irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050216

00:00.27syslodExplains how to order a PRI from VZ. Or anything else for that matter.
00:00.51QwellWhich link?
00:01.00harryvvImagine being at the table like my stepdad was to watch craig sign in the first ever cell site in the world with the chicogo mayor :)
00:01.43*** part/#asterisk fdp32 (fdp32@
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00:03.34harryvvbecame top salemand for two years in a row for MCaw Cellular ;) how times have changes. MCaw cellular turnedinto Cellular one bought out by AT&T to become AT&T wireless now bought out by singular.
00:03.50Qwellsyslod: I think I'm missing something big on this page
00:03.58syslodQwell: Tariffs
00:04.11syslodThen your state.  T
00:04.17Qwellheh, they're still using the gte domain
00:04.28harryvvIs that for charging customers?
00:04.56QwellWhere exactly did Verizon come from?
00:05.02QwellDid GTE get bought out, or did they change their name?
00:05.06syslodGTE:CONTEL etc ect
00:05.13Qwellbig ass merger?
00:05.17harryvvGTW was bought out by Verizon
00:05.19syslodThey are alot of things
00:05.39Qwellout here, SBC made a huge deal about their new name
00:05.49Qwellwhereas Verizon was like, "y0, we're pay us now."
00:06.11kimosabehow do i configure kphone to work with asterisk
00:06.19Qwell5' outside my front door, theres still an old access grate with the GTE name on it
00:06.30harryvvQwell, go and steel it
00:06.34Qwellits huge :p
00:06.41QwellI could lay down on it...
00:06.56harryvvFor historic sale ask if you can keep it :)
00:07.04kimosabedoes any one use k phone with asterisk need a hand
00:07.22harryvvkim, that is for kde?
00:07.36Qwellsyslod: I see "Pending Projects, Effective Tariffs, and Archived Tariffs"
00:07.42kimosabek phone
00:08.01*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
00:08.38harryvvterrapen good at understanding why asterisk does not load because of some permission problems?
00:08.45QwellThis side is damn difficult to navigate, heh
00:09.00harryvvdoes not load at boot that is. Loads fine when done manually in root.
00:10.09bkw_1 gig just doesn't seem like enuf
00:10.13Qwellbkw_: What kind?
00:10.17Astrisk-boobhello everyone!
00:10.22bkw_I need a pair of 1gb 3200's
00:10.30bkw_DDR baby
00:10.34Qwellyeah, can't help you there, heh
00:10.46harryvvddr with ecc?
00:10.58bkw_if it will work in an iMac sure
00:11.07bkw_wants more
00:11.08Astrisk-boobat work here were on voip.. can i test from a pc connected to the same network? im super green to viop
00:11.19bkw_so you can send your donations to via paypal
00:11.26syslodQwell: Thats the point.
00:11.27terrapen:P my dual g5 has 1.5Gb
00:11.36Qwellsyslod: ahh
00:11.43bkw_this imac is hella fast with 1gig
00:11.46Qwellsyslod: so far the only number I've seenm is the one I would have called
00:11.49harryvvI have ecc. its needed for my "Bul*$%" Rma board that is at the mfg now :) A dual opteron.
00:11.58bkw_it puts that poor 2.8ghz P4 to shame
00:12.01charles___bkw_ Do you know which of the Calling Card app is still being maintained ?
00:12.08*** join/#asterisk jalsot (
00:12.14charles___bkw_, the cvs in ast cc show july the last change
00:12.21Silik0nOS X ++
00:12.25charles___bkw_, areski looks very good
00:12.25bkw_don't ask me that charles___
00:12.35charles___bkw_, don't you like billing stuff ?
00:12.41bkw_fuck no
00:13.01harryvvwhat billing binaries are you using
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00:13.07syslodbilling stuff?
00:13.18ariel_bkw_, did you go the Philippines?
00:13.35bkw_ariel_, not yet
00:13.37bkw_I have been sick
00:13.40bkw_3 weeks of fucking crap
00:14.03bkw_ok now you can all paypal
00:14.03ariel_So that is why you have not been around here.
00:14.04harryvvGood oll PI
00:14.13bkw_ariel_, ya
00:14.33harryvvI could have gone to the PI when in the service
00:14.34ariel_harryvv, yep it was great when I lived there.
00:14.38jessteri have a new asterisk setup and listening to mp3s sounds scratchy. I have the very same mp3 file on other asterisk so I know the file format plays ok.
00:14.47harryvvWould have gone to CAFB
00:14.50bkw_your mpg123 version is wrong maybe?
00:14.55jessterbkw_: lemme check
00:15.10kimosabedoes nay one use k phon e
00:15.14file[laptop]day after day, same mpg123 problems and fixes... I swear
00:15.21jessterbkw_:  0.59s-r9
00:15.27Qwell/topic mpg123 0.59r only.  NEXT!
00:15.36file[laptop]Qwell: that was in there once...
00:15.42file[laptop]still, people didn't understand
00:15.43QwellDoesn't surprise me
00:15.50QwellAlso doesn't surprise me
00:15.58bkw_you got it
00:16.01ariel_you know asterisk has a make mpg123 built into it. use it.
00:16.01bkw_0.59r ONLY
00:16.05jessterheh, well google with and various moh search strings yielded off topic stuff
00:16.15bkw_who search for moh
00:16.17bkw_damn boi
00:16.23*** part/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
00:16.49jessteri did not use mpg123 in the search, i suspect that would have been key to finding it much quicker on my own
00:16.49ariel_Well it's dinner time. I got to start cooking see you all later.
00:16.50shmaltz~seen ManxPower
00:16.52jbotmanxpower <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 20h 46m 56s ago, saying: 'Nugget, We should get tzanger's opinion!'.
00:17.19afrosheenwow my zaptel cards are acting crazy
00:17.20harryvvanyone ever see this when asterisk is being loaded by init.d eb 15 15:38:40 WARNING[1069]: Unable to open IAX timing interface: Permission denied
00:17.20harryvvFeb 15 15:38:41 WARNING[1069]: Unable to open '/dev/zap/channel': Permission denied
00:17.20harryvvFeb 15 15:38:41 ERROR[1069]: Unable to open channel 1: Permission denied
00:17.20harryvvhere = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
00:17.34eKo1harryvv: Check the permission on /dev/zap
00:17.55*** part/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
00:18.05syslodAnyone got any suggestions for configuring the new T1/E1 card to work with a 12FXO/12FXS CA Bank I ?
00:18.07bkw_harryvv, you're not running as root are you
00:18.08jessterbkw_: ya, didn't see that since it doesn't match the content i thought would help for searches, ie moh, music on hold, sound quality, static,  etc etc..
00:18.19harryvvek01 all the files are crw-r--r--
00:18.31bkw_harryvv, are you running as a NON ROOT USER?
00:18.34eKo1harryvv: eh, who owns them?
00:18.46harryvvbkw no, this is only when debian is booting it gets these errors.
00:18.55harryvvits trying to load asterisk
00:18.57bkw_doesn't debian muck i up to run as asterisk?
00:19.10bkw_no but
00:19.13harryvvWhen logged in as root it loads fine.
00:19.16bkw_what UID is asterisk running as?
00:19.18shmaltzdoesn anybody know how to use Local channel, I'm having problems with it
00:19.22harryvvmanually that is
00:19.31bkw_I bet you $$ the init script is fucked up trying to start it as a non root user
00:19.35bkw_thats all it could be really
00:19.48Mavviejbot: kewl start ?
00:19.56afrosheenI have 6 zap channels, and the only channel actually plugged in is 7. any reason why it's not answering even though asterisk thinks it is?
00:20.12harryvvbkw, possibly. bkw UID not sure.
00:20.20bkw_no its all it could be
00:20.46dsmouseafrosheen: does it mention anything about the state of the line?
00:20.55afrosheendsmouse: lemme look
00:21.09bkw_some things never change :P
00:21.22dsmouse'cause if it does you might want to disable busydetection and progress and see if then it works
00:21.35harryvvWell, I dont know Everything about debian or linux so need to know about the UID or user ID. It should be loading it as asterisk but by default /dev/zap is owned by root.
00:21.35afrosheendsmouse: it thinks it's picking up the line and playing the ivr
00:21.44kimosabedoes nay one know if i have to add a diffrent configuration to my sip.conf for k-phone instead of sipura
00:21.44harryvvchowned by root that is
00:22.24dsmouseoh, nm then
00:22.26file[laptop]bkw_: deep breaths
00:22.33bkw_its a computer regardless of the OS on it you should know how to use it or make it do what you want
00:22.46Zawi'm looking for suggestions on which OS to use for asterisk. i'd rather use FreeBSD if possible, as i'm most familiar with it. am i better off using a Linux distro, and if so which one is recommended (my personal preferences aside)?
00:22.46afrosheendsmouse: it's weird, it really thinks it's doing it, but the phone calling in never hears it pick p
00:23.00bkw_Zaw, then use gentoo
00:23.06bkw_if you're a freebsd nut like me
00:23.10ReVoKoki, so i've install asterisk, and i want to use it as a server between 2 pc, to make VoIP call (using H323), but asterisk is install, but doesn't seems to have h323 module.?
00:23.10bkw_gentoo will fit more like a glove
00:23.12kimosabezaw xircom
00:23.15afrosheenZaw: I've had success with mandrake
00:23.21Zawbkw_: is that because freebsd does not have good support for asterisk as of yet?
00:23.28bkw_Zaw yep
00:23.29bkw_and trust me
00:23.31bkw_use gentoo
00:23.35bkw_if you want asterisk and love freebsd
00:23.40bkw_because you'll feel more at home with it
00:23.43eKo1ReVoK: Why H.323? Use SIP.
00:23.48redder86bkw_: it can change, though.  I used to think that about the HylaFAX discussion groups (mailing lists).  Back in the 4.1beta days we got the same old questions over and over and over.  It was horrible.  Things have gotten better since then.  The HOWTO cleared up a lot of that.  Improvements with the documentation, both installed (manpages) and on-line (website and archives) are to account for most of that.  Plus, it helped to do some coding in suc
00:23.54*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (~Nuke@
00:24.02harryvvuid=105(asterisk) gid=105(asterisk) groups=105(asterisk),29(audio)
00:24.06ReVoKeKo1 : because it imposed by our teatcher :x
00:24.07bkw_redder86, ya its getting there...
00:24.09eKo1bkw_: gentoo isn't freebsd? huh?
00:24.16bkw_redder86, we moved all our inbound faxing to rxfax on asterisk
00:24.25bkw_and use Hylafax for outbound spooling only now
00:24.29redder86bkw_: understandable
00:24.31shmaltzfor those that are intersted:
00:24.35bkw_harryvv, thats why
00:24.41eKo1ReVoK: Impose this on your teacher: ..!..
00:24.43redder86bkw_: especially since you were disabling V.17 anyway
00:24.47bkw_redder86, yep
00:24.53bkw_but you can enable V.17 in spandsp
00:24.59bkw_its in there ifdef'ed out
00:25.01redder86brw_: that is true
00:25.07bkw_but I said fuck it
00:25.07redder86bkw_: does it work well?
00:25.13bkw_no I didn't wanna chance it
00:25.30redder86bkw_: I'd bet on a lot of quirks, as it hasn't been tested much, I'm sure.
00:25.55bkw_now behave
00:26.03file[laptop]growing eh?
00:26.04bkw_and acts like a 3yr old
00:26.10Corydon-wWelcome to the Mutual Admiration Society
00:26.14file[laptop]have you been looking at the special pics again?
00:26.17ReVoKeKo1 : actualy it part of a project and we have to use h323, so whate can i do to have the server suport h323? and how to use it after?
00:26.19bkw_i'll always be like a kid
00:26.21bkw_no reason to grow up
00:26.38eKo1ReVoK: Don't use Asterisk, use OH323 or something.
00:26.59bkw_outtolunc, I did come back.. but I might go away agay
00:27.01bkw_er again
00:27.03bkw_agay.. har har
00:27.04outtolunchaha k
00:27.09Corydon-wActually, both H323 channels suck
00:27.16jesstercan I put a call on hold, and have the caller hear a choice of hold music
00:27.25redder86bkw_: once Asterisk gets some adequate and concise documentation - stuff that will help newbies without generating questions - as well as perhaps improving some common stumblingblocks - at least in a way to assist the newbie in getting it fixed, then the monotony of stuff you see in the support forums will lessen, and the quality of the discussion materially generally will improve.
00:27.29bkw_jesster, I find thats stupid
00:27.31bkw_and a waste of time
00:27.33bkw_don't bother
00:27.35afrosheenjesster: like 'for freedom rock, press 1'
00:27.39bkw_if your people are on hold too much you're doing something wrong
00:27.54bkw_redder86, when I get asterlinux fully done
00:27.55bkw_it will
00:28.04jessterbkw_: i wasn't asking for opinions :)
00:28.08Silik0nredder86: you havent read too many OSS support mailing lists have you?
00:28.14Zawbkw_: is your avoidance of asterisk on freebsd due to hardware compatibility issues or configuration problems? i noticed that there's a freebsd port for it, which is why i'm asking.
00:28.18shmaltzafrosheen: I actualy have such a menu (press 1 for this song....)
00:28.24jessterafrosheen: yea
00:28.25bkw_Zaw, all of the above
00:28.40afrosheenjesster: shlameel is your man
00:28.45redder86Silik0n: say what you want to say, don't say what you said, because I don't understand what you're trying to say.
00:29.03bkw_Silik0n doesn't speak in complete sentences at times
00:29.11afrosheenredder86: isn't that an eminem song
00:29.11bkw_its hard to follow him sometimes :P
00:29.23redder86afrosheen: M&Ms ?
00:29.24bkw_I mean that with love Silik0n
00:29.31bkw_ok i'm getting my ibook and heading to the living room
00:29.32Zawbkw_: my problem is this. we have suse linux and freebsd on all of our production systems. as such, our techs are only familiar with these OSs and their various quirks. i have reservations of throwing gentoo into production without staff that's supported it before.
00:29.35afrosheenredder86: a joke
00:29.50file[laptop]VONNNNNNN, soon soon soon
00:29.57dsmouseanyone here use broadvoice?
00:29.57afrosheenZaw: so put it on suse then
00:30.06redder86Silik0n: if you were trying to say that many OSS support forums suck, then I think you're right.
00:30.12jessterafrosheen: what do you mean? shlameel?
00:30.55afrosheenjesster: woops, I mean shmaltz, he just said he has his MOH like that
00:30.55Silik0nredder86: i'm a long time OpenSOurce user... OpenBSD is one of the things I use quite often and it is very well documented and the answers are usually on the FAQ however the number of questions on the general mailing list on a daily basis that can be answered with RTFM or RTFF is insame
00:30.55Zawafrosheen: have you run it on SuSe before, i'm guessing that it won't matter really so long as it's a Linux which distro you use
00:30.55redder86Silik0n: I was trying to say that there is a way for the organizers and developers of those projects to elevate the level of discussion, though.
00:30.58afrosheenZaw: as long as the kernel is decent you should be alright
00:31.07Zawafrosheen: ok, thanks.
00:31.20Silik0nthey can try all they want, but people will still ask the same questions that have been asked and answered 12T times
00:31.20afrosheenZaw: I've had problems with tdm cards and kernel 2.6.x on mandrake but the 2.4.x series is perfect.
00:31.26*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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00:31.30bkw_MOOSE PENIS
00:31.37Silik0nthats just the way it works
00:31.58afrosheenzaw: google for asterisk suse or look for suse on
00:32.02Zawafrosheen: so i should stick to the 2.4 kernel rather than the 2.6? that's pretty old
00:32.04afrosheenI'm sure it's been done many times
00:32.04redder86Silik0n: there will always be the dummies who don't read instructions and who don't pay attention, but that can be minimized
00:32.09Zawafrosheen: ok, will do
00:32.29afrosheenZaw: I'm just saying, different distros and different kernels have quirks, so ultimately the distro matters less than the kernel
00:32.54Zawafrosheen: gotcha. thanks for the site, off to go do some reading.
00:33.00afrosheenzaw: :)
00:33.24afrosheenzaw: while you're at it, check out AMP at
00:33.57Zawwow, nice.
00:34.09afrosheenzaw: we've been using it for awhile, it's effective
00:34.20redder86Silik0n: but, I don't consider myself a dummy, yet I asked some real big dummy-like questions both here and on the Asterisk mailing lists simply because I couldn't find the answer anywhere where I was looking.  As it turns out I simply looked in the wrong place, but what I'm saying is that over time the project can be improved to at least prevent people who are willing to do the learning from needing to ask dummy-like questions.  Asterisk isn't an
00:34.57dsmousewow that was long. you were cut off at "Asterisk isn't an"
00:35.21redder86dsmouse: anywhere near that.
00:35.39Silik0nredder86 I understand that I've done it myself, Documentation is someting thats VERY VERY nice, and I do understand that it needs to done... i would personally love to see better docs, but if I wrote them it would end up readling worse the chinese VCR instructions
00:36.11fafnirI've personally never had a problem with chinese VCR instructions
00:36.13redder86Silik0n: yeah.  And it really takes someone in a position of "authority" to write proper docs.
00:36.22Silik0nbut even so in the real world even with excellent documentation, and things like mailing list archives that are google searchable etc, people will still ask the same questions over and over
00:36.23*** join/#asterisk _PiGreco_ (
00:36.44Silik0nthe great thing about OSS is you have the source you can write you're own docs...
00:36.53_PiGreco_re ppl
00:36.54Mavvieredder86: I agree, but who wants to documentation on a project which is so chaotic?
00:37.05Silik0nthat too...
00:37.06bkw_asterisk changes so often
00:37.10bkw_the docs would be fucked up in no time
00:37.15heragis there a way I can change how often an sip registration is refreshed?
00:37.15redder86Silik0n: that's true, but at least it would be nice to be able to limit those to those that just plain didn't read the instructions.
00:37.24QwellStupid question.  Can I use vars in voicemail.conf?
00:37.35Qwellie ${NORTHEXTEN}
00:37.42Mavvieredder86: digium should have a technical writer for it who makes the initial draft and keeps it up to date with the changes.
00:37.52redder86Mavvie: doc changes need to happen with CVS commits, simultaneously.  Doc changes should be part of the patch.
00:37.53*** join/#asterisk hermie (
00:38.27Mavvieredder86: that's how it was done in my first job and that's was the best project documentation ever. No technical hacker, a technical writer :-)
00:38.28shmaltz~seen ManxPower
00:38.31jbotmanxpower <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 21h 8m 35s ago, saying: 'Nugget, We should get tzanger's opinion!'.
00:38.31redder86Mavvie: I don't think that Digium has any commitment to documentation.  I doubt that they'd hire anyone to do it.  Nobody is going to pay them to.
00:38.39Silik0nsomeone really just needs to sit down and go thru the code and do some docbook patches  but I dont see that as a high prority right now unless you just wanna get started on it
00:39.28redder86I really wish that I had the kind of time to devote to Asterisk that I have been able to devote to HylaFAX, but I just don't.  I'm all tapped out.  Someone else will have to do it for Asterisk.
00:40.20redder86It could be a technical writer - not the code writer - just as long as it happened at the same time.  Just so long as all commits had to also pass through that technical writer's desk so that the documentation adjustments got made.
00:41.07redder86Often someone will submit a patch to HylaFAX development without a doc update.  We don't commit it without the doc updates, and so I usually will write those myself.
00:41.48Mavvieredder86: you're in the hylafax devteam?
00:41.49redder86There's much, much more activity with Asterisk development than with HylaFAX.  So, whoever is going to be involved there will need more time.
00:41.56redder86Mavvie: yes
00:42.16Mavvieredder86: way cool. We're using your stuff for our deskfax server (~400 numbers)
00:42.26redder86Mavvie: I'm glad to hear that.
00:42.29shmaltzredder86, souds great, but do c this happening anytime soon to*
00:43.12redder86shmaltz: there are serious problems with how Asterisk is developed and maintained that prevent that kind of stuff from happening any time soon.
00:43.42dsmouseanyone here use teliax?
00:44.01shmaltzredder86, I am not sure if I agree on the part that there are serious problems, but it will not happen any time soon
00:44.25Essobianyone looked at ICD?
00:45.32Mocredder86, I got a new Faxing Server on the way, as soon I finish this basic chan_unistim
00:45.36redder86shmaltz: it *could* happen soon, but there are things that prevent it from happening, and those things have to do with the development structure, the way that the project is managed, that prioritize other things over things like documentation
00:45.48MocIve done the windows client for fax printing
00:45.58Moclook pretty much like rightfax ;)
00:46.02redder86Moc: cool
00:46.32shmaltzredder86, at this point things are getting done without the documentation fairly well
00:46.32Mochere is a example GUI :
00:46.36Mocit need .net thought
00:46.38EssobiWe just use Email.
00:46.53shmaltzI mean I can get the new features with a bit of playing with it
00:47.06EssobiEveryone knows how to use email, and you can use it from anywhere. :)
00:47.10MocI got the printing handeling to work, but Im currently looking into a client/server communication + How I will structure my database
00:47.17shmaltzI look at the bugnotes and after playing it usualy works, as they say RTFM
00:47.23EssobiPlus it fits nicely with Fax to Email gateways too.
00:47.33*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
00:47.55MocEssobi, alot of people still use fax, and will continue to use fax for legal reason
00:48.06Mocallthrought those reason are stupid...
00:48.34redder86Ah, using a fax machine is way easier than using a scanner and attaching a file to an e-mail.
00:48.36MavvieMoc: that hasn't stopped the telex from being eliminated :-)
00:48.41*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
00:48.48_PiGreco_redder86: is there any IRC channel for hylafax discussions afayk?
00:49.28redder86_PiGreco_: I had thought about starting up a #hylafax here, and I actually have before, but I'm not sure that it would have much traffic.
00:49.55terrapenwe must have the strangest music on hold of any company out there
00:50.16redder86_PiGreco_: the mailing list these days is even rather quiet compared to, say, a year ago.
00:50.36_PiGreco_yeah, i have noticed that
00:51.16_PiGreco_mailing lists are something that stay there anyway, irc discussions vanish
00:51.21redder86_PiGreco_: I think that there is less of a demand, quantitatively, for individuals and home users to have a fax system.
00:51.24_PiGreco_but i prefer irc anyway :)
00:51.39redder86_PiGreco_: interesting
00:51.44Mavvie_PiGreco_: you should post them to if you want them to stay alive :-)
00:52.00terrapenwhat do y'all use for your music on hold?
00:52.04shmaltzI like this one:
00:52.04terrapenanything interesting?
00:52.10_PiGreco_redder86: well i had the occasion to set up a couple of fax server machine these days
00:52.11Mavvieterrapen: Blond with Hanging on the Telephone.
00:52.25EssobiMoc The stuff that MOST people are faxing these days, are in electronic format already.  Word docs, PDFs, Forms, etc.
00:52.29MavvieBlondie that is
00:52.46_PiGreco_redder86: and its quite easy to make it work (apart a problem i got probably with a buggy/broken modem)
00:53.02_PiGreco_Mavvie: irc logs are ok too :P
00:53.03terrapenwhat is that
00:53.05redder86Essobi: not so, from what I see
00:53.17Essobi*SHRUG* Different places I guess.
00:53.23redder86Essobi: most people are faxing hand-signed documents, completed forms, etc.
00:53.50_PiGreco_and you have to scan them anyway..yeah, thats boring
00:53.55nickv111Anyone here run asterisk on amd64?
00:53.56EssobiTrue enough, hand-signed docs do a lot.
00:54.01*** join/#asterisk letherglov (
00:54.05*** join/#asterisk IsMe (~some@
00:58.11*** join/#asterisk atmel (
01:00.11file[laptop]what a scary concept
01:00.37JunK-Ywhat a day!
01:03.44*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
01:07.10*** join/#asterisk hilkiah (
01:08.03hilkiahanybody home?
01:09.51hilkiahhas anyone managed to get distinctive rings working?
01:10.22*** join/#asterisk mxmasster (
01:10.25mxmassterhi all
01:10.38hilkiahr u an asterisk guru??
01:10.42mxmassteri'm trying to configure an account with broadvoice
01:10.51hilkiahhave u ever gotten distinctive rings working?
01:10.56mxmassterdoes anyone here have experiance with them?
01:11.28hilkiahwe're either the only active ones here or something must be seriously wrong!!!!
01:13.10hilkiahanyone gotten distinctive rings working on internal lines???
01:13.18JerJerzaptel?  sure
01:13.31file[laptop]JerJer: So are you aborting teh VON trip?
01:13.44hilkiahgood good
01:13.48hilkiahhere's my problems
01:13.51JerJerfile[laptop]: too expensive
01:13.54hilkiahi have 2 fxo + 2 fxs
01:13.56JerJerdamn word travels fast
01:13.57*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
01:14.04file[laptop]JerJer: tight community :p
01:14.09hilkiahwhat i want is for a diff. ring when a call comes from a fxs line
01:14.24hilkiahthus i can know the diff. between an outside (fxo) call and an internal (fxs) call
01:14.37hilkiahhow do i do this?
01:15.01*** join/#asterisk wsmith (~wsmith@
01:15.54wsmithHow can I add an interface to a Queue externally (i.e. through the Manager interface)?
01:15.54afrosheenhilkiah: I don't know
01:16.13heragis there a way I can change how often an sip registration is refreshed?
01:16.29afrosheenherag: yes
01:17.09*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (~kimo@
01:17.16hilkiahi'm sure asterisk supports this scenario
01:17.25afrosheenherag: you can use qualify=yes for your extensions
01:17.42afrosheenherag: my phones check with * every 2 seconds
01:17.45kimosabeis there a way to make the sipura dial faster , ? becuase when i dial i dont get a ring for like 7 to 9 seconds
01:19.04afrosheenherag: we did it to get around the nat issue when we reset asterisk when making changes
01:20.03ashus_hi. im trying to install asterisk-1.0.5+bristuff-0.2.0-RC5. when i try to start asterisk i get "== Parsing '/etc/asterisk/zapata.conf': Found; Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or load_module failed, returning -1". can anyone give a pointer whats goes wrong here?
01:20.40QwellAre the zap modules loaded?  Does ztcfg show that its ok?
01:20.40afrosheenashus_: looks like ..uh... you didn't load the zaptel module?
01:20.52moonwickkimosabe: tweak your dialplan
01:20.59afrosheenashus_: do a ztcfg -vvv and see what it says
01:21.26kimosabemoonwick what exaclly can i look for example
01:21.52kimosabemoonwick or a how or link thanks
01:21.58ashus_afrosheen: 0 channels configured
01:22.17ashus_afrosheen: but zaphfc os loaded successfully
01:22.41afrosheenashus_: so something isn't configured right..what does lsmod | grep wx give you
01:22.43moonwicklog in as advanced and as admin, then go to line 1
01:22.45*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
01:22.52moonwicker, user 1
01:23.01ashus_afrosheen: nothing
01:23.13Darwin35give me you weak your broken your none working PBX systems
01:23.49Darwin35it will not reload till after the channels are cleared
01:24.01afrosheenashus_: what kind of card is it again
01:24.17*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
01:24.21heragafrosheen: but this isn't really for a context, it's the register line in my sip.conf
01:24.23wsmithDarwin35, So, as long as there are active channels, asterisk will wait to reload?
01:24.45ashus_afrosheen: 1 hfc-s + 1 fritz(capi) problem seems to be hfc related
01:24.49Darwin35it is suppost to  unless you have a bug
01:25.16Darwin35if it reloads before the channels are clear it should be reported
01:25.20wsmithI see. So, in a very active PBX, reloads can take awhile....
01:25.53ashus_afrosheen: do u have a bristuff enabled asterisk running?
01:26.05afrosheenashus_: nope
01:26.11Darwin35yeah was a nice day
01:26.12hilkiahguys....can one set each zap channel to ring in a diff. tone???
01:27.40wsmithDarwin35, Does extensions reload work the same way?
01:27.53Darwin35yes it is suppost to
01:28.37wsmithI'm trying to non-destructively change queue assignments from asterisk manager. Know of any cheap hacks?
01:29.08*** join/#asterisk yxa (~void@
01:30.19ashus_afrosheen: might be my zapata.conf is wrong (noob here). do u see something obvious?
01:30.32*** part/#asterisk _PiGreco_ (
01:33.13sivanaon a fresh system, with no * software installed at all, only a T100P... should I see something when I do cat /proc/interrupts?
01:33.42JunK-Yi think yes.
01:33.47sivanaor is it only when I load the zaptel drivers?
01:33.59JunK-Ynever plugged a T100P w/out asterisk :)
01:34.12sivanaI've only inserted it into the PCI slot :P
01:34.21sivananothing plugged into it
01:34.36sivanafresh install... was wondering if it should show up in interrupts
01:34.51*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
01:35.18Mneumonicanyone know why my music on hold wouldnt be working?
01:35.26Mneumonicmpg123 is installed and running
01:35.35sivanadid you configure musiconhold.conf?
01:35.35Mneumonicbut i place a call on hold and get NOTHING!
01:35.38JunK-Ysivana: try it, my guess is ya should see something.
01:35.49Mneumonicsivana -  i used custom in musiconhold.conf
01:35.54Mneumonicanything specific in there?
01:35.57sivanaJunK-Y: I don't see nothing in /interrupts :)
01:36.11sivanaJunK-Y: I'll try it again when I download zaptel
01:36.23sivanaMneumonic: uncomment the first line
01:36.44EssobiAnyone used any good WiFi Phones?
01:36.49Mneumonicdefault => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
01:36.51Mneumonicthat line?
01:36.58sivanaya, that's the default setting
01:37.35Mneumonicand that worked for you? you didnt have to enable anything in modules.conf or anywhere else?
01:37.55JunK-YMneumonic: i use default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
01:37.57sivanacompile,make,install mpg123
01:38.06sivanamodify musiconhold.conf.. that's it
01:38.12JunK-Yand reload
01:38.20Mneumonichmm.... hold on, lemme try
01:39.09Mneumonicerr... im losing my mind.. .when i downloaded from CVS, where would the code for mpg123 go?
01:39.26sivananot sure.. go into /usr/src/asterisk
01:39.32sivanaand do 'make mpg123'
01:39.53sivanathen go into the mpg123 directory it creates and do 'make install'
01:41.30Mneumonicok done, now all i need to do is reload and it should work after uncommenting the 1st line in musiconhold.conf?
01:41.34JunK-YMneumonic: if ya do a show modules like music, ya see res_musiconhold?
01:41.39*** join/#asterisk vmlinuxz (
01:42.09MneumonicJunk - yes i do
01:42.51JunK-Ytry it, ya should see some output in ur CLI
01:43.05*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:43.10Mneumonicgot nothing
01:43.20jalsotdid anybody try IAXy with fax?
01:43.21Mneumonicjust called my cell from my X-Lite softphone
01:43.26Mneumonicplaced the call on hold and got nothing
01:43.36sivanajalsot: fax over ip not reliable
01:43.46sivanaunless private lan
01:44.05jalsotsivana: I know, it is in the LAN with ulaw, theoretically should work
01:44.24sivanajalsot: on a private lan, yes, it should be ok
01:44.30sivananot over the internet
01:44.35jalsotsivana: did you try?
01:44.52sivanajalsot: many times.. less than 10% success rate
01:45.08jalsotI tryed with asterisk-1_0 CVS and success rate is 0% [on LAN]
01:45.21sivanaon LAN... I've used Sipura
01:45.23*** join/#asterisk pbxman (
01:45.41jalsotI was curious how is it work CVS HEAD, and I'm surprised
01:46.05jalsotfax went through [even the box wasn't in the LAN this time]
01:46.27*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
01:46.37*** join/#asterisk mrproper_ (~mrproper_@
01:46.48mrproper_has anyone had any luck with SIP video to h323 video?
01:46.49jalsotI'm wondwering what is the difference between HEAD and 1_0 in the meaning of IAX2+IAXy co-operation
01:47.05sivanajalsot: not sure
01:47.51*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
01:48.22jalsotsivana: do you think HEAD has better IAX2, or better zaptel support?
01:49.01afrosheenis something wrong with 1.0.x's iax2 and zap support?
01:49.07sivanajalsot: I have no idea.  I use HEAD because of the new features, not sure if protocols are better
01:49.12JerJerhead is far superior code
01:49.21JunK-Yafrosheen: i prefer head too.
01:49.25file[laptop]yes, give head a chance ... *G*
01:50.07Darwin35head hell I want tails
01:50.08jalsotJerJer: thx, is it good to use HEAD in a production box?
01:50.30JunK-Yjalsot: i do all day long.
01:50.58Darwin35whats the cvs command to get head now days
01:51.07jalsotJunK-Y: thx, just a good, working local copy of CVS is needed, right?
01:51.24JunK-Yjalsot: i dont understand ur questiuon.
01:51.32JunK-YDarwin35: cvs checkout asterisk
01:52.08jalsotJunK-Y: while CVS HEAD is development version, it can easily have some untested codes, which are not good enough for production.
01:52.20Darwin351.0.5 is nice I just wish maxsobo would egt the fbsd port uptodate
01:52.26JunK-Yjalsot: and stable doesnt have a lot of things too.
01:52.37Darwin35Max has disapierd
01:52.38JunK-Yi run head and im satisfy with it.
01:52.40afrosheenDarwin35: tails are better any day
01:52.46jalsotJunK-Y: :)
01:52.52*** join/#asterisk Caede (
01:52.57netsurferI havent got head in over a week
01:52.59Darwin35heads I win tails you loose
01:53.10jalsotJunK-Y: do you know about noticable improvements in the zaptel area?
01:53.14afrosheenDarwin35: I have a coin from a xxx theater with that on it :)
01:53.18jalsotJunK-Y: or in IAX2 area...
01:53.39Darwin35I have a shirt with it on it
01:54.01JunK-Yjalsot: no, im still working on the same zaptel.
01:54.27Darwin35shower time bbiab
01:56.04jalsotJunK-Y: do you use the zaptel from the stable version?
01:56.33JunK-Yjalsot: no cvs too.
01:57.26netsurferanyone tried FastSMS ?
02:02.22*** join/#asterisk doughecka (~Doug@doughecka.user)
02:02.38dougheckaSo I have this 7940... without a power supply...
