irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050318

00:00.18Evanrude|wbile_one, running web-server as 'asterisk' fixed the problem
00:00.32bile_oneEvanrude sweet.
00:02.00*** join/#asterisk mentat (
00:02.04mentathi all
00:02.24bile_onePinhole looks like Weather.php is using text2wav which is festival
00:02.30mentatWhat should I do if my ixj's volume is just ridiculously low?
00:03.05Evanrude|wwell time to call it a day - thanks bile_one
00:03.33bile_oneYour're welcome Evanrude
00:04.08sivanaya.. I just got Linksys approval
00:04.40*** join/#asterisk __Sparks_ (
00:04.45Pinholebile_one, it can use either.  You just use a diferent function.
00:05.18bile_oneI see than now reading the souce code. Thanx Pinhole
00:05.46opus___STill problems with broadvoice outgoing
00:06.01PinholeYou can use swift when ever you see text2wav.
00:06.04opus___Does anyone know if it is neccessary to have a patch for outgoing broadvoice?
00:06.24__Sparks_Hi, I seem to be havig trouble with having multiple SIP accounts registering together - I get the following errors - chan_sip.c:6801 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to '<sip:SIP ACCOUNT DETAILS HERE> - Do I need to use differnet ports for each one - currently they are all using 5060
00:06.32opus___If I have canreinvite=yes for the sip phone that asterisk serves to, it trys to connect to which isn't in my network
00:06.42opus___If I have canreinvite=no I get a 400 request not found from broadvoice
00:06.51DannyFanyone in here that checked out a clean HEAD and has/had problems with audio not going through even thou all legs gets connected?
00:07.01bile_onelater all
00:07.04Mw3we would like to interconnect with pstn network over ss7. i've read in the wiki that there is some progress (beta version) about it. where can i find that beta ?
00:07.35DannyFMw3, did u search the lists? was alot of talk about that a while back
00:07.48DannyFseams Digium supports that
00:08.10DannyFsomeone said they showed it at VON
00:08.39mentatSo ideas on the IXJ? I can just barely hear it, and I mean barely
00:08.49mentatSoftware settings, hardware settings?
00:09.26opus___mentat sorry i don't know, but you might check to make sure it has a common ground.  my wildest guess
00:10.00mentatinternet phone jack
00:10.13mentatsupported by linux telephony driver
00:10.14*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
00:10.26mentatIt seems to work fine, just really really soft
00:10.31jontowin HEAD .. why must chan_oss.c load even when i use 'noload' on it? :/
00:11.08opus___does anyone know how to get a hold of Dimitris Kounalakis
00:11.30stevekstevekopus___: by the neck?
00:11.31jontowalso with ICD .. icd_agent_callback() crashes * when you try to log an agent out :(
00:11.39bbgunDoes anyone know how to display Caller names instead of their extension number? I can't find the information  :)
00:11.44jontowand the call just hangs.
00:12.19opus___stevekstevek -- because of spam protection, the mailing list remove his e-mail and I don't have archives before the 13th
00:13.12opus___he posted a patch to the mailing list that got destroyed
00:13.20opus___I can't extract it :(
00:13.52__Sparks_When i am registering with multiple SIP accounts - do I need to use different ports foe each?
00:15.30__Sparks_Juggie - any idea why when regerstering with multiple sipgate accounts I get "Failed to authenticate on REGISTER" ?
00:17.07__Sparks_and also while it is thinking about it, asterisk freezes (If i call my voicemail while it is doing it, the call doesnt connect until after it has finished erroring)
00:18.22__Sparks_Can anyobe help me with this, it has been a problem for me for ages!
00:21.34tuxinator_linux__Sparks_: Have you checked
00:22.52__Sparks_tuxinator_linux - Nope, but I am there now!
00:22.55tuxinator_linux__Sparks_: Running stable or HEAD?
00:23.37__Sparks_tuxinator_linux - Not quite sure what you mean (I am fairly new to * :-)
00:23.49tuxinator_linuxHow did you install it?
00:24.07tuxinator_linuxCVS checkout asterisk?
00:24.17__Sparks_Xorcom Rapid
00:24.35__Sparks_downloaded the ISO and istalled it from that -
00:24.54tuxinator_linuxNot familiar with that one
00:25.01__Sparks_(I guess thats cheating :-)
00:25.17tuxinator_linuxwhat does asterisk -v return?
00:26.55brc_~seen slePP
00:26.57jbotslepp is currently on #asterisk (8h 2m 27s)
00:27.02__Sparks_can I PM you with the results, rather then paste in here?
00:27.04*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
00:27.21*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@
00:27.21*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
00:27.23jedaustinSparks: asterisk@home?
00:27.47__Sparks_jedaustin - as in am I using it at home - yes
00:27.55*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
00:28.17tuxinator_linuxhe he he
00:28.17jedaustinSparks: thats what the iso's called that I downloaded
00:28.47__Sparks_jedaustin - oh right - no, the one I used was Xorcom Rapid
00:29.25DannyFanyone in here that checked out a clean HEAD and has/had problems with audio not going through even thou all legs gets connected?
00:33.32TedCanybody here know the app_queue code well?
00:34.12mentatarg, now dtmf's are going through on the ixj...
00:34.36*** join/#asterisk pcm (
00:36.22*** join/#asterisk greg_work (
00:37.18sivanain your fridge?! Brilliant!!
00:38.08DannyFbloody audio is only going TO the * all of a sudden
00:41.41*** join/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
00:47.47DaminYou ready to rock and roll at 9:00 PM?
00:50.06*** join/#asterisk peted20 (
00:52.33peted20anyone here know how to apply patches to asterisk?
00:52.41peted20I want to try the new jitterbuffer
00:53.31tzangerpeted20: you don't need to
00:53.34tzangerit's in CVS HEAD now
00:53.41tzangeras of like 2.5 hours ago
00:54.09peted20tzanger: wow, thats awesome!
00:54.15tzangerdamn skippy
00:55.06peted20tzanger: if I just pull from CVS without specifying a branch (i.e 1.0), that is CVS HEAD?
00:55.11harryvvtzanger,  I have not seen any issues with jitter what would be a case where the upgrade is needed.
00:55.18tzangerpeted20: yes
00:55.30tzangerharryvv: perhaps not for you but it works wonders
00:55.55opus___*jedaustin* what do you have for your default?
00:55.56opus___<tzanger> who
00:55.56opus___*** Signoff: rvhi () <18:57>
00:55.56opus___*jedaustin* any other vm-'s that you know of other than goodbye?
00:55.57opus___*** peted20 ( joined #asterisk <18:58>
00:55.58opus___*jedaustin* Hmm.. cool
00:55.59opus___*jedaustin* Thanks, I think Im at least talking with broadvoice, thats a plus
00:56.01opus___*** Signoff: cbachman (Remote closed the connection) <18:59>
00:56.03opus___*** Signoff: rephorm (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) <19:00>
00:56.05opus___<peted20> anyone here know how to apply patches to asterisk?
00:56.07peted20tzanger: thanks!  no wonder I was getting "already applied" errors ;-) off to try it now
00:56.10harryvvtzanger mabey the clients will cheer :)
00:56.10opus___fucking mouse
00:56.39tzangerharryvv: eh?
00:56.53*** join/#asterisk bparker (
00:57.07harryvvopus mabey its your nerves ;)
00:58.42harryvvtalking about shaky and nervousness I have a friend who's going to be on Jeprody tomarro night. The TV game show. The actual filming of the show was a few weeks ago.
00:58.45bparkerI am new to Asterisk. I was wondering if the RTP stream of a phone goes through the Asterisk server or if it just does the call setup and tear down?
00:59.16tzangerharryvv: oh yeah?  that's cool
00:59.32harryvvyea I read on the site that he would be going against ken jennings.
00:59.32tzangerbparker: depends on how you have it set up, it can go either way
01:00.37bparkercool.  What is the limiting factor as to how many devices the server can handle if configured to just just do call setup and tear down?
01:00.41harryvvtzanger when I talked with him on a couple of occations I thought to my self "man this guy is witty he knows details about some subjects that he would whip out a answer so fast" It was actually kind of funny :)
01:01.29harryvvHe actually needs the money a few months ago he lost his software support position and got back on his feet with another company.
01:02.21harryvvHe really needs this. This is his second time on the show. If you watch it tomarro night his name is robert slaven.
01:04.44tzangerright on
01:04.47tzangerwhy does he really need it?
01:04.55harryvvohhh very funny i typed in his name and it was the first link on google
01:05.24harryvvwhat the money?
01:05.41tzangerI was debating whether to watch Frasier or Simpsons
01:05.44harryvvI dont think its for the money. In fact he never told me he was on the show.
01:05.48tzangerand Simpsons has Sideshow Bob on it so I got Frasier too
01:06.35*** join/#asterisk Darwin[laptop] (
01:07.18tzanger"If I wanted to kill you I'd have choked you like a chicken when I got in the door"
01:07.50harryvvdont say that to somone who is in phycosis
01:08.14harryvva nutcase
01:08.18harryvvmental problems :)
01:08.48tzangeryeah I just like the choking the chicken reference
01:10.47harryvvbtw what the reason voip-info was down most of the day some time ago
01:11.51modulus_b/c voip sucks
01:13.42harryvvSounds like the maintainer was on vacation.
01:14.10Kattyit's cold
01:14.32tzangerit's not bad
01:15.06Kattyi hope that's at least 70F
01:16.53*** join/#asterisk sd-tux (sd@2001:6f8:1372:0:0:0:0:2)
01:17.03harryvvI hope when I do some traveling this summer to see moose bear and not Cougar
01:17.34*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
01:18.44sivanawho wants to finish writing my routing engine?
01:20.00Mocwhere the register page sivana ? ;)
01:20.42sivanawho wants to finish my website too? :)
01:21.05sivanaMoc, do you want one now, I can add ya in
01:23.30*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
01:24.59FryGuyDoes anyone have any experience with using SetCIDNum to change the caller ID number to an 800 number instead of a local number? I've tried various things and searching on the mailing lists for more information, but nothing has presented itself.
01:25.10tzangerFryGuy: typically you odn't want to do that
01:25.17*** join/#asterisk Frantic (
01:25.31tzangerFryGuy: I have personally found that setting your outgoing CID to an 800# and calling certain 800#s caused the call to not complete
01:25.53modulus_tzanger, yeah ani is a bitch
01:26.15FryGuyMCI claims they have everything set up and we can change the caller id information to anything, but it fails to work.
01:26.18tzangerlikely due to the terminating 800# not accepting calls from that area code :-)
01:26.27harryvvIf skype has 29 million subscribers and thay do not charge anything how do thay stay in Bussiness?
01:26.40Juggiethey dont run the network
01:26.42tzangerthey do charge for it
01:26.44Juggieits peer to peer
01:26.56Juggieand they make money by selling skypeout and skype in
01:26.58FryGuyeven changing it to another number in the same zip/prefix doesn't work.. so I'm thinking something may be wrong on my end.
01:27.08harryvvwas just reading a little on eweek about skype.
01:27.22*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
01:27.52FryGuyBasically, i have an extension that is exten => _9XNNNNNN,1,SetCIDNum(9165551212
01:28.05FryGuyexten => _9XNNNNNN,1,SetCIDNum(9165551212|a)
01:28.13FryGuysorry, pipe is in wrong place on this keyboard
01:28.53*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
01:28.59FryGuyshould this work in normal circumstances?
01:29.10*** join/#asterisk shepherd (
01:31.07ariel_hello everyone
01:38.56*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (~Doug@doughecka.user)
01:39.04*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:39.13doughecka_hail ManxPower
01:40.36jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
01:40.39jbotmailinglist is probably Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
01:40.50ManxPowerHas the flood of n00bs abated any?
01:40.53ManxPowerHello, doughecka
01:40.55doughecka_not sure
01:41.13doughecka_btw how well does tdmoip work with asterisk?
01:41.16doughecka_is it stable?
01:41.41ManxPoweror TDMoverIP?
01:42.17ManxPowerAs I understand it, TDM over IP stucks and there's little interest in fixing it because IAX2 trunking works so well.
01:42.30doughecka_shucks :P
01:42.32modulus_anoTHER broken protocol for voice?
01:42.45tzangerTDMoIP is useful if you can't get the signaling
01:43.03ManxPowermodulus_, Before IAX2 w/trunking, TDMoverIP was the only way to send large numbers of calls over a LAN with low oeverhead.
01:43.40ManxPowerIAX2 w/trunking has more overhead than TDM over IP, but still much less than any other VoIP protocol.
01:44.31harryvvWhat low priced poe switch is recomended for a small office of 24 phones.
01:45.07hardwirethis starband 380 modem has a JTAG interface on it
01:45.17tzangerManxPower: I disagree
01:45.19hardwireboy wouldn't that piss the FCC off
01:45.23ariel_ok so does any one have more information on the new soon to be relased Asterisk Enterprise that was talked about in the Von Show?
01:45.37tzangerwith a good low bitrate codec and a lot of calls per trunk frame it can be far far far less overhead
01:45.49hardwirewrong channel
01:46.13doughecka_ManxPower: whats another name for a T1/pri splitter?
01:46.16harryvvor wrong network
01:46.20modulus_channel bank?
01:46.20ManxPowerdoughecka, no idea.
01:46.28harryvvhardwire this is the only channel your on ;)
01:46.31doughecka_well, I found things on the web that does it
01:46.37ManxPowerWhoo!  Whoo!  PLC and Jitterbuffer was added for IAX2 and RTP today!
01:46.50harryvvyea it was
01:47.12peted20do you have to do anything to turn on PLC?
01:47.17tzangerpacket loss concealment
01:47.34modulus_how well does plc work?
01:48.15modulus_anyone test it out yet?
01:49.12ManxPowermodulus_, Both the IAX2 people and the RTP/SIP people have done significant testing and are working todather, as I understand it.
01:49.41ManxPowerI think zoa is leasing the SIP/RTP Jitterbuffer and PLC stuff, I think coppice is leading the IAX2 group.
01:49.56modulus_is it in todays cvs?
01:50.17ManxPower"Anyone that runs CVS-HEAD and is not on the asterisk-cvs mailing list is a moron." --Me
01:50.26hardwireharryvv: you lie
01:50.31ManxPowermodulus_, are you a moron?
01:50.49modulus_manxpower, i just hate mailing lists
01:51.18ManxPower"Anyone that runs CVS-HEAD and is not on the asterisk-cvs mailing list is a moron." --Me
01:51.26harryvvfreenode does not :)
01:51.35modulus_i hate email in general
01:51.42modulus_the whole of SMTP is braindead
01:52.03modulus_someone needs to re-write a mail protocol from the ground up
01:52.04hardwireharryvv: just out of curiosity.. what tells you I am only on one channel :)
01:52.21ManxPowerI'm honestly not interesed in your excuses, modulus_.
01:52.23harryvvhardwires its a dead subject :)
01:52.35hardwirejust like my social life.
01:52.46hardwireyou any good with DC/DC power supplies :)
01:52.47Nugget5 minutes, and 43 seconds until epoch 1111111111
01:53.13mikegrbI know!
01:53.33hardwireI didn't even bake a cake
01:53.40tzangerI'm watching it now
01:53.48hardwireI think everybody is
01:53.52tzangerwhile [ 1 ]; do date +%s ; sleep 1 ; done
01:53.53brc_~seen malcolm
01:53.56jbotmalcolm <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gllug, 728d 13h 29m 22s ago, saying: 'Of course I know my own name!'.
01:53.56hardwireanybody with a clock even.
01:55.36hardwirehad to check
01:55.36hardwirebrc_: thats impressive
01:55.47hardwirehe was last seen over 728 days ago
01:56.03hardwireis that a popular ~seen?
01:56.08brc_I'm still waiting for him to show up too
01:56.14brc_no that I'm aware of
01:56.22*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
01:56.47jbotFri Mar 18 01:56:47 2005
01:56.47hardwirebrc_: are you this patient in the sack?
01:56.49jbotwell, time is 1 dimensional, or everlasting
01:56.53hardwirecause that would be pretty impressive :)
01:57.06brc_honestly people
01:57.11brc_nobody cares
01:57.24modulus_sometimes the media does
01:57.34hardwirebrc_: let the geeks have their day :)
01:57.35brc_the media are morons, what's the point?
01:57.43modulus_no the media is just a business
01:58.41modulus_freebsd5-stable is temporarily called freebsd5-prerelease wtf?
01:58.50hardwirenobody says ra?
01:58.52modulus_err 5_4 prerelease
01:59.01hardwireis everybody off kissing their pets?
01:59.05hardwirewhere did all the excitement go?
01:59.14tzangerit's passed
01:59.21hardwirewell thats enough of that
01:59.27hardwiretime to go back to being annoying.
01:59.30hardwirewe are all so very off
01:59.34hardwireand I thought the atomic clock was accurate
01:59.45harryvvit is
01:59.45NuggetFri Mar 18 01:59:45 UTC 2005
01:59.49hardwiretzafrir: you are a minute off from me
01:59.51modulus_yeah what happened to ntp you people?
01:59.55hardwireand I just set my rtc
01:59.56tzangeryeah I'm not saying I'm 100% accurate
01:59.58harryvva cesium clock thats been arouns since the 1960s
02:00.06modulus_ntpdate -s -b -p 8
02:00.10modulus_cron that you people
02:00.17Nuggetlocalhost: stratum 3, offset 0.000022, synch distance 0.08743
02:00.24tzangermodulus_: you're on crack
02:00.25Nuggetno, don't just cron ntpdate.  that's lame.
02:00.25tzangeryou don't do that
02:00.27tzangeryou run ntpd
02:00.27Nuggetrun ntpd
02:00.35tzangerand I use
02:00.35Nuggetcronning ntpdate is a bad solution
02:00.48hardwireNugget: its the only solutino for me
02:00.51hardwiresolution even
02:00.53tzangerremember that asterisk uses gettimeofday() and ntpd fucks with that
02:00.58Nuggetwhy?  it's pessimal.
02:01.09Nuggetntpd doesn't fuck with that.
02:01.10brc_ntpd is far far better then ntpdating every once in awhile
02:01.14tzangerit does so
02:01.14hardwiretried using ntpd in set rtc mode
02:01.17Nuggetno it doesn't.
02:01.19hardwireit fails
02:01.19tzangerset your time back a minute
02:01.22brc_tzanger, as in causes problems?
02:01.24tzangerhave a call in progress
02:01.26tzangerand run ntpdate
02:01.30tzangeryou will get massive jitter
02:01.31Nuggetno, ntpd will slew the clock, unlike ntpdate
02:01.33tzangerbecaues the itmestamps change
02:01.38brc_^^ what Nugget said
02:01.40Nuggetthat's precisely why ntpd is good.
02:01.42yxardate -s  works too
02:01.43tzangeryes ntpd does slew it it's not nearly as bad as ntpdate'ing
02:01.45hardwireNugget: indeed.
02:01.55brc_and ntpd remembers your skew and corrects for it inbetween updates
02:02.00hardwirehoweevr.. it doesn't correct past a certain threshold.
02:02.07hardwireso if the laptop is off quite a bit.. for no damn good reason
02:02.11brc_which is confirurable in your ntpd.conf
02:02.12harryvvso the new jitter fix is timmed to atomic time
02:02.18hardwireand you have no network when ntpdate is run initially before ntpd
02:02.24hardwireit fails
02:02.28hardwireoh well
02:02.38hardwirenot like I am syncing tcp/ip timestamps here.
02:02.56Nuggethardwire: "ntpd -g" solves that.
02:03.14Nuggetit will allow the first sync in ntpd to exceed the thresshold
02:03.33hardwireNugget: the first sucessfull one.. does it count all the initial timeouts?
02:03.35Nuggetand the first sync doesn't have to be at startup.  it's just the first one, whenever that becomes possible
02:03.43Nuggetthe first sucessful one
02:04.04dersteerhappy  mi11-one-ium everyone
02:04.09hardwireNugget: you know.. you would think after lokoing through ntpd like crazy.. I would find that option
02:04.14mishehuanybody using an at-320ed phone (atcom) with iax?  I'm looking for a user review and to hear how the phone compares to other phones I work with
02:04.17hardwireNugget: do you have enable ntp in your ntpd.conf?
02:04.40hardwirethen how do you sync the hwclock?
02:04.51hardwireor even the swclock?
02:05.07Nuggetdunno, it just works
02:05.17hardwirethat option explicitely resets all of ntpd's logged offsets?
02:05.20hardwireand syncs
02:05.22hardwireI take it
02:05.59peted20with the new jitterbuffer, how can I tell if PLC is enabled?  I have "genericplc => true" in codecs.conf, but I am not sure if it is taking effect
02:07.32hardwireNugget: ok.. I am giving it a shot
02:07.41hardwireif you lie!!!!!! OOOOH I WILL COME AFTER YOU!!
02:08.12modulus_FreeBSD 5.4-PRERELEASE (GENERIC) #2: Thu Mar 17 20:12:48 UTC 2005
02:08.20modulus_damnit i want 5.3-STABLE
02:09.01harryvvlooking at ntp.conf interesting. I remember listening to wwv way back in the 80s and has a even broader use today :)
02:09.33modulus_ntp is the shit
02:09.58Darwin[laptop]or ntpd
02:10.25harryvvyea atomic time. Based off a Cesium atomic clock in bolder colorado that is accurate to 1 100th of a second every 100 years.
02:10.27NuggetI remember running timesync.exe in dos
02:10.29harryvvSomething like that.
02:10.56harryvvgood oll wwv :) good to hear it on 10,15,20 meters.
02:11.02mikegrbI prefer nuggetsync.exe
02:12.06*** join/#asterisk Mazda-MX5 (
02:12.15Darwin[laptop]I remember it on Ham radio also 15000 18000 22000 mhz
02:13.12modulus_anyone ever use shortwave?
02:13.19harryvvI do
02:13.25harryvvI have all modes all bands
02:13.30modulus_my handle was five hotel three delta hotel
02:14.16harryvvCB was unlicenced 25 years ago :)
02:14.24*** join/#asterisk justinnnn (
02:14.50Darwin[laptop]cb is still open band
02:14.55harryvvyea it is
02:14.59harryvvnot used much
02:15.09Darwin[laptop]now ham is starting to open up
02:15.16harryvvits okay if you in boonie land where cell does not work
02:15.27harryvvDarwin open up as in tropo conditions?
02:15.39Darwin[laptop]they did away with novice/ and coded tech
02:16.03harryvvno thay didnt. Its still there. Its just not a req to obtain your licence.
02:16.23harryvvnovice is gone but tech plus is still a option
02:16.43harryvvor you can go no code tech just dont have all the priv.
02:17.30harryvvbtw, I need to set up another asterisk system to see how well a phone bank will work on one of the digital frequencies.
02:17.32Darwin[laptop]yeah I am working on geting back in to ham radio and sattalite
02:18.23harryvvCalculating the lowest frequency is needed for a 10 phone bank is something I would need to calculate.
02:18.44*** join/#asterisk Mazda-MX5 (
02:18.52harryvvThat way can get some nice range. wouldntthat be wierd to send a asterisk convo via DX into another country.
02:19.16ManxPowerDo european hotels commonly provide any breakfast type of stuff in the morning, as part of the cost of the hotel room.
02:19.34harryvvsip convo :) come to think about it I dont know if there is any studies on which protocol would work best when doing a dx convo.
02:19.56harryvvsomone in #europe on efnet may know.
02:20.06harryvvwhat country?
02:20.36modulus_try whales
02:20.46modulus_because that's where catherine zeta jones is from
02:21.11modulus_and she's just hot
02:21.11tzangerwhales?  hahahaha
02:21.36modulus_is anyone here running asterisk on dual xeons?
02:21.59harryvvis there a wiki on how to setup asterisk to call a group of people say 50 and make a general anouncment?
02:22.25tzangermodulus_: single xeon
02:22.27harryvvmod, I am running it on a amd opteron single cpu at the moment.
02:22.47modulus_opteron ? what's your call volume harryvv?
02:22.55modulus_tzanger, call volume?
02:23.16tzangermodulus_: not extensive... a dozen max maybe at this time
02:23.24harryvvmod it was purpously built for a heavy load graphics work station. But no load at this moment. Would love to test it though.
02:23.41harryvvIts very fast.
02:23.44harryvvLove it
02:24.04harryvvonly bottle neck is the hard drive
02:24.34harryvvwhy do you ask
02:26.50modulus_i want to know what to expect from my asterisk box
02:28.15modulus_i have a dual xeon 1 gig ram
02:28.24modulus_i think i'll run into memory problems first
02:28.49tzangerI dunno I think I'd make it as spread out as possible
02:29.01harryvvDont know.
02:29.50modulus_tzanger, what do you mean spread out?
02:31.36harryvvlooks like L3 in sanjose has a bad day today according to the packet drops. Was thinking of using them as a backbone provider. Mabey some construction crew cut into the fiber :)
02:32.21modulus_harryvv, what's their pricing on b/w?
02:32.56*** join/#asterisk sricard (
02:33.37harryvvTalked to a telus tech the other day he was stating 400-600 for pri but was not sure.
02:34.28modulus_how much of that is for the loop?
02:34.30harryvvI need to shop around. there is not to many choices up here from what I have heard from people in the industry. Allstream do not own any lines and have the work sourced out to telus. Thats a example there ;)
02:34.55modulus_voice t1 or voip t1?
02:34.58harryvvyou mean pstn data out?
02:35.19harryvvI was talking pstn data out when he came up with those rough figures.
02:35.21modulus_lotsa data carriers are providing voip now
02:35.26bparkeris anyone in here familiar with cisco callmanager
02:35.28harryvvI know.
02:35.32modulus_kinda nuts
02:35.41modulus_global crossing sells sip
02:35.51harryvvIts like..I do this yet thay are also so who is reaping the benifits?
02:36.06modulus_the ceos
02:36.07JunK-Ubparker: are we a cisco channel? :P
02:36.16harryvvyea the ceos :)
02:36.27modulus_everyone else gets shit trickled down
02:36.48bparkerno no. I am from that background and I am getting into Asterisk and want to know how it compares to callmanager
02:36.56harryvvI should try and get a hold of my old telco instructor and see if he is still working in the industry he looked like he was heading to retirement.
02:37.40modulus_i'm trying to get a t1 pri
02:37.48modulus_but no one wants to pay for it
02:39.13harryvvnifty got a pic of telus backbone
02:39.39harryvvwow even goes down to california.
02:41.56modulus_this compiling is taking too long
02:42.06harryvvon the xeon ?
02:42.06Shido6then get a faster proc
02:42.21modulus_harryvv, no freebsd5.4-prerelease on pIII
02:42.57modulus_that's it i'm going home
02:43.08modulus_gotta hit the bodega for some cigs and some liquor
02:44.38modulus_wow 2% idle cpu
02:45.12modulus_thank god it's not redhat
02:45.25modulus_it would've slowed to a crawl
02:52.03*** join/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
02:52.18*** join/#asterisk hawaiianphoneguy (~mdarnell@
02:52.52hawaiianphoneguyanyone know about gr303 in *
02:56.51*** join/#asterisk Mazda-MX5 (
02:57.02*** join/#asterisk pciccone (
02:57.58pcicconeWas wondering if someone had some time to answer a question regarding sip.conf and a register command. Not getting expected results with BV proxy
02:58.00*** join/#asterisk IQ (
02:58.29Mazda-MX5hi , What is the "iax2" channels ?
02:58.37*** join/#asterisk heison (
02:59.21IQMazda-MX5: IAX ?
02:59.34IQtry iax
03:00.15Mazda-MX5IQ > yes . it is in asterisk-1.0.6/channels/ , is it for FAX ?
03:00.59IQsorry - no idea
03:03.08Mazda-MX5IQ > what is the "IAX" for ?
03:03.19mgthread the voip-info site
03:03.35mgthiax is a voip protocol for asterisk
03:03.35Mazda-MX5voip-info ?
03:04.00*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
03:04.09Mazda-MX5thank you.
03:04.56Mazda-MX5sorry, I am newbis of VoIP
03:05.17CherebrumIAX is a channel like SIP
03:05.21Cherebrumbut it's better than SIP
03:05.28Cherebrumit only uses port 4569 UDP
03:05.29IQno need to be sorry... many of us are new
03:05.37Cherebrumand it can traverse NAT
03:05.45Mazda-MX5better than SIP !!!
03:06.01CherebrumThere are even some ATA's that can do IAX
03:06.20Cherebrumlike the IAXy see:
03:06.25Mazda-MX5thanks all , I think I must read '' forst.
03:06.34Cherebrumyea. read that
03:06.39Cherebrumit's some good stuff
03:07.01CherebrumI gotta take a fat shit.. and my girlfriend is in the damn shower
03:07.40IQCherebrum: dont lose this mument
03:07.54jbotit has been said that iax is 4569 and 5036, or pronounces "Eeks"
03:07.56jboti guess rtfw is Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
03:08.26Jer13261hey why do i get a beep during a 3 way call?
