irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050329

19:00.53*** join/#asterisk jbot (
19:00.53*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released || || Allison ROCKS my socks!!!
19:01.33*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
19:03.49jakepdevhello jbot
19:04.03*** join/#asterisk pluto70 (~me@
19:04.04jakepdevstill doesn't work?
19:04.08ddumbjohnson: thanks for the help! I know... I'm still dabbling here... :)
19:04.44*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
19:06.16drumkillaanyone familiar with mgcp around?
19:08.12jakepdevdrumkilla - I saw your alias in the 2b xfer bug - did you get this working?
19:08.37PTG1234how do i just print the var $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] to the webpage in php?
19:08.56jakepdevthis ain't php suuport :)
19:09.09PTG1234yah but one of you smart guys must know :)
19:10.34*** join/#asterisk CosmicRay (~jgoerzen@2002:4463:7269:1:20e:a6ff:fe66:c5a3)
19:11.37*** join/#asterisk imagmo (
19:11.42*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
19:12.49bjohnsonPTG1234: print_r
19:12.56bjohnsonor echo it
19:13.11eKo1echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
19:14.40bjohnsonif it's an array, echo will just print "Array"
19:14.55bjohnsonprint_r will print the content in that case
19:15.17eKo1Why would $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] be an array?
19:15.34bjohnsonhow the hell should I know what it contains
19:15.56eKo1Well, I can tell you it isn't an array.
19:15.57drumkillajakepdev: i haven't used it, no, but it should just work
19:16.12*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
19:16.19jakepdevdrumkilla - tnx
19:16.29drumkillajakepdev: and look at the sample configs to see if you need to enable anything
19:16.34drumkillai think it's just transfer=yes
19:16.44PTG1234echo did nothing
19:16.45jakepdevdrumkilla - yep transfer is =yes
19:16.52PTG1234is there a way to know if its executing as php?
19:17.25jakepdevdrumkilla - shows trunk 1 bridged - but call two remains there on show channels
19:17.46*** join/#asterisk webman (
19:17.53eKo1Make a .php file with <?phpinfo()?> in it.
19:18.02*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
19:18.05PTG1234got it thanks
19:18.16terrapenim so sick of hearing "So-and-so writes on his blog ...."
19:18.35eKo1I've never used or read a blog in my life.
19:18.39terrapenFirst of all, blogging is not real "writing"
19:18.50terrapenReal authors can write more than one paragraph
19:19.00Beirdoso do many bloggers
19:19.06jakepdevterrapen - just start you browser with the -nobadauthors setting
19:19.21eKo1eh, your making an unfair comparison between book authors and blog authors
19:19.36terrapenSecondly, bloggers, as a rule, are a bunch of self-important pricks
19:19.49terrapennot even book authors, eko
19:19.50Baconjakepdev: I've used that setting.... The only URL I can get to is about:blank
19:19.54Beirdocomparing bloggers to newspaper column writers is a lot more fair
19:19.54terrapenshort story authors even
19:20.22terrapenbut everyone in the media these days seems to be fawning over bloggers
19:20.25eKo1or magazine column writers
19:20.48Beirdoof course.
19:20.52BaconThere are many blogs that are written much better than your average small town news paper.
19:20.57*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
19:21.07Beirdoas the mainstream media realizes just how irrelevant it's becoming
19:22.03eKo1If it's intelligable and interesting, I'll read it. I don't really care about the format.
19:22.18terrapeni just get so sick of the attitude of many bloggers
19:22.21harryvvneed someone to run a call test to my asterisk and come to mind
19:22.38eKo1What attitude?
19:22.46terrapeneach at opposite ends of the political spectrum
19:22.55Beirdoterrapen: yeah, granted, there are a fair number of dumbasses that use blogs.  Just stop reading those ones
19:22.58terrapenjust a general attitude they have like they are so important
19:23.31harryvvI dont see any importance in blogs.
19:23.44eKo1It's free press. If you don't like it, don't read it.
19:24.06eKo1moving on...
19:25.04*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
19:25.06harryvvbtw is there a default putonhold for a analog phone?
19:25.10chapIt is better to have the freedom to have the bloggers, then to have a repressed society where they are not allowed.
19:25.12harryvvhooked to a ata?
19:25.44jakepdevflash hook?
19:26.12harryvvjake I dont know but that sounds more like call waiting
19:26.41*** join/#asterisk Frantic (
19:26.41harryvvSay you want to put somone on hold to discuss some confidential info with a college next to you
19:27.00terrapeni'm not arguing for the elimination of blogs
19:27.28terrapeni just wish the mainstream media wouldn't smoke their tools all day (for the lack of a better way to put it)
19:27.50*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
19:28.04terrapenexcuse me, i'm having a bad day
19:28.24Beirdothe mainstream media should just get bent
19:28.24terrapena bad case of the Tuesdays
19:28.36Hmmhesaysany day that you have to work the next day is a bad day
19:28.49harryvvI cannot afford to have a bad day it affects my relationship with my wife ;)
19:29.34ManxPowerPersonally I think "wife" is the problem.
19:29.51ManxPowerget a second wife.  Let them compete for your affection.
19:29.59ManxPower<-- a redical, I know.
19:30.09ManxPower*shrug*  I have two "husbands"
19:30.20terrapenbut aren't you gay?
19:30.27HmmhesaysI don't even have one wife, or gf
19:30.36harryvvfunny way for sipira to advertise there atas " A CO that fits in the palm of your hand"
19:30.43Hmmhesayswell I had one, but i'm pretty sure she's off screwing her lawyer
19:30.57terrapennot that being gay implies lack of monagamy...
19:31.11ManxPowerterracon: Yes.
19:31.39ManxPowerterracon: non-hetrosexuals seem to more commonly consider alternatives to monagamy as viable.
19:31.55BoRiSDont listen to him...He's no expert
19:31.58jakepdevharryv - looks like with a modification - this will do it:
19:32.03ManxPowerterracon: Um, being MALE implies lack of monogamy. 8-)
19:32.21HmmhesaysManx hit the nail on the head there
19:32.24terrapeni've been looking for a new girlfriend lately
19:32.29terrapendoing the whole eharmony thing
19:32.37Hmmhesaysterrapen: you can have my X
19:32.43terrapenbut its rough because i don't like overweight girls
19:32.55terrapeni take care of my body and i want a girl who does the same
19:32.57jakepdevover what weight?
19:33.04terrapenwhich pretty much excludes most online date
19:33.12terrapenover normal way, jake
19:33.26Hmmhesaysnormal for the US?
19:33.28ManxPowerI like slightly hefty people.
19:33.31Hmmhesaysfor normal for say.. France
19:33.44terrapenim skinny-ish and i like my girls the same
19:34.01terrapenbut i live in one of the fattest places in the US
19:34.04HmmhesaysI like my girls healthy, not anorexic
19:34.05terrapenwhich makes it tough
19:34.12terrapenfat != healthy
19:34.13Hmmhesaysand not roll over and suffocate me
19:34.22terrapenbut hefty is not healthy
19:34.29terrapenhealthy is muscular and toned
19:34.37HmmhesaysI like the doctors definition of healthy weight
19:34.43jakepdevcool - more fat sick girls for me
19:34.47Hmmhesaysnot the PC bullshiat definition
19:35.00*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
19:35.18ManxPowerGads, Teliax takes forever to complete calls
19:35.19terrapenif you like fat unhealthy girls, san antonio has more than you can shake a stick...or
19:35.23harryvvHas anyone had experaince with the Aastra PT-480e?
19:35.29Hmmhesaysthis hole idea of tip toeing around not to offend anybody is a croc
19:35.56*** join/#asterisk Tili (
19:36.00ManxPowerHonestly, big women have big breasts and I like big breasts
19:36.17Hmmhesaysindeed to each their own
19:36.22harryvvManx you mean when you initiate a call you wait untill the other end rings? I find that happens with sometimes wait as long as 15 seconds but whats with the beeps while waiting?
19:36.24terrapeni like itty bitty titties
19:36.28Hmmhesaysbut calling overweight anyone healthy is stupid
19:36.38Hmmhesaysif you are obese, you're obese
19:36.43ManxPowerI prefer the term "Rubenesque" 8-)
19:36.48Beirdooverweight != obese
19:36.55Beirdoobese > overweight
19:37.00Hmmhesaysi'm just saying
19:37.11harryvvEspecially when there gut hangs over there crotch then its a real issue.
19:37.17Hmmhesaysi personally am scrawny
19:37.21jakepdevaccording to the governemt - overweight is befor obese
19:37.24terrapenlarry the cable guy is hilarious
19:37.33terrapen"My sister wanted to get one of them belly button rings"
19:37.37terrapen"She's a big ole gal"
19:37.51*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
19:37.54terrapen"Big girls don't need belly button rings.  They need onion rings."
19:37.58harryvvI dont know why it is but I see alot of woman in the public more obese then men.
19:38.02BeirdoCartmen's my alter-ego
19:38.17*** part/#asterisk Sedorox (
19:38.25jakepdevcause men don't menstrate?
19:38.28Beirdomen tend to have more height to carry our weight
19:38.43terrapen"use it like a hitch and pull her away from the buffet table"
19:38.52Hmmhesayscause guys don't eat a bucket of haugen daaz when they are depressed?
19:39.01ManxPowerSociety's idea of "ideal weight" really varies a lot over time.  Usually when food is plentiful (now) "skinny" is in.  When food is not plentiful (great depression) being heaver is considered sexy.
19:39.01eKo1true that
19:39.07jakepdevyep - look out on that one
19:39.08BeirdoHmmhesays: that's not likely the issue though
19:39.13harryvvSome people would deny that there is a obese issue then I would say take a look at a picture of a 20 people from the 1920s and today. There is a big difference in the size of the men back then vs today.
19:39.15terrapenwhen im depressed, i eat a big plate of barbecue
19:39.20Corydon-wNo, because most men don't look at other men and wonder what it would be like to have sex with them... that's why men don't notice obese men
19:39.22terrapenbut i do that when i'm happy, too
19:39.28Hmmhesayswhen i'm depressed i sleep 18 hours a day
19:39.36harryvvThay are alot thiner and more tone.
19:39.41harryvvback then then today.
19:39.44eKo1ManxPower: eh, food isn't plentiful here. You don't see me chasing those cows either.
19:39.46Beirdowhen I'm depressed, I go to work anyways
19:39.46ManxPowerJust look at the "pinup" posters during WWII and today.
19:40.16*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
19:40.22*** join/#asterisk QuickDry (
19:40.34eKo1ManxPower: That's unfair, there was no liposuction back then.
19:40.41Hmmhesaysyeah I got to work too, i'm just unproductive
19:40.51odie_floconI just did a build off of the CVS, and there was no zaptel.conf file made when i did the make demo
19:40.54harryvvI actually mis some aspects of working on heavy mechanical things :) climbing on top of my helicopter get a view work on it watch the F-16s roar down the runway.
19:41.06*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
19:41.20harryvvOf course I was alot trimmer then or course now ;)
19:41.31bkw_join #torontocall IAX2/
19:41.33*** join/#asterisk killmuji (
19:41.36Hmmhesaysyeah I prefer mechanical work to this any day
19:41.38BeirdoHmmhesays: yeah, and I hang out on IRC even more than usual...  oh wait.
