irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050328

00:00.52cursorThe website Ebay is offering a Israeli passport for whoever pays the most. The highest bid is $51
00:01.51InfraRedbit old
00:01.52InfraRedisnt it
00:01.57cursorI just found it
00:02.02bparkerebay has removed it
00:02.04cursorI thought it was funny
00:02.06IQHow much for Kuwaiti Passport ?
00:02.27cursorBuy one, get one free
00:02.35*** join/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
00:02.50InfraRedPosted on 12/16/2002 9:36:58 AM PST by yonif
00:03.10IQamerican passport might work in Kuwait
00:03.35cursorIt'll probably work in Iraq
00:03.42cursor51st state
00:03.47IQand afghanistan
00:03.51IQand pakistan
00:03.59cursorand all the other colonies, yes
00:05.32*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
00:06.11IQyou dont get fingerprinted when you get American passport. guess anyone can use it :S
00:06.31*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
00:06.44cursorWhy would you get fingerprinted?
00:07.00timecopstill lolling @ asterisk naming incoming sip channels as YOUR sip number as opposed to the remote caller ID
00:07.09timecopwhy the fuck do I ahve ot patch this in every fucking version
00:07.17IQlike if I go to postoffice, get my passport and then sell it on ebay :P
00:07.46dwmw2_gonetimecop: because your particular brand of diplomacy has strangely not helped you persuade people that the default should be changed?
00:08.49timecopdwmw2_gone: shrug
00:10.59dwmw2_gonetimecop: what's the bug number?
00:11.49IQwhat do you guys use for development, vi?
00:12.35IQeclipse anyone?
00:12.48cursornever heard of it
00:12.57mogormannever did get big ol ides...
00:13.03Wonkanvi, jstar, mcedit...
00:13.21cursorvi forever
00:13.36Wonkavi just is available everywhere
00:13.44mogormanthat is why i came to love it
00:13.45Dsevenno, no, please not the emacs .vs. vi war
00:13.55mogormanas i logon to 8 million machines in a day
00:14.01mogormaneveryone has vi
00:14.03MavvieDseven: I don't understand why you keep bringing up emacs.
00:14.05mogormaneven if it is oldschool vi
00:14.11MavvieNetcraft confirms it, Emacs is dying
00:14.20timecopdwmw2_gone: no idea, i dont remember if I opened a bug for tha or not
00:14.21DsevenI didn't - dwmw2_gone did
00:14.27IQanjuta / Kdevelop r also good
00:14.34Wonkabut it sucks when some sun vi tells you "terminal to wide"
00:14.45mogormanany moment now
00:15.12dwmw2_goneI considered myself to have become an expert vi user when I learned how to log in on another terminal and kill it when I accidentally forgot to get $EDITOR
00:15.12*** join/#asterisk al__2 (~ldli6@
00:16.04timecopif you notice
00:16.07timecopthat was almsot a fucking year ago
00:16.10timecopof cours,e its still not fixed.
00:16.12al__2help me , i'm using asterisk@home0.6, my console when long not use, the screen will go blank and i can't recover it, it must be restarted, why is it?
00:16.25dwmw2_gonehm, it says the patch was put in CVS
00:16.32cursorWhat difference does the channel name make
00:16.33timecopit wasnt
00:16.36cursoras long as it's unique
00:16.37timecopnot in the way that fixedi t.
00:16.41dwmw2_goneso re-open the bug.
00:16.44cursorthe CALLERID is what's important
00:16.45dwmw2_gonedon't just cry about it here
00:17.05timecopcursor: because when you fucking sip show channels with 10 people connected it shows YOUR FUCKING FWD NUMBER
00:17.16timecopso if you want to get rid of one of them, you have NO way of knowing which of those channelsi s them
00:18.05mogormandont start asterisk -vvvc
00:18.14mogormantype asterisk
00:18.18mogormanand then asterisk -vvvvr
00:18.20mogormanto connect
00:18.30*** join/#asterisk jayeola (
00:18.54timecopcursor: no comments?
00:19.05cursorI don't see the problem
00:19.08timecopi do
00:19.13cursorI can get a list of calls with "sip show channels"
00:19.19mogormanof course you do timecop
00:19.23Shidogarlid whore off
00:19.28Shidonow Im gonna get some more
00:19.35timecopcursor: yeah, have about 10 incoming calls to your number, and take a look at sip show channels
00:19.54bparkerhas anyone tried setting up ld access codes or client matters codes in asterisk
00:19.57al__2mogorman, please help me , i'm using asterisk@home0.6, my console when long not use, the screen will go blank and i can't recover it, it must be restarted, why is it?
00:20.27jakepdevhey greg - did we try 5ESS?
00:20.43Shidonot that Im aware of
00:21.01jakepdevok tnx
00:21.05mogormanscroll up
00:21.11mogormani explained what is happening
00:22.01jayeolahi guys. i've looked at the pdf handbook, sheesh! it goes *woosh* over my head.
00:22.16*** join/#asterisk OzoneCo (
00:22.20al__2thanks mogor
00:22.29mogormanno problem
00:22.32mogormanhappy to help
00:22.36jakepdevjayeola - pdf handbook for *?
00:22.43mogorman-c is really only for debuging
00:22.49mogormannot for running
00:22.52jakepdevjayeola - why not start with a tutorial?
00:23.13al__2mogor, do u know what might cause the problem, my x-ten keeps popping up the setting screen where u fill the sip proxy ip and extension #?
00:23.17jayeolai've looked at the 1st 20 pages and it's like alphabet soup ;0)
00:23.20jbotfrom memory, tutorial is at
00:23.28jakepdevok - not that one :_
00:23.32jayeolaaha! good idea
00:23.45dwmw2_goneModem[i4l]/ttyI6  (incoming   s            1   )      Up Bridged Call  Modem[i4l]/ttyI7
00:23.45dwmw2_goneModem[i4l]/ttyI7  (macro-stdoutgoing s            1   )      Up Dial          Modem/g1/586671:586671||rf
00:23.49dwmw2_goneit's talking to itself.
00:23.58jakepdevi had one a little while back
00:24.21dwmw2_goneI dialled my own number from the DECT handset, then used call waiting to answer it... then hung up
00:24.43jakepdevjayola - start here:
00:25.07bparker***** has anyone tried setting up ld access codes or client matters codes in asterisk?
00:27.29cursorWhat do you mean?
00:27.32cursorlike a calling card?
00:27.54cursoror like a '9' prefix for an 'outside line'
00:28.21jayeolajakepdev: is it ok to `wget --mirror` that wikii?
00:28.38cursorwhy bother?
00:28.46jakepdevum - not sure - I would just read it online
00:29.00jayeolathis is a laptop. wann read wikii in bed :)
00:29.18jayeolaheh - show off!
00:29.19bparkercursor: no like assigning a 4digit code to an employee and them having to enter that code to access long distance
00:29.25jakepdevyeah - good luck finding a Wi-fI card today
00:30.07jakepdevjust go through the links in there.  Pick one of the many starting points and d/l that
00:30.12cursorbparker: for security, or for call accounting?
00:30.23jakepdevD7 - agreed
00:30.28cursorif for accounting then there are more automated ways to do it
00:30.32bparkercursor: both
00:30.46cursorif for security then it'll be similar to a calling card
00:31.13bparkercursor: what are the better automated ways?
00:32.01cursorfor instance, see the "accountcode" directive in sip.conf
00:32.09dwmw2_gonehm, how do I make asterisk just pick up an outgoing line and then pass through further numbers dialled as DTMF?
00:32.28timecopyou dont
00:32.34cursorAnd SetAccount()
00:33.17ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: Dial(Zap/1/)
00:33.18cursorAsterisk will dial that way automatically
00:33.26cursorYou specify the number
00:33.30OzoneCoeveryone is busy/congested at this time.....means? sip.conf?
00:33.37cursorif it's a PSTN then it'll pick up a free line and DTMF to dial
00:33.43dwmw2_goneIt's ISDN
00:33.44ManxPowerOzoneCo: means Asterisk could not contact that device for SOME reason
00:33.56dwmw2_goneI want it to pick up the line and then dial with DTMF
00:33.57cursorISDN uses its own dial signalling
00:34.03ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: You can't do that.
00:34.15ManxPowerjakepdev: senddtmf never works as people expect
00:34.37jakepdevor send as gsm files
00:34.39bparkercursor: thanks
00:34.45dwmw2_goneManxPower: I can. I can press the button on the handset and get a dialtone, then use some external DTMF generator to dial.
00:34.46ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: Asterisk will by default allow you do send DTMF after the call has been answered.  (i.e. you want to use your bank-by-phone service)
00:35.30ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: not on ISDN you don't.
00:35.49cursorSurely you'd want Asterisk to dial, so it can keep a proper CDR log
00:35.59OzoneCosip show channels has the device, and sip show users has the user listed....what else can i check?
00:36.11dwmw2_goneWhat I want is for the user to get the same experience they'd get when just dialling normally.
00:36.26ManxPowerOzoneCo: "sip show peers" should list the IP address of the device.
00:36.32dwmw2_goneI have a dialplan which routes 1800 number by voip instead of paying international rates for them.
00:36.33cursorthat's tree-based
00:36.35jayeolawhat language is /etc/asterisk/sip.conf written in?
00:36.41ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: You just need to allow all dialing.
00:36.47dwmw2_goneas soon as I decide it's not 001800 I know it's going out the ISDN line
00:36.55OzoneCothe host ip is the server?
00:37.00dwmw2_goneI have... exten => _X.,1,Macro(stdoutgoing,${TRUNK}:${EXTEN})
00:37.05ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: That happens by defauly as long as the dialplan is set up.
00:37.12dwmw2_gonebut there's a delay after I dial the number, before it decides I'm finished.
00:37.13jakepdevjayeola - not a lang. per say - it's more of an INI file
00:37.29cursorjayeola sip.conf is a configuration file - not a source file
00:37.33ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: Yes.  That is correct.  "." will wait for DigitTimeout before dialing.  Avoid "." if you can.
00:37.47ManxPowerOzoneCo: The IP of the SIP device should be listed in "sip show peers"
00:38.20dwmw2_goneManxPower: how would I do the same without _X. ?
00:38.21jayeolalooking at sip.conf now. ";realm=mydomain.tld" implies that i need a static ip
00:38.26jayeolaam i right?
00:38.28dwmw2_goneI thought just _X would match only one digit
00:38.31tzangerdon't use . unless you cna't possibly avoid it
00:38.52jakepdevjayeola - not necesarily.  I'm behind Nat and it works fine
00:39.18*** join/#asterisk Fivex (~JordiH@
00:39.28jayeolaaha. been wondering where or how to aquire a sip account. can i just use my email addy?
00:39.47cursoruse anything you like @ your domain
00:39.53OzoneCoManxPower: sip show channels has a column titled "Peer" that shows the ip of the devices....sip show peers list the names of the deivces and have a column named "Host" and both have the servers ip there
00:40.17ManxPowerOzoneCo: then it's not a registration issue
00:40.28ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: Where are you located?
00:40.32dwmw2_goneManxPower: Uk
00:40.43ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: Do you know the UK's dialplan?
00:40.44cursorDamned Englanders :-)
00:40.50ManxPoweri.e. how many numbers do you dial?
00:40.57dwmw2_goneManxPower: it depends.
00:41.02cursoralways 11 in the UK
00:41.03dwmw2_goneor 6
00:41.05dwmw2_goneor fewer
00:41.08OzoneCoManxPower, the softphones fail to login
00:41.09ManxPowercursor: they are only damned because they use variable length dialplans
00:41.16jayeolaso ;realm='' is a legitimate realm?
00:41.37ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: That is too general.  Don't you always knoe the number of digits based on the first few digits?
00:41.42cursorMy dialplan is 11 for all of the UK
00:41.44dwmw2_goneManxPower: No, I don't.
00:41.45cursor6 for local addresses
00:41.49jakepdevjayeola - I just used default
00:41.55cursorso if I see 6 then I add 01883
00:41.56dwmw2_gonecursor: most of my testing tonight has been calling 17070
00:41.56jayeolathanks jakepdev
00:42.02ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: then I guess you had better learn it if you want asterisk to do what you want.
00:42.09cursorthat makes 11, and I then work on 11
00:42.16jakepdevit really depends what your after...
00:42.53dwmw2_goneas soon as asterisk decides it's a call which is going to be routed over ISDN, I want it to pick up the line and start dialling the digits _as they arrive_
00:43.08dwmw2_goneI don't want to have to know and keep up with the UK dialplan.
00:43.23cursorUK National is _90[12]XXXXXXXXX
00:43.25cursorfor me
00:43.30cursorprefixed with '9'
00:43.50cursor_9[2-8]XXXXX  <-- local address for me
00:43.59cursorwhich I prefix with 901883 and continue
00:44.18cursorwell, not quite a straight prefix
00:44.20cursoryou get the idea
00:44.36cursorthere are other rules for 908 and 907 etc.
00:44.39ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: You CANNOT do that without a timeout unless you have a fair number of exten lines.  that's just life.
00:45.08dwmw2_goneManxPower: your definition of 'CANNOT' differs from mine.
00:45.12dwmw2_goneI know the hardware can do it
00:46.41ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: Asterisk cannot do it.
00:47.04ManxPowerYou'll fine that is the case with most PBX systems that use ISDN
00:47.22*** part/#asterisk Fivex (~JordiH@
00:47.31cursorMost IP phones don't work that way either
00:47.38cursorthey send the whole number in one hit
00:47.43cursorrather than a digit at a time
00:47.51cursorso Asterisk is no different
00:47.54dwmw2_goneyour definition 'cannot' also differs from mine.
00:47.59dwmw2_goneI have source for Asterisk
00:48.07cursorcan I have it?
00:48.38dwmw2_goneif I used your definition I'd have given up already since asterisk cannot run on big-endian machines sanely
00:48.51dwmw2_gonemy definition allows me to fix the problem and move on :)
00:49.24dwmw2_gonehell, if I used your definition my bluetooth headset wouldn't work either.
00:50.35jayeolahmm, i've just `dail 1000` and after about 30 secs, the demo bot started sounding like a helicopter
00:50.46DyOSwhat is the best software for sip softphone?
00:50.58cursorThat'll be the helicopter demo
00:51.01jakepdevjayeola - what's your config?
00:51.18jayeolabut it did see this "WARNING[5624]: chan_oss.c:285 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable"
00:51.45jayeolajakepdev: um, do you want me to paste all of /etc/asterisk/sip.conf in #flood?
00:51.57jakepdevPC config?
00:52.48cursorYou can't modify sip.conf to work around OSS issues
00:52.57cursorwell, you can if you have a SIP phone :-)
00:54.39jayeolajakepdev:  um. it's a laptop. pIII 700mhz, 512mb ram,  CS 4614/22/24 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator,
00:54.48jayeolathinkpad t20
00:55.42jakepdevwhat distro?
00:56.07jayeoladistro=blag, a fc3 variant
00:56.50cursorDo you get any sound-related messages before the one you posted
00:57.28jayeolai've had problems with *cough* skype *ahem*, but i think that was due to alsa
00:58.00ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: Here's a good place to start:
00:58.05jayeolai do hear the bot's voice for about 30 seconds, then it just switched to "helicopter" mode
00:58.36cursorNo other messages
00:58.39cursorsuch as "Requested %d Hz, got %d Hz -- sound may be choppy"
00:59.09jayeolaah! "Mar 28 01:10:21 WARNING[5624]: res_musiconhold.c:818 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy."
00:59.21jakepdevand it is :)
00:59.27cursoryou need a timing device then
00:59.37jayeolaand "Mar 28 01:10:22 WARNING[5624]: chan_iax2.c:8944 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory"
00:59.53jayeolahate to flood but there's another
01:00.05jayeola"Mar 28 01:10:22 WARNING[5624]: chan_oss.c:285 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable"
01:00.14ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: Actually this is what I meant to post:
01:00.19jayeolasorry - that was the last one
01:00.22timecopdoes asterisk support speex without any external shit?
01:00.31ManxPowerjayeola: you are trying to trunk and you don't have a timer
01:00.32timecopor do I need something new?
01:00.33ManxPowertimecop: no
01:00.46ManxPowertimecop: urpmi libspeex1-devel
01:00.55jakepdevI thought for just using Sip, unless you use meetme, you don't need a timing device
01:00.58jayeolaManxPower: that for /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
01:01.10ManxPower<jayeola> and "Mar 28 01:10:22 WARNING[5624]: chan_iax2.c:8944 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: No such file or directory"
01:01.12ManxPowerNotice the IAX.
01:01.28*** join/#asterisk julianjm (
01:01.32timecopManxPower: uh, how does it check for its existence, somewehrei n makefiles?
01:01.33ManxPowerAlso for the OSS stuff, make sure NOTHING ELSE is using OSS and that you can play sound outside of asterisk
01:01.34jakepdevduh :)
01:01.41ManxPowertimecop: IO
01:01.43jayeolai just wanna use an open alternative to skype
01:01.47ManxPowertimecop: I'm sure it checks for the headers
01:01.50dwmw2_goneManxPower: thanks... but that just confirms what I already knew. It's basically random and not something I want to try to keep track of
01:01.55timecopokey. i'll se.
01:02.00jayeolaok, loooking at my modules
01:02.01tzangerwerd y'all
01:02.31dwmw2_goneThe few telephone numbers which are less[sic] than eleven digits long are mostly in the 0845 range, e.g. 0800 1111 the national ChildLine helpline, and 0845 4647 for NHS Direct medical advice. There are also codes for use with Caller ID, known in the UK as 'Caller Display':
01:02.51dwmw2_gone"less than eleven digits"? Are digits not discrete entities?
01:03.00dwmw2_gonecan one have _half_ a digit?
01:03.08timecopManxPower: should I be using 1.04 stable or 1.17 unstable?
01:03.42jayeolahmm, i have `snd_pcm` module open/running at the moment. that looks as if it's using OSS
01:05.03jakepdevjayeola - might want to check:
01:05.09timecopoh well i'll jsut try 104
01:05.18timecopwhy the fuck does speex want ogg haha
01:06.06*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
01:09.04jayeolaexec mozilla
01:09.55cactus1is the digium x100p anygood?
01:10.08mogormanget an tdm01b
01:10.18cactus1i already bought the x100p on ebay
01:10.26QwellIts a clone
01:10.30jakepdevhaha - that's funny
01:10.32QwellDon't call it a Digium product
01:10.39cactus1it said it was
01:10.40jakepdevbuy it now - ask questions later
01:11.10cursorI have a X100P gathering dust somewhere
01:11.15cursorI should sell that on eBay
01:11.26cactus1you wont get more than about 10 bucks for it lol
01:11.36Qwellsure you will
01:11.38Qwellif its real
01:11.47cursorThat's all it's worth (it is real)
01:11.52cactus1is there that much of a difference?
01:11.58cursorno difference at all
01:12.10jayeolaum, speaking og zap-stuff, i won't be needing that if i'm just gonna be connecting headphones and a mike to the box, will i?
01:12.10mogormanthere is one big difference
01:12.13QwellI guess you won't get the support from Digium anymore
01:12.18mogormandigium employees can tell the difference
01:12.23mogormanand you will get zilch for support
01:12.43jakepdevjayeola - asterisk doesn't need any sound hardware
01:12.47cursorwho needs support? :-)
01:12.51timecophm why the fuck there are no join/leave tones in meetme anymore
01:12.53mogormanand digium version is slightly more compatible
01:12.56mogormanwith more machines
01:12.56timecopdid something change again?
01:13.07mogormanwe did modify it before it went out
01:13.08cursorthings change all the time
01:14.14OzoneCosuggestions to troubleshoot failing login of XTen clients to *server? ty
01:14.37cursorWell, I could happily listen to timecop's intellectually-stimulating comments all day but, sadly, it's late and I should go
01:14.40cursorSee you lot later
01:14.40*** join/#asterisk cbachman (~chatzilla@
01:14.59jakepdevOzoneCo - start by doing a debug on the protocol on *
01:15.03dwmw2_gonehm, i4l doesn't let me just pick up the line and then start dialling.
01:16.45OzoneCosays "forwarding iax2/iaxfwd@ to Local/200@default' then the next line says congested
01:16.56jakepdevOzoneCo - you can get more
01:17.04*** join/#asterisk julianjm (
01:17.18jakepdeviax2 debug or something like that - do a help cmd at the CLI
01:17.34*** join/#asterisk __MarkS (
01:17.47[hC]I really wish * returned something other than congested if i dial a SIP extension that isnt registered.
01:17.52[hC]It should return the proper error code, but it doesnt seem to.
01:18.16tzanger[hC]: yes I agree
01:18.57tzanger[hC]: I've been trying to convince mark that (at least with iax2) CONGESTION should ONLY be returned if the far side says "I can't help you" ... and CHANUNAVAIL if the far side can't be reached at all
01:19.05__MarkSHELP! i read part of this like earlier, now It says its offline.. does it work for anyone else ?
01:19.08*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
01:19.30InfraRedGetting Started With Asterisk
01:19.37InfraRedworks fdine
01:19.38OzoneCoi see a debug channel command...what is the channel id?
01:19.47[hC]tzanger: is it simply that they havent implemented it properly yet, or do they actually have an argument about why congestion is "correct"?
01:19.51timecopMar 28 10:19:40 WARNING[30740]: codec_speex.c:211 speextolin_framein: Out of buffer space
01:19.53InfraRedwant a copy?
01:19.56timecopwhy is this fucking spamming my console
01:20.17tzanger[hC]: mark believes that CONGESTION is appropriate for both conditions
01:20.21dwmw2_goneManxPower: I think chan_capi can do what I want.
01:20.29dwmw2_goneit calls it "overlap sending"
01:20.52timecopfucking opensores failure
01:21.00timecopManxPower: which fucking version of speex should I be using
01:21.05*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
01:21.22[hC]tzanger: I cant speak of IAX2 yet, but when i do a Dial(SIP/101) for example, and 101 is a valid extension, however simply not registered right now, it returns CONGESTION as well, when that should FOR SURE return peerunavail
01:21.37tzanger[hC]: talk to kram about it
01:21.38[hC]I mean, its not even leaving the pbx.
01:21.45jayeolaInfraRed: what hardware/machine are you using?
01:21.58OzoneCosip show peers has status "unmonitored" is that correct?
01:22.44ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: Oh, asterisk can do overlap, it's just that I don't believe the dialplan can
01:22.50timecopManxPower: hi
01:22.53timecopManxPower: hi
01:23.00ManxPowertimecop: speex 1
01:23.07timecopthere's 1.04
01:23.08timecopand 1.17
01:23.12timecopand i just installed 1.04
01:23.16timecopMar 28 10:22:59 WARNING[30789]: codec_speex.c:211 speextolin_framein: Out of buffer space
01:23.23timecopthis shit is spamming the fuck out my console
01:23.26ManxPowertimecop: I use 1.0.1
01:23.28OzoneCojake: i dont know how to debug the protocol
01:23.43ManxPowertimecop: try 1.0.3
01:23.53timecopi AM on 1.0.4
01:24.07timecopthats what is spamming
01:24.48Kaos76kAny suggestions for dial-up via asterisk?  For a Tivo....
01:25.29*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
01:25.53[hC]Kaos76k: any fxs port will work to plug a tivo into.
01:26.13QwellI thought * didn't like modems on fxs ports?
01:26.30[hC]Ive used a fax machine on a sipura
01:26.32*** mode/#asterisk [+o file[laptop]] by bkw_
01:26.45Mocwhy not me hehe
01:27.05file[laptop]timecop: so, you - are you going to simmer down, stop the swearing? you're getting on my nerves
01:27.22file[laptop]take a chill pill
01:27.29bkw_do not use speex or fix the bug
01:27.41bkw_xlite puts a null frame or padding on the packet
01:27.48timecopfile[laptop]: /ignore works
01:27.48bkw_fix asterisk to support that
01:27.48timecopbkw_: what bug
01:27.59bkw_I just told you
01:28.02timecopya heh
01:28.03file[laptop]timecop: yes but we try to keep this channel relatively free of swearing, best we can
01:28.05timecopwell we're usign eyebeam
01:28.07Qwellfile[laptop]: /kick is funner :p
01:28.09timecopand its 16khz sampling rate internally
01:28.10file[laptop]it's just polite
01:28.15bkw_timecop, eyebeam.. xlite.. same company
01:28.17bkw_same bug
01:28.20timecopand in codec_speex.c i see shit like
01:28.20bkw_you can't use 16k
01:28.22bkw_with asterisk
01:28.23bkw_you ninny
01:28.25drumkillapoor file[laptop] ...
01:28.27timecopya well
01:28.29bkw_asterisk has no concept of wideband
01:28.33bkw_8k only
01:28.43timecopwhen is that getting fixed?
01:28.43bkw_timecop, atleast NOT yet
01:28.47bkw_its not a bug
01:28.53bkw_ZERO wideband codecs work with asterisk
01:28.53Silik0nits a feature
01:29.02bkw_along with 90% of the rest of the world
01:29.10bkw_wideband is just now becoming a common thing
01:29.20timecopok ok, well
01:29.24timecopi still want that spam gone
01:29.28timecopi guess i'll just remove the warning msg
01:29.33timecopdoes that actually affect soudn quality?
01:29.42timecop"running out of buffer space"
01:30.05Kaos76kI am using an IAXY to a  X100 and my calls all fail for the tivo...
01:30.08bkw_use the 8k codec
01:30.13bkw_and fix the padding issue
01:30.15Kaos76kRegualr calls are finr.
01:30.16bkw_in asterisk
01:30.33Silik0nKaos76k thats cause modem calls over IP are just ass
01:30.35bkw_see the speex draft isn't clear about what the "right" thing is to do
01:31.19Kaos76kSo if I put in a FXS card instead of the IAXy it would work?
01:31.34Silik0nKaos76k: get a tdm4xx and be done with it
01:31.45Kaos76kBEst place to pick up an FXS card?  (Price making the best...)
01:31.52jakepdevOzoneCo: Are you using SIP?
01:31.55Silik0nthey are all about the same
01:32.03Silik0nKaos76k: but ebay
01:32.07OzoneCofor the client
01:32.20Silik0nor just go to and order one
01:32.44jakepdevOzoneCo: sip debug
01:32.49timecopKaos76k: at hte digium store.
01:32.53timecopfuck ebay
01:33.15MikeJ[Laptop]timecop, how would one do that?
01:33.23Silik0nebay digium store whats the difference, its kinda hard to get NON digium FXS hardware period
01:33.24jakepdevtimecop - obvoiusly some bad expeiences - care to share?
01:33.30timecopnope, i dont use ebay
01:33.42timecopwhy bother when I can get same shit, from a respectable place, and for even cheaper
01:33.51jakepdevtimecop - sometimes ya can't
01:33.58timecopnever been in that situation
01:34.02MikeJ[Laptop]timecop, aparently you do.. then leave her on the side of the road...
01:34.04[hC]digital cameras on ebay are a much better deal
01:34.07jakepdevwell then eBay ain't for you
01:34.10[hC]they come with about 10x more shit for the same price
01:34.16timecopum, right.
01:34.21*** join/#asterisk gdsm (
01:34.22timecop"shit" being the keyword.
01:34.39[hC]camera bag, tripod, memory card, lens cleaner
01:34.40timecopwhy the fuck would anyone buy a digital camera without a warranty + used + whatever from ebay? haha.
01:34.43[hC]all stuff you would use
01:34.51jakepdevtimecop - I saved about $600 easily on a product over $1000
01:34.59[hC]Typically this is from camera stores who have an online shop and sell brand new stuff
01:35.05Silik0njesus people nothing is wrong with ebay... and if you do find FXS hardware there (other than channel banks) its going to be a fsckin TDM4XX card
01:35.38Silik0nnot to mention the savings you can get from someone that bought a card to play with and lost interest or was too stoopid to get it working
01:36.00OzoneCojake: lot of info going by.
01:36.05jayeolaare all of the `WARNING[5816]` messages related to sound?
01:36.24jakepdevOzoneCo - copy it to a file
01:36.55OzoneCocommands to do so?
01:37.19jakepdevoh - that depends - what are you using to monitor?
01:37.42jakepdevfor instance, I use Putty and there is a scrollback buffer
01:37.43OzoneCoim on the servers console, running slackware 10.1
01:37.49jakepdevdon't know
01:37.55OzoneCoi got putty
01:37.56jakepdevneed a linux d00d
01:38.05OzoneCothat a way to do it?
01:38.27jakepdevgo to Putty config
01:38.45jakepdevChange settings
01:39.00marloweWelcome everyone to #putty
01:39.10OzoneCogot SSH and ip addy of *
01:39.15jakepdevcalm down just for a sec marloe
01:39.28OzoneCologged in
01:39.40jakepdevadjust lines of scrollback
01:39.42jayeolawell i've got hmm, i have 4 `WARNING[5816]` messages. first is WARNING[5816]: res_musiconhold.c:818 moh_register:
01:40.09*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
01:40.41OzoneCook, got a file
01:41.07timecophc: if a place cant afford to do credit card processing, they have no reason to be doing business.
01:41.14jakepdevr key is to close to the e
01:41.26marloweI fully agree with timecop
01:41.32*** part/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
01:41.33jakepdevhc left
01:42.41cactus1is that a real digium?
01:42.53jakepdevozoneCo - looks like it is failing on REGISTER - SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
01:43.00MikeJ[Laptop]cactus1, nope
01:43.11cactus1it says OEM
01:43.24jayeolaum, i've just pasted an [extract] of the output when * starts up in #flood. it contains all of the errors
01:43.42OzoneCowhat sets/changes that? the client info?
01:43.48Qwellgrr, heh
01:44.00Qwell* needs to include CID on the CLI
01:44.01MikeJ[Laptop]it's not, read the stuff...
01:44.02jakepdevOzoneCo - sip.conf needs to match your config in XTen
01:44.09marloweI kno wwhere you can find a genuine X100p
01:44.10MikeJ[Laptop]it's somone elses oem...
01:44.22QwellI can noop(${CALLERID}) before I transfer a call, right?
01:44.27MikeJ[Laptop]the x100p's suck...
01:44.28marloweDigium.. :) Actully isnt it discontinued?
01:44.28Qwellfor incoming
01:44.38jakepdevjayeola - not sure about that - could you use pastebin?
01:44.56OzoneCojake: i see not configured as host=dynamic ....that it?
01:44.57cactus1yea i just read
01:45.13cactus1its x100p compatible
01:45.23cactus1and not directly from digium
01:45.30jakepdevnope - don't think that's it - usually has to do with user/pwd
01:45.33Qwellcactus1: MS was OS/2 compatible.
01:45.36MikeJ[Laptop]you will have better luck with a tdm 4xx anyway..
01:45.38Qwellcactus1: Think about that for like 2 seconds
01:45.47MikeJ[Laptop]I am not a big fan of the x100p I hae.
01:46.21jayeolagoogled the 1st err message but ... nish
01:46.29cactus1so you think it will be crap?
01:46.52jakepdevjayeola - have you tried stable first?
01:47.42jayeolanever knew that there was one :$
01:47.42jakepdevlooks like you're using CVS HEAD
01:48.00jayeolathat was the 1st place that i found out about *
01:48.29jayeolaso like how do  i -remove- this cvs sh** and try the stable version.
01:48.48jayeola<-- n00bus linux maximus
01:49.08jakepdevjayeola - I'm there also - but had an intesne week of linux
01:49.09*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
01:49.26jakepdevjayeola - there's a few steps
01:49.50jayeolajakepdev: i've spent the last week or so of my life reading up, on udev, RAID and bluetooth
01:49.52*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
01:50.18jayeolai think i've og'ed. overdose of google
01:50.24jakepdevlet me see if I can find them in a doc - basically - stop *, move asterisk folder
01:50.38jakepdevthen get stable from cvs
01:50.57Qwellstop *, rm -rf /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/, backup /etc/asterisk/, make, make install, start *
01:51.14jayeolabty, how could you tell that i was using the cvs version just from what i pasted?
