irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050323

00:00.10smash-how come there is like 100 in the cat3 cables here
00:00.16PatrickDK8 in network
00:00.16smash-im so confused
00:00.17tclarkshmaltz: sorta do your nned generla info & some specfic frimware setting on that adit 600
00:00.22Uther_Phelp me!!
00:00.23smash-i know 8 in cat5
00:00.36PatrickDKyou can it it anywhere from 2pair 4pair 12pair 25pair 50pair +++
00:00.36smash-im off work
00:00.40PatrickDKit doesn't matter
00:00.51Uther_PI updated zaptel, libpri and asterisk... and the farkin zaptel crap wasn't working... I reverted BACK to what I had already and it still wont work
00:00.59shmaltztclark, nope I need just general (capacity and reliablity) info
00:01.07*** join/#asterisk easydone (
00:01.10tclarkok they are gear !!
00:01.18Uther_Pit gives me this error when modprobing wcfxs   "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6) ;   FATAL: Error running install command for wctdm
00:01.23*** part/#asterisk blueskiesokie (~blueskies@
00:06.43Uther_Pdoes zaptel normally say this when you compile  "*** Uh-oh, you have stale module entries. You messed with SUBDIRS"  ?
00:07.00p1tst0plo, trying to use sjphone on Pocket PC, an i just keep getting, 407, proxy auth required.. any ideas ? followed the sjphone guide on wiki.
00:13.38p1tst0phmm anyone know what,   Got SIP response 481 "Call Does Not Exist" back from
00:13.46p1tst0p*means in my logs
00:16.11terrapeni need to figure out how to get a remote phone (think: at home) onto the office phone system
00:16.14terrapenwithout using a VPN
00:16.41terrapeni can get the the office Asterisk installation to dial the phone using Dial()
00:16.51shmaltzMDT is -GMT by how much?
00:16.51terrapenbut i'm not sure how i am going to let the phone dial office extensions
00:16.59terrapenwithout calling into the main number first
00:17.09terrapeni could do some kind of lame-o caller*id authentication
00:17.12terrapenbut that's pretty weak
00:17.18paulc_shmaltz: 6 hours? or 7.. PST = -8 and I think mountain time is 1 over?
00:17.36terrapeni need something like certificates
00:18.42terrapenanyone make a hardware SIP proxy?
00:19.16shmaltzpaulc_, thanks
00:24.50*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
00:26.37*** join/#asterisk fgravato (
00:29.59JohnnyCWhats the best way to dial an IP adress with a IP hardware Phone ?
00:30.03JohnnyCusing a macro ?
00:31.14KalD|WORKhey guys - I'm making a call w/ Zap and it always dials out on the 5th channel on the PRI - is there any reason why it wouldnt just dial out on the 1st channel?
00:31.43niZonJohnnyC: Edit the phone's internal dialplan maybe?
00:31.44*** join/#asterisk brycec (
00:32.11TomLtrunk channel selection isn't done by the phone
00:32.33DenisLterrapen: Why not just setup a VPN connection between home and office and connect it to the Asterisk server that way?
00:32.35TomLKalD|WORK: maybe your zapata.conf isn't quite right
00:32.40JohnnyCniZon: edit the internal dialplan ... its a very simple phone I dont think its able to have a dialplan ?!
00:34.04KalD|WORKTomL pri1 starts at 1 goes to 23, pri2 starts at 24 - 47, pri3 49 - 71, pri 4 73 - 95   correct?
00:34.06dwmw2_gonekphone and linphone both have been persuaded to play real sound instead of white noise by byteswapping appropriately. But still I only _receive_ sound with either of them; anything I send doesn't get there.
00:34.28JohnnyCI wanted the capability to dial an IP was ouside editing phones configurations
00:34.39brycecCould someone help me diagnose/solve a problem? When I call in from an external line into one of the POTS lines, Ast will answer but randomly and never in the same place it will just hangup
00:34.44xkevkald sounds about right
00:35.01KalD|WORKthen dial(zap/g3/num)  correct?
00:35.01xkev..mine are that way
00:35.11xkevwhere do you define group=
00:35.15TomLKalD|WORK: there's a lot more to it than that, I would hope
00:35.19brycecIs there some way to get more verbose information for zaptel channels?
00:35.30xkevdid you set channel => 1-23 ?
00:35.41xkevgroup = 1
00:35.42xkevchannel => 1-23,25-47
00:35.44xkev^ mine
00:35.52GoldenearWhy can't I transfer native bridged calls ? Do only calls going via * can be tranfered/parked ?
00:36.08xkevCLI> show channels <- make sure 1-4 aren't in use already too (stuck zombie or something)
00:36.09KalD|WORKgroup = 1, channel => 1-23   group = 2, channel => 25-47
00:36.39xkevdo the pris do different things?  why 4 groups
00:36.54KalD|WORKeach PRI interface is connected to a different PBX
00:37.00xkevah k
00:37.15xkevwell, you shouldn't start at chan 5 unless 1-4 are in use
00:37.15TomLhmm 4 groups, dialing starts at trunk 5... coincidence?
00:37.27KalD|WORKfor this one we are calling into deadlogic hardware and always get incoming/outgoing on channel 5
00:37.51KalD|WORK1-4 are not in use =(
00:37.55JohnnyChow can I dial an IP address ?
00:38.01JohnnyCanyone has an idea ?
00:38.04TomLyou checked "show channels"?
00:38.07KalD|WORKJohnnyC  - what protocol?
00:38.17KalD|WORKTomL, yeah - everything is empty (all channels)
00:38.21xkevzap show channel 4, zap show channel 5.  any difference?
00:38.26KalD|WORKJohnnyC, dial(sip/user@ipaddress)
00:38.38JohnnyCKaid shoudl I make a macro ?
00:38.45JohnnyCI have soft phones and hardware phones
00:39.05KalD|WORKwell - ok I should say this:   it is the 5th channel on span 3  so the channel is 77
00:39.10JohnnyCcan I dial just the IP address instead of user@ipaddress ?
00:39.22xkevok, you get my drift though
00:39.30KalD|WORKJohnnyC, yes
00:39.34Beirdooooh, my fixed wireless terminal has left Memphis, should be delivered tomorrow 5pm (estimated)
00:39.36KalD|WORKxkev - I'm lookin now
00:40.00Beirdothe fun will be getting Bell Mobility to activate it on their cell network :)
00:40.07JohnnyCany idea were I can find this ?
00:40.43bjohnsonterrapen: a few options are outlined on the tips and tricks wiki page under user authentication
00:41.21KalD|WORKxkev, same no difference between 77 and other channels
00:41.30KalD|WORKJohnnyC, find what?
00:41.44JohnnyCa macro to dial Sip IP
00:41.47JohnnyCto IP
00:41.53xkevkald hrm
00:42.13KalD|WORKHow do you tell Dial to start at the end or beginning of the PRI channels for outbound calls?
00:42.33KalD|WORKor can you set that?  i.e. all incoming are high outgoing low
00:42.35xkevI haven't seen such an option, I assumed it was front-loading only
00:42.51xkev..but that is a common feature in telco land
00:43.52xkevmight set debug 1, or pri debug and look for failures causing it to roll down the list
00:44.02xkevverbose 4, all that crap
00:44.57KalD|WORKomg.. isam!  I have never used 'set debug'
00:45.43PTG123anyone know anyone looking for work that likes talking on the phone and wants to telecommute? :)
00:46.00xkevhiring for a phone sex line? :P
00:46.10PTG123hah no mortgage stuff :) need an assistant
00:46.17PTG123pays really well :)
00:46.24KalD|WORKok w/ debug I get this:      -- Moving call from channel 77 to channel 73
00:46.24KalD|WORKMar 22 16:44:48 WARNING[213005]: chan_zap.c:7012 pri_fixup_principle: Whoa, there's no  owner, and we're having to fix up channel 77 to channel 73
00:49.13brycecCan anyone help me with spontaneous hagups on Zaptel channels??
00:50.11KalD|WORKxkev, w/ pri debug span I get my call going out chan 5 ...  (span 4 so it's really channel 77)
00:50.14*** join/#asterisk hermie (
00:51.04KalD|WORKhmm yet I make another call and it is hitting channel 2
00:51.12*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
00:51.23xkevkald you got me
00:51.44sudhir492something weird is happening to my new Asterisk box
00:52.06sudhir492inspite of installing g729 license, I get the following message: chan_sip.c:2994 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
00:55.26KalD|WORKJohnnyC, make your sip clients register w/ asterisk w/ their exten  - then you can do Dial(sip/exten)
00:56.15JohnnyCmy doubt is how can I dial an IP in an IP Phone
00:56.29KalD|WORKyou cant
00:56.38KalD|WORKunless you do some dtmf stuff =)
00:57.39KalD|WORKi.e  Read(IPV41,3)  Read(IPV42,3)  Read(IPV43,3)  Read(IPV44,3)  then dial(sip/${IPV41}.${IPV42}.${IPV43}.${IPV44})
00:58.07KalD|WORKtho dont do that cuz it might work but most likely not
00:59.05*** join/#asterisk FxMulder (~me@
00:59.19KalD|WORKi.e.  10#0#0#120#  would dial sip/  =)  but that is all the help I'll give you =)  there is a better way I'm sure - why dial ip from an ip phone anyways?
00:59.41*** join/#asterisk jdiskywlkr (
01:03.09*** join/#asterisk kleper (~kleper@
01:04.37brycecCan anyone help me with spontaneous hagups on Zaptel channels?? PLEASE
01:05.55mstoccoPower is out in Beverly Hills in case anyone has servers in LA area
01:05.59tzangerbrycec: TURN BUSYDETECT OFF
01:06.12fgravatohey tzanger
01:06.16fgravatolong time no see
01:06.24tzangerfgravato: hello
01:06.28tzangerisn't it kind of late out there
01:07.32tzangerbusydetect needs to be renamed
01:07.37tzangerin fact I think I'm gonna write a patch for it right now
01:08.13brycecwhere do I define it?
01:08.25tzangeror is it zaptel.conf I can never remember
01:08.28tzangerthe one in /etc/asterisk
01:08.32bryceczapata is under ast
01:09.37brycecWhat's the default setting of busydetect? So far, it's been commented out.
01:09.53terrapentzanger, would you feel comfortable setting up a customer with a phone system that uses a VoIP provider exclusively for PSTN access?
01:10.09terrapeni've been using sixTel and NuFone here at work
01:10.09tzangerterrapen: if they understood that there WAS NO 911, then sure
01:10.11tzangerI have several that way
01:10.13terrapenand they do a good job
01:10.31terrapentz, my plan is to put a POTS phone in their office for fax and 911
01:10.44terrapenmaybe i could put an FXO card in the * server
01:10.50terrapenand make 911 available through that POTS line
01:11.08kleperhow can connect a fsxo gateway to asterisk?
01:11.25terrapentzanger: have your clients complained about performance at all?  i can deal with the occasional jitter but i worry about the reliability of these providers
01:11.33PTG123why not use a voip provider that supports e911?
01:11.33terrapenwhat the hell is a fsxo gateway?
01:11.55klepero sorry is a FXS
01:12.00kleperor FXO
01:12.03kleperor FXSO
01:12.13terrapenklep, read the wiki
01:12.15tzangerterrapen: the odd jitter, the odd dropped call but they have been VERY happy
01:12.33terrapen~jbot wiki
01:12.52terrapentz: i'm going to explain to them that they will save a tremedous amount of money
01:12.59brycecwell any jitter or any dropped call is not good for me
01:13.01tzangerterrapen: yup
01:13.03terrapenbut they may (very rarely) experience jitter or a dropped call
01:13.20terrapentz: how do you handle the payments for their voip service?
01:13.27terrapenmost of the providers like pre-pay
01:13.36terrapeni guess i could teach them how to add money to the account
01:13.44tzangerterrapen: I basically tell them it's a cell with really good rates and excellent quality
01:15.33terrapenwhich provider did  you set them up with?
01:15.40tzangernufone of course
01:15.43tzangerand myself for local PRI hopoff
01:15.51terrapeni use nufone at home and it works great but i'm probably not going to recommend them for my customers
01:15.51opus_who was the guy in here calling pakistan?
01:16.05terrapeni can put up with the nufone customer service
01:16.09fgravatovoipjet isn't to bad
01:16.10terrapenbut im not sure that my customers will
01:16.15fgravatopretty decent rates
01:16.18fgravatoto europe
01:16.40fgravatosixtel aka 50/50
01:16.46kleperthe wiki of the
01:16.47*** join/#asterisk Frantic (
01:17.01fgravatoto this day prefer nufon
01:17.18terrapenfgravator: 50/50 what?
01:17.28fgravato50 upt
01:17.28terrapeni use sixtel and nufone
01:17.36fgravato50 some lagging
01:17.40fgravatoor erroring out
01:17.49terrapensee, i have a super-solid ping to sixtel
01:17.51terrapenlike 13ms
01:17.56terrapenand steady.
01:17.59fgravatokinda helps
01:18.10terrapeni will set them up with sixTel and maybe a NuFone backup
01:18.26fgravatoi'm using Nufone along with Coloco
01:18.33tzangerI have a sixtel number but I have not been overly happy with it
01:18.34fgravatoat home
01:18.38terrapeni'm going to recommend Cisco 7960's to them
01:18.48terrapenor, if they balk, Polycom IP500s
01:19.14terrapenIf they still balk, I will tell them to get a Rhino channel bank
01:19.17tzangernufone I've been extremely happy with
01:19.28terrapenand we will put POTS phones on their desk
01:19.38Beirdonufone I'm just waiting for my DID that I emailed for yesterday :)
01:19.46Beirdobut I like :)
01:19.49tzangerBeirdo: :-)  I only use them for termination
01:19.51terrapentz: these people will need a 210 area code DID tho
01:19.55fgravatotzanger is actually person that recommended them to me
01:20.06*** join/#asterisk pigpigpig (~pig@
01:20.12nestArmy sixtel account is ok.. i don't actuall use it too much though..
01:20.22terrapeni've never had a problem with nufone, aside from the occasional jitter and the non-existant customer service
01:20.27terrapenbut you get what you pay for
01:20.31terrapenand you dont pay much @ nufone
01:20.35tzangerterrapen: jitter's not on their network as far as I can tell
01:20.38filecustomer service? what's that?!?
01:20.42terrapentz: its probably not
01:20.47nestAri've been using the companies pri..
01:20.51fgravatohahah nice file
01:20.56nestArmaking long distance calls on the company dime
01:20.59*** join/#asterisk elriah (
01:21.00terrapeni am willing to put up with no customer service
01:21.05terrapenbut my clients are not
01:21.11tzangerterrapen: you become their customer service
01:21.14terrapenoh, check this out
01:21.23*** join/#asterisk RazaMetaL (
01:21.25terrapeni'm going to set my client up with a special extension
01:21.33terrapenwhen they dial that, it interfaces them into my RT system
01:21.34RazaMetaLhi all .. .greetings from ecuador <g>
01:21.36*** join/#asterisk yxa (~void@
01:21.36tzangerbut I tell you, I have never had a problem with them... jerjer's been personally helping test the new jitter buffer
01:21.41terrapenso they can submit a helpdesk request
01:21.45terrapenand i will bill them
01:22.04fgravatonice tzanger
01:22.19terrapenI'll make them dial an authorization code first
01:22.24terrapenwhich only the boss will have
01:22.37terrapenso if they dial that and leave a message, it counts as billable
01:22.52fgravatotzanger -- is Jerjer gonna deploy that on Nufone or that just private thing?
01:23.00tzangerfgravato: it is in -HEAD right now
01:23.13tzangerI think he's waitin gon a few little bugs before it's on switch-1 and -2
01:23.13terrapentz: do your clients run -HEAD?
01:23.23tzangerterrapen: oh hell no.
01:23.28tzangerterrapen: I run -HEAD on their machines
01:23.28terrapenwhat do you run?
01:23.39terrapeni mean
01:23.40tzangerthey have NO idea what they're running, there's a box in the closet that the phones are wired to, that's all they know
01:23.45terrapenwhat did you set up on their machines
01:23.50terrapentz: that's what i mean
01:23.53terrapenerr meant
01:24.03terrapeni want the most reliable setup for them
01:24.12terrapenim wondering if i should have Asterisk restart nightly
01:24.18tzangerterrapen: ???  why
01:24.19terrapeni dont want a bunch of calls from these people
01:24.26*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
01:24.29terrapeni need something uber-fucking-stable
01:24.36tzangermy asterisk boxes stay up until I update -HEAD which is usually between 1 day and 3 weeks
01:24.40fgravatofollow whats on the Wiki
01:24.42terrapenpersonally, i've never had to restart my Asterisk installation at work
01:24.49fgravatothere's good writeup on there
01:25.01terrapenfgrav: under which topic, do you know?
01:25.25tzangerI've never had to restart asterisk for any technical reason... always because I want to update or have made some change that required a restart
01:25.32terrapensame here
01:25.41tzangerand I've been running * for over a year
01:25.42terrapeni saw some poster on the wiki saying he does it 2x a day
01:25.52terrapenbut he is probably a retard
01:25.52tzangerterrapen: he's fucked up that is why :-)
01:26.00tzangerI personally dislike the wiki a great deal
01:26.12terrapenthe wiki was very useful to me at first
01:26.19terrapenbut there is a lot of BS on there, for sure
01:26.31*** join/#asterisk che (~che@che.user)
01:26.39tzangerit's impossible to maintain
01:26.43tzangerit's impossible to fidn anything
01:26.54tzangerI appreciate the effort whoever runs it has put in to it, it is a thankless job
01:27.02tzangerbut it's not a good resource, I am very sorry to say that
01:27.29dwmw2_gonethe beauty of the wiki is that the barrier to contributions is very low
01:27.30fgravatogranted i rarely restart asterisk unless i just did update from cvs
01:27.35tzangerand I don't have a better answer for how to do it, which is why I don't bitch about it
01:27.40dwmw2_gonethe problem with the wiki is that the barrier to 'contributions' is very low
01:27.45tzangerdwmw2_gone: that's also the VERY BAD thing about the wiki
01:27.59dwmw2_gonetzanger: indeed
01:28.09dwmw2_goneRtpPacket.h:35:2: error: #error RTP only works with little endian -- fix.
01:28.12*** join/#asterisk IQ (
01:28.28chewell why not have 2 branches of wikis?
01:28.36fgravatoanyone have issues with wrt54g and opening up ports for rtp for sip clients
01:28.51fgravatoi'm about to trash this wrt54g for linux box and iptables
01:28.52cheone stable that is controlled... with a high barrior of merging new infos in
01:28.59terrapenwhen you set up VLANs on a switch, is that on a port-by-port basis or a MAC address basis?
01:29.00cheand an unmaintained one where people have easier access to
01:29.01*** join/#asterisk TechDawg (voipnewbie@
01:29.17dwmw2_gonep'raps I should just install asterisk and use its console mode?
01:29.22tzangerterrapen: I don't use it
01:29.24tzangerat all
01:29.29terrapenie., do you say "Ports 1-4 are their own VLAN" or "MAC xx:xx:xx.. and yy:yy:yy.. are their own VLAN"
01:29.34tzangerterrapen: oh
01:29.36chethis way you have a collection of reliable information and on the other hand dont turn away people to contribute ;)
01:29.37tzangerI have a VLAN for that
01:29.40tzangerit's port-based
01:29.44terrapentz: what kind of switch do you use for your clients?
01:29.53terrapentz: so you do two ethernet drops per desk then?
01:29.56tzangeroh any old POS, I don't do SIP phones
01:29.59*** join/#asterisk Rodms (
01:29.59tzangerT100P+channel Bank
01:30.08tzangerI don't do SIP
01:30.11tzangerit's brain damaged
01:30.16tzangerIAX or nothin
01:30.19TechDawgCan anyone recommend a good device that will connect a POTS line to a SIP device and transport that call to our Asterisk server?
01:30.20fgravatotzanger : Great term
01:30.23terrapenim trying to figure out how i'm going to wire these guys
01:30.36terrapenideally, i want one ethernet drop per desk
01:30.43tzangerterrapen: yeah unfortunately there aren't many good choices for hardphones
01:30.48*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
01:31.00tzangerI tend to use analog phones or PRI and ocnnect it to their existing KSU
01:31.04TechDawgAnd the manufacturer being fgravato?
01:31.06tzangerthat way they get to keep their phones
01:31.09Sedoroxterrapen: phone with two ports?
01:31.20fgravatoTechDawg Sipura SPA3000
01:31.29terrapensederox: but how would you keep someone else's computer from hogging bandwidth on the switch?
01:31.52tzangerfgravato: I use my world-renowned script
01:31.54terrapenfgrav: ok, so which switch would you buy (for 16 ports)
01:31.56FuriousGeorgeahoy.  just tried to get that "voip telephony with asterisk" book from amazon, and they said i had to wait till may to get it.  anyone know where i can get it ASAP
01:32.04tzangerit works amazingly well
01:32.07FuriousGeorgewoulndt be at a borders or barnes and noble would it?
01:32.23shmaltzanybody here got slackware running with 2.6 kernel?
01:32.27tzangershmaltz: I do
01:32.35terrapeni'm trying to keep my costs down and i would rather avoid buying a full-retail Cisco 16 port switch
01:32.44terrapensurely there has to be something cheaper that can do decent QoS
01:32.46shmaltztzanger, should I go this route with if I want HT?
01:33.09shmaltzor is 2.4 good enough?
01:33.45tzangershmaltz: it works fine for me
01:34.07shmaltztzanger, what? HT under 2.4? or 2.6 on slackware?
01:34.21tzanger2.6 on slackware
01:34.38fgravatoterrapen i think asus makes managed switch for under 300 bucks that does qos and some neat stuff
01:34.41tzangerI run both 2.4 and 2.6 on slackware withou no issues on either
01:35.17fgravatobut go with crisco switch dude
01:35.28fgravatoif your budget allows it
01:35.35shmaltztzanger, you use HT on 2.4 and no issues?
01:35.56*** join/#asterisk brycec (
01:36.17FuriousGeorgeanyone know if it would be possible to get the book "voip telephony with asterisk" at a local borders or barnes&noble (i.e. not online)
01:37.13tzanger2.4 doesn't know much about HT
01:37.20tzangerso it just runs pretty much UP
01:38.23fgravatoFuriousGeroge dont bother with those books out
01:38.25fgravatobetter off
01:38.26blitzrageFuriousGeorge: you don't want it
01:38.30fgravatoreading the Docs
01:38.34fgravatoproject Blitz
01:38.40blitzrageFuriousGeorge: that book == wiki
01:38.41fgravatobetter documents
01:38.49fgravatohey leif
01:38.54blitzragefgravato: yo
01:39.24blitzrageread the wiki, and use google to search the mailing lists. That's the documentation you get.
01:39.26fgravatothe books out for asterisk are crap.. better off saving $$$
01:39.34jessterwhat is a 'moderated conference bridge' ?
01:39.36fgravatoand reading the Document project mailing list
01:39.39fgravatoand wiki
01:39.45*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
01:40.08odie_floconHey all.
01:41.41DEEZEDheh i was just about to buy that book off of amazon
01:42.03DEEZEDill stick to the wiki.. its nice
01:42.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
01:42.52shmaltzanybody here been testing chanspy?
01:43.04shmaltzit's been reopened, as bug 3686
01:43.29shmaltzmake that 3836
01:53.02anthmmake your paypal donations to
01:53.12fgravatohey whats up anthony
01:54.02elriahIs there anyway to play a gsm file on the console?
01:55.14TechDawgOkay, good night all, thanks for the input fgravato.
01:55.16*** part/#asterisk TechDawg (voipnewbie@
01:59.15*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
01:59.16*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
01:59.22*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
01:59.50*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released || || Everyone thank anthm ->
02:00.36terrapenholy crap
02:00.41brc_I know
02:00.44terrapenthis ASUS smart switch is only $110
02:00.52terrapenthat blows the pants off of Cisco
02:01.07fgravatohey brc :-)
02:01.21fgravatoterrapen its pretty good switch can't beat the price
02:01.26*** join/#asterisk IQ (
02:01.27RodmsHas anyone successfully configured QoS in linux for asterisk?
02:01.32terrapeni wonder if it does VLANs
02:01.38terrapenfgrav: awesome recommendation!
02:01.45jessterwhat is a 'moderated conference bridge' ?
02:01.46terrapenfgrav: check out neweggs prices
02:01.59terrapenhrmmm no mention of VLANs :(
02:02.20fgravatosite mentions vlans
02:03.50terrapenwell, thats a different switch
02:04.11terrapeni love their web-based config thing...that looks cool
02:04.18fgravatohrmm looking at the switch
02:04.25PTG123anyone have a real land line that does caller id so i know what my cnam is?
02:04.26fgravatoseems to look like the same ones
02:04.29fgravatodell sells
02:04.52*** join/#asterisk pdracevich (
02:05.03terrapenfgravato: doesn't look like newegg carries the smart model with VLANs
02:05.16pdracevicheasy why of getting a remote sip client to connect?
02:07.38TomLdefine "easy"
02:07.53TomLthe documented way isn't easy enough?
02:08.07pdracevichI have been looking :(
02:09.05pdracevichcan you possibly point me the right way.
02:10.06*** join/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
02:10.19*** join/#asterisk syslod (~yurplsl@
02:10.29terrapenfgrav: this is strange
02:10.37terrapenthe documentation says it does VLANs
02:10.50terrapenthe GigaX1024P
02:11.31*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
02:12.11TomLwho would bother building a layer 2 switch that doesn't do VLANs? what would be the point? :P
02:12.52mogormananyone have experience with importvar?
02:12.54fgravatohrmm weird dude
02:13.18RazaMetaLi´ve installed asterisk now ..
02:13.43terrapenif this switch did PoE, i would have an orgasm
02:13.44RazaMetaLon a Denbian with kernel Linux 2.6.8-2-686
02:13.48terrapenbut alas, it doesn't
02:13.59RazaMetaLMar 22 21:11:17 WARNING[2098]: Unable to open '/dev/phone0'
02:14.00RazaMetaLMar 22 21:11:17 ERROR[2098]: Unable to register channel '/dev/phone0'
02:14.00RazaMetaLMar 22 21:11:17 WARNING[2098]: load_module failed, returning -1
02:14.00RazaMetaLMar 22 21:11:17 WARNING[2098]: Loading module failed!
02:14.24RazaMetaLdmesg shows :
02:14.25RazaMetaLLinux telephony interface: v1.00
02:14.25RazaMetaLixj: found Internet PhoneJACK PCI at 0xde00
02:14.29Damin~seen kram
02:14.33jbotkram is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 7 messages.  Is idling for 7h 23m 18s
02:14.42RazaMetaLlsmod | grep ixj
02:14.42RazaMetaLixj 432068 0
02:14.42RazaMetaLphonedev 5344 1 ixj
02:15.05RazaMetaLany idea ?
02:15.25*** join/#asterisk rjburkh (
02:15.26RazaMetaLseems like asterisk can´t load the module
02:16.17RazaMetaLMar 22 21:16:05 WARNING[2154]: Unable to open '/dev/phone0'
02:16.28RazaMetaLand.. /dev/phone0 does not exists ..
02:17.23rjburkhhello everyone
02:17.52*** join/#asterisk topping (
02:19.49*** join/#asterisk _daver_ (
02:21.10elriahHow well does the asterisk fax integration work?
02:21.49syslodfax intergration?  RECV works OK.  Sending not so OK.
02:22.18syslodIs there a var for sip peer?????
02:22.29elriahI just want to receive faxes and them email them ast tiff documents, nothing more.
02:22.39*** join/#asterisk lately (
02:22.42syslodThat works good in *.  Check out spandsp
02:22.48elriahThanks -
02:22.56bjohnsonelriah: and also use the telco line for voice?
02:25.14FuriousGeorgeif im setting up an asterisk system using only softphone and internet voip dialtone providers, what exactly do i have to do to zaptel.conf.  the docs dont say, but they do say to use ztdummy, ehich ive compiled and loaded
02:25.35FuriousGeorgep.s. i have no digium hardware
02:25.37elriahHow reliable is faxdetect?
02:25.45FuriousGeorgeor any voip sepcific hardware
02:25.55*** join/#asterisk bparker (
02:26.57elriahOne last question - is there a way for me to play a sound from the /sounds dir from the asterisk console?
02:28.19jbotztdummy is probably zaptel timing source which uses a usb-ohci compatible usb controller as source. (part of zaptel cvs)
02:28.27FuriousGeorgeis the answer to my ?:  "nothing"
02:28.29ChujiFuriousGeorge : Only need it if you are doing meetme
02:28.59FuriousGeorgeChuji:  doest that ztdummy use meetme or something.  i am very new to this
02:28.59ChujiFuriousGeorge : Otherwise, no, you don't need zap at all
02:29.10jakepdevis libpri 1.0.0 the newest?
02:29.12FuriousGeorgefor the timer
02:29.14Chujiztdummy provides timing for meetme
02:29.38FuriousGeorgeand meetme is?  conferencing?
02:29.57mstoccojakepdev: no
02:30.27ChujiYes sir
02:30.49jakepdevI keep on getting an error on * install "you need newer libpri"
02:30.53FuriousGeorgechuji:  muchisimas gracias
02:31.47RazaMetaLFuriousGeorge: de donde eres ? yo soy de Ecuador
02:31.51jakepdevmstocco - 1.06 is the latest stable?
02:31.57syslodelriah: Its seems to work well.
02:32.03blitzragewow... who wrote that answer for ztdummy, because it's wrong
02:32.06mstoccojakepdev: 1.0.6 is the latest
02:32.15jakepdevmstocco - tnx
02:32.17blitzrageit uses usb-uhci, no usb-ohci (and that's only for 2.4.x kernels)
02:32.19FuriousGeorgerazametal:  mis padres son espanoles pero yo vivio in NJ EE.UU.
02:33.56jbotnj is, like, home to the Sopranos
02:34.15syslodIs there a sip peer var?  Or other way of conditionally setting caller id depending on sip account?
02:34.48debaserhow dare you cry, angel gone.
02:34.55*** join/#asterisk Elshar (
02:34.55*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
02:34.57bjohnsonsyslod: yes
02:35.02Chujiblitzrage : It's probably pretty old
02:35.05bjohnsonsyslod: sip.conf settings
02:35.08debasercheat and lie, cheat and lie.  angel gone.
02:35.16bjohnsonsyslod: or set it just before a dial
02:35.35elriahHey all - where would I set the message waiting tone?  A temporary fix until I get my MWI lights working on my polycom's.
02:35.45*** join/#asterisk Rival (~rival@
02:36.25syslodbjohnson:  I am trying to emulate local id and outbound id.  sip.conf allows one of the setting.  So 109 John Holmes is local to the system and 8882332333 Big Johns callerid gets put depending on where they are dialing.
02:37.27jbotnj is, like, home to the Sopranos
02:37.31jbotny is probably a place where they make the best pizza, the best hot dogs, and the nicest hookers
02:39.02jbotrumour has it, ga is "go ahead"
02:39.05jboti heard pa is PAY ATTENTION!!!!!
02:39.09jbotrumour has it, va is one of Debian's servers which has crashed lately (if you're in search for Branden Robinson's "X strike force" pages, try  VA Linux Systems.
02:39.27FuriousGeorgelol, its fun to abuse the jbot
02:39.37elriahThe message waiting stutter tone, is it automatic?
02:40.01FuriousGeorge<jbot>  newark is home of crack
02:40.08syslodCrap... Anyone else doing internal callerpres and different outbound?
02:40.19bjohnsonsyslod: I'd set it manually before the dial out
02:40.52syslodbjohnson: I'd like to do that but I need to be able to tell which sip account so I know what Callerid to use.
02:42.45bjohnsonmaybe set callerid in sip.conf and then check callerid before resetting for dial out and change it based on the current value?
02:43.08bjohnsonsounds like you'll want a db lookup or you ould have a pile of gotoifs
02:43.59bjohnsonthat's an odd request though
02:44.01syslodI need to set a different callerid for each sip.  It sucks that it doens't work like a mitel or panasonic. They would kinda let you set callerid for internal and allow you to select id on outbound.
02:44.24jbotsomebody said ny was a place where they make the best pizza, the best hot dogs, and the nicest hookers
02:44.33syslodNot odd at all we are competing against systems we installed years ago and that would a real feature most people can't do without now.
02:45.15bjohnsonodd in that I have never heard of it and can't perceive a ractical use of it .. but I'm mostly used to smaller systems
02:45.37jbotrumour has it, nh is neo-hippie, ask me about it
02:45.45syslodbjohnson: When a inside call is made is it right to display the PSTN callerid?  I would suspect most ppl would want there directory name and extension.
02:45.57bjohnsonahhh .. new york .. home of those nice hookers
02:46.06bjohnsonother places they are just so mean
02:46.18Qwellnothing beats a friendly hooker
02:46.37bjohnsonsyslod: that is normal and is the default for asterisk
02:46.51bjohnsonsyslod: you just set it in sip.conf
02:47.03bjohnsonor in the phone config if it has that option
02:47.06syslodbjohnson: Just as a question how are you handling it on the smaller systems?  Callerid in SIP is Job Bob 109?  and you globally define outbound as PSTN?
02:47.28bjohnsonone callerid for all outbound
02:47.56bjohnsonwhich is the primary pstn number
02:48.03syslodThats not real typical in our world.  We have all PRI customers. They are use to having internal caller id and outbound caller id for sales, tech, etc all being different of course.
02:48.13elriahHow would I play a gsm file from my linux console?  What app?  I'm running debian sarge.
02:48.15syslodU using digital service?
02:48.24YoYoapp_dial.c:578 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice
02:48.33YoYo30 seconds later, it works fine
02:48.37syslodelriah: Freshmeat has lots of players.
02:48.44bjohnsonsyslod: I've never encountered that.  Pretty much all places have a central pstn number and you go through the ivr for tech, sales, etc
02:49.01syslodbjohnson: Are they digital or analog?
02:49.04bjohnsonelriah: soxplay is popular
02:49.12bjohnsonanalog you can't set
02:49.24bjohnsonI set it for digital voip outgoing calls
02:50.19syslodOur guys are used to building groups.  They are looking to cut IVR times.
02:51.31IQHi, anyone got NuFone configuration info?
02:51.37syslodThe mitel/panas/sylantros have some nice CLIP features.
02:51.41bjohnsonisn't it on their website?
02:51.47syslodIQ: It should be on there site.
02:51.59syslodWorked first time for me.
02:52.02IQalready on the website - still looking for it
02:52.09syslodDid you sign up?
02:52.17*** join/#asterisk riksta (
02:52.19Rivalsucks i can get mine able to make outgoing calls but cant recieve calls rings busy
02:52.33IQyeah, I did - and it was working - I'm setting it up at home now
02:52.36Rivalanyone have info on setting up for teliax
02:53.05bjohnsonthat might have it
02:53.16IQthanks :)
02:53.20QwellDoes anybody know of something that can take a phone number, and tell you what (if anything) it says in words?  heh
02:53.22bjohnsonIQ: well crap .. copy it from where it is working
02:53.42bjohnsonQwell: 3 options
02:53.48IQbjohnson: can't log on to my VPN :( something wrong with keyfob
02:53.49bjohnsonQwell: festival
02:53.55syslodQwell: I've seen that before on USLECs site. Vanity numbers in google should find something.
02:53.57Qwellbjohnson: no...I mean...
02:54.03Qwellwhat he said
02:54.06bjohnsonQwell: a bunch of gotoif that play individual files
02:54.17YoYoQwell: like ?
02:54.19elriahswift is way better than festival.  $29.
02:54.24QwellYoYo: sounds like it, lemme look
02:54.47QwellYoYo: yep, thanks
02:55.33Qwellbjohnson: Thanks though is interesting - just found out my work number is 544-TRIP :)
02:57.16Rivalanyone here using teliax?
02:57.29QwellIQ: heh
02:57.36QwellIQ: my old phone number was mypiggy ;/
02:57.48IQQwell: loool
03:01.41*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
03:05.25FuriousGeorgewill there be any appreciable voice quality difference b/w a synchronos and an asynchronos broadband connection?
03:05.50*** join/#asterisk mwcnetwork (
03:06.07FuriousGeorgedsl specifically.  assuming a max of 800mb down and 200 up
03:07.03mwcnetworkI downloaded Asterisk with the help of someone I met on #Asterisk.  It seems to have installed correctly but all I get is a busy signal.
03:07.13mwcnetworkHow do I dial my cell phone from my computer?
03:07.35TomLwhat's your trunking?
03:07.43TomLyou have an IP trunk or PSTN?
03:07.44mwcnetworkI really do not know.
03:07.48*** join/#asterisk jhowardPA (~jhoward@
03:07.58TomLwell, you have to connect asterisk to the phone network somehow
03:07.59mwcnetworkI am on a cable modem
03:08.01TomLit ain't magic
03:08.03FuriousGeorgeim asking b/c for digital telephony you need duplex sound for it to sound natural.  but i dont know if that would translate
03:08.12FuriousGeorgeto adsl vs sdsl
03:08.30mwcnetworkI have a LAN setup after the cable modem
03:08.39mwcnetworkI have Vonage setup above the dlink router
03:08.44jhowardPAHello folks.  I'm curious as to whether or not Asterisk would be up to the needs of my company.  Anyone care to help me figure it out?
03:08.52TomLyou have to configure asterisk to use your vonage account
03:09.04FuriousGeorgemwcnetwork:  i thouht vonage wouldnt work w/ asterisk.
03:09.36fgravatofurious somepeople have had it working
03:09.41mwcnetworkSo how do I configure asterisk for vonage?
03:09.42fgravatoi did this past summer using
03:09.47fgravatovonage softphone option
03:09.52FuriousGeorgefor starters, you could circumvent their "softphone plan" pretty easily
03:09.53fgravatoand bit of debuging
03:09.56mikegrbjit will
03:10.04jhowardPAI've got some 100 extensions internally, and 2 T1's feeding them.
03:10.04mikegrbjhowardPA: it will
03:10.38jhowardPAOur current PBX is a crappy old Panasonic switch.  How many concurrent connections can one Asterisk box handle?
03:10.40FuriousGeorgefgravato:  really, you think if u didnt have the softphone plan u could still do it?
03:10.47mwcnetworkThat sounds like what I want to do- and to answer the question above- yes, from what I have read I think Asterisk will be great for small and medium business.
03:10.50*** join/#asterisk TrevorSHarrison (~trevorsha@
03:10.57FuriousGeorgecould solve some peoples local number portability problems
03:11.13jhowardPAWe've also got some 300 remote locations I'd be interested in supporting...
03:11.14IQjhowardPA: how many lines do u have on Panasonic?
03:11.19mwcnetworkHow do I make Asterisk treat Vonage like the trunk?
03:11.55Sedoroxasterisk will work with vonage huh?
03:12.09mwcnetworkjhoward- I am learning Asterisk so I can offer it as a network support service for my clients.
03:12.10jhowardPAIQ: Well, there's the hundred extns internally, and the 2 T1's make 46 external.
03:12.38fgravatoactually if you used digium x100p card and ata186 could still have vonage
03:12.39IQjhowardPA: by 300 remote locations you mean 300 extensions or 300 locations having multiple extensions?
03:12.44mwcnetworkI have two router/firewalls above my asterisk box.
03:12.52fgravatoif you don't use softphone
03:13.11jhowardPAIQ: 300 stores across the US, all of which would be nice to have setup with a VoIP softphone or two.
03:13.51mwcnetworkDoes someone know of a good article about Vonage and Asterisk?
03:14.00IQjhowardPA: connected to one central location? or having their own servers?
03:14.05jhowardPAI'm trying to push this with my bosses, because they don't want to spend much on a new phone system..  they'd be happy to spend a bit on a setup/support contract.
03:14.44jhowardPAIQ: The former, via VPN - but not many would be in use at once.  I'd plan on taking maybe 2-3 calls via softphone per hour.
03:15.07mwcnetworkjhoward- Asterisk is new enough- don't let people fool you- this is sort of bleeding edge stuff.
03:15.27IQmwcnetwork: really :O ?
03:15.30jhowardPAPrimarily, I'd want to support our 2 T1's for voice, and internal (100 in-office extensions) calling.