19:41.41eKo1What kind of chopper?
19:41.42firestrmdoes miliwatt() bypass txgain in zapata.conf? the gain setting seem to have no effect on it
19:41.48HmmhesaysI get sick of sitting in this chair all day long
19:41.59Hmmhesaysanswering the same questions over and over again
19:42.03Essobiwoop woop
19:42.06harryvvHmm, do you watch mythbusers or other discovery shows?
19:42.11*** join/#asterisk mkhan (
19:42.21odie_floconmythbusters is funny
19:42.25Hmmhesaysmythbusters, deep sea detectives, modern marvels
19:42.32Hmmhesayswell... adam is funny
19:42.36Hmmhesaysthe rest of them are kind of dull
19:42.40mkhanany SER users here.. i know..this is not ser channel... i just have a quick question
19:42.40NormAsthmmmhesays: where are you sitting?
19:42.42ManxPowerfirestrm: It's not supposed to, as long as your call is going thru a zap interface.
19:42.45harryvvI think its funny as heck. yea adam is funny :)
19:42.55Corydon-wIsn't Modern Marvels a History Channel, not Discover Channel program?
19:42.58ManxPowermkhan: 90% of Asterisk users that try SER realize they don't need it.
19:43.02ManxPowerCorydon-w: yes.
19:43.08HmmhesaysI'm sitting in a chair in from of my computer at work
19:43.18mkhanManxPower, how so?
19:43.20harryvvHmm, what do you do there
19:43.25Hmmhesaystech support
19:43.26NormAsthmmhesays:  So what are you talking about over and over?
19:43.29harryvvtier 1?
19:43.41harryvverr 2 or three
19:43.50Hmmhesays1-3, i'm the whole gamut
19:43.50firestrmManxPower, its bizzarre, im using ztmonitor to  watch levels, and milliwatt spikes th tx meter on txgain=0, if i change to -5 no change in the meter, if i change to -10, no audio heard but meter still spiked
19:43.57harryvvahh small company then
19:44.07Hmmhesaysthere's just no work around here though
19:44.09harryvvthats actually better
19:44.12Hmmhesaysand I don't have enough money to move yet
19:44.16harryvvyou mean not enough work
19:44.27Hmmhesaysi meant no other job opportunities
19:44.37harryvvwhere is here?
19:44.46Hmmhesaysfargo/moorhead  ND/MN
19:45.04Beirdomy condolences
19:45.05harryvvohh thats funny I did not see the entire movie but is it based on a true story?
19:45.05firestrmManxPower, miliwatt audio is also quite distorted, indicating overdriving..
19:45.16Hmmhesaysnot as far as I know
19:45.18Corydon-wAh, Fargo... lovely place...
19:45.28HmmhesaysCorydon-w maybe if you're drunk
19:45.30Hmmhesaysall the time
19:45.34harryvvpopulation of Fargo?
19:45.52Hmmhesaysgive or take the youth leaving in droves
19:45.53harryvvAbout as big as Bellingham. That town is going in leaps.
19:46.02Corydon-wEverybody hates where they live now...
19:46.20Hmmhesaysi've had my fill of x girlfriends here... time to leave
19:46.29harryvvohh thay left town?
19:46.32bkw_join #torontocall IAX2/
19:46.45Hmmhesaysto many reminders of them
19:46.52Hmmhesaysthe town is not large
19:46.59HmmhesaysI run into people I don't care to talk to a lot
19:47.04Hmmhesaysand they want to talk to me for some reason
19:47.19harryvvwhy not?
19:47.36harryvvI live in a town err area over 1 million.
19:47.43Hmmhesayswell because honestly... I don't want to make small talk
19:47.55HmmhesaysI don't want to ask you who you're doing... because I don't care
19:48.04HmmhesaysI don't want you to ask me how i'm doing... because you don't care
19:48.26*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
19:48.27Hmmhesayssounds a bit harsh.. but it's the truth
19:48.31mkhandoes asterisk do all.. what SER do?
19:48.38JerJer[mobile]just a sip proxy
19:48.49eKo1* is not a sip proxy
19:49.10JerJer[mobile]asterisk is more of a b2bua in sip terms
19:50.02Moc____JerJer[mobile]: if I were to host a conference on my 1800 number, should it support 100users ?
19:50.51Hmmhesaysmy god sunny leone is hot
19:50.52mkhanbut sip proxy is not a #just#
19:51.24QuickDryHey all, can I ask possibly dumb, new user questions here? or will that result in a verbal beating? :)
19:51.37Hmmhesaysdon't ask to ask
19:51.42Hmmhesayselse get a verbal beating
19:51.48mkhani think..ser and * do thing for different purpose but both have few common funtionality
19:51.54eKo1QuickDry: You'll get a verbal beating either way.
19:52.18QuickDryThanks...I'll keep searching forums for now, and bother you guys later.
19:52.26Hmmhesaysask your question
19:52.39Beirdohehe, don't let our grumpiness stop you
19:52.39Hmmhesaysit's not like any of us will remember you in a couple hours anyway
19:52.41bjohnsonand get ready for the beating
19:53.09ManxPowerHell, I won't remember him in 30 seconds
19:53.22eKo1remeber who?
19:53.48QuickDryok, ok, with a loopstart multiline analog connection from my CO, will one FXO card handle the incoming lines? or would I need multiple FXO's, 1 for each line?
19:54.04HmmhesaysI need multiple FXO's, 1 for each line?
19:54.14Hmmhesays100 points to Hmmhesays
19:54.18firestrmManxPower, any ideas on why i cant set tx gain?
19:54.23odie_flocon1 for each line
19:54.29QuickDryok, thanks.
19:54.38ManxPowerfirestrm: are you stoping and starting asterisk when you make a chane?
19:54.45firestrmManxPower, yes
19:55.02ManxPowerfirestrm: Then the only thing I can think is you don't understand the scale used for dB.
19:55.05*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
19:55.08eKo1QuickDry: Get a T1 and a channel bank.
19:55.18jakepdevor PRI
19:55.25ManxPowerI commonly use +/-6 to +/-12
19:55.31QuickDryI was thinking that, but for development use, it is cost prohibitive.
19:55.51*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
19:55.52firestrmManxPower, if i change it to -10 the audio dissapears when i call in, but ztmonitor is still spiked.. -5 has no effect
19:56.06ManxPowerso try -8 or -6
19:56.27bjohnsonget out the bat .. someone just pm'dme
19:56.54jakepdev~lart someone
19:57.03*** join/#asterisk NK123 (
19:57.04jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
19:57.07jbot[mailinglist] Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
19:57.39ManxPowerbjohnson: I usually just set a default /away message for those people.
19:57.47*** join/#asterisk stevek (
19:57.49ManxPowerIt varies between "Hire me!" and "fuck off and die"
19:57.53bjohnsonseems there not from this channel
19:58.17CherebrumHere is a new one... WARNING[3244]: chan_zap.c:7536 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 0/23 span 1
19:58.22ManxPowerbjohnson: If they are not on the channel I usually respond with "I want to kill you."  They seldom /msg a second time.
19:58.28Uther_PI never understood people's hatred for pm's
19:58.47ManxPowerCherebrum: That means a call came in on channel 23, but you don't have that channel configured in Asterisk
19:58.49Beirdotime for some good Texas music....
19:58.55BeirdoKing's X
19:58.57eKo1PMs all look the same as regular text on BitchX.
19:59.10ManxPowerUther_P: For one thing it's terribly selfish.  They want help, but they don't want anyone else to benefit from the advice given.
19:59.16*** join/#asterisk mesi (
19:59.42mesiOk, fwdOUT sucks. There's simply no traffic!
19:59.44Beirdo~seen slePP
19:59.46jbotslepp is currently on #asterisk
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20:00.23Inv_arpbah  voicepulse raised their rates
20:00.25*** part/#asterisk mogorman (
20:00.29Uther_PManxPower: good point, although I don't think they would have thought about it enough to call it selfish, heh
20:00.36*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
20:00.44CherebrumManxPower: I do have it configured
20:00.56Uther_PInv_arp: to what?
20:00.58Cherebrumif I do a zap show channels
20:01.00Cherebrumit's there
20:01.05*** part/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (~icechat5@
20:01.13BeirdoManxPower: I don't mind PM sometimes, especially when the channel's busy and confusing
20:01.39ManxPowerCherebrum: Then tell your carrier to stop sending you calls on that channel
20:01.47ManxPowerCherebrum: Ah.
20:01.53Cherebrumthe carrier is an Avaya Difinity G3
20:02.02ManxPowerCherebrum: so "zap show channels" shows channel 25
20:02.15Cherebrumchannel 23
20:02.25Inv_arpUther_P: $11 incoming DID
20:02.25ManxPowersorry, 23.
20:02.32ManxPowerAnd ztcfg -vvv shows a channel 23?
20:02.36Uther_PInv_arp: those bastards
20:02.40Inv_arpUther_P: was $7.99
20:02.44*** join/#asterisk ethogeek (
20:02.45CherebrumChannel 23: Individual Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 23)
20:02.46ManxPowerCherebrum: hell if I know what the problem is then
20:02.48Uther_Pyea, I know
20:02.53*** part/#asterisk mkhan (
20:03.25firestrmManxPower, txgain = -6.4, ztmonitor still shows spiked, tone test is audible to calling party, txgain=6.5, ztmonitor spiked, no audio to calling party.. wierd huh?
20:03.45ManxPowerfirestrm: sounds like you have agressive echocan enabled
20:03.55*** join/#asterisk ethogeek (
20:04.06ManxPowerturn off agressive
20:04.21firestrmit is off.. just mark3 instead of mark2
20:04.37ManxPowerI enable MARK3, enable MMX, do NOT enable AGRESSIVE, set echocancel=yes and echotraining=800
20:04.51firestrmManxPower, thats my setup..
20:06.50tzangeragressive is only for mark2 I think
20:07.03firestrmManxPower, im going to try upgrading zaptel, perhaps its a bug with my version..
20:07.12Kattytzanger: how do i see if i can send an http request on a particular port?
20:07.19tzangerKatty: what do you mean?
20:07.40epochI'm having some really weird behaviour with IAX...
20:07.47Kattythis machine needs to send http requests through tcp/ip on port 3101
20:08.05Kattyi've opened up port 3101 on the firewall, but i'm not sure if i have it setup right
20:08.09Kattyis there a way to test it?
20:08.12tzangerKatty: it needs to send TO 3101 or FROM 3101
20:08.12Uther_Ptelnet host 80;  then type  "GET / HTTP / 1.0" then enter two times"
20:08.25Uther_Perr, replace 80 with 3101
20:08.50Kattytzanger: "Mobile Data Service must be able TO SEND http requests through TCP/IP port 3101 for browsers on Mobile Data Service-enabled handhelds to function properly"
20:08.54KattyUther_P: No
20:08.59epochI have 3 asterisk servers (A, B, and C)...  A's set up to route to C by dialing an extension at B...  for some reason, once the call is set up, IAX traffic gets sent directly between A and C somehow
20:09.00KattyUther_P: that will goof up our regular stuff
20:09.05tzangerUther_P: yeah sounds about right
20:09.12tzangertelnet 3101
20:09.19tzangerget / HTTP/1.0
20:09.21tzangerenter enter
20:09.24epochis there some sort of "SIP reinvite" type concept in IAX?
