irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050310

00:00.14ariel_CosmicRay, do you have a windows pc to try out on the network to see if it does the same?
00:00.31ruinerariel it's a router
00:00.38ruineri've updated firmware so it has sip options
00:00.44ruineri think it's just my config is off
00:00.53ruinerand the cisco site is so convoluted
00:00.57CosmicRayariel_: yeah, I could try that
00:01.11CosmicRayariel_: what do you think it would suggest if it still has trouble?
00:01.43sivanaariel_: did you get any compile errors?
00:01.57ariel_ruiner, then it should be easy to configure. But without one here I can't even start to see why it's a problem. Now you can post the setup info you have for it on like your sip.conf and extensions.conf
00:02.18ruinerwell, i think i'm done messing with it for this evening :)
00:02.20ariel_CosmicRay, either a problem with the asterisk box or network problems.
00:02.24ruinerthink i'll go get drunk :)
00:02.28Mochi all
00:02.37ariel_sivana, it never works the first time.
00:02.39CosmicRayariel_: I am quite certain I am not having network problems
00:03.01CosmicRayI have observed, btw, that the gsm codec is far worse with this than ulaw
00:03.16CosmicRayalso, that iaxcomm starts the popping sooner and is more consistent, while kphone gets worse over time
00:03.16Mocsivana, I probably asked you already, but you could unblock the # for US also ?
00:03.39ariel_ulaw is un compressed the gsm is compressed. Then look at the asterisk box to see if your resources are going down.
00:04.07Moctry g726 maybe, it take more ressources than GSM I think
00:04.15Mocbut more bandwidth
00:04.15sivanaMoc: Yes :)
00:04.22sivanaMoc: US/CA same rate
00:04.29sivanaariel_: tiffiop.h
00:04.36sivanais that a lib I need?
00:04.54Mocsivana, if you use the lastest package, it doesnt ask you for tiffiop.h
00:05.02sivanawhich one?
00:05.08ariel_sivana, go to the spandsp site and they have a very good faq section with the correct things to do.
00:05.19sivanaariel_: ok, thanks :)
00:05.29ariel_use .02pre10
00:05.34sivanaMoc: it said beta so I was kinda worried
00:05.52ariel_its all beta look at the release number .02
00:05.56Mocsivana, .02pre10 is the one Ive used too, it working great
00:06.06Mocsivana, btw dont try spandsp over IAX, it doesnt work
00:06.13Mocbut spandsp work fine over SIP
00:06.30ariel_Moc, I have it working....over iax .....
00:06.33sivanaya.. it's coming in over TDM anyways
00:06.51ruinerlater all
00:06.52drspermok...I have asterisk running...and 2 phones associated...
00:06.59ariel_I have even gotten 80% working via sip and a sat connection.
00:07.12drspermwhen I pickup the handset and dial from ext. 103 to 102..I get a busy.
00:07.34ariel_drsperm, are they in the correct context? what does the cli say
00:07.37Mocariel_, I always get some codec error when I try it via iax provider
00:07.45sivanaI should offer a mirror for it's painfully slow
00:07.49Mocconverting between unknown and ulaw
00:07.56drspermwell, I was trying to be smart and put them in different context...guess not.
00:09.03ariel_Moc, I am able to use iax for faxing with VoicePulse, VoipJet and nuFone no problems and also but using ulaw only.
00:09.29Mocariel_, faxing using spandsp ?
00:09.40ariel_well I take back the voipjet it's sometimes gets cut off. But 99 % of the time it works with them.
00:09.49ariel_Moc, yes
00:09.52MocI had to loopback myself in SIP for it to work with my iax provider
00:10.32sivanaoh.. Moc.. and that's CAD too
00:10.38MocI'll try it again
00:10.46Mocsivana, ?? what
00:10.50sivanatollfree did
00:11.50Mocit wasnt last time ? ;)
00:12.04sivananot sure.. just clarifying :)
00:12.19Mocwell I just want for the register page ;)
00:12.22Mocwant = wait
00:12.59*** join/#asterisk p0lar (
00:13.12buddahanyone here familiar with SER?
00:13.51roamer323: ariel - did the test with voipjet's NYC term point go well?  thx
00:13.53p0larOk, so I approached SysMaster again today
00:13.56p0larhere at VON
00:14.10ariel_roamer323, it's back up working at least it was 2 hours ago.
00:14.30p0larOnce again -- vehement denial of * use.  But, now they claim that the use Digium tdm cards and drivers.
00:14.53Mocurm.... ok
00:14.57p0larAnd they sent me a link that they think proves it.
00:15.00p0larI am amazed.
00:15.16roamer323ariel_ - thx :-)
00:15.24ariel_roamer323, np
00:15.37p0larIf I had the time, Iw ould wander back up there and really turn up the heat.
00:15.49Darwin35ok who has spandsp compiling on fbsd
00:15.53Mocit aint over yet ;)
00:15.56Darwin35I am having a issue
00:16.08p0larMoc: Let's hope so, the tone they took with me today -- AS A CUSTOMER -- was appalling.
00:16.12p0larI would never buy their products.
00:16.14Mocyou damn BSD people, always whining..
00:16.43ariel_Darwin35, sorry
00:17.06Mocvisiting system master website send me to a chat window !!
00:17.21p0larHere is what I got Googling around it..
00:17.30p0larkrish: Here is what I got Googling around it..
00:17.39jakepdevariel - does Asterisk H323 with support hookflash?
00:17.45p0larkrish: read it for yourself
00:17.46Mocwhat ? first it was asterisk, then zaptel, then g729, now spandsp...
00:18.02Mocand I probably missed other some ;)
00:18.03*** join/#asterisk wankel (
00:18.07jakepdevshould read - does Asterisk with H323 with support hookflash?
00:18.09sivanaI needed libtiff-devel
00:18.16jakepdevjust can't type tonight
00:18.57jakepdevdoes Asterisk with H323 support hookflash?
00:19.21ariel_jakepdev, I don't use h323 in fact I run far away when I hear it.
00:19.43jakepdevdoes it support SIP with hookflash?
00:19.54sivanarxfax = spandsp?
00:20.22MocI wonder why we can't make a simple h323 * driver..
00:20.38ariel_h323 is not simple that is why
00:21.09roamer323<- thinks that h323 is the legacy Telco's way of slowing down voip adoption - it worked for a decade - but * and SER changed all of that
00:21.23ariel_jakepdev, flash hook is mainly for a zap channels in my view.
00:21.59jakepdevI should explain more - I have a Hardware PBX that I want to xfer calls into Asterisk
00:22.08ariel_~seen JunK-C
00:22.11jbotjunk-c is currently on #asterisk
00:22.11jakepdevthen xfer the calls back when their done
00:22.39jakepdevmay not be called flash hook in SIP
00:23.48Darwin35seen god
00:23.56Darwin35~seen god
00:23.57jbotgod <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 57d 1h 56m 9s ago, saying: 'err I am better than vader'.
00:24.33ariel_Darwin35, did you not hear there is no GOD....
00:25.01*** join/#asterisk yaboo (~jsirucka@
00:25.06CosmicRayis anyone else having trouble connecting to iaxtel, or is it just me?
00:25.46roamer323CosmicRay - everybody in the universe have problem with iaxtel
00:25.56yaboohi trying to call from xlite to a sipura 2000, but xlite keeps stating when dialing the sipura, error 404
00:26.08yabooeven thou both devices are registered?
00:26.17ariel_CosmicRay, iaxtel is not 100% up and running it's maybe 80% of the time working.
00:26.19roamer323CosmicRay - at last count - it was one server and 6000 users
00:26.20CosmicRayroamer323: is there any other service that can connect to toll-free numbers for free?
00:26.26Darwin35god id the dog that pooped out this planet and called it earth
00:26.27CosmicRayroamer323: yeow
00:26.38roamer323CosmicRay - use FWD or Sipphone - both great
00:26.39CosmicRayroamer323: let me gues, a pii/500, eh?
00:26.58CosmicRayroamer323: really, FWD can connect to PSTN 1-800 numbers?
00:27.00ariel_yaboo, use the same codec or put canreinvite=no on the setups for the devices.
00:27.28roamer323CosmicRay - yes, click around their website - you'll find the info
00:27.30yabooariel_, thanks will do
00:27.37CosmicRayroamer323: nice.
00:27.39ariel_CosmicRay, fwd works for toll free as well.
00:27.50Darwin35grr it should be compilin
00:28.27ariel_jakepdev, how about
00:28.46puppetanyoe here using oppanel?
00:28.57Darwin35it 1666deamon1
00:29.12*** part/#asterisk Beave (
00:29.21yabooariel_, sipura uses alaw, and the xlite uses rfc2822 codecs, which codec should I choose, I intend soon to add a cisco 7940 to the system also
00:29.58ariel_yaboo, use both with alaw or ulaw. cisco uses ulaw as well.
00:30.06*** join/#asterisk NoCAT (
00:30.07jakepdevariel - i tried dialing that but the it said I had to wait an hour for a customer service agent
00:30.27yabooariel_, can the xlite use ulaw and alaw also?
00:30.33ariel_yaboo, yes
00:30.39yabooariel_, thanks
00:30.42ariel_it's called g711u g711a
00:35.11PrimerAny opinions on the D-Link 1402?
00:35.29Primer$50 rebate on that at newegg
00:35.35*** join/#asterisk justinnnn (
00:35.40Primercomes out to $44
00:39.29puppetim not getting this to work :/
00:39.39*** join/#asterisk Trepalium (
00:39.41puppetANyone have had trouble with redirecting calls with op panel?
00:40.22puppetcalling form analog phone to ipphone, connecting to internal ipphone, trying to pull the connection to anotehr phone but it disconnects
00:40.46ariel_puppet, if you go to there web site I think there is a note on this.
00:41.22puppetchecking again now
00:42.46*** join/#asterisk geekster (
00:43.07*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
00:43.19*** join/#asterisk djMax (
00:43.30sivanaMoc:  you there?
00:43.39*** join/#asterisk mesi (
00:44.03djMaxI've mulled on this a bit before, but has anybody out there implemented "snatch call from voicemail"?
00:44.26ariel_djMax, what is snatch call?
00:44.34*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@
00:44.35djMaxcall pickup essentially
00:44.36denonpull it back to your handset
00:44.43Luke-JrHow can I put multiple channels in a call file? :/
00:44.47denonin the middle of them leaving a voicemail
00:44.47djMaxI think it's important for home apps
00:45.09djMax(so is the Sipura3k supporting call waiting, but that's a whole different mess)
00:45.10denondjMax: semi-common in business scenarios too .. sales people just getting off one call, wanting to take the next
00:45.29djMaxtrue.  I think there's some way with the manager api, but not sure if others may have done it.
00:45.41denonyeah .. could definitely do it with the manager api
00:46.01denonnot sure how you'd do it otherwise .. aside from maybe some crazy thing like each call having a parked ID while it's in vmail
00:46.24djMaxso the process would be deskset dials *1# or whatever, that runs an AGI (?) that calls the monitor api, finds the matching call, and transfers it?
00:46.26sivanawell shit... I don't see rxfax.c
00:46.29mesiLuke: Sorry, I have no clue. I'm afraid you can only put one channel in a call file at a time.
00:46.31puppetariel_: not finding :/
00:46.41djMaxor do I not need AGI
00:46.41denondjMax: sure, that would work ..
00:46.51denonwouldnt really need AGI, but could be an easy way
00:46.57ariel_puppet, it has to do the incorrect context setup.
00:47.00denoneasier than coding the C
00:47.21mesiLuke: Idea: try putting two call files at once in outgoing which both connect to a conference.
00:47.23denondjMax: you could also do something with zapbarge
00:47.34denonand dump the voicemail
00:47.53djMaxdump as in ignore?
00:47.55puppetariel_: aha
00:47.56ariel_sivana, have you read the readme that comes with the spandsp tar file?
00:48.02Luke-Jrmesi: What channel for a conference?
00:48.03denonwell .. stop recording or stop playing the OGM
00:48.18sivanaariel_: yes, doesn't match the site :)
00:48.22Luke-Jrmesi: And everything I've seen suggests I need a Zaptel card for a conf
00:48.43mesiLuke: You have to define one. There are two apps for conferences which I know of, Conference and MeetMe()
00:48.52denondjMax: ultimately, at a glance, I think this is probably something that should be built into voicemail .. callers in your vmail each have a parking ID, if you dial that ID, the vmail connects you to them and backs off
00:48.57djMaxis there a corresponding sipbarge?
00:49.09mesiLuke: Ah, no. You can use ztdummy.o instead of a zaptel card.
00:49.45*** join/#asterisk NormAst (HydraIRC@
00:49.46mesidjMax: What the hell is a sipbarge?
00:49.50denondjMax: to do it right, you'd need to whip out a fair bit of code, I think
00:50.02Luke-Jrmesi: but then, it will dial the destination before the source picks up
00:50.16djMaxok, maybe I'll start by just writing a script to go to the manager api and push a call somewhere
00:50.41djMaxnot sure how I would "join" to the person who pressed *1# since they are on the line?
00:51.05mesiLuke: why that? What do you mean?
00:51.08MicH323Hi all, strange problem with Broadvoice... If I have the secret=PASSWWD in the [Broadvoice] section in sip.conf I dont recieve calls. If I tae it out I rtecieve calls but cant mae them!!! :(
00:51.09denonlots of ways .. could dump them into a meetme, for one
00:51.11yabooanyone know how to unlock a line in a sipura 2000
00:51.25sivanahey norm
00:51.37puppetariel_: a bit closer now ;p
00:51.39denon*1# or whatever drops them into a meetme, then goes out and gets the other call into the meetme too
00:51.40djMaxyeah, true.
00:51.52puppetariel_: but now i just get to main menu ;p not to internal phones but im getting closer ;D
00:52.00denonkinda ugly. . but the best solution isnt easily or elegantly obtainable, I dont think
00:52.26denonheh .. all voicemail could actually be users bridged to a dynamic meetme. .
00:52.30djMaxhow does call pickup do it?
00:52.31denonand you could hop in at any time
00:52.55denonthen all you need to do is drop the vmail leg
00:53.06djMaxooh.  interesting thought.  so I'd setup some silent dynamic meetme
00:53.14mesiMicH323: Can I sign up with broadvoice for free or will I have to pay?
00:53.49denonwould be handy, in that someone could spy on someone leaving voicemail ..
00:53.53denonwithout actually taking over the call
00:54.04denonthen if they choose to take over the call .. so be it
00:54.51sivanawell.. I'm missing something here
00:54.58ariel_mesi, pay
00:55.00djMaxand when they hang up the meetme and the vm will both go away somehow?
00:55.15mesiAriel: Ah ok.
00:55.53denondjMax: I'm guessing you could get ,h, to handle that
00:56.02mesiWho would like to go to the conference room for a conference test?
00:56.04denondjMax: I'm not suggesting this is the best method .. merely a brainstorm
00:56.13djMaxyeah, understood.
00:56.18denonhart attach? that some kind of debugging method? :)
00:56.23denon[heart attack] :)
00:56.56ariel_I gess 6 servers in my home office is too much.
00:56.59djMaxrandom second question, if you want a dialplan entry to hit a web page and return ok/not ok, what would be the easiest way?  agi and wget?
00:57.05ariel_./gess guess
00:57.08NormAstIs there a way to have a allowed list of CallerID's in *.  I want my iax users only to send CallerID that is approved by us.
00:57.22denonNormAst: yes, google for the blacklist stuff
00:57.38harryvvdenon have you ever seen or tried asterisk with a 2 way radio repeater before simular to autopatch on a hamradio repeater?
00:58.07mesidjMax: Easy to use wget with System() call and check for the exit status.
00:58.08denonnope, I havent .. havent had much need to play with ham stuff since the advent of wireless and real bandwidth ..
00:58.11puppetariel_: Do you have time to explain some thing?
00:58.18djMaxok, thx
00:58.39denondjMax: not sure I'd trust wget to timeout properly etc if something weird happens though
00:58.43denonkeep that in mind ..  :)
00:58.48ariel_puppet, maybe I am not feeling too good right now but go for it.
00:58.52shmaltz~seen tzanger
00:58.54jbottzanger is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 142 messages.  Is idling for 3h 16m 58s
00:58.54denonsay, a looping 302 redir or such
00:58.58djMaxfor home that's ok
00:59.10*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
00:59.13puppetariel_: thats how my config file looks like, i can connect to "main" fine but not the internal
00:59.16harryvvI came up with the idea for a company that has a 1k employee base that use alot of radios but also the added cost of cell phones. This would be a way to keep the cell cost down for non sensitive calls across a radio network.
00:59.43hardwireI got the NEC NEAX IPS programming manuals emailed to me
00:59.44denonharryvv: hmm? every employee has a ham license?
00:59.48hardwireover 1000 pages of complete crud
00:59.54harryvvdenon no, commercial radios.
00:59.59hardwirewhy is it that an asterisk box can take care of this in around 50 pages of docs?
01:00.19harryvvCanada largest security agency and is also a global agency in three countries.
01:00.36denonhardwire: because nobody has gotten around to writing the other 950 pages of * documentation that SHOULD exist <G>
01:00.52ariel_puppet, I have to get back to you. I have a small problem here.
01:00.59hardwireI just found out that I need some more hardware just to program this stupid PBX
01:01.07harryvvIt would not suprise me if the total employee base was 10 thousand officers.
01:01.07puppetariel_: ok, hope it solves :)
01:01.11hardwireI think we are going to kill the lease.. sell it.. rip the wire out of the walls and go all VoIP
01:01.18*** join/#asterisk mesi (
01:06.57KalD|Workanyone know what protocol the MITEL SX-200 speaks for IP stuff?  h.323?
01:09.16MikeJ[Jayden]!google:Mitel sx-200
01:09.20tzangershmaltz: I'm here
01:09.35MikeJ[Jayden]~google: MITEL SX-200
01:09.59MikeJ[Jayden]hello :)
01:10.11tzangerhello :-)
01:10.33Darwin35firewire rocks on bsd
01:10.37tzangerI have 8 firewire drives
01:10.54tzangerthe kernel detects 9 firewire devices (8 + the host card)
01:10.58tzangerbut only one fucking drive shows up
01:11.15tzangerand if I force a rescan nothing changes unless I force all scsi channels, at which point I get 8 of the same drive
01:11.24tzangereven if only 4 are plugged in
01:11.48tzangerI'm building 2.6.11 now to see if that helps at all
01:12.15*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
01:13.20tzangerOntario Provincial Police are looking for a tractor-trailer that was stolen from a gas station off Highway 401 in Napanee, west of Kingston. The cargo was just peanuts ? 18,000 pounds of shelled nuts in 20 tote bags. The truck's driver was headed for the Kraft Foods processing plant in Montreal when his rig went missing.
01:13.32tzangerfirst the beer bandit and now this
01:15.04harryvvcrooks are generally idiots
01:15.37harryvvI should sell my aprs as a commercial version to those truck drivers.
01:15.39*** join/#asterisk Bacon (
01:16.26*** part/#asterisk mesi (
01:19.27*** join/#asterisk miguellinux (~miguellin@
01:20.28ariel_puppet, this is what the flash operator panel doc's say. Context: if the extension is not reachable from the default context in your dialplan, you should also specify its context. If you have extension number 100 inside the 'from-sip' context, then you should write 100 for the extension and from-sip for the context
01:21.21shepherdwhen are they going to certify extensions.conf as it's own programming language?
01:21.57ariel_shepherd, it's own programming lang. It's just a script area.
01:22.09shepherdIT SHOULD BE!
01:22.16shepherdi learn something new everyday!
01:22.21TrepaliumMakes it a pain to parse from any non-* tools.
01:22.34AgiNamuDoes asterisk go into an infinite loop if you dial your own extension from your own extension?
01:22.36ariel_shepherd, but the hard part is the agi and other app's.
01:22.54mishehueinal is what it shall be called.  it'll stand for einal is not a language
01:23.00shepherdyeah.. agi is easier than extensions.conf (in my opinion)
01:23.00ariel_AgiNamu, yes sometimes it does.
01:23.07mishehuthe e coming from "extensions"
01:23.27ariel_shepherd, I don't know agi nor perl too much but I can sure do lots in the extension.conf
01:23.49puppetariel_: have gotten that right now with connection between phones but im loosing the call when im connecting it back to main menu ;p
01:24.03shepherdwe should add more crap to "einal" so we can do agi with it
01:24.43ariel_puppet, put it in debug mode and see what it says.
01:24.50shepherdariel: btw.. you can use php for agi
01:24.51jakepdevwhen you say AGI is hard - hard like C programmming - or hard like little harder than configuring *
01:24.52shepherdit's fun
01:25.16ariel_shepherd, yes I know. I do some agi and perl as well but I am not a programmer.
01:25.34shepherdthe best programmers know how the cut and paste!
01:25.40shepherdthe = to
01:26.04jakepdevshepherd - sounds like you have been using AGI - have you found it to be stable?
01:26.04shepherdi learned agi before everything else
01:26.10ariel_3 years ago we had to go to the coded to see what was going on.
01:26.16shepherdand i do mean everything
01:26.32shepherdfor the most part
01:26.35shepherduse fastagi!
01:26.41jakepdevI want to throw about 60 simultanious calls at it
01:27.05puppetariel_: really the first problem is that when i call in, the line says my own phonnumber and not the one that is calling not until i press one and connects to internal phones then it says real phonnumber
01:27.23shepherdagi has always had problems with mass calls
01:27.36shepherdi don't know if it has been fixed yet with fastagi
01:27.39jakepdevwhat's the limit you would use?
01:27.45shepherdit should be though
01:27.49harryvvanyone seen a case where merdian ivr voice is tripping over its self? Ie before it finishes saying one word the next starts in its place?
01:27.58shepherdit use to be like really low.. like 20
01:28.07shepherdbut i'm sure it's high than that now
01:28.40shepherdare you running head?
01:28.41ariel_puppet, I just started to use fop a month ago. So I am also new to it.
01:28.42jakepdevis there any other alternative you'd suggest for a production environment?
01:28.57ariel_but I think there is a channel here for it. called #asterisk-fop
01:29.03jakepdevw/ about 60 calls simul)
01:29.15shepherdc can handle it for sure
01:29.29jakepdevugh :)
01:29.33shepherdc always has been able to
01:29.40harryvvjak, a low cpu asterisk box has been tested with 700 calls
01:29.40puppetariel_: but the first look of it it looks good
01:29.49shepherdphp should do a good job
01:29.53shepherdsame with perl
01:29.57shepherdi think fast agi fixed a lot
01:30.02NormAst55 Calls very low cpu.. Next to nothing.
01:30.04jakepdevharry - but with AGI?
01:30.36*** join/#asterisk zignig (~simon@
01:30.41NormAstharyvv: No echo cancellation on the 700 calls.
01:30.57jakepdevNorm - right - but with AGI?
01:31.08*** join/#asterisk madclicker (
01:31.10jakepdevsoory - saw the response too late
01:31.33NormAstjakepdev: how many incomming lines will you have?
01:31.37madclickerSOS 7960 SIP firmware required
01:31.47harryvvsorry has to leave for a little no i read this one some site but dont recall all the details. It was load tested with 700 calls.
01:31.55jakepdevNorm - figuring on 60
01:32.24jakepdevk Harry - tnx
01:32.36NormAstjakepdev:   agi should be okay..   BUT...  If you want to go bigger then you really need to write a c loadable module.
01:32.42ariel_I have to go and re-do my test machine.  I just killed my hdd.  argh I hate it when cheap old drives die.
01:32.54BaconAnyone have any rhel3/centos/wbel rpms of Asterisk?
01:33.17madclickeranyone has a cisco 7960 phone?
01:33.19harryvvI wonder what a 1.8 amd op with 1 gig would do concerning a load. 1500 or greater calls?
01:33.36shepherdbacon: even if rpms were out.. we would suggest you use head
01:33.55NormAstI have looped a quad card at 120 channels on a single machine.   It's the echo canneller that really kills the CPU.
01:34.06Baconshepherd: Why is that?
01:34.12tzangerariel_: nonsense
01:34.14NormAstMore taps.. More cpu.
01:34.18tzangerariel_: HEAD is almost always stable
01:34.20RoyK~lart digium for giving horrible support
01:34.21harryvvbtw, what ide or sata drives have a really high mtbf ratings?
01:34.33jakepdevit's talking to another PBX a few feet away, will echo cann still be an issue?
01:34.51NormAstShoudl be fine.
01:34.52tzangerharryvv: the ones that say "SCSI" on them
01:35.10geeksterdoes anyone notice a bad echo when calling from one asterisk pbx to another over the PSTN ?
01:35.13NormAstjakepdev:  PRI -> * -> PRI -> PBX?
01:35.22TrepaliumSCSI is nice.  The price is not.
01:35.26jakepdevPRnorm - exactly
01:35.30tzangerTrepalium: then deal with IDE
01:35.30harryvvecho is more a function of line impedence then anything else. Tzangr a scci drive is a ide drive with scci elctronics on it.
01:35.44shepherdbacon: /whois tzanger
01:35.45NormAstjakepdev: make sure you turn off echocanwhenbride=no
01:35.51tzangerTrepalium: seriously...  IDE drives in RAID1 should gie you plenty of warning
01:35.56shepherdhehe. ignore that
01:35.56tzangerharryvv: you are *dead* wrong
01:36.13jakepdevtnx - Norm - I'll try that
01:36.17TrepaliumI know.  Nothing beats being able to hot swap a dead drive in a production system, though.
01:36.22tzangerharryvv: show me a 15krpm IDE drive.  Show me an IDE drive with a 5 year warranty
01:36.24harryvvThats what I have read from some tech documentation.
01:36.45tzangerharryvv: your tech documentation is either wrong or it's talking about the bottom of the barrel SCSI drives
01:36.47harryvvtzanger,  ballance is obviosly a issue at those higher speeds.
01:36.53tzangerharryvv: obviously
01:37.05tzangeras are bearings and heat
01:37.18jakepdevoops - Norm - I misread - it's actually PRI -> PBX -> * -> PBX
01:37.51NormAstjakepdev: yea.. set echocanwhenbridged=no
01:37.53TrepaliumThe media might be exactly or nearly the same, but I imagine the media with fewer errors are reserved for the SCSI drives, whereas the ones with more defects are branded IDE.
01:37.59jakepdevtnx norm
01:38.02harryvvyea i know. I am a prior jet engine aircraft tech were our compressor spools spin at 60k rpms and studied those drives.
01:38.13harryvvthose berrings
01:38.25tzangerTrepalium: I think you're mistaken except maybe on the bargain scsi drives
01:38.34NormAstAnyone know if I can set the rxgrain and txgrain when a call is bridged?  ie:  rxgrainwhenbridge= x and txgrainwhenbridged=x
01:38.34tzangerharryvv: right on
01:38.36harryvvbut if anything ballance is very critical at those speeds.
01:39.54harryvvEven a change in the rotor blade weights of a few ounces in our 150 pound roror blades exibit vibration in the airframe.
01:39.55NormAstjakepdev: on your pri you need to set one as pri_cpe and the other as pri_net
01:40.06TrepaliumThen again, I had one of our sales people try to tell me that the industry was going to drop SCSI in favor of Serial ATA.  He said he was told this by a supplier.  I was scared.
01:40.30tzangerharryvv: yup I used to know the physics...  it's interesting stuff
01:40.51jakepdevthe PRI goes into the PBX - does it still make a difference?
01:40.57harryvvtzanger, helo dynamics is very facinating. Far far more complex then fixed wing.
01:41.03tzangerSATA and even PATA have been getting more and more of the featurs of SCSI (hotswap, TCQ, etc.) but there always seems to be the difference in performance
01:41.14RoyK~lart digium for giving horrible support
01:41.32NormAstRoyk: bad support = Great FREE software.
01:41.38jbotextra, extra, read all about it, sangoma is a company that makes PRI cards the way Digium should have done it in the first place....
01:41.55RoyKNormAst: free as in beer - not as in speech
01:41.58tzanger~lart royk for giving my chlamydia
01:42.15jakepdevis there open source speech rec?
01:42.15RoyKNormAst: see aefirion for the free and good stuff
01:42.15TrepaliumTo who?
01:42.21RoyK~lart tza
01:42.24RoyK~lart tzanger
01:42.41RoyK~lart tzanger
01:43.23tzangerjeez what did I hit a nerve?
01:44.06NormAstokay... enough jbot.
01:44.16NormAst~jbot dies
01:44.17jboti do?
01:45.03*** join/#asterisk PatrickDK (
01:45.07NormAstRoyk: I do like the sangoma Pri cards.. Have 4 of them now.
01:45.11TrepaliumWhat makes Sangoma cards better than Digium's?
01:45.37NormAstnormast: 3.3 volt 5 volt. just for starters.
01:46.34NormAsttrepalium: They are able to handle PRI timing from different T1 providers on the same system.
01:46.47NormAstwithout giving you HDLC errrors.
01:47.14NormAstTrepalium: and the one I like the most is.....
01:47.40yabooconstantly getting call failed between a sipura 2000 and xlite, any reasons why?
01:47.47NormAstTrepalium:  They don't tell you it's your motherboard when you have an issue and tell you to replace it.
01:48.23TrepaliumOkay, given the fact that I'm in the market for 2x T1 line capable card(s), this is good to know.
01:48.29*** part/#asterisk NoCAT (
01:49.32NormAstTrepalium: I use the 2x t1 card as a call record for a client.. PRI to * and PRI out to PBX.
01:51.39*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:51.45tclarkNormAst: :), another convert, ..
01:52.13jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
01:52.22TrepaliumFor those cards, channelized, or unchannelized, what's the difference?
01:53.23NormAstTrepalium: You can setup say 10 channels for voice and 13 channels for data, using there wanpipe drivers.
01:55.11*** join/#asterisk syslod (~yurplsl@
01:55.30*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (some@
01:55.42Newbie___bjohnson: hi
01:55.58TrepaliumI see.  Thanks.
01:56.28Newbie___hi all
01:57.04syslodAnyone know how make the callerid on "non" callerid to be something other than asterisk on inbound call?
01:57.32modulus_source code?
01:58.03yaboohmm fixed my problem a bit more but seems I can dial from the sipura to the xlite but not the other way around
01:58.33syslodIsn't there an equiv of setcallerid for inbound?
01:59.41*** join/#asterisk mes (~mes@
01:59.57NormAstsyslod: why not just do a exten => s,1,SetCallerID(1231231323)
02:00.02NormAstexten => s,2,Answer
02:00.22syslodI tried that it still says "asterisk" when calling
02:00.57NormAstSetCallerName or something like that.
02:01.05syslodThis is on an inbound call. Does that work on a inbound call?
02:01.15NormAstshould do.
02:03.19*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:04.04ManxPowersyslod, What is your specific problem?
02:04.15NormAstAnyone know if the grandstream 101 are any better then the BudgeTone-100?
02:05.21ManxPowerNormAst, I didn't know there was such a thing as a BT100.  I thought there was only a BT101.  Anyway, their product sheet will tell you.
02:05.45MikeJ[Jayden]Manx... I can probably get my IRC client to do ~docs every 5 minutes... it would save you some typing
02:05.46NormAstYea.. I have one of the very FRIST grandstreams..
02:06.08ManxPowerMikeJ[Jayden], Every 30 mins is more than often enough.
02:06.32ManxPowerMikeJ[Jayden], I type it when I join the channel.  And any time I see lots of newbies in the channel.
02:07.13MikeJ[Jayden]if only we could get a bot smart enough to di that automatically the first time somone new spoke in the channel
02:10.03BrianR___Hmm.. The Varion quad pri cards are much cheaper than the digium ones..
02:12.24ManxPowersyslod, s/,1,SetCIDName(Secret Agent)
02:12.46*** join/#asterisk techie (
02:13.03puppetDoes anyone know a websystem for reconnecting calls etc more then op panel?
02:15.23madclickeranyone has a 7960 cisco phone ?
02:15.38ManxPowermadclicker, 23 million people, according to Cisco.
02:16.01madclickerthis channel i nean
02:16.55madclickerif only one in a million....:(
02:18.21puppetmadclicker: looking for firmware?
02:19.09madclickerpuppet: uh-huh, got three of them from the -bay no firmware....buhhhhh
02:19.26dsmousehey, anyone know of a way for asterisk to get data from ldap
02:19.30dsmouselike dialplan stuff?
02:19.46*** join/#asterisk PHILLTH (
02:19.53potterwhats the priority code for no answer?
02:21.18shepherdanyone know if it is possible to transcode ulaw to gsm ?
02:21.30rikstaof course
02:22.02NormAstcost cpu
02:22.55PatrickDKnot much, ask asterisk
02:23.05PatrickDKshow transcoding,or something like that
02:23.21*** join/#asterisk pUmkInhEd (
02:23.28*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
02:23.55BrianR___tzanger: Been playing with your norstar / asterisk much lately?
02:25.09tzangerno not at all BrianR___ ...  been sick and just no time
02:27.13BrianR___This "E News" cable channel has re-enactments of the michael jackson mollestation trial..
02:27.21tzangeryou're kidding
02:27.23BrianR___From the transcripts.
02:27.24tzangerthat is fucking disgusting
02:27.28BrianR___It's pretty gross.
02:27.57TrepaliumUhg.  Terrible...  And all for ratings, I imagine.
02:28.01PHILLTHi saw that the other day i thought i was watching mad tv or something
02:28.09BrianR___<Lawyer Guy> Were you in bed with michael jackson while he was touching your brother's penis while he was masterbating?
02:29.05BrianR___The actor they have playing michael jackson is hillarious too
02:30.00BrianR___She has on tons of make up and a very fake looking black wig...
02:30.51harryvvbrian thats why most of the time i keep the tv turned off.
02:31.04BrianR___Almost lost my dinner :(
02:31.37harryvvohh thats nothing.. I can tell you storis my brother encounters at a hospital when it comes to the mentaly disturbed.
02:32.10BrianR___TV would be better if there were more naked women and less shows about michael jackson and little boys...
02:32.35harryvvnot for this familly man :)
02:32.45CoaxDBrianR: The sad thing is, ratings do not show that to be true
02:32.55CoaxDBrianR: Everybody wants scandals.  Dirty, rotten scandals
02:33.03CoaxDinvolving famous people, especially. they love those
02:33.19CoaxDthis is for the same reason that howard stern's radio show took off so good way back when
02:33.28BrianR___harryvv: Boobs are good for kids...
02:33.40BrianR___rectal prolapse due to excessive buggering by the king of pop? Not for kids.
02:33.53*** join/#asterisk p0lar (
02:33.59CoaxDBrianR: Yeah, i hate it when that happens
02:34.00drspermquestion, how might I turn down the music on hold...even with the vol on the phone all the way is still loud.
02:34.06harryvvI know of some one that would disagree with that.
02:34.20CoaxDBrianR: Brings back the constant reminder of when michael jackson molested me :(
02:34.39jakepdevhe sure does get around
02:34.40greg_workCoaxD: and when there are no scandals.. stick some people in a house, throw around the world "reality" and make them fight
02:34.43CoaxDBrianR: I wasn't sure i should come forward until all these other people did.  Now, I feel better about it
02:35.01CoaxDgreg_work: Yeah, thats about right
02:35.18TrepaliumI stopped subscribing to cable tv because there was just so little worth watching.
02:35.19p0larDon't forget about the $1M prize
02:35.33CoaxDTrepalium: I watch a few shows. thats it
02:35.45*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (some@
02:35.49p0larHas anyone used any of these USB SIP phones?
02:35.53CoaxDTrepalium:  (SG1 and SGA, Judging Amy, The Outer Limits, and a couple others.)
02:35.56BrianR___netflix was worth the $$ though...
02:35.58CoaxDp0lar: They're *REALLY* not worth it, sir
02:36.16CoaxDp0lar: You're better off spending a few extra bucks and getting an ATA
02:36.27p0laryeah, I thoguht about that, but I'm in an airport right now
02:36.35TrepaliumIf I had a Tivo or similar, I would probably find more utility in having cable tv, but I don't.
02:36.44p0larwhipping out my ata + phone is a little.. I dunno.. strange
02:36.46BrianR___Unfortunately there's a few older flicks I'd like to see that aren't on DVD.. Maybe I'll get the laserdiscs and a player on eBay..
02:36.53CoaxDp0lar: The only thing they do is generate a sound interface with inputs/outputs that which a phone can understand
02:37.19p0larI need something compact that can share my wireless connection here
02:37.33CoaxDp0lar: Get an IAXy or somesuch
02:37.39CoaxDp0lar: or a grandstream phone or something
02:37.52p0larI guess I could piggyback it to the eth port on the laptop
02:38.00p0larand do nat onto the other interface
02:38.08p0laror not, since I run through a VPN tunnel
02:38.09CoaxDoh.  you could also use a sipura 2100 for that
02:38.21p0lartrue, I could just run my laptop into the 2100...
02:38.29p0larthen auth its mac to the server here
02:38.38p0laror I could pinch someone else's mac when they leave to get on a flight
02:38.55p0laror buy a TMobile account.. *puke*
02:39.01CoaxDyou could also get a celphone and eliminate the need for the whole mess :)
02:39.10TrepaliumToo easy!
02:39.14CoaxD(and forward your DID there via asterisk)
02:39.22p0larGot one... but my plan isn't friendly for US travel
02:39.32CoaxDp0lar: Get a new plan
02:39.39p0larc'mon, let me do something geeky, damn it
02:39.42CoaxDp0lar: You need a celphone with nationwide
02:39.49CoaxDp0lar: t-mobile does not suck, btw.
02:40.00CoaxDp0lar: They have good, reliable service.  (And no, they're not paying me.)
02:40.03CoaxDp0lar: AHHHHHH.
02:40.20CoaxDp0lar: That brings things into perspective
02:40.22p0larT-mobile data services have not been good to me
02:40.34tzangerwhat would cause asterisk to originate IAX2 frames with out of order framestamps?  The call source is zap, going to an iax2 peer
02:40.37p0lar's ok, I can cope with just having IRC, I didn't feel like being social anyway
02:40.41CoaxDp0lar: GPRS should work okay..  it really depends on what hardware you're trying to do it on
02:40.48tzangertcpdump on the * box that took the zap call shows OOO framestamps
02:40.54CoaxDtzanger: piss poor network
02:40.58tzangerCoaxD: no
02:41.03tzangernot packet timestamps
02:41.12p0larsecurity measure
02:41.18CoaxDtzanger: piss poor network would cause anything
02:41.22tzangeras in the iax2 mini frames are being sent out the network out of order
02:41.30p0larrandomized ip ids & frames, hehehe
02:41.30AgiNamuWhat does "CNG" mean?
02:41.44tzangerCoaxD: I'm recording this on the interface sourcing those packets though
02:41.50tzangeri.e. tcpdump on the * box sending them
02:42.09tzangerand the network card is solid... intel gige running at 10mbit/hd
02:42.14BrianR___Heh.. Get Verizon's EVDO service :) 2mbps wireless in most major US markets...
02:42.18BrianR___144kbps nationwide.
02:42.19CoaxDtzanger: perhaps since * probably does some checking, it perhaps might be retransmitting a packet that wasn't received correctly
02:42.31tzangerCoaxD: it only does that for full frames
02:42.35tzangerthese are mini frames
02:42.44tzangeronly full frames are ACK'd
02:42.45CoaxDtzanger: I dont know squat about IAX2, man
02:43.09CoaxDtzanger: i'm just saying, its udp.  If ASTERISK isn't doing something correctly, i'd classify that as a BUG.
02:43.29tzangerCoaxD: I'd agree but I can't say for sure that that's it yet
02:43.47*** part/#asterisk zignig (~simon@
02:44.15*** join/#asterisk Gronker (
02:44.50tzangeranyway I'm going to bed
02:45.05p0lardamn.. > 750kbit/s through my vpn connection over this wifi connection.. heh
02:45.06BrianR___tzanger: tty;
02:45.44*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
02:45.46p0lar~300kbit/s up, not shabby
02:45.51Mw3p0lar: openvpn ?
02:45.55p0laryou know it. ;)
02:46.20p0larI have two conn-types
02:46.35p0larfirst is on 53/UDP and 2nd is http 'connect' proxy-type
02:48.50*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
02:49.53FaithXanyone got acucobol in here?
02:50.54potterwhats the priority code for no answer?
02:51.12CoaxDpotter: There is no priority code for no answer.  It just goes on in context
02:51.51CoaxDtho there might be a flag to tell Dial() to exit with a priority code upon a no answer
02:52.41ManxPowerYou can check the value of ${DIALSTATUS} to know what happened.
02:53.33*** join/#asterisk Damin_Mobile (
02:54.01p0larhmnn.. ~105ms.. quake in an airport?  is it doable?
02:54.56CoaxDthat'd be modem latencies
02:54.58CoaxDbut i spose
02:57.04ManxPowerAlways do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest. -- Mark Twain
02:57.05modulus_isn't she lovelyyyy
02:57.10modulus_this hooooollywood giiiiiirl
02:58.00*** join/#asterisk [hC] (~turnerd@
02:58.16[hC]Is the res_mysql support found in asterisk-addons only available via CVS?
02:59.30ManxPower[hC], I think that is correct.
02:59.50*** join/#asterisk jero (
03:00.54DyOSanyone use bellster?
03:01.54p0larjero: you live in QC?
03:03.20jerop0lar, yes
03:03.29jerop0lar, you too ?
03:03.34modulus_vnc uses 2 byte encrypted passwords
03:03.47p0larYep.. well, not right at this moment, but sometime around 10h00 tomorrow I will be, heh
03:04.13jeroheh, are you from here or are you coming for an occasional feature ?
03:04.38*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
03:04.45yaboohi trying to dial from xlite to a sipura 2000, but the debug message tells me that 404 not found from the sipura
03:04.57yaboothe sipura can dial the xlite without fail
03:05.55p0larjero: haha 1) I know what occasional feature in QC means, but 2) no, I live there.. heh.. MTL that is
03:06.15jeromtl too
03:06.22p0larjero: still nasty weather?
03:06.54jeroquite cold, around -20/-30c today, some snow around. but the next days will be sunny
03:07.14Qwelljero: care to trade?
03:07.24*** join/#asterisk t3t (
03:07.26jerotrade what ?
03:07.42p0lardidn't call the wife today.. d'oh
03:08.08p0larcat /dev/random | excuse > /dev/wife | grep "COUCH" && locate couch
03:08.14jerowhere are you in, p0lar and Qwell
03:08.15Qwelljero: its about 30c here
03:08.15*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
03:08.19jerop0lar, lol
03:08.22p0larjero: San Jose, CA
03:08.32Qwella bit further south then him
03:08.42jeroin mexico ?
03:08.49Qwelljust a tad higher
03:09.04jerookay :)
03:09.30p0larjero: I get in ~10h20ish tomorrow morning and have to work all day. :(
03:09.42p0larflying all night.. it'll suck
03:09.51[hC]Im reading some of the RealTime pages on voip-info. they seem to contradict each other alot. One says something (I think?) about not being able to support nat keepalives or MWI when you use RealTime modules. Another says you can store some things in sip.conf and some in sipfriends, another says you cant mix the two.. Which one is right?
03:10.04p0larhate west coast -> east coast flights
03:10.46jerothey make me knocked-out
03:10.57*** join/#asterisk krilloz (
03:11.04p0larfirst leg is 5.5 hours..
03:11.29p0larI'm hoping it isn't cramped
03:12.11EightWell... I swear I'm miss-using the Dial command.
03:12.15Groobygot HD3000 to work!
