irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050403

00:00.03bkw_i'm to the credit card screen.. bet a temp database issue
00:00.53_chadAsterisk 2.0 is the recent stable release?
00:01.08Darwin[laptop]1.0.7 is
00:01.21Darwin[laptop]2.0 is not even close to being done
00:01.32Sedoroxbkw_: why do you need someone on Nextel with sms?
00:01.39MrBelvedr2.0 is being rewritten in c#
00:01.53_chadah i just saw the note on the wiki about 2.0 stable being released or something
00:02.08PBXtechchad: thats an april fools joke :)
00:02.08MrBelvedrthat was an April 1 joke
00:02.14Darwin[laptop]ahh ok
00:02.19marloweAsterisk 3.0 is PHP
00:02.28marloweAnd what was 2.5 ? Java?
00:02.30Sedoroxand 2.5 is Java...
00:02.36Sedoroxlots of rewrites
00:02.42_chad4.0 in basic
00:02.42Darwin[laptop]I thought they where rewriting it in visual basic
00:02.46_chadlol yah
00:02.54MattHoooooooo basic
00:03.03Darwin[laptop]or cobal
00:03.25Sedorox10 Print "welcome to asterisk"
00:03.31Sedorox20 goto 10
00:03.37cherun ;)
00:03.50cheSedorox, had a c64 too? ;)
00:03.53MrBelvedrby fujitsu corp
00:04.04Sedoroxnaa... did have a AppleII tho once...
00:05.49Darwin[laptop]what about pascal
00:06.01Shido6Load "*",8,1
00:06.27marloweu know i reall gotta put my router on a UPS
00:06.32cheShido6, first id load"$",8 and list ... then id look for a speedloader ;)
00:06.47marlowethats the 5th time my power went out
00:06.50Shido6push the red button on the Mach5
00:07.19Shido6wait a minute, flip the disk on the 1541 drive
00:07.28cheShido6, i had a 1571 ;)
00:07.39Shido6I had 2 1541s and 1 1571
00:07.54cheShido6, the datasettes were evil ;)
00:07.55Shido6the 1541 came with the c64 and bought another then had the 1571 with the c128
00:08.05Shido645 minutes load time on the casettes
00:09.11chebut its impressive whats they did with 64kb ram ;)
00:09.59MrBelvedrnone of the call limiting directives are working
00:10.11MrBelvedrS and L are both ignored
00:10.50cheShido6, i got a nice c64 stream url want it?
00:11.13cheShido6, just dont wanna throw it in chan cause i dont know how many users it takes. well sound stream ;) c64 sound
00:12.11*** join/#asterisk yaboo (~jsirucka@
00:12.45Juxtis there a way to simulate the "transfer" button by dialing some sort of a sequence?
00:12.57marlowe# ?
00:13.12Juxtyeah for some reason it doesn't work on firefly, weird
00:13.30marlowesomething wrong with the user
00:13.36marloweit works on firefly for me
00:13.43rvhitry to make * from 1.0.7
00:13.56rvhihow do i NOT generate
00:13.57_chadanyone know off hand what file the jitter buffer is defined in?
00:13.58Juxtso if i wanna transfer i dial # and then the extension to transfer the call to right?
00:14.06rvhiit causes problem when starting *
00:14.18marloweU dont need  the last # but I use it.. its safer or some crap
00:14.22marlowetransfers faster
00:14.24*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released || Someone that uses sms on nextel,cricket please msg bkw_
00:14.26rvhican't find where to modify in channels/Makefile
00:14.52Sedoroxbkw_: I have nextel...
00:14.58marlowebkw_: I have nextel
00:15.06marloweI also have eVerizon but I guess  u dont need that anymore
00:15.20bkw_guess I can make nextel work next
00:15.26bkw_msg me your numbers
00:15.30marloweI never herad of cricket
00:15.36bkw_and i'll see
00:15.45bkw_I have 5 providers working with app_websms.c now
00:15.48Sedoroxmust be aust.  :-p
00:15.56marlowebkw_: Actually I left my nextel @ work - If u still need help on Monday I'll help you out
00:16.21Sedoroxattws = cingular....
00:16.21marlowehaha I got verizon,nextel, & tmobile
00:16.29Sedoroxwhy three?
00:16.37marloweVerizon - General Cell Pone - Best Service
00:16.42marloweNextel - PTT - I hate the service here
00:16.43_chadahh rockin, it looks like my jitter buffer is completely switched off.. wonder if that might equate to some of the trouble :)
00:16.45marloweTmobile - Sidekick
00:16.46bkw_Sedorox, ya but i got it working with attws's thingy
00:16.54Sedoroxah cool
00:17.23Juxthmm does the record for the phone in iax.conf need to contain transfer?
00:17.35SedoroxI had BoostMobile and Cingular for a while.. till my cingular ran up.. I switched to nextel
00:18.04storycingular has bogus billing
00:18.06storythey cheat u
00:18.11Sedoroxthey didn't me...
00:18.40marloweCingular SUCKS
00:18.43_chadat&t/cingular has horrid billing policies
00:18.48Sedoroxhehe.. tmobile sucks
00:18.54marlowetmobile does suck
00:18.59marloweIm going to throw my sidekick against a wall soon
00:19.51marloweIm going to just get a blackberry or treo or something and use it on verizon
00:20.01storyverizon broadband wireless
00:20.10marloweI have verizon broadband wireless too
00:20.34Darwin[laptop]how much is it a month
00:20.42marlowe79.99 but i get a discount
00:20.44Darwin[laptop]and how well does it work
00:20.45marloweI pay $50/mo
00:20.46shodanif I run 3x phones lines with one cat5 , am I going to get lots of crosstalk (using the right torsaded wire pair for each line) ?
00:20.48marloweIt's awesome
00:20.51marloweI get 2megs where I live
00:20.53storyhow'd u get a discount
00:20.55Darwin[laptop]79 a month
00:21.00marlowestory: I cant say
00:21.00Darwin[laptop]screw that
00:21.22marloweBut go on
00:21.22marloweYou'll find a way
00:21.32storyhehe ok ill check it out
00:21.44_chad$50/mo for unlimited bw marlowe?
00:21.58tzangershodan: nah
00:22.13tzangeryou might get some crosstalk when one line rings
00:22.31marloweyeah chad
00:22.33MajestikDoes anyone know if there is a good CDR reporter for asterisk using csv files?
00:22.43_chadmarlowe thats pretty bangin, include voice time also?
00:23.01marloweunlimited internet, unlimited txt messaging
00:23.07slePPMajestik: use a database :>
00:23.15shodank , that'll do a much cleaner job , I'll get the 3 phone lines straight to my asterisk box , then feed it to the rest of the house (until I find a way to have FXS ports at 25$/each))
00:23.24Juxtwhat does this allmean  Attempting native bridge of IAX2/richmedium8001@richmedium8001/1 and IAX2/richmedium8003/2
00:23.33_chadmarlowe, what kind of handset are you on?
00:23.39MajestikslePP: yeah, there is that.. but the deb package I'm running doesn't seem to make mysql logging as an option.
00:23.45marloweI have a pcmcia card
00:23.49marloweI used to use my motorola v710 via bluetooth to do it
00:23.51marlowethat worked as well
00:24.26Majestikunless of course I don't know what I'm looking for to enable it..
00:24.26*** join/#asterisk marks__ (
00:24.32shodanare there 100$ wifi voip phones yet ?
00:24.50marloweshodan: On April 1st they were selling some
00:24.59_chadmarlowe, sweet :)
00:25.05marlowei personally prefer getting an IAXY + Cordless phone
00:26.21*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
00:27.06rvhii don't want to compile iax/iax2, how do i modify channels/Makefile to do it?
00:27.42marloweWhy dont you want to compile it?
00:27.46marloweYou hav something against it?
00:28.22MrBelvedrhow can i "see" what strings a softphone is sending through the manager api?
00:28.37file[laptop]IAX2 is the worst protocol ever created!
00:28.46MrBelvedris there wa way to sniff it through the CLI ?
00:30.57rvhii just don't use it, so no need to load it, nothing against it
00:31.21mishehurvhi: noload chan_iax or something like t hat
00:31.23rvhialso other modules, e.g.
00:31.45rvhii have to manual disable them in modules.conf
00:31.52rvhihow can i stop even compile
00:32.11rvhithe issue is that with new version and new modules added, i have to change modules.conf manually
00:32.53marlowe<file[laptop]> IAX2 is the worst protocol ever created!
00:32.59marks__ANYONE HAVE A GOOD VOICE to do recordings for a pbx? PrivMsg Me..
00:33.09marlowemarks__: Wtf do u  need?
00:33.18*** join/#asterisk WhiteWlf (
00:33.19marks__Someone to record voice prompts
00:33.20marloweProfessionally? Youll pay
00:33.34marlowe609-252-1155 listen to my phone system - if you like it - let me know what you want
00:33.40marloweill give y ou a quote
00:34.04marlowei take it thats u
00:34.06WhiteWlfI'm having some troubles, I just installed and compiled asterisk and whenever it trys to play an audio file... it hangs (1.0.7) - does the soundcard need to be installed in order for playing to work?
00:34.16file[laptop]marlowe: actually it was me
00:34.28marlowefile[laptop]: u should listn to my MOH
00:34.30marloweI just finished that
00:34.40marloweIt was a lot of work
00:34.49marloweok someones calling from a landline
00:34.51mishehuWhiteWlf: a soundcard is not required for using asterisk.
00:34.51marloweI got cid info
00:34.58marks__marlowe- not for pay.. unless uull take like 9 dollars
00:34.58marlowebarry? :)
00:35.21PBXtech.. per month for 24 months
00:35.43*** part/#asterisk Juxt (
00:35.45marlowetheres like 6 calls in lol
00:35.47file[laptop]eyebeam is not liking my laptop
00:35.50marloweeveryone in the channel is calling
00:36.00file[laptop]oh I know why
00:36.21file[laptop]silly me, I was using it with our media stuff and it supports silence suppression... asterisk doesn't, stupid me
00:36.31WhiteWlfmishehu: I was sure it wasn't but for example - when you call the VM system and it plays the happy little sound vm-theperson, it never proceeds past that point.
00:36.34marlowethats right
00:36.36marlowethats why xten is broke
00:36.54WhiteWlfmishehu: It won't even play that sound, even
00:37.06mishehuWhiteWlf: sounds like a different kind of problem.  are you running * as root?
00:37.12WhiteWlfmishehu: I am
00:37.15file[laptop]there we go...
00:37.53marlowemy nme is matt
00:37.57marloweif u wanna look me up in the directory
00:38.00MrBelvedrhow can i see the commands that the softphone is sending to the manager api?
00:38.03mishehuWhiteWlf: don't know what the problem is
00:38.12marloweit goes by first nme, not last name
00:38.12WhiteWlfmishehu: Nor do I... heh
00:38.20*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released || Someone that uses sms on cellone,cricket please msg bkw_
00:38.22mishehuWhiteWlf: did you check the logs?
00:38.23file[laptop]there you are
00:38.30marlowei dunno if i can answer
00:38.32file[laptop]too bad I have no mic
00:38.34marlowemy x-ten might be broke
00:38.43WhiteWlfmishehu: Going to... it's funny though... my other asterisk server works just fine (same hardware)
00:38.45WhiteWlflet me look
00:38.46file[laptop]I hear you
00:38.48file[laptop]I wanted to hear the MOH
00:38.50marloweone sec
00:38.59file[laptop]ah ads
00:39.09marlowewhat else? :)
00:39.09file[laptop]appealing to the senses of your visitors!
00:39.15file[laptop]ooh baby... you better believe I'm appealing
00:39.25file[laptop]back to music
00:39.37marloweits 10 ads so far
00:39.45marlowemusic is only played for 2 seconds
00:39.52marloweeach add is between 7 - 20 seconds
00:39.55marloweerr, ad
00:40.14shodanis there a nice lightweight open source voip client that works with asterisk ?
00:40.23marlowefile[laptop]: did i sound clear?
00:40.33file[laptop]marlowe: a little background noise
00:40.35marloweJust the other day i found out my laptop had an integrated microphone
00:40.37file[laptop]but I could hear you fine
00:40.38luke-jr_shodan: Kphone
00:40.44mishehushodan: you need to specify OS
00:40.47marks__So.. anyone want to do the recordings for me? MESSAGE ME
00:40.57luke-jr_mishehu: not really; all open source OS are fairly compatible
00:41.00marlowedrooth: You can talk in the channel
00:41.13*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
00:41.24shodanoops , I meant for windows , (I suppose there's a billion of them for linux)
00:41.46file[laptop]actually no.
00:41.50luke-jr_shodan: what's the point? you're running a proprietary/immoral OS anyway...
00:42.41tzangerI run PopeOS 2003 Papal Candacy 28
00:42.43shodanI can't change my user , until I get a card with a couple fxs port I need voip software that run on my users' os
00:42.44DannyFwhat the heck is wrong with the cvs?
00:42.51mishehuluke-jr_: uhm, linphone does not work under win32, last I heard.
00:43.05luke-jr_mishehu: Do you have a point?
00:43.10DannyFthey redoing something?
00:43.33mishehuluke-jr_: the question is, do you have a point by this comment --> luke-jr_> mishehu: not really; all open source OS are fairly compatible
00:43.46mishehuyou assume he was using an open source os.
00:44.03luke-jr_mishehu: Sure; there's little purpose to caring whether a program is open source unless your OS is also
00:44.06mishehushodan: donno whats opensource that works for win32...  sorry.
00:44.47mishehuluke-jr_: uhm.  I fail to see the logic in that.
00:45.17mishehuand you just prove the ass-u-me concept of assume.
00:45.24*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (~sshah@
00:46.11Dr-Linuxdoes Asterisk support dialogic hardwares ?
00:46.13mishehutzanger: isn't PopeOS up for a new major version release soon?
00:46.54mishehuDr-Linux: not an expert on all hardware that works with asterisk, but there should be a list of what works with it on's wiki.
00:46.54tzangeryes, I think in 22 days
00:46.55*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released || Someone that uses sms on cellone,cricket or any other provider that has a web interface to send sms with please msg bkw_
00:47.06shodanif I remove the opensource requirement , what's left in term of lightweight voip client that work with asterisk under windows ?
00:47.34mishehushodan: you know, I think there might have been a build of iaxcomm or something that ran on win32.  donno if it's still out there.
00:47.51mishehuthat's open source I believe.
00:48.21shodank , I'll try to find it
00:48.38mishehuthe vatican should elect a jewish pope, that way we can put an end to the "is the pope jewish?" question-answering-a-question routine some people use frequently.
00:48.49file[laptop]bkw_: make telus work.
00:48.55bkw_file[laptop], url?
00:48.58bkw_and do you have a phone?
00:49.12file[laptop]yes I have a phone
00:49.18marlowefedex sucks
00:50.10bkw_OMG those guys suck file
00:50.16bkw_why do they try to split the damn npa nxx
00:50.27bkw_thats just like rogers.. gonna make me redo the total framework here
00:51.05mishehumarlowe: I usually have better luck with fedex than ups
00:51.15marloweFedex always screws me
00:51.17marloweUPS never does
00:51.27droothit's choppy a bit..
00:51.34marloweWhats coppy?
00:51.40droothyour out going
00:51.44marloweAhh who cares
00:51.46droothit breaks up a little
00:51.51droothi care :)
00:51.54marloweIm doing a lot of shit right now
00:51.55droothQoS is important
00:51.57file[laptop]Fedex never screws me, UPS always does
00:52.01marloweIm not selling you service
00:52.02file[laptop]and not in the good way
00:52.07yabooare all voip ports udp?
00:52.08marloweSo does it matter?
00:52.19droothno but if you want to give people good impression..
00:52.29marloweThey're not normally choppy....
00:52.36marloweIm doing, as I said, a lot of work on that server right now
00:53.00droothnot bad
00:53.01marlowewtf who hung up on me
00:53.06bkw_file did you get my sms?
00:53.13file[laptop]lemme go look
00:53.18file[laptop]one moment paleez
00:53.43bkw_ok reworking my framework
00:53.54bkw_blitzrage, rogers will follow
00:55.51bkw_i'm about to just write a damn CGI and have two args passed.. provider and number
00:56.00file[laptop]now now bkw
00:56.30bkw_i'm gonna try something
00:56.33bkw_I suspect one thing
00:57.37bkw_file tell me if you got that one
00:58.11file[laptop]nothing yet
00:58.20bkw_bet that didn't work
00:58.31marloweThis for nextel?
00:58.36bkw_nextel works already
00:58.39bkw_we are on telus now
00:58.50bkw_i'm starting to think I just need a cgi
00:58.55bkw_then link in the asterisk app to that
00:58.59marlowenextel was fast, wow. :)
00:59.07bkw_6 providers work so far
00:59.28bkw_i think i'm gonna just do a CGI
00:59.29Mocholly shit.. my app made my kernel segfault !!!
00:59.37file[laptop]silly Moc
00:59.37bkw_kernel's don't segfault
00:59.39bkw_they panic
00:59.53bkw_moc working with meetme?
00:59.59Mochold on..
01:00.02bkw_bad ioctl eh?
01:00.15file[laptop]lol I just glanced at the TV and thought it said "IAX"
01:00.44Mocdonno yet
01:01.25file[laptop]Moc touched meetme in a naughty fashion
01:01.33bkw_file i'm gonna regroup and convert all this to use a server side cgi to process the input from asterisk so it all will fall into the same framework
01:01.33SedoroxTV = $199.95, Cable = $50/month, Working too much on a FOSS project and thinking the TV mentioned soemthing from that project = Priceless
01:01.36bkw_that would be the best way
01:01.42yaboono matter either with iax or sip fwd numbers always are busy or congested from me when dialing them
01:01.48file[laptop]bkw_: that's cheap
01:01.53Mocquestion, does my box reboot or not
01:01.57bkw_file[laptop], you wanna help me then eh?
01:02.04bkw_file call 996
01:02.11file[laptop]ah no no no :p
01:02.17file[laptop]you started this adventure, you finish it
01:02.23file[laptop]I'm watching Mythbusters anyway
01:04.17*** join/#asterisk smurfix (~smurf@smurfix.developer.debian)
01:04.36bkw_i'll add npanxxparts
01:14.22marlowewats 996 do ?
01:15.16file[laptop]it's where great minds gather to talk about evil plans of evilness
01:18.45WhiteWlfhow stupid
01:22.13*** join/#asterisk Damin (
01:25.39*** join/#asterisk Talmage (~Talmage@
01:26.29TalmageThe release announcement on says asterisk 2.0 was released....for winblows....however, i notice the release date of april 1...was this an april fools joke or is asterisk really going to winblows?
01:26.52*** join/#asterisk justnulling2 (
01:26.55jontowTalmage; really.. do you need to ask that? :)
01:27.13Talmage....i do need to ask....the boss wants to know
01:27.17Talmageand he has very little humor
01:27.22jontow*sigh* :)
01:27.37jontowno, no asterisk is not 'going to windows'
01:27.51Talmagehas it been ported to c#?
01:27.56PBXtechLaughing Out Loud
01:28.14PBXtechyou mean you belived 2 April fools jokes. hmmm
01:28.16jontow(alright.. i gave my portion of the answer.. i totally have to stop there)
01:28.20SedoroxTalmage: well... thats Asterisk 3.0
01:28.25Sedoroxand Asterisk 2.5 will be Java...
01:28.37file[laptop]asterisk 3.5 will be written in basic
01:28.38SedoroxNote: I'm continuing April Fools
01:28.43Sedoroxoh yes.. that too
01:29.17jontowi've been heavily pushing for one of the 3.x release-branches to be rewritten in complete Bourne (/bin/sh) shell script
01:29.25jontowthat would effectively make my year.
01:29.31file[laptop]I bet
01:29.56TalmageI will now got let the air out of the boss's tires
01:30.09file[laptop]excellent idea
01:30.13jontowand place someone in a very high profile insane asylum
01:30.53Darwin[laptop]brain on overload
01:31.53file[laptop]yay overload
01:31.55Talmageanyway....will be back someday....where you can laugh at me more
01:32.25Talmageone question before i go: how many before me have asked
01:37.03Darwin[laptop]does asterisk have a accujack protocal
01:41.43Darwin[laptop]its a joke...
01:42.12Darwin[laptop]if you dont know what a accujack is go to a xxx store
01:43.24SedoroxDarwin[laptop]: I think we need more of a fufme protocol first
01:44.21*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
01:44.39*** join/#asterisk asteriskDOTbz (
01:44.52marloweastlog: Fuck off
01:44.53*** join/#asterisk HoopyCat (
01:45.14MrBelvedrwhat is the name of the softphone with the slick looking UI?
01:45.21marlowejesus christ
01:45.22MrBelvedrthe free one
01:45.43HoopyCatfirefly's neater
01:46.30MrBelvedrdo they both work with IAX?
01:46.40HoopyCatxten's SIP only; firefly works with IAX and SIP
01:46.45MrBelvedrI am looking for one that will show me the strings that it sends the Manager API
01:47.31HoopyCathmmmm... that might be something else, as neither know anything about the manager api
01:47.58MrBelvedrhow do they communicate with asterisk if not thru the manager api?
01:48.10HoopyCatusing IAX :-)
01:48.18*** join/#asterisk marks__ (
01:48.20MrBelvedrso  you can use IAX with sockets directly?
01:48.34MrBelvedri don't get it
01:48.44MrBelvedrdo they make connections direclty to the voip provider?
01:48.52HoopyCatit's UDP-based, so it will just... work, and stuff.
01:48.57*** join/#asterisk techie (
01:49.14file[laptop]MrBelvedr: I don't get what you're asking about
01:50.50MrBelvedri have been using DIAX as my softphone. It connects to my local * box (which connects to Teliax)
01:51.13MrBelvedrso, I assumed that firefly and xten will also connect to my local * box (which connects to Teliax)
01:51.46MrBelvedrmy end goal it so somehow see the strings that the softphones are sending to my local * box
01:51.59file[laptop]iax2 debug will show you the IAX messages for firefly and DIAX
01:52.03file[laptop]for Xten you can do sip debug
01:52.28MrBelvedrI can't seem to find a way to see the strings being sent across the wire. I juat want to see the manager API commands, not all the low level IAX protocol stuff
01:53.18file[laptop]it's not using the manager API commands...
01:53.21MrBelvedri just want to see the manager api commands
01:53.23file[laptop]manager doesn't come into it at all...
01:53.50MrBelvedrhow do the softphones connect to my local * box then?
01:53.57file[laptop]using IAX or SIP
01:54.16MrBelvedrjust uing raw sockets?
01:54.23file[laptop]it's just UDP packets
01:54.45MrBelvedrso what is the point of the manager api? what is the point?
01:55.08file[laptop]the manager API allows an outside application to interact with asterisk, see extension status, transfer calls, etc
01:55.34MrBelvedrright, DIAX and the softphones are outside applications, so why don't they use it
01:55.46MrBelvedrwait i am getting it
01:55.52MrBelvedrit is starting to make some sense
01:56.04file[laptop]IAX and SIP are for placing/receiving calls... and other stuff
01:56.14file[laptop]manager allows you to manipulate asterisk into doing things...
01:56.57MrBelvedri see now
01:57.11TomLe.g. dynamically altering the dialing plan
01:57.47file[laptop]if you so want, sure
01:57.53MrBelvedrthe only problem i am having now is that in my extension i have a DIAL command. But the S(1000)L(1000) directives are not being followed. THey should be limiting the call to 1 second but they are not!
01:58.37MrBelvedrit does not matter if i use a softphone or the manager api. the S and L directives are never limiting the call
01:58.46MrBelvedranybody have a clue why
01:59.07TomLsorry, I never had a use yet for those features
02:00.20MrBelvedrhas anybody done that
02:01.20MrBelvedri am pulling hairs here
02:01.41MrBelvedri only have one pube hair left
02:02.25TomLtoo much information
02:02.50MrBelvedrnone left after that comment, thx Toml
02:05.42MrBelvedrcan somebody try this on their setup and see if it works?  exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(IAX2/thomasamiller@teliax/${EXTEN},20000,L(1000))
02:06.02*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~MWoodJ@hyper-eye.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
02:06.19MrBelvedrjust put the "L" directive on the end and see if your calls end after 1 second
02:07.16*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:07.23jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
02:08.32TomLMrBelvedr: I don't think that's the right syntax
02:08.45MrBelvedri have looked at all the docs, that is the right syntax
02:08.57tzanger"On a traffic light green means go and yellow means yield, but on a banana it's just the opposite. Green means hold on, yellow means go ahead, and red means where the fuck did you get that banana at ..."
02:09.20blitzrageMrBelvedr: isn't that in seconds?
02:09.33MrBelvedrno millisecs
02:09.43TomLMrBelvedr: no, that is the wrong syntax for Dial()
02:09.45MrBelvedri have tried it as L(1)
02:09.50MrBelvedrand L(1000)
02:09.59TomLexten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(IAX2/thomasamiller@teliax/${EXTEN}|20000|L(1000))
02:10.00MrBelvedri have tried every possible combination
02:10.10MrBelvedrok let me try TomL
02:10.11TomLyou're using commas, it should be pipes
02:10.15TomL| not ,
02:10.17blitzrageTomL: doesn't matter
02:10.19Qwellboth work
02:10.34blitzrageTomL: | is actually the old syntax, but asterisk parces both equally
02:10.39MrBelvedrany other ideas?
02:10.44blitzrageMrBelvedr: could be a bug
02:10.48blitzragelet me try it
02:10.51MrBelvedrcan sombody put the L(1000) and see if it works on yoursetyup
02:10.53MrBelvedrthank a million
02:11.22blitzrageMrBelvedr: well, I want to verify if its a bug
02:11.53TomLheh "old" syntax
02:12.47blitzrageTomL: is that what you're running?
02:12.50yaboofollowed the fwd.pulver site on setting up fwd with iax, but always get busy/congested when dialing a number other than the test 6xx numbers
02:12.55yabooany reason why
02:13.01TomLit never crashes, so I don't fuck with it :)
02:13.07blitzrageTomL: :D
02:14.22*** join/#asterisk matiasg (~listas_as@
02:14.34matiasghi all
02:14.44MrBelvedrblitz did it work for you?
02:14.53matiasghas anyone got time for a weird question?
02:15.27marloweMatsK: dont ask to ask
02:15.29marlowejust ask
02:15.29matiasg(regarding softphones and choppy sound..)
02:15.39marlowematiasg - dont ask to ask - just ask
02:15.39matiasgok thanx
02:15.46*** join/#asterisk wdatkinson (
02:15.51matiasgI got some pcs with softphones
02:15.58HoopyCatyay!  squirrel has been removed, electricity is back.
02:16.15matiasgI got some of them working fine and two have an excellente outgoing sound quality
02:16.29matiasgbut I hear the other party with a terrible choppy sound
02:16.42matiasg(just like talking in front of a fan)
02:17.10matiasgthey are using the same soft phones
02:17.24matiasgthe use the same account (one at a time of course)
02:17.29matiasgin the same * server
02:17.32matiasgsame codecs
02:17.44matiasgI have even tried different sound cards
02:17.55matiasg(on the pcs which don't work fine)
02:18.12TomLwhat protocol?
02:18.17matiasgbut the weird thing is: if I call an exten=>111,Playback(foo)
02:18.22matiasgthat works fine
02:18.31matiasg(SIP & IAX both do the same)
02:18.43TomLis this all contained on a LAN, or are there WAN links involved?
02:18.49matiasgthe voicemail prompt of course works fine
02:18.55*** join/#asterisk mitmit (
02:19.05matiasgall in a LAN dedicated to VoIP
02:19.26matiasg(lets say only *, pcs running softphones and ATAs)
02:20.05matiasgall using linksys rackable switches
02:20.32JerJer[interop]i'm sorry
02:20.37*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
02:20.49matiasgand one of the courious things is that the pcs not working fine are HP new pcs
02:20.55*** join/#asterisk nDuff (
02:21.00hermiejust because it has a little Cisco logo doesn't make it good
02:21.13Qwellmatiasg: Is it that the soundcards just suck?
02:21.13justnulling2i get disconnected after excactly 21 seconds every time i use asterisk, any ideas?
02:21.16matiasgnot very good ones but at least they are new...
02:21.25WilliamKhermie, using the cheapest thing you can doesn't make it work well either =)
02:21.42hermieWilliamK: :)
02:21.48matiasgI know hermie but I'm trying to give as much info as I can...
02:22.25matiasghas anyone gone through something like this?
02:22.27hermiedon't worry about us, we're just amused in our own little world
02:23.07WilliamKmatiasg, try another switch stacked with that one and see if the problem goes away
02:23.13ManxPowerMrBelvedr: PASTE the Dial that isn't working to the channel
02:23.25matiasghermie: ok sorry thought you were talking 'bout the linksys stuff I wrote
02:23.44Dr-Linuxmatiasg: Pcs have static ips ?
02:23.56MrBelvedrthanx Manx
02:23.57WilliamKmatiasg, cutting corners with voip isn't the best thing to do
02:23.58MrBelvedrexten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(IAX2/thomasamiller@teliax/${EXTEN},20000,L(1000))
02:23.58matiasgwilliamK: what do you mean? conect the pc and * to another switch?
