irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050213

00:00.29SlainteI  will use the same script you have included.  Let me clear all the old files
00:00.43Slaintehow long should it take for a 400 meg ISO?
00:02.11Darwin35depends on your connection
00:02.26Slainteno  it is creating an ISO on the system
00:02.30Slainteits all local
00:02.41Slainteits not a download but a backup creation
00:02.59Darwin35its downloading a copy of the iso image
00:03.14Darwin35onto your system to burn to cd
00:03.40Slainteits getting one from the  web?  I thought it  was creating one
00:03.51Yattahey how can i get a free USA state number for * .. liek a local NYC number??
00:04.30Qwellfree?  good luck with that
00:05.02Yattasomone was tryuing to call my 1700 number and it said it wasn't  available
00:05.13EssobiWell.. Yea.
00:06.07Slainterunning /etc/cron.weekly# ./rapid-scripts
00:06.23Slaintelemme do a tail -f on the output log
00:09.42*** join/#asterisk Tough_Nuts (~Tough_Nut@
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00:10.43Yattahow can i stup my box from using adpcm..... it sounds crappy :-((
00:11.41tzafrir_laptopRuns fine so far. I'll check in an hour or so when it finishes. I figure I need to run it nicer, though
00:12.06Asta2Hi. I'm a total asterisk newbie. Anyone knows how do I forward to another address (through one of the sip proxies)?
00:12.07Slaintemine is running too
00:12.20SlainteIll pastebin the logs in half hour
00:12.38Darienhas anyone used AMP, or would recommend a different management interface?
00:13.29tzafrir_laptopwhat about an interface for managing a complete system (not only *) ?
00:13.39tzafrir_laptopanything better than webmin?
00:14.09tzafrir_laptope.g: to see the load avarage, to monitor logs
00:15.01tzafrir_laptoppropriatary, and very intusive
00:15.05Slaintetzaf,  any intentions on trying AMP in rapid?
00:15.13tzafrir_laptopmuch worse than webmin
00:15.31SlainteI think a nice SNMP based Nagios config could do the trick
00:15.37tzafrir_laptopSlainte, I have a half-baked amp package
00:15.53tzafrir_laptopwhat can snmp do?
00:16.00Dariena LOT
00:16.16Slainteeverything you need about your system is avail via nagios/SNMP
00:16.22Slainteits all about the config.
00:16.32SlainteI can help you create the core if needed
00:16.34*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
00:17.15Slaintea localhost snmp server and preconfigured nagios to keep an eye on your * and server is a nice option for rapid
00:17.23inv_arpquick need a cheap iax provider with local avail DID  (livevoip/VP connect) arent good for me
00:18.29inv_arpahh forgot bout them lemme chk rhx
00:18.32Slaintebut there email server is having trouble all their mail is bouncing because their processing is garbled
00:18.34inv_arperr thx
00:19.12tzafrir_laptopwell, snmp is nice for pushing and pulling information over the net. But why would I need it for localhost?
00:19.57Darienunified interface?
00:20.01tzafrir_laptopThe information is already there
00:20.01Slainteyou run it locally and it can then respond to e local query, for all CPU stats etc
00:20.14inv_arpSlainte: too expensive  need not willing to pay more than $10 amonth  _inbound only)
00:20.15Slainteit makes it easier for something like nagios to pull that info
00:20.18Darienyou can run it locally and do one query to get all the info
00:20.28Darieninstead of having to run a bunch of other programs
00:20.32Darienthen you can use MRTG to graph everything
00:20.36tzafrir_laptopSlainte, sar is also useful for localhost information
00:20.59Slainteyes  but to pull ti and display it.  using nagios and rrdtool, or cricket/cacti/mrtg
00:21.47SlainteI have built a dozen or so NMS's for ISP's cell phone companies etc.  SNMP as a core, then custom scripts for everything else
00:22.05*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
00:22.07Slainteusing cacti/mrtg/rrdtool/nagios  and create a nice pretty front end for the exec idiots to see their pretty cgraphs
00:22.31Slaintepluss you can have all the evnet handlers you need, so it can autorepair itself, notify etc.
00:22.50tzafrir_laptopSlainte, anyway, before the graphs I need a slightly more interactive interface
00:22.56Slaintefor security you install and run it locally and if the user decides to accept outside traffic they can change it
00:23.09Dariencan anyone suggest a software VoIP app I can use to test Asterisk ?
00:23.41Slaintecheck the site
00:24.02Slaintetzar  is it for configuration?
00:24.09Darienyeah, I've been through voip-info but it's a question of which are good - I'll check out those three now
00:24.18tzafrir_laptopconfiguration and monitoring
00:25.20tzafrir_laptopfollowing the discussion about ssh security in the users mailing list I'm even more convinced that ssh is well understood
00:25.20Slainteyour thoughts on AMP?  let me set up a monitoring example for you in a couple of days.
00:25.42DarienI'm curious about anyone's thoughts on AMP
00:25.47Slaintedid you see my note about removing the root login ability for default
00:25.49tzafrir_laptopyes, but what about the system itself?
00:26.32tzafrir_laptopAsterisk is not the only thing on the system. And it is not that perfect that it will run on its own without admin intervention
00:26.58tzafrir_laptopMy guiding principle in the current menu was to make it easy for the admin
00:27.08Slaintecorrect,  but root users should loging as themselves and then SU to root.  not ssh direct as root
00:27.28Dariensudo to root, then they don't need the root pass
00:27.29SlainteI dont even use the rapid menu.
00:27.37tzafrir_laptoprapid-scripts 0.9.8 added that as an option...
