irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050325

00:00.46ariel_durex, you don't have any open ports on your pbx?
00:01.06*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
00:01.45durexariel_ , yes, a few fxs and fxo
00:02.03ariel_durex, what pbx is it?
00:02.25durexIn office 1 is a Siemens, and in office 2 is a Intelbras (Brazilian)
00:02.56lanceydoes teliax or or txlink offer caller-id transfer?
00:03.12xeet2lancey: happy with nufone service yes
00:03.26xeet2lancey: txlink will do unrestricted cid if you ask them nicely
00:03.48*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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00:03.53lanceyxeet2: thank you
00:03.56*** join/#asterisk avidal45679 (~avidal@
00:05.14avidal45679someone using chanspy?
00:05.25ariel_durex, it still migth be less expensive to sell the pbx's and get your self some adtrans for the phones connection and pots lines.
00:05.41AgiNamuyea, im listening to your rihgt now avidal456789
00:06.24avidal45679mi asterisk test box crash with chanspy, yours is right?
00:06.36avidal45679just downloaded and compiled from cvs
00:06.55durexariel_ ok, but I think it could be so much expensive, I can have 2 task in this project. the first, to put the PBX and Asterisk to talk with each other Asterisk 1 talk with Asterisk 2. And the task 2 could be put asterisk to work as the PBXs
00:08.23*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
00:08.28ariel_durex, it's fairly easy to do.  You are going to have to connect the open fxs ports to the asterisk and do some dialing rule changes.  The first problem is how your going to connect the pots lines to the asterisk box. You said you have 10 pots lines.
00:09.14ariel_durex, this is the setup Pots lines ----- Asterisk ---- Your PBX ----- your phones.
00:09.28ariel_same at the other end.
00:09.46ariel_Then the two asterisk boxes talk to each other over iax2 and it's dialing rules.
00:10.00*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@2001:4830:2018:a:290:f5ff:fe0d:bfed)
00:11.10durexI was thinking the diagram is this: POTS Lines ---- PBX ----- Internal Lines
00:11.18durexthis is the today diagram
00:11.41durexsorry for first line... and the new diagram would connect Astersik to PBX
00:12.33durexariel_ , as I can see, in your diagram I should have 10 FXO and 10 FXX ports on Asterisk?
00:14.09lanceybye guys
00:16.47*** part/#asterisk jeffiku (
00:19.20durexariel_ , so I have to connect my POTS to Asterisk, and the connect Asterisk to PBX ?
00:19.47*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
00:21.33*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
00:21.49ariel_durex, yes but you can also do it pots lines ----- pbx --- asterisk  on the spare lines but then you will need to do more fancy dialing rules.
00:22.11ariel_then asterisk ---- asterisk -- 2nd pbx --- pots lines.
00:22.28*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Jayden] (
00:24.50durexariel_ in first example, i'll have to program pbx too, correct ?
00:25.09durexhmm ok...
00:25.11ariel_but it's easyer
00:25.21durexI think you firstest diagram is better
00:25.22*** join/#asterisk Inv_Arp (
00:25.29durexPOTS --- asterisk --- PBX --- internal lines
00:25.39durexthis in office 1 and office 2
00:25.45ariel_durex, yes
00:25.48*** join/#asterisk p1tst0p (
00:25.54durexso, let me see the obeys:
00:26.08durexinternal lines of office 1 must talk with internal lines of office 2
00:26.10ariel_you mean ebay
00:26.14p1tst0phi, how comes there isnt not a cdr_mysql.conf.sample with * ? can i use one of the others as a template ?
00:26.26durexno, my obeys with asterisk :D
00:26.37Inv_Arpbah does BV support anything but alaw
00:26.43durexinternal lines of office 1 must talk with internal lines of office 2 (and vice versa), ok?
00:26.48ariel_Inv_Arp, ulaw
00:27.00Inv_Arpariel_: yuck
00:27.21durexand internal lines of office 1 must talk with POTS connected to office 2
00:27.24Inv_Arpariel_: livevoip  its gonna have to be then
00:27.26durexis it?
00:27.56dcaInv_Arp: what are you looking for?
00:27.59ariel_Inv_Arp, I use voicepulse for my did and I use voipjet, & livevoip now for my ld did's.
00:28.09*** join/#asterisk chrislwade (
00:28.17ariel_Inv_Arp, sorry my ld
00:28.54*** part/#asterisk chrislwade (
00:28.56Inv_Arpariel_: voicepulse support gsm/lbc?
00:28.57ariel_Inv_Arp, I see your from my area.
00:29.14durexariel_ so what hardware should I use in asterisk?
00:29.29ariel_durex, just a sec on a phone call...
00:29.35Inv_Arpdurex: depends on usage
00:30.17ariel_SPEEX for
00:30.33Inv_Arpdca: i use BV incoming/voipjet outgoing...   but BV codecs are killing me
00:30.46ariel_durex, it's still less to get a channel bank for the asterisk box.
00:30.51durexariel_ ok
00:31.08Inv_Arphmm i like VP looks rofesional
00:31.12*** join/#asterisk chrislwade (
00:31.15Inv_Arpand professional
00:31.15ariel_durex, asterisk box -- te110p --- C/B
00:31.17*** join/#asterisk IQ (
00:31.27durexC/B ?
00:31.47ariel_Inv_Arp, call my number it's via vpc 3055746721
00:31.56ariel_c/b channel bank
00:32.20*** join/#asterisk heul (
00:32.35Inv_Arpariel_: calling
00:32.46ariel_I am at ext 122 today.
00:33.07Inv_Arpis this VP?
00:33.20ariel_it's via a vp line to my home asterisk box
00:33.24dcaInv_Arp: tried Teliax?
00:33.40Inv_Arpariel_: kinda crackles during menu
00:33.41durexariel_ ok, and do u have some idea of how costs a channel bank?
00:34.04sivanahow do I turn off SIP RE-INVITE?
00:34.14*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
00:34.20*** part/#asterisk heul (
00:34.22sivanadurex: check on eBay.. couple of hundred at most for used
00:34.57durexsivana thank u. but do u know some vendor ?
00:35.07sivanadurex: Carrier Access Corporation
00:39.41*** join/#asterisk Redb3ard (
00:39.57Redb3ardhey guys, does asterisk actually support any cell phones?
00:40.11Redb3ardeither directly, or through some hack?
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00:41.00nestArcell phones?
00:41.08nestArcell phones aren't exactly voip
00:42.21mmlj4i'm trying to add * as an extension at home. I know I can get FXO working, but my question is what if my wife answers a regular phone, and says it's for me? I will be sitting with a SIP phone running though *... can it be possible for me to pick up the SIP phone and hear wife and caller?
00:42.24Redb3ardneither is an analog landline landline
00:42.45sivananeither is a walkie-talkie
00:43.21Redb3ardbut, i could get another Tmobile phone for $20 a month, and calls between the 2 phones are unlimited... leave one plugged into the asterisk server
00:43.23*** join/#asterisk JohnnyC (~JoaoCorre@
00:43.44*** join/#asterisk yaboo (~jsirucka@
00:43.56p1tst0phey, my logs mention something along the lines of, "cant find sip_notify.conf" cant find anything to do with it ?
00:44.09Redb3ardwhich would be alot cheaper than the $70 unlimited cell phone upgrade
00:44.15mmlj4Redb3ard: there are combo cell/WiFI phones available. Also you could forward your cell calls to your land line and have * pick it up. Also it's possible to have * dial out on the cell, sorta (dialplans, least-cost routing, etc.)
00:44.31nestAr <-- get that and plug it into a FXO card
00:45.59Redb3ardyeh, i know, but only alltel offers a "free calls to home phone" option... but t-mobiles "free calls to other tmobile cells" and an extra cell is only $20 a month...
00:46.49*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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00:46.50Redb3ardi could just get a second cell line, leave it hooked up to the asterisk box at home
00:46.51wow1234anyone know how to fix the Broadvoice invite problem?????
00:46.58Redb3ardsupposing there is a way to make it work
00:47.16nestAr[19:44] <nestAr> <-- get that and plug it into a FXO card
00:47.18wow1234"407 Proxy Authentication Required" to fix this problem.
00:48.24*** join/#asterisk JohnnyC (~JoaoCorre@
00:49.32*** join/#asterisk booyeah23 (
00:50.15booyeah23do you have to specify asterisk to create a ringing tone for a call coming in?
00:50.32booyeah23its silent until a pickup occurs when i call asterisk
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00:51.09Redb3ardthanks nestar
00:51.28nestArbooyeah23: are you answering the call before you dial the recieving phone?
00:51.47nestArex: exten => s,1,Answer
00:52.32booyeah23no im using wait
00:52.44booyeah23it seems when i go to a sip extension, the sip phone generates a ring
00:52.47booyeah23just not asterisk itself
00:53.15*** join/#asterisk buschdev (
00:56.16booyeah23its asterisk itself in the menu system not generating a ring
00:57.49stdiooh look... my scrollbar just wasn't down all the way :)
00:58.56nix000~seen stevekstevek
00:58.58jbotstevekstevek is currently on #asterisk (2d 15h 36m 16s).  Has said a total of 34 messages.  Is idling for 1h 8m 28s
00:59.27KalD|WORKbkw_, what is that?
00:59.51KalD|WORKbkw_, besides smoke and stuff... volcano?
01:01.08KalD|WORKbkw_, looks like clouds but very dark
01:03.09*** join/#asterisk cypromis (chuck-the-@
01:03.50sivanacan I turn off re-invite in any way?
01:04.10JohnnyCwhat does thismean ?
01:06.38JohnnyCanyone has FWD to test with me ?
01:06.41JohnnyCFWD number ?
01:09.10*** join/#asterisk myridom (
01:09.19JohnnyCmyne is 619554
01:09.26JohnnyCcan you call me ?
01:09.29bkw_ya ya ya
01:09.35bkw_crazy weather out there
01:09.46debaserbkw_: thats why i don't live in the midwest
01:11.22*** join/#asterisk phsdshft (~phsdshft@
01:13.13phsdshftHello.. Is there a way to change the codec in the dialplan for a sip call?
01:16.02*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
01:17.22Chujiphsdshft : no, that is done in sip.conf
01:18.37*** join/#asterisk Brent21 (
01:19.47booyeah23ok i figured it out
01:19.54booyeah23needed that
01:20.25IQHi, Any cheap VoIP Service Provider for Riyadh?
01:21.54*** join/#asterisk OzoneCo (
01:22.03OzoneCoevening all
01:22.19IQHi, Any cheap VoIP Service Provider for Saudi Arabia and Switzerland?
01:23.24booyeah23how do you tell asterisk not to bridge?
01:23.30bkw_Chuji, SMACK
01:23.38bkw_you can change the codec in the dialplan
01:23.41bkw_via the SIP_CODEC var
01:24.12bkw_${SIP_CODEC}            Set the SIP codec for a call
01:24.34booyeah23the problem is when calls are bridged i am not able to do pbx stuff
01:24.52bkw_booyeah23, define pbx stuff?
01:24.55bkw_what are you trying to do?
01:25.45booyeah23basically call a number and forward it to a remote number
01:25.53booyeah23but still allow the remote number to transfer extensions
01:26.04bkw_you need to go back to asterisk skool
01:26.06bkw_you can do that
01:26.08bkw_the # transfer
01:26.14bkw_and your dials need the t
01:26.19booyeah23yeah im using t
01:26.31booyeah23the problem is that it does a native bridge
01:26.39bkw_no transfer=yes
01:26.39booyeah23from voicepulse to nufone
01:26.45bkw_go read boi
01:26.45*** join/#asterisk lordcian (~lordcian@
01:26.50booyeah23where should i read about that?
01:28.10*** join/#asterisk lordcian (~lordcian@
01:29.59lordciananyone know why an ip500 would show caller num but not caller name? actually, when i PRI DEBUG, i only see that the name is available after i answer the call, not before, no matter how long i let it ring....
01:31.51dcawhy would a call drip after asterisk bridges and then releases
01:31.55dcaany way to prevent that?
01:32.26dcas/drip/drop :)
01:32.27booyeah23bkw: notransfer doesnt work
01:32.37booyeah23still is trying to bridge
01:34.07*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:34.17booyeah23i set setu[ notransfer=yes on each provider
01:34.22booyeah23getting.. Operating with different codecs, can't native bridge...
01:34.38booyeah23i guess i can start debugging the c code, i cant find much documentation on it
01:34.40jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
01:34.51jbot[mailinglist] Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
01:34.54Chujibkw_ : Thanks, I learn something new all the time..
01:35.19*** join/#asterisk bparker (
01:35.43phsdshftChuji: Right, but I wanted to start a call using ULAW, detect a fax, if its a fax keep it ULAW.. If its a voice call switch it to like G723 or something
01:35.58booyeah23both providers are using iax (Nufone and Voicepulse)
01:36.07phsdshftand afaik I would need the ability to change the codec (send a reinvite?) via extensions.conf to do that
01:37.05Chujiphsdshft : Have your fax users dial a digit before. IE 7+number
01:37.56*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
01:41.45Exstaticai keep getting this stupid error... db.c:177 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '5625551212' in family 'SIP/Registry'
01:42.00_Sam--if i have a pri, by setting this command, i am supposed to be able to change the outgoing caller id?   exten => 100,2,SetCallerID(3021111111)
01:42.08Exstaticawhen i put the phone in the sip.conf it works fine... but using the datbase i get an error
01:42.21JohnnyCcan someone call me at FWD at 619554 ?
01:42.24JohnnyCfor a test
01:42.27Shido6hows the db writin the cnf
01:42.54booyeah23bkw: take a look at that
01:42.55_Sam--my pri has 23 did i want the outbound calls to only show one cid
01:43.08Exstaticausing realtime
01:43.36Chuji_Sam-- : Are you sure your LEC is provisioned to allow you to change the CLID?
01:43.45_Sam--i am not sure by any means
01:43.53_Sam--but it doesnt seem to be changing when i am testing
01:44.51*** join/#asterisk mitmit (
01:45.10_Sam--i had thought that any PRI could allow chaning the CID
01:45.14_Sam--but i had no idea
01:45.36*** join/#asterisk newl (
01:46.27Chuji_Sam-- : Well you are doing the right thing with the Dial command (you can verify that on the CLI when it dials)
01:46.28phsdshftChuji: The problem is I'm trying to make it transparent :(
01:47.29newlre.  Quick question for anyone capable of answering.  Is there a method of accessing a database table (i.e. mysql) from a dialplan?  Playing around with RealTime here and toying with facilities atm. :)
01:47.31Chuji_Sam-- : YOu can also hardcode the callerid in zapata
01:47.44_Sam--i dont see anything on the cli that shows the new CID value
01:47.55Chujinewl : show application mysql from the CLI
01:48.03Chujinewl : Assuming you have CVS Head
01:48.09tommy13vExstatica:called but you must be on the phone?
01:48.28Chujiphsdshft : Is it a fax machine? Or an ata?
01:48.38ChujiErr, zap channel, or ata
01:48.38newlChuji: outstanding!  Just the critter I'm looking for.  Thanks for that. :)
01:48.40phsdshftChuji: fax machine off of a sipura device
01:48.56lordciananyone have any help on this callerid name issue?  i get callerid number but not name on phone; pri debug shows callerid name,
01:49.02phsdshftI can detect the fax with.. NVFaxDetect
01:49.02Chujiphsdshft : Yeah, I see what you are after... Don't know if you are going to be able to pull that off
01:49.29lordcian< Facility (len=31, codeset=0) [ 0x9f, 0x8b, 0x01, 0x00, 0xa1, 0x17, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x80, 0x0f, 'GLICKMAN', 0x20, 'RICHAR' ]
01:49.29lordcian-- Processing IE 28 (cs0, Facility)
01:49.29lordcianbut not transfered to phone
01:49.29_Sam--lord: are you using xlite?
01:49.29myridomany Asterisk demi-god got time to answer a few questions from a newb, need to know where to start and what to order???
01:49.32phsdshftand I can send it to an extension if it is a fax.. I just need a command to send a reinvite with the new codec...
01:49.37lordcianno polycom ip500
01:49.40Chujiphsdshft : But, I'm obviously not the best resource since I didn't even know about the variable
01:49.47lordcianhave x-lite, should i compare?
01:49.55_Sam--nope...i have same problem with xlite...
01:49.59_Sam--but its a display issue
01:50.05_Sam--asterisk is sending the info
01:50.09_Sam--but xlite isnt dispalying it
01:50.11_Sam--not enough room
01:50.24newlmyridom: The wiki is a great start for information as well as the asterisk docs.
01:50.36jbotfrom memory, rtfw is Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
01:51.02myridomcool thanks
01:51.33lordcianhmm...i don't have a display room issue, and see posts where others have it working, but not how.
01:51.36_Sam--you could try this
01:51.37_Sam--;exten => _X.,2,setcidname("${CALLERIDNAME} ${CALLERIDNUM}") using AMP, will have to see where best to insert.....trying now...
01:52.20_Sam--that goes under your incoming context
01:53.03_Sam--i am not sure if that will just be one long string really
01:53.08_Sam--or if it will work out
01:53.45_Sam--you may need this line too
01:53.55_Sam--;exten => _X.,2,noop(${CALLERIDNAME})
01:54.18lordciannoop?  havent seen that used....
01:54.38_Sam--;exten => _X.,2,noop(${CALLERIDNAME})
01:54.39*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
01:55.07PTG123so anyone buy the psp today?
01:55.26lordcianbefore or after Answer??
01:55.30NuggetI finally learned what a PSP is, after watching that question get asked in every channel I'm in.
01:55.35_Sam--after the other line i pasted
01:55.52lordcianboth of these are before or after Answer?
01:56.01_Sam--now that i am reading my conf...i think you wont need it anyway.
01:56.11PTG123man its awesome
01:56.19PTG123now i just need to find a memory stick for it
01:56.48newlNugget: Surely it's PaintShop Pro. ;D
01:57.09Nuggetthat's what I figured at first, but I couldn't figure out why everyone was so excited about it
01:57.45_Sam--the command i gave you is really redundant, since by default, asterisk's caller id includes calleridname and calleridnum...
01:57.52_Sam--but who knows
01:57.55Chujiphsdshft : I've had mixed results faxing through a sipura, good luck with that
01:58.05PTG123now if i just could get a 1gb memory stick for it :)
01:58.23phsdshftChuji: So far it has worked ok for me, as long as the codec is ulaw
01:58.47_Sam--chuji have you ever heard of hylafax (or seen it used with asterisk?)
01:59.04lordciandialparties.agi: callerid =9999999999, but no name
01:59.53Chuji_Sam-- : Yeah, lots of people use it with *
02:00.10Chuji_Sam-- : I think there is some nfo on the wiki re:
02:00.57Chuji_Sam-- : spandsp is another one you should look into
02:01.19_Sam--we've been using hylafax for about 10 years...i like it
02:01.36_Sam--but i havent figured out yet (spent any time) the way to make it work with *
02:01.41ChujiPaint shop pro is worth getting huh?
02:02.14_Sam--hylafax would still send the faxes out of a regular external modem even though it goes through *?
02:02.44lordciansigh....ok, well, im done for the night.......thanks _Sam for the help.  still no go...
02:02.58_Sam--im sorry lord...dont be discouraged since i am just a novice.
02:03.04_Sam--im sure there are people here that could help
02:03.15lordcian:)  oh, no.  I'll try again tomorrow.
02:03.30lordcian* is WAY to cool to get down about.
02:18.31p1tst0phow easy is it to change the festival voices ?
02:18.43Exstaticais there a way to determine why a sip registration failed?
02:19.04p1tst0psorry, did you just respond to me then, idid /clear just as u typed if so.
02:21.12*** join/#asterisk karl_H (
02:23.06SedoroxslePP: you aroundf?
02:25.18*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
02:27.52p1tst0phi, how easy is it to change the festival voices ?
02:30.05Nuggetthere isn't a voice that doesn't suck, if that's your next question.
02:30.17Chujip1tst0p : If you want better/more voices, try cepstral
02:30.31Nuggetall speech synthesis sounds like a speak and spell.
02:30.51ChujiThey aren't great, but they are better than festival
02:31.01p1tst0pChuji, im struggling whith where to actually change them tbh
02:31.40ChujiNugget : Have you tried rhetorical?
02:31.47ChujiNugget : It's not bad
02:32.02NuggetI've fiddled with them all.  I am amazed that anyone finds them acceptable.
02:32.03ChujiCheck out the valley girl :)
02:32.15*** join/#asterisk mentat (
02:32.37ChujiI think you will be pleasently surprised with rhetorical
02:32.46Nuggetas I said, I'm familiar with it
02:33.45Chujijbot rhetorical is A kick ass voice synthesis engine. Not available on *nix though :(
02:33.46jbotChuji: okay
02:34.10Nuggets/A kick ass/the least awful/
02:34.11p1tst0pChuji, there cool ehe
02:34.30ChujiNugget : Yeah, you are probably right :)
02:35.05Chujip1tst0p : Really, I'd lose festival and go with cepstral. You have to buy the voices, but they are cheap
02:35.21p1tst0phow easy is cepstral ?
02:35.23p1tst0pto install
02:35.30*** join/#asterisk quickmoney (
02:35.46Chujip1tst0p : Very. I chose to write the file and then background it though
02:35.50Chujirather than streaming it
02:36.46ChujiSo I do something like this
02:36.49Chujiexten => s,5,system(swift -o ${DIRECT}${SCREEN_FILE}.wav -p 'audio/channels=1,audio/sampling-rate=8000' "${CALLERIDNAME}")
02:37.08Chujiand that creates the wav, then I play it w/ background
02:37.34p1tst0pim a newbie, looks confusing LOL, how do you play it with background.
02:37.48tainted-anyone here using BV for toll free #?
02:38.27bjohnsonp1tst0p: background()
02:38.36myridomyes, but not with *
02:38.37bjohnsonp1tst0p: making the sound file is much harder
02:38.39Chujior playback
02:39.31p1tst0pChuji, so does the system application, just run a command then?
02:39.44Chujip1tst0p : Yeah, exactly
02:39.48p1tst0pChuji, which in ur case there is swift.
02:39.56Chujias bjohnson said though, you can stream it if you like
02:40.11ChujiI have more control with building the file myself
02:40.14bjohnsonI didn't say that
02:40.27Chujiohh, well, I thought you implied that
02:41.02bjohnsonp1tst0p: making the sound file is much harder .. than playing it back with background()
02:41.17Chujiohh, my bad :)
02:41.28Chujip1tst0p : Here is my next line
02:41.30Chujiexten => s,3,Playback(tmp/${ARG1})
02:42.09bjohnsontainted-: I guess not
02:42.11ChujiWait, that would just confuse you even more. I'm doing a weird macro thing
02:42.29Chujiignore my s,3 line
02:43.05tainted-bjohnson ?
02:43.06ChujiAnyway, once you install cepstral, just play around with swift
02:43.20bjohnson<tainted-> anyone here using BV for toll free #?
02:43.29*** join/#asterisk easydone (
02:43.42ChujiHave they always offered tf?
02:43.49tainted-they are all busy troubleshooting it
02:43.56tainted-no, just started recently
02:44.25Chuji1.95 a month?
02:44.26ChujiNot bad
02:45.22*** join/#asterisk epoch (
02:45.25tainted-when it works
02:45.40*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
02:45.58*** join/#asterisk MaeWest (
02:46.04MaeWesthey hey hey hey hey
02:46.18ChujiIt's fat albert
02:46.38MaeWestbaby the only thing fat on me is my couchie
02:46.42Inv_Arpi hate BV b/c they only use alaw/ulaw   kills my 256k upload bandwidth somtimes
02:46.53tainted-MaeWest pic?
02:47.17tainted-are there any good 729 providers?
02:47.19ChujiInv_Arp : yeah, you are lucky you have 256
02:47.24*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (some@
02:47.51jakepdevwhat's the best codec to use for low bandwidth?
02:47.53Inv_ArpChuji: lol  in the in the states thats slow
02:48.10Chujijakepdev : g729
02:48.14jakepdevI have 256k upstream
02:48.20Chujijakepdev : But it's 10 bucks
02:48.25Newbie___hi all, can anyone tell me what is the difference ATA and a channel bank ?
02:48.28jbotit has been said that codecs is
02:48.32tainted-Chuji how is the quality compared to ulaw?
02:48.45Inv_Arpjakepdev: gsm,ilbc  work fine also
02:49.05Chujitainted- : It's fine, not toll quality, but every bit as good as gsm
02:49.05tainted-ilbc is ass
02:49.06roamer323g.729 is audibly inferior to ulaw/alaw but at 1/8th the bandwidth req
02:49.24jakepdevI tried nufone and in default config and the audio is workable but not great
02:49.24Inv_Arptainted-: i prefer gsm tho quality wise
02:49.40bjohnsonNewbie___: an ATA is typically a few ports
02:49.56ChujiProblem w/ g729 is that you are aren't going to find many itsp's supporting it
02:50.05bjohnsonNewbie___: and a channel bank is usually 20 or more connected with a T1
02:50.28roamer323VP does g.729
02:50.42Newbie___bjohnson: i see, other than that they all function the same ?
02:50.44Inv_Arproamer323: where?
02:50.50roamer323g.729 is *very* CPU intensive
02:51.15jakepdevfor 256k up stream - which codec would you choose?
02:51.25Inv_Arpnever tried speex tho... might give that a spin when i get my VP account
02:51.31MaeWestis it just me, or does anyone else have problems receiving incomming calls from voicepulse?
02:51.32roamer323ulaw - absolutely
02:51.35MaeWestthey are always choppy
02:51.39MaeWestbut out going works fine
02:51.51Chujijakepdev : just use ulaw and try to qos your upstream if you can
02:51.55MaeWestall of the other providers I use, i have no problems.
02:52.00Inv_Arpjakepdev: i have 256k   i use gsm   ulaw/alaw   craps out when more than one person on line
02:52.27tainted-how many 729 streams can i squeeze out of a 2.6 P4?
02:52.29Chujijakepdev : Or gsm if you want, but it's not toll quality
02:52.33jakepdevyep - i mean the audio is passable, but i'm used to POTS sound and it doesn't achieve it IMO
02:52.38Inv_Arptainted-: plenty
02:52.46Chujitainted- : I'd say >100
02:52.56tainted-so it's not THAT CPU intensive
02:53.09MaeWestok do i have to flash my tits to get an answer to my question. jeez
02:53.09Chujitainted- : If it's all g729
02:53.37Chuji~google "manboobs"
02:53.40jakepdevnow - nobody screw this up - MaeWest (yes)
02:53.47roamer323Inv_Arp - it may depend on the origination provider
02:53.50tainted-what if there is ulaw as well as 729
02:54.13Chujitainted- : if you are doing transcoding, you will get far less than that
02:54.19tainted-i mean what if there is transcoding going on
02:54.40Chujidunno actually
02:54.50tainted-is SER a better choice?
02:55.09Chujishow translation from the cli
02:55.42Chujilook what your ulaw to g729 is
02:55.46tainted-is that a hardcoded table or based on cpu
02:55.55Chujitotally cpu based
02:55.58roamer323transcoding load is always * 2 (G729->lin->gsm  then gsm->lin->G729)  - on a Cel 2.6 I get about 5 transcoding before drop dead
02:56.19Chujilook at my ulaw
02:56.32ChujiThis is a p233
02:56.37Shido6dont need ser
02:57.30tainted-Chuji u can't handle any kind of transcoding on that
02:57.30Chujitainted- : Yeah, it's just my home system
02:57.30roamer323you get 1 channel of g729 :-D
02:57.30ChujiIf it can handle my wife, I'm all good
02:57.35tainted-just talking affects audio quality on your box lol
02:57.59ChujiYeah, you wouldn't want to go much less than this
02:58.10ChujiBut it's been running forever
02:58.24tainted-ok i'm in trouble then
02:58.30jakepdevis there a way to see statistics like dropped packets on IAX?
02:58.39tainted-b/c i have providers that refuse to offer 729
02:58.52jakepdevi tried iax2 show stats - not real useful
02:58.56ChujiAsterisk CVS-HEAD-10/25/04-22:12:12 built by root
02:59.14tainted-so that means either i 1) get some serious hardware for transcoding or 2) watch my * light on fire right?
02:59.20Chujiguess I should update huh? It takes about 45 minutes to compile * on this box
02:59.34Chujitainted- : Yeah, don't transcode if at all possible
02:59.46Chujitainted- : You are only as good as your weekest codec anyway
02:59.59Chujitainted- : Unless you are avoiding buying g729 licenses, there is no reason
03:00.06Inv_ArpChuji: what kinda box is that?
03:00.14p1tst0pChuji, using the line you showed me above, where would that save the wav ?
03:00.27Inv_ArpChuji: my 350mhz takes like 15min
03:00.30Chujip1tst0p : You have to set some variables
03:00.34tainted-no i've already purchased 729 licenses.. but one of the providers, BV refuses to offer 729 support
03:00.55Inv_Arpima drop BV just for that
03:01.14Chujiok, hell it's not even a 233
03:01.17Chujimodel name      : Pentium MMX
03:01.18Chujistepping        : 3
03:01.18Chujicpu MHz         : 166.589
03:01.46Chujidont' try that at home kids
03:01.55tainted-what are acceptable ms times for transcoding
03:02.00tainted-< 100?
03:02.23Inv_ArpChuji: oh well still should work fina as a small pbx
03:02.39*** join/#asterisk cypromis (chuck-the-@
03:02.42ChujiInv_Arp : Yeah, it does fine
03:02.50ChujiI have mysql running on it too
03:02.54Chuji64mb of ram
03:05.41Chujip1tst0p :
03:15.19AgiNamu<100ms for what?
03:15.20AgiNamua frame?
03:15.29AgiNamuwell, think of it this way
03:15.44AgiNamueach frame is 20ms, so to do realtime, it better be able to transcode in a lot less than that!!
03:23.24jakepdevanyone get voip-jet to work?
03:23.40Inv_Arpjakepdev: easily
03:23.44jakepdevI'm getting "no authority found" when placing a call
03:24.01*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
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03:25.33Inv_Arpjakepdev: paste   voipjet  iax.conf/extension.conf  of course
03:25.54jakepdevyep - one sec i get that
03:26.05*** join/#asterisk tumnus (~eoin@
03:26.25dmccollumIs there anyplace to get the Cisco 79xx firmware besides paying for a cisco support contract?
03:26.30*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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03:26.45bkw_where is zoa
03:26.55Chujiin europe
03:28.43bkw_i'm trying to call him
03:29.14jakepdev - has both
03:31.15Inv_Arpjakepdev: and  your  register line?
03:31.19jakepdev - has the error
03:31.33cypromis4.30am is not a nice time to call
03:31.37jakepdevdo I need register for outgoing?
03:31.59jakepdev(I didn't get a register line from Voip-Jet)
03:32.25NatRHShould the latest version be "Asterisk CVS-v1-0-02/27/05-16:02:47"??
03:32.35Inv_Arpjakepdev: yep u do
03:32.45jakepdevhmm - that's gotta be it then
03:33.50file[laptop]register for outgoing? you need not do that
03:33.57bkw_oh file
03:33.59bkw_where art thou
03:34.05file[laptop]watching stargate
03:34.20Inv_Arpjakepdev: nah wait im confusing my dialplans  dont think ya need one
03:34.30file[laptop]bkw, oh bkw, where art thou
03:34.37Daminbkw_: It's chan_sip.
03:35.06Daminbkw_: 1.0.7's chan_sip fubars inband when transplanted back to 1.0.5
03:35.31jakepdevok - then what else would cause that "no authority found msg?"
03:35.45file[laptop]means your user/pass is invalid
03:40.04jakepdevfile - i copied and pasted it from the config page
03:40.20jakepdevis there a support channel for voip-jet?
03:40.33*** join/#asterisk mitmit (
03:40.36Chujijakepdev : iax2 debug
03:40.42Chujipaste the results
03:41.10jakepdevChuji - it's in here -
03:41.43Chujik, I'll look at it
03:43.10IQWhere can I buy one of these hats ( @ ) ?
03:46.06*** join/#asterisk convey (
03:46.32Chujijakepdev : Well, best I can tell you are OK with your setup. Make sure there was no garbage at the end of you secret in iax.conf
03:46.33conveyhi all
03:46.47*** join/#asterisk phsdshft (~phsdshft@
03:46.49Chujijakepdev : Did you just singup?
03:46.56jakepdevchuji - yes
03:47.09ChujiSo is that like the trial account?
03:47.21jakepdevchuji - yes it is
03:47.57ChujiThey may have something j0rked with their auto activate
03:48.10*** join/#asterisk Vco (
03:48.21jakepdevyep - i sent an e-mail to support just in case.
03:48.38jakepdevtnx for the help
03:49.48conveydoes anyone know if zaptel hardware is compatble with sun motherboards i.e. v40z with an AMD processor?
03:50.59Vcoi thinks it more a matter of drivers at this
03:51.00dmccollumI would think yes, since you can run linux on it. It's more a question of will the OS support it. The v40z has PCI slots.
03:51.22*** join/#asterisk CosmicRay (~jgoerzen@2002:4545:7206:1:20e:a6ff:fe5c:55e1)
03:51.40Vcoany news on driver development for zap* on solaris?
03:51.56Nuggetshould there be news on zaptel for solaris?
03:52.06Nuggetthat's the first I've ever heard about it
03:52.09conveythat is what I thought and since i am partial to Sun I wanted to bould my new sys on a sunfire server.
03:52.34conveyzap* is stll in its infancy si i have read.
03:52.45conveyfor solaris that is..
03:52.56Nuggetzap is still in its infancy in linux.
03:52.56CosmicRayI have a SPA-3000 with 2.0.11(GWg) from the factory.  To upgrade, do I want 2.0.13g or 2.0.13_SEg?
03:53.08Nuggetit's flaky even on the "native" platform
03:53.33conveyis zaptel really flaky?
03:54.20IQCosmicRay: why upgrade?
03:54.36conveyis there an alternative to zaptel, or a cost effective alternative for T1's?
03:54.49CosmicRayIQ: thought it was always wise with the sipuras...
03:54.49bkw_no zaptel is not flakey
03:55.01bkw_and you can't find anything as nearly cost effective as cards from digium
03:55.15*** join/#asterisk fmenard_ (
03:55.31CosmicRayI dunno about T1s, but for POTS lines, the SPA-3000 is pretty decent
03:55.40bkw_what scale do you wanna work with
03:55.46bkw_a hand full of pots lines
03:55.50conveyZaptel quad T1 cards are going to be the cornerstone of my system
03:55.51fmenard_is there any way to get asterisk to ring an IP phone on an incoming Zap1 before the call is actually answered by Asterisk?
03:55.53bkw_or DS3's full of T1's
03:56.04IQCosmicRay: I got mine day before yesterday. was thinking of upgrading but wasn't sure what will it give me. I did some reading and they say that they increated the field lenght that store proxy server names
03:56.26fmenard_I'm actually testing the Grandstream GXP2000 on firmware
03:56.36bkw_fmenard_, i'll have one of those next week I suspect
03:56.39Vcohow is that thing anyway?