01:51.31jakepdevsays it right at the top - CVS HEAD
01:52.03jayeola*ahem* i _knew_ that! just testing
01:52.37jakepdevjayeola - follow the steps qwell posted
01:53.13*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
01:53.14jakepdevi'd even move the folder in sbin - but don't think that's necessary
01:53.18jayeolayeah, i'm gonna do that and get the 0stable0 source from
01:53.25OzoneCo whats that tell me? actually you.....:)
01:53.56jakepdevyep - says use host=dynamic
01:54.06OzoneCowhere do i set that
01:54.16OzoneCo? and ty
01:55.52jayeolaok lemme just check on this one. if i do `find / -iname '*asterisk*' -exec rm '{}' \;` that will remove _everything_ from the system. that safe?
01:56.06Qwelljayeola: You don't want to do that
01:56.11QwellI told you exactly what you need to do
01:56.19jayeolame velly solly
01:57.11Qwell__MarkS: LOSE THE CAPS
01:57.13file[laptop]__MarkS: can you not use caps lock like that? it's very rude
01:57.16zhierhow can i buy the e-book VOIP Telephony wit Asterisk?
01:57.31jayeolaor £££?
01:59.15*** join/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
01:59.47qwerpwondering is there anyone that knows how to pass a call from ser to * to make a pstn calls?
01:59.49zhierthanks _MarkS
02:00.15file[laptop]qwerp: rewritehostport... rewriteuri... take your pick
02:00.46*** join/#asterisk peter222 (
02:00.49*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (~w0w0@
02:01.20qwerpanother question, is there any accounts issue on that?
02:01.33qwerpi remembert i tried once and it said some verification error..
02:01.44qwerpuser not authenticated, something like that..
02:01.48file[laptop]it'll come as though it's from the server, so ip based authentication is a no go... authentication can still occur though...
02:01.55file[laptop]it all depends on how you have asterisk and your ser.cfg written
02:02.00*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
02:02.21file[laptop]there's examples out there... just Google
02:02.25qwerpso lets say i do have asterisk-addons (cdr), what will it be like in the cdr?
02:02.55file[laptop]uh... whatever it'll be like
02:02.58file[laptop]try and see...
02:03.29qwerpi will try try for sure, just gathering more guidelines here :D
02:03.30*** part/#asterisk marlowe (
02:03.36file[laptop]your SIP packets will simply travel through SER... instead of directly to asterisk
02:04.17zhieri want to know how can i configure a sever on my own pc.
02:04.33file[laptop]zhier: use a guide, tons out there - or use an asterisk distribution...
02:04.37file[laptop]~useful asterisk docs
02:04.38jbot[useful asterisk docs] it has been said that useful asterisk docs is (BOOKMARK THEM!): (look at the "Unnoficial Links") and (the Wiki), and (ManxPower's site), and, also, read all files in /usr/src/asterisk/doc
02:04.44file[laptop]useful information available there
02:08.15*** join/#asterisk ctooley (~ctooley@
02:08.42__MarkSzhier - Your welcome.. do you know how to code in Asterisk?
02:08.49OzoneCojake, some success...phones are to call each other
02:09.25ctooleyWhy would my extensions not play their unavail or busy greetings and always default to the temp greeting when the permissions are right and the files exist in the right place
02:09.37*** join/#asterisk al__2 (~ldli6@
02:10.04al__2help please, i use asterisk@home 0.6, how to restore backup tar.gz into the system?
02:10.54__MarkSI NEED HELP!
02:11.03__MarkShow do i run asterisk at home on winhoes?
02:11.12zhierI just know edit the .conf files to configure. but i don't know what should i do. and i have not any hardware!
02:11.31*** join/#asterisk marlowe (
02:13.11*** join/#asterisk Apple (~appleboy@appleboy.user)
02:13.15Applecan asterisk work with jack?
02:13.22file[laptop]Apple: no.
02:13.31Appledamn :(
02:13.37Applewhy not?
02:13.46Applewait, file[laptop]: make a plugin!
02:13.49file[laptop]because there's no channel driver written to use it
02:13.54file[laptop] :p
02:14.05file[laptop]you can write one.
02:14.18AppleI have no idea how
02:14.23file[laptop]then learn!
02:14.34Appleand how hard would it be?
02:14.44zhieri can't find the file path: /usr/src/asterisk/doc
02:14.48file[laptop]nobody can say that except yourself...
02:14.58nesysmmm I've problems with srvlookup, I think:
02:15.03Applemy guess is hard
02:15.05Applescrew it
02:15.06nesysMar 28 04:13:38 WARNING[7972]: acl.c:197 ast_get_ip: Unable to lookup ''
02:15.20jayeolaare all of the sounds and add-ons included in the stable tarball?
02:15.21nesysI receive, but I could make call via sip
02:15.35nesyscould you help me?
02:15.37file[laptop]nesys: uh, where are you specifying
02:16.09nesyssip.conf: register and context (host)
02:16.22Applewait a tick..
02:16.32file[laptop]cause it's trying to look it up as a hostname, the entire thing including :5061
02:16.42Applefile[laptop]: does asterisk need access to alsa or anything like that if it's not going to be used as a PA/intercom or whatever?
02:16.45file[laptop]have you tried making a peer specifying that host and port, and using that on your register?
02:16.56file[laptop]btw, not
02:17.01file[laptop]Apple: no
02:17.05nesysahh wow
02:17.15nesysthis is on context
02:17.20nesysbut register?
02:17.23*** join/#asterisk al___2 (~ldli6@
02:17.25jayeolaam i right by saying that this is a directory that contains a stable source?
02:17.31*** join/#asterisk ms345 (~ms183@
02:17.35nesysregister =>
02:17.39nesysis correct?
02:18.21nesysthank you very much, file[laptop] ... :)
02:19.22dan2drumkilla: ping
02:20.56*** join/#asterisk wdatkinson (
02:21.27al___2please help, i use asterisk@home, how to restore tar.gz backup file from a cd back into the system?
02:21.28*** part/#asterisk wdatkinson (
02:21.31*** join/#asterisk wdatkinson (
02:21.54file[laptop]al___2: does it not have documentation for it? because not many use asterisk@home here
02:22.31al___2hmm, let me try one
02:22.46tweakismWRT to asterisk, can I set it up to receive calls from many random PCs over the internet, with the purpose of conferencing in w/ a real land call?  Don't care about the protocol, but would like a suggestion.
02:22.48peter222does anyone know the current status of TDM cards having issues with large amount of static and requiring a insmod ?
02:24.51jayeolado i `make install` * as root or a regular user?
02:25.03jayeolawhen building *
02:25.35tweakismjayeola: "make install" is the installation step, and the first step in which you should be root w/ most software.
02:27.48al___2how to make asterisk work with net2phone?
02:28.13*** join/#asterisk MattH (
02:29.02MattHHi.. I have an X100P that I can not seem to get rid of echo on.. any thoughts?  I've tried adjusting the rx and tx... echo training... echo cancel taps... tried doing aggressive echo cancel... nothing seems to make any change.. EXCEPT if I do echocancel=256 it gets really bad.... I've tried 32,64,128... no difference
02:30.02__MarkSshit, the Shift key is sticky
02:30.02Qwell__MarkS: for christs sake, lose the caps
02:30.06file[laptop]stop it with that caps
02:30.09file[laptop]one more time and I'll kick you
02:30.38*** part/#asterisk al___2 (~ldli6@
02:33.22*** join/#asterisk bah (
02:34.29*** join/#asterisk al___2 (~ldli6@
02:35.00al___2no doc on asterisk @home, please help on restoring backup tar.gz into the system. what is the command line
02:35.02*** join/#asterisk mgth (
02:35.19MattHal___2: general command line would be tar xvfz filename.tar.gz
02:35.55*** join/#asterisk BBRodriguez (
02:36.31al___2matth, that file is in cd, how to restore it? thanks
02:36.51jakepdeval - FYI - no docs - but check here for *@home forums:
02:37.10al___2ok thanks.
02:37.47MattHal___2: you would want to copy it to the hard disk
02:37.55MattHal___2: cp filename /root/filename should work
02:37.58MattHal___2: then untar it
02:38.10al___2matth thanks a lot
02:38.26NormAstMattH: you can't use echocancel=256
02:39.01*** join/#asterisk file (
02:40.22OzoneCoi can accept calls now, but the lan softphones cant call each other..."call Failed: 404 not found"
02:41.48OzoneCowould that be the extensions.conf?
02:42.56MattHNormAst: well i realize that.. it sounds aweful... but still.. regarless.. 32,64, and 128 don't seem to do aything worthwhile
02:43.04file[laptop]OzoneCo: yes
02:43.32__MarkSi want a pbx!!
02:43.42fileyeah well I want a powerbook, doesn't mean I'll buy it
02:43.54*** mode/#asterisk [+o-o file file[laptop]] by file[laptop]
02:44.07filemmm better
02:44.09jayeolaand i want destiny's child
02:44.17jayeolaall of 'em
02:44.25filedidn't they split up?
02:44.40*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
02:45.19jbotwell, easter is on the first sunday after the full moon after the first equinox (23 March), or not on friday - that's Good Friday.
02:45.47*** join/#asterisk ubergoober (
02:45.56fileyou need me to..
02:46.00filetell you baby all my dreams come true
02:46.04filewhen I'm laying next to you
02:46.07fileis that so wrong?
02:46.19fileI tell you baby all my dreams come true... wanna be there where you are
02:46.21fileso I hold on
02:46.21shmaltzfile, who u talking to?
02:46.24filedreaming of you!
02:46.30fileshmaltz: nobody in particular
02:46.45shmaltzat least we are not bored
02:47.31filewhat is everyone else up to?
02:47.40fileheh - you don't wanna know where it's building
02:47.43shmaltzI guess hunting for eggs
02:48.11shmaltzfile, where is it bulding?
02:48.21fileon my Mac Mini :)
02:48.38shmaltzis it working?
02:48.49fileit's done
02:49.06MattHasterisk on a mac mini eh? hehe cool
02:49.17shmaltzI'm trying to get an ISO image on mephis to automaticly load asterisk, so I can have a PBX on the run
02:49.21Sedoroxwish I had the money to buy a mac mini
02:49.31fileI bought it when a few of us went to San Francisco
02:49.38shmaltzto show for presentations
02:49.39filebkw, twisted, drumkilla, paulc, and I...
02:49.55brc007Linux: Gnome Removed From Slackware
02:50.03filealmost done... aha
02:50.25filewe have success
02:50.44shmaltzbrc007, what?
02:50.48brc007what what?
02:50.57shmaltzGnome Removed .....
02:51.01shmaltzwhats that for?
02:51.03brc007yes, what about it?
02:51.20shmaltzyeah slackware what?
02:51.28brc007it is a linux distribution
02:51.31jbotThe Slackware distribution. URL:
02:51.37Sedoroxmm slack
02:51.38shmaltzthanks, the one I'm using
02:52.27shmaltzoh wow, didn't see this
02:52.36brc007need gnome?
02:52.38newlThe VoIP wiretapping requirement is lame.
02:52.40brc007use ubuntu
02:52.46brc007it's a respun debian testing
02:52.49shmaltzactualy I have never installed Gnome on slackware, If I want windows I use M$
02:52.57*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
02:53.03shmaltzubuntu is nice
02:53.13MattHnewl: you're telling me
02:53.41shmaltznewl, meaning?
02:53.44brc007makes sense to me...doesn't mean it isn't a hassle tho
02:53.46shmaltzyou do need it or not?
02:53.50newlThat'll be sure to make things interesting for VoIP and CLEC providers alike.
02:54.01brc007it's only voip to pstn iirc
02:54.18brc007old news too
02:54.23brc007dunno why slashdot reposted
02:54.42shmaltznewl, what is the status of wiretapping for Voip?
02:54.43newlFor the same reason they posted the Mac 'easter egg'.  Lack of news. :)
02:54.58jayeolais it ok do ` make samples && make progdocs`
02:55.01newlshmaltz: read the article. :)
02:55.11shmaltzI can't find it
02:55.33shmaltzoh sorry i got it
02:55.37brc_jayeola, uhm...sure
02:56.27Shidodont make samples
02:56.47FuriousGeorgedoes anyone know of a good * forum?  im having trouble finding one
02:56.48shmaltzwhat if I offer encrypted services? end to end?
02:56.54brc_FuriousGeorge, yes
02:57.07brc_ , click on support
02:57.07FuriousGeorgethe mailing list
02:57.17brc_and before you post
02:57.17shmaltzyep, FuriousG
02:57.24brc_~good questions
02:57.25jbotwell, smart questions is
02:57.28shmaltzand read again
02:57.45brc_then have somebody read it to you
02:57.47jbotrtfm is, like, read the f*cking manual... try asking me about "FAQ"
02:58.02brc_shmaltz, problem with rtfm is....there is no m
02:58.06brc_~asterisk docs
02:58.07jbotfrom memory, asterisk documentation project is at
02:58.20shmaltzbrc_, well then how did i get to where I am?
02:58.27shmaltzso I geuss there is a m
02:58.55brc_the wiki is a mess
02:58.57FuriousGeorgeyou know, i have never used a miling list before?  how does it work?  i post somewhere and people respond to me via email.  is that the jist
02:58.57peter222does anyone know the current status of TDM cards having issues with static and requiring a reload ?
02:58.59brc_needs to be cleaned up
02:59.12brc_peter222, there's a new card rev
02:59.21shmaltzbrc_, I agree, and when someone points me to a place on the wiki that is wrong I will fix it
02:59.22brc_contact em again
02:59.25brc_it's fixed it for me
02:59.37*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (me@
02:59.41brc_so do I
02:59.42peter222how long have you been running the new rev ?
02:59.48FuriousGeorgebrc_:  the wiki is a mess, the handbook at asterisk docs is good but needs to be a bit more....something
03:00.00Newbie___pulu: are you awake ?
03:00.08shmaltzthe handbook as excellent, but very out of date
03:00.14shmaltzas well as not enough info
03:00.25blitzrageFuriousGeorge: write something and submit it
03:00.27peter222brc_ :mine only played up every couple weeks or so
03:00.27brc_FuriousGeorge, well how about after you learn asterisk, you contribute to the docs so those who come after you'll have a bit more...something to read :)
03:00.36brc_peter222, mine's about once a week
03:00.40shmaltzmy best friedn was (when I was still a noob), tips & tricks on the wiki
03:00.42brc_and it's been 8 days
03:00.48FuriousGeorgebrc_:  tell you what, if i can master this i will be glad to do that and more
03:00.52__MarkSanyone here who works for hostingpacket ?
03:00.53blitzrageVolume One was written entirely by 3 people...
03:00.59brc_great :)
03:01.06brc_installed asterisk yet?
03:01.15blitzragewish more people would contribute...
03:01.23peter222brc_ : are you using any extra commands like lowpower etc ?
03:01.26brc_what he said ^^^
03:01.28shmaltzright now I use the bugs as a source of docs, as well as the cli, and countless hours
03:01.29brc_peter222, no
03:01.40FuriousGeorgeim playing with it a bit.  it logs onto my sip provider and i can get my sip clients onto it (authenticated) but thats it
03:02.06FuriousGeorgeneed some studying with contexts/channels/extensions.  basically the dialplan
03:02.15*** join/#asterisk al__2 (~ldli6@
03:02.18blitzragekram: !
03:02.20shmaltzFuriousGeorge, whats your occupations?
03:02.22FuriousGeorgebeen trying to make an outbound call for 24 hours now
03:02.26kramgreets blitz!
03:02.40al__2matth , what is the command to copy from cd into asterisk root?
03:02.43blitzragekram: how goes this evening?
03:02.48shmaltzkram, ppl r complaining about docs, is there anything that can be done?
03:03.02FuriousGeorgei do everything computer related for my parents/family who are small business owners, because i really shouldnt have been a behavioral sciences major
03:03.27shmaltzhow old r u? FG?
03:03.29FuriousGeorgehoping that whole liberal arts thng will pay off later on in life
03:03.39FuriousGeorgeturned 24 on 24th
03:03.48brc_FuriousGeorge, having any specific problem with making an outbound call?
03:03.50FuriousGeorgeis that too old for * ;)
03:03.52shmaltzwow, my DOB is on the 24th as well
03:04.03shmaltznope, I'm older than you
03:04.28marloweI think everynight there is at least a 10 minute age conversation
03:04.28al__2help, how to copy file from cd into asterisk root?
03:04.30FuriousGeorgebrc_:  besides it not happening?  i wish the cli was a bit more verbose with whats happening
03:04.36peter222brc_ : r u running fxo and fxs modules on same card ?
03:04.45shmaltzmarlowe, so what?
03:04.46marloweFuriousGeorge: asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv? :0
03:04.48FuriousGeorgeschmaltz:  happy belated b-day 2 u
03:04.57marloweshmaltz, no reason.. just observation.
03:05.00shmaltzFG, it's very verbose
03:05.02FuriousGeorgemarlowe:  that many?  i usually do 4 or 5 b's
03:05.03brc_FuriousGeorge, type     set verbose 11 on the cli
03:05.10marlowePointing out the obvious.
03:05.11puluNewbie___: ??
03:05.19shmaltzthansk same 2 u, FG
03:05.30al__2pulu, yes
03:05.41brc_FuriousGeorge, you probably have your contexts messed the wiki page about them
03:05.46Newbie___pulu: i found the GSM desktop phone from local store, made by ericsson cost about 400.00
03:06.04marloweFuriousGeorge: Yeah, that or do what brc_ said.. I like holding down my 'v' key... The more v's, the more verbose.. Although obviously it only recognizes so many v's.
03:06.09shmaltzFG, what is the error you getting?
03:06.20Newbie___mmmm digium web site is down ?
03:06.26marloweDigium is up
03:06.26puluNewbie___: do you still have to get a pstn adapter for it or it's built in?
03:06.29brc_marlowe, I believe 10 is the top
03:06.36peter222brc_ : r u running fxo and fxs modules on same card ?
03:06.45brc_peter222, fxs
03:06.45shmaltz~http digium
03:06.46FuriousGeorgeVerbosity was 5 and is now 11
03:06.53Newbie___pulu: everything is built in, there is a RJ 11 on the phone and i am able to get a dial tone
03:06.55FuriousGeorgeis 11 the most v's it accepts by any chance
03:07.11marloweFuriousGeorge: There you go.. That should be better. I believe brc is correct in saying 10 is the most, which means 11 is fine.
03:07.19*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
03:07.26brc_FuriousGeorge, yes
03:07.28Newbie___pulu: plug into FXO and is able to call out cell to cell
03:07.41puluNewbie___: nice
03:07.51FuriousGeorgethanks for all, lemme see if it tells me something about whats giving me problems
03:07.54Newbie___pulu: :)
03:07.56timecopdoes asterisk support SIP video stuff?
03:08.22timecopin what sense? we're testing with eyebeam andit isnt working
03:08.26Newbie___ah.. is up again
03:08.31timecopsays soemthign about unknown codec
03:08.33timecopor someshit.
03:08.35timecopin teh console.
03:08.36shmaltztimecop, yes, it should
03:08.53brc_video works
03:08.55shmaltzI think you have to enable video in sip.conf
03:08.57brc_IF you enable it
03:09.10shmaltz~google video
03:09.20brc_read it please
03:10.12*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
03:10.34shmaltztimecop, or you could follow the advice from jbot
03:11.13FuriousGeorgexlite still says "404 not found" and asterisk cli still says nothing
03:11.27FuriousGeorgeim gonna read about how to post on the list and take it there
03:11.58brc_goatmilk, how nice
03:12.01shmaltzFuriousGeorge, do a sip debug in the CLI
03:13.19FuriousGeorgesweet mercy it said a bunch of stuff
03:13.20shmaltzFuriousGeorge, don't give up, for problems like these you will have to just work it out b4 you post to the list
03:13.42shmaltzwhat is the second bunch of stuff it said?
03:13.58shmaltzthe first one is most likely the request
03:14.10shmaltzwe are interested in the second one, what is it?
03:14.41FuriousGeorgeone sec
03:15.23*** join/#asterisk jdiskywlkr (
03:15.32FuriousGeorgearning: 392 "Noisy feedback tells:  pid=20644 req_src_ip= req_src_port=5060 via_cnt==1"
03:15.51FuriousGeorgepersonally, i think it made it all up
03:16.31shmaltzFuriousGeorge, what is the IP address of:
03:16.33shmaltz1. Asterisk
03:16.35shmaltz2. X-lite box
03:17.01FuriousGeorge10.0.0.2, respectively
03:17.14shmaltzcheck your sip.conf
03:17.21shmaltzpost it on
03:17.22*** join/#asterisk _IQ_ (
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03:21.10FuriousGeorgeschmaltz:  X is behaving poorly since i turned all of kde's xparency on.  i will post my sip.conf shortly.  gotta restart X real quick
03:21.40newlif(eyecandy) { performance--; } :)
03:22.07Shidooh god
03:22.08shmaltzFuriousGeorge, the problem is that xlite was designed for 3rd graders
03:22.12OzoneCoany examples for a test extension.conf?
03:22.13shmaltzI hate the design
03:22.15Shidohope this isnt a production box
03:22.18tzangerShido: hahahahahaa
03:22.23tzangershmaltz rather
03:22.40shmaltzOzoneCo, yep in /usr/src/asterisk/configs/extensions.conf.sample
03:23.18*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
03:23.35shmaltztzanger, what the dying poor lady story?
03:23.44tzangerno your 3rd grader comment
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03:24.31tzangerit's my (non-doctor) opinion that Terri's braindead and is thus not truly alive as a human being
03:24.37shmaltztzanger, it's a good free sip phone, but stupid extra stupid desing
03:24.45tzangerand that her parents are horrible
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03:25.24shmaltztzanger, I don't know about that. but taking away life support is one thing but to take away food, is a bit of nazishtish
03:25.26FuriousGeorgewhere do we post stuff
03:25.36tzangerit's a horrible horrible thing to happen to anyone, this is true.
03:25.50jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
03:26.27shmaltzanyhow, after what went on, I just don't get it, what the fuc* does the husband want?
03:26.39shmaltztzanger, you have a living will?
03:26.50tzangerthe husband is doing the right thing IMO
03:27.21jayeolatzanger: !00!
03:27.30shmaltzI dont' think I will ever change, being relegious
03:27.41tzangerI am not so much religious as I am spiritual
03:27.46tzangerher soul has beeng gone for a very long time
03:27.52tzangershe's been in this state for 15 years
03:27.59jbotupdatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; apt-get install condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; apt-get remove --purge condom; make clean; sleep
03:28.00tzangerthat is the crime
03:28.14shmaltzwell, according to my religion, nothing can be done until someone is dead, however life support may be avoided
03:28.37tzangershmaltz: and she is on life support, IMO.  she can breathe but is unable to eat or drink on her own power
03:28.54shmaltztzanger, so where you 28 yrs ago
03:29.01shmaltzwhen your mother breast fed you
03:29.11tzangershmaltz: I was still eating and breathing on my own
03:29.25shmaltzso is she, once she has the tube
03:29.28tzangershmaltz: don't try that reductio ad absurdam bullshit here
03:29.33jayeolaum, i've just dloaded and compiled the stable source. the `dial` command ain't happening...
03:29.48jayeolano errors at compile-time
03:30.03shmaltzjayeola, check show applications if its loaded
03:30.12tzangerjayeola: there is no dial 'command' unless you've got OSS or ALSA console support there
03:30.30jayeolai can run `asterix -vvvvvc' ok
03:30.47shmaltztzangerl, he aint listening
03:31.03shmaltzwe already assumed he can run asterix -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
03:31.07OzoneCoreplaced existing extentions.conf with the sample one hoping to call another sip extension within the LAN...fails...
03:31.08tzangershmaltz: then he'll flounder on his own until he realizes what he's doing.  :-)
03:31.16shmaltzanyhow the command is asterisk not asterix
03:31.40shmaltzOzoneCo, of course, you to set those up alone
03:31.57FuriousGeorgeschmaltz:  i posted #8333
03:32.10tzangershmaltz: my point is she's braindead and has been for a very very long time.  She isn't going to get better, she isn't going to recover.  that's a FAR cry from being a newborn and you know it, which is why I called reductio ad absurdam on you
03:32.13shmaltzFG, get the URL pleaseseses
03:32.17shmaltzoh thansk
03:32.21shmaltzI mean thanks
03:32.45FuriousGeorgeno, t.y.
03:32.55shmaltztzanger, I agree with you about the dead part but not about our part
03:33.08shmaltzdeath and life is *not* in our hands
03:33.35tzangershmaltz: agreed.  But what is keeping her on a feeding tube for 1,5,20,50 years going to do?  She's unable to recover.  That's life support.
03:33.42shmaltzFG, why do you have externalip in there?
03:33.50FuriousGeorgebut, if she did tell her hubby she didnt want to be in that state
03:33.51OzoneCoi put 2 extentions in sip.conf, they can recieve calls from the outside
03:34.01Sedoroxshe is dead... we're (the human race) is the ones keeping her alive...
03:34.03shmaltztzanger, true, but why does her husband want her dead?
03:34.04FuriousGeorgeschmaltz:  i want to make outbound calls
03:34.16FuriousGeorgethats my goal then work on incomming etc
03:34.30shmaltzand the register line?
03:34.48tzangershmaltz: because that is what he believes she wants...  NO LIFE SUPPORT.  exact same as in my living will -- no heroic measures are to be taken
03:34.51FuriousGeorgethats my account number for my sip out
03:35.13FuriousGeorge1747 something or other
03:35.26shmaltztzanger, I understand this from teh point of view of a judge, but not from my pov
03:35.56tzangerI mean if I'm in a terrible accident and am on life support because there's a very likely chance that, given some time, I will recover then sure... but keeping me alive hoping for a miracle...  no thanks
03:35.59FuriousGeorgepeople should make their parents in charge of that sort of thing.  spouses come and go.  one thing ill say for him, het aint got a book deal
03:36.32FuriousGeorgei told my parents to keep me alive till they get the insurance then pull the plug
03:36.36shmaltztzanger, I agree, but I wouldn't be able to kill someone like this
03:36.37tzangershmaltz: the judge is being very smart (unlike Pres. Bush) -- the law has no place in this.  This is a personal family matter that has unfortunately been convoluted because of the lack of a living will.  Her husband is her legal guardian.
03:36.42FuriousGeorgenow i just need insurance
03:36.45*** part/#asterisk _IQ_ (
03:36.48shmaltzFG :)
03:36.55tzangershmaltz: I'd have a hard time with it too but then again I woudn't have let it get to this point either
03:37.11shmaltzanyhow, back to business
03:37.14FuriousGeorgesmaltz:  thats really the rediculous thing.  the absurd ethics behind not being able to do it humanely
03:37.20tzangerI have insurance and my children are the benificiaries<sp>, with my ex's mother and my mother the guardians
03:37.27shmaltzFG, you receiving incoming calls on that sipphone account?
03:37.28*** join/#asterisk ploch (
03:37.42shmaltztzanger, you are realy carefull
03:37.43FuriousGeorgeyou know, i never got another account to test that
03:37.56FuriousGeorgei just got this far a few days back
03:38.01shmaltzFG, but is that the reason?
03:38.14FuriousGeorgei guess i should find out
03:38.15tzangershmaltz: yes, but more importantly it's not because of lack of trust, it's because I want the lines of communication between the families to remain intact
03:38.44FuriousGeorgeschmalts, are you saying my setup looks right
03:38.51shmaltztzanger, I agree, by me I dont' need to do that much, since both sides are religious
03:38.59shmaltznot yet, FG
03:39.18jayeola extract of output from asterisk -vvvvc
03:39.20shmaltzlets go to the x-lite phone, which sip account is it?
03:40.32*** join/#asterisk t0p (
03:40.38shmaltzFG, which sip account is suppose to be for the x-lite phone?
03:40.51FuriousGeorgeits on brian
03:41.26TomLits on?
03:41.37__MarkSim bored.. can i surf peoples, PBX? post or PM ur FWD or whatever number here!!
03:41.39TomLwhen did you get served?
03:43.05shmaltzFuriousGeorge, its all wrong
03:43.37shmaltzhey its not a joke, its a lesson
03:43.59FuriousGeorgeI READ< I SWEAR I READ,, and so much more
03:44.36FuriousGeorgethen i read most again
03:44.39FuriousGeorgethen cried
03:44.42FuriousGeorgeand here we are
03:45.50Shidowanna see a switch?
03:46.07FuriousGeorgeanyone else watching the season finale of carnavale
03:46.17Qwellcan't beat images of random network hardware
03:46.59ShidoI have to get them from cheng
03:46.59Shidoshe took some pics of switch-2
03:46.59shmaltzFuriousGeorge, take a look at that redo your extensions.conf as I have it here:
03:47.50t0pHi folks, where do I download the good free softphone for windows?
03:48.33shmaltz~google x-lite sip soft phone
03:48.55tzangert0p: I like firefly, it's got some idiosyncrasies (fuck I can't spell tonight) but it's mostly good
03:48.59Sedorox <---- *drools* 16 OC192's and 64 OC48's
03:49.35tzangerthe ethernet jack looks so...  pitiful
03:50.07newlFirefly was a kickass show. Damn you Fox! *shakes fist Kirk style*
03:50.09shmaltzSedrox, whos shit box is that?
03:50.29Sedoroxdunno... I guess what they use on inet2
03:50.43t0pthanks, i'll get to try them now
03:51.29shmaltzemmanuel,or irc. 2600 is fire about the chiavo case
03:52.12shmaltzemmanuelimagine if elian gonzalez was in a vegetative state
03:52.14shmaltzemmanuelthen you'd have the right to lifers *and* the florida cubans freaking out
03:52.26*** join/#asterisk trogs (
03:52.30PTG123anyone in here alive that knows C really well?
03:52.36shmaltzwhat an american state that land called florida is
03:52.47shmaltzPTG123, yeah I'm sure
03:53.11trogsdoes anyone have the G3.01 firmware for a cisco 12SP+/30VIP ?
03:53.50shmaltzFuriousGeorge, you tried it?
03:53.51PTG123shamltz let me show you something
03:54.03shmaltzPTG123, lets see
03:55.09PTG123well damn it
03:55.11PTG123who knows c:)
03:55.33*** join/#asterisk vlan (
03:55.45QwellPTG123: I can pretend I know it good enough to help. :p
03:56.36PTG123it just doesn't make any sense
03:56.53QwellI know a bit, and I'm always able to spot problems...
03:57.33shmaltzThe other day i was in the post office and they got this new cool machine called an automated postal service or something like that. It has touch screen and all, but still most ppl didn't know how to use it.
03:57.34Qwellworking on your chan_sip stuff?
03:57.35shmaltzthats when I realized why voting machines don't work in this country
03:58.43tessiershmaltz: Because people are stupid?
03:59.25shmaltztessier, thats what I think, why?
04:00.14PTG123yah i am qwell
04:00.22PTG123it just seems to have alot of stuff that doesn't make sense
04:00.27shmaltzI mean that machine was clear as any instructer dressed in white and tie could have been, but still most ppl wanted assistance at the machine
04:00.34PTG123tessier you by chance wanna decode some c for me? :) you know c?
04:00.47shmaltzFuriousGeorge, you around?
04:01.34*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
04:02.01FuriousGeorgehey, it just said  "address incomplete" but thats progress
04:02.17shmaltzFuriousGeorge, where did it say that?
04:02.25FuriousGeorgeplus i got to pretend i knew what to do with sip debug
04:02.29shmaltzin the CLI or *? or both?
04:02.35FuriousGeorgein xlite only
04:02.55FuriousGeorgeasterisk said nothing, only that it registered client brian and sip channel and stuff like that
04:03.01shmaltzok, I guess that thats what * is reporting and not what sipphone is
04:03.13shmaltzfirst do a no sip debug to turn off taht rubbish
04:03.49FuriousGeorgeit doesnt like no sip debug
04:04.28shmaltzwhy not?