20:09.30Uther_Pgoof up, what do you mean?
20:09.35tzangerepoch: no that's called an IAX native transfer
20:09.40Kattybutbut, i'm on windows
20:09.42tzangerit happens automatically
20:09.48Uther_PKatty: so what?
20:09.51tzangerKatty: start, run, telnet
20:09.52epochtzanger: ahhhh
20:09.57tzangerand it'll pop up a thing to enter that stuff into
20:09.59epochtzanger: any way to make it *not* happen?
20:10.08tzangerepoch: yes, notransfer=yes
20:10.13tzangerin the iax user/peer entry
20:10.15Uther_Pthen you have a problem either on the host or the firewal;l
20:10.17Hmmhesaysconnection will fail if there is nothing to log into
20:10.18epochtzanger: ah, awesome :)
20:10.19tzangerwhy notransfer instead of transfer I don't know
20:10.27Uther_PKatty: whats the firewall, and whats the http server?
20:10.32tzangerKatty: who's the host, I'll verify it works here
20:10.43Kattytzanger:, pls
20:10.45tzangermy firewall's permissive, I pretty much just use NAT to protect me
20:11.03tzanger$ telnet 3101
20:11.03tzangertelnet: connect to address Connection refused
20:11.04Kattyi don't think i have telnet on though
20:11.07tzangerit's not your firewall
20:11.16*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
20:12.09Uther_PKatty: what does the rule look like on your firewall?  i.e. are you allowing 1301 through, are you FWD t;he port, or are you natting the port?
20:12.27tzangerUther_P: it has nothing to do with that
20:12.36tzangerthe remote host is not listening on 3101
20:13.21Uther_Pright, if she is fwd or natting it might be a result of the wrong nat'd host, or the host not responding to packets that look like they are bound to another location
20:15.11*** join/#asterisk Dandan (
20:15.24Kattyit's fine.
20:16.02Hmmhesaysmy arm is feeling kind of funky
20:16.26*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:16.40Kattyit needs hugs
20:16.54Hmmhesayshaha it doesn't get hugs around here
20:17.20Exstaticaanyone have any recomendations for a proxy for the asterisk box? is ser the best?
20:17.26Hmmhesaysthe only person that would hug it in person is no where to be found
20:17.43HmmhesaysSER is good
20:17.54Hmmhesaysunless you want it to make you coffee
20:18.45tzangerSER is part of SIP so it is by its very nature unwholesome
20:18.49Uther_Pyay, now that I have NO more need for the zaptel hardware kernel modules I can move my asterisk box over to FreeBSD
20:19.04Kattytzanger: so is junkfood and windows, yet everyone loves that stuff
20:19.16Uther_Pwho loves windows?
20:19.21*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
20:19.32KattyUther_P: nearly all of my clients.
20:19.34BeirdoBill Gates does
20:19.41tzangerKatty: don't forget beef... sweet, sweet beef
20:19.42KattyUther_P: which is why i know microsoft. heh
20:19.46Kattytzanger: eww, beef.
20:19.56Uther_PI know microsloth too, but that doesn't mean I like it
20:20.05Kattygood for you
20:20.12Uther_Pclients will like anything as long as it works
20:20.41stevekclients like buzzwords.
20:20.45Kattyare you trying to fix me, Uther_P?
20:20.51Hmmhesayslike "softswitch"
20:20.54Uther_Pheh, nope
20:20.59*** part/#asterisk NK123 (
20:21.04Hmmhesaysclients love the word "softswitch"
20:21.26Kattyit almost sounds kinky
20:21.27*** join/#asterisk mildew (
20:21.30Kattyin a soft, semivanilla sort of way
20:21.39Hmmhesaysit makes me cringe when people say it
20:21.44epocha properly-working asterisk server is a beautiful thing :)
20:21.44stevekunix is kinky.
20:21.50Hmmhesaysbecause as soon as they do, I know they know nothing
20:21.54*** join/#asterisk gtigene (
20:21.58stevekyou have.. ttys, fsck..
20:22.05Hmmhesaysother than it's the thing that makes the calls go
20:22.22stevekthen of course, dump
20:22.24epochhey maybe I should teach "softswitch" to our sales guys
20:22.30stevekwhich isn't kinky in the same way.
20:22.32gtigeneIn the Dial command "Dial(Local/210@context/n)", what does the /n do (I did not find this syntax on the Wiki page)
20:22.53Uther_Pstevek: dont forget putting your "interfaces" in "promiscuous mode" :P
20:23.00epochstevek: well there's a reason you shouldnt' dump and fsck at the same time ;)
20:23.16Zoid_techany idea what would cause this:
20:23.17Zoid_techNo D-channels available!  Using Primary on channel anyway 24!
20:23.28Zoid_techPRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
20:23.34ManxPowerZoid_tech: corrupted data on the PRI.
20:23.38epochmy guess is gremlins
20:23.45epochmp's guess is probably more accurate
20:23.55ManxPower~google "HDLC Abort"
20:24.04Blackvelmy AGI works
20:24.07*** join/#asterisk kraeMit (
20:24.12Hmmhesayshow can you get more accurate than "gremlins"
20:24.16Zoid_techok.. so the other end may have changed something?
20:24.34Zoid_techthanx manx
20:24.39Blackveljakepdev: it works works works works :)
20:25.21*** join/#asterisk zoa (~k@
20:25.46zoaDrFrancky go home :p
20:26.23*** join/#asterisk R3DB0x (nobody@
20:26.56Uther_PR3DB0x: ticktickticktickticktickticktick...
20:26.59*** join/#asterisk mechn (~mechn@
20:27.05Uther_Pthat should be enough for my call :P
20:27.28*** join/#asterisk iq (
20:27.47Uther_P8 ticks, thats a quarter if I remember correctly, heh
20:28.29*** join/#asterisk terracon (
20:28.34mechnhas anyone ever seen this:: Sip read [2 blank lines then...] 0 headers, 0 lines
20:29.58mechnit pops up every 30 seconds or so
20:32.18CleanerXmaybe someones trying to "dos" you
20:32.36*** join/#asterisk sob0l (
20:32.37*** join/#asterisk LarsAC (
20:32.39mechnthey better try harder than that
20:32.58LarsACcan I move messages between voiceboxes and folders on the shell ?
20:33.36Uther_PLarsAC: /var/spool/asterisk/[context]/[voicemail_box]/INBOX
20:33.36CleanerXafaik they are stored in the directory
20:34.04LarsACso I can simply mv from folder a to b?
20:34.26Uther_Pyea... cept you might have to move the .txt file that goes along with it too
20:34.27Uther_Pnot sure
20:34.53LarsACdo i have to obey certain rules regarding filenames ?
20:35.12nesysa little OT: there's someone confident on xml and cisco ipphones?
20:35.13*** part/#asterisk killmuji (
20:35.15*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
20:35.19CherebrumWARNING[3144]: chan_zap.c:7143 zt_pri_error: PRI: received SETUP message for call that is not a new call, wicked!!!
20:35.32Cherebrumthat's neat
20:35.43*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
20:36.05eKo1As long as it doesn't crash your *, you should be fine.
20:36.24mildewyes, you can play with voicemail on the file level. I actually have symlinks set up for voicemail boxes.
20:37.28*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
20:38.14LarsACmildew: and files have to be named msg[0-9]*.{txt|wav|...} ?
20:38.44mildewI haven't played with the names, but I would suspect. Its worth a try to play with it though.
20:39.14LarsAChow are folders named ?
20:39.28mildewUther_P: LarsAC: /var/spool/asterisk/[context]/[voicemail_box]/INBOX
20:39.52LarsACokay, that's the INBOX, but one can create more folders and move stuff around, right ?
20:42.10nestAranyone work with queues?
20:42.38nestArthat's nifty errror
20:43.25Uther_PLarsAC: those are the other folders in the directory named the voicemail number
20:43.42*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
20:44.38*** join/#asterisk mesi (
20:44.56mesiWould anybody test my Echo test on fwdOUT?
20:45.11Uther_Pmasi: you need someone to call?
20:45.26*** join/#asterisk elric (
20:45.33mesiUther: Yes. I am so sad there is really absolutely NO traffic on my line :-(
20:45.41Uther_Pheh, whats the number
20:45.43*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
20:45.56mesiEither people just register there and don't use it, or they simply never call GERMANY!
20:46.00mesiUther 492087642573246
20:46.22mesiThe question is, wether it would get routed to the echo test or to my real pstn. This is 49208764257
20:46.30mesiSo I just added E C H O to it :-)
20:46.35mesiLarsAC: Yes!
20:46.50Uther_Pmesi: oh heh, apparently this is something I have never seen before... I thought you would give me a real phone number
20:47.09Uther_PI can't call that number, sorry
20:47.12LarsACmsi: lived in DU and WES for some time
20:47.29*** join/#asterisk bah (
20:47.30mesiUther: Well, it IS a real phone number.
20:47.36Uther_Pheh, I gotcha
20:47.47Uther_Psomeone would kill me if I called internationally
20:47.48NewSoleIAX2 - SIP... why am I getting this: RFC3389 support incomplete.  Turn off on client if possible
20:47.50mesiUther: And it is routed by fwdOUT.
20:48.02mesiLars: And now?
20:48.45*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
20:48.57*** join/#asterisk mesi (
20:49.13ManxPowerNewSole: Set transmit silence = yes in your X-Lite config.
20:49.17mesiLars: so where do you live right now?
20:49.37NewSolenot using X-lite
20:49.54NewSolehardware iax phones
20:50.02ManxPowerNewSole: then turn off silence supression in your SIP client.
20:50.12ManxPowerNewSole: IAX does not support RFC3389
20:50.22ManxPowerNewSole: I don't know.  Ask your vendor.
20:50.56mildewgotcha. Let me know.
20:51.01ManxPowerNewSole: You need to turn it off in the SIP device.
20:51.26ManxPoweryou didn't paste the ACTUAL error message,but you'll notice it's from chan_sip.
20:51.28*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
20:51.29NewSoleonly sip device is trunk to provider
20:51.44ManxPowerNewSole: Then you need to contact your provider.
20:52.00ctooleyWhen trying to use AGI's STREAM FILE function, what should I pass when I don't want digits?
20:52.09NewSoleits from rtp.c
20:52.11ManxPowerctooley: ""
20:52.19*** join/#asterisk delphiuk (
20:52.22ManxPowerNewSole: IAX doesn't use RTP either.
20:52.33ManxPowerNewSole: Your problem is NOT with IAX.
20:52.46ctooleyManxPower, I'm using Asterisk::AGI and when I pass "" as the "digits" it breaks the AGI object
20:54.09KattyI have a tangerine soda.
20:54.10Kattythat is all.
20:54.16JerJer[mobile]sorry i have ADHD
20:54.48*** part/#asterisk mesi (
20:55.20*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
20:55.31Kattythis is what happens when you get over exposure to microsoft.
20:55.40JerJer[mobile]no borgsoft here
20:55.40Uther_Phaha, the after picture
20:55.42Kattyand nextel server software that talks ot microsoft exchange
20:55.47delphiukquick question about sipura 2000 and uk dect phone
20:56.30delphiukif i have a uk dect phone, and plug it in to a sipura 2000, will * pass the cli onto the dect phone?