03:56.40conveybkw_: DS3 of T1 in the end. i am starting with one quad card.
03:56.48file[laptop]yay GXP-2000
03:57.28robl^just get an OC12 :)
03:57.59*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
03:58.17fmenard_anyone has an aswer for me? is there any way to get asterisk to ring an IP phone on an incoming Zap1 before the call is actually answered by
03:58.33jontowfmenard; i haven't fully tested it yet.. but let me grab my config from home :)
03:58.35bkw_you don't answer
03:58.37bkw_you just dial
03:58.51file[laptop]but brother Brian, people are silly!
03:58.51fmenard_basically, the situation is the following
03:58.55Redb3ardgod, cant wait til i can set up my asterisk server
03:59.03jontowexten => s,1,Ringing
03:59.03jontowexten => s,2,Dial(SIP/420|20)
03:59.14bkw_don't have to do ringing
03:59.18bkw_silly people
03:59.19jontowreally? coo'
03:59.20Exstaticagrrr the cvs is broken
03:59.22fmenard_I have a pots phone upstairs and my gxp2000 downstairs... if the PSTN call comes in, my wife may want to pick it up before asterisk does
03:59.23file[laptop]very very silly
03:59.23IQRedb3ard: does it take more than 30 min for installation?
03:59.24bkw_just s,1,kDial
03:59.27jontowbkw; thats my test box with an FXO card :)
03:59.28bkw_er s,1,Dial
03:59.28*** join/#asterisk LeoB (
03:59.37file[laptop]bkw_: so how goes your day?
03:59.47bkw_watching "The Terminal"
03:59.50bkw_poor guy
04:00.06file[laptop]yay Orbital
04:00.14Exstaticacdr_custom.c:22:34: asterisk/channel_pvt.h: No such file or directory
04:00.15Exstaticamake[1]: *** [cdr_custom.o] Error 1
04:00.22dmccollumAre there any inexpensive FXS cards like the X100p is for FXO?
04:00.33phsdshftbkw: hey... Remember me?
04:00.37file[laptop]the CVS is not broken, channel_pvt.h is gone
04:00.42bkw_remove channel_pvt.h
04:00.50bkw_from the #include
04:00.54bkw_drumkilla, can you fix that
04:01.01jontowfmenard; yes.
04:01.04jontowjust do this:
04:01.12jontowexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/1001|20)
04:01.16Exstaticai wonder why it was gone
04:01.24jontowassuming the phone you want to ring, is of course SIP/1001 (for 20 seconds)
04:01.40conveyhow many Zaptel Quad T1 cards are supporter in one system?
04:01.49bkw_I don't recommend more than one
04:02.00jontowconvey; as many as you can squeeze on the bus without causing interrupt problems? ;)  (ie. 1-2)
04:02.06Silik0nass rangers
04:02.11fmenard_I put this in the same context than my zapata.conf defines zap/1 to be I presume...
04:02.15bkw_Silik0n, you sexy bitch you
04:02.18jontowi suspect no more than 1 is *supported* .. ;)  but supported vs. possible are not the same ballgame.
04:02.19file[laptop]yay codec work to do!
04:02.20Silik0nwho'son the lets get harrassed listtonight?
04:02.26file[laptop]and RFC compliancy testing
04:02.28Silik0ny0 bkw
04:02.33bkw_Silik0n, i'll be on after this movie
04:02.36conveycool thanks all
04:02.42jontowfmenard; yes.. if thats the channel it rings in on.. thats what you gotta do :)
04:02.47file[laptop]bkw_: Level3 is evil
04:03.05jontowphsdshft; what have you found to be the best codec for data/fax transmissions through * ?
04:03.11Silik0ni'm at the hotel tonight no broadband
04:03.18phsdshftulaw (G.711U)
04:03.25jontowcool, so default it is ;)
04:03.27Silik0ngsm wouldnt even work on this connection
04:03.33jakepdevIs there a multi-port analog device to hook to *?  Don't want to use a channel bank if not needed
04:03.49PTG123gsm worked on a 56k modem for me just fine
04:04.03Exstaticai keep getting the error: channel.c:2954 ast_channel_bridge: Didn't get a frame from channel:
04:04.13Silik0nptg: not on a 24K connection
04:04.18Silik0nthats even laggin for ssh
04:04.25PTG123Silik0n: well does a 56k have a 24k up?
04:04.27file[laptop]poor Silik0n
04:04.27Exstaticathe phone rings, but it doesn't connect the calls
04:04.27fmenard_and then, if I thrown in a Dial(SIP/ext#|delay), does it count as a delay for waiting before going to the next priority, much if in the same way I had done a Wait(20)
04:04.30conveyfile[laptop]: I am about to sign a contract with lvl3, what has your experience been?
04:04.34jontowim looking to toss a modem on an ATA for a dial-into-unix-server type scenario, as well as faxing :)
04:04.37jontowjust as an experiment
04:04.41file[laptop]convey: they are picky, so very very picky - and they use E164
04:04.49jontowwhen the connection here goes down (if it does ...) i still want to be able to get my shit ! :)
04:04.50file[laptop]convey: and you have to go through an interop test process
04:04.53jakepdevI onlu saw 4 port analog cards at most for *
04:04.56PTG123convey: whats the name of your company?
04:05.00file[laptop]convey: and modify asterisk to comply, or else they fail you!
04:05.21PTG123file[laptop]: asterisk got that bug fixed recently that makes level3 not comply :)
04:05.43PTG123file[laptop]: it was retarded.. 0-16 changed to 0-15
04:05.43file[laptop]no I'm not talking about that
04:05.50file[laptop]oh that yeah
04:05.55file[laptop]that was only minor though
04:06.03PTG123file[laptop]: that was he only problem that we had
04:06.08file[laptop]can someone explain to me why we said we supported flash?
04:06.11file[laptop]on SIP?
04:06.46conveyfile[laptop]: and if you fail? do they tell you they do not want your business?
04:06.57PTG123convey: they just make you fix it
04:06.58conveyPTG123: Convey
04:07.02*** join/#asterisk lessthan (
04:07.09PTG123convey: got a webpage yet?
04:07.16file[laptop]silly stuff really
04:07.59file[laptop]oh well, I have god knows how many codecs to write
04:08.07conveyPTG123: not yet, that is in dev.  I hope to have the website up June first.
04:08.29PTG123file[laptop]: t38 in there? :)
04:08.32bkw_what are you doing dear?
04:08.44file[laptop]bkw_: fun stuff
04:08.45PTG123convey: l3 making you put up much of a deposit etc?
04:08.50bkw_is t38 really a codec?
04:09.07LeoBnovice question: what to do if "WARNING[3990]: chan_sip.c:9731 reload_config: Failed to bind to Address already in use" in asterisk?
04:09.13PTG123bkw_: well its sort of lack of a codec :)
04:09.17bkw_something else is bound to 5060
04:09.29EssobiLeoB It means you're running a sip phone or two copies of *. :)
04:09.51*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
04:10.03conveyPTG123: Just getting through the NDA's at the moment.  But they are my carrier of choice in terms of QOS.
04:10.22Sedoroxso convey what are in these's NDA? :-p
04:10.30Essobi <-- My first bug post.. Hope I did it right.
04:10.39PTG123convey: word is sprint is a very good way to go.. :)
04:10.55conveyPTG123: Also my equip is hosted near on of their poeering points.
04:11.20PTG123convey: yah they are all over, most of the carriers are
04:11.41conveyPTG123: Maybe I will use sprint as a secondary carrier :)
04:12.32PTG123convey: well i was told that they have no defined products, so they are very customizable, but have the same coverage as l3
04:12.33conveyPTG123: What is your companies name?
04:12.39PTG123i don't like that you can't set your caller id name with level3
04:13.18Exstaticacan someone take a look at something and see if there is something i'm doing wrong?
04:13.25PTG123convey: i just work with several companies
04:13.52file[laptop]Exstatica: put notransfer=yes in the voicepulse entry and try
04:14.03file[laptop]in iax.conf
04:14.45bkw_this movie is funny
04:15.01bkw_The Terminal
04:15.06file[laptop]I felt like him at some of the airports :p
04:15.07Exstaticafile[laptop], still gives me unable to transfer
04:15.11Essobithat's a decent most
04:15.16Essobilong thou..
04:15.17file[laptop]Exstatica: did you do a reload
04:15.29bkw_he figures out the quarters
04:15.50EssobiGO KIDS! GO NOW! GOPLAY!
04:15.55conveyPTG123: I will definately have to check out sprint, thanks for the tip :)
04:15.56Exstaticafile[laptop], i restarted asterisk
04:16.44conveyPTG123: as it stands it took my over a month to get a l3 sales rep to call me back.
04:16.45PTG123convey: where are you based out of?
04:17.15MavvieT.38 > * (for faxes :-)
04:17.36IQCosmicRay: I upgraded mine to  2.0.13g
04:17.44file[laptop]can we not go into the whole T.38 discussion?
04:17.53sivanahow do you kill a screen session
04:17.56CosmicRayIQ: seemed to work OK?
04:18.04file[laptop]oh that reminds me
04:18.05file[laptop]bkw_: poke
04:18.07Mavviefile[laptop]: just did!
04:18.31IQCosmicRay: yeah, it is connecting to my SIP server in Asia - no need to reconfigure
04:19.08IQCosmicRay: I read the Notes, there are many improvements
04:19.23`Sauron<3 t.38
04:19.34EssobiT.38 roxors joo
04:19.39jboti guess fxs is foreign exchange system - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
04:19.42IQCosmicRay: read this
04:20.34jakepdevgreg - is this a workable fallback plan? AudioCodes MP124 FXS
04:20.40IQCosmicRay: only if we could change MAC on 3000
04:20.47bkw_Silik0n, dude
04:20.47Shido6what in the world, jakepdev
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04:21.02jakepdevanalog d00d
04:21.10Shido6you dont need that
04:21.17conveyPTG123: we are based out of NYC.
04:21.20Shido6do it the way we talked about using the PRI setup
04:21.28CosmicRayIQ: mac?  as in ethernet mac address
04:21.34Shido6what was wrong with the pri setup?
04:21.34jakepdevi'm concerned it won't work - then I need a plan B
04:21.41Shido6that was plan b
04:21.44IQCosmicRay: yes
04:21.45Shido6plan b works
04:21.47Shido6we know it works
04:21.52Shido6the three channels came up
04:21.52jakepdevonly 1/2 way
04:21.57Shido61/2 way?
04:21.59Shido6I dont understand
04:22.00jakepdevno all channels came up
04:22.09CosmicRayIQ: why would I need to change the mac address?
04:22.17Shido6if all the channels came up
04:22.20jakepdevi can just see customers tying up those trunks
04:22.20Shido6whats the problem?
04:22.26Shido6then get another E1
04:22.33Shido6or buy a quad
04:22.50IQCosmicRay: Some places, like at my work - they assign IP address based on the MAC.
04:22.50PTG123convey: hey private message me
04:22.50jakepdevso no analog?
04:24.22file[laptop]oh no wonder nobody was on that box... it was the wrong one
04:25.15CosmicRayIQ: ah.
04:25.23CosmicRayIQ: I do too, but I control the dhcp server, so no problem :-)
04:25.53IQCosmicRay: how do you like the manual that came with it ?
04:26.15CosmicRaywhat manual? :-)
04:26.23CosmicRaymy spa3k came with a small booklet
04:26.30CosmicRayhad to download the admin manual from
04:26.35CosmicRaymy spa-841 didn't even come with that
04:26.39IQyeah, thats what I'm talking about, what manual
04:26.54IQcan you send me link to the admin manual?
04:27.06CosmicRayjust go to, then support->overview
04:27.12CosmicRayit's something like "SPA user guide"
04:28.16IQthe one that is for all ATAs ?
04:28.24Shido6pee on the avaya
04:28.28CosmicRayit has a chapter on the 3000 specifically
04:28.28Shido6and be done with it while its on
04:28.37Shido6now asterisk has to take over
04:28.59IQShido6: Aameen to that... what Avaya product do u use?
04:29.07jakepdevdeinity G3
04:29.09Shido6jakepdev uses it
04:29.19jakepdevi don't use it - my customer does
04:29.20Shido6or is charged to integrate that with his project
04:29.43Shido6i have an idea
04:29.45*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
04:29.48JerJer[mobile]i think that is worse than CCM
04:29.49jakepdevall ears
04:29.59IQDefinity is suppose to be a good platform
04:30.03Shido6check it out
04:30.09JerJer[mobile]lol  good
04:30.11Shido6how much will avaya charge for more ports
04:30.14JerJer[mobile]now that's funny
04:30.16Shido6and is it less or more than 2 cents/minute
04:30.23IQan arm and a leg I guess
04:30.27Shido6yes but
04:30.27jakepdevi see where this is going :)
04:30.29Shido6I have a solution
04:30.38jakepdevoutsource the thing?
04:30.47Shido6out through... I dont kno... NuFone
04:31.03Shido6do the math and get back to me
04:31.05jakepdevno bias there hehe
04:31.13Shido6that way
04:31.14JerJer[mobile]if the cocksuckers at NuFone would call me back, maybe
04:31.44QwellWhats everyones problem with the customer service at nufone?
04:31.56Qwell2 rings, I get an answer.  a few minutes later...bam, problem solved
04:32.14bkw_Qwell, ya really.. I never had issues getting nufone on da phone
04:32.16IQI'm waiting for NuFone's tarrif/rate-list for over a week now
04:32.18bkw_some people are just stupid
04:32.20jakepdevqwell - he owns NuFone
04:32.35Qwellbkw_: Greg here answered, and fixed in in...what...5 minutes?
04:32.42Qwelljakepdev: yeah, I know :p
04:32.42IQQwell: you own NuFone :O ?
04:32.47QwellIQ: no, heh
04:32.52QwellJerJer[mobile] does
04:33.03IQJerJer[mobile]: you own NuFone :O ?
04:33.25Shido6are at
04:33.27*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
04:33.40IQShido6: Thanks :)
04:33.54*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released ||
04:33.55IQA link on main page would be nice to have
04:33.56jakepdevgreg - they would never go for it
04:34.12Shido6swing it by them
04:34.25QwellIQ: usually there is, I believe
04:34.26jakepdevmain thing being QoS guarantees - that'd be impossible
04:34.35jakepdevover the net
04:34.40jakepdevTN - MI
04:34.43*** join/#asterisk goobster (
04:34.46IQQwell: not there since I'm looking for it
04:34.49Shido6accidentally drop a 75 lbs bucket of water on it
04:34.51Shido6and be done with it
04:34.52JerJer[mobile]iq: how about looking on the website?
04:34.57IQShido6: whats wrong with Avaya Definity G3  ?
04:35.10jakepdevIQ - 3 days of hell
04:35.27ManxPowerA fax machine kicked my ass today.
04:35.29IQJerJer[mobile]: I'm still looking at the website - sorry can't see any link :(
04:35.39EssobiManxPower I told you not to bench press it.
04:36.09goobsterIs there a way to get Asterisk connected to Packet8 with SIP?
04:36.13jakepdevBTW - greg - happy with the time you spent.  this thing is just more difficult then I coud've ever imagined
04:36.16JerJer[mobile]Iq are you blind?
04:36.17EssobiJerJer[mobile]  I'm going to try to reproduce it on a current -head tomarrow.
04:36.26ManxPowerEssobi, This specific model has not way to tell it to use a slower protocol.
04:36.34robl^ManxPower: just have it flogged :)
04:36.34Shido6JerJer[mobile] does b2b transfer work yet?
04:36.39IQJerJer[mobile]: I guess not... ?
04:36.40EssobiThat's lame.
04:36.46ManxPowerrobl^, 8-)
04:37.05jakepdevisn't it doing b2b xfer now?
04:37.12ManxPowerrobl^, I had left it at home 8-)
04:37.14jakepdevin one b out the other?
04:37.17JerJer[mobile]Shido6: on what channel?
04:37.17QwellJerJer[mobile]: For the record, there isn't a link to the rates on the main page anymore...
04:37.26JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  there isn't?
04:37.31robl^ManxPower: never leave home without it!
04:37.37Shido6Qwell, refresh
04:37.42EssobiManxPower So it has no negot setting, or are you saying it only does G3 and no handshakes for lower?
04:37.44Qwellnope, "sorry, no more new accounts right now", a link to the privacy policy and TAC
04:37.47bkw_POOR GUY
04:37.48QwellNow its there. :)
04:37.51bkw_this movie is crazy
04:37.52IQNow there is
04:38.04IQAm I really blind :(
04:38.05QwellWhen you guys gonna be accepting new accounts again?
04:38.05Essobibkw_ it gets better
04:38.05ManxPowerQwell, JerJer[mobile] likes to hide things in plain site.
04:38.14QwellManxPower: indeed
04:38.40EssobiManxPower I hide things in plain site from myself all the time. :)
04:38.42ManxPowerQwell, NOBODY puts important information on a page that likkes so much like a splash page, eh?
04:38.50QwellManipura: :p
04:38.56Qwellyou know what I meant
04:38.57IQJerJer[mobile]: Thanks for putting the Rate Link there. I can see now :)
04:38.57ManxPowerlooks, that is.
04:38.58robl^what movie?
04:39.10Essobihe's watching the terminal
04:39.38robl^Incredibles was better :)
04:39.44QwellJerJer[mobile]: Mind a really quick message?
04:40.03*** join/#asterisk dca (
04:42.15jakepdev<Shido6>: I'm calling Digium tommorrow to get my money back for this * software
04:42.47bkw_jakepdev, what?
04:42.48Silik0nsoftware from digium is as is no refunds
04:42.57bkw_you're like fucking kidding me right?
04:45.15jakepdevnah - I tried paying for software and it still won't do this properly
04:46.01jakepdevspent $1500 at training already for an IVR that doesn't work with this solution
04:46.19bkw_you must really need some help
04:46.24bkw_i'll help you for 1k
04:46.26jakepdevyes - now you see why I'm so frustrated
04:46.43bkw_you fly me to where you are too.. hands on help
04:46.51jakepdevbkw - if you could make this work the 1k would be worth it
04:47.00Silik0nwhat IVR is it?
04:47.04jakepdevyou don't even need to fly
04:47.21Silik0nasterisk based?
04:47.30jakepdevIVR is *, switch is Avaya
04:47.39Silik0nthat should be easy to fix
04:47.43Essobiavaya pbx?
04:48.01jakepdevyes - but needs to use OPX
04:48.06jakepdev(not trunk config)
04:48.36Silik0nhow many pris int he G3?
04:48.45jakepdev1 for now two in production
04:49.04*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
04:49.05Silik0nand you wasted money on a G3 got that?
04:49.17EssobiBling bling?
04:49.17jakepdevi didn't buy the G3
04:49.31jakepdevwasn't my decision
04:49.33EssobiI love things that fall off trucks too
04:49.36jakepdevit's my customer
04:49.37Silik0ni mean shit 10 years ago a g3 for 2 pris might have been worth it... today... fuck that
04:49.51jakepdevi'm just providing the IVR
04:49.55jakepdev(* IVR
04:50.00EssobiSo what's the problem them?
04:50.07Silik0nwell pay me I'll fix it
04:50.11Silik0ni do ivrs everyday
04:50.12Essobiinterconnect to avaya?
04:50.19EssobiSilik0n Me too. :)
04:50.23jakepdevjust need to connect it where the trunks are configured as DS1FD
04:50.27JerJer[mobile]smells like someone is hurting for cash
04:50.31Silik0nreconfig the trunks
04:50.49Silik0nall I need is the craft pw for that
04:51.05Silik0nwhich is easy enuff toget if you give me the IL#
04:51.08Shido6i need a beer
04:51.21Shido6vodka and rum
04:51.22Silik0nor the newer "sold to #"
04:51.25*** join/#asterisk Othello (
04:51.30jakepdev<Shido6>: he'll need a beer too after he gets finished with this
04:51.37Silik0nfat sack of rock?
04:51.48Othelloeh ... sorry to interrupt on the party guys...
04:51.58EssobiYou pilfering jerjer's crack again?
04:52.08Othellobut erm ... can someone help me with a console sound problem?
04:52.23Silik0nskinamx pr0n
04:53.11Essobistereorize <-- is that a real word?
04:53.15Othelloerm ... I'm using kernel 2.6.11 on gentoo... and I'm using the driver... apparantly ...
04:54.23Othellois I type "dial" ... I would hear the initial beep sound but that's all ... when I do a "show channel ALSA/default", it shows that it has only written 2 frames , but the number of frames in keeps ticking
04:54.54Shido6bbl -
04:55.18EssobiOthello sounds like your sound is borked
04:55.40Othelloeh , Essobi might be
04:56.01Othelloexcept that when I play stuff through /dev/audio ... ala ... cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio
04:56.04Othelloit works
04:56.34SedoroxOpinion Time: what do you think.... a HP Server, Dual P2 400mhz, with 256 ram, basically new, has front bez. and both drive carts ----- or a HP Server, Dual PII 550, 128 megs ram, no front bez. and only one drive cart
04:56.34outtoluncisn't it /dev/dsp?
04:56.39Sedoroxboth are same price
04:56.42outtoluncfor console
04:56.53`Sauronsederox: Neither?
04:56.53Othellothat's for OSS
04:56.54Sedoroxwill be used for Asterisk and ipv6 bgp stuff
04:56.56OthelloI'm using ALSA
04:56.56JuggieSedorox, neither!
04:57.05outtoluncnever used either
04:57.07Sedoroxwhy you say that?
04:57.13Juggieyou'd be better off with a 2ghz non dual
04:57.16Juggieor a 1ghz non dual
04:57.19Juggiethen a dual 550
04:57.22OthelloI'm using a ES1371 sound card
04:57.26SedoroxI can't spend more then $150...
04:57.52JuggieSedorox, i think is a good site
04:59.12outtoluncnote thats to push it as oss
04:59.18Othellothanks outtolunc ... will read it
05:00.25bkw_OMG i'm gonna cry
05:00.26bkw_that prick
05:01.02*** join/#asterisk dave_mw1 (
05:01.24dave_mw1I'm getting an error on starting up asterisk:
05:01.38dave_mw1Mar 24 23:57:21 WARNING[1457]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
05:01.38dave_mw1[eugene@teledev eugene]$ Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
05:01.47bkw_its not an asterisk error
05:01.48dave_mw1sorry...hope that wasn't too big of a post
05:01.52JerJer[mobile]it cannot find
05:01.55bkw_thats from mpg123
05:01.57JerJer[mobile]can't you see that?
05:02.00bkw_and your spandsp is fucked up
05:02.03JerJer[mobile]bkw_:  read hihger
05:02.09dave_mw1I tried to kill mpg123
05:02.15dave_mw1but still had the problem on startup
05:02.29Silik0nhah vampire pr0n oncinemax
05:02.33JerJer[mobile]the no such file or directory doesn't set off a big alarm in your head?
05:02.36bkw_Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe <-- this is from mpg123
05:02.45bkw_haha ya
05:02.48bkw_thats what I seen
05:02.49dave_mw1bkw_: right I know
05:02.52Silik0nomg i've never see that error
05:03.01Silik0nwhats that mean?
05:03.02dave_mw1postings have said to kill the process and then restart
05:03.18JerJer[mobile]find out where you stashed libspandsp and add it to and run ldconfig
05:03.25bkw_tom hanks is doing such a good job in this movie
05:03.28dave_mw1I've got other warnings during startup, but none of them are causing errors
05:03.35outtoluncused to get that broken pipe error all the time.. just ignored it
05:03.41Silik0nwhat movie bkw_
05:03.42bkw_or patch mpg123 like I did
05:03.45outtolunc(when shutting down)
05:03.46bkw_The Terminal
05:03.50dave_mw1outtolunc: it won't let me start at all
05:03.52JerJer[mobile]or don't run mpg123
05:03.58JerJer[mobile]dave_mw1: pay attention
05:04.14dave_mw1JerJer: listening intently
05:04.15JerJer[mobile]read my last couple messsages
05:04.23JerJer[mobile]three to be exact
05:04.45JerJer[mobile]four if your being literal
05:04.56JerJer[mobile]so a couple couple  ;P
05:05.00Qwellfive if you say another sentence :p
05:05.15dave_mw1JerJer, .so, .la, .a?
05:05.47JerJer[mobile]Phill found 50 feet of fabulous flat fruit
05:07.46JerJer[mobile]too late, its gone
05:08.35bkw_HAHA OMG funny
05:08.38dave_mw1JerJer, you rock man.
05:08.50dave_mw1JerJer: I salute thee.
05:09.00dave_mw1JerJer: I pay homage to thee.
05:09.08JerJer[mobile]kiss my feet
05:09.21*** join/#asterisk myridom (
05:09.41mikegrbBeirdo: I'm pushing a perl module out to 44 servers
05:09.45mikegrbit sucketh
05:09.57mikegrbthe module is broken! as the tests fail /every time/
05:10.00mikegrbbut the module works
05:10.03mikegrbwell one test fails
05:10.40myridomcan anyone point me to a asterisk turn key solution, so i can get started with this and build on it later
05:10.41IQJerJer[mobile]: what carrier do u use for mid-east and asia?
05:11.11JerJer[mobile]the phone company
05:11.36Silik0nanyone delivering 900 inbounds over voip yet?
05:11.48mikegrbI imagine nufone is
05:11.52JerJer[mobile]that's pure instanity
05:12.26JerJer[mobile]give me a $50,000 deposit and i might be able to make a single number happen
05:12.31*** join/#asterisk saft (
05:12.38JerJer[mobile]with a monthly usage limit of $1,000
05:12.40Silik0nyeah no shit
05:12.47Silik0nthats too low a limite
05:12.52Juggiehahah 900 would need a 50k deposit?
05:12.55Juggiethats insane
05:13.04Silik0nchargebacks are a bitch on 900s
05:13.14safti feel a tad retarded, i just spent about 10 minutes wondering my my nickserv password had changed, before realising i had the wrong nickname :(
05:13.25JerJer[mobile]hmm wonder who's picture would be on it?
05:13.27Silik0npeople will dispute them all the time
05:13.36safti have a quick question regarding analog zaptel channels
05:13.37mikegrb900 numbers
05:13.43JerJer[mobile]yes i spelled that correctly
05:13.50mikegrbI thought that was 900 simultanious calls
05:13.50outtoluncClitoff <G>
05:13.58JerJer[mobile]saft: just ask the question
05:14.01JerJer[mobile]don't ask to ask
05:14.01Beirdomikegrb: ouch.  don't let me break your concentration
05:14.18mikegrbBeirdo: it's super automated thanks to my excellent scripting skills
05:14.18safti need to dial, wait, and dial some more
05:14.22mikegrbbut I have to watch it
05:14.25saftlower case W doesnt seem to work?
05:14.26JerJer[mobile]saft: then do that
05:14.39mikegrba few boxes had bad cpan configs, they pointed at mirrors that were no longer alive
05:14.41JerJer[mobile]how about p ?
05:14.44BeirdoOooh, look, you just borked 44 servers with your scripting skillz :)
05:14.50PTG123anyone here do outgoing through a sip connection, what should the dial string look like?
05:14.53mikegrb19 down so far
05:14.53saftp in the number as a w would be?
05:15.00safti'll give it a go
05:15.15PTG123JerJer: no to go through another asterisk box
05:15.20mikegrbBeirdo: this is the trouble module after it I have another script that installs two more perl modules then installs and configures munin
05:15.40PTG123what is bob?
05:15.47JerJer[mobile]a type=peer in sip.conf
05:15.56outtolunc,) (one eyed bob)
05:15.59Beirdomikegrb: munin, eh?  heh
05:16.05mikegrbBeirdo: aye!
05:16.08PTG123well we have type=friend which should work.. but where do you specify username and passworD?
05:16.13PTG123er and number
05:16.15JerJer[mobile]or a type=friend if you are lazy and/or brave
05:16.19mikegrbBeirdo: it handles alerts and stuff too :D
05:16.20bkw_OMG I'm gonna cry.. this movie is great
05:16.28PTG123with IAX you need to specify username in dial string
05:16.29mikegrbBeirdo: it's like a cross between mrtg and nagios
05:16.41JerJer[mobile]doesn't work like that with sip
05:16.43mikegrbBeirdo: except the nodes do no graphing, they just send data back via ssl
05:16.50saftJerJer[mobile] - the p doesnt seem to work as a pause, any more ideas?
05:16.52JerJer[mobile]unless you have today's CVS
05:17.05PTG123JerJer: well where do i specify the # then?
05:17.06JerJer[mobile]cuz mark added real sip authentication on outbound calls
05:17.32PTG123JerJer: well right now its not authenticating properly, so the other asterisk box returns 404
05:17.42JerJer[mobile]then use IAX
05:18.00PTG123JerJer: need to preserve the re-invite
05:18.11JerJer[mobile]use iaix
05:18.13PTG123JerJer: so is this broken in the month old cvs version?
05:18.26PTG123the provider is SIP, so iax wouldn't work
05:18.26PTG123its l3 :)
05:18.53JerJer[mobile]so your sayng level3 runs Asterisk?
05:19.11PTG123no its like this
05:19.27PTG123i want it to establish call then RTP
05:19.27JerJer[mobile]use IAX
05:19.35PTG123if i use iax, that won't work
05:19.35*** join/#asterisk ikey (ikey@
05:19.45JerJer[mobile]don't use two asterisk boxes then
05:19.46PTG123i want it to take the asterisk boxes out of the loop
05:19.50PTG123i have to use them :)
05:19.52PTG123one is a customer box
05:19.54PTG123one is my gateway
05:20.05PTG123and i don't wanna install ser
05:20.09JerJer[mobile]sucks to be you
05:20.10*** join/#asterisk hardwire (~hardwire@
05:20.10PTG123i would sooner rewrite chan_sip.c
05:20.18PTG123JerJer: so it is broken/
05:20.38ikeyhi any one has experiance on r2mfc with asterisk
05:20.41ChujiJerJer[mobile] : You ever use Max 6000's?
05:20.54JerJer[mobile]i don't trunk two asterisk boxes with sip
05:20.56JerJer[mobile]it is just wrong
05:21.20Silik0niax that shit or reinvite if its possible
05:21.29JerJer[mobile]Chuji: nope
05:21.40Chujihmm, k
05:21.42Silik0nChuji what about it
05:21.43PTG123i don't think l3 is gonna run iax so i can reinvite through it :)
05:21.56JerJer[mobile]iax doesn't reinvite
05:22.02ChujiSilik0n : I have one coming and was just wodering if they are pretty easy
05:22.02bkw_it native transfers
05:22.06Sedoroxlevel3 is doing voip?
05:22.14outtolunci think he means iax between the asterisk boxes
05:22.20Silik0nleve3 will deliver calls to you over sip
05:22.25outtoluncwho gives a shit what the end points are
05:22.49Silik0nSedorox they have a ton of shit htey will do if you give term enuff minutes thru them
05:23.21bkw_l3 don't return calls unless you do 7 million min/mth
05:23.33Silik0nhah that too
05:23.54Silik0nlike i said you gotta do enuff minutes
05:25.00Silik0npeice out.... must have sleep
05:25.03Othelloouttolunc ... the sound is still borked
05:25.13PTG123great now i am gonna have to fix sip in asterisk this weekend
05:25.23bkw_what is wrong with sip?
05:25.24bkw_do tell please
05:25.26Beirdo~seen slepp
05:25.28jbotslepp is currently on #asterisk (2d 5h 29m 21s)
05:25.59PTG123bkw_: is sip or isn't it broken? jerjer is saying it doesn't support proper dial strings for authentication via two asterisk boxes
05:26.21PTG123want it all to b e sip no iax
05:26.29ariel_it's late sleep time....
05:26.50Beirdoasterisk->asterisk is best done with IAX
05:26.58JerJer[mobile]no, i said i don't trunk two asterisk boxes with SIP
05:27.15JerJer[mobile]asterisk is not a sip proxy
05:28.07dcahe wants the RTP stream to bridge from L3->SIP Device
05:28.13*** join/#asterisk nigel_c (
05:28.16dcaand asterisk doesn't let it go, so...
05:28.27JerJer[mobile]smells like its time to run SER
05:28.30outtoluncnotes: there isn't a way i know of 'to trunk' with sip between 2 asterisk boxes.. but with iax there is
05:28.36ariel_JerJer[mobile], your correct. But in some cases like I have a customer that needs two asterisk boxes talking to each other via sip.
05:28.48JerJer[mobile]no, two asterisk boxes never need to talk SIP
05:28.54JerJer[mobile]to each other
05:29.05JerJer[mobile]use SER for that crap
05:29.10outtoluncuse iax between them
05:29.21dcahehe, right :)
05:29.32JerJer[mobile]then don't be his provider
05:29.39JerJer[mobile]more fish in the sea
05:29.40PTG123bkw_: can asterisk handle it ro no?
05:29.50PTG123why would i use ser?
05:29.53PTG123when asterisk should do it?
05:29.59JerJer[mobile]because ser is a sip proxy
05:30.17JerJer[mobile]asterisk is more like a media gateway in sip terms
05:30.20PTG123it simple, if asteriusk can't do it, i';ll just write the code so it CAN do it
05:30.25PTG123SIP is the simpliest protocol in the world
05:30.27JerJer[mobile]good luck
05:30.30PTG123so can it or can't it do it?
05:30.31JerJer[mobile]iax is
05:30.44PTG123sip: has alot of extensibility.. doesn't make it hard
05:30.53JerJer[mobile]sip has a lot of bloat
05:30.55PTG123sip: how hard would it be to just get the damn auth shit right
05:30.55outtolunchas to agree with jerjer... BS
05:31.08PTG123i just want confirmation its broken before i waste my time
05:31.17BeirdoPTG123: it's your time to waste
05:31.17JerJer[mobile]define broken
05:31.22JerJer[mobile]asterisk is not a sip proxy
05:31.30BeirdoIAX between asterisk boxes is the way to go :)
05:31.41outtoluncbroken is when my chair doesn't contact the fan and 'no massage'
05:31.43PTG123Berido: the stupid way to go
05:31.45JerJer[mobile]what's your hatred wth ser?
05:31.53PTG123i just don't wanna run two apps
05:31.55PTG123ok look at this
05:32.01JerJer[mobile]you are not gatewaying from the PSTN
05:32.05*** join/#asterisk jedaustin (
05:32.06JerJer[mobile]just proxying someone elses SIP
05:32.25NuggetI use asterisk as a sip proxy.  it can be done, but it's ugly.
05:32.27PTG123if i ran IAX the packets would go all the way to phx then back to ny
05:32.34PTG123introducing latency that shouldn't be there
05:32.47PTG123Nugget: how do you set your dial strings?
05:33.00Nuggetit's more complicated than that.
05:33.01Beirdoso do L3(NY)->ASTERISK2(NY)
05:33.05jedaustinOk.. who here has a sipura 841 with 4 'appearances'?  I ordered one of these from voipsupply, paid the extra $30 to add more buttons.. but theres no where I can find to turn the other two extensions on..
05:33.14JerJer[mobile]or very simply run SER
05:33.14hardwireis cisco call manager worth a damn?
05:33.14Nuggetyou have to reattach the ${SIPDOMAIN} that asterisk helpfully removes.
