irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050222

00:02.21shmaltzbkw_, when a calls b, and b blind xfers (using cisco blindxfer), the parked spot gets announced to the a
00:02.45bkw_you got a broken valetparking
00:02.50bkw_or the wrong asterisk
00:02.54bkw_the best way to do a blind park
00:03.05shmaltzasterisk is from today.
00:03.07bkw_is to do a SetVar(BLINDTRANSFER=yes)
00:03.18shmaltzand valet is the one from the link that anthm gave me
00:03.41bkw_just set the var then
00:03.50bkw_something else is wrong we'll look at it tommorow maybe
00:04.07bkw_we gotta get ClueCON set this week
00:04.22bkw_we are kinda busy with the details on that ;)
00:04.55*** join/#asterisk xcoyote (
00:05.10bkw_its a conf in Chicago for beginner devs, and hardcore devs
00:05.28bkw_we will be going over some pretty hard core stuff there
00:05.35bkw_along with a dev round table
00:05.47bkw_thats what we are gonna get set in stone this week
00:05.57shmaltzhm, i c
00:06.00bkw_June I think is the target
00:06.02denondo it in vegas .. in a couple weeks, when im gonna be there :)
00:06.13buddahfuck vegas
00:06.23denonoh yeah, this coming from a guy named buddah
00:06.24shmaltzvegas is too far 4 me
00:06.26bkw_I have to find people to speak there too
00:06.37buddahok mr. denon
00:06.42buddahvegas is played out
00:06.52filebkw_: hmm?
00:06.57xcoyotei have a question about dtmf collection for asterisk, i am trying to request a password to login, so it must be a collection of digits typed by the user. and then compare it agains another number and finaly apply a gotoif function. which function allows to collect DTMF input from caller?
00:07.14bkw_show application read
00:07.18denonbkw: you had way too much fun recording mark's ogm
00:07.19buddahchicago sounds like a fun time
00:07.34denonsounded like it
00:07.43bkw_twisted helped
00:07.45bkw_so did allison
00:07.47denonyeah, I heard
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00:07.52filebkw_: what's this about dev thing?
00:08.01implicityou in file?
00:08.06fileI'm here.
00:08.14bkw_file its going to be in early june in Chicago
00:08.26bkw_if we work this out right Mark will be there too
00:08.26filehrm could I do early june....
00:08.27h3xbkw_: have you ever got SendURL to work right
00:08.28bkw_thast what we are working on
00:08.33bkw_h3x, no
00:08.36fileI think that's when my graduation happens
00:08.37implicitdid u get my aim message?
00:08.43h3xim convinced it isnt supposed to
00:08.49fileimplicit: no, not really at my computer where AIM is
00:08.50yashaxIn IP500, when you press the [Voice Mail] button, what do you press to get into VM?  I tried *, #.....
00:08.54bkw_h3x, I think gnophone worked with it at one time
00:09.01bkw_Only IAX
00:09.02h3xwell diax phone says it wors
00:09.04implicitok ill msg u here
00:09.05h3xin the new version
00:09.09h3xbut it dosent do anything
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00:10.19xcoyotewhich application allows me to know the dtmf digits that callers pressed?
00:10.55bkw_xcoyote, Read
00:10.57bkw_PAY ATTENTION
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00:10.59bkw_I told you
00:11.15bkw_the application is called "Read"
00:11.19bkw_show application read
00:11.57snewpyyashax: when you've got bypassInstantMessage="1" set, pressing the messages button should dial straight away
00:12.01pdracevichi need some major help, please with IAX, can any one Private Message me please
00:12.08tzangerBrianR___: norstar-asterisk works well enough
00:12.09bkw_you ask here in the channel
00:12.38denon~jbot is it true that bkw will do 1-on-1 privmsg for $1.99/minute?
00:12.57BrianR___yashax: The voicemail button on the soundpoint phones rings the extension defined in the phone's config file. You should put the extension for the voicemail there and the voicemail button will work just as if you had called the voicemail extension manually.
00:13.00Sedoroxwhat are the advantages of trunk in iax2?
00:13.11tzangerpdracevich: have you got basic iax connectivity working?
00:13.14bkw_i'l do anythign 1 on 1 for 1.99 a min
00:13.16denonSedorox: less bandwidth with multiple calls .. think of it like a D-channel for a T1
00:13.20hardwireto get around all the disadvanteges of not having one :)
00:13.37pdracevichtzanger: I have the one of the two boxes registering
00:13.43Sedoroxso I guess I should enable it between my three * boxes then...
00:13.47BrianR___tzanger: Are you referring to any special software, or just using VMI's and/or PRI to interface?
00:13.56denonyes, if you have more than one simultaneous call
00:14.01shmaltzbkw_ setvar helped. how big is the app_valetparking.c file suppose to be?
00:14.05tzangerBrianR___: PRI between them, no qsig
00:14.17BrianR___we're lucky - our norstar has two PRi cards in it.
00:14.22tzangerpdracevich: so what, precisely, is the problem
00:14.26tzangerBrianR___: very lucky
00:14.27bkw_shmaltz, no clue i'll check later
00:14.28tzangerthat ain't cheap
00:14.33BrianR___tzanger: How do you get voicemail to work properly for station-to-station calls on the norstar?
00:14.40shmaltzb/c my older version is 30+ k and this from anthms' link is round 24
00:14.41tzangerBrianR___: you don't
00:14.49tzangerBrianR___: you need SL1 to have voicemail on *
00:14.56tzangerand * doesn't talk SL1
00:14.59tzangersince it's proprietary
00:15.06tzangera.k.a MCDN, NAPN
00:15.07pdracevichtzanger: the dial rules, when I try to write one, it does not work. :-(
00:15.12BrianR___MCDN? NAPN?
00:15.30tzangerBrianR___: you need licence keys on the norstar, and the protocol in *
00:15.43BrianR___tzanger: What is the protocol?
00:16.11BrianR___The norstar talks SL1 over what kind of interface?
00:16.17yashaxsnewpy: I do have that in the phone1.cfg, but when I press the VM button, I still see the 2 options (Message Center and Instant Messages)
00:16.40BrianR___What about using a VMI?
00:16.47Sedoroxwhat codec do must people use over iax2?
00:16.50tzangerBrianR___: like what
00:16.55tzangerSedorox: I use ulaw and gsm
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00:17.12Sedoroxulaw uses a lot od BW tho, don't it?
00:17.16BrianR___tzanger: There's a semi-obsolescent device for using non-nortel voicemails on a norstar. I bought 3 of em on eBay.
00:17.41BrianR___each one turns two norstar station ports into two fxs ports with disconnect supervision and dtmf signalling of extension dialed.
00:17.49pdracevichtzanger: I am at Point "B" the server says "Registered to '218.101.54.x', who sees us as 210.54.249.x:50017" (210.54.2489.x) being point "B" i want to place a call from point "B" and have it come out point "A"
00:17.53tzangerBrianR___: well then they'd likely work :-)
00:18.11tzangerpdracevich: smells like NAT
00:18.35tzangerI've connected * to analogue trunk lines, CT1, PRI and through norstar ATAs
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00:18.59snewpyyashax: hmm... must be something else in the configuration, I don't get that effect
00:19.01Sedoroxanother stupid question.. in iax.conf.. on host=
00:19.04Sedoroxcan you use a DNS name?
00:19.23snewpyyashax: in the phone's configuration, that is... but hitting message center dials thru to voicemail, right?
00:19.23BrianR___tzanger: I know the norstar we have can do callforward no answer to an outside number, but I'm not sure if it puts in enough info to the final destination to tell which extension was originally called.
00:19.25tzangerI can redirect voicemail (fwd on busy/no answer) to an extension on asterisk, but you can't get asterisk to indicate MWI
00:19.37pdracevichtzanger: any ideas?, and is there a web site that will explain, in detail with config file that does not confuse the hell out of me
00:19.57tzangerBrianR___: with PRI it does, but as I just said, there's no way for asteirsk to notify the DN that there's messages
00:20.11BrianR___tzanger: That's the easy part of the problem.
00:20.28snewpya lot of PBXs have either standard or as some kind of add-in a serial port for controlling MWI, or let you set up extensions to trigger MWI on/off
00:20.30tzangerpdracevich: as I said, it smells like you've got NAT in the middle.  have you got udp/4569 being forwarded to each * box
00:20.31BrianR___tzanger: You can use an ATA or a port on on an analog station module fo rthat.
00:20.45BrianR___tzanger: You just need to do <hookflash> *1 extension.
00:20.54tzangerBrianR___: how do you notify DN 243 that there's voicemail ofr it?
00:21.07tzanger*1243 then?
00:21.10tzangerfrom an ATA or ATA2?
00:21.18*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Doug@doughecka.user)
00:21.20yashaxsnewpy: Right now when I select [MC] choice and press Connect, it says "Person at extension X is on the phone"
00:21.22tzangerI'll have to try that tomorrow
00:21.30BrianR___tzanger: Dial *1 1234. No joke. The extension from which you dial that from needs to be forwaded to commedian mail so the callback feature works right.
00:21.43tzangerBrianR___: *very* interesting
00:21.46tzangerI wonder if it works over PRI
00:21.50BrianR___tzanger: There's an upper bound on how many pending outbound messages a given extension can have.
00:21.52dougheckaanyone ever play with it?
00:21.56tzangerI know I can't hookflash but I wonder
00:22.00pdracevichtzanger: hummm, at point "B" a new router has been put in place i dont think udp/4569 has been opened
00:22.13BrianR___tzanger: If I recall correctly, I couldn't make it work over DISA.
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00:23.14tzangerBrianR___: not trying it through DISA
00:23.31BrianR___tzanger: How does one access internal features over a norstar PRI?
00:23.37DonXHow can I find out what timer asterisk is using?
00:24.11BrianR___The norstar PRI cards don't even support NET mode, do they?
00:24.30DonXIf it's using one at all. I got zaprtc to load btu my inbound IAX calls are still choppy so I'm suspecting that something is wrong
00:26.39bkw_haha my isp is on crack I tell ya
00:26.41bkw_C R A C K
00:26.55bkw_they confused me for a few
00:26.59bkw_but I caught myself
00:27.38yashaxsnewpy: ?
00:27.43tzangerBrianR___: you don't
00:28.13tzangerI have a route which sends any 9 traffic over the PRI with an unlimited length
00:28.22tzangerand another which routes 8 traffic ot the PRI with a 3-digit length
00:28.34bkw_I want my freakin reverse DNS back
00:28.37tzanger* sees "call from "224 to 844" or whatever
00:29.23BrianR___tzanger: Ok. So all of your asterisk extensions start with an 8?
00:29.40syslodbkw_: Is this related to why I can't get to you?
00:30.32DonXOk, so there is no way to show what timer, if any, that asterisk is using?
00:30.45bkw_its my /28 here at home
00:31.09dougheckabkw_: you have nufone setup?
00:31.22dougheckaexten => nufonenumber,1,Dial(SIP/2001,60,tr)
00:31.26dougheckado I put my whole number in therE?
00:31.32dougheckaor last four digits?
00:31.36bkw_try it with last 4 or full
00:31.38BrianR___tzanger: If extension 201 on the norstar is forwarded to 801, and extension 202 calls 201, what does asterisk see?
00:31.52dougheckafull being with or without the 1
00:32.19DonXIf there is no way then I'll just use the force and pray
00:32.22dougheckabkw_: ya....
00:32.29dougheckawith, or without :P
00:32.30qwerpis there anyway i can block only 15 incoming and 15 outgoing line on a PRI line?
00:32.37dougheckaah, k
00:32.42bkw_try it all three ways
00:32.45Uajalbkw: I corrected dtmf by unbelivable way
00:32.53bkw_Uajal, what was it?
00:32.54dougheckacrap, I could even get the call to reach my pbx last time
00:32.55bkw_or how did you do it
00:34.17PyroStevei though Broadvoice allowed sip users to set caller id ?
00:34.31tzangerBrianR___: uhm...  201 I think --- didn't call at all; -- called but no dtmf; - works!
00:34.36syslodqwerp: Do what?
00:34.42tzangerit does because I get the right voicemail I think
00:34.43PyroSteveI tried setting it like i do with VoicepPulse
00:34.45tzangerI'll have to check again
00:34.47DaminHas the Dundi patch been updated for 1.0.5 yet?
00:34.48tzangerI'm at home right now
00:34.56bkw_Damin, don't think
00:34.58qwerpis there anyway i can block only 15 incoming and 15 outgoing line on a PRI line?
00:35.03DaminI've getting conflicts when I Cvsup
00:35.09dougheckabkw_: hah, when I call, its silent for about 20 seconds, and rings once, and hangs up
00:35.12qwerpsyslod: got a pri with 40 channels..
00:35.15dougheckaand I dont see a bloomin thing on my console
00:35.19qwerpsyslod: got a pri with 30 channels..
00:35.20BrianR___tzanger: Aah... Even if it doesn't it's still possible to get the right voicemail by assigning each user a direct-to-voicemail extension on asterisk.
00:35.25Daminbkw_: Who do I have to pay to fix the patch? :)
00:35.35syslodqwerp: U want to block 15 incoming and 15 our or you want to set one way trunks in those qua?
00:35.36tzangerBrianR___: I also have DIDs assigned for several extensions
00:35.36qwerpsyslod: but wanna make it in such a way that 15 incoming and 15 out going calls..
00:35.37Daminbkw_: I've got cash in the PayPal account! ;)
00:35.40tzangerbut there's a limit of 30 I think
00:35.43tzangerso 0000243 goes to my extension
00:35.46bkw_Damin, anthm?
00:35.52qwerpsyslod: it sort of like a quota..
00:35.54Daminbkw_: Tell him to get on it..
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00:35.58bkw_I will
00:36.03Daminbkw_: $100?
00:36.14bkw_put in the topic in #asterisk-dev
00:36.17BrianR___tzanger: We have a norstar that's about 10 stations away from being max'd out.
00:36.26syslodqwerp: You can do that but you'll need the co-op of your carrier to setup some of the Bs for 1 way trunking.
00:36.26*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
00:36.39BrianR___The norstar has been a really awesome system since the phones are only about $30 on eBay.
00:36.50DaLiongot a prob
00:36.50DaLioni rebooted and now RH says
00:36.51DaLionFeb 21 19:34:27 pobox kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 00:02.7
00:36.52DaLionFeb 21 19:34:27 pobox kernel: wcfxo: Out of space to write register 06 with e0
00:36.53tzangerBrianR___: maxed out in the fully extended sense or maxed out in in teh 30 or whatever station ports a standard MICS has
00:36.54BrianR___A 16 port station module typically cost us under $200 used.
00:37.04DaLioncand init DAA giving up
00:37.07DaLionany ifdea ?
00:37.13qwerpsyslod: i did dome reading, initially i tot that i can use CheckGroup(max) to limit calls..
00:37.16BrianR___tzanger: All of the internal ports and all of the station module ports are filled. :(
00:37.17PyroStevedoes broadvoice allow thier users to specify caller id ? I tried and isn't working
00:37.19tzangerI have a 32x0 and a 0x16 in addition to my standard set
00:37.21pcmDaLion: is that a real X100P ?
00:37.39DaLionit worked like 2 days ago
00:37.39tzangerPyroSteve: why don't you call the service you're paying and ask them?
00:37.41qwerpsyslod: but CheckGroup onli applies on a single channel, not a whole PRI card..
00:37.46DaLionthink so
00:37.51syslodqwerp: Well I guess you could on one side but the telco is gonna send you more calls than you want.
00:37.53tzangerDaLion: did you buy it from digium or ebay
00:37.57BrianR___tzanger: Is there any way to mamke the last 2 station module ports not be reserved for those lame wireles station modules?
00:37.57pcmDaLion: sounds like it's not taking IRQs
00:38.03bkw_qwerp, define what you mean
00:38.06tzangerBrianR___: not sure
00:38.07bkw_a whole PRI card?
00:38.12tzangerBrianR___: we have two of those, btw
00:38.13PyroStevebecause this channel is for asterisk help and I am an asterisk users
00:38.14bkw_check group will work on ANY and all channels
00:38.16qwerpbkw_: pri with 30 channels..
00:38.21bkw_it will work
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00:38.25bkw_if you set the groups
00:38.25DaLionpcm.. yeah... but .. onlything changed i removed an old modem card.. and my wirless pci from board
00:38.26BrianR___tzanger: How well do those wireless sets work anyway?
00:38.26tzangerPyroSteve: but you're asking a BROADVOICE question
00:38.30tzangerBrianR___: shittily
00:38.34PyroStevetzanger: so next time you have questions about a provider ... dont ask here
00:38.35DaLionalso i made sure bios plug n play os is to NO
00:38.36bkw_setgroup sets a channel var
00:38.37bkw_thats all
00:38.40tzangerBrianR___: I mean they work but they sound poor, go screwy sometimes, etc.
00:38.41tzangerPyroSteve: exactly
00:38.42qwerpbkw_: wanna make i such a way that onli accept 15 incoming calls so that there is 15 reserved for outgoing calls.
00:38.43DaLionso bios assigns irq;s etc
00:38.44bkw_checkgroup counts how many channels in tht group
00:38.52tzangerPyroSteve: you ask the provider of the service you're paying for
00:38.52bkw_qwerp, that will do it
00:38.56pcmDaLion: is there anything else assigned to the same IRQ ?
00:38.58bkw_thats what its written for
00:39.03syslodUmm what u gonna do just let the trunk ring on inbound calls?
00:39.06BrianR___tzanger: Aah. I haven't been able to find them on eBay and I can't see payign full price for something my gut told me was likely to be lame.
00:39.16PyroStevetzanger: so you really have never asked anyone about something they may have experienced ?
00:39.19DaLionits sharing
00:39.26DaLionFeb 21 19:34:27 pobox kernel: PCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 00:02.7
00:39.28pcmDaLion: it doesn't like to share hehe
00:39.30DaLionbut with what
00:39.32tzangerPyroSteve: it stands to reason that since you're giving them money and have a question about their service that they'd have the answer
00:39.32DaLioni dont know
00:39.35qwerpbkw_: i read doc on checkgroup. it onli checks on a channel, but pri line got 30 channels..
00:39.45bkw_you don't understand how it works then
00:39.49bkw_inbound calls
00:39.55bkw_you do a SetGroup(INBOUND)
00:39.59qwerpbkw_: how can i make it in such away so that 30 channel is treated as a channel?
00:40.02PyroStevetzanger: have you bought digim hardware before ?
00:40.06bkw_you don't
00:40.10tzangerPyroSteve: of course I have... but I haven't asked such a blatantly provider-specific question in a general forum before
00:40.11bkw_you're thinking in 2D
00:40.12bkw_stop it
00:40.14bkw_think in 3d please
00:40.21bkw_check group will walk the channel list
00:40.25DaLionPCI: Using IRQ router SIS [1039/0008] at 00:02.0
00:40.29bkw_and count the number of channels in use in GROUP X
00:40.32bkw_if its over that
00:40.33tzangerPyroSteve: of course.  Two TE405Ps, two T100Ps and a half dozen TDM4xxPs
00:40.33bkw_it goes n+101
00:40.44bkw_thus you can give a busy signal when its over the group count limit
00:40.45tzangerPyroSteve: but you can bet your ass any specific questions I had about the hardware went to Digium first.
00:41.06bkw_groupcount has nothing to do with the group= line in zapata.conf
00:41.12bkw_they are totally diffrent things
00:41.12qwerpto use that, initially we need to SetGroup(inbound), right?
00:41.34DaLionpcm how cna i know with what its sharing
00:41.38Moc____Anyone here Sell Polycom IP Phone ?
00:41.49qwerpwhen i run this line in my dial plan, it show on my CLI something like "SetGroup("Zap/1-1", "inbound")
00:41.50tzangerPyroSteve: don't get your back up -- I am just saying that your question is FAR better asked of the people you're trying to work with rather than a bunch of people who may or may not use the service from one of the only providers which is regularly criticized in -users
00:41.50pcmdalion: after you load a module do 'cat /proc/interrupts'
00:41.53bkw_the checkgroup(15)
00:41.53dougheckaanyone in here use Nufone with a DID that can give me a working config?
00:42.01syslodMoc: To who? Customers or installers?
00:42.04bkw_if its over 15 it will go n+101
00:42.06bkw_get it
00:42.07tzangerdoughecka: have you emailed support@
00:42.07Moc____to customers
00:42.15Moc____well installers I mean..
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00:42.18Moc____Im selling to customers
00:42.19DaLioni dont seep 10
00:42.22dougheckatzanger: nah :P
00:42.24DaLioncat /proc/interrupts'
00:42.35syslodMoc: U need distrib then. Graybar is one.
00:42.35BrianR___tzanger: I will be doing some serious norstar <-> asterisk hacking this week. We should keep in touch.
00:42.38DaLionfirs col is IRQ ?
00:42.41dougheckaI thought I'd ask, since it was working before I sorta lost the config files
00:42.47tzangerdoughecka: :-)  email 'em, you'll get a ticket back and if you don't have an answer in a few hours bug jerjer, he'll smack the responsible party upside the head and get your answer quickly
00:42.50qwerpbkw_: so it doesn't care on which channel? as long as the SetGroup(name) name is the same?
00:42.59bkw_qwerp, right
00:43.03bkw_doughecka you register?
00:43.05pcmDaion: yeah
00:43.08bkw_did you add the register line boi?
00:43.10dougheckabkw_: it sats it registered
00:43.14qwerpbkw_: i will give it a try now.. ;P
00:43.21dougheckaI Tried both switch-1 and switch-2
00:43.22PyroStevetzanger: well there are several people in here that represent some company or server like VoicePulse and Nufone, and probably Broadvoice
00:43.27DaLioneb 21 19:34:27 pobox kernel: PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 00:0b.0
00:43.38DaLionhmm no irq 10 on interupts.. but
00:43.46PyroSteveand I have asked similar questions in the past
00:43.53syslodbkw: Won't that still "use" a trunk to give the busy on inbound?
00:44.02drastixnztzanger: pdracevich can you please have a look at my dial rule and tell me what i have done wrong "exten => _[4]X.,1,Dial(IAX/Whangarei/0${EXTEN})" Whangarei is point "A" and the rule is in the extinson.conf file at point "B"
00:44.12tzangerPyroSteve: this is true -- have you got an answer from anyone though yet?  :-)
00:44.19bkw_drastixnz, who told you to dial like that
00:44.25tzangerwtf is _[4]X. ??
00:44.25bkw_you need IAX2/user@peer/exten
00:44.34bkw__4X is the same
00:44.38bkw_as _[4]X
00:44.51tzangerbkw_: ahh ok caracter alternatives
00:44.55tzanger(can't think of the acutal regex name0
00:45.07bkw_you can do _[123]X
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00:45.13tzangerbkw_: right I understand
00:45.16DaLionHint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters.
00:45.21dougheckabkw_: btw outgoing calls work :P
00:45.23bkw_DaLion, call digium support
00:45.26PyroStevetzanger: not yet, but there are tons of questions that are asked that may or may not catch somones attention
00:45.34PyroStevebut I have in the past
00:45.37DaLionoh well
00:45.37bkw_doughecka sounds l ike you need to email support
00:45.44tzangerdrastixnz: simplify it and see if it works.  try "exten => 400,1,Dial(IAX2/Whangerei/0${EXTEN})" and reload and see if dialing 400 gets you there
00:45.53DaLioncan i force this ?
00:45.57bkw_well IAX2/peer/exten is wrong
00:45.58DaLionirq ?
00:45.58PyroStevetzanger: i have questioned others in the past about my voicepulse trouble
00:46.01drastixnzok bbs
00:46.03tzangerPyroSteve: again correct -- I was just trying to help you get your answer more quickly
00:46.05bkw_what username are you gonna use on the other end
00:46.07tzangerbkw_: it is??
00:46.17bkw_well its gonna pick guest@ or what ever it can find
00:46.22bkw_which you have no control over it
00:46.22PyroStevetzanger: i have gotten help from voicepulse as well as other voicepulse reps
00:46.31tzangerbkw_: it'll pick whatever the usrename in [peer] is set to
00:46.37bkw_no it wont
00:46.41qwerpbkw_: i did the test, not working..
00:46.51bkw_qwerp, you're doing something wrong
00:46.54*** part/#asterisk pcm (
00:46.57drastixnztzanger: nothing
00:46.58Sedoroxyou can't do <user>@<hostinsip.conf> to dial a SIP person?
00:47.08qwerpfirst call comes in, in CLI SetGroup("Zap/2-1", "INBOUND")
00:47.09bkw_this is IAX
00:47.30Sedoroxyea.. but I'm trying it with sip and it doesn't wanna work...
00:47.30qwerpCLI CheckGroup("Zap/2-1", "1")
00:47.36bkw_that lets one thru
00:47.41tzangerdrastixnz: well there's a problem then innit
00:47.43bkw_then do you have N+101 on checkgroup
00:47.45qwerpthen the second call comes in,
00:47.50tzangerdrastixnz: are you paying attention to the output of the commands?
00:47.58qwerpSetGroup("Zap/3-1", "INBOUND")
00:48.00tzangerdrastixnz: :-)
00:48.01trelanebkw_, iaxy's are sick, I'm eternally awed
00:48.01qwerpCLI CheckGroup("Zap/3-1", "1")
00:48.02tzangerer doughecka :-)
00:48.15doughecka7:48EST, lets see
00:48.22qwerpi think check group is checking on 2 different groups.
00:48.44bkw_qwerp, The checkgroup has NOTHING to do with the group= stuff in zapata.conf
00:48.48bkw_stop trying to mix the two please
00:48.51drastixnztzanger: *blush* err is there a way of logging the iax2 commands?
00:48.52*** join/#asterisk cool_blade (
00:49.01tzangerdrastixnz: no need for that
00:49.01qwerpi do have exten => s,103,hangup
00:49.03tzangerset verbose 10
00:49.08tzangeryou should see stuff showing up on the console
00:49.21bkw_qwerp, works here for me unless the syntax has changed
00:49.25bkw_try 15@INBOUND
00:49.40bkw_I would have to looka t the code
00:49.41DaLionpcm how can i know hwat its sharing with ?
00:49.41DaLionpcm how can i know what its sharing with ?
00:49.41tzangerdrastixnz: you should see stuff like this
00:49.42qwerpSetGroup(15@INBOUND) <--
00:50.00bkw_qwerp, sure
00:50.02tzangerit usually gives you a good idea of what's going on
00:50.02DaLionapata Telephony Interface Registered on major 196
00:50.02DaLionPCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 00:0b.0
00:50.02DaLionPCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 00:02.7
00:50.10bkw_DaLion, Dude call tech support
00:50.19tzangertech support?
00:50.19tzangerfor what
00:50.27tzangera motherboard that won't NOT share IRQs?
00:50.28bkw_his card install
00:50.35qwerpbkw_: done.
00:50.40DaLionit worked yesterday
00:50.48tzangerDaLion: what did you change from yesterday
00:50.50qwerpthen i should put CheckGroup(15@INBOUND) too?
00:50.51tzangerand don't say nothing
00:50.51DaLionso if config i changed somewhere
00:50.59DaLionnot sure... alot
00:51.01dougheckatzanger: I havnt recieved a ticket number yet!!!! its been 2 min!!! :P
00:51.03bkw_no ninny
00:51.05tzangerDaLion: well there's problem #1
00:51.06bkw_Setgroup INBOUND
00:51.09bkw_checkgroup 15@inbound
00:51.09DaLionremoved 2 useless cards.. one modem + 1 pci wireless
00:51.11tzangerdoughecka: hmm it should be htere soon :-)
00:51.16qwerpoh.. okie.
00:51.23tzangerDaLion: did you move the X101P around?
00:51.27bkw_DaLion, let me guess 50 dollar motherboard?
00:51.29DaLionwell its REMOVED i sad.. so should be more irq to play with not less
00:51.44DaLionbkw_ whats your problem today
00:51.46qwerpbkw_ : off trying..
00:51.51dougheckaDaLion: lol
00:51.54bkw_DaLion, I don't have a problem.. this is me
00:52.01DaLionhehe yeah
00:52.06dougheckabkw_: what motherboard ISNT 50 bucks? :P
00:52.11tzangerDaLion: agreed, did you go int o the bios and make sure all the slots aren't set to the same IRQ (if you can set it) and also did you reset the ECSD data
00:52.14DaLionPCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 00:0b.0
00:52.14DaLionPCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 00:02.7
00:52.21DaLionyes and yes
00:52.23tzangerDaLion: did you change kernels
00:52.30bkw_also enable APIC
00:52.30DaLionim tring to know what is using 00:0b
00:52.36DaLionah ...
00:52.38DaLioni diabled
00:52.39tzangerlspci -v | grep 00:0b
00:52.41yashax(IP500) Guys, if the phone1.conf is setup correctly to bypass the IM, when I click on VM button, should I still see a menu, or should it go right to my VM?
00:52.47bkw_APIC will help
00:52.51tzangerit will
00:53.06tzangerunless you have a Shuttle S51, in which case it will cause its own special brand of problems :-)
00:53.08Daminbkw_: patching file pbx.c
00:53.08DaminHunk #1 succeeded at 820 with fuzz 3 (offset 4 lines).
00:53.08DaminHunk #2 succeeded at 829 (offset 4 lines).
00:53.08DaminHunk #3 succeeded at 853 with fuzz 3 (offset 4 lines).
00:53.22DaLionok see
00:53.24Daminbkw_: 2 line mismatch.. ;)
00:53.28DaLiononly needed to know lspci command
00:53.30DaLion00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS7012 PCI Audio Accelerator (rev a0)
00:53.33*** join/#asterisk mixi (
00:53.40DaLionits confilting with on board audio
00:53.48tzangerDaLion: bingo
00:53.49DaLionif i disable i guess i cant use moh no more ?
00:53.55doughecka<Peewee> HA ha
00:53.59yashaxtzanger: was that to me "yes it will" ?
00:54.03drastixnztzanger: in my iax.conf at Point "B" should the type be set too peer? for the information about point "A"
00:54.04tzangerhmm I can get .in domains for US$28
00:54.05tzangerer $18 being state of indiana?
00:54.17DaLionany way to force RH to make it elsewhere ? or make zap elsewhere ?
00:54.18tzangeryashax: no that was for DaLion
00:54.19dougheckawhere from?
00:54.29tzangeryashax: I don't know what you're doing :-)
00:54.31dougheckaDaLion: MoH shouldnt need a sound card
00:54.39tzangerdoughecka: haha how about .india
00:54.47dougheckatzanger: ah, right
00:54.50yashax(IP500) Guys, if the phone1.conf is setup correctly to bypass the IM, when I click on VM button, should I still see a menu, or should it go right to my VM?
00:54.56drastixnztzanger: set it to 10 and the phone does not even get the the asterisk box, while on sip calls it works.
00:54.57dougheckastill that would be cool
00:54.59yashaxthat's what I am doing
00:55.06tzangerdrastixnz: huh?
00:55.06DaLionok let me try thanks
00:55.35dougheckasugar in the bloodstream, yay
00:55.46qwerpbkw_: not working..
00:55.49dougheckaand NO email back yet, tzanger =D
00:55.53bkw_qwerp, check the wiki
00:55.55bkw_because I knwo it does
00:56.10Sedoroxanyone know if I can user user@userinsip for a sip call?
00:56.18qwerpbkw_: i know it does, i remember trying it once..
00:56.20Sedoroxererrrr bm
00:56.23Sedoroxerrrr nm
00:56.24SedoroxI'm stupid
00:56.29qwerpbkw_: but it just doesn't seems to work now..
00:56.46tzangerset what to 10
00:56.49*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:56.55dsmousestop when convenient
00:57.00dsmouseer, wrong window
00:57.04ACiDVI have few agents/queues defined, does it's possible to put an agent in "break time" to avoid multiple login/logout in the same day ?
00:57.13tzangerwhat's the difference between restart gracefully and restart when convenient
00:57.22dougheckatzanger: more letters
00:57.23bkw_yes it works
00:57.26tzangerdoughecka: heh
00:57.40drastixnztzanger: Verbosity
00:57.43DaLiontrying to reboot box
00:57.57bkw_qwerp, check your msgs
00:57.59bkw_I just tested it
00:57.59*** join/#asterisk ScythelX (
00:58.02bkw_what I pasted works
00:58.04tzangerdrastixnz: and what do you mean by the phone doesn't get to the asterisk box
00:58.11Defrazwhen do I need a g729 license?
00:58.13*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
00:58.20tzangerDefraz: when you're converting from g729 to anything else
00:58.25*** join/#asterisk mrproper_ (~psynode@
00:58.45drastixnztzanger: I ring, 400 and it does not even log anything at all
00:58.50mrproper_hey all, whats the recommended gui configuration manager for asterisk? (bit daunted with the 50 options to choose from)
00:58.58DaLionnow sharing with 00:02.6 Modem: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Intel 537 [56k Winmodem] (rev a0)
00:59.00Defrazso if I have a sip phone and I dial and it pass it on to my ld provider Cloud voice then it should work.
00:59.03DaLiongod !!!
00:59.06tzangerdrastixnz: well...  is your sip phone going to the right context?
00:59.08DaLionwhat the hell...
00:59.10mishehumrproper_: there is a recommended gui configurator?
00:59.14tzangerthe context wtih the exten => 400,1,Dial...
00:59.18bkw_qwerp, did you see the example I pasted to you
00:59.20dougheckamrproper_: get asterisk@home if you just want to start from scract
00:59.21tzangermishehu: vim, of course
00:59.24tzangeroh you meant GUI
00:59.29mishehutzanger: hahaaha
00:59.31dougheckatzanger: funny... =)
00:59.44DaLionok il try to disable modem ..
00:59.55bkw_oh DaLion didn't buy from digium
01:00.02DaLionmight as well diable all motherboard with a hammer or 8 pounder
01:00.13tzangerDaLion: I bet that'll get rid of the IRQ sharing
01:00.15bkw_when you disable it in the bios it doesn't really disable it
01:00.22bkw_shuttle boards are nasty anywy
01:00.24bkw_er anyway
01:00.26tzangerjust to make you guys envious
01:00.49drastixnztzanger: please forgive me I am very very tired, I have been up all night.  The context part is confusing me. :-( and thanks for you help
01:00.50tzangerthis box is an NFS and samba server
01:00.54bkw_tzanger, if you have alot of network activity you'll sure hear it
01:00.58tzangerbkw_: nope
01:01.02dougheckatzanger: holy crap
01:01.05bkw_you're lucky as hell then
01:01.07tzangerI *hammered* this thing just to test
01:01.09tzangerbkw_: I agree :-)
01:01.13tzangerit's an old P3/700
01:01.13DaLionhey.. bkw that on board modem
01:01.15bkw_beacuse thats not normal
01:01.19dougheckawell, heck, my server is a samba server... nobody ever connects =D
01:01.28tzangerP3/733, via chipset
01:01.41tzangerI know it's not normal :-)
01:01.45tzangerI'm just amazed
01:01.49mishehuI use either samba or nfs
01:01.49bkw_lucky bastard
01:01.50mishehunot both
01:01.52bkw_one day it will just stop working
01:01.55bkw_you wait and see
01:02.07bkw_it will go WTF I shouldn't be working
01:02.08dougheckano, it start sounding like crap
01:02.11mishehuand then bkw_ will be there tell you he told you so
01:02.13tzangerthere are 9 IDE HDDs in this thing too
01:02.23tzangerbkw_: shush
01:02.31mishehuide?  blechs
01:02.37*** part/#asterisk klasstek (
01:02.41drastixnztzanger: he is my sip rule "exten => _[0]X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@10.10.x.x)"
01:02.41dougheckabtw dont use SATA with asterisk
01:02.41bkw_IDE isn't bad
01:02.44mishehusata or scsi for me...
01:02.47drastixnzhere sorry
01:02.51bkw_drastixnz, stop the _[0]
01:02.58bkw_its not needed if you only have 1 digit to match
01:03.05mishehudoughecka: and why no sata with asterisk?
01:03.16mishehuespecially since I *am* using asterisk with sata
01:03.29dougheckamishehu: I had problems
01:03.38mishehu3ware 9500 raid controller
01:03.42*** join/#asterisk jayden (
01:03.43tzangerI just got a telemarketer call but the call was automated
01:03.45dougheckathe gods must smile apon thee
01:03.48tzangerlike a reverse answering machine
01:03.54dougheckamishehu: ah, thats diferent
01:04.04dougheckaI was using onboard SATA crap
01:04.12tzangerautodialer...  "thank you for taking our call...  got the winter blahs?  You've been selected to win a vacation for 3 days and 3 nights...<click>"
01:04.17dougheckakept interupting my voice traffic
01:04.24mishehudoughecka: I've used it on on asus which has a crappy SIIG sata controller, and no problems either.
01:04.28bkw_tzanger, isn't that illegal?
01:04.36tzangerI dunno
01:04.40bkw_I think it is
01:04.42dougheckaSIIG aint bad, but this was onboard Dell crap
01:04.51mishehudell is from hell
01:04.52dougheckabkw_: SUE THEM
01:05.03dougheckanow SCSI on the other hand
01:05.09dougheckathat works ok
01:05.40drastixnztzanger: YAAAAAAA i am now getting somewhere
01:05.49tzangerdrastixnz: good :-)
01:05.53tzangerand nary a PM required
01:06.23drastixnztzanger: but I am now gettiing this :-( Executing Dial("SIP/4701705-1b9a", "IAX2/Whangerei/00") in new stack
01:06.25drastixnzchan_iax2.c:2212 create_addr: No such host: Whangerei
01:06.25drastixnzNo such host: Whangerei
01:06.46tzangerdrastixnz: it doesn't see a [Whangerei]
01:06.54bkw_crazy track pad input
01:07.03bkw_hate that
01:07.13*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
01:07.49drastixnztzanger: i did a iax2 show peers and i get "Whangarei        218.101.54.x  (D)  4569      Unmonitored"
01:08.09tzangerI see a difference, do you see a difference?
01:08.23drastixnztzanger: and i live here to!!
01:08.33mrproper_has anyone pushed sip calls to MS live communications server clients?
01:08.36tzangerfor some reason "Whangarei" makes me think of a waving penis
01:08.41tzangernot exactly sure why
01:08.43*** join/#asterisk marc32344 (
01:08.43Defrazcan someone explain what a pass thru is concidered when using g729?
01:08.58tzangerDefraz: when asterisk does not have to listen to the audio stream
01:09.08dougheckatzanger: that actully made me laugh outloud
01:09.30*** join/#asterisk pcm (
01:09.32tzangerdoughecka: yeah me too when I first saw the word... I was like "Wtf that guy is either from India or he's got the same sense of humour that I do"
01:09.46marc32344ne1 knows about digium te110?
01:09.58tzangermarc32344: it's a single span T1 card, similar to the T100P
01:10.18dougheckatzanger: and still no email from nufone, not even an automated reply... you sure they have a mail server? :P
01:10.26DefrazSo if I am on my sip phone, and I connect using g729 and then my asterisk box passes it to and NexTone Iserver then would that be a pass thru?
01:10.51dougheckaDefraz: correct IF nextone accepts g729
01:10.51tzangerdoughecka: it should have got a response to you by now -- my last test was 5min.  bug jerjer directly -- he will want to know about this
01:11.24shmaltzhow would one dial multiple  multiline sip phones (cisco 7960) and making sure that all the phones ring on the next available line appearance?
01:11.32Defrazokay so in my sip.conf can I only allow g729?
01:11.42mrproper_Defraz, yes
01:11.45tzangerDefraz: of course
01:11.53tzangerDefraz: that won't protect you though
01:11.55*** part/#asterisk doughecka (~Doug@doughecka.user)
01:12.00*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Doug@doughecka.user)
01:12.05dougheckacrappy irc client
01:12.06marc32344what is connected to the port of te110?
01:12.07tzangerDefraz: if you use 't' or 'T' or use Read or anything in the dialplan
01:12.07Defrazhmm I guess I don't quite undersand.
01:12.13tzangermarc32344: a T1 or PRI
01:12.21dougheckawhy put the stupid X to close the tab ON THE FRICKIN TAB ITSELF
01:12.31tzangerdoughecka: :-)
01:12.36Sedoroxyou can't do a switch with a SIP?
01:12.47shmaltzhow would one dial multiple multiline sip phones (cisco 7960) and making sure that all the phones ring on the next available line appearance?
01:12.58marc32344whats the difference between T1 and PRI?
01:13.00mikegrbdoughecka: use a real irc client and you won't have that problem
01:13.08tzangershmaltz: jeez man wait a few minutes
01:13.10mrproper_shmaltz, you mean something like you have an incoming number and you want it to call a range of extensions?