03:12.55ManxPower[hC], As I understand it, sipfriends is a 1.0.x thing, whereas Realtime is a CVS-HEAD thing (at least right now)
03:13.22EightThe MeetMe conference is working fine. But when I have "exten => 314,1,Dial(SIP/me)" it rings, and answers, but there's no sound.
03:13.50Juggie[hC] neither
03:13.52*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
03:14.21Juggieyou can use MWI with realtime now, but you need to get the lastest version of the sip config file
03:14.29ManxPowerEight, You don't have a bandwidth= line or an allow=all in sip.conf, do you?
03:14.49EightI have allow=gsm, ulaw, alaw.
03:14.53Juggieand in there, there is a flag to put the database of sip peers into asterisk memory structures
03:14.55EightManxPower: the thing is, we can talk FINE in meetme.
03:14.58Juggiethus making MWI work
03:14.58*** join/#asterisk JustinSan (
03:17.23puppetlol i have bashquotes now
03:17.30puppetfestival is semifun
03:17.52[hC]Ah I see where im getting confused. I dont understand the difference between a database peer/user and a static peer/user. Time to dig more.  :)
03:18.17[hC]I thought a database peer/user meant a peer/user that is stored in database config, but that doesnt seem to be the case
03:18.22*** join/#asterisk cero64 (
03:18.37EightIs it possible there's some issue with the NAT that only crops up when Asterisk dials out to a SIP client, but doesn't present a problem when all the dialing is done by the SIP client?
03:18.41Juggie[hC] originally with realtime 'sip show peers' at the CLI woudnt show you the peers in the database
03:18.51Juggiethere is a new setting to change that
03:18.57Juggiewhich now makes * aware of its peers
03:19.04Juggie(instead of just when they are needed)
03:19.09Juggieand hence makes it all work
03:19.17ManxPowerEight, Is Asterisk behind NAT?
03:19.41EightManxPower: Yes. But 5060 and 10k-20k are forwarded, and ExternIP is set in sip.conf
03:19.52ManxPowerEight, localnet= too?
03:19.55EightManxPower: yup.
03:20.06ManxPowerEight, Are you SURE the SIP client is set for 10k-20k too?
03:20.56yaboodailing from xlite to sipura 2000 now get 403 forbidden, anyone know why?
03:20.56Eightthe SIP client is listening on 8k (X-lite), but that shouldn't require forwarding on the Ast' end...
03:21.04Eightyaboo: user/pass?
03:21.16yabooEight on which client
03:21.35Eightyaboo: Sipura 2000.
03:21.39yabooEight, both register, and the sipura 2k can dial the xlite without any problems
03:22.27Eightyaboo: SIP seems to use HTTP style errors. 404 not found, 403 forbidden. 403 forbidden usually implies that the resource exists (you're specifying it properly) but isn't available to you (for whatever reason. User/pass, or just not allowed at all).
03:22.50Eightyaboo: er, wait. You're going through asterisk right?
03:23.18yabooEight or errors on the debug I get when the xlite dials the sipura 2k are
03:23.31Eightyaboo: And they can both do the echo test fine?
03:23.46yabooGot sip response 404 "Not found" back from
03:24.02yabooSIP/3004-a83f is circuit-busy
03:24.16yabooEveryone is busy/congested at this time
03:24.26yabooEight echo test?
03:24.28EightSounds like your destination isn't currently registered.
03:24.40yaboothe sipura 2k
03:25.21Eightput what I just pasted into the context the SIP connections end up in.
03:25.42EightAssuming it's not the demo context already, which has that.
03:25.59EightThen dial 600 with each device. Make sure they devices can talk to Asterisk, by themselves.
03:26.18yaboothe sipura 2k needs nothing special for it to work
03:26.29yabooonly line 1 is domain locked thou
03:26.34EightIf one of them doesn't hear the announce, or get the echo back, then you can narrow down your issues.
03:26.49puppetdamn so useless function i did
03:26.59puppetwhy do u EVER want loosy bashquotes in your phone?
03:27.21Eightyaboo: keep in mind, you're taking advice from someone who can't get two things to dial eachother either =)
03:28.02Eightwell, the dialing works. it's the sound after the pickup that doesn't =/
03:29.00*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (~jmhunter@
03:29.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
03:29.01yabooEight seems the xlite echotest works
03:29.31yabooEight, echo test on sipura works
03:29.38Eightoh god.
03:29.47yaboowhat Eight
03:29.47EightApparently Dial(SIP/name) doesn't work.
03:29.54EightI stuck a 30s timeout and Tt on it and it works.
03:30.12EightI spent hours last night trying to fix what I thought were NAT issues =/
03:30.25modulus_did you try nat=yes?
03:30.28modulus_in your sip.conf
03:30.32Eightmodulus_: I wasn't having nat issues =)
03:30.39modulus_did you try forcing ulaw?
03:31.01modulus_did you try canreinvite=no
03:31.13Eightmodulus_: is that a bot script? =p
03:31.15modulus_'cause i don't even know what kind of device you have
03:31.23modulus_no i just type really fast
03:31.27modulus_and you're just really slow
03:31.40Eightmodulus_: well, you're ignoring what I'm saying.
03:31.47Eightmodulus_: I am not, and never was, having NAT issues.
03:32.06modulus_Dial(SIP/name) works for me
03:32.50Eightwell, Dial(SIP/name) rang the user, but had no sound.
03:32.58EightDial(SIP/name,30,Tt) rang the user, and had sound.
03:33.19modulus_did you try canreinvite=no in your sip.conf?
03:33.44jmhunterhey did we ever decide if the sipura 3000's fxo port is *able
03:33.46modulus_that's another option you can mess with
03:33.49modulus_in the sip.conf
03:34.00modulus_just fuck around with all the options until it works
03:34.10Eightmodulus_: I did, and now it does =)
03:34.10modulus_b/c you're obviously not going to read what all the options do
03:34.19modulus_that fixed it?
03:34.29Eightmodulus_: I *have* been reading what the options do.
03:34.37modulus_canreinvite works?
03:35.14EightI've spent hours reading the Wiki, and actually 'solved' my problem without suggestions from you or anyone else. Don't give me crap for not RTFM.
03:35.23modulus_what fixed it?
03:35.33EightYou're the one who isn't listening.
03:35.35dsmousewhat was the problem?
03:36.36modulus_it should work w/o using the ,30,Tt
03:36.38Eightdsmouse: When two parties go into a MeetMe conference they can hear eachother fine. When one dials the other with "Dial(SIP/name)" it rings, connects, but no sound.
03:36.53EightI switched it to "Dial(SIP/name,30,Tt)" and now it works.
03:37.06*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
03:37.06Juggienever had that problem here.
03:37.07modulus_what happens when you remove 30?
03:37.12modulus_juggie, me neither
03:37.21Eightmodulus_: I haven't gotten that far, yet.
03:37.23SexyKenAnyone here know of any good syncronization programs for Windows?
03:37.32Eightmodulus_: been busing being defensive in here =p
03:37.35modulus_sexyken, FreeBSD works really well
03:37.38[hC]What exactly is a 'database channel'
03:37.54SexyKenmodulus -> Eat my ass.
03:38.12modulus_sexyken -> freebsd will sync your programs perfectly
03:38.34SexyKenmodulus -> FreeBSD isn't a program either.
03:38.38Eightmodulus_: Ah, Thanks for pointing me at canreinvite.
03:38.47SexyKenmodulus -> And it isn't for windows.
03:38.54EightI see why Tt fixed it.
03:38.56modulus_sexyken -> your arrow notation sucks
03:39.01EightOr, I suspect.
03:39.02modulus_eight, you're welcome
03:39.21SexyKenmodulus -> Would you like a spoon?
03:39.31modulus_sexyken -> there is no spoon
03:40.10modulus_jbot nickometer SexyKen
03:40.26SexyKenjbot nickometer modulus_
03:40.34modulus_jbot lart SexyKen for being an 31337 rEtard.
03:41.27modulus_jbot lart?
03:41.28jbotmethinks lart is Luser Attitude Re-adjustment Tool
03:44.13Juggiejbot nick Juggie
03:44.27Juggiejbot nickometer Juggie
03:46.14cero64jbot nickometer ruienr
03:46.21cero64jbot nickometer ruiner
03:46.34cero64yay, even with a spelling error it's not latme
03:46.44cero64shit, i really can't type today
03:47.19jmhunterwheres the wiki these days
03:48.04shepherdnot helpful
03:49.11jmhunteroops, there it is... anyone know baout
03:49.29shepherdanyone want to conf?
03:52.24ManxPowerIf you are going to play with the bot it's polite to do so in private and wash your hands after.
03:54.05jmhunterhey manx
03:56.40*** join/#asterisk Mneumonic (
03:57.15Mneumonichey, im trying to set up overhead paging thru oss...i got the extension to auto-answer but anything i say into the mic isnt comin out the speakers... any help on this?
03:57.48ManxPowerMneumonic, Um, overhead paging is EASY.
03:58.15Mneumonicwell i got extension 880 dialing CONSOLE/dsp
03:58.25Mneumonicand it answers, but no sound
03:58.31Mneumonicso i i guess im retarted
03:58.42ManxPowerCan you play sounds via that device?
03:59.02Mneumonicnever tried, assumed linux picked up the sound card... how can i test?
03:59.18Mneumonicim not very linux savvy, but i am getting the hang of it
03:59.19cero64try using mpg123 to play an mpg
03:59.22ManxPowerMneumonic, Let me find my configs to post.
03:59.45ManxPowerMneumonic, You really need to make sure sound is working without Asterisk.
04:00.09Mneumonictrying mpg123 now
04:01.12spackleyou should be able to dial an extension from the soundcard and hear it just like a phone
04:01.51EightHow long does it usually take for Broadvoice to kick in?
04:01.57Eightregistering a new account.
04:02.30Mneumonicplaying a mp3 now and it works
04:02.43*** part/#asterisk Popdog (
04:03.18modulus_eight, i don't recommend broadvoice
04:03.27Eightmodulus_: too late =p
04:04.35MneumonicManxPower - copies your settings and it doent work... :(
04:04.43*** join/#asterisk cf_man (
04:04.48MneumonicOSS/dsp andwered... but no sound
04:06.26cf_mangreatings everyone
04:08.20p0larCan anyone get to
04:08.58cero64sup cf_man
04:09.46cf_manjust installed slackware on a fresh box and wanted to get asterisk on it
04:10.47cf_manwgetting the files now
04:10.48cero64more specifically,
04:11.00cf_mangot it
04:11.10cero64pretty simple as far as installing, gunzip, tar -xf, cd into directory, make, make install
04:11.28cero64configuration is another issue :)
04:11.43*** join/#asterisk Speer (
04:11.55Eightnow i've gone and forgotten, is it the zaptel stuff or asterisk itself that wants %make linux26; for that kernel? or both?
04:12.26QwellEight: its not needed anymore, I don't think
04:12.37modulus_php pastebin sucks
04:12.51SpeerHi, Can anyone tell me if asterisk will work on sun microsystems' architecture?
04:13.07cf_manany really cool options I should looking enabling
04:13.09EightQwell: oh? I was having troubles with something yesterday, that got resolved by make linux26... or maybe that's because /sbin wasn't in my path ::curses fresh install::
04:13.11shepherdspeer: yes it will
04:13.48EightSpeer: The software itself runs on just about any unix (I ran it earlier on Mac OS X). Support for the zaptel cards is a different matter.
04:13.52QwellEight: dunno, I was looking at a Makefile the other day, and it did the check on its own if you do just make
04:14.05EightQwell: cool. I'll stop mentioning it then =)
04:14.22MneumonicManxPower - It seems i am loading the module to handle the paging... i see u use alsa, so what module do i need to load to use alsa?
04:14.40SpeerI have a Cobalt Qube laying around I was gonna try it with just out of curiosity, Thanks for your help!
04:15.06Mneumonicis it just chan_alsa? or
04:15.08shepherdi think someone made it work with sunos
04:16.23Mneumonicloanding chan_alsa or failed.. grrrr
04:19.33cf_mancer064 do you recomend A.M.P for a management platform?
04:20.27*** join/#asterisk jawong (
04:21.34niZonI wonder if this will get me access to the cisco SIP firmware:
04:21.49jawongsorry to be a bother - but where's the url for how to connect asterisk to a standard phone line?  (ie, give it a real telephone number).  I'm looking for the entire guide
04:22.31jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
04:22.35Qwelljawong: somewhere in there
04:22.56jawongexcellent - thx!
04:25.19wildcard0hmm.  anyone try iaxcomm?
04:25.55*** part/#asterisk jawong (
04:26.13Qwellwildcard0: yeah, works good for me
04:27.04wildcard0i can't see to dial up a softphone.  it registers ok and i can dial into the asterisk box, but doing iax2 show peers shows it as unreachable.  should i not be using a qualify statement?
04:27.08*** join/#asterisk Thelrax (
04:27.45*** part/#asterisk Thelrax (
04:29.08*** join/#asterisk mog_home (~mog_home@
04:29.19p0larWow.. SJPhone ->  h323 -> openvpn tunnel -> wireless -> http proxy -> internet -> openvpnserver -> softswitch at the office and it works. :S
04:29.48wildcard0that's a lot of arrows
04:31.51*** join/#asterisk Funbags (
04:32.54Funbagsanyone know why or how to fix asterisk from not passing the caller id of a incoming call from broadvoice to a sipura device ( I see the caller id in the debug, so its getting sent from broadvoice)
04:35.37shepherd is great!
04:37.58puppetcf_man: ampf?
04:38.05puppetcf_man: AMP* ?
04:39.44slePPwho knows anything about thermodynamics?
04:39.56shepherdi hated that class
04:40.13slePPwell, my question is: is heat transfer rate proportional to the temperature differential of materials?
04:40.24drspermCould anyone tell me how to reduce the volume on the music on hold...
04:40.26slePPor is it a constant rate as it nears equilibrium?
04:42.20Beirdooh good God
04:42.31Beirdothe one class I blocked from my memory
04:42.56Funbagsproportional from what i recall
04:43.03Beirdoand, incidentally, the one class with my lowest mark ever :)
04:43.35Mneumonicanyone know why the module wouldnt be in the modules directory? i successfully installed alsa...
04:43.41*** join/#asterisk bandrew (
04:45.10slePPFunbags: so -100C and 0C will equalize at the same rate 100C and 200C will (say in a fluid), but -50 and 0 will equalize at a rate that is not exactly 50% of -100 to 0?
04:45.58shepherdslepp: i'm going to give you an answer
04:46.02shepherdbut it probably won't be right
04:46.02FunbagsslePP, outa my league dude :)
04:46.47slePPit's really a fairly simple question, i just don't know the answer at all. given a two fluids of different temperatures, will half the initial temperature difference equate to exactly half the time needed for double the initial temperature. or something ;>
04:46.53bandrewHi folks, I'm looking to buy a switch for my VOIP asterisk network.. something reliable that won't break the bank.  Anyone ever heard of TRENDnet?  They have a QoS switch for $250.  Or can anyone else recommend a good one in that price range?
04:46.57*** join/#asterisk alexns (
04:47.07slePP0 + 100deg = 15 minutes, 0 + 50 deg == 7.5 minutes
04:47.10slePPtrue or false :>
04:47.38shepherdpoe switch?
04:47.43bandrewnot poe
04:47.54shepherdso just a swtich
04:47.59bandrewPOE would be nice but the ones I saw started at around $1000.
04:48.02shepherdlike.. basic networking switch
04:48.04bandrewA switch with QoS
04:48.05alexnsanyone interested getting xcapi to work with oh323 interface in asterisk ??
04:48.12alexnswill pay
04:48.20bandrewyou need QoS, right?
04:48.45slePPokie, well, i'm gonna run off and try to figure this out.. i just thought about it on the way home from dinner and now i can't stop thinking about it :>
04:49.35*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
04:50.07shepherdyuck, is all i can say
04:51.00bandrewwow, you can get a Gigafast QoS switch for $70.  Why do Cisco switches start at $700?  What's so great about them?
04:51.22alexnscisco name
04:51.36denonBS. they run a real OS
04:51.44denonthere's tons of functionality in a catalyst ..
04:51.52denonif all you need is a big Y adapter, get the gigafast crap
04:52.15denonif you need powerful vlan stuff, lots of spanning, trunking, nice snmp, etc
04:52.20denongo cisco
04:52.44alexnsios upgrades suck,
04:53.00alexnstoo bad they always want that service contract...
04:53.21bandrewdenon:  what's spanning trunking or snmp?  Are they important for a phone system?
04:53.29drspermI love Cisco..but I must say...the high end Dell's are nice (I think by Data Foundry)
04:54.09cero64i wish i could figure out how to get my cisco to work right
04:54.30drspermwhat is the issue?
04:54.35alexnsdenon, do you know of any decent cisco telephony dealers?
04:55.05cero64drsperm: i can't figure out how to get it to work with asterisk so that if i dial an extension i will dial out from my router
04:55.07channanIt's all about what you want.. Cisco has great stuff with high price... I used to not like it but I started getting like it now
04:55.14alexnsi am in pa, its hard to get them to return a call
04:55.31cero64i have a 3640 with two fxo ports in it, one hooked into an analog line with all calls from that line going to asterisk box, other port plugged into an fxs
04:55.58cero64so i'm basically, for testing, trying to dial into the analong line, then hit an extension that will then let me dial out to whatever number i want
04:56.06drspermyeah...sorry...I am a bit new to the voice side...
04:56.20cero64calls get into asterisk fine, but i think i need some weird conf in the router to allow incoming sip connections to dial back out
04:56.52*** join/#asterisk alexns (
04:56.53bandrewchannan:  Who do you recommend as a good bang for the buck?
04:56.58krillozwhats the smallest unit someone has got asterisk to run on, can someone point me in the right direction...
04:57.08krillozlike some kind of embedded platform perhaps
04:58.40drspermWhat issues will I have if my voip phones are beind firewall "A" and * is behind firewall "B"
04:59.07drspermI know that 5060/udp needs to be open to the server....
04:59.11drspermbut any other issues?
04:59.45shepherdsip needs a proxy
04:59.55alexnsi used xlite at one office with nat & firewall to connect to my * server @ home
05:00.10drspermsip for the client side?
05:00.13alexnsit seems to work well
05:00.23[hC]Do many of you guys use mysql for RES data?
05:00.36[hC]Or.. Anyone at all? :)
05:00.36alexnsbut i don't leave it on that often, on the client side there may be an issue with registration
05:00.40drspermalexns: isn't xlite a softphone...
05:00.53alexnswhat is it ?
05:00.57puppetgive me something to code :/ thing was useless ;p
05:01.13alexnssorry read wrong
05:01.20drspermso a sip proxy...
05:01.21alexnsi have also used polycom
05:01.28drspermthat is what I have.
05:01.42drspermso I need a local sip proxy server....
05:01.52drspermlocal being near the client side.
05:02.09channanbandrew-Sorry I didn't follow the thread from the begining. what is your requirements?
05:02.13alexnsi pointed mine directly to asterisk box
05:02.17shepherdyeah.. or a sip friendly nat :)
05:02.24shepherdi think they are selling appliances now
05:02.34drspermhmm...I run linux firewalls...
05:02.40drspermusing iptables...
05:02.45alexnssame as me
05:02.55alexnsi was just forwarding ports to asterisk machine
05:03.03drsperm5060 right?
05:03.15alexnsmy config isn't the best
05:03.25alexns1 sec
05:03.28alexnslet me check ports
05:03.53shepherd5060 and 5061 OPEN
05:04.12alexnsyes 5060
05:04.17*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (~none@
05:04.35alexnsalso 10000-20000 rtp
05:04.39alexnsbig hole I might be able to get by without a sip proxy right...
05:04.44alexnsnot very optimal
05:04.45dontmsgmeI've got a Windows machine on wireless/all ports forwarded, I'm trying to ssh into my linux/asterisk box to start Asterisk but it won't connect any ideas anyone?
05:04.56drspermwow...10k ports...
05:05.14[hC]nobody does res data in mysql?
05:05.20alexnsi guess i could cut that range & specify in asterisk config
05:05.36channandontmsgme-what's the error? what linix flavor?
05:05.44SexyKenwhat is a modulus?
05:05.44cero64dontm: if you telnet to port 22 doesthe connection open at all?
05:05.46SexyKenwhat is a modulus_?
05:05.52*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
05:05.53cf_manpuppet what do u mean?
05:06.00SexyKenwhat is modulus_?
05:06.07SexyKenjbot, what is a modulus_?
05:06.09jbotI think you lost me on that one, SexyKen
05:06.15odie_floconallo all.
05:06.27SexyKenjbot, what is modulus_?
05:06.28jbotmodulus_ is your god sexyken, or a rapist
05:06.42dontmsgmeCero how can I test that
05:06.46dontmsgmeIm using putty
05:07.05channanputty should work fine
05:07.12*** part/#asterisk Grooby (
05:07.16cero64possible ssh version problem
05:07.34*** join/#asterisk NoCAT (
05:07.37dontmsgmeEverything is forwarded but how do I disable NAT
05:07.39puppetcf_man: what manager? :) im looking on a manager now to, sitting with flasp operator now, but its kinda messy
05:07.41elricIf my SIP phone has Auto Answer function how can I implement Paging and Intercom announcement functionalities?
05:07.48cero64you disable nat in your wireless router
05:07.51alexnswhat about firewall preventing ssh on linux machine
05:07.55NoCAThow many t1s are there in a t3?
05:07.57cero64but you probably don't want to do that
05:08.25cero64NoCat: essentially 3
05:08.29elricI want to make one way announcements.
05:08.39dontmsgmeAlexns, I disable firewall on Linksys's settings
05:08.56alexnswhat about iptables config on linux machine
05:09.03NoCAT30 t1s?
05:09.15cero64it's not like they bond 30 T1s, but it's the same bandwidth
05:09.27cero64a T3 (ds3) is 45mbps, a T1 is 1.5
05:09.29NoCATwhat about voice lines?
05:09.34shepherdcero: i've seen it
05:09.42NoCATis there a pri t3?
05:09.47cero64well, they _could_ but generally not
05:09.51shepherdsometimes it's cheaper to get a t3 broken up into t1s
05:09.56dontmsgmeWhat shoudl I look for on the ipconfig tables?
05:09.58cero64you can get channelized ds3s i do believe
05:10.07drspermcero64: yes.
05:10.16drspermMine will be installed in 2 weeks.
05:10.18cero6424 channels per t1, so 720 per ds3
05:10.25alexnsmake sure port 22 is not blocked
05:10.31cero64if it's a pri though they use one channel for signaling iirc
05:10.45alexnsiptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
05:10.47cero64if pri, the 24 channels are only 56k, i t hink
05:10.52cero64er, if not pri
05:11.04cero64i always get it confused
05:11.08NoCATso 3x24?
05:11.12NoCATor 30x24?
05:12.30*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (~jj@
05:12.41cero64NoCAT: yeah, that's a lot of voice channels :)
05:13.28drspermLooks like if your firewall will support NAT Transversal, and your phone can support knowledge of the public ip should work fine... least with 1 phone.
05:13.49cf_mananybody have any thoughts on the asterisk / CD (asterisk@home)
05:13.50tuxinator_linuxGood Evening guys
05:13.58dontmsgmeHow do you disable NAT
05:13.59tuxinator_linuxcf_man: I hear it is good
05:13.59cero64sup tux
05:14.03dontmsgmeYou dont use
05:14.07alexnsnat on what
05:14.10tuxinator_linuxPacking for VON and Meet *
05:14.26drspermNAT-T on what ever...
05:14.34drspermnot everything supports natt
05:14.38cf_mantux: sup?
05:14.51bandrewhey do most of these VOIP phones like the soundpoint 600 have intercoms?
05:15.51cero64intercom as in like speakerphone?
05:16.28drspermAm I correct that the newer polycom's support STUN ?
05:16.35bandrewyeah, and intercom to page other people in the office
05:18.37alexnsyes my 500 does
05:18.54drspermyeah...that is what I got...I remember seeing it in the config.
05:19.00*** join/#asterisk jpayne (
05:19.16alexnsthere is an article on asterisk-wiki that talks about intercom with polycom 500 & 600
05:19.19drspermso with that we just define the outside ip address, open 5060/udp on the server side...and it is ready to go...
05:19.57shepherddrsper: did you read that article?
05:20.21drspermyep...and a few others.
05:20.49drspermSTUN and NATT is the answer...other than a vpn
05:21.02alexnsanybody wit h323 experiance ??
05:21.08jpayneanyone seen bkw recently?
05:22.46shepherdhe's at von
05:23.33shepherdit works
05:23.34shepherdi've seen it
05:23.56NoCAThow do i order a t3 for voice what do i ask for?
05:24.06Qwella t3 for voice
05:24.32NoCATyeah is there a such thing as a pri for voice?
05:24.46QwellThis is where research might come in handy.
05:24.57NoCATyeah, i'm trying
05:25.12Mavviethat reminds me that I still have a spare E3 module.
05:25.30shepherdnocat: first you make a call
05:25.36NoCATcould you use a t3 like a t1 pri?
05:25.36shepherdto bell
05:25.42shepherdand they help you out with the rest, hehe
05:25.44techiefirst you pick up the phone
05:26.09ManxPowerGenerally T-1s and T-3s, etc are considered groups of 64K channels
05:26.25*** join/#asterisk vinmohnj (
05:26.27shepherdnocat: somewhere you're going to have to split up that t3 into t1s
05:26.36NoCATso a t3 is 720 64k channels?
05:26.39ManxPowerNoCAT, PRI us just a signaling protocol.  In theory you could use PRI over IPX/SPX.
05:27.03ManxPowerNoCAT, Why would it not be?
05:27.13ManxPowerOf course the physical INTERFACE is different.
05:27.38vinmohnjhi all
05:28.15vinmohnjI'm new to Asterisk and I need help to setup sip connection.Could any one help me in this ?
05:28.16NoCATmanxpower how much on average does the physical interface to a pc cost for a t3?
05:28.29cero64NoCat: you might want to ask for a channelized ds3/t3
05:28.37cero64and it's going to be quite expensive, probably
05:28.55NoCATcero64, how expensive?
05:28.58cero64NoCat: i just saw a digium t1/e1 card for like $589
05:29.10NoCATcero64 can i use that for a t3?
05:29.14cero64NoCat: really depends on telco, but hundreds if not thousands per month
05:29.18cero64NoCat: probably not
05:29.27NoCATmore then 5 thousand a month?
05:29.32cero64ask your telco
05:29.49shepherdyou can probably get a t3 cheaper from sprint
05:29.53shepherdthan bell
05:29.58cero64yeah, most likely
05:30.05NoCATqwest is currently my provider
05:30.09ManxPowerThe last DS3/T-3 I ordered came in on TWO coax cables and cost US$30,000/month
05:30.11shepherdMORE THAN LIKELY
05:30.17shepherdlocation is the biggest issue
05:30.21t3tNoCAT: Your loop will probably be > $5k/mo
05:30.26vinmohnjAny one in here to help me setting up sip connection ? I have to set up this week or else My job will be in trouble
05:30.33shepherdif you are sitting next door to sprint
05:30.37ManxPowerBut that was the year that the Olympics were in Atlanta, so it's been a while.
05:30.39*** join/#asterisk p0lar (
05:30.40shepherdyour t3 will be damn cheap
05:30.49cero64Manx: 96 :)
05:30.49NoCATmanx $30,000/month...
05:31.16ManxPowerNoCAT, It was a connection to the internet for the Siggraph show that year in New Orleans.
05:31.29NoCATt3t why do you think my loop would be 5k a month?
05:31.53ManxPowerNoCAT, Anyway, there are no T-3/DS3 interfaces for PCs that I know of that are supported by Asterisk.
05:32.01*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
05:32.09shepherdmanx: he would have to mux t1s
05:32.13cero64you would probably need a cisco router to handle that
05:32.16ManxPowerNoCAT, It was a VERY good deal for the time.
05:32.18p0larI'd *love* to see a T3 interface for *..haha
05:32.23NoCATcan you get 30 t1s?
05:32.42cero64you could ima them
05:32.44vinmohnjpotter: r you trying to set up a VOIP through Asterisk ?
05:32.46techiei have 24
05:32.54pottervinmohnj: yes
05:32.55shepherdso.. you might as well buy the t1s seperately
05:32.57vinmohnjI mean a remote one ?
05:32.57p0larWhat codec?
05:33.07shepherdand you can get t1s from different locations too :)
05:33.14pottervinmohnj: am trying to terminate h323 calls to SIP
05:33.20pottervinmohnj: via asterisk
05:33.33vinmohnjpotter:Me too ..I'm new to this
05:33.46t3tNoCAT: because that's what the telcos charge for most anything beyond a few hundred feed of a well-connected CO
05:33.49pottervinmohnj: i got it setup ... it connects, rings, answered ... but i get dead air
05:34.06vinmohnjpotter: oh great
05:34.25pottervinmohnj: dead air boths sides
05:34.36pottervinmohnj: dunno why for now
05:34.38vinmohnj:potter how did you set up ? I couldint get any rings or dial ton
05:34.39NoCAThow much does something cost which splits everything from a t3 to t1s?  what is something like that called?
05:34.52t3tchannel bank
05:34.57vinmohnjpotter: dead air ?
05:35.02pottervinmohnj: i got this setup ... AS5300 --------> asterisk ---------> audiocodes
05:35.03shepherdchannel bank
05:35.15NoCATwhat kind of channel bank?
05:35.23NoCATmux channel bank.. ok thanks
05:35.26shepherdnot a channel bank
05:35.29pottervinmohnj: dead air .... no voice ... blank
05:35.31cero64mux is short for multiplexer
05:35.45*** join/#asterisk krilloz (
05:36.01vinmohnjPotter: oops I'm new to this too
05:36.13pottervinmohnj: thats why am trying my luck here
05:36.15*** join/#asterisk lattice (
05:36.19pottervinmohnj: still trying though
05:36.28vinmohnjpotter: could you help me in configuring the sip thing ?
05:36.47vinmohnj:potter I'm in big trouble cause I have to set up this wek itself ..uhh
05:36.53NoCATyou said you had 24 t1s?  how much are you paying per t1?
05:36.54pottervinmohnj: whats your setup
05:36.55t3tshepherd: you could use a channel bank for an OC-12
05:36.59pottervinmohnj: whats the call flow
05:37.05pottervinmohnj: whats machines involved
05:37.27shepherdwe want to keep it digital, i'm sure :)
05:37.59NoCATi only want voip devices wifi
05:38.51vinmohnjPotter: I have a small test bed with 4 regular PSTN which connects to FXO @ channel bank and 4 extentions terminating at FXZS channel bank works fine but I dont know how to set up a VOIP externally by which we can give an extention to our guest house through Internet
05:39.34vinmohnjpotter:Channel bank connects to asterisk server throught T1 PCI
05:40.22vinmohnjAny one in here who could helm Petter + vinmohnj to set up+ troubleshoot SIP / Asterisk >
05:40.26alexnsh323 knowledge ??
05:40.41alexnsdevelopers interested in project ?
05:40.45t3tI know h323 sucks.. si that enough?
05:40.54alexnsi hate it too
05:41.19NoCATvinmohnj your running * at home.. your a stunner
05:41.32*** join/#asterisk Tarox (
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05:42.25vinmohnj: noCAT I'm running Asterisk at one of start up company
05:42.34alexnsi have a distributor of a product that happens to use h323 who wants it to work with asterisk.. i guess whoever gets it working could get a licence fee for each installation
05:42.34techieget me a DS3
05:42.39jakepdevi just installed *@home - can dial to 1234 (test app), looks good, but can't hear anything
05:42.50alexnsthe system it integrates with is pretty serious
05:43.44shepherdjake: codec problem maybe?
05:44.05jakepdevwould it say something in console?
05:44.18shepherdsometimes it does
05:44.27zapathanks for all silla
05:44.31shepherdi had a problem with ulaw and gsm today
05:44.39*** part/#asterisk zapa (zapa@
05:44.56jakepdevusing dta310 - says I can use g711 on that
05:45.16jakepdevshould i put gsm in conf file?
05:46.12jakepdevno luck with that
05:46.17shepherdtry ulaw
05:46.22shepherdor alaw
05:46.31jakepdevi'll add both
05:47.22*** part/#asterisk alexns (
05:47.33jakepdevnope - still no audio
05:47.50*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:48.04jakepdevif it picks up the DTMF, does that mean the code is ok?
05:48.21Eighter, silly question... where's the authoritative Asterisk changelog?
05:48.43*** join/#asterisk Bruns (
05:48.53Eightthere doens't seem to be one in the tar, or on the site... or voip-info wiki...
05:48.53t3tEight: the source
05:49.06Eightt3t: You mean read the patches? =/
05:49.22t3tEight: seriously, you can find changes in a module by browsing cvs
05:49.47t3tAs far as the whole app is concerned, I don't know if there is a master change log that contains everything
05:50.00Eightwell, that's disappointing =/
05:50.11Silik0nwhen doing a gotoif is there a good way to say do something like
05:50.13t3tWhat are you looking for specifically?
05:50.33EightDo you know if the 'broadvoice patch' made it into 0.6?
05:51.07t3tFor SIP.
05:51.07Silik0nexten => _X.,n,GotoIf($[$blah : 1|2|3|*]?something:somethingelse)
05:51.31Silik0nthe * causes it to fail every time... any hints?
05:51.32JerJer[mobile]that is just nasty
05:51.35Brunshey, anyone have a sec to help me figure out something?  I've got two separate nufone accounts that I need to terminate on the same asterisk box.  However, its rejecting the second incoming 866 number as failed to authenticate
05:51.36Eightt3t: That's a yes?
05:51.53*** join/#asterisk alexns (
05:51.59t3tIt was supposed to be a question, but my fingers got the better of me
05:52.03Eightt3t: ah.
05:52.10Eightt3t: ya, the chan_sip.c patch.
05:52.12JerJer[mobile]Silik0n: why not write a C  API based app to do that logic for you?
05:52.15t3twas that a sip patch?
05:52.29*** part/#asterisk alexns (
05:52.41Silik0nJerJer[mobile]: that would benice, but theres a monster AGI driving everything
05:52.46NoCATcheck this out says its a t3 pci card for linux
05:53.02Silik0na agi that someone else wrote
05:53.25JerJer[mobile]Bruns:  first off this is not a nufone support channel.   second, you either have to use the same secret on both accounts or setup an RSA key
05:53.33Eightt3t: I grepped a few + lines from in my downloaded sources. It looked good but I don't know if they're the relevant ones.
05:53.33JerJer[mobile]Silik0n: that's even worse
05:53.36Silik0nI need to see if the called presses * on the prompt to back up a menu
05:53.41*** join/#asterisk djin (~djin@
05:53.44JerJer[mobile]oh god
05:53.48JerJer[mobile]use the new ivr logic
05:53.51JerJer[mobile]screw agi
05:54.03jakepdevjejer - new ivr logic?
05:54.05Eightt3t: I'm running 1.0.6 (I don't like the idea of running stuff from CVS =)
05:54.11Brunsjerjer: I know, a friend suggested I ask here.  You actually answered my question perfectly :)
05:54.16*** join/#asterisk dan2 (
05:54.41t3tEight: It looks like the 'patch' was introduced on 12/30/04 into the 1.0 branch... so I would guess yes.
05:54.42NoCATSBE's wanPMC-C1T3 board
05:54.54Silik0nok like I have time on this project to completely reimplement thisentire thing
05:55.04jakepdevwhat is this new IVR logic?
05:55.10JerJer[mobile]see app_ivrdemo.c
05:55.11Eightt3t: thanks man. I was thinking it was there but I wanted someone else to confirm.
05:55.20jakepdevtnx jerjer
05:55.33t3tnp, Eight
05:55.56JerJer[mobile]Bruns:  I own nufone  :)
05:56.18t3tJerJer[mobile]: How do dem nufones work again?
05:56.31jakepdevjus like de old ones
05:56.45JerJer[mobile]powered by Asterisk
05:56.54t3tJerJer[mobile]: I wish that I could have stayed for your talk at WISPNOG
05:57.02JerJer[mobile]wasn't there
05:57.06BrunsI didn't recognize you.  You were at LWE 2004 right?
05:57.22t3tI thought you were going?
05:57.47JerJer[mobile]t3t: we had 2 inches of ice on the ground
05:58.10QwellJerJer[mobile]: Do your talk here. :p
05:58.23JerJer[mobile]no way in hell I was even leaving my house much less to commute to Chicago
05:58.33jakepdevjerjer - are you saying ivrdemo.c is more stable than agi?
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05:58.41JerJer[mobile]how about more sane
05:58.51jakepdevok - i'll take that
05:59.01JerJer[mobile]not sure about stability, yet
05:59.12vinmohnjAny one here who could help us on fixing Sip connection ?
05:59.33JerJer[mobile]the one app i hammered out so far that uses it seems to work quite nicely, so far
05:59.50dan2Eight: whats the issue
05:59.59jakepdevis there any tested solution - pushed to the limits that you know about?
06:00.08dan2Eight: I'm a software engineer for broadvoice, not that I can help you right now, I'm fucking daed tired
06:00.13JerJer[mobile]broadvoice doesn't seem to be very friendly twoards asterisk
06:00.27t3tdan2: so what was your impression?
06:00.33Brunsthey aren't
06:00.39Brunsthey made some sort of a change the other day
06:00.41t3tJerJer[mobile]: How far out of the city are you?
06:00.46Brunswhich crippled our outgoing call abilities
06:00.48JerJer[mobile]lol - 5 hours
06:01.00Brunswe couldn't authenticate to their proxies
06:01.03JerJer[mobile]plus traffic
06:01.07Eightdan2: Ah, heh. I just signed up and got no confirmation e-mail. And my account doesn't seem to be active either.
06:01.18dan2JerJer[mobile]: just not friendly to non sip compliant devices and applications
06:01.21t3tI thought you were in the city for some reason
06:01.25dan2Eight: when did you sign up
06:01.30Eightdan2: couple hours ago.
06:01.32[hC]God damn this wiki page on voip-info makes no sense
06:01.42dan2Eight: name?
06:01.45CpuIDhey JerJer[mobile], you got plans to expand your servers outside north america in future?
06:01.48[hC]the asterisk realtime page has a paragraph about database peers and static peers, i dont get it.
06:02.03Newbie___dan2: is it ture that broadvoice do not accept non USA credit card?
06:02.23dan2Newbie___: no clue
06:02.25QwellCpuID: What part of oz?
06:02.30CpuIDgold coast here
06:02.37CpuIDlike i know i can call AU already latency alright :)
06:02.47CpuIDtried it as a test once
06:02.55Qwellyeah, latency back and forth over the ocean would suck
06:03.00CpuIDlol exactly
06:03.08CpuIDhas to be expected going across the pacific twice :)
06:03.11`Sauronnow we recompile *, and see if the BV patch made it in yet
06:03.29`SauronThey changed chan_sip.c, so chances are that they did
06:03.37JerJer[mobile][hC] i don't think many get realtime at all
06:04.12JerJer[mobile]i cannot believe mark even implented something like that, to be honest
06:04.19*** part/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (~jj@
06:04.33t3t`Sauron: According to CVS it was added to the 1.0 tree in Dec. so it should be there
06:04.38*** join/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (~jj@
06:04.52JerJer[mobile]stupid x
06:04.56`Sauront3t: I'm talking about the patch that surfaced yesterday
06:05.00dan2JerJer[mobile]: mark didn't, oej and I did
06:05.01`Sauronit wasn't applied back in december
06:05.18JerJer[mobile]dan2:  then i cannot believe he approved it
06:05.20`Sauronrealtime is sort of mostly backwards
06:05.40t3t`Sauron: you talking about something other than the one 'fixing' 2917
06:05.48JerJer[mobile]sort of ?
06:06.10`Sauront3t: I'm talking about the one that 'fixes' the INVITE authentication changes that BV did in the last 2-3 days
06:06.28t3tAren't they getting friendly
06:06.35dan2JerJer[mobile]: its a step towards RFC compliance, its been in SIP since 1.0, it was a necessary feature
06:06.57QwellYou two are talking about two different things I'd bet.
06:06.58JerJer[mobile]what does realtime have to do with sip ?
06:07.03`Sauronjerjer: are you talking about the invite auth, or realtime?
06:07.06`SauronThat's what I thought.
06:07.13*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
06:07.14dan2JerJer[mobile]: I'm referring to the broadvoice patch
06:07.26JerJer[mobile]yeah ok - i could care less about sip
06:07.30JerJer[mobile]break it all you want
06:07.32`Saurondan2: do you know if it got committed to HEAD today?
06:07.40shepherdbroadvoice should just offer iax
06:07.41dan2`Sauron: its in stable 1.0.4
06:07.44shepherdit's not that hard
06:07.48dan2shepherd: never
06:08.08JerJer[mobile]broadvoice is too legacy
06:08.12*** join/#asterisk marshall (
06:08.16shepherddan2: you will one day
06:08.19`Saurondan2: Doubt it. CVS-HEAD didn't work as of last night.
06:08.22Qwellflamewar! :p
06:08.28dan2`Sauron: did you follow the instructions?
06:08.35Juggiewhats broken in cvs-head now?
06:08.41`Sauronadd the authuser thing, etc etc?
06:08.55dan2`Sauron: hold a moment
06:09.22JerJer[mobile]Juggie: i had an odd problem early this morning, but it seemed to go away on its own - reallly strange
06:09.41tuxinator_linuxAny of you at VON?
06:09.59JuggieJerJer[mobile], the iax problem we talked about in #*-dev?
06:10.09p0larI was .. leaving as soon as my plane gets here though
06:10.27p0lar|| 23h45.. :(
06:10.29JerJer[mobile]Juggie:  yeah
06:10.34`SauronDid y'all ever decide, is it account ID or phone number, or either?
06:10.37Juggiethat just disapeared? thats odd
06:10.46p0larBTW, I approached the SysMaster guys again today
06:10.47tuxinator_linuxp0lar: whre are you going back to
06:10.56p0larsorry, Montreal, QC
06:11.02dan2`Sauron: accountid = phone number
06:11.03JerJer[mobile]p0lar:  hell yeah - dish  :)
06:11.10dan2`Sauron: its how we index our systems
06:11.12tuxinator_linuxI am going over to San Jose tonight
06:11.13p0larThose guys were full of it
06:11.21Juggiep0lar, who are the SysMaster guys
06:11.26`Saurondan2: accountid on the web thing is some large number != phone number
06:11.28p0larthey were ducking and dodging.. claimed they used digium equipment and their drivers, etc... but not the software
06:11.32p0larI laid it on pretty thick
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06:11.43p0larthey said, "if you can show us one asterisk developer who says that, we'll concede"
06:11.47p0larI figure they ahve a binding agreement
06:11.50p0larthat prevents such
06:11.50dontmsgmeWhy can I ping my asterisk box from windows but I cant telnet in?
06:11.52dan2`Sauron: what you see there is really group id != account id
06:11.53dontmsgmeOr Ssh
06:12.03`SauronHeh. Alright.
06:12.29dan2`Sauron: use phone number
06:12.29tuxinator_linuxdontmsgme: try ssh
06:12.29JerJer[mobile]p0lar:  tell them Brian West and Jeremy McNamara have both independantly verified Asterisk is used
06:12.29p0larJuggie: sysmaster = Asterisk on industrial-looking garbage-hardware
06:12.37`Sauronare y'all going to fix the /etc/hosts hack at some point? It makes me feel dirty.
06:12.40p0larYeah, I sent a guy named Krish links
06:12.58p0larhe sent back the link where Mark didn't deny it, but didn't claim it either.