20:56.44*** join/#asterisk kolorado (
20:57.21RaYmAn-Bxdelphiuk: * simple sends whatever cli information it has to the sipura..then that translates it to the format you setup in the device and passes it on to the phone
20:57.57delphiukexcellent, so it *should* work then providingi have configured the sipura correctly?
20:58.45ctooleyShouldn't a $AGI object from Asterisk::AGI be blocking if it's something like $AGI->exec?
20:59.15koloradoHello all.  I am looking to customize the Voicemailmain menu I think that this in the app_voicemail.c around line 2832. Is this where I should begin?
21:00.06elriahAre there any plans for * to support voice recognition, at least as far as "press or say 1 for sales, etc" is concerned?
21:00.20Uther_PI hate those menuse
21:01.01koloradoYeah me too besides anyone notice that pressing "3" does a whole lot of NOTHIN'
21:01.34elriahWhat's '3'?
21:01.48Uther_Pand yet, saying "get me a stupid bastard on the phone" always gets me the operator :D
21:02.02Uther_P... sometimes tech support :D
21:04.21bjohnsonelriah: I think there are a few people who have tried to get voice recoginition to work.  Not sure how successful they were
21:04.26jay-pok, using ser as a stateful proxy for analog hard phones with asterisk, if all users need to share a common outbound sip account which requires authorization, what's the best method to use? rewriteuser/pass/etc.?
21:04.30jay-pwe need this for call accounting purposes
21:04.33jay-por is it better to just bounce the calls back to asterisk?
21:05.11bjohnsonelriah: there are a few linux projects that might be a starting point (other than googling and the wiki).  Dragon Naturally (from IBM) speaking had a linux toolkit  .. but it has been discontinued
21:05.44gtigeneHow do I reset a channel without restarting asterisk? I have a phone that is stuck ringing and cannot be hung up!
21:05.55bjohnsonshow channels
21:05.58JerJer[mobile]soft hangup <channel>
21:05.58bjohnsonsoft hangup
21:06.51bjohnsonjay-p: I would use asterisk and drop the ser unless there was a big reason to use it.
21:07.10koloradoanyone here do any hacking on asterisk apps?
21:07.19eKo1I do.
21:07.21bjohnsonkolorado: usually
21:08.02*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (
21:08.59*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
21:09.26koloradobjohnson: how familiar are you with app_voicemail?
21:09.45bjohnsonI use it
21:10.15webmikohow can i configure asterisk to register at a backup host should the first hose be unreachable. and only if the first is unreachable.
21:10.32*** join/#asterisk iq (
21:10.36bjohnsonwebmiko: superdial macro
21:10.42koloradohave you changed any of the menues?
21:10.46webmikoit seems after a while on broadvoice the proxy is unreachable and simply switching to a new proxy works.
21:10.51bjohnsonkolorado: no
21:10.58webmikobjohnson but that wont help for re-registering for incoming calls.
21:11.09bjohnsonwebmiko: uh .. true
21:11.35bjohnsonwebmiko: you're screwed I guess
21:11.40webmikowhat i keep having to do now is just change the /etc/hosts file to point to another proxy every so often. kind of a silly solution. heh
21:12.01webmikoso asterisk has no provision for that? hmmm seems strange.
21:12.16gtigeneHow do I reset a stuck channel if soft hangup doesn't work?
21:12.26bjohnsonI think * assumes that you can find a voip provider that will give you a good connection
21:12.29Uther_Prestart asterisk
21:12.32bjohnsongtigene: restart
21:12.42gtigeneOh well...
21:12.43bjohnsonwebmiko: can you register to both servers?
21:13.20*** join/#asterisk madounet (~mad|net@
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21:14.05webmikobjohnson: no clue. i could try that. but i was hoping to have a way to specify priority "register here. if you cant. register here" so i can order them by priority.
21:15.42bjohnsonnot that I've seen
21:15.58bjohnsonyou can register .. or not
21:16.06bjohnsonthat's it
21:16.31bjohnsonnext step for me is usually ask the voip provider to forward calls to a pstn number if they can't get through to my server
21:17.53webmikowell it let me register with 2 proxies.. strangely enough.
21:18.25webmikoah nvm. kicked me off the first when i register with the second. just takes them a minute to realize ;)
21:19.22bjohnsonjust get them to forward the call to a pstn number
21:19.49miller7anyone has any idea how I can perform a shell command after a call is done (without messing my lastapp->Dial CDR)?
21:19.50webmikothat doesnt really help me much unfortunately.
21:20.11bjohnsonmiller7: using the system command in a hangup extension
21:20.26miller7bjohnson: it modifies the CDR, that's what I don't want
21:20.41bjohnsona hangup extension modifies the cdr?
21:20.41miller7bjohnson: I want the CDR show "lastapp=Dial" etc, not System
21:21.28miller7bjohnson: Yep, it shows System as lastapp and arguments as lastdata
21:21.45*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
21:22.07*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
21:22.32ManxPowermildew: Then don't have System() as that last app. 8-)
21:22.39queuetueHello, I am connecting from one asterisk server to another viia iax, and It gets rejected with "No Authority Found" as the error.  What provides authority?
21:22.50bjohnsonyou do
21:23.01miller7ManxPower: :-) How?
21:23.02bjohnsonread the wiki page about iax authentication
21:23.05JerJer[mobile]queuetue: a type=user
21:23.26queuetueJerJer[mobile], Not type=peer?
21:23.33JerJer[mobile]um no
21:23.46JerJer[mobile]a peer is someone you send calls to
21:23.53queuetuebjohnson, do you have the url for  that oage?
21:24.13miller7 ?
21:24.33queuetueJerJer[mobile], I am sending calls to this other asterisk server ... what would a peer be?
21:24.42jbotsomebody said peer was the most elusive script kiddie this side of Jupiter
21:24.56jbot[user] currently detached. Talk to this user upon their return. You will now be ignored. [HackFactor Elite 2.0], or a synonym for moron
21:25.05jbotman, /usr/doc/<package>/*, what else, or the apache error log
21:25.31Chujiwacky ass bot
21:25.41bjohnsonqueuetue: peer would be the one connecting to the other one
21:25.54bjohnsonuser would be the one getting connected to
21:26.01bjohnsonfriend would be either way
21:26.01*** part/#asterisk roamer323 (
21:26.10queuetueAh.  I see now.
21:26.43bjohnsonif you want to call both ways .. you should have a friend or a user & peer pair at both sides
21:27.22JerJer[mobile]a type=friend is lazy
21:27.29JerJer[mobile]and will bite you someday
21:27.35*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
21:27.46|Vulture|Anyone here run BigBrother to monitor their * server?
21:27.57terrapengotta love P J O'Rourke
21:28.21*** join/#asterisk lyoungz_ (
21:28.48lyoungz_I'm new to asterisk -and- new to IRC. Can anyone hear me out there?
21:29.01Uther_Pbut we can read you
21:29.01miller7lyoungz_: no, but we can read u
21:29.09Uther_Pdamn you people stealing my lines!
21:29.17terrapenBREAKER 1 9 BREAKER 1 9
21:29.23PBXtechwhatis bigbrother?
21:29.25Baconlyoungz_: Just start typing.
21:29.30InfraRedalpha zulu  1 3
21:29.31lyoungz_I just installed asterisk via the asterisk@home .7  ISO and I haven't been able to connect in to the Admin area
21:29.32InfraRedwe have contact
21:29.42Uther_Proger that one-niner
21:29.50lyoungz_because it prompts for userid/password and admin/amp111 doesn't work.
21:30.10Baconisn't it maint/password
21:30.13terrapenlyoungs: you have to say 'OVER' at the end of your sentence if you want us to respond.  OVER.
21:30.20queuetueThere was soneone in here a few days going over my configs and he forgot to mention this to me, and now I've spent the weekend trying to get the format right...without even knowing I had the wrong tye set up. Duh!
21:30.22JerJer[mobile]lyoungz_: learn asterisk the right way
21:30.24PBXtech|Vulture| what is BigBrother?
21:30.35jay-pbig brother is a fucking piece of shit
21:30.40PBXtecherr hard way heh
21:30.42|Vulture|PBXtech: remote monitoring to check if the server is up
21:30.43InfraRedBigBrotheris a TV program
21:30.45|Vulture|jay-p: then what do you use?
21:30.48lesouvagelyoungz: I recently tried asterisk@home and the user was "maint" and the password was "password"
21:30.48Uther_Pbig brother.. as in... from 1985?
21:30.50jay-puse real software, like openview or unicenter
21:30.54InfraRednagios is better than BB
21:31.06CosmicRayterrapen: boring.  let's all talk in telegraph speak.  ASTERISK RULES STOP TELCOS SUCK STOP LETS ALL ASK QUESTIONS IN THE ASTERISK CHANNEL STOP
21:31.07terrapenbig brother as in that shitty network monitoring package written in bourne shell?
21:31.17lyoungz_thanks! maint/password worked.
21:31.21CosmicRayterrapen: whoa?  scary.
21:31.26lesouvageUther_P: 1984
21:31.26jay-pterrapen, yeah, with the purple/green/yellow/back color schemes
21:31.26lyoungz_oddly enough the docs didn't mention a userid/password.
21:31.31terrapenyeah, that one
21:31.36Uther_Pthey wrote a monitoring package in bash?
21:31.36terrapenit sucks ass.
21:31.38lyoungz_I found admin/amp111 in the config files.
21:31.41terrapenit sucked ass  back in 1997, too
21:31.56CosmicRaythat is amazingly scary.
21:32.05CosmicRaywhy would anyone use that instead of something like nagios?
21:32.10Uther_Pcouldn't learn a real language?
21:32.26terrapenwell, nagios (netsaint or whatever) did not exist in 1996
21:32.34queuetueWriting a monitoring package in bash s nowhere as scary as writing a version control system in bash - see arch.
21:32.39CosmicRayterrapen: perhaps, but C did :-)
21:32.51CosmicRayqueuetue: tom lord at least had the sense to re-implement it in C :-)
21:32.58LarsACflorz: ?
21:33.10Corydon-wWhat about writing a backup system in bash?  See Mondo
21:33.12queuetueCosmicRay, Did he?  I dug into the code once and walked *very far* away. :)
21:33.25CosmicRayqueuetue: uh, yes.  tla has been around for some years now :-)
21:33.40CosmicRayqueuetue: you may also be interested in darcs -- even more decentralized than tla, and written in my new favorite language: haskell.
21:33.52Uther_Pat LEAST use perl... jeez
21:34.15Corydon-wMy goodness, is nobody using the uberl33t SNOBOL anymore?
21:34.18queuetueI'm in small teams lately, and svn is keeping us all very happy for the time being.
21:35.02eKo1Anybody know what ZOMBIE channels are?
21:35.12queuetueThe walking dead?
21:35.17Uther_Pno nono
21:35.19ManxPowereKo1: They are undead channels.
21:35.20CosmicRayeKo1: great for use in black and white horror films? :-)
21:35.23Uther_Pthose are the channels that the walking dead call into
21:35.23firestrmhey the dead need to make calls too
21:35.32eKo1The seems to crash my *.
21:35.45Uther_Ppick one up sometime... all you will hear is "brrraaaiiinnnsss"
21:35.55firestrmsend more medics
21:36.14*** part/#asterisk hardwire (~hardwire@
21:36.18Uther_Poh damn, your asterisk box didn't feed the zombies, did it?