02:24.15WilliamKmatiasg, hardware chipset problem on the nic probably
02:24.20matiasgyes they have static IPs
02:24.38TomLWilliamK: you beat me to it :P
02:24.40MrBelvedrthe "L" option is being ignored. btw, "S" options also seem to be ignored
02:24.44hermieactually, looking at your problem, i'd say your networking gear is the problem somewhere matiasg
02:24.46WilliamKconnect your workstations to another switch and plug the switch into the other
02:24.51matiasgwilliamK: what do you mean with cutting corners? (sorry for my english...)
02:25.04ManxPowerMrBelvedr: *shrug* Maybe your timeout is too long.  Try using 60 instead of 2000.
02:25.13TomLmatiasg: do the HP PC's have built-in NICs?
02:25.16WilliamKmatiasg, don't use the cheapest thing in the book, use managed products on switching gear, etc..
02:25.29MrBelvedrexten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(IAX2/thomasamiller@teliax/${EXTEN},1,L(1))  also fails though!
02:25.31*** join/#asterisk asteriskDOTbz (
02:25.35ManxPowerMrBelvedr: Also the docs COULD be wrong and the units might be seconds and not ms for the L switch.
02:25.46ManxPowerMrBelvedr: What is the error message?
02:25.53WilliamKLinksys is also a consumer product, not a product most mid-sized companies use
02:25.56ManxPowernobody in their right mind would use 1.
02:26.00ManxPowerUse 60 as I said.
02:26.11MrBelvedrthere is not error message. the "L" is supposed to limit and it doesn't
02:26.14MrBelvedri will try 60
02:26.15matiasgTomL: yes they do...
02:26.31nDuffI'm trying to use speex for storing voicemail. I edited the formats line in voicemail.conf to read "format=speex|wav49|gsm|wav" -- but Asterisk complains "no such format 'speex'". I recompiled after installing libspeex, and /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ exists -- is there anything else I need to do to get speex support working?
02:26.50matiasgthey're managed switches (or at least they are in that category on their web site...)
02:27.02ManxPowernDuff: does "show translations" show speex as having numbers?
02:27.19WilliamKcan you get into the switch with a web browser or telnet to manage each individual port?
02:27.38ManxPowerMrBelvedr: If you can't get it working, post a message to the mailing list.
02:27.41jboti guess mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
02:27.42matiasgyes it has a console administrative port
02:27.55nDuffManxPower, yup.
02:27.56matiasgand a web management
02:27.57WilliamKmatiasg, lock each port to 100/full duplex then
02:28.05hermie3com or Allied Telesyn managed gear is pretty darn cheap but doesn't suck
02:28.09WilliamKthat'll probably cure the problem
02:28.32WilliamKhermie, even netgear on switches works pretty well
02:28.35WilliamKjust not on their routers
02:28.44WilliamKnetgear routers suck more than linksys
02:29.07Sedoroxand I have a netgear right in front of me
02:29.09SedoroxI love them
02:29.10*** join/#asterisk NewSole (david@
02:29.17hermieWilliamK: ask me about netgear network cards sometime
02:29.22matiasgwilliamK: thanks I'll try but what I don't really understand is why this happens only in the incoming audio, and why it doesn't happen with a Playback
02:29.29WilliamKhermie, love frying them eh?
02:30.07NewSoleok I got a good Question for you.... I have a phone connected to FXS on TDM400P Card and I was wondering the best way to do a transfer
02:30.34WilliamKmatiasg, all kinds of things happen when the 2 sides of a port won't synch up properly (full duplex / half duplex) mismatching
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02:30.53WilliamKtake your 100Mbps lan and turn it into a 56k modem
02:31.14hermieWilliamK: at my last job, we orded a few hundred boxes with FA312s... they randomly stopped working
02:31.28ManxPowerNewSole: FLASH, just like for Centrex
02:31.31hermieWilliamK: so we had to RMA them _all_
02:31.35WilliamKhermie, doesn't surprise me =)
02:31.43WilliamKI use Intel NICs on everything
02:31.45nDuffManxPower, the only one that doesn't have numbers is g729 (which it looks like it can't convert to/from *anything*).
02:31.48WilliamKdisable all the onboard's
02:32.00hermieWilliamK: I'm a big fan of the 3C905TX
02:32.13WilliamKI was a 3com fan till I had all kinds of problems
02:32.16matiasgwilliamK:ok i'll do it
02:32.25WilliamKdang nics randomly started dropping off the network
02:32.48WilliamKplus I get better performance with the intel's
02:32.53hermieWilliamK: i've been good with the classic 905s... we build firewall boxes for customer with em
02:33.24WilliamKhermie, we did that till I proved I could drop firewalls with 2.5Mbps of DNS traffic
02:33.53hermieWilliamK: oh, and Netgear sent us replacement cards from an unreleased model... a good 10% of which were bad. Have you ever had to RMA an RMA?
02:34.15WilliamKhermie, actually yes... Seagate harddrives
02:34.20WilliamKBarracuda series
02:34.28hermiereally? newer ones?
02:34.49hermiethese days they're about the best on the market... 4 year warranty, 1+ million hr MTBF
02:34.53WilliamKshattered them within 24hrs of getting them
02:35.08hermiethey've really improved
02:35.26hermieHW companies kinda go in cycles... USR used to have great wireless stuff
02:35.46hermiei've had to RMA their RMAs before too, but luckily is wasn't 350 NICs
02:35.56WilliamKI still use USR/3com Total Control chassis
02:36.27hermietheir HW modems are good... but the wireless gear has gone south
02:37.26*** join/#asterisk DrukenHME (
02:37.54MrBelvedri can't imaging having to rma 350 boards
02:38.11MrBelvedri would have to write a program just to do the paperwork
02:38.18MrBelvedrscrew that
02:38.20WilliamKoh and WD drives
02:38.32WilliamKabout 2 years ago we RMA'd several cases of them
02:38.35hermieWilliamK: well, WD went without saying :)
02:38.46DrukenHMEif i had to rma 350 parts, i'd never buy that product again
02:38.56WilliamKwe were replacing them by the cases
02:38.57hermieyeah... tell me about it
02:39.12hermieMrBelvedr: they just send us replacements by the case
02:39.35hermieMrBelvedr: and a FedEx airbill to return everything in the same box
02:39.58hermiethe only WD stuff I'd buy is their "Special Editions" with the 8MB of cache
02:41.20hermiefunny part of the whole Netgear story is that I now work for the company that sold us the machines with the bad NICs
02:41.31MrBelvedrpersonally i don't judge any company because of one bad product line
02:41.42MrBelvedrif they have a troublesome product line then avoid it
02:42.10MrBelvedrdon't let one bad line spoil the whold bunch
02:42.40WilliamKMrBelvedr, cheapest products on the market that are rated consumer, and companies with BAD customer service are the ones I avoid
02:42.46WilliamKavoid them with a passion
02:43.32hermie"we call it Customer Care (because service is what a bull does to a cow)"
02:45.18matiasghermie: funny (and in account of being 23:15 in my country I need to read funny things...thanx)
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02:50.11slePPbut too lazy to fix it :>
02:50.13mishehusyslod: seshu sent me the correct firmware, and got me the password to the phone.  it's fairly decent for hte price.
02:50.19file[laptop]silly slePP
02:50.27syslodmishehu: As good as a poly?
02:50.28slePPactually, not so much SRV support
02:50.33slePPbut rather the DNS caching that never expires
02:50.51patdkthat is called bad dns config
02:50.53mishehusyslod: it's more like the ip300, but I've never actually used an ip300 before.  also, it doesn't do poe
02:50.55patdkor stupid dns clients
02:51.50syslodmishehu:  We've about got everything working on the poly and grandstream  (Directories, paging, intercom).  I'd like to pick one more phone to support.  Does it have a backlit display.
02:52.12*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
02:52.25syslodmishehu: I am thinking about taking a proprietry mgcp phone and integrating cause nobody seems to have backlit displays.
02:53.34DrukenHMEslePP: SRV ?
02:53.54slePPrecords that give you multiple options for one host, basically
02:54.24DrukenHMEmmm, k
02:55.24slePPmy NAT is so broken...
02:55.36syslodAnyone noticed that app_voicemail seems to be tring to send message.WAV now rather than message.wav?  It is sending a blank file all the sudden.
02:56.06MrBelvedrshow hints
02:56.35mishehusyslod: this is better than the barbietones
02:56.46mishehuthe plastic doesn't feel so cheap
02:57.31mishehusyslod: mine's backlit when ringing of off-hook
02:57.35syslodmishehu: I'm happy with the polys but the no backlit thing seems to be an issue.
02:57.48syslodDoes it lite up when in use?
02:58.02matiasgwilliamK: I have fixed the card speed, disabled the on board card, used a 3com card instead... now I'm going to try to use another switch
02:58.09matiasgstacked with the linksys
02:58.18syslodTake a look at the pana 7600 series.
02:58.23matiasgwilliamK: of course no luck yet....
02:58.24mishehusyslod: off-hook would be in use ;-)  also, i only seem to get numeric cid.
02:58.57syslodThats sounds promising beside the numeric cid.  Does it have NOTIFY events for autoanswer etc?
02:59.05Jim^^hmm I'm still on v1-0_stable, much point in updating?
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03:04.53blitzrageDamin: hey, I don't have your email, but I had to switch my public key today
03:05.02blitzrageDamin: in regards to dundi
03:05.11blitzrageDamin: I also need a link to your public key again...
03:05.24*** join/#asterisk stillbourne (
03:06.16blitzrage*gasp* :)
03:06.16blitzrageI have to go and beat my roommate at soccer now
03:06.16blitzrageback in a bit
03:06.16file[laptop]have fun
03:06.16blitzragewill do :)
03:06.56matiasgwilliamK: final test, connected the pc to * box with a inverted patch, keeps doing the same....
03:17.58*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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03:19.47matiasgok I'm going home bye everyone
03:20.40newl$HOME is where the $PROMPT is.
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03:35.48PBXtechanyone know what bkw is working on with the sms stuff?
03:37.02PBXtechLaughing Out Loud
03:40.46Dr-Linuxhow i'll define, if someone dial "111" from outside, he direct listen IVR ?
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03:46.19MikeJ[Laptop]PBXtech, I know what he is working on
03:46.39PBXtechwhats that
03:46.46MikeJ[Laptop]with sms stuff
03:47.00PBXtechyea and.. :)
03:47.22MikeJ[Laptop]not ready yet... he was saying he was going to submit it
03:47.36MikeJ[Laptop]wait and see or ask him, not really my place to say
03:52.53*** join/#asterisk neopher (
03:55.38bjohnsonDr-Linux: make an exten for 111 that calls voicemil
03:56.11bjohnsonMikeJ[Jayden]: thanks for providing all that info
04:13.35PBXtechdo many people use dundi ?
04:14.17*** join/#asterisk DEEZED (
04:15.01bkw_msg me your cell again
04:15.30file[laptop]yay 1X
04:16.14file[laptop]website test received
04:16.56DEEZEDi used to have cricket
04:19.36MrBelvedrfor some reason all calls are ending after 24 seconds. I am using teliax and voipjet. With both providers it ends around 20 seconds
04:19.44MrBelvedrwhat would likely be causing that
04:19.52*** join/#asterisk shodan (~shodan@
04:20.07ManxPowerMrBelvedr: AbsoluteTimeout set?
04:20.19ManxPowerMrBelvedr: Did you get your L() option working?
04:20.20MrBelvedrwhat file sets that?
04:20.28MrBelvedrno i never got L working
04:20.34ManxPowerMrBelvedr: You would have to call it in your dialplan if you wanted it set.
04:20.35MrBelvedrdid you try it on your box?
04:20.40ManxPowerMrBelvedr: No.
04:20.50ManxPowerMrBelvedr: What does the console show?  That does DIALSTATUS show?
04:20.50MrBelvedri don't ahve AbsoluteTimeout in my dialplan anywhere
04:21.12ManxPowerThat == What
04:21.17*** join/#asterisk linsys (
04:21.37MrBelvedrshould I put DIALSTATUS in my dial plan? or just show you what the cli says?
04:21.57linsysCan someone here suggest a good free softphone? Or someone familiar with X-Lite?
04:22.06ManxPowerYou would need something like Noop(DIALSTATUS=${DIALSTATUS} as the priority after the Dial line
04:22.19ManxPowerMrBelvedr: If it's more than 2 lines, use to paste stuff.
04:22.32tzangertwo lines?
04:22.37tzangerthat's a little tight don't you think?
04:22.50tzangerI thought the standard was 4-5 lines
04:22.50PBXtechwhere is asterlinks NOC located?
04:23.15ManxPowertzanger: *shrug*
04:23.21newllinsys: kphone, sjphone, linphone, x-lite, there's probably others.
04:23.42MrBelvedrManx, here is the CLI output
04:24.16MrBelvedrfor some reason it thinks that nobody picked up
04:24.19ManxPowerMrBelvedr: Looks like you have a firewall provlem.
04:24.30MrBelvedrthe call is placed fine thouhg
04:24.34ManxPowerI use teliax and it works fine.
04:24.50MrBelvedrmy cell phone rings and i am able to talk and hear
04:25.01ManxPowerMrBelvedr: "max retries exceeded" means "the far side stopped responding"
04:25.08MrBelvedronly problem is that the call ends after around 24 seconds
04:25.11linsysWell I have asterisk installed and when I run it with /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvgc I get a command line so it seems to be working I don't see any errors
04:25.11ManxPowerMrBelvedr: try notransfer=yes in iax.conf
04:25.29MrBelvedrok will do now
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04:25.52ManxPowerthe not ransfer option can be tricky.
04:25.58MrBelvedrbtw, that CLI is from my voipjet account. I will paste my teliax stuff in a bit
04:26.23ManxPowerMrBelvedr: I won't use VoipJet so I can't really help you with them.
04:26.24MrBelvedrwhat does notransfer = yes do?
04:26.34linsysbut when I try and get x-lite to connect, it even shows connected in the display, I don't see ANYTHING in on the CLI and when I try and dial an extension I have setup or even the voice mail box rerevial system I setup, I get a fast busy after like 20-30 seconds..  I even try  tcpdump -n ip and port 5060 and I don't see anything...
04:26.42linsysso I'm not beliveing that it's connected..
04:26.44ManxPowerMrBelvedr: It prevents IAX2 transfers from happening
04:26.45linsyseven though it says so..
04:27.18ManxPowerNAT can cause problems with IAX2 transfers.
04:27.22ManxPowerNot common, but it can happen.
04:27.59newllinsys: If the config requester doesn't keep popping up, it in theory should be connected, though asterisk will show it register if in fact it's happening.
04:28.17linsysI should see a register message in the CLI?
04:28.24newlyou should
04:28.44MrBelvedrI do have NAT
04:28.52newllinsys: try -cvvvd instead for more output
04:28.54MrBelvedri will test it all out brb
04:29.08linsysand the config requester doesn't keep poping up.. I see "Logged In - Enter Phone Number" "Your Number is 2000"
04:29.13Jim^^anyone noticed that voicemail emailing of wav49 seems to be broken?
04:29.15linsysI will try that..
04:29.48linsysI do see this
04:29.49linsysApr  2 01:24:00 WARNING[15408]: chan_skinny.c:2587 reload_config: Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled
04:29.52linsysis that an issue?
04:30.30ManxPowerlinsys: Not normally, but chan_sip DOES have some issues with ip resolution.  Make sure your machine/ip is in /etc/hosts
04:31.05shodancan I use a wildcard x100p as a fax receiver ? (and sender ?) (and as a 56k modem ?)
04:31.31ManxPowershodan: A1: Yes.  A2: It's a LOT of work to set it all set up and it still may not work.
04:31.38Qwellusing an x100p as a modem...thats a novel idea.  heh
04:31.58PBXtechi still have some probs with spand pre11
04:32.07PBXtechnot as bad
04:33.03linsysHmmm fixed /etc/hosts (this box was taken off another network...) closed my soft phone and  the phone says it loggs back in.. but I don't see anything inside of the CLI
04:33.24QwellDr-Linux: Don't message me
04:33.39PBXtechor me
04:33.43file[laptop]or me
04:33.51newl(recap question/statement from half a moon ago) Well, this isn't good. B number has active diversion to C number.  A party calls B number which gets diverted to C number.  A party gets CDR recorded for the diversion, which is totally incorrect handling.  The B number should get the diversion recorded against it.  If anyone else can duplicate this behavior, I'll file a bug.  Alternatively, if someone has another method of telling asterisk t
04:33.52newlhat the B number diverting should take the hit for the CDR, that'd be better yet.
04:33.53linsysI just have basic settings in my X-lite like "Enabled Yes" Display Name "
04:34.00ManxPowerlinsys: Maybe the phone is connecting to some other service
04:34.13Dr-Linuxfile[laptop]: ?
04:34.17linsysyou know I did think that was a possibiluty
04:34.20newllike a stun server perhaps.
04:34.30ManxPowernewl: Using IAX?
04:34.43linsysit seems to say in the begining discovering firewall
04:34.44file[laptop]Dr-Linux: Don't message me *G*
04:34.44PBXtechgot a Q ask in channel
04:34.54file[laptop]see? there's the actual warning
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04:35.04newlManxPower: nope, sip.  One asterisk, one GS 101, one x-ten all running on the same subnet, no firewall.
04:35.05shodanManxPower, that's ok , as long as there's a remote possibility I don't mind working for it
04:35.10linsyswhich is odd because the asterisk box is on the same network as the X-Lite box..
04:35.22ManxPowernewl: weird
04:35.37*** join/#asterisk mitmit (
04:35.48Dr-Linuxfile[laptop]: what msg i sent you ? :P
04:35.51linsysAll I should have to configure is the info in "Proxy" in the config
04:36.02newlManxPower: I thought so too.  It's almost akin to the CLIP issue but instead it's CDR based, not presentation based.
04:36.48linsysLike OutBound Proxy I see that under the Proxy config and network config... but I left it blank... the only proxy I filled in was under SIP Proxy for the Option SIP Proxy
04:36.54linsyswhich is the IP address of the asterisk box..
04:37.00*** join/#asterisk bparker (
04:38.17Dr-Linuxi'm using softphones, now i gonna add X100P , what things need to be change ?
04:39.17linsysI also see this message in my asterisk message log Unable to load config iax.conf but I'm using SIP not iax.. should I just remove that config?
04:39.25linsysdoes one take presidence over the others
04:39.31linsysor can they both exist?
04:39.37nDuffAny word on whenbouts there'll be a stable release incorporating RealTime support?
04:40.48file[laptop]who needs asterisk help and will pay? eh? EH?
04:41.03newllinsys: I've got the following set in sip proxy for my x-lite client, username, auth user, password, domain/realm sip proxy, outbound proxy.  I've also got Transmit Silence set to Yes (advanced->audio->silence)
04:41.15Dr-Linuxfile[laptop]: lolzz
04:41.26file[laptop]I've gotta pay Fedex somehow :p
04:41.27linsysI don't have domain/realm set at all..
04:41.31newlfile thinks he's a canook
04:41.37ManxPowerfile[laptop]: FedEx them a check?
04:41.37linsysand no outbound proxy
04:41.47newllinsys: I've got them set to the ip of the asterisk server here.
04:41.50file[laptop]ManxPower: doesn't work like 'dat
04:41.57newlfile[laptop]: what?  no .ca? :)
04:42.00bkw_ok anyone have cricket or some sane provider that don't dink with the crap
04:42.09linsyswhich the domain/realm or the outbound proxy?
04:42.17file[laptop]bkw_: given up on Telus? :(
04:43.50linsysnewl: Do you see any log in info in the CLI when your softphone logs in?
04:46.13bkw_file[laptop], I have no clue how to make   this work with telus
04:46.17ManxPowernewl: If the phone does not show up (with the correct IP address) in "sip show peers" then it's NOT registering
04:46.24file[laptop]bkw_: lol they stumped you? that's depressing
04:46.38bkw_I just don't feel like dickin with it
04:46.55file[laptop]aww no dickin' around?
04:47.49linsysAlso when I run sip show peers I see both of my extensions, but both hosts say "Unspecified" on the asterisk box.. but like I said my Softphone says it's connected
04:48.00linsysthat measn it didn't connect, right?
04:48.06ManxPowerlinsys: The Softphone LIES
04:48.17mithroanyone know why FXS adapters are so expensive?
04:48.30ManxPower~google x-lite register
04:48.33Qwellmithro: They aren't
04:48.52Qwellmithro: How much would each avaya extension cost?
04:48.54*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
04:49.13newllinsys: yep, -- Registered SIP '1314' at port 5061 expires 1800
04:49.17shodanmithro, because people will buy them at that price
04:49.46ManxPoweror Cisco or Nortel or AT&T or or or
04:50.17mithrowhy are FXS adapters more expensive then FXO? i can get FXO for like $8 US, arn't they technically very similar?
04:50.34mithroQwell: links to avaya?
04:50.38ManxPowermithro: FXS devices are somewhat more complicated.
04:50.50ManxPowermithro: And you won't be able to get FXO for $8 soon either.
04:51.01linsysI see 2000/2000        (Unspecified)    D  0        Unmonitored
04:51.14linsysfor sip show peers
04:51.16ManxPowerlinsys: Unspecified means THE PHONE DIDN'T REGISTER.
04:51.19mithroManxPower: why?
04:51.22QwellManxPower: oh?
04:51.25linsysright, I got that..
04:51.32ManxPowermithro: Intel stopped making the chip that those cards use.
04:51.38shodanthey are expensive considering the parts list , considering that are AF DAC+ADC with a DC to DC converter
04:52.08ManxPowerlinsys: see the google links jbot pasted.
04:52.10linsysI also see this in my X-Lite log
04:52.18shodanManxPower, they're made by ambient , is it intel in fact who's making them ?
04:52.29shodan(ambient md3200)
04:52.34ManxPowershodan: I had thought Intel bought Amdient
04:52.53shodanI'll look it up
04:53.03mithroManxPower: dang
04:53.38ManxPowermithro: FXO is so cheap because modems are basically an FXO device, so the parts and chips are cheap.
04:53.57ManxPowerAt least in the PCI world.
04:54.02mithroisn't it just a Soundcard with an isolation device?
04:54.03shodanoh ok , it did feb2000
04:54.21shodanManxPower, but a fxo is a simple device anyway , no ?
04:54.34ManxPowermithro: There is DAC, DSP, filters, etc.
04:54.42ManxPowershodan: As I understand it, yes.
04:54.44*** join/#asterisk nine76 (
04:54.54nine76hello all
04:55.01linsysI don't have a register line in my sip.conf
04:55.34ManxPowerlinsys: register => in sip.conf is for registering to remote servers.
04:55.45linsysok... that's what I thought
04:55.49shodanand POTS can't go over 4khz right ? so 8khz DAC/ADC are all you need
04:55.51linsysthat's what those articles are about..
04:56.13ManxPowershodan: that gets into the electronics geek realm and I'm not one of those.
04:56.22nine76If anyone has played with areskicc I'd appreciate them telling me how to get past the last steps from wiki... i.e. please,and thx:-/
04:57.08shodank , I'm playing with pic MCUs right now , I'll try making a 5$ fxs when I master them
04:57.21*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
04:57.24ManxPowershodan: best of luck with it.
04:58.24florzshodan: If you wanna make it really cheap, would something != PIC be better? =:-)
04:58.34shmaltzanybodoy here that knows or has a good gui to configure asterisk, that is based on the text files?
04:58.55mithroso if i wanted cheap FXS ports what would you recommend?
04:59.47Dr-LinuxManxPower: where i can find the file, the welcome greeting  IVR ?
05:00.09Dr-LinuxManxPower: default file path ?
05:00.57florzshodan: erm, +n't
05:03.03shmaltzanybodoy here that knows or has a good gui to configure asterisk, that is based on the text files?
05:03.23bjohnsonmithro: Sipura SPA 2000
05:03.29bjohnsonshmaltz: doesn't exist IMO
05:03.45bkw_what what what?
05:03.51bkw_someone asking questions?
05:03.51bjohnsonDr-Linux: look in the sample conf files
05:04.02MikeJ[Laptop]no questions here....
05:04.05MikeJ[Laptop]just answers
05:04.06shmaltzbjohnson, of course there is at least one that exists, its made by
05:04.22shmaltzbkw_, nybodoy here that knows or has a good gui to configure asterisk, that is based on the text files?
05:04.33MikeJ[Laptop]my answers, in no particular order are:  rtfw, 2pi, and 42
05:04.35bjohnsonshmaltz: go for it .. ps .. you said good
05:04.42mithrobjohnson: dang, the Sipura SPA 2000 is still a bit pricey for me :/
05:04.52bjohnsonmithro: forget about voip
05:05.12*** join/#asterisk uncrfe (~uncrfe@
05:05.13shmaltzbjohnso, it's actualy a good product, but it is not context aware, and it has to be context aware
05:05.16MikeJ[Laptop]shmaltz, phpconfig is a gui based upon text files.
05:05.35MikeJ[Laptop]all it really is is a web based text file editor tho
05:05.47mithrowhy are there no PCI FXS cards apart from the diguim one?
05:05.59bjohnsonhehe .. kate is a good gui text file editor
05:06.21shmaltzMkikJ, where can I get phpconifg?
05:06.47shmaltzMikeJ, Well, then webmin is much better
05:07.01*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
05:07.03bjohnsonmithro: because most if the big boys play with channel banks with T1 interfaces
05:07.12MikeJ[Laptop]shmaltz, see the first answer above ;)
05:07.14shmaltzok i'll rephrae my question
05:07.30shmaltzanybody here want to make some money?
05:07.47bjohnsonshmaltz: consider that most of the people here find the guis too restirctive and edit the conf files by hand
05:08.03shmaltzbjohnson, thats what I do
05:08.13shmaltzhow ever I must get a gui for a client
05:08.28shmaltzMikeJ, can you explain why you qualify?
05:08.34bjohnsonto do what?
05:08.44MikeJ[Laptop]I never said I qualified
05:08.49shmaltzbj,manage asterisk as a PBX
05:08.57MikeJ[Laptop]you just asked if anyone wanted some money
05:09.00shmaltzso why did you say yes
05:09.07MikeJ[Laptop]see ^^
05:09.09bjohnsonwouldn't you?
05:09.14shmaltzok , you got me
05:09.23linsysIt seems if my X-Lite keeps wanting to talk with my firewall..
05:09.28MikeJ[Laptop]it depends, what do you want
05:09.35linsyswhen I sniff the network all I see is traffic 02:03:06.597970 IP > UDP, length 312
05:09.37linsyslike that..
05:09.45shmaltzso let me rephrase again
05:09.48linsysI think those are the UDP keep alives from X-Lite..
05:10.18uncrfeI have a question: I'm investigating setting up a PBX for a nonprofit. They've been quoted $12000 for a pbx system from the phone co. From what I've looked at, I should be able to get a t1 in, connect from the demarc to a te110p in a server, connect that server's netcard to a switch that has the ip phones connected to it, and have (with configuration) a running pbx w/voicemail and DID. Am I correct?
05:10.19shmaltzanybody here that qualifies to program such a project is intersted in creating a gui for * that is based on the text files?
05:10.28linsysRECEIVE << I also see that in the X-Lite log... not sure why.. I don't even know if what that IP is..
05:10.34shmaltzfor money of course
05:10.57MikeJ[Laptop]uncrfe, yes
05:11.00iqshmaltz, you couldn't ffffind any GUI?
05:11.11shmaltziq, well could you?
05:11.24iqshmaltz, to create extensions, dial plans, etc. ?
05:11.31shmaltzyep, iq
05:11.48MikeJ[Laptop]shmaltz, what are you looking for?
05:11.57iqshmaltz, there are few out there (with source). I used one about 4     months back
05:12.26shmaltzgui to create configure:
05:12.28shmaltzzap, sip, extensions.conf, musiconhold, and should be context aware
05:12.32shmaltziq, name please?
05:12.51bjohnsonMikeJ[Jayden]: he'll know it when he sees it
05:12.51iqshmaltz, I dont remember. Let me do google for you
05:12.56bjohnsontry AMP
05:12.58shmaltzas well as voicemail.conf
05:13.07MikeJ[Laptop]AMP does that, but is probably too restrictive
05:13.07shmaltzamp doesn't work for me, sorry
05:13.19bjohnsonthey are all too restrictive
05:13.42bjohnsonfirst step in making a gui .. make it simpler by removing options
05:13.52MikeJ[Laptop]type up detailed specs of what you want it to look like, and post it to the wiki with a bounty
05:14.10MikeJ[Laptop]send an e-mail to the dev list anouncing the bounty
05:14.12mithroso overall atm Sipura SPA-2000 is the cheapest FXS solution?
05:14.22bjohnsonmithro: no
05:14.34uncrfeMikeJ[Laptop], excellent. I've found the default docs, and read through them. They seem to be focussed on creating such a setup with a single inbound analog line. I haven't found any howto / guide on how to set up for an incoming t1 of lines
05:14.34bjohnsonmithro: one of the cheapest per port .. it's a 2 port fxs
05:14.54mithrobjohnson: yeah i meant cheapest per port
05:14.56bjohnsonuncrfe: same idea
05:15.05jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
05:15.06mithro(well cheapest for a 2 or 4 port configuration)
05:15.16bjohnsonuncrfe: many, many, many, installs of T1 systems
05:15.36uncrfeany available demo confs for such?