02:02.47dougheckawhat can I use to power this thing... =D
02:03.05shido630 dollar power supply
02:03.21shido6or a poe injector I think
02:03.27shido6want one
02:03.32shido6I cna ship u a power supply
02:03.59shido6pm me ur details
02:04.27afrosheenbetter be a special power supply
02:04.33afrosheenthose ciscos are very weird
02:07.46jcimswe're getting ready to drop coin on 5 new 7960's...are there any good reviews of them out there?
02:09.05*** join/#asterisk mrverizone (
02:09.20mrverizoneany one home
02:09.42mrverizoneok, thanks
02:10.22dougheckaplease hold
02:10.43nickv111Can asterisk be used to call people using sip?
02:10.51*** part/#asterisk jcims (
02:11.20dougheckaif you have a sip phone to talk through it
02:11.35nickv111I need to find an open source sip phone
02:11.51nickv111I was wondering if asterisk could serve as that
02:11.56shido6i hate seeds in my orange
02:12.02dougheckawell, never tried using asterisk as a phone
02:13.01Darwin35ok back
02:13.25Darwin35workd great
02:13.32mrverizoneI am using sip
02:13.35dougheckaDarwin35! :)
02:13.42mrverizoneI am using a zyxel phone with a sip server,
02:13.53mrverizoneI know darwin
02:13.56Luke-JrAnyone know a good IAX/SIP client for OpenZaurus?
02:13.56Darwin35I have a xyxel and asterisk
02:13.59mrverizonehe knnows some thing
02:14.04dougheckawhat the crap is it doing that it needs 48 volts
02:14.05mrverizoneyeah, me to
02:14.07Luke-JrKPhone transmits static :(
02:14.17mrverizoneI belive you set it up for me darwin
02:14.23mrverizonemrverizone = jack earl
02:14.27Darwin35ahh ok
02:14.30Darwin35I like it
02:14.40mrverizoneyeah, how much did it cost you
02:14.44Darwin35but I found anopther phone coming out soon
02:15.03mrverizonedarwin how much did that zyxel phone cost you
02:15.17Darwin35I got it for free
02:15.19nickv111lol, sflphone says it only costs one gnu general public license per user in your system... Wow, those are so expensive ;)
02:15.31Darwin35beta tester
02:15.33mrverizoneyeah, I paid for it,
02:15.47mrverizonedarwin got it for free, at my cost, the cost of doing business
02:15.51Darwin35but I am not getting the new one
02:15.59mrverizoneyou need to send if back
02:16.00doughecka~seen bkw
02:16.02jbotbkw <> was last seen on IRC in channel #freedesktop, 68d 11h 45m 5s ago, saying: 'when doing startx I get lots of Symbol _mesa_Uniform2fvARB from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a is unresolved!   lines'.
02:16.03mrverizonewe need to get it replace
02:16.06doughecka~seen bkw_
02:16.07jbotbkw_ <~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1h 38m 56s ago, saying: 'haha'.
02:16.30mrverizonedo not know him
02:16.30Darwin35mr verizon call me
02:16.37mrverizonecall you what,
02:16.42mrverizoneI am out of bad name
02:16.46Darwin35on the landline
02:17.07Darwin35why you dis me like that
02:17.08mrverizonepunk rocker
02:24.54*** join/#asterisk QRPartner (
02:25.42*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
02:26.01*** join/#asterisk Mneumonic (
02:26.01QRPartnerWhen setting callerid the following can be used correct?
02:26.01QRPartnerSetCallerID("John Doe" <123>)
02:26.32QRPartnerIs there a limit to the charatcters you can use in the " "?
02:26.39QRPartnerlike , .- etc
02:26.58JunK-Yi dont think so.
02:27.17JunK-Ybut the length has a limit for sure.
02:27.33QRPartnerWhere could I find that?
02:27.46QRPartnerI searched SetCallerID, but didn't see it
02:28.14JunK-Ylook in the code
02:28.22JunK-Yi use SETCIDNum instead.
02:28.27JunK-Yand SetCIDName
02:28.53mrverizoneok what happen to the call
02:28.57mrverizonedarwin are you there
02:29.21mrverizoneHello doughecka
02:29.44mrverizonefor the person that was asking, I am using the zyxel wireless sip phone
02:29.59mrverizonewe have had a lot of luck with the asterisk box and this phone
02:30.24mrverizonewe have set up extiontion, and are able to use the phone any where I can find an open access wifi point
02:30.29Darwin35you hung up on me
02:30.43mrverizoneif you have any any question, email me at
02:30.55mrverizoneyou will be okay, darwin
02:31.04mrverizonei think the t-mobile connection fail
02:31.15mrverizoneshould have been on my broad voice phone
02:31.19mrverizonewith asterisk
02:31.26mrverizoneasterisk kick ass
02:31.34Darwin35call me on the zyxel
02:31.42mrverizonei am getting ready for sleepy
02:31.51mrverizoneit is past my bed time
02:32.00mrverizonewatching a movie, on the histroy channel
02:32.03mrverizoneand going to sleep
02:32.04mrverizonesee ya
02:32.06Darwin35yep you old men have to go to bed early
02:32.12mrverizonegood night men
02:32.50dougheckayo Darwin35!
02:32.55dougheckahows the mini asterisk box doin
02:33.23Darwin35I have asterisk and bebian down to 200 megs
02:33.40Darwin35working on a case design
02:33.52kksis * support LDAP authentication (sip) yet?
02:33.56Darwin35going to use a mini-itx
02:34.15dougheckayea, the dual proc mini-itx box?
02:34.24Darwin35with a cf socket and a pcmcia socket
02:34.40Darwin35this is a single cpu one the dual cpu is here also
02:35.00Darwin35the pcmcia is where I am putting a wireless card right now
02:35.12Darwin35the board has dual nic onboard
02:35.34Darwin35the cf drivesocket will have a ibm micro drive I think
02:35.41Darwin35to statrt
02:35.49Darwin35for vm storage
02:36.18*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
02:36.20Darwin35then I can market it
02:36.24vmlinuxzHey guys, I'm trying to get sjphone to connect to my asterisk server, but I keep getting errors saying registration failed messages.  I have been over the configuration and it looks good, any ideas?
02:36.33Darwin35as a mini pbx/soho
02:36.52dougheckahow much
02:37.00Darwin3510 exten unit with 10 g720 licenses
02:37.03Groobyanyone here uses usb handsets w/ their softphones?
02:37.56Darwin35well have to figure out a final cost
02:38.00*** join/#asterisk clinthome (
02:38.16Darwin35it will depend on if we get this new wifi sip phone or not
02:38.29Darwin35or if we use a basic sip to start
02:38.55Darwin35I have to do some pricing
02:39.20*** join/#asterisk d-tech (
02:39.26Darwin35and  I still have to get festival working right
02:40.14d-techanyone aware of a cheap FXS PCI solution?
02:40.40Darwin35the tdw400
02:40.54Darwin35its only 125
02:41.06d-techbare maybe
02:41.18Darwin35single port
02:41.36Darwin35305 for a full 4 port
02:43.14Darwin35I want a 12 port card
02:43.30d-techhaha ... your funny
02:43.36Darwin35there is one
02:43.50Darwin35its made by another company
02:44.06Darwin35think so
02:44.57Darwin35the openswitch
02:45.07dougheckaanyone here that can help me with the cisco firmware update to sip?
02:45.16d-techprobably cheap to TI and a channel bank at that point
02:45.30d-techcheaper even
02:45.46Darwin35I want it to for a small building for phone in each unit
02:46.07Darwin35my frint runs a SRO and wants to put in a phone system
02:46.33Darwin3510 rooms + both front and back door for entry
02:46.58mtqhdoughecka: What version are you running now?
02:47.11Darwin35that would do the job
02:47.19Darwin35but thats alot for a card
02:47.42dougheckamtqh: none
02:48.04dougheckaits running the callmanager version right now
02:48.18Darwin35Computer Telephony Switch 6/12-port
02:48.25mtqhdoughecka: check what the version is
02:48.51Darwin35add 555 for the 12 port
02:48.57dougheckamtqh: cant do that either... No power supply, I was just kinda getting everything ready for when I do get the firmware.. :)
02:49.15mtqhdoughecka: It depends on what the currect version is on there
02:49.18Darwin35990 for the 6port
02:49.22dougheckaits brandnew
02:49.28mtqhdoughecka: You have to upgrade them in order .... kinda....
02:49.28dougheckaso I assume its the latest and greatist
02:49.43Sedoroxwhat would cause Asterisk to stop picking up on the zap interface?
02:50.02d-techIRQ conflict
02:50.17Sedoroxbesides IRQ conflict...
02:50.47Darwin35bad config
02:50.55dougheckasolar flares
02:50.55d-techbad card
02:50.59Darwin35the drivers corrupt
02:51.06Darwin35no power
02:51.18dougheckastatic cling from nylon underwear
02:51.23Darwin35the vibrator function cuts out
02:51.32Sedoroxits a X100P clone...
02:51.40Darwin35lube on the circuts
02:51.49d-techah ... a clone?!
02:51.50*** join/#asterisk foxb_ (
02:52.14Darwin35clone me pls
02:52.17dougheckaSedorox: have you checked for corrosion on the 47.2 ohm resisters on the modem?
02:52.17tzangerasterisk -p just seems to give it -11 priority
02:52.19Darwin35wich clone
02:52.24Darwin35wich chipset
02:52.48d-techprobably the intel 537
02:52.55*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
02:52.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
02:52.58dougheckaits on sale
02:53.02dougheckahail bkw_
02:53.04*** join/#asterisk jetscreamer (
02:53.09d-techyeah ...$6.88
02:53.09NukemizerWhen getting a PRI to sysnc with a PBX, must you have  an appropriate dial plan ?  Meaning, would my b channels not come into service is i have not corect dial plan information in extensions.conf ?\
02:53.27*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
02:53.38Sedoroxhold on.. I know mine here is intel.. but not the same
02:54.37Sedorox[irq11: wcfxo0]
02:54.40Sedoroxnot IRQ conflict...
02:55.06d-techare you sure?
02:55.13Darwin35break time
02:55.14Sedoroxhow else do you check in FBSD?
02:55.24foxb_Hi ! I've read some of documentation for * but there is no information about Processin power required. Can somebody help me?
02:55.24Darwin35check what
02:55.35Darwin35<== is on fbsd
02:55.39Sedoroxwhat irq's are in use by what..
02:55.41Darwin35and linux
02:55.42Sedoroxe.g. conflicts
02:55.46SedoroxI know in linux.. just not fbsd
02:55.48Sedoroxwcfxo0@pci0:3:0:        class=0x078000 card=0x00038086 chip=0x0001e159 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
02:56.05Darwin35give me a min  I  have to remember the new command
02:56.13Qwellfoxb_: Depends on how many active calls you want at once.
02:57.11nickv111Can anyone recommend one?
02:57.12foxb_from 60-120
02:57.16nickv111Preferably a GUI
02:57.46Sedoroxkphone I think
02:58.03nickv111I tried kphone, but I got no sound
02:58.24nickv111I couldn't get a gui on linphone, for some reason it needed gnome and not just gtk
02:59.19chaosconSedorox: IRQ's are vmstat -i
02:59.31dougheckasieg hial kram
02:59.38Qwellfoxb_: No private messages
02:59.59Sedoroxchaoscon: you told me before.. but just vmstat.. not the -i :-p so it never looked right
03:00.06Sedoroxirq11: wcfxo0                  271077080        795
03:00.10Sedoroxok.. so it is on its on irq
03:00.16dougheckathat looks like a vmware command
03:00.29chaosconSedorox: I did tell you after figuring it out :P
03:00.31Nukemizerwhen guessing at the right configuration for my T1 card what proccess will give me consistant relfect my changes ?   meaning in asterisk  "stop now "  "reload" or reboot ? which is the best to use in this case.
03:00.51dougheckaNukemizer: restart now
03:00.57Sedoroxok.. so what else could it be then... if no irq sharing...
03:01.19chaosconlike I said, my machine is tempremental :P
03:02.50foxb_Qwell: I plan to have 60 and more calls
03:03.31Sedoroxfunny.. I don't even see my fxo in my vmstat -
03:04.46chaoscondid you load the drivers in?
03:05.10foxb_Hi ! I've read some of documentation for * but there is no information about Processin power required. Can somebody help me? I plan 60 or more calls
03:06.01*** join/#asterisk unixgeek (
03:07.00unixgeekGood evening. Does anyone have any experience with D-Link's DVG-1402 VOIP router?
03:10.59sivanado I need "acpi" for anything?
03:11.29dougheckapower management
03:11.35dougheckaif its a server that stays on all the time...
03:11.39PatrickDKyou don't need acpi, but acpi is nice
03:11.48PatrickDKacpi is still nice for servers
03:11.59dougheckafor actully powering it off, correct?
03:12.04PatrickDKnormally you can get tempaures and stuff from it
03:12.16PatrickDKno, I would never use it to power off anything but a laptop
03:12.30PatrickDKacpi has required stuff in it needed for smp
03:12.33sivanaok.. it's assigns IRQ too?
03:12.36PatrickDKso if you have a smp server ya need it
03:12.57Sedoroxthats weird... my FXO card doesn't have a IRQ...
03:13.13*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
03:13.15sivanaFeb 16 11:02:38 knox-1 kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:00:08.0[A] -> GSI 11 (level, low) -> IRQ 11
03:13.28sivanathat's when I modprobe wct1xxp
03:13.41sivanaand it has the same IRQ as eth0
03:14.12PatrickDKsivana, na, apic does the irq thing
03:14.23PatrickDKacpi does the over 4g memory thing
03:14.35PatrickDKapic is for multicpu, heh, got it confused
03:14.37sivanaPatrickDK: right
03:14.42PatrickDKacpi does the >4g memory PAE
03:15.00PatrickDKas far as servers go
03:16.07sivanamaybe I need to explicitly set the IRQ on the slot
03:16.42PatrickDKsivana, that shouldn't work
03:16.45Sedoroxis it even possible to run a FXO w/o a irq?
03:17.00PatrickDKsivana, changing the pci slot is normally the only possible solution
03:17.11sivanaPatrickDK: there's only one in this box
03:17.26PatrickDKwell, ya can try, it depends how they setup the pci bridge
03:17.28sivanain the BIOS I can set it explicit or leave it auto
03:17.37PatrickDKbut normally eth0 and that pci slot will always use the same irq
03:17.55PatrickDKunless you can reroute the irq on the pci card to go to a different irq pin on the pci slot
03:18.11sivanaI see.. so what's my options? :)
03:18.29PatrickDKI would try explicit, I give that a 10% chance of working
03:18.48*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
03:18.57PatrickDKotherwise, your stuck, different motherboard
03:19.16PatrickDKunless you really feel like retracing the pci ethernet card
03:19.30PatrickDKI mean the telelphone adaptor
03:19.44sivanashit.. this is suppose to be my * appliance :)
03:20.08*** join/#asterisk Chuji (
03:20.26NormAstHi all.
03:20.26sivanaso the fact that they share the same IRQ will screw up operations?
03:20.37NormAstsivana: yup
03:20.46nickv111Linphone keeps crashing for me now and kphone has no sound and doesn't do anything when I call any number
03:20.46PatrickDKsivana, it shouldn't, by pci spec
03:20.55nickv111Just sits there, and I can click disconnect
03:20.57PatrickDKin actuallty, your milage will vary
03:21.12sivanaya.. ok
03:21.19PatrickDKeither it won't, or it will, about 50/50
03:21.27syslodAnybody had experenice with AB I or II with FXO?
03:21.28sivanaI don't have the physical box in front of me.. so I'll try the explicit setting tomorrow
03:21.30dsmousenickv111: 'lsof | grep dsp' as root?
03:21.33sivanathen pray :)P
03:21.41NormAstsivana: What system are you using for your * appliance.
03:22.40PatrickDKdamn, my digium card isn't sharing an irq, amazing
03:22.56PatrickDKI didn't even think to check that when I moved it around today
03:23.15WilliamKanyone seen coppice online lately?
03:23.51syslodWilliamK: I haven't
03:23.55sivana~seen coppice
03:23.57jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 10h 30m 30s ago, saying: 'I wonder how many bounties actually get paid out'.
03:24.02nickv111dsmouse: Sound works fine, it's just kphone that isn't working
03:24.25nickv111I want linphone really, but when I click the "Call or Answer" button, it crashes
03:24.44WilliamKanyone know?
03:24.46syslodArgh!!  * => channel bank suks.
03:24.59*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
03:25.02*** join/#asterisk angler_ (
03:25.04nickv111Heh, and gdb makes it just segfault right away
03:25.20Chujisyslod : adit 600 is good
03:25.29Nukemizerif I change dchan=9  in zaptel.conf "pri show span1"  tells me that my D channel is still 24. Is ther another place to indicate my dchannel number ?
03:25.52syslodChuji: I think I'm just having probs in general.  I have tried a Adtran 750 and a CA AB I
03:25.58syslodBoth do the same thing.
03:26.23syslodI can see signaling with a T-Berd but nothing is happening with *
03:26.26ChujiI've been real happy w/ the adit
03:26.45syslodMind sharing your zapata and zaptel file?
03:26.59ChujiYeah, they are pretty simple though
03:27.44syslod:) simple is good
03:27.51ChujiWHat is * complaining about?
03:27.59ChujiThe framing?
03:28.11syslodNothing.  Everything seems to work but when I try to call nothing happens.
03:28.23syslodzttool says no alarm and * loads with no errors.
03:28.36*** join/#asterisk BuckRogers (
03:28.37Chujiyou got your fxo fxs declarations reversed right?
03:28.47ChujiWhat is it fxo or fxs?
03:29.07*** join/#asterisk clint_ (
03:29.14syslodI've tried every combination and tried to map it out.  FXO->FXS->FXO
03:29.22BuckRogersanyone here follow that ebay auction for the 500 sipura boxes that started at 100 dollars
03:29.27syslodI have a FXO and FXS.
03:29.32*** part/#asterisk foxb_ (
03:29.37syslodThe CA AB I has 12 of each.
03:30.24Chujihave you stuck your zaptel and zapata on pastebin?
03:30.28ChujiI'll take a look at them
03:30.32syslodI will just a sec
03:31.02ChujiAlthough I'm flying blind with that channel back
03:31.15ChujiOnly point of reference I have is the adit
03:32.46BuckRogersdo you think its better to have ata's do the start functions like *69 or have the asterisk server do it and keep the ata's dumb
03:34.08syslod    this is the adtran 750 connected currently
03:35.35BuckRogersany take'ers
03:35.51Chujisyslod : I thought it was 12 channels each
03:36.38syslodI have two channel banks.  I can't get either one to work.  The Adtran 750 is connected now it has 24 FXS ports.
03:37.05Chujit100p or 410?
03:37.30afrosheenBuckRogers: keep the ata's dumb, centralize your configs
03:37.55*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
03:37.58syslodIts the new T1/E1 combined card.  I'm not having any problems with the 4 port card and PRI.
03:38.07syslodI think is called the 110?
03:38.08BuckRogersyeah thats what i am talking about
03:38.42DefrazHello all, I am trying to get my asterisk box to talk to a NexTone iserver, I am having trouble figuring out the extention line to use for out going calls, I have it registering with the iserver
03:38.45syslodAnyone here familar with BAF, EMI, or AMA files?
03:38.46Defrazbut I can't get a call to go out.
03:39.12Chujisyslod : and ztcfg, dmesg, and asterisk don't complain at all?
03:39.35BuckRogersafrosheen: what would be most featureless ata on the market
03:39.44DefrazI am expecting a _1NXXNXXXXXX and I want to pass to the ISERVER 2NXXNXXXXXX
03:39.57syslodChuji: No
03:40.07DefrazCan I plaste my line to the chan and set you all take a look?
03:40.18afrosheenBuckRogers: no clue really
03:40.24ChujiDefraz : Just one line?
03:40.35Chujigo for it
03:41.01Defrazexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/2085559760@${EXTEN:2})
03:41.07Chujisyslod : I'm stumped man. Doesn't look like a problem at all
03:41.10*** join/#asterisk neuro_[rus] (~neuro_[ru@
03:41.27BuckRogerswhat i mean is that all the ata needs to do is creat the dtmf signals or send the voip equalilents to the asterisk server the asterisk server would do all the intellegence
03:41.35BuckRogersso if i hit star 69
03:41.37syslod??? Could it be something I need in extensions or something?  Maybe the call is coming in but I'm not paying it any attention?
03:41.55syslodI don't seem to have any problems with PRI.
03:42.00BuckRogersthe asterisk server would tell me what the last callers phone number was not the ata
03:42.02syslodWell PRI on the 4 port card.
03:42.13ChujiDefraz : That :2 is going to cut off the first two numbers
03:42.19ChujiDefraz : Is that what you want?
03:42.35Defrazokay I want to cut off the first number and replace it with 2
03:42.35syslodKinda got me stumped. I have like 20 of these running with no problems and I get the single port card and have all sorts of problems.
03:42.55Chujisyslod : You put logger.conf in debug?
03:42.59Defrazso I want to had the 1 off for example 12085482345
03:43.03Chujisyslod : You will see the call come in if you do
03:43.08syslodAnybody intersted in EMI or BAF output from *?
03:43.19syslodahh. I'll try that.
03:44.17DefrazI mean I want to hack off the 1 and replace it with a 2
03:44.28ChujiDefraz : You want it to strip the 1 before passing it to the carrier?
03:44.30BuckRogerswhat there are no pear programers here
03:44.33bjohnsonanyone have tips on fighting echo on a SPA 3000 when the fxo connects to the fxs on the same device through *?
03:44.49BuckRogersmy bust
03:44.59*** join/#asterisk SafT (
03:45.04syslodwhy use perl??
03:45.05Defrazyea strip the 1 off and add a 2 there.
03:45.22*** join/#asterisk xai (
03:45.25SafTwoah, this channels grown a ton since i was here last
03:45.39Chujiexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/2085559760@${EXTEN:2})
03:45.52xaiwhat does "dax" and "rbxdax" mean?
03:46.11Chujiexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/2085559760@${EXTEN:1})
03:46.18ChujiThere you Defraz
03:46.31BuckRogersperl for least amount of overhead for most amount of effecintcy
03:46.35ChujiDon't know why you would do that, but that will do it
03:46.37Defrazokay let me give it a whirl.
03:46.47Chuji/join #perl
03:46.48SafTanyone here played with cisco 12SP/30vip's?
03:47.04ChujiBuckRogers : it's an active channel
03:47.13Defrazwell, I am playing with my ISERVER and If I didn't want to hack off anything just leave 12085551212 i would just drop the :1 right.
03:47.17Groobyoishi desu ne?
03:47.24file[laptop]bad bad bad dial line, bad bad bad
03:47.27ChujiDefraz : Yeah
03:47.28afrosheenSafT: this is asterisk's year :)
03:47.37nickv111kphone is annoying me
03:47.41afrosheenkphone sucks ass
03:47.54nickv111I call myself and I don't even get a busy message or anything
03:47.57afrosheenone of these days someone will make a decent linux client besides skype
03:48.21sungmost of you assholes could certainly learn something from this:
03:48.22sungHercules and the Wagoner
03:48.22sungA carter was driving a wagon along a country lane, when the wheels sank down deep into a rut. The rustic driver, stupefied and aghast, stood looking at the wagon, and did nothing but utter loud cries to Hercules to come and help him. Hercules, it is said, appeared and thus addressed him: "Put your shoulders to the wheels, my man. Goad on your bullocks, and never more pray to me for help, until you have done your best to help yourself, or depend upon it you
03:48.22dsmousesjphone /works/
03:48.29sungSelf-help is the best help.
03:48.35sung/could/can/, anyways.
03:48.43SafTafrosheen - it seems so
03:48.49Chujiwtf you talking about sung?
03:49.05afrosheenwhat is a bullock and why would you goad on it
03:49.21nickv111I want to use linphone but it crashes whenever I try to make a call
03:49.38afrosheennickv111: I've heard that xlite sometimes runs under wine
03:49.40SafTafrosheen - is goading bullocks legal these days?
03:49.54nickv111afrosheen: I want something open source
03:50.07sungafrosheen: that's not the important thing!
03:50.12afrosheennickv111: sjphone is supposed to work, good luck compiling it, it crashes like mad for me
03:50.21Sedoroxthats the ATA's that have a FXO and FXS?
03:50.29Sedoroxfor some reason I can't think of the name
03:50.42afrosheensung: if you're gonna paste a condescending story, make sure it's in english
03:51.05bjohnsonSedorox: SPA 3000
03:51.07bjohnsonanyone have tips on fighting echo on a SPA 3000 when the fxo connects to the fxs on the same device through *?
03:51.19Defrazokay I put the register for the iserver in the sip.conf and it looks like I regged okay
03:51.23Sedoroxno.. whats the manufactor (sp) name?
03:51.32Chujibjohnson : I have just a second or so of echo on mine
03:51.38Chujibjohnson : Goes away fast
03:51.58bjohnsonabout one in ten calls for me is a problem for my users
03:51.58Defrazso do I send the digits to that iserver by calling SIP/2089044795@
03:52.02nickv111afrosheen: Is it open source?
03:52.06Defrazor how do I send to that register.
03:52.09sungafrosheen: it's not a condescending story
03:52.11afrosheennickv111: yeah
03:52.27sungafrosheen: it's something to learn from
03:52.28neuro_[rus]Our company have several branches over the country, we need to consolidate our phones. needed feaches: conference, call recording. Where I can find typical detailed configuration(software + hardware)? May be somebody helps me?
03:52.30afrosheennickv111: broken source :) but they say it's alpha, and it kinda works
03:52.50ChujiDefraz : I don't understand the 208* stuff, is that your sip account name on the "iserver"
03:52.51nickv111afrosheen: Seems to be proprietary
03:52.57nickv111According to
03:53.03afrosheennickv111: oh no, you're one of those guys
03:53.05Defrazyea the sip extention
03:53.13afrosheennickv111: I bet you don't have 3d for your nvidia card right
03:53.18nickv111I do
03:53.24afrosheenbut it's not open source!
03:53.26nickv111I know
03:53.40nickv111But I want tuxracer ;)
03:53.53nickv111So I'd rather use a proprietary driver than not have tuxracer ;)
03:54.00nickv111But still
03:54.07afrosheennickv111: and you want to make phone Hercules said 'Goad your bullocks and sometimes you gotta use something which isn't open"
03:54.22nickv111Well, linphonec works fine
03:54.26nickv111Not linphone though
03:54.42nickv111With SIP, can you send text?
03:54.44sungafrosheen: "poke your bull"
03:54.45nickv111Just wondering
03:54.51sunggoad your bullocks.
03:54.51afrosheennickv111: do yourself a huge favor and get a polycom300, they're cheap and nice enough
03:54.53sungpoke your bull
03:55.06afrosheensung: what about goad your bollocks
03:55.14*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
03:55.42afrosheenand who's pushing a cart whilst poking bulls, you'd think you'd have your hands full with the cart :p
03:55.50nickv111Wow, minisip sure looks nice
03:55.58ChujiDefraz : Are you sure it's not SIP/${EXTEN}@ ?
03:56.13kksi have problem communicating with Quintum gateway using h323, anyone experience it before?
03:56.49jbotwell, h323 is evil! Don't ask about h323 here. Ask JerJer if you need to bug someone. He says it works, but others don't.
03:57.06Defrazlet me try it out
03:57.35*** join/#asterisk Koshatul (~evangelio@
03:57.42afrosheenI hate our h323 polycoms, they accept a sip image but come with funky button caps
03:57.54ChujiDefraz : It all depends what your iserver is expecting. I'm not real sure what an Iserver is truthfully
03:57.56afrosheenwe had to rearrange the buttons on 5 phones
03:58.08afrosheenChuji: is it from apple?
03:58.35*** join/#asterisk talkwebhosts (
03:58.36ChujiDunno, ask defraz
03:58.43afrosheenChuji: it was a joke
03:58.48unixgeekI have a problem where much of the time I do not get any ring tones when calling another extension. Anyone have this problem before?
03:58.51Chujiohh, "I"
03:58.52afrosheenapple puts i in front of everything..
03:59.16afrosheenunixgeek: do you actually connect to the extension eventually?
03:59.26DefrazNo it is a NextTone Iserver
03:59.31Chujiunixgeek : Yeah, the r flag in dial has that tendency
03:59.51Chujiunixgeek : Try answering the call first
04:00.22unixgeekchuji: yes, If the extension is picked up the two phones are connected.
04:00.42ChujiNo, I mean in your dialpan
04:01.06Chujis,2,Dial (Zap/xxxxx,20,r)
04:01.43unixgeekChuji: Not familar with the r flag. What does it do?
04:01.55Chujiunixgeek : Well, that is what I thought you were talking about
04:01.59dsmouseunixgeek: make it ring to the calling party
04:02.04Chujiunixgeek : When it dials, the party hears ringing
04:02.20unixgeekOK. let me give it a try.
04:02.20ChujiI may have misunderstood what you were asking
04:02.26afrosheenhe's talking about call progress tones I think
04:03.33ChujiI think the damn thing overheated
04:03.59ChujiGive me an excuse to buy something new
04:04.23mishehuwhile you're at it, buy me something new too
04:04.56shido6call progress again
04:05.05shido6Chuji u like mythtv?
04:05.17ChujiYeah, it's great.
04:05.17shido6I have an ati radeon 8500dv can I get mythtv to use that?
04:05.23unixgeekOK. that does not seem to do the trick.
04:05.25mishehumythtv is good, when it doesn't crash for some unknown reason
04:05.30unixgeekHere is my configuration.
04:05.38mishehushido6: for output, yes.
04:05.40Chujishido6  Yeah, I think it can actually.
04:05.46shido6not for recording?
04:05.48Groobychuji sorry to hear that
04:05.48Chujishido6 : you need a capture card
04:05.54unixgeekI have one Cisco 12sp+ calling a soft phone on my laptop.
04:05.56Groobydid you use 0.17?
04:05.57shido6the 8500dv does do capture
04:06.03afrosheenrecommended cap cards are the pvr250 or pvr350 from hauppage
04:06.06shido6or does it fake it in software on windows
04:06.08Groobyi got 2 150
04:06.08mishehushido6: that's a rage theatre chip though?
04:06.10Groobyhaven't put it in yet
04:06.17Chujishido6 : I have a pvr 250 too
04:06.19Grooby+ another HD3000
04:06.19Chujiworks great
04:06.20shido6school me , please
04:06.31unixgeekWhen I dial from the 12sp+, I don't get any ringing coming through the handset.
04:06.38mishehushido6: if it's rage theatre, then no, you can't do capture on it.  and it's a software capture in that case.  use a hauppage instead.
04:06.50SafTunixgeek - i have a quick question re: the 12sp
04:06.51shido6the 8500 in the wifes box and the 9800 in mine both have theater rage chips I believe
04:06.57mishehuGrooby: I have yet to configure up my pchdtv3000
04:06.59ChujiI don't have both the frontend and the backend on the same box though... I need to split them next time
04:07.04shido6no worky for mythtvyee?
04:07.09Chujiunixgeek : 12sp?
04:07.11mishehushido6: no worky for anything in linux
04:07.26shido6I couldnt get it to work for the life of me in any flavor
04:07.30shido6so I gave up
04:07.34SafTthe gateway setting on it (the one set on the keypad, not the tftp) is that the network gateway, or the phoen gateway?
04:07.40shido6then I bought a MSI tv card
04:07.45shido6can I do anything with that?
04:07.46Groobymishehu, i just don't got time....want to build a MBE and throw all these capture card in..just don't got a working MB/CPU yet
04:07.52mishehushido6: I've tried gatos even, and you can only get either tv out OR capture, not both simultaneous, and thats if you can even get capture to work.
04:08.04afrosheenlesson for the day, avoid ati
04:08.09shido6I used , no I tried to use gatos, I remember that
04:08.14shido6I really gave up then
04:08.20ChujiGrooby : You seen the nano boards from via?
04:08.21mishehuafrosheen: ati's not bad overall.
04:08.23mishehuit's just a pain.
04:08.26shido6I like ATI in XP
04:08.26mishehuat times.
04:08.31shido6but on linux its a waste of money
04:08.32unixgeekSafT: I have the gateway as the network gateway.
04:08.34afrosheenpain, drivers, linux support = avoid me
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04:08.55mishehuafrosheen: if you have a pre-9100 radeon, it's not hard at all to get working
04:09.12mishehuit's the 9200's and later that require the proprietary drivers
04:09.13SafTunixgeek excellent, thanks
04:09.16afrosheenChuji: those nano boards look hot
04:09.48bjohnsonshido6: wintv (which I believe are hauppage 250) can be found occasionally on ebay for < $30
04:09.49Chuji#mythtv-users is a pretty active channel if you guys are interested in myth
04:10.15afrosheenChuji: I have a casual interest, waiting for it to mature, I'll probably build a box for it this summer
04:10.27bjohnsonmature .. you're funny
04:10.51Chujiafrosheen : I find mine to be pretty stable
04:11.01Chujiafrosheen : It's got spousal approval
04:11.25mishehuas soon as I configure the lirc remotes for my mythbox, it will then have spousal approval
04:11.50afrosheenChuji: that's critical for me :)
04:12.14Groobyso you guys using mythphone w/ your *?
04:12.39ChujiYeah, between Asterisk, MythTv, and X10 home automation, my wife doesn't realize how much of our house is controlled by linux
04:12.43mishehuno time to set up mythphone.
04:13.00ChujiYeah, I haven't fooled with it either
04:13.11ChujiI have callerID pumping to my mythbox
04:13.13Chujithat's it
04:13.33Groobycaller id humping your mythbox? hmmmf
04:14.03*** join/#asterisk zoid_99 (
04:14.25Chujizoid_99 : /join #scriptkiddies
04:14.44zoid_99and why would I do that?
04:14.56Sedoroxnever.. EVER... log onto IRC as root....
04:15.01Chujicuz they will appreciate you irc'ing as root
04:15.13zoid_99ah.. heh.. my had
04:15.23Sedoroxyour right.. you had been had :-p
04:16.43Chujibah, I'm going to sleep
04:16.57*** join/#asterisk zoid_99 (
04:16.59afrosheenfunny because freenode probably already warned him
04:17.09zoid_99it did
04:17.19zoid_99i didn
04:17.40zoid_99i didn't realize that that was the term I was in
04:19.41*** part/#asterisk zoid_99 (
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04:25.16*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
04:25.24brettnemHello everyone
04:25.37file[laptop]'hello' is overrated, our new greeting is 'zerplatz'
04:25.52brettnemah.. well zerplatz then
04:25.57brettnemzerplatz to all
04:26.00file[laptop]zerplatz brettnem!