03:15.38mwcnetworkStill it has great potential- and I would ask questions about the number of man hours installing and managing asterisk
03:15.54*** join/#asterisk Legend (~Legend@
03:16.23IQmwcnetwork: we dont do it number of man hours... we count it in number of man seconds. it doesnt take hours to set up asterisk. that is if you know what you are doing
03:16.30jhowardPAmwcnetwork: You've got a point.  And I am well aware of it.  I'd like to be able to demo it, or use it for one small department before I even consider using it in a larger context.
03:16.50IQmwcnetwork: and no one is elling anything here. why would people fool someone ?
03:17.09IQmwcnetwork: no one is selling anything
03:17.17TrevorSHarrisonhere's a stupid question... how do I get * to load / enable my Zap channels?  I've got my zapata.conf setup with a few channels, but when I dial(Zap/1/blah) it says its unable to create a channel of type 'zap'
03:17.17mwcnetworkI am just using figures of speech- this forum is for help with understanding Asterisk
03:17.27*** join/#asterisk alakdan (~alakdan@
03:17.33mwcnetworkBut I am a consultant who will support Asterisk given time.
03:18.08jhowardPAIQ: I'm not mening to come off as anxious, I'm evaluating my options.  Asterisk looks sexy, and I'm hoping to get some ideas on where to start my research.
03:18.11IQjhowardPA: get a regular machine with 2 or 4 GB ram and give it a try - dont invest too much if you just want to see demo
03:18.25RazaMetaLmknod /dev/phone0 c 100 0
03:18.36RazaMetaLnow */ is running .. :)
03:18.42jhowardPAIQ: Which analog hardware is recommended?
03:18.42mwcnetworkjhoward- last time I was on this channel a very helpful man from Pakistan talked me through an Asterisk Install.
03:19.15*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
03:19.16mwcnetworkWhy I am back here is all I get when I dial is a busy signal
03:19.28IQmwcnetwork: pakistanis are alwas good ;)
03:19.33mwcnetworkI would like to dial my cell phone or some other phone
03:19.37jhowardPAmwcnetwork: I'm sure I can figure the install/setup out, possibly with help from you fine folks, but I don't know what kind of capacity a server can handle.
03:19.48jhowardPAIQ: 2-4GB, for how many lines?
03:20.32jhowardPAIQ: saw the site, I'll look around there more (though I think I've scoured it pretty well).  Do they have usage specs on there?
03:20.33bjohnsonjhowardPA: I think current max count is at about 1500 concurrent calls on one box
03:20.35mwcnetworkjhoward- I recommend any PIII decent system- and I also recommend that it be used solely for asterisk so you can troubleshoot the network effectivel
03:20.48jhowardPAbjohnson: what kind of box?
03:20.55mwcnetworkkeep it simple
03:21.01IQjhowardPA: they got everything there - if you can't find something do google
03:21.13bjohnsonthere was a site .. and I can't remember the name
03:21.15*** join/#asterisk khaladan (
03:21.23mwcnetworkI found some good 1u deals on ebay today sub $600
03:21.34IQjhowardPA: and then you will say * is not reliable :)
03:21.37bjohnsonjhowardPA: probably more capacity than you need anyway
03:21.49jhowardPAIQ: cool, thanks.  I figured someone here would have some real-life experience with it.  :\
03:21.50bjohnsonthe wiki has some examples of more normal systems
03:22.15alakdananyone from hawaii?
03:22.31khaladanquestion: we have two offices that both have a seperate pbx (panasonic i think?); we wanna allow employees in one office to call the other office using normal extensions (and not over the PSTN); we have a point-to-point T1 line between the two offices; what would be the best way to make something like this happen?
03:22.31jhowardPAbjohnson: I've got an E3500 sitting around I could use for it, but I'd rather use a cheap P4 or something.  ;)
03:22.35IQjhowardPA: My home machine has 2GB - if you want to evaluate something then give it a fair shot... 2GB to 4GB is not too much
03:23.14jhowardPAIQ: I'm not saying it's too much.  I've got plenty of ram.  I'm curious about some real-life examples.
03:23.18mwcnetworkHas anyone set up vonage as the source for asterisk
03:23.26bjohnsonkhaladan: put * in front of the pbx or on an extension (at both offices)
03:23.31IQjhowardPA: sorry - no examples :(
03:23.46jhowardPAJust because I can setup the box doesn't mean I want to figure out how to route a hundred test-calls through it simultaneously.  ;)
03:23.49IQjhowardPA: atleast I dont know of any benchmark
03:23.56khaladanbjohnson: what kind of hardware would i need for that? (anything?)
03:24.32mwcnetworkI would settle for one call right now... :)
03:25.01bjohnsonthat's what I was thinking of
03:25.04jhowardPAIQ: I'll just have to rig it up and see...  and maybe call the Digium guys for some advice.  Thanks for the info, though.
03:25.07IQtry asterisk@home or asteriskwin32
03:25.27IQjhowardPA: ya call digium, they're very helpful
03:25.34jhowardPAbjhonson: Awesome, thanks!
03:25.45jhowardPAIQ: Thanks, I shall.
03:26.01TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork: yep, using vonage
03:26.13mwcnetworktrevor- help!
03:26.14bjohnsonthat one too
03:26.18jhowardPATake it easy folks, thanks for the help!
03:26.21*** part/#asterisk jhowardPA (~jhoward@
03:26.45bjohnsonkhaladan: if only doing a couple of calls at a time .. an xbox would be enought power
03:26.49TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork: how far have you gotten?
03:26.53alakdanthis is wierd, a friend tried calling a toll free number from hawaii (we are currently subscribed to nufone) but can not get through, a friend tried calling from new york and its ok. Got any ideas?
03:26.57nestAropenclose.agi doesn't seem to actually be setting the variable
03:27.14mwcnetworktrevor - I am installed- softwarewize on a linux Fedora Core 2 box
03:27.17khaladanbjohnson, well--besides the computer. i got that taken care of. do i need anything like an ATA? or some other kind of converter?
03:27.29bjohnsonkhaladan: and a fxo if connecting to and exsting ATA port or a fxs if connecting to an analog line in port or a T1 if connecting to the pbx that way
03:27.42TrevorSHarrisonhave you got calls between your local extensions working already?
03:27.51bjohnsonkhaladan: you have to figure out what your pbx will allow
03:27.53mwcnetworkTrevor? ??
03:27.58IQAnyone using NuFune with X-Lite ?
03:28.03TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork: yes?
03:28.03mwcnetworkAll I get is a busy signal
03:28.05khaladanit's an older pbx
03:28.37mwcnetworkIf I use "dial 1000" or "dial 2000" I get a busy signal
03:28.46bjohnsonalakdan: is not available in hawaii?
03:28.52TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork: work on calling between 2 local xlite extensions.  that way you can eliminate vonage from the picture.
03:28.59mwcnetworkI was hoping to use "dial npa - nxx"
03:29.15alakdanbjohnson: yeah sort of
03:29.18mwcnetworksounds good but I have not got a clue
03:29.29khaladanso, if i set up the panasonic pbx to send some extensions down a phone wire -> ATA -> FXO -> T1 -> Asterisk -> ?
03:30.01bjohnsonkhaladan: I don't know your pbx .. you'll have to figure it out
03:30.07khaladanok, sorry
03:30.21bjohnsonkhaladan: if you can get it to * you can go over the internet to the other asterisk
03:30.29alakdanbjohnson: cant call the number from hawaii.
03:30.30TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork: well, at least now you don't have to worry about vonage... just look at the docs on how to add an softphone (ie. the xlite), and get it to work where you can here the demo voice stuff.
03:30.35*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (~w0w0@
03:30.45bjohnsonalakdan: is likely a US/48 toll free number then
03:30.48khaladanbjohnson, i'm guessing I'll need an fxs...
03:31.08bjohnsonkhaladan: depending on how you can connect to the pbx
03:31.09mwcnetworkI did hear some demo things coming out of asterisk-
03:31.20alakdanbjohnson: 1 877 xxx xxxx number
03:31.30bjohnsonkhaladan: if the extensions can use regluar analog phones .. then a fxo can plug into one
03:31.44khaladanyea the phones we have now are analog ones
03:31.58mwcnetworkI would like asterisk to serve as my own private pbx at home
03:32.07TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork: basic question re: vonage.  do you have a softphone account with them, or just the normal basic hard phone?
03:32.08alakdanbjohnson: what does it mean US/48? and if its a US/48 number it can not be accessed from hawaii?
03:32.11khaladanso, our pbx -> fxo -> asterisk
03:32.21bjohnsonkhaladan: if you have an extra extension a fxo can plug directly into it
03:32.34bjohnsonkhaladan: yep .. and the reverse at the other end
03:32.40khaladani think we have plenty of extra extensions
03:32.50nestAranyone using openclose.agi ?
03:32.52khaladanthanks so much
03:32.53mwcnetworkI heard I did not need one since I was going to do it through asterisk- I have the 24.99 unlimited plan
03:33.09bjohnsonkhaladan: hook up as many as you want concurrent calls
03:33.29TrevorSHarrisonyeah... you can't with that.  vonage won't let anything but their hardware adapter connect to that plan.
03:33.31bjohnsonkhaladan: your internet connection might limit the max number of those too
03:33.41khaladanprobably 4 concurrent calls
03:33.55mwcnetworkWhat do I need to do?
03:33.57khaladanwe have a direct t1 between offices
03:33.59bjohnsona dsl line should handle that
03:34.05TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork:  you can get an additional softphone line for $10'ish that will allow you to connect with any sip device
03:34.30bjohnsonkhaladan: you doing a lot of data transfer?
03:34.35TrevorSHarrisonbut the crappy thing is that it has its own minute limit... ie. its not unlimited like your main line... it also has its own phone number.
03:34.44bjohnsonvonage blows
03:34.47mwcnetworkThere *must* be a way around it!
03:34.49khaladanbjohnson: some data transfer, anyway
03:34.57*** join/#asterisk TSWoodV (~woodt@
03:35.07khaladanbjohnson: but 4 concurrently is sufficient in any case
03:35.11bjohnsonkhaladan: a t1 seems expensive
03:35.33TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork: dunno... its just not worth it to me... when I get this all setup, I'll probably switch over to broadvoice or some other sip provider thats not such a butt-head.
03:35.36bjohnsonmwcnetwork: tell vonage to piss off .. you're going to a real voip provider
03:35.47khaladanbjohnson, suggest dsl instead? not my decision in any case :)
03:35.49TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork: I'm only using our existing vonage line because we already had them
03:36.21bjohnsonkhaladan: well .. if not much data transfer and only 4 concurrent calls .. why have a t1
03:36.47mwcnetworkSo vonage is trouble?  The cancel is only $36 so when I am ready it will not be a problem
03:36.52khaladanbjohnson, i think maybe it was so that it could be a direct connection between the offices, for less latency(?)... not sure if dsl can offer that
03:36.55bjohnsonkhaladan: what internet connection is there?
03:37.15TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork: trouble for asterisk, y.  I use it at home where I've just got a plain phone and its okay.
03:37.18bjohnsonless latency for what?
03:37.20khaladanbjohnson, the internet connection is another T1. we have four T1s in total..
03:37.46bjohnsonkhaladan: geez .. sounds like you got way more bandwidth than you use
03:37.52TrevorSHarrisonmwcnetwork:  but broadvoice's byod (bring your own device) plan is much better as far as signup fees go
03:37.58khaladanwell sometimes we do transfer large files
03:38.06khaladanwe store all the files in this office
03:38.37mwcnetworkI saw lingo had a byod plan as well..
03:38.38khaladantwo T1s for connections to other offices, a T1 for voice only, and another for i don't-remember-what
03:38.57mwcnetworkT1 can be frac-T voice and data
03:39.02bjohnsonkhaladan: your voip connection of 4 calls should be able to use the internet t1.  the direct t1 is not needed for voip .. would maybe increase reliability
03:39.20bjohnsonbut wouldn't have much effect if using same isp at both ends anyway
03:39.24mwcnetworkQoS is delivered over Pri/T1
03:39.49khaladanbjohnson: well, i don't know all the stats on utilization right now. our offices are growing.. maybe ppl are just being optimistic
03:40.03mwcnetworkSo to be the maverick then- how do I use the softphone in Asterisk?
03:40.09bjohnsonlikely costing $500 a month
03:40.32mwcnetworkRocket out of Los Angeles has Wireless T1 for $99
03:40.46*** join/#asterisk Half_Dome (
03:40.59BuckRogersbjohnson good night see you in the morning
03:41.19DEEZEDis there any good asterisk forums?
03:41.27BuckRogerso one thing
03:41.38BuckRogerswe got the te405p working noprob today
03:41.41opus_is there a model better then the SPA-3000?
03:41.55opus_whats the brand of choice :)
03:42.17BuckRogersbjohnson thanks for your help with it, it was a prob in the zapconf
03:42.29BuckRogersany how good night
03:44.31*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
03:45.11bjohnsonopus_: for what use?
03:45.21khaladanbjohnson, so for my purposes I would have FXOs at both ends, right, and not FXO -> asterisk -> t1 -> asterisk -> FXS
03:45.30bjohnsonthe spa 3000 is a good choice if looking for one fxo and one fxs port
03:46.12bjohnsonkhaladan: yes .. fxo at both ends connecting to your analog extension ports on your pbx
03:46.37khaladanwhat's a good 4-port FXO? Wildcard TDM400P w/ 4 FXO modules?
03:46.58bjohnsonkhaladan: you can buy a couple of cheap x100p pci cards off ebay for about $20 each to do proof of concept but you will want the digium cards for production use
03:47.20mwcnetworkyes bierdo?
03:47.23Beirdois the order you put the "allow=" line in important?
03:47.31bjohnsonsome people say yes
03:47.32Beirdoi.e. does it set the preference?
03:47.35bjohnsonsome people say no
03:47.50bjohnsonI haven't looked at the code to find out for sure
03:48.06stdiokhaladan: we like the tdm400p.. just got it and have 3 fxo modules in it
03:48.06bjohnsonit is rumoured to be preset in the code
03:48.23mwcnetworkOk, I started asterisk so I can run and configure while talking in the forum
03:48.27khaladanstdio, good to know
03:48.37bjohnsonI better go study for my exams tomorrow
03:49.00stdiokhaladan: plus, there is *lots* of documentation out there for it...
03:49.28mwcnetworkI noticed the xlite in the config files
03:49.33DEEZEDstdio... any good asterisk forums? or is the best stash of info
03:49.43mwcnetworkHow do I configure it?
03:50.13Beirdoit does seem to matter
03:50.36*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
03:50.57BeirdoI put g726 first, it's using that instead of ulaw which used to be first
03:51.22SedoroxBeirdo: any luck yet?
03:51.34bjohnsonBeirdo: try reversing that order
03:51.45BeirdoSedorox: no
03:51.49nestAranyone have a working openclose.agi ?
03:51.52BeirdoI sent them bitchmail agian
03:52.06nestArmine doesn't seem to be setting a status
03:52.09Sedoroxif I don't hear back by thursday. I'm gonna start to get piccy...
03:52.15Sedoroxis it isn't working by monday
03:52.16stdioDEEZED: i'd imagine the asterisk-users mailing list would be one of the best... not exactly a forum, but you're likely to get just as quick of an answer...
03:52.17SedoroxBuh Bye
03:52.25Beirdobjohnson I think the order you define them in the allow= is the order they get used in (preference)
03:52.29Sedorox'cause it'll be over a month at that point
03:52.42DEEZEDok cool
03:53.00*** part/#asterisk ctooley (
03:54.31Half_Domenewbie needs some direction.  Can I ask a beginner's question?
03:54.53nestArdon't ask to ask
03:54.55nestArjust ask
03:55.01Half_DomeI have 4 POTS coming into my home office.  I'm setting up a remote office and would like to use these same lines in it.  Am I looking at two Asterisk servers and one FXO and one FXS PCI card?
03:55.03khaladanbjohnson, will i have to have Asterisk configured to be able to talk to my specific PBX or will the FXO convert the data over the line to some standard protocol?
03:55.10*** join/#asterisk mgth (
03:56.09stdioHalf_Dome: you could vpn the two with freeswan (openswan), then use sip phones to connect to a common sip server located at the home office.
03:56.37nestArdon't even need a vpn
03:57.07stdionestAr: what, a sip proxy on the one side?
03:58.23nestArconnect the phones at the remote office directly to the * box at the main office
03:58.51stdionestAr: with what.. sip?
03:58.55*** join/#asterisk Vco (
03:59.03Half_DomeSo, this SIP server will be an Asterisk box with a FXO 4 port card?
03:59.26khaladancouldn't i just buy 4 X100P FXO PCIs, instead of a quad pack thing
03:59.47*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
04:00.44nestArstdio: yes
04:01.04*** join/#asterisk hypa7ia (
04:01.24nestArwhy doesn't this stupid openclose thing work?
04:02.06stdionestar: I imagine he'd use a nat appliance at the "remote" end. Is that going to nat those sip packets correctly? What about back through the other nat device on the other side....
04:02.24nestArin my world, nat doesn't exist
04:03.02PTG123nat works great in my world
04:03.17nestAri have no need for nat
04:03.21nestArthank god
04:04.39*** join/#asterisk spackle (~spackle@
04:04.51PTG123nat is your friend :)
04:04.57*** join/#asterisk MajestiK (
04:06.52*** join/#asterisk WasPhantom (
04:07.39WasPhantomhey all..... I'm currently working on using asterisk to talk to the INOC-DBA system, and within which, you dial a code ( in this case, 8) ASN, and then * EXTN, however, I'm having no luck with the extension....
04:07.39*** part/#asterisk RazaMetaL (
04:07.44Vcoanyone have pointers to find out why g729 will work XTEN<->XTEN but not BT-100<->BT-100?
04:07.58WasPhantomI'm registered correctly to the server, as I can dial the ASN only, but I have no luck when I add an extension.....
04:09.24Vcowas getting inband errors and fixed them, now i see errors on the console about dropping frames since we already have them...
04:09.39Vcoi do a show g729    0/0
04:10.05mwcnetworki just dialed 500
04:10.14*** join/#asterisk t0p (
04:10.15Vcotry the same settings with XLite....and seems to work...
04:10.25*** part/#asterisk t0p (
04:10.25mwcnetworkhow do I set up a phone number in 'local'?
04:11.59dmccollumI was told that there are some models of the Cisco 7940/7960's that don't support SIP. Is this true? I thought they all could have their firmware upgraded to support SIP.
04:12.13PTG123yah they dont' unless you upgrade them
04:12.19PTG123most of the time they come without sip license
04:12.29mwcnetworkin order to add xlite client, edit /etc/asterisk/sip.cong
04:12.32PTG123and they are a pain in the butt to upgrade
04:12.33PTG123i just did one
04:12.38*** join/#asterisk t0p (
04:12.58BrianR___dmccollum: requires firmware upgrade - very much a pain in the ass for certain earlier revisions of the firmware... The upgrade path usually involves several intermediate versions.
04:13.17dmccollumyea, I've done a Cisco Call Manager install before, so I'm certain that I could setup the tftp firmware upgrade.
04:13.32t0pHi, friends
04:13.39BrianR___dmccollum: Also, a few very old firmwares had bogus firmware loaders which made getting any other firmware on the unit difficult. (Ie, firmware loader runs out of memory or crashes while downloading new image)
04:13.49t0pmay I ask a newbie question here?
04:13.59PTG123BrianR: actuallyu i figured out a full proof way to do it without stepping up one at a time
04:14.00dmccollumCool. thanks for the answer. Just as long as they can be upgraded is my main concern.
04:14.09BrianR___So your milage may vary. I was able to upgrade all of my Cisco 79xx phones to a useful firmware.
04:14.11mwcnetworkyes go ahead
04:14.13PTG123BrianR___: it involves some bogus files which i have no one my tftp for future upgrades
04:14.23mwcnetworkI have added 1000 and 2000 as users
04:14.37*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
04:14.42mwcnetworksip show users lists them
04:14.57t0pThanks, does Asterisk work with Dialogic D/160 or D/41
04:15.04BrianR___I have about a dozen files on my tftp for stepping various phones through the various versions. An ancient phone plugged in reboots about 8 times before finally completing all of the upgrades..
04:15.38*** join/#asterisk riksta (
04:15.49PTG123BrianR :) true
04:16.09PTG123Can we use ftp on these things, or only tftp?
04:16.12BrianR___Anyway, you do need a cisco support account to download firmware images, but any support account will work.
04:16.13PTG123b/c isn't tftp pretty insecure?
04:16.31BrianR___PTG123: Using tftp for read-only access to firmware blobs is just fine.
04:16.44PTG123well how do you make it so they can only ftp THIER firmware
04:16.44BrianR___Besides, the ftp client in many of the cisco firmwares is broken.
04:16.48PTG123so they can't see others pwrds
04:17.07BrianR___PTG123: There's no good solution for that problem, unfortunately.
04:17.16BrianR___PTG123: Well.. Aside from not putting the passwords in the config files..
04:17.20mwcnetworkany dial xxxx leads to a busy signal
04:17.27mwcnetworkother than 500, 600
04:17.46PTG123BrianR: on a local lan i could make a custom tftp daemon that matches nat addy
04:17.47WasPhantomok.... when you dial a number*exten, how should it look in a debug?
04:17.54PTG123on tftp can you make it so list files doesnt work?
04:18.02WasPhantomthats what I get, but the number I'm dialing, is SIP/3856*878
04:19.30BrianR___PTG123: The tftp daemon on my machine can run an external program to do filename remapping... You could do checks there.
04:19.40*** join/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
04:20.15qwerpis there anyway i can play a beeping sound to a channel that is offhook?
04:20.17PTG123brianr: hmm might be easier just to modify source on unix tftp
04:20.18Vcoyou did set context=local in sip.conf and have the bits under the same context in extensions.conf?
04:20.32PTG123so unless people brute force mac addies
04:20.33PTG123its safe
04:20.54BrianR___Well.. There's no directory list command in tftp...
04:21.18PTG123then thats not so bad
04:21.20PTG123kinda safe
04:21.31BrianR___so it's a guessing game in either case.
04:21.48qwerpany way i can do that?
04:22.17dmccollumIs there anyway to setup asterisk so that you don't need to dial a number to get an outside line? I can see my wife complaining about that one when I finally get this installed.
04:22.32*** join/#asterisk rious (
04:22.50Vcoyou think thats *All* she'll complain about? ;)
04:23.15mishehudmccollum: the sky is the limit.
04:24.05SedoroxslePP: Can I PM you?
04:24.17dmccollumwell I'm confident I can make the rest pretty wife friendly.
04:24.45VcoI'm just using ours for calls to/ from japan to her family, and for voicemail rightnow...
04:24.58WasPhantomthis is just really weird heh
04:25.26*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
04:25.43Vcoi guess she's spooked by the idea of me getting a tdm400 card since everyhting would go through the server after that..
04:28.37WasPhantomexten => _8.,9,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@inoc-dba,90,r)
04:29.14WasPhantomthat is the dial line in my outgoing call.... so when I dial 83856*878 it seems that the call is being sent to the right host, but as 3856878, rather than 3856*878
04:32.18*** join/#asterisk BIZH0P (~bizh0p@
04:34.19elriahHey guys, where in asterisk is the actual voicemail conf that holds the names of all the vm-???.gsm files in sounds?
04:35.57*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
04:36.04*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
04:38.49elriahHey guys, where in asterisk is the actual voicemail conf that holds the names of all the vm-???.gsm files in sounds?
04:39.07docelmoI believe its in the source.
04:39.19elriahahh.. tnx
04:39.54zhieri want to answer the incoming call.but how?thanks
04:40.09docelmoWhat type of incoming call?
04:40.33docelmoeither way doesnt matter its pretty much all done the same way.
04:40.47docelmoBut are you answering on a DID or just answering in general?
04:41.09zhieri have no any hardware
04:41.26docelmoin sip.conf make sure you specify context=default or something then in your extensions.conf do something like this:
04:41.30WasPhantomso, does anyone have any idea on my issue? ( By issue, I probably really mean inability to RTFM correctly)
04:41.56docelmoexten => s,1,answer  (Provide Answer)
04:42.10docelmoexten => s,2, What do you wanna do with the call..
04:42.13docelmoso on and so forth
04:42.29WasPhantomas a refresher, and apologies to those who have read this all before....
04:42.31docelmoif you wanna answer a DID and do something spacific....
04:42.42docelmoexten => DID,1,Answer
04:42.45zhieroh,thanks,can i dial and answer the phone on the same pc?
04:42.46docelmoyada yada yada
04:43.03WasPhantomexten => _8.,9,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@inoc-dba,90,r)
04:43.03WasPhantomthat is the dial line in my outgoing call.... so when I dial 83856*878 it seems that the call is being sent to the right host, but as 3856878, rather than 3856*878
04:43.09docelmoshould..  Dont understand your exact question
04:43.50zhiercan i dial and answer the same phone on the same pc?
04:44.01docelmoas your * server yes
04:44.44zhieroh!but i can't do this ,i don't know why
04:44.50docelmoI dont believe * will pass your * try a # instead
04:45.10docelmochange your SIP ports
04:45.19docelmo5060 on * and 5061 on the client
04:45.33docelmoPersonally I use multiple computer and Linksys ATA's in my home
04:46.02zhieroh i'll try
04:46.12docelmoNo biggie..
04:46.26docelmoSo whats the adverage going rate for Domestic termination right now?
04:47.21WasPhantoma # seems to do the same....
04:48.14*** part/#asterisk Half_Dome (
04:48.26docelmohmm..  Dont know what to tell you.  Never really tried to pass a alpha numeric string to someone via asterisk.  It may not be possible.
04:48.38docelmoCheck the WIKI for special characters in the Dial Application
04:48.52*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
04:50.29elriahWill the voicemail system play .wav replacements of the vm-??.gsm's in sounds?
04:51.01docelmotheoretically yes.   Personally I never got it to work.  I used sox to convert it.
04:51.27elriahWell, I noticed that sox creates gsm's with some background hissing.
04:51.34elriahso I was shooting for wavs.
04:51.38docelmodepends on your flags
04:51.49elriahGive it to me!  What flags did you use?
04:51.58docelmoI forget what I use..  I got mine from the Yellow * book
04:52.04docelmoworks very well
04:52.13elriahI have that book.  I'll look it up.
04:52.49docelmoLook in the middle to back it will show a sox command.  But one of the values doesnt work as that book was printed when sox was changed
04:53.10zhierwhere can i buy the Yellow * book?
04:53.15docelmoyes that one
04:53.17elriahamazon has it, really good book.
04:53.27elriahdo I replace -q1 with something else or just leave it off?
04:53.30docelmoBarnes and noble.   A friend just told me he got it there
04:53.34docelmoleave it off
04:53.39elriahThere's also an e-book.
04:53.44dmccollumHas anyone tried to show the xml weather feed on the LCD of a Cisco 7940/60?
04:53.45elriahYea, that's what I did, got hissing.
04:54.04docelmoelriah call 800-481-5076  all voice prompts were converted with sox
04:54.05elriahMaybe the hissing won't be noticeable on the phone, I've been playing it on the console through my pc speakers.
04:54.38zhiere-book? where is the url?
04:55.17docelmodmccollum, nope. But I have been thinking about trying it for an upcoming project I am working on
04:55.19elriahI called, those prompts have that same hissing I was talking about.   Maybe I'm just being picky.
04:55.29docelmoI dont notice them..  hmm
04:56.05elriahWell, maybe it's my waves are so clear ...
04:56.11docelmoI have been looking for a windows version of an application to save gsm format.  But so far have been unsuccessful
04:56.17elriahdoesn't matter if the vm won't play the .wav's.
04:56.19pigpenIf I were to hook my vonage ata to a sipura fxo...then have * grap on to it bad would it sound?
04:56.31pigpenjust temp...until my pri is delivered...
04:56.54docelmopig just pump vonage directly into your * box as a sip client
04:57.11docelmoSearch the Asterisk-users list's..   I saw it there last week I belive
04:57.27pigpenvonage only works with the softphone stuff..not the primary account
04:57.41pigpenyeah..I was bummed.
04:57.52docelmoIm waiting on my 3 DS3's to be installed so I can get * up and running
04:58.06pigpenonly 3?
04:58.22docelmo3 in the us and 2 DS3's of E1's in the UK
04:59.22pigpenhow many phones off one asterisk box?
04:59.36docelmodont know.. Im planning to cluster
04:59.43docelmo10 * boxes to start
04:59.57pigpenhmm...I would love to see your config files...
05:00.04dmccollumCan't you use the Vonage main number off the ATA box they give you into the X100?
05:00.24pigpenIt looks like I may be thrown into large deployemnts soon...
05:00.30docelmoall configs are going to be done in mysql
05:00.41docelmoAnd I am using a front end router
05:00.45docelmowell sip
05:00.53pigpenwhat front end router?
05:01.05elriahthe audio file vm-INBOX.gsm, what is it saying?  sounds like 'view'
05:01.08pigpenyep..that was I was thinking..
05:01.29docelmoThen again I may just use a F5 I dont know yet.  Looking at a couple configs
05:02.02docelmoI just bought 2 AS5850's for my DS3's I am planning to roll out service in beta late next month
05:02.02pigpenAre you using a custom datbase/config or a project?
05:02.03JohnnyDHi, has anyone got the new Web-Meetme working?
05:02.46docelmoI am using Realtime built in but some things modified for how I want them.  ie reporting..  There is none...
05:02.49pigpenkicks the crap out of the AS5300's
05:03.14docelmoI got one for the US and one for my connection in the UK and I have SS7 connecting it all
05:03.34pigpenCool..does Realtime support Postgresql?
05:03.54docelmoI will have LNP and Number lookups for caller id soon..    I dont know.. I use MySQL
05:04.07pigpenyeah..we pretty much use Postgres...
05:04.42docelmoPig, where do you work?
05:04.50pigpenSA, TX
05:05.16pigpenI am one of 3 owners in a linux consulting company / ISP / Dev work...etc...
05:05.43pigpenyeah..not everyone knows how to handle the 5300/5850's...
05:05.51pigpengood equipment...
05:05.58docelmohehe..  Im a cisco engineer  :)
05:05.58drumkillapigpen: it supports anything under odbc
05:06.13pigpendrumkilla: cool...I am trying to find it...
05:06.29pigpenI was going for it..but just got too busy...
05:07.03docelmono..  CCNA/CCNP  Not IE yet..  I wish
05:07.29pigpenah...ok..I had those and lost them already...along with citrix, M$, etc...
05:07.44pigpenI have no desire anymore for certifications...
05:08.01bjohnsonkhaladan: the fxo will convert the voice to analog signals (you said your pbx extensions were analog phones)
05:08.03pigpenSo what is the site for Realtime...?
05:08.07docelmome either..  With this new venture..  I dont have time to deal with them..
05:08.10bjohnsonkhaladan: the x100p are shit
05:10.09docelmoI have heard alot of up's and downs on the wild cards..   I found just shoving cisco in front does the job pretty well
05:10.34pigpensure....and with DS3's...hey...
05:10.48docelmoWell..  They cost almost nothing
05:11.03docelmoThats why I am wondering what current termination rates run
05:11.15pigpenfor DS3's?
05:11.21docelmocause I am gonna under cut most pricing
05:11.36docelmounlimited incoming and / minute outgoing
05:11.49pigpenAre you a voip provider?
05:12.03docelmoin about 30 or so days
05:12.11Sedoroxdocelmo: what area you service?
05:12.38docelmoI am waiting for my cage, ds3's and internet to be dropped.  I just ordered my gear.  Should be here sometime in the next 2 weeks
05:12.48docelmofor DID's or termination?
05:12.49pigpenWe are looking to do the same thing...but mostly for businesses on a virtual hosting areana...
05:13.04pigpendocelmo: Where are you located?
05:13.11docelmo111 8th
05:13.20pigpenI am in San Antonio, TX
05:13.20docelmoI am physically in Tampa, FL
05:13.29docelmoI spent 2 months there.  USAF!
05:13.43Shido6cool docelmo, ds3's
05:13.49pigpenRandolph, Lackland or Kelly?
05:14.01docelmohehe.. Forgot there were 3..  :)   Lackland
05:14.04docelmoI did basic there
05:14.25docelmoShido you own NuFone right?
05:15.50QwellShido6 works for nufone? :)
05:16.02docelmoI dont know.. I dont keep up..
05:16.03*** join/#asterisk stdio (
05:16.05elriahWhat the hell is up with the tt-monkey sound in sounds?
05:16.10QwellI'm trying to figure out why a woman just answered my newly assigned tollfree DID :P
05:16.28pigpenwell...did she sound hot?
05:16.39Qwellpigpen: umm, I freaked out, and hung up
05:16.49pigpenwell pay attention next time...
05:16.56Qwellat first, I thought I dialed the wrong number, and felt stupid
05:17.07Qwellthen I checked...and checked...and checked...and I had it right
05:17.22docelmoRESPORG's..  Gotta love em
05:17.31stdioelriah: try "weasel-eaten-phonesys"
05:17.43Qwellelriah: or teletubbies-murder
05:17.52stdiooh my
05:18.27elriahI don't see those two ...
05:18.41Qwellelriah: got the latest asterisk-sounds from cvs?
05:19.18elriahNo - using 1.0.5, it comes in a nice, clean debian package.
05:19.31*** join/#asterisk cripito (
05:19.43Qwellminus half the sounds...
05:20.16docelmoHay Shido what do you guys charge for termination?
05:20.21elriahheh .. I have 1.0.7, I pulled it for the new free hold music.
05:20.22Shido62 cents/minute
05:20.25elriahI'll go check them out.
05:20.32*** join/#asterisk pratik (~pratik@
05:21.11pratikgm to everyone
05:21.26QwellShido6: Do you work for nufone or something?
05:21.31*** join/#asterisk Mazda-MX5 (
05:21.37Mazda-MX5hi ,all
05:21.40pratikis it posible to listen to the calls m,ade by asterisk
05:21.45PTG123heh stop whining about your did qwell :)
05:21.51stdiopratik: 12:20 am EST us :)
05:21.52QwellPTG123: It's b0rked :P
05:21.52PTG123that lady stole it from you fair and square
05:22.10PTG123i'll give you a 800 did :)
05:22.12pratikstdio:well 10.30 india
05:22.21stdiopratik: heh :)
05:22.22*** part/#asterisk mwcnetwork (
05:22.30pratikjust kiddin
05:22.31QwellPTG123: I'm probably gonna end up giving this account to my mother-in-law now
05:22.41stdiopratik: that must mean it's wednesday :)
05:22.47Mazda-MX5I have stupid question,Asterisk for SIP is SIP server or SIP proxy ? or both ?
05:22.47PTG123we'll sell her one too ;)
05:22.49pratikyes ti is
05:22.51QwellPTG123: :P
05:22.54PTG123Mazda-MX5: server
05:23.05PTG123well i guess you could treate it like a proxy
05:23.09PTG123so lets say both ;)
05:23.19docelmoyou can proxy or pass data
05:23.21Mazda-MX5PTG123 > can not setting for proxy ?
05:23.22docelmoyour choice
05:23.26stdioMazda-MX5: don't call it a proxy, they'll hang you for that. *sigh*
05:23.28pratikstdio:tell me is there any way to listen to the calls made by asterisk
05:23.42PTG123if you are using it right, you are sort of proxying :)
05:23.45pratiki have a sipura phone attached with asterisk
05:23.51PTG123re-invite rocks to give you the best connection
05:23.59stdiopratik: I want to say yes... assuming you have a sound card on the console... but I don't know how.
05:23.59Mazda-MX5thank you PTG, stdio ~
05:24.17PTG123but the nice thing is if your not compatible codec wise, it can step in and transcode
05:24.20pratikso i want to listen to the calls made by tghis sipura phone
05:24.30*** join/#asterisk rjburkh (
05:24.32elriahwhat is that tt-monkeys used for anyway?
05:24.46stdiopratik: if you figure out, I wouldn't mind knowing too... we have a ton of spa-841's.
05:25.09PTG123you can record them
05:25.12PTG123but no listen to them live
05:25.19stdiopratik: but the fact that it's sip shouldn't matter .. you should be able to listen to any call i think.
05:25.24pratikwell the sound card i have it in a different pc but in the same network
05:25.32pratikwill that work
05:25.46Mazda-MX5aother 1 question , Asterisk "must" need database or not ?
05:25.49stdioelriah: pure fun. no other purpose.
05:26.14stdioMazda-MX5: nope. you can use a db for extensions and other stuff if you want....
05:26.17*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (some@
05:26.42Mazda-MX5thank you
05:26.58Newbie___hi, anyone successfully using asterisk to connect to ?
05:27.06stdioMazda-MX5: the advantage being, that you can then dynamically change extensions without having to restart asterisk or reload extensions, and you can slap a slick web interface on it and do all the other cool things that db servers can inherently do...
05:28.14stdiopratik: don't think so... PTG123's saying you can't even listen to them... only record...
05:28.54stdioelriah: lots of those sounds seem to be just for fun.
05:29.23PTG123i haven't seen a live listen, although its possible :)
05:29.27PTG123but i don't think it exists
05:29.31Mazda-MX5well ,cdr need database, but I want not install  ant database in platform. can i setting cdr to needless database ?
05:30.03drumkillaMazda-MX5: you do not need a database by default
05:30.23Mazda-MX5thank you , I will see conf docs again ~
05:30.56pratikPTG123:well listening to the calls , nothing much iun detailk is given in the wiki as well
05:32.18pratikand another problem i am facing is i am not able to recieve incoming fwd calls from anywhere
05:34.20*** join/#asterisk dmccollum (
05:35.02*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
05:36.16*** join/#asterisk buu_ (
05:37.07buu_I've got kind of a bizarre AGI thing going on. I'm deep in the middle of a script, I just finished a "WAIT FOR DIGIT " type loop, and the next time I do "STREAM FILE", it instantly returns without streaming the file, but if I repeat that exact command again, it works perfectly
05:37.13buu_Anyone have the vaguest clue where I could look?
05:37.36docelmoDid you write the script?
05:38.03docelmowell minor detail in your script?
05:38.18docelmoI know when I have problems with AGI its usually me causing the problems
05:38.38buu_Well, I'm sure it's me, but I have no idea where to look
05:38.49docelmoWhat was the script coded in?
05:38.51buu_I tried reading from stdin before I print the first STREAM FILE, but nothing is there
05:39.11docelmoouta my league..  I can read and understand but dont know any perl
05:39.33buu_I doubt it's a perl issue
05:39.50docelmoI dont know.. I do all of my AGI in php
05:39.50buu_It kind of feels like there is an extra input hanging around..
05:39.53buu_I'm so sorry.
05:40.02buu_Bad boss?
05:40.11docelmoI am the boss..  I know php fluently
05:40.13stdiomight want to see how another command reacts... does it fail silently the first time, too?
05:40.18docelmoI just prefer to code in it..
05:40.42docelmoI dont like the fact they changed PHPAGI..  I had to adapt 20 scripts to the new version..
05:41.39zhierhow can buy the  VoIP Telephony with Asterisk e-Book?
05:42.08buu_stdio: Yeah, every command fails silently
05:42.12buu_At this particular spot
05:42.24buu_Everything else works perfectly everywhere else =]
05:42.34buu_It kind of seems like theres an extraneous digit hanging about
05:42.43zhierhow can i buy the  VoIP Telephony with Asterisk e-Book?
05:43.26stdiobuu_ it's not the script...
05:43.51stdiobuu_: yep, it's gotta be something looks for more input somewhere...
05:43.57stdiomight want to pastebin it
05:44.07stdioalthough i shudder...
05:44.31docelmoahh well all..  off to bed I go..
05:45.08zhierwhat time?
05:45.40buu_stdio: Eh, I suppose
05:45.49buu_It's mildly long though, I don't really have a test case
05:46.29stdiobuu_: yeh, not much we can do :( At least you have a rough idea of the problem now, though
05:46.57buu_I do "wait for digit"
05:46.59buu_read from stdin..
05:47.24stdiois this in a macro?
05:47.30buu_Um. No
05:47.35buu_Because perl doesn't have macros
05:47.38buu_Most of the time
05:47.51stdiothey call them there things functions :)
05:47.52*** part/#asterisk JohnnyD (
05:48.08buu_I can't think of a single language where macros and functions are equivalent
05:48.18stdioarright. procedures.
05:48.40stdiopascal :)
05:48.46buu_Almost as bad I suppose
05:48.49stdioi dunno. it's late.
05:48.54buu_One of those "dark age" languages
05:49.09stdiobasic isn't functional, so it doesn't even qualify...
05:49.55stdiodon't like the turtle, eh?