01:13.11pcmPRI is a signalling on T1
01:13.15tzangermarc32344: physically nothing
01:13.17dougheckayea, gaim
01:13.34dougheckaI rather would have 1 app covering all IM and IRC than 6 of them
01:13.36tzangermarc32344: a T1 is a physical and data spec.  PRI is just a data spec, it rides on top of a T1 or E1 (or J1 even I think)
01:13.45tzangerdoughecka: irssi
01:13.45shmaltzmrproper_, as well as rollover to the next available line appearance if the first one is busy
01:13.53mikegrbdoughecka: I have one app covering im and 4 irc servers
01:14.04mikegrbdoughecka: it is called irssi with bitlbee
01:14.15mikegrbit can
01:14.24tzangerdoughecka: no... irssi is on linux
01:14.28shmaltzsorry tzanger, my IRC client acted up
01:14.28mikegrbit's text
01:14.33tzangerPsi is my jabber client, it's available for windows and mac and linux
01:14.41mrproper_shmaltz, hang on do you want a round robin (ie call the first phone if its busy, call the second phone) or do you want to call ALL extensions at once (so the only phones it wont ring are ones that are busy)
01:14.49mikegrbtzanger: irssi can do jabber with bitlbee
01:15.30tzanger"Your laptop is downloading pr0n and warez from the internet, and is unresponsive when you try to get it to do something useful. I'd put it's age at about 14."
01:15.33dougheckajerjer replyed
01:15.37dougheckahe doesnt see an account
01:15.38mikegrbtzanger: ja, connect to for example, there are lots of public bitlbee servers or you can grab it yourself from
01:15.41dougheckaunder my home email
01:15.49shmaltzmrproper_, I want that it should call all at once, and when ringing each phone (together with the others) if the first line appearance is busy it should rollover to the next one.
01:16.15tzangerdoes anyone else see "ars technica" as "arse technica" ?
01:16.21tzangerI have always, always seen that
01:16.22dougheckatzanger: :)
01:16.40tzangersimilarly there's a road in Stratford called Embro Road... I always see it as "Embryo Road"
01:17.00dougheckatzanger: trying to keep my yogurt in my mouth
01:17.07tzanger"I learned a thing or two from Charlie don't ya know, you better stay a way from embryo road..."
01:17.17tzangerdoughecka: mmm yougurt
01:17.20tzangerer yogurt
01:17.21mrproper_shmaltz, hang on just looking at my config
01:17.29tzangerI made tacos tonight wiht the kids
01:17.34dougheckafun fun fun
01:17.39tzangermy 4yo is hilarious... taCO!
01:17.42jaydenhey tzanger, how's jitterbuffer going?
01:17.51tzangerof course he just takes the fucking thing apart and eats the cheese only, but oh well
01:18.00tzangerjayden: VERY well
01:18.00dougheckajayden: I dont think he has a kid called jitterbuffer...
01:18.09dougheckatzanger: hah
01:18.24dougheckachange your name, its too simaler to tzanger
01:18.38tzangeryeah really... I've been on IRC for the better part of a decade now
01:18.42dougheckasilly tab completion
01:18.52tzangeractually probably over a decade now if you include my mIRC days
01:18.58tzangerefnet and mIRC just didn't mix
01:19.25tzangerdoughecka: I am ashamed of some of the stuff that turns up in usenet searches for my name
01:19.48dougheckaI was 14 back then
01:19.48BrianR___tzanger: Get my reply ping?
01:19.48tzangeralthough I had a guy who wrote a quote book in Holland request to use a quote of mine from years ago
01:19.50mrproper_shmaltz, check theres an example of how to do it
01:19.51Beirdowe all likely have that to say
01:20.05iceypanyone know if there is a web based system for asterisk to allow users to signup simular to pulver? I want to start a local NZ sip / iax server
01:20.09tzangerBrianR___: yup
01:20.18tzangerX-Greylist: delayed 399 seconds by postgrey-1.17 at mail; Mon, 21 Feb 2005 20:24:53 EST
01:20.20BeirdoI had a PhD candidate ask to use one of my flames in her thesis as an example of internet flaming :)
01:20.33tzangerBeirdo: hahaha
01:20.45shmaltzmrproper_, what happens if I want VM after 2 minutes of ringing?
01:20.48Beirdoso one of my flames is published officially somewhere
01:20.48tzangerwhat the fuck do you get a Ph.D writing about internet flame wars??
01:20.50yashaxOff the topic: Did anyone hear on the news about this guy who recorded his kid's voice as a phone ringer and now it is very popular? I am trying to find it. Anyone? Thanks...
01:20.59tzangershmaltz: Dial(,120)
01:21.01Beirdoshe sent me a copy, I don't know offhand where it is
01:21.12tzangeryashax: ugh
01:21.21Beirdoit was about the culture of the internet or something
01:21.23tzangergimme a set of regular electronic ringy noises not fucking mucic
01:21.25tzangerer music
01:21.29tzangeror kids hollering
01:21.32tzangerI get enough of that
01:21.45shmaltzthis wouldn't work for me
01:21.54dougheckanot this little song crap
01:21.54yashaxit was really cute.... seriously, does anyoine know?
01:22.06tzangerdoughecka: yeah but battery life sucks with those old bell ringers
01:22.06mrproper_shmaltz, then in your extensions.conf on the extension line change the 25 to what ever amount of seconds you want then add a second line with priority 2 which moves the call to voicemail
01:22.21dougheckatzanger: I just want a simple ringer
01:22.27dougheckalike what old cordless phones had or whatever
01:22.37tzangerand then the voicemail beep  "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I DIDN'TTTT!!!!"
01:22.37yashaxHHHHHHHHhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I love it..........
01:22.42*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
01:22.50ta[i]ntedwhere does asterisk store CLI logs?
01:22.56tzangerta[i]nted: /var/log/asterisk
01:23.00shmaltzmrproper_, this will not rollover and ring on the second line appearance if the first is busy (i'm using a cisco 7960, which has 6 line appearances)
01:23.02tzangeror wherever you put it in logger.conf
01:23.15*** join/#asterisk jpablo (
01:23.26mrproper_shmaltz, for the voicemail stuff
01:23.45jpablohi, im having a problem with asterisk reciving sip from a cisco server.
01:23.56mrproper_shmaltz, what do you mean second line, that queue will just ring any available extensions you specify in the queues.conf
01:24.01jpabloit's a sip call, but the cisco doesnot register with the asterisk.
01:24.18*** join/#asterisk _daver_ (
01:24.29shmaltzmrproper thsi is how I do it nomraly:
01:24.32jpablothe call is arriving to the 5060 port (i see it with tcpdump) but asterisk just don't do anything, even with sip debug on i don't see nothing.
01:24.34jpabloany idea ?
01:25.09drastixnztzanger: Now the next big question is incoming dial rules, can you give us a hint
01:25.22mrproper_shmaltz, then implement that into the queues.conf if its a problem
01:25.37shmaltzmrproper_, my cisco 7960 register with 6 sip accounts (b/c they have six line appearances)
01:25.42yashaxGuys:  I am trying to disable the "Instant Messages" from the SIP500 menu to go straight to the VM and did the following, but it still shows up, any ideas?
01:25.47shmaltzhow? mrproper_
01:25.49*** join/#asterisk rtomsonII (
01:25.58tzangerdrastixnz: "incoming dial rules" ??
01:26.09*** join/#asterisk Othello (
01:26.32drastixnztzanger: *blush* again, at point "A" when I call from point "B"
01:26.42tzangerdrastixnz: right
01:26.51mrproper_shmaltz: with your cisco phones i presume you have an extension configured for each phone in sip.conf right?
01:26.54jaydentzanger, are you
01:27.01tzangerjayden: am I?
01:27.08mrproper_shmaltz, ie sip.conf----> [101] [102] etc?
01:27.10shmaltzmrproper_, yes
01:27.12trelaneis there any more verbosity on startup than -vvv?
01:27.14shmaltzI do
01:27.16tzangertrelane: yup
01:27.20drastixnzit comes up withRejected connect attempt from 210.54.x.x, request '70300@default' does not exist
01:27.21jayden"the guy who knows everything on #asterisk" tongiht (sorry, hit enter too soon)
01:27.23mrproper_shmaltz, ok whats your main number?
01:27.27rtomsonIIHello all.
01:27.30dougheckatzanger: I thought of so many things in response to that :)
01:27.33mrproper_shmaltz, your main extension
01:27.52dougheckatzanger: are you...
01:27.58tzangerdrastixnz: well that just means that your [user] section a) isn't specifying a context= (NEVER use default) or b) 703000 doesn't exist in the [default] context, or a context include='d from it
01:28.03tzangerdoughecka: heh
01:28.06shmaltzI do 101 for dialing and the sip accounts are 1011 thru 1016
01:28.30rtomsonIIAnyone familiar with running Asterisk and Faxing (Hylafax) off the same PRI with DID for both?
01:28.34mrproper_shmaltz, so you want exten 101 to call all phones 1011 through to 1016?
01:29.48mrproper_shmaltz, so what extension do you want to call 1011 through to 1016?
01:29.51DefrazI have one line with a question on it can I paste it here or should I use
01:30.03tzangerone line goes here
01:30.04shmaltzI want extension 160 to call all extensions 101 thru 110, and each of those (101-110) when dialed directly usualy call 1XX1 thru 1XX10 if the prevoius one is busy
01:30.24Defrazexten => _1208NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}:1)
01:30.34Defrazwill that hack the 1 off the front and add a two?
01:30.48mrproper_shmaltz, so how are your extensions configured in sip.conf 101,102 etc or 1001 etc?
01:30.52tzangerDefraz: and why didn't you just try it?
01:31.21Defrazoh I thought it was wrong cuz it didn't work
01:31.31shmaltzfor 101, 1011 thru 1016
01:31.33shmaltzfor 102, 1021 thru 1026
01:31.35shmaltzand so on
01:31.49tzangerDefraz: that's fine, but why didn't you tell us what it was doing instead?  :-)
01:32.02ScythelXanyone know of a good datacenter colo in the US that provides t1 access - looking to setup my asterisk box for my small office
01:32.06mrproper_shmaltz, ok so 101 is a number you have made up for shortning purposes
01:32.29shmaltzmrproper_, and for an easy way to dial 6 sip devices
01:33.11ScythelXi only need roughly 15 lines so even a fraction t1 would be sufficent
01:34.11tzangerI saw spiderman 2 yesterdya with the kids
01:34.14*** join/#asterisk BBRodriguez (
01:34.17tzangerthat elevator scene is so fucking hilairous
01:34.27jaydenrtomsonII, we use spandsp....
01:34.37tzangerthey didn't wreck it either, it was done very very well
01:34.44dougheckatzanger: and whenever I see spandsp, I see spandex
01:35.01*** join/#asterisk {zombie} (
01:35.08tzangerI see spand sp -- for the longest time I was trying to figure out wtf he was refering to
01:35.11shmaltzmrproper_, this is no good since that wil make all my line appearances show an incming call
01:35.18rtomsonIIjayden: Forgive me but what is that?
01:35.19tzangernow I actually prounounce it span dsp and it makes sense
01:35.41tzangernot spanned espee
01:35.50jaydenwhat kind of implementaiton are you looking for...
01:35.51yashaxGood night guys.... THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the help today everyone...
01:36.12*** join/#asterisk hellop (
01:36.13BrianR___Looking forward to using spandsp with a few hundred did's to provide a dedicated fax number for every employee.
01:36.23rtomsonIII need to run my phones and inbound fax routing off one pri. I just need to know if it will work and what hardware to get.
01:36.27mrproper_shmaltz, then setup multiple queues: call queue 1 which has 1011, 1021, 1031 etc then calll queue2 which has 1012,1022,1032?
01:36.29Defrazwhat does this mean Feb 21 18:35:47 WARNING[25747]: chan_sip.c:611 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x4240049c (len 434) to returned -1: Invalid argument
01:37.10jpablohi, has anyone connected asterisk cisco 5350
01:37.19rtomsonIIbrianR: what hardware are you using for that?
01:37.33BrianR___rtomsonII: Not sure. Hasn't been bought yet.
01:37.46shmaltzmrproper_, and how will it go from queue one to queue 2? I want it to do it only to device 1011-1016 if the low numbered one is busy, but for 1021-1026 it should ring on 1021 if it's not busy
01:38.01BrianR___rtomsonII: But unless spandsp really sucks, I can't see it having trouble doing fax for a handful of PRI channels...
01:38.22rtomsonIIThanks: This might just save me some money.
01:38.22drastixnztzanger: Once again thanks for the help,   at Point "B" i have in the iaz.conf this [Whangarei]
01:38.25drastixnzdefaultip=218.101.x.x what is wrong with this?
01:38.32BrianR___Sorry folks.
01:38.48BrianR___On any reasonable PC.
01:38.58tzangerdrastixnz: change context= to context=incoming or something
01:39.09BrianR___rtomsonII: Prolly setting it up this week. Will let you know how it goes.
01:40.00drastixnztzanger: Whangarei being point "A" do i have to incudle anything in that IAX.CONF?
01:40.19tzangerdrastixnz: huh?
01:41.12drastixnztzanger: I have point "incoming" in and at the other end it still comes up with request '703@default' does not exist
01:41.27tzangerdrastixnz: have you reloaded the box?
01:41.38drastixnzyes i have
01:41.54tzangerdo you have a context=default on the other side's [peer] config?
01:42.05drastixnzhummm bbs
01:42.11tzangerremember when you call from A to B,  B sees A as a "user" and A sees B as a "peer"
01:43.09rtomsonIIbrianr___: Thanks again. If I get anything working I will let you know.
01:43.19VoIPMastahow do you instruct Festival to use a different voice?
01:43.51*** join/#asterisk andrew` (
01:44.12drastixnztzanger: I found that there was a guest account, that had context=default, i have removed that and now i am getting "Call rejected by 218.101.54.x: No authority found"
01:44.25tzangerdrastixnz: because you are not providing a user@
01:44.33drastixnztzanger: so so so so so close
01:44.50*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
01:44.51tzangerthen in your iax.conf
01:45.04tzangerand on the other side
01:45.58tzangerthere's a word that should be used more often
01:46.10tzangerit behooves us to utilize the word 'besmirch' more often
01:46.26jaydentell your kids that
01:46.36drastixnzin Point "B" Extession.conf "exten => 400,1,Dial(IAX2/Whangarei:????????/Whangarei/703)"
01:46.38tzangerunwittingly exacerbating the wear on dictionaries across the land
01:46.40shmaltzanybody using the Local channel
01:46.48tzangerdrastixnz: you don't need to provide :secret
01:47.05tzangerif you provide secret= in B's iax.conf for [Whangerei]
01:47.15shmaltzjayden, u using the local channel?
01:47.30marc32344whats a good billing soft?
01:47.32VoIPMastaDoes anyone know how to select a different voice for use with the Fesival cmd?
01:49.06tzangercould a bug marshall PLEASE erase all the attachments from 2532 EXCEPT the last 3?
01:49.57tzangerthat is so fucking sick
01:50.18marc32344whats the cpu requirement of the te410 at full load?
01:50.37tzangermarc32344: define full load
01:50.51marc32344full capacity on all 4 ports
01:50.54tzangermarc32344: basically it si recommended P4 minimum
01:50.58tzangermarc32344: again, define full load
01:51.07tzanger96 channels doesn't mean much
01:51.23jaydenof the card, not much, of the card making a bunch of to voip requireing transcoding... see tranzgers messages above
01:51.25marc3234496 simul calls
01:51.31tzangertranscoding?  if so, to what?  any IVRs or echo cancellation?  Where are these calls going?  SIP?  IAX?  other TDM?
01:51.50tzangersee what I'm getting at?  :-)
01:52.16jayden96 simul calls in and out the pri's you could do on a p3.... when you start adding other stuff... considering pc's are so cheap these days, you wil lwant more
01:53.00jayden:( no more goatmilk... and I was just thinking how much I wanted some goatmilk
01:53.17SedoroxCan switch statements only be used with IAX.. or can they be used with SIP?
01:53.37pfnonly with iax
01:55.15tzangerjayden: yeah but remember that echo cancellation takes its toll too
01:55.37tzangeralso if the calls are all terminating to IVR or are being bridged
01:55.47tzangerand if IVR, are the prompts in ulaw or some other codec
01:56.05jaydeny, like I said, the card does not require a lot of cpu... But :)
01:58.04*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
01:59.32BrianR___Can one preconvert the asterisk prompts to reduce cpu load if the connected phone's codec is not gsm?
02:00.26jaydenBrianR, native MOH can.
02:00.37jaydenwhat "prompts" are you talking about
02:00.48BrianR___jayden: ivr prompts
02:01.23BrianR___Like the stuff in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
02:01.25*** join/#asterisk OzJames79 (~James@
02:01.38dougheckahuh, its cheaper to call russia through nufone than to call the US48
02:01.57jpablohi, why is asterisk don't showing anything in sip debug?
02:02.03jpabloi can see the invites with tcpdump
02:02.07jpablobut it is ignoring them.
02:02.11jaydenchekck logger.conf
02:02.14dougheckaport is set wrong
02:02.23dougheckasolar flares
02:02.56*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
02:03.10jpabloi can see them with tcpdump in the machine i see them ..
02:03.25jaydenwhat is in your logger.conf
02:03.57tzangerdoughecka: yup
02:03.58jpablothe default.
02:04.01tzangerjust how the things terminate
02:04.24*** join/#asterisk carsim (~carsim@
02:04.27dougheckatzanger: jerjer replied!
02:04.41tzangerdoughecka: hahaha
02:04.42dougheckastill nothing though...
02:04.43tzangeryou sound surprised
02:05.05dougheckaalthough he still hasnt actully given me the config
02:05.21dougheckamaybe its because I only have $1 in my account
02:05.42dougheckathats almost an hours worth of talk time
02:05.50jaydenjpablo.. console => notice,warning,error,debug
02:07.28jaydenor, starting asterisk console w/ more v's
02:07.35jaydenchanges verbosity level
02:07.37drastixnztzanger: you are a god!!!!! i got it i got it YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES there was a line that was left out type=user thanks for your help!
02:07.51dougheckatzanger SCORES
02:08.12dougheckatouch down for the asterisk DOTS!!!
02:08.23tzangern oworries drastixnz just remember that if you accept calls you are a peer to those calling, whom you refer to as users.
02:08.26jaydenI thought you didn't score after you had kids :)
02:08.59jaydencan't we all just be friends :)
02:09.09dougheckafind me something better
02:09.44tzangerthe asterisk stars?
02:10.13tzangerthe asterisk VOIPERS
02:10.33jaydenlogo :
02:10.46tzangerI don't like those
02:11.07tzangerI like the asterisk logo, with the chat bubble with the slightly jaggy edges
02:11.08jaydenlogo's?  or stickers?
02:11.10tzangervery subtle and very cool
02:11.55jaydenthis one : ?
02:12.22dougheckaI have that shirt
02:13.03jaydeno.. this one :
02:16.08tzangeryes that one jayden
02:16.33tzangerI'd like a hat with just the callout
02:16.34tzangernot the text
02:16.49tzangerblack hat with the orange
02:16.52tzangerI think it'd look sharp
02:16.56jaydenhey, if you include multiple files in extensions.conf, and have multiple global sections with the same options, who wins?
02:17.05tzangerwith orange around the edge of the beak
02:17.12jaydensee, I think orange should be banneds
02:17.24hellopSo I setup the voicemail.   I can go to advanced options to leave a message...  or I can change to different folders to listen.  But, how do I get the voice mail working like normal voicemail?
02:17.27tzangerI have a hat like that now.. the yellow's around the "front" of the beak" not on it
02:17.43tzangerhellop: huh?
02:17.53pcmhellop: use voicemail not voicemailmain app
02:17.54hellopMaybe I need Voicemail, instead of VoicemailMain?
02:18.02hellopin my extensions.conf?
02:18.11pcmhellop: i already said
02:18.24*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
02:18.42iceyphow easy would it be to add a signup gui to asterisk?
02:19.07hellopok  tks
02:19.11jaydenthat depends, how much time do you have on your hands, and do you have any skills
02:19.38*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
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02:20.01hellopyou know like kung-fu skills, hacking skills, skateboarding skills..  girls like guys with skills
02:20.02iceyperrm no :P
02:20.33iceypgirls like guys that can give good licky
02:20.49MrEntropyisn't that a skill?
02:21.01jaydenI suppose
02:21.07iceypmmm, it is indeede
02:21.37jaydenthe skills I was refering to was more in the realm of db\web coding skills
02:22.00*** join/#asterisk a1fa (a1fa@2001:618:400:ab67:0:0:0:200)
02:22.14jaydenif you setup * with realtime, it should be fairly trivial to add some db entries from a web interface
02:22.17a1faanybody got a sip phone that i can dial for ;)
02:22.23a1fai need to test my sip phone
02:22.27jaydenbut what else do you want it to do
02:22.32*** join/#asterisk didz_ (~omg@
02:23.28hellophmm  It didn't play my unavailable message...
02:23.28jaydenif you want it to do kung-fu or skateboarding, that would be more difficult
02:23.28DaLionok tyhen ill read the normal modem card and try to reboot maybe it will take the irq
02:23.28a1fasomebody give me your SIP IP, so i can call you and test my SIP
02:23.42a1fas/your// ;)
02:23.48hellopCan anyone suggest a serarch term or something for a better Voicemail Howto, Docs, etc..?
02:24.06hellopI haven't found much...
02:24.09*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
02:24.10jaydensetup docs or user docs?
02:24.27hellopSo..  2nd part of the new docs?
02:24.28*** join/#asterisk klasstek (
02:24.36a1faok :)
02:24.43hellopthe site was giving me 404 before...
02:27.07a1fado you have a sip phone i can call ?
02:27.16drastixnztzanger: just one more, if this is ok iax2 softphone setup in iax.conf
02:27.52jayden^^^ thats for vm hellop
02:27.56hellopmy network is so intermittent all-the-sudden..  I have to resinstall my router
02:28.07hellopjayden, tks...    Mozilla wheel spinning....
02:28.14hellopand spinning
02:28.49*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
02:28.54hellopjayden, can you get to that site?
02:29.26DaLionwcfxo: DAA mode is 'FCC'
02:29.26DaLionwas easy
02:29.26tzangerdrastixnz: it's the same thing
02:29.26jaydeny, was just there
02:29.31tzangeryour iax.conf will have a [username] entry with type=user
02:29.56*** join/#asterisk SuperMMan (
02:30.06a1fasorry to bother you
02:30.07jaydenSuperMan is dead.
02:30.26a1fado you have a sip phone
02:30.29SuperMManjayden:  lol
02:30.40hellopjayden, I cannot get to that site.  maybe its down?
02:30.43ScythelXanyone know of a good telco hotel to colo my PBX for my small bussiness looking for a t1 connection
02:30.53jaydennot for me.. I was just there...
02:30.56a1facan i have your ip
02:31.05a1fai need to test this sip
02:31.06jaydenI don't let sip in, sorry.
02:31.09SuperMManAnyone here used the Prepaid app thats on the wikkie? if so have you tried using it for us/canada calling. once again if so do you get a core dump everytime trying to use it
02:31.15jaydeni am a xenophobe.
02:31.25jaydeno.. and my wife and kid are asleep
02:31.27*** join/#asterisk Firestrm (
02:31.31a1fasorry man
02:31.38a1faanybody else?
02:31.39jaydenIAX only in.
02:31.55a1fahow come iax, its not itef yet ;)
02:31.57jaydenI don't need sip telemarketers and bill coleectors
02:32.25jaydentrunking between the office and house, between offices, and such...
02:32.41jaydenand works better for me behind NAT.
02:32.57jaydenall my sip phones are internal
02:33.08iceyphow does one add mysql support for both (extensions / sip / iax2).conf, i'd also like to add mysql support for cdr, problem being, i run bsd so cant use any scripts from websites
02:33.11DaLionyeah i seen lall my phones to filters now
02:33.20DaLionand i got a telmartketer script instaled
02:33.53a1faso i made a mistake of getting a sip phone
02:33.59jaydenworking on filtering my kids real dad, but alas, that would be wrong...
02:34.02a1fai cant find no sip softphones forfree
02:34.27jaydenyou didn't look very hard
02:34.27a1fait needs regitration
02:34.28ta[i]nteda1fa what platform
02:34.37ta[i]nteduse firefly
02:34.47jaydenthere are lots...
02:34.55ta[i]ntedbut use firefly
02:35.02jpablohis there anyway to specify the fromuser and fromdomain from the Dial command ?
02:35.10iceypa1fa x-lite from i think
02:35.11jpablowithout creating a sip.conf entry ..
02:35.12a1fai dont want to register to a sip server
02:35.14jaydenWWW.VOIP-INFO.ORG... if you havn't been there, why not
02:35.21a1fai've been there man
02:35.24a1fa:) if you havn't been there, why not.
02:35.46a1fai just want to register to sip servers for no reason
02:36.00jaydenyou just want to....
02:36.11ta[i]nteduse firefly
02:36.11jaydenwhat are you trying to do ?
02:36.15ta[i]nteddo not use x-lite
02:36.25a1fai am downloading it
02:36.41ta[i]nteddon't use SIP either
02:36.42drastixnztzanger: exten => _[4]X.,1,Dial(IAX2/test@Whangarei/${EXTEN:1})
02:36.44ta[i]nteduse IAX
02:36.47*** part/#asterisk didz_ (~omg@
02:36.48jaydenI am a big fan of testcall myself.
02:36.51tzangerdrastixnz: stop that
02:36.58jaydensimple is good :)
02:36.59tzangeryou don't need [] unless htere's more than one digit in there
02:37.01ta[i]nteda1fa unless u want NAT headaches
02:37.20jaydendid somone say use IAX instead?
02:37.25drastixnz*blush* there is, that will cover all of the area i want
02:37.40a1faeverybody keeps telling me IAX is better
02:37.43tzangerdrastixnz: and second is there a reason you're using '.'
02:37.43a1fabut too late now
02:37.46a1fai got a SIP phone
02:37.56MrEntropySIP rules
02:38.02jaydensip is fine.
02:38.03BrianR___Planning a dialplan for my company is going to be a hassle. There was historically no coordination between the offices so they have overlapping extensions and DID's.. :(
02:38.22jsolaresa1fa: if you're going to have the asterisk and sip phones on the same network, then sip is great
02:38.36jaydenI managed it by moving an office and "not being able too" port some did's
02:38.42a1fata[i]nted : this shit wants me to register
02:39.03jaydena1fa, what do you want to do?
02:39.04a1fai just want to make a simple SIP phonecall ip2ip
02:39.20ta[i]nteda1fa then register your shit
02:39.21jsolaresbut for nat, iax does not beat it, it kicks it ass and then some, and iax also has trunking so you can save some bw if you have more than one call between 2 servers
02:39.33jsolaresa1fa: x-ten lite is free and needs no registration. just settin gup
02:39.55ta[i]ntedhes probably talking about registering to provider
02:39.56jsolaresfirefly is free and needs no registration, it might ask you if you want to register to their network, but you dont have to
02:39.56jaydenare you talking about registering to get the product, or sip registration
02:40.05*** join/#asterisk MiXi^ (
02:40.11a1fai dont want to use the sip registration
02:40.14marc32344how long does it takes to setup asterisk to work with digium cards?
02:40.18a1fapointless atm
02:40.21jaydenwhat he said above :)
02:40.36marc32344I have zero knowledge right now.
02:40.42jsolareshow do you plan to call the other sip phone a1fa?
02:40.58jaydennot long.... read, then play.
02:41.02a1fajsolares : i dont see why not,
02:41.22jsolareswell ip2ip is also sip -> asterisk -> sip, it tells both who they are and what their ip is and lets them talk on with each other
02:41.29JunK-Ydebian:/usr/src# ./irqmiss2
02:41.29JunK-YWildcard X100P Board 1 ST:(OK      ) irq:(     0) bpv:(     0) crc4:(     0) ebit:(     0) fas:(     0)
02:41.39jsolaresa1fa: i havent seen an sip phone that lets you dial an ip address
02:42.00jaydena1fa, IM....
02:42.12jsolaresyeah, i have grandstream sip phones
02:42.19hellopUnknown host
02:42.36marc32344how much mem is required for the te410 boards?
02:43.05shmaltzanybody seen this problem, or know the solution?
02:44.00SuperMManjsolares:  i dial ip 2 ip all the time with my GS
02:44.37jaydenmarc, as we said earlier.. the boards, next to nothing... depends onwhat you want to do with them
02:44.40jsolaresip 2 ip can mean many things, are you dialing the ip address of a phone?
02:44.52a1fathat will work
02:45.07SuperMManjsolares:  yes i  am, all you do is dial it like  but the real ip address and away you go
02:45.25*** join/#asterisk Ayano (~erik_leee@
02:45.56jsolaresi guess i'll have to try it tomorrow
02:46.13jsolaresand see if the avaya can as well
02:46.13Ayanoon the ip 500 it comes with skinny, where can I get the provision files to make it sip?
02:47.09ScythelXanyone know of a good telco hotel to colo my PBX for my small bussiness looking for a t1 connection
02:47.28jsolaresthat makes no sense
02:47.41jsolaresatleast not to me
02:47.44Ayanojsolares: me?
02:47.55jsolaresno, the telco hotel dude
02:48.07jsolareswell you dont make sense to me either hehehe
02:48.15jsolaresas i have no ip 500 phone
02:48.21ScythelXlooking to put my asterisk box at a place like telx
02:48.41*** join/#asterisk a1fa (
02:48.44a1fait worked
02:48.51a1fai just dialed myself.. and it was busy...
02:48.54AyanoThey come with cisco's skinny protocol.  I need to upgrade it to sip.  I can't find the files.
02:49.00a1fait would be pointless not to be able to dial direct IP
02:49.06*** part/#asterisk DaLion (
02:49.11a1favoip would suck
02:49.28jsolaresdepends on one's point of view
02:49.36jsolaresto me it's pointless to be able to dial direct ip
02:49.40jaydengood thing Da Lion is gone... now Da dear and other woodland creatures can roam free without fear
02:49.57a1fahow do you plan to make a phone call to a company on a different sip registrar?
02:49.59mikegrbThey so can.
02:50.07SuperMManjsolares:  saves a shit load of money to be able to dial ip 2 ip for my needs anyway
02:50.17mikegrba1fa: e164
02:50.41a1famikegrb : do you have a sip phone?
02:50.48mikegrbI have several
02:51.09jsolaresi have no way of having a phone with a public ip, public ip are too expensive here, so the only use i have out of voip is voip-pstn and since i have an asterisk box i have several sip phones that way
02:51.12a1facan you do a passthroguh?
02:51.21mikegrbthey connect to an asterisk box which talks iax to a box in colo
02:51.34mikegrbnot worth the effort
02:51.42SuperMManjsolares:  put your asterisk system as a gateway share the ip address and away you go
02:51.44mikegrbjust call one of the fwd test numbers
02:52.18a1fahow do you guys plan to call different people
02:52.23jsolaresSuperMMan: if by share you mean letting ppl other than me dial out to pstn then no thanks, it's cheaper for me to dial nufone to the us than to call locally
02:52.26mikegrbpick up the phone and dial
02:52.28jaydenwho do you want to call?
02:52.37a1faon different sip registrars?
02:52.41mikegrba1fa: yes
02:52.46SuperMManlol no
02:52.53mikegrbadd them to your extentions.conf
02:53.11jaydena1fa, do you know their #?
02:53.21jsolaresSuperMMan : ah i already have it setup that way, and away i'm going hehehe
02:53.22mikegrbI have a friend in germany I dial 1302 and it dials his number
02:53.24bjohnsonjayden: ghostbusters !!
02:53.30jsolaresmy brother is calling canada via nufone's out
02:53.35a1famikegrb : lol.. t;)
02:53.47jsolaresi'm planning on getting another voip provider to test drive tho
02:53.47a1fai think it is cheaper just to dial an IP
02:53.49mikegrbwtf is t;)
02:53.54mikegrbit isn't
02:53.56a1faand eaier
02:53.58mikegrbit is the same
02:53.58a1faa typo
02:54.05mikegrbno, it is so not easier
02:54.08jsolareswhat if your friend has dynamic ip?
02:54.13mikegrbit is much easier to type 1302
02:54.23SuperMManAnyone know who is the maker of asterisk-prepaid?
02:54.26mikegrbjsolares: then that would be stupid * 2
02:54.42jsolaresSuperMMan: god
02:54.50a1fai see your point guys
02:55.04mikegrbbjohnson: :D
02:55.08a1faand its good, but you still need ip to ip phone calls ;)
02:55.15SuperMManjsolares: well then god needs pointers in programming
02:55.33bjohnsonyou don't need ip to ip calls
02:55.49a1fasometimes you do
02:55.56bjohnsonget people to sign up to iaxtel or fwd or sipphone
02:55.57a1fafor example.. i can call your ass right now
02:56.00jsolaresif by ip you mean the protocol and not ipaddress then yes you do
02:56.05bjohnsonthen use those services as register
02:56.08bjohnsonthen use those services as registers
02:56.15mikegrba1fa: I make lots of ip to ip calls without dialing ip addresses
02:56.25mikegrba1fa: you obviously don't understand how this stuff works
02:56.32bjohnsonwhy would you bother?
02:56.45bjohnsonI mean .. why would you bother calling an ip address?
02:56.49mikegrbyes for the 50,000th time
02:56.55mikegrbbjohnson: exactly
02:56.58mikegrbbjohnson: it's sooo stupid
02:57.20a1fai do
02:57.29marc32344how much mem does the digium cards need?
02:57.38bjohnsonmarc32344: none
02:58.02jsolaresthe card in itself needs none
02:58.12bjohnsonmarc32344: how much mem does a modem need
02:58.13jaydenmarc, I have answered you 3 times now, I'm sorry you didn't like my answer,
02:58.22marc32344whats the system load at full load....  ie 96 simul calls
02:58.25bjohnsonhow about a serial port
02:58.50jsolaresi think he didnt
02:59.13jaydenI sent you good links that would have led you to sizing info and everything...
02:59.18bjohnson96 simul calls may be marc's full expected load .. but systems can handle much, mcuh mpre
02:59.34bjohnsonfew pages on the wiki about sizing
02:59.48jaydeny, funny, I think I mentioned that earlier.....
02:59.52bjohnsonI rmember someone's running * on a P100 with 16M RAM
03:00.08bjohnsonguess where I heard about that?
03:00.11syslodAny * QOS experts?
03:00.26bjohnsonsyslod: every one of my users
03:00.51syslod:).  I've having a time getting VOIPJET to work.
03:01.17syslodQOS seems to be working with latency but it still skips and chirps.
03:01.24jaydenok.. I definately need a cigarette now... marc, while I'm gone, look at
03:02.01syslodCould it be VOIPJET?
03:02.23jaydensorry to snap, but fuck, ask a question 3 times in a row, then ignore quesions....if you want peoples help, you first need to help yourself
03:02.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~t0tal@
03:02.58filejayden: welcome to #asterisk.
03:03.06DefrazHas anyone gotten a NexTone and Asterisk server talking?
03:03.25bjohnsonsyslod: could be
03:03.35fileI just can't run, it's killing me!
03:03.37bjohnsonsyslod: but unlikely
03:03.37Defrazyou mind letting me see a snippet of your extension.conf and sip conf
03:03.38fileand taking control...
03:04.06fileDefraz: it's not like it's rocket science... just another SIP device, and I didn't do it like that
03:04.15bjohnsonDefraz: sorry, don't know what  a NexTone is
03:04.39syslodbjohnson: Is there a troubleshooting method other than whats on WIKI?
03:04.55DefrazWell, I was trying to figure it out before I asked.
03:05.04DefrazI can't seem to get it to talk right.
03:05.08*** join/#asterisk juice (
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03:05.10*** join/#asterisk pointer-gaim (
03:05.10DefrazI get like 3 seconds out.
03:05.42bjohnsonsyslod: I do iax2 show registry to see if I'm registered.  Then I try iax2 show peers to see if I'm finding them properly
03:06.28voiperIs there any way that I could increase the transmit volume on SIP channels
03:06.50bjohnsonlook for gain settings on the sip device
03:07.41voiperi am connecting from asterisk server to one of the sip providers
03:07.53Defrazhow did you do it File?
03:08.23filewell if you gave a specific reference to your problem, I may be able to help but I can't say exactly how I did it
03:08.46Defrazhaha got a NexTone Iserver and asterisk to talk.
03:08.57bjohnsonfile: <- doesn't know.  just randomly punched letters untilit worked
03:09.02ariel_good evening folks
03:09.04DefrazI see I see.
03:09.06fileno it was quite easy...
03:09.20voiperbjohnson, this is what i get while the call is on progress as TX/RX: 246c227f195 00102/00000
03:09.21fileused ip based matching for inbound from it, and used a simple peer entry for outbound
03:10.30Defrazso you registered it with the Iserver and then a type=peer for outbound.
03:10.44fileno I didn't register it
03:10.54fileit was specifically set.
03:11.29filehow the heck do I know? I didn't set the darn Nextone up
03:11.33fileyou asked about asterisk :p
03:11.51Defrazoh my
03:12.03jbotrumour has it, newbie is someone who is new to linux or debian, and should read the docs (/usr/share/doc/)
03:12.04filethe asterisk side is not rocket science
03:12.18filejust standard SIP.
03:12.18Defrazcan I take a look at what you used in your sip.conf
03:12.21marc32344how many # can be run over a t1?
03:12.28fileit's just standard SIP, I can whip up an example in 10 seconds
03:12.34mikegrbmarc32344: unlimited
03:12.37filelemme do that.
03:12.41Defrazjujust the optionst
03:12.43dsmouseIHNJ, IJLS "linux or debian"
03:12.54Jaydenjbot: ast-newbiw is somone who needs to read and
03:12.55jbotJayden: okay
03:12.57DefrazOkay thanks a bunch
03:12.59paulcLOL.. "asterisk" and "standard SIP" and "user/peer matching in sip.conf".. LOL..
03:13.03marc32344mikegrb-- before running into busy?
03:13.10mikegrbmarc32344: 23
03:13.23ariel_marc32344, t1 24 voice channels pri 23
03:13.58jbotrtfw is probably Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
03:14.17filepaulc: what should be today's magical advice?
03:14.21Jaydenthat is what i was looking for
03:14.22Defrazlets give her a try. Thanks file.
03:14.30ScythelXanyone know a good colocation center in the us that offers TDM
03:14.34marc32344150-200 is my target
03:14.58Jayden150-200 what is your target?
03:15.15marc32344150-200 # over a t1
03:15.23ariel_ScythelX, I use
03:15.31mikegrbyou can have as many numbers as you want
03:15.32paulcfile: don't run with scissors? no, wait, that's MS Word's tip of the day..
03:15.38mikegrbbut only 24 calls at the same time
03:15.39fileYou can get 150-200 DIDs to a single PRI, but you can only have 23 concurrent channels
03:15.39ta[i]ntedif only 23 are being used at any given time
03:15.52filewell, depends... channelized T1 is 24... PRI is 23 + data...
03:16.22paulcspot the brit - he's the one that can't spell ;-)
03:16.28JunK-YPRI rocks! :)
03:16.42ScythelXariel_: would you mind telling me how much you pay - i dont need more then a t1 its just my small office - we are switching to * slowly by surely
03:17.00marc32344erlang link???
03:17.21ariel_ScythelX, what I pay is different then what you would pay. I do part time work for them.
03:17.25Jaydenlocal voice PRI in the US from $500-$1000/mo, depending on what bell you have
03:17.33paulchehe.. ariel_ gets "mates rates" :-)
03:17.42ta[i]ntedwhy would u want PRI when T1 is cheaper
03:18.01syslodCaller name maybe?
03:18.08ariel_Pri you can set your own CallerID and get better information form it
03:18.12syslodCLIP, CLIR. QSIG>
03:18.21filePRI is just all around nicer
03:18.29paulcJOSHUA COLP? ;-)
03:18.44filePAUL CRICK?
03:18.54paulcCOLP = Connected Line Presentation..
03:18.57BrianR___file: As best I can tell, there's no upper limit on the number of DID's for a pri.
03:18.58paulcPAUL = uh.. yeah..
03:19.05fileBrianR___: I said that.
03:19.12ScythelXso as I understand basically all around telco colocation for TDM access is gonna be around 500-1000 a month plus cents per min?
03:19.26fileI said it in the amount he wanted...
03:19.37DJ-PyroScythelX: what kind of line? T1 or T3?
03:19.38fileas in a, 'yes this can be done but you can only have 23 calls up at a time'
03:19.39Jaydennot colo... that would be for a pri
03:19.53DJ-Pyrowe're getting a T3 in at $1200/mo + $293/mo cross connect from TWTC to GC
03:19.54ScythelXDJ-Pyro: I only need 23 lines or less - not 672
03:19.56JaydenI do not know colo cost
03:20.03syslodScythelX: What rate centers you looking for?