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03:08.50Cherebrum5036=IAX 4569 = IAX2   right?
03:09.39CherebrumI had to poke all sorts of holes in firewalls for crap like that today
03:09.43ChujiIs it uncommon to only have Jitter one way? Is that because one half of my connection has a jitter buffer?
03:09.53Cherebrum123 for ntp and 69 for TFTP and 4569 for IAX2
03:11.34*** join/#asterisk Y1 (
03:13.10*** join/#asterisk postel (canonical@postel.user)
03:15.34jtoddanyone had any luck with the bluetooth stuff compiling lately?
03:16.05Chujijtodd : chan_bluetooth?
03:16.07*** join/#asterisk ROM_Man (
03:16.20Chujijtodd : I don't think much development have happened on that in months
03:16.29CherebrumI just click the little bluetooth icon up by the clock on the powerbook and it turns on
03:16.30jtoddno, the btp stuff from kram
03:16.46Chujihmm, didn't know he was working on it
03:16.51Chujion mantis?
03:17.00jtoddit's on the CVS server.
03:17.16jtoddThough, now that I mention it, I see that it actually compiles today.  <grumble>
03:17.39CherebrumAnyone see that article about using the unlimited Mobile-to-Mobile minutes to make unlimited phone calls with asterisk?  you just get a second phone and hookers it up to a gateway device and make calls thru it
03:18.01*** join/#asterisk knebel (
03:18.02ChujiCherebrum : Yeah, but you need a cell dock to do that
03:18.08Chujibluetooth would be cooler
03:18.11jtodddoesn't have much to do with Asterisk; lots of vendors sell the dock already configured for that kind of hack.
03:18.17ChujiThere's been a bounty out there for a year on it
03:18.18jtoddyes, bluetooth would be much more interesting.
03:18.54jtoddJer13261: no dock for the 600 or 650.
03:19.00CherebrumJer13261: get another phone
03:19.08jtoddthat's why I'm interested in bluetooth for Asterisk at the moment; I have the 650.
03:19.11Jer13261how about the Sanyo 8100?
03:19.39Cherebrumhmm... if I can get  bluetooth to work with asterisk maybe I could use my spare Sony T68i as a mobile to asterisk bridge
03:19.46Chuji~google "sanyo 8100 cell dock"
03:19.58*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (
03:20.03Jer13261cool :)
03:20.11Cherebrumso if I have bluetooth in asterisk and a bluetooth phone.... I don't need the cell dock do i?
03:20.31ChujiCherebrum : You do. chan_bluetooth is very much infancy
03:20.37jtoddCherebrum: well, if you can get chan_bluetooth working, you're golden.  Doesn't quite make "production" quality  yet, though.
03:20.48ChujiCherebrum : sharpen up your c skillz and make it work!
03:20.54Chujicollect a bounty with it
03:21.25Cherebrumoh wait.. my C skillz are non exsistant.. nothing to sharpen
03:21.31Chujijtodd : you make it to San Jose?
03:21.42Cherebrumbut that would be cool
03:21.43jtoddI assume you mean for VON.
03:21.43ChujiHave a good time?
03:21.58Cherebrum$20 bluetooth adaptor for linux and then I have a mobile to asterisk bridge!
03:22.03ChujiI can do Boston, but San Jose is out of the budget
03:22.08jtoddNo, it was kind of dull.  Spent most of my time in meeting rooms doing nonsense with people wearing expensive suits.
03:22.20Cherebrumtoo bad it's not cost effective for me to do that.. I allready get 3000 anytime minutes for $50 a month
03:22.37Cherebrumand it would cost me $50 for 2 lines with unlimited mobile 2 mobile
03:22.43harryvvI know the FCC limits the amount of wattage output a wifi based unit can transmit probebly because of prximity to the antenna but what about a high pole mounted isopole style or directional panel antenna mounted 20-40 feet off the ground?
03:22.46Cherebrum3000 minutes is plenty
03:23.13*** join/#asterisk stdio (
03:23.18stdiogreets all!
03:23.51Cherebrumgirlfriends TP is so soft on my ass..
03:24.33Cherebrumsorry.. was that random?
03:24.37*** part/#asterisk Y1 (
03:24.54ChujiCherebrum : /join #asstricks They talk about soft things on their ass in there
03:26.05Cherebrumoh... this isn't #asstricks?
03:26.16*** part/#asterisk Cherebrum (~jgarland@
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03:27.34Chujijtodd : What is a locater? in the btp
03:28.33*** join/#asterisk NewSole (
03:28.38Cherebrumthere really is a #asstricks
03:29.22stdiotrying to get an fxs module working on a tdm400p .... have zaptel.conf set... and THOUGHT i had zapata.conf set up correctly... but I am specifically telling it a different context, and it still seems to want to send me to default...
03:29.24*** join/#asterisk hermie (
03:29.35ChujiYeah, there really is
03:32.46Chujiharryvv : In the bluetooth presence stuff
03:33.39rvhiin directory command, does it check first name or last name?
03:38.14*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
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03:45.49hermie.5c/min! I've got a new dumping ground for NECA calls!
03:48.47Inv_arpok my ivr context "A"  includes => internal SIP phone context "B" which includes => pstn "C" ;  all works fine ...  except during IVR  "A"   anyone can press 91 and get an outside line ...
03:49.46Inv_arphow can i allow   "A" to see "B"  but not pstn "C"
03:50.14eric_make extra contexts
03:50.34eric_make a D which includes B and C
03:50.49eric_then make A include B, which will not have C
03:51.17eric_and switch any references to B into a D
03:51.48Inv_arperic_: nice  thx
03:53.05Inv_arperic_: wasnt ware u can make a context with just includes
03:53.21Inv_arpbah whatever
03:53.42eric_sometimes the most obvious thing to do isnt the most obvious
04:00.46*** join/#asterisk lilo_ (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
04:09.22hawaiianphoneguyanyone use gr303 with *?
04:14.36*** join/#asterisk lilo_ (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
04:23.50*** join/#asterisk KirkL (
04:35.19stdioon a very high level, what needs to happen in extensions.conf in order for asterisk to act correctly when it receives a call from a fax machine?
04:40.37*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
04:41.14*** join/#asterisk Mazda-MX5 (
04:41.23brc_answer, wait, have a fax extension in the current context
04:41.46brc_call has to be in a state where asterisk can hear fax tones for at least a few seconds
04:41.50brc_that could be in an ivr menu
04:41.56brc_or just a rude wait(3)
04:47.21*** join/#asterisk SPoon_TSX (
04:48.09SPoon_TSXHello everyone, I just got my first TDM400P PCI card with 4 FXO. However, I saw there is a power supply on the card. DO I need to connect a Powercord to there?
04:50.46*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (~w0w0@
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04:53.21SPoon_TSXDoes anyone knows what is that power plug on the TDM400 card for?
04:56.26wolfsonto get ringing voltage
04:56.35*** join/#asterisk `Kirk (
05:01.06riouswow, weirdest thing ever: when I turn off IAX2 debug, ext 18 rings twice then disconects, when I turn on IAX2 debug, ext 18 rings forever and never connects
05:01.17rioushow can that be ?
05:02.45*** join/#asterisk yertle (
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05:20.29Beirdo!seen Shido6
05:21.27sudhir492hi all
05:21.35sudhir492anyone using te110p card here?
05:23.43*** join/#asterisk Landrocker (~landrocke@
05:26.09LandrockerHey all, I'm looking for away to dial in to my asterisk box and after dialing a certain extension be connected to a dial in terminal (mgetty, etc). Hunting on google hasn't seemed to have got me anywhere, any ideas?
05:28.26*** part/#asterisk yertle (
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05:29.17shmaltzhelo everybody
05:29.23shmaltzsivana, you around?
05:29.28shmaltz~seen sivana
05:29.33jbotsivana <~sivana@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 4h 7m 50s ago, saying: 'ok'.
05:29.52jboti guess sleeping is the magical thing geeks have forgotten how to do
05:30.17*** join/#asterisk xeet2 (
05:31.05xeet2is there a way to force caller id information in inbound calls from an iax peer, other than using the setcallerid app?
05:31.56LandrockerJer13261, is their anything similar for analogue lines (for an install with only one line handled by a TDM400P)
05:32.20Jer13261Landrocker hmm write an agi ?????
05:33.16LandrockerI didn't realise agi can do that - it'd still need a way of somehow hooking the line into mgetty I would imagine
05:33.26Jer13261hmm true
05:33.29Jer13261i am not sure if it cant
05:34.08LandrockerLooks like the best solution might be to write a dummy modem kernel module that emulates a modem on one side and a sip phone on the other - probably a bit over my head though
05:35.32*** join/#asterisk slePP (
05:36.05Landrockeraha! perhaps one of the fax apps can be modified
05:43.42xeet2is there a way to force caller id information in inbound calls from an iax peer, other than using the setcallerid app?  will setting the callerid field on the peer do this?
05:44.12*** join/#asterisk marshall (
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05:47.47*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 RC - bug #3746 ||
05:50.31marshallis it possible for an IAX to IAX trunk to introduce echo into calls?
05:50.36marshallother than just the extra latency
05:51.12xeet2no, it can just make existing echo more noticable
05:51.38marshallmust be these polycom phones, they sound terrible
05:51.41marshallthe iaxy sounds good
05:52.08xeet2mmm, what do you have connected to the iaxy?
05:52.29xeet2cheapo analog phones can cause echo too
05:52.39marshalla good analog phone
05:52.45marshallbut it sounds perfect
05:52.58marshallit goes direct to * then out the pri
05:53.14xeet2oh so its not between the iaxy and the polycom's?
05:53.36marshallno, polycoms - pri - pots
05:53.40xeet2you can have a pri but if there's issues at the remote end thats analog, the echo can come from there too
05:53.48marshallthats what I am thinking
05:53.55marshallsome calls are perfect
05:53.59xeet2so when you call the same numbers on the iaxy, you don't get the echo?
05:54.11marshallnot quite as bad
05:54.23marshallbut if the IAX trunk could amplify an existing problem that makes sense
05:54.36marshallthe IAXY doesnt use the trunk
05:54.43xeet2well, its not so much that, its analog<>digital, the delay caused by that conversion
05:54.53xeet2or any delay introduced
05:55.34marshallI just need to find the magic configuration for these polycoms, stand on one foot while scratching my head to make the calls sound good
05:55.56xeet2what codecs are you using to the polycom's?  across the iax trunk?  and on the iaxy's?
05:56.11marshallpolycoms are ulaw to the internal server
05:56.20marshallthe trunk I have tested both ulaw and gsm
05:56.26xeet2ok, and server has the pri?
05:56.48marshallthe gsm seems a little better for echo avoidance
05:57.09EssobiHow does an IAX to IAX trunk amplify echos?  Latency?
05:57.34xeet2its not really an iax trunk specificly, its anything that adds latency
05:57.42Essobiroger that
05:57.53marshallthe trunk adds a good 60-70ms to the trip
05:57.58EssobiIE why cellphones + voip = echooooooo
05:58.07Essobiyouch.. so untrunk it.
05:58.30marshallI prefer to use SIP internall then IAX to the pri servers in the colo
05:58.33Essobithrow the magic sip stick at it.
05:58.33xeet2marshall: so whats the network latency?
05:58.47marshall60-70ms in this case
05:58.58xeet2ok so its not adding that, thats just what you're seeing
05:59.08xeet2thats not *too* bad
05:59.13marshallI can live with that
05:59.16Essobiping -f BABY
05:59.49Essobirun your IAX channel over an stunnel or ssh portfoward. ;)
05:59.50xeet2are you doing any jitter buffering?
06:00.02marshallI was but it seemed to make it worse
06:00.15EssobiI made * core 4 times today. :) Repeatable.
06:00.20xeet2I do that with sip at work, but only because I'm not "allowed" to use sip at work
06:00.28EssobiH323 + conference = not happy.
06:00.35xeet2(the ssh portforward)
06:00.42Essobiwhat what?
06:00.49EssobiNot allowed to sip at work?
06:01.10marshallxeet2 would you think gsm or ulaw within the trunk?
06:01.23marshallI havent seen a definitive answer either way
06:01.25Essobitranscode as little as possible
06:01.47xeet2marshall: well adding 60-70 ms latency will definitely make an echo more apparent...  have you tried messing with echo cancellation?
06:02.00EssobiI'd say ulaw if you got the bandwidth all the way across so the colo's are not transcoding to PRI.
06:02.09xeet2essobi: its great, I work at a phone company and I'm not allowed to use sip
06:02.19EssobiAre you serious?
06:02.29xeet2maybe you've heard of them...  mci?
06:02.40EssobiThat's funny.
06:02.41marshallessobi, we are the colo
06:02.47EssobiWTF you do working for MCI?
06:03.21xeet2they bought us and they pay a good salary...  slowly trying to break way though
06:03.25Essobithat's funny.. no sip.
06:03.45Essobiy'know.. the mob pays good too, but I wouldn't work for them either.
06:04.08Essobitime to fire up gdb me thinks
06:05.26xeet2I met him once, reminded me of a fish out of water
06:06.18xeet2he was in a hurry to shake everyone's hand and then get out of the "common employee buildings"
06:06.44xeet2hope he enjoys his common cellmates
06:09.01xeet2marshall: did you try out echo cancellation any?
06:09.21xeet2no luck?
06:09.21marshalla bunch of different combinations
06:09.30marshallmaybe I am being too picky
06:09.47marshallI've tested other voip solutions that were nearly perfect
06:09.55marshallthats what I am expecting
06:10.00xeet2if you're even noticing it, thats not really picky at all
06:10.16marshallthats good to know
06:10.17xeet2well, you mean other solutions outside of *?
06:10.40xeet2mmm, alot of vendors actually use g.168 echo cancellation
06:10.51xeet2which actually works about 99% of the time
06:11.02marshallis that in the handset?
06:11.19marshallIm reading from a google post that the polycom handsets dont actually do cancellation yet
06:11.31xeet2we wound up replacing a bunch of zaptel + cb solutions with multitech boxes running sip to * because of that
06:11.36yertlewhich polycom do you have? i have an ip300.. thing is dumb
06:11.47marshall300 and 500
06:11.51marshallthe 300 is the one giving me grief
06:12.27*** join/#asterisk shmooz (
06:12.56xeet2marshall: have you talked to your pri provider?  sometimes their gear can do echo cancellation, just have to ask
06:13.10marshallno - I had no idea
06:13.24marshallI'll definitely try that tomorrow
06:13.49marshallthey correct the echo coming in over the pri?
06:13.57marshallmakes sense
06:13.58xeet2if they're the ilec, usually forget about it, thats a sign that you're doing something outside of what they want you to do, but alot of clecs will do it
06:14.06xeet2well, it can come from alot of places
06:14.16marshallwhat are clecs?
06:14.51xeet2if you're in the us, clecs/ilecs refer to the local incumbent and competitive telco's
06:15.23*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:15.39marshallIm in Canada, competing with pigeons and party lines
06:15.47xeet2if you're getting echo on an all voip/digital call, and the only analog point is at the remote end, then I'd say 90% chance thats where its coming from
06:16.13marshallthats what I am thinking xeet2
06:16.18marshalljust have to squash it
06:16.24xeet2er, that sentence was contradictory, but you get what I mean =P
06:17.04marshallI'll give it a try tomorrow, thanks for all your help, you gave me some good new ideas to try
06:17.54xeet2if that doesn't work, if you have other gear available or some $$, might be worth trying a gateway that does g.168 to get to * instead
06:18.15xeet2(for instance,if you have a cisco 26xx or 36xx router, you can do it there too)
06:18.31marshallwe're setting up a few dozen sites, not cost effective
06:18.48xeet2few dozen sites all with pri's?
06:19.01marshallall trunking to the pri's
06:19.21marshalloh I see what you mean
06:19.28xeet2well you don't have to have another gateway at each site, just to talk to the pstn
06:19.38xeet2just a last resort option though
06:19.58xeet2alot of people use cisco gear to bring the pstn into *
06:20.00*** join/#asterisk peted20 (
06:20.36marshallso pri-cisco-T100?
06:20.50xeet2pri-cisco(or other vendor)-sip-*
06:21.23marshallwhats the best device going these days?
06:21.36xeet2depends on what your needs are
06:21.52marshallI need to not hear everything I say twice :)
06:22.25xeet2so far we like multitech and cisco, the multitech's can be flaky when not configured right, and the cisco's can be hard to configure if you're not familiar
06:23.24xeet2but there are quite a number of vendors, might want to ask on the mailing lists if you come down to making that decision
06:23.53marshallsounds like a plan
06:23.58marshallthanks again - time for sleep
06:24.06marshallif your around tomorrow I'll let you know how it went
06:24.16*** part/#asterisk marshall (
06:27.01LandrockerI'm having problems using iaxcomm under linux kernel 2.6.10 - I think the problem is alsa related - the sound device is set to be /dev/dsp and when I place a call the status bar just says "Can't start audio"
06:27.05Landrockeranyone have any ideas?
06:30.25*** join/#asterisk pratik (
06:35.06rvhihave some issues with dtmf generating/detection, got this error: Auto-deactivating generator
06:37.48opus___hey, does anyone use broadvoice here.  I get the 'I'm sorry your call can not be completed " from the bv chick, but I can call tech support... is there a reason why I can't call out?
06:38.00opus___I got the cheapo $5.95 plan
06:38.38opus___suppose to have minutes...
06:39.12xeet2are you using the correct password?  its not the same one you use to log in to their web interface
06:40.10opus___yes, i authenicate atleast
06:40.59xeet2so, what did bv say?
06:41.40opus___'i'm sorry but i can not reach the number
06:41.49opus___if you want I can give you an extension and you can try yourself
06:41.58xeet2I mean their tech support
06:42.24opus___Dunno, I don't think they are up let me ask them.
06:44.53*** part/#asterisk yertle (
06:49.13Beirdolink2voip "support" is really starting to get on my nerves
06:49.21Beirdoanswer the emails, dammit!
06:50.30opus___beirdo whats not workign
06:50.58opus___xeet2 - hmm, from some reason i can't send dtmf tones to their voicetre
06:51.02opus___voice menu
06:51.03Beirdostill waiting for my US50CA toll free to be properly activated
06:51.31xeet2opus: bv requires inband dtmf
06:51.38Beirdoand they offered to give my the number of the DID it is supposed to be forwarded to.. in the mean time.
06:51.54Beirdoand they said that a week ago, and I've now sent 2 reminders
06:54.32*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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07:28.05rvhianyone know how to get rid of this: Mar 17 21:25:03 DEBUG[1720339]: channel.c:470 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoiding initial deadlock for 'Zap/3-1'
07:34.35*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
07:36.16*** join/#asterisk booyeah11 (
07:41.06*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
07:41.22cjkhi, anyone who can tell me if the password in the sip traffic is cleartext?
07:41.29cjki think it is. anyone can confirm?
07:41.39Mavviecjk: use ngrep to see what goes over the line.
07:42.09booyeah11or tcpdump
07:42.20MavvieI can't see, because my password is "ZAphbHNrZGpsYSBqZGxhIHhqbGFzayB4bGprYXMgeGxhIGRqYXMgamRs"
07:43.02cjkMavvie, yeah i got similra results using tethereal.
07:43.08booyeah11did you use tethereal or tcpdump
07:43.10cjkjust wanted a confirmation
07:43.29booyeah11unless it is hashed some how
07:43.33booyeah11it should be cleartext
07:44.44modulus_cjk, what does auth=md5 do?
07:45.56SwedMiroDoes anyon have a good tip on a program that can check a router and what it does to VoIP traffic?
07:46.19cjkmodulus_, i geuss i schould look it up
07:46.24booyeah11QoS ?
07:46.25cjkmaybe creating md5 hashes
07:46.33*** join/#asterisk Alexis (
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07:47.59cjkwell i sniffed now for my password
07:48.03cjkand i cant really see it
07:48.39Alexishi all
07:49.22booyeah11cjk: send me the tethereal or tcpdump output
07:49.26booyeah11i can find it
07:51.16cjkbooyeah11, ok i did tcpdump -vvvvvvvvvvvvv | grep password
07:51.20langalsHi there guys. Someone pointed me to the Asterisk@Home website because I am fairly new to Asterisk. But looking at the installation instructions it seems to suggest that it will reformat my whole harddrive with Asterisk and Linux!! Is this true and why does it doe this?
07:51.21cjki rebooted my telehphone
07:51.26cjkwhcih registered
07:51.37cjkbut grep did not find anything
07:52.02booyeah11you need to use tethereal or tcpdump
07:52.22booyeah11ngrep might not find it
07:52.30cjkbooyeah11, i did use tcpdump
07:52.47cjkbooyeah11, i cant send you the whole output. i have 500 users and alot of traffic
07:52.57booyeah11thats why you filter it
07:53.01booyeah11for a certain host and port
07:53.16booyeah11i believe port 5080
07:53.56cjksee above. is that commande not good? i know its basic
07:54.02cjkbut it should find something, no?
07:54.03booyeah11let me make the command
07:54.07*** join/#asterisk jonas (
07:54.55booyeah11tethereal port 5060
07:55.11booyeah11tethereal port 5060 -w foo.dmp
07:55.26booyeah11send that
07:56.32*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
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08:01.43*** join/#asterisk CoderCR (
08:01.45CoderCRhey guys
08:01.51CoderCRdoes anyone here have a fax machine?
08:02.12CoderCRcould you send me a fax to 858 558 1200 for an asterisk fax test
08:02.21CoderCRjust seeing if i can receive them properly
08:02.41booyeah11let me set up my fax machine
08:02.52booyeah11i cant send long disntance
08:03.04CoderCRwell let me call you
08:03.09CoderCRand you send it to me
08:03.12CoderCRwould that work
08:03.15CoderCRit still works
08:03.16CoderCRi call you
08:03.19booyeah11not sure how that would work
08:03.23CoderCRyou press send and i press send
08:03.24booyeah11i have an asterisk system set up
08:03.26CoderCRit works
08:03.34booyeah11its a conference system i wrote
08:03.49booyeah11well not wrote, but extended
08:04.08CoderCRwhat is the number
08:04.11CoderCRyour fax ?
08:04.31booyeah11713 842 4251
08:05.50booyeah11is there a way to fax inside asterisk?
08:07.09booyeah11ok its ringing
08:07.56CoderCRyes there is
08:08.00*** part/#asterisk shmooz (
08:08.17CoderCRthat did not work
08:08.23CoderCRit said receiving but that was it
08:08.40booyeah11it said line error
08:08.48booyeah11is it going over a voip connection?
08:08.58CoderCRanalog lines
08:09.04booyeah11then it should work fine
08:09.05CoderCRbut i am trying to configure the audio for it
08:09.13CoderCRlots of line noise in house
08:09.17CoderCRlet me try one last thing
08:11.59CoderCRi am going to try again
08:13.04CoderCRget ready to send when i call
08:13.25CoderCRok it is calling
08:13.43*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
08:15.36CoderCRremember i am trying to receive
08:15.40CoderCRnot send a fax
08:15.44booyeah11its saying recieving
08:15.52CoderCRyours should say sending
08:15.53booyeah11can you test this out
08:16.01CoderCRput a piece of paper
08:16.03booyeah11it says recieve
08:16.15booyeah11put did nothing
08:16.33CoderCRyou need to answer and hit start
08:26.29*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
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08:29.45*** join/#asterisk Zgarbi (~my@
08:32.18ZgarbiIs anyone here who would like help me with asterisk feature?
08:32.36Jer13261what doyou need?
08:33.05ZgarbiI report as a bug but reveive ansver that is not a bug
08:33.23Zgarbianswer was: This is a known missing feature, not a bug. We match on the IP address of the peer for incoming calls. Find someone on the #irc to help you or on the -users mailing list.
08:34.05Jer13261i am doing this so maybe i can help you PM me
08:34.58*** part/#asterisk tecnico (
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08:39.27CoderCRwell it did not communicate at all
08:39.56booyeah11ok it said pages 0, time 40", note cancel
08:40.05*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
08:40.06booyeah11in the transaction report
08:41.03CoderCRi need someone to send me a fax for a test
08:41.18booyeah11yeah i cant send it from this line
08:41.30booyeah11i can try to set something up on asterisk i guess
08:41.44CoderCRdont worry about it
08:41.50*** join/#asterisk datareactor (datareacto@
08:42.18datareactorcan i use cisco 7960G with Vonage services
08:42.44Jer13261NO :P
08:43.03Jer13261with a softphone acct yes
08:43.49datareactorJer13261 are they use SIP ?
08:44.08Jer13261yes but they wont let you use your own device unless you pay them extra
08:44.32booyeah11vonage sux0rs
08:44.46Jer13261well i wanted to say that but I wasnt sure if i could here heheh
08:44.53Jer13261vonage blows ......................................A#^$)((#&$()#$()#&
08:46.37CoderCRi need to get a fax sent!
08:46.59Jer13261CoderCR: maybe i can help?
08:47.01Jer13261what are you trying to do
08:49.04CoderCRget a fax
08:49.07CoderCRreceive a fax
08:49.09CoderCRi can send
08:49.18CoderCRbut i need to make sure i can receive faxes as well
08:49.21Jer13261what is your fax did #
08:49.39CoderCR858 558 1200
08:49.53*** join/#asterisk meppl (
08:49.58booyeah11im installing some fax software now
08:50.08Jer13261no answer
08:50.11*** join/#asterisk hanhoong (~hanhoong@
08:50.29Jer13261voice mail box
08:51.38Jer13261not really useful if your system doesnt answer the line
08:52.30CoderCRhmm it rang but did not detect a fax
08:52.47booyeah11what do you use to send faxes in asterisk?
08:52.50CoderCRcould you try one more time
08:52.52Jer13261didnt even pickup on this end
08:52.53Jer13261sure thing
08:53.12*** join/#asterisk dg1nsw (
08:53.18CoderCRit is not detecting a fax
08:53.21datareactorJer13161 is there any voip provider which give me US incoming number #
08:53.26CoderCRso it is not been routed
08:53.38Jer13261there is 1000's of them
08:53.52*** join/#asterisk Guybrush|work (~Guybrush|
08:53.54CoderCRjer: are you using a fax machine to dial it?
08:54.04datareactorcan u name a few
08:54.08Jer13261do you do tone detection
08:54.16Guybrush|workanyone has reports of bristuff causing problems with spandsp ?
08:54.40Guybrush|worki'm getting mad about my spandsp not working
08:54.45Jer13261nufone teliax BV voipjet etc
08:55.06Jer13261CoderCR you doing fax tone detection?
08:55.16*** join/#asterisk hanhoong (~hanhoong@
08:55.33Jer13261thats why....I am waiting for an answer
08:55.40Jer13261and i never see one on this end
08:55.44CoderCRforgot to mention that
08:55.44Jer13261so i dont send tone
08:55.54CoderCRyou cannot send tone?
08:55.57Jer13261how can i send tone to something that isnt answered
08:56.06Jer13261well i CAN
08:56.32Jer13261ok ok ok
08:56.38Jer13261having fun yet?
08:56.56jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
08:56.59CoderCRthat was an accident
08:57.02booyeah11im not going to be able to implement a fax transmit tonight
08:57.03RoyK~lart CoderCR with pastebin
08:57.06booyeah11the code is too old
08:57.26Jer13261lol lol
08:57.56CoderCRbooyeah what did you try out?
08:58.41*** join/#asterisk ard (~ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
08:58.54booyeah11doesnt like the new asterisk include files
08:59.06Jer13261ard: ipv6?
08:59.21booyeah11ok ill try that one
08:59.28ardbut with a stupid question...
08:59.36booyeah11im using the latest one
08:59.52CoderCRlatest are unstable
08:59.54ardI've got asterisk up and running with a te110p, I am just wondering if I have to use a twisted cable to connect to the telco or not?
09:00.00CoderCRmake sure you have tiff library installed as well
09:00.06booyeah11yeah its installed
09:00.19booyeah11spandsp compiled
09:00.22ardAnd if so, they are probably not compatible with plain ethernet twisted cables?
09:00.23booyeah11but not the tx file
09:00.29*** join/#asterisk visik7 (~ciao@visik7.user)
09:00.35booyeah11im using the latest stable asterisk
09:00.39CoderCRhow did you try and compile the tx file?
09:00.50booyeah11just make
09:00.53booyeah11without any options
09:00.56Jer13261what do you mean ard?
09:01.01Jer13261a cable is a cable :)
09:01.48ardBut if I am correct it is comparable with BRI. And I don't know if I just connet the telco with a straight cable into the PRI card.
09:01.58booyeah11libbtiff 3 or 4?
09:02.22Jer13261i'd use straight
09:02.30ardI guessed to...
09:02.36booyeah11install newest libtiff ?
09:02.44booyeah11im using debian woody one
09:02.48ardwell I am off making my server reachable, and back again...