21:36.21eKo1Since when did this turn into #comedians
21:37.08jeffikAll: using *@home, need to enable cell phone email notice to my cell phone email address, is ther a command line in can insert to enable it?
21:37.17CosmicRayeKo1: hey, never used voicemail.
21:37.27CosmicRayeKo1: this happens every time I check my messages
21:37.33queuetuewhat does auth=rsa mean?  Do I need to generate a key between a peer and a user?  Can I use u/p instead?
21:37.59lesouvagelyoung: Look at  ( I hope I didn't make a typo). There is a nice starting manual for asterisk@home
21:38.40*** join/#asterisk DEEZED (
21:38.56jeffiklesouvage: thanks, I will look there
21:39.18eKo1Hmm...I guess zombie channels weren't the cause of * crashing.
21:39.33DEEZEDhow do you make an IAX trunk be the default for outgoing calls?
21:39.34cftblhow do you kill off the zomie channels
21:39.41eKo1No I have no clue why it crashed now.
21:41.01CosmicRayDEEZED: read about the dialplan and extensions.conf
21:41.10queuetueeKo1, in standard unix speak, a zombie is a parentless (and unkillable) process waiting for a resource that it cannot ever get.  I suspect zombie channels may be similar - channels that are no longer in use, but ties to a resource.
21:41.11CosmicRayeKo1: using x100p?
21:41.36DEEZEDthanks for pointing me in the right direction
21:41.37queuetueBut I suppose reading a manual would be better than guessing out my ass.
21:41.39eKo1I have two x101p cards but they are not in use.
21:41.56eKo1I wonder why * doesn't kill these zombie channels.
21:42.10eKo1They eat memory.
21:42.19*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
21:43.26queuetueIs there a console mode where I can just type "Dial(1003)" and test an extension without having to fire up my flaky softphone and dial with a STINKING MOUSE?
21:43.43dwmw2queuetue: yes. load or
21:44.04queuetuedwmw2, I don't even care abut audio at this point - i was wondering how to do the Dial( part.
21:44.05dwmw2well, you type "dial 1003" not Dial(1003) but I assume that won't bother you
21:44.10harryvvqueuetue, ever try xlite for windows?
21:44.16eKo1queuetue: You could make a cli command for that, but you need to be a 133t h4x0r
21:44.17Uther_Pqueuetue: dial 1003
21:44.35Uther_Pqueuetue: then hangup
21:45.05jeffiklesouvage: thanks for the link, it's correct but many of the links it links to are broken, i'll keep looking though
21:45.09queuetueharryvv, I haven't even seen windows in 3 years or so, except to strip off spyware and reboot the things when they get wedged.  I am using xlite for linux, which sucks balls.  Which makes it several hundred times better than any other softwphone I've used.
21:45.51queuetueHrm... *CLI> dial 1003
21:45.51queuetueNo such command 'dial' (type 'help' for help)
21:45.54ManxPower"All softphones suck!"
21:46.04dwmw2queuetue: yes. load or
21:46.10queuetueAh, th channel is required?
21:46.13ManxPowerqueuetue: then you don't have chan_oss or chan_alsa loaded.  You confirmed that you can play sound outside of Asterisk?
21:47.07ctooleyI'm calling $AGI->exec('Playback', 'soundfile'); and Asterisk::AGI is not blocking until the playback is complete.
21:47.11*** part/#asterisk LarsAC (
21:47.21ManxPowerctooley: Why are you doing that?
21:47.30terrapenis there a SQL command that INSERTs if a particular row does not already exists and UPDATEs if it does exist already?
21:47.52ctooleyManxPower, as opposed to stream_file?
21:47.59heisonctooley: is not blocking? or is blocking?
21:48.06Jerubqueuetue: you can use shtoom, that has an optional text-ui
21:48.18Uther_Pterrapen... that would be 2 commands
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21:48.23ctooleyheison, it's not blocking... perl is continuing
21:48.25queuetueJerub, I've actually heard good things about shtoom.  Doe sit work well?
21:48.32terrapenthree commands
21:48.37terrapen1) check to see if it doesn't exist
21:48.44terrapenoh, yes, two commands
21:48.53terrapen2) INSERT     or    2) UPDATE
21:48.59Jerubqueuetue: it's the only softphone that you can run, make a call, and expect it to connect, 30 seconds after you check it out of subversion.
21:49.00terrapenbut there should be something like...
21:49.07Uther_Pterrapen: select whatever from wherever where something = something;   then if nothing returns... update wherever set whatever=something where something=somethingelse
21:49.15Jerubqueuetue: past that, it's very feature-light
21:49.16terrapenUPDATE IF NOT EXIST
21:49.49terrapenUPDATE blah blah blah INSERT IF NOT EXIST
21:49.53terrapenor something like that
21:50.18Uther_Pyou can search
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21:50.30terrapeni don't use MySQL.
21:51.16harryvvI was on a conferance meeting when getting alot of bad udb checksums finally killed my connection what is a common cause of this?
21:51.20Uther_Pwell, mysql pretty much follows the rfc for sql to the T... so it should work on any sql server that also follows the rfc... that means, it might not work ok mSQL
21:51.29terrapeni could do it with a trigger or something
21:51.51ManxPowerWe of course lodged a token protest.
21:52.04terrapenthe SQL language is not defined in an RFC
21:52.05dwmw2ManxPower: scary
21:52.18ManxPowerdwmw2: He's a menace to the company and needs to go away.
21:52.18queuetueBe sure to email him instructions on updating it - tomorrow. :)
21:52.20Uther_Pyea... do that man... put the windowz server on the outside
21:52.26Uther_Pgone in 30 seconds! :P
21:52.37ManxPowerUther_P: *nod*
21:52.43ctooleyManxPower, If the Accounting server is behind the firewall how would he be able to mount the accounting share from home?
21:52.46Uther_Phaha, what a fool
21:52.53ManxPowerctooley: Exactly!
21:53.17Uther_Pcan someone say VPN, heh
21:53.30eKo1Can I have the IP of this server please.
21:53.34ctooleyNot only that, but he'll be dependent on IS's slow responses to say poking holes in the firewall for Terminal Services connections.
21:53.41Uther_Pbesides, the accounting software being accessable from the outside is a bad idea on SOOO many levels
21:53.56ctooleyeKo1, you need another server in an ftp ring? :)
21:54.16ManxPowerUther_P: He's the guy that about 4 times a year tries to convince upper management that MIS should be part of Accounting and he has just the second cousin, once removed's husband that installed windows once to run MIS.
21:54.18eKo1I hope it has a fast connection.
21:54.43ManxPowerUther_P: I'm NOT joking.
21:54.43*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
21:55.00ManxPowerctooley: firewall?
21:55.09Uther_PI'd let him.. when it all goes to hell, tell all the managment that you were against this
21:55.26ManxPowerUther_P: We already sent management a memo saying we are against this.
21:55.35ManxPowerUther_P: Oh, we'll let him.
21:55.41ctooleyRight, if you do something stupid like put it behind the firewall, holes will have to be poked through the firewall for TS clients and Windows shares
21:55.59ManxPowerctooley: He refuses to have the box behind the corporate firewall.
21:56.05Uther_Pok, so if it happens, go into a haxor channel and tell them "here is a windowz machine, please take it down!"
21:56.07ctooleyand everyone, especially Accounting, knows that will take MIS months to get right.
21:56.27Uther_Pjust, give them the ip and say "enjoy!"
21:56.30ManxPowerctooley: Only when they give us the wrong information, like last time.
21:56.52*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
21:57.04Uther_Pnetbios ports open through the firewall is BAD, VERY BAD
21:57.25ManxPowerThe MIS manager, just to make sure that Windows was REALLY as bad is I was saying, installed a Win2k box outside the firewall about a year ago. It was hacked in 25 mins.
21:57.35elriahnetbios in general is bad, very bad.
21:57.40ManxPowerHe's never suggested Windows as a server playform again.
21:58.13ManxPowerUther_P: No.  We will not ACTIVELY try to get the box hacked.
21:58.15ctooleyManxPower, wrong information?  How dare you accuse them of something so ludicrus as claim that Windows is hackable. Ack! you must be some kind of revolutionary or something
21:58.28ManxPowerHe has the loaded gun.  What he does with it is his own problem.
21:58.39Uther_Pyea... you won't have to anyway..
21:58.41eKo1Not if he shoots you with it.
21:58.48ManxPowerctooley: wrong information as in telling us the wrong port numbers to forward.
21:59.11ctooleyyeah, I've never had that happen with any of my clients, they're all perfect, just ask them.
21:59.22ManxPowerMy newest client is way cool.
21:59.32elriahAny * horror stories to share from anyone?
21:59.37ManxPowerelriah: Yes.
22:00.00eKo1horror as in stupid, or horror as in scary.
22:00.02ManxPowerelriah: IRQ latency causing fax problems.  Also echo issues
22:00.08Uther_Pthis one time at band camp...
22:00.09elriahManxPower: Do share -
22:00.13Uther_Poh wait, asterisk stories
22:00.17elriahHow did you solve the echo issues?
22:00.24ManxPowerelriah: Echo is a problem any time you use VoIP.  It can be tough to solve.
22:00.28elriahUther_P; heh...
22:00.39elriahUther_P; Did you see they're remaking excalibur?
22:00.50Uther_Pno, I didn't I shall check itout
22:00.50elriahManxPower: What was it in your case?
22:00.54ManxPowerelriah: in zconfig.h enable MARK3 echo can, but not AGRESSIVE.  /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf set echocancel=yes and echotraining=800
22:01.12DEEZEDhey.. very noob question.... I have "exten => 8003194282,1,Answer" this set up under my context inbound. In order for someone to answer it. do I put an exten line under it for my xlite?
22:01.19Uther_Phas anyone else noticed that asterisk, when using an SRV record, will round robin the server to use instead of going in order of priority?
22:01.25ctooleyManxPower,  We sent 'EXEC Playback gcssounds/please-record-your-name' as a command
22:01.25ctooleyWe got back '510 Invalid or unknown command' from that command
22:01.33ManxPowerelriah: my biggest horror story was simply caused by a small office of perfectionists that seemed to be genetically incapable of calling in a useful trouble report.
22:01.49ManxPowerThey were also 2.5 hour drive away.
22:02.03elriahManxPower: Yea, i've been there with just regular it stuff...
22:02.07jay-pelriah, asterisk is ok to play around with, learn sip/voip/etc., but i don't reccomend it for anything serious
22:02.24jay-pit's just not there -- still has a long way to go
22:02.36ctooleyjay-p, I know several large companies, including mine, that would completely disagree
22:02.53jay-pdefine "large company" ?
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22:03.06elriahWhat's the largest install base you guys have seen with *, phone wise?
22:03.22ManxPowerjay-p: If you do enough pre-roll out testing, it works pretty good.
22:03.28ctooleyelriah, asterisk is a tool, a platform, you must know what you are doing.  You'll not know everything but that doesn't mean that it can't be very useful
22:03.46ManxPowerI'm just finishing up a 5 channel PRI + 12 polycom phone install.
22:03.52ManxPowerThey have been in production since thurs morning
22:03.58ctooleyelriah, we have somewhere between 3,000 and 10,000 concurrent calls through our servers at any given time.