04:04.30FuriousGeorge*CLI> no sip debug
04:04.30FuriousGeorgeNo such command 'no sip'
04:04.43shmaltzoh, sorry sip no debug
04:04.43FuriousGeorgealso tried capital SIP
04:04.56*** join/#asterisk terrapen_ (
04:05.51shmaltzFuriousGeorge, of course it's missing a digit
04:06.13shmaltzchange this line from:
04:06.14shmaltzexten => _1NXXnXXXXX,1,dial(${OUTGOING}/${EXTEN},30,r)
04:06.17shmaltzexten => _1NXXnXXXXXX,1,dial(${OUTGOING}/${EXTEN},30,r)
04:06.37ManxPowerdon't use lower case in the pattern
04:07.04gdsmManxPower why no lowercase in the pattern?
04:07.12shmaltzManxPower, why not? ( I Never tried lower case but i fyou mention it)?
04:08.46*** join/#asterisk topping (
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04:09.22shmaltzFuriousGeorge, ?????
04:10.35FuriousGeorgecan i pm you with the output its a few lines
04:10.37shmaltzis it working?
04:10.43shmaltzsure np
04:12.37ManxPowerI've had a lower case letter in a pattern and it didn't work
04:15.22ManxPowerI think it was a lower case x
04:16.42*** part/#asterisk dca (
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04:18.27shmaltzManxPower, I'm going to try it
04:18.39jayeolasilly question/observation, but it seems that in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf all of the lines starting with `;` are comments
04:19.35IOscannerQuick question people?  I have an agi program that calls a number I need to be able to find out which number I am calling via the AGI script anyone know of a var that would be set for this.  $callerid is set to unknown because I am the caller.
04:19.42jayeolaso for example to define my realm it should be `realm=blah`
04:20.22*** join/#asterisk carfoo (
04:20.40gdsmjayeola yes, comments are started with a ; because one can use a # (hash) in a dialplan
04:21.27shmaltzjayeola, read the handbook
04:21.36shmaltzwill help you alot
04:21.43ManxPowerjayeola: correct
04:21.59jayeolaalphabet soup, pabx, sip, viop, omfg
04:22.15jayeolaand not forgetting rtfm
04:23.19gdsmalso try full of really useful and cool information  Hell, I only found out today, I can take action based on the ANI and DNI without using gotoif
04:24.48jayeolayou see, more acronyms
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04:35.45IOscannerAnyone know of a way to write a perl script to see if asterisk is on ZAP/1-1 channel?
04:42.13Corydon76-homeHow about if you just do a command line:  asterisk -rx "show channels"
04:42.51Corydon76-homeOr use the manager interface
04:48.37tweakismIs it possible to connect a linux box running Asterisk to a PBX system so that it uses an extension as an incoming line?
04:49.22shmaltztweakism, why not?
04:49.45tweakismwhat kind of hardware can asterisk use to do that?
04:50.11shmaltzthink about the hardware, and viaola asterisk works
04:50.30shmaltzyou want Asterisk < - > PBX < - > PSTN?
04:50.33Qwellwell, the extension would have to be analog from the other PBX, right?
04:50.46tweakismQwell: that's what I'm thinking, and mine is not.
04:51.06tweakismIE, even if I get an intercom call, I want it to ring in asterisk as an incoming line.
04:51.11shmaltzif it supports e & m you can try e & M
04:51.18tweakisme & m?
04:51.39shmaltzasterisk doesnt care about incoming or outgoing it is all treated the same
04:51.42*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:52.57shmaltztweakism, what is the PBX in question?
04:53.06tweakismI don't know, and can't check for a while.
04:53.19tweakismJust wondering if it would be possible w/ any PBX, to give me hope.
04:53.23shmaltzhow many ports (lines or what ever) do you want between asterisk and your PBX?
04:53.35tweakismJust 1, my normal office extension.
04:53.48shmaltzand you want asterisk to handle PSTN calls? or your PBX?
04:54.23tweakismI want asterisk to be able to answer those calls, so I can either use my bluetooth headset, go to asterisk voicemail, or automatically forward to my cell (possibly over voip to a home asterix box that will make another outgoing call to my voip service provider to call my cell)
04:54.27shmaltzso you want your extension, instead to ring to a phone it should go to asterisk, and * should handle it?
04:54.28johnnybtweakism: how would that be different than handling incoming calls from the PSTN?
04:54.29tweakismshmaltz: my PBX.
04:54.39tweakismjohnnyb: It's not a normal analog phone interface in my office.
04:54.49tweakismshmaltz: yeah.
04:54.56johnnybtweakism: so your PBX has a funny interface?
04:55.02tweakismjohnnyb: Don't they all?
04:55.06johnnybtweakism: then I'm going to say "not likely"
04:55.15johnnybtweakism: not all of them.
04:55.22tweakismIt supports things like call transfer to another office and intercom calls.
04:55.27shmaltzok, so setup your extension on your PBX as analog, then buy an FXO card for your Asterisk box (like the SPA 3000) and you in business
04:55.42tweakismMy desk phone has an aux jack, I think I can hack hardware to work through that, but it's not ideal.
04:55.47shmaltztweakism, you mean intergrated with your old PBX?
04:55.55johnnybshmaltz: except that it doesn't appear that the PBX uses an FXS interface.
04:55.56shmaltzthe intercom
04:56.12shmaltzjohnnyb, if its' setup as one it will
04:56.22shmaltzre-read my post
04:56.23tweakismshmaltz: Well, yeah, I guess I do need to be able to access my PBXs features from my headset and computer software phone.
04:56.43viLeRI have a x100p clone PSTN <--> Asterisk, The outgoing calls works fine, but the incoming don't work, somebody can help me with that ?
04:56.52*** join/#asterisk Mik0r (~Mik0r@
04:57.00shmaltztweakism, then find out all the analog (DTMF) codes on how do to it and clone them in your asterisk box
04:57.20tweakismshmaltz: cool.  will do.
04:57.22tweakismshmaltz: thanks.
04:57.23Mik0rdo you need special hardware to make an asterisk box?
04:57.42shmaltzevery phones system I came across has almost every single feature available for analog phones as well, including paging
04:57.48tweakismMik0r: If you want to use analog phones or PSTN to connect to it, yes.  if only softphones and VoIP calls, no.
04:58.03shmaltzjust that paging can only be done *to* none ananlog phones
04:58.03tweakismshmaltz: that's exactly what I wanted to hear.
04:58.16Mik0rmy school uses VoIP, with the 3com NBX stuff, would asterisk work on it?
04:58.25tweakismshmaltz: what about callerid info?  my office phones say "Transfer from 32" when extension 32 transfers a call to me.  this is not required, though.
04:58.33shmaltzunless your phone system supports ADSI auto answer
04:59.15tweakismshmaltz: nah, at my place, paging only goes to in-ceiling speakers and certain phones in public places.  no one ever does paging to specific desk phones.
04:59.17shmaltztweakism, if it says so on regular CallerID analog devices connected to analog ports on your PBX, then asteisk will pick thos up
04:59.40shmaltztweaksim this will work then from asterisk as well
05:00.02shmaltzthe overhead paging will work from asterisk as well
05:00.05tweakismshmaltz: excellent.  I can buy a bluetooth cordless, then get the PBX admin to switch my line to analog for that, then secretly hook up asterisk, and be able to get work calls on my regular voicemail or my cell, easily and transparently :P
05:00.24shmaltztweakism, the only problem.............
05:00.40shmaltzyou will need more than one line to be able to get the second call
05:00.47*** join/#asterisk jterrero (
05:00.48*** join/#asterisk IQ (
05:01.04shmaltzyour exension will have to change to a hunt group
05:01.09tweakismIt's OK if people calling my office while the line is in use get a busy signal.
05:01.22shmaltzthen you are in business
05:01.24tweakismthe PBX has no extra extensions available for me to request.
05:02.00shmaltzbut you will have to diable both
05:02.19tweakismreread.  I can't get one.
05:02.20shmaltzVoicemail on your pbx (if you want to have 2 voicemail boxes you can leave it)
05:02.30tweakismwe have a person's phone for every single available extension.
05:02.32shmaltzand call waiting
05:02.34viLeRx100p clone make me cry
05:02.36tweakismoh, right.
05:02.42tweakismno problem.
05:02.52shmaltzit was one post all three ;)
05:03.26shmaltzanyhow, guys an gals, gtg
05:03.30tweakismMy voicemail on PBX will probably change to a non-recording message that says, "Hey, my office phone is tied up, but to call my cell or leave a voicemail or fax, call <my voip number>"
05:03.30shmaltzc ya all
05:03.39tweakismthanks again, and c'ya.
05:03.43shmaltzvery well then
05:10.30*** join/#asterisk matgeek (
05:10.34tweakismOo, since calls from PSTN are transferred to me through a receptionist, I can have my asterisk say,
05:10.38matgeekHi THEre!
05:11.03tweakism"To leave a voicemail, press 1 or wait for the beep.  For the receptionist, press 0."
05:11.12matgeekGot some OEM X100P casrd from Digit, can I run them on a MAC under Powerpc Linux?
05:12.32matgeekOK, I have to use Intel ia32 architecture?
05:12.43matgeekI am running kernel 2.6.11
05:12.51terrapen_you should be ok
05:12.59terrapen_did you try it?
05:13.13Qwellterrapen_: silly question
05:13.38bkw_tweakism, you need to go read the conf samples more
05:13.42matgeekOh , I am having all sorts of probs.  Zaptel kernel modules ver 1.0.7 load, 1.0.4 lock up the machine
05:14.01tweakismbkw_: I don't have any hardware to play with yet, so I haven't installed and played w/ asterisk yet.
05:14.12matgeekztcfg just hangs after the first fstat64 when loading libraries - I straced it.
05:15.11matgeekMy next move is to try on a Intel box - I guess some Arch specific stuff has crept back in...
05:16.22bkw_tweakism, you can DO ANYTHING with asterisk
05:16.23bkw_trust me
05:16.35bkw_so asking if you can do X or Y is kinda pointless :P
05:16.39tweakismI can't wait.
05:16.52Qwellbkw_: Think I could run one of those killer robots with *?
05:17.02Qwellsend it DTMF tones for the weapons
05:17.03tainted-how does asterisk determine whether a channel is busy or not?
05:17.39bkw_tainted-, depends
05:17.41bkw_got PRI?
05:17.42bkw_or analog?
05:18.15*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
05:20.53*** join/#asterisk Jer13261 (
05:21.18terrapen_+Powerpc Linux?
05:21.37terrapen_disregard that
05:21.47terrapen_i have a horrible habit of selecting text on my screen
05:22.15tainted-bkw_ because sometimes the dial application DIALSTATUS variable returns ANSWERED when the channel was busy
05:23.53Mocoh really..
05:24.48*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
05:25.57*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
05:27.25*** join/#asterisk HeppyCat (
05:27.34HeppyCatgood evening
05:32.57Inv_arpHellHound: sup
05:33.11Inv_arpHeppyCat: sup
05:33.28HeppyCatim lookin for a asterisk to pstn service
05:33.35HeppyCatanyone here plugging one?
05:33.53QwellHeppyCat: nufone is good
05:33.57*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
05:34.04MocHeppyCat, there is a few outthere..
05:34.06HeppyCatnufone is not taking new accounts
05:34.14Qwellteliax is supposedly good I mean
05:35.30MocInv_arp, those are the worst ;)
05:35.42Inv_arpMoc: lol
05:35.51Inv_arphmm never heard of
05:36.01Inv_arpoh and
05:36.13Mocmy problem with US provider, is they have shitty Canadian connections..
05:36.52HeppyCatim looking at making mostly international calls
05:37.04QwellTo the same country?
05:37.08HeppyCatmostly mexico, africa
05:37.21Inv_arpi hate BV b/c the miami proxy no support gsm/ilbc/729/726 etc... just  ulaw/alaw
05:37.22Qwellget a couple providers, one in each country...heh
05:37.59HeppyCatdidnt think of that...
05:38.08HeppyCathave a provider in the country im calling
05:38.13Moculaw is all I nead
05:38.15QwellHeppyCat: It'll give you the best rates
05:38.36Inv_arpeww voiceconduits  charges per min inbound
05:39.37matgeekAny one run the zaptel stuff on PowerPC Linux?
05:39.59Inv_arpim gonna go to VP  best i can find so far
05:40.23*** part/#asterisk Sedorox (
05:42.45*** part/#asterisk Jer13261 (
05:43.09HeppyCatim looking at providing service for my friends, for us caling
05:43.29HeppyCatand i work with a guy from africa
05:43.40HeppyCatwho was just about ot go to vonage
05:43.59HeppyCatbut i convinced him to wait till ihad my server setup
05:44.40*** join/#asterisk jonas (
05:44.41Qwelleh...just get him an ATA
05:44.55HeppyCata what
05:45.07Qwellanalog telephone adapter
05:45.20HeppyCatoh yeah, im not worried about that part
05:45.21Qwellconnects to an ethernet port...give him an extension, it'll call him on it
05:45.30Qwellforget PSTN all together
05:45.36HeppyCattrying to figure out rates right now
05:48.47*** join/#asterisk shuric (
05:50.15HeppyCatfor some strange reason these mexican sites are in spanish...
05:50.56QwellHeppyCat: What for? :p
05:51.24kramhow much you got, IQ?
05:51.38Qwellkram: :p
05:51.46IQkram: $29
05:51.57QwellI've got $32.50
05:51.58krambut thanks for the offer :)
05:52.18IQkram: 29 and my old HD
05:52.19HeppyCathey ive got $75.82
05:52.35Inv_arpdamn  VP raised thier DID pricing to $11
05:52.43Qwellwell, with all three of us...we have like $132?
05:53.00IQYeah, and all we need is 51% of Digium - not much
05:53.01kramthe closest thing to investing in digium right now is that adtran is a shareholder (they own 1/7) and their symbol is ADTN
05:53.03QwellI suck at math btw
05:53.30IQkram: digium not going public soon?
05:53.50krameh probably not soon.  remember, we're the smallest telecom company that matters :)
05:53.59krami wouldn't rule it out at some point
05:54.04krambut i don't think it's anytime soon
05:54.19Mockram, always better to keep control anyway
05:54.57IQADTN: -0.40 (2.25%)
05:55.14Mocall I personally want is a TDM400 card with FXO and no sidetone ;)
05:56.15MikeJ[Laptop]hmmmm where to find inttypes.h
05:56.26Mocphones doesn't encode/decode fast ennuf
05:57.44MikeJ[Laptop]hey moc, where is that on your pc?
05:58.43tweakismWow, I just realised.
05:58.53tweakismThe linked asterisks will let me make calls from home using the office PBX.
05:59.04tweakismwhich is great, because I wouldn't have to get reimbursed for long distance any more.
06:00.19MocMikeJ[Laptop] : /usr/include/inttypes.h
06:00.44Silik0ndid I misssomeone complianing about bsdmake wont build asterisk?
06:01.02Mocbsd people are always complaining..
06:01.21stifl3rhaha. bsd ownz
06:01.41MikeJ[Laptop]it isn't bsd, it's worse
06:01.42Mocbsd is a whinner OS ;)
06:01.52stifl3rbut.. i did install it on linux :p
06:01.55Silik0nBSD is better then linux
06:02.12stifl3rseems to be more support on linux than bsd for *
06:02.13Silik0nwhy you think OSX is built on it and not linux
06:02.14MikeJ[Laptop]but if I get it to work... it will mae me have a little giggle
06:02.33stifl3rdid the guy who's trying to installing it on bsd use ports?
06:02.39MocSilik0n, it just liscencing
06:02.43Silik0nyea I know
06:02.43QwellSilik0n: What Moc said
06:02.56Silik0nbut BSD is different and more controlled then linux
06:03.21dmccollumbah, Minix > BSD
06:03.45*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
06:03.49libpcphi all
06:03.56Silik0nand just for the record asterisk willnot build on bsd if you just type make you have to type gmake cause it required GNU make
06:04.13libpcpis there a site where i could check the comparison of rates on every voip provider?
06:04.31Inv_arplibpcp: not really
06:04.46`SauronNot complete, but has some amount of comparison.
06:04.51dmccollumdslreports is the only one I know of.
06:05.33`Sauron~jbot, gbu is - the good, bad and ugly of {dsl,voip,etc} providers
06:05.34jbot`Sauron: okay
06:05.40jbothmm... gbu is - the good, bad and ugly of {dsl,voip,etc} providers
06:05.58libpcpi found a site before but i forgot the url, as i remember it has work iax something
06:06.44Inv_arphmm nuthin on that site has any providers ive used
06:08.52*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
06:08.59odie_floconHey all.
06:11.05odie_floconHas anybody had problems with an X100P in Mandrake 10?
06:11.12odie_floconHas anybody had problems with an X100P in Mandrake 10.1? sorry.
06:11.46Inv_arpodie_flocon: whats the prob... really doesnt matter on distro
06:14.39odie_floconhmm it gives me an error when I first try to do a modprobe.
06:14.50odie_floconthen it works the second time.
06:15.43Inv_arpodie_flocon: whats the  error
06:15.58odie_flocondam, I'm gonna have to reboot, to tell you.
06:16.09odie_floconI'm in windoze I'll be back in a few minutes k.
06:16.45Qwellnon dedicated PBX hardware?
06:18.02tessierOk for experimenting.
06:18.16tessierNot ok to take down the company phone system when you want to run Quicken or play some Unreal.
06:21.23*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
06:21.39*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
06:21.49odie_floconhey BRC_ how u doing?
06:22.50odie_floconwhy is that brc_?
06:23.27odie_floconline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
06:23.48odie_floconthats what happens when I do a modprobe of the wcfxo
06:24.14*** join/#asterisk mitmit (
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06:25.52*** part/#asterisk HeppyCat (
06:26.05Shidou have problems, odie_flocon
06:26.56odie_floconare they fixable problems.
06:28.09tessierOnly if you haven't already let the magic smoke out of your FXO.
06:28.35odie_floconfor some reason Mdk is running CAPI
06:28.47odie_floconand ISDN4Linux
06:28.59odie_floconis that part of the problem?
06:30.19*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
06:32.04Shidothey are fixable
06:32.11Shidoi just need to sprinkle some pixie dust on your box
06:32.18Shidowhat kernel are you running?
06:32.19Shidouname -a
06:32.53Silik0nthats true moc
06:34.16odie_floconLinux localhost #1 SMP Fri Oct 1 11:24:45 CEST 2004 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.40GHz unknown GNU/Linux
06:35.06odie_floconit it cuz I'm running the smp kernel?
06:36.57odie_floconthe weird thing is when I do the modprobe again it works.
06:37.09odie_floconand then I get a failure on the ztcfg command.
06:37.24odie_floconline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
06:38.09odie_floconand when I do an ls /dev/zap/ I get nothing.
06:38.43odie_floconbut when I do a ls /dev/zap I get zap1, zapchannel, zapctl,zapseudo,zaptimer
06:42.35*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
06:44.30odie_floconit's strange
06:44.47odie_floconwhen I look in my messages file I get this.
06:45.07Shidodid you follow the 2.6 readme's?
06:45.23odie_floconar 27 23:22:43 localhost kernel: Zapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
06:45.23odie_floconMar 27 23:23:11 localhost kernel: wcfxo: DAA mode is 'FCC'
06:52.21Beirdoanyone here in Toronto?
06:52.47Beirdojust looking for someone to test a fax to me
06:53.16*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
06:55.11*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
06:58.35jmaczhi, I use sqlite for CDR, and I have problem couse it works fine until I restart *, and can´t load anymore unless I rename cdr.db to cdr.db.old, anyone can give me a hand?
07:03.28jmaczI got these error messages: 'ERROR[13663]: cdr_sqlite: unsupported file format',' [13663]: load_module failed, returning -1' and '[13663]: Loading module failed!'
07:05.12Inv_arpjmacz: never user cdr_sqlite  but  does it create the cdr.db file?
07:05.18jmaczBut if I rename/remove the cdr.db, * starts with no problem and loads de successfully. Any idea what causes this?
07:05.25*** join/#asterisk Shorty` (
07:05.42Shorty`anyone here used wondershaper to prio. SIP/IAX traffic?
07:05.56Inv_arpShorty`: isnt that a tc script?
07:06.26jmaczInv_arp: yes, It creates it when I compile *
07:07.43jmaczInv_arp: Not sure if it' s a tc script. One can find the source as sqlite.c under the CDR dir
07:08.02Inv_arpjmacz: hmm sqlite gives that error if opening  a 3.x db  with  sqlite2.x binary and vice versa
07:08.36Shorty`Inv_arp: indeed it is, however I'm not overly versed with tc
07:09.09Inv_arpShorty`: heh i dont know anyone that is either
07:09.25Inv_arpthats a very complicated program to use
07:10.05Inv_arphope a better wrapper comes out for it
07:10.10Shorty`apparently it sets low priority stuff, but doesn't set high priority
07:10.18Shorty`I want to put in a port and go "HIGH"
07:10.53jmaczInv_arp: Actually, I'm using sqlite 2.4.7-1 and libsqlite0 2.8.13-0
07:13.17Inv_arpjmacz: is * supposed to work with 2.x  or 3.x sqlite  libs?
07:14.07t0pWhat type of PCI Slots that the Wildcard TDM400P can be used with?
07:14.52t0pI look at the Digium website, but it does not provide this information
07:14.52Inv_arpt0p: normal 32 bit ones
07:15.19*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
07:15.39t0pThanks Inv_arp
07:16.09t0p32-bit 5.0 volt  right? does the voltage matter?
07:16.54Inv_arpt0p: it falls under the normal spec
07:19.25t0pokay, i just saw the 64-bit 3.3 V there also, wondering if there is any 32-bit 3.3 volt slot
07:24.03jmaczInv_arp: the page in Voip-info from which I took the reference (, worked with sqlite 2.4.8, but don't know where to verify if * is supposed to work with 3.x
07:25.41Qwelltdm can be used in 3.3v or 5v
07:26.12Qwellt0p: They explicitly state that on the digium site
07:26.18*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
07:32.20Defrazwhen using an out going pri to make local calls, is there some hunting deal I need in the extentions conf.
07:32.29DefrazI can only get one out going call to leave at a time
07:32.42Defrazother wise it says all circuets are busy
07:32.53DefrazIncoming hunts just fine
07:39.53zhieri can dial on my pc with the pwd, but how can i answer the phone on the same pc???
07:43.36*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
07:44.33zhieri can dial out by my pwd id on my pc. but how can i answer the phone on the same pc???
07:48.29zhieranybody can help me?
07:56.46Qwellzhier: try asking your question using full sentences
07:57.56tessier_me tarzan you jane
07:57.58tessier_fire bad
07:58.29tessier_Qwell: Probably not a native english speaker so take it easy on him.
07:58.46Qwelltessier_: I'm just trying to figure out what he said
07:59.00tessier_zhier: You are calling using a pc? What soft phone?
08:01.11*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
08:02.29zhieri can dial but i cn't answer the phone
08:03.02zhieri can dial but i can't answer the phone
08:03.17QwellHow are you dialing?
08:04.08zhierjust in this way:exten =>2204,1,Dial(SIP/,30,tr)
08:04.38QwellAre you using a phone to dial it?
08:04.42zhierbut i want to answer the phone on the same pc.
08:04.51QwellThen how are you dialing it?
08:05.16zhierjust in the CLI command
08:05.28zhierdial 2204@sipout
08:05.32QwellWhat happens when you dial it?
08:05.47Qwelltessier_: ...
08:06.13zhieri can heard the sound
08:06.18QwellWhat sound?
08:07.16zhierbut i don't know how can i answer it
08:07.17QwellDo you see any text on the screen when you dial?
08:07.30zhiersee a little
08:07.41QwellDoes it say anything about receiving a call?
08:07.58zhierand i find the call expires always
08:08.21Qwellyeah, its too late for this
08:08.48Qwelltessier_: He's all yours.  Have fun.
08:08.49Qwelloff to bed
08:09.07QwellCan't say I didn't try.
08:09.08tessier_You quitter :P
08:09.16zhierand i just answer the incoming phone in the default context
08:09.19tessier_zhier: What do you mean by expires?
08:09.41tessier_zhier: By answer you mean it matches an extension in the default context?
08:09.51tessier_So you are dialing into your own phone system from the command line?
08:10.16tessier_What does the extension you are dialing into look like?
08:10.27tessier_And what is it suppose to do? Pick up and play a message or something?
08:10.27zhierexpires? just means exceed the time
08:10.45*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:12.17zhierand in the default context i do it in this way:exten=>s,1,Answer
08:12.26darkskiezwhats with the topic about the posting to the lists?
08:12.53tessier_darkskiez: Someone was probably getting annoyed by the top posting and the person who made that topic is trying to antagonize them
08:13.27darkskiezthere are better things to get frustrated about.
08:13.57zhierbut i can't answer
08:14.35*** join/#asterisk bl1tzl1ght (
08:16.50Qwelltessier_: quitter
08:16.55bl1tzl1ghthi qwell
08:18.41Qwellbl1tzl1ght: Do I know you?
08:19.29QwellI see
08:19.58rvhianyone knows how to send a sip message to a phone and refer it to a meetme room?
08:20.08rvhii'd like to use this for paging
08:20.10Qwellok, bed...
08:20.10t0pHi,  I am confused what  TDM400P consists of. Some say it is the FXS card and others say it comes with the TDM11B bundle interface which has 1 FXO + 1 FXS
08:20.21Qwellt0p: It can be both
08:20.28bl1tzl1ghtqwell: i say hi coz i see that you're not a bot :)
08:20.28QwellThere are "modules" you put in the main card
08:20.35Qwellbl1tzl1ght: I see
08:20.46Qwellt0p: It can have up to 4 "modules"
08:20.52t0pQWell, modules ?
08:20.59Qwellthe modules can be any mixture of FXO or FXS
08:21.29t0pwhich I have to purchase seperately from the TDM400P
08:21.32Qwellthey're generally sold in bundles, like you mentioned
08:21.49QwellWhat is it you need, exactly?
08:22.14t0pI said "bundle" from what I read from the digium web. I don't actually know what it really means
08:22.28Qwellit means it comes with the main card, and some modules
08:22.45QwellThere are like 15 different bundles, depending on what you need
08:22.56t0pI see
08:23.25QwellSo, what is it you're looking for?
08:24.43t0pI would like to have 2 analog (CO) lines connect to the card and then 2 analog extensions
08:24.53QwellThen you want a tdm22b
08:25.02t0pbasically 2 FXOs + 2 FXSs
08:26.23t0pso  TDM400P is just the name of a configuration (set) of the cards
08:26.36Qwelltdm400p is the products real name
08:26.50Qwelltdm22b is a bundle
08:26.58Qwellread the link I gave you
08:27.19*** join/#asterisk TomL (
08:28.07Qwellit could come with 0(maybe)
08:28.13Qwellmaybe 1 is the minimum...I don't know
08:28.43Qwellif you get 1 now, you CAN always expand later
08:28.52Qwellthey sell the modules seperately too...
08:28.54bl1tzl1ghtqwell: do you have any recommendation for asterisk newbie who wants to implement h.323?
08:28.59Qwellbl1tzl1ght: none
08:29.01t0pif I buy  TDM400P + TDM22B like you said
08:29.26t0pI will need two spare PCI slots then
08:29.30Qwellt0p: no
08:29.38bl1tzl1ghtqwell: afaik, there are 2 h.323 implementation for *
08:29.52*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:29.53Qwellbl1tzl1ght: dunno, I've only heard bad things about h323
08:29.58Qwellwell, mostly
08:30.24bl1tzl1ghtqwell: I see ... the problem is, most commercial ip pbx installation are h323 based
08:30.33t0pQWell, don't tell me the TDM22B is a software thing
08:30.35Qwellt0p: The tdm bundle includes the tdm400p.  You put the modules ON the tdm400p
08:31.05QwellIf you buy the tdm22b bundle, you get a tdm400p, 2 fxo modules, and 2 fxs modules
08:31.09bl1tzl1ghtqwell: have you tried to use the x100p clone?
08:31.15QwellIf you READ the link I gave you...
08:31.29Qwellbl1tzl1ght: yes.  Don't use it for anything mission critical
08:31.30t0pokay, I'll get to read it now
08:31.37bl1tzl1ghtqwell: that bad?
08:31.46Qwellbl1tzl1ght: $8 vs $100.  You tell me
08:32.21bl1tzl1ghtqwell: could you elaborate more details on the problem?
08:32.34Qwellbl1tzl1ght: They're clones
08:32.55QwellThey can be very flakey
08:33.05bl1tzl1ghtlike ... ?
08:34.50bl1tzl1ghtCO signalling? answering call? terminating call?
08:35.00bl1tzl1ghtjust hang?
08:35.01QwellSubject to frequent lossage. This use is of course related to the common slang use of the word to describe a person as eccentric, crazy, or just unreliable. A system that is flaky is working, sort of - enough that you are tempted to try to use it - but fails frequently enough that the odds in favour of finishing what you start are low. Commonwealth hackish prefers dodgy.
08:35.12langalsHi. I am trying to decide which codec to use with Asterisk. I want one that will only transmit around 15 kbps. I have tried GSM, and it seems to work ok. Does anyone have any comments on this codec or would recommend another one?
08:35.21*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
08:35.22QwellI couldn't have said it better myself
08:35.49langalsI am not wanting to do any transcoding - the codec will need to work on windows and with asterisk
08:35.49bl1tzl1ght:) I know the term "dodgy"
08:35.51Qwelllangals: talk in terms of kbit...
08:35.56bl1tzl1ghtbeen a while since I last heard it
08:36.11Qwelllangals: You do mean 128kbit, right?
08:36.29langalsno - I mean 15 kbit
08:36.39QwellYou can get gsm in 15kbit?
08:36.40t0pQWell, okay I read that so one more thing, how does the module look like? can I add more later?
08:36.43bl1tzl1ght15kbps one way?
08:36.49Qwellt0p: It looks like the picture
08:36.51t0plike upgrading from TDM11B to TDM22B
08:37.01Qwellno, it doesn't work that way
08:37.01langalsQwell - ja
08:37.07coppicelangals: 15kbps on the wire, or just for the codec itself?
08:37.09Qwellyou just buy another module, and add it
08:37.45Qwellfxo module and fxs module
08:37.55langalsQwell - just the codec - I know overhead is added. When I tried GSM, it actually sent at about 40 kbit. That is fine
08:38.16bl1tzl1ghtqwell: any recommendation which SP is good and cheap and reliable for * trunking (IAX or SIP)
08:38.21Qwellheh, thats almost 3x as much as you stated
08:38.32Qwellbl1tzl1ght: SP?
08:38.36bl1tzl1ghtservice provider
08:38.44bl1tzl1ghtr u in US btw?
08:38.51langalsQwell - I know - not sure why it adds som much overhead
08:38.57Qwellnufone works fine for me
08:39.03Qwellteliax is supposed to be good
08:39.11coppicelangals: if should be rather less than 40k one way. if you want something that is free, and in fairly broad use, GSM is OK. iLBC has a similar bit rate. You might like to try that. a few hard phones support it these days
08:39.14bl1tzl1ghtlangals: add layer 2+3+4 headers ... there's your overhead
08:39.44langalswhat are those headers?
08:39.46bl1tzl1ghtnufone ... IAX or SIP?
08:39.53Qwellbl1tzl1ght: either, I think
08:40.01QwellI use iax with it
08:40.02t0pQWell: okay
08:40.04langalsI am using SIP
08:40.06bl1tzl1ghtwill they give you DID?
08:40.14bl1tzl1ghtlocal DID?
