irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050324

00:00.11SpaceBassfuck this thing with SIP
00:00.19SpaceBassarrugg... its configured right and just will not register
00:01.19*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (PTG123@
00:01.23AgiNamuand ethereal says?
00:01.44SpaceBasshaven't tried it yet... gotta set up my switch and all
00:01.54SpaceBassor posion the arp cache :)
00:01.55AgiNamujsut run it on your asterisk machine
00:02.02AgiNamuor tcpdump
00:02.18SpaceBassdont have tetheral
00:02.25AgiNamuare you using STUN
00:02.28SpaceBassi can try tcpdump, but dont know it
00:02.30AgiNamuyou might need a STUN server or something.
00:02.38AgiNamutcpdump udp port 5060 should do it?
00:02.41SpaceBassnot using stun that i know of
00:02.51AgiNamuor tcpdump udp host <your phone ip>
00:03.23AgiNamusimple traversal of udp thru nat
00:03.25AgiNamuor some shit like that.
00:03.35AgiNamumaybe it'll help.
00:03.41AgiNamuagain, sip sucks
00:03.52AgiNamuok, well, im out
00:03.54Supaplexcorrection. it is the suck.
00:04.01sbarriuslater AgiNamu!
00:04.04AgiNamuteh sux0rs.
00:04.14Supaplexyeh :)
00:04.21Los415hey guys anyone experience asterisk crashing randomly when using the asterisk-addons mainly the mysql addon
00:04.22AgiNamug'luck SpaceBass.
00:04.40SupaplexLos415: define crash
00:05.00SpaceBasstrying tcpdump now
00:05.35*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
00:05.53SpaceBassand called away to make dinner
00:06.08Los415suppalex asterisk just stops
00:06.22Los415there is no core dump
00:06.27Los415nothing in the logs
00:06.34Los415and it's random
00:13.45sneakhey - anyone know why my 7960 has a lower version than the file specified in OS79XX.TXT and it's not downloading the new one?
00:14.09jessterIm troubleshooting a phone hanging off a FXS port of a channel bank. The the phone is in use, and another call comes in, asterisk cli shows "Zap/106-busy-678259056 is busy" but the caller hears ring, then eventually goes dead. I've pasted my relevant zapata.conf here
00:14.09*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
00:14.18jontowsneak; you also have to edit that in SIPmacaddr.cnf
00:14.37jontowoh, my bad
00:14.41jontowsneak; i meant SIPDefault.cnf
00:14.57jontow# SIP Default Generic Configuration File
00:14.57jontow# Image Version
00:14.57jontowimage_version: P0S3-07-3-00
00:15.14jontowsynchronize those two files, reboot the phone.. and you'll be upgrading :)
00:15.28jontownp :)
00:15.35dmccollumGood evening everyone. I just installed a X100P card in my asterisk box and when I try to dial-out using a xlite client I get the all cicuits are busy message from asterisk. Anyone know what might be wrong?
00:16.30sneakis there a non-pain-in-the-ass way of getting like 100 phones running 3.1 callmanager firmware upgraded to 7.x SIP firmware?
00:16.35bkw_ya you failed to read all the docs?
00:16.46bkw_can you provide us the dial line from your extensions.conf
00:16.53bkw_otherwise we are just guessing why you can't dialout
00:17.49BrianR___sneak: Yes. About a half dozen files on the tftp server :)
00:18.00BrianR___sneak: but the phones will all upgrade unattended..
00:19.35kramdmccollum: is your x100p from digium?
00:19.52kramdmccollum: if so you can get free support with it of course, and i can make sure someone stays around to help
00:20.12bkw_if he will provide the .conf stuffs ;)
00:20.14dmccollumNo, I bought it from ebay.
00:20.15bkw_or what the CLI says
00:20.16sneakok yet another dumb question - i've put the image_version: line in my SIPDefault.cnf and it's also the same file basename as is in the OS79XX.TXT, and the phone, upon booting, tftps the new 5.3 SIP image down - but it doesn't say "upgrading software" and it doesn't reboot - it just says "phone unprovisioned"
00:20.25krami see
00:20.28bkw_dmccollum, you're sol maybe.. but paste what the CLI says.
00:20.35dmccollumexten => s,1,GotoIf($[foo${ECID${CALLERIDNUM}} = foo]?4) ;check for CID override for exten
00:20.35dmccollumexten => s,2,SetCallerID(${ECID${CALLERIDNUM}})
00:20.35dmccollumexten => s,3,Goto(6)
00:20.35dmccollumexten => s,4,GotoIf($[foo${OUTCID_${ARG1}} = foo]?6) ;check for CID override for trunk
00:20.36dmccollumexten => s,5,SetCallerID(${OUTCID_${ARG1}})
00:20.38dmccollumexten => s,6,SetVar(length=${LEN(${DIAL_OUT_${ARG1}})})
00:20.40dmccollumexten => s,7,Dial(${OUT_${ARG1}}/${ARG2:${length}})
00:20.42dmccollumexten => s,8,Congestion
00:20.43bkw_NO NO NOT IN HERE
00:20.44dmccollumexten => s,108,Macro(outisbusy)
00:20.50dwmw2_gonehas anyone looked hard at chan_bluetooth.c?
00:20.52dmccollumIs that the dial-out lines you're looking for?
00:20.53dwmw2_gone(and remained sane)
00:21.05bkw_no I need to know what calls that macro
00:21.23bkw_you'll have something exten => blah,1,Macro(dialout)
00:21.25bkw_something like that
00:22.03bkw_watching the CLI while you dial.. and paste that into
00:22.11bkw_would be most helpful
00:22.48dmccollumExecuting Macro("SIP/201-b73a", "dialout|3|96785208657") in new stack
00:23.12bkw_just do this
00:23.31bkw_exten => _X.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
00:23.36bkw_make it simeple
00:23.53bkw_then when you understand what you're doing them you can jump into more complex things
00:24.22bkw_i'm all for helping people but we aren't going to school you on ever aspect of what to do unless you atleast try.
00:24.23dmccollumk, I'm using the asterisk@home install. So a lot of that stuff is put in there by them. Trying to figure it all out.
00:24.44bkw_someone needs to smack those people
00:24.47bkw_and make them do something simple
00:24.57bkw_they gotta make it all complex
00:25.10bkw_after the executing macro line
00:25.12bkw_what do you see?
00:25.23fgravatoso very try bry
00:25.37dmccollumthere's like 20 lines of stuff. i can paste it here if you want.
00:25.37bkw_asterisk is hard enuf to understand as it is
00:25.47bkw_go use that
00:25.53bkw_paste me the URL
00:25.54bkw_in here
00:26.18bkw_kram my man
00:26.22bkw_no app_chanspy.c?
00:26.36bkw_cvs add baby?
00:27.26kramwe're working on chan_spy
00:27.27buddahshould have pastebin'd that
00:27.30krami'm working on it
00:27.33kramwe got the first part
00:27.42bkw_ah kewl
00:27.44*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
00:28.24sivanakram: is rumors true about a TE411P? :)
00:28.25sbarriusOK, I know I have bitching about broadvoice... but I just talked to a very nice and help tech...they are redeemed in my eyse
00:28.28bkw_sivana, yes
00:28.37jessterIm troubleshooting a phone hanging off a FXS port of a channel bank. The the phone is in use, and another call comes in, asterisk cli shows "Zap/106-busy-678259056 is busy" but the caller hears ring, then eventually goes dead. I've pasted my relevant zapata.conf here
00:28.48tainted-sbarrius what kind of problems where u having
00:28.48G0shenI like the visual enhancements to openoffice 2.0beta
00:28.49bkw_jesster, dude you ghave asked that like 3 times already right?
00:28.50Wonka"cvs commit suicide"
00:29.01sbarriusturns out that after I added my 800 number the password on there side changed...
00:29.04jessteri've asked it a few times since this morning
00:29.06dmccollumbkw: here's the link.
00:29.31bkw_output of ztcfg -vvv please
00:29.32tainted-sbarrius i've had problems with my 800 # lately too
00:29.33bkw_in the pastebin
00:29.56bkw_dmccollum, I suspect you're about to learn why you don't buy X101's from ebay
00:30.12sivanabah.. another one
00:30.53*** join/#asterisk Geo- (
00:31.21bkw_jesster, you have this hooked to a channelbank?
00:31.32bkw_paste the output of ztcfg -vvv
00:31.38bkw_and cat /proc/interrupts
00:31.45bkw_along with lsmod
00:31.50bkw_and show version
00:31.57jessterbkw_: yes
00:31.58bkw_same for you dmccollum
00:32.07sbarriustainted: did they change your password on  you too?
00:33.12bkw_oh watch this.. brb
00:34.41dmccollumbkw: here's the new link.
00:35.55terrapenRight about now...
00:36.08terrapenYou are about to be posessed by the sounds of...
00:36.10bkw_show me zaptel.conf and /etc/zapata.conf
00:36.19terrapenMC Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock
00:36.28Exstaticaanyone ever seen this? Unable to find key '1231231234' in family 'SIP/Registry'
00:38.10buddahrob base and ez rock
00:38.19*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
00:38.23jessterbkw im gonna paste output of ztcfg -vvv to pastebin has it's lengthy
00:38.25bkw_Exstatica, yes you're trying to do a dbget
00:38.30buddahwas base and rock too much for you terrapen?
00:38.50terrapenIT TAKES TWO
00:38.54buddahthey are quite a good act to see live
00:39.00Exstaticabkw_, yeah i'm trying to use realtime
00:39.05terrapeni saw them on spring break at south padre island
00:39.07buddahrob base's ring he wore nye in 01 was worth more than my house
00:39.07terrapenin about 1996
00:39.13terrapenand they were lip-syncing
00:39.16terrapen(no shit)
00:39.18terrapenit was so depressing
00:39.18bkw_ok lost interest brb
00:39.19buddahthat sucks
00:39.23buddahi hate that
00:39.32buddahits ok for stupid mtv people and like pop chick singers
00:39.37buddahbut good acts, dissapointing
00:39.37jedaustinOn Broadvoice, other than being $10 more is there any difference between Unlimited World, and Unlimted Business?
00:39.46terrapenit didn't even look like Rob Base
00:39.47jessterbkw_: ztcfg -vvv is now avil on
00:39.55terrapenand i don't remember EZ Rock being with him
00:40.04terrapenit was almost surreal though
00:40.12terrapeni was getting shithoused at this bar with my friend
00:40.18terrapena giant huge beach bar
00:40.24terrapenit held like 4,000 people or something
00:40.28KalD|WORKis there any way to change the order in which Zap dials out?  i.e.  Dial out high channels vs low channels?
00:40.36terrapenand the MC introduced him
00:40.40terrapenit was pretty funny
00:40.50terrapenbut, i swear, they played the track of the CD
00:40.58terrapenand he lipped along
00:41.47*** join/#asterisk sysdef (~s-y-s-d-e@sysdef.admin.debiancenter)
00:42.01dmccollumbkw: here's the updated post with config files.
00:42.06jessterbkw_: do you want interrupts pasted to private msg or on pastebin
00:43.07jessterbkw_: show version output: Asterisk CVS-Nv1-0-7-03/20/05-16:52:03
00:43.18tclarkKalD|WORK: ya use g or G or are i think for round robin
00:44.34harryvvDont know if thats high or low based on other carriers.
00:44.40jedaustinharryvv: is that including the local loop?
00:44.51harryvvThat was not discussed.
00:45.02harryvvyou mean the instalation of the physical plant?
00:45.07harryvvlaying the cable?
00:45.44jedaustinIn AZ they charge you once for the physical line, an again for the isp connection (T1 might be different)
00:45.58*** part/#asterisk sysdef (~s-y-s-d-e@sysdef.admin.debiancenter)
00:46.59terrapeni wonder if this Asterisk consulting gig will ever pan out
00:47.08terrapensupposedly it is August time frame
00:47.11terrapenwhich really blows
00:47.19terrapenthats like.... six fucking months almost
00:47.25harryvvGet it in writting
00:47.31terrapenthis lady is probably just jerking us off
00:47.36jedaustinterrapen: dont wait for it.. take on other work
00:47.51terrapenthe friend that brings these things to me...about 1/3 of the project actually pan out
00:47.54harryvvWhy August?
00:48.00terrapenjed: oh, hell no, of course not :)
00:48.06harryvvyea was going to say the same thing.
00:48.16terrapenharry: who knows...supposedly this company is moving into an office in august and needs the phone system
00:48.27terrapeni hate paying commission to my friend
00:48.29terrapenbut i will have to
00:48.34harryvvhate it?
00:48.43terrapenanyone have suggestions for developing your own business leads?
00:48.44*** join/#asterisk bitbucket (
00:48.44harryvvhecj he is brining you the work
00:48.48terrapeni know :)
00:48.54terrapenbut im greedy
00:48.58terrapeni will gladly pay him
00:48.59jedaustinterrapen: too iffy.. move on but keep it on the back burner
00:49.05bitbuckethave question re: dtmf
00:49.06terrapenbut i want to start bringing my own things in
00:49.11jedaustinterrapen: word of mouth works for me
00:49.16harryvvyou really cant do this terracon. Look at the big picture.
00:49.17terrapenanyone ever advertised phone stuff in the Business Journal?
00:49.24bitbucketis there someone who can help?
00:49.37harryvvHonesty in biz really pays off.
00:49.42terrapenhary: cant do what?
00:49.45jedaustinbitbucket: just ask your question if someone knows they'll speak up
00:50.14bitbucketi have a sip provider, using rfc2833 for dtmf
00:50.25bitbucketbut sometimes digits are doubled or dropped
00:50.28jedaustinbitbucket: heres are good lists to join
00:50.47Shido6rfc2833 shouldnt do that
00:50.51Shido6u sure its not inband?
00:51.04jedaustinbitbucket: which provider?
00:51.19*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (~jj@
00:51.22bitbucketfor example, level3
00:52.07roamer323bitbucket - which codec is used?  and for incoming or outgoing calls or both?
00:52.18bitbucketonly outgoing calls, and g729
00:52.32jedaustinHmm.. does anyone know the difference between Broadvoice's Unlimited World and Unlimited Business accounts?
00:52.37jedaustinOther than $10 :)
00:52.52roamer323bitbucket -well - g.729 , you're definitely rfc2833 - inband would've never worked
00:53.16*** part/#asterisk oo (~marko@marko.horde)
00:53.32roamer323bitbucket - are you on 1.0.7?
00:53.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:54.08bitbucketno, 1.0.5
00:54.21bitbuckethas something changed about dtmf handling between those releases?
00:54.48roamer323bitbucket - no but some g.729 bugs - are you on digum's for-paid codec?
00:54.54*** join/#asterisk testing234235453 (
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00:55.23roamer323bitbucket - sorry, no further ideas - hope someone else does
00:55.52*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
00:56.04testing234235453Got a question about flashing FXO
00:56.21jedaustinbitbucket, sure it's not your phone?
00:56.35FuriousGeorgethere isnt any problem with using a softphone on the server to test my initial setup, is there?  does that create any sort of conflictsetup
00:56.49*** join/#asterisk epoch (
00:56.51jedaustinFuriousGeorge: nope, that's what I did
00:57.06FuriousGeorgeone last ?:  where can i find x-lite for linux.   its like hidden
00:57.45jedaustinHmm.. good question
00:58.08testing234235453I bought a TDM11B so I could do call waiting, need some help
00:58.23bitbucketjedaustin -- i doubt it. i've tried with several softphones and a cisco 7905, and the same behaviour with each
00:58.35testing234235453I configured a macro to flash the line then transfer back but no luck
01:00.11jedaustinFuriousGeorge: I can't vouch for it, but theres a project on source forge called 'shtoom' that claims to be a sip framework/phone written in python
01:00.46jedaustinOops.. that one is still in progress
01:03.06Geo-hmm can i get my outgoing caller ID to a DID i own that isnt hooked into the PRI im using to call out from? the DID forwards to the DIDs on the PRI..
01:05.03*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Jayden] (
01:05.33*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
01:05.54*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
01:06.43*** join/#asterisk pigpigpig (~pig@
01:07.05ariel_question for anyone with T1/Pri use. Is there any program or utility for asterisk or for the linux server that will monitor and email or page if the t1 line goes down?
01:07.23zhiercan i configure my pc as a sever with Asterisk PBX?
01:07.54jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
01:08.05MikeJ[Jayden]zhier, ^^^^
01:08.50zhierMikeJ[Jayden] :what
01:09.53*** join/#asterisk Max629 (
01:10.03*** part/#asterisk Max629 (
01:11.20MikeJ[Jayden]read about * a little.
01:11.37MikeJ[Jayden]you had an EXTREMELY broad question...
01:11.44drumkillathe answer is yes :)
01:12.16MikeJ[Jayden]the answer is asterisk is a realtime app, and generally shuold run on a dedicated box
01:12.19chebut a short answer ;)
01:12.43drumkillaMikeJ[Jayden]: well, if you're just doing your personal stuff in your house, it's not that big of a deal
01:12.57zhierand i know the documentation says "yes", but i can't do this. i have tried for several days!
01:12.59drumkillaif you're just starting out and playing
01:13.11drumkillazhier: well maybe you should specify your problem :)
01:13.19niZonI run asterisk in vmware :P
01:13.25MikeJ[Jayden]ummmm, I suppose, untill you are runing it on a machine with X or windows, and any time you do somthing cpu intensive your audio goes to hell
01:13.29niZonIt sucks horribly though :(
01:13.37*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
01:13.46zhieri want configure my pc as a sever.
01:14.04drumkilla(i'm going to guess windows)
01:14.46testing234235453I just got a TDM11B, can call outside numbers from FXS but not internal.  I know it's probably dialplan but I don't see error on console
01:15.18MikeJ[Jayden]running it on windows would be fine if you are running asteriskwin32, BUT, that is only a 1.0.5 release (2 minor releases behind) and you dont have sourcecode (as he will not be releasing the patches till next week)
01:15.37*** join/#asterisk IQ (
01:15.40drumkillai wonder if his patches are commit-worthy ...
01:15.43MikeJ[Jayden]and by fine I mean, if nothing else is running on the box, especially on windows
01:16.20MikeJ[Jayden]drumkilla, he said he would have them out on monday, I also have some stuff another guy worked on, but in written, not patch form
01:16.29drumkillacool stuff
01:16.39drumkillais it written in a way that it could be merged with the tree?
01:16.57MikeJ[Jayden]the reason I cautioned so much about other stuff on the same box with windows is because the cygwin support for realtime priority is messed up
01:17.12MikeJ[Jayden]the patches I have are pretty minor,
01:17.34drumkillaI'm curious to see what had to be changed
01:17.54MikeJ[Jayden]there are still issues w/ the patches I have...but I don't have several things working yet
01:18.09MikeJ[Jayden]one sec...
01:18.43dwmw2_gonewheee. chan_bluetooth actually works and does full duplex
01:18.53MikeJ[Jayden]I have seen one set, and about to look on monday at another set... problem is, if they are not disclaimed, I may not be able to do the patches....
01:19.01MikeJ[Jayden]do you know the line on that?
01:19.08MikeJ[Jayden]can I point you in the right direction?
01:19.52MikeJ[Jayden]or is it fine, as long as I re do it my way, as the stuff I have is pretty rough, mostly... This thread priority stuff dosn't work in cygwin so ifdef it out.
01:19.53drumkillahm ... why wouldn't the authors be willing to disclaim it if it was minor?
01:20.11drumkillaMikeJ[Jayden]: I think it's fine if you redo it your own way
01:20.23MikeJ[Jayden]well... the asteriskwin32 guy is trying to sell customized versions
01:20.27IQHi, what is "MOH Server" ?
01:20.33MikeJ[Jayden]so kram and him probably need to chat
01:20.39drumkillaI think the knowhow for porting that stuff is public knowlege
01:20.51MikeJ[Jayden]it is
01:20.54testing234235453I just got a TDM11B, can call outside numbers from FXS but not internal.  I know it's probably dialplan but I don't see error on console
01:20.55drumkillawell, he's releasing the code
01:21.11MikeJ[Jayden]releasing gpl and disclaiming are 2 diff things
01:21.15drumkillahe's selling the service of customization, not the code ... so I don't see why it would matter
01:21.20drumkillayeah, i know ...
01:21.29MikeJ[Jayden]but I will do the leg work on the patches if need be
01:21.56drumkillawell I think that would be pretty lame if he wouldn't be willing to disclaim it
01:21.59MikeJ[Jayden]I kinda want to do some more ont he windows side than he did, having * run as a service and such
01:22.09drumkillathat's hardcore
01:22.24MikeJ[Jayden]service stuff is really easy w/ cygwin...
01:22.25SpaceBassanyone know about a pa168 ata?
01:22.33drumkillaI know *nothing* about windows programming
01:23.22MikeJ[Jayden]in cygwin there is a couple system calls, basically, you need a mode w/ no io to stdin or stdout...
01:23.24drumkillaMikeJ[Jayden]: you better put on your flame-retardant gear when you get to work on that :)
01:23.46MikeJ[Jayden]I have had it running on m,y laptop for a couple months....
01:25.00MikeJ[Jayden]every once in a while, when people get going off abnout linux, I paste in my console stuff that says asterisk 1.0.x on cygwin and get people going, mark was receptive when I mentioned I had patches, so when I have a better idea of what this guy did, I will call him to discuss before I post it
01:25.24drumkillawell I think that's great
01:25.31drumkillaanything that will help adoption
01:25.42drumkillaand having the option to try it in windows will help get people to try it out
01:25.49MikeJ[Jayden]I just need to do a little reorg of cli vs daemon so that I can have it run smooth as a service, with either a diff executable, or somthing for the cli
01:25.57SpaceBasshow do I set the RTP port in sip.conf?
01:26.05MikeJ[Jayden]exactly, but no zap
01:26.07drumkillaSpaceBass: rtp.conf
01:26.13MikeJ[Jayden]now, that would be fun to get working...
01:26.15drumkillaMikeJ[Jayden]: sure, as with any other OS != linux
01:26.17SpaceBassdrumkilla i have a start and an end range
01:26.27drumkillaSpaceBass: right
01:26.37SpaceBassbut I have a sip ATA that needs a specific port
01:27.04MikeJ[Jayden]drumkilla, are you on break?  I have seen you on a lot more than usual?
01:27.09drumkillaMikeJ[Jayden]: yeah :)
01:27.20*** join/#asterisk topping (
01:27.24MikeJ[Jayden]nice, I miss being in school
01:27.37SpaceBassso trying to figure out exactly which port it needs
01:28.12dwmw2_goneare there restrictions on when you can call ast_verbose() ?
01:28.33FuriousGeorgedoes anyone know where to get x-lite (or any decent softphone) for linux
01:28.49SpaceBassdid you try the digium one? gnophone or what ever?
01:29.36*** part/#asterisk Kumbang (~ecvs@
01:29.48SpaceBassok, finally got this sip ata to register
01:29.48dwmw2_gonethread 12 in seems to have deadlocked in ast_verbose()
01:29.58SpaceBassbut it still not working... has to be an rtp issue
01:30.57FuriousGeorgei am emrging gnophone
01:31.07*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
01:31.22FuriousGeorgespacebass:  did you say it wasnt working?
01:31.34SpaceBassFuriousGeorge my sip ata isnt working
01:31.52*** join/#asterisk mickm (
01:32.13SpaceBassdoes anyone know, is there a way to define a specific rtp port for a sip client?
01:32.17testing234235453I just got a TDM11B, can call outside numbers from FXS but not internal.  I know it's probably dialplan but I don't see error on console
01:32.35*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released || || Bravo.. ChanSpy is in CVS... Everyone send loads of cash to anthm ;)
01:32.39SpaceBasstesting234235453 did you change the manage.conf ?
01:32.52SpaceBassi only ask b/c I had a similar problem and that was the cause
01:33.09testing234235453hmmm, what did you change?
01:33.14testing234235453I'm looking now
01:33.27SpaceBassor manager.conf i guess
01:34.15testing234235453I did a while ago, but it just has access info for the manager interface
01:34.28*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
01:34.33mickmhi all, i am new to asterisk & have a hardware enquiry
01:35.20SpaceBassdrumkilla if I have a range of ports in rtp.conf how do i know which one a client is using? for instance if I was opening ports on a firewall
01:36.13SpaceBassmickm just ask
01:36.22mickmis the 4-line Dialogic D/41D supported
01:36.31*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
01:36.53testing234235453I don't think the manager.conf would help me
01:37.20SpaceBasstesting234235453 i didn't see why it affected me at all, but it did... just thought I'd throw it out there
01:37.27*** join/#asterisk riksta (
01:37.42testing234235453ok, do you remember what you changed?
01:37.48SpaceBassyeah, the admin password
01:38.02*** join/#asterisk [0xBoTNeTBusTr] (
01:38.07SpaceBassI made it the correct password which fixed the error i was getting in the CLI, but broke sip to sip calling
01:38.10*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
01:38.11SpaceBassbroke internal calls
01:38.18SpaceBassfuck this SIP ata
01:38.28*** join/#asterisk jojoba (~aaronzhon@
01:39.09testing234235453what pwd did you associate with the manager pwd
01:39.23SpaceBasswhat I made my manager password :)
01:39.49SpaceBassas long as the password is wrong, everything works fine
01:39.58stustuCan someone tell me if it's possible for Asterisk to send Caller Id after polarity reversal, before the first ring, on an fxs channel?
01:40.00SpaceBassi'm using asterisk@home which might have something to do with it
01:40.44testing234235453ahhh, I had an X100p in this system with an ATA186 working just fine
01:41.08testing234235453everything works with the TDM11B except internal calling
01:41.21testing234235453the numbers are in the same context
01:41.30SpaceBassi have 2 x100ps and I could call out and in from them just fine, it was just internal calling... all in the same context
01:41.45SpaceBassi reinstalled 2x before I realized that is what I was changing that affected it
01:43.21testing234235453I get an immediate reorder
01:43.35*** join/#asterisk meanphil (
01:43.41mickmanyone know if the 4-line Dialogic D/41D works ok with asterisk
01:43.59*** join/#asterisk che (~che@che.user)
01:44.23QwellNote to self: Do not ask a friend to leave you a test voicemail.
01:44.55bonez41Qwell, get a funny test voicemail?
01:45.03Qwellbonez41: something like that
01:45.03testing234235453I get an immediate hangup and reorder
01:48.09*** join/#asterisk ronn (~zakforeve@
02:02.32SexyKenHey guys...anyone work with faxing & asterisk much?
02:03.01SpaceBassanyone ever use a pa168 or 1t-168 ata?
02:03.32SexyKenAsterisk prints this: -- but the Fax I'm sending from says 'Fax did not answer'
02:03.36SexyKenAnyone know why this would happen?
02:04.28*** join/#asterisk Rob- (
02:04.50SexyKenAnyone know how to make the call use a certain codec?
02:05.11Kattycall collect! </sarcasm>
02:06.11testing234235453what can I debug to see a phone off FXS fail to call a SIP device?  Console is not showing error
02:07.20mikegrbset verbose 10
02:07.26mikegrbset debug 10
02:07.55tainted-sbarrius you there?
02:08.25SexyKenHey -- > actual format = gsm, -- is there anyway to force G711 on an incoming call? (only for a certain did)
02:09.13testing234235453did that ... all I get is Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
02:10.59*** join/#asterisk omarc55 (
02:12.09testing234235453set debug 10 and tried it.  Got same but also said 'urgent handler'  ????
02:13.11tainted-how do i turn off sip debug
02:13.25QwellKatty: s/??/?/g :)
02:13.36KattyQwell: (=
02:14.44tzangeroh guys listen up
02:14.48tzangerI want more music like that
02:14.53tzangerwtf kind of music is that
02:15.07TomLManxPower: you around?
02:15.17QwellWhats with all these realplayer links lately?
02:15.22Kattytzanger: tsk tsk, always demanding
02:15.42tzangerKatty: I am a very demanding person.
02:15.50Kattytzanger: i see
02:15.50tzangervery demanding of myself and of others
02:16.30tzangerI think I just discovered that I like latin guitar
02:16.45tzangerI just practised for an hour and I sound NOTHING like that
02:16.50TomLdant: you here?
02:17.22TomLmaybe someone else knows a bit about about cisco qos...
02:17.36testing234235453try me, on qos
02:17.39TomLdoes "match dscp ef" match SIP packets automatically or do they need to be mangled before they reach the cisco?
02:17.46tzangerI'm a QoS guru, just not on Cisco :-)
02:18.12testing234235453ef doesn't = sip
02:18.27TomLwhat is it?
02:18.37jojobaAnyone knows how to modify asterisk source code to detect answer on FXO channels outside US?
02:18.37testing234235453they hav e to be marked first by something
02:18.50testing234235453phone, or application
02:18.59TomLthe phone itself might do it?
02:19.22testing234235453cisco's set ip precedence 5 by default
02:19.37TomLoh no shit
02:19.48TomLthats kinda... gay :)
02:20.00TomLoh goddamnit, I don't remember the password for my sipura
02:20.12SexyKenHey -- > actual format = gsm, -- is there anyway to force G711 on an incoming call? (only for a certain did)
02:21.04testing234235453Voice is king when it comes to Cisco QoS
02:21.05tzangerSexyKen: if you can have them come in to a different type=user, of course
02:21.30tzangerSexyKen: otherwise there was some talk of per-call codec negotiation on the list a little while back but I don't think it really got anywhere
02:22.12SexyKenThis is for incoming
02:22.58tzangerSexyKen: I know
02:23.04dwmw2_goneI suppose it would be more userfriendly if you didn't have to recompile chan_bluetooth if you want it to dial a different number?
02:23.41*** join/#asterisk FxMulder (
02:24.07FxMulderanyone know why I'd be getting "Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address" in
02:24.37*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (~ph33r@chaoscon.user)
02:24.41fgravatotzanger you trying to be Ottmar Liebert
02:25.11tzangerwho's that?
02:25.24fgravatoanother latin guitar
02:25.26tzangerespecially track 2 and 7...  I had no idea
02:25.30tzangerI liked this stuff
02:25.38QwellFxMulder: did you mean to put Zap/1?
02:25.42Kattytzanger: k
02:25.49tzangerKatty: my birthday's coming up, hint, hint
02:25.59tzangeractually no hint, I'll have bought it by then
02:26.00*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
02:26.11tzangeranyway bedtime
02:26.11Kattytzanger: silly rabbit, i don't waste money
02:26.17Kattyand irish
02:26.20tzangerKatty: it's not wasting... that's good music
02:26.26tzangerworth buying
02:26.27Kattytzanger: k
02:26.42*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
02:26.48Kattytzanger: nini
02:28.27omarc55Hi all, I am getting chan_zap.c:6939 zt_request: Unknown option '}' in '1}' when I dial another extension, I've tried to find out what this is but no luck. anybody know what this might be?
02:28.50SexyKentzanger -- so how would I fix it up to force G711 on the call?
02:30.47fgravatotzanger i have some Ottmar Liebert
02:30.49fgravatoon cd
02:30.53fgravatoif you want ?
02:30.55FxMulderits referring to zapata.conf
02:31.28Qwellomarc55: Whats your dial line look like?
02:31.46QwellFxMulder: oh
02:32.24omarc55exten => 640,1,Dial(ZAP/1})
02:32.26QwellFxMulder: the zt tools show everything is working ok?
02:32.31Qwellomarc55: There's obviously a typo there
02:32.34Qwellremove the }
02:32.35SexyKenHow can I force G711 on an incoming call?
02:32.45bkw_only allow it
02:32.47bkw_or allow it first
02:33.31FxMulderI've only used those once, sec
02:33.40omarc55well, that was easy. thanks!
02:33.54*** join/#asterisk guugmember (~Casa@
02:34.05SexyKenbkw_ -> Can I set this 'allow' for only a certian DID?
02:34.21bkw_you're kidding me right?
02:34.27bkw_does it come from X or Y provider
02:34.33bkw_and is that the only did from said provider?
02:34.43SexyKenI have 10 DID's froma single provider.
02:34.52bkw_and you just want this one to be ulaw right?
02:34.53SexyKenOnly 1 of the DID's needs to be G711 only
02:34.57omarc55I am having problems with call parking too, its not working. I dial #700 and I hear the numbers being pressed on the other phone but its not doing anything. features.conf says the parkext is 700. and I've included the parkedcalls in my context. do you know what could be wrong?
02:34.59bkw_let me guess faxing?
02:35.05bkw_good luck
02:35.15bkw_faxing over g711 is spotty at best
02:35.17guugmemberhow can I make a call to a 911 through internet, with the location issue
02:35.30bkw_guugmember, go read on google
02:35.42FxMulder"/usr/src/zaptel/ztcfg" fails on ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
02:35.50bkw_I smell no hardware
02:35.54bkw_or a misconfigure
02:35.57guugmemberbkw_, that is why im here
02:36.01Qwellmissing driver?
02:36.05bkw_we aren't 911 experts
02:36.22FxMulderit works, thats whats weird.. it works and then I notice the server stalls, I restart and I get configuration errors
02:36.27bkw_that is something that is done 100 different ways
02:36.29*** part/#asterisk Blissex (
02:36.36bkw_some people link 911 to the local police dept
02:36.38JerJer[mobile]don't you just push 911 out your PRIs?  :P
02:36.44bkw_ya really
02:36.44QwellJerJer[mobile]: y0
02:36.46guugmemberbkw_, that was the answer i was expecting
02:36.48SexyKenbkw_, - that's the result that asterisk shows, but the fax machine I'm sending from says 'no answer from fax'
02:36.52JerJer[mobile]let the telco deal wth it   :)
02:37.15fgravatoyeah let nufone deal with it - wink wink :-p
02:37.15QwellJerJer[mobile]: Did Greg already tell you about my funky provisioned tollfree DID? :p
02:37.15brc_bkw_, your box crashed
02:37.28JerJer[mobile]Qwell: yep... try getting another one
02:37.32JerJer[mobile]if we have any more
02:37.34Qwellhe already did
02:37.50QwellJerJer[mobile]: Any idea what happened there?  Kinda curious
02:37.52SexyKenbkw_, Does that mean it's using gsm and not g711?
02:38.03JerJer[mobile]that number doesn't land on our switch, so the RespOrg screwed up
02:38.26QwellJerJer[mobile]: weird.  when I called later last night, I got a comedian mailbox
02:38.50FxMulderdunno, I'll have to play with it when I get home
02:39.03JerJer[mobile]there are more than just one asterisk user
02:39.13QwellJerJer[mobile]: I know, heh
02:40.17BeirdoJerJer[mobile]: thanks for the quick turn around on the DID :)
02:40.50guugmemberwho has played with the varion cards here?
02:41.06JerJer[mobile]guugmember:  I don't think many are that stupid
02:41.25guugmemberJerJer[mobile], why? not good cards?
02:41.28SexyKenCan I chang ethis: exten => 2122034845,1,Macro(faxreceive) to force G711 or no
02:41.39*** join/#asterisk voyage (Savek@
02:41.43voyagehi all
02:42.20JerJer[mobile]guugmember:  Digium has dramatically improved the zapata design
02:42.36zhierand i don't know how to construct a sever with my own pc.
02:42.38voyageis it possible to use asterisk to just play SIP-Proxy for a couple of clients?
02:42.42TomLtesting234235453: would you happen to know if the Sipura-1001 does that by default?
02:42.50bkw_SexyKen, since when has exten => had anything to do with receiving a call?
02:42.52bkw_the call is already up
02:42.56bkw_by the time it gets there
02:43.12guugmemberJerJer[mobile], but the price difference is considerable
02:43.19SexyKenbkw_, I see. I'm so confused man...I just want to force G711 for a single did.
02:43.35JerJer[mobile]guugmember: Caveat Emptor
02:44.06JerJer[mobile]they produce their own boards in-house
02:44.15JerJer[mobile]and they are using the old dallas T-1 framer
02:44.22JerJer[mobile]buy a Digium board
02:44.25*** join/#asterisk maruz (
02:44.28mog_home3bkw_ can you explain the f option to me for app dial?
02:44.37guugmemberJerJer[mobile], digium board? or digium card?
02:44.45Qwellboard ~= card
02:44.45docelmoguugmember, same thing
02:44.47JerJer[mobile]what's the differenece?
