32bjohnsonfearnor: look under admin, advanced, line 1 .. look at the fax settings (assuming pap2 web pages are similar to spa units)
20:38.38queuetueHrm... What's a source for good, tiny, quiet, cheap pcs for the purpose?
20:38.38terrapenm0n0wall is the shit
20:38.41Weezeyhmm, not really soho though.
20:38.43bjohnsonfearnor: FAX Passthru Codec: g711u
20:38.46terrapenbut OpenBSD+pf is better
20:38.54fearnorbj: latest firmware?
20:39.01bjohnsonfearnor: no mention of t.38 .. same thing in the user manual pdf from sipura
20:39.12fearnorer, we talking about same device?
20:39.12terrapeni use a Soekris for my firewall and a WRT54G for my AP
20:39.27terrapenthe WRTs are great for wireless
20:39.33terrapenbut sucky-sucky for anything else
20:40.21*** part/#asterisk NK123 (
20:40.29bjohnsonfearnor: no we are not talking about the same device .. I am talking Sipura SPA 2000 and you are talking Linksys Pap2
20:40.42mog_homesoekris board makes a slick asterisk box
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20:41.17queuetueterrapen, What specifically do I need ot buy at the soekris website?  Does "board only" include power?  Do I need two ethernet boards?
20:41.39queuetueAh, i see "standard configs" now.
20:42.01bjohnsonfearnor: however .. everything I've read suggests that the linksys Pap2 IS the Sipura SPA 2000
20:42.50bjohnsonterrapen: running stock firmware?
20:42.59bjohnsonterrapen: the wrt54g?
20:44.53dogz-woohoo fixed my problem with my x100, sorta... Had an irq conflict with both of them installed. Removed one and it works great
20:47.35Juxtdogz: check bios irq sharing
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20:47.44cjkhi, there are several versions of spandsp
20:47.48cjkwhcih one should i use
20:47.57drbrownany suggestions on ip phones?
20:48.06marnoany who knwos one of this error?`
20:48.08marnoCall failed to go through, reason 8#
20:48.10dogz-Juxt thanks for the suggestion will def try it out
20:48.11marnoCause not handled
20:51.50mishehudogz-: it's normally better to have a tdm400 card with whatever modules you need instead of two separate x100p cards
20:51.56mishehuin the same machine
20:52.09Juxtmishehu: i have four x100ps with no issues
20:54.34dogz-yea i actually just bought a TDM400 off of digium
20:54.40dogz-just waiting for it to come in :)
20:54.53captrbif anybody has any experience with PRI(hdlc+voice), i could use a tip
20:55.10shido6sounds like a login with ssh for support question there
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20:55.36captrbthat's what I thought..
20:55.43tzangercaptrb: fun sutff...  the linux kernel keeps changing the HDLC interface every few kernel revs :-)
20:56.15shido6it can be done - so dont get all freaked out
20:56.18captrbtrying to use 2.6.11... is that stupid?
20:56.27tzangernot sure
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20:56.31captrbwell, I'm trying to bypass eschelon's Adtran, which I suspect is causing problems
20:56.34tzangerbut yes people are doing it, as shido6 suggests
20:56.40tzangerbe calm
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20:56.53shido6thats pretty funny really
20:56.59shido6almost the same engineering
20:57.45captrbi configured the interfaces, but can't seem to ping anything.
20:58.13captrb(and can't reload the modules because the kernel oopses!)
20:59.28captrbnow i'm looking for docs/utilitys (and maybe $upport :-) to track it down
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20:59.44wildgooseHow can I have a variable set depending on my starting context? The point is to have a standard dialplan, but to dial out via a different sip provider depending on the handset used (business/personal)
20:59.49PTG123anyone know off hand where asterisk stores voicemail?
21:00.04rikstait tells you on the cli
21:00.37captrb(sorry, i altered the layout)
21:01.02Juxti like installing asterisk into /usr/local/asterisk
21:01.08Juxteasy to manage when there's more than 1 copy running
21:01.19Nugget/usr/local/ is a great habit to have.
21:01.31`Ragei never got into that habit :/
21:01.37NuggetI hate being on linux boxes that stuff everything in root.
21:01.37`Ragemy files are everywhere :/
21:01.40Nuggetit's such a mess
21:01.41Juxtwhen it's time to remove you just drop the folder
21:01.44Juxtno need to look around
21:02.05Juxti think the whole spreading the wealth all over the filesystem thing is kinda weird
21:02.10Juxti never understood it
21:02.23Nuggetit's simple.  put the base os at the root level and the site-specific stuff in /usr/local/
21:02.31Nuggetit makes upgrading easier and less dangerous
21:02.37Nuggetand it makes backups a lot simpler
21:02.41Juxttru dat
21:02.47`Ragethat does make a lotta sense
21:03.36queuetueI like having all of my configs in /etc, all of my variable data in /var, so I can put it on a faster disk. I like sharing /tmp with noatime and no quotas...
21:03.48captrbwildgoose: sorry
21:03.58NuggetOS configs in /etc, site-specific configs in /usr/local/etc  :)
21:04.04Juxti usually move out /var stuff too
21:04.06wildgooseanyone answer my question on dialplans?
21:04.07Juxtvia symlinks
21:04.08captrbwildgoose: why not have two contexts, then include the common stuff in each?
21:04.18wildgooseyeah, that's kind of what I am trying
21:04.28wildgooseBut since the two contexts are basically identical
21:04.45wildgooseI want to just have a var at the top, and then I can include the subcontext and they will be the same
21:04.48wildgoosesee the point?
21:04.56Nuggetsounds like a good plan.  what's your question?
21:04.59Mavericanyone from portugal here?
21:05.09wildgooseI tried just doing exten=>s,1,SetVar()
21:05.20wildgoosebut that doesn't seem to set the var when a specific extension is rung
21:05.39wildgooseSo basically, given phone A is on one context and B on a different context
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21:05.59wildgoosehow can I have some var set that I can use to make my "Dial" command the same in both cases
21:06.15bimmerd00dis anyone here using Asterisk@Home that can give me some help?
21:06.22L|NUX~google asterisk documentation
21:06.22wildgoose(ie dial out on a different sip provider on one context to the other, but the dial plan is otherwise identical)
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21:06.28nesyshi folks
21:06.37Nuggetinstead of including the common context, you could do [homecontext]  _.,1,SetVar(COWS=MOO)    _.,2,Goto(commoncontext,${EXTEN},1)
21:06.53Mavericwildgoose what are you trying to do exactly?