09:02.57Guybrush|worki'm trying to setup spandsp on woody too
09:03.27rvhiwhat the market price for setting a medium size pbx system? say 40 phones
09:03.29ardJer13261 : The question arose when I pulled the plug from the original PBX out of the telco PRI terminator...
09:03.42rvhiwith vm and acd?
09:03.52visik7why there is FUD on the wiki ?
09:03.55booyeah11im installing the latest stable tiff
09:03.58*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:04.26booyeah11then installing the spandsp you sent me
09:05.45booyeah11getting errors on make
09:06.00booyeah11t4.c:38:21: tiffiop.h: No such file or directory
09:08.16Guybrush|workyou need to copy the tiffiop.h and tiff_dir.h in /usr/include
09:08.32Guybrush|workyou find those on spandsp site, in the folder where you got the source
09:09.14booyeah11still problems
09:09.57booyeah11ok doing that now
09:10.17booyeah11ghetto way of installing it
09:12.56booyeah11In file included from /usr/include/tiffiop.h:45,
09:12.56booyeah11/usr/include/tif_dir.h:240: error: conflicting types for `TIFFFieldInfo'
09:13.22booyeah11im going to have to mess with this later
09:15.35*** join/#asterisk fitzel (
09:16.13fitzelHi, can I write the output of the console (like show dialplan) easily to a file?
09:16.41Guybrush|workfitzel, look at /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
09:18.48ardSheez... Now I am really getting confused... I got a termination device from the telco, but now I don't really know which is the right cable. One cable comes from the pbx and looks like two coax, ending in an rj45, and another from the pbx with plain cat5. I guess the latter is the one I have to replace with a connection to the te110p
09:19.34*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
09:20.23ardHmmm, at least one side says S-HDLC-U
09:20.47*** join/#asterisk christo (
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09:23.52Alexisplease, is * working fine on a mandrake X ?
09:25.46christoAlexis - I've not tried it on mandrake. sry
09:26.36*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
09:27.58CoderCRfor it working with 1.0.6
09:28.04CoderCRdamn it is out of day
09:30.28booyeah11the app_faxtx is throwing mad errors
09:30.37X-Genanyone got pictures of mark and his new tub ?
09:35.48Alexischristo: wich distrib du you use ?
09:36.02*** join/#asterisk pranav (pranav@
09:37.07pranavhello everyone
09:38.16pranavi want to record the calls made by asterisk
09:39.03CoderCRbooyeah: i think i got it to build.
09:39.35pranavhi booyeah
09:39.49CoderCRpranav: do you have a fax machine?
09:40.05CoderCRi want to see if i can receive faxes
09:40.24pranavwell no
09:40.48*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (~bjohnson@
09:41.40pranavCodercr:do you know how to record calls using asterisk
09:41.52Guybrush|worki have a segmentation fault if using spandsp 0.0.1 with libtiff 3.7.2
09:41.57Guybrush|workanyone has a clue ?
09:42.12christoAlexis - Slackware
09:42.14Guybrush|workwith 3.5.7 the faxes are completely screwed
09:42.57booyeah11dunno, the build system seems fuxr0red
09:43.26pranavhi booyeah11 i got my fwd stuff working
09:43.46pranavi guess yesterday it was booyeah7
09:47.07*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
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09:52.59mepplguten morgen
09:53.01CoderCRanyone here have a fax machine?
09:53.19MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Somewhat.
09:53.36CoderCRcould you try and send a fax to 858 558 1200
09:53.51CoderCRas long as you know you can send faxes i dont care how i get it
09:54.27booyeah11i wish i had a line i could go outbound
09:54.28MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Give this a try:
09:54.38booyeah11i guess i could hook it up to a sipura device
09:54.44MuppetMasterThat way you may run several tests.  I am looking now to see if they support your area code, I take it is in the US.
09:54.45*** join/#asterisk iamx (
09:55.30MuppetMasterCoderCR:  It appears your number is accessible, so try to use the webfrom:
09:56.08MuppetMasteriamx:  Hi
09:56.25booyeah11i tried that also
09:56.41booyeah11not getting in ringing
09:56.43MuppetMasterCoderCR:  No worries, good luck!  BTW - if you are testing Fax capabilities over VoIP with Asterisk (spanDSP) I have had limited success even with ULAW only.
09:56.53iamxDid anyone of you have the problem that capi doesn't find the capi device with the specified msn ?
09:57.09iamxMar 18 09:43:24 NOTICE[3970]: didn't find capi device with outgoing msn = 26310274. you should check your config!
09:57.29iamxbut the config should be ok because it worked for 1 day or so
09:59.00MuppetMasteriamx:  What changed between now and a few days ago?
09:59.16Guybrush|workcan anyone give me a working, valid fax tiff file to use for tests ?
09:59.19CoderCRwell that fax site does not seem to be working
09:59.29iamxnothing, absolutely nothing thats the problem, the machine had been rebooted
09:59.47iamxafter the reboot it didn't work anymore
09:59.56MuppetMasteriamx:  Have you tried a power down for a bit and then restarting, maybe the card is just a bit 'fuzzy'...
10:00.10iamxbut it works with incoming calls so it can't be a capi issue, i think
10:00.29MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Not always 100% reliable as it is a community driven fax service.  The other option is to sign up with, which is what I use, but of course that costs $$$.
10:01.30CoderCRMuppet send me some text efax
10:01.36CoderCRtest efax
10:01.42CoderCRi will send you a 2 dolars over paypal
10:02.27MuppetMasterJust a moment, seeing if my eFax client works under OSX now, or if I need to switch machines.
10:02.35MuppetMasterAlso, just a paypal for the amount is fine.
10:02.40MuppetMasterWon't be $2.
10:05.06iamx  here's the debug output but it doesn't say much
10:05.31MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Sending now.
10:07.01CoderCRit did not go trhough
10:07.07MuppetMasterChecking the status online, just a moment.
10:07.13CoderCRit hang up before the fax picked up or something
10:09.18*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
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10:10.07MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Did a call attempt occur?  As I don't see it in the activity log yet, although eFax has scheduled.
10:10.34CoderCRit is sending
10:10.38Inv_arperic_: u around?
10:10.46MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Okay, let me know if it comes through.
10:10.58Inv_arp~seen eric_
10:11.00jboteric_ is currently on #asterisk
10:13.23CoderCRdid not work
10:14.51booyeah11that app didnt work for me
10:14.57booyeah11efax sucks
10:15.05MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Looking at the log on my side
10:17.41MuppetMasterbooyeah11:  I agree, but not a lot of other reasonable options.  Do you have any recommendations?
10:22.37fac_is it possible to connect with skype by SIP?
10:23.48fac_cypromis hi. ;]
10:24.19booyeah11MuppetMaster: make your own
10:24.19Guybrush|workcould you tell me which versions of spandsp, asterisk and libtiff you use with success ?
10:24.26booyeah11soon i will have the ability
10:24.26Guybrush|worki cannot get it to work...
10:25.20CoderCRok i am going to see if i can use rxfax
10:25.25MuppetMasterCoderCR:  I saw that it went through.
10:25.36MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Just got this email:
10:25.51CoderCRafter 3 retrys
10:25.55CoderCRit took too long
10:25.57CoderCRlets try this
10:26.11CoderCRit was sent to a real fax machine no asterisk
10:26.17CoderCRtry and send it to asterisk now
10:27.11Inv_arpany good providers that email faxes like efax?
10:27.15booyeah11email doesnt mean it went through
10:27.39MuppetMasterbooyeah11:  The contents of the email indicated whether it was sent or not.
10:27.53CoderCRMuppet: could you try 1 more time please :)
10:27.59ZeeekCoderCR for info, I can always get faxes from efax/jfax/j2 to spandsp but many fax machines and even software faxes will not work for me.
10:28.02MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Will do, just a moment.
10:29.28MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Just launched another test with a single cover page.
10:30.02CoderCRi need to go pee
10:30.02booyeah11anyone have a FWD number?
10:30.07booyeah11i want to test this out
10:30.18MuppetMasterbooyeah:  65896
10:30.26*** join/#asterisk Shoragan (
10:32.10MuppetMasterbooyeah:  I can hear you but you can not hear me.
10:32.12booyeah11can you here me?
10:32.20CoderCRit went through
10:32.21booyeah11nat problem?
10:32.31MuppetMasterbooyeah11:  Well, my Asterisk system is up and running without NAT and that number works.
10:32.39*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
10:32.41MuppetMasterbooyeah11:  Take calls on it all the time.
10:32.42booyeah11im thinking nat problem on my side
10:33.08MuppetMasterbooyeah11:  Ah, most likely, you are not getting the inbound RTP stream.
10:33.33MuppetMasterbooyeah11:  Are you redirecting the RTP streams at the gateway as well as adding the [general] options for NAT in your sip.conf?
10:33.45MuppetMasterUnless of course you are using IAX that it should be much easier.
10:33.46*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
10:33.56MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Good, so what is your setup.
10:34.36booyeah11im using using a sip proxy now
10:34.50MuppetMasterbooyeah11:  I could hear you, but you not me.
10:35.10CoderCRno it did not work
10:35.19CoderCRcould you try one last time please
10:35.27MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Okay
10:35.28booyeah11ok last time
10:35.32booyeah11i think this will work
10:35.36booyeah11got the stun settings
10:35.37CoderCRi hope so
10:35.51CoderCRi think it will cost like 2 dolars
10:35.51booyeah11got the stun settings also
10:35.54MuppetMasterbooyeah11:  Could hear you, but not the otherway around again.
10:36.00CoderCRmaybe more since the euro is high these days
10:36.05booyeah11well i got the stun stuff working
10:36.07CoderCRyeah it worked
10:36.21booyeah11not sure why its not working
10:36.23CoderCRi gues not!
10:36.24MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Okay, so did it work, or no?  Do you want me to retry?
10:36.34CoderCRit crashed Asterisk
10:36.45MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Ooops.  I do have SpanDSP working without a problem.
10:36.45CoderCRi am going to put it back to the fax machine and try one last thing
10:36.56booyeah11pissing me off
10:37.00MuppetMasterJust not very reliable over VoIP/ULAW.
10:39.58booyeah11echo test works
10:40.45CoderCRMuppet what version of SpanDSP are you using?
10:41.04CoderCRsystem is ready for calls now
10:41.08MuppetMasterbooyeah11:  Crap connection, appears there are some bandwidth issues in between.
10:41.16MuppetMasterCoderCR:  So you would like me to try again?
10:41.17CoderCRsorry i went to change settings on the rhino channel bank for the fax machine
10:41.21CoderCRlast one
10:41.22booyeah11ill try with asterisk
10:41.23CoderCRthis will work
10:41.30MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Just a moment, I will check my version.
10:41.32CoderCRMuppet what number can i fax you at?
10:42.04MuppetMasterFor SpanDSP
10:42.47CoderCRo no wonder
10:42.52CoderCRi was trying 0.0.1
10:43.11MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Alright, just launched a third test.
10:45.15MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Alright, just sent a test image.
10:45.19MuppetMasterSo 4th fax.
10:46.10booyeah11pbx_extension_helper: No application 'IAX2/${FWDNUMBER}:${FWDPASSWORD}' for extension (sip-travis, 65896, 2)
10:46.32*** join/#asterisk riksta (
10:47.54booyeah11my mistake
10:48.32CoderCRi get line errors on images
10:51.05MuppetMasterCoderCR:  Hmmmm....
10:52.15MuppetMasterSorry, but I have to run.  Taking my son to
10:52.20MuppetMasterBut will be back later today.
10:53.36CoderCRthank you for the help
10:53.49*** part/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
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10:57.37*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
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11:07.55christoI'm trying to get * to accept an incoming call. I have a single E1 with an 0800 number routed to it, but * currently doesn't detect the incoming calls. I'm sure I need something in my dialplan to pick them up. My zapata.conf specifies 'context=default' for all my channels and I have a line like this in my default context in the extensions.conf:  exten => _.,1,NoOp(Incoming call on E1 from ${CALLERID} for ${EXTEN})
11:08.01*** join/#asterisk pranav (pranav@
11:08.03christoI'm hoping to see something in debug, but nothing comes
11:09.00CoderCRsure i can help
11:09.15CoderCRdo you have a PRI E1
11:10.35christoCoderCR - me?
11:10.56pranavcan anyone tell me how to record calls usig asterisk
11:11.11christopranav - look up the Monitor command
11:11.53pranavwith monitor command i can see the calls which i have made
11:12.15pranavi mean i can get the details of the call
11:14.46Guybrush|worki failed, i wasted 3 days on spandsp and i retreat in anger
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11:26.53puppethi all:)
11:27.38puppet'anyone experince "laggy" phone calls, or choppy after a while when asterisks have been on a while?
11:28.06*** join/#asterisk Mazda-MX5 (
11:34.32CoderCRhello all
11:36.41*** join/#asterisk Mother__ (
11:44.06pulupuppet: i did but i upgraded and it went away
11:44.24*** join/#asterisk CosmicRay (~jgoerzen@2002:4545:7206:1:20e:a6ff:fe5c:55e1)
11:44.25puppetpulu: upgraded to what version?
11:44.36pulupuppet: the 1.0 cvs
11:44.56puppet1.0.7 that is?
11:45.27pulunot sure but when i had the problems i was running a really old version, and it didn't do it with sip, just everything else
11:45.48puppetdoing it with sip now
11:46.17pului still have problems with iax sometimes but it depends entirely on the client i'm using so i'm sure it's that... the iax between my servers works fine
11:46.38puppetthis is pure sip
11:46.48puppetinc sip > same sipline'
11:47.17puluno ideas.. i asked in here and people said upgrade so i did and it was gone, but that was like 6 months ago
11:51.36RoyK1.0.7 rc
11:52.27RoyKcurrent stable is 1.0.6
11:52.48*** join/#asterisk nextime (
11:53.35AlexisHow can I difference an exten dial by a specific user ?
11:53.55Alexisin local of course
11:54.17CoderCRdoes anyone here have a fax machine?
11:54.51CoderCRcould some one send a fax to 858 558 1200 for a test
11:57.29CoderCRwould you be able to send a fax to 858 558 1200 for a test please
11:57.44pului can send one but it'll end up going over ilbc so i don't think that's a very useful test
11:58.00CoderCRpulu. no worries
11:58.59dreamcodeis posible to have a call transfer to another number , not extension ?
11:59.49dreamcodehow..? pls
12:00.08CoderCRjust like an extension
12:00.37CoderCReg Dial(Zap/1/18005551212)
12:00.42dreamcodebut.. * reads only one digit
12:01.02dreamcodenot like that.. i want to be able to dial what number i want
12:01.08CoderCRyou have not set it up right then
12:01.16CoderCRi know
12:01.17dreamcodefrom the phone .. not from dialplan
12:01.28CoderCRread up on your extensions.conf
12:01.47CoderCRread the handbook
12:02.05CoderCRdo you have a fax machine?
12:02.38Mother__fax? we don't need no stinkin' fax!
12:02.47CoderCRi need to test some things
12:02.51CoderCRso i do need a fax
12:03.05CoderCRi am too poor to get an efax account
12:03.06Mother__just kidding ;) - I don't have one here right now
12:05.55*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
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12:09.03Mother__hi Zeeek
12:10.36*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
12:10.46libpcphi guys
12:12.28CoderCRlibpcp: do you have a fax machine?
12:14.07CoderCRi cannot belive i cannot find someone with a fax machine
12:18.07Mother__a lot of people use email for most things nowadays
12:18.17Mother__I have some clients who no longer have fax machines
12:18.40Mother__they do the banking over internet, their purchases and accounting via email, etc.
12:18.49libpcpnope i dont have CoderCR
12:18.59libpcpCoderCR: why?
12:19.03Mother__even my hardware wholesaler now doesn't do anything via fax, not even RMAs
12:19.24CoderCRi need to get a test
12:19.34CoderCRi know
12:19.40CoderCRbut people still fax in this day and age
12:19.43CoderCRit is amazig
12:20.01Mother__yes, indeed, it's just that the fax population has reduced quite a bit :)
12:22.54*** join/#asterisk feral_kid (~not@
12:23.44feral_kidGood morning all...
12:24.07feral_kidJas_Williams: How goes it this morning?
12:25.33CoderCRgood morning
12:25.39CoderCRferal: do you have a fax machine/
12:26.00Mother__maybe we should put that in the topic :)
12:26.10feral_kidCoderCR: Good morning to you... And no, I don't have a fax that is readily available...
12:26.38jontowemail, postal mail, or "damnit, no!"
12:26.44*** join/#asterisk sysdef (~sysdef@sysdef.admin.debiancenter)
12:26.48feral_kidI am too busy trying to fight my problems with Asterisk@Home
12:27.32jontowi think the @home stuff is way too overcomplicated
12:27.41jontowbut i haven't had an extremely in-depth look at it yet
12:27.50Mother__anyone here tried CentOS 4 with *?
12:28.01Mother__since it has 2.6 kernel and other trimmings
12:28.15iamx@home is good because of the preinstalled festival, amp, things but it sucks with capi and isdn support...
12:28.15feral_kidjontow: Not overly difficult, but just problematic at times...
12:28.16jontowwith so many layers, there is so many ways to be confused.. just straight * on a clean linux install makes way more sense to me :/
12:28.37jontowbut i do see that people want the extras :)
12:29.03feral_kidjontow: You are right there, but a quick deployment with @home for customer types is nice...
12:29.07jontow(damnit, UPS man.. I want my laptop) :)
12:29.22libpcpi encountered a wierd problem with my existing asterisk server right now especially with registration, when i disconnected the endpoints and try to reconnet again, it failed
12:29.37libpcpbefore i didnt have this kind of problem
12:30.53feral_kidjontow: For instance, I have been having a dog of a problem just getting to iax2 fwdnet trunks to function properly...
12:31.41CoderCRdoes anyone have a fax machine :S
12:31.42jontowi've been doing a lot of potentially ugly sutff with IAX2 for work
12:31.50jontowcodercr; i do at the office.. but i've never used it ;)
12:32.11CoderCRare you at home then
12:32.12jontowand my grandma does.. and i've never used that one too :)
12:32.20jontowboth of which are a few minutes away
12:32.31CoderCRwell i have all day
12:32.38CoderCRuntill 9am my time
12:32.44CoderCR4:32am right now
12:32.53libpcpis there any issues with asterisk version 1.0.1 ?
12:33.06jontow07:35 here :)
12:33.14CoderCRi just want to get this faxing working before i leave
12:33.20*** join/#asterisk wdatkinson (
12:34.35CoderCRwhat laptop?
12:34.38jontow(this is the replacement for the one that arrived quickly and on time, with a severely evil BIOS password)
12:34.51jontowDell Latitude C600, 1ghz/256MB RAM/20GB HDD
12:34.57CoderCRbad idea
12:35.01CoderCRDELLs suck
12:35.06CoderCRthey have so many issues
12:35.06jontowi've had 3
12:35.06*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (~icechat5@
12:35.11CoderCRwell there you go
12:35.14jontowand they are very compatible with freebsd
12:35.17jontowim using one now :)
12:35.25CoderCRi am on a toshiba
12:35.30jontowa latitude LM p166/72MB RAM/30GB HDD
12:36.06jontowmy gf has a p133/64MB/10GB that used to be mine.. until i ordered a new one and then she stole it
12:37.51CoderCRhelp me figure out a solution for my fax please :)
12:38.02CoderCRwait let me change that
12:38.11CoderCRhelp me figure out if i got the SpanDSP working
12:38.45CoderCRi just want go to home and sleep
12:38.49CoderCRand i cannot till this is done
12:38.52jontowseems as though its a very unstable codebase :/
12:39.05jontowand i have no idea how to debug pthreaded code :(
12:39.10CoderCRi cannot even get an account on efax because some stupid hold that should not be there for 895
12:39.17jontowcvs HEAD + ICD = crash on agent logout
12:40.07MikeJ[Laptop]jontow, ICD has been around for a while, it is very stable with older code
12:40.27jontowi couldnt' even get it to compile with -r v1-0
12:40.38MikeJ[Laptop]if you like thefuctionality, I can point you towards somone you can hite to deal get it current
12:40.51MikeJ[Laptop]I have it compiled, I don't recall with what version
12:40.56jontowstructures have changed enough to break it between 1.0.x and HEAD
12:41.07MikeJ[Laptop]yes, that is the issue,
12:41.20jontowand i see at least 2 versions of the code
12:41.32jontowthe ICD module in's head, and the app_icd one from the maintainers
12:41.46MikeJ[Laptop]don't use the one from digiums cvs
12:41.51MikeJ[Laptop]the other one is maintained
12:41.52jontowICD i couldn't get to go anywhere.. but didn't try hard enough, and app_icd was the one that compiled/linked into HEAD with no problems
12:42.37MikeJ[Laptop]but you had a crash on agent logout?
12:43.32jontowi am not a fan of the behavior of the regular icd_agent() where you have to keep the line open
12:43.32*** join/#asterisk negativecreep (~yama@
12:43.33negativecreephi all
12:43.33MikeJ[Laptop]ask anthm when he shows up this morning, he should be able to tell you a code date it is stable with
12:43.33jontowthats annoying to the agent (i worked tech support for too long) :)
12:43.36MikeJ[Laptop]jontow, you can to callback agents in regular acd...
12:43.40negativecreepI am having a problem with my X100P. When I hangup the phone, it wont detect that and the channel remains busy.
12:43.59jontowyeah, im looking for something a little more robust, expandable, and stable
12:44.01*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
12:44.06MikeJ[Laptop]hell, you don't even need to use chan_acd, you can do it all inthe dialplan and just use app_queue if you want
12:44.23MikeJ[Laptop]y, talk to anthm...
12:44.35jontowwill do :D  thank you (every bit of insight helps)
12:44.41MikeJ[Laptop]there are people, at least one major call center, that uses icd daily
12:45.36jontowmy place of employment builds tools for call-centers..and they've employed me to work with asterisk and hopefully make it a complete solution
12:46.04negativecreepMikeJ[Laptop]: can you help me with this problem. Zap channel on X100P wont hangup when call ends.
12:46.26MikeJ[Laptop]no thanks.
12:46.29jontownice guys they are sometimes.. but i have a feeling its just another place that wants to code minimally on top of *, sell it as a service and never contribute anything back.. bothers me.
12:47.14jontowah well
12:47.17MikeJ[Laptop]that can get tricky with the gpl
12:47.20jontowi suspect its happening an awful lot
12:47.52jontowand yes it can :)
12:48.03negativecreepAnyone . please help me out?
12:48.29jontownice nirvana reference, ya got there.. :)
12:48.59negativecreepjontow: yeah they are cool
12:49.10negativecreepjontow: i like em still today.
12:49.27MikeJ[Laptop]nega-  are you int he us?
12:49.36MikeJ[Laptop]or elsewhere
12:50.13jontowdamn i love the local UPS' station's routes..
12:50.17negativecreepMikeJ[Laptop]: no
12:50.18MikeJ[Laptop]the problem with pots lines is there is no good way to detect hangup most of the time...
12:50.31MikeJ[Laptop]it can be more of a prob in diff countries
12:50.34MikeJ[Laptop]where are you?
12:50.34negativecreepMikeJ[Laptop]: I am using euroisdn as a standard..basically in Pakistan.
12:51.10MikeJ[Laptop]how are you doing isdn into an x100p?
12:51.22negativecreepthe standard is euroisdn in zapata.conf
12:51.57MikeJ[Laptop]I honestly have never looked at any of the overseas stuff, cuz us settings are all standard
12:52.00negativecreepthe switchtype is set to euroisdn.
12:52.07iamxCan't open /dev/isdninfo or /dev/isdn/isdninfo: No such device   <- :=(  did anyone have the same problem ?
12:52.21MikeJ[Laptop]switchtype is an isdn setting, will not do anything for an x100p
12:52.26*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
12:52.51MikeJ[Laptop]check out the wiki or config files for how to config correctly for other standards
12:52.53negativecreepMikeJ[Laptop]: right
12:53.08jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
12:54.01jontowbbiaw.. gonna go outside and have a cigarette, then crouch in the bushes at the end of the driveway waiting for the UPS man ;P
12:59.00*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
13:02.28Zeeekthat's a long ciggie break
13:05.28*** join/#asterisk coolschool (
13:07.30puppet== Spawn extension (outgoing, xxxxxxxxxxx, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1001-3cc4 but context=outgoingblock in sip.conf, how come?:o
13:08.32Zeeekcontext conflict
13:08.45puppethow cna they conflict?
13:08.54Zeeeklike the one above :)
13:09.13puppetis in the extensions
13:09.43Zeeekwhat is in sip.conf?
13:09.44jontowso it was, i stood outside in the sun
13:09.49jontowgonna be another nice day here
13:09.56puppetzeeek: context=outgoingblock
13:10.16Zeeekand the Dial() command is ?
13:10.36puppetin extensions?
13:10.52Zeeekthat is a good place for the dial command
13:11.04puppetthe tihng is it goes to wrong dial command
13:11.16Zeeekit's the software's fault?
13:11.27puppetwhat i see i have configured right?
13:11.45Zeeekis this @home or something?
13:11.56Zeeekstraight * ?
13:12.09puppetcontext=outgoingblock should make outcoming calls to go threw [outgoingblock] section in extensions.conf
13:12.26*** join/#asterisk isam (~isam@
13:12.40ZeeekThe dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls.
13:13.33Zeeekthe [blaockname] syntax is confusing in that sometimes two [names] don't mean the same thing, as you have just seen
13:13.45*** join/#asterisk dubphil (~dubphil@
13:14.08Zeeekcontext= in sip.conf or iax.conf is for INcoming calls
13:14.43*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
13:14.45Zeeekto call out, you need to use the dial application in the extensions.conf dialplan
13:15.37puppetYeah, it works standard, but i wanne createa  friend that cant call some numbers, with ctrict rules what he can call
13:15.48*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
13:16.18Zeeekyou do that with contexts - which are explained in the link
13:18.01*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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13:23.05Zeeekhey bjohnson
13:24.14iamxCan't open /dev/isdninfo or /dev/isdn/isdninfo: No such device   <- :=(  did anyone have the same problem ?
13:25.15Jas_Williamsiamx: NO what ISDN stack are you trying to use ?
13:26.22iamxcapi, incoming calls work in asterisk, but outgoing don't because * doesen't find the device with msn ...
13:27.03Jas_Williamsiamx: what is your dial line ?
13:27.05iamxall modules are properly loaded
13:27.19iamxhmm what do you mean by dial line ?
13:28.20Jas_Williamsto call an external number i use exten = _3XXXXX,1,Dial(CAPI/330417:b${EXTEN})
13:28.29coolschoolneed help with sip express router
13:28.31coolschoolanyone used it?
13:29.24iamxi use the extension 9 to dial out with CAPI/26310274
13:30.14Jas_Williamsiamx: can you copy the line from extensions.conf so I can check for errors also post capi.conf to
13:30.39bjohnsoncoolschool: some do, most don't.  google would be your best bet
13:31.07coolschooldamn it i have a nat 2 nat situation i need to solve
13:31.55coolschoolasterisk behind a nat
13:32.03coolschoolphone behind another nat
13:32.07coolschoolnet in the middle
13:32.14coolschoolanyone done it?
13:34.17puppetMar 18 14:33:59 NOTICE[23325]: chan_sip.c:7681 handle_request: Registration from 'PUPPETs proxy <>' failed for ''
13:34.18MikeJ[Laptop]who's using PRI's?
13:34.23puppetwrong chan :)
13:35.06bjohnsoncoolschool: yes
13:35.09Jas_WilliamsMikeJ[Laptop]: I don't have one on my sytem but I have configures a few
13:35.21bjohnsoncoolschool: but not me.  I use FWD as a go between
13:35.54bjohnsonMikeJ[Laptop]: a lot of people .. but not here right now .. try again in couple of hours when N.A. wakes up
13:36.15coolschoolwhats FWD how do i use it?
13:36.36jbothmm... fwd is Free World Dialup:  Brainchild of Jeff Pulver.  URL:
13:36.38jbotwell, fwd is Free World Dialup:  Brainchild of Jeff Pulver.  URL:
13:36.38bjohnsonfree world dialup
13:36.41*** join/#asterisk Darwin[laptop] (
13:36.55coolschoolsorry, yeah
13:37.19Jas_Williamsiamx: OUT_1 = CAPI/26310274
13:37.30*** part/#asterisk coolschool (
13:37.43iamxno, that0s ok OUT points to OUT_1
13:37.46bjohnsonI had a couple of phones that I wanted to be able to load to others and not reconfig my system (I wouldn't know the remote subnet addresses).  So I signed up for a free account at FWD for my * server and another account for each phone.  Then the external phones could call my * through FWD
13:38.01bjohnsonloan to others
13:38.04bjohnsonnot load
13:38.11iamxif you look to the log entry on the bottom you see that it correctly tries to dial out with CAPI/26310274
13:38.50bjohnsonthen in my dial plan I do authbyCID so when the phone accounts call in, they get access to internal extensions
13:39.23bjohnsonI don't know about production systems, but it works well enough for occasioanl use
13:39.41Jer13261bjohnson: have you ever beenable to get FWD peering to work?