05:50.41stdioit's a good way to learn trig.
05:51.39NuggetLEFT 90
05:51.41NuggetFORWARD 10
05:52.29*** join/#asterisk loud (~ariel@
05:52.35*** join/#asterisk jedaustin (
05:53.17jedaustinI finally got my asterisk box to make outbound calls on Broadvoice.. they sound like crap from my Sipura841 phone.. is there a best protocol to select with this thing?
05:54.01loudyou sure have a decent connection ?
05:54.14*** join/#asterisk riksta (
05:54.17jedaustinloud: DSL
05:54.45jedaustinloud: supposed to be up to 1.5m bit
05:55.08loudsipura directly to bv
05:55.55jedaustinloud: the phone can connect directly to broadvoice?
05:56.50loudyou can buy a BYOD (generic) and try
05:57.09*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
05:57.11Newbie___hi, i got an account from and would like to make use of my * to call, any ideas ?
05:57.20loudim sure it shouldnt be a problem at all.
06:00.11Newbie___i tried using examples from and i keep getting Unable to find SIP channels
06:04.04zhierand i want to know how i can get  VoIP Telephony with Asterisk e-book?
06:05.15zhierwho can tell me.thsnks
06:05.29elricgoogle can.
06:05.43zhieri want to download it
06:06.04*** join/#asterisk goobster (
06:06.14elriahAny better * beeps than beep.gsm?
06:06.31elriahfor the e-book
06:06.40zhierand i go to signate web, but i can't get it
06:07.26elricwell buy it online
06:07.43elricand then download
06:08.05elriahOr get the paperback from amazon.  Good read.  Explains about the phone systems in general too.
06:08.14Newbie___i got mine from
06:10.40Mw3damn, they dont ship to hungary :(
06:10.51zhierbut when i go to the url "", i can't find the url for download!
06:11.25elriczhier, you have to pay money
06:11.27elricto download
06:12.01zhieroh,but i don't know how to pay money.
06:12.13elriccredit card
06:12.44*** join/#asterisk cybercobra (
06:12.51zhieroh,and i know
06:13.01*** part/#asterisk cybercobra (
06:14.06qwerpanyone here know how to use super valet parking?
06:14.40kksAnyone can help me to debug my pri call, i'm suffering one minute incomming call drop. I really appreciate help from someone because i have no idea what is the debug msg indicating.
06:15.11*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
06:15.37qwerpanyone? please guide me on super valet parking?
06:16.47Supaplexif we don't answer, we don't know, or you questions isn't a "smart question". (or smart enough).  I still consider myself a * newfie, or I'd say something.
06:18.12*** join/#asterisk terrapen_ (
06:18.45*** part/#asterisk topping (
06:19.10*** part/#asterisk CaT[tm] (
06:21.18*** join/#asterisk Hydroxide (user@Hydroxide.developer.debian)
06:22.14Hydroxidehi, I'm using a CVS HEAD snapshot from Dec 16 2004, and I can't figure out how to tell it to look in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds for my sounds instead of /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
06:22.25Hydroxideit was quite easy to do in asterisk.conf with 1.0.5
06:27.08elriahAnybody here use festival?
06:27.42Hydroxideyeah. I have had it cause asterisk to hang hard needing a kill -9. that's why I'm trying out the lastest Debian-packaged CVS HEAD version to see if it has that bug fixed
06:27.58*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
06:28.09Hydroxideif not I'd be fine using 1.0.x
06:28.40Hydroxide(those version numbers were asterisk version numbers, not festival ones)
06:30.34elriahHydroxide: How's the speech quality?
06:30.59goobsterI haven't been able to get festival to work with asterisk
06:31.13Hydroxideusable for development or hobbyist/noncommercial purposes, but definitely robotic-sounding
06:31.17elriahI've been using swift, the quality is really good.
06:31.41elriahIt's very monotone, but is acceptable I think - swift, that is, I haven't heard festival.
06:31.57Hydroxideelriah: URL for swift, please? and does it already work with asterisk?
06:32.09elriahIt's $$
06:32.32Hydroxidewell, I can't compare the two then ;)
06:32.33elriah$29.00 for the engine, but if you want to have * call it realtime, you need a port licens, it's expensive.
06:32.42elriahYou can download the demo.
06:32.52bkw_new ultimate task... Cybersex via SMS!!! muhahahaha :P
06:32.56Hydroxidenah, no motivation to do so right now
06:33.00Hydroxidethanks though
06:33.11bkw_elriah, WRONG
06:33.13elriahThere's a demo online.
06:33.17*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
06:33.19bkw_you don't have to have a lic for realtime
06:33.27Hydroxideright now I'm trying to figure out how to tell asterisk to look for sounds in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds instead of /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
06:33.31*** join/#asterisk mwgbc (
06:33.41bkw_use the src luke
06:33.50elriahbkw: That's not what I read... Plus I bought the $29.00 license... It only reads one thing at a time, in a queue type fasion.
06:34.05elriahso if there are multiple callers, the second caller has to wait for swift to finish.
06:34.06bkw_depends on how you code it
06:34.15bkw_again depends on how you code it
06:34.19Hydroxidebkw_: shouldn't it be documented? I was able to do it in 1.0.x in asterisk.conf I think
06:34.35elriahYea, I tried that agi sample script - it doesn't allow for interruptions if a tone is pressed.
06:34.36bkw_Hydroxide, same place if ya did it there
06:34.46Hydroxidebkw_: what do you mean?
06:34.58elriahPress 1 for this, 2 for that, the user has to wait for the entire thing to make a choice.
06:35.01Hydroxidebkw_: I didn't have to modify any source in 1.0.x
06:35.04bkw_see this
06:35.04bkw_astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk
06:35.05qwerpbkw_: valet parking is write by u, can i ask some question about it?
06:35.11stdiobkw_: yep, change it in asterisk.conf - but you have to chage the entire var lib dir..
06:35.13bkw_I DID NOT WRITE IT
06:35.16Hydroxidebkw_: right, I've already changed that to /usr/share/asterisk
06:35.23bkw_then use a symlink
06:35.24Hydroxidebkw_: and restarted asterisk
06:35.28qwerpbkw_: sorry..
06:35.29bkw_cd /var/lib/asterisk
06:35.32Hydroxidebkw_: and it still doesn't work
06:35.40stdioit's still looking in /var/lib/asterisk?
06:35.41bkw_mv sounds sounds.old
06:35.52Hydroxidebkw_: I use /var/lib/asterisk/sounds for my locally installed sounds and /usr/share/asterisk/sounds for sounds installed through the Debian packaging system
06:35.53bkw_ln -s /usr/share/asterisk/sounds .
06:35.58Hydroxidewhich is the way it should work
06:36.02bkw_here is what i do
06:36.06bkw_cd /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
06:36.14bkw_ln -s /usr/share/asterisk/sounds local
06:36.19bkw_then playback(local/sound)
06:36.32Hydroxidebut doesn't that break all the standard applications such as Directory?
06:36.49bkw_you're not thinking... so lets move along
06:36.53bkw_BoRiS, how are you
06:37.06rikstalol bkw_ :D
06:37.10Hydroxidebkw_: no need to be rude ... I am definitely thinking. I've even tried stracing the binary, which had really interesting results
06:37.18BoRiSbkw: Not bad........looking at ChanSpy right now <g>
06:37.27bkw_Hydroxide, no you're over thinking... thats what I should have said
06:37.39bkw_and I wasn't being rude.. trust me.. if I were you would know it
06:37.48bkw_I told you how to solve the problem in two ways
06:37.54*** join/#asterisk pascals (
06:38.02bkw_I usually give up after one
06:38.06pascalsGood morning
06:38.15bkw_oh wait that didn't come out right
06:38.23bkw_BoRiS, 996
06:38.31pascalsAnyone have a polycom ip 300/500/600 phone?
06:38.36rikstathat's what ya wife says bkw_ :)
06:38.40BoRiSok...give me a sec :)
06:38.41Beirdobkw_: any reason app_dbodbc isn't included by default? :)
06:38.46bkw_i'm gay boi
06:38.47bkw_I don't have a wife
06:38.54bkw_Beirdo, its lame.. thats why ;)
06:38.57BoRiSHis wifes name is ....
06:38.58bkw_I did that as a learning project
06:39.01Hydroxidebkw_: well, the Directory application tries to play the sound dir-intro-fn. if dir-intro-fn.gsm is in the local/ subdirectory, how will Directory find it?
06:39.19crash3m_anyone have an IP300 -w- firmware version handy that could test something for me?
06:39.21bkw_Hydroxide, no you leave the default sounds where they are
06:39.22Hydroxidebkw_: does it search all subdirectories? that would allow name colisions
06:39.28Beirdowell, it seems to me that's the only way to pull stuff outta a real DB, no?
06:39.36bkw_Hydroxide, on
06:39.38Hydroxidebkw_: the default sounds are in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
06:39.47Hydroxidebkw_: since I installed through Debian packages
06:39.50pascalscrash3m_ do you have the polycom file?
06:39.51bkw_in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
06:39.59bkw_you create a dir or a symlink called local
06:40.04bkw_you keep local sounds there
06:40.07crash3m_pascals: no, but you can get it on
06:40.17bkw_just put the sounds where you want them
06:40.21bkw_and symlink it
06:40.23bkw_it really doesn't matter
06:40.31pascalscrash3m_ thank YOU!
06:40.38crash3m_pascals: no problem
06:40.45Hydroxidebkw_: the default sounds are not and have never been in /var/lib/asterisk on my system, since I installed through Debian packages, and I want them to live where the Debian package management system will upgrade them when I upgrade my system
06:40.53crash3m_pascals: been searching for them long?
06:40.55pascalsI spent half a day looking for that, last monday
06:41.13Hydroxidebkw_: it really shouldn't be so hard to have asterisk look elsewhere ... if it's not possible then it's at least a minor bug
06:41.24bkw_no its not a bug thats for sure
06:41.30bkw_I bet debian patched it
06:41.45bkw_let me look i bet it takes me 2 seconds to find this
06:41.54Hydroxideoh I'm sure I can find it too
06:41.55crash3m_pascals: lol, I swear polycom makes them impossible to locate
06:42.06bkw_asterisk.h:#define AST_SOUNDS AST_VAR_DIR "/sounds"
06:42.19pascalscrash3m_ I really don't understand a policy like that...
06:42.22bkw_it will be in your var/sounds
06:42.32bkw_if it was changed in asterisk.conf
06:42.36bkw_or in the debian package
06:42.39bkw_you'll have to patch it
06:42.58pascalsThe only people interested would be the phone users, and any competitor interested enough would be able to get a copy anyway
06:43.23Hydroxidewildcard:~# grep varlibdir /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
06:43.23Hydroxideastvarlibdir => /usr/share/asterisk
06:43.23Hydroxidewildcard:~# ls -l /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/beep.gsm
06:43.23Hydroxide-rw-r--r--  1 root root 726 2004-12-16 20:50 /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/beep.gsm
06:43.36bkw_as it should be
06:43.38Hydroxideeven with a properly configured astvarlibdir setting in asterisk.conf, it can't find beep when I do Playback(beep)
06:43.39bkw_thats what you want right?
06:43.50crash3m_pascals: which model of polycom do you have?
06:43.51Hydroxideit is, but it doesn't find the sounds. it does find my agi-bin directory
06:43.51bkw_show me what the CLI output says
06:43.53rvhianyone has problem with polycom phone registration with the server?
06:44.15bkw_crank up the logger.conf console line to include debug,notice,warning
06:44.17rvhii have a few phones, all same setting, register and expire=600 in phone.xml config
06:44.28rvhisome sends register in 300 sec
06:44.42rvhisome sends 1800 sec
06:44.42Beirdois there any external way to load up/manipulate the asterisk database that DBput/DBget use?
06:44.42Hydroxidealready does, as well as error ... one sec
06:44.44rvhisome sends 600 sec
06:45.16pascalsrvhi: I don't see my phones register very often, but that doesn't seem to affect proper function
06:45.41pascalsrvhi: Mind you, I have dhcp set to always issue the same IP to the same phone
06:46.12HydroxideMar 23 01:45:48 DEBUG[9115]: pbx.c:1259 pbx_extension_helper: Launching 'Playback'
06:46.15HydroxideMar 23 01:45:48 WARNING[9115]: file.c:475 ast_openstream: File beep does not exist in any format
06:46.18HydroxideMar 23 01:45:48 WARNING[9115]: file.c:779 ast_streamfile: Unable to open beep (format ulaw): No such file or directory
06:46.21HydroxideMar 23 01:45:48 WARNING[9115]: app_playback.c:83 playback_exec: ast_streamfile failed on SIP/51-fe8b for beep
06:46.35Hydroxideand I showed you already that it is there
06:46.48elriahI only caught part of that, did you find a better 'beep'?
06:46.57Hydroxidean strace showed it looking in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds for that file but not at all in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
06:47.15Hydroxideelriah: no, I'm using it as a generic test sound to debug sound file location issues
06:47.56bkw_Hydroxide, I see whats up
06:48.01bkw_looking at it more
06:48.45*** part/#asterisk mwgbc (
06:49.43bkw_AST_SOUNDS isn't used ANYWHERE
06:49.56Hydroxidehehe, wow
06:50.39bkw_thats dumb
06:51.26terrapen_anyone use SBC DSL?
06:51.30bkw_you using cvs-stable?
06:51.55mishehuterrapen_: I do, unfortunately.
06:52.12terrapen_i need high speed internet
06:52.18mishehuStupid Bastard Cocksuckers
06:52.18terrapen_that doesnt cost $60/month
06:52.19bkw_I think ast_fileexists is at fault
06:52.22terrapen_or require contracts
06:52.32mishehuterrapen_: good luck.
06:52.38mishehudoesn't exist as far as I know.
06:52.44mishehuat least not in the usa
06:52.46elriahWhat'st he exten => 8500(???) to pass the callerid?
06:52.48terrapen_RoadRunner is like $40/mo but i dont want cable TV
06:53.31terrapen_i'm following the Dave Ramsey approach and cutting all non-essential indulgences from my life
06:53.36terrapen_i dont need cable
06:53.36bkw_go lok at ast_buildfilename
06:53.39Hydroxidethis is a cvs head snapshot from dec 16, which is the latest I can find a Debian package for. I'm perfectly willing to try switching to cvs-stable or any other version, esp. if you're going to apply a patch now
06:53.43Hydroxideah, okay
06:53.45terrapen_i'm going to sell my payphone
06:53.45Hydroxidelet me download cvs-stable
06:53.53terrapen_and sell this bosch washer/dryer
06:54.28bkw_Hydroxide, show me your exact extensions.conf entry
06:54.28terrapen_i wish my neighbors had wifi
06:54.28terrapen_i would be content leeching off of them
06:54.32bkw_Hydroxide, no
06:54.34bkw_use cvs-head
06:54.37bkw_thats what i'm working with
06:54.37Hydroxideexten => 4,1,Playback(beep)
06:54.39bkw_just checking to see
06:54.44Beirdosell your payphone?
06:54.50mishehupay your cellphone?
06:54.50Beirdodidn'y you JUST get it?
06:54.52terrapen_i don't need it
06:54.56bkw_did you restart asterisk after you set the new vardir?
06:55.00terrapen_its not even unwrapped, beirdo
06:55.11Hydroxidebkw_: should I download a newer version than dec 16 2004? it would not be in a debian package, but I will do it if there is a useful reason to
06:55.15Hydroxidebkw_: yes, several times
06:55.18terrapen_im determined to get out of most of my debt in a year
06:55.20Beirdowhat kinda geek buys a toy then wants to immediately get rid of it
06:55.31terrapen_i have like $4100 in debt
06:55.42mishehuuse the payphone to reclaim some of your debt?
06:55.51terrapen_well, plus $20,500 in student loans but they are so low-interest that they don't matter much
06:56.00mishehuget a payphone to sell, so you can pay your cellphone...
06:56.06mishehumakes sense
06:56.08terrapen_beirdo: remorseful geeks like mine
06:56.15terrapen_oh, and the cell phone
06:56.19terrapen_i will keep that i guess
06:56.26terrapen_but i should nix it
06:56.27Beirdotoo bad you ain't in Toronto
06:56.28terrapen_and just do VoIP
06:56.32terrapen_its $50/mo
06:56.40terrapen_at least that actually
06:56.55Beirdokeep the payphone
06:56.57bkw_Hydroxide, ya do that.. latest CVS
06:56.58bkw_check it
06:57.00Beirdoditch the cellphone
06:57.00bkw_I have to go to bed
06:57.07terrapen_beirdo, i dont know how to program the payphone
06:57.08bkw_in two min
06:57.15terrapen_it needs some funky-ass windows app to set it up
06:57.22terrapen_and i will need to connect it to a POTS line for htis
06:57.26terrapen_err this
06:57.29BeirdoI'm sure you can get it working :)
06:57.31terrapen_i think i will just ebay it back
06:57.43Beirdoheh.  Have fun then :)
06:57.50terrapen_beirdo, but if i spend that time on doing a consulting gig instead...
06:57.57terrapen_beirdo, wanna buy it?
06:58.07Hydroxidebkw_: thanks. I'll compile and test it out. should I let you know how it goes in some manner?
06:58.14BeirdoI have no use for it without a house :)
06:58.23Beirdoand I don't wanna pay shipping
06:58.27Beirdonor customs
06:58.36terrapen_i just had this huge...what is the word...awakening...moment of clarity... that i want to be completely debt-free
06:58.40bkw_Hydroxide, I'm always here
06:58.48Hydroxidebkw_: okay then. enjoy bed.
06:58.51Hydroxideand thanks again
07:02.24SexyKenAnyone know what this does: switch => Realtime/default@extensions
07:03.22rjburkhhello again, please what does 'modprobe: can't locate module zaptel' mean?
07:07.20rikstarjburkh: are you joking or what?
07:10.19cobrycerjburkh:  Probably that your zaptel module isn't installed.
07:10.43Beirdoanyone wanna try sending me a test fax?
07:10.55cobrycearea code?
07:11.30BeirdoI'm not sure if I caught all the places...
07:11.36BeirdoI'll try it from work tomorrow :)
07:11.49Beirdoanyonw have fax transmission behaving?
07:12.36cobryceSo I realise that a SIP "address" can simply be given as exten@server, but what would the syntax be for an IAX2 address?
07:14.00cobryceNot quite what I meant
07:14.17cobryceBut close enough :)
07:14.19rjburkhyou guys are good
07:15.56cobryceyup, that's us
07:16.19rjburkhwant to try another?
07:16.33rjburkhlinux-2.4/include/linux/kernel.h:60: invalid suffix on integer constant
07:17.19cobryceIs that an error or just a warning?
07:18.17rjburkhit the first line of error in my attempt to compile zaptel-1.0.7
07:18.33cobryceHow recent are your kernel headers?
07:19.50*** join/#asterisk BlueMuscle (
07:20.15BlueMuscleI asked last night and nobody was sure, but is anyone aware of a bug or other reason that my 'show queue' would show 1681339180 callers waiting?
07:20.35QwellBlueMuscle: Did you get famous overnight? :)
07:20.45rjburkhdo you mean kernel headers as in linux-2.4.20-8
07:20.48BlueMuscleYes I did.
07:21.09BlueMuscleI started an American Idol voting system.
07:22.03modulus_linux sucks
07:22.10BlueMuscleNo, but seriously, it has done this a few times, and occasionally the 'max' value will also change to some high number and then at some point the 'holding' can exceed the 'max' (they both get up in the millions, sometimes one a million or two above the other) and therefore it stops allowing callers.
07:22.41BlueMuscleJust thought I'd check back in again to see if anyone new had popped in that may have experienced this.
07:25.27SexyKendoes anyone know what class 5 switching is?
07:27.40QwellSexyKen: Try here maybe.
07:28.41QwellI know for sure brettnem knows
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07:45.43rjburkhcobryce, thanks for the tips.  I better go to sleep on it.
07:54.05*** join/#asterisk langals (~icechat5@
07:54.46ta[i]ntedanyone here familiar with digium's 729 codec?
07:55.55modulus_nope it costs money
07:56.04modulus_hi tainted
07:56.14ta[i]ntedhey what's up
07:56.16ta[i]ntedhow's your app going
07:56.31modulus_it's still running
07:56.34langalsHi there. When I run asterisk in the console I get the following error: "WARNING[1670]: chan_oss.c:269 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable". This is repeated about 10 times. Does anyone have any idea what this is about?
07:56.50*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
07:56.54modulus_tainted, got a big buyer for phone cards
07:57.15ta[i]ntedhow big
07:57.29modulus_couple hundred thousand cards
07:58.33ta[i]ntedthat's pretty big
07:58.45modulus_i'd tell you the buyer but it's a secret
07:58.56ta[i]ntedisn't it always
07:59.01modulus_you'd never believe that they'd purchase so many calling cards
08:00.08ta[i]ntedcool man
08:00.17RoyKthey need it for all those 0900 cdalls.....
08:00.28modulus_tainted, you buy g729 license?
08:00.54modulus_how's the quality?
08:01.02ta[i]nteddunno yet
08:01.31ta[i]ntedwill let u know in a couple of days
08:12.50*** join/#asterisk Andrey_Kirov (
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08:27.20mutilatormornin all
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08:51.40Makenshiare there any known issues running asterisk on x86_64 cpus?
08:51.51RoyKnot that I know of
08:52.28*** join/#asterisk jojoba (~jojoba@
08:53.23jojobahi, could any one help me?
08:53.48RoyKI'm using several servers with intel em64t (athlon64 licenced stuff)
08:54.27Makenshiyip, same here
08:54.48Makenshijust that i replaced my * server, and theres some strange behaviour going on
08:54.56Makenshii installed lates stable yesterday
08:55.04RoyKwhat strange stuff?
08:55.22Makenshiwith sip calling, a lot of inbound and outband calls are failing
08:55.37RoyKwhat does sip debug say?
08:55.41RoyKpastebin it.....
08:58.42Makenshicome on pastebin..
09:01.07Makenshiwhile im waiting for that
09:01.26Supaplexhehe :)
09:01.32Supaplexjust about eh?
09:01.37Makenshithe server is multihomed, one public, one private
09:01.43Supaplexreminds me of an old, but good tagline.
09:01.56Makenshii configured sip.conf just to listen on the public network facing interface
09:02.22Makenshii did a packet capture and its showing packets from, and to(!) it's private facing interface
09:02.36Makenshifrom my sip provider
09:05.23Makenshi and
09:08.57RoyKbetter paste the whole setup and teardown
09:11.48p1tst0p-- Got SIP response 481 "Call Does Not Exist" back from
09:11.52Makenshiit seems like it's trying to register with the first interface only, which is on a private network
09:11.58p1tst0panyone know how i can resolve that ^
09:12.08Makenshieven though i told it to bind to the address of the public facing interface
09:12.28*** join/#asterisk yxa (~void@
09:12.44p1tst0pi am using a Avaya 4602 phone.. and i keep seeing that, which in turn render's the phone un usable after a few minute's.
09:15.54DannyFmorning folks
09:16.45RoyKMakenshi: why multihomed?
09:16.49MakenshiRoyK, is there a configuration directive to specify what ip address asterisk should use for registering with other sip proxies?
09:17.09MakenshiRoyK, authentication services are only available on the private network
09:17.18Makenshi(ie, ldap, radius)
09:18.45*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
09:19.38*** join/#asterisk SPoon_TSX (~SPoon_TSX@wm20hb.34.ADSL.NetSurf.Net)
09:20.11SPoon_TSXHello everyone out there.I got a quick questions. Do I need to have a Sound Card in order to make MusicOnHold work?
09:20.25Makenshii think i know the problem
09:20.28Makenshi(kills self)
09:20.34RoyKMakenshi: what?
09:20.56Makenshii havent changed the default route from the internatal gateway ><
09:21.11RoyKMakenshi: idiot!
09:21.37Makenshigot there in the end
09:21.44RoyKdefault gateway: wgere tge other guys are. local networks: rip/ospf/static routes
09:22.22SPoon_TSXRaYmAn-Bx: Thanks. Then I think I might not have the mpg123 install properly then. Since everytime when I get the channel on hold, it say something like starting the music on hold but it will just show the message that it was stopped in 1 second.
09:22.58Makenshiwell, its internal interface is running dhcp
09:23.11Makenshino excuse though
09:23.49SPoon_TSXbtw, I am just wondering is it possible to make multipule SIP client as a group? Just like how we did on Zap Channel where you can assign a group?
09:24.23RaYmAn-BxSPoon_TSX: you might want to look at making sure you have the right version of mpg123
09:24.42Makenshithat explains all the problems :)
09:26.31RoyKMakenshi: servers on dhcp? idiot!
09:27.23MakenshiRoyK, yes, static addresses set using dhcp
09:28.46Makenshivery useful to keep configuration parameters up to date
09:28.54Makenshirather than having to change it on a whole bunch of servers
09:29.13*** join/#asterisk zhier (~nick@
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09:29.35SPoon_TSXHello everyone, just wondering can I assign SIP client to a group?
09:29.50*** join/#asterisk Fabe_ (
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09:36.42*** join/#asterisk CP-Alex (~sales@
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09:37.05CP-AlexHello All
09:37.11RoyKSPoon_TSX: ..--..
09:38.09SPoon_TSXRoyK: hahaa.. btw, do you know if I can group multipules SIP extension and do something lke a rollover extension list?
09:38.22CP-Alexcan anyone tell me what is the integer based amaflags? my system show 3 in mysqldb.
09:38.39*** join/#asterisk meppl (
09:38.42mepplguten morgen
09:39.47RoyKGuten Morgen, herr meppl
09:39.54mepplguten morgen royk
09:40.09RoyKSPoon_TSX: I don't understand what you're trying to do......
09:41.29langalsHi there. When I run asterisk in the console I get the following error: "WARNING[1670]: chan_oss.c:269 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable". This is repeated about 10 times. Does anyone have any idea what this is about?
09:41.36*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
09:41.54SPoon_TSXRoyK: okay. What I want is I want to ring a group of extension which is a SIP Client, if the 1st one is not picking up the call, it will try to ring the second one.
09:42.10*** join/#asterisk darby_t (
09:42.51RoyKSPoon_TSX: use a queue :)
09:43.47Andrey_Kirovlangals: Your sound card used by over process (artsd for example)
09:44.24SPoon_TSXRoyK: Queue? Is it a Dial Cmd?
09:44.35RoyKshow application queue
09:44.44RoyKsee queues.conf
09:45.18langalsAndrey_Kirov: So is it not really a problem then?
09:46.55jojobaIs anyone know why asterisk return SIP 200OK message immdediatly after dial FXO channel?
09:47.08jojobaI configured asterisk to tranfer all SIP call to FXO channel
09:48.24Drukenbecause fxo picks up the right after dial... unless you have callprogress=yes set
09:48.37Drukenand even then, call progress isn't the greastest...
09:49.05Fraegglhi all
09:49.23Fraeggldo i have to always register sip phones ?
09:49.24Drukenor, let me rephrase that... FXO is considered anwered immediately after dial
09:49.26jojobathanks, let me try
09:49.28Fraeggleven if i use staic ips ?
09:50.12langalsWould anyone be able to help me get Meetme working? I am having a bit of a problem
09:50.12DrukenFraeggl: all my phones register on their own... and they are all on statics
09:50.58Drukenlangals: do you have a digium card in your server?
09:51.20FraegglDruken: so, show ip registry is not empty ?
09:51.49langalsno - I am trying to use Ztdummy
09:52.03Drukenlangals: k :) just checking :)
09:52.22langalsI installed the Zaptel package after I installed the Asterisk package - is this a problem
09:52.37DrukenFraeggl: my registry's are empty, but that is because i use realtime
09:53.03Drukenlangals: yes.. you have to rebuilt asterisk with zaptel, i belive
09:53.18Andrey_Kirovlangals: No
09:53.20FraegglDruken: how can i know then the phone registered sucesfully ? is it enough if i shows in show peers ?
09:53.44*** join/#asterisk christo (
09:53.45Andrey_Kirovlangals: I installed Zaptel after Asterisk and i hav no broblem
09:53.45langalsI will show you the error I get.....
09:53.47DrukenFraeggl: how many phones are you talking?
09:53.48christomorning all
09:54.19FraegglDruken: just 2, with static ips... should be a test-setup, but cant get it working...
09:54.27langalsI can dial between 2 softphones no problem, but when I try and dial into a conference I get the follow error (from SIP debug).....
09:54.50FraegglDruken: they appear in sip show peers, but i cant dial each other (i think the dialplanshould be ok)
09:55.12langalspbx.c:1291 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Meetme' for extension (from-sip, 1234, 1)
09:55.21DrukenFraeggl: if they are in sip peers, then they registered
09:55.30christoI broke something quite beautifully yesterday. Now I can't get one of our * servers to dial another. The system attempts to set up a sip channel, then dies with "chan_sip.c:6811 handle_response: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE.."  Does anybody recognise that error message?
09:55.37Drukenlangals: modules.conf
09:55.44christoperhaps it's the way the users/peers are set up in the sip.conf at either end?
09:56.16langalswhat [...] in extensions should the conference extension be under - is [from-sip] correct?
09:56.28FraegglDruken: but if i do a "sip show peer 21" e.g. the Fucc Contact field stays empty, could this be the problem ?
09:56.40Andrey_Kirovlangals: You don't load app_meetme module
09:57.02langalsWhen and how should I load this module?
09:57.08FraegglDruken: i try to dial them with "Dial(SIP/21)" in the dialplan..
09:57.19Andrey_Kirovlangals: Promt in your asterisk console "show modules"
09:57.58langalswhat is the meetme module called?
09:58.22Andrey_Kirovlangals:check file /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/             MeetMe conference bridge                 0
09:58.54Drukenthat's what yer missing :)
10:00.05Drukencan someone remind me why the hell i'm up at 5am ?
10:00.32Pj386Druken: 'cause at 4am you said "Hmm... coffee"
10:00.47langalsI cannot seem to find in that folder
10:01.04FraegglDruken: thx for your help so far, could you please send me yous sip.conf and perhaps the output of "sip show peer <onephone>" ?
10:01.19Drukeni think it was more because the wife woke my ass up at 4am, getting ready for work...
10:01.45DrukenFraeggl: as i told you, my sip show peer doesn't show anything
10:01.54Drukenad my sip.conf is blank
10:01.58Andrey_Kirovlangals: Can you find this file in you asterisk source directory?
10:02.03Drukeni use realtime for my sip
10:02.12langalswill look for it
10:02.25*** join/#asterisk jonas (
10:02.27FraegglDruken: realtime, ok, will look out for that, thx
10:03.25*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
10:03.42Andrey_KirovCan I add args to the macro in asterisk 1.07?
10:03.50Andrey_Kirovor only cvs version?
10:06.43langalsAndrey_Kirov: I cannot seem to locate that file anywhere
10:08.06Andrey_Kirovlangals: Your asterisk compiled without this module
10:09.26*** join/#asterisk montag___ (
10:09.55Andrey_Kirovlangals: hmm, i look at MakeFile at /<asterisk source>/apps
10:10.06montag___i've buyed a Voismart Sip Phone 302 (a rebranded Planet VIP-152T), i've a proble during call, sometime the phone do a reset, any tips ?
10:10.10*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
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10:10.49Andrey_Kirovlangals: This module can't compile without zaptel :) sorry
10:11.07Andrey_Kirovlangals: just rebuild asterisk now
10:12.40langalsAndrey_Kirov: Sorry, I am fairly new to linux. To recompile Asterisk do I just do the same as initial compile / install?
10:13.43langalsAs in "make clean; make install"?
10:13.55RoyKmake clean install
10:15.05*** join/#asterisk n4y (
10:16.18p1tst0p-- Got SIP response 481 "Call Does Not Exist" back from <-- i get this if i add "Mailbox=" on my extention, the phone is an Avaya 4602 IP phone, with SIP image.
10:18.22p1tst0pafter a couple of mins, phone refuses to work ';)  im new to Asterisk, and i can fix it by removing the "Mailbox=", but i want to have voicemail, what will removing "Mailbox=" not allow me too do ?
10:18.49*** join/#asterisk gst (
10:21.59Mavvie <- slightly interesting for here.
10:23.42*** join/#asterisk __a (user@
10:24.14pratikhello everyone i m still facing problem with my incoming FWD
10:24.32pratikthe out going calls is not a problem
10:24.37__ai'm writing an asterisk app, and would like to dial a number within the application
10:24.54__ai'm using ast_spawn_extension but that overwrites my apps CDR
10:25.17__aany idea what to use to have a new CDR for the outgoing call from within the app?
10:25.49PoWeRKiLL__a forkcdr
10:26.39pratiki have checked my extensions.conf and the iax.conf many times but still i am not able tyo figure otu the problem
10:30.56langalsAndrey_Kirov: I recompiled and now is installed. But still throwing a whole lot of errors
10:33.14pratikany clue why is it not working
10:38.48Madd0hi, what kind of hardware would I need if I want the phone to ring in one location, then forward the call over the Internet to answer using a softphone (or VoIP phone) at another location?
10:39.01Madd0I'm new to voip and I'm just starting to understand how this works...
10:40.00pratikwell any FWD experts here
10:44.24Andrey_Kirovlangals: What kind of error>
10:47.43pascalsWhat I am doing wrong with Record(/tmp/new:gsm); Wait,1; Playback(/tmp/new) - sometimes it records, sometimes it leaves an empty file.
10:48.31pascalsActually, it is about 50/50
10:48.35langalsSorry - app_meetme.c:227 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo channel - trying device
10:49.31langalsand "chan_zap.c:763 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': Nos such device
10:49.33pratikpascals:tell me one thing can i record and listen to the calls whcih i make through asterisk
10:50.08langals..and chan_zap.c:6700 chandup: Unable to dup channel: No such device....
10:50.30langalsThe chan_zap errors come before the app_meetme error
10:50.34pascalspratik: you should be able to, use Monitor()
10:50.54pratiki used it in the extensions.conf
10:51.22pascalspratik: I don't know - haven't played with it yet
10:51.35christowhen should I use 'restart now' and when should I just use 'reload' ?
10:51.36pratiki have a sipura phone attached with my asterisk , and i ewantr to listen to the calls which i make through it
10:55.44christoguys, if I change my dialplan and sip.conf and other bits and pieces, should I just reload asterisk, or actually restart it with 'restart now'
10:56.13christowhen is 'restart now' required?
10:56.48pascalswhen the manual says it is ;-)
10:58.42Andrey_Kirovlangals: zaptel driver is properly installed?
10:59.38Andrey_Kirovlangals: lsmod | grep zaptel
11:00.48langalswhere must I execute that command? Does not seem to work
11:00.52christopascals - aye
11:01.04langalsI don't have any Zaptel software, so am trying to use ZtDummy
11:01.26langalsWould i still need the Zaptel driver?
11:01.33Andrey_Kirovlangals: ZtDummy only?
11:01.34*** join/#asterisk lespiggot (~les@
11:02.12langalsyes - i believe that is possible
11:03.46langalsbasically that command you gave me returns nothing
11:04.07Andrey_Kirovlangals: that's right
11:04.28SexyKenHey guys - I need a good way to run multiple companies from a single Asterisk server.
11:04.49MavvieSexyKen: jail them
11:05.12SexyKenFor intance, Company A, B and C may all have an extenion 200, but each one will go to a different person (phone).
11:05.27MavvieSexyKen: properly context them
11:05.33SexyKenMavvie - Jail them? Then the ports get fubarred. I want a single Asterisk system.
11:05.54SexyKenMavvie - Are there any documents out there that would walk through this?
11:06.04MavvieSexyKen: none which I can give you.
11:06.29Andrey_Kirovlangals: hmm. I am not sure what it work only with ztdummy
11:06.42Andrey_Kirovlangals: ztdummy module is loaded?
11:06.55langalsmmm....will look
11:07.25langalsDo you know what the ztdummy module is called?
11:07.29Makenshiyou need zaptel to use ztdummy
11:07.38Makenshithe module is called ztdummy
11:07.44Makenshilsmod should show something like this..
11:07.56MakenshiModule                  Size  Used by
11:07.56Makenshiztdummy                 5472  0
11:07.56Makenshizaptel                198568  5 ztdummy
11:08.18langalsWhere do I specify that the module should be loaded?
11:08.23Makenshiyou will need to alter the makefile when building zaptel because ztdummy is not built by default
11:08.39Makenshilangals, it depends upon your system
11:08.40langalsI did that - I uncomment #ztdummy
11:08.46Makenshimine is /etc/modules.conf
11:09.34Makenshicould be /etc/modprobe.conf
11:09.38Makenshior you can load it by hand also
11:09.52Makenshii use the init script (zaptel.init)
11:09.56langalsfound modules.conf in asterisk folder
11:10.36Makenshinot that one :)
11:11.14langalsfound /etc/modules.conf
11:11.24Andrey_Kirovlangals: make ztdummy.o, make install, modprobe ztdummy
11:11.43langalshas a line at the bottom  - post-install ztdummy /sbin/ztcfg
11:12.28christoguys, I'm trying to work out the exact difference between 'restart now' and 'reload' at the CLI. I can't find this in the docs somehow. I want to know more than just 'reload reloads configs' and 'restart restarts asterisk'.
11:12.29langalsmust I put that in the the modules.conf file?, or execute from the command line?
11:13.49Delvarchristo: restart cills all calls, reload doesnt
11:13.53Andrey_Kirovlangals: execute from command line
11:13.56Delvarcills = kills
11:14.07langalsshould I be in the Zaptel directory?
11:15.26christoDelvar - mmmkay
11:15.28*** join/#asterisk tandrews (
11:15.51christoDelvar - does reload not reset the zap channels?
11:16.16tandrewshi *
11:16.42Delvarchristo: as far as i know, it doesn't. to change config on zaptel you usualy have to restart
11:17.09Drukenchristo: yes, to reset zaptel configs you must restart
11:17.29pratikcan any one help me out with my FWD issue
11:18.57langalswhen I go go - modprobe ztdummy it comes up with "/lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/usb/usb-uhci.o: init_module: No such device Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
11:19.57Drukenlangals: let me give ya a lil advice, go on ebay, and get a 6 dollar FXO card, and use it simply for a timing device
11:20.08Drukeni personally don't trust ztdummy :)
11:20.52langalsis that the Zaptel card? Is it a network card?
11:21.02Drukenit's a zaptel card
11:21.57Drukenthere ya go, $1.00 :)
11:22.03SexyKenNo one knows of any good gui's for asterisk?
11:22.39DelvarSexyKen: 'good'? i know of a couple
11:23.30Drukendefine gui :)
11:23.44Drukenthere are soo many things you may want to see
11:23.57Delvarwell there is , its free, but looks crap, never used it properly tho
11:24.13Drukeni use FOP :)
11:24.16pratikcan any one help me out with my FWD issue
11:25.13Delvarthen there is, NOT free, looks a lot better, works ok, totaly propriatry and everything is done via AGI with very little you can do via modifying extensions.conf
11:25.19mstoccoSexyKen: or you can do what I did and write your own
11:25.47SexyKenmstocco - What does your GUI do?
11:26.08SexyKenDelvar - Yea -- Bicom SUCKS.
11:26.25pratikmstocco:do you have your astguiclient set up
11:26.27mstoccoSexyKen: manages callcenters
11:26.40SexyKenmstocco, Does it run on static or realtime?
11:27.31mstoccopratik: I wrote mine in coldfusion and yes, I have two centers running right now
11:28.00mstoccoSexyKen: from asterisk's point of view it is static
11:28.05*** join/#asterisk memic (
11:28.08pratikwow thats great
11:28.17SexyKenmstocco, I see - but you use AGI's to make it database based?
11:28.46mstoccopratik: one in Hollywood Florida and one in Beverly Hills California
11:28.57ennuyeux72SexyKey: what sort of Bicom problems have u come across
11:28.59pratikmstocco:i have almost setup the astguiclient but then i am not sure how to proceed
11:29.57pratiki have proceeded from the site
11:29.58mstoccoSexyKen: I use two AGI scripts written in python
11:30.00SexyKenmstocco, Does your syste run multile companies under one instance of asterisk? For instance, 3 companies can have an extension '200' but depending on what company it's assigned to, it'll ring a different person.
11:30.43mstoccoSexyKen: If my customer wants something like that I would set it up , yes
11:31.17pratikmstocco:well can u set it up for me,
11:31.25SexyKenennuyeux72, Bicom charged me an outrageous amount of money then gave me a client that was based on the manager api and had to run off their servers, then they installed a local version. It crashed my server bi-hourly and didn't do havlf the shit it was supposed to.