08:40.18Qwellbl1tzl1ght: in michigan, for $8 or so
08:40.27Qwellor a tollfree did, for $0.02/minute incoming
08:40.40QwellI just went with a tollfree...
08:40.47bl1tzl1ghtdid they give you local mich #?
08:41.00Qwellno, I'm too cheap
08:41.30bl1tzl1ghtI'm contemplating whether to go analog CO trunk (with FXO) or pure IP
08:41.47bl1tzl1ghtI want my user to call me using local number
08:41.47Qwellmeh, telcos are overrated
08:41.57Qwellbl1tzl1ght: So get a provider with local dids
08:42.03bl1tzl1ghtyeap, I loathe the taxes
08:42.23Qwellmove to michigan
08:42.36Qwellgotta think outside the box here
08:42.38bl1tzl1ghtlemme see if nufone offers seattle dids
08:42.42QwellThey don't
08:42.45Qwellmichigan only for now
08:43.03Qwelland tollfree
08:43.20bl1tzl1ghtdoes vonage offers SIP/IAX?
08:43.33bl1tzl1ghtthey're in the hot soup now over E911
08:43.36Qwellvonage is locked tighter then <insert random joke that will likely get me in trouble>
08:44.01bl1tzl1ghtthe news becoming hot debate everywhere
08:44.12Shorty`what's this?
08:44.21niZonvonage offers SIP
08:44.25niZonyou have to pay extra though
08:44.34QwellniZon: They offer softphone access.
08:44.42Qwell* isn't a valid softphone, and they'll bust you on it
08:45.10bl1tzl1ghtqwell: as long as your * talking SIP, vonage won't care whether it is a phone or a ip-pbx, right?
08:45.11niZonvonage does certainly suck...
08:45.19Qwellbl1tzl1ght: They definitely care
08:45.32bl1tzl1ghtqwell: how can they tell the diff?
08:45.37*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
08:45.42QwellThey just can.
08:45.48QwellDon't ask me technical questions right now. ;/
08:45.53bl1tzl1ghtqwell: if you're using the same credentials as your phone
08:46.04QwellThey'll know, and people have been called on it
08:46.06bl1tzl1ghtqwell :) sorry ... just can't help
08:46.18QwellSIP headers and all that
08:46.36niZonany way to alter the headers? :P
08:46.38Qwellpoint is...
08:46.44Qwellif vonage doesn't want me to use *
08:46.47QwellWhy should I use vonage?
08:47.04Qwellsame with broadvoice
08:47.09bl1tzl1ghtI thought I read somewhere the list of SP/CO that offers * trunking over IP
08:47.17bl1tzl1ghtmay be at
08:47.27niZoni thougt BV let you use your own equipment..
08:47.54QwellniZon: They do.  Ever pay attention at how many people complain that BV doesn't work anymore?  Random intervals, BV and * simply won't work together
08:48.18QwellThey don't like asterisk
08:48.23bl1tzl1ghtqwell: have u ever wrote custom IVR apps on *?
08:48.35bl1tzl1ghtqwell: with external database query, and all that jazz?
08:48.36Qwellbl1tzl1ght: ivr apps?  technically, sure
08:48.44Qwellok, I need sleep
08:48.55bl1tzl1ghtqwell: ok ... have a good one! :)
08:49.03t0pQWell: what's time over there?
08:49.20t0pit's 15:50 here
08:49.38Qwelltime doesn't matter when you've been up 40 hours
08:49.52bl1tzl1ghttop: where r u at?
08:50.04t0pbl1tzl1ght: Thailand I was saying over an hour ago...
08:50.15t0pbl1tzl1ght: and yourself?
08:50.30bl1tzl1ghttop: bangkok?
08:50.48t0pQWell: you better go and get some sleep man
08:51.08t0pbl1tzl1ght: yeah, Bangkok. been here before?
08:51.47bl1tzl1ghttop: yeap ... been to (I'm not sure how to spell it right) ... jatucak market? where you can buy pets and lots of "interesting" items ;)
08:52.38*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (~w0w0@
08:52.39t0pHuh, as a matter of facts I only went there a couple of times
08:52.50bl1tzl1ghtis that the right spelling?
08:52.53zoai was also in bangkok before
08:53.33bl1tzl1ghtbangkok is very very similar like jakarta
08:53.33t0pJatuchak is probably a better spelling
08:53.45bl1tzl1ghtthere you go ... I missed the "h"
08:53.55t0pzoa: really
08:54.10bl1tzl1ghttop: r they lots of * anthusiast in bangkok?
08:54.13t0pzoa: on your vacation?
08:54.19zoaa long time ago yes
08:54.23zoai really loved the country
08:54.28zoabest travel ever
08:54.29t0pbl1tzl1ght: don't know really
08:54.35zoaalthough too hot :)
08:54.55zoai went to some 'acca' tribe or so
08:55.01t0pbl1tzl1ght: I just heard of it from a french friend
08:55.04zoaprobably now its already a big tourist attraction
08:55.07zoabut back then it was not
08:55.17zoabut great fun
08:55.17bl1tzl1ghtI can't take the traffic jam
08:55.33t0pzoa: You mean the northern part?
08:55.38zoathose 3 wheel things are crazy as hell
08:55.40bl1tzl1ghtthat makes seattle traffic jam looks better
08:55.42t0pzoa: on the moutain
08:55.44zoadunno it was some hill tribe
08:56.00zoathey lived on the top of a mountain and only washes themselves once a year orso
08:56.10zoafun thing there
08:56.16zoai needed to go to the toilet
08:56.23t0pbl1tzl1ght: how long have you known * by the way
08:56.23zoathey told me take a big piece of wood
08:56.25zoai didnt know why
08:56.28zoabut i took one
08:56.35bl1tzl1ghttop: 10 yrs ago :D
08:56.56zoaas soon as the first piece of sh*t hit the ground, suddenly wild pigs come from all over the place
08:56.58bl1tzl1ghtoh! sorry I thought you're asking how long ago was that when I was in bkk
08:56.59zoatrying to eat it
08:57.01zoadamn scary
08:57.07t0pzoa: my hometown's located on the northern part also
08:57.16bl1tzl1ghttop: just a few days
08:57.44zoathai people always smile
08:57.53zoai went to india the next year
08:57.55bl1tzl1ghtzoa: most asian does
08:57.57zoathat sucked bigtime
08:57.59zoano no
08:58.02t0pzoa: yeah typically
08:58.03zoanot most asians
08:58.05zoago to india
08:58.14zoai dont think i saw a single smile there
08:58.17bl1tzl1ghtwell ... south east asian then :)
08:58.27bl1tzl1ghtmalaysia, thailand, indonesia
08:58.35bl1tzl1ghtcount Singapore out!
08:58.41bl1tzl1ghtthey're too stressful to smile :D
08:58.43coppicezoa: india has great food, and nasty dysentry :-)
08:58.53t0pI always do *grins*
08:58.55zoagreat food and even better diarrhea the next day
08:59.00zoai was never as sick as back then
08:59.24t0pquite spicy for you i guess
08:59.33bl1tzl1ghtzoa + top: have you install h323 on *?
08:59.37coppicezoa: I only ever had trouble once in india, but it put me in hospital for a couple of days when I got home :-(
08:59.48zoasome more pressure inside me and shell would stop by to start drilling for gas
08:59.54t0pbl1tzl1ght: I am just starting with SIP
09:00.06coppicet0p: the food in india is not that spicy
09:00.27zoayeah they just have the same habit to put some herb in there tasting like soap
09:00.31bl1tzl1ghttop: rather hard to find the how-to article for h323 on * ...
09:00.31zoajust like the thai people
09:00.58zoabl1tzl1ght: i did several times
09:00.59bl1tzl1ghtI love thai food *yum* *yum*
09:01.02zoait doesnt work
09:01.07bl1tzl1ghtzoa: did you? what did u use???
09:01.10t0pzoa: I still feel the diffrence between Thai and Indian food
09:01.11zoano need for a howto
09:01.36bl1tzl1ghtthai & indian food? they are waaay different
09:01.41t0pprobably the taste of herbs they use
09:02.03coppicesouthern indian food is somewhat liek thai. northern indian is quite different
09:02.21t0pcoppice: i see
09:02.50bl1tzl1ghtmy fav indian food is butter chicken
09:03.05bl1tzl1ghtwith fresh naan!
09:03.23t0pbl1tzl1ght: seems you've tested many kinds of food
09:03.28bl1tzl1ghtbut it's bad for the low carb dieters ...
09:03.48bl1tzl1ghttop: kinda like trying food from different countries :)
09:04.14zoathere is only one country with really bad food
09:04.16zoathe US
09:04.20t0pbl1tzl1ght: been to India also?
09:04.27coppiceif you like really spicy food, china is the place to go
09:04.42bl1tzl1ghttop: not yet ... but believe it or not ... lots of american migrating to india
09:05.16t0pbl1tzl1ght: never know that
09:05.19bl1tzl1ghtzoa: you have foods from all over the globe though ...
09:05.35zoayeah true
09:05.38zoaimitation foods :p
09:05.49t0pcoppice: I personally don't think chinese food is spice
09:05.49coppiceseldom much like the real thing, though
09:05.50zoaUS chinese probably doesnt taste like chinese
09:05.50bl1tzl1ghttop: lots of lay off here in US ... and lots of outsourcing to India ... so they go also
09:06.04bl1tzl1ghtzoa: where u at?
09:06.10zoanow bulgaria
09:06.15coppicet0p: you haven't tried the right regions of china, then :-)
09:06.15zoabut normally im in belgiun
09:06.25zoawhich is like french cuisine :)
09:06.42bl1tzl1ghtzoa: anterwept is in belgium, isn't it?
09:06.56zoaits spelled antwerp:)
09:07.11bl1tzl1ghthehehe ... sorry ... it's been a while ...
09:07.21bl1tzl1ghtbrussel!!! I remember that
09:07.22zoamax distance betweeen two points in belgium is 300kms i think
09:07.31t0pcoppice: probably not, 'cause I've never tasted spicy chinese food in thailand
09:07.42coppicehanoi is the place for the most delicious food in the world. Gwei Lin is probably the place for the hottest
09:07.51zoaok, its noon here, time to go to work
09:08.04bl1tzl1ghtbye zoa
09:08.12zoalets test how many calls we can do on a dual "p4" :p
09:08.27zoain case someone reads the biz list
09:08.31bl1tzl1ghtzoa: have u done any stress test before on * ?
09:08.41t0pzoa: are you originally from belgium
09:08.46bl1tzl1ghtlike loading hundreds off call on *?
09:09.01zoabl1tzl1ght: check
09:09.07*** join/#asterisk Zulop (
09:09.08zoai spent months on it so far
09:09.19zoaim originally from belgium
09:09.24zoastill spend one week a month there or so
09:09.28zoabut work as expat now
09:09.41bl1tzl1ghtzoa: r u writing *-based applications?
09:09.51zoabl1tzl1ght != blitzrage ?
09:09.56bl1tzl1ghtthat's not me
09:09.58zoanot me but my company is
09:10.23bl1tzl1ghtthat's an exciting company to work for
09:10.25zoathat reminds me
09:10.33zoathis week is zaptel week
09:10.43zoaanyone requiring zaptel work / installation / help
09:10.48bl1tzl1ghtin bulgaria?
09:10.49zoawe offer it at 15$ / hr
09:10.51zoathis week only
09:11.12zoaits done by a trainee under my supervision
09:11.13bl1tzl1ghtand the calls will be directed to you? :P
09:11.22zoaso it wont be done as fast as a 300$ consultant
09:11.33zoait want to give the guys some more hands on experience
09:11.59bl1tzl1ghtso you're the driver coder?
09:12.02zoaand i wont give em the right solution right away, just make sure they dont fuckup anything
09:12.09zoano im not much of a coder
09:12.45bl1tzl1ghtthe driver coder normally is the one who really know inside-out
09:12.55bl1tzl1ghthow the thing works, and why it behaves as such
09:12.57*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
09:14.05zoaat least hes the one who know hows it supposed to work
09:14.10zoamattf is the zaptel driver coder
09:14.46langalsHi there. Wondering if someone could assist me....I am using SIP with Asterisk. The server seems to ask for re-registration from the clients connected every 15 seconds. Is there a need for this and can I increase this time?
09:14.54zoaand mark spencer of course
09:15.04zoaasterisk does not ask it
09:15.16zoaits the devices doing it
09:15.19zoalook at sip.conf
09:15.26zoaand your devices config
09:15.26langalswhat device?
09:15.33zoaphone or clients
09:15.53langalsoh - ok. thanks
09:16.06*** join/#asterisk stifl3r (
09:16.25*** join/#asterisk al__2 (~ldli6@
09:16.43al__2help please, how do i restore backup file I have on a cd into asterisk@home?
09:16.55zoaim off
09:17.02bl1tzl1ghtbye zoa
09:17.19bl1tzl1ghttime to go
09:17.22bl1tzl1ghtbye all
09:17.27langalsI have another question. I am wanting to add cliients dymanically to sip.conf when they sign up. Is there perhaps some kind of database that one could write client info to, or would one have to automatically add to the sip.conf and extensions.conf file?
09:17.51al__2help please, how do i restore backup file I have on a cd into asterisk@home?
09:18.52*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
09:19.05al__2help please, how do i restore backup file I have on a cd into asterisk@home?
09:19.07ZulopHi there. After installing the standard ISDN (internal&external)/SIP/SIP-clients Asterisk, I am wondering how asterisk can be configured to be more managemable? In the dialplan, I was planing on assiging seperate numbers to every device, but let the users use different quickdial numbers which let more than one phone ring. example: homephone rings at ISDN and also at SIP which i can pick up @work. With the dial cmd this works nicely just i ha
09:19.07Zulopve to define these statemens multiple time in extension.conf. Instead can I do a "parallel" goto to 2+ destinations, so that these phones would ring parallel?
09:20.19Zuloplangals: there are mysql and ldap extensions
09:22.42*** join/#asterisk nesys (
09:22.47nesyshi folks :)
09:23.06nesyswhat the difference between VoiceMailMain and voicemail per user ?
09:23.41langalsZulop - great. do you know where I could find them  - are they difficult to implement and use?
09:24.27ZeeekZulop do some reading, what you want to do is easy
09:24.31ZeeekStarter tutorial:
09:24.31ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
09:25.07Zuloplangals: for starting u up: use the search function of that wiki
09:25.36Zeeekto ring more than one phone at once Dial(ZAP/1&ZAP/2&SIP/2000)
09:25.38langalsZulop - thanks for the help
09:25.45ZulopZeek: thanks. I did my rtfm already. just i dont understand how i can implement this feature. found no examples....
09:25.59Zeeekthat example is in every one of the above docs!
09:27.17ZulopZeek: yep, that is what i have runinng. but i dont want it this way
09:27.47Zeeekyou said ring more than opne phone at once
09:27.54Zeeekwhat exactly do you want?
09:28.13Zulopi want to have exten => 88171,1,Dial(CAPI/1817,60,tr) and then exten => 88171,1,Dial(SIP/1711,60,trg) and then in a different context just point to them parallel
09:28.50Zulopit should have been:  exten => 88171,1,Dial(CAPI/1817,60,tr) and then exten => 88271,1,Dial(SIP/1711,60,trg)
09:29.05Zeeekwhat effect are you trying to achieve?
09:29.40Zeeeksince thetre is no real manual by the way, RTFM is something I'd never say :)
09:29.52*** part/#asterisk trogs (
09:29.57Zeeekmore appropriate would be DSFR
09:29.59Zulopwell i want to have one quickdial number which everybody remembers easily like 1000, then i want thery phone to have its own number so i can use different extra features with that numbers
09:30.34Zeeekstill not clear what is spposed to happen when they dial 1000
09:31.25*** join/#asterisk linagee (
09:32.17linageewoot. i think my voip server will finally now work. it's no longer behind NAT, so i think 99% of problems will now be solved. :)
09:32.25Zulopok: from any phone i dial 1000, asterisk now knows "i have to dial internal number 88171 and 88271. Oh, ok that means i need to call CAPI 1817 and SIP 1711". therefore i just need to change the quickdial context if a user changes his location.
09:32.50al__2help please, how do i restore backup file I have on a cd into asterisk@home?
09:32.51Zeeekyou mean like follow me?
09:33.15Zulopsort of, yes. but parallel follow me that means all phone ring at the same time
09:33.43Zeeekare all phones always the same?
09:33.58Zulopsorry. i dont understand that question
09:34.00Zeeekfor example, I have SIP/2000 and IAX2/2000 and ZAP/1
09:34.11ZeeekI set up 1000 to ring  those?
09:34.39Zulopwell i would want to have a middle layer between those, for example:
09:34.56Zulopthose are mapped to 88971, 71671, 18618
09:35.03ZulopI set up 1000 to ring
09:36.01Zeeekfor some reason I can't understand the point, which makes it hard to see a good solution
09:36.01Zulopso i can call them seperately for other applications, like dooropener, which doesnt really make sense if you are @sipphone on the other side of the world
09:36.25Zulopso i can call them seperately for other applications, like dooropener, which doesnt really make sense if you are @sipphone on the other side of the world
09:38.39al__2help please, how do i restore backup file I have on a cd into asterisk@home?
09:38.41*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
09:39.00*** join/#asterisk Zulop (
09:39.09Zulopsorry, my x somehow went down
09:39.31ZulopZeek: could you please cut and paste the above links again for me?
09:39.37ZeeekStarter tutorial:
09:39.38ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
09:40.10julianjmal__2: what if you type: help-aah
09:40.20Zeeekwhat is the part that puzzles you? I can't understand what you want to do, but if you knew what was missing...
09:41.09*** join/#asterisk Supaplex (supaplex@
09:41.17ZeeekZulop for example, you know you can store stuff like stings in the astdb and then pull them out, change them, use them to dial
09:41.25julianjmal__2: restore-aah restore from a backup   i'm not using AAH, but a simple google search found that command
09:41.27Zeeekthat's the way most follow me stuff works
09:41.53Zeeekyeah those easy installs are a double-edged sword
09:41.57*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
09:42.14Zeeekonce it's installed you're kinda screwed if anything happens and you don't know how it works
09:42.34Zeeekanyone useing any IAX hardphones?
09:42.56al__2julian i tried use: cp filename /root/filename , but how to target the cp file is from CDrom?
09:44.46Zulopok. i 'll try to be more describtive. for easy management i thought i would be very helpfull not to define stuff redudantly. therefore my dialplan specifies that every device has its own internal phone number. this number is defined within asterisk. it maps internalnumber on hardware layer. then i have extra features like a door opener, which for example talks just to specific phone which are local (CAPI or ZAP). then i have people with movi
09:44.46Zulopng locations, which should be reachable with one quickdial number. therefore i would just have to map quickdial number to internal number(location) and no need to change more, if a person chnages his location.
09:46.01*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
09:46.29Zeeekhow do you know where the person is (the ones that move)?
09:46.35Zeeekdo they check in?
09:47.17Zulopwell because it sits at one desk where there is a hardwire phone. otherwise he will be reachable via sip
09:47.31Zulopthe hardwire phone will have its own features.
09:47.40Zuloplike at front desk it can openthe door
09:47.52Zeeekand you want the hardphone to ring even when you know they aren't there?
09:48.03Zulopyep. that is not a problem
09:48.11Zeeekbut is it desirable?
09:48.45PoWeRKiLLI think there is a bug in the manager socket after lot of connection * get locked someone already experience that ?
09:49.08Zulopyep. because otherwise i would have to tell them to make their phones inactive and when they forget the stuff wont work right. so i think the easies solution would be, to just let it ring
09:49.23ZeeekPoWeRKiLL I use the manager a lot now and no I haven't. But connection from one point, not many here
09:49.40Blackvelwhere are the AGI gods? :)
09:49.49ZeeekZulop what about checking to see if their SIP client is registered? Wouldthat help you?
09:50.18Blackveldo I have to manually code in the AGI BUSY, HANGUP to give a client feedback?
09:50.53Blackvelfor the moment, my AGI does DIAL and the SIP (x-client) has a dail-tone forever :)
09:51.06ZeeekZulop in fact, I sometimes do this with IAX clients. Check if they are registered and if not, go right to vmail rather than ring them
09:51.57ZulopZeek: well, that would be an option, but i would prefer to let the phones ring. Otherwise i might get migration problems. since sip is starting now and since it is new nobody trusts it much.
09:52.19Zeeekthe SIP phones won't ring if not registered
09:52.26Zeeekor unreachable
09:52.48Zeeekthey will return an unavailable at channel creation time
09:52.56Zeeekchannel will fail
09:53.29Zulopyes, i know. thats why phones plus sip should ring parallel. which works now. not a problem, but i would be more happy if i could configure it the other way around to make it easier to handle
09:53.58Zulopthe thing with checking so see if online would be great the next step, when i am connecting 3 asterisk together
09:54.05PoWeRKiLLZeeek I also use each minute from the same host to get sip show peer and after 2 or 3 day I suddently got a lot of tcp open connection
09:54.06ZeeekI still can't figure out what exactly you are trying to do that you can't do... what is the mechanism that you feel is missing?
09:54.34ZeeekI asked you about the astdb before, you didn't say
09:55.12Zulopsomething with goto which i can do with dial. goto this style: goto(sipphones,1818,1&isdnphones,1726,1)
09:55.33Zeeeklook up Local/ on the wiki
09:55.37Zulopi dont know astdb
09:55.53Zeeekastdb is the way you store permanent "variables" in a database
09:56.03Zeeekdbget dbput
09:56.11Zeeeklook 'em up with show applications
09:56.30ZeeekLocal channel will do what you want I think
09:56.34*** join/#asterisk implicit (
09:57.41ZeeekPoWeRKiLL are you logging in multiple times and not logging out?
09:58.32ZulopZeek: THANKS!! Local/ is the thing that was missing :-)
09:58.44Zeeekit's not an obvious thing
09:59.14Zulopi will try that out and check back soon. Thanks again!
10:00.33BlackvelDIALSTATUS    The status of the call as a text string, one of
10:00.37Blackvelwhat does that mean for DIAL?
10:00.53*** join/#asterisk Dutts (~dutts@
10:00.54Blackvelshould I read DIALSTATUS variable in my AGI?
10:02.53PoWeRKiLLZeeek yes I'm logging each time I need but I'm also logging out each minute
10:06.47PoWeRKiLLZeeek I've done a Perl script that connect execute a command then loggout
10:09.08*** join/#asterisk Hasse (
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10:10.56bonbon-homeguys, does anyone know whether 2 instances of SER can interact with 1 database?
10:13.12langalshi there...when I start asterisk in debug mode I always get an error - everything still works, but it is annoying says: WARNING[15556]: chan_oss:269 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable. Is this something to do with my sound card?
10:13.21*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
10:13.39tainted-what does Call missing call ID mean/
10:15.35Duttssorry, ot but I'm a linux noob..... which is the best file to stick asterisk in so it starts up automatically on machine startup?
10:15.42DuttsI'm on RedHat
10:16.20crash3m_how was asterisk installed?
10:16.51Duttsdownlaoded and comiled from cvs
10:17.02Duttscompiled even sorry it's early, fingers stopped working!
10:17.07*** join/#asterisk eryco (~eryco@
10:17.23Duttsguess I need a linux equivalent of autoexec.bat?
10:19.21ZeeekDutts see the "automated" link below
10:19.22crash3m_should be in /etc if I'm guessing redhat right
10:19.23ZeeekStarter tutorial:
10:19.23ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
10:20.18Zeeeklangals you need to put noload= for the oss module that complains
10:20.54langalsin the chan_oss.c file?
10:21.05Zeeekya unless you need it
10:21.34erycodoes one really need a T1 line to use asterisk's hardware
10:21.47Zeeekwhat hardware?
10:22.00erycothe pbx cards
10:22.03Blackvelare there sooo less AGI programmers around?
10:22.21Zeeektoo early!
10:22.23*** join/#asterisk cjk_ (~cjk@
10:22.51cjk_does the voice traffic of iax-2-iax passse through *?
10:23.19*** join/#asterisk linagee (
10:23.31linageeok, wtf. why does my inbound calls still not work? :(
10:24.45*** join/#asterisk zoa (
10:24.50Zeeeklinagee should we guess the problem or are you going to describe it?
10:25.32linageeZeeek: before i think it was a nat thing. this time round, i have it with it's own hostname and internet routable IP and everything
10:25.45Zeeekand the problem is?
10:26.17linageeZeeek: i get my upstream provider's voicemail. asterisk is still rejecting the calls. :(
10:26.29DuttsZeeek - cheers, the automated link was the one I folloed to installit in the first place... it just doesn't tell me how to auto-load asterisk on machine startup, I'll check out the other two tho
10:26.55ZeeekDutts yeah I noticed that, sorry! check the wiki, I'm sure it's there
10:26.59langalsZeek - so I would put noload=chan_oss.c in /asterisk/modules.conf?
10:27.12Zeeeklangals ya
10:27.16langalsZeek - what does OSS do?
10:27.19langalsjust curious
10:27.22Zeeekno idea
10:27.32langalsok - but it is obviously not needed
10:27.38Zeeekbut since it isn't working  you'll only notice there's no more error
10:27.48ZeeekI believe it's the sound console
10:28.14ZeeekI think there are two of those alsa and that one? Not sure tho
10:28.19ZeeekI don't have a sound card
10:28.31cjk_Zeeek, thanks
10:28.43Zeeekyou could have found those cjk_
10:28.48cjk_anyone here who played with the junghanns bri cards?
10:29.52cjk_Zeeek, ypu, but i still have problems to understand
10:30.16Blackvelcjk_: only with zaphfc without quadbri
10:32.05*** part/#asterisk topping (
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10:34.37cjk_Zeeek, the link you posted me is a transfer scenario. i mean, is there a canreinvite parameter for iax?
10:34.50*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
10:35.09Blackvelhow come
10:35.09Zeeekcjk_ there is and it is mentioned on the wiki. It's time to do your research now
10:35.21Blackvelasterisk does not send the AGI variables in one step to AGI?
10:35.25Blackvelbut I have 2 steps
10:35.43Blackvelare there any ways to optimize it for 1 step?
10:35.44Zeeekcjk_ I saw this today looking for something else so I dion't have the answer
10:36.10langalsZeeek - thanks, it got rid of the error
10:36.20Zeeekheh one less then
10:37.22*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
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10:40.50Zeeeklangals do you have a sound card?
10:41.30PoWeRKiLLsomeone have a solution for this problem ?
10:45.25langalsZeeek - on the server? think so
10:45.49ZeeekI was just curious because that error question come up often
10:45.56ZeeekI'm sure I had it
10:46.06langalsZeeek - not sure if the sound card is enabled, though
10:46.20Zeeekya, I think it hasd to do with driver not loaded
10:46.27langalsZeeek - I have another question....
10:46.29Zeeekso it appears unavailable to asterisk
10:46.40ZeeekI hope I have another answer
10:46.47cjk_hi, if i change sip.conf i have to do "sip reload" anything similar for iax?
10:46.57langalsBut Asterisk does not need a sound card, does it?
10:46.57Zeeekcjk_ ya, RELAOD
10:47.12Zeeeklangals not at all - which confused me at first too
10:47.24Zeeekit can be used as a pageing intercom though
10:47.29langalsZeeek - another question......
10:47.34RaYmAn-Bxlangals: it's just the default config that doesn't have a noload for oss..which it should because you can't expect people running asterisk to have soundcards (imho)
10:48.01cjk_Zeeek, so i need to reload the whole * just for a change in my iax peers
10:48.19Zeeekcjk_ type reload forget the philosophical aspects
10:48.24zoaor you could do reload
10:48.38zoaand praise the lord
10:48.44Zeeekand pass the potatoes
10:49.37langalsZeeek: I want users to be able to dymanically sign up to use the Asterisk server via a website. That means either automatically writing to the sip.conf & exentsions.conf files, or using mysql and the loading this into the scripts......
10:50.04langalsZeeek: now, does one not have to reload Asterisk when more users are added?
10:50.18Zeeekyou'd have to reload sip
10:50.30zoain the shell
10:50.30Zeeekbut I just saw something about "createpeer"
10:50.37langalsCan one automatically reload sip when a new user is added?
10:50.39zoaasterisk -rx "reload now"
10:50.51zoathe createpeer is different
10:50.53zoai think
10:50.55langalsCould I call that from a php page?
10:51.14Zeeekdepends on what is running as root
10:51.29Zeeekif it's sip, sip reload will do
10:51.38langalsAnd, if I reload won't that stop meetme conferences that are running?
10:51.46ZeeekI used to do this in a dyndns script in PHP in fact
10:51.54PoWeRKiLLyes langals use sudo to run asterisk -rx "sip reload"
10:51.55ZeeekI don't believe so
10:52.09PoWeRKiLLfrom your phpscript
10:52.18Zeeekas in system()
10:52.29langalsthanks guys - I will try that
10:52.37PoWeRKiLLlet's write the complete code Zeeek :)
10:53.06Zeeekwouldn't it be system("sudo asterisk -rx 'sip reload'");
10:53.30PoWeRKiLLand add to /etc/sudoers
10:53.33Zeeekand put the dynamically created sip firends in an include file
10:53.37PoWeRKiLLapache    ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/asterisk
10:54.22PoWeRKiLLZeeek do you know about this problem ?
10:56.11PoWeRKiLLIt's a bug when implementing call forwarding like this
10:56.59langalsPoWeRKiLL - are there any security compromises with allowing this (sip reload from php)?
10:57.49PoWeRKiLLPoWeRKiLL if the script is protected coorectly with .htaccess or good php authentication system it's should be ok
10:57.58PoWeRKiLLlangals !
10:59.25langalsPoWeRKiLL - thanks -  I might be on this forum again when putting this thing on the internet :-)
10:59.52PoWeRKiLLlangals come back when you want :)
11:00.14langalsPoWeRKiLL  - thanks - appreciate it
11:00.22Zeeekthere will be a small charge for returns :)
11:00.47ZeeekPoWeRKiLL are you in paris?
11:01.49cjk_whats the difference between type=friend and type=user in iax.conf
11:01.57RaYmAn-Bxlangals: if other people have access to the server (either indirect through php or similar or shell access) it is a security risk..Anyone would be able to restart the server or shut it down or whatever
11:02.20Zeeekcjk_ that answer is in the config samples!
11:02.33RaYmAn-Bxpersonally I'd prefer a semi-realtime system that runs a cronjob every 15-30 minutes and simple tell customers that there is a delay of maximum x minutes...
11:02.58langalsRaYmAn-Bx - but can I not password protect this?
11:02.59ZeeekRaYmAn-Bx very good  idea
11:03.16PoWeRKiLLYes Zeeek how do you that ?
11:03.24cjk_Zeeek, sorry i can find type=peer and type=user but not type=friend
11:03.26Zeeekdo what?
11:03.27langalsok - that seems like a good idea
11:05.25*** join/#asterisk zebigboss (~zebigboss@3696568c8dda5eb9.node.tor)
11:06.06langalsWould you guys say it would be better to write client info to a database, and then load that into the text file every time, or write stuff straight to the text file in the first place?
11:06.49RaYmAn-Bxit might be easier to administrate (automatically/from a webpage) if it gets put into a database first
11:07.20ZeeekI'd say if you are gonna have a lot of users, db is the only good way
11:07.27ZeeekI don't use it
11:07.50langalsIt would be better from an administrative point of view, but then everything would need to be loaded into a text file every time a new user signs up
11:08.11Zeeekthere are existing addons for all that
11:09.05langalsI would actually prefer to custom write something - think it should be fairly straightforward
11:09.28langalsjust read from db, write it into a text file, and then include this in sip.conf
11:11.45newlLike this? :)
11:21.46*** join/#asterisk Darwin[laptop] (
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11:37.58t0pAnyone come across this compilation error?