21:06.55wildgooseAha.  I think that's the answer.  Thanks
21:06.57bimmerd00dtrying to connect asterisk via a SIP trunk to an external SIP provider to make calls.  And i can't for the life of me get it to place a call
21:06.59nesysI've problems with FWD and IAX ... with SIP all works fine, with IAX2 my registration is rejected :(
21:07.11Juxtcreate a template context
21:07.19Juxtthen create context1
21:07.21wildgooseBasically I want a var like "SIPPROVIDER" which is set differently depending which phone is rung.  Business or personal
21:07.22Juxtinclude the template context
21:07.35Juxtand add exteions _1xxx ... to that context that uses your provider
21:07.36wildgoosewhat is a template context...?
21:07.56Juxtjust a context used as a template for your identical contexts
21:08.07wildgooseis it special?
21:08.27Juxtjust a regular context that you include to your context
21:08.39Juxtkinda like demo in the sample extensions.conf
21:08.39wildgooseI have the template context.  I just need to work out how to get my var set differently when entering from one context or the next.  I think Nugget gave me the answer though
21:09.10Maverichow are you making the decision
21:09.15Mavericto goto either or context?
21:09.21Mavericbased on which phone was called?
21:10.38wildgooseone phone for business, and one for personal
21:10.47wildgooseDialplan lets me override the default.
21:10.52Mavericdo they come in on different numbers?
21:11.13wildgooseBut it is outgoing calls I am interested in, not incoming
21:11.18Mavericvia a pri or pstn?
21:11.35Mavericso you have two different physical phones?
21:11.40nesysCould you advice a free IAX provider?
21:11.59Juxtnesys: ahaha
21:12.10wildgoosebasically for billing purposes I have two sip accounts at sipgate.  My phone in my study defaults to dialing out on business line and the dect phones in the house default to personal account
21:12.28wildgooseI think the goto trick is what I need.  Thanks
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21:13.17bimmerd00dhow can i configure asterisk at home to dial out using a sip account i have with a provider?
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21:13.43mike8901do you guys think vonage would work over a dialup connection(laptop connects to dialup and bridges over to vonage router)
21:13.43nesysJuxt ahahahahah ... it doesn't work
21:13.49Mavericwildgoose i'd prolly use two different contexts
21:13.56mike8901cause i'm staying in st barths where calls to the us are a dollar a minute :/
21:14.06mike8901and there is no highspeed where i am staying
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21:14.47_SMP_anyone know what's up with nufone?
21:14.49jsharpmike8901:  Should work.  They use a good codec for it.
21:15.01captrbfor TE110P with hdlc data channels, is this normal output from sethdlc-new?
21:15.01mike8901jsharp: huh?
21:15.05shido6_SMP_, whats up?
21:15.05captrbhdlc0: unknown interface 0x1
21:15.06bimmerd00dmike8901: doubtful, i've used G.729a and it barely worked over a dialup connection.  I'm almost positive vonage uses g.711u
21:15.33mike8901i can get wifi but its a 5 minute drive every time i need to make a call :S
21:15.58Cheng29mike8901.. are you staying at a hotel?
21:15.58nesysJuxt it's strange ... with SIP all works fine, with IAX: 1)iaxtel, as you know, is flapping .. 2)fwd rejects my registration (but is correct, with SIP I'm registered)
21:16.05bimmerd00dmike8901: sounds like you need to go purchase a network adapter that allows you to connect a larger directional antenna to it ;)
21:16.34Juxtwhat is happening with iaxtel? i was considering getting an account there
21:16.42mike8901cheng29: no, i am staying at a villa
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21:16.57mike8901bimmerd00d: it's a few miles line of site at best :/
21:17.11nesysJuxt is flapping ... request sent ... auth sent .. registered ... request sent .. auth sent .. and so on
21:17.29jero_sflphone_03if anyone interested...SFLphone 0.3 is out
21:17.35bimmerd00dmike8901: i fail to see the problem.  I'm connected at home via 802.11 to my work, which is over 6 miles away using a large directional antenna with a signal amplifier
21:17.40shido6mid April _SMP_
21:18.08mike8901bimmerd00d: did i mention that a) my wifi card bearly works b) it doesnt have an antenna jack and c) I dont want to spend more than $5
21:18.31shido6want me to send you one
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21:18.37mike8901as i understand it amplifers can cost over 200$
21:18.44bimmerd00dmike8901: ahh well if you dont wanna spend any money, that's a diff story.  If you are still here, see if you can dig up a dialup account to test with and try it out before you leave
21:18.44captrbah loopback
21:18.55bimmerd00dmike8901: mine costed a whopping $29
21:19.01bimmerd00dmike8901: it's a Linksys
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21:19.32mike8901bimmerd00d: is there any way i could setup an asterisk box to communicate with the phone system, and recompress the audio
21:19.33bimmerd00dmike8901: the antenna was about $50, required a little bit of wiring for the proper connectors, but it's solid
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21:19.55mike8901just outta curiousity which antenna?
21:20.04bimmerd00dmike8901: no, because it's all dependent on what codec Vonage is using
21:20.21bimmerd00dmike8901: i think it's a Hawking
21:20.37mike8901bimmerd00d: i'm saying can i recompress it and send it over the internet again(yesi know it produces latency)
21:20.39bimmerd00dmike8901: honestly i've been through like 3 or 4 different brands
21:20.45droothanyone know of a good eFax-like service?  anyone tried any of these:
21:20.56bimmerd00dmike8901: i suppose it's possible, i'm not sure how to set that up though
21:21.04*** part/#asterisk Juxt (
21:21.14bimmerd00dmike8901: new to asterisk, not new to voip :)
21:22.27girabrazhi people
21:22.49girabrazi need configurator my sip server proxy
21:23.18Cheng29girabraz... you need help?
21:23.35girabrazSomeone can give me some guidelines
21:23.45girabrazcheng 29
21:24.14girabrazNewly and installed
21:24.39jakepdev(for bkw's benefit)
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21:25.35jakepdevis there a way to disable devices without going into the bios?  I have two zaptel cards that are sharing IRQs and digium tells me that the zaptel cards can't share IRQs
21:25.58jakepdevfor instance, I want to disable usb
21:26.08danalienany zaptel+bristuff-hacker around?
21:26.15girabrazcheng 29 : You can give me a hand, I do not find a good manual for the configuration
21:27.58captrbgreat.  ifconfig hangs on zap hdlc0 interface
21:28.16danalienshido6: jakedev : ... was that an answer directed toward me? :-)
21:28.35jakepdevdanalien - no
21:28.49jakepdevor maybe yes :)
21:29.24jakepdevi guess i'm a hacker in a sense...