06:13.06p0larI haven't responded yet, but I can bcc you on it if you're curious
06:13.17dan2`Sauron: I just update and replaced with phonenumber
06:13.26p0larThose guys piss me off.. I'm the one holding the money, damn it.
06:13.35Juggiep0lar, what are you trying to prove?
06:13.41JerJer[mobile]it was on slashdot!    :P
06:13.45marshallHi everyone, I'm working with a Polycom 300 which can receive calls perfectly, and call other phones but with no outbound audio - I'm racking my brains
06:14.07dontmsgmeTuxinator It wont ssh in via putty for example
06:14.10JerJer[mobile]Juggie:  non-compliance
06:14.15Qwelldontmsgme: is ssh running?
06:14.18p0larMy favourite line of the eMail: "We are here to start a new business relationship and I would like it to be mutually trustworthy rather than being suspicious."
06:14.27p0larmutually trustworth = redefined to fit their needs I guess
06:14.30dontmsgmeQwell how do I do that
06:14.36p0larJuggie: I have nothing to prove, THEY DO.
06:14.40dontmsgmeDoes ssh need to be running to simply connect from windows with Xlite to the linux box?
06:15.02dontmsgmeForgetting about putty
06:15.02p0larI'm the customer.  I hold the money, they hold the product -- or do they?
06:15.02t3tmarshall: is there a NAT between the * and the polycom?
06:15.02Juggiep0lar, i'm just asking
06:15.13shepherdif they ever modify the code, they can't call it asterisk
06:15.15Qwelldontmsgme: no
06:15.16t3twhere is ti?
06:15.26p0largoogle://sysmaster asterisk gpl
06:15.37marshallNat is on the phone end, * is straight into internet
06:15.41JerJer[mobile]you mean they've taken linux, busybox, gnugk, asterisk, and some php to create a multi-thousand dollar product
06:15.54t3tmarshall: do you have nat=yes in sip.conf?
06:15.55JerJer[mobile]and claim it is completly their own work
06:16.17`Saurondan2: I followed the instructions, and I still get the failed to authenticate on INVITE ... error
06:16.26t3tmarshall: and on the phone config (sip config I think)?
06:16.29JerJer[mobile]shepherd:  they still have to disclose
06:16.37JerJer[mobile]and provde code
06:16.43p0larWhy is it they won't confess?
06:16.49p0larWhat's wrong with using *?
06:17.04marshallyes, however there is a place on the phone to specify a NAT device - can't find any documentation on the polycom web interface
06:17.14JerJer[mobile]even if it is as smple as:  cvs co asterisk   :)
06:17.22JerJer[mobile]-D <some date>
06:17.28t3tmarshall: just a sec
06:17.44Juggieis distributing pre build machines with pre built binaries, considered distributing a modified binary? i would assume so eh.
06:17.46Eight`Sauron: Is the accountID 10 digit or 11 digit?
06:17.59JerJer[mobile]they want to give people that warm fuzzy feeling by claiming it is all custom development
06:18.05JerJer[mobile]and absolutely not open-source
06:18.11p0larAnyway, I'll shoot an eMail tomorrow to respond to their responses.. amusing at best, what it is.
06:18.19`SauronEight: It's your phone number
06:18.27`Sauron10 digits
06:18.28p0larAnyway, as an open-source advocate and supporter -- I want to make sure my $$ is well-placed.
06:18.30Eight`Sauron: Thanks.
06:18.31JerJer[mobile]smells likes its time for another round of noce
06:18.48Eight`Sauron: I'm not quite that far along right now, but that's something I don't want to mess with =p
06:18.49JerJer[mobile]this time something less geeky than slashdot
06:19.06Juggiecnet news?
06:19.07p0larThe GPL needs a public defender. :D
06:19.32p0larlayeth the smacketh downeth on those who violateth..
06:19.32dan2p0lar: its called the FSF
06:19.34JerJer[mobile]i'm thinkin Wall Street Journal
06:19.44Eightp0lar: ya, what dan2 said =)
06:19.51JerJer[mobile]that would smack em up side the head once
06:20.00Juggiesubmit a story to cnet, i used to have a contact there, but i dont think he works there anylonger
06:20.06p0lardan2,Eight: heh.. yeah.. that. :D
06:20.39EightThis is what I'd get if my account doesn't exist, right? "Registration for '' timed out, trying again"
06:20.48EightI mean, so long as we're talking about BV =)
06:21.03dan2Eight: you received your password in the email?
06:21.19Eightdan2: nope. Remember, I haven't gotten *any* e-mails from BV.
06:21.23p0larok.. I'm out -- time to pass out on an airplane for 5 hours. :(
06:21.26dan2Eight: then it won't work
06:21.41Eightdan2: It doesn't just use the account password I entered?
06:21.45dan2Eight: nope
06:21.53dontmsgmeIs xlite made for FC2?
06:22.45t3tmarshall: have you set "<outboundProxy" values in sip.conf for the phone?
06:23.08t3tGive that a shot.. here's the syntax...
06:23.37t3t<outboundProxy voIpProt.SIP.outboundProxy.address="your.ip.address" voIpProt.SIP.outboundProxy.port="5060"/>
06:23.54marshallI'll try it, one minute
06:24.16Eightwell, so much for 24/7 phone support =/
06:24.34Essobithat's 24 hours a week, 7 months a year.
06:24.39t3tEight: you got the auto attendant, right?
06:24.47t3tDoesn't that count?
06:24.50Eightt3t: heh.
06:25.05EightI think the idea is that you can stay on hold until 9AM when people show up to work =)
06:25.13EightOr poke random employees on IRC, of course =p
06:25.21dan2Eight: nah, the head of support staff is still at von
06:25.37EssobiI'm mad.
06:25.47EssobiMy boss went to the conference. :|
06:25.54dan2I went to the conference
06:25.56dan2it wasn't bad
06:26.03EssobiNext year he better take me.
06:26.17dan2Essobi: I have an exhibitor pass
06:26.20*** join/#asterisk krilloz (
06:27.50dan2we have a big ass booth at the convention center
06:27.55dan2Essobi: someone drove in a broadvoice van
06:28.04dan26 days all the way from boston massachusetts
06:28.15`Saurondan: do you know how far behind y'all are on port requests? :)
06:28.26Eightit took them 6 days to cross the country? pffft.
06:28.29dan2no idea
06:28.56dan2`Sauron: it takes roughly a month so I hear
06:28.57EssobiI've had one way voice problems before..
06:29.02EssobiI mean.. who doesn't..
06:29.06`Saurondan2: yeah, I keep hearing that.
06:29.09Essobibut one way DTMF?  Pssh..
06:29.13JerJer[mobile]wholly crazy road trip batman
06:29.27`Sauronthe FCC was shooting for 4 days, and most wireless carriers can do it in < 8 hours
06:29.45`SauronI guess the baby bells are more reluctant to give up customers
06:29.56JerJer[mobile]if i would have known Digium was in a pinch for gear I would have hopped into the twin cessna I have access to and flown out some gear
06:29.57EssobiJerJer[mobile] You want to see this h323 debug and tell me my cisco 3300 is broxored?  :)
06:30.39JerJer[mobile]coulda been there in 8 or 10 flight hours - maybe less
06:32.07EssobiJerJer[mobile] Ignore the php tags. :)
06:32.19dontmsgmeWhy would I ping my linux box from windows but not ssh in /
06:32.44marshallt3t - same result with the outbound proxy
06:32.44JerJer[mobile]dontmsgme: cuz you are smokin crack?
06:32.59t3twhich side are you missing audio from?
06:33.03QwellJerJer[mobile]: Think you could fly me out a pizza?
06:33.08marshallcalling out
06:33.12cero64dontmsgme: possibly ssh isn't running?
06:33.20marshallwhen I phone to it from both PRI and other voip phones it works perfectly
06:33.22JerJer[mobile]Qwell: i don't think the pie would survive the flight
06:33.34*** join/#asterisk file (
06:33.39JerJer[mobile]esp since i missed dinner tonight
06:34.03t3tmarshall: so when you place a call, you can't hear either side or just not the outgoing audio?
06:34.03QwellJerJer[mobile]: I'll pay for can eat one on the way.
06:34.15marshallnothing - completely dead
06:34.18marshallbut the other phone rings
06:34.29t3tmarshall: what other phone?
06:34.39EssobiJerJer[mobile] When I push a button on a phone (only on one side this occurs) I get two RTP NTE's for digits pushed being sent and the first, being the proper one, the second being a "null" or something non-sensical to rtp.c.  Did I mention it's your h323 lastest?
06:34.43t3tmarshall: oh, the one you called...
06:35.08EssobiThe otherside of the NTE's which are being generated in * from a sip client, works perfectly.
06:35.22Essobithe Cisco side is acting retarded.. Heh.
06:36.17marshallt3t have you got a working sip.cfg/phone1.cfg file?
06:36.40marshallat least then I could narrow it down to the server settings
06:36.46*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
06:36.56filehi everyone, anyone come by the Digium booth today
06:37.16t3tmarshall: sure do.. working through nat too
06:37.32Qwellfile: Nope, but I'll be there tomorrow if you get me a plane ticket
06:37.33Essobifile My boss did.
06:37.37Qwellassuming there is a tomorrow :p
06:37.48marshallt3t - are you port forwarding 5060 into the phone?
06:37.58JerJer[mobile]port fowardng -  why?
06:38.00t3tmarshall: try this: go to Menu/Settings/SIP config/
06:38.18JerJer[mobile]its called register to proxy and have a stateful edge device
06:38.21fileEssobi: who was your boss?
06:38.25marshallyep Im there t3t
06:38.30t3tthe phone should establish the UDP connection
06:38.38*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
06:39.13t3tmarshall: Do you see anything after "Outbound Add..."?
06:39.13JerJer[mobile]Essobi: what kind of crazy device is this
06:39.35marshallthe internal ip of my local router
06:39.39JerJer[mobile]most of the problems that people are having with chan_h323 are now very very typical H.323 interop problems
06:39.51t3tmarshall: that should be the IP of your * box
06:40.04marshallok one second
06:40.05JerJer[mobile]the ITU left too much open to interpretation
06:40.05EssobiIt's a cisco skinny phone on an CCM3.2 box connected VIA a 33XX H323 <-> H323 leg.
06:40.12Essobicisco 33XX
06:40.26fileJerJer[mobile]: Snom got yelled at today in the 'IAX2 Better Than SIP' talk
06:40.29t3tso should "server address" obviously
06:40.34EssobiThey won't let me drop an h323 straight into the CCM anymore.
06:40.43fileJerJer[mobile]: said there should be one protocol, SIP
06:40.54JerJer[mobile]Essobi:  mmkay - why
06:40.57`SauronEssobi: did you ever do SIP ccm <-> * ?
06:41.00fileand one guy kept saying 'eye axe'
06:41.00Essobi*H323 rebooting the CCM cluster last time.
06:41.11EssobiSauron No sip CCM
06:41.13Essobijust H323..
06:41.23shepherdso basically they are worried about iax
06:41.32shepherdand too lazy to come up with a product for it
06:41.41JerJer[mobile]there is SIP for CCM but its still listed as early adoptment and is only for trunkng
06:41.48EssobiYea.. mid day crash due to something wierd in *h323 made about 5000 phones go down t5o the failover server.
06:41.57t3tis h.323 udp only?
06:42.03JerJer[mobile]lol no
06:42.18JerJer[mobile]h.323 is a huge umbrella protocol of shit
06:42.21t3tbut it mainly uses udp, right?
06:42.27EssobiSo they figured it'd be better to reboot a router, then the CCM box. :)
06:42.37`Sauronh.323 took ISDN and tried to turn it into a protocol
06:42.41dontmsgmeI tried to get a Connect Voicepulse account for a DID like 2 weeksa go and they never emailed me back with my login information is their policy a lot more strict now
06:42.44`Sauronhigher than layer 1 or 2
06:43.01EssobiJerJer[mobile] Anyways.. WTF is that thing doing?
06:43.28t3ttheir main problem was they they wanted to incorporate L1-3 protocols in an L4 protocol
06:43.42EssobiI was looking at rtp.c and I saw some support for a "cisco NTE" on payload 121 but.. I wasn't sure it that is what I was seeing there.. I was about to crack the code open again.
06:43.54Essobit3t "wanted"?
06:43.58t3tWhat I was getting at was if they use UDP and the systems are accessible to the net, you could probably take them out with spoofed packets
06:44.25dontmsgmeDoes FWD supply DIDs?
06:44.29t3tuntraceable... from anywhere
06:44.36`Sauronjust FWD numbers
06:44.48t3tno wonder nist wants separate networks for voip and data... stupid
06:45.14Qwelldontmsgme: try nufone, I hear they're good
06:45.15JerJer[mobile]no idea
06:45.39EssobiJerJer[mobile] is it just sending a retarded verion of rfc end-of-message NTE header, I'm wondering.. MHMMM.
06:45.45dontmsgmeAre they like Voicepulse, never going to email me my DID login
06:45.54t3tI heard the same about nf...
06:46.02EssobiI'm going to get out tethereal tomarrow me thinks
06:46.02Qwellerm, MI DIDs only for now...
06:46.24Qwellalways forget about that part
06:46.36Qwelland US48 toll free
06:47.45t3tJerJer[mobile]: are you guys going to jump on the LNP band wagon any time soon?
06:48.37JerJer[mobile]we can do LNP all day long
06:48.46JerJer[mobile]for Michigan DIDs
06:49.05t3thow about for a state with a population :)
06:49.15JonR800like nebraska?
06:49.23JerJer[mobile]or montana?
06:49.24Qwellor idaho?
06:49.32JonR800or north dakota?
06:49.32Eight... or Minnesota =)
06:49.35QwellUtah, perhaps
06:49.36dontmsgmeAnyone know some way to make one of those disposable cellphone's really powerful antenna wise
06:49.47dontmsgmeCan you unscrew that antenna off and put one on from radio shack like 8 times as long?
06:49.59JonR800im not sure which is less populated.. north or south dakota..
06:50.08QwellI've heard of people from ND
06:50.24Qwellthe only thing I know about SD, is that, thats where Mt Rushmore is
06:50.34JonR800well that solves it in my mind, SD it is
06:50.35Qwelloh, and a city Sioux Falls
06:50.42EightNorth is 642k
06:50.48*** join/#asterisk jjg (
06:50.49QwellND has Fargo, Dickenson...etc
06:50.49EightSouth is 754k
06:50.57QwellI lose
06:50.58JonR800someone knows their google
06:51.07EightJonR800: Wikipedia =)
06:51.37EightMN is 4.9M =)
06:51.46Eightso get MN DIDs =)
06:51.48*** join/#asterisk jmhunter (~jmhunter@
06:51.48*** mode/#asterisk [+o jmhunter] by ChanServ
06:52.00t3tWikipedia is too up to date.  those are probably tomorrow morning's pop numbers.  I want a 10-year census figure...
06:52.09Eightt3t: hehe.
06:52.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o brc_] by jmhunter
06:52.14jjgi was wondering what the simplest "good" way to use a T-1 card as an interface to some sort of FXS hookup...for something like a 24 phone outbound setup using analog telephones...any recommendations?
06:52.23EightI remember looking at wikipedia for tsunami info... that day.
06:52.25JerJer[mobile]jjg:  TA-750
06:52.42jjgi've seen those
06:52.59jmhuntermmmm beer
06:53.01jjgdo the fxs cards have rf11 ports on them or do i need somthing else?
06:53.11Eightrj11, afaik.
06:53.18JerJer[mobile]my new house has a TE410P + TA-750 powering it - each room in the house has its own phone line
06:53.22JerJer[mobile]why? because I can
06:53.30Essobidont' you hate it when you're googling for days
06:53.32jjgJerJer : ok, thanks for the tip
06:53.36Essobiand cursing in here
06:53.55jjgJerJer : so the person who told me i needed some sort of break out panel was wrong, right?
06:53.56Essobiand you find a match to a google, and it's the IRC logs on a webserver somwhere. :|
06:54.09jjgJerJer : that is a TA-750 with a break panel
06:54.49Essobita-750 is a PRI to Analog channel bank, if I remember right.
06:54.57JerJer[mobile]jjg: the adtran is going to gve you a amphenol connector and u run t into a 110 block
06:55.21JerJer[mobile]then just punch down the cable ends just like one would see in a busness
06:55.29jjgok, right
06:55.33EssobiJerJer[mobile] So, you got any suggestions besides hacking rtp.c to make it happy?
06:55.44JerJer[mobile]nope - sorry
06:55.50EssobiRoger that.
06:55.54JerJer[mobile]haven't bothered to learn dtmf crap
06:56.00EssobiI've never heard of one way DTMF before. :)
06:56.27JerJer[mobile]i dig how IAX does it
06:56.35EssobiAnyways.. I'll get it mangled sooner or later.. probaby start bright and early
06:56.37Essobinight all
06:57.01JerJer[mobile]i need to crash myself
06:57.14jjgJerJer[mobile] the amphenol, where is a good web source for such connectors?
06:57.14JerJer[mobile]this workin first shift crap is not fun
06:57.15*** join/#asterisk atmel (
06:58.21jakepdevi'm working through *@home.  I can talk from phone to phone through *, but no audio from * when it says it's playing voice files... any ideas?
06:58.29jjgalso, JerJer, when you were talking about punching down the cable ends, were you talking about the amphenol cable, or the phone cable?
06:58.41jjgsrry for my basic questions :^\
06:59.00JerJer[mobile]the house wiring
06:59.19jjgis there a name for that type of phone cabling?
06:59.19JerJer[mobile]i ran all of my lines in a star pattern  (home-run)
06:59.23JerJer[mobile]cat 3
06:59.47JerJer[mobile]usually, but i just ran cat 5 everywhere
06:59.52jjgwouldn't it have to be a star with the break out panel in the middle?
07:00.19JerJer[mobile]well i went nutz, you don't have to
07:00.29EightSo what does everyone prefer for 1 or 2U servers? I'm poking around for something single CPU, RAID 1 capable.
07:00.43JerJer[mobile]Dell 1750/1850
07:01.00Silik0nEight: for colo?
07:01.01SexyKenHow can I configure cdr_addon_mysql to group by account code?
07:01.03jjgJerJer : you running Fedora on those or homebrew?
07:01.09jjgor RHEL?
07:01.16JerJer[mobile]jjg: all of the phone jack wires  go back to the server room in my basement
07:01.27EightSilik0n: client site.
07:01.34t3tjjg: try for parts
07:01.44jjgt3t : thanks
07:01.52JerJer[mobile]where they get punched down into a 66 block... each on their own interface to the T-1
07:01.55JerJer[mobile]well channel
07:02.02Silik0nEight: Proliants are nice if they pay for them... Remote Insite Lights Out means console access from a web browser etc
07:02.17jjgis the punch down block a dumb panel or does it have electronics in it?
07:02.19JerJer[mobile]jjg:  i have rolled my own distro of linux
07:02.23jjglemme find one
07:02.55EightSilik0n: ya... I have a political-ish aversion to HP atm.
07:03.07jjgJerJer : do you request 80 pin connectors so that you can run UDMA up to 6?
07:03.13Silik0nand I'm not talking just IP-KVM stuff with the remote insite... its just like standing there at the kb attached to the ox cept you cant swap hardware
07:03.27JerJer[mobile]jjg:  we haven't, no
07:03.30t3tjjg: dumb
07:03.57Silik0ni dont care for HP personally but the features they inherited from compaq are pretty freakin nice... specially if you have to remotely manage a buncha boxes
07:04.15jjgJerJer : on the dell, do you just go basic config ... ata drive, no dma?
07:04.21JerJer[mobile]we run with a simple software mirror and the redunant power supps
07:04.36JerJer[mobile]we run dma
07:04.43jjgjust llike 2 or so?
07:04.52jjgwith standard 40 pin connects on SATA?
07:04.57JerJer[mobile]oh hell no
07:05.31JerJer[mobile]and just a software raid mirror - no need to be all hardcore with raid controllers and JBODs
07:05.59jmhunteractually its a restaurant
07:07.53*** part/#asterisk JerJer[mobile] (~jj@
07:08.13jjgtft : i'm looking at that page for the fxs blocks ( what's the terminology? ) ... which one of these models should i be looking at for use with the amphenol to the T100
07:08.38jjgglad they are cheap
07:08.57Silik0njjg: what are you doing?
07:09.49jjgwanting to run up to a 24 phone outbound rig with analog phone -> fxs breakout panel -> cat2? -> T100 -> VoIP
07:10.28jjgSilikon : oops missed the TA-750
07:10.35jjgso that would be :
07:10.42Newbie___hi, i try to connect 2 * using IAX, when i make the call i get Rejected connect attempt , any idea ?
07:10.57Silik0niax.confisnt correct?
07:11.13jjgphone -> FXS breakout panel -> amphenol connect -> TA-750 -> cat2? -> T100 -> *
07:11.30Newbie___seems to be, i use example
07:12.05Silik0njjg: just go to your local phone supply house and get a 66 block w/ a amphenol connector prewired then get a male-male amphenol cable to connect the 66 block to the adtran
07:12.41jjgdoes the cat2 between the 750 and the T100 need to be crossover?
07:12.44Silik0nyou should have like a greybar or anixter around there
07:12.50Newbie___client log into remote successful, just cant make calls
07:13.18Silik0njjg: both the 750 and the T100 T1 ports are wired CPE style
07:13.31jjgCPE as in customer premise equip?
07:13.56Silik0njust make you a "T1 cross over cable" its a little different from a ethernet cross over
07:14.03jjgnot familiar with what that means exactly, but do understand that i need a xover
07:14.23jjgSilikon : ok, thanks for that
07:14.31jjgthen this seems VERy accessible
07:14.52jjgso the setup sounds like this now ( bit more detail )
07:16.01Silik0nand you can make that cross over cable with CAT3 or CAT5 cable it doesnt have to be cat2
07:16.11jjganalog phone -> ( rj-11 / cat3 ) -> FXS breakout panel prewired with amphenol -> male2male amphenol connect -> TA-750 -> T1 crossover with ( cat2 or cat5 ) -> T100 -> *
07:16.29jjgHEELLZZ yah
07:16.45jjgand the lord shall keep oonn givin
07:17.01jjgi mean good lord
07:17.27jjgany quality drop with the cat3/5 vs the cat2?
07:17.37jjga penny in time ...
07:19.00*** join/#asterisk yxa (~void@
07:19.52Silik0nnone to worry about
07:20.37Silik0nunless you plan on putting the damned channelbank a mile from your asterisk box (then you're gonna have drive issues from the line drivers in the chanbank and the t100 anyway
07:22.37SexyKenAnyone know why I'd get this: res_config_mysql.c:418: storage size of `mysql_engine' isn't known
07:23.03jjganyone have an recommendation on a model for a good cheap analog phone?
07:23.08*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
07:23.22jjga phone that may be destroyed by college dudes
07:23.29jjgbut with decent performance
07:23.35jjgso cheap
07:26.00shepherdjjg: anything $9
07:26.19*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
07:27.52jakepdevshepherd - do you know if there's a different place to conifgure audio for what * says vs a conversation between two phones?  I get audio between the 2 phones through *, but no audio from *.
07:28.35tuxinator_linux~weather ksjc
07:28.49fileit's nice outside
07:28.49jjgshepard : ok thanks
07:28.59shepherdi hate you all
07:29.04jakepdev8000 DTA calls 8001 softphone through * - I hear audio and dtmf
07:29.18shepherdi wish it was like 40
07:29.32tuxinator_linuxfile: You're in San Jose?
07:29.42jakepdevI see on console "Playing 'vm-login'
07:29.53jjganybody played with linphone on ipaq and asterisk?  if so, what codec? u/alaw was terrible
07:29.55jakepdev(when I dial *98)
07:30.07fileI'm in a hotel room... with bkw, drumkilla, and krammy boy at the moment
07:30.13jjgi heard there was a voip thing in san jose soon
07:30.13jakepdevbut I don't hear anything
07:30.14tuxinator_linuxI will be there in 8 hours
07:30.18filewe're watching The Matrix and looking at bugs
07:30.23djorangehello got a couple question.. what port do i open up in my router for some1 to connect to my * box
07:30.26filewhile I try to stay concious
07:30.47jjgthe embedded conference in frisco today was boring as hell
07:30.52tuxinator_linuxfile: Mind if I come find you today?
07:30.53jjgthe exhibitions were assy
07:30.57shepherddjorange: which protocol
07:31.15*** join/#asterisk jas_williams (
07:31.20filetuxinator_linux: tomorrow you mean?
07:31.21djorangei don't know what do i need to do. i got some1 who wants to connect to my *
07:31.37tuxinator_linuxwell, ya, it's 12:31 here, so it is Thursday
07:31.59fileah you're coming down to SJC? sneaking into VON or just wanna show up?
07:32.20tuxinator_linuxsneaking into VON, and also going to Meet *
07:32.44djorangeisn't like port 5080 or something?
07:32.47shepherdi just saw this on
07:32.47tuxinator_linuxfile: I'm staying at the Marriott
07:32.52djorangei remmebre theres like 3
07:32.58filewe're in the Hyatt...
07:33.06shepherdThis section is for news, ie news reports, press releases, product release announcements etc
07:33.06filebut if you wanna visit the Digium booth I'll be there
07:33.11shepherd#  2005-03-09 - voip-info readers annoyed by vonage spam
07:33.21fileso will everyone else... swing by
07:33.29tuxinator_linuxwill do
07:33.37filecan't miss it, big turning Digium/Asterisk... orange shag carpet...
07:33.49tuxinator_linuxshag, ya baby
07:33.54fileit's pretty
07:34.07tuxinator_linuxAPC said they will give me a VON ticket, we'll see
07:34.27tuxinator_linuxotherwise, is there a back door?
07:34.35tuxinator_linuxunderground passage?
07:34.49tuxinator_linuxI could repel from the ceiling
07:34.59jjghow much are the VON tickets?
07:35.06fileI just walk in with my pass, silly you
07:35.23tuxinator_linuxnah, to easy
07:35.24jjg200! you gotta be fucking kidding me
07:35.37jjgno comment
07:35.38tuxinator_linux200 for exhibit only
07:36.25jakepdevanyone using *@home?
07:36.42tuxinator_linuxjakepdev: I hear it works
07:37.00jakepdevany special config to get IVR prompts working?
07:37.24fileI wonder where p0lar is, he swung by the booth today
07:37.39tuxinator_linuxfile: I talked to him earlier, he went home
07:38.05fileI can't feel my foot
07:38.18tuxinator_linuxbite it
07:39.27djorangedo you know what port i need to open on my router for people to connect to my * with xlite?
07:39.36jjgi wanna see who is running von, cause that is the funniest thing i've ever heard
07:39.52jjgoh but wait wait
07:40.03tuxinator_linuxfile: (23:21:24) p0lar: ok.. I'm out -- time to pass out on an airplane for 5 hours. :(
07:40.20jjgthe 2695.00 for the package DOES include access to the Town Hall Meeting!!!!!
07:40.33jjgok, i'm done
07:41.20jjgso is anyone paying 200 dollars to go see the exhibitions?
07:41.45*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
07:41.49Juggiecanada fed gov "notifies" telecom industry its going to be buying a ton of phones/servers for voip in the next 1-3 years
07:41.52PTG123hey anyone have an older copy of asterisk-addons
07:41.53tuxinator_linuxjjg: seems kinda silly
07:42.02Juggieit basically means they will buy 1/4million phones
07:42.06jjgi mean
07:42.15jjgim sry
07:42.24jjgi'm sure it will be worth every penny
07:42.28tuxinator_linuxjjg: need some sleep?
07:42.32jjguh yah
07:42.43jjghad 3 hours and spent all day at the embedded conference today
07:42.46jjgwhich was free
07:43.08Juggiejjg we have nothing to do with von
07:43.11Juggiethats pulver
07:43.15jjgoh i know
07:43.15tuxinator_linuxI need to go get embedded with my wife in a few minutes
07:43.17EightNobody's had any issues with the TDM400P cards on PCI-Express, right?
07:43.17*** join/#asterisk three55ml (
07:43.23jjgi'm laughing my ass off at whoever does
07:43.31three55mlAnyone have any experience with the DVG-1120?
07:43.37PTG123anyone have an old version? :) anyone anyone?
07:43.40jjgthat guy has ballz
07:43.49djorangecan some1 help me?
07:43.50Juggieeight, pci express slots of chipset you mean?
07:43.51djorangewith port?
07:43.51jjgnext year they'll pay you
07:44.04*** join/#asterisk ynn77 (~Ming2k4@
07:44.07djorangei need to open open what ports on the router for * to work?
07:44.12jjgincluding access to the Town Hall Meeing
07:44.20Juggiejjg, get bent....
07:44.25Juggiestop your rant and go away
07:44.25EightJuggie: TDM400P card in a PCI-Express slot
07:44.34jjgi'm a lil upset that it is 200
07:44.36jjgcan you tell?
07:44.37jjgi mean
07:44.41jjgi'd REALLY like to go
07:44.42Juggieeight, if it fits, it will work :)
07:44.55jjgbut, uh...i can't
07:45.00shepherdsearch for nat
07:45.01Juggiei dont know if pci express is backword compat with pc, never read up on it.
07:45.04EightJuggie: Ya, I figured as much. But stranger things have happened =)
07:45.20Juggieis it?
07:45.30Juggiedo any pci cards go in a pci-express slot?
07:45.36*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
07:46.17shepherdPCI-E is a completely different beast, with a different form-factor.
07:46.17shepherdTraditional PCI cards won't fit into the slot.
07:46.34jjgwait, Juggie...did you pay two hundies?
07:46.40*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
07:47.07Juggiethats what i was thinking but ive been wrong before
07:47.23djorangeshepherd: do u know which ports i need to open to connect to my * box?
07:47.43shepherddjorange: depends on the protocol
07:47.47jas_williamsdjorange: What protocol ?
07:48.01Zeeekjas_williams don't you ever sleep?
07:48.03djorangeshepherd: im using sip
07:48.09*** join/#asterisk ikey (~kirankuma@
07:48.11EightAha, was confusing PCI-X with PCI-E.
07:48.17jas_williamsZeeek: Just got up ;-)
07:48.18Eightsurprise surprise.
07:48.31Zeeekjas_ you use dhcp and tftp ?
07:49.02djorangeshepherd: what rtsp ports do i need to open
07:49.15ZeeekI have tftp-hpa running (and dhcp) : both work independently
07:49.18*** join/#asterisk bonbon-home (
07:49.26jas_williamsDHCP on my wireless router and tftp on my asterisk
07:49.33Zeeekbut I can't get formware to load unsing next-server and filename
07:49.34bonbon-homeanyone know the best way of remotely detecting a deadlock ?
07:49.47ikeyhi can any one help me in asterisk...need some clarifications
07:50.19jas_williamsZeeek: Don't use next server use option tftp server
07:50.25ikeyhi Zeeek can u help me
07:50.34tuxinator_linuxask your question ikey
07:50.36Zeeekaha! that would be slick if it's the anwser
07:50.50ZeeekI'll let you know from the office - thanks for the direction:)
07:50.56Zeeekikey Ask!
07:51.01Zeeeksomeone will help
07:51.17ikeyyeah does asterisk act as SIP server and H323 gateway also?
07:51.23jjgso nobody at VON is presenting papers?
07:51.37shepherdcan't be a sip proxy though
07:51.51Zeeekaha anticipation
07:52.02jjgi see a bunch of people's names as speakers, but no papers?
07:52.11ikeywhat are the features that asterisk sip server can do
07:52.26shepherdasterisk can do *
07:52.28ZeeekStarter tutorial:
07:52.28ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
07:52.38shepherdjust not sip proxy
07:52.40Zeeekikey read the first two
07:52.45jjgThe legendary All Conference Party on Wednesday night
07:52.53SexyKenAnyone know why I'd get this: res_config_mysql.c:418: storage size of `mysql_engine' isn't known
07:52.53ikeyok great
07:53.04SexyKenI can't not figure out for the life of me how to fix that...but I can't compile asterisk-addons
07:53.13jjgthere are a lot of exhibitors atleast
07:53.23shepherdsexyken: is that with head?
07:53.35ikeyand in case if we need to distribute asterisk commercially how to go about it
07:54.08SexyKenshepherd - I think
07:54.16shepherdsexy: try stable
07:54.21shepherdhead might have broken it
07:55.05ikeyok great
07:55.12PTG123add-ons will not compile
07:55.18PTG123with the latest cvs
07:55.23ikeydoes asterisk support Voice Recognition and text to speech?
07:55.27PTG123AST_LIST_REMOVE in asterisk has 3 params, in addons it needs 4
07:55.52shepherdikey: yes (as an addon i believe) and yes
07:56.18bonbon-homeshpherd - voice recognition using what?
07:56.44shepherdmaybe not, heh
07:56.58shepherdi'm pretty sure someone was doing something in that area
07:57.49ikeyhow to getit working ..we were sucessful in using it as IVRS and when some one calls up ivrs and selects language options they need to key in the number of the option on their phone but we need to activate it on Voice Recog(dsp) in such a way that instead if pressing number they say "english" for selecting option english
07:58.22ta[i]ntedikey i think u want speech to text
07:58.48ta[i]ntedand voice recognition sucks
07:58.53ta[i]ntedpeople hate it
07:58.54SexyKenSo what do we do?
07:59.05shepherdi don't think voice recognition is free
07:59.16shepherdbut someone out there is doing it
07:59.16ta[i]ntedwhy can't your users just press a button
07:59.17ikeyyeah u are rt i need speech to text and text to speech
07:59.40ta[i]ntedif they are that lazy, maybe they should put down the phone to conserve energy
07:59.53bonbon-homeshpeherd - yes there are companies doing it
08:00.13*** join/#asterisk sale1357 (
08:00.50ikeyyeah we have deployed 400 e1 infrastructure across diffeent countries on premium services and we have a competitor who is working on NMS solutions who offers speech to text
08:01.11ikeyso we are now forced to convert all the infra into wuch kind
08:01.31ikeydid any one installed speech to text on asterisk..
08:03.04Qwellikey: I think you'll probably want to look into sphinx
08:03.08sale1357does anyone know anything about the channel hanging when you try and record with *77?
08:08.37*** join/#asterisk ph_matrix (potchy_fem@
08:10.00ph_matrixhello.. can i ask simply question ? newbie here
08:10.14sale1357oh you can ask
08:10.29sale1357whether anyone will answer you or not is another question.
08:12.06ph_matrixmy q is about the asterisk FXO and FXS.. those module is not toggble to act as an FXO or FXS ?
08:12.22Eightph_matrix: you have to swap modules on the card.
08:12.22shepherdthey are not
08:13.01ph_matrixic... what about in the case for Wildcard E1/T1 ?
08:13.07*** join/#asterisk soulz- (
08:13.27shepherde1/t1's usually don't use either
08:13.27Eightthat doesn't work as an FXS *or* and FXO =)
08:13.50soulz-hi all, is there any bug on Asterisk CVS-HEAD-03/07/05-17:14:42 for bridging calls?
08:14.07Eightph_matrix:  But you can run a channel bank or talk to the telco with any port, which is probably more what you're interested in.
08:14.19Eightwith the Wildcard T/E1 cards.
08:14.56ph_matrixic... i have to read a lot about this.. im interested in putting up a voip gateway in my country..
08:15.09Eightph_matrix: Ya, there's a phenomenal amount of reading to be done.
08:15.20EightThe voip-info wiki is a good place to start.
08:15.46*** join/#asterisk iamx (
08:16.02ph_matrixil already setup an asterisk server in my linux box already and tested it wid a SIP phone.. it works.. my problem now is how to connect my box to the telco..
08:16.25Eightph_matrix: well, you're looking at the right cards.
08:16.55ph_matrixthe cards cost a lot i think..
08:17.02*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
08:17.18tuxinator_linux500 something USD
08:17.20tuxinator_linuxnot bad
08:17.36tuxinator_linuxwell, the 4 port are 1500 USD I think
08:17.49Eightya, but that's 4x24 lines.
08:17.58EightThat's alot of lines =)
08:18.00tuxinator_linuxCost per line, is LOW
08:18.40EightThat's 15.50 per line.
08:18.40tuxinator_linux4 lines would cost about 2000 USD
08:18.41ph_matrixyup.. it is very cheap in ratio
08:19.05tuxinator_linux2000 / (23 * 4)
08:19.11tuxinator_linux= per line monthly
08:19.19tuxinator_linuxwell, not ture
08:19.28Eighttuxinator_linux: wait, what are you tlaking about now?
08:19.35*** join/#asterisk Delmar (
08:19.37tuxinator_linux2000 / ((24*4)-1)
08:19.45ph_matrixdoest E1/T1 cards need a lot of memory for the linux box ?
08:19.48tuxinator_linuxPRI lines to connect to the cards
08:20.05tuxinator_linuxph_matrix: You need more CPU power than anything
08:20.07iamxhumm, i have a problem with asterisk, everything works fine, trunks to other peers, internal calling, but just the internal things like festival, or any other internal playback don't work, did anyone have the same problem ?
08:20.37Eightiamx: Festival flaked out on me, but sound playback works still.
08:20.40ph_matrixis 2.5Ghz athlon 512 ddr mem can do ?
08:20.54*** join/#asterisk Alexis (
08:20.54Eightph_matrix: it depends very specifically on what you're doing.
08:20.56jjganyone here used linphone on an ipaq successfully with asterisk?
08:20.59Delmarph_matrix yep.
08:21.12jjgi think i asked that eralier, but can't remember
08:21.32Delmarph_matrix even if you had say.. E1 (30 channels) all running g729 at once, it would be fine dude.
08:21.33tuxinator_linuxph_matrix: A little week
08:21.46ph_matrixic.. what can u recomend ?
08:21.48EightIf you're running all 95 external lines, doing meetme sessions, transcoding a bunch for SIP->SIP conversations... not so much =)
08:22.02*** join/#asterisk godsmoke (
08:22.23iamxhumm, it doesn't even give out an error message and when i 1234 it should read back my number but i just hear little 500 ms chunks of sound every 5 seconds or so
08:22.29*** join/#asterisk fjoe (
08:22.29ph_matrixa gig of memory ?
08:22.33Delmarhey does anyone here know what the hell I can do to increase the TX_Gain in zapata.conf without causing huge echo? its driving me nuts.
08:22.42Eightph_matrix: the memory isn't so much the issue.
08:22.46fjoeanyone using quadBRI with *?
08:22.46tuxinator_linuxph_matrix: At least a dual pent 4 or xeon with 2-4Gigs of RAM.  But that may be overkill or not enough
08:22.52Eightph_matrix: it's the CPU power of the transcoding.
08:23.05tuxinator_linuxfjoe: BRI or PRI?
08:23.27fjoetuxinator_linux HFC-S-based quad_BRI_ cards by
08:23.31Eightph_matrix: but unless you start getting real serious most moderately well equipped boxes are plenty.
08:23.43tuxinator_linuxfjoe: Sorry, can't help you there
08:24.05tuxinator_linuxWhat I am still doing away, need to get some sleep before my flight in a 7 hours
08:24.25*** join/#asterisk Alexis (
08:24.26ph_matrixic .. well ok il upgrade as demands rise..
08:24.56tuxinator_linuxph_matrix: You need a High Availible setup
08:25.03*** join/#asterisk schurig (
08:25.08soulz-anyone have a billing solution for asterisk?
08:25.13tuxinator_linuxNight guys
08:25.15DelmarWhen a call comes in via the FXO, and goes to voicemail, the audio/volume is way to low.  When I access the voicemail internally ie. from a SIP phone, the voicemail prompts and such sound fine. can the voicemail itself have the volume increased?
08:25.43jakepdevstill can't get this working - I can't hear any voice prompts from *- there must be a config option somewhere. Any ideas anyone?
08:25.52ph_matrixyup.. have any site also that teach like ideal calls per CPU power  ?
08:26.04Delmarreally what I wanna do is increase the TX_Gain, but when I do that, the self-echo on the SIP client device is shockingly bad.
08:26.12JuggieDelmar, is the volume low for everything
08:26.53DelmarJuggie, yeah the tx volume on the FXO is generally low....
08:26.55iamxjakepdev i think i have the same problem
08:27.00Delmarbut if i increase it... im in the poo with echo.
08:27.02Juggiechange your gain then delmar.
08:27.09Juggiedid you enable echo detection?
08:27.14jakepdeviamx - are you using *@home?
08:27.15Delmartried... set to 10 now and its crappy.
08:27.21fjoetuxinator_linux do you use PRI with asterisk?
08:27.26Delmarand even at 10, the voicemail prompts are still crappy.
08:27.33JuggieDelmar, 10 is TOO much, voicemail is low?
08:27.35iamxjakepdev yes
08:27.57Delmaryeah, i mean....
08:28.37jakepdeviamx - I've been able to talk between two phones at least.  Did you try that?
08:28.39iamxeverything works fine just the voiceprompts and festival things don't work
08:28.52DelmarJuggie i had the tx_gain set at a level where the echo was still there, but the canceller would kick in after a few secs and kill it off... and at that level.. sometimes ppl say.. they can hardly hear me.. so i just have to have the phone piece right up at my face....
08:29.07Delmarso at that level.. its bareable.. BUT.. voicemail is a joke as far as volume goes....
08:29.19Delmarso really.. i need to find middle ground by increasing voicemail volume.....
08:29.22*** part/#asterisk jjg (
08:29.24iamxyes, i can communicate internally and even have peerings with other providers, everything works, just not the voice thingy
08:29.51*** join/#asterisk kram (~mark@kram.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
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08:29.53Delmarfrankly... i have wicked echo issues which are slightly improved by lowering the TX_Gain, but other things suffer.
08:29.54jakepdeviamx - strange thing is I had it working with astwind at one point (w/voice prompts) - must be a config issue.. wish someone on here knew
08:30.30Delmarjakepdev, when u say voicemail isnt working... how are u connecting to it to test it?
08:30.50Delmarjakepdev i had issues like yours.. i might be able to help.
08:30.50jakepdevi tried through SJPhone, and my analog phone to DTA310
08:30.51JuggieDelmar, when u make a sip->pstn call, how is it?
08:31.05jakepdevdialed *98
08:31.23jakepdevsays playing vm-login
08:31.27jakepdevbut no sound
08:31.37iamxjakepdev does 1234 read back your number ?
08:31.40DelmarJuggie heh, and that is the wierd thing.. its usually very good... sip->pstn i really dont have an issue with... incomming pstn is echo big time.
08:31.42jakepdevlet me see
08:31.55Delmarjakepdev ok what application u using now .. or shat sip client?
08:32.03jakepdevon the screen it does :)
08:32.07Delmarjakepdev, the issues I had were purely codec issues.
08:32.14iamxbut no sound ?
08:32.36*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
08:32.40Delmarjakepdev oh and sometimes NAT can play a are you connected.. .local lan stuff or what?
08:32.49iamxhmm k, so it's exactly the same problem as is have
08:32.54JuggieDelmar, i run with a gain of 3.0, and echocancel and echotraining set to yes
08:32.57Juggieand i am all good.
08:32.58jakepdev* installed inside VMWare
08:33.07jakepdevbridged mode
08:33.09iamxme too
08:33.18jakepdevon same subnet
08:33.35*** join/#asterisk amer (
08:33.40iamxi don't think it's a nat issue because normal communications work
08:33.40Delmarsounds good. ignore nat issues. look at codec issues.
08:33.43jakepdev(no firewalls or anything like that)
08:33.53Delmardo "show translation"
08:33.57Delmaron the * console
08:34.12amerHas anyone used ast-ax-snmpd?
08:34.13Delmarwhat codec is the sip client trying to use?