11:38.06t0p'/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lidn'
11:38.20t0pcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
11:38.21t0pmake[1]: *** [] Error 1
11:38.21t0pmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/asterisk/apps'
11:38.21t0pmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
11:39.08*** join/#asterisk AppyM (
11:39.08Darwin[laptop]sounds like a path or a lib is missing
11:39.18Darwin[laptop]locate idn
11:39.38Darwin[laptop]then in the makefile add -L and the patth
11:40.25Darwin[laptop]on the line with the -lidn on it
11:40.36t0pit said "warning: locate: could not open database: /var/lib/slocate/slocate.db: No such file or directory"
11:40.52*** join/#asterisk widi_c (~asdasd@
11:41.39Darwin[laptop]your system needs work
11:41.39t0pi'm running "updatedb" now
11:42.39t0pkinda take time, i'm running it on intel Celeron 1.3
11:45.26*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
11:45.59widi_chy folks, anyone in with aastra 480i telephones?
12:02.43*** join/#asterisk riksta (
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12:08.28langalsEvery 15 seconds my client seems to re-register and in the sip debug window it comes up with "Scheduling destruction of call '...............@ip in 15000ms, Destroying call '.................@ip. And this is a client thing?
12:14.13*** join/#asterisk riksta (
12:18.15*** join/#asterisk DHuang (~DHuang@
12:20.44DHuangif you registered 2 FWD number, how to find out which one the outside user is calling?
12:22.41DHuangany idea?
12:23.54*** join/#asterisk jeffik (~jeffik@
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12:36.17tainted-what is this: Mar 28 04:35:39 WARNING[7799]: chan_sip.c:2401 find_call: Call missing call ID from
12:37.02*** part/#asterisk DHuang (~DHuang@
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12:44.06file[laptop]tainted-: corrupted SIP message, there's no callid
12:44.50*** join/#asterisk yaboo (~jsirucka@
12:45.28tainted-file[laptop] what if the provider doesn't need callid?
12:46.03tainted-any way to supress warning message?
12:48.10*** join/#asterisk fedor (
12:48.59jakepdevtainted - I think what you're looking for is in here:
12:49.15jakepdevunless - are you using zaptel?
12:49.30jakepdevor other hardware?
12:49.54jakepdevor IAX?
12:50.21file[laptop]tainted-: you *need* callid
12:50.26file[laptop]it's not something you can't have
12:50.46jakepdevfile - I know I can make it not required in certain cases
12:51.04file[laptop]it distinctly defines a call
12:51.22jakepdevthere's a way to make it not reuire caller id
12:51.32file[laptop]callid and callerid are two different things
12:51.44file[laptop]callid is a unique string given to identify the call
12:51.51file[laptop]that's what is missing from tainted's SIP message
12:52.01jakepdevright - why would someone not want a call id?
12:52.02Blackvelwho do you parse DIAL AGI returns?
12:52.11file[laptop]you HAVE to have it
12:52.15file[laptop]otherwise your SIP message is useless
12:52.17jakepdevfile - agreed
12:52.33jakepdevBlackvel - it's all pretty much the same
12:52.55jakepdev~google AGI documentation
12:54.23Blackveljakepdev: well the thing is, application DIAL returns 0 either if the called party is BUSY or there is a timeout (nobody picked up the phone)
12:54.29Blackvelso how do I know?
12:54.53Blackvelparse the DIALSTATUS variable?
12:55.46jakepdevblackvel - that looks like it'll work
12:56.11file[laptop]where I should go get ready
12:56.14file[laptop]leaving in 5-10 minutes
12:56.58Blackveljakepdev: and I can parse the variables after the EXEC DIAL? and after I got the reply 200 return=0?
12:57.06Blackvelmaybe I need to test it ;)
12:57.20jakepdevnever hurts
12:59.02Blackvelto be it even seems
12:59.14BlackvelI have to handle in AGI if I want to send a BUSY, HANGUP or something else
12:59.25Blackvelotherwise the x-client keeps endless ringing ;)
12:59.26jakepdevdid you try it?
12:59.37Blackvelxlite doesnt hangup anymore :)
12:59.41Blackvelring tone forever hehe
13:00.15jakepdevyep.  one you get into AGI, AGI has control
13:00.34jakepdevgotta do everything in there - from my limited knowledge
13:00.43Blackveljupp, seems so
13:01.59*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:06.18Blackvelits monday
13:06.25Blackvelhow come there are so many ppl active?
13:06.32Blackveldo you have spare time at all? :)
13:07.01Wonkait's easter...
13:07.08*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
13:07.14Blackvelbut why do you sit in front of your pc? :)
13:07.24Wonkawhy not?
13:07.33Wonkadoing things i like
13:08.16jakepdevi'm working - ain't easter for me
13:09.41*** join/#asterisk Malthus (
13:10.12Blackvelwonka :)
13:10.25Blackveljakepdev: too bad
13:10.31Blackvelwell if you can money, why not :)
13:10.37Blackvelcan make
13:10.56rikstais there a built in function to turn an array of ints into a CSV string?
13:15.50Malthushi all
13:15.57*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
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13:16.14Malthusis there a seprate channel for support questions?
13:16.36MalthusI meant irc channel
13:16.36rikstaerr wrong chan :P
13:16.39riksta(for me)
13:16.46tzangermalcolmd: there isn't one
13:16.56Malthusor I ask stuff here
13:17.13tzangersure but if it's a support issue for their cards you should email them -- you did, after all, pay for the support
13:17.40Malthusno TDM portion of my asterisk use
13:17.48Malthusso no Digium cards
13:18.00jakepdevanyone know of a hybrid POTS/IP?  I know services that have failover - but any with both active at the same time?
13:18.00tzanger?  how about you just ask and we'll see what we can do.  :-)
13:18.14tzangerI do that
13:18.17tzangerjakepdev: ^^
13:18.19MalthusI am trying to connect to a h323 termination provider
13:18.29tzangerI have a PRI and I also terminate and originate VOIP
13:18.37jakepdevtzanger - as a service provider?
13:18.51MalthusI just set up a h323 chan in extensions.conf?
13:18.51tzangerjakepdev: yes in a small sense of the word.  :-)
13:19.01tzangerMalthus: h323 is a very tricky beast
13:19.17jakepdevtzanger - so you just do it for yourself?
13:19.18MalthusI realized!
13:19.20tzangerMalthus: I have no direct experience on it myself aside from some stuff I did probably 3 years ago with oh323 (and I never got it working well anyway)
13:19.27tzangerjakepdev: no I have several customers
13:19.39jakepdevhave a rate chart?
13:19.39MalthusI ran in to the horrific openh323 parsing bug
13:20.01tzangerjakepdev: not really, I don't offer termination except for local businesses
13:20.09jakepdevunderstood :)
13:20.24jakepdevdo you know anyone that does?
13:20.28Malthusupgrading didn't fix the bug, but I found found a workaround
13:20.31tzangerjakepdev: if you're looking for solid termination try nufone.  As for origination they do SOME but only for one or two NPA/NXXes IIRC (I don't use their origination since I don't need any)
13:20.41tzangerbut I terminate almost all my VOIP through them
13:21.00tzangerMalthus: hmm...  I'm not sure what to tell you :-)
13:21.21Malthusjakepdev : there quite a few iax2 termination providers
13:21.30jakepdevyep - just like the sound of POTS, but would like the option if I'm on a POTS call to use IP
13:21.43tzangerevery origination provider I've tried has sucked enormous donkey balls.  I have a DID with SixTel ( and it works reasonably well but trying to get it set up was horriffic
13:21.44Malthusunfortunately nufone has 'no new customers at this time' on their website
13:21.51jakepdevi'm a nufone customer
13:22.08MalthusI use voipjet
13:22.08tzangerMalthus: really?  damn I'll have to ask jj what's up
13:22.19Malthusbut there are a couple others
13:22.32Malthustzanger : for a while now
13:22.33*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
13:22.35tzangeroh yeah I forgot he was upgrading his system
13:22.38*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
13:22.40jakepdevand a sixtel customer
13:22.50jakepdevboth work - but
13:22.52Malthushow is sixtel?
13:22.55tzangerI wonder if he ran into some torubles
13:22.56*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
13:23.08jakepdevsixtel quality is good also
13:23.09tzangersixtel seems to work but their iax service is up and down more than a bride's nightie
13:23.21MalthusI need 800 origination
13:23.25tzangerthey use Group Telecom for their DIDs in my areas and I'm very familliar with GT
13:23.55jakepdevjust wish I could get inbound to ring VOIP/POTS at the same time
13:24.07tzangerjakepdev: why can't you?
13:24.19jakepdevwith NuFone?
13:24.20tzangersomeone calls you ring both your FXS and VOIP interfaces
13:24.38tzangeror do you mean ring your original POTS line too
13:24.46Malthusjakepdev : make te POTS a zap channel in asterisk
13:24.57tzangerMalthus: that's not what he wants, I don't think
13:25.06tzangerhe's got a number from his telco and a number from nufone
13:25.14jakepdevtzanger - correct
13:25.18tzangerwhen nufone rings him he wants his POTS line to ring too (seems silly to me, but hey)
13:25.28jakepdevjust like the sound of POTS
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13:25.44jakepdevno delay, etc
13:25.55pigpensounds like a function that vonage offers...
13:26.27Malthusif you are accepting a VOIP call over POTS
13:26.43Malthusyou'll have the disadvantages of VOIP anyway
13:26.53jakepdevMalthus - not interested in VOIP calls over POTS
13:27.02Malthusthe delay could only increase if you add a stage
13:27.30jakepdevshould be POTS->POTS and POTS->VOIP simultaniously
13:27.32Malthusso you want nufone to connect to your POTS line over TDM?
13:27.44jakepdevlet me choose at the time
13:27.53jakepdevmalthus - yeo
13:28.06Malthusbut nufone is a VOIP company
13:28.15Malthusnot a POTS company
13:28.26jakepdevlol - I know - I just asked for a recommendation
13:29.46Malthusbut in any case
13:29.54Malthusthat doesn't solve my h323 woes
13:30.12jakepdevsorry - it'll take alot more from what I hear to solve h323
13:30.29Malthusthe asterisk-users list is scary
13:30.32jakepdevi was warned before I started my project about h323
13:30.40Malthushad to do a quick unsubscribe
13:30.41tzangerjakepdev: I'm curious though, why do you want both lines to ring?
13:30.50jakepdevvoice quality
13:30.58tzangerjakepdev: fix your internet connection :-)
13:31.16tzangerjakepdev: my VOIP calls are indistinguishable from POTS calls if I use ulaw  (I don't)
13:31.26jakepdevsure - I'll get the T1 rom the telco
13:31.43*** join/#asterisk rva (~rafael@
13:31.45tzangerno need for that, I'm on regular old ADSL offered by any telco or reseller
13:31.50jakepdevme too
13:32.01tzangerjakepdev: so fix your internet connection.  :-)  Are you pushing a lot of data on the same connection?
13:32.07bjohnsonif you want Nufone to ring your POTS line and your VOIP line at the same time .. just ask them
13:32.08jakepdevno data
13:32.19bjohnsonpersonally I find it a silly concept
13:32.23bjohnsonbut they can do it
13:32.30tzangerjakepdev: and you're getting dropouts, stutters and stuff?
13:32.39bjohnsonyou will be paying for the incoming AND the outgoing in that cas
13:32.46tzangerbjohnson: this is true, jerjer will do requests  :-)
13:32.48Malthusyou need to fix your internet connection
13:33.13jakepdevshould 1500/284 be fine if only using VOIP
13:33.15tzangerjakepdev: that is strange.  Where are you located?  Who's the provider?  What's a traceroute to look like?
13:33.19tzangerjakepdev: yes
13:33.28bjohnsonI use that as a failover system (have VOIP provider call a POTS line if they can't connect to my * server) .. but not as a primary service
13:33.31jakepdevjas - i'll run the trace
13:33.39tzangerjakepdev: I have successfully (and rather surprisingly to me) had a PERFECT voice call over 56k dialup (48k connect I think)
13:33.53tzangerjakepdev: use to post the results, don't paste here
13:33.58Malthuswhat codec?
13:34.04langalsHas anyone out there used Asterisk REALTIME?
13:34.07tzangerMalthus: ilbc, I was going to try gsm but didn't do it
13:34.12bjohnsonI find I need the -I flag to traceroute (that's an i)
13:34.13tzangerlangals: ask yourself WHY you need realtime first
13:34.24tzangerbjohnson: -I?
13:34.27bjohnsonlangals: yes .. but not me
13:34.28tzangerwhy do you want ICMP?
13:34.31tzangeryou want to see the UDP path
13:34.45bjohnsontzanger: I'll show you in pm
13:34.51tzangershould theoretically be the same but it can differ
13:34.54tzangerbjohnson: sure
13:35.04langalstzanger - because I want users to be able to sign up on the website and straight away be able to Register with the server and make calls
13:35.17tzangerlangals: you can do that without all the complexity and points of failure that realtime has
13:35.39fedormay i ask question?
13:35.39tzangerhave a 5 minute cron job that creates sip/iax/extensions.conf from the db and execute an 'asterisk -rx reload'
13:35.42tzangerpiece of cake
13:35.56tzangerAND it's far more resilient than realtime
13:36.08langalstzanger - ok, so you reckon Realtime is not stable enough yet?
13:36.20tzangerlangals: I simply don't think it's ever necessary
13:36.24rvai'm about to buy asterisk dev kit PCI. I'd like to know if it works well in Brazil...and if i can connect it to an analog pbx...
13:36.28Malthusrealtime is buggy?
13:36.33*** join/#asterisk FaithX (
13:36.41tzangerthat's not a bad trace, jakepdev
13:36.42langalstzanger - ok, thanks for the advice :-)
13:37.00PoWeRKiLLtzanger configuration file is better than realtime, you can't do qualify with realtime :(
13:37.32jakepdevi ran this voip quality test and it came out looking less than perfect
13:37.49jakepdev3.3 out of 5
13:37.52tzangerPoWeRKiLL: I didn't know that.  another good reason :-)
13:38.09tzangerjakepdev: what do they measure with "voip quality testing" (I'm inherently skeptical of all these tests)
13:38.12tzangerjakepdev: tell you what
13:38.24tzangerdial IAX2/echo@ -- that is my echo test
13:38.45tzangerI'll do a packet cap and you can do a packet cap and that will tell you the real goods
13:39.46Malthuswhere can I find a searchable asterisk-users archive?
13:39.52Malthusor is google the best bet?
13:40.21tzangerjakepdev: one thing I do see is that you're using a NATting firewall
13:40.31tzangerwhat is it doing, any delay pooling or other screwiness?
13:40.47tzangerI've found a lot of those consumer routers will play silly bugger with your packets
13:41.34Malthusspeaking of which, can any of those ATAs act as a route and do QoS for your entire network connection?
13:42.23tzangerthe one I'm building will  :-)
13:43.05tzangerthat remings me I have to get that NDA off
13:43.39fedormay i ask question?
13:43.40fedori have TE110P card, alt linux 2.4, installed zaptel, libpri and asterisk
13:43.40fedorincoming calls flow throw E1
13:43.40fedorextension.conf consist only from this lines
13:43.41fedorexten => s,1,Answer
13:43.44fedorexten => s,2,Background(demo-congrats)
13:43.45fedorexten => s,3,Hangup
13:43.49fedor99% calls proceed normal
13:43.51fedorbut some calls ended with message in asterisk console
13:43.53fedorWARNING[2555]: pbx.c:1923 ast_pbx_run: Invalid extension '3', but no rule 'i' in context 'incoming'
13:43.55fedorand hangup after that
13:43.57fedorappending at the end extension.conf
13:43.59bjohnsonrva: I don't know the Brazil tel system but I know they work in North America
13:44.01fedorexten => 33,1,BackGround(demo-congrats)
13:44.03fedorexten => 33,2,Hangup
13:44.07bjohnsonsmack him
13:44.09fedorthis problem, but is not good
13:44.15tzangerfedor: paste again and we'll all bitchslap you
13:44.30tzangerfedor: it looks like they're taking too long to hit '33' and it's timing out
13:44.31*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
13:44.33fedor:) yehh
13:44.46jakepdevtzanger - just did the echo
13:45.04bjohnsonMalthus: I think the site for the mailing list signup will put you through to the mailing list archive that is searchable .. but I usually jusy use google
13:46.06*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (~icechat5@
13:46.06jakepdevtzanger - the delay is there
13:46.07fedortzanger: no, only phone number entered
13:46.15tzangerjakepdev: ok, set up tcpdump to do this (adjust for the interface)  tcpdump -npi eth0 -s0 -w echotest.bin host
13:46.31tzangerjakepdev: run that, then run the echo test for about 10 seconds or so then break out of the tcpdump
13:46.35bjohnsonMalthus: to achieve that .. you usually would get a ATA that has router capabilities .. but you're usually better off with 2 separate peices of hardware IMO
13:46.51jakepdevtzanger - tnx - I'll try that
13:46.53tzangerfedor: I'm just saying that's what asterisk seems to be reporting... someone's hitting '3' and that's it
13:46.57rvabjohnson, well, i think its quite similar: dtmf dialing, and norrh america's common modems works here...
13:47.00tzangeror '3......................3'
13:47.38bjohnsonrva: should work them if NA modems work.  Globally I think there are basically 3 systems: 1. NA 2. European 3. British
13:47.39*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
13:47.42Malthustzanger : the sipura 2100 acts as a router
13:48.11Malthustzanger : QoS et al, two eth ports
13:48.28fedortzanger: but nobody hit "3.....3", and from other phone numbers it pass normal
13:49.12tzangerfedor: then you have more debugging to do
13:49.25tzangerI'm telling you that that is what asterisk seems to be indicating.  You don't believe it, so the onus is on you to prove it wrong
13:50.00tzangerMalthus: ok
13:50.04bjohnsonfedor: add a NoOp( ${EXTEN}) in as priority 2 and watch the cli
13:50.22jontowgood morning all
13:50.24Malthusguess you knew that already
13:50.26bjohnsonfedor: move the background and hangup to 3 and 4
13:50.36FaithXanyone about with zaphfc experience?
13:50.53bjohnsonMalthus: that is only useful in a small system
13:51.17jakepdevtzanger - is the tcpdump supposed to be human readable?
13:51.26tzangerjakepdev: nope
13:51.31tzangerput it somewhere where I can grab it
13:51.33Malthusbjohnson : was thinking about offering hosted PBX to small businesses
13:52.09Malthusbjohnson : would definately need the QoS
13:52.44*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
13:53.55jakepdevtzanger - should be at
13:54.00fedorbjohnson: thanx it help me, but why it is can happend?
13:54.30Malthusfedor : what is your netaive language?
13:54.48fedorrussian :)
13:54.52Malthusoh ok
13:55.04Malthusand that should have been native :)
13:55.10rvabjohnson, ok...and which port should a i connect to my analog pbx? fxo or fxs?
13:55.31jbot[fxsfxo] An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
13:55.51tzangerjakepdev: ok cool, it'll take me a bit to analyze (I have some other stuff on my plate -- email me so I dn't forget to do it)
13:56.05jakepdevok -np - appriciate the help
13:56.34tzangerjakepdev: in the meantime if you can rerun your voip quality test with the adsl connected directly to the computer instead of through the router that would eliminate that from the list of variables
13:56.59jakepdevshould delay be noticable at all?
13:57.20jakepdev(in the echo test)
13:57.24fedorMalthus ok :)
13:57.31*** part/#asterisk ms345 (~ms183@
13:59.28t0pI just installed Zaptel, Libpri and Asterisk
13:59.52t0pbut do not have any fxo nor fxs here yet
14:00.10t0phow can I test with my Xten softphone?
14:00.38t0pno /etc/asterisk directory either
14:01.23t0pHi Malthus
14:01.37Malthusyou're gonna need some config at some point
14:01.54Malthusyou can sign up with freeworlddialup
14:01.57*** join/#asterisk scrubb (
14:02.05bjohnsonMalthus: supposed to be some new ATA/routers here
14:02.05Malthusand call a couple toll free numbers
14:02.28Malthusor do the echo test
14:02.38MalthusI'm on linux
14:02.43bjohnsonor subscribe to a voip provider and make some calls for a few cents
14:02.58Malthusbjohnson : their site only works in IE
14:03.15bjohnsonMalthus: I'm using galeon fine
14:03.19Malthusmy bad
14:03.22Malthusits working now
14:03.37MalthusI guess they fixed it per my requests
14:03.38t0pMalthus, is the sip.conf created automatically?
14:03.50bjohnsont0p: you can even get a Washington or New York number for free
14:03.55bjohnsont0p: nope
14:04.04bjohnsont0p: you need to create it
14:04.05*** join/#asterisk LoRez_ (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
14:04.08Malthusbjohnson : howto get the NY number?
14:04.18bjohnsonstanaphone or something
14:04.19t0pbjohnson: I'm sorry I am not in the US
14:04.25yaboobjohnson, where can yu get a us did number from?
14:04.33bjohnsont0p: I'm not either .. and I'm not sorry about it
14:04.37t0pbjohnson: your solution isn't applicable probably
14:04.53Malthust0p : it is
14:04.55bjohnsonyaboo: damn near any voip provider
14:05.06Malthusyou don't need to be in the US
14:05.26MalthusI'm in Jamaica, and have a free Washington state number
14:05.38Malthusand freeworlddialup
14:05.42bjohnsonmaybe nobody calls it .. but he has it
14:05.45yabooMalthus, which url offers this
14:05.57Malthusdon't remeber
14:06.06t0pMalthus; sign up through the website?
14:06.06bjohnsonmarlowe is correct
14:06.12Malthusyea, ipkall
14:06.19marloweOf course I am.
14:06.28marlowestanaphone offers free NY #'s...
14:06.29FaithXanyone about with zaphfc experience?
14:06.38marloweAlthough they don't know what Im doing - It still works
14:06.42Shidowhats up?
14:06.53bjohnsonsomething like stanaohone for the NY one .. and someone offers a free UK one too
14:07.17marloweFwd offers free Fwd :) and iaxtel offers free iax
14:07.34marloweI personally never trust / rely at all on 'free'.
14:07.41marloweHell, I don't rely on pay services anymore.
14:08.02*** join/#asterisk andy_newton (
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14:08.05MalthusJamaica is so messed up
14:08.20marloweJamaica is awesome
14:08.23marloweFor vacation
14:08.29Malthusalways with these long lists on A-Z lists
14:08.43*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
14:08.49*** part/#asterisk jterrero (
14:08.50Malthuswith all the retarded cellphone providers
14:08.52andy_newtonCan i record .mp3 files for Asterisk to play on menus? Or do i need to encode audio as .gsm?
14:09.16marloweandy_newton: Use gsm
14:09.29Malthusasterisk doesn't natively do mp3 I think
14:09.30marloweJust convert mp3 -> gsm
14:09.51marlowemp3 -> wav -> gsm is probably what you'll have to do
14:09.51Malthuserr, record wav and wav -> gsm
14:09.58marloweWell yeah that would be ideal;.
14:10.00andy_newtonok, second question. Any command line utils that will convert .mp3/.wav -> GSM. Im running linux
14:10.02marloweOr simply record to gsm
14:10.02Malthusno need for a mp3 middle man
14:10.28marloweSometimes unavoidable.. Cant think of an example though. :)
14:10.32Malthusandy_newton : sox
14:10.44marloweLike when my crappy music on hold provider sends it to me in mp3 format and I bitch
14:10.49Malthusor through asterisk
14:10.56marloweAnd it takes week to have them record it in .wav.. Who knows they probably just convert it
14:11.06andy_newtonI can record stuff through *?
14:11.12marloweandy_newton: Yes.
14:11.18FaithXShido: well I have had a couple of shots at getting my hfc card going and I am having another go (after about 2 months) so I was checking to see if there was anyone to bounce stuff off... I will keep you posted
14:11.26andy_newtonhow might i go about that? :)
14:11.29marlowe... /tmp/asterisk-recording
14:11.32Malthuscall in and record
14:11.44marlowecut+p[aste didnt work
14:11.46bjohnsonandy_newton: use the record() app as an extansion and record your files over your phone
14:12.06bjohnsonandy_newton: sox does conversions I think
14:12.06andy_newtonspot on. Thankyou very much. I will experiment.
14:12.23bjohnsonMOH will play mp3
14:12.59Malthuscan music on hold play gsm/wav?
14:13.13MalthusI never thought about that before
14:13.40Malthuswith a sip termination provider ..
14:13.56Malthushow do I configure asterisk?
14:14.55andy_newtonI have 1 other Q. My * box connects to my SIP>PSTN Provider fine. I can make outgoing calls from Xlite > * > SIP prov ok
14:15.04andy_newtonbut incomming calls always die when i pickup on xlite
14:15.38t0pmarlowe: may I msg you about
14:17.00*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released ||
14:17.55bjohnsonMalthus: yes
14:18.28bjohnsonMalthus: err .. sip format is more like dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@host)
14:18.48Malthusand same concept for h323, right?
14:18.51bjohnsonandy_newton: watch the cli for clues
14:19.01bjohnsonMalthus: avoid h323
14:19.06MalthusI wish I had another h323 provider to test on
14:19.20Malthusthis provider that I want to use only does h323
14:19.56andy_newtonim getting a "app_record.c:117 record_exec: No extension found"  when i dial in and try to record a message
14:20.20bjohnsonMalthus: you're in for a world of pain
14:20.32Malthusbjohnson: I am!
14:20.39bjohnsonandy_newton: did you make an extansion and reload the dialplan?
14:20.42andy_newtonexten => 2919777,1,Record(/tmp/record1.gsm) is the line im my ext.conf
14:20.48andy_newtonreloaded asterisk
14:21.05t0pMalthus: are you using free number from
14:21.10bjohnsontry show application record
14:21.25Malthusp1tst0p: I set it up and tested it
14:21.28Malthusdon't use it
14:21.31*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
14:21.33bkw_show application record
14:21.40bkw_see if your version supports that
14:21.56Duttsare there any free asterisk configuration tools? after somethign with a web interface or something?
14:21.59andy_newtonahh, looks like i missed some args
14:22.13MalthusDutts : AMP
14:22.38MalthusDutts : search for Asterisk gui
14:22.49Duttscheers malthus
14:23.00bjohnsonDutts: be aware that most guis simplify you life by taking away choices.
14:23.12tainted-is it bad if my provider does not send call id?
14:23.16MalthusDutts: cheers? that'll be $29.95
14:23.23MalthusDutts: :P
14:23.30bjohnsontainted-: depends if you care to receive callerid
14:23.47jakepdevcallid - not callerid
14:24.10bjohnsonwhat's the difference between callid and callerid?
14:24.10jakepdev<- just made the same mistake
14:24.19jakepdevcallid is a unique id to each call
14:24.21*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
14:24.27jakepdevcallerid is AI
14:24.39FaithXShido: are you still about?
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14:24.49jakepdevyou need the callid
14:25.15jakepdevyour proviver doesn't send callid - asterisk generates it
14:25.32jakepdevbjohnson - CDRs for one
14:26.07pifhi, can a sip registration be shared by several devices? i.e: several phones use the same sip.conf stanza and all ring when "Dial SIP/xxx" is used
14:26.27pifand the first to answer gets the call
14:26.42tainted-Mar 28 05:26:29 WARNING[7799]: chan_sip.c:2401 find_call: Call missing call ID from
14:26.42pifit works this way be default?
14:26.52tainted-my provider doesn't send callID
14:26.54jakepdevtainted - that's call id
14:26.55bjohnsonyes .. kind of
14:27.02jakepdevdoesn't have to do with your provider
14:27.25tainted-so what am i missing?
14:27.26jakepdevcaller id is what comes from your provider
14:27.35bjohnsonpif: normally you would register each device separately and dial them all with the & symbol in the dial command
14:27.36jakepdev* should auto generate a callid for each call
14:27.51tainted-jakepdev then why isn't it generating the call id?
14:28.01jakepdevgot me :)
14:28.19jakepdevit just worked automatically for my installations
14:28.22bjohnsontainted-: anything similar with other sip calls?
14:28.33Duttsany idea why I can't get callerid working on that note? fe rings in I get WARNING[845]: chanzip.c:3595 zt_handle_event: Didn't finish Caller-ID spill. Cancelling.
14:29.31jakepdevtainted - finish the message though - call missing call ID from what?
14:30.30Malthushow easy is it to set up QoS on the average DSL/cable modem?
14:30.50Malthusdo many come configured to prioritize realtime traffic?
14:31.26langalsHi there...wondering if someone could tell me how to include a configuration file inside another one
14:31.55langalsI think one uses the "include" statement - just not sure how
14:32.01ChkDigitMalthus: Do you run a DSL/cable modem network, or are you a customer?
14:32.24Malthuswant to supply VOIP to broadband people
14:32.40Malthusstarting with a couple friends that have small businesses
14:32.45bjohnsonMalthus: few consumer routers offer QoS
14:33.13ChkDigitAFAIK, you can only turn on things like QOS at the head-end/DSLAM end of the network.
14:33.16Malthusbjohnson : mine does, its not configured, but it can be (I have a speedtouch)
14:33.18bjohnsonlangals: I saw that on the wiki
14:33.27bjohnsonlangals: try the page about extensions.conf
14:33.52ChkDigitQOS has to be supported upstream too though...
14:33.58langalswill try that - I also remember seeing it somewhere, but can't remember where
14:33.58MalthusChkDigit : not end to end QoS, really just priority on the queues of the modem
14:34.10pigpenlangals: include "filename.conf"
14:34.17*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
14:34.26tainted-call missing call ID from 'provider IP'
14:34.28andy_newtonNot difficult to build a linux box with Layer7 filtering to do the jop properly. Examins packets to see whats in them. Cant be worked around by running services on  non standard ports
14:34.31pigpenlangals: line 28 of extenstions.conf
14:34.42tainted-bjohnson no.. this is the only provider that has this warning
14:34.46Malthusandy_newton : its easy to do with linux
14:34.54*** part/#asterisk p1tst0p (
14:34.56t0pwhere is the common place for sip.conf, /etc or /etc/asterisk
14:35.06*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
14:35.18Malthusandy_newton: but I want to be able to just send them a small cheap box and thats it
14:35.29bjohnsont0p: if you built from source there is the ability to make samples to make some sample config files
14:35.43andy_newtonthere are plenty of small cheap boxes that you can run linux on/
14:35.48Malthusandy_newton: If I'm gonna put in a linux box, I'll just install asterisk there as well
14:35.59andy_newtonnot all of them are intelx86 based either
14:36.19t0pbjohnson: I did "make config" and "make samples" in the /usr/src/asterisk
14:36.32t0pbut still did not see the /etc/sip.conf
14:36.48*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
14:37.00Malthusandy_newton: you mean like: linksys wrt, soekris, et al?
14:37.11*** join/#asterisk spackle (~spackle@
14:37.18jakepdevtainted -after reviwing the code - it looks like callid is supposed to come from the provider: callid = get_header(req, "Call-ID");
14:37.31Malthusandy_newton: not at all what I had in mind, but an excellent idea!
14:37.37jakepdevdo a sip debug and look for the header - Call-ID
14:39.00*** join/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
14:39.04t0pThere is a "configs/sip.conf.sample" file in /usr/src/asterisk
14:39.13Duttscan anyone tell me if it is possible to connect asterisk to multiple sip gateways? I want to use different ones for different country codes to get the best deals?
14:39.26Malthusandy_newton: I think the sipura 2100 fits the bill pretty well though
14:39.27pigpenWould anyone have a good example on how to configure * to work with the Sipura 3000 fxo?
14:39.47`Sauronsearch the wiki for spa 3000
14:39.52MalthusDibbler : were you ever involved with vtt?
14:40.05MalthusDutts: yea, definately
14:40.15langalsbjohson, pigpen - thanks guys, got it - #include "filename.conf"
14:40.18pigpenI did...I really didn't find anyting the completely applies...but I will do it again...
14:40.24DuttsMalthus: thought so, just can't see anywhere in the wiki telling me how.....