21:29.49captrbthanks goodness for journaling filesystems, because the kernel won't be able to shutdown if it can't deactivate the interafaces
21:29.59jakepdevdan - what's up?
21:30.17PTG123whats the commandline to convert a wav to gsm for sox, anyone know off hand?
21:30.33danalienjakepdev: hacker : ..enough to solve this riddle? - "is it possible to 'software cross' the zaptel+bristuff driver? What I mean, is control what signal goes to what pin - instead of having to slit a kabel and 'hardware cross' it"  :-)
21:31.23jakepdevnope - dan - don't know about that
21:31.41jakepdevi don't think that can be done
21:31.41niZon~google sox gsm to wav
21:32.25captrb* is making sysreq my friend
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21:36.36r0d3ntIs there  a way to transfer someone directly to voicemail ??
21:36.45cjkhi, any spandsp experts here
21:36.54r0d3ntinstead of ringing their extension for the duration ?
21:37.03*** part/#asterisk nesys (
21:38.25BoRiSr0d3nt(exten => s,1,Voicemail(u9999) )?
21:39.06rob_-I have two iax clients (iaxcomm) communicating through Asterisk over a lan. Is it normal that they should exchange a large number of packets in call setup?
21:39.11bannermanwhat's the difference between u<mailbox> and s<mailbox>?
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21:39.31BoRiSu=unavailable message gets played... b=busy message gets played
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21:39.37bannermanBoris: thanks
21:41.18*** join/#asterisk Wazb (Wazb@
21:41.30Wazbhi all
21:42.13*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
21:43.13phpboyI get this error when I run asterisk
21:43.27Wazbi have a cisco which is pointing a phone number to Asterisk box , where i need to configure in Asterisk to accept and process those calls
21:43.28r0d3ntBoRiS, so i put something like that in my dialplan ?
21:43.35phpboyOuch ... error while writing autio data: : Broken pipe
21:43.42phpboyhow can I resolve this issue?
21:43.55jakepdevphpboy - check your zaptel config
21:44.27eKo1eh, how do you know the problem is zaptel?
21:44.29jakepdevthere's usually a line above the one you saw that explains better what the error is
21:46.00jakepdevdon't know for sure without seeing the other error messages above - but more times than not, that last error is zaptel mis-configuration
21:46.10Wazbi have a cisco which is pointing a phone number to Asterisk box , where i need to configure in Asterisk to accept and process those calls
21:46.25phpboyhow do I unload and reload the zaptel configs?
21:46.45jakepdevphpboy - restart *
21:46.49jakepdevztcfg -vv
21:47.02phpboyah, ok
21:47.06cjkanyone here who got rxfax working
21:47.07facek_phpboy ztcfg -s && ztcfg -vvv
21:47.17cjki just get 8 kb files
21:48.46Mavericcjk i've had it working for awhile
21:48.57phpboyI get the following error
21:49.15phpboyline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
21:49.56phpboyhow can I address that issue?
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21:50.56captrbphpboy: stupid question, but are you running as root?
21:51.05captrbphpboy: or asterisk user?
21:51.16Lee__anyone here using Voicepulse for termination with the Speex codec?
21:51.38Lee__It's rejecting all my calls through it
21:51.44captrbphpboy: just checking.  (step 1: is it plugged in. step 2: permissions?)
21:52.02phpboyit is plugged in
21:52.04phpboybut I see
21:52.22phpboyas opposed to /dev/zap/ctl
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21:53.11jakepdevanyone in the Knockville, TN area?
21:53.30captrbphpboy: are you using devfs?
21:53.39jakepdevnugget thx :)
21:53.43phpboyI'm not sure
21:53.44Lee__I like Knocksville better
21:53.50phpboydefault install of Mandrake 10.1
21:53.53jakepdevnugget - are you there?
21:53.54Lee__the ville of hard knocks
21:54.03jakepdevor around there?
21:54.06Nuggetno, but I can spell it.
21:54.49captrbphpboy: what linux distribution?
21:55.04ChujiAnyone use an ftp server to dish out Polycom config files?
21:55.29captrbChuji: yes
21:55.41Chujijakepdev : I'm about 90 miles from Knoxville
21:55.54Chujicaptrb : Does it use a certain username and password?
21:56.00Chujicaptrb : when it logs in?
21:56.10captrbChuji: yeah, you set it in the phone
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21:56.20AmaDEE0_Does SIP work good behind SNAT, where all ports from a pub IP are forwarded to the same private IP.
21:56.38phpboycaptrb: Mandrake 10.1 - kernel
21:56.47captrbChuji: menu/settings/network configuration/server menu/ftp user
21:57.26Chujicaptrb : So I can't just plug a phone in and it find the ftp server via dhcp?
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21:57.32Chujicaptrb : I have to config the phone first?
21:57.34captrbChuji: when I configured a new phone, all I would initially change was dhcp boot server option, ftp user/pass, and create a default config
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21:57.56captrbChuji: yeah, you need to configure your dhcp server to give out the boot server IP
21:57.57AgiNamu"All Domestic terminations which exceed 20% of Intra-State traffic will be subject to a .0200 surcharge."
21:58.06Chujicaptrb : and password?
21:58.19AgiNamuCan anyone explain wtf that means? This is on my domestic termination agreement.
21:58.24captrbChuji: no, that must be hand configured int he phone initially (I think)
21:58.35Chujicaptrb : That seems silly.
21:58.40captrbChuji: I'm no expert, just did it a couple days ago
21:58.56captrbChuji: well... you could use the default username and password
21:59.25captrbChuji: if it is not a secret.  otherwise any dhcp client on your network would have automatic read/write access to your config server
21:59.54captrbChuji: not that ftp is very secure anyway, but still...
22:00.19captrbChuji: does that help at all?
22:00.26eKo1AgiNamu: domestic from where?
22:00.28Chujiyeah, I understand it's not a secure practice, but it makes deploying the phones much easier
22:00.31AgiNamueKo1 , USA
22:00.40eKo1what state?
22:00.43AgiNamuI have the LATA raite sheet. Class 1 - 5
22:00.46captrbChuji: one tip: if you are using the dhcp server to send the boot server address
22:00.50AgiNamuall that shit. then at the bottom, it has that thing about intrastate
22:00.54AgiNamui have no clue what that means.
22:00.55captrbChuji: then you have to use option 150.
22:01.06captrbChuji: for the standard dhcpd server from isc
22:01.26ChujiThis would be from a ms dhcp server
22:01.38captrbChuji: in the phone, you will need to change the boot server address from "option 66" to "Custom", and the alternate option number to "Option 150"
22:01.56captrbChuji: then you want to use option 66 if it lets you
22:02.03eKo1AgiNamu: If you terminate more than 20% of the calls terminated in your state, you get charged 0.02 $?