13:40.19bjohnsondon't think I've tried.  Is that with the other voip networks?
13:41.49Jas_Williamsiamx: the log entry shows something else CAPI/26310274:bs the number to call from the macro is s not a vaild extension ?
13:42.24iamxit's a valid extension, i have no idea why it shows "bs"
13:42.58*** join/#asterisk miltux (
13:43.21Jas_Williamsiamx: ok whynot just create a test dial in the extensions.conf
13:44.08iamxwith Dial() ?
13:44.49Jas_Williamsexten => numberyouwishto call,1,dial(CAPI/b${EXTEN})
13:45.56*** join/#asterisk florz (~florz@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
13:46.04Jas_Williamsiamx: also what are you passing into the dialout macro ?
13:46.10*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
13:49.14iamxexten => _${DIAL_OUT_1}.,1,Macro(dialout,1,${EXTEN})
13:53.08*** join/#asterisk kcir (
13:53.31kcirso my fax machine has been triping the power alarms on my tdm400
13:53.36iamxsame thing with the test extension
13:54.03kciris there some sort of line condidtioning for phone lines?
13:54.13Jas_Williamsiamx: I think the line should read  exten => _${DIAL_OUT_1}.,1,Macro(dialout,${EXTEN})
13:54.50iamxi'll try that
13:57.21iamxit still sets "bs" for the extension, but i don't think that's the real problem because also the test extension doesn't work
13:59.25Jas_Williamsiamx: I see your test extensione does not work hmmm
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14:01.05negativecreephi all
14:01.06Jas_Williamsiamx: your capi.conf looks fine however the msn is not forund, the value looks very large, the msn normaly does not have the area code in it ?
14:01.09negativecreephey MikeJ[Laptop]
14:01.23negativecreephi Jas_Williams
14:01.24*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
14:02.04negativecreepIs it possible to execute some asterisk macro|command during a call when the caller presses some specified digit?
14:02.13Jas_Williamsiamx: can you turn on capi debug and call into the system and then post the results so I can see the inbound msn
14:02.47iamxmmh no, the msn is ok, in luxembourg all msn's start with 26 and 4 numbers
14:03.40iamxerr 6 numbers
14:04.11*** join/#asterisk kensuke (
14:04.22kensukegreetings !!
14:04.27negativecreephi kensuke
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14:04.37kensukeOk, ive wikkied to my wits end ! :-)
14:04.53kensukeplease tell me ... can asterisk route outbound calls via a sip soft phone ?
14:05.08kensukehmmm ... maybe Im vague
14:05.29kensukeI mean ... from kphone ... can I call out via my asterisk server ? can it be done ?
14:05.43kensuketo a pstn network
14:06.05negativecreepkensuke yes
14:06.26kensukesweet ! ... um ... how
14:06.33negativecreepyou need to plug in a pstn line to your asterisk box
14:06.48kensukeassume I can call other sip phones on my network ...
14:06.53negativecreepset up an extension to dial the Zap channel with the string you specify.
14:06.59kensukeand incomming calls make the soft phones ring
14:07.02dreamcodeare there any posibilities to create a call conference without using ztdummy ?
14:07.12*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
14:07.36negativecreepkensuke: exten =>  _77.,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:2})
14:07.47negativecreepuse something like this in your sip client's context
14:08.06Jer13261whats wrong with ztdummy
14:08.12negativecreepwhen you press 77, it shall give you the tone and then dial the number you wish to dial..sip -> pstn call
14:08.15Jer13261well yes hardware card
14:08.27*** join/#asterisk iguy (
14:08.31kensukeahh ...
14:08.33kensukeinteresting ...
14:08.49dreamcodei don't have any hardware card, and i have some problems when compiling ZAp
14:08.50*** join/#asterisk CosmicRay (~jgoerzen@2002:4463:7269:1:20e:a6ff:fe66:c5a3)
14:09.12kensukethanx negativecreep ...
14:09.13Jer13261would you like a hand compiling Zap?
14:09.36negativecreepyou are welcome kensuke
14:09.40dreamcodeif you can.. :)
14:09.44Jer13261sure just PM me
14:09.54kensukeIm gonna go vi some stuff ... shot alot !
14:10.03negativecreepgood luck kensuke
14:10.35*** join/#asterisk Nix (
14:10.39negativecreepJer13261: is it possible to execute a macro|command during a call?
14:11.09Jer13261i know dial lets you do that after the call is complete....during dont know
14:11.30kensukenegativecreep: do I call just 77 ... or 77<number to dial> ?
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14:13.45negativecreepkensuke: when you press 77, you shall hear the tone.
14:14.20negativecreepkensuke: asterisk will create a connection to the Zap Channel for you..then you will just dial the number like a normal phone call
14:14.47negativecreepJer13261: the problem is that on a X100P, asterisk is not detecting call hangup..
14:14.56negativecreepZap channel stays busy.
14:15.25negativecreepI would like that the user can execute softhangup or hangup when he is done talking by pressing some specific keys.
14:16.17Jer13261negativecreep how about callprogress?
14:17.34kensukenegativecreep: is there a way that I can dial 0<number> striaght into kphone ? without dialing the extra stuff ?
14:19.03negativecreepJer13261: callprogress?
14:19.08negativecreepkensuke: explain!
14:20.12negativecreepJer13261: nah not that
14:20.22kensukeI want to dial the number 0833091643 ... thats the number ... at the moment I connect via sip by dialing 0 ... then enter DTMF 833091643
14:20.44jmaczHi everyone. I have a PBX with an Initial voice menu and have a problem with contexts inclusion for DID.
14:21.16Jas_Williamsiamx: Hmm MSN is correct then bah I wonder why the msn is not being forund for outbound calls
14:22.31negativecreepkensuke: so what do you want to do?
14:23.12jmaczI got an Incoming-calls context that processes 3-digit ids from two E1s and need to config Direct Inward Dialing in some of them. Anyone can help me?
14:26.29*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
14:28.39kensukeI want to type in 0833091654 and I want it to dial the number ... without me having to dmf its ass :-)
14:29.41Jas_Williamskensuke: That should not be a problem post your extension.conf to and I'm sure we can advise
14:30.27negativecreepkensuke: its fairly easy.
14:30.59negativecreepJas_Williams: can you help me with an issue? Executing commands DURING a call?
14:31.25*** part/#asterisk dubphil (~dubphil@
14:31.38kensukenegativecreep... ok ?
14:31.42kensukeenlighten me ...
14:31.45kensukeif you will ? ;-)
14:32.24iamxJas_Williams i don't know, i'm searching sice 2 weeks for that problem, recompiles chan_capi etc multiple times, i had many problems witch have been solved but this one kills me lol
14:32.29*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
14:32.55Jas_Williamsnegativecreep: I do not belive it is possible, to collect DTMF during talking what do you wnat to allow the caller to do ?
14:33.10negativecreepexten => _08XXXXXX, 1, Dial(Zap/1/0833091654)
14:33.48negativecreepJas_Williams: I would like the caller to press say 09 during a call to disconnect the that sounds stupid but I donot have remote disconnect supervision.
14:33.55negativecreepso i need a solution for that.
14:34.03Jer13261there is a feature for that
14:34.10negativecreepJer13261: like?
14:34.12Jas_WilliamsAh there is a feature you could use
14:34.37Jer13261check features.conf  i thikn its called disconnect :)
14:34.54Jas_Williamsyes follow Jer13261 advice
14:35.03Jer13261then modidy your dial() command...and your set
14:35.05*** join/#asterisk cbachman (~chatzilla@
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14:35.12negativecreepJas_Williams: is there anything on the wiki related to it?
14:35.22Jer132611 sec i'll grab it for ya
14:35.34AlexisHow can i run a cmd just when i take my phone ?
14:35.39*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
14:35.44kensukenegative creep ... but what If I want all outgoing calls that look like 08XXXXXXXX to dial the relative number ?
14:35.57Wonkawhich libpri version is the best to take for cvs?
14:36.14AlexisNugget: décrocher in french
14:36.31negativecreepkensuke: exten => _08XXXXXX, 1, Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:2})
14:36.32AlexisNugget: I think is the contrary of hangup
14:36.35Jas_Williamskensuke: exten => _08XXXXXX, 1, Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
14:36.54Zeeeklift the receiver off the hook
14:37.16Nugget"pick up" the phone in "american"
14:37.19Jas_Williamsnegativecreep: No :2 required as 08 is the full nuber
14:37.22Zeeekraccrocher hangup
14:37.34negativecreepoh yeah
14:37.38negativecreepthnx Jas_Williams
14:38.14jmaczHi. I would like to know wich is the priority regarding context inclusion when I have a condition like _XXX in the container context, and a number in the contained. Wich one has more priority?
14:38.15Zeeekonly recently
14:38.19Alexisso i want to Playback just when i pick up my phone
14:38.47Jas_Williams_XXX normaly do a show dialplan and you will see the evaluation order
14:38.55Zeeekjmacz this comes from the evaluation of the included contexts in order AFAIK
14:39.17Zeeekthere is a wiki page but I never remember the name or keyword
14:40.08jmaczJas_Williams, yeah, but I need to jump the dial plan in order to make Direct Inward Dialing
14:40.50Alexisif i put exten => s,1,Playback(transfer) it does not playback when i pick up my phone
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14:40.53*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
14:40.55jmaczZeeek excuse me, what is the AFAIK order?
14:41.03ZeeekAFIK as far as I know
14:41.09CosmicRayjmacz: AFAIK means as fas as I know
14:41.09Zeeekfind the wiki page
14:41.31Zeeekwhat would that be dialplan evaluation order?
14:41.41jmaczCosmicRay, oh ok, thanks
14:41.56Jas_Williamsjmacz: If you put _XXX in its own context say [catch_all] then include catch_all the extensions will be evaluated first and the the catch all
14:42.53*** join/#asterisk MattH (
14:42.56Jas_WilliamsAlexis: have an immediate=yes in zapata.conf for the phone
14:43.08MattHHi, does anyone know in sipura devices.. is there a way to set the packetization?
14:43.22ZeeekNeed something catchier than extsnion matching, but once you remember it, it works
14:43.53jmaczJas_Williams, mmm ok, I guess that's the problem. Thank you. I'l try it out inverting the inclusion
14:44.37jmaczZeeek, thanks for the link, I'm checking it
14:44.45ZeeekIt's the gospel :)
14:44.47*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
14:44.54Zeeek(I hope it's accurate)
14:45.01Zeeekthe gopel prolly isn't
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14:51.33EssobiWhat IAX softphones support URL pushing?
14:51.41EssobiIt's IAX the only one that does thus far?
14:54.49Wonkamay it be that is a little slow at the moment?
14:55.06*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:56.13ardHehh... what do you call slow... It's like a gprs line :-(
14:56.40*** join/#asterisk rephorm (
14:56.53Wonka"slow" as in "nothing gets through"
14:57.16Wonkai watched my line with tethereal... and saw resend on resend
14:57.21Wonkabut seldom a reply
14:57.29*** join/#asterisk bile_one (
14:58.02ardCannot open the HTTP connection to port 80; [Connection timed out].
14:58.18bile_oneManxPower, looks like I need help.
14:58.20Wonka19: (        asymm 17 416.927ms
14:58.21Wonka20: (    asymm 18 518.134ms reached
14:58.33ardneed... ... need.. to... config... asterisk... urgent... aaagh :-(
14:58.39Wonkaquite much...
14:59.04Jas_Williamsbile_one: what sort of help do you need
14:59.13Jas_Williamsard use google cache
14:59.23bjohnsonard: and show application
14:59.29bjohnsonard: and the tutorials
14:59.35jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
15:00.11*** join/#asterisk Logan (
15:00.35LoganMy wcfxs module stopped detecting inbound calls after about 25 days.
15:00.50LoganUnloading and reloading the module seemed to fix the problem.
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15:04.28Weezeyhow do I compile an asterisk application?
15:05.02lespiggothi, I'm runing asterisk on openwrt (Linksys WRT54) but its having difficulty in identifing its IP address for SIP, Can I use the bind statement (in sip.conf) for explicitly stating its internal and external IP addresses?
15:06.12LoganHmm, I found a bug report on, where the bug was both acknowledged and set as "not a bug" at the same time.
15:06.32LoganWhich is really confusing because it doesn't give me any clue whether this bug is actually fixed in any particular version.
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15:08.47Jas_WilliamsLogan: there have been some changes in the latest zaptel drivers, for this type of problem
15:09.22LoganJas_Williams: Is there a particular version that would be good to be running?
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15:11.18TheBearhi All.  I'm having problems with my * config, holds my incoming extensions definition.  When a call comes in it rings, during the wait(10), but then goes to musiconhold, when it diverts depending on the time of day. How do I have musiconhold just when I transfer a call not during calling in ?
15:12.06CosmicRayargh, voip-info seems to be having troubles again
15:12.19bjohnsonlespiggot: out of interest, the G or the GS model?  and which version?
15:12.19TheBearI did have musiconhold = default in zapata.conf but took this out and yet it still has musiconhold when a call comes in
15:12.42bjohnsonlespiggot: yes you can use the bind argument
15:12.49eKo1Hmm...these fucking ghost channels are eating up my memory.
15:12.53lespiggotbjohnson: Its a GS 1.1
15:13.03eKo1Time for some toilet cleaning.
15:13.06bjohnsonexperimental openwrt?
15:13.38bjohnsonI've tried using * on my Gv2.2 but not enough RAM when using experimental
15:13.52lespiggotbind was set originally to bind= and get the issue, yes, experimental
15:15.24bile_oneTheBear you have your gotoiftime wrong
15:15.42TheBearbile_one: what?
15:15.51lespiggotbjohnson: if I explicitly set bind=external IP the interface will start, but not on the internal iface
15:15.57cbachmanlespiggot, I'm running openwrt and on mine bind=, of course that isn't helping me because it seg-faults attempting to bridge the audio
15:16.10bile_oneYour gotoiftime is not in the correct sysntax
15:16.46lespiggotcbachman: still 1 step in front of me lol
15:16.58TheBearbile_one: how should it look, I used one that I found online
15:17.18cbachmannotes that that core dump is with openwrt non-experimental (latest cvs) asterisk stable (latest cvs from yesterday afternoon) and SIP
15:18.43TheBearbile_one: if it's between 9am-5pm then it must ring the SIP phones (line 7) otherwise ring the ZAP phones (line 4). It works fine, but it could be my problem on music on hold, so I would like to get it right
15:19.30bile_oneTheBear you have to send the call somewhere so it should be: exten => s,3,GotoifTime(9:00-17:00|sun-sat|*|*? somecontext,s,4)
15:19.39greg_workbjohnson: you around?
15:20.19bile_oneTheBear or exten => s,3,GotoifTime(9:00-17:00|sun-sat|*|*? somecontext,7:4)
15:20.38lespiggotcbachman: the Gv2.X and GS1.X have different ethernet drivers hence I need to use experimental :o(
15:21.28cbachmanlespiggot, ah.  Mine's actually a motorola wr850g, which is very similar to a Gv1
15:21.30bile_oneTheBear send your MOH.conf to pastebin
15:21.31TheBearbile_one: what about the :4   ?daytime,1:nightime,1)  would that work if I had a [daytime] and a  [nightime] context
15:21.46*** join/#asterisk sivana (~sivana@
15:21.56bile_oneTheBear yes extactly. I will send you one in pastebin
15:23.24bile_oneTheBear here is an IVR I did for you
15:24.04*** join/#asterisk Zgarbi (~my@
15:24.12bile_oneIt checks for Holidays too!
15:24.54Zgarbihi. is somebody here who can help me with compile astersik? while compile I receive /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lssl
15:25.15Zgarbiwhat it can be?
15:25.37bile_oneTheBear, that one handles SIP too.
15:25.56bile_oneTheBear do you have all ther mpg123 installed?
15:27.16TheBearbile_one: yes it plays the music on hold fine. It just rings, and then goes to music while the SIP or ZAP is ringing, instead of ringing until a phone is answered
15:28.47bile_oneI see, get rid of the wait(10)
15:29.01ZeeekTheBear what doesz the 'm' stand for in the Dial app again?
15:29.13Zeeekshow applications dial
15:29.29TheBearZeeek: ooooHH yeah, music oops thanks
15:29.40TheBearbile_one: is this better?
15:30.22*** part/#asterisk Nix (
15:31.08bile_oneTheBear, yes very clean
15:31.27TheBearok thanks
15:31.36bile_oneTheBear, does it work on SIP only?
15:32.10TheBearit worked on both fine. during the day my sip phones rang, during the night my ZAP phone rang. the process worked, just the music was a problem to me
15:32.15*** join/#asterisk negativecreep (~yama@
15:32.38negativecreephey Jer13261
15:33.36bile_oneTheBear, why do you want the caller to be able to transfer the call them selves?
15:34.42bile_oneTheBear, the capital T means that.
15:35.06TheBearI do have another funny issue though.  I'm still getting a delay or reverb on my ZAP phone?  I answer calls on a X100p ZAP/1 and have a std. phone connected to a TDM10B FXS module. The std. phone only accepts 2-wire. holds my zapata.conf where I have tried to cancel the echo but had minimal sucess
15:35.17TheBearbile_one:  not sure, I'll take it out
15:35.53bjohnsongreg_work: off and on
15:36.34Zeeeknote that if you are the caller, and think you want to transfer with # and use T, wait til you need to hit the # key in an IVR :)
15:36.34bile_oneTheBear, did you catch my question on mpg123? Is it installed for Music-On-Hold?
15:37.10bile_one# means hang-up
15:37.50TheBearbile_one:  yes I have mpg123 the latest built from source installed. Yes it is installed. and works. I can hear music.
15:37.52Zeeekor park... pointis, if you are caller and have # enabled, if you need for someone else's menu you're in a bad way
15:38.05TheBearbile_one:  it was just at the wrong time in the call process
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15:39.27negativecreepJer13261: u there?
15:40.25bile_oneTheBear, is it working now?
15:41.06Jer13261yep i am
15:41.25TheBearbile_one: was about to try....
15:41.48negativecreepJer13261: X100P is an FXO?
15:42.52epochyes it is
15:43.39negativecreepI need to connect approximately 8 extensions to my * server
15:43.44negativecreep8 analog extensions?
15:43.49TheBearbile_one: was about to try....  YEs it works now You hear it ring, then a very quick pause then rings again, I guess it poauses when it changes over
15:43.51negativecreepX100P supports 1
15:43.52TheBearthank you very much
15:44.09epochnegativecreep: you need FXSes for that
15:44.16AlexisGGRRR !
15:44.19negativecreepepoch will you explain?
15:44.34epochnegativecreep: by "analog extensions" you mean phones, right?
15:44.37AlexisI can't use the  monitoring extension states
15:44.49negativecreepepoch right!
15:44.49Alexiswith my snom
15:44.49TheBearbile_one: any ideas on my echo/delay problem ?
15:44.54Alexiscan someone help me please
15:45.06epochnegativecreep: an FXS provides dial-tone, so you need FXSes to hook those phones up to, not FXOs
15:45.07*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
15:45.11Alexisi do not understand the help from
15:45.29epochnegativecreep: you'll need a pair of Digium TDM400P cards with 4 FXS modules each
15:45.34Alexiswhen they put
15:45.44negativecreepepoch the phones are already connected to a panasonic pbx
15:45.45Alexiswich one is the snom ?
15:45.50Alexisthe 2000
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15:46.00Alexisor Phone/phone0 ?
15:46.11epochnegativecreep: do the panasonic has 8 outgoing lines?
15:46.23negativecreepI would like to take 8 connections from the pbx and hook em upto the * server. That way i will have 8 lines to my asterisk server which can be used for inbound/outbound calling to other * servers
15:46.27yashaxHelp!! Guys, I have 3 Polycom IP500 phones. Is it possible on my phone to see if the other 2 parties are on the phone?
15:46.34negativecreepepoch its an interoffice exchange
15:46.51negativecreepno pstn lines involved.
15:47.07AlexisIs someone seeing that ?
15:47.11epochnegativecreep: ok well, same difference -- you'll need 8 FXS ports
15:47.22AlexisCan someone read THAT ?
15:47.38negativecreepepoch didnt get your point!
15:47.45*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
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15:47.55negativecreepepoch let me explain
15:47.57epochnegativecreep: look up the difference between FXO and FXS ports on
15:47.59eKo1OK. Looks like * is leaking memory.
15:48.06negativecreepepoch ok
15:48.08epochnegativecreep: no, I know what you're trying to do ;)
15:48.34Wonkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. since when does ast_channel_register take only one argument? and why does chan_misdn not know about that?
15:48.40epochnegativecreep: btw, I wouldn't recommend that setup either, you might find you have issues with audio quality
15:48.40unixgeekAnyone know of a SIP client that supports multiple SIP proxies for Mac OSX that does not keep crashing like X-lite?
15:48.41*** part/#asterisk Alexis (
15:48.59TheBearI do have another funny issue though.  I'm still getting a delay or reverb on my ZAP phone?  I answer calls on a X100p ZAP/1 and have a std. phone connected to a TDM10B FXS module. The std. phone only accepts 2-wire. holds my zapata.conf where I have tried to cancel the echo but had minimal sucess
15:49.11fugitivoanyone knows if there is support for a fxo clone on openbsd?
15:49.27Nuggetunixgeek: I run a local asterisk install on my powerbook, to do all the heavy lifting, then connect to it with x-lite.
15:49.39Nuggetseems pretty non-crashy and lets me use iax2 instead of sip
15:49.50epochhtat's pretty heavy duty nugget
15:49.55jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
15:49.58jbotextra, extra, read all about it, mailinglist is Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
15:50.02Nuggetnah, not really
15:50.18epochNugget: x-lite works just fine on my ibook
15:50.20Zeeekhows your polycomm today ManxPower ?
15:50.31negativecreepepoch: we have two * servers in two different cities and we have an existing analog pbx setup. What i have done is that I hve plugged in 1 X100P in each server and the servers are connected via broadband. So at any time 1 person can talk to the other city. I would like to expand it to 8 lines
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15:50.37Nuggetepoch: yeah, I haven't had much trouble with x-lite either.  but I have had problems getting it to work through hotel nat and the like.
15:50.49Nuggetbeing able to use iax2 instead can often mean the difference between connecting or not
15:51.26epochoh, well NAT is a whore
15:51.31Nuggetnat blows goats
15:51.35yashaxHelp!! I have 3 Polycom IP500 phones. Is it possible on my phone to see if the other 2 parties are on the phone?
15:51.54epochyashax: sure, call them and see if you get a busy signal :)
15:52.22epochyashax: the phones themselves support a "buddywatch" extension, which isn't supported by asterisk
15:52.22yashaxgreat advise... but please be serious...
15:52.54jboti guess astcvs is echo "CVS-HEAD:"; cvs co asterisk asterisk-sounds libpri zaptel; echo "CVS 1.0.x:"; cvs co -r v1-0 asterisk asterisk-sounds libpri zaptel; echo "Anyone that uses CVS and is not on asterisk-cvs mailing list, is a moron!"
15:52.55yashaxcan that be done? is it possible?
15:53.21yashaxepoch: can that be setup on the phones?
15:53.24negativecreepepoch read the difference.
15:53.30epochManxPower: jbot's grammar is horrible! there's a comma splice in there! ;)
15:53.38negativecreepand I think I still need FXO and not FXS
15:53.47negativecreepthe pbx is generating the tone already
15:54.21epochyashax: I think it's part of the SIMPLE extensions, which are supported by SER, but not asterisk... so in theory you could set up SER as a front-end to asterisk for the SIP clients
15:54.25epoch(i.e. the IP500s)
15:54.37ManxPoweryashax, I don't think Asterisk currently supports remote extension status information.  If you want to investigate the issue, search the asterisk mailing lists for talk about SNOM and the hint priority.
15:54.38epochnegativecreep: man, your setup makes no sense to me :)
15:55.01iamxJas_Williams it works now, just by unloading and reloading modules 3 or 4 times, don't ask me why, but many many thanks for your help !
15:55.25yashaxthanks guys
15:55.38riousis anybody else having trouble w/ asterisk cvs running, I get an error about ast_monitor_stop
15:56.27negativecreepepoch..i have found the solution
15:56.29ManxPowerrious, There were MASSIVE updates to CVS-HEAD, as I'm sure you know, since you are on the asterisk-cvs mailing list.
15:56.33negativecreepepoch thnx
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16:00.06fugitivodoes the zaptel driver work for openbsd?
16:00.24Nuggetit barely works for freebsd, for that matter
16:00.38Nuggetif you need zaptel it's best to stick with linux, sadly
16:01.12Jas_Williamsiamx: Glad you got it working You need to reload after any changes to capi.conf
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16:01.54fugitivoNugget: is any plan to make it work for *BSD?
16:02.11BrianR___hey folks..
16:02.51BrianR___Does anyone know why Asterisk might not be sending the callerid name out a T1 configured as pri_net?
16:03.13TheBearCould anyone suggest some tricks to get rid of echo/delay.  I have read the manuals tried different values to echocancel, yes/no/16/32/64..... What helped the most was rxgain and txgain currently set to -2.0 It helped greatly, but it is still there and can be rather sickening after awhile
16:03.21Nuggetfugitivo: the freebsd zaptel work is fairly active, I don't know about for open, net, or dragonfly.
16:03.30Nuggetbut it's still not what I'd consider production-quality
16:03.46*** join/#asterisk feral_kid (~not@
16:03.48Nuggetto be fair, though, that's due in large part to the general flakiness of zaptel, even in linux
16:04.19BrianR___I managed to get zaptel 1.0.6 to crash my box earlier today after changing zaptel.conf and rerunning ztcfg ;(
16:04.41Nuggetmy freebsd asterisk server pretty consistently locks up the whole machine whenever I stop asterisk.
16:04.45Nugget(thanks to zaptel)
16:04.55fugitivoNugget: ok, thanks for the info, i'm going to use it just for testing, so i'll try openbsd first and if it doesn't work, i'll stay with linux
16:05.04Nuggetzaptel will not work at all with openbsd.
16:05.13Darwin[laptop]if you are using mpg123 this will happen change over to madplayer
16:05.14Nuggetasterisk will work just great
16:05.26Darwin[laptop]on fbsd
16:05.34fugitivoNugget: huh, ok, no openbsd then :)
16:05.42Nuggeteven in linux, though zaptel is kinda wonky.  I can't reboot my linux machin, I have to powercycle it.
16:05.49Darwin[laptop]zaptel works on fbsd fine
16:05.56Nuggetif I warmstart, the zaptel drivers don't see the card
16:06.05NuggetDarwin[laptop]: I disagree
16:06.09Wonkai don't like zaptel
16:06.25fugitivoanyone using *bsd and zaptel here? :)
16:06.26Wonkabecause of the necessity to patch around everywhere
16:06.31jontowWonka; does it make you itchy? :)
16:06.32Darwin[laptop]I have zaptel on mine and it workd fine
16:06.35Wonkai like chan_mISDN
16:06.36Nuggetfugitivo: I am
16:06.45Wonkabut that's some weeks behind at least
16:06.50jontowi am testing netbsd 2.0+ drivers for wcfxo cards
16:06.55fugitivoDarwin[laptop]: with freebsd?
16:06.57Darwin[laptop]I have a tdm with 4 fxs ports
16:07.26fugitivoNugget: and you don't recommend it
16:07.27*** join/#asterisk rontecxt44 (
16:07.28Darwin[laptop]it works fine
16:07.32Nuggetno, I don't recommend it
16:07.47fugitivoDarwin[laptop]: you recommend it
16:08.10Darwin[laptop]they dont recomend anything but linux
16:08.20Darwin[laptop]I am fine with it
16:08.30Darwin[laptop]I am happy on fbsd
16:08.41fugitivoI need a third person :)
16:08.57fugitivoi'd like to use it with openbsd, but it doesn't work at all
16:09.05TheBearCould anyone suggest some tricks to get rid of echo/delay.  I have read the manuals tried different values to echocancel, yes/no/16/32/64..... What helped the most was rxgain and txgain currently set to -2.0 It helped greatly, but it is still there and can be rather sickening after awhile
16:09.56rontecxt44has anyone experienced problems with calls randomly dropping after only a brief moment of silence on the line?
16:10.19*** join/#asterisk fitzel (
16:10.31rontecxt44I cannot reproduce the problem consistently....
16:10.49*** part/#asterisk CoderCR (
16:10.51CosmicRayTheBear: I believe there is quite a bit of content about echo cancellation on the wiki
16:11.06Rivalfeti u ever generate pdf's using php?
16:11.12fitzelHi, is anybody using zetebee together with iaxcomm on windoze?
16:11.13Rivalerr shit
16:11.52PinholeIs it possible for an agi to change the extension that gets logged in the CDR?