02:45.03guugmemberJerJer[mobile], what is Caveat Emptor?
02:45.03SexyKenbkw, I suppose if I was using a completely different provider for the fax did, I'd understand it but since I have 10 did's, 9 of them being voice did's, I dont know what to do.
02:45.15bkw_mog_home3, so 1000 don't get leaked to the PSTN
02:45.17bkw_as the cid
02:45.28JerJer[mobile]SexyKen: DNIS
02:45.32bkw_he can't
02:45.43JerJer[mobile]then fire that lame provider
02:45.48mog_home3but what does
02:45.51mog_home3a did
02:45.54bkw_it all hits the same user/pass
02:46.01mog_home3and how does it know to get which did
02:46.10JerJer[mobile]it still should come down with DNIS
02:46.21drumkillabkw_: how come app_chanspy.c includes channel_pvt.h ?
02:46.31drumkillathat doesn't exist :)
02:46.38JerJer[mobile]not any more
02:46.54JerJer[mobile]the author needs to update his code
02:46.56drumkillathe one that just got committed tries to include it
02:47.40drumkillajust wanted to get a sanity check before I committed the change
02:48.30sudhir492For terminating calls on H323, which is preferred : h323 or oh323?
02:48.46bkw_drumkilla, hold off chanspy is broken
02:49.07mog_home3the f thing?
02:49.09drumkillawell, it at least compiles with that line out
02:49.25bkw_mog_home3, go read the show application dial
02:49.27bkw_it tells you boi
02:49.29mog_home3i have
02:49.30bkw_I call A to B
02:49.31drumkillabkw_: so you tell me
02:49.35bkw_b transfers to C on the PSTN
02:49.42bkw_the callerid doesn't need to be A's cid
02:50.15mog_home3but how does it know caller id of c
02:50.29bkw_it doesn't... it gives you away to FORCE it
02:50.33bkw_to be something other than it is
02:50.34mog_home3whatever , if i dont need to plug vards i dont really care
02:50.35bkw_ask mark
02:50.37bkw_he wrote it
02:50.43mog_home3i am just testing dial plan stuff for mark
02:50.48mog_home3every app is going to be tested
02:50.50bkw_its a hack
02:51.00bkw_fixing the real problem would have been a bigger patch I suspect
02:51.03mog_home3closest thing we will have to unit testing for a while
02:51.36testing234235453having problems with FXS calling SIP ... they are in same context ... FXS can call out FXO (on TDM11B)
02:52.00testing234235453I had a ATA186 and X100P working no problem
02:52.25*** join/#asterisk pigpigpig (~pig@
02:53.06testing234235453I get an immediate hangup and reorder
02:54.33*** join/#asterisk pdracevich (
02:55.32pdracevicha good conferecing, program, that is not Meetme
02:55.58QwellWas that a question?
02:56.07mikegrbJerJer[mobile]: I will!
02:56.12mikegrbJerJer[mobile]: Will you marry me?
02:56.17Qwellmaybe we're playing jeopardy
02:56.22JerJer[mobile]sorry i'm taken
02:56.53pdracevichdo you know of a good conferecing, program, that is not Meetme? *blush*
02:58.04bjohnsonI think it's Yoda
02:58.05*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
02:58.17JerJer[mobile]Meetme I will
02:58.33drumkillathe only other one that is public is app_conference, i think
02:59.19testing234235453I know it's something stupid, but 'set debug 10' is not showing me anything
03:00.14bjohnsontry set verbose 5
03:00.16*** join/#asterisk Half_Dome (
03:00.26testing234235453I have set verbose 10 on
03:01.09bjohnsonthe fxs is using sip?
03:01.36bjohnsonwhat is new compared to what you had working?
03:01.47bkw_NOT MEETME
03:01.52bkw_but you can't have it
03:01.54bkw_na na ne boo boo
03:02.00testing234235453no, I'm trying to call a SIP device from a analog off of the FXS
03:02.17bjohnsonthe fxs is on the pci card?
03:02.18testing234235453what changed, ATA186/X100P to TDM11B
03:02.40bjohnsonyou turned 2 pieces of hardware into one?
03:02.57SexyKenexten => 2201,1,Macro(faxreceive)
03:02.57SexyKenexten => h,1,system(/usr/local/sbin/mailfax ${FAXFILE} "" "${CALLERIDNUM} ${CALLERIDNAME}")
03:03.09testing234235453ATA186/X100P everything wrked, just couldn't make call waiting work
03:03.10SexyKenDoes it make any sense why Asterisk wouldn't execute the hangup extension ?
03:03.30bjohnsonSexyKen: not from that
03:03.34bkw_because h needs to be in the macro
03:03.48bjohnsontesting234235453: you're gonna have to explain better
03:03.49testing234235453bjohnson, yes 2 into 1
03:04.19Half_DomeIf I have an * box with a 4 port FXO card, do my SIP phones have to support 4 lines?
03:04.30bjohnsonHalf_Dome: no
03:04.55bjohnsonHalf_Dome: they could be one line and you can config * to just pick the first one of the four that is available
03:05.06testing234235453I have a TDM11b, analog off FXS and PSTN off of FXO.  I want my analog to be able to call other SIP devices
03:05.30bjohnsontesting234235453: of course you have an analog phone off a fxs .. where is the fxs?
03:05.34testing234235453it can call out the FXO, and the SIP devices can call it...but no callin into sop
03:05.47bjohnsonand of course the pstn is off the fxo .. where is the fxo?
03:05.57*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
03:06.29SexyKenbkw_, I moved h to the macro and that doesn't execute either.
03:07.09testing234235453bjohnson, did I explain a bit better?
03:08.10bjohnsondid the sip device work before?
03:08.44testing234235453sip to sip works fine
03:08.54bjohnsoncan the sip dial anything on the pci card?
03:09.33bjohnsonie can it use the fxo but not call the fxs?
03:09.37testing234235453it can dial out fxo and can dial the analog
03:09.57testing234235453SIP device that is
03:10.30bjohnsonand can dial the analog?  the sip device can dial the fxs on the pci AND the fxo on the pci?
03:11.10bjohnsonbut the fxs on the pci cannot dial the sip device?
03:11.44testing234235453both are correct statements
03:12.21*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
03:13.18bjohnsonSexyKen: try using a system command like echo "${DATETIME} - ${CALLERID} - ${CHANNEL}" >> /var/log/asterisk/calls to see if the hangup extension is getting invoked at all
03:13.48bjohnsonSexyKen: it would be best to see the contents of that macro too .. don't paste it here
03:14.22SexyKenOkay -- sec.
03:14.25SexyKenI'll pastebin it
03:14.27bjohnsonJerJer[mobile]: you're very cryptic
03:15.09*** join/#asterisk jsharp (~jsharp@
03:15.30jsharpAnyone using AMP?  Is it useful?
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03:15.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
03:15.48bjohnsontesting234235453: and the context= line in zapata.conf for the fxs is the name of the context that contains the sip extension definition?
03:16.00bjohnsontesting234235453: and you've restarted asterisk?
03:16.16bjohnsonjsharp: if it does exactly what you want .. it is useful
03:16.18SexyKenbjohnson, -- that is the relevant data I believe.
03:16.27*** join/#asterisk MikeJ_ (
03:16.37bjohnsonjsharp: if it does not .. you're immediately into debugging hundreds of lines of scripts
03:16.50testing234235453bjohnson, I have tried that , but will try again
03:18.23bjohnsonSexyKen: does it receive the fax correctly ..just doesn't send the email?
03:18.51SexyKenbjohnson, It appears to recieve corrctly
03:18.54testing234235453bjohnson, no good ... yes did a restart
03:22.32*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
03:23.03bjohnsontesting234235453: maybe it's time to call digium support
03:23.35bjohnsonSexyKen: try a simpler system command
03:24.48testing234235453bjohnson, that's for your help
03:25.01testing234235453that would be "thanks"
03:25.54Shido6whats wrong, testing234235453?
03:26.14QwellShido6: Thanks for the help earlier.
03:26.30Shido6Qwell, its what I do.
03:26.43bjohnsonSexyKen: this makes it look like the variables should all be in their own set of quotes
03:27.00Shido6if it werent for Digium, I would be out on the street with nothing shivering in the freezing canadian weather
03:27.20testing234235453Shido6, can't make call from TDM11B ananlog to SIP device.  EVERYTHING else works
03:27.25jsharpYou and me both.  Well, except for the canadian part.
03:27.26bjohnsonShido6: in short .. he has a fxs and a fxo on a TDM11b
03:27.28QwellShido6: used to work for Digium?
03:27.37Shido6not to mention JerJer's help :)
03:28.10bjohnsonShido6: everything seems to work except for the fxs on the pci cannot dial a remote sip device
03:28.35*** part/#asterisk [0xBoTNeTBusTr] (
03:28.36Sedoroxhey slePP you around?
03:29.07bjohnsonShido6: but the sip device CAN call the fxs (and fxo) on the pci card
03:29.07Shido6Got pastebin?
03:29.44bjohnsonno .. he says the zapata.conf context= line points the fxs at a extension that contains the sip exten =>
03:29.46Shido6zaptel.conf , zapata.conf and do a cat /proc/zaptel/*  ( if u have a 1 , whats it say, if there's a 2 whats it say, if there's a 3.....)
03:29.52Shido6and sip.conf , too
03:30.10Shido6and kernel version
03:30.14NormAstAny one got the firmware for the AudioCodes MP-108?
03:30.16bjohnsonhe says other sip devices can call each other .. so the sip system seems to be working
03:30.28bjohnsonthe pci card is the new piece in the working system
03:30.43Shido6okie dokie, so what do the zaptel gear configs say
03:30.50*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
03:30.55shmaltzhelo every1
03:31.02bjohnsontesting234235453: all of that is correct?
03:31.29shmaltzdoes' setgroup check group get set on the group when set until exit from extension? or only on active dials?
03:32.14testing234235453yes, correct ... been a long time .. pastebin a website for pasting files?
03:32.27jbot[pastebin] a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
03:32.49bjohnsonSexyKen: try moving the quote just before ${CALLERIDNUM} to in front of ${FAXFILE}
03:33.25shmaltzI'm trying to increase the value of a group in the same exten, is this possible?
03:33.32*** join/#asterisk Vco (
03:34.42Shido6updatedb ; locate README.variables
03:34.52bjohnsonshmaltz: wiki says SetGroup is same as SetVar(GROUP=group) so I assume you can increment it with setvar
03:35.22*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:35.28shmaltzbjohnson, but show application says its per channel
03:36.42bjohnsonshmaltz: bottom of this makes it look like setgroup actually does the increment
03:37.00bjohnsonso exten=>s,1,setgroup(this)
03:37.11shmaltzbjohnson, I agree, but maybe just one per channel
03:37.13bjohnsonwould actually increment it by 2
03:37.34shmaltzmeaning that the same group can never be incremented from the same channel
03:37.44bjohnsongive it a try
03:37.50shmaltzoh, lets see that one
03:38.04*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
03:38.14bjohnsonthat example increments 2 groups for the same call
03:38.39bjohnsonso I don't know if you can just increment tham group twice for the same cll
03:39.32*** join/#asterisk Half_Dome (
03:39.39shmaltzbjohnson, but those examples set 2 different groups
03:39.56shmaltzexactly (sorrry didn't see your post)
03:40.51testing234235453Shido6, 8110
03:41.41bjohnsonshmaltz: try it and see
03:42.27Shido6you already know what Im going to say
03:42.34Shido6but lets start with zapata.conf, testing234235453
03:42.38shmaltzoh I could try it using my cell and calling in
03:42.38Shido6where is zapata.conf? :)
03:42.43bjohnsonshmaltz: otherwise you maybe just need to manually increment your own variable
03:42.56shmaltzI know, that the obvious
03:43.04bjohnsonand use gotif or something based on that value
03:43.10bjohnsonbut would be messy
03:43.14shmaltzit's just much cleaner to have the app jump for me
03:43.32shmaltzgreat minds think alike
03:43.37kramand so do yours
03:44.02krami always use that line
03:44.08kram"great minds think alike, and so do ours"
03:44.16*** join/#asterisk kulp (
03:44.56shmaltzkram, not bad:)
03:45.02testing234235453Shido6, 8111
03:45.15testing234235453zapata @ the bottom
03:45.42brc_hey testing234235453      type        /nick a_clever_nick_name_here
03:46.27Shido6now [default]
03:46.30Shido6from extensions.conf
03:50.13testing234235453SHido6, 8112
03:51.02elriahHey guys, how do I pass caller id when someone hits my voicemail extension so they don't get prompted for their mailbox?
03:52.24Shido6if you dont believe me
03:52.31Shido6just change one of your sip extensions
03:52.35Shido6from friend
03:52.37Shido6to user and peer
03:52.50Shido6your info is good, but take out the host for the user
03:52.55Shido6and take out the context for the peer
03:53.02*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
03:53.07Shido6and refer to the table in /usr/src/asterisk/configs/sip.conf.sample
03:53.11Shido6to find out what users can use
03:53.15Shido6and what peers can use
03:53.16Shido6then reload
03:53.19Shido6and ........... BAM!!!!!!!!!
03:53.25Shido6you're all set to go
03:53.54Shido6like on a 7960 message_uri: ?
03:54.49Shido6check out
03:54.57JerJer[mobile]calm down
03:55.04JerJer[mobile]wholy crazy messages batman
03:55.54elriahI've seen the example before - just can't find it, it had $CALLERID or something similiar.  So when I hit my voicemail button, which goes to extension 8500, the caller id passed automatically bypasses the prompt to enter the extension in *
03:56.23Shido6checkout the pastebin, elriah...
03:57.06Shido6messages_uri: 693000         where 3000 is my extension
03:57.12*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (~ph33r@chaoscon.user)
03:57.52elriahShido6: I see it - but I'm not sure this is what I was after... Let me google it and see if I can track it down
03:58.00elriahThanks, btw, again!!
03:58.04elriah(Shido6 is very helpful)
03:58.20Shido6i press my messages button
03:58.24*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@
03:58.27Shido6and she asks me for my password
03:58.48*** part/#asterisk Half_Dome (
03:58.56Shido6I also have a mailbox=3000 in sip.conf for my phone(s)
03:59.11Shido6for MWI
03:59.26elriahYea - that's it, maybe two ways to get to the same thing?
03:59.26elriahWell, I'm still fighting the MWI issue.
03:59.26elriahOn my polycom phones.
04:02.13shmaltzanybody interested in looking at this:
04:03.16SexyKenHow do I delete all mails in a mailbox using 'mail' in the cli
04:03.45elriahFor some reason, on my polycom ip500's, when I do sip show peers, the "Host" shows "(unspecified)".   Shouldn't it show the IP?
04:04.22Shido6if they are configured properly, yes
04:04.23dwmw2_gonethis is definitely the wrong answer. We need AST_FORMAT_SLINEAR_WRONGENDIAN.
04:04.31dwmw2_goneor _LE and _BE
04:05.12jsharpOr we could just do the linux thing and say it only runs on i386.
04:05.34dwmw2_gonebut that's no fun
04:06.01dwmw2_gonethere's not a lot of real Linux software nowadays that doesn't run on PPC
04:06.20dwmw2_goneasterisk is mostly ok
04:09.18*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
04:10.06shmaltzbjohnson, check this out
04:10.16shmaltzguess what it shows on each groupcount?
04:10.19SexyKenmailfax returns this error:  Malformed UTF-8 character (unexpected non-continuation byte 0x10, immediately after start byte 0xc3) in transliteration (tr///) at /usr/bin/mime-construct line 198.
04:10.19SexyKenMalformed UTF-8 character (unexpected continuation byte 0x98, with no preceding start byte) in transliteration (tr///) at /usr/bin/m
04:10.23SexyKenAnyone know why this'd happen?
04:10.35elriahShido6: In my sip.conf, do I need a username and secret to get the ip to register with asterisk?
04:12.49elriahOr anyone...
04:13.14testing234235453Shido6, made the change 8116...reloaded ... nope  Am I still missing something?
04:13.52*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
04:18.49SexyKenMalformed UTF-8 character (unexpected continuation byte 0x98, with no preceding start byte) in transliteration (tr///) at /usr/bin/m
04:18.52SexyKenAnyone know why this'd happen?
04:18.55SexyKenWith mailfax
04:19.22testing234235453MMMAAAANNNN, it didn't like me hitting # to skip the interdigit timeout
04:19.36testing234235453it works without the SIP changes
04:22.12*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:22.39asinghAny one knows about Asterisk+dialogic howto ?
04:23.50FuriousGeorgehi all.  i was looking at some example extension.conf files, and i got to wondering if it would be difficult to set up huntgroups?  for instance, how difficult would it be to have all the phones ring if caller hits 0
04:24.14shmaltzbjohnson the wiki is wrong
04:24.31shmaltzlook at this:
04:29.43*** join/#asterisk t3t (
04:30.46afrosheenso about the meetme delay, is there a patch to fix that or do I just have to use the quiet switch
04:31.36*** join/#asterisk KirkL (
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04:51.28elriahIs there any control over how the directory spells out users names?
04:52.23elriahtnx - Shido6, any experience with these polycom ip500 phones?
04:53.21*** join/#asterisk Rival (~rival@
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05:00.54elriahIs there a way to have asterisk voicemail call you on say a mobile phone to let you know you have a new voicemail?
05:01.30Sedoroxelriah: it can send sms
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05:02.06elriahYea, I got the email notifications working.  But it would be cool if it just called my cell phone.  Oh well, maybe v2.
05:02.34shmaltzbjohnson, you still around?
05:11.37elriahHELL YES PRAISE D'LORD I GOT MY MWI WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
05:11.50elriahAll the faqs and wikis are wrong for the latest firmware.
05:12.09IQelriah: what u got working :) ?
05:12.21elriahMWI on the polycom IP 500
05:12.33IQelriah: so when are you throwing the party ;) ?
05:12.50Rivalcan anyone tell me why i can make outgoing calls but not recieve them with my teliax account
05:12.54Rivalit should be working
05:13.13t3telriah: congats on getting MWI working
05:13.54elriahHey - tnx for the url.. I need to get some freakin' sleep, I've been up til 2'am the past three nights working on my * prototype
05:13.58t3telriah: what's wrong with the faqs/wikis?
05:14.19IQwhat is MWI?
05:14.29t3tmessage waiting indication
05:14.57IQoh i c
05:15.21Rivalanyone here use teliax?
05:17.07shmaltzelriah, you should be able to get callback working by setting the option in voicemail.conf
05:17.18shmaltzsee the commentsin voicemail.conf
05:17.39*** part/#asterisk xarg (
05:19.05niZondoes MWI work on the cisco phones?
05:19.46shmaltzniZon, of course
05:19.54IQHi... anyone got a small IVR script for * ?
05:19.55t3tshmaltz: where is callback in voicemail.conf?  Do you mean 'press x to call this person back'?
05:20.18t3tIQ: like what?
05:20.25shmaltzt3t, nope, there is another option, perhaps its called something else
05:20.47nix000anyone used the mfc/r2 stuff in here ?
05:20.57t3tshmaltz: thanks.  I didn't see it, but that doesn't mean much at this hour
05:21.01IQt3t: Like play a prompt, get dtmf input and make a decesion, etc. ?
05:21.57t3treal simple
05:22.25IQthanks, good starting point  :) ... maybe I can copy the 500 sample script that comes with *
05:22.37t3tIQ: after the s extension you want to put the digits that you want people to be able to press
05:23.01shmaltzt3t, elriah, my mistake
05:23.02t3tIQ: it's good to have all of your based covered though... like h,t,i,etc
05:23.21t3tshmaltz: no problem.  that would have been a pleasant surprise though
05:23.24shmaltzconfused dialout and callback as either one being that, actualy neither is
05:23.37niZonhas anyone used chan_sccp?
05:23.42IQt3t: okay, I'll do that --- thanks
05:23.44t3tshmaltz: i've done worse
05:23.46shmaltzhowever using .call files it's possible to do it
05:24.32t3tniZon: never used it, from what i've read, it works but i wouldn't depend on it... you can't use sip?
05:25.12niZonJust checking out my options, I'm looking into getting a cisco 7940/60
05:25.18t3tuse sip
05:25.31t3tthe firmware upgrade can be a pain, but it's probably worth it
05:25.38SexyKenMalformed UTF-8 character (unexpected continuation byte 0x98, with no preceding start byte) in transliteration (tr///) at /usr/bin/m
05:25.40SexyKenAnyone know why this'd happen?
05:25.42niZonit looks like it might be a pain to get the firmware as well
05:26.06shmaltzniZon, I love those Cisco phones
05:26.14t3tniZon: w/o a support contract it's nearly impossible to do it legitimately
05:26.21niZonshmaltz: They look nice :P
05:26.36niZont3t: I'm told those are pricey...
05:26.40t3tniZon: get a polycom, they work nice and look OK
05:26.47shmaltzt3t, niZon,  in most cases your reseller will be able to give you the image
05:26.49t3tniZon: wouldn't know
05:27.02niZonI saw a few with SIP on ebay
05:27.08niZonas well as the SIP images
05:27.10IQAny SMS service provider to use with * ?
05:27.30shmaltzI bought one Cisco phone from an official Cisco sales partner for $350+ only b/c I wanted that CCO account
05:27.39t3tniZon: make sure it's v6+ w/SIP... the older revisions had even more bugs than usual with cisco
05:27.39shmaltzIQ, which country?
05:28.18IQshmaltz: international would be better. But to start with US or Europe will work
05:28.30shmaltzfor the US you don't need one.
05:28.40niZont3t: I'll keep that in mind
05:28.55shmaltzfor Europe check the list the last 2 months there was lots of talk about it
05:29.11IQshmaltz: I'll check the list - btw how do u do US ?
05:29.16t3tSexyKen: try the error text before the char code in google
05:29.34shmaltzin the US every provider has an email gateway to support email - > SMS
05:29.50shmaltzverizon =
05:30.07IQya like
05:30.07shmaltzsprint =
05:30.16IQbut what about SMS -> *
05:30.29shmaltzI don't know the address of the others, but I know they all have one
05:30.51shmaltzjust use an email in you phone when using sms, yep it works on every sms capable phone on the US market
05:30.52cobryceIQ:  IIRC, you need a GSM modem and connection with a cell phone network for starters
05:31.04shmaltzcobryce, not in the US
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05:31.23cobryceshmaltz:  He does if he doesn't want to do the e-mail thing
05:31.26afrosheenshmaltz: what do you need in the US?
05:31.47shmaltzjust email
05:31.53cobryceIn the US, and I suspect the world abroad, you can send email using the provider's gateway
05:32.15cobryceThat just leaves delivering mail to Asterisk
05:32.16shmaltzthe opposite send SMS using the providers gateway
05:32.23IQyeah, sending part we can use email. but being able to receive is important
05:32.26shmaltzcobryce, nope it doesn't work abroad
05:32.40shmaltzIQ, in the US you can receive
05:33.02shmaltzabroad they don't let you send emails just from SMS, you need a data plan
05:33.17shmaltzand most SMS phones don't allow you
05:33.33IQshmaltz: yeah, I got your point, like I can send emails from my sprint phone. but this won't be a real SMS, right?
05:33.49shmaltzIQ, it will
05:33.52shmaltzif you use SMS
05:33.56cobryceNot as Asterisk sees it.
05:33.58shmaltzI will repeat
05:34.17shmaltzevery US phone that can send SMS can send SMS to an email
05:34.20cobryceYou send SMS, e-mail address receives the message.
05:34.26shmaltznot email to email, but SMS to email
05:34.34shmaltzcobryce, exactly
05:34.57cobryceThe issue now is the receipt and handling of e-mail by Asterisk
05:34.57shmaltzIQ, you in the US?
05:35.09IQshmaltz: yes, I am
05:35.19shmaltzcobryce, for that one will need to setup MX records
05:35.23IQshmaltz: there are two boxes - one for Phone Number and other for E-Mail ID
05:35.29shmaltzIQ, do you have a cell phone?
05:35.56IQshmaltz: yes SprintPCS. and when I compose a text message I can either put a Phone Number or E-Mail ID to send text message
05:36.00shmaltzIQ, what do you mean one for phone number and the other for email?
05:36.14shmaltzIQ, so what don't you understand?
05:36.27afrosheenhmm my at&t phone asks for a mail server address
05:36.33afrosheenor number
05:36.50shmaltzafrosheen, mail server (as in SMTP)? or email address?
05:37.04afrosheenwhen I try sms email
05:37.06IQshmaltz: I can send SMS to my Yahoo account using Sprint Phone. But is this a real SMS?
05:37.24shmaltzIQ, of course
05:37.45shmaltzyou can even send back, using the from address
05:37.46afrosheenit's asking for "email server number" and I can browse my contacts to enter it
05:38.09*** join/#asterisk techie (
05:38.15shmaltzafrosheen, go ahead and put in your email address. you might have to create a contact? maybe?
05:38.28afrosheenI think it's asking for the sms gateway
05:38.29IQshmaltz: Actually, what I am looking for is being able to register as SMS receiver. So pepole can SMS me using DID not email ID
05:38.37afrosheenI've never dealt with sms on my phone, only text messaging
05:39.02shmaltzIQ, and it will arrive where?
05:39.17shmaltzafrosheen, sms and text is the same
05:39.32SexyKenIs there anyway to set the 'from' field for Mailfax
05:39.39shmaltzIQ, where in *? how will the recipient read it?
05:39.47niZonbah just write an email to * gateway :P
05:40.02IQNote: Some VoIP phones (like the SNOM products) support SMS.
05:40.03shmaltzniZon, don't jump he might not have to
05:40.03afrosheenbut text asks for a destination contact or phone number ..fark it
05:40.22shmaltzafrosheen, where are you? in th US?
05:41.21nix000anyone know what is the story behind asterisk and dialogic support ?
05:41.53IQnix000: I think - might have to pay to Digium to buy per port software license
05:42.42*** join/#asterisk B4 (~B4@
05:42.45nix000IQ, do they support the latest cards .. specially the ss7 ones ? mentions some. i do not think support ss7.
05:42.48*** join/#asterisk Los415 (
05:43.28B4~seen zx81
05:43.30jbotzx81 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 10d 5h 18m 30s ago, saying: 'nevermind'.
05:43.31IQnix000: I dont have much information. you might have to call them in the morning :)
05:44.44afrosheen!seen bentley
05:44.44chetanBentley! is currently on #asterisk
05:44.49afrosheenBentley: hey
05:48.06shmaltzfor starters
05:48.22shmaltzlook at the list how different it is implemented in the US
05:48.31shmaltzuse email it's much easier and cleaner
05:48.44IQand free :)
05:49.05shmaltznow this guy has got a product that is obsolete in the US market
05:49.16shmaltzunelss one want's international sms
05:49.27shmaltzreminds me of a story
05:49.36*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:49.38shmaltz2 yrs ago at the Cbit Show in NY
05:50.03afrosheenhere we go with the cebit story
05:50.03shmaltzI met this guy a rep from some Chek comapny
05:50.13clive-shmaltz , ..nice nick
05:50.28shmaltzclive-, who are you?
05:50.38shmaltzhe sells GSM gateways
05:50.48shmaltzso I ask him whats this for?
05:51.03shmaltzso he tells me you can save tons of money on call to mobiles?
05:51.09shmaltzso I ask him how so
05:51.35shmaltzso he goes on to explain that I get an account with a gsm provider and blah blah blah
05:51.55IQdid you buy one :) ?
05:52.00shmaltzwhich is very usefull and popular abroad where you pay more to call a gsm network then to call china
05:52.03clive-schmaltz thats big business here in south africa
05:52.04shmaltzof couse nto
05:52.22afrosheenyou said 'for what do I need to save money here'
05:52.41shmaltzso I explained to him that in the US one doesn't pay to call a cell phone, in fact it is very hard to say if one is calling a cell phone or landline
05:53.02shmaltzhe looked at me like I'm off the moon,
05:53.14IQunless you get the voice mail that says "You've reached Sprint PCS voice mail box of XXXXXX"
05:53.18shmaltzwhat it costs the same to call a cell phone then landline?
05:53.19afrosheen*blink blink*
05:53.46afrosheenyeah if your call accidentally sounds good you know it's a landlilne
05:53.53shmaltzthats what he asked me, so I told him, next time you make a trip to the US make sure you do your home work
05:54.04Rivalanyone here use teliax?
05:54.06shmaltzafrosheen :)
05:54.23IQyeah, I think it is only in US that you dont have to pay extra to call cell. in Europe, Asia and Mid-East you pay extra if you call a cell phone
05:54.30IQRival: what is teliax?
05:54.41afrosheenalot of iax trunk providers reflect that in their price lists
05:54.47Rivala voip termination provider
05:54.52shmaltzok, to get back to topic
05:55.20shmaltzSMS from within * will only work in coutries where they allow sms over analog
05:55.40IQunless you have T1/ISDN ?
05:55.47afrosheensouth korea: 7 cents a minute. north korea: 79 cents a minute. lesson? communism is expensive.
05:56.08shmaltzafrosheen lol
05:56.10IQafrosheen: check Afghanistan
05:56.21Supaplex24.95/min ;)
05:56.44shmaltzIQ, afghanistan, I can still understand, they are lacking a decent infarstructure
05:56.46afrosheentheir copper wiring is hard to come by
05:56.53MocDamn some provider think that their client are stupid..
05:56.58afrosheenmost of it gets ripped up and used for remote tnt detonation
05:57.07yxahow does SMS over analog work?
05:57.07IQshmaltz: yeah, thats correct. they're still suffering :(
05:57.09SupaplexMoc: some of them don't think. they know!
05:57.10afrosheenthose boxes with the little handles you push down on
05:57.13Moche trying to justify me a 4 hours Redhat Enterprise Minimal Install is NORMAL!!!!
05:57.28afrosheenthat's like a solaris 'vacation' install
05:57.31shmaltzyxa, look it up on the wiki
05:57.37MocI mean, 10min and it should be running and UPDATED !!!
05:57.40denonhe probably figures anyone who wants to install redhat will buy anything he says :)
05:57.49afrosheenRHEL and Solaris installs are consultants wet dreams
05:57.59Mocdenon(it actually CentOS, but people understand more rhel ;)
05:58.00afrosheen$200 per hour OH YEAH
05:58.17afrosheenthen the kool aid guy breaks through the wall
05:58.24IQany cheap Service Provider for Mid-East ?
05:58.26denonMoc: hehe
05:59.03shmaltzIQ, i ws looking for the same, havn't found anybody
05:59.09IQshmaltz: can we do it if we have T1, ISDN?
05:59.10MocI mean if I were to install box everyday... I would have a local copy of centos updates !!!
05:59.20Moche saying the update take sometime up to 6 hours
05:59.26IQshmaltz: I need a cheap SP for Saudi Arabia
05:59.56afrosheena 6 hour update huih
06:00.05afrosheenis that like 3 gigs of packages over dsl
06:00.05shmaltzIQ, you muslim?
06:00.10shmaltzI'm jewish
06:00.16IQshmaltz: Yes :)
06:00.22afrosheenoh no
06:00.25afrosheendon't introduce all that
06:00.30shmaltzwow, a jew helping a muslim
06:00.34afrosheenno no
06:00.42IQshmaltz: I thought I was helping you :P
06:01.06*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
06:01.27IQI got lots of friends fro Palestine and Israeil - its hard to tell the difference
06:01.32shmaltzI'm looking for Israel
06:01.58*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
06:02.09IQBeautiful Place
06:02.20afrosheenweird laws there
06:02.38niZonhey it's BoRiS
06:02.44SexyKenDoes anyone know how to send faxes with Asterisk/SpanDSP?
06:02.46elriahHey guys, back.  I can't seem to dial out my Zap/1 interface from any of my hard phones, any ideas?
06:02.56elriahx100p, it receives calls fine.
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06:06.52IQshmaltz: what u use to call israel?
06:07.06shmaltzright now my landline
06:07.11shmaltzit's the cheapest
06:07.14afrosheenshmaltz: have relatives there?
06:07.20shmaltz4.5 cents a min
06:07.27yxashmaltz i cant find sms over analog over at the wiki
06:07.30shmaltzyep, 4 siblings
06:07.31IQshmaltz: are you in US ?
06:07.42shmaltzyep im in the US
06:07.51shmaltzmy wife has one sis there
06:07.58afrosheenshmaltz: if they have broadband, send them an iAXY and make an extension for them
06:08.11IQso it cost less to call Israel from US than calling US from US :)
06:08.37shmaltzafrosheen, but tehy don't have internet
06:08.42shmaltzwe were thinking about it
06:08.53shmaltzIQ, why?
06:08.58shmaltzI pay 2.9 cents
06:09.07shmaltzin US Canada and UK
06:09.23afrosheenno internet...
06:09.27afrosheenhow do they live
06:09.29shmaltz3.9 Cents to Western Europe (but UK) and australia
06:09.45IQnot bad. Lingo is a good choise too. Free US, Canada and Europe
06:09.51shmaltzafrosheen, you know what ultra orthodox means?
06:10.04afrosheenultra scary?
06:10.21afrosheencan't call them on sunday :)
06:10.38shmaltzno make that saturday
06:10.47shmaltzI"m one of those untra scary ones
06:10.55shmaltzso are others on this channel
06:11.01IQFriday for Muslims :)
06:11.15shmaltzso we have a 3 day rest on this channel ;)
06:11.24afrosheenthat would explain the slowness
06:11.49afrosheen'it's shabbatz! I'm not even supposed to be driving, Dude!'
06:11.58afrosheenbig lebowski :)
06:12.07shmaltztomorrow night is a big holiday
06:12.20shmaltzafrosheen, you lubavitch?
06:12.50afrosheennope, not jewish in the least
06:13.08jakepdevanyone ever hear of DS1FD trunks?
06:13.08afrosheenmaybe a little ashkenazi blood somehow but who knows
06:13.13shmaltzwhere you in the US? afrosheen
06:13.13BoRiShi niZon!
06:13.23afrosheenthe really big state
06:13.24jbotashkenazic is probably the oposite of sepharad
06:13.37shmaltzor ca
06:13.45shmaltzor maybe NY
06:13.48afrosheenread ^^
06:14.02shmaltzwhats that?
06:14.02IQshmaltz: u in NY ?
06:14.53IQNew  York
06:14.57shmaltznope NJ
06:15.05shmaltzafrosheen where you ?
06:15.16shmaltzIQ, you ?
06:15.26afrosheenCAN YOU SEE THIS TEXT
06:15.27IQOmaha, Nebraska
06:16.13jbotfrom memory, spharad is some locality unknown. The modern Jews think that Spain is meant, and hence they designate the Spanish Jews "Sephardim," as they do the German Jews by the name "Ashkenazim," because the rabbis call Germany Ashkenaz. Others identify it with Sardis, the capital of Lydia.
06:17.07afrosheenweird, so hitler got Nazi from a jewish word?
06:17.14BoRiSWhats up NiZon?
06:17.56shmaltzafrosheen, who knows
06:18.13IQanyone remember those VoIP Phones with built in modems?
06:18.55*** join/#asterisk SplasPood (
06:18.55clive-IQ: Komodo phones
06:19.49shmaltzyxa, you got that page? about SMS?
06:21.29IQclive-: can we still use them?
06:23.56debaserafrosheen: nazi is an abbreviation of 'national socialist german workers' party'
06:24.30clive-IQ:, the Komodo phones I have still work, only -problem is they only will talk to net2phone, who are really a pain to deal with if you live in south africa, they keeop telling you your creduit card is fraudulent
06:25.38IQclive-: I was thinking of getting something like this for my mom. She does now know how to use PC and doesn't have broadband in her area
06:26.53nix000anyone tried interfacing dialogic/intel card via sip ?
06:27.29clive-IQ thye have a verison called yapjack - (net2phone)
06:28.58*** join/#asterisk Mazda-MX5 (
06:29.08Mazda-MX5hi, all
06:29.19IQclive-: thanks :)
06:29.38afrosheendebaser: yeah  I just googled it myself
06:30.21Mazda-MX5sorry, I have stupid question, who to add a accout in SIP server ? edit sip.conf ??