22:02.06captrbChuji: so that you don't have to change the defaults on the phone
22:02.24AgiNamuwtf is my state ? :\
22:02.43eKo1beats me
22:02.49robl^AgiNamu: Texas?
22:02.57AgiNamui dunno. this is with a boston clec
22:03.02Chujicaptrb : what is option 150, I gues I'm confused
22:03.23file[laptop]AgiNamu: probably ANI based
22:03.32eKo1So maybe it's ma?
22:03.42captrbChuji: sorry. the dhcp protocol allows for addition information, basically name=value
22:03.48AgiNamuis this related to the DIDs I buy?
22:03.51AgiNamuI guess I'll call them up
22:03.52captrbChuji: the name is either a stand name or a number.
22:03.57AgiNamuWhat's the different Class mean?
22:04.09file[laptop]call and see
22:04.12AgiNamulike, Class 5 is always 0.018. But class 1 is sometimes .006
22:04.19TedCWhen doing an attended transfer using a SIP transfer, the group set on the inital call by the transferer is propagated to the transferee.  Is this correct behavior?
22:04.25captrbChuji: so when I say option 66 or 150, I mean that you can instruct your dhcp server to send a particular value to the client, key to the number
22:05.16Chujicaptrb : Ok, makes sense
22:05.43Wazbcan anyone tell me where conf file i need to configure in * when a call forward by CISCO
22:06.43*** join/#asterisk blankman (
22:06.54blankmanHey guys ...
22:07.12captrbI'm having no luck with 2.6.11 and HCLD.  Going to try 2.4.27
22:07.29phpboymy fxo module is pluged into the 4th module port
22:07.33phpboyon my card
22:07.45*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
22:08.01blankmansimple question ... it looks from the code in app_voicemail.c that postgres is still supported the "old" way in cvs head ... but I can't seem to get into it after moving to the new version ... is it still supported or do we have to move ARA?
22:08.18captrbsethdlc-new seems to be... half done?  has anybody experienced this?
22:08.24robl^phpboy: put it in port 1.  I had trouble if the modules weren't in order..
22:09.00phpboyrobl^: what kind of problems where u faced with?
22:09.25*** join/#asterisk ivanfetch (
22:09.45robl^phpboy: driver issues mosty..  and they way asterisk tries to number the ports
22:09.55phpboyah, I see
22:10.06phpboyso asterisk wouldn't start up in some cases?
22:10.42robl^phpboy: it would complain that the zaptel interfaces didn't match the config file and refuse to start unless I disabled zap interfaces altogether
22:10.45PTG123anyone here know how to play a gsm file and listen for them to push a button and do something if they do
22:11.15phpboyI think I'm going to swich over to the Asterisk OS
22:11.22Cheng29phpboy.. yes
22:11.23phpboyit's too much of a mission in Mandrake
22:11.42phpboywaaay to much of a mission
22:12.02DannyFload knoppix and be up in 5 minutes
22:12.26*** join/#asterisk mikeh720 (
22:12.47DannyFbootable cd linux debian
22:13.23tzangerslackware, baby
22:13.28phpboyI think the next distro I'll hit
22:13.31phpboywill be slackware
22:13.38tzangerphpboy: if you need any help just msg me
22:13.43eKo1whatever floats your boat man
22:13.44tzangerI've converted probably a dozen people :-)
22:14.00*** join/#asterisk Mark_Wales (
22:14.00DannyF<- debian fanatic ;)
22:14.00phpboybut that'll be after I've figured asterisk out on it's on OS
22:14.08jakepdevanyone ever have irq sharing issues with the zaptel cards?
22:14.11DannyFlearning FC thou
22:14.14robl^no..  Tao Linux or Debian!
22:14.24fearnorirq sharing issues?
22:14.31fearnorits all simple. if you share irqs, you will have issues.
22:14.40tzangerThe subGenius Must Have Slack
22:14.51Mark_Walesdoes anyone know if Asterisk can be installed on SLES9?
22:14.51*** part/#asterisk ivanfetch (
22:15.07tzangerMark_Wales: I see no reason why it couldn't
22:15.08jakepdevright but - how is it possible 10 devices are sharing IRQ 5 - including the zaptel cards?
22:15.17tzangerjakepdev: it happens
22:15.20jakepdevthat's what it says in lspci
22:15.21eKo1If it's linux, then yes
22:15.27*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
22:15.37Mark_Walesjust i was having issues installing it and once i asked the question i got the 'success' messasge!
22:15.49tzangermy home * box is also my SMB/NFS server (my media PC is netbooting) and the ethernet is sharing an IRQ iwth the TDM420P...  no issues whatsoever
22:16.10jakepdevwhen I do lspci - it only shows IRQ 5 and 7 being used, why not take an open one?
22:16.28tzangerjakepdev: becaues your BIOS or motherboard is unable to allocate them properly
22:16.32fearnorjake: stop being ghetto and get a motherboard with IO-APIC
22:16.41tzangerjakepdev: try using ACPI and/or the IO-APIC
22:16.47jakepdevfarnor - this is a $3k server - let it go
22:16.51TedCactually, looking at the group thing with SIP transfers more, I'm actually seeing a channel with more than one group.
22:17.10tzangerfearnor: that doesn't necessarily help, some mobos just put every INTA on the same physical line and not even an IO-APIC can help you there
22:17.13fearnorjake: unwisely spent money. even 50$ motherboards manufactured in 2004 all have io-apic
22:17.18fearnortzanger: true true true
22:17.36tzangerjakepdev: try ACPI, try compiling the IO-APIC support into the kernel, see what happens
22:17.40fearnorjake: try jiggering around cards
22:17.44fearnorsee if that helps
22:17.47jakepdevonly got 2 slots
22:18.00fearnorwhat kinda mobo
22:18.13eKo1a 2 slot 3K$ server?!
22:18.27jakepdevit's an HP PROLIANT DL360R04 G4 1U
22:18.31fearnorekol: its hard to put >2 slots into a single U :)
22:18.34tzangereKo1: 1U
22:18.36tzangeror 2U
22:18.37fearnorone may say, impossible ;)
22:18.40eKo1oh, i see
22:19.14eKo1that reminds me, i need an array controller from my compaq proliant storage system
22:20.10*** part/#asterisk NK123 (
22:20.13shmaltzanybody here knows how to coinfigure astpp?
