irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050302

00:00.11bjohnsonif you fixed it, a lot of people would be happy
00:00.17*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
00:00.58phantami know
00:01.00phantambut im not a programmer
00:01.06phantamand this doesnt look like a small issue
00:02.04implicitanyone here using g722?
00:03.12CarlosMP_anyone know if the TE110P card will support a T1, non PRI?
00:03.35implicitfearnor: how do you like it?
00:03.53ManxPowerphantam, As I said it does not sound logical.  However, the pwlib and h323 libs are horribly buggy and chan_h323 works around those bugs.  Of course openh323 keep changing things.  So They just say use this and only this and statically link it just to be safe.
00:03.57fearnorsorry i was answering to carlosmp
00:04.05CarlosMP_so will a standard channel bank like a adtran 750 work?
00:04.09fearnorcarlos: yes
00:04.19ManxPowerCarlosMP_, Yes.
00:04.52phantambut why the hell does chan_h323 need pwlib sources and openh323 sources and this and that
00:04.53ManxPowerphantam, There IS nother h323 channel driver.
00:05.04ManxPowerphantam, there's a reason for all of it.
00:05.28fearnorphantam: uhhh, because it needs to interoperate with it. and pwlib/openh323 don't have 'installable headers' package.
00:05.31CarlosMP_ManxPower: Any other channel banks less $$ that would work?
00:05.32ManxPowerDon't like it, write your own channel driver or fork one of the existing ones.
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00:05.47phantamso how do i get this to work
00:05.51fearnorcarlos: lots. i strongly suggest Adit 600
00:05.52phantami folled instructions but it errors
00:05.58fearnorphantam: hire a consultant.
00:05.59ManxPowerCarlosMP_, Most Adtran channel banks.  You can get them on eBay fairly cheap.
00:06.01phantami tried doing just make opt on the old pwlib
00:06.03phantamand it failed
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00:06.13phantamlol sure ill hire when i get cash
00:06.17phantamin a year or so
00:06.21fearnorphantam: ask on openh323 mailing lists then. its not even asstricks related
00:06.25phantamopen source used to be so fun
00:06.43phantamfearnor: thats like saying if the sip chan failed "oh its not asterisk related we wont help"
00:06.47ManxPowerHeck, I spent $125 on consultants in the past 2 weeks.
00:06.50phantamor if all the chans stopped working
00:06.53fearnorphantam: open source is still fun. berating newbies for not doing homework > *
00:07.04ManxPowerNot a lot of time, but very productive.
00:07.18phantamwell wouldnt have to do that
00:07.22phantamif programmers programmed properly
00:07.29phantammakes windows look stable
00:07.45ManxPowerphantam, Get over it, Dearie.
00:07.51fearnorphantam: ask for a refund.
00:08.21JamesDotComphantam: now you're just being stupid and giving people less and less reason to help you
00:08.27CarlosMP_fearnor: do you know what distributors carry adit?  TechData, Ingram, Synnex don't carry
00:08.31phantamnot stupid but its true
00:08.34fearnorcarlos: ebay does
00:08.35JamesDotComi'm telling you that if you follow the instructions word for word, it will compile
00:08.42phantami was told by 1 asterisk devel why all of a suddent h323 isnt important
00:08.47ManxPowerphantam, Contribute in SOME way.  I do a lot of support and ocasionally offer bounties for features I want.
00:08.51fearnorcarlos: seriously speaking though
00:08.54phantamfound it kinda poor reason
00:09.01fearnorcarlos: you probably don't want to buy new. new = assrape.
00:09.10JamesDotComif you're not capable of setting something up, dont keep whinging about it, pay someone to fix it if you're not capable
00:09.14afeany of you oldtimers that could take a moment and look at my first bug report (0003700) and then gently get back to me and tell me what I did wrong? :)
00:09.15phantamJamesDotCom: i tried compiling pwlib the way they say it errors out and says to contact gentoo admin
00:09.18fearnorbuy grey-market equipment
00:09.30ManxPowerI also write sample scripts, stuff like that.
00:09.34fearnorphantam: goddamnit, it SAYS TO CONTACT GENTOO ADMIN.
00:09.43fearnorwhat do you do? come to #asterisk and bitch and moan?
00:09.46phantamit says that about every failed build
00:09.55fearnorwell, not our problem. go away.
00:10.26bjohnsonCarlosMP_: adit 600's on ebay too usually
00:10.37fearnoradit 600s go for ~500$ or so
00:10.44fearnorand they are the best channel banks you can buy :)
00:10.52*** part/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
00:10.54fearnorat least the only channel bank with proper echocancel
00:10.59CarlosMP_bjohnson: I saw a few, I just like getting new for customers...
00:11.01fearnori had issues until i got adit.
00:12.26bjohnsonphantam: get it to work and write a howto to make it easier for others.  I'm told that the instructions are as good as possible
00:12.53CarlosMP_fearnor: have you used it to convert incoming POTs lines to a TE110P?
00:13.04fearnornever done FXO
00:13.14fearnorwith any bank
00:13.26fearnorread wiki tho
00:13.33fearnorthere's much on channel banks and specific things you need to look at
00:13.44bjohnsonI think tzanger uses adit600 with fxo ports
00:13.57bjohnsonbut I'm not sure why .. I thought he had PRIs
00:14.03*** part/#asterisk phantam (~phantam@
00:14.10bjohnsoncan't wait
00:15.20CarlosMP_bjohnson:  I have a couple customers that have a bunch of POTS lines, rather than looking for a small 1U server with 4 PCI slots to support 13 POTS, I rather go to a TE110P, which handles a T1 and use a channel bank to convert fxo lines to T1 or T1/PRI
00:15.35fearnorsmart choice.
00:16.25CarlosMP_but I'm hoping that the channel bank doesn't cost more...
00:16.40fearnorit does if you buy new probably ;()
00:17.39CarlosMP_I just want to get something that works well without requiring too much work
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00:18.02CarlosMP_And so I can come up with a "standard" deployment that can fit all of our customers
00:18.31ManxPowerCarlosMP_, One size does not fit all.  Do three standard configs.
00:18.56CarlosMP_ManxPower: why 3?
00:19.01ManxPower3x TDM400P for up to 12 ports, any combo.  Careful of IRQ shareing.
00:19.22CoaxDgod, i hate irq sharing motherboards.  The ones you cant set irq priorities on
00:19.30fearnorcoad: that's every motherboard.
00:19.32*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
00:19.35_-Jon-_Hey everyone
00:19.38CoaxDfearnor: Nah
00:19.40ManxPowerA TE110P and a channel Bank.
00:19.46CoaxDfearnor: There are very good motherboards out there
00:19.48ManxPowerAnd just a TE405P
00:19.53fearnoryou will *always share irqs*
00:19.54*** part/#asterisk WarchildX (
00:19.54CoaxDfearnor: They allow you to set irq based on pci slot
00:19.58fearnorget APIC-capable mobo
00:19.59CarlosMP_Well, wouldn't a Channel bank still need the TE110P?
00:20.07CoaxDfearnor: Um
00:20.14CoaxDfearnor: Dude. :)
00:20.51_-Jon-_I'm wondering if someone could help me out with a dialplan problem I'm having..  I'm wondering how I would go about this..  A caller calls in and gets a menu: press 1 for, 2 for something else, and so on.  Once the caller presses 1 for example, it jumps to another menu, where it says again press 1 for something, 2 for somethign else.  How do I make the 1 and 2 ont eh 2nd menu different extensions?  or am I missing som
00:21.03fearnoryou can always do irq assignment through ACPI if mobo is capable
00:21.27CoaxDfearnor: READ: If mobo is capable :)
00:21.45CoaxDnowadays, i bet you have a much better chance of getting that should you walk in and buy a mobo
00:22.02CarlosMP_configuring irq's isnt the issue, it's the fact that coming across mobo's with more than 3 PCI slots are rare now, since everything is coming with PCI-Xpress, etc.
00:22.03CoaxDJon: Jump to another extension context
00:22.15CoaxDJon: Goto(blah-extension,1000,1)
00:22.29CoaxDJon: Playback(new_menu)
00:22.30_-Jon-_CoaxD, Thanks so much!
00:22.43CoaxDJon: Yer welcome. :)
00:22.58CoaxDCarlos: WTF is PCI-Xpress?
00:23.34CoaxDCarlos: and btw, yeah, i've had that problem a lot.  Mobo only comes with 2 frickin' pci slots, et
00:24.01CoaxD(There are still boards made that come with 5 pci slots.  But where are the days of having a mobo loaded with like 8 of 'em??  I WANT THOSE DAYS BACK!)
00:24.12CarlosMP_Intel 915GAV has 4..., but can't get that to fit in a 1U server
00:24.37CoaxDwell since just about everything works in either a firewire or usb port now, i suppose they figure nobody actually needs pci cards anymore
00:24.44CarlosMP_Just thought of something - could I use a ADIT 600 with FXO module and connect to Asterisk via ethernet?
00:24.56CarlosMP_rather than using a TE110P?
00:24.58CoaxDCarlosMP: No
00:25.09CoaxDsorry. I read ABIT. I was confused. *lol*
00:26.01CarlosMP_Which would mean that the adit600 would be acting as a VOIP gateway as far as asterisk is concerned?
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00:29.15fearnorcoaxd: go get passive-backplane boards
00:29.25fearnorcarlos: pretty much
00:29.32bjohnson_-Jon-_: usually you use background instead of playback since it can be interuprted by the caller
00:30.06bjohnsongot a weird problem now
00:30.18CarlosMP_fearnor: so the abit CMG card would be the key...
00:30.24bjohnsonwas a working system .
00:30.27bjohnsoncrap have to go
00:30.30fearnorcarlos: ADIT
00:30.46CarlosMP_my mistake this time I mistyped...
00:30.46fearnorcarlos: but if you are putting money into that...why do you need asterisk ;)
00:30.55fearnorCMG card = $$$
00:30.59CarlosMP_cheaper than Nortel...
00:33.24CarlosMP_On another note - what have you guys been using for CPU/RAM/HD?
00:35.24bjohnsonok back
00:35.24Crad|WorkQuick question, I'm trying to override all channels for outbound caller id.  I've set the zapata.conf with the following lines:
00:35.30Crad|Workdoes anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
00:35.58bjohnsonwith a SPA 3000 when I dial a local number, the cli shows a connection from the fxs to the fxo and that it is ringing .. but I just get dial tone
00:36.07fearnorcrad: what knid of line do you have?
00:36.25fearnorsignaling? NI2?
00:36.32fearnorit looks like it should work.
00:36.37Crad|Workhmm dont know that, what it's doing is sending our extension #'s as our caller id
00:36.45fearnorcheck with your telco if they allow you to set clid.
00:37.00Crad|Workthey do, since it's setting the extension of our phones as the caller id
00:37.00fearnorwlel, check where you are setting extension ##
00:37.17bjohnsonCarlosMP_: couple of pages about hardware sizing on the wiki
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00:37.18Crad|WorkI was under the impression I could override that at the zapata level
00:37.26Kattyhmm, webcam is on
00:37.38Crad|Workon a side note, is there anything in 1.0.6 that would break 1.0.0 config files?
00:37.47Crad|Work(We're on 1.0.0 and my boss is fearful of upgrading)
00:37.58anglerconif files wont break
00:39.20PatrickDKcrad, you shouldn't have any problem
00:39.50PatrickDKmy pre 1.0 configs worked fine on current cvs
00:40.18afeanyone knows if * on freeBSD has a different behaviour on SRV lookups in sip.conf
00:40.39afecompared to linux
00:41.48bjohnsonKatty: caught you pucking your nose?
00:41.54bjohnsonerr picking even
00:42.10Kattyno (=
00:43.38mikeircI love os x... don't mind me..just thinking out loud...
00:44.08tzangerKDE3.4rc1 kicks ass
00:44.24tzangerKatty: is that you or your alter ego
00:44.55tzangerhmm angela...  heh I knew a couple angelas
00:44.57Kattytell me
00:44.57Kattyto d
00:44.57Kattyo something!
00:44.59Kattyi'll do it
00:44.59tzangerboth were pretty awesome women
00:45.05tzangerpick your noser
00:45.22Kattythat finger?
00:45.37tzangerthe refresh on that could be beaten by a 300 baud modem
00:45.44tzangeryup that finger will work
00:46.04Kattyi was flipping you off ;)
00:46.14tzangerdoesn't matter you asked if the finger'll work and I said sure
00:46.19bjohnsonwork it baby
00:46.28bjohnsonthe camera loves you
00:46.29Kattytzanger: heh
00:46.31tzangerthis is one of those PG13 webcams
00:46.37Kattybjohnson: also, shut up (=
00:46.44Kattybjohnson: i am not a slut, kthx
00:47.08tzangerI work it and 'm no slut
00:47.11Crad|Workdo I have to restart asterisk for changes to zapata.conf to take place, or will a reload in asterisk work fine for that?
00:47.11tzangerI'm a man-whore
00:47.20tzangerCrad|Work: restart is required for zapata.conf
00:47.27tzangerwell any changes to echocan and the like
00:47.35Kattynot my problem (=
00:47.35tzangerI think groupings and contexts will work with a reload but don't quote me on that
00:47.43|Vulture|oh great... not a webcam
00:47.43tzangerKatty: I dare you to smile
00:47.45mikeircKatty: I like your sketch of the farie
00:47.52tzangermikeirc: it's a pic of you :-p
00:48.14Kattyi don't smile on camera (=
00:48.17tzangerif I had a webcam I'd scare y'all away
00:48.23mikeirctzanger: Well...i do have long hair...hey!!
00:48.40tzangersome webcam, she says she'll do requests but she won't pick her nose and she won't smile
00:48.50tzangerI think we got us a pseudo goth chick
00:48.55Kattytzanger: yup
00:49.07Kattyi'll show my favorite cow!
00:49.10tzangeroh and she won't do private shows either...  jeez
00:49.27mikeircKatty: I got something for you to do on can build my asterisk server! :)
00:49.56tzangerAnn Rice and ATI... odd combo
00:50.30bjohnsondoes a different .gsm have to be recorded for each codec that might use it?
00:50.46Kattymikeirc: pffft
00:50.47tzangerbjohnson: uh .gsm is coded with teh GSM codec
00:51.00tzangerhow the blue fuck do you manage 18 pages of questions
00:51.41bjohnsonso it plays ok with ulaw but not so great with 726-32
00:51.48mikeircKatty: hold up the squirrel you have in the gallery :)
00:52.02Kattyk, moment
00:52.18tzangerholy shit she's got a pic with a smile in it
00:52.26tzangerand she's at a keyboard.  what kind of music
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00:53.10Kattyk, there is teh squirrely
00:53.18tzangerpics of shoes too...  typical female.  :-)
00:53.25tzangerhave to say I admire a woman who can wear heels like that
00:53.38tzangerthey ain't stillettos but they certainly ain't flat either
00:53.38mikeircKatty: hehe.. too cool thx. ;)
00:53.41Kattythose are little heels
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00:54.09tzangerthe biggest heels you'll catch me wearing are I think 3/4"
00:54.25PatrickDKhmm, I have done 2"
00:54.30Kattyany other requests?
00:54.35PatrickDKtraded with one of my girlfriends
00:54.36tzangerPICK YER DAMN NOSE
00:54.41Kattytzanger: no
00:54.47PatrickDKshe found out she doesn't like heels, so she tool my shoes
00:54.53tuxinator_linuxam I in the wrong chat room
00:55.02tzangeryou wear the same size as your gf??
00:55.21PatrickDKtzanger, close enough, she was a 9, I was a 10
00:55.26tzangerthe woman I'm seeing now is 8" shorter than I am and I think she could just about fit both her feet in one of mine
00:55.29tzangerI'm a 12W
00:55.29jbAUtuxinator_linux : well i guess asterisk is all about communication
00:55.33PatrickDKI think 9 mans is 6 womans
00:55.50tzangeryou know what they say about guys with big hands and big feet...
00:55.55tzanger... big mitts and big shoes :-)
00:55.56tuxinator_linuxjbAU: We are being very open
00:56.31jbAUtzanger : yeah, they're more clumsy with precision tools :P
00:56.44tzangerjbAU: nonsense
00:56.48tuxinator_linuxI got my Meet * ticket today, and my hotel room.  Now just getting my flight.
00:57.08tzangerI solder 204 pin PQFP chps with nothing more than a good handheld iron and a flux pen
00:57.11jbAUwell i would quote my shoe size, but i have nfi what american shoe sizes are
00:57.20tzangerand I've done 0.5mm pitch TQFPs too
00:57.41mikeircKatty: I've got a charles and a chigger cat too (Symphony and Calypso)! And another..sleeping on my lap right now.. :) Too many cats.... nah. ;)
00:58.07bjohnsongrrrrr .. what is going on
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00:58.23jbAUso - extension _NNX2 would be able to give a match for say.. 2202 ?
00:58.32Kattymikeirc: yay! (=
00:58.32tuxinator_linuxYou're in the Twilite Zone
00:58.32tzangerbjohnson: well I'm in my living room in my bathrobe with the laptop on the lap, showplow's are going by and the kids are sleeping...
00:58.48bjohnsonthis SPA is acting up
00:58.49Kattyariel_: i turned the webcam on (=
00:59.06ariel_really now.
00:59.09mikeirctzanger: just another day eh?
00:59.33tzangermikeirc: no, today I was up at a quarter after six shovelling this heavy shit snow since the snowblower was jammed from last week...
00:59.51tzangerafter I was 1/2way done my 60 foot lane I said enough with this, went inside and fixed the snowblower
00:59.53Kattyariel_: yup.
00:59.57mikeircMan... I live in Florida... I don't know about that kind of stuff. ;)
01:00.03jbAUare there any recommendations to see if there are extension collisions?
01:00.05tzanger(I had it apart, the engine and wheels were on the porch and the impeller and blower were in my basement)
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01:00.22tzangergot that fixed, blew out the driveway and the blower belt finally wore enough to be useless
01:00.40tzangergot the kids to school, did the work thing, grabbed my oldest for lunch (since I didn't have time ot make it this morning, we went out for lunch)
01:00.48tuxinator_linuxNo snow here in Phoenix, Arizona
01:00.57tzangerstopped by home to grab the old belt, went to TSC to grab a new one, got him back to school and worked the afternoon
01:01.03Kattysnow is pretty
01:01.06Kattybut cold )=
01:01.09*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
01:01.24tzangerpicked up the kids, got home and fixed the blower, blew out the driveway again (snowstorm), made supper, bathed and played with the kids, got them to bed
01:01.25jbAUKatty - can't view your webcam, what's the deal! :)
01:01.28tzangernow i'm here :-)
01:01.45tzangersnow's only pretty in December
01:01.54mikeirctzanger: And I thought I had a buzy day... hehe
01:02.03tzangerafter about the third heavy snowfall and 40 below weather you get tired of it
01:02.11tzangermikeirc: that's a typical day for me, minus the fixing the snowblower stuff
01:02.13KattyjbAU: try
01:02.17*** join/#asterisk sneak (
01:02.18ariel_it's kinda cold here tonight in florida.
01:02.28ariel_~weather ktmb
01:02.41tzangeroh. you. poor. bugger
01:02.47mikeircariel_: Yup... pretty chili here in lakeland FL
01:02.50ariel_55.0 f is cold for us.
01:02.54hermie~weather kfnt
01:02.57tzangermind you it's mild here, about 8 below
01:03.03jbAUtuxinator_linux ok - my shoe is a 10 in US standards
01:03.11tuxinator_linux~weather kflg
01:03.24jbAU~weather help
01:03.39tuxinator_linuxI am in Flagstaff, Arizona right now
01:03.50tuxinator_linuxA little snow on the ground
01:03.52ariel_Katty, your going to brake lots of harts here.
01:04.10Kattyariel_: erm?
01:04.21tuxinator_linuxKatty, how's my favorite Vegan?
01:04.30Kattyuhh, fine (=
01:04.33*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
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01:04.56joaoviannaHi guys ! what * command I use to play a message when one extension is answered ? This file will be only played to the callee (extension) ex. "you are answering a call from florida area !"
01:05.10ariel_hermie, try spelling with a 23 month old trying to fight for the keyboard.
01:05.11Kattyhow are you tuxinator_linux? (=
01:06.07jskcrhy all
01:06.11tuxinator_linuxDoing pretty well
01:06.20jeofreywhere i can find g729 and g723 codec
01:06.23jbAUjoaovianna so you want the person picking up the phone to answer it to play a message before it is directed to htem?
01:06.24tzangerugh I hate this weather
01:06.27tuxinator_linuxI'm excited I am going to MEET *.
01:06.27tzangerso dry
01:06.32tzangerthis is like my eleventeenth nosebleed
01:06.37tzangerevery single year around this time
01:06.57tzangerKatty: you forgot bbq
01:06.57jbAUtzanger nosebleed? damn man u need to move to a country without that type of weather
01:07.08mikeircKatty: Convulsions?
01:07.08tuxinator_linuxTzanger: cut your fingernails
01:07.10Kattyoh yeah
01:07.12Kattyi mean
01:07.16tzangertuxinator_linux: hahahaha
01:07.18tzangerI ain't pickin it
01:07.27tzangerI hear katty picks her nose on webcam though
01:07.40tuxinator_linuxI get them too in Phoneix
01:07.55Kattytuxinator_linux: don't spread lies aout me (=
01:07.56mikeircKatty: you sound like an AOL user.. ;)
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01:08.15Kattymikeirc: no, i just mock them
01:08.19tuxinator_linuxKatty: lies?
01:08.29jbAUtuxinator_linux i want to see proof!
01:08.31*** join/#asterisk brownjava (
01:08.45Kattytuxinator_linux: 19:30 < tzanger> I hear katty picks her nose on webcam though
01:08.45brownjavaanyone have experience with the IAXy thingy?
01:08.51tuxinator_linuxKatty lives in a cave... so dark
01:09.03tuxinator_linuxoh, yep, sorry about that
01:09.06Kattytuxinator_linux: yup
01:09.16tuxinator_linuxbrownjava: nope, but I hear it works
01:09.28CoaxDfxs and fxo stuff. pots. *growl*
01:09.29mikeircYo Katty: What was up with that refresh rate of you cam? Why so slow?
01:09.48Kattymikeirc: i'm on dialup at home (=
01:09.57brownjavahmm...just bought one and having a monumental amount of trouble with it
01:10.03tuxinator_linuxKatty: Ewww
01:10.13jbotsomebody said dialup was the worst type of internet connection available
01:10.13mikeircKatty: No...I didn't know that existed anymore...
01:10.13joaoviannajbAU: Yes, I mean... Suppose you have calls comming from 2 places. One in english and one in portuguese. When the extension is answred I play the message. "please answer this call in portuguese" or "pleas answer this call in english".
01:10.18jbot[modem] (Modulator/Demodulator) A device to turn digital signals to analog ones and back again, so they can be transmitted and translated back to digital at another modem without loss. Used for communication through means of audio, telephone, CB, etc.  Random disconnects? S10=255 sure to do the trick!
01:10.19psywarAnyone else having invalid UDP checksum problems with the SPA-2000?
01:10.31jbot[udp] only PlayerUpdate, ShotBegin, ShotEnd and GMUpdate
01:10.34mikeircKatty: You in the boonies??
01:10.42Kattymikeirc: yub yub
01:10.44mikeircdid I just say boonies?
01:10.55tuxinator_linuxBrowjava: What kind of problems are you having?
01:11.53tuxinator_linuxKatty is a cuttie, isn't she?
01:11.56brownjavatuxinator_linux: I've provisioned it, tried static and dynamic IPs, pointed it at our asterisk server...but whenever I pick up the phone, I don't hear anything
01:12.08brownjavatuxinator_linux: and the asterisk server has no record of an attempt to dial out
01:12.28tuxinator_linuxbrownjava: NAT?
01:12.30Kattytuxinator_linux: i'm not a piece of meat though
01:12.57brownjavatuxinator_linux: no NAT involved...device and asterisk are on two separate subnets, but they are 2 hops away from each other and no NAT involved
01:12.57tuxinator_linuxKatty: I know, but it doesn't hurt to be a cute smarty.
01:13.15tzangershe's a cuttie?
01:13.23tuxinator_linuxbrownjava: Have you tried connectly on the same subnet as your * sever?
01:13.29brownjavatuxinator_linux: additionally, I can fire up "FireFly" and use it to connect to the Asterisk server using IAX, so I know IAX should work from here
01:13.32psywarI'm a piece of meat.
01:13.36tzangershe's cute, sure... young though wow
01:13.43Kattytuxinator_linux: i'll outsmart your cutie in a minute
01:13.44brownjavatuxinator_linux: unfortunately no...that's hard to try at the moment
01:13.59tuxinator_linuxI'm only 24, so she is not that young to me.
01:14.04psywarI wish I wasn't.  The meat is a prison.
01:14.11*** join/#asterisk heison (
01:14.13tuxinator_linuxbrownjava: so IAX is working... hmmm....
01:14.15tzangerI'm 29
01:14.22ariel_psywar, udp means poor network connection.
01:14.31tzangerariel_: huh?
01:15.26tuxinator_linuxbrownjava: I'm not sure... let me think about it some more.
01:15.39mikeircHmm..I think I'm 25..or pretty sure I'm 25..
01:15.39tuxinator_linuxman, got something in my eye
01:16.14psywarare you saying it tries to do tcp, then falls back to udp if there's packet loss?
01:16.15Kattytuxinator_linux: is it your finger?
01:16.15brownjavatuxinator_linux: thanks for tryin ;0 it's appreciated
01:16.25psywaror what?
01:16.47Kattythat was a smirk
01:16.59Kattytux tab
01:17.23mikeircbrownjava: Run ethereal on the server... set to show SIP raw text.. monitor traffic?
01:17.40brownjavamikeirc: ok...will take a few mins to set up
01:17.54brownjavamikeirc: it's not SIP either
01:18.06tuxinator_linuxcontact fell out, be back in a minute
01:18.11mikeircbrownjava: It might help you diagnose.. oh... hmm.. I'm lost then :)
01:18.24tzangerthat is too cool
01:18.33tzangerhe did a really good job of even explaining the hamming codes
01:18.42tzangeryour checksum = the bit # that has the error brain was already fried... I can't look at that.. hehe
01:19.21tzangermikeirc: it's really nicely done
01:19.33Kattymmm, fried brains
01:19.40tzangerKatty: but you don't eat meat
01:19.50Kattysarcasm, goofball
01:19.57tzangerno shit eh :-)
01:20.01mikeircKatty = Hanible lector??
01:20.28psywarnothing like liver with fava beans and a nice chianti
01:20.33tuxinator_linuxOuch, that burns
01:20.41xlyzhi! I'm trying to use asterisk with a Welltech lan phone 302. At the moment it's the only phone connected. Aterisk show a  401 Unauthorized error. Any idea how to make it work?
01:20.47Kattymikeirc: hannibal lector, you mean?
01:21.07mikeircAnyone seen constantine? I thought it was bad ass myself.
01:21.07tzangerxlyz: sounds like you don't have auth working, why don't you read the asterisk handbook online and see if you can't get that going
01:21.07psywarmake sure you correct all spelling errors on IRC.
01:21.09Kattythe ol let's cannibalize kids guy?
01:21.47Kattykids just don't do it for me. hehe
01:21.51xlyztzanger:  it's in the wiki?
01:21.52mikeircKatty.. fried brains.. yep that's the guy.. ;)
01:21.57tzangerkatty's not in to veal
01:22.03tzangerxlyz: oh god no, don't go there
01:22.07tzanger~google asterisk handbook pdf
01:22.29psywaroddly, it's under the "support" menu item on
01:22.33mikeircthis jbot is pretty smart cookie..
01:22.35psywarinstead of under something like "documentation"
01:22.54tuxinator_linuxfell out again, be bacl
01:24.13mikeircDid any of ya'll see constantine yet?
01:24.23Kattyi haven't
01:24.29Kattyi was too busy updating my kernel
01:24.36Kattyover DIALUP
01:24.40mikeircI thought it was sweet. ;)
01:24.51*** join/#asterisk CarlosMP (~CPerez@
01:25.01Kattyis it, umm, horror?
01:25.12mikeircKatty: You need to get some more bandwith girl. :)
01:25.30Kattyi know
01:25.30*** join/#asterisk CarlosMP_ (~CPerez@
01:25.42Kattywanna reg up the asterisk service at work so i can ditch southewestern bell (=
01:25.46mikeircKatty: the exorcist..but with a matrix twist..
01:25.52tuxinator_linuxKatty needs satalite at least
01:26.07Kattyhmm, no
01:26.12Kattyi need cookies at least
01:26.19mikeircMy buddy had satalite and it sucked.. never know though. :)
01:26.34mikeircKatty: What's your favorite kind of cookie?
01:26.38Kattygingersnaps, me thinks
01:26.39jbAUsatellite has major lag, especially if you're using pure satelite
01:27.03mikeirchehe.. I gingesnaps?? that's not a cookie lol :)
01:27.04tuxinator_linuxmikeirc: suck more than dialup?
01:27.07Kattydialup has major lag
01:27.10Kattyftp to website PLUS i screen irssi
01:27.35jbAUtuxinator_linux well you use dialup to send with satellite
01:27.37mikeircTuxinator_linux: his was pretty bad...but I think the guy installed it was a tard.... you make a pretty valid point though!
01:27.44Kattytyping is /not/ fun right now
01:28.04*** join/#asterisk odie_flocon (
01:28.25mikeircjbAU: Not with every bud had service from a company called pegasis.. both way sat tranmsision..
01:28.39jbAUmikeirc ugh that's even worse
01:28.59tuxinator_linuxKatty, what is wrong with typing?
01:29.02mikeircjbAU: Maybee that's why his was so sorry. ;)
01:29.03jbAUmikeirc the typical lag of a satellite is 500ms+, so if you use it for both sending AND recieving it's painful
01:29.33mikeircGood to know.. I'll still with old RoadRunner. :)
01:29.39tuxinator_linuxit is better for large files
01:29.58jbAUyes the bandwidth is huge, but so is the latency
01:30.01mikeircI downloaded something the other day... 725KB/sec!!!
01:30.05Kattytuxinator_linux: it's hella laggy
01:30.18tuxinator_linuxuse both
01:30.20odie_floconhello all.
01:30.25Kattytuxinator_linux: pls note irssi reference
01:31.25jbotGTK+ based IRC client with GNOME panel support. URL:
01:31.25odie_floconeven 1 way on sat is painfull.
01:31.25ariel_ok back. Just got my baby sleeping.
01:31.43Kattyariel_: yay!
01:32.07ariel_what did I miss... guess I need to scroll back and do some reading.
01:32.08odie_floconand just how old is your baby?
01:32.15tuxinator_linuxMy connect is painfully slow right now.  I am using the cullular network.  Get about 40k.
01:32.21ariel_she just turned 23 month old.
01:32.40odie_floconcool, mine just turned 2 yrs.
01:33.12mikeirctuxinator_linux: cellular huh? why's that?
01:33.27ariel_it's just me and the baby tonight.  Wife is working and my 17 year is in a sleepover...
01:33.32psywarsatellite seems like an excellent way to distribute USENET articles
01:33.42tuxinator_linuxNet anywhere I want it
01:33.55ariel_psywar, your not getting those errors via sat?
01:33.56odie_floconthat's how most ISP's do it.
01:33.58tuxinator_linuxMikeirc: I only use it when I am out of the house, like now.
01:34.13odie_floconthey get a dedicated sat. downlink.
01:34.17mikeirctuxinator_linux: Always connected... cool stuff. ;)
01:34.27psywarariel_: no, on a regular 100Mbps network
01:34.47psywarI replaced one of the cables with a pre-made, maybe that will fix it
01:35.22ariel_psywar, like I started to say I have seen them.  Mostly is due to bad packets
01:35.26psywarodie_flocon: can I build one out of parts from broken computer equipment?
01:35.40tuxinator_linuxIt will be nice when someone other than Verizon has wireless broadband in my area.
01:35.44psywarariel_: I know, the "bad udp checksum" suggests that the packet is corrupted somehow.
01:35.49tuxinator_linuxI use T-mobile
01:36.07tuxinator_linuxunlimited for 29/month
01:36.13jbAUhow would you be if someone stole your wallet whilst you were on the toilet
01:36.16ariel_since I do some part time work with an voip provider they get them all the time from the Sat users.
01:36.22psywarhey did you folks know that you can use special AT commands to send SMS msgs via cell and other things?
01:36.27tuxinator_linuxjbAU: ??
01:36.30mikeircAnyone else here using BroadVoice?
01:36.43hermietuxinator_linux: how fast is the Verizon broadband?
01:37.02psywarI want a satellite downlink for usenet, that would rock.
01:37.21odie_floconthat's funny
01:37.49odie_flocongiven the situation they couldn't run after the thief..
01:38.08tuxinator_linuxhermie: 300k
01:38.09jbAUodie_flocon damn straigh!
01:38.18hermietuxinator_linux: that's not too bad...
01:38.23odie_floconthat is too funny
01:38.46hermie"given the situation"
01:39.15hermiethe qvc ladder video on ebaumsworld is hilarious
01:39.38GoshenAnyone here from the UK that can help me test my incoming IAX UK number? 08444846041
01:39.48GoshenYou have to dial from the UK
01:40.07tuxinator_linuxjbAU: I lost about 5 pounds the other day in the men's room.
01:40.16mikeirchermie: Hehe.. that was awsome.. I saw it a couple months
01:40.23*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
01:40.56mikeircWhat ever happened to SupaFly over at I haven't been over there in ages?
01:41.13mikeircThat was some funny shiot..
01:41.23Kattycam is going off soon
01:41.29tuxinator_linuxjbAU: Amrican pounds that is
01:41.30mikeircNooo.. :)
01:41.45tuxinator_linuxKatty: why? That's not cool
01:42.01mikeircActually..I'm not watching so it's ok... but only this time. :) hehe
01:42.19tuxinator_linuxno problem Katty, just playing
01:43.12*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
01:43.52tuxinator_linuxMy contact must be torn, it hurts.
01:44.22mikeircman.. I love osx.. feel right at home in the console..yet still NATIVELY running photoshop and premier! Too perfect..smething's bound to go wrong. ;)
01:44.37*** part/#asterisk CarlosMP (~CPerez@
01:46.41rob-goshen: I'm from the uk. do you want me to call you?
01:47.22Goshenyes please
01:47.28GoshenI want to test this IAX2 setup
01:47.32GoshenI don't know if I have it right
01:47.48*** join/#asterisk _6Flamez_ (
01:48.15tuxinator_linuxWhere did the sun go?
01:48.19hermieif I were knighted, I think i'd move to Canada so I could be called 'sir'
01:48.26Ashi'm getting a weird error
01:49.01jbAUmikeirc: you should check out iterm
01:49.03Ash'No application 'Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}}}' for extension (from-sip, 91801xxxxxxx, 1)
01:49.12Ashwhere x's are real numbers
01:49.17mikeircjbAU: iterm?
01:49.20Ashand then it returns a 403 Forbidden
01:49.29Ashhas anybody seen this sort of error before?