06:30.25IQthis looks like a parking gurage. how do they do that :O
06:30.51SexyKenDoesn't anyone know anything about mime construct
06:30.59IQMazda-MX5: thats how I add SIP users
06:31.21Mazda-MX5IQ , what mean ?
06:31.44jsharpI just unboxed a Sipura 841 and discovered that it was missing the entire main PC board.  It was just a plastic box.
06:31.45Mazda-MX5your mean is edit sip.conf to add a SIP user ?
06:31.58IQMazda-MX5: yes
06:32.17IQjsharp: you must be one of those lucky people who receive a tested dell machine without RAM :)
06:32.17Mazda-MX5IQ , thank you~~
06:32.50Mazda-MX5SIP user should is SIP:name@ip ..
06:33.04IQjsharp: I got my SPA-3000 yesterday. and I'm really impressed with what it does. There is not much documentation but it is something
06:33.07shmaltzjsharp, who was the reseller?
06:33.26IQMazda-MX5: sorry, didn't get your question
06:33.28shmaltzIQ, in my opinion the SPA-3000 is the best ATA
06:33.52Mazda-MX5SIP user format should is SIP:name@ip?
06:33.54IQshmaltz: yes - its the best I've used so far.
06:33.56jsharpDoes the SPA-3000 support T.38?
06:34.12shmaltzyep, jsharp
06:34.47IQMazda-MX5: dont you have the sample sip.conf? Just copy/paste one of the existing user and change it accordingly
06:35.09Mazda-MX5ok , I will do it. IQ, thank you.
06:35.58*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
06:36.08Mazda-MX5I buy the "VoIP teleph?? for asterisk" book form amazon yesterday.
06:36.10IQit runs about $99, its so compact makes my D-Link look dumb
06:36.57IQMazda-MX5: thats great. Also read
06:37.27IQshmaltz: used IAXy ?
06:37.47Mazda-MX5thank you , I am reading ""
06:38.02shmaltzIQ, nope not yet
06:40.06IQhow long it takes to tall asleep after taking sleeping pills?
06:40.15jsharp30-40 minutes.
06:40.31jbotit has been said that sleep is overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
06:40.48jsharpWhich aint far off at this rate.
06:40.51Sedoroxkernel upgrade
06:41.09jbotsleep is probably overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
06:41.24shmaltz~goto sleep
06:41.30shmaltz~do sleep
06:41.32jbotACTION does sleep.
06:41.41jbotfrom memory, gn is Guinea.  Good Night Bastards
06:43.44shmaltz~ doe /exit
06:43.53shmaltz~do /quit
06:43.55jbotACTION does /quit.
06:44.04shmaltz~ you still here?
06:44.22afrosheenMazda-MX5: I got it too
06:44.24jbot[helo] the first command issued during smtp
06:44.26afrosheenMazda-MX5: the yellow one?
06:44.33debasershmaltz: what are you trying to do to the bot?
06:44.59shmaltzdebaser, trying to make it quit it's irc client?
06:45.50mikegrbyou will not be successful
06:45.55*** part/#asterisk afrosheen (
06:46.33IQGood Night
06:47.05shmaltzI know that, I'm just playing around
06:47.20CoaxDOkay, SOMEBODY here has to know what the FUCK is with this singer - "Wing"
06:47.32CoaxDShe SUCKS!
06:47.43CoaxDBut...she has a website! And apparently, SHE SELLS CD'S!
06:47.48CoaxD(Hell, they even had her music on Southpark!)
06:47.58CoaxDCan someone PLEASE tell me I have NOT gone NUTS?
06:48.00shmaltzCoaxD, you sure you on the right channel?
06:48.08debaserCoaxD: brittany spears sells CDs and has a website, too
06:48.15CoaxDshmaltz: Yes, I am indeed on the right channel
06:48.20CoaxDdebaser: Um. Hmmm. Good point
06:48.25shmaltzCoaxD, what makes you think so?
06:48.32CoaxDdebaser: This chick is..well...worse than britney spears ;/
06:48.43CoaxDdebaser: (As muhc as I gag to even think that it is possible)
06:48.51CoaxDshmaltz: Because. Because I own your a$$.
06:49.01CoaxDMazda: I *know* man. I'm so sorry :(
06:49.23shmaltzCoaxD, and you tellin me you on the right channel?
06:49.34debaserCoaxD: frightening, but not suprising.  see this comic:
06:49.34shmaltzI think you belong on #kids
06:50.09*** join/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
06:50.33kb1_kanobeevening all.
06:51.06CoaxDshmaltz: I do believe you're a poor judge of character.
06:51.15CoaxDdebaser: Heh. troo dat
06:51.23shmaltzCoaxD, how so?
06:51.37shmaltzhow come you said that nonesense about owning blah
06:51.53*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
06:52.03CoaxDshmaltz: because I was entertaining myself. its 12:51am on a wednesday night.  And i'm tired, and bored.  Do i need additional reason, sir?
06:52.21shmaltzactualy its 1:52 am
06:52.26jbotwell, time is 1 dimensional, or everlasting
06:52.29jbotThu Mar 24 06:52:29 2005
06:52.37CoaxDshmaltz: Yes, but onliy technically.
06:52.45shmaltzwow, it's my birthday
06:52.46CoaxDshmaltz: If you live in a frozen tundra, its 12:52am.
06:52.51SupaplexThu Mar 24 06:52:54 UTC 2005
06:52.56CoaxDshmaltz: Happy somethingorother.
06:53.21debasershmaltz: i am from the moon.  my time cannot be comprehended by your meager earth brains.
06:53.45Mazda-MX5happy birthday , shmaltz
06:54.01shmaltzdebaser, well since you on the moon, you should be falling off in about 17 days, when the moon is not visible ;)
06:54.16debasernow, bend over, its time for your spanking!
06:54.20CoaxDOh! *I* get it!
06:54.26CoaxDShe sings at rest homes and hospitals!
06:54.29shmaltz~lart debaser
06:54.37CoaxDOkay, it makes more sense now
06:54.43CoaxD(She's not half bad for a rest home and hospital singer)
06:54.50debaserCoaxD: they can't hear her, so they love her!
06:54.59shmaltzCoaxD, can I know who you talking about?
06:55.09CoaxDdebaser: Actually, her voice is phenomenal.  She just doesn't know how to use it
06:55.33CoaxDshmaltz: Trust me on this. listen to the sample music
06:55.48shmaltzCoaxD she looks awfull
06:56.41debaserCoaxD: i really don't want to register.  can you stick the mp3s somewhere? =]
06:56.59*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
06:56.59debaserer, nevermind.
06:57.15shmaltzok, guys gtg
06:57.19shmaltzc ya
06:57.20CoaxDdebaser: You dont have to register
06:57.28jbotthanks, CoaxD
06:57.37debaser(and its funny she has 'castle on a cloud' on the phantom of the opera cd, considering its from les mis)
06:57.57CoaxDdebaser: Yeah, and if you listen to her rendition of phantom of the opera, it aint even half bad
06:58.56CoaxDdebaser: The music is poorly mixed, obviously, but hell, she DOES have a nice voice; just has to be trained to actually..USE IT
06:59.17CoaxDThe reaosn I looked at this was because they made fun of her on southpark. haha.
06:59.20Mazda-MX5thank all for your anser, bye, I wanna disconnect
06:59.23debaserwoah, the concepts of enunciation and articulation are beyond her.
06:59.42CoaxDdebaser: Absolutely
06:59.44nix000my latest finding is cdrtool !
07:00.22CoaxDdebaser; As is sadly the case with folks who have their palletes molded to something completely different than english :)
07:00.41debaserCoaxD: it could probably be fixed with protools.
07:00.49debaserlike most pop music
07:01.00CoaxDdebaser: hehe
07:01.42debaserbeerrun, brb
07:03.35debaserahh, beer.  proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy.
07:04.05CoaxDbeer GOOD
07:04.32*** join/#asterisk terrapen_ (
07:04.41*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
07:06.29nix000anyone of you guys can give me advise on the cheapest way of getting asterisk to talk to an ss7 network ?
07:06.29debaserthis is some english bitter that isn't really bitter/hoppy at all.  creamy and nutty ale, bizarrely good.
07:07.08terrapen_sounds more like a brown ale, debaser
07:07.30debaserits not a brown ale, though.
07:07.52kb1_kanobenix000: it comes up on the mailing list with increasing frequency... do some searching there. I beleive it's only available as a commercial derivative because of the certification requirements to interface ss7.
07:08.17*** join/#asterisk peted20 (
07:10.18debaserdifferent grains/yeast.  this is definately an english bitter yeast and it doesn't have the color of the roasted grains
07:12.02terrapen_does anybody here do asterisk consulting?
07:12.22terrapen_and when you do, do you set your clients up with a voip service provider?
07:12.40terrapen_and if you do that, do you collect a commission/premium on their long distance?
07:14.24habakukterrapen_, I do consulting. I've thought of setting up a way to get a commision off of long distance.. some providers give you a kick back for sending them customers though
07:15.03terrapen_i really want to do this
07:15.10terrapen_this could be a great revenue stream for consultants
07:15.27terrapen_most consultants are going to set their clients up with someone
07:15.34terrapen_and the clients rarely understand how it works
07:15.35debaseryou'd need to push a fuckload of minutes to make residual commisions amount to anything
07:15.44terrapen_and are just happy not to be paying monthly fees
07:15.54habakukI'm almost finished with an optimized cdr_module that could be used for something like this
07:16.04terrapen_well, if you commanded $0.01/min premium
07:16.16terrapen_100 minutes puts a dollar in your pocket
07:16.29terrapen_a busy office probably does a hell of a lot more outbound every hour
07:16.48habakukterrapen_, exactly
07:16.52debaserthats a huge markup, though.
07:17.19terrapen_debaser, not really
07:17.21habakuknot really.. I f you get minutes for .01 per minute
07:17.33terrapen_this customer is payinig SBC probably $40/month AT LEAST for business lines
07:17.37habakukand  mark it up to .02 thats a great deal for most businesses
07:17.44terrapen_and at BEST they pay $0.03/min for LD
07:18.16terrapen_so if I offer them $0.02 or even $0.035/min for LD with no monthly fees and virtually unlimited simultaneous calls...
07:18.17habakukheck you could probably mark it to 2.5c :)
07:18.21terrapen_its a sweet deal for both of us
07:18.30terrapen_habakuk: exactly
07:18.30kb1_kanobeHowever, if you're a busy office you're certainly going to feel the difference between $0.01/min and $0.02/min...
07:18.50terrapen_actually, i dont think that this is something that should be coded into asterisk
07:18.59terrapen_it should be a part of the billing system on top
07:19.09terrapen_for example, or NuFone let you prepay money
07:20.02habakukmy system that I'm almost done with uses a hash table. So you can store your rates in a mysql database. When the module loads it stores the rates in a hash table for fast access
07:20.07terrapen_they should make it so that, for every $1.00 of LD used, I get $0.20 put in my account
07:20.19terrapen_deducted from the deposit, of course
07:20.39habakuknah.. you just build it yourself is my idea
07:20.53habakukthat way you get multiple routes yourself.
07:20.57terrapen_or better yet, they make it transparent
07:21.06habakukhave them send calls to your server and your rate the call
07:21.07terrapen_customer uses 1 minute of US long distance
07:21.10terrapen_gets billed $0.03
07:21.18debaseror just invoice your client directly every month
07:21.24terrapen_and $0.019 goes into my account
07:21.39terrapen_i don't want to have to run a server
07:21.48terrapen_why add another server into the mix
07:21.54terrapen_its terribly easy to program
07:22.00terrapen_you just add a differential to your rate
07:22.16terrapen_and that differential goes into the commission account
07:22.17habakukwell trying to convince a provider to do this maybe difficult
07:22.25terrapen_well, there is benefit in it for them
07:22.44debasercdrs are in csv format, right?
07:22.50terrapen_they get more big customers because the consultants are sending them their way
07:23.06debaserjust take it into excel, multiply the values by 1.1 or 1.2 or whatever your markup is, and print it out
07:23.15terrapen_if they were really evil, they could charge the commission-earner $0.005/min for the service
07:23.17habakukdebaser, can be in any format you want :) if you write a cdr module
07:23.19terrapen_but that's evil
07:23.35terrapen_and chances are, somebody will offer the service for free, just to attract customers
07:23.53terrapen_how is VoIP resale currently done?
07:24.56terrapen_or is it done?
07:24.57habakukdebaser, thats what my module does, but in realtime
07:25.48habakukterrapen_, sure its done all the time. Typically by running a server and controlling mutiple routes
07:26.03habakukits best with a b2bua though ( if using sip)
07:26.09*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
07:26.16debaseri'd rather just apply a flat rate 'administration fee' every month with the usage and billable time (if any) every month.  consolidated billing is good.
07:26.35terrapen_so would that mean that I would accept the call on my server and forward it on to somebody like NuFone?
07:26.42terrapen_wouldn't that increase latency?
07:26.53terrapen_like, I would be a proxy for my customer?
07:26.57habakukyeah. thats why its best to use a b2bua
07:27.15habakukback to back user agentr
07:27.33habakukyou would only handle the signalling
07:27.42habakukmedia would go directly to the provider
07:28.02habakukunfortunately there are no opensource b2bua's that I'm aware of
07:28.11habakukthat are any good that is
07:28.22*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
07:28.32habakukthats whats cool about SIP that iax can't do
07:28.44terrapen_this is something that providers should offer
07:28.49terrapen_i should write the software
07:29.07habakuktheres a bunch of good software solutions outthere already
07:29.14habakukone of the best is nextone
07:29.15terrapen_but i would need to know the nitty-gritty of how a provider's billing system worked
07:29.23habakukacme packet has something similar
07:30.50habakukunfortunately these solutions aren't cheap though
07:31.41clive-is anyone else besides me using the pa168 iax phones?
07:31.53terrapen_doesn't make much sense
07:32.06*** join/#asterisk hanhoong (~hanhoong@
07:32.14terrapen_too bad jerjer isn't around right now
07:32.28terrapen_he would probably know why this isn't being done
07:33.10hanhoonghi ...
07:33.46hanhoongneed help here... newbie here... looking for some guidance on asterisk
07:33.59habakukterrapen_, do a search for A-Z provider in google. chances are this is exactly what they are doing. They are just pocketing the extra for themselves though :)
07:34.09terrapen_habakuk, acme packets stuff doesn't make much sense...
07:34.11terrapen_to me
07:34.26hanhoongjust finished installed the redhat 9 with * v9 now i wanna know whats next
07:34.43habakukterrapen_, what doesn't make sense? As is in what its for?
07:34.59*** join/#asterisk Isme (some@
07:35.05terrapen_habakuk...those guys doing hosted PBXes...are they using a VPN to get to their customers?
07:35.10*** join/#asterisk Alexi1 (
07:35.16terrapen_habakuk, i guess i don't understand how you route SIP
07:35.18Alexi1hello all
07:35.29terrapen_i guess i always thought SIP was a point-to-point thing
07:35.35Ismehi, can anyone recomend me a billing software under * ?
07:35.39terrapen_you had the originator and the terminator
07:35.54terrapen_im not understanding how you could have something in the middle
07:35.59terrapen_unless it is a proxy of some sort
07:36.02habakukterrapen_, the easiest way to think of sip is you have 2 parts media ( or rtp) and signalling (sip)
07:36.07terrapen_are those things just so fancy proxy?
07:36.16habakukthe thing in the middle is called a B2BUA
07:36.30habakukits basically two user agents
07:36.54habakukso boxA ---> B2BUA <----  box b
07:36.55clive-the problem with sip is that the RTP seldom goes point to point because of NAT proxying etc.
07:37.15jbotrtp is probably The Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video. RTP is used in virtually all voice-over-IP architectures, for videoconferencing, media-on-demand, and other applications. A thin protocol, it supports content identification, timing reconstruction, and detection of lost packets.
07:37.39jbotX11 PPP dialer interface written in gtk+. URL:  Session Initiation Protocol (see RFC 3261)
07:37.39habakukin this case box A can not talk to box directly, only through b2bua
07:37.54terrapen_uhh, thats wrong
07:39.28habakukclive-, true NAT proxying is a challenge, but there are on premise equipment providers that solve that problem
07:39.46habakukI helped design one :)
07:40.01jbotser is probably Sip Express Router - see
07:40.30clive-habakuk tell me more
07:42.02habakukclive-, the idea is the box is an ALG, it has one leg on the private network, and the other leg on the public side.  So all natted traffic talks to the private side. All incoming traffic talks to the public side
07:42.05*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
07:42.16habakukheck you could use an asterisk box for this same purpose
07:43.19*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
07:43.26terrapen_doesn't SER do the same thing?
07:43.40*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
07:44.54habakukterrapen_, no its not fully stateful which you need for b2bua functionality
07:45.01*** join/#asterisk channan (~channan9@
07:45.26habakukthe closest thing to an opensource b2bua is the vovida code.. but that has issues
07:46.19clive-its bascially a fancy nat with sip-ability
07:46.55terrapen_well its bedtime for me
07:46.58terrapen_thanks for the info guys
07:47.19nix000kb1_kanobe, still there ?
07:47.26terrapen_BTW, SER might not be a bad choice for my billing idea
07:47.38clive-terrapen, ser is great
07:47.39terrapen_i would set up SER on my clients PBX server
07:47.47clive-but then you have tons of sip-nat issues
07:47.51terrapen_and i would have it do the transaction logging
07:48.02SexyKenI need to setup an Asterisk Server for a company. Virtual setup. Multiple companies one one instance. (For instance, I need to have 3 different 200 extensions go to differe people..)....anyone do this for a living?
07:48.10terrapen_and i would run this client through my account at NuFone/
07:48.16terrapen_and just bill the client for the LD
07:48.26terrapen_or better yet, set up a pre-pay system for them on my website
07:48.31habakukterrapen_, yeah except for a prepaid  solution would have problems
07:48.41terrapen_and since i know how much they used, i could deduct that from their balance on my end
07:48.50terrapen_how so?
07:49.26terrapen_i would always let them make the calls
07:49.32terrapen_but i would have to keep track of the CDRs
07:49.40terrapen_or else i would lose money
07:49.45nix000anyone can tell me an ss7 to sip gateway that will work with asterisk ?
07:49.46habakukbecause if you have a dishonest customer has .50 in his account, and makes a call to some expensive place for 5 hours you can't stop the call
07:49.58terrapen_their calls would go through the SER proxy and then directly to my provider
07:50.02channan'morning everyone... Does anyone knows if you can put an asterisk PBX using Vonage service at home? Is it legal? I read the terms of service but not too sure?
07:50.03terrapen_who I would pay
07:50.09terrapen_and my client would pay me
07:50.16terrapen_with paypal or however
07:50.23terrapen_i just keep track of their usage
07:50.35terrapen_mark it up by whatever commission i want to charge
07:50.40terrapen_and deduct from their funds
07:50.50habakukterrapen_, right, like I said it works fine, except for cases when you need to shut off a call in progress
07:51.07terrapen_well, NuFone would take care of that :)
07:51.16terrapen_if the balance is drained, they will cut it off, IIRC
07:51.29habakukterrapen_, you may have  a point there.
07:51.36terrapen_i would use a seperate NuFone account for each customer
07:51.41habakukbasically setup a new account for each customer
07:51.54habakukyeah exactly :)
07:51.56terrapen_JoeBobInc goes through my SER proxy to JoeBobInc@Nufone
07:52.24terrapen_the SER proxy resides at my clients
07:52.46terrapen_and once every 10min or so, it would synch its CDRs with my server in my co-lo
07:52.50habakukbut there is a problem :) If you charge 2cents a minte, and nufone charges you 1cent. and lets say you have 100 minutes in your nufone account
07:52.55terrapen_and i would deduct from their balance
07:53.18habakukyou only want the customer to use 50 minutes
07:53.39terrapen_wait, there has to be a solution
07:55.01terrapen_ok, the solution is simple
07:55.10terrapen_they are allowed to go into a negative balance with me
07:55.29terrapen_but i do not put more money into their nufone until they bring their account with me back into the black
07:55.45terrapen_if they want to use up all their nufone minutes, big fucking deal
07:55.53habakukok as long as you trust them
07:55.54terrapen_but i won't give them any more until they pay me what they owe me
07:56.02debaserterracon: companies don't want to prepay for anything.
07:56.03terrapen_and they won't have phone service until they do
07:56.15Ismehi, can anyone recommend me a billing software for * ?
07:56.23terrapen_well, we shall see
07:56.36terrapen_i think i can convince them to pre-pay, given the low cost of the service
07:56.41debaserand not having phone service is not an option.  just suck it up and give them net 30
07:57.22terrapen_fuck, i don't want to be a phone company
07:57.26terrapen_back to square one
07:57.33terrapen_the VoIP termination provider needs to do this
07:57.36*** part/#asterisk kb1_kanobe (
07:57.42nix000can anyone recommend an ss7 gateway on the market that would speak sip on the voip side ?
07:58.15debaserterracon: if you/your company has a good credit rating, your provider will probably give you net30
07:58.25nix000_Vile, are you responding to my question ?
07:58.38_Vileof course not, but that's probably your answer
07:58.56terrapen_debaser, but then i have to become a telco essentially, billing my customers
07:59.10terrapen_i have to collect CDRs, print bills, wait for checks, etc
07:59.18terrapen_no more vacation for me
07:59.29_Vileterra, post billing is a bish
07:59.35terrapen_i would rather make a little less on the deal and be able to just watch the money come in
07:59.35debasermaking it automagical would be simple.
07:59.46_VileI created a billing system about a year ago to handle it
07:59.51_Vileusing ms word as a template
07:59.53terrapen_i envision this as being very similar to commissions
08:00.12debaserfuck, give me a linux machine with a postscript printer attached that gets the cdrs and i could hack something up in perl in an hour
08:00.19nix000terracon, i ve been .. there .. i ve exhausted these already.
08:00.23terrapen_oh, i could write some neat software to use LaTeX to print pretty bills for my customers based on CDRs from a PostgreSQL database
08:00.33terrapen_but who the fuck wants to mail bills every month?
08:00.55nix000_Vile, i actually hapen to need a gateway .. not just a service
08:01.08terrapen_debaser, want to work with me on some opensource bill printing stuff?
08:01.16terrapen_that would be a fun project
08:01.35habakuk_Vile, ms word billing engine? thats sound uh.. interesting
08:01.51terrapen_i would use Perl and LaTeX
08:01.52_Vileverisign can provide the pstn gateway.. for LD you can contact LD providers
08:02.30_Vilehabak, ms word can be controlled
08:02.39_Vilevia com
08:03.33_VilePDF, postscript etc can be an easier solution, but style and ease of use wise, easier to modify a word template than program postscript
08:03.52nix000_Vile, where did you see that they will provide a gateway ?
08:04.00_Vilenix, call them
08:04.10debaser_Vile: a word template?
08:04.11_Vilethey won't give you the LD etc
08:04.23_Viledebaser, I use a word document and not a word template
08:04.40_Vilewith {BLAH} as my replacement variables
08:04.49debaseri want completely automagical, when the billing cycle is up, the printer prints out a cover sheet telling you whos bill it is, the actual bill formated for a window envelope, and a blank throwaway page at the end
08:04.49_Vilewhich I insert HTML intop
08:05.06_Vilefrom my VB app
08:05.10terrapen_in CDRs, is there any unique-per-call value included?
08:05.16terrapen_like, a PRIMARY KEY
08:05.19nix000_Vile, any idea who makes the gateway ?
08:05.32_Vilenix, you're in the * channel
08:05.55_VileMax TNT can support g.729
08:05.56debaserif you show up in the morning and see shit laying in the printer, you toss them into the letter folder, toss that in an envelope, run it through the postage meter, and stick it in the outbound mail pile.  30 seconds of work.
08:06.49nix000_Vile, yes ... i need the gateway to setup a calling card service based on * ...
08:07.16_Vilelook at a Max TNT
08:07.26_Vilew/ *
08:07.29_Vileuse 729
08:07.40_Vilea 4 port card to connect to your carrier via PRI
08:07.46_Vile4 port T1
08:07.57_VileTE410OP or TE405P
08:08.11_VileMax TNT will talk SIP to *
08:08.23_Vilethe TE's will allow the inbound 800 service
08:08.52_Vile* will be the middleman for the 800 service and the TNT, controlling billing and CDR collection
08:09.53nix000_Vile, actualy i dont need 800 services (for now)
08:11.07nix000tow! .. maybe that was not for me !
08:12.16_Vileyou'll need an 800 # if you expect to compete in the calling card market
08:12.47_Vilebut yes, these messages are not for you
08:13.45nix000_Vile, ok .. i see what you meant now. actually the only reason i need ss7 is because the equipment will be colocated with the local telco ! so ppl dial speacl *77 to call in.
08:14.39nix000does the max tnt speak ss7 ?
08:17.13*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
08:19.43*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
08:21.03terrapen_'id' being the primary key
08:22.40langalsI am trying to set up conferencing and am gettimg some errors - wondering if someone could help me?
08:23.04SexyKenAnyone know where I can hire someone to setup a single asterisk server for 3 companies to be hosted on?
08:23.28jontowsexyken; im sure you can get a lot of offers on that
08:23.35nix000anyone familiar with sysmaster gateways ?
08:23.48SexyKenjontow, Where do you suggest I start?
08:26.04jontowduring business hours ;)
08:26.09jontowwhere're you located?
08:26.53jontowi'd do it if i had better bandwidth for you to use :)
08:27.16SexyKenI'm located in the Bay Area.
08:27.41SexyKenI already have the server. It's a dedicated server at a data center in New York, where the actual businesses are based.
08:27.48jontowyeah, business hours in here might not be a bad place to start :)
08:27.57jontowwhere in new york? (im in new york :))
08:28.09jontowah, far from me, heheh
08:28.31SexyKenWhat's your experience with Asterisk?
08:31.02jontowi use it at home in a random testing environment, and at work i've implemented 5-7 of them doing various things, 2 attached to T1-type PRIs, the others over IAX.. using SIP phones, MGCP adapters (with minimal luck .oO{?}), SCCP/Skinny (cisco) phones, ATAs (IAXy, Sipura SPA-2000).. I use wcfxo clone cards at home and wildcard T100P cards at work.. im currently implementing a voicemail server for a small telco
08:31.45jontowi've done some basic work with AGI, some decent IVRs including recording, etc :)
08:32.07jontowand i've done a lot with IAX2 in the last few weeks
08:32.51SexyKenWell -- our Provider is TelIAX and we're using SIP phones. Currently we have a (barely) working system...but it's not at all efficient, and often doesn't work right.
08:35.04jontowwhat's wrong with it?
08:35.44SexyKenQueues aren't working properly or the way we want them to. Transfers often dont work. And part of it is based on conf files and part is based on realtime.
08:36.58jontowusing the regular queues in asterisk i've seen some strange things myself.. and whats wrong with transferring? (and what specifically do you need with the realtime stuff?)
08:37.36SexyKenSee, I didn't setup the system.
08:37.39SexyKenSomeone else did.
08:37.44jontowaha :)
08:37.44SexyKenSo I dont know much about it.
08:37.51jontowwhat's your role in it? (and asterisk?)
08:38.27SexyKenI manage the project (implementing asterisk as the companies(3)) phone system.
08:43.02crash3m_can someone here with a Polycom IP300 with firmware version verify that there is a bug in the firmware that doesnt allow you to properly enter the "Auth password" ?
08:45.20*** join/#asterisk _THEEND_ (
08:46.47*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
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08:49.06langalsWhenever I start asterisk and run in debug mode I get the following error, which is repeated about 12 times: WARNING[5404]: chan_oss.c:269 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable. Does anyone know what the problem is - assistance would be much appreciated
08:50.30*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
09:02.20_Vilenix, no... what equipment?
09:02.58*** join/#asterisk ckruetze_ (
09:07.05*** join/#asterisk Supaplex (supaplex@
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09:09.09MacDeathMorning All
09:12.07wildcard0anyone have any information on the sip jitterbuffer in progress?  im interested in helping
09:12.19clive-wildcard speak to zoa
09:14.06MacDeathIm having a problem with my zap cards
09:14.12MacDeathI get this when trying to make a call
09:14.14MacDeathUnable to create channel of type 'Zap'
09:14.42Ismei want * to dial from 1 cell phone to another cell. do i need some kind of adaptor to plug in to FXO ?
09:18.40*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
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09:34.24cjkhi its me again, anyone here who got some experience in grandstream firmware preconfiguration (cfg.txt)
09:34.48cjkanother question: do you known any hardphone supporting ilbc which are not called grandstream?
09:36.51*** join/#asterisk pascals (
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09:38.50MacDeathcjk : I cant help you on that
09:38.57MacDeathI only used grandstream
09:39.02MacDeathand use ilbc
09:39.12MacDeathsince i switched to ilbc
09:39.20MacDeathI cant use my zaptel cards
09:39.23clive-cjk the pa168 phones say they will support ilbc shortly
09:39.24MacDeathI get this message
09:40.00*** join/#asterisk DrFrancky (
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09:46.13Supaplexdoes it matter what sampling rate I use for oog/mp3s for MOH?
09:46.20Supaplexer, ogg/
09:54.32*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
09:56.29darkskiezso, why does the TE4xx series cards have two specified voltage cards, and the TE110P card not specify the voltage at all.
09:57.48*** join/#asterisk Fabe_ (
10:01.16darkskiezim getting soo many google server errors the last few days
10:02.37*** part/#asterisk Isme (some@
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10:04.45mepplguten morgen
10:16.38*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
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10:21.18mAsH`hi all
10:27.00mAsH`can i connect asterisk with skype?
10:27.24Alexi1i don't think so
10:27.42Alexi1because skype seems to be non standard
10:27.47Alexi1but if you find ....
10:27.53Alexi1tell me :p
10:29.58*** join/#asterisk blackadder (
10:30.22blackadderhi anyone here good with ISDN errors
10:30.56blackadderkeep getting this error : chan_capi.c:955 capi_write: error sending DATA_B3_REQ (error=0x1103, datalen=160) B3in=1
10:31.07blackadderanyone know why?
10:31.22Mavviedebug pri, and Q.931 (98-05) ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification for basic call control.pdf :-)
10:31.50Mavviemaybe it's a lower layer, but that's all I have.
10:32.10*** join/#asterisk Abbas (Abbas@
10:32.26Abbasany body knows   SIP Proxy  of vonage
10:35.04blackadderMawie what did yuo mean?
10:37.31*** join/#asterisk lsc (
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10:37.53lscany french here ?
10:37.55lscneed help :)
10:38.14blackadderno der iz no french eer
10:39.40lscokay :s
10:40.51Abbas~ SIP PROXY of VONAGE
10:40.58Abbas~SIP PROXY of VONAGE
10:41.40pifhi, my musiconhold only works when transfering with '#' not when putting the call on hold or using the phone's transfer, any idea?
10:42.39piflsc: what do you need that is 'french' about * ?
10:45.42Zeeeklsc what ?
10:45.43*** join/#asterisk deckel (
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11:00.18lsci'm searching for a french asterisk documentation
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11:03.12Makenshican someone give me a sip proxy that can terminate calls to +1-800? never seems to work
11:03.43Makenshifor free, that is
11:03.46*** part/#asterisk deckel (
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11:15.11Makenshiriksta, 404 (SIP not HTTP)
11:15.53rikstayou need a www.
11:16.03Makenshiriksta, i'm making a sip call :p
11:16.16rikstaif you register for the sip account
11:16.19rikstayou get free 800 calls
11:17.26Aze`anyone use hisax
11:20.04Makenshi(hmping at something else)
11:20.39*** join/#asterisk briiiiiiiiii (
11:21.28Makenshino dns srv records
11:22.31langalsIs there anyone out there who would be able to help me with Meetme conferencing - having a few issues
11:24.10Makenshilangals, what's the problem?
11:26.40langalsMakenshi: I can log into a conference, and it plays the "first participant" message, but in the sip debug screen it comes up with the same error over and over again, and then boots me out after about 30 seconds....
11:27.03langalsIf someone else logs into the conference then we cannot communicate
11:27.10*** join/#asterisk arbrandes (~arbrandes@
11:27.30Aze`How i can compose dtmf after cmd DIAL() ?
11:30.04langalsMakenshi: the error is WARNING [6206]: chan_sip.c: 1829 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 1 (read/write = 64/64) - this is repeated over and over again
11:31.22arbrandesMorning everybody.
11:31.35arbrandesSo... does chanspy work?
11:33.05n1gg4swhen use the command "/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk" it shows to the message
11:33.05n1gg4s"Asterisk ended with exit status 1
11:33.05n1gg4sAsterisk died with code 1.
11:33.05n1gg4sAutomatically restarting Asterisk. they anyone knows because?
11:34.49langalsMakenshi, any ideas about the errors?
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11:40.37goatmilkrobl^: !!!!
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11:45.36langalsCould anyone out there point me to some documentation on how to configure codec options in asterisk. I seem to be having a problem of codec incompatibility between my client and asterisk
11:48.47arbrandeslangals: did you try
11:51.56c00whello all
11:51.59c00wi have a question
11:52.11c00wheres the example
11:52.29c00wi have an exterenal extension say 12345
11:52.33Drukenwholly c00w
11:52.33langalsarbrandes - yes, but does not deal with my specific problem
11:52.42c00wnow theres 4 different ways to get to this extension
11:52.59c00wexample being 4 different ip addresses
11:53.19langalsarbrandes - I get this error - WARNING [6206]: chan_sip.c: 1829 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 1 (read/write = 64/64) - this is repeated over and over again
11:53.28c00wnow if i get a responce back from the first route saying No one is available to answer at this time
11:53.42c00whow do i then tell it to go to the new route
11:53.59c00wand if it says ringing how do i then tell it to go to voicemail instead of the next route.
11:54.03c00wdo you understand ??
11:55.32goatmilkc00w: you want to look at the extention order
11:55.41goatmilkthe priority
11:55.46pascalsIs there a cli command to show which channels are connected to each other?
11:55.49c00wyeah i understand that
11:55.59Drukenc00w: when doing a dial, use g, as well as have a timeout for the voicemail
11:56.00c00wthen take this for example
11:56.20c00wif it rings on route 1
11:56.27c00wi just want it to go to voicemail
11:56.35c00winstead of going the other routes
11:56.54c00wi was looking @ the gotoif but i don't think i have any way of returning the status of the call so like ringing hungup etc
11:57.00c00wi'll look @ this g flag
11:57.04Drukenwhy do you have 4 routes to the same place?
11:57.33c00wits more for load then anything
11:57.39c00w4x30 channel boxes
11:57.45goatmilkc00w: also look at the help in the CLI.. "show application dial"
11:57.53c00wso if you go over 30 you want to spill on to the next one
11:58.18Drukenhow are you dialing these channel boxes?
11:58.23Drukene1 channels?
11:58.31c00wwill be h323
11:58.41c00wyeah i know
11:58.51c00wcaus if it was e1 i could group
11:59.00c00wwhich would be a class idea if you could group sip or h323
11:59.06*** join/#asterisk christo (
11:59.10christommm dicky wiki
11:59.20Drukenwiki dicky? :)
11:59.32pascalsHow do I ask asterisk which channels are currently connected to each other?
11:59.38c00wi've just found this variable called dialstatus
11:59.47Drukenpascals: show channels
11:59.48c00wthat may be able to do i
12:00.31Drukenc00w: how are you useing these?, is it for inside or outside calls?
12:00.38pascalsAh - when Bridged, the data says where. T
12:00.44Drukenperhaps a queue would work
12:01.12c00wwell it will be from outside to inside
12:01.27c00wits will be a kind of routing from pstn 0870 to internal route numbers that i have allocated
12:01.46c00wit basically does a looking on the ddi number that is being passed from pstn
12:02.07Abbasany body knows   SIP Proxy  of vonage
12:02.30c00wthen it gets back route-number and device list (poss of 5 different paths) then the type of call zap/sip/h323 etc and an account number (used for voicemail later on)
12:02.46c00wit takes the route number along with the device and the call type
12:02.52c00wand dials accordingly
12:03.13c00wthe route lookup is custom module writen bymyself
12:03.31c00wdon't think people would be interested in it
12:03.59Drukenit's a strange setup you have... not sure what your trying to accomplish
12:04.09c00wits hard to understand
12:04.21c00wbasically people have 0870 geo numbers
12:04.32c00wthey are presented to us by carrier
12:04.43pascalsHow do I make sure the external clid is still shown when I transfer a call from one phone to the next?