11:31.56pratiki have got ill i get the screen where i can add the phone numbers , add a server and all
11:32.17SexyKenmstocco, How quick could you get a working system setup that will host 3 companies and would support 'extension roaming' and have a decent cdr viewer and user management gui.
11:32.18mstoccopratik: what I wrote is not based off of astguiclient
11:33.13pratikbcos what i wanted was that we have a server in UK and i eanted to connect that server to asterisk
11:33.26Drukenall my shit is custom dialplan stuff, everything taken from the database.. but that's because i hate changing the dialplan :)
11:34.40SexyKenmstocco, you there?
11:34.44mstoccoSexyKen: define user management?
11:34.59mstoccoSexyKen: South Florida
11:35.37SexyKenAdd Extensions to selelcted companies, remove them, edit caller id per extenson, assign user a agent#, edit call forwarding or call abilities etc.
11:36.05SexyKenAnd edit a callers ability to dial out, limit to certain extensions or only local within certain area codes etc.
11:37.01SexyKenmstocco, seem like a lot?
11:37.25Drukeni would say that would take a lil to make.. hehe
11:37.26mstoccoSexyKen: not really
11:37.49SexyKenmstocco, How much of it would you consider actually already done?
11:37.58*** join/#asterisk vaewynAFK (
11:38.28ennuyeux72SexyKen: that doesn't sound like a pleasurable experience
11:39.06SexyKenennuyeux, Yes, we went through about 30 days of trying to get all the bugs fixed and they just fucked shit up more and more so I requested a refund.
11:39.09SexyKenThey denied.
11:39.11mstoccono, actually most of it it is done, I would have to tweak it to work with his multi-company idea
11:39.12vaewynAFKanyone have their zaptel.conf hanging around for NI2?
11:39.18SexyKenAnd their reason is 'we delivered the product'
11:39.48SexyKenmstocco, Do you have time in your schedule to do this? Quote me if you will :-)
11:40.38vaewynarggh... setting up these T cards is the first time I have hit soething in * that is IMO grossly underdocumented :}
11:41.01mstoccoSexyKen: not much in the way of time this week but...
11:41.02DrukenSexyKen: wouldn't you have an onsite server to host a companies internal PBX ? that could end up being an awefull lot of bandwidth otherwise
11:41.45SexyKenDruken - It's a remotely housed server and we do about 3-4k/minutes a week right now...if not more....and it works fine.
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11:42.04MakenshiDruken, the audio wouldn't pass through the remote server
11:42.21Makenshiit would only be used for signalling
11:42.29Makenshiunless you dialed out through the remote server
11:42.30DrukenMakenshi: that all depends if you have reinvite enabled
11:42.40MakenshiDrunken, true
11:42.47Drukenand if the two phones can communicate to each other
11:43.14Makenshii think a stateful sip proxy on the network would do the trick
11:44.03Makenshiif only someone would include linksys's ip_conntrack_sip module into the kernel..
11:44.17Makenshii haven't gotten around to trying it myself
11:44.27Makenshi(linux kernel that is)
11:45.37Drukenwhy do i think there's a missing t at the end of Makenshi ? :)
11:47.15mikegrbDruken: because there is?
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11:57.21MakenshiDruken, i have no idea
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11:57.43MakenshiBut if the irc server supported unicode i could use the proper characters :)
11:58.14jakepdevis there a link that shows how to update libpri?  I d/l the gz and extracted it - make clean/make install... what else?
11:58.21Drukennot many will allow you to use unicode
12:00.33jakepdevdruken - did you install * from CVS?
12:07.23Drukenjakepdev: yes.. a very long time ago :)
12:07.46jakepdevdruken - np
12:07.57Drukenwhy do you ask ?
12:08.14jakepdevjust can't figure out how to get the new libpri in there
12:08.30DrukenRoyK: alot of people think it's missing... but in reality it's not true
12:08.36jakepdevi did - make clean - make install - what else is there?
12:09.05Drukeni can't see anything else, cept maybe rebuilt asterisk it'self ?
12:09.30Drukenor even rebuild it.. hehe damn brain of mine never works right
12:09.39jakepdevthat's just it - when I go to build *, it tells me i need a newer libpri
12:09.59Drukenthat intresting
12:12.32jakepdevis there a command that will tell me if the new libpri actually got loaded?
12:14.04*** join/#asterisk n1gg4s (~bruno@
12:16.12n1gg4sI'm having trouble transfering data between kphone clients
12:16.59n1gg4sI get the error message "Call Failed: Not found"
12:17.04n1gg4scould anyone give me a hand?
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12:31.17shamidhi everyone
12:31.45shamidanyone know how to configure dailup modem with asterisk as FXO/FXS
12:32.36Drukenuhmm... you can't?
12:33.22shamidbecuase i know one person is doing that, but he is selling this solution
12:33.37shamidi want if someone in this group ever tried to do that
12:34.49Drukena MODEM can only be used if it's a certain type
12:35.06Drukenand it's not used in a modem sence, it's done with ZAPTEL drivers
12:35.48shamidyes, but how to configure a dialup modem as a ZAPTEL drivers
12:35.53Drukenand can only be FXO, unless you purchase a TDM card from digium with FXS modules
12:36.20shamidyes, i want to test it as FXO, if you can help me please to
12:36.38shamidi am using US Robotics Voice and Fax modem
12:37.08shamidcan you forward some usefull link which guide me to do this
12:37.11Drukenyour not listening.. a generic modem cannot be used, it must be a certain type
12:37.25n1gg4sanyone know how to configure SIP with asterisk ?
12:37.55Drukenshamid: look on ebay for a X100p card
12:38.02Drukenyou can get them for like 10 bux...
12:38.19RoyKthat's the copies
12:38.26RoyKnot the Real Ones From Digium
12:39.08shamidyes, Druken i really thankful to you for this but i want to try modem, if you can help me to configure modem as FXO
12:39.20DrukenRoyK: he's obviously a cheap ass, so i figure they are better for him :)
12:39.50RoyKnew kernel option :)
12:40.13Drukenw00t!... wuts it do? hahahahaha
12:43.01p1tst0p-- Got SIP response 481 "Call Does Not Exist" back from <-- anyone know why i get this if i add "Mailbox=" on my extention, the phone is an Avaya 4602 IP phone, with SIP image.
12:44.05p1tst0pthen after a couple of mins, phone refuses to work ';)  im new to Asterisk, and i can fix it by removing the "Mailbox=", but i want to have voicemail, what will removing "Mailbox=" not allow me too do ?
12:44.16Drukenp1tst0p: the mailbox= line is just for the voicemail light on your phone
12:44.53Drukenit won't remove any functionaity except the little light flashing when you have voicemail..
12:45.04Zeeekmake sure the line reads mailbox=name@email_context
12:49.57*** join/#asterisk Hydroxide (user@Hydroxide.developer.debian)
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12:50.40DrukenZeeek: wouldn't it default to the default if it's not set?
12:51.00Zeeekwhy not use the precise form, that way no questions later?
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12:51.09Drukenvery true
12:51.26Zeeekmine are never in '"default"
12:51.35Drukeni should know better
12:52.01Drukenyeah, i run like 3 business pbx's on my system, all with seperate mailboxes :)
12:52.52Darwin35how many users on each pbx ?
12:53.20Darwin35and what type of server
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12:54.22p1tst0pDruken, cool, is there a way to add a tone when u pick the phone up, to say theres a message, instead of a light ? i think the mailbox= is an issue with this specific phone you see
12:55.21Drukenp1tst0p: i don't think so.. not without the mailbox= line... even with FXS ports it flashes the light, and gives a studder tone
12:58.59Muy_Locoexcuse me, anyone know why asterisk would give a "Rejected connect attempt from, request '1234567@outgoing' does not exist" when I try to make an outgoing call (incoming works though)
12:59.26Drukenbecause your dialplan is not setup properly
12:59.36Muy_Locosounds about right...
12:59.40Drukengo over your outgoing context and fix it :)
12:59.47Muy_Locolol, thanx
13:00.09Muy_LocoI used the sample files provided by voicepulse connect! and they work halfway, lol
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13:00.37Drukenuse them as guidelines :)
13:00.47Muy_Locooh ok... will do...
13:03.09p1tst0pDruken, hmm i may have to leave Mailbox indication out for this type of phone then, checked the Wiki, and someone else experienced the same issue as i described when adding mailbox indicator to this phone type ;~(
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13:09.49Muy_Locoheh.. anyone wanna help this complete newb (me) write a dial plan? I just need to see if I can dial out to a land line... please?
13:13.55pascalscan I make asterisk do something when a file exists and something else if it doesn't?
13:14.25pascalsThere doesn't seem to be a 'file exists' test
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13:16.50n1gg4sto place kphone (sip) functioning I need to only modify sip.conf?
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13:18.47ZeeekStarter tutorial:
13:18.47ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
13:20.33Alexi1* works fine with fedora 3 doen't it ?
13:20.49Alexi1because fedora 3  uses a 2.6
13:21.11Alexi1and my boss says thet it's not possible :(
13:22.40Zeeek2.6 has issues but it works. Look at the wiki and the mailing list
13:23.02Zeeek~google asterisk fedora
13:23.48Zeeekpretty good shot since I wouldn't know fedora 3 from my aunt emma
13:23.50jakepdevpascals - try this -
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13:27.41langalsCould someone help me get ZtDummy working for Meetme - I am trying to get conferencing working
13:28.50*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
13:29.06fugitivogood morning
13:30.00Xridefugitivo: hello
13:30.08Zeeekit's 2:30 PM here
13:30.40XrideZeeek: are you in europe?
13:31.00fugitivoits 10:30am here :)
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13:32.01Xridethat gotta be something like greenland or far east canada
13:32.13clive-does anyone have any ideas why a native transfer wouldnt work in iax2?
13:32.34Zeeekwell good morit's illegal to transfer natives these days
13:33.17roamer323zeeek - but them natives carries sip and iax2 gateway passports
13:33.27fugitivoanyone is using zaptel drivers in gentoo with devfs?
13:34.04fugitivooh, it doesnt work with devfs
13:34.09fugitivobut gentoo needs devfs
13:35.16Zeeekwhy linux distros have cute Apple-like names?
13:35.25Zeeekfedora, my hat
13:35.31trymass in a hat
13:36.21langalsdoes anyone know how I would check whether I have the UHCI USB controller that is need for Ztdummy?
13:36.39roamer323langals - lsmod
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13:37.49langalsUHCI USB is not listed there
13:39.21dwmw2_goneThe election is over... why are people still talking about the donkey hats?
13:39.46dwmw2_goneI thought it was just Democratic party merchandising?
13:40.10langalstried lspci - not listed there either
13:40.11roamer323langals - do you see uchi or usbcore?  if not - you may need to reconfig your kernel.
13:40.24riouslangals: lspci will tell you about your hardware, you'll have to look it up to see if it is right, or just try loading the uhci module
13:40.59riousif you have usb in kernel, not module, that doesn't work right ?
13:40.59jakepdevI put in libpri 1.0.7, but * still says it needs a newer libpri to compile.  any ideas?
13:41.26riousdid you make install ?
13:41.34jakepdevmake clean - make install
13:41.45jakepdevzaptel - goes in fine
13:41.56langalsHow would I try load the uhci module?
13:42.10riouswhich kernel ?
13:42.22rious2.6 modprobe uhci-hcd
13:42.48langalsI am using Redhat 9
13:43.48riouslangals:uname -a
13:44.00jakepdev~lart RoyK
13:44.39fgravatois it worth putting in Digium TDM card vs using Ztdummy
13:44.50jakepdevfg - depends on your app
13:45.27riousmodprobe usb-uhci ?
13:45.36p1tst0pwhere do i specify how many rings before it cuts to VoiceMail ?
13:46.13DandanI do not know
13:47.08jakepdev<p1tst0p>  - look in extensions.conf
13:47.15langalscame up with /lib/modules/2.4.20-8/kernel/drivers/usb/usb-uhci.o: init_module: No such device Hint: insmod errors can be casued by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters
13:48.33riousthat doesn't sound good
13:48.40langalsno - it does not
13:49.34jakepdev<p1tst0p>  - should be the timeout param in the Dial cmd
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13:53.03langalsrious - do you have any suggestion what I should do?
13:53.18langalsWould it be best to get one of those cards?
13:55.29dwmw2_gonelangals: do you actually have a UHCI controller in your system?
13:56.12elriahHi all - what's the preferred way to handle call detail reporting?  Postgres, mysql, etc...
13:56.44RoyKelriah: whatever suits your needs.
13:56.56RoyKelriah: mssql, if you have to
13:57.12elriahDo you do CDR?  What db to you use?
14:01.33langalsdwmw2_gone - it doesn't seem as though I do have that controller on my system
14:01.47dwmw2_gonedo you have an OHCI controller instead?
14:02.04elriahRoyK Did you have to add/compile the mysql libs or are you using the odbc stuff built in to *?
14:02.06dwmw2_gonea USB controller ought to be listed in the output of 'lspci'
14:02.46langalsit does not seem to be
14:03.49langalsOHCI does not seem to be listed there either
14:04.31RoyKelriah: I use the stuff from asterisk-addons
14:04.40RoyKelriah: why do you ask? they all work...
14:05.07langalsThe following is listed: Host bridge, PCI bridge, Ethernet Controller x 2, ISA bridge, IDE interface, Multimedia audio controller
14:06.10dwmw2_gonelangals: that implies that you don't actually have USB. Are there USB sockets?
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14:06.31p1tst0pjakepdev, cheers dude, found that
14:06.44jakepdev<p1tst0p> - np
14:06.50`Sauronsauron@mordor:~> cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
14:06.54fugitivolangals: try lspci -vv to find your usb controller
14:07.01`SauronThat'll tell you if you have USB stuff
14:07.09p1tst0pis there a way i can dial into my voicemail from my extern number ?
14:07.16fugitivolangals: is it a VIA usb controller?
14:07.25jakepdev<p1tst0p> - from PSTN?
14:07.26dwmw2_gonep1tst0p: yes, if you set your dialplan up accordingly.
14:07.30langalsYes - there are - but they are not being used, so maybe the drivers are not installed
14:07.46fugitivolangals: is a VIA usb controller?
14:08.01p1tst0pwell, im registered with, they give you a PSTN number, which is pointed at my * box
14:08.33langalsThere is IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT..... PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)
14:08.40elriahRoyK: Well, I'm trying to keep from having to recompile just to add the mysql-libs.  I'm using the debian 1.0.5 package and it's really stable and easy to deploy.
14:09.00fugitivolangals: you should get USB Controller: VIA Tech.... ....
14:09.17`Sauronthat's fun
14:09.23fugitivolangals: do this, lspci -vv |grep USB
14:09.23`Saurontexas AG is suing vonage
14:09.27`SauronFun Fun
14:09.30jakepdev<p1tst0p> - yep - just find the appropriate context for your provider in your dialplan (extensions.conf)
14:09.53p1tst0pjakepdev, yep i got htat
14:09.58RoyK~using packages
14:09.59jbotit has been said that using packages is not recommended. get the asterisk source from and compile them
14:10.10langalsthat comes up with nothing
14:10.25*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:10.31jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
14:10.31elriahRoyK: Yea, I've seen that.  But like I said, it's really stable and easy to deploy.
14:10.33jbot[mailinglist] Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
14:10.33dwmw2_goneout of interest, why is it not recommended to use packages?
14:10.36fugitivolangals: then for some reason, linux doesn't detected your USB controller
14:10.41jakepdev<p1tst0p> - do you want it to dial your exten then goto vm if no answer?
14:10.43dwmw2_goneI was vaguely planning to package Asterisk in Fedora Extras
14:11.03langalswhat do you suggest I do?
14:11.15elriahI can have a running system up in about 45 minues with just a net-install debian cd.
14:11.20elriahAnswering calls.
14:11.26p1tst0pjakepdev, got that bit working, what i would like to do is, say im out of my office, and i want to check my voicemail from outside, can i do that ?
14:11.28elriahAmd O
14:11.31fugitivolangals: in this kind of problem, google is your best friend
14:11.33elriahAnd I'm new to *
14:12.09jakepdev<p1tst0p> - how do you want to get into vm from the outside - press a number - etc?
14:12.15langalsso let me get this clear what I want to do - install a USB UHCI driver
14:12.16dwmw2_gonep1tst0p: set up some way that you can (authenticate and) get to VoicemailMain() from the outside.
14:12.32fugitivolangals: yes, but without any USB controller, the module won't load
14:12.39elriahAhh - just realized there is a cdr.csv.. nice.. this will make my life easier..
14:12.49dwmw2_gonep1tst0p: one option is to just fix your dialplan so that incoming calls from the outside go directly there... you probably don't want to do it quite like that though
14:13.13dwmw2_gonelangals: what type of machine is this? What motherboard?
14:13.13langalsso I need to get a usb controller then
14:13.24fugitivolangals: you don't have any?
14:13.27dwmw2_gonelangals: if you have USB sockets on it, it's a fairly safe bet there's a USB controller.
14:13.27elriahHow do I turn on Call Detail Record so my cdr.csv starts getting populated?
14:13.33dwmw2_goneis USB disabled in the BIOS?
14:13.45dwmw2_gonethat might hide it from the PCI bus and explain why Linux doesn't see it.
14:14.01dwmw2_gonethere may be a way to turn it back on from Linux, or you could just re-enable it in the BIOS
14:14.05langalsIntel Celeron 2.4Ghz....
14:14.13dwmw2_gonethat's a CPU not a motherboard
14:14.14langalsLinux Redhat 9
14:14.16p1tst0pjakepdev, yeh i guess, say i ring my office, on the PSTN number provided by sipgate, i guess i can get it to recognise my mobile number ? and press for voicemail box?
14:14.19dwmw2_gonethere's no USB on that I promise you
14:14.23langalsok. hang on
14:15.08langalsHow do I check the motherboard?
14:15.23dwmw2_gonep1tst0p: or do something like accepting '*' while it's ringing, regardless of the source, and take you there.
14:15.39p1tst0pdwmw2_gone yeh that would be nice
14:15.45fugitivolangals: just, see if you have some place to plug an usb device
14:15.52dwmw2_gonelangals: run 'dmidecode'
14:16.00langalsja - I do have USB ports
14:16.15fugitivolangals: then, reboot your machine, and check the BIOS
14:16.33fugitivolangals: if usb is enable, there's another problem
14:16.54jakepdev<p1tst0p> - you can check the CALLERID variable and do a GotoIf
14:16.57RoyKelriah: CDR is default on unless you turn it off
14:17.21fugitivoi never had problems with usb in linux
14:17.37RoyKjakepdev: er. callerid can be checked with the normal pattern checking
14:17.42RoyKor what do you mean?
14:17.53_Sam--hey i have a PRI on NI2, but i dont seem to be getting any names on the caller id -- what should i check?
14:18.27jakepdev<RoyK> - he said he wants to goto voicemail admin based on if it recognizes his phone number
14:18.50jakepdev<RoyK> - his phone number should be in CALLERID
14:19.38jakepdev<RoyK> - GotoIf will allow him to respond based on the caller id info
14:19.49*** join/#asterisk jlewis (
14:20.09RoyKjakepdev: exten => blah/his_number,1,VoiceMailMain
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14:20.12pascalsWhich extensions.conf editor would you guys suggest? I've grown a bit tired of its silly exten => xx,y prefixing.
14:20.29pascals... very 80's basic.
14:21.01pascalsNo, actually, 80's basic let you skip line numbers, so you could insert some later
14:21.27mesipascals: Yes, perhaps you can use some kind of compiler.
14:21.49pascalsmesi: that was what I was asking for - people must use those already
14:22.25mesipascal: I'm not sure. You shouldn't do too much with extension.conf. Better write C modules using asterisk's module api.
14:22.28p1tst0pjakepdev, could you get the system to recognise me, and give me a dial tone ? therefor i could call out on SIP then couldnt i from my mobie for isntance !
14:22.32jakepdev<RoyK> - don't know - if it works that way also - then that is an alternative
14:22.36langalsfugitivo - how do I check bios (sorry for the basic question)
14:22.51RoyKjakepdev: it's cleaner and documented as 'ex girlfriend logic'
14:22.56pascalsC modules to script the dialplan? Are you serious?
14:23.20RoyKjakepdev: exten => _X./${EXGF},1,Goto(buggeroff)
14:24.00mesipascals: No, to implement what you want to implement. E.g. I was implementing acallback extension, it calls back the callerid when the line washung up before asterisk could answer. This would better have been a seperate application.
14:24.31fugitivolangals: eeerr, reboot, and press del or f2, it depends on your computer, just look at the screen
14:25.09pascalsNo, that is not what I am doing. This is just basic stuff, like conditional announcements
14:25.26jakepdev<p1tst0p> - before I answer again - I'll give Roy a chance as he might have a better way
14:25.29jlewiswhen setting up a set of iax user/peer entries, are there any reasons for/against using the same [name] for the pair of entries for sending calls to / taking calls from a particular server?
14:28.02langalscan't find usb - I am looking under integrated periperals
14:28.27*** join/#asterisk cereal_ (
14:28.31wildgooseanyone here on  I am just getting an engaged tone when I ring my external number?  Is anyone else working at the moment?
14:29.01Makenshiwildgoose, i use sipgate
14:29.09cereal_Im looking for a good tool to analyse cdr_csv files any advice ?
14:29.10wildgoosecan you call yourself at the mooment?
14:29.13pigpenHas anyone used a SBE, Inc T1 card?
14:29.15Makenshiwildgoose, yes
14:29.42wildgooseHmm, I'm getting a busy tone, but I just changed my number to a new one, then fiddled with the asterisk settings.... Could be anything...
14:29.53wildgooseI can ring out ok though!
14:30.05jakepdev<p1tst0p> - ok looks like he isn't going to answer - I'd say just prompt for an extension then include your outdialing context.
14:30.11wildgooseI have changed asterisk back to how it was before so I suspect a sipgate issue...?
14:30.34jakepdev<p1tst0p> - er.  prompt for SIP number
14:31.23langalsfugitivo - usb does not seem to be there
14:31.27wildgooseBy the way, have just released a whole bunch of new tel numbers, so have a peek if you want something more memorable...
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14:32.58Makenshiwildgoose, perhaps it takes a little time
14:33.06Makenshii haven't changed my number since i got it
14:33.10Makenshiit's +441213146461
14:33.19Makenshiregistered with too :>
14:34.00p1tst0pmy sipgate number was active within 24 hours i think
14:35.36RoyKbbl. reboot. testing yellowdog linux :)
14:35.53dwmw2_goneRoyK: do you run asterisk on it?
14:36.10dwmw2_goneor indeed any SIP client?
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14:36.33RoyKdwmw2_gone: on what? yellowdog?
14:36.43RoyKdwmw2_gone: I just want to see if this powerbook can run linux :)
14:36.45dwmw2_goneI've been trying to get a SIP client working on Fedora/PPC
14:36.56dwmw2_gonenothing much seems to work well.
14:36.59RoyKwe'll see :)
14:37.27Makenshidoes anyone know any writings on integrating sip with a public key infrastructure?
14:37.29*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
14:38.39wildgooseMakenshi: how does registering at help me?
14:39.14p1tst0pjakepdev, is it possible to edit the Voicemail section, to add an option to login and check voicemail ?
14:39.23nestArasterisk*CLI> show version
14:39.23nestArAsterisk  built by root@asterisk on a i686 running Linux
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14:40.03chenestAr: you shouldnt compile software as root in general. (2 cent)
14:40.54cheonly the make install step requires root ;)
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14:41.25nestArif i manage to break anything compiling asterisk as root.. well, the only thing i'll break is asterisk..
14:41.34nestArsince it's the only thing running on this box
14:41.53Makenshiwildgoose, those people who run phone exchanges that lookup using e164 can call you for free using the internet rather than pstn
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14:42.11cereal_Im looking for a good tool to analyse cdr_csv files any advice ?
14:42.58chenestAr: well that maybe true for asterisk ;)
14:43.14chenestAr: theoretically it can wreck your whole sys though to compile root.
14:43.25chenestAr: compile as even.
14:43.41chenestAr: worst case scenario atleast ;)
14:43.57nestAr[09:40]  * nestAr doesn't care
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14:46.50dwmw2_gonefirst they send the registration email from an invalid address
14:47.20dwmw2_gonenow it doesn't let me log in to resend it. Neither does the 'Forgot your password?' link do anything useful
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14:47.41wildgoosemy email came from which does have an IP registered...
14:47.42n1gg4sI do not obtain to initiate colloquy between usuarios in kphone!  they anyone knows why?
14:48.09dwmw2_goneoh, maybe I'm looking at the wrong mail in the log then
14:48.46wildgooseany recommendations for a nice DECT handset which works slightly better with VOIP?
14:48.56wildgooseie has buttons which might be mapped to useful featuers
14:49.35Hmmhesayswow that is the strangest thing i've ever heard
14:50.00dwmw2_gonewildcard0: you're right. It was greylisted for 5 minutes for having spamassassin points. It was libretel who are still trying to send me something from -- evidently for something else I tried to sign up for
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14:54.42langalsHas anyone out there use app_conference and can give me a comparison with Meetme
14:55.17*** join/#asterisk bile_one (
14:59.32fugitivowhat's the lastest version of zaptel?
15:01.53ManxPowerfugitivo: 1.0.7 and CVS-HEAD
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15:02.27fugitivoManxPower: thanks
15:02.50ManxPowerfugitivo: But that does not matter.  You should ALWAYS use the same version of Asterisk, Zaptel and libpri.
15:03.04langalsfugitivo - I think I need to install a usb controller - how do I do this?
15:03.56NewSoleanyone know of a good accounting package that is free or pay that is quick to setup....
15:04.00ManxPowerlangals: Are you sure app_conference needs zaptel?
15:04.24ManxPowerlangals: What is your specific problem?
15:04.41langalsI am trying to use Meetme
15:05.05langalsI thought of app_conference as an option if I couldn't get meetme working
15:05.06ManxPowerlangals: Then you need a zaptel timer.  ztdummy (requires USB hardware of the correct type), or zaprtc
15:05.19ManxPowerlangals: I don't know.  app_conference is not part of Asterisk
15:05.31langalsso I could use zaprtc instead of usb for ztdummy?
15:05.49ManxPowerlangals: Yes.  ZapRTC does not work with SMP on kernel 2.4
15:06.07*** join/#asterisk blackjack (~dermot@
15:06.32langalsThen it won't work because I am running kernel 2.4
15:06.44blackjackhi all. I have a linphone related problem. Thought I would ask here where experts might be found?
15:06.45ManxPowerIf you are not running SMP it will work.
15:06.55langalswhat is SMP?
15:07.04ManxPowerblackjack: I don't know anyone that uses linphone.
15:07.08NewSoleMulti proccessors
15:07.18ManxPowerlangals: multiple processors
15:07.31langalsno - not running multiple processors
15:07.32bile_oneblackjack, I use linphone
15:07.36mishehuI've used linphone for testing purposes.
15:07.41langalswhere do I get zaprtc?
15:07.42ManxPowerlangals: then ZapRTC might work for you.
15:07.52mishehuManxPower: there, now you know 2 people who have used linphone.  ;-)
15:07.52ManxPower~google zaprtc
15:08.13*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (~olivier_@
15:08.22bile_onehaa haa haa RFTG!
15:09.31NewSoleI need some help on finding an Accounting package.... you know any good ones
15:09.39ManxPowerNewSole: No.
15:09.47ManxPowerWhy would I need an accounting package?
15:09.57ManxPowerI just outsource all my bookkeeping.
15:10.06NewSolejust thought you might know of a free or pay one
15:10.20NewSolefor asterisk
15:10.22ManxPowerMy accounting package is called Susan.
15:10.30ManxPowerNewSole: Perhaps YOU should RTFG?
15:10.40blackjackbile_one/lishehu: linphonec reads commands from stdin (blocking read). If we modify it to read from a named pipe (blocking read) no more called party audio. Reading from the named pipe (non-blocking read), audio works in both directions. Reading from named pipe (non-blocking read with a sleep so that we're not in a tight loop), audio for the called party missing again.
15:11.44BrianR___Anyone know if asterisk supports setting the call-by-call services stuff on ISDN?
15:11.44bile_oneManxPower, he should UTFG.
15:12.15ManxPowerNewSole: Maybe you mean a BILLING software for Asterisk CDRs?  There are one or two I think, but most people write their won.
15:12.43bile_oneblackjack, I use linphone but have not customized it. Sorry
15:12.46NewSolethis is my problem....
15:13.06NewSoleI was looking for termination that was good... but cheap....
15:13.18NewSoleI fond one... but
15:13.20ManxPowerNewSole: Since billing is so unique to each company, each company writes their won.
15:13.45mishehublackjack: same as bile_one.
15:13.55NewSoleI have to buy large blocks.... and I was looking for a billing system I could use
15:14.12ManxPowerAs I said, each company writes their own.
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15:16.02bile_oneManxPower, that is sick
15:16.17ManxPowerbile_one: A LOT of tshirthell's shirt are sick.
15:16.23ManxPowersome of them are even sick in a good way
15:16.33ManxPowerBut not many of them.
15:17.02mishehuis that an "I survived Red Lake and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" t-shirt?
15:17.08ManxPowerThis one is funny:
15:18.21mishehudo they have any asterisk-related t-shirts?
15:18.32ManxPowerOf this one:
15:18.40ManxPowerOf == Or
15:18.56ManxPowerI prefer most of the time
15:20.51ManxPowerI want to get this one:
15:20.52tzangerheh I like that one
15:21.24NuggetI like some of the shirts
15:21.33*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
15:21.41tzangerI think one of the funniest I've seen was a baby t-shirt that said "who's my daddy?"
15:21.54SexyKenHey guys -- if wget isn't installed on a server what's another option to use for dling from http?
15:21.58tzangerManxPower: haaaaaaaaaahahahahhaa
15:22.04christoI saw a baby bib thing which said 'make clean'   :)
15:22.11DelvarSexyKen: telnet
15:22.19blackjackbile_one/mishehu: what about other linux sip clients in case we can't solve this problem?
15:22.20trymmake me
15:22.23Nuggetthat's a great shirt
15:22.47DelvarSexyKen: telnet 80
15:22.54tzangerchristo: yes I saw that too
15:23.22ManxPowerT-Shirt Hell has a baby shirt that says "I'm the reason Daddy drinks."
15:23.38tzangermy son had one that said "geek in training"
15:23.40bile_oneblackjack, kphone and gaimphone for starters
15:23.54ManxPowerkphone doesn't even support OOB DTMF
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15:24.05SexyKenDont work, Delvar, gives error.
15:24.22DelvarSexyKen: what error?
15:24.29bile_oneblackjack, take a look here.
15:24.46SexyKen'Unkown Server Error'
15:25.29SexyKennow I'm connected
15:25.34SexyKenHow do I dl the ifle?
15:25.56Nuggetfor the pilots in the channel:
15:26.23tzangeruse exchange4linux
15:26.30tzangerthey just released their v3.0 stuff, it looks awesome
15:26.40tzangerthe 2.5x worked well but was slow... this is much faster
15:27.11DelvarSexyKen: if it connects then times out try typing 'GET some/url.html HTTP/1.1' (without quotes)
15:28.06SexyKenDelvar, I'm trying to download this file:
15:28.09SexyKenWhat do I type for that
15:28.24Delvaroh to download a file i duno
15:28.30Delvari thought you were just testing
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15:32.09langalsmanPower - if i am using zaptelrtc, do I need to use ztdummy with this?
15:32.34DelvarSexyKen: w3m is another app for downloading, not used it tho
15:32.41jixihello, I want to set up a queue for which all members are phoned in a defined order. I tried the "roundrobin" strategy, but it seems that if the first member doesn't answer, it will start at the second one on next call. Is there a way to force calls to always start at member 1? Thanks.
15:33.29*** join/#asterisk __a (user@
15:33.54__aguys, how do i call an app from within another app?  any examples doing this?
15:34.28__ai.e. i'm writing an app and would like to call Dial() from it, as if it is called via extensions.conf
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15:37.39langalsI seem to have a linux installation which has USB ports, but does not have a usb controller installed - would someone be able to give me some advice on how to get a usb controller installed
15:38.13Hmmhesaysthat's odd
15:38.15Makenshilangals, what distribution is it?
15:38.26dwmw2_gonelangals: did you look in the BIOS?
15:39.17langalsRedhat 9
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15:39.25langalslooked in BIOS and did not seem to be there
15:39.33dwmw2nothing about enabling/disabling USB?
15:39.57langalslet me have another look - will you wait for me to reboot?
15:40.04*** join/#asterisk pycsusz (
15:40.20pycsuszHi everybody!
15:40.29nestAranyone in here using openclose.agi ?
15:41.14pycsuszI need some help about to make conference calling with asterisk
15:41.19langalsdwmw2 - ok - i am now in BIOS setup
15:41.22pycsuszsomebody can help me?
15:41.31langalswhere should I go?
15:41.43dwmw2go where the option to enable USB is.
15:41.52dwmw2do you have an 'onboard peripherals' menu?
15:43.07nestAror intergrated peripherals
15:43.15nestAras some call it
15:43.27langalsfound it! - it is ask me whether I want to enable 2, 4 or 6 usb ports - does it make a difference?
15:43.44nestArhow many you want to use/]
15:44.08PoWeRKiLLI have a bug when calling from a * to another * box via IAX the billsec start also when it's ringing on the zap channel
15:44.12PoWeRKiLLany idea?
15:44.41langalsThanks for the help - hopefully ztdummy will work now
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15:45.27dwmw2not entirely sure why ztdummy needs USB...
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15:46.17cjkhi, what prog do you suggest for preconfiguring/modifiying a grandstream firmware
15:46.56langalsneither am I - I cannot see the link between the 2
15:47.42Delvardwmw2: it needs a reliable timing device, and some usb chips have such a timmer. so they just use that
15:48.08Hmmhesays~seen katty
15:48.13jbotkatty is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 158 messages.  Is idling for 20h 9m 50s
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15:48.37dwmw2if langals has a VIA board I suspect that's OHCI and hence probably doesn't work, if ztdummy needs uhci
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15:49.22fishboy1669hi guys hows things
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15:49.40syslodHaving problems with not detecting handups.
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15:51.11zapfhcMar 23 15:51:27 WARNING[1053]: chan_zap.c:922 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
15:51.46langalsdwmw2 - I managed to load the usb-uhci module and ztdummy module (listed if I go lsmod), but conferencing still causing issues....
15:52.07langalsIt logs into the conference, and say that I am the first person, but then cuts me off
15:53.08fishboy1669sys what interface
15:53.16Lee__can someone recommend an origination/termination service? Right now I only know of VoicePulse
15:53.41fishboy1669zap what interface?
15:53.48BrianR___Anyone know if it's possible for Asterisk to get/set the SID on calls over a PRI?
15:54.36syslodIts a T1 going to a CAC AB I
15:54.42langalsIf I run sip debug, I am getting various warning messages....
15:54.54fishboy1669sorry sys im x100p user
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15:55.52langalsWARNING [1744]: chan_sip.c:1829 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 1 (read/write = 4/2). Any idea what the problem is?
15:56.24syslodIs there any cmd to see what channels are in use?
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15:56.36drumkillasyslod: show channels
15:56.40blackadderhi guys been a while
15:57.23blackadderthis maybe a stupid comment but has the asterisk capi_channel been broke recently?
15:57.26sysloddrumkilla: thks
15:57.51christoI'm telnetting to an asterisk server just to try out some commands.. do I just type each line followed by 'return', or should I send escaped newline and carriage return characters (\n\r) explicitly?
16:00.39jontowchristo.. the manager port? 5038?
16:00.40ManxPowerlangals: to see the names/format numbers type "show codecs"
16:00.48pycsuszSomebody knows something about grandstream bt-100's conference button?
16:01.07Fraeggldoes someone know if it is possible to register sip-phones with static, non host=dynamic ip-addresses ?
16:01.11jontowpycsusz; that is at least a mystery to me as well.
16:01.14langalsmanpower - done that
16:01.15ManxPowerpycsusz: Other than the fact that it doesn't work and the fact is documented by Grandstream in their product sheets?  No.
16:01.25Fraeggli think this registration is essential ?
16:01.25langalsWhat am i looking for?
16:01.39ManxPowerFraeggl: Yes, but it's not called "registration"
16:02.26Fraeggli get errors like "Peer '22' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic"
16:02.37Fraegglbut they show up in show ip peers
16:03.03ManxPowerFraeggl: A device MAY NOT register unless you have host=dynamic.
16:03.06Fraegglif i use defaultip=... the error disapears, but phoning doesnt work either ;)
16:03.08christojontow  - yes
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16:03.33ManxPowerAll registration does is tell Asterisk that the IP of the device is.  If the ip never changes then just tell your client not to register and set host= to the ip of the device.
16:04.00FraegglManxPower: thx, so its suff to have it in 'sip show peers', 'sip show registry' is allowed to be empty ?
16:04.16EssobiWhat's some hardphones that support IAX2?
16:04.24pycsuszManxPower: That's all?
16:04.29EssobiI'm going to talk my boss into buying a few to test
16:05.26ManxPowerFraeggl: "sip show registery" shows what remote servers Asterisk is registered TO
16:06.01EssobiExcuse me.. what's some "good" IAX hardphones..
16:06.16fishboy1669hi manx hows things
16:06.20FraegglManxPower: ah, thx, but still its not working :( im a newbie ;)
16:06.59ManxPowerFraeggl: then it's not working for some other reason
16:07.43Fraegglone final (no :) ) question: my dial-plan is eg 'exten => 21,1,Dial(SIP/21,20,tr)', so i would hope to have the phone ring, when i dial 21 on the other phone (22), but nothing happens ?
16:07.50Fraegglwould this plan be ok ?
16:08.20Fraegglthe phones are found by asterisk (sip show peer 21 / 22)
16:09.16syslodDoes anyone have a sample or a way to do internal callerid and external caller id?
16:09.56jontowjust a theory kinda question.. what're the benefits of running comedian mail backed by a mysql database?
16:10.09jontowor postgresql even
16:11.03syslodI'm doomed until I can do this...  Any idea on how hard it would be or where to look to add either a var for the sip account id or a system that will return the output?
16:11.22langalsIf I get the following message in sip deug: WARNING: chan_sip.c:1829 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 1 (read/write = 64/64) - has this something to do with the codec?
16:12.07tzangerjohnnyb: I can't think of any
16:12.10tzangeradded complexity :-)
16:12.20tzangerunless you've got a SHITLOAD of voicemailboxes but even then...
16:12.36jontowsyslod; get crazy with a macro that matches s/XXXX (where XXXX is the pattern for your internal calls) and does SetCallerId.... on it, and then outside numbers, pattern-match those to do another SetCallerId()
16:12.43tzangerslePP: is slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
16:12.53jontowwell, im gonna have 300-500
16:12.55Moc____so use ftp4 ;)
16:13.08tzangerMoc____: slePP runs ftp3 I think :_)
16:13.15*** part/#asterisk Alexi1 (
16:13.21_Sam--from my softphone extension, if i dial any other internal extensions or external numbers, it takes like 5 seconds before the console (on the same LAN) sees the SIP call info and connects the call....all my extensions are configured the same, but everyone else here connects in like .1 seconds....ive tired everything, but im not sure what to check
16:14.10_Sam--like i have music on hold setup on an extension to answer immediately and play....if i call it from my softphone, it takes like 10 seconds before i hear it....on another softphone, same lan, same config, it plays in like .1 seconds
16:15.08Moc____ha hehe
16:16.35Fraegglcould someone perhaps tell me which fields in 'show peer <phone>' for a sip-phone are essential for a working phone ?
16:16.53Fraegglesp i'm missing output for "Full Contact"
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16:19.00olivier_<Fraeggl> i'm not a sip guru, but you should try "Sip debug" to see the pb
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16:20.41_Sam--what would i check if my caller ID is just sending the number, no name ?  i verified with the PRI provider that they are sending name&number across
16:21.13Fraegglwhen doing "sip debug" "sip reload" all the output looks sensible.... hard to say for me tough ;)
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16:31.51mxmassterhi all
16:31.53*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
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16:32.35mxmassterhow do i implement a dial by name directory in asterisk?