05:15.38bjohnsonmithro: also cheapest per port for a 1 or 3 port systems
05:15.52bjohnsonuncrfe: likely yes .. on the wiki
05:16.08MikeJ[Laptop]uncrfe, t1's send dnis digits, same kinda deal, just instead of s ext, you use the dnis digits.... it's really pretty easy once you get in and start playing with it
05:16.16bjohnsonuncrfe: the only difference between a T1 and an analogue line in is the zapata.conf
05:16.28MikeJ[Laptop]I think there are some demo confs on the wiki
05:16.29jbot[rtfw] Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
05:16.32bjohnsonand the extensions.conf is likely a little bigger with more phones
05:16.36uncrfeone last question: is it realistic (after reading through all the docs and the book) to expect myself to be able to get a setup running (at least to the point of DID / vm) in a week or so?
05:16.36iqshmaltz, : try this
05:16.47bjohnsonuncrfe: no
05:16.47uncrfe(nods at the wiki comment)
05:16.54iqshmaltz, this is not the one I used thoughhhhhhhhhhh
05:17.12bjohnsonuncrfe: well .. if you work at it 100%
05:17.27bjohnsonuncrfe: steep learning curve until you understand the basics
05:17.33bjohnsonuncrfe: btw .. vm is easy
05:17.40bjohnsononce you get the other stuff working
05:17.43uncrfeyeah....looks easy from the docs
05:17.43shmaltziq, its no good, i tried it
05:17.52uncrfeI would be. It would be my #1 priority (after sleep) to have it running
05:18.05bjohnsonyou might have to move sleep to #2
05:18.22*** join/#asterisk vlan (
05:19.06vlanshmaltz: oh okay. Let me do more google :)
05:19.15uncrfelots of experience with linux in general, w/phone stuff, but not with pbx stuff. The basics (if by basics you mean the stuff in docs) seem pretty straightforward
05:19.18shmaltzvlan, thanks
05:21.05uncrfeok, found the configs on the wiki
05:22.10vlanshmaltz: nothing u like here:
05:22.37shmaltzvlan, you think I haven't wasted 2 weeks on that page?
05:23.00vlanshmaltz: I believe you :) ...sorry I can't recall the one I used :(
05:24.15shmaltzit's OK, but I can't get it why I can't find anybody iterested in this for money
05:25.45*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
05:26.21*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
05:26.23uncrfebjohnson, MikeJ[Laptop] -- Thank you, off to do more reading
05:27.00*** join/#asterisk mkhan (
05:28.39mkhanhello.. I just put my TDM400P on my computer..
05:29.13mkhanit was automatically detected as hisax ..
05:29.21mkhanwhat should I do .. for Zaptel
05:29.38ManxPowerinstall zaptel
05:30.30uncrfeactually, one last question for bjohnson: what if I had time to config everything -but- the incoming t1 ahead of that week?
05:30.58uncrfe(basically, they sign lease may 1, I need to have phones running in 1-1.5wk)
05:31.07mkhanwhy is Zaptel for.. isn't it the driver of the card?
05:31.34uncrfebut I could get the hardware / sw running ahead of time, I think
05:33.33Dr-Linuxmkhan: singa chal day
05:33.50Dr-Linuxmkhan: kya hall hai beta ?
05:36.04shmaltzanybody here that qualifies to program such a project is intersted in creating a gui for * that is based on the text files? if you do please reply, if you end up getting this job, you will be paid
05:38.07florzshmaltz: some more spec would be helpful, I guess
05:38.32*** join/#asterisk shodan (~shodan@
05:38.39shmaltzgui to create configure:
05:38.41shmaltzzap, sip, extensions.conf, musiconhold, voicemail.conf, and should be context aware
05:38.57*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
05:39.28droothanyone here run * with pfsense or monowall?
05:40.57linsysOk, I got my softphone to log in using SJPhone
05:41.04*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
05:41.35*** join/#asterisk ard (~ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
05:41.48linsyshowever when I try and dial an extension I setup I immediatly get a message saying "Number Not Available" "Call Rejected: 503 Service Unavailable"
05:41.53linsysany ideas on that message?
05:45.45MrBelvedrlinsys are you sure you have the right IP or dns in your iax.conf
05:45.57MrBelvedrit looks like you are trying to connect to the wrong server
05:46.00MrBelvedrjust a guess
05:46.15MrBelvedrare you able to ping the voip provider from your * box
05:46.53shmaltzanybody here that qualifies to program such a project is intersted in creating a gui for * that is based on the text files? if you do please reply, if you end up getting this job, you will be paid
05:46.55shmaltzgui to create configure:
05:46.57shmaltzzap, sip, extensions.conf, musiconhold, voicemail.conf, and should be context aware
05:47.22linsysMrBelvedr: I'm just trying to call a local extension
05:47.42linsysI don't have this connected to my phone line yet.. I'm going to use an x100P to connect to my analogue line
05:47.59linsysbut I have a 2 extensions setup in my sip.conf
05:48.08linsys2000 (which I can log into finally) and 2001
05:48.16linsyswhich I set to go to vmail if the line was busy
05:48.27linsysI also have set 2999 for checking vmail
05:48.40linsysmy iax.conf is empty
05:53.39*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
05:55.06jbotit has been said that helo is the first command issued during smtp
05:55.12Supaplexas far as ATA's go, are Sipura's the most $$$ for the buck? I need 802.3 (no wifi)
05:55.14linsyssee when I dial 2999 I get that message, here is my line in my extensions.conf exten => 2999,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})
05:55.16linsysexten => 2999,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERIDNUM})
05:55.20*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
05:55.27linsysI should be able to just dial 2999 right?
05:55.39Derkommissardoes anyone here have expirience with chan_unicall
05:55.47Derkommissaror the R2 Libs
05:56.02DerkommissarI been going at it for hours.
05:59.44mkhanI would like to rpm from zaptel source
05:59.58mkhanis there any spec file available
06:04.59Derkommissaryou can just compile from source
06:05.59Supaplexor make your own spec =)
06:06.46Derkommissarso no1 here has asterisk working with r2,
06:06.54Derkommissaror gotten chan_unicall to work ?
06:11.56linsysIf I have an extension configured in sip.conf and extensions.conf and there is no phone on the extension but I set it up like this in extensions.conf
06:11.56linsysexten => 2001,1,Dial(SIP/2001,20)
06:11.56linsysexten => 2001,2,Voicemail(u2001)
06:11.56linsysexten => 2001,102,Voicemail(b2001)
06:11.56linsysexten => 2001,103,Hangup
06:12.11linsysand I try and dial that extension from lets say extension 2000 I should go to vmail?
06:12.35*** part/#asterisk TivoTechie (
06:13.52Derkommissarnot folowing your question
06:14.04Derkommissaryou dont set up "extentions" in sip.conf
06:14.36linsysyou don't?
06:14.41linsysthis is what I have in my sip.conf
06:14.41linsystype=friend           ; This device takes and makes calls
06:14.41linsysusername=2000         ; Username on device
06:14.41linsyssecret=password       ; Password for device
06:14.41linsyshost=dynamic          ; This host is not on the same IP addr every time
06:14.42nine76If anyone has played with areskicc I'd appreciate them telling me how to get past the last steps from wiki... i.e. please,and thx:-/
06:14.43linsysmailbox=100           ; Activate the message waiting light if this
06:15.02linsyssorry maybe that isn't an extension?
06:16.06iqlinsys, its good to use to paste lots of info
06:17.18linsyswell basicly I don't have 2999 setup in sip.conf because I just want to use it to check vmail.. but when I dial 2999 I just get a fast busy after like 20 seconds..
06:17.25linsysand this error
06:17.26linsysApr  2 03:10:53 WARNING[15781]: chan_sip.c:694 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call DB763D4F-84F2-4258-AB75-197EEA3E4858@ for seqno 48736 (Non-critical Response)
06:21.45linsysoh shit
06:21.46linsysI got it
06:22.00Derkommissaryou dont have to set that up in sip.conf
06:22.02linsysI had the listen port set wrong in X-Free..
06:22.07linsysoh really?
06:22.12linsysthat's what this article said
06:22.14linsysso.. ??
06:22.15linsysI tried it
06:22.19linsysI can now dial 2999
06:22.26linsysand get my vmail answering service
06:22.32linsysor check vmail service
06:22.35Derkommissargood :-)
06:22.52*** part/#asterisk mkhan (
06:22.57Derkommissarim glad to know people like SIP more than any other protocoll
06:23.10linsysis that bad?
06:23.20linsysI just read some article and tried to follow it...
06:23.28Derkommissarno is not
06:23.30Derkommissaris good
06:23.54Derkommissarso what is it that you are trying to acomplish ?
06:25.17*** join/#asterisk _SMP_ (
06:25.53linsyseventually I want to get my asterisk box to connect to an analogue line with an X100P
06:26.00linsysbut I wanted to get 2 extensions to work first
06:26.06linsysjust to see if I had half a clue
06:26.08_SMP_Hi folks, I'm having some trouble updating the firmware on my Cisco 7960 from 6.3 to 7.x
06:26.23_SMP_Does anyone have any experience with that?
06:26.27Derkommissarcool :-)
06:26.33DerkommissarDAM IT
06:27.00Derkommissarhas anyone got channels_makefile.patch for chan_unicall to work ever ?
06:27.56DerkommissarOT ?
06:28.04_SMP_off topic
06:28.24_SMP_I spent almost all day upgrading that thing from SCCP to SIP 2.x -> 6.3
06:28.35_SMP_Now it's the last push and I can't seem to get 7.x on there
06:29.25*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
06:29.31Derkommissarsorry, never had the privilege of using one of those
06:29.40Derkommissari only use cheap phones like grandstream
06:30.06_SMP_I've been using a SPA-3k until now. Worked like a charm
06:30.22_SMP_But since I have this hella expensive thing, might as well configure it.
06:30.40Jim^^_SMP_: what's it doing, just acting like there's no update?
06:33.46*** join/#asterisk gtigene (
06:33.47linsysAlso I see this message in my logs
06:33.48linsysUnable to open /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
06:34.02Derkommissaryour sound card is not configured
06:34.02linsysor I ment this
06:34.03linsysUnable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy.
06:34.10Derkommissaryour sound card is not configured
06:34.16linsysI'm not sure there is a sound card on this box..
06:34.22linsysthat's what I thought that error was..
06:34.24Derkommissarand you dont have a digium card
06:34.39gtigeneIs insomnia a necessary consequence of having a new *?
06:34.52linsysdo I need a good sound card in the asterisk box?
06:35.03Derkommissarjust compile ztdummy
06:35.21linsysI do have a Digium card, that's what I'm about to configure now..
06:35.27Derkommissargtigene, Its a sign that something is not rigth
06:35.45Derkommissarlinsys, then you dont need ztdummy
06:36.00gtigeneDerkommissar, I learned about disaster recovery this weekend
06:36.19linsysI have a Wildcard TDM400P
06:36.25linsyswith one FXO port on it
06:36.40Derkommissargtigene, Im learning that r2 and asterisk dont get along good.
06:36.55DerkommissarAnd i need to find someone to help me out
06:37.32gtigeneDerkomissar, r2 would be, uh, rest-and-recreation?
06:37.33Derkommissarits harsh when you cant even compile something yourselft
06:37.54Derkommissar[root@prueba channels]# patch <channels_makefile.patch.1 patching file Makefile
06:37.54DerkommissarHunk #1 FAILED at 72.
06:37.54DerkommissarHunk #2 FAILED at 143.
06:37.54DerkommissarHunk #3 FAILED at 178.
06:37.54Derkommissar3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file Makefile.rej
06:38.20Derkommissargtigene, No r2, as in you will burn in hell r2.
06:40.06tzafrirDerkommissar, what patch is that?
06:40.20Derkommissarfor chan_unicall
06:40.56Derkommissari gone back and forth all over the cvs, trying to find a vertion where it would maybe work
06:40.59tzafrirDerkommissar, patches to the makefile basically add a number of lines. Try applying them manually
06:41.01DerkommissarBut no luck :-(
06:41.07DerkommissarI did
06:41.17gtigeneDerkommissar, maybe I am dense but I don't get it. I hope your patch works soon, though
06:41.18tzafrirJust be aware of converting tabs to spaces if you simply copy&paste text.
06:41.36Derkommissarthen it shows a bunch of messages
06:41.49tzafrirapplying them manually, as in: not using patch
06:42.12tzafrirwhat's unicall good for, btw?
06:43.07*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
06:45.35Derkommissarafther i apply the patch manually
06:45.37Derkommissari get this
06:45.38Derkommissarchan_modem.c:1044: error: too many arguments to function `ast_channel_register'
06:45.38Derkommissarmake: *** [chan_modem.o] Error 1
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07:04.43linsysso can anyone tell me if I get a VoIP provider and use a high speed data connection like a 1.5mbps connection can I have a VoIP provider give me a number and setup like 10 extensions using that same number and have all 10 lines make inbound and outbound calls?
07:05.04linsysor should I say have the 10 extensions make 10 inbound and/or outbound calls?
07:05.42linsysThis would probably have to be like a true VoIP provider who can give me a SIP termination for my asterisk box, and not someone like Vonage or what ever.. right?
07:05.56linsys10 concurrent connections that's what I'm looking for..
07:06.16stdiohey all....
07:08.56stdioso, let's say extension 123 is ringing... and I want to pull it over to my extension (125), and take the call  (probably because the person at 123 isn't there, and I want to take their call so it doesn't go to voicemail.).... a) what is this "feature" called   b) is the answer to this question phone specific? (spa-841)  c) anyone know how to do it?
07:09.26*** join/#asterisk rious (
07:10.24rioushas anybody used the rxfax and txfax apps ?
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07:11.32Derkommissarthere is a good one there
07:11.39riousI've got them working
07:12.12riousI can recieve faxes great via sip, but I have alot of trouble using IAX, is there a jitter/quality difference between the two ?
07:12.21Derkommissarthen whats the problem ?
07:12.45*** join/#asterisk shodan (~shodan@
07:15.34gtigeneThanks everybody. Good night :)
07:15.41*** part/#asterisk gtigene (
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08:49.42|Vulture|Anyone use QoS, DiffServ on a Netgear switch?
08:50.58*** join/#asterisk Warp[mh] (~warp@
08:55.11patdkyou need to upgrade to latest firmare
08:55.25patdkcause it doesn't let you set enough flags on the other ones
08:57.11|Vulture|oh damn I got like 6 in the field they are all 2.0.0
08:57.17|Vulture|they are on like 2.6.0 now lol
08:57.34|Vulture|patdk: what do I set? I am looking at the DiffServ Priority:
08:57.50|Vulture|and see 63 fields with normal/high
08:58.42patdkhmm, I was using like 3.0.2
08:59.03|Vulture|Ive got a FSM726]
08:59.15|Vulture|I am sure the user interface is pretty close
08:59.17|Vulture|its a Layer2
08:59.19patdkhmm, don't know about that
08:59.31patdkI use the fsm7326 and gsm7312
09:00.06|Vulture|what phones do you use with the poe?
09:00.12patdkI never saw a normal/high on min
09:00.38darkskiezwoo glastonbury tickets
09:00.50|Vulture|patdk: what did you have to set?
09:01.04|Vulture|Ill look at the fsm7326 manual and see if it is similar
09:01.13|Vulture|for QoS to work with VoIP
09:01.24patdkyou just use diffserv
09:01.28patdkyou mark incoming packets
09:01.43patdkand you prioritorize outgoing packets
09:02.08patdkheh, it even has an auto voip qos setup on the firmware
09:02.21patdkif you want simple, and that is all you want to do with diffserv
09:03.01|Vulture|hmm strange
09:03.28|Vulture|trying to find a pic of the web interface see if it is similar
09:05.10*** join/#asterisk eye69 (
09:05.33|Vulture|ah I see you have a Diffserv Wizard
09:08.24*** join/#asterisk shodan (~shodan@
09:09.43patdkdamn perl
09:09.54patdkI can't figure out how to access these variables
09:11.29dieck$, @, % :)
09:11.47patdkno, scope, not type
09:11.59dieckwas made so that cursing irc users can easily remember :)
09:12.06dieckah, scope, ok, that's another problem
09:12.30patdkmain defines some vars
09:12.35patdkI need a sub to access them
09:12.57dieckjust give a reference to the sub?
09:13.11patdkreference as in pass?
09:13.30dieckreference as in subname(variables used)
09:13.48patdkno, can't do it that way
09:14.14harryvvI opened up rtp ports 10001-10012 on my end and the other end user opened up 10001 would that still cause voice problems?
09:14.23diecki used to program a lot in perl, but i switched to php some years ago
09:14.26patdkharryvv, probably
09:14.32patdkdieck, heh, I don't use perl
09:14.35dieckthere it's "global $var;"
09:14.43dieckbut I think perl was different
09:14.46harryvvpat, do you have rtp opened up for ports outside your network?
09:14.47patdkbut this one program is init, and well, don't want to rewrite it
09:15.00patdkharryvv, ya, 10000-20000
09:15.30harryvvIm stuck with a simple soho router that does not have that wide range of ports to put into it.
09:15.44patdkthan you have to limit asterisk
09:15.59patdkremember, every voice connection will use 4 rtp ports
09:16.03*** join/#asterisk implicit (
09:16.05patdkor was it two, heh
09:16.25implicitanyone know where to get firmware for the hitachi phone?
09:16.56harryvvpat, which 4 rtp ports?
09:17.18patdkharryvv, any you define
09:17.31harryvvso it needs a min of 4 for voice to go both ways?
09:17.51patdkI think just two, but 4 is safe
09:18.05dieckpatdk: looks like perl gives scope to subroutines automatically. just try $var in the sub
09:18.27patdkdieck, doesn't work, gives unknown var error
09:18.39patdkI tried $main::var, but that just gves me a blank var
09:18.51dieckjust say you work object orientated
09:19.15dieckit's different there
09:19.19patdkheh, I have no idea, it's how ever this people did it
09:19.34patdkheh,I tried $var,no good, gives compile error
09:19.46diecktherefore I have to look into the Panther, not into the Camel
09:20.37patdkhmm, I think I got it :)
09:20.47harryvvstill no luck
09:20.48patdkusing $main::var and defining it as, our $var
09:20.52*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
09:21.10patdkharry, you did edit rtp.conf?
09:21.23harryvvyes and need to look at it again.
09:22.11harryvv; RTP start and RTP end configure start and end addresses
09:22.16harryvv; Whether to enable or disable UDP checksums on RTP traffic
09:22.36harryvvhe has 10001-10004 open
09:22.56harryvvpat you here?
09:23.05*** join/#asterisk spongie (
09:23.14patdkyou forwarding 5060?
09:23.35patdkyour behind a firewall, and so is he?
09:23.43harryvvI can see him trying to access the voicemail but he does not hear anything.
09:23.43|Vulture|is * default DSCP 28?
09:25.13harryvvyes routers
09:29.35ta[i]ntedthat quit message just doesn't read quite right
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09:40.31Zgarbiwhile compile libpri from just updated cvs it gives me error:
09:40.32Zgarbiq931.c: In function 'send_message':
09:40.33Zgarbiq931.c:2503: warning: pointer targets in passing argument 3 of 'init_header' differ in signedness
09:41.53Zgarbiany solution?
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09:55.06spongieand suggestions?
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10:12.24WilliamKcan anyone verify for me the line in zaptel.conf to use for clocking off the telco's switch (clock source line)
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10:33.04gburgercan asterisk proxy h323 connections?
10:33.56cypromisyou need a gatekeeper for that
10:34.44gburgerok, any suggestions?
10:37.26cjkhi, i have coded a click to dial funtion in my webpage which does the socket connection asterisk-manager. but in that case the sip-rtp stream does always pass the *. canreinvite is ignored. any idea why? will it be the same with iax2?
10:40.06Nixcjk: iax does not have the capability of a separate audio stream..
10:40.11gburgerk, so if a person is behind a cable router that does NAT, then a h323 connection would be pretty impossible
10:40.32cjkNix, so? will the traffic pass through * or not?
10:40.44spongieany suggestions?
10:41.08Nixcjk: where are you iniating the dial from? the * box?
10:41.30cjkNix, well yeah i to an originate-call in astman or a .call file
10:41.37cjkNix, well yeah i do an originate-call in astman or a .call file
10:42.14Nixso the audio is comming from *
10:42.19Nixwhat is the problem exactly?
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10:42.29cjki do not want the audio go through *
10:42.32Nixare you connecting that call to 2 different endpoints?
10:42.34Nixahhh is hosted like 50 feet away from my datacenter
10:42.51Nixare you using sip on both ends of the call?
10:42.57cjkNix, yeah i connect sip user 1 with sip user 2
10:42.59Nix* in the middle
10:43.11cjkNix, both are registered on *
10:43.27cjk* should be in the middle for the sip traffic, but the rtp traffic normally does not pass *
10:43.29Nixit should be possible
10:43.32cjkif canreinvite is set to yes
10:43.53cjkit work when i dial from phone, but when * originates the call to make the link it does not work
10:44.14NixI think  you actually need to connect the call, and then transfer it for the reinvite to work
10:44.36cjki will try it out, tahnks
10:44.39Nixgburger: you definately need gnugk as cypromis says
10:47.58gburgerwhat protocol/program is the best for video+voice thru NAT'ed firewalls?
10:51.35h3x0ryou are screwed
10:52.30cypromiswhich OS ?
10:53.00cypromisthe new gnomemeeting will be OPAL based so will support at least h.323 and sip
10:53.06Nixgburger: a coax cable is generally the best ;-)
10:53.17cypromisdunno about windows although the xten eyebeamer stuff or how it's called should probably even work
10:53.53Nixor fibre ;-)
10:54.04cypromiscoax is ok
10:54.12cypromisas long as it end in E3 interfaces on both ends
10:54.24Nixyep. lol
10:54.47Nixwe just rented a new office
10:54.52Nixand applied for new phone lines
10:55.03cypromissounds familiar
10:55.06Nixsigned the contract and were given our new phone numbers
10:55.32Nixso we got new cards printed thursday morning for the fair thursay-Saturday
10:55.49Nixthursday evening they connected the phones.. with different numbers..
10:56.27spongieany suggestions?
10:56.54cypromisdid you edited zaptel.conf for it ?
10:57.03spongieI can see it sees the card because I get some message in /var/log/messages  voip kernel: Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
10:57.07spongiebut that's all it says
10:57.14spongieyes I added this into the zaptel.conf
10:58.07spongiethen I run ztconfig
10:58.09spongieand i get this
10:58.12spongieChannel 01: FXS Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
10:58.12spongie1 channels configured.
10:58.12spongieZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
10:58.20spongieI also see the dir
10:58.37gburgercypromis: but with gnomemeeting i will still require a gatekeeper and so will the other person if we are both behind NAT firewalls?
10:59.10spongieI also see the dir created /dev/zap/channel; ctl; pseudo; and timer, however I shoudl also see a 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 in my case should be a number 1
10:59.11*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
10:59.18spongiethis system uses udev
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10:59.53spongieso I also added in the enteries in the /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permissions
11:00.08spongieand in ../rules.d/50-udev.rules
11:00.11cypromisgburger: when using SIP you will require a sip proxy
11:00.16cypromisor a server on an outside ip
11:00.22cypromiswith h.323 you will require a gatekeeper
11:00.27spongieI added info from the README.udev... anyone had this issue before?
11:00.52cypromisdid you try to put the card in a different pci slot ?
11:00.59spongie3 different ones.. .
11:01.10spongiethere was a pci nic card in one of the slots before and it worked fine..
11:01.18spongiemaybe it's the box
11:01.23spongieare there certain requirements?
11:01.36spongieI have found some and even read of people who where running this on some PII I think..
11:01.46spongiethis is a PII450 with 128MB ram...
11:02.24gburgercypromis: can one do video over sip? soz for all the question, just give me url thats good
11:04.14cypromisis a good example
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11:07.46gburgerit seems like sip suffers from the same problems as h323 over nat firewalls, so that wont work either, IAX seems like a alternative
11:08.56cypromisyeah but I haven't seen any video client for iax yet
11:10.31gburgerso if i have a cable router that does basic nat/dnat i pretty much screwed
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11:15.05dwmw2_gonejust roll out ipv6 and stop playing with nat :)
11:15.22dwmw2_goneit's not as if ipv6 is hard
11:15.56gburgerover current inet you have to v6 over v4 which is a waste imho
11:16.16*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
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11:24.39Vhawayanyong using voipjet for Intl?
11:25.00VhawayI can't seem to get voipjet to do Intl, work fine for US
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11:26.02Vhawayno one here?
11:27.29*** join/#asterisk IP_Fox (
11:30.40IP_Foxcan anyone help me with a real weird * to * problem using IAX?
11:35.28SupaplexI dunno
11:35.33SupaplexCan they?
11:35.54Supaplex<<-- smart arse
11:37.09Supaplexassume we can, just ask a smart(er) question, and if someone can help, they will (rule#1 ask an open ended question often)
11:37.52IP_FoxIAX2 between to * servers.  Bi directional trunk.  One * server is behind NAT, other is public IP in telehouse
11:38.10Supaplexk. define weird problem
11:38.23IP_Foxthe * in telehouse uses SIP to interface with SIPGATE, FWD etc etc, and forwards all calls via IAX2 to the NAtted *
11:38.29IP_Foxincoming calls work fine
11:38.50IP_Foxwhen outgoing calls are initiated, the natted * box wont dial with IAX
11:38.51h3x0rmy first guess is codec negotiation
11:39.11IP_Foxbut if i dial inbound, then wait a few secs and make an outbound call everything works
11:40.27h3x0rwhat direction is inbound
11:40.27IP_Foxso its like the * natted box cant get through to the public * box unless the public * box has called it moments before
11:40.27IP_Foxinbound is telehouse -> NAT
11:40.27h3x0rwhat codec are you using
11:40.30h3x0rand are you using asterisk behind nat or is it an iaxy or something
11:40.44IP_Foxi am getting it to use any codec avail
11:40.57h3x0rwhat codecs do your sip providers have
11:40.58IP_Foxbehind NAT with PAT on the IAX port
11:41.29IP_Foxbut the thing is, it does work...
11:41.42IP_Foxbut only if it has made a connection attempt inbound moments before
11:42.01h3x0rusually a problem like that would be reverse
11:42.05h3x0rbecause of a nat mapping timeout
11:42.06IP_Foxwhen i debug IAX, i see the natted * box calling the public * box, but the public box doesnt responbd
11:42.17h3x0rdo you have nat=yes on both ends
11:42.19h3x0ror one side
11:42.29IP_Foxhold on...
11:42.33IP_Foxi just check ;)
11:42.34h3x0rin iax.conf
11:43.17h3x0rer nevermind that only applies to sip.conf
11:43.20h3x0rwhat am i thinking
11:43.28IP_Foxi just got it on the natted box
11:43.40IP_Foxi assumed you mean that!
11:44.02h3x0rwhats your dial line look like in extensions
11:44.03IP_Foxand i have done a netstat on the public box, and the ports are listening
11:44.13h3x0rare you using @nameofcontextiniaxconf
11:44.21h3x0ror did you put an ip address or dns there
11:44.30IP_Foxexten => _902.,1,Dial(IAX2/exeye:XXXXX@${EXTEN})
11:44.42h3x0rwell thats what your problem is
11:44.43h3x0ri think
11:44.56IP_Foxi should use FQ DNS
11:44.57h3x0ractually its IAX2/profilename/number
11:45.06h3x0rprofilename as in iax.conf
11:45.20h3x0rfinally, do you have trunking turned on
11:45.34IP_Foxin iax.conf?
11:46.13h3x0ryou shouldnt have trunking enabled unless you have a zaptel timing device on both ends
11:46.26IP_Foxno thats definately turned off
11:46.38IP_Foxno zaptel, completely IP
11:47.12SupaplexIP_Fox: nothing personal there. sorry if I'm a little harsh.  I wanted to be in bed a few hours ago, and I tend to be more outspoken when I'm grumpy.
11:47.25h3x0ras i was saying
11:47.26Supaplextake care. I'm off to Zzz land.
11:47.33IP_Foxbye ;o)
11:47.35DrukenHMEh3x0r: you should have a zaptel timing device on every machine anyways
11:47.53h3x0ryou have a configuration in iax.conf for your provider like say [fwd]
11:48.00h3x0rdrunk: It does nothing except for meetme and iax2 trunking
11:48.06IP_Foxin my sip.conf, yes
11:48.21h3x0rno other application potentially touches it in voip land
11:48.27DrukenHMEh3x0r: really.. try doing musiconhold without one :)
11:48.33h3x0rer sorry i mean
11:48.36h3x0ryour iax stuff
11:48.47IP_Foxso, i dont need to specify secrets in the dial string then?
11:48.54h3x0ryou have a [telehouse] in iax.conf on your natted box right
11:49.04IP_Foxcalled [exeye]
11:49.11h3x0rso your extensions.conf dial line should be IAX2/telehouse/${EXTEN}.....
11:49.27IP_Foxright, think thats the problem then
11:49.30h3x0rthen its IAX2/exeye/${EXTEN}
11:49.39IP_Foxweird how it works sometimes though, y would that b?
11:49.59h3x0rbecause it still has a connection established between the two peers
11:50.05h3x0rand uses the cached settings i guess
11:50.30IP_Foxinfo on the WIKI is hard to find on this particular subj...