01:49.31jbAUmikeirc yeah iterm -
01:49.43AshIt's weird, because I can make 1800 calls just fine
01:49.48Ashbut no local or long distance
01:50.00GoshenAsh: you are in Utah too? :)
01:50.06*** part/#asterisk jeofrey (
01:50.19AshGoshen: haha, just calling a utah number (my cell phone)
01:50.24AshI just moved from SLC to Las Vegas
01:50.32rob-goshen: it doesn't work:-(
01:50.35mikeircjbAU: oohh sweetness. :) gettin it now. Thanks ;)
01:50.38Goshenrob: what does it do?
01:51.08Goshenrob: oh, I got an error message...thank you for trying..I will poke around my configs
01:51.21rob-the service cannot be connected
01:51.26GoshenI got a rejected connect attempt...
01:51.26tuxinator_linuxAsh: Vegas is growing like crazy
01:51.47Ashtuxinator_linux: yes it is!
01:51.49Ashit's nuts
01:52.18rob-goshen: what provider is it?
01:52.19tuxinator_linuxAsh: Phoenix is right behind in growth
01:53.22Ashman.. this is so weird.
01:53.32Ashif I dial 9 then 7 digits, it outpulses it to the PRI at least
01:53.39tuxinator_linuxYou know what, I don't like being on hold
01:53.56rob-I have voipuser working here if you need any info
01:53.56Ashbut with a long distance number, it just throws up
01:54.09Goshenyou have IAX incoming working?
01:54.16tuxinator_linuxHow want's to make "on hold" games for * with me?
01:54.43*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
01:54.53*** join/#asterisk atmel (
01:55.00Goshentux: like...* says a word backwords like How and you have to guess what it is saying? :)
01:55.04rob-goshen: sorry, I forgot I'm just using sip at the moment
01:55.27stepcuttuxinator_linux: does asterisk currently have the capability to do that ?
01:55.58tuxinator_linuxGoshen: The easiest would be to do a triva game, where you key in your option.
01:56.04Goshenrob: ok, I will tweak these configs, thank you for trying, at least I know it is routing to me now
01:56.06tuxinator_linuxstepcut: not sure
01:56.08tuxinator_linuxstepcut: but we can make it.
01:58.07stepcuttuxinator_linux: I would very much like to do that (and was thinking about it this morning), but I do not currently have the time
01:58.17tuxinator_linuxbe back in a minute
01:58.43rob-goshen: one thing to look out for in iax.conf is that the name in square brackets is the username for incoming calls.
01:59.56tuxinator_linuxStill on hold, grrr
02:00.49Goshenrob: I will look at that
02:01.22Goshenso have that be my number not [voipuser] ?
02:02.49Goshenlike this?
02:03.08rob-yep, or make voipuser the username in the address to forward to
02:03.18shido6where's the type?!?!
02:03.41Goshenwhat is my url to have it dial in to my box?
02:05.23rob-goshen: iax2/08444846041:password@hostname/exten
02:05.45Goshenahh, thats the problem then ok
02:06.00BrianR___got my first recording back from
02:06.14fearnorbrian: allison sounds sexy enough for you?
02:06.33rob-I think username= is only used for outgoing calls with type=peer or type=friend
02:06.45BrianR___fearnor: Flawless on the first try.. Much better than our old recording, which sounds like a combination used car salesman and bad college radio disc jockey
02:07.06*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (
02:07.32Kattybye now
02:07.41ariel_Katty, good night
02:07.57Kattyariel_: sweet dreams when you get there (=
02:07.58tuxinator_linuxNight Katty
02:08.06Kattyyou too tuxinator_linux!
02:08.12*** part/#asterisk Katty (~angela@
02:08.41ACiDVIf I have a TE405 card that when the driver is loaded (wct4xxp) I cannot receive audio from asterisk, that all span alarm are OK but all led are off (and no cable connected), that zttest dont return any result, it's a sign that the card is crashed ?
02:08.56AshI just moved the Dial() rules from my longdistance section into my from-sip section
02:08.59Ashand it magically workd
02:10.19Mavvietrolls < *
02:11.09tuxinator_linuxACiDV: Can't help you there
02:11.54tuxinator_linuxACiDV: sounds like no power
02:12.02ariel_ACiDV, did you so make in the zapata and libpri first before you did the make in asterisk?
02:12.07tuxinator_linuxACiDV: Has it worked before?
02:14.07ACiDVYes it's work before ... stop working today
02:14.31ACiDVand try with 1.0.6 and today cvs (update, make clean, install, etc...)
02:14.39tuxinator_linuxThe server hasn't moved at all causing the card to come loose?
02:15.25ACiDVNo :( and the server is at 800km of my current location :|
02:15.58ACiDVhave both te405 and a tdm22b and if I load all without wct4xxp all work fine...
02:16.28easydonehmmm "attempting native bridge" when "canreinvite=no"
02:16.37*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (~sshah@
02:16.42easydonethought canreinvite would prevent that
02:17.23tuxinator_linuxWelcome Dr L
02:17.47ACiDVvery weird :(
02:18.22tuxinator_linuxI haven't had the opportunity to play with those drivers yet.  Soon....
02:18.58tuxinator_linuxACiDV: You can see 800km away?
02:19.32ACiDVabout light ? :) no... :) cam in the same room :P
02:19.39ACiDVled oops
02:19.47tuxinator_linuxYou know what's worse than being on hold, when they repeat the hold music every 5 minutes.
02:19.53freatanyone here familiar w/ polycom phones? we've got a bunch of IP 500s... need to figure out if I can make a line appearance to monitor an extension...
02:20.38*** join/#asterisk CarlosMP_ (~CPerez@
02:22.42*** join/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
02:25.30lokoin sip.conf, should type=friend or users ?
02:26.58tuxinator_linux~weather KFLG
02:28.18tuxinator_linux~weather KIWA
02:28.21jbAUloko loko - use friends
02:36.21tuxinator_linux~weather KSJC
02:36.44jbAUls -la
02:37.58tuxinator_linuxls -halt
02:39.44*** join/#asterisk jbot (
02:39.44*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || 1.0.6 Released || Dev Conf 1PM CST MARCH 3rd -> IAX2/guest@ || ClueCon Dev Conf June 8-10th more coming soon....
02:42.10*** join/#asterisk phantam (~phantam@
02:42.14phantamim a happy camper
02:42.26*** join/#asterisk Mneumonic (
02:42.31phantamtook a friendly gentoo-dev to get that darn h323 thang working
02:42.46Mneumonicanyone know how to enable call transferring in X-Lite?
02:43.08phantamhad to mask out the newer pwlibs and oh323... and update to 0.6.5 ast-oh323 and it works
02:43.12phantamnow just gotta find a way to test it
02:43.13ariel_Mneumonic, only via the dial rules adding the Tt option.
02:43.49Mneumonicaliel_ . you mean in *'s dialplan or in the software
02:43.58ariel_asterisk dial plan
02:44.32Mneumonicand then X-Lite picks up that code and allows it? or i have to dial a code when the call is on hold?
02:45.00phantamim still trying to figure out how to get fwd to work
02:45.02ariel_Mneumonic, I don't like using it. but it use the # key to make the transfer.
02:45.55Mneumonicis there any easier way? I have 3 Sipura 841's on their way to me... so di i have to have the code in the dialplan for those? or just for the softphone?
02:46.01ariel_phantam, fwd works fine. what is the problem there are many examples on the wiki and there site for it to work.
02:46.08phantamyes i know
02:46.14phantami think its because the box is natted
02:46.19phantamand i know that it says there are issues with nat
02:46.30phantamim gonna setup a public ip on it to see if i can get it to work
02:46.44ariel_Mneumonic, softphone like xlite only if you upgrade them to x-ten pro it has transfer on it.
02:47.06ariel_phantam, go to there iax setup.
02:47.08*** join/#asterisk CarlosMP_ (~CPerez@
02:47.10Mneumonicis there any other softphone's for windows that do it for free?
02:47.17phantamnot sure if iax is compiled lol
02:47.23phantami think thats one of the modules i had to noload
02:47.47ariel_iax in my view is very important for asterisk.
02:47.52phantami agree
02:48.29ariel_phantam, belive me fwd via sip and nat works. I have it working on my system and I am behind a wrt54g firewall/nat router.
02:48.31phantamhmmm i didnt noload iax
02:48.34phantammaybe it is still there
02:48.46phantamhehe wrt54g sexy little routers eh
02:48.54phantamu running linksys firmware or hacked?
02:49.05gambolputtyanyone compiled * on a wrt54gs?
02:49.18ariel_well in 12 minutes it's the end of an error. NYPD Blue's last show.... bummer.
02:49.23phantamu dont compile on a wrt
02:49.28phantamu compile in a chroot on a real server
02:49.32phantamand then copy the bins over
02:49.40gambolputtyhave you done this yet then?
02:49.48phantamnot yet no
02:49.54phantamariel_: how do i check if iax is laoded
02:50.07phantamits there
02:50.18phantamthat tab helps alot
02:50.37*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
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03:00.28*** join/#asterisk CarlosMP_ (~CarlosMP@
03:03.18phantamguess hasnt been 10 minutes yet registration refused for iax
03:07.16Nuggetno more beer for modulus_.
03:07.18xlyztzanger, ariel_ just to let you know that the phones now work :)
03:08.14ariel_xlyz, great.
03:08.26phantamiax is fu*kin sick
03:09.22padf00tquestion: is it normal to see nothgin when you do "h.323. show codecs" in asterisk CLI
03:10.38*** join/#asterisk CarlosMP_ (~CarlosMP@
03:10.47ariel_h.323 is not a codec. codec is ulaw, alaw, g.729,GSM.
03:10.50phantamill tell ya
03:11.18phantamoh323 is diff nevermind
03:11.58roamer323phatam - my iax2 registration with fwd is solid for days and days
03:12.20padf00ti do "h.323 show codecs" command in asterisk CLI ... and i dont see any codecs displayed. so is this normal behavior? shouldnt i be seeing codecs anabled?
03:12.24*** join/#asterisk riksta (
03:12.37padf00th.323 show codecs  Show enabled codecs
03:12.50padf00tthats what i see in the help h.323
03:14.05*** join/#asterisk blitztang (
03:14.18blitztangMoc: you around?
03:14.24ariel_show codecs
03:15.27blitztangif anyone has gotten the sip_notify stuff to work with a 7960, please find me in #asterisk-doc or any other #asterisk channel... thanks!
03:15.31*** part/#asterisk blitztang (
03:16.13phantamthis used to work
03:16.27phantamtried calling from sip phone to a extension (operator) and i get
03:17.26*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
03:22.23*** join/#asterisk jterrero (
03:22.47tuxinator_linuxDo you think Cisco will release a color SIP speaking phone?
03:23.56*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
03:24.05jterrerowill they not release firmware for 7970s to support sip?
03:24.06jterreroits color
03:24.22jterreroand you can still use that phone with ast
03:24.22_Vilezeek, cool argument
03:24.34_Vileerr, nm, was reading from days ago
03:24.45tuxinator_linuxI think it only speeks SCCY
03:25.03jterreroyou can still use it with ast
03:25.04tuxinator_linuxya, that's it
03:25.12*** join/#asterisk DHuang (
03:25.12tuxinator_linuxhe he ;-)
03:25.14_Vileno sip for 7970, u sure?
03:25.17DHuanghi! :-)
03:25.20jterreropretty sure
03:25.26*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
03:25.28tuxinator_linuxI haven't seen it
03:25.31jterrerothey have not released the firmware for it yet
03:25.39DHuanganyone know the defaul AST_MAX_EXTENSION value?
03:25.44_Vilenice, delaying for call manager sales
03:25.58tuxinator_linuxIt looks fun to play with
03:26.15_Vilenothing much different except backlit, color screen, a few other cool features
03:26.20Juggieits the phone they use on 24
03:26.28Juggieif anyone watches that.
03:26.46_VileI've seen them, I use strictly 7960 and 7940 because of the price points
03:26.47ariel_they use that phone in allot of shows. including Vegas
03:26.58DHuangya.. CISCO sponsor them
03:27.01FuriousGeorgei have read a little about asterisk but never used it or seen it work.  whats the concensus on its viability for a small business.
03:27.16FuriousGeorgespecifically one with ample bandwidth and ptentially 4 voip lines
03:27.18jterrerome too, have bout 8 7940s at work, the rest are 60's
03:27.19tuxinator_linuxI was looking at the 7960
03:27.24jterrerocant beat 240 a pop
03:27.27_VileFurious, works fine
03:27.29phantamis fwd down?
03:27.31phantamor it just me
03:27.38_VileI have 8 7940s and 1 7960 for the operator
03:27.43_Vilemanaged at work
03:27.51AshFuriousGeorge: I'm working at a subsidiary of another company that just started up, and asterisk is perfect for our small office
03:27.53tuxinator_linuxI have to go, be back later tonight
03:27.57FuriousGeorge_vile_:  low masintenence?
03:27.59Ashwe bought a pack of 7960s and we're going
03:27.59ariel_FuriousGeorge, great system for that if you want to try it out get an iso called Asterisk@home will setup you up quickly
03:28.08tuxinator_linuxEasy to put SIP on the ciscos?
03:28.11_VileFurious, except for a few firmware updates every couple of months...
03:28.12Juggiei dont like the cisco phones.
03:28.17Juggiethey suck pretty much.
03:28.18Ashthe ciscos are easy to put sip on
03:28.23phantamif i dial 8,411 it ring a few times and then just hangs up and says service unavailable in sjphone
03:28.26_Vileeasy management
03:28.28jterrerojust use a tftp server to upload the firmware
03:28.32jterreroyou can get it from
03:28.38tuxinator_linuxSee ya
03:28.43Juggieexcept, theres no way to reset the phone settings without the phone booting
03:28.43jterrerocan also get some example config for your SIPMACADD files
03:28.50Juggiethats one problem
03:28.58Juggieconferencing only allows 3 lines.
03:29.14_VileJuggie, true... unless you dialin to a conference
03:29.16ariel_phantam, what is your fwd number let me call you for a quick test.
03:29.18_Vilesame with 3way calling
03:29.35DHuangAST_MAX_EXTENSION = 80
03:29.47harryvvanyone know the laws and regs concerning of transfering a existing home phone number to a pstn voip termination wholesaler? I read that most in the states cannot.
03:30.14FuriousGeorgei know enough about linux to install and run gentoo.  its actually pretty easy cuz you never have to worry about dependencies.  i work in IT but strictly windows pl;atform.  can someone like me deploy this?
03:30.29phantamyes furius
03:30.33_Vileharryvv, you should be able to port your number as long as it's local
03:30.34phantami do bout the same
03:30.35AshFuriousGeorge: if you're just using VoIP providers it's a cinch
03:30.37phantamand im deployin it
03:30.38_Viledoesn't matter if it'
03:30.39FuriousGeorgemy experience with linux is that it takes forever and a lot of time at forums to get anything working
03:30.41ariel_strange got a ring then fast busy.
03:30.41_Viles voip or not
03:30.42phantamand theres people here to help if anythin
03:30.48phantamsame here
03:30.51phantamwhen i call anything
03:31.03FuriousGeorgea good community is important, and this is good to see
03:31.11harryvvFurios, that was my cast but also partly it comes from knowhow and experaince.
03:31.16ariel_phantam, mine is working give it a call. 65342
03:31.32phantamring... fast busy
03:31.37phantamit might be my setup
03:31.45ariel_sounds like it
03:31.54phantambut i coppied it off there site
03:32.04phantamariel can u compare u'res to mine for me
03:32.09NormAstHay, when I call the echo test with my cell phone I don't get any echo.. Cool eh?   Echo Can. at work!
03:32.13ariel_sure use
03:32.29_VileI have random issues with Echo
03:32.37_Vilebitch of a problem to track down on 96 lines
03:32.46FuriousGeorgegow much cpu is required for 4 lines of concurrent conversation.  my understanding is that VoIP is cpu intensive.
03:32.48harryvvarial, know of a did wholsale provider for bc canada?
03:33.01*** join/#asterisk lancey (
03:33.03lanceyhi guys
03:33.04NormAstyea... I know.. 115 lines.
03:33.05ariel_harryvv, slepp
03:33.16lanceydoes anyone know if g729 works okay on freebsd 5.3?
03:33.19_VileFurious, I'd use something around the 1.8ghz range and wouldn't lose sleep about it
03:33.30_Vilehell 1.4 would work for 4 lines, depending on what card you're using
03:33.38lanceyas it is binary only...
03:33.39_Vilesomething low budget
03:33.58FuriousGeorge_Vile_: is system memory speed important or will ddr266 do
03:34.00ariel_hell a 600mhz celeron works for 10 voip calls and sip phones.
03:34.06_Vile266 would work
03:34.36harryvvarial what do you mean by slepp
03:34.41FuriousGeorgeariel_>  if i buy sip phones they take on a lot of the work?
03:34.52ariel_harryvv, he is providing ca did's and termination.
03:35.04_Vilefurious, no work
03:35.13_Vileuse a minimal system
03:35.15*** join/#asterisk fearnor (~alex@
03:35.23_Vile4 calls is nothing
03:35.26NormAstI can provide Toronto, Hamilton, and Barrie DID's
03:35.54harryvvarial do you know slepps email by chance?
03:37.17Mavviezttool doesn't like screen.
03:37.21Mavviescreen doesn't like zttool
03:37.27Mavviewhat a bunch of children.
03:37.40modulus_mavvie, asterisk cli doesn't like EOT
03:38.15fearnori don't like screen...screen doesn't like me :(
03:38.27modulus_screen likes EOT
03:38.31FuriousGeorgedoes asteriks in any way facilitate the use of softphones with providers who dont offer them?
03:38.31Mavviemodulus_: wasn't that when it was in "asterisk -r" mode?
03:38.42Mneumonichey gues... would this be a extemely affordable way to do PoE for phones like the Polycom IP 300?
03:38.43*** part/#asterisk redder86 (
03:39.03modulus_mavvie, yes.
03:39.25modulus_cli does like SIGINT though
03:39.27Mavviemodulus_: I have never been able to reproduce it. I can ^D as much as I want, it stays up.
03:39.37modulus_[01-Mar:19:37 modulus_] mavvie, asterisk cli doesn't like EOT
03:39.38fearnormneu: no. go buy a proper PoE switch.
03:40.00Mavvieoh. I interpret "doesn't like" as in "goes totally haywire"
03:40.14Mavvieinstead of "handles it different" :-)
03:40.28modulus_it just doesn't acknowledge it
03:40.35ariel_harryvv, no but he is the one that runs
03:40.36modulus_SIGINT works though
03:42.18Mavvieyes, and it is mpg123 which segfaults :-)
03:42.27*** join/#asterisk DavidFisherman (
03:43.34DavidFishermancan someone please help, I can't figure out how to get my IAXPhone to dial out
03:44.53FuriousGeorgedoes anyone know if using asterisk would in any way facilitate the use of softphones with providers like vonage that dont support them?
03:45.15FuriousGeorge*that dont suppor them at flat pricing ;)
03:45.35mgthfuriousgeorge: asterisk does not work with vonage
03:45.55mgthfuriousgeorge: asterisk does work with broadvioce
03:45.57FuriousGeorgeb/c of the locked hw
03:46.08FuriousGeorgebut bv does not hgave local number portability
03:46.21mgthfuriousgeorge: No it does not
03:46.41FuriousGeorgewhich is a big problem in and of itself
03:46.59FuriousGeorgevonage wont work with any "locked" voip provider, will it
03:48.27Zawdoes anyone know of a vendor that sells the Linksys PAP2 voip adapter without any 3rd party firmware like vonage, etc.
03:49.02FuriousGeorgei meant to ask:  asterisk wont work with locked voip providers, right?
03:49.45FuriousGeorgezaw, could you flash the firmware on one of those, or are you trying to avoid doing that?
03:50.25ZawFuriousGeorge: i'm just trying to stay legal :)
03:51.08FuriousGeorgeoh, i didnt realize its ilegal.  who gonna tell on you?
03:51.36Zawi dunno if it's illegal or not
03:52.38FuriousGeorgei dont know anything about this stuff, but i assume linksys sells the same model for non vonage use, and the vonage one must allow for firmware updates
03:52.52_Vileprobably not legal, but noone would know
03:53.01_Vileunless you told someone
03:53.06_Vilelike you just announced
03:53.13Zawi'd rather just but the non-vonage one
03:53.15*** join/#asterisk sleepy_one (
03:53.23_VileI buy PAP2-NA's
03:53.25sleepy_onehey all :)
03:53.25SexyKenHey guys -- anyone do custom programming for Asterisk?
03:53.33_Vileunlocked to providers
03:53.35FuriousGeorgei pay all my taxes, always
03:53.48sivanaSexyKen: yes
03:54.01SexyKen•sivana• Do you represent a company.
03:54.06_Vilebut I'm a vendor
03:54.08sivanaSexyKen: yes :)
03:54.16_Vileas a customer, I'd suggest becoming a vendor
03:54.17SexyKensivana - What company please? URL?
03:54.38sleepy_onepardon my ignorance I'm trying to use faxing on my X100p and when I call rxfax to RX a fax I get: "pbx.c:1280 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'rxfax' for extension (default, s, 3)"  any ideas?
03:54.51_VileI like aspworld
03:54.56_VileI used to use it
03:55.03_Vileuntil I moved to php and c
03:55.21_VileI used to own
03:55.28mikegrbsleepy_one: rxfax is an addon, it doesn't come with asterisk
03:55.44DavidFishermanHi guys, I can't get asterisk to play the welcome msg, can someone help please?
03:55.46_VileI don't own anymore though, and jsw and netpedia are long gone
03:56.00sivanawhat was netpedia?
03:56.00*** join/#asterisk Tray (
03:56.09_Vileeverything in addition to javascript
03:56.13sivanaDavidFisherman: post what you want to pastebin
03:56.13_Vilehtml, css etc
03:56.19_Vilewhen the fruit was ripe
03:56.22sivanai c
03:56.28TrayHey does anyone know how to get a t100p to do hdlc in debian?
03:56.29_Vileto compete w/ webpedia
03:56.34SexyKensivana -- that doesn't say much about custom programming for Asterisk.
03:56.34_Vilewhich was owned by mydesktop
03:56.41sivanaSexyKen: what do you need?
03:56.45_Vileour competition, then bought out by
03:56.50_Vilefor millions
03:57.05SexyKensivana -- It isn't quite explainable in 3 lines.
03:57.13DavidFishermansivana, pastebin?>
03:57.14_Vilenot me though, I was offerred $140k by and didn't take it like I should've
03:57.20_Viledot com bust
03:57.23jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
03:57.42sivanaSexyKen: we do programming for * in C, MySQL, PostgreSQL
03:58.02SexyKenMySQL isn't a programming language though.
03:58.04sivanaSexyKen: unless you can give me your requirements, what can I say? :)
03:58.25_VileSexy, it really is, it's a programming language for variable retrieval and placement
03:58.30_Viledepending on its use
03:58.50_VileSQL is a language
03:58.50SexyKensivana -- AIM or e-Mail address?
03:58.50SexyKenNot a programming language.
03:58.51_VileI beg to differ, we can argue if you want
03:58.57sivanafire it off in an email:
03:59.06sivanaI love SQL arguments
03:59.31TrayDamn this t100p card and hdlc and linux to hell
03:59.31LuhiwuAnyone knows if the called number is set into any variable? i need to use goto based on the called id number and i can't find the right variable. ${DIALEDPEERNUMBER} doesn't seems to work.
03:59.45sivanamost of any data manipulation code is done in SQL, so kinda is a progamming language
03:59.49_VileIt's a Structured Query Language, no different than storing information in an array
03:59.55*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
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04:00.17_Vileexcept more powerful
04:00.28sivanaand stored procs are compiled too
04:00.52_Viledepending on the db
04:01.13hermiearrays aren't relations... they don't have foreign keys or NOT NULLs
04:01.18sleepy_onegnite all
04:01.23_Vilethey do if you create them
04:01.28sleepy_oneI need more sleep
04:02.13TraySo sethdlc hdlc0 cisco returns Error No such device (19)
04:02.28*** join/#asterisk Sky-Knight (
04:03.45*** part/#asterisk Sky-Knight (
04:03.50*** part/#asterisk DavidFisherman (
04:03.55_Vileim going to smoke, noone's arguing me :(
04:04.33*** join/#asterisk riksta (
04:05.25Traydamn it I want to setup hdlc over my t100p but the damn interface doesn't exist and I can't figure it out
04:06.57_Vileprogramming by definition is giving a computer a set of instructions to follow, any language that tells a computer a set of instructions by that very definition, is a programming language.
04:07.13_Vilefight that, i'll be back in 5
04:07.18*** part/#asterisk CarlosMP_ (~CarlosMP@
04:08.18Juggieyou know what would be sweet...
04:08.21Juggiepatch the cli output
04:08.34Juggiewhich i believe runs through ast_cli(...) for the most part
04:08.38Juggieto output in csv format
04:08.41Juggieto make it easy to parse
04:08.53Zaw_Vile: 'shutdown' and 'halt' are an instruction for a computer to follow, but are by no means programming languages
04:08.59Juggiethat would be very useful for me.
04:10.02_VileZaw, depends on the language.. sh programming/scripting can use these two functions and be considered a language
04:10.42Zaw_Vile: so when a user clicks Start - Shutdown in Microsoft Windows, he's writing in a programming language?
04:11.29Dr-Linuxme and my friend are connected to softphones, using sip but have live ip, he can hear me good, but i can't hear him ?
04:11.31_VileZaw, no, but the user is instructing a language to perform those actions, mostly a modified C/ASM combination
04:11.36Dr-Linuxwhat could be the problem ?
04:11.53_Vilethat's an action and not a language, the user isn't writing a program to say > start, shut down
04:11.59Zaw_Vile: yes, he is giving a computer a set of instructions to follow. he isn't doing any programming, though.
04:12.39_Vilefor that to be considered a language, he'd need to write a program to click start and shut down
04:12.47*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
04:12.49_Vileand that would be language
04:12.55Dr-LinuxZaw: can you answer me question ?
04:13.10Zaw_Vile: i'm just going by your definition, 'programming by definition is giving a computer a set of instructions to follow'
04:13.19_VileZaw, include the rest of it
04:13.50FuriousGeorgeif i could find a Ma Bell phone provider with unlimited call forewarding, it could solve the local number portability problem, right?
04:14.07sivanaI told my computer to jump off a bridge, but it didn't.  Did I just do programming? :)
04:14.12Dr-Linuxme and my friend are connected to softphones, using sip but have live ip, he can hear me good, but i can't hear him ?
04:14.25_Vilesivana, no, your computer is in err, reboot and try again
04:14.33Dr-Linuxwhat could be the problem ?
04:14.57Zaw_Vile: i interpreted your sentence differently than you had articulated it, i suppose
04:15.54FuriousGeorgeallow me to elaborate, if i could just foreward all the phone calls on the number i dont want to lose to a number on my asterisk server, i could have my cake and eat it too
04:16.08FuriousGeorgen'est pas?
04:16.39_VileZaw, simply put, if you are writing code, you are writing a language -- you are giving instructions to a computer to follow, within certain execution parameters.. that's what coding's all about.. my consensus is, that if you are writing code to instruct a computer to do something, you are programming, thus, you are programming in a language that a computer can understand, and therefore every language that instructs a computer to do something, is a progra
04:17.13_Vilebe it interpreted or binary assembly
04:18.32Dr-Linuxyou pplz cant see my messages or what ?
04:18.47FuriousGeorgefor instance:  if computer crash = true then jump of bridge
04:18.54FuriousGeorgeelse, reboot
04:19.02_Vileneed legs
04:19.14FuriousGeorgewhile no legs do:
04:19.19FuriousGeorgeorder legs online
04:19.33sivanaDr-Linux: try the mailing list.  Ppl here either don't know the answer, or don't feel like debugging
04:19.39sivanawe do it all day long..hehe
04:19.52FuriousGeorge_vile:  did you get what i said before about solving the local number prtabiolity problem?
04:20.14_VileFurious, no, too caught up in explaining what programming was
04:20.23_Vilesay again
04:20.47FuriousGeorgewhat if i could find somewhere to port my number which had unlimited call forewarding
04:20.58FuriousGeorgethen foreward all my incomming calls to my asteriks server
04:21.02_Vilethen you could forward to any number that you want
04:21.07*** join/#asterisk nix000 (~nixman@
04:21.14_Vilebut you incur the cost of the forwarding charges if it is LD
04:21.26_Vilemake sure the # you forward to is in your local eas
04:21.30FuriousGeorgebut it wouldnt be
04:21.32nix000anyone ever dealt with freeradius in here ... i am about to pull my hair !
04:21.40_Vilethen you will incur long distance charges
04:21.58FuriousGeorgei forgot:  does astersk work with pstn providers or is it stricly voip
04:21.58_Vileunless they don't charge you
04:22.04Mavvie[~] root@tim>pkg_version -vs radiu
04:22.04Mavviefreeradius-1.0.1                    =   up-to-date with port
04:22.09_VileI have 4 PRI'
04:22.10Mavvielooks like I do....
04:22.17_Viles from local and LD providers
04:22.20_Vileplugged into one box
04:22.30_Vileand it works like a charm for VoIP to PSTN termination
04:22.38FuriousGeorgeim new here
04:22.39nix000Mavvie, have you ever done accnting using msql ?
04:22.40FuriousGeorgewhats a pri
04:22.43_Vilethat's just in one box
04:22.45Mavvie_Vile: no problems with clock selection?
04:22.49_VilePRI is 23 channels w/ D channel signalling
04:23.05_VileDSS is 24 channels straight, 24 phone lines, both are supported from *
04:23.11FuriousGeorgewhat i d/ channel signaling
04:23.21_VileMavvie, you know, I experienced a small problem with clocking
04:23.26Mavvienix000: no, we have it just to a plain file because the earlier versions didn't reconnect to the database.
04:23.35_Vileand ended up selecting one as a primary
04:23.42*** join/#asterisk newsham ({
04:23.44_Vileand not selecting a secondary
04:23.45Mavvie_Vile: we had that this week. Two providers, one box. In the end, splitted it into two boxes.
04:23.46_Vileand it fixed it
04:23.54newshamis it possible to use a linksys voip box with asterisk?
04:24.32Mavvie_Vile: aha.I'll remember that for next time.
04:24.38FuriousGeorgevile_:  sorry i got confused.  did you just tell me asterisk does work with regular ma bell phone lines?
04:24.59MavvieFuriousGeorge: asterisk is software, you are talking hardware.
04:25.03jbothardware is probably If you don't know what you need, start with an TDM400P and an FXS module.
04:25.08_VileFurious, on ISDN PRI's, you'll lose one channel for signalling, so you'll have 23 voice channels available... using the 24th for signalling.. all 64k.. on DSS you'll have all 24 channels at 56k, with inband signalling.. doesn't make much difference unless you want to be able to set caller id
04:25.09FuriousGeorgei know
04:25.11nix000Mavvie, i have the darn thing able to talk to the db. it inserts post_auth if i uncomment it but it just does not log the accounting to the db even tho i have uncommented it !
04:25.23`SauronHum di dum.
04:25.41_Vilethat's on T1, DS-3 PRI is different, you can lose fewer channels per DS-3 than you do w/ DS-1
04:25.56Mavviehi `Sauron.
04:26.00_VileFurious, it does
04:26.03`Sauronwhat up
04:26.14_VileFurious, you can go the TDM approach or the T-1 Voice Approach
04:26.24newshamvil: what about if you want less than a pri.. like 2 lines or 1?
04:26.36`Sauronmav, it's funny.. everytime I see you, I have to think for a few seconds to remember who you are :)
04:26.55FuriousGeorgevile:  i was saying in know to mavvie.  im not good with the telephony abbreviations yet
04:26.56FuriousGeorgewhat is dss
04:27.01_Vilenewsham, then you'll be looking at a BRI
04:27.01`Sauronsomeone want to stay up another 3 hours for me to bid on this ebay auction?
04:27.03_Vileand not a PRI
04:27.09nix000anyone know a gateway that supports ss7,C5 interface that works with asterisk ?
04:27.10FuriousGeorgei can wire a modular phone jack and install linux.  astersk is gonna be a jump
04:27.20*** join/#asterisk phantam (~phantam@
04:27.20FuriousGeorgei got lost
04:27.23FuriousGeorgejust now
04:27.24newshamso you typically get an isdn type link (2B+D or something) and hook it up?
04:27.30phantamwhat the hell
04:27.34phantami cant get it to work
04:27.44_Vilenewsham, yep
04:27.54MavvieFuriousGeorge: read the documentation about asterisk first, then the documentation about the phone system and then ask again :-)
04:28.00newshamare there services that give you multiple ptsn lines over the net (like vonage but multiple lines)?
04:28.05_VileFurious, i actually don't know the definition of DSS, I just know the abbreviation and know what it means
04:28.20`Saurondss is fun
04:28.22_VileDigital Signalling Services? dunno
04:28.37newshamdirect spread spectrum? :)
04:28.39`Saurondigital spread spectrum
04:28.48_Vilethere's your answer :)
04:28.56phantamnewsham: get a few vonage accounts... and put them in a trunk
04:28.57`Saurondoes frequency hopping so you can use lower power and still get the same bandwidth
04:29.01FuriousGeorgelol, i read about asterisk, but i dont remember reading if the special hw for it only worked with ethernet or if it could route regular analog calls
04:29.02`Sauronmakes it less intrusive
04:29.03_VileI just know that dss is inband signalling
04:29.29_Viletaking space per channel for signalling
04:29.42newshami was looking at the linksys boxes they're selling cheap now and how they're locked to vonage and I see some hints online that it might be possible to use them with asterisk, but i havent seen any definitive info
04:29.44_VilePRI is cleaner, to me anyway
04:29.52newsham(just on resetting the boxes to factory state, not to setting them up afterwards)
04:30.02phantamu dont need the boxes
04:30.10iceypHeres a question... I have 2 servers running asterisk in 2 locations in New Zealand, I'll be using 1 mysql database with the users located within the db. When a user connects with their extension number (they can use either server) how does the interconnect work? Like dialing 2202 (my next door neighbour) I wouldnt know which PBX he's connected to
04:30.11newshamdoes anyone know if its possible and if so how?
04:30.14phantamu can connect to vonage via asterisk directly
04:30.20newshamI dont want vonage.
04:30.34phantamoh u mean
04:30.36_Vilenewsham, you need PAP2-NA's
04:30.41_Vilenon locked
04:30.45phantamlinksys -> asterisk -> linksys
04:30.48newshamI heard that they dont sell pap2-na's anymore
04:30.54_Vilethey do
04:30.56newshamphantam: yessir.
04:31.11newshamvile: any idea where?
04:31.16phantamwhy not just bet cheap sip phones
04:31.32_Vileyou might have to buy some minutes from someone
04:31.36_Vilebut that's the deal
04:31.42_Vileunless you're a vendor
04:31.45_Vilethen talk to linksys
04:31.48_Vileand they'll hook you up
04:31.52newshamnah, i'm not going to buy minutes from someone to get hardware
04:32.02phantamjust get sipphones
04:32.04phantamthere cheap enough
04:32.08iceyp[asterisk - - Wellington ]  ---peer--- [asterisk - - Auckland]  (Users exist on both machines (anycast ip range) and connect to the closest server. How do the PABX's know which server to deliver the call to?