04:26.24mikegrb <-- I laff [sic] every time I read it, so you should too
04:26.33brettnemyou asterisk people always makin a simple thing complicated!! ;)
04:26.45file[laptop]complicated? no no
04:27.21file[laptop]oh dear me it's 12:30
04:27.34SafTlies, its 5:30pm!
04:28.03florz05:27 < SafT> lies, its 5:30pm!
04:28.06brettnemoh yeah? it's 10:16 here..
04:28.09florzthat's definitely wrong
04:28.24mikegrbit is 2228 you silly swines
04:28.27brettnemhmm.. how am I 15 minutes off
04:28.39SafT5:28pm them
04:28.45brettnemsun is not visable
04:28.47SafTi wanted to leave early
04:28.48*** part/#asterisk cnj (
04:29.04brettnemI bet one of you stinkers took it
04:29.29file[laptop]I moved it to /dev/null
04:29.39brettnemmikegrb: pretty funny.. :)
04:31.24mikegrbbrettnem: :D
04:31.31mikegrbbrettnem: nick is always good for many laffs
04:31.46brettnemhe always write like this?
04:32.05brettnemhmm.. I have an unusual amount of whitespace in my speech today
04:32.14brettnemer.. writing.. doh
04:32.15nickv111Hey mikegrb
04:33.15brettnemheh.. better than a broken spacebar
04:33.25mikegrbhello nickv111
04:34.05brettnemso anyone got any clever alternatives to using the h extension for call cleanup?
04:34.19brettnemsorry to actually ask an asterisk related question... ;)
04:35.12brettnemmikegrb: is that "the" nick?
04:35.44*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
04:35.58nickv111In the past, when one wanted to make compressed audio files, one had
04:35.59nickv111to use the "rm" utility, which compresses all files to length 0.  Then
04:36.13bjohnsonI think I'm going to go get Plasterisked
04:36.41mishehuand then engage in some asstricks?
04:36.44bjohnsonthat gets harder to say the more Plasterisked you get
04:37.28zoid_99don't get Plasterisked and irc as root.....     you get called to the carpet
04:39.27nickv111G2G guys
04:39.34brettnemso any asterisk stuff actually going on in here anymore?? ;)
04:47.01mikegrbbrettnem: nah, nick moffit is the nick, the windows refund day organizer among other things
04:47.06*** join/#asterisk Othello (
04:47.34brettnemwindows refund day?
04:47.45mikegrbyes, several years ago
04:48.05mikegrbit's in the RevolutionsOS documentary as well as an interview with the nick
04:48.31mikegrbnickv111 is just evidince that I'm in way to many irc channels
04:49.21zoid_99On Windows Refund Day (February 15, 1999), users of non-Microsoft operating systems will bring their Microsoft Windows original disks, manuals, and Certificates of Authenticity to the Microsoft office in Foster City, California to ask for a refund
04:50.04zoid_99I remember people trying to organize it here as well
04:50.39brettnemso how did that go?
04:51.19zoid_99not very.. Our local linux users group handed out free disc at best buy
04:51.30zoid_99that was about it
04:52.14*** part/#asterisk xai (
04:52.48mikegrb <-- awesome
04:54.39mikegrbNugget: <3
04:55.19QRPartnerAnyone familiar with Aastra phones?
04:56.23zoid_99the new Aastra phone?
04:56.26brettnemheh, pretty funny
04:58.00QRPartnerzoid_99 -> The VoIP ones anyway
05:01.22*** join/#asterisk pkwong (
05:02.25pkwonghi all.. quick question.. using an iax2 connection to nufone.. asterisk stops working after a few hours and i need to restart it to get it working again.. anyone experience this problem? and is there a way to solve it?
05:02.57brettnemwhat are the symptoms? can you be a little more descriptive?
05:03.32PatrickDKpkwong, restart as in just asterisk, or the box?
05:03.58pkwongwell.. it works fine for a while.. i can make and receive calls.. then it doesn't work.. i try to make a call or call my did and nothing happens.. phone doesn't ring and it just sits there in silence..
05:04.07pkwongconsole shows everything is fine..
05:04.20brettnemwhat does the console actually show.. can you show us?
05:04.21pkwongi have to stop asterisk and restart it.
05:04.27brettnemie: do you see the call coming in?
05:04.58PatrickDKpkwong, what are you using? sip phone? fxo/fxs card? ata device?
05:05.13pkwongnope.. the call doesn't come in at all.. iax2 show peers shows nufone is connected..
05:05.18pkwongit's a cisco 7960
05:05.37pkwongwhen i dial out, it shows the call going to nufone.. (at least via console)..
05:05.48brettnemdoes it say the call was accepted?
05:05.54brettnemI wonder if the registration is timing out
05:06.09pkwongthat's what i'm thinking..
05:06.17pkwongbut it shouldn't do that.. right?
05:06.28`Sauronset verbose 4 in *
05:06.29pkwongit definitely looks like registration timed out.
05:06.32brettnemnot if it is set up correctl. ;)
05:06.33`SauronAnd look at what it says
05:07.10pkwongheh.. just set it to 4.. now i have to wait a few hours before the problem resurrects itself.
05:07.22brettnemwhen it is "broken" what does a iax2 show registry say?
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05:07.39jetsAnyone from Sacramento in here?
05:07.42pkwongiax2 show registry shows it's connected to nufone.
05:07.52jetsor California in general?
05:07.53brettnemwhen it is broken it does?
05:08.06pkwongit's weird..
05:08.20pkwongthe only thing i can think of is that i'm connected via cable modem..
05:08.21Juggieasterisk and my mitel5055 does that
05:08.28pkwongbut still.. that shouldn't be the issue..
05:08.32Juggiebut the phone is dying
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05:08.37pkwongi am behind a linksys box.
05:08.47Juggiebecause the webserver on the phone dies
05:08.58brettnemI bet your nat xlate table is dying
05:09.13brettnemhmm.. not sure if that will be a problem with iax.. I think it is tho
05:09.26MrEntropywhat exactly is contained in the SIP 'headers'?
05:09.29brettnemdo you have qualify set to yes? or something?
05:09.38pkwonglet me see.
05:09.38brettnemMrEntropy: "stuff"
05:09.55Qwellbrettnem: "data"
05:10.02MrEntropybrettnem: as off-shoot as that is, i need just a little more infomation =)
05:10.08brettnemMrEntropy: do a SIP debug and you'll see.. it's like the headers of an email... some of it is useful some isn't, some might be.
05:10.26brettnemMrEntropy: Sorry, feeling a little stressed out and tired tonight.. ;)
05:10.29pkwongi don't have a qualify statement in iax.conf at all.
05:10.45MrEntropyyeah, but when i do a sip debug, the whole sip message comes up...i want to know the difference between the header and body?
05:11.15MrEntropyor is body the payload?
05:11.16brettnemtry setting qualify=yes or some number.. then an iax2 show peers should show OK and a response time instead of UNMONITORED
05:11.57MrEntropyok, so what is a sip dialog?
05:11.59brettnemwell most of the relevant data is in the headers.. some method types like NOTIFYs utilize the body to transmit data
05:12.22brettnemhmm.. I don't know.. sounds like a made up term maybe? can you use it in context?
05:13.01brettnemoh.. well call setup data for INVITES is all in the body.. If I remember right.. SDP daa
05:13.03`Sauronmy iaxtel still shows unmonitored, instead of OK
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05:13.13brettnemdid you do a reload?
05:13.27brettnemI can't find a good way to do that.. but I think "reload" does it..
05:13.29`SauronHum, maybe not. :)
05:13.33brettnemno iax2 reload command
05:13.38`SauronI did a sip reload for a diff. phone, but not iax2
05:14.01`Sauroniaxtel seems to be unavailable
05:14.03pkwongi just put in the qualify=yes in and it still shows unmonitored.
05:14.18`SauronThere we go
05:14.27`SauronOK (569 ms)
05:14.33DefrazHas anyone got the asterisk box talking to a NexTone Iserver?
05:14.40DefrazI can't seem to get mine working quite right.
05:14.42brettnempkwong: did you reload?
05:14.47DefrazI got it register from the entry in the sip.conf
05:14.53Defrazbut I can't seem to push a call to it.
05:15.08brettnemyou have a peer entry for it?
05:15.17Defrazpeer entry?
05:15.21DefrazI don't think so
05:15.26Defrazjust a register entry
05:15.29pkwongok.. i just put it in under the [nufone] context.. and it's fine now.
05:15.36pkwongit doesn't show unmonitored.
05:15.40brettnemyou can't just register.. that only lets them know where you are.. doesn't tell asterisk how to use it
05:15.44pkwongwill that solve the problem?
05:15.52Defrazoh I see
05:16.02*** join/#asterisk jets (
05:16.23brettnempkwong: well I know in the SIP channel qualifys are sent out every 60 seconds to good peers or 10 seconds to bad peers.. so this traffic typically is recommended to maintain NAT translations.
05:17.09pkwongah ha! very very cool! heh.. hope it'll work.. i'll see.. thanks :)
05:17.21brettnemsure.. let us know how it goes. :)
05:17.30pkwongso qualify=yes keeps the connection alive?
05:17.41brettnemwell I don't know if I'd say that..
05:17.48brettnemit just sends out packets periodically
05:17.58pkwongok.. so it should then.. :)
05:18.08brettnemmakes your linksys thingy happy.. if it doesn't see that nat translation being used for a while it'll kill it
05:18.23pkwongok.. makes sense..
05:18.29brettnemquestion for you pkwong, if you periodically used the phone (every hour or so) did you still have the problem?
05:18.30pkwonghopefully that solves the issue.
05:18.34*** join/#asterisk zimdog (
05:18.47brettnemor was it after long periods of complete inactivity (like overnight)
05:18.49Defrazokay I setup a peer deal in the sip.conf
05:18.51pkwongwhen i was using the phone during the day it doesn't happen.
05:18.58pkwongovernight.. it does.
05:19.02brettnemcool.. I bet that's it.
05:19.08Defraznow I have an extention line in my extension.conf
05:19.35Defrazcan I paste that here to make sure it is right?
05:19.37pkwongi'm opening a store and hoping this solves it.. if it does, then i can offer * based pbx solutions.
05:19.54pkwongand i can lose verizon.
05:20.00pkwongand that's a GOOD thing.
05:20.22Qwellanytime "lose" and "Verizon" are in the same sentence, I get all giddy ;p
05:20.30`Sauroniaxtel blows
05:20.48Defrazexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/2089044795@${EXTEN:1})
05:20.51brettnemDefraz: sure if it's just a line.. more than that, please use pastebin
05:20.58Defrazyea just one line
05:21.03Defrazit isn't talking to the iserver
05:21.06brettnemDefraz: that's not how you dial to a registered phone
05:21.08pkwongheh.. i'm seeing lots of stuff coming in on the iaxtel link.. so i think that may have solved it.. :)
05:21.19brettnembtw, is the phone registered?
05:21.29brettnempkwong: good!
05:21.42*** join/#asterisk Silik0n (
05:21.51pkwongyeah.. showing iaxtel unreachable then 2 sec. later showing it's reachable again..
05:21.57Defrazthe NexTone said it regged with the asterisk
05:22.00Defrazthen I setup a peer
05:22.04pkwongso hopefully it does that with nufone too.
05:22.33pkwongthanks :) i'm gonna go wait a few hours and see what happens!
05:22.38brettnemDefraz: ok so the peername is whatever is between the []'s in the sip.conf file
05:22.40Defrazyea and that is regged too it says in a sip show peers
05:22.42pkwongttyl guys! :)
05:22.43brettnemsure thing
05:22.47Defrazyea iserver
05:23.26brettnemso your dial line should be exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/iserver)
05:23.42Defrazokay great
05:23.45Defrazlets see
05:24.01brettnemyou'd do that other syntax for sending a call to a proxy or to a UA that does someting intellegent with DIDs..
05:24.03MrEntropydoes anyone know what the "sip dialog" is?
05:24.07brettnema phone doesn't really
05:24.14brettnemMrEntropy: can you use it in context
05:24.34MrEntropybrettnem: no, it's a sip thing, nothing specifically to do with asterisk
05:24.53MrEntropyi'm sure asterisk uses it though
05:24.58Juggiefinished phase 1 of my web enabled conf bridge today at work
05:25.05brettnemI hear ya, but If you can tell me what context you are reading about it, perhaps I can tell you what it means..
05:25.10Juggieboss was impressed
05:25.14brettnemJuggie: you sharing with all of us?? ;)
05:25.24*** part/#asterisk jets (
05:25.32MrEntropyit's in the SER dlg.h include file, i'm programming a SER module
05:25.42Juggiebrettnem, working on getting approval from legal
05:25.46Juggiebut dont count on it
05:26.20`Sauronsilly legal people
05:26.24brettnemJuggie: you know GPL requires modifications to code to be contributed to the community or be commerically licenced from digium. Run that by legal. ;)
05:26.43Juggiebrettnem, not when the code is all php
05:26.52`Sauronbrettnem: ONLY if you distribute it. Duh.
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05:27.05brettnemoh.. well sure
05:27.07`SauronErr, only if you distribute the product, do you have to supply the code.
05:27.27brettnemoh it's late
05:27.32Juggiei am getting a bunch of oss licenses approved right now
05:27.47brettnemso anyone have a good alternative to the "h" extension for call cleanup?
05:27.54Juggiebut the conf brige is php/phpagi/code in context
05:27.56Nuggetshutdown -r now
05:27.56Juggieno mods
05:28.09Nuggetcleans up all the calls.
05:28.19Defrazbrettnem: It is regged now when I do a sip show peers and so on but it doesn't seem to be connecting to the iserver when it sends the phoen number I dial.
05:28.27brettnemI'm trying to setup so that if a call is recorded and less than 5 seconds long it gets erased
05:28.30Juggiei did patch cdr_addon_mysql thogh
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05:28.53Juggiebut i havnt distroed it
05:28.54brettnemNugget: Thanks... from the same wisdom that brought us "Alt-H" for higher access
05:29.03Nuggetplus plus plus!
05:29.20Juggiei added another flag in the config file called servernumber
05:29.33brettnemDefraz: what kind of phone?
05:29.37Juggieand another field in the cdr table
05:29.51Juggieso you can dump records from many servers in
05:30.04Juggieand you know which server they are from
05:30.04Defrazwell the phone is regged on the asterisk box and the phone is a WIP-5000
05:30.06brettnemanother field, another flag, another reason, for licencing your code... dooo be do be dooo
05:30.31Juggiebrettnem, thats just my private mysql cdr mod
05:30.35Juggiestill testing
05:30.45brettnemheck.. I don't care really.. haha
05:30.49Nuggetport it to postgresql.  :)
05:30.51Defrazand I can make local calls out the analog line right off the asterisk box but when I do a 1NXXNXXXXXX I wanted it to go out to my LD provider who has a NexTone softswitch.
05:31.02JuggieNugget, no point
05:31.14Juggiei could write a posgres module
05:31.14Nuggetbeing able to avoid mysql is a worthwhile goal.  :)
05:31.16brettnemheh.. well that dial line you added will make EVERY 1NXXNXXXXXX call goto the phone
05:31.20DefrazWireless 802.11b VOIP phone;
05:31.23brettnemoh it's religon
05:31.35Juggiebut the new database stuff is comming soon
05:31.35brettnemNugget: how you been liking this weather we've been having?
05:31.40*** part/#asterisk QRPartner (
05:31.49NuggetI drove to dallas today, it was perfect convertible weather.
05:31.58Defrazokay well if I wanted to route every call any phone tha tis regged to go out threw the NexTone box.
05:31.59brettnemeekk WiFi sip phone.. this is your learning phone? ;)
05:32.13brettnemCan't beleive it was like 85 today.. crazy
05:32.14Nuggetis there a wifi sip phone that doesn't suck?
05:32.19brettnemUm.. no
05:32.25brettnembut why not
05:32.32brettnemI saw something cool
05:32.34NuggetI read a review of the senao that seemed to indicate it sucks just as badly as my zyxel.
05:32.39brettnemNugget: you didn't goto astricon did you?
05:32.54DefrazI also have a SPA 2000 I am using
05:33.06NuggetI'll go to astricon europe if it's someplace fun.
05:33.19`Sauronbrettnem: where you at?
05:33.21brettnemwell Mark had a old fashioned BELL phone (with the pushbuttons) he had wired up an iaxy inside of it with a wireless card and had batteries in it.. that was pretty cool
05:33.28Nuggetthat's spiffy.
05:33.31brettnemI'm in Austin, Tx
05:33.36`SauronFunny, that.
05:33.41brettnemheh it was pretty cool to hear that bell ring
05:33.49brettnemit was totally wireless... haha
05:33.50`SauronIt was indeed warm here today. :)
05:33.56brettnemwhere are you at?
05:34.08brettnemAh.. cool.. where?
05:34.18`Sauronnorthwest, off 183
05:34.25NuggetI was going to fly today, but it was foggy this morning.  drove instead.
05:34.28brettnemoh, I think nugget it up that way
05:34.41brettnemspicewood and the like
05:34.44Nuggetanderson mill and spicewood springs.
05:34.44Juggiepfft :)
05:34.55brettnemI work off 360/2244
05:35.00`SauronI'm not as northwest as y'all
05:35.07brettnemhaha austin has so many numbered streets
05:35.11Juggiejuggie = south of the 417 east of the 416 :)
05:35.24Defrazso on any phone that is regged with the asterisk should go out over the iserver phone when I dial a 1 first
05:35.24brettnem360/2244 is south of 360/183
05:35.29`SauronI coulda said I'm off Research Blvd and Capital of Tx Highway
05:35.45brettnemor the arboretum
05:35.50Nuggetwho the fsck decided to call mopac a loop?
05:35.53brettnemstill pretty far south
05:36.07brettnemhaha yeah, that's pretty silly
05:36.19`Saurondunno, mopac does curve a bit, if you include 1325
05:36.27brettnemit's more of a "C"
05:36.28`Sauronjust like lamar is like, loop 276 or something
05:36.36`SauronI can't remember
05:36.42Defrazor iserver sip connection
05:37.00brettnemwell at least they'll all be toll roads soon.. I can't wait to start shoveling out some more change
05:37.07NuggetI never drive.
05:37.24Nuggettoday I bought my first tank of gas in 2005.
05:37.29Nugget(and the second tank, which sucked)
05:37.32brettnemso you DO drive
05:37.42`SauronNugget: What you driving?
05:37.44brettnemyou know.. you arn't supposed to drink that stuff
05:37.47Nuggeta convertible.
05:37.52Nuggetperfect for today.  :)
05:37.55`Sauronno kidding
05:38.06brettnemhmm I should put the top down sometime..
05:38.06`SauronI just have a truck
05:38.10terrapentoday is a great bike riding day
05:38.23terrapencan't wait till the thursday night ride
05:38.25`Sauronuntil I pimp out my van
05:38.27brettnem`Sauron: you know... with the proper tools.. ANY car can become a convertible
05:38.39`Sauronbrettnem: Granted.
05:39.02brettnemNugget: you got BOFH? ha cool
05:39.16brettnemwtf, you got that and don't drive.. what's the matter with you
05:39.41brettnemso how come you haven't suckered justin into asterisk yet?
05:40.03*** join/#asterisk jets (
05:40.11*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
05:40.19SexyKenAnyone here do custom coding for Asterisk?
05:40.28brettnemoh sorry
05:40.42brettnemactually probably any of us will for the right price
05:40.53SexyKenOkay then give me a number to call you at.
05:40.54NuggetI'll drive again once it's warm all the time.
05:40.58Nuggetnot much fun to drive in the winter.
05:41.10brettnemwoah kram!
05:41.15kramsup brett
05:41.21SexyKenbrettnem You gonna give me a contact number or no
05:41.25brettnemgood evening. :)
05:41.36brettnemSexyKen: sorry, I'm booked for now.. really..
05:41.39`SauronI think it's a matter of "the right price"
05:41.54Qwellkramage ;]
05:42.20SexyKenOh no, there's no problem with money. It's the attitude that isn't helping some.
05:42.24kramsexyken: if you can't find anyone else, just give us a call at Digium, we'll be happy to loo at your dev work
05:43.07SexyKen•kram• A: It's urgent. B: It's urgent. C: It's very urgent. So if you guys have time, I'll call you up right now and discuss what I need done and you give me an idea of cost and we'll start it up.
05:43.47brettnemSexyKen: have you tried making your actual request to the group? there is quite a bit of experience in here.. someone might be able to help
05:43.49kramcall tomorrow morning and ask for Bill Hall
05:43.57kramhe can help you out
05:43.59SexyKen•kram• Will do.
05:44.07NuggetSexyKen: your irc client is really annoying.
05:44.12`Saurondum di dum
05:44.25SexyKen•Nugget• You can code me a new script for that if it bothers you enough.
05:44.36`Sauronkram: Can you tell the sales drones to put some minimal amount of support pricing info on the digium site? :)
05:44.46Nuggetscript?  you mean you're doing that on purpose?  wow.
05:44.51FaithfulIs call queuing that hard to set up?
05:44.59`SauronFaithful: I don't think so.
05:45.00brettnemwhat's he doing? heh what am I missing?
05:45.04brettnemFaithful: not really
05:45.06kramsauron: talk to bill hall
05:45.24`Sauronkram: or I can email sales@digium, apparently. :)
05:45.30krameither way
05:45.33FaithfulI guess if you can set up * as a newbie you can do anything :)
05:45.33brettnemI think that's bill's email
05:45.46brettnemexcept SS7
05:46.36kramsales is probably fine
05:46.49brettnemoh if I could only really do SS7 with my asterisk.. what a day that'd be.... I really want to toll out my switch
05:46.57brettnemer toss..
05:47.01brettnema freudian slip perhaps?
05:47.10*** join/#asterisk habakuk (
05:47.48`SauronIt's really spelled "Habbakuk"
05:48.13`SauronActually, that's wrong
05:48.23`SauronD'oh ;)
05:49.10`Sauronbrett: Last I read, someone's (barely?) working on ss7
05:49.27brettnemyeah, I've spoken to them.. I've very aware of their status..
05:49.41brettnemand to put it plainly.. it's quite mediocre
05:50.21brettnemcertainly is going the right direction, just not there yet.. more focused on international ss7 network architectures than US architectures
05:51.03brettnemin the community, most of that is being lead by steve underwood
05:51.26brettnemI'm just being impatient
05:51.59*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
05:52.08shmaltz~seen ManxPower
05:52.09jbotmanxpower <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 2h 22m 13s ago, saying: 'Nugget, We should get tzanger's opinion!'.
05:53.33`SauronHehn. The fun of running HEAD with patches.
05:53.36brettnemwhy doesn't iax2 have a reload command?
05:53.51`SauronNow I have to start from scratch, cuz latest cvs update clobbered some of the patched files
05:53.58Juggie~seen juggie
05:53.59jbotjuggie is currently on #asterisk (9h 46m 34s).  Has said a total of 41 messages.  Is idling for 1s
05:54.04*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:54.09`Sauronbrettnem: Shouldn't be hard to add. Add it :)
05:54.22brettnemoh.. I'm just a user
05:54.44brettnem`Sauron: what do you do here in Austin?
05:54.49`Sauronnetwork engineer
05:54.52Juggie`Sauron, how is cvs
05:54.59Juggiehows realtime looking?
05:55.02brettnemoh come on.. that's so generic.. ;)
05:55.04`SauronJuggie: Well, it broke last night. :)
05:55.19Juggiei've been dying to get realtime in stable :)
05:55.23`Sauronbrett: I largely do "other duties as assigned" for seton healthcare
05:55.33brettnemah seton
05:55.35habakukso what sort of interesting solutions have people come up with for fax support?  I thought about getting an efax number and detecting a fax tone and force the call to my efax #
05:55.37`SauronJuggie: realtime stomped on the ast_data patches. Grrrr.
05:55.58brettnemhabakuk: there is some new fax detection stuff mentioned on the wiki.. go read
05:56.13Juggie`Sauron, realtime is a mix of ast_data and some other stuff isnt it?
05:56.28brettnem`Sauron: I'm the engineer for a CLEC based here in Austin
05:56.31`SauronI dunno. Last time I looked at it (> week ago), it only did mysql.. barely
05:56.38habakukbrettnem, yes I'm aware of that.. unfortunately it's not reliable enough
05:56.45`Sauron_the_ engineer? :)
05:56.57brettnemwell.. you know how it is
05:57.04Juggie`Sauron, isnt there a odbc & mysql module for it?
05:57.30brettnemI'm the one who does switch interconection and VOIP
05:57.34`SauronJuggie: ast_data also has pgsql ;)
05:57.42habakukrealtime is not realtime in my opinion. I use the ast_data patches
05:58.06`Sauronmy only complaint with ast_data, is that there's difficulties with the dialplan lookups
05:58.20brettnem`Sauron: so is Seton using asterisk?? :)
05:58.29habakuk`Sauron, how so?
05:58.31`Sauronbrett: We might, if I get it my way.
05:58.35habakukworks fine for me
05:58.44brettnemvery cool
05:58.54`Sauronhabakuk: in extensions.conf you can use include => blahblah to order the list of contexts
05:58.57brettnemI'll be having a baby at Seton on 38th in a month. :)
05:59.08`Sauronyou can't do that when your dialplan is in sql
05:59.13*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:59.18habakukyes you can
05:59.21habakukyou have both
05:59.27habakukthats the default
05:59.29`SauronI tried, it didn't work
05:59.36habakukworks fine for me
05:59.47`SauronI'll have to re-patch
06:00.23habakukI would also recommend the mwi patch as well that allows mwi while all your sip peers are in sql
06:00.38habakukwhich is not available for realtime
06:02.41habakukbrettnem, you were referring to spandsp earlier right?
06:02.56`SauronI need to try to hack spandsp into working with pppd/mgetty
06:03.04brettnemor something like that
06:03.20brettnemit's on the wiki
06:03.26brettnem~google asterisk fax detection
06:04.04brettnemyeah, you'll find a link for it at that main wiki page at the bottom
06:05.16`Sauronhabakuk: do you know if they've updated the ast_data patches recently (< 4 days)
06:06.19habakukbrettnem, yeah that works. Then I can send the call to my efax #, until I can afford a 5350
06:06.25Defrazbrettnem: when I dial 1NXXNXXXXXX it doesn't seem to try and talk to the ISERVER peer I setup.
06:06.39habakuk`Sauron, not sure, have you checked the site?
06:06.44DefrazI put a sniffer on the line and it looks like it dials itsself.
06:06.45brettnemDefraz: where are you dialing from and to?
06:07.09`SauronI will in a few minutes
06:07.35brettnemDefraz: like I said before, with that line you have in extension.conf every dialied number will goto that iserver peer
06:07.38DefrazI am on a ip phone dialing for example 12082371212 my ip phone is regged on on the asterisk box and my asterisk box is regged to the iserver with is connected to our long distance provider.
06:07.46*** join/#asterisk IsMe (~some@
06:07.55brettnemso if you are calling from the iserver peer and dial some random number it will goto the iserver peer (itself)
06:08.01Defrazhmm my phone says unavailable whenever I dail with a 1
06:08.21brettnemthat's a problem in your dialplan
06:08.29jetsDefraz: are you a boise asterisk'r?
06:08.30Defrazbut if I dial from a ip phone (friend) it should to out threw the peer.
06:08.43Defrazactually pocatello
06:09.00jetsSweet, I'm a Rupert/Twin Falls asterisk'r
06:09.11brettnemlets see your extension.conf.. use a pastebin
06:09.11habakukhey I'm in boise
06:09.21Defrazwhat is the url for that?
06:09.41Defrazwe will have to connect our boxes when I figure out what I am doing.
06:09.44jboti heard pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
06:10.05`Saurondum di dum
06:10.19jetsDefraz: cool i work for a telco so i have some DIDs and stuff at my disposal
06:11.32Defrazso you work for PMT
06:11.40DefrazYea I work for Direct Communications
06:11.40jetsYes, actually.
06:11.43*** join/#asterisk djin (
06:11.46DefrazI am getting some DIDs actually
06:11.54habakukDefraz, can you get DID's anywhere in Idaho?
06:12.57habakukerr, jets / Defraz can any of you get me DID's in boise?
06:13.09jetshabakuk: I have several DIDs blocks throught out idaho, basically anywhere syringanetworks has lit fiber.
06:13.11brettnemI'm only good for Texas
06:13.21jetshabakuk: yes we can in boise
06:13.32`SauronI'm only good for cat5 connectivity inside my apartment
06:13.45`Sauronand wireless connectivity slightly outside my apartment...
06:14.04habakukjets, can you provide sip?
06:14.16brettnemI used to have a very large fiber network.. sigh...
06:14.25brettnemthose were the days
06:14.44`Sauronwho? ;)
06:14.46jetshabakuk: yes we aren't really providing much sip termination yet
06:15.07brettnem`Sauron: do you know of EPGN, El Paso Global Network? They go by Alpheus now..
06:15.12habakukjets, ok what do you prefer?
06:15.19`SauronI remember hearing about them years ago
06:15.31brettnemheh.. oh really? what did you hear?? :)
06:15.47Defrazyea I can get eastern idaho did access pretty easy
06:15.53`Sauronfriend of mine was going to get gobs of connectivity from them, and resell
06:16.00jetshabakuk: i guess I should have said "we don't really offer it to the public much."  we can do sip or iax
06:16.03`Sauronthen he bankrupted his company
06:16.15brettnem`Sauron: I think it's a great idea.. no one has really done it yet..
06:16.19brettnemwhat company was it?
06:16.26Astrisk-boobhow can i test my works voip network? i wanna poke around u know!
06:16.38`SauronI don't know that I'm at liberty to tell
06:16.55DefrazBrettnem I pasted that a few minutes ago, just had a phoen call inbetween.
06:17.02brettnemheh.. it's out of business, right?? heh.. ok well no pressure :)
06:17.12`Sauronhe lives happily at by the Y at oak hill.. got wife and a dog. :)
06:17.34*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
06:17.41brettnem`Sauron: I was the original network architect for that network (Waller Creek Communications, Pontio, EPGN, Alpheus, whateve ryou want to call it)
06:17.51`SauronIt's one of those moments where a split second after you make a decision, you realise you've shot yourself in the foot for the next 7 years
06:17.52brettnem`Sauron: I live 1.52 minutes from the Y
06:18.13jetsDefraz: are you one of the noc guys at dcdi?
06:18.21bjohnsonAstrisk-boob: sign up for FWD
06:18.25`Sauronso what happened to y'alls fiber plant?
06:18.33brettnem`Sauron: EPGN?
06:18.52brettnemIt's still there.. of course, EPGN never had more than.. I'd say 6 miles of fiber
06:18.57`Sauronyou said you used to be in charge of it.. implies youre either not there, or it's gone
06:19.40brettnemyeah El Paso came in, bought us (we were pontio communications).. the new company only had about 80-100 employees.. then they hired about 300 more people..
06:20.03jetsi'm excited another phone geek and syringa partner is working with asterisk...  if you need to show your bosses any sucessful * deployments let me know.
06:20.17brettnemafter a year, they realized that they didn't want to have anything to do with telecom.. so laid off 300 people.. Since I was in charge of new developments... and they wern't planning on expanding.. I got the axe.. blah
06:20.20`Sauronjets: I do, some day in the next 2 weeks or so
06:20.49DefrazWhere have you used it?
06:20.53brettnem`Sauron: of course.. there was probably over 7,000 fiber miles in the network.. almost entirely SBC fiber
06:21.09DefrazI just have a few phones running with just some analog cards and IAX stuff going nothing to big.
06:21.16brettnemand 98% lit as OC-48/DWDM good stuff
06:21.22jetsAt a company in Salt Lake, and a deployment in our callcenter.  Screen pops, reporting, etc.
06:21.25DefrazJus twanted to tie it into a softswitch for the LD
06:21.25`Sauronbrett: rofl
06:21.36Defraznice that is great.
06:21.59brettnem`Sauron: I miss all that bandwidth sometimes..
06:22.04*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
06:22.05brettnem`Sauron: now I am a customer
06:22.49jetsabout 30 sip phones and a few pri's for other things we do with *.
06:23.11Defrazoh cool you mind helping me with goofing around with learning.
06:23.24brettnem`Sauron: they gave me a "visitor" badge.. a nice slap in the face for 5 years of slave labor installing over $60 million of telecom gear
06:23.25Defrazdo you tie it into your Softswitch for your LD
06:24.24brettnemactually, it was a lot of fun working for them.. I kinda miss it..
06:24.47SafT<offtopic> i went thru el paso once </offtopic> :P
06:25.04`SauronI went to el paso once. I'm never going back there. Ever.
06:25.28SafTi wasnt silly enough to stop
06:25.41*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
06:25.48SafTit was the only place i saw mexico though :>
06:26.21neuro_[rus]asterisk-1.0.5 works on AMD64
06:27.13Qwellneuro_[rus]: good to know
06:28.13brettnemheh.. I flew into Odessa once.. I was suprised to see that the runway was paved
06:29.01brettnemI want to goto sleep
06:29.06`SauronI'm about to
06:29.10`Sauronalarm goes off at 6
06:29.14brettnemI got to figure this CDR crap out
06:29.30brettnemyeah, mine too.. actually, my alarm is in the form of a 3 year old little girl. :)
06:29.45SafTthats a little young isnt it? ;o
06:29.46`Sauronmuch more effective than KHFI blaring out the clock radio
06:29.55`Sauronsaft: That's uncool
06:30.13brettnemno kidding
06:30.51SafTjokes like that fly around our office :o
06:31.08SafTsorry if you were offended
06:31.45mishehu"was that the tornado siren or my brat?"
06:37.11*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
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06:39.04unixgeekCan anyone give me more information on what a SIP error code 604 really means?
06:39.58`Sauronvonage's complaining up a storm
06:40.36outtolunc604 Does Not Exist Anywhere"Reorder""Not Found (604)"
06:42.01outtolunc   (for future refernce)
06:42.03unixgeekWhat does that really mean? I have just gotten the correct username/password from Lingo and it looks like the SIP registration suceeds.
06:42.26unixgeekWhen I try to place a call over the SIP connection, I get the 604 error.