22:20.19tzangerwhat is astpp
22:20.25tzangertinkle technology :-)
22:20.45*** part/#asterisk Darwin[laptop] (~darwin-la@
22:21.01eKo1that's app_piss
22:22.10Wazbi am getting chan_h323.c:1130 setup_incoming_Call error , any help!
22:22.24shmaltztzanger, asterisk Post Paid billing
22:23.19shido6_SMP_ your NuFone account is setup, thank you.
22:23.47AgiNamuHow do you know it's not Pre Paid billing.
22:24.27shmaltzAgiNamu, b/c once you set up the first part and you go the the URL to conifgure it it says Post Paid
22:24.36robl^shido6: hey, is it possible to setup a toll free fail-over for my OLD OLD NuFone account?  My DIDs aren't even listed in the control panel.
22:25.07tzangershido6: reminds me of the old IRC channels of yore
22:25.18tzangerwhere the crackers would send similar messages
22:25.27tzangerPassword sent to: shido6
22:25.49shmaltztzanger, you used to hang out on those channels ;)
22:25.51robl^cheap ho sent to: tzanger
22:26.00tzangerrobl^: no I take the expensive ones
22:26.07tzangerI have particular tastes
22:26.19tzangershmaltz: yeah your nick looks familliar from there too
22:26.38shmaltzyou know what shmaltz means?
22:27.06robl^tzanger: the woman in the leather dominatrix and Teletubbie outfit??  "Uh oh! Bad boy! Again!  Again!"  ??
22:27.20eKo1shmaltz is german right?
22:27.20tzangerrobl^: hahaha
22:27.31shmaltzeKo1, nope, yiddish
22:27.36jboti guess yiddish is The language historically of Ashkenazic Jews of Central and Eastern Europe, resulting from a fusion of elements derived principally from medieval German dialects and secondarily from Hebrew and Aramaic, various Slavic languages, and Old French and Old Italian.
22:27.48jbotACTION burps loudly
22:28.04*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
22:28.08eKo1wasn't there a translator bot around?
22:28.32*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
22:28.42tzangerjbot, translate ich bin ein berliner from de to en
22:29.09tzangerjbot, tr "good evening" from de en
22:29.11cp5anyone know under what conditions i would get warnings in asterisk: "No D-channels available!  Using Primary on channel anyway"
22:29.17shmaltznumber 2 at this link is the intended defenition:
22:29.24tzangercp5: it means the D channel's not up yet
22:29.28eKo1jbot, translate de en scheisse
22:29.47eKo1jbot, translate yi en schmaltz
22:29.49RoyKjbot: please lart eKo1
22:29.50shmaltz~ translate shmaltz
22:30.04RoyKjbot: lart eKo1
22:30.06tzangerjbot, translate de en ich bin ein berliner
22:30.15tzangerI thought it could translate
22:30.25tzangerjbot, translate en fr polly waddle doodle
22:30.27eKo1more like transliterate
22:30.41RoyKjbot: tell tzanger to fuck off, please
22:30.52tzanger~lart royk
22:30.57tzangera moo?
22:31.05shmaltzjbot, translate shalom
22:31.28tzangerhe's certainly on your side tonight
22:32.01cp5tzanger, the D channel is up. it happens in the middle of the day, a few lines are in use, and bam, that comes up and all lines are dropped
22:32.20tzangercp5: has it always done this?
22:32.32cp5not always, not sure if anything has changed
22:32.34RoyKjbot: translate Skål
22:32.46cp5using a quad T1 card, two of the ports are CPE, two are NET. they all produce this problem
22:33.18tzangeroh wow 2bct is in zaptel
22:33.35*** join/#asterisk ZX81_Laptop (
22:33.57AgiNamutzanger, does that mean everyone is now alloed to execute you?
22:33.59tzangercp5: for shits and giggles, add "resetinterval=never" to zaptel.conf and restart
22:34.12tzangerAgiNamu: yeah I'm easy
22:34.14tzangereveryone has access
22:34.16cp5what's that do?
22:34.32*** join/#asterisk abatista (
22:34.51tzangercp5: zaptel will periodically (normally once an hour) restart any free B channels
22:34.55*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
22:34.56tzangerI wonder if you're having issues with that
22:35.02cp5hmm ok
22:35.15tzangersince you can't give me more detailled data on what's happening this is just a shot in the dark
22:35.34tzangernothing odd in dmesg or from zttool?  no missed IRQs or anything?
22:36.12bimmerd00dWhat are the dependencies for Debian?
22:36.26bimmerd00dasterisk on debian, sorry
22:36.52tzangerdebian is a distro, it has no other dependencies, save for your daily worship of RMS and to prefix GNU/ before every fourth word except on tuesdays, where it's every other word.
22:39.00*** part/#asterisk moy (~kvirc@
22:39.32blankmanHey guys ... is there away to turn more debugging on for the app_voicemail when trying to use postgres for the back end? It was working, after checking out the latest and greatest it can't find any of the accounts. Is there a way to see if it is still connecting? The CDR is connecting ... but not voicemail for some reason...
22:39.46tzangerblankman: turn up debug on postgres
22:40.09RoyK~seen coppice
22:40.14jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 10d 13h 32m 32s ago, saying: 'hanoi is the place for the most delicious food in the world. Gwei Lin is probably the place for the hottest'.
22:40.24blankmantzanger, true ... I will see if I can figuer out how to do that ... any suggestions?
22:40.28*** join/#asterisk jeffik (~jeffik@
22:40.38tzangerblankman: it's in postgresql.conf, pretty straightforward
22:41.01blankmantzanger ... k I will look it up thanks.
22:44.13shmaltz~ ping
22:44.54RoyK~ping jbot
22:44.56jbotpong jbot
22:45.13jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep
22:45.21jbotYes, shmaltz, and it's your child.
22:45.30jbotI'm just born.
22:45.34jbotThere are three ways of knowing you're getting really old: One is memory loss . . . . and I've forgotten the other two.
22:45.49jbotmethinks time is 1 dimensional, or everlasting
22:45.54jbotThu Apr  7 22:45:54 2005
22:46.03jbotACTION chugs a big pitcher of ice-cold Kool-Aid
22:46.19jbotACTION rolls on the floor, laughing
22:46.31jbotStop tormenting me!
22:46.32RoyK~lart shmaltz
22:46.44jbotStop tormenting me!
22:47.08L|NUXcan some one tell me good documentation about asterisk + video confrenceing ?