04:32.12_Vileor become a vendor
04:32.59jbAUiceyp: you have to do the work in your dial plan
04:33.25iceypjbau so if the user is connected, deliver the call locally, if not, deliver it to the other server; if they not there, leave voice mail?
04:33.31*** join/#asterisk riksta (
04:33.35phantamdoes iax hate me
04:33.40newshambuying bundled service with hardware or buying locked hardware is against my religeon
04:33.41phantami dial 8,411
04:33.43jbAUiceyp: are the servers in different states?
04:33.43phantamand i get
04:33.44phantamMar  1 23:33:37 WARNING[13824]: chan_iax2.c:5546 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension
04:33.58iceypjbau you could say that
04:34.05JamesDotComphantam: and what does that error suggest?
04:34.07_Vilenewsham, then buy ATA's from ebay, and pray to your religion that they're unlocked.
04:34.10iceyp2 diff citys, on major peering exchanges
04:34.11_VileHave a nice day.
04:34.13phantami checked the contexts already
04:34.23phantamthere all set
04:35.22parhi newsh
04:35.26newshamhey par
04:35.36jbAUiceyp: ok - well i meant different call ratings, then you'd say on PBX1 have a dial rule so that all numbers with say 02XXXXXXXX get routed to PBX2 for cheaper calls
04:35.39paryeah, in tx now
04:35.48newshami'm in HI now
04:35.50jbAUiceyp: if 02XXXXXXX is an STD call for PBX1
04:35.58parwell aloooha!
04:36.02jbAUyou are so new you even spelt new wrong
04:36.09FuriousGeorgevile_:  i got my wires crossed and thought you were answering me when you were answering others.  allow me to reask.  asterisk can route calls from regular analog phone lines right?  iow, does it work strictly via ehernet as a voip router, or is it an all purpose telephony pbx
04:36.12iceypjbAU any idea how the config would look for that dialplan?
04:36.39parnewsh: you have a PRI there?
04:36.50newshami have pots and dsl
04:36.57jbAUiceyp simple, you just say dial 02XXXXXXXX,1,dial(IAX2/pbx2)
04:37.17jbAUand then 02XXXXXXXX,2,dial(zapta/pri)
04:37.18_VileFurious, think of Asterisk as a Switch... you can have 2 4 port cards routing 4 ports of T1 from one card to the other 4 ports of another card, or routing 8 ports of T1 to SIP or IAX or H232, etc.
04:37.31parnewsh: switching over to voip?
04:37.32_Vileit'll do anything that you want it to do.
04:37.35jbAUso that if for whatever reason the link to pbx2 is down you can still get out on POTs
04:37.50ariel_phantam, back.  the context is no place to too.  But the error from fwd suggest posible incorrect password or account.
04:37.51iceypjbAU nah its all pc to pc, so something like this ..... 02XXXXXXXX,1,dial(IAX2/pbx1) , 02XXXXXXXX,2,dial(dial(IAX2/pbx2)
04:37.51newshampar: nah, just goofing around with it.. maybe in the future..   playing with iax2, asaterisk and fwdnet
04:37.53_Vileif you're looking at a SIP system, look into SER as well
04:37.54iceypwould that work?
04:38.04*** join/#asterisk miguellinux (~miguellin@
04:38.08jbAUsure it would, KISS
04:38.22iceypKISS - keep it simple stupid?
04:38.44_Vilekiss means that, yes.
04:38.56newshamgotta goo, too much scroll in this window
04:38.58phantamhow could that be if it registers
04:39.00*** part/#asterisk newsham ({
04:39.23jbAUbasically there isn't any magic to it, have aread up on least cost diailing/routing on
04:39.30ariel_phantam, it's telling you it's rejected.
04:39.47phantamcause u can call me
04:40.47ariel_calls inbound is different then when your calling them.
04:40.56iceypjbAU how would i deliver all voice mail to one specific host? i.e. dial(IAX2/pbx2/voicemail)
04:40.57ariel_register is only telling them where your at.
04:41.01iceypso all mail is stored on one pbx
04:41.26_VileFurious, please review extensively and return with questions.
04:41.36jbAUiceyp: well yes you could do that
04:41.50_Vileit'll answer most of your questions.
04:41.53jbAUiceyp: if it were me i would treat both sites seperately tho
04:42.11nix000anyone know a gateway that supports ss7,C5 interface that works with asterisk ?
04:42.16jbAUiceyp: cause internet links go down
04:42.17*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
04:42.26_Vileit's where I learned from........
04:42.33iceypjbAU problem is if a user moves from wellington to auckland and they check their voice mail, they wont get it because its in wellington
04:42.42ariel_nix000, Lucent TNT
04:42.57_VileI don't think a TNT can do ss7
04:43.02_Vilecan it?
04:43.16ariel__Vile, there is an addon for it. But it's expensive.
04:43.33_Vileariel, I'd be looking at excel solutions at that point
04:43.47ariel__Vile, yes your correct
04:43.51_VileEXS-2000 w/ SS7 cards, software etc
04:43.52ariel_but they asked.
04:44.18jbAUiceyp ok - there's a few ways to get around that one, the simpliest would be to of course store voicemail on the one system.
04:44.28_VileTNT SS7 doesn't sound like a good idea, feels better as a PSTN <-> SIP exchanger
04:44.42ariel_nix000, I think there is an t400p card that does ss7 from
04:45.02iceypjbAU  thats what im wanting to do i guess
04:45.17nix000_Vile, i have to interface to legacy hw
04:45.20iceyplet me finnish what i have and get a test system running before i do anything else
04:45.27iceypi'll come back to voice mail later
04:45.27phantamariel_: it was a flaw in the dialing on my client
04:45.38_Vilenix, excel should be OK
04:45.53nix000ariel_, i am googling for these cards now
04:46.04_Vilefor setup and tear down messages, sigtran and all of that, I know that it handles it... but
04:46.17_VileI also know that openss7 is in early stages of creation
04:46.17nix000ariel_, if you have dealt with them that will be nice
04:46.44_Vilebut they have finished parts that do work w/ the digium cards
04:46.52_Vilebut not fully implemented
04:46.56_Vileand definitely not certified
04:47.00phantamwhats a 1800 number i can try
04:48.04_Vilenix, check ebay for ss7 and excel, dunno if anything is on there at the moment
04:48.21_Vileit's your best best, can help you with software
04:48.36_Vilethere are also a variety of other software vendors out there
04:48.42_Vilebut you'll have to search for them
04:49.17_Vilecheck ebay first for "Excel" "EXS"
04:49.22_Vileand get your feeling about pricing
04:49.27_Vilebefore you continue.
04:50.09phantamwow thats choppy as hell
04:50.37pari have a cisco ubr924 with voip functionality..
04:50.48parits my cable modem
04:51.00FuriousGeorge_Vile_:  i think i get it now, its just a matter of what port is on the asterisk HW which dictates what type of connection i may use it with
04:51.05parit also has two FXS ports for pluggin in a phone and fax
04:51.19parhow can i hook an asterisk box up to it?
04:51.27FuriousGeorgei know there is a whole slew of HW made for asterisk servers but i never really looked into it
04:51.32_Vilefurious, good... continue learning. :) im going to smoke
04:51.44FuriousGeorgeburn one down brother
04:52.28pari want to route some voip over the cable modem router's built-in and some over the normal internet to other gateways / devices
04:53.01MavvieFuriousGeorge: try the ~hardware command on this channel for a good first pointer.
04:53.17jbothardware is, like, If you don't know what you need, start with an TDM400P and an FXS module.
04:53.32FuriousGeorgeim weeks from buying anything
04:54.18MavvieFuriousGeorge: so? You still need to know what is there before you can make a descission on what you need or what it is actually what you are going to do.
04:54.43FuriousGeorgeim just trying to better my general undetrstanding of the software.  i think its a great project, its just that makes my eyes bleed for a variety of reasons so id rather interact here than poke around tgher
04:54.56phantamis it just me or fwd choppy
04:55.05FuriousGeorgemaviee:  i prmise i will do hours of research before i buy anything
04:55.27MavvieFuriousGeorge: not necessary if you read what they have for sale, because it explains what is possible and what you need.
04:55.57phantamis there a way to favor quality over compression?
04:56.18Mavviephantam: disallow=all, allow=ulaw,alaw
04:56.26Mavvie(for example)
04:56.32phantami thought gsm was supposed to be good
04:56.44FuriousGeorgeim looking at it now, very informative
04:57.16Mavviephantam: I thought we were talking about quality :-)
04:57.27phantamgsm's pretty clear when i talk on it lol
04:57.42phantambut when i call over asterisk using gsm to fwd its pretty choppy
04:57.44nix000ariel_, according to openss7 does not love asterisk yet ... darn that was so close
04:57.57Mavviefor what it is worth, ulaw/alaw is 64Kbps raw uncompressed, the rest is all lesser quality.
04:59.12phantamwhere do i have to specify that
04:59.17phantamin sip.conf ?
04:59.23Mavvieor/and iax.conf
05:00.17FuriousGeorgedigium the only people who make asterisk hw or are there others?
05:00.40Mavvienot sure
05:02.47FuriousGeorgewell this has been informative and motivating, im gonna install gentoo tomarrow, it'll take a week to get that and everything else working right, a month to get the hardware, and then ill be back
05:02.53ariel_phantam, great to hear you got it working.
05:02.59phantamhehe yep
05:03.07phantamhmm should jitter buffer be enabled
05:03.30ariel_nix000, look for there product they have a card they sell not free with ss7
05:03.36FuriousGeorgethanks for all the info everyone, thank vile for me when hes done smokeing.  ill see you again soon enough
05:03.38*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
05:04.44phantamariel_: should i turn on jitterbuffer on in iax.conf
05:04.54*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr_@jskcr.user)
05:06.19ariel_phantam, jitterbuffer=yes
05:07.05*** join/#asterisk denon (
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05:09.28phantamwhat about tos
05:09.34phantamfor least skips
05:09.52Juggiebah, i know so little about unix c developement
05:10.31*** join/#asterisk sbarrius (
05:11.25nix000ariel_, price is not an issue (for now)  but it has to integrate with asterisk somehow and i dont see it.
05:11.44sbarriusDoes anyone know if you can 'Request confirmation of answering by waiting for a #' with non Zap Channels?
05:12.57PyroStevedoes ChanSpy work ?
05:13.30phantamariel_: can u try to call me
05:13.32BoRiSeveryone wants that :-p
05:13.50phantamtell me what u hear
05:13.56sbarriuswants # confirmation?
05:14.23*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~jj@
05:15.53sbarriusIs anyone doing follow-me scripts with asterisks?
05:16.58shido6it works, ok
05:17.11JerJer[moible]gprs baby
05:17.27sbarriusare you zap for follow me?
05:17.29Mavviesbarrius: I use enum for that.
05:17.57Mavvie(mostly because I can, not because it's easier or more difficult than doing it in extensions.conf :-)
05:18.52sbarriuscan you use enum for 'Request confirmation'
05:19.15Mavvieno. enum is for my follow me implementation
05:19.41sbarriuslike you need to hit # to accept the call otherwise it times out into your asterisk voicemail
05:20.29DaminJerJer[moible]: I just got a Samsung i700 via Verizon...
05:20.43DaminJerJer[moible]: It should be here on Thursday..
05:21.00DaminJerJer[moible]: First thing that is getting installed is Putty. :)
05:21.21sbarriusyou can installl putty on it?
05:21.39Daminsbarrius: Yep.. There is a Putty for PocketPC
05:23.14DaminUnless there is a better SSH client for the PocketPC? Even if it is a couple of bucks?
05:23.36sbarriusgoto go, have fun with you new samsung!
05:23.49*** part/#asterisk sbarrius (
05:27.32*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
05:27.54iceyphey guys, How do i take digits a user has inputted and dial that number? i.e. exten => 010,6,Dial(ENTERED)
05:28.22iceypmy current diapl plan looks like this
05:28.56*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:29.25Mavvieoh wait.
05:30.32Mavviewhat does responsetimeout do according to you?
05:30.56iceypit disconnects the call if there is no input from the user
05:31.30JerJer[moible]anyone ever figure out how to get the info digits out of libpri/zap  ?
05:31.43MavvieSet maximum timeout awaiting response
05:31.47*** join/#asterisk kamran (
05:31.47iceypok i'll remove it then
05:31.56iceypthats what i said?
05:32.07iceypif there is no response then disconnect?
05:32.14Mavvieno, it sets the timeout, it doesn't do anything with the user.
05:32.15iceypwhich it does do
05:32.38iceypwell it currently disconnects them i think, even if i removed that how do i get asterisk to accept entered numbers?
05:32.42iceypand dial an extension
05:32.55Mavviego to the URL I pasted, and read at the See Also
05:33.05iceyptry it... iax2/
05:33.46iceypit's getting to dial and doing this now : Mar  2 18:30:40 WARNING[69726]: app_dial.c:698 dial_exec: Dial argument takes format (technology1/[device:]number1&technology2/[device:]number2...|optional timeout)
05:34.31JerJer[moible]and use a type=peer
05:34.49iceypjerjer? who you talking to?
05:34.57iceypis it not accepting my call?
05:35.02fearnorvile - are you using ESXs?
05:35.13Mavvieiceyp: did you read e See Also there?
05:36.51Mavvieso, where do you read the number?
05:37.06*** join/#asterisk implicit (
05:37.52iceyp that look right?
05:38.20Mavviesame question, where do you read the users input?
05:39.14iceypPredigits=${EXTEN} or that would apear pre
05:39.22Mavviethat is a SetVar command.
05:39.27MavvieSetVar doesn't read users input.
05:39.46iceypexten => s-gathermoredigits,3,WaitExten(8)      ; and give the caller 8 seconds overall to do their thing
05:39.58*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
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05:43.13*** join/#asterisk matjing (~Miranda@
05:43.45mikeircYa know something... I've been having a hell of a time getting * working (first time installer here).. and I just realized...if I hadn't gone the lazy route of installing AMP (which of course I did)... I would have gotten this thing up and going a long time ago... the documentation explains everything in plain english... Trying to be lazy and just using AMP actually wound up being more time consuming because I had no idea what was goi
05:43.45mikeircng on the back end... I'm half tempted to do a complete reinstall and just go plain jane... Just thought I'd share my new user experiences...
05:44.27iceyp"2206","","010","home","""2206""","SIP/2206-851a","","WaitExten","8","2005-03-02 18:43:58","2005-03-02 18:43:58","2005-03-02 18:44:18",20,20,"ANSWERED","BILLING"
05:44.32mikeirc...had no idea what was going on on the back end...
05:45.05mikeircoh...nevermind that last wsa already put in I see.. ;)
05:45.32*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:51.22harryvvyea i saved my cdr and read it in excel for some reason it did not pass the dates and times other then minitues used to excel
05:51.39BoRiSHow did you put it into excel?
05:52.32harryvvwell I didnt. As soon as i did a a: on the run bar it was listed as readable Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File
05:52.55Juggiemikegrb, amp sucks.
05:53.12harryvvEverything looks okay just the dates do not show I do see alot of # signs. perhaps those are in its place in the colums.
05:53.27Juggieharryvv, sigh unexpirenced user i see :)
05:53.36Juggie#### means your column isnt wide enough
05:54.02Juggiebut you should be putting your csv into a database
05:54.27harryvvi se
05:54.43Nuggetoh god.  here comes the misguided soul advocating mysql.
05:55.12AshWHY DO U HAET PERFROMANCE!@#%!@1121?
05:55.25implicitNugget: seriously man
05:55.34Nugget+2, Funny, but -1 for missing "h8" instead of "haet"
05:55.35implicitmysql 5 is pretty damn good
05:55.54Ashno way, mysql 6 is where it's at
05:55.56*** join/#asterisk atmel (
05:55.59implicitAsh: mysql 7
05:56.05Juggiei didnt say mysql
05:56.05Koshatulmysql 1 billion is teh bomb
05:56.08Ashimplicit is right
05:56.09Juggiei just said a database
05:56.11harryvvimplicit somone told me to avoid it and go postgresql
05:56.19implicitharryvv: did you ever try either of them?
05:56.22implicitharryvv: :-P
05:56.31harryvvI fidiled with mysql once
05:56.33implicitharryvv: or just use someone elses programs that interfaced with them
05:56.40Koshatulgo ms sql, it is the absolute best sql server on the market ....
05:56.51implicitif you rae just doing select * from table; they are pretty much the same, lol
05:56.52Koshatulstraight face the whole time, i swear
05:56.54Juggieyah :P
05:57.05Ashif you want mssql on unix, just buy sybase
05:57.08Koshatulok i lied, i was giggling like a school girl
05:57.12Juggiefreetds exists if you must use mssql :)
05:57.21Juggiesince they just stole the protocol from someone else
05:57.23Nuggetdon't even have to buy it.  older sybase is free on linux or freebsd.
05:57.23harryvvis mysql used for billing of long distance toll?
05:57.24iceypargh, how do i take input data and insert it into dial()? >>>???
05:57.26implicitor if you use sybshit
05:57.35implicitharryvv: are you against radius?
05:57.43harryvvno why
05:57.50implicitharryvv: then use it for AAA
05:58.10*** join/#asterisk jerryh ([U2FsdGVkX@
05:58.20harryvvbrb what is aaa
05:58.21Juggieimplicit, remember some of us were talking ldap last night
05:58.41Juggiecurious, i installed a ldap browser on my pc at work and hit up our active directory server
05:58.43implicitJuggie: i was pretty tired
05:58.44impliciti dont remember
05:58.49implicityou don't like LDAP?
05:58.51Juggiewell this will be intreasting none the less
05:58.54implicitldap is good
05:59.00Juggieso i install a ldap browser on my pc at the office
05:59.06implicitthats the problem
05:59.10implicitnever install an ldap browser
05:59.15Juggieand login to our active directory server
05:59.21Juggie(which also runs ldap)
05:59.22Koshatulyou must learn to write your own queries in binary
05:59.34Koshatulexcept you will wear out 0 and 1 on your keyboard
05:59.37Juggieyah i just wanted to see what kinda information was available :)
05:59.39*** join/#asterisk RestLessGemini (~umairbari@
05:59.53Juggieanywho, the kicker is we run mitel's new unified messaging platform
06:00.00Juggiewhich is tied directally into activedirectory
06:00.05Nuggetkeyboard?!?!  when I was growing up we had to bang rocks together to make 1s.
06:00.11implicitKoshatul: forget keyboards
06:00.17implicitharryvv: radius is good
06:00.18jerryhbah, when i was a kid we had to carve our 1's and 0's out of rock
06:00.20Koshatulimplicit: neural headgear ?
06:00.21Juggiewhich inherentally is fine however, mitel has chosen to store your voice mail pin in active directory!
06:00.32Juggiethus, browsing everyons profile with ldap, you could see everyones voicemail pin
06:01.16Juggieseems to me, active directory isnt the place for this kind of information
06:01.19KoshatulNugget: *clack* *clack* 1, *clack* 0, *silence* call 000 they've died from repetitve use of input device to the cranium
06:01.40KoshatulJuggie: not even some kind of hashed pin ?
06:01.46Juggieplain text pin
06:01.55Juggiei could have logged into anyones voicemail
06:01.58jerryhwelcome to software development, corporate style
06:02.03Koshatulcan anyone without admin rights see it ?
06:02.12Juggiei am just a network user
06:02.32Juggieyou should never store that kind of information in there.
06:02.33KoshatulWelcome to Software Development .. VB.Net Style :)
06:02.46Koshatulunless hashed, similar to a ad password
06:02.48jerryhKoshatul: same difference :D
06:02.54Juggiethe rest of the ldap was just like, last login, number of logins, email, username, etc... random windows information
06:02.58Koshatuljerryh: :)
06:02.58Juggienothing important
06:03.16Juggieand mitel decides to stick all my voicemail settings in there, and cap it off with a clear text pin.
06:03.40Juggiei work/live like 20 mins from their offices
06:03.44Juggiei should drive down for a visit
06:03.48Juggieand ask them wtf they are thinking
06:04.04Koshatulin their defense ... which i hate to sit on, so i won't stay long ... the only users that should be able to access that are "trusted" emplyoees, and to use a ldap browser, they
06:04.04jerryhAre you folks #asterisk regulars?
06:04.11Koshatulre misusing company time ...
06:04.20implicitjerryh: yeh
06:04.24JuggieKoshatul, ldap is supposed to be an open directroy
06:04.26Koshatulso you should get back to work slacker :)
06:04.36shido6to some of us , this is work, KoolHercz
06:04.40Juggieits not intended to store secure information.
06:04.42Koshatulkeyword: supposed :P
06:04.43Juggieyes, this is work
06:04.44shido6tab completion :)
06:04.52*** join/#asterisk mamcinty (
06:04.53Juggiei was researching the possiblity of tieing asterisk/php to ldap
06:05.02Koshatulshido6: it was one line, i just hit enter while typing
06:05.13Inv_arpJuggie: not hard
06:05.28JuggieInv_arp, i know
06:05.33harryvvjuggie what do you use php for
06:05.38Himekosome places would fire you for that if you told them you installed unauth software on your computer
06:05.44Koshatuli so want your work, and i agree, storing passwords anywhere without a good reason in plain text is just ... plain stupid :)
06:05.54implicit~seen cmc
06:05.55jboti haven't seen 'cmc', implicit
06:06.04Juggieharryvv, alot of things, interfacing with the asterisk manager api, and other stuff non related to asterisk
06:06.05KoshatulHimeko: some places would fire you if you pointed out a problem in their software :\
06:06.23Inv_arpsh*t i use sqlite/php/asterisk
06:06.27harryvvjuggie is that premade or something you made.
06:06.41Juggieharryvv, all written inhouse.
06:07.23KoshatulJuggie: nice
06:08.07Juggieright now, we have click to talk, web enabled conferencing (to a point not finished) and an asterisk control pannel which can view all the information, and send commands you could send via the cli... but no editing sip/iax/extensions/voicemail via the web... (yet)
06:08.35Juggiei am trying to get permission to GPL all our work, but dont hold your breath.
06:08.37*** join/#asterisk pimpwell (
06:08.57pimpwellwas wondering if there was a tutorial geared in depth at the .call file
06:09.28Juggiepimpwell, exists in the asterisk source dir, i think in contrib? and there are docs on the wiki.
06:09.53Juggiealso pimpwell, unless you need to schedule calls, i reccomend the manager api.
06:10.01harryvvseen ~slepp
06:10.11Juggieyou dont have to worry about file permissions then for a web server writing into that dir or whatever.
06:10.51pimpwelllet's say all I need to worry about is the construction of the .call file.  Everything else is done elsehwere by someone else.
06:10.52Himekoi've seen him
06:10.56Himekoskinny guy
06:11.01harryvvwho is that
06:11.03pimpwellI create the .call file and drop it in someone's outbound.
06:11.16Juggiepimpwell, then look at the wiki
06:11.24Juggiehowever, you need to create the file in another directory
06:11.31Juggieand when you finish writing it, move it to outbound
06:11.35*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
06:11.43Juggie(move, not copy)
06:12.08harryvvHimeko is here local to vancouver?
06:13.38harryvvsee some of his post
06:14.36Juggiepimpwell, theres a in the asterisk source root dir.
06:16.47pimpwellmine gets real tricky
06:17.02pimpwellneed some sort of reference anyway
06:19.57harryvvOther then call waiting is there a way to break into a call in progress for emergency reasons?
06:20.45slePPharryvv: ?
06:21.14harryvvohh slepp, somone said you provided vancouver did's have a web page of this info?
06:21.37slePPmaybe :>
06:21.43slePPthe web guy has been working on it for a while
06:21.53harryvvwhere are your termination points located at
06:22.22Himekohey slePP
06:22.27slePP'lo himeko
06:22.42slePPharryvv: off the top of my head, we have 604-678-xxxx
06:22.53harryvvgood deal
06:23.19harryvvis there a issue transfering our telus number to that did? I know most dont.
06:23.29slePPshould be workable, yeh.
06:23.36slePPwe haven't yet ported a local vancouver, but we don't see a problem with it
06:24.05harryvvi see
06:25.19slePPwhen did you want service by?
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06:32.17parso, all you really need is an asterisk server and a digium tdm400p to do voip.. no need for any fxs or fxo card
06:33.57Juggienot if u have a t1/e1 no
06:34.10*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
06:34.22SexyKenHey guys -- anyone know of some major bugs with Asterisk?
06:34.43SexyKenBugs I should say..with the latest release...that weren't previously there.
06:34.52JuggieSexyKen. check the bug list
06:35.21Juggiepar, i'll answer again
06:35.24Juggiei misread your question
06:35.32Juggieyou dont need any board to do voip.
06:35.38parjuggie: haha i mean for people who don't have an integrated T1
06:35.50Juggieits only when u want to access the pots network that u need a digium board
06:36.20SexyKenAnyone here use a Polycom Soundpoint IP 600
06:36.34Juggienope, whats your problem with it
06:36.51parok so you just connect an ip phone to a switch
06:37.01SexyKenNot really a problem -- just curious how to make proper use of it. I want to be able to do 3 digit dialing with it...which doesnt currently work.
06:37.51Juggiepar, yes ip phone to the same network your asterisk box is on
06:38.14JuggieSexyKen, you have to write 3digit dialing into asterisk and set it up on the polycom
06:41.48*** join/#asterisk Essobi (
06:43.20iceypargh, how do i take input data and insert it into dial()? >>>???
06:46.40SexyKenJuggie - Yea I dont know how to set it up within the Polycom.
06:48.43Koshatulanyone know where to get a cheap analog phone -> sip unit in australia ?
06:50.07JuggieSexyKen, wiki likely.
06:50.23Juggiedoes the poly com run a web server? check there...
06:50.50SexyKenYea it does but nothing in the web iface about it...I'll keep lookin.
06:51.56JuggieSexyKen, anything in the phone gui about it
06:53.31Juggiealso, the way i know how to do it would be to point the phone @ a ftp server.
06:53.55Juggieand have it download its config files and in the sip.cfg you have your dialplan
06:58.02*** join/#asterisk atmel (
06:58.31*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
06:58.36brettnemgood evening all
07:02.14*** part/#asterisk marc32344 (
07:03.17joaoviannaHi guys... I'm trying to call out using IAX2 (/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing) but my application start before the callee answer the phone, any clue ?
07:05.53joaoviannaVoicepulse ???
07:06.22JerJer[moible]something is causing the call to go to a connected state then
07:07.38*** join/#asterisk af_ (
07:08.00harryvvThats kind of funny that vonage does not have a termination point here in vancouver but are advertising there services here :)
07:08.00joaoviannaJerJer, since I'm using a third part IAX2, the problem is in my asterisk or theirs ?
07:08.26CoaxDOkay, i'm convinced
07:08.30CoaxDCoyote Ugly was a DAMN good movie
07:09.45h3x0rharryvv: yeah well they sell vonage retail boxes in all Best Buy stores here in the US, and most of them are in areas they dont have local DIDs here
07:10.21harryvvThe problem with that is it creates more risk more points of failure
07:10.51h3x0rnot really, its just the underlying carriers they use for DIDs have shitty coverage
07:11.04harryvvokay so thay outsouce to those then
07:11.07JerJer[moible]third part?
07:11.09h3x0rpacket8 and voiceglo use level3 and a wireless carrier respectively
07:11.28af_anyone tried mozphone? (the tel url specially?)
07:11.30*** join/#asterisk djin (
07:13.07*** join/#asterisk zignig (~simon@
07:14.06rikstawhat's this mozphone?
07:14.37joaoviannaJerJer: My IAX2 is from Voicepulse.
07:16.13af_it's a xpi extension for mozilla/firefix (iax2 client)
07:17.40zignigaf_: not a full sip phone then ?
07:17.49JerJer[moible]joaovianna: ok and this is a problem how?
07:18.21af_iax2 zigman
07:18.25af_iax2 zignig
07:18.33zignigaf_: zigman hehe
07:18.40af_tab stuff
07:18.54parseen that phone?
07:19.35parwish fujitsu just made "seamlesslink" open source
07:19.39paror somone rev engs it and puts it in linux themselves
07:19.41joaoviannaJerJer: Sorry.
07:20.01harryvvdosvidonia !
07:20.08paran 802.11b phone that can do cellular public networks as well
07:20.24harryvvpar, what brands do you know of?
07:22.13paran 802.11b ip phone that can do cellular public networks as well.
07:22.38parharryvv: only the net2com
07:23.17pardoes anyone know of an others?
07:23.36*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
07:24.09parprefferrably for gsm (instead of this ghetto foreign dump to a compactflash card method)
07:24.31Koshatulack, is there a quick and easy way to just busy out a pstn zap interface ?
07:24.48Koshatul(without going allthe way there and plugging in a analog phone ...)
07:25.04JerJer[moible]Koshatul: not really
07:25.16JerJer[moible]or at least i haven't found one
07:25.28Koshatulactually ...
07:25.44Koshatuli'll create a extention with perpetual hold music, and then originate a call from the zap interface
07:30.05*** join/#asterisk jonas (
07:32.01Koshatulok, quick question numero dos: how di i originate a call from an extension, isn't there somewhere you can drop a file and it will follow the commands in that file ?
07:35.01pari wish pulver would come out with a WiSIP mobile ip phone that can do cellular also and automatically switch betweent hem
07:35.13Koshatulgot it
07:35.16Koshatuland it worked
07:35.25Koshatulnot sure how permanent it is though
07:38.04*** join/#asterisk pranav (
07:38.53pranavhello everyone
07:39.22pranavi want to record calls which i make
07:39.36pranavwhat is to be done on cdr
07:40.15pranavany other site for detailed application of call monitorng
07:40.25*** part/#asterisk pranav (
07:40.38parNEC and Motorola are teaming up i guess to come out with a roaming WLAN/Cellular
07:41.15*** join/#asterisk fitzel (
07:41.25fitzelGood morning
07:41.44joaoviannaJerJer: My application still playing prompts before the call is answered. I put wait(2), answer, etc... I checked the all the manuals. It seens like voicepulse is answer my call and then forwarding to my called #... Is it make any sense ?
07:42.52*** part/#asterisk djin (
07:44.59fitzelHas anybody sucessfully compiled and installed any late CSV together with chan_capi? I only get errors and crashes :|
07:46.15Inv_arpfitzel: what type of errors and crashes? if needed
07:47.44fitzelDuring compile of chan_capi I get: chan_capi.c: In function `capi_read':
07:47.44fitzelchan_capi.c:826: structure has no member named `delivery'
07:48.31SexyKenDoes anyone else have problems with Asterisk crashing with Extension Routing while using RealTime?
07:48.35fitzelBut it compiles and I can install the modules. Asterisk can load them but when I try an to call any msn, there is just "nothing" happening.
07:48.42paroh yay mortorola cn620
07:49.14fitzelWhen I do "show channels" after that, I get only some strange output, seems like it does show some random characters.
07:50.11Inv_arpfitzel: u should try mv all the old sources and re cvs/compile fresh
07:50.47Inv_arpSexyKen: extension routing?
07:51.07fitzelAh, ok. You think there could hang around some old stuff? At least its worth a try.
07:51.22SexyKenSomeone who is developing some Asterisk stuff for me told me this: extension routing crashes asterisk with realtime
07:52.04fitzelHere is the pastebin: chan_capi.c: In function `capi_read':
07:52.05fitzelchan_capi.c:826: structure has no member named `delivery'
07:52.05fitzelchan_capi.c:827: structure has no member named `delivery'
07:52.05fitzelchan_capi.c: In function `capi_new':
07:52.05fitzelchan_capi.c:1022: structure has no member named `delivery'
07:52.07fitzelchan_capi.c:1023: structure has no member named `delivery'
07:52.08fitzelchan_capi.c:1073: structure has no member named `callerid'
07:52.10TheEmperorhello, what's the latest stable version of *?
07:52.11fitzelchan_capi.c:1074: structure has no member named `dnid'
07:52.12fitzelchan_capi.c: In function `pipe_msg':
07:52.15fitzelchan_capi.c:1499: structure has no member named `delivery'
07:52.16fitzelchan_capi.c:1500: structure has no member named `delivery' if needed
07:52.19fitzelchan_capi.c:1724: structure has no member named `dnid'
07:52.24rikstadon't suppose anyone in the UK has an old 1U server they would like to sell? doesn't have to be good specification
07:52.25fitzelchan_capi.c:1724: structure has no member named `dnid'
07:52.26fitzelchan_capi.c:1724: structure has no member named `dnid'
07:52.30fitzelchan_capi.c:1724: structure has no member named `dnid'
07:52.33fitzelchan_capi.c:1724: structure has no member named `dnid'
07:52.34fitzelchan_capi.c: In function `load_module':
07:52.36fitzelchan_capi.c:2793: warning: passing arg 4 of `ast_channel_register' from incompatible pointer type
07:52.42fitzelHere is the pastebin:
07:52.49TheEmperorhello, what's the latest stable version of *?
07:52.56rikstaTheEmperor: topic
07:53.03rikstafitzel: is that really neccessary?
07:53.24TheEmperorriksta: what do you mean..
07:53.33rikstaTheEmperor: read the bloody topic
07:55.47Inv_arphm wonder how i  can  get a telco "blah number is disconnected" operator recording
07:55.54*** join/#asterisk dg1nsw (~schulte@
07:55.55fitzelriksta, it was not my intention.
07:56.11fitzelI am bit of trigger happy this morning.
07:58.03fitzelIs anybody using a digi datafire card here on debian?
08:04.18*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
08:09.12parThis is not the first device from the company that support both GSM and Wi-Fi, but it is the first one that can hand-over an active VoIP call to GSM via Wi-Fi (WLAN), when you travel beyond the WLAN coverage. Vice-versa, only .PBX anchored. calls will continue when moving from GSM to WLAN.
08:10.06parhow do you pbx anchor a gsm 3g call
08:10.27parmust mean that you need an actual circuit
08:23.16pari guess we'll wait for support for that one :/
08:23.44wildcard0hey. what's the general opinion on asterisk@home?
08:24.18*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
08:24.35*** join/#asterisk flewid (~flewid@
08:25.13flewidquestion - i have two tdm cards in a box, and for some reason it seems if i softboot, it doesn't detect both cards, just the first one. I have to power down before powering up for it to recognize both cards properly
08:25.15flewidthis common?>
08:25.32flewidsory, tdm04/40
08:27.41*** join/#asterisk matjing (~Miranda@
08:28.22RestLessGeminiI installed asterisk@home last nite.. everything is great,though i dont know the login password for maintainance section in AMP, also it didnt setup my x100p, well it did first but as soon as i plugged phone line into x100p, linux got hang and after reboot, it gave a handfull errors on modprobing wcfxo
08:28.24ManxPowerflewid, I've seen it before.
08:28.26*** join/#asterisk TrevMeister (
08:29.17wildcard0RestLessGemini, well since i was planning on using all SIP/IAX stuff, i prolly won't run into those problems :)
08:29.29wildcard0i'll have to find the login/pass tho
08:30.57RestLessGeminiwell yeah .. its working great with SIP/IAX stuff
08:31.22RestLessGeminiwell i can tell you amp admin password
08:31.33wildcard0oh what is it? :)
08:31.41RestLessGeminiuser= wwwadmin, password = password
08:31.52RestLessGeminiIt took me 30 min just to find the passwrod :)
08:32.16RestLessGeminibut i am still looking for maintainance section password
08:32.16wildcard0well im glad i dun have to go through that
08:32.26RestLessGeminimemo me if you managed to find it
08:32.33wildcard0when it's done downloading, i'll look for that too
08:35.41flewidsorry, went to get a cofffe :) sec
08:36.04flewidManxPower: so it's not just me, any way you know of to fix it?