06:42.56outtoluncare you sure the extens is valid?
06:43.18unixgeekYou mean the number that was being dialed?
06:43.27unixgeekYes, it was my cell phone.
06:43.57outtoluncmeaning the extension dialed is VALID from the sip server
06:44.13unixgeekYes, it should be.
06:44.25outtoluncshould be is not an answer
06:44.39unixgeekIf I do a sip show registry. It shows the connection to Lingo as registered.
06:44.52three55mlunixgeek: Registry has nothing to do with outgoing
06:45.01three55mlunixgeek: Registry just tells Lingo where to find you
06:45.02outtolunconce upon a time when asked if the earth was flat, there were alot of people saying 'should be'
06:45.21three55mlunixgeek: Is your outgoing context right?
06:46.43unixgeekI also have a SIP entry for outgoing connections which has the same basic information (username/password) and sets the context to default. Same as my other outgoing connections.
06:48.29unixgeekI have configured my dialplan to be like most business systems (i.e. 9 to get an outside line) and then pass the rest of the number off to Dial(SIP/kinetic_compute, ${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
06:48.30*** join/#asterisk techie (
06:48.31three55mlRun with asterisk with -vvvgc and see what you get
06:48.50`Sauronwhat's the g do?
06:48.55unixgeekI see the dial initiate.
06:50.33unixgeekIs there somewhere I can clip the messages (SIP debug and verbose output) for other to see. Maybe there is something that I am not seeing.
06:55.17outtoluncunixgeek: what happens if you remove that ','
06:55.42unixgeekI will give it a try.
06:56.23`SauronHum, well ast_data does apply to HEAD again
06:56.33unixgeekActually here is the exact dial string that is executing: Dial("Skinny/11@tele1-2", "SIP/kinetic_compute/12073185646")
06:58.53unixgeekDoes this look right? INVITE SIP/2.0
07:05.03*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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07:06.04outtoluncunixgeek: what happens if you replace the ',' with a '/'
07:06.55outtoluncor if kinetic_compute is a context, rearrange to Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}}@kinetic_compute
07:07.02unixgeekActually the Dial string has a / not a ,   Here are the last two messages I sent that you might not have seen.
07:07.04unixgeekActually here is the exact dial string that is executing: Dial("Skinny/11@tele1-2", "SIP/kinetic_compute/12073185646")
07:07.06unixgeekDoes this look right? INVITE SIP/2.0
07:07.33netsurferur curly braces are all wrong, unixgeek
07:07.49unixgeekWell, kinetic_compute is the entry in sip.conf.
07:07.50netsurfer${varname} is the format
07:08.24netsurferDial(SIP/kinetic_compute, ${EXTEN:}${TRUNKMSD})
07:09.12netsurfernot sure why u have : in there either?
07:09.14outtolunci'd probably just try ${EXTEN:1} first <G>
07:09.17unixgeeknetsurfer: that seems counter intuative (sp! too late at night)
07:10.10netsurferoops I see what ur doing now
07:10.23netsurfer(too early in the morning, not had coffee yet)
07:10.30netsurferur right, im wrong
07:10.37unixgeekWell, it seems to be doing the right thing. I dial 912073185646 and as you can see in the dial string from the verbose output, 12073185646 gets dialed.
07:11.41outtolunci'm a zap/iax guy <G>
07:12.10unixgeekWhen a call is being placed through a VOIP service like Vonage or Lingo, is it normal to show as in the sip debug output?
07:12.33outtolunclooks fine
07:12.57netsurferyes unixgeek thats ok
07:13.35netsurferunixgeek - sip show registry
07:13.47netsurferu registered ok?
07:14.36unixgeekOK. It just seems that Lingo sees the phone number in the SIP address and just comes back with the 604 code.
07:14.37unixgeekYes. I seem to be. When I execute sip show registry, I do see a line for the connection and it is saying registered.
07:15.24netsurfercheck their dial prefixes
07:15.43netsurferdoes 12073185646 make sense to them?
07:16.28unixgeekI am not sure. I have the VOIP modem that they sent me and there was a quick reference in it. Let me see if they show anything. Be right back.
07:17.15outtolunctry 12076215923
07:17.43outtoluncthats a dialup # in augusta (l3)
07:17.59*** join/#asterisk pranav (~dawda_pra@
07:18.22pranavhello everyone
07:18.28*** join/#asterisk justinnn (
07:18.30justinnnhey ppl
07:18.33justinnnhow do i convert a .gsm to .wav ?
07:19.09unixgeekouttolunc: I get the same thing. Are you in Maine?
07:19.56pranavi am able to make calls internally but how to make calls to a pstn
07:20.26unixgeeknetsurfer: I don't see anything about a prefix. There docs seem to show just dialing the straight number as if it were PSTN.
07:20.30pranavwhat changes do i need to make in the dial plan(extensions.conf)
07:21.48wasimpranav: Zap/1/${EXTEN}
07:22.41netsurferunixgeek - 12073185646 <-- would that number work on any pstn in oz ?
07:23.10unixgeekIt should. Standard US number.
07:23.53netsurferah ur in the us?
07:23.54Koshatulhey, does anyone know if i have one iax2 connection setup for a provider and i want to buy a g729 license for it, do i need a license for every concurrent call ? or just a license for the single connection ?
07:24.10unixgeeknetsurfer: yes.
07:24.59netsurferah, I thought iprimus were an aussie company
07:27.42unixgeekYes, to my understanding Primus (parent of iprimus) is based in Australia. But they have definately been expanding. I have a client that had their webhosting company bought out by Primus. And they own Lingo too.
07:28.13netsurferunixgeek try 0012073185646
07:29.09outtoluncwell guys, kernel update done, time for bed
07:29.16unixgeekI think my dialplan will squash that, but I will try it.
07:29.23Sedorox4569      OK (1922 ms)
07:29.40netsurferunixgeek yeah dont forget the 9
07:29.50unixgeekYep. congestion tones at the second 0.
07:30.37netsurferunixgeek - try adding an extension to test it then
07:31.59*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
07:39.16netsurferheh.. its only 7.40am
07:39.20netsurfer;) g'nite
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08:03.36*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
08:03.48wasimfu RoyK
08:04.01wasims/fu/hi :)
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08:26.24finnjetIs there somebody arround who could tell me how to make asterisk to continue proceeding in a Dialplan after the callee has hung up?
08:26.39zoaDeadagi is made for that purpose
08:26.47finnjetThe switch for the dial command alone isn´t doing the trick.
08:27.00zoai dont think that switch works
08:27.07zoathe switch works only in one direction i think
08:27.30finnjetThats what I had to find out as well!
08:27.51finnjetThe deadagi script isn´t called either unfortunately!
08:29.09finnjetI´m setting up a callthrough gateway for me and the problem is that it is jumping back to the enter your number priority as it should but the Waitexten Command exits as soon as I enter any digit!
08:29.34finnjetFunny enough not when the call has been aborted for some error or me pressing the # key!
08:30.04finnjetis there any kind of command to reset every variable that can be set within a dialplan?
08:32.13jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
08:33.00finnjetCould you give me a hint what to search for?
08:34.57brc_simple enough
08:35.01brc_use the h extension
08:35.05finnjetThe problem accours since I put the dial cmd in a macro.
08:35.38finnjetthis is what I´m doing it says goto the extension where the whole callthrough starts!
08:37.15finnjetExactly where the caller is send to! But for some reason after all these announcements the call will be disconnected when the user "came over the h goto".
08:41.09*** join/#asterisk oej (
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08:53.59Sedoroxquestion with queues if anyone is around at this time.... I can't get it to logout.. followed the AgentCallbackLogin Wiki.. but the logoff still isn't working
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09:07.43Sedoroxnight all
09:08.07*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
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09:09.50finnjetIs there a difference in general whether a dial command is beeing excecuted in the context itself or in a macro? The point is that since i put the dial command into a macro i cant continue dialing after a successfull call!
09:12.30*** join/#asterisk vs_ (
09:13.41vs_getting plenty of those: Bridge stops because we're zombie or need a soft hangup: c0=SIP/105-83df, c1=SIP/113-23a0, flags: No,Yes,No,No
09:15.45finnjetmaybe the Hangupcause is the problem can this variable be reseted?
09:16.04finnjetI tryed setvar(Hangupcause=) not a real success
09:17.11RoyKfinnjet: exten => t,2,SetVar(PRI_CAUSE=xx)
09:17.14JerJerthat is a read-only variable
09:17.27RoyKJerJer: PRI_CAUSE isn't
09:17.42JerJerread the README.variables
09:18.31*** join/#asterisk hundra (
09:19.29TheEmperorcan anyone help, i am still having trouble putting together * to call out at a certain time
09:19.56RoyKJerJer: according to README.variables, HANGUPCAUSE is not ro
09:20.17oejThen we need to change that, because I think it is readonly
09:20.32JerJerRoyK:  needs to cvs up
09:20.39RoyKJerJer: running stable
09:20.43JerJerthat is your problem then
09:20.58JerJeri wish stable was named DON"T_RUN_ME
09:21.05JerJerit is what will BECOME stable
09:21.15hundraa question; i've setup asterisk (.deb from unstable) and configured extentions for meetme.. i dial in, everything works fine, and when i exit the call i see the BYE-packet from my GW, asterisk acks.. but the sip channel is still open i asterisk, how do i force it to close properly?
09:21.28RoyKhundra: don't use debian packages
09:21.35RoyKhundra: use the source, luke
09:21.36JerJerrun cvs -head
09:21.48JerJercvs co asterisk ; cd asterisk ; make install
09:21.51RoyK(if you can stand a few crashes)
09:22.01RoyK-stable really _is_ stable
09:22.08JerJerlol thats funny
09:22.10RoyKonly it lacks a few things
09:22.14JerJerrun about 20,000 calls thru stable
09:22.22JerJerand see how many deadlocks you get
09:22.28*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
09:22.29hundraok, i'll try compiling from the sources instead
09:22.30RoyKhaven't got any yet
09:22.32JerJerand memory loss
09:23.12RoyKI'd rather reboot the server once a week than risk segfaults
09:23.53JerJerso you would prefer to run known inferir software
09:23.56RoyKalso, I guess the masterminds behind asterisk perhaps know a little more about the stability of -stable vs -head than JerJer does, even if he thinks he's the mastermind of the universe.........
09:24.13PoincareHmmm, alway nice if it works 'out of the box'
09:24.18harryvvjerjet what is is your * using
09:24.24harryvvJerJer I mean :)
09:24.32harryvvID is it using
09:24.32JerJercvs -head as of tuesday
09:25.31JerJerRoyK:  ask any core developer what they run and why
09:28.07oejWell, core developers need to run head in order to stress test them selves and their server :-) They also have the knowledge to handle it.
09:28.40oejAnd yes, it's a better product, which is a good thing since it will soon be stable.
09:29.16*** part/#asterisk oej (
09:30.09JerJerRoyK:  so now go back to your corner and cry
09:30.29*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
09:30.47harryvvJerJer do you know what id asterisk should have
09:30.53JerJerid ?
09:31.01JerJerlike uid ?
09:31.14harryvvis asterisk
09:31.19harryvvid asterisk
09:31.27*** join/#asterisk alakon (
09:31.44JerJerthere is nothing requiring asterisk to run as root... so it can be any UID u want to run it as
09:31.59JerJeri make an 'asterisk' user and group and lock it down to that
09:32.17JerJerthen if anyone happens to find a remote exploit all they get is a chroot jail
09:32.32alakonvery nice
09:32.41harryvvwell, there is some issues with init.d loading asterisk and its directories. It is hangining on /dev/zap with permission issues.
09:32.51JerJerchange the permissions
09:32.57harryvvits the way it should be
09:33.06harryvvit was checked earler today.
09:33.21JerJerthey are not right if it hangs
09:33.47JerJeri don't use the init.d crap
09:33.53JerJeri just fire off safe_asterisk
09:33.55harryvvall files in dev/zap are crw-r--r--
09:34.08JerJerand owned by whom?
09:34.15*** part/#asterisk alakon (
09:35.05harryvvmy use of chown is limited if thats what your asking. It was root:root
09:36.06JerJerthat is a problem then
09:36.28JerJercuz others can only read from zap
09:36.39JerJerwhich is not going to cut it
09:36.54harryvvbkw pointed out its a id issue.
09:37.29JerJerjust chown it, problem solved
09:38.33harryvvanyway /var/log/asterisk/messages states that there is a issue with the path to /dev/zap permission denied. I did a id asterisk for him and he said thats the problem. I have chowned -R asterisk:asterisk then it creates a issue where the softphone stops communicating with asterisk and cannot log into it.
09:39.03harryvvIt did start asterisk when rebooting the server.
09:39.34JerJeri don't use the init.d so i have no clue about taht
09:39.48harryvvwhat distro are you using?
09:40.10harryvvdebian/bsd,slack ?
09:41.13harryvvyou made your own os?
09:41.28JerJerstock linux kernel + busybox + tiny login
09:41.32JerJerfind a clue
09:41.34harryvvI see
09:42.04finnjetOn my asterisk PRI_CAUSE is writeable.
09:42.16finnjetUnfortunately this didn´t fix anything!
09:42.50JerJerRoyK has no clue what he is talking about
09:43.11finnjetMaybe it is because the Dial Command returns -1 when a call is finished normaly and not 0. Where is this return code read?
09:43.19finnjetcan it be reset in any way?
09:43.41JerJerwhy does it need to be reset?
09:44.37finnjetBecause I have no idea why my callthrough dialplan is exiting when I regulary completed a call and then goto the start extension and dial again!
09:45.04JerJerthen your extension logic is not correct
09:45.23RoyKfinnjet: what are you trying to do?
09:45.28RoyKPRI_CAUSE works for me
09:45.35RoyKon -stable
09:45.42finnjetThe point is that its working when there is a error in the connection (like 404 with SIP)
09:45.59RoyKPRI_CAUSE only works on zap
09:46.05finnjetBut PRI_CAUSE has already been reset.
09:47.24finnjetIts a dialplan that collects the digits with a variable and starts dialing when the user hits #. This calls another context and a macro within this context.
09:48.55finnjetWhen the dial command in the macro exits it jumps back to the h context where I SetVar(PRI_CAUSE=) and the same with HANGUPCAUSE and DIALSTATUS. But for some reason * hangs up after the first digit then!
09:49.14JerJerbecause your logic is evil
09:49.32JerJergo back and think through the problem again
09:51.24*** join/#asterisk math_ (
09:52.02math_i have a problem with receiving callerid's on my analogue phone...
09:52.53math_im using a digium tdm400p
09:53.34math_it doesnt send any number, i also dont see anything about sending a number in de debug log
09:53.52JerJerare you setting a number ?
09:54.13math_no, when i dial from my sipphone to a zap channel
09:54.27math_then i dont get any callerid on my phone
09:54.53math_also some small note... im using dutch phone equipment
09:55.21JerJerhave you set zaptel to dutch then?
09:55.56math_you mean the language of the channels? in /etc/zaptel.conf ?
09:56.30tzafrirQ: What version is Asterisk? What quality? A: 1.0, beta. Source:
09:56.58math_ok double checked it... language is nl in zapata.conf and zaptel.conf
09:57.06*** join/#asterisk ReVoK (ReVoK@
09:58.01tzafrirJerJer, what was the problem again?
09:58.51tzafrirI remember having strange problems in my old busybox system because things I took for granted ddi not exist.
09:59.03math_tzafrir : i dont receive caller id's on my analogue phone
10:05.09*** join/#asterisk abbas_ (nidobas@
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10:07.11jbothmm... h323 is evil! Don't ask about h323 here. Ask JerJer if you need to bug someone. He says it works, but others don't.
10:07.54abbas_Royk  do u know any help channel for H323?
10:08.06RoyKperhaps #asterisk-h323
10:08.09abbas_actually  carriers have 90% traffic on h323
10:08.17RoyKcreate it and add it on the wiki :)
10:08.18JerJerif you say so
10:08.38abbas_haha jer jer  how r u
10:09.11abbas_so  no one ther ?
10:13.24*** join/#asterisk hajekd (
10:15.31finnjetso there is no chance to ignore or overwrite a return code of a macro to 0 isntead of -1 ?
10:16.19hajekdwhat is your experience with jitterbuffer? Looks like it is better to disable it...;)
10:19.35talkwebhostsanyone here run a hosting business?
10:20.15math_JerJer : any clue about those callerid's ?
10:20.23tzafrirAnyway, Debian packages currently have h323 compiled in
10:20.36tzafrirI haven't tried it, actually
10:21.09tzafrirmath_, do you have caller id inside your PBX?
10:25.42JerJerhajekd:  yes disable it
10:25.57JerJertzafrir:  don't run packages... get the source and do it right
10:26.04JerJermath_:  no
10:26.58math_tzafrir : yes, im dialing from a sip phone
10:27.01JerJerthe h.323 support on -stable (which is what was used for packages) is absolutely not supported
10:27.10math_when i dial to another sip phone, it works fine
10:44.30*** join/#asterisk djin (~marius@
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10:44.51abbas_jer jer:  we tried to deploy * between Cisco AS5300 and a 4 port GSM gateway we just recieved call from AS5300 on * and forwarded at GSm SIP GW supporting 729   but there was no voice   when we use any hardfone reg on * the cakll on same route workes well
10:45.07JerJerok and?
10:45.36abbas_the user behind AS5300 cant get voice   neither he  nor us
10:45.49JerJerthis is supposed to help me figure your problem out how?
10:46.13abbas_what u this where is the peroblem ?
10:46.27abbas_is there anything in configuration of  AS5300 and *
10:46.39Mavvietalk about nasty behaviour
10:47.05JerJerthen change the signaling type
10:47.06*** join/#asterisk r1 (
10:47.15MavvieJerJer: change it to what?
10:48.29abbas_jer jer: what u suggest for me ?
10:48.48MavvieJerJer: oh sorry. thought you were replying to me.
10:49.42abbas_changing signaling type was for me ????
10:50.12abbas_no sure not for me
10:51.41JerJeri'll let you two figure it out
11:01.29*** join/#asterisk bowman (
11:01.39bowmanhi. what does "unable to forward voice" in chan_sip.c mean? firewall trouble?
11:04.09Poincarecool, i got the same problem :-)
11:07.40*** join/#asterisk TeLLuS (
11:10.17bowmanwhat does error 403 mean?
11:10.39*** join/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
11:10.58qwerpanyone here uses TE110P ?
11:13.28*** join/#asterisk soulz- (
11:13.31soulz-hi all
11:13.49soulz-i just got a quad card, tdm04b and tdm40b
11:14.24soulz-is anyone here?
11:14.57qwerpi have that too..
11:15.02qwerpanything that i can help?
11:15.20soulz-thanks qwerp
11:15.33soulz-just want to find out, how to load the wctdm
11:15.39soulz-as i did modprobe wctdm
11:15.54soulz-on syslog it shows mod 1, auto fxo
11:15.59soulz-and so on until 3
11:16.08soulz-and mod 0 auto fxs
11:16.13soulz-and so on until 3
11:16.31soulz-but how do i reference if its a fxo and fxs?
11:16.45qwerpguess u using the latest zaptel drivers.
11:16.51qwerpcoz if u using v1-0,
11:17.04soulz-i just built it from cvs
11:17.07qwerptdm is still called wcfxs,wcfxo
11:17.09soulz-so it should be latest
11:17.17qwerpi tried last time,
11:17.25qwerpit is still buggy..
11:17.52soulz-it recognized the wctdm
11:18.16qwerpcoz when i used that, the callerid on the fxs port won't work..
11:18.46*** join/#asterisk pranav (
11:18.57pranavhello everyone
11:19.27soulz-i am using fxs and fxo, on the tdm cards
11:19.33qwerpu modprobe wctdm ?
11:19.41soulz-when i do that
11:19.42bowmanwhat does error 403 mean?
11:19.42pranavi am able to call internally but i dont know how to connect to pstn
11:19.46soulz-it picked up all 4
11:19.49soulz-all 8
11:19.53soulz-4 for fxo
11:19.58soulz-and 4 for fxs
11:20.12qwerpi dun see any errors..
11:20.15soulz-pranav: have u got ur 100xp?
11:20.30soulz-i know, i am not worried about that, i know its correct
11:20.30pranavsoulz: yes
11:20.40soulz-but how do i reference it
11:20.48soulz-have u set up ur zaptel?
11:21.02*** join/#asterisk beedauchon (foreigner@3ffe:bc0:8000:0:0:0:0:1d7)
11:21.18soulz-pranav: use ztcfg -vv
11:21.24pranavsee i have a sipura device with 2 channels connecte to it and i can talk between them
11:21.48pranavya it shows 1 channel configured
11:22.07soulz-then do this
11:22.17soulz-exten => _XXXXXX,1,Dial,Zap/g1/${EXTEN} ;
11:22.20pranavbut on the cli prompt when i give zap show channels it says "unable to find the channel
11:22.28soulz-presuming u have set up in g1
11:22.44soulz-maybe u should try with g1 for group 1
11:24.34pranavok tell me i have the two sipura phones which are internal, can i make a pstn call from that
11:25.35soulz-as long as ur in the same context
11:25.44*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
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11:26.37TeLLuSGaa, In 1.0.5 when using skinny with Cisco 7910 the phone is ringing while I'm in the middle of a call using it.. and then the call get disconnected.   Ahh, now it feels better again..
11:27.17pranavsoulz: i have used the context default everywhere
11:31.37*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
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11:36.59pranavhello someone
11:41.26*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
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11:45.47pranavhi zeeek
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11:47.52wasimre Zeeek
11:51.06pranavhi wasim
11:52.47pranavsee when i give ztcfg -vv it shows 1 channel configured, but when on the cli prompt i give "zap show channel 01" it says unable to find channel 1
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11:54.30wasimzap show channel 1
11:56.28pranavit shows the same thing" unable to find the given command
11:56.51wasimpranav: and you've configured it in zapata.conf?
11:56.54qwerphow can i configure a te110p card?
11:57.05wasimqwerp: give it a swift kick up the backside
11:57.30*** join/#asterisk Nix (
11:57.32qwerpdo i need to compile libpri also?
11:57.38wasimqwerp: yep
11:57.59qwerpi compile it after i compiled zaptel and asterisk, is it ok?
11:58.29tzafrirasterisk need libpri
11:58.46qwerpso, meaning i have to recompile asterisk, am i right?
11:59.40tzafriraccording to the motto of that soundguy you could think Windows was destroyed in 1995
12:04.23*** join/#asterisk fuzza (
12:04.26fuzzahi all
12:05.28fuzzawith a call queue (with only one member), is there a way to disable retrying the member on timeout, so it only actually calls once? (it's not overly important, I can just halve the intended timeout, just curious)
12:09.48qwerptzafrir: can i ask u a question?
12:09.57tzafrirask ahead
12:10.33qwerpwhy my te110p card, when i restarted my machine, i modprobe wcte11xp it cannot detected my card.
12:10.55qwerpeverytime i have to shutdown, remove the card and insert it again, then it is able to detect.
12:11.42finnjetIs there a chance to ignore or overwrite a return code of a macro to 0 instead of -1 ?
12:12.00tzafrirqwerp, maybe the module was already loaded?
12:12.11tzafrirgrep zaptel /proc/modules
12:12.30qwerpafter i type modprobe wcte11xp
12:12.38qwerpit comes out error..
12:12.49qwerpthen i lsmod, it shows wcte11xp is loaded
12:13.05qwerpbut when i zttool it, i dun see any card there..
12:13.27tzafrirwhat I mean is: maybe its gets loaded somehow before your modprobe? Or maybe a different module?
12:13.55tzafrirwhat is the error?
12:14.39kkscan asterisk accept callerid with SPACE?
12:16.43qwerpZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
12:17.07qwerpFATAL: Error running install command for wcte11xp
12:18.35tzafrirwhere did I see this error?
12:18.43jalsotcould anybody explain how does codec selection work on IAX2? e.g. pstn->*->iaxComm [which party decides which codec to use?
12:19.09qwerpthe device is detected by the PC..
12:19.16qwerplspci, the device is there..
12:19.30qwerplsmod, module is loaded,
12:19.38qwerpbut zttool, no device configured.
12:19.53tzafrirztcfg -vv
12:20.00qwerpunless i shutdown it, remove the card and plug it in again..
12:20.41qwerpa list of 31 channels and
12:20.45qwerpZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
12:22.22*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
12:23.03qwerpbtw, show i configure all the digium cards using kudzu?
12:27.40qwerptzafrir: so, any ideas?
12:28.27tzafrirqwerp, what version of zaptel do you use?
12:29.19qwerplike i said, if i unplug and plug back in, it works fine.
12:29.32qwerpjust when i restart the computer, the problem comes.
12:33.09qwerpsomebody help me?
12:37.16*** join/#asterisk foxb_ (
12:38.01qwerptzafrir: how?
12:38.17*** join/#asterisk GodThor (~ninja@
12:39.25foxb_what are processor requirements per call? with 1GHz and 512 RAM how many simultinuosly call I can support?
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12:40.03netsurferfoxb_ - how long is a piece of string ?
12:40.16Zeeekthis long
12:40.23netsurferhey Zeeek
12:40.44netsurferjust got home to find my dev box has been playing around :(
12:41.59tzafrirqwerp, what version is the zaptel module?
12:42.30tzafriranyway, this appears like bad hardware
12:42.39netsurfer0-order allocation failed <-- anyone seen that before ?
12:42.44qwerpcheckout from CVS
12:43.53foxb_netsurfer: A piece of string is long, but limited by realization. I want to know the processor requirements to maintain call.
12:43.53tzafrirany chance that the zaptel module and ztcfg are not from the same version?
12:43.53qwerpif that is the case, funny thing is when i unplug and plug it back again, it worked..
12:43.53qwerpits the same...
12:43.53netsurferfoxb_ - depends if you are transcoding or just passing thru
12:44.44GodThorin db_connect.php says that PEAR must be install, what is pear?
12:45.24foxb_netsurfer: passing thru mainly, but if you have the info for transcodin it will be usefull too...
12:45.43GodThori think this is a problem because i cannot open asterisk manag. portal link , mysql error
12:46.31tzafrirPEAR is php-pear
12:47.13GodThorastersik started ok, fop started ok, db everything is ok(user,pass,host ,db)
12:47.13netsurferkernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation failed (gfp=0x1f0/0) damnit this looks bad
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12:47.25tzafrirAMP uses mysql through PEAR's database abstracion layer
12:47.25*** part/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
12:47.34foxb_netsurfer: it is about 90 calls and up. Can P4 3.0GHz handle it?
12:47.44tzafrirGodThor, what distro
12:47.58netsurferfoxb_ - for pass thru, no problem at all
12:48.06GodThorphp-pear-4.3.9-3 i have installed already
12:48.28GodThortzaf, what you mean?
12:48.30pranavi have pasted my zapata.conf in the
12:48.36netsurferfoxb_ - I recall someone saying a p3 700 could handle over 300 calls on passthru
12:49.30tzafrirGodThor, and both it and mod_php itself are installed from distro packages?
12:51.08foxb_netsurfer: will * gain if I use Opreron in 64 bit mode? Passthu - means from ISDN call to internet (using DSP on the digium card)?
12:51.20GodThorwhen i click on asterisk manag. portal link ,open blank page with: " mysql:// bla bla
12:51.35pranavcan anyone tell me where is the mistake
12:52.07foxb_netsurfer: or drivers are optimized for 32-bit mode?
12:53.54finnjetIs it possible that the g swith of the dial command causes almost nothing?
12:57.03pranavwhen it shows that it is configured in the root prompt then why it says that unable to find the channel in the cli prompt
12:57.12*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
12:57.18JunK-Yin europe BRI is 30B+2D ?
12:58.10JunK-Yits what exactly ? im just familiar with PRI
12:58.12RoyKPRI in europe is 30B+1D+1 channel for sync
12:58.15JunK-Ywhich is 23B+1D
12:58.17RoyKBRI is 2B+1D
12:59.32*** join/#asterisk tekati (
13:00.02pranavmy asterisk is connected to a pstn via X100p card and not directly
13:00.21pranavso can i make calls to pstn via the internal phones
13:00.54GodThortzaf, i found the solution :))) i missed to install php-mysql :))))))))))))
13:02.23hundrathere seem to be multiple zaprtc-sources available on the net, which one should i use?
13:04.46soulz0hi all
13:06.03*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
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13:15.48microlabwhat is asterisk? how can I use it?
13:16.50microlabI know it is software for softswitch, but how to use it?
13:16.59jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
13:18.52*** join/#asterisk benno2 (
13:19.16benno2hi, any good PDA that can be used as a voip SIP phone ? (without much echo issues)
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13:19.28microlabthank you
13:21.51*** part/#asterisk GodThor (~ninja@
13:24.16*** join/#asterisk __Sparks_ (
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13:25.32__Sparks_Hi! - I am having trouble dialling out with asterisk with a 100p card (Dialing from a SIP phone) - If I dial 9 then the number I want to call, i just get the PSTN dial tone
13:26.32Delvarit sounds like your TXGAIN is too low for the pstn ine to pickup diling sequance.. also is it set to tone or pulse dial?
13:26.41__Sparks_(If i then redail the external number, it works)
13:26.51Delvarthen forget everything i just said
13:27.05_Brian_Sparks_ what does your dialplan look like for external calls
13:27.19_Brian_Sparks_ could you show your diaplan and a debug in
13:28.03__Sparks__brian, I am not sure :S - I have just installed Xorcom Rapid
13:28.38_Brianhmm...i never installed one of those prefangled Asterisk distributions
13:28.42*** part/#asterisk foxb_ (
13:28.44__Sparks_(I am very new to asterik!
13:29.09_Brianbut, it should still be the same, dont you have a console connection to asterisk, so you can see what it is doing?
13:29.09__Sparks_in my phones.conf...
13:29.15Koshatul__Sparks_: it sounds right, are you saying if you try to call back an external number it fails, but if you dial 9 for a external line you hear a dial tone ?
13:29.43Koshatul__Sparks_: what happens if you dial 9 then a valid number ... eg 90712345678
13:30.00_BrianKoshatul: Hey!! why you giving out my phone number?
13:30.02Koshatul(of course that's not a valid number, and it's australian)
13:30.24Koshatul_Brian: your phone number? that's my luggage code !
13:30.29__Sparks_Koshatul, if i dial 9 followed by a valid PSTN number, i just get the PSTN dial tone, then if i dial the PSTN number again, it will connect
13:30.41tzafrir__Sparks_, I believe that there has been such a problem solved with the latest package from
13:30.46_BrianKoshatul: rofl
13:30.50*** join/#asterisk vmlinux (
13:31.11__Sparks_tzafrir, oh ok, i will have a look then!
13:31.13Koshatul__Sparks_: at a guess, the dial line is borked, the ${EXTEN:1} might be missing or mistyped, all the way
13:31.45tzafrir__Sparks_, check in the menu (system information => package versions) what is the version of asterisk
13:31.53tzafrirIs it 1.0.5-1.8 ?
13:32.09Koshatultzafrir: menu ?
13:32.24__Sparks_it's 1.0.5
13:32.31*** part/#asterisk djin (~marius@
13:32.53Koshatuli had to go back to 1.0 because my iax supplier wouldn't seem to connect on the latest
13:32.53tzafrirKoshatul, of Rapid
13:33.07tzafrir__Sparks_, but is it -1.8 ?
13:33.21Koshatultzafrir: ahhh, phone, i've only got two 7960's
13:33.42Mocit why I flushed IAX for sip now, doesnt have interoperabelity problems
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13:34.00__Sparks_sorry, I was in the wrong menu - o, it's 1:1.0.5-1.4
13:34.05ariel_morning all
13:34.27Koshatulmoc:have you ever heard of jitter problems using hardware routers ?
13:34.41*** join/#asterisk pointer (
13:35.11Mocnope, well yes if it has traffic and aint configure to give priority so audio packets
13:35.13Koshatuli bought a bigpong cable connection purely for the voip, and it was ok with a pc as a router, but i had issues with bgp, so i switched to static routes and a Netgear FR114P, now i get jitters .... i can't win
13:35.37KoshatulMoc: it has no other traffic, bar heartbeats and iax :)
13:35.46Moctry SIP...
13:35.53Mocthat might fix your problem !! :(
13:36.05MocI know it did for me
13:36.10KoshatulMoc: damn, that means contacting the supplier ... i hate doing that
13:36.20Koshatuli want a voip protocol that can survive a source change
13:36.32MocKoshatul, they why there is alot of provider on the market with website
13:36.38Koshatuland i want bigpond cable to drop the routes when it isn't authed
13:36.43pointerwho was the person that was going to start (or had) work on the application API?
13:36.52KoshatulMoc: ?
13:37.15*** join/#asterisk microlab (~chatzilla@
13:38.03Koshatulthe linux router would have supported tos defs
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13:38.47Mocthere could be alot of factor for your problem..
13:39.03MocIAX is one of them, your provider link quality is another, your voip provider is a nother...
13:39.34Koshatulthe problem i have with sip is (i believe) it has issues with quick change over of connection, iax just adds another agent (i believe) sip doesn't support that
13:39.36Koshatulscrap that
13:39.47Koshatulwhat provider do you use ?
13:40.36Moccurrently, voiceconduits + a canadian provider for my DID and soon all my outgoing local
13:40.45Koshatulahhh, i'm in aust
13:41.33Koshatuli'm using atp at the moment
13:41.45Koshatuli just hate contacting them, it's either no response or slow response
13:42.09Koshatul(the feeling i've got is that) if they think your question is stupid they don't reply.
13:42.40Koshatulwhen i was using asterisk latest, and iax was borked, i emailed asking if there were any issues .... i got no reply, still none
13:43.34Mocthat a crappy provider
13:44.16Koshatulother than that it's been good
13:44.32Koshatuli've had some bad phone calls quality wise, but most of those were due to adsl load
13:44.53Koshatuli've got 1.5mb adsl here and "unlimited" cable, cable for voip, adsl for everything else
13:45.15Koshatulwith a ibgp setup in the middle, so voip should fall over to the adsl
13:45.30Koshatulbut the problem i have is that bigpond cable can be down, but you still have a route and connectivity
13:45.54Koshatulat least connectivity to the connected network, no furthur
13:47.45Koshatuland on the other side, pppd won't remove a default route and replace it, *or* add a default router with a lower metrix
13:47.49Koshatulmetric even
13:50.02__Sparks_Can someone tell me how to increase the gain on calls goung out of asterisk to the PSTN?