11:50.31h3x0rit definately uses the settings in iax.conf on inbound calls
11:50.38h3x0rbecause thats how it figures out what context to start running
11:50.51h3x0rwell, the way its all set up is terrible :)
11:50.57IP_Foxguess it wasnt so weird after all!!!
11:51.23IP_Foxthank you, you have saved me loads of grey hairs!!!
11:51.45h3x0rone thing that ive noticed asterisk totally sucks at is passing sip -> sip
11:51.48h3x0ri cant get the shit to work right
11:52.00h3x0rit just totally fubars codec negotiation
11:52.03*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (linux@
11:52.08h3x0rim switching my core to SER coz its pissing me off
11:52.31IP_Foxi have such a complex setup to overcome NAT issues with SIP...
11:52.56h3x0rwell its sorta easy
11:52.57IP_Foxcoz i have client with Cisco Call Manager wanting to use SIP trunks to things like FWD etc etc
11:53.00h3x0rif you set up a stun proxy or something
11:53.05IP_Foxand CCM only allows 1 SIP trunk..
11:53.10DrukenHMEh3x0r: it does? i've had my stuff pass sip to sip no problem...
11:53.13h3x0rccm is the devil
11:53.21h3x0rDruken: it works fine if its g.711 to g.711
11:53.22IP_Foxtell me about it...
11:53.30h3x0rbut i cant get it to do things like g.729 to g.729
11:53.36h3x0ror g.723.1 to g.723.1
11:53.39h3x0ryeah a
11:55.31IP_Foxk so i just made those changes, my dial line looks like | exten => _901.,1,Dial(IAX2/exeye/${EXTEN})
11:55.36IP_Foxstill no luck...
11:56.29h3x0riax2 debug
11:56.44*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
11:57.25IP_Foxjust reading now..
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11:58.06IP_Foxwell its dailling the right address...
11:59.13IP_Foxagain, on the public * box, iax debug shows nothing, as if its receiving nothing from the natted * box...
11:59.38h3x0rthat is strange
11:59.43h3x0rmaybe your firewall sucks ass
11:59.52IP_Foxi have turned all firewalls off
12:00.02h3x0ryou didnt tell it to forward a port inbound did you
12:00.28h3x0rOh I know what the problem is maybe
12:00.31IP_Foxon that NAT i did
12:00.36h3x0ryou need to do a register line
12:01.06h3x0rwell i guess that would affect the inbound more than outbound. hm
12:01.06DrukenHMEi feel i must say that in my own opinion, a voip server should NEVER be behind a NAT
12:01.13h3x0rit isnt
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12:01.24h3x0rthats his customer end
12:01.39DrukenHMEwell then, that's a diffrent story
12:01.54h3x0ranother thing
12:01.58h3x0rdid you do a host= line on both sides
12:02.12h3x0ris it host=dynamic at your telehouse side
12:02.13IP_Foxi paste the iax.conf...
12:02.26IP_Foxno, cos the natted end has static IP...
12:02.43h3x0rtry with dyanmic anyway
12:02.50jontowIP_Fox; pastebin!
12:03.02jbotwell, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
12:03.15b0efasterisk cvs head is hogging my cpu during iax calls; anyone noticed this?
12:03.16IP_Foxsorry guys...
12:03.19jontow;) its ok
12:03.25jontowwe caught ya before you went nuts
12:03.27b0efI've never had this problem before
12:04.01jontowb0ef; make sure you check which codecs you're using between hops/servers.. just a thought :/
12:04.05h3x0rb0ef: its coz im using your box to terminate intelsat calls
12:04.07h3x0rbwahahahahah just kidding
12:04.15b0efh3x0r: ;)
12:04.22h3x0r$3/Min later...
12:04.31b0efjontow: no, this is a direct ip2ip call
12:04.48b0effrom asterisk to a sorry ass windows user using iaxcomm
12:05.13jontowhmm.. try it with a different machine / different iax client if possible?
12:05.33b0efwell, they're all using iaxclient
12:05.46h3x0rIP_Fox: Well just for the hell of it host=dynamic and "reload" in the CLI
12:05.59h3x0ronly on the telehouse side
12:06.09h3x0rand then
12:06.15b0efI'll do some more tests and post to the ml
12:06.18h3x0ron your nat side, in iax.conf
12:06.20IP_Foxi done a host dynamic, still made no diff, and i did a restart now..
12:06.30h3x0rregister => user:pass@ip
12:08.01*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
12:08.12RoyK~seen coppice
12:08.29jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 6d 3h 47s ago, saying: 'hanoi is the place for the most delicious food in the world. Gwei Lin is probably the place for the hottest'.
12:08.50h3x0ri love last seen messages taken out of context.
12:09.35jontowyou know whats great..
12:09.50IP_Foxthe register line, appears not to work... iax2 show registry shows state request sent...
12:10.16jontowwhen you run the phone system, and can go into work on the weekends and just put your phone on speaker, dial an extension and be put into an indefinite music on hold ;)
12:10.23h3x0rblame your stupid nat firewall
12:10.47jontowi have IAX2 working through NAT firewalls
12:10.53jontow.. but all of my NAT firewalls run freebsd :)
12:11.05h3x0rjonas: when i was at paetec colo at one wilshire working on a customer's equipment
12:11.08IP_Foxthis is a cisco firewall...
12:11.13h3x0rsomeone else there had a stupid ass MOH hookup
12:11.16jontow(and potentially are properly configured for the application ..)
12:11.23h3x0rthey had a walkman cd player with a cd on repeat all
12:11.26h3x0rplugged into a computer
12:11.27IP_Foxi know its not the firewall, cos i can get the natted * to register to 1899 via iax no probs
12:11.30h3x0rnext time i go there
12:11.37h3x0rim gonna load a Lords of Acid CD in it
12:11.50h3x0r"show me your pussy, show it to me!  let me see your pussy!"....
12:11.58h3x0rthat would fuckin rule
12:12.08jontowthats a pretty crackheaded way of doing music on hold, these days :(
12:12.12h3x0ryeah well
12:12.19h3x0rthey probably had some isa dialogic cards in it too
12:12.26jontowyeah, i found one of those here
12:12.37jontowdoes * do anything with 'em?
12:12.44IP_Foxcan i specify externaddr in iax.conf?
12:12.49h3x0rsupposedly but i think only in the commercial *
12:12.53jontowah :/
12:12.55h3x0rits implemented crappily
12:13.06h3x0rall it does is nails all channels up to playback/record resources
12:13.09jontowthey're the cards that have the DSP on them yes?
12:13.15h3x0rso it acts jsut as dumb as a zaptel device
12:13.45h3x0rIP_Fox: can you run a packet sniffer on your telehouse side
12:14.04h3x0rlike tcpdump host = foo or some crap
12:14.08*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
12:14.11IP_Fox1 min...
12:14.18IP_Foxill get it going...
12:15.38L|NUXcan any one tell me how can i configure MD3200 to make PSTN calls ?
12:15.40jontowquestion for anybody that may have info.. in queues.conf, if i set joinempty to 'no', and leavewhenempty = 'yes'
12:16.02jontowwill that make the Queue() application return any different status to be acted upon?
12:17.09Chujiwow, gmail just increased their storage limit to 2GB
12:17.23jontowthat was yesterday ;)  now on to conquer the world
12:17.33jontowone free web-based email provider at a time.. potentially two.
12:17.41ChujiYou are currently using 426 MB (21%) of your 2053 MB.
12:17.59Chuji426 MB of Asterisk mail
12:19.22h3x0rgmail would be perfect for warez trading
12:19.40h3x0rfwd'ing on-net email just like the aol days
12:20.44jontowyeah.. you can access it with POP3 too
12:21.59RoyK~nickometer L|NUX
12:22.11RoyK~nickometer h3x0r
12:22.17h3x0roh come on.
12:22.20h3x0rnickometer is stupid
12:22.28jontow~nickometer jontow
12:23.00Chuji~nickometer Chuji
12:23.04RoyK~nickometer h3x
12:23.07ChujiHad to make sure
12:23.19GNULinux~nickometer GNULinux
12:23.23h3xgod damn
12:23.29h3xi just drank some gin for the first time
12:23.39h3xi can drink vodka like a fish but this shit is kicking my ass
12:23.57L|NUXokay :)
12:24.03*** join/#asterisk xpasha (~pavel@
12:24.04cypromishow much vodka is vodka drunk like a fish ?
12:24.07RoyK~nickometer RoyK
12:24.15h3xi found a bottle of sapphire bombay in my gf's arsenal
12:24.33h3xcypromis: the way i feel right now it dosent fuckin matter
12:24.53h3xpretty soon im gonna look like a qwerty typist trying to use a dvorak keyboard
12:26.09IP_Foxokay, so i solved it!
12:26.17RoyK~nickometer IP_Fox
12:26.17h3xlet me guess
12:26.20h3xyou typoed the ip address :P
12:26.27RoyK~lart h3x
12:26.47h3xi had a customer coloed with me and last week he couldnt figure out why he couldnt dial local anymore
12:26.49RoyKhe mistyped the wrong ip addr
12:26.54IP_Foxheh ;D
12:27.04h3xcome to find out he typoed digit deletion of 720 instead of 702 area code
12:27.17IP_Foxi just added a bindaddr= to the natted SIP.conf
12:27.33IP_Foxthat should have been IAX.conf..
12:27.46IP_Foxand i added nat=yes to the public * iax.conf
12:28.04h3xi dont think nat=yes does anything in iax
12:28.20IP_Foxthats what i thought, as IAX is spozed to be a nat friendly protocol
12:28.32h3xyou basically had iax inbound disabled on your telehouse box
12:28.36IP_Foxi just did it for good measure
12:28.36RoyKthere should have been a nat=auto
12:28.45h3xthere really should be a nat=sucks
12:29.02h3xbut i think its hard coded into asterisk
12:29.15RoyKas in "if ip is rfc1918, set nat=yes"
12:29.40h3xthe thing is
12:29.50h3xit shouldnt be necessary to even tell it
12:30.04IP_Foxmy thoughts exactly... (which i guess was y i never put it in!)(
12:30.10h3xit shoudl assume nat if the ip address specified in sip for the rtp port... hmmm
12:30.11RoyKyou need to have some sort of nat handling with sip
12:30.16h3xdosent match the socket
12:30.20h3xi guess you cant do that
12:30.23h3xif the rtp is forwarded
12:30.40h3xthat dosent matter
12:30.41IP_Foxi guess assumption is the mother of all f**** ups!
12:30.43RoyKthe sip header will contain the local NATed address
12:30.46h3xwhy dosent it just resolve it
12:30.57RoyKso trying to send something to over the internet works badlyu.....
12:31.06RoyKbadly, even
12:31.08h3xyeah but if its local
12:31.13h3xyou cant go by the ip addressing shit
12:31.18h3xbecause if its on your LAN you dont want it to assume nat
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12:31.33h3xthats the mistake they made in asterisk originally
12:31.47RoyKh3x: sure, but then allowing the "nat=detect" would make sense
12:32.14DrukenHMEwhy don't we all just agree NAT is a pain in the ass and shouldn't be used? :)
12:32.20h3xnah all ya need to do is compare the headers sent in SIP against the ip address it sees of the other endpoint on the berkeley sockets side
12:32.33IP_Foxsure, but we'd be buggered for IP's if we didnt use it!
12:32.36h3xIPV6 !#%#!%#!
12:32.54h3xI remember back in the good old days
12:33.07h3xI had a dedicated 33.6k modem with a whole Class C routed to it
12:33.08DrukenHMEi don't think the shortage on ip's is as bad as everything thinks...
12:33.14RoyKDrukenHME: something like 95% of our customers are behind NAT
12:33.14DrukenHMEi mean.... i managed to get 32...
12:33.24RoyKcan't do anything about that
12:33.33h3xWell the thing they fucked up is assigning 2/5ths of the IPs to useless Class D and E
12:33.36DrukenHMERoyK: it's still a pain in the ass :)
12:33.47h3xD is multicast and like 1 address is used
12:33.51h3xand E is experimental
12:34.12RoyKDrukenHME: still you gotta live with it
12:34.20h3xi got wiltel to give me two class C's with my DS3
12:34.22h3xwhich is suprising
12:34.54h3xthat remidns me i need to set up a phantom box that has all those ip aliases configed up so it looks like im using all the ip addresses
12:35.08h3xbefore the whatchamacallit audits it
12:35.31*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
12:35.32DrukenHMEwhy not just use them ?
12:35.43DrukenHMEno sence in hording ip's if you don't need them
12:35.54h3xi will
12:36.09h3xfor colo customers and more voip gateways eventually
12:36.13DrukenHMEthat's why there's a shortage...
12:36.34DrukenHMEi may have 32 ip's... but i also use 32 ip's...
12:37.01jontowI have a single IP.. and it isn't static.. all of my IP space is at work.. and thats 4 IPs :P
12:37.20h3xit wont take me too long to run out of IPs once im in full production
12:41.25*** join/#asterisk [shodan] (~shodan@
13:06.34*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
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13:20.51jontow"Action: Queues" doesn't send a Response: line
13:20.56jontowno wonder i've been having problems with this proxy
13:23.38*** join/#asterisk gpearson (
13:23.53Makenshiipv6++ :>
13:25.15*** join/#asterisk gpearson (
13:38.40*** join/#asterisk mw` (
13:38.48L|NUXcan some one tell me from where i can get video codecs for asterisk ?
13:40.23jontowimplement support for the ogg/vorbis libraries
13:40.28jontowyou will be a hero to me
13:41.44cjkhi, whats the equivalent options for iax for canreinvite=yes ?
13:43.16jontowsomething akin to 'qualify=..' ?
13:44.11*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
13:51.26cjkhi, iax-phone1 is talking to iax-phone2, both using the same codec (gsm) but i see that the traffic passes through my * anyway to change this? they should talke directly to each other
13:57.58roamer323cjk - ain't gonna happen - media is in the same pipe as control - iax2 is basically a trunking protocol - you can transfer the call, but you'll lose signal/control - i.e. no CDR/billing possible
14:00.50*** join/#asterisk mithro (
14:03.48*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
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14:07.22roamer323zeeek - r u in luv with yr polycom yet?
14:07.54DrukenHMEone must have small penis to make love with telephone...
14:08.56*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
14:09.43ZeeekO don't have a polycom
14:19.49marlowe<DrukenHME> one must have small penis to make love with telephone...
14:21.11*** join/#asterisk lbarth (
14:22.14*** join/#asterisk wiseguy_ (
14:22.54wiseguy_anyone with cisco peer?
14:24.32DrukenHMEmarlowe: well... wouldn't they ?
14:24.38wiseguy_help me
14:34.47Zeeekwhat are you, some kind of wiseguy?
14:35.32smurfixAnybody know of some reason why * doesn't play my dial tone any more? (Other tones do play, zaptel-connected phone.)
14:35.52ZeeekTDM400 ?
14:36.20smurfixZeeek: yep
14:36.21Zeeektry stopping asterisk, unloading and reloading wcfxs
14:36.45ZeeekI've had the dialtone drop once or twice, fortunately not often
14:36.48smurfixZeeek: didn't work, even after reboot
14:37.09Zeeekdrums stop. no good.
14:37.50wiseguy_anyone using grandstream ip phones?
14:37.57smurfixwhat's so special about the dialtone anyway ..?
14:37.59Zeeekyes, millions
14:38.03*** join/#asterisk gonzo- (
14:38.28cjkroamer323, so iax is in that point a looser compared to sip. imagine a firm with 2 offices in hongong an the head office in eu. hongkong1 calls hongkong2 and the traffic is travelling throuhg europe. thats shit
14:39.09Zeeekwhy is it travelling through europe?
14:39.24cjkZeeek, there is the main *
14:39.32cjkeveryone is registered there
14:39.49cjkZeeek, with sip this wont be a problem
14:39.57Zeeekit can go direct after the connection is established
14:40.09cjkZeeek, ok tell me how
14:40.26ZeeekI don't know how, but just last friday I saw bridging direct on one of mine
14:40.40cjkZeeek, that means it does not do transcoding
14:40.56cjkbut the traffic is passing through *
14:41.11ZeeekI'm not sure you are right about this. There is an equivalent of "canreinvite" in iax tho I don't recall what it is
14:41.23cjkit is called notransfer
14:41.27cjkbut i will loose the cdr record
14:41.30cjkimagine this
14:41.39Zeeekah, you are talking about two different things now
14:42.09Zeeekif it'sz two offices talking directn they may not need the cdr. If it's billing you want that's a different point
14:42.12*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
14:42.24cjkwell one needs both
14:42.35Zeeektough titty perhaps
14:43.45cjkwell impossible
14:43.51cjkthats really a shitty thing about iax
14:44.02smurfixZeeek: it even says "WARNING[1250]: Unable to play dialtone on channel 1" in the log. Doesn't say why though :-/
14:44.10ZeeekI am not competent to answer this
14:44.30smurfixtime to dig through the sources ...
14:44.33Zeeeksmurfix first I've heard of that? What did you do lately? Recompile
14:44.54Zeeekcjk I am not competent to answer this
14:45.40*** join/#asterisk cybast (
14:46.04smurfixZeeek: No, switch indications to German. That worked. Then I rebooted (for entirely different reasons).
14:46.26smurfixZeeek: After that, no more tone.
14:46.31cybastI am a nebie to asterisk and am wonderin gif someone could answer a question for me
14:46.34Zeeeksmurfix so now it works, or that's how you broke it?
14:46.39wiseguy_help me someone with grandstream ip phone
14:46.41Zeeekask cybast
14:46.43smurfixThat's how I broke it.
14:46.48wiseguy_i can't get it to register
14:46.59Zeeeksmurfix aha, then your indications file is bad somehow
14:47.01wiseguy_Apr  3 17:46:53 NOTICE[32178]: chan_sip.c:7691 handle_request: Registration from '<sip:oper@>' failed for ''
14:47.23Zeeekwiseguy password or username problem
14:47.43wiseguy_Zeeek i have tried with no password
14:47.47wiseguy_and no username
14:47.50wiseguy_the same shit
14:48.15cybastI have a question regarding the extensions.conf file re: incoming calls on a Digium card
14:48.23Zeeekput your sip.conf entry for the phone in htp://
14:48.35Zeeekcybast ask the question, don'tdescribe it
14:48.58*** join/#asterisk VirTERM (~VirTERM@
14:49.00NewSoleanybody hear have a clear voice for recording prompts
14:49.46tessierNewSole: I can lend you the talents of my Marge Simpson impersonation
14:49.56smurfixNewSole: you definnition of "clear" or mine ;-)
14:50.13cybastI have a TDM31B card from digium with 3 extensions in my house.  I can make local calls to extensions within my house and have set up the extensions.conf to handle outgoing calls on the trunk however I can't seem to figure out what happens when an incoming call comes in on the trunk.  How do I direct the call to one or all of the extensions?
14:50.16Zeeekwiseguy_ remove host and fromuser
14:50.30Zeeekand username
14:50.58Zeeekand all codecs except ulaw
14:51.11Zeeekand make sure the GS is set to ulaw
14:51.55Zeeekwhat trunk? You mean you have analog phone lines?
14:52.06Zeeekwhat happens when the call comes in?
14:52.08cybastal lanalog at present
14:52.11Zeeekon the console?
14:52.17wiseguy_Zeeek what sip User ID put in the GS config?
14:52.19cybastthats what I'm not sure of
14:52.34Zeeekcybast are you using @home or AMP or something?
14:52.50cybastI've done alot of reading and can't seem to find info on how to handle the calls coming in on the analog trunk
14:53.23Zeeekcybast if you've read any of these you'd know:
14:53.24ZeeekStarter tutorial:
14:53.24ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
14:53.54cybastI was using asterisk@home v0.7 but was on here the other noght talking to VirTERM and couldn't seem to get anything working so I switched to fedora core 1 with the latest cvs tree of asterisk
14:54.13cybastI've done a ton of readings but can't seem to find info on incoming trunk configs
14:54.18Zeeekthe second and third links above both have your answers
14:54.28cybastok thanks I'll ook agian
14:54.39cybastthanks for the help
14:54.47Zeeeknp, good luck
14:56.33Darwin[laptop]wow I lost an hour
14:56.48Zeeekyou'll get it back in a few months
14:57.52jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
14:58.23VirTERMrealtime question: do I have to keep include statements in extensions.conf? How would you do it in SQL?
14:59.10Dovidhi all
14:59.19Dovidi just installed asterisk
14:59.57Dovidanyone know where i can get simple commands so i cant set up a mini test pbx. i want to e able to connetc to phones to the pbx and they whould be able to call each other
15:00.03smurfixHmm. "ioctl(ZT_LOADZONE) failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device". That sounds about the appropriate error. Now if it wouldn't get written to /dev/null people could actually see it.
15:00.24Dovidlink ?
15:00.40jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
15:00.45Darwin[laptop]start there
15:03.43VirTERMcybast: still having problem with incoming calls?!?
15:04.40cybastjust reading now
15:04.53cybastThanks for all the help the other noght
15:05.13cybastI decided to load Fedora and the config files from scratch rather than using asterisk@home
15:05.17VirTERMwell, it seems that you still have some problems...
15:05.34Zeeek* is a sign give to restaurants in the Michelin guide, the more * the better the restaurant
15:05.34VirTERMare you using CVS or 1.0.7?
15:05.36cybastI now have calls between internal extensions working and outgoing calls on the trunk working
15:06.13cybastI donwload the latest cvs tree 1.0.7 i think
15:06.47VirTERM1.0.7 is the current released version, but it doen's really matter
15:08.04cybastI am just trying to get the incoming trunk to ring all the extensions
15:08.15cybastthen i want to set up time restrictions  . .etc
15:08.23Zeeekkeep reading!
15:08.24cybaststarting off simple with the extensions.conf file
15:08.48cybastyes . . back to reading . .the page you referred  to seems to have the answer
15:08.56Zeeekthey both do
15:10.01Darwin[laptop]asterisk@home is a pain
15:10.02Zeeekthe line in zapata.conf "context=" under the channel for the FXO will determine where the incoming call goes. Under that context in extensions.conf, you will then use the 's' extension to Dial() the phones you want to ring. It('s all there
15:10.08VirTERMtip: need to define context in zapata which has coresponding entry in extensions.conf...
15:10.20Darwin[laptop]I have tried it on 4 x86 boxes and it failed to install on them all
15:10.40roamer323cjk: iax2 and sip are designed for very different purposes - but people just insist on comparing them at par - the existence of IAXy and iax phones do not help the cause
15:11.16Darwin[laptop]iax2 is a better protocal
15:11.19Darwin[laptop]sip has to many nat issues where iax2 does not
15:11.24*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
15:11.35Darwin[laptop]and its great for trunking *boxes together
15:11.39Zeeekactually, iax does have some if you try to use multiple clients behind one NAT
15:19.50*** join/#asterisk macTijn (
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15:23.54cybastanother quick question guys  . . . in the article that zeeek referred me to it says that the digium card should have it's own IRQ all to itself.  I have moved the card in to every pci slot in my machine and it seems that no matter where I place it, it alway sends up sharing an interrupt with something else.
15:24.58VirTERMcheck your BIOS if you can reserve IRQs for certain PCI slots
15:25.25cybastI have a section that has IRQ reservations but it doesn't put it against a slot
15:26.08cybastI have a dell optiplex GX110
15:26.33Zeeekcybast you'll have to remove any unneeded stuff if possible
15:26.49Zeeekread about the IRQ issue here:
15:27.39cybastmost of the stuff is integrated into the mainboard and most of it can't be turned off (other than the nic card which of course I don't want off)
15:27.54cybastI'll read about the IRQ issue
15:28.13cjkDarwin[laptop], oncee the nat issues are solved, sip is better. and in the future every nat will have sip-pass-through options
15:28.18Zeeekgotta be a way! what about USB? You need that?
15:29.06cybastI can;t turn the usb off
15:29.12VirTERMbut shared IRQ issue should not stop you from getting incoming calls to work..
15:29.20cybastthere is nowhere in the bios to do that
15:29.21ZeeekI'd check on all this in the Dell Usenet group or webforum
15:29.35Zeeekshared IRQ is almost guaranteed to fuck things up though
15:29.47cybastno . . i should still be able to get calls workign I just noticed that when reading the article that zeeek told me about
15:29.54VirTERMone thing at a time...
15:30.02Zeeekyes, but people often complain about clickings and scratchings
15:30.10cybastI'll find out more info on the irq before tackling the incoming call thing
15:33.19ZeeekThe Dell Optiplex
15:33.19ZeeekGX110 slimline PCs share IRQs between the USB controller and the network
15:33.20cybastthanks zeeek . . I'll go take a look now
15:33.44cybastI don't have a slimline I have a tower
15:33.45Zeeekthis states you can turn off USB which shares an IRQ with the NIC!
15:33.53Zeeeksmae idea I'm sure
15:34.15cybastI was on the dell site and it looks like there might be bios updates
15:34.20Zeeekthis does not look like an excellent asterisk box
15:34.50Zeeektry also googling the mailing list for that model - maybe someone has already been there
15:35.06cybastFrom the articles I read It seemed dell was a good way to go for supported hardware so I bought this on ebay specifically for an asterisk box
15:35.08jontowthose Slimlines suck in general :/
15:35.17jontowthey have full duplex sound issues too
15:35.21cybastit's not a slimline . . . it's a tower
15:35.25jontowi know.
15:35.41jontowwe have 3 of them here that were used as agent PCs.. they were the newest in the room, and the first to be decommissioned
15:35.44Zeeekthe optiplex line is for offices ?
15:36.14cybastI think so
15:37.23Zeeekcybast type this into google search window: optiplex
15:38.22*** join/#asterisk Silik0n (
15:40.24Zeeekwell, I think you have enough homework for today :)
15:40.41cybastindeed I do.
15:40.45cybastmore reading
15:41.23Zeeeksomeone said the Optiplex GX1 "makes a great linux and asterisk box" and goes for $35 on e-bay
15:41.24Silik0nanyone got * to compile on obsd lately
15:41.38Silik0nGX1s reant bad boxen...
15:41.48Silik0ni wouldnt wanna do any real number crunching on them tho
15:42.06Zeeekwell, for $35 what d'ya want ?
15:42.34Silik0nwebserver, firewall, nfs server
15:43.56*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
15:44.28SuPrSluGhi all
15:45.37*** join/#asterisk jwitte (
15:47.12VirTERMnice * machine
15:48.29dieck1 HE? so max. 1 additional (e.g. pci) card?
15:48.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
15:48.46VirTERMquad pri
15:49.00VirTERMyou won't get much more from a single box anyway
15:49.37dieckhm, ok, quad pri is like more than one card :)
15:50.15JonR800lol.. I run Asterisk on a GX1 as well
15:51.36VirTERMquad pri is a single PCI card which allows you to connect up to 4 pri lines
15:54.33Silik0nyou might run * on a GX1 but does it do any transcoding?
15:55.05Silik0nand the problem with more then 1 wct4xxp in a box sint cpu time, its interupt service time
15:55.55JonR800sure it does some transcoding, it's just a small box, doesn't handle massive call volume.  If it did, it wouldn't be a GX1 :)
15:59.17*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:59.38file[laptop]yay oej
16:00.18Silik0noej: who's incharge of the obsd port?
16:00.34file[laptop]oej: how are you?
16:00.41Silik0nwhat up file
16:00.52file[laptop]not me considering I haven't gotten out of bed yet
16:00.56file[laptop]I probably should...
16:01.28Silik0nENDIAN detection for OBSD is fuxored
16:01.37zoacoming soon
16:02.12Silik0nand app_queue is b0rked too
16:02.26file[laptop]that's old news
16:03.05file[laptop]okay gotta force myself to get out of bed
16:03.09file[laptop]and make food, and setup this new box
16:03.15file[laptop]that took 9 e-mails to get, and 2 phone calls... yow'sa
16:03.17Silik0nit error[1]'s on obsd completely
16:03.51Silik0nnote to self just fix the shit yourwelf and put a patch on mantis
16:05.28blitzragefile[laptop]: I have to do the exact same thing!
16:05.45tzangerso much for a stealthy entrance
16:05.54blitzragetzanger: *gasp*
16:06.00blitzragetzanger: I've killed men for less
16:06.14blitzragetzanger: luckily you're no man (OH!)
16:06.49blitzrageso whats shakin?
16:07.12tzangernada gotta go to crappy tire in this shit to get a replacement cartridge and a couple o-rings for my kitchen faucet
16:07.19tzangerfixed the vacuum cleaner yesterday
16:07.24smurfixI understand you can talk to ISDN with zaphfc, mISDN, or CAPI. So what's actually better?
16:07.25tzangernow I just need to fix the transmission
16:07.28tzangernot a man... phsaw
16:08.00smurfix(no NT mode necessary)
16:08.43tzangerhttp:// is currently what's playing
16:08.55tzangerkind of bland but they had some good stuff on a minute ago
16:09.31blitzragefix the transmission? that sounds slightly more complicated than the cartridge and o-rings
16:10.01tzangerblitzrage: it's not bad, there's a solenoid on this particular one that is always going, it's a known weak part
16:10.08tzangerit's got it's own access cover and everything
16:10.18blitzragetzanger: wow! get a stronger solenoid
16:10.31tzangerhowever I have to take it in, as there's a boost valve that also needs to be replaced and that, unfortunately, is buried in the transmission
16:10.37Silik0nBeginning asterisk shutdown....