05:33.20PTG123the entire POINT of sip, is the location of your box shouldn't matter,  nor how many boxes inbetween
05:33.21JerJer[mobile]hardwire: hell no.. .crap
05:33.22Nuggetand it's a pain in the ass to do that
05:33.29PTG123Nugget: yah that seems to be the problem
05:33.30Beirdoyeah, or use the right tool for the job :)
05:33.35hardwireJerJer[mobile]: then what do people deploy when they use all 7960's in an office
05:33.42outtoluncsounds to me like you need to place a 'local' asterisk box at the clients site BECAUSE you want to 'act like you are on his net'
05:33.44hardwireyour standard run of the mill wanna be voip company.
05:33.45*** join/#asterisk nix000 (~nix000@
05:33.46hardwireall CCM?
05:33.55hardwireerr pbx install. interconnect.
05:33.58JerJer[mobile]hardwire: they have a SIP and H.323 firmware loads for 7960s
05:34.08Nugget is how I do it, but that should in no way be construed as an endorsement of the technique.  fundamentally I think it's a bad idea for what you're describing.
05:34.10hardwirejust wondering how many CCM installs there are out there
05:34.14hardwiremore than anything
05:34.20NuggetI just didn't want my cisco phone to have to be routable to the net.
05:34.24PTG123Nugget: ok it is broken though?
05:34.32Nuggetit functions, but it's ugly as all hell
05:34.33PTG123Nugget: i'll fix it if so
05:34.33JerJer[mobile]define broken
05:34.43JerJer[mobile]asterisk is not a sip proxy
05:34.46outtoluncbroken is when my chair doesn't contact the fan and 'no massage'
05:34.46Nuggetit's definitely an abuse of the dialplan
05:34.48PTG123broken: no way to do it without an ugly hack
05:34.49JerJer[mobile](is there an echo in here)
05:35.07Beirdobroken: using an app for what it's not designed for.
05:35.17hardwireNugget: !
05:35.24hardwirethey all need PIP's?
05:35.26Beirdooh wait, that should say... silly:
05:35.29Nuggetwhat is a PIP?
05:35.35hardwirepublic ip
05:35.42hardwireprivate ip
05:35.47hardwireits a me word.. I forgot
05:35.49Nuggetno, they need to be routable *IF* you want to be able to do sip uri dialing.
05:35.59Nuggetthat can be done on a private ip.
05:36.04NuggetI have no nat on my network.
05:36.17NuggetI don't want to have to add nat just so I can dial from my phone
05:36.22Nuggetso I make asterisk do that
05:36.39hardwireno real advantage to using CM w/ 7960s then
05:36.43hardwireCCM :)
05:36.51JerJer[mobile]nothing major
05:36.51Nuggetthe sad part, to me, is that there's no reason at all that asterisk shouldn't be doing that.
05:37.01Nuggetit's just a design decision that makes my life difficult
05:37.20PTG123Nugget: because people are stubborn *COUGH* jerjer *COUGH*
05:37.20JerJer[mobile]the biggest is shared lines and line activity presenation
05:37.28NuggetI see no functional or logical difference between routing 15125380508 through asterisk and routing through asterisk.
05:37.32Nuggetit's just call routing
05:37.46hardwireoh weird
05:37.49hardwireit runs on doze
05:37.53*** join/#asterisk drkludge (
05:37.54Nuggetbut asterisk considers those two equivalent dialstrings as world apart and dissimilar
05:37.55hardwirenot a router :)
05:37.56outtolunctraversing NAT in ANY fashion is a kludge perse... nat was just to multiplex OUT first
05:37.58JerJer[mobile]show me how asterisk is a sip proxy
05:38.02PTG123Nugget: ok well i got a mission for this weekend, along with the other 200 things i was going to write
05:38.13PTG123JerJer: why shouldn't asterisk sip proxy
05:38.23PTG123JerJer: and it certainly sip proxies for me right now
05:38.32PTG123JerJer: for example dial two sip devices on same box
05:38.35hardwirePTG123: no transcoding?
05:38.35NuggetJerJer: what is the logical difference between me dialing "15125380508" and me dialing "", from the perspective of my phone or my user?
05:38.37outtolunci want a big mac, but i want it without all the big mac stuff....
05:38.41PTG123JerJer: proxies and connects the two RTP streams direct
05:38.47PTG123JerJer: it proxies sometimes, just not all the time
05:38.54outtoluncthen just order the f'n double cheese burger
05:38.55JerJer[mobile]PTG123: then you have no clue what the term 'sip proxy' is
05:38.57PTG123hardwire: my box never transcodes
05:38.57hardwirePTG123: redirect?
05:39.04PTG123hardwire: thats what a proxy does? :)
05:39.11hardwireso does asterisk
05:39.23hardwirethe office is on
05:39.25PTG123JerJer: a sip proxy proxies the messages, but connects the RTP streams direct
05:39.26hardwireit needs my attention
05:39.31JerJer[mobile]asterisk makes decsions for the call and then re-invites to make the two sip channels compatable
05:39.46NuggetJerJer[mobile]: my example is not doing that.
05:39.58Nuggetnothing will ever be compatible with the phone on my desk, except for my server.
05:40.00JerJer[mobile]there is no way around it
05:40.22bkw_whats so special about your phone?
05:40.36Nuggetit can't route to you
05:40.46*** join/#asterisk Mavvie (
05:41.28jedaustinouttolunc: turn off your caps lock
05:41.47bkw_NO KEEP IT ON IT ROCKS
05:41.55JerJer[mobile]YEAH CAPS LOCKS
05:42.04Nugget"caps lock is like cruise control for awesome"
05:42.40outtolunci think he got it
05:43.02JerJer[mobile]bkw_: Leah says "Hi"
05:43.10outtoluncthen again
05:43.43bkw_JerJer[mobile], heehe tell her "Yo"
05:43.46jedaustinNugget: In the same way that wearing "Aqua Velva" gets you laid :)
05:44.16JerJer[mobile]bkw_:  she says, "what up homie?"
05:44.49outtoluncnotes: that would be more effective as 'HOMIE" <G>
05:45.12bkw_JerJer[mobile], tell her i'm watching "The Terminal"
05:45.32JerJer[mobile]isn't that a chick flick?
05:45.40bkw_no clue.. i'm gay.. I can't tell
05:46.09jedaustinJerJer[mobile]: The terminal is actually a decent movie
05:47.06jedaustinThats what I was going to say!
05:47.06JerJer[mobile]are we on efnet?
05:47.06JerJer[mobile]oh wait no
05:47.06bkw_was about to say
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05:47.49bkw_ROLLER COASTER
05:47.49jedaustinHmm  how do you call foward outside of asterisk?  when I do *72XXXXXXXXXX or *729XXXXXXXXXX it just sits there silently for awhile and  then hangs up
05:48.10bkw_jedaustin, clue?
05:48.14bkw_got it.. get it.. good
05:48.27jedaustinbkw_: lost me there
05:48.36drkludgeGood Evening
05:49.00jedaustinHmm  how do you call foward outside of asterisk?  when I do *72XXXXXXXXXX or *729XXXXXXXXXX it just sits there silently for awhile and  then hangs up (when I call the extension that has forwarding)
05:49.02drkludgeI have an Asterisk hardware question.
05:49.24drkludgeAre there any 5v PCI cards that work with Asterisk?
05:49.48Qwelldrkludge: There is a quad T1 card, and the tdm is 5v I believe
05:49.52bkw_jedaustin, I said get a clue.. you obviously don't understand asterisk
05:50.15jedaustinbkw_: I just set it up this week, what am I missing?
05:50.23bkw_give it a few more days
05:50.27bkw_it will all snap into focus
05:50.30bkw_and make sensee
05:50.36`Sauronjedaustin: You're missing bkw's love.. ;)
05:50.50jedaustinSauron: THATS what Im missing?? Damn!
05:50.56bkw_see it takes a newbie a little over a week to really get it
05:51.01bkw_what day are you on?
05:51.18*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
05:51.21saftwicked, i just worked out a nice extension to dial in to my works 2 way radio system :D
05:51.23sudhir492hi all
05:51.41drkludgeQwell, thanks.  I've been looking for something at the house so I don't need T1.  I didn't want to shell out $300+ for a new mo board.
05:52.02sudhir492Has anyone else noticed some weird behavior on Verizon's DSL?
05:52.05`SauronLove the poison ivy.
05:52.08jedaustinbkw: it took me 5 tries to get it installed right.. I just had to follow the directions (grin)
05:52.10Qwellsudhir492: like...not working?
05:52.17safttoodles all :)
05:52.19bkw_jedaustin, but how many days are you on?
05:52.24bkw_I was 0-7 days to production
05:52.27jedaustinbkw_:I think Im right at 7 days now
05:52.30sudhir492right, outgoing call not going from business DSL lines
05:52.42bkw_give it a few more
05:52.52jedaustinbkw_: I have basic functionality working, dial in, dial out, trying to replicate the system I already have.
05:53.03bkw_well you still lack a few key things
05:53.22hardwireNugget: do you use the cisco 26xx series routers for sip proxy at all?
05:53.23jedaustinbkw_: besides experience :) ?
05:53.25bkw_you have yet to feel the power of asterisk
05:54.00jedaustinbkw_: Im totally digging it :) Nice to sit at my desk at work with a software phone and a headset and dial anywhere I want :)
05:54.15bkw_thats not the best part
05:54.27bkw_once you realize what all you can do with a call ..... its like being GOD over the call
05:54.34outtoluncits the 'hands off' part that is so cool
05:54.58bkw_is google down for anyone?
05:55.01sudhir492Qwell: I setup the phones at client site for hosted PBX 2 weeks ago, works fine for sometime but they could not make any calls outside today. I bring the same phone to my house, connect it and works fine.
05:55.12CosmicRaygoogle is fine here
05:55.41bkw_not here
05:55.47ikeydid any one worked on r2mfc signaling with asterisk
05:55.53jedaustinGoogle fine from here
05:55.58Beirdogoogle works here
05:55.59Chuji~google bkw
05:56.05bkw_ikey, its called chan_unicall
05:56.14sudhir492Now, they could have messed up their router, but they say they did not do anything to their routers.
05:56.21Chujihah, pulled up your homepage
05:56.22bkw_it found my mac page
05:56.33outtolunc~google billybob
05:56.39*** part/#asterisk Sedorox (
05:56.47CosmicRay~google cosmicray
05:57.06Chujibkw_ : Tell me you don't have pics posted there
05:57.10bkw_Chuji, no
05:57.14bkw_but its fun to look thru them
05:57.15CosmicRaywell, one of those is accurate.
05:57.19bkw_never thought I would see an ugly dick
05:57.23bkw_but DAMN they be some ugly ones
05:57.38Chujifor those of us hetero folks, we like ratemyrack
05:57.57bkw_long ones.. short ones.. shaved ones.. crooked ones..
05:58.09Qwelland those of us that are simply computer geeks, there's
05:58.11ChujiThey are all ugly dood, I don't see what you like about them
05:58.28Nuggethardwire: no
05:58.34Chujianyway, shouldn't this move to #assticks
05:58.39hardwireNugget: hmm..
05:58.53hardwireNugget: just trying to figure out the awesome benifit of using their phones then
05:59.17hardwireits like I should be buying cisco everything.
05:59.20hardwiream I just insane?
05:59.24hardwireI think I am
05:59.34Chujijbot asstricks is #asstricks, the underground gay Asterisk channel. Be afraid, very afraid
05:59.35jbotokay, Chuji
06:00.13jbotastriholics are people that spend every waking hour working with Asterisk. They need a life!
06:00.25jedaustinhardwire: ebay :)
06:00.32hardwirejedaustin: what about it?
06:00.34outtolunci've never had cicso stuff that didn't work, just cisco stuff that i had to paid out the *** for
06:00.46jedaustinhardwire:hardwiregot hired to get rid of all the non-working cisco stuff :(
06:00.54hardwireouttolunc: it didn't work because they didn't pay out the *** for what they really needed
06:01.31hardwirejedaustin: you mean for me to sell it all?
06:01.40outtoluncEBAY sales!!!
06:01.51hardwireon what?
06:01.52jedaustinhardwire: what better way to get rid of it :)
06:02.01hardwireso confused
06:02.06hardwirewhats my motivation
06:02.11Essobi-head has broken monitor!
06:02.55outtoluncold old old shit
06:03.33jedaustinouttolunc: be sure to add "collector's item" to the description :)
06:04.17Beirdoand "vintage" :)
06:05.20jedaustinI once had a lady hawk a mistery item at a christmas part auction once "One of a kind collection, you'd be hard pressed to find a collection like this"... it was a pack of old AOL CD's.. she made $15 :)
06:05.55*** part/#asterisk drkludge (
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06:10.42outtoluncyeah yeah, like 'wow this will take you back... a 12mhz proc for a wyse dautherboard, this won't last'
06:11.16outtolunchow about a 386 co-processor
06:11.25jedaustinouttolunc: "Imagine the envy around the office!"
06:12.05outtolunci know it sounds strange, but someone out *might* buy this shit
06:12.26outtoluncit's that or the trash
06:12.51Essobianyone know when chan_sip got jitter introduced?
06:13.04jedaustinouttolunc: I have an old NeXT colorstation that I've been thinking of pulling out of storage.. only thing wrong with it is that the monitor is going, that and it's from 1993
06:13.29EssobiI'd so turn in into a mini-fridge. ;)
06:13.41bkw_ok its offical.. people have a harsh rating system for schlongs
06:14.18robl^bkw_: you scare me :)
06:14.33bkw_I scare you?
06:14.42*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
06:15.26jedaustinFesival.. is that the rather robotic voice ?
06:17.12bkw_ok sleepy time
06:18.02Essobifestival is the ghetto of synthetic voice production
06:18.13Nuggetyou'd do just as well plugging a spek and spell into your asterisk server.
06:18.23*** join/#asterisk CaNaBiS (
06:18.29harryvvess, you use it to anounce incomming calls?
06:18.35jedaustinEssobi: the 1234  "Welcome to the wonderful world of asterisk.."
06:19.29CaNaBiShey guys, I was in here about 2-3 weeks ago and asked if anyone knew how to integrate a cell phone to a landline and someone told me that it could be done with a Pantheon but required expensive bluetooth phones. Well, I just found this:
06:20.34EssobiWow.. FXS to cellphone converter?
06:20.50CaNaBiSflipping sweet eh?
06:21.00newlbloody hell, that's frustrating..2 hours of screwing around to find out that the 'nat' field in the realtime database is required to be set to 1 even if you're not natting the connection. meh!
06:21.04harryvvfxs to cell phone converter?
06:21.32EssobiMakes me want to start using cell phones for backups to the backup FXOs
06:22.34harryvvvery odd
06:23.33CaNaBiSa while back I couldnt find shit on doing this, just happened upon the right google search term I guess. Here is another:
06:23.37*** part/#asterisk dave_mw1 (
06:24.31CaNaBiSwonder if you'd be able to send faxes through it
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06:30.24booyeah23does anyone know what the ringing is called for the ring you hear when you call someone?
06:30.44ikeyringback tones
06:30.51ikeyor connection tones
06:30.55ikeyor CRBT
06:31.02ikeyColor Ring Back Tones
06:31.33booyeah23anyone know how to change them in asterisk?
06:31.43Mavvieis there somewhere a place where I can configure the packetisation period? (20ms vs 30ms)
06:32.06Mavviefor SIP traffic.
06:33.13booyeah23the only thing i can think of is put people in a queue and then make it call someone
06:33.16newlbooyeah23: check out indications.conf
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06:35.23booyeah23no way to use an mp3 or wav?
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06:47.45DyOShey can someone help me out i'm trying to use the set callerid command on my asterisk box to replace the area code with a predefined number is that possible to retain teh last 7 digits of the number and just change the prefix?
06:48.13QwellIs callerid in a variable or something?
06:49.02DyOSwell on an incoming connetion you can use setcallid() to retain the calling parties number....but i want to change that to just retain the last 7 digits
06:49.14DyOSi want ot set the first 3(the prefix) to something else
06:49.53Qwellif I weren't so tired, I'd read all of that
06:50.42yaboohaving problems with fwd in asterisk, anyone able to give me tips
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06:52.51yaboois it just the register line in sip.conf to get it working
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07:01.55CaNaBiSdunno if theyre legit, but here is one of those devices for under $30!
07:02.03*** join/#asterisk SPoon_TSX (
07:02.03newlDyOS: Look into the substring and string appending abilities.
07:02.20*** join/#asterisk invi_ (~invi_@
07:02.49SPoon_TSXHello everyone. May I know how can I transfer a  call to another extension during the conversation?
07:02.50invi_hi guys
07:03.53*** part/#asterisk ady (~adnan@
07:04.10stdioSPoon_TSX: depends on the model of the phone, i suspect
07:04.28SPoon_TSXNothing to do with the Asterisk?
07:05.48stdioSPoon_TSX: I have spa-841's, and you transfer by pressing buttons on the phone itself.
07:06.43invi_im lost... got 512k down & 2m up satellite connection; QoS is running on Cisco; ppl can hear me n/p; what i hear is all broken down
07:07.23invi_sorry; 2m down & 512k up
07:08.24invi_can somebody spare their brain on this ^
07:08.30stdioinvi_: wouldn't think you'd have any trouble there....
07:08.31*** join/#asterisk sniffer (~adnan@
07:09.11stdioinvi_: might want to do some serious sniffing and see what the heck is using that bandwidth
07:10.02invi_there is only * on this dish @ this point
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07:10.51invi_everybody else is sitting on Ku
07:11.01stdio...unless it's cpu limitations of the box?
07:11.29newlOr latency from the satellite service.
07:11.43invi_the latency avg is 804ms
07:11.54stdioseems a little high
07:12.22invi_considering that im sitting in africa...
07:12.22stdioshouldn't that be down around 50-100ms?
07:12.55invi_sat is 500ms & up
07:13.00EmoreOT: i wish to share my happiness - my asterisk box on fedora with hfc pci isdn is up and running :)
07:13.14newlDoes anyone know if variables created by MYSQL() are available from nested extensions?  For example, if I created [sqlsetup] /* do queries here */ and fall through to an include statement.
07:13.47stdionewl: you mean, do they go out of scope...?
07:13.48invi_tried to use VOIPjet for calls in africa... no go
07:14.13newlstdio: yes, I suppose that was what I was trying to get at. :)
07:14.16sniffercheers good work Emore
07:14.41stdioshow app mysql didn't offer any suggestions, eh?
07:14.47*** part/#asterisk IQ (
07:15.28Emorenow i'll try to improve my basic dialplan
07:15.45stdioMYSQL() is an app, no?
07:17.20stdionewl: just noticed that I have no app MYSQL()... must not be compiled in or something....
07:17.20newlheh I forget. :)
07:17.20*** join/#asterisk Hydroxide (user@Hydroxide.developer.debian)
07:17.23SPoon_TSXCan someone help me on the Call Transfer on X-Lite Pro??
07:17.38HydroxideI'm having some weird issues with the latest CVS version ... no matter whether I try OSS or ALSA, 2.4 or 2.6 kernel, asterisk always gives me a Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily
07:17.54stdioSPoon_TSX: did you read that thing's manual, searching for transfer or xfer?
07:18.19HydroxideI'm sure it's not fully starting up. I'd chalk it up to a buggy soundcard, except that it was working fine with a 1.0.x version of asterisk (and was being a lot more functional even with a dec 16 2004 version from CVS)
07:18.28SPoon_TSXI did, but no goal... Do I need to setup anything on Asterisk to use Transfer??
07:18.36Hydroxides/I'm sure/I guess/
07:18.54stdioSPoon_TSX: don't think so.
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07:19.48newlstdio: yeah, it's an app, 'show application mysql'.  It doesn't state one way or another if the variables are scope specific or not.
07:20.13stdionewl: odd, i don't have that app.... must be a compile time thing
07:20.30newlit's an add-on
07:20.44Hydroxidebkw_: ping
07:21.14stdionewl: it'd be tempted to copy them to something that stays in scope via setvar(), just to be sure
07:22.17*** join/#asterisk nitram (
07:22.53stdioSPoon_TSX: looking at this thing's user manual....
07:23.03stdiosection 3.6: Transfer a Call
07:23.08newlstdio: I'll give it a try without setvar() first and see what happens.  Can't hurt..this isn't a production box. :)
07:23.12stdio3.6.1: Blind Transfer
07:23.12SPoon_TSXstdio: I did.
07:23.24stdio3.6.2: Supervised Call Transfer
07:23.30SPoon_TSXstdio: Would it be my extension file problem?
07:23.48stdiocan you ring the other extension from that phone?
07:24.34stdionewl: I'd bet they stay in scope for (at the minimum), as long as you are in the same context...
07:25.19yaboocan someone test my fwd on asterisk and dial 89388
07:26.01Qwell1 ring - fast busy
07:26.01crash3m_if I dial 89388, I'm not going to get anywhere :P
07:26.15yaboohmm what am I doing wrong
07:26.15QwellI probably should have had the cli open when I did it
07:26.35yabooar 25 18:25:54 NOTICE[23235]: pbx.c:1329 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'sip'
07:26.35yabooMar 25 18:26:27 NOTICE[23235]: pbx.c:1329 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'sip'
07:26.40Qwell-- IAX2/ is busy
07:26.42yaboothis is the error I get from the cli
07:27.12QwellI assume that IP is fwd
07:27.22stdioSPoon_TSX: seems as simple as 1) while on the phone with party #1, select a different line. 2) dial party #2    3) press the transfer button,  4) select the line with party #1.
07:27.36stdioSPoon_TSX: see if that works
07:27.40yaboodo I need something in extensions.conf added also
07:27.46Qwellyaboo: well...yeah
07:28.06yaboook guess I missing that also, need to add it
07:28.27stdioyaboo: seems like you're completely missing your 'sip' context.
07:28.48SPoon_TSXstdio: Nope, something very weird happen. If I dial an extension, once I pick it up, the other line was ringing from the same caller.
07:30.01yaboostdio in the extensions.conf I guess?
07:30.14stdiotry this:  have party #1 call you. Tell them you're going to transfer. Click the transfer button. Dial the number you want to tranfer them to. click the tranfer button again.
07:31.53stdioyaboo: yep, one of your phones believes it's in or needs the 'sip' context, which does exist. either change the phone so that it's in another context that does exist, or add a context called 'sip'
07:31.59stdio(in extensions.conf)
07:32.17invi_is there any alternative to VOIPjet?
07:33.25SPoon_TSXStdio: I think I got another problem and this problems seems to be the reason why I cannot do transfer. When I call someone on the same network. It ring but once he/she picks it up. It still ringing and ringing on her/his other line. Do you know why?
07:33.48Qwellinvi_: TONS!
07:34.03invi_Qwell: such as?
07:34.19Qwellinvi_: nufone...but they aren't accepting new accounts right now...
07:34.56stdioSPoon_TSX: not quite sure... misconfigured sip registrations?
07:35.11Qwellinvi_: tell them Qwell sent you
07:35.13yaboocan someone try fwd number 89388 again please
07:35.17QwellThey'll have NO clue who I am :p
07:35.21invi_Qwell: i need international coverage; im sitting in africa & i got ppl from all over the world in the camp
07:35.31Qwellyaboo: no good
07:35.39Qwellinvi_: teliax doesn't do international?
07:35.46yabooQwell, still need to work on it
07:35.57*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
07:36.21SPoon_TSXstdio: What do you mean?
07:36.34stdioinvi_: it's funny... when I think of africa, i think of villages and desert... is it at all modernized in areas? are we talking major metropolitan areas? (be nice, I'm a sheltered little american :( )
07:36.48yabooalso can you have multiple fwd numbers working under asterisk?
07:36.54Qwellyaboo: sure
07:36.58QwellI don't see why not
07:37.01yabooQwell cool
07:37.17Qwellyaboo: Have you tested outgoing?  Thats often easier
07:37.41Qwelllets you get a little feel for the dialplan
07:37.59stdioSPoon_TSX: i'm not sure I understand your problem completely. If person #1 calls person #2, and person #2 transfers the call to person #3, what does person #3 experience?
07:38.04invi_stdio: u r correct in ur thinking; as soon as step out of the camp there is nothing > no electricity, phones, running water
07:38.35*** join/#asterisk Othello (
07:38.50stdioinvi_: wow. no wonder do need a satellite linkup. and I suppose there is no concept of cell towers down there?
07:39.40invi_stdio: well, cells r here except it costs $3US/min to call NA
07:39.56stdioinvi_: how's coverage?
07:40.29invi_stdio: we have climb the trees to get the coverage
07:40.39*** join/#asterisk dysjf (~Administr@
07:41.12invi_stdio: not an option with 130 men camp
07:41.27stdioinvi_: what country is this...? South Africa?
07:41.39invi_stdio: Tanzania
07:42.05*** part/#asterisk Hydroxide (user@Hydroxide.developer.debian)
07:42.45invi_stdio: originally i should b here for 2 week... 2nd month is passing by
07:42.59stdioare you originally from the us?
07:43.25invi_we got some guys us here
07:43.33invi_guys from us
07:43.56dysjfHi, I'm a newbie. May I ask a question: Is "Asterisk server" the same as "Asterisk gateway"?
07:44.03stdiotalked to someone from canada about 2 weeks ago... never really experienced the 'eh' thing first hand until then...
07:44.26stdiodysjf: think of it as a router.
07:44.38invi_stdio: :)
07:44.55Qwellinvi_: offhand, do you know of any numbers in canada that will get me to a prerecorded voice prompt?
07:44.57stdiodysjf: and that router can speak all kinds of different voip languages, and do translation between them passively
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07:45.28dysjfstdio, thanks for your answer.
07:45.51yaboocan someone try fwd number 89388 please :-)
07:46.02stdiodysjf: and, with the right pci card, it can also talk over the public telephone network, routing ip calls out to a regular phone line :)
07:46.03dysjfI have downloaded "Asterisk 1.0.6" and wonder if it is suitable for SIP testing purpose.
07:46.09Qwellyaboo: nope
07:46.10stdiodysjf: np
07:46.18yabooQwell bummer
07:46.23Qwelldysjf: 1.0.7 is out now...FYI
07:46.48stdiodysjf: we have 10 sip phones, an fxs module for a fax line, and 3 fxo modules for public phone lines
07:46.50dysjfI don't see 1.0.7 at
07:46.56Qwelldysjf: Its in the ftp
07:47.17stdiodysjf: fax calls will automatically be identified and forwarded to the fax extension
07:47.24yabooQwell can you try again please
07:47.29Qwellyaboo: :P
07:47.44Qwellno go
07:47.49QwellI'm starting to wonder if my config works :p
07:48.04stdiodysif: we have sipura spa-841's, and they aren't bad for less than $100
07:48.05yabooQwell will have to play with it later
07:48.17yabooQwell and others thanks for your help
07:48.34*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
07:49.07dysjfstdio, Is there any GateWay machine supports Ethernet Interface so calls should be directed to the traditional tele network(PSTN). I mean using "Asterisk 1.0.7" as SIP server.
07:49.55dysjfSIP client on PC----->SIP server ------> SIP Gateway ------> PSTN
07:50.26stdiodysif: you'd set up asterisk to be your sip server, and buy a piece of hardware that can talk to the pstn lines. we use the tdm-400p by digium. it can be expanded for up to 4 pstn modules per pci card.
07:50.39Qwellor get a voip provider
07:50.54MuppetMasterdysfj:  How many lines?
07:51.06stdiodysif: sip server is your gateway. asterisk manages the call for you and routes it out to an available pstn line
07:51.10dysjfstdio, I think 4 pstn per pci card is too less.
07:51.21SPoon_TSXstdio: Please help, when i call my other extension, it rings but once I pick the line up, the other line on the same extension from me just keep on ringing and ringing. Why??
07:51.34dysjfstdio: oh, thank you
07:51.38stdiodysif: i'm sure there are other cards out there...
07:51.50MuppetMasterdysif:  There are always SIP capable channel banks that can do lots o lines.
07:52.22stdioSPoon_TSX: so you can get the externsion to ring, but the call never "starts" ?
07:52.24dysjfstdio: yes, but I only find E1 card(supports 32 lines)
07:52.42stdioit really sounds like your dialplan for that context is messed up.
07:52.55dysjfMuppetMaster: What is SIP capable channel banks? A card? or service provider?
07:53.03SPoon_TSXstdio: Do you want to take a look of my dail plan?
07:53.15stdioSPoon_TSX: sure. pastebin it
07:53.25SPoon_TSXok. please wait
07:53.34stdiosend me the url when ready
07:54.01stdiodysif: when you set up sip, it's all software. you just write a config file for your sip clients.
07:54.30stdiodysif: and naturally, you tell the sip (pc) clients to connect to your asterisk server's ip over ethernett
07:55.27dysjfstdio: ok. I just don't want to use a card in the linux box because it usually means less PSTN lines supported.
07:56.27stdioSPoon_TSX: all of your sip extensions start with 2?
07:56.30MuppetMasterdysjf:  I have the same idea, keep the hardware out of the Asterisk box and use standalone FXO/FXS interfaces.
07:56.37SPoon_TSXstdio: Yes.
07:56.37dysjfI'm trying to find a solution which can support many E1 lines in ONE box.
07:56.46stdioSPoon_TSX: (and are 4 digits long) ?
07:56.56SPoon_TSXstdio: Yes.
07:57.02Qwelldysjf: How many is "many"?
07:57.09QwellThere are quadspan E1 pci cards
07:57.18stdioSPoon_TSX: I assume they're all in context 'sip' too...
07:57.27SPoon_TSXstdio: Yes.
07:57.47harryvvIrritating. Coudnt find out what my voip problem was and it was one letter that was a cap. now sixtel is working for me.
07:58.04MuppetMasterharryvv:  The simplest problems are the hardest to find.
07:58.05dysjfA typical telecommunication Box uses slots in the box. One slot can support i.e. 1-16 E1 lines or even more.
07:58.07*** join/#asterisk Alexi1 (
07:58.12Alexi1Bonjour à tous :-)
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07:58.32stdioSPoon_TSX: can you pastebin sip.conf?
07:58.39harryvvMuppet ohh I know. I had one letter in my context upper case and just overlooked it untill now.
07:58.56harryvvWell now I know it works :)
07:58.59dysjfQwell: A typical telecommunication Box uses slots in the box. One slot can support i.e. 1-16 E1 lines or even more.
07:59.22stdioi didn't know contexts were case sensitive!
07:59.25MuppetMasterharryvv:  Had a similar problem with my video support, had H236 instead of H263 in my conf files.  Wasn't until I posted here until someone pointed out how stupid I was...  ;)
07:59.27stdionice to know
08:00.07dysjfOne E1 line supports 32 PSTN lines.
08:00.08harryvvyea I know. I think we can be to rushed to see what the problems were and just need to go over the fine details.
08:00.52harryvvdysjf when you mean telecommunication box is that a pci backplane with more then one controler?
08:01.08harryvvI have seen those with 16 pci slots.
08:01.46stdioSPoon_TSX: unsure it it's related, but you have a typo in many of your entries - "conreinvite"
08:02.17Othellohello .. erm ... I'm having problems with the console channel driver ... I wonder if anyone can help..
08:02.29harryvvwell, im off to bed. Glad this is over with.
08:02.41stdioSPoon_TSX: also, look at /var/log/asterisk/messages and see if anything is coming up in there when you place the call.
08:03.17stdioSPoon_TSX: also, connect to the process with 'asterisk -are' and try to do the call.. it should dump error messages to that console as they happen
08:03.44CoaxDwooo. I am now the proud owner of some ASL dict software
08:03.49stdiothat are should be just the letter "R" but gaim is correcting it
08:04.06Othelloerm ... hi stdio
08:04.32stdioOthello: hello... basic sound playback work under linux?
08:04.37SPoon_TSXstdio: Do you think the type=friend may cause the problem too?
08:04.58stdioSPoon_TSX: nope. all of my sip ext's are friends.
08:04.59*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
08:04.59crash3m_am I the only one here that hates writing documentation?
08:05.00Othelloyes stdio ... cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp works
08:05.10Othelloand stdio ... cat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio works
08:05.16stdioOthello: mpg123 sound.mp3 work?
08:05.21OthelloI'm using ALSA drivers on kernel 2.6.11
08:05.31Othellohaven't tried mpg123 yet
08:05.40Othellowill try that one next
08:05.49stdioOthello: give that a whirl
08:05.52Othellobut the thing is
08:06.07Othellowhen I do a 'show channel ALSA/hw:0,0'
08:06.08stdioOthello: i haven't gotten our console working yet as a pc sip client...
08:06.25Othelloit shows that the 'frames out ' entry is stuck at 2
08:06.31stdioOthello: so this is defintely the blind leading the blind.
08:06.37OthelloI only hear the initial "beep" when I issue the 'dial' command
08:06.48stdioOthello: nothing in the logs?
08:06.48Othellohmm ... I see
08:07.04Othellowell ... nothing significant in the logs
08:07.09stdiocrash3m_: i don't care for it much
08:07.18Othellothe only clue is a 'frames out' which stays stuck at 2 ...
08:07.28Othelloit owuld increase when I tpye 'hangup' then 'dial'
08:07.28crash3m_I probably wouldnt mind it so much, if I really knew WTF I was doing
08:07.40crash3m_but I've had to styart over 3 times because every time its been completely fucking wrong
08:08.38stdioOthello: can you dial Console/dsp@yourcontext ?
08:09.45*** join/#asterisk asingh ([
08:10.00stdioOthello: never mind. i don't know what the hell i'm talking about
08:10.02Othelloeh , stdio ... I haven't configured a dialplan yet
08:11.03stdioOthello: so you've just config'd phone.conf?
08:11.16Othellono stdio ... it's a "make samples" install
08:11.30stdiooh :(
08:11.32Othellowith changes to the modules.conf to load the ALSA channel driver
08:11.38stdiowe skipped those and went right to sip
08:12.04OthelloI'm trying out something new so I need to get asterisk to work at the console first :p
08:12.22SPoon_TSXstdio: Thanks, the ringing problem fixed. When I try to do the Transfer, on asterisk it said: Got SIP response 481 "Call/Transaction Does Not Exist" what does it mean?
08:13.08stdioSPoon_TSX: was that coninvite thing the problem?
08:13.50SPoon_TSXstdio: Yes, the coninvite cause the repeated ringing.
08:14.41SPoon_TSXstdio:But if I set it to canreinvite=no, could it be the reason why i getting Response 481??
08:14.56stdioahh.. maybe!
08:15.12stdiocomment those out
08:15.22crash3m_anyone have an IP300 with firmware version that can confirm a bug for me?
08:15.23stdioi think a transfer is an invite...
08:15.41SPoon_TSXstdio: By some of my Software Phone is behind the firewall. Do I need to set the canreinvite=yes?
08:16.25stdioi think so
08:16.31stdioman, i need to head to bed
08:16.34stdioit's 3am here.
08:16.42invi_Qwell: voip or pstn # with pre-recorded msg?
08:16.51Othellothanks then stdio ... good nite ... it's 4pm here
08:17.01SPoon_TSXstdio: Thanks man, I try to sort it out. Thanks for your help.