14:40.24pigpenlangals: k
14:41.00MalthusDutts: just make the dial out extensions very specific
14:41.04dave_mwihas anyone had expeirience with dialing local channels? the documentation says what the next step in the dial plan is for busy, unable to complete call, caller hangs up and called hangs up - but when the call connects, I can't find where the dial plan goes to says the originiating channel - but where is that?
14:41.36DuttsMalthus:so can I put multiple register => entries in my sip.conf?
14:41.51MalthusDutts: definately not a problem
14:42.01`Sauronpigpen: The first search on voip-info:
14:42.04DuttsMathus: doh! hehehehe ok it all becomes clear now, cheers mate!
14:42.07`Sauronsecond section:
14:42.11`SauronBecause people have emailed asking for my Sipura SPA-3000 config to get FXO port working with asterisk, here is what I did:
14:42.29Malthusthe evil Sauron speaks
14:42.31`SauronReally, c'mon...
14:42.39pigpenyeah...but after reading that a week seems it was missing some info...
14:42.44pigpenthanks though..
14:42.52pigpen...or am I wrong...
14:43.03Malthusit seemed pretty complete to me
14:43.04`SauronYou're most likely wrong.
14:43.33spackle'Sauron: how's the gumstix project? I don't need to have it register in the sip.conf?
14:43.44`Sauronspackle: Hum, it's so-so.
14:44.00spackle'Sauron: sorry to hear that.
14:44.06`SauronI need to get some extra boards, and see if I can return one of the boards I bought that I apparently can't use.
14:44.12`SauronNot sure if that's true still, though.
14:44.39`SauronOne of the breakout boards that has LCD headers on it, can't be used for LCD - because they didn't connect 3 of the data lines
14:45.13Malthus`Sauron : solder?
14:45.22*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
14:45.36`SauronThey didn't run traces for them.
14:45.40`Sauron*rolls eyes*
14:47.36cjkhi, i do something like DIAL(SIP/user1&SIP/user2). it works fine. cdr's are correct when the call comes from "another" server. but when the call comes from a user of the same server one cdr is written to the database as soon as user1 picks up. this is a real problem as incoming calls have then billsecs set to 0
14:49.26pigpen`Sauron: ok...I will give it a shot...
14:50.49Malthushow does vonage prioritize traffic at the consumer end?
14:50.56FaithXI just discovered that I _must_ specify -c /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf when running ztcfg ... why should that be so
14:51.08`SauronMalthus: they can't
14:51.11Malthusregular LAN data goes through their box?
14:51.14tzangerFaithX: becaues it defaults to looking in /etc/zapata.conf and you've put it elsewhere
14:52.11spackle'Sauron: Can't vonage specify TOS and QOS and hope whatever they are talking to supports it?
14:52.32Malthusspackle : in one direction
14:52.34dave_mwiwhen you connect to channels after a dial cmd, and the callling end answers...what is the next step in the dial plan? I see for all other cases other than the called end answering...
14:52.41dave_mwiin the docs, that is...
14:53.04`Sauronspackle: They can. However, there's absolutely zilch guarantee that the ISP's CPE/aggregation gear will honor that...
14:53.42Malthusspackle : and about 0% probability of it happening :)
14:53.55spackleI wonder if Vonage has agreements with anyone to support their QoS?
14:54.22FaithXtzanger: so it says... in ztcfg -h (but I would never have picked it up)
14:54.23spackleA lot of the broadband companies seem to be doing or experimenting with VOIP.
14:54.48FaithXtzanger: is it not standard to put all the asterisk conf files in /etc/asterisk ?
14:54.51Malthusbut even those agreements won't help the packet queuing on the CPE
14:54.57bjohnsonpigpen: yes
14:55.24pigpenbjohnson: thank...I see no mention of it in the wiki doc...but I guess it is assumed...
14:55.55Duttsanyone know why I keep getting sip_reg_timeout? anyone know a test sip proxy I can try and connect to just to check my firewall etc... is correct?
14:55.57bjohnsondave_mwi: after the dial plan connects the only place that it can go is to the hangup extension when the call temrinates
14:56.28*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
14:56.39*** join/#asterisk Katty (~angela@
14:56.40Malthuswhy have comfort noise generation if no silence suppression?
14:56.53spackleMalthus: true.
14:56.56bjohnson`Sauron: the problem with the example config is that it makes the SPA 3k answer before it hands it off to *.  You should investiagte the config info below that
14:57.06Malthusor should I assume silence suppression?
14:57.15bjohnsonpigpen: it is definitely in the wiki
14:57.32`Sauronbjohnson: I'm not the one with the problem. :)
14:57.38bjohnsonpigpen: search for sipura or spa 3000 .. don't use the wiki search (it isn't very good)
14:58.24FaithXwhat size CPU do you think I will need to run 2 zaphfc channels and iLBC codec over iax2 peer?
14:58.42*** join/#asterisk simonides (
14:58.47bjohnsonFaithful: a pii 400
14:59.06FaithXI have plenty of those
14:59.07bjohnsonfor only a few concurrent calls
14:59.16FaithX2 or 3 at the most
14:59.41FaithXI have so many PCs running I want to cut down the power bill a bit
15:00.25pigpenbjohnson: thanks...I am setting things up now.
15:00.37spackleAnyone here using Soekris boxen?
15:00.55*** join/#asterisk dreamcode (~iancu@
15:01.32dreamcodere all
15:02.00tzangerFaithX: yes but not that one :-)
15:02.07Kattytzanger: Mar 28 08:32:05 NOTICE[1276]: res_musiconhold.c:309 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?! :<
15:02.28tzangerKatty: your processor's overloaded or you just changed the system time
15:02.41*** part/#asterisk fedor (
15:02.57Kattytzanger: i seriously doubt my processor's overloaded :P
15:03.09tzangerKatty: could have been a momentary burst
15:03.12Kattytzanger: i believe it's when i attempt to make a call
15:03.16Kattytzanger: k
15:03.29tzangeryou are using the right version of mpg321 right
15:03.32tzangeror is it 123
15:03.34tzangerI can never remember
15:03.43Kattyyou expect me to know? *grin*
15:04.04FaithXso do I need to run ztcfg everytime before starting asterisk?
15:04.14Kattytzanger: how do i check?
15:04.27kcir2Katty: ps aux | grep mpg
15:04.32tzangerkcir2: ??  no
15:04.36FaithXkcir2: was that no to me?
15:04.38tzangermpg123 --version is my guess
15:04.43Kattytzanger: k
15:04.53kcir2oh version
15:05.07kcir2i thought you were trying to find out if it's 123 or 321
15:05.17Kattykcir2: i'm trying to see if i have it
15:05.22Kattywell, which one
15:05.32Kattytzanger: is that at terminal or at cli?
15:05.57tzanger?  there's a difference?
15:06.04kcir2not the asterisk cli
15:06.17kcir2but yeah terminal is a cli
15:06.23Kattyin that case, the mpg123 --version won't work.
15:06.41tzangerwell piss about with it, it's something like that
15:06.48Kattyoh sure.
15:06.53Kattyi'll just run all sorts of commands at root
15:07.01Kattyespecially when i don't know half of what i'm doing :P
15:07.14tzangerKatty: AFAIK there is no hidden mpg123 option that will rm -rf /
15:07.27tzangerit's reasonably safe
15:07.30FaithXKatty rm -rf / is a good command to try (once)
15:07.33*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
15:07.38tzangerbut you are running debian so those zealots might have thrown something in
15:07.42KattyFaithX: very funny (=
15:09.06kcir2rick@gltwpbx rick $ mpg123 --version
15:09.06kcir2Version 0.59s-r6 (2000/Oct/27)
15:09.24JunK-Yu need mpg1230.59r
15:09.53Kattybash: mpg123: command not found
15:10.10Katty<debian> OH NOES
15:10.17fugitivoemerge mpg123
15:10.30mishehuemergency mpg123
15:10.52Kattyi see.
15:10.56Kattyand what does that do?
15:11.00MalthusDebian will install mpg321 instead or mpg123 by default
15:12.00Malthusjust "mpg123" wil tell if its mpg123 or mpg321
15:12.28KattyBES:~# mpg123
15:12.28Kattybash: mpg123: command not found
15:12.28KattyBES:~# mpg321
15:12.28Kattybash: mpg321: command not found
15:12.30Kattyi see.
15:12.44`Sauronlocate mpg123
15:12.47`Sauronlocate mpg321
15:12.48fugitivoare you using debian?
15:12.56fugitivoapt-get install mpg123
15:12.56`SauronIt may not be in your path.
15:12.59MalthusI am
15:13.01`SauronOr, it's not installed.
15:13.13Malthusapt-get install mpg123
15:13.15KattyBES:~# locate mpg123
15:13.24Malthusbut that will give you the wrong version I think
15:13.33fugitivobefore de locate, you should run updatedb
15:13.48*** join/#asterisk NetOfSickCoder (~NetOfSick@
15:13.53fugitivomaybe the database is not up to date
15:14.07KattyMalthus: should i apt-get install mpg123 to make sure i get the right version?
15:14.12fugitivobut, i'm sure mpg123 is not installed
15:14.27Malthuswhats the right version of mpg123 again?
15:14.30Hmmhesaysmpg 123
15:14.43KattyHmmhesays: oh boy. just the person i was looking for.
15:14.50Malthusisn't there a specific version?
15:14.54_Sam--.59r works fine for ....and i apt-got it a few days ago.
15:14.56Hmmhesayslol who me?
15:15.00KattyHmmhesays: yub yub
15:15.01_Sam--er works fine for me.
15:15.47fugitivoi'm using 0.59s-r9 and works fine
15:15.56Kattyit's so cute that everyone gives you five different answers.
15:16.20Hmmhesaysmy method was grab the latest source, compile
15:16.33newlthat just goes to show, there's at a minimum, five ways to skin the cat. :)
15:16.35Hmmhesaysdrink some coffee
15:16.37Kattyapt-get install is the same thing though, right?
15:16.54Hmmhesaysapt-get install actually installs mpg321
15:16.56InfraRedfirst apt-get update
15:16.59InfraRedthen apt-get install
15:17.07Hmmhesayslast time I checked anyway
15:17.10KattyHmmhesays: ah :<
15:17.16InfraRedif you want the package name
15:17.22InfraRedapt-cache search package-name
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15:17.26Hmmhesaysit takes like 2 minutes to compile anyhoo
15:17.38InfraRedwhy compile when you have a package system
15:17.46InfraRedif the package does the job
15:17.53InfraRedand maintainable
15:18.01Kattywhat does it matter?
15:18.08Kattyas long as it installs
15:18.31InfraRedif security issue arises from mpg321 that you compiled later on, you probably wont know unnless you're watching the securtity lists
15:18.39Hmmhesayscompiling is so much more fun
15:18.49InfraRedcompiling is waste of cpu cycles:)
15:18.49fugitivoi use gentoo
15:18.53Malthusapt-get install mpg123, installs mpg123
15:18.58fugitivoi don't like packages
15:19.06fugitivoi like to cook my own food too
15:19.06InfraRedgrentoo is for people with too much time to compile everything :)
15:19.26fugitivoInfraRed: it depends on your cpu :)
15:19.31Malthusupdate-alternatives --display mpg123
15:19.34InfraRedsaying that, I use freebsd: ) but it offers precompiled tho ;)
15:19.39*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
15:21.41ariel_morning Katty hope your doing well
15:21.48*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:21.50ariel_And thanks I needed the hug.
15:26.43*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
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15:33.38*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
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15:37.26sudhir492Anyone running Asterisk on FC3
15:37.26JunK-Y~seen paradise
15:37.27jbotparadise <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 41d 23h 1m 28s ago, saying: 'takatumi: in xchat'.
15:38.43*** join/#asterisk lilshtz (
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15:40.46jayeolahi guys. anyone know of these guys?
15:40.46*** join/#asterisk CosmicRay (~jgoerzen@2002:4463:7269:1:20e:a6ff:fe66:c5a3)
15:40.54tzanger~seen your keys
15:40.55jbottzanger: i haven't seen 'your keys'
15:41.08km-tzanger: what's cookin?
15:41.14tzangerexchange4linux stuff
15:41.24Blackvelhi I ha ve a problem with FASTAGI
15:41.30km-I'm trying hard to get exchange out of our network
15:41.37BlackvelAsterisk only sends me agi_network : yes
15:41.44Blackvelbut not any of the other AGI keys
15:41.48jakepdevblackvel - keep reading
15:41.51newltzafrir: make it mimic AXE because it's shitloads faster than S12. B)
15:41.53Blackvelbut when I send the msg ANSWER
15:41.59Blackvelit sends me the rest of the keys
15:42.12jakepdevblackvel - your not reading the full stream
15:42.19Blackvelis that typically or is that a problem of my multithreaded server (sockets)?
15:42.34jakepdevread until you get an error
15:42.34Blackveljava asks how many bytes are available()
15:42.43Blackvelshouldn't I do this?
15:43.11jakepdevi can almost guarantee the data is being sent over - to confirm use a sniffer
15:43.33*** join/#asterisk gonzo- (
15:44.43jakepdevblackvel - your error is most likely in the java server app
15:45.03*** join/#asterisk DrCool (DrCool@
15:45.03bjohnsonslick ..
15:45.29DrCoolHi. I am having problems with getting DTMF tones working in my MeetMe rooms. Can anyone please help? Thanks.
15:45.30jakepdevblackvel - you should use 2 blank lines as the end of stream
15:45.32*** join/#asterisk anthm (
15:45.32*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
15:45.50Blackvelint s =;
15:46.00Blackvelint alength = b_in.available();, 1, alength);
15:46.22Blackvelaint it good to do this?
15:46.30BlackvelI have no clue what is going on :)
15:46.35jakepdevblackvel - i didn't say i was a jzvz guy :)
15:47.02BlackvelI hoped you were
15:47.02*** join/#asterisk ubergoober (
15:47.07Blackvel2 blank lines as the end of stream?
15:47.09Blackvelwhat does that mean
15:47.11*** join/#asterisk zno (
15:47.18jakepdever. 2 new lines
15:47.33BlackvelI should read from * as long as there are \n\n?
15:47.46jakepdev\n\n is end of message
15:48.02*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
15:48.03Blackvelthat server handles all that reading
15:48.06Blackveli didnt touch it
15:48.19Blackvellooks like i have to re-implement it
15:48.25Blackvelhi ariel
15:48.29viLeRx100p clone make me Cry
15:48.32Blackvelare you all working in US? :)
15:48.44jakepdevblackvel - i'm in the US
15:48.57znowhere are you Blackvel?
15:49.44znoach so!
15:49.46Blackvelwe have some holiday today
15:50.00Blackvelbut i am too stupid. i have to programm
15:50.17znowhat about those cherished work hour restrictions?
15:50.31znowhere in Germany?
15:50.35Blackvelnot for me
15:50.43znois that just for the unions?
15:50.44jakepdevdoesn't apply to programmers
15:50.50BlackvelI try to push a UK project further :)
15:51.45znoso the work hours only apply to Handwerker Gemeinschaften?
15:53.14Blackvelto all big companies usually
15:53.33Blackvelbut if you take projects on your own, that does not apply of course :)
15:53.38bannermanBlackvel: hell, here.
15:53.49jontowok.. i am no longer amused by the * app_voicemail.c
15:53.51jontowits huge:)
15:54.05Blackvelhell here?
15:54.15*** join/#asterisk Error500 (
15:54.41jakepdevoh great - an 500 error in the room
15:54.48Error500yeah :)
15:54.50jontowinternal server error :(
15:56.23dave_mwihas anyone used the M(macro^param) stuff in the dial cmd? I'm using HEAD and it seems to be failing although the docs show that it's included in cvs...?
15:56.34Error500I'm looking for a good HowTo which describes how to setup Sipgate (VoIP provider) with asterisk? I've already googled and have read the Asterisk Handbook but I didn't find really helpful information.
15:56.46bjohnsonanyone familiar with slimserver?  It is supposed to be able to save a playlist but I can't find the gui for that
15:57.27Error500Can anyone recommend some URLs?
15:57.33FaithXError500: have you looked on
15:57.49BlackvelError500: its not on I agree, should be on wiki
15:57.56jakepdeverror500 - i would think the first place to check would be on sipgate
15:58.14*** join/#asterisk SPoon_TSX (~SPoon_TSX@
15:59.20SPoon_TSXHello everyone, I have a question on  my asterisk setup. Sometime when I try to call a Local Area Code number, it ask me to dial 1 for long distance call. But I am in the Same area code. How could that be?
15:59.34jakepdevspoon - which provider?
15:59.51SPoon_TSXBell Canada. I have 4 PSTN line into my Asterisk TDM400B card.
16:00.11GodseyI ordered a iax fxs device and after the order was told it's on backorder :)
16:00.22Godseyaparently DHL from china takes 2 yrs :P
16:00.31jakepdevsounds like a question for Bell Canada - does it do it using your regular phone?
16:00.51SPoon_TSXI remember I saw something like put "zzz" in front of the dial command but I forgot where do i saw it before.
16:00.52tzangerkm-: we have exchange out of the network, this is exchagne4linux
16:01.03SPoon_TSXOn the regular phone, we have no problem.
16:01.15dave_mwihas anyone used the M(macro^param) stuff in the dial cmd? I'm using HEAD and it seems to be failing although the docs show that it's included in cvs...?
16:01.37GodseySPoon_TSX: you don't have to dial 1XXXNNNN for out of area numbers?
16:01.45Godseythe local longdistance stuff
16:02.27SPoon_TSXGodsey: My area code is 905 and the number I tried to dial also is 905. But it tell me to dial 1 before I dial the number.
16:02.55Godseyunless your local calling plan includes all of the areacode which normally it doesn't
16:03.21*** join/#asterisk bah (
16:03.54SPoon_TSXGodsey, but it just happen sometimes not always.
16:04.15Godseyit's the telco recording asking you to dial the 1
16:05.04Godseyunless you put it in the dial plan :)
16:05.12DrCoolHi. I am having problems with getting DTMF tones working in my MeetMe rooms. Can anyone please help?
16:06.03sudhir492when I start asterisk, I get the error:  Mar 29 00:08:58 WARNING[11415]: Unable to get our IP address, MGCP disabled
16:06.14marloweDo you use MGCP?
16:06.28GodseyI wish I could find MGCP firmware for our polycom phones :)
16:06.38gonzo-could someone drop me snippet from AS5300/asterisk configs? Devices: 5300 <- T100P -> *. Thanks in advance
16:06.39znoBlackvel: in German offices, is the way you dial different from the way you dial at home? For example, in the US, most offices require you to dial a '9' before dialing a number outside the company
16:06.54Godseygonzo: we use as5400
16:06.56sudhir492I dont use MGCP, hence I could probably ignore that line!
16:07.15marloweExactly too
16:07.17Godseywe don't use a T100P tho
16:07.19Godseywe use SIP
16:08.40gonzo-Godsey: i need t1 stuff to test the card driver. anyway thanks.
16:09.17langalsHi there....does anyone know if one is connected to a meetme conference, does it boot out the user if it does not get any audio packets for a certain length of time?
16:09.29gonzo-i'm not Cisco expert so hunting for some advices from gurus :)
16:09.50Corydon76-homelangals: no, meetme doesn't
16:09.50GodseyI'd dump my as5400 config but it's a ds3 :)
16:10.19Corydon76-homelangals: remember, for a listen-only conference, asterisk ignores audio packets sent to it
16:10.21*** join/#asterisk infra (
16:11.03langalsCorydon76-home - And for a listen and talk conference?
16:11.10*** join/#asterisk SPoon_TSX (~SPoon_TSX@
16:11.29Corydon76-homelangals: however, if a particular channel can't get back acks on its control data, it may end the channel by itself, thus terminating a connection to the meetme conference
16:12.00SPoon_TSXHello everyone. Does anyone know why could possibly happen that can cause my telco company keep on telling me to dial 1 for a local area code number?
16:12.10*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
16:12.15SPoon_TSXI've TDM400 Card with 4 PSTN line connected.
16:12.22GodseySPoon_TSX: that is normal!! :)
16:12.23Corydon76-homeIt's the responsibility of the underlying channel driver, not meetme
16:12.26nestAryour TDM 400 is too JDM?
16:13.09langalsCorydon76-home: Another related question - my clients seem to re-register every 15 seconds, and then the sip debug windows comes up with: Scheduling destruction of call '......@ip in 15000ms, Destroying call '......@ip.. What does this mean?
16:13.12*** join/#asterisk SkySky (
16:13.28langalsCorydon76-home - is this a client thing or a server thing?
16:13.32Godseylangals: session timeout
16:13.40Corydon76-homelangals: it's safe to ignore
16:13.53infraHello. Can anyone point me to reasonably recent documentation?  The old */Doc manual is from 2003 and changes have been many since then.  An 'apps' reference is most needed.  Is plowing through the source and the mailing lists the only way?
16:13.55*** join/#asterisk chap (
16:13.57langalsCorydon76-home - so it is not really a problem?
16:13.59Godseylangals: connect 100 sip phones and type "reload" :)
16:14.01Corydon76-homeThat's why it's DEBUG info... not printed as an ERROR or WARNING
16:14.03Godseyfun to watch that
16:14.17marloweinfra: voip-info, mailing list, docs that do exist.. google.c
16:15.02Corydon76-homelangals: if you really want to know what it's doing, you'll need to read and understand the various RFCs for SIP
16:15.19langalsGodsey, Corydon76-home - sounds like fun :-)
16:15.43Godseymy boss asked same question
16:15.53GodseyI told him to think of a http session cookie w/ a time to live of 15 seconds
16:16.02Corydon76-homei.e. although it's done with the re-registration, it MAY receive further packets from the client (although it probably won't)
16:16.11Godseywhere the session id is purged from server unless renewed
16:16.27langalsbut is it up to the client to renew the session?
16:16.45Corydon76-homeThink of a NAT situation
16:17.06*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
16:17.34infraanyone here with Quicknet PhoneJack experience?
16:18.56dave_mwihas anyone successfully used M(macroname^param^param) ?
16:19.30*** join/#asterisk xbmodder (
16:19.39dave_mwiI'm using HEAD and it's failing with:  Mar 28 10:47:53 WARNING[15518]: app_macro.c:90 macro_exec: No such context 'macro-wo-reminder^wo1~' for macro 'wo-reminder^wo1~'
16:20.05xbmodderhey, can i use my analog handsets with asterisk and my Digium Wildcard X100P FXO card
16:20.41Dsevenyou need FXS for handsets
16:20.45*** join/#asterisk nesys (
16:20.47Corydon76-homeX100P doesn't connect to handsets
16:20.57nesyshi folks ... there's someone that uses * on freebsd 5.3?
16:21.29xbmodderi have a PAP2(linksys/vonage) how/can do i make that work with asterisk?
16:21.41JunK-Yxbmodder: u need the PAP2-NA
16:21.45Corydon76-homexbmodder: call vonage and ask for the unlock code
16:22.16Corydon76-homeYou need that unlock code in order to use the device with Asterisk
16:22.54xbmodderCorydon-w, what do i tell them
16:23.04GodseyI'm waiting on my order of AG-168VE devices :)
16:23.22Corydon76-homexbmodder: what the model is, and that you need the unlock code...
16:23.23SPoon_TSXWeird. When the PSTN incoming call I got no problem on echo. But when I call out, I do hear the echo. What I may did wrong?
16:23.33Corydon76-homexbmodder: they'll probably charge you a fee for the unlock code
16:23.38xbmodderhow much
16:23.42Corydon76-homexbmodder: if they're willing to give it out at all
16:23.45GodseyI think $15
16:24.05Godseywe were not able to get the unlock code recently
16:24.22Godseyso we became cisco partners or some such and order the -NA units now
16:24.33nesysI've a lot of errors making a voicemailbox on freebsd 5.3 ... and an error about mp3player
16:24.38*** part/#asterisk km- (~pgrace@
16:25.00Corydon76-homenesys: you running as root?
16:25.18Corydon76-homeYou have space on /var ?
16:25.19bjohnsonxbmodder: theoretically you can make the vonage pap2 work with * by plugging that fxs into a fxo
16:26.10bjohnsonGodsey: no shit?  you can get the unlock code from vonage for the pap2 units?
16:26.14nesysI haven't /var/lib ... but I've /usr/local/lib/asterisk ... but without sounds
16:26.22Godseywe used to, but not recently
16:26.44bjohnsonGodsey: we used to?  for multiple units?
16:26.44Corydon76-homenesys: you forgot to 'make samples'
16:26.57Godseyyes, we've unlocked around 30 of them
16:27.20bjohnsonwho is we?
16:27.25Godseycompany I work for
16:27.34Godseythere was a way using circuit city I think to get the devices free
16:27.35xbmodderis the code different for every one?
16:27.41Godseyor best buy, I can't remember which place
16:27.42nesysCorydon76-home make sample && make install clean ?
16:27.44bjohnsonyou bought vonage locked units and unlocked them?
16:27.47Godseythe company owner was doing it :)
16:27.58Corydon76-homeNope, just 'make samples'
16:28.01bjohnsonup here that would be an easy way to get fxs units
16:28.18nesysCorydon76-home on /usr/ports/net/asterisk ?
16:28.20Godseyjust setup an account w/ cisco, it's free
16:28.28Godseyand you can then order PAP2-NA w/ no problem cheaper
16:28.32Corydon76-homenesys: no, in /usr/src/asterisk
16:28.52nesysI haven't ... I've installed the port
16:28.54GodseyI ordered the AG-168VE for myself last month
16:28.59Godseystill waiting for delivery
16:29.00bjohnsonyou can get them at Staples for cheap and then pay the account closing fee ($40 I think) and if you can get unlock codes for $15 to $20 that would be a cheap source of fxs units
16:29.03GodseyI really want IAX
16:29.07Corydon76-homenesys: then email the port maintainer with your problem
16:29.14nesysroger that :)
16:29.21Godseyyou can get the PAP2-NA for $38.50
16:29.46bjohnsonGodsey: plus shipping, plus taxes, plus currency conversion, etc, etc
16:29.50Corydon76-homeGodsey: where'd you find that price?
16:30.01GodseyI don't know sorry
16:30.07GodseyI just know that's our cost on them
16:30.08bjohnsonGodsey: I can buy the vonage one at Staples today, get it tomorrow for free with free shipping
16:30.11Corydon76-homebecause that's an excellent price
16:30.15Godseythe company orders 100qty
16:30.29xbmodderis the code different for every PAP2
16:30.30eKo1Godsey must have contacts with the manufacturer in China.
16:30.34Corydon76-homeGodsey: can I buy one from your company?
16:30.37bjohnsonxbmodder: likely
16:30.37Godseyxbmodder: yes
16:30.53GodseyeKo1 we do
16:31.08bjohnsonxbmodder: call vonage and see if you can buy the unlock code
16:31.11Godseywhich is what pisses me off about :)
16:31.24Godseythey say it's taken over a month for a DHL shipment of their devices from china
16:31.25xbmoddertime to get out a bit of social engineering skillz..
16:31.28bjohnsonxbmodder: but if you're in the US it's likely cheaper to return that one and buy a new ATA
16:31.30eKo1I figured. I have a contact at T-Comm that makes SIP ATAs for about $33.
16:31.41GodseyI'd call linksys and ask them if you can unlock FIRST :)
16:31.47*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
16:32.10GodseyeKo1: know anyone doing IAX ata devices?
16:32.17bjohnsonlinksys could get their clients angry if they start offering unlocking services
16:32.27eKo1Godsey: Not yet.
16:32.30Godseysorry, you call vonage
16:32.34Godseynot linksys
16:32.56GodseyI really wanted a 2 line version of this:
16:33.26Godseyultimatly I want 2 fsx and 1 fxo port w/ IAX :)
16:33.47Godseythe fxo being backup and 911
16:34.51bjohnsonGodsey: call sipura and tell them to add iax support to their SPAs
16:36.07xbmoddervonage is giving me busy signal :(
16:36.41spacklexbmodder, at least they aren't giving you the finger ;-)
16:36.41GodseyI used to do that
16:36.50Godseycall vendors and try to get them to bend to my needs
16:36.58GodseyI don't anymore :)
16:37.10langalshi there....if I am trying to reload asterisk in cron every 5 minutes, is this write in the crontab file: 0-59/5 * * * * root asterisk -rx reload?
16:37.32hermielangals: why are you trying to do a thing like that?
16:37.33langalsI am a newbie with this :-)
16:37.33JunK-Ywhy roo?
16:37.34nesysanother problem with freebsd 5.3 port:
16:37.37JunK-Ywhy root?
16:38.04langalsbecause, users will be signing up via a website and added to sip.conf, etc
16:38.05Corydon76-homeYou don't need to reload every 5 minutes... only when you make a change
16:38.25nesys on CLI
16:38.29Corydon76-homeJust connect to the manager port and issue a reload
16:38.32langalsCorydon76-home - I won't know when new users have been added
16:38.42SPoon_TSXDoes anyone know why I got echo on outgoing call via PSTN but not incoming call via PSTN??
16:38.45langalsbecause it will be done through a website
16:38.46hermielangals: more importantly, you've formatted your crontab wrong
16:38.51Corydon76-homelangals: connect to the manager port via the server process
16:38.58*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
16:39.02bjohnsonlangals: something like that.  does it give errors?
16:39.16langalsCorydon76-home - how do I do that
16:39.39Corydon76-homelangals: that depends on what language you're using
16:40.10Mochi all
16:40.12langalsCorydon76-home - php, but someone said that it is not that secure
16:40.19Dsevenjust have the CGI script(?) exec the "asterisk -rx reload" command, then ?
16:40.32Corydon76-homeIt can be secure, as long as you write it correctly
16:40.35DsevenI guess it need to be run as root, though
16:40.42Corydon76-homeIt's just that most people don't
16:41.24Dsevenwhat OS is this on, langals ?
16:41.33Corydon76-homelangals: if you can't make php scripts that are secure, then you shouldn't be writing PHP
16:41.41langalsRedHat 9
16:41.42*** part/#asterisk stevek (
16:42.20langalsCorydon76-home - if I do this does it not make it less secure - apache    ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/asterisk  in /etc/sudoers file?
16:42.30Corydon76-homeSecure programming is a methodology, not a bit you can turn on.
16:42.40hermiehere's just a random though: how about an suid execuitable called reloadasterisk
16:42.56Corydon76-homeHow about if you use the manager interface, like I suggested?
16:43.06hermieoooh, that's even crazier!
16:43.19hermiesince the manager interface can use ACLs
16:43.25xbmodderwhy does phone music have to suck so bad
16:43.34Shido6it doesnt
16:43.47Shido6thats what the mohmp3 directory is for
16:43.53Corydon76-homebecause phone music is 8 bit at 8000Hz
16:44.22Corydon76-homeUnless you've found some magic to force 32-bit sound at 88200 Hz through a phone
16:44.29Dsevenhermie: I was thinking setuid reloader too .. although leveraging sudo is probably smarter
16:44.33Shido616 bit mono
16:44.36langalsCorydon76-home, hermie - is running a cron that bad?
16:44.51Godseywhat have I done to break asterisk? :) usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_monitor_stop
16:45.05GodseyI updated head and installed
16:45.11GodseyI rm'd /usr/lib/asterisk first
16:45.22bjohnsonlangals: just do the crontab
16:45.27Shido6did you make clean foist?
16:45.40Corydon76-homelangals: If you think you can make it work, I welcome you to try it.  However, those of us who have a bit more experience are telling you the better course of action
16:45.47hermieCorydon76-home: have you seen M3768 lately?
16:45.47eKo1Godsey: Maybe head is broken?