22:47.23jboti guess rtfw is Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
22:47.41L|NUXwell i did
22:47.47L|NUXbut man there is not much info
22:47.54shmaltzL|NX, I'm not sure what you are looking for, if you cant find it on the wiki then add it to the wiki
22:48.18ChujiL|NUX : some stuff in the mailing list archives
22:48.20L|NUXwell i am looking for installing and configuring video codecs
22:48.49shmaltz~ google video confference
22:49.07L|NUXChuji : just people says i did this that :)
22:49.12L|NUXi search alot on google :(
22:49.25shmaltz~ google video conference
22:49.27BuckRogershey there is a petition online to get iax on sipura boxes go to to make your voice heard
22:49.42Chuji~google "video conference"
22:49.43shmaltz~ google video conference
22:50.09Chuji~google "video conference"
22:50.15shmaltz~google video conference
22:50.53jbotgoogle is probably a search engine found at
22:50.53ChujiL|NUX : It's not advanced much, you aren't going to find a whole lot about it out there
22:51.12ZX81_Laptop~google ;ls -al
22:51.33Chuji~google miserable failure
22:51.35ZX81_Laptop~google %00hehe
22:51.46*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
22:51.51ZX81_Laptopahaha whitehouse is a miserable failure
22:52.00Chujigw's bio
22:52.06ZX81_Laptopso funny
22:52.24RoyKmiserable failure is
22:53.03RoyKgoogle for the phrase
22:53.29RoyKit's so true :)
22:55.30Chuji~google "google bombs"
22:56.54ChujiMatt, you need to get Kevin's bio now that he's a digium dood
22:57.07ChujiYou haven't put out any bios in a long time
22:57.34ChujiOr get Eric's
22:58.19tzangermanxpower works for digium?
22:58.42ZX81_LaptopYah I know
22:58.43Chujibut he's a regular face on here and mailing lists
22:58.48ZX81_Laptopbeen real busy
22:58.53Chujiwell, so are you tzanger
22:58.59ZX81_Laptopcoming up to the end of this project
22:59.02shmaltzanother thing I know will *not* work
22:59.11tzangerI'm a what?
22:59.16Chujiregular face
22:59.33Chujiyou post a lot of replies on -users right?
22:59.41Chujitzanger = andrew right?
22:59.45tzangerand fuel a few flame fests too
23:00.06AgiNamuandrew kolh...?
23:00.08Chujiyou're no critch
23:00.35tzangerhe's been really quiet lately
23:00.42tzangerI wonder if he's gonna blow soon
23:00.55Chujihe lives close to me
23:01.07ChujiI see him on our Linux user group a lot
23:01.17blankmanhey don't suppose anybody knows when app_voicemail.c was changed to not support postgres do you? I need to go back to a version that has postgres support in it but the cvs logs aren't helping much :-)
23:01.17tzangeroh wow
23:01.30tzangerblankman: did it ever support PG out of the box?
23:01.34tzangerI thought that was an addon
23:01.36Chujihe's much more tame on our lug
23:01.57*** join/#asterisk iq (
23:02.23AgiNamuWhat is the correct IAX2 response when you get something you should not?
23:02.32AgiNamulike  TXCNT or TXACC when there's no transfer in progress.
23:02.33*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
23:02.35blankmantzanger, nope, you just change the make file to say use postgres ... that part is still in the make file for the apps, but the part that does the actuall "switching" is nolonger in the app_voicemail.c only the new ARA stuff use odbc ... which isn't ready yet.
23:02.47phpboywho suggested I use asteriskathome.iso
23:02.56tzangernot me, I'm the slackware advocate
23:03.08AgiNamuworking on adding better IAX2 support to the PA168
23:03.11BuckRogershey there is a petition online to get iax on sipura boxes go to to make your voice heard
23:03.12Chujicaptrb : you still lurking?
23:03.16tzangerAgiNamu: nice!
23:03.23AgiNamunative transfers
23:03.34denonBuckRogers: yeah .. I know .. I wrote it.. <g>
23:03.35AgiNamuand with that in, it'll be easy to add call forwarding, attended rtansfers, etc.
23:03.37captrbChuji: somewhat... fighting with PRI and hdlc :-)
23:03.56AgiNamuBuckRogers, screw Sipura. Support Centrality!
23:03.56Chujiuhhg, not on the same card are you?
23:04.15BuckRogerswell im spreading the news denon
23:04.15captrbChuji: yeah
23:04.21denonBuckRogers: good man ..
23:04.25denontoday Sipura, tomorrow Cisco
23:04.28*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
23:04.28phpboyI'm contimplating going to the office to try install asterisk at home
23:04.36Chujicaptrb : did you get the directory.xml to work on your poly?
23:04.38BuckRogersscrew cisco
23:04.49shmaltzanybody here knows where Micro$oft speech server comes in when it comes to PBX functions?
23:04.55captrbChuji: um... I did once, but when I re-edited it, the changes didn't take.
23:04.59BuckRogersthis is a revolution for the people
23:05.00AgiNamushmaltz, it's more of an IVR system
23:05.02captrbChuji: wait, I'll reboot and check.
23:05.03AgiNamuwith awesome speech recognition
23:05.07AgiNamuas far as i can tell
23:05.20shmaltzso its just a good speech recognition program
23:05.40captrbChuji: are you familiar with HDLC setup on 2.6?
23:05.44shmaltzhow does it conncect to phones? Intel Dialogic?
23:06.10AgiNamuwhat Speech Server has going for it is a good solid system plus kick ass dev experience.
23:06.15shmaltzhmmmmmmm, which means that to use VoIP one would need something else as well
23:06.24AgiNamuif asterisk had a managed system for developing......
23:06.40bjohnsonthen MS would copy it, change it, and claim it
23:06.54shmaltzbjohsnon, A++++++++++++++
23:07.34AgiNamubjohson, no, im afraid ASterisk is quite far behind as far as dev experience goes.
23:08.08shmaltzAgiNamu, its quite possible, but at the moment none of us needs M$ to claim it
23:08.23AgiNamuMS doesn't need to claim it.
23:08.33AgiNamuit's not like Asterisk is gonna publish an RFC on stuff
23:08.46shmaltzbut they would if Asterisk had a good system for dev
23:08.46AgiNamuAND, I doubt any contributer can design a class library as well as MS. no offense, just i dont see it at all.
23:08.59AgiNamuIf asterisk had a nice managed library for AGI and so on? Um, no, they wouldn't.
23:09.06AgiNamucause they dont have a product to make it work with
23:09.12AgiNamuand it doesnt look like they ever will
23:09.23Chujicaptrb : no, I'm not at all. are you using digium or sangoma card?
23:09.30AgiNamuthey are quite happy pushing Exchange, Live Communications and throwing SIP around, while letting other people do the back end.