03:20.08BrianR___PLanning to get another 200 or so DID's added at my office to give everyone perosnal fax.
03:20.37ScythelXbasically its too expensive to get a t1 at my location so im looking into this option
03:20.39bjohnsonmarc32344: do you mean 150-200 phone numbers (ie DIDs) or 150-200 concurrent calls .. cause their 2 different things
03:20.44Jaydenfile is dacing, somone turn up the bas
03:20.54ta[i]ntedDJ-Pyro where are you located?
03:21.00DJ-Pyrota[i]nted: milwaukee
03:21.00marc32344bjohnson--phone numbers...
03:21.03paulcor the bass even
03:21.05ScythelXsyslod: I looked at a company called I have a feeling there $$$
03:21.10paulcGo File Go! DDR!
03:21.14Jaydeny, that too
03:21.23filepaulc: I can't till my new workstation comes ;(
03:21.23ta[i]ntedwhat features are good in a colo?
03:21.29fileand Dell keeps delaying it
03:21.30ta[i]ntedfor hosting asterisk
03:21.32DJ-Pyrota[i]nted: of course I should add that TWTC is delivering over the SONET network that they're extending into our building for 100/1000mbit network
03:21.41Jaydenjbot:  mbtt is Mavis Beacons Teaches Typing
03:21.43jbotJayden: okay
03:21.43marc32344how many did / t1 is possible.... before busy...
03:21.52syslodSONET 1000mbit?
03:21.55ta[i]ntedmarc32344 how much money do u have
03:21.56mikegrbmarc32344: unlimited did / 21
03:22.00mikegrbper t1
03:22.15bjohnsonmarc32344: they are unrelated
03:22.16DJ-Pyrosyslod: they're running metro ethernet over their network
03:22.17mikegrbmarc32344: don't ask any more questions, you don't listen to people's answers
03:22.25*** join/#asterisk telme (
03:22.35algorithmndense wave divison multiplexing
03:22.40Jayden21?  24 channels on T1, 23 on PRI
03:23.03marc32344unlimited did/t1 makes no sense.... busy signal maybe???
03:23.06DJ-Pyrosyslod: I don't know the specifics of their network, we're handed off a standard ethernet connection and a termination for a T3
03:23.09syslodme looks at all the colors.
03:23.11bjohnsontypo .. I'm sure he meant 23
03:23.17filea did and a channel are two different things
03:23.19mikegrbJayden: yes, it was type, I meant t1
03:23.24bjohnsonmarc32344: listen
03:23.27mikegrbunlimited did's per t1
03:23.27Defrazokay file that worked well it connected to the NexTone so I guess I am confused on the entry in the extensions.conf. what entry do you have in there.
03:23.28ScythelXmarc32344: a DID is just a # 555-5555 the amount of channels you have is 24 with 1 used for caller id info
03:23.33syslodYea.  Its likely a SONET mux with 1000mb interface.
03:23.37fileDefraz: depends what you want to do... call out?
03:23.42Jaydenyou can have as many #'s as you want pointing at a PRI, but only 23 calls at a time.
03:23.52filehey wait a second, we had this conversation about DIDs/channels a few days ago
03:24.01bjohnsonand a few seconds ago
03:24.02DJ-Pyrosyslod: we have a conference call tomorrow to finalize and contract is signed thursday
03:24.03marc32344yes, but realistically how many did will you allocate for a single t1?
03:24.07syslodNFAS will get you past 23.
03:24.14mikegrband a few minutes ago
03:24.17fileDefraz: exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@nextone)
03:24.21DefrazFile: yes call out.
03:24.29Jaydenmarc, it depends on how many calls you get
03:24.34syslodDJ-Pyro: We offer a similar service.
03:24.35Jaydenat a time
03:24.37*** join/#asterisk ZeroXeal (
03:25.37bjohnsonmarc32344: AS MANY AS YOU WANT
03:25.48Jaydeno, and btw, contrary to popular beleif, asterisk does run on windows
03:26.04fileyeah, it's on the Digium webpage...
03:26.05marc32344my question is not getting answered.
03:26.11Jaydenno, real windows...
03:26.20PatrickDKmarc, don't ask the wrong question than
03:26.23bjohnsontry asking it again
03:26.23ScythelXwell all im looking for is a place where i can host my asterisk box with a TDM and inet connection to my local office / if anyone could point me to a decent price I would greatly appreciate  it
03:26.23Jaydennot linux virtual machine
03:26.48Jaydenmarc, your question is getting answered.
03:27.05fileby different people at that
03:27.13ScythelXmarc32344: you messaged me 30 min ago and I explained it to you
03:27.49marc32344there is a formula for this.... but I have forgot....
03:27.50bjohnsonand even once in caps
03:28.13Beirdoget out some pencil crayons'
03:28.20Jaydenthe formula just says, how many calls do you get at the same time at peak, and that is your answer
03:28.36Jaydenpeak calls / 23 and round up.
03:28.44bjohnsonand you can have 23 concurrent calls on a PRI
03:28.59*** join/#asterisk verge (
03:29.02Jaydenmarc, lets try this a diff way
03:29.09Jaydenwhat are you trying to do
03:29.17ScythelXmarc32344 wants to squeeze 150-200 calls incoming and outgoing into a single t1
03:29.24_daver_we have over 80 extensions at my work, and rarely are more than 5 channels actually active simultaneously. very low usage.
03:29.46*** join/#asterisk juice (
03:29.47marc32344no. there is formula that calculates the number of concurrent calls based on an acceptable busy rate
03:29.55BrianR____daver_: My office is the same way...
03:29.55Jaydeny, I know.
03:29.58bjohnsonand we have 9 extensions and at least once a day 3 channels re in use
03:30.00Jaydenso back to my question
03:30.05Jaydenwhat are you trying to do
03:30.33bjohnsonmarc32344: tell that to 911
03:30.44bjohnsonor my pizza place
03:30.52bjohnsonit all depends on NEED!!!
03:31.00Jaydenat our call center we have 40 agents making easily using 4 full pri's outbound...
03:31.02marc32344if you are going to run 24 did/t1   GOODLUCK!!!!
03:31.27Defrazwhat the heck does this mean, does that mean codec? app_dial.c:1007 dial_exec: Had to drop call because I couldn't make SIP/2203-af82 compatible with SIP/
03:31.29Jaydenok, so, once more... what are you trying to do
03:31.45tzangerbjohnson: unless he's planning on supplying you with pizza or emergency assistance the forumla applies :-)
03:31.45fileDefraz: codec incompatibilities
03:31.57Defrazthey told me g729 so that is all i allow
03:32.15ScythelXmarc32344: I thought you wanted to sell termination like nufone
03:32.18filewell if you're transcoding, then you gotta buy a license
03:32.33ScythelXmarc32344: atleast thats what you explained ot me
03:32.35bjohnsontzanger: point was .. I don't think pizza joint needs as many lines available as 911 .. even it was the same number of employees.  The needs are different
03:33.15jbotrumour has it, mbtt is Mavis Beacons Teaches Typing
03:33.15tzangerbjohnson: and you are correct
03:33.15marc32344i think 8did/channels should be ok.
03:33.21Defrazhmm so if my phone connects using ulaw then that would require a lic.
03:33.42Defrazbut if my phone connects to the asterisk using 729 and the use 729 then we are good to go.
03:33.48*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (
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03:33.54Jaydenmarc, do you know what you are trying to do?
03:33.58fileDefraz: yes.
03:34.03bjohnsontzanger: so no formula can be derived .. since "acceptable" busy rate will is not a constant
03:34.22NivexJayden: I think he's ignoring you.
03:34.30Jaydeno.. I ment, JUNK-Y!!!!!!!
03:34.35JunK-Yim there!
03:34.44Jaydenfile.. your gunna hurt yourself
03:34.48marc32344jayden-- thank you
03:34.57filehelping in this channel brings far more pain
03:35.23DefrazSorry File
03:35.27vergeis there any problems running two sip devices from the same IP behind NAT?
03:35.28DefrazJust trying to understand it all'
03:35.32Jaydenis that like when you look someone in the eye and say thank you, like in that commercial after you ask that fat lady when she is due?
03:35.37fileDefraz: you're not bad, it's just your stuff was pretty standard
03:35.46|Vulture|Hey guys I have installed a few TDMs but I am looking at installing my first PRI and I have a few questions...
03:35.52fileand covered in examples from here to Guatemala
03:36.03tzangerbjohnson: for most businesses the "acceptable" is almost universal
03:36.04*** part/#asterisk Defraz (~t0tal@
03:36.09Jaydenthere are examples in Gautamala?  nice
03:36.11filewow, I scared him away
03:36.19fileJayden: yeah I found a site being hosted there with examples
03:36.26|Vulture|with a PRI you have 23 lines, then do you buy seperate DIDs for each line, or how does that work?
03:36.46JunK-Yvulture: like many extens in ur dialplan
03:36.48Jaydenjbot: Guatamala is where the examples end
03:36.49jbotJayden: okay
03:36.53marc32344pri is the interface.... not the actual line!!!
03:37.01*** join/#asterisk pdracevich (
03:37.01|Vulture|marc32344: T1 PRI
03:37.10file|Vulture|: you buy it for your PRI, channel independent usually... so it comes in over a free channel
03:37.23bjohnson|Vulture|: yes.  you typically buy them in bulk
03:37.27JunK-Yvulture: DID is like exten in ur dialplan
03:37.30filemmm channels
03:37.39|Vulture|JunK-Y: gotchya
03:37.42tzanger|Vulture|: no you just buy DIDs
03:37.47tzangeryou can have 1000 DIDs for 23 lines
03:37.48tzangerdoesn't matter
03:37.53tzangeryou can only take 23 calls at once
03:37.55filetzanger stole the DID from the telco!
03:37.57filewho me?
03:37.57fileyes you!
03:37.59filenot true!
03:37.59JunK-Yvulture: just create 1000 extens if ya want.
03:38.01pdracevichhelp "Host failed MD5 authentication for 'user1' " I have a IAX softphone, and trying to connect to a asterisk server
03:38.03|Vulture|and can you control the hunt groups, or does the telco still have to do that?
03:38.04bjohnsoncouldn't b
03:38.07implicittzanger: you did
03:38.12bjohnsonthen who?
03:38.13tzangerpdracevich: try auth=plain
03:38.16tzangerimplicit: heh
03:38.25pdracevichthanks again
03:38.31jbotsomebody said guatamala was where the examples end
03:38.40bjohnsonfile stole the DID from the telco!
03:38.47filewho me?
03:38.52bjohnsonyeah you
03:38.57filecouldn't be!
03:38.59Jaydennot true?
03:39.03bjohnsonthen who?
03:39.10fileJayden stole the DID from the telco!
03:39.16*** join/#asterisk Cresl1n (
03:39.19marc32344is $700/t1 good price?
03:39.19*** join/#asterisk verge (
03:39.30Jaydennot me
03:39.47jbotsomebody said mbtt was Mavis Beacons Teaches Typing
03:39.50pdracevichthanks it comes up now Registered 'user1' (AUTHENTICATED) at 210.54.249.x
03:39.59tzangermarc32344: sounds about right
03:40.07tzangercan't get much better unless you buy in bulk (i.e. DS3)
03:40.09Jaydenmarc, depends where, but yeah, that is about right
03:40.16*** join/#asterisk techie (
03:40.39Jaydeno great.. we need a techie in here.. you answer the questions for a while
03:40.45ta[i]ntedmarc32344 what area are u in
03:40.46*** join/#asterisk file (
03:40.55ta[i]ntedi can get t1 for 500
03:41.10Jaydentainted..not in atlanta... those bastards
03:41.31ta[i]ntedhave u guys colo-ed asterisk before?
03:41.33Jaydendon't get me going about SWB today.
03:41.42ta[i]ntedi'm trying to figure out whether this ISP is good for colo
03:41.51ta[i]ntedmarc32344 that's USD
03:41.57filegotta be down because I want it all
03:42.00ta[i]ntedmarc32344 so in CDN should be around 24,000
03:42.03pdracevichtzanger: still keeps on coming up with the MD5 thing
03:42.18fileI should go to sleep
03:42.24tzangerremove the auth entirely
03:42.39Jaydenfile... NO.. .please no
03:42.48vergeI am trying to add a new extension...
03:43.04Jaydenverge:  go for it...
03:43.56Jaydenhey, who here uses windows?
03:44.21filehrm someone was playing with my digital camera when I was eating my pasta salad
03:44.23filedidn't even notice
03:44.43DaminDid they take naughty pictures with it?
03:44.47Jaydenwas it the pasta salad?
03:44.57filenope, but I'm in it
03:44.58Jaydenmaybe it was mad
03:45.14vergeand it wasn't working
03:45.18Jaydenthe pasta salad or the naughty pictures?
03:45.40Jaydenverge:  there is the rest of the thought
03:45.47Jaydenwhy not?
03:46.04pdracevichi did nothing
03:46.17vergebut now it is working fine...
03:46.23vergeso I am just a dumb ass...
03:46.37filethere's me eating my pasta salad on the side
03:46.42Jaydenhey... you are a rocket scientist tongiht
03:46.47fileI wonder who it was...
03:47.18filethe pasta salad was delicious though
03:47.53marc32344signing out
03:48.15*** part/#asterisk marc32344 (
03:49.03Jaydenfile, nice glass btw
03:49.30filewhere? what? when
03:49.48filelong ago, long long ago
03:49.51fileit's plexiglass
03:50.03JaydenI thought.. and very nice it is
03:50.14Jaydenmarc left?
03:50.31filenow we should talk amongst ourselves
03:50.48Jaydenwow... I think people must think I am a total ass hole tonight...
03:50.58fileyou turn into one
03:50.59Jaydendoes anyone think I am an ass?
03:51.05PatrickDKyour not?
03:51.15jbothmm... ser is Sip Express Router - see
03:51.17paulcSomeone said you were a cunt.. but they were British, drunk, and joking
03:51.23fileand they were named Paul
03:51.24paulcI'm British, sober, and NotVeryFunny(tm)
03:51.35paulchehe.. kidding.. I don't know Jayden from adam..
03:51.36paulcbut hi :-)
03:51.44ScythelXwould anyone have an idea how much a place like would cost to host an asterisk box at for t1 and inet access
03:52.04paulcI didn't like the website - too flash heavy for their index page..
03:52.14Jaydenno.. do they have a phone number?
03:52.27ScythelXi emailed them waiting for a response
03:52.32ScythelXjust trying to get an idea of what im looking at
03:52.37Jaydeni read that at first as file tickles paulc....
03:52.47ScythelXbecause where I live ot install a t1 is around 1500 a month
03:52.47paulche does that too
03:52.49ScythelXwhihc is insane
03:52.49Jaydensorry, no idea on colo
03:52.49paulcbut not that often
03:52.57Jaydenwhere do you live
03:53.01ScythelXin CT
03:53.05Jaydenand voice or data\inet t1
03:53.06ScythelXin a small town
03:53.11ScythelXvoice t1
03:53.19Jaydenor smallbell
03:53.21ScythelXSBC i believe
03:53.25Beirdocan you hear me now?
03:53.26DaminSBC sucks..
03:53.34Jaydenthere is another bunch of fuckers
03:53.39techieyeah but they bought AT&T
03:53.46fileDamin: ya know you are so predictable when you come on IRC
03:53.49Jaydenok.. I just hate bell, but especially SWB this week
03:53.53ScythelXso I'm just gonna colo it - problem is finding a place
03:53.59fileit always end up you saying that atleast two times, then mysteriously you stop responding
03:54.35JaydenI need to be good w/ SBC for a few more weeks cuz we are hotcutting 14 t1's in an hour on the 4th and I probably should not piss them off too much before then
03:55.08Jaydenfile: who stops responding?
03:55.14fileDamin is the only place I can find sort of near me
03:55.33paulcDoes it have to be near you?
03:55.49filego paul go paul go paul
03:56.21ScythelXpaulc: i guess not
03:56.32JaydenWAKE UP!
03:57.04ScythelXpaulc: im just trying to get an idea on price at the moment, but im SURE it will be less
03:57.07paulcScythelX: So I missed half of this.. are you looking for colo with TDM PRI, or was that Mark138743183?
03:57.13Jaydenscyth, what do you want to do, data T or inet to colo place, then voice term it there?
03:57.13filegooooooooooooooooooodnight everyone
03:57.22paulcnight file
03:57.30ScythelXI want to have TDM PRI with inet to stream to my office
03:57.40Jaydengot it...
03:58.02Jaydenwhy not just use one of the voip providers then?
03:58.03ScythelXinstalled a T1 onsite isnt really an option
03:58.22Jaydenbroadvoice, nuphone, whoever...
03:58.30Jaydenwhy do you need to colo your own box
03:58.44ScythelXwell I will need a few dids
03:58.51ScythelXI thought overall if I did it myself it would be cheaper
03:58.53Jaydenhow many
03:59.08Jayden10 or 400
03:59.29ScythelXit would be less then 100 right now
03:59.33Jaydenno, that wasn't one of the options :)
04:00.20ScythelXif I were to use an upstream provider I would want to host in their datacenter location
04:00.20JaydenI honestly don't know how those guys charge for stuff like that...
04:00.33Jaydenhost what
04:00.48ScythelXour pbx
04:01.00ScythelXfor inet connection
04:01.04Jaydenyou can use them to provide dialtone and DID's over voip, then keep your pbx at the office
04:02.09Jaydenproblem is, the way that most of them charge per #
04:02.25JaydenI wonder if you can work somthing out... how many minutes are you talking about?
04:02.48paulcThat's always the tricky thing innit.. not everyone knows how many minutes they use for inbound stuff, just what they get charged for their outbound traffic
04:02.50ScythelXI would have to figure that out
04:02.54Jaydenso voice pri's are 1500 but inet t1's are afordable?
04:03.01_daver_Scyth: How are you going to connect to the data center? a t1?
04:03.16ScythelX_daver_: ahem... cable modem
04:03.20Jaydenyeah, what he said :)
04:03.34*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
04:03.44Jaydencable modem with how many calls on it..
04:03.46_daver_why don't you just get a voip service or something? how many simultaneous calls?
04:03.56Jaydengoatmilk is back...
04:04.03ScythelXwell we use cisco phones with the g729 license
04:04.08_daver_what is the upstream/downstream of the cable modem?
04:04.08Jaydendude, you need to change that nick
04:04.18Beirdomikegrb: OMG.
04:04.37ScythelXso I can squeeze in good amount of connections
04:04.46mikegrbBeirdo: it so is
04:05.02Beirdosome people are soooo stupid
04:05.30mikegrbthey so are
04:05.43mikegrbhaha the closed captions on this video say (SOUND)
04:05.48mikegrba lot of good that does me
04:05.52Jaydenmike\beirdo... nice
04:05.58*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
04:06.05mikegrbi was interested in the news story too :/
04:06.11_daver_scythelx: so you'll be doing voip over the cable modem to a colocated asterisk box? why not just bring the box in locally, and get another cable modem or 2.
04:06.15ScythelXwell depending on cents per min and cost of DID's I will have to weigh the cost of getting a TDM colo or using an upstream
04:06.16_daver_it would probably be cheaper.
04:06.52Inv_arpwoah talking to my friend on aol works pretty well from  dial-up in domican repuplic to usa dsl....
04:07.28mikegrb_daver_: my home voip calls go to my colo box
04:07.36Inv_arpand it seems to be using tcp
04:07.49mikegrbInv_arp: welcome to the inatarweb
04:07.58*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
04:08.15Jaydengoatmilk.. you still really need to change that nick
04:08.54Beirdoto "toadlick"?
04:09.11mikegrbhe so shoud
04:09.13Jaydensomthing... I dunno.
04:09.15mikegrbshould even
04:09.26Jaydenjbot:  what should goatmilk change his nick too?
04:09.28Beirdowhat's wrong with goatmilk?
04:09.45Jaydenas somthing to drink?
04:09.48goatmilkwhy do you think i should change it?
04:10.01Jaydenummmm, cuz your goat milk
04:10.08*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (some@
04:10.31mikegrbBeirdo: Jayden is one of those bigot people
04:10.43Jaydenyes, i hate non cow milk
04:10.44mikegrbBeirdo: he hate's milk and proper spelling
04:10.52jbotmethinks mbtt is Mavis Beacons Teaches Typing
04:11.18mikegrbJayden: mavis beacon tought you cuz?
04:11.42mikegrbI would ask for a refund
04:11.44Jaydenhe was a very bad teacher, so don't read into that too much
04:11.51mikegrband then cut her throat
04:12.11mikegrbJayden: um, you weren't paying attention much in class, mavis beacon is a woman
04:12.31Jaydenwas she ugly?
04:12.47BeirdoMavis is a woman's name after all
04:12.55Jaydenwho the hell has a name like mavis...
04:13.12Beirdowomen do
04:13.14Jaydenshit... I'm so going to hell now
04:13.24Beirdonow who would call their kid that
04:13.29goatmilkJayden: stop complaining about everyone's name.
04:13.46Sedoroxlooks like a Jackson
04:13.58*** join/#asterisk choward (
04:14.01Jaydenyour just upset "cuz" I don't like to drink you
04:14.16BeirdoMavis Beacon ain't a real person anyways
04:14.23goatmilki have no idea what you're trying to say...
04:14.33Jaydenain't ain't a real word anyways :)
04:14.33mikegrbBeirdo: she so is, I met her
04:15.00mikegrbJayden: he is canookia, he is excused
04:15.01Jaydenwhere did you meet her?
04:15.01|Vulture|Beirdo: dont crush my dreems of sumday meating my master typing teecher!
04:15.24mikegrbI met her in 1988
04:15.27Beirdosilly people
04:15.32mikegrbon an Apple II
04:15.33mikegrbin class
04:15.55mikegrbit is north of the Unfree States of America
04:16.10BeirdoI didn't aay it
04:16.15Beirdosay even
04:16.18goatmilkmikegrb: it stands for United
04:16.34Beirdono it doesn't :)
04:16.35mikegrbgoatmilk: tell that to the leader
04:16.44Beirdotell that to the voting public
04:16.50Beirdonot terribly united
04:16.52goatmilkmikegrb: i'm pretty sure he already knows.
04:16.54Beirdountied maybe
04:17.15|Vulture|Anyone know if the Dell 2850 is 3.3v or 5v PCI?
04:17.19implicitmikegrb: and i'm pretty sure he doesn't care :)
04:17.20Jaydenare you making comments about canadians you bastard.
04:17.28Beirdogood luck, I wear sandals :)
04:17.29goatmilkimplicit: he need not.
04:17.49Jayden2850?  should definately have some 5's ...
04:17.54mikegrbimplicit: I'm sure he doesn't
04:18.06nestArit's got 3 slots.. not sure on the voltages..
04:18.07|Vulture|Jayden: its got 3 PCI slots
04:18.20goatmilki'd rather talk about something other than politics though.
04:18.22nestArguess there's no way to check from linux?
04:18.26Jaydenbig or little slots
04:18.31Beirdomikegrb: now you behave, don't let heidi catch you at this
04:18.51Jaydenwell,, then talk
04:18.57MrEntropyisn't call initiation meant to go something like: INVITE -->, ACK <--, ACK --> ?
04:18.57mikegrbBeirdo: it's okay as long as it isn't in the other channel
04:19.08Beirdoheh.  fair enough
04:19.10|Vulture|"1 x 32-bit/33MHz 5v PCI slot"
04:19.11mikegrbbut now it is time to take the cats for a walk and smoke a cigarette
04:19.14mikegrbI quit smoking 1 month, 1 week, 3 days, 1 hour, 19 minutes, and 16 seconds ago.  During that time, I would have smoked 566 cigarettes. (That's like smoking a 0.03 mile-long cigarette)  By quitting, I've saved $99.05!  I've avoided inhaling 14 grams of tar, 905 mg of nicotine, and 9 grams of carbon monoxide.
04:19.17jbothmm... guatamala is where the examples end
04:19.22mikegrbI need to update that since I unquit
04:19.28mikegrbI made it a month though!
04:19.46mikegrbI smoke those too
04:19.54mikegrbI smoke whatever burns
04:20.02Jaydenyou smoke cats?
04:20.08mikegrbanyway cats are anxious to go on thier evening walk
04:20.13BeirdoI smoked grass once as a kid (real grass, not pot)
04:20.42Beirdoit was hideous
04:21.10tzangerbjohnson: you around?
04:21.21Jaydensmoking sounds good
04:21.27jbotsmoking will kill you
04:21.28Beirdono idea why I did it either
04:21.40Beirdo~smoking is good for you
04:21.41jbot...but smoking is already something else...
04:22.07Nivexjbot: no, smoking is hideously gross and will kill you
04:22.08jbotNivex: okay
04:22.26jbotsmoking is, like, hideously gross and will kill you
04:22.39Jayden~no, smoking can kill you
04:22.52Jayden~no, smoking can kill you
04:23.08Jaydenjbot.... don't you care?
04:23.10Beirdojbot: no, smoking can kill you, and it's a disgusting habit.  Unless it's cigars.
04:23.36Jaydenok... now everyone
04:23.41jboti guess rtfw is Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
04:23.48Beirdobish ain't listening
04:24.26paulcbabel fish?
04:24.37Jaydengoats milk wanted to say somthing....
04:24.38MrEntropydamn it, is the wiki down again?
04:24.47jboti heard rtfw is Read That F*cking Wiki, the one at
04:25.07jbotextra, extra, read all about it, foad is \"fuck off and die\". Considered by many to be impolite.
04:25.07Jaydenaparently not bad enough to type
04:25.24JaydenConsidered by many to be impolite...
04:25.28Beirdono shit :)
04:25.41jbotrumour has it, amp is an Audio MPEG Player.  [non-free]
04:26.08Jayden~no, AMP is Asterisk Management Portal, a GUI for *
04:26.10JerJerBig floppy donkey dick
04:26.14Beirdowho owns jbot?
04:26.24JaydenJerJer, what an entrance
04:26.56tzangerbfdd is nothing compared ot a nice firm moosepenis
04:27.01dougheckaBeirdo: timriker
04:27.13MrEntropyis the wiki down?
04:27.25Jaydenis the wiki running
04:27.33dougheckatzanger: nice soft noodle
04:27.40Beirdoumm, I think timriker wrote it, didn't he?  He's certainly not in the channel as such.
04:27.40JunK-Yyes it's up on my side.
04:27.49Jaydenbetter go catch it
04:28.01tzangerI *knew* you were waiting for that
04:28.12dougheckaBeirdo: yes, hes timriker of bzflag fame :P
04:28.18Jaydencan't help it sometim
04:28.33BeirdoI mean who on this channel :)
04:28.45dougheckaBeirdo: I was the one that sorta asked that it be added
04:28.49jbotsomebody said guatamala was where the examples end
04:28.59dougheckaI have no control over it
04:29.06Jaydensure you do
04:29.10doughecka~JerJer is nufone
04:29.11jbotdoughecka: okay
04:29.19dougheckano administrative control
04:29.22Jaydenwatch this
04:29.53JaydenJbot: no, JerJer is the guy who just said Big floppy donkey dick
04:29.54jbotJayden: please, watch your language.
04:30.00Jaydenhey, he did
04:30.11goatmilkJayden: yeah you really need to watch your language.
04:30.12Jaydenwell.. fine, be that way
04:30.14doughecka~nufone is <action> kicks voicepulses butt
04:30.15jbot...but nufone is already something else...
04:30.21jbotmethinks nufone is Visit for an excellent, native IAX termination service.
04:30.40MrEntropya 200 response is not a method is it?
04:30.59Jayden~goatmilk is mad at me cuz I don't like his name...
04:31.00jbot...but goatmilk is already something else...
04:31.09jbotgoatmilk is, like, silly silly
04:31.18*** join/#asterisk lamtran (~lamtt77@
04:31.19mikegrbJayden: stop playing with the bot
04:31.19Jaydenyeah... ummmm
04:31.33Beirdojbot: no, goatmilk is better for you than cowmilk
04:31.34jbotokay, Beirdo
04:31.46Jaydenhey, I did not set that
04:31.49Beirdothere we go
04:31.49dougheckahopefully me asterisk box will magically fix itself tomorro
04:32.12Jaydenhey, doug, you dropped a w
04:32.29Jaydenso, goatmilk.. you said you wanted to discuss somthing
04:33.43Jaydenand on his way to sleep
04:33.43dougheckaJayden, thou wilt be as valiant as the wrathful dove, or most magnanimous mouse
04:34.33*** join/#asterisk The_Ball (
04:34.50JaydenOk... now I am going too...
04:35.11brendaDoes anyone have a link to * codes for Qwest?
04:37.00*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
04:37.58mrgobyanyone had success with * on mini-itx ?
04:38.34JerJermrgoby:  most certainly
04:38.43mrgobywant to run a fanless box with a tdm-400...  do you think that will be too hot ?
04:38.45klassteksup JerJer?
04:40.14dougheckaJerJer: how many locations do you have?
04:40.49JerJerall of them
04:42.22Beirdoall your locations are belong to JerJer
04:42.35dougheckamine dont
04:43.19BeirdoI wouldn't be so sure :)
04:45.22implicitJerJer: how are you?
04:45.31implicitJerJer: why don't you call me any more?
04:45.48MrEntropywhat method are 200 responses sent in?
04:45.55mikegrbimplicit: he is too busy calling me
04:46.10implicitmikegrb: he is too busy sucking himself off
04:46.23dougheckain soviet russia, JerJer calls YOU
04:46.24*** join/#asterisk clark_ (
04:46.33*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
04:47.31Beirdo~last implicit
04:47.39JunK-Y~seen implicit.
04:47.40jboti haven't seen 'implicit.', JunK-Y
04:47.40JunK-Y~seen implicit
04:47.41jbotimplicit is currently on #asterisk (9h 30m 49s).  Has said a total of 9 messages.  Is idling for 1m 31s
04:47.49catbuttanyone having probs with voicepulse and CID?
04:47.50implicithi junk-y
04:48.10jboti guess nii is a cool guy
04:48.23jbotmooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass, or
04:48.32jboti guess jbot is the shipboard computer, but you may call me eddie if it helps you relax
04:48.33jbotimplicit has karma of 2
04:48.42implicit~karma junk-y
04:48.42jbotjunk-y has neutral karma
04:48.44jbotbeirdo has neutral karma
04:48.58implicitwhy do you have neutral
04:49.02implicit~karma junk-y
04:49.02jbotjunk-y has neutral karma
04:49.06implicit~karma beirdo
04:49.06jbotbeirdo has neutral karma
04:49.15JunK-Y~karma junky
04:49.15jbotjunky has neutral karma
04:49.26JunK-Yisnt neutral
04:49.27catbuttso no voicepulse connect users?
04:49.31implicit~karma beirdo
04:49.31jbotbeirdo has neutral karma
04:49.34JunK-Yim at like +23
04:49.44implicitJunK-Y: this is a different karma
04:49.48implicitthis is jbot karma
04:49.49implicitany wya
04:49.57implicitanyway, brb
04:50.34_Vile~karma _Vile
04:50.34jbot_vile has neutral karma
04:50.42tzangeroh wow
04:50.47implicit~karma _Vile
04:50.47jbot_vile has neutral karma
04:50.51_Vileyeah man I'm rollin'
04:50.51tzangerzap transfers are attended by default!!
04:50.58*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~t0tal@
04:51.00jbotpcm has neutral karma
04:51.11implicit~karma _Vile
04:51.11jbot_vile has neutral karma
04:51.19jbotmartinp has neutral karma
04:51.27jbotACTION fills beirdo's pants with of day-old trout
04:51.38pcmkarma sux
04:52.12jbotimplicit has karma of 2
04:52.23jbotLooking for the elusive BishopChicken.
04:52.30implicit~karma kram
04:52.30jbotkram has karma of 3
04:52.52jbot[twisted], but you can paypal him at
04:53.00jbotit has been said that implicit is fun
04:53.19paulcno one said I'm a british wanker?
04:53.39impliciti dont know
04:53.44Beirdojbot: paulc says that he is a British wanker.  Who are we to argue?
04:53.46jbotBeirdo: okay
04:53.52implicit~paulc ?
04:53.53jbotwell, paulc is a british wanker
04:53.57pcmdoes anyone have some impossible project to do ?
04:54.08catbuttpaulc - you are a british waneeer
04:54.19paulcah, but does jbot know that?
04:54.23paulcpcm: bored?
04:54.29Beirdobecause I just told him?
04:54.33pcmpaulc: looks like it hehe
04:54.37*** join/#asterisk syslod (~yurplsl@
04:54.39catbuttno but catbutt knows it
04:54.44Beirdoor because you did
04:54.51jbotextra, extra, read all about it, paulc is a british waneeer (says catbutt)
04:55.08BeirdoI am such a dumbass some days
04:55.11paulcpcm: Hmm.. how about I give you my 200 LEDs and Basic Stamp 2 and you go can build me my colour washing light wall thing?
04:55.27pcmpualc: that's not impossible
04:55.34pcmpaulc: that's simply boring ....
04:55.37paulcjbot, no, paulc is aBbritish WANKER not a British waneeer
04:55.38jbotpaulc: okay
04:55.55paulcjbot, no, paulc is a British WANKER not a British waneeer, and often can't type
04:55.56jbotokay, paulc
04:56.00jbotyou are probably a British WANKER not a British waneeer, and often can't type
04:56.01implicitjbot, no paulc is insane
04:56.02jbotimplicit: okay
04:56.14Beirdojbot: Beirdo is a dumbass some days, and irritable on Mondays
04:56.15jbotBeirdo: okay
04:56.17jboti heard paulc is insane
04:56.43paulcHmm.. American Idol.. Constantine - what were you thinking?!
04:56.46catbuttcatbutt is a real catbutt
04:57.01paulcIs it me, or are there a handful of guys in the final 12 who are just fecking awful?
04:57.19BeirdoI refuse to watch that tripe
04:57.23catbuttbo bice
04:57.28mrgobyjbot is the next american idol
04:57.33catbuttwill win
04:57.49catbuttbo i a neighbor
04:57.55jbotACTION does a disco dance.
04:58.03jbot"Night fever, night fever. You know how to do it!"
04:58.07jbotburn, baby, burn
04:58.21catbuttman.. i need a beer
04:58.31catbuttbut I don't have one
04:58.35*** join/#asterisk heison (
04:59.06*** join/#asterisk rumba (
04:59.50JunK-Ysome1 with zap cards wants to make a small test w/ me ?
05:00.15pcmwhat test ?
05:01.53*** join/#asterisk marc32344 (
05:02.27*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (some@
05:04.23Newbie___hi all, i am running * for calling cards on an E1, is it possible to make * seperate between office number and acess number on the same E1 ?
05:05.10*** join/#asterisk siome (~siome@
05:05.52siomecan i ask newbie question here?
05:06.41JunK-Ysiome: sure.é
05:07.30siomecan asterisk talk to switching equipment with e1 using mfc signaling protocol?
05:07.53pcmwhat does mfc stand for ?
05:08.00JunK-Yi dont know e1.
05:08.04jbotMicrosoft Foundation Classes, or crap
05:08.33pcmsiome: then propably NO unless some comercial company sells it ...
05:08.34BeirdoI don't think that's the MFC you had in mind?
05:08.49siomeits a telephony signaling protocol in E1
05:08.59pcmsiome: is it digital or analog ?
05:09.22Beirdoif it's on an E1, it's digital
05:09.27siomesignaling is digital
05:09.54BeirdoE1 being a wholly digitial media :)
05:10.08heisoncan someone help me test my iaxtel number?
05:10.09siomehow can asterisk talk to another equipment using e1?
05:10.19siomeE&M ?
05:10.30Beirdono clue
05:11.22pcmasterisk does E&M and R2 and PRI(dss1)
05:11.48pcmand loopstart
05:11.55siomepcm : how about ss7?
05:12.07pcmsiome: that's the taugh one
05:12.11*** join/#asterisk neopher (
05:12.45pcmpcm: there's only .... they have 'something' but noone knows what .... unless you buy from them
05:13.01pcmups, i'm not talking to myself ...hehe
05:13.08Beirdohow is that "open"?
05:13.19*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
05:13.27pcm'virtually' it's open hehe
05:14.04siomeeven if it is, it can answer only part of my needs
05:14.36pcmif you want to use ss7 you shouldn't want to seek asterisk stuff
05:14.38siomei need an open system to convert an MFC-R2 E1 signaling to SMFC-R2 E1 signaling
05:15.03siomei thought asterisk can do that :)
05:15.06pcmwell that might be implemented .... you need to check steve underwood's stuff
05:15.15pcmhe implemented R2 for many countries ...
05:15.22neopheranyone know how to extract a .msi file, won't install, tring to get 30 vip firmware from cisco call manager install file
05:16.00pcmlook for libr2 on ....
05:16.07pcmor somewhere on the web
05:16.09siomepcm : where can i found steve underwood's stuff? im sorry :) who is he?
05:16.13neopherwow, i'm getting allot of lag tonight
05:16.26pcmlook for libr2 on ....
05:17.05siomethanks pcm, Beirdo, JunK-Y
05:17.21Beirdono problem.  not that I helped much :)
05:17.37|Vulture|whats the best codec for communicating via two * servers through IAX2? 729? with ilbc in second?
05:17.43pcmsieme: actually here:
05:18.01Beirdobest for what?
05:18.13|Vulture|for data/voice balance
05:18.20|Vulture|I mean data/quality balance
05:18.49BeirdoI would imagine that 729 and speex would be good for that
05:19.04siomethe cvs.digium is authenticated page by the way
05:19.18*** join/#asterisk neopher (
05:19.20pcmare there any business ppl here ?
05:19.54pcmquestion ?
05:19.59neopheranyone know how to extract a .msi file, won't install, tring to get 30 vip firmware from cisco call manager install file
05:20.00pcmsiome: do you know what's the cvs ?
05:20.21neophersorry to ask a second time, mirc keeps disconnecting
05:20.36pcmneopher: it propably might be encrypted ....
05:20.51pcmsieme: go to for http stuff
05:21.35neopheranyone have call manager installed
05:25.19neophernever mind, i just found the switch to disable hardware check
05:26.32siomepcm : i found the mfc/r2 support for asterisk in thanks
05:26.47siomepcm : im halfway trough
05:26.54siomewhat is cvs?
05:27.57jbotcvs stands for concurrent versions systems. more info here  The asterisk CVS can be found at
05:29.56roamer323anyone know if music-on-hold actually depends on timer to work properly?  I can't install ztdummy and have no zaptel card :-(
05:31.15heisonroamer323: i believe so...
05:32.27pcmare there any business ppl here ?
05:32.39shido6what do you mean?
05:33.02roamer323thx - heison
05:33.06*** join/#asterisk goodnewscd (
05:34.43roamer323anyone going to be @ the miami tradeshow over the next few days?
05:35.29pcmshido: you know sales ppl ... business makers ....
05:36.36shido6what are you looking to do?
05:37.30a1fawhats a good free sip server
05:37.51roamer323alfa - SER
05:38.33jboti heard ser is Sip Express Router - see
05:39.03techieroamer323: yeah
05:39.32pcmis Beirdo a bot too ?
05:39.36roamer323jbot - are you actually a bot (pretty intelligent if you are)
05:39.37jbotroamer323: what are you talking about?
05:39.39a1fai want one available on net
05:39.44jbotit has been said that fwd is Free World Dialup:  Brainchild of Jeff Pulver.  URL:
05:40.42jbotfrom memory, beirdo is a dumbass some days, and irritable on Mondays
05:40.49roamer323hmm - not so intelligent after all
05:41.17Beirdoif nobody's taught the bot, he can't reply
05:41.41jbotmethinks beer is ummm, ummm good!, or good for you!
05:41.44jbothmm... asterisk is a PBX (Private Branch eXchange) and telephony toolkit.
05:42.10a1fai need a free sip registrar
05:42.11a1faa good one
05:42.19techiei need free cash
05:42.26a1fai got it
05:42.45pcmtechie: print it heh
05:45.09Beirdoroll bums for their dough
05:46.47a1fawho should be my free sip registrar
05:46.51a1fai plan to buy
05:46.56a1favonage soon
05:47.40Beirdovonage isn't asterisk friendly
05:48.19a1faits cheap tho
05:48.44Beirdoso why are you asking here if you aren't even planning on using asterisk?
05:48.45*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:48.56a1fai am
05:49.08a1fai will be using lingo with asterisk
05:50.29*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
05:51.16*** join/#asterisk freat (
05:51.18*** join/#asterisk jjg (
05:52.09a1faBeirdo : this is for my home :)
05:52.46jjgis it possible to increase txgain for a inbound sip call then IAX2 outbound to FWD?