13:50.09vmlinuxDoes SJphone still work with asterisk?  I'm new to all of this, but I have the demo up and going, and things seem to be set up right but i keep getting "Registration from '' failed for '192.168.x.x' errors.  Could toss a glance at my config and point out my failings?
13:50.20netsurfer__Sparks_ - zapata.conf
13:50.32vmlinuxcould *someone" toss a glance
13:52.30Koshatulsjphone runs on a pda ?
13:52.31*** join/#asterisk CpuID (
13:52.47CpuIDhey ppls, is there a cvsweb for asterisk/zaptel anywhere? cant seem to find one on
13:54.16Koshatulit sounds stupid, but i want a sip phone for my symbian phone :\
13:54.17vmlinuxit's on my laptop under xp at the moment
13:54.25vmlinuxoh nm
13:54.32vmlinuxthought you were replying to my question :P
13:54.44Koshatuli'm downloading it now
13:54.48vmlinuxThat a good phone?
13:54.51Koshatulbut i'm using asterisk 1.0
13:54.53vmlinuxI have a treo 600, I like it.
13:54.58Koshatuli've got a nokia 6600
13:55.12Koshatuli don't quite like the idea of a ms phone, so i've avoided those so far
13:55.20vmlinuxyea me too
13:55.27Koshatulbut i can make my own apps for it :)
13:56.02vmlinuxI kind of wish I knew how to write apps for palm os
13:56.15*** join/#asterisk Fabe_ (
13:56.34vmlinuxI've only ever programmed anything decent in python.
13:56.41Koshatuli used to write some apps for palm, but they were pretty bad
13:56.54vmlinuxIt's really hard to go to other languages if you start out on something like python heh.
13:57.20Koshatulman, my friend in high school used to push me with assembler
13:57.25*** join/#asterisk lung (
13:57.28ariel_wow network just got me.
13:57.40vmlinuxheh, thanks for testing your lag on us kk thx :P
13:57.52ariel_vmlinux, which is the setup for the sjphone on your pastebin
13:58.18Koshatulsetting up sjphone now
13:58.32ariel_vmlinux, actually it was my baby that hit a key on the keyboard. I did not see she had done it.
13:58.51vmlinuxI've done worse, and I don't have a baby to blame it on :)
13:58.59vmlinuxlike accidentlaly pasting a binary
13:59.09ariel_she is 23 month old and a hand full.
13:59.10CpuIDhmm anyone here managed to get * running on ppc fine? :)
13:59.13vmlinuxI'll bet
13:59.21CpuIDjust out of curiosity
13:59.35vmlinuxI have enough trouble juggling my 2 left thumbs and a terminal :)
13:59.43ariel_but back to your setup about the phone not working.
13:59.58vmlinuxsorry I'm a newbie, I'm sure my config is awful
14:00.03Koshatuli'm still trying to setup sjphone
14:00.07vmlinuxI've been reading the docs, just a lot to digest.
14:00.11ariel_first lets add disallow=all and allow=ulaw for testing.
14:00.21vmlinuxok, to sip.conf right?
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14:00.29CpuIDoh actually ppls, who here has used snom handsets? any opinions? comparison of quality vs cisco handsets, just for basic featureset usage?
14:00.39ariel_yes I would put them in the general section.
14:00.51Koshatuli'm going to sjphone first, since i have no idea how to set it up :)
14:01.10ariel_you have dynamic 2 times and why fromuser?
14:01.45ariel_Koshatul, have fun with it. I use xlite for most of the softphones here.
14:01.46vmlinuxWell, I had fromuser commented out, but I uncommented it just trying to brute force it since I wasn't getting anywhere.
14:02.16ariel_your on the same segment as the asterisk server?
14:02.20vmlinuxI'm a victim of my own brute forcing a problem I don't understand :)
14:02.59vmlinuxthe other system goes to, which bounces off my nat and is directed to
14:03.15vmlinuxbut both are on the same subnet
14:03.16*** join/#asterisk sambal (
14:03.21ariel_after you sip reload then turn off the softphone and back on see what it gives you the cli
14:04.20vmlinuxhandle_request: Registration from '<>' failed for ''
14:04.41vmlinuxcomment out fromuser?
14:04.43elrici am yet to find a decent *nix IAX2 softphone
14:04.47vmlinuxI read that it isn't necessary usually
14:05.09ariel_in the name remove the .org just use the linuxowns
14:06.23ariel_and your using user name on the sjphone as linuxowns correct.
14:06.32vmlinuxjust changed it
14:06.38vmlinuxto linuxowns only
14:07.20vmlinuxno I was using as the proxy name, dcarroll as the user name
14:07.21ariel_iax2 in my view is great but for taking between asterisk servers.
14:07.48ariel_ok your setup user name is linuxowns
14:07.54vmlinuxomg that's it
14:08.08vmlinuxthank you so much, I can't belive I beat my head against the wall on that all night
14:08.14elrici just like the idea that you dont have a seperate channel for signalling et al
14:08.18ariel_so change the [linuxowns] to [dcarroll]
14:08.47vmlinuxwoohoo, awesome :)  this is going to be such a neat system
14:09.05ariel_iax2 is great for getting you through firewalls but it has issues as well.
14:09.11vmlinuxmy gf only has a cell phone, and I'm wanting her to be able to call me from her computer so that she doens't hammer the minutes so bad.
14:09.12*** join/#asterisk ReVoK (~ReVoK@
14:10.04ariel_vmlinux, if this is your first start at it. you should take a look at asterisk@home it's a great setup and fast to get it going.
14:10.14ReVoKhow many time to compile openh323 with  p4 3.2 ?? :)
14:10.18elricyeah, my main concerns are firewalls right now though. i just need a *nix IAX2 client and theres only iaxComm which isnt too decent.
14:10.44ariel_h323 is a always a problem and takes for ever to compile.
14:10.55vmlinuxis that a distribution?
14:11.09elricReVoK, wouldnt take too long on a 3.2ghz box provided it has decent amount of ram.
14:11.09ReVoKforever is more than 1 hour?
14:11.10ariel_elric, for quick and dirty iax client I use diax.
14:11.17elricshould be a lot better than my 450mhz system
14:11.37vmlinuxbah, don't answer that I'll just check it out =)
14:11.38elricariel_, diax it is.
14:12.12vmlinuxif the about page will respond anyways.
14:12.14elrichrm no freebsd port for diax
14:12.16elricah well
14:12.32ariel_elric, it's windows
14:12.41ReVoKno frenchies?
14:13.46elrici compiled asterisk WITHOUT_H323 as well
14:14.52*** join/#asterisk clive- (
14:18.53ariel_slePP, nice hope you get some good sleep.
14:19.02slePPi'll definitely try :>
14:19.33ariel_ok it's time to go and get ready for the day of work at customers sites.  See you all later.
14:20.56ReVoKcompile done]Feb 16 15:20:15 WARNING[16549]: loader.c:258 ast_load_resource: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
14:21.02ReVoKFeb 16 15:20:15 WARNING[16549]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
14:21.17*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (~dheckaman@doughecka.user)
14:21.34ReVoKwhat's the best linux distrib for asterisk ?
14:22.05MocReVoK, read the doc...
14:22.32ReVoKarf :x
14:22.38Mocthis libpt thing is becase you didnt define LD_... variable like it said in the README
14:22.53rikstai don't suppose anyone here that's in the UK, has an old 1U server they don't use i could buy off them cheap do they?
14:23.29bjohnsonReVoK: define best
14:23.49ReVoKcompatibility, to make it work :)
14:24.04bjohnsonReVoK: atserisk@home likely for that
14:24.13bjohnsonReVoK: asterisk@home likely for that
14:24.38hmmhesayswow the new phpagi rocks
14:25.35Mocriksta, brandnew is about 539euro
14:27.04rikstaMoc: i'm a student i can't afford that ;)
14:27.06bjohnsonany tips on fighting echo with Sipura SPA 3000 units tied to Nortel CICS?
14:27.34Mocgood luck then :(
14:27.44mrempireI have got my * working, I'm looking for a hardware phone, what's your advice?
14:28.04bjohnsonriksta: maybe just nobody here right now .. try again later.  Make sure they know you are doing code development (could make a difference)
14:28.17rikstabjohnson: yeah suppose so
14:28.30rikstabjohnson: how's things?
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14:28.48bjohnsonfine.  Trying to figure out how to fix an echo problem
14:28.58rikstaoh dear, where is your echo
14:29.09rikstaoh...*reads up*
14:29.24rikstanot familiar with that
14:29.41bjohnsonI have 2 SPA 3000 connecting pstn (to fxo) and Nortel analog line in (fxs on the SPA)
14:30.23ReVoKmoc t un vrai mito
14:30.36bjohnsonI thought it was only a problem when the fxo and fxs on the same device were connected .. but as I try things I realize that I get echo even if fxo to fxs on the other device
14:30.42*** join/#asterisk Banter (~glenrose@
14:30.52BanterHello all
14:30.52bjohnsonfxs -> * -> voip provider is good
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14:31.42clive-has anyone had any expereince with double nat and a sip service provider ?
14:32.10bjohnsonfound reference to similar problem on 'net but that group were playing with line impedence settings and were trying to get to work with UK settings .. so I couldn't really use it for reference
14:32.35bjohnsonclive-: yes .. I couldn't get it to work
14:32.52clive-bjohnson, I was afriad someone would say that..:)
14:32.59bjohnsonclive-: but not with a sip service provider since they don't normally have nat so it isn't "double" nat
14:33.13bjohnsonand single nat is much different
14:34.03clive-well its like this  ipphone---nat----nat----public_internet----sip_provider
14:34.14bjohnsonclive-: sign up to fwd (sip) and follow their setup instructions .. worked for me when I follow their SPA 2000 STUN config example
14:34.34clive-this ipphone doesnt have stun..:(
14:34.46*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
14:35.00bjohnsonclive-: that isn't what most people refer to as double nat .. but is exactly the system that I overcame by following the above procedure
14:35.07tzafrirdoes res_sqlite work with stable?
14:35.24Cresl1nugh, sip+nat = yuck
14:35.24Bantercan I replace my nortel switch with asterisk?
14:35.29Cresl1nBanter: sure
14:35.37bjohnsonclive-: if a softphone .. change to an iax one
14:35.37Cresl1nwhy not? :-)
14:36.00Bantercool what about my existing phones
14:36.12bjohnsonBanter: easy answer is replace them
14:36.21Banterhmmm lots of $$
14:36.22clive-its not a hardophone, its a "planet sip phone"
14:36.22bjohnsonBanter: there are more complicated options
14:36.48BanterI have lots of the 2616 display phones
14:37.13bjohnsonBanter: send them to me .. I'll walk you through the * setup
14:37.16clive-I mean it is a hardphone,..,,not a soft phone
14:37.28bjohnsonclive-: then you might be out of luck
14:37.48clive-cant one forward a lot of ports or somthing
14:38.02bjohnsonclive-: try the tech support for the phone.  You likely need a stun server or an outbound proxy.  Did you try port forwarding?
14:38.04pointerwho the guy was that was working on the "application API" (mentioned it on the dev conf last thursday)?
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14:39.16clive-bjohnson, trying that
14:39.43bjohnsonBanter: the more complicated answer is you can buy an adapter to convert those phones to sip phones.  Or you can stick * out front of the nortel and have * feed lines to the nortel.  or you can plug * into ATA ports into the nortel.  or parts of all three.
14:40.30bjohnsonBanter: you will likely encounter problems you have to overcome with all three of those options
14:41.17BanterThanks bjohnson
14:41.43*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
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14:45.16jsandnesAnyone here using the Micronet SP5100 SIP/h323 phone?
14:46.50Darwin35wow coppice not see yo in awhile
14:47.07*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
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14:50.24bjohnsonBanter: btw .. Nortel's voip add-on basically sticks voip in front of the nortel.  you end up with a hybrid
14:51.51coppicedo you get bad echo from the hybrid? :-)
14:52.13*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
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14:54.01bowmanHi, I have problems with Zap channels. Asterisk 1.0.5, the box takes SIP connections and maps them to analog phones over the office PBX, which works fine for SIP calls from the internet.
14:54.16*** join/#asterisk Mike_TK (~Mike_TK@
14:54.24bowmanAs soon as an ENUM-mapped call comes in, Asterisk Dials Zap/g1/extension and instantly hangs up the channel again. why?
14:55.40eKo1bowman: Stable?
14:55.50eKo1or Head?
14:55.58*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
14:56.38bowmaneKo1: bristuff-0.2.0-RC5 package - it downloads Asterisk from digium's FTP - dunno what branch that is ;)
14:57.22eKo1What does 'show version' say?
14:57.35*** join/#asterisk multrix (
14:57.40bowmanAsterisk 1.0.5-BRIstuffed-0.2.0-RC5 built by root@linux on a i686 running Linux
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14:58.33bjohnsoncoppice: I'm getting echo occasioanlly from mine that I'm trying to figure out
14:58.42_-Jon-_Hey, has anyone else here been experiencing some major problems with VoicePulse?
14:59.05`SauronDum di dum.
14:59.09eKo1bowman: Get the lastest Stable out of CVS.
14:59.33bowmaneKo1: usually, that leads to huge problems with the Junghanns drivers  -  I tried that before
14:59.56eKo1You're using a Junghanns BRI card?
14:59.56`SauronAnyone here have * connected through lingo?
15:00.02bowmanyep, quadBRI
15:02.09eKo1bowman: Well, I can't really help much. I don't mess with BRI.
15:02.42eKo1bowman: Is there a hangup() right after the dial(zap/...)?
15:02.50bowmaneKo1: nope :) just a Dial()..
15:03.04_-Jon-_Does anyone know of another service like VoicePulse Connect?  I want a service that offers flat rate for incoming DIDs
15:03.04shadebobhi,  can I do this <asterisk>-------T1-------<channel bank>-----ISDN phones?
15:03.59`SauronI thought most voip providers offered flat rate for inbound calls
15:04.15*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
15:04.53_-Jon-_Maybe I should be a little more specific..  I want to use IAX.  I'm with BroadVoice but incomming calls don't always come through but I've never had that problem with AIX
15:07.49rikstaany of you guys been using ADM? i'd appreciate some feedback...bugs etc
15:08.27bjohnson`Sauron: no
15:08.45bjohnson`Sauron: at least not for CDN DIDs
15:09.11bjohnson_-Jon-_: has US ones (you pay more for monthly servcie)
15:09.28bjohnsonlike $10 instead of $2 to work
15:10.41_-Jon-_Hmmm $10 vs $7.99 for something that works is worth it in my opinion
15:10.43Groobytalk to you guys later
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15:12.09hmmhesaysheh interesting, you can originate a call with phpagi from a webpage
15:12.15bjohnson_-Jon-_: free incoming for $10 vs $2 for pay as you go depends how much you use it
15:12.36bjohnsonhmmhesays: I think I saw an example on the tips and tricks page of the wiki
15:14.16hmmhesaysI wasn't asking a question, was making a statement
15:14.17bkw__-Jon-_, its IAX not AIX
15:14.39zoaheya brian
15:14.43bkw_yo zoa
15:18.04EssobiEver thou it's set.. I can't get FOP to think I've entered a valid security number
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15:19.09bjohnsonhmmhesays: I wasn't answering a question.  I was volunteering assistance
15:20.20benno2any idea how to set a password on the sipura ?
15:20.54benno2(eg SPA 2000) it has only the "Password" field
15:21.10*** part/#asterisk WildPikachu[BED] (~wildpikac@wildpikachu.user)
15:21.15benno2but when I access the page it asks user and pass. what should I enter as username ?
15:21.34PatrickDKhmm, mine never asks for user/pass
15:21.45PatrickDKuser is probably either user/admin
15:21.54PatrickDKsince you can login under usermode or admin mode
15:21.57benno2PatrickDK: yes because you did not set any. go to admin->System and set a password
15:21.59Connor-anyone had issues with SPA-2000's behind NAT? I've got it working, but, it takes a good 2-4 seconds for a call to start ringing when it's behind sip
15:22.04benno2then go back and relogin
15:22.21benno2it asks you login/pass (http authentication) but I don't know what enter as username
15:22.35PatrickDKtry user or admin
15:25.40bjohnsonConnor-: I didn't find any difference behind NAT than not once I got it working
15:26.15bjohnsonConnor-: have you found a way to reduce the wait time after entering a number to dial (other than pressing #)?
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15:28.00EssobiIt's been a while since I've used * heavily.. does -head still crash when you use the manager interface a lot?
15:28.21ariel_Connor-, I have my spa 841 and 2100 behind my linksys router which it's nat and I dont have that issue. I press # key after everynumber I dial.
15:29.23*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
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15:30.41[Latre]hi, i have a problem with iax ....i want configure one iAxy....the error is:    No registration for peer , i follow the guide of digium!, can anyone helpme?
15:31.16Connor-ariel_ Other direction.. When CALLING the SPA
15:31.52Connor-I get something like this in asterisk.. Called spa2000/200
15:32.25Connor-then 2-4 seconds later... I get the SIP/spa-1692 is making progress passing it to SIP/200 or whaterver
15:32.32Connor-at which point the SPA starts ringing
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15:32.52klicTelmorning all
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15:35.04nazgoolis it me or is there no AGI command to actually dial out (for the moment, my agi script just fills out a dialstring variable that it passes back, and the actual dialing is done back in extensions.conf, but i'd prefer to be able to call from the agi) ?
15:36.07ariel_Connor-, just called my sipura 2100 from my sipura 841 and it worked right away. No delay.
15:36.38Connor-You using STUN?
15:36.51vaewynwow... the WIP5000 ROCKS!  (so far... only played with it for 2 hrs now)
15:37.27ariel_Connor-, no
15:37.38*** join/#asterisk kiran (~kiran@
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15:37.59benno2vaewyn: cost in $ of the WIP5000 ?
15:38.05Connor-So your specifing your gateway IP in the SPA ?
15:38.47vaewynbenno2: 319.95$ from
15:39.01*** join/#asterisk km- (pgrace@
15:39.09benno2vaewyn: thanks. did you try to roam between access points on the same subnet. does it work or do you have big dropouts or call losses ?
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15:39.32vaewynbenno2: havn't had a chance to leave the building yet... but am going to try that soon
15:39.44vaewyn(whole campus is wireless so... will get a good test)
15:40.12benno2vaewyn: cool. what kind of wi-fi encryption does it support ? WPA-PSK and 802.1x too ?
15:41.01CpuIDmmm wifi handsets :)
15:41.36kirandsfr: hi can we chat on support for digium ?
15:41.44_PiGreco_im getting mad, i set up an account for my iaxy device. it *seems* to register (actuallt i didnt understand where to get such info). i set up a simple context, default, for Answer and Playback a simple file for a test..just like the demo example, but when i pick up the phone and dial a number i get only busy tone..any hint?
15:42.09bjohnsonConnor-: mine seems to work right away using STUN via FWD
15:42.58km-hey, do I need to fiddle with echo cancellation if I'm getting a TE405P?
15:43.12bjohnsonkm-: only if you get echo
15:43.12km-I remember how much fun it was to work that kink out with the x101 and tdm400p
15:43.20benno2vaewyn: is the firmware of the hitachi VOIP handset stable or does it lock up sometimes ?
15:43.24km-I wasn't sure if it was possible to get echo on the t1
15:43.39_PiGreco_mh no hints uh.. :/
15:43.55vaewynbenno2: 802.1x-md5  802.1x-tls WEP... etc..
15:44.05vaewynbenno2: not sure... have only had it 2 hours :P
15:44.13vaewynno lockups or glitches yet
15:44.17nestArman, i'm getting some horrible echo problems with my SPA-3000
15:44.54benno2vaewyn: thanks. does it support WPA-PSK (pre shared key too) ? so you can get encrypted wi-fi in a SOHO enviroment without needing a RADIUS server
15:45.14NormAstkm: Yes you need to play with echo can. on your TE405P
15:45.28km-what do you guys think, PII 266 enough juice for two t1 spans?
15:45.47zoai wouldnt do that
15:45.47km-we've only got 16 channels on the t1 dedicated to voice
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15:45.57bjohnsonnestAr: I'm getting that too
15:46.05vaewynbenno2: havn't seen mention of it yet... but am still getting use to it
15:46.58NormAstkm: The echo cancellation takes the power,..
15:47.18jterreroDoes anyone know where i can get decent documentation on how to implement MySQL as the cdr manager?  i followed the instructions on but cant get it to work..... Downloaded the asterisk-addons, compiled and edited modules.conf to load
15:47.20km-I'm guessing it's got to be better than the last time I was fiddling with asterisk, about a year ago
15:47.42km-well, I'll just have to find some more cpu
15:47.56nestArbjohnson: sad.. my X100P didn't have that problem.. but the caller id didn't work.. the caller id on the SPA works great... but now i got echo.
15:47.56stickynomorevaewyn: does that wip5000 show callerid correctly?
15:48.26NormAstkm: You might be okay.. I can run 46 Channels of Echo can on a P3 600, but the box is only doin' voip.
15:48.29nestArif i turn the gain down much more, people are going to complain that i'm too quiet..
15:48.36NormAstkm: no transcoding.
15:48.39kiranhi any one can help me on asterisk?
15:48.50Koshatuljterrero: did you put the load => into modules.conf ?
15:49.02km-NormAst: yeah, I wont know till I try, I guess.
15:49.03vaewynstickynomore: so far yep... have been numeric only so far though... need someone on campus to call me for name
15:49.08bjohnsonnestAr: my gain is just at factory default
15:49.24km-I'm going to be using asterisk as a hopping point, I'm essentially going to be pulling DID's at the border then shooting the rest of the T1 straight through to our existing NEC system
15:49.35jterreroKoshatul: yes load =>
15:49.53jterreroKoshatul: am i suppose to put it in the globals area? i put it before the globals context
15:50.00Koshatuljterrero: in asterisk cli, can you run "cdr mysql status
15:50.22km-where's bkw when ya need him heh
15:50.28Koshatuljterrero: mine is in my [modules] section, not globals
15:50.36NormAstkm: So you are using bridge mode... You don't need any echo cancellation.
15:50.50jterreroKoshatul: yeah thats where i put it. let me check on the cli
15:51.02km-NormAst: for the most part.  New users will be coming off the system at the border and using sip phones for handsets
15:51.11nestArbjohnson: i turned mine down a little as suggest in the FAQ on voxilla
15:51.12km-NormAst: so, the amount of juice needed will be mild
15:51.15nestArto no avail.
15:51.16jterreroKoshatul: not currently connected to a mysql server
15:51.25nestArall the echo can. on the SPA is turned on.
15:51.27*** join/#asterisk robf (~robf@
15:51.28Koshatuljterrero: k, also try using the details in /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf work with a mysql client
15:51.33NormAstkm: You can try it... I would personal go with atleast a P3.
15:51.43NormAstkm: I sell pri cards if you are intersted.
15:51.55km-already ordered from digium, thanks for the offer though
15:52.07robfQuick question for someone...  Didn't the Dial application at one time have an option to require answer confirmation by requiring the callee to press pound?
15:52.18kiranNormAst: what brand cards you sell
15:52.18km-Mark and I are old friends, so, I like to give him money directly :)
15:52.37NormAstkm: if you start getting HDLC errors then you have either IRQ problems or overload CPU.
15:53.10km-I don't need HDLC -- the data side is already terminated at router on a seperate t1
15:53.14kiranNormAst: can you specify more about cards
15:53.22bjohnsonnestAr: mine's 0 on the pstn tab.  What's the voxilla url to that tip?
15:53.44NormAstKiran: What do you want to know?
15:53.58Koshatuljterrero: i just pm'd you my cdr_mysql.conf with user/pass removed
15:54.09kiranNormAst: do you sell digium or other brand pri cards
15:54.34NormAstboth.. Depends on what the client needs..
15:54.40kiranNormast : we are looking at e1 quad span cards
15:55.07kiranNormast : what are the other brand cards do you sell?
15:55.12NormAstkiran: I personal really like the sangoma cards... Done alot of testing..
15:55.39NormAstPlus they support 5.0volts and 3.3..
15:55.51kiranNormAst: can we chat in a private window?
15:56.50ctooleyIs there any way to restrict VoicemailMain to a specific context without restricting it to a mailbox?
15:56.54*** join/#asterisk search_learn2005 (~Miranda@
15:57.28robfQuick question for someone...  Didn't the Dial application at one time have an option to require answer confirmation by requiring the callee to press pound?
15:58.25search_learn2005do I need an fxs module if I will only use public phone to the server, and server to the VOIP phones. Or do I only need fxo modules?
15:58.47klicTelGuys what happened to all the videos shot at Astricon? are they available somewhere?
15:58.57ariel_search_learn2005, fxo
15:59.31NormAstkiran: Check for a private window.
16:00.02search_learn2005how many fxo modules would I need to feed ~50 Voip phones, and what would be the server's requirements?
16:00.36wasimsearch_learn2005: 1
16:00.42Koshatulsearch_learn2005: one billlion !
16:00.51Koshatulsearch_learn2005: ok, just one
16:01.00_PiGreco_does iaxy device really support adpcm?
16:01.25search_learn2005but what if I have seven public phone lines coming into the building?
16:02.13Koshatulsearch_learn2005: pstn ?
16:02.17ariel_search_learn2005, you will then need 7 FXO ports.
16:03.02search_learn2005what kind of a server would I need? How much memory? For ~50 Voip phones with 7 fxos?
16:03.04[Latre]i have problems with iaxy, can anyone helpme......the iaxy can not log into server
16:03.06ariel_What type of service is your Telco providing do you need more lines?
16:03.47ariel_[Latre], first thing is to see if you have it on a switch that only allows 100mb the iaxy is 10 only.
16:03.55bjohnsonnestAr: good info there
16:04.10bjohnsonsomeone was looking for SPA REN info: The SPAs only have a REN of 3
16:04.10tclarkariel_: do you have any adsi handsets these days ?
16:04.38ariel_tclark, not any more. I am not working at the other place any more.
16:04.39bjohnsonnestAr: is the gain only set on the pstn tab?
16:04.54nestAras far as i can tell, yes.
16:05.04brettnemgood morning all
16:05.08nestAri'm sure there's a gain for the FXS port
16:05.10nestArbut i'm not using it..
16:05.12bjohnsonare you down to -6?
16:05.24bjohnsonI didn't see a gain setting on the fxs
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16:05.29nestArnot yet.. i haven't had time to play with it..
16:05.37nestAri'm at like -2
16:05.37search_learn2005ariel_: what kind of a server would be good for 7 fxos and 50 voip phones?
16:05.39ariel_tclark, long time no hear from you. How is the weather up in the NorthWest these days.
16:05.47nestArbut i can tell it's quiet already
16:05.57bdehi, can anyone tell me what kind of rates i can get for 1M minutes/month to the US/Canada?
16:06.19bjohnsonnestAr: SPA To PSTN Gain or PSTN To SPA Gain?
16:06.43nestArSPA to PSTN. I seem to be the only one that hears the echo.
16:06.52ariel_search_learn2005, it depends on if your on the same network and your b/w. But any server running a p4 with at least 512mg and a good hdd will do fine with ulaw only.
16:06.52nestAri hear myself
16:07.06*** part/#asterisk pranav (sameer@
16:07.13nestArbut i think i set both of them to -2
16:07.41Zeeekis anyone here familiar with "normal" pbxes? I have a simple question
16:07.44ariel_search_learn2005, but it really depends on what you want to do as for internet access to the system and if you need to use meetme rooms and transcoding.
16:07.57*** join/#asterisk amir (
16:08.00ariel_Zeeek, what is a normal pbx
16:08.24Zeeekwhen a call comes in to a pbx, if several phones ring and one is busy, then that person hangs up, will that phone begin to ring?
16:08.32bjohnsonnestAr: I wonder if it should be the PSTN to SPA gain that gets lowered
16:08.48ZeeekIOW, is busy detection done before each ring?
16:08.56Zeeek(I doubt it but...)
16:09.00nestArbjohnson: potentially.
16:09.02search_learn2005ariel_: thank you. No, none of those. Only, automatic call forwarding, voicemail, and very simple services that we don't get with regular analog lines right now
16:09.10bjohnsonZeeek: I don't think so on our Nortel PBX
16:09.15bjohnsonerr Nortel CICS
16:09.27*** join/#asterisk Brumle (
16:09.35Zeeekso if someone hangs up when they hear another phone ring, their phone doesn't start ringing?
16:09.37bjohnsonbut you're only talking about a one or two second window
16:09.50brettnemZeeek: I don't think soo.
16:10.12brettnemlets think..
16:10.14bjohnsonno I don't think so .. but even trying time the hangup to test that will be tricky
16:10.15greg_workWHY is there no press-0.gsm ?!
16:10.19Zeeeksince this is the way asterisk behaves, I assumed so. In the case of a home with several phones, the opposite would be true
16:10.28brettnemI believe the Nortel SL1 protocol is based on BRI
16:10.49Zeeekbut then come to think of it, home with one line, busy means BUSY! :)
16:10.51bjohnsonZeeek: I think depends on how it's configured
16:10.56brettnemwhich would mean that it missed the ALERTING from the switch
16:11.12nestAri'm also wondering about the port impedance
16:11.18Zeeekwell it all stems from the fact that my partenr haits call waiting
16:11.24nestArvoxilla's page says US uses 600 or 900
16:11.26Zeeekbut maybe she'll have to get used to it!
16:11.26bjohnsonI haven't tested but .. I think if each phone is a separate handset, * will detect busy before first ring and not try that [hone anymore
16:11.32brettnemZeeek:  call pickup may be a good solution
16:11.48brettnemThere is also a "retrydial" in the bugtracker
16:11.48bjohnsonnestAr: I read some stuff about that too .. but what I found was all UK
16:11.50Zeeekbrettnem yes, true
16:12.01Zeeekif she can remember what the call pickup code is
16:12.09brettnemmake it a speed dial
16:12.09search_learn2005What would be a cheap Voip phone which will be used for very simple purposes. Only listen to your voicemail, make a call. No conference calls or netmeetings and such. At least for now.
16:12.10Zeeekis it still hard coded as *8?
16:12.27bjohnsonnestAr: I guess we just test options and coordinate our activities
16:12.36brettnemit's configurable in features.conf
16:12.46nestArfinding time to test this stuff has been a pain
16:12.56km-awesome, the call pickup stuff is finished?
16:12.56nestArif i had a pots line here at the office, it'd be easier
16:12.59*** join/#asterisk implicit (
16:13.09Zeeekfrom what version STABLE is it configurable?
16:13.15brettnemI don't know if it's finished, but it is in HEAD I believe.
16:13.17brettnemnot sure
16:13.20km-it's in head
16:13.47Zeeekso for me it's still *8 which is fine
16:13.59bjohnsonsearch_learn2005: one of the budgettones?  maybe a fxs with an analogue phone?
16:14.01Zeeekwhat is *0 by the way?
16:14.23brettnemZeeek:  maybe flash?
16:14.57Zeeekif you are talking on zaptel, doesn't the flash key work?
16:14.57bjohnsonnestAr: I have 2 POTS lines with 2 SPA 3ks.  Problem is tracking which each one is doing separately
16:15.15nestAri bet.
16:15.43search_learn2005bjohnson: Thank you. I will check budgettones. We are thrying to use the existing 10/100 network at our school. I think VOIP phone would be better. Any drawbacks of these budgettones?
16:16.04brettnemthe budgettone phones suck..
16:16.06eKo1Has anybody put a fax machine on a SPA-1001?
16:16.16brettnemeKo1: I've put one on a 3000
16:16.30nestArbut i won't be buying anymore.
16:16.30eKo1On the FXS?
16:16.39eKo1And it works?
16:16.46search_learn2005brettnem: Any ideas for a cheap VOIP phones?
16:16.50brettnempersonally I think they suck. I won't buy another. my '#' key stopped working
16:17.04brettnemsearch_learn2005: you'll get more bang for your buck with sipura stuff
16:17.16brettnemand analog phones
16:17.21eKo1Any special config., like turning off silence suppression?
16:17.23brettnemthey are really quite nice
16:17.24nestAra good ATA and a nice cordless phone = win.
16:17.25[Latre]ariel_: iaxy only allow 10Mb?
16:17.38eKo1nestAr: That's what I have on my desk.
16:17.38brettnemeKo1: no, but it's dedicated LAN/WAN with QOS to PSTN gateway
16:17.42ariel_search_learn2005, for cheap good phones I am now using the Sipura 841
16:17.55ariel_[Latre], yepper
16:17.55brettnemnestAr: I think that's te way to go
16:18.18search_learn2005thanks everyone.
16:18.23brettnemeKo1: FoVOIPoInternet really has no guarentees
16:18.30brettnemsearch_learn2005: Look on the wiki for phone recommendations
16:18.50brettnemI use the Polycom IP500's.. they are around $140 or so and are really nice business class phones
16:18.53ariel_search_learn2005, but in your case if you have that many phones it might be better to up up some adtrans and use analog phones.
16:18.59brettnemI hear the IP300s are nice too and are like 125 or so
16:19.00search_learn2005is it voip wiki or asterisk wiki
16:19.08[Latre]ariel_: if i have connected to 100M doesnt work? but, in CLI * said  No registration for peer 'user3'
16:19.17brettnemariel_: great idea.. use a channel bank
16:19.18km-man, sip.conf has a crapload more goodies
16:19.24bjohnsonConnor-: just remembered I had a connection delay issue that I think was caused by using jitterbuffer in my * conf file .. may be something for you to check
16:19.32brettnemsearch_learn2005: I'd look into ariel_ 's suggestion of using a channel bank..
16:19.44brettnemit'll be more compatible with your existing infrastructure too I bet
16:20.11search_learn2005isn;t it better to move towards VOIP phone with this system?
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16:20.15brettnemhmm that didn't work as expected
16:20.23brettnemsearch_learn2005: why?
16:20.26*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
16:20.38brettnemI mean, they are nice.. but for a school it may be too expensive.
16:20.49search_learn2005I checked the channel bank prices thay are quite expensive for 50 lines
16:20.55brettnemyou probably won't notice a difference.. unless you are doing conference calling and transfering a whole lot
16:21.13brettnemsearch_learn2005: lok for the ADIT from CAC on ebay
16:21.23ariel_search_learn2005, you can get great adtrans 750 on ebay for 400 to 500 each
16:21.28brettnemthat plus a bunch of analog phones will be MUCH cheaper I think
16:21.35brettnemyeah that adtran is real nice too
16:22.00ariel_put 3 adtrans one digium te410p card and your off using normal phones. and less echo and problems.