16:10.37Silik0nasterisk in free(): error: chunk is already free
16:10.37Silik0nAbort trap (core dumped)
16:10.47blitzrageoh I know why
16:10.49tzangerblitzrage: that ought to be fun
16:10.50Silik0ni love it when it does that
16:10.51blitzragedouble NAT!
16:10.59Silik0ndouble nat ++++
16:11.12blitzrageI'm kind of doing a wierd topology...
16:11.16*** join/#asterisk iq (
16:11.37blitzragethe phone goes out one router and loops back in on another IP at a different router in the same physical location
16:12.30blitzrageaha! and the tftp server IP is wrong in the phone
16:12.33blitzragethat'll do it
16:12.41*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
16:12.55blitzragefile[laptop]: lol
16:12.55tzangerfile[laptop]: that's a quick way to lose it
16:13.12file[laptop]it's pretty stable
16:13.59JerJer[interop]anyone using -stable:  there are reports that something has changed with the relaxdtmf option from 1.0.5 to 1.0.7.  Anyone have any ideas?
16:14.25blitzrageJerJer[interop]: have you checked CVS? :D
16:14.36tzangerblitzrage: hahahahahah
16:14.42tzangerhow long have you waited to zing him with that
16:14.51blitzragetzanger: about 2 years
16:15.23facek_what I need to connect asterisk with my cellular phone or only simcard and use that as channel for making calls.
16:15.31tzangeryou two need to get a room
16:15.41blitzragetzanger: this is a room
16:15.43file[laptop]care to join us?
16:15.50facek_tzanger room?
16:16.02tzangerno and no
16:20.57*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (~blitzrage@blitzrage.documenter.extraordinaire.of.asterisk)
16:22.13blitzrageanyone know why a 7960 running 7.3 firmware doesn't accept start_media_port: "16000" in the <mac>.cnf file? still has the default configured on the phone
16:25.48maikI think it has to be SIP<mac>.cnf
16:26.05cybastzeeek and VirTERM - IRQ Problem solved.  Had to update bios from A05 to A09 which let me turn off the onboard usb controller . . moved digium card to pci slot4 which shares IRQ with USB and voila . . . now onto incoming trunk calls
16:26.07blitzragemaik: right. I have that, the file is being read, thats not the problem :)
16:26.49file[laptop]it just hates you blitz
16:27.02blitzragetell me about it
16:27.08file[laptop]just like 'da server
16:27.14blitzrageI shall
16:27.41JerJer[interop]blitzrage:  har ar
16:27.49JerJer[interop]<-- notice nic
16:27.55blitzrageJerJer[interop]: glad I could help! :)
16:28.13blitzrageI'm not really sure what it means...
16:29.01VirTERMcybast: good progress...keep going at this rate and we gonna have you up and running in 1 hr
16:32.53cybastVirTerm -> In my zapata.conf file I have the am econtext defined for the 3 fxs and the fxo  . .is this ok?
16:33.02cybastsame context
16:33.37JerJer[interop]blitzrage:  i am at the network world interop testing right now
16:34.08JerJer[interop]working with asterisk and sip
16:38.35VirTERMyou should really have to seperate contexts; on for FXS channels (sort of trusted) and one for your FXO
16:38.50VirTERMbut for testing purposes one context will do
16:39.37VirTERMnow, you need to handle an incoming call from FXO in your extensions.conf
16:39.49VirTERMfor testing you can just ring one of your FXS ports
16:40.07VirTERMexten=> s,1,Answer
16:40.35VirTERMexten => s,2,Dial(Zap/YOUR CHANNEL HERE|20)
16:40.55cybastI will create a new context then for the trunk.  Do I put the context line above the signalling and channel lines
16:40.58VirTERMthen "extensions reload"
16:41.14cybastcool thanks
16:41.33cybastI had better do it the right way with 2 contexts
16:41.53VirTERManywhere within the configuration of specific trunk
16:42.36VirTERMjust look at the example in /usr/src/asterisk/configs
16:43.33*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
16:43.38cybastin the zapata.conf file though right?? So I specify one centext for the 3 fxs lines and an connxt for fxo and conxt line comes before he channel def
16:43.58cybastok . . . away I
16:44.02*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
16:44.02*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
16:44.04cybastaway i go
16:44.10*** mode/#asterisk [-r] by bkw_
16:44.17*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released
16:44.27blitzrageJerJer[interop]: I'm trying to debug why my Asterisk keeps sending OPTIONS Retransmits to a phone...
16:46.43*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
16:47.11mw`whats the difference between Congestion and Busy? (sorry im from germany)
16:47.25*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
16:47.38file[laptop]blitzrage: is it receiving a response?
16:48.34blitzragefile[laptop]: nope, the options are obviously Asterisk sending the "ping" to the phone, but the phone must not be seeing them to reply. I can verify with a packet sniff, but I need to get access to the other box, which my roommate controls :)
16:48.54VirTERMCongestion = no available channels
16:49.50mw`VirTERM: ok thanks :)
16:49.52JerJer[interop]yay -  i get to install and configure SER today
16:50.08blitzrageJerJer[interop]: YES!
16:50.59*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:51.57JerJer[interop]it will be interesting, that's for sure
16:52.09blitzrageyes.... interesting
16:54.27bkw_JerJer[interop], might as well tell everyone people fell for the asterisk 2.0 joke
16:54.37JerJer[interop]strangely enough so far i like SER
16:55.00*** join/#asterisk _SMP_ (
16:55.07JerJer[interop]bkw_:  yes i had 4 seperate people come up to me asking questons about asterisk 2.0
16:55.34*** join/#asterisk Cheng29 (
16:55.59JerJer[interop]but i think it was really one guy that very quickly read that mailing list post, then the others had heard about stuff from listening to the dev conferences, so they assumed it was true
16:56.20bkw_could be
16:56.21file[laptop]bkw_: I've come aross something in logger.c that makes no sense to me, I think someone mistyped something...
16:56.28bkw_file shoot
16:56.32file[laptop]line 609
16:56.42file[laptop]look at the if statement below it for src...
16:56.57file[laptop]shouldn't that be str?
16:57.28JerJer[interop]rut ruh
16:57.31bkw_if !str
16:57.35bkw_is what it should be
16:57.39file[laptop]I thought so
16:57.58bkw_the new strip color stuff hahahahah
16:58.15file[laptop]sounds like an... oops!
16:58.26bkw_ok app_websms supports 6 providers I should post it so people can fix and expand it
16:58.37file[laptop]but not Telus :(
16:58.53JerJer[interop] <--- seg fault in libpri
16:58.55bkw_you can figure that out and add it
16:59.02facek_where Can i find PGSQL adds?
16:59.18bkw_facek_, their isn't any
16:59.21bkw_use odbc
16:59.50JerJer[interop]bkw_:  att/cingular ?
17:00.01facek_bkw_ I saw some time ago. i want to use in extensions.conf a simple select like exten => 1,1,PGSQL("SELECT ....
17:00.02JerJer[interop]kick ass
17:00.09JerJer[interop]facek_:  no you don't
17:00.11bkw_its just a web api to smack the web form
17:00.18bkw_for the cli
17:00.20bkw_and from the dialplan
17:00.28JerJer[interop]facek_:  wriite an app
17:00.28facek_JerJer[interop] so how, can i get data in extensions from database?
17:00.36facek_JerJer[interop] what app?
17:00.44JerJer[interop]write one
17:00.58JerJer[interop]exten => 1,1,CollectData()
17:01.02file[laptop]I'm sorry dear facek, but everything isn't going to be handed to you on a silver platter
17:01.04facek_which one? that app exists
17:01.09JerJer[interop]use the power of asterisk, don't sidestep it
17:01.18facek_i want to get from database the name of calling client
17:01.29facek_and set that as CALLERIDNAME
17:01.31JerJer[interop]then do that
17:02.43*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
17:04.53JerJer[interop]w r i t e an ap
17:05.00ManxPowerfacek_: You have to learn to walk before you run.  See "show application DBGet"
17:05.11ManxPowerAlso "show application AGI"
17:05.21ManxPowerAnd hell, you might as well run "show applications" too.
17:05.30jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
17:05.34jbotmethinks mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
17:05.34JerJer[interop]ManxPower: have you played with the relaxdtmf option on -stable?
17:05.36facek_ManxPower about AGI i know.. but i don;t like it for that.
17:05.41ManxPowerJerJer[interop]: Yes.
17:05.58facek_soem time ago i see PGSQL in actin and it work, so what.. now it's doesn't work?
17:06.32ManxPowerJerJer[interop]: For the most part relaxdtmf=yes causes subtle issues, like "3324" being seen as "324"
17:06.45*** join/#asterisk iq[laptop] (
17:06.55cjkhi, i now see the pro's are in. maybe you can tell me if its possible with iax to get the corrects cdr's and make the traffic not going through *, like sip canreivte=yes
17:06.56*** join/#asterisk mrScamp|away (
17:07.17ManxPowercjk: see the "notransfer" option.
17:07.32JerJer[interop]ManxPower: we have reports that it has stopped functioning (at least as expected) between 1.0.5 and 1.0.7
17:07.49ManxPowercjk: One of IAX2's dirty little secrets is that if the audio does not go thru Asterisk, the CDRs will be wrong.
17:07.55cjkManxPower, i checke that out. put it into my iax file didnt change anything. set to yes or to no. so im a litte confused
17:08.05ManxPowerJerJer[interop]: I don't set it because it causes ittus.
17:08.08cjkManxPower, thats a really dirty one
17:08.19JerJer[interop]ittus ?
17:08.26file[laptop]it's more like, if the signalling doesn't go through asterisk... the CDRs will be wrong
17:08.31ManxPowerJerJer[interop]: On first cup of coffee.  "issues"
17:08.51JerJer[interop]iax simply does not seperate audio stream and signalling
17:08.54ManxPowerfile[laptop]: Yes, but since there is no difference between audio and signalling in IAX2...
17:08.56facek_bkw_ but i don't want to look for CID name in asterisk database, i want to look in other postgresql database
17:09.01blitzrageok, newb question! what packet trace program can I use to see the SIP packets (the contents) in the console?
17:09.03file[laptop]indeed yay
17:09.11JerJer[interop]once you deal with that ittus, everthing is fine
17:09.15ManxPowerIt's one of the VERY FEW bad things about keeping signaling and audio in the same stream.
17:09.29cjkManxPower, a really bad one
17:09.31ManxPowerblitzrage: "sip debug"
17:09.36file[laptop]need... partial... native transfers...
17:09.40cjkwith cdr's are wrong do you mean wrong or missing
17:09.49blitzrageManxPower: no, not the Asterisk CLI, Linux console.
17:09.56blitzrageManxPower: I need to debug the other end.
17:09.59ManxPowercjk: the solution is not to allow IAX2 tranfers
17:10.07ManxPowerblitzrage: tcpdump, ethereal
17:10.13cjkthen i have the traffic
17:10.16blitzrageManxPower: what is the option to see the packet contents?
17:10.33JerJer[interop]ManxPower:  or the solution is to deal with the billing operation differently
17:10.42MarkS_SOMEONE- Do recordings for my PBX?!?!!
17:10.43ManxPowerblitzrage: tcpdump -X poprt 4569
17:10.43cjkdo you guys think iax will change in the far future and maybe support such an option
17:10.50blitzrageManxPower: thanks, trying
17:10.54file[laptop]yay oej
17:11.06ManxPowerMarkS_: Fuck off.
17:11.09blitzrageMarkS_: stop that
17:11.16JerJer[interop]where is an @ when we need one
17:11.18file[laptop]how rude!
17:11.47ManxPowerfile[laptop]: I think bkw_ is getting all hot and sweaty with a SMS phone.
17:11.52*** part/#asterisk MarkS_ (
17:11.56ManxPowerMarkS_: We don't take kindly to demands here.
17:12.21ManxPowerWell THAT was easy.
17:12.28file[laptop]almost... too easy...
17:12.33ManxPowerfile[laptop]: Yeah.
17:12.53file[laptop]okay everyone, into the bomb shelter!
17:12.59blitzrageManxPower: hrmmm... doesn't really show the whole packet.... only up to about the Via:
17:13.10ManxPowerblitzrage: add a -s 2048
17:13.20*** join/#asterisk mrScamp|away (
17:13.20blitzrageManxPower: you're the man :)
17:13.29ManxPowerblitzrage: you know how you can thank me. 8-)
17:13.57blitzrageManxPower: and to think, I was going to man tcpdump
17:14.16ManxPowerblitzrage: All the info is on the man page, but the man page is...less then clear.
17:14.28ManxPower...less THAN clear.
17:14.37file[laptop]silly ManxPower
17:14.41cjksorry for asking again, but my question got maybe lost into marks's lines. do you guys think iax will change in the far future and maybe support such a "canreinvite" option. is there any small hope?
17:14.45blitzrageManxPower: agreed. I'm looking at the options now... si there a way to NOT show the hex? :)
17:14.56file[laptop]cjk: maybe.
17:15.05blitzragecjk: isn't it notransfer=yes ?
17:15.08ManxPowerblitzrage: not that I know of, but I'm sure there is.
17:15.19cjkblitzrage, no really
17:15.22file[laptop]blitzrage: did I not teach you about IAX2 native transfers? :(
17:15.33*** join/#asterisk robl^ (
17:15.33blitzragefile[laptop]: yes... obviously I've forgotten....
17:15.33tzangerthere's an endorsement for Moen faucets
17:15.34ManxPowerFortunatly, I don't need to deal with CDRs yet (and not in the near future either)
17:15.38tzangerthe cartridge and o-rings were totally free
17:15.43blitzragetzanger: I used to work at Moen.
17:15.47tzangerin fact I spent an extra 10 minutes at Cdn Tire just trying to get a price check
17:15.50blitzragetzanger: oh yah, I could have told you that
17:16.00file[laptop]blitzrage: with an IAX2 native transfer the entire call propogates off the box to go direct between the other two, so you never get accurate CDRs
17:16.04tzangerblitzrage: so why didn't you
17:16.08blitzragetzanger: you don't have to pay for those, its part of the faucet for life
17:16.13file[laptop]blitzrage: he doesn't want that.
17:16.16blitzragetzanger: I didn't know you were getting them for a Moen :)
17:16.26patdkheh, luckilly all my iax2 stuff is notransfers anyways
17:16.36blitzragefile[laptop]: see, the thing is that I thought notransfer=yes did that :)
17:16.40*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
17:16.42tzangerblitzrage: a likely excuse
17:16.46cjkok guys. so i will see the cdr, source destination but i wont see the billsecs and duration
17:16.52cjki can live with that
17:16.54blitzragetzanger: look at the logs, you never told me what kind of faucet :)
17:16.55tzangerreming me to kick you ass at the next torastricon
17:17.01file[laptop]blitzrage: it keeps the call on, but the entire call goes through... he just wants audio to go direct
17:17.07blitzragetzanger: ok, but I might forget
17:17.10tzangerblitzrage: don't cloud this discussion with the facts!
17:17.16blitzragetzanger: lol
17:17.19file[laptop]silly facts - who needs those?!?
17:17.30ManxPowercjk: It's a big hassle and not well supported or documented, but you could always use SIP between Asterisk servers.
17:17.54ManxPowerOf course if NAT is involved your head will explode before you get it working.
17:17.57cjkManxPower, im asking about iax becaus i like some parts of it. plug&play behind nat
17:17.59facek_ManxPower so what can i use to get a cidname from postgresql database?
17:18.03file[laptop]yay explosion
17:18.28ManxPowerfacek_: You write an AGI script or write an asterisk_app.
17:18.47ManxPowerfacek_: There are also at least two scripts to do that mentioned on the mailing list, as well as a service that does that for you.
17:18.49blitzragewtf! this is really getting annoying. Phone losing registration after a period of time for no reason....
17:19.00blitzragewell, obviously a reason, I just don't know it :)
17:19.02cjkblitzrage, behind nat this is normal
17:19.02ManxPowerblitzrage: phone behind NAT?
17:19.10patdkblitzrage, keep it plugged in
17:19.12cjkblitzrage, tell the to register quite often
17:19.15blitzrageManxPower: yes, but it used to work fine, and it registers fine.
17:19.26facek_ManxPower any link?
17:19.26luke-jr_blitzrage: My * server loses its registration a lot too :/
17:19.37cjkblitzrage, if they are grandstreams tell them to register every 4 mins
17:19.39cjkthis helps
17:19.41ManxPowerYou can do two things to make that work.  qualify=yes or tell your device to register every 60 seconds
17:19.42blitzragejust the phone losing reg...  Asterisk works fine
17:19.45patdkhmm, behind nat, you need to set them to atleast every 2min
17:19.53blitzragecjk: no GS.... 7960
17:20.04ManxPowerfacek_: google  add to your query
17:20.15blitzrageManxPower: I'm doing q=yes, thats what I'm trying to debug. Asterisk sends the OPTIONS, no reply from the phone
17:20.27cjkblitzrage, doesnt matter, they should register every few minutes
17:20.39ManxPowerfacek_: but it sounds like you don't want to do any actual research so perhaps paying a consultant to do this for you would be your best option.
17:20.41blitzragewell, I'll worry about that after  :) thanks
17:20.42facek_ManxPower what deafultzone and loadonze should i set in zaptel.conf ?
17:20.56blitzragefacek_: wherever you live
17:21.04blitzragefacek_: if N.A., just leave it default
17:21.08_SMP_Does anyone know why isn't taking registrations? The "system upgrade" statement on the webpage has been there for a while now and it somehow doesn't seem totally kosher.
17:21.16ManxPowerblitzrage: have you had qualify=yes for a while or just recently?
17:21.21blitzrageManxPower: a while
17:21.29blitzrageManxPower: I had to redo this server, it dided
17:21.47ManxPowerblitzrage: weird.  set your phone to register every 60 seconds
17:21.55blitzrageManxPower: I'll give that a shot
17:22.02blitzragefuck is tcpdump output ever annoying
17:22.25file[laptop]welcome to my life
17:23.30blitzrageis tethereal's output any better for this kind of thing?
17:24.42roamer323on sip registrations - anyone knows if you there is a way to adjust the registration expiry on a per-registration basis?
17:25.26ManxPowerblitzrage: I'm sure it is.  tcpdump is pretty primitive
17:25.39cjkwhats the difference between type=user and type=friend in iax.conf ?
17:25.53JerJer[interop]a type=user is used to authenticate incoming calls to that asterisk box
17:25.53blitzragecjk: friend is both user and peer
17:26.09JerJer[interop]a type=friend is both a user and a peer, which is very evil and will bite you someday
17:26.18robl^and you can bum $50 off a friend, but not a user
17:26.20file[laptop]blitzrage: it's all your fault
17:26.30blitzragefile[laptop]: when is it not?
17:26.59file[laptop]blitzrage: when it's the 32nd day of the month
17:27.00cjkok so for my iax phones i should use type=friend
17:27.30facek_but MYSQL applicatins exsista, and work good, yes?
17:27.32mishehursa auth is still borked on my system...
17:27.35*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
17:27.56mishehuI can call out to another system, but not call into my system from another one, with rsa.
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17:28.30ManxPowercjk: My general policy is type=friend is for PHONES.  type=user/type=peer is for GATEWAYS or SERVERS.
17:28.32*** join/#asterisk koolman (
17:28.51cjkManxPower, ok thanks that was clear
17:29.24*** join/#asterisk mgth (
17:29.56JerJer[interop]i still don't like type=friend
17:29.59JerJer[interop]even for phones
17:30.09*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
17:30.19cjkJerJer[interop], but its the only way it works? at least on my system
17:30.31JerJer[interop]have both
17:30.37JerJer[interop]they can be the same [name]
17:30.57cjkok so for eaxh phone i create a peer and a user entry?P
17:31.39patdkheh, I do mine like manxpower, friend for phones only
17:31.59cjksorry JerJer[interop] but then i prefer the type=friend
17:32.23JerJer[interop]trust me, if you ever get a complex asterisk deployment that prefernece will bite you
17:32.50roamer323when things don't work - type=friend will blow your mind... get a C code debugger/browser ready!
17:33.02cjkJerJer[interop], trust me my * is already quite complex
17:33.15JerJer[interop]not if you are asking these basic questions
17:33.32cjkJerJer[interop], well because i only used sip in the frontend
17:33.40cjkand iax for linking my *
17:33.43cjkand now i offer both
17:36.00koolmanOk, I need help getting this TDM400P configured on my linux box... for some reason the card isn't being fully recogonized. I have setup my copiled zaptel, installed it no issues as I could tell, I setup the udev stuff (this is a FC3 box), Edited my zaptel.conf file, I then rebooted the box, then I ran modprobe zaptel (this seems to go ok) I then run modprobe wctdm and get an error stating "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or add
17:36.08blitzragewow... now Asterisk isn't even replying to the REGISTER
17:36.10blitzragethat's fucked
17:36.49*** join/#asterisk fsck (
17:36.50blitzragekoolman: reboot after installing udev rules?
17:37.04blitzragekoolman: card plugged into a power connector? (common error, I've done it many times)
17:37.13koolmanI checked in /dev/zap/ and from what I've read I need to see device files 1,2,3,4 along with channel, ctl, pseudo, and timer, I see all the device files except for the number device files which should be specifying where the actually FXO card is on my 400P
17:37.25koolmanblitzrage: rebooted after udev
17:37.29blitzragekoolman: paste config to
17:37.40blitzragekoolman: plus output of what you typed and the error
17:37.48*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
17:38.15koolmanblitzrage: card plugged into a power connector? this was my intial issue... then I plugged it in... I still don't see lights but from what I read I shouldn't till the driver gets loaded.
17:38.17facek_blitzrage i was talikng about that PGSQL
17:38.28koolmanblitzrage: I will do this.. (past into
17:38.55blitzragekoolman: no lights until drivers loaded, yes.
17:40.27*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
17:41.11koolmanblitzrage: posted in under my nick koolman
17:41.23blitzragekoolman: paste the link here
17:41.43koolmanHere are my commands
17:41.47mishehuwho can help me debug a problem I'm having with iax and rsa authentication?
17:41.53facek_what is app_sql_postgres.c ?
17:41.57koolmanhere is my zaptel.conf
17:42.19mishehuI can call out of my server to another no problem, but cannot call into my server from another.
17:42.24*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
17:43.41mishehuI've got tcpdump data available.
17:43.46blitzragekoolman: output of uname -a and ls -la /usr/src/linux-2.6 ?
17:44.04blitzragemishehu: paste it to a pastebin and maybe someone can help
17:44.14bkw_where is mikej
17:44.21mishehujbot: pastebin
17:44.22jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
17:44.26facek_bkw_ what is app_sql_postgres.c
17:45.12blitzrageis it just me, or is really slow?
17:45.29bkw_its app_sql_postgres
17:45.31koolmanI've never used it before, but it doesn't seem bad to me..
17:45.46facek_bkw_ to make a simpel select to database from extensions, right? how to install that
17:45.54bkw_why do you ask me?
17:46.01cybastVirTerm => I had my asterisk working and now that I've played around with interrupts etc I can't get the asterisk -vvvc working. I keep getting an ERROR[7747]: mkintf Unabe to open channel 1:No such device or address
17:46.16JerJer[interop]cybast: ztcfg -vvv
17:46.39facek_bkw_ i like you ;]
17:46.40*** join/#asterisk mkhan (
17:46.55cybastwhat exactly does that do
17:46.58bkw_well I have no clue about dat app
17:47.18koolmanblitzrage: any ideas?
17:47.31mkhancan anybody help me pls..i have install zaptel, libpri and asterisk.. now.. i did modprobe wtcdm.. getting error.. i think i wil have to modify zaptel.cfg . would anyboyd help pls
17:47.38koolmanblitzrage: seems like it should be working..
17:47.40blitzragekoolman: hrmmm.... I'm pretty stumped.....
17:47.40facek_bkw_ can you look at it, its in source in asterisdk in apps catalogue. maybe you will know how to install it
17:47.42blitzragekoolman: I agree
17:47.50koolmanblitzrage: maybe it's the box
17:48.00bkw_facek_, not today.. day off..
17:48.05koolmanblitzrage: Do you know any requirements or anything that a PII 450 might not have?
17:48.12facek_hmm.. what that can be
17:48.13*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
17:48.13blitzragekoolman: PCI 2.2?
17:48.21bkw_facek_, no thats not it
17:48.21koolmanblitzrage: how can I tell if it has this?
17:48.24blitzragekoolman: I've been burned on that.... check if its PCI 2.1
17:48.28blitzragekoolman: have to find a manual
17:48.40koolmanblitzrage: hmmmmm damn...
17:48.47koolmanso It needs to be PCI 2.1? or 2.2?
17:48.53blitzragekoolman: needs 2.2
17:48.53*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
17:48.58blitzragekoolman: on a board that old, its probably 2.1
17:49.01koolmanok... I will look into that..
17:49.11koolmanI have another box I can try so... I will do that..
17:49.14blitzragekoolman: if its 2.1.... sorry about your luck :)
17:49.15cybastSTOP NOW
17:49.25blitzragekoolman: yah, try something PIII or newer
17:49.26cybastwrong terminal . . oops
17:49.45koolmanthanks for the help
17:49.47DrukenHMEbuy a new board... it's what ? 100 bux?
17:49.50blitzragekoolman: more than likely it'll be 2.2, or you can just verify
17:49.59blitzrageDrukenHME: then you need new RAM, and a new CPU
17:50.10DrukenHMEnot nessessarily
17:50.27*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
17:50.31mkhancan anybody help me pls
17:50.33mkhancan anybody help me pls..i have install zaptel, libpri and asterisk.. now.. i did modprobe wtcdm.. getting error.. i think i wil have to modify zaptel.cfg . would anyboyd help pls
17:50.33blitzrageDrukenHME: good luck on finding a MB that supports PII in a store :)
17:50.48JerJer[mobile]Fry's :)
17:50.58blitzragemkhan: you have to paste the debug info to a pastebin. That question gives no informatin to help you
17:51.03DrukenHMEoh well shit... i wouldn't bother with a PII
17:51.11blitzrageDrukenHME: :)
17:51.26DrukenHMEi have a PII server... it handles... 4 ports? total...
17:51.34*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
17:52.00*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
17:52.05DaLionhi all
17:52.06blitzrageDrukenHME: he only had 1
17:52.16*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
17:52.23DaLionanyone could unnderstand this ?
17:52.32DaLionFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
17:52.40file[laptop]use df -h
17:52.43mkhan[root@tuna asterisk]# modprobe wctdm
17:52.44mkhanNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
17:52.44mkhanline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
17:52.44mkhan1 error(s) detected
17:52.44mkhanFATAL: Error running install command for wctdm
17:52.44DaLion./dev/md1             114761296 109376000         0 100% /
17:52.46file[laptop]it'll put it into a human readable format
17:52.58*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
17:52.59jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
17:53.00ManxPowerDaLion: use to paste stuff that's more than 2 or so lines
17:53.01koolmanDrukenHME: I have other boxes... just wanted to test things out on this PII450.. it was the best low end box I have..
17:53.01mkhanand then.. I ran again.. modprobe.. and idnt get any error
17:53.11file[laptop]DaLion: that was directed to you btw
17:53.15DaLioni have space... but it says zero avail..
17:53.21DaLioni know..
17:53.29JerJer[mobile]mkhan: have you ran make install on zaptel?
17:53.35ManxPowerDaLion: sounds like you have to find a #linux channel
17:53.36*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
17:53.40DaLionso cat /proc/mdstat says its redoing they whole drive..
17:53.43mkhan[root@tuna asterisk]# lsmod | grep wctdm
17:53.43mkhanwctdm                  32832  0
17:53.43mkhanzaptel                204676  1 wctdm
17:53.50DaLioncould it be that while this happening i just done have enough room
17:53.53mkhandoes it seems okay ?
17:53.59ManxPowermkhan: put your zaptel.conf on
17:54.05DaLionman IRC should be threaded
17:54.10DaLioncolor by thread
17:54.17cypromismkhan: using udev ?
17:54.17*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
17:54.26ManxPowerDaLion: no we just have to switch to a web based chat!
17:54.33mkhancybast, udev??
17:54.54*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
17:54.59cypromischeck README.udev
17:55.08DaLionseems raid drive died or got a severe error.. then it getting rebuild meanwhile .. drive space=0 since i was using 105 out of 110 gig
17:55.10JerJer[mobile]mkhan:  are you runnng a 2.6 kernel?
17:55.13mkhanManxPower, I han't touch zaptel.conf yet
17:55.19DaLionso .. all services down
17:55.19mkhanJerJer[mobile], yes
17:55.20JerJer[mobile]mkhan:  that's your problem then
17:55.27DaLionfile makes sense ?
17:55.30JerJer[mobile]you have to confgure zaptel.conf for your hardware
17:55.52ManxPowermkhan: Asterisk does not come with magical gnomes to configure it for you.
17:56.02mkhanJerJer[mobile], can u help me to configure it
17:56.08jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
17:56.15mkhanManxPower, i know. thats why im here .. :p
17:56.21ManxPowerWhat IS today?  "Hold my hand and configure my asterisk for me" day?
17:56.28file[laptop]ManxPower: yes.
17:56.28cypromisseems so
17:56.29JerJer[mobile]mkhan: no but my magical gnome can for $85 an hour
17:56.32JerJer[mobile]his name is shido6
17:56.33facek_ha! i have  PGSQL: Do several SQLy things
17:56.42facek_bkw_ i installed  PGSQL: Do several SQLy things
17:56.49ManxPowerJerJer[mobile]: I thought shido6 was an Orc!