05:52.50a1fanvm.. what free sip registrar do your ecommend
05:53.00BeirdoI don't use SIP
05:53.30Beirdowell I do from my softphone to Asterisk, but that's it
05:53.43*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
05:54.09DefrazWhat do you use?
05:54.20Beirdowhat else? :)
05:54.37Beirdoa lot more trouble-free
05:54.38DefrazI am having some trouple with h323 stuff
05:54.43Defrazyea I can imagine
05:54.56Nuggetlivejournal's power failure earlier this year (over 24 hours of downtime) and wikipedia's power failure yesterday (still down) are poster children for mysql's lack of robustness.  Why do people still use mysql?  it's such a horrible platform.
05:54.57DefrazI want to tie my two asterisk boxes together.
05:55.10DefrazIAX will be used for the tif I can figure it out.
05:55.26Beirdopower failures don't show squat about mysql.
05:55.43Nuggetsure they do.
05:55.57*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
05:56.03Nuggetwhen your databases all come back corrupted with no recovery options available but experimenting, it sure as hell is a fault of the database.
05:56.22Nuggetwhen recovery, even with backups, takes 40 hours --  the database is at fault
05:56.26BeirdoI'm not sure that that's what happened to either though
05:56.39Nuggetthe power failed and the databases came back with errors
05:56.49Nuggeteven using innodb with "transactions"
05:57.00BeirdoI bet I know why
05:57.12BeirdoI bet they had write caching on on the drives
05:57.35Beirdoand where were the UPSes?  That's what it indicates to me
05:57.35Nuggetlivejournal's postmortem mentioned that as a factor in one case, but not in the others.
05:57.37GreyFoxxPower failed, with no UPS or automated safe shutdown ?, no replicated alternate DB backup?
05:57.56Beirdodon't blame mysql for lack of UPS
05:58.03techiepure hell
05:58.05a1faok.. who uses sip here?
05:58.20Beirdowhy are you stuck on SIP?
05:58.22NuggetUPSs are rarely permitted in datacenter facilities.
05:58.34a1faBeirdo : i am trying to find a free sip registry
05:58.40Beirdomost datacenters INCLUDE UPS last I heard.
05:58.47Nuggetyes, and they don't permit them.
05:58.55Beirdomine sure as hell does
05:58.55GreyFoxxThe few Datacenters I've dealt with included UPSs and onsite generators
05:58.57techieyou're in the wrong colo
05:59.27Nuggetno serious colo will permit you to run your own UPS.  it's a hazard because it prevents them from doing an emergency shutdown in the event of a catastrophe.
05:59.43Nuggetthey provide redundant power to the machines, centrally.  but sometimes that fails.
05:59.48Beirdono serious colo will have a lack of UPS
05:59.50Nugget(as in these cases)
06:00.27Nuggetthey're not going to let you load a 2200va tripplite in your rack.
06:00.27Beirdoand redundant power rarely fails (thank GOD)
06:00.40Nuggetit's a hazard
06:00.56Beirdohow is is a hazard?
06:01.10DJ-PyroBeirdo: the EPO in the datacenter has to cut power to everything
06:01.16Nuggetas I said earlier, it prevents them from being able to shut down the machines quickly in the event of a fire
06:01.21*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
06:01.25DJ-Pyroa ups in a rack is still providing power that they can't disconnect
06:01.36techieyou need your own cage
06:01.57Beirdowhy would they EPO when they should have fire suppressant systems?
06:02.01DJ-Pyroand since it was the EPO that was hit, and not a UPS failure, it did its job of turning off everything
06:02.10GreyFoxxGas based firesupression
06:02.17DJ-PyroBeirdo: because the fire department comes in and they use water
06:02.20DJ-Pyrowater + electricity = bad
06:02.24*** part/#asterisk Defraz (~t0tal@
06:02.29DJ-Pyrodespite the fact that they may have gas supression
06:02.29BeirdoDJ-Pyro: no
06:02.45a1faups this that,
06:02.53a1falets get back
06:02.54DJ-Pyrowell, and for people who may accidently have grabbed that nice 480V rail while doing some work
06:02.59a1faon track
06:03.04Beirdotrust me, the fire department doesn't just come in like that, unless you cave a craptacular FD
06:03.20Beirdohave rather
06:03.24*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
06:03.30DJ-PyroBeirdo: well, they're not going to storm the place with water, but they're still going to want the power cut before someone can get hurt
06:03.41iceypreading sip and iax realtime with extconfig.conf , is this a default module of asterisk?
06:03.44Beirdoif you have gas suppression system, the FD won't come in unless the gas system fails
06:04.25Beirdohaving witnessed a halon dump when our alarm went off once, I can personally attest to it
06:04.28GreyFoxxNo UPS + writecaching enabled on important DB without at least 1 replicated backup which doesn't use write caching is plain stupid. BUT at this point I have no evidence that it is the situation they found themselves in :)
06:05.02DJ-Pyrohalon scares me
06:05.06NuggetGreyFoxx: no argument there -- but it's still a failing of the database that the only way to ensure data integrity is to never have an accident.
06:05.24Beirdoand as I've powered off my mysql databases hard many times....
06:05.26*** join/#asterisk clive- (
06:05.31DJ-PyroGreyFoxx: they had a ups, that wasn't the problem
06:05.46GreyFoxxNugget: I've killed an Oracle DB on a system with write caching enabled. Is it my fault or Oracles ?
06:06.14Nuggetwith write-caching enabled all bets are off.
06:06.25GreyFoxxDJ-Pyro: I was in a NOC at a previous job (Cable ISP + Telco) when the halon system was set off with me locked in the noc... freaked me out hehe
06:06.40Beirdoso don't blame mysql for DBA stupidity :)
06:06.58DJ-PyroGreyFoxx: yeah, I would be scared as hell too
06:07.09BeirdoGreyFoxx: one of my coworkers had to go into the machine rooms during the dump to make sure there was no fire
06:07.11Nuggetas I said, write caching was not a factor for the majority of failed machines in livejournal's crash.
06:07.16Beirdoit was an accidental dump
06:07.17*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
06:07.29GreyFoxxDJ-Pyro: Needless to say I hit the ground and breathed through my shirt all bundled up while they scrambled to unlock the door :)
06:07.52Nuggetthere were two cases of human error they identified (failure to disable write caching and failure to migrate away from myisam tables on some clusters) but several of the corrupt clusters were configured "properly"
06:08.04*** join/#asterisk djin (
06:08.28Nuggetnobody knows yet what the problem is with wikipedia
06:08.43Nuggetbut mysql's track record for large sites is looking more and more grim.
06:08.53*** join/#asterisk letherglov (
06:08.53Nugget(which is hardly surprising)
06:08.54DJ-PyroGreyFoxx: wow, impressive war story
06:09.12GreyFoxxNugget: Which makes me question just how "properly" it was done.  Was there a replicated backup to another machine? do they do binary backups of the tables ? Or just sqldumps which would take forever to recreate indexes on something the size of wikipedia I';m sure
06:09.36*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
06:10.15iceypanyone here using sip/iax/extensions realtime?
06:16.58a1facan anybody recommend me a good sip reg?
06:17.00*** join/#asterisk jonas (
06:17.03a1fafor the 10000^2 time
06:17.08Nuggetwhat is a "sip reg"?
06:17.24a1fasomethign sip comes out of
06:18.09NuggetI think perhaps you are confused.
06:18.13a1fasip server
06:18.20Nuggetfwd is probably what you want.
06:18.38Nuggetit's a good way to play with voip before you're ready to do something worthwhile
06:18.41a1fai dont want to run a sip server for my home connection
06:19.01marc32344why people still buy quintum/cisco hardware... if you can do the same with asterisk/digium for 1/5 of price?
06:19.14Nuggetok, that's fine.  but why did you come into a channel about a voip server to tell us that you don't want to run your own voip server?
06:19.40NuggetI doubt you'll find many people who share your perspective in here.
06:19.51EssobiMmm. Is there any festival voices that don't sound like my old Speak-N-Spell?
06:19.56NuggetEssobi: no
06:19.59*** join/#asterisk iceyp (
06:20.02a1faNugget : i will be running asterisk
06:20.06iceypanyone use asterisk realtime ?
06:20.08a1fafor my business
06:20.17EssobiIs there any alternative to Festival currently?  that's decent?
06:20.22iceyperr iax realtime or extension realtime or sip realtime
06:20.39NuggetEssobi: not that I've ever seen.  but clearly we all have different ideas about what's "decent"
06:20.41|Vulture|iceyp: what are you asking?
06:20.53Nuggeta1fa: then play with fwd.
06:20.56roamer323marc32344 -> because they work right the way, on day one.... save 4x the money but spend 24 hr a day hacking away to get things working is currently not the way business is done
06:21.05a1fai really didnt like fwd ;)
06:21.07Essobiice If someone coded app_icemakers, someone would use 999 to put ice in their cup.  Someone uses it, somewhere.
06:21.14Nuggetit's what you asked for.
06:21.52marc32344roamer-- you mean asterisk is buggy?
06:22.32iceyp|Vulture| Extconfig.conf , does this connect to mysql without any additional modules; realtime sip.conf, iax.conf and extensions.conf
06:22.56Essobiroamer323 Unfortunately you spent 40K on a cisco deployment.. then you call them for support, and they ask how many endpoint the bug is affecting and you tell them 3,000, and they say that's a level 1 outage, and they'll get back to you about the bug in 2 months.
06:23.00roamer323marc32344... it is certainly not "turn key" and certainly a moving target at this time... consultants are available to make sure things work
06:23.51Essobiiceyp Check and lookup asterisk realtime
06:23.59marc32344even if it's properly setup from day one?
06:24.02Essobiplenty of info there to keep one busy.
06:24.21roamer323essobi - true... I am not defending cisco... but just answering marc's question realistically (as of the state of things today)
06:24.26iceypEssobi  i have and it doesnt mention anything additional required, just wanted to double check
06:24.46EssobiDude.  All softswitches are moving targets.  I've ran 4000 phone full on cisco deployments.
06:24.59EssobiYou upgrade and shit breaks.
06:25.02Essobior changes
06:25.23Essobior windows just takes a big ole shit on you and you have to format, reinstall, and restore your backup.
06:25.41marc32344why would the system require constant debugging??
06:25.59EssobiWe all know windows can do some wierd shit at times.  I've seen the unity platforms and everything from CCM3.0 to 4.0.
06:26.13EssobiGood luck with that bub.
06:26.41EssobiIt's not like a hardware PBX.  It is software, it is a machine, it will require maintenance.
06:26.53Essobiand just hope joe hacker doesn't target it.
06:27.19marc32344can you provide an example?
06:27.20Beirdoand even the hardware ones aren't bullet-proof
06:27.25roamer323essobi - that's another thing... we should all be thankful that early asterisks adopters are not (yet) vicious
06:27.27marc32344what can go wrong?
06:27.37EssobiBeirdo True enough.
06:27.46EssobiWhat what?
06:28.01Nuggetasterisk is great because it's flexible.  it isn't great because it's reliable.  it gets more and more reliable with each release, but right now it's mostly a flexibility win.
06:28.01roamer323essobi - re:security
06:28.05Essobi"what" can go wrong?  Are you seriously asking that?  Have you ever admined a machine?
06:28.13marc32344poor setup ==> ongoing debugging.
06:28.19iceypEssobi u used sip realtime?
06:28.31pcmmarc: asterisk is 'in-progress'
06:28.37pcmand it propably will never change
06:28.38iceypEssobi because none of the examples show how to add a user/pass/host for mysql
06:28.45iceypjust says sipfriends => mysql,asterisk,sip_buddies
06:28.54EssobiWell, gee.. He pwns your root, looks at your FXO's and adds a sip peer and starts jerking off to 1900 numbers.
06:29.03Essobiiceyp Nope.. I never used it.
06:29.08EssobiJust the old-skool ones.
06:29.21Essobiwhere you'd dump a mysql database to sip.conf in cronjob
06:30.18Essobimarc So what are we arguing about here?  :)
06:30.44iceypEssobi yeah i currently using that, just worried what would happen when i have over 100 000 users
06:30.50EssobiHow many endpoints are you thinking you're going to install and just "forget"?
06:31.19Essobiiceyp What's to worry?  I've got a sql database with over 3.8 million records in it. :)
06:31.26iceypEssobi how do u get asterisk to reload in crontab?
06:31.45iceypEssobi so the sip.conf can have 1000 00 users with no slow lookups etc?
06:31.51iceypi thought a database would be better
06:32.00Essobisip.conf = memory
06:32.03marc32344sounds like it's alpha version.
06:32.07iceypsweet then
06:32.10*** join/#asterisk whui (~whui@
06:32.15iceypso it uses heaps of memory :S
06:32.18iceypthat not good
06:32.27EssobiUmm.. dude.
06:32.28Damascenewell, you can harden the asterisk box i'd imagine?  and i suppose a big disadvantage is now that it has moving parts (ala, hdd) you have to worry about that.  i wonder if you can have a lightweigth asterisk box on flash disk and external logging to a mysql box?
06:32.32EssobiMemory is cheap.
06:32.52EssobiDisk bandwidth that is required to run big indexes and databases.. ain't.
06:32.53JerJerdon't use technology that has moving parts
06:33.23marc32344damascene-- hdd a problem?
06:33.23EssobiBINGO!  WE GOT A WIENER!
06:33.23iceypEssobi when u add an additional user via the db and it recreates sip.conf, how do u reload asterisk?
06:33.25JerJermy linux distro is 26 megs, uncompressed
06:33.36Essobiasterisk -x cmd works
06:33.48Damascenemarc32344:  sure for 'set it and forget it' setups.  so i think i'd use a flash card/ide disk instead if i could.  i'm new to asterisk... but i cant' imagine the default setup requiring that much disk space.
06:33.51iceypso u reload every 5 mins or something?
06:33.54EssobiJerJer You're a pimp.  Drop is somewhere and lemme dl the busybox install.
06:33.57JerJer-rx 'comand'
06:34.00iceypreload doesnt cause any issues to the current users
06:34.06Essobioh rx.. my bad. :)
06:34.24Essobiso "asterisk -rx sip reload" should be money
06:34.27JerJericeyp:  only reload when there is a change to be made
06:34.42JerJerEssobi:  in due time
06:34.46JerJerpatience is a virtue
06:34.57EssobiThere's no channel dropping in sip on reload is there?
06:35.02marc32344essobi-- in other words, you are saying dont bother with asterix.
06:35.24Essobimarc I'm saying any install is going to have it's problems being that it IS a softswitch.
06:35.54EssobiGranted a cisco platform might be all hand holding and huggy nice stuff.. but it has it's problems too.  I take that from experience.
06:35.55DamasceneEssobi:  hehe, you are scaring me since i'm considering moving someone from 5 analog lines to asterisk.  :)
06:36.24|Vulture|all that hand holding costs BIG $$
06:36.29EssobiIt really depends on the user base and how much they are paying you, if you're going to hold their hands and ..
06:36.38Essobisolve all their problems.
06:36.47marc32344I have a $3 markup/user
06:36.52JerJerIts all about the Benjamin's
06:36.54Essobihey jer.. if I got two Cisco 5400s..
06:36.59Essobimarc is that it?  Muhaha.
06:37.02DamasceneEssobi:  well, have you seen serious reliability issues for asterisk though?
06:37.02|Vulture|JerJer: hey you guys use 2850s right?
06:37.03JerJernow, bitch go get me some pie
06:37.11|Vulture|Dell 2850 I mean
06:37.14JerJeri don't even know what a 2850 is
06:37.21a1faits not working
06:37.35Essobihey jer.. if I got two Cisco 5400s.. can I use sip reinvite to bypass the rtp betreen the peers when routing from one to the other via an asterisk dialplan/server?
06:37.48EssobiI'm not up to speed on the current state of chan_sip
06:37.53EssobiRockass.  :)
06:37.57JerJerEssobi:  if that is really all you want to do fire up SER
06:37.57|Vulture|JerJer: oh oky, I was trying to find out if the 2850s are 5v or 3.3v PCI
06:38.19marc32344how many hours/month /T1 does a asterix configuration require...   average...
06:38.26JerJerthen route to asterisk when u need to for pbx logic, gateway, applications, etc
06:38.36JerJerA S T E R I S K
06:38.45EssobiJerJer Well.. I need to do some fixup stuff.  CDR/CID/Dial-by-name/Record-a-call-when-needed..
06:38.51JerJereverybody lets play "How do we spell Asterisk"
06:39.04|Vulture|marc32344: not much after the initial config... just adding users really...
06:39.24marc32344according to essobi... it's an ongoing battle to keep it up an running.
06:39.26|Vulture|Essobi: Givme an A!
06:39.30JerJerhey a drunk cheerleader
06:39.44Essobimarc I didn't say that.  I said depending on the deployment and the number of users
06:39.50Essobithere's always handholding
06:40.03Essobiand softswitch problems/bugs
06:40.11|Vulture|marc32344: if you have 200 users... your gunna have problems
06:40.14EssobiI'm out peeps
06:40.18EssobiNight all
06:40.23marc32344i plan to put 200users/ T1
06:40.36Damascene|Vulture|:  i plan on only using it for 4-5 users.  i guess i wont' have issues then?  ;)
06:40.42|Vulture|yea... end users always find a way to mess things up
06:40.45|Vulture|Damascene: lol
06:40.54a1fait just authed
06:41.00roamer323damascene - * is solid with 5 users
06:41.06|Vulture|the fewer end users... the more spaced out the problems
06:41.11roamer323night essobi
06:41.18Damasceneroamer323:  okay cool, thanks
06:41.45a1fasip is choppy ;)
06:42.28|Vulture|Damascene: I have 6 servers with 5-20 users... they require little upkeep using TDM400P 4FXO with overflow on IAX2
06:42.36JerJersip isnt choppy
06:42.45JerJerit is the codec you are running using sip signalling
06:42.49marc323445-20 users???  making any money??
06:42.50|Vulture|JerJer: it is over a 14.4 :P
06:42.58a1fawhat should i use
06:43.01a1fawhat coded
06:43.31|Vulture|marc32344: they are being used as office PBX systems... the $$ was in the installs and upkeep
06:43.46JerJerStart with G.711
06:43.55JerJerthen try gsm, speex and iLBC
06:45.21a1fathis is nice
06:45.28a1fatoo bad i cant recieve calls
06:46.11marc32344Quad T1 on asterisk....  that must create lots of work.
06:47.19|Vulture|just channels...
06:47.19a1fathis is some funny shit
06:47.22a1fai got a phone call
06:47.25a1fabut nothing happened
06:47.51*** join/#asterisk pranav (pranav@
06:48.03|Vulture|what do you mean nothing happened?
06:48.14a1fafwd test call
06:48.27a1famy phone just rang.. but i guess thats normal
06:48.43a1fai answered it.. and there wanst a voice saying this is just a test
06:49.09*** join/#asterisk IsMe (some@
06:49.14|Vulture|if there is suppose to be.. its possible that your firewall isn't setup correctly
06:49.38a1fathere is no passthrough
06:50.01a1fathis is so funny
06:50.03a1faha hahaha
06:50.09a1fathe phone is ringing
06:50.21a1fathere you go
06:50.24a1fait just ranggggg
06:50.35pcmyou have the signalling working ...
06:50.41|Vulture|a1fa: you are easily ammused
06:50.44a1fai am
06:50.47IsMehas anyone done * with PABX ?
06:50.58a1fathis used to cost thousands of dollars
06:51.11IsMeMavvie, can i pm u ?
06:51.22a1facan anybody gimme a call on my sip?
06:51.22Mavvieonly if you speak proper english.
06:51.37a1fahaha Mavvie u are such a nazi
06:51.46*** join/#asterisk viLeR (
06:51.51Mavviea1fa: recht.
06:52.06Mavviewell that was a bad translation.
06:52.23a1faehhe deutschen leute
06:52.33a1fawho can gimme a call on my sip
06:53.49marc32344ne1 knows what hardware packet8 is using?
06:53.51|Vulture|:( no fwd here
06:54.04a1fayou can still call me
06:54.07*** join/#asterisk Capouch (501@
06:54.12Beirdowho is ne1?
06:54.32viLeRsomebody recommends some good linux asterisk client
06:54.33|Vulture|k msg me Ill do it
06:56.50a1fai cant believe this works
06:57.08a1fai am behind a packetshaper
06:57.21|Vulture|wait till you learn about T1 PRI :)
06:57.29a1fanat, and
06:57.37a1fa2nd vlan
06:57.40a1fawow ;)
06:57.50|Vulture|hahaha thats where the latency was coming from
06:57.54a1fa|Vulture| you are my new best friend :)
06:58.28*** join/#asterisk terraHome (
06:58.35a1fai am going to QOS these packets ;)
06:59.15a1fawhat is your number
06:59.18terraHomegood evening
06:59.19a1fai need to write this down :)
06:59.31|Vulture|I don't have a FWD #
07:00.10|Vulture|should prolly get one though.... just never bothered since I have a buncha DIDs
07:00.48a1fafwd doesnt make outside phone calls
07:00.50a1fathat is bullshit
07:01.17a1fai mean to other sip networks
07:01.20|Vulture|broadvoice my friend... $20 for unlimited LD+Most international
07:01.23Beirdoof course it doesn't
07:02.59a1faiii likeee it
07:04.14a1fa|Vulture| : do you know a sip server (free) that will let users make phonecalls outside of their sip?
07:04.35|Vulture|not sure I follow
07:05.05marc32344cool_blade-- how many channels you're running?
07:05.05a1fayou know fwd.. i cant dial people, for example
07:05.06|Vulture|like you want to call another * server?
07:05.20cool_blademarc32344: 25
07:05.30marc32344a full t1
07:05.30|Vulture|well if you want to do that, they have to setup an account for you, then you have to set it in your sip.conf
07:05.38cool_blademarc32344: well e1
07:05.38|Vulture|but * to * I would recommend IAX2 not SIP
07:05.53a1fai see
07:05.56a1fawhat service do you use?
07:05.58marc32344cool_blade-- how many users?
07:06.09cool_blademarc32344: about 40
07:06.24marc32344cool_blade-- thats not much
07:06.25|Vulture|a1fa: I use broadvoice and voicepulse connect
07:06.48cool_blademac32344: yes i know
07:07.04a1fanice :)
07:07.05|Vulture|a1fa: but I have TDM400Ps to bring in local POTS, and I am about to install a 2 T1 PRIs to run all the offices
07:07.10cool_blademarc32344: i'll start working right away to get the company to get more users
07:08.41a1fai am buying two  TDM400s
07:08.54a1fano FXOs atm
07:09.16|Vulture|a1fa: why buy the TDMs without the FXO or FXS cards?
07:09.51a1faits a *B.. i dont remember on top of my head
07:10.04|Vulture|I use IP500 phones, well I use to use 7960/40s but IP500s are better for the price
07:10.15*** part/#asterisk Capouch (501@
07:12.10a1fai use that grandstream handytone 486
07:12.15a1fai am very very impressed
07:12.31cool_bladegood - because the older grandstream looked like a kids toy
07:12.50a1fayeah.. it comes with a router
07:12.53marc32344essobi--- you quit
07:13.03a1faand i only have one ethernet jack in my room
07:13.09a1faso i can still have my computer
07:16.38BeirdoPierre Berton on how to roll a joint
07:17.16Qwella1fa: 40b
07:17.38Qwellfirst digit is # of FXS ports, second digit is # of FXO
07:17.42Qwell4 FXS ports is 40b
07:18.02*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
07:18.04a1fa<a1fa> its a *B.. i dont remember on top of my head
07:18.12a1fathats right
07:20.38a1fai can call vonage from fwd
07:20.46Qwellyeah, pretty cool feature
07:20.49a1faand packt8
07:21.08QwellJeff Pulver co-founded Vonage, afaik
07:21.13Qwellso it makes sense that there is a link
07:21.20QwellMy boss couldn't get it working though...dunno
07:21.48Qwellyeah, he got an IP phone, connected it to fwd, and tried calling his house...didn't work
07:21.52Qwell(his house is a vonage account)
07:21.59marc32344is vonage using as5300?
07:22.28Qwellvonage can call fwd too.  its some long number...011393..etc
07:22.55Qwellfwd can also go to iaxtel
07:22.58a1fa**2431 Vonage 011 0 393 (w/intl. dialing enabled)
07:23.07a1fawhos got vonage here
07:23.11a1faor packet8
07:23.14a1fai want to test this
07:23.50marc32344ne1 knows what hardware packet8 uses?
07:23.56marc32344for their network
07:25.35*** part/#asterisk marc32344 (
07:26.20*** join/#asterisk h3x0r (
07:27.08a1fai got class in 6h
07:29.15Firestrmanyone here ever deal with navigata? im concidering their PRI service..
07:36.00*** join/#asterisk chiko (~chiko@
07:41.38*** join/#asterisk djin (~marius@
07:44.04*** join/#asterisk magg (~magg@
07:44.50*** part/#asterisk BBRodriguez (
07:50.38a1fatoo bad
07:50.45a1fai cant schedule a wakeup call at 6 am
07:50.49*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
07:53.00terraHomeevening shido
07:53.14terraHomeor rather...
07:53.16terraHomegood morning
07:53.44a1fasomebody wake me up
07:53.46a1faat 7 CST
07:54.55|Vulture|a1fa: set a wakup call
07:54.57|Vulture|with *
07:55.32*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
07:56.00a1fai am going to sleep
07:56.13a1fai am going to have a hard time making to my 8 o'clock class
07:56.19sezuanSlighty OT, can someone help me with a ENUM record?
07:56.51a1fa|Vulture| : i dont have * yet.. its gonna be here next monday ;)
07:58.21iceypwhats required to insert a src ph number? In my master.csv there is no src
08:07.53iceypeveryone must be asleep ;(
08:08.27*** join/#asterisk schurig (
08:09.58chikoi try install asterisk with ata186
08:10.22chikoany problem with that?
08:10.44*** join/#asterisk qiu (
08:13.57viLeRchiko: no
08:14.29viLeRchiko: my ata186 with version 2.16 works fine.
08:14.50chikomy ata186 version 3.1
08:15.30*** join/#asterisk Ron-Na (~ronald@
08:15.52Ron-NaAnybody up and listening?
08:16.05viLeRchiko: fine
08:16.14Ron-NaI have SuSE 9.2 installed and got problems
08:16.54Ron-NaI swapped the Digium card from another server to this system and it gives me an error at modprobe wcfxs
08:23.41djinlspci sees the board?
08:23.53djinand did you do an 'modprobe zaptel' first?
08:24.13Qwellit would also help to know what the error is
08:24.29iceyphow do i force the 'source' in master.csv , i've tried adding callerid in sip aswell as fromuser, however my source from master.csv is still empty
08:24.38djinno Qwell, it the challenge to guess for the error.
08:24.49Qwelldjin: Its too late for a challenge. :p
08:25.30Qwelland on that note...
08:25.40rvhihi, is it possible to match multiple extension in one line in extensions.conf?
08:25.52rvhifor example, to match 492, 294, 234
08:25.54Qwellrvhi: With wildcards and such, yes
08:26.01Qwellthose 3, and ONLY those 3?
08:26.11rvhimore, just an example
08:26.22Qwellbut, those X and only those X?
08:26.40Qwellie, you want to match 123, but not 321?
08:26.53Qwellthats beyond me then, heh
08:27.19djinrvhi, there must be some simularity that identifies them.
08:27.41rvhithere is no similarity in this case
08:27.50rvhii have dozens of numbers ported to my pri
08:27.52djinthat you cannot combine them.
08:28.12rvhithey are all unique 7 digit numbers
08:28.32Qwell123,1,SetVar(calledexten=${EXTEN})    123,2,Goto(abc,1)
08:28.37Qwell234,1,SetVar(calledexten=${EXTEN})    234,2,Goto(abc,1)
08:28.41Qwellsomething like that should theory
08:29.21Qwellhell, make it a simple macro
08:29.28djinrvhi, I'd guess that they are all unique . . .
08:29.53rvhimacro seems to be the easiest way
08:30.10djinbut without overlapping simularities, you're scrwewed.
08:30.10rvhidoes realtime extension support macro?
08:30.20Qwelloff to bed
08:30.33djinQwell, night night.
08:30.38rvhithx, good night!
08:31.47*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
08:32.18*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
08:32.58libpcphi all
08:33.14libpcpis anyone can help me with TE410P?
08:34.11djinstate your problem.
08:34.27djinthen we can see if we can help you.
08:37.43*** join/#asterisk meppl (
08:37.45mepplguten morgen
08:39.24libpcpi would like to ask if its possible to configure the TE410P even without the real connected from ISDN provider?
08:39.58djinsure, you can test bij using crosscable from one port to another.
08:40.14djinand configure zapata.conf properly, off course
08:44.35libpcpdjin: ah so i really need to loop back the E1 port so I could test it
08:45.23libpcpi thought i could configure the zapata.conf and zaptel.conf and run the asterisk without a real connection or loopback test
08:46.32libpcpdjin: is that the reason why im getting Feb 22 16:48:53 ERROR[3870]: Unknown signalling method 'pri_cpe' because the E1 ports are not connected or not being loopback?
08:57.54djinyes, it is.
08:58.08*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
08:58.46djinYou need a PRI crosscable and to configure one port as 'pri_net'.
09:06.52*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
09:07.27IronHelixanyone else having broadvoice issues tonight?
09:09.06*** join/#asterisk Newbie___ (some@
09:10.08ta[i]ntedIronHelix i'm always having broadvoice issues
09:10.24*** join/#asterisk Beirdo_ (~gjhurlbu@beirdo.user)
09:10.35ta[i]nteddid you try call tech support?
09:10.48IronHelixnah, i just signed up today
09:11.13IronHelixi've been trying various ways of doing sip.conf
09:11.53IronHelixbut the only one that seems to work is register ->  (info)   with
09:12.01IronHelixthe others either dont register, or dont work
09:13.03IronHelixit was working fine earlier, and i figured it *might* be on my end because between then and now i upgraded asterisk to 1.0.5, just checked that it compiled ok and then went off to dinner
09:13.50maggops ;D
09:14.13IronHelix(btw, the broadvoice chan_sip patch got merged into asterisk release right?  there was a very brief note saying it had on with no details and it was dated November, so i figured it had)
09:17.12*** join/#asterisk LoRez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
09:22.54Ron-NaSuSE 9.2 recognizes digium card TDM22B as "Communication controller: TigerJet Network Inc. Tiger 3XX Modem/ISDN interface"   How can I fix that!!!!
09:23.14Inv_arpIronHelix: follow these directions
09:23.40Inv_arpi had a hard time with broadvoice until i followed this page
09:24.19IronHelixron-na- thats fine.  just install the zaptel package
09:24.33IronHelixinv-arp- wow thats an ugly hack, but i'll give it a shot :)
09:25.48Ron-Naok, modprobe zaptel is going in but modprobe wcfxs gives me an error!!!
09:26.53IronHelixif you already did make and make install for zaptel
09:26.55IronHelixalso do make config
09:27.00Ron-Naztcfg -vvv gives me the channel map Channel 01 ~ 04, but than also: "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or addrss (6)
09:27.01IronHelixthat sets it up as a service
09:27.31IronHelixi had a similar problem with a fxo...
09:27.52Ron-NaI have done cvs downloaded and used make clean; make update; make install
09:28.24Ron-Namodule wctdm unsupported by SUSE/Novell, tainting kernel.
09:28.50Ron-Nawctdm: disagrees about version of symbol zt_receive   and ...
09:28.50fishboy1669morning peeps
09:29.39*** join/#asterisk slePP (
09:31.21Ron-NaIronHelix what do you mean with "make config"  ?  (I did a make cloneconfig in /usr/src/linux before I worked on zaptel)
09:31.28*** join/#asterisk devel (
09:32.08IronHelixmake config installs a service in rc.d
09:33.19*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
09:33.52CMikeanyone in here heard anything about grandstream and different indication tones / Callerid FSK/DTMF ?
09:34.32CMikeI know they were taking about is as uppcoming in new firmware last year..  But I haven't heard anything
09:35.49*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (~Mike_@
09:36.37IronHelixit seems to now be working on BOS
09:37.20*** join/#asterisk lilo_ (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
09:41.16*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
09:41.19Ron-NaIronHelix do you have another hint for me to go a step further ;-)
09:41.39IronHelixim tryin to remember what i did to fix it
09:41.52IronHelixalthough im not sure it would help as im on fedora
09:42.00IronHelixi think it had something to do with the startup scripts
09:42.05IronHelixie modprobe vs insmod
09:42.09IronHelixfor inserting modules
09:42.59IronHelixtry googling your error
09:43.03IronHelixgoogle spiders the digium list
09:43.09IronHelixor google it with
09:45.04IronHelix   try that
09:51.11*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
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10:02.30Zeeekoù suis-je
10:04.14*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
10:07.11*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
10:07.25Zeeekno one cares :(
10:08.16chikois ata186 only sccp?
10:08.28Mike_TKchiko: no
10:08.56Mike_TKchiko: h323,sip too
10:09.25chikohow to make sip?
10:09.32RoyKmake sip?
10:09.35RoyKas in make love?
10:11.09IronHelixif you have to get new firmware- good luck
10:11.31chikoi must upgrade??
10:11.32IronHelixfrom what i hear, getting cisco firmware subscriptions is only slightly easier than swimming through lava
10:11.37IronHelixnot sure
10:11.40IronHelixpray you dont
10:14.46*** join/#asterisk qiu (
10:18.16*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
10:21.02*** join/#asterisk pranav (pranav@
10:21.53*** join/#asterisk idnar (mithy@idnar.user)
10:22.24idnaris there any way for me to increase the connection timeout on outgoing calls over IAX? Asterisk seems to be giving up after 1000ms
10:24.39pranavi am trying to connect to a server , i registered in it, but it says "wrong password on authentication for REGISTER
10:24.47*** join/#asterisk codebreaker (
10:25.15pranavits my own another server which i am trying to connect it to
10:26.26pashahpranav: looks like you are registering with wrong password =)
10:26.33codebreakerhello how to change exten => _99.,1,Dial(CAPI/9420576:${EXTEN},30,r) so that dialed number 990123456 get outbound dialed 0123456? i know the was something with inserting a 2 but i didnt rember
10:26.40pranavno i selected a random password
10:26.57*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
10:27.06idnarcodebreaker: use ${EXTEN:2}
10:27.17codebreakeridnar: thanks
10:27.45pranavwhich password do i have to put in, actually i tried few passwords, but in all i was getting this error
10:28.20kksi always get dialstatus=CONGESTION, if no such sip account and the peer is not registered. when i will able to get dialstatus=CHANUNAVAIL?
10:31.04*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
10:36.22pranavtell me what should i do?
10:38.25|Vulture|is it possible to limit the number of voice channels that a single DID can occupy on a T1 PRI?
10:39.43*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
10:39.50djinYou want to limit incoming calls for one specific DID?
10:40.20|Vulture|yes so say that the DID can only take 10 of the 23 channels
10:40.27|Vulture|I just wanted to know if it is possible
10:41.02RoyKdoes asterisk support video conferencing over SIP?
10:41.10djinYou can limit things in your extensions. It's not so much tot limit physically, but more what happens to the 11th caller.
10:41.21|Vulture|ah I see
10:41.51*** part/#asterisk djin (~marius@
10:41.53*** join/#asterisk djin (~marius@
10:42.18pranavdo i need to put the password of the server
10:42.21RoyKdeaf customers want video conferecing....
10:42.22|Vulture|PRI is deff. the thing to do...
10:42.55djinI have a SIP image v7.3, but require v6.3 first to upgrade from 4.x. Can anyone help my on this image?
10:43.05djinFOr the Cisco 7940, that is. . .
10:43.37RoyKdjin: app_groupcount
10:44.08djinRoyK, I'm not sure what you mean.
10:44.35RoyKdjin: look up app_groupcount on the wiki
10:44.44RoyKthat can do all sorts of limitations
10:45.18*** join/#asterisk zoa (
10:45.29djinAre you sure you're answering my question instead of Vulture's?
10:45.37*** join/#asterisk [ro]nic3try (~iancu@
10:46.29|Vulture|he already answered mine
10:47.26pranavwhen i am trying to register to a sip server,wrong password on authentication for registration
10:47.42pranavit says,wrong password on authentication for registration
10:47.59djinyes pranav, and what does that tell you?
10:48.23pranavi tried with another password , but again the same thing comes
10:48.50djinyes pranav, and what does that tell you?
10:49.12pranavdo i need the password of that sip server
10:49.26pranavto whom i am trying to register
10:49.36djinthat would be my guess.
10:50.24Zeeekpranav still trying with FWD?
10:50.31[ro]nic3tryis possible to ask for a passwd before making a call ?
10:50.59[ro]nic3trydoc's ?
10:51.09jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
10:51.26[ro]nic3try:) ok
10:52.09djinTrust me, it's all there ;)
10:53.37pranavi tried that but i am getting the same error
10:55.23pranavi have made the entry in the sip.conf using register =>
10:55.30codebreakerhow can i make all incoming calls from capi ringing/directing to one user/iaxphone.
10:55.58djinare you using chan_capi?
10:56.15codebreakerdjin: yes
10:56.44codebreakerdjin: but i also have some hosts with hfc cards. so its more a general question.
10:57.13codebreakeri am thinking about something exten => s,1,call user
10:57.18pranavzeeek: for some time i have stopped to work with fwd, i am trying to connect to my own sip server
10:57.31djinIn the capi context in extensions put something like exten => _X.,Dial(IAX. . . .  .
10:57.51djinYou're almost right, only wrong about the 's'.
10:58.06*** join/#asterisk sjaak538 (
10:58.10djinand I missed the '1' :)
10:58.34codebreakerdjin: without the s?
11:02.56djinchange it something like _X. that handle all incoming MSN's
11:03.20djinNobody calls 's' ;)
11:07.45qiuhi guys ... i try to compile asterisk with chan_h323
11:07.52qiuand i have some errorr
11:08.21qiuwith cvs : chan_h323.o(.data.rel+0x40): undefined reference to `h323_show_codec'
11:08.43qiuand with stable 1.0.5 : make[1]: *** No rule to make target `h323/libchanh323.a', needed by `'.  Stop.
11:09.05qiudoes anyone compile succesfuly chan_h323 ?
11:10.07qiu(i have : pwlib: v1.8.1 and openh323 v.1.15.1)
11:11.40*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
11:11.41pranavdjin: i tried giving the password of that server still i am getting the same error
11:12.06*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
11:13.12qiuanyone  with chan_h323 ?
11:13.23jbotwell, h323 is An ITU-T standard for packet-based multimedia communications systems. This standard defines the different multimedia entities that make up a multimedia system - Endpoint, Gateway, Multipoint Conferencing Unit (MCU), and Gatekeeper - and their interaction. This standard is used for many voice-over-IP applications, and is heavily dependent on other ...
11:13.43RoyKasterisk + h323 = spaghetti
11:14.13qiuwell ... i need h323
11:14.20clive-qui buy cisco
11:14.42zoahello there all of you
11:15.07clive-zoa, hows the jitter bufferring going
11:15.13qiuclive : well ... why not huawey
11:15.31zoalooks like there is some persistant rumor
11:15.34clive-qui never used huaw,
11:15.44qiubut i need to compile asterisk with chna_h323
11:16.08qiuclive : why ?  do you used it ?
11:16.15clive-qiu use * for ivr and stuff, and cisco for h323
11:16.47*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
11:16.49qiuwell ... i need h323 only for compatibility
11:16.56qiufor small things
11:16.57*** join/#asterisk FocusRite (~fbg@
11:17.16shadebobHi, someone known if RHINO channel bank have ISDN fxs option?
11:17.18eipiabout digium boards: its true that if i dont have a mboard that doesnt support pci 2.2, the digium cards wont work?
11:17.55FocusRitehi folks. does anyone have experience using asterisk with pika boards (if it works with pika gear that is) ?
11:18.51eipiabout digium boards: its true that if i dont have a mboard that support pci 2.2, the digium cards wont work?
11:22.40*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
11:22.54*** join/#asterisk brazil (~cleber@
11:23.14brazilhi all!
11:29.47PoWeRKiLLHow can I permit all incoming SIP traffic from a based on a IP ?
11:32.25eipipowerkill search the same words on google and you will find that url
11:33.31*** join/#asterisk karman (~karman@
11:34.59karmanhallo all
11:35.10karmananyone got any idea how e&m works?
11:35.25karmanor how to get it to work ;-)
11:41.59RoyKas in S&M?
11:43.47Zeeekok, I'm back. Who ordered the caramel chicken?
11:45.57RoyKZeeek: wot?
11:46.08ZeeekI guess I'll have to eat it myself
11:47.09*** join/#asterisk pashah (
11:47.23RoyK* *
11:48.38karmane&m wink
11:48.58karmanok, let me put this way.. i need asterisk to send the dialed number to the pbx
11:49.24karmancurrent configL *fxo ---> co-line pbx
11:49.49Zeeekdrums stop. no good.