16:45.58bjohnsonlangals: unless you want to install and learn how to use the manager api to do the equivalent of a one line cron job
16:46.01Godseyok back to -r v1-0 :)
16:46.03Corydon76-homehermie: nope
16:46.37bjohnsonCorydon-w: only better in that it would reload less frequently
16:46.55hermiehopefully that one crashes and burns
16:46.56bjohnson"potentially" reload less frequently depending on user load
16:46.59Corydon76-homebjohnson: and for hosts with a lot of sip peers, that's the better course of action
16:47.12Godseyoh stupid me, the config is probably much diff for HEAD
16:47.18Corydon76-homebjohnson: which is exactly what langals is trying to do
16:47.58Dsevenlangals is trying to make sure that asterisk gets reloaded soon after his web server updates sip.conf
16:48.28Shido6make sure your dialplan makes some kind of sense before you issue a ton of reloads!
16:48.35GodseyI tried flass operator panel
16:48.38Shido6read the errors it spits at you and fix them all
16:48.38Godseyit has promise :)
16:48.46sneakmornin' shido
16:48.56Shido6sneak *nod*
16:49.04Shido6~job Detroit Nod
16:49.13Shido6~jbot Detroit Nod
16:49.18langalsbjohnson - I think I am going to take the crontab option in the meanwhile  - could you show me how because I have a feeling I have got it wrong!
16:49.47dave_mwianyone every used the M(macro) command inside of a Dial command?
16:49.49*** join/#asterisk stevek (
16:49.58bjohnsonwhat part do you feel you have wrong.  looked ok to me
16:50.04dave_mwiI'm doing M(macro^param) and it's failing with the ^
16:50.19langalsbjohnson - someone said it was wrong
16:50.27langalsCan't remember who said that
16:50.29bjohnsontry it
16:50.38langalsah, it worked!
16:50.39mogormanit works, i was writing tests for it the other day bjohnson
16:50.58langalsbjohnson - Asterisk just reloaded, so it must be working
16:51.12langalsThanks everyone for your help :-)
16:51.15dave_mwiexten => s,1,Dial(IAX/provider/|25|M(macro^param1^param2)) is failing...
16:51.33dave_mwitries to lookup macro^param1^param2 as the macro name
16:51.37pigpenok..I have just spent 2 hours working with the spa 3000 fxo setup to asterisk....when I have it it ring through mode...I don't see any attempt of it trying to ring the asterisk extention...
16:52.00pigpenIn PSTN to VOIP gateway mode...I at least see some info...but no ringing...
16:52.04eKo1Say I have exten => s,1,dial(...). If dial() executes correctly, after the channel hangs up, will it just to exten => s,2,...?
16:52.23dave_mwieKo1: I'm doing the sam enow
16:53.10dave_mwieKo1: it doesn't seem too clear on that does the docs.
16:53.23eKo1dave_mwi: Well, I have exten => s,1,dial(...), exten => s,2,dial(...) and it never gets to s,2
16:53.49eKo1It seems to just exit the context.
16:54.05dave_mwieKo1: is there a hangup that's terminating it?
16:54.07bjohnsondave_7: that arg thing may just be for HEAD
16:54.13*** join/#asterisk lilshtz (
16:54.13*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
16:54.28eKo1dave_mwi: There is a hangup, but that is at s,3.
16:54.32dave_mwibjohnson: I'm using HEAD
16:54.40dave_mwibjohnson: oops, my bad.
16:55.10*** join/#asterisk dgippner1983 (
16:55.15bjohnsonpigpen: you followed the wiki instructions?  what is the url of the page you're following
16:55.38pigpensame thing...
16:55.54pigpenI think I am going to factory reset it...and start over...
16:56.11bjohnsonpigpen: follow the last bit on the wiki and forget the rest
16:56.21pigpenyeah...that is what I am thinking...
16:56.28pigpenI bet the first part is screwing me...\
16:56.41*** join/#asterisk sremington (
16:56.56dgippner1983hi, I've got some problems with my asterisk and sipgate in Germany. Everytime I hang up the asterisk server just faints and needs to be restarted
16:57.51dave_mwieKo1: well, from what I've read, it's not clear what step in the dial plan is executed when the call connects except that it return to the calling channel
16:57.51dgippner1983Has anyone an idea why this is so?
16:59.04dave_mwiwhich is my case I'm starting from a call file whose Channel is an interal context - then from there I Dial an actual phone, and connect the two channels
16:59.22Corydon76-homedgippner1983: To quote Isaac Asimov, there is insufficient data for a meaningful answer.
16:59.43Shido6whats up dgippner1983?
17:00.00dgippner1983okay ... shoud I post my sip.conf and extensions.conf for information?
17:00.15Corydon76-homeWhat hardware are you using?
17:00.33dgippner1983@shido6 my problem is: whenever I hang up after a call or a caller is phoning and hangs up, my asterisk dies
17:00.37*** join/#asterisk pluto70 (~me@
17:00.48dgippner1983@corydon I use a grandstream ATA487
17:00.53Shido6you've got osmething all kinds of messed your dialplan
17:01.08dave_mwieKo1: you might want to look at the g option in the dial command - it lets you continue after the Dial command
17:01.17dgippner1983and asterisk as server
17:01.24Corydon76-homeAre you using a EuroISDN channel?  with what hardware? your sip.conf and extensions.conf dgippner1983
17:02.00dgippner1983no, I use sipgate (VoIP-Provider in Germany)
17:02.11dgippner1983just a moment @shido6
17:02.35bjohnsoneKo1: after a successful dial command .. the only thing that will ever be run is your hangup extension in that context
17:03.27Corydon76-homedgippner1983: don't you dare paste it
17:03.37bjohnsondon't use the g option unless you really know what you're doing
17:03.40*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
17:03.43Corydon76-homedgippner1983: use, like Shido said
17:04.08dave_mwibjohnson: have you used M(x) where x is a macro?
17:05.11bjohnsoneKo1: and the hangup option I mentioned isn't your s,3,hangup line.  it's h,1,...
17:05.30bjohnsons/hangup option/hangup extension
17:05.34dgippner1983What's that? I don't know exactly what it is
17:05.48bjohnsondgippner1983: go there and paste in your info
17:06.04bjohnsonthen hit submit and give us the link that it shows
17:06.16Corydon76-homedgippner1983: you've been ignored, because you pasted your configs directly to me.  Have a nice day.
17:09.04*** join/#asterisk mjmac (
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17:09.34dgippner1983@Corydon76-home fine thanks, have a nice day too
17:09.54*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
17:11.49Hmmhesaysok if you have to ask how to forward ports in a netgear/dlink/linksys etc.... you should not be in the business
17:16.53*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:18.35dgippner1983@shido6 Now I've posted the conf-Files
17:19.00*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
17:19.16odie_floconhey all.
17:19.16Shido6dgippner1983 here's your sip.conf
17:19.52pigpenbjohnson: ok...I have reset everyting...also verified the nat dice...
17:20.21odie_floconhey what effect does capi have on *?
17:22.55*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
17:22.59Shido6and there
17:23.03Shido6i didnt touch much
17:23.09Shido6just "fixed" a few things
17:23.37Shido6I would rewrite the whole thing tho... as my dialplans sound a bit more flashy and reload in the blink of an eye
17:23.59Shido6jerjer can testify tho that in the beginning it used to take almost 20 seconds to reload
17:24.43dgippner1983I'm grateful for any hint *G* man, this is complicated. Till I got the configuration how it is now it has been 3 days
17:24.55Godseyerror I get on startup now.
17:24.59Godseyit ran once :)
17:25.09Godseyafter a reboot it starts once
17:26.37kFuQShido6: when are the upgrades going to be done ?
17:27.22*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
17:27.34brettnemhey all
17:28.13*** join/#asterisk alt_phil (
17:31.03*** join/#asterisk Darwin[laptop] (
17:31.27sudhir492my first attempt of Asterisk on FC3 is frustrating me
17:32.16Shido6maybe 2nd week of april
17:32.19Mocsudhir492, Im using Asterisk on CentOS4 (RHEL 4 clone) it very easy
17:32.21Shido6for nufone upgrades to be completed
17:32.29sudhir492in /var/log/asterisk/messages file, I just 4 lines of warning, the last being Unable to get our IP address, Skinny disabled
17:32.34Shido6dont get frustrated sudhir492
17:32.39*** join/#asterisk Bentley (
17:32.47Shido6just open up your paypal account and let someone configure it while you watch... or....
17:33.00*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
17:33.11Shido6turn a few of those healthy hairs of yours into greys
17:33.14Shido6you'll get it
17:34.05Godseysudhir492: set a bind address in the config , sudhir492
17:34.58Shido6dgippner1983, add debug to the console line in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
17:35.01Shido6and stop asterisk
17:35.12Shido6and run asterisk -vvvvgcd
17:35.15MocAnyone have feature request for app_meetme ?
17:35.21Shido6then reproduce the hangup problem
17:35.33Shido6and paste me the last 20 lines from the CLI
17:35.40Mocdont paste here ;)
17:35.50Mocouf hehe
17:36.27Godseyfigured out my startup problem w/ HEAD
17:36.36Godseyhad to add load => to modules.conf
17:36.56Godseythat may help someone :)
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17:38.49*** join/#asterisk CarlosMP_ (~CarlosMP@
17:40.47jakepdevhey greg - besides setting switchtype=5ess, any other configs to make 5ESS work?
17:43.04Godseyposted it to bugs
17:43.07CarlosMP_Quick possible config - I'm starting to play with * a bit more and wanted to know if anyone's done this.  If I wanted to have an anolog line in home/offce without an actual * server physically located there, is it possible to use a Mediatrix FXO gateway to route calls from the asterisk to the gateway?  Basically looking at leaving my * server in my office and use it from home - If I dial a local number, I rather use my POTs line, or for 911 services.
17:46.09odie_floconyes it's possible
17:46.29odie_floconbut why not try to get a d-link router with 2 fxs ports on it.
17:46.43Lee__CarlosMP_: yup. just make sure your server is available from the internet and your FXS gateway is registered to it.
17:47.09odie_floconand you have all your configured udp ports opened.
17:47.10Lee__I'm fond of the IAXy cause it's small and simple and speaks native IAX protocol.
17:47.17CarlosMP_odie & Lee : wouldn't I need them as FXO ports?  I want to use as outgoing lines...
17:47.34odie_floconalthough I have heard that the IAXy is annoying.
17:47.35Lee__analog phone->IAXy->asterisk server
17:47.42odie_floconno you need FXS
17:47.57odie_floconyou need to plug in telephones right?
17:47.59*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
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17:48.09hardwirekpfleming: we meet again.
17:48.11CarlosMP_Lee - I want a user at home with gateway to use local line to dial out.  The phone would be a SIP Polycom 5000...
17:48.28kpfleminghardwire: eh?
17:48.40hardwirejust picking on random people.
17:48.48odie_floconok you want to be able to use your * to dial out on your home phone line...
17:49.22odie_floconfor the $45.00 difference why dont' you get a polycom IP600
17:49.32CarlosMP_odie - user at home/small office already has POTS for DSL, so rather than pay per minute for IAX/SIP provider, I want to use their local POTS yes I want them to dial out using local line
17:49.52CarlosMP_odie - it may well be a IP600, but I got a couple of 500's to test and play with... :)
17:50.03odie_floconcool where you get those from?
17:50.50CarlosMP_some web store - can't remember...let me see if I can find receipt
17:51.06brettnembeware with those polycom phones.....
17:51.20Lee__CarlosMP_: wildcard FXO cards are super cheap. I have one but haven' started to configure it yet.
17:51.22CarlosMP_I heard they're some of the better phones - best bang for the buck.
17:51.33brettnemyes they are..but they are screwy
17:51.36Godseybrettnem: what's wrong w/ polycom phones?
17:51.41brettnemI can't dial 911 from them
17:51.41*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:51.52CarlosMP_Lee - I'm trying to get away from a card, since there's no *server running
17:51.53brettnemheard lots of reports of the just dying
17:51.57Godseywe have a bunch of IP300 phones
17:52.05brettnempolycom doesn't support them being used outside of the partner platforms really
17:52.05GodseyI'm not really happy w/ them
17:52.08hardwireare they flimsy?
17:52.16brettnemno they are NOT flimsy
17:52.18Lee__CarlosMP_: you have to have a card if the * server is routing the calls to PSTN
17:52.26hardwirebrettnem: why.. did you try to break one?
17:52.27Godseybut I'm not sure if it's the phone or asterisk at fault :)
17:52.28brettnemthey are nice phones.. but some software problems.. I have a bunch of them
17:52.37brettnemno I didn't.. but they are well built
17:52.40brettnemnice looking
17:52.45hardwirethe 300?
17:52.45brettnemgood features in general
17:52.50brettnemthe XML is totally wacked
17:52.59hardwirethe 500 600 look much nicer
17:53.15brettnemI have all 500s.
17:53.23brettnemalso, POE doesn't work without an adapter
17:53.49CarlosMP_Lee - the PSTN will be at the home side, and I want to use it to place a local/911 call.  The *server at the data center will have all it's own connections.
17:54.22brettnemthe 911 issue with polycom really doesn't sit well with me
17:54.33CarlosMP_What 911 issue?
17:54.40brettnemI can't dial 911 form polycom phones
17:55.02Godseythat's a dial plan problem
17:55.05Godseyworks fine for me
17:55.21brettnemno it's not.. If I sniff the network, I never see it even attempt a 911 call
17:55.29Godseydial plan problem
17:55.34brettnemno INVITE
17:55.42Godseyfix your xmp
17:55.46brettnemcan't be dialplan, the request never gets to the server
17:56.01brettnemthat shouldn't matter if I'm hitting the send key
17:56.08Godseyyes it does
17:56.17nestArit's a digitmap thing..
17:56.25jontowany way one can pass the 'dialed string' from within one application to another easily?
17:56.36jontowie. say i have an extension that does simply: Voicemail()
17:56.36brettnemwell I figureed it's a problem with the xml somewhere.
17:56.37nestAr911 works on mine.. we accidently called 911 the other day
17:56.46brettnemI thought you meant asterisk dialplan
17:56.56jontowwhen a user enters a mailbox # and hits * to escape to voicemailmain() .. can i pass that box number?
17:56.57Godseysorry dial map
17:57.01GodseyI forgot what it's called
17:57.11*** join/#asterisk SPoon_TSX (~SPoon_TSX@
17:57.18Godseythat could be it too, masking out 911
17:57.50brettnemthat allows 911
17:57.52SPoon_TSXHello everyone, I just wondering what your your prefect/recommended settings on rxgain and txgain?
17:58.20Godseymine does, I know
17:58.26jontowspoon; thats a tuning parameter.. not something we can just assume :)
17:59.00brettnemwell it shoudl really be documented..
17:59.23SPoon_TSXJontow: Actually, when I use ztmonitor. What level should I reach to make it sound good on both incoming and outgoing traffic?
18:00.40SPoon_TSXI have rxgain = 10.5 and txgain = -4.5, but I do hear some echo on my SIP phone. Which value I should adjust?
18:00.42*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
18:04.26Godseybrettnem: it's documented.
18:04.40Godseyyou're not suposed to be able to buy polycom phones
18:05.19Godseythe company I'm at has tried to become a partner w/ them to no avail
18:05.45Godseytheir business model is to make money from their technology partners somehow, not off the sale of the phones
18:06.25*** join/#asterisk yaout (
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18:07.59odie_floconhmm I can buy Polycom phones.
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18:09.52Shido6polycoms are what $190?
18:10.39*** part/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
18:11.58*** part/#asterisk dgippner1983 (
18:12.41Dovidhello all
18:13.11Dovidi am trying to install zaptle on cent os 4.0 and i am getting an error. can anyone help ?
18:14.05jakepdev<Dovid>: What is the error?
18:14.11Dovidleme get it
18:14.19*** join/#asterisk jayeola (
18:15.54Dovidhere it is
18:15.56DovidYou do not appear to have the kernel sources for your current kernel installed.
18:15.56Dovidmake: *** [linux26] Error 1
18:16.29Hmmhesayscongrats you solved your own problem
18:16.41Mw3where should 'call pickup' be implemented ? (i mean picking up somebody else's ringing extension)
18:17.33julianjmMw3: it's already implemented in CVS... in stable I think you need bristuff... correct me if i'm wrong
18:17.34dave_mwihow many local channels can asterisk have open at one time?
18:18.07Dovidhuh ? anyone that can help ?
18:18.18Hmmhesays<Dovid> You do not appear to have the kernel sources for your current kernel installed.
18:18.29Dovidthat i understand
18:18.34Hmmhesaysso install the sources
18:18.35Wonkathen go install them
18:18.38jakepdevDovid - you're missing the sources to your kernel
18:18.41Dovidi have been looking all over for it and cant seem to find it
18:18.54julianjmDovid: if it's like Fedora Core 3, you need something like:  ln -s /lib/modules/your_current_kernel/ linux-2.6
18:18.56Dovidi have centos 4.0 kernel 2.6
18:19.07Dovidi went there
18:19.09Hmmhesaysthen install whatever package that uses
18:19.16julianjmin /usr/src
18:20.46Mw3julianjm: aha, thanks. and what is the correct name of this feature ?
18:21.04Dovidtoo much
18:21.07Dovidlets start over
18:21.28Dovidhow do i get the source files ?
18:21.42Hmmhesaysthis ain't cent os help
18:21.51Dovid(sorry i am learning linux as i go)
18:22.06Dovidcoming here cause i am workin on asterisk
18:22.27Hmmhesaysi bet has the answer
18:22.41dave_mwiDoes anyone know how many local channels astersk can have open at one time?
18:22.58Shido6depends on cpu
18:23.02Shido6and mobo
18:23.03Hmmhesayswhat a vixen
18:23.12KattyHmmhesays: always and forever
18:23.16dave_mwiShido6: but there is no hardcoded limit -
18:23.31zoayou can go to thousands
18:23.32Kattyall geeks are pervs.
18:23.37WonkaKatty: NAK
18:23.39zoajust dont go over 30 a second or so
18:24.02Shido6mommy and daddy were pervs so they had me
18:24.02KattyWonka: (=
18:24.02WonkaKatty: or, it depends on your definition of "perversion"
18:24.11bjohnsonDovid: for centos .. maybe use the asterisk@home install cd
18:24.31Hmmhesaysthere is perversion and there perversion like in the song "a lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying"
18:24.43znoasterisk@home is a misnomer right, I mean there's nothing specific about using in the "home"
18:25.03*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
18:25.19bjohnsonI don't name them .. I just refer to them
18:25.25HmmhesaysWonka: you're full of shit
18:25.38KattyHmmhesays: be nice :P
18:25.50bjohnsonif I named them, you'd get things like asterisk@Katty
18:25.52WonkaHmmhesays: i don't approve of the content expressed by the lyrics
18:25.55Hmmhesaysi'll probably get booted for that
18:26.23Wonka"Perversion is a derogatory term for deviation from the original meaning or doctrine, literally 'turning aside' from what is perceived to be orthodox or normal."
18:26.24Kattyit's a good thing you like boots.
18:26.27znoI would have named an asterisk specific distributionn like astlinux or something like that
18:26.34bjohnsonzno: which of course would also be a misnomer since there would be nothing specific about Katty using it
18:28.18Kattytzanger: hi
18:28.42Wonkaand i say, in some fields, "Permitted is what pleases all involved."
18:28.56*** join/#asterisk crash3m (crash3m@crash3m.user)
18:29.21Wonkalike, f*** what other people think to be a perversion, as long as "we" like it
18:29.46crash3mI have a Cisco 7960 that will not pull an address via DHCP, and I cant find a way to access the settings menu as it wont go past "Configuring IP" does anyone have any suggestions for a remdy?
18:30.01Hmmhesaysfactory default?
18:30.43Kattytzanger: HI
18:30.51Kattytzanger: anti-social.
18:31.18Kattyoh. i think i'm grumpy. that's not good.
18:31.26crash3mHmmhesays: how/
18:31.28Hmmhesaysantisocial is a little more than not saying Hi
18:31.37KattyHmmhesays: ;)
18:31.45Hmmhesaysantisocial is not saying hi, and then killing people
18:31.50tzangernope not antisocial
18:31.56infrahelp msg
18:32.01tzangerjust stepped away from the desk
18:32.03jakepdevthat's a little extreme
18:32.31Kattytzanger: omgwtfsteppedawayfromthedesklolzyeahrightkthxbi
18:33.19Kattyk, i think i'm all better.
18:33.32tzangeruh...  yeah
18:33.43HmmhesaysI could use a shot of shakers and a baseball bat
18:33.44*** join/#asterisk ikey (ikey@
18:33.46tzangeryou need to either stop taking your medication, or increase the dosage
18:34.02Kattyit's called exposure to windows clients.
18:34.05Kattyi've officially insaned.
18:34.14*** join/#asterisk Dutts (~dutts@
18:34.30Duttscan anyone tell me which ports I need to open on my firewall for sip
18:34.40Wonkapoor Katty
18:34.47Wonkashe's perverted
18:35.12Kattyi so am.
18:35.14Duttsany more.... with 5060 I can register but cannot seem to make any calls, get retrans_pkt maximum retries errors
18:35.39Hmmhesaysdefine "firewall" do you mean like most people and have a nat router
18:35.44jakepdevdutts - i feel your pain
18:35.46Duttsyes, sorry...
18:36.00Hmmhesaysuse the dmz
18:36.06Duttsregular draytek router with nat... just trying to set up my port forwarding
18:36.21Katty(port forwarding)++
18:36.29Duttsyeah might have to resort to that.... how safe is a standard redhat + asterisk install?
18:36.31Uther_Pfor anyone who is interested, <--  facinating information on the newest data collected about Iapetus, Saturn's third largest moon, and the location of the "star gate" in Arthur Clark's "2001: Space Odyssey"
18:36.36jakepdevdutts - run a packet capture on it to see what ports are being used
18:36.40Hmmhesayshaha i was complaining about people asking port forwarding questions before
18:37.06KattyHmmhesays: what's port forwarding??!!!?!!oneoneone?!!
18:37.13DuttsHmmhesays: sorry mate, wasnt on before when you said that, is port forwarding not an option for * SIp then?
18:37.37HmmhesaysDutts what are you trying to accomplish?
18:37.38Kattyi've obviously hand too much turkish delight.
18:37.40jakepdevdutts - it can work - just requires patience
18:37.49HmmhesaysBring me a shot of vodka please
18:37.58KattyHmmhesays: :<
18:38.04KattyHmmhesays: it's way over there though
18:38.04Hmmhesaysi will sip it for the rest of the day
18:38.13Hmmhesaysit's only what..... 1500 miles?
18:38.20jakepdevdutts - find out which ports it's using.  I think there is a way to restrict the ports in sip.conf
18:38.32HmmhesaysKatty: that's nothin'
18:38.35Uther_PDutts: if you intend to port forward, you have to do it through a router that is sip and rtp aware, so that you can set it up to change the ip addresses within the sip and rtp packets as well as in the ip headers
18:38.40KattyHmmhesays: i see.
18:38.49Hmmhesays3 hour plane ride
18:39.02DuttsHmmhesays: trying to make calls out of my * using SIP. Have a SIP gateway already online, can register with it ( so sip show registry shows it Registered) but when I go to make calls, I get retrans_pkt erros which I'm guessing is because of my nat and the wrong ports open. Currently 5060 is open and forwarded through my nat and I have the nat settings set up in sip.conf.
18:39.12KattyHmmhesays: i'll take the plane ride, you can handle the windows clients, m'kay?
18:39.30Kattyand what does rport 1000 mean
18:39.39Hmmhesayswhat's your definition of "handle"
18:39.42Kattyi'm guessing remote.
18:39.54HmmhesaysDutts SIP gateway online where?
18:40.08*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
18:40.09Hmmhesaysoutside your nat?
18:40.21Uther_PDutts: you cannot just forward the 5060 sip port
18:40.21DuttsUther_P : ah, don;t think my router is sip\rtp aware.... can anyone recommend one that is? might have to go the dmz route for the time being
18:40.28DuttsUther_P : no didn;t think so
18:40.45DuttsHmmhesays : yes it's on the other side of my nat, 'real'  internet
18:40.47Hmmhesaysi bet to differ Uther_P on some elcheapo nat routers you can
18:40.47Uther_PI think you can do it with iptables, but I dont know jack about ip tables... I used my cisco 2600
18:40.58Hmmhesaysyou got a dmz host option on said router?
18:41.15jakepdevDMZ is the easiest way
18:41.17DuttsUther_P : ah, time to brush off my CCNA then =) got an old 2600 lying around =)
18:41.27DuttsHmmhesays : yes I've got dmz, might use that while I set up my 2600
18:41.55DannyFDutts, gave up on my home Speedtouch 510 keeping track of SIP etc so reconfed it to be a bridge and put a IPCop FW inbetween, works like a charm...
18:41.59Hmmhesaysheh, it's not going to be any easier on the cisco than it is to set the dmz on your soho router
18:42.02Uther_Pcool, I don't own the 2600, my provider does... so I made them do it
18:42.03Duttsjust read about opening up ports 5060 and 10000 - 20000 and through that was a little extreme
18:42.12*** join/#asterisk stickynomore (
18:42.14Hmmhesayshence the DMZ
18:42.26Hmmhesaysyour asterisk box should have a public IP.... dmz is the next best option
18:42.36Hmmhesaysif you are sending calls across the public internet
18:42.45DuttsHmmhesays : just need to look at securing my redhat install then =)
18:43.35Duttsthanks guys, dmz it is then =)
18:44.15Duttsthanks for your help guys, once again proved sterling.... cheers! =)
18:44.30HmmhesaysI bet Dutts is from the UK
18:45.25Beirdoany faxing experts in?
18:45.34tzangerI can fax anything you want
18:45.34HmmhesaysI can operate mine pretty well
18:45.38tzangerjust gimme the paperwork and the number
18:45.53jakepdevi know how to change the paper
18:46.02tzangerI'm ... too sexy for my fax...  too sexy for my fax and I don't wax...
18:46.07Beirdotzanger: you have rxfax working?
18:46.07jakepdev(the thermal kind)
18:46.22tzangerBeirdo: I had it working for a while, went back to our regular fax machine though for other reasons
18:46.37BeirdoI can't get mine to detect.
18:46.51Uther_Pefax rocks
18:46.51Beirdois there a need for a delay after the answer or anything like that?
18:47.20_Sam--hylafax here
18:47.21dwmw2_goneI have rxfax working.
18:47.34jakepdevdutts - if your still on check this out:
18:48.02Beirdowell, if I can get hylafax to recieve from a X100P clone, I'm all ears
18:48.32Beirdoso my question remains...
18:48.51*** join/#asterisk ^HeLL^ (~admin@
18:49.53Beirdothat's my extensions.conf for the zaptel channel
18:50.21Beirdois there something extra I need to detect fax?
18:50.37bjohnsonyeah !!!   bellyup4blues  audio stream
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18:52.43*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
18:52.58AgiNamudoes anyone here know of a C# AGI library?
18:53.22jakepdevAgiNamu - use FastAGI
18:53.31jakepdevit's the easiest
18:53.35_Sam--bjohnson :  big jeff beck fan?
18:53.37Beirdoand my faxdetect=incoming in zapata.conf
18:53.56jakepdevthen you can easily use C#
18:54.11jakepdevjust use your tcp calls in there
18:54.11AgiNamudont see how its any easier
18:54.16AgiNamuthey are both easy to use with C#
18:54.22AgiNamuI just wanted to know if someone already made a library
18:54.48jakepdevit's easy to parse
18:55.06bjohnson_Sam--: no .. but they play a lot of good music
18:55.21jakepdevtook our developer a few minutes to do
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18:55.51*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
18:56.19PBXtechwhen i touch a file and put it in the spool it dials immediatly instead of the timestamp.. is this broken?
18:56.50*** join/#asterisk pointer-gaim (
18:57.23^HeLL^PBXtech: use the at command
18:57.33*** part/#asterisk Flash_ (
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18:58.14ManxPowerPBXtech: "man at"
18:58.33ManxPowerPBXtech: And as far as I know it's not broken.
18:58.56PBXtechi cant get it to work on 2 systems for me
18:59.12*** join/#asterisk StealthMethod (
18:59.29PBXtechthe at command just would copy the call files i assume.  i though you could just timestamp them (i used to be able to)
19:00.25jaigerI'm having hangup detection on one of my incoming analog lines connected to a channel bank.  the problem seems to be outside my asterisk/channel-bank.  can anyone offer suggests to further debug this?
19:00.38jaigerhangup detection problems that is
19:02.26^HeLL^I dont know if the timestamp parameter runs ok...
19:04.26*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
19:04.37PBXtechim happy that spandsp pre11 is out. so far fixed my issues
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19:05.00Blackvelhey PBXtech
19:05.17Beirdostill no workee
19:05.18Blackvelspandsp finally supports outgoing faxes in network with windows client software?
19:05.33Blackveli would love to implement that
19:05.43Blackvelso I can receive and send faxes over voip
19:05.44^HeLL^blackjack: hylafax rulz. :)
19:05.53PBXtechno pre11 just fixed a timing issue. we were getting alot of half page fax's
19:05.59GoshenPBXtech: what did you compile pre11 with?
19:06.03jeffikShido6: HI
19:06.06BlackvelI have no isdn card in that asterisk server
19:06.12PBXtechtodays stable
19:06.18Beirdo^HeLL^: yes it does, but not all of us have ISDN :)
19:06.20Blackvelso no hylafax
19:06.26Goshendid you have to modify the make file?
19:06.35PBXtechpatch worked fine
19:06.36Goshenor did it compile without needing programming skills?
19:06.37Blackvelepia v server is filled already with zaphfc card :)
19:06.40BeirdoI may still use hylafax with my modem connected to an SPA-3000
19:06.42Goshengood to know :)
19:06.42PBXtechno skills
19:06.51Goshenthank you
19:07.09Beirdofor receiving, I'd like to use rxfax(), but it still isn't detecting
19:07.11^HeLL^hylafax runs on analogic lines too
19:07.18^HeLL^isn't it?
19:07.22PBXtechyea it does
19:07.34GoshenPBXtech: what channel are you getting faxes on?
19:07.48PBXtechall of them. its a PRI
19:08.23Goshenok, I was just looking to hear someones experience with using a voip codec for it as opposed to zap channel
19:08.53PBXtechyou need a fax codec
19:09.07PBXtechT38 or something
19:09.14Goshenulaw doesn't work?
19:09.22Blackvelsure it does (I think)
19:09.23BeirdoI'd think ulaw *should* be sufficient, no?
19:09.26GoshenDoes Asterisk come with T38?
19:09.29PBXtechdont thinks its reliable
19:09.38^HeLL^no? XD
19:09.44JunK-YGoshen: no T38 isnt implemented yet on *
19:09.54Lee__I'm having trouble defining a context to pick up a call, then wait for an extention to be pressed and go to that extention if it's valid. Anyone have a sample config which does this?
19:09.54Hmmhesaysthere's a bounty out for it though
19:10.10HmmhesaysLee__ wait in silence?
19:10.15Goshenwe need to get some businesses together to fund it :)
19:10.27Lee__sure, at first. eventually they'll be a pre recorded voice
19:10.32PBXtechGoshen you in Utah?
19:10.57Hmmhesaysexten => s,1,background(silence/10)
19:11.06Goshenholy 4,000 bounty
19:11.09Goshenyes I am
19:11.18Lee__than after that background it'll listen for extensions?
19:11.23Hmmhesaysyeah, faxing is a big deal, but t.38 still sucks
19:11.33Hmmhesaysit listens for 10 seconds
19:11.39Hmmhesaysif you want more seconds
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19:11.48Hmmhesaysexten => s,2,background(silence/10)
19:12.09JunK-YGoshen: exactly, that a lot of money
19:12.13Lee__cool, then 2 would be something like: exten => _X,2,Goto(from-sip|${EXTEN}|1)
19:12.24JunK-YFreeBSD Zaptel drivers $1500
19:12.30ManxPowerbackgrounding silence gsm files only makes sense if you have enother bachground after it.