16:12.20eKo1Pinhole: Not that I know of.
16:12.35fitzelI try to build up a tunnelconnection, but when I try to set up iaxcomm, it rings only itself.
16:12.39*** join/#asterisk rephorm (
16:13.21kciri keep getting
16:13.21kcirOuch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (3)
16:13.21kcirPower alarm on module 4, resetting!
16:13.30kcirthat's the fax machine...
16:13.35rontecxt44my setup is pretty simple and everything has been working fine...sometimes when someone calls from a landline...if I just hold the phone for a sec before handing it to someone...the call just disconnects...
16:13.36*** join/#asterisk DannyF (
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16:13.41kciris there some way i can prevent that?
16:14.08rontecxt44a couple of folks reported hearing squealing on the other end like fax or dsl before getting disconnected
16:14.19bannermanthat sounds fun
16:14.27rontecxt44but we only have one call waiting...
16:14.34rontecxt44so it can't be fax
16:14.36CosmicRaynow that sounds weird
16:15.02rontecxt44my biggest concern is that....we have one analog line...
16:15.16rontecxt44i had the telco phisically split the one line into two jacks
16:15.30rontecxt44dsl is on one....asterisk on the other
16:15.47rontecxt44so i'm wonder if there is some kind of interference
16:15.52rontecxt44even though there shouldn't be
16:15.54bannermanrontecxt44: it's your background. You have a picture of Bush on your background.
16:16.04bannermanrontecxt44: that's what I'd do if I was the computer, too.
16:16.15CosmicRaybannerman: oh crap, his asterisk is trying to bring freedom to the telephone network!
16:16.27bannermanCosmicRay: freedom from ugly people!
16:16.35*** part/#asterisk Jones (
16:16.46fitzelrontex: Maybe a codec problem?
16:16.58rontecxt44i'm open to any idea...
16:16.59CosmicRaybannerman: ah, we went to war in iraq for less :-)
16:17.09rontecxt44had an important client call dropeed yesterday
16:17.10CosmicRayrontecxt44: it could be a hardware issue, too
16:17.19fitzelDecoding alaw with ulaw sounds for untechnical people like "faxnoise".
16:17.22CosmicRayrontecxt44: are you using the x100p?
16:17.29bannermanCosmicRay: lol, I shouldn't get into that with you, we'll fight n'stuff qq
16:17.36CosmicRaybannerman: heh
16:17.45rontecxt44CosmicRay: TDM400
16:17.53rontecxt44one fxs and one fxo
16:17.55BrianR___Does anyone know why Asterisk might not be sending the callerid name out a T1 configured as pri_net with isdn national 2 signalling?
16:18.09CosmicRaybannerman: I can just say that "Bush reminds me of Nixon" and you can feel a healthy sense of pride while I feel a healthy sense of loathing :-)
16:18.23bannermanCosmicRay: ouch, that was below the belt!
16:19.09rontecxt44CosmicRay: there is one more quirk
16:19.10*** join/#asterisk quigleymd (
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16:19.20pigpenDoes anyone know if asterisk will compile and work on 64bit linux?
16:19.23rontecxt44I have our analog line passing through a fax machine
16:19.33CosmicRaypigpen: I run it on my alpha, no trouble
16:19.37rontecxt44but it only answers on a distinctive ring
16:19.51CosmicRaypigpen: what platform are you thinking of?
16:19.51rontecxt44it allows normal passthrough to asterisk on regular calls
16:19.54Darwin[laptop]dec alphas rock
16:20.05Darwin[laptop]I love my dual 21264 600
16:20.08CosmicRaypigpen: I haven't tried any zaptel hardware yet, but I've got an x100p on its way from ebay
16:20.13CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: nice nice
16:20.14elriahIs there a way to pass a fax call in asterisk to a fax service on that same box?
16:20.19CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: I have a single 21164a 600MHz
16:20.49CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: I have two complaints about it.  1) it's noisy, and 2) it doesn't have enough pci slots.
16:21.06*** join/#asterisk yertle (
16:21.13fitzelelriah, try faxrc
16:21.18Darwin[laptop]I have 2 1 is a asterisk server the other is a x/kde/app server
16:21.32Darwin[laptop]for 55 xterminals
16:21.57fitzelelria, spandsp is the package name.
16:21.58CosmicRayI had really bad performance with X on my alpha
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16:22.06CosmicRaybut that could be due to lack of an AGP slot
16:22.14CosmicRaydidn't run much X remotely from it
16:22.36Darwin[laptop]ahh I dont run video localy on that box
16:22.36christohow do I register a new channel type?
16:22.37fitzelI used it on a P3-600 laptop with pcmcia-isdncard and I was able to get some pages through.
16:22.53Darwin[laptop]its just a server
16:23.10CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: yup, they are great at that.
16:23.14CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: they just sit there and work.
16:23.15Darwin[laptop]the asterisk has a pci video and its all it neds for he cli
16:23.39CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: I'm going to go headless once I get my x100p in.  completely out of pci slots and I rarely use the console anyway.
16:24.02Darwin[laptop]yeah I ssh in more then anything
16:24.33cbachmanwhooo!!! found a version of asterisk that actually appears to work with sip on openwrt
16:24.35Darwin[laptop]I just updated both mine so they should be fine for awhile
16:24.58*** join/#asterisk bile_one (
16:25.02Darwin[laptop]now have to work on my amd 64 get it built and loaded
16:25.28bile_oneTheBear has anyone helped on your dely/echo problem?
16:25.50TheBearbile_one: no
16:25.53CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: and that is my new favorite platform :-)
16:26.14CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: I've got two amd64 boxen around here.  one of them is still running i386 debian, but the other is running amd64 debian
16:26.20CosmicRayvery nice platform, that.
16:26.42bile_oneTheBear how much echo?
16:27.04fugitivoCosmicRay: try gentoo :)
16:27.16CosmicRayfugitivo: I do once a year or so
16:27.30CosmicRayfugitivo: gentoo and netbsd I keep an eye on.  keep going back to debian though.
16:28.05CosmicRayfugitivo: you may be interested in  a gentoo-like install/rescue cd for debian.
16:28.06TheBearbile_one: currently you can hear the end of the sentence repeat over and over and over again. Like "How are you, you, you , you..." It also sounds like a submarine movie with the odd "ping and sratch noise".
16:28.22Darwin[laptop]I am going fbsd
16:28.28Darwin[laptop]my favorit os
16:28.38bile_oneTheBear hang on a sec
16:28.45CosmicRaymy main gripe about all non-debian OSs is the lack of a package system as nice as debian's
16:29.06CosmicRayand that is especially true on the BSDs, where the base system is distinct from the packaging system
16:29.10mogormanports and portage are niec
16:29.11Darwin[laptop]but I am going to be building a debian box soon
16:29.24mogormaner nice
16:30.00CosmicRaymogorman: I am no fan of the ports system.  upgrading software on production machines is nasty.  I remember one update, libpng or something, that uninstalled php, apache, etc, etc, before spending several hours compiling stuf, then crapping out
16:30.17ManxPowerARRRRGH!!!!!!  The opening date of the office were I will be installing a 60 phone (polycom) / 2 T-1 Asterisk system, has been postponed.  The opening date is now EXACTLY in the middle of my 6 week trip to Europe.
16:30.21Darwin[laptop]thats why I love freebsd
16:30.28CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: heh
16:30.32mogormanfreebsd has never done that to me with ports
16:30.37bile_oneTheBear, check this out:
16:30.41Darwin[laptop]we have portupgrade util that updates all your installed ports for you
16:30.47ManxPowerThey were supposed to open that office on Jan 1
16:30.59CosmicRayI will never deny that the *BSDs, especially netbsd, have a much cleaner development model and kernel than linux
16:31.06CosmicRaywhich has a great deal of appeal to me
16:31.09Darwin[laptop]and cvsup on fbsd is your friend
16:31.11CosmicRaybut I just can't get past this
16:31.24CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: this *was* freebsd
16:31.32CosmicRayI used to have a jail from
16:31.53bile_oneTheBear, also this:
16:31.53Darwin[laptop]I have never had a problem updating fbsd boxes and having them crash
16:32.06CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: well, the box didn't crash, the port compile did
16:32.13znoin my experience the ports system on freebsd is much more mature than debian
16:32.17CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: the kernel, etc. stayed up.  there was just some bug in a build that day.
16:32.18bjohnsonManxPower: tell them you'll do it but the price doubles
16:32.31Darwin[laptop]where you using portupgrade ?
16:32.40bjohnsonManxPower: then hire a subcontractor to do it
16:32.40CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: I can't remember, I'm afraid
16:32.44znoportupgrade is the cleanest way to go
16:32.49znoyou can even do just binary upgrades
16:33.01Darwin[laptop]if there are packages
16:33.13CosmicRayI have used portupgrade, but I don't know if I did for this particular case or not.
16:33.16mogormanwhich there almost always are
16:33.22znowell typically I'd do it for a REL version
16:33.47Darwin[laptop]for rel ver pkgupgrade is the way to go
16:33.58Darwin[laptop]for stable have them build the pkgs
16:33.59bile_oneTheBear, since you are using an X100P try this too!
16:34.26CosmicRayzno: out of curiousity, where do you think the freebsd  ports system has an edge over debian?
16:35.23bile_oneManxPower, I can't get David to talk at all.
16:35.37bile_oneManxPower well from the command line he talks
16:35.51znoCosmicRay: much simpler.  Instead of apt-get install or apt-cache search or dpkg -l etc, there's pkg_*
16:35.53Darwin[laptop]the Job market in PA stinks
16:36.19znoCosmicRay: and also, it's easier to fix the package database
16:36.36Darwin[laptop]on fbsd you have pkg_delete pkg_add mae deinstall and make install
16:36.51CosmicRayzno: I dunno, I've never had the package database break in debian.  but it is all flat files if it does.
16:36.52Darwin[laptop]those are your most needed to know
16:37.18Darwin[laptop]and how to use cvsup and the /usr/src and /usr/ports dir
16:37.19CosmicRayzno: I have had weird things happen to the package database ni freebsd, like it thinking I have two different versions of something installed
16:37.32znoCosmicRay: then you fix it via pkgdb -F
16:37.35CosmicRayDarwin[laptop]: apt-get install, apt-get remove :-)
16:37.47Darwin[laptop]that also
16:38.01Darwin[laptop]apt-get -r installs the package
16:38.19Darwin[laptop]and fetches it
16:38.26bile_oneDarwin[laptop] the Job market in whole sucks.
16:38.44znojust think about the syntax: apt-get remove  ...  get and remove?
16:39.00Darwin[laptop]I have 11 job offers but all are from up north Milwalkie and Minn/STPaul
16:39.13*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
16:39.13elriahMore than 100K?
16:39.15znoit's like Steve Balmer's mother who complained: "So you have to press "Start" to shut down  and stop windows?"
16:39.18*** join/#asterisk NetOfSickCoder (~um@
16:39.22bile_oneDarwin[laptop] Beer! need I say more?
16:39.29Aze`hi all
16:39.39NetOfSickCoderhi friends
16:39.44Aze`Anyone have experience about I4L ?
16:39.59NetOfSickCoderi've a problem with my asterisk :(
16:40.16ManxPowerAze`, almost everyone that uses I4L switches to ZapBRI or CAPI
16:40.17Pinholeclean your keyboard. :)
16:40.19*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
16:40.25Darwin[laptop]dont state you have a problem
16:40.33Darwin[laptop]use pastebin post the error
16:40.43Darwin[laptop]and then past the link in the channel
16:40.57Darwin[laptop]it does no good to use if we dont see the issue
16:40.58elriahSerious question - is there a text to speech option in asterisk?  I called Digium and was navigating around in there system and ran into a robotic sounding synthisized auto attendent ...
16:41.00NetOfSickCoderMar 18 11:34:02 NOTICE[18042]: chan_sip.c:7681 handle_request: Registration from '200 <sip:200@>' failed for ''
16:41.16Darwin[laptop]ok you fone did not register
16:41.21bile_oneelriah yes there are two opitons for TTS.
16:41.30*** part/#asterisk lespiggot (~les@
16:41.36Aze`MancPower i cant switch to CAPI because my kernel is 2.4 and BAD QUALITY with ZAPBRI (my problem is only with PTP MODE)
16:41.40*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
16:41.43Darwin[laptop]make sure you have sip.conf setup right and the phone matches
16:41.56ManxPowerAze`, Give up then.
16:42.11TheBearbile_one: whenever np.
16:42.14NetOfSickCoderwel i use 2 sip user agent's D-Link
16:42.19elriahbile_one: A little hint?  On the wiki maybe?
16:43.02Pinholeelriah, look for festival or swift on
16:43.04Aze`ManxPower have any experience about PTP mode ?
16:43.16NetOfSickCoderMar 18 11:32:42 NOTICE[18042]: chan_sip.c:7681 handle_request: Registration from '600 <sip:600@;user=phone>' failed for ''
16:43.19ManxPowerAze`, no.
16:43.19Darwin[laptop]but still no go
16:43.44Darwin[laptop]net check you have your sip setup right
16:43.52bile_oneelriah, yes. There is a good setup for weather using festival and Aterisk@home, it work in all asterisk boxes as long as festival is installed. However Cepstral has cleaner voices, but costs a measly 30.00 bucks!
16:43.57Darwin[laptop]this is a sip.conf issue
16:44.03Darwin[laptop]go read
16:44.22Darwin[laptop]what type of phone
16:44.57NetOfSickCoderanalogic phone
16:45.04bile_oneelriah, the setup of swift aka Theta is not easy. Festival is way easier, but sounds like crap.
16:45.20Darwin[laptop]whNet what device are yo using to connect the phones
16:45.32Pinholecepstral (swift) works well from agi.
16:45.40Darwin[laptop]a sipra ?
16:45.46Darwin[laptop]a ata ot what
16:45.52*** part/#asterisk sysdef (~sysdef@sysdef.admin.debiancenter)
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16:46.04bile_oneelriah, ManxPower is responsible for workout a lot of the agi with TTS using both festival and Theta, but he is also responsilbe for my current headaches
16:46.13Darwin[laptop]yes but cepstral is not open src or I would port it
16:46.17fitzelwhats "better" festival or mbrola?
16:46.24NetOfSickCodervoIP gateway sip
16:46.28*** join/#asterisk rephorm (
16:46.51Darwin[laptop]net what hardware are you using to connect the phones to the box
16:46.56*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
16:47.19bile_onePinhole, proveit!
16:47.21ManxPowerfitzel, mbrola is a set of voices for Festival
16:47.59ManxPowerbile_one, Remember, I never streamed the tts to the caller, I always rendered it to a file and then used Playback or Background
16:48.36Pinholebile_one.  download the phpagi version 2 from cvs.   take any example that has text2wav and replace it with swift.
16:48.37NetOfSickCoderphone ----> gateway sip --->(eth0)linuxbox with asterisk
16:48.55bile_oneManxPower, thanks for clearing that up for me. I want to do both? I need to archive the file and the text, and send the text out 4 ports
16:48.59fitzelmanx, ah, whow. I played around with mbrola some month ago.
16:49.03Darwin[laptop]net your not listening
16:49.18Darwin[laptop]what hard ware are you connecting the phones
16:49.37Darwin[laptop]is it a sipra or a ata 286 or are these sip phones ?
16:50.06*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
16:50.46NetOfSickCoderFXS D-link similar to ata
16:51.05FuriousGeorgehi, all.  i was about to dive into asterisk and set up a small test system using two voip lines.  im just wondering which voip dialtone provider is most compatible w/ asterisk (less of a hassle to set up)  breadvoice?  sip phone?
16:51.18*** part/#asterisk GMsoft (~r0_ot@gmsoft.developer.gentoo)
16:51.52Darwin[laptop]ok you need to check your sip.conf and you dlink unit and make sure they are matched for info
16:52.07bjohnsonFuriousGeorge: nufone
16:52.27CosmicRayI have heard a lot of bad things about both broadvoice and nufone on the list in the past week
16:52.32Darwin[laptop]broadvoice is fine in 1.0.6
16:52.41Darwin[laptop]it was fixed
16:53.02FuriousGeorgenufone, huh.  never heard of them.  any thing that stands out about nufone over say broadvoice
16:53.32bjohnsonthey are here
16:54.13*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linuxM (
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16:54.50JerJer[mobile]CosmicRay: when people get pissed off they tend to stretch the truth or simply lie just to make people feel sorry for themselves
16:55.15tuxinator_linuxMMorning Gents
16:57.45EightCosmicRay: BV is fine.
16:57.51EightCosmicRay: 1.0.6 works unpatched.
16:58.10EightCosmicRay: and the 'second example' on the BV settings wiki page has worked every time I"m aware of.
16:58.24CosmicRayok, that is good to hear.
16:58.41NetOfSickCodera question, when a config the agents in asterisk can be
16:58.52NetOfSickCoderagent => 500,500,eder
16:59.08NetOfSickCoderagent => 600.600,chris
16:59.40FuriousGeorgedarwin:  this nufone is scarce on the info.  they say on the main page its 2C a minute for calling, but how much do they charge for a phone number for incomming calls?  do they have any unlimited callingpackages?  do they have numbers local to me?
16:59.57EightFuriousGeorge: call them.
17:00.03Eightpost what you get on the wiki
17:00.18NetOfSickCoderor should be: agent => 500,500,eder 600,600,chris
17:00.39Uther_Pvoicepulse has a nice package called connect
17:01.11jbotsomebody said astcvs was echo "CVS-HEAD:"; cvs co asterisk asterisk-sounds libpri zaptel; echo "CVS 1.0.x:"; cvs co -r v1-0 asterisk asterisk-sounds libpri zaptel; echo "Anyone that uses CVS and is not on asterisk-cvs mailing list is an idiot! See"
17:01.15Uther_P$8 per phone number, free incomming calls, 3c per minute outgoing, unlimited simultanious connections
17:01.27jbot[mailinglist] Search Asterisk mailing lists by prepending to your Google search.  Browse the mailing list archive at
17:01.48*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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17:03.55EightUther_P: 8/mo, or just setup?
17:04.06Uther_P$8 per month per phone number
17:04.12dumbohi all. i am interested in setting up a small call center (4 ppl) and have the rest of my office on the same pbx box. i need to be able to setup confrence calls, caller id, vm and about 30 ext.. what are the basic things that i would need. I currently have 4 pstn lines coming in. ideas?
17:04.14FuriousGeorgebe nice if some1 answered the nufone
17:04.38EightAsterisk. TDM400P, IP phones.
17:04.42CosmicRayUther_P: I think I am going to try livevoip
17:04.44Eightdumbo:  Asterisk. TDM400P, IP phones.
17:04.45fac_Can somebody look. and maybe help me
17:04.48CosmicRayUther_P: 1.2 cents per minute outgoing
17:04.53FuriousGeorgeuther_p:  isnt it 2 cents a min to us and 48
17:04.54fac_that i received when i try to compile asterisk
17:05.04CosmicRayUther_P: incoming optional, and they are $4 to $6/mo, with $6/mo being unlimited incoming up to 2 channels
17:05.13Uther_PFuriousGeorge: 3c is what voicepulse was last time I checked
17:05.13FuriousGeorgei mean inside the continental 48, isnt it 2 centds a min
17:05.17CosmicRayUther_P: the other cool thing is that an 800 number is $1/mo with incoming bilad at 1.2 cpm
17:05.33Darwin[laptop]wow I just sold 5 soho units
17:05.45Uther_PCosmicRay: thats cool if you are only going to use 2 channels, voicepulse has no limit on channels
17:05.48Darwin[laptop]with the spa phones
17:05.48FuriousGeorgesoho units of what?  asterisk servers?
17:05.49PTG123something to mention about livevoip, the other day they just decided to cancel us dids, and cancled everyones accounts on the spot
17:05.59CosmicRayUther_P: true
17:06.02Darwin[laptop]my asterisk box I developed
17:06.17FuriousGeorgeyou preconfiure em and sendf them out
17:06.22ManxPower"All VoIP service providers suck!"  "All softphones suck!"
17:06.22CosmicRayPTG123: huh, they're still selling them
17:06.23*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
17:06.23Darwin[laptop]this rocks
17:06.27Uther_Pvoicepulse is freakin reseller's prices... which is what I'm going to be doing with it
17:06.34PTG123cosmic: not last night when i checked they weren't
17:07.01PTG123i talked to someone on an account on there and he told me
17:07.07PTG123then i went to support/network status on their site
17:07.11PTG123and it says that on there
17:07.11Darwin[laptop]its for a inhouse service Manx
17:07.18CosmicRaythat sucks.
17:08.06Darwin[laptop]5 phones on each unit
17:08.37Darwin[laptop]but they are for some new Houses going up for students
17:08.39FuriousGeorgewhy would live voice have an asterisk specific plan
17:08.44FuriousGeorgei mean livevoip
17:08.50dumboEight, what about redundency? if i want to make sure that my users will always be "on"?
17:08.53Darwin[laptop]they want a inhouse phone stup
17:08.58NuggetLookupCIDName makes my life easier.
17:09.34PTG123Nugget: what do you look it up against?
17:09.43FuriousGeorgedarwin:  thats just the DIY plan, in other words
17:09.47Nuggetmy os x address book
17:10.01JerJer[mobile]so slePP where is my money?   I knew that moron would post his bullshit to one of the asterisk lists
17:10.04Uther_PPTG123: it looks it up in a local db
17:10.44Uther_Pwould be nice if someone had a complete db for cid names that we could look numbers up in
17:10.55JerJer[mobile]dumbo: then add in  redunancy... it is trivial
17:11.19NetOfSickCodermuy fxs gateway sip unit, show " Get_error_code"
17:13.21Darwin[laptop]Net was this device setup for a diff company like vonage at 1 point
17:13.31Shido6NuFone is answering
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17:14.32NetOfSickCoderfor register the users should be add in the agent.conf
17:15.24TheBearbile_one: any ideas yet ?
17:16.08bile_oneTheBear you should set the txgain and the rxgain to 4.5. Any change you make to a zaptel device requires a full restart of aster.
17:17.09ManxPoweractually it requires stoping and then starting asterisk.
17:17.52ManxPowerShido6, What phone number is NuFone answering?
17:18.30*** join/#asterisk caesar2 (
17:19.00ManxPowerI hear users saying "Provider X is not answering", but never provide the number they are dialing to reach support.  Then I see provider X say "Yes, we are answering!", but they never say what number they are answering.
17:19.49ManxPowerAdn then the user quits IRC before even waiting for any answer.
17:19.52bile_oneManxPower haa haa haa, 2 funny
17:20.08NetOfSickCoderjeje when i call to other phone, asterisk response with a operator
17:20.51ManxPowerbile_one, Other people say things like "asterisk response with a operator" and then never say what the "operator" is saying.
17:21.05*** part/#asterisk Dandan (
17:21.27bannermanIs there a cheap device I can use for very very very rare PSTN calls? I just want 911 support
17:21.35bannermaneverything else I have is pure voip
17:21.50ManxPowerbannerman, It's called "an analog line and an analog phone"
17:21.59bannermanmanxpower: that's the best idea I've heard yet.
17:22.00bile_oneget a generic x100p and put a phone on it.
17:22.18Darwin[laptop]othe then for the sale he made
17:22.22ManxPowerbannerman, I have a nice bright red phone in my apartment that is hooked directly into the local PSTN line.
17:22.53bile_oneManxPower does the pres call you on it.
17:23.13ManxPowerbile_one, Only if he wants better advice than he's getting now.
17:23.17Uther_Pno bile, that phone is directly to the commisioner
17:23.24TheBearbile_one: as much as 4.5 won't that effect the volume you hear ?
17:23.29*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (~jonasgoes@
17:23.41ManxPowerOf course, my advice would be "Shoot yourself in the head." but it's still much better advice than he's getting now.
17:23.45TheBearand that would be -4.5 right
17:23.56Uther_Pmanx: hah, yea... that would be good advice
17:23.57bile_oneEcho is hit and miss. I have terrible luck with IAX to ZAP so I use only SIP now.
17:24.23TheBearok thanks
17:24.36bile_onePinhole thanks. I assumen the docs are in this to help install and configure?
17:25.24PinholeThe docs could be better.   You basically just put the script in your agi-bin and call them from your dial plan.
17:25.44bile_oneTheBear a lot of echo problems are really bandwidth problems on a non QoS network too!, for example if you are downloading 200 gigs of mp3's and talking on a softphone from your computer.
17:25.45bjohnsonbannerman: a cell phone is another option
17:25.59*** join/#asterisk _NaNDao_ (
17:26.37ManxPower_NaNDao_, The answers you seek are at
17:26.47bannermanyeah, cell phones are also all over here
17:26.50_NaNDao_I have a AudioCodes (FXS-2 Rev.B & AVP-04 Rev.c). Is it works with asterisk ?
17:27.09bannermanbut I don't want to have some emergency, have some guy frmo the shop run in here and grab a phone and dial 911 and get a fast busy signal.
17:27.11ManxPower_NaNDao_, The answers you seek are are in the Asterisk mailing list archives
17:27.19bannermanif someone gets run over by a forklift, I'd like any phone be able to call 911
17:27.20ManxPower~google audiocodes
17:27.28TheBearbile_one: ok I'll try -4.5  will that effect the volume that you hear the person also or not ?
17:27.47ManxPower~google echo gain
17:27.52bannermanwhy are there "Digium Wildcard X100P OEM FXO PCI Card for Asterisk PBX" on ebay for $6.95 brand new buy it now when they cost $60-100?
17:28.00bile_oneTheBear, again not sure. It will depend on your certain conditions
17:28.08ManxPowerbannerman, The X100P is no longer sold.
17:28.09Uther_Pbannerman: if someone gets run over by a forklift, I don't think time would be an issue anymore ;)
17:28.19bannermanUther_P: No, but it's the concept!
17:28.46NetOfSickCoderAsterisk have a GUI interface for managment?
17:29.04NetOfSickCoderin a forum i see a asterisk manager
17:29.05NuggetNetOfSickCoder: if you want to automate or delegate some of the more boring routine maintenance tasks, then yes.
17:29.07bannermanSo because it's outdated, it's cheap.. I like it!
17:29.25Nuggetif you think that installing a GUI will allow you to avoid learning how the config files work, then no, there is no solution you will be happy with
17:29.39PinholeGUI == GIANT UGLY INTERFACE?  :)
17:30.02NetOfSickCoderi think same
17:30.11NetOfSickCoderthe GUI is for my BOSS  :/
17:30.24Nuggetin that case, then yes, there might be one which you will be happy with
17:30.29NetOfSickCoderhe don't understand the beautiful line commands
17:30.33Uther_PI looked at asterisk gui's for about 2 minutes
17:31.01NuggetI like, but it's not a management interface, it's an operator console.
17:31.12Nuggetit's flashy (no pun intended) and makes BOSSes happy.
17:31.19*** join/#asterisk steve_murphy (
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17:32.41NetOfSickCoderi work with my slackware 10, full console
17:33.02*** join/#asterisk angler_ (
17:33.07bile_onebannerman, you can get an IA92 modem to work as an alternative, but no call processing will work.
17:33.09*** join/#asterisk Feral_Kid (~me@
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17:33.17sudhir492Anyone here has Asterisk with E1 card?
17:33.17NetOfSickCoderbut in this moment i'm over winbugs :/, omg all for my BOSS
17:33.21widowlickerhi there
17:33.28widowlickeri have an issue with iax connections
17:33.47widowlickerwhen i connect up and check the iax shoe registry
17:33.55widowlickerit keeps givin a diddferent port
17:34.01widowlickerinstead of 4569
17:34.05widowlickerany idea why
17:34.13widowlickerit is set to bind to it in iax.conf
17:35.36steve_murphy_bkw... you there? Markster?
17:35.37NewSolethe port its showing is just the port its connected to on other server not your server
17:36.03widowlickerno this is under the perceived tab
17:36.16widowlickerim showing the right port on there side
17:36.55NewSoleyou have more then one registry
17:37.29NewSolemine shows up different
17:38.14Feral_KidNewSole: I have all the proper ports, but I can't get incoming calls...
17:38.35*** join/#asterisk mkhan (
17:40.09*** join/#asterisk Madounet (
17:40.11mkhanI just bought a TDM400P with 1 FXO and 1 FXS .. the 4 ports it have on the card ..looks like RJ45 .. is this port indendent for telephone line ?
17:40.32Uther_Pthe middle pair
17:41.07Uther_Pthe fxo is for the line from the telco, the fxs goes to the telephone or phone device
17:41.43NewSoleFeral_Kid... sorry I am not sure why yours without looking at it...
17:42.56*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
17:43.45mkhanwill I have to make a telephone cable using RJ45 clip ? !!
17:43.48FuriousGeorgeone of the most disconcerrting things to me about picking a voip dialtone provider is that every time i speak to thm on the phone, im unimpressed with the voice quality on their end, to put it nicely
17:44.17Jer13261who have you tried
17:45.16Uther_Phas anyone ever consitered making an mp3 codec for VoIP?