08:36.28flewidi mean, it's not like it'll be rebooting often, but right now i'm rebooting it frequently to make sure that it comes back up as planned upon a reboot
08:36.33flewidso it's annoying :)
08:37.48*** join/#asterisk Tray (
08:38.23TrayDoes anyone know how to setup a t100p with hdlc?
08:38.29*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
08:39.34flewidso anyone here going to VON?
08:40.19*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
08:42.27ta[i]ntedis there a way to mimic calls in asterisk?
08:42.37ta[i]ntedi want to see how many concurrent calls my box can handle
08:43.53Inv_arpta[i]nted: think there's sip call generators out there
08:45.08*** join/#asterisk scanna (
08:46.34*** join/#asterisk Red_6 (
08:46.45teemu-xIf I'm instaling asterisk 1.0.2, what version of libpri/zaptel should I use?
08:48.12Inv_arpteemu-x: samne as the one u installing
08:48.57teemu-xok now I just have to figure out where to get those
08:49.53Inv_arpteemu-x: why not get 1.06?
08:50.23teemu-xH323 doesnt seem to work
08:50.24*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
08:51.37ManxPowerteemu-x, You should not install Asterisk 1.0.2
08:52.03ManxPowerbecause there are massive numbers of bug fixes after 1.0.2
08:52.14teemu-xit worked fine, and now that someone updated asterisk to 1.0.6, h323 got broken
08:52.18ManxPoweruse 1.0.3 is you have to.
08:53.09ManxPowerteemu-x, you rebuilt the chan_h323 for the new version of Astersisk, right?  And read the updated /path/to/src/asterisk/channels/h323/README, right?
08:54.01ManxPowerIf 1.0.6 H323 was REALLY broken I'm pretty sure we would have heard about it before now.
08:54.59teemu-xI've done everything like it's supposed to, I think
08:55.26ManxPowerteemu-x, file a report on then.
08:55.53teemu-xwhen called party answers (= picks up the phone), call gets hanged up immediately (if either end is H323)
08:56.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
08:56.24teemu-xlike I'm going to report a bug, I lack the haxor skillz to produce valid debug information
08:56.37wildcard0well, start with an strace
08:56.47wildcard0then you'll know where it's hanging at least
08:57.21wildcard0if you can narrow it down to a particular area, you'll know where to being
08:57.24teemu-xwhat do you mean by strace?
08:57.30wildcard0man strace
08:57.37ManxPowerteemu-x, Sounds like a codec problem to me.
08:57.42ManxPowerdisallow=all and allow=ulaw
08:57.46wildcard0it shows you ... basically...what function a program is in
08:57.47*** join/#asterisk syslinux (
08:57.56wildcard0that seems reasonable
08:58.25teemu-xno manual entry for strace, and these codecs have worked fine for few months with asterisk 0.8 something and 1.0.2
08:58.35*** join/#asterisk rvhi (~rv@
08:58.57rvhihi, when I park, i keep getting this error and there is no moh
08:59.06wildcard0rvhi, is there? :)
08:59.07teemu-xI have only gsm allowed now
08:59.10rvhires_musiconhold.c:340 monmp3thread: Only wrote -1 of 640 bytes to pipe
08:59.25tzafrirstrace command line with parameters
08:59.26ManxPowerteemu-x, You don't have a bandwidth= line, do you?
08:59.35Inv_arpteemu-x: if everything was fine  why they upgrad
08:59.39teemu-xin h323.conf?
08:59.39ManxPowerteemu-x, so you have disallow=all and allow=gsm?
08:59.44teemu-xyes manx
08:59.57ManxPowerteemu-x, Well, h323.conf is where h323 is configured for Astersisk.
09:00.03rvhiif i put someone on hold, i got moh
09:00.04ManxPowerteemu-x, post to the mailing list first, it may be a config problem.
09:00.06teemu-xthere were some features missing/not working on 1.0.2
09:00.30ManxPowerrvhi, I seem to recall a cvs update that fixed that problem
09:00.43teemu-xbut I'd rather take 1.0.2 with missing features than 1.0.6 thats not working at all (all except couple of users have h323 hardware phones)
09:00.46rvhii am using stable version
09:00.57ManxPowerteemu-x, 1.0.x will never have new features added.
09:01.32tzafrirteemu-x, is the PBX exposed to the internet? if so, you should know that there was a security advisory after 1.0.3
09:02.40wildcard0tzafrir, url?
09:02.48*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
09:03.07tzafrirAs for strace, you probably don't have that package installed. Which means you should install it, as no system is complete without strace ;-)
09:05.03teemu-xadministrating a linux box is something i really wish not to do, as I'd probably wipe the box clean if I'd try to do something like that
09:05.27teemu-xupgrading asterisk is way too much for me already
09:06.29teemu-xor should I say that everything would work fine (working asterisk in few minutes), except that getting h323 to work takes always solid week of banging my head to wall
09:06.29rvhiteemu-x, is 1.0.6 not working? I am thinking about upgrade.
09:07.00Inv_arprvhi: your current setup works? why upgrade
09:07.25tzafrirteemu-x, what distro?
09:07.28teemu-xupgrade 102->106 broke h323 calls and I do know whre to problem is
09:09.07wildcard0tzafrir, there were taken care of in >1.0.3 ?
09:09.22tzafrirfixed in 1.0.4
09:09.47cjkhi, is there an application which does just print some output on the cli
09:09.51teemu-xtza: I guess this is some debian
09:10.44ManxPowercjk, "show application noop"
09:15.14cjkManxPower, thanks
09:16.30*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
09:17.01kamranany one using latest CVS
09:17.26kamranand ever used stable
09:17.28moonwickConcurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.5-FreeBSD (client/server)
09:17.34moonwickI dunno, how recent is that?
09:18.11wildcard0Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.17 (client/server)
09:18.15wildcard0im a bit ahead :)
09:18.29kamrani am talking about asterisk CVS version
09:19.56kamranany one using latest asterisk from CVS
09:19.56darkskiezConcurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.12.9 (client/server)
09:20.12darkskiezwow, debian more recent than another distro.
09:20.24wildcard0you win
09:20.37wildcard0ya.  im amazed.  debian usually has software from the late 50s
09:20.45moonwicknah, that's FreeBSD
09:20.59wildcard0i think last time i did an apt-get from stable, a relay came in the mail
09:23.14*** join/#asterisk jarod0820 (~xian-lian@
09:24.21jarod0820Hello,everyone.I am a newbie.
09:24.28wildcard0just born?
09:24.43jarod0820A newbie for VOIP
09:25.02jarod0820Exactly now?
09:26.41modulus_i'm a newbie too
09:26.45modulus_jarod let's help each other!
09:26.50modulus_jbot hug jarod0820
09:26.52jbotACTION hugs jarod0820
09:26.58modulus_jbot hug me
09:27.00jbotACTION hugs modulus_
09:27.09modulus_jbot drink a beer
09:27.11jbotI don't want to drink a beer
09:27.18wildcard0jbot get me a beer
09:27.19jbotwhat do I look like?!
09:28.15jarod0820How can I help you!!!
09:28.48modulus_update asterisk so the cli (asterisk -r) captures SIGEOT
09:28.59*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
09:29.00modulus_and (correctly) processes it
09:29.21*** join/#asterisk cereal_ (
09:29.24cereal_Hi all
09:29.30modulus_hello world!
09:29.55cereal_I have a problem with B-channels allocating on ISDN PRI can someone helmp me ?
09:31.03modulus_hi jarod0820
09:31.17modulus_i sure am
09:31.40*** join/#asterisk jas_williams (
09:32.00modulus_SHE BANG
09:32.03modulus_SHE MOVE
09:32.27jarod0820What's this!!
09:32.38modulus_i dunno!!
09:32.49modulus_i'm out of cigs
09:33.23jarod0820i have
09:33.25modulus_i guess i'll just settle for wine and some tetrahydrocannabinol
09:33.39*** join/#asterisk scanna (
09:33.50*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
09:34.12cereal_Does someone know how to fix the max number of channels for a certain service (agiscript) I t must be in zapata.conf right ?
09:35.18jas_williamscereal_: Max channels there is no max channels ?
09:36.34jas_williamscereal_: Do you whsh to limit the number calls to a service ?
09:36.56cereal_jas_williams : yep only 10 concurent calls
09:37.03cereal_10 as max limits
09:37.06*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
09:37.22ManxPowercereal_, See "show applications"  Pay special attention to SetGroup and CheckGroup options
09:37.54cereal_ManxPower : ok show applications of wich documentation ?
09:38.04ManxPowercereal_, in the Asterisk CLI.
09:38.13ManxPowerYou are new, aren't you?
09:38.21ZeeekManx is up late
09:38.32modulus_Zeeek is up early
09:38.34cereal_yep very new
09:38.40jas_williamscereal_: you need to use something like setgroup and check group before calling your agi script
09:38.40*** part/#asterisk ScaredyCat (
09:38.43ManxPowerZeeek, I took a nap earlier so I could do some over night upgrades.
09:39.19ManxPowerI managed to make the mail server boot, get 12 polycom phones upgraded, upgraded our largest Asterisk box to make the mail server NOT boot.
09:39.43modulus_manx what kinda call volume you got on largest?
09:40.24cereal_ManxPower : the only problem is i never know on wich B channel the incoming call arrives .. can be the 1 the 10 the 30 etc .. so i cant just put channel => 1-x in zapata.conf
09:40.24ManxPowermodulus_, Total of 96 channels, but a bunch of those are DACSd.  I figure about 12 channels into Astrisk and 12 channels to the channel bank
09:40.43ManxPowercereal_, Do NOT do that stuff in zapata.conf.
09:40.51ZeeekManx ah the joys of night work!
09:41.03modulus_manx, calls per day?
09:41.17modulus_thousands? tens of thousands? hundreds of thousands?
09:41.40jas_williamscereal_: look at this page in wiki
09:41.47wildcard0one...BILLION calls
09:41.56modulus_DUN DUN!!
09:42.18modulus_jbot moocow?
09:42.18jbothmm... moocow is the moo cow
09:42.24modulus_jbot moo cow?
09:42.26jbotACTION moos at cow
09:42.35modulus_jbot dogcow?
09:43.04ManxPowermodulus_, grep 2005-03-01 /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv | wc -l
09:43.34cereal_jas_williams : thx for help will read that
09:43.46*** part/#asterisk syslinux (
09:44.13modulus_manx, sounds office environment-ish
09:44.20*** join/#asterisk hanseatic (~konversat@
09:44.21ManxPowermodulus_, Well, yes.
09:45.36hanseaticdo i have to compile a new kernel to install capi2.0 on debian sarge?
09:46.48jas_williamshanseatic: Depends if Capi2 with the correct options is compiled in your existing kernel, I would do it anyway then you know it is right
09:48.05ZeeekNews on tftp front. The server claims that it gets no ACK
09:48.30ZeeekI think it may have to do with the file legth of 129 bytes
09:48.32hanseaticdebian's default is hisax...
09:48.51hanseaticthnx @jas
09:49.54jas_williamshanseatic: Then you need to remove the hisax and build in the capi 2 I had to do the same for my slackware
09:50.11teemu-xsigh... now that I finally got good version of pwlib (1.8.1), it fails to compile: "../../ptclib/httpclnt.cxx:385: ambiguous overload for `BOOL ? const char[2] : const PString &'"
09:53.04ManxPowerteemu-x, What part of this do you NOT understand??
09:53.05ManxPowerThis code runs on Open H.323 v1.12.2 and PWLib v1.5.2. If you use different
09:53.05ManxPowerversions, you are on your own. See the Makefile for more details.
09:53.22ManxPowerThat's direct from the README for chan_h323 for CVS 1.0.x stable.
09:53.31tuxinator_linuxNight guys
09:53.43teemu-xchannels/h323/readme of *cvs head* says openh323 v1.15.1 and pwlib v1.8.1
09:53.47hanseatic@jas thnx... it will be my first kernel compilation... is there anything i should be beware of?
09:53.51teemu-xI'm trying cvs head now
09:54.05ManxPowerteemu-x, Maybe so, but last I heard you were using 1.0.x stable
09:54.28teemu-xyeah, but since I had no luck I'm now trying cvs head
09:54.59teemu-xtried yesterday that cvs head too, but couldnt find those specific version of openh323/pwlib anywhere
09:55.17teemu-xnow that I found them, I tried cvs head again, but no luck since pwlib doesnt compile
09:56.00*** part/#asterisk jarod0820 (~xian-lian@
09:57.34ManxPowerteemu-x, You realize that CVS-HEAD isn't even guarnteed to compile, right?
09:58.42teemu-xbut if I cant get stable to work, I'd better try that
10:00.30*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
10:00.42*** join/#asterisk afe ([
10:08.22jas_williamsteemu-x: What is wrong with stable ?
10:09.06ManxPowerjas_williams, he thinks chan_h323 is broken in 1.0.x stable
10:09.36jas_williamsit is not it works fine with the correct libs and configuration
10:10.49ManxPowerjas_williams, He's getting dropped h323 calls
10:13.21Zeeekgentlement: in IAX2 what could make a phone unreachable?
10:14.15Zeeekthe phone is on the same router as asterisk
10:15.16*** join/#asterisk strace (
10:15.19stracehey gang
10:15.30stracewhere can I download mp3 free for commercial usage? ?
10:15.52JamesDotComthere's a site somewhere around with royalty free mp3s
10:15.58TheEmperoranyone know how to configure zaptel.conf and zapata.conf with a te410p digium card? I've read the docs but am still confused :(
10:15.59JamesDotComtry using google before asking questions like that
10:16.09straceJamesDotCom: done that
10:16.53JamesDotComkeep looking
10:16.57JamesDotComtheyre definitely around
10:17.37stracetell me where then
10:17.54ZeeekManxpower ?
10:18.59ManxPowerZeeek, The only Emperor I'd help this late is Emperor Norton and he's dead.
10:19.19TheEmperordarn :)
10:19.55straceJamesDotCom: most of those aren't _free_, you have to pay a license for them to be free
10:20.02straceJamesDotCom: but thanks anyway
10:20.09Zeeektrying to figure out why the iaxphone is UNREACHABLE when it is registered and can make calls
10:20.38ZeeekThe phone talk to asterisk, they're both on the same subnet
10:22.01ZeeekIAX on the same subnet
10:22.22Zeeek192.168.1.205 <=====>
10:22.53sambaldo you need to pay licenses for MOH music? or is buying a cd enough?
10:23.46ManxPowerZeeek, iptables running on the asterisk box?
10:23.54*** join/#asterisk meppl (
10:23.57ZeeekI don't think so
10:24.00ManxPowersambal, You always need a license.
10:24.16sambalok :( what kind of? / where to get it?
10:24.22ManxPowerMoH would be considered a "public performance" which is prohibited for most music.
10:24.24Zeeekbut do you always need iptables ?
10:24.27wildcard0get some classical.  it's out of copyright
10:24.43ManxPowerZeeek, No.  many distos install IP tables and run them.
10:24.46Zeeeknot out of copyright if the performance has mechanical rights
10:25.00ManxPowerwildcard0, Yeah, but there's not a lot of classical where the PERFORMANCE is out of copyright.
10:25.06ZeeekManx at any rate the IAXy worked fine in this "slot"
10:25.09wildcard0but there is some
10:25.21sambalwhere to get it? :)
10:25.24Zeeekthere are a few specific recordings around
10:25.30ManxPowerThe MoH incouded with Asterisk has a licence to use it with Asteris,.
10:25.52wildcard0i think there was a gutenburg like project for music that was archiving a bunch of stuff just like that
10:26.02sambalhmm and putting radio as MOH?
10:26.09ManxPowersambal, totally illegal
10:26.20sambali knkow some company's doing it
10:26.21ManxPowerLots of people do it, but it's still illegal.
10:26.24wildcard0you can usually get a license for that pretty easily if you don't remove the commercials
10:26.43ManxPowerwildcard0, contact the radio station, right?
10:27.23wildcard0they usually have a dept for that.  or at least a guy
10:27.25sambalwhat are the regular prices for using a cd?
10:27.26ZeeekManx I'm trying to figure out which parameters in iax.conf would disturb reachability? I know some stuff must not use qualify for example, but this isn't the problem
10:27.54ManxPowerZeeek, none of them.  Unreachable means "got a icmp port unreachable or no response"
10:28.18ManxPowerZeeek, Does ipchains -L give anything other than empty tables?
10:28.22Zeeeklet's then - what could be blocking the packets?
10:28.30ZeeekI'll check
10:28.33wildcard0prolly iptables
10:28.42ManxPoweryeah, iptables
10:28.45sambaliptables doesn't list all with -L
10:29.07Zeeekdoesn't find any ipchains
10:29.12Zeeekin Slackware 9.1
10:29.22ZeeekI mean the command
10:29.37wildcard0iptables -L -v
10:29.38ManxPowerZeeek, I meant "iptables -L"
10:29.49ManxPowerprolly -V would help too
10:30.26wildcard0are you binding to  or an external address?
10:30.36wildcard0also if you do "reload" does it give an error in the iax section?
10:30.37ZeeekI've never had a probnlem before with anything connected on the net
10:30.42ManxPowerOh!  yeah bindaddr=blah might screw it up
10:30.46Zeeekno error on reload
10:30.54sambalis there a tftp server available which can be bind at a given interface?
10:31.11Zeeekno bindadr in iax.conf
10:31.19ManxPowersambal, most tftp servers are run out of inetd/xinetd and it would be configured there.
10:31.28wildcard0try adding bindaddr=<external ip>
10:31.28Zeeekthere is a tftp server at
10:31.47Zeeekerrrrr I'm on the loacal network
10:31.50*** join/#asterisk nazgool (
10:32.09wildcard0where external = not  like use 192.168. whatever
10:32.49wildcard0also do netstat -au
10:32.52wildcard0do you see it there?
10:33.06wildcard0it should show 4569
10:33.19sambalManxPower: good point.. :)
10:33.24nazgooldo i understand the syntax of this agi command correctly: can i say "CHANNEL STATUS SIP/mysipuser" ?
10:33.25Zeeekudp        0      0 *:4569                  *:*
10:34.26nazgooland is there a possibility to ask the channel status for a given channel (e.g. SIP/mysipuser) from console?
10:35.03teemu-xjas_williams: any h323 necessary configuration changes between 1.0.2 and 1.0.6?
10:35.12wildcard0Zeeek, that looks right.  what's trying to connect to it?
10:35.27Zeeekyou mean my problem phone?
10:35.37*** join/#asterisk Othello (
10:35.41ZeeekThere are other IAX clients coming in thru NAT btw -
10:36.01Zeeekno problems with my IAXy, nufone, VP, etc
10:36.10wildcard0sounds like it's a client problem then
10:36.13Zeeekthis is a Farfon
10:36.30Zeeekbleeding edge - my blood
10:36.51wildcard0the server seems to be working fine
10:36.56Zeeekto me it is
10:37.00wildcard0i can't help much with the client.  never used it
10:37.16ZeeekI don't have another IAX client here but formerly the IAXy was connected in the same situation and no prob
10:37.31wildcard0actually...that's a good question.  what do you guys think is the best iax or sip softphone out there for free-as-in-speech ?
10:37.39Zeeekwell maybe there is a config param on their end. Waiting to catch wasim
10:37.44wildcard0Zeeek, that really sounds like a client issue
10:37.46*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
10:38.08sambalManxPower: looks like it isn't supported
10:38.12Zeeekeveryone here sbobs them, but the value for money is Grandstream
10:38.32ZeeekI'm looking at a Polycom ip500 now
10:38.35wildcard0SOFTphone.  like a program
10:38.37sambalgrandstream isn't bad as all with the latest firmwares
10:38.40sambalat all
10:38.48Zeeekfree softphone for linux?
10:38.50sambalespecially for testing
10:39.00wildcard0i'd prefer multiplatform
10:39.18wildcard0but prolly windoze first as it'd have to be put on boxes that aren't mine
10:39.24ZeeekX-Lite is by far the best in my experience. Again, people love to trash it
10:39.50ZeeekI've used most of the iAX ones too IAXphone and iAXCOMM come to mind
10:40.05wildcard0i was considering skinning iaxcomm, but it's a HUGE pain to compile requires blood offerings
10:40.34wildcard0x-lite isn't open source
10:40.49Zeeekif yiou don't specify auth in iax.conf it defaults to plain?
10:40.55nazgoolif i'd like to know (inside an AGI script) whether the line SIP/mysipuser is busy, how do i do that?  i tried "CHANNEL STATUS SIP/mysipuser", but it tells me -1 although that sip user is registered
10:40.58nazgoolany idea?
10:40.58*** join/#asterisk slePP (
10:41.10Zeeekhey ya know what? There's a new OS SIP client out here in FR
10:41.29ZeeekMultiplatform - I forgot to tell people here about that
10:41.49ZeeekI haven't used it more than once, but it is available free
10:42.03nazgooldo i need to append some number to "SIP/mysipuser" like "SIP/mysipuser-2343" to get a valid channel name? if so, wherefrom do i get that number?
10:42.24wildcard0nazgool, it might be overkill, but a while back i wrote a patch that would allow you to run console commands in an agi script.  it's prolly still in mantis somewhere
10:43.13wildcard0Zeeek, i get an empty page there
10:43.20ZeeekI'll try
10:44.32Zeeekno it's up but let me try to find the dowload links
10:44.49wildcard0maybe it's my proxy then
10:45.20sambalput www in front of it
10:45.48Zeeeksee if this works:
10:46.05nazgoolcan't i just use "CHANNEL STATUS" for that?
10:46.21wildcard0no idea.  never tried
10:46.52Zeeekwildcard0 HERE we ho:
10:47.20Zeeekaplpha status like my phone
10:47.48wildcard0cool.  i'll check it out as soon as im done burning this disc
10:48.39Zeeekgrab this
10:48.54ZeeekCVS source
10:49.18ZeeekKeep us posted - I forgot all about this thing
10:50.16jas_williamsZeeek: got your farfon going yet ?
10:50.19ZeeekI'll buy a coffee for the first person that compiles this phone
10:50.29Zeeekwell, half - it calls
10:50.31Zeeeksort of
10:50.40Zeeekit's registered but unreachable
10:51.35jas_williamsDo the iax packets make it to the phone ?
10:52.04jas_williamsWhat does your sniffer trace show ?
10:52.08Zeeekwell when it calls, the call works - though it has unacceptable noise (I think it's a b0rken phone)
10:52.42ZeeekActually I sniffed the tftp part but not the qualify packets
10:52.50Zeeeklet me start the sniff again
10:55.45jas_williamsThere is a nat between you and * so the qualify is needed to keep the nat ports open
10:55.56Zeeekno NAT same side
10:56.32jas_williamsoh Sorry I miss understood a coment from Manx, Then it should stay registered without the qualify
10:56.46jas_williamsand incoming calls to the phone should work
10:57.07ZeeekI put a host= and asterisk now complains it isn't dynamic
10:57.46jas_williamsYou cannot have a specified host and host as dynamic, have one or the other
10:57.56Zeeekit is one or the other
10:58.26Zeeekah wait a sec - maybe that was specified in the phone conf
10:58.33jas_williamsYou need to stop the phone from registering when you have host=192,,,,
10:59.15Zeeekok anyway
10:59.28Zeeekno packets are sent to the phone
10:59.42Zeeekwell, none are received
10:59.57sambalZeeek: did you remove the dynamic line aswell?
11:00.18jas_williams* will not accept registration from a phone that has host= in its config
11:00.25Zeeek192.168.1.205   (S)  4569      UNREACHABLE
11:00.47Zeeekit works the same with no host or host=dynamic
11:00.59wildcard0jas_williams, why not?
11:01.01jas_williamsIs asterisk sending packets iax2 debug
11:01.06Zeeekoops no it complains "host is not dynamic"
11:01.26jas_williamswildcard0: That is the way * is architected
11:01.49Zeeekinteresting verb
11:01.58Zeeekare you claiming first use?
11:02.03Zeeekyou should
11:02.08wildcard0i don't think i've ever had that issue
11:02.27jas_williamsyes architected (copyright jas_williams 2005)
11:02.55Zeeeksniffing nothing coming in from anywhere - or going out
11:03.31Zeeekhmmm not much of a sniff
11:03.39Zeeeksince I just was making a call
11:04.15Zeeekoops - forgot I wasn't on the hub anymore
11:04.30jas_williamsZeeek: ahh.
11:05.09Zeeekok now I'm seeing some action
11:05.29Zeeekthere is a POKE and an ACK
11:06.06Zeeekso the phone does seem to be getting and acking the poke
11:06.09Zeeekfrom ast
11:06.42ZeeekI have someone coming here for lunch so I'll obviously be interrupted right on the verge of a major important discovery
11:07.27jas_williamsZeeek: If you turn off the qualify, does the phone stay registered and can you call it ?
11:07.50jas_williamskeep host as dynamic
11:08.10*** join/#asterisk ozJames79 (
11:08.44ZeeekI think so because I had qualify off thinking that'd help - it does with some SIP providers
11:09.23jas_williamsSo in that case * should at least attempt to make the call to the phone
11:09.52ZeeekI'm seeing REGREQ, REGAUTH and REGACK all looking normal
11:09.56jas_williamsif staus = unreachable then * will not attempt to call the peer as far as i know
11:10.04Zeeekno it doesn't
11:10.05ozJames79Hi can anyone help with a startup problem i am having with *  i can tell it to startup by putting the command  in inittab and in rc.local -vvvvc but onces its loaded i cant issue a asterisk -r  yet it is running because i can make and recieve calls  ...any ideas .. thanks :)
11:10.21jas_williamsWhat does your trace give
11:10.25ZeeekozJames look up safe_asterisk
11:10.44ozJames79zeeek: i did that and console is set to yes
11:10.51jas_williamsduring the call attemot, and could it be a codec negotiation issue
11:11.31Zeeekif asterisk is run as root you must be root to run asterisk -r
11:12.04ozJames79yep i am running as root
11:12.35Zeeekbut are you using the safe_asterisk script ?
11:13.20*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
11:13.28jas_williamsozJames79: Include the line safe_asterisk in your rc.local rather than asterisk -vvvvc
11:13.37ozJames79tried that also
11:13.49ozJames79it does load i jsut cant get the console
11:14.00Zeeekwhat is the message?
11:14.34*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
11:14.38*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
11:14.41RoyK~seen wasim
11:14.43jbotwasim <~wasim@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 21h 39m 26s ago, saying: 'yay! fresh feta cheese!'.
11:14.45ozJames79Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
11:15.31ozJames79hmm i am logged in as root
11:15.48Zeeekand you see asterisk in ps aux ?
11:15.53jas_williamsozJames79: do a netstat do you see unix  2      [ ACC ]     STREAM     LISTENING     486    /var/run/asterisk.ctl
11:16.44ZeeekI see connected, not listening
11:16.53Zeeekbut I guess that's beacuse I am...
11:17.02jas_williamsZeeek: You have a remote session connected :)
11:17.10Zeeekper cise ly
11:17.57Zeeekjas how can I see traffic coming from 192.168.... on the asterisk box?
11:18.10Zeeekit's iftraf or something?
11:18.24Zeeekwith a filter for
11:18.28*** join/#asterisk DHuang (~DHuang@
11:18.35[ro]nic3tryis possible to have asterisk restarting after a crash ?
11:18.58DHuangyes... put in the supervise
11:19.22ozJames79check this out
11:20.24[ro]nic3tryto have asterisk restart by itself
11:20.28DHuangcheck the ctl does it exist?
11:20.39jas_williamsZeeek: Not sure
11:20.46Zeeekfound it
11:21.38ozJames79no /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl doesnt exist
11:22.20DHuangis it a bug for Asterisk to unable to check register if you have 2 SIP phone under the same NAT network??
11:22.35DHuangozJ: that answer your question.
11:23.07jas_williamsDHuang: No it is a limitation with SIP each phone has to be listening on a different sip port say 5060 and 5061
11:23.50DHuangjw: I see... shall change the SIP phone and try... thanks. ;-p
11:24.24ozJames79DHuang: not really no as asterisk is running i can make and recieve calls
11:24.30jas_williamsDon't forgrt to change your port forwarding rules as well
11:24.46DHuangjw: thanks..
11:25.02DHuangOJ: did you compie the asterisk yourself??
11:25.14ozJames79yes i did
11:25.53DHuangOJ: and you renamed it so safe_asterisk?
11:27.09*** join/#asterisk Mother_ (
11:27.20ZeeekI'm totally DUMB-founded
11:27.43ZeeekOn both sides, the packets are passing on 4569 REG,ACK all that stuff
11:27.53Zeeekyes the phone remains UNREACHABLE
11:27.54*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
11:28.01MuppetMasterHello everyone
11:28.11MuppetMasterI am getting this parsing error:  Mar  2 12:24:20 WARNING[25229]: ast_expr.y:483 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input:
11:28.19DHuangjw: the SIP debug shows that Nat (no) <--- that should be yes??
11:28.26MuppetMasterWith this command in extensions.conf:  exten => _9X.,5,GotoIf($[$[${ENUM:0:3} = SIP] | $[${ENUM:0:3} = IAX]]?6:8)
11:28.31ozJames79i created the directory /var/run/asterisk now i can connect to cli
11:28.32MuppetMasterCan anyone spot the error?  As I can not.
11:28.52DHuangOJ: did you do a "make install"
11:29.40RaYmAn-BxMuppetMaster: try doing a NoOp with the same parameters to check that it returns what is expected
11:29.45DHuangOJ: try safe_asterisk -r
11:30.09RaYmAn-BxMuppetMaster: and try the seperate parts, well..seperate :) And make sure it's assembled properly
11:30.25Mother_hi all
11:30.39Mother_Zeeek: that happens to me too
11:30.55MuppetMasterRaYmAn-Bx:  How would I format the NoOp to check the syntax?
11:31.02Mother_I have two * and every so often one spends a while (1 minute up to 1 hour) unreacheable
11:31.17Zeeekon the same local network?
11:31.23Mother_ah no
11:31.34Mother_they are each on their own DSL behind NAT
11:31.39Zeeekand I see by =sniff they are talking to each other
11:31.45*** join/#asterisk Astinus_ (~abba@
11:32.13*** join/#asterisk __Sparks_ (
11:32.24RaYmAn-BxMuppetMaster: well..split it $[${ENUM:0:3} = SIP] for example..
11:32.25Mother_what have you, * and a phone? or both are PCs? I'm asking in case you can run ethereal on each
11:32.37jas_williamsZeeek: Remove the qualify lines, and restart *
11:32.44MuppetMasterRaYmAn-Bx:  Okay, will give that a try.
11:32.52RaYmAn-Bxit generally helps to make sure each part is correct and if that's the case then make sure it's assembled together correctly to form the final result
11:32.53ZeeekI've done that - but I can do it again
11:33.11*** join/#asterisk fishboy1669 (proxyuser@
11:33.18fishboy1669morning guys
11:33.20RaYmAn-BxMuppetMaster: my initial thought is whether or not it's safe to use | inside a $[] block
11:33.28Mother_is there a way to check if the compilation of a driver with some changes has worked OK?
11:33.37__Sparks_Anyone here using Xorcom Rapid?
11:33.38Zeeekyou meant restart and not just reload?
11:34.13Mother_I'm playing with the debounce settings on wctdm.c to see if I can cure this hangup problem
11:34.14MuppetMasterRaYmAn-Bx:  I have used an or('|')  before and there are lots of examples of it on the Wiki...
11:34.39jas_williamsZeeek: Yes, To clear the registartion times may be
11:34.40MuppetMasterRaYmAn-Bx:  The funny part is the logic works fine and just as it should.  Just get the error when the case is false, but even then it goes to 8 as it should.
11:35.29RaYmAn-BxMuppetMaster: I don't know then
11:35.49Zeeekjas_ you da man! This would have been solved hours ago if I had thought about restarting!
11:36.08Zeeeknow it's unmonitored but callable - much better
11:36.37Zeeekbut the clock is still wrong :)
11:37.47Zeeekthanks jas_ that did help a lot
11:37.51jas_williamsZeeek: So it looks like the farfon has an issue with the qualify code. Talk to wasim about that :)
11:38.03ZeeekI have one last issue - the noise
11:38.10MuppetMasterRaYmAn-Bx: Now it is giving me two errors now that I have split them up (same error as before).
11:38.14Zeeeksee my report on FWD forum
11:38.20MuppetMasterexten => _9X.,5,GotoIf($[${ENUM:0:3} = SIP]?7:6)
11:38.27MuppetMasterexten => _9X.,6,GotoIf($[${ENUM:0:3} = IAX]?7:9)
11:38.29Mother_this is SO frustrating
11:38.40jas_williamsThat could be a HW issue,
11:38.41MuppetMasterMar  2 12:37:20 WARNING[25229]: ast_expr.y:483 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input:
11:38.54RaYmAn-Bxis that the entire error?
11:39.15jas_williamsMuppetMaster: are you running the correct version of Bison ?
11:39.24MuppetMasterIs the bit on the next line, with ^^^ under the = sign...
11:39.44MuppetMasterjas_williams:  Which version of Bison should I be running (I think I am, but you never know).
11:39.51RaYmAn-Bxactually, try putting quotes around both the ${} bit and the "SIP" bit
11:40.00MuppetMasterAh, good idea.
11:40.28MuppetMasterBison 1.875
11:41.33MuppetMasterRaYmAn-Bx:  Tried with "SIP" and "IAX" no joy, will now also add "${}" to see if that works.
11:42.36MuppetMasterRaYmAn-Bx: Putting " " around SIP and ${} did the trick!
11:42.50MuppetMasterLooks like some changes are needed to the Wiki and's examples...
11:43.08fishboy1669hi zeeek hows life?
11:43.31MuppetMasterWhat is strange is that the logic worked anyway...
11:44.29MuppetMasterAlso works as one command:  exten => _9X.,5,GotoIf($[$["${ENUM:0:3}" = "SIP"] | $["${ENUM:0:3}" = "IAX"]]?6:8)
11:45.47MuppetMasterAnother question.  Is there anyway to launch an AGI command from extensions.conf in the background and continue with the next extension, or must one always wait for a return?
11:47.04*** join/#asterisk bowman (
11:48.49jas_williamsMuppetMaster: I just updated example 2 on the wikipage does that look good ?
11:49.07Mother_why the heck would my SIP phones start ringing again when I hangup a call coming from a remote * over IAX2?
11:49.25*** join/#asterisk slePP (
11:49.30Mother_anyone come across this before? local calls to the PSTN work OK, phones only ring once, hangup is normal, etc.
11:50.01MuppetMasterjas_williams:  Should actually look like this (or at least what I got to work) GotoIf($[$["${ENUM:0:3}" = "SIP"] | $["${ENUM:0:3}" = "IAX"]]?6:8)
11:50.04Mother_but when the PSTN call from the other * comes in over IAX2, I get one ring, then when hanging up, a second ring, obviously to an empty line when picked up
11:50.05*** part/#asterisk DHuang (~DHuang@
11:50.15MuppetMasterjas_williams:  I tried without the " around the ${} and that did not work.