11:51.23Zeeekin the early part of the last century there was a large wave of Norwegian immigration in the US
11:51.33Zeeekthey all ened up in Minnesota
11:52.05ZeeekI guess immigration officers figured they wouldn't mind the cold
11:54.45karmanmmm.. seems like everyone is fast asleep
11:55.00Zeeekor worse
11:56.04ZeeekI hate anonymous callerid
12:02.49Zeeekthese Cisco SIP images seem to be a real PITA to deal with
12:03.00ZeeekI think I may buy a Poly
12:03.56djinZeeek, Cisco's are good phones.
12:04.28djinOnly firmware upgrade takes soem getting used to.
12:04.29Zeeekya but if you have to beg and steal every time you need an image...
12:04.33*** join/#asterisk Luhiwu (~marsosa@
12:04.36Shrinkdjin, I've been through the flashing process once, a couple of months ago, it was just a case of persevering
12:05.06djinZeeek, I didn't steal 7.3. Our password is home sick ;)
12:05.28djinSchrink, did you upgrade to 7.3?
12:05.58Zeeekdunno, just what I've observed here and elsewhere
12:06.23*** join/#asterisk negativecreep (~yama@
12:06.51negativecreephi all
12:07.39negativecreepcan i connect a X100P to an office pbx..
12:07.54negativecreepwill * pick up the call if respective extension is dialed...?
12:08.13djinIf * receives the request, yes.
12:08.52negativecreepdjin: there is no special configuration required for that right??
12:08.58*** part/#asterisk Pkunk (
12:14.12[ro]nic3tryi'm tring to redirect my calls to a ser server.. don't quite understand how does that works
12:14.16karmananyone still alive in this place?
12:14.32Delvarno im dead
12:14.39CMikeme too
12:14.58jbotyes :(
12:15.00FocusRitedoes anyone have experience using asterisk with pika boards (if it works with pika gear that is) ?
12:15.04karmanthought so.
12:15.05Delvarsee everyones dead
12:15.14karmancause not getting any responce ;-(
12:15.15Mike_TKI was never alive.
12:15.30Zeeekno one has ever heard of e&m only S&M
12:15.33[ro]nic3tryif i sai exten => _9XXXX,1,dial(sip/username:pass@ser_server) .. doesn't work
12:15.40Delvari ws alive this morning, then i had some breakfast then i died
12:15.48FocusRitei'm dreaming this and when i wake up the chan will be lively and full of wisdom
12:15.57Mike_TK[ro]nic3try: and where is your dial number?
12:16.09*** join/#asterisk Samoied (
12:16.09Mike_TK[ro]nic3try: and it will never work, you must define peer
12:16.14karmanok... so e&m is unknow
12:16.21karmanso lets try other technology
12:16.29Zeeeke&j Gallo
12:16.43karmanwhat technologies are able to detect/send number dialled?
12:16.46karmanfor DID
12:17.01Mike_TKkarman: e&m? ear and mouth
12:17.10[ro]nic3tryin sip.conf.. if i say register=> user:passwd@ser_server / 1234 .. then ... how should my dialplan look ?
12:17.10RoyKkarman: SetCallerID?
12:17.14SamoiedI have a tdm04B
12:17.19eipimike i read the same... acronym finder?
12:17.20Samoiedwith 4 fxo ports
12:17.31[ro]nic3tryto me it looks like i'm calling back myself :(
12:17.39Delvar[ro]nic3try: have you looked on voip-info ?
12:17.44Mike_TKkarman: No, it's special interface type
12:17.56karmanok, callerid.. do in need to do, setcallerid = ${exten}?
12:18.02Mike_TKkarman: Hmm, what was a question?
12:18.27SamoiedSo, why this have a RJ-45 jack?
12:18.36[ro]nic3tryyes, but i don't understand how do i send the number to server
12:18.52SamoiedIs possible to use more than 2 pins?
12:19.11Delvar[ro]nic3try: ah, it snot like iax where you can do IAX2/user@entity/number
12:19.27*** join/#asterisk r1 (
12:19.40Delvar[ro]nic3try: you have to have an accoun tin sip.conf registered to the corect server, then do a dial to SIP/number@entity
12:20.17Delvar[ro]nic3try: or SIP/entity/number if you prefer, they both do the same thing
12:20.36[ro]nic3tryso.. i register in sip.conf.. then i dial number@ser_server in extension.conf ?
12:20.50Delvar[ro]nic3try: exactly
12:21.26[ro]nic3tryohh.. thx
12:22.54eipiabout digium boards: its true that if i dont have a mboard that support pci 2.2, the digium cards wont work?
12:23.23eipiabout digium boards: its true that if i dont have a mboard that support pci 2.2, the digium cards wont work?
12:25.45karmaneipi.: that is true
12:26.12*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (~evangelio@
12:26.50eipithen i have to throw my p2 233mhz? :(
12:28.45karmani'm not sure about the x100p
12:28.47karmanthat might work
12:28.53karmanthe others i know wont work
12:30.27ZeeekI think the X1200 may work in older boxes
12:30.27Zeeekerrr x100
12:30.27Zeeekit worked find in my old PIII
12:30.27Zeeekthe TDM400 did not
12:30.35RoyKanyone that knows a softphone that works with SIP and video?
12:31.29*** join/#asterisk dotcoder (~dotcoder@
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12:35.34CMikeI think I have a cideoconf unit somewhere.. for ISDN .. a Sony I think
12:35.42CMikemaybe I should play with that..
12:35.48CMikevideoconf. unit, even
12:38.31*** join/#asterisk smurfix (~smurf@smurfix.developer.debian)
12:43.55tihAbout the PCI 2.2 question just discussed: the point is, if I
12:44.10tihhave understood correctly, that you have to choose the right card.
12:44.36tihIf you have PCI 2.2 and interrupt chaining, you can use the 3.3v boards, and get better performance.
12:44.53tihIn older hardware, you have to use the 5v boards, and accept that the CPU will have to work harder.
12:48.03tzangertih: huh?
12:48.14tzangerPCI 2.2 doesn't say shit about 3.3v or 5v cards
12:48.34tzangerI have MANY PCI2.2-compliant systems that are 5V PCI only (which pisses me off to no end)
12:49.50tihNot currently sold systems, surely?
12:51.28PoWeRKiLLhow can i reload cdr_mysql while in a call
12:52.51*** join/#asterisk pr0m (
12:53.15tihThe TE405P should work in any PCI bus, at a performance cost. The TE410P demands a modern, PCI 2.2, 3.3v, interrupt-chaining, PCI bus -- and will be more efficient.  Right?
12:53.30pr0mi'm following the various newsgroup postings online about the pap2 being locked to vonage.
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12:53.48pr0mhas anyone found a solution to unlock the linksys pap2?
12:55.08benno2zaphfc with hfc-s , bristuff 0.2.0RC5 asterisk stable. every few secs I get this message (running * with high verbosity):  received TEI check request for TEI = 67 ; Feb 22 13:53:50 WARNING[3836]: chan_zap.c:7411 zt_pri_error: PRI: !! Got a UA, but i'm in state 1
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12:55.42benno2any idea ? the card seems working perfectly
12:56.20*** join/#asterisk akrall (~akrall@
12:57.31akrallHi Guys.... I have a question.. anybody had problems with line noise on x100p's? I can perfectly call anybody but after 4 or so minutes of talking, line noise comes in and I have to hangup and call again..
12:58.44akrallyea.. its weird.. this happens wether I placed the call or the call came in
12:58.49EssobiWhat's the X100P?  the single FXO port or the single T1?  I never can remember.
12:59.17EssobiThat and I havn't had coffee yet.
12:59.44EssobiIs it a know-off FXO?
12:59.52EssobiKnock-off card?
13:00.55akrallyep, x100p clone... a lot of people have been using them and they have worked great so far
13:00.59akrallwhy you ask?
13:01.01EssobiSounds like you might have a ground loop problem on your machine and FXO line.  You have a two-to-three prong adapter anywhere inline in your machine.. monitor, pc, powerstrip, anywhere near?
13:01.17Essobiakrall cause the clones are all different and all ... well different.
13:01.35akrallprong adapter?
13:02.35Essobiyou know how a standard pc cable has 3 prongs
13:02.40Essobi2 AC and 1 ground
13:02.56akrallok, I know what you mean.. I just never heard the word prong
13:03.14akrallso you ask if I have any of those near the computer?
13:03.25akrallwell yea... a lot :) about 5 or so around
13:03.43EssobiYea.. any on the machine or monitor, printer, phone, etc, on the same plug or circuit as that plug?
13:03.50EssobiHAHA. there you go man.
13:04.15EssobiGet rid of those and try again.
13:04.31EssobiYou're eliminating the ground from your PCs grounding path.
13:04.38akrallreally? can those be causing the line interference?
13:04.46Essobiso it sees the phone line and goes.. CRUNCHY!  I GOT GROUND!
13:04.48akrallbut why exactly after 4 or so minutes of talk time?
13:05.07Essobielectrical resistance one would assume.
13:05.18Essobiyou're lucky nothing went up in smoke. Heh.
13:05.26akrallworth taking a look... what do you recommend?
13:05.35Essobi3 prongs
13:05.46EssobiYou need a ground.
13:05.48akrallmoving every away from the computer and pluging the computers on their own outlets?
13:06.15Essobiwell that helps too sometimes.. but sometimes "away" isn't away. it's on the same circuit in the house.
13:06.21akrallthe asterisk computer is conected to a no break (all 3 prong outlets) and that in turn is connected
13:06.27akrallto thewall outlet which has ground
13:06.39akrallbut, I have a lot of those outlet bars around..
13:06.52*** part/#asterisk didz_ (didz_@
13:07.30Essobiyuo should have ground then if the box and the monitor and all components do
13:07.33Essobiprinter and etc
13:07.46akrallthe noise effect I get is funny... your can talk for 4 minuites without echo .. no problems.. and then.. a loud
13:08.18akrallinterference noise kicks in.. sometimes I can hear the other person between the noise but they can hear me.. sometimes I cant hear anything at all and they also hear the noise
13:08.31Essobiwhat's in sound like?
13:08.59Essobimake sure your card is seated good too.. while the machine is off obviously. ;)
13:08.59akralla very loud hiss noise, like static noise of ham radio..
13:09.16akrallthats one of the first things I did
13:09.27EssobiWhite noise.. Yea, I doubt that's anything software.. atleast one wouldn't think it was.
13:09.33Essobiyou might have gotten a bad card.
13:09.45*** join/#asterisk Abbas (Abbas@
13:09.52EssobiI got to hop in the shower, then get the kids ready for school.  LAter on all.
13:10.12Abbascan we configure  Linksys PAP2  to dial Ip to IP
13:10.22akrallcould be.. I have 2 in place.. Im going to do more testing to see if there is some pattern
13:10.29tzangertih: untrue
13:10.35akralll8r essobi
13:10.58tzangerthe TE405P will ONLY work in a 5V PCI slot and is (from a logical point of view) identical in function to the TE401P
13:11.00akrallguys.. anybody configured their * for FWD using IAX2?
13:11.16tzangertih: no digium card supports interrupt chaining
13:11.25tzangerit *may* work but it is certainly not recommended
13:12.12tzangerI have a TE405P and had to physically modify it to fit in a 3.3V PCI slot:
13:13.26*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
13:18.55akrallguys.. anybody configured their * for FWD using IAX2?
13:24.19[ro]nic3tryDelvar: i still canot make my call work, i registered in sip.conf, and in extension.conf, i have  exten => 778989,1,Dial(SIP/778989/ser_server,20) ,  and doesn't work
13:24.37[ro]nic3tryit says that canot find host 778989
13:24.51Delvaryou got it the wrong way round
13:25.02Delvarexten => 778989,1,Dial(SIP/ser_server/778989,20)
13:25.09[ro]nic3tryupz :(
13:25.18Delvaror, exten => 778989,1,Dial(SIP/778989@ser_server,20)
13:26.28[ro]nic3tryman... your gold
13:26.53*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
13:27.12[ro]nic3trynow it's working.. thx a lot :-*
13:28.46Ron-NaHow to add 100 voicemailboxes at once????
13:29.04epochwrite a script!
13:29.30Ron-Namaybe somebody has already written the script - hehehehe
13:29.41epochwell yeah, look in contrib/scripts/ ;P
13:29.47epochbut that one's only good for one at a time
13:29.53epochyou could modify it very easily
13:30.09jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
13:30.14Ron-NaI saw it once in the list, ... but I have not found it anymore
13:31.35slePPanyone know how to get IE to stop expanding a <div> just because there's a float inside it that is larger than the div?
13:41.58*** join/#asterisk whui (~whui@
13:42.54*** join/#asterisk gabb0 (
13:43.00gabb0hello all
13:44.29gabb0I know how to do voicefile conversions with sox but I'm having troubles finding the right settings to convert a file generated from the monitor app.  The file is pcm and I want to convert it to either a wav or mp3
13:44.44gabb0has anyone here done this
13:44.58ManxPwrgabb0, Yes.  And they have documented it on the Wikit
13:45.26gabb0I've looked on the wiki and didn't see it for pcm
13:47.08gabb0plus I can't get to the wiki for obvious reasons
13:48.13vaewynobvious reasons? ... it seems to be working just fine
13:49.04gabb0oops, obvious to me I guess.  It's on my end
13:49.22gabb0what is the ip addr of the wiki, my dns is down at the moment
13:56.30ManxPwrI'm tracking a package sent via DHL from Hong Kong to New Orleans.  You would think that an international carrier like DHL would store tracking information in a way that handles timezones and the international date line.
13:56.46tzangerManxPwr: why would you think that?
13:56.59elrici am having problems with SIP softphone connecting to an IAX2 softphone. SIP is on the internal network and there is no NAT between * and SIP. IAX is on the internet. Both can access ZAP interfaces. If IAX calls SIP, * says cannot create channel SIP/1009. If SIP calls IAX, IAX can hear SIP but SIP hears nothing.
13:57.01ManxPwrtzanger, Sometimes I'm too much of an optimist.
13:59.02*** join/#asterisk Abbas_ (Abbas@
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14:04.54ManxPwrLOL!  It's rained more on Los Angels this season than in Seattle.
14:08.22ariel_moring all
14:08.30Luhiwuanyone knows what does 'Got SIP response 481 "Invalid CSeq Number"' means?
14:09.20*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (~Eivind@
14:09.30gabb0ManxPwr, I know you had said it was on the wiki but I haven't seen it.  My issue is the file extension is actually pcm and I can't seem to convert that to anything
14:11.10ManxPwrgabb0, that's really a sox question.
14:11.23bjohnsonelric: sounds like codec problems
14:11.29ManxPwrWhat application generates the file?
14:11.42elricbjohnson, using ulaw
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14:12.03ManxPwrgabb0, What is the ACTUAL monitor command?
14:13.03gabb0exten => s,2,Monitor(pcm,${MYVAR}-${TIMESTAMP})
14:13.22ManxPwrWHY are you using PCM?
14:13.39ariel_elric do you have disalow=all then allow=ulaw
14:13.40bjohnsonelric: don't know.  Both can use zap to call out and calls are fine?  maybe try turning off reinvites?
14:13.41gabb0long story
14:13.50ManxPwrI don't think I've ever herd of anyone using PCM with monitor.
14:13.58elricbjohnson, ok
14:14.01ManxPwrgabb0, Stop using PCM.
14:14.24ManxPwruse GSM (of you want smaller files) or WAV (if you don't care about file size)
14:14.27elricariel_, let me check
14:14.27gabb0it plays back fine with Playback so you would think I would be able to convert it to anything
14:15.00ManxPwrgabb0, Oh, I'm sure you can.  But since nobody seems to know how to convert that file type....
14:15.01gabb0the plan is to use gsm but the thing is I have this pcm file and need it
14:15.26ManxPwrgabb0, According to "man sox" at least 4 different file formats use pcm
14:15.46gabb0I wonder which * uses
14:15.59ManxPwrlooks like it uses raw adpcm
14:16.19ManxPwrgabb0, but if you want to use a file format nobody else uses, you should expect no support.
14:16.53ManxPwrMuch like my problem with E&M wink I had earlier this week.  Almost nobody uses E&M Wink so I had a LOT of problems getting it fixed.
14:17.06elricbjohnson, yeah both can use zap, i will turn off reinvites now and check
14:17.29elricariel_, yeah it was disallow=all and then allow=ulaw
14:17.56Abbas_hi guys
14:17.56ManxPwrelric, Do you have NO OTHER allow= lines?
14:18.44gabb0I know what you are saying and agree.  It was a must at the time to use pcm but now we don't need to.  And I know exactly what you mean about e&m wink.  I had a tough time getting it set up a while back.
14:19.09elricManxPwr, i have allow=gsm
14:19.39tzangerI just had the county ambulance service tell me that the proper way to test 911 addressing is to CALL 911
14:19.57tzangerI asked her if she was sure, and she said yes -- she used to be one of the dispatchers and that's how they did it
14:20.01ManxPwrtzanger, That suprizes you?
14:20.05tzangerI dunno something does NOT sound right
14:20.10tzangerabsolutely it sounds wrong
14:20.15tzanger911 is for emergency calls, not tests
14:20.17ManxPwrtzanger, Call when they are not busy.
14:20.23Abbas_can we configure LinkSys PaP2 to make IP tp IP calls  by dialing te other device IP only?
14:20.28vaewyntzanger: yeah... that is the norm... state right from the start that this is a "test call" and they are cool with it
14:20.29ManxPwrtzanger, Yes, but the only to test 911 is to call 911
14:20.39tzangerManxPwr: hmm okay I will make sure there isn't an emergency before I call
14:20.49tzangervaewyn: yes that is what she told me
14:20.52ariel_tzanger, that is what I got from the 911 service here too. They said the perfer to get a test call and stated as that to make sure the system is working.
14:20.56ManxPwrWe plan on doing a monthly 911 test soon.
14:20.58tzangershe said state very clearly right at the start that it is NOT an emergency
14:21.06vaewynMy sister in law is 911 dispatch... gets those calls all the time
14:21.12tzangerwow okay
14:21.15tzangerit just does NOT seem right
14:21.56vaewynthis is "emergency preparedeness" so it is ok  :P
14:22.13vaewyncan't let those terrorists catch us with our trousers down  ;P
14:22.13ManxPwrBTW, I assume 911 will confirm the address that they see for the call?
14:22.43vaewynand cell calls they will confirm the lat/lon
14:23.01vaewyn(if you have a-gps capable phone)
14:23.45vaewynin fact most can tell you nearest address to that lat/lon
14:23.48vaewynbut not all
14:24.32gabb0ManxPwr, figured out how to get the pcm converted
14:24.51vaewynheck... one I called in DC area read my battery life back to me from the @#$#@ phone
14:25.32ManxPwrgabb0, how?
14:25.32vaewynrename it blah.raw  probably :P
14:25.32ManxPwrvaewyn, Scary.
14:25.56tzangervaewyn: how do they differentiate from a true test and someone with a knife to their neck being told to say that
14:25.57vaewynManxPwr: yeah... but hey... more power to them... they still didn't know who called them ;P
14:26.27bjohnsontzanger: likely not to many attackers would force a victim to call 911
14:26.32tzangerbjohnson: true enough
14:26.39vaewyntzanger: probably by the faint "tell them and you die" in the background :P
14:26.39tzangerthis was the perth county ambulance service in stratford
14:26.46tzangervaewyn: ;-)
14:27.04gabb0ManxPwr, used audacity.  I imported raw data.  then used the settings U-law, little-endian, 8000 Hz
14:27.18gabb0then I can export it as wav or do whatever
14:27.39vaewynmv blah.pcm blah.raw; sox blah.raw blah.wav
14:27.59gabb0ah, where were you ten minutes ago
14:28.15vaewynahh.. little different then   mv blah.pcm blah.ulaw; sox blah.ulaw blah.wav
14:28.24vaewynwaiting for you to find it in the wiki :}
14:28.26*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
14:28.57vaewynreally wish sox would at least try to guess on the sound format before borking
14:29.05karmani need to send dialled number to PBX, what signaling technoly should i use on analog line?
14:29.05vaewynalthough raw is a little hard to pin down
14:29.54Corydon76-homekarman: you need to know how the PBX is signalling to you
14:30.26*** part/#asterisk brazil (~cleber@
14:30.31Corydon76-homeIf the PBX is signalling FXO Loopstart, then you need to signal FXS Loopstart
14:30.36vaewynhey... anyone know of a good tftp client to test servers with?
14:30.41vaewyn(linux of course)
14:31.00Corydon76-homevaewyn: should be just 'tftp'
14:31.05Shrinkone comes with tftpd, called tftp
14:31.32vaewynahh... seperate package called tftp in debian
14:31.36vaewynthat was too obvious
14:31.53Corydon76-homevaewyn: wait until you try to use it.  It's less obvious
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14:32.10djinShrink, not sure if you responded to a question earlier. Did you update from 6.3 to 7.3 on cisco 7940?
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14:32.46*** part/#asterisk telme (
14:32.51Corydon76-home"Whaddya mean, I can't LIST the TFTP directory?"
14:32.56vaewynCorydon76-home: worked fine for me... connect... get... exit
14:33.29vaewynwell.. that I knew already... tftp doesn't support that
14:33.29djinCorydon76-home, yes that's TFTP
14:33.33vaewynget put... that is about it
14:33.33djinjust PUT and GET stuff.
14:33.36Corydon76-homedjin: Yah, I know... first impressions last...
14:33.51*** join/#asterisk MasterYoda (
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14:34.41vaewynnow to see if I can get this WIP-5000 to upgrade it's firmware
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14:35.00Abbas_can we configure LinkSys PaP2  or Cisco ATA 186 to make IP tp IP calls  by dialing te other device IP only?
14:35.14karmanCorydon76-home, the signaling is loop start. but how does this send the dialled number?
14:35.16*** join/#asterisk mAsH` (
14:35.19mAsH`hi all
14:35.23ManxPwrAbbas_, That would be up to the SIP device!
14:35.28karmanCorydon76-home, do i need to use E&M?
14:35.30RoyK~nickometer mAsH`
14:35.30jbot'mAsH`' is 66.000% lame, royk
14:35.31Corydon76-homekarman: it doesn't
14:35.49Corydon76-homeYou don't get DNIS on Loopstart lines
14:35.50Abbas_ManxPwr    i have cisco ATA-186  and  Linksys PAP2 aswell
14:36.05ManxPwrAbbas_, Then you should be able to check the documentation for those devices.
14:36.18karmanCorydon76-home; and e&m lines?
14:36.25ManxPwrDialing by IP would bypass Asterisk.
14:36.27Abbas_ManxPwr  have u expereienced ever
14:36.42Corydon76-homeUgh, E&M... I hated having to use E&M... use PRI instead
14:37.23Corydon76-homeI mean, if you're going to go for digital signal... at least use the best
14:37.38Abbas_ManxPwr   actually we wanna use it at the place  with no internet connectivity    they have VPN
14:38.02karmanCorydon76-home: can't, money issues.. need cheap solution. got tdm400p.. but do not know if this is even able to doe E&M. it works if set to it....
14:38.16ManxPwrAbbas_, What part of "read the documentation for the device" do you not understand?
14:38.34Corydon76-homekarman: well, then, you've already made your decision, then.
14:38.48ManxPwrkarman, I don't know of anyone using the TDM400P for analog E&M Wink.
14:39.08karmanCorydon76-home: umm.. not really...
14:39.24ManxPwrThe TDM400P is ANALOG ONLY, of course.
14:39.39Corydon76-homekarman: I'm leaving anyway.  Talk to the channel.
14:39.47karmanCorydon76-home: thanks!!
14:40.20bjohnsonhaving a little trouble understanding CID here.  If I answer a call and get CID, do I lose it if I goto a different context?
14:40.41ManxPwrbjohnson, no.
14:40.43|Vulture|bjohnson: not unless you pass new CID
14:40.54karmanManxPwr: what is the options of sending DID info over anolog? the only one found thus far is E&M
14:40.55bjohnsonmaybe that's my problem
14:41.07ManxPwrkarman, There are really no real options for that.
14:41.41karmanManxPwr: mmmm.... stupid then... pbx able to do it.. but asterisk not.. funny.
14:41.49ManxPwrkarman, Correct.
14:41.58ManxPwrAsterisk has SIGNIFICANT limitations.
14:42.16ManxPwrkarman, You could prolly hack something togather with your LEC.
14:42.20karmanManxPwr: ok, back to drawing board.. need to learn how to detect hangups on fxs channels then.. aarrghhh
14:42.20RoyKManxPwr: thinking of what?
14:42.53ManxPwrkarman, Um, a hangup on an fxs channel is a hangup.
14:43.11ManxPwrit's FXOs that you have to worry about.
14:43.16bjohnsonif I set a var and another call comes in that setvar's the same var, does the first get overwritten or does it call get it's own var space?
14:43.35ManxPwrbjohnson, only if you SetGlovalVar
14:43.42ManxPwrSetVar is local to the current channel.
14:43.45karmanManxPwr: not this case... this thing only plays sounds. not any singalling changes.. and sounds to long for busy detect
14:44.08ManxPwrkarman, Asterisk FXS -> PBX FXO?
14:44.26karmanManxPwr: umm.. i think i'm confusing myself here.. let me check again
14:45.17karmanManxPwr: Asterisk fxs---> pbx
14:45.29bjohnsonyeah.  I have SPA 3ks that keep calling back into my * system
14:45.38karmanManxPwr: that config gives hangup issues
14:45.40mAsH`anyone can help me wrecording a conversation?
14:45.50ManxPwrAnd when the PBX hangs up asterisk should see it just fine.
14:46.00ManxPwrIt's Asterisk FXO -> PBX FXS that can cause problems.
14:46.04bjohnsonin my case * sees the hangup and hangs up
14:46.14bjohnsonbut the fxo reinitiates an incoming call
14:46.17karmanManxPwr: NOPE.. just beeps, beeps.
14:46.38bjohnsonManxPwr: that's what I have
14:46.43ManxPwrkarman, There is only so much Asterisk can do to handle terribly broken PBX portsd.
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14:46.55karmanManxPwr: LOL!!
14:47.05Darwin35yes the for fbsd rocks
14:47.18karmanManxPwr: it works fine if i use the fxo on asterisk..
14:47.23ManxPwrWehn an FXO port hangs up it hangs up.  Simple as that.  Just like hanging up a phone.
14:47.43karmanManxPwr: but then i can't DID.
14:48.09ManxPwrkarman, Give up.  Asterisk is not a good solution for your requirements.
14:48.26ManxPwrIf you change your requirements then you should reconsider Asterisk.
14:48.44karmanManxPwr: well.. its working, the only thing its rining at switchboard. so she has to transfer to correct extension
14:49.08ManxPwrkarman, It's not working if it doesn't do what you want it to do.
14:49.31karmanManxPwr: True.. but if you look at cost of other systems.. ITS WORKING!!
14:49.55JerJerdefine working
14:49.57ManxPwrkarman, Other systems do not have broken FXO ports.
14:50.30ManxPwrBut your PBX has broken BPX ports.
14:50.44ManxPwrIt's suprizing it even works with just your PBX and your telco.
14:50.52karmanManxPwr: nope, pbx working as it should..
14:51.03ManxPwrkarman, then it should work with Asterisk.
14:51.59ManxPwrkarman, But you really can't do much until you know EXACTLY how the telco delivers the DID to Asterisk.
14:52.40karmanManxPwr: if you go and think about it: fxo on the pbx side will thing the fxs on asterisk is normal telephone ie, human.. so will play sound to human that other human hang up the line
14:52.53ManxPwrNO NO NO!
14:53.03ManxPwrThe FXO port on the PBX will think Asterisk is a normal telephone LINE.
14:53.35ManxPwrFXO port = expects to hear dialtone and expects to receive ring voltage.
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14:53.49ManxPwrFXS port = expects to PROVIDE dialtone and provide ring voltage.
14:53.53karmanManxPwr: think we talking about device, nog signaling(or what ever)
14:54.05*** part/#asterisk st4vs (~root@
14:54.42ManxPwrSo you plug an asterisk port that provides dialtone into a PBX port that expects to hear dialtone.
14:54.44karmanManxPwr: yup.. talking wrong way round.. i was looking at configs:
14:55.03ManxPwrkarman, I can't help you if you don't know the correct terms to use.
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14:55.34karmani know correct terms..
14:56.07ManxPwrkarman, So you are plugging Asterisk (sends dialtone) port -> PBX (expects dialtone) port?
14:56.21bjohnsonkarman: are you trying to send the incoming DID to the fxs for the PBX to display somehow?
14:57.57bjohnsonif so, here's what I was thinking of doing: preppend a number or char to the CID so that the person answering can see where it is coming from and who is calling in one string
14:57.57karmanManxPwr: yes.. Asterisk dialtone(fxoks=1) into PBX, co line.
14:58.18ManxPwrkarman, Then Asterisk should see when the pbx hangs up the line.
14:58.21karmanthat part is working fine for hangups
14:58.46ManxPwrSo what's the hangup problem?
14:58.56karmanwhen configured as: asterisk (fxsks=4) to pbx extension, then problem
14:59.04ManxPwrkarman, That won't work well.
14:59.14JerJerAsterisk should be the 'telco'
14:59.16karmanthe latter i can do "did: dialing, seeing that i'm just dialing internal extension.
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14:59.21ManxPwrYou will have hangup problems.
14:59.53ManxPwrkarman, Obviously your CO ports can do DID or it would not work when you had the telco directly plugged into the PBX.
15:00.12bjohnsonhang up problems on a fxo device connected to a PBX ATA (ie fxs) port?
15:00.15karmannever had telco into that coline.
15:00.19ManxPwrkarman, You already know that "asterisk (fxsks=4) to pbx extension" does NOT work.
15:00.49ManxPwrkarman, What brand of PBX?
15:01.01karmanlg 162
15:01.09ManxPwrnever heard of it.
15:01.19jsolaresthe first thing you should do is....
15:01.24jsolaresthrow that into the garbage :X
15:01.46ManxPwrkarman, How were your DID lines connected into the PBX?
15:02.37karmanok , lets get back to original question... what is the way of doing DID.. i need to find out what card is needed in PBx. We never used DID
15:02.53karmanbut, as far as i can see, the pabx can do e&m wink by default
15:03.05karmanthus: it should work on normal coline card.
15:04.19ManxPwrkarman, You are trying to do two different projects at once.
15:04.21a1fafwd is ok
15:05.34karmanok.. so if you would do DID on anolog lines.. how would you go about it?
15:06.34jsolareshow many lines?
15:06.55ManxPwrkarman, I wouldn't do analog DID lines.  Our telco charges us the same for analog and digital lines.
15:07.18karmanhehe.. this is ZA.. voip is only been legal for 3 weeks.
15:07.38jsolaresstill, how many lines
15:07.42karman80 lines.
15:07.48jsolaresall analog?
15:07.55karmanbut this is not telco issue
15:07.56bjohnsonManxPwr: my problem against digital is quantity .. not worth it for 3 lines
15:08.05karmani not even interfacing with telco .
15:08.11karmanthis us purely internal
15:08.16ManxPwrI would do fake DID.  Call -> Asterisk IVR -> PBX CO port going into an IVR where Asterisk can dial the required extension.
15:08.32jsolaresso you want to replace the pbx?
15:08.41karmannope.. not replace..
15:08.48karmanjust make interbranch calls over voip
15:08.52jsolaresthen i dont get what you're trying to do
15:09.05karmanManxPwr: mmm. need to see if PBX can do that..
15:09.08jsolareshow many concurrent calls do you want to do?
15:09.32jsolaresthen connect one of the pbx extension into a fxo port on the asterisk
15:09.44bjohnsonkarman: on my pbx it's under call attendant and DISA
15:09.53jsolaresi have that set up right now, altho only for testing, and its an avaya pbx
15:09.59karmanjsolares: i did.. hangup problems
15:10.07ManxPwrkarman, no you didn't.
15:10.17jsolaresi thought you connected the extension to fxs
15:10.27ManxPwrbjohnson, just said plug asterisk into the PBX CO port and you already told us that does not have hangup problems.
15:10.28karmanjsolares: i did both
15:10.30jsolaresconnect it to the red module on the card you did?
15:10.48bjohnsonManxPwr: actually, you said it.  I concur that it makes senses
15:11.17jsolareswhat's a pbx co port? i still am green when it comes to terms in telephony
15:11.18karmanbjohnson: dont we just love the confusion that fxo/fxs can create ;-)
15:11.30bjohnsonkarman: what kind of fxs and fxo units are you using?  can you monitor line voltage?
15:11.32jsolaresthe red module is fxo on your card :p
15:11.48jsolaresbjohnson: afaik digium ones
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15:12.05karmanbjohnson: tdm400p one red.. one green..
15:12.05bjohnsonmy SPA 3000 has helped me solve a couple of problems because you can monitor line voltage
15:12.28bjohnsonkarman: maybe the PBX isn't doing a big enough change in voltage to signal a drop
15:12.48jsolaresi need to monitor line voltage, either the avaya pbx is screwed up sending me phantom calls every 15mins, or the digium card is too sensitive to voltage changes
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15:13.11karmanbjohnson: i connect to co line on pbx (the one expectin dialtone) it works fine for hangups, but DID not working (YET)
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15:13.51karmanbjohnson: when connecting to extension on pbx (the one giving dialtone) it does not detect dialtones, but "DID" works
15:14.15karmanbjohnson: i should rather call DID as : dial the extension that originator dialed
15:14.21bjohnsonI used my SPA 3000 for 2 problems.  1. one telco termination was reversed wired (so positive voltage instead of negative) and 2. an fxo hooked into a data/fax/phone switch wasn't getting enough variation in the line voltage (was configurable on the SPA)
15:14.44*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (~sudhir@
15:14.46sudhir492hi all
15:14.50bjohnsonkarman: I on't know what you mean by DID not working yet.  Can you explain that more?
15:15.02znoI'm having a call parking problem: whenever i transfer someone to my parking extension 700, I don't get the park extensions read back to me, it says Playing 'digits/7' (language 'en')  WARNING[12204]: file.c:550 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
15:15.28znowhen I call my parking extension, I get the parked extension read back to me fine
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15:15.50karmanbjohnson: well, my first questin was: how to do DID on anolog lines... the only why i can think of is e&m wink.. but i do not know if digium cards is abnle to do this
15:16.03bjohnsonyeah .. I saw that
15:16.06bjohnsonwhat do you mean
15:16.17bjohnson"how to do DID on anolog lines"
15:16.26bjohnsona DID is a phone number correct?
15:16.36jsolaresyou hook up the telco analog line to the fxo and off you go
15:16.45karmanlet me give you my complete config.:
15:17.02Nuggethere comes the paste, brace yourself guys.
15:17.09karmanpbx ---> asterisk -- IP ---> asterisk ---> pbx
15:17.24jsolareskick the pbx until it works
15:17.29karmanso, the one pbx picks up, dial 9 (to get dialtone which is asterisk)
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15:17.39gabb0a ball bat is often effective too
15:17.50bjohnsonhere is mine:  telco analog line <-> SPA fxo <-> * <-> SPA fxs <-> Nortel analog line in (fxo)
15:17.53karmanthen asterisk wait for dtmf from the caller, then calls the other asterisk box.
15:18.19karmanie dial/iax2 exten 109
15:18.30karmanother asterisk dial zap/g2/109
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15:19.13jsolaresyou dont need fxs on asterisk for that, just a pbx that works with fxo
15:19.18gabb0jsolares said kick the pbx until it works, I find a bat more effective
15:19.46karmanthe problems comes in that the pbx then dials tha swb, for it does not see the number dialed (109)
15:19.55karmanswb = switchboard
15:20.02jsolaresdid you configure the zaptel to use the tones from your country?
15:20.32karmantones for my country.. bwwahhaahaa.. this is ZA..
15:20.47bjohnsonkarman: so you are trying to directly dial a specific internal extensions from the pbx CO in line?  Do any pbx allow that?  mine doesn't unless you authenticate
15:21.16karmanbjohnson: that is exactley it.
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15:21.23karmanbut authenticate?
15:21.51ariel_karman, put in the zapata.conf under the port your connecting to the pbx relaxdtmf=yes
15:22.44karmani think i should go about the easy rout.. ivr, and do dial(zap/g1/exten, D(109))
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15:23.05karmanthanks all for you insights...
15:23.16bjohnsonkarman: on mine .. to dial an internal extension from an incoming call you first have to config the pbx to answer that line and wait for the extension to be dialed.  Typically that is done with an authentication password.  On my system that is called using auto-attendant and getting DISA access
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15:24.05bjohnsonie .. have you confirmed your pbx is answering the call and allowing the caller to dial an extension?
15:24.11karmanbjohnson: this one is same for DISA...., but DID should not work in that manner
15:24.31karmanbjohnson: pbx not answering then waiting for extension...
15:24.44karmanbjohnson: i was hopeing not to go that route
15:25.04bjohnsonI don't understand at all what you mean by DID then.
15:25.08[TK]D-FenderGot a problem starting * could use a hand.  I just compiled * without PRI/ZAP and on load it whines about not having PGSQL or ODBC (both are technically installed) and I'd rather it just use the CSV CDR's.  those 2 warning are the last thing I see before it dumps me back to the shell.  Any hints?
15:25.43karmanthe normal meaning for DID is: you have say 4 anolog lines.. all in hunting group. you have say 10 numbers that will hunt on the 4 lines
15:26.10karmanwhen someone dials one of these 10 numbers, it will take the first available line (of the 4)
15:26.24karmanthe telco then provides the "dialed number"
15:26.39karmanthe pbx then knows that theat dialed number maps to inernal extension
15:26.46karmanthen auto routes it
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15:27.23tzangerholy shit
15:27.28tzangerF*1 works wiht norstar
15:27.29jsolaresbut you want to be able to call extensions from one branch to the other using voip
15:27.51jsolaresi think it all boils down to this, your current lg pbx's suck :p
15:27.54dsmouseterrapen: ping?
15:28.01bjohnsonI, for one, did not know you meant direct inward dialing everytime you said DID
15:28.21stevekstevekwhat else would DID stand for?
15:28.22karmanbjohnsonL: sorry ;-(
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15:28.37jbotrumour has it, did is Direct Inward Dialing
15:28.47bjohnsonstevekstevek: buy a DID, people dial it, the call comes into *
15:28.59jsolaresthat's the same
15:29.06stevekstevekyes, same meaning.
15:29.23stevekstevekbut, I guess they mean some kind of origination service providing DID...
15:29.47FocusRitedoes anyone have experience using asterisk with pika boards (if it works with pika gear that is) ?
15:29.51karmanstevekstevek: originatin service in this case is asterisk
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15:30.51bjohnsonwouldn't you just dial into the pbx like a regular phone number then?
15:30.58karmanps: how do one debug zap channels: like to see if sending dtmf etc.
15:31.21karmanbjohnson: yes.. i would. on digital systems its there already
15:31.31karmanbjohnson: but this is analog....
15:31.37bjohnsonor .. like you would be dialing to a telco through a SIP device
15:31.50bjohnsonso the fxs ports do not support that?
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15:32.09ariel_karman, wait just lets do this in your context that the inbound zap port put exten => s,1,NoOp(${DNIS}) to see what is being sent.
15:32.34karmanariel_: i'm not receiving call by asterisk,.. i'm making the call...
15:32.45karmanbjohnson: i really wont know.
15:33.09ariel_karman, your going from your lg pbx to asterisk then via voip to other asterisk correct?
15:33.13karmanbjohnson: if someone out ther is able to tell me this..
15:33.27karmanariel_, yes, but then to another lg pbx.
15:33.44karmanpbx * --* pbx
15:33.45yashaxIs it me or is down?
15:35.27ariel_yashax, humm I was just on there site a few minutes ago. let me check.
15:36.43ariel_yashax, there web site is down but not there network.
15:37.07yashaxthank you...
15:37.20yashaxDoes anyone have any experience or use one of the following services:,, - I am trying to find an inexpensive and reliable termination for *.  I would love any comments. as well
15:38.06jsolaresi've had nufone for a week, and so far it's good
15:38.15ariel_karman, ok lets see your able to go from lg1 to asteisk then at the asterisk it is able to go to the 2nd asterisk. But that one is not able to go to the 2nd lg?
15:38.18bjohnsonyashax: try them all
15:38.26jsolaresif you only want to make one call at a time, perhaps broadvoice is more for you
15:38.36bjohnsonyashax: voipjet is also popular
15:38.58jsolaresif you want to make multiple calls then i'd recommend nufone, and i'm currently in the process of acquiring an account at
15:39.05bjohnsonIMO the choice to use broadvoice depends on your call volume
15:39.10Zeeekwho has ploycomm phones?