17:45.23FuriousGeorgenufone and livevoip today
17:45.30*** join/#asterisk NetOfSickCoder (~um@
17:45.35NewSolemkhan... your RJ11 with fit right in
17:45.44FuriousGeorgei tried braodvoice a few months back, they were better, but it sounded packet-lossy from time to time
17:45.49`SauronUther_P: mp3 codec would probably be pointless in terms of bang-for-the-buck
17:46.11Uther_Pit would be very compact
17:46.22`SauronBut at what cost?
17:46.26coppicecompact in what sense?
17:46.52`Sauronmp3 de/encoding is cpu intensive
17:46.52mkhanNewSole, but isn't it RJ45 on the card or I saw wrong?
17:47.25NewSoleya I have same card... my RJ11 is pluged into it
17:47.47`SauronYou can plug an rj11 connector into a rj45/rj48 jack
17:47.50NewSolethey are RJ45 but RJ11 will fit in...
17:47.59`SauronThey don't fit well, and will bend the pins in the jack
17:48.10NewSoleand the pins are right where they should be
17:48.23CoolAcidTrying to debug an incoming general SIP call w/o ext. When dialing directly to PBX gives 404. Any thoughts?
17:48.35coppicenonsense. RJ11 is designed to plug into the middle of RJ45
17:48.41*** join/#asterisk twisted[work] (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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17:49.04`Sauroncoppice: Yes, and you'll trash pin 1 and 8 of the rj45/48 connector.
17:49.13NewSoleyes and on the TDM400P the mane lines are in pin 4 &5
17:49.25`Sauron"designed" and "works well long term" are two completely different things.
17:49.52TheBearin the DialPlan. I call a std. phone  Dial(ZAP/2,90,tr) the phone has an answering machine. How do I tell * that even if no-one answers let the answering machine on the phone being dialed take the call. At the moment. The answer message starts and then hangs up ?
17:50.25*** join/#asterisk doug (
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17:50.31ManxPowerTheBear, you ask more questions than anyone I have ever seen on this channe.
17:50.42ManxPowerTheBear, Asterisk WILL do that, by default, unless you break it.
17:50.49dougwow, a few people are here.
17:50.53coppiceUther_P: MP3 is not a voice optimised codec. it has a rather high bit rate for the same quality as a voice optimised codec. of course, if you want music over IP it is better. :-)
17:50.57douganyone seen brettnem?
17:51.09ManxPowerdoug, last night or yesterday
17:51.11TheBearManxPower: sorry,  how am I breaking it ?
17:51.47ManxPowerTheBear, I don't know.  Are you using randomlydisconnectmycalls=yes.  Oh!  Sorry, the option is called busydetect=yes or callprogress=yes
17:52.05*** join/#asterisk ClayReich (
17:52.09TheBearI'm not using any of those
17:52.44ManxPowerPerhaps a pastebin of the CLI output for the failed call would be a good start.....
17:53.25TheBearZap2 ringing, Zap2 Answered, Zap2 Hangup
17:53.41FuriousGeorgethe nufone guy is gonna call me back and im gonna exprexss my concern to him
17:55.38ClayReichCan someone tell me why this is happening? I have several DIDs in asterisk with areacode 813. phone number 1 is 8138644411 phone number 2 is 8138644422. If I pick up phone 1 and dial 18138644422 I get dead air. When I hang up, asterisk writes about 50 CDRs....
17:55.55ClayReichThe call never connects.
17:56.01*** join/#asterisk SPoon_TSX (
17:56.18SPoon_TSXhello everyone. Just wondering how can I dial a number from the CLI??
17:56.27ClayReichMy dial plan points all 1+ calls to a cisco gateway.
17:57.42dougthanks, ManxPower
17:58.55*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
17:59.00SPoon_TSXI got a very weird problem on my ASterisk. For some reason I cannot go into a VoiceMail when the extension is not avariable.
18:00.41Zeeekwho can tell me the input voltage is for polycom ip500? SInce the power supply is 110v, I'll need my own.
18:01.28ClayReichI get this message------Mar 18 12:39:25 WARNING[16465]: channel.c:311 ast_channel_alloc: Alert pipe creation failed!
18:01.47ClayReichFollowed by this---------Mar 18 12:39:25 WARNING[16465]: chan_sip.c:2074 sip_new: Unable to allocate channel structure
18:01.48ManxPowerFuriousGeorge, That telephone number were you CALLING?
18:02.09ZeeekManxPower can you tell me the DC input voltage to the ip500?
18:02.10ClayReichThen this--------Mar 18 12:39:25 NOTICE[16465]: app_dial.c:746 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'
18:02.23ManxPowerZeeek, no.
18:02.34Zeeekit's not written on the little hole?
18:02.43TheBearManxPower: is the CLI You hear the answering machine kick in on line 7 and disconnect on line 9
18:02.48Zeeekwell, above or below
18:02.49ManxPowerClayReich, That message should read "I cannot connect to the destination device you specified"
18:03.35ManxPowerZeeek, All the polycom phones are over 50 miles away from me.
18:03.50Zeeekfunny that this data is not on the datasheet, even the supply itself repeats "10w"
18:03.55ManxPowerI use a cordless phone on a SIPura ATA at home.
18:04.14Zeeekunderstood - I'll ask again later if I haven't found it next week :)
18:04.18ClayReichManxPower: so, that means my Cisco?
18:04.45ClayReichAm I attempting a hairpin call?
18:05.29ManxPowerClayReich, I have no idea what you just said.
18:05.43Zeeekcalling out of therouter and back in
18:06.00*** join/#asterisk kore ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:06.02ClayReichZeek: yes... is that a no no?
18:06.10Zeeekmost routers won't do it
18:06.17Zeeekor so I've read
18:06.18Darwin[laptop]kram around ?
18:06.25Zeeekand why would you ever want to?
18:06.39Zeeekif you can talk to
18:07.28SPoon_TSXCan someone help me out? I am using X-LIte and try to call my own extension but I cannot hear anything from my voicemail, even the promte... would it because I don't have the sound card installed?
18:07.58Zeeekon the box running X-Lite?
18:08.24ClayReichZeeek: I have several DIDs with different area codes. My customers won't neccessarily know they are calling a number that is on the same asterisk system. They would just dial 1-925-XXXX unaware that that is an "ON-NET" call....
18:08.33ZeeekX-Lite wants to talk thru your sound card
18:08.43Nuggetwithout a sound card how did you *expect* to hear anything?
18:08.47Eightwhere the heck were you expecting the sound to come out of?
18:08.48NuggetI want to know
18:08.51ZeeekClayReich I'm betting that YOPU will need to find out :)
18:08.54SPoon_TSXO, no no. I got a sound card on my computer but not on the server.
18:09.03stevekstevekMy car seems to be very rough and noisy when I drive.  There's also lots of sparks.  Could this be because I have no tires?
18:09.12Nuggetasterisk does not require a sound card
18:09.30Nuggetin fact, the things it can do with a sound card are more just novel curioisities than anything useful
18:09.54ZeeekClayReich I think you'll need to know in the dialplan
18:10.09SPoon_TSXTHen it killing me now. I tried to call a Non-registered extension, I do saw the asterisk try to play back the voicemail message but it just hung my call up in no time.
18:10.32ZeeekSPoon_TSX make sure Transmit Silence is set to YES
18:10.39*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (~smart@
18:10.41Zeeekin X-Lite
18:11.04ClayReichZeeek: you mean I won't have the luxury of saying exten => _1.,Dial(SIP/gateway)
18:11.18Zeeekin one of the 25 menus maybe under system, audio
18:11.25JerJer[mobile]ClayReich:  that is just evil
18:11.33SPoon_TSXZeeek: I am using eyeBeam, the most update one but seems there is no such settings.
18:11.36ZeeekClayReich well you haven't yet proved it's the hairpin that's causing problems
18:11.53ZeeekSPoon_TSX why do say I'm using X-Lite and then change it?
18:12.02ZeeekIs that supposed to make it easier to help?
18:12.14ManxPowerMany audio problems are caused by allow=all or a bandwidth= line in iax.conf or sip.conf
18:12.16JerJer[mobile]_1. is not valid
18:12.22SPoon_TSXX-Lite eyeBeam.
18:12.25Zeeekgood call Manx
18:12.26JerJer[mobile]_1X. is valid but not proper
18:12.33Darwin[laptop]shit shabang
18:12.35JerJer[mobile]_1NXXNXXXXXX is proper
18:12.44JerJer[mobile]for nanpa dialing
18:12.44ZeeekSPoon_TSX there may be that setting, you'll never know until you go look
18:13.17*** join/#asterisk jbot (
18:13.18*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 RC - bug #3746 ||
18:13.24JerJer[mobile]ManxPower:  correct....  my theory is to pick ONE AND ONLY ONE codec and use it everywhere
18:13.36Zeeekand o,ne and only one provider?
18:13.50Pinhole_. is always fun!
18:13.53Jer13261g729 :)
18:14.01JerJer[mobile]Zeeek:  i cannot answer that question as I am biased
18:14.12*** join/#asterisk Trepalium (
18:14.22ZeeekMy answer is, no that'd be pretty sillly for general use
18:14.27JerJer[mobile]i happen to like Speex
18:14.33Zeeekbecause if the one is down, your quiet
18:14.38ClayReichJerJer: I think you get my meaning though.... my memory fails....:)
18:14.41Zeeek(1 provider)
18:15.00TrepaliumIs it possible to hook a channel bank up to one port on a T410P, and a telco provided T1 to another port of the same card?
18:15.10SPoon_TSXHow do I setup my SIP client talk via G711u?
18:15.16SPoon_TSXI mean sip.conf
18:15.24Darwin[laptop]open skull insert new memory module screw top back on
18:15.28JerJer[mobile]what he sad
18:15.42*** join/#asterisk didz_ (didz_@
18:15.48Zeeekor read one of these:
18:15.49ZeeekStarter tutorial:
18:15.49ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
18:15.58Zeeekany one has the answer
18:16.14ManxPowerTrepalium, 400,000 asterisk users are doing exactly that!
18:16.25TrepaliumOkay, I thought so.  Just wanted to be absolutely sure.
18:16.52TrepaliumDigium's restocking fee is too high for me to make silly mistakes.
18:17.00SPoon_TSXF, I narrow it down to the one of my SIP phone problem.
18:17.02ClayReichZeek: What is the best way for me to approach? Is this a job for agi?
18:17.30Zeeekanyone here would know better than I ! I just happen to know what hairpin is
18:17.52Zeeekand only from seeing it in a discussion about NAT which I was troubleshooting at the time
18:17.58*** join/#asterisk Mcwebtree (
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18:18.41ZeeekClayReich but surely you have a database of what domains are locally hosted?
18:19.20ClayReichZeeek: I have a database of my numbers, yes.
18:19.28Zeeekhow many numbers?
18:19.33NetOfSickCoderZeeethank you for the doc's
18:19.45NetOfSickCoderZeeek, thank you fot the doc's
18:19.56Zeeekthat's the only reason we keep posting em : so eventually one person will take a look :)
18:20.06*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
18:20.08SexyKenMar 18 12:25:20 WARNING[30522]: chan_sip.c:739 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call fc5f56c2-a1f933bc-bdeb6963@ for seqno 112 (Non-critical Request)
18:20.15SexyKenAnyone know why I'd get this over and over and over?
18:20.25SexyKenMy phone isn't even making or recieving calls when the message appears.
18:20.34ClayReichSounds like I need to strip the 1, check the 10 digits for a match in my database and tailor the call...
18:20.43Zeeeksomthin like that
18:20.45*** join/#asterisk EvlHimeko (
18:21.07ClayReichagi and perl?
18:21.07Zeeekor whatever your fav flavor is
18:21.22Pinholeor php or python or java or c or  BASH!!!!
18:21.22Zeeekor a module if you like c
18:21.31ClayReichok thanks! I was hoping I could get around that some way....
18:21.56JerJer[mobile]or a module if u want the application to scale
18:21.57Zeeekmove all possible receiving domains somewhere else :)
18:22.17ZeeekI wrote a module just for fun, and it worked afetr a few segfaults
18:22.29douganyone ever set up a unix system to *receive* SMS messages?
18:22.46Zeeekdoug yes, and then the application changed the directories suddenly
18:22.57Zeeekwhere it stoers them
18:22.59PinholeSo can you dump a core into the audio stream for debuging by the user?  lol ;)
18:23.10*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.7 RC - bug #3746 || || Dev Conf 1PM CST APRIL 1st -> IAX2/
18:23.32Inv_arpcan faxes be done thru voip?
18:24.04JerJer[mobile]Inv_arp: via LAN, sure
18:24.08JerJer[mobile]WAN, don't count on it
18:24.12JerJer[mobile]wait for T.38
18:24.12*** join/#asterisk BuckRogers (
18:24.24JerJer[mobile]or roll your own with app_rx and tx fax
18:24.32BuckRogershello mr nufone
18:24.42BuckRogershows it chillin
18:24.58JerJer[mobile]im alive, so I cannot complain
18:25.03JerJer[mobile]too much
18:25.12BuckRogerssame here
18:25.19*** join/#asterisk didz_ (didz_@
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18:25.36Inv_arpJerJer[mobile]: no any el cheapo fax2email guys?
18:25.42dougzeeek: the application change the directories...?
18:25.47Mcwebtreehow do I check and see if my IAX is conected?
18:25.58dougsetting up to send SMS is dirt easy, but receiving SMS is a very different story.
18:26.03BuckRogershas anyone encountered asterisk issues with FC3 and SE linux
18:26.11Zeeekdoug ya it saves the sms messages in a directory and that moved with no notice - or I didn't notice
18:26.23dougthe only services i've found that do SMS receive online do it from the UK
18:26.41Zeeekdoug I can receive them in France, but it really isn't that great a need
18:26.46Inv_arpMcwebtree: iax2 show peers
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18:26.55ManxPowerMcwebtree, iax2 show users|peers|registry
18:27.01Zeeekthe only use would be to send an SLMS to asterisk to tell it to call me or something
18:27.27ManxPowerI think SMS -> Asterisk is called "E-Mail"
18:27.28Mcwebtreehi Inv_arp I get iax2 command not found when run at cli over ssh
18:27.33ZeeekSMS: rm -r /
18:28.09Zeeekwell if you have SMS which we do, free reception, it can be useful (and discreet)
18:28.18Inv_arpMcwebtree:  type "ia"   press <tab><tab>  to autocomplete
18:28.21Zeeekplus you could send whole commmand sequences
18:28.34ManxPoweror just type "help" at the asterisk cli
18:28.35BuckRogershas anyone encountered asterisk issues with FC3 and SE linux
18:28.46Mcwebtreeinv_arp: it just beeps at me :(
18:28.56dougyeah, receiving in france isn't going to help me much.  sorry, thanks for trying tho.
18:28.58ManxPower~google problem OR issue AND FC3
18:29.01Inv_arpMcwebtree: u sure ure in cli?
18:29.18Inv_arpBuckRogers: what knd of probs?
18:29.27ManxPower~google problem OR issue AND "se linux"
18:29.45*** part/#asterisk bsd3 (~bsd@
18:29.57Mcwebtreeinv_arp: I've logged into the box over ssh, what do I have to do to be in the cli?
18:30.11Inv_arpMcwebtree: asterisk -rvvv
18:30.11*** part/#asterisk sysdebug (~jonasgoes@
18:30.12Zeeekgod I wish all mfrs would just provide 100-240VAC supplies and be dine with it!
18:30.23*** part/#asterisk doug (
18:30.40coppiceZeeek: outside the US they generally do
18:30.46BuckRogersModules and file permissions denied
18:30.55BuckRogersneed to creat a security polocy
18:30.58ManxPowerBuckRogers, AS ROOT!
18:31.00Mcwebtreeinv_arp: I definately wasn't in the asterisk cli, but now am, and not I know my setup is definately wrong :S
18:31.06BuckRogersas user asterisk
18:31.07ClayReichWow... don't know how I missed this.... chan_sip.c:6912 handle_response: Hairpin detected, setting up call forward for what it's worth
18:31.10Zeeekyeah but the products are more attractive with the euro at $1.30+
18:31.27Jer13261whats Hairpin?
18:31.48ManxPower~google hairpin
18:32.35ZeeekHairpin call routing uses the Cisco CME router to reoriginate a terminated call and route it as appropriate to complete a transfer or forward generated by a phone or other application attached to the router. There was still no way to automatically identify which endpoints supported H.450 standards, and hairpin call routing has the disadvantage of using two calls' worth of bandwidth for the duration of the transferred or forwarded call.
18:32.52Zeeekjust ignore the cisco part
18:33.35Jer13261hey have anyone got FWD to work? i cant get my @#*(&#@ to work right....and i wanna use there peering stuff
18:34.09Zeeekdid you get it to work first with ust a SIP client?
18:34.11BuckRogersmaxpower i need it as user asterisk
18:34.19BuckRogersnot root
18:34.29Jer13261nope...should i?
18:35.04ZeeekIt would seem be a wise path since that would check that a) FWD is up and b) you can reach it thru your net
18:35.30BuckRogersinv_arp with se linux support?
18:35.42Zeeekand c) you won't need asterisk to talk to people
18:35.43Jer13261i can reach 615 for example
18:35.57Jer13261on fwd with *
18:36.07Zeeekthazt's nice
18:36.36Jer13261i am trying to reach vonage but without luck
18:36.44Jer13261i dot know if they sitll have the peering or not
18:37.05McwebtreeI have set up my * with 2 extensions.  I log into one with X-Lite and it shows Logged In - Your number is 200 (the extension I have set) whenever I try to dial any of the internal extensions or other numbers I just get Call Not Approved.  Any Suggestions?
18:37.10Inv_arpBuckRogers: no idea,  dont use se linux... but first get it to run as normal user
18:37.12Zeeeknormally I'd say go talk to the FWD forum, lot's of competent folks here, but it's been blown up
18:37.27*** join/#asterisk Pinhole (
18:37.29Jer13261blown up?
18:37.50Jer13261i tried to search and it did nto work one single bit
18:37.51Zeeekyeah most of the sections have been emptied - I suspect hw failure or lack of sleep
18:37.58Zeeekit does
18:38.09Zeeekyou have to change the default from 7 days to 100 days
18:38.24Zeeekbut there's not much to search there now
18:38.39ZeeekHairpin call routing uses the Cisco CME router to reoriginate a terminated call and route it as appropriate to complete a transfer or forward generated by a phone or other application attached to the router. There was still no way to automatically identify which endpoints supported H.450 standards, and hairpin call routing has the disadvantage of using two calls' worth of bandwidth for the duration of the transferred or forwarded call.
18:43.29Zeeekwell, I never did get theCID issue settled on my Siemens C200 on FXS. Maybe the phone is not so great
18:44.52*** join/#asterisk ennuyeux72 (~ennuyeux7@
18:45.03Inv_arpbah i need a cheap fax2email solution... efax is rathr pricey for what i need
18:45.45Zeeekit's only really handy if you need to send faxes online AND need voicemail too
18:46.09ZeeekI'm trying to get out from under the yoke of a jfazx (same co) payment each month
18:47.21ZeeekNeed DID in Russia?
18:47.32Zeeekthey happened to mention hairpin in their instructions
18:47.42*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
18:48.31*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
18:49.00Inv_arpMcwebtree: paste your extension.conf  on
18:52.13Mcwebtreeinv_arp added  I created the extensions using the *@home and the web management thing
18:52.57*** join/#asterisk Drel (
18:53.54*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
18:55.20Mikehi guys anyone knows what where this file should goo
18:55.21Mike[]Mar 18 06:53:48 WARNING[491]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
18:55.21MikeMar 18 06:53:48 WARNING[491]: loader.c:391 load_modules: Loading module failed!
18:55.22*** join/#asterisk SPoon_TSX (
18:55.23buddahok, we have a quintum gateway in bangledesh, and when calls go through it, the CLI gets flooded with this message
18:55.24buddahMar 18 10:59:24 WARNING[20606]: codec_g729.c:196 g729tolin_framein: Invalid data (4 bytes at the end)
18:55.28buddahany clue as to why?
18:55.32buddahis it a VAD thing?
18:55.33BrianR___aah.. I got bidirectional caller id  with name over PRI working by switching from national to dms100..
18:55.50buddahi'm getting it 4-10 times per second
18:55.54buddahuntil the call is done
18:56.29DrelHello all!  I am using Asterisk@Home on reasonably fast hardware, and am experiencing approx .5 - .7 second (by ear; I'm not sure how to measure this using software tools) of latency on a call that's between a SIP softphone (Xten Lite) -> 100P FXO -> PSTN.  I'm not going out on the net at all.  Local network between softphone and X100P is 802.11g.  I'm curious what is causing this latency,...
18:56.31Drel...and how to lower it?
18:56.40SPoon_TSXHi there, got a quick questions. I got my TDM400 Card installed, but when I try to call via the Zap Channel, it always say
18:56.49SPoon_TSXNOTICE[-1344656464]: app_dial.c:554 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
18:57.06SPoon_TSXI have a regular phone line hooked up with the card now.
18:57.54SPoon_TSXAny idea why it happen like that??
18:58.20DrelSpoon_TSX: Zap modules loaded?
18:58.44SPoon_TSXI loaded it as mobprobe zaptel, then mobprobe wcfxs
18:58.59SPoon_TSXI am using the Stable release of Asterisk.
18:59.00DrelI'm assuming you saw this? --
19:00.09buddahany idea on the codec_g729.c:196 error?
19:00.35*** join/#asterisk tzanger (~tzanger@
19:01.01tzangerI fucking hate that +e
19:01.16Qwelltzanger: xchat is retarded about it
19:01.21tzangerI don't use xchat
19:01.23Qwellit tries to join, then it sends the password
19:01.31Qwellso I have to /j #asterisk manually anyways
19:02.05znoQwell: I had the same problem, but I thought it was something I did.
19:02.05Inv_arpQwell: u too? man i thought it was just me
19:02.19Qwellxchat is just stupid anyways
19:02.38znochatzilla plugin on firefox seems best
19:02.47DrelAnyone experienced similar latency using the Digium X100P?  I'm surprised to have it be so noticeable and think it must be a misconfiguration.  I'd expect some latency on a net call, but this is just local network to PSTN.
19:03.07JerJer[mobile]digium's X100P or a clone?
19:03.16SPoon_TSXTry to recomplie the asterisk now to see if it works.
19:03.26SPoon_TSXWill stable release run on 2.6.10 kernel??
19:03.31QwellSPoon_TSX: sure
19:03.41NewSoleGot a question... is there a good accounting package for asterisk out there....
19:03.57SPoon_TSXVery very weird. But there is no such stable release of Zaptel, right?
19:03.58JerJer[mobile]NewSole:  write your own
19:04.01DrelJerJer[mobile]: A clone, I believe, though it was advertised as a "Digium X100P" when I bought it.  Are there any known differences with the clones?
19:04.10JerJer[mobile]Drel: most certianly
19:04.16JerJer[mobile]demand a refund
19:04.18QwellJerJer[mobile]: Can I get a quick clarification on nufone tollfree's?
19:04.42JerJer[mobile]Drel: because you were ripped off
19:04.46QwellI know its $0.02/minute for incoming/outgoing on a regular line, and it says $0.02 for that combined?
19:04.51*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
19:05.19JerJer[mobile]where does it say incomng/outgoing on a regular line?
19:05.20DrelJerJer[mobile]: What is the difference?  It was advertised as "Digium X100P OEM", which to me means a Digium card with no retail packaging.
19:05.30Qwellumm, maybe I made that up?  lemme refresh my memory
19:05.39JerJer[mobile]no it means they lied to you and sold you an inferior knock off
19:05.44SPoon_TSX-- Executing Dial("SIP/2000-eeeb", "Zap/g1/97788961678|20|t") in new stack
19:05.54JerJer[mobile]Digium has not sold X100Ps in quite a while
19:05.55Qwelloh, it doesn't...I see
19:06.00SPoon_TSXMar 18 11:06:14 NOTICE[-1344500816]: app_dial.c:554 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
19:06.04tzangerDrel: Digium doesn't sell OEM cards.  Digium *is* an OEM.  I highly doubt they're allowing others to sell using their name for so little
19:06.11SPoon_TSX== Everyone is busy at this time
19:06.15SPoon_TSXSame thing...
19:06.32tzangerDrel: now granted teh X100P was OEMed by Digium but they no longer sell it and htere are countless variants of that specific modem
19:06.33JerJer[mobile]SPoon_TSX:  then either that zap channel is in use or not configured properly
19:06.41JerJer[mobile]or the telco is broken
19:07.19SPoon_TSXJerJer: I for sure Telco is not broken because I can hook up a same phone line with my regular phone and dial a number no problem.
19:07.28SPoon_TSXIn terms of Zap config....
19:07.37QwellJerJer[mobile]: "We can provide you with 2.0 cents per minute for US48" I assume thats outgoing, and that incoming is the same?  "We can also provide [...] US48 Toll-Free numbers for only 2.0 cents per minute"
19:07.49SPoon_TSXI got 4 FXO on my TDM400 Card. and my config are like this:
19:07.51Dreltzanger: So, you know that the latency I am experiencing (.5 second or so) is due to using a X100P variant, and nothing else could be the problem?
19:08.00tzangerDrel: it could be any number of things
19:08.03tzangerDrel: it's impossible to tell
19:08.03SPoon_TSXZaptel.conf: fxsks=1-4
19:08.16dougheckawhats the licensing required for cisco phones?
19:08.20QwellTo me, that reads if I get a call on my tollfree did, it'd cost me $0.04...or something?
19:08.24dougheckado I need a license for each phone to be legal?
19:08.27tzangereasy way out -- try the same card in a different system.  Pull the HDD and card out and put them in anothe rsystem.  Linux kicks ass for that.  If the delay is stranger or gone or osmething it's the interaction of the system
19:08.30SPoon_TSXZapata.conf: [channels]
19:08.30SPoon_TSXechocancel=yes ; You can set this to 32, 64, or 128, tweak to your needs.
19:08.30SPoon_TSXechotraining=400 ; Asterisk trains to the beginning of the call, number is in milliseconds
19:08.34SPoon_TSXcontext=pstn ; Points to the default context of your extensions.conf
19:08.36SPoon_TSXchannel => 1-4 ; Again X is the number of FXO modules you have
19:08.54SPoon_TSXAny one can tell me if I am doing something wrong on those file?
19:08.54Dreltzanger: Any tips for trying these other things?  Something tells me it will be extremely difficult to get a refund without the shipping, restocking, whatever fees costing more than the card.
19:09.18JerJer[mobile]Qwell: reload
19:09.38JerJer[mobile]Drel: demand one
19:09.41SPoon_TSXbtw, when I typ Zap Show Channels, I got no channel showing on my screen... is that normal?
19:09.50JerJer[mobile]you were lied to
19:09.50Qwellnow, I saw it change...but what changed exactly?
19:10.04JerJer[mobile]without a doubt
19:10.20JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  the statement u were questioning
19:10.37Qwellahh, "for calls to"
19:10.49DrelJerJer[mobile]: Well, I will try. :-)  What SHOULD I be looking for, for a cheap home FXO solution?  I basically followed the advice/document of a guy who posted a Asterisk Howto, using Asterisk@Home + a Digitum OEM card off ebay.
19:10.50eKo1SPoon_TSX: No it isn't.
19:11.15QwellJerJer[mobile]: So basically, if I don't have a tollfree did, outgoing will be $0.02, and incoming will be...$0, because its impossible for me to get calls?
19:11.15tzangercheap home FXO?  Sipura perhaps?  TDM11P isn't bad for price either
19:11.21JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  reload agan
19:11.36QwellI'm slow this morning.
19:11.36SPoon_TSXeKo1: You mean I SHOULD see all 4 channels even they are no in use right?
19:11.58eKo1SPoon_TSX: Yes.
19:11.58JerJer[mobile]Qwell: correct, if you do not have a DID from us nobody can ever call you, thus we can never bill you
19:12.07DrelCrap, I keep typing 'digitum' instead of 'digium', not sure why, my fingers do it by themselves :)
19:12.08SPoon_TSXDamn. What could be wrong then??
19:12.20Qwelland with a tollfree DID, I wouldn't get charged (more) for outgoing, just incoming...
19:12.24DrelThis is the howto I followed:
19:12.33Qwellok, I'll sign up right now.  Gonna yell at Verizon in a few hours.
19:12.50Drel"the most recommended card is the Digium Wildcard X100P FXO card which can be purchased brand new on eBay for $6.95 each"
19:13.07tzangerDrel: that is old documentation and blatantly wrong
19:13.12DrelSo, you can see why I'm a little frustrated :)
19:13.15tzangerDrel: geekgazette should be shot
19:13.16QwellJerJer[mobile]: I must say, from what I've seen elsewhere, thats a pretty good rate.