12:04.50c00wwe then have a rather large voip based network (40000000 ext) there about
12:05.00c00wprob more
12:05.26Druken40 million extensions eh?
12:05.41goatmilkpascals: show application setcallerid
12:05.43c00wand the ext pstn geo number needs translated to the internal route number (sitenumber + extention)
12:05.50c00wyeah prob =)
12:06.13c00wits split over a lot of sites
12:06.20c00wall students.
12:06.22Drukenwell, call me an asshole... but if you have 40 million extensions, you can afford to pay someone to fix your problem :)
12:06.37c00wthats fair enough
12:06.47c00wi'm just doing some testing
12:06.54c00wthats fine if you feel that way =)
12:06.58pascalsgoatmilk: yes, I use that on incomming calls - I don't see how to set it back to that value when someone transfers the call to someone else
12:07.10c00wand trust me its not that many calls for the ammount of extensions
12:07.35c00wan example site with 7-8k extions
12:07.54c00whave average of 10 calls concurrent @ 10am
12:08.08c00wgoing to about 40 concurrent calls @ 6-7 @ nite
12:11.42langalsDoes anyone have an idea what the capacity of meetme is on a 2ghz machine?
12:12.25arbrandeslangals: that's something I'd like to know, too.
12:12.43Chuji46 people
12:13.49Chujilangals : I've tried as many as 50 on my 2.8 and it handled it. Just don't let it do any transcoding or recording
12:14.18pascalsI hope not all 50 speak at once...
12:15.05tzangerpascals: shouldn't matter
12:15.12tzangerpascals: asterisk does no VAD or CNG
12:15.53tzangerbasically voice detection... asteirsk sends audio no matter if it's silence or not
12:15.56robl^but asterisk has Allison saying "Moose penis!"  :)
12:15.58tzangerso whether those 50 calls are speaking or not doesn't matter
12:16.01tzangerrobl^: hahaha
12:16.10pascalsBut 50 people speaking will be confusing :)
12:16.37tzangerpascals: heh
12:16.46langalsChuhji - how does one prevent it from doing transcoding? - I am having a bit of a problem with codecs at the moment
12:17.08langalsI am using a standard client (built on the MS RTC Core library)
12:17.52*** join/#asterisk Luhiwu (~marsosa@
12:19.14langalsWhat you might want to have is 10 people in a conference, but 5 conferences running concurrently
12:19.24langalsthat is the type of implementation I am looking for
12:20.21langalstzanger: does asterisk meetme carry on broadcasting even if there is nothing sent from clients?
12:21.31langalshave you guys all gone?
12:21.52*** join/#asterisk whmok (~acidBurn@
12:25.06tzangerlangals: yes
12:26.36*** join/#asterisk mickm (
12:27.16langalstzanger - and will meetme cut a client off if there is VAD on the client side?
12:27.40langalstzanger - are there any open source conference servers which support VAD and CNG/
12:27.50tzangerlangals: I am not sure.  I think their voice will be "odd" but again I'm not sure
12:27.52*** join/#asterisk afe ([
12:28.00tzangerlangals: I don't know, you'll have to do your own research
12:28.05*** join/#asterisk Darwin[laptop] (
12:30.03langalsChuji:what have you found with VAD and CNG?
12:31.00Darwin35I have a comapny asking for it and not finding anything in the wiki
12:34.23Darwin35~seen goshen
12:36.00jbotgoshen <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 11h 8m 51s ago, saying: 'thats an odd one... Mar 21 18:26:25 NOTICE[1131]: callerid.c:306 callerid_feed: Caller*ID failed checksum'.
12:38.48blackadderanyone know why i would get this : SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
12:39.22Darwin35need more info do sip debug
12:40.02*** join/#asterisk psirac (
12:40.34blackadderwhat is the site i can cut and paste to to avoid flooding this chanel
12:46.05Darwin35paste the url heree
12:46.24tzangerDarwin35: what's wrong with DISA?
12:46.53tzangerI imagine you could do something simialr with Read and GotoIf
12:49.14Darwin35why is it people give phones names insted of just exten numbers
12:49.30blackaddersorry its not just for me
12:49.40blackadderi am trying t ohelp asterisk noob
12:50.26Darwin35I dont see it failing
12:51.03Darwin35is the phone behind nat
12:51.23Darwin35is so nat=yes canreinvite=no
12:53.31mrtwisterhi - is anyone have bluetooth package, compiled to .deb? :) i installed * at home with app-get and wish to try bluetooth. dont offer to compile, too much job with mepis linux :)
12:54.15blackadderso you would suggest using numbers instead of  names
12:54.26Darwin35I do
12:54.35Darwin35I think its easier to control
12:54.42Darwin35in the sip,conf
12:55.01Darwin35and when working the extensions.coonf
12:55.06Darwin35and when working the extensions.conf
12:55.27blackadderso what does 403 forbidden mean
12:56.44Darwin35it did not load sip2.0
12:56.58Darwin35the phone does not support it . it seems
12:57.16blackadderso how do i stop it constantly retrying
12:57.49Darwin35not sure I shhot my gs
12:58.05Darwin35moved   over to a sipra
12:58.13Darwin35they work bette
12:58.30Darwin35the 849 I think it is
12:59.38Darwin35let me look at some thing brb
13:06.41*** join/#asterisk mesi (
13:07.35mesiIs there a Command like Gosub() in Asterisk which allows returning from a context to the calling context?
13:09.52RaYmAn-Bxdepending on what you want to do you might want to look into macros
13:12.52*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
13:15.10kcir2my phones are trying to subscribe to my voicemail extension for thier built-in message functions and MWI, but sip debuging shows that the asterisk server is replying 403
13:15.25langalsIs there anyone who would be able to help me sort out codec issues with Meetme
13:15.31kcir2have i overlooked some aspect of voicemailmain()
13:16.02mesiRayMan: Hm... I'm using macros, but not for my menu-functionality. Perhaps it is really the right thing for me.
13:16.13*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (
13:16.19crich1999hi all
13:16.24mesiHi Crich.
13:16.46crich1999Has anyone a clue how I can write a non GPL Module for the asterisk ?
13:17.33kcir2for what reason?
13:17.41crich1999for selling it
13:18.00crich1999like codec_g792 from digium
13:18.40Darwin35if its a gs turn off subscribe in the interface
13:19.55Darwin35no one will buy very fe g729 have ben sold
13:20.12*** join/#asterisk lespiggot (~les@
13:20.12crich1999Darwin35, what do you mean with gs ? where can i turn off subscribe
13:20.17Darwin35people use speex and ilbc and other codecs to take its place
13:20.23Darwin35inthe phone
13:21.50robl^I have 6 licenses for g729.. but that was out necessity for one application
13:23.08*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
13:23.30*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:24.18Mimmushi, I installed Asterisk a few hour ago, I'm trying to setup a simple gateway from VOIP software phones to external public network
13:24.43MimmusI created a context named  'from-sip'
13:25.05MimmusHow can I 'Dial' the desired number?
13:25.52`SauronDarwin: AgiNamu has (had) 729 g.729 licenses.
13:27.20Darwin35People buy them I did not say tey dont
13:27.33Darwin35but they tend to use free over purchasiiing
13:28.29`SauronThere's not many free g729 codecs
13:28.42`Sauronand, the irony of Aginamu's licenses escaped you.
13:33.38mountiecrich1999: You have to get a licence from digium for the asterisk code that is not GPL
13:34.56mountiecrich1999: Then you are not bound by the GPL, but by the terms of the licence you negotiate with Digium
13:35.44bjohnson`Sauron: and they weren't puchased
13:36.10*** join/#asterisk zoa (
13:36.27bjohnsonMimmus: use the dial command .. the format of which will change depending on how you connect to the pstn
13:36.47bjohnsonMimmus: there are lots of exmples on the wiki and the sample conf files should get you started too
13:36.55bjohnsonask specific questions here if needed
13:37.19bjohnsonMimmus: but you will have to be specific about your hardware and configuration options
13:39.46*** join/#asterisk Emore (
13:39.53Emorehi all
13:41.03crich1999mountie: do you know how much such a license cost ?
13:41.23mountiecrich1999: No - I haven't bothered to inquire.
13:41.54Mimmusbjohnson: I use CAPI
13:42.09mountiecrich1999: Contact them and ask... They must do it, becaues the SS7 people have done it.
13:42.14crich1999Mimmus: better use mISDN ; )
13:42.55crich1999mountie: sure, they must have done it also wth their own g729 codecs, i think there are also other hw channels which do so
13:43.28Mimmuscrich1999: no no. CAPI works, I don't know how to use 'Dial'
13:43.52MacDeathwonder if someone can help me please
13:44.02MacDeathI'm using a grandstram phone
13:44.06MacDeathand diginum cards
13:44.16MacDeathgrandstream -> grandstream work fine
13:44.25MacDeathxlite - grandstream works
13:44.37MacDeathgrandstream - pstn doesnt work
13:44.44MacDeath"No translator path exists for channel type Zap"
13:45.33bjohnsoncrich1999: I think the 729 licenses may be listed on the digium web site .. I can't remember how much off hand but they seem inexpensive
13:46.13*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
13:46.18bjohnsonMacDeath: make sure they all allow the same codec
13:46.49bjohnsonMacDeath: and make sure your extensions.conf section that the gs comes in on has access to the extens that dial out the zap
13:47.35Mimmusbjohnson: what is the syntax of Dial command?
13:47.47MimmusI use Dial(CAPI/98426849:b${EXTEN:1},30)
13:48.23crich1999mountie: where can i get infos about the SS7 channel ?
13:48.36*** join/#asterisk jakepdev (
13:48.44Darwin35Dial(protocol,exten, Function)
13:49.20bjohnsonMimmus: sorry .. I don't ue capi so don't know the specifics of that
13:49.40bjohnsonMimmus: but the 'b' looks out of plae
13:49.43Darwin35cli > show application dial
13:50.36Mimmusbjohnson: ok, but what is the exact way to pass destination number to dial?
13:50.38bjohnsonDarwin35: he's got the deneral idea .. it's the specifics that he needs an examples of
13:50.39MacDeathbjohnson : i have given it access to all codecs
13:50.55MacDeathand it does have access in extensions.conf
13:50.58pascalsWhen we transfer calls among local phones, the caller id is set to the person transfering the call - how can I detect a transfer and set the caller id back to the correct one after the transfer completes?
13:51.05MacDeathcause it used to work till i changed the default protocol
13:51.28jakepdevanyone know about DS1FD?
13:51.30bjohnsonMimmus: I don't use capi .. but for sip it would be dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@sip_out,30)
13:51.40pascalssetcallerid I know about, but I don't see where to use it in a transfer
13:51.54bjohnsonand for iax2 .. dial(IAX2/iax2_out/${EXTEN:1},30)
13:52.29bjohnsonMacDeath: changed the default protocol?  how do you do that?  I think you mean default codec
13:52.49bjohnsonMacDeath: protocol = SIP, IAX2, etc
13:53.30*** join/#asterisk Dabba (
13:54.07bjohnsonpascals: good question .. I thought it did that by default.  Check the wiki and mail archives to see if any info there
13:54.16bjohnsonpascals: no idea what to search for though
13:54.27pascalsbjohnson: exactly my problem
13:54.34Mimmusbjohnson: I tried Dial(CAPI/98426849:b${EXTEN:1},30) but var ${EXTEN:1} is not expanded
13:55.10ManipuraI just found a g729 key I got a year ago, anyone know if these things expire?
13:55.16ManipuraI bought it from digium
13:55.17pascalsbjohnson: perhaps the phones are not configured correctly (polycom IP500)
13:55.39bjohnsonMimmus: do you have a goto in the extensions.conf that it is following?  goto clears the EXTEN variable
13:55.58bjohnsonManipura: no idea .. ask them.  Might be info on their site already
13:56.03langalsHi there...
13:56.38*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
13:56.39bjohnsonpascals: I just have ATAs that feed a Nortel so completely different situation here since transfers are alll within the Nortel system
13:56.58Zeeekanyone using flash operator panel?
13:57.01*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
13:57.07MacDeathbjohnson : I mean codecs, i put the 1st codec of the grandstream onto ilbc
13:57.14MacDeathZeeek : yeah, I am
13:57.32ZeeekMacDeath I can't get the Flash to talk to the server
13:57.37Zeeeksame sub net
13:57.40Dabbagiven the new app_chanspy and cvs head from 12hours ago is this expected
13:57.45bjohnsonMacDeath: make sure the zapata allows that code
13:57.54Zeeekbut Apache is running on a non standard port. Does that matter?
13:58.03bjohnsonMacDeath: also make sure the grandstream supports it
13:58.17Zeeekilbc is on GS
13:58.25MacDeathZeeek : apache port doesnt make a difference
13:58.31MacDeathlet me check my config
13:58.32Zeeekdidn't think so but what would?
13:58.55MacDeathZeeek : my problem is that since i put my GS onto ilbc, it cant use the zaptel cards
13:59.01MacDeath"No translator path exists for channel type Zap"
13:59.05bjohnsonMacDeath: that error sounds like a codec match not being available
13:59.17MacDeathZeeek : does your flash panel load
13:59.28MacDeathbjohnson : what codec is available for the zaptel cards?
13:59.29ZeeekMacDeath and when you siwtch codecs it works again?
13:59.56MacDeathwell, havent switced back yet, but when it was all on ulaw it used to work, but it uses to omuch b/w
14:00.04ZeeekI use g729 but I remember there was a DTMF  issue with iLBC I think
14:00.20Zeeekwhich has nothing to do with anything
14:00.27Zeeekmaybe I didn't try it with ZAP
14:00.48ZeeekMacDeath ya the panel loads but everything flashes, meaning it aint talkin
14:01.17MacDeathis op_panel running
14:01.32MacDeathand has it connected to the server?
14:01.36Zeeekand it looks normal (debig messages)
14:02.31Zeeekwait a sec
14:02.42bjohnsonMacDeath: can you specify a codec in zapata.conf?  iirc they only use one specific thing .. but maybe that's for fxo ports.  check the codec lines in zapata and change it back to ulaw if it's there
14:03.18bjohnsonMacDeath: you can use ilbc from the phones to * and something else from there on .. most people use ulaw on a lan btw
14:03.27MacDeathbut cant asterisk talk to zap card on one codec, and to the phone from another
14:03.32MacDeathbjohnson : its not all on lan
14:03.42MacDeathonly 64kb ISDN
14:04.01bjohnsonmaybe the phones are trying to connect directly to each other
14:04.10bjohnsoncheck into canreinvite settings
14:04.15bjohnsonfor the sip.conf sections
14:04.27MacDeathit is set as yet
14:04.36bjohnsontry no
14:04.55jakepdevIs * cable of using Lucent CAS for Line Side E1?
14:05.04bjohnsonmaybe the sip phone is trying to connect directly to the zap instead of keeping * in the middle
14:05.09MacDeathlet me change it quick
14:05.14bjohnsonjakepdev: no idea
14:05.23*** join/#asterisk Jer13261 (
14:05.26bjohnsonjakepdev: what is Lucent CAS?
14:05.38jakepdevprobably a variation of CAS
14:06.11bjohnsonthere are digium E1 cards so I assume that they could connect to any E1 .. but I don't know
14:06.28jakepdevright - i have the E1 T1 card
14:06.42jakepdevthe config part is key
14:07.04bjohnsonmaybe ask for help with that
14:07.16MacDeathNo translator path exists for channel type Zap (native 68) to 256
14:07.24ZeeekMacDeath - just for completeness, I found what was wrong: I had in the server and it needs the real address apparently, i.e. 192.168...
14:07.39MacDeathahh :)
14:07.46Zeeekanother mental note to add the brain-wiki
14:07.48MacDeathwas going to ask what it was listening on
14:08.03MacDeathi have mine on * now
14:08.03bjohnsonZeeek: your apache may not be accepting calls from
14:08.19Zeeekhowever, note that then an entry had to be added to the manager.conf for 192.168...
14:08.35Zeeekbjohnson yes, it's configured to do so
14:09.05MacDeathbjohnson : going to put ulaw at the top now
14:09.08MacDeathand see what happens
14:09.13Zeeeknow the problem is to allow 4445 or whatever it is for remote operation
14:09.49ZeeekMacDeath I've found that when testing a codec, it should be allowed=alone first to remove any ambiguities
14:10.56MacDeathwhat does allowed=alone?
14:11.14bjohnsonno idea
14:11.38bjohnsonI think he means disallow=all and then just allow the one you want to test
14:11.43MacDeathdoes the order of the codecs in sip.conf make a difference?
14:12.06bjohnsonMacDeath: I keep hearing different answers
14:12.19bjohnsonMacDeath: latest one I heard is that yes it does matter
14:12.46MacDeathbjohnson : i took g729 out of sip.conf and it all works
14:13.03MacDeathi was using it for passthrough
14:13.05bjohnsonit was trying to use g729?
14:13.27MacDeathmmm, it was using ulaw
14:13.32MacDeathi need it to use ilbc
14:13.57Darwin[laptop]you need a license for g729 unless just using passthrew
14:15.11MacDeathDarwin: yeah, but i want it to use something other than g729 UNLESS it is passthrough
14:15.14ZeeekI just meant allow=ilbc
14:15.20Zeeekdisallow all else
14:15.22bjohnsonMacDeath: try disallow=all and then just allow=ilbc
14:15.35Essobiilbc is a heavy codec if you transcode.
14:15.38Zeeekthat's what I meant but then a I said it and looked away :)
14:15.38bjohnsonin the general section of sip.conf
14:15.45bjohnsonget rid of any bandwidth lines
14:16.04MacDeathbjohnson : ilbc is working, changed order of codecs
14:16.12MacDeathim putting g729 at the bottom now
14:16.13bjohnsonMacDeath: as Essobi said .. it will require some cpu power
14:16.16MacDeathand will see what it does
14:16.24Essobishow translation on the cli
14:16.29MacDeathDuel Xeon ok?
14:16.34bjohnsonMacDeath: unless you bought g729 codecs .. don't list it at all
14:16.50MacDeathi was using them for passthough though
14:17.04bjohnsonMacDeath: hardware has to be tested against your uses
14:17.52MacDeathits in experimental stage, will only be about 10 users
14:18.33bjohnsonwhat is passthrough?
14:19.55MacDeathwhen you have canreinvte=yes
14:20.02MacDeaththen you dont need the license
14:23.32EssobiI need some new rings on my 7960s.
14:28.32bjohnsonMacDeath: I think that is only if the devices support g729
14:29.11*** join/#asterisk Dandan (
14:29.45BrianR___a2the codec negotiation stuff doesn't work very well.
14:30.13BrianR___ie, if g729 passthrough is enabled asterisk will still select g729 in cases where it actually needs access to the audio stream
14:30.30BrianR___at least in 1.0.x
14:31.24*** part/#asterisk Dabba (
14:32.31MacDeathbjohnson : yeah, but the GS (which i am using) all do
14:33.17MacDeathhow does * decide which codec to call a phone with
14:33.29MacDeathwhen there is an incoming call from a zap channel
14:33.42MacDeathwhat does it use to pass it through to the SIP phone
14:37.13Darwin[laptop]* chooses the codec to use by looking at the exten in sip.conf and in zaptel.conf
14:37.27Darwin[laptop]it looks to see what codecs you have listed
14:37.34MacDeath*looks at zaptel*
14:37.43MacDeathi have them all listed in sip.conf
14:38.18MacDeathwhere in zaptel.conf do you see codecs?
14:39.02*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
14:39.06zoathere should be ulaw or alaw somewhere in there i think
14:39.24zoaanyway, it uses only sip.conf to see how it has to send it
14:39.39Zeeekspeaking of codecs...
14:39.45bjohnsonI think he means zapata
14:39.57bjohnsonnot zaptel
14:40.35ZeeekI have an IAX phone I'm testing. When it calls a queue, no moh. WHen a SIP phone calls it there is moh. Same context. Same queue. Codecs supposedly match (askig for 2, codec=2)
14:40.46bjohnsonbut I'm not sure it's listed for zap cards at all anyway
14:40.47Mimmussomeone can point me to a configuration sample for basic SIP->ISDN PRI gateway?
14:41.09Mimmussip.conf and sample will be appreciated
14:42.18EssobiIs there any GSM 6.10 codecs for windows media player?
14:42.52*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
14:43.51EssobiGoogle sucks sometimes.
14:44.20zoaEssobi: not that i know of
14:44.24zoause apple quicktime
14:48.07EssobiIt says there is.. HMMm..
14:49.42DrFranckythere is in sound recorder
14:49.45*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
14:49.47mutilatormornin all
14:49.52DrFranckybut it's "little" diferent :-))
14:50.00mutilatori hookup a zultys zip 2 phone up
14:50.07mutilatorand i get scrolling errors in asterisk
14:50.21*** join/#asterisk spackle (~spackle@
14:50.34mutilatorwhy does it try subscribe?
14:51.06Essobimutilator Bad password/username specified in sip peer
14:51.15*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (~icechat5@
14:51.15mutilatorit's correct tho
14:51.22Essobiit's not
14:51.24mutilatorumm yes
14:51.28mutilatorit's been plugged in for a few days
14:51.35mutilatorit just started doing it out of the blue
14:51.40MikeJ[Laptop]so did evertone hear... windows is more secure than linux:
14:51.41mutilatornothing has changed at all
14:52.21EssobiMike Oh god.. I stopped by the microsoft propoganda machine the other day.. read the whitepaper on why Linux has a higher TCO then windows.
14:52.36Essobimutilator no "sip reloads?"
14:53.00Essobicould be it was borked up and it got reloaded.. the one in memory worked... the one on file didn't.
14:54.22Essobimutilator Whip out your handy, dandy sniffer and watch the packets.. That always works for me.
14:55.43mutilatori've had ata's do that when they were behind nat before too, not quite the same error message but they won't login
14:55.51mutilatorhave to unplug em and plug em back in
14:55.56*** join/#asterisk pif (ldm@
14:56.04blackadderMikeJ[Laptop] Pah! its fixed
14:59.26*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
15:00.32*** join/#asterisk convey (~test@
15:00.34*** join/#asterisk fishboy1669 (proxyuser@
15:01.07fishboy1669hi guys
15:01.13fishboy1669any one any idea on this Huh? an ilbc frame that isn't a multiple of 50 bytes long from RTP (4)
15:01.29fishboy1669hi convey
15:02.12*** part/#asterisk lespiggot (~les@
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15:02.39conveyanyone using the TE410P card from Digium?
15:03.17conveyor the TE405P
15:04.22Lee__nope, sorry.
15:06.05Lee__I have found something that appears to be a bug that results in Asterisk crashing. It's 100% reproducible. Where should I go with this?
15:06.24*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@malcolmd.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
15:06.25conveyWhat is it so I can avoid it :)
15:06.35*** join/#asterisk elriah (
15:06.40christoLee__ take it to asterisk-developers list I guess
15:06.47dwmw2_goneLee__: find the simplest way for someone _else_ to reproduce it too
15:06.53*** part/#asterisk _Sam-- (
15:06.53Lee__anyone game?
15:07.34elriahHey guys, how do I just from one context to another in extensions.conf?  Say someone presses '1' and i want them to jump into context [test] where there is another option '1'?
15:08.18Sedoroxelriah: s,1,goto(text,s,1)
15:08.23christoelriah- exten => 1,1,Goto(othercontext,s,1)
15:08.31Sedoroxer yea.. 1 not a...
15:08.33MikeJ[Laptop]lee-  If you are getting craches, post it on mantis... make sure to read the guidelines and get as much information as possible
15:08.40elriahOh, easy.. heh
15:08.40*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
15:08.53zoaLEe, tell me what it is
15:08.57zoai have te410p cards
15:09.00zoaand te405p cards
15:09.05_omerI always forget the command to check the logged in AGENTS :-/
15:09.11MikeJ[Laptop]Lee__, if you can, make sure to get a full bt with make valgrind on the crash fromt he start, that will help a lot
15:09.19_omerhow to check the logged in agents in asterisk ?
15:09.54zoabugs.digium.con is where to post it
15:12.26mutilatori dunno Essobi
15:12.29mutilatorthat phone is logged in
15:12.33mutilatori can make and receive calls on it
15:12.41mutilatorit just scrolls that error over and over
15:13.37DrFranckydatabase show
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15:13.49_omerhow to check the logged in agents in asterisk ? whats the command ?
15:13.57DrFrancky_omer: database show
15:14.53*** join/#asterisk hobbes (
15:14.57_omerlet me check
15:15.32mutilatorit tries to register 2 times per second too
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15:15.45*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
15:15.51_omerok and how to offline registered peers ?
15:15.57hobbeshi, any chan_capi god around ?
15:16.02zoaantony, thnx for chan_spy2
15:16.04zoadidnt use it yet
15:16.07_omerin my asterisk there are 2 online peers.....I want to kill/disconnect one of them..
15:16.08zoabut will try it in the future
15:16.28zoasofthangup + remove em from the sip.conf ?
15:16.33zoaor iax.conf ?
15:16.44mutilatoror remove their database entry
15:16.54mutilatorso it won't do anythin til they reregister
15:17.15hobbeswhen I have several lines, how can I restrict incomming calls to one at a time ?
15:17.18_omer:D .thanks
15:18.07DrFrancky_omer: database command will help
15:18.10*** join/#asterisk Katty (~angela@
15:18.12DrFranckyjust chek it
15:18.20_omeryeah I did....
15:18.38*** join/#asterisk mog_home (
15:18.55_omerDrFrancky:  someone told me a command. in which I could check the queue and registered Agents at the same time...but forgot
15:19.14_omerI'm sure wasn't "sip show peers"
15:19.21mog_homecan someone confirm for me that the iaxy does not support md5 for auth
15:19.21*** join/#asterisk gdh (
15:19.25fishboy1669where do i find out about * errors
15:19.28fishboy1669what they mean
15:19.29_omeryes mutilator?
15:19.31fishboy1669how to fix them
15:19.31mutilatorever seen the wiki?
15:19.41mutilatorlots of your answers are there
15:19.44*** join/#asterisk Nix (
15:19.48_omeraaahh...nope......great...let me check..thanks
15:19.57DrFranckyhehe :-))
15:20.02mutilatorprobly answers to stuff ya havn't even thought of yet
15:20.09Lee__maybe my bug is something common. It seems like it. I'm calling the server from a SIP softphone. The phone is registered and it can send and recieve messages to the server. The phone's context on the server tells it to route all 1700 calls to iaxtel. The client and the server are behind NAT on the same network. When I make a call to an iaxtel number, the server crashes with this message:
15:20.12Lee__Mar 24 10:19:37 WARNING[1342]: pbx.c:1934 ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'from-sip'
15:20.24gdhHola :) Any CAPI gurus around? Am trying to find why the phones on our PBX answer immediately in speakerphone when I dial through CAPI :)
15:20.27fishboy1669Huh? an ilbc frame that isn't a multiple of 50 bytes long from RTP (4)
15:20.36fishboy1669whats this mean
15:21.28mutilatorthe server crashes?
15:21.43*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
15:21.46Lee__yes, the server stops running immediately and I am disconnected from the console.
15:22.10Lee__Asterisk 1.0.5 from Debian testing
15:22.11mutilatorwhats your dialplan look like?
15:22.35mutilatorjust remove the t from your dial()
15:22.52mutilatorseeing as it's probly not going to timeout and go to voicemail...
15:23.02gdhmutilator: Are you talking to me?
15:23.22Lee__sip.conf has a section for the client which points to the context called [from-sip] which has only this:
15:23.23Lee__exten => _1700NXXXXXX,1,Dial(IAX2/${IAXINFO}${EXTEN})
15:24.01Lee__[from-sip] is in extensions.conf
15:24.50mutilatordid you ask something?
15:25.08fishboy1669i have found that ilbc is internet low bitrate codec
15:25.18fishboy1669but this donesnt make sence as i am using g729
15:25.20*** join/#asterisk shuric (
15:25.29fishboy1669is anyone able to help me on this
15:25.33fishboy1669Huh? an ilbc frame that isn't a multiple of 50 bytes long from RTP (4)
15:25.43mutilatorgdh: nope i've no idea on your q
15:25.53dwmw2_goneargh. I'm confused.
15:25.53gdhmutilator: OKi, no worries =)
15:26.40dwmw2_goneplaying with chan_bluetooth. Incoming audio from the headset is bizarrely distorted. Yet if I make its registered write() function a dummy, and call the _real_ write function with every frame I _read_, I get perfect echo.
15:26.43mutilatorfishboy1669: is ilbc explicitly blocked?
15:32.32fishboy1669no it just comes up warning
15:32.34fishboy1669Huh? an ilbc frame that isn't a multiple of 50 bytes long from RTP (4)
15:32.42fishboy1669but the sound dies till the error passes
15:32.47fishboy1669sorry warnings pass
15:33.24fishboy1669i have managed to read on web suggesting turning off dtmfmode=rfc2833 but cant understand why this would effect it
15:33.32fishboy1669help would be greatly recieved
15:33.57fishboy1669is ilbc something to do with inline?
15:34.08*** join/#asterisk akaye (
15:34.13fishboy1669cos i ait using ilbc so cant see where its coming from
15:34.51fishboy1669sometimes i hate my lack of understanding
15:36.56Kattyfishboy1669: you just need hugs.
15:37.02Kattyfishboy1669: hugs make everything better.
15:37.40elriahIf I have an exten => t,1,Goto(s,3) for example, and I want it to only timeout 3 times, then hangup, how would I do that?
15:38.36fishboy1669cheers katty
15:38.50fishboy1669u r sweet
15:39.04*** join/#asterisk topping (
15:39.06Kattyjust sometimes.
15:39.25fishboy1669lol is that why u have the name katty?
15:39.59Kattyfishboy1669: no. Katrina was taken. Karina is a romulan science officer. Add in a t, and you have Kat (i like cats).
15:40.05Kattyfishboy1669: so now it's just Katty.
15:40.33*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
15:40.34tzangerand women are generally catty to begin with
15:41.08fishboy1669tzanger carefull tiger she may not hug u for that comment
15:41.08Kattytzanger: what's that mean?
15:41.25tzangerit's all designed to evoke response
15:41.34Hmmhesaysthat's a nice way of saying fickle and ornery
15:41.46Kattywell, duh.
15:41.54Kattythat's the definition of female. fickle and ornery
15:41.56tzangerwomen aren't fickle or ornery?  That's part of what makes them women...
15:41.59tzangerI never said it was bad
15:42.01fishboy1669hey wheres my hug katty
15:42.07Kattyfishboy1669: i don't hug strangers.
15:42.10tzangersorry you gotta step up to get one :-)
15:42.12mutilatorso does anyone know why this phone is doing this?
15:42.12mutilatorFailed to authenticate user Glenn<>;tag=2730c-7c41 for SUBSCRIBE
15:42.20mutilatorevery 500ms i get that error
15:42.26KattyHmmhesays: i'll hug /you/ in a minute
15:42.28mutilatorbut the phone is logged in, it can make and receive calls
15:42.28tzangerpeople are strange... when you're a stranger.. faces seem ugly.. when you're alone
15:42.36Hmmhesaysohhh good song
15:42.38KattyHmmhesays: just as soon as i'm done playing with gradients
15:42.43tzangerwomen seem wicked, when you're unwanted...  and I dont' remember the rest :)
15:42.43fishboy1669im strange in what way?
15:42.49*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:42.50tzangerwell your nick for starters :_)
15:42.50Kattyfishboy1669: in that i don't know you.
15:42.56fishboy1669aha ok
15:43.08Kattyi need second opinion
15:43.09fishboy1669thought i had three ears or something then
15:43.11fishboy1669was worried
15:43.21Kattyis to...gradienty?
15:43.36Hmmhesaysif you had 3 ears I would expect you to be a musician
15:43.39*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~bkw_@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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15:43.42Kattymy --> fade effect is being all omgwtfyellowlolz
15:45.00fishboy1669now u have lost me!
15:45.09*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
15:45.13fishboy1669tzanger what film is the song from
15:45.22fishboy1669it is a wicked film if u know it
15:45.27tzangeroh I dunno, I just know the song
15:45.39tzangerKatty: did you listen to those tracks I pointed out last night?
15:45.40fishboy1669eeeeeeeeeerrrrrrr you loose
15:45.43tzangerI've got them stuck in my head
15:45.47Kattytzanger: i did not.
15:45.55tzangeryou should...  :-)
15:46.02Kattytzanger: butbutbut, busy!
15:46.06tzangerif I could play like that I could make women swoon
15:46.11tzangernow I can only do that if I forget to shower
15:46.34fishboy1669the film was lost boys
15:46.40fishboy1669dam good film
15:46.43fishboy1669have u seen it
15:46.55fishboy1669worth getting out on dvd
15:47.02fishboy1669or dl if u do that
15:49.01conveyanyone using the TE410P or TE405P card from Digium?
15:49.10sivanaconvey: yes
15:49.26fishboy1669feels left out from katty's hugs
15:49.30sivanatzanger: there's a Te411P coming out shortly
15:49.37tzangersivana: oh yeah?
15:49.40sivanatzanger: do you know the diff?
15:49.40conveyDo they perform well?  Can you fill evey channel vi T1?
15:49.46*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (~sp@
15:49.48SpaceBasshey folks
15:49.50tzangersivana: not offhand no
15:49.51sivanatzanger: on-board echo can
15:49.57SpaceBassanyone have expirence with a at-168 or pa168 ata?
15:50.05fishboy1669hi space
15:50.10SpaceBasshey Phishboy
15:50.14`SauronHmmhesays' nick always makes me laugh.
15:50.15sambaltzanger: i guess a little more expensive then..
15:50.15sivanaaccording to locals around Digium.. heh
15:50.17tzangerI would have figured they coudl do that with the existing hardware with an FPGA firmware update but I'm not sure they have the capability to do that from the drivers
15:50.19sambaltzanger: DSP chips?
15:50.26tzangersambal: no likely just FPGA stuff
15:50.33sivanatzanger: not sure if the drives will be new
15:50.34tzangerthe entire point of Zapata is no DSP
15:50.58conveyI have a 96 port application
15:50.59sivanaI'm still stuck between a rock and a hard place
15:51.01sambalit's done now by using the cpu power, no?
15:51.08*** part/#asterisk blackadder (
15:51.12conveyI just wanted to make sure the card could handle the app.
15:51.14sivanaI'm looking at the IQ1500 softswitch
15:51.26sivanafrom Versatel Networks
15:51.48sambaltzanger: echo canc. is done by the cpu at the moment in asterisk?
15:52.02sivanasambal: yes, it's weak
15:52.04tzangersambal: yes
15:52.05SpaceBassanyone ever had a problem with an ata taking 30 - 60 seconds to connect?
15:52.14tzangerdo you watch South Park
15:52.22tzangerdude that's weak
15:52.24*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
15:52.26sivanaI can't stand that show
15:52.33*** join/#asterisk _queuetue (
15:52.34sivanaI watch Sesame Street only
15:52.57sivanaok.. and Family Guy
15:53.01robl^Mr. Hanky!
15:53.17`SauronFamily Guy++
15:53.24_queuetueHi, all.  Is there a procedure to unlock the Linksys PAP2?  I just picked one up at staples and am a little dissapointed to read it's designed to only work with Vonage...
15:53.38sivana_queuetue: get approved from Linksys to sell/use them
15:53.55jeffikneed some help with *@home
15:54.05ChkDigitCan someone point me to some of the FXO channel bank cards that aren't from Digium?
15:54.27jakepdevchkdigit - sagnoma cards?
15:54.28ChkDigitI need between 4 and 12 incoming lines.
15:54.37_queuetuesivana, Is there an unofficial procedure?  Becoming a linksys dealer isn't what I had in mind. :)
15:54.38SpaceBass_queuetue from what I have ready you have to get new firmware from linksys and that ain't happening
15:54.38tzangerChkDigit: Adit600, Rhino, etc
15:54.40sivana_queuetue: supposedly there's a way, but you may be violating the DMCA or whatever
15:55.07_queuetueSo I should just return it, then, since it's broken.