08:34.32amerI need to download it but all links are dead
08:34.34jakepdevi told it to use ulaw
08:34.50DelmarJuggie yeah.. and echotraining=800 here
08:34.57Juggiewow... thats high
08:34.57jakepdevdisallow=all allow=ulaw
08:35.05Juggieset it just to yes
08:35.08Delmarjuggie, and im using the MARK3 echo canceler.. i have tried every other damn thing.
08:35.08iamxi used ulaw and gsm, both don't change anything
08:35.09Juggiewhich is 128
08:35.20Delmarnah allow=ulaw is ok
08:35.21JuggieDelmar, what hardware are you using
08:35.36Delmarjuggie, yuk X100P clone.
08:35.54jakepdevok - i gues that's fine then
08:36.01Delmarjuggie, yep. but it should be ok.
08:36.06Juggiewell, i cant say much about analog stuff never used it....
08:36.19Juggiebut default cource no mods for echo stuff... i am ok
08:36.29Juggiesip to sip is ok right?
08:36.34DelmarJuggie yeah im really wanting a channel bank and a T1 card.
08:36.36*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
08:36.48Delmarsip to sip, sip to iax and all that crap
08:36.53jakepdevsip -> * -> sip is fine
08:37.02nirs~seen kram
08:37.03jbotkram is currently on #asterisk (7m 12s)
08:37.03Delmarand even incomming FXO seems to work great....
08:37.31Juggiewell a gain of 10 is alot
08:37.35Juggiethats db remember
08:37.41Juggieunless u said 10%
08:37.50nirskram, if you're in here, please respond
08:38.03DelmarJuggie yeah that was a test just now. echo like hell on an incomming call, and didnt really improve the voicemail volume much at all...
08:38.13Delmarno .. 10. not 10%
08:38.25Juggiewell 10db gain is alot
08:38.28Juggiethats what i am saying
08:38.30Juggiei run with 3
08:38.59Delmarjakepdev, place a call to your voicemail extension.. then on the * console do .. sip show channels
08:38.59Juggieregardless, did you try echowhenbridged?
08:39.33jakepdev2 active channels
08:39.34*** part/#asterisk schurig (
08:39.36amerI want to monitor Asterisk via snmp. Is there anyway I can do this?
08:39.37Delmarshow me
08:40.08Delmarmine has something like....
08:40.11JuggieDelmar, and with all that, you still have bad echo?
08:40.18jakepdevPeer             User/ANR    Call ID      Seq (Tx/Rx)   Format
08:40.18jakepdev192.168.1.41     8000        50f94-ca2d3  00101/00100   ulaw
08:40.18jakepdev192.168.1.40     8001        7BB2600E-0C  00101/00002   ulaw
08:40.18jakepdev2 active SIP channel(s)
08:40.19Delmar192.168.1.128      grandstrea  ea37236b32b  00101/43028   ulaw
08:40.34Juggie------------ please use ---------
08:40.49Delmarjuggie, yep. and i have replaced the card, the box, the power... not the location yet.. i want to try another phone line.. see if its some impedance issue.
08:41.13Juggieit could be just a crummy line
08:41.26Juggiebut other then that i cant think of anything
08:41.32Delmarnow.. what was it that i remember .. about the whole.. voicemail thingie actually being gsm recorded....
08:41.51Juggieall asterisk prompts are gsm i think
08:41.56jakepdev.41 is the one I was using when I did sip show channels
08:42.44Delmarjakepdev, when u do .. show translation .. you do have a number .. for gsm to ulaw right?
08:42.49GMsofthello all
08:43.07jakepdevsays 2 gsm-ulaw
08:43.19JuggieDelmar, you can try echowhenbridged off, but i dont know other then that....
08:43.23jakepdev(and 4)
08:43.24iamxdoes the machine running asterisk need a soundcard to playback the internal prompts like voicemail and festival etc. ?
08:43.39Juggiethats something i should do, convert all those gsm files to ulaw
08:43.44Juggieso * doesnt have to transcode
08:44.01QwellWhat do you do to convert?
08:44.10Juggieuse sox
08:44.13jakepdevshould I paste in show translation?
08:44.13Juggieread the wiki
08:44.19Juggienot to here
08:44.20QwellJuggie: will do
08:44.25DelmarJuggie hrm. ok.
08:44.39Juggiewiki has instructions for how to do all the files in one directory
08:44.45DelmarJuggie, its gotta work somehow.. i mean.. its ok when a call goes out.. wtf is wrong with a call coming in....
08:45.05JuggieDelmar, it could be an issue not related to *
08:45.07DelmarJuggie, ok the only thing that happens when a call comes in ... is the line spikes for a ring... it must screw up the card
08:45.14Juggiedid u try putting a call on that line
08:45.20Juggiewith a regular pone
08:45.38nirsIs there a way to capture a dead-lock on asterisk? and run gdb at that second ?
08:45.41DelmarJuggie, for sure. normal non-* stuff works as expected.
08:45.52Juggienirs, try #asterisk-dev
08:46.16jakepdevtnx Juggie - didn't know about that
08:46.27Delmarjakepdev, what is the SIP client you are using to connect to * and test your voicemail?
08:46.32Juggiejakepdev, everyone prefers u use that rather then spam the channel
08:46.53jakepdevtwo different SIP clients - SJPhone, and DTA310
08:47.06Delmarsoftware ...
08:47.11SexyKenAnyone know what the hell the account_code is?
08:47.12Delmarjust thinking out of the box...
08:47.21Delmarhave u got any software firewalls running at all?
08:47.32jakepdevnope - I disabled all firewall stuff
08:47.35JuggieDelmar, have u tried to receive a call on that line with a regular phone?
08:47.39Delmarlike.. on the box running the sip software?
08:48.02Delmarjuggie, yep. normal phone on the line and it all works as expected.
08:48.37Delmarjuggie, the echo and issues are to do with incomming calls on these X100P cards. its either an * problem .. or its the card screwing up when a call comes in.
08:48.54*** join/#asterisk scanna (
08:48.56JuggieDelmar, not sure then, if you try here during north amercain daytime hours there will be more knowledgable people around
08:49.11Delmarwhat sux is.... the way this whole VoIP world works.. sure.. an outgoing call via the FXO works but.. how often am I gonna be doing that? id rather have it screw up the other way around.. haha
08:49.29Delmaryeh i might jump on tomorrow morning.
08:49.45jakepdev(3 hours more for me) :)
08:49.47Delmardunno what yur time is there but its almost 10pm here
08:49.48Juggieeveryone is at a conference though so u never know ;)
08:49.57Juggiei'm in the east and its almost 4am
08:50.08jakepdevyep - I'm also there
08:50.17jakepdev(near Phila)
08:50.22Delmarjakepdev, ok so all firewall stuff is gone...
08:50.31jakepdevyep - no firewall
08:50.38Juggieif u showed up like 1-2est there should be some more people around.... so that is 10hours from now
08:50.49Juggieget up early ;) 7-8am
08:50.57jakepdevI can run a network trace to see traffic
08:51.05Delmarjakepdev, your * is on a linux dist under vmware...
08:51.13jakepdevthat is correct
08:51.13Delmareffectivly its a real system on the same subnet...
08:51.19Delmarso ignore all that crap too....
08:51.28Delmarso its back to * I guess...
08:51.31Juggiejakepdev, i am going to bed, but try a sip debug
08:51.39Juggieto see where your packets are being sent
08:51.41jakepdevok - tnx Juggie
08:51.49Delmaryeh thats a good idea.
08:51.51Delmarturn that on.
08:52.00Delmarthen place the call to VM and see.
08:52.01SexyKenHey guys, how do you set the account code in asterisk for cdr?
08:52.10Delmarooo thats fun stuff...
08:52.16amerin sip.conf
08:52.21JuggieSexyKen, its a dialplan function or in sip.conf
08:52.25jakepdevi can do one better - - I can do a netowrk trace between the VM and main PC
08:52.35Juggiejakepdev, try * first
08:52.38Delmarunder sip.conf .. under the specific section ... use accountcode=blah
08:52.40Juggieit puts it in a more readable format
08:52.42Juggieand decodes it
08:53.17Delmarand what happens is.. all the cdr stuff for that sip user... or users if u add it to more than one.. is bundled into files /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv
08:53.57*** join/#asterisk shantanoo (~shantanoo@shantanoo.user)
08:54.54*** part/#asterisk fjoe (
08:56.08Luke-Jrwow... I've actually thought of a good use for dialup over VoIP o.o
08:57.26SexyKencd /usr/local/apache
08:57.52jakepdevwrong window error
08:57.52shepherdif you can get dialup to work with voip
08:58.03shepherdni ni
08:58.42Luke-Jrshepherd: Plug an ATA into a modem?
08:59.24*** join/#asterisk claint (~claint@
08:59.38Delmarjakepdev, you have canreinvite=yes in the sip.conf section for the sip clients 8000/8001?
08:59.56jakepdevlet me see
09:00.30jakepdevis that it?
09:00.36Delmargive that a try please.
09:00.45Delmarwas just lookin at your debug output.
09:01.03Delmarwas just seeing.. invitations....
09:01.10Delmarso thats one thing to do...
09:01.19Delmarwhenever u are non-Nat.. you can do canreinvite=yes
09:01.32Delmarbut if you had say.. nat=yes, you should have canreinvite=no
09:01.54Delmardid u do a pastebin of one of your sip.conf user sections ?
09:02.04jakepdevnope -i'll put that up
09:02.05Delmarif not, throw me one (remove passwords).
09:02.34*** join/#asterisk mamcinty (
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09:03.44jakepdev(I just added canreinvite)
09:06.25Delmarok what does that do
09:06.31jakepdevno luck
09:06.34Delmardont forget to do a reload
09:06.54Delmarand i mean.. sometimes i like to drop asterisk out the arse, then fire it up. not just "reload" at the console.
09:07.06Delmarespecially when im dicking around with zapata and stuff.
09:07.24jakepdevi'll see a REINVITE in the debug now?
09:07.58Delmari cant see anything else much going on/wrong with your sip.conf so... im gonna move on from there.....
09:08.00jakepdevyou're saying to stop asterisk
09:08.05JuggieDelmar, see priv message.
09:08.09jakepdevthen start
09:08.24Delmaryup. restart it.
09:08.29Delmarsorry Juggie, lookin
09:08.54clainthow fast a system do i need for asterisk? for testing at home that is.
09:09.02*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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09:09.06SexyKen1.   2005-03-10 03:11:53  IAX2/te...  6507846652  6507842252  Playback  customers/1.closed  closed   ANSWERED  00:20  
09:09.06SexyKen2.  2005-03-10 03:11:37 IAX2/vo... Dial SIP/1.201|20|tr s ANSWERED 00:08
09:09.12Juggieclaint, anything p3 should be decent
09:09.40SexyKenTHose are two calls ... according to the database ... but they're actually the same actual there anyway to store this in the db so it knows that the two calls are the same ?
09:09.44claintwhat about a p2/266? will just try to connect and get it working...
09:10.04Juggiego nuts
09:10.08Juggiethat will work
09:10.11jakepdevI did a stop and start
09:10.24mamcintyDoes anyone know where I might aquire a data source that would let me determine the City, State from NPA-NXX?  I have a project in mind.
09:10.25jakepdevi'll run the debug on it
09:11.09Delmarjakepdev, in voicemail.conf u have format=wav49|gsm|wav etc ?
09:11.21Delmarnah thats just for writing... thats not it.
09:11.30Eightgrrr... voip-info is down?
09:11.42Delmarno, your squid cache died :P
09:12.00amerI want to monitor Asterisk via snmp. Is there anyway I can do this?
09:12.22DelmarEight, no go here either. must be dude.
09:12.29EightDelmar: thanks for the confirmation.
09:12.52SexyKen2. 2005-03-10 03:11:37 IAX2/vo... Dial SIP/1.201|20|tr s ANSWERED 00:08
09:12.54SexyKenTHose are two calls ... according to the database ... but they're actually the same actual there anyway to store this in the db so it knows that the two calls are the same ?
09:12.56jakepdevamer -
09:13.08jakepdev(just googled on what you wrote)
09:13.36Newbie___hmmm web site is down
09:14.07Juggieyes, yes it is
09:14.20Delmarjakepdev, u have Xlite? i dont know anything about those other apps... install Xlite. take u 5mins.
09:14.33jakepdevi think i have it here already...
09:14.38SexyKenDamn -- I just want some help
09:15.19Eightso, since the wiki is down...
09:15.19mamcintythank you!
09:16.01EightIn sip.conf: Username is what's in [], and authorization user is what's after username=, right?
09:16.23Eightgoing with x-lite terminology here.
09:17.50djorangequestion trival:  what phone code do you press for directory
09:18.59*** join/#asterisk djin (~djin@
09:20.11SexyKenWhat's the userfield in the cdr for
09:20.31amerjakepdev: thanks, I have searched on google. This link is not related to *
09:20.42RoyK~lart Zeeek
09:21.05jakepdevamer - it was meant for someone else - sorry bout that
09:21.08Delmarjakepdev, so install that, and make sure all the codecs on the "lcd" screen are all lit up, and give it a go.
09:21.22jakepdevhow do i get back into config on this thing?
09:21.30ZeeekI never met a client I didn't like.... to sue
09:21.37Delmarheh. the icon to the right of the "clear" on the panel...
09:21.49Delmarthen system settings
09:22.01Delmarand sip proxy
09:22.07Zeeekwhy is alaw better than ulaw?
09:22.08Delmargot it?
09:22.19jakepdevi'm so embarrased
09:22.23jakepdevi don't see it
09:22.28jakepdevi see CLR
09:22.39Zeeekthese things happen to all men - don't be
09:22.45Delmarok.. ther is an icon/button thingie to the right of "CLEAR" on the main phone panel
09:22.49iamxVoicemail and '1234' prompts don't play.
09:22.59jakepdevi have a slide to the right of CLR
09:23.00Delmarlooks like a notepad.
09:23.06iamxthere's a bug thingy on the dev page of asterisk@home
09:23.16Delmarwhat version u have?
09:23.17jakepdevi'll find it
09:23.18shantanoocan asterisk be used on intranet without any telephony card?
09:23.26jakepdevjust pulled it from the site
09:23.33Delmarah ok
09:23.34Eightshantanoo: with SIP phones, sure.
09:23.35iamxdelmar, jakepdev
09:23.40jakepdevoh - it threw a wied skin on here
09:24.12shantanooEight: no phones involved. only computers with sound card and mikes
09:24.26*** join/#asterisk naif (
09:24.29Eightshantanoo: That's what I'm doing right now, works great.
09:24.29jakepdevdid you try this?
09:24.36shantanooi was wondering how can i ring them?
09:24.48Eightshantanoo: dial their extension from another computer.
09:25.00iamxit seems to be a general problem on *@home
09:25.14jakepdevdoes yours work now?
09:25.23shantanooand the extensions are configurable?
09:25.26Delmarthats a new one on me.
09:25.33iamxno, didn't find a solution yet and i'm searching since a week
09:25.42Delmaru guys arent using * from stable cvs?
09:25.52jakepdevi pulled *@home iso
09:25.59Delmaroh ok
09:26.00iamx<- too
09:26.01jakepdevshould I pull stable
09:26.03Delmari like cvs.
09:26.10Eight~wiki is back up
09:26.17Delmaroo thanks Eight
09:26.29Eightok, I don't know how to use jbot =p
09:26.33Eightjbot wiki?
09:26.53jakepdevi'm going to reinstall x-lite (no config button on this skin)
09:27.21Zeeek~got milk
09:27.22jbotACTION chugs down a carton
09:27.29Zeeek~jbot wiki
09:27.44Zeeekone out of three isn't bad
09:28.39jakepdevnow i got the right skin
09:28.52*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
09:29.29*** join/#asterisk jonas (
09:29.46SexyKenHey guys, what is the 'userfield' for in mysql cdr db?
09:29.52*** join/#asterisk Othello (
09:30.19clainthow do i find out if my soundcard is full-duplex?
09:30.25*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
09:30.57Eightclaint: was it purchased in the last decade?
09:31.08claintEight: aye ;-)
09:31.16EightIt'd be a good trick to find one that ISN'T anymore.
09:31.59claintdoes OSS do full-duplex? or do i need Alsa strictly. [would still use alsa with oss simulation i guess]
09:33.12jakepdevi got x-lite installed - working on config
09:34.35SexyKenDoes uniqueid stay the same for the same call? For instance, in an ivr system...a user calls an incoming line. They're connected to the ivr. They press 1 for sales. Asterisk connects them to an agent.
09:34.47SexyKenIn the cdr, how am I supposed to know that those two calls are connected to the same user?
09:36.22*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
09:36.47DelvarSexyKen: there is no easy way, i use userfeild to tag it with my own id, that also realtes to a seperat table with more data
09:38.19jakepdevi'm going to update from CVS
09:38.25SexyKenDelvar -> How'd you do it?
09:38.34jakepdevmaybe this was a bug
09:39.01Delvarit was a while ago, i had to modify the headers before compile
09:39.33shantanooEight: which packages are required from asterisk?
09:39.46iamxhumm jakepdev how will you do that ?
09:40.07SexyKenDelvar -> Anyway you can help me or no?
09:40.18shantanoothere are around 9 in debian sarge
09:40.21jakepdevi remember reading on one of the sites how to do that.. I'm going to try and find it, I'll paste the link back
09:40.50iamxok thanks jakepdev
09:41.27jakepdevnear the bottom
09:42.01iamxk tnx
09:42.30jakepdevdelmar - thank you for the time you put in to this thing.  If you're still around, i'll let you know if the upgrade fixed it
09:43.40*** part/#asterisk Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@
09:43.51jakepdeviamx - i would copy your 2 conf files if you haven't already (just in case)
09:44.17iamxyup i've done it thanks
09:45.44*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
09:46.08SexyKenDelvar -> Anyway you can help me or no?
09:50.56*** join/#asterisk julianjm (
09:56.31*** join/#asterisk afe ([
09:57.46iamxjakepdev i finished upgrading but i still have the same problem. hummm
10:00.01ikeydoes any know about sphinx?
10:00.21ikeyor any one implimented sphinx with asterisk
10:04.15iamxit isn't a voicemail specific problem, it's every playback function coming from *, festival too, the script is called up correctly and runs, but no sound, when calling 1234 where it should read back my phone number is just her small chunks of sound, 500 ms or so
10:05.56jakepdeviamx - no luck yet either - still trying
10:07.51EightOther than editing the source... is there any way to alter the voice prompts in the default voice mail system?
10:08.12iamxi've mailed one of the users on the asterisk@home forum asking him if he has found a solution
10:08.14Eightit just says vm-password to start with, I want it to do pls-enter-vm-password =/
10:11.05EightI suppose I could do the auth myself, but that seems silly =/
10:11.57*** join/#asterisk bmilanov (
10:12.26bmilanovhello I have a question about asterisk hardware
10:12.42bmilanovpulse dialing
10:13.08bmilanovis there anyone who have used pulse dialing with asterisk?
10:13.33jakepdevpulse dialing - that's pretty funny
10:14.00bmilanovwell it is still in use in some forgoten places qround the world
10:14.28bmilanovI am searchin for a hardware which can do the pulse dialing
10:14.49bmilanova regular FXO doesn't support pulse dialing
10:14.57bmilanovas long as I know - never tried
10:15.28bmilanovcan you provide me with a link?
10:15.34bmilanovwhere could I find it?
10:16.07bmilanovoh I though this is a brand name :)
10:16.09shantanoobmilanov: i am newbie with asterisk. i can courier you the device ;)
10:16.46bmilanovhave you used pulse dialing?
10:17.38shantanoobmilanov: yes. over here in India, pulse as well as tone dialling is available.
10:18.04shantanoobut as I said, I am complete newbie regarding asterisk
10:18.04bmilanovcan you tell me what kind of hardware are you using?
10:18.23bmilanovor you have never used pulse dialing with asterisk :)
10:18.42iamxhere in luxembourg pulse dialing works too
10:19.21bmilanovanyone who has connected asterisk to a pulse PSTN?
10:19.27elricshantanoo :)
10:19.37shantanoomooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo elric :)
10:19.44bmilanovso only shantano is the hero
10:19.47elrichow are you mate?
10:20.30shantanoobmilanov: from which country you are?
10:21.13bmilanovmany :) Originaly from Bulgaria but now I am in Australia
10:21.16amerI want to monitor Asterisk via snmp. Is there anyway I can do this?
10:21.39elricbmilanov, my house mate is of bulgarial origin
10:21.44elricand in sydney
10:21.46elricare you him?
10:22.01bmilanovI doubt I am him :)
10:22.06bmilanovI am in Brisbane
10:23.01elricah ok
10:23.18elrichave you had any problems with Onramp
10:23.29elricwe are about to deploy a lot of lines for a client.
10:23.31*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
10:23.36bmilanovwhat is Onramp
10:23.50DaminWhhat up?
10:23.52*** join/#asterisk Jistah (~Jistah@
10:24.00elricTelstra ISDN
10:24.57*** join/#asterisk vagwin (
10:32.05ikeyany one worked on sphinx with asterisk
10:34.10DaminI am eating Jack In the Box from the corner of Santa Clara anf S4th ST in San Jose. If I die, you willl act least know who too look at....
10:36.11Zeeekwhere's the beef ?
10:43.10*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
10:43.32shadebobhi, someone have a complete zapata.conf for a TE110P card?
10:46.58antifuchshm. are sipfriends that are in a realtime database not treated via qualify?
10:47.56antifuchsif I add the user to sip.conf, I get "Status       : OK (35 ms)", but if I add the same user to the realtime table, I get "Status: UNKNOWN" after the sip phone registers.
10:52.53Darwin35ok got spandsp to compile
10:53.44naifanyone integrated asterisk + hylafax in a decent way?
10:55.26RoyKI beleive so
10:55.28RoyKsee the wiki
10:58.39RoyK~lart Zeeek
11:07.23Zeeekheh heh
11:08.31tzafrirchrooted or anything?
11:08.53Zeeek" /dev/dull"
11:09.16tzafrirBTW: I believe bash has sepcial handling for redirection to /dev/null even if /dev/null does not exist, but I'm not sure
11:09.28Zeeekit's a type
11:09.45Darwin35ok  now on to festival
11:09.52tzafrirAh, you mean the extra space before the "/"? ;-)
11:09.53Darwin35this will be fun
11:09.57Zeeeksounds so festive and fun
11:10.02Zeeekbut I hear it isn't
11:10.23Darwin35it is when your getting working on FBSD and *
11:10.32Darwin35I have got alot working
11:10.33Zeeekaha great
11:10.45Darwin35spandsp works
11:10.45Zeeekthat's good - a lot of people are interested including me
11:11.22Darwin35well thats todat project
11:11.39Darwin35so it will be fun
11:11.42tzafrirDarwin35, what version of spandsp?
11:12.57Darwin35bbiab time to take the roomie to work
11:15.32*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
11:15.33Zeeekwhy doesn't this work?
11:15.36Zeeektftp   dgram   udp     wait    nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  in.tftpd
11:15.47Zeeekin inetd.conf ?
11:17.44*** join/#asterisk szlwzl (simon@
11:18.55szlwzlhave a question re: meet me - is it possible for external callers to be greeted with a prompt to enter a passcode which then automatically joins them to a conference?
11:24.33PatrickDKmany ways to do that
11:25.37szlwzlexcellent stuff - I presumed there would be.
11:28.01szlwzlany howto links from the top of your head?
11:28.46*** join/#asterisk sunil (~sunil@
11:29.03shantanoosee it already proved it
11:29.22sunilhello can any one help me in installing astGUICLIENT
11:30.19Zeeekszlwzl start here :
11:31.31DaminCy upieast
11:32.13ZeeekKartengs hareng
11:34.00szlwzlZeeek: thank you
11:35.55szlwzlthe meeting creation is no probs really - but how would a external caller be prompted to join it?
11:36.14Zeeekyou have to send them in
11:36.22*** join/#asterisk KryoStoffer ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:36.22szlwzlso someone internal has to do that
11:36.45Zeeekno you could present a menu that said "enter blah for conf"
11:37.05Zeeekand to do that yopu might look here
11:37.08ZeeekThe dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls.
11:38.14Zeeekthere is a classic example of a IVR menu there
11:38.14szlwzlbrilliant - cheers :)
11:38.34Zeeeknow you know two places to look
11:38.39modulus_zeeek, what is ivr?
11:38.43*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
11:38.56szlwzlZeeek: will go and research further :)
11:39.41ZeeekInteractive Voice Relatives ?
11:40.42Zeeekanother example of a dialplan for IVR
11:42.21*** join/#asterisk pratik (~root@
11:44.34pratikpratik says hi to everyone
11:44.54EightRelatives? Response?
11:45.12Zeeekeveryone is busy saying hi to other people wanting to say hi
11:45.14pratiki am facing problems in making calls to FWD
11:45.50pratikya now i am trying through the iax
11:45.50Zeeekyou are right to face them, rather than just being in denial
11:46.01Zeeekwhat's wrong?
11:46.13pratiki configured only the fwd part with iax
11:46.37pratikno when i make calls to fwd an engage tone comes
11:46.52Zeeekand you copied the info from here?
11:47.00pratiki removed all the fwd details from the sipo.conf
11:47.10pratiksorry sip.conf
11:47.13Zeeekand checked iax in the web page config
11:47.52pratiki copiued it from http;??
11:48.05pratiki copiued it from
11:48.53Zeeekyou try to call 612 ?
11:49.01pratikya i tried
11:49.15pratikbut again the same engage tone came
11:49.27Zeeekand the console message says what?
11:49.40pratikwell should i paste it
11:49.47jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
11:50.02pratikya just a minute
11:50.03Zeeekpaste your configs
11:50.28Zeeekfrom iax.conf - just the fwd part
11:51.34*** join/#asterisk fitzel (
11:52.26pratikya i have pasted the iax on
11:52.26*** join/#asterisk Umaro (~umaro@
11:52.34pratikand the console on 7172
11:52.55UmaroHey guys, getting this odd "Unknown RTP codec 72 recieved" message.. any hints? I've searched google and the mailing lists, no luck there
11:52.57pratikin iax i have only the fwd
11:53.40ZeeekI would say that the Dial command is missin a closing parenthesis
11:55.23ZeeekUmaro how are your codecs looking?
11:56.06Zeeekparatik there is a line that wraps in default - fix that and it should be ok
11:56.16Newbie___Zeeek: i am learning how to connect 2 * together, any idea where i can get examples except i tried that
11:56.23pratikyes tell me
11:56.42Zeeekunder default - FIX that line that wraps to a new line
11:56.45pratikthe closing parenthesis is continued on the next line
11:56.54Zeeekno good - must be one line
11:57.10Zeeekgo through all your files and make sure there are only SINGLE LINES
11:57.11pratikok fine i'll do it
11:57.36ZeeekNewbie_ there should be plenty about IAX trunking
11:59.25Newbie___ok been trying to learn that all day
11:59.37Zeeekthe name? ya not obvious
11:59.50Zeeekalso you need hardware timer to do it
12:00.26Newbie___Zeeek: u mean i need hardware timer?
12:00.34*** join/#asterisk jmav (~jmav@
12:00.46Zeeekfor iax trunking yes
12:01.01shadebobHi, I have a "Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe" message when I launch asterisk server :s
12:01.03Zeeekhere's some interesting stuff
12:01.18Newbie___damn, and i never even heard of hardware timer
12:01.35Zeeekit comes with the Digium hardware
12:02.29jmavHi I am new in this thing of asterisk... I would like to know if its some way that a line from pstn could be use for dialout for tell the asterisk to not be used for incoming calls
12:02.41Newbie___confused as usual, anyway will try to look into IAX trunk first
12:02.56pratikya i have changed it
12:03.08*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
12:03.14jmavhello everybody
12:03.22Poincarejmav: send it to a context where it won't pickup the line?
12:03.33pratikthe whole of the 2nd which was splitting into 2 lines i made it into single line
12:04.42Zeeekjmav :
12:04.44ZeeekThe dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls.
12:05.08*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
12:05.20*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
12:05.28pratiki have used type=user, should i change it to type=friend
12:05.51jmavthx zeeek... and thx poincare
12:06.01Zeeekpeer pratik, peer
12:06.32Zeeekor user
12:06.44ZeeekI have both in fact
12:07.23pratikok i changed it but no effect
12:07.26Zeeekto dial out I used peer
12:07.48pratiki can only dial out, incomiong calls are not allowed in INDIA
12:09.28Zeeekthis is what I have
12:09.50pratikok i'll check it out
12:10.42pratikthat is what all u have in iax.conf for fwd
12:10.56Zeeekyour Dial line is still wrong I'd say
12:11.16pratiki copied it from the site, exactly the same thing
12:11.30pratikcopy, paste
12:12.22pratikif the dial line is wrong then instead of that what should i write
12:12.33Zeeektry this, filling in the obvious data
12:12.35Zeeekexten => _393.,2,Dial(IAX2/YOURNUMBER:YOURPASS@the_name_in_iax.conf/NUMBER_TO_CALL,45,r)
12:13.13Zeeekthe name in iax.conf is [fwdout] for example
12:13.34Zeeekif you want to debug, put 612 instead of NUMBER_TO_CALL
12:13.45pratikok let me try
12:13.55Zeeekput your number and password in directly - you can add variable when it works
12:17.21pratikis this ok
12:17.27Zeeeknot  even close
12:17.41Zeeek${} this means variable name
12:17.47pratikin dint get u
12:17.59pratikok i'll remove them
12:18.03Zeeekremove all the ${}
12:18.08riksta*sigh* :)
12:18.29Zeeekdon't post it just fill in your real number and password, extensions reload and try it
12:18.36EightHrmm... that's weird. I'm using Playtones(dial), but I only hear the tone if I'm breaking the squelch on x-lite.
12:19.00Zeeektry setting transmit silence to YES - it needs to be there anyway
12:19.09EightZeeek: ya, I just changed that...
12:19.10Inv_arpahh extension reload   never used that
12:19.26EightZeeek: I don't see why it should be a problem, though.
12:19.29Zeeekit should be called e r
12:19.53EightZeeek: ya, that fixed it.
12:19.54Zeeekit is a problem using X-Lite
12:20.02EightI'd rather fix it on the Asterisk end, though.
12:20.11Eightone less configuration option to tell users about.
12:20.12Zeeekit's an X-Lite problem
12:20.31Zeeekdon't show us, just bloody try the sucker!
12:20.32Eightalright, I'd rather *workaround it* on the Asterisk side =p
12:20.49ZeeekEight i dont think you can
12:20.50pratiki tried it still i am getting the error
12:21.01Inv_arpEight: sure...  submit a patch
12:21.22EightInv_arp: heh, you don't want *my* C code =)
12:21.29EightPython code, sure... not C code.
12:21.38Zeeekpratik, I'm afraid you need help, but maybe someone in person
12:21.39pratiksee this is the error i get in the console screen
12:21.45Inv_arpEight: heh
12:21.46pratik: app_dial.c:884 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3)
12:21.47Zeeekis it new?
12:22.16Alexison witch OS * has better performances ?
12:22.38Alexisa Linux or a BSD ?
12:22.42pratiksomeone in person:what does this mean
12:23.57EightAnyone happen to know of a place that'll reliably ship something overnight, same day it's ordered?
12:24.06EightI mean, that sells TDM400P cards =)
12:24.20pratikanyone else i can help , i have pasted all my configurations in
12:24.40Zeeekhmmm that a tough one Eight
12:24.53AlexisIs it easier to use Asterisk on a Linux or on FreeBSD ?
12:24.56Zeeekyou could ask digium they may stock them
12:24.59Inv_arpAlexis: linux
12:25.01ZeeekAlexis linux
12:25.07Alexiswithc one ?
12:25.16Alexiswhat distrib ?
12:25.20EightAlexis: Fedora didn't give me any problems.
12:25.21Inv_arpAlexis: any
12:25.22Newbie___Zeeek: any idea what happen ? request '23701169@trunk' does not exist
12:25.28Alexisok tx
12:25.34EightAlexis: But then, neither did Mac OS X =p
12:25.43ZeeekNewbie_ absolutelt the number doesn't exist
12:25.54sunilanyone can help me installing asterisk astGUICLIENT
12:25.54Alexisbut i love so much FreeBSD....
12:26.11Inv_arpAlexis: it does work fine under BSD
12:26.14pratiksunil:till where have u reached
12:26.29Inv_arpAlexis: but it had to be ported to work
12:26.34tzafrirAlexis, Debian.
12:26.34Newbie___i should look under extensions.conf right ?
12:27.15*** join/#asterisk casterman (
12:27.15jmavstill having the same problem I have 2 pstn lines but i want to use 1 for dialout and dialin and the other one just for dialout how can i do that ?
12:27.15tzafrirSpecificly, on Rapid you'd have * up and running in 10 to 20 minutes
12:27.15elricIt runs very easily on FreeBSD
12:27.15EightAlexis: If you're used to working on BSD, then you're already accustomed to Linux software that isn't *quite* as at home under FreeBSD. Asterisk is fairly normal on that scale.
12:27.15elrici use it
12:27.15ZeeekNewbie_ yes, the message is kind of obvious - it finds no such number in that context
12:27.43EightAlexis: If you're accustomed to FreeBSD, you're probably going to have more trouble with the Linux-ism than any Asterisk/BSD issues.
12:27.48Newbie___but that is how i dial 23701169 and is ok
12:28.12Inv_arpjmav: in your extensions.conf
12:28.14elricI am waiting for TE405P drivers to be out for FreeBSD
12:28.17Zeeekapparently not. It's just a machine executing your dialplan you know :)
12:28.23elricthen I can run it on a production system.
12:29.18Zeeekjmav - if I may be so bold - you need to read about and understand dialplans
12:29.29Zeeekcontext, extension, priority -
12:29.35Zeeekit will all become crystal clear
12:29.40Newbie___roger that
12:30.31Zeeekafter a year or so :)
12:30.31jmavohhh great
12:30.31Zeeekwhat, don't have a year?
12:30.54ZeeekIt should take about a week or less for it to sink in if you have no experience at all with phones
12:31.01*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:31.03Zeeekor, you can pay someone to help
12:31.15Zeeekbut in your case, I'd recommend snuggling up to the docs
12:31.19Zeeeksuch as they are
12:31.41jmavNo i prefer to learn and do it my self
12:31.50jmavthx i will read it in details
12:32.11ZeeekThe number one way to start up the learning curve is to download PDF book
12:32.27jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
12:32.31*** join/#asterisk becks (
12:32.33ZeeekI'm might be stupid, but I read it cover to cover about three times in 24 hours
12:32.50Newbie___hahah, fuck it worked
12:32.59Zeeekand that was before they put the naked pictures in
12:33.02Newbie___define wrong context
12:33.05pratikzeek:do you recomend me to read any docs
12:33.17Zeeekno protik, don't read anything
12:33.30Newbie___trial and error
12:33.32Zeeekfind someone near you that can help
12:33.33jmavthx zeeek
12:33.52pratikhere there is no one near that i can find
12:33.53Zeeekjmav you'll be answering questions next tuesday
12:34.00*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
12:34.26Inv_arppratik: where?
12:34.26pratikseee my netrworkn is behind some firewall
12:34.46*** join/#asterisk tih (
12:35.17pratikInv_arp:my asterisk is working properly buit the fwd calls are not going
12:35.17Zeeekpratik have you tried to use FWD with X-Lite client to see if that works?
12:36.15Zeeekwhy not?
12:36.28Zeeekit will help eliminate other possiblme problems like firewall
12:36.32pratikwhat is X-Lite,
12:36.57jobihi all
12:36.57pratikis it a sip provider
12:37.10jobiI'm trying to setup a SIP / ISDN BRI gateway
12:37.18jobiusing zaphfc
12:37.55jobieach time I try to make a call from Asterisk I get Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP'
12:38.19jobiis there a way to get some more debug info?
12:38.37Zeeekany messages when you start * ?
12:39.25Zeeekdrivers all modprobed and working ok?
12:39.25pratikX-Lite is a softphone
12:39.25jobino messages about zap
12:39.25jobiand the modules are loaded ok
12:39.48Zeeekjobi sometimes that message just means it can't reach the ZAP device
12:40.00Zeeekat least with SIP and IAX2 that can mean that
12:40.27Zeeekpratik, ya download and play with X-Lite and see if you can get it to work with FWD before using asterisk
12:40.51ZeeekIt actually works very well with FWD
12:41.14pratikok i'll try it,will it get downloaded on linux
12:41.31Zeeekyou have any windows machines?
12:41.54pratikya in my network i have both linux and windows
12:41.57EightX-Lite seems to be common enough, but it doesn't seem like it's very good, and I certainly detest the interface. Is there another SIP soft client people like?
12:42.15ZeeekEight it works better (for me) than all the rest
12:42.15EightOh, and I've tried SJPhone as well.
12:42.36jobiI got  NOTICE[6060]: chan_zap.c:7786 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1
12:42.38EightZeeek: ya, that's about all I can say for it myself =/
12:42.39Zeeekthe interface is clunky
12:43.15Inv_arpEight: firefly is a fav around here also
12:43.15Zeeekbut I'm talking windows clients - I never got anything to work on linux
12:43.36Zeeekff was ok for IAX, good for newbies (little config)
12:43.51Inv_arpiny kphone works in *nix  linphone kinda buggy
12:44.03Inv_arperr only
12:46.23*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
12:50.06*** join/#asterisk sysdef (~sysdef@sysdef.admin.debiancenter)
12:51.10EightFirefly looks interesting... thanks for the heads up.
12:51.20*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
12:55.18*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
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12:57.10*** join/#asterisk hawk-irc (
12:57.49*** join/#asterisk Brumle ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:58.25hawk-irchi all
13:00.32jobiI'm using zapbri and have configured signalling=bri_cpe
13:00.55jobibut when I launch asterisk I still get -- Registered channel 1, PRI Signalling signalling
13:01.03*** join/#asterisk BuzzBud ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:01.08Zeeekyou restarted ?
13:01.34Zeeekwell, I shot my wad then :)
13:03.50ZeeekI know people in the USA pay for calls they receive on their cellphones; does calling a cellphone cost more than calling a landline?
13:05.13ZeeekOk, so the only downside of me calling their cell is that they're dumb enough not to have a landline therefore paying to talk to me?
13:05.39Inv_arpcorrect :)
13:05.44Zeeekthat shit is well-marketed though
13:05.58ZeeekWhenever I ask if it costs when I call they say "no, just minutes"
13:06.08Zeeekduh! minutes are free?
13:06.25Zeeekcellphones are a license to print money
13:06.41Inv_arpheh after minutes run out... pay per min
13:07.09Zeeekok, since it's so quit, who's the linux resident support person available in #asterisk queue ?
13:07.27tzangerwhat's up
13:07.28ZeeekI have one final issue with my DHCP/TFTPD stuff
13:07.30tzangerI know all
13:07.35ZeeekI believ you
13:07.51ZeeekI want to start these two daemons at boot, naturally
13:07.56tzanger... I see a corrupted reiser partition in your future, make your backups now...
13:08.09Zeeekso... first attempt, uincomment tftp in /etc/inetd.conf
13:08.25Zeeekdoesn't run the server
13:08.29Zeeekwait for it
13:08.39tzangerhave you HUPped your inetd lately?
13:08.39Zeeekto get the full ignorance at once...
13:08.51Zeeekthere is no inetd in ps aux
13:08.58tzangeryou are not running inetd then
13:08.59ZeeekHEY, MAYBE THAT'S IT!
13:09.03tzanger(I never do either)
13:09.08Zeeekok so next
13:09.10tzangerI just usually run
13:09.16ZeeekI triesd to put it in rc.d/rc.local
13:09.23tzanger/usr/sbin/in.tftpd -l /tftpboot in rc.local
13:09.29Zeeekthe effect of which is no console
13:09.41tzangeryou'll notice the -l flag
13:09.50tzanger-l = listen, daemonize, background
13:09.50Zeeekyeah I think I used it
13:09.57tzangerwhat distro
13:09.59Zeeeklemee seeeheah
13:10.04ZeeekSlack 9.1
13:10.16EightSlack is up to 9.x? wow.
13:10.19Inv_arp*woah he does know all*  :)
13:10.20tzangerworks just fine for me
13:10.30tzangerI am running slack 10
13:10.34Zeeekwhat about dhcpd ?
13:10.59tzangerdhcpd is runnign on the wrt54g
13:11.02tzangerbut it's the same
13:11.05tzangerdhcpd eth0
13:11.07ZeeekI had this: /usr/sbin/dhcpd -q -d
13:11.08tzangeris all you need to run
13:11.25tzangerit's running on my systme :-)
13:11.32Zeeekhow can I chain from the router to the tftp server?
13:11.36tzanger/usr/sbin/in.tftpd -l /tftpboot
13:11.44tzangerZeeek: ahhh young grasshopper
13:11.50tzangeryou must learn the bootp options
13:11.52ZeeekI didn't see any way
13:11.59*** join/#asterisk kamran (
13:12.07tzangersiaddr ip.of.tftp.server
13:12.19tzangerboot_file /tftpboot/
13:12.26tzangerthat must be in your dhcpd.conf
13:12.35tzanger(well I use udhcpd, dhcpd's options may be slightly different)
13:12.39Zeeekthe router has no file?
13:12.42tzangerand it depends on if you're doing dhcp or bootp
13:12.47tzangerthe router file looks like this
13:13.37tzangeroption dns
13:13.41tzangeroption domain
13:13.41tzangerboot_file /tftpboot/pxelinux.0
13:13.47tzangeras I said
13:13.54tzangerit depends on if you're doing bootp or dhcp to tftp
13:13.56tzangerI'm using the former
13:13.57Zeeek??? on my linksys NAT router?
13:14.15Zeeekwhere's the slot for the diskette?
13:14.24tzangermy myth box uses bootp to get an IP and the udhcpd server gives it as the next step
13:14.32tzangerZeeek: well you need a better router
13:14.36tzangerget a wrt54g :-)
13:14.49ZeeekI have one at home - I don't remember any options like that
13:14.55Zeeekbut here it's a WAG54g
13:14.56tzangeryou have to add it manually
13:15.04Zeeekwhich is similar but with a DSL modem
13:15.10tzangerZeeek: wha?
13:15.13kamranhi all any one using asterisk-oh323. i have problem in routing my calls to gungk gatekeeper
13:15.14tzangerwag54g eh?
13:15.17ZeeekMANUALLY ? Nevah!
13:15.23Zeeekas in wag the dog
13:15.35tzangerI'm running sveasoft's firmware but openwrt would work too
13:15.39tzangerand then you wouldn't have to add it manually
13:15.42Zeeekthe thing disconnects every time you change something
13:15.52tzangerI did not know wag54g existed
13:15.59tzangerthat could be the solution to my problem
13:16.10Zeeekwell, back to the real world, all I need to do is get dhcpd to run at boot
13:16.10tzangeruse it to do the script I have
13:16.12tzangerverrrrry nice
13:16.25tzangergetting dhcpd to run at boot isn't a big problem
13:16.28ZeeekI think it's only sold here in Eu
13:16.28tzangerdhcpd eth0
13:16.35tzangerand make sure /etc/dhcpd.conf is set up right
13:16.36Inv_arpheh  every ques that has h323 also has problem in it
13:16.45Zeeekpossibly because some US providers are very anal about what modem/router you use
13:16.53*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
13:17.38Zeeekwhen I run dhcpd --q -d in rc.local there is no console
13:17.45Zeeek-q -d
13:19.52tzangerdid I say to use -q -d ?