15:39.20bjohnsonto sell?
15:39.29karmanariel_: able to go to second pbx.. but DID not working
15:39.35Zeeekwhat is the biggest diff between the ip500 and 600 beides # of lines
15:39.36bjohnsonor to give you user feedback
15:39.56ariel_In my view voipjet is good but has problems with callerID and being able to send faxes, VPC is working for me just fine. And so si Nufone works for outbound ld as well.
15:40.03Zeeek$100 more for 600 - why is it [not] worth it
15:40.09ManxPwrSometimes users REALLY piss me off.
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15:40.22Zeeekthere are no users - only non-admins
15:40.25bjohnsonManxPwr: I find that hard to imagine
15:40.29ariel_karman, so your did is dropping between the 2nd asterisk and the 2nd pbx.
15:40.37Zeeekbjohnson you have any?
15:40.46bjohnsonZeeek: no
15:40.46ManxPwrariel_, I refuse to use VoipJet because of their nasty messages on the -biz mailing list about other VoIP companies.
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15:41.09karmanariel_: wont say dropping.. i just dont know how to do it over anolog lines
15:41.28ariel_ManxPwr, great to know. I am no longer using them due to there callerID problems.
15:41.35ManxPwrbjohnson, I told the customer that they should give every agent a DID number and have that DID handle both voice and fax for that user.  They all hated the idea.  Now they have come up with the idea that each agent gets their own fax machine.
15:41.41moonboiis it possible to use meetme if only one pstn line on say a x100p  or do i need PRI's to do so ?
15:42.08ManxPwrmooboi, You can use meetme with VoIP only, as long as you have a zaptel device.
15:42.10Qwellmooboi: How are you getting calls?  PSTN?
15:42.17ariel_mooboi, just one pstn line will only give you one call. others are via voip then.
15:42.52moonboity for the info
15:42.56moonboifrom pstn i recieve
15:43.10bjohnsonManxPwr: I don't understand the difference
15:43.47yashaxso with you can only make 1 call at a time?
15:43.49ManxPwrbjohnson, There isn't really a difference.
15:43.58jsolaresyashax: as far as i can tell, yes
15:44.02ManxPwrbjohnson, hence me being pissed off.
15:44.24bjohnsonyashax: it is unclear in most voip providers terms of service.  I think with bv they charge per minute for more than one concurrent call
15:45.09bjohnsonManxPwr: so .. they finally saw the brilliance emenating from you and have adopted your solution.
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15:45.31ManxPwrbjohnson, not really.  The came up with the idea after forgetting I suggested it in the first place.
15:46.08bjohnsonthey likely don't realize it's the same thing.
15:46.43bjohnsonyou're suggested focused on incoming while their suggestion focused on outgoing
15:46.54bjohnsonman .. bad grammar
15:46.58bjohnsonand spelling
15:47.18yashaxWould it make any difference as far as choosing a provider if I want to make both, local & long distance?
15:47.40bjohnsonkind of
15:48.12bjohnsonit depends if any providers you are looking at have any kind of package that even refers to local calling
15:48.22jsolaresby local and long distance do you mean whitin the us?
15:48.35bjohnsonlocal vs long distance is typically no difference to voip providers
15:48.42qiuhi ... does anyone use asterisk with gnugk in proxy mode ?
15:48.51yashaxyes in US only
15:48.54qiuthe call to be initiated from asterisk
15:49.29jsolaresyashax: yeah most providers only differentiate alaska and hawaii
15:49.37jsolaresthe others are same rate
15:49.46bjohnsonyashax: I think the ones you mentioned do not make a distinction between local and long distance calls
15:49.54yashaxyeah... sorry for confusion. I notice that it is very common for * boxes to route the local calls via POTS and long distance via VOIP, but I would like to do both via VOIP
15:50.09bjohnsoncertainly possible
15:50.17jsolaresbroadvoice has a 9.95 unlimited in-state plan
15:50.29bjohnsonI use voip as a backup outgoing for local calls if my pots are busy
15:50.37yashaxbut I absolutely have to have more than one call at a time...
15:51.03bjohnsonyashax: 1. inquire at BV
15:51.04jsolaresyashax: then livevoip seems the cheapest at 0.012$ per minute compared to nufone's 0.020$
15:51.06BrianR___Aparently there's some bug with the festival module which causes asterisk to hang the machine if running with realtime priority :(
15:51.08jsolaresthat too
15:51.20bjohnson2. consider volume of calling and decide if pay-as-you go is cheaper
15:51.23jsolaresi'm using festival with text2wave :D
15:51.39BrianR___jsolares: Is it reliable?
15:51.41vaewynlivevoip is cheaper... but nufone is still more stable...
15:51.45^Fenriscan I tell if I have a dial tone on a POTS line that I have connected to *?
15:51.46yashaxbjohnson: sorry...BV?
15:51.48vaewynpick your poison
15:51.50jsolaresso far so good
15:51.56bjohnsonyashax: broadvoice
15:52.15yashaxk... but someone said that it is 1 call max at a time?
15:52.33bjohnsonyashax: 1. inquire at BV
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15:52.43yashaxabout it... got it..
15:52.45jsolaresi said that, but there's conflicting info out there, so do as bjohnson
15:52.46BrianR___I think the festival server is busted too. It winds up using 100% CPU...
15:53.17jsolaresi dont even start the festival server :D, text2wave and the perl script on the wiki rules
15:53.29sudhir492my asterisk just core dumped :-(
15:53.40bjohnsonany voip provider can limit how many concurrent channels you can use.  That max number changes from provider to provider .. you have to ask
15:54.02bjohnsonyashax: once you have a definite answer .. post it on the wiki
15:54.04BrianR___I'm wondering why the machine gets hung when asterisk runs as realtime though. It's as if the festival daemon is somehow inheriting realtime priority from the asterisk server, which seems completely impossible.
15:54.22yashaxWill do....
15:56.27jsolaresodd my brother called canada using nufone yesterday evening and still hasnt showed up on their cdr
15:58.28bjohnsonhey .. where would be a good place on the wiki to post some info about the (sixtel) service?
15:58.39bjohnsonI'm kind of surprised they don't already have stuff there
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15:59.55Firebird_Hi, Is there anyone her ewho can help me with a problem of audio quality using the monitor application ?
15:59.59ManxPwrbjohnson, there's a voip serv\ice provider page
16:02.07Firebird_guess everybody sleeping... ZZzzzzzzz
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16:02.33benno2do you think an analog modem connection  (laptop) -> sipura spa 2000 -> * -> ISDN card will work ?
16:02.58benno2basically all I need is to dial a local ISP over the PSTN (not over a voip provider to pstn)
16:03.09*** part/#asterisk karman (~karman@
16:03.34benno2the local LAN is not loaded at all so I guess the packet loss rate is near zero and since I'm using uncompressed g711 it should work right ?
16:04.16mikegrbwhy ask, just try
16:05.15^Fenrisdo or do not, there is no try
16:06.14ZeeekManxPwr what phones do you use/like?
16:07.37Zeeekbesides Cisco
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16:08.30tzangerbjohnson: what kind of info
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16:10.28yashaxGuys, Just done talking to Broadvoice - signing up. They do NOT provide instructions for configuring * with their service.  Will someone, please, be able to walk me through the necessary config to make it work?
16:10.54Zeeektry the ml
16:11.03tzangeryashax: out of curiosity, why are you using them if they're so unhelpful?
16:11.22ZeeekBV specific problems have been discussed on the ML
16:11.28SamoiedHow to wait for digits in zap channel?
16:11.34SamoiedI have used WaitExten
16:11.39LittleRobbieyashax: i saw a good thread on setting them up in the asterisk-users archives... link coming...
16:11.53SamoiedBut this not give the signal
16:12.46yashaxthank you... so some of you saying that BV is not so good? (Zeek)
16:12.48*** join/#asterisk heison (
16:13.03ZeeekI'm not as I never used them
16:13.06LittleRobbieyas hax:
16:13.21ZeeekBV has SPECIFIC issues with asterisk
16:13.36tzangerI just want to know why you'd use them if they're so difficult to work with
16:13.40LittleRobbiethat thread describes a problem with a certain int'l dial plan, but good results overall
16:13.48*** join/#asterisk zipp (
16:14.07Firebird_Who can tell me why I have a very bad quality in the audio file resulting from a monitoring ?
16:14.20yashaxok thank you.. I will give it a try and cancel if the service is unacceptable
16:14.30LittleRobbienow that I have done *my* good deed for the day, could someone help me out with zaptel on sparc?
16:14.48jsolaresanyone have experience with vario hardware?
16:15.29zippanyone having intermittent outage issues with nufone, i.e. "the person you are trying to reach is not available" msgs when calling inbound 8XX number?
16:15.39zippit works about 30% of the time
16:15.39Darwin35yes g729 on fbsd rocks
16:16.20|Vulture|has anyone devised a php/sql interface to recording calls on *?
16:16.29jsolareszipp: do you have callerid set to a "real" phone number?
16:16.46yashaxStill have the same question, if possible. Will someone be able to please give me a hand in configuring the BV account with *?
16:16.59zoaDarwin35: you got it from digium >
16:17.00zippjsolares, this is inbound, I am calling my nufone number from a cell phone
16:18.04Zeeekyashax someone just went to the trouble of giving a link to read
16:18.05zippjsolares, this is on 2 seperate systems at 2 seperate data centers, both work fine with voicepulse connect...
16:18.19jsolaresah, no idea then...
16:18.46Zeeekzipp is callerid blocked by any chance?
16:18.48LittleRobbieyes, yas, read the link i posted... it has snips from sip.conf and extensions.conf.
16:18.50heisoni'm experiencing problem with iaxtel... i can make outgoing calls but can't seem to accept calls, people get "user not registered", sounds like my register line in iax.conf isn't working, but iax2 show registry does show Registered. And my registration to Nufone works just fine... any clue?
16:18.54yashaxsorry.. but I thought that link describe the problem with the BV and not the instructions. I am sorry if I missed the other correct link?
16:19.13yashaxDid I miss something? sorry..
16:19.25whuihi heison
16:19.45LittleRobbieso, anyway, anybody know of anybody using zaptel on a sparc?
16:19.52LittleRobbiebesides me that is?
16:20.06BrianR___g729 really sounds like ass...
16:20.12yashaxZeek: for setup instuctions?
16:20.33zoalittlerobbie: does it work for you ?
16:22.14bjohnsonManxPwr: the listings of voip providers on the wiki are confusing.  In practice there is no distinction between residential and commercial or division by country .. but I guess you have to start somewhere
16:23.03bjohnsontzanger: info like .. will forward to a pstn number if they are unable to contact you, they agree your DID number from them is tranferrable to other service providers
16:23.18tzangerbjohnson: nice
16:23.23tzangerstevekstevek: depends on the input
16:23.24LittleRobbieewll, in a word, no.  zaptel and wcfxo load, but the x100p does not seem to initialize properly and ztcfg fails.  plus the system sort of "freaks out"
16:23.25Beirdoyou need a demonstration, stevekstevek?
16:23.36Beirdoeat some chili
16:24.56bjohnsonyashax: I think someone even updated a wiki page for bv configuration
16:25.04BrianR___Anyone know where I can find a table of how many X a given codec runs on a given CPU?
16:25.10LittleRobbiei had posted to the asterisk-dev list and actually got a couple bites... suggestion was to bring it up heer as there was rumor of solairs-sparc successes
16:25.30mikegrbbjohnson: a database with all that info is being created
16:25.43mikegrbbjohnson: see the asterisk-biz archives
16:25.48BrianR___like how many g729's vs how many gsm's vs. how many speex's?
16:26.03*** join/#asterisk ayzee (
16:26.23bjohnsonBeirdo had chili for lunch yesterday
16:26.26*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (~Mike_@
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16:26.43mikegrbbjohnson: no, he had spaghetti o's
16:26.48mikegrbbjohnson: at mi casa
16:27.13Beirdothat was good chili
16:28.00zoabrianR, wait a little more
16:28.02zoawe are making that
16:28.08zoasome results can be found on
16:28.34*** join/#asterisk Frantic (
16:28.46Mike_TKHello, Small question. What's estimated time of sending g729 license key after payment?
16:28.50zoa1 day ?
16:29.04BrianR___zoa: Aah.
16:29.40*** join/#asterisk visik7 (
16:30.16BrianR___zoa: I'm using the experimental G729 codec. But for deployment I want to use GSM or a licensed g729 codec. Unfortunately the digium g729 codec has an annoying activation scheme which may be incompatible with our availability requirements.
16:30.49BrianR___It seems that only a few sip hardphones support compressed codecs other than g729.
16:31.11ariel_BrianR___, have you tried g726
16:31.14zoathe digium g729 codec will be compatible
16:31.41zoaand if its not, they will make it compatible for your weird os
16:31.59zoaim sure
16:31.59BrianR___zoa: Doesn't the codec refuse to work if you need to change ethernet cards and your internet connection is down?
16:32.02zoathey are nice guys
16:32.17zoai think so yes
16:32.23BrianR___Yeah.. That's a problem..
16:32.26zoabut it might be that you can recycle them
16:32.32BrianR___ariel_: Which hardphone shave g726?
16:32.39zoawell the other option is a big lawsuit
16:32.58BrianR___zoa: I haven't actually bought any hardphones yet, so the other option might be gsm :)
16:33.03zoabesides this, the quality of the g729 y digium will be better
16:33.08BrianR___Or i could fix the asterisk g729 passthru mode...
16:33.10zoathe gsm is only on snoms i think
16:33.14ariel_BrianR___, supura do
16:33.14zoawhich are very good
16:33.22zoaaha so sipura and snom
16:33.29BrianR___I like the look of the snom phones - they seem solid.
16:33.35*** join/#asterisk Pinhole (
16:33.48ariel_sipura has g726
16:34.08PinholeWhen using SIP with *, how do I get * to www-authenticate?
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16:34.28PinholeIt should do that on register, but it doesn't
16:34.37znosnoms are nice
16:35.05zippanyone have any comments on the hitachi WIP-5000?
16:35.06ariel_I wish more phones out there would use gsm
16:35.19zippariel_, I wish more phones out there would use iax2
16:35.24sudhir492is there a way to limit a dial command to say 5 minutes of talk time?
16:35.35chipuxzipp: hmm. Ive been pondering ordering one..
16:35.44ariel_zipp, yes but that is not going to happen any time soon
16:36.04zippariel_, yea, notice farfon...
16:36.09chipuxzipp: they look nice.. but I haven't heard many first hand accounts :-/
16:36.18zoasudhir492: there is read the manual
16:36.23zippchipux, half the price of the cisco
16:36.34sudhir492zoa: thats what I am doing right now.
16:36.50Pinholesudhir492: look for absoulte timeout
16:36.52sudhir492zoa: having difficulty in finding that one. Maybe my asterisk is old
16:37.35zippis sipura > budgetone??
16:37.41zippI have a few budgetone
16:38.04ariel_sudhir492, lookup absolutetimeout
16:39.36loudyashax, kinda late but,
16:39.36ariel_zipp, the Sipura-841 is about 85 dollars and mine is working just fine.
16:40.00*** join/#asterisk numBone (
16:40.01zoayeah its only in there in the last few months
16:40.05zoamaybe 6 months or so
16:40.14yashaxloud: You GENIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!
16:40.26loudpatch is included in the latest asterist stable. no need to apply it. :)
16:40.35yashaxThank YOU!
16:40.43loudyou are welcome.
16:40.53|Vulture|yashax: they misspelled proxy.mia.broadvoice on there... watch out
16:40.53*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
16:41.01yashaxI am using asterisk@home, latest version - do you know if the patch is in there?
16:41.20ariel_yashax, yes
16:41.59PinholeIs there a way of making asterisk authenticate sip peers when they register?
16:42.05yashaxthank you guys.. will let you know when it is, hopefully, working as to how...
16:42.59zoaPinhole: they do by default
16:43.44Pinholezoa, no, they don't.   watch the packets.  there is no WWW-Authenticate headers.
16:44.04Pinholethus I am probably missing something.
16:44.12*** join/#asterisk bobx (
16:45.05Mike_TKSo, noone knows how much time sending a license key for g729 will take after payment?
16:46.06loud4, 5 hours.
16:46.36*** join/#asterisk jero (~SFLphone@
16:47.40jerohey, can I plug a digium quad-T1 card on a dell server that has PCI-X or PCI-express slots ?
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16:48.23human39morning folks, has anybody ordered a sipura IP phone?
16:48.42ariel_yashax, is backup for there webs.
16:48.50tzangerjero: is PCIX/PCIe hardware compatible with PCI 2.2 (5v or 3v)?
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16:48.59jerotzanger, I have no idea
16:49.16pimpwellwhats the cheapest message recording company?
16:49.24tzangerjero: find that answer and you'll find your answer.  :-)
16:49.25jerotzanger, the only servers I can find now are pcix or pcie
16:49.28pimpwellI don't even like Allison anyway
16:49.32pcmpimpwell: that would be yourself :)
16:49.32moonboiwhat is the cheapest FXS for asterisk ? i want to connect an analog phone to my existing setup on a shoestring ....
16:49.35tzangerjero: actually just ask Dell
16:49.52coppicetzanger" PCI-X goes in the 66MHz 64 bit slots, so its always 3.3V. PCIe has completely different slots
16:49.55pimpwellI sound like I'm from brooklyn
16:50.11jeroarent you ?
16:50.13moonboistraight from tha sewa !
16:50.13jsolaresi have _1NXXNXXXXXX in extension for calling in the US, would a _1800NXXXXXX be matched before the other one?
16:50.19pimpwellI am
16:50.52jerocoppice: so you mean a digium 3.3v card will fit in a pci-x slot ?
16:50.56jeroand work
16:50.58pcmpimpwell: patch the voice through voice modulation :)
16:50.59bjohnsonjsolares: we have no way to tell
16:51.15pimpwellI'll just hire a stripper for cheap
16:51.16pimpwellfuck it
16:51.17pimpwellthx guys
16:51.20*** part/#asterisk pimpwell (
16:51.21bjohnsonjsolares: there is a wiki page about pattern matching order .. basically use includes
16:51.33jeroPCI-X 2.0: High Performance, Backward Compatible PCI for the Future
16:51.36jsolareshrm meh, livevoip charges for 1800 but nufone doesnt, so i want to make outbounds go with livevoip but 800's with nufone
16:51.41jsolaresbjohnson: k thanks... i'll go look
16:51.42qiuhi gays ... i need some help with an phone=SIP=asterisk=gnugk=destination
16:51.51coppicethe PCI-X slots throttle back if a 33MHz card is plugged in
16:52.11bjohnsonjsolares: btw .. problems with that plan if you are from Canada
16:52.12qiui heve in asterisk the next error :
16:52.13qiuchannel.c:2115 ast_channel_make_compatible: No path to translate from SIP/
16:52.23qiuapp_dial.c:1007 dial_exec: Had to drop call because I couldn't make SIP
16:52.27jsolaresi'm not from canada
16:52.31*** join/#asterisk BuckRogers (
16:52.32bjohnsonand with that ,  I bid adeiu
16:52.33tzangerthe only thing I don't like about my DID is that the first second of audio is cut off
16:52.41tzangerif I Answer and then Background (silence/1) it works fine
16:52.52Connor-I've been having problems with asterisk becoming unregistered with one of my providers..  what do I need to look at?
16:52.56bkw_tzanger, that happens with all asterisk installs
16:52.59tzangerAnswer and Wait(1) does not, their DID provider is doing some kind of voice delay
16:53.01BuckRogershey has anyone configured *66
16:53.03tzangerbkw_: uh, no
16:53.05BuckRogersthe busy signal fix
16:53.06bkw_uh yes
16:53.07tzangerbkw_: my PRI DIDs don't do that
16:53.08bkw_I see it all the time
16:53.14bkw_ours does
16:53.22*** join/#asterisk _Brian (
16:53.23tzangerbkw_: you don't have echotraining turned on do you?
16:53.24bkw_its like aserisk sends audio before the channel is up all the way
16:53.32tzangerbkw_: hmm interesting
16:53.36BuckRogersim pulling my hair out trying to get my sip clients to work with it
16:53.36tzangersmells like a bug
16:53.41bkw_but then again I have a PRI in LA that doesn't
16:53.52bkw_so its very odd I tell ya
16:54.33_BrianMorning all.....does anyone know of a application with Asterisk that would allow me to stream the audio from a phone conversation (or meetme room) and allow it to be broadcast so that other parties can listen to the stream?
16:54.52*** join/#asterisk guugmember (~nachoramo@
16:55.12guugmemberhello guys, who has worked with the Varion V400P-E 4 Port E1 Digital Interface Card
16:55.29moonboiwhat is the cheapest FXS for asterisk ? i want to connect an analog phone to my existing setup on a shoestring ....
16:55.30_BrianDarwin35: but can icecast be setup to listen to a voice stream?
16:55.47BuckRogersgo with the digium
16:55.54Darwin35I believe it can
16:55.55BuckRogersu get great support
16:55.59mtqh_brain: search the wiki
16:56.00CleanerXwell, you can put it out to console, so you should get it out to icecast
16:56.05tzangermoonboi: cheap + VOIP don't often get good results
16:56.15mtqhTHere is an asterisk app for icecast
16:56.20BuckRogerstzanger i adgree
16:56.26BuckRogersgo with quality
16:56.36BuckRogersless trouble down the road
16:56.46moonboii alsoo agree tzanger, but im short on cash and need a cheap solution indeed
16:56.52Connor-bkw, you not talking to me anymore?
16:57.00moonboii tough of a sipura spa3000 maybe ...
16:57.01BuckRogersget your self an ATA
16:57.07_Brianmtqh: thanks....i looked real quick on the wiki.....i will keep looking ......
16:57.15BuckRogersthe 1001 will do the trick
16:57.20moonboia cheap ATA connector would do
16:57.26Hmmhesaysanyone know if call back should be written "call-back" "callback" or "call back" ?
16:57.32moonboiill check , ty
16:57.34BuckRogersor grand stream 286
16:57.36guugmemberis varion totally compatible with * ?
16:58.09BuckRogershas anyone configured *66 the busy signal fix with *
16:58.14xkevhmmhesays, I'd take option B or C, leaning to B
16:58.30Hmmhesaysyeah that's what I'm thinking
16:58.34tzangervery, very cool
16:58.44tzangerhookflash, dial extension, talk, hangup
16:58.49tzangeror hookflash for 3-way call
16:59.00BuckRogersjust got those working my self
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17:00.24BuckRogersSo any one ever get Automatic redial on busy or *66 working?
17:00.26Firebird_Anyone can explain me why I've got such a bad quality in monitor wav files ?
17:00.32BuckRogersi really could use some help
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17:02.17guugmemberno varion users in this channel?
17:02.25BuckRogersIve looked in the Wiki and no luck
17:02.45BuckRogersany administrators have any advice
17:03.25ionixu would have to do an AGI
17:03.42ionixi.e on busy, call an agi and offer the possibility to redial on busy
17:03.44BuckRogersThats what im having difaculty with
17:04.27BuckRogersive written agi's before but this is being stubborn
17:04.58Darwin35we neeed 1 gian extensions file that has all the options in it that you just urn on and off as you need them
17:05.10BuckRogersonce the busy number is ringing i need to bridge the two calls
17:05.32BuckRogersand have the origantor ring with a diffrent ring tone, the ring tone change i have covered
17:05.51tzangerIAX Packet 712 from circuit ids 7->3conflicts with earlier call with circuit ids 3->4
17:05.55PinholeBuckRogers, does the manager api have bridging functionality?
17:05.56tzangerfrom tethereal watching a call
17:05.59tzangerwtf does that mean
17:06.16BuckRogersasterisk manager?
17:06.25BuckRogersperl agi?
17:08.14*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
17:08.17BuckRogersgood start
17:08.19PinholeYou should be able to "originate" and then "transfer".
17:08.50Pinholephpagi has manager functions (cvs). I'm not sure if perl agi does.
17:09.20SamoiedI have a fxo port (digium) connected in PABX
17:09.33SamoiedI make calls for others phones connected in PABX
17:09.38Trionniscan someone point me in a direction to find out who actually provisioned an 800 number?
17:09.46Samoiedbut I want to dial 0,222222
17:09.57TrionnisI need to port one away from Vonage, but I'm going to have to side step them to do it :(
17:10.24tafazziAnybody using sip provider connected to an asterisk?
17:10.28|Vulture|Vonage will release a number?
17:10.30`SauronI forgot my phone bill at home
17:10.33|Vulture|good luck lol
17:10.33Trionnisthey won't
17:10.41Trionnisbut their PRI provider will
17:10.47SamoiedHow to i make a stop between numbers?
17:10.52|Vulture|haha how you going to do that?
17:11.21Trionnisvonage doesn't have to abide by the regs, but gblx/level3/et al. do
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17:11.36BuckRogersPinhole , thankyou ill get on it right away
17:12.02TrionnisI've already talked to an engineer at my new provider, and they claim to have done it, and able to do it if I can tell them who provisioned the number to vonage
17:12.11Trionniscan't hurt to try
17:12.25carsimHello I have a VoIP gateway with fxo ports and lan ports for IP Phones. I use gnugk to route IP Phone to IP Phone Calls and IP Phone to PSTN. my problem is i dont have an autoattendant...can i use asterisk to process all inbound calls from PSTN? i really need ur comment on this. thanks.
17:13.30BuckRogersyes you can we doit
17:13.53BuckRogersits all in the inbound out bound call settings
17:14.08BuckRogersim not the expert our head tech is
17:14.23BuckRogersand im sure some other places
17:14.29BuckRogersbut it is doable
17:14.36carsimdo i still need gnugk for this buck?
17:14.38BuckRogerslike pamala anderson
17:14.52BuckRogersi would just switch completely to asterisk
17:15.08BuckRogersif posssible
17:15.32carsimso asterisk is also a gatekeeper is that what ur saying buck?
17:15.45Trionnisno, it's the keymaster
17:16.04LittleRobbieno, that was rick moranis
17:16.27BuckRogerscould be
17:16.28*** part/#asterisk human39 (
17:16.30BuckRogersor client
17:16.38BuckRogersvery flexible
17:16.41BuckRogerslike a gymnist
17:16.50carsimok thanks....
17:16.50Trionnisare you wanting an IVR carsim?
17:16.58TrionnisIVR menu, that is
17:17.00jeroI really have callerID problems... Is that digiums fault?
17:17.00carsimyes i want an IVR
17:17.05Trionnisso make one :)
17:17.14BuckRogersProble not Jero
17:17.29Trionnischeck pm
17:17.34jeroI only get 1 of 10 callerID
17:17.34ManxPwrThis PA168 phone looks pretty cool, but the not ready for prime time.
17:17.35BuckRogerscheck your configs
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17:17.43jeroIm pretty sure my config is ok
17:17.57*** part/#asterisk Can0beans (
17:18.00BuckRogershave u called digium
17:18.11*** join/#asterisk Legend (
17:18.12BuckRogersthey are very good with support jero
17:18.13Legendis nufone donw?
17:18.23jeroBuckRogers, not yet
17:18.30BuckRogersGive em a ring
17:18.52BuckRogersthey may need to ssh into your machine
17:18.58vaewynLegend: working fine for me
17:19.06jeroIll consider this option, thanks BuckRogers
17:19.22BuckRogersno problemo
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17:22.17Hmmhesayswaiting for a phone call is the worst thing EVAR
17:23.07vaewynnonono... getting a phone call is the worst thing ever
17:24.25Hmmhesaysa phone call I missed yesterday
17:24.32Hmmhesaysbecause my drunk friend had my phone
17:25.08BuckRogersAhh the downfalls of the devils water
17:25.35vaewynno downfalls for me... :}  I just burn it or cook with it :}
17:26.14BuckRogerspenny ala vodka
17:26.31BuckRogerslemon chicken with a white wine sauce
17:26.54vaewynflamed white whine vinagrette
17:27.12BuckRogersfresh motsarella
17:27.22BuckRogerssliced with tomato
17:27.27vaewynall good
17:29.18*** join/#asterisk akrall (~akrall@
17:29.25akrallguys.. anybody configured their * for FWD using IAX2?
17:29.56|Vulture|how much do PRI lines with unlimited LD commonly run?
17:30.27jsolaresi have a question regarding the 4 E1/T1 cards, can i connect 2 E1's coming from the telco to the asterisk box, and the other 2 ports outgoing to another pbx?
17:30.31BuckRogersehh 490-750
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17:31.00BuckRogersJosolares, why not just use network cards
17:31.03Trionnis<akrall> guys.. anybody configured their * for FWD using IAX2? <-- yes
17:31.07BuckRogersthere much cheaper
17:31.17BuckRogerskeep the 2 ports open for expantion
17:31.18Trionnisakrall: yes
17:31.27FuRR_jsolares: yes you can
17:31.34jsolaresBuckRogers: the other pbx is not voip, it's expectinv voice e1's
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17:31.48BuckRogerslimited to ss7
17:31.52jsolaresbut it can be done right?
17:31.52BuckRogersyeah sure
17:31.53*** join/#asterisk SeaForth (
17:31.56BuckRogersyou can
17:32.15jsolaresok, dont want to spend the cash only to find out you cant. lovely
17:32.27BuckRogerscall digium to make sure
17:32.43search_learn2005Hi ! Anybody with any idea on Multicom 2000. My school has it and I am trying to find out if it can be used as a channel bank.
17:32.49MadkissWhat could cause a lateny from up to two seconds from me to my asterisk box in LAN?
17:32.49jsolaresi'm holding you and FuRR_ to their words :P j/k
17:33.19BuckRogersright on
17:38.17*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:38.19puzzledhi all
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17:39.19BuckRogersi hate that guy
17:39.25BuckRogersthinks he knows everything
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17:40.22MadkissOh come on, somebody must have had this problem already.
17:41.07ManxPwrMadkiss, What is your specific problem?
17:41.25MadkissMy asterisk Server is in the same LAN the client is in, and in the echo test, I get up to two seconds delay.
17:41.42ManxPwrI have never heard of that problem.
17:41.56ManxPwrWhat are the ping times between the server and the phone?
17:42.25Madkiss64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.284 ms
17:42.42*** join/#asterisk Xoubir (
17:42.57search_learn2005Hi ! Anybody with any idea on Multicom 2000. My school has it and I am trying to find out if it can be used as a channel bank.
17:43.08*** join/#asterisk sambal (
17:43.24Xoubirhi all
17:43.47ManxPwr~google "Multicom 2000"
17:44.41ManxPwrMadkiss, hardphone or softphone?
17:44.46MadkissManxPwr: Softpjome
17:44.50ManxPwrMadkiss, If it's a softphone then I HAVE heard of that problem.
17:45.00ManxPwrIt means "your damn OS or sound drivers really suck"
17:45.10Madkisserm ...
17:45.58Madkisswait, you seem to be right
17:46.20*** join/#asterisk criptos (
17:46.26ManxPwrWhy do you think many people say "softphones suck"?
17:46.26*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:46.32Trionnis'cause they do?
17:46.34ManxPwrOddly enough, because they do.
17:46.41MadkissI never heard anybody saying that.
17:47.23criptosany one have used Pleiades Channel Bank 30 FXO Ports and 1-E1 with * ?
17:47.54harryvvSaw the spa 841 was not really impressed. Did pickup my spa 1000 though.
17:48.47*** join/#asterisk marc32344 (
17:49.07zippManxPwr, mostly because they don't use a good mic/speaker i.e. a headset
17:49.15search_learn2005ManxPwr: I read all those websites before, but none of them explain if it can be used as channel bank or not. The real issue is that my school has 7 PSTN lines coming in, and already have a 10/100 network and analog phones in each of the 50 rooms. I have been trying to find out what solution is better, buying VOIP phones, or buying a channel bank and using the analog phones.
17:49.26zippusing a cheap mic and labtec speakers would make anyone think a softphone sucks
17:50.23harryvvzip I like the xlite but I wonder if there was a way to map hotkeys for it. :)
17:50.39ionixsip phones search_learn2005
17:50.40redder86Is there a reason that you cannot retrieve both new and old/saved messages from Comedian mail in one call?  I have to call in, listen to new messages.  Hang up.  Call in again, listen to old messages.  How can I do that in just one call?
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17:51.04harryvvyou dont need to do that
17:51.09*** join/#asterisk Othello (
17:51.26search_learn2005ionix: Are SIP phones VOIP phones?
17:51.50Trionnissearch_learn2005: I'd think using the voip phones would be a more forward-looking choice (excuse the buzzword)
17:51.59*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
17:52.22Trionnisnow there's a quote for
17:52.38Trionnissearch_learn2005: yes, they are
17:52.46search_learn2005Trionnis: What about the echo problem?
17:53.00Trionnison a LAN, you shouldn't have much, if any
17:53.15TrionnisIMHO, of course
17:53.15criptoswhich channel bank for onlly fxo channel would recommend me?
17:53.34ManxPwrUsing VoIP phones lets you leverage your synergy!
17:53.56jhavardand increase your ROI on your CRM and ERP systems.
17:54.14ZeeekManxPwr what phones do you use/like?
17:54.19Zeeekbesides Cisco?
17:54.58*** join/#asterisk cmslaght (
17:55.01search_learn2005Trionnis: When I looked at Digicom website they only have 4 fxo and 4 fxs cards. How am I going to serve 7 fxo and 50 fxs?
17:55.14Trionnis2 cards, and ip phones
17:55.15Sedoroxchannel banks
17:55.18terrapeni'm still trying to decide between the Cisco 7960 and the IP500
17:55.21ManxPwrReminds me of the time a customer wanted a "company mission statement" from my consulting company.  I went to the RedHat web site, found their mission statement, changed it slightly and gave it to the customers.
17:55.21terrapenits a tough call
17:55.37harryvvWhat Poe hubs/switches are aviable to power the ip phones.
17:55.40terrapenthe cisco is built better but the LCD is not as good and the phone is a bitch to get the latest fw on
17:55.49cmslaghthas anyone seen this: Feb 22 12:47:03 WARNING[19750]: chan_zap.c:4503 zt_indicate: Don't know how to set condition 17 on channel Zap/2-1
17:55.52ManxPwrZeeek, Polycom Soundpoint 300 & 500, Cisco 7905G/7940G/7960G, SIPura SPA-841 (once they get the gain problem fixed)
17:56.03ariel_harryvv, for the price I like the Netgrear Swith's
17:56.10terrapenthe polycom does not feel as well built but is a cinch to install and the price is right
17:56.28ZeeekManxPwr thanks for that - I was wondering if anyone really thinks the ip600 is worth much more than the 500?
17:56.43Zeeek($100 more)
17:56.44terrapenits probably made from the same materials
17:56.50terrapenand at that price, get a 7960
17:56.52harryvvManx, seen the spa 841 looks cheap and whats with the wierd symbols :) Seen a new Astra which is owned by another company looks really nice
17:56.58search_learn2005Sedorox : Why channel bank but not ip phones with two cards?
17:57.18SedoroxIf you can.. do all IP Phones.. would be better
17:57.25Sedoroxbut if you have to include lots of regular telephones
17:57.27Sedoroxuse a channel bank
17:57.50*** part/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
17:57.53criptosSerodox: which channel back would you recommend for only fxo usage?
17:58.24ionixQuintum is cheap
17:58.28SedoroxI haven't used any...
17:58.28benno2Sedorox: what channel banks do have a good price/performance ratio ?  I used a few sipura spa 2000 and they work very well  and are cheap. but if you have lots of analog phones to convert its a mess because of all the power plugs zou need
17:58.28ManxPwrZeeek, The 600 has more call apperances and an XML browser.  Neither are features we need.
17:58.30Sedoroxbut if you look on
17:58.45Sedoroxthey have a decent listing
17:58.48terrapeni wonder if i can get a good price on 30-35 7960's
17:58.53terrapenvoipsupply is good
17:58.58search_learn2005Sedorox: what do you think the echo problem on VOIP , will channel banks solve this problem?
17:58.59ZeeekManxPwr - me neither - thx
17:59.00terrapenfriendly folks
17:59.08harryvvManx, how much for the 600
17:59.10Sedoroxecho problems?
17:59.12ariel_you can get some good adtrans 750 and 850 for 400 or 500 dollars on ebay they work.
17:59.24ManxPwrharryvv, I don't know.  I just said we didn't use them.
18:00.12Sedoroxfor a channel bank.. your looking around $99/channel
18:00.25Sedoroxwhich is on par with getting a spa2000 or similiar for each phone
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18:01.23ManxPwrA channel bank gives you a central place to admin phones.
18:01.33ManxPwrUsing ATAs give you 24 places to admin phones.
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18:01.46search_learn2005Sedorox: Instead of paying $99 a channel, do you think I should pay $99 a VOIP phone and make the installation a little bit less cumbersome, and future proof?
18:02.05Sedoroxsearch_learn2005: future proof.. maybe
18:02.07Sedoroxbut it depends
18:02.12terrapenif you had to deploy between 30-50 phones, would you choose Cisco 7960s or Polycom
18:02.15ManxPwrsearch_learn2005, Because $99 VoIP phones suck.
18:02.17terrapenerr Polycom IP500
18:02.22terrapenits such a tough call
18:02.23Sedoroxdo you have cat5 drops at every location you want to have a phone?
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18:02.31benno2search_learn2005: with the sipura spa-2000 you pay around $45 per channel
18:02.42benno2but you need an ata for each 2 phones
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18:02.50__Sparks_Wonder if someone can help me here! - I have an X101P card in my asterisk box, I have played with the rx and tx gain, and also the echotraining, but still i am getting an echo (about 1/10th of a second delay) is there any magic formula!
18:02.52Sedoroxbecause say.. if you already have a exsisting setup with all phones coming back to a room.. you could setup a channel bank to move all the phones over to voip
18:02.53benno2so converting 30 phones uses 15 ethernet ports on the switch
18:02.56terrapensearch, you definitely want IP phones....
18:03.40ManxPwrOnce SIPura fixes their firmware you could go with a SPA-841.  Gives you 2 lines for $99 and 4 lines for $130
18:03.51ManxPwrBut no PoE and no switch port.
18:04.03Sedoroxdepends on his enviroment tho...
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18:04.14ManxPwrThis PA168 phone I just got today might be a good solution if I can figure out how to configure the damn things.
18:04.15Sedoroxif its like a school.. it might be hard to have a fxo for 4 rooms
18:04.26fearnor!summon atacomm
18:04.38search_learn2005Sedorox: We have Cat-5 at every location, so will the final word be VOIP phones, two cards, no channek bank?
18:04.50terrapensearch, that's what i would do
18:04.56terrapentake some time and try different phones
18:05.04Sedoroxwell VOIP Phones.. and if you have two PSTN lines.. then yes
18:05.16Sedoroxyea.. terrapen has a good point
18:05.18ManxPwrI try to buy one of each inexpensive IP phone for testing.
18:05.20terrapeni bought a couple of different phones to try
18:05.30terrapenand will sell the ones i dont want on eBay
18:05.33search_learn2005Sedorox: We have 7 PSTN lines coming in
18:05.47dsmouseterrapen: you were asking about testing 911 yesterday?
18:05.54terrapenbut now i cannot decide between the Cisco 7960 and the Polycom IP500
18:05.56terrapenyeah mouse
18:06.10Sedoroxthen get three TDM400P's
18:06.13Sedoroxall with FXO modules
18:06.25benno2ManxPwr: anyway I am sometimes wondering if PoE makes sense. I have servers that are not on an UPS and they have uptimes of 30 days and more and if you have a backup generator, the probability of longer power outages is very small. so ok for keeping the servers and switches under UPS but if IP phones loose sometimes the power (very seldom) all what can happen is a dropped call which happens on the PSTN too.
18:06.27Sedoroxthat'll give you 8 incoming.. unless of course its a 8 lines on a T1
18:06.31terrapenwhy does he need three?
18:06.36terrapenaren't they four liens each?
18:06.38search_learn2005Sedorox: What kind of a server do you thin we need to host asterisk for 7 fxo, 50 fxs with two cards?
18:06.43Sedoroxhe's got 7 PSTN lines...
18:06.49Sedoroxyea.. sorry
18:06.50dsmouseterrapen: I called the police number and asked, and they said as long as I called their communications office a few minutes in advance it would be ok... ofcouse, that's Raleigh PD...
18:06.55Sedoroxmy math sucks today
18:06.57benno2and since almost everyone has a cellphone even if there was a power outage you can always call emergency numbers
18:07.06terrapenmouse: good deal
18:07.12Sedorox50 fxo with two cards?!?!
18:07.31benno2anone that agrees with me ? (PoE still costs alot (PoE switches, midspans, PoE enabled phones etc)
18:07.49terrapenmouse, my fear is that something will happen in one of our stores and an employee will need to call 911 and we'll end up w/ a lawsuit
18:08.09dsmouseterrapen: /me nods.