08:17.16stdiogood luck, wish it was 4pm here....
08:17.18Qwellinvi_: pstn
08:17.22stdio'nite all
08:17.26newlmv stdio /dev/bed
08:17.43stdiothat was actually my quit msg for a long time :)
08:17.47invi_Qwell: try this 403 310-2255
08:17.59Qwellinvi_: Thats in canadialand?
08:18.18invi_AB, Calgary, Telus IVR
08:18.20*** part/#asterisk stdio (
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08:19.24Qwellinvi_: nope
08:19.29Qwelloh well, I'll try tomorrow
08:19.39invi_Qwell: ???
08:19.47Qwellinvi_: probably a config issue on my end
08:20.59*** join/#asterisk ard (
08:21.09Qwellso...there really isn't any way of differentiating between US and Canada, is there?
08:21.14QwellWithout hardcoding all the areacodes
08:21.59Qwelloff to bed
08:22.15Ro[b]ertwell.. im just out of bed
08:23.04Shido6what is a bed?
08:23.10Shido6~jbot bed
08:23.11jbotmethinks bed is a thing programmers have never heard of, ask me about shower
08:23.19newlNice leisurely late afternoon on this side of the planet. :)
08:23.27crash3m_jbot: shower?
08:23.28jbotextra, extra, read all about it, shower is man using one hand in a very usefull way
08:23.47crash3m_jbot: punctuation
08:23.52crash3m_jbot: punctuation?
08:23.58crash3m_jbot: grammer?
08:23.59jbotit's grammar, dammit.
08:29.53Alexi1I have bid pb with the driver of ny voicetronix
08:30.13Alexi1vpb_fops isn't known !
08:30.26Alexi1i am on fedora core 1
08:30.36Alexi1so with a 2.4 kernel
08:30.57Alexi1and i use the vpb driver 2.4.0
08:37.01Emorei have to set the dialplan in order to get external line with `0`..
08:37.14Emoreany suggestion?
08:37.26goobsterIs there a way to connect Asterisk to Packet8?
08:37.54goobsteror do I have to use their adapter
08:38.59SPoon_TSXHi there, May I askif I want to use the phone Transfer function, is my sip.conf must set canreinvite=yes?
08:48.13*** join/#asterisk montag___ (
08:49.27montag___any tips for a welltech LP-302 phone that arbitrary unregister from SIP ?
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09:16.39Newbie___~seen ZX81
09:16.41jbotzx81 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 11d 8h 51m 41s ago, saying: 'nevermind'.
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09:49.45newlOkay, the following doesn't work as prescribed: GotoIf(${fetchid} = 1?,19).  One would expect that if fetchid is 1 the condition would evaluate as true and the first (omitted) label (next step) would be followed, however the second label is what is followed.  Can anyone reproduce this behaviour in HEAD?
09:51.13newldisregard that..',' != ':' :)
09:54.52*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
09:55.28zoaheya miller7
09:55.32miller7can someone see if is up?
09:55.36miller7hey joachim
09:55.40miller7how are you doing?
09:55.46zoaits up
09:55.47zoajust checked
09:55.49zoaim fine
09:55.52zoahow are you ?
09:56.31miller7I've been developing an * app on top of my usual too many things I do daily
09:57.14miller7want to see and tell me opinions?
10:02.55*** join/#asterisk Jer13261 (
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10:27.01darkskiezdoes it check your paypal balance?
10:27.20darkskiezcall  my sip number and dial your username and password for your paypal account :)
10:27.29darkskiezit will read you your statement
10:27.36darkskiezand transfer alll your monies to  me
10:28.09*** join/#asterisk qubeck (
10:29.38qubeckich bin neu hier und habe im grunde eine frage im bezug auf die verwendung von asterisk zum telefonieren über eine bestehende analogleitung der telekom!
10:29.39miller7darkskiez: Yep, it does that exactly. Wanna test it?
10:29.55qubeckoh ok english
10:30.13newlmuahahhaah RealTime facility control is almost complete! *rubs hands together in an evil fashion*
10:30.29darkskiezmiller7, not in a million years.
10:30.50miller7darkskiez: ok, you lose
10:31.44qubeckcan anyone answer some questions to me? about asterisk and phone calls ober a analog teleohone line ?
10:31.56miller7if you say it in English, we might :)
10:32.06qubeckok thansk
10:32.28qubecki didn't now that
10:33.31qubeckis it possible to configure asterisk to take incomming phonecalls from a analog telephone line?
10:33.54miller7Yes it is, if you install hardware to connect asterisk to analog line
10:34.29qubeckand that hardware, could be a analog modem? ;)
10:34.59miller7it could be a T100p or so from Digium or it could be an ATA adapter
10:35.21*** join/#asterisk kamran (
10:35.46qubeckok i will take a look on it
10:35.48darkskiezqubeck, an analogue  modem cant record and playback voice audio at the same time, so it cant be used.
10:36.38qubeckok i already thought about it but i wasn't sure
10:37.10qubeckthanks a lot. i will take a look on some hardware.
10:37.27darkskiezqubeck, i got a sipura, it was cheap and did the trick.
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10:43.02qubecki dont understand somthing, with an ata adapter i'm able to connect analoge phones to an voip carier, but i'm looking for a way to call with a device with use of asterisk through a analog line from our local phone carier!
10:43.51MuppetMasterqubeck:  So you are looking for an FXO port for incoming calls, correct?
10:44.08qubeckyes it sound good.
10:44.09MuppetMasterqubeck:  In that case, look at the Sipura 3000.  As the Sipura 2000 has two FXS for station side.
10:44.27qubeckok i'll do it
10:44.32MuppetMasterqubeck:  The Sipura 3000 has one FXO (connecting to the PSTN) and one FXS (connecting an analog phone).
10:45.57qubeckok got it
10:46.05qubeckthanks a lot!!!
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10:49.44queuetueWhat is the "standard key" to interrupt vm intro message and enter vm menu?
10:49.54__Sparks_Is there somting I can play .gsm files bac under windows?
10:51.59*** join/#asterisk OldSmurf (
10:53.31OldSmurfWhat kind of hardware do I need for 10 outgoing lines and 16 phones?
10:57.27queuetueOldSmurf, It might be early yet for a question like that. :)
10:58.33OldSmurfIt's lunch over here :)
11:00.05zjanjaapanybody....make of chan_capi.c fails with: Structure has no member named 'cid'
11:02.26__Sparks_I cant seem to play .gsm files in Windows - anyone know where I can get a codec!?
11:02.52MuppetMasterHow does one setup a dialplan to allow for URI dialing to an Asterisk instance.
11:03.01MuppetMasterFor example, if I want to dial
11:03.22MuppetMasterWhere resolves to the Asterisk IP that runs on the appropriate SIP listening port.
11:08.13MuppetMaster__Sparks:  Here is a windows converter:
11:08.21MuppetMasterDoesn't Real play GSM files under Windows?
11:10.19__Sparks_MupperMaster - Thanks for that - I dont have Real Player installed on my system, so I dont know!
11:11.04*** join/#asterisk denon (
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11:13.41MuppetMaster__Sparks:  I am on OSX now so can not test, but do believe I have played GSM with Real.  Could be wrong though.
11:14.03*** join/#asterisk Alexi1 (
11:14.29Alexi1Unable to create channel of type 'vpb' ...
11:14.39Alexi1why ?
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11:31.10Newbie___hi please help me, i wan * be able to dial a fix number wait for 1 sec and dial again
11:31.19Newbie___exten => _900.,1,Dial(Zap/g2/2480397|3|D|(${EXTEN:1})  <- what is wrong with this ?
11:31.43*** join/#asterisk gst (
11:32.04FaithXthat's not a fixed number to start with
11:32.45Newbie___FaithX: the fixed number is 2480397
11:34.36FaithXwhat does your next line sa?
11:35.02Newbie___nothing, thats all
11:35.21Newbie___is suppose to dial 2480397 wait 1 sec and dial 00xxxxxxx
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11:40.19Alexi1and a Dial(VPB/1-4/$EXTEN) ?!!!
11:40.41Alexi1it returns me unable to create channel of type VPB
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11:45.42Robbsterlo all :)
11:46.28queuetueAre there any "chain" stores in the U.S. that carry SIP phones that work with asterisk?  I'd like to run some tests today.
11:47.08Drukenqueuetue: i don't belive voip phones are streamlined enough for retail sales...
11:47.27RobbsterI'm rolling my own sip.conf file and I'm trying to figure out what the mailbox option does. For example, I've got extensions 101 and 102 defined - should the mailboxes be the same?
11:47.42queuetueSo, for hardware, it's Internet purchase or nothing?
11:48.08DrukenRobbster: the mailbox= line is used for the message waiting indicator light of phones
11:48.25Drukenqueuetue: that has been my experince
11:50.46Newbie___guys, how to make asterisk dial a certain number wait for 1 sec and then dial {EXTEN} ?
11:50.48RobbsterMust I give these mailboxes totally different numbers and create them with 'addmailbox'? I.E ext 101 has mailbox 2101 and then run 'addmailbox 101'. Do I need to add mailbox 2101?
11:51.18DrukenNewbie___: what would be the point in a 1 second delay ?
11:51.47Drukenwhat is addmailbox?
11:51.54Newbie___Druken: we are calling a access number, after connection dial EXTEN
11:52.08Drukenand no, you would have your voicemail 1201
11:52.09Newbie___timing is about 1 sec
11:52.40DrukenNewbie___: ahh, ok.. that makes more sence...
11:52.51Newbie___Druken: exten => _900.,1,Dial(Zap/g2/2480397|3|D|(${EXTEN:1}) <-- what i have now
11:53.32*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (
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11:56.07DrukenNewbie___: try removing the pipe or comma after the D
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11:57.21pigpenHey, when I setup * and got the first message on almost bwew my speaker out of my Polycom...How might I turn down the volume or gain down on the server....
11:58.08Newbie___Druken: Mar 25 19:41:51 WARNING[1262512944]: app_dial.c:486 dial_exec: D( Data lacking trailing ')'
11:58.26Drukenpaste me the line again ?
11:58.31Newbie___Mar 25 19:41:51 WARNING[1262512944]: app_dial.c:486 dial_exec: D( Data lacking trailing ')'
11:58.37Drukennot that one..
11:58.46Newbie___exten => _900.,1,Dial(Zap/g2/2480397|3|D|(${EXTEN:1})
11:59.03queuetueAre any of the GUI tools recommended?
11:59.14Newbie___i only pasted 2 lines
11:59.22Drukenexten => _900.,1,Dial(Zap/g2/2480397|3|D(${EXTEN:1})
11:59.27Drukentry using that...
12:00.10Newbie___Mar 25 19:41:51 WARNING[1262512944]: app_dial.c:486 dial_exec: D( Data lacking trailing ')'
12:01.13Drukendoes it show the exec line in your CLI ?
12:01.35Newbie___no it does not
12:01.38*** part/#asterisk miller7 (
12:01.49Drukenk, well i just seen the problem :)
12:01.54Drukengawd i'm good :)
12:02.00Drukenadd a second ) at the end
12:02.13Drukenexten => _900.,1,Dial(Zap/g2/2480397|3|D(${EXTEN:1}))
12:02.21Newbie___hang on
12:02.26Drukenhave to close BOTH the D and the DIAL
12:02.32lesouvageI set up a testbox and I'm testing with 2 snom200 phones with each 4 numbers. When I set the first line on hold and make a second call from phone1 to phone 2 the sound is completelly distorted while top (on the linux prompt) shows that there is cpu power and memory left enough.  It's just for load testing but what can be the reason why the sound is so bad?
12:03.27Newbie___hahah, it worked
12:03.34pigpenlesouvage: are you referring to the music on hold?
12:03.35Newbie___damn, been trying to figure out all day
12:03.40Drukenwhoop, there it is!
12:03.46Newbie___thank you, Druken
12:04.12Newbie___|3| means 3 sec ?
12:04.15Drukeneven i was a newb at some point :)
12:04.32Drukenwell.. no.. that's a timeout..
12:04.44Drukenif no ANSWER within 3 seconds... move on
12:04.44queuetueCan anyone recommend hardware?  What I really want is just a voip headset and dial pad, but a decent quality and standalone device (not a softphone, and not simply plugged into my soundcard) I never use my handset anyway, and have had it in a drawer for weeks...
12:05.17Newbie___how do i add a # at the end of the EXTEN ?
12:05.42Drukenqueuetue: if you have a nice normal phone that does the job, why not just keep using it? get an ATA
12:05.59Drukenexten => _900.,1,Dial(Zap/g2/2480397|3|D(${EXTEN:1}#))
12:06.15queuetueDruken, I am considering that, but I actually hate my current phone. :)
12:06.37Drukenqueuetue: oh.. hehe well then... :)
12:07.07Drukennormally i would reccomend cisco phones... but they aren't cheap
12:07.22pigpenI like my Polycom Soundpoint 500...but that may be more phone than you are looking for...
12:07.23queuetueDruken, I have been unable to find an anlog version of what I'm asking for either - headset, speaker, dial pad - NO handset or cradle.
12:08.07Drukenqueuetue: look into plantronics :)
12:08.18lesouvagepigpen: I had the music on hold running. The plan was to make 4 calls on 4 lines from phone 1 to phone 2 for testing the cpu and memory load the four calls will gegenerate.  The sound goes totaly wrong when using the second line.
12:08.40queuetueDruken, for voip or analoig devices?
12:09.05pigpenlesouvage: you mean...when you do the second call the "call" or the music on hold?
12:09.27lesouvagepigpen: the call goes wrong
12:09.35pigpenhmm...codec problem?
12:09.53pigpenIs all the equpment at one location?
12:09.54Newbie___hmm for some reason, if i dial manual it connect, using the Dial command, * gives me fast busy
12:09.57pigpenie:  on one lan...
12:10.08lesouvagepigmen: yes on one desk
12:10.12queuetueIf I buy a sipura 2000/2100 ... (please don't laugh) ... ... Do I get my dialtone back?  The lack of a dialtone-and-dial scenario is wierding people out.
12:10.33pigpenSipura is actually pretty good from what I hear...
12:10.34lesouvagepigmen: with just one router inbetween.
12:11.13queuetueOr is the dialtone issue an asterisk config issue I have?
12:11.22Drukenqueuetue: how do you NOT have a dialtone?
12:11.28pigpenlesouvage: hmm...sounds like something is getting borked.  what router?
12:12.01queuetueDruken, I'm using soft phones - that may be it.  Essentially, ti's dead line until after you've dialed and something answers.
12:12.02lesouvagepigpen: maybe the problem is that different calls goes to the same IP. I go upstairs to look the brand and type.
12:12.37Drukenqueuetue: oh, what softphone? and the softphone is responcile for the dialtone, not asterisk
12:12.58queuetueDruken, I'm using kphone - what's good on linux?
12:13.14newlkphone should be fine.
12:13.39Drukenyup.. kphone should work
12:13.46Newbie___Druken: Mar 25 19:57:13 DEBUG[1210239792]: chan_zap.c:3861 zt_read: DTMF digit: A on Zap/32-1
12:13.50newlOnly problems I've ever had with it were related to an anal retentive firewall configuration.
12:13.54Newbie___why did i get a DTMF A ?
12:14.02queuetueSo kphone should be generating a dialtone?
12:14.15newltkphone OTOH used to have an issue where you would have no progress until the call actually connected.
12:14.55newlqueuetue: Tried the xlite linux client?
12:15.06lesouvagepigpen: It's a digitus 8 port 10/100m ehternet miniswitch
12:15.22DrukenNewbie___: perhaps the #?
12:15.37queuetuenewl, not yet.
12:15.49pigpenlesouvage: so it is not a router...just a switch...
12:15.54Drukenxlite has a linux client ?
12:16.14newlqueuetue: It works quite well functionality wise for a beta but requires a bit more polish.
12:17.05p1tst0pi have use SJPhone in linux,
12:17.15p1tst0pbut not X-Lite.
12:17.21Newbie___hmmm, wait a sec. access number gives me a DTMF A
12:17.28lesouvagepigpen: yes your right, it's just a switch. Could this cause the problem?
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12:17.47newlsjphone never worked for me..was dependant upon some older library I couldn't be bothered tracking down.
12:17.58pigpenlesouvage: na..that should be fine...have you verified the codecs in use while you have the calls going?
12:18.30DrukenNewbie___: that could very well be.. hehe
12:18.56DrukenNewbie___: what kinda hardware you running? 32 channels of ZAP ? hehe
12:19.06Newbie___TDM 410
12:19.13Newbie___2 E1s
12:19.26Drukeni see
12:19.37Drukenso your across the pond then...
12:19.40newl60 channels of love
12:19.43pigpenlesouvage: so you have 4 sip phone accounts ....dialing out..picking up on the other phone...dialing out again...picking up on the other phone....?
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12:19.49Newbie___total 400 DID number
12:20.14queuetueWhat is the "extra 10BT port" for in the budgetone 102?  Increased bandwidth, or is it a microhub?
12:20.17Drukeni must be like the only poor bastard in VoIP
12:20.26Drukeneveryone send me money :)
12:20.43newlqueuetue: It's a pass through port.
12:20.49HellHoundis it possible to let the queue following a specific order to call agents ? 'roundrobin' doesn't always select the first agent that has been added first by addqueuemember
12:20.51Drukenqueuetue: miniswitch
12:20.54Newbie___that company property, at home i use a PII
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12:20.59lesouvagepigpen: yes, not real world but a way of testing how many lines my small pbx box can handle. 4 lines on both phones
12:21.20queuetuemicrohub, miniswitch, whatever - don't need it. :)
12:21.27PatrickDKhmm, 100mb should be enough banwidth for any phone
12:21.38DrukenNewbie___: ahh, that makes sence..
12:21.45newlSo should 640k. hehe
12:21.48pigpenlesouvage: your uplink to thei internet may be having issues...
12:21.56PatrickDKnew heh, ya
12:22.11Drukennewl: ok bill gates :)
12:22.14Newbie___any one has any idea how not to let wife bother when working ?
12:22.19PatrickDKbut still you can run about 1000 channels of cd quality uncompressed streams over 100mb
12:22.40PatrickDKin stereo
12:22.43Newbie___i prefer a gentle way of saying 'hey buzz off, i am busy'
12:22.54pigpenNewbie___:  Impossible.
12:22.58queuetueNewbie___, Urm ... Give it time - you're headed for divorce, by the sounds of it. :)
12:23.09*** join/#asterisk t0p (
12:23.11queuetueNewbie___, She'll stop bothering you then. :)
12:23.26Drukeni think he's wanting it FOR his wife...
12:23.31Newbie___damn, woman, cant live with them, cant live without them
12:23.31Drukennot for the wife to get...
12:23.32pigpenNewbie___:  Give in...or Give up......or Bribe her...
12:23.48t0panyone here knows of dialogic voice boards
12:23.59newlmmm..speaking of divorce..better fire up the video stream to the theater room before the wife threatens me. B)
12:24.46lesouvagepigpen:  what kind of problems should I think of. I guess I can check this by disconnecting the internet uplink.
12:25.14Drukenpigpen: i don't think his internet connection is the problem, they are both local extensions
12:25.36pigpenDruken: yeah..I just noticed that...
12:25.47Drukenwhat i'm wondering is tho.. is he putting BOTH ends of the call on hold?
12:25.49pigpenlesouvage: so these are local extentions...
12:26.26Drukeni could see that being a problem... BOTH ends of the call playing MOH...
12:26.59pigpenYeah..if it is like my will blow the speaker out.
12:27.46Drukenpigpen: christmas => quietmp3:/mnt/lfs/Christmas,-z
12:28.09Drukenotherwise, yeah.. it'll be loud as fuck
12:28.25pigpenI will try it...thanks...
12:28.36queuetueDoes anyone know of an amazon vendor who sells the FM-INL92SW card?
12:28.45Drukenremember you have to restart after you change the musiconhold.conf file
12:28.47queuetueI'm not sure what to search for to ensure I get the right one.
12:29.39lesouvageDruken: he is just calling from one phone pick up the other press the line 2 buttom and make the other call and press the line 2 bottum on phone 2.  He disabled the music on hold.
12:30.20*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
12:31.04pigpenlesouvage: to be honest...I have never tried it...don't know why I would for that matter...but...
12:32.21queuetuedigium doesn't even sell the x100p anymore, huh?
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12:32.55Drukenqueuetue: nope, they no longer support it's use
12:33.01Drukenbuy a knock off on ebay
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12:33.29lesouvageDruken: I just set up an epia atx (very small motherboard) What is the way to perform a stresstest for an asterisk box?
12:33.39queuetueDruken, How do I know it's the right card?
12:33.59Drukenqueuetue: enter in x100p
12:34.08Drukenshould be like 8 bux
12:34.12*** part/#asterisk flot (
12:35.02Newbie___Druken: the Dial command is working in extension.conf , now any idea where to put in ? is that a default file in * ?
12:35.23Newbie___or is customized ?
12:37.40Drukeni would say it's custom
12:38.09queuetue*MF* ebay - everyone requires paypal ... doesn't paypal require me to give them a bank account so they can screw me at will?
12:38.32pigpena bank account only verifys you...
12:38.39pigpenyou can just use a cc...
12:38.46Drukenhehehe i've used paypal for like 2 years now, and never had a problem
12:38.48pigpenI have never done the bank verify thing...
12:39.06Newbie___paypal assume everyone has a cc
12:39.22Drukenmines "in the mail" hehe
12:39.36pigpenmine are full... :)
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12:40.04Newbie___mine is with my wife
12:40.22pigpenthe one you pissed off?
12:40.26Newbie___yeah, who else
12:40.34lesouvagepigpen: In real life it's pretty useless to make 4 calls from one phone to another phone. It was ment as a stresstest.
12:40.39pigpenoh..that is how you got her happy ...."Here honey..."
12:40.44Newbie___damn bitch control every penny
12:40.45*** part/#asterisk sysdef (~sys@sysdef.admin.debiancenter)
12:41.09pigpenI have no money....makes it easy...
12:42.35Drukenmoney? wuts that ?
12:43.01pigpenwe are all poor bastards....but the chicks love us...
12:43.07Newbie___moeny aint everything, but no money we are nothing
12:43.28Newbie___thats what she keep saying taht
12:43.37*** join/#asterisk sunil (~sunil@
12:43.45Drukeni tell the wife i work for oral :)
12:43.46sunilcan somebody help me in configuring asterisk with mfcr2 signalling
12:44.03Newbie___define oral, Druken
12:44.11Drukeni certainly can't afford to pay for it.. hehe
12:44.16Drukendo i really have to?
12:44.25Newbie___well, since u started it
12:45.57Drukeni had no plan on it... i figured it was self explanitory
12:46.49queuetueMan, i can either sign up for ebay, penpal, etc, etc, etc and get the card for 10 bucks apiece, or I can buy from a "reputabe vendor" for 40.00 bucks apiece. :)
12:47.25Drukeni guess it all depends on how many you want :)
12:47.36queuetueJust 4.
12:47.50Drukenget yourself a TDM from digium
12:47.54Newbie___i agree
12:48.02Drukenyou'll never fit 4 card in 1 machine
12:48.11queuetueTwo here, two in canada. :)
12:48.37Drukenwhere's here btw? hehe
12:48.39queuetueSatellite office. (I'm in U.S.)
12:48.47queuetueSouthern NH, USA.
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12:48.55pigpenah...a Yankee
12:48.58Drukenahh i see
12:49.04Drukendamn yanks :) tee hee
12:49.30pigpenjust kidding...
12:49.49queuetueAll of the SPA 2000s are unlocked?  I bought (and returned) a damned PAP2 yesterday.
12:50.13pigpenqueuetue: I hope so...I just bought 3...
12:50.24Newbie___i got 2
12:50.27Drukenwhy in hell would you return a pap2?
12:50.36Drukenunless you purchased a shitty vonage one
12:50.41queuetueDruken, Because it was locked to vonage.
12:51.04queuetueDruken, The box said "SIP" not "SIP for vonage only"
12:51.48Newbie___any body want pizza ? i am ordering
12:52.13Drukensure, but dominoes doesn't delivery to my house
12:52.25pigpensure...count me in...
12:52.43Drukenqueuetue: ahh i see... yeah, you can get pap2's that aren't locked... but.. hehe they are sparce :)
12:53.12queuetueWhat is the difference between the spa versions?  1000, 2000 ...
12:53.28pigpen2000 - fxs
12:53.31Drukenlooks to be 1000
12:53.38pigpen3000 - fxo and fxs
12:54.05Druken1000 + 1000 = 2000
12:54.11pigpenI plan to hook up my vonage via the 3000's for now...until I can make vonage go away...
12:54.26Drukenvonage == bad :)
12:54.36pigpenDrunken = right
12:54.50Newbie___i bought mine from vonage, unlock
12:54.53Drukenpigpen = wrong
12:55.03pigpenhow is that...
12:55.39pigpenyeah...yeah...I am not known for my spelling...
12:56.14Drukenno, it's not that.. you did what most people do.. and added an n to my nick
12:56.54pigpenI guess I was thinking of my two business partners.... :)
12:57.02queuetueI could plug an existing POTS PBX into a sipura 2000 for a transitional period, right? ;)
12:57.09Newbie___he a drunk ? pigpen
12:57.26pigpenna...just likes -lots- of beer
12:57.40Drukensounds like a company i know.. hehehe
12:57.44Newbie___i can imagine, lucky i dont drink
12:57.49pigpenqueuetue: from the will need the 3000
12:58.06pigpen2000 goes to the analog phone
12:58.28Drukenpigpen: i think that's what he was thinking
12:58.31pigpen3000 from the telco (and to the phone too if you want...
12:58.41Drukenhave the calls go threw asterisk to the pbx
12:59.12*** join/#asterisk Skid (~cm@skid.user)
12:59.27pigpencurrently I am using nufone...for testing...but they have issues...
12:59.34Skidhi, I've just installed asterisk, edited a coupl eof options in the /etc/default/asterisk file, but it's still telling me to edit it when I try to start it
12:59.36pigpenI am waiting for my pri to be installed...
12:59.57Drukeni wish i had the money for a PRI
13:00.17queuetueWhat do you use to record gsm files?
13:00.20pigpenhmm...I won't tell you about my internet uplink then...
13:00.38Drukenqueuetue: you don't :)
13:00.50queuetueDruken, How do I do into menus and things?
13:00.52Drukenqueuetue: you record a wav file, and use sox to convert it
13:00.53Skidvia /etc/init.d/asterisk start
13:00.58Skidbut asterisk -cvvv works
13:01.01Skid(goes to the CLI
13:01.25Drukenskid so run asterisk -cvvvvvvvvv &
13:01.44Skiddoes it not natively run from init scripts;/
13:02.14Drukeni have no idea... i don't have initscripts for it...
13:02.25Drukenbut mines also CVS from last year
13:02.36Skidah, I just installed mine from the apt sources
13:11.51OldSmurfWhat kind of hardware do I need for at least 10 outgoing lines and at least 16 phones?
13:12.15queuetueAre there any prerecorded prompts available?  "I fyou know your party's extension, please dial ..." etc?
13:12.18pigpen2 port pri card...
13:13.38newlqueuetue: yes, if it isn't included, it'd be in the asterisk-sound tarball.
13:14.11OldSmurfpigpen: Like TE410P, but with 2 ports?
13:14.32pigpenyeah....they have a 2 port model...
13:14.55pigpenwith 10 would be cheaper and better quality to get a pri
13:15.25queuetuenewl, what is the file named?
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13:16.18newlqueuetue: if-u-know-ext-dial.gsm
13:16.28OldSmurfpigpen: Thats the outgoing connections right? And what do I need for my phones?
13:16.40queuetueOk, I did not get those. :)
13:16.59*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
13:17.21Blackveldoes anyone use asterisk 1.0.6 and nikotel internal SIP calls (99-number)?
13:17.30Skidwhat do you have to alter to allow asterisk to run via /etc/init.d/asterisk start?
13:17.41Blackvelskid: nothing really
13:17.43Skid(it says /etc/default/asterisk hasn't been edited)
13:17.52Skidwhere I've added the params, etc
13:20.20pigpenHow might I map a specific music on hold to a certian context
13:21.31Drukenpigpen: define that one...
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13:22.01pigpenwell...I used the syntax you noted before...but I get no audio...
13:22.13pigpenso I am thinking that I do not have it mapped to my context...
13:22.42Drukenpigpen: you just changed the mp3 to quietmp3 right?
13:22.45pigpenI setup an extention mapped to the music on hold...
13:22.52Drukenit's still the default => ?
13:23.18pigpendefault => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3,-z
13:24.11pigpenand I have restarted...
13:24.14Drukenwhere is it your not getting the audio?
13:24.35*** join/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
13:24.53pigpenwhen I dial extention 998 (exten => 998,1,WaitMusicOnHold(30))
13:24.55SkidAsterisk died with code 1.
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13:25.50Drukentry changing that to just musiconhold(default)
13:26.22pigpenso exten => 998,1,musiconhold(default)
13:27.07Drukenif you want to use the waitmusiconhold, you need to setmusiconhold first...
13:27.16dave_mwimaybe someone can help me...I'm working on some auto-dial out call files which use contexts that have to do a series of things before the call is actually made...but when I put the call file into the outgoing spool, the call is placed right away instead of running the logic in the contexts....I've done some reading on, but I can't really see how to actually initate the call at a certain point in the context logic other than when the call fil setmusiconhold sets the musiconhold per context...
13:28.05Drukenwell, as the dialplan runs over it, yeah
13:28.32pigpenhmm...still no audio...
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13:29.26Drukenhmm, strange
13:29.58pigpenwait..I am a moron...1 sec
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13:31.20NatRHanyone got cdr-mysql to work on Mandrake 10.1?
13:31.32newlSkid: run it from console with -cvvvvd and see if it complains about anything.
13:31.45newlNatRH: yes.  Works fine with my Cooker.
13:31.56Chujidave_mwi : you may want to post your call.file and your context on
13:32.02Chujidave_mwi : We can help you
13:32.09NatRHnewl-looks like the location of mysql is not where the Makefile is looking
13:32.15dave_mwiok, one sec let me post it
13:32.43newlNatRH: You've got the -devel packages correct?
13:32.58Chujipizza? You must not be in the US
13:33.12Newbie___no, i am not in the US
13:33.20ChujiOr Pizza Hut has expanded delivery hours
13:33.30newlPizza shops aren't open 24/7 in NYC? :)
13:34.01Newbie___everything is 24/7 now, so is my wife when she look for me
13:34.08Chujinewl : Who wants pizza at 7:30 am?
13:34.19Newbie___is 9.34pm here
13:34.19pigpenDruken: nope...
13:34.27*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
13:34.29newlpizza equ "good breakfast"
13:34.36Othellohere too , Newbie___
13:34.40NatRHnewl: Good call...thanks
13:34.50newlNatRH: no worries
13:34.50Newbie___hey, Othello, we share the same time zone
13:34.54Newbie___finally some one
13:34.58newlfunny that..9:34 here as well. :)
13:35.15newla few GMT+8'ers hehe
13:35.44OthelloHK, SIN, TW, Malaysia
13:35.50Newbie___Malaysia here
13:35.57Othellosingapore here
13:36.05Newbie___hi neighbour
13:36.09Othelloand I still can't get * to work on the console ...
13:36.13Othellohi hi Newbie___
13:36.13newlAus here (non-native, transplant from the US)
13:36.36OthelloI'm still having the ocnsole driver with borked sound problem ... ;(
13:36.59Newbie___Othello: though both our countries are not in good terms, who cares
13:38.18Othellolol Newbie___.... I'm not even in public service
13:38.22Othellowhy should I bother?
13:40.25OthelloI'm supposed to present something to my prof regarding * ... and now it's not working on the demo computer... ;(
13:40.54Drukenthat's gotta suck ass
13:42.08Othelloyeah ... I'm still trying to find out what's wrong ...
13:42.30OthelloI mean ... it worked on my laptop with kernel 2.4 + OSS
13:42.42Othellobut the demo pc runs kernel 2.6.11 + ALSA
13:42.57Othelloweird thing is I hear the initial "beep" when I type 'dial'
13:43.04Othellobut it stays stuck there...
13:43.16Othelloand the only problem I see is there only 2 frames get sent out ...
13:43.41Othelloif I type 'hangup' and then 'dial' again ...I hear the same beep and the number of 'frames out' increases to 4
13:45.37*** join/#asterisk MattH (
13:46.20MuppetMasterYou are going to get an 'F'.
13:46.51dave_mwiChuji: here is my post
13:47.29dave_mwiI don't want the call to go out right when the call file hits the spool - I want it to go out during the INTERNLAL_MACRO_EXTENSION context
13:47.49dave_mwithat's what I'm dealing with right now
13:48.42Othelloyes MuppetMaster ... thanks for reminding me
13:51.09darkskiezOthello, i had weird alsa issues when there was logging console output being displayer
13:51.26newlIs there an easier way to accept dtmf input other than being recursively creative with WaixExten()?
13:53.09Newbie___bye everyone
13:53.21dave_mwiusing call files in an auto dial out scenario, can I specify at a certain point in contexts that the call file uses when to actually initate the call - because right now the call goes out as soon as the call file enters the spool.... my call file and contexts are here
13:53.37*** part/#asterisk Skid (~cm@skid.user)
13:53.47dave_mwii'd like to run logic that I have in the contexts and only actually dial the call if I need to
13:54.12Chujidave_mwi : I think you need to use chan/local for what you want to do
13:54.26Chujidave_mwi : And then call Voicepulse
13:54.38ChujiYou want it to do some stuff, then go out vp right?
13:55.15dave_mwiI need to run logic in the call files and then go out, or maybe not, it just depends...
13:55.19dave_mwiI mean
13:55.22dave_mwilogic in the contexts
13:55.57Chujicheck out
13:56.03*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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13:56.21Chujipay special attention to the /n
13:56.26Chujiin chan_local
13:56.34Chujiespecially when using call.files
13:56.34dave_mwiyeah...hmmm...thanks, I'm going to read this
14:02.55*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
14:09.39dave_mwiChuji: so the basic concept is that I dial an internal context within which I can start my logic...?
14:10.26dave_mwiChuji: but won't the call file I used trigger the call...or does it ignore the call file...and then do I need to at some point move another call file into the spool for the actual call?
14:12.03*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
14:12.16dave_mwiChuji: oh wait...I see
14:12.21Chujidave_mwi : It will ultimately trigger the call
14:12.54*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
14:12.56dave_mwiso I put the Local/Chan in my call file
14:13.24dave_mwiI guess I still don't see where it will actually trigger the call...