13:19.59Zeeekno sir
13:20.05tzangerthou needst to consult thy man pages
13:20.08Zeeekand there's only one interface
13:20.11tzangeranyway gotta get these kids to school
13:20.18ZeeekI did but that's what it appears to suggest
13:21.17*** join/#asterisk bunny_700 (
13:28.30darkskiezis the TE110P dual voltage?
13:29.43Zeeekwho has a long test number for iAX? didn't someone have a local weathr station or something? anyone?
13:29.53Zeeeka number that plays a long thing to test
13:30.12darkskiezits part of example dial plan
13:31.13darkskiezquiet in  here!
13:31.23*** join/#asterisk sysdef (~sysdef@sysdef.admin.debiancenter)
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13:32.10Zeeekit was real noisy a few moments ago!
13:32.28Zeeekyou shut everyone up with your hi-falutin advanced question
13:32.43Zeeekwe're all scared to talk now :)
13:33.54*** part/#asterisk casterman (
13:38.09*** join/#asterisk marak (
13:39.15marakhi all, anybody can help me on call transfer problems ?
13:39.50Zeeekgo for it
13:40.21marakwhen calls come in most of the time we can transfer without hassles. but if we dial out there is no way we can transfer ?
13:40.37Zeeekwhat phone and how are you transfering?
13:40.47*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Jayden] (~ircatjerr@
13:40.49marakusing firefly softphones using #
13:40.59marak# plus extension
13:41.08maraknormaly after pushing # it says extension please
13:41.13Zeeekwhat dial options? you have the 'T' ?
13:41.28marakno only ,tr
13:41.35marakshould i use the capital
13:42.10marakthis is my dial command : exten => _9.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1},20,tr)
13:42.11Zeeekfind the part that explains the dial application
13:42.27Zeeekone way to do this is to type show application dial
13:42.53maraki have done that it tells me the same thing for both t and T
13:43.44Zeeekthen something has distorted the universe horribly
13:44.01marakahhh sorry just reread it
13:44.07Zeeekmaybe dial is broken in the version you have
13:44.15Zeeekyes, good
13:45.19*** join/#asterisk ncjp (
13:46.52marakwould 'm' be to supplement 'r' ?
13:47.16Zeeekwhy not read carefully what is said there
13:47.28Zeeekand make a few tests
13:51.10*** join/#asterisk tih (
13:51.19*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
13:56.17marakthanks all
13:56.19*** part/#asterisk marak (
14:01.10*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
14:01.58shadebobHi, how I can prompt a user to send his agentID/password and after make a agentlogin in my extension.conf?
14:02.14*** join/#asterisk blankman (
14:02.39blankmanHey guys. Is there anyone from NuFone on?
14:03.21tzangernot from nufone but I'm an avid user and supporter of... :-)
14:04.20*** join/#asterisk dg1nsw (
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14:05.35blankmank. So I use them as well, and I like them, but recently I have been having an issue and I am trying to track down if anything changed on their side in the last week or so.
14:05.50*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
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14:07.11*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
14:07.19tzangerfix yer client W1thdraw
14:07.21*** join/#asterisk ph_matrix (~potchy_fe@
14:11.10blankmantzanger, what version of * are you running?
14:11.36nirsis there a reason why would zaptel think an FXO module is actually an FXS module ?
14:11.49tzangerblankman: yes
14:11.59tzangernirs: on what hardware
14:12.08blankmannirs, you modprobe'd in the wrong order maybe :-)
14:12.13nirsah ?
14:12.22nirsit's a simple pentium 4 box
14:12.53tzangernirs: what hardware is the TDM hardware... T1, TDM400P, what
14:13.12Kattygosh, no one answered.
14:13.23blankmanHey Katty.
14:13.26blankmanThat better ;-)
14:13.28tzangerKatty: I did so
14:13.36Kattymad, i didn't see it
14:13.38nirsthere are 3xFXO modules on it
14:13.42nirsand 1xFXS module
14:14.08tzangernirs: ok.  what does dmesg say
14:14.08tzangerpaste teh 4 lines here
14:14.16Kattyi've obviously insaned.
14:14.29nirsthe funny part is that dmesg says 3xfxo + 1xfxs
14:16.09ta[i]ntedhow much are virtual DIDs?
14:16.11nirsany ideas ?
14:16.28bjohnsonKatty: if good manners and human interaction were our strong points, we wouldn't be geeks
14:16.42blankmanta[i]nted: that depends on who you buy you line from.
14:17.09nirsthe stupid part that if I indicate that the modules are fxx for the fxo modules on zaptel it loads up nicely
14:17.15ta[i]ntedblankman u mean my carrier line?
14:17.20blankmanIf you are using an ITSP it is anywhere from free-50 bucks
14:17.53ta[i]ntedblankman i thought places like XO sells DIDs
14:17.59*** join/#asterisk CosmicRay (~jgoerzen@2002:4463:7269:1:20e:a6ff:fe66:c5a3)
14:18.00nirsodule 0: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO
14:18.00nirsModule 1: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
14:18.00nirsModule 2: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
14:18.00nirsModule 3: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
14:18.15tzangernirs: and what's wrong with that
14:18.18blankmanta[i]nted: your DID's have to be tied to a trunk (pri, digital, etc).
14:18.19tzanger1 FXS, 3 FXO
14:18.20nirsthat is fine
14:18.21tzangerjust like you said
14:18.30nirswell, modprobe is just fine
14:18.40ta[i]ntedblankman right - the trunk i've got handled..
14:18.40nirsbut when I run ztcfg, that fucks up big time
14:18.51tzangernirs: is your zaptel.conf file right for that card?
14:19.03nirswell, I think it is
14:19.11tzangeri.e. channel 1 is fxo signalled and 2-4 fxs signalled?
14:19.18blankmanYou have to neg. with the provider for the pricing, but usually in my experience it is about 10 bucks a month for about 100.
14:19.29ta[i]ntedblankman but if my trunk is IP-based, do I have to go with ITSP DIDs or can I get DID through other means?
14:19.36nirsoh ?
14:19.43tzangernirs: it's mentioned in zaptel.conf and in zapata.conf that fxs devices use fxo signaling and vice-versa
14:19.55ta[i]ntedblankman who do you go through?
14:19.55nirs<< feels silly
14:20.14nirsactually, coming to think about it, it makes sense
14:21.14blankmanNine different providers ;-) But yes you can from both ITSP and "hardline" providers.
14:22.10blankmannirs, also, you sure the order is: fxo,fxs,fxs,fxs?
14:22.16bjohnsonKatty: by the lack of reply I assume you were called away or you too, are a true geek
14:25.51nirsit works fine
14:25.53nirsjust checked
14:26.49*** join/#asterisk Conductor (~thomas@
14:27.04Conductorhow would you solve this: when dialing 123 i want the caller to be added to a conference room. after that, ${EXTEN:1} should be added to the conference also.
14:28.43bjohnsonthe first part is covered by numerous examples
14:28.50bjohnsonthe second part I don't understand
14:30.08*** join/#asterisk gmcinnes (~gmcinnes@
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14:30.22gmcinneshi everyone. I have a hardware question.
14:30.40*** join/#asterisk mgth (
14:30.50mgthIs the bugtracker down?
14:31.05gmcinnesI have a tdm400p which needs a ide power supply.  All the power on my server is backplane though.
14:31.13bjohnsonthe bugs crawled off with it
14:31.32gmcinnesHas anyone used a dell 2600 poweredge with a tdm400p?
14:35.02nirsWHAT THE F*** HAPPENED TO voicemail.conf ????
14:35.33nirsvoicemail.conf now has a similar number of options to extensions.conf
14:35.47*** join/#asterisk kant (~bernd@
14:36.52shadebobwhen I use agentcallbacklogin, i don't known what is new extension? Someone can help me?
14:37.09*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
14:38.03`SauronEight: Now what?
14:38.07EightNothing new.
14:38.19Eightbut it's 9:30 AM and there's still nobody answering the '24/7' support line =p
14:38.34`SauronI thought it was staffed 24/7
14:38.41Eight`Sauron: That's the impression I got, too.
14:38.47Zeeekyeah but at 7 they're all there, all 24
14:38.49EightWell, before I called it.
14:41.35Conductorbjohnson, the first part is easy, right.
14:41.46kant24/7 means 24 minutes every hour for 7 hours.
14:41.55Conductorbjohnson, ill try to explain the second part:
14:41.59*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
14:42.19*** part/#asterisk blankman (
14:42.19*** part/#asterisk bunny_700 (
14:42.33Conductorbjohnson, after the caller has been added to the conference, another call shall be triggered and joined to the conference also.
14:42.38`SauronI managed to educated guess my way to what happened with the sip INVITE authentication thing
14:42.47`Sauronand why there wasn't any prior notice
14:43.11Conductorbjohnson, a function like the "Originate"-Action with *-manager...
14:44.07Eight`Sauron: care to enlighten the rest of us?
14:44.48bjohnsonkant: I thought it was 24 minutes every day, 7 days a week
14:45.00`SauronMy guess was that there was some big security vuln. - so they had to upgrade their gear, and as a side effect of the upgrade, it tightened down on RFC compliance on some SIP stuff
14:45.17`Sauron* didn't have the compliance, and thus the loud screaming
14:45.23bjohnsonConductor: so you want to call somone else and when they answer, dump them into an active conference?
14:46.20`Sauronit's sooo hard to sit with proper posture in these chairs
14:46.26`Sauronthey lend themselves all too well to slouching
14:46.34antifuchsgood chairs are hard to find /-:
14:46.43antifuchsgood posture even more so (:
14:46.44hawk-irchi to all... anybody knows a guy with "akholsmith" as email username?
14:46.52hawk-irci met him here but forgot his nick :(
14:47.28Conductorbjohnson, yes
14:48.15puzzledhawk-irc: search the -users mailinglist for his email address. he posts tons of messages
14:48.43jakepdevanyone know why I can talk between SIP phones using *, and get audio, but I never hear * voiceprompts?
14:49.01hawk-ircwhere should i carry on that search?
14:49.13`SauronYou forget to call answer() before you start sending audio in *, maybe
14:49.42jakepdevSauron - it happens even with the 1234 demo
14:50.45`SauronYEah, I noticed some of the demos weren't accurate
14:51.03jakepdevgood point... -i'll check that
14:51.05bjohnsonConductor: I haven't done it but I think I've read about it (on the wiki) being done with the agi
14:51.39jakepdevnope It says executing Answer
14:52.35jakepdevSauron - any other ideas?
14:52.58Zeeekjakeppdev tried on different phones?
14:52.59*** join/#asterisk _THEEND_ (~DrEaM@
14:53.19puzzledhawk-irc: search on google for his name
14:53.26Conductorbjohnson, do you remember in which context? what do i have to search for?
14:53.52jakepdevyep - SJPhone and DTA310 - smae results - can talk to each other through *, but no voice prompts when connecting to *
14:54.14_THEEND_someone could help me pls!?
14:54.43hawk-ircpuzzled: found!!! it's tzanger
14:55.04Zeeekhe had to drive the kids to school
14:55.14Zeeek~seen tzanger
14:55.16jbottzanger is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 267 messages.  Is idling for 35m 33s
14:55.19tzangerI'm here
14:55.25Zeeektsk, tsk, left the box on
14:55.35Zeeekthx your answers fixed everything
14:55.40Zeeekbut you left too soon
14:56.22_THEEND_someone uses web interface to configure asterisk?
14:56.53jakepdevTHEEND - I used it.. what's the question?
14:57.14tzangerZeeek: good, I am glad :-)
14:57.24*** part/#asterisk mtmachen (
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15:00.07_THEEND_no question i'm looking for a web interface
15:00.20_THEEND_what you suggest?
15:00.40tzanger_THEEND_: have you looked at AMP?  I won't touch it as it's PHP but I imagine it works well enough
15:00.55jakepdevTHE END - AMP
15:01.23bjohnsonConductor: no.  can't find it now
15:01.31jakepdevTHEEND - I used it and it seems to work just fine
15:01.38santiago_THEEND_, try destar
15:01.55Conductorbjohnson, ok thanks anywa
15:03.20gmcinnesHas anyone used a dell 2600 server for asterisk?
15:04.45*** join/#asterisk TheBear (
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15:07.09TheBearusing a snom200 what do I put in extensions.conf to get intercom working.  I have applied the chan_sip.c hack given, but still can't get it to work ?
15:07.18TheBearany help appriecated
15:08.50ariel_good morning all
15:09.18*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
15:14.13EightHmm... anyone know how to get the 'transfer' feature in x-lite working happily with Asterisk?
15:14.36ZeeekIt's disbled in x6lite, isn't it?
15:14.49Eightah, maybe that's it =)
15:14.50Zeeekonly for X-Pro
15:15.28*** join/#asterisk ruiner (
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15:19.17TheBearanyone know a good link for dialplan that has intercom=true for snom 200s ?
15:20.39puppetCan I do in sip.comf a new [] with another register?
15:20.56bjohnsonTheBear: have you checked the wiki?
15:21.05puppetf.ex. under [default] my main and then a new [germany] and take my sipgatelink?
15:21.38bjohnsonpuppet: you can have numerous contexts and numerous registers (registers do not go in the general section .. not in the context)
15:21.58Eightrather, registers DO go on the general section.
15:22.14bjohnsonthe register just tells the other server what IP address you have
15:22.26TheBearbjohnson: I have looked everywhere I can think of. I wiki I find the hack to chan_sip.c which I have applied, but nothing about what extensions.conf must look like
15:22.27jakepdevI give digium support an A+
15:22.30SexyKenDoes uniqueid stay the same for the same call? For instance, in an ivr system...a user calls an incoming line. They're connected to the ivr. They press 1 for sales. Asterisk connects them to an agent.
15:22.31bjohnsonEight: yes .. sorry for the confusion
15:22.39puppetCuase im playing with Op Panel
15:22.51puppetand I want it when I call one link I get a inc button with light
15:22.56SexyKenIn the cdr, how am I supposed to know that those two calls are connected to the same user?
15:22.58puppetbut right now it just goes on sip/*
15:26.19puppetshould I add /sipgate
15:26.24puppetafter the register if i get it right?
15:28.31*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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15:32.11*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (~grepmoo@
15:32.31xkevis there some magic way to get rid of channels that won't soft hangup?
15:33.00xkevkinda broken there
15:33.54Conductoris there a way to originate a call with a regular asterisk cmd?
15:33.58anthmyou could patch the softhangup cli to take -f and do a real hanfup buy 8/10 times it would crash the box
15:34.15Conductorit is possible using the manager... but this is much harder.
15:34.16xkevanthm yeah, like when one forces a zap channel to die
15:34.33xkevconductor, do you mean from the cli?
15:34.44Conductorxkev, no in extensions.conf
15:35.01xkevif you are in extensions.conf, you already have a channel
15:35.04Conductorxkev, but this would not let me execute any more commands
15:35.16xkevyou can do the /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ dance
15:35.35xkevconductor, Dial() can take a 'M(macro^arg1^arg2^...)' upon answer
15:35.38Conductorxkev, I want to call somone else and when they answer, go into an active conference
15:35.46anthmcome to cluecon and start to learn to code these and many more apps =D
15:35.53*** join/#asterisk [ro]nic3try (~iancu@
15:35.56[ro]nic3tryre all
15:36.11xkevor 'g' to continue on if called party hangs up, but there is no way you can continue on if the caller hangs up, as you no longer have a channel structure
15:36.20xkevconductor, you want M()
15:36.32xkevI use that for some findme prompting, etc
15:36.55xkevpbx*CLI> show application dial, see M(x[^arg])
15:37.15Conductorxkev, so i write a macro which calls the conference and when this is done it jumps back and Dials another number?
15:37.16TheBearperhaps progress.  I have the setvar(_VXML.... and then Dial(SIP/2205) the phone rings, but doesn't auto answer, like a paging or intercom.
15:37.21xkev..conductor oh, I see where you want the caller and the called to join the same meetme
15:37.30Conductorxkev, yes
15:38.35TheBearwould I need to have load => in modules or is this done automatically ?
15:38.49jakepdevis the command to unload zaptel "modprobe -r zaptel"?
15:38.59xkevthebear app_intercom is deprecated, chan_oss is used now
15:39.00zippjakepdev, rmmod
15:39.16xkevthebear, but you want a sip ua to do an auto-answer right?
15:39.21xkev..there are solutions for that on the wiki
15:39.29jakepdevzipp - "rmmod zaptel"?
15:39.41xkevrmmod <the card driver> first though :)
15:40.12Conductorxkev, do you have an idea?
15:40.13TheBearxkev: I see that in modules.conf, just trying to find why this won't work ?
15:40.19xkevconductor what phone is it
15:40.42xkevchan_oss is for using a sound card as an overhead pager
15:40.49xkevconductor, that is dependent on the phone
15:40.58xkevthere is no auto-answer standard for sip
15:41.03anthmyou could add another option to Dial G(<exten>) whereby when the call is successful instead of bridge you send both parties to the specific exten
15:41.21xkevanthm hmmm, if only I had more time :)
15:41.43xkevbusy feature-bloating my app_queue :)
15:41.44Conductorxkev, youre * developer?
15:41.51anthmpaypal me 50 bux and i'll have it in mantis in 30 min
15:41.56xkevI fix/add things that I need, conductor
15:42.21xkevanthm hehe, I'll do it for 29 mins for $100 :)
15:42.23Conductorxkev, you know you really NEED this option!
15:42.27ManxPowerDon't use the Intercom Application.  It will be going away at some point.  Set up an OSS or ALSA console phone (see /etc/asterisk/alsa.conf or /etc/asterisk/oss.conf), set it to auto answer and then use the Dial application to call the port for overhead paging.
15:42.39*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
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15:43.10FaithXanyone got hfczap working?
15:43.14Conductoranthm, you also need this option. how can you even live without it? ;)
15:43.29xkevanthm, but my version will probably segfault
15:43.48*** join/#asterisk DevilFish (
15:43.53anthmeasy cos my conference app has attended add ppl to the conf feature
15:44.02epochany Polycom SoundPoint IP300/500/600 users around?
15:44.02rikstagentoo portage people are on absolute crack, they mask and unmask zaptel 1.0.4 and revert to 1.0.1 like every two days, for the past 2
15:44.13xkevanthm, is that what I'm thinking of? the new app_conference?
15:44.22xkev..wrt dial-out to bring people in
15:44.24anthmthat is stevek's
15:44.29TheBearManxPower: I kind of follow what you're saying is there a wiki page or something on that ?
15:44.36anthmhis goes for efficiency mine is a retooling of meetme
15:44.44ManxPowerTheBear: That is an excersize for the reader.
15:44.49anthmbut i may someday adopt some of his efficiency techniques
15:44.52xkevanthm, where are the sounds for join/leave anyway
15:44.57DevilFishI have a situation where after about 4 hours calls from the PSTN (SIP channel) I'm getting really bad chop and calls start dropping.. looking for some ideas on this
15:44.59ManxPowerThe I was talking about overhead paging, not phone to phone intercom.
15:45.00shadebobhi, i have problem with parked call... When I press # on my budgetone no action... how I can configure parked call?
15:45.12anthmyou mean in meetme ?
15:45.19*** join/#asterisk smurfix (~smurf@smurfix.developer.debian)
15:45.22anthmin header files
15:45.24DevilFishI can see where the provider sends then INVITE and asterisk is not sending back an ACK
15:45.33ManxPowershadebob, shadebob # only works for calles that happen because of Dial.
15:45.35DevilFishthen the calls drop
15:45.46TheBearManxPower: I have the default alsa and oss .confs which already have autoanswer=yes
15:46.08ManxPowerTheBear, You need to mak e sure sound works on the box without Asterisk first.
15:46.17shadebobManxPower : and how can I parked a call?
15:46.44ariel_shadebob, do you have a flash key on the phone?
15:46.47xkevoh god, it's hardcoded
15:47.03shadebobariel_ yes
15:47.03*** join/#asterisk neopher (
15:47.09ManxPowershadebob, Well is the call getting to the phone via a Dial line?
15:47.23ariel_the set features.conf up and just flash type the exten number like 700 and it's parked.
15:47.35shadebobManxPower : SIP to SIP
15:47.36DevilFishepoch: I use polycoms 500s and 600s
15:47.40xkevanthm, during the developer conference last week, I noted the enter sound was less annoying.  I've been pining. :)
15:47.43ManxPowerariel_, He's using  a barbie tone
15:48.01ManxPowershadebob, You are dialing between phones without Asterisk?
15:48.02anthmthat is cos we run my retooled meetme
15:48.35xkevanthm, I have a conf in an hour, where can I slerp and give it a whirl
15:49.07shadebobManxPower : no, sip asterisk sip
15:49.19ManxPowershadebob, Then you have a Dial line in extensions.conf the dials the call, right?
15:49.30neopherI know it is possible to go from text to speech with festival, is it possible to go from speech to text?
15:49.40ManxPowerneopher, no.
15:49.58DevilFishI thought that was what sphinx was for
15:50.03puppetIt is evil :/
15:50.07TheBearManxPower: how would I go about checking that ?
15:50.08shadebobManxPower : yes
15:50.16eKo1Hmm...looks like my multi-homing setup is fucked up.
15:50.16ManxPowerdevel, Correct, but you can't do it with festivle.
15:50.25neopheris there anythink that will go from speech to text for asterisk?
15:50.29ManxPowerTheBear, Stop Asterisk, play an mp3 using mpg123
15:50.29DevilFishahh yes youre right there
15:50.58ManxPowerneopher, See the mailing list.  You'll have to build what you want from scratch.
15:51.06ManxPowerneopher, And it's not going to work very well
15:51.29DevilFishI'd think it'd be a pretty rough project building that
15:51.48xkevthere's been random bits about using sphynx via eagi, but I've never heard the results
15:52.04DevilFishanyone got anything on this at all ..... I have a situation where after about 4 hours calls from the PSTN (SIP channel) I'm getting really bad chop and calls start dropping.. looking for some ideas on this
15:52.32DevilFishI can see where the provider sends then INVITE and asterisk is not sending back an ACK
15:52.35DevilFishthen the calls drop
15:53.53ariel_DevilFish, could they have a limit on the call time?
15:54.00[ro]nic3tryhas anyone succesfully used MeetMe ?
15:54.17ManxPowerAllthe time
15:54.21DevilFishwell "they" are me and we are using a Metaswitch 3500
15:54.23DevilFishso no limit
15:54.41ManxPowerDevilFish, a 4 hour long call?
15:54.45DevilFishjust get bad choppy sound after 4 hrs, sound is fine on the PSTN side
15:54.55DevilFishno just 4 hours of asterisk running
15:55.03DevilFishroughly 4hrs
15:55.22DevilFishwe are 0.3 ms to the meta with no packetloss
15:55.47DevilFishits just that for whatever reason this chop starts and then asterisk will not ACK the INVITE
15:55.57ManxPowerdevel, Any firewall or nat?
15:56.10DevilFishno, public IPs all the way on this one
15:56.53ManxPowerDevilFish, CVS-HEAD or 1.0.x stable?
15:56.59DevilFishwill a packet sniff like ethreal show me more than a standard SIP debug in asterisk?
15:57.03*** join/#asterisk VOIP_enthused (
15:57.06DevilFishver 1.0.6
15:57.17ManxPowerdevel, Have you tried 1.0.7rc1?
15:57.20DevilFishthis has been happening on all versions so far though
15:57.43ManxPowerDevilFish, I've not seen the problem in any of my asterisk servers.
15:57.48ManxPowerDevilFish, no IRQ shareing?
15:57.59VOIP_enthusedCan someone tell me how scalable the Asterisk system is, in terms of maximum number of concurrent teleophony sessions per PBX
15:58.17DevilFishI'm wondering if it is a problem with the Metaswitch but...not sure how to tell
15:58.17ManxPowerVOIP_enthused, That depdns on about 40,000 different things.
15:58.19epochVOIP_enthused: it all depends on hardware
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15:58.24xkevVOIP_enthused, depends on transcoding, hardware, etc.
15:58.31DevilFishespecially when I can clearly see astrisk not ACKing
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15:58.48xkevnot acking or not 200 OKing?
15:58.49ManxPowerDevilFish, Well it's not a general problem.
15:59.07Darwin35ok  porting fetival is harder on 1.95 then 1.4.3
15:59.20DevilFishyeah I pretty much can see that now, and I'm really scraping the barrel looking for some clue and just turning up nothing
15:59.33ManxPowerDevilFish, No IRQ shareing?
15:59.46DevilFishdoes anyone or do you know of anyone using a Metaswitch 3500?
16:00.04TheBearManxPower: I can run 'mpg123 mymusic.mp3' I get no errors I have no speakers connected so I have no way of knowing if anything played
16:00.12DevilFishIRQ sharing? what do you mean?
16:00.33ManxPowerDevilFish, pput the output of cat /proc/interrupts to
16:00.34VOIP_enthusedHow about a Dual processor Xeon, 1G Memory, SIP PHones running G729a, how many concurrent sessions can the PBX manage for sessions within the PBX?
16:00.46DevilFishok just a sec
16:00.51ManxPowerVOIP_enthused, About 40 I would guess.
16:01.13ManxPowerVOIP_enthused, G729 is a CPU intensive codec.  Amount of memory doesn't really matter as long as the system is not swapping.
16:01.20xkevthebear are you trying to do overhead paging or just intercom between phones
16:01.30epochVOIP_enthused: keep in mind, though, that most SIP phones support "reinvite"
16:01.35DevilFishManxPower: here we are
16:01.46xkevVOIP_enthused, 729 will also cost you $10/concurrent channel
16:01.46epochVOIP_enthused: which can take the audio path away from the PBX....
16:01.52*** part/#asterisk JohnnyC (~JoaoCorre@
16:01.58Darwin35madplayer seems not to lock up like mpg123
16:02.03epochthough that's only really useful if these are phones on the same LAN, or if they're directly reachable
16:02.08xkevI prefer sip<-ulaw->zap for nearly nothing load
16:02.42ManxPowerI always ue ulaw if the phones are on the local lan with the Asterisk server.
16:02.53VOIP_enthusedThat's not very scalable? Why would the PBX care about the G729a compression if it's done on the SIP telephone device level.  Won't it just manage the call set up?
16:02.55DevilFishnot quite sure what I'm looking at here though ...
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16:03.30xkevVOIP_enthused, if it's just passthrough, then it doesn't care, but if it has to convert to/from gsm/wav/ulaw then it needs to recrunch the data
16:03.33ManxPowerDevilFish, nevermind.  You are doing VoIP only.
16:03.49DevilFishyeah sip to asterisk and sip to metaswitch
16:04.03DevilFishoh, I see where you were headed now
16:04.19VOIP_enthusedOK then if it's pass through, what's the high limit of SIP phones the PBX can handle on Pass through?
16:04.33xkeve.g. playing a menu, taking voice mail, will require transcoding 729 to slin, etc. (and then slin to gsm or slin to ulaw, or whatever * decides is most efficient)
16:05.05xkevvoip_enthused you could probably throw hundreds concurrent at that box
16:05.35xkevbut if you only need passthrough, you might as well just use SER and have it proxy the calls and keep the media stream between endpoints
16:05.36DevilFishManxPower: do you no if an ethreal packet sniff yields more info than a standard asterisk sip debug?
16:05.54VOIP_enthusedthousands? Has anyone done any benchmarking on the high limit scalabilty?
16:05.58epochVOIP_enthused: it's really hard to come up with a useful number -- this is something that you can only really know by testing for your particular uses...
16:06.37ManxPowerDevilFish, Yes, of course.  but I don't know if the additional info is USEFUL.
16:06.42epochVOIP_enthused: there is some stuff on benchmarks on -- I suggest looking it up
16:06.43xkevyeah, it really depends how much voodoo you cook up.  asterisk isn't a static beast that can really be benchmarked, it all depends on what you do
16:06.53xkev..with it.
16:07.23DevilFishManxPower: yeah I suppose... any idea on the types of things that might stop an asterisk box from ACKing an invite?
16:07.28epochman, I'm getting FTP connections once a minute from these polycom ip500s... I wonder why...
16:07.33Skyskyhi, is there anybody tried phpconfig b4 arround?
16:07.36xkevepoch, new 1.4.1?
16:07.37ManxPowerDevilFish, No.  If I did I would have said something.
16:07.38VOIP_enthusedI've seen other systems that claim 20,000 users, and 2000 concurrent sessions.  Is it possible to build a system with * to scale to this number?
16:07.40epochxkev: yeah
16:07.48xkevthey poll periodically for new wares
16:07.50epochxkev: though I think it was happening with 1.3.1 too
16:07.54xkevand refuse dto reboot on check-sync :)
16:07.54ManxPowerepoch, They want to download their configs.
16:08.07epochxkev: oh, really?
16:08.08xkevepoch, then it could be uploading their logs, etc
16:08.15epochI"m not so sure
16:08.21epochcuz they're not actually uploading anything
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16:08.28epochthey're just connecting and disconnecting
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16:08.44xkevepoch, I have a 1.3.4 that responds to check-sync fine, but 1.4.1 only checks its sip.ld, etc.  if I set it to always reboot on check-sync (whatever that option is) it checks a few more files, but never reboots
16:09.02xkev..1.3.4 does a LIST, where 1.4.1 actually slerps the file and aborts it if it doesn't want it
16:09.28xkevepoch, run tethereal and see what they're actually doing
16:09.29ManxPowerxkev, Just powercycle the phones.  That's what I do.
16:09.30*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
16:09.35carbon60Morning all.
16:09.55xkevmanx, but it's much nicer to sip notify polycom-check-cfg <list of everything>
16:10.11ManxPowerxkev, of course.
16:10.20amsterdamdoes someone know where i can find information about snom 190 and asterisk ?
16:10.26*** part/#asterisk Moc__ (~mochouina@
16:10.26VOIP_enthusedAnyone pushing FAX through * with no problems?
16:10.29epochxkev: yeah, doing that...
16:10.32jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
16:10.47ManxPowerVOIP_enthused, Don't expect fax to work to work via VoIP.  It might work.  Just don't expect it.
16:10.49amsterdamespecially about sip url for call pickup ?
16:11.05xkevamsterdam, snom also has an asterisk integration pdf
16:11.18xkevamsterdam, um pickup? :)
16:11.27amsterdamyes pickup ...
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16:11.35carbon60I have a client whose main mailbox gets almost 100 messages a night. When checking those messages from a PSTN phone (via a SIP provider), the system becomes unresponsive to DTMF after going through approx. 20 messages. Any ideas where to look first?
16:11.36xkev* doesn't have parking orbits like snom expects
16:12.22xkevyou are kinda stuck with the 700/7xx park/pickup thing
16:12.25amsterdampage 32 of the snom190 doc
16:12.49epochxkev: you were right -- they're trying to upload logs...
16:12.59xkevbut you have no perms on the dir? :)
16:13.05epochxkev: the reason that I wasn't seeing anything in the xferlog was because they're getting a 451 ;)
16:13.14xkevbeen there :)
16:13.29epochwhoa, hold on
16:13.33epochthe perms are right
16:13.34xkevmake sure they can write their mac-directory.xml and mac-phone.cfg too
16:14.00epocher, nm... not fs perms, ftp append perms
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16:14.15xkevain't secure-by-default a bitch :)
16:14.31epochgood old proftpd
16:14.45VOIP_enthusedthanks all!  You've been really helpful.  Hope to contribute once we get our * platform up and running
16:15.27xkevvoip_enthused, good luck; have fun.  I've been working ours for 6 months, about to roll live monday
16:15.37CosmicRayI am confused about caller ID handling in Asterisk.  Supposedly *67 from a phone disables caller ID...  but I can't find references to that in any config files execpt zapata.conf.  If my call is terminated to PSTN via an IAX link, how exactly to I tell asterisk that *67 disables caller ID?
16:16.35xkevdropping to pri?
16:17.03xkevpbx*CLI> show application setcallerpres
16:17.04Nuggetif you want asterisk to emulate the pstn "*67" behavior, you'll have to put that in your dialplan.
16:17.07Nuggetit's not inherent.
16:17.10xkev..and that too
16:17.17Nuggetbut perhaps I misunderstand what you're asking
16:17.33CosmicRayNugget: I think you do understand... but I haven't found any examples of exactly how to accomplish that
16:17.45CosmicRayNugget: what about the other *xx features, like call waiting on/off, etc?
16:17.51Nuggetyou'll have to add dialplan entries for *67NXXNXXXXXX or whatever.
16:17.51xkeviax to a provider, or your own termination box
16:18.04Nuggetand then set callerid to something else in those situations
16:18.19Nuggetpresuming your iax provider lets you determine your own callerid
16:18.32CosmicRayxkev: I'm thinking of a provider like voipjet
16:19.25CosmicRayNugget: hmm.  thta's a lot of extra dialplan entries, but ok.  what about things like *78/*79 (enable/disable do not disturb)?
16:19.32xkevif they've implemented some way to use setcallerpres (which can block callerid, but still allow ani, essentially), then they'll have to provide you some target to dial that will turn that flag on.
16:19.35CosmicRayI can't find them in any config files either
16:19.44xkevotherwise, as nugget said, just setcidnum("") or something
16:19.45Nuggetit's only a lot of entries if your dialplan is poorly designed.
16:20.00gmcinneshi all.  Any dell server users here?
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16:20.27CosmicRayNugget: well, I would be routing long distance one way, toll-free another way, and local a third way.  toll-free alone requires 4 entries....
16:20.34eKo1gmcinnes: many
16:20.37pigpengmcinnes: depnds...
16:20.43Nugget4 is not a lot.  :)
16:20.44ManxPowerDialplans are complicated.  It's as simple as that.
16:20.49xkev800 is a lot
16:20.57ikeydid any one worked with voicexml and asterisk
16:21.15JuggieCosmicRay, i'll set you up for 50$ an hour :)
16:21.16ManxPowerikey, I don't think Asterisk supports VXML
16:21.33CosmicRayJuggie: pfft, I can run emacs myself, thanks :-)
16:21.45Juggieasterisk does not, but there is a openvxml that supports sip i beleive
16:21.51Juggiecheck out
16:21.54CosmicRayI guess I'm jsut surprised that this isn't in the sample config files
16:22.04gmcinneseKo1: I have a poweredge 2600. I need a special cable to get ide power off the board for a tdm400p
16:22.08CosmicRayit papears that the zaptel config has some special support for it automatically, somehow?
16:22.11Juggieyou are only doing pattern matching, its not that hard.
16:22.17CosmicRayI'm confused about how its *67 interacts with the rest of the system
16:22.31Juggieon the sip side *67 does nothing
16:22.34gmcinneseKo1:  Have you ever seen such a thing?  Dell denies its existance :)
16:22.37Juggieits only if you have phones on a zap card
16:22.39anthmok all done who is gonna fund the development
16:22.41anthm'G(context^exten^pri)' -- If the call is answered transfer both party to the specified exten.
16:23.03eKo1gmcinnes: Not sure. My Dell came preinstalled with a quad E1 already.
16:23.17CosmicRayJuggie: so I'm adding *67 to my extensions.conf to support the SIP side, but if I only cared about client phones on zap, I wouldn't need to?
16:23.37JuggieCosmicRay, i think *67 is part of chan_zap unless you override it via the dialplan
16:23.39ManxPowerCosmicRay, chan_zap has support for a lot of features built into it.
16:23.53Juggiei've never used analog phones so i cant say for sure
16:24.01Juggiecheck features.conf and the wiki
16:24.13Juggiehowever, your dialplan is easy
16:24.35Juggie3 main paths, the only one you need to do work for is the list of toll free numbers
16:24.51CosmicRayyeah, that makes sense.
16:25.24Juggieif you are going to have internal extensions, then dont forget you'll need to have people dial 8 or 9 or something to get out for a local call.
16:25.31Juggieunless u want dialplan crossover
16:26.09ikeyis there any application addon which support speech to text and text to speech in asterisk
16:26.21CosmicRayJuggie: what's dialplan crossover?
16:26.24Juggietext to speech, yes.
16:27.02ikeyyeah but does it have accent change feature
16:27.25Juggiecrossover may not be the right term, but say you have an internal extension 4534
16:27.30ikeysay UK english and US english have two different accents
16:27.52ManxPowerJuggie, "pattern overlap" is the term I use.
16:28.02JuggieManxPower, probally a more correct term.
16:28.10Juggieanyways, then someone dials a local number
16:28.19Juggieyour pattern matching for local is NXXXXXX
16:28.32Juggieso, when you dial 4534, its going to wait
16:28.37CosmicRayright, gotcha.
16:28.38Juggiebecaue it thinks it may see 3 more digits
16:28.51anthmno you can use regex too if you have HEAD
16:28.56anthmi mean now you
16:29.00CosmicRayso in that case, one might decide to make internal extensions start with 1 or sometime
16:29.03gmcinneseKo1: hmm. ok. Thanks anyway. I may have to send the server back and get something else.
16:29.27ManxPowerCosmicRay, In the USA toll calls are dialed as 1NXXNXXXXXX
16:29.37CosmicRayright, so same problem.
16:30.01ManxPowerThere is a REASON most real PBXs require 9 (or 0) for an outside line.
16:30.01CosmicRayactually there are so few numbers that are a local call from my area that I know which prefixes are safe for extensions :-)
16:30.07*** part/#asterisk ikey (~kirankuma@
16:30.36tzangerManxPower: yeah they're fucking gayass pieces of shit
16:30.46tzangerI miss not having to dial 9
16:30.50Darwin35what ver of sphinx has been tested with * is it 2 ot 3
16:31.42*** part/#asterisk Alexis (
16:32.10Conductormonitor executing ( nice -n 19 soxmix "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/test-in.wav" "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/test-out.wav" "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/test.wav"  && rm -f "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor"/test-* ) &
16:32.18Conductorlook at the last command
16:32.25Conductorrm -f "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor"/test-*
16:32.41Conductorthe " are set at the wrong place...
16:32.56Conductoris this a known bug? any workarounds?
16:34.44xkevanthm, when I said $100 I meant I'd take $100 and do it in 29 mins, not pay you :)
16:34.53xkevI dont' need it :) (yet anyway)
16:35.20xkevI think I should find something to send you regardless though
16:35.44*** join/#asterisk randu (
16:35.46Juggiehah, what did you get him to do :P
16:35.55xkevhow about a Cisco PA-8E?
16:36.07TheBearOk I'm able to transfer calls from pstn -> snom1 -> snom2 with the CNF/TRAN button on the snom 200. anyone using the snom 200 with intercom=true ?
16:37.21xkevthebear, intercom=true?
16:37.52randuGood Morning Or Afternoon y'all :-)   I have an asterisk box using broadvoice as incoming line.  Every couple of days when I try to call the number I get a message saying, this user is busy leave a message at the tone.  I then have to reboot asterisk box or sometimes just restart asterisk to get it working again.  I have to do this every couple of days, any idea why?
16:37.54*** join/#asterisk HuangDi (TheEmperor@
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16:38.10Conductoranthm, how did you do this?
16:39.02Conductoranthm, what is this G?
16:39.04xkevanthm, was that just a couple of async_gotos?
16:39.23anthmits an option to app_dial
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16:40.08Conductoranthm, its not documented, is it?
16:40.11TheBearwhen I dial ext 20 which is set with exten => 20,1,SetVar(_VXML_URL=intercom=true) and exten => 20,2,Dial(SIP/2205) I get Forbidden: 20 on the snom LCD ?
16:40.26anthmit's only on my copy, I just coded it 5 min ago
16:40.40Conductori understand...
16:40.40xkevconductor, you were the guy an hour ago that wanted to send both legs to a meetme, right?
16:40.50Conductorxkev, yes
16:41.16TheBearis there something else I'm missing ?
16:41.22Conductorxkev, i can do a workaround with agi and the manager...
16:41.25Eightxkev:  Now that you mention it, I'd kinda like that too.
16:41.31Conductorxkev, but this is not very nice...
16:41.44anthmI need someone to fund to development effort required to make the patch and add it to mantis =D
16:42.02*** join/#asterisk Remowylliams (~Mare@
16:42.02xkevanthm, I'm searching my office for something you might want
16:42.07Conductorwhat is mantis anyway?
16:42.21xkevaka "the source"
16:42.21puppetANyone here that can OP Panel?
16:42.27RemowylliamsGood morning / afternoon all.
16:42.33Nuggetwhen did "OP Panel" become a verb?
16:42.37anthmthe place where you can dl the path while it waits like a bill on capitol hill to be added to asterisk
16:42.38xkev(in poor humor matrix terms)
16:42.39Conductoroh i see. the cvs server
16:42.49xkevnot exactly
16:43.09Conductora patch server?
16:43.15xkevcheck it out
16:43.24xkevbugtracker, but features go there too
16:43.50Conductoranthm, when will you upload it?
16:44.05xkevwhen one of us gives him $50 or equivalent crap :)
16:44.16puppetnugget: caused its Operator panel, and since the files are named op_xxxxx, OP Panel
16:44.19xkevI'm eyeing a 7960, but I'm not sure if I need it yet or not
16:44.35*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:44.55puppetxkev: of course u need it ;p
16:45.25epochheh, nobody really *needs* a 7960 ;)
16:45.35Nuggetpuppet: so what the hell are you asking?  "OP Panel" is still not a verb.
16:46.04puppetnugget: ahh saw now it was swenglish ;p can == knows ;D
16:46.26NuggetI've used it, but not much.
16:46.39puppetnugget having problems getting an 100% config on buttons, i cant redirect 100%
16:47.13RemowylliamsI have tried to use X-light to connect to my asterisk server. I can connect with the G711w just fine but I'm being refused 488 when I try to connect with GSM. Can some one help point me in the direction for an answer. Also if someone can recommend a good windows client for Asterisk other than X-lite I'd like to know.
16:47.37pigpenCan anyone think of a reason why I would not want to use a Cisco ATA 186 for a FX0 with Asterisk?
16:48.16RemowylliamsPigpen Sorry I don't have any experience with either of those devices.
16:49.05anthmremo, firefly is the easiest one you can jump back and forth between sip and iax with 1 raido button
16:49.25TheBearI'm getting chan_sip.c:8042 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user <sip:2202@>;tag=017do3q in the * console, and yet sip show peers shows my sip phones ?
16:49.26*** join/#asterisk Tili (
16:49.35RemowylliamsAnthm Very cool thank you I've not heard of it before.
16:49.56RemowylliamsI'm using Asterisk@home 0.6 by the way.
16:50.58TheBearhow can a SIP phone (snom 200) suddenly go from status OK to status forbidden ?
16:51.19ruinerchanges in sip.conf?
16:51.47Zeeekruiner - got it working?
16:51.54ruinerno :(
16:51.59Zeeeksorry I mentioned it ;)
16:52.06ruinerI need to find an example config for my Cisco, I think
16:52.11ruinerI'm pretty sure that's the problem
16:52.17ruinerBut, I am learning other things at least
16:52.22Zeeekwouldn't there be a Crisco user community somewhere?
16:52.40ruinerI should just convince my boss that we should just use * boxes everywhere instead
16:52.40Zeeekunenet, maybe ?
16:52.47ruinerZeeek: I could check, yeah
16:53.01ruinerI loathe usenet, though
16:53.30Zeeeksee, on the Usenet dealies, you got the crusty old guys that have used cisco for 25 years and know every magic signet ring and handshake (but watch out for the net nazis)
16:53.46ZeeekPLEASE DO NOT TOP POST!!!!
16:54.21Nugget  <-- usenet
16:54.22ZeeekUsenet is like recorded IRC
16:54.38tzangertop posting sucks
16:54.40Zeeekheh right away wioth the PDP
16:54.42TheBearok came right by itself no changes nothing just waited a few minutes ????? weird ?