22:04.00elriahjay-p: I would say the same for the Cisco solution.  We had a $400,000 nightmare last year.
22:04.09elriahctooley: Damn.
22:04.10eKo1I have about 50 phones installed all over the place.
22:04.28ManxPowerctooley: local PRI's I assume?
22:04.29elriahManxPower: PRI straight to a digum card or through a channel bank?
22:04.31JerJer[mobile]elriah: asterisk will scale as high as you want it to scale
22:04.45JerJer[mobile]just distrubute the load properly
22:04.46ctooleyManxPower, nope, everythings IAX and SIP
22:04.49harryvvctooley thats impressive what are you using ?
22:04.52ManxPowerelriah: The PRI comes in direct to Digium card
22:04.59jay-p3k - 10k concurrent calls on asterisk? hahaha
22:05.15Uther_Phe said "servers"
22:05.18elriahjay-p; I'm sure he doesn't mean a single server.
22:05.21JerJer[mobile]across a bunch of boxes, not a problem
22:05.26ctooleyI'm sure JerJer[mobile] wouldn't know anything about load. :)
22:05.33ManxPowerjay-p: it really depends on the call types.
22:05.39harryvvNo one in there right mind would cram anything into one box without redundecy :)
22:05.40Uther_Pand I don't see how it would be a problem either
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22:05.53JerJer[mobile]its called Load Balancing
22:05.55Uther_Pthe only problems I've had were a result of my oversight or misconfiguration
22:06.09JerJer[mobile]jay-p: maybe you've heard of it?
22:06.17eKo1Anybody running a session border controller?
22:06.24jay-pgo throw a t410e on (4) x 24 fxs cactus lite
22:06.26ManxPowerI'm still having problems with HDLC Abort errors on my most recent install.
22:06.30jay-psee what happens to your box
22:06.33ManxPowerJerJer[mobile]: WHAT server hardware do you use?
22:06.39JerJer[mobile]dell 1750s
22:06.45ctooleyWe use a distributed server system.  We've got 3 pools of "call server"s in 3 cities
22:06.48JerJer[mobile]EdgeLink 100
22:06.55JerJer[mobile]Plexus 9000
22:06.59ctooleyeach with 6 servers in the pool
22:07.06ManxPowerJerJer[mobile]: I've no idea what Edgelink or Plexus is
22:07.20JerJer[mobile]ds-3 mux and class 4/5 switch
22:07.25ManxPowerJerJer[mobile]: Ah.
22:07.26harryvvctooley all running * or ser and authentication?
22:07.29QuickDryCan you configure the asterisk server so that all incoming SIP connections are put into an IVR instead of being routed directly to a user? Any links to show what a dialplan for this scenario would be?
22:07.29ctooleyAnd we use Asterisk as our proxy instead of a session border controller as we're doing IAX
22:07.46jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
22:07.46ctooleyQuickDry, yep
22:08.25ctooleyharryvv, we were going to use SER but we're not doing SIP at the moment, we'll probably use it when it comes to that though.
22:09.39eKo1ctooley: Any problems with * though, in terms of reliability?
22:09.54ctooleyeKo1, nope
22:10.04clive-ctooley what do you use asterisk for?
22:10.18CoaxDser scares me
22:10.28jay-pctooley, damn, your installation is bigger than ford motor company's
22:10.29ctooleyeKo1, we use Linux HA on our proxy servers and voicemail servers
22:10.35clive-coax, ser is not so bad, its sip and nat thats scary
22:10.37ctooleyjay-p, and?
22:10.45CoaxDclive: Um, ser's config makes me want to cry.
22:10.47jay-pyou guys are running over 100k users on asterisk?
22:10.55eKo1Really? Man, I need that kind of environment.
22:11.00ctooleyjay-p, we have fun reliabiliy requriements
22:11.13ctooleyjay-p, times 5
22:11.15eKo1My * fucks up every day because of a pos fxo gateway.
22:11.27jay-pand digium brags about a little mention of * on
22:11.31ctooleyjay-p, we are back ending some other people
22:11.52machinehdQuickDry, you might want to try AMP
22:11.53eKo1ah! I'm getting major packet loss on both my internet links
22:11.54ManxPowereKo1: Analog is a totally different story.
22:12.14eKo1yes it is, yes it is...
22:12.24ctooleyyeah, we don't do any analog anymore.
22:12.35eKo1They only do analog in this stinking country.ç
22:12.39elriahSo two quad-port fxo cards from digium and * would suck?
22:12.57Uther_PI just finished migrating this office to all VoIP
22:13.08eKo1If you ask a phone technician what ISDN is, they go 'eh, uh, say that again'
22:13.08QuickDryAMP? ...please excuse my ignorance...
22:13.09ManxPowerelriah: any analog sucks.
22:13.16Uther_Pworks much better than the freakin tdm040 fxo solutino
22:13.42elriahMaybe the question should be: Would two quad-port fxo cards from digum suck any less than other pstn solutions from 3com or Avaya?
22:14.33ctooleyelriah, no, it shouldn't.
22:14.46elriahk, cool.
22:15.13JerJer[mobile]jay-p: notice topic was set by bkw_
22:15.21JerJer[mobile]who is not a digium employee
22:15.50kramlet me clarify at least that the audio quality would be similar, obviously i would hope they "suck less" in other regards (e.g. Asterisk compatibility)
22:15.53PBXtechwhats a a good WiSIP phone?
22:16.11JerJer[mobile]and I posted that URL to the channel when I came across it
22:16.36JerJer[mobile]and I am not a Digium employee
22:16.51elriahkram: Well, the 3com nbx just sucks in general. The cisco solution is way to complex and expensive.
22:17.07kramcost is obviously lower, more flexibility in terms of asterisk
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22:17.13ctooleyyeah, compatibility should be noted, Digium will make the card work with asterisk as long as the card is in a machine that _works_ (read NOT DELL)
22:17.20krambut analog always has certain quality issues
22:17.23elriahIn order to get MoH in the 3com solution, you have to push multicast audio over your network.
22:17.35ManxPowerSomeday I hope the problem with TE11xP cards not being seen by the drivers on a warm boot will be fixed.
22:17.37ctooleyat least they always have for me.
22:17.39zippanyone having issues with asterisk on solaris 10, I compiled it with the gnu tools and it works fine
22:17.40QuickDrythx machinehd
22:18.07krammanx: it should already be fixed in CVS head
22:18.14ManxPowerI'm still strugleing with the HDLC Abort errors as well.
22:18.19krammanx: what system?
22:18.22ManxPowerkram: I don't run CVS-HEAD in production.
22:18.25krammanx: have you done patlooptest
22:18.33krammanx: okay well that's a reason you haven't seen the fix
22:18.41ManxPowerkram: the supermicro motherboard recommended on Digium's web site.
22:18.44PBXtechdid digium release a compatible hardware list yet?
22:19.02kramthe only system/card compatibility issue i know of is certain dell's and the TE110P
22:19.14Uther_PManxPower: I have a similar problem with the tdm040, I have to accually power off the machine and power it back on for the modules to see the device if the server goes down unexpectedly
22:19.14krami know of no other combinations that don't work personally but there's always tech support
22:19.23ManxPowerkram: It works, I just can't warm boot the system or the drivers won't find the card.
22:19.26kramuther: again, if you update this it will go away
22:19.27eKo1which dells?
22:19.37Uther_PI updated 4 dayz ago
22:19.43krami don't remember, ask tech support if you have a question
22:19.46eKo1not poweregdes I hope.
22:19.47krambut it won't even come out of alarm
22:19.58kramnah it's not a poweredge i don't think, it's one of their cheap workstations
22:20.01machinehdUther_P, I am having the exact same problem. tdm04b...warm boot results in no detection of the card. Cold boot fixes it.
22:20.13ManxPowerWe are actually considering trying thr Sagnoma cards now.
22:20.22buddahhmm, when i started up * it started giving a weird message
22:20.23buddahAsterisk ended with exit status 1, Asterisk died with code 1., Automatically restarting Asterisk.
22:20.29buddah3 lines of message
22:20.34buddahand it keeps doing it over and over
22:20.35kramhave you guys talked to tech support about this?
22:20.36buddahhow can i stop it?
22:20.37ManxPowerbuddah: that means asterisk failed to start.
22:20.43Uther_PIf I reboot, and unload the modules correctly, its fine, but if it crashes, no dice
22:20.43ctooleyeKo1, the 1800 didn't work for me.  They lied about the PCI slot in the machine.
22:20.49ManxPowerbuddah: start asterisk as "asterisk -cvvv" to see what the real error message is.
22:20.58eKo1what about the pci slot?
22:21.03kramanyway, if you're having issues, talk to tech support
22:21.07queuetueI created a user entry in iax.conf for the server, but still, I get "no authority"...
22:21.14queuetue(after restarting)
22:21.22buddahit didnt do anything
22:21.33ManxPowerkram: For HDLC Abort I assumed Digium support would tell me to unmask interrupts and I've already done that.
22:21.40buddahstill doing the same thing
22:21.43ManxPowerI've also played with the PCI latency timers (setpci)
22:21.58ctooleyThey said it was a 5.5V PCI slot or 3.3V or whatever it was I needed, I had the specs for the server and requirements from Digium in front of me when I confirmed with Dell, but it was the wrong voltage
22:22.05queuetueWhat does "no authority found" mean exactly?
22:22.12ctooleyNMI errors all over the place and eventually a dead card.
22:22.16krammanx: well if you don't install new software, and you don't call tech support, there's not much to be expected
22:22.16ManxPowerqueuetue: it means nothing in sip.conf or iax.conf matched.
22:22.27ManxPowerkram: We keep up on 1.0.x stable.
22:22.29JerJer[mobile]queueeueueuetue: means you need a type=user
22:22.42ManxPowerkram: I've contact tech support twice for other problems.
22:22.50krambut not for this one
22:22.52JerJer[mobile]run cvs -head and you won't have problem
22:23.14eKo1you may not have...
22:23.15kramwhatever, anyway i better get back to coding
22:23.18angler_JerJer[mobile], whats up
22:23.24JerJer[mobile]bitching at lamers
22:23.26krambut, let me encourage you to call tech support when you have technical support issues
22:23.31ManxPowerThey basically told me that these errors were normal and to ignore them: "WARNING[10781]: chan_zap.c:1315 zt_set_hook: zt hook failed: Device or resource busy" and " WARNING[2927]: chan_zap.c:3429 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 7"
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22:23.51krammanx: what's you ticket number?
22:23.57ManxPowerSo we ignored them. 8-)
22:24.04kramthe first one is very normal
22:24.11ManxPowerkram: gimme a min and I'll fine the ticket about those errors
22:24.16kramthe second is curious that it would exist, but probably isn't serious
22:24.29terrapenOH NO
22:24.32terrapenHIPPIE JAM BAND MUSIC
22:24.32queuetueJerJer[mobile], I put in a type=user, but I'm not sur eit has the right format, since I can't find an example...
22:24.39ManxPower[ #16032] zt hook failed: Device or resource busy
22:24.51terrapenmy mp3 player has been taken over by HIPPIE JAM-BAND MUSIC
22:25.01queuetueThe authentication page uses auth==rsa, which isn't what I'm trying to do, i think...
22:25.19JerJer[mobile]have you setup rsa keys for both boxes?