14:13.40dave_mwior do I use the Dial cmd in my context
14:15.00Chujidave_mwi : You use chan_local instead of the Voicepulse in your call file
14:15.32Chujithen you do a Dial (iax2/voicepulse) in the extension
14:15.35dave_mwiChuji: yes - I see that
14:15.40dave_mwiright, ok thats what I though
14:16.27dave_mwiand the phone number goes into a variable that I can put in the Dial(iax/voicepulse/${PHONE_NUMBER}) for example
14:17.05ChujiYes, you can do that
14:17.31dave_mwiChuji: ok, thanks for your help, you've given me some good tips and ideas
14:17.56Chujinp, the concept of chan_local was a little foreign to me the first time I used it too
14:18.05Chujibut it will make sense to you after you get it working makes sense, but I really don't know how or what to call it to even do a search for it
14:22.28*** join/#asterisk cbachman (~chatzilla@
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14:25.38bannermanI have a noob question, I think. Teliax and Nufone both sent my password in a long funky string (like a905dfg9484a9hg) for using to register. LiveVoip only sent plain text. Do I need to encrypt/hash/whatever that password in order to register? Their server appears to be refusing my registration
14:27.53newlbannerman: Have you visited their site or emailed their support for this question?
14:28.39roamer323bannerman - you choose your own password with livevoip - that's why it is plain text.  You could have chose a long funky string too.
14:29.38newlheh the example is one alpha numeric short of an md5 string too. :)
14:30.54bannermannewl: I have visited the web site, emailing them now. Thought I'd check by here first to see if I was missing something obvious.
14:31.28bannermanroamer323: I'm good, I guess :)
14:31.33bannermanI mean
14:31.36bannermanone character short of good
14:33.55roamer323bannerman - are you behind a NAT (home router)?  They need to know that for the setup to work properly.
14:36.02bannermanNo, no NAT.
14:37.15bannermanoutbound calls are rejected as well ( Call rejected by No authority found
14:37.45bannermanI think I either used a username that was too long (18 chars) or they didn't setup my account right
14:38.29OldSmurfIf I have a TE110P, do I need a FXO and FXS for each analog phone, or do I just need a FXS for each analog phone? This is confusing for a newbie.. :)
14:41.34*** part/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
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14:42.18brimstoneis there a way i can transparently link an fxs to an fxo?
14:42.35fugitivolol, i'm trying festival
14:42.41brimstoneso that when i try a 3-way call on the fxs, it passes the commands up out of my pbx?
14:42.46fugitivothe spanish voice is funny
14:45.51Robbsterwhen i try and modprobe wcfxs for the tdm13b card i get the following: line 151: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl' - any ideas?
14:47.51MattHWhat does "." mean in a dial rule? like _*72.
14:48.52*** join/#asterisk julianjm (
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14:50.49hajekddoes reload kills active calls?
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14:50.56bannermanhajekd: nope
14:52.06*** join/#asterisk Darwin[laptop] (
14:52.38queuetueI take it that just any old gaming/voice recog headset isn't really good enough for this application, huh?
14:54.08*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
14:55.30cjkhi "Dial(type/identifier,timeout,options,URL)" what are the possible values of type. I could not find it
14:56.02bannermanqueuetue: My 99 cent headset that work somewhat tolerably well in ventrilo had a lot of echo
14:57.20bjohnsonOldSmurf: fxs for each analog phone that you want to be controllable as a separate extension
14:58.03bjohnsonOldSmurf: you can have more than one phone per fxs but then people lifting up one phone will here the conversation on another phone on that line (like a typical home system)
14:58.23bjohnsonOldSmurf: you need a fxo for each phone line that you want to connect into the system
14:58.41*** join/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
14:59.17bjohnsonbrimstone: there is info on the wiki about controlling telco supplied wall waiting through asterisk .. might be similar concept to what you want
14:59.21jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
14:59.50bjohnsonMattH: any number of any characters
14:59.58bjohnsonhajekd: no
15:00.32bjohnsoncjk: SIP, IAX2, ZAP are the most common .. must be ones for h323, mcgp, and sccp too
15:00.48dave_mwiChuji: I'm dialing the local channel just fine now - and I've put /n at the end of Channel:local/s@timed-context/n but my variables still aren't making it to the context for some reason...hmmm
15:01.12brimstoneok, thanks bjohnson
15:08.32dave_mwiI'm using a Local/chan channel in my my call file, but for some reason the variables are not making it to the context specified by chan
15:09.06bkw_add /n
15:09.18dave_mwiyes I have that
15:09.24bkw_show me how you set the vars
15:09.36dave_mwilet me pastebin it
15:10.02bkw_I smell them on the wrong side of the call
15:10.07bkw_you might nee dto setvar __VARNAME
15:10.10bkw_double __
15:10.36bkw_the vars are on the wrong side of the call?
15:10.43bkw_try doing __ in the var names
15:10.45dave_mwibkw_: hmm, ok double __?
15:10.54dave_mwiat the beginning, right?
15:11.17dave_mwiand reference them that way in the context too? ${__WHATEVER}
15:11.27bkw_do it like normal
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15:11.31dave_mwilet me try that
15:11.46bkw_inheritance assumed.  If prefixed with __, infinite inheritance is assumed.
15:12.58OldSmurfbjohnson: isn't TE110P providing me with phone lines?
15:13.12dave_mwiinfinite inheritance...? meaning infinite levels of contexts...?
15:13.22bkw_from channel to channel
15:13.24dave_mwithe var is accessible infinitely?
15:15.45*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
15:15.45Juxtare there any hard phones that support IAX?
15:16.03bkw_and NEXT TIME say hi before you bust in and ask questions
15:16.05bkw_thats just rude
15:16.26bkw_you don't run up to a crowd of people in person and bust in and ask questions.. so don't do it on IRC
15:16.51bkw_eveyone here knows thats my number one gripe.. hehe
15:16.58spacklebkw, how does he know you aren't a cat?
15:17.20bkw_well i'll nail you faster for busting in and asking a question faster than I would for asking a really dumb question
15:17.25spackleBKW: Hi, BTW
15:17.35bkw_spackle, haha no honey..
15:17.41*** join/#asterisk Supaplex (supaplex@
15:17.54bkw_"has joined" followed promptly by question.. is rude... thats all i'm saying
15:17.58bkw_ok lets move along
15:18.06bkw_Juxt, has some really FUGLY phones
15:18.13Juxti see that already
15:18.25spacklebkw: and they make bad sounds too, but they work OK.
15:18.27dave_mwithat was a good laugh
15:18.39Juxtlooks like SIP here i come
15:18.48bkw_SIp is better for talking to phones
15:18.51bkw_IAX for asterisk to asterisk
15:19.06bkw_I have been up since 4am
15:19.07Juxtpolycom 300s look good
15:19.10bkw_dog has been sick
15:19.15Supaplexsucky ;/
15:19.17bkw_Juxt, no they don't.. I think those are fugly phones too
15:19.27Juxtwhich ones are purty?
15:19.31bkw_7960's baby
15:19.35spacklegood question
15:19.36bkw_if you can't get those....
15:19.47bkw_let me show you what I would get
15:20.05spackledo they make a fuzzy pink sip phone?
15:20.05Juxtthese are for doctors office so they've got to look purty
15:20.15bkw_the new grandstream is pretty impressive
15:20.28bkw_the uniden uip200
15:20.32Juxtthe gxp-2000?
15:20.46bkw_Juxt, ya
15:20.49bkw_I seen it at von
15:20.56bkw_its really nice for the price vs what they did before
15:20.58Juxtoh i was at von too
15:21.05bkw_7912's are my next choice
15:21.11spacklethe unidens have problems, they are slow to fix firmware too.
15:21.12bkw_Juxt, I was in the digium booth
15:21.18Juxtso was i
15:21.22Juxti am the guy with long hair
15:21.26Juxtpony tail
15:21.28bkw_spackle, I have never seen one of those.
15:21.35bkw_Juxt, I was the guy with the hat with a rainbow on it.
15:21.44bkw_we might have talked
15:21.48Juxtmight have
15:21.50bkw_I talked to alot of people
15:21.58Juxtwhat's your real name, might ring a bell
15:22.07bkw_those look great
15:22.13bkw_and you can put up to three sidecars on them
15:22.19bkw_great for a reception phone
15:22.44MattHIs there anyway to setup a * code to block caller-id in asterisk?
15:22.53bkw_MattH, define block
15:22.55bkw_as in?
15:23.02Juxtjust prepent *67
15:23.07Juxtto all outgoing calls
15:23.12bkw_well that depends..
15:23.18bkw_what sense of the word blocking is he talking about
15:23.24Juxtsnom 220 is nice but pricey
15:23.33bkw_with asterisk telephony is #d
15:23.35bkw_er 3d
15:23.39MattHlike <Private> on the outgoing line
15:23.40spackleJuxt: the "good" phones are.
15:23.42MattHI know you CAN do it....
15:23.48MattHbut how would you write a * code to do it on the fly?
15:23.51bkw_MattH, just prepend *67w
15:23.57newlhe wants like block with override. :)
15:23.59Juxtgrandstream is def. purty
15:24.01MattHahh ok wasn't sure if that would work
15:24.06jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
15:24.14*** join/#asterisk jhiver (
15:24.15Juxtwell what you can do is this
15:24.20spackleJuxt: I wouldn't trust it till I put it through it's paces.
15:24.21Juxtset up 9 for dialing otu without block
15:24.30Juxtand say 8 with block on
15:24.35Chujithat gs phone looks cheap to me
15:24.39jhiverguys - I was wondering which license Asterisk::AGI is under? Can't find it anywhere...
15:24.56ManxPowerjhiver, GPL
15:25.02jhiverwhere is this written?
15:25.18ManxPowerjhiver, did you look at the source
15:25.44jhiverCan't assume it's GPL just 'cause it seems to be
15:25.49bkw_he's right
15:25.49jhiverYes I did
15:25.53bkw_its no where in the SRC
15:25.58bkw_grep -r -i GPL *
15:26.01bkw_not a single hit
15:26.04newlcd agi && grep -i gpl * :)
15:26.12jhiverjhiver@ubuntu:~/tools/asterisk-perl-0.08 $ grep -r 'GPL' .
15:26.12jhiverjhiver@ubuntu:~/tools/asterisk-perl-0.08 $
15:26.17bkw_gottal do -i
15:26.33bkw_root@localhost [Fri Mar 25 09:26 AM]  /usr/local/pblx/ports/asterisk/asterisk-perl/asterisk-perl-0.08
15:26.33bkw_<15>:grep -r -i gpl *
15:26.52ManxPowerI suspect the license is on the download page for it.
15:26.53jhiverso... if the license is nowhere, it's like "ALL RIGHTS RESERVED" methinks...
15:26.53Juxtwell someone should submit lack of license as a bug then :-)
15:26.53bkw_but its perl
15:26.56bkw_so what does it matter
15:27.01jhivernope it isn't...
15:27.07bkw_Juxt, its not an asterisk supported project
15:27.11bkw_so it doesn't belong on the bug tracker
15:27.14bkw_james wrote it
15:27.23Juxtright, i didn't say submit it to the asterisk bugs
15:27.32Juxtsubmit it as a bug to to james :-)
15:27.39ManxPowerBSD has an unlicensed asterisk-perl!!!!
15:27.56jhiverlynx --dump |grep -i GPL
15:29.07ManxPowerI guess you just have to e-mail him.
15:29.17ManxPowerBut I've talked with the author and he says it's GPL
15:30.34*** part/#asterisk whmok (~acidBurn@
15:30.55jhiverWell, "the author says so" isn't good enough so I sent him an email
15:30.58nestAri finally think i figured out wrapuptime
15:31.07nestArit's not broken.. it just doesn't work like i think it should.
15:32.07bkw_jhiver, define not gooenuf?
15:32.18bkw_why its out there.. wide open.. src and all.. ?
15:32.27bkw_i'm sure its just an oversight
15:32.48bkw_do youplan on selling a closed src perl script.. har har har
15:33.04jhiverI'm making a set of modules I want to release on CPAN
15:33.09bkw_I never care what the lic. for a perl module is.
15:33.12jhiverbut the modules use Asterisk::AGI
15:33.18jhivernow I have 2 issues:
15:33.22bkw_its not your fault
15:33.28bkw_you release them.. the end user must them install them
15:33.30jhiver- Asterisk::AGI => not on CPAN => dependency
15:33.41jhiver- I can't put it up on CPAN because there's like NO LICENSE
15:34.04ManxPowerI guess you just have to e-mail him.
15:34.09jhiverAnd I have written quite a few modules on CPAN for those who think I'm a greedy closed source bastard :)
15:34.36Inv_arpbah BV incoming down
15:34.39jhiver - nothing to do with asterisk - for now :)
15:34.59jhiverI've just sent him an email
15:35.00bkw_jhiver, no dear.. never thought that.. haha
15:35.01bkw_its perl
15:35.07bkw_how can you close src a perl script.. its kinda hard to do
15:35.14jhiverit's not
15:35.16bkw_and don't say perlcc
15:35.20jhivercopyright law is enough
15:35.21MattHDoes anyone know on the Sipura SPA-841 phones.. how does the *66 Line Busy Call back Feature work?  Do you hangup and dial *66 on the phone or what?
15:35.30bkw_oh screw copyrightlaws
15:35.44jhivertell that to your lawyer :)
15:35.45bkw_and patents and all that mess
15:36.05bkw_copyright is civil... not criminal
15:36.22bkw_love how everything tries to make it criminal
15:36.30bkw_or should I say everyone.. like the RIAA
15:36.32bkw_or MPAA
15:36.36nestArwrapuptime starts from the beginning of the call, not from the end of the call.. that's very... not useful.
15:36.47bkw_nestAr, sounds like a bug
15:37.00jhiverwell, GPL is based on copyright
15:37.03nestArit might work for off-hook acd groups
15:37.14bkw_bug GPL doesn't restrict you to insane crap
15:37.17bkw_er but
15:37.19nestArbut i'm using AddQueueMember
15:37.20jhiverwithout copyright you could modify / compile / redistribute GPL code without redistributing the sources
15:37.31bkw_and thats not insane
15:37.37bkw_thats very acceptable
15:37.43jhiverso in this instance, Copyright = Good = must distribute the source
15:37.56bkw_GPL isn't a copyright.. its a License
15:37.57bkw_get it right
15:38.04jhiverbloody hell
15:38.14bkw_it may govern copyright
15:38.21bkw_well it really doesn't
15:38.35jhiverif you say "screw copyright" then you also say "screw the GPL" since the GPL *IS* based on copyright laws & treaties
15:39.03bkw_yes but the GPL doesn't try to put someone in prison and fine them several million dollars
15:39.21jhiveractually you're talking bullshit
15:39.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
15:39.34bkw_no i'm making sense..
15:39.40tzangerthere is absolutely nothing wrong with copyright law -- they serve a very useful purpose but unfortunately (especially in the US) they've been perverted well beyond their original intent
15:39.41jhivertake MySQL source, modify it, resell it without the source and see what's happening...
15:39.49jhiverit's GPL though...
15:39.56bkw_tzanger, that perversion is what i'm saying screw
15:39.59dave_mwibkw_: __VARNAME is stll isn't working for me....NoOp is showing ${VARNAME} in the context as the call file is: SetVar:__VARNAME=XXXX
15:40.09tzafrir_laptopOT: what do I need to do to get an "official" channel on Freenode? Any pointers?
15:40.19tzangertzafrir_laptop: just register the channel
15:40.21dave_mwiExecuting NoOp("Local/s@timed-context-be14,2", "") in new stack
15:40.30ManxPowertzafrir, register with chanserv
15:40.31bkw_dont use local
15:40.32tzangerdave_mwi: how do the timed channels work?
15:40.40tzangerI've never played with them
15:40.49dave_mwibkw_: well I need it to be local
15:40.50jhiverAnyhow, at any rate I'll spend some more time debugging before upping to CPAN I guess :)
15:41.05dave_mwibecause I wan't to do a lot of logic in the contexts before I make the call..
15:41.06bkw_jhiver, I respect sane copyright laws...
15:41.17bkw_its the stupid bullshit that keeps getting worse here in the US
15:41.27dave_mwibkw_: unless there is another way...
15:41.35bkw_dave_mwi, check
15:41.39ManxPowerbkw_, So leave
15:41.57dave_mwitzanger: they are pretty handy so far...just trying to get variable usage worked out from the call file to the context
15:41.59bkw_ManxPower, na.... it's gonna bust someday .. its like a pimple.. just waiting on the day.
15:42.01jhiverbkw_ I agree with you, it's the same in europe, but apart from saying a big N O to eu constitution there's not much I can do... nor can any of us :(
15:42.18ManxPowerbkw_, I really don't want be around for the mess after.
15:42.29bkw_jhiver, well defiance of the law is how you bring about change... FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
15:42.40jhiverdo it for me please :)
15:42.47jhiveri'll follow :)
15:43.04bkw_thats how this stupid country got started
15:43.13bkw_we said enuf.. and gave EU the finger..
15:43.26bkw_it might happen again... in our lifetime
15:43.29tzafrir_laptopdave_mwi, make the copyrights period more reasonable. I mean, take a look at Graceland. They are the only ones allowed to profit from Elvis's heritage, and see how much they make from it. Long after Elvis is gone.
15:43.38robl^I say buy some land.. put up a wall around it.. and declare it a soverign nation andmake your own laws :)
15:43.41ManxPowerbkw_, now people are sayng enough and giving the US the finger
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15:43.43*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
15:43.57dave_mwitzafrir: what's that go to do with Local Channels?
15:43.59bkw_ya know I have been up since 4am so i'm not all here.
15:45.32tzafrir_laptopbkw_, but then again, at the time you got help from the France. So it wasn't exactly the EU
15:45.54tzangerdave_mwi: do you have some docs on it?  I can't seem to pull anything up wiht google and the wiki search blows goats
15:46.08Juxtgod i was gonna give up on web apps but AJaX just rules
15:46.10bkw_anyway.. this dog has gone to the dr. more than I have....
15:46.22ManxPowerbkw_, see the other channel again
15:46.23bkw_Juxt, ajax?
15:46.49elriahHey guys, I'm installing another asterisk build via cvs .. At the end of the make, I get "configure: error: termcap support not found make: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1" and it fails.  Any suggestions?
15:47.09tzangerdave_mwi: that's local channels, not timed channels
15:47.10dave_mwitzanger: gads - 'blows goats' sounds like a major problem ;-)
15:47.11bkw_install termcap-devel
15:47.25elriahahh.. easy.. tnx
15:47.30dave_mwitzanger: ah - my bad. don't know anything about timed channels
15:47.49tzangerdave_mwi: ahh okay I thought there was a timed extension context in Asterisk
15:47.55tzangeror at least htere was talk of it
15:48.12dave_mwitzanger: hmmm - don't know, I just setup one of my own called timed-extension
15:48.24tzangerahh okay :-)
15:48.33tzangerI use callfiles and whatnot already, it's pretty awesome
15:48.39elriahHrm.. I don't have a termcap-dev or anything similiar in my debian package list...
15:48.43dave_mwitzanger: ya...definately
15:48.45tzangerI guess that's as close to an actual timer extension as I cna get... cron and callfile
15:49.19dave_mwitzanger: probably...what exactly are you trying to do?
15:49.19file[laptop]elriah: try libncurses5-dev
15:49.48elriahThanks, file.
15:50.29tzangerdave_mwi: nothing actually :-)
15:50.35dave_mwiheh - nice.
15:50.39elriahIs the latest cvs the 1.0.7 version?  Or did I just download an unstable build?
15:50.57elriahLooks like this is working, thanks again.
15:50.59dave_mwitzanger: have you used local channels before?
15:51.03Inv_arpelriah: yes
15:51.24elriahYes unstable or yes 1.0.7?
15:51.53tzafrir_laptopJuxt, if you like ajax, then check out a project called "sajax":
15:52.07tzangerdave_mwi: yes
15:52.27*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
15:52.37dave_mwitzanger: could you send variables from the call file to the contexts? I have the /n, but it's still not workin
15:52.46tzangerI think so yes
15:52.49tzangerlet me check
15:53.50elriahSorry to be a pest, now my make faild on "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl collect2: ld returned 1 exti status"... I don't do much compiling from source so this is a bit new to me.  Any suggestions here?
15:54.02tzangerelriah: it means you don't have libssl
15:54.12tzangerelriah: install the openssl package for your distro
15:54.28elriahthanks again all
15:54.31file[laptop]all the dependencies are on btw, on the Download page
15:54.34file[laptop]for future reference!
15:54.34tzangerelriah: you might also need openssl-devel from your distro if you're trying to build something
15:55.13tzangerdave_mwi: this is what I have
15:55.19tzangerfor setting a variable
15:55.21tzangerin a callfile
15:55.22tzangerSetVar: mailbox=$mailbox
15:55.29Juxti have the following dilemma
15:55.32*** join/#asterisk Pantanero (
15:55.37Juxtsay i have 3 contexts with their own extensions
15:55.48Juxtand say all of them have the same extension #8000
15:55.58Juxtwouldn't voicemails to that extension overlap?
15:56.00dave_mwitzanger: uh - you mean SetVar:mailbox=something ? whats the $ for?
15:56.33tzangerit's a shell script
15:56.41dave_mwiso nothing special then
15:56.43tzangerso $mailbox is my shell's mailbox variable
15:57.03tzangercould be $FOO or $YOMAMA or whatever you want
15:57.22*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
15:57.37tzangerif [ $freak_on -eq 1 ]; then call ($YOMAMA) ; fi
15:57.39dave_mwijust for some reason, the vars arent making it to the context...
15:57.55tzangerthat's strange
15:58.10tzangeryou don't have ${MAILBOX}  getting set in your context?
15:58.11dave_mwilet me pastebin the call file
15:58.15tzangerI'll pastebin mine too
15:58.43_Sam--i have a PRI with 23 trying to set the outgoing cid for extensions using exten => 100,2,SetCallerID(3021111111)
15:58.49tzangerthat's my function for generating a callfile
15:59.02_Sam--but its not changing the caller id...i asked my PRI company if they would allow me to change the cid...
15:59.13_Sam--do i have this capability: "Sam,
15:59.15_Sam--If you have the ability to out pulse the number of the calling party we can just pass that along.
15:59.35*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
15:59.37_Sam--is that what i need?
15:59.53tzangerdave_mwi: they don't look all that different
15:59.57dave_mwitzanger...and you don't even have the / that a literal /n they mean or a new line
16:00.22tzangerI've never seen /n
16:00.25tzanger\n is newline
16:00.51dave_mwigads, or course...
16:00.56dave_mwiI'm just referring to
16:01.01*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
16:01.23dave_mwitzanger: down in the Caveats section
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16:03.24tzangerdave_mwi: hmm I just checked my extension and I'm not even checking for the mailbox variable anymore
16:03.27*** join/#asterisk dogz- (
16:03.45dave_mwihmm. ok
16:03.54tzangerdave_mwi: but
16:04.18tzangerI mean the context I'm dumping into (fxs) calls the right number which is in Local/######@fxs
16:04.38tzangerand then once connected it jumps to my voicemail-callback context and executes a wait and a senddtmf
16:05.16dave_mwik - well, I'm lost then...I can't get variables to go into a two line context from that call
16:06.01nestArugh, bastards on the users list with out of office auto replies
16:06.28*** join/#asterisk dslx (
16:06.50elriahGeez.. it was going soo good, then it just bombed out on the chan_cap.c ... (sigh) no indication of why.  Just over and over with "error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type".
16:07.00elriahchan_zap.c, rather.
16:07.26tzangerdave_mwi: yeah it's not working here either
16:07.51dave_mwitry putting a /n after your Local Channel line in your call file
16:08.19tzangerand /n odesn't change it I was just testing that :-)
16:08.35elriahAny debian users here that compile from cvs?
16:08.41tzangerdave_mwi: easy fix
16:08.45tzanger_MAILBOX not MAILBOX
16:08.52dave_mwitried that too :-)
16:09.00oelewappehow do you create a sip.conf for both incoming and outgoing calls
16:09.16MikeJ[Laptop]oelewappe, friend
16:09.17oelewappeI have now a [general] section with a register =>
16:09.26dave_mwitzanger:I didn't have any luck with that - you?
16:09.28oelewappeMikeJ[Laptop] : do you have a small example ?
16:09.39tzangerno need for /n
16:09.41MikeJ[Laptop]sure... one sec
16:09.45dave_mwilet me try
16:09.52oelewappeMikeJ[Laptop] : do you use friend for incoming or outgoing or ...
16:10.05dave_mwitzanger: so one _
16:10.14tzangeryes just one
16:10.40MikeJ[Laptop]there you go
16:10.44tzangerdoes not need to be block caps wither
16:10.46tzangerer either
16:10.52oelewappeMikeJ[Laptop] : thx
16:10.53tzangerSetVar: _mailbox=whoohoo
16:11.09oelewappeMikeJ[Laptop] : friend for incoming or outgoing calls ?
16:12.03Shido6wakey wakey
16:12.11oelewappeMar 25 17:17:11 NOTICE[13447]: chan_sip.c:7305 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user "2405" <sip:2405@>;tag=as5a5b25c5
16:12.17dave_mwitzanger: k - trying
16:12.24oelewappetype=friend does not seem to help
16:12.52MikeJ[Laptop]does nto seem to help waht
16:12.59brettnemhey guys
16:13.06brettnemI'm having a "weird" problem
16:13.07oelewappeI still get the failed to authenticate on incoming calls
16:13.11MikeJ[Laptop]pastebin sip.conf
16:13.24brettnemasterisk has just totally stop responding to SIP request.. works for about 3 calls then dies
16:13.26dave_mwitzanger: no luck with the one _
16:13.30*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
16:13.36tzangerdave_mwi: that is very unusual
16:13.42dave_mwitzanger: I'm wondering if I'm blind
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16:13.43tzangerwhat version of asterisk?  I'm running CVS HEAD
16:13.45jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
16:14.23dave_mwiversion CVS 1.0 as of 02-08-05
16:14.26*** join/#asterisk Duy (
16:14.34tzangerahh you're running stable
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16:14.44Lee__which version should I install for a devlopment lab? CVS or stable?
16:14.46tzangerit's funny but I've found more weirdness with stable than I ever have with HEAD
16:14.58Lee__also, is anyone using the Debian packages in sarge?
16:15.00nestAri was using head the other day..
16:15.01dave_mwiConnected to Asterisk CVS-v1-0-02/08/05-17:01:20
16:15.02oelewappeMikeJ[Laptop] :
16:15.06nestAruntil checkgroup stopped working
16:15.15nestArthen i went back to cvs v1-0
16:15.24dave_mwiwell...I wonder if it has something to do with our version
16:15.28DuyHello I have this problem, when I start asterisk i got thi fault message: asterisk: relocation error: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: SSL_library_init
16:15.35Duycann someone help me?
16:15.35*** join/#asterisk a1t (~a1t@a1t.vice-president.asturlab)
16:15.35oelewappeMikeJ[Laptop] : any idea ?
16:15.37dave_mwicause it just aint happening here... _ and __  - neither works
16:15.50Lee__Duy: you probably don't have libssl installed
16:16.00DuyLee: oh thank you
16:16.01Lee__err, openssl
16:16.23MikeJ[Laptop]and what's not working again, sorry.. doing several things at once here
16:16.47oelewappeMar 25 17:17:11 NOTICE[13447]: chan_sip.c:7305 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user "2405" <sip:2405@>;tag=as5a5b25c5
16:16.58oelewappeincoming calls get don't come through
16:16.59MikeJ[Laptop]on inbound?
16:17.06oelewappeyep on inbound
16:17.11nestArsip reload?
16:17.12dave_mwiMikeJ: getting variables from callfile to context using local channels
16:17.16dave_mwinot working
16:17.47MikeJ[Laptop]oelewappe, put a user entry in there with [2405] as the header
16:18.14MikeJ[Laptop]and Iwould change your password onthat as you just pasted it into a public channel
16:18.35*** part/#asterisk a1t (~a1t@a1t.vice-president.asturlab)
16:18.37oelewappethat's not my password
16:18.48tzangerMikeJ[Laptop]: dave_mwi is having a problem with setting variables from a callfile...  I can do it just fine by prefixing the variable name with _ -- the /n for the channel is not necessary in my case (HEAD) but nothing seems to be working for him
16:19.17tzangerMikeJ[Laptop]: do you know if this is a specific problem with 1.0.x?  He's got 1.0 CVS from february
16:19.18MikeJ[Laptop]head or stable?
16:19.34MikeJ[Laptop]1.0.5 +?
16:19.39dave_mwiConnected to Asterisk CVS-v1-0-02/08/05-17:01:20
16:19.42tzanger1.0 CVS from February :-)
16:19.44Hmmhesayshmm it seems I have a memory leak on my server
16:19.47tzanger1.0.2 I guess
16:19.54tzangerer no 1.0 from Februay 8th
16:19.59Hmmhesaysmysql and asterisk using up 1 gig of memory? ha!
16:20.02dave_mwiMikeJ: Connected to Asterisk CVS-v1-0-02/08/05-17:01:20
16:20.05MikeJ[Laptop]does he use any inband dtmf on sip?
16:20.28tzangerI don't know :-)
16:20.29Lee__what version of * are those who have commercial deployments using?
16:20.30dave_mwiMikeJ: moi?
16:20.43MikeJ[Laptop]lee, stable and head
16:21.01MikeJ[Laptop]dave, you have a message
16:21.04Lee__head is what come froms a "cvs checkout asterisk"?
16:21.15tzangerLee__: I use -HEAD, nufone uses -HEAD, not sure about others...  normast uses debian's version
16:21.16dave_mwiMikeJ: we are using iax
16:21.19dave_mwinot zip
16:21.22dave_mwier sip
16:21.40MikeJ[Laptop]dave_mwi, update to current stable from cvs and give it a try
16:21.47tzangerdave_mwi: I'd try upgrading to the latest stable (or using HEAD)
16:21.54tzangerdammit mike beat me to it
16:22.05Lee__tzanger: I ask because I found a bug that crashes the debian package 100% of the time but I don't want to spend the time to follow up if no one is even using it nor supporting it.
16:22.25MikeJ[Laptop]make clean install
16:22.27Lee__I though just compiling from cvs would be better and rolling my own debian package for deployments
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16:22.34MikeJ[Laptop]upgrading to head... do di do
16:22.47tzangerLee__: I don't think anyone really relies on the distro packages
16:22.50tzangerto be perfectly honest
16:22.59dave_mwitzanger: yeah...talking to the sysadmin about it
16:23.09Lee__that's the impression I got. have some pretty old outstanding reports
16:23.25tzangerLee__: debian is stable because they simply don't change a damn thing :-)
16:23.25MikeJ[Laptop]don't use the packages right now.
16:23.32dave_mwihow about I post my call file, and extension, and output from the cli...just to make sure I'm not going wacky
16:23.38Lee__testing moves pretty fast
16:23.59MikeJ[Laptop]* head can be interesting at times,
16:24.15MikeJ[Laptop]stable for that matter, but if you have issues, you can always roll back
16:25.03MikeJ[Laptop]and if what you have works, keep it
16:26.02Lee__are there any published case studies of mid-sized * deployments you could recommend?
16:26.18dave_mwiMikeJ, tzanger:
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16:26.41tzafrir_laptopLee__, how do you build debs?
16:27.02Lee__with the dpkg tools. it's documented on the page
16:27.03tzangertzafrir_laptop: well you need to tell her she's pretty and smart and that you respect her.
16:27.15*** join/#asterisk mjdyer (
16:27.23Lee__it's more straight forward than building RPMs, even though I can do that better  :)
16:27.24MikeJ[Laptop]dave_mwi, looks good to me
16:27.29jaigertzafrir_laptop, look for the debian new maintainer developer documentation
16:27.48jaigerLee__, I still find rpms easier to build with a single spec file
16:27.59tzafrir_laptopLee__, I know that. . However I'd hate to replicate the work done by the nice people at pkg-voip
16:28.08Lee__I guess it's just preference
16:28.17dave_mwiMikeJ: yeah seems fine...don't know I guess maybe we'll have to update...
16:28.56Lee__tzafrir_laptop: wht's pkg-voip?
16:28.58dave_mwiwith cli output:
16:29.05tzafrir_laptopjaiger, SRPMs are actually packages of multiple patches and sources and one spec file
16:29.16tzafrir_laptopA deb source is just one source and one patch
16:29.26mjdyerI have a noob question.  I'm setting up my first SIP phone (a Sipura 841) and I can't seem to get it to register with *@home
16:29.38Lee__tzafrir_laptop: that link is a 404
16:29.41tzafrir_laptopThe ones answering the bugs of asterisk-related package.
16:29.45Lee__*err, timeout
16:29.47mjdyerbut my softphone works just fine so I know that *@home is set up correctly
16:30.13jakepdevmjdyer - sounds like an issue in your sip.conf
16:30.25MikeJ[Laptop] grrrr
16:30.35jakepdevmjdyer - you probably want to pastebin that as well as
16:30.55jakepdevturning on sip debug (sip debug on) me thinks
16:31.10jaigertzafrir_laptop, I know I've built plenty of rpms.  but one control file is nice
16:31.35jaigertzafrir_laptop, and I like that you can break up the patches instead of one large diff as in debian
16:31.42tzafrir_laptopLee__, regarding, I'll check it later. Older packages are at
16:32.26MikeJ[Laptop]tzanger, do you have a test box you can try that on, see if you get the same?
16:32.46tzafrir_laptoppkg-voip is
16:32.51MikeJ[Laptop]meetme w/ ds options, as sson as you hit keys in conf. it blows up
16:34.07tzafrir_laptopAnyway, pretty soon *'s HEAD will freeze and we'll have to start thinking about adapting the packages to the upcoming asterisk-1.2 . Any existing reference will be useful (us== both pkg-voip and xorcom)
16:36.02Lee__tzafrir_laptop: I do want to use the debian packages but I'm looking for where the support is since I'm a n00b to this telephony stuff. Eventually I'll probably be contributing to the packages in testing.
16:37.32tzafrir_laptopjaiger, you can use separate patches in Debian. Actually all the latest pkg-voip packages use something called dpatch for that.
16:39.48tzafrir_laptopI'm very familiar with rpms building. I have built many at the time. It is indeed a good system. It horribly under-documented. It is also not as modular as Debian's toolchain. And the macros are hell to write and use, where Debian uses a simple makefile. But it is a good system
16:40.22*** part/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
16:41.49tzangerMikeJ[Laptop]: it works on my HEAD box
16:42.01tzangerSetVar: _myvar=ooga_booga
16:42.08Lee__tzafrir_laptop: your rapid asterisk package sounds like it's sarge with some scrpts to configure asterisk, no?
16:42.21*** join/#asterisk imapotato (
16:43.27tzafrir_laptopLee__, It's a sarge installer with some extra packages and a preseed config file to make the installer ask less questions.
16:43.29imapotatoIs anyone around that might be able to help me with what is probably an incredibly stupid asterisk question?
16:43.38tzafrir_laptopplus some very minor adjusments to the installer code
16:43.41MuppetMasterimapotato:  go ahead
16:44.03jaigerimapotato, ask and we'll tell you if it's stupid
16:44.21tzafrir_laptop(rapid-udeb) . The new debian installer is quite nice in that sense: easy to plug in new functionality into it
16:44.23imapotatoI'm doing an independent study at the end of which I need someone to be able to call and more or less get a voice message or maybe one of those press one for this, press two for that things
16:44.42MuppetMasterimapotato:  ok
16:45.01imapotatoDo I need any extra hardware or just a linux box with asterisk on it?