16:55.02Zeeekall posting sucks
16:55.29*** join/#asterisk file (
16:55.43pigpenTheBear: network issues?
16:55.49Zeeekwhy don't we start quoting on IRC
16:55.49ruinerso is this festival thing pretty cool?
16:56.01Nuggetfestival sucks.
16:56.06TheBearpigpen: don't know why ??
16:56.07NuggetI have no idea how people tolerate it.
16:56.18Nuggetit sounds like a speak and spell
16:56.19CosmicRaybecause there is no readily-available better alternative?
16:56.20Zeeekruiner there is a problem with all that stuff
16:56.30TheBearonce I make a call to console/dep  how do I pass this call/message to active phones ?
16:56.34xkevwhen meetme prompts for a name to record, is that the 'i' option, or the 'T' doing that?
16:56.37Zeeekthe average caller really don't want to hear that
16:58.05puppetruiner: its cool CAN be usefull, but i used it to the most useless thing reading quotes in phone ;D
16:58.27ruinerso it's just a text to speech type thing?
16:58.43ruinerso it sounds like ass probably
16:58.51puppetruiner: u can call and check at me?
16:59.10CosmicRayhell, it sounds ilke ass even when not being played over a telephone.
16:59.28ruineryeah, give me digits
16:59.38ruineror IP or whatever
16:59.50puzzledCosmicRay: cool. i just compiled it on ppc
17:00.00puppetoh got to add it in extensions
17:00.50Zeeekruiner what was that cisco model number?
17:00.57ruinerZeeek: 3640
17:01.05ZeeekI guess
17:01.12CosmicRaypuzzled: there were a lot of scary x86-only warnings on the wiki, but as of yet, I haven't run into any arch problems
17:01.14ruinerhow do you mean?
17:01.17RemowylliamsSorry work got me :)
17:01.20CosmicRaypuzzled: we will see when my x100d card arrives, tho
17:02.28puzzledCosmicRay: the only thing I bumped into was that the $(PROC) stuff in codecs/lpc10/Makefile doesn't work and chose -marchi386 on a ppc
17:04.37Zeeekruiner - there's a lot of stuff about that router but nothing at all about FXO or voip
17:04.44ruineryeah, i know
17:04.56puzzleda 3640 is ancient afaik
17:05.00Zeeeklike hierarchical token buckets
17:05.21Zeeekis this a plug in card that gives those interfaces?
17:05.39ruineri'm trying to remember what it's called
17:05.43ruinerVIC-FXO2 or something
17:05.46ZeeekI have a problem with router 3640 - when I set transport input to ssh on
17:05.46Zeeekline vty 0 4 I can't connect to router through tacacs server
17:05.49Zeeek" I have a problem with router 3640 - when I set transport input to ssh on"
17:06.16*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
17:06.21Zeeekruiner this: VIC-2FXO-M1 card
17:06.45Zeeekcheck out
17:06.55*** join/#asterisk boch (~as24@
17:06.57ZeeekI haven't seen a single top posting complaint yet
17:07.17ruinerwhat's top posting?
17:07.41Zeeekposting above the quote
17:07.44Nuggetpeople who reply to emails or usenet articles with their text on top and the quote below.
17:07.57Zeeekwhich is more common in email
17:08.17Nugget  <-- an excellent, excellent page on the subject
17:08.18Zeeekunedited quoting is irritating as hell, top or bottom
17:08.28Darwin35ok sphinx installs on fbsd and shuld work fine
17:08.43Darwin35festival is going to take soome major work
17:08.53zippI much prefer top posting
17:09.02Nuggetzipp: read that page.
17:09.04Zeeekapparently you can plug the FXOx2 card into a lot of their routers
17:09.19JuggieDarwin35, festival isnt hard... just use the latest festival and use the text2wave tool
17:09.31Darwin35this is on fbsd
17:09.36Darwin35not linux
17:09.47Juggiedoes festival compile?
17:10.04Darwin35not  yet I am working on patching it
17:10.29Darwin35sphinx-2 compiles and installs
17:10.34Darwin35thats a good thing
17:10.54JuggieYah, i never got around to trying that, did you get it working in a dialplan?
17:11.11Darwin35well I just installed it
17:11.21Darwin35have to read about it next in the wiki
17:11.24Pinholehas anybody done anything useful with sphinx2?
17:11.31TheBearin the snom web interface you can set auto answer yes/no.  can this be done for a single line ?
17:11.39fileohhhhhhhhhh say can you seeeeeeeeeee
17:11.41*** join/#asterisk tekati (
17:11.42filedown in the row double zeeeeeeee
17:12.20Darwin35its the only ver in my ports tree
17:12.37Darwin35so I have to use it sphinx3 is otu I know but I hear it is worse
17:12.39puppetskip patching and shit
17:12.43puppetgo with AGI instead
17:13.05puppetuse AGI instead of patching festival :)
17:13.20puppetthen u can use 1.95 of festival to
17:13.20Juggieyah, thats what i did
17:13.20Juggiewrote a perl script for it
17:13.24Pinholefestival or swift work very well without patching from agi.
17:13.35Juggiewhats swift?
17:13.35puppetpinhole: yeah it does
17:13.45puppeti started to wonder that now to ;p
17:13.48Darwin35well at the min festival needs patching for fbsd
17:13.56Darwin35195 does not compile
17:13.59Pinholeit's another tts, quality is much better, but its not free.
17:14.43Pinholealso known as cepstral
17:14.46puppetaha cepstral
17:14.54ZeeekI have cepstral
17:15.01puppetCepstral sounds like a drug tho
17:15.07Zeeekit's good for $30 but not great
17:15.14Darwin35yeah but it is not open src so I cant port it to fbsd
17:15.25Zeeekthere is one tts that is great - they have a demo somewhere
17:15.26Darwin35that means linux emu
17:15.34puppetzeeek: better then festival?
17:15.34PinholeFrom what I understand, you have to have a license for each simultaneous voice.
17:15.36Zeeekbut it is way expensive
17:15.49JuggieAT&T is the best one
17:15.56ZeeekPinhole not simultaneos, just one for each voice
17:15.58puppetjuggie: cost to?
17:16.01Juggieno idea
17:16.04PinholeIf you chop off the first 51000 from the demo, you get a non-demo ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
17:16.26Juggiejust look up AT&T tts on google you'll find it
17:16.28Darwin35what is the best text2wav tool
17:16.43Darwin35is it text2wav if so  niot in the ports
17:17.02puppetpinhole: chop of the first 51000? :)
17:17.08Juggietest2wav is a part of festival
17:17.19Darwin35ahh ok
17:17.36Darwin35well I will spend time working on 195
17:17.38PinholeWhen you stream file  the output of swift, use 51000 as the offset and the demo message is gone.
17:17.42Hmmhesaysshould a sip bye message be sent when you use hangup in the dialplan?
17:17.44Darwin35trying to get it working
17:17.47puppetpinhole: oh
17:17.50Darwin35shower time
17:18.04*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
17:18.22puppetpinhole: is it better then festival?
17:18.24PinholePlease don't use it if you don't pay.  I used it to show my boss the difference in quality without the annoying message.  he didn't see fit to spend $$$
17:18.34Goshenok, so I am on a call, and another call comes in, how does Asterisk handle call waiting? just flash like the telco?
17:18.39PinholeI think it is better than festival.  There are choices of voices too.
17:18.49GoshenI am on hold right now, and had a call come in, and heard it beep
17:19.15Juggiefestival has many voices too if you can figure out how to use them
17:19.26JuggieGoshen, your sip phone has lines
17:19.41Juggie* will send calls until your sip phone has no more lines
17:19.47*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
17:20.18SexyKenHey guys, How am I supposed to know which calls belong to who? For instance, in an IVR setup. Someone calls the Toll-Free #asterisk and gets the IVR Context. They then select 1. They get directed to sales. CDR makes this 2 calls, if the caller is on hold, they make it even more calls..... do I know it's from the same originiating call?
17:23.21pigpenQuestion:  How would faxing be handled by * ?  Or would I just load up hylafax and have it email the fax to the end user?
17:23.44zipppigpen, t.38 isn't supported
17:23.57*** join/#asterisk LoRez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
17:24.02Hmmhesaysit seems asterisk doesn't send any sip messages out when you call hangup
17:24.02pigpenso fax would be a seperate project?
17:24.23Zeeekpigpen check this out:
17:24.46Zeeekit great piece of work
17:25.19Zeeekasterisk can emailt he fax without hylafax btw
17:25.20carbon60SexyKen: I think it's suppose to be a single CDR entry. What version?
17:25.37carbon60I have a client whose main mailbox gets almost 100 messages a night. When checking those messages from a PSTN phone (via a SIP provider), the system becomes unresponsive to DTMF after going through approx. 20 messages. Any ideas where to look first?
17:26.20Zeeektell her to get more lines!
17:26.25SexyKen•carbon60• CVS-HEAD-03/09/05-01:20:42
17:26.27Zeeek(or less clients)
17:26.39carbon60Don't know then.
17:26.51carbon60SexyKen: But I get a single CDR entry for most calls, I think.
17:27.09pigpenZeeek: so would I need any special hardware?
17:27.35Zeeekpigpen, take a loog at the wiki there's plenty of ink about all that
17:28.24*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
17:29.03ruinerooh yeah, just got another router thrown into the mix with another vic2fxo card
17:29.21Zeeeknow to get either one to work...
17:29.26ruinerno kidding
17:29.50Zeeekhow about looking up that FXO card in google groups
17:29.55KattyZeeek: Zeeek Zeeek Zeeek
17:29.58ruinerwhat we eventually want to do is have a router in every city we provide access to (we're an ISP) and have the FXO cards in it
17:30.04Conductoranthm, when will you upload it?
17:30.18anthmupload what?
17:30.24ruinerwe want to roll out a program where we can sell service to our broadband customers and let them dial any city we provide access in for a fixed fee per month
17:30.28Kattyi mean lunch
17:30.38Kattyall, ripply wavey effect
17:30.39*** part/#asterisk Pinhole (
17:30.41ariel_hello Katty yes it is lunch time.
17:30.45Kattyhi ariel!
17:30.47Kattybye ariel!
17:30.58ruinerso instead of putting an asterisk box in each city, we'll just get an few $80 fxo cards for our routers
17:31.28Zeeekruiner the idea is good - now get it to work
17:31.35ruineryeah no doubt
17:32.00shido6then all the other backend systems for provisioning and communicating with your own team
17:32.26ruineryeah, it's going to be a big headache
17:32.26shido6paper billing / electronic billing
17:32.36shido6good luck with that
17:32.40ruinerwell the billing isn't going to be such a big thing
17:32.52ruinerwe already have a billing system in place for our customers anyway, we'll just add a charge to their account
17:33.06Zeeekruiner check this:
17:33.23puppetspam ;p
17:34.03NivexZeeek: tinyurl!!!!
17:34.06Zeeekcan't paste too long
17:34.13tzangerdammit pastebin that shit :-)
17:34.17tzangerpastebin for a URL
17:34.20Nuggetuse for that
17:34.33ZeeekThe window was screwed up I didn't see it wokred
17:34.39Zeeeka thousand pardons!
17:35.10puppethaha ;o)
17:35.18ZeeekLet's see:
17:35.42ZeeekOMG I shit all over #asterisk....
17:35.57Zeeekyour fault, ruiner
17:36.08Nuggetruiner ruined everything!
17:36.25Zeeekanyway this is the path to enlightenment - there's a few threads about FXO
17:36.32ruinerthey don't call me ruiner for nothing
17:36.39ruinerZeeek: I appreciating
17:36.40Zeeekthe holy grail has to be in there somewhere
17:36.42ruinerer, appreciate it
17:36.50ZeeekAppreciate THIS
17:37.03puppet*reads THIS*
17:37.05RemowylliamsWell firefly isn't being my friend anthm. fialed to network 200 (408)
17:37.44Zeeekthat thread was worth finding - it's answered by the grisly old cisco engineer
17:38.35puppetdoes there exist any asterisk place on usenet?
17:39.23*** join/#asterisk Pinhole (
17:39.47*** join/#asterisk mesi (
17:41.00mesiAbout the topic... what happend when I call that IAX number?
17:41.21Zeeekyou have the privilege of listening to a brilliant team of specialists
17:41.31Zeeektalking about Mark
17:41.32mesiAnd can I talk?
17:41.44mesiAh, ok.
17:41.49Zeeekthe good side, you can belch and fart
17:41.52mesiI'm calling...
17:41.56Zeeekthey can't hear you
17:42.12mesiYes, that's right. But on the other hand... how can I be SURE they don't hear me?
17:42.19Zeeekyou can't really
17:42.30ZeeekI think Mark listens to them talking about him, too
17:43.24JunK-Ymesi: ya'll be notify if you're muted.
17:43.37mesiHm... There's a conference there!
17:43.46Zeeekbut how does he know it isn't a fake mute message
17:43.48*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
17:43.59ZeeekDev Conf
17:44.00bannermanGeez, never use TelIAX.
17:44.12JunK-Ycall 2 times and scream like hell when you're muted, ya'll seee.
17:44.15mesiZek, junk: It's a conference there. Nobody is online.
17:44.24bannermanFortunately I'm just doing testing and configuration right now, not using this for production, but my 888 number now goes to some recording in Hebrew.
17:44.40Zeeekconvenient if you are in Egypt
17:44.57JunK-Ymesi: i know its at 1pm.
17:45.35mesijunk: Ah, I see. I am in a conference where I am muted. :-)
17:45.43mesijunk: But there was no mute message. Anyway.
17:45.54Zeeekyou are conferring
17:46.06Zeeekbut not conferencing
17:46.13mesizeeek: Yes, I get it now. It is an open conference room for some developers or so.
17:46.26*** join/#asterisk Ayano (~erik_leee@
17:46.53JunK-Ymesi: huH?
17:47.01Zeeekyes but it is open to the public audience and can be interesting
17:47.06SedoroxDoes mpg123 have a problem with SMP machines?
17:47.17Zeeekplus t's a good test of your voip setup if you listen for like 2 hours
17:47.27mesijunk: Yes, there is no mute message. Only that I am the only one is said :-)
17:47.36JunK-Ymesi: come back
17:47.43JunK-Yjust tried it.
17:47.43Zeeekwell if you talk to yourslef you won't know you're muted
17:47.45mesiZeek: Yes,  I will test this :-)
17:48.03*** join/#asterisk afe ([
17:48.04*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
17:48.07ZeeekI listened tot ha last one for almost 90 minutes
17:48.18Zeeekhad some wasabi yesterday
17:48.20JunK-YZeeek: are ya in?
17:48.28mesizeeek: I can take a second handset and call this conference. Then talk a bit and when I can hear myself, I am NOT muted ;-)
17:48.48Zeeekmaybe it's only muted when the REAL guys get there
17:48.54mesijunk: Yes, I am in.
17:49.14*** join/#asterisk emitrax (
17:49.46mesiOk, there's somebody there now.
17:49.52mesiHe's typing on his keyboard :-)
17:49.58Zeeekit's you
17:50.10EssobiSomeone testing a conference?
17:50.17JunK-Yya, ites me
17:50.20JunK-Yits me
17:50.24*** part/#asterisk emitrax (
17:50.41mesijunk: say something!
17:50.47EssobiI got like 5 phones sitting next to me.. Want a lil purple haze feedback?  :)
17:50.48mesijunk: say: hello or so ;-)
17:51.04mesiOk, go for it.
17:51.57RemowylliamsWell Firefly is up for iax2 but I'm going to have to tinker with sip it seems.
17:52.13ZeeekI never got SIP working on FF
17:52.29RemowylliamsZeeek thanks for the feedback.
17:52.34Essobioh fire
17:52.37Zeeekbut that was way back
17:52.37Ayanohas anyone ever tried to use the xpl connector in asterisk@home?
17:52.43Essobiit crashed my machine the last time I installed it
17:53.02Ayanoessobi: xpl?
17:53.18ZeeekFF is decent in IAX, esp good to give to people who don't care about configuring clients
17:53.42Essobihows that?
17:53.53Zeeekwait for the IAX hardphone their building... shipping in a few weeks - for the last year literally
17:53.54EssobiI never messed with IAX and/or firefly
17:54.01RemowylliamsI know alot depends on network congestion and cpu power.. But I couldn't find any solid requirements or recommendations for how much CPU and all was needed for Asterisk. Currenly I've got it running on a 300 Mhz PII with 160 Megs of ram
17:54.26Zeeekvoip only, one channel, no prob
17:54.40EssobiRemowylliams Oh.. go look up dimensioning on voip-info
17:54.56EssobiI don't think anyone has any "how small" diminsioning, but rather "how big"
17:54.59ZeeekI think people have used PentiumI-90 witough MM
17:55.04Zeeekdimentai !
17:55.24luccadementia, you mean :p
17:55.26EssobiI want a mini-itx I can put 2-4 FXOs on.
17:55.41Zeeekya, thanks - must be the drugs I take to keep it under control
17:55.43EssobiFXS would be nice too
17:55.53Remowylliamscan I get a url for voip-info ?
17:55.54Darwin35cool * now loads no warnings
17:56.05RemowylliamsNever mind
17:56.06EssobiTell your sweater to stop talking to me.  The red speaks to loud.
17:56.24Darwin35everyone time out
17:56.32Darwin35take your chill pils
17:56.40Zeeekgo register with a register that isn't a register
17:56.43RemowylliamsI've been getting some snapping and crackling with my setup here and there
17:56.47Darwin35and a sip of the martinie
17:56.58Zeeeklook up RiceKrispies on the wiki
17:57.11Zeeekyou'll need hardware for the Pop
17:57.22EssobiDo what what?
17:57.24Zeeek[or ztdully]
17:57.33RemowylliamsZeeek thanks on the RiceKrispies
17:57.56Essobithere seriously isnt an entry for RiceKrispies
17:57.57ZeeekRemo it may be the small footprint of the system or a  lot of other things
17:58.05Zeeekthere should be
17:58.12Zeeekand also "bad cellphone quality"
17:58.41*** join/#asterisk KrimHum (
17:58.43RemowylliamsI'm not swapping and watching the load it's mostly idle. I'll look around some more.
17:59.19Essobiwhat's your setup Remo?
17:59.30Essobi"snapping and crackling" tends to come from analog
17:59.39mesiZeeek: Great conference room :-)
17:59.48Zeeekok, wait a second....
17:59.52Zeeek... use anal-safe toys; they're marked in the GV catalog and web site with an
17:59.52Zeeekasterisk. .
18:00.00Essobiwhere as, echo and ev-er-y-wo-r-d-ju-mp-s tends to be voip
18:00.02Zeeekc'mon guys
18:00.51RemowylliamsAsterisk@home 0.6, on a 300 Mhz PII with 160 megs of ram sitting on a 100 Mbit lan, I've DSL for my internet 1.3 Mbit / 320 Kb
18:00.51puzzledanyone know a g.729 codec for 32 bit PPC?
18:01.11EssobiSo what're you using for phones?
18:01.23Essobipuzzled Mac?
18:01.38RemowylliamsThe finest headset and boom mike I can find just now. :)
18:01.51puzzledEssobi: RS6000
18:02.05EssobiEssobi Umm.. I don't know if any of the pirated once of a PPC but look at the wiki and check around
18:02.26puzzledthe pirated ones are only for intel cpu's
18:02.27EssobiRemowylliams Analog sound card?
18:02.39Essobipuzzled Welp.. get to compiling one then.
18:02.48EssobiGood luck on that too. ;)
18:03.02EssobiWTF are you running * on?
18:03.11JunK-Yi wonder is there any standard concerning the PDD ?
18:03.13puzzledIBM RS/6000 43p-150
18:03.18EssobiAh, nice.
18:03.20RemowylliamsYes for my extention
18:03.28EssobiRemowylliams Umm. Ther'es your answer.
18:03.38EssobiYour sound card is shite, or the headset is.
18:04.00RemowylliamsThis is audio being played in my conference room
18:04.02KrimHumFYI, the new asterisk ebuild for gentoo doesn't seem to work with the hardened USE flag set.  the gsm codec doesn't install correctly.
18:04.10RemowylliamsOr audio comeing to me from the ivr
18:04.15EssobiKrimHum Gentoo is for ricers.
18:04.28KrimHumI drive a 78 Impala
18:04.41EssobiYet, you want to rice up your linux install.
18:05.00RemowylliamsIt's not horrible mind you. thanks for the feedback though
18:05.01EssobiI remember the 78 imp.. looks like a box.
18:05.09EssobiRemowylliams NP.
18:05.10angler_compile everything for that little extra horsepower
18:05.17KrimHumNo, I want source installs like BSD with better package management, but I've seen the web site you're obviously quoting.
18:05.31*** part/#asterisk sysdef (~sysdef@sysdef.admin.debiancenter)
18:05.47EssobiKrimHum I've got chuck tattooed on my left arm.
18:05.54angler_Essobi, lol
18:05.56EssobiGo run freebsd.
18:05.59EssobiBe happy.
18:06.29KrimHumerr.  straw man.  wrong logical fallacy.
18:06.51PTG123If you want something like freebsd, why not just run freebsd? :)
18:07.01EssobiExactly my point.
18:08.04EssobiI just don't see the point in recompiling my entire ports tree every two weeks, trying to keep up with package updates, that are irrelevent, and present creeping problems in the OS, LIBs and Packages.
18:08.06Godseybecause freebsd blows :)
18:08.28KrimHumI never ran FreeBSD, but I ran OpenBSD for a while.
18:08.35Godseybsd people critisize linux for being bastardized mix of sysv and bsd
18:08.39Godseywhere freebsd is no different
18:08.40KrimHumIn the end, I liked Linux better, but appreciated ports just the same.
18:08.42Godseyonly not as good
18:08.59EssobiI think Yahoo, IMDB,, and slashdot would protest that statement.
18:09.51KrimHumIf they made a movie for the OS Wars, everyone would be on the Dork Side.
18:09.59EssobiIn the end, FreeBSD has a few things more down pat, and more robust for serious load, and packets per second.
18:10.13EssobiIs it?
18:10.17Godseysolaris is the clear leader for network and disk io
18:10.22Juggiefbsd is about 10x better packet wise then linux
18:10.43EssobiGods who wais anything about solaris?
18:10.50Juggiewhich would stand to reason that a fbsd sip server would wipe the ass of linux
18:10.57Juggieshould be able to do many more c alls
18:11.10EssobiGo take your pills, and come back when the voices stop talking to you. :)
18:11.17puppetPII 233 / 128mb ram
18:11.21puppetto little to run asterisk?
18:11.25GodseyI don't think you can find any benchmarks which rate fbsd 5.x over linux 2.6 for network io
18:11.28Zeeek49 minutes and the real guys will start
18:11.38PTG123FreeBSD is 10x better for everything
18:11.42KrimHumLittle voices talk to me every time I enter IRC.
18:11.45Juggiepuppet, should be ok for a few calls.
18:11.47PTG123Godsey: yes they do, under load, freebsd wins every time
18:11.51Godseylocking up on smp hardware freebsd tops it
18:11.55puppetjuggie: few calls 6+?
18:12.04EssobiGodsey, have you ever ran FreeBSD?
18:12.06puppetjuggie: or 10-
18:12.16PTG123If you want to run a desktop use linux :) if you want a server run freebsd
18:12.16EssobiSounds like a personal problem to me then.
18:12.20*** part/#asterisk Remowylliams (~Mare@
18:12.27EssobiPTG123 DING DING DING!  We have a winner.
18:12.33GodseyI began using freebsd in 95
18:12.41Zeeekme too
18:12.41Godseywhen it WAS better than linux
18:12.49Juggiepuppet, depends on what your doing, without any transcoding it may be possible.
18:13.02PTG123Godsey: i can crash a linux box in 2 seconds flat, it can't even create 1000 threads without dying
18:13.11Zeeeklinux is so 1968
18:13.20PTG123godsey: you have conflicts out the ass managing software
18:13.27Godseyhow many cluster filesystems are there for linux?
18:13.31PTG123and thats not even scratching the surfice on problems
18:13.31Godseyor freebsd?
18:13.46PTG123Godsey: the only reason you would want to support the MOST hardware is if you run a desktop
18:13.56PTG123if you run a server you can afford to buy the exact rihgt hardware the os supports the best
18:14.01EssobiOr your servers are all junk piles. :)
18:14.21PTG123So more hardware support is an argument for a desktop os :)
18:14.27Juggietake a look at,
18:14.35GodseyI asked about cluster filesystems
18:15.32Essobiwhat kind of dingus uses a clusstering filesystem over NFS?
18:15.32Godseynfs is sloppy
18:15.32Godseydoesn't handle locks properly
18:15.32Godseyisn't replicated to multiple hosts
18:15.32EssobiFFS, get a SCSI-over-ip implementation with a jbod raid then.
18:15.48EssobiGods If your programs are wrote correctly, there is no problem with locking.
18:15.49Godseythat's fine, you still don't have a cluster filesystem to mount it on multiple hosts
18:16.02EssobiSure, it's called NFS.
18:16.10bannermanAnyone have any comments on Nufone's reliability and service?
18:16.15Godseysingle point of failure is the nfs server
18:16.18EssobiRead my lips, NETAPPS
18:16.20Zeeekgreat and excellent
18:16.37bannermanThanks, Zeeek.
18:17.05Godseywhy would I need netapps?
18:17.18*** join/#asterisk n3tar (~geno@
18:17.41EssobiRaid 5+1 with redundant cache coherent heads, and lookie there.. a cross platform, fail-over, redundant file storage.. Windows, Sun, BSD, Linux, MacOSx, and the all play happy together.
18:17.54Delvarrar! gust wrote a dialplan macro to give back an available channel from a list of channels and call limits
18:17.56*** join/#asterisk coldfeet (
18:18.04coldfeethi all
18:18.14GodseyI use raid6
18:18.14Delvarie only allow 20 calls down one sip account, 1 down another and 45 down an IAX, also checks if the chanel is available suing chanisavail
18:18.14MikeJ[Jayden]hey clodfeet.. you working yet?
18:18.19PTG123Multii access disk arrays are a poort way to go, they don't scale properly, then applications written to be cells instead
18:18.44Godseyon top of raid6 is cluster file system
18:18.47puppethow do I make so friends jsut can get one call or two calls, or so? and not as many as the sip phone says it can take?
18:18.47EssobiY-cables suck. :)
18:18.53Godseywhich gives read/write to all systems in the cluster
18:19.05Godseyfront end clients fail over to multiple backend servers
18:19.12Godseyhourly snapshots
18:19.17coldfeetyeah it seems to be, I removed the registry entry for xlite reinstalled and voila it works :-)
18:19.28coldfeethave a question bout dialplans
18:19.32MikeJ[Jayden]I knew it was somthing weird..
18:19.44Qwellpuppet: Thats a good question.  I don't think I've seen a limit option in any of the configs
18:19.44coldfeetwhat I have is 3 inbound 0845 numbers eg 08451 08452 08453
18:20.02Delvarpuppet: look up
18:20.17coldfeetfor each one of these I need to change the CallerID, and then dial the SIP extension, however I cant work out a nice way of writing this into a dialplan
18:20.20Qwellahh, groups...they can do anything
18:20.26GodseyI've found several bugs w/ freebsd and twice was blamed on user error
18:20.27Delvarpuppet: they took out incomming/outgoing limit from sip.conf in favor of this
18:20.34Godseywhen infact it was kernel problem
18:21.07coldfeetI wanna do something like exten => 0845_ ,1, SETCIDNAME (name based on 0845_...pulled from somewhere)
18:21.24Qwellcoldfeet: agi that hits a DB?
18:21.25coldfeetwhat I have write now is a section for each extension, is that the correct way
18:21.36EssobiGodsey You sound a bit jaded.
18:22.14EssobiGodsey So what distro do YOU use?
18:22.21Godseyyears of #freebsd and freebsdhelp on efnet did it :)
18:22.32EssobiThey are all assholes.
18:22.38EssobiI've met half of those peckers.
18:22.40GodseyI use rhel, gentoo, and solaris10 :)
18:22.51EssobiNo wonder you're talking about GFS
18:22.54Godseybut not redhat
18:22.55EssobiRHEL.. ehh.
18:22.58GodseyI use white box
18:23.05MikeJ[Jayden]you can do lookup into astdb if you want, like the blacklist stuff does, and then you can do it without seperate sets for each
18:23.16MikeJ[Jayden]plus change it real easy with somthing web
18:23.32Godseywhitebox is a source build of rhel3
18:23.33EssobiYou know the sistina GFS was wrote for irix originally, and was being ported to linux and free BSD..
18:23.50coldfeetweb I will get to..eventually, how do u call astdb from the extensions it on wiki
18:23.51GodseyI use veritas on solaris for it
18:24.02Godseyand for linux I'm using peerfs, not gfs
18:24.14EssobiGFS is cool.
18:24.20Godseyif not for peerfs I'd try IBM's gpfs
18:24.27EssobiFCAL fabric networks for drives are neeet
18:24.32Godseyoracle's ocfs2 will be interesting
18:24.37*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
18:24.49Godseypeerfs is a simplified gfs from setup/admin standpoint
18:24.53EssobiI still want a SCSI-over-IP implementation running on 10G
18:25.09Godseyhave you seen etherdrives?
18:25.23Essobicant say I've looked
18:25.44Godseythey've been advertising in linux journal
18:25.47MikeJ[Jayden]you can use that for all kinds of interesting things
18:26.14Godseyoh one last fbsd/linux thing
18:26.20Godseysomeone said they could forkbomb linux
18:26.36Essobimaybe a 2.4 kernel
18:26.38Godseyyou can easily do the same w/ freebsd if you alter login.conf
18:26.47Essobiforkbombing is SO old skool
18:27.09Nuggetlinux is poo.
18:28.13GodseyI developed a product around peerfs and linux :)
18:28.37Godseyusing raid6, lvm2, and peerfs on top
18:28.43KalD|Workanyone know if it is possible to send other information like text etc down an IAX connection - and how asterisk will deal with it?
18:28.49coldfeetdoes the database get cleaned on restart ...I am guessing now since its in a file
18:28.55Godseyonline backups of customer data
18:28.56Godseyand full archive of in/out email
18:29.09Godseyit takes hourly snapshots for 2 days
18:29.42gr8nashanyone running BV sucessfully here?
18:29.45Godseyhum not 2 days worth, only 18 hours
18:29.49gr8nashsorry broad voice
18:30.04puppetwho says Freebsd is best choice for a PII233 / 128mb ram Over Linux for a Asterisk machine
18:30.05Godseygr8nash: I have it setup at work for outbound calls
18:30.15modulus_broadvoice really sucks bad
18:30.19gr8nashyeah.. i can call out.. just cant receive calls!
18:30.32Godseygr8nash: I was able to get it to work in 1 direction
18:30.33gr8nashheh.. techsupport last night.. broke calling out.. hehe
18:30.36Godseyeither in or out, not both
18:30.45GodseyI figured it was user error :)
18:30.56Godseyfor my home setup I use ipkall for inbound and nufone for out
18:31.12GodseyI'm thinking of getting livevoice for inbound tollfree
18:31.22gr8nashGodsey, what error were you getting?
18:31.41GodseyI didn't get an error if I recall right
18:31.45gr8nashis it kinda a pain to have one for outbound.. 1 for inbound?
18:31.48coldfeetokay got the callerID inserted and looking up
18:31.50Godseybut when I'm able to place calls
18:32.02GodseyI try to call the # and get a message from broadvoice
18:32.15gr8nash401 unahtorized? in the incoming proxy
18:32.21coldfeetwhat variable contains the lookedup callerid so that I can use it in setcallerid
18:32.26GodseyI saw that broadvoice had some patches for asterisk
18:32.30PTG123anyone in here use livevoip?
18:32.36gr8nashthose are old patches i was told
18:32.36GodseyI gave up quickly
18:32.37loudi do
18:32.45zippso what makes ipkall want to offer such a service?
18:32.49GodseyI think livevoip is what I want to use for 888, not livevoice
18:33.01Godseyzipp it's a clec and trying to ballance traffic
18:33.26Godseyonly thing I can think of :)
18:33.34PTG123yah i just wonder if anyone has any complaints for livevoip
18:33.37Godseythey have lots of dial ports through
18:33.55GodseyI ordered ata device from 2 days ago
18:34.02PTG123what i like about them is they don't have to terminate via asterisk, they can drop you sip right from their switch
18:34.05Godseywhen they arrive I'll setup livevoip account
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18:34.10PTG123what i don't like is everythin comes out of new york
18:34.12gr8nashGodsey, would you use IAX or SIP
18:34.27GodseyI'll use IAX on the ata
18:34.34GodseyI use IAX for nufone
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18:34.51Godseyand work uses SIP for broadvoice
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18:35.05GodseyI think if I register w/ broadvoice I can't make calls
18:35.20Godseyit could totally be user error
18:36.10gr8nashmaybe.. except there tech support was clueless
18:36.23Godseyheh when I called it sounded like he was doing dishes :)
18:36.25gr8nashi spent an hour on the phone with them.. they only broke what i had working before
18:36.25Qwellgr8nash: most tech support is
18:37.19Godseycan you use voiceplus w/ asterisk?
18:37.44gr8nashi guess ill try another company.. just try em all till i find one..
18:37.50gr8nashi wonder whats better about IAX
18:38.17Godseyfirewalls/nat doesn't interfere
18:38.28Godseyhere are the devices I purchased
18:38.37Godseytho I'm a bit unhappy w/ the order progress :)
18:38.46GodseyI got confirmation but nothing else so far
18:39.21zippI guess you purchased for price?
18:39.23gr8nashzipp.. well let me ask it this way.. what difference will the user see
18:39.36Godseyiaxtalk is cheaper
18:39.37fjoeI have a lame question: I have zaptel drivers loaded, zap show channels shows 8 channels, but why show channels shows 0 active channels for me?
18:39.44zippGodsey, why not an iaxy?
18:39.54zippgr8nash, is the user behind nat?
18:40.04GodseyI think this device is better than an iaxy
18:40.06fjoeI mean "zap show channels" and "show channels" respectively
18:40.16GodseySupport G.711 a/u ,G.723.1 5.3/6.3, G.729A/B/AB/ gsm610
18:40.44zippyes, iaxy only supports 1 codec
18:40.59Godseythis has comfort noise
18:41.26Godseythat's really it
18:41.43zippI suppose if you have no nat issues
18:41.57Godseywhat do you mean?
18:42.08gr8nashyes im behind NAT
18:42.15zippsip behind nat sucks
18:42.20Godseyoh yes :)
18:42.45Godsey<- less than optimal at splitting out 2 conversations sorry
18:42.55*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
18:43.09MikeJ[Jayden]lookedup caller id?
18:43.15MikeJ[Jayden]the return from dbget you mean?
18:43.21*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
18:43.40YoYook, which kernel these days?  2.4 or 2.6?
18:43.47Qwell2.6 works fine
18:43.53zipp2.6 here
18:44.07Godseya co-worker ordered a color laser printer from dell
18:44.09Mw3both sucks :(
18:44.11Godseyand they keep delaying the ship date
18:44.20zippLinux debian 2.6.8-2-686 #1 Mon Jan 24 03:58:38 EST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
18:44.21Godseyshe just called and after talking for 10 minutes
18:44.22Nuggetwindows vs freebsd:
18:44.22Nuggetlinux vs freebsd:
18:45.11puppetI got a question regarding Record(), IF the person hangs up instead of pressing # is there any good way to recode it to mp3 and mail it? like if someone hangs up during record it goes to number+100 ?
18:45.21gr8nashzipp what ports do you open for IAX on a NAT/firewall
18:45.27QwellNugget: nsfw warnings, please :P
18:45.30zippgr8nash, non
18:45.44zippwhich means you can have multiple iaxy devices behind nat
18:45.47gr8nashzipp,  to receive you dont have to open ports?
18:45.53zippgr8nash, no
18:46.00gr8nashthats cool
18:46.17zippiax2 is using only 1 port
18:46.42zippwhen you register it is kept alive, so asterisk has a route back behind nat
18:47.09gr8nashso who provides IAX2.. i have seen only IAX
18:47.20Qwellgr8nash: everybody calls it just IAX
18:47.25zippIAX is common name
18:47.30gr8nashohh cool
18:47.45zippreally it is IAX2, but most won't/don't remember IAX1
18:48.13zippread the wiki about IAX2
18:48.38GodseyI think my project for this week should be getting asterisk working w/ sql for extensions
18:49.16gr8nashso IAX is stable enough to use for business .. we dont want to drop customer calls.. =)
18:49.18zippGodsey, wait for 1.2
18:49.33zippgr8nash, IAX is better then sip imho
18:49.44Qwellby leaps and bounds
18:49.46zippI use it every day for business, and I would trust it more then sip
18:50.07*** join/#asterisk _tommyg_ (
18:50.10coldfeetGuys I am trying earlier suggestion on LookUPCIDName, the lookup works fine...I think, but how can I now use the returned variable,
18:50.12zippwhat were there on the last IAX dev conf call, 50 people?
18:50.34Qwellcst is what, gmt-6?
18:50.35gr8nashheh.. cool
18:50.35MikeJ[Jayden]30+ on the last call...
18:50.53gr8nashill look at.. and see if they setup easy
18:50.57MikeJ[Jayden]it is 10 till 1 cst right now
18:51.16Qwellthink I might join in this time
18:51.17PTG123use iax if you don't have a choice, but with someone like livevoip they can give you sip direct to their switch.. so why use iax?
18:51.20zippMikeJ[Jayden], actually 9 till 1 :)
18:51.36MikeJ[Jayden]~troutslap zipp
18:51.38jbotACTION slaps zipp around with a large trout
18:52.06zippPTG123, if you are behind nat, or if you are connecting with a device that supports IAX
18:52.08Godseyzipp: asterisk 1.2?
18:52.27zippGodsey, a few [6] months away
18:52.53Godseyis there something that will bite me in the butt w/ it now?
18:52.56zippwill have a common interface to db's, conf files, ...
18:53.09PTG123zipp: behind nat maybe, but a dvice that supports iax no, b/c then you are adding an extra piece3 of equipment on their end
18:53.23zippGodsey, read this:
18:53.47zippPTG123, I imagine it is at least fast ethernet to their switches
18:54.07PTG123zipp: but if their server has problems you go down
18:54.11_tommyg_Can ya point me in the direction of MCGP configuration
18:54.17PTG123they are doing SIP->THEIRIAX
18:54.24PTG123why wouldn't you just do SIP->YOU
18:54.57zippbecause they are doing SIP -> IAX over a local network, and you are doing IAX to you over the internet
18:55.08_tommyg_errr, I meant MGCP
18:55.45*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
18:55.47zippPTG123, IAX trunking, smaller protocol, no rtp...
18:56.49*** join/#asterisk Tili (
18:57.25Qwellstop typing on the call :P
18:57.35PTG123zipp: on a good network who cares
18:58.08*** join/#asterisk adorah (
18:58.25zippPTG123, I don't think a dsl/cable line constitutes a good network
18:59.04Godseyzipp, I'm anxious to play w/ it :) I'll grab head
18:59.11Godseyhumm that didn't sound good
18:59.15QwellGodsey: That sounded really bad
18:59.25shmaltzzipp, why not?
18:59.33Qwellmind Qwell > gutter
18:59.45zippshmaltz, relative to a oc12 or something :)
18:59.51shmaltzcable is very stable and gives you in some places up to 10mbps download speed and 1 mbps upload
18:59.53*** part/#asterisk fjoe (
19:00.18CosmicRayshmaltz: where?
19:00.21shmaltzof course oc12 is better, but it's not a soho/small business solution
19:00.31shmaltzcentral New Jersey
19:00.31CosmicRayshmaltz: I have never seen a "stable" cable modem
19:00.43zippt1, up = down and you can trust it is stable
19:00.44shmaltzCosmicRay, maybe in your area,
19:01.08shmaltzoverhere it is considered the most stable solution outside T-1 services
19:01.10GodseyI'm moving to a place w/ 3mbps cable
19:01.13shmaltzof for the price
19:01.14CosmicRayshmaltz: I've never heard of anyone having a stable one either
19:01.16zippcable is a shared medium, if anything dsl > cable, read docis 2.0 standards
19:01.27Godseythe only complaint I have is they won't let me do bgp :)
19:01.28CosmicRaythat's one problem with it
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19:01.56shmaltzzipp, I agree about dsl, but in my area cable is much better
19:02.02CosmicRayI had @home in indianapolis for awhile... outage about once a month or so.  once comcast took over, they capped download speed at 1/3 of what I used to get with it
19:02.02GodseyI can get fiber to my house for $550/mo
19:02.28mogorman*1 to talk right?
19:02.29Godseycosmicray: I used to live in Syracuse, NY w/ and got over 700K/sec down :)
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19:02.52CosmicRaywe have business-class cable modem at work in a different state now... and we still have outages about once every 2-3 months
19:03.04shmaltzCosmicRay, the capping is something that in some areas it very popular, however I know a case here wher I live, someone called optimum that the speed wasnt too fast (only around 200 kbps) and they send someone down to fix it
19:03.10CosmicRaynot to mention that cox periodically has routing issues
19:03.26TorgoAnyone got a moment for a compete noob having NAT issues?
19:03.48zippTorgo, sip I imagine?
19:03.57GodseyI have DSL now, but the co is closed in the area where I want to move (just sold house)
19:03.57adorahtprgo: I'll join you in y'r request..
19:04.03shmaltzin my area Verizon DSL goes down (it's actualy their ATM loop that goes down, and every dsl provider is effected) around every six weeks, cable never
19:04.18zippshmaltz, no WISP's?
19:04.20CosmicRayI've got dsl now.  not any great speed, but still, quite reasonable, and once they discovered that they had also given my IP to someone else, rock solid
19:04.20shmaltzTorgo, use IAX. thats my moment
19:04.21Inv_arpadorah: whats he prob ? what provider? etc........
19:04.28TorgoYep. I've installed asterisk@home... seems towork just fine with a POTS line and a TDM400 card. But I'm trying to get an outgoing call to use a BroadVoice account...
19:04.29adorahNat Traversal..
19:04.45shmaltzzipp, whats WISP? Wireless?
19:04.49zippshmaltz, yes
19:04.51Inv_arpadorah: ok...err symtoms?
19:05.03zippshmaltz, (still working on it)
19:05.10CosmicRayshmaltz: the same thing happened to me when I had dsl in dallas
19:05.13Torgo"stopping retransmission blahblah@" (the machine's private IP address)
19:05.23CosmicRayshepherd: SBC popped the atm fabric, poof, dsl is down in the metro area
19:05.40shmaltzyou can drive around and within 30 seconds you should be able to pick one up, from residential, but no commercial, unless you drive down to Barnes and Nobels
19:05.43zippTorgo, does your router have a dmz function?
19:05.58scrubbanyone here usinga Sipura SPA?  I need to know if they support a NAT setting.
19:06.02Torgozipp, sure does.
19:06.03adorahthe good news is that I call a remote sip ext. seamlessly via my router..How ever once the remote user too has a router - no voice streaming..hardly a ring..
19:06.12zippTorgo, you tried that?
19:06.12*** part/#asterisk _tommyg_ (
19:06.17CosmicRayzipp: can't he just set nat = yes, the ip address, and canreinvite=no in his sip.conf?
19:06.23Torgozipp: nope. Didn't know I should!
19:06.54zippCosmicRay, sometimes that works with stun
19:07.00Godseyzipp: I was thinking of trying to do wisp in my fairly small town
19:07.13BrianR___finally found my QoS problem.. There was another device sneaking packets in after my traffic shaper. Grr.