11:50.23jas_williamsMuppetMaster: Just noticed that changed it to suit
11:50.27*** join/#asterisk meppl (
11:50.31MuppetMasterjas_williams:  So when comparing a string to a string it appears to need quotes around both sides of the comparison.
11:50.41MuppetMasterjas_williams:  Great!
11:52.10Mother_why do I get this "Spawn extension (iax-inbound, s, 2) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/mother@mother/2" then when the call is hungup after the second ring
11:52.22Mother_I get this Spawn extension (iax-inbound, h, 2) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/mother@mother/2
11:52.34Mother_which would be the hangup extension, which I don't have configured anywhere
11:52.55jalsotI have a compilation problem of CVS-HEAD, can anybody take a look?
11:53.51*** join/#asterisk visik7 (~ciao@visik7.user)
11:54.03*** join/#asterisk visik7 (~ciao@visik7.user)
11:54.10Mother_when does the hangup extension come into effect???
11:54.21Mother_my client is screaming at me at this very minute
11:54.36*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
11:56.48MuppetMasterSo any thoughts on how to launch an AGI in the background and carry on with the next extension?  Or does it need to be done programatically within the AGI itself?
11:57.16MuppetMasterWhere the AGI launches a process to do the work and returns to the Asterisk?
11:57.48RoyK~seen wasim
11:57.50jbotwasim <~wasim@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 22h 22m 33s ago, saying: 'yay! fresh feta cheese!'.
11:57.52*** join/#asterisk LarsAC (~chatzilla@
11:59.52LarsACwhere can I find info how voiceboxes are stored?
12:01.43visik7is pbx patented ?
12:02.29*** part/#asterisk hanseatic (~konversat@
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12:06.23*** join/#asterisk Tili (
12:06.49ta[i]ntedMuppetMaster what are u trying to do?
12:07.50MuppetMasterta[i]nted:  I send a all notification (with CLI, etc) via a jabber server.  The issue is, the jabber server can be a little slow, so it delays the call by a second or two (I playback ringing) before it actually moves on to the next extension which is a dial command.
12:07.51fishboy1669anyone here in uk using x100p fxo cards?
12:08.01nazgoola question about groups: when i use the SetGroup command, will that in itself increment the GROUPCOUNT for that group? and how are they decremented again? when the call is hung up? or does one have to somehow do it manually?
12:08.05MuppetMasterta[i]nted:  So what I would like to do is launch it in the background and carry on.
12:08.26MuppetMasterta[i]nted:  Incidentally, I am using PHP to do this at the moment along with the
12:08.39MuppetMasterta[i]nted: Along with a jabber class I picked up along the way.
12:12.05fishboy1669any one here from uk?
12:12.11fishboy1669uk anyone?
12:12.16*** join/#asterisk heka (~fasada@
12:13.42jas_williamsfishboy1669: Yes
12:14.16Astinus_today i called a company which uses some sort of pbx .. "press 1 for blah press 2 for bleh" i think they had 3 menu levels. i pressed a key many times fast, and the suddenly three diffrent voicefiles started playing at the same time.
12:23.50*** join/#asterisk montoya (~montoya@
12:25.14darkskiezfile, yes
12:25.18darkskiezfishboy1669, yes
12:25.25fishboy1669hi dark
12:25.27fishboy1669hi jas
12:25.34fishboy1669do either of u use x100p cards?
12:25.46darkskiezi dont
12:26.09fishboy1669jas do u use x100p?
12:26.23fishboy1669hi royk
12:26.27fishboy1669hows things
12:26.57RoyKtrying to make this farfon thingie work
12:28.23fishboy1669whats farfon
12:29.02fishboy1669unrelated but looks cool!
12:29.41fishboy1669aha farfon iax device
12:30.04fishboy1669jas u there
12:30.14fishboy1669jas do u use x100p?
12:30.15EssobiI'm tired.
12:30.28fishboy1669same here didnt get home till 10:20 last night
12:30.30fishboy1669bloody work
12:30.38fishboy1669then up early this morn to take car to garrage
12:30.40fishboy1669befor work
12:31.26EssobiI wonder if that's one of those x-ten/lite supported phones.
12:32.03EssobiPSssh.. I wen to bed at 2:35AM waiting for billing to batch out.
12:32.15EssobiHere it is 7:30AM not. :|
12:32.19RoyKbrr. -19 degrees this morning
12:32.41EssobiEveryone move to Texas,
12:33.12RoyKbeen there once. that was enough
12:33.15fishboy1669where r u roy
12:33.20fishboy1669-19 is cold
12:33.23fishboy1669is it alps
12:33.27fishboy1669is there snowboarding there
12:33.42fishboy1669aha cool
12:34.00fishboy1669is there any snowboarding there
12:34.01RoyKonly -10 now. bright sun...
12:34.05trymRoyK: -19? det er drøyt
12:34.12RoyKtrym: i dag morrest
12:34.17fishboy1669always fancied visiting scandinavia
12:34.18trymvar kaldt å ta røyk in att ja
12:34.20ta[i]ntedwhat are valid file_formats in asterisk?
12:34.24ta[i]ntedwav, gsm?
12:34.28RoyKtrym: hehe
12:34.31RoyKtrym: hvor er du fra?
12:34.38trymRoyK: bor på stabekk
12:34.42fishboy1669essobi which phone u refering to
12:35.05Essobithe skype one you linked to
12:35.06fishboy1669trym u from scandinavia as well!
12:35.12trymfishboy1669: of course
12:35.15trymits the only decent place to live
12:35.16fishboy1669aha no i think its just skype
12:35.24fishboy1669it uses different system to the rest of us
12:35.27trymexcept during the winter
12:36.07*** join/#asterisk eye69 (
12:36.33eye69Hello. What's a good softphone for Linux?
12:36.51eye69I just need something so that my mate can get an extension on my PBX.
12:39.32*** join/#asterisk mildenhall (
12:39.42Essobi Hmm... I think that might be SIP/SKYPE
12:43.13mildenhallWhen calls are transferred using a SIP phone, my pc endpoint does not see the change in where it is talking to. It still thinks it is chatting to the person that transfered the call, and not the persion who was actually transferred. Is there anything in Asterisk I've missed perhaps? It also could be my software endpoint, but I'm njust wondering. :-)
12:45.27eye69Essobi: Was that for me?
12:46.16teemu-xif someone knows how to read traces of dropping h.323 calls, please take a look at
12:46.36EssobiIs those how we ask?
12:46.43EssobiIS that how we ask?
12:48.19zigmanmantis mantis mantis.. i want my mantis pass !!!!
12:48.34Essobiteemu-x What's the problem?
12:48.43*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
12:48.47EssobiWhat's it doing/no doing
12:48.50teemu-xcall drops right after receiving end picks up the phone
12:48.58Essobiand make it fast.. Ig ot to get in the show and head to work
12:49.26EssobiGo enable faststart and try it again, and I'll keep reading in the mean time.
12:49.36EssobiI see it answering and clicking
12:49.36*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
12:49.40Essobiand playback starding
12:49.41*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
12:50.47teemu-xyeah, but both ends (or one end in this case) just hear beep beep beep beep
12:52.20EssobiIt's just hanging up cause it's "supposed" to.
12:52.49EssobiUmm.. Make sure your codecs match.. just turn on G711 on both sides first.
12:52.53teemu-xthat i can understand, but IMO there shouldnt be any RELEASE COMPLETE
12:52.58Essobior somethin equivilent there.
12:53.13teemu-xI've got disallow=all, allow=gsm
12:53.36*** part/#asterisk mildenhall (
12:53.54Essobiteemu-x Umm. that could be the problem too.
12:54.14Essobiyour gateway you're connecting this to is sending you every CODEC in god creation.
12:55.08EssobiAnd our GSM might not with iwth their GSM
12:55.19Essobithey have 4 GSMs listed in the negotiation
12:55.25EssobiI'm out peeps.
13:00.52teemu-x\o/ it works! \o/
13:01.24teemu-xI have no idea why, but right now I dont care.
13:01.53*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (some@
13:08.14*** join/#asterisk CarlosMP_ (~CarlosMP@
13:08.32ta[i]ntedwhat file_formats does asterisk support? only gsm and wav?
13:11.09phadederr.. what happened to slashdot
13:12.00LarsACfor voiceboxes you mean?
13:12.04phadednow it's working..
13:17.58*** join/#asterisk hajekd (
13:19.23hajekdgrandstream can't dial *5xxxx ?
13:20.16*** join/#asterisk donis (
13:24.00*** join/#asterisk A-Married-Male (~MostWante@
13:24.22jas_williamshajekd: Do you see any error in the CLI
13:25.01*** join/#asterisk da-manFL (
13:26.29A-Married-MaleCan some help me with asterisk...
13:28.51Zeeekof course
13:29.08Zeeeknow that you have announced your life preferences
13:31.27Zeeekho ho ho
13:32.34*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:39.48hajekdjas_williams: no
13:40.35Zeeekdo so, do so
13:40.49jas_williamshajekd: Try a sip debug peer IPADDRESS where IPADDRESS=Grandstream and check for errors
13:40.57RoyK~seen wasim
13:41.06jbotwasim <~wasim@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 5m 49s ago, saying: 'yay! fresh feta cheese!'.
13:41.06hajekdfunny now works...I have reload asterisk config
13:44.34*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
13:52.10bjohnsonfree shipping from on iax phones for limited time.  See the asterisk-biz mailing list archives for info
13:53.33*** join/#asterisk DHuang (~DHuang@
13:55.48DHuangI got problem connecting 2 x SIP phone to Asterisk, A can dial to B, but B can not dial to A.. error msg = failed to Authorize user
13:57.49DHuangI used to get -- SIP Seeding peers from Astdb: '17004398480610801' at 17004398480610801@ for 180 and now got -- SIP Seeding peers from Astdb: '17004398480610801' at 17004398480610801@ for 180
13:58.02DHuangmorning tz
13:58.22DHuangis it something to do with nat settings?
13:58.45RestLessGeminiput insecure=yes or insecure=very in sip.conf and see if this resolve the problem
13:59.01DHuangRLG: Thanks.. trying now
13:59.15RestLessGeminialso check if your phone is behind nat
13:59.26RestLessGeminiif yes., then put nat=1 or nat=yes
14:00.38RoyKRestLessGemini: insecure=very should never really be used
14:00.55RoyKRestLessGemini: it turns off all authentication....
14:03.49ta[i]nteddo u guys get issues converting gsm to wav?
14:04.02DHuangta: no
14:04.18ta[i]ntedi get some internal inconsistency errors
14:04.33ta[i]ntedDHuang what version sox are u running?
14:06.13ta[i]ntedcan i send u a gsm file to try to encode into wav?
14:08.04DHuangta: can you email to
14:08.17*** join/#asterisk Alexi1 (
14:09.09*** join/#asterisk mixi (
14:09.48RestLessGeminiThanks for update RoyK :)
14:10.24ta[i]ntedDHuang okay sent!
14:10.50*** part/#asterisk Alexi1 (
14:11.17DHuangRLG: only work when put insecure = very      :-(
14:13.29ta[i]ntedDHuang any luck?
14:13.51*** join/#asterisk strace (
14:13.57DHuangRLG: when making the call... both phone have the same xxxx@192.168.0.l1
14:14.03stracewhere can I see how to make an isdn cable (crossover)
14:14.21florzstrace: look for the pbx4linux website
14:14.30*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
14:15.31DHuangta: trying now
14:15.48mixihave i already mentioned?
14:16.01mixiasterisk rocks ;-)
14:17.40shido6yes it does
14:17.54RoyKexcept all the bugs and the badly written code.....
14:18.15ta[i]ntedRoyK and the bad documentation
14:18.47RoyKthe docs on the wiki and aren't that bad
14:18.54stracethe wiki r0x
14:19.14RestLessGeminiwell, its open source, what do you expect? :)
14:19.50RoyKRestLessGemini: just wait :) there's a fork() creeping up
14:19.54DHuangta: sox: help ! internal inconsistency - data_written 53236 gsmbytecount 53235   ... very bad recording... but the wav file works
14:20.04RestLessGeminiok guys, time to leave now.. next shift.. next office.. :'(
14:20.26RestLessGeminitake care, HAppy *ing... bye
14:20.30DHuangRLG: later
14:22.44ta[i]ntedanyone else getting inaccurate call disposition?
14:22.56ta[i]ntedsometimes a call goes through and registers as NORESPONSE
14:24.29ta[i]ntedi mean the call is ANSWERED, but is registered as NORESPONSE
14:24.35*** join/#asterisk MiXi^ (
14:24.39tzangerta[i]nted: hmm
14:24.40ACiDVSince yesterday, when the TE405 driver is loaded (wct4xxp) I cannot receive audio from asterisk, that all span alarm are OK but all led are off (and no cable connected), that zttest dont return any result, it's a sign that the card is crashed ?
14:25.04tzangerACiDV: yes that sounds like the card is not responding
14:25.09tzangerI've never seen that before, personally
14:25.24*** join/#asterisk HitTop (
14:26.33ACiDVvery weird, have try a lot of debug... and the conclusion is that when wct4xxp is loaded, asterisk stop return data (ex. dont lisen any playback sound)
14:26.53tzangeris the card generating interrupts properly?
14:27.22ACiDVtzanger in /proc/interrupts, it increase of ~1000/sec
14:28.12RoyKACiDV: the interrupt rate is ok. that's just because of the timer on the card
14:28.19ACiDVall my alarm are OK and no cable connected, modprobe (+dmesg) say that the card is detected, ztcfg show all my span
14:28.32*** join/#asterisk dsmouse (
14:28.34ACiDVand all working 2 day ago
14:28.58tzangerACiDV: odd
14:29.04ACiDVNot related to * or zaptel version, I have try with 1.0.6 and latest cvs-head
14:29.09tzangerACiDV: I'd call digium and get some support for that $1500 card
14:29.15tzangerMine's bene working great for the past year
14:29.26tzangerwhich kernel and distro?
14:29.39RoyKtzanger: they'll prolly charge him $100 per hour for support :)
14:29.41ACiDVtzanger 2.6.10 / Fedora Core 2
14:29.51tzangerRoyK: he's got paid support with the card
14:30.02jboti guess fedora is RedHat's alpha/beta distro made for testing out stuff to be put into RedHat later.
14:30.04tzangerwhat's changed from 2 days ago to now
14:30.22ACiDVtzanger absolutly nothing :|
14:30.32tzangerACiDV: I find that amazingly hard to believe
14:30.45DHuangRoyK: if I put insecure=very... both phone give the same callerid ?? any idea?
14:30.56RoyKdon't use insecure=very
14:31.08RoyKfix the authentication problems instead
14:31.08ta[i]ntedDHuang are both phones assigned the same IP?
14:31.20Essobisometimes insecure=yes is inevitable.
14:31.25DHuangRoyK: insecure = yes   failed auth
14:31.35RoyKDHuang: as I said - fix the auth
14:31.43DHuangta: no.. thay are differenct IP.... private IP ie.
14:32.08DHuangRoyK any idea on how to fix the authentication?
14:32.25jbotextra, extra, read all about it, rtfm is read the f*cking manual... try asking me about "FAQ"
14:32.29jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
14:32.33ta[i]ntedRoyK stfu
14:32.35DHuangRoyK: both phone are registered...
14:32.44jbotfrom memory, rtfw is Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
14:32.50jboti heard rtfs is probably read the f*cking source...
14:33.00ta[i]ntedDHuang paste your sip.conf to
14:33.01RoyK~lart ta[i]nted
14:33.20EssobiRTFS seems to be the only way I can find out most things. :)
14:33.21Zeeek~watp RoyK
14:33.34DHuangHmm.... no sip.conf   everything is from MySQL... ie. only contain the peers info
14:33.50*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
14:34.18Zeeekdeath is like sex except you're not nauseous afterward
14:34.38ta[i]ntedDHuang try to manually create sip.conf then.. see if u can isolate problem
14:34.54Essobi~seen Oprah's ass, but I hear it's fine.
14:34.56jboti haven't seen 'oprah's ass, but i hear it's fine.', Essobi
14:35.22DHuangta: ok.. shall try now..
14:35.51shido6Burger King, McDonalds, or burn myself in the kitchen?
14:36.07*** join/#asterisk oej (
14:36.13RoyKoej: morgon
14:36.14tzangershido6: burger king
14:36.19tzangerI wish there was one in Listowel
14:36.26RoyKshido6: it takes 10 minutes to make some pasta
14:36.27shido6burger king it is...
14:36.29RoyKI'd do that....
14:36.30shido6be back in a minute...
14:36.32tzangerI like their boiled meat that's then charred slightly to make it look like it was bbq'd
14:36.36EssobiNO SMOKING (unless you're on fire)
14:36.36shido6Im too hungry to cook
14:36.45shido6but not too hungry to clean off the car
14:37.06shido6hop in behind some horses and drive through some lights to get to a drive through that will certainly screw up my order
14:37.18shido6sorry - meant to say drive thru
14:37.23tzangerI like the whoppers, they taste a lot better htan mcd
14:37.29tzangerI'm addicted to A&W chicken burgers
14:37.32tzangerthey're really good
14:38.16*** join/#asterisk phantam (~phantam@
14:38.18phantamhey guys
14:38.21shido6a&w is damn good
14:38.24phantameverybudy still around
14:38.34Essobino we are not
14:38.35tzangerexpensive though
14:38.47*** join/#asterisk pcm (
14:38.51phantamwas wondering how to setup oh323 to talk to a gateway instead of a gatekeeper
14:38.54phantamor it the same way
14:39.14pcmgatekeeper redirects
14:39.19pcmit should be pretty much similar
14:39.47*** join/#asterisk Casper_UA (
14:40.42*** join/#asterisk MiXi^_ (
14:41.32EssobiAnyone pushing URLs to the desktop from *?
14:42.38*** join/#asterisk brc-tux (
14:42.52*** part/#asterisk DHuang (~DHuang@
14:42.57*** join/#asterisk DHuang (~DHuang@
14:43.33DHuangta: ok.. found the probelm.... the extconf.conf module has the sippeers part
14:43.44*** join/#asterisk nazgool (
14:44.00*** part/#asterisk pashah (
14:46.05*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
14:46.10jalsotdoes anybody know what is the pricing for Farfon devices?
14:46.58phantami need to connect asterisk to a cisco 3660
14:47.12nazgooli have an agi script that returns a dialstring (such as "SIP/joe&SIP/jack&SIP/tom" ) in an asterisk variable, and then a line of extensions.conf dials out to that dialstring. is there
14:47.34ta[i]nteddamn variable DIALSTATUS keeps returning mixed results
14:49.14ta[i]ntedwhat's the best way to figure out a placed call's status using AGI
14:49.21bjohnsongetting "Got SIP response 302 "Moved Temporarily" back from" back from a SPA 3000 fxs again .. anyone know how to fix that?
14:49.34ta[i]ntedshould i lookup the CDR or try DIALSTATUS variable..
14:52.01*** join/#asterisk clive-- (
14:53.57*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
14:54.08shido6I hate that
14:54.16shido6see if you have to extensions with the same name
14:54.17shido6ext 1
14:54.19shido6and ext 2
14:54.35shido6ta[i]nted ?
14:54.41*** join/#asterisk DARP (~diegoramo@
14:54.47DARPHi everyone
14:54.50phantamdont they make an iax2 for the cisco3660
14:54.54DARPI need Help
14:55.04shido6sip u can do with that cisco
14:55.53*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
14:55.54DARPi have that error --> Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
14:55.56phantamim trying to get asterisk to talk oh323 to the cisco
14:56.04DARPwhen i try to start the asterisk
14:56.05phantambut cant figure out how to setup the oh323 to talk to a gateway
14:56.12shido6not gonna happen very easily
14:56.13DARPi don't know why
14:56.14Essobiphantam Do you self a favor and use SIP
14:56.17shido6got a sip load on the cisco?
14:56.34Essobiit's retarded easy compared to oh323
14:57.04cjkis there a way to outsource musiconhold to a different (streaming) server
14:57.15*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
14:57.21phantambut the other side wants to use h323
14:57.22Essobiwhy couldn't you?
14:57.32Essobiphantam GET a sip image on the router.
14:57.35*** part/#asterisk DHuang (~DHuang@
14:57.46Essobih323 is not stable, nor practical with *.
14:57.55phantamh323 is what hes using in the US
14:57.56lyroyDoes someone why I always receive that message :  WARNING[24131]: chan_sip.c:752 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call.  I have a Cisco ATA 186??
14:58.02phantamand the switches are currently active
14:58.07EssobiI went round and round with it for 4 months.
14:58.11*** join/#asterisk DevilFish (
14:58.19jalsotI have a compilation problem with CVS-HEAD, could anybody help?
14:58.26*** join/#asterisk mesi (
14:58.27phantamEssobi but how can u get SIP to transfer a buncha lines between the cisco and asterisk
14:58.28EssobiIt oh323 crashed a few of my playforms.
14:58.29*** part/#asterisk mesi (
14:58.32*** join/#asterisk mesi (
14:58.39DevilFishDoes anyone know what happened to to the ChanSpy application?
14:58.40EssobiIncluding my Cisco routers and other softswitched.
14:58.42JerJer[mobile]then run a real channel driver
14:58.44*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
14:58.49phantami wanted to do iax ... but the dumb 3660's dont look like they iax2
14:59.00nazgoola way to know inside a following script which of the three people took up the phone?
14:59.00JerJer[mobile]well at least not pubicaly  :P
14:59.02EssobiJerJer No, shit.  thats what I'm trying to convince him of.
14:59.39pUmkInhEd~seen pumkinhed
14:59.41jbotpumkinhed is currently on #asterisk-doc #asterisk.  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 2s
14:59.41phantamill gladly try something else
14:59.49phantambut someone needs to tell me how cause im totally lost
14:59.52jbothmm... itsp is Internet Telephony Service Provider.  An ITSP is a "VoIP Phone Company"
14:59.56phantamcause the boxes are setup for h323
15:00.06Essobiphantam SIP will re-invite as long as you don't have the T/t option on the dial command.
15:00.17phantamessobi got a sec for a pm?
15:00.22EssobiI'm pretty sure that's how it works.
15:00.41EssobiI guess.
15:01.54phantamJerJer[mobile]: does oh323 do gateways?
15:01.58phantamor just gatekeepers
15:02.13EssobiWTF uses sendImage and send URL?
15:02.35pcmessobi: your future app
15:03.31JerJer[mobile]phantam: i don't do oh323
15:03.52phantamthe problem is we have the cisco's running h323 routed already throughout the US in LA
15:04.06EssobiAs jerjer would say..
15:04.09EssobiSucks to be you.
15:04.14phantambut we need to connect asterisk to the 3660 to allow us to call from here to the US
15:04.14*** join/#asterisk pashah (
15:04.17phantamvia the cisco box
15:04.31phantambut the boxes arent sip proxys
15:04.35phantamand they have no sip clients on them
15:04.36bochphantam yes
15:04.37phantamthere all h323
15:04.52JerJer[mobile]flash them with a SIP  IOS load
15:04.54phantamand cisco hasnt released the sip.h323 chan till april or somesit
15:04.55JerJer[mobile]cisco does make them
15:05.06JerJer[mobile]um no
15:05.19JerJer[mobile]we've had SIP loads for quite a while
15:05.19EssobiI've got routers running dual SIP and H323.
15:06.39*** join/#asterisk MikeJ[Jayden] (~ircatjerr@
15:07.09EssobiWell shit.
15:07.28EssobiI need to figure out how to push a URL to a desktop.. Then on to my next pony trick. :)
15:08.02EssobiI got a big LED scroll bar I'm going to tie up to a set of programs
15:08.09Essobiand call from my dial plan. :)
15:09.48HitTopi wonder if there's greeting feature for voicemail?
15:09.51ariel_Good morning folks.
15:10.11HitTopgood morning ariel
15:10.23jas_williamsHitTop: Press 0 in your voicemail box and you can record your own greetings
15:10.49*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
15:11.02*** join/#asterisk felipex (
15:11.07felipexhi at all
15:11.23eKo1Anyone have problems with channels not hanging up?
15:11.27felipexis possible to pump the volume up of zaptel device?
15:11.35*** join/#asterisk _Brian (
15:11.37felipexrxgain and txgain?
15:11.48*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
15:11.52eKo1felipex: yeah
15:11.59JerJer[mobile]pump up the volume, dance dane
15:12.39felipexeKo1 i have to use rxgain and txgain=
15:13.02EssobiJerJer Weeee.  Happy?
15:13.07eKo1felipex: Basically.
15:13.09felipexEssobi so normal is 0
15:13.29phantamhehe the oh323 guy emailed me an hour ago and i didnt notice hope hes there maybe he can help
15:13.35EssobiWhat what?
15:14.13hajekdI'm getting every sec a notice: pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'default'
15:14.36Essobiyou've got something defaulting to land in [default]
15:14.37hajekdnot every sec, but every 20-30 sec..
15:14.42*** join/#asterisk pUmkInhEd (
15:14.45jalsotdoes CVS-HEAD of asterisk compile or I'm alone with this problem?
15:14.59Essobimake clean first jal?
15:15.18*** join/#asterisk sangee (ravi@
15:15.36jalsotEssobi: I did
15:15.43jas_williamsMine makes fine CVS-HEAD-03/02/05-14:52:09
15:16.13MikeJ[Jayden]i did a make from head fine yesterday
15:16.56jalsotok, trying again...
15:17.16sangeeis there any MIRC for SER?
15:17.24*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
15:20.02RoyKsangee: mirc?
15:20.08RoyKsangee: IRC channel?
15:20.10loudmirc for ser ? you mean irc chat room ?
15:20.19jalsothmm, I'm getting the same compilation problem :(
15:20.22RoyK#SER is a good start
15:20.23loudtry #ser
15:20.32jalsot../include/asterisk/channel.h:214: error: field `varshead' has incomplete type
15:21.25sangeeHi RoyK, i am new to this, how do i get into  IRC
15:22.01*** part/#asterisk clive-- (
15:22.37loudRoyK: micket ett huvud..
15:23.00*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
15:25.25jas_williamssangee: try /join #Ser
15:25.45eKo1sangee: You should rtfm on irc.
15:26.28*** join/#asterisk Dibbler_ (
15:26.49jas_williamsgcc version 3.2.2
15:26.52*** join/#asterisk randu (
15:27.22randuHello Everyone!   Is there a tutorial anywhere on how to setup after hours greeting?
15:27.34*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:27.40ManxPowerin #asterisk-stable
15:28.09randuwas that for me MaxPower?
15:28.20EssobiI think that was a broken /join
15:28.38randuoh ok :-)
15:28.43Essobi1.0.6 released?  You bastards.
15:28.57eKo1Long ago....
15:29.56EssobiI was thinking that was .5 for some recent..
15:30.18randuI was wondering if there was an example or tutorial to setup after hours for asterisk.  basically if it is after hours user goes to voicemail when trying to get an extension?
15:30.35*** join/#asterisk CarlosMP_ (~CarlosMP@
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15:31.49Essobiit's easier to do the other way around.
15:33.36randuso the logic would be if it is after hours immediately send to voicemail?
15:33.40CarlosMP_has anyone integrated asterisk with a CRM package like goldmine or Microsoft CRM?
15:37.08*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~dheckaman@doughecka.user)
15:37.12eKo1Argh, why don't these fucking channels hang up.
15:37.15MikeJ[Jayden]Carlos:  Integrated how?
15:37.47CarlosMP_Mike" Have it create an activity, throw up a screen pop with the customers name, account number, etc.
15:37.50harryvveKo1 memory leak? :) jk of course thats a mswin problem.
15:38.27MikeJ[Jayden]You want a dialer w/ scree pops?
15:38.51CarlosMP_Yes, but for incoming calls
15:39.07MikeJ[Jayden]such as take the caller ID and screen pop info?
15:39.07*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (~matt@
15:39.40bjohnsonshido6: do you guys sell hardware?
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15:41.28MikeJ[Jayden]carlos, look at
15:41.38*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
15:41.38MikeJ[Jayden]I assume you are talking windows correct?
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15:41.50CarlosMP_Mike: Windows=yes
15:42.04dougheckawindows = very yes
15:42.31MikeJ[Jayden]that link will give you some C# code that can trigger event on incoming calls, then you would need somone to write your bridge to your CRM
15:43.21MikeJ[Jayden]I don't know CRM well, but it would really just be a sql lookup off the caller ID, a decent C# coder should be able to kick somthing out like that pretty quick
15:44.20*** join/#asterisk fugitivo (~ajf@
15:45.30hekaanybody using realtime sip. I have configured and compiled it also publicated the user infos, but when I try to register a user it stalles for a while and then says registration timed out
15:45.33hekaany ide?
15:45.34hekaany idea?
15:45.53*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
15:46.18CarlosMP_Mike: I was hoping that someone else had already done this...
15:46.29MikeJ[Jayden]no such luck that I know of
15:46.32*** join/#asterisk human39 (
15:46.53MikeJ[Jayden]basically all you want is a popup on call to a configured phone?
15:46.54*** part/#asterisk human39 (
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15:50.57CarlosMP_Mike: looking for popup on the users computer screen.  This may be really difficult because of Terminal Services.
15:51.12CarlosMP_But, the popup would be from within the CRM package
15:52.07MikeJ[Jayden]Citrix or Terminal services?
15:52.30CarlosMP_Both...have a couple of customers with each
15:52.59MikeJ[Jayden]and is the * box accessable from the terminal server?
15:53.32MikeJ[Jayden]or is the user PC accessable to both * and the db back end of the CRM?
15:53.41CarlosMP_Don't have an * box yet, but when it's in it'll be there...
15:53.51Darwin35why did I get pokedin the eye
15:54.18CarlosMP_They can be accessible to the DB (SQL) of the CRM, whether it's MSCRM or Goldmine
15:54.19MikeJ[Jayden]carlos:  not done but definately doable
15:54.58CarlosMP_The thing is that at a price point, * may be a better answer than Vonexus PBX, but without the CRM integration, it makes it a bit tougher
15:55.30mesiIs there an mp3-Jukebox for Asterisk available, which offers functionality like skip song forward/backward, fast forward/backward, play, pause, stop, perhaps even bookmarks?
15:55.32MikeJ[Jayden]carlos:  quick and easy, just set up a SP that you toss in the caller ID, and it spits out whatever you want, then use that code in windows call manager to grab the caller ID, hit the stored procedure, and display the results in a dialog
15:56.13MikeJ[Jayden]for the price point, * is better than what?
15:57.06jalsothmm, I did make clean, make update, make and getting the same compilation problem
15:57.28jalsotbut now I disabled cdr_sqlite compilation and it went through :)
15:57.40CarlosMP_Mike: Vonexus PBX
15:57.45jalsotjas_williams: do you use cdr_sqlite?
15:58.16jas_williamsjalsot: No I do not
15:58.20MikeJ[Jayden]dunno about that one at all...
15:58.41MikeJ[Jayden]well, I guess the answer is, if you don't have a good C# coder around, grab one and pay them
15:58.56jalsotjas_williams: thanks
15:59.04CarlosMP_Mike: That's what I'm going to end up doing...thanks
15:59.43MikeJ[Jayden]np, if you have problems, let me know.... I may be able to cobble somthing together for you, but my time is pretty tight at the moment
16:00.36hajekdI'm getting every 20 secs the notice about Mar  2 16:57:09 NOTICE[20163]: pbx.c:1319 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'default' there is no load on the asterisk...
16:00.39CarlosMP_thanks for the offer..will let you know.  I'm ordering a box, equipment to start playing with * to have a better feel for it.
16:00.55*** join/#asterisk didz_ (didz_@
16:00.59hajekdAny ideas how to debug that?
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16:02.05bjohnsonoops .. I guess playing with timing to get CID on my home machine won't actually help since I don't get CID from Bell on that line :P
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16:04.52Juggiekarm, i think MOH is borked in 1.0.6 and cvs head.
16:05.19Juggietheres a new bug on mantis, and i just tested on 1.0.6 & cvs head-2/28/05 and can confirm
16:05.27*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
16:06.05GoshenWhere can I find documentation on the iax.conf option....   QOS=lowdelay ?  I have searched all over voip wiki
16:06.21*** join/#asterisk jayk952 (
16:07.05jayk952i'm trying to make outbound calls with asterisk but i keep getting the message: Mar  2 07:55:29 NOTICE[2774]: pbx.c:1329 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'default'
16:07.13jayk952anybody know what i might be doing wrong?
16:07.38Juggieit told you, your extensions.conf has no default context
16:07.48jas_williamshajekd: Can you post the full error lines to pastebin so we can have a look at it
16:07.50Goshensomething between [  ] brackets is a context
16:07.50Juggieyou need to learn a little, go read the wiki
16:08.13Goshenit is looking for an extension inside [default] context
16:08.26Gosheninside that [default] context needs to be your dial statement
16:08.49Goshenis it a card, or are you dialing out over voip?
16:08.58jayk952i have a x100p card.
16:09.17HitTopI wonder if there would be a feature in asterisk that when user 1 is on call, then if another person dial in, asterisk will put that person on a queue
16:09.23Goshenlet me point you to a fantastic page for that
16:09.39*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
16:09.43hajekdjas_williams: hah, the issue was that i have not defined default context in sip.conf - which is by default default ;-)
16:09.51dsmouseHitTop: just put everyone in a queue, and make the queue ring instead of MOH?
16:09.58bjohnsoncould someone point me to cvs upgrade instructions?  Also, bkw_ likes to tell everyone to use HEAD but how realistic is that?
16:10.42`Sauronshrug, I run HEAD at home
16:10.47HitTopdsmouse: does that means to put everyone as an agent?
16:11.21dsmousejust "member => Sip/5101" or whatnot in the queue
16:11.25eKo1bjohnson: just do make upgrade inside the * src dir.
16:12.31HitTopdsmouse: oic.. i'll read more info for queue asterisk call queues first~ thank you~
16:12.34*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
16:13.07[ro]nic3tryHelp i calling a number, but when i answer, asterisk crashes.. what to do ?
16:13.22eKo1Dang it, I needs me more bandwidth.
16:13.39eKo1err, I need more bandwidth.
16:14.44MikeJ[Jayden]do you have a defualt context in extensions.conf?
16:15.03MikeJ[Jayden]wow.. scrollback, that was about 20 min ago wasn't it
16:16.36ZeeekFrom: "Rationalistic G. Toffies" <>
16:16.43*** join/#asterisk xai (
16:17.04Zeeekwho wrote the script that makes these names up?
16:17.06jayk952MikeJ[Jayden]: i think i fixed that part now
16:21.18*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
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16:22.42[ro]nic3tryhow do I fix that ?
16:24.03bjohnsoneKo1: make upgrade doesn't look like it does cvs commands
16:25.33bjohnsonnever mine .. it's make update and then make upgrade
16:26.35*** join/#asterisk Simon-- (
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16:27.07gpowersGood Day!
16:27.50[ro]nic3tryhas anyone any ideea what to do ?