16:22.17brettnemsearch_learn2005: goto start there.. it's where ALL of the info is
16:22.25ariel_Then your server can do a better job for voip service and meetme's.
16:22.51brettnemright.. you'll still be able to support voip.. like if you wanted to link campuses together or have remote extensions
16:23.08brettnemvoicemail to email.. still get quite a bit of power
16:23.25brettnemI'd say you're not going to lose anything really
16:23.32search_learn2005I thought there won't be any echo if I use VOIP phones
16:23.47ariel_who gave you that Idea
16:23.52brettnemsometimes going PSTN to VOIP gives you echo if you don't have hardware echo cancelation
16:24.23PatrickDKheh, pstn always has echo, voip just makes it noticable
16:24.25ariel_echo comes into play more over voip service then analog to pstn
16:24.44*** part/#asterisk christo (
16:24.45ariel_PatrickDK, your right
16:25.01brettnemariel_: why would you say that.. voip is '4 wire'
16:25.34Guy-I thought there were these 'hybrid circuits' that cancelled echo?
16:25.45Guy-so that PSTN shouldn't have any, normally
16:25.47PatrickDKhybrid circuits make the echo
16:25.50ariel_echo is due to many things.
16:26.09PatrickDKanytime you have analog you will have echo
16:26.22brettnemGuy-: what you are thinking about is a device called a hybrid that converts a 2 wire ciruit to a 4 wire circuit
16:26.23ariel_echo is normal but it's more of a problem when you add the internet traffice into it.
16:26.29PatrickDKdo to the signal crossing wires, not having correct impedance wiring
16:26.31brettnemit's an impedence matching problem
16:26.40Guy-brettnem: yes, that's what I seem to recall
16:26.42search_learn2005doesn't the zaptel conf files cancel echo?
16:26.52brettnemit's software based.. can only be so good
16:27.22brettnemanyone use the kentrox routers?
16:27.26PatrickDKI have found my sipura devices cancel echo really good, so do cisco
16:27.37Guy-what I don't quite understand is how I can have echo over pure VoIP links, where everything is supposed to be digital
16:28.00coppiceGuy- easy :-)
16:28.03PatrickDKguy, then the echo is probably at the analon part, in the handset
16:28.10ariel_Guy-, sound travels and sometimes the echo is really the stream not synced.
16:28.10Guy-that's what I thought
16:28.18PatrickDKI have that problem with my snom200 phones
16:28.20coppiceThe echo is between the earpiece and the mic
16:28.29Guy-I mean, I thought the handset on the other end is producing the echo
16:28.33search_learn2005PatrickDK: what if I use VOIP handsets?
16:28.39brettnemheh.. coppice.. I had a feeling you'd pop into this one. :)
16:28.43ariel_echo is always around.
16:28.53PatrickDKhow the hell do you use a voip handset? just lession to the digital stream on a lcd?
16:29.00coppicethat's why every cellphone and IP phone has an echo canceller built in
16:29.00ariel_coppice, how is the far east.
16:29.14coppicedark at this moment
16:29.54ariel_coppice, do you know anyone working on ss7 for digium or an asterisk system?
16:29.59*** part/#asterisk search_learn2005 (~Miranda@
16:30.08brettnemI'm still waiting for A-Link capability with the SS7 solution
16:30.10coppicewe have SS7 for *. Its commercial, not free
16:30.21*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
16:30.26*** join/#asterisk search_learn2005 (~Miranda@
16:30.32Zeeek~seen wasim
16:30.39jbotwasim is currently on #asterisk (9h 53m 28s).  Has said a total of 9 messages.  Is idling for 30m 3s
16:30.39ariel_coppice, great I have a customer that is looking for it. Can you emal me some info on it?
16:30.46search_learn2005Thank You Everyone
16:30.50*** part/#asterisk search_learn2005 (~Miranda@
16:30.56Zeeekallright wasim come on out of there
16:31.02coppicebrettnem: A-link is the SS7 on V.56 crap you get in the US, isn't it?
16:31.03Zeeekopen the curtain
16:31.12brettnemcoppice: I've been in touch with Hidar regarding the ss7 stuff.. Looks like it's coming along
16:31.19brettnemwell X.25
16:31.40brettnemcoppice.. No one does f-links in the US.. and that's about all you guys are doing for now.. I think
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16:31.59coppiceyeah. we will get to that soon. working over a 64K slot works fine for the rest of the planet.
16:32.07brettnemcoppice: it's NFAS.. right? so my signalling is way over here.. but my IMT is way over there (on a different platform)
16:32.39brettnemcoppice: sure, I can understand that.. but us backward US folk just don't do it that way.. I can't get it like that if I begged. :)
16:32.42*** join/#asterisk MuppetMaster (
16:33.18brettnemcoppice: once you guys can support A-Link and TCAP stuff I'll be all over it. I'm dying to get rid of my softswtich
16:33.22coppiceof course, your a-link comes in a 64 slot, but I understand the telco always breaks it out to a brain dead V.56 before you see it
16:33.24__Sparks_Can anyone here help me configure Sipgate with Asterisk!?
16:33.46MuppetMasterSure, I have a config working with a UK and DE number with Sipgate.
16:33.55MuppetMasterWhat do you need?
16:34.01brettnemcoppice: well that 64k slot is either a DDS circuit or a DS0 of a T1.. and it comes from a different provider than where the IMT (ISUP trunk) is going
16:34.15brettnemcoppice: and that's a pretty standard configuration for I'd say 99%+ of the US
16:34.27coppiceof course SS7 is NFAS. Its always NFAS, even if the 64K slot it arrives on is in the same E1/T1 as some of the voice circuits it serves
16:34.28*** join/#asterisk Wireless (~bad@
16:34.40brettnemI interconnect my ISUP trunks to SBC and get my SS7 ALink from Verisign
16:34.55brettnemcoppice: heh, what do you call a 'facility'
16:34.58Wirelessdepmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.18-bf2.4/misc/ztdynamic.o .... etc when compiling zaptel - anyone?
16:35.16brettnemcoppice: yeah, but in A-Links, the 64K slot is NOT EVER on the same T1
16:35.27bkw_I need someone to fax stuff to me for testing please
16:35.36ariel_bkw_, number?
16:35.39bkw_who is up for faxing ALOT of stuffs to me
16:35.43brettnemcoppice: and frequently goes to different providers
16:35.47bkw_like 20 pages a whack please
16:35.52sivanabkw_: like garbage?
16:35.57bkw_ya dont care what it is
16:36.00ariel_20 pages ok let me see.
16:36.01brettnembkw_: arn't there fax porn autoresponders out there? ;)
16:36.07bkw_brettnem, find me one
16:36.45bkw_that has your number on it doesn't it
16:36.52bkw_I need more apple juarez
16:37.03zoabkw, trying the rxfax ?
16:37.15bkw_already tried it
16:37.23*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
16:37.23zoagood ?
16:37.29zoado you get it to run stabkle ?
16:37.34*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
16:37.34bkw_it works great
16:37.34bkw_so far
16:37.40zoaall faxes ?
16:37.43MuppetMasterHello everyone
16:37.54brettnemcoppice: I'd be interested in seeing how you guys are planning to supporting this a-link capability.. If you are.. that is..
16:37.59MuppetMasterI am having a problem using the Monitor command with a local variable substitution.
16:38.15coppicebrettnam: where's the problem?
16:38.36ZX81bkw_: did you end up having another copy of the recording?
16:38.42bkw_ZX81, no
16:38.43MuppetMasterWhen I use Monitor(wav|my_recording|m) w/o variable substition it works fine
16:38.45bkw_it was a  bug :P
16:38.51brettnemcoppice: I need the capability of having the a-links (2 of them) in different cities.. obviously on differnt systems..
16:38.53ZX81all good
16:38.59Juggiewhen you use a .call file or sockets to have asterisk generate a call, do you have any control within asterisk to manipulate the number dialed... to eg select an interface? decide on local or internal call?
16:39.30coppicebrettnem: no big problem
16:39.34brettnemcoppice: then on further differnt systems, there will be ISUP trunks to providers with nothing but trunks on them, no signalling at all.. so that will require some kind of SS7 over IP.. and redundancy with the Alinks
16:39.57brettnemcoppice: so we'll have to map TCICs and OPC DPC pairs to not only a platform, but T1 and DS0
16:39.59ZX81bkw_: how do you do scaling?
16:40.09MuppetMasterBut, when I use Montior(wav|${REC_FILENAME}|m)  it does not like it, as I get a CLI message saying 'unknown format: wav|what was in the var.
16:40.11brettnemZX81: loaded question eh?
16:40.26coppiceSS7 over IP is the most flexible way, but there are others we can use until we have the SIGTRANS stuff complete
16:40.27MuppetMasterSo it appears to string the format (in this case wav) with the contents of the variable and then uses that as the recording type.
16:40.31MuppetMasterA bug?
16:40.34zoacoppice is ignoring me :p
16:40.36zoaevil coppice
16:40.38bkw_ZX81, just keep throwing asterisk boxes at it....
16:40.53brettnemcoppice:  so you guys will have an intern way until you can support sigtran?
16:41.09brettnemcoppice: and will that allow a system without an A-Link to perform a TCAP query?
16:41.23brettnemcoppice: like LNP, 1800,CNAM, LIDB, etc,etc,etc
16:41.47brettnembkw_: does that work really? honestly..
16:41.52ZX8148 Hours till I leave for Italy
16:41.52Juggiebkw, not a sip call or anything, that has a context... i do something like Action: Originate, Channel: Zap/g1/number
16:41.54brettnembkw_: with redundancy
16:42.23ZX81argh I lost my pipe
16:42.42ZX81wtf it was here a second ago...
16:42.47brettnemew pipe
16:43.07ZX81ahaha it was on my lap
16:43.08Juggieshould i just generate an event and do the dial in the context instead?
16:43.53brettnemhmm I think i burned him out on the SS7 stuff. ;)
16:44.07ZX81is there a question involved?
16:44.28ZX81no, he's just running from the press
16:44.37bkw_brettnem, just give us some time.. we have an idea on the board to solve this whole cluster issue in asterisk
16:44.45_PiGreco_im getting mad, i set up an account for my iaxy device. it *seems* to register (actuallt i didnt understand where to get such info). i set up a simple context, default, for Answer and Playback a simple file for a test..just like the demo example, but when i pick up the phone and dial a number i get only busy tone..any hint?
16:44.50*** join/#asterisk brazil (~cleber@
16:44.54ZX81when is next conf?
16:44.55brettnembkw: care to include me? :)
16:44.58bkw_but it looks kick ass
16:45.12*** join/#asterisk Tall-guy (
16:45.21brazilgood afternoon for all
16:45.22ZX81dev conf == thursdays?
16:45.39Tall-guyZx81: timex sinclair?
16:46.08brettnemthe app_redirect stuff looked kinda promising..
16:46.16brazilI browse informations about QoS (HTB and SFQ) to user with asterisk.. Anybody can help me?
16:46.27ZX81GOOOOOOOOO Sinclair ZX81!!!!!!
16:46.42Tall-guyZx81: man that takes me back
16:46.58bjohnsonhere's a question that is probably too specific to my system for anyone to answer but .. I have SPA 3000s answering calls and hooked to my Nortel line in's.  Ofetn when a call is hung up I get what I call a ghost ring on my Nortel.  It seems the fxo port is still connected, senses the callerid, and re-rings into * as though it's a new call.  Any ideas on this one?
16:47.15Tall-guyzx81: that big brick on the back full of ram...the cheezy little touch keys :)
16:47.26ZX81the keys rock!!!!
16:47.38Tall-guyzx81: 16k?
16:48.00ZX81I have an expansion pack to 64Tb
16:48.23ZX81and mesh computing using 512 ZX81's to run Asterisk
16:48.41Tall-guyzx81: case of beer for you if you can pull it off :)
16:49.03ZX81just imagine it
16:49.12brazilI have a simple script to classfied UDP packets but is not function... Where i can find more informations about HTB + SIP?
16:49.19ZX81once you can do that, you can run asterisk on your calculator
16:49.20Tall-guyAnyone using IAXY's over internet.....I got latency issues....
16:49.33ZX81not i
16:49.47*** join/#asterisk jayden (~ircatjerr@
16:50.13Tall-guyCoaxD: u alive?
16:50.41jaydenquick question, when using externip and localnet in sip.conf, what is the format for if you have multiple local networks?
16:50.51tzafriranybody here uses destar?
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16:51.29brazilyou can put in the script sip.conf
16:51.31ZX81what does it do again?
16:52.03[Latre]someone configure a TDM04B with another PBX ?
16:52.12ZX81what does destar do
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16:52.15ZX81is it like AMP?
16:52.24Zeeekremoves any remaining stars
16:52.38jaydenbrazil:  was that to me?
16:53.01tzafrirI'm trying to use it now. The approach seems healthier than AMP
16:53.11tzafrireven though I don't like python
16:53.22tzafrir(but I don't like php either)
16:53.42brazillet get an example
16:53.45braziljust moment
16:53.46Zeeekphp rocks
16:53.57Tall-guy(and coke)
16:54.00Zeeekpop whose rocks?
16:54.01ZX81guess what
16:54.04ZX81SineAsterPanel is nearly finished
16:54.09ZX81I'll show you
16:54.21jaydeninternal Ip is 172.21.x.x, also hax other 172.2x.x.x and 192.168.x.x networks internally
16:54.26tzafrirWhat is SineAsterPanel?
16:54.57ZX81one sec
16:55.00ZX81making a screenshot
16:55.01brazilevery address is listening
16:55.06ZeeekFor a limited instruction set, try AsterRisc
16:55.10brettnemI'm really waiting for a web configuration GUI like AMP or Destar that simply supports contexts.. I can't figure out why no one has implemented that yet
16:55.13bjohnsonhey !  There's new firmware for the SPA 2k and 3k !!
16:55.27jaydeny, but how does it know what to send in the sip packet then, I am behind nat
16:55.45Zeeekbaited breath
16:55.50tzafrirbrettnem, because it is not simple
16:55.51*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:55.56brazilyes, you are
16:56.07ZX81with drag and drop contacts
16:56.09brettnemhehe.. yes it is.. :P
16:56.12ZX81from outlook etc
16:56.17ZX81and transfer etc
16:56.22ZX81with no yucky # things
16:56.26ZX81and call parking
16:56.29ZX81and speed dials
16:56.35ZX81oh and the buttons light up
16:56.40ZeeekOUTLOOK? di you say OUTLOOK?
16:56.40ZX81if a person is on the phone
16:56.51Zeeeksame to you
16:56.53ZX81Thunderbird doesn't send any data
16:57.03ZX81I can receive whatver
16:57.12ZX81but the tunderbird drop contains nothing yet
16:57.36brazili'm realy need a script to QoS (htb + sfq) to use together asterisk!! Anybody can help me
16:57.37tzafrirbrettnem, what would you expect such a UI to do?
16:57.40ZX81I can put in any other drop source
16:57.50ZX81when you have debug=10 in the config
16:57.51jaydenso, any answers for me :(
16:58.00ZX81it tells you all data
16:58.02ZX81to the log file
16:58.04brazilsorry jayden
16:58.11jaydenhehe :)
16:58.13brettnemtzafrir: to be just like AMP, but you can define contexts and lots of DIDs.. think "multi-tenent"
16:58.13ZX81what was the q?
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16:58.27Zeeek42 was the answer
16:59.07brettnemwell 7*6 of course
16:59.27bjohnsonhow is "Change factory default <Time Zone>" considered a Feature Enhancement?
16:59.36jaydenoky, well, gotta go to lunch.. bbiab
16:59.36*** part/#asterisk hans (
17:00.34MuppetMasterAny comments on the issue with the Monitor cmd?
17:00.52Tall-guyzx81: where's the sinclair interface? :)
17:01.24ZX81skinnable too
17:01.43*** join/#asterisk rajo (
17:02.11Tall-guyzx81: is that an oppanel or a softphone?
17:02.19ZX81for FXS
17:02.23ZX81but works with anything
17:02.33ZX81I.E. sip/IAX/Zap tested
17:02.44ZX81makes your phone ring
17:02.47ZX81you pick up
17:02.50ZX81and the call starts
17:03.22ZX81internally it stores a whole lot of extra info
17:03.25ZX81like cdr's etc
17:04.01Tall-guyzx: so it inself is not a phone, but similar to other op_panel's (sic) for call control
17:04.16ZX81you could run it with a softphone if you like
17:04.17Tall-guy(looks pretty!)
17:04.18ZX81but the idea
17:04.30ZX81is so that you can buy a shit phone but still have all functionality
17:04.34ZX81with FXS devices
17:04.39ZX81(I have 24 fxs)
17:05.19Tall-guyzx81: yeah, heck all you need is a pc....much cheaper than a phone!  (yes, I'm being facetious!)
17:05.54ZX81it's actually for a customer
17:06.01ZX81but I'm gonna open source it
17:06.03Tall-guyzx: its nice, don't get me wrong.
17:06.05ZX81once he's paid
17:06.10Tall-guyzx: much nicer than a web based one.
17:06.13ZX81He already agreed
17:06.19Tall-guyzx: what did u write it in?
17:07.19*** join/#asterisk Kresike (
17:07.22Kresikehello all
17:07.43ZX81using sharpdevelop
17:07.52mikegrbZX81: <3
17:08.17ZX81are you the guy who told me about it?
17:08.30mikegrbbut I like it
17:08.36mikegrbunless it was in here
17:08.41*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
17:08.43ZX81was in here
17:08.48__Sparks_I have a funny voicemail problem! - If i dial into my mailbox, then change the password, this works fine - but if I restart asterisk, the password reverts to the origanal one! - (Using Xorcom Rapid)
17:08.49ZX81someone said: use c#
17:08.51ZX81so I said ok
17:08.54ZX81and did
17:08.59ZX81and it's piss easy!
17:09.04ZX81real nice
17:09.17ZX81__Sparks_: indeed that is a strange problem
17:09.33tzafriryes, you have to change it from outside of asterisk
17:09.51mikegrb__Sparks_: make sure asterisk has write access to the voicemail.conf
17:09.51tzafrireither edit the file manually, or use the linux shell command:
17:10.04mikegrbtzafrir: nah you don't
17:10.07tzafrirast-cmd -c NUM vm-pass
17:10.19Kresike__Sparks_ try using a database to store your passwords ... that way you can change passwords and keep them after restart too
17:10.22mikegrbtzafrir: asterisk will update the file if it has write permission
17:10.37tzafrirmikegrb, it is no in that file
17:10.38ZX81what is ast-cmd?!
17:10.44ZX81omg I never seen it?
17:10.57bjohnsondamn .. need to find a use for this computer so I can get the 17" lcd !
17:11.07tzafrirast-cmd is a script we added in rapid for all the small scripts we needed
17:11.15Beirdoheya, mikegrb  :)
17:11.21ZX81wow that was close
17:11.23mikegrbZX81: is that a softphone or manager interface thingie
17:11.34ZX81dialer mostly
17:11.36mikegrbtzafrir: why does xorcom do it differently then, that seems silly
17:11.38mikegrbZX81: spiff
17:11.38ZX81+transfer bla bla
17:11.52mikegrbZX81: you get three gold stars on your file today
17:11.53Beirdotrying my hand at working today, still not 100% :(
17:11.54ZX81will open source it in the next couple of weeks
17:11.54mikegrbBeirdo: howdy
17:12.11mikegrbZX81: I will hold my breath so you better make it quick, bish
17:12.17tzafrirmikegrb, It would also seem silly to update the entire config file for every small password change
17:12.31ZX81it already works...
17:12.39tzafrirAlso think about different permissions to the files that contain the passwords
17:12.42ZX81I just have to wait for the customer to finish paying me
17:12.47ZX81before I open source it
17:12.59mikegrbtzafrir: so because you don't like the way asterisk changes things you change it in your distribution?
17:13.06mikegrbtzafrir: how about asterisk owns it
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17:13.11mikegrbtzafrir: the default permissions work
17:13.29mikegrbtzafrir: all most all the config files have passwords of various sorts, do you take all of those out too?
17:13.33BeirdoI wish the voicemail SQL stuff was standard
17:13.37tzafrirBut actually, I never realised that asterisk writes directly to its config file (and not to and #include-d file, which is a bug)
17:14.41tzafrirand it also seems that direct mysql access and h323 support are not the best of friends, license-wise
17:15.38Beirdohow do you figure?
17:16.01tzafrirThe license of asterisk has exceptions from the GPL that allow it to link with some gpl-incompatible like libopenh323 (MPL)
17:16.04*** join/#asterisk Buana (
17:16.21tzafrirmysql's client libraries are GPL, with no such exceptions
17:16.44mikegrbh323 is stupid
17:16.49BeirdoI don't see a conflict there
17:16.54tzafrirpeople use and want h323
17:17.42tzafrireither asterisk is standard GPL with no exceptions, so you can link to mysql, or there are some exceptions that allow you to link with libopenh323
17:18.31mikegrbpeople shouldn't use asterisk if they want h323
17:18.31tzafrirback to destar...
17:24.00*** join/#asterisk adjacent (
17:25.28adjacentirrelevant of complexity, can i build an asterisk box that has 6 incoming lines, puts the caller through a voice menu, then outputs the call to the selected phone. without a digium card?
17:25.36*** part/#asterisk _PiGreco_ (
17:26.22tessier_adjacent: How do you plan to get the calls into the box without a digium card?
17:26.28Tall-guyadjacent: u need SOME kinda card....
17:26.30*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
17:26.38adjacenttessier_: modem? i dunno, thats why im asking
17:26.43tessier_adjacent: The only way without a digium card is to have someone send you the calls via SIP
17:26.56adjacenthmm. i have a VG with a PRI card.
17:26.56tessier_adjacent: Why would you think you can do it with a modem?
17:26.58JerJermikegrb: right on
17:27.01Tall-guydoesn't HAVE to be Digium card.....
17:27.39JerJerbut it should be a Digium card
17:27.51adjacenti could do SIP on the internal network. thats ok. have calls go to the cisco router and be forwarded via SIP to the *
17:28.40adjacentexcept i have no PRI at the office location. and i cant buy a fractional PRI
17:28.59ZX81what's libpri-matt?
17:29.08ZX81why does matt have his own version?
17:29.11JerJeradjacent: then SIP it is
17:29.37JerJercuz matt is special?
17:29.48ZX81I'll go with that
17:30.05mikegrbJerJer: :D
17:30.59doughecka_my boss is a matt
17:31.12tessier_I have a matt outside my front door.
17:31.12ZX81cool, I'm your boss
17:31.15doughecka_welcome matt
17:31.19doughecka_dor matt
17:32.27doughecka_something that would tunnel sip over iax to a box inside a nat
17:32.27JerJerwy would you want one?
17:32.43*** join/#asterisk sangee (ravi@
17:33.06doughecka_so I could plug in a sip phone, and have it talk to a server on der veb, and tunnel it inside a network that prevents sip from getting through
17:33.09JerJerso like why do you need anything special to to taht?
17:33.24JerJerthis keyboard is borken this morning
17:33.30doughecka_broken? :P
17:33.31adjacentJerJer: yeh. but how do i run 6 lines into my cisco? i have a voice card that accepts a smartjack
17:33.47JerJer6 lines?
17:33.52*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:34.34adjacentJerJer: yeh. i have 6 lines coming in here. 3 numbers
17:34.40adjacenttwo lines per number
17:34.51JerJeris this a PRI?
17:35.12adjacentit is voip now.
17:35.21JerJerthen you configure your VG
17:35.28adjacentbut the call quality blows. not good enough for business use
17:35.43adjacentso i need to move the 3 numbers to copper and use voip for intrnal call management
17:35.47JerJerthen fire your ISP and/or network admin
17:36.02*** join/#asterisk Tili (
17:36.12adjacenthaha. i run an isp and im the net admin. =)
17:36.36Tall-guyok, thats just damn funny
17:36.40Tall-guysorry to laff at your expense adjacent
17:36.48adjacentJerJer: call quality sucks because i cant guarantee QoS once the call leaves my network
17:36.58adjacentyeh. its ok. i even laughed ;)
17:37.02JerJerthen don't use VoIP
17:37.18ZX81use satellite
17:37.26ZX81I hear it's really good this time of year
17:37.29doughecka_use pigians
17:37.39ZX81is that like pagans?
17:37.54adjacentJerJer: thats what i want to do. i need to figure out the logistics of moving the numbers from my PRI at my colo to the office
17:37.56ZX81flying birds
17:38.09ZX81oh no wait....
17:38.14CpuIDhmm dang im gonna be tired tomorrow me thinks :)
17:38.27CpuID3:40am so far
17:38.29ZX81it's 6:39am here
17:38.32ZX81it is tomorrow
17:38.37ZX81the morning news is on
17:38.40JerJeradjacent: port them
17:38.44JerJeradjacent: call your carrier
17:38.53*** join/#asterisk schwagner (
17:38.56doughecka_its noon here
17:39.08JerJernooner ! ! !
17:40.09mikegrbit isn't noon anywhere!
17:40.25adjacentJerJer: yeh. but they are going to give me 6 twisted pair of telephone wire and let me do what i want. how do i bring these into the cisco?
17:40.29ZX81yeah it is: GMT +x.1
17:40.33doughecka_its actully 12:15
17:40.41adjacentim not a phone person, if that isnt obvous enough
17:40.45junky[work]45 ?
17:40.49ZX81you have a half timezone?
17:41.05junky[work]he lives between 2 tz :P
17:41.08ZX81now I'm really confused...what's the time here
17:41.10ZX81oh ok
17:41.16jbotWed Feb 16 17:41:16 2005
17:41.17jbotrumour has it, time is 1 dimensional, or everlasting
17:41.31jbot[zx81] the creater of the Daily Asterisk News (see ~adn)
17:41.32junky[work]doughecka_ where are ya from?
17:41.37jbotsomebody said adn was the Asterisk Daily News - for HTML and for RSS
17:41.42junky[work]adn means dna in french :)
17:41.49mikegrbreagan eats brains -->
17:41.59doughecka_actully right across the river from louisville
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17:42.57*** part/#asterisk Buana (
17:43.02JerJeradjacent:  you don't
17:43.07JerJeryou buy the right piece of gear
17:43.36JerJerget a TA750 and a TE405P
17:44.34RoyKJerJer: do you read the -dev list?
17:44.49RoyKwtf is a ta750?
17:44.51sangeei want to send the userid and password when i dial out to some GW using oh323, how to do that
17:45.17mikegrbsangee: you don't use oh323 for starters
17:45.20schwagneranybody here using a T100P card?
17:45.35tzafrirmikegrb, you asked me why I put them in separate files?
17:46.05tzafrirI have just gone over the horrible code of app_voicemail where it tries to update voicemail.conf
17:46.08mikegrbI know why
17:46.15tzafrirIt basically assumes that #include is not used
17:46.16mikegrbbecause you are a silly kanigit
17:46.21carbon60Has anyone dealt with Polycom SoundPoint IP500s locking up hard?
17:46.23sangeeis there anyway i can send userid and password?
17:46.33tzafrirAnd that code is a bunch of mess.
17:46.41mikegrbit is stupid to put every single mailbox in a different file
17:46.44tzafrirI wanted to be able to update things easily
17:46.49mikegrbyou do it so you can feel important
17:46.54mikegrbha ha
17:46.59mikegrbthat is != easy
17:47.14*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
17:47.33tzafrirmikegrb, then please explain why it is stupid?
17:47.56mikegrbIt is stupid, I have spoken, the end.
17:48.29Nivexsuch an enlightened answer
17:48.43mikegrbNivex: well it matches his intellect
17:50.07sangeeis it possible to send user/password with dial?
17:50.38sangeehow could do that
17:50.51mikegrbby not using oh323
17:51.28sangeewith sip, can i do it?
17:52.25sangeehow can i do that?
17:52.26mikegrbbut you are better to put it in sip.conf
17:52.43sangeei alrady put it?
17:53.51sangeeso the dial command will send the user and password to that GW?
17:54.04sangeeif i have it in sip.conf?
17:56.56sangeeit automatically send userid and password to GW
17:57.07sangeetake it from sip.conf?
17:59.09doughecka_does a cisco phone really need 48 volts?
17:59.12*** join/#asterisk CMike (
17:59.19Beirdomikegrb you're on a roll today :)
18:00.25*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
18:02.11mikegrbBeirdo: I so am
18:02.19mikegrbBeirdo: in more channels then you'd imagine
18:02.45mikegrbdoughecka_: all phones take 48 volts
18:02.51mikegrbsangee: yes
18:03.23doughecka_yes, they take 48 volts
18:03.37doughecka_but do they need it to operate... surely it just step it down inside
18:03.56mikegrbopen it and see
18:04.07doughecka_48 volts is just for the poe standard
18:04.20mikegrband the pots standard
18:06.21Beirdoso I don't see the licensing issue with using openh323 with asterisk.  as long as it's being used in a module that's dynamically linked...
18:06.26[Latre]i have a TDM04B i want configure this with my PBX Panasonic , in this moment when i dial an extension 114 (this is connected directly to port 2 of TDM) rang 2 times and then dial one extension sip but inmediatly sendme to voicemail.....
18:06.50vaewynhmm... does the SIP presence stuff work under * ?
18:06.55Beirdoand there's a specific stated exception for openssl and openh323 anyways
18:07.03mikegrbBeirdo: but oh323 sucks anyway :p
18:07.16Beirdowell, that's another issue entirely :)
18:08.05Beirdoas asterisk-oh323 wouldn't compile for me anyways, I gave up on it for now
18:08.56Beirdoso the other day, I signed up for, sent em $10 via PayPal
18:08.59Beirdono DID though
18:09.36Beirdowill give me a good start
18:10.54Beirdowhy isn't mysql-vm-routines.h in asterisk instead of -addons?
18:11.58mikegrbsilly license stuff
18:12.07Beirdosuch as?
18:12.12Beirdomysql is GPL
18:12.17Beirdowell it is *NOW*
18:12.30BeirdoI guess maybe it wasn't when that was written
18:12.53vaewynThey are moving away from database specific items anyways... going ODBC
18:13.03vaewynwhich is IMO stupid but... I can see the points
18:13.33`Sauronvaewyn: Ick.
18:13.36BeirdoI guess it has some sense to it, people can use whatever backend they want
18:13.41Beirdobut ICK anyways
18:14.05`SauronWhat they should do, is slurp in perl or something
18:14.15`Sauronso you can use any DB that has a DBI:DBD interface
18:14.40vaewynbut then they still have to do server specific SQL... which is part of the allure of ODBC
18:14.54`SauronNot neccesarily
18:15.04`SauronYou can write DB-portable SQL ;)
18:15.08`SauronYou just have to be careful
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18:15.19vaewynand can't use 95% of the features :P
18:16.14`SauronBecause few other DB's implement SQL92/99 properly
18:16.31`Sauronask me again why I hate mycrapsql
18:17.03vaewynall DBs are crap when it comes to sql standard conformance :}
18:17.37*** join/#asterisk johnnyb (
18:17.38`Saurondoing the "farm interfaces out to someone else" method works wonderfully in openradius
18:17.51Beirdoblah blah blah :)
18:17.58`Sauronand, should I be braindead enough to want to interface with odbc, I can
18:18.14`SauronBeirdo: do you actually do any development?
18:18.30Beirdonot on asterisk, but yes
18:19.51brazilhello all..
18:23.25*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
18:25.28bjohnsonhere's a question that is probably too specific to my system for anyone to answer but .. I have SPA 3000s answering calls and hooked to my Nortel line in's.  Ofetn when a call is hung up I get what I call a ghost ring on my Nortel.  It seems the fxo port is still connected, senses the callerid, and re-rings into * as though it's a new call.  Any ideas on this one?
18:25.45ta[i]ntedBeirdo what do you do development on?
18:26.09bjohnsonI develop my beer belly
18:26.19bjohnsonit's in grand form
18:26.23bjohnsona complete success
18:26.36bjohnsonnext project -> a fat ass
18:26.42bjohnsonand I've already started
18:28.08bjohnsonit seems there isn't one way to interface to multiple DBs that stands out as the best way .. or there wouldn't be any discussion needed
18:29.10bjohnsonI think serial increases Amps
18:29.31*** part/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
18:29.54doughecka_increasing voltage
18:30.00doughecka_like adding batteries
18:30.22PTG123yah use 4 12v
18:30.27vaewynAnyone wondering impressions on the Hitachi Cable WIP-5000 ->  only had the phone for 6 hours though so... :} more info to come
18:30.28PTG123would work fine
18:30.33PTG123amps would stay the same if its not in a series
18:30.36PTG123voltage would increase
18:30.43Nuggetvaewyn: cool, thanks.
18:30.54PTG123so 4 1am 12v power supplies, would make 48v 1amp PS
18:30.59vaewynNugget: np :}
18:31.06doughecka_so 2 12V...
18:31.19PTG123its smarter to use matched ones
18:31.24doughecka_ah, true
18:31.37*** join/#asterisk HitTop (
18:31.41PTG123don't want any fires :)
18:31.44bdecan anyone tell me what kind of rates i can get for 1M minutes/month to the US/Canada?
18:31.51PTG123aalso this is only true for DC power
18:31.53PTG123not AC :)
18:31.58PTG123is it DC?
18:32.07bjohnsonbde: likely not much less than 1c USD/min
18:32.09PTG123bde: depends on quality, etc
18:32.22Zeeekworks for AC if there is exactly 180° phase diff
18:32.26bdeok, thanks
18:32.29doughecka_yea DC
18:32.48PTG123Zeeek: not without alot more circuity, since you can't guarantee the phase sync.. it could actually cancel each other out
18:32.58PTG123its not a simple asp utting them all together then
18:33.03Zeeekand anyway I'm wrong - that would produce 0
18:33.08PTG123and actually you would want no phase difference
18:33.15Zeeekbut it really isn't a good idea to put PS in series
18:33.22ZeeekDC or not
18:33.33PTG123he isn't putting it in a series :)
18:34.03doughecka_I am putting them in lpt
18:34.06bdebjohnson: have you used them in the past?