19:12.32JunK-Yit starts to make a lot of money too.
19:12.46HmmhesaysLee__ _X.,1,Goto~
19:12.56Lee__why 1 and not 2?
19:13.08Hmmhesayscan't start an extension of in the second priority
19:13.10PBXtechGoshen check PM
19:13.19ManxPoweryou want to AVOID "." if you can.
19:13.38Goshenk, phone
19:13.48Hmmhesayshaha, i was trying to avoid having him come back cause he didn't match the number
19:13.53Lee__oh, weird. thanks.
19:14.21Hmmhesaysand being a little bit lazy
19:14.21ManxPower. will wait for DigitTimeout before continueing.  That's not what most people want.
19:14.33OldSmurfTrying to setup musiconhold. Asterisk starts mpg123, but I can't here any sound. How do I debug this? Where do I start looking?
19:15.11^HeLL^OldSmurf: did you compile mpg123 ?
19:15.17ManxPowerOldSmurf: What version does mpg123 report?
19:15.20OldSmurf^HeLL^: .deb
19:15.21Beirdowhat are the different faxdetect= settings meaning?
19:15.31OldSmurfmpg321 version 0.2.10
19:16.03^HeLL^OldSmurf: debian package mpg123 fails, you should compile tar.gz file
19:16.07ManxPowerOldSmurf: That will NOT work.  uninstall it and in the asterisk source do a "make mpg123".  That will download, build, and install mpg123 0.59r, which is the only version that works with Astiersk
19:16.14*** join/#asterisk Secretive (
19:16.17ManxPower^HeLL^: Hush you.
19:16.20SecretiveANyone know what this is all about:
19:16.20Secretive-- Executing Dial("SIP/1.201-8da6", "SIP/1.302") in new stack
19:16.20SecretiveMar 28 13:22:33 NOTICE[2109]: app_dial.c:884 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3)
19:16.20Secretive== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
19:17.11ManxPowerOldSmurf: You'll notice that the version you currenly have is NOT mpg123, but is actually mpg321 a totally different program.
19:17.24ManxPowerSecretive: it means it could not call that device for some reason.
19:17.36bjohnsonManxPower: well .. kind of works.  keeps dying on streaming audio
19:17.40ManxPowerSecretive: does "sip show peers" show the IP address of the SIP device in the hosts line.
19:17.49Uther_Pwhats with the extension having a . in it?  never seen that before
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19:17.58bjohnsonUther_P: match all
19:18.15ManxPowerUther_P: it means "match 1 or more of anything and wait for DigitTimeout to make sure there are no more digits to collect"
19:18.42Uther_PI get that, but should it be trying to DIAL a sip peer with a . in it?  "SIP/1.302" ?
19:18.54Blackvelwho did asterisk AGI dial read yet?
19:19.14JunK-YBlackvel: huH?
19:19.14ManxPowerUther_P: Oh that.  That's just someone being silly and naming their SIP peer something stupid that might make Asterisk think they are dialing an IP address and not a host.
19:19.26Blackveldo you read the reply and afterwards read out DIALSTATUS?
19:19.29Uther_Pheh, I didn't think that was right
19:20.12ManxPowerUther_P: I don't know if it's right or not, but I would not take the chance and make sure my sip peer's names don't have special characters.
19:20.22JunK-Yya want to get it from an agi?
19:21.23jakepdevblackvel - just a word of advice - use the dialplan as much as you can
19:22.09ManxPowerUsing Dial from AGI never works the way people expect it to.
19:22.12KattyMar 28 13:25:01 NOTICE[4770]: app_dial.c:746 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
19:22.15Katty^-- :<<<
19:22.24Kattyk, what's it trying to tell me?
19:22.26ManxPowerBasically once you use Dial from inside the AGI, your agi is dead and will never continue
19:22.30bjohnsoncoffee break time
19:22.44ManxPowerKatty: that means it could not access the Zap channel you requested.
19:22.47JunK-YManxPower: in which case exactly? dial with AGI works fine on my side.
19:23.11ManxPowerJunK-Y: At least Dial when you get a busy (non-analog)
19:23.40jakepdevJunk-Y - AGI doesn't always do everything it should do - for instance - I record a message in AGI and still get the touch tone on the end
19:23.48Hmmhesaysi dial from agi it works ok
19:23.51jakepdevthrough the dialplan - it works fine
19:24.11*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
19:24.17jakepdevplus - doesn't AGI use more resources than the dialplan?
19:24.28JunK-Yjakepdev: huh?
19:24.39jakepdevhere's how I would suggest...
19:24.40fugitivowhat is circuit-busy? :)
19:24.55ManxPowerjakepdev: MUCH more, but that's not an issue unless you are handleing MANY calls at the same time.
19:25.00Kattyrut roh
19:25.00JunK-Yyes, agi eats a lot of ressource.
19:25.03BlackvelJunK-Y: jupp agai
19:25.16KattyUnable to find given channel 1
19:25.28OldSmurfManxPower: Still no success. Now it uses mpg123 0.59r, I can see the processes start but hear no music
19:25.29*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
19:25.30Blackvelmanxpower: in my case it came back after the DIAL to my AGI, but with returncode 0, and not all information was there
19:25.35PBXtechdid digium ever come out with its "official" compatible hardware list?
19:25.40Blackvelalso I wonder how I could stop DIAL to dail over AGI
19:25.45QwellOldSmurf: Where are you expecting music to come from exactly?
19:25.47Hmmhesayswhich end of the card is channel 0?
19:25.47jakepdevi'd suggest doing get/set variables on AGI and doing the rest in your dialplan
19:25.51ManxPowerBlackvel: Correct.
19:26.02Blackvelcan I send HANGUP without waiting for the reply of DIAL?
19:26.03Hmmhesaysi can't find where i read that again
19:26.09OldSmurfQwell: What do you mean?
19:26.24QwellHow are you expecting to hear it?
19:26.29Blackveljakepdev: in my dialplan? waht should I do there? the idea is to control asterisk from that j2ee application completely
19:26.58Blackvelget variable DIALSTATUS I might be able to do, if I can call it after the rc0 of dial
19:27.09BlackvelI didn't try that
19:27.36OldSmurfQwell: I have: exten => 2002,1,waitmusiconhold(30)
19:27.39ManxPowerBlackvel: Once the channel is hung up you need to run DeadAGI to get the correct information
19:28.04sudhir492Has anyone used Asterisk to connect to Vonage?
19:28.05OldSmurfQwell: I, as a newbie of course, would expect to hear the mp3's in my defined path to play for me when i dial
19:28.24_Sam--try this oldsmurf:
19:28.25_Sam--exten => 6000,1,Answer
19:28.25_Sam--exten => 6000,2,MusicOnHold()
19:28.33QwellOldSmurf: The way you asked, it sounded like the other guy who expected to hear it from his PC speakers. :p
19:28.37ManxPowerOldSmurf: you need to look at the Asterisk CLI
19:28.43jaigersudhir492, can you get your vonage account credentials?
19:28.53ManxPowerjaiger: NOBODY can do that
19:29.00sudhir492I have not signed with Vonage yet.
19:29.14ManxPowerand it's encrypted with a rotating key
19:29.16jaigerManxPower, I thought so
19:29.18sudhir492Thinking of signing with them if I can use asterisk with them
19:29.33jaigerand that would be a show stopper
19:29.51OldSmurfQwell: Sorry for being unspecific :)
19:30.30*** join/#asterisk jhoward (
19:31.13bjohnsonsupposedly vonage offers a softphone account feature that enables SIP on your account
19:31.23Qwellbut they don't support *
19:31.26sudhir492jaiger: do you use asterisk with Vonage?
19:32.02bjohnsonalthough nobody here has actually said they were successful with that concept
19:32.25BlackvelManxPower: uhm that thing seems to get more and more interested. can I call DeadAGI from inside the AGI with exec application deadagi (EXEC DEADAGI)? :)
19:32.28Blackvelbut its not dead
19:32.30Blackvelthe AGI still lives
19:32.37Blackveljust the DIAL is dead
19:32.40bjohnsonanyone know of something other than mpg123 that will work for moh and will play a stream from slim server?
19:32.47ManxPowerbjohnson: I've heard reports of people getting the softphone account working.  However you STILL need to pay for the main Vonage account in addition to the softphone account and the softphone account does not have unlimited calling.
19:32.53OldSmurfAsterisks answers, the CLI says "-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/jens-0b7c", but I hear nothing. Do I have to do something special with my mp3's?
19:32.58ManxPowerbjohnson: rumor has it madplay will
19:33.16ManxPowerOldSmurf: you configured musiconhold.conf ?
19:33.22bjohnsonManxPower: yeah .. something like that
19:33.59OldSmurfManxPower: Yes. It seems that a mpg123 process runs with my mp3
19:34.13ManxPowerOldSmurf: what are you using to test it?  Zap?  SIP?
19:34.25OldSmurfmpg123 -q -s --mono -r 8000 -b 2048 -f 4096 yanni-standinginmotion.mp3
19:34.38OldSmurfAsterisk starts that
19:34.57fugitivoanyone using kphone?
19:35.26_Sam--OldSmurf:  what ver of mpg123...and also, do you have any spaces or characters in your MP3 names?
19:35.32_Sam--and are you sure your permissions are right for the dir of the mp3s
19:36.13_Sam--you can run mpg123 from a bash command line and see what output you get as well
19:36.16OldSmurf_Sam--: * doesn't have to write? Just read?
19:36.33_Sam--should just read (i am not claiming to be a big expert)
19:36.55festr_hello, just a question which i cant find in docs, IAX2: [name] type=peer. it does it mean, that i can only make calls IAX2/name  ?
19:37.01OldSmurf_Sam--: You're probably more of an expert than me. I only heard of this last week :)
19:37.11_Sam--do you know which version of mpg123 you are using?
19:37.31OldSmurf_Sam--: mpg123 0.59r
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19:37.52_Sam--that version does work fine with *
19:37.55_Sam--(same version i use)
19:38.34_Sam--are you on the same LAN as the * server?
19:38.42snitt_i use 0.59s-r9
19:38.48snitt_works well with *
19:39.08snitt_'-r9' is a gentoo specific release i think
19:39.08^HeLL^fugitivo: whats happened with kphone?
19:39.13JunK-Yu need 0.59r
19:39.57fugitivo^HeLL^: it crashes when i call to another sip phone, i think it's the soundcard
19:40.15OldSmurf_Sam--: Nope, * is on another lan
19:40.25fugitivo^HeLL^: the strange thing is that if I call an asterisk ext. it works perfectly
19:40.26^HeLL^fugitivo: had you execute kphone from console?
19:40.32_Sam--have you been able to call any other extensions and hear voices or any audio at all
19:40.42fugitivo^HeLL^: yes, do you want the outpu?
19:40.52^HeLL^just the last line...
19:41.02OldSmurf_Sam--: Yes, I have successfully dialed my cellular phone and could hear myself could hear yourself talking from your softphone...
19:41.24_Sam--ok... had 2 way audio on the call?  you could talk in the cell phone and hear on the SIP client and vice versa?
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19:42.00ddumgood evening all
19:43.02*** join/#asterisk lilneon (
19:43.22OldSmurf_Sam--: It seems that way
19:43.34lilneonhi everyone
19:44.02_Sam--should double check...your problem may not in fact be the music on hold, but rather a 1 way audio problem.
19:44.02_Sam--just a possibility.
19:44.02_Sam--are both sides behind a firewall?
19:44.50_Sam--<i had the same problem with my first * install>
19:45.43festr_qustion: in iax.conf when type=peer, it does it mean, that this will not receieve call?
19:46.24ddumIf i want to build a "one line / one phone" syustem (Basically just a VMS) what hardware do i need? Two X100P FXO? One X100P and One [SOmething else]?
19:46.45fugitivoddum: one fxo and one fxs
19:46.55jbotwell, fxofxs is An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage.  An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage.
19:46.58OldSmurf_Sam--: I'll test it
19:47.04OldSmurf_Sam--: Only * is behind firewall
19:47.06ddumfugitivo: Is there such a thing as a cheap FXS?
19:47.35_Sam--dont forget the nat=y and firewall rules
19:47.47fugitivoddum: i bought today a linksys pap2-na, it's like 60 in the US
19:48.36fugitivoddum: 2 ext.
19:48.39OldSmurf_Sam--: No nat, public IP's. But I better check the firewall rules
19:49.02ddumfugitivo: So, that thins (googling here) is an ethernet device which can connect two analouge extensions?
19:49.11*** join/#asterisk denon (
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19:49.15festr_aha now is it clear :)
19:49.18fugitivoddum: exactly
19:49.43ddumfugitivo: Seem reasonable. Bah, two sellers on eBay, noone ships intl.
19:49.52fugitivo^HeLL^: :( que mal, es una notebook y no puedo cambiarla
19:50.04fugitivoddum: check
19:50.08fugitivoddum: where are you from?
19:50.22ddumfugitivo: Sweden
19:50.25fugitivo^HeLL^: en el asterisk tengo una sb live por suerte, en mi notebook no
19:50.34fugitivooops, sorry :)
19:50.47BeirdoI now have "standard" fax behaving, and "fine" and "s. fine" reporting "poor line condition"
19:50.57BeirdoI think I have some gain tweaking to do
19:51.14fugitivoddum: maybe you should check local sellers
19:51.33ddumfugitivo: Well, yeah, no problem there, but we're talking $600 units there.
19:51.48fugitivoddum: that's expensive :)
19:51.52bjohnsonddum: you don't need a fxs
19:52.00ddumbjohnson: So what DO i need?
19:52.04bjohnsona fxo
19:52.20bjohnsonyou just want to use * as a voicemail system?
19:52.28fugitivobjohnson: he wants one ext. too
19:52.32ddumfugitivo: And its still a decent price they tell me.. ( i ordered $25.000 phone system of them, they said they would sell me the SIP-adapter "at cost".
19:52.47ddumbjohnson: Well, i also want an analouge extensions.
19:52.59bjohnsonahhh .. you DO need a fxs then
19:53.08bjohnsonI recommend a SPA 3000
19:53.36ddumbjohnson: est. price?
19:54.20*** join/#asterisk webmiko (~courtney@
19:54.54webmikois there any gotchas about load balancing IAX connections?
19:55.16ddum*puts on his work hat* So, i have also tried to find a documentation how the "Automated receptionist" works.. As in, i would be able to hook a SIP-trunk from our PBX, and build a "menu" which does a bit more then the VMS in the PBX does. but i cant find any docs?
19:55.35ddumbjohnson, fugitivo: So, basically any SIP->POTS adapter should do the trick?
19:55.55bjohnsonddum: what docs do you need .. it's all configured in extensions.conf .. you record the prompts and make it do whatever you want
19:56.22bjohnsonddum: no
19:56.23fugitivoddum: check the demo in extensions.conf, it's really helpfull
19:56.34bjohnsonddum: some are better than others
19:56.40tzangerddum: you're making it out to be harder than it is.  :-)
19:57.06ddumbjohnson: Well, the kicker is, i am trying to find out if it is possible to do external lookups? As in; We would like an automated "Your serivce order is ready for pickup" if a lookup in a SQL DB is successful?
19:57.08tzangerall that the automated attendant is is a series of recorded messages you play with Playback() or Background() and then the rest is extensions magic
19:57.16tzangerddum: of course
19:57.29bjohnsonddum: to me it sounds like you're asking for a fxo and a fxs.  The Sipura SPA 3000 has one of both.  And is a brand name preferred by many
19:57.43ddumtzanger: I made a living as a AXE110 consultant for a while.. I am still not convinced that there is such a thing as a simple PBX ;)
19:57.49bjohnsonddum: * will do db lookups with dbget
19:57.55tzangerddum: welcome to asterisk, it is really quite simple :-)
19:58.04tzangerit has its quirks but once you get used to them it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO flexible
19:58.14ddumbjohnson: Soooo, SPA3000 will do BOTH interfaces, and then talk to the *-backend?
19:58.21webmikoanyone had any success load balancing asterisk though ;)
19:58.43bjohnsonddum: and does auto-failover between the fxs and fxo if the power is cut
19:58.45*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
19:58.50ddumbjohnson: i cant find anything about DBget in any doc... what SHOULD I be reading?
19:58.55*** join/#asterisk pepzi (
19:58.58jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
19:59.00ddumbjohnson: Now, THAT would be handy.
19:59.01bjohnsonthat ^
19:59.13webmikorpmdb: Program version 4.2 doesn't match environment version
19:59.26webmikoer oops wrong window sorry ;)
19:59.47webmiko  dddum thats specifically on dbget
20:00.12webmikovoip-info has a nice little list of a bunch of the applications.
20:00.30bjohnsonto me .. the auto failover between fxs and fxo combined with the full feature set that people are used to seeing in a SPA unit make the SPA 3000 a clear winner when a fxo is needed
20:00.32ddumbah.. Mebbe we should just scrap the Automated Receptionist in the current PBX *lol*
20:00.36*** join/#asterisk CoderCR (
20:00.40CoderCRhello all
20:01.36*** join/#asterisk riksta (
20:02.14flewiddo i just have to change that 'astsaycid = "yes"; to make it say the cid before the vm?
20:02.20johnnybWhere is the website of the lady that does the asterisk voices?
20:02.30ddumbjohnson: dbget seem to look up keys in the asteriskdb.. but what if i want to interact with external sources?
20:04.36lilneonhey guys, here's probably a silly quesiton.. i am looking for investors, grants etc.. to implement a voip netwrk down here..  anyone interested?
20:05.10*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
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20:05.28lilneonwell.. was worth a shot..
20:06.26tzangerlilneon: I'm an implementor, not an investor.  :-)
20:07.18bjohnsonddum: don't know
20:07.30*** join/#asterisk OldSmurf (
20:07.50bjohnsonlilneon:  i am looking for investors, grants etc.. to do anything
20:08.12webmikobjohnson, lol. no kiddin.
20:08.24lilneonman this sucks..
20:08.43flewidso, anyone know how to make the VM_SAYCID work?
20:08.49lilneoni got the opportunity to set up  a voip network accross islands of the caribbean.. and no $$ to get it rolling
20:08.50webmikolilneon, wheres 'down here'
20:08.53_Sam--flewid:  using festival?
20:08.55webmikooh ok
20:08.58flewidis it an option in voicemail.conf or do i have to actually edit the app_voicemai.c
20:09.07webmikohow is it an opportunity if you dont have $$
20:09.07sudhir492lelneon: where do you want to setup
20:09.10*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone (
20:09.10flewid_Sam--: hmm, when i start with debug on though
20:09.11flewidi get
20:09.12Beirdobjohnson: do you happen to have the milliwatt test numbers for TO?
20:09.17leandro_pthi all.. does anyone know how the tdm driver works (wcfxs.c) and have the patience to explain it? :)
20:09.18flewidMar 28 14:52:21 DEBUG[4353]: app_voicemail.c:5289 load_config: VM CID Info before msg disabled globally
20:09.21bjohnsonBeirdo: no
20:09.31Sedoroxwhat would cause...
20:09.32flewidand this is in app_voicemail.c
20:09.33SedoroxMar 28 15:06:56 WARNING[12416]: file.c:550 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
20:09.34ManxPowerlilneon: If there's no money I would not call it "opportunity"
20:09.35lilneonwebmiko: well i got teh means and the contacts to place boxes in those islands..
20:09.36ddumbjohnson:  I think the answer is "yes... with some coding"
20:09.48webmikoah ok
20:09.52flewidi tried to change that to "yes" but it didn't make a difference
20:09.57lilneonmost of them got like one or two telco's who are really expensive wen it comes to long distance..
20:10.04_Sam--i dont know ....the only tts stuff i did was using Festival
20:10.04bjohnsonlilneon: if you get $$ .. let us know.  We can assemble a team of experts to go down there.
20:10.06lilneonhence the opportunity.. actualyl got a market
20:10.29lilneonbjohnson:dually notted!!!..
20:10.32webmikobjohnson haha.
20:10.33bjohnson(we .. as in #asterisk)
20:10.49bjohnsonnext VON at lilneon's place !!
20:10.59flewidi hope VON canada is cool
20:11.03lilneonbjohnson: well here has helped me get my asterisk running in no time..
20:11.06flewidVON Cali was pretty impressive
20:11.13flewidfor a little canadian guy anyway
20:11.26_Sam--you said pretty expensive, or pretty impressive? :)
20:11.27lilneonyeah i wanna go to VON canada... but oh well.. will have to read bout it again :S
20:11.51flewidlil: for exhibits only it's 50$
20:11.53*** join/#asterisk TechDawg (~pirch@
20:12.01PTG123why not VON vegas?
20:12.08Shido6VON Detroit
20:12.10flewidcause defcon has that covered
20:12.20jbotit has been said that firefly is
20:12.25QwellI'd go to a VON in Vegas
20:12.32flewidas would i
20:12.33QwellI'm still up for a Qwellcon
20:12.55QwellI can be there in like...5 hours. :p
20:12.55flewidi bet they don't do von in vegas, cause wveryone would be gambling
20:12.55webmikoanyone have any pointers or gotchas for a HA/scaleable asterisk setup?
20:12.55flewidinstead of nerding it up
20:12.55QwellI'll discuss...umm...voip gambling techniques
20:13.15*** part/#asterisk ^HeLL^ (~admin@
20:13.25PTG123the probl;em is you really have to be a nerd to go to one that has nothing else to do there
20:13.27_Sam--now if you could make * play texas holdem...i think you'd be onto something
20:13.40ddumHmmm, time for chow!
20:13.42PTG123esp since the wife has to go too
20:13.50QwellPTG123: yeah...
20:13.56QwellThats why VON in Vegas would be great
20:14.08flewidhow about
20:14.11flewidVON Hawaii
20:14.20TechDawgToo pricey
20:14.28flewidVON Easter Island
20:14.30PTG123qwell: exactly
20:14.46PTG123and like i wanna spend all that money to go be nerdy and not be entertained :)
20:15.03*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
20:15.10flewidthe guys from level3 had an interesting improv show at VON in san jose
20:15.16webmikoVON Compton
20:15.20flewidit was somewhat entertaining
20:15.59TechDawgWhen I run make, I get an error cannot find -lssl
20:16.09TechDawgWhere might I locate this?
20:16.13*** join/#asterisk sjtiea (~test@
20:16.15Shido6openssl? openssl-dev
20:17.43*** join/#asterisk invi_ (~invi_@
20:17.59invi_hi guys
20:18.22invi_is TOS in iax.conf working?
20:20.06*** part/#asterisk sjtiea (~test@
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20:21.22marlowewb kram
20:21.37marlowefinally got around to listening to your radio interview
20:21.40flewidhey, with 'saycid=yes' in voicemail.conf
20:21.45flewidit gives me the extension/number it came from
20:21.48marlowei never knew asterisk supported ademco alarms :)
20:21.51flewidany way to make it phonetically say the cid too?
20:21.56flewidcnam i mean
20:22.01tzangerflewid: with enough programming, sure
20:22.06tzangerapp_festival should be able to help there
20:22.11marloweflewid: Not as it's programmed now
20:22.14*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
20:22.16BlackvelI have a problem with FastAGI
20:22.21flewidah okay
20:22.31Blackvelasterisk does not send all key:value variables into the FastAGI script?
20:22.31flewidso you think app_festival would be the way to go
20:22.44flewidand just add in there to festival(${CALLERID})
20:22.46Blackvelwhy is that? I leave from Java the socket open
20:23.00Blackvelbut now it blocks forever and asterisk does not send any data
20:23.08chapmarlowe: Have a link on the net to that interview?
20:23.29jakepdevblackvel - are you sure it doesn't send the data - did you try a packet capture?
20:23.36*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
20:23.55BlackvelI have no clue
20:24.05Blackveljust socket debug
20:24.07_Sam--i think that will work flew
20:24.18invi_im setting TOS in iax.conf to diff values but * does not read it. when * loads it shows "Using TOS bits 0". any ideas?
20:24.22_Sam--as long as you have the festival server running
20:24.30_Sam--exten => 555,1,Festival(how about a bizkit)  ; do NOT use quotes around the string!!
20:24.30_Sam--exten => 555,2,Hangup
20:24.43jakepdevblackvel - try using a packet capture to confirm
20:25.03Blackvelwhen I use java available() message
20:25.10Blackvelasterisk sends me only agi_network: yes over the pipe
20:25.14flewid_Sam--: it's just how to get it played right before the voicemail
20:25.19Blackvelthen I have to send a command like ANSWER
20:25.26Blackveland then again asterisk sends me the rest
20:25.28Blackvelis that normal?
20:25.30flewidheh i don't know c, so it's gonna be difficult to toss this into app_voicemail.c
20:25.37Blackvelnow I changed the java read socket data method
20:25.43jakepdevblackvel - nope - it should send everything first
20:25.55Blackvelnot to check for available bytes, but to wait until asterisk sends everything
20:26.00jakepdevonce you get the /n/n - you should be ready to send cmds
20:26.10BlackvelFINEST: SocketTimeoutException : Read timed out
20:26.22Blackvelthere is a read timeout now
20:26.43jakepdevi can set up an agi svr
20:26.56jakepdevand do the packet capture for you
20:29.50invi_im setting TOS in iax.conf to diff values but when * loads it shows "Using TOS bits 0". is it a bug?
20:30.33*** join/#asterisk SagoDan (~dprotich@
20:32.45SagoDandoes anyone know do you "Need" a Zap Trunk to use zaptel config/card
20:33.04_Sam--why else would you have a zap card
20:33.23*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
20:33.55SagoDanSo i would have to specify the "dialing rules" ...  etc
20:34.09*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
20:34.55_Sam--if you have a zap card, but no zap trunks (PRI, T1, e1)...then im not sure why you would need the card?
20:35.19*** join/#asterisk ipso (
20:35.32SagoDanwell that makes sense
20:36.01SagoDanwe have 8 lines comming in however i didn't setup the old phone system and i'm just tapping off one of the lines that come to a fax machine to test
20:36.17SagoDancan I use this line to just plug in directly or is it possibly a different line that would get plugged into the card ?
20:37.33OldSmurf_Sam--: It seems I can hear sound, but noone can hear me. Any hints?
20:37.40Shido6slow your roll batman, what kind of interface?
20:37.55_Sam--OldSmurf:  set DMZ
20:38.01_Sam--and check firewall rules.
20:38.17_Sam--or move asterisk box out from behind firewall for testing
20:38.30_Sam--there is a thing on the asterisk wiki about 1 way audio problems
20:38.59SagoDanCan someone help with configuring the outbound routing ?
20:40.28GoshenOldSmurf: usually it is the other way around due to port forwarding issues on your NAT
20:40.53OldSmurfI do not use NAT, but I do have a firewall
20:40.54GoshenOldSmurf: install a soft phone on your computer, and call it, see if you still have the one way voice issue
20:41.18OldSmurfGoshen: It's the SIP-phone that can't speak
20:41.47GoshenOldSmurf: oh you don't have a hard phone, I see
20:41.54Goshenhave another computer on the lan?
20:42.24OldSmurfNone that I can use atm
20:42.29flewidyou guys think festival would be best? or the SayPhonetic or something?
20:42.38flewidfor saying the callername before the voicemail
20:42.46flewidfestival would increase the overhead a lot wouldn't it?
20:43.53GoshenOldSmurf: set up a FWD account, and dial the echo test
20:44.06Kattyso...if you dial using a softphone
20:44.13Kattyand right after you dial you hear alsdkjflasjdfoiawnlekfsssssssssssssssssssss
20:44.19Kattythen what?
20:44.43Kattyecho on ext 600 is nice!
20:45.29webmikoanyone have any gotchas or pointers to HA/scaleable asterisk installs?  like. how do to one. hehe ;)
20:47.45*** join/#asterisk slePP (
20:47.57bkw_webmiko, ya sure lets give you the golden egg for free
20:48.08bkw_setup and learn.
20:48.16bkw_then proceed to pulling your  hair out
20:48.20MooingLemurseems that you'd just have fallthrough rules in your dial plans for outgoing calls in case the first path fails
20:48.38chapbkw: Hows things? Still going hard at all your programming?
20:48.38MooingLemurthat's how mine are done.. first attempt = cheapest route
20:49.01webmikowell hmm i was just wondering if there were any general routes. not can someone do it for me. ;)
20:49.22jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:49.24jbotit has been said that mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
20:49.24Kattybkw_: what does alskdjflaksdjfasldkfbsssssssssssss mean? :P
20:49.28webmikolike it seems im seeing alot of    ser -> asterisk servers   setups recomended
20:49.31Kattybkw_: there's no ringing :<<
20:49.32MooingLemurbut with two asterisk boxes, you might set up iax trunking, and have a pri or other channel on each
20:49.43ManxPowerwebmiko: you'll almost never hear me recommend asteris/ser
20:49.54Kattybkw_: does it need hugs?
20:49.59greg-alol then what do you recommend ManxPower
20:50.03ManxPowerwebmiko: the only time I'll recommend it is if you have thousands of calls at the same time.
20:50.08webmikowell im going from going through the asterisk mailing list which i did prior to metnioning it here.
20:50.32webmikomanx > but then that would fit the second half of what im looking for. scaleable.  so thats a good thing ;)
20:50.40ManxPowerSER is NOT a solution for NAT problems with Asterisk, like many people seem to think.  Neither is STUN for that matter.
20:51.02QwellThe only real solution to NAT, is to remove the NAT
20:51.11ManxPowerThe solution to most people's NAT problems with Asterisk is configureing the damn Asterisk box correctly.
20:51.28webmikoim simply looking for a way to have asterisk be scaleable/HA.  not a NAT solution ;).  seems people are saying vocal -> asterisk   or ser -> asterisk seems to be the two most popular ways.
20:51.45ManxPower"My tail lights don't work!  I'll attach a boat to the truck and that will fix it!"
20:52.03dwmw2_goneI have a dialplan which routes 001800NXXXXXX and certain others via VoIP and everything else over ISDN with earlyb3. A wildcard _N. for the ISDN route means that if I puck up a handset and dial DTMF there's a delay while asterisk waits for the number to be completed; it doesn't use earlyb3. But setting up the alternatives (_Z, _0Z, _001[01234569],_0018[123459]...) means that pre-dialled numbers don't work.
20:52.18dwmw2_goneis there a way to achieve both, or do I need to hack the dialplan code?
20:52.39dwmw2_goneManxPower: I assume this is what you were talking about last night?
20:52.41webmikoManx> so what would you recomend for HA asterisk?
20:52.51ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: be sure to always mention if you are using ISDN PRI or ISDN BRI.
20:52.53ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: yes.
20:53.08dwmw2_goneManxPower: it doesn't matter whether it's PRI or BRI. It's a dialplan-related question.
20:53.11ManxPowerwebmiko: I don't.
20:53.12dwmw2_gonein fact it's BRI
20:53.34webmikoManxPower: gotcha lol
20:53.37dwmw2_gonebut the same principle applies to other channel types. You could do the same with an analogue modem
20:53.47chapmanx: hah! I like the taillights and boat analogy
20:54.00ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: With analog you just do a Dial(Zap/g1/) and get the analog dialtone from the telco
20:54.02dwmw2_gonebasically, as soon as we realise it's not a number we're going to route magically, pick up the outgoing line and start dialling.
20:54.18dwmw2_goneManxPower: but you still have precisely the same question when setting up the dialplan
20:54.37ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: No.  exten => 9,1,Dial(Zap/g1/)
20:54.50ManxPowerWhen you dial 9 you get a dialtone from the telco and let them deal with it.
20:55.09webmikoi suppose ill play with linux HA and load balancing asterisk and just see how that works out.
20:55.15dwmw2_goneI don't want to force the _user_ to know about routing
20:55.25ManxPowerdwmw2_gone: The USA does not have variable length dial plans and so the issue doesn't really happen in the USA (and Asterisk is a USA centric thing)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.