16:32.43afrosheenOk, we've got a huge delay with our meetme conference, and the conference is between local extensions and people dialing in via an iax trunk. We have a zaptel card installed so it should get proper timing. How can I kill the delay?
16:33.26BuckRogersGood morning
16:33.48afrosheennot yet
16:34.26skrustyanyone here fancy coming to an asterisk/voip event in the uk? if so, join #asterisk-uk :)
16:34.59BuckRogersI was thinking about it but the dollar value agianst the euro just dont pay
16:35.37afrosheenthe euro against the british pound isn't much better
16:36.05BuckRogersreally i thought it was about on target but im no expert
16:36.31afrosheenit's only on target if it's 1:1
16:36.44BuckRogershahaha if only that was true
16:37.00*** join/#asterisk _omer (dfsdf@
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16:37.06afrosheenbritish pound is about 1.5:1 against the dollar, probably 1.3 or 1.2:1 against the euro
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16:37.22BuckRogersthe euro value reflects the collective gnp of the EU members where as the pound reflects the uk
16:37.33emacsenIs there a way to layer encryption from gateway to gateway or SIP phone to gateway?
16:37.39_omerooops......I think I am in a wrong room...
16:37.42afrosheenyeah the uk refused to join the EU because they'd have to severely de-value their currency
16:37.47_omerIt was related to asterisk......;)
16:38.07BuckRogersand most of their members are corupt with forien policy
16:38.10afrosheenemacsen: sure, if you like overhead you can feed it over an ipsec tunnel or a vpn
16:38.24*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (Maxxed@
16:38.24afrosheeneveryone is corrupt with foreign policy :p
16:38.27Lee__emacsen: not unless you know the endpoints of each gateway
16:38.32Maxxedhello :)
16:38.35emacsenafrosheen: yeah seems like that's the only way ATM.
16:38.46emacsenafrosheen: it's a shame there's not something cleaner
16:38.55Maxxedi am looking for a pinout of the tdm400p
16:39.04Lee__with email there's STARTTLS but not all gateways support it so it'll fall back to unencrypted
16:39.06_omerI want to call at my Asterisk from my Cisco ATA to do that? both are at public ip address.
16:39.17Maxxedi have 2 fxo modules, i want to "plug" in 2 analog lines
16:39.22cjkanyone here who has some experience with grandsteram and cfg.txt customization
16:39.22Maxxedwell, my analog lines are cat3
16:39.24Lee__it'd be cool if there was something like STARTTLS for SIP phones  :)
16:39.28Maxxedthe connectors on the card are cat5
16:39.37Maxxed66block i supose
16:39.39afrosheenMaxxed: they're actually both
16:39.44Maxxedoh really?
16:39.53afrosheenthat's why they have that wide and tall notch in them
16:39.55Maxxedso i can stuff a cat3 phone line in there?
16:40.00afrosheenyeah try it
16:40.01Maxxedah :)
16:40.06Maxxedwell damn i am just impressed now
16:40.29Maxxedhell i never hurd of it utill a week ago
16:40.32afrosheennow that everyone is awake, here's my original big problem
16:40.34afrosheenOk, we've got a huge delay with our meetme conference, and the conference is between local extensions and people dialing in via an iax trunk. We have a zaptel card installed so it should get proper timing. How can I kill the delay?
16:40.44BrianR___Any isdn gurus around?
16:40.47Maxxedhey it worked!
16:40.49Maxxedthanks guys
16:40.51ManxPowerafrosheen: take off enter/exit sounds option
16:41.09afrosheenthat's it?
16:41.17_omerany one give me a chance to say thanks....;)
16:41.18ManxPowerafrosheen: Try it
16:41.21emacsenafrosheen: is it possible the codec is too expensive?
16:41.38ManxPowerafrosheen: there was a discussion about enter/exit sounds causing excessive delay in meetme
16:41.43afrosheenI'll try the quiet option, I'm gonna laugh if it works
16:41.53ManxPowerafrosheen: You are not on the mailing lists, are you?
16:41.55*** part/#asterisk lilwookie (
16:42.08ManxPowerIf you were, you might have seen the exact same suggestion this morning or last night
16:42.10afrosheenManxPower: no but I read some thread on google that mentioned it
16:42.20afrosheenbut there was no followup saying 'thanks it worked'
16:42.21Juggiewhy didnt you try it then?
16:42.52_omerHow to call at my Asterisk through Cisco ATA186? both are at public IP addresses..
16:45.41*** join/#asterisk smash- (~smash@
16:45.49Fraeggli someone here perhaps using an allnet 7950 sip phone together with asterisk ?
16:46.05Fraegglcant get mine working..
16:46.52*** join/#asterisk viKing78 (
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16:51.15SexyKenHow can I add a '#' to the beginning of a line in vi?
16:51.35eKo1You press the # key?
16:51.46SexyKenYou have never used vi eh?
16:51.47eKo1in insert mode
16:51.48cheSexyKen: you press the insert key to be able to type. then just type ;)
16:51.49Ruben_Quinonespress i, then the #
16:51.51_Sam--press I
16:52.04smash-read the help me
16:52.09smash-there is mad commands
16:52.13_Sam--then wq!
16:52.17Qwellvimtutor is a great command on most Linux distros
16:52.19smash-aster u press esacpe
16:52.33_Sam--or pico
16:52.35smash-pico is ok
16:52.37smash-vi is ok
16:52.42eKo1vim >> pico
16:52.51SexyKenThanks :-)
16:52.52smash-which ever
16:52.55smash-its a editor
16:53.01smash-sexy u get it all done?
16:53.09Nuggetpico is easy to learn and difficult to use.  vi is difficult to learn and easy to use.  Since you learn once and use forever it's a simple decision.
16:53.10FuriousGeorgehi all.  when i registered w/ for an incomming # i got 3 servers from them.  a domain, a proxy, and a server.  which one does sip.conf want for "hast"
16:53.15eKo1mcedit is better than pico for simple dumb editing.
16:53.22_Sam--hey why would i get this error after ztcfg -v shows all my channels:   Mar 23 11:52:13 NOTICE[19534]: app_dial.c:960 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0)
16:53.31smash-i kinda forgot out to use vi but its not that bad
16:53.33smash-like 7 buttons u use
16:53.33Ruben_Quinonespico is much better than vi...  vi is hell...  pico is heaven
16:53.38smash-i j and k
16:53.39smash-or something
16:53.47Qwellsmash-: hjkl?
16:53.52smash-yeah those ones
16:53.53Nuggetpico is crap, ok?
16:54.03`SauronWhatever nugglet.
16:54.04Qwellnano is where its at :p
16:54.04eKo1nano >> pico
16:54.14smash-is my favorite
16:54.15`Sauronpico > nugget
16:54.23Nuggetusing pico is like trying to mow the lawn with toenail clippers.  sure, it's a simple interface, but it can't do anything worthwhile.
16:54.25_Sam--sauron, arent you from #php?
16:54.27eKo1sed > ed
16:54.29smash-i do everything through a ssh on a windows laptop
16:54.31`SauronSam: I am.
16:54.36smash-so i lov notepad
16:54.37`SauronOooh. Punny.
16:54.45eKo1smash-: get  vim on windows
16:54.45_Sam--i think you did some work for me years ago
16:54.58`SauronDepends. What's your name?
16:54.59smash-echo "theinfo" >>
16:55.03_Sam--i am, sam
16:55.14QwellIt's "Sam I am"
16:55.29`SauronMaybe, I don't remember.
16:55.34smash-man im so bored at work
16:55.37`SauronYou used to host with Carl?
16:55.38smash-i goto mexico
16:55.40smash-at 3am
16:55.40_Sam--you and derick from efnet #Php helped out in 2001 or so
16:55.44*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
16:55.52`SauronOh. Right.
16:56.46_Sam--i could use some more help...zoa yesterday helped me get a new PRI / Zap stuff up and running
16:57.00_Sam--but today incoming calls get a busy, and outgoing calls say cant get channel
16:57.12_Sam--ztcfg -v shows everything fine
16:57.31*** join/#asterisk zoa (
16:57.54`SauronCan't help you there.
16:57.59`SauronNot a Zap man.
16:58.05Hymieanyone know why callerid info would always appear two hours out of sync, for sip calls??
16:58.59Sedoroxwrong timezone somewhere?
16:59.00smash-only sip calls
16:59.10smash-how so 2 hours outta sync
16:59.15*** join/#asterisk viKing78 (
16:59.21HymieSedorox: the box has the right timezone... and emails are fine outgonig as well, so it's not that at least
16:59.22smash-like you get caller id info's for people who called 2 hours ago?
16:59.28Hymiesmash-: yeah
16:59.33*** join/#asterisk cpatry (~grepmoo@
16:59.33Hymieoutgoing sip, from asterisk
16:59.39Sedoroxto what?
16:59.41smash-what hardware
16:59.43Hymiealways shows two hours early
16:59.44cpatrysomeone knows how to fix that:
16:59.45cpatrydeptaudio@asterisk:~/papers/clod$ sox readym.wav -r 44100 -c 1 -s -w readym.gsm
16:59.45cpatrysox: Failed reading readym.wav: WAVE: RIFF header not found
16:59.53Hymielinksys voip router
17:00.08Hymietimezone is set right in it, too.. and altering its timezone has no effect
17:00.12Sedoroxdoes the voip router have the right timezone?!?
17:00.20HymieSedorox: yeah
17:00.34Sedoroxnot sure...
17:00.35smash-how much u pay for voip router?
17:00.42Hymie$120 or so, I think
17:00.43_Sam--thats me
17:00.47_Sam--i rock a few R6s on the track
17:00.57_Sam--where is your home track?
17:00.59HymieSedorox: any idea if there is a place to set sip timezone independantly?
17:01.12*** join/#asterisk G0shen (
17:01.27HymieSedorox: other than voicemail.conf, I can't find any inof about doing so, on the wiki
17:01.31Maxxedhouston, tx
17:01.49_Sam--nice, what year is your r6?
17:01.52Maxxedi scored my lil bro a tt600 last month
17:02.08smash-i got a 600rr
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17:02.11Maxxedim really a honda guy
17:02.12Hymiesmash-: they're really the only way to do sip reliably over a home internet connection.. as they prioritize voip traffic, and require no additional computer / etc on to run
17:02.12Maxxedoh my
17:02.17Maxxedyeah see, im after a 6rr
17:02.19SedoroxHymie: MAYBE in sip.conf.. but I haven't seen anything there...
17:02.23_Sam--sorry to hear that...i bleed blue.
17:02.25Maxxedaw, makes my balls hurt looking at those
17:02.26HymieSedorox: I looked :/
17:02.29_Sam--we run a yamaha supported AMA team
17:02.37_Sam--ive been a die hard yam fan forever
17:02.47smash-its raining
17:02.48smash-outside here
17:02.49Maxxeddont get me wrong, i like a yamie, but deep down, im a honda fan
17:02.51smash-i just got it
17:02.54smash-2 weeks ago
17:02.59Fraegglhmm... stupid question... do i need a soundcard (/dev/dsp) in the asterisk server to work ??
17:03.01Maxxedoh u lucky sob :p
17:03.04smash-less then 500 miles on it
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17:03.24_Sam--maxxed, had you ever heard of kneedraggers?
17:03.24smash-Fraeggl no
17:03.28viKing78Anybody ever hooked up * to a Tadiran PBX?
17:03.32SedoroxHymie: sorry... dunno
17:03.38Maxxedyes i have
17:03.44viKing78How'd it go?
17:03.45Maxxedi ran across the site a few times
17:04.03_Sam--is your r6 a trackbike or a streetbike?
17:04.04Maxxedi seen the url, n was like? hey thats familair
17:04.17Maxxedits my daily rider, but i like to get er out on the track
17:04.21Fraegglthx smash- ,,
17:04.41Maxxedi want to score my self a 6rr, n track my r6 all the way
17:04.53smash-rr;s are sweet
17:04.59smash-way better then f4
17:05.04Maxxedoh yeah
17:05.08Maxxedby faaaar
17:05.14smash-i wanted a rc51
17:05.18smash-but the rr's are just so sweet
17:05.18Maxxed2cyl ;)
17:05.19`SauronI'm thinking of more interesting ways to kill myself than on the track.
17:05.36Maxxedyeah, i feel in love with the 6rr right off the bat
17:05.37smash-i dun even ride fast
17:05.47Maxxedoh now ur lie'n ;)
17:05.56Maxxedi couldnt keep it under 3 digits
17:06.02*** part/#asterisk emacsen (
17:06.07`SauronMy problem with wheeled vehicles, is that the speed at which I scare myself, is above the speed that would kill me...
17:06.22smash-i dont try and scare my self
17:06.26smash-ive had fast cars all my life
17:06.27`SauronAnd luck only gets you out of _so_ many accidents.
17:06.28Maxxedcut me a deal ;)
17:06.48_Sam--configure my extensions.conf and we may have a deal.
17:06.51Nuggetyay fast cars.
17:07.02Maxxedi might beable to do somthing, wha cha trying to do
17:07.09`Sauronsmash: Ever seen a fullsize pickup do 4-wheel slides around corners in the city?
17:07.26NetOfSickCoderi have a quesion is possible connect two FXS gateway with asterisk?
17:07.28smash-seen some 240's
17:07.46_Sam--well right now, i have to wait for someone else to help get my PRI back up and running....after that i need some help with a dialplan...need a menu system (1 for sales etc..), need a directory, and a bunch of stdextensions
17:08.11`SauronI can within a fairly short amount of driving, tell you exactly HOW far you can push a car/truck/whatever...
17:08.13RoyKaI think I know where Mark picked up C and learned how to program. See
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17:09.02_Sam--sauron:  have you ever taken any vehicles around a race track?
17:09.15_Sam--that is a good way to find how far you can push your stuff.
17:09.20`SauronSam: Nah. that costs money :)
17:09.30`Sauron'sides, I hate 'merrican race tracks.
17:09.52Maxxedall that now?
17:10.04Nuggetwhat is the factor common to all american race tracks?
17:10.10_Sam--no runoff
17:10.12tzangerNugget: pavement?
17:10.14`SauronInsert "strongly dislike" if it makes you feel better.
17:10.16*** part/#asterisk fishboy1669 (proxyuser@
17:10.31`SauronNugget: They're all either circles, or some derivative of a not-complex circular shape.
17:10.40Nuggetnot really.
17:11.08Nuggetsure, Indy is, and talladega is pretty damn boring in its default configuration...  but there's good tracks like laguna seca too, and that one in atlanta.
17:11.20Nuggetabout all america lacks is a nice monte-carlo style street course
17:11.33`SauronAlternately, the Monaco F1 course.
17:11.44jbotwell, pri is Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, etc.
17:12.30Maxxedwhat do you guys recomend as far as a good helmet goes
17:12.44Maxxediv been under a shoi for a while now, not so bad
17:12.52_Sam--the top of the line shoei is as nice as it gets ...X11
17:13.21Maxxedcomfortable? nice ventalation
17:13.35Maxxedi am in texas, and it gets to be one hot mofo down here
17:13.42smash-were can u ride with no helmet?
17:13.44_Sam--yes and yes...but it is a racing type helmet with tight cheekpads and a tight fit
17:13.53_Sam--we have no helmet law here in Delaware,....and i know there's no law in FL
17:14.00`SauronMaxxed: Be like the dumb yuppies around here and ride helmetless.
17:14.11Maxxednah im cool
17:14.19`SauronThen be like the dumb yuppies around here and die.
17:14.27smash-i only drive like
17:14.31Maxxedi have my m endorcment, and here in texas if u have ur M endorce, u can ride w/o helmet
17:14.31smash-1.3 miles
17:14.34Maxxedbut i like my head :p
17:14.41Maxxedcant mess my face up, thats my meal ticket
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17:14.57afrosheensure you're not an english major?
17:15.18Maxxediv had some nasty laydowns, helmets have saved my arse a maaaaanya times
17:15.30johnnybHas anyone here compiled asterisk w/ GCC 4.0 w/ its autovectorizer?
17:15.33smash-y you lay it down?
17:15.43Kattythat's a fun word.
17:15.46Beirdobut it's your right to be a dumbass and wear no helmet :)
17:16.06n1gg4swhen use the command "/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk" it shows to the  message
17:16.09n1gg4s"Asterisk ended with exit status 1
17:16.09n1gg4sAsterisk died with code 1.
17:16.09n1gg4sAutomatically restarting Asterisk.  they anyone knows because?
17:16.15Maxxedits allways been a car, driver comes off into my lane, i have under car and curb as an option, well, there u have it, mess
17:16.27Beirdo~seen voipjet
17:16.28jbotvoipjet <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13d 22h 19m 43s ago, saying: 'New to test the new Server'.
17:16.54Maxxedand i do a good bit of stuntin too, 90mph wheelies (my mom hates me) and all that jazz
17:16.56_Sam--sauron have you done any cool php/sql/asterisk integrations?
17:17.03Maxxedso im good about trashing pretty bikes
17:17.16Maxxedhince! why i am in the market for a nice new helmet
17:17.22_Sam--like how could i use our distributor information from an SQL table in a softphone for asterisk?
17:17.27`SauronSam: Nope.
17:17.40`SauronI might, some day - but I've got other projects that are more interesting at this point.
17:17.40_Sam--aside from exporting it as a csv
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17:18.14_Sam--do you think it would possible using php to have a webpage display phone numbers that our users could click on and that a softphone (or something else) would call?
17:18.26zoaSam yes
17:19.42cjkanyone here who has some experience with grandsteram and cfg.txt customization?
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17:24.25christois it possible to forcibly end a call just by sticking cd_time_end=NOW() in the cdr?
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17:27.52_Sam--hey dr
17:27.59DrFrancky_Sam--: ye sam
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17:28.11_Sam--hi, i need more of your talents
17:28.22*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (~jgarland@
17:28.34DrFranckyi am here
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17:32.19nirshey all
17:32.39nirshas anyone got access to the ITU-T Q.931 documents ?
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17:33.34CherebrumAnyone mess with the Cisco 7960 phones?
17:33.37CherebrumI just got one
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17:33.46Cherebrumand upgraded it to 7.4 firmware
17:33.48lilwookiehi folks
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17:34.49lilwookieis there a way to set S100I to factory defaults?
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17:35.26fgravatohrmm good question
17:35.37luisgrindid somebody work  with ivr and database? i need advice where to find demos etc
17:35.39lilwookiefor some reason the box I have isnt asking for DHCP requies
17:36.00fgravatoahh -- got one thats doing that just now
17:36.02luisgrini need few analog lines i have a x100p
17:36.08fgravatoplus for some reason it overheats
17:36.17fgravatoguessing cause of the power supply
17:36.19kfuq-lapLawsuit against Vonage first in nation to address 9-1-1 access concerns
17:36.50lilwookieHrrrm Dang it :)
17:37.51lilwookieanyone now how to reset an IAXY to factory defaults .. is it even possible?
17:38.11fgravatohrmm you try powering it down
17:38.18fgravatoand sniff it with ethereal
17:38.24fgravatosee if does anything
17:39.55lilwookieit doesnt seem  to do anything
17:40.06fgravatohrmm guess rma
17:40.09fgravatoto digium
17:40.17lilwookieI think it was provinsioed badly
17:40.44fgravatowell there's reset
17:40.48fgravatoon the unit
17:40.54fgravatoi have open one
17:40.56fgravatoright now
17:41.09fgravatoguess hold down the reset
17:41.12fgravatowhile power it up
17:41.22lilwookieyeah I have tried it.. powered on while holding.. and such combos
17:42.12jsharpIts an IAXY!  Its a toaster!
17:42.23Nuggetit's a floorwax and a dessert topping!
17:42.37ManxPowerToday god hates me.\
17:42.41fgravatonice paper wait
17:42.48ManxPowerWell he hates me every day.  It's just that today he's doing something about it.
17:44.13johnnybManxPower, what's going on?
17:44.23CherebrumMy Cisco 7960(7.4 firmware) isn't requesting the RINGLIST.DAT file from the TFTP server
17:45.04ManxPowerjohnnyb: I ran out of heart burn meds, a customer's phone system crashed (not Asterisk), and the bitch at the ormond office keeps calling in whining.
17:45.06johnnybCherebrum, maybe it thinks your ringtones are l8me
17:45.43Cherebrumit doesn't know of my ring tones
17:45.49Cherebrumit didn't read the ringlist.dat file
17:45.53G0shenVonage made slashdot once again, but this time they are being sued over no 911
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17:46.49Ruben_QuinonesManxPower...  In those Cases...  I tell the client to disconnect all the equipment and trow it through the window...
17:47.15SpaceBassim having trouble getting an incoming call to ring a call group
17:47.35ManxPowerRuben_Quinones: power cycling the old phone system worked.
17:47.42SpaceBassi tried dial(SIP/702) but it doesnt seem to like that... and the group is not just sip phones
17:48.09viKing78Anybody ever hooked up * to a Tadiran PBX?
17:48.36*** join/#asterisk Lee__ (
17:48.45SpaceBassso what kind of extension is a group?
17:49.05Lee__do extentions have to be four digits?
17:49.05_omerMy asterisk is I want to call it through my Cisco ATA...anyone please give me some idea..
17:49.11CherebrumviKing78 : What kind og interfaces are available?
17:49.14SpaceBassLee__ they can be any lenght
17:49.27ManxPowerSpacebar: you can't do CALL GROUPS with SIP.  Only PICKUP GROUPS.
17:49.31SpaceBass_omer asterisk@home
17:49.39Shido6poor guy
17:49.41SpaceBassManxPower what do i use to dial a group?
17:49.46Shido6cant change ur ringtones, Cherebrum ?
17:49.59_omerSpaceBass: Asterisk@home?
17:50.03ManxPowerYou can fake a SIP CALL GROUP by doing Dial(SIP/happy&SIP/grumpy&SIP/dopey)
17:50.10SpaceBass_omer that was a question.. sorry... are you using asterisk at home?
17:50.24SpaceBassManxPower ahhhh that will work for what I need, thanks
17:50.37SpaceBass_omer pick up the phone and dial 1234
17:50.43_omermy asterisk and CiscoATA..both are at public IP Addresses...
17:50.53SpaceBass_omer you should get a voice recording
17:50.59_omerI want to call at my Asterisk from Cisco ATA....
17:51.16SpaceBass_omer not sure I follow... what do you want the Asterisk box to do when it answers?
17:52.43_omerI need to call my asterisk from my Cisco ATA over the IP.....??? anyone?
17:54.26*** join/#asterisk dano_ (
17:55.06*** join/#asterisk Skid (~cm@skid.user)
17:55.09ManxPower_omer: You configure the ATA
17:55.19_omeryes...that's the what I want to know...
17:55.22ManxPowerHow you do that?  Well there are about 400 million pages that tell you.
17:55.34ManxPower~google configure Cisco ATA
17:55.35Skidhi.. is it possible for me to use our Asterisk server from at home, we're behind NAT - I've heard both it's possible and it's not?
17:55.45ManxPower~google configure Cisco ATA site
17:55.48dano_Does asterisk support the phone status lights on mitel 5220's? didn't shed any specific light on this question.
17:56.09_omerthanks I read them out......
17:56.15ManxPowerIn other words, RTFG first.
17:56.35afrosheenor FSG
17:56.48Lee__   is my favorite
17:57.35mogormanaww it doesnt resolve
17:59.04mogormanthat resolves
17:59.07mogormanthats awesome
17:59.14Nuggetyeah, that site is great.
17:59.39Nuggetyou can even use it as a query proxy:
18:02.07*** join/#asterisk __Sparks_ (
18:03.56Kattydododododoooo! i just love on hold music.
18:04.30__Sparks_Hi, - I seem to be having a problem where if there is no audio being sent one way in a call (Say someone calls and gets the voicemail, then starts leaving a message) after 30 seconds of one way speech, the call gets cut off - This is suing SipGate, so I am unsure if it is them cutting the call, or my asterisk box! - any ideas!?
18:04.39Skidhi.. is it possible for me to use our Asterisk server from at home, we're behind NAT - I've heard both it's possible and it's not? -- does it require patching?
18:05.02__Sparks_Skid - can you port forwward?
18:05.16__Sparks_then you can do it :)
18:05.16Nuggetone side being behind nat is usually manageable, but if both sides are behind nat you're pretty much screwed.
18:05.18SkidI heard that i might have to run asterisk internally ?
18:05.21Darwin[laptop]how do you interface Manx and asterisk and a spiura unit
18:05.32Skidnah it's only home NAT'd cable -> me network
18:06.03Nuggetthere's a page in the wiki about nat and asterisk.  I'm confident it will answer your questions.
18:06.08__Sparks_Skid - My server is on a private IP address, with potrs forwaded from my router - works fine for me!
18:06.48__Sparks_Back to my problem - the last thing Asterisk reports when the call is dripped is " User hung up"
18:07.07__Sparks_Would that be SipGate terminating the call then?
18:07.56*** join/#asterisk atmel (
18:10.44fenlander__Spakrs_: know what your problem is - it is an issue between the cisco gateway and asterisk - calls are dropped after 30s of no RTP from asterisk
18:12.03fenlander__Sparks_: while leaving voicemail asterisk is silent, hence no RTP so the cisco gateway drops the call thinking the end point has gone away
18:16.48*** join/#asterisk smash- (~smash@
18:17.06Beirdo~seen JerJer[mobile]
18:17.09jbotjerjer[mobile] <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 5m 48s ago, saying: 'SexyKen:  sure'.
18:17.09smash-what is a good router for use with asterisk
18:17.15smash-im kinda confused about which router to gt
18:17.16smash-to get
18:17.21*** join/#asterisk linenoise (
18:17.22smash-for 2 voice t1's
18:17.23Darwin[laptop]kram you alive
18:17.24Beirdohmm, he's not here to complement :)
18:17.32__Sparks_fenlander - thanks for that, is there any way round it!
18:17.42smash-is it gonna be a card like that
18:17.53Darwin[laptop]if it has where did he put it
18:18.07fenlander__Sparks_: the real fix is a proper rtcp implementation for asterisk, but I have a patch that fixes it for now if you want it
18:18.23*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
18:19.05bannermanI changed my phones from IAX2 to SIP, fixed them in extensions and stuff, put them in the right context.. but now when I do "#<exten>" to transfer, it just sends the beeps over the line instead of picking up the transfer
18:19.14bannermanand hi everyone :)
18:20.14bile_onebannerman pastebin your extension.conf, sip.conf files
18:20.43Cherebrumsmash-: You don't need a router for voice T1s
18:20.55nestArso.. has anyone written an IVR adventure game for * yet?
18:20.59Cherebrumsmash-: just get a pair of T1 PCI cards for your asterisk box
18:21.07*** part/#asterisk Dandan (
18:21.09CherebrumnestAr: I'm trying to
18:21.22CherebrumnestAr: I'm trying to find developers to write it actually
18:21.32CherebrumI'm taking bids
18:21.56Cherebrummine is going to be multiplayer
18:22.25jsharpRoll in some speech recognition.
18:23.08Darwin[laptop]is about it
18:23.39jsharpSphinx kind of sphucked last time I played with it.
18:24.13*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
18:24.20bannermanI think I put all of the pertinent info in there
18:24.30bile_onebannerman, give me a second or two to review them
18:27.25*** join/#asterisk DrWho17 (
18:28.29DrWho17looking for TNT Sip <-> Asterisk users here, or the guy who made the wiki entry
18:29.26bile_onebannerman, I don't see a transfer context nor do I see a "t" in your dial plan please see the following:
18:29.34bannermanthanks bile
18:29.50bannermansorry to be such a newb :_/
18:30.31bile_onebannerman, also you should think about making an incoming context that will handle any pattern of extensions you have.
18:30.36bannermanhave to say I've never heard of such a thing :-P I do read the wiki much, but until you know what you're looking for it's difficult to find it. and once you know what you're looking for, it kinda seems to fall into lpace anyway :)
18:30.59bannermanI will figure out what you mean by that, and look into doing it :) thanks
18:31.46harryvvbtw was having some issus with connecting with voipjet yesterday. I was going to include a failover link to say with a voice anoucment in between them in the event that does happen. What is the typical timout period for a failed connection to a voip service before such a failover would occure?
18:32.09bile_onebannerman I can paste you an example hold on
18:32.20harryvvTried doing that yesterday and it did not fail over to my zap dialout
18:32.21bannermanbile_one: that would be great
18:34.18dano_anyone else have problems with the first part of voice prompts (like the agentlogin() app) getting cut off on sip phones?
18:34.58Maxxedroot@NRG-PBX ~# modprobe zaptel
18:34.59Maxxedwhile this kernel is version 2.4.29-3tr.
18:34.59Maxxedmodprobe: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/zaptel.o failed
18:34.59Maxxedmodprobe: insmod zaptel failed
18:35.13*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
18:35.37Maxxedmodprobe: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/zaptel.o failed
18:35.43Maxxedmodprobe: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/zaptel.o failed
18:36.00Maxxedi have a digi tdm400p
18:36.07*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:37.21_omerextensions.conf this file handles only internal calls??
18:37.39SuPrSluGi'm thinking of getting a few Polycom 300's for a customer. anyone use them. any horror stories I should know before buying them?
18:37.49jhiverwhat's the term for the time that is spent trying to connect your call?
18:37.51*** join/#asterisk mxmasster|work (
18:37.52mxmasster|workhi all
18:37.54jhiverASN? ASR? Forgot!
18:38.28jhiverAA? What's it mean?
18:38.37bile_onebannerman look at this:
18:39.10bannermanbile_one that makes a lot of sense
18:39.22bannermanbile_one -- although -- before, when I hit "#", it would go silent until I was done dialing
18:39.25RoyKyellowdog linux on powerbook :)
18:39.26RoyKthis rock
18:39.36bannermannow, it jsut sends the "#" tone across the line
18:39.42bannermanis that because I don't haev anywhere for it to go?
18:40.04bile_onedo you have a transfer context?
18:40.06dano_SuPrSluG: I'm using 500's with good results
18:40.28bile_onebannerman yes that is correct
18:40.36bannermanok, thanks. I'll get to work
18:40.38SuPrSluGme too. would like hear about 300's?
18:41.00SuPrSluGor if there are better phones for the buck.
18:41.24bile_onebannerman, your current setup is sending the call to transfer, which in your example is supposed to be a context.
18:41.38dano_300s use the same firmware as the 500s so beyond that it's all physical feature differences & fewer "lines" available...I believe.
18:41.58bile_onebannerman what phone are you using?
18:42.06*** join/#asterisk G0shen (
18:42.40SuPrSluGso i'll go w/ them. unless you know of a better phone for the lower end.
18:42.42mxmasster|workhi all
18:42.43bannermanbile_one: ariaVoice Atlas
18:42.46dano_and no speakerphone which is sucky.
18:43.01bannermanbile_one: it has an IAX firmware, which I thought would be spiffy, but it doesn't work good
18:43.02*** join/#asterisk a1fa (
18:43.08a1faanybody have sipura-2000?
18:43.12mxmasster|workquick question... on the "s" extension, when the digit timeout is reached how do i forward the call to an extension?
18:43.12bannermanthe sip firmware seems to work better.
18:43.55dano_SuPrSluG: not that I'm aware of.  Polycom's soundpoint line is very good.
18:43.56a1fafor some reason, line 1 authenticates, while line two doesnt
18:44.04*** join/#asterisk topping (
18:44.05Beirdoa1fa: I have a 2100, same difference
18:44.12bile_oneYes I agree, IAX over ZAP has a huge amount of echo too. Hopefully it iwll be fixed one day
18:44.20a1faBeirdo : you got broadvoice,right?
18:44.43smash-hey does anyone know the name of wildcard that has a QOS proc on the card?
18:44.48a1faBeirdo : for some odd reason.. it wont register my 2nd line
18:44.49smash-er brand
18:44.51bile_oneVOnage is being sued in Texas too for 911 service
18:44.53a1fai am getting pissed
18:44.59Shido6dont get pissed
18:45.02a1fabile_one : why?
18:45.07a1faShido6 : tru
18:45.07smash-for not having 911
18:45.12smash-when soemone needed it
18:45.16harryvvanyone who goes with vonage is dumb there termination points are back east.
18:45.22a1fait says limited 911
18:46.02bile_oneVonage failed to clearly inform customers that its service excludes 911 services
18:46.11Beirdobile_one: the plaintiffs will lose, their customer agreement specifically says that the 911 is excluded
18:46.19Beirdoquite clearly
18:46.22BeirdoI've read it
18:46.24harryvvwhat about primus do thay include 911?
18:46.31a1fafuck 911
18:46.32Beirdolikely not
18:46.37a1fajust call local poo-ulice!
18:46.53harryvvalfa, if somone is breaking into your home and are armed wouldnt you want it?
18:46.56toppingi've had vonage for over a year and I got slapped in the face with 911-this and 911-that tons of times
18:47.06toppingthis is like having to warn people that the coffee is hot
18:47.06a1faharryvv : HAVE A GOD DAMN SPEED DIAL FOR 911 THEN
18:47.12smash-man dont anyone have a cell phone
18:47.12toppingamericans are stupid is the probel
18:47.15a1fainstead of 911
18:47.17harryvvenough alfa
18:47.25a1faenough said
18:47.34a1fathey deserved to get hurt ;)
18:47.42harryvvWell you did a bad job expressing your self.
18:47.48DrWho17topping: what kind of number does vonage hand out? If your neighbor across the stree tries to call you will he get billed as long distance?
18:47.52smash-so im needing a little info would be glad if someone could help me, Im trying to find T1 Voice routers.
18:47.55SpaceBassi always hear the cell argument, and its a poor one... if my wife is home  alone and someone breaks in, she is not going downstairs to find her cell phone in her purse which isnt charged
18:48.07bile_oneharryvv, all VoIP solutions have trouble with 911 services. Asterisk can use a local POTS line but that is for the LOCAL box not for me if I am in St. Louis, and my box is in New Orleans.
18:48.19toppingDrWho17: i always wanted service in a metro area so never a problem with area code
18:48.21harryvvI know
18:48.29a1fathere is always a real number that is binded to 911
18:48.34harryvvunless the service is terminated locally
18:48.35a1fajust ask what is the real #
18:48.42a1faend of story.. setup a speed dial
18:48.47a1faor have a prepaid cellphone
18:48.49smash-i have 46 real pots in my building
18:48.51a1fathey cost $20
18:48.52smash-with 100 voip's
18:48.54a1faand they have 911
18:48.58SpaceBassa1fa that seems to be the best solution
18:49.00a1fathey cost $20 / life-time
18:49.01smash-so just no one can dail 911 on a softphone
18:49.03DrWho17topping: yes, hrm I mean how are people who call you billed?
18:49.05Beirdoor just get a cellphone and not activate it
18:49.08smash-so no one better try and use a computer to call 911
18:49.11smash-while someones having a heart attack
18:49.13SpaceBassand from what I hear 911 doesnt mind test calls
18:49.15smash-they better call a manager
18:49.18Beirdothey legally MUST allow 911 on all cellphones activated or not
18:49.20a1faBeirdo : pre-payed cell phone, activated or not.. you can always call 911
18:49.21DrWho17does Vonage respect local calling rules
18:49.23BrianR___The 911 location problem could be solved pretty easily. A good interim solution would be mapping 911 to a 10 digit emergency number with in-band signalling of the location.
18:49.24DrWho17just wondering about that
18:49.28toppingDrWho17: dunno, never asked
18:49.33G0shenMap 911 to dial local dispatch
18:49.43smash-but 911 can trace your call
18:49.45Beirdojust get a damn craptacular cellphone for 911
18:49.46smash-which is good
18:49.47DrWho17BrianR___: well, you need a live hookup into a routing database
18:49.51toppingDrWho17: everyone i know has nationwide plans and rarely has a home phone
18:49.52a1fa911 cant trace your call
18:49.54smash-yes Beirdo
18:49.56G0shenYou don't need cell service to call 911
18:50.03a1faif you have un-acitvated cellphone :)
18:50.06a1fai got two of them
18:50.06smash-they can lookup the number
18:50.08G0shenany cellphone can dial 911, and the providers have to honor it
18:50.09DrWho17if the end user is going to be responsible for changing it on a web interface that is a bit of a nightmare
18:50.10smash-of the call i mean a1fa
18:50.11Beirdoyou need battery life and for the phone to see a cell tower
18:50.13Beirdothat's it
18:50.15smash-and respond to the location
18:50.17smash-if its a pot
18:50.26DrWho17they can put in false locations which will break 911
18:50.26G0shenso gather up some old cellphones, charge them up, and slide the battery off the contacts
18:50.31a1fasomeone help me with sipura 2000 and broadvoice
18:50.39a1fai have 4 accounts with them
18:50.44G0shena1fa: sipura 2000 directly to broadvoice?
18:50.49Beirdobuy an old cellphone off ebay and some zinc-air batteries :)
18:50.54a1fai had to kill my asterisk box
18:50.57toppinghaving voip only without a cell is somewhat irresponsible if you are accident-prone
18:50.57SpaceBassBeirdo thats the key... who wants to have to worry about battery and cell towers in an emergency
18:51.03BrianR___DrWho17: Someone who calls an emergency service from a non e911 capable line can always lie about their location. That's not an excuse.
18:51.06SpaceBasssorry... can't call the ambulance, no signal
18:51.11G0shena1fa: did you select sipura as your client? they send you a setup file if you do
18:51.16*** join/#asterisk sd-tux (
18:51.28Beirdoso don't go with a VoIP provider and expect it to be better.
18:51.32a1faG0shen : i have to lines
18:51.33bile_onethis will help muddy the waters:
18:51.36DrWho17BrianR___: well, but the 911 switchboard has the facility to see the real number
18:51.37a1fathey sent me config for line 1
18:51.44a1fabut i manually configured line 2
18:51.45BeirdoOh damn, my DSL went down, now I can't call 911....  that's just dumb
18:51.45toppingbut then, we've survived millions of years without 911 (and phones)
18:51.46G0shena1fa: ahh
18:51.48SpaceBassBeirdo true... I'm using ptsn so its not an issue for me yet
18:52.11DrWho17911 here is routed at the local switch here with dedicated trunks to each call center
18:52.12BrianR___Beirdo: That's a non-argument. Typically if your DSL line has been cut, the POTS line it rides on is also dead.
18:52.22BeirdoI've lived 31 years and only ever had to call 911 once.
18:52.42G0shenFind a local number for 911 and map that to 911 in your dialplan
18:52.43BeirdoBrianR___: heh, DSL goes down all the time when the DSLAM buggers up, etc
18:52.45a1fai call 911 almost every day
18:52.48harryvvBeirdo yea thats true. Before I sell a system to a company i want to know which dsl/cable service thay sell. If it has a bad rep of going down alot I would say sorry cannot sell voip service but can sell a pbx with pstn termination.
18:52.53toppingmy neighbors are married gay terrorists and they call 911 to report bombs every day
18:52.53a1facrazy mexicans get drunk and beat on their wife
18:53.00bile_oneand this one:
18:53.36a1fayou can cancel your phone service, and still be able to dial 911
18:53.49a1faas long as they didnt disconnect the wires from your phone dist box
18:53.54a1fawhich they usually dont
18:54.04a1fathey just dont route your calls xcept than 911
18:54.05toppingbile_one: are these sites put out by the same people that brought you homeland security and apple pie?
18:54.06jhiverwell, maybe it's due to poor standards of living or other factors rather than being mexican :-/
18:54.18Beirdoand 611 (repair service) likely
18:54.22a1fahome land security < gay
18:54.25toppingtalk about FUD!
18:54.31G0shena1fa: cellphones are the same can call 911 if you don't have service
18:54.49SpaceBasshow can i read in digits to a variable?
18:54.55BrianR___In-band playback of your location and callback number addresses the majority of temporary signalling problems...
18:54.56a1faG0shen : 611 also
18:54.58G0shenQwest disconnects you line once you discontinue service I beleive
18:55.01bile_onetopping, I have not a clue, but it is an important issue when having to deal with lots of cunsumer based applications
18:55.02SpaceBassie if i want to read them in and then dial them on another trunk?
18:55.08*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
18:55.11harryvvThats what the 911 fees are for on the cell bill
18:55.18*** join/#asterisk marno (
18:55.19G0shenyou loose your dialtone completely when you disconnect from Qwest
18:55.33harryvvGoshen thanks that is nice to know.
18:55.35*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
18:56.02marnoi've got a problem and i don't know why
18:56.13BrianR___In my area, when I ended POTS service the line still had battery/ground, but no dialtone.