22:25.23JerJer[mobile]and exchanged publc keys?
22:25.29JerJer[mobile]use md5
22:25.35JerJer[mobile]then get complex once u know it works
22:25.45JerJer[mobile]Keep It Simple Stupd
22:25.46queuetueJerJer[mobile], No, is that required, or can I use username/password authentication? (or even no auth for now)
22:25.59terrapeni have a sudden urge to quit my job and follow Widespread
22:26.01PBXtechis that Sangoma A104 a good card?
22:26.15JerJer[mobile]that is all that is needed
22:26.20kramand was that your only issue with tech supprot?
22:26.38JerJer[mobile]this is documented
22:26.38ManxPowerPBXtech: SOME people thinks they are better than Digium.  I have my doubts, but admit the possibility.
22:26.52JerJer[mobile]just admit it, they suck
22:26.52ManxPowerkram: Other than taking days to get back to be about that ticket number I posted?
22:27.07fac_anyone have a .net component for iax or sip softphone?
22:27.17JerJer[mobile]fac_ are you mad?
22:27.22ManxPowerI've managed to solve the HDLC Abort problems on the other three servers with T-1 cards, but not my current one.
22:27.37queuetueJerJer[mobile], Then what does the IAX2/... line look like, if there is no username?
22:27.42fac_JerJer[mobile] mad?
22:27.50PBXtechmad = insane
22:27.55JerJer[mobile]you use a username
22:28.09ManxPowerkram: the one time recently I forgot to add -r v1-0 on my cvs line and accidently installed CVS-HEAD, Asterisk would not even stay up for 24 hours.
22:28.13JerJer[mobile]IAX2/bob@peer/<some valid exten>
22:28.29queuetueAh, the section heading is the username?
22:28.30ManxPoweron the other system that happened on it just hard locked when loading wctdm.
22:28.31JerJer[mobile]ManxPower: then you are doing somethng seriously wrong
22:28.36JerJer[mobile]i have countless boxes on cvs -head
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22:28.41JerJer[mobile]ZERO problems
22:28.56ManxPowerJerJer[mobile]: no config changes on the one that Asterisk exited on.
22:28.57*** join/#asterisk avidal45679 (~avidal@
22:28.59JerJer[mobile]most likely because you had -stable zaptel and -head asterisk
22:29.03eKo1Maybe the cvs head that ManxPower got was bad.
22:29.08krammanx: did you get a back trace or file a bug report?
22:29.14ManxPowerJerJer[mobile]: I ALWAYS check out them all at the same time.
22:29.24ManxPowerkram: no, I needed a working server.  This was a production box.
22:29.40JerJer[mobile]then how can i run 50+ boxes with cvs -head without issue then?
22:29.42ManxPowerJerJer[mobile]: But I admit I COULD have messed up the versioning.
22:29.47ctooleyWe sent 'STREAM FILE gcssounds/please-record-your-name 0' as a command
22:29.47ctooleyWe got back '510 Invalid or unknown command' from that command
22:29.49PBXtechwhat server do you guys use on production box's?
22:29.54queuetuehooray - it works!
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22:29.58ManxPowerJerJer[mobile]: You are obviously blessed from the gods.  Nothing else could explain it.
22:30.33ManxPowerCVS-HEAD has lots of nice features I drool over, but it simply changes too much.
22:30.40JerJer[mobile]i've bugged kram with certian situatons
22:30.49clive-I agree with manx..:), esp after my box just crashed out.....jerjer, I have to go sleep, chat in the morning
22:30.50JerJer[mobile]but most of them have always came back to something stupid i missed or done
22:30.52JerJer[mobile]very smple
22:30.54dalaberahello guys, I need someone could help troubleshoot a problem with * on CAS AcessBank I with plantronics handsets.Almost everything works ok, except when receiving some calls the calls are drop
22:30.59fugitivoMar 29 17:42:59 NOTICE[10643]: rtp.c:505 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 72 received
22:31.06fugitivoI get that with an external sip call, does it mean that the other end is using a codec not supported by asterisk?
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22:31.46JerJer[mobile]clive- your box crashed because your ethernet driver kernel paniced your system
22:31.51JerJer[mobile]not anythng to do wth astersk
22:31.57JerJer[mobile]find a clue before bitching
22:32.14psyminIs there a kind soul who would be willing to help explain to me why 'autologoff' isn't working for may agents?
22:32.15PBXtechi found one once
22:33.14webmikocurious what does priority n do? i didnt see it in the documentation. but i see it in the example extensions.conf
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22:33.51ManxPowerwebmiko: that's a CVS-HEAD only thing.  See the mailing list archive.
22:33.59jbotmailinglist is probably Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
22:34.49webmikowell hmm strange. i didnt get the cvs-head.
22:35.02jeffikAll: need a chicago DID, only 1 or 2, tried livevoip and sixtel already
22:35.14ManxPowerjeffik: teliax?
22:35.33jeffikdo you use them?
22:36.07ManxPowerjeffik: I tried them out (low usage, I'd never trust a VoIP provider for high usage, unless they control the enture link between me and them)
22:36.22ManxPowerThey seem to be pretty good.  Their call set up time could use improvement.
22:36.25PBXtechi use them, seem good to me
22:36.40jeffikok looking at their page now
22:36.48PBXtechdont they go IP to TDM at their location
22:37.04ManxPowerPBXtech: where do they do it?
22:37.25eKo1ManxPower: I don't think there is a single provider that controls your link to them.
22:37.38*** join/#asterisk sneak (
22:37.38PBXtechunless you pay for it :)
22:37.46sneakanyone know why i wouldn't be getting text callerid on my PRI?
22:37.50avidal45679someone knows about Madrid Astricon?
22:37.53jeffiki have sixtet for outbound and it's great but i have been asking them for a chicago DID for over a week
22:37.58sneak${CALLERIDNAME} has the same thing as ${CALLERIDNUM}
22:38.02PBXtech[sneak]: carrier not sending it?
22:38.20sneakpbxtech: i have another circuit from them at another location that gets text callerid, and i believe they are provisioned identically
22:38.28PBXtechjeffik broadvoice
22:38.29ManxPowersneak: put a Wait(1) in there so Asterisk waits long enough to get calleridname
22:38.39CosmicRayor livevoip
22:38.41sneakmanxpower: is that even the case on a PRI?
22:38.43PBXtechi dont have to do that on my PRI
22:38.49PBXtechanalog yes
22:38.53CosmicRaysixtet?  url?
22:39.03sneaki don't have to wait on my 3com nbx before answering
22:39.08ManxPowersneak: It can't hurt.
22:39.09PBXtechPRI should have it in the setup message
22:39.24ManxPowerPBXtech: CIDNAME is a seperate facility message.
22:39.33sneakmanxpower: it worked!
22:39.34sneakgood call.
22:39.46*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
22:39.52lesouvageWhat is a good choice if I want to plug an isdn line into my asterisk box?
22:40.54sneakyou guys are smart.
22:41.12ManxPowersneak: you can thank me by finding me a job in Europe
22:41.33*** part/#asterisk miller7 (
22:41.46PBXtechwhy europe
22:41.54ManxPowerPBXtech: long story.
22:42.01sneaki don't know europe, sorry :P
22:42.12ManxPowerlesouvage: What country?
22:42.14PBXtechi love europe, ide live there
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22:42.28lesouvageManxPower: The Netherlands
22:42.28eKo1PBXtech: eh, Europe is pretty big.
22:42.39PBXtechspain has all the good looking women
22:42.50eKo1No, Czech Republic does.
22:43.14ManxPowerlesouvage: ZapBRI.  Search the mailing lists.
22:43.19PBXtechbetter beaches with good looking wormen
22:43.38ManxPowerPBXtech: I would prefer the Benelux area, but at this point I'll consider ALL serious offers.
22:43.40eKo1Yes, but those women are tourists.
22:44.00Moc____mouhaha ;)
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22:44.08ManxPowerThe nice thing about tourists is they are not looking for a husband.
22:44.10lesouvageManxPower: Thanks now I know what I have to search for, yes we have a lot of nice looking ladies walking around.
22:44.10queuetueun-frigging-believable.  I can bounce a call from maine to new hampshire to ontario, and the delay from the echo test is still unnoticeable.
22:44.12eKo1wmv sucks
22:44.15machinehdI recently replaced some GS phones with Cisco. Status went from 4ms to 65ms. Is this normal?
22:44.31ManxPowermachinehd: Yes.
22:44.45machinehdManxPower, ok, just thought I'd check, thanks
22:44.49Moc____machinehd: sometime, answer will go up to 2000+ms !!!
22:44.52ManxPowermachinehd: the qualify= information is NOT ping times, it's "response time to SIP OPTIONS command"
22:45.04Moc____you better increase your qualify just in case to 4000
22:47.31gtigeneHow can I find an * consultant?
22:47.51elriahgtigene: shido6 is looking for work, he's knowledgable.
22:48.12gtigeneHow do I find her?
22:48.16gtigeneor him
22:48.20eKo1or it
22:48.27elriah"/msg shido6 help me for $" should do it.
22:48.30ManxPowergtigene: you can ask on asterisk-biz mailing list too
22:49.03gtigeneWell, elriah, I don't know how to type the last character. It shows as an accented o
22:49.22elriahA dollar sign is all it was.
22:49.25rvhihow do i find out how many g729 license i have?
22:49.39JunK-Crvhi: how many have u paid?
22:49.55angler_show g729
22:50.10marc324gti--  location?
22:50.17rvhi1/3 encoders/decoders of 12 licensed channels are currently in use
22:50.25rvhiso i have 12?
22:50.35buddahanyone know what it takes to get something to register as gatekeeper for h.323? is it something in the oh323.conf?
22:50.42rvhii had a 12 before, just bought another 12
22:50.45gtigenemark324, chicago, land of the free
22:50.54rvhisupposed to be add on, right?
22:50.57rvhishould be 24
22:51.00angler_rvhi, register your other license again
22:51.01gtigeneer, Chicago ILlinois I mean
22:51.08angler_and restart *
22:51.11rvhido i have to restart?
22:51.16rvhiis reload ok?
22:52.12angler_unload   load
22:55.13rvhi0/0 encoders/decoders of 24 licensed channels are currently in use
22:55.20rvhithx! guys
22:55.59terrapenWELCOME TO HIPPIE JAM FEST 2005! WOO-HOO!!
22:56.13eKo1eh, no
22:57.06Chujivonage commercials are good
22:57.16ChujiLove that music
22:57.24Chujiwoo hoo, woo hoo hoo hoo
22:58.07harryvvthay spend millions on there advertising budget and thats the best thay can say for content is woo hoo ?
22:58.24elriahSo to do an iax2 to iax2 trunk via the internet using g729, i'll need two codec licenses?  One for both sides?
22:58.27terrapenthe south park "hippie jam fest" episode was one of the best ever
22:58.44Chujiyeah, but it's catchy
23:00.23DEEZEDquick question... im getting ARNING[4886]: config.c:514 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 1 of iax.conf --  I thinking its referring to my register command for I was told to put that at the top. Should i put it under [general] ?
23:01.24ManxPowerDEEZED: you still need a [general] section above that
23:01.24DEEZEDoh ok thanks
23:01.24twisted[work]okay, anyone heard of the ringing audio on a sip call sounding all chopped up?  not like normal packet loss, but like (bear with me here) "Rin ri ri ring ring.....ring ri ri rin ring....."