16:45.02tzafrir_laptopLee__, Some interesting bits are it: rapid-scripts, that includes our rapid-menu, and genzaptelconf from zaptel
16:45.30elriahHi all - Anyone here use * on Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 ES?
16:45.33MuppetMasterimapotato:  Just a linux box with Asterisk on it.  You could use and as your PSTN interface over VoIP.
16:45.41MikeJ[Laptop]tzanger, are you coming in to it on zap?
16:45.47jaigerimapotato, you can do it without extra hardware using a software phone
16:46.10MuppetMastermapotato:  Something like (XLite)
16:46.52tzafrir_laptopas for the URL: and
16:47.03Lee__are those of you using HEAD also using libpri from CVS?
16:47.06tzangerMikeJ[Laptop]: coming in to it?
16:47.29imapotatoHurray! Thanks a ton everyone.
16:47.34Lee__the one in sarge ( 1.0.6-1) is too old acording to configure.
16:48.32MattHECHO ISSUE: Using a wildcard FXO...  i've tried changing DB settings for gain and such... tried tweaking echo canceling... has anyone had success getting echo off of the wildcard?
16:48.42*** join/#asterisk hobbes (
16:49.51MikeJ[Laptop]y, I am hitting * through a pri, going to meetme
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16:49.57MikeJ[Laptop]let me try from sip
16:49.59AgiNamuelriah, yes, I'm using RHEL3
16:50.22tzafrir_laptopLee__, I'm now updating our packages for 1.0.7
16:51.14*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released || || cdr_addon_mysql.c with 1.0.7 = DEADLOCK someone that cares needs to fix it.. because I don't (bkw)
16:51.28*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released || || cdr_addon_mysql.c with 1.0.7 == DEADLOCK someone that cares needs to fix it.. because I don't (bkw_)
16:51.37*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
16:52.13PBXtechwhy do i get a lot of half page fax's with spandsp? any know? its a T1 connection with no SLIPs or errors
16:52.34MikeJ[Laptop]similar, on hitting *, I get no menu, and get hung up on...
16:52.48Lee__man, asterisk-users list is insanely high traffic!
16:53.23hobbeshi all
16:53.41kramyah, it is high traffic for sure
16:53.43AgiNamuLee__ yea, that's why i unsubscribed.
16:53.44krami can't even wathc it myself
16:53.54AgiNamuThere should be a bunch of different lists.
16:54.02AgiNamuso people could get more involved in stuff they care about
16:54.07hobbesI have multiple incomming lines, but I'd like to restrict their usage so that only one call can come in at a time
16:54.26MikeJ[Laptop]hobbes, what kind of lines?
16:54.29AgiNamuhobbes, look at groupids
16:54.33AgiNamuor groupnums. ors moething like that.
16:54.35hobbesbri with chan_capi
16:54.41AgiNamubasically, increment a number or set a global var
16:54.45MikeJ[Laptop]kram, oej's dialstring patch looks ready
16:54.56AgiNamuand then when another call comes in, and that var is set, hangup.
16:55.49*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
16:56.25hobbesAgiNamu: could you tell me where to look for groupids/nums ?
16:56.28Lee__I need a gmail box just for asterisk-users!
16:56.43Shido6want one?
16:57.06bkw_asterisk-users is useless really... its to high traffic and too many people bitching and moaning all the time
16:57.10bkw_thats why I don't sub to that one
16:57.13bkw_its pointless
16:57.33file[laptop]I glance through the messages for interesting stuff
16:57.37AgiNamubut if there was stuff like "asterisk-users-pri" or "-users-tdm" and so on
16:57.44*** join/#asterisk dalabera (
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16:57.45MikeJ[Laptop]I wanted to do somthing useful with my life..
16:57.46PBXtechits good reference after its gets googled :)
16:57.59MikeJ[Laptop]that's why I ... {insert clerks reference here}
16:58.08AgiNamutake a look at the MS newsgroups.... theyv'e got tons of hierarchy. otherwise it'd be impossible to a: get thru stuff and b: find experts in that area.
16:58.08*** join/#asterisk miller7 (
16:58.23tzafrir_laptopLee__, it's not that big. It seems to take some 10MB per a number of monthes
16:59.13*** part/#asterisk miller7 (
16:59.20tzafrir_laptopanyway, I don't bother reading most of the threads
17:00.32SwedMiroheeh..sounds like the warhammer-fb list...250-300 mess a day..during times with no flame wars
17:00.56dalaberahellos guys, someone that help me figure out a issue I have with a grandstream with symetric NAT and asterisk on public IP. Able to make calls, but when someone attempts to call me always fall to voicemail, without ringing the phone!
17:01.01hobbesAgiNamu: great, thanks
17:01.11bjohnsonhobbes: setgroup and checkgroup .. look at the superdial macro on the wiki you have a do-not-disturb funktion?
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17:01.55SwedMirothen i have nothing
17:02.32AgiNamudalabera, maybe it is not registered correctly
17:02.36dalaberathis is the message I receive on the cli console: chan_sip.c:721 retrans_pkt
17:02.54dalaberamaximum retries...
17:03.05dalaberabefore it goes to voicemail
17:03.49IQHi. There is an * SIP gateway on location-A. They only allow SIP clients to connect. If I make my * connect to their * server, will they find out that its *?
17:04.14hobbesbjohnson: thanks, I just discovered checkgroup and setgroup, but superdial seems packed with everything already :-)
17:06.20AgiNamudala, sounds like the nat is screwing SIP up (what a surprise)
17:06.27AgiNamuso you can go OUT, but things coming in dont work
17:06.36*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (~dheckaman@doughecka.user)
17:07.23dalaberaI'm using a stun server, do you think that might the problem?
17:07.31doughecka_wheres this years astricon going to be hosted?
17:07.33*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
17:07.35AgiNamuDunno. I dont use SIP because it's a biatch.
17:07.48bkw_dalabera, stun is only used to find out what kind of nat you're behind
17:07.55bkw_so the sip device can correctly traverse the nat
17:07.58dalaberaaginamu,  yes I can call out without a problem, calls does not always come in
17:08.04AgiNamuyea, classic sip
17:08.10bkw_jack your register to 30 seconds
17:08.16bkw_bet the nat is loosing your translation
17:08.25AgiNamuUDP timeout should be 300 secs.
17:08.34bkw_not all nat does it right
17:08.37AgiNamubut 30 wont hurt :)
17:08.43bkw_why do you think vonage uses 15 seconds
17:08.48AgiNamuwhy dont you just use IAX? :)
17:08.48dalaberalet me check that
17:08.54bkw_"Just in case(tm)"
17:09.10AgiNamuI'll use IAX with a 280 Register TTL + poke/pong.
17:09.13doughecka_bkw_, wheres this years astricon going to be?
17:09.23bkw_doughecka_, no clue.. its in atlanta again
17:09.25bkw_I know that
17:09.53doughecka_I just notices this certification thing on digiums web site
17:12.28bkw_I have NO comment about the dCap
17:13.37johnnybMattie: Just remembered -- I need you to be sure you are running kernel 2.6
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17:13.57AgiNamuwhat about ASS?
17:14.03AgiNamuAsterisk Sertified Specialist?
17:14.27elriahWould the stock redhat9 kernel work well with zaptel and asterisk?
17:14.36AgiNamumaybe, but why would you use that
17:14.41*** join/#asterisk invi_ (~invi_@
17:14.51elriahI'm using enterprise now, it's ver bloated.
17:15.01elriahI'm trying to find an easy, tight distro to use.
17:15.18AgiNamubloated with what?
17:15.24invi_hi guys
17:15.24Shido6make your own
17:15.45Lee__looks like CVS HEAD is broken...
17:15.46Lee__cdr_custom.c:22:34: asterisk/channel_pvt.h: No such file or directory
17:15.48elriahIt's minimum install is a gig.
17:15.49invi_is there any way to specify per call codec?
17:15.55elriahHi, Shido6 -
17:16.06bkw_remove channel_pvt.h from the file
17:16.22Lee__bkw_: I don't know what it does
17:16.28bkw_it doesn't exist
17:16.33elriahI prefer debian with it's packages, but the 1.0.5 that is out there has a AGI bug that is slowing me down.  I'm just trying to get a 1.0.7 running for comparison.
17:16.37AgiNamuso? whats a gig.
17:16.55elriahAgiNamu: A lot when you're building a tiny embedded system...
17:17.00Lee__bkw_: how am I supposed to know that. someone typed it in the C code so it must do SOMETHING
17:18.31bkw_emacs cdr_custom.c
17:18.33bkw_remove the line
17:18.40bkw_Simultaneous multithreading is what asterisk needs
17:18.42Lee__yo, chill
17:18.48Lee__I know how to use a text editor
17:19.00*** join/#asterisk file (
17:19.04bkw_file file file file
17:19.07bkw_fsck file
17:19.10spackleelriah, there is an article on instaling Asterisk on a minimum redhat.  use google
17:19.24AgiNamuRHEL isnt for embedded system :P
17:19.26elriahYea, I have that.  I just wanted to make sure the redhat 9 stock kernel would work fine.
17:19.36bkw_redhat in general sucks in my opinion
17:19.37tzangeror just install it on slackware and stop pissing about :-)
17:19.38elriahAgiNamu: I know - I'm just prototyping right now, kind of exploring all the options.
17:19.39fileeek eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
17:19.46elriahbkw: I prefer debian.
17:19.52AgiNamuelriah, just google. someone's already done it.
17:19.53Lee__elriah: I'm doing the same thing
17:19.59Mochi all
17:20.05AgiNamuhell, they've even put asterisk on a Linksys router in 16mb or so
17:20.06Lee__foun a bug in the testing package that crashed the server
17:20.09tzangerelriah: GNU/I'm GNU/sorry to GNU/hear that GNU/.
17:20.19filebkw_, I'm thinking about upgrading my Mac Mini to 1GB of RAM
17:20.44Lee__is bkw_a troll?
17:20.51tzangerhey's just happy
17:20.57Lee__okay. hard to tell.
17:21.00elriahLee: The only bug I've found is with the AGI command STREAM FILE, it just doesn't work.  Everything else has worked great for me.  The 1.0.7 should be out there in a few weeks.
17:21.10elriahI really like sarge.
17:21.17invi_is there any way to specify per call codec? anybody (bkw_)???
17:21.26elriahon compile: cdr_custom.o Error 1
17:21.30Lee__elriah: calling from a sip channel to a 700 number on iaxtel times out and stops the server with no notice.
17:21.30*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
17:21.36tzangerinvi_: that is being discussed on the lists right now
17:21.45elriahcdr_custom.c asterisk/channel_pvt.h: no such file or dir
17:21.47tzangerinvi_: I believe there is a patch for HEAD too that you could help by installing and testing
17:21.47Lee__elriah: just got there too, delete the missing header from the .c file
17:22.03elriahIs it needed?
17:22.04bkw_file do it
17:22.07bkw_1 gig in my imac.. it ROCKS
17:22.17AgiNamubut uh, it's still a mac
17:22.20file$154.99 in total
17:22.24bkw_not bad
17:22.24Lee__so says someone in #asterisk-dev
17:22.26zoa64k ought to be enough for file
17:22.27*** join/#asterisk brc-tux (
17:22.34zoaits only for watching porn anyway
17:22.39filesilly zoa
17:22.40Mocfile, you saw my msg ?
17:22.45filezoa needs to... DIE
17:22.49fileMoc, no - privmsg it here
17:22.55bkw_zoa did you get my voicemail?
17:23.00zoahmm no
17:23.02tzangerkids these days with their GIGGA-BYTE memory and TEE EFF TEE displays...  dammit when I was your age I had toggle switches and LEDs and I LIKED IT
17:23.04zoai never listen to voicemail
17:23.11zoathose bastards enabled it again
17:23.13zoawithout me asking
17:23.17bkw_no clue
17:23.23bkw_I couldn't understand what was being said
17:23.27zoawho what where ?
17:23.28bkw_I heard alot of stuff then a beep
17:23.34bkw_soI left a message
17:23.37*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
17:23.43zoawhy did you call me ?
17:23.45bkw_zoa why are you never on the dev calls?
17:23.53bkw_zoa just to phone sex0r you
17:23.57IQQuestion: On * can we tell the type of connect user? Like X-Lite, ATA, another * ?
17:24.03bkw_sip show peer
17:24.06tzangerzoa's voicemail says "I'm only gonna ignore whatever you say after the beep anyway, so if you feel like wasting your breath, be my guest"
17:24.08bkw_the user agent is listed on the peer
17:24.08zoathe dev calls are very late at night for me
17:24.19bkw_OEJ was there
17:24.21bkw_no excuse
17:24.22zoafor some reason most of those days im with my GF
17:25.05Robbsterwhat would the extension definition be to use a SIP phone to dial the companies main welcome message and start navigating?
17:25.07nezhi file
17:25.14fileit's nez!
17:25.18nezITS FILE
17:25.27nezhey, mind if I message you real quick
17:25.34elriahLee: Thanks.  That looks like it's getting me a little further.
17:25.51Lee__mine just installed, running for the first time now...
17:26.24bkw_zoa I have a really good picture of you
17:26.33elriahCool.  Did you compile zaptel?
17:26.49zoamy ass again ?
17:26.55elriahHeh.. editing .c files and removing includes just makes me cringe...
17:26.55bkw_HAHAHAAHAHAHAH no
17:26.57filea good picture of zoa? that defies all logic
17:27.01Lee__elriah: yeah
17:27.05bkw_elriah, dude it will be fixed soon
17:27.10bkw_channel_pvt.h went away
17:27.11Lee__loaded wcfxo successfully
17:27.14bkw_IT IS CVS..
17:27.15fugitivoanyone knows why when I do the echo test, I only hear noise when i speak? the mic works great with krec
17:27.21tzangerI miss
17:27.28elriahOh, I'm not complaining at all.  Sh*t, for a free linux based PBX, believe me, no complaints here.  I love it.
17:27.29tzangerthe wayback archive doesn't have the pic
17:27.39mjdyerthanks for the help with the sipura 841 setup.
17:27.41zoathe jim on von
17:27.48zoawas that the jim from the zapatatelephony ?
17:27.57Lee__elriah: the more people who work on the debian packages the more up to date they'll be
17:27.58AgiNamuHmm, maybe Asterisk should use Visual Studio Team System.
17:28.11AgiNamuthen they could have checkin requirements... like requiring checkins to actually build :)
17:28.26fileeek it's zoa
17:28.32Hydr0p0nxI'm trying to do TOS routing over an adsl connection any recommendations on a router that will do it?
17:28.36zoai look gay on one of those pictures
17:28.50AgiNamuzoa are you the one sucking the straw?
17:28.53nestAranyone made ringtones for the Polycoms?
17:28.57elriahLee: I'm more interesting in spending my time coming up with cool solutions, not coding.  I'll leave that to the experts ;)
17:29.01*** part/#asterisk brc-tux (
17:29.06zoano thats the nice looking guy :)
17:29.09nestAri'm trying to get Styx - Lady on my boss's phone
17:29.09zoaim the other guy
17:29.16*** join/#asterisk Katty (~angela@
17:29.17Lee__elriah: me too. it's running on my box, BTW
17:29.19Robbsterexten => 9,1,Goto(s,10)
17:29.21tzangeroit looks like hwatever you were drinking tasted horrible
17:29.25AgiNamuoh... i thought the straw sucking looked a bit gay. nevermind.
17:29.38elriahLee: Cool.  Zaptel is next for me.
17:29.39*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
17:29.42Kattyoh. there's something wrong with being gay now?
17:29.51zoanext week i give a 1 week training on zaptel
17:29.53AgiNamuno, not at all Katty.
17:29.57KattyAgiNamu: k
17:29.59AgiNamulots of people enjoy it every day.
17:30.02bkw_<-- is gay!!
17:30.03tzangertime to shower and then clean thebasement, whee
17:30.06Kattytzanger: i'm about ready to edit sip.conf DUN DUN DUN
17:30.09Kattybkw_: excellent
17:30.10tzangerkatty, want to help?
17:30.24Kattytzanger: sorta. but usually everyone talks over my head and i don't get it :<
17:30.31AgiNamubut the word gay is still gonna be used like "lame" and "dumb"
17:30.34Beirdo~seen slepp
17:30.41jbotslepp is currently on #asterisk (2d 17h 34m 34s)
17:30.41tzangerno do you want to help me
17:30.41Kattytzanger: Hmmhesays is the only one that can apparently speak kat
17:30.52Kattytzanger: sure (=
17:30.58fileit's just too late to stay.. too late to stay
17:31.01filewe'll always be together
17:31.03Kattybkw_: it's a shame you're not bi
17:31.04tzangerhelp me shower or help me clean out the basement?  either/or works for me
17:31.10Lee__AgiNamu: our southpark friends speak of the word "gay" very well.
17:31.12Kattytzanger: sniffle.
17:31.13fileKatty: he might not be, but I am
17:31.20bkw_Katty, hehe
17:31.20Kattytzanger: how about a pretty flexing picture instead? :P
17:31.26Unrea1Where can I get fairly cheap FXS cards?
17:31.34Lee__Unrea1: ebay
17:31.36tzangerKatty: hahaha
17:31.37bkw_file ya you're buy sexual... buy you something you'll get sexual
17:31.47AgiNamuoh gosh, now it's #asterisk-swinging
17:31.47Unrea1Lee: I cant seem to find any on ebay
17:31.50bkw_I seen you at the mac store
17:31.52bkw_DONT DENY
17:31.56bkw_DO NOT DENY
17:32.03Kattyi'll deny /you/ in a minute
17:32.11tzangeranyway back later
17:32.14bkw_momma knows
17:32.21fileI have to admit that guy was pretty hot
17:32.24fileJesse... Endahl...
17:32.32Kattyi officially have MUSCLE
17:32.48fileoh that reminds me
17:32.58filebkw_, that text editor for Mac that brc talked about (Textmate) is nice
17:33.12AgiNamudamn im bored.
17:33.20bkw_just drop shell and use emacs
17:33.22bkw_BE A MAN
17:33.31bkw_nano is not an editor you use when you code C
17:33.31fileoh shudup you crazy coconut
17:33.32WonkaC-x C-c
17:33.37fileI don't use nano now
17:33.39fileI use textmate!
17:33.43elriahLee: I'm running too.  I started with -vvvvvvgc, got ERROR[22849]: cdr_custom.c:135 load_module: unable to register custom CDR handling - but it didn't seem to stop it from running.  Also, as soon as it started, I got a low humming coming out of the speakers  I have connected.  Stops when I stop asterisk.  hrm...
17:33.44Wonkaall a man needs to know about emacs
17:33.45bkw_well honey i'll show you emacs
17:33.47bkw_you''ll love it
17:33.47fileit does all the pretty stuff I want
17:33.56fileoh go smack yourself with a CCM box :p
17:33.56bkw_Wonka, you dont like it:?
17:34.06Wonkabkw_: i rather use vi
17:34.14*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
17:34.26bkw_It makes me cringe to have to press something to start typing text
17:34.29*** join/#asterisk z21haww (
17:34.33Lee__elriah: could be the zaptel drivers. my box doesn't even have a sound card. it's just for routing and PSTN gateway.
17:34.53Qwellwow...Adelphia just gave me an address in NY.
17:34.57Qwellor something
17:35.28Kattybkw_: you have insaned.
17:35.29elriahI haven't compiled zaptel yet...
17:35.46Kattybkw_: and obviously need hugs.
17:35.54KattyHmmhesays: busy? (=
17:36.01bkw_EMACS OR DEATH!!!
17:36.10Lee__elriah: the docs on say you should do it in order: zaptel, libpri, asterisk
17:36.17bkw_death please... er I mean emacs.. no you said death...
17:36.18nezvim > *
17:36.20Lee__all of you just shut up and use vim!
17:36.24Kattywell you meant emacs
17:36.26elriahvim rocks
17:36.26nezLee__: :)
17:36.37Lee__help those kids in Uganda
17:36.37fileeveryone should buy a Mac
17:36.38Kattyyou're lucky i'm church of england! (=
17:36.49bkw_ya know this os/editor war is just a big "my dick is bigger" fight.
17:37.08Kattyso that's what the kids are calling it these days
17:37.16bkw_just like the os or editor.. as long as the job gets done.. size doesn't matter right?
17:37.24fileour dicks are obviously bigger since we have/use Macs
17:37.42bkw_file no we just don't have spyware out the ass
17:37.44Kattymine sure isn't
17:37.55*** join/#asterisk IQ (
17:37.56Lee__I like Macs because I have all this money falling out of my pockets and I can get rid of it at the Apple store.
17:37.58Hmmhesaysi lost mine in a terrbile vacuum cleaning accident
17:38.01bkw_Katty, its ok.. if you're butch like Angelina Jolie.. i'll have ya
17:38.12Kattybkw_: um, butch?
17:38.20bkw_Tomb Raider
17:38.22bkw_she was HOT
17:38.25Kattyshe was
17:38.26Hmmhesaysas long as you aren't a freaky psycho like her
17:38.32bkw_but she did billy bob.. what the fuck was she thinking
17:38.32fileeven bkw says she was hot
17:38.34Lee__can you be a bit more respectuful with the sexism?
17:38.40Kattybkw_: i have no idea.
17:38.45Beirdobkw_: lucky Billy Bob
17:38.54bkw_Lee__, i'm gay.. I can get away with it.. mmmkay
17:38.56bkw_its in the rule book
17:39.13KattyLee__: we've plenty of respect (=
17:39.16Hmmhesayssince when is calling a chick butch sexism?
17:39.30Lee__text makes vocal inflection hard to hear
17:39.31KattyHmmhesays: butbutbut, what does /butch/ mean?!
17:39.32cbachmanHmmm..signate is advertising on -users.... $50 for  asterisk CD, ouch!
17:39.38filemy asterisk mousepad is warped
17:39.39bkw_so a butch lesbian is bad?
17:39.47Beirdosaying "no girls allowed" is sexism...  and would be stupid as we'd miss Katty :)
17:39.50HmmhesaysKatty: leaning towards masculine tendancies
17:39.55KattyHmmhesays: oooh.
17:39.56QwellI want an asterisk mousepad
17:40.02bkw_i'm excited that Katty is here
17:40.13bkw_wish we has more women in the community
17:40.25Hmmhesaysany female that is 2x my size and has a military style haircut is butch
17:40.30Kattyi'd be excited if i got sip.conf configured.
17:40.34Beirdoyeah, keeps us men a bit more... circumspect
17:40.45Hmmhesaysand her name is PAT
17:40.46Beirdoheh, how's that for a big word
17:40.53Kattybkw_: does tehflex.jpg look butch? i'm nto sure...
17:41.12bkw_HONEY thats an arm
17:41.26bkw_makes me look like a must workout
17:41.30*** join/#asterisk JohnnyC (~Mac@
17:41.31fileI need two desks, I really do
17:41.31elriahLee: What hardware are you running on?
17:41.39bkw_file I need a new desk
17:41.41Kattynot really.
17:41.42bkw_not two desks
17:41.44JohnnyCanyone using broadvoice ?
17:41.45elriahLee: I'm running on a via epia system (ms10000).
17:41.46Kattyi just lift a 3lb weight while driving.
17:42.00Hmmhesaysso you're only strong in one arm?
17:42.06Kattyit's not like i've got anything else to do while going to clients
17:42.10KattyHmmhesays: not at's a big van
17:42.14Hmmhesaysi thought that was something that only afflicted males
17:42.21Hmmhesayshaha ok
17:42.21KattyHmmhesays: one arm one direction, the other arm the other direction
17:42.21Lee__compaq proliant dual pIII 900
17:42.29Hmmhesayswax on... wax off
17:42.34KattyHmmhesays: yes danyosun
17:42.47bkw_the whacks off part he's got right.. thats why one are is stronger than the other
17:42.49*** part/#asterisk Robbster (
17:42.56bkw_did I say that outloud
17:43.20Hmmhesaysif you sit on your hand until it goes numb it feels like a retard person is doing it
17:43.31KattyHmmhesays: you so did
17:43.47Hmmhesaysi keed I keed
17:43.51Hmmhesays./not really
17:43.51bkw_no its just your hand.. and that makes you a retarded person
17:44.03KattyNEW TOPIC
17:44.17bkw_how about that segfault
17:44.18Hmmhesaysthat joke is old as the hills anyway
17:44.25bkw_it was a dandy eh?
17:44.48Hmmhesayseverybody was kung fu fighting HUH!  those cats where fast as lightening HAH!
17:44.55Kattyhow about help with sip.conf?
17:45.01fugitivoHmmhesays: lol
17:45.11*** join/#asterisk IQ (
17:45.14Kattydo i uh, need to do anything before editing?
17:45.18Kattylike turning something off? heh
17:45.21Lee__anyone know of a good list of switches that are compatible with power over ethernet?
17:45.22HmmhesaysKatty: open the text editor
17:45.25KattyHmmhesays: k
17:45.26*** join/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
17:45.27bkw_its XML
17:45.29KattyHmmhesays: i think i can do that (=
17:45.32bkw_how much more open does it need to be
17:45.37fileI love my Apple Keyboard
17:45.38bkw_ITS TEXT
17:45.41bkw_file me too
17:45.42Hmmhesaysyou can edit sip.conf while running asterisk
17:45.47Qwellbkw_: its binary, I believe
17:45.48bkw_file you used to that one button mouse now?
17:45.52KattyHmmhesays: but i have to restart when done, right?
17:45.55bkw_binary XML?
17:45.56KattyHmmhesays: i mean asterisk
17:45.57bkw_are they MAD?
17:46.00Qwellsomething like that
17:46.04Qwellbkw_: of course they are
17:46.07Hmmhesayssip reload
17:46.08xkevmad?  they're M$
17:46.10*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (~jj@
17:46.10KattyHmmhesays: k
17:46.12AgiNamuin XAML?
17:46.22dave_mwiI'm still not having any luck sending variables from a call file to an context when the Channel: line of the call file specifies a Local Channel - anyone had success with this?
17:46.22KattyHmmhesays: want to go over every line with me?
17:46.29AgiNamuIt's not binary XML. It's just an object model that can be represented as XML and as binary.
17:46.30fugitivobkw_: as always, standards for microsoft are not the same as the rest of the world :)
17:46.34Hmmhesays<shrug> sure
17:46.39Hmmhesaysi'm bored out of my mind righ tnow
17:46.54Kattyi'll take care of that when i'm done with sip.conf :P
17:46.59Kattyi mean
17:47.03Hmmhesaysoooh la la
17:47.03Kattycan't help you with teh bordem issue
17:48.19*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
17:49.31*** join/#asterisk stifl3r (
17:50.28*** join/#asterisk tekati (
17:51.45JohnnyCanyone with FWD want to test ?
17:51.54*** part/#asterisk Xride (
17:52.32JerJer[mobile]Hmmhesays:  type rm -rf /boot ; reboot -n
17:53.45*** part/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
17:54.20*** join/#asterisk ZooGun (
17:55.08bkw_file i'm gonna buy a dual 1.8ghz G5 later this year
17:55.14robl^"dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/hda" is better
17:55.29bkw_unlink /
17:55.47filebkw_, yum
17:55.48bkw_dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1024
17:55.50bkw_thats better
17:56.05fugitivowhat if he has scsi drives? :)
17:56.14bkw_ok smartass
17:56.21JohnnyCanyone want to test FWD with me ?
17:56.30Lee__the snom 190 is a really nice phone. it just arrived  :)
17:57.01bkw_this 1.6ghz G5 is nice
17:57.07Hydr0p0nxanyone know how to use TOS to do a QOS type service for asterisk in an adsl router by chance?
17:57.26bkw_Hydr0p0nx, go get a book on network routing
17:57.31bkw_chances are you can't
17:57.40bkw_and for QoS to work you need to control the network end to end...
17:57.40*** join/#asterisk LarsAC (
17:57.53Hydr0p0nxi do for the point that i'm worried about
17:57.54bkw_don't expect QoS to hold up  over the public internet
17:57.58filebkw_, I want a G5 Powerbook
17:57.58Hydr0p0nxi don't
17:58.06Lee__Hydr0p0nx: install OpenBSD on an old PC and throw out your ADSL router
17:58.20bkw_ya really
17:58.25Hydr0p0nxLee__, i would if it were feasible, this is going to a customer site
17:58.31bkw_file do you wish to burn your leg offf?
17:58.39LarsACare there good solutions to maintain adressbooks ?
17:58.44filebkw_, if I can keep the Powerbook, sure
17:58.47bkw_LarsAC, of what?
17:58.47Lee__excellent, install OpenBSD and charge the customer for support!
17:58.56bkw_the mac has a nice addressbook application
17:58.58bkw_go buy a mac
17:59.18Lee__that's our business plan
17:59.21Hydr0p0nxi have a router that will do tos i'm just not sure how asterisks marks the packets to make it work ....
17:59.32bkw_it marks them
17:59.36bkw_thats all you need to know
17:59.40bkw_their is only ONE way to mark it
18:00.02mikegrb[michael@orion:hax0r] host domain name pointer
18:00.37Supaplexer um ehhh uhm duh uhh
18:01.00fugitivooriginal name for a machine...
18:01.02goatmilkdoes anyone know any gnome apps that use a scroll window and adds multiple widgets into it?
18:01.06*** join/#asterisk mjdyer (
18:01.21fileohhhhhhhh Halcyon...
18:01.23mikegrbfugitivo: that would be a directory with backups of config files and logs from a rooted machine
18:01.29fileexcellent coding music
18:01.37SwedMiroanyone that can point me to a good router/firewall application for linux that do a decent QoS
18:01.38Hydr0p0nxFair enough bkw_, but how am i supposed to identify a voice packet vs data?
18:01.43jontowhalon is cool, in a life threatening kind of way
18:01.47mjdyerWhat do you think of the polycom 500 - are there better alternatives for the price?
18:02.11jontowi like my IP600, mdyer.. don't know what the 500 lacks comparatively, though..
18:02.14bkw_Hydr0p0nx, visit your local book store
18:02.15jontowthey're pricy, but good phones
18:02.17bkw_and get a book on routing
18:02.20bkw_and all that mess
18:02.36nestAri hate trying to make changes to the polycom phones
18:02.38fugitivowhy buy a book if he can google
18:02.39jontowcouple oddities.. like, if you're dialing a 10dig number, dial it before hitting 'new call' or anything or it freaks out..ish
18:02.40bkw_really this information is on the grand google
18:02.50jontowthat and the single-long-line XML config file kinda sucks balls
18:02.58jontowbut other than that they're nice :)
18:03.08nestArdoesn't have to be one single line
18:03.24mjdyerI think the 600 has 6 lines instead of 3 plus default support for POE
18:03.28nestArmy ipmid.cfg is long as my leg
18:03.48nestArthe IP300 and 500 support POE
18:04.02tzangerwow green day can NOT sing live
18:04.10bkw_1.25ghz frontside bus
18:04.15bkw_man i'm drooling over this
18:04.16tzangerlistening to them on the radio and ... wow I think I could sing more on-key
18:04.22*** join/#asterisk file[mac] (
18:04.24bkw_tzanger, hahaha
18:04.25spacklenestAr: are you sure the 300 can support PoE internally?
18:04.33bkw_no it can't
18:04.37file[mac]yay Mac
18:04.37bkw_you have to have this break out cable
18:04.42nestAri plugged the IP500 cable into it
18:04.44nestArand it works fine
18:04.54bkw_must have changed that since last time I seen one
18:05.18mjdyerPOE = "sold separately" for the 300/500 according to the brochure
18:05.28*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
18:05.34nestAronly if you're using cisco POE stuff
18:05.40spacklenestAr: is that what you mean by cable?
18:05.55bkw_henace the ip500 cable
18:05.58bkw_he said it worked
18:06.03nestArthe IP500 has a breakout cable
18:06.04bkw_so the phone doesn't do POE without a special cable
18:06.12bkw_like I said
18:06.13nestArthe brick plugs into the cable
18:06.37nestArthe power is supplied to the phone via the RJ45 port
18:06.37*** join/#asterisk riksta (
18:06.54nestAruse a regular cable, and a POE injector.. viola
18:06.59SwedMiroanyone that can point me to a good router/firewall application for linux that do a decent QoS
18:07.00mjdyerthe grandstream 2000 looks interesting but I read about firmware issues in the forums
18:07.11bkw_ya the firmware isn't complete yet
18:07.16bkw_it will be soon
18:07.20bkw_i'll have the phone here soon
18:07.30spacklebkw: as complete as the 100 series?
18:07.33nestAr <-- IP500 cable
18:08.22*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
18:08.24bkw_spackle, the 100 series is pretty good now from what i have been told
18:08.28spacklemjdyer: I hope they do a better job on the 2000, grandstreams have some nice qualities.
18:08.32bkw_it may still have some issues.. but not like it did when it first came out
18:08.40NormAstHi all..
18:09.17bkw_<120>:asterisk -c
18:09.17bkw_Asterisk CVS-HEAD-03/25/05-11:53:57, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2005 Digium.
18:09.17bkw_Written by Mark Spencer <>
18:09.17bkw_[ Booting............................................................................................................................. ]
18:09.19bkw_Asterisk Ready.
18:09.28spacklebkw: unless you are using one, you haven't suffered.  It seems they can either get the features to work or the standard parts (DHCP) but never both together.
18:09.47Hydr0p0nxat least tell me if the identifier would be the same as my TOS Byte in my config   ?
18:09.57bkw_Hydr0p0nx, check iax.conf.sample
18:10.00bkw_or sip.conf.sample
18:10.02bkw_its in there
18:10.04bkw_well documented
18:10.04mjdyeryeah, I've just been looking at $100-$200 phones and a lot of them seem kind of cheap.  So far I've singled out the grandstream and the polycom.
18:10.13bkw_and google can tell you if you look.. or
18:10.21Hydr0p0nxi would love to but don't have access to it
18:10.23NormAstAnyone notice a bug when doing a Dial(Zap/1/4165151212&Zap/2/4165151212) as I am getting Cause: Network out of order (38), on the second call
18:10.31NormAstbut * is not returning a busy.
18:10.33spacklemjdyer, no Sipura 841?
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18:10.45mjdyerI tried out a sipura 841 and it's ok, but I'm not overly impressed.
18:11.00spacklemjdyer: and you think a grandstream might be OK?
18:11.38spacklemjdyer: stick with the polycom if the sipura isn't for you.  Grandstream really isn't.
18:11.39bkw_NormAst, why are you calling the same number twice
18:11.40bkw_at the same time
18:11.42mjdyerBut I just got the 841 this morning so it's early in the eval yet.  I haven't had my hands on a grandstream, but the 2000 looks like the only one that would be a candidate.
18:11.45bkw_I suspect maybe a bug in libpri?
18:11.55NormAstbkw: Radio station... $500 bucks for caller # 25..
18:12.01NormAstWant to call with my PRI :)
18:12.02bkw_you don't do that
18:12.02filebkw_, Matt broke it! ... haha
18:12.07spacklemjdyer: the 2000 better be heads and tails above what they have now.
18:12.10bkw_you drop call files
18:12.11bkw_and use a meetme
18:12.30mjdyerspackle: that's kind of what I'm thinking too.