15:55.07christowhen compiling asterisk-addons, I get the error:  "cdr_addon_mysql.c:24:22: asterisk.h: No such file or directory"  what's the secret to getting it to see into my asterisk-1.0.5 source directory?
15:55.19sivana_queuetue: it's a bit of a hack that I'm not familiar with exactly, but I know it's been done
15:55.25*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
15:55.26dwmw2_gonehm. making blt_read() malloc its buffers to prevent the possiblilty that we're scribbling on them later, doens't help.
15:55.28bannermanmornin everyone
15:55.36sivanachristo: did you download asterisk as well? :)
15:55.45christosivana - yup
15:55.52_queuetuesivana, do you know where you heard abou the sucess?  Since it's broken anyway, I might as well try to fix it before I return it.:)
15:55.57christoand it's already build and running, sivana
15:56.01sivanachristo: use PostgreSQL :)
15:56.13dwmw2_gonesubclass and frametype are correct. Yet still what I get back from Echo() is corrupted, while if I call blt_write() immediately with the frame I return from blt_read(), it echoes fine.
15:56.20dwmw2_goneanyone have any clue what else to look for?
15:56.23tzangersivana: you're such a postgresql whore
15:56.25christosivana, there's a Postgres() command in asterisk?
15:56.35sivana_queuetue: no idea to be honest
15:56.38bannermanIs there an easy way to make the client hear the phone ringing while they wait in the queue?
15:56.46sivanatzanger: thanks to you :)
15:56.47christoI don't think that's the answer I'm looking for to be honest ;)
15:57.00sivanatzanger: takes one to know one :)
15:57.04conveySo will a TE410P or TE405P work for a 96 port T1 app?
15:57.14tzangerconvey: yes
15:57.17tzangersivana: :-)
15:57.23tzangerbut the bigger question is... was I wrong?
15:57.29sivanano.. I love it
15:57.32tzangerme too
15:57.44conveytzanger: whould I experience quality issues?
15:58.01Juggiechristo, edit the Makefile, fix the asterisk include directory to be the proper one.... and recompile.
15:58.04Hmmhesaysugh I had legacy equipment
15:58.07sivanachristo: you may need to check the header paths
15:58.10tzangerconvey: you're asking questions iwhtout giving anyone enough infomration about the entire infrastructure.  You won't get adequate answers
15:58.18Juggieguys, its very simple
15:58.19Hmmhesaysi mean HATE
15:58.20Juggieedit Makefile
15:58.33Juggiechange I=../asterisk to I=../asterisk-1.0.5
15:58.34*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:58.37Juggiesave, recompile.
15:58.59sivanaJuggie: is that an issue with the current stable release?
15:59.00antifuchsand you might want to use -I=../asterisk-1.0.5/include as well
15:59.07Juggieallways has been
15:59.21antifuchs(thanks go to people who assume that everything is going to end up in /usr)
15:59.31Juggietar balls allways have directory names based on version numbers, but the includes look for no version number.
15:59.32conveytzanger: my system is a Sunfire v40z dual AMD 64 1.8G, SuSe Linux on Asterisk 1.0.5.
15:59.38Juggieif you pull from the cvs, it will work fine.
16:00.00sivanaI see
16:00.25tzangerconvey: you're already in a strange land, you're using 64-bit x86
16:01.04sivanatzanger: I dont' think I'm going down this time
16:01.07tzangerconvey: the key to getting anything to work right is to know the system... and as it appears that you're an asterisk newbie (not a bad thing, we were ALL there) you're already taking on a significant workload without going to bleeding edge hardware
16:01.11tzangersivana: eh?
16:01.12conveytzanger: Is AMD64 not recommended?
16:01.29tzangerconvey: it's not as well tested as regular old 32 bit x86
16:01.29sivanatzanger: for Torastricon :)
16:01.47tzangerjust as AMD is not as well tested as Intel for the zapata hardware (esp. echo cancellation)
16:01.56tzangersivana: that's alright I won't be there either :-)  Good Friday and all
16:02.11sivanatzanger: ya, next one for sure
16:02.25Darwin[laptop]o hell its easter weekend time to go Rabbit hunting
16:02.42Darwin[laptop]get me a big wabbit
16:02.55jeffikanybody familiar with *@home
16:02.58conveytzanger: so should I stick with Intel for T1 apps?
16:04.16tzangerconvey: amd works -- don't get me wrong.  I'm just saying that intel's far more tested IMO
16:04.21*** part/#asterisk Jer13261 (
16:04.27Alexi1I have a SJphone and a grandstream, the first can call the GrandS, but SJphone can't be called by the grandstream !
16:05.03Alexi1* tells app_dial.c ... unable to create channel of type SIP
16:05.50*** join/#asterisk Robbster (
16:05.56Robbsterlo all :)
16:06.14*** join/#asterisk Moc____ (
16:06.47christook - fixed the makefile and asterisk-addons builds like a beauty
16:07.02SpaceBassok... this ata sucks
16:07.10SpaceBassit doesnt seem to recognize all digits
16:07.16SpaceBassand even when it does, its not working
16:08.16*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
16:08.43RobbsterI'm trying to install asterisk for the 1st time. I've installed the zaptel and libpri sources on a clean installation and when I try to compile asterisk I get the following error:/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
16:08.59Moc____Robbster:  you need openssl-devel
16:09.09Uther_Pcan you guys recommend an an Asterisk reference book?  I'm looking to budget one, just to have handy
16:09.28RobbsterAhh, I checked that I had the ssl files, not the devel package. Thx Moc____
16:09.42Moc____Uther_P: Asterisk change too ofen, it not posible to have a book, but is your best ressources
16:09.52BrianR___How does one specify order of preference for codecs in iax.conf?
16:10.06sivanaMoc____: I got your fax, thank you
16:10.20sivanacan't read it, but I got it.. hehe
16:10.22Uther_Pyea, I use the wiki all the time... it would be more for the other tech's reference more then mine
16:10.23BrianR___It seems not to work on 1.0.6 - I specify allow=ulaw, allow=gsm and it prefers gsm..
16:11.24SpaceBassahh the root of the problem, the ata doesnt recognize the digit 4
16:11.29SpaceBasswhat the F
16:12.38fishboy1669why is there nothing on the wiki about slin codec?
16:15.23*** part/#asterisk Robbster (
16:15.48*** join/#asterisk DenisL (~denis@
16:16.13Uther_Phaha, that sucks... what ata are you using?
16:16.35*** join/#asterisk MattH (
16:16.39ChkDigitDoes anyone have experience with Audio Codes MP-108 or 124 analogue to SIP adaptors?
16:16.41MattHwhere do I get mime_construct from to do faxing?
16:17.15SpaceBasswhat would cause an ATA not to pick up the digit 4?
16:17.24johnnybOffice pranks with asterisk:
16:17.32DenisLHow do I assign an extension to a Zap channel? ie) so it shows up in Zap show channels. Been digging around on-line and through the asterisk book I just got, but no such luck yet.
16:17.44sambalUther_P: is the only book around
16:18.38johnnybDenisL: zap show channels will list it no matter what.
16:19.05johnnybDenisL: my guess is that it wasn't detected by the driver, or you didn't compile in the zaptel drivers into asterisk.
16:19.06DenisLjohnnyb: I do zap show channels, but no extension no's show up...
16:19.26johnnybDenisL: zap show channels doesn't show extensions, unless they are in use.
16:19.27DenisLjohnnyb: The actual channels show up.
16:19.51SpaceBassDenisL what are you trying to do? doubt I can help, just curious
16:19.52fishboy1669is slinear related to ilbc?
16:19.54johnnybDenisL: The fact is you can assign multiple extensions to the same channel, or no extension at all.
16:20.54_queuetueJust going to ask one more time before I drive back to the mainland to return this PAP2...  Does anyone know of a procedure to unlock this device and make it useable?
16:21.15johnnybDenisL: think of an extension not as a device, but as a program.  Being on extension 2003 doesn't tell me what device I'm on, it tells me which program I'm running.
16:21.27_queuetueI can't believe linksys sells this device without any way of using it without vonage...
16:21.33*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
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16:21.38DenisLjohnnyb: Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way.
16:21.41SpaceBass_queuetue thats why they sell an unlocked version too
16:21.44langalshi there....
16:21.46*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
16:21.51johnnybDenisL: what are you tring to do?
16:21.57_queuetueSpacebarApparently, they no longer do.
16:22.13dca[laptop]hello all, how do i hangup an iax channel from teh cli when soft hangup won't do it?
16:22.20SpaceBass_queuetue i've only seen it on E-bay, so I dont know... but I'd gladly pay for one right now after the nightmare this other ATA i have is
16:22.21DenisLjohnnyb: I'm using asterisk at home, and it uses an exten-vm module in extensions_additional.conf to define the actual extensions.
16:22.22_queuetueSpaceBass, that was for you - I'm stuck on a windows box using Mirc and it's not taking care of me like xchat.:)
16:22.38*** join/#asterisk bah (
16:22.47johnnybDenisL: sorry, never heard of extensions_additional.conf
16:22.53DenisLjohnnyb: That macro works great for sip channels but I'm unable to make it work for a zap extension. If I don't use that macro, and just call dial then it can dial the phone but then I have no voicemail and the like.
16:22.53langalsI am using SIP with Asterisk - the server seems to request a SIP REGISTER from the client every 15 seconds. Is this a setting somewhere that I can change?
16:23.00SpaceBassjohnnyb its from AMP
16:23.06_queuetueOk, off to return and file a complaint at Staples...  Bastards.
16:23.58DenisLSpaceBass: Hey, you're here again today... Thanks for your help yesterday... Figured out my contexts, the restart of the server worked I must have been going crosseyed when looking at the output cause I thought it still said from-pstn from the context...
16:24.20johnnybSpaceBass, what's AMP?
16:24.45SpaceBassDenisL doubt I helped much :) I'm pretty clueless myself :) glad it worked out
16:24.55SpaceBassjohnnyb web gui front end... Asterisk Management Portal
16:25.03dca[laptop]soft hangup not working for an iax2 channel, any thoughts?
16:25.15johnnybDenisL: what does the macro look like?
16:25.28DenisLjohnnyb: One sec...
16:25.56oej~seen kpfleming
16:26.04jbotkpfleming is currently on #asterisk (1h 26m 38s)
16:26.21*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
16:29.00DannyFanyone here running HEAD?
16:29.47DannyFWaitExten bombs, was it affected by latest changes?
16:30.16DannyF-- Executing WaitExten("SIP/fs_phone140-9fd9", "10") in new stack
16:30.54DannyFcould it be the qualify ghost?
16:31.22DannyFnope thats not it
16:32.53Uther_Pwell. can anyone recommend a book on VoIP standards?
16:33.47DannyFUther_P, found something on google "VoIP Cookbook" or somthing similiar
16:33.48MikeJ[Laptop]yes, voip for dummies :)
16:35.37Uther_Ptry again, I'm no dummy
16:36.04Uther_Pjust wanna have a reference book outlining the function and protocol
16:36.26Uther_PI could read the RFC's, but I'm getting the books for the other tech's to read
16:36.36MikeJ[Laptop]there are no really good books on the protocols themselves, not that I have seen at least... the RFC's are a rough read...
16:36.51MikeJ[Laptop]not at a technical level breaking out the bits and such
16:42.38*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
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16:43.25MattHWhat do I need to do to avoid having to dial 9 to get out? like just to have asterisk take the digits at face value? (can it figure out extensions and numbers)?
16:44.20BlissexMattH: bad question...
16:44.37dca[laptop]how do i hangup an iax channel from teh cli when soft hangup won't do it?
16:44.46dca[laptop]please don't say stop now
16:44.55ChkDigitMattH: you have to change your extensions.conf to dial direct (don't strip the first digit before dialling).
16:45.01BlissexMattH: Asterisk _always_ takes dialed digits at face value.
16:45.19MattHhrmm ok I'll have to look more at the config cause I thought I did that already
16:45.25BlissexMattH: it is your dialplan that tells Asterisk what to do with those digits.
16:45.50Uther_Pdca[laptop]: I don't think there is another way to hang it up :/
16:46.14MattHBlissex: so with a [dialout-default] and [dialout] (macros) which config file would those be getting called from?
16:46.14*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:46.19Uther_PMattH:  exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(TECH/${EXTEN},20)
16:46.22BlissexMattH: so if youi prefix extensions with "9" in 'extensions.conf'm then you need to put in a "9"; if you don't, then you don't.
16:47.31MattHso: exten => _220NXXX,1,Macro(dialout-default,${EXTEN})
16:47.36MattHshould use dialout-default macro, yes?
16:48.00Uther_PMattH: as long as you aren't stripping a digit off in that macro
16:48.01BlissexMattH: entirely up to you.
16:48.26BlissexMattH: all that Asterisk does is to match extensions with rules.
16:48.31MattHright got that much
16:48.38MattHok .. I'll look through the configs a bit more...
16:49.13BlissexMattH: I suspect you need to think a bit more about how Asterisk does things, because a couple of concepts in it are not at all obvious.
16:49.54MattHmy biggest issue is when dialing like _601Nxxxx I'm getting a 404.. which must be being caused by something elsewhere picking up the 6 ... but I dunno what and debug isn't showing much of usefulness
16:50.36Uther_PMattH: eh?  thats 8 numbers
16:51.00MattHoh BAH!
16:51.05MattHthat's why my dial-plan is screwed up
16:51.09MattHjust needed another set of eyes
16:51.19BlissexMattH: I have started writing an intro to ''Asterisk concepts'' here:
16:51.27MattHhrmm no it wasn't.. I just checked
16:51.28MattHexten => _601NXXX,1,Macro(dialout-default,${EXTEN})
16:51.31MattHI typoed it wrong
16:51.46Uther_Pokie... pastebin your dialout-default macro
16:52.40MattHSOME of them are working.. with the same dialout-default like 337/323/etc.. but 601 gives me an error
16:52.45Uther_PMattH: by the way... the first digit of the last 4 numbers of a phone number don't have to be 2-9, they can be 0 or 1 too... just the first number of the area code and the prefix
16:53.02MattHso I should technically have _601XXXX ?
16:53.10Uther_Pshow me the exten of 337 and or 332
16:53.26MattHexten => _337NXXX,1,Macro(dialout-default,${EXTEN})
16:53.30MattHI got it... though....
16:53.36MattHI think
16:53.37Uther_PMattH: yea, that would work, beacuse what if you tried to dial a number like 601-1356.. it wouldn't match
16:53.44MattHif that N is causing the issue the number 601-1xxx wouldn't work
16:53.49MattHand that is my issue :)
16:53.57Uther_P601-1XXX or 601-0XXX
16:54.03Uther_Pis that the case?
16:54.05MattHright.. got it.. thanks...
16:54.10MattHyuppers those are the numbers that are giving errors
16:54.10Uther_Phehe, no problem
16:54.50Uther_PMattH: are you trying to restrict people to dialing only certain area codes?  if not, you can just put one entry in that says  _NXXNXXXXXX
16:54.54bannermanhum.. I get = No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0)
16:54.59bannermanwhenever I try to dial out
16:55.05Uther_PMattH: and _1NXXNXXXX for long distance
16:55.06bannermanno dialplan changes or anything, using voipjet
16:55.38Uther_Pbannerman: are you registered?  'sip show registry'
16:55.48bannermanUther_P: using iax, and yes, registered
16:55.50MattHUther_P: so N means it has to be 0 or 1?
16:56.02Uther_PMattH: no, N means 2-9, X means any number
16:56.18bannermanoh, no, I'm not registered. should I be?
16:56.22MattHyes I am trying to restrict people to dialing certain area codes :)
16:56.29Uther_Pbannerman: heh, yea I would think so
16:56.51bannermanUther_P: I thought registration was just if you used them for DID
16:57.30Uther_PI'm not positive.. I'm sure some providers don't require registration, but I know mine does
16:57.44Uther_Pdo you have a register line in your configuation?
16:57.54jakepdevis there anyway to debug a CAS channel that doesn't seem to come up in *?
16:58.00bannermanUther_P: ok. I uncommented my register line, reloaded, successfully registered and still get the same thing
16:58.04Uther_Pbannerman: I'm going on the notion that the IAX configuration is similar to SIP, because I've never used IAX
16:58.05bannermanX-lite say "403 forbidden"
16:58.52Uther_Pbannerman: try turning on debugging for that peer
16:59.05MattHUther_P: so what would you use a N for? like why use _1NXXNXXXX for LD?
16:59.56BlissexMattH: to prevent dialing of invalid numbers.
17:00.11*** part/#asterisk Dandan (
17:00.12MattHso basically you CAN'T have a 1 or 0 there....
17:00.29Uther_Pbecause there are no area codes or prefixes that start with 0 or 1... otherwize they would interfear with long distance, operator or international dialing
17:00.34*** join/#asterisk mechn (~mechn@
17:00.38MattHUther_P: got yah
17:00.47BlissexMattH: of course *you* _can_, but the telephone company won't have them.
17:00.56MattHright understood
17:01.14bannermancan I pastebin my debug output, or are the md5 thingies in there giving away my password?
17:02.10mechncan astrisk run without having to be the PSTN gateway
17:02.27Blissexmechn: sure.
17:02.43MattHBlissex: ok.. last question on this then... my dial rules are now working (thanks to removing that N... bah! hehe)... however .. if I dial 96011232 (which is not allowed by the dialout-default) it goes to dialout and tries to dial... where would the 9 be calling the macro from?
17:02.52bannerman ... pertinent stuff from my iax2 debug
17:03.09BlissexMattH: your questions does not make a lot of sense...
17:03.20mechnwill it need to have 2 eth interfaces
17:03.31Blissexmechn: why would it?
17:03.40mechnjust making sure
17:03.45BlissexMattH: can you try to rephrase that?
17:03.54MattHblackjack: sorry I will try to rephrase.. in other words.. when I dial "3232166" it works now.. when I dial "6011581" it works... when I dial "96011581" it tries to dial 6011581.. where would I go to disable "9" dialing?
17:04.02Uther_PMattH: pastebin your dialplan
17:04.15BlissexMattH: define «works»
17:04.31MattHworks.. rings the numbers
17:04.51bannermanhaha, I figured it out.
17:04.54BlissexMattH: my impression, let me repeat, is that you just don't get the ''general'' concepts of how dialing workd.
17:04.59bannermanyou have to pay the bill for it to work!
17:04.59Uther_Pbannerman:  what was it?
17:05.09Uther_PI was about to say it looks like a problem at the provider
17:05.36Uther_PMattH: it has to be in the dialplan somewhere... can you pastebin your dialplan for me?
17:05.48MattHUther_P: yeah I know it has to be someplace... I'm just wondering where
17:05.59MattHUther_P: yeah one second
17:06.00BlissexMattH: you must have a rule somewhere that begins with something like "_9".
17:06.29BlissexMattH: you should not be asking _us_ about a dialplan _you_ have written.
17:06.46Uther_Pwithout at least pastebin'ing it so we can see it first'
17:06.53*** part/#asterisk mechn (~mechn@
17:06.57MattHBlissex: well I didn't write it all... and I know there SHOULD be a rule but I'm not seeing it!
17:07.10BlissexUther_P: you are being _too_ helpful, as in ''spoonfeeding''.
17:07.24Uther_Pheh, perhaps... but I don't have much better to do anyway
17:07.43MattHUther_P: the only dialplans with _9's in them direct to dialout-default...
17:07.58MattHand they are for allowing calls to exchanges...
17:08.04`Saurondan2, you around?
17:09.08*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
17:09.43Uther_PMattH: wierd.. I don't see anything in there that should match 9 plus a 7 digit number
17:10.03MattHUther_P: same here.. I've even grepped the config directory for _9
17:10.26Uther_Pwell.. it can be _9, _X, _N or _.
17:10.34Mimmushi, is it possible to forward incoming call to a different (Microsoft) SIP server?
17:11.04Uther_PMattH: what context is the phone you are dialing from in?
17:11.11BlissexUther_P: I worry about the two '#include's at the beginning...
17:11.26EssobiAnyone know off hand how to get who answered a multi-ring  dial command into a CDR?
17:11.34MattHUther_P: ahhh actually I see what the issue is... it's in another context:
17:11.37BlissexMimmus: look at the 'switch' directive.
17:11.39`SauronNugget, there?
17:11.40MattHexten => _${DIAL_OUT_1}.,1,Macro(dialout,1,${EXTEN})
17:11.43Uther_Pahh, indeed... what is in the "extensions_additional.conf and extensinos_custom.comf?
17:11.45dan2`Sauron: yes, but I'm doing something extremely critical right now
17:11.53bannermanUther_P: while you're in the spoonfeeding business, can you point me in the right direction for generating a ringing tone to the caller when they're waiting in the queue?
17:11.56`Saurondan2: Then good luck.
17:11.57MattHUther_P: some other files that are.. er commented out at the moment... but I'm not using them
17:12.06`Sauroncritical things always go wrong
17:12.17BlissexMattH: then where is the definition of '${DIAL_OUT_1}' coming from?
17:12.23Uther_Pbannerman: sorry, never done anything like that
17:12.43MattHfrom extension_Additional.conf
17:12.44MattHextensions_additional.conf:DIAL_OUT_1 = 9
17:12.44MattHextensions_additional.conf:DIAL_OUT = ${DIAL_OUT_1}
17:12.49`SauronNugget: you have an austin number with your voip provider/
17:12.58Essobibannerman Go read the queue.conf.sample
17:13.01EssobiIt's in there..
17:13.03Blissexbannerman: I think there is an example of that in the [demo] context of the example dialplan
17:13.13Essobithere's an option for MOH or ring
17:13.29MimmusBlissex: no, I'd like to forward some extensions to SIP accounts on another server
17:13.32Uther_PMattH:  well, thats it right there
17:13.40BlissexMattH: and that was one of the '#include'd files, as I suspected.
17:13.47NuggetI have an austin DID through voicepulse, but it has never worked.
17:13.52NuggetI don't recommend them at all
17:13.57`SauronI see
17:14.01BlissexMimmus: well, just do it.
17:14.15`SauronBV just told me my number wasn't portable.. yet
17:14.15EssobiPshh.. I need to figure out how to get a answered line to show up in cdrs with you're dialing multiple ext...
17:14.22`SauronSo I'm wondering about other providers that actually WORK
17:14.24MattHBlissex: yeah.. it just took some grepping to find it
17:14.33Uther_PMattH:  exten => _${DIAL_OUT_1}.,1,Macro(dialout,1,${EXTEN})  ${DIAL_OUT_1} == 9, so you have exten => _9,1,Macro(dialout,1,${EXTEN})
17:14.38MimmusBlissex: an example?
17:14.44*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (~w0w0@
17:14.45MattHUther_P: yeah I understand what it's doing :) I just couldn't find it earlier
17:15.04MattHUther_P: ahhh *sighs* it's all working as it should now...
17:15.25MattHUther_P: some may say you were spoon feeding.. I see it as a learning experience... asterisk is definately a VERY complex piece of software
17:15.25BlissexMimmus: well, you can just dial to the corresponding number on the other server...
17:15.25Uther_Pheh.. ok, I'm taking flak here, so for the record, next time... .rtfm :)
17:15.34MattHthanks :)
17:15.42Uther_Pno problem
17:16.11BlissexMattH: Asterisk is not so complex, there are two issues: it is underdocumented, and like most opensource stuff a lot of clueless n00bs thinks it must be damn easy to setup.
17:16.13elriahIs there a way to play MusicOnHOld until an agi-script is completed?
17:16.26MimmusBlissex:  exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/account@otherSIPserver,30,rt) ?
17:16.46BlissexMimmus: that might well work, add the extension at the end of the ''URI''.
17:17.10MattHBlissex: well this is true... it's complex in that it does alot.. to be honest.. I think it's a whole lot easier then the Nortel system we have here :)
17:17.20fishboy1669night guys
17:17.23fishboy1669have fun
17:18.06BlissexMattH: problem is, since it is there and it is available, a lot of people think ''jump in''. Having a scalpel and being able to hold it does not a surgeon make :-)
17:18.34BlissexMattH: it happens all over the place... The most notorious place is #iptables
17:19.19BlissexMattH: for example things like IP routing and firewalling may require a few years of study and training, but people in #iptables assume that since the 'iptables' command is there, why not use it? :-)
17:19.32MattHBlissex: iptables is great... :)
17:19.35MimmusBlissex: I'm logged in the SIP server as
17:19.49Uther_PBlissex: well... people gotta start somewhere
17:19.50MattHBlissex: but yes I agree.... it's taken me many years to learn how to use iptables right... and even now there is much I don't know about it
17:20.31*** join/#asterisk han777 (
17:21.45han777do i have to patch CVS 1-0-7 to get it to work with Broadvoice?  I can't seem to dial out.  It work before Broadvoice made there change to authname.
17:23.30*** join/#asterisk PhilM (
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17:28.17habakukhi any providers here based out of hurricane electric?
17:28.32guugmemberwho has read Digital Fortress from Dan Brown?
17:28.37guugmemberoff topic, sorry
17:29.22*** join/#asterisk Jearil (
17:30.37*** join/#asterisk GiabboO (
17:30.40GiabboOhi everybody
17:31.23GiabboOi have problem with loading Voicemail configuration file into a Mysql DB.
17:31.46GiabboOi specified the voicemail => mysql,mydb,mytable into extconfig.conf
17:32.13GiabboObut when i try to enter a voicemail if channel is busy i get this:
17:32.24GiabboOWARNING[21858]: app_voicemail.c:2227 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '100'
17:32.43GiabboOthis mean it seems to be looking for configuration into the voicemail.conf file
17:32.56GiabboOanybody have any idea ?
17:32.59Uther_Pis there anyway to tell asterisk to use the hosts returned from an SRV query in order?  because it seems to be trying them round robin for each re-registration
17:35.16*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (
17:35.22Maxxedhey'a :)
17:35.37Maxxedim having a problem modeprobeing the wctdm
17:35.40Maxxedcant find it?
17:35.52Maxxediv searched the drive and its no were to be found
17:35.56Maxxedam i missing somthing?
17:36.42Maxxedi look in my /etc/modprobe.conf and its not in there
17:37.01Maxxedi can load the old wcfxo fine, but not the "new" module
17:40.28*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
17:40.52Alexi1bye bye
17:40.54*** part/#asterisk Alexi1 (
17:42.00*** join/#asterisk stdio (
17:42.22Uther_Pmaybe someone knows this problem.... I'm dialing through to a SIP broadworks server.  What is supposed to happen is that asterisk sends an invite, broadworks sends a 401 UNAUTHORIZED back, then asterisk is supposed to send an ACK, then another INVITE supplying the credentials... but Asterisk just keeps trying to resend the first INVITE instead of ACK'ing and resending with credentials to the first one
17:42.48*** part/#asterisk PhilM (
17:45.41Pj386Anybody had their hands on the IAXy ? how do you configure it ? Plug an ethernet cable and you have a separate windows software ? or ?
17:46.21JerJer[mobile]windows :)
17:46.24JerJer[mobile]now that's funny
17:46.57Pj386Well I'm asking that because I was wondering how well it would work for residential mass market
17:47.22Pj386Or if it's easy to pre-setup, or.. well, wondering :)
17:47.29*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (
17:47.29tzangerit's not meant for the residental mass market, obviously
17:47.29Pj386the data sheet don't say much
17:47.35tzangerneeds more work to get to that level
17:49.08Uther_Pdoes the set verbose command also change the verbosity of the debug messages?
17:50.19*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
17:50.31Maxxedhey i load the wcfxs driver for fxo cards right?
17:50.41*** join/#asterisk nix000 (~nix000@
17:51.31JerJer[mobile]does that even make any sense?
17:51.57Maxxeda TDM400P with two FXO modules in it
17:51.59JerJer[mobile]tzanger: smells like a good idea
17:52.03JerJer[mobile]modprobe wctdm
17:52.03Maxxedmodprobe zaptel
17:52.09Maxxedmodprobe wcfxs
17:52.12JerJer[mobile]um no
17:52.14Maxxedyeah, that dont work for me
17:52.16JerJer[mobile]modprobe wctdm
17:52.21JerJer[mobile]that is all
17:52.24stdiowctdm is only in cvs, no?
17:52.31Maxxedit must be
17:52.44stdiouse wcfxs then
17:52.50JerJer[mobile]that is the only code you should be running
17:52.51Maxxedbecuse i just compiled 1.0.6 and its not in there
17:53.06stdioyep, confirmed
17:53.25Maxxedok, so im not 100% stupid, only 99.9999
17:53.28*** join/#asterisk Tili (
17:53.30stdiowe use wcfxs w/ out fine.
17:53.41Maxxedok thanks
17:53.57JerJer[mobile]cvs co zaptel asterisk ; cd zaptel ; make install && cd ../asterisk && make install
17:53.57Maxxedi read about the reverse signaling, kinda got me mixed up
17:54.03johnnybstdio: do you ever have problems with people getting connected to the wrong call?
17:54.06JerJer[mobile]accept nothing less
17:54.08GiabboOi have question about voicemail, can anyone help me ?
17:54.24stdiojohnnyb: not yet, but we aren't fully in production yet
17:54.43Maxxedwe have two analog lines, both going into fxo modules, so just to make sure im on the right track, i modprobe zaptel, then modprobe wcfxs ?
17:54.48stdiojer JerJer[mobile]: you think that thing is stable enough?
17:54.53fgravatois something up with digium ftp
17:55.02fgravatokinda lagging trying to pull down g729
17:55.04johnnybstdio: we've been experiencing a lot of wierdness.  We replaced our TDM card because line 3 was bad, but we may also need to replace the box itself.
17:55.32stdiojohnnyb: what did you replace the tdm with? Another tdm?
17:56.09Maxxedlightning fryed my first tdm400p :(
17:56.44stdioMaxxed: And all of the mods too?
17:56.59*** join/#asterisk point (1000@
17:57.10Maxxedi belive so
17:57.22stdiothat sucks.
17:57.23Maxxediv had lightning kill fax machines here too
17:57.33Maxxedyeah, and not in the good street cornor whore way
17:57.34stdiothat's like 600 bucks when fully populated
17:57.42Maxxedyep :\
17:57.51Maxxedhince the 20 dolla arestor
17:57.55Uther_Pyou can get surge protectors for phone lines
17:59.25Maxxedso ok ok, with the fxo modules, i use the fxs drivers right?
17:59.25Maxxedits been a good while since iv messed with this
17:59.45stdiofxs signalling, yep
18:01.07*** join/#asterisk a-evol (
18:01.12GiabboOanybody uses the Realtime Voicemail configuration ?
18:01.13*** join/#asterisk ClayReiche123 (
18:01.13stdiowhen you have an fxo card, you need to tell asterisk it's a workstation, the (s) in fxs stands for station, the (o) in fxo stands for Office, aka central office...
18:02.43ClayReiche123I'm having trouble woth * using SIP and sending the proper codec preference in the INVITE packet with SDP.
18:03.20ClayReiche123Seems to send my global Allows regardless of my peers allows....
18:04.17ClayReiche123specifically, it is sending ULAW and g729 as choices even though I've set disallow=all and allow=ulaw in my peer settings.
18:04.23Uther_Pcan someone help me debug my SIP problem
18:06.27Uther_PAsterisk is not responding the way it should
18:07.24*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (
18:07.30stdioUther_P:  wow, i have no idea what I'm looking at.
18:07.38Maxxedso ok ok, with the fxo modules, i use the fxs drivers right?
18:07.58stdio(12:48:25) stdio: when you have an fxo card, you need to tell asterisk it's a workstation, the (s) in fxs stands for station, the (o) in fxo stands for Office, aka central office...
18:08.06Uther_Pwhen * sends the INVITE, broadworks sends back a 401 UNAUTHORIZED, then asterisk is supopsed to send back an ACK, then another INVITE with the credentials
18:08.10Maxxedstdio: is that a yep to me ? ;)
18:08.16stdiomaxxed: yep
18:08.22Maxxedstdio: ah! thanks :)
18:08.28Uther_Pinstead asterisk just tries to do the initial invite again
18:08.44stdiomaxxed: it's termed "signalling" though, fyi.. not drivers
18:08.58Maxxedah, thanks again :)
18:09.06ClayReiche123Anyone have a clue on my codec preference problem?
18:09.29Uther_Pwhats the problem with your codec preference?
18:09.35*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
18:09.46Uther_Pdoes it prefer codec's of the same gender?  :P heheh
18:09.51*** join/#asterisk dsfr (~dsfr@
18:09.56ClayReiche123specifically, it is sending ULAW and g729 as choices even though I've set disallow=all and allow=ulaw in my peer settings.
18:10.31ClayReiche123SDP packet is sending my global "allows" and not my peer specific "allows"
18:10.39stdioMaxxed: odd how it's reversed like that, but it does make sense, if you think of how it works... it's similar to a client-server paradigm... asterisk serves up central office functionality when it's told to use fxo signalling, which you would use with an fxs card (fax machine or analog phone)....
18:11.09Maxxedwhats the best way to make the modprobe zaptel and modprobe wcfxs happen on boot? /etc/modprobe.conf ?
18:11.32Uther_PClayReiche123: possible those are being overrided somewhere else?  like in the SIP entry or the globals?
18:11.37Maxxedstdio: i got cha, i kinda thought i had it, but i just wanted to make sure :)
18:11.45stdioMaxxed: but, in your case, you want to pretend you're a client to the pstn, which is providing central office functionality. so, you use fxs (s=station) signaling, and an fxo card.
18:12.06Maxxedstdio: the little animated guy tossing a ball on the digium site helped me ALOT! :p
18:12.35stdioMaxxed: depends on your dist....
18:12.45stdioin slackware, rc.local....
18:12.54stdioin gentoo, rc-update ?
18:13.09Maxxedtrustix 2.2, and i jus freshly compiled the 2.6 kernel
18:13.15Maxxedits kinda like redhat
18:13.28Maxxedjust real striped down..i guess
18:13.31stdioahhh... yep, not sure... not used to redhat...
18:13.42Essobitrustix is strange..
18:13.50Maxxedil fumble around a bit, im sure il figure it out :)
18:13.54stdioyou definitely want to modprobe those two before you start asterisk, though :)
18:14.00ClayReiche123Uther_P: I'm forcing my device to use ONLY ULAW, I verified that in the initial invite to my *. Then my * sends the invite to our gateway, in THAT invite, it is sending 2 codec choices, ULAW and g729. The gateway sees those choices and decides to pick g729 and the call is broken.
18:14.08Maxxedim asterisk stupid, but i can get around with *nix
18:14.13Maxxedoh yeah ;)
18:14.40stdioMaxxed: same here :) just gimme a shell, damnit
18:15.24Maxxedwell its not on a public network :\
18:15.33Maxxedi can toss ya a shell on jus a generic box if u like :p
18:15.59Maxxedshitty bandwith, but not so bad performance, dual, um i think 1ghz, 512mb ram or some such
18:16.12ClayReiche123Uther_P: the root question is this: If my SIP device is only giving asterisk 1 codec option, why does it turn around and give the gateway 2 codec options? sounds broken to me.
18:16.33Maxxedits on some flaky buisness dsl, supose to get upgraded to 1mb next month i belive
18:16.42Uther_PClayReiche123: yea.. intersting
18:16.55Uther_Pbecause I know asterisk isn't wanting to do the translation
18:17.10*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
18:17.50ClayReiche123won't do the translation.
18:18.20ClayReiche123I don't want it to... I just want it to force ULAW withhout having to globally force ULAW....
18:18.34ClayReiche123I want to force ULAW on 1 extension.
18:18.45GiabboOi see this when i start my CLI
18:19.06BeirdoClayReiche123: because you set the codec preferences per channel
18:19.10GiabboObut when I try to enter a voicemail to leave a message, app_voicemail.c:2227 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for '100'
18:19.14Beirdoasterisk -> device is one channel
18:19.21Beirdoasterisk -> gateway is another
18:19.24GiabboOhow can I do ?
18:20.21ClayReiche123Beirdo: In my sip.conf [general] disallow=all, allow=g729, allow=ulaw [8133435400] disallow=all, allow=ulaw
18:20.52Beirdoso the channel to the gateway is using the [general] as you haven't overridden it for the gateway
18:21.05Beirdothe channel to the device has overridden the default
18:21.11ClayReiche123Beirdo: that is how I have it set... but the SDP packet seems to be taking the global setting anyway and sending both choices.