18:34.07ZeeekI'd wire up 4 cellphone batteris instead :)
18:34.24Zeeekwait better idea:
18:34.40PTG123bde: you should talk to teliax tell him i sent you
18:34.46Zeeekrun the serai port into a bit shifter until you have enough for 48v
18:35.01bjohnsonbde: gee .. you want me to do your research and then you want me to research them?  OK .. get me 1M minutes and I'll start right away
18:35.01Zeeekthen it will be ok
18:35.07doughecka_and like .00001 amps
18:35.24Zeeeknot with a 1000uF cap
18:35.30Zeeekthat'll stabilize her
18:35.41bdebjohnson: i was just asking if you've used them before
18:35.45PTG123just build your own ps while yuo are at it :)
18:35.52Zeeekalternative #144: find an old TV set with CR tube.
18:36.14bjohnsonalternative #145: a LOT of lemons !!
18:36.19doughecka_PTG123: I am lucky enough to have a voltmeter
18:36.21Zeeekcharge it up to 10KV, then find a 20gazillion ohm resistor and a rectifier bridge
18:36.32Zeeek(available at Radio Shack, $9.95)
18:36.36Beirdota[i]nted: sorry, had to run down to the machine room.  Mainly on ancilliary tools for MythTV and a MUD
18:36.45PTG123doughecka_, well just remember 48v could be 49v, 46v, etc
18:36.51Beirdowell, not tools for the MUD, the MUD itself
18:36.51PTG123when they say 48, they mean about 48 :)
18:36.54Zeeekyes, citirc acid and some copper and nickel will do it
18:37.18doughecka_well, about is not 24V
18:37.24PTG123true :)
18:37.26bjohnsonneed more lemons
18:37.35doughecka_gonna freak my cow-orkers out
18:37.41*** join/#asterisk [ro]nic3try (~iancu@
18:37.47[ro]nic3tryre all :)
18:37.53doughecka_yea, that whole powerstrip of powersuplpys are running a single phone
18:37.54Zeeekthere is unfortunatley zeeeks law about the diminishing return of a large number of lemons
18:38.19HitTopanyone know ser here?
18:38.22Zeeek1.41414 x $lemons
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18:39.15bjohnsonI wonder how much solar panel he'd need for 48V
18:39.29[ro]nic3tryi have a problem with mp3player form asterisk,.. when i try to put an mp3 it sounds like crap :(
18:39.32PTG123one solar panel for 48v, but he wouldn't have the amps he needs :)
18:39.37bjohnsondesk mounted wind turbine?
18:39.51bjohnsonon a 50' pole?
18:40.11PatrickDKhmm, wind turbines produce alot of electricity
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18:40.20[ro]nic3trypls ...
18:40.23PatrickDKa single one runs the whole 911 system here
18:40.34PatrickDKit hasn't touched power from the grid for 4 years
18:40.37doughecka_sorry, cant help you, the wind died
18:40.55bjohnsoncheck what verion of mpg123 you have
18:40.55PatrickDKdoug, that is what one single 48v battery does :)
18:41.17doughecka_ooh, 48V battery~
18:41.19doughecka_what I need
18:41.23redder86I'd like to mount some solar panels on my house roof.
18:41.28[ro]nic3tryits an oky.. only with the phone doesn't work
18:41.40[ro]nic3tryxmms sounds ok
18:41.59bjohnsonthat's great!
18:42.04bjohnsonnow check what verion of mpg123 you have
18:42.44bjohnsonis that supposed to work?  I thought just mpg123r
18:43.10schwagner[ro]nic3try: try disabling mmx, if you can; that worked for me
18:43.18PatrickDKheh, I have aot of 12v equipment, run them all off two nice deepcycle batteries, can keep the equipment up under full load for 15 days, then just run a basic charger to the batteries
18:43.33[ro]nic3trybut when i log as root is 0.59r
18:45.19schwagnerjoin #opencrx
18:45.35bjohnsonvaewyn: glad you're happy with it
18:45.45[ro]nic3tryschwagner: how should i do that ?
18:45.49bjohnsonvaewyn: mind moving your notes to the wiki so they're easier to find?
18:46.23schwagner[ro]nic3try: happen to be running gentoo?
18:46.23vaewynbjohnson: I would if the wiki you let me edit :} the moment I login  it decides I can no longer edit any pages
18:46.50bjohnsonstrange .. works for me
18:47.06bjohnsonvaewyn: galeon web browser here
18:47.44vaewynbjohnson: yeah... not sure... firefox and mozilla here
18:47.47*** join/#asterisk visik7 (
18:49.01redder86does dialing *81 pick up any ringing channels on the local system?
18:49.04schwagner[ro]nic3try: check the mpg123 lists then, sorry
18:49.07*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (~natt@
18:49.12*** join/#asterisk Jlau515 (
18:49.19[ro]nic3tryi have tryed to convert an mp3 to wav and then to gsm .. still doesnt work
18:49.22Zeeekjoin pr0ncenter
18:49.43Jlau515hi guys, how do u know which asterisk version you have, show version only tells me that i am running 1.0
18:49.57Jlau515is that the same as the tarbuild 1.0.5
18:50.05visik7Jlau515 form the cli
18:50.18Jlau515yeh i rand show version from cli
18:50.20Corydon-wProbably not.  It's probably 1.0.0
18:50.37Jlau515Asterisk CVS-v1-0-02/14/05-18:43:29 built by on a i686 running Linux
18:50.52Jlau515i checkout it out of cvs
18:51.05Corydon-wOh, then it's stable
18:51.13Nuggetno, that's not stable.
18:51.18Jlau515using this command cvs checkout -r v1-0
18:51.37*** join/#asterisk jjg (tink@
18:51.41*** join/#asterisk brazil (~cleber@
18:52.00jjgi heard that certain winmodems can be used as FXO cards.  is there something similar for FXS cards?
18:52.15*** join/#asterisk MrClean (
18:52.17Jlau515so is my asterisk 1.0 or 1.0.5?
18:52.25kimosabejjg for fxs use sipura
18:52.35Corydon-wNeither.  It's 1.0-2/14/05
18:52.52Corydon-wIt's beyond 1.0.5
18:52.53jjgkimosabe : oh yah, forgot about dongles and stuff
18:53.20Jlau515ohhh okee, its the most stable release of 1.0
18:53.50Corydon-wWell, no, it's the stable branch as of a certain date
18:54.03kimosabejjg sipura u can interface directlly to a pbx in office for voip solution
18:54.58Nuggetif you're tracking stable, remember to always use "make update" to update your local sources.  If you just do the "cvs up" by hand, that date in the version string won't be updated.
18:56.05dsmouseok, I've got a queue defined with a member Sip/5102... When a extention calls into the queue, 5102 rings, I hit answer but it doesn't connect me with the caller...
18:56.12dsmouseanyone have a pointer?
18:57.55shido6are you using "friend" in your sip.conf for this phone?
18:58.06shido6dont use friends
18:58.10shido6less problems
18:58.14shido6break it out to a user
18:58.15shido6and a peer
18:58.50nirshey all
18:58.55nirshow is everybody feeling tonight ?
18:58.57kimosabedoes any one know how to config the x-lite to interact with asterisk
18:59.10Zeeekhow kimosabe
18:59.17shido6are you nat'd kimosabe?
18:59.18Zeeekturn ON transmit silence
18:59.21nirskimo, you need to define the proper friend/peer section in SIP conf
18:59.24kimosabeno natt
18:59.26nirsand that's basically it
18:59.36Jlau515how do i know which version of chan_zap i have?
18:59.38shido6leave the outbound proxy blank
18:59.38*** join/#asterisk ^Fenris (
18:59.41shido6fill out sip proxy
18:59.43shido6domain / realm
18:59.45nirsyou can find a nice tutorial (well, more or less a tutorial) at
18:59.46shido6dns server
18:59.50kimosabeshido6 ive tried but the counter doesnt start counting
18:59.55Zeeekturn ON transmit silence
19:00.01Zeeekaudio settings
19:00.01^Fenriswhere can I find an * voicemail setup tutorial?
19:00.05shido6user, display, auth user as your username and ur done
19:00.12Zeeekturn ON transmit silence
19:00.20kimosabeoki let me try again
19:00.27Zeeekoh wait - I was transmitting silence
19:00.32Zeeekno one heard it
19:00.43tzafrir^Fenris, basic voicemail is pretty simple. Use that attiude and the basic samples
19:01.17junky[work]any good link related to span timing?
19:02.09nirssay, has any encountered a situation where asterisk would perform a full shutdown at random times ?
19:02.14nirsI'm talking about the stable version
19:02.16MrCleanQuestion:  Is it possible to trigger additional steps in a dialplan after a call that has been in a queue is disconnected?  I know the Dial() command has the "g" option that tells it to continue stepping through the plan on hangup, but in my dialplan the Dial() command is used to call an agent, bridge them to the call in the queue, then hangup.  I want to check if the call that was bridged hangs up, not the call out to the Agent.  Anyone know ho
19:02.27nirswithout any indication of an error in the log files or anything like that ?
19:02.48nirsyes MrClean, it's called DeadAGI, and it's run once a channel dies
19:03.04MrCleanThanks, I'll look into that.
19:04.53nirsany if the Digium wizard around ?
19:05.32vaewynOk... Zyxel/Wisip can bite me... even at 300+$ this WIP5000 kicks their @#$@#$
19:05.32kimosabeshido6 how do i save the config on x lite
19:05.51CpuIDhehe vaewyn, im guessing you like that phone :)
19:05.59vaewynCpuID: hell yeah!
19:06.04*** join/#asterisk roamer323 (
19:06.06*** join/#asterisk twisted[work] (~twisted@twisted-professional-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
19:06.06*** mode/#asterisk [+o twisted[work]] by ChanServ
19:06.09CpuIDdid you find out if it could do WPA-PSK by any chance?
19:06.25vaewynAm still surfing the menus
19:06.28CpuIDah yep np
19:06.39CpuIDso have you tried roaming between ap's now?
19:07.05dsmouseshido6: :( still isn't working
19:07.10shido6it saves it for ya
19:07.11vaewynYeah...  2-4 seconds of dead air while our switches recognize where the MAC is now but it never drops the call
19:07.17shido6dsmouse what isnt working, specifics, please :)
19:07.23*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
19:07.26vaewynneed to see if I can speed the switches up on that
19:08.20dsmouseOK, I'm using SJphone as a SIP clint at extention SIP/5102 and is a member of queue default. I have a call comming in on zap/1, goes into the queue,
19:08.24CpuIDah fair enough
19:08.32kimosabeshido i put all the correct parameters in menu then i go to dial the number i take line 1 dial number but the counter doesnt start counting
19:08.49CpuIDnice one :)
19:08.50shido6kimosabe does it place the call?
19:08.52*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:08.57dsmouse5102's like rings, and I hit answer but the call remains in the queue. In fact, 5102 will ring again in a few seconds
19:09.07vaewynneed to get my camera and take some pics tonight
19:09.09shido6dsmouse show me your sip.conf your sip.conf
19:09.17kimosabeshido all i see is where i enter the number how can i see if it placed the call
19:09.24shido6and your dialplan and your queues conf
19:09.25CpuIDyea was gonna say :)
19:09.42dsmouseshido6: all of it or just the parts for 5102
19:09.43shido6kimosabe you will know it placed the call when ur talking to someone on the other end...
19:09.44vaewynpretty blue leds..... mmm...
19:09.58shido6dsmouse use to paste your sip.conf I need to see it
19:10.12EssobiAnyone familiar with queues and agent penalties?
19:10.12shido6along with the dialplan referring to that extension
19:10.25shido6and yoru queue conf file
19:10.44dsmouseif it helps, that extension can make other calls normaly
19:12.19*** join/#asterisk neopher (
19:12.42*** join/#asterisk mzungu (
19:13.23kimosabeshido the xlite says awaiting proxy login information
19:13.46kimosabeshido but all is in the menu filed all the corect info
19:16.00shido6dsmouse u have two [general] stanza's in sip.conf
19:16.28nirsany one has an idea why would asterisk stable shut itself down at random times ?
19:17.04kimosabenirs run safe_asterisk
19:17.06dsmouseI... don't know....
19:17.25nirskimo, I do run with safe_asterisk
19:17.30nirsit restarts it
19:17.40dsmouseshido6: I'll comment out the latter for now
19:17.46nirsbut every 4-6 minutes, asterisk would restart, killing all the calls on the box
19:17.58nirsnot very good for a calling card system, is it ?>
19:18.28RoyK~seen wasim
19:18.29jbotwasim is currently on #asterisk (12h 41m 18s).  Has said a total of 9 messages.  Is idling for 3h 17m 53s
19:18.38nirshey roy
19:18.39RoyKfecking paki.
19:18.55nirsroy, any idea about my question?
19:19.06RoyKwhat was that?
19:19.07nirsyou're one of the more older users here
19:19.14nirsany one has an idea why would asterisk stable shut itself down at random times ?
19:19.20nirsevery 4-6 minutes, asterisk would restart, killing all the calls on the box
19:19.24EssobiI'm damn aggravated at the lack of documentation reguerding call penalties.
19:19.27Essobiand queues
19:19.30nirsin the log it shows
19:19.40nirsFeb 16 19:00:27 ivr01 asterisk: asterisk shutdown succeeded
19:19.41nirsFeb 16 19:00:31 ivr01 asterisk: asterisk startup succeeded
19:19.41nirsFeb 16 19:01:00 ivr01 CROND[14662]: (root) CMD (nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.hourly)
19:19.41nirsFeb 16 19:01:00 ivr01 CROND[14663]: (root) CMD (/etc/init.d/asterisk check  >/dev/null 2>&1)
19:19.41nirsFeb 16 19:02:01 ivr01 CROND[14685]: (root) CMD (/etc/init.d/asterisk check  >/dev/null 2>&1)
19:19.41nirsFeb 16 19:03:00 ivr01 CROND[14742]: (root) CMD (/etc/init.d/asterisk check  >/dev/null 2>&1)
19:19.43nirsFeb 16 19:03:21 ivr01 asterisk: asterisk shutdown succeeded
19:19.45nirsFeb 16 19:03:24 ivr01 asterisk: asterisk startup succeeded
19:19.48nirsFeb 16 19:04:00 ivr01 CROND[14854]: (root) CMD (/etc/init.d/asterisk check  >/dev/null 2>&1)
19:19.49nirsFeb 16 19:05:00 ivr01 CROND[14895]: (root) CMD (/etc/init.d/asterisk check  >/dev/null 2>&1)
19:19.51mikegrbnirs: YOU ARE EVIL
19:19.54mikegrbnirs: YOU ARE EVIL
19:19.57mikegrbnirs: YOU ARE EVIL
19:20.00jbotfrom memory, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
19:20.18nirsI keep forgeting that pastebin thingy
19:20.32RoyKnirs: try running asterisk in a screen. run it as asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvvvvvc in a known directory
19:20.41nirsalready did that
19:20.44nirsit doesn't core
19:21.11RoyKyou said you ran safe_asterisk
19:21.14RoyKasterisk -gvvvvvvc
19:21.24RoyKand do a while loop around it
19:21.30RoyKinna screen
19:21.31nirswell, I also tried running asterisk in the forground with -vvvvvcgp, and it didn't core
19:21.42nirsit just dropped
19:22.19RoyK-g should always dump a core if it gets SIGSEGVd\
19:22.38nirswell, there is no core
19:22.38junky[work]RoyK: u familiar with span timings?
19:22.49*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
19:22.52junky[work]ya make valgrind?
19:23.16RoyKjunky[work]: not more than what's said in the docs
19:23.42nirswell roy, any idea ?
19:23.48*** join/#asterisk DevilFish (
19:24.12DevilFishanyone have any experiane mapping PolyCom hard keys to speeddial ?
19:24.36DevilFishnot getting it to work and I'm sure I have a syntax problem in my ipmid.cfg
19:26.06Essobi~mailing list
19:26.15jbotwell, mail is on it's way :-)
19:26.26jbotone warez list being sent
19:26.37EssobiFFS Jbot.
19:26.40mikegrbEssobi: has all the lists
19:27.16tzafrirnirs, use a wrapper script and add plenty of vvvs to the command-line to get a trace.
19:27.30tzafrirOr maybe run it under strace (and the hell with performance)
19:27.56nirstzafrir, already did that
19:28.04nirsnothing out of the ordinary came up
19:28.22nirsit just looks as if asterisk simply shuts down, as if it received a -x flag
19:29.03EssobiCan you not search current mailing lists anymore?
19:29.56vaewynman... These polycoms are fine to set up once you have the base XML stuff... but helping a friend set them up from scratch over the phone sucks
19:32.56Sedoroxhaving a problem with it too? lol
19:34.56EssobiAnyone know how to make it ring the next member in the list if the first doesn't answer?  round robin just sends them all the the first member.
19:35.00EssobiThat's retarded.
19:37.34dsmouseMr. Jones,
19:37.34dsmouseWe can provide VoIP services starting at $24.95 per month.  With a one time
19:37.34dsmouseactivation fee of $34.99 which can be waived with a one ear commitment.
19:37.43dsmouseOne ear seems very expencive.
19:38.06mikegrbwell that still leaves you an ear to listen when talking on the phone
19:39.54*** join/#asterisk mac_7 (
19:41.30_-Jon-_Is anyone here using LiveVoip?
19:42.28_-Jon-_Their 1.8c/min rate seems good for a US/Canada toll-free number but I'm wondering what the quality is like
19:42.53mac_7chan_vpb.c: In function `void get_callerid(vpb_pvt*)':
19:42.53mac_7chan_vpb.c:553: error: `vpb_cid_decode2' undeclared (first use this function)
19:42.53mac_7chan_vpb.c:553: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
19:43.10mac_7need some help with this compile problem cvs
19:43.59bjohnsonnew bash srcipt available for providing a quick sum of usage from csv based CDR records:
19:44.37bjohnsonEssobi: superdial macro on the wiki
19:45.03bjohnsonEssobi: it's not a queue thing though .. just a sequential dialer with extra options
19:46.24bjohnson_-Jon-_: 1.8?  I thought they were down to 1.2c
19:46.49bjohnson"Call USA & Canada Only 1.2 Cents a Minute"
19:46.57*** join/#asterisk LoRez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
19:46.59bjohnsonahh toll free
19:47.06_-Jon-_bjohnson, yeah incoming toll-free
19:47.49_-Jon-_Hmm maybe it is 1.2
19:48.02eKo1Hmm...for some reason, Asterisk isn't loading
19:49.10bjohnson_-Jon-_: where do you find info about the tolls working in Canada?
19:49.36eKo1OK, it's not even in there. How can I make cdr_odbc.c?
19:49.42Essobibjohnson Naw, I need queues.
19:49.45bjohnsonbunch of us are looking for CDN toll free for < 5c CDN / minute (easy to get that rate from telcos)
19:49.56eKo1Bear in mind, it is installed in a non-standard location.
19:50.03EssobiBut it seems app_queue won't escelate up the priorities
19:51.02_-Jon-_bjohnson, I'll let you in aon a little secret..  When I signed up with LiveVoip, I tested it and it works from Canada :P
19:51.16eKo1Guess it's time to play with the Makefile....
19:52.06_-Jon-_And what's better is I didn't recognize the charge on my credit card by LiveVoip so I did a charge-back and they don't seem to interested in fixing it
19:52.06bjohnson_-Jon-_: $0.50 cents each - per Month?
19:52.24_-Jon-_bjohnson, yeah the 50c/month #
19:52.54Essobibjohnson I have a set of queue users, that the queue nmeeds to ring in a certain order.  they also need to be able to dynamically login and log out.
19:53.06EssobiI can't seem to achieve both features at the same time.
19:54.46EssobiWhich is rather silly since that's a basic ACD scheme.
19:55.00bjohnsonEssobi: sorry, I don't use queues .. I just ring all phones
19:56.13SedoroxI'm using queues.. but to ring all
19:56.58EssobiI'm useing a ring all and a "Screw the J-man" priority as he puts it. Heh.  There's an ordered preference of dialing extensions.
19:58.28RoyKøszjc mg89p
19:58.37EssobiI'm adding two members to the queue dynamically.. one with a penalty of 0 and one with a penalty of 1.. I use round robin, call in.. penalty 0 rings.. times out, penalty 0 rings, times out, penalty 0 ring, and etc.. never reaching panalty one.
19:58.50HitTopis there any SER user arround here?
19:59.14mac_7I'm unable to find a declaration for vpb_cid_decode2 any hint
19:59.14mac_7chan_vpb.c:553: error: `vpb_cid_decode2' undeclared (first use this function)
19:59.55moonwickso, ah... are the two status LEDs on the back of the T100P supposed to say anything at all about the status of the link?
20:00.05moonwickI've got a green LED, and there's nothing even plugged into it.
20:02.43*** join/#asterisk amir (
20:07.46Godseyare there any devices like the SPA-2000 that also support iax?
20:08.16*** join/#asterisk clive- (
20:08.37modulus_iaxy box yes
20:08.41eKo1Godsey: Hah! That'll be the day.
20:08.54dsmouseGodsey: IAXy
20:08.57eKo1The IAXy is only one-port.
20:09.08eKo1SPA-2000 is two-port.
20:09.28modulus_isn't there one with 2 ports?
20:09.44clive-eko any advice on getting a SPA-2000 to work on sip through nat?
20:09.45*** join/#asterisk hermie (
20:11.35*** join/#asterisk RaYmAn-Bx (
20:11.43bjohnsonGodsey: the iaxy does not have a web interface
20:11.51eKo1clive-: NAT on the same network or NAT on different networks?
20:12.03bjohnsonGodsey: there are iax devices on ebay that are supposed to support iax and have a web interface
20:12.36bjohnsonGodsey: no reports here yet about how good they are.  Do you feel like testing and reporting?  They are going for about $40 USD each
20:12.40clive-eko its like internet---nat----spa2000
20:12.55clive-really $40 ?
20:13.12eKo1clive-: you mean asterisk----internet----nat-----spa?
20:13.26eKo1or asterisk----nat-----internet-----nat-----spa?
20:13.38*** join/#asterisk adjacent (
20:13.44*** join/#asterisk Ayano (~erik_leee@
20:14.22clive-eko, im not using asterisk for this one...its jser
20:18.28clive-bjohnson, what are these iax units called?
20:20.41bjohnsonsearching ebay now .. don't see any right now
20:20.51bjohnsonan you search for ended auctions?
20:22.26Sedoroxthat what your looking for?
20:23.02AyanoHow easy are polycom to use with asterisk?
20:23.11Sedoroxwas looking at getting one of those... but haven't had the money..
20:24.24bjohnsonSedorox: yeah that's it
20:24.29eKo1Yeah right.
20:24.32*** part/#asterisk pointer (
20:24.38eKo1That shit doesn't support IAX.
20:25.10Sedoroxwhen I get the money I'll probably pick one up
20:25.15Sedoroxand we'll see
20:25.30Beirdowonder what shack in Taiwan that's made in?
20:25.31bjohnsonI think it's the one here:
20:25.33AyanoeKo1: what doesn't?
20:25.34eKo1That eezeephone looks interesting. Anybody have one.
20:25.45clive-eko I do
20:25.49*** join/#asterisk NoOS (
20:25.54bjohnsonBeirdo: that one ^^ I think
20:25.56clive-its the pa186 phone
20:25.57*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
20:26.02eKo1clive-: Do you have it running IAX?
20:26.51clive-eko, I have the sip running, but some versions of the firmware supposedly support iax
20:27.22eKo1Well, if you get it working with IAX, please make a note of it somewhere on the wiki.
20:27.36SedoroxI don't think they support IAX2...
20:27.40Godseydang got pulled away
20:27.41Sedoroxthey being the link I put
20:28.01NoOSCan any1 advise me on the hardware I need for asterisk and an isdn line? I need callwaiting..
20:28.05eKo1Dang it, * won't compile because of /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lodbc
20:28.09bjohnson$89.99 includes shipping  to USA and Canada !! for the eezeephone
20:28.34bjohnsonSedorox: the one I posted spelt IAX2 correctly
20:28.36*** join/#asterisk basv (
20:28.38GodseyI was hoping for 2 fxs ports but that's ok :)
20:28.41Godseyand http configs
20:28.52basvhello everybody
20:29.00bjohnsonif it's the one at atcom .. it lists http config
20:29.04Sedoroxyea.. butg when you look on the site you sent.. the
20:29.07SedoroxSupport H323 V4 ,MGCP,SIP
20:29.17SedoroxI was talking about the IAX, not http...
20:29.20AyanoHow easy are polycom to use with asterisk?
20:29.26*** join/#asterisk kietlak (
20:29.31bjohnsonSedorox: I'm just guessing that it's the same one .. looks the same
20:29.35basvhave a small question about using 2 cisco 7960's with asterisk
20:29.49basvphones are converted to sip and they register with asterisk
20:29.59basvdialtone on both phones
20:30.00bjohnsonBeirdo: pm
20:30.07GodseyI need devices w/ 2 fxs ports
20:30.18bjohnsonGodsey: buy 2 and report back
20:30.24Godseyha :)
20:30.33basvI'd like to know how I can call the other phone, where's the best information on dialing plans?
20:30.38bjohnsonGodsey: you're going to pay $35 per port for 2 port anyway
20:30.38NoOSCan any1 advise me on the hardware I need for asterisk and an isdn line? I need callwaiting..
20:30.45Godseyit doesn't matter
20:30.49bjohnsonGodsey: pay $40 per port and get 2 of them
20:30.54Godseybusiness requirment is 2 port per unit
20:31.04Sedorox2line phone?
20:31.48Godseyprobably not
20:32.01*** join/#asterisk __Sparks_ (
20:32.25eKo1bjohnson: Eh, doesn't the Sipura phone have 2 FXS ports?
20:32.43bjohnsoneKo1: the SPA 841?
20:33.13bjohnsonI thought it just had one CAT 5 port
20:33.19eKo1Never mind.
20:33.25Sedoroxbjohnson: what do you think of the above link?
20:33.58eKo1Well, it doesn't make sense to have an FXS port on a phone.
20:33.58*** join/#asterisk TokyoJimu (
20:34.21bjohnsoneKo1: it makes as much sense as having 2 fxs ports in a ATA
20:34.31clive-godsey there is a website called with iax devices
20:35.24eKo1bjohnson: No, 2 FXS on an ATA is equivalent to 2 ethernet ports on a phone.
20:35.31_-Jon-_Does anyone know of a simple way for me to use my phone to record greetings?  Like dial an extention and it records a nice gsm file for me use?
20:35.34TokyoJimuI'm trying to dial out on a specific span & channel but when I use the syntax specified I get an error "unknown option '-'
20:35.36TokyoJimuUnable to create channel of type 'Zap'
20:35.36bjohnsonSedorox: don't know anything about that one .. and I love Sipura .. that looks similar to SPA 2001 which is $90 I belive
20:35.46TokyoJimuexten => 19164930010,1,Dial(Zap/7-1/18189950699)
20:35.52Sedoroxwith two fxs's?
20:35.54bjohnson_-Jon-_: yes .. record()
20:35.55TokyoJimuIgnore that Zap error
20:35.56Beirdo2 FXS on an ATA makes perfect sense.
20:36.01Godseythey only ship to ebay confirmed addresses
20:36.03*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || chan_zap in 1.0.4 had a bug, so 1.0.5 has been released || Dev Conf 2PM CST FEB 17th -> IAX2/guest@
20:36.15SedoroxGodsey: most times if you email them.. its alright
20:36.19_-Jon-_bjohnson, ah that works :P
20:36.34Godseysedorox: I can't finish the buy now page :)
20:36.42TokyoJimuLet's try again:  I use this:
20:36.42TokyoJimuexten => 19164930010,1,Dial(Zap/7-1/18189950699)
20:36.56TokyoJimuand get error "unkown option '-'"
20:37.10bjohnsonwhat is 7-1?
20:37.28Sedoroxhmmm :-/
20:37.30bjohnsonthe rest looks ok
20:37.33TokyoJimuaccording to
20:37.37GodseyI'll have someone at work buy it
20:37.59GodseyI will never tell paypal about my checking account :)
20:38.01TokyoJimuOh, maybe that's a newer option and this is an older release...
20:38.24SedoroxGodsey: I opened a second checking account just for paypal... keep everyting seperate
20:38.38hardwirelinux based SIP cluient that works
20:38.40hardwireand is not kphone
20:38.48hardwirenot Asterisk either :)
20:38.57hardwireapt-get install linphone
20:38.59hardwireno codecs
20:38.59FuRR_does asterisk support Distinctive ring, and how would i setup distinctive ring to ring certain extensions
20:39.55*** join/#asterisk JonR800 (
20:40.09bjohnsonBeirdo: pm?
20:40.26Beirdoyeah, it's 3:40PM :)
20:40.33Beirdogo ahead...
20:42.44slePPanyone have any suggestions?
20:44.03__Sparks_I have a problem with Asterisk and Sipgate - If I call my sipgate PSTN number, i get a call on my sip phone, but audio drom the PSTN to Astersk is not working?
20:47.47netsurfer__Sparks_ - or ?
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20:52.17*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:52.20jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:52.37ManxPowerOK guys, I have an unusual issue.
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20:53.14ManxPowerI have the following setup (don't complain that it sucks, just help)   CLEC -> T-1 -> Asterisk -> Channel Bank -> (analog) PBX
20:53.49moonwickheh, ouch
20:53.59ManxPowerThe Channel Bank is an Adtram.  The CLEC manages the channel bank over the T-1.  How can I make sure they can still manage the channel bank when we put Asteirsk between the CLEC and their channel bank.
20:54.18brettnemare they using FDL?
20:54.31*** join/#asterisk FryGuy- (
20:54.34ManxPowerBTW, we are using the Zaptel DACS to cross connect the channels between the T-1 and the Channel bank that Asterisk doesn't care about.
20:54.45ManxPowerbrettnem, no clue.  What is FDL?
20:54.48brettnemI don't think you can..
20:55.14brettnemFacilities Data Link.. it's a management channel in the overhead of the T1
20:56.17clint_In the following setup: PSTN -(PRI)> Asterisk -> -(T1)> channel bank -> analog phone, when a number on the PSTN is busy, I receive a 'reorder' tone as opposed to a busy tone (fast busy.)  Is this normal behavior whenever asterisk encounters a busy line?  Is there any differentiation between busy destination and busy facilities in between (which is when a reorder should be presented?)
20:56.38`Sauronlo, brett
20:57.08brettnemhey there `Sauron
20:57.15netsurfer__Sparks_ - iv noticed some strange problems with them over the last few weeks - for instance 3 nights ago all their numbers were ringing out 'engaged'
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20:57.22brettnemManxPower: from that link " If you are muxing the T1 up to the SONET level or any other medium, the FDL must be carried through. The exception to this rule is if the T1 terminates into a switch that will break it down into its component DS0's. The FDL in this case would terminate at the switch."
20:57.55*** join/#asterisk clive-- (
20:58.07`Sauronbrett: Why would you have a network that wasn't 100% ip? ;)
20:58.26brettnemwhat do you mean? are you refering to FDL?
20:58.39Nugget`Sauron uses NetBEUI  ;)
20:58.39ManxPowerbrettnem, Yes, but WHERE in the T-1 is the FDL data carried?
20:58.47`Sauron"Out network" says "100% IP NETWORK"
20:58.53`SauronI'm like, no really?!?!!???
20:59.09brettnemManxPower: I'm not sure.. try to find T1.403
20:59.15EssobiQueue penalties look broke as all hell. :\
20:59.25ManxPowerbrettnem, If I know where it's carried I may be able to transport it.
20:59.40brettnem`Sauron: I'm not pointone.. but we are family
20:59.46`SauronHum, ah.
20:59.56`SauronJust noticed that'd who your IP belongs to.
21:01.14brettnemManxPower: right.. and FDL tunneling would be an interesting addition
21:01.14`Saurondum di dum
21:01.15brettnem`Sauron: yep.. :)
21:01.15`Sauronwaiting for this ebay auction to end
21:01.15brettnem`Sauron: indeed, I do have a pointone IP address
21:01.15brettnemBut to answer your question. their point is that it's a 100% IP network that is 100% voice traffic.
21:01.16brettnemheh, except for this IRC session aparently.. ;)
21:01.21`SauronEh, I figured it was all marketing speak anyway
21:01.32`SauronI just had to laugh at it
21:01.38*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:01.43ManxPowerdamn internet
21:01.48*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
21:01.48brettnem`Sauron: actually, I think it's a good point for a voice network..
21:02.26vaewynAnyone wondering about the WIP-5000s abilities can check out:   end of the webpage has a full map of the menu system in it (which answers most of the capabilities questions)
21:02.35Nuggetyay vaewyn.
21:02.47Nuggettrade you a zyxel for it.  :)
21:03.00`SauronNugget: Don't like the zyxel?
21:03.08`SauronI saw you had pics on it on slacker
21:03.12Nuggetthe zyxel is possibly the worst piece of equipment I've ever owned.
21:03.21Nuggetit's tremendously awful.
21:03.41brettnemso the WIP5000 is actually decent??
21:03.46moonwickI think the only reason nugget doesn't get rid of his is it makes everything else he owns look good by comparison.  :)
21:03.54Nuggethaha.  yes, exactly.
21:04.13Sedoroxwhat is it?
21:04.20clint_ManxPower: According to my pet telephone switch tech, FDL robs a few bits per second from the last ds0 for its purposes.
21:04.25vaewynbrettnem: so far it kicks ass
21:04.39`Sauronvaewyn: I want pics. :)
21:04.50FuRR_does * support modem detection?
21:04.54vaewyn`Sauron: will be taking them tonight...  cameras at home  :}
21:04.58FuRR_i know it does fax detection, but can it do modem detection
21:05.07`SauronI got paid
21:05.08Nuggetmodems don't send announce tones like faxes.  how would you detect one?
21:05.12`SauronI should spend some money
21:05.14`Saurondum di dum
21:05.14vaewynIt does have pretty blue LEDs though :P
21:05.21FuRR_Nugget: uhm, yes they do
21:05.51`SauronGunna get their connex board, with the CF daughterboard
21:06.05NuggetFuRR_: if you think so, more power to you.  Good luck with that.
21:06.11brettnemwoah.. robing bits for FDL?? I don't think so.. that doesn't sound right
21:06.33*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
21:06.37SedoroxGodsey: also...
21:06.41Sedoroxtwo port FXS...