23:01.52twisted[work]i've tried different progress methods, from inband progress to normal progress, to forcing ring from asterisk, etc.
23:02.06twisted[work]call flow goes PRI -> as5300 -> asterisk -> 7960
23:02.19ManxPowertwisted: that should not happen if everything is OOB
23:02.27twisted[work]ManxPower, that's what i thought too
23:02.47ManxPowerSince the ringing is generated locally on the endpoints for OOB
23:02.58twisted[work]right.... which is why i'm stumped and asking in here :P
23:03.15ManxPowertwisted: remember the default for PRI was changed at some point in some version to default to inband progress for PRI
23:03.25twisted[work]oh reaaaallly..
23:03.40ManxPowertwisted: running CVS-HEAD?
23:03.53twisted[work]oh wait
23:03.53twisted[work]PRI -> as5300 -> asterisk
23:03.54twisted[work]the pri isn't directly connected to asterisk
23:04.03twisted[work]think the as5300 could be trying to do inband?
23:04.11ManxPowertwisted: It IS helpful to tell us the actual setup.  *tease*
23:04.15twisted[work]I did tell you :)
23:04.20twisted[work][17:01] twisted[work] call flow goes PRI -> as5300 -> asterisk -> 7960
23:04.37ManxPowertwisted: apparently my brain already shut off for the day.
23:04.49twisted[work]the thing is
23:04.50ManxPowertwisted: I don't know, but I'd look at the Cisco.
23:05.12twisted[work]if i follow a similar setup, PRI -> as5300 -> asterisk --IAX2--> asterisk --SIP--> cisco
23:05.13ManxPowertwisted: Does it sound right if you use ULAW/ALAW?
23:05.14twisted[work]the problem dissapears
23:05.35ManxPowertwisted: Well it's pretty obvious that IAX2 solves all problems, including world hunger.
23:05.39twisted[work]ManxPower, part of the requirement (spec) is g729
23:06.04ManxPowertwisted: If it sounds good with ULAW/ALAW then the ringback is inband
23:06.21ManxPowertwisted: The cisco doesn't have silence supression enabled, does it?
23:06.29twisted[work]the as5300?
23:06.34ManxPowertwisted: yeah
23:06.48twisted[work]good question.  I'll make it a point to have the cisco guy look :P
23:07.26twisted[work]aside from that, can you force the PRI to provide OOB signaling even if the call is answered?
23:08.33ManxPowertwisted: no clue
23:09.07twisted[work]hmm... because It would make sense (to me anyway) that the cisco would provide inband ringback on the pri after the call was answered..
23:09.29twisted[work]blah, confused myself
23:09.29ManxPowertwisted: test with ulaw/alaw
23:09.57twisted[work]it would make sense that it would, but which end provides the ringback?  the PRI connected device or the endpoint?
23:10.19ManxPowertwisted: AFTER a call is answered?  I'm a but fuzzy on that.
23:10.22ManxPowerbut - bit
23:11.00twisted[work]I'm thinking that asterisk would provide it, since it wouldn't send another 183 message to the cisco
23:11.33ManxPowertwisted: sip debug 8-)
23:11.39ManxPowerand pri debugging on the cisco
23:11.44twisted[work]hehe.. yea.
23:11.47JunK-C* would send it after the call is answered??
23:12.17jbotrumour has it, astcvs is echo "CVS-HEAD:"; cvs co asterisk asterisk-sounds libpri zaptel; echo "CVS 1.0.x:"; cvs co -r v1-0 asterisk asterisk-sounds libpri zaptel; echo "Anyone that uses CVS and is not on asterisk-cvs mailing list is an idiot! See"
23:12.45jboti guess fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
23:13.05twisted[work]it just doesn't make sense that it works fine if i toss iax2 in the middle.
23:13.16DEEZEDJohnny Cochran died
23:13.49*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
23:14.17DefrazHas anyone expiremented with SS7 and Asterisk?
23:14.58ManxPower~google ss7
23:15.28JunK-CDefraz: that would be better if u ask a specific question.
23:15.48ManxPowerJunK-C: I'd still douse him with garlic.
23:15.50Defrazyea the mailing list archive only has 4 entries.
23:16.04ManxPowerDefraz: It's been discussed on asterisk-users and asterisk-dev too
23:16.16DefrazSee here is the problem that is the only way to get CID to work with the T1 line I have from my telco.
23:16.34ManxPowerDefraz: LOL!  That's funny.  They don't provide CID on PRI?
23:16.49DefrazYea the Telco doesn't offer PRI
23:16.56DefrazThe switch is not capable.
23:16.56ManxPowerDefraz: It sucks to be you.
23:17.02DefrazYes Yes
23:17.05Defrazbeen told that too.
23:17.13ManxPowerDefraz: There is a commercial SS7 for Asterisk.  Mentioned on the mailing lists.
23:17.15DefrazAnyhow looks like SS7 is my only hope.
23:17.27DefrazOkay well I will start digging then.
23:17.30ManxPowerHow much is the telco going to charge you for a SS7 connection?
23:17.38DefrazThanks for pointing me in the right direction.
23:17.40twisted[work]swich isn't capable of PRI?  and you're doing buisness with them?
23:17.54ManxPowerI think my local telco quoted me about $250,000 install fee for SS7 connection.
23:18.06tzangerManxPower: sounds like they have no interest in doing business with you
23:18.11ManxPowerBut that was a couple of years ago, and it was an ILEC
23:18.29twisted[work]ahh.. an Incompitent local exchange carrier
23:18.37twisted[work](yes, that's spelled incorrectly on purpose)
23:18.37tzangerManxPower got the "fuck off" licensing
23:18.39tzangerer pricing
23:18.56ManxPowertzanger: BellSouth only wants SS7 to other telcos
23:19.12ManxPowerThey will provice PRI service if you want SS7-like features
23:19.41twisted[work]but you can't do qnam over pri!
23:19.56ManxPower*shrug* we don't care about that.
23:20.00tzangerwhat's qnam
23:20.04DefrazSee the witch here in or town isn't ISDN capable.
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23:20.22ManxPowerWe get callerid name and number, fast call setup, number pooling, DID, etc with PRI, so we get everything we want with PRI
23:20.37twisted[work]sorry, SNAM
23:20.39ManxPowerDefraz: Um, lots of switches are not ISDN BRI capable, but are ISDN PRI capable
23:21.21DefrazLooks like it will be cheaper to pay the t1 transeport fees than to try and get ss7 to work.
23:21.25tzangerI want to see if our little switch (I swear this town of 5300 does not have a switch, but the various sites state otherwise) can do BRI
23:21.32tzangerManxPower: ?? it's 6:20 here
23:21.35tzangerI thought you were in Hamilton
23:21.57ManxPowertzanger: you are canadian, you should get the reference
23:21.59DefrazI know the switch can't do pri because they didn't get that freature when they bought it.
23:22.13Defraz420 time
23:22.18tzangeroh I get the reference
23:22.23tzangerbut as I said I thought you were in Hamilton
23:23.01rvhiin 'show g729' there is a number for decoder and encoder, what doesn't that mean? how does * calculate this?
23:23.02ManxPowertzanger: I'm in New Orleans Louisiana.  I just wanted a hamilton phone number for my SO
23:23.09*** join/#asterisk voiper (
23:23.25ManxPowerThe local TIME is 5:20pm here
23:23.27tzangerahhh okay
23:23.30rvhimost of them these 2 numbers are not the same
23:24.41Beirdosomeone wanted a HAMILTON number?  ouch
23:24.52fugitivoit seems that asterisk doesn't detect -SOMETIMES- when the user hung up, and the zap interface remains open (blocking the line), any idea?
23:25.09Beirdowanna call the Stelco plant before it closes down?
23:25.20ManxPowerfugitivo: Just the ones talked about over and over both here and on the mailing list.
23:25.33voiperHi, Is it possible to block somone accessing default context through sip by not allowing their IP ? I don't see a host= in general section
23:25.34ManxPower~google CPC OR "disconnect supervision"
23:25.43fugitivoManxPower: thank you
23:29.53fugitivoManxPower: i don't see any solution, they just end the thread with something like "connect to irc" ;)
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23:32.11ManxPowerfugitivo: it's a complex issue.
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23:33.02ManxPowerEither your telco provides CPC or it doesn't.  If it does, then it should Just Work.  If it doesn't then there's not a lot you can do about it.
23:33.14JerJer[mobile]have them enable it
23:33.19JerJer[mobile]or find a different provider
23:33.37fugitivoheh, we only have one provider in my country
23:33.45fugitivothey do what they want
23:34.13ManxPowerfugitivo: spend some time researching the issue with hangup problems in the mailing list archives.
23:34.35fugitivoJerJer[mobile]: why? because the card doesn't detect the hangup?
23:34.40fugitivoJerJer[mobile]: :)
23:34.41tzangeryeah JerJer[mobile] will let you stay at his place until you find a place to live
23:35.11JunK-Cfugitivo: which country?
23:35.21fugitivoJunK-C: Argentina
23:35.37ManxPower~google Argentina hangup
23:35.48JunK-Cproblem of hangup via what kind of card?
23:36.38JunK-Ctake a look on the mailing like ManxPower said.
23:37.00fugitivook, i'll do, thanks
23:37.46tzangerfugitivo: with a DC voltmeter across the tip and ring, what do you see when the other side hangs up?
23:38.07tzangerdoes the meter measure a brief negative voltage or drop to zero for a short period of time?
23:38.12tzangeror does it stay steady
23:38.28fugitivotzanger: no idea, i'll do all the required tests before asking again :)
23:38.44fugitivoi though it was something easy
23:38.51tzangerfugitivo: it's pretty simple to do and it will tell you without a shadow of a doubt whether your country's telco does CPD
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23:43.10viLeRI have the same problem that fugitivo
23:43.48JunK-CviLeR: u are in argentina too?
23:44.02viLeRmy card does not receive two followed calls
23:44.45viLeRJun-C: No, Colombia
23:45.24JunK-Cu read the mailing list?
23:46.22viLeRJunk-C: yes
23:46.46JunK-Cu tried what tzanger said ?
23:48.43JunK-Ctry it (if u can)
23:49.47tzangerviLeR: it's the only way to tell for sure
23:50.01tzangerlook for the t-r voltage to reverse polarity or drop to zero briefly
23:50.01JerJer[mobile]or get a lited phone
23:50.06JerJer[mobile]and watch for the light to go out
23:50.20tzangerbeg, borrow or steal a multimeter that can handle about 50VDC
23:50.39tzangerJerJer[mobile]: doesn't worth worth a shit if they have any kind of cap on there to keep the voltage up (most don't but with his luck it iwll)
23:52.08Beirdooscilloscope :)
23:52.09CoaxDJust got "The American Sign Language Dictionary on CDROM"
23:52.30CoaxDripping the iso off at the moment.. I always keep copies of important CDs. :)
23:52.38CoaxD(linux is handy for this sort of thing.)[
23:52.42ManxPowerCoaxD: Adding sign language support to asterisk?
23:52.47CoaxDManxPower: hahaha
23:52.56*** join/#asterisk bonez39 (
23:53.02CoaxDManxPower: no, adding sign language support to Coax
23:55.54*** join/#asterisk sharprock (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.