18:21.40Beirdothe 813 one is your device, not the gateway, correct?
18:21.46ClayReiche123beirdo:exactly... I have no hair left.
18:22.17Beirdowhere's the setup section for the gateway?
18:23.04*** join/#asterisk Bonbon (~bonbon@
18:23.23*** join/#asterisk marno (
18:23.32marnohello together
18:24.03ClayReiche123beirdo: it's just an entry in my dial plan. (extensions.conf) exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@
18:24.16Beirdoit will use the [general] settings
18:24.29Beirdoif you don't want it to, add a section in the sip.conf for it
18:24.31Beirdoand override
18:24.52ClayReiche123ahhh... thank you!
18:25.18ClayReiche123I don't want ALL calls to this gateway to be ULAW.
18:25.39Maxxedhey at what run level would it be good to start zaptel ?
18:26.04Uther_Pquestion... If I have a sip entry that is registered, and it used for my outbound calling... and another entry that has a host name used for my inbound calls.... and the SRV record of the outbound host matches the hostname of my inbound calls... might asterisk use the options from the sip entry for the inbound, since it specifies the actual host that the SRV returns?
18:26.11Maxxed345 ?
18:26.45marnoat first i only registered my sip-account for incomeing calls via "register" and everything worked fine. Then i put the outgoing configuration (peer) ontop. now everytime a calls comes in, asterisk will have (SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required.) an registration from the proxy. So i get no incomeing calles
18:26.56bannermanMost numbers work just fine, but certain numbers with touch-tone menu thingies don't accept anything that I push
18:26.57*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
18:27.06bannermanand eventually terminate with "A rating error has occured 45" in voice
18:27.18bannermanUPS is one of the numbers that does that
18:27.34ClayReiche123bennerman:are you using a cisco gateway?
18:27.48marnowhat can i do to get saterisk to accept incomeing calls without registration?
18:27.56bannermanClayReiche123: no
18:28.07bannermanClayReiche: I'm using voipjet, don't know what hardware they use
18:28.36ClayReiche123bennerman: sounds like they are not using the proper DTMF signaling.
18:29.06ClayReiche123bannerman: or maybe your device is not... see if you have DTMF settings and play with those.
18:29.11*** join/#asterisk Ro[b]ert (
18:29.17marnoany idea????
18:29.18bannermanClayReiche123: thanks, I'll check that out on my device
18:29.26Ro[b]ertfirst of all... VERY GOOD PRODUCT!!!
18:29.46bannermanWhy thank you, Robert.
18:29.49Ro[b]ertnow i have the following error on my console
18:29.57ClayReiche123....did I say that out loud..?
18:30.24*** join/#asterisk wow1234 (
18:30.27jeffikneed some help setting up DID for first time
18:30.39Ro[b]erterro /var/www/html/panel/safe_opserver: line 5: 2250 Terminated    ./
18:31.05wow1234do I need to patch CVS 1-0-7 for broadvoice to work?  I can't seem to be able to dial out.
18:31.21GiabboOis it possible that the HEAD CVS have problem with voicemail realtime config ?
18:31.32wow1234it work before Broadvoice made the change to authname.
18:31.57*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
18:32.13wow1234does anyone know??? Any help would be great!!!
18:32.41elriahIs there a way to play MusicOnHOld until an agi-script is completed?  I saw an email with some command "SET MUSIC ON" but it doesn't seem to work.
18:32.54*** join/#asterisk flashnet (~flashnet@
18:33.18wow1234anyone using Broadvoice in this room?
18:33.22ACiDVI do a sip show peer {peername} and I see Callgroup => 1, 2, 33, 34 and Pickupgroup => 1, 33 but the problem is that in my sip.conf, callgroup = 1-2 and pickupgroup = 1. (latest cvs)
18:34.45Ro[b]ertnear the bottom .. thats where they talk about DID
18:34.49elriahOr maybe, is there a way to turn MOH on with exten => ??? then run the agi, then turn MOH off with another priority?
18:36.34*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
18:36.39wow1234anyone using CVS 1-0-7 with broadvoice????
18:37.29Ro[b]ertno one for the 2250 Terminated error on line 5 of safe_opserver???
18:37.41sivanawhy is everyone having issues with Broadvoice
18:37.51sivanaI've been using them for like ever with no problems
18:38.11`SauronI don't have any problems with them
18:38.17`Sauronother than that they can't port my number
18:38.35sivanawhy not?
18:38.43bannermanyou know.. Turkey is darn good stuff... but who in the world was the first person to look at a turkey and think to themselves, "yum! I'd like to eat that!"
18:39.30`SauronDunno, they emailed me today and said that my number wasn't within their "porting footprint"
18:39.47arbrandesBroadvoice kinda sucks.
18:39.52arbrandesNo compression.
18:39.53tzangermmmmmmmm my roast is awesome
18:39.56arbrandesBad support.
18:39.56sivanadepends on their CLEC coverage
18:40.00bannerman`Sauron: I actually can't find anyone except teliax who can port my number
18:40.08wow1234sivana, what cvs version are you running?
18:40.12`Sauronarbrandas: It's called "growth"
18:40.15Beirdotzanger even
18:40.26wow1234i can get incoming call but no out going call.
18:40.29arbrandesGrowth sucks.
18:40.33sivanawow1234: CVS HEAD
18:40.45wow1234i know the config file is correct
18:40.47BeirdoCVS is giving head again?
18:40.49Ro[b]ertno one for the 2250 Terminated error on line 5 of safe_opserver???
18:40.58Ro[b]erti keep trying.... LOL
18:41.04wow1234what do you mean CVS Head
18:41.23sivanalatest version from the CVS HEAD module :)
18:41.40sivanathe developmental version
18:41.41wow1234i you need to patch it.
18:41.47sivanapatch it for what?
18:42.12dca[laptop]is there anything besides soft hangup that will kill a channel (other than stop now)
18:42.12`SauronTeliax is more expensive
18:42.15wow1234the broadvoice patch
18:42.28`SauronIt should be in cvs-head
18:42.35`Sauronas of 1.0.6-ish
18:42.40sivanawow1234: forget that patch, it's not needed anymore from what I understand
18:42.52bannermanTeliax scares me. During testing I had my number assigned to another customer. Took them 3 days to respond to me when I asked what was going on.
18:42.54`Sauronor, shortly after 1.0.6 was released
18:43.08sivanawow1234: what version are you running?
18:43.13wow1234did you have to use authname in the sip.conf
18:43.20wow1234CVS 1.0.7
18:43.31dca[laptop]bannerman: how the quality with Teliax?
18:43.32sivanalook on the wiki for broadvoice setup
18:43.43`SauronIf your cvs is newer than that, you have the BV patch already
18:43.56sivana`Sauron: he's using stable
18:44.05bannermandca[laptop]: Couldn't say, I'm very noob, that was my first provider and it seemed fine to me. Voipjet seems better, probably because I have 30 ping to their west coast server.
18:44.07wow1234i work for about 6 months without any problem until about 2 weeks ago
18:44.17sivanawow1234: then you need to add the new parameters
18:44.24wow1234i did
18:44.32wow1234and i still can't dial out
18:44.38sivanawhat's the error you're getting?
18:44.50bannermanIs there a provider with cheap 1-800 DIDs that has particularly good quality?
18:44.54wow1234from the client side 503 error
18:45.10dca[laptop]bannerman: looks like Teliax has those
18:45.43bannermandca[laptop]: Yeah, I just can't do business with people who could take up to 3 days to respond in case of total emergency.
18:45.51bannermanAt least with nufone, I can come here and bug someone
18:46.23ClayReiche123Try Volo communications.
18:46.31dca[laptop]hmm, i just signed up with Teliax, did the $10 thing and already got an activation email with my local number
18:46.50sivanawow1234: from *, what's the error msg
18:47.09Unrea1maybe someone can help me out real quick. I have my asterisk FXO card installed and configured. I can dial into the pbx server once it starts fine and it does everything I need it to do. After I hang up and try to call it again it will answer and go silent
18:47.12bannermandca[laptop]: yeah, i was real impressed when I signed up too
18:47.15ClayReiche123...AccxxVOIP is a good, new provider. 1-866-voipbox
18:47.15Unrea1no error messages
18:47.34sivanawow1234: double check your secret with them
18:48.13dca[laptop]bannerman: incoming seems to be working already and sounds pretty good, nto many providers where i'm at either
18:48.17wow1234it works before and when i enter that same password in x-lite it works
18:48.34bannermandca[laptop]: yeah, they're one of the few who was able to offer LNP in my area
18:48.39bannermanthey were the only
18:48.46bannermanthat I could find
18:48.56wow1234it's not sending the invite correctly....i think
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18:49.56sivanathere's my config
18:50.10sivanathat's all I have in sip.conf
18:50.13sivanafor BV
18:50.16wow1234ok, let me take a look at the file
18:50.45marnowhat can i do to get saterisk to accept incomeing calls without registration?
18:50.50marnoat first i only registered my sip-account for incomeing calls via "register" and everything worked fine. Then i put the outgoing configuration (peer) ontop. now everytime a calls comes in, asterisk will have (SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required.) an registration from the proxy. So i get no incomeing calles
18:50.55Uther_PI need sip help!  * sends an invite, provider sends a 401 UNATHORIZED, at which time asterisk is supposed to send back an ACK, then another INVITE with the MD5 credentials... but asterisk just assumes that first 401 UNAUTHORIZED to be a failure, and errors with " Failed to authenticate on INVITE"
18:51.49wow1234sivana, you not using authname but using authuser instead?
18:52.03sivanathat's the parameter
18:52.08sivanameans you didn't read the wiki :P
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18:52.42wow1234i try both and it didn't work....
18:52.47wow1234let me try it now
18:53.01bannermanYou know, I spend a lot of time on the wiki, and I'd never heard of authuser before
18:53.18sivanathe config I pasted is a working config
18:53.25Ro[b]ertwhen i get Registration rejected... what can be the problem??
18:53.30sivanabannerman: new Broadvoice requirement
18:53.33`Sauronon the BV wiki page
18:53.41bannermanoh broadvoice
18:53.42`Sauronthere's an URL at the top to a diff wiki
18:53.50`Sauronfollow the URL and read those instructions
18:53.54Ro[b]ertsomething to do with resolving the name?
18:54.31GiabboOwho know what is this warning about ? app_queue.c:375 changethread: Can't change device '**Unknown**' with no technology!
18:55.02wow1234sivana, same thing....can't dial out
18:55.17Unrea1Timeout, but no rule 't' in context 'default'
18:55.23sivanawow1234: what's the sip entry title called
18:55.29Unrea1I am guessing rule t is for terminating the call
18:55.33Unrea1but what is the syntax?
18:55.45sivanawow1234: [] ?
18:56.03sivanawow1234: did you reload? :p
18:56.04wow1234sip entry title
18:56.12wow1234i did a stop now
18:56.42sivanacopy/paste your sip config to
18:56.55sivanaas well as your dialing syntax
18:57.39bannermanmaybe someone could help me with my phone entries, in sip.conf: is the setup. It seems to me that I'd be able to setup x-lite or my phones to use the username or authuser, but for some reason the only way to connect is to use the extension
18:57.45bannermanit works, but it seems ugly to me
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18:58.45sivanabannerman: you can only dial by the []
18:58.58sivanain your case [107]
18:59.33sivanaso extension 107
18:59.54bannermansure, but for instance, X-lite has (in the SIP proxy settings) an option for username and authorization name. both of those must be 107 in order to connect
19:00.53sivanaI don't know why :p
19:01.22FirstSwordhi all
19:01.24wow1234sivana -
19:03.08sivanawow1234: do you have a registeR?
19:03.13FirstSwordi wonder if there's any parameter in iax.conf so that asterisk won't bridge channels
19:03.41sivanaFirstSword: what do you mean?
19:03.52sivanaFirstSword: notransfer=yes??
19:04.00tzangerthat's native transfers
19:04.18wow1234when i check inside asterisk with sip show registry....broadvoice is register
19:04.25tzangernative bridging has no such config option IIRC
19:04.32sivanawow1234: do you have register statement in your sip.conf?
19:04.42wow1234i able to get incoming call but no out going call
19:05.02tzangernative bridging is when asterisk just takes the voice frame and sends it on its merry way.  option 't' or 'T' in the dialplan will make asterisk take it apart in some conditions but I don't think it does at all for IAX
19:05.09sivanawow1234: I don't know, like I said, mine works :)
19:05.18sivanawow1234: I use exten@broadvoice
19:05.52sivanawow1234: I couldn't get it to work using
19:06.25sivanawow1234: and I also didn't double up the username/secret in the register either
19:06.28sivanaso I dunno
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19:06.48sivananow server 2837498
19:07.04wow1234what do you mean
19:07.17sivanawow1234: you have [] in your sip.conf
19:07.24wow1234could i see your extension.conf
19:07.36sivanawow1234: I have [broadvoice]
19:07.52sivanaso when I dial, I use Dial(SIP/exten@broadvoice)
19:08.39wow1234i had that before and change it to this new setting just to test it
19:08.39sivanaabout 2 wks ago?
19:08.39sivanachange it back
19:08.58sivanayou need those three new parameters though
19:08.58wow1234so three new setting are
19:09.01FirstSwordsivana: that asterisk station takes in a call and route to another asterisk station.  i've use setgroup to try to limit the # of lines im permitting. but because the 2 channels are iax and using the same codec, they bridged together and released from the routing asterisk
19:09.25sivanathat's notransfer=yes you want
19:09.30sivanaright tzanger ?
19:09.43wow1234what are the three new setting just to confirm with you
19:09.56Groobynew braodvoice requirement?!?1
19:10.01sivanaFirstSword: you want it to stay with the routing *?
19:10.03`Saurongrooby: not again
19:10.06tzangernotransfer will prevent asterisk from "dropping out" of the call path
19:10.20Groobysorry..i was just scrolling backup since i saw broadvoice
19:10.22FirstSwordi have a question, when this transfer the same as the transfer in dial? like dial(ext,12,tr)
19:10.26sivanawow1234: you'll have to check the wiki.. it's all there
19:10.30tzangerFirstSword: no
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19:10.42comfreyhey gang... i am looking to transfer numbars to a voip gateway.  anyone know of gateways with good rates and lnp support?
19:10.51sivanacomfrey: where?
19:11.03tzangerFirstSword: notransfer only affects A-B-C type calls where A and C can "see" each other directly but B was used to set up the call
19:11.12sivanacomfrey: never heard of states
19:11.12tzangersivana: go get yourself a bottle of AC&Cs
19:11.15sivanawhere is that?
19:11.24`SauronHum, outbound calls seem to work through BV, so no problems :)
19:11.31comfreyoh, sorry, the imperial states of america
19:11.44sivanacomfrey: ah.. maybe a bit more specific? :)
19:11.49comfreywest coasr
19:12.05sivanaok, that narrows it down to 123272434789 providers
19:12.16comfreyportland, OR
19:12.34comfreysivana, are there that many providers
19:12.35tzangersivana: don't be silly, it's 12488388483003 providers
19:12.45FirstSwordtzanger: so i should set every peers and users to notransfer if i don want the call to drop B right? wat are the disadvantages? slow response time (because of more layers)? does it take much more bandwidth though?
19:12.53sivanacomfrey: they're everywhere
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19:13.03comfreyi have seen about 10, and of them none i have seen support lnp
19:13.12sivanacomfrey: which ones have you seen
19:13.16tzangerFirstSword: disadvantage is that it's another leg in the call path, but that can be a good thing too.
19:13.17tomtom-hi, anyone knows the default admin password of a snom 360?
19:13.31comfreybut.. ok, is there a place to find a more thorough list?
19:13.47comfreysivana, like voice pulse, and the like...
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19:13.57comfreythe ones listen on voip-info wiki
19:13.58sivanacomfrey: actually, the best to do would be to send an email through the mailing list to find a local CLEC
19:14.03sivanaor one as close as possible
19:14.11l-fyis there any girl around here?
19:14.19tzangerFirstSword: and you only need it on the potential drops...  for example, I have 3 VOIP providers and about 50 customers.  I only have notransfer set on the 3 providers since they're the only possible destinations
19:14.28sivanal-fy: if you find tzanger on a Friday night
19:14.28tzangerl-fy: yeah but you scared her off
19:14.32comfreyok, thanks sivana, i will do that
19:14.35tzangershush you
19:14.44tzangerbuna seora, l-fy
19:15.20sivanacomfrey: if you've tried all the familiar national ones, the best is to look for a local or regional one
19:15.57FirstSwordtzanger: well. my main purpose is to limit the # of lines, but making the calls bridged can save bandwidth (i think).. is there any other sol'n to limit # of lines other than using setgroup and checkgroup?
19:16.08tzangerbridging does not save bandwidth
19:16.20tzangerbridging simply means that codec in == codec out and * doesn't have to do anything to the audio stream
19:16.33tzangerFirstSword: nope, setgroup and checkgroup is the proper way to do it
19:16.38FirstSwordtzanger: oh i see. i mean drop
19:16.40l-fyja right
19:16.52l-fytzanger> i'm amazed :)
19:16.54l-fyor NOT
19:17.01tzangerwhy am I not amazing?
19:17.07tzangereveryone here seems to think so :-)
19:17.15FirstSwordtzanger: haha
19:17.16sivanal-fy: I tell you, find him down TO on a friday
19:17.25tzangershut up sivana or I'll tell them about your phone
19:17.28l-fytzanger> maybe because i know to say "buna seara" since 20 years now :)
19:17.45tzangerl-fy: I wasn't trying to impress you with that, but I *am* slowly learning it
19:17.47l-fywho wanna test a windows program..... :)
19:17.59tzangersend me the url
19:18.07sivanatoo funny
19:19.01tzangerhow old are you anyway, l-fy?
19:19.12tzangerif you've known how to say that for 20 years that'd put you at... oh... 21 maybe?
19:19.17l-fytzanger > - to connect to a server use insted of 192.168 stuf....
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19:19.27Unrea1Some is dialing into my asterisk box externally through my FXO cards. It rings my IP phone and I can hear them but they are not able to hear me. Whyone have any ideas?
19:19.35sivanaya, run that executable
19:20.45Moc____woohoo Im off tomorow and monday
19:20.53tzangerMoc____: you must work for the government ;-)
19:21.02Darwin[laptop]it sounds like a code to codec issue
19:21.03Moc____tzanger: lawfirm
19:21.04l-fysivana > the executabile is generated with jsmooth and it encapsulate a .jar
19:21.11l-fyif you want the sources you can grab them from cvs
19:21.13Darwin[laptop]translation maybeoff
19:21.15l-fyis a gpl software
19:22.18jakepdevanyone get callerid name to work w/ nufone?
19:23.02Nuggetmy nufone calls just come in as "Toll Free Call" or something like that.
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19:23.08NuggetI've never bothered to figure out if it's me or them
19:23.13Uther_Pwhy doesn't asterisk show the debug messages of the SIP messages sent FROM my provider, only to them/
19:23.45Uther_Pit gives me the SIP debug message of the packet I sent out, but after that it only says "Failed to authenticate on INVITE to blah blah blah"
19:23.51Uther_PI wanna see the dump
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19:29.33nix000anyone know if sysmaster was litigated because of their (hidden) asterisk usage ?
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19:31.01AgiNamunix, no, i think they just told digium "hey, we're buying hardware" and digium said "oooh, good point"
19:31.08sivananix000: why would they?
19:31.16AgiNamuGPL violation.,
19:31.32sivanaoh ya, for bundling
19:31.49jaigersivana, for bundling what?
19:32.07sivanaNugget: that's correct, no name on toll-free
19:32.25AgiNamuthey take asterisk, modd'd it
19:32.30AgiNamuand then stick it on their servers and sell em
19:32.35AgiNamubut, they dont allow you to get the source.
19:32.39AgiNamuthus violating the GPL.
19:32.59bannermanbreak their keyboards, imo.
19:33.24nix000AgiNamu, is digium aware ?
19:33.36sivananix000: yes
19:33.50chetanI believe they're using gnugk as well
19:34.06nix000sivana, so there is no gpl violations then .. digium allowed it ?
19:34.08l-fyAgiNamu> who cares?
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19:34.31l-fymaybe they brough a proprietary license from Digium
19:34.44l-fyDigium also is selling asterisk proprietary versions :)
19:35.01ChujiDigium reserves the right though
19:35.22sivananix000: not sure, really up to Digium
19:35.24nix000AgiNamu, which hardware they are buying specifically ?
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19:36.10Chujil-fy : the channel is made up of developers who freely contribute code to asterisk. They do not expect people to capitalize off of that withough either paying them, or continuing to release under gpl
19:36.25nix000AgiNamu, i am looking at their ss7 gateway and wondering if it will work with asterisk !
19:36.41sivananix000: Digium is aware, and I'm sure an agreement/settlement has been made.  Maybe not publicly, but it's their parrogative
19:36.53l-fyChuji> i don't care much if Digium is selling or not Asterisk
19:36.58Chujinix000 : Talk to Steve Underwood, he's got ss7 and asterisk talking
19:37.02l-fynot as long as i don
19:37.05l-fy't use it :)
19:37.14nix000Chuji, i already sent him an email.
19:37.18Chujil-fy : Yes, but many others do
19:37.32l-fyChuji> and in fact digium ask for disclaimers from developers
19:37.48l-fyso actualy to get your code into mainbranch Digium has to have the right to sell it
19:37.50Chujil-fy : Digium does, but sysmaster does not
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19:38.33ikeydid any one worked on smsc project on ss7 using digium cards
19:38.42JohnnyCanyone can try out making an voIP call to me to try it out ?
19:38.43l-fyChuji> are you intrested in moral or legal?
19:39.31nix000l-fy, all i care is if they gateway will talk to asterisk !
19:39.56JohnnyCcan someone test out asterisk with me ?
19:39.57Chujil-fy I'm a fan of the gpl in general. I have reservations about how Digium treats it, but at least they put it out in the open.
19:40.08nix000sivana, no one feels betrayed because of that ?
19:40.14GiabboOpfff, who know what variables the app_voicemail pass to the external mail notifyer ?
19:40.24l-fyChuji> in moral i see no difference bettwen Digium and sysmaster
19:40.37l-fyand at least the sysmaster gnugk is working the gpl dosen't
19:40.52Chujil-fy : If Sysmaster and Digium had/has an agreement, I agree
19:41.01Chujiwhen this all came to light many months ago, they did not
19:41.15ChujiHopefully they do now
19:41.19l-fyChuji> are you from sysmaster or digium?
19:41.45l-fyChuji> then how do you know they don't have an agreement?
19:42.17nix000l-fy, i would bet they do !
19:42.23ChujiI don't know that they "do not" now. At the time this came out, it was well known that they didn't
19:42.41l-fyhow can you be sure?
19:42.46bjohnsonnix000: the general rule for all hardware is .. if it talks a standard that * supports, it will be usable with *
19:42.53l-fydo you think if they will had an agreement they will tell you?
19:42.53znohow do providers "terminate"?  we connect to a provider like nufone or voicepulse, but how do they terminate our outgoing calls to the PSTN?
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19:43.10l-fyin fact the only difference is if they pay Digium or not, is not a GPL issue
19:43.27nix000l-fy, that is the least they could do respecting the people who submited code
19:43.39l-fynix000> pay Digium?
19:43.43Chujil-fy : If they take what is GPL and use it, without paying Digium, it is a GPL issue
19:43.44l-fyi don't get it
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19:43.52l-fyno is not
19:44.04bjohnsonzno: direct connections to telcos or passing it off to another telco that they have an agreement with
19:44.07l-fythey took a binary version and they didn't pay the license
19:44.15l-fyDigium should handle with them, why should i care?
19:44.17nix000l-fy, digium has full right .. they can relicence to them ...
19:44.19znobjohnson: using the iax protocol?
19:44.33l-fynix000> or couse
19:44.33ChujiThey took a GPL'd version, and changed it, and didn't release the source
19:44.38Chujihow is that not in violation?
19:44.41bjohnsonzno: likely using PRIs and telco's fibrebackbones
19:44.49bjohnsonzno: likely not voip
19:45.00l-fyin this case sysmaster didn't foul the comunity, they just didn't pay to Digium
19:45.10nix000Chuji, i f digium gave it away (now) then what they took (now) is not gpl anymore !
19:45.23l-fyChuji> so in fact they have violated not the GPL but the digium rights
19:46.19Nuggetno, that is not a fact.
19:46.28nix000l-fy, if they violate even the gpl .. only digum can go after them . i.e. violating digium and gpl is the same
19:46.42l-fyi actualy doubt that Digium = GPL
19:46.43bjohnsonthis is pretty academic since I doubt any of your are enough legal experts to know what the law really would dictate
19:46.49Beirdoviolate this!
19:46.50l-fyDigium is so so far away from GPL
19:46.56ChujiIt depends on who's eyes you see it through. We who do not represent GPL, but are contributers and supporters, see it as a violation of GPL
19:47.02l-fyDigium is so so far away from open
19:47.16znobjohnson: so most likely, from the provider's * box, it goes to some non-iax voip to PRI
19:47.18Nuggetno, digium is not far away from open.  don't be such an OSSHole.
19:47.19bjohnsonwhat I DO know is what I THINK they did makes ME think they are ASSHOLES
19:47.26l-fyChuji> how much code did you submited lately to asterisk, or libpri or zaptel?
19:47.29BeirdoChuji: the rights to asterisk are determined by digium and digium alone
19:47.35nix000l-fy, who cares in copyright term they are the sole owner IIUC
19:47.44l-fybjohnson> yelling is the fouls wepon
19:48.07l-fynix000 > the fact that are selling the comunity work, dosen't matter?
19:48.07Nuggetdigium owns asterisk and reserves the right to give it or sell it to anyone they wish under any license they choose.
19:48.09Beirdoif they are fine with it, it's not our place to complain
19:48.11GiabboOgtg bye all
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19:48.25Beirdoif they aren't fine with it, it's their issue to take up with their lawyers, not ours
19:48.32l-fywhat is the difference between digium who is selling legal the community work, and sysmaster that is doing it ilegal?
19:48.42l-fyBeirdo> bingo
19:48.45Nuggetasterisk is not "the community's work", it's digium's work.
19:48.45ChujiMy very first statement is that if Digium has an agreement with them it's all good
19:48.47l-fyDigium != comunity
19:49.03Nuggetanyone who contributed code to asterisk is aware of this fact
19:49.07nix000l-fy, to me it matters if i contributed code  !
19:49.08Beirdo"community" is irrelevant
19:49.12bjohnsonzno: I really don't know .. but they likely connect directly to a telco service of some sort
19:49.19l-fyi don't care if someone take my patches for asterisk and use them, i accept that by defualt when i'm giving it to Digium, which also sell a proprietary version
19:49.30Beirdonix000: if you contributed code, you agreed to their licensing methodology
19:49.42znojust wondering how these small companies like nufone have such broad access to all the PSTNs
19:49.49l-fyso in fact the name is different insted of beeing Digium who sell my code, is Sysmaster, so what?
19:49.56l-fydo i get anything from that?
19:49.59JohnnyCAnyone available to test calling me using IP ?
19:50.02nix000Beirdo, thats what i mean .. i have not contributed code .. so i cannot claim anything here.
19:50.15Beirdoeven if you did, you couldn't :)
19:50.20l-fywell, we did
19:50.24tzangerl-fy: that's precisely WHY digium makes all code contributions signed off to them
19:50.34l-fywho want my patch to use it for free?, is public domain :)
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19:50.47l-fytzanger > i know that :)
19:50.47jakepdevsivana - no name on toll-free meaning if use SetCallerID with a local number, I can use a CID name?
19:50.50nix000l-fy, you should read before submiting then next time !
19:51.01l-fyfor them to grab the money insted of sysmaster :)
19:51.23l-fynix000> i've wrote my first * application 3 years ago :)
19:51.28BeirdoI should put up pictures of the "after" on my bottle to Te Bheag I've been drinking the last few nights :)
19:52.14nix000l-fy, whocares you gave it .. it does not matter who makes money from it. but i still think dgium makes some so in essence what you wanted is done.
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19:52.38l-fynix000 > in fatc you have no idea how little is in asterisk from digium
19:52.48jakepdevanyone able to get Ayava OPX to work with *?
19:52.57Shido6no jakepdev, its just you
19:53.08nix000l-fy, you are right i have NO idea ... i am the newst kid on the block
19:53.09Shido6dial in using the pri
19:53.11Shido6and dial back out
19:53.15heisondoes anyone know where the code for gotoifTime is?
19:53.25jakepdevgreg - can't blame me for asking
19:53.28Shido6your gear can be up and functioning, and move on to the next project, jakepdev
19:53.28heisoni looked under apps, but can't find it
19:53.37l-fynix000 > i have somewhere a 2 years old version of asterisk
19:53.39Shido6~jbot avaya
19:53.40jboti heard avaya is some big company that equals Micro$oft in phone systems
19:53.41l-fymaybe you want to take a look
19:53.46Shido6~jbot opx
19:53.54Shido6~jbot google opx
19:54.00l-fy~jbot h323
19:54.01jbothmm... h323 is An ITU-T standard for packet-based multimedia communications systems. This standard defines the different multimedia entities that make up a multimedia system - Endpoint, Gateway, Multipoint Conferencing Unit (MCU), and Gatekeeper - and their interaction. This standard is used for many voice-over-IP applications, and is heavily dependent on other ...
19:54.21l-fythey didn't say anymore that Yate handle much better h323, then asterisk
19:55.08jakepdevI don't want to go analog - it's gotta work
19:57.04jakepdevisn't there any debug util that I can see whats being passed back and forth?
19:57.27bjohnsonsip debug
19:57.37bjohnsonor enable it in logger.conf
19:57.41bjohnsonor set verbose 10
19:57.49elriahAny AGI gurus in here?  I'm trying to do a simple echo "STREAM FILE" and I can't get it to work.  Using a bash script.
19:58.01bjohnsonor sniff the network packets with ethereal
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19:58.15jakepdevNJ -I'm using CAS
19:58.21SpaceBassarrruggg ... my two phones from e-bay arrive... with the wrong power supplies
19:58.34SpaceBassand radio shack doesnt carry a 24v dc supply
19:58.44jakepdevelriah - what's your STREAM FILE command look like?
19:58.58ChujiYou guys ever use Max 6000's?
19:59.26elriahecho "STREAM FILE myfile \"#\""
19:59.33jakepdevbj - so I don't think ethereal will examine the PRI or CAS packets
19:59.44elriahalso tried echo "STREAM FILE /the/fqpath/myfile \"#\""
20:00.00elriahANd just echo "stream file audiofile"
20:00.11jakepdevwhat error do you get?
20:00.29jakepdevelriah - should come back with a response code
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20:00.34elriahNone.  My echo "SET MUSIC ON" works fine.
20:00.38jakepdev501, 200, etc.
20:00.49elriahIn the * CLI?
20:01.06jakepdevif you do agi debug on, you'll see it in the CLI
20:01.47JohnnyCAnyone can test Asterisk with me dialing into my extension@IPaddress ?
20:02.06Nuggetyes, anyone can do that.
20:02.19jakepdev~can you
20:02.20elriah520.  hrm.
20:02.27jakepdevjbot can't
20:02.28jbotYes I can!
20:02.32Nuggetsee?  :)
20:02.37jakepdevok then
20:02.41nix000l-fy, you can always give your code to eff !
20:02.58jakepdevelriah - does it have a description
20:03.30elriahInvalid command syntax.
20:03.39elriahLooks right to me per the wiki & docs.. hrm...
20:03.42jakepdevthat's the issue
20:03.44elriahalso tried echo "STREAM FILE /the/fqpath/myfile \"#\""
20:03.52elriahYea.  I see that.  That's useful, tnx!
20:03.54l-fynix000 > anyway making my code public also allow the aefirion guys to use it
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20:04.27jakepdevSTREAM FILE myfile #
20:04.29Ro[b]ertare there people having setup asterisk behind a NAT ?
20:04.38Ro[b]erti cant seem to get registered.
20:04.56jakepdevRob - registered w/ who?
20:05.08denisgalvaoSomeone know how to configure a fxs extension to use DTMF!?
20:05.37jbot[nat+sip] just fine if you have the SIP client behind NAT and Asterisk on an official IP.....
20:05.37Ro[b]ertjakepdev: with FWD
20:06.04jakepdevRob -
20:06.56jakepdevelriah - did you see the example I put above?
20:07.16Ro[b]ertjakepdev: thanks.. im gonna try that.. my nat has 5060 and 8000 open...
20:07.55jakepdevRob - np
20:08.03elriahjakepdev: Thanks.  Ok, now I'm back where I started.  I don't get any errors with echo "STREAM FILE myfile #", but it still doesn't play the file.  Weird.
20:08.14Unrea1I am definatly at a loss with this issue. I am experiancing one way calling when recieving a call through my FXO cards but not dialing from IP phone to IP phone. Where would I begin looking.
20:08.29jakepdevelriah - does myfile exist in your sounds folder?
20:08.35Ro[b]ertjakepdev: do you use the include sip_additional.conf in sip.conf?
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20:08.45elriahI can play it if I do it with exten => playback..
20:09.04jakepdevRob - doesn't matter as long as sip_additinal.conf is included
20:09.23jakepdevelriah - are you calling Answer first?
20:09.56elriahNo, I'm just calling that command only.  It's answering the phone and running the script.  I'm testing it by calling in.
20:09.58jakepdevRob - to be more specific sip_additional.conf should be included in sip.conf
20:10.10elriahThanks for your help, btw.
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20:10.40jakepdevelriah - np.  Can you put an Answer step in your dialplan first before you call AGI?
20:11.03jakepdevelriah - not sure if it matters, but it worked for me
20:11.17elriahSure -
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20:12.32Ro[b]ertjakepdev: isnt the iax_additional.conf the file to include those fwn rules?
20:12.49Ro[b]erti followed the asteriskathomefwd wiki...
20:13.06JohnnyCHow can I call my asterisk server by using SIP without an extension ?
20:13.11JohnnyClike dialing a number ?
20:13.14elriahDidn't make a difference.  I can use echo "say number 1234" and it does say the numbers.
20:13.16JohnnyCdial the IP address ?
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20:13.23shmaltzhelo everybody
20:13.35jakepdevRob - I think FWD uses SIP, not IAX
20:13.48Ro[b]ertjakepdev: here is a better explanation..
20:14.17shmaltzmy provider is asking me if I need a dialtone on my PRI, or if my PBX gives me one, since this will be my first one for an * box, I don't know what to answer. I think that I don't need dialtone from provider but the PBX will give one, is this correct?
20:14.22Ro[b]ertjake - when i follow the instructions online it says to make a iax trunk..
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20:14.51jakepdevelriah - can you try a different file?
20:14.53znoGjakepdev: you can use IAX with FWD
20:15.03elriahI just did, same thing.  Just doesn't like it.  Maybe a bug with 1.0.5?
20:15.15elriahI swear I had this working at one point with this version.
20:15.19jakepdevelriah - could be - i got it to work with 1.0
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20:16.02jakepdevRob - I believe the example is showing how to to get it working with SIP since your using sip.conf
20:16.24Ro[b]ertznoG: the only diff is that the config is done in iax.conf.????
20:16.45znoGRo[b]ert: um, yes, and you have to enable IAX in your FWD account at
20:16.48jakepdevRob - IAX is a different protocol requiring a different setup
20:17.15elriahGot an idea - I don't have a responsetimeout set before calling the agi ...
20:17.18jakepdevI don't think you can't just put the SIP config lines and IAX and expect it to work
20:17.32jakepdevelriah - it didn't require all that for me
20:17.33Chad-wlIs it possible to take a full T1 into a Digium card and then split 6 channels to another PRI device? I would like to get 23 channels in for phone and split 6 to our video conferencing device.
20:17.45Ro[b]ertjakepdev: i use this config file from wiki
20:18.10Ro[b]ertjakepdev: there they talk about
20:18.17Ro[b]ertetc etc
20:18.25Shido6look at the examples in /usr/src/asterisk/configs/sip.conf.sample
20:18.34elriahThat didn't do anything anyway.  Let me put the script in default and see if it's my dialplan, possibly.  Only thing I can think of.