17:57.02mkhanJerJer[mobile], do you have free trial !!
17:57.06blitzrageI'll do it for $85 CDN :)
17:57.13file[laptop]silly blitzrage
17:57.16DaLionhey mine does for 60
17:57.19blitzragekram: ahoi!
17:57.22JerJer[interop]mkhan: not for configuration
17:57.24kramgreets blitz
17:57.29ManxPowerI'lll do it for free for a serious job offer.
17:57.31DaLionhes called.. h,mm.. well .. `hostname`
17:57.46mkhanJerJer[interop], lol.. thx.. i am not in business.. do this as hobby .. u can say
17:57.53JerJer[interop]plus there is nothing in this world that is 'without cost'
17:57.59JerJer[interop]mkhan: famous last words
17:58.00*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
17:58.07DrukenHMEhey bkw_, how's the girlfriend (allison)?
17:58.16DaLiondoesnt exist ? hooh man
17:58.18shido6thats how NuFone started... actually
17:58.21shido6as a hobby
17:58.34JerJer[interop]yeah kinda
17:58.44mkhancan anybody help me.. without asking for any USD, CAN $ ?
17:58.47ManxPowershido6: Well EVERYONE wants to be a 5th class Wizard.
17:58.50bkw_DrukenHME, she's great .. haha
17:58.54JerJer[interop]plus nobody was doing IAX termination at that time
17:59.01DrukenHMEbkw_: :)
17:59.12ManxPowermkhan: I'm sure there is someone weird enough to do so, but we all had to read the docs and the mailing list archives
17:59.19blitzrageok... so.... why would tcpdump see a REGISTER< but Asterisk not pick it up....
17:59.31DaLionmkhan sure
17:59.45ManxPowerblitzrage: all the ip addresses of the server are in /etc/hosts?
17:59.51mkhanDaLion .. would u help me.. ?
18:00.10mishehu for anybody willing to help me with my RSA problem
18:00.18ManxPowerblitzrage: chan_sip can get a little weird if it can't resolve the addresses of the box.
18:00.42blitzragehrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, interesting
18:00.46blitzrageManxPower: I'll give that a shot
18:00.53mkhanDaLion, i am in zaptel.conf.. what should I choose.. span or dynamic?
18:01.08blitzragehrm, seems to resolve itself fine
18:01.30ManxPowerblitzrage: what are you using to test resolution?
18:01.41blitzrageManxPower: packet sniffs on both ends
18:01.52DaLionnot sure
18:01.54blitzrageManxPower: and sip debug ip <blah>
18:02.08ManxPowerblitzrage: that doesn't test address -> name resolution
18:02.16*** part/#asterisk DaLion (
18:02.22blitzrageoh, I just did a ping
18:02.32ManxPowerblitzrage: that doesn't test resolution either
18:02.34blitzrageping <FQDN>
18:02.39blitzrageManxPower: ok... how then? :)
18:02.42ManxPowertry host
18:02.51ManxPoweror whatever the address of the server is.
18:03.05blitzrageyep, worked
18:03.32ManxPowerblitzrage: You are not doing something stupid like portforwarding on the NAT box, are you?
18:04.06blitzrageManxPower: the addresses are being forwarded to the phone on the NAT box, Asterisk is on an external IP with port 5060 open in both directions.
18:04.23blitzragesip.conf has nat=yes for the phone
18:04.31ManxPowerblitzrage: don't port forward on the NAT router for the phone.
18:04.54ManxPowerblitzrage: does the asterisk server have a private address too?
18:04.58*** join/#asterisk junbug (
18:05.16blitzrageAsterisk is on an external IP
18:05.25ManxPowerblitzrage: what do you mean by "Asterisk is on an external IP with port 5060 open in both directions"
18:05.42ManxPowerblitzrage: If the asterisk server has a public and a private IP it might be using the private IP
18:05.49*** part/#asterisk lbarth (
18:05.56blitzrageManxPower: packet sniffs don't show that...
18:06.06blitzragesees the registration, does nothing about it
18:06.13blitzragemaybe I need to restart Asterisk...
18:06.18*** join/#asterisk MPreuett (
18:06.19ManxPowerblitzrage: Trust me.
18:06.34MPreuettgreetings everyone.
18:06.53ManxPowerblitzrage: "netstat -an | grep 5060"
18:07.17ManxPowerMPreuett: I'm sorry, but not many will configure Asterisk for you for free."
18:07.26blitzrageudp        0      0  *
18:07.37*** join/#asterisk imagmo (
18:08.00ManxPowerblitzrage: make sure "iptables -L" and "iptables -L -t nat" are empty
18:08.41blitzragenat is empty, -L is not because there is a firewall on
18:08.58ManxPowerblitzrage: sounds like you need to turn off the firewall for a while.
18:09.08blitzrageManxPower: I think the INPUT chain is wrong....
18:10.03blitzrage0     0 ACCEPT     udp  --  eth0   any     anywhere             anywhere            udp spt:5060 dpt:5060
18:10.30blitzrageactualy... I don't think its wrong... but I think its wrong because its not matching anything
18:10.41ManxPowerblitzrage: what makes you think the SOURCE port is going to be 5060 from the SIP client (ESPECIALLY with a NAT'd client)?
18:11.08blitzragepacket traces all seem to be 5060
18:11.30blitzragelet me get rid of SPT
18:11.38ManxPowerblitzrage: Your problem is weird enough I would not trust anything.  Put a match and log everything at the end of your firewall rules or just turn it off for testing.
18:16.32blitzragegod I need to get this figured out soon so I can go and make breakfast
18:16.43cybastanyone know where the feature activation codes for thing like dnd reside (ie what conf file)
18:16.56ManxPowercybast: 1.0.x or CVS-HEAD?
18:17.30ManxPowercybast: features.conf but I think DND and stuff like that is only handled in chan_zap
18:17.50cypromis.w 20
18:18.08cybastI looked in features.conf and it wasn't there
18:18.17blitzrageconfigure DND in dialplan logic
18:18.21blitzragethats what I do
18:18.32cybastis there a reference to all the feature activation codes somewhere
18:18.33ManxPowercybast: then it's prolly handles only in chan_zap or do what blitzrage said.
18:19.02blitzragejust save the status to AstDB, and check it before you place a call to the extension
18:19.27cybastsorry, I'm an asterisk newbie where is the dialplan
18:19.41blitzragecybast: good luck :)
18:19.46cybastgot ya . .thanks
18:19.54mishehuI don't understand why RSA auth stopped working for me.  :-/
18:20.36ManxPowermishehu: using type=friend?
18:20.58mishehuManxPower: yeah, as I need both inbound and outbound
18:21.08mishehuwas tehre a change to how these worked in recent times?
18:21.12ManxPowermishehu: one side is not sending the RSA keys.
18:21.41mishehuManxPower: one side is definitely sending an IAX2 INVAL even before sending the AUTHREP with the RSA key
18:21.46ManxPowermishehu: well a couple of bugs fixed with clienting being able to connect and not be authorized.
18:21.46mishehuyou are correct about that.
18:21.56ManxPowermishehu: why not use secret=?
18:22.03VirTERMcybast: did you get it?
18:22.30mishehuManxPower: would breaking it up into two entries, one of type user, one of type peer, possibly resolve the RSA key issue?
18:22.48ManxPowermishehu: it could.
18:23.04ManxPowerSince using type=friend for SERVERS really WILL bite you eventually.
18:23.16*** join/#asterisk TechDawg (voipnewbie@
18:23.24*** join/#asterisk topping (
18:23.31shido6Im not gonna say anything...
18:23.32mishehuManxPower: I'll try it.  I have to go eat something now though...
18:23.33ManxPowermishehu: PASTE the Dial line.,
18:23.38*** join/#asterisk Duy (
18:24.19ManxPowermishehu: Dialing by IP or hostname will make Asterisk ignore the settings in anything except [general]
18:24.20mishehubut nonetheless, if for a server type friend will bite me in the ass, as it might already be doing, I'll fix that too.
18:24.50DuyHello, can someone help me! I got always a fake ringtone during the connection Time, how can I disable it?
18:25.05mishehuManxPower: oh shit.  it should be Dial(IAX2/rakdanit/s@mainmenu) right?
18:25.15ManxPowerDuy: remove the Fake Ring Tone Option.  ("r" on the Dial line)
18:25.26Duyoh ok thx manx power
18:25.37TechDawgI'm having trouble compiling zaptel.  I get this error:  /usr/include/linux/module.h:21: linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory
18:25.46TechDawgI know I'm missing something but don't know what.
18:25.48ManxPowermishehu: I usually use Dial(IAX2/username@iaxconfentry/extension)
18:26.00ManxPowerput the secret= in the [isxconfentry]
18:26.42ManxPowerYou don't normally need the @context.
18:27.02ManxPowerTechDawg: you are missing glibc-headers or something like that.
18:27.16TechDawgThat's a start, let me check.
18:27.25ManxPoweron my system that file is in glibc-headers
18:27.41ManxPowersorry in glibc-devel
18:27.44ManxPower[eric@vulcan eric]$ rpm -qf /usr/include/linux/module.h
18:27.44JerJer[interop]it is the kernel headers you are missing
18:28.36mishehuManxPower: I'll try your suggestions soon as I eat lunch
18:28.40mishehuthanks for the help
18:28.56*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
18:30.43*** join/#asterisk l-fy (~pchitescu@l-fy.developer.yate)
18:31.36blitzrageManxPower: working now. Not sure what I was thinking about the source port... I think that was the problem.
18:31.49blitzrageManxPower: you're right, I don't know what I assume the source port should be 5060.
18:31.58ManxPowerblitzrage: Even I sometimes forget that the source port is usually random on the client side.
18:32.10blitzrageManxPower: yeppers
18:32.26ManxPowerblitzrage: so, when are you going to start putting my stuff on  8-)
18:32.37blitzrageManxPower: I have no idea how to put it on there....
18:32.43blitzrageManxPower: stupid Xoops
18:32.46*** part/#asterisk l-fy (~pchitescu@l-fy.developer.yate)
18:32.57ManxPowerblitzrage: people keep asking me for the site.
18:32.59blitzrageManxPower: I can't seem to figure out a good place for it...
18:33.02blitzrageManxPower: I know, me too...
18:33.13ManxPowerblitzrage: Yeah, that can be an issue.
18:33.26ManxPowerperhaps a config examples section for the example config files?
18:34.16blitzrageManxPower: problem is... if I make a new box on the left side for a "Contributed Info" or something liek that, then I'm going to have to write a custom page for all the links, then after that, I don't know how to link them in Xoops...
18:34.35blitzrageManxPower: like, look at the site, and tell me where you think it should go?
18:34.43*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (~linux@
18:34.56blitzrageI;ve looked at it a hundred times, everytime I go to try and add it, I get lost as to where it should go...
18:35.23ManxPowerblitzrage: Would it be better if you gave the info to someone more familiar with the software used to manage the docs?
18:35.38blitzrageManxPower: that's me :)
18:35.49ManxPowerConfiguring Channels
18:35.50blitzrageManxPower: I'm the only one who uses the site (admin wise)
18:35.54ManxPowermight be a food place
18:36.02ManxPowerfood == good.
18:36.45ManxPowerand of course my extensions.conf sample can go into the dialplans section
18:37.03JerJer[interop]so SIP RTP
18:37.27JerJer[interop]does anyone know if there is anything in the spec that defines how RTP starts
18:37.32*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
18:37.39JerJer[interop]like who sends the RTP first?
18:38.04file[laptop]cause you can have an RTP stream occur before the actual call is up, ie: inband progress...
18:38.04*** join/#asterisk __Crash (~me@
18:38.06JerJer[interop]i figured it was who initiates the call (ie early media)
18:38.49file[laptop]that would be interesting to test
18:39.00harryvvJer do you know if a end customer needs a min of 4 rtp ports open? Somone I was assisting last night still could not hear two way audio even after opening up 10001-10004. I have 10001-10010 open. Or mabey his windows xp firewall mabey causing problems. He can access my voicemail as I was watching on the cli.
18:39.12smurfixJerJer[interop]: Why should the call initiator send anything when the call's not set up yet?
18:39.23file[laptop]smurfix: that's what I was thinking
18:40.10__CrashIs there some standard documentation supporting how to connect a SIP client to an Asterisk running behind a firewall>
18:40.30JerJer[interop]file[laptop]:  that is what we are pondering now
18:40.33smurfixIt's bidirectional UDP anyway, so I suppose you send RDP packets as soon as you (a) know where to send them and (b) have something to send, regardless of what the other side does with their audio
18:40.47harryvvCrash just 5060 and rtp ports. If your running stun then I think those also need to be opened.
18:40.58DuyManxPower: as I remove the r out of the Dial Line, I hear no Ringtone on my phone although the other side Handy rings
18:41.02blitzragefuck fuck fuck
18:41.09blitzrageyou know when you you're just having one of those days.... that nothing works
18:41.10JerJer[interop]so how do we figure if there is early media"?
18:41.31file[laptop]JerJer[interop]: you get SDP in a sip reply?
18:41.36blitzragemakes no sense... SIP poking works fine, then I place a call, then it breaks
18:41.50harryvvyou get audio then it breaks?
18:42.05harryvvor the session
18:42.48file[laptop]JerJer[interop]: usually for early media though you'll get a 183 Session Progress with SDP
18:42.58blitzragequalify works for a period of time, I place a call, works, hang up, then qualify no longer gets to the phone, asterisk keeps retransmitting the OPTIONS, then calls don't work.
18:43.05file[laptop]JerJer[interop]: but I was mucking around once with 180 Ringing and SDP, and the gateway still used the SDP and RTP stream for audio
18:43.40DuySomeone can held me? As I remove the r Option for fake Rington (the Dial Line), I hear no Ringtone on my phone although the other side of the line rings
18:43.46Zeeekblitzrage are you using multiple clients behind NAT?
18:43.56blitzrageZeeek: yes, but only one registers
18:44.08ZeeekI have had the problems you describe even with IAX
18:44.21Zeeek(well the ons I've seen in the last few lines)
18:44.45ZeeekI have multiple SIP clients working though
18:45.19ManxPowerDuy: Asterisk will provide ring tone if it thinks it should.  I don't know why it doesn't think it should.
18:45.21Zeeekclient2 set to 5061with 5061 forwarded to its ip
18:45.34Zeeekand a different RTP range
18:45.54DuyManxPower ok
18:46.05*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
18:46.23ManxPowerDuy: What is your ACTUAL Dial line (sans password)?
18:46.34|Vulture|Anyone ever use the QoS DiffServ on a Netgear Layer2 Switch?
18:47.45harryvvZeek why 5061
18:47.58ZeeekI liked the sound of it
18:48.16Zeeekand it works flawlessly
18:48.30Zeeekactually I believe someone on the FWD forums mentioned this
18:48.35*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
18:50.09ManxPowerZeeek: The guy forgot localnet= and nat=yes
18:50.24harryvvbtw what is the purpous of rtf having a wide range of ports open? to accomidate several voice sessions?
18:50.30Zeeekwho? willy?
18:51.04ZeeekI think he guessed that people would have read the docs :)
18:51.20DuyManxPower: my dial plan is all call trough exten => _0.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@CC,,t)
18:51.21Duyexten => _0.,2,Hangup
18:52.27ManxPowerDuy: does the call actually work other than the ring sound problem?
18:53.30JerJer[interop]file[laptop]:  so if there is no early media, how does the RTP start?
18:53.42DuyManxPower: Duy the call actually work I can phone and talk I have only the ring sound problem, with the option r I got a fake ringtone what I not want, without r I got no ringtone but the otherside Telefone ring
18:54.05JerJer[interop]or who starts first?
18:54.39file[laptop]JerJer[interop]: they both start around the same time I'd say...
18:54.42ManxPowerDuy: ring sound problems are very hard to diagnose.  That's why the "r" option is so popular.  Most people consider it too much work to actually fix the issue.
18:55.04JerJer[interop]file[laptop]:  ok
18:55.18ManxPowerJerJer[interop] wrote chan_skinny (which uses RTP), shouldn't he already know this obsecure stuff?
18:55.34file[laptop]JerJer[interop]: when the 200 OK occurs from the remote side it has the SDP data for the RTP stream for the remote side and that's when the call is answered
18:55.35JerJer[interop]these are questions we are posing for interop
18:55.40ManxPowerJerJer[interop]: I'll bet the RTP streams are started independently.
18:55.51JerJer[interop]and we want others input before we test
18:56.06JerJer[interop]gota switch ssids - might die
18:56.08file[laptop]that's on a 180 Ringing when you're getting progression out of band
18:56.23file[laptop]when it's a 183 Session Progress the SDP data is contained in there, and the RTP stream is started then for the remote side...
18:56.36file[laptop]as for the orginating point I'd say it's audio is used when the call is answered at the 200 OK
18:56.43JerJer[interop]ahh ok
18:56.44bkw_ok why do companies even bother putting stuff on the web if they don't have a way for you to actually buy it
18:56.46bkw_its pointless
18:56.48__CrashDoes anyone know of a multi-line IAX hard phone???
18:56.57file[laptop]enough of my ranting now
18:56.59shido6bkw - whats up?
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18:57.21Qwellbkw_: They expect you to click the link
18:57.22shido6the real question is
18:57.26shido6what are you looking to buy
18:57.32QwellI always just go to another site when I see that
18:57.38file[laptop]he's looking for an electronic dildo!
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19:00.45bjohnson__Crash: no
19:02.06blitzrageanyone know the command for the SIP<mac>.cnf for a Cisco phone to set the registration timeout?
19:02.15blitzrageManxPower: I'm looking in your direction :)
19:02.30ManxPowerblitzrage: I only use polycoms now
19:03.10darkskiez# Phone Registration Expiration [1-3932100 sec] (Default - 3600)
19:03.10darkskieztimer_register_expires: 3600
19:03.25blitzragedarkskiez: thanks! I'll give that a shot
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19:04.17blitzrageno quotes around the 3600 eh?
19:04.19darkskiezWhat is remote party-id used for in sip? I've looked it up, but i dont getit.
19:04.20nesysHi folks ... I've a problem with * and ccme (* as voicemail) ... there's someone that uses * as ccme voicemail?
19:04.40darkskiezblitzrage: no
19:04.46blitzrageokie, thanks
19:05.06blitzragemaybe thats the problem with my start and end_media_port lines too
19:05.24*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
19:06.38bjohnsondo you guys think vlc might work as a mp3 player for MOH.  It sounds like it could play a stream such as one from slimserver:
19:07.29blitzragehrmmmm, wish you could enable NAT on the phone on a line by line basis
19:08.01darkskiezblitzrage: i wish you could set speeddials on the phone
19:08.06ManxPowerblitzrage: nat=yes means you don't have to enable NAT on the phone
19:08.22blitzrageManxPower: right!
19:08.35blitzragehey, everyone send ManxPower a $1... he's smart! :)
19:09.00darkskiezI dont quite get the use of multiple lines, what does it let you do?
19:09.12blitzragedarkskiez: register multiple lines to different asterisk boxes?
19:09.17blitzragedarkskiez: thats what I'm doing anyways.
19:10.02darkskiezbut multiple line appearances on one box, maybe for ease of selection of outgoing callerids, but I cant see the massive use.
19:10.28ManxPowerMy 4-line phone - Line 1: business exten, Line 2: personal extension, Line 3: lover #1 extension (rings at the same time as their home extension), Line 4: lover #2 extension (ings at the same time as their home extension)
19:10.48JerJer[interop]ok so the premise is that the process of RTP is not deterministic
19:10.49bjohnsoneventually with better indication support in future hardware versions .. it might lead to line in use type indications like on key systems
19:10.56blitzragelol, love it. Lover #1 and Lover #2.
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19:11.20ManxPoweror on my customer's phones: Line 1: personal extension, Line 2: Main business number, Line 3: Main business number
19:11.55JerJer[interop]meaning there is more than a single way it can happen
19:12.39darkskiezi wish there was a way of making the phone show you the name of the number you were calling, reverse callerid type thing, like on a mobile phone.
19:12.50ManxPowerMY users CANNOT get the hang of call waiting on the analog phones, even though it works EXACTLY like their home call waiting service.
19:12.55bjohnsonblitzrage: have you used rawplayer with a stream source?  like slimserver?
19:13.06ManxPowerdarkskiez: Polycom does that if the number is in the directory
19:13.16bjohnsonit seems to only play .raw files .. not streams
19:13.41darkskiezManxPower: I see
19:14.23ManxPowerCome to think of it, SIP-841 does that if the number is in the callerid history of incoming calls.
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19:15.08blitzragebjohnson: nope, just local files
19:15.31darkskiezThats interesting
19:16.32ManxPowerI seem to vaguely recall that some people are using madplay for MoH
19:17.02bjohnsonI guess my inquiry about using vlc to play streams for moh still stands
19:17.18bjohnsonI couldn't get madplay to play a stream
19:17.20bjohnsonjust files
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19:18.21bjohnsonmpg123 is the only thing I;ve been able to get to play a stream so far .. but it keeps dying out.  A better solution "should" be available.  I played with mplayer a bit and it looked promising but I didn't actually get it to work
19:18.23ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone knows a command to get the current resolution of the X server?
19:18.38bjohnsonlook for it in the xsessions file?
19:18.57tzangerManxPower: xdpyinfo
19:19.40tzanger$ xdpyinfo -display :0 | grep dimensions
19:20.12blitzrageahhhh, much better
19:20.12ManxPowertzafrir: that's what I was looking for,
19:20.45ManxPowerI just wish I could get the damn thing to run in 1152xmumble
19:24.48JerJer[interop]ok now lets talk about message waiting indication
19:25.00JerJer[interop]does asterisk deal with the subcribe method of MWI?
19:25.13blitzragethats a good question
19:25.41*** part/#asterisk dan2 (
19:26.08bjohnsonno idea what that even means
19:26.55tzangerhttp:// some good trance on now
19:27.03tzangermore ambient than trance really
19:27.45blitzragetzanger: I prefer Groove Salad
19:27.58tzangerbjohnson: basically subscribe method of MWI is when the phone says "Asstrick dude... I want the 411 on that 500 shizzle, yo"
19:28.30tzangerand asterisk will mark the phone ofr updates wheneve the state of box 500 changes
19:28.37L|NUXcan some one help me in setting up SIP to one line PSTN setup :$
19:28.42L|NUXor any good link ?
19:28.45tzangerbut it'll probably purposely wait 5 minutes beofre telling the phone because the phone called it 'asstrick'
19:29.01Nugget  <-- vroom
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19:29.53tzangeryou've got strange taste in vroom
19:29.58tzanger  <-- now THAT's vroom
19:30.26tzangernice car though
19:31.14tzangeryou know what's actually disgusting
19:31.27tzangerI just noticed "terri shiavo autopsiephoto" on there and followed it
19:31.29tzangergood lord
19:31.30blitzragetzanger: vroom! :)
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19:33.48JerJer[interop]from what I can see we just get a message from asterisk saying "bitch you have 5 unread messages"
19:33.55L|NUXany one :(
19:34.12tzangerL|NUX: you need to do some *basic* research
19:34.21tzangerthis kind of hand-holding I charge $175/hr for
19:34.53tzangerthat's not terri schiavo
19:35.00tzangerthat's Lisa McPherson
19:35.02blitzragetzanger: I'd hope not
19:35.14tzangerI was wondering why she looked so bad
19:35.21blitzrageoh burn
19:36.28JerJer[interop]ok how about do not disturb - is there anything in the SIP protocol that deals with that?
19:37.33tzangerJerJer[interop]: wouldn't that just be handled within *?
19:37.56JerJer[interop]or the phone itself - i'm trying to determine that
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19:38.47PTG1234Anyone here have a account?
19:39.09blitzrageJerJer[interop]: I haven't seen anything in the SIP spec in regards to DND
19:39.21shido6so what happens when you set the crisco to DND
19:39.36blitzrageshido6: interesting question :)
19:39.55blitzragelets see!
19:39.57tzangerI can't find the button on the block of lard
19:40.14L|NUXtzanger : hmm
19:40.21shido6i get 486 back when I set my crisco to DND
19:40.22L|NUXi setup sip to sip right now
19:41.10blitzrageshido6: ahhhhh yes.... that makes sense
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19:41.26JerJer[interop]ok so the phone just tells the proxy "hey i'm busy, go away"
19:41.26shido6SIP/2.0 486 Busy here
19:41.37ariel_L|NUX, how is your setup? if your going from sip to pstn on the same system it should be easy via a context and a dialing rule.
19:41.59JerJer[interop]ok - call forwarding
19:42.20L|NUXariel_ : can you give me example ?
19:42.53ariel_exten => X.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
19:43.33blitzrageariel_: you forgot the _
19:43.34L|NUXcan i pvt  with you ?
19:44.08ariel_exten => _X.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})  yes your right blitzrage
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19:48.57JerJer[interop]i don't believe asterisk has any SIP protocol specific call fowarding implemenation
19:49.08JerJer[interop]anyone else see anything different?
19:50.18ariel_JerJer[interop], no it does not.
19:50.39JerJer[interop]ok good
19:50.47JerJer[interop]well not good - but good for now :)
19:51.52*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
19:52.44ariel_I wish that the incominglimit and outgoinglimit was back in and fixed correctly the setgroup and groupcount sucks to get working right.  In fact it works less then the incominglimit did.
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19:54.34mishehuhmm...  on server 1, I have in iax.conf a peer, with a username provided.  on server 2, I have a user, with the same username provided.  when I call from server 1 to server 2, I get "no authority".  I am trying to use rsa keys, and dialing like exten => 1,Dial(IAX2/thecontext/s@destination_context)
19:54.56JerJer[interop]mishehu:  that makes no sense
19:55.48JerJer[interop]if your system is setup 'correctly' you shouldn't care what the remote context is
19:57.35mishehusec, let me pastebin this
20:00.21JerJer[interop]then do you have auth=rsa and outkey defned?
20:02.43JerJer[interop]ok - call hold ... any sip protocol specific functions
20:02.56JerJer[interop]looks like just set rtp
20:04.37mishehuhopefully nice and readable.
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20:05.45JerJer[interop]and then it looks like  a=sendonly
20:06.13file[laptop]JerJer[interop]: yeah call hold is just a reinvite to yay
20:06.16file[laptop]easy to identify
20:06.25JerJer[interop]but it looks like that method is depreciated
20:06.33file[laptop]everything I've found uses that
20:06.37JerJer[interop]>1. use the way in RFC3264 since this is newer. >   The sendonly, recvonly, inactive attributes give >   a little more control than the old "" method. >
20:06.46file[laptop]freaky though
20:06.54file[laptop]SIP and SDP changes so much
20:07.00JerJer[interop]>But also: >2. If someone sends you a re-INVITE with "" >   try to accept it as described in RFC2543 so that >   you are backward-compatible with implementations >   that use it.
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20:22.43tzangerWelcome to Cooking Up Some Slack. (CUSS)
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20:24.15Nuggetyay slack
20:25.41mishehudamn rsa auth
20:26.27JerJer[interop]mishehu: send the pastebin link again
20:26.30JerJer[interop]i missed it
20:26.36JerJer[interop]o0h found t
20:26.51*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:27.11ManxPowerI'm really starting to hate my new motherboard
20:27.32JerJer[interop]ok obvious question
20:27.41JerJer[interop]do you have the .key file loaded into asterisk?
20:27.51JerJer[interop]and the .pub file on the other box
20:28.09ManxPowerJerJer[interop]: I told him to use secrets and have a simplier life.
20:28.26JerJer[interop]secrets have their limitations though
20:28.40JerJer[interop]soon we will move everyone to RSA
20:28.59JerJer[interop]to make things less stressfull on our end
20:29.12ManxPowerJerJer[interop]: Why are secrets stressful?
20:29.29JerJer[interop]clear text for one
20:29.46JerJer[interop]you'd be surpized how many people have complained about that
20:33.10JerJer[interop]mishehu:  i would remove trunk, at least for now
20:33.10JerJer[interop]keep it simple
20:33.10ariel_JerJer[interop], I hate rsa keys
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20:33.10JerJer[interop]ariel_:  once you understand the implemenation in asterisk you will begin to like them
20:33.11ariel_I will have to agree with ManxPower  here
20:33.11JerJer[interop]when u have multple boxes, RSA auth is very nice
20:33.11tzangerrsa/dsa keys with ssh are just too cool for school
20:33.12patdkpublic key auth is the best
20:33.12patdkhmm, I wonder why that was underlined
20:33.12Sedoroxit was?
20:33.12JerJer[interop]i just wish there was some way to deal with public key deployment and changes in asterisk
20:33.12patdkon my screen it is
20:33.12ariel_JerJer[interop], my problem is not the key or how it's used. but how it's setup.
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20:34.15mgthJerJer: you are smart, write an app :)
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20:34.42ariel_ManxPower, did you find your fall back person?
20:34.53mishehuJerJer[interop]: removing of trunk fixed it, now calls go both directions
20:35.09JerJer[interop]mishehu:  because you did not have a valid type=peer on both ends
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20:35.42mishehuJerJer[interop]: actually, I do believe I do.  I only posted a short snippet of the iax.conf
20:35.59JerJer[interop]if your logger.conf was setup sanely you would have gotten flodded with warnings saying that
20:36.01delphihi, could anyone help we with a problem with zaptel not modprobing please?