16:28.46[ro]nic3tryfirst  -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/7757-6523 and SIP/
16:28.53[ro]nic3trythen Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
16:29.10[ro]nic3tryand the last  Segmentation fault :(
16:30.15tzangerCommiting chan_zap.c patch for 2bct
16:31.37marshallI'm having trouble with my first PRI install. The telco is telling me they aren't receiving any digits -- Executing Dial("IAX2/5741@5741/5", "Zap/g1/") in new stack
16:31.51[ro]nic3trygd by all
16:32.02marshallshould the digits be showing after Zap/g1/
16:32.20loudyour telco does iax ?
16:32.52marshallIm using IAX from phone to asterisk
16:33.04loudwhich card, signalling ?
16:33.12Juggiemarshall, yes, your digits should be showing up after /g1/
16:33.14marshallT100 / national
16:33.36marshallbut they can't seem to decide if the signalling is 5ess or national
16:33.41marshalldifferent answer each time I call them
16:33.51Juggieyou arnt sending anything at the moment
16:33.57Juggiefix that first
16:34.05marshallis it dialplan?
16:35.06marshallignorepat => 9
16:35.06marshallexten => 9,1,Dial(Zap/g1/)
16:35.06marshallexten => 9,2,Congestion
16:35.13marshallsimple as I can make it
16:35.20marshallI must have tried 10 variations
16:35.30Juggieand yet you failed
16:35.35Juggiebecause you arnt passing a number!
16:35.41marshallthanks for pointing that out
16:36.10Juggiego read the wiki
16:36.37jas_williamsmarshall: try exten => _9.,1,Dial(Zap/g1/${EXTEN:1})
16:39.06Juggiemoh is working again in cvs-head.
16:39.34marshallwill do
16:42.40*** join/#asterisk brettnem (~brettnem@
16:42.44brettnemhello all!
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16:43.01*** join/#asterisk phantam (~phantam@
16:43.10phantami got h323 to work
16:43.12phantambut have a weird error
16:43.23phantamnot sure if i fat fingered something again
16:43.26phantamanyone using it?
16:43.32phantami know h323 sucks yadayada yada
16:43.37mnetnot me phantam :(
16:43.39mnetbut i have a little question about "call waiting" feature, may i ask ?
16:43.47brettnemmy is thunderbird so slow? :(
16:46.29phantamamd lol
16:46.33marshallno go jas_williams
16:47.16marshallExecuting Dial("IAX2/5741@5741/4", "Zap/g1/") in new stack
16:48.04jas_williamsHave you done an extensions reload
16:49.54marshallIts not going anywhere now
16:50.12marshallSpawn extension (default, 96619243, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/5741@5741/3'
16:50.32*** join/#asterisk Tili (
16:50.35*** join/#asterisk c00w (
16:50.39c00whello all.
16:50.57c00whas anyone had any dealings with te410p digium cards ?
16:51.11tzangerc00w: I use the 405P which is pretty much the identical card but 5v
16:51.20c00wwell i have the card installed
16:51.25c00wand its running
16:51.33c00wi have the driver loaded
16:51.36c00wthats all good
16:51.48c00wbut its setting the span as t1 24 chan
16:51.54c00wnot e1 24 chans
16:52.04c00wand its failing to the load in asterisk caus i have more chans
16:52.26c00wis there a flag or something i'm missing or any reason why its showing as t1 and not and e1
16:52.56c00wSPAN 1: CCS/HDB3 Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
16:52.56*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
16:53.03phantamwhenever i make the h323 call
16:53.05phantamit ends
16:53.09phantamand says reason 24 (Call ended with Q.931 cause)
16:53.09c00win ztcfg -vv its showing the 2 spans up
16:53.15jas_williamsc00w: JUmper setting ?
16:53.23c00wis there a jumper setting
16:53.44*** join/#asterisk brettnem (~brettnem@
16:53.46Juggiec00w, are you geting all your channels in ztcfg -vvv?
16:53.50brettnemdoh.. wireless hell
16:53.53c00wsuper jas your a star
16:53.55c00wgive me a min to test
16:58.20brettnemanyone using OSP?
17:00.26eKo1OSP <--- Is that a Cisco protocol?
17:01.20Zeeekjas advanced version of OS-X?
17:01.33jbotfrom memory, osp is
17:01.37loudvoip peering .
17:01.40phantamim at a dead end again
17:01.42mnethow do i put somebody "on wait" manually for example when i say "hold on please, i'm looking for your file" ?
17:02.18*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
17:02.24Zeeekwhat fone?
17:02.25*** join/#asterisk Alexi1 (
17:02.47mnetme ?
17:03.03Zeeekthere is a hold button on some phones
17:03.18mneti was thinking of a "pbx" features :)
17:03.19*** join/#asterisk PCadach (~paul@
17:03.23Zeeekotherwise, maybe a flash or parking
17:03.27*** part/#asterisk Alexi1 (
17:03.39mnetwhen you dial *50* for example it puts someone on hold
17:03.49Zeeekno, you hit #
17:03.58Zeeekand then dial a number like 700
17:04.06Zeeekdepends on your config
17:04.07*** join/#asterisk Alexi1 (
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17:04.21Zeeekthat needs certain options in Dial command
17:04.22mnetok thanks i'll look through sample parking.conf then :)
17:04.35Zeeekthat's astart, and the ubiquitous wiki
17:04.47mnetyes, i'm already on it ?
17:04.50mneton it !
17:05.33phantamis there a room somewhere for oh323
17:05.53jsolaresahhh informix sucks
17:05.55Zeeekyes, it's #babes-who-suck
17:06.08jsolareswhy the hell do i need to have it installed to compile the perl module to access a remote server....
17:06.18jsolaresmeh my ivr plans have been foiled
17:06.23Zeeekyou saaid it already, informix sucks
17:06.29*** part/#asterisk Simon-- (
17:06.39Zeeekor it did in 1987 when I last looked
17:06.49*** join/#asterisk ezabi (~ezabi@
17:06.51Zeeekdidn't realize it even still existed :)
17:06.53jsolaresit does indeed, and big time
17:08.13*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:08.56*** join/#asterisk PMantis (~PMantis_C@
17:09.54jsolareshmm php has informix driver
17:10.24PMantisCan anyone point me to a website decribing how to run mirrored * servers in a hot standby scenario?
17:10.25jsolaresnow to port my standard tts/ivr code from perl agi to php agi... fun fun >_<
17:11.05Zeeekmv script.php and add the <?php ?>
17:11.05phantamjas amypme ised oh323
17:11.10phantamhas anyone i meant
17:11.40Zeeekthen look for all the unreadable gobbldy gook and make it readable
17:13.24jsolareshehe, wish me luck... it's been too long since i coded in php
17:13.36Zeeeklike riding a bicycle
17:13.43Zeeekor sex
17:13.48PMantis* do redundancy, failovers?
17:13.51Zeeekor having sex on a bicycle
17:14.00harryvvpm yes
17:14.03Zeeekor with a bicycle
17:14.09bjohnsondo you think a DID provider would forward to my FWD account?
17:14.16*** join/#asterisk sudoer (~sudoer@
17:14.27PMantisharryvv, can you give me a nugde in the right direction? I need to put a proposal together.
17:14.31sudoeris there a java iax client or mac client?
17:14.58PMantissudoer, maybe iaxcom has a mac client...
17:15.10harryvvPM netsurfer was the only person I know of that put one together and tested it.
17:15.31PMantis~seen netsurfer
17:15.35jbotnetsurfer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13d 3h 45m 15s ago, saying: ' <-- ffs that takes the piss'.
17:15.40PMantisharryvv, thanks! :)
17:16.02harryvvIpersonally dont know what happened to him mabey he is in the hospital mabey he is on a long extended project.
17:17.17harryvvso why did the authors of * select fudora
17:17.53tzangerharryvv: who selected fedora?
17:18.18Zeeekanyone know any dedicated server hosting?
17:18.20nestAranyone know how to reorganize the soft keys on an IP300 with ipmid.cfg? i since there's a hard button for HOLD, i want to replace the soft hold button with transfer
17:18.30harryvvtzanger, Seemed I read that the first distros asterisk was installed on was fudora core
17:18.33*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
17:21.05mnetianother question, is there a way to have asterix working with a "standard" modem (with 1 line and 1 phone port) connected via serial port
17:21.45*** join/#asterisk TSCHAK (
17:22.08TSCHAKwhat compiler/toolchain setup do i need to compile PWLib 1.5.2/OpenH323 1.12.2 ?
17:22.22tzafrir_homemnet: a "regular" modem has separate "phone" line. The "phone" line is simply connected.
17:22.22TSCHAKI am trying to get ANY h.323 plugin working under asterisk.
17:22.26MENEEDoh323HelpPwhy u installing that old one?
17:22.32MENEEDoh323HelpPi can help u
17:22.34MENEEDoh323HelpPmsg me
17:22.44MENEEDoh323HelpPthat much of it i did get to work lol
17:24.05mnetyes i meant can asterisk handle it ? (hanging up, menu, dtmf etc...)
17:24.23pimpwellanyone have the direct link to the .call file tutorial on the wiki?
17:24.30pimpwellI do a search and get 77 pages, 1k links
17:25.16Zeeekthis may help
17:25.18*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
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17:25.26pimpwellya thats the only one I have bookmarked
17:25.28pimpwellthanks though :)
17:25.49Zeeekwell isn't it obvious when you look at the construction of the file int hat app?
17:25.57pimpwelltheres a lot more to it
17:26.01*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
17:26.06pimpwellthat it doesnt cover
17:26.23HitTopmay i ask a quesiton for queue.conf. for parameter announce = bla.. is bla suppose to be a sound file?
17:26.49lyroyDoes someone could tell me how can I add my cell phone to a queue as a member of the queue?
17:26.50bjohnsondo you think a DID provider would forward to my FWD account?
17:27.06PoWeRKiLLI suddenly get this error any idea Mar  2 17:49:44 WARNING[6164]: Unable to allocate socket: Too many open files ?
17:27.49HitToplyroy: under queue.conf add a queue list and add something like member => ZAP/g0/You cell number
17:28.24lyroyHitTop and if weth to dial via a IAX provider what will be the syntax?
17:29.04*** join/#asterisk marshall (
17:29.17HitToplyroy: again, something like member => IAX2/bla depends on ur configuration in iax.conf
17:29.29Zeeekthat's the one
17:29.37lyroyalright thanx
17:29.46Zeeekthe secret trick
17:29.58Zeeeksearch for /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
17:30.10Zeeekonly 63 hits!
17:30.14pimpwellty ty ty ty :o
17:30.28HitTopcould someone tell me wat is the parameter announce stands for under queue.conf?
17:30.51SedoroxI would think the time that it announces their place in line
17:30.56ZeeekI'd guess it means a way to tell the agent who is calling?
17:31.11Zeeekah, different guesses, this could lead to betting and wagering
17:31.54*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
17:31.55bjohnsonfor a simple home setup, I wonder if a DID provider would forward incoming to FWD to use their voicemail, meetme, etc and then the home user could just have a single device to worry about but get many of the * features
17:32.36Zeeekbjohnson I think they will, and I said many do like CallUK but who the fsck would want to depend on FWD being up to get calls?
17:32.59Zeeekthey're about as reliable as my brother in law
17:33.33Zeeekthe list of possibilities is on the FWD site and also ask in the forum - they'd know there
17:33.54bjohnsonI haven't found FWD to be unreliable
17:34.04*** join/#asterisk nikko_ (~nikko@
17:34.07Zeeekglad for you but many people do
17:34.13bjohnsonthis would be for a home user who wouldn't be able to deal with *
17:34.40Zeeekwhy not go with one good service instead chaing them? just my opinion
17:34.50bjohnsonmany people have problems with FWD?
17:34.58Zeeekever been on the forum?
17:35.13bjohnsonZeeek: which good service?  you mean a plan?
17:35.19Zeeekit's agreat and helpful place - go check it out
17:35.36Zeeekgo ask on the FWD forum - that's where you'll get valid info
17:35.46Zeeekthere are a lot of smart folks there
17:36.01Zeeek[and they give a shit about FWD]
17:36.03bjohnsonDIDs are hard to get here in Canada .. other than vonage type providers, seems to be only one with good selection
17:36.19bjohnsonbut they don't provide voicemail
17:36.27Zeeekwhy don't you ask them if they'd do the FWD thing?
17:36.36bjohnsonwaiting for an answer
17:36.41Zeeeksell it boy!
17:36.45bjohnsonbut now you've got me questioning reliability
17:37.00ZeeekYou didn't answer - HAVE YOU been on the FWD forum
17:37.02nikko_how do I determine if extensions.conf is getting parsed or has an error?  show dialplan only shows the parkedcall extension
17:37.13bjohnsonno .. I didn't even know they had one
17:37.16Zeeeknikko_ look at the CLI messages
17:37.24bjohnsondespite being through their site a fair bit
17:37.46nikko_no amount od debug or vvv's will ever show it even being opened in the CLI messages
17:37.48ZeeekAlso go to dslreports if you haven't been
17:38.24Zeeeknikko_ what do you see on CLI ?
17:38.43nikko_nothing with extensions.conf in it
17:38.44Zeeekdslreports has people all over using all the various services (incl FWD)
17:38.57Zeeekthe question is: what do you see?
17:38.59bjohnsonwell .. I must have found it before.  Seems I have an account setup already
17:39.02Zeeekwhen you make the call
17:39.29nikko_oh - hang onMar  2 11:37:30 NOTICE[23803]: chan_iax2.c:5757 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, request '105@default' does not exist
17:39.42Zeeekdoes that tell you anything at all?
17:39.58nikko_yeah, that it can't find my default context
17:40.00Zeeeksuch as there is no such number?
17:40.01nikko_not much more
17:40.09*** join/#asterisk JohnnyC (~JoaoCorre@
17:40.11Zeeekno there's no 105 in default
17:40.12nikko_it's there
17:40.17*** part/#asterisk ezabi (~ezabi@
17:40.19Zeeekreload extensins
17:40.42JohnnyCHello all, I bought a Fritz PCI card but I cant find info on how to configure it with Fedora for CAPI support
17:41.05nikko_I did, and restarted asterisk
17:41.23nikko_is ther a way to determine if it's even being loaded on startup
17:41.30Zeeeknikko_ a lot of the error messages are wacky and incomprehensible, but the one you show is pretty obvious
17:41.31harryvvanyone here running * on deb?
17:41.58nikko_yeah, that's how I know it's not reading in the file, I'm trying to determine why
17:42.06nikko_show dialplan gives nothing
17:42.18nikko_except the parked_call extension
17:42.27Zeeekwhen you start asterisk it tells you every thing it is doing
17:42.33nikko_That's what I'm trying to figure out
17:43.00Zeeekso go to the top of the output and read every line to see what it does when it starts up
17:43.20Zeeekis anything elsle working?
17:43.30PMantisAnyone ever use AMP and astguiclient on the same server? Does one replace the other?
17:43.45nikko_yes, everything else seems to work IAX clients can register, etc
17:44.26Zeeekany working extensions?
17:44.43Zeeekwell that isn't too useful for the pbx
17:45.08Zeeekhave you seen this:
17:45.11ZeeekThe dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls. "
17:45.13nestAranyone changed the softbutton configuration on a Polycom? I'm stumped.
17:45.27ZeeekAsk ManxPower he ahs an ip500
17:45.39Zeeekmay be back later
17:46.48ManxPower*sigh*  I managed to cut myself open a jar of peanutbutter.
17:48.11ManxPowernestAr, I've not done it, but I've been told by someone that has done it (a long time ago), you change the button LABELS using the localization features.
17:48.20ManxPowerI don't recall how you change the FUNCTION of the button
17:48.49Zeeekfirst he cuts himself, then he can't remember
17:49.05nestArhrmmm.. i'm just trying to move Transfer to where Hold is currently
17:49.11nestAri'll look
17:49.23JohnnyCanyone uses Fritz PCI card ?
17:50.19*** join/#asterisk neopher (
17:50.34neopherhello everyone
17:51.32neopherdoes * support G.729?
17:51.43nikko_Zeek, here's my asterisk startup:
17:53.30wolfsonneopher: if you own a license, yes
17:54.25Zeeeknikko_ you need to make your self a list of those errors
17:56.25JohnnyCanyone with  AVM Fritz PCI Card ?
17:56.36mishehuneopher: w/o a license, * only supports g729 passthru
17:57.04JuggieManxPower, i was camping one time, and when i returned a squirl had eaten through the cover of the penut butter i left on the table.
17:58.59*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:00.03neophermishehu: sorry to be dumb on this, but pass through means if i have a phone that supports G.729 and a sip provider that supports G.729 then it will work?
18:01.17neopherbudgetone phone -> asterisk -> Broadvoice
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18:03.37*** join/#asterisk Kokomo (
18:03.59Kokomogreeting everyone. I have some question about the scalability of asterisk server
18:04.04Kokomoanyone that can help ?
18:04.17JerJer[mobile]how about asking a specific question?
18:04.18PoWeRKiLLI suddenly get this error any idea Mar  2 17:49:44 WARNING[6164]: Unable to allocate socket: Too many open files ?
18:04.29JerJer[mobile]close some files
18:04.31Zeeekthat was a specific question
18:05.54JerJer[mobile]Zeeek:  then answer his specific question
18:06.03Zeeekthe answer is yes
18:06.17Kokomowhat about, can I make asterisk to work in a p2p mode, without going through the asterisk server ?
18:06.31Kokomothat would lessen the load at the server side
18:06.32ZeeekKokomo read this
18:06.33ZeeekStarter tutorial:
18:06.33ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
18:06.39PoWeRKiLLJerJer[mobile] I got a broken pipe on asterisk
18:06.57Zeeekthe first link expalins what asterisk is and should tell you
18:07.05PoWeRKiLLI did a restart and work good now but why it's happens ?
18:07.51Kokomothanks Zeeek !
18:07.53*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
18:08.04JerJer[mobile]PoWeRKiLL: fix t
18:08.07JerJer[mobile]fix it
18:08.43PoWeRKiLLwhat do I have to fix I just make a restart and it's work but I want to know why it's happens
18:10.58ZeeekKokomo happy reading
18:11.21*** join/#asterisk strace (
18:11.23stracehey you guys
18:11.25stracewith manager.conf
18:11.27straceI'm getting
18:11.33straceMar  2 18:09:19 NOTICE[6416]: channel.c:1817 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel sip/lemos
18:12.12Zeeekthe lemos has left
18:12.13ManxPowerMaybe it has to be SIP/lemos or maybe lemos is not registered with Asterisk
18:12.34straceit is...
18:12.36straceany more thoughts?
18:13.24Primerpardon my ignorance, but is there no console command to drop a sip client? this client has disconnected long ago
18:14.18*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
18:14.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:15.00DefrazI have a SPA2000 and I can't seem to get dtmf passing on when checking voice mail or anything
18:17.12Defrazdoes anyone have any ideas.
18:18.09Delvarset both the phone and asterisk to the same DTMF mode? info or rfc2833
18:18.31Primershould work
18:19.17Delvarduno then, try inband and use alaw/ulaw see if that works.
18:19.53PatrickDKhmm, rfc2833 works with my spa2000
18:19.57*** join/#asterisk innerweb (
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18:20.32Delvarare you sure you have 'dtmfmode=rfc288' in your sip entity?
18:20.43Delvarare you sure you have 'dtmfmode=rfc2833' in your sip entity?
18:20.48DefrazI do
18:21.01DefrazI am trying inband
18:23.35*** join/#asterisk afe ([
18:23.52Primeractually I have inband
18:24.07PrimerI forgot my sipura connected to a different asterisk
18:24.16Defrazoh I see
18:24.45*** part/#asterisk drvoip (
18:24.46Primerbut I don't see why rfc wouldn't work
18:25.22Delvarfirmware? try upgreading
18:25.30Delvarasterisk? try updating :)
18:25.34Primerdammit, is there no way to forcibly terminate a sip client?
18:25.43*** join/#asterisk Mneumonic (
18:25.43Zeeekrestart now
18:25.51Primermy asterisk is sending data to this long disconnected client
18:26.00Delvarstop now
18:26.12Primerbut then that disconnects everyone, no?
18:26.16Defrazokay it works find with the local voice mail but the minute I connect to a vsystem on the end of my call it doesn't make it threw.
18:26.21Delvarthere is a way to hangup channels but i cant remember
18:26.21Zeeekit's for the best
18:26.31Zeeeksoft hangup
18:26.42*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
18:26.42innerwebHas anyone had any experiences with the generic x100p card on a 2.6.10 kernel?
18:26.47Zeeekor maybe soft towel hangup
18:26.54*** join/#asterisk bannerman (
18:26.57Gosheninnerweb: mine works great with 2.6.10
18:27.02Primerinnerweb: the intel537?
18:27.07Zeeekcan't you restart gracefully ?
18:27.14PrimerI did
18:27.19Goshenits the generic from
18:27.22Primerbut I wanted to know how to hang up the client
18:27.23Primerit's fine
18:27.30PrimerI couldn't remember soft hangup
18:27.40ZeeekI think there is that
18:27.40Goshenit is the card that is featured on the website
18:27.44Primerbut it clicked in my brain as soon as you mentioned it, but it was too late
18:27.56Goshenat least it looks exactly the same when I compare the board with the picture
18:28.00ZeeekI just made that up. Does it really exist?
18:28.14bannermanA couple of weeks ago someone came in asking about VoIP over a 2-way satellite, and I told him I thought it was impossible because of the latency. I was wrong. If nothing else is hitting the upstream at the same time, it's about 1.5 second delay, which isn't great, but is usable for conversation.
18:28.25bannermanJust fyi :)
18:28.26Zeeekproves my concept that the universe is a cosntruct of my mind
18:28.40phantam1.5 second
18:28.43Primerheh, old POTS shit used to go through satelite
18:28.44phantamits max 800ms
18:28.46Inv_arpbannerman:  heh think it was me
18:28.47phantamround trip
18:28.49Primerthe latency was horrible
18:28.54phantamunless that sat really sucks
18:29.05innerwebI am doing somehting wrong.  I can not get the channel up.
18:29.22phantami wish i could get my damn oh323 to talk to my cisco
18:29.23Inv_arpive used gsm over a modem  wasnt bad...
18:29.24phantambut no
18:29.25Goshendid the drivers load?
18:29.28ZeeekI remember making expensive toll calls that sucked way worse than the worst voIP call... in 19801
18:29.30phantamit has to give an asshole error
18:29.36phantamgsm is only 8k
18:29.38innerweblsmod shows the drivers.
18:29.40phantami would hope it would be good
18:29.45phantammodem = low latency round 200ms
18:29.57Goshendid you edit zaptel.conf, zapata.conf?
18:30.00*** join/#asterisk bassie (
18:30.11phantamtechnically modem could handle 2 or 3 gsm calls
18:30.21bannermansatellite is minimum of like 800 ms
18:30.27bannermanit's impossible to get much below that
18:30.30bannermanlike quite literally
18:30.35bassiehas anybody succesfully setup music on hold?
18:30.46Inv_arpbassie: yea
18:31.01innerwebyep.   loadzone=US \n defaultzone=US \n fxsks=1 \n
18:31.04Juggiebassie, its broken in 1.0.6 if you are running that.
18:31.29bassiecool... the problem I am having is that when I start dialing, the music sounds already..
18:31.34bassieI am running 1.0.5
18:31.55Juggieissue with your dialplan
18:31.57innerwebzapata context=demo \n group =1 \n signalling = fxs_ks \n context = incoming \n channel => 1\n
18:32.09*** join/#asterisk afe ([
18:32.13bassieIs there anyone willing to share an example of extension.conf (just 1 phone entry)
18:32.18afelol - oops
18:32.23JerJer[mobile]so like its march, so where are these killer cards from Atacomm
18:33.02phantambassie i would but my music on hold doesnt work either
18:33.18phantambkw_: werent u the one that was helpin me before?
18:33.23bassiehehe :)
18:33.29bassiethanks anyway phantam
18:33.49phantami keep gettin those mohmp3 doesnt exist errors
18:33.52phantamnot sure how to get rid of it
18:34.09bassieyou should have a dir /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
18:34.13Juggiedownload and install asterisk-sounds
18:34.23innerwebthen, whne I do this.. ztcfg -vv , I get  0 channels found
18:34.46neopheris there a why to tell what codec is being used during a call on the CLI
18:34.51Juggieor does mohmp3 come with the main asterisk distribution? i forget.
18:34.54innerwebIt tends to prevent asterisk from starting.  lol  Had to choose the weekend to upgrade teh box.
18:35.02bassiemohmp3 is standard
18:35.17Inv_arpneopher: sip show channels
18:35.30bassieI placed the startrek theme in that dir for the sake of testing....
18:35.40Delvarnn all
18:35.49Juggieneopher, sip show channels
18:36.03bassienow when I call another extension, the theme is played
18:36.08Gosheninnerweb: see pm
18:36.11phantammohmp3 folder exists
18:36.17Inv_arpbassie: paste your extension.conf
18:36.29innerwebpm?  (Perl Monks?
18:36.31bassiephantam, with fpm files in it?
18:36.35GoshenJuggie: I think it is in the asterisk addons
18:36.37phantamno3 fukes
18:36.40phantammp3 files
18:37.03mishehuinnerweb: pm == "pokemon"
18:37.19Gosheninnerweb: query window...personal message
18:37.23bassiephantam, that's good
18:37.30neopherhmm, anything special that needs to be installed for * to passthrough G.729
18:37.36bassiehave you done "make mpg123" in the asterisk source dir?
18:37.47phantamemerge'd it
18:37.50innerwebI am on a text based connection.  (kind of like fancy telnet.)
18:38.11Goshendid you see my zapata.conf come across then?
18:38.28Goshenthat is my config for my generic card
18:38.35innerwebSorry.  I normally use other methods to connect, not used to this.
18:38.51*** join/#asterisk Elshar (
18:39.09innerwebI put those change sin and got hits:chan_zap.c:769 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
18:39.11Goshenyou want my to put my zapata.conf at
18:39.26Goshendid you reload?
18:39.38innerweb* was not running when I did.
18:40.13*** join/#asterisk Ahewes (~rsb@
18:40.21innerweblsmod gives zaptel                222180  3 ztdummy,wcfxs,wcfxo
18:40.31innerwebIs the dummy a problem?
18:40.55GoshenI wouldn't load ztdummy
18:41.03Goshenor wcfxs
18:41.18innerwebOk, its gone
18:41.37innerwebI tried to start * again and got the same fatal error.
18:41.52Goshenzaptel, crc_ccitt, wcfxo
18:41.54dsmouseYAY! my digium card is here!
18:42.03dsmousenow I just need to figure out how to use it
18:42.22*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
18:42.25GoshenI ahve crc_ccitt, because zaptel complained about not having it when I compiled it
18:43.10innerwebokI do not seem to have a crc_ccitt.  But, I do remembber compiling it with the kernel.
18:43.40innerwebThat is thee one in the kernel options, right?
18:44.19GoshenI beleive so yes
18:44.32innerwebOk, then it is compiled.  Do I use modprobe to load it?
18:44.56GoshenI think my programmer loaded it as a module because it wasn't compiled in
18:45.00Goshennot sure
18:45.15Goshenif you have it in the kernel you might not need to load it as a module
18:45.27innerwebOk.. I will double check.  Never hurts.
18:46.30Goshenthats good news :)
18:46.49*** join/#asterisk kuj (
18:48.18Crad|WorkOk I have a question (well actually two) hopefully someone can help me out with... in extensions.conf one specifies an extension number such as
18:48.36Crad|Workexten => 123,priority,command
18:48.43Crad|Workwhere the extension number is 123, right?
18:49.13Crad|WorkI'm trying to pass the extension number (without using the caller id variable specified in sip.conf) to pass into the voice mail bits.
18:49.36Crad|Workbut, in reviewing pbx.c and all the variables, and playing a bit with the variables in the live config...
18:49.40innerwebThat might be a winner.  i may have compiled it wrong (as a static, not a module).
18:49.40Crad|Worknothing seems to be carrying that value.
18:49.49Crad|WorkAny idea how I can get to it?
18:50.01Crad|WorkI dont mind modifying the code, if I know where to get the value
18:50.08innerwebI had this system working so well last week, and I just had to see if it would work with 2.6.10
18:50.35Gosheninnerweb: np, good luck :)
18:50.42bjohnsonLinksys WRT54G on sale for $90 - $15 MIR and free shipping at
18:51.03Crad|Workor is there a wayin the code to look up the "SIP/<phone id>-<unique id>" value internally in pbx.c ?
18:51.22|Vulture|bjohnson: you can get them for like $70 at BestBuy
18:51.38|Vulture|the WRT54G is the best router for the $$ I have ever had
18:51.52bjohnson|Vulture|: wrong country and currency though
18:52.22|Vulture|bjohnson: ah that makes more sense ;)
18:52.56JerJer[mobile]and asterisk runs beautifully on the wrt's  :)
18:53.02innerwebGoshen:  Are you linked in through any peered Internet based * solutions?
18:53.14AhewesI have to agree with |Vulture| on the wrt54g
18:53.21Gosheninnerweb: speak english? :)
18:53.25*** join/#asterisk Laloo3 (
18:53.27AhewesAlthough I never got asterisk to work for more than one channel.
18:53.33JerJer[mobile]just the stupid ipkg for asterisk whoever built really sucks
18:53.35JerJer[mobile]realllly sucks
18:53.38innerwebNothing much else though (unfortunately).
18:53.43Gosheninnerweb: ask again..I don't understand your question...I dial out over voip yes
18:53.58*** join/#asterisk Schism (
18:54.00JerJer[mobile]Ahewes: i've had 5 calls into a meetme
18:54.05Gosheninnerweb: I only speak english too, and medical :)
18:54.06JerJer[mobile]and 4 gsm channels going
18:54.11JerJer[mobile]out via iax
18:54.24innerwebIf one were to connect * servers in server to server (some called peered) network, it creates a virtual phonenet.
18:54.34Gosheninnerweb: I dial out over nikotel(till I use up my credit) sip, FWD for 1-800 numbers, voipuser for fun
18:54.39Mneumonicanyone know the line of code that goes in extensions.conf to set the callerID Name?
18:54.40*** join/#asterisk Goldenear (
18:54.43Laloo3guys. Can someone help me? There is some problem with the default voicemail setup. After listening to all the voicemail messages, asterisk prompts you with "press # to exit." When I do that, Asterisk just quits altogther.
18:55.00Gosheninnerweb: you can do that with
18:55.02Crad|WorkMneumonic: I believe that's in sip.conf
18:55.06AhewesJerJer I get serious line quality issues with three channels outbound running concurrently.  Two was o.k., one was rock solid.
18:55.16AhewesI'm using sipuras and g711u, nothing fancy
18:55.16marshallanyone here experiencing echo when using the IAXY ATA?
18:55.16Laloo3I see the following message in the log file. "Maximum retries exceeded"
18:55.20|Vulture|put it this way I am replacing all my office routers (Netgear FVS328) with WRT54G routers... that says something
18:55.21neopherCrad|Work: no is in ext
18:55.21innerwebSome of the guys I have been talking to have not used an L/D provider in aover a year by peering their servers and provding local dial through.
18:55.24Crad|Workassigned to each phone, also it's in zapata.conf
18:55.26Goshen# is used to transfer calls
18:55.34AhewesI have the wrt54gs, which i thought might be a faster, bigger version
18:55.38innerwebCoo.  I have not been there yet.  Thanks.
18:55.52Crad|Workneopher: I have it in sip.conf attached to each phone :x
18:55.53MneumonicCrad - on my outbount part of extensions.conf i have SetCallerID("<###########>")
18:55.54*** join/#asterisk PatrickDK (
18:55.56Laloo3Goshen, are you talking to me?
18:56.02*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
18:56.07GoshenLaloo3: yes
18:56.12Mneumonicjust need the name
18:56.20*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
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18:56.32Crad|Workinteresting... any benifit in having it in extensions.conf instead of sip.conf?
18:56.32Goshenwhen I press # on my asterisk box by defauly it parks the calls to music on hold
18:56.34Laloo3But I did not assign #. This is the default voicemail setup.
18:56.55Goshen# is a default, at least in my 1.0.6
18:57.01Goshento park the call
18:57.13Laloo3then why does Asterisk quit?
18:57.23Goshenare you watching in your console? after starting it with asterisk -cvvv ?
18:57.29Goshensee what it says
18:57.44Laloo3no. I can do that. I actually was looking at /var/log/asterisk/messages file.
18:58.02Crad|WorkI'm dealing with caller id issues right now - I want all outbound calls out onto the t1 to use our external number for callerid and all internal ones to use the extension #.... it seems to be one or the other... overriding it in zapata.conf doesnt work for the caller id number just the name :|
18:58.04innerwebI must go now.  Thanks for your help again, Goshen
18:58.10Goshengood luck innerweb
18:58.56GoshenCrad: what if you made seperate contexts for internal and external?
18:58.58*** join/#asterisk bobx (~bobx@
18:59.02Inv_arpCrad|Work: SetCallerID(${IDCALLER})
19:00.19*** join/#asterisk zapa (zapa@
19:00.32Crad|WorkGoshen: that's what I'm trying to figure out how to do :o
19:01.10Goshenput your config at
19:02.41Laloo3Goshen. I just ran Asterisk option. When I press #, Asterisk plays "goodbye" message. Followed by a segmentation fault :-(.
19:03.59Laloo3Any idea on what I must do?
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19:05.12GoshenLaloo: what version are you running?
19:05.15algorithmnif a sip ata is sending nat-keep alive data while the sip user info is in a mysql realtime database, will there be any conflicts over time?
19:05.23Laloo3how can I check that?
19:05.45Goshenif you didn't compile it within the last couple days, it is old...upgrade :)
19:05.52Goshenit shows when you run asterisk...
19:06.14JonR800at the cli type "show version"
19:06.19Goshenyou could        asterisk -cvvvvv > asterisk.txt
19:06.26Goshenand look at the top of the file, it shows you the version
19:07.01*** join/#asterisk hajekd (
19:07.25JonR800if you can get it up and running.. show version will work :)
19:07.34Goshenor that :)
19:08.14Goshenor connect with asterisk -r, shows you the version
19:08.20Goshen1.0.6 is the latest
19:08.34Crad|Workis there a way to do an if statement in extensions.conf? such as  if context == internal then setcallerid(x) else setcallerid(y)?
19:08.41JonR800a multitude of options :)
19:09.02algorithmncrad|work:  agi?
19:09.05Goshencan't you set the callerid for each call?
19:09.08hajekdwhat can be the reason for variables are not seen in dial command?
19:09.27Inv_arphajekd: what type of $vars   globals?
19:10.12hajekddefine a varibale in [global] but this variable is not seen in dial command..
19:10.25GoldenearHello. I've read many things about IAX versus SIP... and everything I read tells the good points of IAX an the difficulties of SIP with NAT traversal. Doesn't SIP have any benefits over IAX is some situations?
19:10.36Inv_arphajekd:  try   NoOp(${variable})   and watch  cli  to see if its output to screen
19:10.44Crad|Workultimately what would really help is if I could find a variable to replace EXTEN
19:10.47Crad|Workin "exten => 121,3,VoiceMailMain(${EXTEN})
19:10.52wildcard0Goldenear, far more support with non-asterisk products
19:10.54Crad|Workthat shows the extension that dialed
19:11.01Crad|Workinstead of the extension that was dialed
19:11.09algorithmnGoldenear:  market popularity
19:11.34Laloo3Goshen. Mine does not say the asterisk version. It says CVS-HEAD 12/23/04.