18:56.15G0shenharryvv: we keep our old cellphone at our headboard fully charged with the battery slid off so it doesn't discharge
18:56.15marnoin my extensions.conf i use sipgetheader
18:56.24marnothen i get pbx_extension_helper: No application 'SIPGetHeader'
18:56.25G0shenit doesn't have service, but you can still dial 911 with it
18:56.26a1fai am getting pissed
18:56.28a1faat broadvoice
18:56.42drumkillamarno: that application is only in CVS HEAD
18:56.45G0shena1fa: you call them yet?
18:56.49jessteranyway i can change my 2833 DTMF options to only advertise 100 0-15 instead of 100 0-16 (the 16 is Flash)
18:57.04marnodrumkilla, ok thats the problem :)
18:57.12Lee__does asterisk load the zaptel kernel module when needed or do I have to do it manually?
18:57.21drumkillaLee__: manually
18:57.24DrWho17Lee__: depends on your init script
18:57.36marnothe problem is, i have 50 local telephone numbers on one sip account
18:57.36Lee__I'm using the Debian packages in Sarge
18:57.41*** join/#asterisk eipi (
18:57.43harryvvGoshen sorry to tell you this but all MnHi Nicad Li have a cirtain drain rate every day. The only batteries that dont are alcaline.
18:57.54marnoi will have to use the from-line
18:58.04Beirdoharryvv: and zinc-air
18:58.14marnobut how can i read the the dialed-number?
18:58.24G0shenharryvv: sure, but you know how long it lasts once fully charged and not on the phone? months
18:58.30Beirdodon't let the air in, it's not activated.  once the air is in there it has a shelf-life
18:58.34harryvvBeirdo, 2 years ago read about zinc air batteries..what if there was a pin hole in its plastic covering?
18:58.38G0shenI check it once a month, and charge it about every 6 months
18:58.54harryvvGoshen unless there is some internal resistance.
18:59.04*** join/#asterisk heison (
18:59.12Beirdoharryvv: jeez.  then bang on the door of the neighbour's house
18:59.13Lee__how do I find the name of the module for a digium FXO PCI card?
18:59.20marnono idea?
18:59.24Beirdomankind lived a LONG time without 911
18:59.41harryvvBeirdo hehe not for the people who live remotly
18:59.43denonmankind also used to die at the age 30
18:59.45SpaceBasshow can i read in digits to a variable?
18:59.45SpaceBassie if i want to read them in and then dial them on another trunk?
18:59.51jhiverBeirdo: yeah. Actually I was thinking the other day we might as well go back to living in caves
18:59.58denonpeople used to die of the flu
19:00.33a1faLine 2 Status
19:00.33a1faHook State: On Registration State: Failed
19:00.33a1faeverything is set right
19:00.33G0shena2fa: you call them yet?
19:00.33a1fai am about to call them
19:00.34a1faand bitch at them
19:00.39G0shenask nice first ;)
19:00.42a1fathey dont even have my area code #
19:00.45*** join/#asterisk widowlicker (~Naturalbl@
19:00.49widowlickerhi there
19:00.55a1fai bought 7 accounts from them
19:01.04G0shenthey just added mine, when I asked about it
19:01.18a1fathey added your 2nd line?
19:01.18SpaceBassdo AGIs have to peral only? or can they be a shell script?
19:01.19*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (~jaxxan@
19:01.25G0shenit was funny, they didn't have my local area, so I signed up and requested LMP, and they had my area 6 days later
19:01.28widowlickerany one know how to set up a call through a modem
19:01.34*** join/#asterisk NK123 (
19:01.39G0shena1fa: no my area code
19:01.41*** part/#asterisk NK123 (
19:01.44jaxxanhey ya'll
19:01.47G0shenmy calls go through asterisk
19:01.49SpaceBasswidowlicker check e-bay for a x100p
19:01.57a1fajust do caller ID override
19:02.14SpaceBassa1fa what VOIP carriers support caller id override?
19:02.29Maxxedx100p's are a dime a dozen on ebay
19:02.29SpaceBassreally? cool
19:02.30a1fapacket8, does, methinks
19:02.32SpaceBasswonder if BV does
19:02.35G0shenyou can't set your own callerid with vonage can you?
19:02.41harryvvyea callerid=mickey mouse
19:02.45widowlickerwill a normal voice/data/fax modem not work
19:02.53Maxxedif your like me however and dont have any room (1U rack) go with the TDM400P
19:02.54terrapendammit, high speed internet is such a rip-off
19:02.54a1faG0shen : i dont think they BYOD
19:02.55G0shenBV doesn't allow you to set your own caller id, you call in and have them set it
19:03.07G0shenvonage doesn't have BYOD no
19:03.07a1fathats what i am going to do right now
19:03.08terrapenif i cancel my digital cable, my RoadRunner service goes up to $70/mo
19:03.11SpaceBasswidowlicker it might- from what i understand- if its a voice modem supported by linux telephony project
19:03.27*** part/#asterisk _Sam-- (
19:03.32a1faG0shen : did they add the 2nd line into your webconfig?
19:03.44SpaceBassterrapen Comcast does the same thing
19:03.45Maxxedhas anybody used * with time warners digital phone service?
19:03.46G0shenthe funny thing is...when I call qwest numbers it says Broadvoice INC, when I call the university of utah it is the right caller ID
19:03.55widowlickerit is showing up when i do lspci
19:03.59Maxxedjust curious
19:04.01G0shena1fa: I dropped my first line once they got my area code
19:04.09G0shena1fa: because it was free to change
19:04.15G0shenif..I dropped the old number
19:04.26a1fai have 7 accounts with them
19:04.32G0shennice :)
19:04.40a1faall residental :)
19:04.52terrapenit reaally sucks
19:04.56G0shenI will change over my business line when they LMP my number
19:04.57terrapeni want to pay $40/mo for high speed
19:04.59terrapenand no more
19:05.06terrapeni dont want cable tv
19:05.07Maxxedwho dosent ;)
19:05.07G0shenterrapen: good luck :)
19:05.13terrapenor "digital phone"
19:05.14a1faerr.. it really doesnt say "residenta"
19:05.19a1fait doesnt say anything
19:05.21a1fathey are stupid
19:05.41Maxxedim so broke, i cant afford to pay attention, but best belive i gots to have my broadband
19:05.49Maxxedil sell freakin cans to keep my cable
19:05.58a1faG0shen ; their plans are not business/residental oriented
19:06.06a1fawell, they have two business plans
19:06.10*** join/#asterisk mrtwister (
19:06.20a1faerr, one, but others are not "explict" residental plans
19:06.47jaxxananyone know if the Cisc 7935 works with Asterisk ?
19:06.54Maxxedit does
19:06.57Maxxedlike a champ
19:07.04BuckRogersif it runs sip u should be good
19:07.07BuckRogersskinny too
19:07.20terrapensome of my friends are so lucky...they can steal internet from their neighbors wifi
19:07.28Maxxedlucky sob's
19:07.28jaxxani was tossing the 7935 and the polycom soundstation 4000 around
19:07.34Maxxedi live in the gehtto
19:07.40BuckRogersthats not stealing if the neighbor does nothing to prevent it
19:07.41Maxxedlike i am the only hotspot for 20 miles
19:07.44G0shenterrapen: put up a dish and point it at a local hotspot ;)
19:07.45*** join/#asterisk miguellinux (~miguellin@
19:08.38G0shenyou get lots of gain with a parabolic antenna
19:08.38BuckRogersg0shen: i got one with an amp that we play with for longdistance links
19:08.39BuckRogersgoes great with an omni
19:08.49BrianR___use a usb wifi adaptor mounted at the focus point of a dish so you don't have to worry about part 15 as much :)
19:08.54BuckRogerswithin FCC limits
19:09.49Maxxedthey couldnt prove shit, but they knew it was me
19:10.02BrianR___My town has aparently taken the 10 digit numbers for police/fire emergency off their web site... I wonder if the numbers still work..
19:10.09a1fabroadnigga on the phone
19:10.13a1fai am going to bitch them out
19:10.24BuckRogersBrianR did you adjust for the distance from dish to emitter to take into acount the change of source rf
19:10.58BuckRogersBrianR__:call the precent
19:11.02BrianR___BuckRogers: The actual emitter needs to be at the focus point, so it does require a little twiddling..
19:11.24BuckRogersi see
19:12.00BrianR___BuckRogers: But if you're using a dish originally designed to hold a LNB, you're going to need a bit of a spacer anyway...
19:12.07Maxxedroot@NRG-PBX ~# modprobe zaptel
19:12.07Maxxed*/lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/zaptel.o: kernel-module version mismatch
19:12.07Maxxed*/lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/zaptel.o was compiled for kernel version 2.4.27-4tr
19:12.07Maxxedwhile this kernel is version 2.4.29-3tr.
19:12.07Maxxedmodprobe: insmod */lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/zaptel.o failed
19:12.07Maxxedmodprobe: insmod zaptel failed
19:12.15Maxxedi did a make clean; make install :\
19:12.25a1fabroadvoice support is so fucked
19:12.28Maxxedwhat args do i pass along to compile for my kernel ver ?
19:12.28BrianR___Maxxed: Built against wrong kernel headers.
19:12.40a1fathey dropped mine call
19:12.47MaxxedBrianR___: I got that much, what should I change?
19:12.51G0shena1fa: I love broadvoice support, they have been great so far
19:13.11Lee__anyone here using Debian and the zaptel-source package with module-assistant?
19:13.18MaxxedBrianR___: downgrade the kernel?
19:13.23BrianR___Maxxed: If you don't have the parameters for the dish you'll need to measure.
19:13.23a1faG0shen ; i am on hold for ever, and then they dropped me
19:13.38a1faControl the type of phone calls you can make. BroadVoice may reset the settings when the account is not in good standing, e.g. Non-Payment.
19:13.41BrianR___Maxxed: Make sure zaptel gets compiled against the headers that go with the kernel you plan to run.
19:13.42a1fai like this new option
19:13.45G0shena1fa: did you call them on your broadvoice phone? I usually get through to them in 1-3 minutes
19:14.04G0shena1fa: they answered on a Saturday, which earned many points in my book too
19:14.06DrWho17Maxxed: sounds like your kernel source doesn't match your running kernel
19:14.11DrWho17do a uname -a
19:14.14a1faonce a while
19:14.18a1fathey will answer immediatley
19:14.28BrianR___Maxxed: Or take a best guestimate. If you have the LNB that was originally supposed to go with the dish you can usually figure out what the intended focus point was and mount your USB wifi adaptor accordingly.
19:14.35a1fai like the account portal.. they added new options
19:14.35MaxxedDrWho17: yeah, thats what im thinkin
19:14.44DrWho17that's all it can be
19:14.51terrapenthis stupid time warner salesperson threatened that if i wanted to reconnect my cable service, that it would be much more expensive
19:14.55MaxxedBrianR___: wifi what now ? wrong nick bud ;)
19:14.56DrWho17if you did a make clean before compiling again, wrong kernel headers
19:14.58G0shena1fa: yea, the broadvoice account portal is really nice
19:14.59terrapeni told her, "No problem, I'll just move to Grande"
19:15.08terrapen(Grande Communications is their competitor)
19:15.28a1fathe best so far
19:15.42MaxxedDrWho17: yeah, i got some funky headers, were are they located? the kernel source? and what whould u recomend me do as far as overwriting ?
19:15.58rikstaMaxxed: what distr
19:16.10MaxxedDrWho17: this looks like a mess up on the trustix guys
19:16.20Maxxedriksta: Trustix Linux 2.2
19:16.32rikstaMaxxed: hmm i don't really know anything about that
19:16.40marnoi installed the cvs-version, but there is the same problem.... No application 'SIPGetHeader'
19:16.44Maxxedriksta: pretty much a bare bones linux distro, kinda feels like redhat
19:16.48G0shenMaxxed: just upgrade to 2.6 :)
19:16.58MaxxedGoshen: is it stable?
19:17.07Lee__do zaptel drivers compile against 2.6?
19:17.07DrWho17Maxxed: well, I'm not sure what trustix uses for package management
19:17.12MaxxedGoshen: iv been out of the loop for a goooood long while
19:17.18G0shenI use 2.6.10 to run my clinic server, web server, asterisk...yea it rock solid
19:17.19a1fathey need to change their hold music
19:17.20DrWho17Maxxed: if you manage the box you should know
19:17.22a1fait is driving me nuts
19:17.31MaxxedDrWho17: RPM
19:17.32G0shenI think they are up to 2.6.11 stable now
19:17.47DrWho17Maxxed: well just update the kernel and kernel-headers and kernel-sources
19:17.48G0shena1fa: yea, their hold music is the same every time, makes me laugh
19:18.00*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~Bob@
19:18.02DrWho17Trustix doesn't use up2date or whatever though probably
19:18.06MaxxedDrWho17: ok, sounds easy enuff :) thanks!
19:18.13AgiNamuWell, hello there.
19:18.18DrWho17although on FC4 test 1 I couldn't compile asterisk
19:18.25MaxxedDrWho17: they have some variation of up2date, suwp
19:18.25DrWho17but I think that was a GCC 4 thing
19:18.32AgiNamuFC4? didnt they just get FC3 out the door? :P
19:18.45MaxxedDrWho17: or swup, somthing like that
19:18.46DrWho17AgiNamu: heh FC4 test 1 was released a month ago
19:18.58DrWho17or so
19:19.01Maxxedim going to just upgrade the kernel n what not, see how that fairs me
19:19.10DrWho17well you need to do more then that
19:19.18DrWho17that's probably why you have the mismatch now
19:19.25DrWho17between the os includes and the kernel
19:19.26MaxxedDrWho17: ey ?
19:19.52MaxxedDrWho17: so the kernel, kernel-headers and kernel-sources wont cure what ales me ?
19:20.03DrWho17yes, they should
19:20.04marnoi installed the cvs-version, but there is the same problem.... No application 'SIPGetHeader'
19:20.05MaxxedDrWho17: doing that and recompiling i would think would do the trick?
19:20.06DrWho17get them all
19:20.11Maxxedyeah :)
19:20.22Maxxedok ok, off with me now, lets see how quick i can trash this machine :p
19:20.29Maxxedthanks a bunch for the help
19:20.46G0shenMaxxed: good luck
19:20.53Maxxedima need it ;)
19:21.02DrWho17marno: hrm, mine has it
19:21.12DrWho17asterisk -r
19:21.16DrWho17show applications
19:21.24DrWho17at least it's in my list of applications
19:22.00*** join/#asterisk BuckRogers (
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19:22.25DrWho17Asterisk CVS-HEAD-03/18/05-13:30:06 b
19:24.11*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
19:26.40a1fadang it
19:26.43a1faline 2 did not work
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19:28.06*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
19:28.41a1fai am pissed
19:29.00terrapeni think i need to set these guys up with one POTS line
19:29.03terrapenthrough an FXO
19:29.05terrapenfor their 911
19:29.23terrapento shield my ass from a lawsuit
19:29.28a1faget them a cellphone
19:29.33a1faprepaid cellhpone from walmart
19:29.37a1fait has 911
19:29.40a1fait only costs $20
19:29.42terrapenno, its a client of mine
19:29.49a1faget him a cell phone
19:29.52a1faemergency cellphone
19:29.55a1fahe will be proud
19:30.00terrapenhere's the thing, when you are frantic, you don't think "USE THE CELLPHONE TO DIAL 911"
19:30.04terrapenyou just pick up the phone and dial
19:30.10a1fanot me
19:30.12terrapeni know this.  last week i was involved in a shooting.
19:30.18terrapenit was really crazy
19:30.27a1fai am used to shooting
19:30.29terrapenthe person calling 911 actually dialed '811' twice
19:30.30a1faand bombing
19:30.37a1fawhat a fool
19:30.39a1fai mean tool
19:30.39terrapenand then i gave her the local number to the police
19:30.44terrapenand she misdialed that, too
19:30.54terrapena1fa, when someone is bleeding all over the place, you get a little shaken
19:31.01terrapeni completely understand her mistakes
19:31.10terrapeni was a little freaked out, too
19:31.20Groobyanyone experiencing bad voice quality w/ broadvoice?
19:31.43terrapeni will use a phone splitter to share the POTS line between the FXO and the fax machine
19:31.58terrapenthe FXO will do outbound calls on that line only
19:32.38terrapenthe only thing i want is the ability for the FXO (asterisk?) to forcibly disconnect the fax
19:32.45terrapenin the event of a 911 dial-out
19:34.54*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:37.51AgiNamuSo what's all involved in getting 911 support?
19:38.15terrapeni don't *want* my 911 calls to go over ther inetnet
19:38.24terrapeni just want asterisk to send them over POTS
19:39.16DrWho17AgaNamu: some kind of interconnect agreement with every LEC whose area you are provide VoIP service?
19:39.28a1faterrapen : nah.. i've seen heads blown
19:39.50AgiNamuDrWho17 -- yea, well, i wanted to avoid that
19:40.44DrWho17AgiNamu: well, I think some are forwarding the 911 extension to the normal telephone number
19:40.56bannermanterrapen: that's what I'm planning to do as well
19:41.02*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
19:41.04AgiNamuYea, I can look up that number and just redirect.
19:41.12AgiNamubut.... that wont send location information eh?
19:41.15DrWho17911 -> normal 911 number
19:41.16AgiNamuewll, obviously it wont
19:41.22DrWho17AgiNamu: no
19:41.23AgiNamuyea, the PSAP or something\?
19:41.26DrWho17but that's ok
19:41.49Lee__when I type 'zap show channels' the only channel it shows is labled pseudo. Is this normal?
19:41.52harryvv Lasuit against Vonage
19:41.59Lee__I have a wildcard X100P and the modules are loaded
19:42.00AgiNamuharryvv, that, that's retarded.
19:42.10harryvvyea it is
19:42.13Uther_PI have a sip provider, my asterisk server is behind a nat... can anyone tell me why asterisk is registering with the provider as the internal address, even though I have the EXTERNIP variable set in the sip.conf?
19:42.14AgiNamudumbasses didnt bother setting up their 911 service, then they complain? screw em. natual selecton.
19:42.20jontowhmm, yuck
19:42.37AgiNamuVonage should countersue for them being dumbasses. But I guess in texas, that's the norm? ;)
19:42.38a1faback to work
19:42.51smash-i gues
19:43.06DrWho17AgiNamu: it's also the headquarters of some big LEC's
19:43.09jontowthis is what i have to work with, i've gotta make *'s voicemail application 'feel like' :
19:43.09AgiNamuyou guess? what other way is there?
19:43.25AgiNamuI dislike vonage, but im happy they get to sort all these issues out for the rest of us.
19:43.51DrWho17Uther_P: did you set the NAT setting on your asterisk sip.conf
19:44.14spackleWill Vonage get blamed when the ISP is down too?
19:44.18Uther_Pyes, NAT=yes; EXTERNIP=myoutsideaddress
19:44.38DrWho17spackle: probably
19:44.54Uther_Pbut on the provider's side, its still registering with the internal address
19:45.43G0shenAgiNamu: I agree its nice to have a big voip provider stomping out problems, like that isp that was blocking them
19:45.59spacklerediculout.  Look at the stack it takes for Vonage to work!  Cable/DSL->ISP->Vonage.  It's not your father's Ma bell anymore.
19:46.40DrWho17Uther_P: don't know, the few I have behind NAT worked fine, after switching Nat=yes
19:46.45Uther_Pthat is not your daddy's shotgun technology
19:46.48DrWho17previously they were presenting the internal ip
19:47.15AgiNamuyea, but blaming the ISP is easier. "Can you get to our website?" "no." "go screw yourself" :)
19:47.20*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
19:47.32smash-~PRI router
19:47.48jbot[agi] the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages
19:47.51AgiNamuanyone have any experience with the VoIP 911 providers?
19:48.21DrWho17that website posted previously is pretty informative
19:48.24AgiNamui guess i can just redirect to a PSAP for now.
19:48.34AgiNamuwhich website?
19:48.34DrWho17check their FAQ
19:49.20ManxPowerHow I handle 911 for my VoIP users:  "I'm sorry, but 911 is not available from the phone you are calling from.  We told you this when we handed you the VoIP phone.  Please hang up and use a land line to dial 911"
19:49.51AgiNamuyea, but its a nice feature for us to offer.
19:50.07*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
19:50.13harryvvManx one idea is get each police,fire,ambulance 7 digit phone numbers and do a 911 extension with a ivr statung press 1 for police 2 for ambulance ect.
19:50.16ManxPowerFor an office, I always install PSTN service locally anyway.
19:50.38*** join/#asterisk G0shen (
19:50.42clive-does anyone know what this means: Ooh, voice format changed to 256
19:50.42harryvvI know our local rcmp have a standard 7 digit call in.
19:51.02sudhir492Asterisk crashes sometimes on H323 calls
19:51.05ManxPowerclive-: it means the codec changed to number 256.  "show codecs" will tell you what 256 is
19:51.05harryvvRoyal Canadian Mounted Police
19:51.32AgiNamuis there a PSAP database or something?
19:51.34*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
19:51.35clive-Manx, thanks, trying to solve a native transfer issue here
19:51.50Uther_Phehe, I think I just figured out why it was still registering with internal... my sip provider, which is also my t1 provider, used an internal address of for the sip server... my LOCALNET setting was, so even though I had EXTERNIP set, since the target was within the LOCALNET, it didn't use it... sound reasonable?
19:51.59cjkso hi its me again, anyone here who got some experience in grandstream firmware preconfiguration (cfg.txt)
19:52.07ManxPowerUther_P: Yes.  Welcome to NAT.
19:52.26AgiNamuno, welcome to Shitty Internet Protocol.
19:52.58clive-hmmm, does eveyone get this ooh message my codecs thingy 256 = G729
19:53.19*** join/#asterisk florz (~florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
19:53.21AgiNamuyea, i hate that message
19:53.27AgiNamuThats why I wanted a console filter.
19:53.37Uther_Pheh, I know about nat, but I didn't realize that the externip option depended on the target being outside a certain block.. I didn't HAVE the localnet defined.. that was just the default
19:53.42AgiNamu"Ooh! you're making a call!" "Ooh! It's using a codec." "Ooh! Asterisk is running"
19:53.48clive-Agi, so thats normal then this Ooh thingy...ok,,,
19:54.25clive-so now still puzzled why my native bridge is not hapenning
19:55.02AgiNamuwhats the setup?
19:56.09TomLI don't suppose there's been any jitter buffering introduced for SIP since CVS-HEAD-12/21/04-19:04:45?
19:56.26clive-I am trying to get asterisk1 out the path
19:56.48*** part/#asterisk Pinhole (
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19:57.28clive-actually, ..maybe this nufone rating thingy I have installed is messing with the native transfer
19:57.49xkevdo I need to escape + in $[${var} : \d+] ?
19:57.59AgiNamurating thinguy??
19:58.59goobsterI have a question -
19:59.09goobsterDoes Asterisk support g729?
19:59.50AgiNamuyou must buy a license from digium.
19:59.57harryvvwas going to say that :)
19:59.59goobsterahh - that's what I suspected
20:00.01harryvvwhat does it cost
20:00.09AgiNamu$10 a channel
20:00.13harryvvAnd are there any real advantages
20:00.26*** join/#asterisk husher (
20:00.30AgiNamureal advantages?
20:00.33AgiNamubeing legal.
20:00.35AgiNamuthats it?
20:00.36harryvvof g729
20:00.41AgiNamuthe codec?
20:00.44xkevlow bandwidth, good quality
20:00.48AgiNamuYea, great quality at way less bandwidth.
20:00.52spackleharryvv: the codec can compress to 8kbps.
20:00.53harryvvover that of the other codecs?
20:00.53xkeveats cpu though
20:01.02nirshey all
20:01.04nirsanybody home ?
20:01.10harryvvxkev thats expected
20:01.11xkeve.g. some polycoms can't conference g729 cuz it's too much for them
20:01.15spackleharryvv: Very nice through a WAN or low bandwidth connection.
20:01.22AgiNamuyea, it's a lot of CPU\
20:01.25harryvvlike wireless wan
20:01.26clive-g927 is a great codec
20:01.39*** join/#asterisk hugeguy (~atle@
20:02.30sivanawhat's this talk about on-board echo cancellation on TE411P?
20:06.33sivanaTE410P can be upgraded to TE411P
20:07.03sivanamailing list
20:07.10sivanahere's the part I caught:
20:07.13sivana"    For $2500 you can buy the TE411P which is a 4 port T1/PRI card that has onboard echo cancellation. Or you can send in your TE410P and $1000 and they will upgrade it for you."
20:07.32sivanaI'm here to find out more about that statemetn :)
20:07.43RoyKtoo bad I don't have any echo problems, then :P
20:07.53RoyKalso, that $1000 extra isn't worth it
20:07.59cpatryTE411P ? new one?
20:07.59RoyKsangoma cards do that a lot better
20:08.05RoyKwith lower interrupt load
20:08.06sivanayes, agreed
20:08.13sivanawe're a reseller for Sangoma
20:08.28sivanaI'm just trying to find out if anyone here have heard of that
20:08.39cpatrysivana: ya've the link for that emaiL?
20:08.48clive-sinana its a wicthdoctor
20:08.50sivanaespecially since I can get a hardware based echo can for $2200 USD
20:08.59RoyKfscking $2500 is a lot of money for a shite card from digium
20:09.12RoyKsivana: the normal 104 card. does that have echo cancellation?
20:09.18sivana~seen mboehm
20:09.20jboti haven't seen 'mboehm', sivana
20:09.28Maxxeddepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/torisa.o
20:09.28Maxxeddepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/wcfxs.o
20:09.28Maxxeddepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/wct4xxp.o
20:09.28Maxxeddepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/wcte11xp.o
20:09.28Maxxeddepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/zaptel.o
20:09.28Maxxeddepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/ztd-eth.o
20:09.30Maxxeddepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.29-3tr/misc/ztdynamic.o
20:09.36sivananone of them do
20:09.43jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
20:09.53Maxxedya i dig ya
20:09.53G0shenMAxxed: did you recompile your kernel yet?
20:09.57nirshey all, anyone has experience with BackGroundDetect ?
20:10.00ManxPowerRoyK: I'll sell you a 4 port Digium card for only US$2000!
20:10.03G0shento 2.6?
20:10.03RoyKMaxxed: apt-get install module-init-tools
20:10.09Maxxedcat /proc/version
20:10.09MaxxedLinux version 2.4.29-3tr ( (gcc version 3.3.4 (Trustix)) #1 Fri Feb 18 18:22:04 CET 2005
20:10.25RoyKManxPower: and the sangoma 104 card costs 1699,-
20:10.30Maxxedapt-get ?
20:10.35G0shenMaxxed: thought you were going to 2.6
20:10.45RoyKlooks like it
20:10.49Maxxednuhuh? was i supose to?
20:10.49ManxPowerRoyK: The 4-port Digium card is only $1500
20:10.59RoyK2.6 needs module-init-tools instead of modutils
20:11.16RoyKManxPower: 1599 from digium, and it stresses the system a lot more than sangoma's cards
20:11.20sivanaManxPower: have you heard of the TE411P (with built-in echo can)
20:11.38sivanaon-board echo can
20:11.40Maxxedwas compiled for kernel version 2.4.27-4tr, this kernel is version 2.4.29-3tr
20:11.50drumkillawell, how much has sangoma contributed to Asterisk?
20:11.55drumkillathat's about all I'll say on that subject ...
20:11.59RoyKMaxxed: use a kernel from
20:12.00ManxPowersivana: I heard that it's just wishful thinking.
20:12.10MaxxedRoyK: ok, il give it a shot
20:12.11drumkillaManxPower: it's reality :)
20:12.14sivanadrumkilla: I have no idea, none if they're a hardware maker
20:12.33BrianR___I was looking at the sangoma cards.. I hear they have DMA?
20:12.42BrianR___The sangoma cards are cheaper too, aren't they?
20:12.46drumkillasivana: exactly - but without Digium, there would be no Asterisk
20:12.52RoyKdrumkilla: well. as long as sangoma cards are a lot better, it doesn't really matter
20:13.01sivanadrumkilla: well, you can't expect Digium to be the only hardware maker
20:13.01ManxPowerdrumkilla: It's not a reality until it's on Digium's online store.
20:13.05RoyKI'll be ditching asterisk for aefirion :)
20:13.21ManxPowerBrianR___: Digium's TE* cards do DMA.
20:13.28drumkillasivana: I'm not saying that
20:13.31ManxPowerRoyK: Is that the Irish Asterisk clone?
20:13.45RoyKManxPower: irish?
20:13.49sivanaI don't know, I look for hardware that works :)
20:14.03ManxPowerRoyK: Gaelic has a lot of ae and i's
20:14.08BrianR___Aren't they both based very closely off the zapata design?
20:14.16sivanaBrianR___: yes, they are
20:14.25*** join/#asterisk hugeguy (~atle@
20:14.34sivanaBrianR___: Sangoma has taken it further, and developed better drivers (supposedly)
20:14.37RoyKManxPower: dunno where they found the name. it's an asterisk fork meant to do things better
20:15.04sivanaBrianR___: I have Digium hardware, I haven't tried Sangoma yet
20:15.26BrianR___Are there any important differences between the TE410 and the sangoma A104, aside from the digium card being single voltage?
20:15.30sivanaBrianR___: supposedly, they've done more work on the card and the drivers, but it's all hear-say right now
20:16.18*** join/#asterisk chaoscon (~ph33r@chaoscon.user)
20:16.59bkw_leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeets see
20:17.00BrianR___I have the TE410P and it works just fine. Was expensive though.
20:17.00sivanaI'd like to see Digium spend more time on their hardware
20:17.20Kattywhat is the name of the open office package for apt-get installing purposes?
20:17.32Kattyor at least writer.
20:17.40sivanabkw_: you there?
20:17.40BrianR___Also fits only in a 3.3v slot, but that's not much of an issue these days.
20:17.42Hmmhesaysapt-cache search openoffice
20:17.47KattyHmmhesays: thx
20:17.49bkw_no problems with digium hardware here
20:17.51jaxxananyone done any work with metrics and statistics for call center phones similar to ACD ?
20:18.15sivanabkw_: have you heard of the TE411P? no product maybe?
20:18.29bkw_what is it gonna be?
20:18.36*** join/#asterisk brimstone (~brimstone@
20:18.44jaxxani have a small call center with limited statistics, but management wants more, they crave more.... and they're talking about call manager. I'd rather not go that route.
20:18.45drumkillabkw_: it's the board with the onboard echo can
20:18.47bkw_oh isn't that the one with the hardware echocan add on?
20:18.49drumkillabkw_: they had it at von
20:18.52bkw_ya ya
20:18.59zoawe toyed with it
20:19.00bkw_but its not a user upgradeable part
20:19.07KattyHmmhesays: you're just so handy
20:19.14bkw_the firmware on the card has to be updated
20:19.15brimstonedoes anyone know if the iaxy supports mwi?
20:19.15sivanais it available yet?
20:19.16jaxxanif i had ACD like statistics to show them, i could shut em up.
20:19.21ManxPowerRoyK: It prolly means "crazy programmer" in Gaelic.  Sort of like "yate" means "crazy programmer" in Romanian
20:19.22drumkillabrimstone: yes, it does
20:19.26Kattybkw_: moo
20:19.28bkw_sivana, I think he said production was delayed a bit over some small part
20:19.30bkw_Katty, yo
20:19.43sivanabkw_: so it's going to be shortly?
20:19.47Kattybkw_: my employeer just bought me a vonexus server :<
20:19.49bkw_sivana, i'm sure
20:19.53brimstonedrumkilla: any idea why this phone doesn't get the mwi but it gets stutter tone?
20:19.57bkw_Katty, what is that?
20:20.10Kattybkw_: voip software that runs on windows :/
20:20.15drumkillabrimstone: heh, nope
20:20.16Kattybkw_: server software
20:20.21brimstonedrumkilla: ok, thanks!
20:20.29Kattybkw_: save me!
20:20.31bkw_Katty, did you smack him around?
20:20.36Kattybkw_: i scowled
20:20.48drumkillaKatty: if you must, you could use asterisk on cygwin
20:20.52drumkillabut I would still cringe
20:20.56Kattydrumkilla: no solutions pls
20:20.59Kattydrumkilla: just complaining
20:21.04drumkillaha, well sorrrrry
20:21.10Kattykthx, all better
20:21.11bkw_I don't blame her
20:21.14bkw_I would complain too
20:21.17bkw_EVIL EVIL EVIL
20:21.22Kattyi'm still setting up asterisk
20:21.23drumkilladefinitely evil
20:21.28Kattyi intend to woo everyone into asterisk
20:21.41Hmmhesaysi see how you are
20:21.48bkw_or setup a windows box and make them think its that vonexsus crap
20:21.48Kattydo you really
20:21.55KattyHmmhesays: sniffle.
20:22.03bkw_false front .... but really run asterisk
20:22.06Hmmhesaysevil vixen!
20:22.12Kattybkw_: or maybe i'll just complain about viruses and spyware all the time
20:22.19Kattybkw_: not to mention everything else ;)
20:22.33*** join/#asterisk mog_home3 (
20:22.35bkw_viruses?  spyware? ... whats that?
20:22.47bkw_whats this malware you speak of?
20:23.20mog_home3malware is everywhere...
20:23.37bkw_NO its not.. I don't have any
20:23.49mog_home3yours is called windows bkw
20:23.56bkw_I don't run that
20:24.01Maxxedfawk me
20:24.08bkw_mog_home3, OS X baby
20:24.11mog_home3bkw_ i have seen that on your box on multiple occasions
20:24.15mog_home3when you upgrade
20:24.27bkw_mog_home3, no windows here baby.. I use a mac
20:24.29Maxxedi really need to read the stdout of stuff more often
20:25.00xkevpcadach thx
20:27.00*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
20:27.46nirshey all, anyone has experience with BackGroundDetect ?
20:29.16*** join/#asterisk bah (
20:29.48brimstoneand there he goes
20:30.28nirsbkw, you there ?
20:30.53*** join/#asterisk anachron (~caseystro@
20:31.22*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (
20:32.01bkw_ok.. FOOT.. DOWN... NEXT!!!
20:32.14DannyFbkw_,  ;)
20:32.51Beirdo~seen slePP
20:32.53jbotslepp is currently on #asterisk (20h 36m 46s)
20:32.54DannyFurk have a remote * thats not calling home any more yay
20:33.24*** part/#asterisk anachron (~caseystro@
20:33.43nestArnumber portability in progress
20:33.51DannyFtick tack
20:34.47spackleQuestion: if I have two * boxen, and I want one to be an extension of the other, is there a way to make anything I dial on A automatically get dialed on B over IAX?
20:35.20TedCis queue wraptime calculted from when the call is picked up, or from when it's hung up?
20:35.37nestArTedC: wrap up time doesn't work for me..
20:35.57nestArbut in a working enviroment, it should be from hang up
20:36.02TedCnestAr: Yeah, I'm suspecting it's not working here either.  Have you figured out a way to implement it?
20:36.04nestArotherwise it's not much use.
20:36.13nestAri haven't
20:36.19nestAri've given up on it..
20:36.22TedCI was thinking of possibly something in the dialplan.
20:37.12*** join/#asterisk kcir2 (
20:37.16kcir2so like
20:37.29*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released || || -> The real hardware prices are listed!
20:37.31TedCIdeally, if wraptime was going to work, it would take account of outbound calls as well.
20:37.32*** join/#asterisk c00w (
20:38.55kcir2Mar 23 15:38:24 ERROR[7218]: chan_zap.c:6195 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
20:39.03TedCAlternately, it might be doable in an AGI, although I'm nott too familitar with AGI right now
20:39.05kcir2but ztcfg -vv shows a channel 1 clearly
20:39.06*** join/#asterisk rephorm (
20:39.57kcir2and other times it loads without error
20:41.06*** join/#asterisk jedaustin (
20:42.09rephormi'm setting up an IVR, and am having trouble with ResponseTimout not working as it should (the call drops as soon as my Background finishes, without doing a response timer)
20:42.15rephormthe context is at
20:42.31jedaustinAh.. finally got inbound and outbound calling working with Broadvoice :)  One problem.. audio quality sucks
20:43.03rephormeverything works fine if I dial an extension while the message is playing
20:44.12BrianR___ has a good description of in-band emergency signalling...
20:44.15jedaustinAny tips for improving audio quality between asterisk and broadvoice?
20:44.28ManxPowerrephorm: look at the priorities.  Asterisk will stop at the first gap in priorities.
20:45.04rephormManxPower: yeah, but it should wait for the amount of time set by ResponseTimeout() after it runs out of priorities, no??
20:46.34*** join/#asterisk wildcard0 (
20:48.20rephormhmm. happens with the demo also. odd.
20:48.38*** join/#asterisk gmcinnes (~gmcinnes@
20:50.07*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
20:50.12ariel_hello everyone
20:50.16gmcinnesanyone around?  It's quiet in here.
20:50.47heisonanyone used fastSMS with Asterisk?
20:51.39MikeJ[Laptop]is anyone sucessfully using 2 B chan transfer on pri?
20:52.17krammikej: i think it's implemented for 5E
20:53.55gmcinnesis anyone doing ivr stuff?
20:54.41*** join/#asterisk Shido6 (
20:54.43MikeJ[Laptop]y, I was trying to make sense of what options are needed
20:54.52rephormgmcinnes: yes
20:55.06MikeJ[Laptop]a-ha :  mattf-> I just changed it so that the "transfer" keyword in zapata.conf enables/disables 2BCT on channels.
20:56.15gmcinnesrephorm:  I have issues.  I don't know how to stream multiple files consecutively and catch multi digit inputs.
20:56.44BrianR___2BCT works in which asterisk version?
20:57.16BrianR___trying to prevent tromboning in this key system integration... I may wind up having to use '#' transfer...
20:57.22rephormgmcinnes: by consecutively you mean one after the other, right? you use several consecutive Background() commands
20:57.31*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
20:57.42gmcinnesrephorm: More specifically my problem is that the "say date" command is in the middle, and it doesn't return any digits.
20:57.50gmcinnesrephorm: is there a way around that?
20:57.51_Sam--hey does anyone know what i should try to get caller id name coming through?  i get caller ID number, but no name....PRI provider says they are sending the name too
20:58.00MikeJ[Laptop]BrianR___, it's in head, trying to get it working niw
20:58.25*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
20:58.34rephormgmcinnes: ahh. yeah, not sure how you can get DTMF while its doing a SayDate, sorry.
20:58.59BrianR___MikeJ[Laptop]: Interesting.
20:59.22MikeJ[Laptop]it does not seem to be working at the moment..
20:59.28gmcinnesrephorm: gah. I'm going to have to build my own if it becomes a problem.
20:59.46BrianR___Not sure if this stupid norstar key system supports 2BT on any PRI signalling scheme except SL-1, which Asteridks doesn't support either, so it might not help me anyway. But I'm glad to hear we'll be able to use it on PSTN calls soon.
20:59.49MikeJ[Laptop]I need to go look at the patches, cuz there are refs to a config file option that is not documented
21:00.11*** join/#asterisk loick (
21:00.13krambrianr: one advantage of buying from digium is tech support that knows what a 2BCT is :)
21:00.46drumkillafree tech support at that
21:01.09BrianR___kram: I already bought my gear from digium...
21:01.10rephormgmcinnes: does ResponseTimeout() work properly for you? (it isn't wokring here)
21:01.12*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
21:01.15MikeJ[Laptop]o yeah... mental note, add wiki article on zaptel --> nortel meridian (option 11)
21:01.20kramgood :)
21:01.30BrianR___I think we're giving them some $700 to answer my questions during this project too :)
21:01.34mog_home3we are the best...
21:01.37mog_home3at least i think so
21:01.43rephormgmcinnes: its dropping the call immediately after the last priority without waiting for the response
21:01.46_Sam--i tried to get my card from digium...they suggested i buy it from a distributor
21:01.56_Sam--maybe they knew i was going to need alot of support.
21:02.06MikeJ[Laptop]same support
21:02.07drumkilla_Sam--: are you outside of the US?
21:02.19_Sam--nope...although some might not consider delaware part of it
21:02.20gmcinnesrephorm: Seems to work ok for me, but I haven't used it much.
21:02.26mog_home3and we support our distriubtors
21:02.29terrapenhas anybody ever made up a "Why Asterisk?" document for non-technical users?