19:13.31Dreltzanger: What model Sipura should I be looking for?
19:13.40tzangerDrel: I don't know offhand, I don't touch anything that talks SIP
19:13.41QwellJerJer[mobile]: Which is the only reason why I was questioning it...I figured I couldn't have been reading it right.
19:13.56BeirdoDrel: if you want FXO, then you want SPA-3000
19:14.07Beirdoit has one FXO, one FXS
19:14.45DrelGah! I just ordered yesterday (and it's in the mail already) a SPA-1001 from Voxilla store. :-(
19:15.08Beirdothat's a single port FXS, no?
19:15.16DrelYeah. :(
19:15.24Beirdonot that there's anything wrong with that
19:15.34Beirdoit'll be good to hook up another analog phone
19:15.48Beirdobut if you are looking for FXO as well, the -3000 is your toy
19:15.55DrelWell, it's $80 hard earned low-wage dollars :-)  I can't be spending another $100 on another piece of hardware.
19:16.11DrelEr, $70, sorry.
19:16.15Beirdoah.  well that's a shame
19:16.45*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
19:16.57brettnemhello all
19:17.01Drelis there anything else that could be the problem with the fxo I currently use?  silence detection on the sip softphone?  echo cancellation?  lack of chicken sacrifice?
19:17.28Beirdowhat's the issue?
19:17.51Beirdoother than getting ripped off and getting a knockoff...  what are the symptoms of the problem?
19:18.14QwellDrel: Might I ask how much you paid for the clone?
19:18.16*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
19:18.19DrelBeirdo: I currently have a very simple setup.  Asterisk@Home with a "OEM" Digium X100P FXO.   When I place a call from Xten Lite SIP softphone to a PSTN number across the FXO, there's a .5 second delay.
19:18.40DrelQwell: $13 including shipping.
19:18.52JerJer[mobile]Drel: its not an OEM Digium is a clone and a poor one at that
19:19.03QwellThe Digium ones are more like $100
19:19.07JerJer[mobile]Cavaet Emptor
19:19.11DrelJerJer[mobile]: See the quotes? ;)
19:19.24JerJer[mobile]but call it really s
19:19.27Beirdoit's a knockoff :)
19:19.30DrelI guess I should have said "OEM Digium" rather than "OEM" Digium ;)
19:19.42JerJer[mobile]no "CLONE" X100P
19:19.43DrelBeirdo: Yeah, I figured that out :(
19:19.44QwellOEM "Digium"
19:19.49Beirdojust like mine is a knockoff and I make no bones about it.
19:20.00QwellI bought mine because it was a knockoff ;/
19:20.04SPoon_TSXWhen I try to install the Asterisk, should I download the -r stable_1_0 or just go to the most updated snap shot?
19:20.23DrelBeirdo: I didn't realize it was a knockoff when I ordered it.  I thought it was a new OEM card.  Live and learn.
19:20.35Beirdowell, you were lied to then
19:20.42Nuggetstable_1_0 is not a valid cvs tag.
19:20.44Juggiehow hard is it to build a modem
19:20.46Juggieit cant be that bad
19:21.08QwellJerJer[mobile]: I assume I'll get instructions on how to order a DID after I click submit here?
19:21.16SPoon_TSXsorry, I mean -r v1-0_stable
19:21.18Beirdoanyways, the 0.5s delay may be a codec translation thing
19:21.26Beirdo!seen Shido6
19:22.02sivana~seen shido6
19:22.15jbotshido6 is currently on #asterisk
19:22.15DrelBeirdo: I guess so.  I found a howto that got me excited about trying Asterisk (, that said that new oem cards were avialable on ebay for $7 or so, I looked on ebay, and sure enough, "oem digium x100p" cards were listed for that price.  I'm not complaining, because I probably wouldn't have tried playing around with...
19:22.15Drel...this if the barrier to entry was much higher.
19:22.26DrelBeirdo: Codec translation thing?  Please tell me more...
19:22.52Beirdowell, if your asterisk box needs to translate from one codec to another, it takes finite time
19:22.57Beirdoshow translation
19:23.13Beirdowill show you the amount of time from each codec to each of the others
19:23.21stdiocan someone take a look at my zapata.conf file, and tell me why my fxs module isn't working correctly?
19:23.24brettnemhey anyone know about any problems getting SNOM's to keep their registrations?
19:23.28DrelBeirdo: Ah, I see.  What should I be looking for, and any tips on what I can change it to?
19:23.32*** join/#asterisk peted20 (
19:24.09DrelBeirdo: Do you think this would be an issue on an Athlon 1800+ processor + Linux 2.4?
19:24.14Beirdowell, figure out what codec your SIP phone is using, and find out how long it takes to translate to/from that and ulaw
19:24.26jessterto add another class into musiconhold.conf do I just do a: name => mp3:/path/to/mp3/dir ?
19:24.39Beirdothere is a certain amount that is inevitable and you can't get rid of
19:24.47brettnemargh.. my snom 190 isn't re-registering with authentication!
19:25.00jessteri have a 'default' in there, i want a second, seperate mp3 dir
19:25.21DrelI'm basically trying this out at home with an aim to convince my boss to use Asterisk + VoIP for the small business I work for.
19:26.05DrelI know he won't go for noticeable latency, so I'm definitely crossing X100P clone off the list of acceptable hardware ;)
19:26.55jessteroops ;)
19:27.13*** join/#asterisk sleepy_one (
19:27.14Beirdofor sure, but don't blame the hardware yet
19:27.17sleepy_onehey all
19:27.24DrelBeirdo: I appreciate the tips, I will definitely check out the translation settings.
19:27.38Beirdono problem
19:28.07brettneminteresting.. the 401 isn't making it back to my phone.. * is using the rport to send the packet back..
19:29.53SPoon_TSXDo I need an extension for my Zap channel in order to make a out going call?
19:30.15DrelWe are currently using analog Polycom "SoundPoint Pro" telephones here at work, that kind of simulate a PBX (badly).  Does anyone have any experience using these phones in an Asterisk setup?  Is it asking for trouble?
19:31.16sleepy_oneI get "ZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
19:31.18sleepy_oneFATAL: Error running install command for wct1xxp"
19:31.32sleepy_onewhen modprobe wct1xxp on FC3_64 running
19:32.27sleepy_oneany ideas? I already added lines to /etc/udev/......./ etc and even mknod'ed /dev/zap/1 - 256 by hand
19:33.50*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
19:34.18*** join/#asterisk frizlfry (
19:34.33frizlfryanyone here?  quick question... is there a way to use G.728 w/ the asterisk server?
19:35.33QwellJerJer[mobile]: "ERROR: No Toll-Free numbers available. Please try again later."
19:35.38tzangerfrizlfry: of course... write the g728 codec .so
19:36.40frizlfrywell i'm not familiar w/ asterisk and how all that works.  a customer of ours wants us to change our codec to G.729 or GSM but it's already made w/ G.728.  what do you mean by write the codec?  how is it integrated with *
19:37.08*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
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19:40.17JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  yep
19:40.31QwellI guess I should be looking at vanity numbers then?
19:40.51*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
19:40.53JerJer[mobile]or just be patient
19:41.10Qwellyeah, I don't even have my hardware yet...I can wait I guess
19:41.36JerJer[mobile]people keep provisioning numbers from us then never using them
19:41.43JerJer[mobile]guess its time to deploy the monthly fee
19:41.46QwellThats dumb
19:41.55GoshenOr just a setup fee
19:42.07Goshenthat discourages people from signing up for the number if they are not serious
19:42.19*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
19:42.19Qwellsetup fee unless xyz minutes used per month?
19:42.23Qwelldunno, just throwing out ideas. :p
19:42.52QwellJerJer[mobile]: Just out of curiousity, how many customers do you guys have?
19:43.11tzangerI mean...
19:43.18Qwelljiggawatts :p
19:43.29PBXtechdoes this packet8 video phone stream the video through packet8?
19:43.40jontowoh yeah? :/ i have a servor at my house!
19:43.56*** join/#asterisk sysdebug (~jonasgoes@
19:44.23JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  over 3,000
19:44.30JerJer[mobile]haven't counted lately
19:44.39PBXtechjerjer what mobile phone you using?
19:45.08*** part/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
19:45.13*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
19:45.26JerJer[mobile]6620 nokia
19:45.31JerJer[mobile]i'm on wifi at the moment
19:46.15PBXtechthats got to be hard. i use treo650 and thats slow enough
19:46.36*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
19:48.04PBXtechwho is running video through *?
19:49.00johnnybWho is the best provider to get (1) 800 numbers through, or (2) regular phone numbers, of which you can receive an unlimited number of calls at a time?
19:49.30JerJer[mobile]best is subjective
19:49.41greg_workjohnnyb: look on, theres some pages on voip providers
19:49.47Jer13261fioding that kind of provider is going to be hard
19:50.00JerJer[mobile]PBXtech:  if  i am in an EDGE area its not too bad... lke 200ms latency to my switch-1
19:50.08CosmicRayjohnnyb: looks to be the cheapest for 800 numbers; I'll probably try to hook up with them for that and outgoing termination this weekend
19:50.23CosmicRayjohnnyb: their 800 rates are something like $1/mo and 1.27 cents per minute
19:50.44greg_workCosmicRay: i JUST setup an iax termination account with them
19:50.48BeirdoI'm sure there's a catch though, there always is
19:51.00brc_~tell johnnyb about nufone
19:51.01greg_workit works, but so far i've only used it for one call so :)
19:51.12johnnybCosmicRay: I'm curious -- has anyone ever tried using VOIP for doing simple calling card mechanisms?
19:51.14Beirdoas JerJer[mobile] said... best is subjective :)
19:51.15greg_workBeirdo: yes, $29 minimum purchase
19:51.16tzangerjohnnyb: I use jerjer's company, nufone.  it's per-minute so he don't care whether you take 1 call or a thousand calls simultaneously
19:51.18greg_workper DID
19:51.31CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: nufone is your company?
19:51.31greg_workas in, if you want 3 800 #'s, you have to pay $29 * 3
19:51.42Beirdogreg_work: and if you want outbound calling, gotta put in another $29 minimum, IIRC
19:51.47CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: it sounds great *but* there have been quite a fwe complaints about hard to reach support lately
19:51.57QwellJerJer[mobile]: I just checked...I get some pretty good latency to both of your switches.  nice
19:52.14CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: anything to that?
19:52.30greg_workJerJer[mobile]: you should put a couple of minutes into putting some info on your website ;P
19:52.34JerJer[mobile]CosmicRay: says who?   a pissed off ex-customer that didn't bother to read the website before ordernig a number?
19:52.39greg_workBeirdo: yes
19:52.49JerJer[mobile]greg_work: there is a lot of info on there
19:52.58Beirdothat there is :)
19:53.00greg_workBeirdo: i think they just don't want people to sign up unless they actually want service
19:53.00JerJer[mobile]more than enough for informed consumers
19:53.03*** join/#asterisk husher (
19:53.17Qwellgreg_work: jerjer was kind enough to update his site a few moments ago, for me...heh
19:53.26Qwellgreg_work: But I'm an idiot though, so...
19:53.34greg_workJerJer[mobile]: where? :P theres one page and a signup page
19:53.46JerJer[mobile]what more do you need?
19:54.06JerJer[mobile]plus don't forget the crappy Let me in pages
19:54.20JerJer[mobile]if u want pretty look here:
19:54.22mikegrbLET ME IN!
19:54.25JerJer[mobile]but don't expect much
19:54.34*** join/#asterisk NK123 (
19:54.37Qwellooo, nice
19:55.16greg_worklol.. i cant think of what i was looking for, but a while ago i didnt sign up because it was asking me to enter my credit card # before I even found what i was looking for
19:55.26greg_worki realize thats not very helpful though :p
19:55.43CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: was the thread that concerned me most, I guess
19:56.13JerJer[mobile]ahh yes... slepp gave me 10:1 odds that he wouldn't post somethng
19:56.15JerJer[mobile]he lots
19:56.26Darwin[laptop]is there going to be a Asterisk Certification class
19:56.36brc_Darwin[laptop], hahahahah
19:56.43*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~jgaviria@
19:56.58Darwin[laptop]I want to be asterisk certified rep/installer/repairtech
19:57.09brc_step 1
19:57.13brc_go to office max
19:57.17Mcwebtreeinv_arp I take it you didn't get a chance to look at my conf file?
19:57.20bjohnsonDarwin[laptop]: hang around here for a while .. you'll get learned.  And then you can stick a star to your forehead
19:57.23greg_workJerJer[mobile]: if its any consolation though, there isnt a single voip provider that has a decent website :p
19:57.26brc_step two buy some certificate stock
19:57.30jgaviriahi, there is a way to get logs for entrys in a dinamic meetme?, for example, get logs for each dinamically room created
19:57.37brc_step 3 go to kinkos and print yourself a certification
19:57.43brc_step 4 ???
19:57.44CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: I mean seriously, is that kind of response time typical?  That's all I want to know.  I'm not trying to assert that it is or attack you or anything
19:57.46JerJer[mobile]no its
19:57.46brc_step 5 PROFIT!!!
19:57.52JerJer[mobile]1. Sell T-1 boards
19:57.54JerJer[mobile]2. ????
19:57.59greg_workww2 looks nice, just needs content ;)
19:58.00JerJer[mobile]3.  Take over the world
19:58.06brc_ah yes, my bad
19:58.06CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: ooo, digium's business model!
19:58.09Darwin[laptop]but it has to have Marks john handcock on it
19:58.12JerJer[mobile]?!  there is content
19:58.13CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: ahh, they haven't figured out step 3 yet.
19:58.16Darwin[laptop]and a official seal
19:58.22*** join/#asterisk elriah (
19:58.45Darwin[laptop]Iaxy needs work
19:58.54Darwin[laptop]I want to see rev 2 of it
19:59.04brc_hold your horses
19:59.09bjohnsonhe's whining about 4 days?
19:59.16QwellJerJer[mobile]: wtf, did he photoshop the screenshot of your page?
19:59.31*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
19:59.41CosmicRaybjohnson: about 7 days to get a reply to an e-mail, I think
19:59.44JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  look for yourself
19:59.49QwellI am...its hilarious
19:59.53elriahGreets, all.  I just received my 25 polycom phones (ip500) and I'm about to build a testing asterisk system.  My pbx is built, I can get a softphone connected, but I need to find some documentation on the polycom xml files.  I assume all I need is an entry in my sip.conf (per wiki) and then modify one of the xml files for the phone on my ftp server.  I have successfully upgraded the phone's bootrom and flash via ftp.  Any help
20:00.05Qwelllook how its at the EXACT same position.  Your text is right-aligned, I'd wager
20:00.07JerJer[mobile]CosmicRay: he neglected to mention that he found email from us in his spam folder
20:00.20CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: ah.  that would explain quite a lot.
20:00.24Qwellbut that period isn't anywhere near aligned to the "?"
20:00.36CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: I'm surprised he wasn't publically larted :-)
20:00.40JerJer[mobile]of course he didn't bother to mention that little tidbit
20:00.48Darwin[laptop]back in a bit have to go pick up the roomie from his work
20:00.57AvengerXwhat's the name they give for the 'phone numbers' bound to an E1 circuit?
20:01.02JerJer[mobile]people are tired of off topic flame wars on asterisk-users
20:01.16JerJer[mobile]AvengerX:  DIDs?
20:01.28JerJer[mobile]or DDIs depending on which side of the big pond you happen to be
20:01.29PBXtechits funny to me to see all this nufone bashing, and yet nufone is here in this channel all the time. they are not the ones hiding. i dont use them as a provider just though it be interesting
20:01.33QwellI hear ManxPower say something about DDI
20:02.15QwellPBXtech: well, when I get hardware, I'll be sure to report my findings.  I'm sure they'll be great
20:02.22CosmicRaywell there is a lot of bashing of everyone.
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20:02.38CosmicRayPBXtech: personally, I love to bash voipjet, because it is clear that they suck jsut by reading their terms of service.
20:02.43CosmicRayI don't even have to create an account. :-)
20:02.50JerJer[mobile]people think that flaming providers is going to stop people from signing up
20:02.56Qwellvonage bashing is fun too
20:03.04PBXtechi have an account with them just because i get 30ms ping to them
20:03.05Beirdovonage deserves bashing
20:03.14JerJer[mobile]but what they don't realize is they actually push more people to risk 5 or 10 bucks to see how it goes
20:03.23CosmicRayPBXtech: this is why I won't sign up with them:
20:03.28PBXtechpersonally i feel you should have a couple IP providers
20:03.31QwellJerJer[mobile]: "oh, never heard of nufone...wonder how good they are really?"
20:03.58JerJer[mobile]nufone would be cool if the cocksuckers would call me back
20:04.11brc_you got it man
20:04.11buddahno shit
20:04.17buddahnufone is horrible at CS
20:04.30buddahtook me 5 days to get someone
20:04.37buddaherr 4 i think
20:05.06Qwellbuddah: 3 day weekend? ;]
20:05.42buddahtuesday wednesday thursday count as weekend now?
20:05.46buddahand friday
20:05.57buddahi want those weekends ;)
20:06.07buddahi could deal working monday
20:06.10buddahand just monday
20:06.48jgaviriai have a problem, i have random disconnections  in a meetme room, any suggestion?
20:07.06PBXtechdoes anyone know the number of outgoing lines broadvoice limits an account to?
20:07.18CosmicRayPBXtech: I have to keep my landline for my dsl, so I figure to just use it for backup
20:07.28CosmicRayPBXtech: just a hunch here, but have you tried asking broadvoice? :-)
20:07.43JerJer[mobile]buddah: contrary to popular belief you are not the only nufone customer
20:07.48buddahi know this
20:07.49PBXtechyea im on hold, talk about CS issues :)
20:07.57CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: are you the one that runs that FWD or IAXtel inward call thing throughout michigan?
20:08.28JerJer[mobile]CosmicRay:  the clec side of our operation does, yes
20:08.33CosmicRayah, nice.
20:08.59bjohnsonbuddah: you're talking to them now
20:09.06JerJer[mobile]buddah: and when random people wire a large sum of cash to us, we tend to assist them first
20:09.11JerJer[mobile]sorry, but that's how it goes
20:09.11buddahi figured
20:09.16buddahyeah i would agree
20:09.26buddahi'd take large accounts WAY before my $5 test
20:09.31buddahWAY WAY
20:09.31tzangerJerJer[mobile]: switch-3's running with trunktimestamps=yes?
20:09.33AvengerXJerJer[mobile]: Thanks! it is! :)
20:09.42JerJer[mobile]tzanger:  um
20:09.53tzangerI'm not trunking to it YET
20:09.55tzangerbut should try that soon
20:09.58JerJer[mobile]want it to be yes?
20:10.03tzangersee if that weirdass bug is fixed
20:10.05buddahbut it sucks when you are told we'll call you right back about the fix then no call back at all that day or the next
20:10.07bjohnsonPBXtech: I think I read something in their terms of service about charging per minute for more than one concurrent call
20:10.23SecretiveHey guys, when I Try to fax something into Asterisk, I get a few errors.
20:10.25tzangerJerJer[mobile]: well it's the last part of the new code :-)  it caused issue with me back in the day though, I haven't tried it yet
20:10.27SecretiveI mean, no errors.
20:10.30bjohnsonbut I've lost track of which conditions came from which ToS
20:10.38SecretiveBut the fax that I'm sending from says 'No fax answered'
20:10.38Secretive-- Executing Macro("IAX2/teliax@teliax/1", "faxreceive") in new stack
20:10.39Secretive-- Executing SetVar("IAX2/teliax@teliax/1", "FAXFILE=/var/spool/asterisk-fax/1111176877.2139.tif") in new stack
20:10.39Secretive-- Executing SetVar("IAX2/teliax@teliax/1", "") in new stack
20:10.40Secretive-- Executing RxFAX("IAX2/teliax@teliax/1", "/var/spool/asterisk-fax/1111176877.2139.tif") in new stack
20:10.46SecretiveBut that's what Asterisk says.
20:11.01JerJer[mobile]tzanger:  ok its =yes now
20:11.05JerJer[mobile]need a peer
20:11.07JerJer[mobile]for you
20:11.37PBXtechspeaking of spandsp is it possible to when it gets a bad fax to delete the tif?
20:11.39QwellIf I have two wildcard extensions that would match a given number...   How does * know which one to pick?  They're both in different contexts, included from default
20:11.42JerJer[mobile]ok just reg - it was already setup  :)
20:11.57CosmicRayQwell: the one that is included first, I believe.
20:12.08tzangerJerJer[mobile]: ok
20:12.10Qwellperfect, thanks
20:12.17JerJer[mobile]CosmicRay: no - it is all loaded into memory
20:12.58Qwelloh, not perfect then?
20:13.16CosmicRayJerJer[mobile]: am I missing something?  this page appears to disagree with you, to me at least:
20:13.34Qwellbasically, say I have a normal provider, and iaxtel...if I dial 1700, I don't want my provider to pick it up
20:13.55tzangerQwell: so have the 1700 stuff in a context and include= it before your normal telco stuff
20:14.16Qwelltzanger: I'm getting conflicting answers. :p
20:14.32PBXtechis there a cheep place to get a wisip phone?
20:14.33bjohnsonQwell: try both
20:14.38bjohnsonPBXtech: no
20:14.41tzangerPBXtech: you don't want a wisip
20:14.46PBXtechwhy not
20:14.56tzangerthey suck diseased goat ass
20:15.00*** join/#asterisk StealthMethod (
20:15.10QwellI could just show dialplan, and see what it thinks
20:15.24CosmicRaythe fact that there are only about 3 models on the market and they start at $250 should be an indication to you :-)
20:15.28PBXtechphone is just crap? is there any other wifi phone out?
20:15.31bjohnsonQwell: it doesn't delve into the includes .. but go ahead and try it
20:15.46bjohnsontry it
20:15.49bjohnsonI dare you
20:16.13StealthMethodfarely new to asterisk, looking for help with extensions.conf file, i need to record outbound calls somehow, can any1 help
20:16.22Qwellbjohnson: cannot
20:16.25BeirdoMmm.  wisip would be cool if it didn't cost so damn much
20:17.08PBXtechthat cheep for a phone
20:17.09CosmicRayStealthMethod: there are recipes for that in the wiki
20:17.18StealthMethodill look
20:17.25CosmicRayno prob
20:18.16tzangerBeirdo: no, it would be cool if a) the display weren't crap b) the battery life weren't crap c) the phone could handle encryption without bogging down d) the configuration interface were better e) the charging station had SOME kind of positive feedback so you could tell it was securely connected f) the keylock and most functions didn't have HUGE wait times associated with them g) you had ANY control over the soft buttons (MGCP-like?) h) the phone didn't g
20:18.23tzangerBeirdo: need I go on?
20:18.43Beirdothe *concept* is cool
20:18.44bjohnsonI think it would be cool if 17" LCD monitors were < $50
20:18.56Beirdoand it would be cool if it used 802.11g
20:19.18bjohnsonand exactly where did those parachuting ladies go?  Now THAT was cool !!
20:19.28PBXtechsamsung made a g version
20:20.01NetOfSickCodera domain is necesary for the asterisk work?
20:20.20husherPBXtech: stay the hell away from the ZyXel wifi phones
20:20.23PBXtechhis g spot?
20:20.40*** join/#asterisk riksta (
20:20.48Beirdoheya, riksta
20:22.09Qwellyeah, looks like it works on the order of the includes
20:24.03slePPJerJer[mobile]: no no. 10:1 against. i don't think anyone bet on those odds.
20:24.43rikstahey Beirdo
20:25.35PinholeWhen an absolute timeout happens, why does the channel remain open?
20:25.39Qwell7 digit dialing within a specific area code could be as easy as - exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial,IAX2/something/1234${EXTEN} - right?
20:25.58*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (~jaxxan@
20:27.04WeezeyQwell, what's N do?
20:27.05NuggetQwell: correct.
20:27.12NuggetWeezey: what's google do?  :)
20:27.26PBXtechN is 2-9 isnt it?
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20:27.48NuggetN and X are adequately documented.  surely there's no room for speculation on the subject.
20:27.51QwellI should 911'ify my dialplan
20:28.13PBXtechspeculation hmm
20:28.15p0larIf I've got a soekris VPN4801 with a TDM400 and 3 FXO ports, can I use one of the FX0s as a modem interface for dial-up inet access?
20:28.29Nuggetp0lar: no
20:28.35p0larNugget: thanks
20:28.50p0larBut.. I could use one of the com ports for it. ;)
20:28.56p0larThanks even more. :D
20:29.15PBXtechsomeone wrote a fax driver, maybe someday there will be a modem driver :)
20:29.32Nuggetbear in mind that you won't be able to run FXS in that setup, unless you have some other plan for getting power in there.
20:29.56Nuggetdunno what power supply you were planning to use.  I've only used soekris with cf card storage
20:30.16Nuggetthe tdm400p card will want a molex power connector plugged into it, I think just for fxs support though
20:30.27tzangerNugget: correct, FXS only
20:32.49BuckRogersdoes any one have any companies they could recommend for online credit card acceptance?
20:33.35StealthMethodCosmicRay: found something in wiki about monitor application, but seems like i would have to do every time, can it be automated to record outbound everytime...
20:34.02StealthMethodwithout having to execute command for each channel
20:35.50*** part/#asterisk NK123 (
20:35.58p0larnah, I wno't need FXS, strictly FXO
20:36.04p0laror are you talking FXS signalling?
20:36.15p0larNo, the power comes on the line with FXS signalling
20:36.17Nuggetno, I mean the FXS modules.
20:36.23p0larI should be good
20:36.44p0larconsole on com1, external modem on com2, 2 fxo ports via TDM400p
20:36.46p0laryeah, all set.. :D
20:36.54p0lartime to order..hehe
20:37.08*** join/#asterisk bile_one (
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20:45.35heisonStealthMethod: can you not do it in a macro?
20:46.20StealthMethodfound script
20:48.16CosmicRayStealthMethod: thought so :-)
20:49.49CosmicRayit really is an excellent wiki
20:50.05tzangerdammit there seems to perpetually be 2 calls on this systme
20:50.29*** part/#asterisk didz_ (didz_@
20:51.32doughecka~seen atacomm
20:51.35jbotatacomm <~dan@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 43d 18h 54m 42s ago, saying: 'anyone want a IP 3000 conference phone?  looking to replace ours with a IP 4000 model.  Barely been used, in great condition.... looking for around $500'.
20:52.09*** join/#asterisk criptos (~criptos@
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20:52.56DrRighteousAnyone around who is running * into Cisco 53/54/58 xx series ??
20:54.37bannermanuh.. any voipjet problems today?
20:54.58bannermanwhen I try to dial out I get a sound best described as "reeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEN <chka chka chka chka chka> reEEEEEEEEEEEEEN"
20:54.59tzangerbannerman: well if you're asking I'd suspect the answer is 'yes'
20:55.27bannermanwell, *I* am having voipjet problems today.. the question is whether I screwed something up, or they did :-P
20:55.31Essobisounds like feedback
20:55.38Essobibannerman speakerphone?  :)
20:55.43bannermanEssobi: nah
20:55.50EssobiDrRighteous I am.
20:55.57bannermanI haven't made any configuratino changes, and it's not a feedback sound, its' electronically generated sounding
20:56.03bannermanwith like.. warbles and stuff
20:56.09bannermanit'd be cool if I wasn't trying to make a phone call
20:56.27EssobiMakes you all nostalgic for jimmi hendrix ehh?
20:56.43DrRighteousEssobi: what model, what kind of TDM interconnect?
20:57.02*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
20:57.29PBXtechcan i send voicemail attachments to 2 emails? instead of one? the second entry is for a pager
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20:57.58mikegrbsend it to an alias which forwards to the two addresses
20:58.21PBXtechawe good idea
21:00.14*** join/#asterisk bah (
21:00.34bjohnsoncan the pager read the attachment?
21:00.42Inv_arp~seen eric_
21:00.44jboteric_ is currently on #asterisk
21:00.48bannermanI guess it's just one phone doing that.. odd
21:02.42*** join/#asterisk GBAGAMEST (
21:03.33GBAGAMESTCan I use 2 Digium Digium Wildcard X100P modems for 2 phone lines
21:03.46Qwellsure, why not?
21:04.15*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (
21:04.17GBAGAMESTWill it work ok with Asterisk@home?
21:04.32Qwellif asterisk@home is worth its salt, sure
21:04.48*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
21:04.52JerJer[mobile]why not learn asterisk yourself?
21:04.57QwellI think I just mixed two things there...
21:05.03JerJer[mobile]don't let someone elses crappy packaging fool you
21:05.16ariel_Good afternoon everyone.