19:11.44hajekdinv_arp: its empty
19:11.49GoldenearReally ? SIP has no technical benefits over IAX ?
19:11.55GoshenGoldenear: sip is common, but so are VCRs :) Go with IAX=DVD player :)
19:12.04algorithmnnice anology
19:12.18GoshenLaloo: you are using the develoupment version...downgrade to the release version
19:12.28hajekdinv_arp: it has been working, but I think I have changed something in other configs.
19:12.48Laloo3ok. I had downloaded this from digium website as we were using Digium board.
19:12.55Inv_arphajekd: LAPTOP=SIP/x151    thats  the convention  under globals  check to see if var name didn chge
19:13.06Goshenjust got to and download the tarballs
19:13.18*** join/#asterisk visik7 (~ciao@visik7.user)
19:13.21Laloo3If I get the release version and simply run "make install," will it maintain all my config files?
19:13.21*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
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19:13.37GoshenLaloo3: yes, just don't make demo
19:13.42buddahhow is nufone's international routes? are they reliable?
19:13.56GoshenLaloo3: might want to cp /etc/asterisk to /etc/asterisk.bak
19:13.56Laloo3ok. THanks. Let me get the release version.
19:14.25GoshenWacking problems is fun....this feels like a whack-a-mole game...
19:14.27dsmouseI have a FXO card- one of the 100 series one port cards, and a TDM400P with 3 FXS ports... I'm having problems configuring, any ideas?
19:14.36GoshenI am just starting to get over the learning curve, so I am learning as well
19:15.03Inv_arpdsmouse: err u havent told us the problem
19:15.12Goshendsmouse: is this a dedicated asterisk box?
19:15.13tzafrir_homeGoshen: it's actually called troubleshooting.
19:15.26dsmouseGoshen: yes;
19:15.30Goldenearwow, I'm very surprise. So for you SIP is "has been" (and dead born in some way) ?
19:15.40Goshendsmouse: did you go into the bios and disable everything you are not using?
19:15.48Goldenearso I guess IAX is the standard to go
19:15.53Goshendsmouse: you will want to free up all of your unused interrupts
19:16.26GoshenGoldenear: I love IAX, sip is a bear to configure when any NAT is involved, having all of the communications go over one port is nice
19:16.27tzafrir_homedsmouse: well, you can use our script for that...
19:16.30dsmouseI can't seem to configure zaptel.conf to address all the ports... oh
19:17.07bassieGoshen, do you know what "plays" the ring-ring sound when calling another extension? I mean the sound on the phone I'm calling from, not the phone being called obviously
19:17.39bassieI fooled around with MOH, and I trashed whatever makes the ring-ring sound when the phone is ringing on the other side :(
19:17.40Goshenbassie: not yet
19:17.45GoldenearIs it possible to make a direct call from one phone (soft or hard) to an other with going thru Asterisk ?
19:18.05*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
19:18.22algorithmnif a sip ata is sending nat-keep alive data while the sip user info is in a mysql realtime database, will there be any conflicts over time?
19:18.45Goldenear(I mean with IAX)
19:18.46*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
19:19.24Goldenear(I know this is possible with SIP)
19:19.33GoshenGoldenear: yes
19:19.36*** join/#asterisk fje (
19:19.38Goshencheck this out...
19:20.23*** join/#asterisk pjm_uk (
19:20.29Goshenyou put your info in there...and when asterisk does a look up it sends the call over internet direct to the computer rather then going through the whole voip/PTSN/voip
19:21.02GoshenAsterisk can also do call briding, where it makes the two connect to eachother and Asterisk doesn't carry the call anymore(I don't know much about that yet)
19:21.09*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@angler.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
19:21.47eKo1Yeah, just say canreinvite=yes in the sip.conf entry on both end-points.
19:21.56eKo1Assuming they use sip of course.
19:22.34GosheneKo1: same with IAX right?
19:22.39GoldenearI have yet a occount, but I currently use it with SIP... but you are so happy with IAX, I think I will change for this :)
19:23.06eKo1Goshen: Not that I know of.
19:23.21Goldenearis there any wifi phone that is IAX compatible ?
19:24.00*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
19:24.49GoshenI only know of one wifi phone, that is kind of a new field
19:25.19Goshenthere is the IAXy, which is a little box that lets you plug a phone into ethernet
19:25.24mneti have a problem with an IAX link... it says No such context/extension whereas i'm sure the extension exists and the other server authenticates me !
19:26.26fjedoes anyone know why this no longer works SetVar(tost=white|wheat|rye), it returns this error, WARNING[11127]: pbx.c:5352 pbx_builtin_setvar: Ignoring entry 'weat' with no = (and not last 'options' entry)?
19:27.08GoldenearGoshen: I saw this (and some other iax phones on :)
19:27.17*** join/#asterisk Ayano (~erik_leee@
19:27.22eKo1fje: Where is it getting 'weat' from?
19:27.52anthm\| on the extra |
19:28.01AyanoIs there still a bug patch for cisco auth, or did the new version of asterisk correct that?
19:28.14*** join/#asterisk randu (
19:28.29fjeeKo1: it's in an extenion context(extensions.conf)
19:28.40randuis there anyway to have a voicemail go to two email addresses?
19:29.28randucool :-)   Do you know how?
19:29.37fjeeKo1: I just updated the to the latest CVS and this problem started...
19:30.06eKo1fje: head or stable?
19:30.19AyanoI have seen it somewhere.  I can look for it for you, but I have to go do a few things right now.  Sory.
19:30.22fjeeKo1: head
19:30.36*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
19:30.49mogormananyone here work with suse?
19:30.49eKo1fje: Don't complain if you're using head. It's for development only!
19:32.40*** join/#asterisk Jackfiber (Jackfiber@
19:32.59Jackfiberhello anyone know  a cheap SIP adaptor for analog phones
19:33.21algorithmnasterisk RealTime anyone?
19:33.32fjeeKo1: I'm not complaining, just wondering if anyone knows if the syntax for this built in app has changed.
19:33.45JerJer[mobile]algorithmn:  no
19:33.47anthm\| on the extra |
19:34.08algorithmnJerJer[mobile]:  nufone w/no realtime?
19:34.31Jackfiberdoes anyone know any analog to SIP adaptor?
19:34.40JerJer[mobile]algorithmn:  most certianly
19:35.04algorithmnJerJer[mobile]: do you dislike it?
19:35.14bjohnsonother than networking function and * .. any other neat things you can do with a wrt54g?
19:35.20*** join/#asterisk what-a-guy (
19:35.49__Sparks_Jackfiber -
19:35.51jsolaresanything you can do with a regular linux and can fit on the small memory of the wrt54g
19:35.54Inv_arpJackfiber: sipura , handytones
19:36.11mogormangrandstream bad...
19:36.19what-a-guyFirst time here...hope to get help with first asterisk setup...
19:36.36marshalldo many people change the echo cancellation aglorithims?
19:37.08JerJer[mobile]algorithmn:  more like hate it
19:37.25Goshenjackfiber: get one of these, go IAX
19:37.27Crad|Workis it possible to assign an account code to an extension?
19:37.28algorithmnJerJer[mobile]:  i've been tweakin with it.. i need more efficiency for cdr/call settings that change regularly
19:37.35Inv_arpmogorman:  i use grandstream HT486 works fine
19:37.43JerJer[mobile]algorithmn:  so then change them
19:38.01JerJer[mobile]no need to force asterisk to depend on a database
19:38.02*** join/#asterisk lancey (
19:38.04lanceyhi guys
19:38.08algorithmnmigration will be a pain, i just forsee some quirky problems
19:38.12Goshenwhat-a-guy: welcome :)
19:38.14lanceywhat do u recommend to use for * installation of FreeBSD
19:38.20lanceycvs, cvs stable?
19:38.46what-a-guyGoshen: Getting poor sound quality with x100p OEM card.  Will I do better with Digium card?
19:39.24*** join/#asterisk Lagaffe (
19:39.31algorithmnJerJer[mobile]: i hang reload processes all day long w/o a db system
19:39.47Goshenwhat-a-guy: need more info, are you using a sip phone to connect to the server then dialing out over the x100p or what?
19:39.57algorithmnthe process never ends
19:39.59Goshenjust dialing into the asterisk server from a landline?
19:40.13algorithmni need to kill the asterisk process n safe_asterisk reloads it for me
19:40.30algorithmnand after a while zaptel crashes...
19:40.41algorithmndtmf goes haywire...
19:40.55algorithmnecho off the wall...
19:41.00what-a-guyGoshen: I have a Grandstream 101 which does fine.  Get poor sound when dialing in through POTS.  Sounds like a cheap answering machine.
19:41.29Lagaffehi there, any1 could help with some sip trouble ? can't make it to properly register with my primus sip account..
19:43.24*** join/#asterisk jontow (
19:43.36Goshenwhat-a-guy: try my config....
19:43.45jontowhello.. been a while ;)
19:44.15what-a-guyGoshen: thanks..
19:44.18*** part/#asterisk what-a-guy (
19:44.30*** join/#asterisk BrianR___ (
19:44.43BrianR___Is there any way to tell from the CLI if two IAX2 channels are trunked together?
19:45.03loudiax2 show registry
19:45.04jontowin the manager API, say I was to grab the output of "Action: Queues" .. C:N, A:N, SL:N.N% within 0s
19:45.06eKo1show channels
19:45.44jontowC:N is the total number of calls (?), A:N is the abandonment number (?), and SL:N.N% is the "Service Level" (?) .. 0s being the the total call time? .. just looking for confirmation :)
19:47.40BrianR___loud: WHat is shown when there's trunking going on?
19:48.00loudiax2 show channels
19:48.04*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
19:48.11*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
19:48.25FuriousGeorge_vile: do you copy
19:48.33BrianR___loud: I have two calls going on and see two lines there. Does that mean I'm trunking or not?
19:49.41FuriousGeorgedoes anybody know how well asterisk works, if at all, with a software softphone answering the calls
19:49.59eKo1BrianR___: You're better of using 'show channels'
19:50.31FuriousGeorgeinother words, can i use a softphone with asterisk to answer an analog telephone lines phone call?
19:50.38lanceyFuriousGeorge yes you can
19:50.41lanceyi'm using it
19:50.44lanceyno problems
19:50.46FuriousGeorgethanks lacey
19:51.00eKo1FuriousGeorge: * doesn't give a dime what phone you use...
19:51.22BrianR___eKo1: I see two lines in show channels also... Does that mean trunked or not?
19:51.28FuriousGeorgeeKo1, i like the sound of this * more and more
19:51.29jontowfuriousgeorge; in fact.. i just got 3 FXO cards to use for that purpose :)
19:51.39eKo1BrianR___: If they're together, i.e. on atop the other, then yes.
19:51.53FuriousGeorgereal cool, im gonna go tell my boss were getting an asterisk based pbx
19:51.54*** join/#asterisk Lagaffe (
19:52.03BrianR___eKo1: I only have two calls...
19:52.07jontowin practice, if you only have 1 phone line..  you only need 1 FXO card, but I have three locations with one line each :)
19:52.09FuriousGeorgelater all
19:52.21*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
19:52.35fjeanthm: I tried using \| an get the same error..
19:52.38eKo1Is it just me or is the output of 'show channels' just plain annoying?
19:52.51anthmsetvar takes mytiple sets now
19:52.54Lagaffesorry, got dropped, would any1 help me with some sip configuration ? can't register my asterisk to another sip box...
19:55.02*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
19:55.51Lagaffeany1 have an idear why i get 101 ACK when asterisk get an incoming call from another sip ?
19:57.39slePPasterisk's sip stuff annoys me
19:58.52zipphow so?
19:58.52Inv_arpanywhere i can find a prerecorded line diconnected sound file?
19:58.52slePPthe whole auth scheme of asterisk is convoluted
19:58.52nestArInv_arp: there's not one in asterisk-sounds?
19:58.56slePPgranted, SIP's auth is convoluted
19:59.05slePPbut asterisk doesn't make it clear what exactly it uses to look something up
19:59.05nestAr: /usr/src/asterisk-sounds/sounds/discon-or-out-of-service.gsm
19:59.32zippInv_arp: find / -name *.gsm
19:59.52Inv_arpnestAr: nice thx
20:00.02*** join/#asterisk aiser (
20:00.04eKo1slePP: An example?
20:00.32aiserHi to all
20:00.34slePPof what it doesn't do?
20:00.36slePPSER -> Asterisk
20:01.36eKo1slePP: eh, just register the extensions/user in sip.conf.
20:01.44slePPyou'd think so
20:01.57JerJer[mobile]techncally a peer gets the registration
20:01.57eKo1I know so, I use SER & *.
20:02.11eKo1You have to make * register with the SER.
20:05.22eKo1Geez, my screen is getting flooded with NOTICEs.
20:05.37marshalldoes anyone know of a ata device that supports echo cancellation?
20:05.40slePPand asterisk doesn't seem to register to it. mm
20:07.58*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
20:08.00slePPSER returns a not implemented..
20:11.11*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
20:11.25lyroyIs there someone who ever use Trabas for Voip Billing?
20:12.33Darwin35ok this is cool
20:12.34Darwin35Darwin35 Digium cal;led me about fixing the g729 on fbsd
20:12.48Darwin35first time a company has called me
20:12.54Darwin35was nice call to
20:12.56eKo1Transmitting (no NAT):g <--- What in the world does the 'g' there mean?
20:14.06eKo1Hmm...could this be a funky bug?
20:14.29slePPi think it printed overitself
20:15.53Inv_arpnah no disc sounds in *  ... heh i need that  "your number ##### has been disc sound"
20:16.12tzangerInv_arp: heh
20:16.23tzangeron a PRI just don't have an exten => line that matches the DID and the telco will do it
20:16.32tzangerInv_arp: actually * does have that noise
20:17.09zippdoesn't zapateller do something like that?
20:17.11tzangerit's called playtones or even zapateller if it's Zap
20:17.20BrianR___The Special Information Tone (SIT)?
20:17.37*** part/#asterisk TSCHAK (
20:17.54Inv_arptzanger: hmm  yea got a phpagi script that will play that sound if a certain numbers call...  tryin to escape my ex :)
20:18.07BrianR___There's a disconnect cause which will cause the number not in service to be played by the calling party's CO too.
20:18.09tzangerInv_arp: hahah
20:20.21HitTopif i use the command NoCDR(), i received this warning: WARNING[5357]: cdr.c:114 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'SIP/100-f3a5' not posted.  WARNING[5357]: cdr.c:116 ast_cdr_free: CDR on channel 'SIP/100-f3a5' lacks end.
20:20.21Moc____hi all
20:20.24HitTopis this common?
20:21.20Inv_arpBrianR___: oh yea  where can i get more info on that?
20:22.06buddahanyone use nufone for international termination?
20:22.21Darwin35what is up with broadvoice
20:22.40Darwin353 weeks now I have been emailing and calling and getting no reponce
20:22.56Inv_arpDarwin35: what probu having?
20:22.58zippbuddah, nufone to call from us to other nations, or the other way?
20:23.10Darwin35call waiting not working
20:23.20buddahfrom us to other nations
20:23.40zippbuddah, I call people in germany all the time through nufone
20:23.42Darwin353way not working
20:23.49buddahlooking to find a new international (US to other countries) carrier since the 2 we use keep having routing problems
20:23.56buddahand was thinking about testing nufone
20:24.09zippwhy not, for $5 you can test plenty
20:24.11buddahzipp: how is the service, reliable? quality?
20:24.17zippnufone has been great for me
20:24.36Inv_arpDarwin35: hmm works for me
20:24.44buddahlike 3 major routes we use, singapore, banghledesh, and pakistan
20:24.45Darwin35not working for me
20:24.49buddahboth carriers are not working
20:24.54buddahso we are kinda in a tight spot
20:25.16Darwin35also having issues with not hearing a ring when you call some one
20:25.16zippbuddah, I have never personally called those locations
20:25.24BrianR___Inv_arp: Look in the voip-info wiki under Hangup
20:25.26buddahwell if it works, then thats a huge advance
20:25.33zipphowever, I call germany, mexico, cananda...
20:25.37Darwin35getting dead air and then 15 20 sec ltr a voice or a busy tone
20:26.00tzangerDarwin35: zap interface?
20:26.15tzangerdo you have callwaiting=yes and threewaycalling=yes (or whatever it's called) in zapata.conf?
20:26.23buddahcanada works good?
20:26.44Darwin35not using asterisk on this line
20:26.56Darwin35its a direct phone to broadvoice line
20:26.58jsolaresbuddah: look at, they have good rates
20:29.55*** join/#asterisk Darkar (
20:33.14*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~jgaviria@
20:36.14jgaviriahi, i want to do my iax connection using a different codec not just gsm, but whe i modify iax.conf with another codec, it doesnt work and i still have gsm working
20:37.08JonR800jgaviria: did you reload/restart?
20:38.01jgaviriaJonR800 i just do restart
20:38.54JonR800what does your disallow/allow setup look like?
20:40.22jgaviriathe first priority is ilbc and it doesnt work
20:40.28JonR800does the other end support ilbc?
20:40.45jontowwow.. that flash operator panel is damn spiffy :)
20:40.48*** part/#asterisk nikko_ (~nikko@
20:41.01JonR800sorry if these are all fairly obvious questions :)
20:41.16JonR800jontow: yeah the new version is sweet
20:41.35jontowit seems not highly polished with functionality, but the interface and configurability is.. *wow*
20:42.30anthmjgaviria, is it asterisk on both ends and is it HEAD?
20:42.33jontowie. the parsing of the queue data and whatnot is very .. well, as-is ;)  when thats polished up a bit, i have a feeling that is a VERY useful product in a call-center environment.. more so than now, even :)
20:43.19jgaviriaanthm: yes is in both ends, what do you mean with HEAD?
20:43.27anthmnewest cvs
20:43.40anthmor at least the last few weeks
20:43.58jgaviriaanthm: 1.03
20:44.49anthmsame old same old
20:44.50Juggieanthm, what would u think about cdr using realtime/extconfig to write to the database instead of its own support?
20:45.52anthmJuggie, would make sense
20:46.28Juggiei was poking through the code but its going to require some core functionality changes and i'm not in any way famaliar with this code
20:47.02anthmjgaviria, upgrade to new CVS and you can control the codecs
20:47.37*** join/#asterisk shell (shell@
20:47.58jgaviriaanthm: are you sure?... 1.03 had this problem?
20:48.07anthmJuggie, also take in to consideration my new cdr vars addition
20:48.09Darwin35man still noone at broadvoice
20:48.15Juggieanthm, i already did.
20:48.17Darwin35this is bullshit
20:48.28Juggiei forse one cdr module, or two at most.
20:48.31anthmwell i added support for codec preferencing myself
20:48.33Darwin35they should havesome one there if they offer tech support
20:48.35Juggiecdr_db and cdr_csv
20:49.29anthmif it has that patch, you can say codecpriority=caller in the friend on the server
20:49.37Juggiecdr_db should use extconfig/realtime and do the default insert first, then do updates to add in the custom CDR vars.
20:49.47anthmand the codecs are honored in the order they are defined
20:49.48sivanaanyone know if notransfer=yes can go under [general] and affect everyone?
20:50.11Juggiei dont think it would be wise to do it all on the same line anthm as if someone fools up their dialplan and tries to use an invalid field, then they will looose the record alltogether
20:50.23Juggieso initial insert then record updates i would think would be best.
20:50.26*** join/#asterisk Ayano (~erik_leee@
20:50.48jgaviriaanthm: ok thanks!
20:51.04AyanoI have a cisco phone that I'm testing and it wont authenticate.  Where can I find the patch that corrects this?
20:52.14anthmprobably you would need to specifg what cols to try and send to th engine
20:52.30anthmso it only used those and it would match the table you are using
20:53.28sivanaDarwin35: what's wrong with BV
20:53.45Juggieanthm, you already did it
20:54.04Juggieso treat var as a column name
20:54.35anthmyah that got yanked the final cut was SetVar(CDR(var)=value)
20:54.47Juggiewell, still....
20:54.49Juggiedo that
20:54.53Juggieso if u did
20:54.57anthmi mean since anyone can add more cols at will
20:55.09Juggiethey need to put it in their db
20:55.13Juggiethats not our problem
20:55.18anthmyou need to pick ahead of time which ones will be used to insert into the db
20:55.28anthmso you can make sure it only uses the ones you have
20:55.53Corydon-wNot necessarily... if you had an excessively normallized schema
20:56.01Juggiei dont agree...
20:56.11Juggiewhy not do the standard insert as usual, as is done now
20:56.18Juggieand then run an update for the custom vars.
20:56.42Juggieits an extra hit on the database, but least if the user asses it up, they will have most of the record
20:56.44anthmyou mean so it can fail if they dont exist ?
20:57.19anthmor you could extend realtime to tell you all the cols you have to work with
20:57.21Juggieits going to fail if the column doesnt exist iregardless
20:57.28anthmsend back as a string of ast_vars
20:58.00Corydon-wThe other problem is that the varname has to exactly match the column name... so what happens if you have multiple CDR modules loaded, with different types of fields in each with the same name?
20:58.32Juggieanthm, yah, realtime should keep a list of fields in every table its pointed to
20:58.35Juggiethat would be good.
20:58.48Juggiethen you can fail on the set in the dialplan
20:58.52Juggieif the var doesnt exist.
20:58.54anthmmaybe like struct_ast_variable var = ast_realtime_get_cols(family,db);
20:58.58*** part/#asterisk Moc____ (~mochouina@
20:59.02Corydon-wJuggie: what if a table gets modified on the fly?
20:59.18Corydon-wJuggie: should it just ignore that new column until a reload?
20:59.21JuggieCorydon-w, its not possible to prevent every scenario
20:59.27Juggiei think it should yes.
20:59.38Juggiemodify your tables, u have to reinit realtime so it can get table structs again
20:59.43Corydon-wBut that's not consistent with the nature of RealTime
21:00.06Juggiesure it is, no where in realtime does it say we should modify tables while its live.
21:00.09afeanyone knows how high I can set RING_DEBOUNCE in wctdm.c without asterisk going haywire on me? I now have 128ms, but that's sometimes not enough
21:00.29Corydon-wNo, but the nature of RealTime is that it gets rows as it needs them
21:00.29afeAnd when I tried with 256 asterisk wouldn't start properly
21:00.54*** join/#asterisk Matt-E- (
21:00.55Juggiemaybe add a realtime command to reparse table structs.
21:01.11*** join/#asterisk outsidefactor (
21:01.39Corydon-wJuggie: why not just put the fields that you need into cdr_customwhatever.c and leave it at that?
21:02.00Corydon-wOr go for the normalized layout of separate rows for each custom variable?
21:02.04JuggieCorydon-w, because theres already a patch on head for custom CDR variables.
21:02.27*** join/#asterisk djrzulf (13-2355@
21:02.33Corydon-wJuggie: custom CDR variables are how to notify your custom CDR module of the values
21:02.52djrzulfany polish people here ? ;]
21:03.00Corydon-wJuggie: but the matter of the backend database; how it should deal with those set variables is an entirely different matter
21:03.19JuggieCorydon-w, i am trying to envision a system where you dont need custom modules.
21:03.42Corydon-wJuggie: okay, so go with the normalized database schema, in that case
21:04.11Corydon-wThat way, you always store the variables set, even if the main table isn't set to receive them
21:04.15Juggiethats an option, but then thats a hassle to relink those tables to your cdr record, it should just be one database.
21:04.32Juggieer, one table
21:04.32Juggiei ment
21:04.39Corydon-wIt's not a hassle... it's called a relational database
21:05.10Juggie*i'm famailiar with a rational database design thanks, i just dont consider it an advantage in this situation
21:05.33Qwelly0, y0, y0
21:05.57Juggiei agree with what anthm said, maintain a list of columns within the table and allow those to be changed.
21:06.13eKo1What are you guys talking about?
21:06.23Qwellexten => s,1,Playback(Qwell-is-now-a-daddy--w00t)
21:06.26Juggiefail on any SetVar(CDR(var)=val) which includes one not available.
21:06.28tuxinator_linuxkram: Hey Mark
21:06.29Corydon-weKo1: storing extra CDR fields
21:06.33anthmi like to write my cdr 1 file per record with the vars hashed out
21:06.33kramhi tux
21:06.40eKo1Corydon-w: Like a rate field?
21:06.48Juggiesee, i have backup :)
21:06.51Corydon-weKo1: exactly
21:07.05tuxinator_linuxkram: How is VON prep going?  I will be at Meet *.
21:07.06Juggiecdr has no business being spread across multiple tables, with a one to many relationship.
21:07.18kramtux: cool, it's been busy, but then when isn't it
21:07.29eKo1Huh? CDRs across multiple tables?
21:07.41Corydon-wJuggie: sure it does, but it depends upon what you want to have stored
21:07.46Juggiethat was Corydon-w's suggestion to dealing with custom cdr vars.
21:08.14eKo1I would just store the extra 'vars' in columns in the cdr table.
21:08.15Corydon-wJuggie: No, my suggestion is to have custom cdr_*.c modules, per backend accounting package
21:08.42shmaltzanybody interested in looking at this:
21:08.46JuggieCorydon-w, i respectfully disagree, users should be able to modify their cdr table to add the fields they want....
21:09.00*** join/#asterisk Red_6 (
21:09.02Juggiethen SetVar should set values in those fields, if they exist.
21:09.15jontownice.. linux-mozilla/flashplugin works with the flash stuff :)
21:09.51eKo1I agree with Juggie.
21:10.28Juggie3 out of 4 dentists agree.
21:10.29eKo1Or they can be filled elsewhere, e.g. with a stored procedure.
21:10.40Corydon-wGee, why don't we describe the database schema with XML?
21:10.58Corydon-wThen parse that schema inside cdr_whatever.c
21:11.15Juggiebecause the ideal design is to reduce the number of required modules
21:11.41Juggiethere should just be one cdr module, or at most, cdr_db & cdr_csv
21:12.19Corydon-wUh, that's a little much
21:12.22Juggie_db idealy then uses the database connectivity provided by realtime
21:12.27Juggieand works using extconfig
21:12.47Juggiei dont see why... database driver code shoudnt be rewritten all over the place.
21:13.19Juggierealtime only supports reads and updates atm so it would need to be updated to create new records.
21:13.19Inv_arphmm anyone know the disc cause code for number disconnected usa  and using BV for incoming
21:13.25Corydon-wI think we should have cdr_customaccountingpackage34.c and people interested in using that package should load that CDR module
21:13.26anthmlike i said i like the serialized data dump way here is an example of the way I do it
21:14.06Juggieserver's down
21:14.11Corydon-wThat makes it simpler for the person deploying the package
21:14.16anthmi didnt conver to use my own patch for cdr vars yet but i use channel vars for the time being
21:15.02anthmserver may not like you it's pretty paranoid
21:15.21JuggieCorydon-w, thats fine if your needs are specific, but why should someone who wants one extra field be required to write a custom module
21:16.28Juggiei needed one extra field to tell me which server the record came from, i had to patch cdr_mysql, it shoudnt be that hard.
21:17.04*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
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21:18.34Juggiewhy shoudn't i be able to do a SetVar(cdr(servernum)=1) in my dialplan, add servernum as a field in the table, and i'm done...
21:18.59anthmhow you gonna do that ?
21:19.14*** join/#asterisk hotoke (~hnic@
21:19.42HitTopanyone using asterisk's sound card for intercom?
21:20.46*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
21:21.22Juggiewhat do u mean how? in the case of right now, ignoring the fact i think cdr should use realtime, you would need to patch cdr_addon_mysql to loop through the set cdr(var)'s if any exist, and put them into the cdr table, provided the fields exist within the database.
21:21.25*** join/#asterisk bowman (
21:21.31bowmanhi. any quadBRI users here?
21:21.50*** join/#asterisk afe_ ([
21:22.08bowmanI have audio "holes" on the ISDN side, any idea how to get rid of them?
21:22.23zigmanturn dma on
21:22.37bowmanfor what? for the card?
21:22.38afe_this is very off topic, but why did my username just get an underscore after it?
21:22.56Juggieyou likely reconnected and your previous client hadnt dropped?
21:22.58Goshentype /nick afe
21:22.59buddah'do a /whois afe
21:23.05buddahand youll see why
21:23.11bowmanafe_: because there is someone with the nick afe online and your client chose afe_ as the alternative ;)
21:24.08afe_ah... thanks - my putty crashed and I thought I killed all processes :)
21:24.14bowmanzigman: I only know how to switch DMA mode for hard disks - how about PCI cards?
21:24.15Juggieoh, agree/disagree?
21:25.02zigmanno for your harddisk
21:25.10zigmando hdparm -d /dev/hda
21:25.13zigmanis it on ?
21:25.37*** join/#asterisk zoa (
21:25.44zoayo yo
21:26.21afezoa can you reset my mantis pass ?
21:26.31zoai will have a look in a sec afe
21:26.34afei'm going ;)
21:26.46zigmanhehe no thats my pass
21:26.49zigmanmy user ;)
21:26.55*** join/#asterisk afe_ ([
21:27.06zigmanyou see why ? ;)
21:27.30afe_gimme my nick back :)
21:27.31*** join/#asterisk mishehu (
21:28.00*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
21:28.02fjeanthm: thanks for you help, I was able to fix my problem by modifying my agi scripts, and using a different delimiter
21:28.11afe_I promise to change the pw again
21:28.13HitTophi all
21:28.58anthmfje, np
21:29.00goatmilkeKo1: :)
21:29.18tuxinator_linuxI feel like eating some alphebet soup
21:29.25*** join/#asterisk afe ([
21:29.32HitTopi've received a warning when loading, I cannot use this channel for paging right now, can anyone help me please???
21:29.57afeah... now it works again (sorry about that I haven't used irc in ages :))
21:31.24*** join/#asterisk LarsAC (
21:31.56ManxPowerLooks like another newbie.  Doesn't paste the actual error message....
21:32.52*** join/#asterisk phantam (~phantam@
21:33.12HitTopWARNING[3821]: chan_oss.c:239 sound_thread: Read error on sound device: Resource temporarily unavailable
21:33.19phantamstill cant get this darn oh323 to connect
21:33.22phantamsame error everytime
21:33.29HitTopsorry. i was afraid to spam this channel
21:34.16*** part/#asterisk fje (
21:34.40ManxPowerHimeko, That means either you don't have the oss drivers loaded or some other application has that device in use or you don't have permission to open the device.
21:34.52ManxPowerHimeko, Can you use the sound card in other applications?
21:35.11phantamwtf     -- H.323 call 'ip$localhost/24978' cleared, reason 24 (Call ended with Q.931 cause)
21:35.17phantamevery time
21:35.33ManxPowerWell find out what the cause is.
21:35.39ManxPowerUsually ${CAUSECODE}
21:36.35*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
21:37.15*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
21:37.39ariel_afternoon everyone.
21:37.48tuxinator_linuxHey ariel_
21:38.37phantamhow am i supposed to do that
21:38.55phantamariel_: sup im rippin my h323 hair  out
21:38.56*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
21:39.35phantamno one knows what that error means?
21:40.19eKo1Maybe looking at the source code will help.
21:40.50zigmani want my mantis back ! ;)
21:41.13eKo1You mean the bug tracker is down?
21:41.14zigmanmy pass
21:41.17zigmanit was reset
21:41.23zigmanbut i never received the mail for it
21:41.33phantamdrumkilla = op maybe he knows
21:41.56drumkillazigman: want me to reset it?
21:42.07zigmanyes pls
21:42.09zigmanuser is zigman
21:42.20zoamantis is not down
21:42.22zoai was on there
21:42.29drumkillazigman: ok.  You should get a new password by email
21:43.04drumkillano problem
21:43.06zoazigman i cant fix it for you
21:43.12zoadrumkila is already here
21:43.13drumkillawho wants to guess how many accounts there are?
21:43.18zoame me me
21:43.22zoa10.000 ? L
21:43.46*** join/#asterisk Moc____ (~mochouina@
21:43.48zoai just counted them rainman style
21:43.54zigmanhow many are there?
21:43.56drumkilla.... 2138
21:44.06phantamu're rain man skills are well off
21:44.10drumkilla34 new in the last week
21:44.20zoathats 34 times bkw reapplying
21:44.27phantamdrumkilla: do u know anyone using oh323 i cant get past this error
21:44.41drumkillaplenty of people use it ...
21:44.45drumkillaI don't, though  :)
21:44.52zigmanzoa ;)
21:44.52phantamany that might be around lol
21:45.05drumkillaphantam: this is the best place to ask ...
21:45.07ctooleySometimes I wonder if Microsoft doesn't have it right.  Some customers really do deserve it.
21:45.11phantami been askin all day
21:45.12drumkillayou can also try the -users mailing list
21:45.15phantamand no one said nuttin
21:45.22*** part/#asterisk djrzulf (13-2355@
21:45.28drumkillaphantam: have you searched the mailing list archives?
21:45.31zoaoh323 and h323 -> i dont think anyone will want to give you support for that
21:45.37phantami saw the question
21:45.40phantambut there was no answer
21:45.46JerJer[mobile]not oh323 that's for sure
21:45.58zoahehe jj is also awake
21:46.01JerJer[mobile]h323 is a different story
21:46.05phantamlol JerJer[mobile] well if h323 would compile i'd happily use it
21:46.20phantambut needless to say its bound to such anchient pwlibs it wont compile
21:46.36drumkillaare you running a stable release or cvs head?
21:47.01mogormanwho in there right mind would run stable drumkilla ^_^
21:47.10zoais anyone using app_icd ?
21:47.17phantamu meant of asterisk
21:47.26*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
21:47.39drumkillaok, well for chan_h323, you'll want to try cvs head ...
21:47.47drumkillathe one in stable hasn't been touched in a long time
21:47.55drumkillahead has had a lot of improvements
21:48.04phantamye i heard that before lol jerjer dont wanna touch it no more
21:48.07zoadid anyone here try the latest chan_iax2 jitter buffer patches ?
21:48.24zoai have a suspicion there are some deadlocks there
21:48.39zoabut only happening very seldomly
21:49.16phantamso cvs version of asterisk compiles clean with h323?
21:49.25drumkillaas far as I know
21:49.38phantamwhat version of pwlib etc do i need JerJer[mobile]
21:49.49bowmanzigman, pm?
21:50.13zigmanbowman not workinß
21:50.34zigmandrumkilla can you find out to what email adress the password gets send ?
21:50.40jsolaresmeh i moved my quad fxo card from one pci slot to the other and now it's sharing an irq, and not working anymore
21:50.43bowmanzigman: just to check out some details :)
21:51.00jsolareswould irq sharing cause the card to no longer work?
21:51.04jsolaresor maybe i fried it... :X
21:51.24ManxPowerjsolares, Shareing IRQs can cause ANY sort of problem.
21:51.28zigmanbowman KalD|Work
21:51.31zigmanbowman k
21:51.33jsolaresany huh?
21:51.39jsolareswell crap
21:51.52*** join/#asterisk Dalion (
21:52.06ManxPowerDigium cards do not support shareing IRQs.