18:12.39NormAstBuy I don't want the busy signals in the meet me conf.
18:12.44spacklemjdyer: make sure you are updated to the latest 841 firmware too.  I didn't like mine at first but I do now.  It works reliably compared to a GS and doesn't cost much more.
18:12.50NormAstOh wait.. Yea..!
18:13.27mjdyerspackle: I got my 841 for around 80-85 bucks.
18:13.33mjdyerBut haven't updated the firmware yet.
18:13.35NormAstbkw: So when they answer it will go to the meetme... Cool!
18:14.14bkw_you can use dialstatus to keep busy out of the meetme
18:14.39NormAsthmm..need a RadioStation macro ... :)
18:14.45mjdyerspackle: is there a way to adjust the volume during a call on the 841?
18:14.50spackleMjDyer, the polycoms are nice, a little more learning curve to configuring if you use the XML configs.  It's getting better.
18:15.23nestAryeah.. the XML sucks
18:16.01NormAsthmm... 46 channels calling the radio station...   I wonder if I can get though.
18:16.18mjdyerspackle: sounds like an opportunity for ''
18:16.39filebkw bkw bkw
18:16.50hardwirebacka back backa?
18:17.03spacklemjdyer, be my guest, I'll be happy to test it for you.
18:17.03filebkw_, how can I add ID3 tags to my MP3s in iTunes?
18:18.31bkw_file right click and get info
18:18.34bkw_fill it in
18:18.38bkw_it won't go do it for you
18:18.47bkw_their are apple scripts to do that if you like I think
18:18.51filewell I know that but I didn't know to use get info
18:18.58spacklemjdyer, yeah, high the button that looks like an inclined plane, then use the center up/down buttons to adjust volume.  Then save or cancel on either side of the center.
18:18.58fileor if it even existed
18:19.46spacklemjdyer, you can also adjust the volume in the web config!
18:20.42spacklemjdyer, I think that would be a fun way to mess with people, er, gurantee consistency throughut the office, yeah, thats it.
18:20.49*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
18:20.55mjdyerspackle: tks.
18:21.00filehardwire, don't let the female unit get wind of it
18:21.23mjdyerspackle: the only other thing that I don't like is that there aren't any hard buttons for stuff like conference, transfer, etc.
18:21.47mjdyerspackle: some of the users around here need a button with that silkscreened on it to figure it out.
18:22.35spacklemjdyer, true.  it could maybe be done in the menus, or in version 2.  I think Sipura stuff is constantly improving.
18:22.38mjdyerspackle: but that's probably a matter of me figuring out how get a tight integration with '*'
18:23.01johnnybWhat is the difference between RTP and SIP and how do they work together?
18:23.06mjdyerspackle: and I'm definitely a noob with regards to '*' (it's been about a day and a half so far)'
18:23.07spacklemjdyer: at least it has a voicemail button.
18:23.36hardwirefile: oh.. she put it there.
18:23.39spacklemjdyer, shhhh!!!  They'll start beating on you.
18:24.08spacklemjdyer, do you have asterisk compiled and running?  have you found
18:24.20JohnnyCCan anyone test FWD with my number ?
18:24.23filehardwire, ooh
18:24.24JohnnyCcall my number
18:24.35QwellJohnnyC: Whats the number?
18:25.09mjdyerspackle: I just started with '@home' to get myself familiar.  I have '@home' up and running and I've also compiled in the oh323 stuff so I can push stuff over from a televantage system we have in the office.
18:25.33mjdyerspackle: but I have to do a google about every 5 minutes along the way :-)
18:26.09spacklemjdyer, cool.  yeah, even with the facts and tricks can be hard to find.
18:27.12mjdyerspackle: plus I was able to get a couple of softphones going along with an outbound connection to voicepulse connect.  Overall I'm fairly pleased with how much I've been able to do.  Yes - I've spent a LOT of time on voip-info.
18:27.51QwellJohnnyC: Now I know my FWD dialplan works too...heh
18:28.05hardwireI'm your venus.. I'm your fire!
18:28.14hardwirewhats your desire!
18:28.26mjdyerspackle: a few years ago I used to run a couple of large ACD systems (G3 and Ascend).  I'm really interested in getting into the * dialplan as it appears that you can do just about anything.
18:28.33spacklemjdyer, my biggest problem was getting my brain wrapped around the extension paradigm in extensions.conf.
18:28.54mjdyerspackle: the G3 and Ascend always used to frustrate me because you could 'almost' do anything.
18:29.16Qwellis there a way to get the * CLI to timestamp all the output?
18:29.42spacklemjdyer, there are still a few things missing from * extensions, but it keeps getting better and there is usually a hack or a kludge to get around it.
18:30.41mjdyeranyway, it's good to be back on IRC.  I haven't been on since direcTV switched cards :-0
18:31.20spackleI had to get on irc to help feed my asterisk addiction.
18:31.44robl^anyone know a vendor that has the new enterprise grandsteam phones?
18:32.30spacklerobl^, we were just talking about them.  They aren't out yet as the firmware isn't finished.
18:33.14robl^spackle: ahh!  I saw a mention of them..  looks like on the website they are out.. didn't realize it was premature
18:33.41spacklethey were supposed to be available this month and everybody was ready for them.
18:34.22spackledo you have the other grandstreams?
18:34.24robl^they "look" nice.  I hope the are better than their other phones
18:34.34robl^I have the BT101
18:34.59robl^I use it for decoration :)  I prefer my cisco 7960s
18:35.02spacklek, I just wondered if you knew what you could be in for.  I'm hoping they get ALL their firmware issues mopped up.
18:36.06robl^spackle: *nod*  I wouldn't go out and buy a LARGE number of the phones.  maybe one or 2 for testing.
18:36.39spacklerobl^: exactly *grin*
18:37.17*** join/#asterisk jks (
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18:37.36robl^spackle: hopefully they have some weight.  the older phone flew off my desk everytime I sneezed
18:40.13mjdyerspackle: have you seen a page anywhere that details the optimal * setup with the 841 (specifically with regards to * features)?
18:40.47*** join/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
18:41.18dave_mwiI'm having troube calling a local channel from a call file and then accessing call file variables in the channel
18:41.32dave_mwiI have the /n at the end of the Channel: line in the call file
18:42.11jessterIm troubleshooting a phone hanging off a FXS port of a channel bank. When the phone is in use, and another call comes in, asterisk cli shows "Zap/106-busy-678259056 is busy" but the caller does not hear a busy signal - it just rings. The callee does not hear a call waiting beep.
18:42.25dave_mwiThat is not working for me. The only way I can get it to 'kind of' work is to have an Answer command in the channel it dials, but then I have one channel with no variables and another channel with variables
18:42.39bkw_then you need a _
18:42.44bkw_or reverse the logic
18:43.01dave_mwiin conjunction with the Answer command in the channel?
18:43.13bkw_you can drop a call file in two directions
18:44.15NormAstBkw: the busy doesn't go into the meetme , only the answers. :)
18:44.33NormAsthmm... things to do on the long weekend..
18:47.02dave_mwibkw_: the _ is having no effect
18:48.17robl^Things to do:  Udpate Asterisk; get blood stains out of clown costume; clean the carpets; bathe the dog; change oil in car
18:48.40file[laptop]update asterisk? are you crazy? if it works, don't touch it
18:49.45JohnnyCAnyone using broadvoice ?
18:49.51robl^file: it doesn't work right.  still have broadvoice issues.. I am about to drop them..  I am running a cvs snapshot from about version 1.0.1
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18:50.05Qwellbroadvoice kinda sucks, heh
18:50.25JohnnyCQwell: why ?
18:50.35QwellThey seem to hate asterisk
18:50.38JohnnyCI was trying to use it to Portugal but I get congestion all the time
18:50.39Qwelland...why pay a monthly fee?
18:50.49robl^I only use BV for DID for an area I have not found elsewhere
18:50.50JohnnyCstill I can call US
18:51.13JohnnyCrobl^: are you behind NAT ?
18:51.46robl^no NAT.  My server is on a public IP
18:51.54JohnnyChm ok
18:52.25JohnnyCcan you show me your extensions.conf for receving calls ?
18:53.56robl^johnnyC: not easily.  mine is very complex.  lots of macros, and split over 6 conf files
18:54.36JohnnyCrobl^:  can you show me the simplest one so I can receive a call ! I tryed but Its going to Broadvoice voicemail
18:54.56JohnnyCexten =>,1,Dial(SIP/guidamendes,60,r)
18:54.56JohnnyCexten =>,2,Hangup
18:55.00JohnnyCthis is what I have
18:55.28QwellAre you registering?
18:55.49JohnnyCif I dial 13056751478 I get: Welcome to your voicemail messaging system
18:56.06JohnnyC*CLI> sip show registry
18:56.06JohnnyCHost                            Username       Refresh State         3056751478@s       105 Registered
18:56.23JohnnyCyes this states Im registered right ?
18:56.24QwellSo it looks like it'll come to extension s?
18:56.26QwellI'm tired
18:56.41JohnnyCextension s ?
18:56.44MattHDoes anyone know of a (free?) softphone that will run on Windows CE?
18:57.07epochxten makes a version of xlite for CE dont' they?
18:57.26fugitivoI'm getting "Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'" while trying to make a call using the zap channel
18:57.29JohnnyCQwell: can you tip me about this ?
18:57.53fugitivoI can receive calls
18:58.01MattHoh do they? I didn't think xlite was available for ce.. though you had to purchase it
18:58.06fugitivoso i think it's a problem with the extension maybe?
18:58.10*** part/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
18:58.41mjdyerJohnnyC - you in Miami?
18:58.48JohnnyCno Portugal
18:58.56mjdyerwho's the 305 number for?
18:58.59Exstaticaok i'm having a very strange issue.... i have to asterisk boxes, one is on the local network and the other is on a remote network connected via vpn. The local works pefectly with the phone, but when i have the phone connect to the one over the vpn then the call rings through but there is no audio and i get an error: Didn't get a frame from channel: IAX2/voicepulse-in-01@
18:59.03mjdyer(we're in Miami)
18:59.08fugitivo305 is miami
18:59.59Inv_arpor keywest
19:00.04JohnnyCis from broadvoice
19:00.06JohnnyCto make calls
19:00.09*** join/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
19:00.46fugitivoany idea why my zap channel doesn't work for outside calls?
19:02.29hardwirebecause its not supposed to?
19:02.32JunK-Ufugitivo: huH?
19:02.34p1tst0pcan you bridge to Skype ?
19:03.35*** part/#asterisk Juxt (
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19:04.34fugitivooh, my mistake, again
19:06.24*** join/#asterisk sd-tux (sd@2001:6f8:1372:0:0:0:0:2)
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19:09.10p1tst0pwhats the difference between, VoiceMailMain() and VoiceMailMain2() ?
19:09.18mgthnothing anymore
19:09.40p1tst0pah i see
19:10.22p1tst0perm, is there an easy way, to either change the voice on Voicemail ? i think re recording it all would take ages !
19:11.27Nuggethow do you envision changing the voice without re-recording it?
19:11.55*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
19:12.05fugitivowhy i heard my own voice using kphone?
19:12.21p1tst0pNugget, didnt know if there was a replacement pack or somet for VM ?
19:13.06NuggetI've never seen one, sorry
19:14.10p1tst0pNugget, ok,  erm, whats the easyest way to re- record them ?
19:14.22Nuggetplug in a microphone and go get a glass of water.
19:14.35Qwellbonus points if you record while drinking said glass
19:14.51p1tst0pok, its a callenge.
19:15.26dca[laptop]is there some trick to getting calls to bridge/release without the call dropping?
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19:20.30Sebbbbdoes anyone know which module to use for a beronet e1 isdn card? i would prefer the zap-stuff, and not misdn..
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19:27.14lordcianif i want to output the contents of a variable, is there a statement to do so?  ex:  output contents of ${CALLINGPRES} to console or /var/tmp/callid_test
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19:29.48mjdyeranyone using oh323 to dial an IP?
19:30.23_Sam--hey lordcian, did you ever get your calleridname resolved?
19:30.47elriahUgh.. my MWI stopped working.. geez...
19:30.53lordcianno, still working it.  thats why i need to be able to debug a variable..
19:31.57lordciani currently have exten => s,1,setcidname(${CALLINGPRES}) in my [from-pstn] context, but don't know what contents are at that time.
19:31.57doughecka_bkw_, what was that "Booting........" thing a few pages up
19:32.40*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
19:32.41_Sam--how about exten => _X.,2,NoOp(${CALLINGPRES})
19:33.10lordcianhmmm... not currently, let me try that....
19:34.23lordcianwhy '_X,' instead of 's,'?  could that affect anything?
19:34.40_Sam--change x to what you need for your context
19:34.52_Sam--in my context, _X is all incoming calls on the span1 PRI
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19:48.14zane1hey is jerjer around?
19:48.27Qwellhe just left
19:48.37zane1oh ok
19:49.16dave_mwitzanger: would you mind pastebinning your context that handles that local channel call file?
19:49.29dave_mwiwould help me out if I could have a peek ;-)
19:49.36LarsACis there some integration of vboxd and asterisk ?
19:49.52tzangerdave_mwi: heh my test context you saw earlier was just this
19:50.04tzangerexten => s,1,NoOp(MAILBOX is ${MAILBOX})
19:50.10tzangerexten => s,2,Wait(10)
19:50.12tzangerexten => s,3,Hangup
19:50.14tzangerthat's it
19:50.57mjdyerAnyone know why this woudn't work?  exten => 6666,1,SayDigits(1)
19:50.57mjdyerexten => 6666,2,Dial(OH323/
19:51.03dave_mwik, thanks
19:51.13dave_mwiit's still not working for me...using HEAD now
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19:52.26dave_mwitzanger: and in your call file you had /n right?
19:53.09dave_mwiman.... Executing NoOp("Local/s@timedcontext-f885,2", "MAILBOX is ") in new stack
19:53.43tzangerdave_mwi: worked with, worked ewithout
19:53.59tzangerand I was hitting Local/s@test
19:54.11tzangerand SetVar: _mailbox=ooga_booga
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19:57.55iptelhas anyone here got a 7960 to work with asterisk?
19:58.22dave_mwitzanger: lol...I have _exactly_ the same thing as you do
19:58.27dave_mwibut not variable
19:58.37dave_mwiExecuting NoOp("Local/s@timedcontext-272a,2", "MAILBOX is ") in new stack
19:58.41bkw_iptel, RUDE
19:58.46bkw_say hi atleast
19:58.46iptelhow did you get the SIP image on the 7960?
19:58.55bkw_iptel, you buy a support contact with cisco
19:58.55jontowiptel; use tftp.
19:59.02tzangerdave_mwi: what version of asterisk
19:59.02jontowbkw :)
19:59.06bkw_get it on the phone
19:59.11bkw_not "for" the phone
19:59.23jontowok, so my project.. failed
19:59.34jontowi have a sipura SPA-2000 and an IAXy
19:59.48jontowon the IAXy end i have a regular old freebsd machine with a single analog modem plugged in
19:59.54dave_mwitzanger: HEAD
19:59.56iptelwell we can get the phone to download the sip image, but then it just craps out on the verify
20:00.00jontowon the sipura end i have a newer laptop with a modem plugged in
20:00.03tzangerdave_mwi: hmm something is not right then
20:00.19dave_mwiSetVar:_mailbox=wo1 from the call file
20:00.21jontowi can't get the modems to exchange carrier tones 'in sync' well enough to negotiate a CONNECT string, using ulaw
20:00.34tzangerjust for shits and giggles put a space between the colon and _
20:00.41jontowany ideas? (this test is pointless, but the real idea is that im trying to get this working for faxing and remote access over a PRI)
20:01.01MikeJ[Jayden]bkw_, WAKE UP!
20:01.09zane1hey does anyone know of any providers that send caller id name on incoming calls like broadvoice? except not broadvoice....
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20:01.28dave_mwiexten => s,1,NoOp(MAILBOX is ${MAILBOX})
20:01.28dave_mwiexten => s,2,Wait(10)
20:01.28dave_mwiexten => s,3,Hangup
20:01.34dave_mwisorry :-|
20:01.37iptelim sorry btw, usually niceties are ig nored anyway... so i just asked...
20:01.41MikeJ[Jayden]I think of this as more than a good friday, I think of this as a GREAT friday....
20:02.04MikeJ[Jayden]nicities and rude questions, both ignored :)
20:02.27MikeJ[Jayden]jbot, WAKE UP!
20:02.29jbotUP!: GOOD MORNING!!!
20:02.42ipteli didnt think my question was rude :-/
20:02.46MikeJ[Jayden]jbot, wake up bkw_
20:02.48jbotup bkw_: GOOD MORNING!!!
20:02.53jontowiptel; it isn't that, you didn't say hi..
20:03.07tzangerjbot, wake up HOLY FUCK
20:03.09jbotup HOLY FUCK: GOOD MORNING!!!
20:03.15jontowyou just barged all up in our shit and asked a question without any greeting
20:03.20QwellI don't think the up is needed. :p
20:03.27tzangerno it's not
20:03.35bkw_on the snom 190
20:03.37iptelgotcha... usually its, yeah hi, ask your question..
20:03.39jontowthats like a bunch of people talking in a circle in the park, and you, not knowing any of them, walk right up and ask them about a telephone
20:03.39bkw_how do you do a transfer with it?
20:03.42Qwelljbot, wake jbot, wake jbot
20:03.44jbotjbot, wake jbot: GOOD MORNING!!!
20:04.02tzangerit's a good thing that damn bot's not recursive
20:04.05Qwellyeah, heh
20:04.19QwellI just had to test it though :p
20:04.20Chujitrying to do an injection attack on the bot?
20:04.22Chujishame shame
20:04.33MikeJ[Jayden]jbot, wake HOLY HELL it's bkw_
20:04.35jbotHOLY HELL it's bkw_: GOOD MORNING!!!
20:05.00jontowits his own fault :(
20:05.22ariel_good afternoon all
20:05.26dca[laptop]is there some trick to getting calls to bridge/release without the call dropping?
20:05.46QwellChuji: since the dawn of time
20:06.58bkw_DO snom 190's do sip transfers on asterisk?
20:07.01bkw_I see the docs say so
20:07.12dave_mwiChuji: I still can't get the variables to go from the call file to the context when using a local channel and appending /n to the end of the Channel line
20:08.00Chujidave_mwi : Set them in the db then
20:08.06Chujidave_mwi : It's a hack, but it works
20:08.49Chujidave_mwi : Make sure and NoOp them to the CLI and see where you are losing them
20:09.00Chujidave_mwi : Maybe they aren't passing through the macro
20:09.16Chujidave_mwi : Also, what ver you running Head or stable?
20:09.17dave_mwiNoOp is my first statement
20:09.32dave_mwiI'll post my four line call file
20:09.45ChujiTry stable too, could be someone j0rked it in HEAD
20:09.54Chujiunless you are trying to use a feature in HEAD
20:09.59Chujithen that won't work :)
20:10.10*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
20:10.19dave_mwiwas trying stable and was having the same problem as now, so went to HEAD :-)
20:10.31Chujimakes sense
20:11.02dave_mwithis is very simple, I can't believe it's not working...or what am I missing...posting now
20:11.54ChujiI'll have to dig through some boxes to see where I have used chan_local before, but it seems as though I ran into the same problem you are having long ago
20:12.06tzangerChuji: it works just fine for me
20:12.27Chujitzanger : No probs setting variables from the call file?
20:12.35Chujitzanger : And having the dialplan use them?
20:13.03pigpenI have a stupid question:  does the context of  extentions have to match the context of the voicemail context in order to voicemail to work?
20:13.34Chujipigpen : I don't understand
20:13.44tzangerChannel: Local/s@test
20:13.49tzangerSetVar: _mailbox=test_lowercase
20:13.53tzangerpiece of cake
20:14.29pigpenIf I have several companies on the same asterisk would I make sure companyA cannot access companyB's seperate context?
20:14.33Chujimakes sense to me, dave is posting his config
20:14.56tzangerpigpen: you just answered your own question
20:15.33bkw_ok damn it
20:15.34booyeah23bkw: you there?
20:15.42bkw_snom 190?
20:15.47bkw_do they fucking work with transfers on asterisk my users extentions and such are in context "companyA", thus the voicemail context must  be "companyA" as well...
20:15.55bkw_or do I need to beat chan_sip senseless
20:16.02Chujihit pound bri
20:16.07bkw_thats tacky
20:16.14pigpenI am just making sure I really get it...not just kinda sorta...
20:17.23Chujipastebin isn't connecting for me
20:17.47dave_mwiyeah finding another
20:19.45*** join/#asterisk n4y (
20:21.02dave_mwior here:
20:22.55dave_mwiwow this place got really I still connected?
20:23.39*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
20:24.40booyeah23i think i found a bug in asterisk
20:24.50G0shendave: yup
20:24.54booyeah23can someone try to reproduce what im doing
20:25.16G0shenbooyeah23: slimy kind or crunch kind? 8 legs or 4?
20:25.16booyeah23bridge one IAX to another IAX account, with notransfer=yes
20:25.23booyeah238 legs
20:25.36booyeah23i want to write a patch for it, but i want to see if more people can reproduce it
20:25.57booyeah23is anyone interested?
20:26.30*** join/#asterisk TechDawg (voipnewbie@
20:26.38dave_mwiChuji: any chance you took a look at that paste?
20:27.15*** join/#asterisk Unrea1 (~nschmidt@
20:28.15Chujidave_mwi : Yeah, I've been trying to recreate it
20:28.20Chujidave_mwi : I get the same results
20:28.26Chujitzanger : You look at it?
20:29.04dave_mwiChuji: you don't get the variable?
20:29.17*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
20:29.42Chujifound the problem
20:29.50Chujiyou need to Answer() first
20:30.02dave_mwiok - I tried that BUT
20:30.13dave_mwitzanger: are you answering?
20:30.17Chujifrom the wiki
20:30.19ChujiIf the call answers, connect it here
20:30.27stevekstevekMikeJ[Jayden]: app_conference cvs updated now.
20:30.59dave_mwiright, but now you have a two channels open
20:31.02dave_mwiyes or no?
20:31.05*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
20:31.17ChujiI've bridged at that point
20:31.29Blackvelwhen I pass multiple variables to AGI script (fastagi), how can I read from?
20:31.31dave_mwibecause with my larger test I have two channels open, one with variables, one without, and the one without does strange things
20:31.31*** join/#asterisk trig (
20:31.36dave_mwiwhich is what I'm trying to avoid
20:31.56dave_mwiin the larger test, I answer that is...
20:32.34ChujiYou'll have to break it down one step at a time
20:32.37*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
20:32.42Sebbbbis here anyone who has a e1 card running with asterisk?
20:33.00nestAri have a t1 card. ;)
20:33.02dave_mwiChuji: so you don't end up with two channels then?
20:33.10dave_mwirunning in the CLI?
20:33.17SebbbbnestAr: what kernel module do you use?
20:33.28Chujidave_mwi : Well, physicall yeah
20:33.43Chujidave_mwi : wait(20)
20:33.45SebbbbnestAr: misdn or the bristuff from
20:33.48Chujishow channels
20:34.27nestArSebbbb: i use libpri and zaptel
20:34.47SebbbbnestAr: okay.. and what module? what does lspci say?
20:34.57Sebbbbthis here is a
20:34.58Sebbbb0000:00:08.0 ISDN controller: Cologne Chip Designs GmbH: Unknown device 30b1 (rev 01)
20:35.05dave_mwiLocal/s@timedcontext-28e0,2  (timedcontext s            3   )      Up Wait          5
20:35.05dave_mwiLocal/s@timedcontext-28e0,1  (timedcontext s            3   )      Up Wait          5
20:35.25nestAri use wct1xxp
20:35.29dave_mwiis that right? what do I do about the one continuing on with no variables...? it will be have incorrectly
20:35.50nestAr0a:02.0 Network controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Model 300 128k
20:35.59dave_mwiyou can see one has the var, and the other doesn't
20:36.00*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
20:36.05Sebbbbhmm.. damn
20:36.19nestArare you using a digium e1 card?
20:36.25SebbbbnestAr: no, it
20:36.30Sebbbbs a beronet card
20:36.38nestAro, well then.. we're talking apples and oranges
20:36.49nestArtime to change the tapes.. bbiab
20:38.13kcir2ahrg tapes
20:38.14_Sam--tapes, who changes tapes
20:38.50ChujiHe's flipping his led zepplin 8track over, wants to here the other side
20:38.54*** join/#asterisk ikey (ikey@
20:38.56Chujihear maybe
20:39.20Chujidave_mwi : I see what you mean, it's getting a little over my head now
20:39.50Chujidave_mwi : papal bkw, he works for food
20:39.53*** join/#asterisk bzzz (bzzz@
20:40.52*** join/#asterisk SagoDan (~dprotich@
20:41.06SagoDanIs anyone able to get queues to work with asterisk ?
20:41.38jbot[rtfw] Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
20:41.38ariel_SagoDan, yes lots of people use queues
20:41.40jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:42.02jbotone warez list being sent
20:42.12jbotfrom memory, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
20:42.29jbotextra, extra, read all about it, asterisk bugs is at the asterisk bug tracking system is at . If you have a bug you may submit it there. READ BEFORE you submit a bug!   Also see
20:42.32tainted-does replacing u with * in 'Fucking' really make a difference?
20:42.54BlackvelAGI guys?
20:43.01tainted-Blackvel what's up
20:43.07Blackvelhow do variables get passed to an AGI script?
20:43.18AgiNamuyes, it shows restraint
20:43.29Blackvelwhats best way to parase them?
20:44.02tainted-Set_Variable and Get_Variable I'd say
20:44.25jakepdevparse them where, insidee the dialplan or in AGI?
20:44.37tainted-AgiN*mu O* Th*n I hav* pre*ty g*od *elf con*rol..
20:45.01Chuji-e That is pretty tough to read
20:45.29tainted-Blackvel perl?
20:45.35Blackveljava :(
20:45.36jakepdev<Blackvel>: depends on the lang
20:45.44Blackvelput to know like it works in perl is oki for me
20:45.49Blackvelahh well get_variable
20:45.54BlackvelI read about that command in AGI spec
20:46.22Blackveli Know you want to shoot me into my knees
20:46.29Blackveljust for asking that stupid questions
20:46.40Blackvelbut trying around for myself and loosing time sucks more
20:46.58Blackvelvariables get passed also with the connection/stdin?
20:47.03ChujiBlackvel : for java I would use fastagi
20:47.14Blackvelmaybe with some delimiter like colon?
20:47.14ChujiBlackvel : And send it to another box
20:47.23BlackvelChuji: thats the plan btw :)
20:47.34jakepdev<Blackvel>:  no - don't do that
20:47.41ChujiBlackvel : Have you checked out jagi?
20:47.55jakepdev<Blackvel>:  grab the variables using get variable in java
20:48.08Chujino, jagi
20:48.13Blackvelnot sure
20:48.17Chuji~google "asterisk jagi"
20:48.40Chuji~google "sourceforge jagi"
20:48.53Chujiwell blow me
20:49.01ChujiIt's somewhere on sourceforge
20:49.08Blackvelthat is not not even on the asterisk+AGI reference?
20:49.11Blackvelasterisk-java lib?
20:49.27Blackveljupp, checked jagiserver :)
20:49.33ChujiIt's just a shell, but it will give you all the reference you need
20:49.44ChujiWe did a proof of concept with it at work
20:49.52Blackvelwith jast?
20:49.57ChujiWith Jagi
20:50.01Blackvelsorry :)
20:50.10Blackvelwhat is the result of your poc?
20:50.16Chujiwe have java developers at work
20:50.21BlackvelI am too
20:50.30Blackvelgood for that application I am on
20:50.53ChujiBlackvel : Worked great, we just had it traverse our AS/400 getting info and sending it back to Asterisk
20:51.00ChujiBlackvel : No problems
20:51.05Chujihad it running in websphere
20:51.06Blackveloh, java on as/400
20:51.09Blackvelthats funny
20:51.12Blackveloh websphere
20:51.16Blackvelhere we go
20:51.54ChujiIt let the AS/400 do all the IVR work, just interfaced * with fastagi
20:52.13jakepdev<Blackvel>:  fast AGI is a simple way to make it happen
20:52.21ChujiSomeday we will get back to that project :(
20:52.21Shido6still at it jakepdev
20:53.02jakepdevAvaya guy is out today
20:53.24jakepdevso I gots to wait till Monday or Tuesday
20:53.41jbotavaya is, like, some big company that equals Micro$oft in phone systems
20:53.42jakepdevso he can throw it back to CAS mode
20:53.55jakepdevThanks Chuji -  I know
20:53.55Shido6whats it in now?
20:54.00jakepdevPRI mode
20:54.03Chujihaha, just here to help man
20:54.13Shido6its not working? :)
20:54.19jakepdevit works
20:54.32BlackvelChuji: some day? you sound like not being convinced to use java with * :)
20:54.33jakepdevonly good for proof of concet though
20:55.19ChujiBlackvel : No, We will do it, it's just a big ass project. We will be replacing our entire C-based IVR that runs on 'doze
20:55.20jakepdevI can just see a call came in passsed to IVR then back to Avaya then to rep - rep sends it back to IVR.  7 lines being used
20:55.34jakepdevthat's no good
20:55.57Chujijakepdev : No trunk to trunk transfer?
20:56.17jakepdevnope - can't seem to get that to work
20:56.40jakepdevon PRI Chuji?
20:56.52ChujiE&M T1
20:57.18jakepdevok - yep - it's a big pain
20:57.28ChujiMost systems don't have that problem with E&M tie lines
20:57.33Chujibut Toshiba does
20:57.36fugitivoanyone using festival?
20:57.59p1tst0phow easy is it to set up recording voice prompts using a handset ?
20:58.14*** join/#asterisk anachron (
20:58.21Chujip1tst0p ; s,1,Record(file)
20:58.23jakepdev<p1tst0p>: pretty easy
20:58.28anachronanyone have experience configuring the TDM400P?
20:58.38jakepdev<p1tst0p>: there's a script in the Wiki
20:59.27jakepdev<Chuji>: We couldn't even get the E&M lines to come up
21:00.01Chujifugitivo : I think most of us have tried it at least, the voice quality blows on it though.
21:00.02jakepdevonly working config was PRI (E1 or T1) in trunk mode
21:00.13Chujifugitivo : Save yourself some trouble and check out Cepstral
21:00.30Chujijakepdev : Where was the problem? On the Avaya?
21:00.34*** part/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
21:00.38Shido6yesh, anachron
21:00.38Chujijakepdev : Know anyone with a tberd?
21:00.46*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
21:01.02jakepdevi thought Ford was done with the tberds
21:01.16fugitivoChuji: is that something similar?
21:01.45jakepdevChuji - not sure where the problem was - but I had Digium on the phone with the Avaya tech
21:02.03jakepdevthe lines stayed in RED
21:02.45Chujihmm, wouldn't even synch? that's odd
21:03.13jakepdevyep - b8zs
21:03.32Chujifugitivo : Yes, it's got better voices. You have to buy them, but they are cheap
21:03.40*** join/#asterisk Cheng29 (
21:05.20Shido6digium should have tberd software
21:05.23Shido6for the t1 cards
21:05.26Shido6that would be cool
21:06.06dan2kram: yo
21:06.08jakepdevi looked up tberd - couldn't find anything
21:07.04jakepdevis this an analyser
21:07.25TechDawgIt's a field device for testing circuits
21:07.28*** join/#asterisk n4y (
21:07.41Chujithat's pretty cheap
21:08.02jakepdevwould that give a better idea why PRI works but CAS doesn't?
21:08.21TechDawgNot really.
21:08.54anachronShido6: can you help me get this thing working?
21:09.17Chujijakepdev : KNow anyone at your local clec? Bribe them for lunch if they will bring over some test equip
21:09.29TechDawgThere's your answer.
21:09.40Chujijakepdev : Does the pri have a serial card?
21:09.45TechDawgGotta have equipment at both ends to test.
21:09.46jakepdevChuji - that's the other issue - I'm in PA the switch is in TN
21:09.47Chujiserial port
21:09.59Chujibribe me
21:10.08jakepdevcan you fix it?
21:10.16Chujiwhere in TN?
21:10.40Chujiuhg, that's an 1 1/2 hours away
21:10.54ChujiI'll be there Sunday for easter though
21:11.07jakepdevhehe - they won't be around then
21:11.14ChujiWhat telco do you have there?
21:11.23ChujiBellSouth? USLec, XO?
21:11.41jakepdevit's the avaya switch we're trying to hook up with - not sure of the telco
21:11.50*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:11.56Chujiwell, telco doods have the good test gear
21:12.51*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
21:12.58dan2Chuji: you can buy whatever they have at home depot
21:13.08TechDawgOn another note, can someone provide some wisdom on installing asterisk on deb?  Seems it needs termcap and I don't see it in the dist.
21:15.45outtolunc   read section 4.7
21:15.50file[laptop]or libncurses5-dev
21:15.57SagoDanguys is there any way to include another file from the "queues.conf"  file ?
21:16.21*** join/#asterisk JohnnyC (~Mac@
21:16.22SagoDansay i want to include queues_additional.conf  or at least make it load that file
21:17.11*** join/#asterisk yaaar (
21:17.29TechDawgThat's the ticket, make went past the termcap after installing libncurses5-dev
21:17.37yaaaris there a seperate channel for asterisk@home?
21:18.45yaaari've just got a quick newb issue; the asterisk@home docs don't ever say anything about loading the zaptel kernel module, which I would have assumed was necessary, but when I modprobe it it says not found...
21:18.57*** join/#asterisk alt_phil (
21:19.14TechDawgUhm, are you using digium cards?
21:19.22yaaaryeah, x100p
21:19.41TechDawgI'm pretty new to this to but there is a seperate zaptel download from what i've seen.
21:19.56yaaaryeah, and i even have a /usr/src/zaptel directory.
21:20.34*** join/#asterisk droid (
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21:21.05QwellIf I wanted to connect say...200 analog phones to my * box, whats the best method?
21:21.17TechDawgWell, on the off chance that I don't know what the heck I'm talking about, I cannot really give you advice yaaar
21:21.28TechDawgPretty much because I don't.
21:21.52alt_philBuying 50 TDM400P's is probably out of the question...  heh
21:22.04Qwellalt_phil: yeah :p
21:22.15TechDawgI'd probably say go with PRIs Qwell
21:22.27QwellSo one of the T1 cards to a channel bank or something?
21:22.51bkw_RFC's suck
21:23.03yaaarQwell: now, you want these phones to be on extensions behind asterisk, right?
21:23.17yaaari'd use iaxy's or granstream sip adapters
21:23.25Qwellyaaar: right
21:23.35Qwell$100*200=20,000 for iaxy's
21:23.55Qwellsurely there are easier/cheaper ways :p
21:24.03yaaarthe grandstreams are ~$60
21:24.26Qwellstill...thats like $10,000 with a volume discount
21:24.30yaaarbut i don't think there's much of a way around it....somehow you have to change each one of those analogue sets into a voip channel
21:24.46TechDawg200 phones?