21:02.30mog_home3if you buy your card from x
21:02.36mog_home3we help
21:02.37drumkilla_Sam--: ha, well like MikeJ[Laptop] said, you still get the Digium support
21:02.38terrapeni need something that I can modify and give to this client
21:03.02terrapenPeople live in Delaware?
21:03.08mog_home3just sheep
21:03.10_Sam--nah but its a good place to locate a server
21:03.11kram_sam-- when you buy from a disty, you get support from digium *and* the disty
21:03.15terrapenI thought it was only P.O. Boxes
21:03.21kramthere's also the yahoo store if you want to buy direct
21:03.25jontowterrapen; the signate book seems to do something similar to that.. and there is a document that sort of explains itself located..somewhere :)  "non-technical review of the asterisk...."
21:03.35drumkillakram is my hero
21:03.50terrapenjon: yes, that's what i need
21:03.58mog_home3drumkilla is my hero and thus kram by refrence ^_^
21:04.16BrianR___Wish you folks would hurry up and get 1.2 out so I don't have to backport the '##' transfer feature :(
21:04.20terrapenwhen you guys do consulting, how much do you typically mark up hardware?
21:04.29_Sam--so with all the free support, should i call digium and ask them what i need to do to get inbound caller id name to show up? :)
21:04.39drumkillaBrianR___: you don't want a broken 1.2 do you?  A number doesn't make it stable :)
21:04.42terrapensam--: thats'
21:04.47terrapenthat's pretty simple
21:04.48kramsam: of course
21:04.48MikeJ[Laptop]terrapen, as much as I can :)
21:04.53_Sam--i get inbound caller id number, but no name
21:05.09terrapenmike: i'm selling the Cisco 7960 for US$550
21:05.13terrapenbut that includes setup
21:05.16drumkilla_Sam--: 256-428-6161, or
21:05.17terrapenand upgrading the firmware
21:05.24_Sam--thank you
21:05.27BrianR___drumkilla: No no.. I want everyone to go on a big stimulant binge and fix all the bugs...
21:05.35drumkillaBrianR___: haha
21:05.44_Sam--if i call ext500 on my asterisk demo, can i get support? :)
21:05.45MikeJ[Laptop]terrapen, well... I won't buy at those prices, but if you found somone who will.. more power too ya
21:05.52mog_home3that information is to be secret drum
21:06.00MikeJ[Laptop]stop tickling :)
21:06.04drumkilla_Sam--: actually, yeah - just dial ext 6161 when you get to the menu
21:06.11terrapenmike, of course i wouldn't buy at them, either :)
21:06.20terrapenbut this customer has no clue how to set up a Cisco phone
21:06.22drumkillamog_home3: ?
21:06.24mog_home3he knows the way through the infrstructure
21:06.24terrapenthus, the markup
21:06.39drumkillamog_home3: haha ... sorry, I thought that was the correct way to do it :)
21:06.43mog_home3im joking
21:06.47mog_home3right way
21:06.49drumkillaok :)
21:06.52mog_home3is to call 1877-linux-me
21:06.52MikeJ[Laptop]you can absolutly do that kind of markup, but you need to share the profit with me
21:06.58bkw_terrapen, 550?
21:06.58vaewyndrumkilla: btw... wanted to catch you on here and says thanks for pandering the the peanut gallery at VON
21:07.00drumkillamog_home3: I could give them all your direct extension!
21:07.01bkw_dude are you nutz
21:07.09mog_home3i dont have one
21:07.09drumkillavaewyn: no problem!
21:07.16terrapenbkw, how much would you charge someone?
21:07.23harryvvkram you may or may not know if this is a existing issues but is there a problem with comedian mail having voice prompt problems? Ie it would say enter your mail box number normally but it the issue since installing on a second system is the words would but cut out and the next word would start. Example PleaEnter youMail box
21:07.27bkw_I can get them for 250-275 with power
21:07.28vaewynbkw_: sex with pistachios... (f'in nuts)
21:07.39MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_, he is selling them for that much
21:07.43MikeJ[Laptop]not buying
21:07.51MikeJ[Laptop]and getting some idiot to bite
21:07.56bkw_thats MAD
21:08.00bkw_if stupid people ay.. let em
21:08.12MikeJ[Laptop]he just needs to share
21:08.23drumkillai'm a poor college student!
21:08.28bkw_my phonenumber has 429 in it.. which spells GAY
21:08.29harryvvMabey my asterisk install is the only one that has this issue. Its very anoying
21:08.31file[laptop]who bought an Ipod
21:08.32xkevI'm having issues where about a half dozen of my 35 polycom IP 600s have locked up once or twice over the last week, using 1.4.1 and 2.6.1 boot
21:08.34xkevanyone else?
21:08.43mog_home3you are so funny bkw_
21:08.53bkw_my cell has 9378 which is WEST
21:08.55file[laptop]silly drumkilla
21:09.11ManxPowerxkev: 1.0.x or CVS-HEAD?
21:09.15harryvvdrumkilla the students here in bc are litterly starving..the premier yanked all the subsidized collage funding for students.
21:09.21xkevmanx head
21:09.29bkw_ManxPower, I doubt the phone locking up has anything to do with CVS-HEAD vs STABLE
21:09.30ManxPowerxkev: I'm sorry to hear that.
21:09.34drumkillaharryvv: :(
21:09.35xkevI'm not
21:09.46ManxPowerbkw_: There were a lot of SIP changes in CVS-HEAD recently.
21:09.53harryvvdrumkilla he has done alot of diservice to this provinace.
21:09.56bkw_so none that would cause a phone to lock up
21:10.06bkw_unless the phone has bugs
21:10.09xkevI am on march 11, just before the experimental config options stuff
21:10.10ManxPowerbkw_: The two servers I accidently ran CVS-HEAD on would not stay up for even 1 day.
21:10.17MikeJ[Laptop]so your cell # is Gay West ?
21:10.26bkw_thats funny I have it up all the time.. no crashes
21:10.31bkw_ok that sounds wrong
21:10.38ManxPowerbkw_: Well, it could be argued that NOTHING should EVER make the phone lock up.
21:10.42Nugget/topic #asterisk <bkw_> thats funny I have it up all the time
21:10.50ManxPowerbkw_: Dunno.  But that's happened.
21:10.57bkw_ManxPower, you're so down on cvs-head but I have never had any show stoppers that I couldn't fix or work around.
21:10.58xkevmanx, I have had only one crash problem, and it's in chan_sip or otherwise not checking corrupting data before doing strcmp() stuff
21:11.23ManxPowerbkw_: I'm only down on CVS-HEAD if someone runs it in production.
21:11.32bkw_we do it all the time
21:11.35bkw_so does digium :P
21:11.36*** part/#asterisk loick (
21:11.42drumkillago stable!  hehe
21:11.46terrapenthere used to be a site where you could put in your number and it would tell you what it might spell
21:11.49bkw_ya non-working stable
21:11.55bkw_drumkilla, broke it
21:11.59drumkilladid not!
21:12.14drumkillaI haven't done a thing that wasn't done to head first :p
21:12.19file[laptop]he drinks tons of rum when he's doing stable stuff
21:12.22bkw_drumkilla, no COMMENT
21:12.23file[laptop]so that is why it is broken
21:12.37terrapenThere are no words in 859-3107
21:12.38ManxPowerfile[laptop]: I thought he loaded up the bong before doing a release.
21:12.47file[laptop]release, uh huh
21:12.52MikeJ[Laptop]o screw stable... down with drumkilla....!!!!!
21:12.54bkw_"<drumkilla>I haven't done a thing that wasn't done to head first :p"
21:13.04terrapenwaha look what my toll free spells
21:13.17bkw_mike no its no gay  west
21:13.31MikeJ[Laptop]isn't that san fran?
21:13.48drumkilladirty, evil people
21:13.54MikeJ[Laptop]I diserved that I think :)
21:13.55bkw_lets have a flash back of how I drove in SFO
21:14.04bkw_drumkilla, care to give a play by play
21:14.09ManxPowerbkw_: let's not.
21:14.10drumkillabkw_: like a mad man!
21:14.11vaewynI choose mine for the numbers rather than the spellings :}   867-5309 for instance :}
21:14.14bkw_traffic was so entertaining.
21:14.28file[laptop]I loved when drumkilla lost it
21:14.32*** join/#asterisk Goldenear (
21:14.34`SauronDoesn't spell anything.
21:14.36MikeJ[Laptop]bkw_ driving and kram walking in san jose I hear could be a bad combination :)
21:14.43`Sauronbarely anything
21:14.49ManxPowerAnyone going to VON Europe?
21:14.57file[laptop]it's so sexy!
21:15.04xkevhow big will unique-id get?
21:15.05drumkillaManxPower: I think I may be
21:15.14MikeJ[Laptop]damn... 2bct only works on cpe side, and I had to make * net side... well that sucks
21:15.21drumkillafile[laptop]: haha ... yeah, I did go crazy after driving in circles for a few hours
21:15.22xkevI'm up to 1400 calls since restart, so it's getting larger
21:15.28file[laptop]drumkilla: indeed
21:15.32drumkillaI threw the map to the bag of the van
21:15.33vaewynI don't know what bkw_ was up to in San Jose... he managed to duck out every time I looked for him at the booth :P
21:15.43bkw_vaewyn, I was there
21:15.44Goldenearhi. Are they any Asterisk or IAX devellopers here ?
21:15.47_Sam--hmmm...whoever told me to call tech at digium....
21:15.49bkw_just look for the flame
21:15.53_Sam--im not sure if i should thank them or not
21:15.53MikeJ[Laptop]maybe I will just get a couple quad pri cards and run everything front end through *
21:15.54ManxPowerdrumkilla: That would be cool.  I just finished my registration.
21:15.59_Sam--they dont seem too happy to help me
21:16.01vaewynbkw_: yeah... I know... but you di duck out every time... it was amazing
21:16.08jaxxanhow do you do a call count ?
21:16.11terrapenvaewyn, somebody told me that you have a nice wifi phone
21:16.20_Sam--mog_home3 :  the guys name thats helping me is matt
21:16.26vaewynterrapen: :} why yes I do... :P
21:16.27_Sam--i asked if it was you, but he said now
21:16.30bkw_vaewyn, were you that really strange guy that bugged everyone?
21:16.32file[laptop]there's lots of Matts
21:16.35kramthere are 5 matts at digium
21:16.35drumkilla5 of them
21:16.38mog_home3that is not me
21:16.39terrapenvaewyn, which one is it?
21:16.39_Sam--thats what this one said
21:16.41vaewynbkw_: ohh like that narrows it down :}
21:16.41mog_home3its mattr
21:16.42bkw_vaewyn, show me a picture
21:16.45mog_home3i can talk to you sam if you want
21:16.49bkw_so I know if I talked to you
21:16.56vaewynterrapen: hitachi cable WIP 5000
21:17.07_Sam--he was as nice as he could be...he got on my console, didnt see any name coming across in incoming call...
21:17.09GoldenearI'm would like to understand something about Asterisk IAX2 codec negotiation, could somebody help me, I think I've found a bug.
21:17.09ManxPowerdrumkilla: Now I just need to the T-shirts with my resume on it made up!
21:17.17_Sam--and i said, well now you know what im saying..."well we cant help you then"
21:17.18terrapenvae: is it reliable and how is the sound quality?
21:17.21*** part/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
21:17.24mog_home3one sec
21:17.27NuggetManxPower: if you need help translating your resume into dutch, lemme know.  :)
21:17.27ManxPowerGoldenear: Did you check the mailing lists first?
21:17.31jbot[mailinglist] Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
21:17.32*** join/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
21:17.42CherebrumProgrammers Dare Not Throw Salty Pretzels Away
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21:17.47Goldenearand I search on google also
21:17.58ManxPowerNugget: The resume writing service used so many marketing words I felt sick, but if it works.....
21:18.14`SauronNugget: You speak dutch?
21:18.16terrapenhow do you keep jbot from privmsging
21:18.19Nuggetmy resume is cheeky and irreverent.  that's always worked well for me.
21:18.24terrapenand have it speak to the channel instead
21:18.28GoldenearManxPower: but no way to have any answer ...
21:18.32Nuggetanyone deterred by my resume isn't someplace I'd want to work
21:18.43ManxPowerGoldenear: post it to the asterisk-dev mailing list
21:19.07ManxPowerNugget: At this point I'm almost ready to apply to escort services.
21:19.17ManxPowerI may not be much to look at, but I can be VERY creative. 8-)
21:19.31Nuggetheh.  well, give bkw_ a call at GAY-WEST  :)
21:19.38Goldeneardo I have to subscribe to the mailing list to post on it ?
21:19.45ManxPowerGoldenear: yes.
21:20.11ManxPowerNugget: Naw.  I'm a rebel.  I think sex should be free.
21:20.11Goldenearok so I will :)
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21:20.22vaewynbkw_: reason we were looking for you is checking on if anyone has done SIP takeover to get high availability setups should be free, that is.
21:20.29terrapenwell, at least he doesn't have 429-5897
21:20.43terrapenor 429-5683
21:20.52vaewynbkw_: ie... 2 machines... both processing the call status data... one takes over MAC/IP when other fails...
21:21.01bkw_oh fun
21:21.06bkw_thats hot!!!
21:21.10vaewynhehehe  I guess that is a no :}
21:21.20bkw_thats a NO
21:21.22ManxPowerI guess I should start packing.
21:21.36jbotpri is, like, Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, etc.
21:21.47vaewynhmm... so next question... who do we start paying to code it... and how big of a bounty do we need :P
21:22.05jaxxanbkw_: is there any work in progress somewhere for metrics and statistics for asterisk?
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21:22.55harryvvjbot needs to be slightly corected. 56 of the 64 is usable content transferable.
21:22.56jbotthat's too long, harryvv
21:23.32smash-Hey what kinda handoff do i want for te410p card PRI or ethernet?
21:24.03bkw_OMG he just didn't
21:24.06_Sam--mog:  call back, thanks!
21:24.19MikeJ[Laptop]smash-ummmmmmm uhhhhhhh
21:24.24_Sam--lol, ok.
21:24.34Juggiebkw, do u know app_meetme?
21:24.48MikeJ[Laptop]smash- you need to get somone to help you bad
21:24.49smash-help me out
21:24.49bkw_Juggie, jes.... we don't use it.. we wrote our own
21:24.50kramsmash: it basically depends on which side you're coming in on
21:25.03cjkhi its me again, anyone here who got some experience in grandstream firmware preconfiguration (cfg.txt), i will ask every 2 hours till someone can help
21:25.09kramThe TE410P takes in T1's or E1's or PRI's and then it could come out your ethernet interface on the PC you put it in
21:25.28smash-what do i need to ask for from t1 provider
21:25.32mog_home3hey sam
21:25.34mog_home3make a call out
21:25.35Juggiebkw_, app_conference, or something else?
21:25.38mog_home3sorry for cutting you off
21:25.38bkw_T1 with PRI signalling
21:25.43_Sam--no worries, THANK YOU for your help.
21:25.49jaxxanthere's something else to use besides meetme ?
21:25.52bkw_Juggie, app_confcall
21:25.52mog_home3we live to serve
21:25.55smash-bkw the pri signalling will plug right into the te410p
21:25.57_Sam--outgoing call in progress now
21:25.58kramno worries, smash
21:26.00_Sam--working fine
21:26.10ManxPowerthere!  done packing
21:26.12Juggiebkw_, is it released publically?
21:26.18bkw_Juggie, no
21:26.19smash-or do i need a router from the pri to the te410p
21:26.22bkw_you'll have to beg anthm for it
21:26.31nestAranyone having problems with CheckGroup in the lastest cvs?
21:26.35vaewynreminds me... T setups are the piss poorest documentation I have found so far in *...  but everyone probably knows that already :P
21:26.37Juggiebkw, are u still working on meetme2? or is that an early version of meetme2?
21:27.48bkw_you mean you need docs?
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21:28.01PBXtechdoesnt hylafax have an irc channel?
21:28.03bkw_t's are easy to setup
21:28.10bkw_if the telco pulls their head out
21:28.12ManxPowersmash-: There are two options.  Would you like to hear them?
21:28.19smash-yes please
21:28.21jaxxanI take it the lack of response to metrics and statistics mean no, there is no work in progress and i'll have to either do it myself or wait 12 years.
21:28.55vaewynbkw_: yeah ... fairly easy... but it would be nice to say that PRI you can just ignore 1/3 of the options  and such
21:29.02ManxPowersmash-: This is what I PREFER:  Telco brings in the T-1 into some device that splits out an ethernet port for IP (connect to your router) and a DXS-1 for voice to plug into your Digium card.
21:29.20vaewynbkw_: handing these docs to a newbie is fairly rough for the Ts
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21:29.46ManxPowersmash-: The way I don't like:  Telco brings the T-1 to you and does NOT split out the voice and data and then you need to handle that all inside Asterisk with HDLC kernel modules and stuff like that for the data.
21:30.12dave_mwiif I do a comparison between a datetime and a string of the same format, will it actually funciton correclty like if datetime1 > datetime2?
21:30.16Juggiebkw, does app_confcall = the app_meetme2 the new meetme you were working on?
21:30.24terrapenis there an inexpensive box that can split out the data and voice?
21:30.28vaewynohh @#$@# someone put the remote site TE405P into a 500mhz p3...  now i gotta beat someone
21:30.31terrapenie., T1 in, and ethernet and T1 out
21:30.39ManxPowerterracon: My telco provides that box.
21:30.47ManxPowerI think they use an Adtran 850
21:31.12terrapenT1 comes in from the telco and the box splits it to ethernet (data)  and another T1 (voice)
21:31.36Juggiethats a pretty weak data connection
21:31.44pdracevichmoring, all I was wondering if you are able to point me in the right way, I am wanting to run ser for my extenal people to connect via sip, and have web interface's etc, and be able to route calls to asterisk,
21:31.51ManxPowerterracon: Correct.  That is they way I like to do it.  HOWEVER, the Digium cards and zaptel can handle all that without splitting.
21:31.53pdracevichhow do i connect ser to asterisk
21:31.53terrapenthat thing looks pretty expensive, Manx
21:32.11ManxPowerterracon: As I said, my telco owns and manages the Adtran
21:32.15smash-ok so ManxPower im getting 2 data t1's and 2 voice t1's. It would go like 2xvoicet1->ethernetdevices>dxs-1>digiumcard?
21:32.21BrianR___Heh.. I plan to build two switches for my office voip setup, but I never thought it was important to preserve calls in progress if one of them crashed and burned..
21:32.26smash-i understand the t1 data's
21:32.31ManxPowerBut then we have our telco by the balls.  We are their 2nd largest customer.
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21:32.45terrapenseems like the hardest part about getting a Voice T1 or Voice+Data T1 working with Asterisk would be dealing with the telco, who is not Asterisk-knowledgable
21:32.46BrianR___Redial exists for a reason :)
21:33.03smash-manx can i msg you
21:33.06ManxPowerterracon: No, the hardest part is getting a telco that will do it that way.
21:33.27ManxPowersmash-: Only if you send me $120 via paypal first.  Otherwise talk on the channel so others can learn too.
21:33.32dave_mwidoes anyone know off hand about that comparison: datetime1 > datetime2 and will it return the correct value?
21:33.48MikeJ[Laptop]Manx, nice
21:33.51smash-k did u see what i said last?
21:34.01terrapeni need to learn how to order a voice PRI from my telco and have them move our number from our existing voice T1
21:34.03ManxPower<smash-> i understand the t1 data's
21:34.08smash-before that one
21:34.14terrapenwe have a voice T1 which goes to an Adtran 644 or something
21:34.20ManxPower<smash-> ok so ManxPower im getting 2 data t1's and 2 voice t1's. It would go like 2xvoicet1->ethernetdevices>dxs-1>digiumcard?
21:34.25terrapenand it has 23 FXS ports
21:34.39terrapenbut i want to go all-digital and put the T1 straight into my * server
21:34.44ManxPowersmash-: if you have a Data only T-1 then just hook them into a router and don't involve asterisk.
21:34.55smash-yeah i know that
21:34.56smash-for data
21:34.58smash-lets forget them
21:35.02smash-say i got 1 voice t1
21:35.04terrapensmash, what is the problem then?
21:35.05epochwhat's a "voice T1?"
21:35.10epochis that PRI, or something different?
21:35.13ManxPowersmash-: for Voice you want T-1/PRI -> Digium Card/Asterisk
21:35.16epochok, then call it PRI :P
21:35.25terrapenthere is some kind of non-PRI voice T1, i think
21:35.27ManxPowerepoch: A PRI is just a specially configured T-1
21:35.27terrapeni think we have one.
21:35.40BrianR___Still trying to figure out how to order a second PRI and have my DID's routed up both...
21:35.43smash-the PRI plugs right into the DIGIUM card?
21:35.48tzangersmash-: yup
21:35.48ManxPowersmash-: Yes.
21:35.48smash-or is there equipment
21:35.51vaewynYou... you can get a 24chan BRI type T... is nasty
21:35.52tzangergot two of 'em
21:36.01epochsmash-: the digium card *is* the equipment :)
21:36.05smash-i c
21:36.09_Sam--brian:  i thought there is a way to share 2 PRIs on one D channel
21:36.10BrianR___Verizon's web site has no information about PRI ordering, so you gotta talk to an account rep who knows very little about it either...
21:36.13epoch24 channel BRI?
21:36.13ManxPowersmash-: As long as your telco hands the T-1 off to you as a RJ48C (DXS-1)
21:36.13smash-im just thinking like on data side there is a router
21:36.22smash-o oook
21:36.24smash-manx thanks
21:36.26BrianR____Sam--: Yes, NFAS. BUt i want to terminate the two PRI's on different asterisk boxes.
21:36.30smash-thats what i needed to know
21:36.34harryvvdata on pri is just that raw data. when getting say caller id into that is provided by the calling parties telco not the provider you are not hooked to?
21:36.35vaewynThe only time you need equipment before your digium card is if they use some freaky interface other than rj45/rj48
21:36.42BrianR____Sam--: I don't care if I waste a channel in that case.
21:36.56ManxPowervaewyn: You mean like coax?
21:37.21epocha client of mine uses some really old interface... RS-something or other
21:37.24vaewynManxPower: yeah... that evil... I have never seen it... but I guess it is popular in europe in a couple places i nthe US
21:37.25epochI forget which
21:37.35BrianR____Sam--: Essentially I want DID's to ring on whichever PRI has free B channels. If a PRI is down, I want it to be considered as having 0 free B channels.
21:37.42ManxPowerepoch: Ot
21:37.58terrapenhow do you tell if you have a PRI or something else?
21:38.02ManxPowerepoch: That sounds like a form of serial interface, commonly called "winchester"
21:38.06terrapenim afraid i may have 'something else'
21:38.08ManxPowerterracon: you ask your telco
21:38.16vaewynterrapen: read your bill :}
21:38.17smash-right now we got something else in our building cat3
21:38.18smash-or something
21:38.32MikeJ[Laptop]BrianR___, telco can set those up hunting like that, but likely will fill one pri then the other
21:38.34ManxPowerterracon: I currently have 2 asterisk systems running on Channelized Voice T-1
21:38.34smash-its like 100 wires split into a white phonebox type thing
21:38.39smash-with metal tabs on it
21:38.42*** part/#asterisk dave_mwi (~dave_mwi@
21:38.43smash-like some 1985 shit
21:38.44epochManxPower: yeah, that sounds about right
21:39.05ManxPowerterracon: it's pretty much EXACTLY like POTS service, one "line" per T-1 channel.
21:39.08BrianR___MikeJ[Laptop]: That's OK provided it works correctly in the case where either PRI is broken
21:39.14epochManxPower: in-line signalling in that case?
21:39.18terrapenmaxnx, i *think* thats what we have
21:39.20epochor is there still a D cahnnel
21:39.21ManxPowerepoch: Yes.  Called "CAS"
21:39.27terrapenbecause it goes into this adtran
21:39.31ManxPowerepoch: D channel is a PRI only thing.
21:39.33epochhrm, that's kinda gross
21:39.36p1tst0phey, is there a simple phonebook/directory included in asterisk
21:39.40terrapenmanx: and each POTS line coming out of the adtran has a phone number assigned to it
21:39.42epochI really like the concept of out-of-band signalling
21:39.45jontowp1tst0p; yes :)
21:39.48terrapendoes that sound like a channelized voice t1?
21:39.53MikeJ[Laptop]BrianR___, that is just 2 PRI's with rollover too each other, you could put some did's primary on 1, some primary on another to balance a bit
21:39.56ManxPowerterracon: You do not have PRI, you have "CT1"
21:40.04jontowp1tst0p; for example:
21:40.05jontowexten => 411,1,Directory(default)
21:40.16ManxPowerPRIs do NOT have a phone number assigned per channel.
21:40.18MikeJ[Laptop]so you have some channels for outbound on each too, to reduce your trunking between boxes for outbound
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21:40.22vaewynSo if you have a PRI what is the signalling?  cause it isn't like the lines do e&m or such then
21:40.28MikeJ[Laptop]manx, they can.
21:40.31vaewynD channel handles that
21:40.33p1tst0pjontow, under default context ?
21:40.36MikeJ[Laptop]but usually no.
21:40.40jontow'default' is the context..
21:40.50ManxPowervaewyn: It's PRI signaling 8-)
21:40.53BrianR___MikeJ[Laptop]: Ok... Now I've just gotta figure out the ordering...
21:40.55jontowyou put the extension wherever you need it, and using whatever context.. the context reads entries from voicemail.conf to populate the directory.
21:41.05jontowp1tst0p; from the CLI, type: show application directory
21:41.12vaewynManxPower: I mean... what do you tell *...  I have copied all my configs so I don't remember
21:41.18MikeJ[Laptop]BrianR___, is it LD or local?
21:41.24hajekdDo you know something more about app_voicemail fix in 1.0.6?
21:41.28epochI'm almost sad I'm quitting this job, I won't have direct access to the PRI or fibre link anymore ;/
21:41.32ManxPowerAs soon as my ride is here I'll be leaving to do a CT1 -> PRI conversion
21:41.41ManxPowervaewyn: I would have to look it up and I'm too lazy right now.
21:41.45BrianR___MikeJ[Laptop]: I'm planning to terminate the two PRI's on seperate asterisk boxes...
21:41.49vaewynManxPower: 'clear' maybe?
21:41.58MikeJ[Laptop]yes, pri's from who?>
21:42.02ManxPowervaewyn: for the B channels, yes.
21:42.15BrianR___MikeJ[Laptop]: They would both be PRI's to our LEC. Both incoming and outgoing calls.
21:42.15vaewyn*nods*  that was it then
21:42.20ManxPowerBrianR___: I'll be doing a 2 asterisk, 2 PRI install in a couple of weeks.  60 SIP phones
21:42.32BrianR___ManxPower: Interesting. Let me know how it goes.
21:42.44BrianR___MikeJ[Laptop]: Both PRI's to the same LEC (Verizon).
21:42.54smash-im doing 2 pri's and 20 sip phones
21:43.00smash-and like 60 softphones
21:43.03BrianR___Just planning some fault tolerance so if we lose an asterisk box, lose a PRI, etc. we're still OK.
21:43.07MikeJ[Laptop]y, just tell them you want 2 pris, that roll over too each other, and to point 1/2 the did's to 1 and 1/2 to the other (to keep it balanced, they will still roll if one fills)
21:43.17smash-thats a good idea
21:43.21smash-i didnt think about using 2
21:43.21Lee__are there any command line utilities for testing connectivity to asterisk?
21:43.23ManxPowerBrianR___: It will be...interesting.  This is the site that wanted Asterisk at the NEW office.  The office that was supposed to open in Jan, then April, now end of May.  They are scheduled to open about 3 weeks into my 6 week trip to Euroland
21:43.37MikeJ[Laptop]and make sure they knwo that each will run it's own b chan, not b chan per with backup b chan or anything like that
21:43.49MikeJ[Laptop]Lee__, testcall
21:44.15ManxPowerSo we are installing it in the current office and I'll have the IS people do the MOVE.
21:44.19Lee__that's in the asterisk source?
21:44.32MikeJ[Laptop]no, iaxclient
21:44.36BrianR___List one as the primary SIP proxy on phones, the other as the secondary. Keep a nearly identical extensions.conf on both boxes (using an include for the sets file, which is actually identical) that uses a macro for creating set extensions which tries to call SIP/extension on both boxes hoping that the phone will actually be registered at one.
21:44.41MikeJ[Laptop]it's on sourceforge
21:44.55ManxPowerBrianR___: That's the plan
21:45.16BrianR___Voicemail is going to be interesting...
21:45.49ManxPowerBrianR___: But we may just not bother.  If one PRI goes down, 1/2 the phones go down
21:46.04ManxPowerBrianR___: voicemail on a 3rd box?
21:46.31BrianR___ManxPower: I want to review the source to commedian mail to see if it's safe to share a spool between two asterisk instances...
21:47.02ManxPowerBrianR___: if it isn't it should be pretty easy to fix
21:47.02BrianR___At current, it looks like the message creation logic is fairly lame. Like it can have a race collision against _itself_ running on a single box. :(
21:47.36ManxPowerBrianR___: that MAY have been fixed.
21:47.40BrianR___ManxPower: Or adding some deletion tracing logic to facilitate rsync'ing the spool between servers.
21:51.27terrapenok, my telco says we have a channelized t1
21:51.29terrapenthat's no good
21:51.32terrapeni wish we had a PRI
21:51.39jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pri is Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, etc.
21:51.59bile_oneManxPower, what call progress features are available for t1? Meaning, is it possible to track and see if someone has forwarded you from one phone to the next?
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21:54.26ManxPowerbile_one: Pretty much the same as analog -- none
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21:54.46tekjacobHey all, I set up a new asterisk box.. (which I have done a few times before ) but this time with a TE110P... The PRI is not yet connected. When I call into the system to test I can see it playing files but I hear nothing. Any ideas?
21:55.04bile_oneokay I didn't thinks so, all you really get is a valid pick-up to know it has been answered right?
21:55.23smash-Hey manxpower can asterisk manage voip calls through a te410p
21:55.32ManxPowerbile_one: on our CT1 we don't even get remote answer supervision, but we could if we used E*M on those channels
21:55.33terrapenSDSL == channelized T1 ???
21:55.34smash-can u plug data rj45 into it
21:55.39ManxPowersmash-: yes, of couse.
21:55.43Supaplexterrapen: haha no.
21:55.45ManxPowerterracon: yes and no.
21:55.49terrapenugly oops
21:55.56terrapenwe have an Adtran 624 it seems
21:55.58tzangerterrapen: what the fuck was that
21:56.05terrapenand im not sure if i can put a PRI on it
21:56.07ManxPowerterracon: SDSL can be used to transport T-1 or data or whatever
21:56.22tzangerHDSL2 is usually used ot transport T1 these days
21:56.24Uther_PSDSL is analog though
21:56.30tzangeractually HDSL2 is also what SDSL seems to be
21:56.33Uther_Pjust like adsl
21:56.36terrapenTotal Access 600 Series, SDSL
21:56.42tzangeras the chipset in every single SDSL modem I've seen is actually an HDSL2 chipset
21:56.47ManxPowerterracon: regardless you NEVER SEE IT, it's still presented to you as a DXS-1
21:56.49tzangerBrooktree something IIRC
21:56.59terrapenhrmmm DSX-1
21:57.09bile_oneManxPower, what about the log file size. Is there still a limit or is that fixed too?
21:57.16ManxPowerbile_one: no idea
21:57.21terrapeni wish my telco was asterisk-friendly
21:57.28terrapen"Oh, yes sir, we can do this for you"
21:57.32bile_oneManxPower, thanks I'll see if I can find it.
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21:59.22ManxPowerI may have to stay at a Hostel
21:59.28bkw_HOUSTON, Texas (AP) -- Texas sued the nation's largest Internet-based phone service provider Tuesday, saying Vonage failed to clearly inform customers they cannot automatically dial 911 when they sign up
21:59.40bkw_I think vonage clearly states this during signup
22:00.03bkw_and sends this really bright coloered paper saying so when you signup
22:00.37debaserbkw_: this involves texans.  i'm not too suprised.
22:00.47tekjacobany suggestions for no sound?
22:01.02bkw_debaser, hahaha true
22:01.10bkw_its this nice big ass red box too during signup
22:01.20bkw_Emergency calling service or Dialing 911 requires activation (and that you provide a physical location). The 911 service Vonage offers is very different from traditional 911 and/or E911, which are not available at this time. For more information, we urge you to review the "911 Dialing" section under "Products & Services" and the "Emergency Services - 911 Dialing" section in the Vonage Terms of Service.
22:01.57BrianR___I just wish I could find a good list of 10 digit numbers of PSAP's in my area...
22:02.20debaserbkw_: it'll get thrown out, probably.
22:03.08bile_oneManxPower, where ar eyou going?
22:03.26ManxPowerbile_one: Today I'm going to Mandeville, Louisiana.
22:03.31ManxPowerBut I don't need a hotel for that.
22:03.50ManxPowerbile_one: May 19: Stockholm/Von 2005 Europe.
22:03.59ManxPowerAlso attending Astricon in Madrid
22:04.19bile_oneI once drove through there. I left a black pickup in the parking lot, anmd never went back to get it. 1979.
22:05.07johnnybIs Zap/pseudo-XXXX the channel used for MeetMe?
22:05.44ManxPowerbile_one: Where?
22:06.29bile_oneMandeville, If i remember right they have a papermill or lumber yard there
22:07.13TomLi am in qos hell
22:07.26bile_oneOh I hate that place
22:07.43ManxPowerbile_one: Ah.
22:07.54dersteerTomL: I've been there before :)
22:08.02bile_oneManxPower I was stationed at Barksdale AFB
22:08.09TomLIAX is echo-y over WAN with jitter buffering; SIP is not but its jittery
22:08.12ManxPowerbile_one: 1979?  It's changed a bit since then.  Now it's a "bedroom community" for New Orleans
22:08.22TomLeither I get severe echo, or broken speech
22:08.32TomLnothing in between
22:08.50TomLblend these!
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22:09.18ta[i]ntedhow do u guys handle redundancy in case asterisk goes down?
22:09.22bile_oneTomL I assume you have already turned on echo training correct?
22:09.27BrianR___If I use 'save dialplan' are macros saved expanded or not expanded?
22:09.28TomLoh yea
22:09.30ManxPowerta[i]nted: we don't
22:09.41TomLusing POTS trunking, TDM22B
22:09.41ManxPowerBrianR___: I don't think save dialplan even works
22:09.44ta[i]ntedManxPower what if it locks up or goes down
22:09.53ManxPowerta[i]nted: someone restarts it
22:10.01bile_onehaa haa haa haa
22:10.02ta[i]ntedthat is not good
22:10.12TomLthe inbound caller on POTS get bad echo if I'm on IAXy, and bad jitter if I'm on Sipura
22:10.27ta[i]ntedso no failovers whatsoever?
22:10.38TomLgoing the other way is golden, either device
22:10.47TomLI get no jitter and no echo on my end
22:12.07ManxPowerta[i]nted: Do you currently run redundant PBXs?
22:12.13TomLthe echo goes away with the Sipura, so its not an imbalanced hybrid
22:12.24ta[i]ntedi'm not doing any traditional PBXing
22:12.37TomLthe Sipura has echo cancelling in the ATA whereas IAXy does not
22:12.58TomLits the jitter buffering that causes the echo -- but without it, its very jittery
22:13.01ta[i]ntedi was just looking for some good failover strategies
22:13.30ta[i]nteddetecting hung asterisk processes etc.. re-routing to other peers
22:13.45ManxPowerta[i]nted: You have to make sure asterisk doesn't crash.
22:13.57ManxPowerFor me Asterisk crashes about every 3 months or so.
22:14.19ta[i]ntedwhat kind of call volume do u do though?
22:14.22TomLthe ATA in this case reaches the * with POTS inbound via DSL -> Cisco 7204 -> ATM-to-FR internetworking (on same ATM circuit as DSL PVCs) -> Linux router
22:14.24ta[i]nted3 concurrent calls?
22:14.28ManxPowerta[i]nted: not high -- yes.
22:14.33ManxPowerta[i]nted: up to 8 calls at a time
22:14.48TomLwith ATM ... no outgoing service-policies.  fuck.
22:14.52ManxPowerActually, no the most recent system does up to 18 channels at a time across 4 ports
22:15.09bile_oneMy box has been up for 37 days
22:15.10ManxPowerplus a TDM card and 2 SIP clients
22:15.27TomLI can rate-limit the cisco's brains out but its still jittery
22:15.42ta[i]ntedyea, i'm sure your set up doesn't need any kind of redundancy other than reboots and backup cards
22:15.52ManxPowerTomL: QoS is REALLY hard to make work right.
22:15.58bile_oneI have 10 Sips, two X100P's , 3 iaxs.
22:16.00*** join/#asterisk xarg (
22:16.08ta[i]ntedbile_one that's cute
22:16.13TomLManxPower: no shit :)
22:16.27ta[i]ntedbile_one are all of them hooked to your intercom?
22:16.36TomLi've got everything smoothed out in one direction, but I can't for the life of me get it working the other way
22:16.59bile_oneNope. But the sips are 2 sipura 2000 and the rest X-lite
22:17.11Uther_Psipura 2000 boxes are cool
22:17.47bile_oneSo they host 2 analog phones each
22:18.04bile_oneI will see it anyway!
22:18.08*** part/#asterisk xarg (
22:18.09ManxPowerTomL: I've been trying to put QoS on the corporate WAN for almost 2 years.  1 month ago I got it working.
22:18.21ManxPowerWell, got it working and didn't have users screaming at me.
22:18.22TomLI'll hafta draw a diagram in a bit and see if you have any ideas :)
22:18.26*** join/#asterisk xarg (
22:18.38ManxPowerTomL: The key thing to remember is you can ONLY QoS TRANSMITTED data.
22:18.46Supaplexwill the linksys ata run/accept/operate on sipura firmware? (or am I asking a silly question, because it's already sipura firmware to begin with...)
22:18.49*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
22:18.53TomLand on ATM, you specifically CANNOT do that :/
22:19.05ManxPowerTomL: Also remember that QoS for voice does NOT WORK on Frame Relay unless your CIR is the same as your port speed.
22:19.11TomLyou can only police incoming rates on an ATM circuit, AFAIK
22:19.19ManxPowerTomL: I know nothing about ATM QoS
22:19.28TomLme neither :(
22:19.37ta[i]ntedManxPower do u have any tips for slimming down unused asterisk modules?
22:19.40ManxPowerTomL: you want LLQ aka "priority", not police.  At least on non-ATM stuff.
22:19.53ManxPowerta[i]nted: No.  My Asterisk is not too fat.
22:20.08ManxPowerta[i]nted: I noload => the of course.
22:20.11TomLyea, there's no "ip rtp priority" for ATM interfaces
22:20.21TomL= I'm fucked
22:20.25ManxPowerTomL: hold on.
22:20.30Uther_Pyea, there is no QoS on SONET Ring networks
22:20.39TomLthis isn't SONET
22:20.40bile_onehaa haa haa
22:20.45epocher, don't you not need to do QoS on ATM?
22:20.47bile_oneWe are giving up too easy
22:20.54TomLits DS3
22:20.59epochlike, doesn't ATM do QoS at the lowest layer?
22:21.04doughecka~seen atacomm
22:21.06jbotatacomm <~dan@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 48d 20h 24m 13s ago, saying: 'anyone want a IP 3000 conference phone?  looking to replace ours with a IP 4000 model.  Barely been used, in great condition.... looking for around $500'.
22:21.15SupaplexQoS on ATM makes little sence anyway. The're all small cells of packets. Don't you put QoS a layer or two up in the network stack? (think OSI model here)
22:21.23dantyou've PVC would be set up as vbr-rt?
22:21.36dantbah, can't type
22:21.36jontowalright.. i think i've mostly hacked up this SMDI bullshit
22:21.38TomLI'm only allowed ubr by the telco
22:21.54epochdant: "your" ;)
22:21.55TomL=, again, me fucked
22:22.12jontowits to the point now where i understand.. one can simply ignore ALL incoming SMDI events.. literally, and just focus on asterisk's view of things.. externnotify = ... and a quick patch to system() a shell script to spawn the correct bullshit :)
22:22.15ManxPowerThat's how I do it.