21:52.54jsolaresi figured hisses, pops, crackles, or any sort of weird sounds, not it dying, hehe oh well, i think i'll move the network card which doesnt show up as sharing an irq
21:53.40ManxPowerjsolares, Remember that if you plug a phone line into and FXS port on the card and a call comes in, it will blow up the module.
21:53.57GoshenI am looking for a voip provider that supports IAX, and can use number portability to transfer my number, and tips?
21:54.37Goshennufone doesn't port numbers, and doesn't provider 801 area code numbers
21:55.12ManxPowerGoshen, As far as I can tell, all VoIP providers suck in some way.
21:55.39harryvvManx #1 issue would be avaible bandwith?
21:55.43GoshenI guess for business use, it would be best to keep my PSTN line then
21:55.52Goshenfor incoming anyhow
21:55.58ManxPowerharryvv, For various reasons.  Quality, Support, DID numbers, etc.
21:56.14ManxPowerPLUS all the issues of the internet between you and the provider.
21:56.20harryvvYou mean avaiable dids or the one you want :)
21:56.35ManxPowerDIDs in cities I want them in.
21:56.50ManxPoweror they require you to use their equipment.
21:56.52harryvvI was lucky to find a local did providers and going to inquire in there service.
21:57.04*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
21:57.18ManxPowerLingo has good prices, good DId coverage, cheap rates, but they require their own equipment.
21:57.50JerJer[mobile]Goshen:  we port numbers
21:57.52Goshenif I go with a provider, I would require IAX
21:57.56Goshenwho is we?
21:58.03JerJer[mobile]i own nufone
21:58.18Goshenahh, you will want to change your voip wiki entry then :)
21:58.22fileJerJer _is_ NuFone
21:58.29dca[laptop]Goshen: have you look at teliax?
21:58.39Goshenhave not looked at teliax yet
21:58.41filehe is 'da bomb
21:58.47Goshenjerjer: can you port 801 numbers?
21:58.48harryvvJerJer[mobile] when did you start selling service to the public
21:58.50mogormanhey jerjer can i get any 1800 numbers? which ones can you get at your rate?
21:59.04filetwisted @ work
21:59.07Goshenafk, patient
21:59.19twisted[work]file, ready for von/
21:59.23JerJer[mobile]harryvv: um we have always sold service to the public
21:59.29filetwisted[work]: well yesssssssss, actually no
21:59.44harryvvjerjer even before voip came along?
21:59.51fileI'm going to the bank tomorrow to get some cash, and getting a haircut
22:00.02twisted[work]file, we can cut off your hair
22:00.04JerJer[mobile]Goshen:  we only deal with DIDs in the state of Michigan and US48 Toll-Free numbers
22:00.10filetwisted[work]: HA
22:00.11twisted[work]it'd be fun
22:00.18twisted[work]we'd sacrifice your hair to the VoIP gods
22:00.38filehrm lemme think
22:00.53drumkillayou can cut mine
22:01.06drumkillaIt's long
22:01.14phantamcant i get anything proper
22:01.19JerJer[mobile]this is why a wiki should not be the source for information
22:01.25*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
22:01.27filedrumkilla: if bkw was here he'd use that oppurtunity to so make fun of you
22:01.38phantamcvs is compiled against 1.8.1 thats not in portage so i'd have to manually do it... and the openh323 as well
22:01.41drumkillafile: can't make fun of people yourself?
22:01.41JerJer[mobile]whoever created those entries for us has no clue
22:01.49JerJer[mobile]lord knows I didn't do that crap
22:01.57filedrumkilla: I don't wanna!
22:02.12Dalioni use teliax.. works incredibly well
22:02.21*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
22:02.25phantamJerJer[mobile]:  how come cvs isnt against the latest pwlib/oh323?
22:02.57JerJer[mobile]because nobody has informed me it works
22:03.06Juggieanthm, do you have an example cdr.conf for your cdr_csv2? i cant find one in the cvs.
22:03.19*** join/#asterisk TSCHAK (
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22:03.38*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (~sshah@
22:03.53Dr-Linuxi need help
22:03.58*** join/#asterisk pr0m (
22:04.04HitTopi wonder if can be unload
22:04.06Dr-Linuxi'm using x-lite
22:04.36jontowdr-linux; pretty vague.. :)
22:04.41Dr-Linuxmy friend is in other city he can hear me good, but i can't hear him, both are using x-lite
22:04.45Dr-Linuxwhat cound be problem ?
22:04.52jontowboth ends are full-duplex soundcards?
22:05.00MikeJ[Jayden]what's a good price on a polycom 500 in the US?
22:05.06*** join/#asterisk Tarox (
22:05.08MikeJ[Jayden]and user experience of them?
22:05.25pr0mgot a tdm400 installed and asterisk up and running with "make samples".  i'm not getting a dial tone on my analog phone connected to the fxs port on the tdm.
22:05.37jontowdr-linux; and furthermore.. is 'dtmf=inband' set?
22:05.42*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
22:05.46phantamill let u know in a few seconds
22:05.56Goshenjerjer: here is the page to edit...
22:05.58pr0mdoes anyone have a working set of configs for the tdm400 with a single fxs port?
22:06.00phantamgonna try it with latest cvs and latest pwlib/openh323
22:06.09JerJer[mobile]Goshen: fire away
22:06.09phantamJerJer[mobile]: are u still actively workin on the h323 thing
22:06.29JerJer[mobile]define actively
22:06.32ManxPowerpr0m, Other than the kernel module name, it would be the same config as an X100P
22:06.33Dr-Linuxjontow: where i can set this >> 'dtmf=inband' ?
22:06.47pr0mManxPower: ok that helps.
22:06.57ManxPowerDr-Linux, Are you using the ulaw or alaw codec?
22:07.02JerJer[mobile]Goshen: i dispise that damn wiki so i refuse to even go to it
22:07.06phantamas in are u fixing bugs to keep it working with newer pwlibs
22:07.19phantamhehe "define actively"
22:07.28Goshenjerjer: ok, I will do it for you then :)
22:07.38Dr-LinuxManxPower: i'm using defualt all
22:07.45ManxPowerJerJer[mobile], Yeah, but you should at least make sure the information about your own company is not wrong.
22:07.46Dr-Linuxi didn't changed any
22:07.48Dr-Linuxjontow: where i can set this >> 'dtmf=inband' ?
22:07.54ManxPowerDr-Linux, NEVER use allow=all
22:08.05jsolaresno longer irq sharing, still not working... well that rules out the card, i'll try kicking the avaya definity
22:08.12Dr-LinuxManxPower: it can be effect on voice quality
22:08.25ManxPowerDr-Linux, English is not your native language?
22:08.36Dr-Linuxbut voice quality is very very good, but problem is this, i can't hear him, he can hear me good
22:08.56Dr-LinuxManxPower: yeah, english is not my native language
22:09.01ManxPowerDr-Linux, That is either a NAT issue or an allow=all issue or a firewall issue.
22:09.37eKo1or a phone issue.
22:09.56Dr-LinuxManxPower: we both have live Ips
22:10.17phantamJerJer[mobile]: u never responded to my definition of actively
22:10.27TSCHAKhey guys, I have a cisco callmanager and I need to route a pattern from it (701) to an extension in asterisk.
22:10.32TSCHAKany ideas?
22:10.46TSCHAKi've got a trunk set up in CM, as ASTERISK
22:10.51TSCHAKand I've routed a pattern to it..
22:10.55phantam701 prefix?
22:11.29phantamdamn pwlib takes forever im tired of switchin versions lol
22:11.37TSCHAKphantam nah, just dialing '701'
22:11.43zigmanphantam don't ;)
22:11.44TSCHAKI get a fast busy immediately.
22:12.07JerJer[mobile]phantam: I no longer see a need for H.323, thus anything in chan_h323 is going to have to come from the community or they are going to have to find a reason to motivate me
22:12.11phantamu mean when u dial 701 u want to get the callmanager
22:12.34phantamwhy is h323 dead considering alot of pbx's dont support iax yet
22:12.34zigmanJerJer[mobile] like t.38 ?
22:12.39zigmanor do you want more
22:12.48phantamand in some cases sip really isnt possible due to machines in heavy production
22:12.51JerJer[mobile]there is  no need for T.38
22:12.57JerJer[mobile]app_tx and rxfax works damn good
22:12.57phantami cant call a provider and tell them "switch u're box to sip"
22:13.09JerJer[mobile]then find a real provider
22:13.34phantamtell me how to get cisco 3660's to do iax2 and ill try that instead lol
22:13.55JerJer[mobile]load the firmware on it
22:14.03ManxPowerThis Celestial Seasonings Chai has got to be the best damn beverage I've had in a VERY long time.
22:14.14ManxPowerphaded, They can do SIP.
22:14.44ManxPowerPretty much any Cisco box that is reasonably modern can do SIP.
22:14.56JerJer[mobile]and h.323 at the same time
22:15.00Dr-LinuxManxPower: what ports i should open to hear from outside ?
22:15.12jsolareswell crap, my zap is dead
22:15.13sivanaJerJer[mobile]: did you get my email?
22:15.24ManxPowerDr-Linux, I thought you just said you were both on public IPs.
22:15.37JerJer[mobile]sivana: you are going to have to be more specific than that...we deal with a stupid amount of email
22:15.51ManxPowerDr-Linux, By default Asterisk uses port 5060/UDP for SIP Signaling, and ports 10,000 - 20,000 for SIP/RTP Audio
22:16.54Dr-LinuxManxPower: yeah we are using public ip
22:17.22sivanaJerJer[mobile]: about the CDR issues
22:17.46Dr-LinuxManxPower: so what port i should open for audio ?
22:18.13eKo1didn't he just say 10000-20000
22:18.15ManxPowerDr-Linux, By default Asterisk uses port 5060/UDP for SIP Signaling, and ports 10,000 - 20,000 for SIP/RTP Audio
22:18.21jsolareswould having an uncofigured tormenta pci card have anything to do with my quad fxo digium card not working?
22:18.43sivanaJerJer[mobile]: come to find out, when bridging two IAX2 systems, the call is then transferred between each other, cutting out the middle man :)
22:18.52eKo1jsolares: maybe you're having irq problems.
22:19.01jsolaresnope, no longer sharing irq
22:19.02ManxPowersivana, That is the way IAX@ transfers work.
22:19.12ManxPowerIf you don't like that set notransfer=yes in iax.conf
22:19.16jsolares209: 937658 IO-APIC-level wctdm
22:19.19sivanayes, I realize that now :)
22:19.21eKo1jsolares: so if you take out the tormenta card, does it work?
22:19.29sivanait should be no transfer by default I would think
22:19.35jsolaresno idea... bah i knew putting the server in the server room was a bad idea
22:19.59ManxPowersivana, It's a matter of correct CDRs .vs. bandiwdth savings.  I think the default of bandwidth savings is a good one.
22:20.01eKo1Is it a big server?
22:20.16pr0moops.  i just called digium using iax from the demo.  hehehe.  well.  the operator seems nice enough.  she just laughed at me.  ;-)
22:20.17sivanaManxPower: I see... the other IAX2 box is on my LAN extension
22:20.18Juggieif a user can have a one digit menu while they wait on a queue, what happens if a dial occurs in that context? when the agent answers the call, will the dial be interupted?
22:20.26jsolaresnot really, it's just a pain to remove stuff in the room
22:21.05eKo1well, nobody said this was going to be soothing
22:21.12sivanaManxPower: do you know if the setting can be made under [general] or each entry individually?
22:21.16jsolaresit was... damn tor2 card
22:21.42ManxPowersivana, I don't know, but I would assume you can put it either place.
22:23.13jsolaresthanks eKo1, i'll go yank the tormenta card
22:24.19eKo1Man, the lack of bandwidth here is killing me.
22:24.43TSCHAKdo I need to add something to modules.conf to enable SIP ?
22:25.09TSCHAKshould 5060 show up in port scans with nmap?
22:25.26TSCHAKi'm not seeing anything. :-(
22:25.54eKo1well, apart from that, does it work?
22:26.01*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
22:26.21TSCHAKeKo1 no.. I can't seem to get a routed pattern to dial to it.
22:26.22DalionTSCHAK yes
22:26.36Dalionaint it udp
22:26.38Blackvelhi, anyone knows, how I can remotely access the manager API? does that work over TCP/IP sockets? is there some interface to java or something else?
22:27.07eKo1Blackvel: yes, yes, telnet
22:27.27TSCHAKwhat port do I telnet to ?
22:27.49eKo1TSCHAK: turn of your firewall, make sure the phones are registered and do a 'sip debug'
22:27.49Blackveltelnet? interesting
22:28.04eKo1Blackvel: check the wiki.
22:28.04TSCHAKeKo1 ok... what's the port to telnet to?
22:28.08PrimerI wrote a perl script to interface with my asterisk console
22:28.14Primerwhich is actually an IRC bot
22:28.29eKo1the port is 5081 or something like that.
22:28.37Primerenabled = yes
22:28.37Primerport = 5038
22:28.38*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
22:28.45Primerfrom /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
22:28.52Primeryou can set it to whatever you want
22:29.02Beirdoheya, lilo ;)
22:29.36mikegrbheya, Beirdo
22:30.18TSCHAKI type sip debug, and nothing happens.
22:30.44LarsAChow are the voiceboxes stored ?
22:31.29*** join/#asterisk Markie (Mark@
22:33.18GoshenJerJer[mobile]: Just to be clear, you can port US48 1-8** numbers to your service?
22:33.21Markieif i'm monitoring a channel, and i transfer the call, it then records do i make the monitor app follow a channel
22:33.50*** join/#asterisk tuxinator_linux (
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22:35.07gezickis it possible to have meetme rooms with pure voip (i.e. not using a zaptel card)
22:36.50tuxinator_linuxgezick: timing
22:37.06tuxinator_linuxgezick: * uses zaptel for timing I think
22:37.17CoaxDgezick: It is possible, but not the best solution
22:37.31CoaxDgezick: You must, at the very least, use the zaprtc module to provide a timing source
22:37.46CoaxDbut taht one is only 97% or so..  To get a 100% accurate timing source, you need to at least have an X100P or sometihng
22:39.04*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
22:39.14jsolareswell it wasnt the tormenta card
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22:39.39Blackvelthis manager aPI socket thing is really cool!
22:39.47phantamJerJer[mobile]: are u there?
22:39.50Blackvelis it working as stable as .call files are?
22:40.04Markiei jsut started using the manager API and i'm very happy with it.
22:40.08jsolarestime to try lastest cvs, new kernel, recompiled drivers
22:40.17Markiei'm using both right files and the manager API
22:40.37Markiecal lfiles are for "automated" stuff, whereas manager API i use for more "realtime" stuff
22:40.38CoaxDdont understand the need for .call files
22:40.40CoaxDmaybe i should read up on that
22:41.07BlackvelMarkie, where do you use the manager API from?
22:41.23Markieummfrom a web page.
22:41.40Markiethats the nice thing, cause i can initiate a call from a remote machien, cant do that with .call files
22:41.57Blackvellooks great
22:42.03tzafrir_homeMarkie: sure you can. Using ssh
22:42.18Markiesorry..let me rephrase..
22:42.22phantamit  cant find the header file
22:42.25Blackvelmaybe it is just the issue about performance at end end with many actions
22:42.27Blackveland events
22:42.37Blackvelbut there is a way to test around :)
22:42.38Markieyou CAN, but it's UGLY, unmanagable, and needs to be maintained
22:42.55Markieone thing i actually just read today is the ActionID
22:43.07phantamwhere the hell is h323.h
22:43.09Markiei'm not using it now, but i'm going to use it to help with the parsing
22:43.47Blackvelthanx for tip
22:44.10Markiei use .call files for text-to-speach automated outgoing calls.
22:44.22Markiei.e. send an email, it'll dial out and "play" the email
22:44.27tzafrir_homephantam: if you've installed libopenh323 from a decent package you'd have a clue as to file locations...
22:45.11*** join/#asterisk aminorex ( about anyone knowing the answer to my problem?
22:45.34phantamwhat is it with this room
22:45.37Markieif i'm monitoring a channel, and i transfer the call, it then records doest "follow" the channel. how do i make the monitor app follow a channel
22:45.41phantamevery has to be extremely sarcastic
22:45.56CoaxDMarkie: Hmmmm. interesting
22:46.12*** join/#asterisk Zaw (
22:46.21CoaxDMarkie: I've had that problem too
22:46.26CoaxDMarkie: Annoying isnt it
22:46.40Markieyea...we record all calls  nthe company..and we just noticed that any calls that get transferred form one internal phone to another doesnt get followed
22:46.51MarkieCoaxD: any solution you've run across?
22:47.01CoaxDMarkie: I don't think there's a way to MAKE ti follow. technically, internally to asterisk, it is actually a different call
22:47.15Markiebut the "different" call is not recorded either :(
22:47.17CoaxDThe only way would be to start a record session on each individual extension you transfer to
22:47.40Markiehrmm..but the transfer is done on the phone side.. i.e. they flash-transfer
22:47.48Markieso i dont evne know ehre it even touches asterisk
22:48.13CoaxDmarkie: if you're transferring, asterisk is most certainly in the media path
22:48.31anthmyou can put a box upstream and monitor that or call over a loopback interface and monitor that otherwise you need a chainsaw and the src
22:48.36Markieyea, i know it's in the media path..but i dont know where/how it hits something like an extensions.conf
22:48.55Markieanthm: you mean there aint nothing built in currently..
22:48.57CoaxDmarkie: If you're transferring, obviously you're transferring to an extension number
22:49.06MarkieCoaxD: hrmmmm...
22:49.22MarkieCoaxD: we're not recording internal-to-internal calls
22:49.28Markiemaybe i neeed to do that?
22:49.29CoaxDmarkie: if in each extension you set up a record macro..  it'd work
22:49.38CoaxDmarkie: it'd start a new file
22:49.42CoaxDmarkie: But it'd work
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22:49.54Markieso you think it's treated as an internal-to-internal call?
22:50.05CoaxDmarkie: How else do you think it knows the extension number?
22:50.21CoaxDAsterisk doesn't care whats internal or external.  those are terms YOU defined
22:50.38anthmwhen you transfer it moves the soul of the call to a new object and the carcass of the old chan will fall lifeless and make the monitor stop
22:50.39Markiei'm jsut looking at the CDR info..triyng to figure it out
22:50.48CoaxDanthm: haha
22:51.01anthmlike i said if you *need* it bridge over a loopback first and record that
22:51.19CoaxDanthm: What is a loopback?
22:51.37CoaxDanthm: You're a an asterisk hacker; you know all those neat things; many of us are so green its not even funny
22:51.50filesoylent green
22:51.50Markiewhat's the difference between "channel" and "source" as far as the CDR is concerned?
22:51.51CoaxDI make * go for my office, but.. i'd love to know how to do everytihng
22:52.20anthmloopback wouild be a peer on iax or sip that points at the same box or a physocal zap loopback tunnel using ztd_local
22:52.40CoaxDanthm: Hmmmm. thank you
22:52.52Markiebut it looks like a simple recording of "internal" numbers will solve it..
22:53.06fileanthm: it's sad you're not going to VON :(
22:53.16Markiequestion.. is there a way i can do something like if "came from a transfer", record,
22:53.21Silik0nis realtime for vm still borked?
22:53.29anthmyah i wanted to
22:53.50tuxinator_linuxhow sweet
22:54.02anthmyou can try the -b thing i added
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22:54.08anthmto res_monitor
22:54.29anthmthat says automonitor whenever a bridge happens other Q...the pre-transfered call didnt end after the transfer..
22:54.40buddahis there a way i can direct traffic coming from 1 ip to be routed to gateway A, and any other traffic calling the same area to go to gateway B?
22:54.42anthmif the new chan inherits the var it stores that in then it will auto record
22:54.47gezickCoaxD: what is an X100P
22:54.48Markiethe Monitor app kept recording MOH until i was done with the transferred phone conversation
22:54.53anthmor you can set that var with that _ goodies
22:55.34Markieumm...yea, i aready use the -b now.
22:55.48buddahalso, is nufone always bad about communication? i've sent 2 emails, called, left a message, and no response. are they always like that?
22:55.48Markiethats what allows it to work in the first place for the initial call..
22:56.06anthm-b just sets a var so if that var started with __ i think it would survive tranfers and keep happening
22:56.43BrianR___tzanger: Around?
22:57.05Markieok..i'll try other question..when someon's doing a flash-transfer from the phone, what context in the extensions.conf does it use?
22:57.12flewidanyone here going to von? i have a silly question, i've never been to a conference like this before, i've already registered and everything, but i haven't received anything in the mail
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22:57.22flewidshould i worry? or is there just a table i go up to and give my name and get a pass or something?
22:57.24BrianR___buddah: I think nufone may be a very small shop... There's a few other similar services that are just as cheap though.
22:57.26Markieoh..i think i ansered it myself..if i pretend that a flash-transfer is the same as an originated call.
22:58.29buddahheh, they arent cheap though
22:58.29Markiei still wonder why the original pre-transferred channel continues to record MOH until the call is over
22:58.37buddahthey are actually on the expensive side
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22:58.47Markielike it doesnt release that channel until the entire call is completed.
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22:59.16ManxPowerMarkie, get the latest version of whatever Asterisk branch you use. There were some MoH and transfer issues fixed recently.
22:59.51orpheusphello - looking for help in setting a simple goto/context. any volunteer to guide me? using AMP and X100P
23:00.02MarkieManxPower: thanks!
23:00.15Markiei think i'm using latest late is relative..
23:00.27MarkieConnected to Asterisk CVS-HEAD-02/16/05-14:03:59
23:00.43Markieyou think later than that?
23:00.46BrianR___I got MWI working between a norstar MICS key system and asterisk voicemail
23:01.46ManxPowerHmmph!  Cox Cable New Orleans resets the TOS bits on outgoing packets
23:01.48*** join/#asterisk opinsky (~opinsky@
23:02.03Markieis thers a cvs log easily accessible?
23:02.08Markieor cvsweb?
23:02.09*** part/#asterisk Dalion (
23:02.13ManxPowerMarkie, Yes, the fix was in the past 10 days.  If you use CVS you should be on the asterisk-cvs mailing list.
23:02.28ManxPowerMarkie, The asterisk-cvs mailing list archive at
23:02.48Markiei'm just on the devel and users
23:03.36jontowBrianR; does it use SMDI?
23:03.48jontowif not. .has anyone done SMDI-over-RS232 with asterisk and any other equipment?
23:04.11gezickif my * server is behind a firewall, and i'm behind a different firewall, what's a relatively easy way to do SIP calls (with x-lite or similar)?
23:04.20gezickor is there one?
23:04.40gezickwithout doing a vpm ;-)
23:04.46gezicker. or a vpn.
23:04.58jontowtried any strangeness with IAX2?
23:05.40jontowgot a third hop that isn't firewalled? :)
23:05.52JohnnyCanyone with a extensions.conf with CAPI ? How can I dial out ?
23:06.01ManxPowergezick, There is no such thing as "easy" if you have double-NAT.
23:07.57opinskyHello - I am having trouble setting-up a simple extension in a context that is called through a goto command. I have included on my extensions_custom.conf
23:08.17*** part/#asterisk Markie (Mark@
23:08.30opinsky[custom-count2four] s,1,Wait(2) s,2,SayDigits(1234)
23:08.45opinskyin a different context i "goto (custom-count2four,s,1)
23:08.48opinskydoesn't work
23:08.59jontowopinsky; whats the console say?
23:09.07opinskyit say executing (goto)
23:09.12opinskyand nothing else
23:09.16opinskyand hangs-up
23:09.18gezickManxPower: it's all been so 'easy' so far, i was just hoping.
23:09.46gezickcan someone point me to a good guide for punching holes in a firewall for *?
23:09.55JohnnyCdoes anyone has a ISDN example to dial out from a SIP ?
23:10.12opinskyit says exactly: -- Executing Goto("SIP/202-1b78", "custom-count2four|7777|1") in new stack
23:10.19opinskyand stops
23:10.27jontowok.. 7777 ?
23:10.28opinskyoops change 7777 for s
23:12.19Juggiehrm, i cant seem to get agent groups working...
23:12.45jontowopinsky; in extensions.conf .. [custom-count2four] is on its own line yes? you just concatenated for pasting?
23:12.56Juggieanyone have any problems with that, i am running cvs head....
23:13.04*** part/#asterisk apaneiro (
23:13.11jontowjuggie; i've got them working to some extent with -r v1-0
23:13.11Juggiei can put agents in a queue if i specify their agent id
23:13.19opinskyyes, every instruction has its own line
23:13.23jontowbut i had the problem you speak of in HEAD ages ago :)
23:13.28Juggiebut if i do Agent/@1
23:13.31Juggieit doesnt work
23:15.29TSCHAKcan someone help me with a cisco callmanager to asterisk problem?
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23:19.33hajekdcan you recommend some reliable pstn termination in europe?
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23:23.02tzangerBrianR___: am now
23:24.08Juggieis anyone running cvs-head with agents/queues i may have found a bug, need to confirm, because i may be a retard :)
23:25.07*** join/#asterisk MasterYoda (
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23:26.33anthmnah, if you were a chimp who had accidently typed in the queue configuration with shakespere in the comments i'd still suspect it was a bug if it didn't work
23:27.18Juggiei'll pastebin
23:27.23Juggieto remove the retard factor
23:27.31tzangeryou need confirmation that you're a retard? :-)
23:27.42CoaxDsomebody oughtta set THAT in the topic. haha
23:27.58*** part/#asterisk MasterYoda (
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23:28.45Juggietzanger, i've been wrong before :)
23:29.07CoaxDall of us have been retards at one time or another; thats not a big thing. heh
23:29.11anthmi can tell you for sure chan_agent has a segfault hiding in it
23:29.14clordWhat kinds of issues can cause "Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'"??
23:29.24Qwellclord: not having the module loaded
23:29.24clordI have the file.
23:29.24tzangerclord: you don't have your zap channels set up
23:29.35tzangerclord: the module's not loading (see last statement)
23:29.38Juggiethat looks right no?
23:29.42tzangerclord: all channels are in use
23:30.07clordI'll look into those.
23:30.15tzangerclord: btw that was actually a very good question
23:30.31tzangernot great but certainly acceptable in these circles as far as newbie questions go
23:30.36*** join/#asterisk Muiz (
23:30.44tzangerI can't think of a single digium resource which would answer that question short of scanning the source
23:30.46Qwelltzanger: As opposed to "Help!  I get an error!"?
23:30.51*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:30.52tzangerQwell: exactly
23:31.03Juggietzanger, would that be correct what i pastebin'ed i assume., since its pretty damn simple.
23:31.06clordhe he!  Thanks... my biggest issue is that it was working just fine, and then I rebooted the server and shazam... not working.
23:31.10Juggieer, *that would
23:31.23tzangerclord: in that case I'd suspect you didn't load your zaptel modules
23:31.25Juggieclord, not loading your modules?
23:31.26CoaxDclord: Ah! You probably forgot the 'ztconfig -vv' step
23:31.28Qwellclord: sounds most like the zap kernel modules aren't loaded.  I'm not muchhelp though usually
23:31.37CoaxDclord; or, yes, you forgot to load your zaptel stuff
23:31.39tzangerJuggie: not sure, I don't know anything about your particular problem
23:31.41tzangerI've never used agents
23:31.43clordI did do ztcfg -vv already
23:31.47clordand it's showing as loaded.
23:31.49CoaxDclord: and THAT worked?
23:31.53gezickwhich ports do i have to expose to initiate SIP calls through a firewall?
23:31.59CoaxDclord: No errors?
23:32.01tzangerclord: hmm interesting
23:32.05CoaxDclord: nifty
23:32.05clordztcfg -vv
23:32.08tzangerclord: it says x channels configured?
23:32.09CoaxDclord: /dev/zap stuff exists?
23:32.10clordworks fine.
23:32.11tzangerdon't spit out the entire output
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23:32.19Muizdoes anybody know what happened to Loligo's web site? I can't get a conection
23:32.25tzangerclord: interesting
23:32.31tzangerwhat's 'zap show channels' say in the asterisk CLI
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23:32.33clordcould be an "in use" issue.
23:32.39clordas you said.
23:32.52tzangercould still be a number of things
23:32.58clordSo the switch that line is hooked to could have it off hook or something.
23:33.07tzangerwhat's 'zap show channels' say in the asterisk CLI
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23:33.27tzangerI'm trying out red curry chicken tonight
23:33.31tzangersmells alright
23:33.45clordpseudo incoming
23:33.48clord1 incoming
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23:33.52Muizhmmm....i guess nobody knows what happened to the loligo website....
23:34.04tzangerclord: that's fine, what's zap show channel 1 say
23:34.07Muizcan somebody help me out by sending me a couple of the sound files from their package?
23:34.13tzangerespecially in regards to hookstate (I'm assuming it's an FXO card)
23:34.15tzangeroh wait
23:34.19tzangerfxo cards don't show hookstate
23:34.39tzangerclord: yeah ignore that fxo cards don't show hookstate
23:34.46tzangerI should patch asterisk so that it doesn't even show that line
23:34.56CoaxDyeah, its purely cosmetic
23:35.12tzangerclord: is the channel in red alarm?
23:35.13CoaxDalthough it realy should be able to tell whether it is on-hook or off-hook
23:35.18tzangerCoaxD: agreed
23:35.26CoaxDguaranteed, the card knows
23:35.28clordwhere would I see that?
23:35.31clordred state
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23:35.38clordred alarm
23:35.38CoaxDclord: zttool
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23:35.52CoaxDclord: Comes with zaptel
23:35.53tzanger/proc/zaptel/1 should show it too I think
23:35.53clordhe he!
23:35.56vickersI'm looking for information on configuring Sphinx with asterisk, but have found very little.
23:36.06tzangerCoaxD: only if you have that goofball libnewt installed
23:36.18tzangerclord: that means there's no phone line plugged in to it
23:36.21CoaxDclord: you dont have a line hooked to it
23:36.30vickersanyone have experience using voice recognition software with asterisk?
23:36.34CoaxDclord: asterisk wont make a connection to a zap channel in red alarm state, i wouldnt imagine
23:36.36tzangervickers: not me
23:36.38clordperfect... so it's our switch tech's fault... perfect.
23:36.39clordhe he!
23:36.41tzangerCoaxD: nope it won't
23:36.51clordLove to hear it's them and not me.
23:36.56dalaberahi, anyone here with experience programing AGI scripts in PERL?
23:36.56CoaxDtzanger: Sweet. i havent tested that
23:37.08tzangerwell red alarms take the channel(s) right out of commission
23:37.23tzangerat least on t1/e1 so I imagine if they put red alarm in there for a mere POTS line they'd treat it the same
23:37.26*** join/#asterisk ReVoK (ReVoK@
23:37.39dalaberaI'm doing a perl script and weirds are happenning to me, please help
23:37.41clordok, so once the line is setup it should be back to normal.
23:37.53tzangerclord: yes you'll see a message about the zap channel coming out of red alarm
23:37.56tzangerand it'll be available
23:38.09clordnice... thanks as always, this channel is always helpful.
23:38.13ManxPowerdalabera, You are not reading STDIN when you start your perl script.
23:38.46ManxPowerdalabera, Use asterisk-perl and let it handle all the ugly stuff for you.
23:40.30dalaberathat's what I'm using
23:41.06dalaberayou meant reading STDIN by issuing this command foreach $key (keys %input) {
23:41.25dalaberamy %input = $AGI->ReadParse();
23:41.38Juggieno pasteing plz, use
23:41.44ManxPowerdalabera, It's been at least a year since I've used AGI.  You only need to "read stdin" if you are not using asterisk-perl.
23:41.57ta[i]ntedanyone having inaccurate DIALSTATUS in AGI?
23:42.01ManxPowerFollow the exmaple(s) that come with asterisk-erl.
23:42.13ManxPowerta[i]nted, What's happening with it?
23:42.45ta[i]ntedcalling the same number and receiving the same response i get different DIALSTATUS results
23:42.56ta[i]ntedsometimes 'noresponse', sometimes 'ANSWERED'
23:43.01ManxPowerta[i]nted, VoIP or PSTN?
23:43.33ta[i]ntedwhat actually determines whether a call is answered
23:43.38ManxPowerSo it's not an agi issue at all.
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23:43.49ManxPowerta[i]nted, Watch the console, does it show answered?
23:43.50ta[i]ntedif it goes to voicemail, is that call 'answered' or no
23:44.02ManxPoweryes, voicemail is an answer
23:44.04ta[i]ntedbut agi still returns 'noresponse'
23:44.27ManxPowerUm...IIRC there is no NORESPONSE value for DIALSTATUS
23:44.28ta[i]ntedat least $AGI->get_variable("DIALSTATUS") does anyway
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23:45.11machinehdhow hard is it to stumble accross sip formware for the cisco 7960?
23:45.12ta[i]ntedinteresting... that's the returned value
23:45.12ManxPower${DIALSTATUS}   Status of the call, one of:
23:45.17*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
23:45.29ta[i]ntedlet me audit my code.. see if i've missed something
23:45.55ManxPowerta[i]nted, Try a SetVar(MY_DIALSTATUS=${DIALSTATUS}) before calling your AGI.
23:46.05ManxPowerSee if there's a difference in the value of the two of them in your AGI.
23:47.31ta[i]ntedgood idea
23:47.41ManxPowerta[i]nted, Getting automatically set dialplan variables is a VERY recent addition to AGI.
23:48.31tzangerDr-Linux: what's up
23:48.49Dr-Linuxhow are you tzanger :)
23:49.49TSCHAKthis is driving me
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23:50.05psywarTSCHAK: is it a long drive?
23:50.07TSCHAKcisco callmanager refuses to talk to asterisk OR the GNUgk
23:50.23DevilFishcan anyone have a look at this and tell me what they think?
23:50.32Grant2anyone have some nice tutorials?
23:50.40DevilFishgot disconnection problems and I cannot seem to beat them
23:51.10gezicki'm trying use x-lite to make SIP calls on the mac, i have it so that incomming calls are working, but outbound calls don't even generate any log information in asterisk. i'm sure that it's a set up problem in x-lite (at least) does anyone know where a likely source of the problem might be
23:51.21DevilFishAlso is anyone using MetaSwitch?
23:51.39*** part/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:52.52mishehuI'm using the LightSwitch
23:53.05mishehuit does amazing things, like bring brightness into the room.  ;-)
23:54.09tzangerhow to make a horse go faster :-)
23:54.30DevilFishhar har har :)
23:55.16TSCHAKhas anyone in here worked with Cisco CM?
23:56.06Dr-LinuxManxPower: there ?
23:56.16ManxPowerDr-Linux, Sort of
23:56.47JohnnyCcan someone hep me wth CAPI ?
23:56.56JohnnyCI cant seem to find any example to Dialout
23:56.59JohnnyCat leat updated
23:57.52Dr-LinuxManxPower: can you tell me how i can fix this NAT issue ? having audio problem as i asked your b4 ?
23:57.52ManxPower~google CAPI Dial
23:57.53ManxPowerDr-Linux, No, I cannot.  If I could, I would have.
23:59.10ta[i]ntedManxPower same results -- both DIALSTATUS and MY_DIALSTATUS posts 'noresponse' randomly
23:59.54ManxPowerta[i]nted, Is that any different than what they say in the dialplan?  NoOp(DIALSTATUS=${DIALSTATUS})

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.