20:18.47jakepdevRob - as znog said - if you want to use IAX, make sure it's configued in FWD
20:19.05BeirdoKatty: you beeping at us?  :)
20:19.24bjohnsonziddle zaddle zwoot
20:19.30jakepdevGreg - you couldn't find anyone?
20:19.45jakepdevLucent, Avaya
20:19.53jakepdev, etc...?
20:20.18Chad-wlDoes anyone know the actual name of the devices they're selling on E-bay as FXO adapters? I am a reseller and would like to get one locally.
20:20.22jakepdevsomeone has got to be able to get this working with DS1FD\
20:20.40Shido6you can do cas
20:20.44jakepdevah - all these damn acronyms
20:20.47elriahSh*t, this sucks.  I've committed getting this to work.  hrmm... arrghhh!!! ;p
20:20.54Shido6calm down what you have or pm me login details and u can watch me set it up
20:21.14bjohnsonChad-wl: you mean the x100p clones?
20:21.32jakepdevwish there were standard names
20:21.34elriahShido6: heh, no biggie, I just need to get this proof of concept in front of some folks before they haul off and buy a 300K phone system from nortel...
20:21.34Chad-wlbjohnson: Ya, is there more information on them anywhere?
20:21.41zoashido6, did you ever modprobe with t1e1override ?
20:21.44bjohnsonChad-wl: nope
20:21.54Unrea1Ive got 2 of them in my system
20:21.57Unrea1seem to work fine
20:21.57jakepdevzoa - we just did that yesterday
20:21.58Shido6yes zoa
20:22.01Shido6I love that
20:22.05Shido6I friggin love that
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20:22.09zoadid you get it to work with a quad pri ?
20:22.14zoait doesnt seem to work all the way
20:22.18SpaceBassif a phone is touted as a "standalone IP phone" what protocal does that imply?
20:22.19Shido6not a quad but a single
20:22.24zoai think we did it before but now it doesnt seem to do all spans
20:22.35elriahI'm hung up on a bash agi echo 'STREAM FILE whateverfile #', just doesn't work.  No errors returned, just skips that step.  If I do an echo "SAY NUMBER 1234", works fine.
20:22.38jakepdevah greg - could this be the problem?
20:22.38zoaand of course we put the boxes 600km away
20:22.39bjohnsonSpaceBass: nobody knows
20:22.45jaigerSpacebar, nothing implied
20:22.57Ro[b]ertjakepdev: i just activated the iax feature at fwd....
20:23.02Ro[b]erthope this works
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20:23.06SpaceBassbjohnson was afaride of that
20:23.09Unrea1Ill ask this one more time just because there seems to be more people here. Sorry if im being annoying.
20:23.10jaigerSpaceBass, at most tcpip is implied
20:23.11Unrea1I am definatly at a loss with this issue. I am experiancing one way calling when recieving a call through my FXO cards but not dialing from IP phone to IP phone. Where would I begin looking.
20:23.20bjohnsonSpaceBass: maybe that they have a button with a I on it and another with a P on it
20:23.25zoajakepdev: how many spans did you do ?
20:23.26zoaall 4 ?
20:23.33jakepdevzoa - Shido and I did it with a single
20:23.49Chad-wlbjohnson: Ok, I'll try and find a Canadian vendor on E-bay. Thanks,
20:23.50jakepdevSB - no comments
20:23.54SpaceBasslooks like the device in question supports h.323 at least
20:24.00SpaceBasscannot find anything on sip or iax2
20:24.11jakepdevzoa - did switch says E1 - using as a T1 in PRI mode - works
20:24.19jakepdevdip switch
20:24.21jaigerUnrea1, depends on protocol - look at firewall/router rules
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20:24.41jakepdevok not dip switch - jumper - same difference
20:24.43bjohnsonUnrea1: your config files and your log files
20:24.54AgiNamuspacebass which one?
20:24.56bjohnsonUnrea1: then check your drivers
20:25.05zoaah k
20:25.24zoadid you go from t1 to e1 ?
20:25.26AgiNamuthe PA168 is the only H323 phone i knwo of. but i just dont know mnay phones :)
20:25.33jakepdevzoa - from E1 to T1
20:25.42zoaand what exact param did you change for the t1e1 value ?
20:25.44SpaceBasshey AgiNamu
20:25.48zoaah i need to do it the other way around
20:25.51SpaceBassAgiNamu the i.picasso 6000
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20:26.01elriahShido6: What's weird, all my other agi commands work just fine from this bash script.
20:26.05SpaceBassAgiNamu I got the 1.42 for the pa168  works great
20:26.09jakepdevzoa - I beleive thae param was 0
20:26.21SpaceBasswell, not great, the damn thing won't recognize the digit 4, but other than that
20:26.36jakepdevelriah - maybe it's the version -can you try another one...
20:26.57jakepdevzoa - 0 for E1 set to T1 override
20:27.29SpaceBassAgiNamu how tricky is it to set up a h.323 channel
20:27.54zoaand the param for t1 to e1 = 15 ?
20:28.26elriahjakepdev: Yea, probably.  Didn't want to go that route if I didn't have to.
20:28.26jakepdevzoa - got me there - digium gave me the command - You can call them and they'll probably know
20:28.55zoatsss,  i would be a wussie if i would call em for tech support :)
20:28.59zoacant do that
20:29.06zoanever called em
20:29.09zoacant start doing it now
20:29.22jakepdevzoa - it's free hardware config
20:29.37SpaceBassAgiNamu any reason why the pa168 wouldnt recognize some digits from my phone?
20:29.55bjohnsonSpaceBass: this seems to imply that it might be SIP
20:30.00zoajake: i know
20:30.16KattyBeirdo: my hilight went off
20:30.19zoawe have 10 quad e1s and never needed to call em
20:30.26zoaso i dont want to do it now either
20:30.32Beirdobeep :)
20:30.41SpaceBassbjohnson unfortunatly there is not a lot out there on it... i have seen that page though... until i get my POE power supply its anyones guess
20:30.44BeirdoWelcome back, Katty  :)
20:30.57tzangerKatty: you missed l-fy she was looking for you
20:31.12zoahey is this katty the girl i pissed of a long time ago ? :)
20:31.37KattyBeirdo: i'm not here for long.
20:31.41Kattytzanger: why? who's she?
20:31.44Kattyzoa: unlikely.
20:31.51tzangerKatty: a developer for YATE
20:31.56SpaceBasswho thinks a 24v dc device can take 30v dc?
20:31.57SpaceBassi do
20:31.59Kattytzanger: i....see.
20:32.02Kattytzanger: why?
20:32.38BeirdoSpaceBass:  BANG!
20:32.38Kattythat must have gone right over my head.
20:32.57SpaceBassit will just have brighter LCDs :)
20:32.57jakepdevzoa - only reason is I don't think that command is documented
20:33.13zoai will just have someone look at the code
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20:33.22zoawe found the value 15 like that
20:33.53mrgobyhas anyone had a problem with Redirects in the Manager API ?
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20:34.39mrgobyit is going to the priority i specify -1, AND, it just hangs, and doesnt actually start the application on that priority definition, but just sits there and then times out in the new context
20:34.50bjohnsonSpaceBass: this looks like it is supposed to support h323 AND SIP
20:35.12mrgobyusing a zap channel, btw
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20:35.56bannermanHow do I learn about DTMF? I have a problem where touch tone menu systems don't work (dial an 800 number, hit buttons, nothing happens while the voice drones on and on...) and I've been told it's likely that it's related to DTMF
20:36.25SpaceBassbjohnson that's talking about the server software the manufacturer sold before they went out of business
20:36.31mrgobywhat protocol bannerman ?
20:36.42SpaceBassso i'm hoping thats what the phone used too...
20:36.48bannermanSIP phones, IAX2 voip service throughp voipjet
20:36.56mrgobyoh, and also ~docs
20:37.01mrgobythat is
20:37.05jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:37.23mrgobythe last one is a good place to start learning about dtmf
20:37.33mrgobyor, next to last rather
20:37.53bannermanI've spent a lot of time surfing the wiki, maybe I'm just not 1337 enough :-/ I'll try more
20:38.14bjohnsonI've had luck setting dtmf= in the config files
20:38.23bjohnson2833 I think is what I use
20:38.28mrgobyare you using outband what?
20:39.38mrgobyso, you connect to your * with sip basically
20:40.02mrgobyare you having problems dialing the extens with the sip phones ? or through iax too ?
20:42.50bannermanmrgoby: I connect to * with my sip phones, and I can dial extens just fine
20:43.06bannermanits just when I dial like.. other people's phone systems, and then its only some of thme, not all of them
20:43.11bjohnsonThe Congruency i.Picasso 6000 supports H.323 and the G.729 codec
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20:43.59DenisLAnybody running Asterisk on FreeBSD with a TDM400p?
20:44.40zippanyone running asterisk on solaris
20:44.52zipptrying to get gcc working right
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20:47.08CosmicRaythat sounds like a question for an entirely different channel :-)
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20:47.59zippit is, join #solaris, I asked there too
20:48.20zippI figured if someone here had compiled asterisk on solaris 10, they would know what to do
20:48.21bannermanFor instance, if I dial the 800 number for US bank, I can navigate menus just fine. When I dial some of our venders, it just ignores me when I push buttons. I hear a tone when I push the button, but apparently the other side doesn't. With specific numbers.
20:50.29AgiNamuzipp, someone wrote to the dev list a few days ago
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20:50.55AgiNamuthey were using solaris 10, and had a problem cause the c library on solaris isnt that complete
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20:52.30tzangershmaltz: they want to hook you up with an MF T1??  Just say NO
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20:52.50harryvvanyone here using voipjet
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20:53.22tzangershmaltz: looks like an ni-2 PRI though... wtf is this "MF" for?
20:54.00mrgobyfuther mucker
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20:55.19zippAgiNamu, I need to install SUNWCprog somehow
20:55.21zippjust have no idea how
20:56.00ikey1does any one have experiance in installing r2mfc on digium
20:56.33WilliamKharryvv, I am
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21:01.25bannermanbjohnson: that did it. I still don't really know what I'm doing by putting dtmf=whatever in my sip.conf, but it does solve my problem
21:01.26montoyahi all, i need the codec g729.dll compiled for firefly, where i take this?
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21:02.25montoyai have a g729 source code but i dont have c++ compiler
21:03.28ORDXpresHello everyone. I have Siemens LP5100 phone. I can call internal extensions but not external phone numbers. I get Cleared - unknown - Can anyone help ?
21:03.43Chad-wlIs it possible to take a full T1 into a Digium card and then split 6 channels to another PRI device? I would like to get 23 channels in for phone and split 6 to our video conferencing device.
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21:04.27jakepdevchad - can't help you but I heard there is a way
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21:05.06Uther_Pdamn.. I can call in to my phone through my sip provider... and it rings, and gives me the callerid info... and when I pick it up, I can hear the caller for a few seconds, then it disconnects
21:05.08Chad-wljakepdev: I think so too, it makes sense that you could switch the digium card to do CO signaling for the other devices
21:05.13Uther_Pbut the caller cannot hear me
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21:05.34Uther_Ponly, the calling phone doesn't indicate ringing in the earpiece until after we are disconnected
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21:06.47bannermanUther_P: One of my phones was doing that too. I had to flash the firmware to a different version. Cheap phones :-/
21:07.03Uther_Pthis is a sipura 2000
21:07.15bannermanI was using an ariaVoice atlas
21:07.32Uther_Pand its been working fine for everything else, I *know* it has to be a freaking problem between me and my provider
21:07.41Uther_PI've been working with the engineers there for about a week
21:07.47Uther_Pand its really starting to piss me the hell of :/
21:08.01bannermanI suppose you could test that by signing up for a freebie at nufone
21:08.21bannermanor maybe it was voipjet with the freebie
21:09.19Shido6now my dell keyboard is acting up
21:09.32montoyasomebody has g729.DLL for firefly ?
21:10.22jakepdevgotta get those old IBM keyboards - they last
21:10.33mrgobydamn straight
21:10.53BrianR___yay. I wrote a small script to convert my phonelist into config files..
21:10.57jakepdevain't nothing like em today
21:11.31ORDXpresDoes anyone know Siemens LP5100 (optiPoint 100 Advance) ?
21:12.05jontowneat.. my $15 bellsouth analog phone with integrated callerid works beautifully with the IAXy :))
21:12.21Unrea1How do I set it so that I can automaticly dial and extention on the incoming call. Like when someone dials my asterisk server they can just dial an extention any time during the greeting?
21:12.36BeirdoI wrote a little script to convert the NPA-NXX report from dandy to a dialconfig for hylafax for myself :)
21:12.45Ro[b]ertjakepdev: IT WORKS... ahahahahah
21:12.47*** part/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (~icechat5@
21:12.53Beirdothe joys of being in Toronto.  1282 local exchanges
21:12.54AgiNamuthat's not the G729 dll,.... thats just to compile it.
21:12.55jontowthat one :)
21:13.01Unrea1I know its something simple but I cant find it
21:13.10jakepdevRob - congrats
21:13.20outtoluncand that's all that he should need
21:13.21Ro[b]ertjakepdev: but there is one thing i dont know.. what to put in FWDRINGS ??
21:13.29Ro[b]ertexten => ${FWDNUMBER},1,Dial(${FWDRINGS},20,r)
21:13.42Ro[b]ertthis line is from extensions.conf
21:13.59Ro[b]ertunder [from-pstn]
21:14.25jeffikuBierdo: hi
21:14.35jakepdevFWDRINGS=sip/office ; the phone to ring - accrding to the docs
21:14.49jakepdevsip/office - maybe a context
21:14.52jakepdevdon't know for sure
21:14.57nix000anyone ever done a performance test on * ?
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21:15.39montoyaexist some softphone with support g729 default ?
21:16.14Ro[b]ertso i can set FWDRINGS=200 ????
21:16.20jakepdevRob - i think you can just put your extension in there
21:16.39jakepdevyou have a phone you want it to ring when someone calls you?
21:17.35Ro[b]ertthe softphone for now
21:18.21jakepdevI would try the softphone extension in place of FWDRINGS
21:18.34jakepdevthen again - i'm no expert on this
21:18.42jakepdev(far from it)
21:20.44Ro[b]erthaha.. ok.. thanks.
21:21.22Ro[b]erti just want to call myself from a pstn line...
21:21.32Ro[b]ertim still getting the voicemail...
21:23.00Ro[b]ertno... now i get .. hungup...
21:25.35jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
21:25.37jbotrumour has it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
21:26.04jboti guess beer is ummm, ummm good!, or good for you!
21:27.28*** join/#asterisk pdracevich (
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21:28.02pdracevichhello, all does any one know of a good Call Conferrencing app for asterisk that is not meetme?
21:28.16*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
21:28.16pdracevichand how do i get ChanSpy
21:28.19*** join/#asterisk dersteer (
21:28.26bjohnsonnix000: astertest
21:28.36jbotextra, extra, read all about it, port is To port something, you translate the code for a program from one platform to another. You could port a program you wrote on a PC over to a Macintosh, for example. Port
21:28.42*** join/#asterisk PhilM (
21:28.59AgiNamuwell... I got the PA168 firmware modified... now it responds to POKEs.
21:29.03AgiNamubut now it wont make calls :@
21:29.21*** join/#asterisk chetan (
21:29.38PhilMI hear there is g729a for Freebsd, where can I find it?
21:29.45JohnnyCAnyone can help with FWD ?
21:29.57JohnnyCI can call the Echo test number but I cant hear my echo
21:30.01JohnnyCmy voice
21:30.27bjohnsonjohnnyb: can you get anything from the time number?
21:30.32AgiNamuit wouldnt be that bad devving for this
21:30.38queuetueHi - can someone point to a good tutorial to asterisk for a long-time unix/linux admin and programmer?  I don't need to learn a lot of remedial stuff about networking or what the CLI is, but I have absolutely zero knowledge of telco interfaces, codecs, pbxes, in general, or asterisk in particular...
21:30.42AgiNamubut I dont have a test harness... i gotta make new firmware, then upload it
21:30.44AgiNamutakes a few minutes
21:30.55pdracevichhello, all does any one know of a good Call Conferrencing app for asterisk that is not meetme?
21:31.02jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
21:31.05bjohnsonqueuetue: ^
21:31.09*** join/#asterisk chetan (
21:31.25JohnnyCbjohnson: whats the time number ?
21:31.31queuetuebjohnson, thanks.
21:32.34bjohnsonqueuetue: it's easier if you playing.  you can get a working voip system with nothing but a linux box to play with it
21:33.46*** join/#asterisk chetan (
21:34.21pdracevichhello, all does any one know of a good Call Conferrencing app for asterisk that is not meetme?
21:34.53jontowwhats ill with meetme?
21:36.21pdracevichI dont have a Zap card :(
21:36.28jontowso use ztdummy
21:36.29dougheckadont need one
21:36.35jontowall conferencing is going to require timing sources..?
21:36.43*** join/#asterisk marno (
21:36.59doughecka~google ztdummy
21:37.20doughecka~google ztdummy
21:37.21*** join/#asterisk Thus0 (
21:37.27bjohnsonpdracevich: yes
21:37.33dougheckatime to reboot
21:38.06*** join/#asterisk chetan (
21:39.56*** join/#asterisk chetan (
21:40.22*** part/#asterisk ORDXpres (
21:40.26pdracevichI have tryed that this is one of my many problums, when I complie I get an error saying ztdummy.c:219: confused by earlier errors, bailing out
21:40.27pdracevichmake: *** [ztdummy.o] Error 1
21:40.52jontowthen you need to figure out WHY it is erroring out
21:40.54mrgobywhy dont redirects work ?
21:40.57jontowit compiles cleanly on every linux system i've tried
21:41.00mrgobyam i doing something wrong here ?
21:41.02*** join/#asterisk p1tst0p (
21:41.03harryvvWhat is a common cause of this.
21:41.03pdracevichand when i look thourgth the listing i see /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:1:2: #error Modules should never use kernel-headers system headers,
21:41.07harryvv-- Executing Dial("SIP/152-6df7", "IAX2/5555@voipjet/12144465311") in new stack
21:41.15xkevmrgoby must be, because they work :)
21:41.23mrgobyhave you used them ?
21:41.37harryvvTrying to figure this out
21:41.40jontowperhaps you are missing USB support in your kernel.. or you are missing CRC32 in your kernel, or something similar
21:41.46mrgobyit is always taking me to priority-1 and always just hangs on the channel
21:41.48harryvvcalled known numbers that work on voipjet.
21:41.52jontowharryvv; iax2 show peers ?
21:41.55xkevmrgoby, manager redirect right?
21:42.50harryvvvoipjet/5555  (S)  4569          OK (118 ms)
21:42.50harryvv1 iax2 peers [1 online, 0 offline, 0 unmonitored]
21:43.06harryvv5555 is not my account number that is a ficticious one.
21:43.34bjohnson118 is normal for you?
21:43.44*** join/#asterisk fenlander_ (~irc@
21:43.58*** part/#asterisk loick (
21:44.16mrgobyxkev: yes
21:44.20*** join/#asterisk montag___ (
21:44.29mrgobyxkev: have tried both head and stable
21:44.29xkevI use them extensively, for an operator panel we cooked up in python and C++
21:44.32elriahAnybody else here running the debian asterisk 1.0.5 package?
21:44.51montag___hi, i've buy a PLANET VIP-152T phone, but the client arbitraty unregister and end the call after 3-5 minutes, any tips ?
21:45.04xkevAction: Redirect; Channel: Zap/1-1; Context: foo; Extension: 100; Priority: 1 \n\n
21:45.13xkevare you specifying a priority
21:45.24mrgobyand it always goes to priority-1
21:45.27mrgobyusing telnet
21:45.33xkevcrank verbose up, does it show it falling back to priority 0
21:45.33mrgobyhave tried with php too
21:45.47mrgobyi used show channels
21:45.52xkevso you say Prioity: 400 and it does to 399?
21:45.53mrgobyand it shows me goingg to that channel
21:45.59mrgobyand that priority+1
21:46.04mrgobysorry minus 1
21:46.10mrgobyand then it just hangs
21:46.18mrgobyi could deal with just adding one to the priority
21:46.26mrgobybut it hangs there, and then times out
21:46.29xkevthat's not normal
21:46.32mrgobyi know
21:46.52mgthDoes the ILEC or the CLEC provide phone lines to your place of work?
21:46.52mrgobythis is on an EPIA mini-itx, btw....   i should try on my dell
21:47.07xkevI would say kludge around it by starting your actual action with a gap, and have both 2 and 1 jump to there, so if it fixes itself you won't break.
21:47.07mrgobythough i still dont see why it would do that
21:47.11mrgobyeverything else works great
21:47.12xkevit makes no sense
21:47.24pdracevichWhen I try to complie ztdummy /usr/include/linux/proc_fs.h:193: warning: `create_proc_read_entry' declared `static' but never defined
21:48.05mrgobywhat do you mean "gap" and "2 and 1 jump there" ?
21:49.17*** join/#asterisk LeoB ([
21:49.34mrgobyshoot, i gotta go pick up my gfriend, i'll be back in a bit... gotta get this working tonight :-P
21:49.39mrgobythanks for your help
21:49.46queuetueI've set up a broadvoice account, and setup sip.conf with the registration and (I think) correct configuration.  When I launch *, I can see the sip registration, and when I call the number from a standard phone, I can see the SIP channell appear.  I get the broadvoice voicemail at that point and the channle quickly dissapears from *.  Where do I go from here - including a) setting up and getting *my* voicemail to pickup instead of broad
21:49.46queuetuevoice's , b) getting it to ring on kphone on my desktop, and c) allowing kphone to dial out through it.
21:49.52*** join/#asterisk wow1234 (
21:49.54pdracevichWhen I try to complie ztdummy /usr/include/linux/proc_fs.h:193: warning: `create_proc_read_entry' declared `static' but never defined
21:50.50wow1234could someone tell me why I'm getting "SIP/2.0 404 Not Found" but it show me as being register
21:50.57jluk~jbot pastebin
21:50.58jbotit has been said that pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
21:51.09queuetueThere are just so many docs, and I have no idea what portions I have to learn to get started.
21:51.09LeoBhi, can anyone help me connect Asterisk, FWD and SJphone?
21:51.29bjohnsonqueuetue: is your * behind a nat router?
21:51.46pdracevichWhen I try to complie ztdummy /usr/include/linux/proc_fs.h:193: warning: `create_proc_read_entry' declared `static' but never defined
21:51.48bjohnsonLeoB: yes
21:51.55jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
21:51.56bjohnsonLeoB: ^
21:51.59queuetuebjohnson, yes, it is.  Is that a problem?
21:52.02NuggetLeoB: work through and come to the channel when you have specific questions.
21:52.06bjohnsonqueuetue: yes
21:52.17queuetuebjohnson, Even with port-forwarding?
21:52.20bjohnsonqueuetue: I've never been able to get that to work
21:52.37wow1234could someone tell me why I'm getting "SIP/2.0 404 Not Found" but it show me as being register
21:52.40bjohnsonqueuetue: others claim to have it working
21:52.53wow1234can't seem to dial out but can get incoming call
21:52.56bjohnsonqueuetue: does bv offer a stun server option?
21:53.03*** join/#asterisk mitmit (
21:53.21bjohnsonwow1234: do you have it defined as a user?
21:53.51wow1234bjohnson, as a peer
21:54.02bjohnsonwow1234: peer is for incoming calls
21:54.10wow1234i even try it as a friend
21:54.10bjohnsonwow1234: user is for outgoing
21:54.30wow1234how do you defined as a user
21:54.34bjohnsontype=friend often has problems unless you get lucky
21:54.46wow1234so type=user
21:54.57bjohnsonand whatever other config bv needs
21:55.05bjohnsonlikely some info on bv or on the wiki
21:55.10bjohnsonI don't use bv
21:55.23wow1234let me try it right now
21:57.33bjohnsonI'll wait here
21:58.11wow1234same thing...can't dial out
21:59.31pdracevichwhen i try to build ztdummy i get /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:5:2: #error to build against the currently-running kernel.
22:00.18wow1234bjohnson, now i get 407 Proxy Authentication Required....
22:00.43bhsxhi, i'm sorry, i'm total n00b, but i have a generic x100p and asterisk@home installed.  i have the softphone side all working and can call to each other...  how do i use the x100p to answer my POTS line?  and how do i use the softphones to access POTS?
22:01.01file[laptop]so very very cold
22:01.05tzangerbhsx: you need to set it up in zapata.conf (and zaptel.conf)
22:01.14tzangerand then create a context for incoming calls to go to
22:01.18bhsxcan i do it in AMP?
22:01.19tzangerI would suggest something like [pots]
22:01.22tzangerbhsx: no idea
22:01.34*** join/#asterisk crich1999 (~crich@
22:01.38tzangerI'd consult the *@~ documentation
22:01.47wow1234does any one get this error message with broadvoice - 407 Proxy Authentication Required
22:02.44pdracevichwhen i try to build ztdummy i get /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:5:2: #error to build against the currently-running kernel.
22:04.04*** join/#asterisk _queuetue (
22:04.43_queuetueOops - Lost everything sfter bjonson asked "does bv offer a stun server option?" - firewall screwup. :)
22:04.59bjohnsonwow1234: did you check the wiki or bv help yet?
22:05.00AgiNamuYEY! Got POKE support running on PA168!
22:05.56wow1234bjohnson, yes....i try everthing.i was working great for about 6 months now then BV made somes changes on there end and now it stop working
22:06.32wow1234running CVS 1-0-7
22:06.46bjohnsonI think I've got you guys mixed up .. wow1234 isn't trying to use bv
22:07.11wow1234bv - broadvoice, correct.
22:07.29_queuetuebjohnson, does the fact that the suip registration works and the channel appears when I make the call indicate that the firewall is not causing problems, and the sip->broadvoice connection is working?
22:07.51pdracevichwhen i try to build ztdummy i get an error /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:5:2: #error to build against the currently-running kernel.? HELP PLEASE!
22:08.52harryvvbj, did you say you had voipjet as a carrier?
22:09.26mrgobyyou there xkev ?
22:11.21jessterIm troubleshooting a phone hanging off a FXS port of a channel bank. When the phone is in use, and another call comes in, asterisk cli shows "Zap/106-busy-678259056 is busy" but the caller does not hear a busy signal - it just rings. The callee does not hear a call waiting beep.
22:12.06harryvvThis means there are some issues with voipjet?    -- Executing Dial("SIP/152-b0c6", "IAX2/1230@voipjet2/12144465300") in new stack
22:12.33*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
22:12.36Exstaticai keep getting an error... db.c:177 ast_db_get: Unable to find key '5625551212' in family 'SIP/Registry'
22:12.42Exstaticai have no idea what it means
22:12.53*** join/#asterisk Karl_H (~karl@
22:13.25mrgoby~seen xkev
22:13.33jbotxkev is currently on #asterisk (2d 1h 42m 41s).  Has said a total of 57 messages.  Is idling for 26m 21s
22:13.42pdracevichwhen i try to build ztdummy i get an error /usr/include/linux/modversions.h:5:2: #error to build against the currently-running kernel.? HELP PLEASE!
22:13.55harryvvI think voipjet has a issue with canada :)
22:14.04Beirdovoipjet has issues
22:14.58harryvvyea. Beirdo, so you seen that one before the no one is aviable to answe?
22:15.11bjohnsonwow1234: _queuetue: sounds like you two are both trying to get broadvocie to work.  help each other out
22:15.32Beirdothat will mean the other end is busy, I think
22:15.46bjohnsonharryvv: I have an accoutn with them and used them for a while but don't use them much now cause they keep giving me huge lags time
22:15.50wow1234_queuetue, what version of CVS are running
22:16.09harryvvwhich of the three servers do you use?
22:16.22bjohnsonExstatica: are you trying to use rsa auth?
22:16.48pdracevichzaptel.c:6225: storage size of `zt_fops' isn't known
22:16.48pdracevichmake: *** [zaptel.o] Error 1
22:16.59harryvvyea same thing
22:17.02pdracevichthese are the errors, please help
22:17.23bannermanbjohnson: I don't have any lag problems with Voipjet's left coast server. maybe some quality issues, can't tell if that's my setup or not though, I'm newb
22:17.29bjohnsonharryvv: noormally 42ms but about 2 times and hour it goes over 2000ms
22:17.38Beirdobjohnson: yeah same here
22:17.44Beirdothey su-diddley-uck
22:17.46bjohnsonwhich is left coast?
22:17.55harryvvI created a iax.conf context with the west coast server and a following extention to match it. And did get a bussy message with a bussy tone.
22:17.59bjohnsonfrom up here left is NY
22:18.16CosmicRayI refuse to use voipjet because of:
22:18.30bannerman69.25.60.30 .. my ping there was 30 earlier this month, it's up to 50 now
22:18.45bjohnsonI refuse to use vonage .. but doesn't mean that others have the same sense
22:18.51Beirdoleft coast is west coast
22:18.57*** join/#asterisk mgth (
22:18.57Beirdolook on a map already :)
22:18.58CosmicRayhuh, 112ms for me, 15ms more than livevoip
22:19.00*** join/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
22:19.05Exstaticabjohnson, not that i know of
22:19.09CosmicRaybjohnson: well yes, refusing to use vonage goes without saying :-)
22:19.30BeirdoI said look at a map....
22:19.37Flyboy6440is there a firmware update to allow iaxy to use dns?
22:19.46CosmicRayheh, iaxy doesn't use dns?
22:19.58jontowcosmicray; no.
22:20.00Flyboy6440not that i cant tell.. just got it..
22:20.14CosmicRayI was plesantly surprised recently that my spa-841 supports NTP
22:20.23CosmicRayand also that I can configure them all centrally by placing xml files on tftp servers
22:20.24jontow'tis one of the drawbacks of keeping your entire 'OS' image in 4kb :)
22:20.48_queuetuewow1234, Not running form CVS.
22:20.56harryvvcosmic the spa 1000-2000 series? its worked 100% for me.
22:21.00znoGCosmicRay: i don't think there is any need to worry too much about their ToS. They probably copied it from somewhere :) I'd like to see a case where they took up legal action against someone for violating the ToS
22:21.06CosmicRayharryvv: yes
22:21.17CosmicRayI got my spa-3000 in recently, going to try hooking it up today
22:21.25bannermanI'm not worried about the TOS, but what
22:21.25_queuetuewow1234, running 1.0.6-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC7k
22:21.29harryvvits been a good little unit.
22:21.40CosmicRayznoG: I agree, but why even bother signing up with a company that wants to do all that to people?
22:21.41bannerman1.2 cents a minute is cheaper than 1.3 cents a minute :) is livevoip pretty reliable?
22:21.54bjohnsonCosmicRay: the 3000 is a little tricky
22:21.55CosmicRaybannerman: I've been using them for awhile, had zero problems with them so far
22:21.57znoGCosmicRay: it's so ridiculous anyway their ToS i doubt it would hold any weight in court
22:21.58wow1234_queuetur, what's your problem....maybe it's like my
22:22.04harryvvI guess there has been alot of discussion on reliable voip services lately.
22:22.07bjohnsonCosmicRay: the fxs is easy .. the fxo has a few tricks
22:22.13wow1234i can get incoming but no out going
22:22.20bjohnsonCosmicRay: info on the wiki though to get you started
22:22.23CosmicRaybjohnson: I've been reading the wiki page about making it go to asterisk without answering the fxo line first
22:22.31wow1234i keep getting this error message "407 Proxy Authentication Required"
22:22.37harryvvI have anyone vouch for there reliability?
22:22.38CosmicRaybjohnson: what I don't understand is why all the callerid mucking, why not just set it to always forward instead of sometimes forward?
22:22.47bjohnsonI've had a few problems with my sipuras but I think is mostly config
22:22.59CosmicRayone thing about the sipuras is that they are extremely configurable
22:23.12bjohnsonalthough I have a 3k at home that wants to ring every hour until I restart the * server = sixtel
22:23.27bjohnsonhappened twice in a week .. made me look bad to the wife
22:23.29CosmicRaymy gripe about the spa-841 was that *67 did not do its conventional duty of disabling caller id for one call, but I found the place to fix it.
22:23.40CosmicRaywas that related to voicemail?
22:23.42_queuetueIs it possible to run Asterisk communicating via sip to a provider and a sip softphone talking to asterisk on the same computer?
22:23.55CosmicRaybjohnson: over on mythtv people speak of WAF -- Wife Acceptance Factor
22:24.00bjohnsonharryvv: i have but haven't used them enough to vouch for anything
22:24.07CosmicRaybjohnson: my WAF is high since she discovered the music on hold feature :-)
22:24.20bjohnsonCosmicRay: over there I ask wtf I don't get sound
22:24.27CosmicRaymjgeorge: heh
22:24.35CosmicRaybjohnson: heh
22:24.46CosmicRaynick complete does not go well with typos
22:25.20CosmicRaythe only thing I can't do automatically with my spa-841s yet is update the personal directory
22:25.29CosmicRayit looks liek it should be possible but I can't find the configuration field names anywhere
22:25.36bjohnsonbannerman: i have livevoip but haven't used them enough to vouch for anything
22:25.41Ro[b]ertis it possible for another user from outsite the internal network to connect to my asterisk?? using xlite
22:26.01*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
22:26.17Exstaticabjohnson, is the key for rsa? I'm only trying to use a username and password
22:26.19bjohnsonCosmicRay: I don't have the 841 .. just 2ks and 3ks
22:26.21CosmicRay#1 asterisk list gripe: so many threads full of people that have not read
22:26.33CosmicRaybjohnson: it's a great phone, well worth the money IMHO
22:26.35bjohnsonI'm looking for donations of 841s and Linksys PAP2-NAs though
22:26.41CosmicRaybjohnson: and not sucky like the grandstreams
22:26.44*** join/#asterisk tommy13v (
22:26.56stdioI have 841s... what are you looking to do?
22:26.59bjohnsonahmms for the poor?
22:27.09stdio(sorry, can't donate them :) )
22:27.12CosmicRaystdio: provision the persional directories from the server
22:27.15bjohnsonstdio: have someone give one (or more) to me
22:27.28bjohnsonstdio: will you be my sugar daddy?
22:27.46stdiosadly, they are not mine to give :)
22:27.57CosmicRaybjohnson: free shipping from the voxilla store
22:28.11stdioprovisioning.. now there is something I have yet to do much with... how does one go about setting up a config?
22:28.13bjohnsonRo[b]ert: yes .. if you configure it to allow that
22:28.16CosmicRaynice service over there, unlike the crap service at telephonyware or the inflated shipping prices at voipsupply
22:28.35CosmicRaystdio: I'm going to write up an article about that in a few days, but...  first, grab the admin manual and flip to the provisioning section
22:28.45bjohnsonCosmicRay: not when I ordered .. the bastard
22:28.55stdiohave it... flipping
22:28.56CosmicRaystdio: I don't use the compiled config format because I can't find the source for it, so I use xml files
22:29.15CosmicRayexample of the xml format at
22:29.22bjohnsongotta go
22:29.25CosmicRayor at
22:29.25bjohnsoncya later
22:29.33CosmicRaycya bjohnson
22:29.38bjohnsongood sipura info on the voxilla forums
22:29.56CosmicRaybjohnson: yes, some gold nuggets in there, but some highly-rated posts are crap, I've found
22:30.01bannermanwow, livevoip is cheap
22:30.05CosmicRaybut yes, they are the best resource for sipura stuff
22:30.08bannermanwish I'd been sent to them when I first came here
22:30.12CosmicRaybannerman: yeah that $1/mo for 800 DID is tempting
22:30.21Beirdolivevoip just dumped all their DIDs, no?
22:30.27CosmicRayBeirdo: all their non-800 ones
22:30.29Beirdoand are redoing them all?
22:30.35CosmicRaythey're still selling toll-free DIDs
22:30.48terrapeni need to figure out how to get PyMusique workin'
22:30.49fgravatosounds like they
22:30.51fgravatokilled the did's
22:30.52CosmicRayincoming minutes on them are at the terribly high price of 1.27 cents per minute :-)
22:30.53fgravatoor something
22:30.53stdioCosmicRay: recently, the call-info header was patched into asterisk so that the 841's can do auto-answer (effectively, intercom)... any idea when that is gonna get released?