20:36.19JerJer[interop]delphi:  if you provide detail on your problem
20:36.23JerJer[interop]don't just ask to ask
20:36.43patdkheh, I wonder why there is so many people asking about zaptel installation problems lately
20:36.51patdkalot of new users, or just major changes
20:37.20ariel_patdk, it comes in waves
20:37.25delphiJerJer[interop]: when modprobing i am getting a number of errors a long the lines of: /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-386/zaptel/zaptel.o: /lib/modules/2.4.27-2-386/zaptel/zaptel.o: unresolv
20:37.25delphied symbol devfs_unregister_R11457980
20:37.38JerJer[interop]make clean install
20:37.50nDuffI've got an office w/ users accessing Asterisk via SIP phones. I'd like to provide them with a way to optionally mask their caller ID info when making outgoing calls (providing just the company's front-end number rather than their direct lines). I was pondering giving each phone (Sipura SPA-) a #2 extension with caller ID set differently (but voicemail and such still going to the same place) -- but I'd appreciate suggestions for other
20:38.02JerJer[interop]delphi:  then make sure you have the approprate source for the runnng kernel
20:38.15delphiJerJer[interop]: ok, will try thanks
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20:38.40ariel_nDuff, just put the callerid in your outbound rules
20:39.24delphiJerJer[interop]: doen make clean install, and have the correct source, but it still does the same
20:39.25ariel_nDuff, you can also set it up via different access numbers like 8 if they want theres or 9 if they want the co's number.
20:40.00nDuffariel_, ahh -- that latter suggestion sounds 'bout right.
20:40.16JerJer[interop]delphi:  when u get those messages it means you are linking against the wrong kernel
20:40.28JerJer[interop]kernel symbols are not correct
20:41.17delphiok, i'll re-check
20:42.18nDuffariel_, any hints wrt where I could look for docs relevant to setting that up? We don't use access numbers for dialing out presently, and were that implemented, I'm still not sure what mechanism to use to switch the caller ID based on it.
20:42.59delphiJerJer[interop]: everything does seem to match. i'm running debian sarge with a 2.4 stock kernel, any problems with that?
20:43.12JerJer[interop]look at the gcc command line - see if there is some funky directory getting included
20:43.52ariel_nDuff, have you taken a look at the sample file. /usr/src/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf it has a pretty good way of doing it there with the 9 .
20:44.02nDuffariel_, thanks, I'll look there.
20:44.10ariel_sorry extensions.conf.sample
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20:46.22mishehu  - shows what I believe to be the valid type=user and type=peer entries into the iax.conf's on either server.
20:46.46mishehuif somebody could look and verify if this is the case, I'd appreciate it.
20:47.03delphiJerJer[interop]: it's all fine.
20:47.47JerJer[interop]have you done at lease a make menuconfig on the kernel ?
20:49.00delphiJearil: no, make oldconfig
20:49.17delphisorry, that should be JerJer[interop]: no, make oldconfig
20:49.57JerJer[interop]well whatever ...just configure your kernel
20:50.08JerJer[interop]i'm just guessng here
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20:52.04tzangermake menuconfig please
20:52.16tzangermake oldconfig just brings the config file up to spec for the new kernel
20:52.20tzangermake menuconfig does a few other things too
20:52.55L|NUXgetting this error while setting clone to x100p Apr  4 06:53:35 ERROR[1717]: chan_zap.c:6213 mkintf: Signalling requested is FXO Loopstart but line is in FXS Kewlstart signalling
20:52.56L|NUXApr  4 06:53:35 ERROR[1717]: chan_zap.c:9148 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1'
20:52.56L|NUXApr  4 06:53:35 WARNING[1717]: loader.c:345 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
20:52.57L|NUXApr  4 06:53:35 WARNING[1717]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
20:52.59L|NUXOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
20:53.19mgthL|nux: Please use a pastebin
20:53.19tzangerL|NUX: the error is very clear
20:53.26tzangerand pleae don't paste that here, use
20:53.28JerJer[interop]read the first line
20:53.32L|NUXtzanger : ?
20:53.47JerJer[interop]that you flooded
20:54.18L|NUXtzanger : sorry for that i will use can you please tell me what is the problem ?
20:54.31ariel_L|NUX, you need to use fxs_ks instead of fxo_ks
20:54.35mishehuL|NUX: did you configure zaptel.conf?
20:54.36JerJer[interop]L|NUX: the very first line that you flooded is the problem
20:54.43mishehuand zapata.conf
20:54.56JerJer[interop]an FXO device uses FXS signalling
20:56.00L|NUXhave this in my /etc/zaptel.conf
20:57.18JerJer[interop]then u need fxs_ks in asterisk/zapata.conf
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20:59.24JerJer[interop]thank you, drive thru
20:59.32marks__COVERTCALL IS FOR SALE..
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21:00.35L|NUXbut i have problem
21:01.07nine76If anyone has a second please look at this and give me any input on fixing it:-/
21:01.27L|NUXthen i can't dial any number :(
21:01.28tzangernine76: how about you give us a 30-word explanation of what it is so we can decide whether to bother clicking or not
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21:01.36nine76fair enough
21:02.11JerJer[interop]L|NUX:  make an extension to dial then
21:02.39L|NUXexten => _X.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
21:02.41L|NUXi added this
21:02.49L|NUXlet me try again
21:03.22nine76I got areskicc installed and going. Many many error fixes later, it now TX's and RX's. But when called it exits 0. is the console output with agi debug on. I think to someone who uses areskicc,they may be familiar with what the next step would be.
21:03.52tzangernine76: that is EXACTLY how people should ask for help here.  That is a perfect example
21:03.56tzangerunfortunately I don't use asteriskcc
21:04.01niZondoes anyone know of a provider simmilar to
21:04.19niZonpreferrably one that offers 204 DIDs
21:04.21nine76I asked that way last night and couldnt find help. I figrued I would try this a.m. and then take it to the lists.
21:05.12nDuffCan I configure *67 to provide the company's front-office phone# rather than disabling caller ID altogether?
21:05.19niZonAGI is evil
21:05.24shido6u can do whatever u vant
21:05.36shido6vut ever you vant
21:05.37JerJer[interop]AGI is very evil
21:05.59JerJer[interop]nine76:  write your own calling card app - its so simple it is almost trivial
21:06.00nine76areski stat v2 installed very painlessly,looks good. id recommen it to everyone.
21:06.15Carp1link please.
21:06.33JerJer[interop]the tough part is billing, whch areskicc does not deal with so you are better off writing your own
21:06.36*** join/#asterisk kraeMit (
21:06.39nine76I started too JerJer. 10 hrs later I decide to try whats already available. even switched my db's to postgres...
21:06.47nine76one second on link Carpl
21:06.48tzangernDuff: of course you can; you can make * do damn near anything you want
21:06.52JerJer[interop]what is available is crap
21:06.53tzangerit's all a matter of the dialplan logic
21:07.11Carp1nine76: please PM it to me, I have to run for like 10 minutes.
21:07.14Darwin[laptop]hell * will even scrw your dog if you set it up right
21:07.18Carp1I got it
21:07.25nine76I'm not *that* slow:)
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21:09.15nine76Would it not be better to use areskicc as a base then build on additional features?
21:09.49JerJer[interop]nine76:  no
21:09.53JerJer[interop]AGI does not scale
21:10.03omeliaq idioma ablan?
21:10.04nine76i see
21:10.23tzangernDuff: personally I'd have *67 setcidnum and then read() and goto the normal context with exten of whatever was read
21:10.24moyaqui ingles la mayoria
21:10.34tzangernDuff: that's just an "off the top of my head" solution
21:10.45moysi quieres español puedes usar el canal php-es
21:10.49cjkhi, do you guys know any mean to detect in someway where the user is registering from and base on this information redirect the registration stuff to a server in his country..... i do not need the software or the solution, just the concept
21:10.51omeliawhat are you talking about??
21:11.11*** join/#asterisk julianjm (
21:11.16omeliaaa gx
21:11.20cjkat the moment i only see DNS as a possible solution
21:12.31Slaintecjk,  do a lookup on what country their IP is registered to, and that should work most of the time.
21:12.46JerJer[interop]cjk: i cannot see why would anyone care
21:13.20*** join/#asterisk abatista (
21:13.23JerJer[interop]Slainte:  that information is not reliable
21:13.31JerJer[interop]espically with portable IP blocks
21:13.36Slaintemore reliable then dns
21:13.44*** join/#asterisk brycec (
21:13.55brycecAny asterisk/zaptel devs on here?
21:13.55JerJer[interop]just design a system that doesn't care what country they are in
21:14.10L|NUXi have problem
21:14.21marloweby: Just ask your question
21:14.25JerJer[interop]brycec:  no this is a forum for the disucssion of the ascii charector called *
21:14.26marloweL: Just ask your question
21:14.26nine76What would that be L|NUX
21:14.29L|NUXwhen i try to call to my local number operator says the number you dialed is invalied :)
21:14.31delphitzanger: compiled a new kernel, but still getting the same error messages
21:14.44brycechaha, thanks JerJer[interop]
21:14.50nine76look in console to see exactly what number was dialed
21:14.54JerJer[interop]L|NUX: then call a valid number
21:14.56*** part/#asterisk cia (
21:15.00brycecJerJer[interop], the topic would indicate otherwise :-P
21:15.04L|NUXwell i am calling valid number
21:15.12JerJer[interop]not accordng to the operator
21:15.13L|NUXdo i need to dial some thing like 91 then call ?
21:15.14nine76check console to make sure its attempting to call a valid #
21:15.17Slainte"portable IP blocks?"  They need to be associated with a BGP AS number, and you can see what ISP is gatewaying that IP block
21:15.19*** join/#asterisk [1]jakepdev (
21:15.27cjkSlainte, doing the lookup is easy
21:15.29cjkand then
21:15.32cjkwhat do i do then
21:15.36JerJer[interop]Slainte: and how quickly is that going to be determined?
21:15.39JerJer[interop]then what if it changes?
21:15.44cjkwhats the technique to tell my phone to register as ip x.x.x.x
21:15.44JerJer[interop]your just asking for trouble
21:15.58brycecI'm having issues with DTMF recognition, as in there is none apparently being done, on a zaptel device. ztmonitor shows the audio is received at least
21:16.03JerJer[interop]cjk:  register with proxy
21:16.20ariel_strange network problems for my connection today!
21:16.22JerJer[interop]brycec:  what kind of DTMF indication?
21:16.32cjkJerJer[interop], ok so i need to register at an SER which has no idea about what iax is
21:16.46JerJer[interop]ok and this is a problem how?
21:16.51JerJer[interop]asterisk talks sip
21:17.03JerJer[interop]and one can register to asterisk with sip
21:17.04brycecJerJer[interop], Nothing on the channel's debug and no break of dialtone
21:17.07cjki know, but maybe i want to talk iax
21:17.12JerJer[interop]then talk IAX
21:17.13L|NUXany idea
21:17.42JerJer[interop]iax has the same registration concept
21:18.00L|NUXi added exten => _X.,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN})
21:18.06L|NUXand restared asterisk
21:18.21JerJer[interop]that's evil
21:18.25L|NUXand when i try to dial any local number operator say no invalid
21:18.29L|NUXany hope ?
21:18.32*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
21:18.40cjkJerJer[interop], im not sure if i understant the job of a proxy, but the traffic always goes through a proxy
21:18.46moywhat does the console says LINUX?
21:18.53nine76look at your console to see what number its attempting to dial L|NUX
21:19.11nine76You should be able to then obviously see the problem,and correct it in exten.conf
21:19.20JerJer[interop]_1NXXNXXXXXX is more proper for a us/canada number
21:20.09tzangerdo not use . unless you ABSOLUTELY must...
21:20.38L|NUXgot this
21:20.52nine76it only tried to dial 6 number?
21:20.57nine76read it :|NUX
21:21.21nine76missing a digit,check for EXTEN:1 in exten.conf
21:21.43*** join/#asterisk StallmanIsGod (
21:21.59JerJer[interop]or user didn't dial enough digitis
21:22.15*** join/#asterisk macTijn (
21:22.21L|NUXi have this exten => _X.,1,Dial(ZAP/1/${EXTEN:1})
21:22.25nine76remove :1
21:22.32nine76so ${EXTEN}
21:22.43nine76try it that way,and watch and READ console
21:22.48brycecsob0l, can nobody help me with zaptel/asterisk dtmf recognition???
21:22.52nine76Hi Carpl
21:23.09Carp1nevrmind lol
21:23.12Carp1Thought I lost hte link
21:23.15brycecSo can nobody help me with zaptel/asterisk dtmf recognition???
21:23.23L|NUXnine76 : thx
21:23.28*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
21:23.43nine76brycec: x100p?
21:23.46L|NUXnine76 : how can i bound some one that only that extension can make outbound calls ?
21:24.02nine76I would do it using contexts
21:24.05brycecnine76, yeah
21:24.24L|NUXnine76 : can you tell me how ?
21:24.25brycecnine76, er, rather te100
21:24.56brycecIt works on x86, but not ppc
21:25.09nine76brycec: I have an x100p and never experienced dtmf problems,so I was just going to recommend looking over config files again,but if your not using the same card as I, I do not know:-/
21:25.24brycecnine76, You on ppc too?
21:25.44brycecnine76, Yeah, it works on x86 just fine for me
21:26.14L|NUXnine76 : can you tell me how can i restrict only one or two extenstion to make outbound calls ?
21:26.35nine76I told you I would use different contexts for that purpose.
21:26.51L|NUXi am new man :$
21:26.54brycecL|NUX, Simply put them in a context that has no includes with contexts that permit outbound lines
21:27.03blitzragecontexts are security boundries. Use them, understand them, love them.
21:27.33L|NUXcan i show you my configurations ?
21:27.52_SMP_anyone in here own a 7960? How loud is your handset volume if you crank it all the way up? In order to get decent vol, I have to crank it almost to the limit. Is that normal?
21:28.23*** join/#asterisk netMonkey (~netMonkey@
21:28.49nine76Its no error on your part L|NUX no need to look at configs. You need to understand what contexts are,since its what you need.
21:28.52Nuggetit's uncomfortably loud if I crank it all the way up
21:28.54blitzragecreate contexts related to various features ([voicemail], [outbound-pstn], [inbound-nufone], etc...). Then create contexts [basic], [trusted] and [administrator]. Add include => context to each of those, which gives you levels of control. Then assign your phones to either context=basic|trusted|administrator
21:29.35blitzrage* context crash course brought to you by blitzrage * :)
21:29.46nine76well done
21:30.24blitzragesay it outloud: contexts are security boundaries
21:31.03file[laptop]contexts are security boundaries!
21:31.07JerJer[interop]_SMP_:  ditto - i've got mine less than half way up
21:31.08blitzragefile[laptop]: @
21:31.11blitzrageerrr... !
21:31.57tzangercontexts kick ass
21:32.10fugitivoanyone using wireless headsets?
21:32.27blitzragetzanger: I prefer everything in default
21:32.47blitzragetzanger: especially int'l calling through my PRI
21:33.11*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
21:33.12blitzrageJerJer[interop]: can I have one? :)
21:33.19nine76beat em to it
21:33.26JerJer[interop]sure, if your in Michigan
21:33.43blitzrageJerJer[interop]: actually, you can just colocate it for me, I don't need physical access :)
21:34.30*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
21:35.55JerJer[interop]sure send a box
21:37.10JerJer[interop]and if it has two NICs you won't need to put a T1 card in it
21:37.28JerJer[interop]since we have a private IP network for voice only - where usage of ulaw is encuraged
21:37.42shido6damn right
21:37.46shido6das blinke lights
21:37.50shido6das blinken lights
21:37.53*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
21:37.58fearnorTDMoE isn't really TDM :)
21:37.59*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
21:38.01JerJer[interop]more blinken
21:38.04fearnorclose, but no cigarre
21:38.18JerJer[interop]there is no TDMoE
21:38.22JerJer[interop]just IAX2
21:38.29blitzrageJerJer[interop]: lol, are you serious?
21:38.29fearnorwell, then no fax for joo
21:38.35fearnorthat's gay. sorry.
21:38.51mishehurelaxen und watchin das blinken lights
21:38.52fearnorhalf my clients buy PRIs from me just so they can do faxing :)
21:39.13fearnormishehu: das buttonen ist nicht fur gefingerpoken und mittengrabben
21:39.28fearnori can probably do that
21:39.31mishehuich bin du
21:39.38fearnorhave cisco 4000 collecting dust
21:39.44fearnorwith 3*8 port bri :)
21:39.51mishehufearnor: I don't speak that language
21:40.00*** join/#asterisk Helloween22 (~xxxx@
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21:40.06blitzragedu haste miche!
21:40.09L|NUXblitzrage : now see what i have done :)
21:40.16fearnordu hasst
21:40.32L|NUXwait i use
21:40.38shido6Sie mögen nicht meine Blinkenlichter?
21:40.40blitzrageL|NUX: better idea ;)
21:41.35JerJer[interop]du hast
21:41.45fearnorjerjer: hast is have, hasst is hate.
21:41.52fearnori think.
21:41.59JerJer[interop]just sounded good  :)
21:42.07fearnordefinitely do hasst
21:42.13blitzragefearnor: yes, hate :)
21:42.21fearnorhate flows freely
21:42.32shido6Ich mag gerade den deutschen Schokoladenkuchen
21:42.55L|NUXbut when i dialing from extension 1001 it said the person you are calling is unavilable
21:43.31cjkjust to come back to my problems, what to you think of "sip redirect servers" which give a different answer based on ip information
21:44.40Dovidhello all
21:44.59Dovidi set up a basic asterisk machine and i need a basic softphone. can anyhone assist ?
21:45.13nine76many available
21:45.45Dovidi need one for windows
21:45.53L|NUXblitzrage : any idea ?
21:45.58cjkDovid, a really good one
21:46.31fugitivocjk: the interface of sjphone is just ugly for linux or i'm missing something?
21:46.36L| are best :)
21:46.42cjkfugitivo, its different on windows
21:46.45cjkbig difference
21:46.50cjkreally really big difference
21:46.57cjkforget the linux version of sjlabs
21:48.27JerJer[interop]sweeet -  they are doing bluetooth to a Zultys 4x5 SIP phone here
21:48.34nine76x-lite windows version works on linux using crossover office
21:48.46nine76meanwhile linux x-lite doesnt work for me:-/
21:50.11cjkx-lite sucks, sorry i think its really unstable and is missing options in the free version
21:50.18cjksjlabs has all the important options
21:50.19*** join/#asterisk bizbaz (
21:50.37bizbazcan any one help me?
21:50.40ManxPowerAll softphones suck!
21:50.50fugitivoManxPower: i think you're right, he
21:50.56nine76I dislike x-lite myself,cant find better alternative though. kphone lieks to seg fault at random. I dont use windows.
21:51.04bizbazwho knows any thing about unlockig phones
21:51.13ManxPowerbizbaz: We are not going to configure Asterisk for you, but if you have a specific question someone may be able to help.
21:51.16fugitivokphone is nice, but yet too buggy
21:51.28bizbazoo ok
21:51.33delphikiax seems to work quite well
21:51.34ManxPowerfugitivo: kphone doesn't support OOB DTMF
21:52.14ManxPowernine76: Make your live better - buy a hardphone
21:52.17fugitivoManxPower: i know, but it's the nicest for linux
21:52.34nine76Hope to purchase a sipura soon.
21:52.37bizbazi just want to know if it is possible to use a nextl i860 with an at&t sim car
21:53.02fugitivodid you see the lastest version of cisco softphone?
21:53.04fugitivowith video?
21:53.16fugitivothat's a nice softphone :)
21:53.17Sedoroxbizbaz: no
21:53.18bizbazdo i need to unlock it?
21:53.28Sedoroxdifferent systems
21:53.33ManxPowerbizbaz: that's not an Asterisk question, but the answer is No.  Nextel phones don't work with any other carrier
21:53.43SedoroxI tried using cingular on a i730... didn't work..
21:53.45bizbazoo ok
21:53.51Sedoroxconected.. but couldn't make calls
21:54.12ManxPowerSedorox: As long as the phone and the provider use the same tech it CAN work, but carriers don't like to do that.
21:54.38bizbazthats right but what is you unlock it
21:54.57ManxPowerbizbaz: As I said Nextel uses their own protocol.
21:54.58bizbazthen its just the phone
21:54.59Sedoroxwell I couldn't get it to work.. so just talking from experience.. and yes.. the phone I tried is unlocked...
21:55.17bizbazi see
21:55.36L|NUXcan some one please tell me why my extenstion 1001 can't make outbound calls
21:55.46ManxPowerEurope is so much nice for this stuff.  All phones use the same protocols and carriers do allow you to keep your phone.
21:56.02L|NUXi have this configuration in my extensions.conf
21:56.04nine76L|NUX what context is your sip phone placed into?
21:56.15bizbazi wish i could use this phone
21:56.19ManxPowerL|NUX: You are saing the equiv of "Can someone please tell me why my car doesn't work."  I.e. it's too general of a question
21:56.42ManxPowerHell, as far as I know Nextel phones don't even HAVE a SUM card.
21:56.46BuckRogersdid you check your oil?
21:56.54Sedoroxnextel's do run sims
21:57.02ManxPowerSUM == SIM
21:57.03L|NUXas well as in [sip]
21:57.05fugitivoManxPower: yes they have sim cards
21:57.06BuckRogersi hate my nextel cant wait for the contract to be up
21:57.14bizbazyes they do they just  use iden system
21:57.22Sedoroxthats one thing that is gonna piss me off when sprint takes over.. their a non-sim system
21:57.38fugitivosprint is too expensive
21:57.39nine76L|NUX in sip.conf your 1001 has a line which says context => admin ?
21:57.43ManxPowerSedorox: Honestly, IDEN must die.
21:57.58L|NUXdo i need to add this ?
21:58.01L|NUXlet me add
21:58.02bizbazthats way im trying to get my at&t sim to work on the nextl
21:58.19ManxPowerbizbaz: ask on a cell phone channel
21:58.33SedoroxI like iden...
21:58.57ManxPowerSedorox: We already have too many cell phone standards in the USA.
21:58.58bizbazdo you know of any one?
21:59.00cjkhi, anyone here who can tell me if a redirect server is able to redirect registration requests as well. i could not really get that our of the rfc and google
21:59.05L|NUXnot working :(
21:59.10ManxPoweriDEN, GSM, CDMA, TDMA, AMPS
21:59.10SedoroxAnyway... bizbaz if you decide to sell your phone.. let m,e know :-p
21:59.15SedoroxManxPower: true
21:59.21nine76get console output and put it on pastebin and gimme link L|NUX
21:59.31L|NUXnothing here
21:59.35ManxPowerFortunatly all carriers are switching to CDMA or GSM
21:59.36L|NUXAsterisk Ready.
21:59.44bizbazill give it to you for 150
21:59.53ManxPowerstill not a single standard, but better than 5 of them
22:00.08Sedoroxyea.. but I like the idea of using SIM's because I don't have to go back to the carrier to switch phones
22:00.35ManxPowerSedorox: The ONLY reason I don't have a GSM phone right now is that 2 years ago the GSM carrier's coverage SUCKED.
22:00.42ManxPowerI believe in the technology
22:01.21SedoroxI just wish CDMA would do SIM cards...
22:01.24Sedoroxmakes it easier on me
22:02.07*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
22:02.51ManxPowerI was looking at cell phones on eBay (for Europe) and the prices are like 5x what they are for phones in the USA
22:03.01shmaltzjust received my first quad span t1 from digium, anybody here know what the jumpers are for?
22:03.27Sedoroxthat sucks.. can't you just use a gsm/world phone from the US?
22:03.28ManxPowershmaltz: forcing T-1/E-1.
22:03.42ManxPowerSedorox: Well, if I HAD a GSM/World phone....
22:03.53ManxPowerSedorox: I was referring to the prices of USED phones.
22:04.00Sedoroxoo ok
22:04.07shmaltzManxPower, what about the timing jumpers?
22:04.23ManxPowershmaltz: no idea.  don't touch them
22:04.34shmaltzI'm not just asking
22:04.39shmaltzand the test jumpers?
22:04.52shmaltzand whats the expansion slots for?
22:05.05ManxPowershmaltz: you sure do ask a lot of questions
22:05.15shmaltzhey it's sunday
22:05.53fugitivoshmaltz: the manual doesn't give you that info?
22:05.55kraeMitTo be honest: Here is is monday since 5 minutes ;-)
22:06.05ManxPowerfugitivo: there is no manual
22:06.21shmaltzkraeMit, i'm glad I live in the west
22:06.22fugitivoManxPower: no? why?
22:06.55ManxPowerfugitivo: I don't know.  PRinting one would add like $1 to the cost of the product
22:09.43*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
22:09.45shmaltzwow, gmail expanded storage to 2 GB
22:09.56fugitivoshmaltz: old news :)
22:10.08*** join/#asterisk deRost (
22:10.10tzangershmaltz: are you anywhere near your 1g now??
22:10.10shmaltzwell I just noticed
22:10.14file[laptop]they keep going up
22:10.16file[laptop]at 2055 now
22:10.41fugitivotzanger: You are currently using 748 MB (36%) of your 2055 MB.
22:10.42shmaltzgmail reports:
22:10.43hmodesis there a way to listen for dtmf during a call and perform actions?
22:10.44shmaltz*You are currently using 134 MB (7%) of your 2055 MB.*
22:10.46Slainteanyone using the sql billing option?
22:10.53hmodesit looks like a macro should do what I want, but doesn't seem to
22:10.55fugitivohmodes: yes
22:11.24hmodesfugitivo: care to drop a hint as to what I should be searching for? :)
22:12.39shmaltzanybody here that qualifies, and is interested in designing a gui to manage:
22:12.41shmaltzextensions.conf, sip.conf, voicemail.conf, musiconhold.conf, and is context aware?
22:12.42shmaltzwill pay.
22:15.12ManxPowershmaltz: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:15.28fugitivoshmaltz: why? vi is nice
22:15.31shmaltzManxPower, why you laughing?
22:15.32ManxPowershmaltz: if it was easy someone would have done it already.
22:15.46ManxPowerHell, even if it was medium difficult someone would have done it already.
22:15.47*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
22:15.50shmaltzI'm trying to give this to a client
22:16.20shmaltzI love vi, but my client doesn't know what it stands for
22:16.21ManxPowershmaltz: I would consider it for US$25,000 since it would take about 6 months worth of work to write and debug it.
22:16.39shmaltzManxPower, I don't think it will take that long
22:16.45shmaltzI think 2 weeks is enough
22:16.55shmaltzpm me and I'll explain
22:16.55Blissexshmaltz: then go ahead :-)
22:17.00ManxPowershmaltz: The project is MUCH mroe complicated than you think it is.
22:17.16file[laptop]isn't that just cute
22:17.20fugitivoshmaltz: see if you can find something here,  done it already.
22:17.20fugitivo<ManxPower> Hell, even if it was medium difficult someone would have done it already.
22:17.20fugitivo-:- Dovid [] has joined #asterisk
22:17.20fugitivo<shmaltz> I'm trying to give this to a client
22:17.22shmaltzManxPower, not for what I need
22:17.28fearnorstart on it, shmaltz
22:17.38fearnorand then you'll realize its far more complicated than you think
22:17.40ManxPowerMy clients call me for changes
22:17.45fearnorone of those 80/20 things
22:17.52fearnor80% of work take 80% of time
22:17.59fearnorthe other 20% of work take the other 80% of time.
22:18.36*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
22:19.04fearnorgood to know
22:20.00ManxPowerI don't suppose anyone knows how much the small electric burners cost for a stove?
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22:23.29ManxPowerI didn't think so
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22:27.05robl^ManxPower: replacements?  if its standard coil type (not the solid ones), then about $20-30
22:28.14*** join/#asterisk shodan (~shodan@
22:29.42ManxPowerrobl^: thanks.
22:30.12*** join/#asterisk ubergoober (
22:30.23ManxPowerNote to self: check for plastic bags sitting on the top of the stove when you turn on the oven, expecially plastic bags sitting on top of the burner with the oven vent.
22:30.25robl^ManxPower: should I ask how you broke one?
22:30.45fearnormmm smell of burnt plastic
22:30.54ManxPowerrobl^: Well, it involved rope and j-lube.
22:30.55fearnorteh magic smoke
22:30.59robl^actually.. that can be cleaned off easily.. should still be ok
22:31.02ManxPowerfearnor: just melted, not burnt.
22:31.15ManxPowerFor $20 I'll try to clean it off myself.
22:31.28ubergooberHas anybody had trouble using IAX2 with FWD today?
22:31.36fearnorjust 20$? it ain't white man's job to clean it
22:31.51fearnorhire a mexican housekeeper let her deal wif it
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22:32.00robl^hehe..  just use some steel wool and a slave :)
22:32.02fearnoror buy new
22:32.17fearnorsteel wool + computers = fun
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22:43.38hmodeshrmm, okay
22:43.42hmodesi am not getting this
22:44.19JerJer[interop]hmodes:  nobody is getting it
22:45.26*** join/#asterisk Godsey (
22:46.54hmodesso i want an incoming call to dial a phone, and while the call is up, if 1 is pressed, execute a system action
22:47.01*** join/#asterisk MrBelvedr (
22:47.09hmodesthat does not work, both with waitexten and read
22:47.17MrBelvedrdid my last question go through? i got disconnected.