21:05.16GBAGAMESTI want to learn the basics and see what it can do
21:05.29GBAGAMESTit is only for my brothers office
21:05.40GBAGAMESTfor a small business
21:05.40Qwellif my brother said that, I'd smack him :p
21:05.42EssobiJerJer[mobile] I got 4 cores from H323 and confereces.. and they are repeatable on my install. ;)
21:05.52JerJer[mobile]good for you
21:06.01JerJer[mobile]want a cookie?
21:06.10GBAGAMESTI want to keep it simple for him
21:06.47tzangerhash brownie
21:07.14GBAGAMESTwhat is good inexpensive sip phone wired/wireless
21:07.42GBAGAMESTor would I be better off using softphones
21:08.21QwellI need to get me an FXS or something.  This echo from iaxcomm is crap
21:08.37QwellI call my cell, I hear myself like 1/2 second later
21:08.48Inv_arpGBAGAMEST: i prefer hardphone   i use   handytone 486 to connect to my normal cordless,  i hear supuras are good ...
21:09.03GBAGAMESTthanks Inv_arp
21:09.35Darwin[laptop]ok bsd needs some nettv streaming apps
21:10.12GBAGAMESThow about using a softphone client on a wireless Pocket PC
21:10.19GBAGAMESTanyone try that?
21:10.22*** join/#asterisk lespiggot (
21:10.45Inv_arpGBAGAMEST: dont see why it shouldnt work... if the software is avail
21:12.02GBAGAMESTcan I program asterisk to detect a incoming fax is their a good FAQ on this
21:12.10GBAGAMESTsorry to sound like a noob
21:13.08bannermanI changed the default codec on my phone to ulaw and it works fine ow
21:13.20bannermandefault used to be gsm, thought it would automagically switch
21:13.20WeezeyI'm having trouble with codecs.  711u, should sound perfect, right?  callers complain about echoey sound.  I've narrowed it down to either being the codec or my SPA3000 endpoint just isn't cutting it.
21:13.59*** join/#asterisk neopher (
21:14.43tzangeryou can start by getting a partition ready with xfs filesystem
21:14.48Inv_arpWeezey: if the bandwidth is there, pstn quality
21:14.50*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
21:15.18Weezeyinv: hrmm: okay, so then it must be the endpoints then.
21:15.48WeezeyI suppose it could be the phones too.
21:17.51lespiggothi, can anyone explain to me how the sip interface works out the IP addresses it binds to please, on openwrt (experimental) SIP is disabled as it cannot verifty IP addresses of its interfaces
21:19.17Inv_arplespiggot: ?works out the IP addresses it binds
21:19.19brc_Four words: Jar-Jar in 3D
21:19.19brc_"Oh the humanity!"
21:19.32*** join/#asterisk mkhan (
21:19.55dougheckadoes anyone know what the licenses 'required' by cisco when buying cisco ip phones
21:20.06mkhanhello.. how can learn about telephone wiring on RJ45 .. ?
21:20.20lespiggotInv_arp, yeah at the moment, asterisk disables the sip interface on my wrt54g
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21:20.49Qwellmkhan: google
21:21.12neopherlespiggot: did you update the wrt54g firmware, there was a fix for that
21:21.16lespiggotInv_arp: not sure how it determines what interfaces to use and what IP addresses that are assigned
21:21.51lespiggotneopher: was there? I'm on the openwrt experimetal build from the 15th
21:22.02*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
21:22.18dougheckaoh no
21:22.25dougheckagotta change it now
21:23.15mkhanQwell, didn't have good luck ..or I didn't understand well !!
21:23.27neopherlespiggot: are you talking about the fact the voip data is not passing through the wrt54g?
21:24.46neopherFirmware 3.01.3
21:24.56neopherResolves issue with VoIP adapters
21:25.01mkhanIs the color code for telephone wiring on RJ45 same as the color code of network cable wiring with RJ45?
21:25.16lespiggotneopher: no, basically the SIP subsystem cannot initilise as it cannot bind to any IP addresses/interfaces
21:25.49lespiggotneopher: In running asterisk on the wrt54 :)
21:26.01Hmmhesayshaha another customer won't talk to me anymore
21:26.04*** join/#asterisk buleeahn (~buleeahn@
21:26.08Weezeywh-blue blue wh-or or wg-gr gr wh-br br
21:26.08neopherlespiggot: interesting
21:26.15lespiggotsorry typo: I'm running asterisk on the wrt54
21:26.19bjohnsonlespiggot: where did you find an experimental build from the 15?  I only see the 13th
21:26.41bjohnsondoughecka: try something a little harder to crack .. like 1234
21:26.50lespiggotbjohnson: 2 secs I'll check, thought it was the 15th
21:27.10Weezeywho's running the dev call?
21:27.27bjohnsondev call?
21:28.02Weezeythat IAX2 conference yesterday?  (that's still going on today)
21:28.13bjohnsonman .. those guys are dedicated
21:28.16cbachmanlespiggot, I finally got mine to work.  I'm using both the internal and external interfaces to pass sip calls back and forth
21:28.43buleeahnWhere are good docs about which sound file gets played when someone is transferred to voicemail?
21:28.44bjohnsonthey're not very active today .. but I guess they must be tired
21:28.59Weezeybjohnson: do you know how they've got that conference configured?
21:29.21Weezeybummer, sounds great, I'd like to set something like that up to demo at the office.
21:29.46Weezeyyou listening to him fiddle with his microwave now?
21:30.19*** join/#asterisk Juxt (
21:30.43Juxtcan anyone refer me to a voip company that offers nice toll free origination rates?
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21:31.08lespiggotbjohnson: youre right, 13th, sorry though it was the 15th :( my mistake
21:31.29bjohnsonI'm waiting for a new version.
21:31.39*** join/#asterisk criptos (~criptos@
21:31.42bjohnsonpppoe is supposed to be fixed in the next experimental
21:32.05jessterI have an acd queue setup to have music = 007  where 007 is defined in as: 007 => mp3:/path/to/dept7/mp3s   and when a call comes into that queue, * gives errors that the class 007 doesn't exist, any ideas?
21:33.07mkhan1       wh/or   2   TxData +
21:33.07mkhan2       or      2   TxData -
21:33.07mkhan3       wh/grn  3   RecvData+
21:33.07mkhan4       blu     1
21:33.07mkhan5       wh/blu  1
21:33.08mkhan6       grn     3   RecvData-
21:33.10mkhan7       wh/brn  4
21:33.12mkhan8       brn     4
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21:34.16spacklejuxt: liveLOIP seems decent for 800
21:34.33*** join/#asterisk kuj (
21:34.51Inv_arpwoa livevoip finally has miami DID's  :)
21:35.38Uther_Panyone know of a program that will redirect udp traffic?
21:35.40*** part/#asterisk Remowylliams (~Mare@
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21:36.15Uther_PI wanna keep my asterisk box nat'ed, but I need the redirect the sip traffic from the firewall
21:36.23*** part/#asterisk logicalonline (
21:36.28Uther_Pmy firewall uses ipfw
21:36.50Uther_Pthe closest thing i've seen is the FWD rule, but it doesn't change the destination ip
21:37.28bjohnsonwith iptbles it is -t nat
21:37.41bjohnsongoogle it
21:37.55Uther_Pmy firewall doesn't use iptables
21:37.58Uther_Pit uses ipfw
21:38.00Inv_arpUther_P: freshmeat has plently    uredir  is popular
21:38.07Uther_Pcool, thanks
21:38.18bjohnsonUther_P: I don't know ipfw .. I know iptables
21:38.24val_0do any of you set up PBX commercially? seriouse inquiry
21:39.25criptosmany? :)
21:40.12*** join/#asterisk pgray007 (
21:40.49TrepaliumUther_P: I'm not familiar with BSD firewalling, but I think you need to use natd to configure something like that, not ipfw.
21:41.04GBAGAMESTso does the wrt54g have a GUI interface when using the Asterisk firmware
21:41.06sleepy_onec'yall later :)
21:41.13bjohnsonGBAGAMEST: no
21:41.55*** join/#asterisk bile_one (
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21:42.56jessterI have an acd queue setup to have music = 007  where 007 is defined in as: 007 => mp3:/path/to/dept7/mp3s   and when a call comes into that queue, * gives errors that the class 007 doesn't exist, any ideas?
21:43.06*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
21:45.57rephormcan you have a variable in a switch statement?
21:46.12Uther_Puredir doesn't seem to work under FreeBSD
21:46.15rephorme.g. switch => Realtime/${CONTEXT}@extensions
21:46.24pgray007hello everyone! i am losing my mind trying to find SIP firmware for a cisco 7960... cisco is no help..  anyone have any ideas?  Thanks!
21:46.28rephormJer13261: ok. thanks
21:46.31chetananyone do h323 to h323?
21:46.37Uther_PI'm sure there is a kernel option for it... ELF binary type "0"
21:47.16Uther_PJer13261: yes, a udp redirector
21:47.59Jer13261nad ti doesnt work becuase?
21:48.09Uther_Pperhaps "options COMPAT_LINUX"
21:48.21Uther_PJer13261: because its a linux binary
21:48.31Jer13261then enabled linux compat
21:48.34Uther_Pbut I know I can run them... I just need to find the right kernel option
21:48.42Uther_PI just said that.. jeez, you are so helpful
21:49.39WeezeyI know I'm missing something really stupid here, I've got app_conference built, but how do I make it part of my asterisk config?
21:49.57Jer13261put it into your modules dir
21:50.18Weezeyeven though it's an app, not a module?
21:50.25Weezeyor are they all just modules?
21:50.46*** join/#asterisk Geo- (
21:50.49rephormJer13261: hmm. isn't working. were you responding to me when you said "yes"?
21:51.10Jer13261yes i was
21:51.26rephormJer13261: hmm. ok. let me try one more thing real quick then :)
21:51.55*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@malcolmd.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
21:52.37Geo-has anyone ever been able to get the asterisk portaOne radius authentication working properly for them?
21:53.36buddahok, so i have 2 quintum gateways here, both passing calls to pakistan, is there a way to set it so that calls from quintum A and B go through one carrier, but if its specifically a 9221 number, AND from gateway B, then it goes to a different carrier?
21:53.49buddahonly way i could think is to have gateway B register in with sip
21:53.53buddahand made a context to direct it
21:53.58buddahis there another way to do that?
21:54.46*** join/#asterisk agave-txlink (phanop@
21:57.42bjohnsondon't you already have it registering with sip and connected to a context?
21:57.59buddahjust curious if that was the best way to do it or not
21:58.06*** join/#asterisk madounet (~mad|
21:58.07bjohnsonjust make a new context and point it at that
21:58.11buddahi have 2 gateways, and one isnt registered, one is
21:58.21buddahand the one that is registered is giving me stupid errors
21:58.25buddahabout VAD i think
21:58.32buddahand the configs on both gateways are the same
21:58.34bjohnsonif that is your goal, having a separate context is the easiest way to separate calls from sip devices
21:58.35buddahso i dont get why its doing it
21:59.11buddahso i thought i'd try to set up this one the same way in sip, without it registering, but then i didnt know how to direct the 9221 calls
21:59.15*** part/#asterisk pgray007 (
21:59.17*** join/#asterisk cripito (~ncripito@
22:01.05*** join/#asterisk bile_one (
22:01.21bjohnsonI suppose you could use exten pattern matching and CID matching .. but having a separate context is easier
22:02.01*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
22:02.14ctooleyWe're having some problems getting voicemail prompts to play correctly.
22:02.19*** part/#asterisk buleeahn (~buleeahn@
22:02.33*** join/#asterisk buleeahn (~buleeahn@
22:03.58GoshenHow do you control the ring to your sip phone? I want to have one ring for some calls into * and another ring for other calls
22:04.16Goshenthe only info I found on the wiki was about incoming distrincive ring on zap
22:05.59cripitoanyone having issues with firefly and the new version of head?
22:06.12Juxtnope mine works great
22:07.40*** part/#asterisk Juxt (
22:07.56spackleGoshen, some phones and ATA's notable, the Sipura's allow you to set distinctive ring up for certain phone numbers.
22:08.06PTG123Hey anyone in here have pris in california?
22:08.08spackleer, notably.
22:08.26buddahyeah ptg
22:08.40PTG123buddah: what part, and you want to sell some channels?
22:08.43GoshenSpackle: I have a sipura, and a grandstream phone
22:08.51buddahPTG123: long beach
22:09.17PTG123You have local outbound calling on them unlimited?
22:09.51Geo-Has anyone in here been able to work with asterisk to succeed in authenticating sip users via radius?
22:09.56sivanahow do I send traffic to a gateway with just an IP?
22:10.04sivanais it exten@ip?
22:10.28*** join/#asterisk husher (
22:10.37ctooleyWhy is it playing that instead of unavail or busy?
22:10.48spackleGoshen, there may be another way, hold on a minute.
22:11.00*** join/#asterisk Matt-E- (
22:12.33Wonkasomething's stuttering in my local s0 bus...
22:12.33Goshenspackle: great
22:13.25GoshenI would like to have one set of phones in the whole house, then when line one rings, it does a normal ring
22:13.46Goshenthen if line two rings, it does a ring beep ring or some type of distrinctive ring to let you know it is line 2
22:13.56Goshenlines being different providers
22:17.03modulus_goshen are you from indiana?
22:17.41Goshenlol nope
22:17.43GoshenSLC UT
22:18.10spackleGoshen: sorry i can't find the reference now.  There was a setvar in the dial plan.  I think it set the phone up for a special ring.  Anybody else know?
22:19.09ariel_sivana, all you do is exten => X.,Dial(Sip/IPAddress/${EXTEN})
22:20.07terrapeni miss that place
22:20.10*** part/#asterisk mkhan (
22:20.28ariel_Goshen, how are your phones connected via sip or zap ports?
22:23.16spackleGoshen:  here it is:  see "distinctive ring styles"
22:24.35*** join/#asterisk greg_work (
22:25.36Goshenariel: I have two cordless phones connected via seperate sipura FXS ports
22:25.39johnnybIt seems that whenever we have a new call come in to asterisk, for a second or two the server loses all of its idle time.  Could this be caused by low memory?  We're not using any swap, but we're using all but 32M of memory.
22:25.40Goshenand a grandstream sip phone
22:26.11mogormanhey is there away to automatically delete silent messages in asterisk?
22:26.16mogormanvoicemail that is
22:26.28GoshenI an thinking once I get my numbers ported over to broadvoice I will disconnect from the telco network
22:26.36Goshenand plug the entire house network into the sipura
22:26.52madounetHi, I dev an app (.so not AGI) for HTTP request (in case of incoming call) with libcurl and i search a way to have a kind of HTTP persistent connections manager, anyidea?
22:27.28Goshenspackle: I will check it out, thank you
22:29.25Goshentime to run, good luck guys
22:29.33Goshenthanks for the help, I will keep digging
22:31.00*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
22:46.47Groobyhey guys..what you all think of IP500 phone?
22:46.55Groobyfinally got an go-ahead to setup * here at work
22:47.03Groobyand thinking about getting that for the office here
22:48.34*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (~icechat5@
22:50.28spackleOT: anybody here use Scalix for e-mail?
22:51.44spackleAnybody using the IAXy know if the heartbeat setting is useful?
22:51.56johnnybWhat is the minimum memory requirements for asterisk?
22:52.37Eightjohnnyb: unimportant?
22:52.38spacklejohnnyb, probably 128MB on a system only used and only running Asterisk.
22:53.40*** join/#asterisk Y1 (
22:53.48*** join/#asterisk landrocker (
22:54.10spackleJohnnyB: how many people do you intend to use it?
22:55.00spackleGrooby: still here?
22:55.43johnnybspackle: I've got 4 zap lines and 16 office users
22:55.49johnnybNever more than 3 people at once.
22:56.10*** part/#asterisk ctooley (
22:56.17johnnybI'm running into a problem where whenever I have an incoming or outgoing call, my system idle time drops to near zero.
22:56.25johnnybThis is causing problems for the zap card.
22:56.32spackleJohnnyb, throughput is the most important thing.  You don't want Asterisk Swapping.
22:56.54*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:56.56johnnybspackle: top only reports 156K of swap being used.
22:57.10spackleJohnnyb: how much memory in the box?
22:57.11Groobystill here
22:57.21spackleJohnnyb, what else is it doing?
22:57.30johnnybJust asterisk and mail to mail out voicemails
22:57.56spacklejohnnyb, sorry if this is obvious - not X running, right?
22:58.08hardwireand the other way around
22:58.09ManxPowerjonas, add another 128M to the box
22:58.09spacklewhat about httpd?
23:00.02*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
23:00.24jessterI have an acd queue setup to have music = 007  where 007 is defined in musiconhold.conf as: 007 => mp3:/path/to/dept7/mp3s   and when a call comes into that queue, * gives errors that the class 007 doesn't exist, any ideas?
23:00.25*** join/#asterisk bparker (
23:00.58johnnybAsterisk, postfix, three user shells, crond, and syslog
23:01.20johnnybasterisk is by far the biggest memory use.
23:01.29hardwireits a piiiiiiigy wiggy
23:01.48spackleI'm with Manx, My home machine has 512 in it.  Just because it can run in 128 doesn't mean it should
23:01.59*** part/#asterisk MikeJ[Laptop] (~icechat5@
23:02.00Nuggetram is cheap.
23:02.04johnnybspackle: the wierd thing is, though, is that it's not swapping.
23:02.22hardwiredoes it require a huge surplus of memory to handle zaptel channels?
23:02.25spackleit's still constrained
23:02.29johnnybNugget: not for this machine.  It's a Vaio that used specialized RAM that isn't available anymore :(
23:02.42hardwirebecause I can pass quite a few ulaw channels on a 64 meg machine.
23:02.48hardwirew/o taxing it too heavily.
23:02.51johnnybNugget: adding memory means I have to replace the box.
23:02.58Nuggetboxes are cheap  :)
23:03.07hardwirejohnnyb: are you using a super cpu intensive codec?
23:03.15johnnybhardwire: I'm using iLBC.
23:03.23hardwiretried just using ulaw?
23:03.24Eightjohnnyb: just give it a shot, and if you have problems, upgrade then.
23:03.39johnnybaha what?
23:04.35johnnybEight: give what a shot?
23:04.50johnnybNugget: so are we :)
23:05.34ManxPowerI wonder if I could get fired for having submited the name of my largest customer to the Guinness Book of World Records
23:06.03Nuggetif you get fired, maybe it'll be just the incentive you need to get off your ass and move to holland.  :)
23:06.21ManxPowerNugget, the "incentive" is called "a job"
23:06.41landrockeranyone know if it's possible to trigger an agi script after a call hangs up?
23:06.44ManxPowerNugget, I got the first draft of my resume back from the resume writing company.
23:06.57ManxPowerI felt slightly sick reading it.
23:06.59cripitojhonnyb: i have an small laptop with 64mb .. with a few ulaw codecs without problems
23:07.10brc_~seen kpfleming
23:07.12jbotkpfleming <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 14d 21h 57m 57s ago, saying: 'add -g'.
23:07.23spackleJohnnyB: are the calls interoffice our outside the office through a provider?
23:07.26twisted[work]ManxPower, you could get fired for telling your customer that he should pay for an extra seat license; Hey, if delta can do it, you can too
23:08.21ManxPowerSince nobody ASKED....I submited them for the world record of the lowest number of support staff at a US$550 million/year company.
23:08.43twisted[work]how many support staffers?
23:08.53ManxPowerNot that I expect GBoWR to accept it.
23:09.08ManxPowertwisted, a manager, a help desk person, and a part time consultant.
23:09.42ManxPowerShouldn't they be recognized for that accomplishment?
23:09.43johnnybspackle: interoffice
23:09.48twisted[work]They should
23:10.06johnnybspackle: that is, they are interoffice, unless going through the zap lines.  But it is going through the zap liens that are killing us.
23:10.21johnnybspackle: but, we always keep Asterisk in the media path no matter what.
23:10.29ManxPowertwisted, Why are you happy?
23:10.36spackleBecause of the codec translation no doubt.
23:10.44twisted[work]Mexico, too.
23:11.05criptosmexioco where?
23:11.07johnnybspackle: it's actually in the media path for attended transfers/call parking
23:11.17spackleJohnnyB, you should switch to ulaw and see if that makes a difference.
23:11.20criptoshuu,.. nice... nice weather, not to hot rigth now..
23:11.28twisted[work]perfect time of year ;)
23:11.29*** join/#asterisk dlemire (~denis@
23:11.32ManxPowertwisted, The same company told me today that the office that was supposed to open Jan 1 2005, then postponed to April 1 2005, will now open on May 31 2005.  This is the office I'll be installing 60+ phones, 2 x T-1 PRI lines.  I'll be in Europe on May 31.
23:11.32johnnybspackle: I'll give it a whirl
23:11.45twisted[work]ManxPower, is this microsoft?
23:11.56ManxPowertwisted, real estate company,.
23:11.59twisted[work]ManxPower, ah.
23:12.16ManxPowertwisted, supporting 350+ end users.
23:12.23twisted[work]oh wow
23:13.09ManxPowerAnd people wonder WHY I'm sometimes very grumpy.
23:14.14*** part/#asterisk Matt-E- (
23:14.14*** join/#asterisk spackle (~spackle@
23:14.24dlemireGot a few general telco questions if someone would like to point me in the right direction.
23:15.25terrapenwooo hooo
23:16.00*** part/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
23:16.27johnnybspackle:  Tried it.  No luck.
23:16.50criptosdlemire, humm... google?
23:16.55terrapenGuten Tag, New Braunfels.  How are you today?   Hola, old San Antone', please stand out of my way
23:17.24dlemirecriptos: Ah yes, good ol' google.
23:17.52terrapen~jbot google
23:17.53jboti guess google is a search engine found at
23:17.58terrapen~jbot google test
23:18.11terrapen~jbot google Max Stalling
23:18.28Jer13261~jbot google asterisk
23:18.29terrapena googling bot
23:19.05dlemire~jbot google help for wannabe pbx geek asterisk setup
23:19.33terrapeni wonder how hard it would be to install this stereo in my truck
23:19.57terrapeni really am sick of AM radio
23:20.38*** join/#asterisk pbxman (
23:21.17terrapeni need a wiring harness i think
23:21.30terrapenand probably a beefy positive lead from the battery
23:21.47pbxmanI am having a problem with getting asterisk cvs-head to compile.  It goes through 75% and errs out with a [PBX] error 1... Any suggestions?
23:24.49pbxmanIt appears this has something to do with the DUNDI protocol being added...
23:24.59terrapenwell, there's your answer
23:25.41pbxmananyone there?
23:27.00*** join/#asterisk pbxman (
23:27.04Mcwebtreestrange how a room with dozens of people can be so quiet
23:27.35pbxmansorry about that.. I lost connection... Did anyone reply to my compile problem?
23:27.48*** join/#asterisk kant (~bernd@
23:28.01Mcwebtreenope, no answer.
23:28.18pbxmanOK... Is anyone else having this same problem?
23:28.33Mcwebtreewhat, lack of compile, or lack of answers ;)
23:28.55pbxmanBoth :-)
23:30.00pbxmanmake[1]: *** [pbx_dundi.o] Error 1
23:30.31pbxmanmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
23:31.09McwebtreeI haven't a clue.  I'm still trying to set up my sip softphone to my *
23:32.43Mcwebtreeand not having any success!
23:34.33slePPhas anyone found a PRI w/ asterisk sending fast busies for no reason?
23:34.42slePPlike. call, get a fast busy (this is incoming, btw)..
23:34.47slePPand then call again a moment later, and it rings through
23:35.00hardwireanybody need a nuera FXO _> HDLC box?
23:35.19hardwireor something screwy like that?
23:35.24Wonka~jbot kernel tuning
23:35.38*** join/#asterisk t3t (
23:36.00Wonkais there any linux kernel tuning howto centered on asterisks needs?
23:36.12hardwireno.. but you should write one :)
23:36.51hardwireyou know what I always immedietly think when I see o.O
23:38.11Wonkai don't know any animes and related stuff...
23:38.32hardwireboy are you missing out
23:39.09Wonkai'm more into ircing with friends, hacking stuff...
23:39.34Wonkaand ATM I'm determined to get asterisk to do what i want
23:41.17landrockergrar, should the h extension work inside a macro?
23:41.40machinehdhey all, should a cisco 7960 be configured to use inband? It has a setting "Out of Band DTMF" which is set to AVT. Not sure if I should set that to NONE.
23:42.41*** part/#asterisk Y1 (
23:43.03t3tmachinehd: I have dtmf_inband: 1  and dtmf_outofband: avt set
23:43.11DrukenslePP: i got that calling today...
23:43.24Drukenfirst was fast busy, second went threw
23:43.31t3tmachinehd: That's "dtmf_outofband: avt"
23:43.34tzangerslePP: that is unusual
23:43.37tzangerpri debug span 1
23:43.41machinehdt3t, thanks, and in your sip.conf what did you set it to?
23:43.46tzangerand post one of the congestions
23:43.54*** join/#asterisk cbachman (~chatzilla@
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23:44.16t3tmachinehd: that's what it is in SIP<MAC>.cnf
23:45.01t3tmachinehd: same in SIPDefault.cnf
23:45.13machinehdt3t, right, but I'm just curious what you've set in your sip.conf for the extension? dtmfmode=
23:46.40machinehdhaha, yeah. I'd think the phoen should have dtmf_inband: 0
23:47.13t3tmachinehd: if we're using info DTMF then it shouldn't do it inband too :)
23:47.50t3tI ASSume that the setting is negotiated between * and the 7960 and they both use the same, but that's just a WAG
23:48.42machinehdt3t, great thanks for the help. I'll test it out right now
23:48.46t3tsure thing
23:49.15slePPtzanger: riiiiight
23:49.32slePPtzanger: 15 channels going nuts, and hit'n'miss of about 1 in 25-50 calls that do it
23:49.43slePPtzanger: i've been trying for 20 minutes to get it to congest again
23:49.46ManxPowermachinehd, Inband DTMF only works with the ulaw and alaw codecs.
23:50.05slePPtzanger: but channel usage never breaks 18, so we should always have about 5 sitting around empty
23:50.32tzangerslePP: well what do you expect me to tell you
23:50.41tzangerget yourself to a point where you can debug
23:51.59machinehdManxPower, I am using ulaw. I just wansn't sure if the cisco should be set to inband/rfc2833/info.
23:52.13tzangerslePP: you want help but are unable to provide the data necessary to fix it...  it's gonna be a lot of data to sift though but you should be able to get what you want out of it, I didn't say it'd be easy
23:52.14*** part/#asterisk mozilla (sabre@
23:52.46slePPtzafrir: :P
23:52.51slePPtzanger, too
23:53.00slePPtzanger: yeh, i know. i'm working on it, it may jsut take me the next 3 hours
23:53.04tzangerI'm willing ot try and help but I need data :-)
23:53.09*** join/#asterisk voip123 (~root@
23:53.13slePPbecause as far as i can tell, asterisk isn't rejecting anything.. not that it logs to console, anyway
23:53.30tzangerwell like I said the q931 logs will really help
23:53.39DrukenslePP: could it be a bad channel on the pri ?
23:53.41slePPi managed to a congestion once, but i didn't have pri debugging on at that point. i had turned it off, and went to call someone to say i was working on it, and sure enough, it congests.
23:53.42slePPstupid thing
23:53.50slePPDruken: i'd wonder how that happens :>
23:53.50machinehdhmm, just tried with "info" and couldn't navigate the voicemail menu
23:54.01slePPtzanger: i know. i'm watching and dialing again and again from my cell phone
23:54.28Drukendunno, was an idea i figured i'd throw out
23:54.42Drukeni'm sure telco's can have equipment break just as we can
23:55.14slePPi'd think the entire PRI would just die
23:55.19slePPas opposed to a specific channel
23:55.39slePPtzanger: my basic question was, does it sound like something you've heard of before?
23:55.41*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
23:55.41Drukenperhaps, but exactly how is the pri constructed on the telco side?
23:55.52slePPDruken: on some wires :P
23:56.16YoYohow do I view misc call stats on a cisco phone?
23:56.34slePPDruken: gonna start on your server this weekend. you want gentoo or slack?
23:56.37slePPor rh?
23:56.55slePPgod no
23:57.03slePPbut, oh well :P
23:57.13Drukeni was gonna say.. uhmm.. rh? wtf?
23:57.16Mcwebtreewhere can I get a quick guide to setting up my xlite - * - voipuser system.  xlite - voipuser is fine.  I get hundreds of errors and nothing works having followed the guides I can find.
23:57.20Wonkatesting, and good
23:57.31slePPtzanger: i'll let you know when i get a useful log
23:57.52Wonkai don't know gentoo very much, but the concept of compiling everything myself is broken...
23:57.58Wonkamuch pain nearly no gain
23:58.14Wonkaso, i'd stay with stage3
23:58.45Wonkaand where's the big difference to debian then?
23:59.02slePPso stage3's don't work out
23:59.10tzangerI'd say fuck all of those other distros and admit that Slackware 0wnz you
23:59.34*** join/#asterisk _sam- (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.