23:09.35captrbChuji: yeah, for some reason it isn't updating the from 000000000000-directory.xml
23:09.41AgiNamui.e., at VON, the best they can do is tell you to goto one of their PBX partners.
23:09.43AgiNamuthey don't get it.
23:09.45captrbChuji: it was initially working though
23:09.50captrbChuji: digium
23:10.15Chujicaptrb : not to rub salt in the wound, but I hear sangoma's hdlc is superior
23:10.27Chujicaptrb : that is more of their strength
23:10.53captrbChuji: ah.  well, I'm really just trying to bypass an adtran 600r that I suspect is a POS.
23:11.59captrbmy t1 is dropping all the time.  i think that it is losing sync
23:12.16Chujicaptrb : I can't get my phone to boot the directory either
23:12.30Chujicaptrb : it's not even trying to pick it up
23:12.45captrbChuji: same.  it definitely worked at least once, because my phone has entries.
23:13.15mw`why cant ethereal identify the rtp pakets sent by asterisk?
23:13.24mw`i only get "UDP" as protocol
23:14.30mw`i'm trying to do some regexp for layer7-filter on rtp
23:14.52Chujicaptrb : did you rename it to macaddress-directory.xml?
23:15.22captrbChuji: no, because I only wanted one for all the phones (unless they users update on their own)
23:15.28RoyK~seen coppice
23:15.31jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 10d 14h 7m 49s ago, saying: 'hanoi is the place for the most delicious food in the world. Gwei Lin is probably the place for the hottest'.
23:15.35captrbChuji: but maybe I have misunderstood the functionality
23:17.38AgiNamuethereal decodes iax just fine
23:17.48AgiNamuthat's how im writing this firmware code
23:17.49*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
23:17.58AgiNamuoff of an ethereal capture
23:19.40*** join/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
23:20.28mw`aginamu: hm when i make a voip call, i get a sip session and lots of udp packets, but nothing is identified as rtp
23:20.35AgiNamusip sucks :)
23:20.41AgiNamui dont use sip, so sorry, can't help.
23:21.07*** join/#asterisk l-fy (~pchitescu@l-fy.developer.yate)
23:21.54mw`ah i think i got it, when i manually select rtp
23:22.04*** join/#asterisk TechDawg (voipnewbie@
23:22.28*** part/#asterisk MasterYoda (~mnicholso@
23:22.53l-fymorning people
23:24.53l-fyhey tzanger
23:25.03tzangerhow are you this morning, iubito
23:25.24l-fyvery well thank you
23:25.36l-fyi've decided to sue Digium for intelectual property :)
23:25.42tzangeroh excellent
23:26.08chapI've decided to sue you for suing them..
23:26.22l-fychap > but i have a previous art :)
23:26.32Juxti have a connection to an iax provider
23:26.33tzangersorry chap, I've patented that.  I'm suing you for using my patent idea without a license
23:26.39TechDawgAnyone care to remind me what deb package I need for /usr/include/openssl/ssl.h?
23:26.41Juxtbut when i do iax2 show channels i do not see it listed
23:26.43Juxtwhat gives
23:26.46*** join/#asterisk lethol (~lethol@
23:27.28shmaltzl-fy, whats your IP problem?
23:27.38l-fyi've discover that in libiax there is a part of the code (something like 4 lines) that is similar with my patch from my forked libiax version :)
23:27.43Chujicaptrb : I just logged all of it's commands over ftp it never looked for a directory file
23:27.43l-fyo god
23:27.51l-fyno one notice when i make a joke?
23:28.02tzangerl-fy: those of us with a sense of humor got it
23:28.04captrbChuji: just did the same, but also reset the phone config
23:28.35l-fythose 4 lines or something are perfect like mine
23:28.50l-fybut guess what, because that's the logic way of doing that job
23:28.58captrbl-fy: gpl humor is very subte
23:28.58Chujicaptrb : you using 300,500,600?
23:29.01*** join/#asterisk crash3m (crash3m@crash3m.user)
23:29.13letholcan someone tell why would an * box change the iax2 port from 4596 to another (1072)
23:29.15tzangersubtle humour is often lost on those it's presented to
23:29.16captrbChuji: 500
23:29.50ariel_Juxt, iax2 show channels will only show you a channel if it's active. iax2 show peers or iax2 show registry will let you know more about the connection.
23:30.27Juxtyeah the channel was active
23:30.29Juxtand it didn't show up
23:30.34ariel_lethol, it should not it's hard coded to 4569
23:30.52ariel_Juxt, what dis show channels do by it's self.
23:31.03tzangerariel_: no it's not...  bindaddr and bindport is configurable
23:31.10shmaltzwhy do the sppamers think that I am not confident, and are trying to sell me Viagra? are these spammers female?
23:31.16Juxtnothing just epty
23:31.43ariel_tzanger, not in stable it's not I was just looking at the code the iax was configurable.
23:31.59Chujicaptrb : Ok, got it to load with mac-directory.xml
23:32.04tzangerahh stable
23:32.17captrbChuji: yeah, but that isn't what I want...
23:32.36captrbChuji: maybe the phone knows it already "seeded" the directory
23:33.53*** part/#asterisk l-fy (~pchitescu@l-fy.developer.yate)
23:33.56letholariel_, this is the only box doing this.. iax2 show reg will show Host as and Perceived as
23:34.46letholall my other reg's will show OK to other * boxes
23:38.36ariel_lethol, what is the service your showing this too?
23:40.23letholariel, its a box to box iax trunk.. all voip provider trunks Ive tried/used work fine
23:40.58TechDawgWhat's the problem here:  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
23:41.20*** join/#asterisk Entegrity (
23:41.27*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
23:41.28TechDawgI'm trying to compile asterisk-1.0.7
23:41.32tzangerTechDawg: install openssl
23:41.39ariel_argh I keep having network problems today.
23:41.43Entegrityanyone want to give me some advice?
23:41.51TechDawgBut it is installed tzanger
23:41.58tzangerTechDawg: then install the -devel part of it
23:41.59letholariel_, thought u had left
23:42.00jbothmm... advice is something for which you must pay attention.  Many people get irritated if they have to repeat themselves
23:42.04ariel_Entegrity, ask
23:42.07tzangerEntegrity: get a haircut, and get a new job
23:42.22TechDawgI cannot find the devel part in the deb package system.
23:42.25ariel_lethol, my network keeps dropping off today.
23:42.26EntegrityNeed asterisk for a SIP proxy w/ CCM integration. Using it to just proxy off to vonage.
23:42.30tzangerTechDawg: then don't use deb.  :-)
23:42.31*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
23:42.31EntegrityWhat do I need for a system specs?