22:22.26dantepoch, I said I couldn't type, the fact my english is pnats too is about right :)
22:22.32dantepoch, I blame the jetlag :)
22:22.34Uther_Pif you are connect to an ATM, usually the priority is decided by customer and setup by the telco, based on your SLA
22:22.37ManxPowerI just make SURE all my VoIP devices use DSCP EF / TOS 0x8B
22:23.06TomLthe ATM layer is not carrying voice directly, just IP traffic
22:23.11Uther_Pqos is lower level then than, for routers to decide which of your packets or packets from customers of equal priority to go through first
22:23.21epochdant: hehe
22:23.32ManxPowerTomL: You need to talk to your ISP to get QoS set up on your connection.
22:23.49Uther_Pyou need an SLA
22:23.58ManxPoweror your WAN provider, or whatever.
22:23.58jessterIm troubleshooting a phone hanging off a FXS port of a channel bank. The the phone is in use, and another call comes in, asterisk cli shows "Zap/106-busy-678259056 is busy" but the caller hears ring, then eventually goes dead.
22:24.14dougheckaanyone hear from atacomm?
22:24.19TomLin this case, I am the "ISP"
22:24.22dougheckahe used to lurk in here
22:24.25Uther_Pjesster: sounds like you have call waiting on the line
22:24.29TomLI have control of every router in the link
22:24.31ManxPowerLets see.  It's 4:23pm.  I have a migration to do at 5pm.  I'm 45 mins from the customer.  My ride is not here yet.
22:24.34dantTomL, sorry, I've come into this one late
22:24.41dougheckaManxPower, migration?
22:24.53jessterUther_P: that may be true, however the analog phone does not hear the ring for callwaiting
22:24.53ManxPowerdoughecka: switch from old PBX to Asterisk
22:24.59ManxPowerthere he ius
22:25.10dantTomL, you have a ubr pvc between two points and you want to prioritise voice traffic at your interface?
22:25.15bile_oneLater Manx
22:25.16TomLManxPower: "service-policy output" is disallowed on ATM interfaces and sub-interfaces
22:25.48TomLdant: let me redescribe
22:26.50TomLSip1001 -> DSL (PPPoA) -> Cisco 7204 -> ATM-to-FR internetworking (diff PVC on same ATM circuit) -> Linux router -> * -> POTS trunks
22:27.39*** join/#asterisk madounet (~mad|
22:27.43*** join/#asterisk mqht (
22:27.51TomLsip is jittery in one direction only, iaxy has severe echo
22:27.51mqhtHi all
22:28.22mqhtI am having an issue with AGI, it seems that the script keeps running waiting for input even after a user hangs up.....Any ideas?
22:28.35TomLI don't think the IAXy echo problem can be solved without turning off jitter buffer, which puts it in the same boat as the Sipura
22:28.59dantTomL, where are you unable to set the service-policy output?
22:29.02Uther_PTomL: the echo can be caused in combination with latency + sidetone from the pots and/or pstn
22:29.11TomLon any ATM interface or sub interface
22:29.22TomLUther_P: the echo is not present on the Sipura
22:29.36TomLi only get echo if I repace the Sipura with an IAXy
22:29.52jessterIm troubleshooting a phone hanging off a FXS port of a channel bank. The the phone is in use, and another call comes in, asterisk cli shows "Zap/106-busy-678259056 is busy" but the caller hears ring, then eventually goes dead. I've pasted my relevant zapata.conf here
22:30.02dantTomL, and is it giving an error when you try to set it?
22:30.33dantR02(config)#in ATM1/IMA0.1 point-to-point
22:30.34dantR02(config-subif)#service-policy output test
22:31.52Uther_PI had this same problem going through 2 sets of analog equipment (sipura -> VoIP -> fxs) and derived the problem to be that the latency was > than the # of samples for the echo cancelation software.... which caused the sidetone to create an amplified echo / reverb effect
22:33.16TomLsure, but what's in policy "test"?
22:33.31dantTomL, bugger all, I just made it to test it :)
22:33.37TomLbinelli(config-pmap)#class voice
22:33.37TomLbinelli(config-pmap-c)#priority 128
22:33.37TomLCBWFQ : Not supported on subinterfaces
22:33.44*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
22:34.13xargif I am simply looking to hook something up to an analog port on the Partner ACS at my office so that I can have a VoIP extension at a remote location (most likely soft client)  and my resources consist of a 500mhz p3 with an ISA Voice modem and $0 can I use asterisk to accomplish what I wish? if a simple voice modem will work is there a list of ones which are compatible?
22:34.35dougheckaxarg, nope
22:34.45dougheckathat wont work, you will need to get a card
22:34.50dougheckathe box should work for 1 caller
22:35.36dougheckayou can find cards on ebay for cheaper than digium's pricing, but its not supported and doesnt support the people that develope asterisk
22:35.54Uther_Pxarg: you can get an fxo card, or you can get an fxo to sip external box
22:35.58*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~Bob@
22:36.19DannyFxarg just get two iaxy's ,)
22:36.28DannyFcheap and still support digium ;)
22:36.46xargdid anyone read that my budget is $0
22:36.50DannyFokok relaitoively cheap then ,)
22:36.50Shido6goes a long way wiff those iaxys
22:36.55AgiNamuget 2 PA168's for the same price, then PayPal $100 to digium.
22:36.59TomLif you're budget is $0, you're fucked
22:37.16Uther_Pheh yea, in that case you got nothin
22:37.23Uther_Pkick $100 out of your boss
22:37.43AgiNamuwhat was teh question? :)
22:37.46xargI am my boss and I have nothing
22:37.51DannyFor xlite and a roll of duct tape ;)
22:38.05Supaplexsorry, noone has contributed to the shoestring transport driver. (tin cans and a string)
22:38.21bile_oneta[i]nted, have you looked at this as a possible solution to your redundantcy solution?
22:38.40AgiNamuSER -- spit.
22:38.51*** join/#asterisk SpaceBass (~sp@
22:38.59SpaceBassanyone ever used a ag-168 ata?
22:39.10AgiNamuSpacebass, yea
22:39.12SpaceBassbought one off e-bay, its brand new but the only instructions are in chinese
22:39.14AgiNamuhe PA168
22:39.19SpaceBasscannot find the default password anywhere
22:39.24debaserxarg: basically, you're SOL.  need a car a sailboat to go sailing.
22:39.41AgiNamutry that SpaceBass.
22:39.44SpaceBassno dice
22:39.59AgiNamuand 1234 or 12345678 didnt work?
22:40.15SpaceBassAH HA!
22:40.18*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
22:40.19AgiNamuthat is probably the user paswword
22:40.25AgiNamu12345678 is probably the admin password. maybe.
22:40.28SpaceBassthank you so much
22:40.42SpaceBassboth seem to work
22:40.47AgiNamuif not, "boot into safe mode" -- hold * while booting.
22:40.57AgiNamuthere are 2 levels of password
22:41.03AgiNamuuser (cant change much) and admin
22:41.07SpaceBassyour right, now that i used 12345678 i can see that
22:41.11AgiNamuYou using it for IAX2?
22:41.13TomLdant: wow!!!!
22:41.24SpaceBassaig was planning on sip
22:41.29AgiNamuewww. sip.
22:41.36AgiNamuanyways, 1.42 was just released yesterday.
22:41.37*** join/#asterisk Damin_Mobile (
22:41.40SpaceBassshould I use IAX2? never had any expirence with it
22:41.47AgiNamuIAX2 rocks SIP
22:42.01Damin_MobileSpace: Yes!
22:42.08SpaceBassnow... where to set that
22:42.16AgiNamuIAX2 needs a separate firmware.
22:42.16Damin_Mobileiax2 is the shit!
22:42.31SpaceBassAgiNamu where do I donwnload
22:42.35AgiNamuOnbly v1.38 had al;l the protocls in one single binary
22:42.39SpaceBasscouldnt find anything in engrish for this thing
22:43.24AgiNamubut in 1.38, IAX2 only had an option. it didnt actually work.
22:43.30AgiNamuOK, email me:
22:43.36AgiNamuI'll build you some firmware
22:43.50*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
22:44.44SpaceBassBeirdo beat you to it... lets see... porn, viagra, free ipods.. that should do it
22:45.00AgiNamusounds like a good mix.
22:45.04mog_home3iax2 firmware
22:45.23Beirdomake sure it's the really degraded pr0n
22:45.48SpaceBassoh, of course
22:45.50AgiNamudegraded? like bad quality
22:45.54AgiNamuor did you mean degenerate? :)
22:46.08SpaceBass(not that I know where to find that kind of stuff... i mean... i dont look at it or anything...seriously)
22:46.15Supaplexjunk pr0n
22:46.16file[laptop]porn? where?
22:46.20SpaceBassor degrading?
22:46.22Beirdoyeah, degenerate
22:46.30Beirdodamn I suck today
22:46.34AgiNamuhow much you pay for the 168 ATA?
22:46.42file[laptop]Beirdo: suck?
22:46.43mog_home3iax2 firmware?
22:46.44Beirdoyou know like "daughters and their dogs".  crap like that
22:47.03Supaplexso you're the one with the ideas haha
22:47.07*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
22:47.07AgiNamu"farmers and their hogs"
22:47.14SpaceBassAgiNamu 47
22:47.19SpaceBassgood or bad?
22:47.19Beirdoyeah, that stuff
22:47.26bile_oneand goats and donkey's with mexican women
22:47.36AgiNamuHi fugitivo, we're talking about degenerate, degraded porn.
22:47.36AgiNamugood price
22:47.40AgiNamuwhere did you buy it from?
22:47.44dougheckathe porn?
22:47.49SpaceBassyou cannot prove that I have gone to www.daughtors& i use a proxy! :P
22:47.54SpaceBassAgiNamu ebay
22:48.04AgiNamuspace, but where in the world
22:48.14SpaceBassgood question, I'd have to check the shipping address
22:48.15AgiNamuhow much did you pay in shipping?
22:48.19*** join/#asterisk mesi (
22:48.27AgiNamuthe pa168 has firmware for H323, SIP, IAX2, MGCP, and Net2Phone.
22:48.32AgiNamuwow spac.e
22:48.32AgiNamunot bad.
22:48.47SpaceBasscame from florida
22:48.54SpaceBassseller has a few more online still i think
22:48.57AgiNamuwow thatsa good price.
22:49.05AgiNamui buy em in china\
22:49.10AgiNamuGotl ike 50 sitting around my office.
22:49.11SpaceBassreally? I might have to scarf up 2 more
22:49.22AgiNamuyea, at that price, you should.
22:49.26AgiNamuPA168 ATAs
22:49.32dougheckawhat are them
22:49.41AgiNamuSupposedluy we're getting some 2FXS 1FXO ATAs sooon
22:49.45*** join/#asterisk sabre (~urfos@
22:49.46AgiNamuGOOD ATAs with IAX2 support
22:49.47ta[i]nteddoes musiconhold use ?
22:49.53dougheckaI WANT ONE
22:49.56SpaceBasshow can I tell which firmware i have now?
22:50.00AgiNamuand codec support for 723, 729, gsm, ulaw, alaw and soon ilbc.
22:50.06AgiNamuwhen you login to the web admin
22:50.13dougheckawith webgui?
22:50.16AgiNamuit'll saty soeting like "WuChuan v1.41.007"
22:50.27AgiNamuHTTP, Telnet, TFTP, FTP
22:50.42bile_oneta[i]nted, I have a pssoble solution to your back guestion.
22:50.50AgiNamuwhats tainted's question?
22:50.51SpaceBassI'ma looking but I ain't seein
22:50.58Damin_Mobileaginamu: ThAR"
22:50.59jontowbox = 0;      /* Shut up compiler */
22:51.07bile_oneHe asked if we have some kind of backup for asterisk
22:51.14bile_oneLike failover
22:51.26AgiNamuOh yea. it's called Linux High Availability.
22:51.31*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
22:51.35AgiNamujust mirror the thing, with IP takover.
22:51.36bile_oneOr rsync
22:51.43AgiNamursync does IP takeover?\
22:51.50*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
22:52.15bile_onebut you can rsync and network reconfigure
22:52.16AgiNamuactually, I was thinking of PXE boot
22:52.24dantkeepalived's vrrp does ip takeover
22:52.25AgiNamuyea, but how do you network configure in 5 seconds? :)
22:52.49linenoiseunplug it
22:52.49bile_onetype real fast or issue a script
22:53.04AgiNamuyea, anyways, theres tons of stuff to do that
22:53.06AgiNamunothing to invent there.
22:53.51bile_oneHAve you read the digium list on that. Wheew!
22:53.51dantfor phones at least, have a backup gateway
22:53.52AgiNamuI'm surprised digium hasnt gotten into IAX hardware
22:53.59AgiNamulike a nice IAX phone
22:54.00AgiNamuor ATA
22:54.26dougheckathey make a great ata
22:54.33SpaceBassthe iaxy?
22:54.43bile_onehaa haa haa
22:54.48*** join/#asterisk SkySky (
22:54.52AgiNamuwell, your definition of "great" is different than mine.
22:54.59bile_oneMine too
22:55.04AgiNamuTelnet only, G711 Only doesnt exactly qualify as great :P
22:55.14dougheckaI have been using one on my desk for a few months...
22:55.19dougheckaoh, but it works
22:55.21AgiNamuand it's double what the PA168s are.
22:55.21SkySkyhi.. does anyone know of some application to test my actual bandwidth limit ?
22:55.28AgiNamusince when does "works" == "great" ?
22:55.29dougheckagimme a website for that iax2 ata
22:55.30terrapenOH BOY!
22:55.34terrapena phishing scam!
22:55.36terrapeni love these
22:55.52nestArterrapen: hi, I'm with Regions Bank
22:55.54dougheckawait, the iaxy supports telnet?
22:55.55bkw_Emergency calling service or Dialing 911 requires activation (and that you provide a physical location). The 911 service Vonage offers is very different from traditional 911 and/or E911, which are not available at this time. For more information, we urge you to review the "911 Dialing" section under "Products & Services" and the "Emergency Services - 911 Dialing" section in the Vonage Terms of Service.
22:55.58terrapenlooks like someone else is using my takedown script too
22:55.59bkw_OMG OMG OMG
22:56.04nestArterrapen: can you give me your account?
22:56.27ArkyLadyhaha :D
22:56.27terrapendammit bkw :P
22:57.02terrapenALL LASERS FULL, CHECK
22:57.04Groobyisn't there new config options i can play with for the new jitter buffer?
22:57.09Groobyor just jitterbuffer=yes
22:57.17SpaceBassAgiNamu would it normally take a few minutes to update firmware?
22:57.31AgiNamuspacebass, yea, the upgrade is slow
22:57.38SpaceBassAgiNamu I downloaded 1.360 and its taking for ever
22:57.42AgiNamuif you use PalmTool, it goes faster.
22:57.44SpaceBassjust wanted to try the process
22:57.47AgiNamu1.36 is ANCIENT
22:57.49terrapenanybody want the skr1pt?
22:57.53SpaceBassoh really?
22:58.02stevekstevekGrooby: see README.jitterbuffer
22:58.04dougheckaAgiNamu, what website can I get that ata from?
22:58.09Groobygoing there now steve
22:58.14*** join/#asterisk Zaw (
22:58.14Groobywas looking at the wrong place
22:58.20AgiNamuyea. firmware upgrade is slow. and we're on v1.42
22:58.29*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
22:58.39AgiNamuif you email me,, I can sell you a few. but they arent as cheap as spacebass paid.
22:58.48Damin_MobileAgiNamu: Iax2 ata...where from?
22:58.49dougheckayea, but from where :)
22:58.56AgiNamuPA168 chips
22:59.01terrapenoh rats.
22:59.03AgiNamuI'm in guatemala. we've imported them from guatemal
22:59.05terrapenmy home machine is offline
22:59.06dougheckaif I want to buy some it will be in large quantity
22:59.09AgiNamuwe send up to the states every so often.
22:59.09terrapenno takedown for me
22:59.14terrapenAgi, where in .gt?
22:59.20SpaceBassAgiNamu I e-mailed you re: the firmware dd it make it through?
22:59.21AgiNamuthen we'll probablu just ship from china. depending on order.
22:59.27AgiNamuliek what, 20,000 pcs?
22:59.37AgiNamuI'm not at home. on someone elses machine using IRC to kill time.
22:59.43SpaceBassahh haaa
22:59.45AgiNamunear GT city. why terra?
22:59.46SpaceBasswhere in the world are you?
22:59.55AgiNamuim in guatemala right now.
23:00.00terrapenAgiNamu, one of my best friends has a home in Antigua
23:00.08terrapenbut he lives in the States, too
23:00.09AgiNamuheh, cool
23:00.15AgiNamuwow, he's big./
23:00.27terrapenagi, we have been talking about starting a WISP down there
23:00.34terrapenhow hard is it to get connectivity?
23:00.37dougheckaAgiNamu, quantity being like 3
23:00.37AgiNamuoh really?
23:00.41terrapenie., 10Mbit, etc
23:00.54AgiNamudoug, yea, email me, and ill pass it off to the business manager.
23:01.04AgiNamu10MBit? good luck :P.
23:01.09AgiNamuit'll cost you
23:01.15*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
23:01.19AgiNamuTalk to InstaRed, or Telgua. they've got the most connectivity.
23:01.22terrapenwhat about a T1
23:01.28terrapenyeah, i've seen InstaRed
23:01.30AgiNamuI think InstaRed ran a T3 from Miami.
23:01.31terrapenare they expensive?
23:01.32jessterIm troubleshooting a phone hanging off a FXS port of a channel bank. The the phone is in use, and another call comes in, asterisk cli shows "Zap/106-busy-678259056 is busy" but the caller hears ring, then eventually goes dead. I've pasted my relevant zapata.conf here
23:01.41terrapenover the ocean?
23:01.48AgiNamuand Telgua  (horrible monopoly) has a T3s, I think
23:01.52AgiNamuterra, yea. fibre.
23:01.56AgiNamutelgua goes thru mexico, fibre.
23:02.06AgiNamuwell, 4 years ago, InstaRed charged $400 for 128k.
23:02.22AgiNamuon top of that, you run into a lot of wireless licensing issues.
23:02.29AgiNamuyou ahve to secure radio licenses first. good luck with that.
23:02.36AgiNamuPlus, you're competing pretty hard.
23:02.52AgiNamuTelefonica/Bellsouth have wireless (CDMA + EVDO) as does telgua.
23:02.53ta[i]ntedAgiNamu what is Linux High Availability
23:03.05elriahIs there a way to get * to call out?  maybe on a schedule?
23:03.05SpaceBassAgiNamu are you in international communications by chance?
23:03.10dant4 years ago it was $800/month for 64k in the UK
23:03.13AgiNamuit's a [set of?] projects
23:03.16ta[i]ntedAgiNamu did u ever get around to doing the ? ;)
23:03.23AgiNamuto enable failover clusters and so on
23:03.34AgiNamutainted, i had some stuff, but A: Asterisk API changes a lot and B: it's not documented at all.
23:03.46AgiNamuSo making a RELIABLE system with res_mono was gonna be a huge undertaking.
23:03.52AgiNamuIt'd work if it got some committment from say, Mark.
23:03.59AgiNamubut that's never gonna happen.
23:04.02ta[i]ntedbkw_ was interested in it
23:04.13buddahanyone here have experience with quintum tenor DX?
23:04.19AgiNamuyea.. we can do it. it's just a lot of resources.
23:04.24bkw_res_mono or mono in general is gonna be an issue
23:04.29bkw_the differences in threading
23:04.31bkw_cause issues
23:04.34bkw_that are beyond anything fixable
23:04.45AgiNamuwell, you have to include their gc and stuff, afaik
23:04.53SpaceBassAgiNamu while I'm waiting to play with IAX2, can you help me with a SIP set up?
23:04.54bkw_that don't work
23:04.57bkw_I tried it
23:05.07AgiNamuyou added their includes all over asterisk??
23:05.22AgiNamuWell, if Mark wanted to do it, he could talk with the Mono people, and im sure something could get fixed up.
23:05.40AgiNamuhosting mono would be a big win for both.
23:05.40bkw_the way I was gonna do it was in the non-managed way
23:05.46bkw_I didn't really understand the way you talked about
23:05.48AgiNamunon managed?
23:05.51bkw_but i'm not a .net user
23:05.58mog_home3bleck .net
23:06.00AgiNamuI had a sample running. call hit the extension
23:06.06AgiNamuand it ran the .net code just fine.
23:06.08bkw_I had it doing that too
23:06.14bkw_but it hangs
23:06.17AgiNamuwhere'd you run into problems?
23:06.18bkw_never returns from the thread
23:06.22bkw_no matter what I did
23:06.34AgiNamustrange. my test worked fine.
23:06.59bkw_ya what you gave me is where i started
23:07.03bkw_now if you look after you hangup
23:07.06bkw_the channel never goes away
23:07.10bkw_its deadlocked
23:07.10AgiNamuwell, those problems , plus what I mentioned ... its a hard issue
23:07.16AgiNamuoh hmm
23:07.21*** join/#asterisk DenisL (~denis@
23:07.26bkw_I did 100000 things
23:07.29bkw_it was fun
23:07.34AgiNamui decided to just run the C# code somewhere else, and use gSOAP to connect to it.
23:07.34bkw_I got ast_log to work from mono
23:07.40elriahIs there a way to get * to call out?  maybe on a schedule?
23:08.01jontowi have SMDI working
23:08.03AgiNamugSOAP + ASP.NET is damn fast. good enough that I can do a few soap calls in the switching core.
23:08.37jontowjust gotta plug it into the switch and let it go wild :)
23:08.38elriahWhat is SMDI?
23:08.38AgiNamufast enough that im replacing the dialplan with a few soap calls and some logic.
23:08.38SpaceBassAgiNamu under service type... do i want that set to sipphone or comon?
23:08.38jontowa signalling-type protocol meant for voicemail systems to integrate with telco type switches
23:08.38DenisLI put the following: signalling=fxo_ks
23:08.39DenisLcallerid="Radio Hack" <112>
23:08.39DenisLchannel => 7 in my zapata.conf but zap show channels lists no extensions for any of the zap channels and from-pstn as the context for all channels. Its like zapata.conf is being ignored... What might I be doing wrong?
23:08.41jontowdeveloped by bell when voicemail hardware wasn't the same as the switch :)
23:08.51jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
23:08.53jontowand just happens it is still in use by DMS-10 devices, coppercom switches, etc etc
23:09.12SpaceBassDenisL did you stop and restart asterisk?
23:09.24SpaceBassAgiNamu and then set all the ports to 5060?
23:09.26jontowim deploying asterisk as a voicemail server at a local telco, who uses SMDI to signal for stutter-dialtone on the home user's lines when they have new voicemail
23:09.27DenisLSpaceBass: I did "reload" at the console
23:09.35mxmasster|workhi all
23:09.38SpaceBassDenisL try restart gracefully
23:09.42SpaceBassAgiNamu even for rtp?
23:09.44AgiNamuin v1.41 and before, the interface is th esame for MGCP, H323, SIP, IAX and N2P
23:09.48AgiNamuso you get a lot of stupid things
23:09.49jontowand with some simple shell scripting and some code-reading/patching.. i've got it simulated/working in my test environment :)
23:09.53AgiNamuwell, no, RTP goes on whatever you use
23:09.56AgiNamulike 15000 or something
23:10.08AgiNamuif you dont know SIP, good luck :P. it's a bitch.
23:10.18SpaceBassAgiNamu haven't changed it from the default...
23:10.28DenisLSpaceBass: Same thing after a "gracefull restart"
23:10.36SpaceBassAgiNamu I haven't had problems configuring softphones at all, but this seems a bit different your zapata.conf
23:10.49*** join/#asterisk fgravato (
23:10.52AgiNamuits very different
23:10.57AgiNamubecahse it has settings for H323 and everything
23:11.05SpaceBassAgiNamu so i see
23:11.07AgiNamuv1.42 cleans it up
23:11.22SpaceBassbut that doenst seem to be available for public download huh ?
23:11.49SpaceBassi'm like a kid a christmas... finally got my asterisk box working the way I want it and tired of using softphoens
23:12.00jessterIm troubleshooting a phone hanging off a FXS port of a channel bank. The the phone is in use, and another call comes in, asterisk cli shows "Zap/106-busy-678259056 is busy" but the caller hears ring, then eventually goes dead. I've pasted my relevant zapata.conf here
23:12.14*** join/#asterisk ratapeluda (
23:12.19AgiNamuspacebass, it just got finished yesterday
23:12.26SpaceBassAgiNamu that might be why
23:12.29AgiNamuso the individual makers of phones and ATAs need to package it up[
23:12.38AgiNamuI got the source, so i can compile it, so long you tell me what device it is
23:12.46AgiNamulike PA168Q, or V or R or whatever.
23:12.55bjohnsonjesster: maybe call witing settings?
23:12.57AgiNamucourse, i wont be responsible for bricking your ATA
23:13.02elriahThanks, I see
23:13.06AgiNamuso you might just wanna wait for Atcom to put it up :)
23:13.10SpaceBassnot sure I know, all it says is AG-168 made in china
23:13.38SpaceBassis there a 1.41 or something that would at least be better than 1.36 in the interem?
23:13.53*** part/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
23:13.54jessterbjohnson: the analog phone does not ring if that were the case, and asterisk gets a busy from the channel bank
23:14.23*** join/#asterisk tainted- (
23:14.24bjohnsonSpacebar: if it does sip .. just set it up as a sip phone for now
23:14.48SpaceBassbjohnson trying, it doesnt seem to register
23:14.59SpaceBassbjohnson I'm perfectly fine with sip for a home setting like this
23:15.10jontow5line patch to make SMDI work :))) plus a pair of simple shell scripts
23:15.32ratapeludaI'm using asterisk to make calls through a sip proxy but sound quality is very bad only one-way (outside) I'm using x-lite as a client. any suggestion? thxs!
23:15.51DenisLSpaceBass: Any ideas?
23:16.07SpaceBassbjohnson since yesterday- you might be interested to know- I made great strides :)
23:16.25SpaceBassDenisL it looks normal... do you have 8 cards?
23:17.02DenisLSpaceBass: I have two TDM400P boards, one with four fxo modules and one with three fxo modules and one fxs module...
23:17.19AgiNamuSpaceBass, AG I think means AtCom
23:17.22ratapeluda:( help me.. please
23:17.22AgiNamuso look for atcom PA168
23:17.30AgiNamugoogle around
23:17.33SpaceBassAgiNamu thanks!
23:17.46SpaceBassAgiNamu what about local type: is that account or phone number or... ?
23:18.46AgiNamulocal type is usually account
23:18.50DenisLSpaceBass: I just don't understand why any of my settings in that config file appear to be applying.
23:19.06DenisLSpaceBass: Or not being applied rather.
23:19.25SpaceBassDenisL I didn't see anything in your zapata.conf that looked different than the default
23:19.29SpaceBasssend the right one?
23:19.35*** join/#asterisk brycec (
23:20.08DenisLSpaceBass: The very bottom channel (channel 7) I've specified a different context. and an extension.
23:21.43AgiNamudenis, ztcfg -vv works ok?
23:21.43SpaceBassahhh leme recheck
23:21.43bile_oneDensiL you have to restart asterisk when you make changes to a ZAP device
23:21.43DenisLAgiNamu: Yes, that works ok.
23:21.44DenisLbile_one: I have done a gracefull restart as per SpaceBass' suggestion.
23:21.44AgiNamujust do "stop now" and then restart asterisk
23:22.34*** part/#asterisk linenoise (
23:22.40AgiNamui wonder if my uuid patch will ever get in
23:22.48SpaceBassDenisL at the CLI try zap show channels
23:22.51AgiNamui hate maintaining a whole bunch of patches :P
23:22.56SpaceBassand see if shows the right context
23:23.00*** join/#asterisk sung (
23:23.14DenisLAgiNamu: I've restarted that way. Same issue
23:23.40DenisLSpaceBass: I did zap show channels, and it shows everything in the from-internal Context... Hence my original question, why changes aren't showing up...
23:23.56DenisLI'm very new to this so could be a stupid syntax mistake I made somewhere...
23:24.09AgiNamudenis, start with asterisk -vvc
23:24.17AgiNamuand look for any bad linews
23:24.19SpaceBasslike me spelling pstn ptsn for 2 days and not seeing the difference
23:24.22*** join/#asterisk Blissex (
23:25.12SpaceBassDenisL for one thing, you are setting the context to from-internal and thats already the context it is in
23:25.24SpaceBassso the settings are being- in effect- reset
23:25.36SpaceBassbjohnny feel free to correct my verbiage any time
23:25.39AgiNamupastebin it and lets have alook
23:25.53AgiNamucorrect verbiage? yea, tell verbiage to reply to peoples' emails!!!!
23:26.45debaseri take it their phone never appeared?
23:27.29SpaceBassAgiNamu cross your fingers... updating to 1.41xxxx from atcom
23:27.46AgiNamudebaser: their USB phone?
23:27.50AgiNamuI havee 50 of those.
23:28.03AgiNamuBut paid a LOT less than the $130 AUD they wanted!!!
23:28.24jontowthats the current status :)
23:28.28SpaceBassAgiNamu still curious what you do all over the world....
23:28.39AgiNamuim creating a "voip in a box" system
23:28.47AgiNamui.e., you want to be SpaceBass VoIP Inc
23:28.54AgiNamuyou give us a  bit of money, and we put you in business.
23:29.00*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (PTG123@
23:29.02AgiNamuone of the issues I ad to fix was SIP
23:29.05AgiNamuand the answer was to use IAX
23:29.13PTG1234anyone here run tftpd on unix?
23:29.14AgiNamucause SIP is a pos
23:29.16*** join/#asterisk Exstatica (
23:29.20PTG1234SIP IS AWESOME! :)
23:29.20SpaceBasslol... from what I am learning seems like a good choice
23:29.26Exstaticai'm having so many issues with realtime
23:29.31AgiNamuyae. it means writing firmware and stuff
23:29.38AgiNamuso it's "harder" than using SIP evices
23:29.40AgiNamubut its much more reliable.
23:29.51AgiNamuit also means having to scale asterisk rather than use SER
23:29.59AgiNamu\but it think having asterisk cluster is a better idea than SEr anyways.
23:30.02SpaceBassultimatly realibality is a big selling point
23:30.07AgiNamuSEr seems like a cheap hack for asterisk shortcomings.
23:30.10debaserAgiNamu: not the usb phone, the lan phone
23:30.22AgiNamudebaser, screw their lan phone. nothing insteresting there.
23:30.25AgiNamuSip Express router
23:30.30PTG1234ok your provider most likely uses sip, by you using sip it means you can preserver the re-invite and connect directly to their provider, which means no latency.. why would you use iax?
23:30.37PTG1234sip ->iax -> iax makes less sense then
23:30.40PTG1234sip -> sip -> sip
23:30.41SpaceBassspeaking of phones, anyone ever used an i.picasso?
23:30.56AgiNamuAsterisk has some ... not amazing ... code that doesnt go fast with 1000+ users
23:31.02AgiNamuso having 15,000 registered to a single machine doesnt work
23:31.10AgiNamuhell, with the default code, asterisk can barely LOAD 15,000 users.
23:31.18debaserser and * have different intended uses.
23:31.19bile_oneGood night all.
23:31.33AgiNamuPTG, actually, i've got SIP, H323, or IAX2 connects.
23:31.39AgiNamuBUT, almost all my clients are NAT'd.
23:31.45AgiNamuso there's no transfers gonna happen anyways
23:31.51_VileSS7 Question for anyone who can respond: Are Intermachine (LIS, IMTs) trunks interlinked with A links to the LEC or could I use SIP-7 to handle ISUP and get by without having to do A links to the LEC?
23:32.13AgiNamuin fact, some clients have special jitter needs, so I'll jitterbuffer for them
23:32.24*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 Released ||
23:32.30AgiNamusince im colo'd with my provider, im in the same switch
23:32.34AgiNamu0.7ms latency
23:32.38*** part/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
23:32.45AgiNamuthat way, I can controll the jitterbuffer completely.
23:32.46DrukenAgiNamu: nice.. hehe
23:32.55AgiNamu(talking about sometimes 50ms or more of jitter, 10% packet loss)
23:33.26Druken10% packet is loss horrible.... you have customers who get that ?
23:33.40PTG1234agi: transfer happens fine with NAT, i use it now
23:33.51AgiNamuPTG wow. I can't even get SIP to work with NAT
23:33.57PTG1234agi: what type of firewall?
23:34.01AgiNamusome of my clients are double and triple NAT'd too.
23:34.07PTG1234agi: i do around 10 phones inside one nat firewall, and have no issues
23:34.07AgiNamufirewall/router? Idiotic dumbass ISP
23:34.14PTG1234agi: double nat works fine too
23:34.14terrapengood lord
23:34.16AgiNamuif you control the firewall, that's great.
23:34.20SpaceBassi can't get sip to work nat either
23:34.21terrapenromania has the most annoying phone-ringing sound
23:34.28AgiNamubut when you have buckfuttingly stupd ISPs who actually HATE SIP
23:34.31PTG1234agi: well the problem is outdated firewalls tend to cause issues
23:34.32AgiNamuit's different.
23:34.41PTG1234agi: i am in a new clients right now, having that issue
23:34.47AgiNamuso when I say it's not reliable, i mean that i never know if someone will have an issue.
23:34.50terrapenaginamu, are you a voip provider in .gt?
23:34.50SpaceBassgetting a POS wifi sip phone that doesnt support WPA, so I had to set up a WEP access point on the other side of my firewall
23:34.51AgiNamuwith IAX, it just doesnt happen.
23:34.51PTG1234agi: polycoms work fine, softphones work fine, ciscos won't work
23:34.56PTG1234agi: so i am making them replace firewall
23:34.56AgiNamuterrapen, in GT, all over.
23:34.59SpaceBasstried passing only 5060 and setting up nat... no dice
23:35.02terrapenwhat company?
23:35.05_VileI think it may be illegal for ISPs to block SIP ports these days, I remember something about that
23:35.08AgiNamu(shit site up)
23:35.11AgiNamuVile, not in GT
23:35.16NuggetI want to post to the asterisk-users list, but I can't decide if I want to ask what the best free softphone is or if I want to explain why I chose postgresql over mysql.  what do you guys think?
23:35.18_Vilein US
23:35.21AgiNamuand in Costa Rica, they're trying to make VoIP *illegal*
23:35.27fgravatostill need RTP Ports
23:35.30AgiNamuyea, in US, ti's a completely different market. ULAW, SIP, no problem!
23:35.32_Vilestate owned telco?
23:35.32fgravatonot just Sip
23:35.47SpaceBassfgravato any idea on which ones or range?
23:35.48AgiNamufgravato, not ports opened. no NAt issues with IAX. single socket.
23:35.49*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
23:36.03AgiNamuoh oh you were talkin to spacebass :)
23:36.10AgiNamuspacebass, whatever you set for RTP
23:36.16AgiNamu15000 or 50000 or something liek that.
23:36.20AgiNamuvile, was a state own
23:36.43AgiNamunow its the ex-state owned + Telefonica + 1 non-Telco ISP
23:36.44*** join/#asterisk oo (~marko@marko.horde)
23:36.49SpaceBassAgiNamu how do I know what its using? I have a stop and start
23:37.28SpaceBassi can open that range on my firewall no problem, but the pa168 wants a specific port
23:38.04bjohnson* rtp os set to 10000 to 20000 by default
23:38.12bjohnsonit is set in one the .conf files
23:38.21file[laptop]rtp.conf ironically
23:38.28SpaceBassthat's what I'm seein... a range of 10000 to 20000
23:38.37SpaceBasspretty broad range
23:39.09fgravatoyou can narrow it down i think
23:39.21fgravatoin the spa config
23:39.31fgravatoyou can adjust the  range to match what's on *
23:39.45AgiNamuspacebass, that's what RTP port is.
23:39.48AgiNamuon the ATA settings.
23:39.50AgiNamuI think.
23:39.54AgiNamui dont use sip :P
23:40.03SpaceBassAgiNamu you think its the range?
23:41.11*** join/#asterisk sbarrius (
23:41.31sbarriuswhats up guys...
23:41.33AgiNamui dunno.. never used those things as SIP devices.
23:42.10sbarriusany you guys use broadvoice, any one happy with them?
23:42.41SpaceBasssbarrius I have their byod plan for like $5.00/month... been using it to do "follow-me" to my cell and for incoming calls from Washington DC
23:42.44SpaceBassso far, so good
23:42.58SpaceBassbut not sure I'd want them as my primary line based on what I've heard
23:43.35sbarriusyeah...I added an 800 number and it knocked out my primary
23:44.00sbarriusnow my phones rings when you dial the 800 number,  and when you dial the primary nothing
23:44.39sbarriusbut when the 800 number rings asterisks try to send to sip phone and the logs say it trying to bridge but nothing happens
23:44.56sbarriusSpaceBass - who do you use?
23:45.12sbarriusprimary carrier
23:45.15SpaceBasslocal pots
23:45.33SpaceBasshave two fxo's for now
23:45.37sbarriusdo you use the # feature for follow me?
23:46.03SpaceBassnot yet, just have a IVR extension... press 1 for voice mail, press 2 for my cell
23:46.06SpaceBassnot really follow me
23:47.14sbarriusIm doing follow me... the only thing that sucks is if it trys my cell and I dont pickup me cell voice mail takes it, I want it to ring until I hit #
23:47.32sbarriusif I dont hit # then the asterisk vm takes it, slick huh?
23:48.24SpaceBassok... how the F can I tell what RTP port * is using from that 10000 to 20000 range?
23:48.35SpaceBassshort of breaking out a sniffer
23:48.38AgiNamuspacebass, in the sip.conf, you can narrow it down.
23:48.40sbarriusbut you can only do the # feature with zaptel device... I think
23:48.45AgiNamuand a sniffer is like, essential, for SIP :)
23:49.02SpaceBassAgiNamu ethereal here I come
23:49.24sbarriusis that your outgoing port range?
23:49.42AgiNamujust wait till you try IAX
23:49.46AgiNamuit'll just work :)
23:49.47SpaceBassAgiNamu as simple as rtp=15000 ?
23:49.47gambolputtyIs SRTP planned for * anytime soon?
23:49.53SpaceBassAgiNamu I'm looking forward to it, believe me
23:51.02sbarriusAgiNamu is that the outbound port range?
23:52.33SpaceBasslooks like I'm going to have to wait for IAX
23:52.36SpaceBasssip ain't happening
23:52.45sbarriusdoes anyone else have any recomendations for a carrier
23:53.55sbarriusanother bitch about broadvoice... no 24 hour support
23:54.07fgravatosbarius = nufone
23:55.00sbarriusdo you like them fgravato?
23:55.12Exstaticai read about sip caching, where it can cache the sip users, but i can't figure out where to add that
23:55.30AgiNamuex - what do you mean by cache?
23:55.49*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
23:56.00fgravatonufone is great
23:56.03fgravato0 problems
23:56.09fgravatosupport is tought at times but
23:56.11bjohnsonand isn't accepting new accounts
23:56.27bjohnsonsbarrius: get a per minute provider to use as backup
23:56.30ExstaticaNOTE: As of CVS-HEAD 3/16/05, if you enable RealTime caching in your sip.conf, Voicemail MWI works and so does 'sip show peers'.
23:56.35sbarriuswhy aren't they accepting new accounts
23:56.43bjohnsonlike nufone, voipjet, livevoip, teliax, or a hundred others
23:57.09bjohnsonsbarrius: don't know .. I guess they have enough for their system right now
23:57.13TomLRealTime caching? what's that?
23:57.17AgiNamuex, oh, realtime chaching.
23:57.17*** join/#asterisk Los415 (
23:57.17sbarriusbjhonson which would you use?
23:57.24AgiNamuthats for DB caching.
23:57.30bjohnsonall of them
23:57.40Exstaticawhat is the command command for it?
23:57.49AgiNamuno clue. i dont touch realtime.
23:57.52AgiNamuim writing my own.
23:57.52bjohnsonthrow down $10 or $30 on a few and try them out
23:58.02sbarriusI need a reliable incoming carrier for my biz
23:58.11bjohnsonoh .. incoming
23:58.16AgiNamusbarrius, but you dont want to commit?
23:58.40SupaplexAgiNamu: only if you have a ring ;)
23:58.46sbarriusi already pay for broadvoice biz package
23:58.59AgiNamuoh, youre just looking for a coupla lines
23:59.22sbarriusim not happy with broadvoice right now
23:59.44sbarriusdont really want to go pots...
23:59.54Supaplexpots is the pits?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.