21:06.46Sedoroxif your still around
21:06.48FuRR_Nugget: call yourself with a modem, as soon as the channel picks up, the calling party starts talking...i think
21:06.56Nuggetyou think.  I see.
21:07.29Nuggetam I supposed to say "uhm" here to indicate that I think you're a moron?
21:07.32NuggetI think that's the protocol.
21:07.51`Sauron* can detect modems
21:08.04`Sauronbut I think it does it by quirk, rahter than by any smart way...
21:08.07*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
21:08.25Nuggetyes, you can detect a fax because calling faxes send announce tones.
21:08.28Nuggetmodems do not.
21:08.35clint_Anyone have any ideas on that busy tone cadence thing?
21:08.44`SauronNigget :)
21:08.48PBXtechis the outbound system not recognizing file dates in the future to schedule a call?
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21:09.36ctooleyhow do I strip the 1 off the beginning of ${EXTEN}?
21:09.54ctooleyI thought I knew how ot do that, but apparently I'm wrong.
21:09.57ctooleyOh crud
21:10.45netsurferanyone recognise this: NOTICE[3850]: app_dial.c:911 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0)
21:10.48*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
21:11.32ManxPowernetsurfer, Yes, it means Asterisk doesn't see any zaptel cards/drivers/configs.
21:11.54netsurferoh.. not again :(
21:12.09ManxPowerOr you are doing something like Dial(Zap/999/1234) when there is no Zap channel 999
21:12.17ManxPowernetsurfer, forgot to tell the server to load zaptel on start?
21:12.59moonwickhm, I'm tempted to get an SPA-841
21:13.10ManxPowermoonwick, I have two of them
21:13.12moonwickI wonder if that'd satisfy my urge to buy a cisco phone.  :P
21:13.15moonwickhow are they?
21:13.28brettnemthe cisco's are nice, but not really anything special
21:13.33brettnemit's a good phone
21:13.46ManxPowermoonwick, Not bad.  There's an issue with microphone/speakerphone gain that I hope will be addressed in fiture firmware version.
21:14.05moonwickI've been happy as a clam with my SPA-2000, so if the 841 has the same level of quality, I suspect I'd be just as satisfied
21:14.10ManxPowerThe phone and handset are a little on the light side, the display is not backlit
21:14.19ManxPowerBut it's the best IP phone on the market for under $100
21:14.34netsurferManxPower - im modprobing wcfxo then ztcfg then starting *
21:15.00ManxPowernetsurfer, wcfxo?  Make sure you have no IRQ conflicts and try moving the card to another slot.
21:15.22ManxPowerAlso, I've seen that if you stop and start asterisk without unload/load of zaptel I have seen issues.
21:15.46*** join/#asterisk pryk (
21:16.21netsurferManxPower - its using its own IRQ - worked fine earlier today
21:16.48ManxPowernetsurfer, I've seen the card sometimes not recognized on a warmboot, but is fine after a coldboot.
21:16.56netsurferManxPower - when I try unloading zaptel I get device/resource is busy
21:17.56ManxPowernetsurfer, then you have ztmonitor or asterisk or zttool still running.
21:22.18netsurferno, asterisk isnt running.. and I cant find any trace of zttool
21:22.32hardwirehave you tried installing it?
21:22.40*** join/#asterisk Connor- (
21:22.56Connor-Damnit.. Having problems upgrading a 7960G from SCCP v5 to Sip 7.2
21:23.10Connor-Damn thing isn't requesting the SEPDefault.cnf file..
21:25.43ManxPowerHave you tried upgrading to older SIP loads?  The SIP firmware README talks about those issues.
21:25.45PBXtechis the outbound system not recognizing file dates in the future to schedule a call?
21:25.53*** join/#asterisk jterrero (
21:26.31ManxPowerPBXtech, It always did for me.
21:26.45Connor-No. But, I'm whatching it via tcpdump, it's only requesting the OS79XX.TXT file and a .cnf.xml file..
21:26.59Connor-normally they request the SEPDefault.cnf file.. this one isn't
21:27.10PBXtechlike this right -> touch -d 200502172000
21:27.25schwagnerConnor-: isn't it SIPDefault.cnf?
21:27.31Connor-only with SIP
21:27.35jterreroanyone know anything about sendmail trying to relay to itself? its trying to send all email to
21:27.59PBXtechjoin #sendmail and ask :)
21:28.18Beirdothat's likley the submit program punting to the daemon
21:28.52PBXtechthank ManxPower
21:28.53bkw_Please someone I need about 100 people to fax me a few pages to 8666799920
21:29.00bkw_please please please
21:29.24Beirdowho pissed you off this time?
21:29.46bjohnsonthe FBI?
21:29.47NoOSDo I need a wildcard TE110P with my isdn line?
21:30.09schwagnerConnor-: this a brand new phone?
21:30.10ManxPowerNoOS, Is it an ISDN PRI or and ISDN BRI?
21:30.55Beirdonice answer
21:31.06moonwickone of you guys answer the phone :)
21:31.59*** join/#asterisk Xander77 (
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21:32.35NoOSDo I need a wildcard TE110P with my isdn line?
21:32.47ManxPowerNoOS, Is it an ISDN PRI or and ISDN BRI?
21:32.48*** part/#asterisk mac_7 (
21:33.00ManxPowerI'm not going to ask a 3rd time.
21:34.03wasimNoOS: you need 24 of them actually
21:34.09bjohnsonnext time we all fax to noos
21:37.14*** join/#asterisk jbot (
21:37.14*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || chan_zap in 1.0.4 had a bug, so 1.0.5 has been released || Dev Conf 2PM CST FEB 17th -> IAX2/guest@
21:37.16NoOSprobably I have BRI (cheapest solution)
21:37.32ManxPowerNoOS, Then Digium does not make a card compatable with your ISDN
21:37.33wasimNoOS: you can use an CAPI card, or the quad-bri
21:38.16greendiseasebkw_: can i talk to you in msg
21:39.06[Latre]ManxPower: the iaxy is register....and works.....but what happend if my user go out, what happend with the diaplan because in the dial plan i put the IP of this iaxy....
21:39.29ManxPower[Latre], then why are you dialing by IP address?
21:39.38greendiseasebkw_: well we need a conference room for the whole day
21:39.57greendiseasesome developers from europe want to be involved in devel discussion
21:40.03terrapenhow well does the IAXy work?
21:40.09*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (RatMan@
21:40.15terrapeni can't decide between one or a cheap cisco phone
21:40.22greendiseasewe have a * server but idg failed to get us an outisde ip
21:40.32[Latre]ManxPower: nop....i dialing for extension....but my dialplan is:   exten => 600,1,Dial(IAX2/userx@   where is a ip of my iaxy
21:41.04ManxPower[Latre], You cannot do that if your IAXy changes IP addresses.
21:41.18ManxPower[Latre], either listen to my advice or not, I don't especially care.
21:41.23*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
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21:43.22Xander77Ive got an asterisk box behind nat and its trying to register with an internet sip provider. It does seem to register but doesnt actually work. Im noticing the 'Contact' header asterisk is sending is the local ip, which is useless to the provider. Ive set nat=yes in sip.conf. any ideas?
21:43.55RaYmAn-Bxexternalip and localnet settings in sip.conf (check the wiki)
21:44.04Xander77yeh they're set too
21:44.35RaYmAn-Bxsorry, externip of course
21:44.56[Latre]ManxPower: if a quit the ip of iaxy in my dialplan, not ring....inmediatly sendme to voicemail
21:45.10RaYmAn-Bxthen I have no idea..with those lettings my * sends the correct ip
21:45.21tessier_RaYmAn-Bx: What version of * ?
21:45.28tessier_Xander77: What version of * ?
21:45.58Xander77Asterisk 1.0.3,
21:46.09Sedorox[Latre]: use Dial(IAX2/user@iaxytel/s)
21:46.19Sedoroxwhere iaxytel is the userid you have in iax.conf
21:46.40Sedoroxthis way it changes when the iaxy registers with the box.. send it to whatever is currently registered
21:46.46*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || Dev Conf 2PM CST FEB 17th -> IAX2/guest@
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21:48.45Xander77oh god how embarresing. 2 typos. Its annoying how id been looking at it for ages and its not still some says check this you notice
21:48.51[Latre]Sedorox: exten => 203,1,Dial(IAX2/usuario3@iaxtel/s)    this one?
21:49.08[Latre]Sedorox: if i do that inmediatly send me to voicemail
21:49.15Sedoroxis you have [iaxtel]  in your iax.conf
21:49.39Sedoroxyou don't need the /s on it.. I don't think..
21:52.31[Latre]Sedorox: you has configured TDM04B
21:56.13`Sauronbuying stuff on ebay is always fun
21:56.26`Saurongotta bid just at the right time
21:56.28[Latre]i was configure TDM04B and i can comunicate with Panasonic TD1232.....only have a problem with dialplan......if i make a call to extension X(this is connected to TDM port 2)giveme 3 seconds fot dial other extension in asterisk and i can talk with any extension in asterks from my local analog phones!
21:57.04[Latre]but, viceversa i cant do it
21:57.13Sedorox`Sauron: ebay is addicting....
21:57.30*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@malcolmd.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
21:57.46SedoroxI would have money to spend on voip stuff if I didn't find ebay 3 years ago...
21:57.57ManxPower[Latre], Then your IAXy is NOT registering
21:58.23SedoroxManxPower: little late :-p
21:58.43ManxPower[Latre], "iax2 show peers" should show the current IP address of the IAXy
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21:59.48EssobiManxPower You familiar with app_queue?
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22:00.05ManxPowerEssobi, no!
22:00.13shmaltzhi ManxPower
22:00.29EssobiIt's dynamic member functionality is retarded.
22:00.47shmaltzManxPower, do you still have the weather script?
22:00.48Sedoroxagent call back?
22:00.54EssobiExcuse me.. Dynamic member with penalties.
22:00.57EssobiSedorox Yes.
22:01.07SedoroxI have callback.. but I don't use the penalties..
22:01.26EssobiYou have a predefined order or just use ring all?
22:01.37*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
22:01.38Sedoroxjust ringall... don't have a need for any order yet...
22:01.43EssobiI do.
22:01.57Sedoroxyea.. I saw stuff in the queues.conf for it.. but didn't really read it fully
22:02.00Essobiand penalties don't kick in unless an agent is logged out, which is kinda dumb.
22:02.01afrosheenhey, has anyone seen or used one of the new Soyo VOIP phones?
22:02.19[Latre]ManxPower: i put   userx@iaxtel   and works
22:02.42ManxPowerI guess [iaxtel] = iaxconfentryfortheiaxy
22:03.08jessterHaving problems outbound faxing from cisco ata 186 through PSTN, asterisk says unknown codec 100 received, got any ideas?
22:03.38ManxPowerjesster, most people have problems faxing over voice over ip.
22:03.42[Latre]ManxPower: yes...i dont see before
22:03.45johnnybWhat does it mean when "n" is used as a priority in extensions.conf?
22:03.47jaigerjesster, I hear bad things about faxing over VOIP
22:03.57jessterManxPower: i thought as long as a Zap interface was used, it'd work?
22:03.57ManxPower~google "unknown codec 100"
22:04.07jaigerall my fax machines are on a T1 interface through my channel bank
22:04.16ManxPower~google "unknown codec 100"
22:04.32ManxPower~google unknown codec 100
22:04.32dsmouseit is at? recent
22:04.58EssobiMy choises are either hack app_queue to working with dynamically added agents and penalities, or get AgentLogin to allow redirecting to nonlocal extensions. :|
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22:05.11EssobiEither way.. that's going to suck.
22:05.18ManxPowerEssobi, redirect to Local/blah extensions
22:05.23EssobiI tried that.
22:05.36ManxPowerEssobi, Now you know why I don't currently use queues.
22:05.59afrosheenhey, has anyone seen or used one of the new Soyo VOIP phones? is selling them cheap
22:06.14EssobiAgentCallbackLogin attempts to verify that an extension is a registered phone.
22:06.22dsmouseEssobi: non-local extentions isn't hard
22:06.22ManxPowerSoyo?  Is that like Vegan VoIP?
22:06.28jessterSo those that need outbound faxing are using Channel banks -> T1 -> Digium card?
22:06.37terrapenwalmart is selling voip phones?
22:06.40tzangerjesster: TDM430P is working ofr me
22:06.45dsmouseEssobi: I defined a extention to call a non-local number and can log in with it
22:06.47tzangerjust not for receiving faxes to a real fax machien through it
22:06.48Essobidsmouse With AgentCallbackLogin?
22:06.53dsmouseEssobi: yea
22:07.02ManxPowerjesster, All Astreisk related faxing we do is ALWAYS TDM, no VoIP.
22:07.18afrosheenterrapen: yep :) they're $100 or so
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22:07.37Essobidsmouse Using agents.conf?
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22:07.48terrapenreally?  i might just have to pick one up
22:07.49SedoroxI got non-local working too.. but anyway...
22:07.50jaigerjesster, it's probably not a requirement but it works well for me
22:07.52jessterManxPower: is this by design?
22:08.18dsmouseessobi I have agent => 6000,abcd,Phillip  as a line in agent.conf
22:08.24ManxPowerjesster, Yes.
22:08.40ManxPowerjesster, Fax over Voice over IP is just not stable enough for us.
22:08.45ManxPowerAnd it really never will be.
22:08.46Essobidsmouse Okay.
22:09.03jessterManxPower: ok. wierd. I've seen other outfits saying they have VOIP fax - i thought it'd be more common/stable..
22:09.32dsmouseEssobi: and when I log in it askes for an extention, I use 4555, which I have included in [default]
22:09.33terrapeni spilled sticky starbucks coffee all over my nice new apple keyboard!
22:09.34ManxPowerjesster, Yes, some people use it.  I dom't know what they sacraficed to The Gods, but I'll stick to TDM fax, thankyouverymuch.
22:10.01Nethabworking? on *?
22:10.28Essobidsmouse And what.. you have 4555 routed off *?
22:10.43terrapenafrosheen, you know why buying the sayo phone is a sure bet?
22:10.50afrosheenterrapen: no, why
22:10.54terrapenbecause you can take anything back at wal-mart
22:10.59Essobihe's right
22:10.59dsmouseI have that routed as   4001,1,Macro(dialout,91234567)
22:11.00Essobiyou can
22:11.05afrosheenterrapen: this is walmart online ONLY
22:11.07[Latre]i was looking for a dialplan in digium and voip for make call from xlite to zap channels of TDM04B, some knows where i found that?
22:11.14_-Jon-_hey why would this not work: Record(/tmp/asterisk-record/:gsm)?
22:11.22terrapen"you can take diapers back three years later and go, 'Hey, these diapers already got shit in em!'"
22:11.24afrosheenterrapen: but soyo is selling these all over the place
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22:11.38terrapen"We're real sorry about that, sir.  Run back and get ya another pack!"
22:11.41dsmouseEssobi: which basicly just figures out what the Dail() whould be
22:12.02netsurferManxPower - that error we spoke about.. is appearing on SIP channels also
22:12.16afrosheenack what
22:12.26afrosheenhang on, I'm retarded today
22:12.45afrosheenthat's it
22:13.34dsmouseEssobi: the only down side is logging out is a bit odd; basicly, you have to enable "autologoff"
22:13.44dsmouseI wish there was a AgentLogout()
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22:16.34jarrodhey what is the most popular prepaid calling card software to use with asterisk
22:18.34terrapenjarrod, write your own
22:19.01jarrodrather than re-inventing the wheel, i was wondering if there was already an application available i could build upon
22:19.14jarrodi would definitely update to meet all of my needs
22:19.57bkw__-Jon-_, its filename.gsm not :gsm
22:20.00bkw_the dot now
22:20.03doughecka_bkw_: hail
22:20.03bkw_with CVS head
22:20.12bkw_doughecka_, my man.. what did ya need?
22:20.15file[laptop]BEAUTIFUL CHILD!
22:20.19doughecka_I found it :)
22:20.23doughecka_but gots a question
22:20.32bkw_ok ask
22:20.35redder86do Grandstreams not support attended transfer?
22:20.49doughecka_when a 7940 fires up, is it usally blank with a green light on the front?
22:20.59doughecka_for a few seconds?
22:21.09file[laptop]brrrrrr cold
22:21.11jaigerredder86, I don't think so
22:21.25redder86jaiger: that's what I seem to see
22:21.30*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
22:21.37redder86jaiger: looks like I'll need to set up parking
22:23.07redder86jaiger: ah, but...  seems to indicate that they do, just a bit convoluted
22:23.49doughecka_or does it immedietly show soemthing?
22:24.00doughecka_and whats the voltage range that the phone supports...
22:24.10*** join/#asterisk JonR800 (
22:24.52harryvv90 volts
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22:25.35modulus_jbot OLED?
22:25.38doughecka_harryvv: really?
22:25.50modulus_jbot OLED is Organic Light Emitting Diode
22:25.51jbotokay, modulus_
22:27.04doughecka_harryvv: so it would accept 60 volts ok?
22:27.23harryvvI dont think so what country are you in doug?
22:27.56harryvvnope its 90 volts then
22:28.11doughecka_cause the phone says 48V
22:28.17doughecka_so I assume thats the minimum
22:28.19ManxPowermost phones will work at much lower voltages.
22:28.26doughecka_but I wonder if it takes higher
22:28.33*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (~sudhir@
22:28.35ManxPowerUm 48V is the non-ringing voltage, 90V is the ringing voltage.
22:28.44harryvvManx, you probebly know more then me. What is it 90 vac for rining voltage?
22:29.02harryvv48 is the voice ac then?
22:29.12sudhir492when I do ztcfg -v, I get the following error
22:29.17sudhir492....Notice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
22:29.17sudhir492line 8: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
22:29.38*** join/#asterisk [cc]smart (
22:29.40ManxPower48VDC I think.  I'm sure there's a billion pages on google with the info
22:29.42doughecka_ManxPower: its a cisco 7960
22:29.47harryvvim sure
22:30.06redder86jaiger: and it works :-)
22:30.30ManxPowerCisco phone would be PoE and that IS 48vdc
22:30.33[cc]smarti cimpiled ztdummy and modprobed it, but i still get MOOH stutter. do i need to "enable" ztdummy usage somewhere in config files ?
22:30.35harryvvbtw, what does safe asterisk do always chech sip iax connection and other asterisk releated services and restart them if thay go down?
22:31.14NoOScan you use callwaiting with a BRI and a CAPI card?
22:31.16doughecka_ManxPower: ok
22:31.30doughecka_ManxPower: but would it accept higher voltages ok?
22:31.37doughecka_surely they have somesort of protection inside
22:31.42harryvvdoug dont bet on it.
22:31.46ManxPowerdoughecka_, I doubt it.
22:31.55[cc]smartNoOS: feture of chan_capi are described in the source package
22:31.55harryvvfry some transistors with higher voltages.
22:32.05doughecka_unless they use a voltage regulator
22:32.19harryvvunless thay do have that circuitry
22:32.45*** join/#asterisk Matt-E- (
22:33.10harryvvbtw, does a asterisk recompile wipe out the modified conf files in /etc/asterisk I backed up mine just in case.
22:33.23doughecka_unless you do make samples
22:33.39harryvvforgot about that one ;)
22:34.13[cc]smartnobody knows if ztdummy needs to be enabled in configs to be recognized ? or is it all set once the module is loaded ?
22:34.56doughecka_[cc]smart: yes, but it needs USB
22:34.58doughecka_do you have usb
22:34.59ManxPower[cc]smart, ztdummy does not need any configuration
22:35.50[cc]smarti have kernel 2.6 and understood from description that then, it uses the new timers
22:37.04clint_Folks: Anyone know how to get Asterisk to generate a real busy signal?
22:37.14[cc]smartnew kernel timers that is, to generate zapata time
22:37.33[cc]smartthat wrong ?
22:38.03[cc]smartclint_: Where ? On ext. line ?
22:38.08*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
22:38.59clint_an analog phone hanging off of a channel bank hanging of of a 4 port digium card.
22:39.17clint_when a line is busy, I get a 'reorder' (fast busy) tone.
22:39.41clint_This is fine for most things, but I've got some older (dialogic based) stuff that doesn't recognize this as a busy tone.
22:39.55[cc]smartif i got that right, then this is tonezone in /etc/zaptel.conf no ?
22:40.52clint_I suppose, but I don't know what I'm looking for - does asterisk differentiate between far end congestion (user busy) and middle of the line congestion (all circuits are busy) when determining what tone to play?
22:41.55*** join/#asterisk devel (
22:41.58clint_... And if so, where would I change that...
22:42.14clint_(yeah, that's what I was feeling :) )
22:42.31[cc]smartbut that should be testable
22:42.46clint_I was really hoping not to have to go code diving, as I'm not the world's greatest developer :)
22:42.47[cc]smartcould possibly have two cases.
22:43.04[cc]smarttry a local registered softphone that is busy and check busy tonw
22:43.18[cc]smartthen try non registered one via lan and check busytone
22:44.06[cc]smartso somebody knows how ztdummy behaves on kernel 2.6 ? the hi frequency timers do/don't work ?
22:44.25clint_ok... short test...  sip phone to pstn busy - fast busy
22:44.33*** join/#asterisk devel (
22:44.36clint_pstn to sip phone busy - fast busy
22:44.51clint_hmmm... that's wierd.
22:44.54[cc]smartsip phone is local regostered
22:45.14clint_(breaking that)
22:45.25[cc]smartand the busy to pstn was due to receiving set busy or due to channel busy ?
22:45.36clint_Set busy.
22:45.44[cc]smartthen it's the same case
22:45.47clint_So it would appear that asterisk does not differentiate.
22:45.54[cc]smartno, doesn't
22:46.07clint_... That it is telling the network, via the PRI, hey, I've got no path to there, rather than hey, that guy's on the phone....
22:46.07[cc]smartcause the difference would have arosen, when all channels were busy at the time
22:46.21[cc]smartin your case, both times the set was busy or did i get that wrong ?
22:46.24modulus_mary rose sat on a pin, mary rose.
22:46.37clint_Yep, busy'ed the destination set....
22:46.47modulus_jbot jbot?
22:46.48jbotsomebody said jbot was the shipboard computer, but you may call me eddie if it helps you relax
22:47.04jbotaw, gee, [cc]smart
22:47.14clint_But even dialing in from outside, the phone company gave me a fast busy, leading me to believe that asterisk told it that it didn't have a channel avail as opposed to that the user was busy.
22:47.47[cc]smartcan you identify if the call was set up on your phones display ?
22:47.53clint_Now I really don't know what I'm looking for....
22:47.57clint_Let's see..
22:49.27harryvvyou know...I knew some day that discrete electronic silicon chips would be replaced by light chips and mabey intel has done it? Its in the news.
22:50.25clint_Ok, on the SIP phone, it looks like the call is immediately rejected - no talk path opened.
22:50.50clint_on the analog phone (chan bk to asterisk) I get inband signalling of the fast busy, asterisk (debug) says congestion...
22:51.00clint_SIP debug shows a 503
22:51.24clint_Is 503 (svc unavail) the correct way to indicate subscriber busy?
22:52.43[cc]smartdunno, from here it takes someone with experience :)
22:53.41clint_Dammit, man, that's why I come to you! :)
22:53.41hajekdLooks like VoipJet has issues with DNS.
22:54.03hajekdTheir DNS is down...;)
22:54.15*** join/#asterisk brokep (
22:54.27hajekdI was just about to give them a
22:54.44brokephi, everybody. i have some troubles with Realtime, anyone care to make a small effort and help me out?
22:54.45harryvvmy * is fukared. can somone verify me what ls -la /dev/zap/channel is?
22:55.41brokepanyone seen "pbx.c:783 pbx_find_extension: No such switch 'Realtime'" before?
22:55.44[cc]smart196, 254
22:55.52clint_Looks, btw, like 486 is the expected sip response (Busy Here) to indicate that the subscriber is successfully contacted, but on the phone or otherwise busy.
22:56.13clint_So for a more general question:
22:56.23clint_Does anyone's asterisk give a busy signal ever?
22:56.43clint_... or a SIP 486 or similar as opposed to a 5xx series sip response when a user is busy?
22:56.43afrosheenharryvv: on my box it's asterisk:asterisk with a billion files
22:57.11^FenrisI have a one POTS line connected to my * box that is acting as a fax machine, however, when I send a fax to it it makes my VOIP line ring when its receiving the fax, how can I make it stop doing that?
22:57.13clint_And if so, what very basic thing am I farking up?
22:57.18[cc]smartharryvv: 196, 254
22:57.35tzangerhmm did digium discontine the T100P?
22:57.38tzangerit's no longer on their site
22:57.49tzangermakes sense as they already have teh TE110P
22:57.53afrosheenebay didn't discontinue it :)
22:57.55brokepanyone seen "pbx.c:783 pbx_find_extension: No such switch 'Realtime'" before?
22:58.35harryvvtzanger, you pretty familliar with what asterisk/zap permissions are set to? I have had some issues since last night with it.
22:58.42Matt-E-is it better to use a ip phone or to buy like a sipura 2000 and use analog phones?
22:58.57harryvvyou would think. its root:root for mine to.
22:59.34hajekdsilly voipjet, they have both DNS on the same network...
22:59.50[cc]smartroot:root 660
22:59.53afrosheenharryvv: i've got AMP installed, everything runs under the asterisk user
23:00.01harryvvwhats amp?
23:00.11afrosheenasterisk manager portal,
23:00.15hardwireA Male Pe***
23:00.43hardwiresucking chicky noodle soup through this little latte cup hole is .. hard
23:01.09harryvvwell anway this problem came up as a issue of asterisk not able to read /dev/zap and showing this in /var/log/asterisk/messages
23:01.12shido6amp is a good idea, but not finished
23:01.20*** part/#asterisk brokep (
23:01.28afrosheenshido6: it's come a long way in a short time
23:01.41tzangerharryvv: uh...  it should be working
23:01.53afrosheenand ryan + jason are working hard on it, the forums are very active on sf
23:02.15harryvvtzanger yea it should take a look at the cli errors
23:02.48harryvvIt was setup to load auto when the system boots.
23:02.53tzangerharryvv: are your zaptel hardware modules loaded?  Did you run ztcfg ?
23:03.01harryvvit should be let me check
23:03.04[cc]smart~Fenris: some stuff down on
23:03.10[cc]smart^Fenris: some stuff down on
23:03.51harryvvtz... well i guess thay were not. thats weird.
23:04.29hardwirewiki wiki
23:04.32harryvvWhat I really want it to do is load everything on booting the system say as a electroical brown out.
23:04.45harryvvlet me reboot it see what happens.
23:11.32harryvvtzanger init.d or some other service is not loading the modules in debian.
23:11.35tessier_Question... I want _011. to go to one carrier but _01184. to go to another
23:11.46tessier_Does asterisk evaluate the dialplan in top down order?
23:11.50tessier_So I can put the more specific route first?
23:11.57`Sauronsort of, maybe
23:11.57tessier_I am always confused on this point.
23:12.09tessier_Sort of? What is the proper sure-fire way to handle this then?
23:12.14`SauronActually, I don't know. I'd make 2 different contexts, and include them in the order you want
23:12.30dsmousetessier_: if it doesn't, you can use gotoif
23:12.31`Sauronexten => _01184.
23:12.35tessier_And they are guarenteed to get ordered properly?
23:12.41`Sauronexten => _011.
23:12.42tessier_if you include contexts in order?
23:12.48`Sauronthen in your main context, do
23:12.52`Sauroninclude => carrier1
23:12.55`Sauroninclude => carrier2
23:15.08*** join/#asterisk obiyoda (
23:17.31tessier_That seems rather kludgy
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23:17.42[cc]smartzttest gives me about 95% accuracy and asterisk CLI says: Warning, flexible rate not heavily tested!
23:17.47[cc]smartwhats going on ?
23:17.55`Sauronthat's the recommended way to force order of evaluation
23:18.02`Sauronthe warning has nothing to do with the dialplan change
23:18.26PatrickDKheh, that is the only way to do it, is using two different includes
23:18.57*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
23:19.00PatrickDKbkw has a good write up on that
23:19.36|Vulture|Anyone here know the name of that program that can run clients on w2k3 and linux, and links to a server to notify that they are online and services are active?
23:19.41`SauronI wonder if there's a reason they haven't adopted a standard best-match algorithm
23:19.59`SauronI guess it's because best-match doesn't handle cases such as "equal match" very well
23:20.19PatrickDKhmm, I think it has to do with matching as you dial
23:20.43PatrickDKnot really too sure
23:21.00PatrickDKit could also do with the timelimit includes
23:21.13harryvvwell /etc/modules.conf should be loading wcfxo and zaptel on my system when its a cold reboot.
23:21.15PatrickDKsome peoples configuration, best match could totally change how it works
23:21.33PatrickDKharryvv, you need to run ztcfg too
23:22.22harryvvit has that included after each module entery
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23:24.13[cc]smartvulture: might think of sjphone ?
23:25.49terrapeni was playing air guitar at my desk
23:25.55terrapen<--- spaz
23:26.11|Vulture|[cc]smart: no I am looking for a solution to know if my servers crash or the inet goes off there
23:26.24*** join/#asterisk stonefly (
23:26.32redder86can callgroup be set in the dialplan?  For example, I don't want *all* calls to be pickup-able, but just some.
23:32.02rikstadon't suppose anyone here is good at java swing? i could use some newbie help
23:33.18stoneflyI feel like an idiot, but here goes.... On FC3, modprobe.conf has alias char-major-196 ztdummy and install ztdummy /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install ztdummy && /sbin/ztcfg, but it doesn't autoload when asterisk starts.... I've also tried zaptel.init, but it won't load ztdummy either... what is the recomened way to autoload ztdummy?
23:33.21srtriksta: whats your prob?
23:33.24CoaxDCan any of you folks think of a simple way to blacklist a phone number based on callerid - without doing something w/ AGI?
23:33.42CoaxDi.e. you send them to a special bitbucket, etc
23:34.04stoneflyCoaxD, the exgirlfriend example, or is that agi? I don't remember....
23:34.23stoneflyCoaxD, couldn't you just do some extension logic based on callerid?
23:34.28rikstasrt: i wrote this v basic swing but i cant figure out why i have a big gap on the right
23:35.16*** join/#asterisk purplebob (
23:35.51CoaxDstonefly: that was what i was asking, dude ;)
23:36.08CoaxDstonefly: Asterisk isn't real good at if/then/else logic within extensions.conf
23:36.15CoaxDstonefly: Some of it is possible, but..
23:37.04visik7CoaxD there is a kind of tcl way to write a dialplan instead of extension.conf
23:37.17CoaxDvisik: It is called AGI
23:37.32CoaxDvisik: You can use either perl or php
23:37.47stoneflyCoaxD, look for the exgirlfriend example
23:37.48visik7it wasn't a question
23:37.53CoaxDas i said in my original statement, I don't want to use AGI.  I don't get it.
23:38.03CoaxDstonefly: Hmm. Oay
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23:38.05CoaxDer okay
23:38.28purplebobhow can you have asterisk dial an zap interface, and if its busy, goto a a specific voicemail box. Right now if its busy, it just hangs up.  I have goto busy and noanswer defined in the dialplan entry. it just doesn't follow to them..
23:38.37*** part/#asterisk kietlak (
23:38.40mikegrbcheck the wiki
23:38.54purplebobI am using the example off the wiki.
23:39.58CoaxDAhhh. EASY
23:39.59stoneflythe wiki's helped me out so much!
23:40.12CoaxDexten => 8005551212/4085551212,1,Congestion
23:40.23harryvvanyone here have a x100p and can reboot there system and it loads the zap drivers message me.
23:41.10PatrickDKharryvv, why?
23:41.14PatrickDKit's really easy to do
23:41.23PatrickDKmodprobe wcfxo; ztcfg; asterisk
23:41.41harryvvnot when im not here and there is a brown out.
23:42.03PatrickDKwell, script it
23:42.13harryvvi want this system to reboot and reload those modules. ive just modified modules.conf and it should work..hopfully now.
23:42.33shido6check ur pm, harryvv
23:42.36stoneflyPatrick,  add alias char-major-196 wcfxo and install wcfxo /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install wcfxo && /sbin/ztcfg to modprobe.conf
23:42.38purplebobI think the command he is looking for is chmod -R 000 /
23:43.18PatrickDKstonyfly, my system doesn't have a problem
23:43.24obiyodariksta did you get your question figured out?
23:43.24PatrickDKsomething about how harry is doing it
23:43.28purplebobthen userdel -r root
23:43.34shido6oh come on
23:43.36stoneflyPatrickDK, my bad....
23:43.37shido6do a make config
23:43.39shido6and call it a day
23:43.45stoneflyI meant haryw....
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23:45.57srtriksta: hm dont really understand what you are trying to accomplish ;)
23:46.00bjohnson_is anyone able to get to
23:46.01PBXtechthere shouldnt be a an issue with 1 span as 5ess and another as ni2
23:46.05purplebobbut seriously. I have the busy, and noanswer lines defined. When the extension is called the zap dial goes out. then exits non 0. when its busy. it doesn't go to the vmail box as its supposed to.
23:46.22harryvv /usr/src/zaptel make config error.
23:46.31srtriksta: but line 52 adds a JPanel that doesnt make sense there
23:47.04srtriksta: you add three panels to the GridLayout(2,1) - that wont work
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23:50.43JonR800bjohnson: not i
23:51.47redder86can callgroup be set in the dialplan?
23:52.19CoaxDBTW, stonefly, the ex-girlfriend feature is exactly what i needed. Thanks.
23:52.19PBXtechi have a 5ess span and i cant get my second span going its ni2, i think its talking 5ess to it. I have the switchtype seperated for the two.. any idea
23:52.53stoneflyCoaxD, np
23:54.35rikstasrt, am i looking to change that to 3,1
23:56.26srtriksta: what do you need that empty panel for?
23:57.05srtif it should be below the "hello" button line 29 must be 3,1
23:57.10rikstai meant to put a hello button in it
23:57.22srta second hello button?
23:57.27rikstano just one
23:57.29rikstai think i added it too soon
23:58.22srtif you remove line 47 you get the button array in the upper 1/4th, the hello button below and the lower half is empty
23:58.30rikstasrt: i found the problem, line 47!
23:58.33rikstathanks man
23:58.40rikstai just found it as you did
23:59.02srtk :)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.