23:42.37Entegrity3-4 phones...
23:42.39Entegritynothing fancy.
23:42.44TechDawgnot the answer I was looking for.
23:42.45tzangerEntegrity: an old P3 will suffice
23:42.59Entegritywith? ;P
23:43.00tzangerTechDawg: I dont' run debian, and it's obvious you don't have libssl
23:43.02ariel_vonage arhg
23:43.17TechDawgBINGO, thanks tzanger
23:43.32Entegritywhats the best linux dist for asterisk?
23:43.40tzangerEntegrity: there is no best
23:43.42ariel_Entegrity, if your just using it to connect 4 to 5 lines not much really.
23:43.49ChujiEntegrity : what are you accustomed to?
23:43.51tzangerI like slackware, others like FC2 or gentoo or debian or LFS or whatever
23:43.55ariel_CentOS 3.4 for me
23:43.57jbotwell, distro is significa distribution (english)
23:44.01Entegrityred hat I guess
23:44.03Entegritybut I dont care which
23:44.10letholariel_, do u know if there is such thing as a limit to connections going thru iax/4569
23:44.11ChujiEntegrity : then run FC3
23:44.11Entegritywhatever is the most stable
23:44.22ChujiEntegrity : Then run debian :)
23:44.23ariel_Entegrity, CentOS is RHEL 3
23:44.47ariel_lethol, setgroup and checkgroup count
23:44.53EntegrityI'm not linux guru
23:44.55Entegrityjust a hacker
23:45.03Entegrityso I'll go with debian I guess
23:45.13Chujiariel_ : is centos 4 eq rhel4?
23:45.22ariel_Chuji, yes
23:45.25EntegrityI have no clue what centos 4 rhel4 is
23:45.26*** join/#asterisk lyoungz (
23:45.33ariel_but 3.4 is far more stable for now.
23:45.35tzangerEntegrity: me either
23:45.39letholariel_, can that have something to do with asterisk mving my 4569 port connection to 1072?
23:45.42TechDawgDoesn't really matter on the distro.  Whatever works and can be secured easiest.
23:45.50Chujicentos is the Redhat clone
23:45.54ariel_Entegrity, RedHat Enterprise
23:45.55Entegrityoh ok
23:45.59Chujirhel = redhat enterprise linux
23:46.09ariel_lethol, no
23:46.12jakepdev~yellow alarm
23:46.21ariel_jakepdev, problems
23:46.28Entegritywhy go w/ enterprise?
23:46.31Entegrityis it more secure?
23:46.32jakepdevhow bout rec?
23:46.38jakepdevno reds
23:46.44ariel_Entegrity, works just plain works.
23:46.57Entegritycool thx for the adviced
23:47.03Entegrityinstall is easy as well?
23:47.05ChujiEntegrity : well, redhat would say so you get a supported distro
23:47.05tzangerhmm jbot's on a smoke break
23:47.20tzangeror maybe his server's smoking
23:47.20jakepdevstill tryin to figure out my query
23:47.26Entegrityso lets see
23:47.37Entegrityp3 512mb ram?
23:47.41Juxtcan someone explain this: channel.c:1833 set_format: Unable to find a path from g729 to slin ?
23:47.43ariel_Red Hat is now a paid linux so there are some clones that are good. CentOS, White Box and Tao.  I like CentOS due to it's yum servers are for me faster
23:47.47jakepdev~server smoking
23:47.54ariel_Entegrity, just fine
23:47.57tzangerJuxt: have you paid for a g729 license?
23:48.38jakepdevif it just goes into yellow occasionally, but rec and green again - is it still no good?
23:49.07Juxttzanger: i'm using the dev one
23:49.12*** join/#asterisk t3sture_ (
23:49.13tzangerJuxt: what 'dev' one
23:49.21tzangerthere is no 'dev' g729 codec for asterisk
23:49.33ariel_jakepdev, it's not good it should stay OK all the time.
23:49.36*** join/#asterisk bah (
23:49.53Juxti am just trying to get asterisk to pass thru g729
23:50.11tzangerJuxt: well it'sobviously not passing through, it's trying to convert to slinear (probably because an endpoint is a zaptel device)
23:50.16jakepdevariel - have you seen it do the yellow once in a while - what ended up to be the problem?
23:50.44ariel_jakepdev, problem with timing sync and other reasons.  But all of them not good.
23:51.02jakepdevk tnx
23:51.16tzangerJuxt: does your Dial() command have tT or any othe rflags that would make asterisk have to 'listen in' on the audio stream?
23:51.18captrbor am I special?
23:51.20ta[i]ntedJuxt do u have conf right?
23:51.22ariel_Juxt, if your using sip. make sure you have canreinvite=yes
23:51.35tzangercaptrb: you're special alright
23:51.43Juxti am using 2 firefly phones in iax2 mode
23:51.46tzangerI've had a zaptel module oops once but that was once in a full year of operation
23:52.17captrbztcfg -s or modprobe -r reliable hang the system
23:52.39captrbsysreq is no use at that point, totally hung
23:53.21ariel_captrb, you have something configured wrong then.
23:54.20captrbariel_: i really doubt that a misconfig would cause the kernel to hang so severly
23:54.47ariel_captrb, how did you do the setup?
23:55.35captrbI co'd code from CVS, I compiled a kernel, compile the modules, and rebooted
23:55.44captrbwith pretty standard /etc/zaptel.conf
23:56.01Juxtwhat is a reasonable codec t use, i am getting tired of trying to make g.729 work
23:56.19ariel_so you did zaptel make clean , make, make install then you did asterisk make clean, make and make install
23:56.28ta[i]ntedJuxt why don't u just purchase a license from digium
23:56.40ariel_Juxt, what is available on your sip phones?
23:56.50captrbariel_: hrm.  guess I didn't recompile asterisk when I switched kernels.
23:56.55Juxtwell i'm still in the testing mode, i haven't purchased any phones yet
23:56.58TechDawgOkay, had to do a make clean but now I get:  termcap support not found
23:57.06Juxtg.729 seems promissing
23:57.08captrbbut asterisk isn't even running
23:57.41ariel_Juxt, ok get your self xlite use gsm or ulaw for the testing. they work great.
23:57.51ta[i]ntedJuxt then use the 'open source' implementation of g729
23:58.13*** join/#asterisk Arthemys (
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23:58.26Juxti already have all the codecs working well, except for g729
23:58.26ta[i]ntedJuxt and when u like it, buy licenses from digium
23:59.19Juxtwell my thinking is... if i want to use asterisk just to pass thru g.729 why would i need to install the codec on it?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.