18:08.10terrapenwhich is why i wanted to test
18:08.11Sedoroxbenno2: I haven't looked at PoE stuff much.. so can't say either way
18:08.33dsmouseterrapen: my feer is I'll have just stabbed a robber.
18:08.36Sedoroxterrapen: like I said yesterday.. if you call 911 and tell them its a test.. they have no problem with it
18:09.20Sedoroxlike I said.. my poppop does it whenever he gets a new phone.. last time the woman at 911 actually appreciated him making sure it worked
18:09.44terrapenI DONT CALL 911, I CALL .357
18:09.52dsmouseSedorox: she was prolly just happy it wasn't another drug overdose :)
18:09.56Sedoroxummm ok...
18:09.57tzangerterrapen: :-)
18:10.12tzangerhelp, help I can't find the '.' on my phoneset!
18:10.17terrapen(actually, .45, but that's neither here nor there)
18:10.28Trionnis"where's the any key!!"
18:10.37tzanger.357 is more than enough to stop someone.  especially copper-jacket hollowpoints
18:10.38terrapentz: just dial star
18:10.45qiuhi ... i need, again, some help with oh323
18:10.51terrapeni don't own a .357 tho
18:10.59terrapeni have an M1911
18:11.02qiui get this "warning"
18:11.04qiuWARNING[21557]: chan_oh323.c:2218 oh323_write: OH323/L6245: Unable to write to fd 46 (32, Broken pipe)
18:11.08Trionnisget a Glock
18:11.14terrapenfuck glock :P
18:11.15Trionnismuch better made than gov't crap
18:11.16qiuand is no sound
18:11.19terrapeni have a Sig Sauer, too
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18:11.25tzangermy dad owns two.  I fired it when I was 6 years old.  (we were at the range and he wanted to put the fear of god into me about handguns) -- it worked.  i won't touch a handgun.  I have no problem whatsoever with rifles though
18:11.27Trionnisnow that I'll agree with :)
18:11.39harryvvMy ISP dns server went down.
18:11.45Trionnisso use another one?
18:11.49*** part/#asterisk search_learn2005 (
18:11.52ManxPwrI'm not a fan of guns, but admit they are useful.
18:11.53benno2does the cisco 7960 work well with asterisk ?
18:11.54WGFreewillqiu: what version of asterisk / oh323 / pwlib / openh323 are you using
18:12.00terrapenif you want a home defense weapon, you buy a 12-gauge shotgun, end of story
18:12.01harryvvwell there was two going to use more.
18:12.08|Vulture|benno2: yes
18:12.08terrapenbenno: yes it does
18:12.16Trionnis198.6.1.2 and
18:12.18ManxPwr"benno2 does the cisco 7960 work well with asterisk ?"  <-- now there's another question we get asked every fucking day.
18:12.21qiuowlib 1.15.2
18:12.21vaewynterrapen: amen!
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18:12.27qiuopenh323 1.8.1
18:12.28dsmouseterrapen: I want a home big enough that I NEED a rifle
18:12.28Trionnisif those are down, there's a lot bigger problems on the internet
18:12.34terrapenmouse: heh
18:12.35tzangerI don't remember this very well but apparently he was squatting behind me with his hands over mine and told me to squeeze the trigger...  After it went off I ran and hid in the car until it was time to go home :-)
18:12.36qiuand asterisk 1.0.5
18:12.38vaewyndsmouse: hahaha
18:12.39WGFreewill(but the error usually mens that you cant access a device or file, some permissions problem)
18:12.44terrapeni'm glad im not your neighbor :P
18:12.52tzangerI have to say it was very effective
18:12.57terrapen"I have a deer rifle for home defense!!!"
18:13.14ManxPwrterrapen, Deer try to attack your home?
18:13.16harryvvanyone know of one root dns server address I can use.
18:13.17pcmterrapen: and how often do you have to use it for defense ?
18:13.18dsmouseouttolunc: bows.
18:13.18tzangerI personally don't see the need for handguns.  Rifles/shotguns/etc though, sure
18:13.20qiuyes ... i know ... but i dont know where is the problem file/socket
18:13.22terrapentzanger: at least your stepfather wasn't a militia guy
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18:13.28Trionnisharryvv: use those I gave you
18:13.29tzangerterrapen: heh
18:13.30pcmterrapen: it's it better to live in a safe neighberhood
18:13.37Trionnisthey're uunet cache servers
18:13.39vaewynouttolunc: ohh no... only criminals will have guns then... so it is... "stop... don't shoot!"
18:13.43WGFreewilli guess the recommendation is to run cvs stable, oh323 0.65, with the janus patch4 releases
18:13.58ManxPwrWGFreewill, I would never recommend that.
18:14.04ManxPwrBut others might.
18:14.08Inv_arpif one is behind a modem what codec is best to use?
18:14.09terrapenmy stepfather, before my mother divorced him, ended up going to federal prison for possession of plastic explosives and a silencer
18:14.13terrapenerr silencers
18:14.17WGFreewillI would be excited to hear of other working combinations
18:14.19WGFreewillfor chan_h323
18:14.22WGFreewillor oh323
18:14.30WGFreewillI have been swimming in h323 hell
18:14.33Zeeekheh check this:
18:14.41ManxPwrWGFreewill, ANYONE that uses H323 is in hell.
18:14.41vaewynInv_arp: ilbc, gsm or g.729
18:14.47terrapenmrbill heh
18:14.53Zeeekand this:
18:14.58WGFreewillI have legacy equipment
18:14.59vaewynManxPwr: amen!
18:15.01WGFreewillthat demands it
18:15.02Zeeekasterisk is almost mainstream
18:15.16ManxPwrWGFreewill, Then expect to be in hell.
18:15.22WGFreewillmany thousands of circuits
18:15.25Zeeekwho among you is mrBill ?
18:15.29ManxPwrAccept H323 hell.  Embrace your H323 hell.
18:15.31WGFreewillI am
18:15.36terrapeni know mrbill
18:15.40WGFreewillchan_h323, the latest
18:15.40Inv_arpvaewyn: gotten ok results with them?
18:15.43vaewynwaster even
18:15.44WGFreewilllow volumes
18:15.45qiusorry .... pwlib: 1.6.6 and openh323 1.13.5  ....
18:15.45WGFreewillworks okay
18:15.53WGFreewilland oh 323
18:15.53qiuwith patch
18:15.53terrapenhe's a unixnet guy
18:15.56ZeeekSNL mrBill or mrbill asterisk?
18:16.19WGFreewillhas their versions
18:16.22WGFreewillon the website
18:16.24WGFreewillfor download
18:16.25ManxPwrWGFreewill, chan_oh323 does not use Asterisk's RTP stack.
18:16.38Inv_arpi cant believe aol's chat tcp voip  sounds fine under a modem
18:16.40vaewynInv_arp: pray you never are forced to use a modem... :}
18:16.42WGFreewillsoundcard dsp interface
18:16.42ManxPwrWhat I recommend is to use the chan_h323 that's included with Asterisk.
18:16.46terrapenCNN depresses me today
18:16.52terrapenread the headline
18:16.53XoubirDo any1 know if there is a way of making * 1.0.5 support attended transfers ? (feature is currently in CVS HEAD, and i can't update to cvs cause i'm using bristuff drivers)
18:16.55terrapenvery very sad
18:17.05Zeeekthis is really interesting, the number of asterisk related stuff on this site
18:17.12*** part/#asterisk akrall (~akrall@
18:17.20WGFreewillI have crashes
18:17.35qiuManxPwr: i tried to compile chan_h323 and it didn't work on cvs asterisk and asterisk-1.0.5
18:17.36ManxPwrXoubir, Use real words.  There will NEVER EVER EVER be a 1.0.x asterisk that supports attended transfers using "t" or "T" on the Dial line.  Never.  Ever.
18:17.39WGFreewillwhen I get moderate call flow
18:17.51tzangerManxPwr: out of curiosity, why?
18:17.52Inv_arpvaewyn: im on dsl but my friend in domncan repubic is on modem ...  aol's solution works fine... but want to try iax based ones
18:17.57ManxPwrqiu, then something else is wrong.  Perhaps you didn't follow the instructions to the letter.
18:17.59tzangerManxPwr: too much changed?
18:18.10ManxPwrtzanger, No.  1.0.x is for bug fixes only.
18:18.16ManxPwrNo new features.
18:18.21tzangerManxPwr: ahh
18:18.26vaewynInv_arp: give it a try then...  ilbc and g.729 should work the best... gsm is a close second
18:18.35tzangerManxPwr: so the "Bounty: $50 - Backport Latest Dundi to Stable" title on -dev is never gonna be filled?
18:18.44Xoubirokay i see, then, is there a way of compiling bristiff drivers against cvs head of * ? :)
18:18.51ManxPwrtzanger, not for an official Digium 1.0.x no.
18:19.06ManxPwrIf it gets filled it will be a fork.
18:19.08tzangerManxPwr's the 1.0.x mastah
18:19.25ManxPwrtzanger, Actually drumkilla is the 1.0.x master.
18:19.26qiuManxPwr: openh323 - 1.15.1; pwlib -1.8.1 and in cvs asterisk i get the error "undefined reference to `h323_show_codec"
18:19.32tzangerManxPwr: ah
18:19.38tzangeryou're just the cheering section and party whip :-)
18:19.47redder86Anyone know how to access both new and old voicemail messages in Comedian Mail in one call?
18:20.18vaewynredder86: umm... change folders
18:20.39ManxPwrqiu, What part of "This code runs on Open H.323 v1.12.2 and PWLib v1.5.2. If you use different
18:20.39ManxPwrversions, you are on your own. See the Makefile for more details." do you not understand in /path/to/asterisk/channels/h323/README??
18:21.03ManxPwrIt doesn't get much clearer than that.
18:21.23ManxPwr"I didn't follow the instructions and now it doesn't work!  chan_h323 sucks!"
18:21.32WGFreewillhead cvs
18:21.43tzangerManxPwr: well h323 *does* suck mightily
18:21.45WGFreewilluses 1.15.1 and 1.8.1
18:21.46qiuManxPwr: openh323 - 1.15.1; pwlib -1.8.1
18:21.48ManxPwrI am of course referring to the README in 1.0.x
18:22.00WGFreewillstable uses 1.12.2 and 1.5.2
18:22.08ManxPwrI guess qiu doesn't understand that.
18:22.10qiuMancPw: pwlib: 1.6.6 and openh323 1.13.5  are on another machine
18:22.19terrapenwhy do so many people want to use H.323?
18:22.22terrapeni don't understand
18:22.30WGFreewill864 terminal line(s) <<<< need to get there
18:22.33terrapenevery couple of hours, there is a question about it
18:22.34WGFreewillh323 is the only way
18:22.35ManxPwrterrapen, They don't.  The equipment they connect to require it.
18:22.36vaewyncause it is a cancer from the past that is hard to vanquish
18:22.42qiuin cvs from README : "You must run Open H.323 v1.15.1 and PWLib v1.8.1."
18:23.02ManxPwrqiu, CVS is doesn't always work.
18:23.10ManxPwrIf you want something that works and is stable then use 1.0.x
18:23.12WGFreewillqiu: right I have that working stable on half a dozen machines, with low call volume
18:23.17ManxPwrCVS-HEAD works most of the time.
18:23.43redder86vaewyn: thanks.  The voice prompts after deleting new messages does not say "press 2 to change folders".
18:23.48WGFreewillbut more than 10 or so calls and the CVS-HEAD takes a header
18:23.51redder86vaewyn: although pressing 2 does work
18:24.03qiuManxPwr: vrerry sory ... i looked now on stable and indeed "Open H.323 v1.12.2 and PWLib v1.5.2"
18:24.13qiui will try these
18:24.18ManxPwrWGFreewill, I suspect that's a problem with not using Asterisk's RTP stack.
18:24.20vaewynredder86: if you get the help recap at the end it says it... but yeah other than that it is a bit obtuse
18:24.33WGFreewillthats with chan_h323
18:24.43WGFreewillI have a stack of chan_h323 boxes
18:24.47WGFreewilland a stack of oh323 boxes
18:24.50WGFreewilldebian sarge
18:24.52djinare callgroups limited to contexts. Iaw. can a callgroup '10' exist in multiple contexts?
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18:25.03ManxPwrWGFreewill, Then report the problem with chan_h323 to
18:25.21WGFreewillyeah I am getting ready to try stable myself here
18:25.48mgomes_mpghello! is  Chris Hozian  here in chat, or other digium staff member ?
18:26.38WGFreewilljust was wondering if other had successful chan_h323 usage with large call volumes
18:26.49WGFreewill(or oh323 for that matter)
18:27.09*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
18:27.36JerJerdo not use -stable and H.323
18:27.41JerJerwell at least chan_h323
18:27.54JerJerWGFreewill: define large call volumes
18:28.13WGFreewillright now I am working on moving about a 20 calls max
18:28.20WGFreewillbut I have DS3s of voice
18:28.27WGFreewillwaiting behind legacy gear
18:28.31WGFreewillfor the guture
18:28.56WGFreewill864 terminal line(s)
18:29.13WGFreewilla farm of asxxxx that look about like this
18:30.02WGFreewilllatest asterisk with Open H.323 v1.15.1 and PWLib v1.8.1
18:30.30WGFreewillwith chan_h323 has been the closest I have gotten
18:30.35JerJerWGFreewill:  and you are sadly mistaken
18:30.41JerJerThere are better ways than H.323
18:30.50WGFreewillcouple time a day though I have to restart the asterisk box
18:30.55WGFreewillI agree
18:31.02WGFreewillwhen chan_h323 crashes
18:31.10WGFreewillmy SIP and IAX calls are still flowing
18:31.14JerJerthen provide some valid debug
18:31.25WGFreewillasterisk doesnt core
18:31.31WGFreewillit just sits there at the prompt
18:31.40WGFreewillI have to ctrl-c
18:31.47JerJeri simply do not understand why so many people have problems with chan_h323... we have abused the hell out of it for outbound calling and cannot make it fail
18:31.54WGFreewilland killall -9 asterisk ; killall -9 mpg123
18:31.58tzangerI have txgain=-1 and rxgain=-1 in my /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf (and yes it's been reloaded)
18:32.09tzangerbut zttool shows the levels as 0 and 1
18:32.11JerJergranted we don't setup assloads of calls in a short period of time, but still
18:32.11WGFreewilloutbound works better than inbound
18:32.12mikegrbthe killall -9 mpg123 is not necessary
18:32.26mikegrbthey will die when asterisk dies
18:32.27WGFreewillwhat OS
18:32.36*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNooB (
18:32.36JerJerum Linux
18:32.36AsteriskNooBgood morning all!
18:32.36WGFreewillis your base box built with
18:32.45WGFreewillRedhat 8.0, debian sarge, etc
18:32.51JerJerall of the above
18:32.55mikegrbWGFreewill: those are not oses
18:33.32WGFreewilli know, apologize
18:33.33AsteriskNooBhey, if I have DID number definitions and I dont have a definition for a number that is sent in... will it default out to the s?
18:33.43WGFreewillmore concerned with voice, but every once in a while something wont compile because of some wierd library location that let say redhat moved
18:33.49mgomes_mpghello! is  Chris Hozian  here in chat, or other digium staff member ?
18:33.49JerJeri even lowered myself to install debian in house and fired up a call generator for like 2 weeks without so much as a hiccup
18:33.55mikegrbAsteriskNooB: no, add a catchall
18:34.15AsteriskNooBmikegrb: hmm, i might need to re-structure my dialplan then
18:34.39JerJeragain outbound H.323 calls...  inbound there is still some strange issues when using certain endpoints
18:34.47AsteriskNooBmikegrb: under default i have my main extensions, and then i have include didnumbers and in didnumbers i've defined my main did's
18:34.51WGFreewillmost of my traffic is outbound
18:35.06WGFreewillvery small amounts inbound to asterisk
18:35.06mikegrbno, after the list of did's just add an include with a goto(default,s,1) or whatever with a pattern match to catch whatever else
18:35.33WGFreewillwhen the peaks come
18:35.40AsteriskNooBbut what happens when they are in the auto-attendant pressing numbers, then it wont say invalid but just keep repeating the menu right?
18:35.43WGFreewillwe almost know to the hour bases on usage patterns
18:36.07WGFreewillh323 hangs, asterisk is there, they can even call me over the SIP channel to tell me to restart it
18:36.19WGFreewillbut no core gets dropped
18:36.26JerJerwhen it hangs attach with gdb
18:36.28JerJerthen run
18:36.34JerJerthread apply all bt full
18:36.37JerJerand fire up a bug
18:36.39JerJerthen tell me
18:36.39*** join/#asterisk clive- (
18:36.46WGFreewillsweet, will do
18:37.20JerJermake damn sure you are on cvs -head or it will be closed
18:38.00WGFreewillgrabbed it 2 days ago
18:38.17*** part/#asterisk WGFreewill (
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18:38.39EssobiOh god.
18:38.39AsteriskNooBmikegrb: would it be better to have DID's in default and then have it Goto() another context, like CompanyADefault?
18:38.51EssobiYet another linux install for ricers.
18:39.36EssobiAsteriskNooB Completely up to you.  It's all preference.  do you want one big context for all your SIP/ZAP trunks to land in and route out?
18:39.54EssobiOr would you rather have different ones land in different places?
18:40.24AsteriskNooBEssobi: well the problem I'm seeing is if I do a catch-all on [didnumbers] which is included in default and I send the catch all to default, I'm going to have a loop right?
18:40.41EssobiHmm. That reminds me.  I should write a MySQLGoto app.
18:40.41harryvvwhats the difference between the spa 1000 and 1001?
18:41.03AsteriskNooBWould it help if I pastebin'd my extensions.conf?
18:41.05tzangerharryvv: a 1
18:41.11jsolaresok, a question, i have an intel 915 board, should i get 5v or 3.3v pci cards?
18:41.20tzangerjsolares: are the PCI slots 5v or 3.3v?
18:41.22mikegrbAsteriskNooB: I would have the DIDs in a different context but it is totally up to you
18:41.29jsolareshow do i find out :p
18:41.34jsolaresthat's a better question i guess
18:41.35EssobiAsteriskNooB I think there's context matching preferences.. it's only going to land on one unless you do something silly like s,1,Dial(Local/s@default)
18:41.41tzangerjsolares: look at the mobo
18:41.43|Vulture|jsolares: digium has a picture on their site
18:41.49AsteriskNooBmikegrb: so what would I do, change my incoming context to the DID context?
18:41.54EssobiIt's been awhile since I been down that road.
18:42.24jsolaresohh i see the picture, thanks
18:42.24AsteriskNooBzapata.conf would point to didnumbers instead of default?
18:42.39|Vulture|no.. extensions.conf
18:42.52AsteriskNooBlike my incoming sip points to [infromnet] then strips a diget and points to [didnumbers] ?
18:48.26bjohnsonharryvv: the 1001 is smaller
18:48.49bjohnsonharryvv: might be some other minor differences
18:49.36bjohnsonharryvv: they're both 1 port fxs.  My guess is that the 1000 will be discontinued .. but I don't know for certain
18:49.41harryvvbj, got the 1000 locally in west vancouver
18:50.16bjohnsonharryvv: cool.  where?
18:50.23AsteriskNooBEssobi and mikegrb...
18:51.45AsteriskNooBif I just point my zapata.conf to that config above (when I get the PRI) then it will work, correct?
18:52.18AsteriskNooB(the context in zapata i mean)
18:53.15__Sparks_What's the best thing to use to interface Asterisk with a normal PSTN telephone line?
18:53.28vaewynTDM400P with FXO interface
18:53.54bjohnson__Sparks_: a fxo
18:54.04__Sparks_vaewyn, would that cure my echo problem!
18:54.30vaewynFXO you are gonna have some echo... that's just the way it is
18:55.24__Sparks_I see, I currently have a x100p and have echo I want rid of!
18:55.30Connor-anyone know how to get into the advanced/admin menu on a WRT5RGP2 ?
18:55.57AsteriskNooB__Sparks_: I have no echo with my two X100's do you have cancellation on?
18:56.11harryvvsparks i have echo on my x100p. IT self learns and the echo will diminish.
18:56.50modulus_tset: standard error: Invalid argument
18:57.05__Sparks_AsteriskNooB. yes I have tried playing with the gain, and also the echotraining, but it's still there
18:57.34mgomes_mpghello! is  Chris Hozian  here in chat, or other digium staff member ?
18:57.50__Sparks_harryvv, during the call, the echo does improve, but it is still there, and annoying!
18:58.36*** part/#asterisk Xoubir (
18:58.45AsteriskNooB__Sparks_: I have 3 or 4 options turned on to get rid of it, it doesnt work whenplugged into an older PBX port but it works great straight to the telco, echocancelwhenbridged=yes echocancel=128, and echotraining=200
18:59.29AsteriskNooBthats just what i'm using, soon i'll be out of that boat :D
18:59.55__Sparks_AsteriskNooB, my setup is direct to the telco - I will try those setting!
19:00.08__Sparks_AsteriskNooB, what do you have your txgain and rxgain set to?
19:01.08AsteriskNooB__Sparks_: I had to crank them up because my audio was low, I'd suggest using ztmonitor <channum> -v to watch the graph as someone is NOT the phone and plan with the numbers until the line reaches the very top (100%)
19:01.17AsteriskNooB__Sparks_: (both of my channels are different)
19:01.39AsteriskNooBsorry, as someone is NOT on the phone. :)
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19:01.56AsteriskNooB**cant type today
19:02.45__Sparks_okay, I will have another play! - thanks!
19:02.53AsteriskNooB__Sparks_: so anyway, both my channels have a txgain=2.0 and one has rxgain 2.0 and the other rxgain 8.0
19:03.13vaewynouch... that is some harsh gain
19:03.25AsteriskNooByeah, one of the cards is a POS
19:03.33AsteriskNooBbut it works great
19:04.10__Sparks_POS? - PointOfSale!?!
19:04.20AsteriskNooBthe telco had to adjust their gain levels before for our old system... they have a box upstairs that turns our analog lines VOIP sends them over the T1 so we can burst with net when we arent talking, its really nice
19:04.36AsteriskNooB__Sparks_: POS in this case = Piece of Shit
19:04.46__Sparks_lol, i see!
19:05.37yashaxin CLI, how can I find out if my registration with termination service is successful?
19:05.48__Sparks_Would getting an ISDN line be a better option?
19:05.54KalD|Workyashax, iax2 show registry or sip show registry
19:06.26yashaxk.. shows, "request sent"
19:06.32AsteriskNooB__Sparks_ ISDN is ALWAYS the better option in my opinion, but how many lines do you need?
19:06.35vaewynIf you already have a T get a voice/data integrated one and dro pyour lines opn that
19:06.46KalD|Workyashax, so the other side has not replied yet... perhaps iptables is blocking?
19:07.05AsteriskNooBvaewyn: you talkin to me or sparks?
19:07.07yashaxdamn... of course... what ports on the FW do I need to open... thanks..
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19:07.12__Sparks_AsteriskNooB, need one. but two would be better!
19:07.21AsteriskNooBSparks: there ya go :)
19:07.25vaewynnot sure :}
19:07.27KalD|Workyashax, hehe happens all the time to me =)  what proto you using?  iax2?
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19:07.42benno2vaewyn: your WIP phone still working well or are you discovering flaws ?
19:07.45KalD|Workyashax, hmm... try opening 5060 udp
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19:08.19vaewynbenno2: the web setup interface still hoses it... but as long as I stick to configuring it via the menu it is running great
19:08.24AsteriskNooBvaewyn: I have a T1, but for the lines they put modules in, I can have PRI, or I can have Analog, we havent moved from our old pbx, so everything is Analog, once I convince people that the Asterisk/Cisco system is better, then I will be paying another 100 a month and getting that card switched to PRI :)
19:08.46vaewynbenno2: did upgrade to the rc1 formware and will try the web config again with it but...
19:09.12vaewynAsteriskNooB: yeah... PRI is VERY much the way to go
19:09.31AsteriskNooBvaewyn: but the nicest thing is they packetize everything, when nobody's on the phone I have a FULL T1, when people start talking it takes away a little bit of bandwidth for voice... not much, i usually am seeing 1400K on speedtests with all lines lit up
19:09.36benno2vaewyn: but apart the webinterface problems, does the rest work well ? (I'm considering purchasing one)
19:10.35AsteriskNooBvaewyn: most other T1 services I've seen take away channels completely for voice, all the time, on the phone or not, so you loose Nx64 on your bandwith, that sucks
19:11.01vaewynbenno2: so far... so good
19:11.52KalD|Workyashax, that work for you?
19:12.03benno2vaewyn: the only thing what worries me is the roaming ... if the roam time could be max 1sec then it would be ideal.
19:12.06yashaxKalD: Can you force the registration, instead of waiting for 2min retry?
19:12.16KalD|Workyashax, try reload
19:12.18yashaxdon't know yet... Just opened the FW...
19:12.53yashaxstill same..
19:13.10*** join/#asterisk _PiGreco_ (
19:13.15KalD|Workyashax, try sip reload
19:13.22_PiGreco_silly question
19:13.36vaewynbenno2: I havn't had time to play with the switches yet... but it seems to be them... I should try 2 aps on a true hub and see how well the roaming goes...
19:13.36_PiGreco_i have asterisk on my nat
19:13.42*** part/#asterisk qiu (
19:13.43KalD|Work_PiGreco_, no silly questions only silly answers =)
19:13.54bjohnsonlike that one ^^?
19:13.55benno2vaewyn: yes please do and let us know.
19:14.06KalD|Workbjohnson, exactly =)
19:14.06_PiGreco_2 iaxy clients, one inside LAN one outside
19:14.23_PiGreco_asterisk sees one public ip and one private
19:15.02_PiGreco_if i call in one way its all ok
19:15.15bjohnsonerr become
19:15.25bjohnsonsomething like that
19:16.02_PiGreco_the other doesnt work
19:16.20Himekothe fruit?
19:16.29yashaxhmm.. no luck..
19:16.31KalD|Work_PiGreco_, do you have port forwarding for 4569 udp to asterisk?
19:16.58Himekoi've always like cranberry stuff
19:16.58_PiGreco_yes thats not the problem
19:17.02Himekoer liked
19:17.15_PiGreco_the problem is communications starts
19:17.27_PiGreco_the public ip iaxy hears the other end
19:17.29harryvvbj, you have a 1000?
19:17.41_PiGreco_doesnt hear, pardon
19:17.51_PiGreco_the private one instead hears all ok
19:18.50shido6_PiGreco_ ?
19:19.07bjohnsonharryvv: 3 3ks and 3 2ks
19:19.15bjohnsonand 2 x100p
19:19.33_PiGreco_shido6: read above :)
19:19.49vaewynbkw_: you around?
19:20.03FuRR_is res_mysql missing from asterisk-addons ?
19:20.03KalD|Workk back
19:21.45KalD|Work_PiGreco_, so you get one-way communication?
19:22.02_PiGreco_yes one way
19:22.27KalD|Work_PiGreco_, ok so the internal client works for both directions and the external only can transmit?
19:22.43vaewynok... who wants to play SIP guru?
19:23.08harryvvbjohnson did you follow a quick wiki to get those working with asterisk. I am looking at the 1000 pdf documentation and its fairly leanghty.
19:23.18_PiGreco_internal one just hears
19:23.23_PiGreco_ext just speaks :)
19:23.34_PiGreco_i dont know if its a problem of routing
19:23.56__Sparks_Are there any SIP providers out there that offer free calls to UK 0800 numbers? (Other then SipGate, as the CLID is broken!)
19:24.14Trionnisdoesn't fwd do that?
19:24.29yashaxGuys, can anyone give me a hand in trying to figure out why my BV registration is not completing?
19:24.39bjohnsonharryvv: there's a link on the wiki (I think on the SPA 2000 page) to a voxilla tutorial for a 2000 .. should be exactly the same for a 1000.  That got me going and I've been tweaking it a bit.
19:25.05bjohnson__Sparks_: check the wiki
19:25.10__Sparks_Trionnis, I thought fwd were only voip, not voip to pstn?
19:25.28bjohnsonfwd offers some outbound 800
19:25.40bjohnsonand some transfers to other voip systems (like vonage)
19:25.45bjohnsonand even some inbound
19:25.53Trionnisfwd => vonage doesn't work, last I checked
19:26.08harryvvthanks bjohnson
19:28.05Trionniscan someone point me in a direction to find out who actually provisioned an 800 number?
19:28.13Trionnisi.e. gblx, level3, etc?
19:28.23yashaxguys, anyone?
19:28.53Inv_arpyashax: hold up i get u a working config
19:29.43*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
19:29.49mutilatorafternoon all
19:29.56bkw_ok who here has seen false busy detection when someone is yelling over the phone?
19:30.04bkw_if you have busydetect=yes
19:30.06bkw_and busycount=8
19:30.20bkw_if someone is loud or yelling over the phone it could still detect that as a busy condition?
19:30.26bkw_and kill over the call?
19:30.35modulus_alll of my liiiiife
19:30.38mutilatornot i
19:30.39modulus_where have you beeeeen?
19:30.43xkevso if someone answers and says "die, die, die, die ..." 8 times? :)
19:30.45Inv_arpyashax:  this setup wprked for me for BV
19:30.45modulus_i wonder if i'll ever see you again...
19:30.56bkw_well it takes loud noise to cause it to do it
19:30.59vaewynbkw_: I've had that problem
19:31.11vaewynbusycount=8 fixed it at least for now
19:31.18bkw_vaewyn, I recall someone talking about this in here.. thats what made me think of it
19:31.21bkw_well we had 8
19:31.30bkw_which could be on the edge of the threshold
19:31.40bkw_but it was doing it so randomly and I couldn't catch it doing it
19:31.50bkw_so I thought jacking up the busycount would help
19:31.54bkw_because thats all I can think that causes it
19:32.14Inv_arpbkw_: quick ques can * compile on gcc 2.95?
19:32.19vaewynfixed mine... going from default to 8 has kept me drop free for a co9uple months now
19:32.19bkw_doubt it
19:32.22bkw_their is a bug open on that
19:32.25bkw_go check
19:32.36yashaxWhat ports should be open on FW for SIP to work?
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19:33.22Inv_arpwell it complained about  incomplete type for me ...  i put an integer in their and it compiled
19:33.51vaewynHey bkw_ any ideas how to debug getting "Feb 22 14:19:08 NOTICE[1601]: chan_sip.c:7806 handle_request: Unable to create/find channel" on the first call from a device... but after that it is fine (ie I want to find if it is the phones fault or *s)
19:35.39zippanyone know if I can setup IAX trunking with nufone?
19:35.44zipptrunk=yes breaksit
19:35.47zipptrunk=yes breaks it
19:35.59vaewynI think you have to contact them first
19:36.55vaewynYou can ask JerJer if he is still around
19:37.31*** join/#asterisk modulus_ (
19:37.55zippvaewyn, wouldn't it only help them?
19:37.55xkevsince I switched to NI-2 (from DMS100, or maybe it was a cvsup that caused this), I can't do inband progress without indicating Ringing() first
19:38.03modulus_alll of my liiiiife
19:38.07modulus_where have you beeeeen?
19:38.11tzangermodulus_: I hate that song
19:38.21modulus_tzanger, i love you
19:38.34yashaxInv_arp: Thank you.... I missed one line.... NOw, I have the BV registered on *... But when I call the DID, I get, the party busy and can not answer the call...any ideas?
19:38.39tzangermodulus_: ha
19:38.54clive-has anyone set up multiple iax clients that can call each other ?
19:39.40KalD|Workclive-, you mean directly or via *?
19:39.46*** join/#asterisk WGFreewill (
19:40.11Inv_arpyashax: setup your sip client to answer  from-BV?
19:40.23clive-I mean , initially via *, then hopefully native bridge comes into effect
19:40.46zippclive-, if you don't care about cdr's
19:40.49yashaxInv_arp: where is that?
19:41.03clive-zipp, no cdrs is cool,,,
19:41.06KalD|Workclive-, yeah it is easy =)...  make sure that the iax.conf is correct and makesure you put them all in a context that allows them to dial each other
19:41.18yashaxI am using Asterisk@home and the config files are slightly different, so I am having problems finding things..
19:41.25Inv_arpyashax: in sip.conf and extensions.conf  ... what sip client ya use?
19:41.50KalD|Workclive-, setup your clients and iax.conf so they all register (verify with iax2 show peers in the CLI)
19:41.54clive-thats bascially my question, ..does each one need a dial match in extensions.conf ?
19:42.08KalD|Workclive-, then simply put exten => 1000,1,Dial(IAX2/client1)  etc for each one
19:42.34clive-if it gets big, that can become ugly
19:42.38yashax/msg context = from-sip-external ; Send unknown SIP callers to this context
19:42.49Darwin35when are they going to make a good iax2 based phone ?
19:42.50KalD|Workclive-, depends on how you have them registered - if you have them as [1000] to [1999] in iax.conf then you can do Dial(iax2/${EXTEN})
19:42.55yashax/msg Inv_arp context = from-sip-external ; Send unknown SIP callers to this context
19:43.24yashaxshould this line have context=from-broadvoice ?
19:43.28clive-ahh...great one...thats excellent, thanks Kald
19:43.34KalD|Workclive-, once you get this working for testing you might want to migrate to a mysql based registration
19:43.35zippDarwin35, the only thing is the iaxy
19:43.55Inv_arpyashax: doesnt matter on name  just need a matching one in extension.conf
19:44.00KalD|Workclive-, no prob. =)
19:44.05Darwin35there was a phone at 1 point  being developed down under but it seems to have died
19:44.09clive-Kald, yup, it will have to go the database route eventually
19:44.13zippDarwin35, farfon?
19:44.17Inv_arpyashax: lemme give u an ex...  one moment
19:44.20Darwin35I think so
19:45.00zippDarwin35, one could be made w/ an sbc and the iax lib quite easily
19:45.08zippwouldn't be 80 bucks though
19:45.26Darwin35sbc ?
19:45.28yashaxInv_arp: k.. plz msg me...
19:45.28*** join/#asterisk akrall (~akrall@
19:45.45akrallGuys.. anybody has an URL on how to program a find-me dialplan?
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19:46.09Darwin35find me fallowme is in the wiki
19:46.17Darwin35go read
19:46.26akrallfollowme.. good.. thx
19:47.15zippDarwin35, single board comp ->
19:47.24zippthat would be my choice of dev board
19:47.47zipphad to lookup url
19:48.17vaewynzipp: seen the $$$ on that?
19:48.28*** part/#asterisk akrall (~akrall@
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19:48.36vaewynain't bad is it ? :}
19:48.46zippvaewyn, that is one of the reasons for picking it
19:48.56zipphowever, how can you compete w/ a budgetone
19:49.04zippfor $80
19:49.32zippyou still have to have the handset, speakerphone, dialpad, screen...
19:49.35vaewynquality...  make a firmware that is 99.999% stable instead of 99.999% broken
19:49.37machinehdAnyone having problems calling ext to ext with the 5.22 GS firmware? I can call out, get calls in but can't dial EXT to EXT.
19:49.41vaewynplus get volume
19:49.50zippyou could however make a _quality_ phone
19:49.56vaewyncase and point ^^^ :}
19:50.02zipp320x240 color screen
19:50.10zippyou could do a lot w/ a complete linux distro...
19:50.43zipppriced around 350-450, I just would like to see a 100 cheap iax phone also
19:50.45*** part/#asterisk _PiGreco_ (
19:50.52vaewyngive it a decent res screen... color optional...  and a development kit for making apps... and you are set... can be anything from a phone to a timeclock to a...etc..etc..
19:50.57zippyou need to know cpld for that
19:51.08zippfor making a cheap one...
19:51.45zippI called a hardware development company, upwards of 200K to develop a cheap IAX phone
19:51.51zippI just don't have that lying around :)
19:52.07`Sauronzipp: I bet it could be done cheaper.
19:52.12Darwin35I will look into it . after I finish my wifi unit
19:52.13zipp`Sauron, me too
19:52.25zippif you found someone with the knowledge and interest
19:52.26Darwin35ibut hmm a iax phone would be better off
19:52.26vaewynyeah... 200k will get you a couple protos... and all the designs for full on production
19:52.33`Sauronzipp: gumstix connex, the etherstix and the audiostix - and you've got a phone.
19:52.36*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
19:52.47zipp`Sauron, looking...
19:53.06vaewyn`Sauron: yeah... but do you have enough CPU for the good codecs?
19:53.24*** join/#asterisk tclark (
19:53.27`Sauronvaewyn: I dunno. How many MIPS you need?
19:53.29vaewynNo one has been able to tell me if that CPU can handle it
19:53.37`SauronI could always try after I get one.
19:53.44clive-zipp, I hear the pa168 phones can do iax, havent tested it myslef
19:53.46vaewynnot sure... depends on FP/INT etc...
19:53.51`SauronAlthough I'm looking at the 200MHz one, not the 400MHz one
19:53.59`Sauronno FP unit in embedded computers
19:54.01*** join/#asterisk asterisknewibe (
19:54.07`Sauronso you'd need codecs that are non-fp
19:54.26zippclive-, can you easily purchase them, and is it iax2, not iax?
19:54.51clive-zipp, I have the phones, just havent had the time to try the iax2 firmware
19:55.09asterisknewibeOne question for you pro's out there...?  using rh9 how do you make the wcte11xp autoload at boot ?  I can modprobe and load it..but can't get it to auto load at boot..any help would be great...
19:55.44`SauronThe 400MHz PXA255 performs roughly equivalent to a 233MHz K6, or about 4-6 times faster than a P90
19:55.52zippin my opinion, grandstreams greatest move would be to open up the firmware, and put together a free sdk
19:55.57`Sauronvaewyn: Think that's enough to do enc/decoding?
19:56.09zipp`Sauron, yes
19:56.13vaewyn`Sauron: at least for a single line... not sure on multiple
19:56.21vaewynbut easily 1 liner
19:56.38`SauronWell, you'd only encode/decode one line at a time
19:56.39vaewynzipp: agreed...
19:56.42`Sauronso it wouldn't matter
19:56.47zippgrandstream's firmware sucks, and opening it would make SIP better, and people would create IAX2 firmware
19:56.55`Sauronany conferencing would happen in */somewhere else
19:57.19`Sauronwhen you put a line on hold, it doesn't continue to decode that line
19:57.19Darwin35call GS and offer to develop for them
19:57.27`Sauronit goes to decode the line you pick up
19:57.36vaewynDarwin35: been there... done that... no reply yet
19:57.40`SauronSo you only ever have to do the encoding/decoding for a single line
19:58.05zippclive-, which pa168 phone do you have?
19:58.06Darwin35Vae youhave to call and ask for Brian or Richard
19:58.08`SauronShrug, maybe I'll pick up the audiostix extra when I place my order, and play around with it.
19:58.16Darwin35to get anywhere
19:58.20`SauronAnd then just use the 802.11 cf card for talking on the wire
19:59.00zippDarwin35, would be a good idea, but them opening it would be better
19:59.16`SauronYum Yum.
19:59.28Darwin35openign src would be nice but these comanies are all about making money
19:59.36Darwin35thats life
19:59.40` is their Wiki
19:59.40zippDarwin35, they would sell more hardware
19:59.45Darwin35I know
19:59.54Darwin35you know bt they dont grasp
20:00.00clive-zipp, its the one with the tilt up screen and the huge buttons
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20:00.46vaewyntempted even
20:00.48zippclive-, from china :)
20:01.07vaewynneed to figure out how to do the menuing stuff on the polycoms though
20:01.16Darwin35I wish I knew what os they used and would reverse enginier thier .bin pkgs
20:01.19`Sauronis iax2 just the session protocol, similarily to sip
20:01.21zipp`Sauron, gumstix+audio/eth is > $200
20:01.23Darwin35and get src
20:01.24vaewynanyone got examples of the polycom menu stuff?
20:01.33`Sauronand the audio transport is done with whatever codec, using RTP
20:01.33vaewyn`Sauron: yep
20:01.59`Sauronzipp: If you can proof-of-concept it, you could build units for-sale at less cost
20:02.03clive-zipp, they are all from china
20:02.05zipp`Sauron, I don't think so, iax2 only uses 1 port
20:02.27vaewynzipp: is still rtp though... just better done :} (IIRC)
20:03.03Darwin35ok who has a extensions file with almost every option mapped
20:03.35vaewynthe sampel is about as big a chunk of "everything" as you get
20:04.19Darwin35i need overhead paging via the sound/dsp
20:04.28mutilatornot really voip related at all, but anyone know anythin about portmaster 4's, i wanna get some stats on disconnects for modmes, show modems doesn't give much help
20:04.34Darwin35I need  dial by name
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20:04.54zipp`Sauron, you also need DIO for the buttons, which gumstix doesn't have
20:04.54hardwireanybody here interfacing to an NEC pbx?