22:30.55Beirdoany company who dumps their DIDs like that is low on my list
22:31.19CosmicRaystdio: well it's not in 1.0.7, so I suspect it's in CVS.  Trying out that patch is on my todo list.
22:31.26CosmicRaystdio: because that it a feature I want.
22:31.43stdiostdio: me too
22:31.53stdioCosmicRay: me too....
22:31.58CosmicRaystdio: anyway, once you've got the xml file format, all you need to do is come up with the names for the xml tags
22:32.10CosmicRaymost of them are the same as the field names on the web pages, with spaces replaced with underscores
22:32.23CosmicRaythe per-line or per-extension ones look like Proxy_1_ or Proxy_2_
22:32.29*** part/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
22:32.31CosmicRayso it's pretty easy
22:33.12stdioCosmicRay: it is in cvs:  look for the sipaddheader function
22:33.35CosmicRaystdio: how long before cvs turns into a stable asterisk release?
22:33.57BrianR___rebuilding festival is taking an eternity... lots of yucky c++ :(
22:34.11stdioCosmicRay: that's what I'm wondering
22:34.17stdio*really* want that...
22:34.19CosmicRaystdio: ah, I have no idea
22:34.30CosmicRaystdio: did you see there is a patch to asterisk 1.x?
22:34.38CosmicRayI think the wiki page has a link to it
22:34.53CosmicRayfrom what I gather from the asterisk bts, the implementation is different but it works
22:35.22stdioasterisk 1.1
22:35.33bannermanI assume livevoip is sip?
22:35.45CosmicRayoh, that patch is against 1.1, not 1.0?  crap.
22:35.53CosmicRaybannerman: I use iax with them.  no idea if they do sip.
22:35.57bannermanoh, sweet
22:35.59bannermanI prefer IAX
22:36.09bannermanit sounds cooler
22:36.10CosmicRayif they do, it is non-obvious from their website
22:36.17CosmicRaybut then, many things are non-obvious from their website.
22:37.13stdioI believe so.
22:37.35CoaxDI can't stop raving..I can't stop raving..
22:37.45*** join/#asterisk mechn (~mechn@
22:38.42mechnhas anyone ever worked with a Quintum Tennor AX
22:39.14stdioCosmicRay: bingo:
22:39.58*** join/#asterisk wizhippo (
22:40.01harryvvohh wouldnt that be a little cool the spa series atas ring the phone when the asterisk does not respond
22:40.21*** part/#asterisk wizhippo (
22:40.25CosmicRaybut that's not the patch I'm thinking of
22:40.27CosmicRaylet me pull it up
22:41.32stdioyeh, i have that bookmarked too
22:41.38*** join/#asterisk flashnet (~flashnet@
22:41.54stdiobut this will be nearly as easy to use
22:42.06CosmicRayyes, if you're running asterisk cvs :-)
22:42.08CosmicRaywhich I'm not
22:42.37stdiome neither :)
22:42.46stdioI'm tempted to apply this...
22:42.49harryvvif voipjet is not reliable for long distance from canada into the states then what carrier is?
22:42.51CosmicRaystdio: oh, one other thing, have you noticed that after you use the blind transfer feature, the spa-841 provides a weird dialtone the next time you try to use it, although everything else seems to be normal?
22:43.00CosmicRayharryvv: livevoip? :-)
22:43.14stdiowhat version firmware are you running?
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22:43.24CosmicRaystdio: the latest 3.whatever that is on their site
22:43.38*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
22:43.39CosmicRayI dunno, it seems odd to have a phone that comes with 0.9.5 and flash it to 3.something :-)
22:44.35ronni'm looking to do load balancing for two asterisk boxes.. can any one suggest the best way?
22:44.38stdiostdio.. yeh, that is odd...
22:44.46stdiodid it again.
22:44.49pigpenronn: can't you do clustering?
22:44.55CosmicRaystdio: have you noticed it too?
22:44.58greg_workCosmicRay: yeah they just changed their versioning scheme or something
22:45.12stdioCosmicRay: I never tried blind transfer :(
22:45.14wow1234Anyone know how to fix this problem..."407 Proxy Authentication Required" Erro
22:45.19ronnpigpen: how do u cluster two asterisk boxes?
22:45.22greg_workCosmicRay: theres a setting under regional for the blindtransfer dialtone
22:45.26CosmicRaystdio: hit xfer, then dial *98 before you dial the destination box
22:45.32greg_workCosmicRay: personally, i turn that off and just tell them to use #
22:45.42mrgobygrrraaarr....   ok, so why does ast_async_goto minus 1 from the priority ?  is that the same function goto uses ?
22:45.48greg_work(which makes asterisk do it, instead of the phone itself)
22:46.02CosmicRaygreg_work: yeah but I'm not talking about that.  I'm talking about after I'm all done with the call and the transfer... hours later, when I'm ready for the next call, the dialtone is weird.
22:46.10pigpenronn: I haven't done it yet...but I am sure there are suggestions in the wiki
22:46.12CosmicRaygreg_work: I haven't really figured out how to implement that
22:46.21CosmicRaygreg_work: wouldn't it interfere with foreign voicemail systems and stuff?
22:46.36mrgobyis see it does it to the strings because they want to get rid of the terminating char, but the priority is passed as an int
22:46.40greg_workCosmicRay: its an option you pass to Dial()  .. t i think
22:46.47CosmicRaygreg_work: oh, t or T?
22:46.51CosmicRaythat could be
22:46.56greg_workCosmicRay: when you use t, only the callee can use it
22:47.21greg_workgenerally when you dial out, you can't do a blind transfer.. only when someone calls you. otherwise you're right, it would interfere with foreign IVr's
22:47.22ronnpigpen: i have looked at a few different solutions .. i wanted to know if anyone is using one here
22:47.25CosmicRayI prefer to use the hard phone featureset....  I think it's easier to remember when you can see the prompts on the display
22:47.25*** join/#asterisk leandro_pt (
22:48.41bhsxdoes anyone have a link (been googling all day) for setting up asterisk as your voicemail system with x100p?  i can't seem to get the x100p to pick-up the line
22:49.31*** part/#asterisk mrgoby (
22:49.32CosmicRaybhsx: well, solve your picking up the line problem before you bother with voicemail
22:49.42CosmicRaybhsx: seems like you want a basic manual on x100p configuration
22:49.49bhsxwell, that's what i'm looking for
22:49.58DrFranckythere is one on wiki :-))
22:50.02bhsxi did the modprobes and so forth
22:50.07CosmicRaywell, I've found several zapata tutorials... wiki, maybe, I can't remember
22:50.11CosmicRaydid you run ztcfg?
22:50.40CosmicRayand everything is cool in syslog?
22:50.49DrFranckybhsx: and what is saying zttool ?
22:51.25bhsxunconfigured ztdummy1/1
22:51.32*** join/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
22:51.54CosmicRaydid you modprobe wcfxo and set up your /etc/zaptel.conf befure running ztcfg?
22:52.22Flyboy6440before i call and bug digium support, does anyone here know if they will be adding dns support to the iaxy?
22:52.23*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
22:52.24bhsxi didn't edit zaptel.conf by hand
22:52.44zoabhsx, if you want and you have paypal we could have a look on your machine :p
22:52.59zoabut i suggest you read the zaptel and zapata config files
22:53.05CosmicRaywell, you probably need to tell it at least fxsks=1, but seriously... rtfm
22:53.16CosmicRayI rftm'd and basically did this all with no trouble
22:53.20CosmicRaymy first time
22:53.22zoaits not going to work buy just plugging it in
22:53.41CosmicRaythough I have found the x100p cards to be low-quality and unstable, but then I suppose that's all I can expect for something I got for $7 off ebay :-)
22:53.46bhsxzaptel.conf is fine
22:53.47zoalook at loopstart, kewlstart etc
22:53.51dan2CosmicRay: ;)
22:53.55zoais it a real x100p ?
22:53.59dan2CosmicRay: the spa3k work nicely as an fxo interface
22:54.00CosmicRayprobably not
22:54.02bhsxand yes i did modprobe wfxco
22:54.03zoabecause those were 100$
22:54.08CosmicRaydan2: that is exactly why I ordered one
22:54.10bhsxno, it's generic
22:54.14CosmicRaydan2: setting it up tonight :-)
22:54.26dan2CosmicRay: gotta show you this
22:54.27pigpenAnyone on doing clustering with * ?
22:55.09zoapigpen: you mean like this: ?
22:55.20CosmicRayI figure, why pay $100+ for a PCI card when I could pay $99 and get something that does all the echo cancelation in hardware need some cable ties...
22:55.42DrFranckyhehe that!
22:56.05DrFranckyit works just fine with current cabling what package are you using for clustering?
22:56.16zoasome custom built modules
22:56.21stevekstevekhey, zoa
22:56.25zoahey steve!
22:56.31zoatomorrow we continue with the JB
22:56.35file[laptop]zoa: I wanted to ask you, totally forgot, what exactly are those...
22:56.50zoafile: those are 21 asterisk machines
22:56.52stevekstevekI have someone here also working on it.  We'll have some updates soon.
22:56.58zoaaha great!
22:56.59file[laptop]zoa: I know that dingo
22:57.05zoavery cool!
22:57.32file[laptop]zoa: I meant hardware, like what are they... name of them...
22:57.32zoaslav will be online tomorrow
22:57.32file[laptop]cause they look like cute little machines
22:57.32zoavia nemehiah or so
22:57.32zoathey suck
22:57.32pigpenzoa: cool...I am wanting to do things mind sharing?
22:57.32stevekstevekthere's some problems we'll fix including: it does the wrong thing if you give it packets with duration 20, 40, 20, 40 [...].
22:57.55zoatalk to slav about it tomorrow
22:58.00zoaor send him an email
22:58.09stevekstevekthat happens if you have * in the middle of a call that comes in iLBC, and goes out with a 20ms codec.
22:58.11zoathe biggest problem is the high load shit
22:58.26stevekstevektoday, there was a problem on the dev call with it.
22:58.36stevekstevekAfter being great last time, and good for about an hour here..
22:58.46stevekstevekit started reporting 25% incoming loss, and we heard lots of PLC.
22:59.02stevekstevekbut, mtr didn't report any loss, and turning it off sounded fine.
22:59.14zoai think im going to bed
22:59.18stevekstevekAlso, there's this guy who had some problem with Monitor() with it.
22:59.19file[laptop]bye zoa
22:59.22stevekstevekdon't know what that was.
22:59.25stevekstevekbye, Zoa.
22:59.27zoayeah i read those reports
22:59.32zoawe used monitor with it
22:59.38zoa(only with the sip version though)
22:59.42zoato make those sample files
22:59.46zoaand we did not have that issue
22:59.47pigpenAny recommended links for * in clusting environment?
22:59.59zoapigpen: not really
23:00.11zoaits not as easy as you might expect it to be
23:00.17zoayou have to do it for every protocol
23:00.19*** join/#asterisk lancey (
23:00.22lanceyhi guys!
23:00.24zoahey lancey
23:00.36pigpenso I guess you are not using any of the big clustering projects...
23:00.42lanceyi'm JUST looking for PSTN termination
23:00.58zoaim not doing it atm
23:01.10lanceyxex too bad
23:01.21pigpenk...I will do some reading...and come back more educated....
23:01.30zoalook at linuxha
23:01.33zoaand ultramonkey
23:01.36*** join/#asterisk montag___ (
23:01.36zoasome do it like that
23:01.40zoaalso look at
23:01.45zoathere is a recording from astricon on there
23:01.50zoathat might give you some information
23:01.50pigpenyeah..that is what I was thinking...
23:01.58montag___i've buyed a welltech 302 IP Phone, but this phone unregister after 5 minutes during call, any tips ?
23:02.09mechnwhere is the list of Asterisk codecs
23:03.01*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
23:03.22Ro[b]ertbjohnson: are ther for that some special configs?? i just created an extension..
23:03.52Ro[b]ertbjohnson: i mean for some internet user who needs to use my asterisk...
23:04.05stevekstevekI didn't know cisco supports speex..
23:04.18stevekstevek(from some e-mail on -users, someone says they do..).
23:04.36_queuetueIs it kosher to run Asterisk communicating via sip to a provider and a sip softphone talking to asterisk on the same computer?
23:06.24*** part/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
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23:10.19*** join/#asterisk TrevorSHarrison (~trevorsha@
23:12.35TomLyes.  not only is it kosher but its low sodium and tastes great
23:12.59*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
23:13.07MacDeathi think i have a very simple question
23:13.13MacDeathi have 2 * servers
23:13.22TomLthe answer is 42
23:13.26MacDeathboth with 2 sip clints
23:13.42MacDeath1001, 1002 on the one and 2001 and 2002 on the other
23:13.47*** join/#asterisk dca (
23:14.06MacDeathi just want to be able to dial 2001 and it must connect to the other * server
23:14.22MacDeathwhat goes in iax.conf/
23:14.26TomLyou need 2-way trunking between the * servers
23:14.35*** join/#asterisk Skurpy (~merlyn@
23:14.57MacDeathTomL, and how would I do that?
23:16.56*** join/#asterisk lilshtz (
23:16.57TomLI've never done it, so I'm not sure
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23:17.06jakepdevMD - couldn't you just modify the dialplan to dial SIP on the other server
23:17.07lanceyanyone here recommend a good PSTN termination provider?
23:17.10lanceypreferably in europe?
23:17.20lanceyi need sip or iax, and caller-id transfer?
23:17.27jessterIm troubleshooting a phone hanging off a FXS port of a channel bank. When the phone is in use, and another call comes in, asterisk cli shows "Zap/106-busy-678259056 is busy" but the caller does not hear a busy signal - it just rings. The callee does not hear a call waiting beep.
23:18.47bhsxok... one step closer... it's (the x100p) now picking up and dialing out... but when it picks up it just hangs up right away... any ideas?
23:19.37xeet2is it better to use scsi or sata, in regards to any performance hit or issues using asterisk and zaptel cards?
23:20.03mmlj4i'm looking for a SIP "hard phone" for my home ( --- suggestions?
23:20.20mmlj4less than $00, if possible
23:20.22ManxPowerSIPura SPA-841
23:20.26ManxPowerWhich is about $100
23:20.27mmlj4er, $100
23:20.29lanceyxeet2 i don't think asterisk demands high hard-disk performance
23:20.55jakepdevMacDeath -
23:21.01bhsxi saw an chinese oem on ebay selling nice-featured ones for $60+shipping
23:21.04JunK-Ylancey: if u record and stream a lot, maybe.
23:21.10lanceymmlj4: why don't buy something like LinkSys PAP2-NA
23:21.18lanceyand connect a regular phone to it?
23:21.21lanceyit costs $63
23:21.26lanceyand has two lines :)
23:21.39mmlj4lemme look at it
23:21.51MacDeathjakepdev : thx
23:22.31xeet2lancey: I know it doesn't need hard drive performance, I was more asking about pci bus issues, like with dma and such
23:22.34bannermanmmlj4: So far I've been getting along pretty well with ariaVoice's atlas phone.
23:22.40xeet2if scsi provides any advantages on a * box
23:22.55lanceyxeet2 i don't think any modern system
23:23.01lanceycould experience such issues
23:23.22xeet2well, I've had it happen in the past, I had to turn alot of things on and off, but I've only ever built a * box with ide
23:23.30mmlj4xeet2: i seem to remember reading that RAID 1 is best, IDE even... RAID 5 is slow for *
23:23.38xeet2mmlj4: not even raid
23:23.52lanceymmlj4: RAID5 is ALWAYS faster than RAID1
23:23.59PatrickDKraid5 is always slow
23:24.01lanceyi think...
23:24.05johnnybmmlj4: incorrect.
23:24.06xkevlancey what?
23:24.07jakepdevRAID 0 should be real fast
23:24.08PatrickDKit's the slowest thing arround
23:24.09xkevnot on writes
23:24.15lanceywell, i have a 3Ware RAID5
23:24.16mmlj4RAID 0 is stupid
23:24.18PatrickDKraid0 is fast
23:24.20lanceyand it's faster than RAID1
23:24.21jakepdevbut don't turn off your machine
23:24.23PatrickDKraid10 is best
23:24.33xeet2raid5 can be really slow if you're doing software raid,
23:24.40lanceyxex :)
23:24.44johnnybmmlj4: RAID1 has faster reads, because the read can be divided between the mirrored disks.
23:24.46PatrickDKraid5 can only be speed up by write caching
23:24.49xeet2raid5 can be really fast with hardware raid with a good card, ie the 3ware or the broadmax stuff
23:24.50PatrickDKbut that is dangerous
23:25.01pigpenlsi is pretty good.
23:25.02PatrickDKxeet2, no it can't
23:25.11PatrickDKin order to do raid5
23:25.13xeet2patrick: oh it can't?  go read all the tests done on it then
23:25.17PatrickDKand write a single byte
23:25.21jakepdev(mmlj4 - what is stupid about RAID 0?
23:25.22PatrickDKyou have to read from every drive
23:25.25BaconAll these generalizations about different raid levels are dangerous.
23:25.26xeet2you can speed up your read speed a hell of alot with raid 5
23:25.28PatrickDKcalc parity
23:25.33PatrickDKand write changed drives
23:25.33johnnybjakepdev: it's not redundant.
23:25.42BaconIts just a matter of knowing the right tool for the job.
23:25.44mmlj4jakepdev: so you hate your data, eh?
23:25.47xeet2bacon: right, it is, done with this
23:25.50johnnybxeet2: RAID 5 doesn't speed up your RAID nearly as much as RAID1
23:25.57PatrickDKfuck read speed, every server I have does 4 times the amout of writes than it does reads
23:25.57jakepdevif you backup - you can use RADID 0
23:25.58xeet2johnnyb:  lol
23:26.14PatrickDKraid1 doubles read rate
23:26.16mikegrbPatrickDK: in can still be fast with an expensive controller that has large ammounts of battery backed write cache
23:26.23johnnybxeet2: RAID1 can split up your read among multiple disks, RAID5 cannot
23:26.32mikegrbwe use raid1 at work, still not fast enough reads
23:26.33lanceyjohnnyb: incorrect
23:26.41johnnyblancey: in what way.
23:26.42mikegrbgoing to fiber channel stuff most likely
23:26.47lanceyRAID5 speeds up you reads
23:26.50PatrickDKmikegrb, not as fast, but can get closer, but per drive added to a single raid5 the slower it gets
23:26.51BaconSo many people saying so many incorrect things....
23:26.54jakepdevRAID 1 is known for redundancy - not speed
23:27.10mikegrbPatrickDK: yeah
23:27.10johnnyblancey: how does RAID5 speed up reads more than RAID1?
23:27.34lanceyjohnnyb at least it's not slower
23:27.34johnnybjakepdev: it's known for both, but it takes almost twice as many disks as RAID5, which is why it's not often used.
23:27.38BaconRAID5 should be faster for reads than RAID1.
23:27.41lanceyall disks read
23:27.42johnnyblancey: yes it is.
23:27.49lanceyjohnnyb no way :)
23:27.58jakepdevI'd say go with 10 (1+0) if you can
23:27.58PatrickDKbacon, only for sequenual large reads
23:28.12lanceyjohnnyb if you speak of software raid, then maybe
23:28.14xeet2johnnyb: raid 5 does NOT require a read to be run across all drives, it can determine the value of some of the bits without actually having to read it, raid 5 is, with hardware, not as fast as raid 0, but it has fault protection, which 0 does not
23:28.17PatrickDKfor random reads or small reads, raid1 is better
23:28.30johnnyblancey: if you have RAID5, then you only have one copy of your data.  You have a checksum, but it's only usable if you compare it to ALL disks on the array.
23:28.38BaconPatrickDK: Large sequentail reads are the common case. Look at how RH tunes the IO elevators in rhel.
23:28.48lanceyjohnnyb you have 1 copy
23:28.53lanceybut it's being read faster
23:28.59bannermanargh. when I try to log an agent in, it tries to use a context that doesn't even exist anymore-- not in queues.conf, sip.conf, iax.conf, extensions.conf...
23:29.01PatrickDKbacon, large sequential reads are common? hell no, unless your streaming video
23:29.08lanceyall hard disks read
23:29.08johnnyblancey: in RAID1, you have multiple _usable_ copies of your data.  What would be only a single-disk read in RAID5 can be a multi-disk read in RAID1
23:29.09xeet2johnnyb: yeah, you have one copy thats distributed across drives, and you can loose several drives and it can still determine what the values are
23:29.14bannermanis there something you have to do, in order to reset your agents or something?
23:29.21BaconPatrickDK: Or using MySQL.
23:29.24xeet2johnnyb: go read about raid dude, you're quite wrong
23:29.26lanceyjohnnyb data is split on the disks
23:29.27johnnybxeet2: yes, but it's not useful for speed.
23:29.32lanceythere's no single read on RAID5
23:29.34PatrickDKeven with elevator io, it is not sequential, it's just in order
23:29.39BaconMost DB apps are poorly tuned and do lots of full table scans.
23:29.40lanceyall hard disks always write/read
23:29.42PatrickDKsequiential is 1 then 2 then 3
23:29.43xeet2johnnyb: in a fault situation it will be slow, but when everything is up its quite fast
23:29.44PatrickDKnot 1 then 3
23:30.12lanceyxeet2 i had a hard drive crash on my 3ware, it's pretty fast when it's faulty, too
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23:30.30xeet2anyway, scsi and ide, I know a pc will communicate with the controllers differently, does anyone know if scsi has any advantages when used on a box with * and zaptel cards?
23:30.34johnnybxeet2: You're missing entirely what I'm saying.
23:30.39jboti heard raid is (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Drives) A manipulation of SCSI technology that allows you to combine several hard drives for use as one. The benefits can be either speed increase or failsafe (so that if one drive dies or crashes you don't lose your data), or a combination of both.
23:30.47BaconIt all depends on what you are doing. Server applications do logs of sequential reads. Workstations are the oppsite.
23:30.54PatrickDKxeet2, only if you do lots of voicemail
23:30.58johnnybxeet2: in RAID1 you ALWAYS have 2 ACTIVE, FAST copies of the data.
23:31.16johnnybxeet2: in RAID5, you have 1 ACTIVE, FAST copy of the data, and ONE as a checksum
23:31.22jakepdevjohnnyb - but your writes slow
23:31.28PatrickDKbacon, none of my servers do sequential reads
23:31.34PatrickDKI stat that info
23:31.46lanceyjohnnyb you ARE wrong
23:31.52johnnybxeet2: therefore, for reads, RAID1 can be much faster, because the card can schedule which sectors come from which disks much better.
23:31.54PatrickDKthe closest I get to sequential read are compiling new kernels
23:31.59BaconPatrickDK: Asterisk servers? Or all servers in general?
23:32.13lanceyjohnnyb data is being chunked
23:32.13PatrickDKbacon, all servers
23:32.13lanceyboth with RAID1 and RAID5
23:32.17PatrickDKasterisk shouldn't be doing i/o
23:32.19lanceywith equal number of drives
23:32.20BaconI haven't been working with asterkisk long enough to know what its typical use case looks like.
23:32.22PatrickDKexcept for voicemail and logs
23:32.23xeet2johnnyb: then...  why do raid 1 arrays 99% of the time run slower than not running raid at all?
23:32.27lanceyboth perform the same
23:32.29lanceyon reads
23:32.38xeet2on reads, and of course writes
23:32.42johnnybxeet2: on what data do you base this?
23:32.54lanceywrites too
23:32.57xeet2johnnyb: many many performance test results out on the net
23:33.00PatrickDKxeet2, hardware or software raid1?
23:33.00johnnybxeet2: and are you talking about reads or writes?
23:33.05mmlj4lancey: do you use that linksys box?
23:33.05lanceyjohnnyb follow this:
23:33.10lanceymmlj4 yes
23:33.19lanceyit's not worse than a Cisco ATA
23:33.26mmlj4* has no issues registering the phones?
23:33.37lanceyworks like a charm
23:33.37mmlj4is there a page on it?
23:33.56mmlj4i mean an * page?
23:34.02lanceyjohnnyb imagine we have a 4 hard drive array
23:34.06lanceyif using RAID1
23:34.21lanceylet's say each HDD can write at 10 MB/s
23:34.23lanceyif using RAID1
23:34.28lanceywe write with 20 MB/s
23:34.37lancey(we have 2 mirrors)
23:34.40lanceyif using RAID5
23:34.45xeet2so you're doing raid 10 then
23:34.46lanceywe write with 30 MB/s
23:34.52lanceyactual data is on 3 disks
23:34.54lanceynot on 2
23:34.58lanceyget the point now?
23:35.00PatrickDKlancey, no
23:35.13lanceyPatrickDK where am i wrong?
23:35.14PatrickDKraid5 3disks, is only 20mb/s - calc time
23:35.19johnnyblancey: If you actually read what I was writing, I was talking about READS not WRITES.
23:35.25lanceyPatrickDK i speak of hardware raid
23:35.32PatrickDKlancey, so am I
23:35.35lanceyjohnnyb on reads
23:35.38lanceyin both situations
23:35.39PatrickDKI only use hardware raid
23:35.44lanceythey both perform the same
23:35.59lanceyPatrickDK i'm not willing to agree with you :)
23:36.05*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
23:36.06johnnyblancey: they do not, because w/ RAID1 you have 2 USABLE alternatives to pull the data from, and it can be scheduled better.
23:36.07lanceywhat i AMM sure is
23:36.09PatrickDKlancey, only perform the same for sequential reads
23:36.16PatrickDKwith random raid1 is faster
23:36.17lanceyRAID5 is FASTER than RAID1 in all cases
23:36.25lanceyno way
23:36.33JerJer[mobile]you all are wrong MFM is uber fast
23:36.37PatrickDKwhy? raid5 you can only get part 1 or 3 at once
23:36.43PatrickDKraid1 you can get both at the same time
23:36.44xeet2jerjer: lol
23:36.53lanceyno matter what RAID u are using
23:36.56PatrickDKsince on raid5 they are on the same drive
23:36.57lanceydata is chunked
23:37.03PatrickDKnot on raid1 :)
23:37.05lanceyand everything behaves like 1 big HDD
23:37.06xkevis there an app for testing if an member interface exists in a queue?
23:37.17jakepdevRAID5 should be faster than RAID 1 since you're reading different chunks at the same time
23:37.27johnnyblancey: yes, but in RAID1, you have 2 ALTERNATIVES and choose whichever is less busy
23:37.30lanceyso everything gets queued as it will on a normal hard drive
23:37.32*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
23:37.35xkevjakepdev, faster or reads, but writes are awful
23:37.38lanceyjohnnyb define less busy
23:37.42lanceyif i have raid
23:37.47lanceyi assume all hard drives work
23:37.48jakepdevxkev agreed
23:37.48xkevread, calculate, write <- a write
23:37.49lanceynot sleep
23:38.07debaseryou know, arstechnica has a great raid faq that all of you should probably read.
23:38.12lanceythat's what it's made for :))
23:38.19johnnyblancey: it seems you are assuming only one task is accessing the disk at a time.
23:38.37xkevjakepdev raid1 reads can only be theoretically 200%, where a 3 disk raid 5 would be 200% as well, but striped (loss of one spindle for parity)
23:38.38lancey[01:36] <lancey> RAID5 is FASTER than RAID1 in all cases
23:38.54lanceyunless using less than 4 drives
23:39.03xkev4 drive raid 1 is stupid
23:39.11xeet2can anyone explain exactly what ide dma is?
23:39.18lanceyxkev: yes it is
23:39.21xeet2and why scsi doesn't use dma?  or does it?
23:39.38AgiNamuxeet2, DMA is direct memory access
23:39.39xkevbut a 4 drive 0+1 is not :)
23:39.39PatrickDKxeet, ide uses dma cause ide sucks
23:39.48PatrickDKscsi never needed it cause it already had it
23:39.51AgiNamu4 drive raid 1 isnt stupid.
23:39.51xkevjust wasteful, but if you do more than 30% writing, raid5 blows
23:39.55AgiNamuIt's just extra redundant.
23:40.07xeet2so, in a * box with lots of traffic to zaptel cards, scsi would be better
23:40.12xkevaginamu, 3 drives is extra redundant.  4 is stupid. :)
23:40.29PatrickDKxeet, no difference, except if you keep log files and voicemail on it
23:40.38PatrickDKcause all asterisks work in done in memory, not harddrive
23:40.45xkevxeet2 what you really need is a good apic board to handle all the interrupt traffic
23:40.47PatrickDKand sound files will get cached
23:40.47*** part/#asterisk whmok (~acidBurn@
23:40.55*** join/#asterisk durex (
23:41.01xkevif I slaughter my system with full debug logging on, I get bad audio
23:41.08xkevdue to disk io
23:41.10*** part/#asterisk mechn (~mechn@
23:41.13PatrickDKneed scsi for that
23:41.20*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
23:41.26xeet2xkev: ok thats what I was looking for...  does anyone have any opinion on dell poweredge servers?  do they normally have good apic's that can handle things well?
23:41.30AgiNamuthere's no need for SCSI today
23:41.32AgiNamuno need at all.
23:41.49PatrickDKhmm, I have toasted 3 computers with ide
23:41.53jakepdevwhich distro is best
23:41.56PatrickDKmy scsis still work, and are ALOT faster
23:42.05PatrickDKide seek time 8.9ms, scsi seek time 2.9
23:42.18AgiNamuseek time is unreleated to SCSI or IDE
23:42.19xeet2patrickdk: which scsi?
23:42.23PatrickDKagi, I know
23:42.24ariel_jakepdev, that is a loaded question here. I like Centos
23:42.27xkevpatrickdk, and if you don't get WD raptors, you don't get full QA on each IDE drive
23:42.32PatrickDKbut you find a ide faster than 8.9
23:42.58AgiNamuat any rate, you're paying the damn price
23:43.00terrapenif you are doing serious heavy lifting, don't even fuck with IDE
23:43.04xkevIDE is just a bus, whereas SCSI is an architecture
23:43.04AgiNamuso you better well get a 1ms seek time!!
23:43.10AgiNamuI use SATA
23:43.18AgiNamugoing to buy an 8x SATA 3ware RAID card.
23:43.18xkevcommand queueing, blah blah etc (which some sata has now)
23:43.22AgiNamurun a RAID 10 array
23:43.37PatrickDKsata of 1ms? na
23:43.46xeet2sata2 can do it
23:43.49AgiNamuim saying 1ms is what you should get on SCSI for the price.
23:43.52xeet2with raid 5!!!
23:43.55AgiNamuand i can throw on some nice Seagates 300 or 400GB
23:44.14ariel_seagates argh
23:44.24durexhello *s, i'm having a few doubts about analog lines
23:44.29_queuetueCan anyone take a look at this sip history and tell me if it looks right?  If I call the broadvoice number, this happens: but the call does not get transferred to asterisk voicemail - it gets bounced back to bv voicemail.  Can anyone tell by looking at this log if it's a sip config proble, a vm config problem, or a firewall problem?
23:44.33durexdoes anybody can gimme some help ?
23:44.53_queuetuedurex, No need to doiubt them - they exist!
23:44.59AgiNamuim sooo thrilled. i made my first firmware today
23:45.13AgiNamuI actually added some features to the IAX2 implementation of the PA168
23:45.19ariel_durex, ask a question
23:45.21stevekstevekAgiNamu: is the source to PA168 firmware free?
23:45.32stevekstevekor do you work for the PA168-people..
23:45.33AgiNamuit's available if you own a device
23:45.42stevekstevekthe source is?
23:45.43AgiNamuit's not "free as in crackhead thinking"
23:45.47AgiNamuyes, the source is available.
23:45.51PatrickDKhere is something too
23:45.54AgiNamuyou have a PA168?
23:46.01stevekstevekNot presently.
23:46.01PatrickDKI keep movies on my 8 drive raid5 3ware
23:46.07stevekstevekI'm just interested in what they did.
23:46.08AgiNamuget one, then shoot me an email
23:46.12PatrickDKwhen I transfer it to my raid1 scsi 15k drives
23:46.19PatrickDKthe 3ware can't keep up
23:46.21stevekstevekhow do you know if I have one.
23:46.29stevekstevekwait.  There it is.  I have one now!
23:46.32AgiNamuyou're honest.
23:46.34_queuetue"free as in crackhead thinking"? WFT does that mean?
23:46.47AgiNamuyou havce to tell me the hardware tag. thats how.
23:46.56AgiNamuwhich doesnt mean much
23:47.01AgiNamucause you could just say "PA168Q"
23:47.07ariel_question has anyone used sip to talk between two asterisk. Yes I know iax2 is better but I need to get sip working between two asterisk servers.
23:47.11AgiNamu_queutue, ever meet stallman? :)
23:47.12stevekstevekHow about $59.95
23:47.32durexwell... I have 10 external lines (POTS), and 30 internal lines, analogic phones, and I wanna change my old PBX to Asterisk, and then change my old PBX of other office and put Asterisk to work. In both offices I have 10 external linas (POTS) and 30 internal lines, analog phones. What kind of hardware should I use?
23:47.43stevekstevekare you from
23:47.49_queuetueAgiNamu, Yes, I have, actually.  I've got quite a bit of respect for him - was that your point?
23:48.04AgiNamu_queuetue, yea. it's a "cheap shot"
23:48.22AgiNamustevek me? no.
23:48.33AgiNamui just needed some IAX2 devices for a Voip rollout
23:48.35xeet2durex: where are you located?
23:48.36stevekstevekI should bug them to at least post the source to their "iaxLite softphone", which is based on a lot of my code, licensed under the LGPL, which they distribute in violation of the license :)
23:48.38AgiNamuand the PA168 is the only one I know of.
23:48.39ariel_durex, easy.  Use some adtran 750/850 channel banks and TE110p card 2 of them on each server.
23:48.49AgiNamustevek, who is this?
23:48.52stevekstevekmaybe they'll apologize and send me a whone :)
23:49.02steveksteveks/whone/phone :)
23:49.06AgiNamuoh. phone.
23:49.10durexxeet2 I'm in Brazil
23:49.24durexariel_ where I found it?
23:49.32AgiNamuat any rate... im so happy.
23:49.38AgiNamunow I can use qualify=yes
23:49.40AgiNamuwai wai!
23:49.50xeet2durex: if its cheap enough you might want to consider using a pri or a t1 from your telco
23:49.53stevekstevekis their iax2 implementation based on libiax2?
23:49.54ariel_durex, adtrans are about 400 to 500 dollars on ebay.
23:50.02stevekstevekbecause we fixed that in libiax2 a few months ago..
23:50.23AgiNamustevek, never say libiax2. is it based on "sessions"?
23:50.28durexok, and I have to connect POTS or internal lines to adtrans?
23:50.30xeet2out here in this part of the us, a pri is the same price as 8 "business" lines from most clecs
23:50.35AgiNamuI never say libiax2, i should say.
23:50.39durexxeet2 maybe I can use a T1 from my telco
23:51.31ariel_durex, yes you can, see if they can switch you out.  But for your 30 internal phones you will still need a channel Bank
23:52.36lanceyanyone recommend good PSTN termination provider?
23:52.49durexok... and If I just stay with my PBX, and connect * to my PBX
23:52.57durexhow should I do it?
23:53.27xeet2lancey: nufone, broadvoice, txlink are the ones I use
23:54.33xeet2lancey broadvoice isn't very flexible and use sip only but offer unlimited calling, txlink and nufone do iax
23:54.58xeet2there are plenty more out there too uses txlink for some of their DIDs i think
23:56.10durexso... if I don't change my PBX, I would have a diagram like it: PBX conect to POTS and internal analog lines. Asterisk connects to PBX as a internal analog line or POTS? And of course, PBX connects to Internet
23:56.21ariel_durex, do you have available ports as fxs or fxo on the pbx or do you have a t1/pri or e1 connection from it.
23:57.03durexariel_ no, fxo and fxs ports on PBX
23:57.20lanceyu happy with nufone?
23:58.57dcalancey: i'm pretty happy with Teliax
23:59.22lanceyi need something in europe, preferably
23:59.27lanceyas i'm in bulgaria
23:59.31lanceyping to USA = 200 ms :)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.