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19:07.18Godseybut a cable company is rolling out free wireless in a town about 40 miles away
19:07.25jlewishas anyone else hacked enumlookup.agi to do random call distribution (instead of simultaneous dialing) of equal order/priority naptr records?
19:07.26mogormansorry i think that was me
19:07.31Godseyseems like access is going to be dirt cheap before long
19:07.37shmaltzzipp,, they use WiFi or Satelite?
19:07.39jlewisI just did...and wanted to see if maybe there was a better way
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19:07.53adorah<CosmicRa: I've already done that+ avail
19:08.01TorgoI've been using AMP... but it's not perfect. How can I restart asterisk or have it re-read conf files? kill -HUP?
19:08.01yaaarhey fella's. what's your pick for a good gui software phone for linux?
19:08.04zippshmaltz, custom mac (access layer) wifi (nxwi is me )
19:08.14puppetFfs, are they stupid, swedish Antipiracy org. something and 3 other music/filmcompanies leaved in a paper to the court and got right to SHUT DOWN an ISP in sweden to look after THREE IPs?! This due to 4 moves and 8 albums :s
19:08.24shmaltzoh, anyplans on coming to NY Metro area?
19:08.34shmaltzzipp, thats you?
19:08.47zippshmaltz, yes
19:08.47shmaltztheres a browser error when browsing the page
19:08.51coldfeetguys on lookupcaller ID if my inbound number already has one assigned will nething be returned
19:09.02BrianR___Has anyone hacked up a dialplan fragment for alliance-style conferencing using asterisk's meetme?
19:09.06zippshmaltz, as I said, still working on the page, notice the /temp in url
19:09.07BrianR___before I go reinvent the wheel..
19:09.15shmaltzoh, sorry
19:09.55*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
19:10.00shmaltzzipp I like the logo
19:10.21zippshmaltz, thank my designer :) I chose it though...
19:10.24mogormanhey now
19:10.37mogormantalkin smack
19:10.41shmaltzsend him a copy of theis message
19:11.32afeHowdy! Could wctdm sharing IRQ with uhci_hcd cause problems?
19:11.49shmaltzafe, I would guess that yes
19:12.02shmaltzsince zaptel is very egoistic when it comes to irq
19:12.04TorgoCasmicRay, adding your suggestions still shows @...@" on the outgoint request
19:12.13TorgoCosmicRay even
19:12.19afeuhci_hcd is USB, right?
19:12.30mogormanis anyone in the dev con on irc
19:12.32mogormanjust say hi
19:12.37shmaltzdo you have an external HD plugged in?
19:12.45Inv_arpoh i forgot lemme log in
19:12.55afenope, I have nothing connected to usb
19:13.00*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
19:13.05shmaltzthen just unload the Module
19:13.11shmaltzand disable it if possible
19:13.36afeok, thanks. I'll take a look in bios and see if I can disable it
19:13.47*** join/#asterisk stefh (~stef@
19:13.47shmaltznope, do a rmmod
19:13.51zippmogorman, I am in, but muted :)
19:14.05mogormanmuted people need a voice
19:14.05shmaltzas well as bios
19:14.56zippanyone listening to the dev conf, it is 80f here, sunny and clear :)
19:14.59*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:15.03Mneumonicanyone know why i dont have in my modules dir? or how to get it?
19:15.04Inv_arpim in
19:15.05afewould that be like "rmmod uhci_hcd, or should I use any options?
19:15.05Qwellmogorman: You can still talk...
19:15.09Qwellto yourself...
19:15.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:15.31Qwellzipp: You must live in southern california. ;]
19:15.49adorahthe good news is  I connect  a remote sip ext. seamlessly via my router when he is connected directly with a modem. ..However once the remote user too has a router - no voice streaming..hardly a ring..
19:16.05Qwellway off
19:16.12stefhHello, I want to start safe_asterisk as non root user. If I use the command "su the_user -c asterisk", asterisk is started correctly, but the same command with safe_asterisk won't work
19:16.19afewell, it unloaded without crashing anything :)
19:16.34Qwelloh, not too far off
19:16.44QwellAZ and TX would have been my next guesses. :p
19:17.17*** join/#asterisk critch (
19:18.20critchanyone here been contacted by a guy in NY named Allen needing asterisk help?
19:18.38QwellNope.  Are you Allen?
19:18.50adorahAnyone can help me with my NAT Traversal problem?
19:18.50Torgozipp, I put the asterisk server in the DMZ. I still can't ping it from the outside.
19:18.51critchno. My boss took the call earlier
19:18.54Qwellhmm...Steven.  Brother of Allen?
19:19.08zippTorgo, you are pinging your router public ip right
19:19.16Torgozipp, yep
19:19.24zippblocking icmp?
19:19.48Torgozipp, dunno. It's a linksys befsr41. If I set the DMZ, do I still have to forward ports?
19:19.50critchTorgo: ping is not a good tool when nat is involved. look at trying to use telnet to something like the manager port
19:20.25stefhanyone has an experiance with asterisk as non-root. don't mention my problem
19:20.32TorgoHey that worked. thanks, critch.
19:20.39critchTorgo: np
19:21.11Torgonow, how do I restart asterisk? (:
19:21.19critchTorgo: be aware that by being in the DMZ, anything the router doesn't answer your linux machine will. You essentially are not firewalled anymore
19:21.28*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
19:21.39Torgocritch; well aware. I have my private network behind ANOTHER router.
19:21.39zippTorgo, asterisk -rc reload
19:21.44zipp-rx sorry
19:21.44adorahIf I can connect a remote sip thru my router when he uses a modem only but no voice when he is behind a router: Any suggestions 4 help?
19:22.02zippadorah, rtp packets not getting through
19:22.21adorahSoo is it my router or his?
19:22.33zippboth sip behind?
19:22.38adorahI opend all possible ports both ends..
19:22.44adorahboth behind
19:22.45critchadorah: are you hitting the double nat problem?
19:22.51*** join/#asterisk ikey (ikey@
19:22.55adorahworks fine with 1 router only
19:23.23adorahI guess critch..:(
19:23.28Torgocritch, zipp; still no luck: Got SIP response 404 "Not Found" back from
19:23.54coldfeetMike I worked it out, when a caller calls from say 12345 (his number) to 08451 I want the callerID replaced based upon the 08451 NOT the 12345 number which is what it i doing
19:24.42TorgoSIP/broadvoice-35d0 is circuit-busy
19:24.44adorah<critch: Any advice?
19:24.54*** join/#asterisk gpowers (
19:26.38stefheveryone starts asterisk as root here ?
19:26.51Nuggetare you asking us or telling us?
19:27.16eKo1I certaintly as hell don't.
19:27.19stefhit's a question
19:27.21bannermanWhat's the story with voipjet? Good service, good reliability?
19:27.23TheBearwith the default answer exten for incoming pstn calls. Is there anyway to delay that it only activates after the 5 or 6 ring ?
19:27.47gpowersI'm quite happy with voipjet. cheap. fast. works.
19:27.55tzangerTheBear: Wait()
19:28.17Inv_arpbannerman: me 2 use them for outgoing, support gsm,ilbc,alaw
19:28.22PTG123so does anyone here use livevoip?
19:28.35gpowerstried it. didn't work.
19:28.42Inv_arpPTG123: used them also never had a pob
19:28.48TheBeartzanger: I have wait(4) but it stops ringing and waits then moves on
19:28.54PTG123Inv_arp: you don't use them any more?
19:28.55JerJer[mobile]the cock suckers at NuFone won't return my calls
19:28.59*** join/#asterisk Moc____ (~mochouina@
19:29.04QwellJerJer[mobile]: ?
19:29.08Moc____hail everyone
19:29.11tzangerTheBear: what is it you want to do?
19:29.13TorgoWhat's with all the registration timeouts in the log?
19:29.28QwellJerJer[mobile]: They're all off playing foosball
19:29.33TheBeartzanger: to continue ringing then only answer after the 5th or 6th ring
19:29.41*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
19:29.43QwellI told you that you shouldn't have bought that table for them. :P
19:29.50JerJer[mobile]Qwell:  no they're off gambling and gettng drunk
19:29.53Inv_arpPTG123: they dont have any miami DID's right now...  i bought the wrong DID at first  b/c it started with 305   which can be keywest or miami
19:30.04QwellJerJer[mobile]: maybe your office is being overrun my iguanas?
19:30.06tzangerso someone is calling you and you do not want to pick up until the 5th or 6th ring?  Wait().
19:30.15Inv_arpPTG123: i had for a week worked perfect
19:30.17tzangerexten => s,1,Wait(20)
19:30.21tzangerexten => s,2,Answer
19:30.42QwellI think he's saying he wants to answer the PSTN with a normal phone, and if he does so, tell * not to answer
19:30.50QwellTheBear: correct me if I'm wrong, please
19:30.59Qwellie; without an FXS
19:31.07PTG123Inv_arp: ah who do you use now?
19:31.19tzangerTheBear: is Qwell right?
19:31.32QwellI should be a translator.
19:31.40QwellI think I just found my new career.
19:31.48PTG123Qwell: who is that?
19:31.55QwellPTG123: who is what?
19:31.56Nuggetone of those fax line sharer device things would work.
19:32.05TheBearI spli my incoming line to a std. phone and to * server. I want it to ring, on both. if yes I answer on the std.  phone then * can ignore the call. if after 5 rings I have no answered on the std. phone then I want * to pick up the call and dial my SIP phones
19:32.09Inv_arpPTG123: Broadvoice/incoming  voipjet/outgoing
19:32.10PTG123Qwell: er what is tht yuour new carreer :)
19:32.10QwellNugget: a simple relay would do it...
19:32.15TheBearI'll try a bigger wait(20)
19:32.17QwellPTG123: translator?
19:32.18PTG123Inv_arp: ah :)
19:32.21PTG123Qwell: ah :)
19:32.26QwellTheBear: It don't work like that...
19:32.36tzangerTheBear: yuck...  Asterisk doesn't work so well in those conditions,
19:32.41TorgoAnyone got broadvoice outgoing working?
19:33.01*** join/#asterisk afe ([
19:33.11QwellPTG123: I often find people talking about 2 different things, and I'm able to bridge the gap
19:33.19TheBearwhy not ?
19:33.28*** part/#asterisk stefh (~stef@
19:33.30bannermanQwell: so you're more of a bridge
19:33.34QwellTheBear: You'd need some sort of hardware.
19:33.39bannermanQwell: Good marketing technique, you can sell somoene a bridge!
19:33.46Qwellbannerman: umm, I prefer english-english translation
19:33.52Qwellmarketing?  hell no
19:34.10tzangerTheBear: because Asterisk is a PBX, not an answering machine
19:34.33tzangerTheBear: there is (currently) no way to have Asterisk see a ring and then tell it "don't worry about it" if it goes away
19:34.37adorahtzange: LOL
19:34.53QwellTheBear: The EASIEST way to do it, would be to get an FXS, let * answer, and immediately transfer to the FXS
19:35.00Qwellthen if it isn't answer, * will take control again
19:35.10tzangerTheBear: the way to do it normally is to have an FXO and FXS interface and have * route the call to the FXS interface by Dial()ing it
19:35.18Qwellwhat he said
19:35.20tzangerand if there's no answer on the FXS interface after 20s or whatever, dump to IVR
19:35.44TheBearok I can do that  I have the X100P and TDM10B cards
19:35.49CosmicRayTheBear: why don't you just get a ATA for your analog phone/
19:35.50Qwellis a ring always x seconds apart?
19:35.51tzangerTheBear: perfect
19:35.57PTG123hey I have a channel Local/303 that shows 347 entries in the cdr..  yet i only have received 50 calls today.. anyone know what Local/303 is refering to, and why the number is so high?
19:35.58tzangerin your dialplan
19:36.09CosmicRaysomeone already suggested that, never mind :-)
19:36.12tzangerexten => s,1,Ring(Zap/2,20)
19:36.18tzangerexten => s,2,Answer
19:36.25Qwellring?  hmm
19:36.29tzangerexten => s,3,VoiceMail(whatever)
19:36.32tzangerexten => s,4,Hangup
19:36.32TheBearok I'll try that thanks tzanger:
19:36.45Qwelltzanger: Whats Ring() do?  I'm not showing it in the CLI
19:36.48tzangerAsterisk wants to be in charge of the call, not subservient to it
19:36.50eKo1Quickie: Is [default] the the default context for entries that don't have context=... in them?
19:36.52TheBearI'm sure he means dial(zap/2
19:36.55tzangerQwell: not Ring, sorry, Dial()
19:36.59Qwelloh, ok, heh
19:37.14adorahvoice thru router-router problem: Any advice?
19:37.16Inv_arpRing sounds better :)
19:38.08puppetCan I make so calls that comes in on one registry goes to one phone directly?
19:38.12*** join/#asterisk GordonF (
19:38.15Nuggetof course.
19:38.20GordonFHi all
19:38.21puppetgot three SIP registrys, want to have one to go to my fax directly
19:38.29Nuggetso do that.
19:38.51TheBearQwell: tzanger: do either of you use snom 200s and intercom feature ?
19:38.53puppetnugget: But how I didnt get how to do it exactly read some about register => user:pass@host/name
19:38.59puppetnugget: but what does that /name does?
19:39.05Nuggetthat's unrelated.
19:39.13puppetnugget: oh ok
19:39.18QwellTheBear: But, if you were to send one over, I'd be glad to test it for you. :)
19:39.21puppetnugget: im doing it in extensions then?
19:39.26GordonFLame, Noob question here..... Will asterisk run on Knoppix? First time user so I wanna play with it a bit
19:39.31Nuggetyes, it's done via the dialplan.
19:39.32Qwellhmm, better make it two
19:39.38Nuggetin the context for that iax or sip entry.
19:39.44QwellGordonF: If Knoppix is Linux, sure, it should
19:39.55GordonFSweet thanx :)
19:40.01Qwellit would suck to have to redo your configs every time you boot though, heh
19:40.06GordonFDebian I think
19:40.18GordonFwas going to do an HDD install
19:40.25Qwellyeah, I was kidding :p
19:41.01puppetnugget: hmm where do i define context for a sipentry? :o im i just stopid now? :)
19:41.04shepherdsms mark
19:41.38Nuggetperhaps you'd be well-served by spending more time with the documentation.
19:41.46GordonFcya's later time to break some more software :)
19:41.49Nuggetyour question is fast approaching "do it for me" territory
19:42.00*** part/#asterisk GordonF (
19:42.16puppetnugget: ill check documention again
19:44.01adorahAny idea how to stream voice via 2 routers?
19:44.21*** join/#asterisk t3t (
19:45.31*** join/#asterisk bile_one (
19:46.03Inv_arpadorah: double nat?
19:46.24puppetnugget: i was on the right track wasnt i?
19:46.31adorah<Inv_arp>: Yup:(
19:46.57puppetnugget: if i add /2000 on one f.ex the fax and then under default do an d 2000,1,Dial(SIP/faxnum)
19:47.02puppetnugget: aint that correct?
19:47.48Nuggetwhat is a "f.ex"?
19:47.52puppetfor example
19:48.06Nuggetadd a /2000 where?
19:48.14afeanyone here tried a softphone on a PocketPC with WiFi?
19:48.16adorahInv_arp: any advice?
19:48.17bile_onedoes anyone have access to ManxPower's Cepstral setup and configuration pages? He says he has donated them to the Astrisk Documentation Project, but I have not found them there. Any clues?
19:48.27puppetin sip.conf
19:48.34Nuggetno, you don't get to choose that.
19:48.39*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
19:48.40Qwellafe: I think it was sjphone that worked on a pocketpc?  I'd have to ask my friend...
19:48.44Nuggetunless your provider is doing weird things
19:48.54puppetnugget: two providers
19:49.00Nuggetyou do it in extensions.conf, like I said before.
19:49.14gr8nashQwell X-lite people make a pocketpc phone..
19:49.23*** join/#asterisk tbye (~chatzilla@
19:49.32afeQwell, Xten has a X-Pro for PocketPC, but I was mainly wondering about quality
19:49.44Qwellafe: oh, he said it was working great
19:49.54tbyeIs there a tome of all things relating to  "All circuits are busy"?
19:50.14*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
19:50.32afeThere are some nice PDA/phones available now, and it would be kinda cool to be able to use them with asterisk as well :)
19:51.30Inv_arpadorah: are you port forwarding correctly?
19:53.07*** join/#asterisk alex_asterisk (~alex@
19:54.08adorahInv_arp: I believe so..opened all possible ports both ends
19:54.24eKo1General question: Which country has the least amount of digits in their dialing plan?
19:54.35JerJer[mobile]that one
19:55.50*** join/#asterisk dfuller (
19:56.11eKo1Hmm...I remember seeing some German numbers which are 5 digits long.
19:56.22*** join/#asterisk peted20 (
19:56.46Inv_arpadorah: so any pc on the net can access internal machine?
19:56.54dfullerhas anyone gotten atxfer (*2) to work?
19:57.58alex_asteriskdfuller I have it working, but since i'm using spftphone i changed it to ** in order to avoid the timeout between digits
19:58.35puppetnugget: i got right on it I was on right track ;p
19:59.21NuggetI'm so happy for you.
19:59.55dfullerI just performed a brand new install with the latest from CVS but doesn't work for me on a snom 220
19:59.58*** part/#asterisk critch (
20:00.02adorahInv_ar: right' 4 now..
20:00.06NuggetCVS HEAD is not guaranteed to work.
20:00.21adorahInv_arp: yup. right 4 now
20:00.55adorahInv_arp: if you have a user/pass can use my server to call anywhere
20:01.37alex_asteriskdfuller: straight install from Head didn't work for me, but installing stable then Head works
20:02.07dfulleralex_asterisk: thanks a bunch will give that a try
20:02.08mogormanyeah you guys should read
20:02.13mogormanso muted users can speak
20:02.42*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
20:03.52alex_asteriskmy current setup is all softphone clients.  When i dial a number that does not exist i get an error on the softphone, but what i need is to listen and record the telco message that says the number does not exist...any ideas?
20:03.55hardwireanybody used a low bandwidth * box under a uml?
20:04.03hardwiregoing to attempt doing some IAX trunking via a linode :)
20:04.11Inv_arpadorah: what provider? incoming and outgoing dont work?
20:05.02zipphardwire I use * on a linode
20:05.12hardwiredid you compile zaptel?
20:05.18hardwirehow did you get their source?
20:05.23*** join/#asterisk Aviator (
20:05.27*** join/#asterisk jesse_132 (~chatzilla@
20:06.07zipphardwire, you cannot load modules on a linode
20:06.07adorahInv_arp: I'm outside y'r continent..Israel..the sip sf is logged in when I dial from server get a ring and voice is heard both ways
20:06.13zippinsecure on uml
20:06.15jesse_132my phones are behind NAT, and I have NAT=yes  in their sip file...  but when I do sip show peers it says Nat: N for them... any clues?
20:06.19zippso caker says no
20:06.21hardwirezipp.. ah.. so no zaptel timer
20:06.28hardwireis there another pseudo timer * can use?
20:06.38hardwirethen I need to use app_conference
20:06.41hardwirevs app_meetme
20:06.53hardwireactually.. doesn't IAX trunking require a timer?
20:06.59zippor get a dedicated server, I got one from
20:07.01zipphardwire, yes
20:07.06hardwirewell damnit
20:07.20zippask caker about it, I know I have
20:07.21hardwireI wonder if linude can include a ztdummy for me
20:07.26zipphe told me no
20:07.32hardwirethose fuckers #linode, look for caker
20:07.46zipphe runs it all
20:07.58*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
20:08.02*** join/#asterisk Jackfiber (Jackfiber@
20:08.21Jackfiberhello any body is using Handytone 486 behind NAT adsl ?
20:08.28hardwirezipp.. hmm.. ok
20:08.36*** join/#asterisk sigmounte_ (
20:08.41sigmounte_hi all !!
20:08.43zippwe need a #asterisk-sipnat channel :)
20:09.01Jackfiberyes zipp
20:09.06dfulleralex_asterisk:  I get the message on our hard phones as well
20:09.33Jackfiberanybody is using grandstream phone behind nat ?
20:09.35eKo1Dealing with NAT is easy if everything is on your own network.
20:09.47sigmounte_just a question , can a use cisco ipphone with asterisk ??
20:09.48Jackfiberyes it's
20:09.50zippor you have asterisk convert it to IAX on your network
20:09.57zippsigmounte_, yes
20:10.07zippJackfiber, then you aren't behind nat
20:10.08sigmounte_YEEES ! thanks !
20:10.38shepherdor.. sip->nat->asterisk->sip phones
20:10.48Jackfiberthe problem here for NAT is the outgoing is fine but no incoming because NAT opens 60695 port for outgoing and asterisk use it for or like that port for incoming while 5060 is default and is forwarded
20:11.04*** join/#asterisk jero (~boo@
20:11.29tzangerhardwire: no
20:11.33Jackfiberzipp the phone is
20:11.35tzangerTHAT, my friend, is the URL
20:11.42sigmounte_what else do i need with asterisk and my ipphhone for all to works ?
20:12.01eKo1sigmounte_: You need someone to call.
20:12.08hardwiretzanger: uh
20:12.11coldfeetdoes anyone know howto use database deltree it doesnt seem to clear my entries
20:12.18Jackfiberhey any expert is here?
20:12.23alex_asteriskdfuller: any ideas on how to pass on the audio from the telco recording so we can record the message instead of getting the error on the client side?
20:12.25sigmounte_eKo1, lol
20:13.38zipphardwire, look at the top of that
20:13.42zippeurozip, that is me :)
20:13.46hardwirethe questino is.. if you can derive the timings from the RTC
20:13.56hardwirewhats stopping asterisk from being able to do that itself?
20:14.28*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
20:14.56Jackfiberanyone with grandstream handy tone or sip phone?
20:15.32eKo1Who here has * working with in a multi-homed setup?
20:15.37Inv_arpJackfiber: oh me me
20:16.01zippJackfiber, I simply set up an ipip tunnel from behind nat to the asterisk server, putting the phone and * on the same net
20:16.02hardwireztdummy requires usb?
20:16.11eKo1GS sucks.
20:16.12zippand it works for me with sip, otherwise, I use IAX2
20:16.36eKo1Although someone yesterday was raving about their new phone showcased at VON.
20:16.50Jackfiberzipp, r u using VPN ?
20:16.58JackfiberI don't wanna use VPN
20:17.01zipphardwire, ztdummy needs uhci in 2.4, 2.6 it needs no hardware
20:17.06zippJackfiber, ipip is not vpn
20:17.11hardwirezipp: thats only for trunking IAX right.. not typical IAX usage.
20:17.24zipphardwire, and meetme
20:17.30hardwirewell fuck meetme then
20:17.46sigmounte_is there somewhere a quick setup guide ?
20:17.50JackfiberI got X-lite to work it's working properly but handy tone sends out using a port other than 5060 behind NAT !!!
20:18.10Jackfiberdo u know how to enforce it not to use anything other than 5060
20:18.13zippJackfiber, look in the handy-tone config, random ports
20:18.14AgiNamuMan, Virbiage doesn't get back to you about anything eh?
20:18.16shmaltzhardwire, you only need usb if you are running 2.4 run 2.6, or get digium hardware
20:18.28AgiNamuI wrote about their USB phones, wrote about G729, wrote about OEM licensing... nary a peep.
20:18.32shmaltzhardwire, any decent app in any os needs a timing source
20:18.37hardwireshmaltz: the issue is that I am attempting to do this within a UML hosted at Linode
20:18.51*** join/#asterisk aw (
20:18.52hardwireshmaltz: for some reason I thought that was what the RTC was for.
20:18.54JackfiberZipp, it's set to NO
20:18.54adorahCan anyone reccomend a free IAX softfone client on windows?
20:18.58hardwireI guess I was wrong :)
20:19.04Jackfiberadorah, X-lite
20:19.06AgiNamuadorah: -- FireFly
20:19.09zippadorah, iaxclient
20:19.19AgiNamuX-line doesnt do IAX.....
20:19.21shmaltzI think that the RTC is only use by the CPU
20:19.23AgiNamuX-lite sucks anywyas
20:19.26hardwireI know.. its fun to say
20:19.26adorahJackfiber: does not support IAX only sip
20:19.26JackfiberX-lite is Sip
20:19.27AgiNamustupid interface :@
20:19.35AgiNamuOther than that, it's a cool think.
20:19.35hardwireshepherd: ERTC in 2.6
20:19.45zippiaxcomm, iaxclient, diax
20:19.48hardwirezaprtc (a module) also exists to interperate the RTC into ZAP Timings
20:19.53Jackfiberfor IAX u need to use iaxclient
20:19.54ariel_hardwire, if your running kernel 2.6.X you should be able to use ztdummy without a usb.
20:19.55AgiNamuZipp: aren't all of those ugly?
20:20.01AgiNamuWhat's wrong with FireFly?
20:20.05*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:20.08AgiNamuFirefly works great, and is attractive, nicely designed too.
20:20.10hardwireariel_: the problem being that linode does not have module loading enabled on their umls
20:20.15JackfiberZipp, do u have handytone ?
20:20.20zippAgiNamu, I use iaxcli from tkphone in the console, so I don't know
20:20.27zippJackfiber, I have a budgetone
20:20.37Jackfiberzipp, so they r similar
20:20.37hardwireor an RTC for that matter.. damn
20:20.53Jackfiberzipp, have u set NAT traversal to YES ?
20:20.56ariel_hardwire, then don't use trunking nor meetme's
20:21.00jlukhardwire: if you've not got usb or zap hardware, use 2.6. I think ztdummy is needed for MOH as well as meetme
20:21.05zippJackfiber, as I said, I use an IPIP tunnel
20:21.12*** join/#asterisk xD (~BombTrack@
20:21.15jakepdevin the Wiki, it specifies 2 implementations of H.323 but it only give the link of one.  Where is this "source tree" for *?
20:21.19shmaltzhardwire, what you trying to do? testing?
20:21.19hardwirejluk: thanks.. heh.. wow.. never though of it that way :)
20:21.22JackfiberIPIP tunnel is kinda VPN
20:21.23ariel_moh does not need ztdummy nor any timing
20:21.28zippjluk, he can't use ztdummy at all, linode won't let you load modules
20:21.28awDoes anyone know how to send a busy tone over capi without answer the call? The Hangup command don't work as expected.
20:21.33shmaltzor setting up a confferincing server?
20:21.35Jackfiberor just u forwarded ports ?
20:21.40hardwireshmaltz: just testing
20:21.47*** part/#asterisk xD (~BombTrack@
20:21.48hardwirenothing more
20:21.57shmaltzget a stupid old computer off ebay, and test it
20:21.59AgiNamuSo anyone here know the details on the SGI+Asterisk bundle?
20:22.03hardwiretrying to get a server in the Lower 48 with a good ping time to the sip providers
20:22.05zipphardwire, you cannot get a timer on a linode
20:22.09hardwirelinode isn't going to be a good solution
20:22.12AgiNamu"the sip providers"?
20:22.15shmaltzyou trying to save electricity as well?
20:22.16hardwirezipp: I am noticing this
20:22.26hardwireshmaltz: no.
20:22.33ariel_hardwire, how about vmware?
20:22.37AgiNamuYea, those dang sip providers
20:22.49hardwireshold on
20:23.25tbyein zapata.conf is it supposed to be channels => 4 or channels=4?  (I've got a tdm400p with the module in tel4)
20:23.34coldfeetdoes asterisk have alimit on the length of username, I seem to be able to do 8 chars but not 9
20:23.57DaLionhow can we return a var from a perl or php initiated manager telnet session back to php or perl /?
20:24.01shmaltzyou can still use your test machine from home, and then connect your machine to your uml, and have your uml connect to sip providers
20:24.07jakepdevariel - just a note on vmware - need to disable zaptel - or no audio from *
20:24.08boch <- do you know why this happens?
20:24.09hardwirewhy do I need less ping times to the sip providers
20:24.14*** join/#asterisk Xander77 (
20:24.25hardwireI plan on using IAX trunking from alaska.. and starband that terminates in Georgia
20:24.31hardwireas well as another VSAT provider in utah
20:24.41AgiNamuNo, im saying "the sip providers"
20:24.41DaLionwhoever talking shold lower volume
20:24.46hardwireand going from utah to anchorage where I am.. all the way to new york isn't my idea of fun
20:24.50hardwireor georgia
20:24.54shmaltzhardwire, what connection to you have to the intarweb?
20:25.20*** join/#asterisk NK123 (
20:25.37hardwireshmaltz: from all three points .. very laggy
20:25.49shmaltzI c
20:25.52hardwiremore lag if I have to go up to anchorage again just to go back to the lower 48
20:25.53shmaltzget a colo then
20:26.00*** part/#asterisk Jackfiber (Jackfiber@
20:26.05hardwireshmaltz: like I said.. linode was just a test
20:26.07hardwirethis was only a test
20:26.08NK123hi kiran r u there
20:26.14hardwirehad this been a real need.. I would have colocated :)
20:26.18shmaltzso for testing, no meetme
20:27.15DaLionAnyone knows AGI well enough ? to answer how can we return a var from a perl or php initiated manager telnet session back to php or perl /?
20:27.27jakepdevi just built an AGi test
20:28.00DaLionso php -> manager -> *  --> AGI --and abck
20:28.24jakepdev* -> AGI
20:28.27DaLionbasically i need a WAITEXTEN.. from agi wich i need returned always exits on zero
20:28.42jakepdevAGI processess in perl
20:28.45DaLionany ideas ?
20:29.14DaLionwhatever .. i mean.. how to .. RETURN vars from AGI when it ends
20:29.24JunK-YDaLion: waitexten for what exactly?
20:29.31DaLionlike WAITEXTEN(2)
20:29.38DaLionenter 23 in phone
20:29.44DaLionand AGI would exit with 23
20:29.51hardwireshmaltz: and no iax trunking
20:29.53JunK-Ywhy not GET DATA?
20:29.53DaLionso i can grab the exit code of agi from manager
20:29.56hardwiremanditory for my testing
20:30.06AgiNamuyou can't get the exit code.
20:30.08AgiNamuUse a channel var.
20:30.09AgiNamuthat's it.
20:30.13DaLionwell.. hmm..
20:30.25DaLioncan u see var form manager  port ?
20:30.25AgiNamuAt least, from the dialplan. Maybe the manager works better.
20:30.31JunK-YAgiNamu: with GET DATA, ya can get the results yeah.
20:30.38DaLionCONF guys.. any idea ?
20:30.40shmaltzhardwire, I didn't know IAX need a timing source, but it makes sense.
20:30.45gr8nashanyone tell me where you create "a new context" is it iax.conf?
20:31.00DaLiontry exensions.conf
20:31.02shmaltzgr8nash, RTFM
20:31.15DaLionGET DATA,
20:31.20DaLionin manager ? cool
20:31.20AgiNamugr8nash, actually, you do it on google.
20:31.35DaLionis get data docu'ed ?
20:32.04JunK-Y~agi apui
20:32.05jakepdevdalion - here's agi docs
20:32.05JunK-Y~agi api
20:32.06jbotmethinks agi api is at
20:32.22JunK-Ya new version should be make too.
20:33.39jakepdevwhere is the source tree for *?
20:33.54DaLiondepends on install
20:33.55zippjakepdev, in cvs, /join #asterisk-dev
20:34.06gr8nashDaLion,  thanks btw
20:34.34gr8nashshmaltz,  why does this channel exist?
20:34.42gr8nashpolitical debates?
20:34.45yaaaranybody in here know what Linux softphones are available that work well with asterisk?
20:34.48gr8nashcoffe talk?
20:34.49shmaltzfor help
20:34.55zippyaaar, iaxclient
20:35.00Qwellyaaar: iaxcomm
20:35.01*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
20:35.06gr8nashwas my question out of bounds??
20:35.07shmaltzgr8nash, you were using it as a manual
20:35.31shmaltzit wasnt a qustions for help, it was a question that said I'm lazy
20:35.47gr8nashim part of many channels.. dont know why this one is the one with the most attitude
20:35.50shmaltzit's clearly in the asterisk handbook
20:36.00mogormanthats really cold
20:36.02jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:36.21Inv_arpgr8nash: create a context to do?
20:36.26KalD|Workanyone got time to help me solve a stupid dialplan bug?
20:36.37shmaltzgr8nash, if the channel would be for such questions like yours, than we wouldn't be able to make asterisk run
20:36.58shmaltzKaID|Work, shoot
20:36.59KalD|WorkI'm trying to setup a simple dialplan that prompts for creating or joining a conferenece and it just hangs up on me =(  here is the pastebin:
20:37.00gr8nashnope.. it was a simple question. .not everything makes sense to everybody
20:37.18yaaarzipp; Qwell; you guys wouldn't happen to know whether those are part of a gentoo package? or one that is?
20:37.25shmaltzgr8nash, have you read the handbook?
20:37.27gr8nashi have read a small book so far on astrisk.. you dont have a clue how much i work
20:37.28yaaari'm willing to use SIP instead of IAX if necessary
20:37.45shmaltzgr8nash, the handbook?
20:37.45gr8nashshmaltz,  i have read the wike and the "docs"
20:37.50gr8nashnot sure..
20:37.59shmaltzgr8nash, the handbook?
20:38.04shmaltznot sure, RTFM
20:38.09yaaarshmaltz: gr8nash don't you guys think you're spending an odd amount of time on the question of whether the question is ok?
20:38.10shmaltzthat's my point
20:38.36gr8nashyaar i agree
20:38.40shmaltzwell, yaar, if this will make gr8nash read the handbook, then i saved lots of time
20:38.47machinehdwhen using ztdummy what needs to be changed in zapata.conf?
20:38.52gr8nashim done.. my point is rudeness sucks.. mean people blow
20:39.09shmaltzgr8nash, I am not mean
20:39.10*** join/#asterisk NK123 (
20:39.19shmaltzI just gave you a hint where you can find the info
20:39.20KalD|Workshmaltz, did you see the pastebin?
20:39.26gr8nashmaybe not but the capslock was unecesary
20:39.26*** join/#asterisk w0w0 (
20:39.28shmaltzit's in the handbook, which in short is RTFM
20:39.41shmaltzabrivs always go in CAPS
20:39.53jboti guess rtfm is read the f*cking manual... try asking me about "FAQ"
20:40.13jbotcaps is, like, Don't write words all in capital letters unless they're abbreviations. To emphasize words put _*_ on both sides of them.
20:40.37shmaltzsorry, RTFM again this time about caps
20:40.49jbotrtfw is probably Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
20:41.11*** join/#asterisk TokyoJimu (~jimmy@
20:41.27jbotfrom memory, jbot is the shipboard computer, but you may call me eddie if it helps you relax
20:41.29shmaltzKaID|Work, nope give it to me again
20:41.31gr8nashno i handt seen that.. thanks for the help
20:41.46shmaltzgr8nash, thanks
20:41.57shmaltzsorry if you felt I was mean
20:42.06gr8nashyeah me too..
20:42.51CosmicRayanyone here use
20:43.14TokyoJimuWhat happened to app_qcall?  Was it replaced by something else?
20:43.30shmaltzKaID|Work, the dialplan has no rule after s,5
20:43.43shmaltzit has nothing to do so it falls through
20:43.45KalD|Workso after s,5 I wanna enter in 1
20:43.58shmaltzyou need:
20:44.00shmaltzexten => s,6,Goto(1,1)
20:44.11KalD|Workthen it would always goto 1
20:44.15KalD|WorkI might want to enter 2
20:44.17KalD|Workor something else
20:44.21shmaltzor you can change 1,1 to s,6, 1,2 to s,7 ans so on
20:44.33shmaltzso do cmd waitexten
20:44.46KalD|Work...  It is supposed to answer the phone and say press 1 for so and so - press 2 for whatever... then I enter 1 or 2
20:45.03*** join/#asterisk Zaw (
20:45.07KalD|Work... brb
20:45.25shmaltzwaitexten will wait for 1 or 2 to be entered.
20:45.43shmaltzKaID|Work, waitexten will wait for 1 or 2 to be entered.
20:45.44DaLionSeems its always same questins here ;)
20:45.48*** join/#asterisk tbye (user@
20:45.50*** part/#asterisk dfuller (
20:46.19*** part/#asterisk alex_asterisk (~alex@
20:46.26tbyeIs it possible to probe a tdm400p to see if it can detect if the PSTN is connected or not?
20:46.52shmaltzKaID|Work, change the playback to Background, this way you can enter extensions when playing the message
20:50.10jakepdevhas anyone got H323 working in *?
20:52.43johnnybDoes asterisk support G728?  I couldn't find any information about such support, but I also couldn't find any information (apart from obviously developer time) which would prevent such support (patents, etc.).  Anyone know anything about it?
20:53.12eKo1There's a G.728?
20:53.25dan2johnnyb: do you mean g729?
20:53.37eKo1johnnyb: Stop smoking dem chiba.
20:53.38johnnybNope, G728.  It's low-latency AND low-bandwidth.
20:53.49johnnybIt's ships w/ the grandstream phones
20:54.22johnnybThis has a sample implementation, which is why I was surprised that Asterisk didn't support it.
20:54.32machinehdwith ztdummy do I delete zapata.conf?
20:55.07eKo1g728 is 16kbps
20:55.09DaLionif you dont get answer.. try the teliax forum.. not much yet...  but if you dont get your answers here.. might be worth try there..
20:55.10eKo1that sucks
20:55.27dan2johnnyb: g728 uses an extreme amount of processor
20:55.38eKo1might is well use adpcm 16
20:55.46*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
20:55.51boch <- do you know something about this?
20:56.28dan2adpcm 16 is owned by M$
20:57.11dan2g728 is relatively new as well, it was only released as of January last year iirc
20:57.39dan2hmm never mind
20:57.54dan2johnnyb: grandstreams are the only one that support this codec
20:59.27*** join/#asterisk gst (
20:59.29dan2now, ilbc is a GOOD codec
20:59.41dan2and so is speex for that matter
20:59.53eKo1yeah right.
21:01.01clive-cooo, just got my phone talking iax2
21:01.29zippclive-, using an iaxy?
21:01.30clive-bye bye sip and nat
21:01.33DaLionis anyone from conf READING THIS ?
21:01.37DaLiongaim is GREAT IDEA !
21:01.45clive-zipp its a pa168 ip phone
21:01.51DaLionnew eyebeam has chat enabled also
21:01.56*** join/#asterisk phantasis (
21:01.56zippclive-, ah, you can get them from
21:02.06zippthat firmware isn't extremely stable yet
21:02.17clive-zippp, have you tried them?
21:02.21santiagoHi, only to be sure, with QoS, I have only to set more priority to the 4569 upd port if the protocol used between two * is iax2, isn't it?
21:02.32zippclive-, what I have heard, never had a pa168 phone
21:02.34clive-I just loaded the firmware like 15 minutes ago
21:02.35dan2twisted[work]: yo
21:02.44DaLionsantiago si senior
21:02.45phantasiswhat would I need to do to use asterisk with nearly all analog phones (2000) and a handful of voip phones
21:02.53clive-so I cant say how stable it is, but it works..:)))
21:02.56zippphantasis, channel banks
21:02.59LoRezphantasis: lots of channel banks
21:02.59santiagoDaLion, gracias
21:03.01DaLionsiantiago mihgt add 5060 too while there
21:03.23zippsantiago, you only need 1 port for iax2
21:03.33LoRezphantasis: E1 chanbanks at that.
21:03.33santiagoiax2 is great
21:03.34clive-zipp what else did you hear about the pa168's ?
21:03.34DaLionsantiago de nada.. se fui muy rapido
21:03.38Darwin35ok asterisk got updated to 1.0.6 today
21:03.41tbyeanyone have a slick way to check an fxo on a tdm400p to see if it hears dialtone?
21:03.42Darwin35in ports ye
21:03.52clive-santiago iax2 is great, excpet very few phones support it
21:04.12phantasiscorrect if wrong, a channel bank would take 24 lines and but them into a T1 to interface with a te410p?
21:04.46gsthmmm... i try to get a sip phone with a dynamic ip to work with asterisk, but when the phone tries to REGISTER asterisk just responds with 403 forbidden. the section of the phone in the sip.conf contains the host=dynamic, etc. stuff - but it still fails :/ any hints?
21:05.10clive-gst try auth=md5
21:05.20Darwin35what type of phone
21:05.34Darwin35did you set the secret and the username
21:05.50Darwin35and the exten #
21:06.25gstDarwin35: snom100
21:06.53GodseyI don't need to run cvshead, I can just use AGI to pull data from mysql in my dialplan
21:07.00GodseyI thought about it over lunch :)
21:07.12*** join/#asterisk lordcian (~john@
21:07.15gstthis is the section in my sip.conf
21:07.37gstasterisk logs: Mar 10 22:06:12 NOTICE[28613]: chan_sip.c:7654 handle_request: Registration from '"gst" <>' failed for ''
21:08.01lordcianhi, im getting same issue
21:08.07gsti also tried some of the examples in the sip.conf file which didn't work either :/
21:08.39Darwin35you only put gst in the phone not client-gst I bet
21:09.17Darwin35you should have fallowed the snom base setup in the sip.conf sample
21:09.24lordciando you mean the peer definition area in the sip.conf by 'client-gst'?
21:09.29phantasisit'd be better to get a channel bank that supports ethernet instead of t1 in a lan environment where alot of analogs are going to be used, correct?
21:09.35yaaaranybody in here use x-lite on windows to talk to asterisk? how the hell do you reconfigure it once it's running? I can't find any buttons that seem like they would work'
21:09.50tzangerit's in the middle
21:09.53tzangerbetween pickup and hangup
21:09.55lordciandownload the new x-lite client from the home site...
21:10.02tzangerit looks like a box with smaller boxes in it IIRC
21:10.06tzangerI haven't used xlite in quite a while
21:10.11lordcianthen use the menu button, click around till you find the 'default' section
21:10.28tzangerI fucking HATE these skinned apps, so fucking hard to use
21:10.33tzangerbut they're "snazzy" so they stay... ugh
21:11.06gstlordcian: tnx - that was the problem 'client-gst' vs. 'gst'
21:11.24Darwin35II thought it might be
21:11.35clive-detective darwin:)
21:11.36lordcianwait, mine still isnt working..  :(
21:11.44yaaartzanger: i don't get it....but there is nothing in between the buttons labelled 'dial' and 'hangup'
21:11.54tzangerthere are three icons in there I think
21:12.06tbyeIf asterisk sees a call coming in on an fxo is there a log entry created? where?
21:12.07lordcianyou have the wrong version of xlite
21:12.23lordcianyours is square box?
21:12.41*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
21:12.43eKo1Nugget: hehe
21:12.45ManxPowerYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Sipura has released an updated firmware for the SPA-841 (and it fixes the last major problem with the phone that I have)
21:12.47antifuchsNugget: audio cocks are one of jwz's greater inventions
21:13.00eKo1ManxPower: What problem?
21:13.10Nuggetactually jwz didn't invent audiocock technology.
21:13.16NuggetMakali did.
21:13.21ManxPowereKo1, too low microphone volume for handset and speakerphone and it was not adjustable.
21:13.25shmaltzManxPower someone else on the list was complaining about the 841
21:13.37antifuchsNugget: it was on his journal though, or am I misremembering?