21:24.50_Sam--how much do you think a 200 phone setup should cost?  you act surprised about 10k - 20k
21:24.55yaaarwell, how much are 200 voip phones supposed to cost anyway? i mean, this stuff just isn't that cheap
21:24.56*** part/#asterisk dano_ (
21:25.01QwellThis is all theoretical, of course
21:25.14alt_philSo what about Sipura?  They're cheap, low end two line ATAs with a tftp provisioning ability
21:25.18yaaarwell, i think you can plan on a 200-ext installation costing in the 10s of k
21:25.47yaaaralt_phil: how much do those cost?
21:26.00TechDawgThe question that I would have is if this is a conversion or new install.
21:26.12_Sam--definitely not a new install.
21:26.17alt_philNevermind - they're like 74 a pop.
21:26.34alt_phil20 of 'em costed us 1500.
21:26.51TechDawgSo why not just interface the existing system with the asterisk system?
21:27.40bkw_let me just say.. SIP SUCKS
21:27.44bkw_move on
21:27.51tainted-my sharona
21:28.03*** part/#asterisk Lee__ (
21:28.10TechDawgor maybe not.
21:28.23_Sam--damn here i am setting up a new phone system with 15 SIP clients...not what i want to hear!
21:28.31jontowanyone used the InnoMedia MGCP gateway devices?
21:28.41anachronso can someone help me setup my TDM400P card?
21:28.56anachroncompiling zaptel fails at ztdummy
21:29.09jontowso comment out ztdummy in the makefile?
21:29.18anachrondon't i need that for meetme to work?
21:29.23TechDawgDang, and I thought it was going to compile.  Now I get  [ast_expr.c] Error 1
21:29.25jontowyou need a timing source
21:29.34jontowisn't the TDM400P a timing source? (someone please correct me here if im wrong..)
21:29.42SwedMiroI was able to convince a company to change their setup to softphones only..x-lite
21:29.51anachroni guess so .. i'm not too well versed in this stuff
21:29.52SwedMiroi showed them the cost..and they bought it
21:30.03Qwelljontow: it is a timing device, yes
21:30.22jontowwell, anachron.. you are now chronologically correct; comment out ztdummy and live on :)
21:31.43anachronit still fails and gives the same ztdummy error even after i commented it out
21:31.56jontowthen you didn't do it right ;)
21:32.02jontowlook for a line that says MODULES= .......
21:32.08jontowit'll actually be 2 lines
21:32.13jontowthats where you've gotta get rid of ztdummy
21:32.15anachronyes .. i removed it from there
21:33.03droidhi all - have just installed asterisk@home and am getting the following error when my cisco 7960 tries to register:
21:33.04Shido6yes it
21:33.36droidRegistration from <;user=phone> failed for <my_ip>
21:34.01anachronstill fails with an error about ztdummy
21:34.16jontowMGCP read:
21:34.16jontow528 23  Incompatible Protocol Version
21:34.20jontowhey.. that looks like it sucks
21:34.27droidany ideas of where/what I should look at?
21:34.28jontowanachron; make clean first, then 'make' again.
21:34.30anachrondepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.18/misc/ztdummy.o
21:34.53jontowanother question.. what're that unresolved symbols?
21:34.56jontowdoes it mention crc32 ?
21:35.00jontowor uhci/ohci?
21:35.17jontowok, you don't have uhci support in your kernel, do you? :)
21:35.41anachroni guess not
21:35.44jontowall said.. try the make clean first
21:35.50anachroni did
21:35.56anachronnow i get a different error
21:36.05jontowthen you're getting somewhere :)
21:36.09anachron/usr/src/linux-2.4/include/linux/sched.h:799: conflicting types for `kernel_thread'
21:36.15anachron/usr/src/linux/include/asm/processor.h:432: previous declaration of `kernel_thread'
21:36.16jontowdear god ;P
21:36.21anachronmake: *** [zaptel.o] Error 1
21:36.37anachroni called digium .. did what they told me to  .. now it's broken worse than before
21:36.41jontowsounds like your install is.. broken
21:36.51jontowis this redhat9?
21:36.57anachrondebian 3.0-r2
21:37.24jontowis /usr/src/linux-2.4 2.4.18, the same version that you're running?
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21:38.21jontowoh, another question.. is there a specific reason for using 2.4.18 ?
21:38.25jontowits ass old :)
21:38.59jontowi'd grab 2.4.28 from and compile/install a kernel from that source..
21:39.16jontowbut .. that is the route i'd take, i don't necessarily say it is the way to go :)
21:39.40QwellWhat is a cross-connect?  That similar to a channel bank?
21:40.40*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
21:40.41mikegrbQwell: in datacenter world it is lan connection between points in the data center
21:40.53Qwellsimple and to the point.  thanks
21:40.58xkevI'm on 2.6.10-ac12
21:41.11mikegrbQwell: ie we have several rakcs not next to each other in data centers and they are networked together privately
21:41.35*** join/#asterisk voiper (
21:41.42mikegrbor some carrier neutral facilities have office space in a building next door that you can rent/lease
21:41.53mikegrband you can have that cross connected to your cabinets
21:42.04harryvvwhat do you guys get charged for t1
21:42.18Qwellharryvv: $580-760/month in southern CA
21:42.26Qwelldepending on contract
21:42.28harryvv600 here for one carrier
21:42.30voiperHi, does anyone have sample conf for CISCO 5350 for connecting from asterisk (SIP)
21:42.32anachron$479 here
21:42.35anachronfrom limelight
21:42.53harryvvanachron, thats probebly the same rate cdn
21:43.03harryvvconsidering the exchange rate
21:43.30anachroni'm in arizona
21:43.44anachronoh .. nvm
21:43.48anachronyou're from canada
21:43.57harryvvbtw, whats the difference between wifi and wifi max
21:44.08harryvvno im from the states living in canada
21:45.08elriahI have a one-touch vmail button on my phones, how do I get * to skip the prompt asking for mailbox and just ask for the password?  I saw an example, but I can't find it.  Had to do with the 8500 extension and $CALLERID or something like that.
21:45.34jontowelriah; VoicemailMain(${CALLERID})
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21:45.57harryvvjontow okay thats cool
21:46.10reallost1anyone here used vicidial?
21:46.36harryvvso if put in my callerid number then dial 1
21:48.13Juggiei prefer using 5*####XXXXXXXX
21:48.22Juggiewhere # = vm box and X = passwd
21:48.27reallost1chan_local.c:382 local_alloc: No such extension/context 78600054@ creating local channel
21:49.15jontowbrilliant system :)
21:49.20DrFranckyreallost1: did you put a context in dial string ?
21:49.23elriahI get this in the cli:  Executing VoiceMailMain("SIP/801-71ee", ""Test User" <801>") in new stack
21:49.23Juggieindeed :)
21:49.45elriahI need to take "test user" out in the sip.conf, don't I?  To get voicemailmain($callerid) to work right?!
21:49.50Juggieyou can also overlap the dialplan so 5*#### will eventually time out and run vmbox wih code to ask for passwd
21:50.22harryvvman, found a old 10baseT/10base2 in the bottom of this cable box. Whats the range of rg58 with the old 10base2?
21:50.33jontowharryvv; about 50ft :P
21:50.42jontowquasi-reliably, anyway ;)
21:50.45elriahWow! Just had a seg fault.
21:50.52outtolunc500' (1000 per segment)
21:50.54harryvvits longer then that I thought
21:51.03harryvv500 feet?
21:51.06reallost1DrFrancky: is it just missing the context?   "Unable to request channel Local/78600054@"
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21:51.47jontowthat was ages ago though.. no link unless you wiggled the Ts just right and you had to unscrew the terminators and screw 'em back on and .. oh god
21:51.47harryvvwould make decent burried or overhead cable for what ever reason for more secure communications.
21:51.51elriahIs there an app that will relaunch asterisk if it exits?  maybe something that monitors a pid?
21:51.51Nuggettop hiy
21:51.55Nuggeter, top hit
21:51.58harryvvi know hehehe
21:52.03jontow"network's down.. go jiggle the handle"
21:52.13harryvvI still have that cable
21:52.34jontowyeah.. BNC will travel a ways, but it isn't so efficient i think
21:52.49NuggetBNC is a connector type.
21:52.54harryvvActually that would be a prefered cable to route to a wifi antenna on a tower.
21:52.57jontowyes, sorry.. 10base2
21:53.02harryvvor big rg-8
21:53.29cbachmanwe still have an IBM SP2 with 10Base2 on the back.  It's connected to fiber via a media converter.
21:53.34harryvvhardline is best but its very expensive and hard to route
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21:53.37cbachmanI still can't figure that one out.
21:54.17voiperhave anyone succefully connected to CISCO 5350 from asteirsk ?
21:54.29*** join/#asterisk Rival (
21:54.29harryvvone of the phones?
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21:54.55outtoluncman i hate that
21:55.27jontowi don't like APEX.
21:56.19elriahOk, I can bypass the mailbox prompt by setting callerid=ext in sip.con and call it with voicemailmain($callerid), but that blows away the ability to put the name in callerid of the user and have it display on the phone when they call an ext.  Anyone ran into this?  Am I missing something?
21:57.01harryvvi dont think its that big a deal just to enter vm with 4 numbers then mail box and pass
21:57.24Juggieelriah, use calleridnum
21:57.26Juggienot callerid
21:57.29outtolunc   has distance limits for those that need to refresh
21:57.43jontowi need sleep.. blah
21:57.54Chujielriah : Pretty late, but safe_asterisk
21:59.58*** join/#asterisk Muki (
22:00.10*** join/#asterisk dogz- (
22:00.57Mukican comeone help a newbie looking to make an asterisk telco-> voip -> telco gateway?
22:02.27dogz-Ive been using
22:02.29dogz-its a great reference
22:03.38*** part/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
22:04.30Mukidogz: tnx, will look into it
22:04.57Mukican you give me a clue what should I be looking for?
22:05.08MukiI lack the proper terminology...
22:05.30jontowjust start reading
22:05.39jontowyou're gonna need an awful lot of knowledge to do what you want.
22:06.04jontowyou'll need zaptel hardware to connect telco lines to your pbx
22:06.07dogz-gotta walk before ya run... i personally am still walking at a crawl pace
22:06.25jontowFXO, T1/PRI, etc..
22:06.36Mukiok, I'm thinking on a small scale here
22:06.50dogz-ive also seen some card on ebay, but not to sure about those
22:06.51jontowprobably FXO is what you're looking at
22:07.33Mukigetting the incoming calls my home BRI converted to voip to another country and there ring a regular phone over a local BRI
22:07.46dogz-that comes with an FXO and a FXS
22:07.55Mukione call at a time, fixed numbers on both end
22:07.57jontowok.. i think im just too damned tired to deal with this code any longer
22:09.13jontowyeah screw it.. im gonna take a break :)
22:09.27Mukithat's fxo on both ends + some call forwarding (?)
22:09.31dogz-yea its about dinner time, least here in EST
22:09.43jontowdogz; its lunch/dinner time here.. in EST for me
22:09.53Mukibed time in CET here :)
22:10.03jontowi've been at work since 07:00 and its 17:10 now.. and im here until 18:00
22:10.16dogz-dedication =p
22:10.16jontowand i was here from 10:30 or so yesterday to midnight
22:10.20jontowno.. INSANITY
22:10.39dogz-well since im new here and hope to get help =p i was saving the insult ;)
22:10.50jontowhey.. it happens
22:11.12dogz-i just bought the TDM400P
22:11.17jontowim pretty new here too.. at least i'd consider myself so.. don't know what classifies one as seasoned.. but i still make my fair share of screwups
22:11.34dogz-came in yesterday so been having a blast learning new stuff
22:11.49jontowi learn at least 10 things here everyday
22:11.59jontoweven if i only pay attention sporadically (which is always..)
22:12.13Mukianyone knows the status of HW drivers on BSD ?
22:12.26dogz-i found the asterisk documentation project helpful as well
22:12.51Mukiasterisk builds fine, but telco connectivity seems to be a major problem...
22:13.09reallost1muki: I'm running BSD
22:13.35jontowcareful the log is huge
22:13.50dogz-2 late
22:13.52jontow(~1.3MB currently and growing)
22:13.55reallost1Muki, which cards are you wondering about specifically.
22:14.01jontowuse search unless you're gonna download the log :P
22:15.04jontow(test project of mine.. just seeing if i can use it to gain any useful info)
22:15.12Mukireallost1: which BSD OS and which cards are you using?
22:15.32jontowim using an FXO card semi-successfully under netbsd
22:15.51reallost1Muki: FreeBSD/TDM400 4PortFX0
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22:15.57CaNaBiSwhen I go to some locations I have telephone jacks that a normal phone will work at, but my credit card machine wont work. someone told me it could be b/c the location has a digital line...that make sense? doesnt to me. at work I had t1's and pri's that did just fine with analog dial-out.
22:15.57dogz-im using freebsd, with the TDM400 with a single FXO
22:16.03reallost1Muki: NetBSD drivers have also been ported.
22:16.08dogz-just been having problems with the box freezing often =|
22:16.14dogz-but i will figure it out :)
22:16.31MukiI'm looking for low cost, low throughput (as in 1-2 simultaneous voice channel) and commercially available (no ebay, need a commerical source)
22:16.34jontowdogz; disable music on hold.. ;)
22:16.38reallost1Muki: T100P and T405 have beta drivers.
22:16.57dogz-jontow, it always happens when i exit out of *
22:16.59jontow(trust me.. there is also a bugfix in Mantis for this problem in freebsd)
22:17.00jontowi know
22:17.04jontowi know exactly how it happens :)
22:17.39jontowyou do'nt 'disable' it per se
22:17.41Mukireallost: I'm using OpenBSD myself
22:17.46jontowjust comment out all the active classes in musiconhold.conf
22:17.50jontowthat effectively disables it..
22:17.59jontowthen * exits cleanly [everytime, that i've found]
22:18.03Mukireallost1: are those drivers in NetBSD tree?
22:18.17jontowthe netbsd drivers are quite beta
22:18.33anachronreallost1 .. how hard was it to get asterisk working on FreeBSD in comparison to linux?
22:18.57elriahOk, I'm past that issue for now.  On to another one, I have ntp-server (ntpd) installed, but I can't seem to figure out where to tell it in ntp.conf that it's ok for other computers to sync with it's time.  Any suggestions here?
22:19.03elriahdebian (sarge)
22:19.18jontowelriah; peer vs. server or something ?
22:19.45reallost1anachron: "cd /usr/ports/misc/zaptel && make install && cd /usr/ports/net/asterisk && make install"  The rest is just asterisk setup.
22:19.49Mukidogz: is this the card you are using?
22:20.23elriahjontow: tnx
22:20.35jontownp :)
22:20.42reallost1anachron: though you will want to upgrade to the latest bsd zaptel drivers which aren't in ports yet.
22:20.49Rivalanyone here use a sipura 2000?
22:20.56Rivalworks fine for me just the phone doesnt ring
22:21.08Mukido you think it can run on a soekris 4801 box?
22:21.30jontowmuki; yes.. but you have to slim * down a bit.. there are people in here randomly that use the net4801s
22:22.28jontowand you'll get varying opinions on how well it works with *
22:22.36Mukijontow: again, I'm probably looking at a way simpler setup than majority of users here
22:22.37jontowthe 4801 just doesn't have the power
22:22.50Mukione call, one user :)
22:22.50jontowif it has to do any transcoding.. it'll be weak
22:23.00jontowif thats the deal.. you probably can get away with it
22:23.08jontowno voicemail, no musiconhold or heavy/intensive stuff
22:23.12jontowjust a simple gateway?
22:23.34jontow... build it.  (keep in mind there are no zaptel cards for soekris boxes to my knowledge)
22:23.46*** part/#asterisk alt_phil (
22:24.30Mukizaptel != digium ?
22:25.29QwellMuki: Digium hardware uses zaptel
22:25.47Mukiyep, no voicemail (quite unpopolar in EU, contrary to USA), no music on hold, a plain simple gateway
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22:26.40MukiQwell: ok, I'm getting it (slowly)
22:26.43SagoDanIs it possible to use asterisk to use an external MGCP gateway ?
22:26.48SagoDanfor dialout
22:26.57dogz-thanks jontow
22:27.06dogz-that fixed it from freezing
22:27.07jessteranyone know if SetCallerPres works on sip ? i don't see it working for me. Im doing a call to another Sip provider
22:28.08Mukibut the TDM400P looks like it supports 3.3V PCI - so it should work on soekris
22:29.11PatrickDKtdm400p is 5v or 3.3v
22:29.17PatrickDKx100p is only 5v
22:29.37Mukiok, I'll try to get one and try to build the box
22:29.49MukiPatrick: tnx
22:29.57PatrickDKheh, I have tdm400p in my 3.3v pci slots, works fine
22:30.12Mukiany preferred EU suppliers of tdm400p?
22:30.50Nuggetremove the word "preferred" and I think the answer is still "nope"  :)
22:31.31*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
22:31.40Mukiok, I get it :)
22:33.29NuggetIf I had it to do over again, I'd buy a sipura instead of the tdm400p I bought
22:33.39jontowsagodan; i hear "no."
22:33.45PatrickDKI just use the tdm400p for timing source
22:33.48PatrickDKand sipura for phones
22:34.27Nuggetthe tdm400p is a bit flaky and I hate being locked into linux.
22:34.47jontowanyone know how to adjust the dial-pattern-timeout nonsense (early dial, or so) on the SPA-2000's?
22:34.54jontowthats the one thing i've grown to hate about it already :)
22:34.59jontowthe IAXy is perfect about it
22:35.02PatrickDKjontow, ya, it's easy to do
22:35.16PatrickDKthere are config optiosn for it
22:35.17Nuggetmogorman: with a tdmp400p, linux is the only practical choice of os
22:35.19jontowcool :)
22:35.22drumkillathat's because IAX has built-in dialplan sharing
22:35.27mogormanyeah i know
22:35.33drumkillaso it can do predictive dialing within the protocol ...
22:35.39drumkillaSIP just sucks
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22:35.51PatrickDKhmm, my tdm400p works under freebsd just fine
22:35.54mogormanbut i have never refered to linux aas something that locks you in
22:36.06mogormanand it does do bsd
22:36.09mogormanso ^_^
22:36.17Nuggetit's impractical to use a tdm400p in freebsd
22:36.21Nuggetthe drivers are too flaky
22:36.34PatrickDKhmm, drivers always worked good for me
22:36.34mogormanbsd drivers come a long way
22:36.46Nuggetperhaps they work as a timing source.  :)
22:36.57dogz-hey jontow, mind taking a look at this
22:37.05Nuggetzaptel blows in linux and I found it to be completely unreliable in freebsd
22:37.06mogormanat some point digium probably end up supporting bsd, but not any time soon..
22:37.18mogormanwhat nugget
22:37.24mogormanzaptel is solid
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22:37.29NuggetI disagree
22:37.35mogormanmuch better than our sip stack
22:37.36dogz-Since my last freeze i cant get my * back up, last time i had this problem i had a problem in zaptel.conf
22:37.39drumkillathat's quite an unfounded statement
22:37.55Nuggetok.  In my experience, zaptel has been twitchy in linux and crashy in freebsd.
22:37.59Nuggetthat's perfectly founded now.
22:38.06drumkillamogorman: in ref to his zap comment
22:38.32drumkillaNugget: did you bug digium support about it?
22:38.35NuggetI don't even load ztdummy on my bsd box any more because I got tired of having to call my colo tech support to power cycle the box.
22:38.39*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
22:38.47mogormanzap t1s have 99.997% reliabilty, testing equipment is tested on our cards now
22:39.07Nuggetit locked up the whole machine all the time.  agi's would trigger it.  even trying to "stop gracefully" would lock up the box
22:39.10tzangermogorman: eh?
22:39.12jontowpatrickdk; i just went through the SPA-2000 config again and can't find it :/
22:39.20mogormani mean against
22:39.25terrapennugget: what is this?
22:39.28Nuggetin my linux box, I can't reboot the machine, I have to coldstart it, otherwise the tdm400p doesn't initialize
22:39.29terrapen(sorry, i just joined)
22:39.40mogormanthere aret1 line testers tested against digi t1 cards
22:39.42Nuggetthat's twitchy.
22:39.50mogormanyou have rev h bug
22:39.56mogormando rev h matchall
22:39.57terrapenanybody use Sangoma?
22:40.05mogormanor rma the card
22:40.09Nuggetthere is a whole list of "oh yeah, well don't do THAT!" kind of zaptel things that everyone seems to just learn and avoid doing
22:40.20tzangermogorman: zap hardware is used to test T1 equipment?  I have a hard time believing that, especially since I've been using sangoma T1 equipment for almost a decade
22:40.42lesouvageI'm looking for a asterisk stresstesttool. I tried  astertest but couldn't get it to work. Any suggestion to get it work or for an other stress tool is more then welcome.
22:41.09mogormanyeah tzanger, a company that makes sip and t1 line testers tests there hardware against 410s
22:41.27terrapenGODDAMN SBC
22:41.31terrapenguess what they did today
22:41.44reallost1Nugget: the card needing  a cold start was a bug in certain digium cards.
22:41.47terrapenone of our stores calls me up today and says that the internet went out
22:41.54sezuanlesouvage: sipp is a stress tool for sip.
22:42.03terrapenand then he says that SBC is standing outside with a huge bundle of wires in their hands
22:42.12PatrickDKSBC has been hell for everyone I know
22:42.14terrapenthey took our point-to-point T1 down
22:42.20terrapenand never even bothered to tell us first
22:42.27file[laptop]why did they do that now?
22:42.50terrapenhow fucking hard is it to poke your head in the door and say, "hey guys, i'm disconnecting your t1 for a bit"
22:43.10harryvvterrapen mmmm how long its been down?
22:43.23*** part/#asterisk Bentley (
22:43.23terrapenwell its back now
22:43.27terrapenit was probably down 45min
22:43.37terrapenand i had my guy give them phone to the sbc guy
22:43.40terrapenbut he wouldnt take it
22:43.41harryvvwhy did thay take it down?
22:43.43terrapenhe was "busy working"
22:43.47terrapeni have no fucking idea
22:43.50terrapenthey wont say
22:43.59QwellIt wasn't SBC...
22:44.03terrapenmakes you feel warm and fuzzy, doesn't it
22:44.07Qwellit was a Verizon spy
22:44.08harryvvmmm seems that it would have been better to do the work 9pm or latter.
22:44.14Corydon-wMaybe DHS is tapping your lines...
22:44.20terrapeni dont mind him taking the T1 down
22:44.25terrapenfor a few minutes
22:44.32Corydon-wThat's one reason they won't tell you...
22:44.32terrapenbut, for the love of Jah, tell me first
22:44.46terrapenwell, im sure had i been there, they would have told me
22:44.53terrapenbut he was too busy to take my phone call
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22:45.08PatrickDKhmm, adelphia cable was out in a town near here for 3 days, as they where fixing it
22:45.13PatrickDKlast weekend
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22:46.28jontowdogz; very welcome :)
22:46.46*** join/#asterisk florz (~florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
22:46.50dogz-mind peeking at another problem im having?
22:47.01jontowso uh.. damn; *67 on the SPA-2000 disables caller-id.. to voip phones
22:47.18PatrickDKya, you can disable that :)
22:47.26jontowbut when i call the IAXy (my bellsouth analog phone with callerid builtin) it shows "anonymous" as the name.. and the extension  !#%*)@$^
22:47.37*** join/#asterisk NightHawke (
22:47.43jontowi know :)  im just playing 'cause i can't find the option to deal with predictive/early dialing
22:47.51jontowbut its ok.. using # after the number dials immediately anyway
22:47.53NightHawkecan USR externals be used with the system?
22:48.04jontowdogz; and yeah.. shoot :)  we'll try
22:48.52dogz- , ever since my last freeze i cant get asterisk back up, it complains about device not being configured? Last time i had this problem i had messed up on my zaptel.conf
22:49.15harryvvI dont need to register my own user/pass@myown server ip if the call is comming in from a softphoen do i?
22:50.06lesouvagesezuan: I tried that to.  Do I have to make my own scenario's or should it run out of the box?
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22:50.57sezuanlesouvage: I has some simple scenarios.
22:51.19yaaarso, anybody know why my newly-installed Digium x100p always tries to keep the line open? If it's plugged into the phone line at all, the line eventually loses dialtone and complains "the time allotted for you to dial has passed"
22:51.35jontownot a clue on that one, dogz.
22:51.59dogz-;) if nothing else resort to violence
22:52.07yaaarpercussive maintenance
22:55.38reallost1dogz: are you using the svn zaptel code?
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22:56.49reallost1dogz: upgrade to the svn code.  Big difference.
22:57.29dogz-alrighty :)
22:57.32dogz-thanks for the tip
22:59.41Qwellor is there an svn repos for * too?
22:59.52reallost1svn is the repository for the bsd driver.
23:01.58reallost1dogz: the svn code also puts the modules in a different directory, so you have to modify the prefix on /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ to get it to load the new driver.
23:02.09Mukithanks for help, everybody
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23:02.23Mukibedtime for /me
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23:06.31dogz-hrm whats the difference between downloading that source and grabbing it
23:08.36p1tst0phi, what is it i would need to do, to make my hardphone send all calls to voicemail,  maybe an feature code, like *100 or somet ?
23:08.56reallost1dogz: just grab it.
23:09.07reallost1or download it, its the same.
23:09.42reallost1dogz: if you use svn to grab it, it can be updated via svn.
23:09.56reallost1Mar 25 15:07:39 NOTICE[31986]: chan_local.c:382 local_alloc: No such extension/context 78600054@ creating local channel
23:09.56reallost1Mar 25 15:07:39 NOTICE[31986]: channel.c:1822 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel Local/78600054@
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23:10.58reallost1grrr... 78600054 is an extension in the default context...
23:11.32dogz-yea cause thats the same thing i have
23:11.36dogz-same file sizes
23:11.43dogz-same name
23:14.01reallost1dogz: are you using to load it?
23:14.29Rivaley guys i got a incoming call on x100p into asterisk to a sipura 2000 with a phone on ext 2201
23:14.38_Sam--can you someone point me in the right direction if i wanted to create a webpage (for our lan with asterisk) with php that would contain phone numbers that could be clicked on and called?  i read something about putting a call file in /var/spool/ast../outgoing...
23:14.45_Sam--but i cant seem to find any good concrete examples
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23:14.56Rivalit doesnt ring the phone for me says no one is at extent 2201
23:15.37dogz-trying it now, but no i wasnt using that
23:15.46Rivalbut it works from exten => myphonenumber,1,DIAL(SIP/2201,20,tr)
23:15.56_Sam--for example, all of our distributor phone numbers are in an sql table...i want to use php to get the numbers, and create links that could be click on and called from employee desktops
23:16.16dogz-reallost1, that fixed it
23:16.24dogz-i was manually doing the kldload
23:16.37fixitjimmyGood evening everybody. I'm having difficulties setting up an external extension (i.e. the type that plugs into the back of the X100P card) with Asterisk. Does anyone have advice for me as to how to set it up?
23:16.59reallost1dogz: if you loaded the port and the svn code, there are two copies of the modules in different places.
23:17.18dogz-err sorry if i put some confusion in there
23:17.22dogz-i didnt use the port
23:17.42reallost1oh well.
23:17.55dogz-But i must done something wrong this time around when loading em
23:17.59dogz-either way it works now =p
23:18.03Rivalthis stuff is damn hard to understand
23:18.08dogz-and the problem was what i was doing :)
23:18.24harryvvrival yea it is :) thats the best way to learn it.
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23:18.54Rivalya that plus i have a hard time with wiki
23:18.56dcacould someone remind me how to do a iax debug on a specific ip
23:19.08Rivalwish the manual was finished =)
23:20.19fixitjimmyI've purchased a GSM terminal and need to connect it to my asterisk server to divert incoming landline calls to GSM
23:20.57Rivalhmm i got it to work
23:21.00Rivaljust not workin right
23:21.43fixitjimmyWhen I use the landline to dial out, everything is ok. When I connect the Nokia 32 GSM terminal to the trunk of the asterisk I can dial out, but the call terminates automatically once the connection is established.
23:24.29harryvvfixitjimmy, you are obviosly talking about cell phoen gsm I dont have any experaince in that but would like to setup a remote cell site terminal someday.
23:24.49fixitjimmyThat's correct.
23:25.10*** join/#asterisk sivana (~sivana@
23:25.13harryvvWhich terminal did you buy?
23:25.20fixitjimmyThe Nokia 32
23:25.24*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
23:25.50fixitjimmyIf I connect a dtmf telephone to the trunk socket of the nokia 32 all is well. I can call and receive calls from other people
23:26.31fixitjimmyHowever, if I connect the nokia 32 to the trunk of the asterisk, the unit dials the number, gives a ringing tone and hangs up as soon as the other party answers
23:26.40*** join/#asterisk jayeola (
23:26.55harryvvfixit looking at it now. Obviosly for a low capacity low cell site distance.
23:27.07jayeolaany uk sio/viop users here?
23:27.39fixitjimmyHi Harryvv, my idea is to divert incoming PSTN via asterisk to the GSM terminal
23:27.54fixitjimmyIt is a low capacity application
23:28.22harryvvfixit how many phones is it going to serve?
23:29.25fixitjimmyOne telephone. There should be 1 incoming PSTN and 1 outgoing GSM line. I'd like to connect 1 external dtmf telephone to the setup as well.
23:29.35dcacould someone remind me how to do a iax debug on a specific ip
23:30.34Chujidca Didn't know you could actually
23:31.43dcayeah, you can
23:31.45dcaor was that sip
23:33.20*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
23:33.22sivanaok, who's CVS is down.. I can't make update
23:34.31elriahHi guys, I have an exten => 9,1,directory and no other extensions that start with 9, but when I hit 9, there is a long pause, like there would be if you had an exten 9 and another exten like 901 ... Any clues?
23:34.31*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
23:34.48Qwelldca: doesn't look like you can...sip can do it by IP
23:35.09Qwelllike sip debug ip
23:35.15reallost1elriah: you dialing from a sip phone?
23:35.15Qwelliax doesn't seem to have that option
23:35.31elriahBut I can hit other numbers, like 1, and it goes right to that exten.
23:35.52reallost1some of the phones need # to tell it to dial asterisk.
23:36.01QwellShido6: Any chance I can have that old DID removed from my account?  Kinda confusing seeing it in the DID list.
23:36.12marloweelriah: do a show dialplan ... make sure nothing begings with 9
23:36.41reallost1elriah, it also could be in the dialplan of the phone.  sipura lets you modify your dial plan.
23:37.01reallost1or if you still have the 911 in your asterisk dial plan.
23:38.28voiperanyone succefully connected to CISCO 5350 from asteirsk ?
23:38.40elriahNope, no 9's or 911's.  I just changed it to '7' and it does the same thing.
23:38.49elriahIt's a diretory thing.
23:40.04dcais there some special trick i'm missing to prevent calls from being dropped when they bridge/release?
23:41.05*** join/#asterisk Damin_Mobile (pocketirc@
23:41.05reallost1voiper, calls going from asterisk to cisco or the other way around?
23:41.21*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~kvirc@jskcr.user)
23:41.24voiperfrom asterisk to cisco
23:41.32dan2drumkilla: ping
23:41.44reallost1voiper: hmm.. I'm doing it the other way around...
23:41.56drumkilladan2: pong
23:42.02voiperlooking for sample dialplan for cisco
23:42.13voiperis it working fine reallost ?
23:42.16dan2drumkilla: could you merge the g726 fix in cvshead into the stable branch
23:42.18reallost1voiper: yes
23:42.28drumkilladan2: bkw said something about that, too
23:42.39drumkillais it in the bug tracker?
23:42.44dan2drumkilla: ya, we need it to use g726 at broadvoice
23:42.48dan2drumkilla: no
23:42.58*** join/#asterisk IQ (
23:43.03drumkillacan you find the cvs commit?
23:43.16sivanadrumkilla: who's CVS is broke?  I'm getting quota exceeded
23:43.19dan2drumkilla: its probably the last thing commited to rtp.c
23:43.56drumkilladan2: ok
23:45.18*** join/#asterisk OzoneCo (
23:45.23dan2drumkilla: do we have like a ViewCVS for asterisk cvs?
23:45.24dwmw2sivana: I got that. Just try again. There's more than one server; the other works
23:45.25voiperreallost -> for cisco to asterisk would you say destination-pattern ?
23:46.21drumkilladan2: nope
23:46.25sivanadwmw2: I've been trying for like that last 10 mins.. I get hitting the same one :)
23:46.27elriahIt is getting my _9 to dial out.. hhe
23:46.31*** join/#asterisk Damin_Mobile (pocketirc@
23:46.36dwmw2sivana: play with /etc/hosts then :)
23:46.36drumkilladan2: there's one on the wiki, but I have never used it ...
23:46.43drumkillathere's not an official one, anyway
23:47.11drumkilladan2: fixed - thanks for reminding me
23:47.47Damin_Mobiledrumki la: What is the nature of the cdr-mysql deadlock in stable?
23:48.11drumkillaDamin_Mobile: I know nothing about it - nobody has showed me anything
23:48.20*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
23:48.38drumkillaDamin_Mobile: I just saw that one email from bkw on the list
23:49.22*** join/#asterisk ArkyLady (
23:50.13*** join/#asterisk lilneon (
23:50.20lilneonhey everyone.. good everning
23:50.25lilneonevening* lol
23:50.26jessteranyone know if SetCallerPres works on sip ? i don't see it working for me. Im doing a call to another Sip provider
23:52.52sivanaDamin_Mobile: I had rewritten that, too bad kram didn't want to commit it
23:53.37sivanaDamin_Mobile: mine also reconnects if the db connection dies
23:54.18*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
23:55.24*** join/#asterisk johngalt (
23:55.42Damin_MobileDid he say why?
23:55.54sivanaI removed the useless cli stuff and he wanted it in
23:56.06Exstaticaif i have a asterisk box behind a firewall on a nat ip... but it has a external ip mapped... how can i get the asterisk box to use it's external address?
23:56.20sivanaI can give you it, I still have it
23:56.31Zawhow do you guys admin your asterisk machines? is there a better way than launching it via screen and re-attaching to it?
23:56.55Nuggetthat's precisely what I do.
23:57.28Damin_Mobilesivana: it takes 2 minutes to setup cDr_odbc, so no thanks.
23:57.37Damin_Mobilezaw: no.
23:57.45drumkillajust typing "asterisk" will launch it as a daemon ...
23:58.45ChujiDoes the current asterisk-addons require current HEAD?
23:58.49brc_sivana, still getting the quota message?
23:58.55brc_I'll look into it if so
23:58.59drumkillaChuji: there is a v1-0 addons as well
23:59.11harryvvIs it typical for a service like sixtel servers to be near saturation point that I would be placed into a call que until a pstn line was avaible and I can only hear the other calling party and not talk to them?
23:59.26Chujidrumkilla : Thanks
23:59.41drumkillaChuji: what were you trying to use?
23:59.50sivanabrc_: yes
23:59.52harryvvI would dial the number into the states and it takes 15 second before I hear a ring on the other end.

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