22:47.23hmodesthe calling party just gets endless ringing, and when the dialed party picks up there is no audio
22:47.40Carp1Anyone know the SIP server for nuFone?
22:47.41hmodesanyone have any suggestions?
22:47.56MrBelvedrwhat is the minimum RAM that asterisk can run under? assuming no transcodding and no Music on hold or anything)
22:48.00shido6whats up Carp1
22:48.07Carp1Not much, you?
22:48.11Carp1Just need the SIP server.
22:48.53ManxPowerCarp1: I think they have to enable your account on that server first
22:48.59Carp1They did
22:49.01*** join/#asterisk drooth (
22:49.04Carp1Got got the email back.
22:49.06h3xthe shadow shido man
22:49.10Carp1But I don't know the server. lol.
22:49.17droothdo you all recommend installing asterisk with the built in red hat clone? or will any linux flavor do?
22:49.19shido6whats your username
22:49.21ManxPowerMrBelvedr: 64M I think, but I always have 512M in my Asterisk sustems
22:49.47ManxPowerMrBelvedr: The key is that you don't want your system swapping a lot.
22:49.52h3xJerJer[interop]: isn't interop in may?
22:50.40shido6check your email , carp1
22:50.42*** join/#asterisk linsys (
22:51.03ManxPowergawd that's good
22:51.11ManxPowerdrooth: any linux
22:51.12shido6coors light
22:51.15tzangerslackware man... slackware
22:51.15h3xa whole car?  thats a helluva lot of guinness
22:51.20h3xyou will turn green soon
22:51.25linsysCan someone show me a sample extensions.conf that hands all calls off to the local POTS line? I can get calls into my PBX and have all the lines ring, I even got some automated into stuff.. but I can't dail out..
22:51.33ManxPowershido6: I think the proper term for Coors Light is the term "disgusting"
22:51.37sivanaya, slackware
22:51.42sivanaI second that motion
22:51.50tzangerlinsys: exten => NXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN},,g)
22:51.55tzangerexten => NXXXXXX,2,Hangup
22:52.05ManxPowerlinsys: exten => 91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
22:52.07tzanger(for north america 7-digit local dialing)
22:52.10Darwin[laptop]its cleaner and smaler base
22:52.20linsysI have 10 digit
22:52.21ManxPowermine is for north america 11 digit toll dialing
22:52.22tzangerDarwin[laptop]: how big is your default debian install?
22:52.26tzangerlinsys: then adapt the script to work
22:52.35Darwin[laptop]80 megs
22:52.44tzangerDarwin[laptop]: that's not bad
22:53.02sivanagreat.. maybe I should have went Debian.. hehe
22:53.34tzangerhahaha  My default is around 100M or so
22:53.38Darwin[laptop]brb doorbell
22:53.43linsysI have a line like this include => always-out-pots should i define what you said aboive under the heading [always-out-pots]
22:53.56linsys<shido6> wow
22:53.56linsys<shido6> we can provide you with an asterisk confguration overview for $85 bucks, which is a one hour session
22:53.56linsys<shido6> use if we get disconnected
22:54.00linsyswhat's up with this?
22:54.24tzangerlinsys: you are coming across as someone who wants people to solve his problems for him rather than try to learn
22:54.24ManxPowerlinsys: That is Shido getting tired of your questions 8-)
22:54.34*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
22:54.40ManxPowerI'd charge $120.
22:54.41tzangershido6 is offering paid support, which is what I was about to do too :-)
22:54.43*** join/#asterisk Arauto (
22:54.51ManxPowerPeople that don't want to config them selves should feel pain.
22:54.54fearnor85$ is a good deal
22:54.58tzangerit is actually
22:55.06FarrisGIs there a way to configure asterisk so that voicemails are removed from the mailbox after they are emailed?
22:55.06fearnoryou should take it.
22:55.12tzangerand nufone's setup is actually pretty robust
22:55.14ManxPowerFarrisG: yes
22:55.30tzangerfearnor: damn, allergy season must cost you a fortune
22:55.31FarrisGManxPower: Is it in the docs somewhere?
22:56.01ManxPowerFarrisG: Did you look in /path/to/asterisk/configs/voicemail.conf.sample
22:56.24linsysGee.. I didn't know this channel was a bunch of elitists
22:56.43fearnorput it this way
22:56.50fearnoryou are providing commercial service to your customers?
22:56.51ManxPowerlinsys: no.  We are capitalists
22:57.15h3x^^^  that sure does look like a modified linksys
22:57.17linsysAcutally I've asked nothing but that question which I received any usefull info..
22:57.30ManxPowerStep 1: I do something for you.  Step 2: You start handing me piles of cash until I tell you to stop.
22:57.31tzangerit has nothing to do with elitism
22:57.31h3xIs there some easy way they could have hacked a ds3 interface onto it
22:57.34linsysuntill that question..
22:57.36ManxPowerSee?  Quite simple really.
22:57.40tzangerlinsys: you aren't even trying to solve your problem
22:57.43linsysEverything else I configured my self..
22:57.44fearnorh3x: it isn't
22:57.50tzangerI gave you 7 digit dialing and what's the first thing you said "but I need 10"
22:57.51fearnorh3x: just color scheme.
22:57.58ManxPowerlinsys: There are Wiki pages about this.
22:58.02linsysI had someone look over a config I did... and the box was too slow to work, changed it to a new box, and it all worked
22:58.03h3xhave you used one?
22:58.08fearnorreading is FUNDAMENTAL
22:58.11fearnorh3x: no.
22:58.22linsysI've been reading the wiki
22:58.29fearnorok fine
22:58.34fearnorunderstanding is also fundamental
22:58.42linsyswell I did get this far..
22:58.56tzangerDarwin[laptop]: my pared down slackware install's about 280M but that includes both perl and python
22:59.02linsyslike I said I don't see all the help people here have provided me..
22:59.13linsysI must have missed those messages.. ???
22:59.16*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
22:59.22*** part/#asterisk mkhan (
22:59.28tzangerlinsys: we've provided a lot of help to a lot of people... some understand and some don't
22:59.32fearnoryou must have not been paying attention.
22:59.35*** join/#asterisk nesys (
22:59.43ManxPowerlinsys: The thing is, if you configured everything else, then you should EASILY be able to configure dialing out.
23:00.31linsysI was just looking for a URL that;s all, I didn't see anything but a complicated config which was setup to determine long distance calls and send them to a SIP provider and determine local calls and send them to the local POTS..
23:00.32tzangerJerJer[interop]: that's nothing special...  if I tried I get down to 8M or so but that's not a "pared down slackware install" that's a custom linux distro like yours :-)
23:00.46linsysThat didn't seem to work for me.. I just couldn't find anything else.. my fault..
23:00.56Darwin[laptop]ahh ok cool
23:00.59tzangerthat is a config pulled from a working system
23:01.13Darwin[laptop]well my sister is here back in a bit
23:01.31linsystzanger: thanks..
23:01.34JerJer[interop]tzanger:  yes...i started with a kernel, glibc and lilo
23:01.41JerJer[interop]then added busybox
23:01.54tzangerJerJer[interop]: yes busybox makes things very small
23:01.55h3xJerJer[interop]: isn't interop in may?
23:01.56tzangeras does uclibc
23:02.11tzangerlinsys: that does 7, 10, 11 and international
23:02.14JerJer[interop]h3x: the show is, yes - we are doing the testing now
23:02.21h3xtesting what?
23:02.23JerJer[interop]tzanger:  yeah i don't like uclibc
23:02.29*** join/#asterisk nDuff (
23:02.29JerJer[interop]h3x: hot stage
23:02.32tzangerJerJer[interop]: 9M with glibc??
23:02.38*** join/#asterisk Veryhot (
23:02.43JerJer[interop]tzanger:  yes
23:02.46h3xjuggling asterisk balls? heh
23:02.47tzangerJerJer[interop]: wow.  now that *is* impressive.
23:02.55VeryhotAnyone using Voipjet for Intl ?
23:02.56h3xso you're here in vegas huh
23:03.07*** join/#asterisk mentat (
23:03.15JerJer[interop]no Belmont
23:03.20JerJer[interop]~ San Fran
23:03.26Carp1I cant get it to work! lol
23:03.27h3xah i thought interop was in vegas in may?
23:03.46JerJer[interop]it is - but the testing facility is n belmont, ca
23:03.52h3xi see
23:03.57tzangerwhat is interhop?
23:04.04ManxPowerI thought there was more than one Interop show.
23:04.17h3xthere is but not in one time of the year
23:04.27ManxPowerOh, not that merged with Networld.
23:04.55tzangerDarwin[laptop]: actually pared down slack is 200M with perl and python, I had three complete sets of kernel modules in there
23:05.07JerJer[interop]tzanger:  demonistrates interoperability of these so-called open standards we use
23:05.08tzangerbut that includes a lot of useful libs
23:05.09*** join/#asterisk pol^pht (
23:05.21tzangerJerJer[interop]: ahh so that is why you've been asking so many SIP questions
23:05.23h3xJerJer[interop]: did they put you in charge of H.323 *snicker*
23:05.25Veryhotim having problem using VoipJet codec for Intl. can someone help me?
23:05.27pol^phthello all
23:05.34Carp1anyone connected to NuFone through a Budgetone?
23:05.34ManxPowerThis stupid built in video on my new motherboard does not support the resolution I want.
23:05.55h3xJerJer[interop]: You should just rant and rave and tell everybody to implement IAX2
23:06.01tzangerh3x: I agree 100%
23:06.05h3xThey have a month, now hurry up!@!
23:06.09*** join/#asterisk dom-server (
23:06.31dom-serverIs there anyway to link one global to another ?
23:06.37*** join/#asterisk iosahdf (
23:06.38dom-serveras in a callerid
23:06.55ManxPowerIt can do 1024x768 and 2048x1280, but not 1152x864
23:07.00pol^phti have "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'" and no busy tone. is it normal? (asterisk 1.0.5)
23:07.03JerJer[interop]but there are people here testing everything relating to networking
23:07.25tzangerpol^pht: you must have a Hangup right after or something
23:07.40dom-serveris there anyway to relay a callerid from 1 users context into the rest of a dial plan?
23:07.50ManxPowerpol^pht: PASTE the Dial line.
23:07.57ManxPowerdom-server: that is the default.
23:08.11VeryhotI keep getting this msg"channel.c:1314 ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2"
23:08.30pol^phtManxPower:  exten => 222,1, Dial(SIP/222,40,t)
23:08.33h3x[pr newswire] Las Vegas NV, Networld+Interop.   Digium X110P sales boast record growth thanks to Avaya, Nortel, Cisco, 3Com, and Mitel buying large amounts of cards for zaptel timing to support their new IAX2 protocol implementation.
23:08.36dom-serverManxPower : , im trying to get it so that i can set the callerid in the [user*] contexts
23:08.43dom-serverand dont have to add all the other stuff too it
23:08.47dom-serverany idea's?
23:09.02ManxPowerdom-server: What do you want to set the callerid to?
23:09.08pol^phttzanger: i need people will hear busy tone
23:09.11fearnorh3x: thats golden
23:09.28dom-serverManxPower : I want it so every user that is added as in [user1] etc can have a differant callerid added obviously
23:09.30tzangerpol^pht: then make your dialplan do that.  :-)
23:09.35dom-serverbecasue they will be dialing out from a differant number
23:09.39h3xhell yeah
23:09.49h3xjerjer would be getting a phat commission check
23:09.50ManxPowerdom-server: you don't add users to extensions.conf.  You add them to sip.conf, iax.conf, or zaptel.conf.
23:09.54tzangerwow MGM just fucked up I think
23:10.18pol^phttzanger: that's the question. will asterisk send busy signal if SIP phone not connected?
23:10.19ManxPowerdom-server: and where you add the user is where you set their callerid
23:10.20tzangertoo bad the DVDA wont' say the same thing
23:10.29tzangerpol^pht: if you configure your dialplan to do so, of course it will
23:10.36ManxPowerpol^pht: No it won't unless you set it up to do so.
23:10.39dom-serverManxPower, what do i add to there context in sip.conf?
23:10.53ManxPowerpol^pht: see macro-stedexten] in extensions.conf.sample
23:11.03ManxPowerdom-server: callerid=robert Dobbs <666]
23:11.11ManxPowerdom-server: callerid=Robert Dobbs <666>
23:11.31ManxPoweror more accuratly
23:11.43ManxPowerdom-server: callerid=George W. Bush <666>
23:11.47ubergooberWhat should one look at to trouble-shoot one-way connections thru iax?  I can receive calls, but I can't initiate them without getting busy respones
23:11.48dom-serverBut number isnt 666 :S
23:11.58pol^phtManxPower&tzanger: that you. now i'm sure where to look:) thanks again
23:11.59dom-serverIm on about it sending the whole number as in 0845....
23:12.08pol^phtaah, thank you:)
23:12.12ManxPowerdom-server: then set the right number.
23:12.23*** join/#asterisk _asr (
23:12.26dom-serverso in sip.conf
23:12.34dom-servercallerid=NAme <0845..>
23:12.37nesyshi folks .. there's someone that could help me to find a mistake about sip trunk between ccme and asterisk, and no call-forward from ccme to asterisk while a simple call from ccme to asterisk works fine?
23:12.41ManxPowerdom-server: yes.
23:12.46harryvvseeems voipjet has had alot of 2000ms lags lately.
23:12.54dom-serverManxPower what needs to be in the dialplan for that?
23:13.04ManxPowerNow the telco may or may not accept you setting the callerid.  Almost none support NAME, and only some support NUMBER
23:13.16nesysthis is my debug:
23:13.25ManxPowerdom-server: If the SIP user authenticates then it will get the callerid.
23:13.55ManxPowerdom-server: How do you know the callerid is not being set?  Put a Noop(CALLERID=${CALLERID}) in your dialplan so you can see what callerid is at that point in the dialplan.
23:14.50ubergooberCan anybody point me in the right direction to troubleshoot my iax problem?
23:15.12ManxPowerubergoober: what is your "iax problem"?
23:15.14dom-serverSo there caller id is set in the sip.conf?
23:15.34harryvvuber is it peer to voip service or peer to peer inside or outside the network
23:15.39ManxPowerdom-server: callerid= in sip.conf will override whatever the user sends as their callerid.
23:15.49ubergooberPeer to FWD
23:16.12harryvvpeer whats the problem.
23:16.14ManxPowerdom-server: I assume you are talking about the Caller*ID of calls made BY the SIP user?
23:16.21*** part/#asterisk thomas_adam (
23:16.33dom-serverAtm its sending no number
23:16.40dom-servereven though i added callerid to sip.conf
23:16.49ubergooberFrom a FWD registered phone, I can call my own asterisk via the IAX but if I try to dial back the other direction, it's always a busy response
23:16.50ManxPowerSECOND POST: dom-server: How do you know the callerid is not being set?  Put a Noop(CALLERID=${CALLERID}) in your dialplan so you can see what callerid is at that point in the dialplan.
23:16.54ManxPowerI won't ask a 3rd time.
23:17.12ManxPowerubergoober: IAX2 FWD only support ulaw.
23:17.21ubergooberI'm allowing ulaw
23:17.32ManxPowerubergoober: where?
23:17.39harryvvso you are calling that fwd from another phone like a cell to call back into your box ?
23:18.20ubergooberin iax.conf
23:18.20dom-serverIts not displaying a number ManxPower
23:18.20ManxPowerubergoober: general or your fwd entry?
23:18.20dom-serverWhys that when its set in sip.conf
23:18.20ManxPowerdom-server: Until you put the Noop in your dialplan I cannot help you further.
23:18.21*** join/#asterisk HaKim (~kaardelen@
23:18.31harryvvI never like the idea of FWD to much a risk somone listening in on your convo ;)
23:19.24dom-serverThat stops it working totally
23:19.29dom-serverWhere is the best place to put it
23:19.33ManxPowerdom-server: then you are doing something wrong.
23:19.37*** join/#asterisk znoG (gs@
23:19.39ManxPowerdom-server: right before the Dial line.
23:19.44nesysCould you help me to understand the debug?
23:20.49dom-serverWhat should the output look like
23:21.35*** part/#asterisk FarrisG (
23:22.08ManxPowerdom-server: it should look like  -- Executing NoOp("SIP/2121a-5a0b", "CALLERID=Manx Power <2121>")
23:22.13ariel_harryvv, too much of a risk? someone can listen to any pots line as well.
23:22.54h3xdosent fwd do a transfer
23:23.19ManxPowerdom-server: and you set the callerid= line in the [dom] section of sip.conf?
23:23.26iosahdfis there a vonage-like service provider for +1 who supports asterisk?
23:23.27ManxPowerPaste the ACTUAL noop line in your extensions.conf.
23:23.39dom-servercallerid=Dom Eves <08452413210>
23:23.41ariel_iosahdf, lots
23:23.48ManxPowerPaste the ACTUAL noop line in your extensions.conf.
23:23.58iosahdfariel_, which are the better ones?
23:24.04dom-serverexten => _0Z.,4,Noop(CALLERID=${CALLERID})
23:24.25iosahdfi'm looking at and there's a huuuge list
23:24.31Veryhotanyone using VoipJet for Intl call?
23:24.41ManxPowerdom-server: put your sip.conf on (sans password/secret)
23:24.57ManxPowersans == without
23:25.04ariel_better well everyone has there issues including Vonage.  I have been using, voicepulse on my system for inbound did. outbound I use voipjet, and nufone.
23:25.12ManxPower"Sans Serif" = "Without Serifs"
23:25.52ManxPowerI've been linking teliax these days
23:25.52ManxPowerVoipJet I won't use.
23:25.59Veryhotmax: for Intl?
23:26.09Veryhotmax: cheap 1.3 mins
23:26.14harryvvarial I am totally aware of that. My telco instructos said its a requirments in the old days to listen in between two called parties and wait before thay can disconect before thay can switch over the drop cable. Normally this was in the wee hours of the morning. Thay were obviosly strictly fobiden to talk to anyone about what thay hear even if its a crime that is about to happen. But voip is unregulated and thus I dont think that p
23:26.14harryvveople on FWD would adhear to those same rules.
23:26.16Veryhotmax: and good rate on Intl
23:26.38Veryhotmanx: who ya using?
23:26.57ManxPowerVeryhot: I've been linking teliax these days
23:27.21harryvvWhen he said wee hours I did not take the course for the next quarter :) Did not like the idea of staying up between 1-4 am :)
23:27.24ManxPowerdom-server: It should be working.
23:27.55dom-serverdo you need to see the extensions file/
23:28.07ManxPowertake out everything except the [general] stuff and the [dom] stuff.
23:28.25Veryhotmanx: ?
23:28.25dom-serverfrom where?
23:28.30ManxPowerdom-server: No.  Callerid is not set in extensions.conf unless you want to override something.
23:28.45dom-serverexten => _*,1,SetCallerID(448452413210)
23:28.49*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
23:28.50dom-serverI have things like that in extensions
23:28.56harryvvhow is the reliability of teliax? where does it terminate at?
23:29.13Veryhotmanxpower: not bad Intl rates
23:29.40ManxPowerVeryhot: rates are less important than features, DID rate centers, service, quality, etc.
23:29.45dom-serverThen what ?
23:29.48ManxPowerI do like $5 of toll calling a month.
23:30.06ManxPowerdom-server: that is the sip.conf I am suggesting you try.  you are not a native english speaker, are you?
23:30.10harryvvI perfer quality over anything else.
23:30.31ManxPowerharryvv: quality doesn't matter if you can't get a DID in the city you want.
23:30.32Veryhotmanx: yeah, I do need DID
23:30.49harryvvManx hehe true. I hear wait times are like a month or more?
23:30.50dom-serverrofl yes
23:30.52h3xWe're going to launch a comprehensive DID coverage soon
23:30.55ManxPowerThe ONLY reason I'm transitioning away from NuFone is their lack of DIDs
23:31.11ariel_what is this softcap that teliax has on there plans?
23:31.22dom-serverExecuting NoOp("SIP/dom-8528", "CALLERID=") in new stack
23:31.22h3xi guess it dosent really list rate centers on there, but ask me some :P
23:31.29ManxPowerariel_: I think it means "if the average over three months is more than X we'll spank your ass"
23:31.48h3xI'm even going to have rural america and alaska/hawaii for instance
23:31.50ManxPowerariel_: they explain it on their site somewhere.
23:31.50Veryhoth3x: what's the price for DID?
23:31.55*** join/#asterisk zack (
23:31.55dom-serverManxPower : Executing NoOp("SIP/dom-8528", "CALLERID=") in new stack
23:32.01h3xVeryhot: it depends on the underlying carrier
23:32.10ManxPowerdom-server: you ARE doing a RELOAD at the Asterisk CLI, right?
23:32.19zackHaKim: what's with the spam?
23:32.25h3xsome of them will be flat rate, others are metered
23:32.29ManxPowerdom-server: then I have no more suggestions
23:32.35h3xdepends on the rate center
23:32.36Veryhoth3x: do you have any for 858?
23:32.49dom-serverok Thanks
23:32.58zackis anyone else aware that this HaKim guy is privmsg-spamming on join?
23:33.32iosahdfhm. callid is useful for forwarding to cells :)
23:33.37ManxPowerGuinness is proof that god loves us.
23:33.37Veryhoth3x: area code
23:33.53h3xNo i mean what exchange
23:34.01h3xor is it all local to each other
23:34.09h3xCity i guess
23:34.21h3xhehe i was born in la jolla
23:34.30Veryhoth3x: local yes.
23:34.47Veryhoth3x: I need DID for incoming
23:34.50ariel_zack, at least I was not the only one to get it.
23:35.09harryvvBTW by default the windows xp built in firewall would block rtp 2 way voice transmissions?
23:35.13zackariel_: maybe this person should be forcefully ejected.
23:35.14h3xit appears ill have 4 different underlying carriers serving that particular area code
23:35.16Veryhotmanxpower: what's this mean for Pay as you go? "A two cents connection charge applies unless call is from another teliax user "
23:35.33zackbkw_: you're the least-idle operator... we have a spammer in here.
23:35.37Veryhotmanxpower: so 0.02/min + .02 connection ?
23:35.58h3xlevel3, mci, pacwest, and oh shit theres two more
23:36.12h3xI'll have global crossing up the soonest of all those probably
23:36.13ManxPowerVeryhot: I would assume so.
23:36.28ManxPowerh3x: Make sure users can get the info they need from your web site.
23:36.37ManxPowerI just tried to open a ticket and it didn't work.
23:36.39h3xVeryhot: I can do a $5/mo flat rate did
23:36.46h3xManxPower: I know, that is all on the staging server
23:36.47Veryhoth3x: oh nice
23:37.01Veryhoth3x: using iax or?
23:37.03h3xwe haven't officially launched it
23:37.03zackanyway. would it be possible to use chan_bluetooth without rebuilding asterisk?
23:37.10ManxPowerh3x: Well let us know when you are actually selling service. 8-)
23:37.29h3xVeryhot: we can do SIP by transferring your the RTP directly from the underlying carrier, or we can do IAX
23:37.47h3xManxPower: I'm selling it, its just not generally released yet
23:37.48ariel_h3x, what is the co. name? website?
23:38.06Veryhoth3x: how can we get a demo ?
23:38.10harryvvcool domain name
23:38.10*** join/#asterisk FxMulder (rog@
23:38.19h3xHere is how we're dealing with DIDs.  We have them going to a SER proxy since most of the carriers have SIP already
23:38.27harryvvh3x when did you register it
23:38.32FxMulderHaKim is onjoining
23:38.54zackFxMulder: yeah, i know. i told an op, waiting for a response :/
23:38.55h3xsome of the providers we have a direct VoIP only IP connection with, others are public internet
23:38.56FxMulderand unless asterisk has gotten into the porn business, I don't think its topic worthy
23:39.04h3xwhich is fine because it eventually hits the internet anyway :P
23:39.09h3xharryvv: Umm i think 2003 ?
23:39.31ManxPowerI want my calls going over the internet as little as possible.
23:39.33h3xby proxying through SER, things like T.38 fax etc will work if you can support it
23:39.39harryvvh3x that was probebly a good time seems any domain name closely related to telco terms all used up for .com.
23:39.51h3xif you want IAX then we just transfer it to our asterisk box and send it with IAX
23:40.21Veryhoth3x: what's your rate for US calls?
23:40.27FxMulderthere any good documentation on the integration of asterisk and sphinx?  I remember I looked into it a year ago and it was docs were just spawning, I can't find much progress though
23:40.30h3xManxPower: agreed,  we have direct connections to several of them but theres so many carriers for DIDs it would take forever to order private line to them all
23:41.00ChujiFxMulder : still pretty non-existant
23:41.05h3xVeryhot: we do mostly wholesale stuff, so our rate schedules are complex.  I really doubt we will ever beat something like voipjet thats practically giving it away
23:41.09h3xin retail space
23:41.12iosahdfis there a provider who offers el-cheapo extensions rather than unique phone numbers
23:41.34ManxPoweriosahdf: There are "carriers" that offer FREE extensions.
23:41.38harryvvh3x thay are also having problems. I see alot of 2000ms lag rates from voipjet
23:41.38Veryhoth3x: but you can do incoming DID flat?
23:41.45ManxPowerFWD is one and they have a PSTN gateway.
23:41.54h3xOne marketing gimmick we are going to have is giving away free DIDs in 10 markets
23:42.07h3xthe catch is you only get 2 simultaenous calls per DID
23:42.18Veryhoth3x: that's ok :)
23:42.24h3xwe can do this because we actually get paid something to pick up calls from those markets heh
23:42.41Veryhoth3x: I can always use diff provider for outgoing.
23:42.51h3xVeryhot: yeah you can ...
23:43.16Veryhoth3x: I have clients that need unlimited incomind DID
23:43.17ManxPowerh3x: I thought all carriers paid each other for terminating each other's traffic.
23:43.19h3xI just don't want to advertise or sell stuff like .013 a minute when I have call center customers doing several T1s worth of VoIP with me at .02/Min :P
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23:43.47h3xManxPower: well most of these guys selling wholesale DIDs in their market footprint are making money on both ends
23:44.19h3xmanx/veryhot: the problem with "unlimited" is most of them meter something between .003/Min and .009/Min for major markets
23:44.50iosahdfveryhot, what's the gimmick with FWD
23:44.50h3xthey charge their customer (me, you, whatever) and the IXC or LEC that dropped that call off on the tandem and collect on both sides
23:44.59iosahdfi mean manxpower
23:45.39Veryhoth3x: when can we signup for one of those flat DID?
23:45.58h3xit'll be a couple more weeks or so
23:46.16h3xone of my carriers services like 98% of california
23:46.17Veryhoth3x; I will cancel my VP DID
23:46.30h3xbut the catch is i have to colo with them in cali
23:46.36h3xthey send it to me with TDM
23:46.43h3xit also comes in on 3 different trunkgroups
23:47.04Veryhoth3x: colo in LA?
23:47.07*** join/#asterisk M-A-D-O-N-N- (
23:47.08h3xnoley, stockton
23:47.16*** join/#asterisk mog_home (~mogorman@
23:47.19shmaltzmsg jbot seen shido6
23:47.36shmaltzsorry guys forgot to /
23:47.36h3xI'll have 858 before then though
23:47.37*** part/#asterisk omelia (
23:48.05h3xtheres no merit for me to get global crossing DIDs over a private connection so that should be up really soon
23:48.16Veryhoth3x: can I get a contact info
23:48.33h3xthe larger players like level3, qwest, global, etc. have their session border controllers attached to the core of their network
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23:48.43Veryhoth3x: or signup in the DID page?
23:48.46h3xso there aint much of a point in messing around with that stuff
23:49.04h3xjust use the For More Information... thing, it will email me or somebody else that can help you
23:49.20Veryhoth3x: ok, just mention $5 DID flat?
23:49.20h3xif you do it on the page that is of particular interest that helps
23:49.31h3xyeah, and do you need to port a number
23:49.42h3xI immediately have 702/777-XXXX numbers in vegas
23:50.21mog_homethere are spam-bots in #asterisk
23:50.28mog_homeor now just one
23:50.57h3xOne of the other reasons im not really too crazy about selling outbound to people that get inbound from me is that generally all of your "local" calls are going to be an expensive intrastate call for me
23:51.06h3xuntil i get some more 1+ providers in that don't have this problem
23:51.37Veryhoth3x: sent.
23:51.46h3xok cool
23:52.02h3xVeryhot: do you need to port a number or just get a new one?
23:52.44*** part/#asterisk maxclan1970 (
23:54.13h3xof course our main objective is to sell these things wholesale anyway
23:54.16*** mode/#asterisk [+r] by bkw_
23:54.32bkw_I took +r off for testing to see if the spam bots would go away
23:54.34bkw_but they are still out
23:54.37bkw_+r back
23:54.49h3xwe're working on a provisioning interface for ssl tcp socket, and web extranet, so that emerging voip providers can assign new numbers out of our pools, do local number portability, etc. all in one unified interface
23:54.53iosahdffreegin robots
23:55.31h3xdo a full LIDB dip to find out who the current LEC is
23:55.38h3xand other information to scrub the account
23:55.42h3xall kinds of backoffice features

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