21:13.42shmaltzI meant bye
21:14.00SuPrSluGwhy do I get this error? Mar 10 16:13:42 NOTICE[23028]: chan_sip.c:8343 handle_request: Failed to authenticate user "2001" <sip:2001@ for SUBSCRIBE
21:14.01Darwin35man this rocks the new pbx board and the mini drive and I have a sip pbx in a box
21:14.11Darwin35but I have to fight snom now
21:14.22Darwin35the boxes look the same
21:14.53SuPrSluGphone=polycom 500
21:15.26Darwin35well first check username exten name and passwd
21:15.55Darwin35make sure they match phone for sip.coonf
21:16.44phantasisif i am connecting analof phones to a channel bank I want FXS or FXO
21:17.05Darwin35fxo is for phoneline to pbx
21:17.31Darwin35FXS is for putting a phone into *
21:17.35NuggetFXO talks to a dial tone.  FXS creates a dial tone.
21:17.39Darwin35aka the FXS creates dial tone
21:17.55*** join/#asterisk TheBear (
21:18.14Darwin35Nugget your on the same wave length as me
21:18.22Nugget<-- sine wave
21:18.25Darwin35stop hogging the bandwidth
21:18.25phantasisso asterisk would be the FXO in that situation?
21:18.41Nuggetmy traffic is shaped - - I can't hog bandwidth!
21:18.57TheBeartrying for the 1st time with AGI. I have  'use Asterisk::AGI;  (from festival weather config) yet I get the error "Can't locate Asterisk/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl.... "  what did I do worng ?
21:18.58Darwin35phan what card do you have
21:19.08phantasisjust planning/thinking
21:19.13phantasiswhat kind would I need
21:19.14ManxPowerTheBear, You need to INSTALL asterisk-perl.
21:19.29clive-nugget they shape my bandwidth too,,,,where you from?
21:19.37ManxPowerSuPrSluG, For the most part Asterisk does not support SUBSCRIBE.
21:19.41Nuggetwhere am I from or where do I live?
21:19.41TheBearManxPower: from where ?
21:19.41eKo1TheBear: You didn't do anything and that is wrong.
21:20.01ManxPowerTheBear, I don't recall.  Check the digium docs page.
21:20.02TheBearI have asterisk-addons
21:20.06jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
21:20.09clive-:)...where is your shaped bandwidth from
21:20.16SuPrSluGManxPower:what's trying to subscribe?
21:20.23NuggetI shape it.
21:20.35ManxPowerSuPrSluG, The device at
21:20.37Darwin35TheBear this is s eprate part yo have to fetch
21:20.41RaYmAn-BxNugget: by hand? :P
21:20.52NuggetI pass it through a Play-doh fun factory.
21:20.59clive-wel in south africa the isp shapes it,,,the scum
21:21.01Nuggetit comes out looking like a star
21:21.19Darwin35hehe mine looks like a long hose
21:21.52eKo1Hmm...I completely forgot about todays conference.
21:22.09Darwin35what time
21:22.21eKo1Oh well, next time.
21:22.39Darwin35grr missed it
21:23.04Darwin35thats it
21:23.55yaaarwill asterisk fail to run if there aren't any outbound channels? I figured I'd try to get calls working between extensions first, but none of my extensions could connect.....turns out asterisk isn't listening, and the logs don't show anything except warnings about lack of outgoing channels
21:24.25yaaarwhen i run '/etc/init.d/asterisk start' it says it starts, but the only process it adds to ps waux is an mpg123 process
21:24.42phantasiseach TDM400P can only support 4 analog lines per card?
21:25.51*** join/#asterisk xantus (~david@
21:26.13yaaarmy full asterisk log is at
21:26.23mog_homeyaaar run asterisk -vvvvc, see why it is crashing
21:26.29Darwin35yar did you make libpri and zaptel
21:26.30yaaarthx one sec
21:26.37Darwin35did you fallow the directions
21:27.00*** join/#asterisk bah (
21:27.04Darwin35mail call
21:27.25puppetIs there any way to sneaklisten to channels? Sip not zap, i saw that chanspy command didnt exist anymore?
21:27.30Darwin35beck luan stacy tracy steve dan ron terry
21:27.44yaaarDarwin35: well, after a fashion. I was working from the AMP installation howto, mostly, and installed almost everything from .debs on ubuntu hoary
21:28.00lordcianyaaar, and DONT forget ztcfg
21:28.17yaaarlordcian: yeah, ran that, although i was defining 0 channels...
21:28.17BaconAnyone here using Asterisk with BroadVoice?
21:30.14mesiAnybody on for a chat on a conference room?
21:31.50yaaarok, the output of asterisk -vvvvc is at all looks fine to me (albeit I don't exactly know what the hell I'm doing) until the last couple of lines that say "Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe"
21:32.10ManxPowerpuppet, chan_spy was NEVER part of the official Asterisk source.
21:32.27CosmicRayyaaar: I wouldn't work from the AMP howto for a debian install
21:32.38CosmicRayyaaar: I'd apt-get install asterisk and then use the quickstart guide on the wiki
21:32.42CosmicRayor on
21:32.49yaaarCosmicRay: well, I changed it where appropriate....
21:33.07puppetmanxpower: oh ok
21:33.41Darwin35wow asterisk on ubuntu
21:33.47Darwin35thats a feet in itself
21:34.02yaaarDarwin35: yeah, i know....kind of funny. but it was a box that was already installed and doing a whole lot of nothing
21:34.02dan2asterisk has been in debian for sometime now
21:34.11CosmicRayhell, asterisk is in *stable*
21:34.21dan2CosmicRay: :)
21:34.21yaaarDarwin35: of course, it *would* be a feat....if it worked
21:34.36dan2CosmicRay: if asterisk isn't stable at a 1.0 release how stable can it be in woody
21:34.48CosmicRayyaaar: I just did an install on my alpha 2 days ago, first time ever asterisk install for me
21:34.50CosmicRayworked great
21:34.54Darwin35well I had to be the porter to fbsd and not given up yet and now 98% of it works
21:34.55yaaarbut where can I look to see what's causing this audio data error?
21:35.18CosmicRayyaaar: edit /etc/default/asterisk, uncomment the PARAMS line with all the -vvv in it
21:35.23CosmicRaythen /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
21:35.26Darwin35I have * running on a Dec alpha 21264/dual 600
21:35.27CosmicRaydebugging will be dumped to your console
21:35.40Darwin35in the loft in toronto
21:35.46CosmicRayDarwin35: sweet.  mine is a 21164a 600MHz (LX164)
21:36.07CosmicRayI bought it new probably 8 years ago
21:36.09Darwin35mine is on fbsd and I will keep it thre
21:36.15CosmicRayit was a top-of-the-line workstation back then
21:36.31Darwin35mine I bought on ebay a while back
21:36.54yaaarCosmicRay: I got no debugging from that....just said 'starting asterisk PBX' and then gave my prompt back. also started that same mpg123 process, but no others
21:37.06Darwin35was going to make a master server out of it now it servs as the loft phone and x server
21:37.13phantasishow does asterisk run on solaris 10/sparc?
21:37.44Darwin35not played with sparc yet
21:37.49puppetCan I restart the musiconhold mp3 stream without stop now?
21:37.55Darwin35and I will not touch solaris 10
21:37.59CosmicRayyaaar: that's wacky.  what version asterisk have you installed?   (dpkg -l asterisk)
21:38.04TheBearanyone using the festival weather config ?  I'm getting illegal port command ?
21:38.05CosmicRayDarwin35: I will not touch solaris.
21:38.11phantasiswhy not 10?  I installed 10 and it works great
21:38.15TheBearthanks ManxPower: I now have Asterisk::AGI
21:38.16phantasison sparc tho
21:38.28Darwin35netbsd or linux
21:39.16yaaarCosmicRay: version 1.0.2-3
21:39.32phantasiswell I was thinking of converting an E3500 with 8 Ultra 400Mhz and about 10GB RAM into a central IAX switch
21:39.46phantasishow many IAX calls could that hold?
21:39.51dan2twisted[work]: I know you are at von!
21:39.56phantasisor SIP even
21:40.04Darwin35ok just started the remote update of the ports on the Toronto server
21:40.08*** join/#asterisk DaLion (DaLion@
21:40.26Darwin35and 1.0.6 is in ports on the alpha
21:40.36CosmicRayyaaar: hmm, is that the version that ubuntu packaged?
21:40.38DaLioni already do  my $number = $AGI->get_data("number"); in my AGI
21:40.43DaLionbut its not dumping the result
21:40.47CosmicRayyaaar: 1.0.5 is in sid, and 1.0.6 was uploaded in the last couple of days
21:40.52CosmicRayyaaar: you might try grabbing those
21:41.04DaLionprint STDERR "$number\n";
21:41.04DaLionreturn $number;print STDERR "$number\n";
21:41.04DaLionreturn $number;
21:41.06CosmicRaybut I don't really know... I can just say it worked for me
21:41.43*** join/#asterisk search_learn2005 (~Miranda@
21:41.53Darwin35my decalpha serves 25 phones and a fax  mailbox for each person in my loft
21:42.18antifuchshi CosmicRay. I used cscvs on asterisk's CVS today, and got great results (:
21:42.26search_learn2005Suggestions for a $100-$140 IAX (preffered) or SIP phone?
21:42.39yaaarCosmicRay: yeah, it's the ubuntu package.
21:42.43CosmicRayantifuchs: nice
21:42.55dan2CosmicRay: what are you using asterisk for?
21:43.00Darwin35$100  2 lines
21:43.11antifuchsthere's this one CVS revision that seems to work pretty nicely with what we have installed here (:
21:43.25yaaaralso, i just grepped my log for error, and found several lines complaining about no channel i said, i have not defined any outgoing channels because I don't have anything to hook them up to yet.....does that confuse asterisk?
21:43.29CosmicRaydan2: just my house, for now
21:43.29Darwin35next I want to get a door buzzer and get it to work with *
21:43.44dan2CosmicRay: sipuras or digium hardware
21:43.51CosmicRaydan2: if that goes well, I'll start talking about it at work
21:43.51Darwin35and a good intercom phone
21:43.58CosmicRaydan2: I ordered the SPA-841
21:44.03CosmicRaydan2: if it works well, I'll get 3 more
21:44.07Darwin35spa are good also
21:44.14dan2CosmicRay: nice phone, I have a dozen of them
21:44.18ruineranyone ever used ciscos with voice ports in them?
21:45.00Darwin35dan I have a file for you
21:45.09antifuchshm, these polycom phones look nice...
21:45.12clive-learn-search, I just got my pa168 working with iax2...I am pretty impressed
21:45.22lordcianis there someplace do download a sample dialplan that makes more sense then the make samples version?  I must just be to stupid to figure out extensions.conf
21:45.32search_learn2005clive: where can I get that pa168?
21:45.53Darwin35grr I have to wait to pull it over
21:45.54clive-search-learn, from china, but they are available in the usa
21:45.58mesilordcian: it is tricky, the dialpaln.
21:46.10search_learn2005clive: any webaddress in the usa?
21:46.13SuPrSluGManxPower:could this happen because I use friend instead of peer+user?
21:46.20Hmmhesaysis it tricky to rock a rhyme? to rock a rhyme that's right on time?
21:46.31SuPrSluGManxPower:the SUBSCRIBE issue
21:46.55Darwin35asterisk is the answer to years of not having vm on unix
21:47.29Corydon-wUnix doesn't have Virtual Memory?
21:47.41bjohnsonI haven't had a good quality outgoing call yet through livevoip
21:47.43*** join/#asterisk n4y (
21:48.00KalD|Workshmaltz, ok - I am looking for the 1.0 way of things ...  I see it auto-falls thru now
21:48.30search_learn2005clive: Have you started using one of these?
21:49.33Darwin35we have a iax2 phone
21:49.36xantusis the max concurrent calls i can get via t1/pri 24/23?  I'm looking into having 1000 concurrent calls
21:49.36Darwin35I am in love
21:49.40clive-well I have been using them with SIP, until today, ..cant handle any more NAT-SIP troubles
21:49.53jontowxantus; yes.. there are only that many channels on a T1 :)
21:49.57gpowersDarwin35: I'm happy for you!
21:50.04LoRezxantus: yes.  get lots of T1's
21:50.12jontowjust get a DS3 or a few :)
21:50.15xantusso, is there some kind of multiplex equipment that can bring down the price?
21:50.21Darwin35man I have been waiting for a iax2 based phone for a long time
21:50.21xantusT1's are expensive
21:50.29*** join/#asterisk TwoSchubert (~0x746F6F7@twoschubert.user)
21:50.38BrianR___xantus: You need to get a bigger pipe.. Or use a PSTN<->VOIP gateway service and data compression to get more channels out of an internet data t1
21:50.39yaaarxantus: how many T's do you need?
21:50.46*** part/#asterisk TwoSchubert (~0x746F6F7@twoschubert.user)
21:50.58yaaarxantus: you can get a DS-3 MUX for a hell of a lot cheaper than the 28 T-1's it provides....
21:51.09TheBearanyone using the festival weather config ?
21:51.09opus___what is the best choice for the Asterisk GUI?
21:51.12clive-xantus, I will probably get shouted down, but 1000 simultaneous calls sounds like too much for asterisk to handle imho
21:51.20LoRezxantus: you could get a pair of T3s (28 T1's bundled) and demultiplex it on your end, but you can't pipe that many T1's into a single chassis
21:51.37xantuswell, it looks like 43 T1's :p
21:51.55jontowdamn :P
21:51.58tzangeryou wouldn't want to
21:52.18search_learn2005Darwin35: Which phone do you mean when you say we have a IAX2 phone? Brand, Model, Resource?
21:52.22opus___hey darwin, do you use a GUI?
21:52.27BrianR___clive-: Asterisk on a single PC can run a pretty large number of concurrent calls... Testing shows it's somewhere on the order of 300 for a single cheapie PC.
21:52.29xantusdoes anyone here have * systems that handle 1000 or more concurrent calls?
21:52.38LoRezxantus: what will you need 1k concurrent calls for?
21:52.43Darwin35not at the min I am going to look into amp
21:52.47xantusconf system
21:52.49clive-serach the other iax phone is farfon, but its been very quiet from the farfon stable
21:52.54BrianR___clive-: Certainly there's voip gateway services that are running it on a massive scale. More than one box to handle all the load, of course.
21:52.55yaaarxantus: do they need multiplexed? or you just need that data capacity? you could easily just get DS-3's and plug them into a cisco or something and do it that way
21:52.56bjohnsonsomeone was testing 1500 on a dual cpu machine
21:53.02Darwin35I dont have much to change on my system
21:53.11Darwin35its a full blown pbx as it is
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21:53.33xantusi need a stable conference call system
21:53.39Darwin35I am missing some functions I think but for the most part it does what we need it to
21:53.50mesiBrainR: The nice thing is, that - if you only need a small home PBX - you can use a very old PC from the former days, like my P75 :-)
21:54.05BrianR___I've been testing asterisk's meetme stuff with voice channels brought in over IAX from sixtel and nufone...
21:54.09Darwin35asterisk has meetme
21:54.15xantusabout 1000 calls at once, but i don't know my provider options...pstn->voip, too many T1's or multiplexed
21:54.16clive-brian , I guess so, but it all depends if your doing transcoding etc etc
21:54.17Darwin35its a confrance system
21:54.20BrianR___Once I fixed the QoS problem at my gateway, it's been pretty decent.
21:54.29*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
21:54.31xantusyeah, i know about *, I use it at home
21:54.37modulus_[root@asterisk asterisk]# wc -l extensions.conf `grep '#include' extensions.conf|awk '{print $2}'`
21:54.45xantusi've setup a 23 line system with a PRI
21:54.58LoRezxantus: 1000 connections into the same conference or multiple?
21:55.06BrianR___clive-: Run 'show translation' and look for the biggest number. That'll give you a pretty good idea of how many calls you can run in the worst transcoding case.
21:55.07xantusand i wrote POE::Component::Client::Asterisk::Manager
21:55.25xantusLoRez: both
21:55.34Darwin35modulus cool
21:55.36*** join/#asterisk yaout (
21:56.03Darwin35modulus want to help add to the extenion.conf project
21:56.15Darwin35add fuctions that are missing
21:56.30Darwin35we are making 1 husr extenisons.conf to be had by all
21:56.34clive-brian, if I have 1000 simultaneous customers, I wont worry about trying to run everything on a single old pc:)
21:56.42Darwin35then you turn off what you dont need
21:57.10xantusno, we'll use a few pcs
21:57.12yaaarhow can i tell if an mp3 file has a flexible bitrate?
21:57.34xantusyou mean VBR
21:57.36mesiyaaar: I think mp3info <filename> tells you.
21:57.36modulus_try bending it
21:57.36LoRezyaaar: run file on it
21:57.43modulus_variable bit rate?
21:57.50modulus_nice touch
21:57.55*** join/#asterisk paulc (
21:58.07BrianR___There's another project called app_conference which has special optimizations for the cases where a large number of IP clients are connected to the conference.. Avoids unnecessary transcoding.
21:58.53xantuscan anyone recommend any PSTN<->IAX/SIP providers?
21:59.11hardwireI wish I could intercom from the meetme driver to a list of phones
21:59.24clive-nufone works well with iax2
21:59.25BrianR___xantus: I've done testing with both sixtel and nufone. Both seem to work OK.
21:59.27xantus.oO( maybe vonage can provide bulk )
21:59.48xantuslarge capacity?
22:00.01CosmicRayerr, strike "+Residential"
22:00.09Darwin35has anyone setup overhead paging with a soundcard yet ?
22:00.13BrianR___xantus: In my brief testing, I wasn't able to bring up more channels than they could provide.
22:00.14xantusah yeah, good place
22:00.15CosmicRayI saw several that offered discounts for using over 1 million minutes
22:00.25clive-for 1000 calls, just call qwest or someone
22:00.34*** part/#asterisk NK123 (
22:00.53Darwin35there is nothing in the wiki for overhead paging
22:00.56CosmicRayxantus: maybe
22:01.01xkevis there some way to keep a conference open?
22:01.13xkev..with nobody in it
22:01.21Darwin35its always there
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22:01.40xkevoh duh I need to do meetme.conf
22:01.45Darwin35anyone with overhead paging pls
22:02.03Darwin35xkev has seen the light
22:02.10Darwin35and it was yellow
22:02.12CosmicRayxantus: is this scaling high enough? :-)
22:02.12xkevI've been doing dynamics :)
22:02.40CosmicRayxantus: down to .85 cents per minute if you buy more than 1 million minutes :-)
22:02.50TheBearwhat would cause 'Illegal Port Command' trying to d/l the file "" it exists but I get 'Illegal Port Command' or 'Can't build data connection:'
22:03.02CosmicRayTheBear: failing to use passive mode
22:03.16opus___thebear - firewall?
22:03.40hardwireCosmicRay: those rates kinda freak me out
22:04.29BrianR___Like $8k for more phone service than one person could ever use..
22:04.43CosmicRayBrianR___: large companies could is it, I suspect
22:04.54TheBearok what do I need to change in the firewall ?
22:05.05BrianR___CosmicRay: Yes... But it's frightening how cheap phone service has become...
22:05.17TheBearopus: or CosmicRay: what needs to change ?
22:05.32hardwireCosmicRay: do you use them?
22:06.00Corydon-wPretty much anybody with a PRI running into Asterisk
22:06.04CosmicRayhardwire: not yet, but as soon as I get my SIP phone, I think I'll sign up
22:06.11CosmicRayTheBear: what ftp client are you using?
22:06.13hardwireI am shopping lately
22:06.18hardwirei hate their site.. is that evil of me?
22:06.25hardwireits just plain ugly.
22:06.26BrianR___A million minutes is almost 700 days of continuous talk time.
22:06.27CosmicRayno, websites suck all the time
22:06.29TheBeartrying from AGI script and also windows ftp
22:06.32CosmicRayhardwire: at least it doesn't require flash
22:06.51hardwirejust a bigger monitor
22:06.51CosmicRayTheBear: if you're using windows ftp, type "pass" before you run your "geT"
22:07.02CosmicRayI hate sites that require flash
22:07.03hardwireits header is that of a klingon.
22:07.30yaaaris it normal for asterisk not to show up on an nmap? I've gotten it to claim it's listening (according to logs) and to not die on startup, but nmaping it from another machine still doesn't show any ports open beyond 22 and 80
22:07.30CosmicRayyaaar: you're probably not probing udp ports.
22:07.33opus___yaar -- netstat -a --programs | grep 5060
22:07.47opus___or | grep asterisk
22:07.59hardwireI think I am going to use this company I just found
22:08.05hardwireor somebody poked me an upsale too
22:08.05yaaarexcellent. thanks for the tips
22:08.11CosmicRayhardwire: which one is that?
22:08.12TheBearCosmicRay: Now I get 500 Illegal PORT Command
22:08.15hardwirebecause they are in my hometown :)
22:08.19hardwiretel iax :)
22:08.28CosmicRayTheBear: from which, pass or get?
22:08.33hardwirethey atleast have the capacity and are on the same networks I need to use down in colorado
22:08.45TheBearCosmicRay: get after I had done pass sucessful
22:08.46hardwireas well as they are going to be able to colocate a machine for me.. to interconnect to them
22:08.57CosmicRayhardwire: pfft!  2 cents per minute!  what a ripoff! :-)
22:09.07slePP -- i'm disappointed in all of you :P
22:09.11hardwireCosmicRay: I am sure its backed up with quality.
22:09.13yaaarcool. yeah, it's listening now
22:09.25yaaarunfortunately, it still won't let my clients register
22:09.32hardwireif it isn't then holy shit.. what a ripoff.. and tada.. you switch providers.. the wonders of voip eh?
22:09.38CosmicRayhardwire: well, that is important.
22:09.52CosmicRayhardwire: so I figure I will start with the cheapo ones and move up if they suck :-)
22:09.58hardwireI wouldn't mind talking to livevoip.. but they seem to ambitious from their site
22:10.07hardwirewhich is sliglhty scary from a stability standpoint
22:10.16CosmicRayI've also heard good things about
22:10.21CosmicRaythough their ToS is *scary*
22:10.24TheBearCosmicRay: "wget"  also gets Invalid PORT. ?
22:10.29hardwirecause I'm.. talking.. on a voipjet plane.
22:10.35hardwiredon't know when i'll hang up again..
22:10.43hardwireI need coffee
22:10.55moonwickwhat's scary about their TOS?
22:11.11CosmicRaymoonwick: take a look here:
22:11.14hardwireit must not exist
22:11.20CosmicRaymoonwick: basically, you agree to never tell anyone that you use voipjet
22:11.32hardwireTerms of Service
22:11.34hardwirenot Type of Service
22:11.35CosmicRaymoonwick: then you must agree to never use it to discuss financial or medical affairs
22:11.47CosmicRaymoonwick: and you must agree to never use it for anything "important", whatever that means
22:12.03moonwickhuh, I haven't even seen their ToS
22:12.10Nuggethat's nutty.
22:12.31hardwireI need to find out about origination failover via PSTN
22:12.36hardwireI should email this guy seems to be down...
22:13.20opus___does anybody have a copy of asterisk-perl-0.08.tar.gz that I can get a copy of?
22:13.49BrianR___nufone has the nice pstn failover for their toll free inbound numbers. If it can't reach your asterisk box it'll call a PSTN number (extra $0.02/min charge applies though)
22:14.09slePPopus___: i do. but you have to enter my draw first :>
22:14.57outtolunc  is up
22:16.00xantusCosmicRay: .0085 cents per min
22:16.14opus___Of course it came up after i asked :)
22:16.49zippxantus, what is that price for?
22:17.14TheBearCosmicRay: what would I need to change to get past the Illegal PORT Command
22:17.19xantus1000000 minutes
22:18.11zippxantus, where?
22:18.11zippxantus, and when do they expire?
22:18.11hardwireI want the incredibles!
22:18.11jontowthebear; passive ftp mode?
22:18.22yaaarso, now all i'm getting from iaxcomm is 'registration rejected' and all i'm getting in the asterisk log is 'No registration for peer '200' (from <ip>)
22:18.32xantuszipp: no idea
22:18.32TheBearjontow: how I add $ftp->pasv to the agi script and still doesn't work
22:18.32yaaaranyone point me to where else to look for why?
22:18.36slePPhardwire: then fill in the form :P
22:18.43JerJer[mobile]yaar:  host=dynamic
22:18.46slePPright now, chances of winning are 1 in 17
22:18.49slePPsince no one seems to want to enter :P
22:19.05yaaarJerJer[mobile]: sorry, i'm a bit slow....where's that option go?
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22:19.46DaLionwhere ?
22:19.46DaLionThebear what u trying to ftp ?
22:19.59DaLionSlepp where the contest ?
22:20.00xantusbut what i am looking for is DID in and they charge 1.1 cents per min
22:20.23TheBearto get festival weather config to work
22:20.26DaLionah lol
22:21.02JerJer[mobile]xantus:  wholy corncobbing batman
22:21.10BrianR___xantus: Nufone seems to offer unlimited DID's for a fixed amount per month. I bet if you had 10000 calls coming in they'd cap the number of calls or total minutes though. :)
22:21.19JerJer[mobile]BrianR___: no
22:21.29JerJer[mobile]all we care about is the number of simultaneous calls
22:21.37xantus10k or 1k?
22:22.24zippBrianR___, I am quite sure on local DID's (michigan I think) you are limited to 4 concurrent incoming lines
22:22.30xantusyeah, i'm checking nufone and sixtel
22:22.31JerJer[mobile]zipp no
22:22.38ManxPowerxantus, I think with Nufone you can have as many incoming calls as you want, as long as it's not more than one. 8-)
22:23.01JerJer[mobile]if you do not know the answer, just keep quiet
22:23.16zippJerJer[mobile], so I can have a michigan did and unlimited incoming calls for free
22:23.17xantusnufone website looks like it was done by a 12yo
22:23.27JerJer[mobile]thank you
22:23.35zippxantus, come on now, no need to be like that
22:23.40slePPJerJer[mobile]: users rule, huh?
22:23.59zippJerJer[mobile], can you explain the incoming michigan did's w/ nufone?
22:24.34xantusManxPower: haha
22:24.35JerJer[mobile]xantus: we could go back to the flash driven website that crashed lots of browsers
22:24.43DaLionMAnxpower teliax too.. as much channles as you need.. in PAYG plan
22:25.01JerJer[mobile]or we can keep the current one that has enough content for those with a clue to figure out what we provide
22:25.20Godseythe # of simultanious calls is a function of how many lines are in the hunt group :)
22:25.21TheBearok with wget --passive-ftp I can get the file, so how to I change this in the weather.agi script ?
22:25.26xantusthe yellow throws my eyes when on white
22:25.35xantusthats just me tho
22:25.37JerJer[mobile]it is designed to anony
22:25.46JerJer[mobile]to keep the riff raff away
22:26.43GodseyI've had 20 simultanious calls using ipkall so far :)
22:26.58JerJer[mobile]if you really want to look at something pretty then look here:
22:27.02zippJerJer[mobile], so, for 7.95 a month I can have unlimited inbound calls?
22:27.02JerJer[mobile]but don't expect much
22:27.18JerJer[mobile]zipp:  how about 7.50
22:27.32JerJer[mobile]and we absolutely do not use the word unlimited
22:27.41Godseyyou can get unlimited inbound free from ipkall :)
22:27.44Godseytho there is no support
22:28.00Godseyand the quality probably sucks in comparison
22:28.09yaaarok, i must be missing something here; i've tried adding either host=dynamic or defaultip= (based on a mailing list posting) and either way the log output (and output from iaxcomm) is the same....registration rejected on the client and 'no registration from peer 200 (ip)' on the server
22:28.30zippJerJer[mobile], I like www better then ww2
22:28.35*** join/#asterisk metrogtiguy (
22:28.54metrogtiguyCan anyone help me with the remote call pickup function?
22:29.54metrogtiguyI'm not sure if I have the extensions set up wrong, or using the wrong syntax
22:30.01yaaarnow, if bindaddr= in iax.conf, it should listen on all ips, right?
22:30.36DaLionok.. question... -- Playing 'number' (language 'en')
22:30.46*** join/#asterisk optix (
22:30.49DaLionAGI Script blah.agi completed, returning 0
22:30.58DaLionhow do i get that from my manager ?
22:32.27yaaarhey, wait that's odd.....i'm getting a log message saying bindaddr is an unknown directive. i didn't put that in the file, it was already there......
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22:33.00pixerhi to all
22:33.16*** join/#asterisk NirS_HOME (Nir@
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22:38.53Beirdogr8nash: what's yer damage?
22:39.43pixerhi to all! I have a problem with one digium wildcard... they are not ignited the leds with kernel module loaded.. someone knows to help me? thanks
22:39.52gr8nashhey Beirdo  nuttin.. just not able to receive calls still.. i just switched to livevoip
22:40.22optixDoes anyone know if the Cisco Wireless IP Phone 7920 is compatible with Asterisk?
22:42.16johnnybI've had problems w/ Cisco IP Phones.  Be sure that they say they work with a SIP server, and not just that they are SIP compatible.
22:42.39johnnybpixer: what's the output of dmesg
22:42.43Beirdoanybody use the PrivacyManager application?
22:43.06search_learn2005Can I use the T1 line that brings internet to my school to serve VOIP to around 40 teachers? Or do I have to get PRI?
22:43.50xantusJerJer[mobile]: hot damn that looks better!
22:43.53*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
22:44.09optixWhat would you guys recommend for a VoIP hardphone to work with Asterisk that has intercom capabilities?
22:44.10DaLionxantus where
22:44.18dontmsgmeI'm habing problems with my router I think because of the firmware installed which does not allow for NAT destriction has anyone ever had this happen?
22:44.22DaLionoptix polycom ip600 or 500
22:45.15optixSoundpoint IP?
22:45.50*** join/#asterisk cripito (~ncripito@
22:46.28optixDaLion: anything smaller?
22:46.58cripitoanyone known where 2 buy fxs gateway in 40 - 50 price ranges?
22:47.11DaLionloke in voupsupply
22:47.19*** join/#asterisk pixer2 (
22:47.25dontmsgmeHas anyone ever had a problem with NAT firewalls because their router's firmware didn't allow for disabling NAT
22:47.32optixDaLion: this is going to be for a nightclub
22:47.42*** join/#asterisk masuda (
22:47.45DaLiondonttmsgme.. yes.. over a sat ocnnection in africa .. a friend working there had probs...
22:47.58DaLionoptix u mean ???
22:48.29optixDaLion: the application for these voip phones are for staff in a nightclub
22:48.35optixto communicate internally
22:48.36masudaasterisk@home0.6, right after I installed it I was able to connect with X-Lite, now it appears Asterisk has stopped listening on port 5060 & X-Lite can't connect.
22:48.37DaLiondontmsgme try playing with port forwarding of 4569 and 5060 .. check/uncheck uPNP.. also..
22:48.47*** join/#asterisk abatista (
22:48.48DaLionalso... try to force to 5060 on client
22:49.08masudasip.conf has port=5060, but netstat -an shows no listening on 5060, and tcpdump shows asterisk bouncing icmp with port unreachable
22:49.15DaLionmasuda .. grep '5060' /etc/asterisk/*.conf
22:49.20DaLionwill tell you file to check
22:49.21*** join/#asterisk Skysky (
22:49.40DaLionmaybe.. port already bound
22:49.54DaLionreboot ;)
22:50.18Skyskyhi, i wonder if anyone received the same warning as me when using NoCDR(), it is "WARNING[11533]: cdr.c:114 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'SIP/111-2b74' not posted, WARNING[11533]: cdr.c:116 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'SIP/111-2b74' lacks end"
22:50.19masuda.  /etc/asterisk/sip_additional.conf:port=5060
22:50.26Skyskybecause my NoCDR isn't working right now
22:50.31masudajust rebooted
22:51.00*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
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22:51.16DaLionmasuda.. ah i see AMP again ..
22:51.26masudaAMP ?
22:51.41jbotit has been said that amp is an Audio MPEG Player.  [non-free]
22:51.42DaLionasterisk management portal
22:51.46jbotextra, extra, read all about it, rtfm is read the f*cking manual... try asking me about "FAQ"
22:51.56RoyK~lart masuda
22:52.01*** join/#asterisk zapa (~kasokda@
22:52.06DaLion~google AMP
22:52.09shmaltzanybody here using Thirdlane?
22:52.18RoyK~lart DaLion
22:52.18NivexGuess it doesn't know that one.
22:52.23masudaAMP came default with asterisk@home
22:52.25*** join/#asterisk Kinyobi (
22:52.49DaLionman this shitty line has been around since 1982
22:53.03DaLionlarge torut my a...
22:53.33ariel_masuda, what is your question I missed it. I got discconected from the network.
22:53.51optixDaLion: what do you think about the BudgeTones?
22:54.11xantuscan anyone provide a DID in chile?
22:54.18masudaport 5060's not open, not listening
22:54.20ariel_optix, nick name is barbie tone does  that kinda give you an Idea.
22:54.32*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
22:54.42ariel_masuda, asterisk@home does not close the ports in fact it has no firewall setup on it.
22:54.47masudaX-Lite can't connect to it
22:54.51optixariel_: heh
22:54.58masudayea it's not a firewall issue. netstat -an|grep 5060 shows nothing
22:55.08optixariel_: I'm looking for something about that size, but maybe a bit more respectable? :P
22:55.31ariel_optix, I have been using now the Sipura 841 there good for the price.
22:55.36xantusi have a snom 200
22:55.40optixhow much?
22:55.45xantusworks...but i'd go with a cisco
22:55.55ariel_Cisco are too costly
22:56.01optixxantus: I've been looking at Cisco
22:56.05xantusyou get what you pay for
22:56.06optixand for the ammount that I need
22:56.09optixit'd cost $28k
22:56.16xantusfor how many phones?.
22:56.18*** join/#asterisk SimonR (
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22:56.30ariel_masuda it should work if you set the ext correctly in the GUI
22:56.37xantustoooo much
22:56.39pixer2Hi to all! I have a problem with one digium wildcard... they are not ignited the leds with kernel module loaded and interrupts assigned.. someone can help me, please? thanks!
22:56.48xantusare you getting a cisco pbx with it?
22:56.51optixxantus: nope
22:56.57optixplanning on running * on it :)
22:56.59xantuspower supplies?
22:57.19xantusthe 7960's are $300 aren't they
22:57.23optixxantus: I don't think that was included, this is the 7920's
22:57.27ariel_optix, if you want something better then the low end and in my view as good or better then Cisco get the Polycom IP-500
22:57.41optixariel_: but thats gonna be too much deskspace
22:57.58xantusa lower model..
22:58.10optixariel_: this is gonna be for a waitress station
22:58.12SimonRDoes anyone know a good bet for large-volume VoIP termination?
22:58.14Darwin35ok evryone on your knees and praise the lord *
22:58.20ariel_masuda, how about a FW on the windows system your using? is it installed?
22:58.23DaLionSimon whats large volume ?
22:58.28masudahere's my ext setting:
22:58.29xantusoptix: cordless?
22:58.38DaLionlarge =2 200 20000 2000000000000000000 minutes ?
22:58.49xantusoh, i assumed they'd be the 7960 series, my bad
22:58.52SimonRby large volume, I mean hundreds of simultaneous calls, although our traffic is unpredictable.
22:58.52pixer2please help me.. i have read the manual but I have not found null :\
22:58.56masudaariel_, when I run tcpdump on the asterisk server it shows the windows system sending UDP request, and the asterisk server responding ICMP: port 5060 unreachable
22:59.26optixxantus: ya
22:59.40xantus$503.25 a piece
22:59.51optixXander77: I found them for $300 something
23:00.12cripitoi need a device btw 30 - 50 price range
23:00.15cripitoanything btw that?
23:00.19xantusyou mean me right?
23:00.25optixxantus: ya
23:00.32optixdamn nickcomp :\
23:00.35jontowcripito; no.. $75-80 though, and you can get a grandstream budge-tone or handytone ATA
23:00.48xantus$300 @ 40 is 12k
23:00.53*** part/#asterisk DaLion (DaLion@
23:00.54xantuswhy twice the price
23:00.58optixxantus: hold on
23:01.02optixlemme double check the quote
23:01.13cripito:) we want 2 buy 40 - 50 device :D
23:01.31dougheckabuy cisco
23:01.33yaaaralright....time to pack it up and go home. thanks for all the help everybody
23:01.34dougheckaits the best
23:01.45doughecka250+21 for powersupply
23:01.48optixactually, it's about $550, I had some other gear added in that I didn't see.
23:02.04cripitoi am pretty happy with sipura at this time
23:02.08optix(Cisco Aironet)
23:02.20cripitosipura 1001
23:02.27hardwireoptix: I use SPA-3000's
23:02.29hardwireI love them
23:02.34hardwirethey are amazing happy little devices.
23:02.40cripitothe 1001? yeap
23:02.51cripitoi like it more over the 2000 or 3000
23:03.05cripitobut i need 2 buy a lot :D
23:03.09optixwhat about the SPA-841
23:03.31cripitooptix.. i am so happy with the 1001 that i even try it :D
23:03.46cripitoi need at least 20 more :D
23:03.59optixI need an actual device.
23:04.12optix(i.e. an actual hard VoIP phone)
23:04.31*** join/#asterisk TheBear (
23:05.03TheBearok got past getting the file. are you supposed to have /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/tts ? I don't yet the weather script calls for it ?
23:05.08cripitowell it depends in what are u plans.. i try 2000, 3000, 1000, 1001
23:05.11cripitoi love 1001
23:05.32optixcripito: this is going to be for waitstaff to call internally around a nightclub
23:05.46johnnybDoes anyone else get crackely sound when using sox to convert wav to gsm files?
23:06.17cripitothe staff will be moving or in just 1 place?
23:06.38cripito3000 is out b/c is 1 fxo  1 fxs u are making internal calls
23:06.56optixcripito: yeah, they're gonna be constantly moving
23:06.57cripito2000 have 2 fxs so u can have 2 phones in the places
23:07.05optixcripito: it's basically going to be an intercom system
23:07.21optixwith some direct calling
23:07.27cripitothen why don't get intercom instead just phones?  i think there is device for that
23:07.44optixcripito: because there's gonna be some outbound calling as well
23:07.46TheBearI have subscribe to asterisk-users@digium but not received any email to activate the subscription ?why?
23:08.16xantusoptix: sounds like a good way to go IF they are willing to spend the $$
23:08.28optixxantus: they make over $7m a night.
23:08.54xantusmillion not thousand right?
23:09.13xantusjez, casino too?
23:09.19optixxantus: not that I know of
23:09.25ruinerhow do you specify a sip trunk a dial?  for instance, my cisco router i've setup a voice port as trunk 1, when i make my dial, do i just dial SIP/1@cisco?
23:09.40ruineri'm  not even sure i'm using the right terminology here
23:09.47ruinerbut i'm really at wit's end
23:09.51cripitooptix: if u need 2 lines in the place 2000
23:09.55cripitoif u need 1 1001
23:10.07optixcripito: it's mostly gonna be internal traffic
23:10.13cripito2000 is 8x
23:10.19cripito1001 is 6x
23:10.35optixcripito: there are going to be 40 different "extensions"
23:10.37optixso to speak
23:11.06optixbut I think 1-2 outside lines
23:11.09optixshould be enough.
23:11.25cripito1001 see atacomm usually maybe u can get a discount. for the device fxs device..
23:12.30optixcripito: how am I going to deal with the internal phones tho?
23:13.01cripitosee ur pvt
23:16.57zapahi all , i have a E1 Pri, i am having a lot of echo from my asterisk voip side with Polycom and Cisco 7940 phones, the pstn donīt hear the echo only the asterisk side any clue ? i alredy active echo canceler and training at zapata.conf this just happen when i made call to pstn
23:18.20jontowzapa; i had a lot of problems with that.. never quite got it solved before the project was given up on.. we tuned for hours though.. that kinda sucked :)
23:18.41*** part/#asterisk DrRighteous (
23:18.41jontowa lot can be done with gain..
23:18.44dougheckaI get a TINY bit of echo on my cisco phoen
23:18.48dougheckawith a pstn card
23:19.02dougheckaand thats with training turned on and thats it
23:19.43zapajontow: but is problem from the e1 anda zapata.conf ?
23:20.01jontowit was explained to me that it was more in the cisco phones..
23:20.02*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:20.08jontowpicking up noise from either end
23:20.13xantushow is support for the S100U nowdays?
23:20.14jontowthey've got really sensitive audio components..
23:21.03*** join/#asterisk Damin_Mobile (
23:21.05zapajontow: itīs funny just i hear the echo but pstn people dont
23:21.36Damin_MobileVon is winding down.
23:22.02Damin_MobileSittinh here w kram
23:22.49Damin_Mobilezoa and BRIAN capouch liteninng into the conversation
23:23.02*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
23:23.07Damin_Mobileabout the draft rfc for IAX.
23:23.17jontowawesome :)
23:24.00Damin_MobileOne of Brian's students is working on it...
23:24.40*** join/#asterisk bannerman (~bannerman@
23:24.59Damin_MobileThat was a major issue that w
23:26.00Damin_Mobiles brought forth by the vendors froom the IAX breakout group...
23:27.05*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
23:27.34shadebobhi, I search how I can implement transfert in my diaplan.. Someone can help me?
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23:39.30opus___asterisk-addon fails to build :(
23:39.41opus___app_addon_sql_mysql.c:164:77: macro "AST_LIST_REMOVE" passed 4 arguments, but takes just 3
23:39.56opus___from the asterisk-addons-1.0.6.tar.gz from
23:40.00opus___has anyone had this problem?
23:40.42opus___if I comment out the line it works
23:40.46ManxPoweropus___, Sounds like you are using asterisk-addons-1.0.6 with CVS-HEAD
23:40.55opus___ManxPower thanks
23:41.09opus___is CVS-HEAD stable is the question now
23:41.14ManxPowerIf that's the case, well don't do that.  1.0.6 is for 1.0.6
23:41.21*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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23:43.01stustuWhat's the deal with the pound sign and dialling extensions over SIP?  I can't make calls to extenstions like #55# using SIP from X-Lite, but it works on my Zap devices.
23:43.35ManxPowerstustu, Most SIP devices assume # means "I'm done dialing"
23:43.43ManxPowerAnd strips it off, of course
23:44.17stustuWould you know if this is a part of SIP, or if it's just a client's idea?
23:44.50Kinyobianyone got any links hand re avaya R9SI/S8500 sip and *? having a problem getting the avaya sales people to fess up about their sip compliance...
23:45.19stustu(I vaguely remember some very old services that were accessed over a split speed 75/1200 modem using # as an equivalent to ENTER.  Maybe there's a connection?
23:46.18*** part/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
23:49.38*** join/#asterisk ctooley (
23:49.54ctooleyI'm having some issues with a queue.  It seems to not want to allow people to join it.
23:50.07opus___awesome... AMP just overwrote my configs
23:50.31ctooley2005-03-10 17:44:55 VERBOSE[8916]:     -- Executing Queue("IAX2/pplay1@pplay1/2", "datenumber")  ----  2005-03-10 17:44:55 WARNING[8916]: Unable to join queue 'datenumber'
23:51.01ctooleyopus___, that's cool.  I want AMP to do that for me.
23:54.07ctooleyAnyone wanna take a look at the queue config for me?
23:55.07opus___sip show queue?
23:55.21opus___show queue
23:56.38ctooleyproxy1*CLI> show queue datenumber
23:56.38ctooleydatenumber   has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy (0s holdtime), C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 0s
23:56.52ctooleyI just logged agent 101 out, it was logged in earlier
23:58.22ctooleyit does say "Agent/101 (unavailable) has taken no calls yet" even after     -- Agent '101' logged in (format ulaw/slin)
23:58.26hardwireI think I need to install VNC on every single persons computer in this office and just have it log it to jpegs on an archive server
23:58.33hardwireso I can figure out what the hell people are talking about.
23:58.45*** join/#asterisk mandreko (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.