20:04.55Darwin35I need IDL
20:04.58hardwirevia t1
20:05.00zippDarwin35, show applications
20:05.15shido6Damascene "/usr/src/asterisk/configs/*"
20:05.23Darwin35these need to be mapped in the asterisk extensions.conf
20:05.59Darwin35I just am burned out wiith how much I have already put in
20:06.10Darwin35looking for soome cut and paste now
20:07.05*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
20:07.14shido6Darwin35, rather
20:07.25shido6Darwin35 look in "/usr/src/asterisk/configs/*"
20:08.10thieumShi, I'd need to know which processor config I need to complete 4E1 (Sip to Zap) transcoding
20:08.35thieumShas anyone some experience with that ?
20:09.16thieumSthe real question is, do I need multi-proc ?
20:09.22thieumSor a single powerfull CPU
20:09.47vaewynwhat codecs involved thieumS ?
20:10.07vaewynduals... pretty high level ones even
20:10.39vaewynor have the 4E machine just forward to a couple transcode machines
20:10.40thieumSamd or intel
20:10.41Trionnisquad HT Xeon64's should be enough
20:10.51vaewynohh geeze
20:10.53thieumShuhu :p
20:11.00Trionniswell, it would be
20:11.10thieumSi would like to eat, as well
20:11.19vaewyndual xeon or dual opteron should be fine
20:11.20Trionniswell yeah, that's kinda important too
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20:11.41vaewynor break it up into multiple transcode machines... depends if rack is cheaper or CPUS
20:13.48thieumSok thanx for your help
20:14.13*** join/#asterisk zapa (~zapa@
20:14.28tzangera 'restart when convenient' is sufficient to get new zapata.conf echo/gain settings to take effect, right?
20:14.50_Briananyone here sucessful in getting Icecast to work with Asterisk?
20:15.14zapahi all where i can find a Rj48 cable diagram to connect to an e1 telrad to e100p
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20:16.07denonzapa: I believe all you need is a standard e1 crossover cable
20:16.20machinehdI have an install of the latest AMP. When dialing EXT to EXT to phones ring, but once picked up there's no sound either way. No NAT. Watching the debug log doesn't seem to show errors. Any ideas?
20:16.31denonafaik, its the same as a T1 crossover cable
20:17.10denonzapa: a quick google found this:
20:17.42ayzeeI keep getting the request failure:  484 Address Incomplete when I try to make a call locally with sip. what's that about?
20:17.54zapadenon : Thanks !! :)
20:18.27jaigertzanger, I found I needed to restart * to gain settings to take
20:18.37zapadenon : how do you find it! :) i spent alot of time looking for them
20:18.47tzangerjaiger: I just said "restart when convenient"  :-)
20:18.57tzangerjaiger: or did you mean stop and start
20:19.03denonzapa: it was like the first restart of "t1 crossover pinout"
20:19.07denonor something like that
20:19.37Trionnis_Brian: yes, but it's a PITA
20:20.09_BrianTrionnis: i got everything working, but for some reason when I try to make the connection to the stream, winamp just starts and stops again...nothing is heard....
20:20.36ayzeeI can't find any specific information on 484 "Address Incomplete"
20:20.40Trionnisdoes it show the source connected in the admin page for icecast?
20:21.02_BrianTrionnis: yes
20:21.04Trionnisand you're using ices2 with ogg streaming, right?
20:21.09jaigertzanger, I needed to stop and start, "reload" didn't work
20:21.10_BrianTrionnis: yes
20:21.21Trionnispm me the address please
20:21.22tzangerjaiger: I didn't say reload, I said restart -- both commands exist and do different things :-)
20:21.28Trionnisthe stream address, that is
20:21.54jaigertzanger, ok, I've never tried restart
20:21.59tzangerjaiger: ok
20:23.57`SauronAnyone know how long it usually takes for broadvoice to process a number port request?
20:24.49zippanyone know where I can get the iaxcomm sources?
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20:25.10stevekstevekzipp: then look for CVS..
20:25.11shido6are you gonna fix it, zipp!?!?
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20:27.45zippstevekstevek, I got it, thx
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20:33.54stevekstevekvaewynAFK: zipp: `Sauron: This is 20 mins late, but IAX2 does _not_ use RTP.
20:34.09`Sauronsteve: :)
20:34.13`SauronThen what does it use?
20:34.14terrapenis iaxclient no good?
20:34.22stevekstevekIt uses IAX2 :)
20:34.37stevekstevekterrapen: huh?
20:34.40bjohnsonthat is why it is nat friendly
20:34.41`Sauronfind out if there's an integer version of that codec ;)
20:34.50stevekstevekwhat codec?
20:34.53bjohnsonone port
20:35.03`Sauronthe iax2 stuff
20:35.09clive-stevek, hi , did you figure out that iax2 transfer wierdness with the 81,82ms timestamping
20:35.10stevekstevekIAX2 isn't a codec.
20:35.11bjohnsonnot codec
20:35.33`Sauroniax has to transfer audio somehow
20:35.39bjohnsoncodec = ulaw, alaw, gsm, etc
20:35.42`Sauronand it's not streaming pcm audio
20:35.45stevekstevekclive-: yeah, delete the lines in, I think, fake_timestamp that do the +1 business, that are marked "SJD thinks this shouldn't be here".
20:35.55`Sauronbjohnson: That's what I was asking about 20 minutes ago
20:36.05bjohnsonI just got back
20:36.11stevekstevek`Sauron: it uses whatever codec you want it to use (well, any of the 10 or so that are defined).
20:36.11`SauronSo it uses the same codecs as everything else, just encapsulates it into something else
20:36.13clive-stevek and then it works great ?
20:36.21bjohnson`Sauron: yes
20:36.34stevekstevek`Sauron: right.  But it does not use RTP.  RTP is a different protocol.
20:37.04dca[laptop]speaking of RTP
20:37.04`Sauroniax uses udp across known ports
20:37.07`Saurondum did um
20:37.12stevekstevekclive-: There still can be a discontinuity when you start/end the native bridge (or a regular bridge, actually), but that fixes the issue during the native bridge.
20:37.27dca[laptop]anyone know if it is possible to prevent asterisk from releasing the RTP stream?
20:39.32tzangerI just disable bridge optimization
20:39.53bjohnson`Sauron: something like that .. one port I think (I'm not an expert on that)
20:39.58stevekstevektzanger: but that doesn't fix the possible discontinuity when the non-native bridge starts/stops.
20:40.30tzangerI don't know enough about it
20:40.38tzangerI don't understand what bridge otpimization does then
20:40.40tzangerI tried reading thorugh it
20:40.45tzangerI have a lot of troubel concentrating today
20:40.54tzangerI'm not 100% at all... I think near 50% or 40% even
20:40.56stevekstevektzanger: you'll still get a discontinuity, if, eg, your dialplan plays some audio, then does Dial, then plays more audio then hangs up.
20:41.24stevekstevekthere will be some "jumps" in the timestamps between the locally generated audio and the bridged audio.
20:41.35tzangerstevekstevek: ahh
20:42.08tzangerbut will the new jitterbuffer not see the discontinuity and eventually lop it off since the timestamps jump and then resume (a new, but consistent) pattern?
20:42.37stevekstevek'cause for the locally generated audio, chan_iax2 generated timestamps for each frame, but for the bridged audio, it is "passing through" the timestamps;  chan_iax2 tries to "adjust" those timestamps, but the adjustment doesn't always match what's being sent exactly..
20:42.48stevekstevektzanger: yes, it will.  But it may take 20 seconds to do that..
20:43.03tzanger20 seconds to stabilize on the new pattern?
20:43.11clive-stevek is the jitter buffer / PLC stuff patch in its final form?
20:43.13tzangerwhat about that iax2 native transfer graphI hsouwed you
20:44.05stevekstevekwhen a transfer happens, there's a discontinuity, but chan_iax2 and libiax2 both reset everything when the transfer happens.
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20:44.40stevekstevekbut, if the call is just bridged, the receiver doesn't get any notification to reset or anything..
20:44.41zippstevekstevek, any idea how to make a call with testcall?
20:44.45tzangerstevekstevek: hmm
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20:44.55tzangerwould htat not be a good idea?  (notifying on bridge) ?
20:44.57stevekstevekzipp: type ./testcall
20:45.14buddahanyone know what is causing this error message?
20:45.14buddahFeb 22 12:45:21 WARNING[17500]: codec_g729.c:196 g729tolin_framein: Invalid data (4 bytes at the end)
20:45.56stevekstevekbuddah: someone talked about this earlier..  I don't remember the answer; I think they said it might be VAD data that codec_g729 doesn't understand
20:46.16buddahstevekstevek: ok, any clue how to resolve it?
20:46.57stevekstevektzanger: it isn't a bad idea, but the better idea is to just eliminate the discontinuity.  It's backwards-compatible (no protocol extension needed), and probably not a lot harder.
20:47.06stevekstevekbuddah: don't use g729 :)
20:47.35buddahstevekstevek: well we purchased liscences for it, and the message just popped up all of a sudden as of yesterday
20:47.37zippstevekstevek, thx
20:47.44|Vulture|whats wrong with 729?
20:47.48tzangerstevekstevek: how do you eliminiate the discontinuity, is this the timestamp skewing you were talking about last week I think it was?  where you gradually ramp the existing timestamp to the newone?
20:47.54stevekstevekit's parented :)
20:48.30stevekstevektzanger: so, in chan_iax2, frames that it's about to send out either come with timestamps, or without.
20:48.43tzangerstevekstevek: yes I saw that
20:49.04stevekstevekwhen they come without timestamps (let's call this implicit timestamps), it generates them (it's called "prediction" in the code).
20:50.03BrianR___hey folks
20:50.04stevekstevekwhen the come with timestamps (let's call this explicit), the timestamps are theoretically based on the server's timeframe, so it just subtracts the time of the beginning of the call (to get the right timeframe) and sends that.
20:50.26stevekstevekbut, this can sometimes still lead to a gap for whatever reason..
20:50.55stevekstevekso, here's an algorithm to solve the problem:
20:50.58__Sparks_Other then Sipgate and FWD (Who break CLID!), are there any other SIP providers that offer free calls to UK 0800 numbers?
20:51.03BrianR___I'm having a bit of trouble with disconnect supervision on a fx0 (fxs signalled) device. It's plugged into an analog port on a PBX which provides dialtone but not open switch interval or polarity reversal...
20:51.12stevekstevek1) add a new variable to iax2_pvt called "explicit_ts_offset".
20:51.32BrianR___I turned on callprogress=yes, but it doesn't seem to be disconnecting that line when it plays a dialtone.
20:51.34stevekstevek2) It gets initialized to zero or something.
20:52.26stevekstevek3) If we get a frame with an implicit timestamp (and explicit_ts_offset) is zero, we do the same thing as now.
20:53.17dca[laptop]does anyone know how to prevent the RTP stream from being released?
20:53.30stevekstevek4) If we get a frame with an explicit ts, we figure out what the next implicit ts would be, and calculate offset such that the explicit_ts - explicit_ts_offset = the next implicit ts, and send that out.
20:53.42stevekstevek5) if we get a frame with an explicit ts, and explicit_ts_offset is set, we subtract that, and send it.
20:53.59tzangerstevekstevek: hmm
20:54.14stevekstevek6) if we get a frame with an implicit ts, and explicit_ts_offset is set, we clear explicit_ts_offset.
20:54.14stevekstevek(I kinda made that up as I typed, but it's what I had in mind).
20:54.44stevekstevektzanger: want to put that into a mantis bug, and write a patch for it :)
20:54.51dca[laptop]is it even possible to prevent the RTP stream from being released ...
20:55.16stevekstevekdca[laptop]: I don't do SIP, but I think you want "canreinvite=no" or something.
20:55.57dca[laptop]stevekstevek: that will prevent the call from release (i.e. the SIP signalling) but not the RTP stream
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20:56.31stevekstevekdca[laptop]: OK, then I guess I don't know the answer.  Sorry :)  (like I said, I don't use sip...).
20:56.47dca[laptop]fyi, iax uses RTP as well ...i think
20:57.07stevekstevekno, it doesn't.
20:57.07yashaxIn Asterisk@HOME, which config file and where does it store the DialPlan based on the Web GUI?
20:57.11stevekstevekI _do_ know iax.
20:57.22dca[laptop]ah, k
20:57.41greg_workare there any downsides to having nat=yes when there is no NAT?
20:58.25greg_workyashax: *@home uses AMP doesn't it? /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf
20:59.19tzangerstevekstevek: hmm ok this looks rather easy actually
20:59.21yashaxgot it, thanks...
20:59.54yashaxhmm... what I am looking for to find the DialPlan???
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21:00.43stevekstevektzanger: yeah, not too hard.
21:00.55stevekstevekThat totally takes care of the transition from implicit -> explicit.
21:00.58zippstevekstevek, can I build iaxcli w/o tk/tcl?
21:01.08stevekstevekzipp: sure.
21:01.27zippgdk errors on make iaxcli
21:01.49stevekstevektzanger: I'm not 100% sure that the transition the other way will be taken care of automatically, but it might require updating one variable (last_voice or something). to do that as well.
21:02.18stevekstevekzipp: if you don't have gtk-devel and whatnot, turn off the HOTKEY stuff.  (actually, tkphone doesn't use it either).
21:02.33stevekstevekzipp: I added that for a "push to talk" functionality I use in another client..
21:03.11zippworks, thx
21:03.31bjohnsongreg_work: I don't think so
21:04.32greg_workbjohnson: i couldn't think of anything either. it says that "basically it tells * to ignore the address in the SIP request, and use the addres the packet came from instead"
21:04.44greg_workon a LAN, the address is going to be the device that sent it
21:04.59bjohnsonyes I think so
21:06.24BrianR___Any thoughts on my dialtone disconnect supervision problem?
21:06.32tzangerBrianR___: this is for an ATA?
21:06.48BrianR___tzanger: It's for a VMI, which thankfully provides a dialtone instead of dead air on hangup...
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21:06.57tzangerBrianR___: hmm
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21:07.07BrianR___tzanger: I'm wondering if the norstar's dialtone is not the standard frequency?
21:07.32tzangerBrianR___: sounds pretty normal to me :-)
21:07.51BrianR___Turning on callprogress should result in disconnect on dialtone, right?
21:07.57tzangernot sure
21:07.59tzangerI avoid callprogress
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21:08.25BrianR___tzanger: Yes. It's a nasty hack. But there's no other solution if your line doesn't have real diconnect supervision...
21:08.31rvhihi, how big is the difference between 1.0.5 and cvs-head?
21:09.16zipprvhi, months
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21:09.45rvhiif i want realtime database for vm/sip/exten, can i use 1.0.5?
21:09.46iceypanyone know where and how i can install Asterisk/
21:09.54iceypI cant find it on CPAN
21:10.00zipprvhi, I have problems w/ nufone using <= 1.0.5, not with cvs head
21:10.25rvhiread something about a caller id bug in 1.0.5
21:10.35rvhiis the fix backported?
21:11.05rvhii really don't want to mess up with cvs head
21:12.04greg_workrvhi: where are you looking to use *?
21:12.07kpflemingrvhi: yes, the current CVS stable has corrected caller ID, and will be released as 1.0.6 soon
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21:12.25FuRR_anyone have any exp. with asterisk behind a nat
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21:12.38FuRR_i keep getting un authorized messages when the xten and pin are correct
21:12.43greg_workFuRR_: read the wiki
21:12.46buddahanyone familiar with polycom 500s know how to get the caller ID working?
21:12.58FuRR_greg_work: and which one of the over 1k pages should i start on
21:13.00buddahstill showing the default thats set on the t1
21:13.04kpflemingwhen does it not work? it's always worked for me
21:13.29buddahthe number is showing up as 5622832400
21:13.38buddahand it should be 3233450128
21:13.43rvhii am using * a pstn gateway
21:13.46kpflemingif you are setting callier in zapata.conf, then that's what you will get on your phones, don't set it there
21:13.49rvhiwith other sip proxy
21:14.33buddahcaller you mean?
21:15.08kpflemingcallerid, yes
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21:15.24kpflemingthat does not control outbound caller id, if you though it did
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21:16.07Connor-anyone have problems with asterisk becoming unregister with another asterisk box? and not re-registering? (only way to get it to re-register is to issue a sip reload command) ??
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21:16.13kuonSamahi everybody
21:16.52kuonSamaI currently have a cisco CME installed, the CME use the router IOS isdn interface to get connected to public phone network.
21:17.14kuonSamaI want to use asterisk in place of the CME to add more function (like voice mail, auto respond...)
21:17.35kuonSamais that a good choice? Or should I use Cisco CM?
21:17.40kuonSamaI never user asterisk
21:17.42shido6kick CM to the curb
21:17.57shido6check your message kuonSama
21:17.59kuonSamaI don't like windows
21:18.24loudnor does asterisk, you've got a friend
21:19.43buddahkpfleming: so comment out the usecallerid=yes in zapata.conf?
21:19.58kpflemingno, not that, that's ok
21:20.11kpflemingif you are specifying "callerid=" in zapata.conf then you don't want to do that
21:20.16buddahthe stuff further down about the channel IDs
21:20.20buddahyeah thats all commented out
21:20.40kpflemingare you sre you are receiving CLID from your telco?
21:20.55BrianR___Is anyone else here familiar with callprogress?
21:22.21|Vulture|is there anyway to get a polycom IP500 to read its CID from sip.conf instead of it's personal config file?
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21:22.25BrianR___syslod: The fake call progress detection for fxs_ls signalled lines.
21:22.52syslodI only have ks here.
21:22.54Trionnisanyone know of a windows program to create the .gsm files for an IVR menu?
21:22.57syslodis that CPC?
21:22.58BrianR___syslod: From what I can tell, it's also supposed to detect a dialtone and provide fake disconnect supervision on ls lines not equipped with real disconnect supervision..
21:23.00bjohnsonFuRR_: start with the ones that say NAT
21:23.00|Vulture|like Cisco 7960/40s read from sip.conf
21:23.19eKo1Digium's having some voice and data outtages <--- Ironic, don't you think.
21:23.23BrianR___syslod: callprogress=yes in zapata.conf
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21:23.52syslod?? I think LS is CPC
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21:23.56thoorI need some help with my Iaxy unit
21:24.05BrianR___syslod: What does CPC stand for?
21:24.17thoorit is registered with the asterisk box, but it doesn't recieve a dial tone
21:24.18buddahkpfleming: looks like its an issue with our cisco router
21:24.25eKo1Does anybody know of a web service or something to that effect that I can use to determine the location of a number?
21:24.26bjohnsonTrionnis: sorry no .. did you check the wiki?  you could also use the * record() command
21:24.29zapadenon thanks agains
21:24.46Trionnisbut that's a pain, since I'm going to end up making a whole bunch
21:24.57TrionnisI looked there, didn't see much of anything really
21:25.07syslodcalling party control
21:25.11thoori dont understand how i would be able to see the device with the show IAX2 peers yet it wont get the dial tone
21:25.15thooranyone have any ideas?
21:25.17bjohnsonthoor: I'm not familiar with IAXy .. but aren't they fxs = create (not receive) a dialtone
21:25.56zapahi it´s posible to conect a etsi card pri 30 to TE110P
21:25.58thoorthey are fxs...but i try dialing into it with a dial and it wont ring
21:26.21bjohnsonTrionnis: maybe search the mailing list archives?  Likely it's been discussed somewhere
21:26.43bjohnsonthoor: do you get a dialtone when you plug a phone into it?
21:26.58bjohnsonthoor: maybe try dialing out first
21:27.15BrianR___syslod: Oh yes.. The device providing the fxs port doesn't have CPC.
21:27.22BrianR___syslod: It doesn't even provide an open switch interval.
21:27.28BrianR___syslod: It just plays a dialtone when the caller hangs up. a busy/no line connected signal
21:28.08Trionnisbjohnson: looking there now
21:28.13Trionnisthanks for the tip :)
21:28.16tzangerBrianR___: do you know if the NEC Electra systems have a similar kind of 3rd party VM interface (some kind of electra elite 48 ATA?)
21:28.21syslodTHat would be tough to do.  We have some expensive eq around here and it can't get around CPC on LS to may callprogress work.
21:28.52BrianR___tzanger: No idea...
21:29.12bjohnsonthoor: do you have it defined as a friend or a peer?
21:29.14BrianR___tzanger: I will be doing integration in a few of our offices with different phone systems though. I think we have an avaya partner somewhere... and a panasonic system...
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21:33.19ast_freakAnyone know when we're going to see more features from HEAD make it into a release form?  perhaps asterisk 1.1?
21:33.56thoorbjohnson: when i just called the device directly, it instantly timed out and went to s in default
21:35.55yashaOk, I got the Incoming to work with BV, now for outgoing... Any luck where do I look for that? Right now, anytime that I try to dial, it says "circuits are busy now"...
21:36.14*** part/#asterisk PTG123 (
21:37.07Sconkhumm i have problems playing gsm files i gets this error budt the gsm file is there..
21:37.20rvhii tried to get cvs stable, anyone knows how?
21:37.25|Vulture|Anyone know what causes an event where the party on the * server calls # and they just hear ringing, although the # picks up, or they pick up and they can hear but not be heard?
21:37.27rvhii looked at this wiki page
21:37.32bjohnsonast_freak: no
21:37.53*** part/#asterisk emitrax (
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21:38.32jbotcvs stands for concurrent versions systems. more info here  The asterisk CVS can be found at
21:39.46bjohnsonrvhi: the cvs co -r v1-0 asterisk   on that wiki page should do it
21:39.48rvhii was told to get cvs stable
21:40.01rvhib/c it will be the next stable release
21:40.16rvhii don't want cvs head
21:41.13*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
21:42.13rvhiin wiki, it says " If you want the latest stable and proven code, use the CVS stable branch. "
21:42.16rvhiwhat does it mean?
21:43.52ariel_rvhi, cvs co -r v1-0 asterisk is the current stable. It's the best way to get it.
21:44.08zapahi all, me again i have a PRI 30 telrad card it's possible to connect to e100p ?
21:44.08rvhithat's stable, right? not cvs stable?
21:44.24ariel_-r v1-0 is stable
21:44.43kpflemingwhich is the same thing as "cvs stable"
21:45.05*** join/#asterisk jsolares (~jsolares@
21:45.16ariel_zapa, if it works like any other PRI yes it should work. just get the right settings on it.
21:45.17jsolaresanyone know if the alcatel ip touch 4068 works with h323 in asterisk?
21:45.17xkevariel_, not 'release' but bugfixes since last release
21:45.18rvhioh... though -r v1-0 is the latest release, ie. 1.0.5
21:45.22xkevnot ariel, ie:
21:45.59xkevbut I love cvs head, but then I'm changing code all the time too :)
21:46.01rvhiok, anyway, -r v1-0 gets the latest release + bug fix?
21:46.46ariel_rvhi, yes
21:47.42rvhicool, thx. i will stick with cvs stable
21:50.14dca[laptop]is VAD actually a switch for iax.conf?
21:50.42dca[laptop]let me rephrase that, will VAD=no actually do anything?
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21:53.58pdracevichhi all!!
21:54.29pdracevichtzanger: I am going great guns working very very well thanks..........BUT
21:54.37__Sparks_I have another question! - I have signed up with a provider - they use an outbound proxy at port 5065 - do I need to set this on sip.conf?
21:55.00CleanerXanyone knows this :
21:55.12CleanerXWARNING[34835]: codec_speex.c:166 speextolin_framein: Out of buffer space
21:56.32pdracevichWhen I dial a number say 4327763 which the dial rule points it to the server "A" and dial into the local PSTN it work, but when i dial an internatiol number i get  Rejected connect attempt from 210.54.249.x, request '0044134484717@incoming' does not exist <--- Can anyone help please.
21:59.17pdracevichhelp? anyone?
21:59.26jsolareswhat is better, h323 or oh323?
22:03.17ionixanyone has PSAP for montreal ?
22:03.26ionixI keep calling them and they say it doesn't exist
22:03.30ionixwhich is bullsh*t
22:04.47stevekstevekjsolares: looking for a fight?
22:05.32jsolaresstevekstevek: trying to make netmeeting work, but it doesnt seem to
22:05.52jsolaresi have no other h323 devices to try, so wanted a headastart for when i "HAVE" to set up h323
22:06.11shido6doesnt sjphone
22:06.12shido6do h323
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22:06.44jsolareshey greg, i'll try that then
22:06.51thooris a register statement needed in iax.conf when using an iaxy?
22:07.07shido6just a user and a peer
22:07.13shido6users have contexts, peers dont
22:07.19shido6peers have hosts and users dont
22:08.49thoori just dont understand why this is not working then
22:09.09shido6check your pmsg
22:09.52thoori did debug and it has a progression of subclasses: NEW->Accept->Ack->Ringing->ack
22:10.18shido6private message
22:11.03Sconkis there a way form the cli to see what codec a user is using?
22:12.15shido6what kinda channel is it?
22:12.24pdracevichWhen I dial a number say 4327763 which the dial rule points it to the server "A" and dial into the local PSTN it work, but when i dial an internatiol number i get  Rejected connect attempt from 210.54.249.x, request '0044134484717@incoming' does not exist <--- Can anyone help please.
22:12.47shido6it doesnt exist in your dialplan
22:12.48shido6read it
22:12.50shido6look at it
22:12.59shido6understand that that number doesnt match anything inthe "incoming" context
22:13.18PinholeIs there an automated tool that can evaulate call quality?  Like one * server calls another, plays a message that is echoed, and records the quality.
22:13.52bkw_ya its easy to see
22:15.39*** join/#asterisk mtqh (
22:15.56zapathanks ariel
22:16.11dca[laptop]okay, i'm at odds with the LEC who is telling me that when i put my call's on hold that the RTP stream goes dead and causes their system to send messages that they don't want to send. My setup is LEC --> * proxy --> SIP device. Any ideas?
22:17.12znowhen I park a call, I don't get the parked extension spoken back to me, but when I call the parking extension, I do.
22:18.07*** join/#asterisk BuckRogers (
22:19.10mmlj4who was in Mobile last week? I don't know any of you by nicks
22:21.07dca[laptop]better way to describe it is LEC --> (via SIP) --> * gateway --> (via IAX) --> * proxy --> (via SIP) --> sip device
22:22.00*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
22:22.39yashaGUYS, I am trying to get the OUTGOING to work with BV and placing a call and receiving the following in CLI: Any ideas:
22:23.01Trionnisever heard of pastebin?
22:23.16jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
22:23.17yashadid not think about it right away
22:23.21BuckRogershaha just did the same thing
22:23.53BuckRogersjose consakeco is spilling the beans on 770am
22:24.00iceypanyone here using astcc ?
22:24.03BuckRogersits pretty sick
22:24.03Trionnisdoes BV need the 1 on the outbound?
22:25.37bkw_yasha, who the hell told you to dial SIP/peer/exten?
22:25.39bkw_thats EVIL
22:26.20yashaSIP/peer/exten: sorry, what is that?
22:26.25dca[laptop]bkw_ you might now what ails me
22:26.33yashawhat am I doing wrong?
22:26.33dsmouse(tho sip/peer/exten would be more consistant with zap)
22:26.41bkw_thats not the point
22:26.51dsmouseno, it's not :)
22:26.57dca[laptop]okay, i'm at odds with the LEC who is telling me that when i put my call's on hold that the RTP stream goes dead and causes their system to send messages that they don't want to send. My setup is LEC --> * proxy --> SIP device. Any ideas?
22:27.02bkw_the point is the auth info might not go thru correctl if you dial like that
22:27.11*** join/#asterisk thoor (
22:27.41zapathanks for all
22:28.42Qwelldca[laptop]: They're getting mad at you, because their system is sending bad info?
22:29.38dca[laptop]Qwell: no, their system generates and log's error messages when the RTP stream get's dropped, it's something they would like to avoid if possible, so i'm wondering how i can keep the RTP stream going even when my SIP phone is on hold.
22:31.56*** join/#asterisk jesse_132 (~chatzilla@
22:32.52jesse_132is there a phone service called a "hot-wire" ....  a potential client says they have one that allows all calls in the state to be free...  The guy I was talking with didn't really know exactly though...
22:32.53|Vulture|Anyone here use IP500s?
22:33.33DJ-Pyro|Vulture|: yes
22:34.24|Vulture|DJ-Pyro: how do you deal with internal CID? mine always passes the reg.1.displayName and not the CID field in sip.conf
22:34.40DJ-Pyrohmm, ours passes CID from sip.conf
22:35.04|Vulture|strange... maybe it is an option
22:35.19*** join/#asterisk JoaoCorreia (~JoaoCorre@
22:35.58|Vulture|DJ-Pyro: any way I could get you to post your IP500 conf file?
22:36.06DJ-Pyro|Vulture|: get rid of reg.1.displayName from the file
22:36.39|Vulture|DJ-Pyro: aaaah... I tried to set it to "" but that didn't work... didn't think of trashing it all together
22:36.53iceypanyone using a calling card application with asterisk? specifcally astcc ?
22:37.36ta[i]ntedi did
22:37.39JoaoCorreiaI have an ISDN line in Europe
22:37.40ta[i]ntedfor a very short while
22:37.54JoaoCorreiaare there any cards combatible ? wich one should I use ?
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22:52.37CleanerXJoaoCorreia, what exactly do you want?
22:52.42yashax - Please give me a hand in trying to figure out what is the problem with this. I am trying to get Outgoing working with BV!
22:56.38yashaxguys, anyone?
22:56.59hardwireIma girl!
22:57.04hardwirein my dreams.
22:58.47xkevif I'm using [queue] strategy = leastrecent, it's only calling the first member (who has least recently taken a call), but if that member doesn't answer, it won't try anyone else
22:59.33xkev..I could swear this worked in the past, maybe something changed in cvs
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23:02.48jsolaresyashax: i think your missing a 1 in front of your number
23:04.13yashaxI am using a 9 for outgoing.....
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23:04.32yashaxI have tried with or without 9 with the same result
23:05.48jsolaresit should be an 11 digit number if i'm correct
23:06.04jsolares1 XXX areacode XXX XXXX phone #
23:06.15jsolareswell 1NXXNXXXXXX
23:06.53yashaxwhat do I have in my pastebin?
23:07.10jsolaresa 10 digit number
23:07.17jsolaresand if you say you're using the 9, an 8 digit number
23:08.02ionixAnyone has the PSAP for montreal ?
23:08.09jsolaresyou could use _91NXXNXXXXXX in your dialplan yashax
23:08.13yashaxno, I am using 9 as a prefix for outgoing line... The reason the pastebin has only 10 digits, it is because I have tried to dial it without 9, but the result is the same...
23:08.38iceypanyone here using astcc calling card app ?
23:09.35jsolaresbut what about the 1?
23:09.36outtoluncxkev: there is a new var 'numbusies' in ring_one... check the configs
23:09.52xkevouttolunc, thanks
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23:10.38yashaxanyone has any ideas?
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23:11.12jsolareshave you tried with the 1 before your 10 digit number?
23:11.19wangsterIs there a way to get asterisk to display DTMF tones on the console as they are recieved? Specifically with regard to SIP.
23:11.20jsolareslike dialing a 1-800
23:11.22__Sparks_has anyone her setup Asteris with VOIPTalk, suing SIP rather than IAX?
23:11.28yashaxwithout 9?
23:11.46jsolareswell 9 doesnt matter, that's asterisk prefix you want to use
23:11.49PinholeAnybody know of any automated call quality monitoring tools for asterisk?
23:12.02jsolaresso it should be 9 1 555 555 5555
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23:12.24jsolaresso you tell broadvoice to dial 1 555 555 5555
23:12.32shido6suing a new voip provider already __Sparks_
23:12.36yashaxyep, just did .... no go...
23:12.37xkevouttolunc, then is this the expected behavior?  looks like we were trying to fix penalty
23:13.11jsolaresyashax: i'm out of ideas
23:13.21jsolareswhat does sip show registry tell you?
23:13.34jsolaresyashax: ask shido6. he's good
23:13.36|Vulture|registered sip clients
23:14.10thoorshido: I made those changes to my iax.conf, now it gives me the error unable to create channel of type IAX2
23:14.20outtoluncxkev: i've not reviewed this issue, but the quick scan i did.. it seems like it
23:14.32jsolaresyashax: have you seen this :
23:14.32outtolunci'll see what i can do
23:14.44yashaxYeah, I followed it...
23:14.52yashaxincoming works and outgoing does not....
23:14.52Groobydon't follow that
23:14.54Groobyit's so out of date
23:15.03|Vulture|yea that page is crap
23:15.15|Vulture|the wiki has a working
23:15.42thoorthe broadvoice support page is actually out of date
23:15.50thoorwho was having trouble with it?
23:15.52yashaxI think I know why.. All of the instructions are based on straight Asterisk config files, but I am running Asterisk@home with ACD so their configs are slightly different.... Hhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrr
23:15.53|Vulture|and they mispell their name on it :P
23:15.59znoanyone provision their snoms here?
23:16.04Groobyi can help you
23:16.11GroobyI run *@home w/ BV
23:16.16yashaxNO WAY
23:16.26thoornope...those are no longer good the proxies that is
23:16.49|Vulture| yea that one deff is not ;)
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23:17.10|Vulture|if you use that config for outbound you will get congestion
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23:17.39thoorsame for fromdomain
23:17.44xkevouttolunc, I probably ought to file a report.  if a member doesn't answer, it should try the next member.  that's just dumb if it doesn't. :)
23:18.06|Vulture|that works
23:18.10*** topic/#asterisk by denon -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Dev Conf 1PM CST FEB 24th -> IAX2/guest@
23:18.35wangsteris there any way to get asterisk to display DTMF keypresses on the console?
23:18.46|Vulture|and make sure to run 1.0.5+ or you will get blacklisted from BV
23:19.05|Vulture|wangster: you mean like viewing in verbose mode?
23:20.38thoorcould somone help me with my Iaxy?
23:21.14thoori am getting a cannot create IAX2 channel error
23:21.19wangstervulture: yes I suppose. I have asterisk in verbose mode but it dosn't display anything when keys are pressed.
23:21.34shido6read your pmsg
23:21.51IronHelixfor BV- atm ( at least as of last night ) CHI was the only proxy that works correctly
23:21.56wangsterThe main problem I'm trying to solve is remote retreval of voicemail.
23:22.02|Vulture|wangster: do asterisk -vvvvvvvr
23:22.13|Vulture|wangster: if you don't see them... then they aren't being passe
23:22.21IronHelixi have NO IDEA why, but for some reason doing this  makes it work with the other proxies
23:24.04wangstervulture: I have verbose set to 9. I assure you they are being passed but nothing displays in the console.
23:24.21|Vulture|strange... mine display..
23:24.29|Vulture|sip debug?
23:24.38fafnirwith asterisk, if i go with say at&t's voip, can i assign all the numbers to the asterisk server so it makes outgoing calls on them?
23:25.07wangstervulture: I have sip debug on as well... Let me try restarting....
23:25.28IronHelixfafnir- i think ATT voip is locked to an ATA
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23:26.13wangsterVulture: no luck :( THis is Asterisk 1.0.5
23:26.33fafnirwe're trying to set up a big business with all voip
23:26.38fafnirwhat would be a good provider?
23:27.06IronHelixATA = analog telephony adapter.  its a box that basically has ethernet on one end and a RJ11 phone on the other
23:27.11*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:27.21Beirdomy music on hold stuff doesn't work if I'm using GSM codec
23:27.26Beirdobut it does for ulaw
23:28.03Beirdoworks in speex too
23:28.11*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
23:28.23IronHelixATA =  NOT very useful at all if you want to be doing
23:28.35IronHelixIE soft pbx voip
23:28.39wangstervulture: what type of DTMF signalling are you using? RFC, INFO, or INBAND?
23:28.40Beirdoworking in ilbc
23:28.58IronHelixyou'd want a provider that will let you use your own equipment, which is sometimes referred to a BYOD (bring your own device)
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23:29.35IronHelixso fafnir, to get calling from a * box you might consider looking into a wholesale provider
23:29.41IronHelixit really depends on how much calling you do
23:29.43Beirdoand now it's working with gsm
23:30.27jbotwell, jerjer is nufone
23:31.00|Vulture|wangster: what service are you using?
23:31.08wangsterVulture: service?
23:31.26|Vulture|like Zap/IAX2 (VoicePulse)/SIP (Broadvoice)
23:32.08wangstervulture: no service. Its an asterisk box connected to SIP phones. A PRI runs to a Cisco switch which also talks SIP directly to asterisk.
23:32.39RoyKjbot: no, jerjer is that stupid pro american guy that runs nufone
23:32.40jbotokay, RoyK
23:32.42|Vulture|wangster: ah, I've never done those :(
23:33.11wangstervulture: I can't get the DTMF to work when calling in from the PRI so I'm trying to debug it. Its almost certainly a config problem on the Cisco but before I can debug it i need to see if the Asterisk box is registering the keypresses.
23:33.49wangstervulture: DTMF works fine from the SIP phones but I can' t get Asterisk to display the keypresses on the console.
23:34.31__Sparks_I am having trouble when I have more than one Sip gateway in my sip.conf - i am getting the error "Failed to authenticate on REGISTER" followed by all but one of my accounts - do I need different port numbers for each?
23:34.35jbotsomebody said beirdo was a dumbass some days, and irritable on Mondays
23:34.51Beirdogood to see nobody's corrected it :)
23:35.25jbotroyk is probably mean and shoots people with quantum singularity weapons
23:35.56tuxinator_linuxDo someone know of a good reference to learn what options are availble to get dial tone on * (or is willing to talk to me)?  I am interested in using the Digium t1 card.
23:36.09jboti heard stevekstevek is someone who told me to say this
23:36.21RoyK~shoot Beirdo
23:36.23jbotACTION shoots Beirdo in the eye with a quantum singularity weapon!
23:36.35Beirdo~trout RoyK
23:41.37CleanerXdoes anybody know that current status of encryption with SIP?
23:41.49CleanerXeither SIPS or SRTP ?
23:42.51IronHelixdont think its getting much of anywhere, but i remember hearing that there was experimental iax crypto in the works
23:43.32shido6tuxinator_linux read your private messages
23:44.07CleanerXyeah - what i wonder about is the aes.c file in * distribution
23:46.04stevekstevekthe aes.c is for encryption, but it doesn't mean that SRTP is implemented..  AES is used in other places in *.
23:46.07*** join/#asterisk salmandr (
23:46.17pointer-gaimdo the sipura spa 3000s have an FXO(<->SIP) port on them?
23:46.21|Vulture|like authenticating IAX2
23:46.40salmandrdoes anyone know of a IAX demo server i can call
23:46.50salmandrmaybe one that i can listen to MOH for 5 mins or so
23:46.58Nuggetyes.  the one in the sample config files you installed with asterisk.
23:47.03Nuggetthe one that the asterisk docs describe.
23:47.54salmandri called digium but their menu seems like I should be talking to tech support or something
23:48.10salmandri just want a somewhat lengthy session so i can measure bandwidth usage
23:48.14stevekstevekso don't go to any of the choices.  Play in the directory if you want.
23:48.26stevekstevekor, just use the fwd echo test I sent you.
23:48.38salmandri'll try it out, thanks
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23:48.56IronHelixyeah use the echo test and if you want to simulate usage just put the phone in front of your cd player
23:49.20stevekstevekthat's not likely to make any difference.
23:49.23NuggetI did that when I was diagnosing my voicpulse jitter problems.
23:49.35stevekstevekunless you're using a VBR codec, and only speex supports that at the moment.
23:49.54salmandrdoes it matter if there is noise or not? looks like uses gsm
23:50.04salmandrahh ok
23:50.06steveksteveknot that you're sending..
23:50.26IronHelixonly reason for noise is to keep the codec going in case silence suppression is used somewhere
23:50.28stevekstevekbut, if you go to, it will stop sending you packets after the menu plays.
23:50.59*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
23:51.05stevekstevekIronHelix: but * doesn't do silence suppression...  And "noise" won't fool good VAD anyway :)
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23:52.29BoRiS~seen paulc
23:52.35jbotpaulc <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 18h 55m 34s ago, saying: 'Is it me, or are there a handful of guys in the final 12 who are just fecking awful?'.
23:54.42*** join/#asterisk CoaxD (
23:55.48stevekstevekwhy is it that 10% of mails to asterisk-users are in the wrong thread.
23:55.57stevekstevekare people that lazy that they can't start a new mail?
23:56.55CoaxDstevek: because people are stupid and reply to messages to start new ones
23:57.04CoaxDstevek: (of course, leaving the msgid trail intact)
23:57.30stevekstevekis it stupid (well, uninformed), or just lazy..
23:58.25*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.