00:28.04SlainteDarien, correct.  Lat update I did tzaf the default install permitted root remote ssh by default
00:28.11*** join/#asterisk illek (
00:28.28tzafrir_laptopsu to root, you mean. You should need root's password
00:28.38Slainteuse sudo,
00:28.54Slainteregardless root should never be permitted a remote login
00:28.56Slaintefor anything
00:29.11Slaintemy mnod is stuck I think
00:29.21Darienif you use sudo, you don't need the root pass
00:29.26porkchopsudo has had its sorted history. I still don't trust it.
00:29.27tzafrir_laptopThis default is Debian's default. I think it is sane. The "default installer" (user) will never bother creating a user
00:29.30Slaintemy double-U key is broken also
00:29.38tzafrir_laptopThis will cause too many problems
00:30.13Slainteyour install can force them to create a user
00:31.19Darienthe Xircom front page says '1.0.2' - it's out of date
00:31.28Dariensays 1.0.5 everywhere else though
00:32.00Darienjust pointing it out
00:32.05Darienso it can be fixed
00:32.20Darienxorcom looks interesting
00:32.40Slaintedarien,  I have rolled it out to one customer
00:32.53SlainteI ahve a couple installs out there and I tried rapid for the last one
00:33.07Darienok, I should say this right now
00:33.11Darien'I am a complete and total newbie'
00:33.13Slaintexorxom is rapid
00:33.20Slaintexorcom is rapid
00:33.24Darienso you said
00:33.41DarienI have a Debian machine that I just did apt-get install asterisk on
00:33.42Slaintefat finger day :)
00:34.08Darienbut there's no
00:34.10Darienonly pgsql
00:34.16Darienare the Debian packages good to use?
00:34.21tzafrir_laptopI should set a redirection from to rapid.html
00:34.25JerJercvs co asterisk
00:34.29JerJercvs co asterisk-addons
00:34.41Darienok, well I have the cvs source already
00:34.45DarienI guess I'll be using that then
00:35.21Slaintetzaf, let me test the AMP iso at some point.  I can also do some NMS stuff for you.
00:36.05Darienhow competitive is the VoIP market at the moment? it seems pretty dormant right now
00:36.43tzafrir_laptopSlainte, in Debian the nagios packages seem to include their own separate snmp agent
00:36.47Slaintevery very competitive.  The * market is just starting to pick up.
00:37.03Slaintetzafr,  they dont base it on UCDSNMP?
00:38.38nvadekaranyone got fwd working over iax2 with 1800 numbers?  i can get x612 working, but *1800. numbers claim to be invalid extentions
00:39.04tzafrir_laptopSlainte, hmm, I probably mis-read package descriptions
00:39.54Slaintemy mono looks like it is hanging.
00:41.00SlainteI have a 1.iso file but I have 2 mondo processes still running
00:41.12Slaintetime stamp on it is 35 minutes old
00:42.18Slainte[Main] libmondo-archive.c->offer_to_write_floppies#2638: Warning - can't find a 1.44MB floppy device *sigh*
00:42.42Slainteand stuck on this
00:42.43Slainte---evalcall---1---    Running mkisofs to make ISO #1
00:42.43Slainte---evalcall---2--- TASK:  [**********..........]  50%
00:45.32tzafrir_laptopMy own cron-weekly is stuck in something quite similar
00:45.48*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
00:46.50tzafrir_laptopanyway, one of the temp files used by mondo is /tmp/mojo-jojo.blah.PucOsX
00:47.07tzafrir_laptopI do hope those last six chars are random
00:47.45Slaintelemme check
00:48.13SlainteI have /tmp/mojo-jojo.blah.FelpUA
00:48.20Slainteso yes I think it is
00:48.29tzafrir_laptopthe child mondoarchive keepins polling a pipe. How do I check who's on the other side of a pipe?
00:49.03Mikecanreinvite and invite =yes will make peers not pass trou asterisk right?
00:49.23Slaintenot even seeing it in the pstree
00:49.57Slainteah find it
00:50.01ManxPowerthere is no such option as invite=
00:50.13MikeManxPower, reinvite=yes
00:50.15MikeManxPower, sorry
00:50.29ManxPowerThere is no such option as reinvite= either.
00:50.30tzafrir_laptopI normally use ps fax to see the tree
00:50.42MikeManxPower, i have a zap channel in my local network but my sipphone connect to a remote server and i would like not to pass trou the remote server when using zap
00:50.46Slaintedo you have 2 instances of mondo running?
00:50.47ManxPowerIt's canreinvite=yes|no.  Read the source of chan_sip.c for proof
00:51.50Slainteyeah more detail in the fax,  i should use it more, just pstree bad habit
00:52.02Mikeim doing iax2 link to my local server
00:52.10Mikebut my sipphone has to be connected on the remote server
00:53.39Slainte2 FIFO pipes created on each mondo process
00:53.42Slainteand it is stalled
00:54.04tzafrir_laptopthe child waits on a pipe from the parent. The parent waits on read(0,...
00:55.46SlainteI have to go.  Rugby party.  I can try different mondo options 2moro
00:55.54tzafrir_laptopThe option -F is missing :-(
00:56.02Slainteemail me if you have ideas or suggestions.
01:02.54*** join/#asterisk Bifrost_ (
01:03.37Bifrost_uhm, anyone else got broadvoice?
01:04.13porkchopI did
01:04.17porkchopfor 20 minutes.
01:04.43*** join/#asterisk lohelle (slamm@
01:04.43Bifrost_so far it works, but I can't get it to pass an incoming call to asstrix
01:04.52Bifrost_and I put their stupid patch in, but still no dice
01:05.48*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
01:05.56lohelledoes anyone run zaphfc on bristuff 0.2.rc7a? not working here.. :\
01:06.19lohellereadme file...
01:06.42*** join/#asterisk Shuri (
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01:07.05porkchopBifrost_: the reason may or may not be you. broadvoice just sucks. I had it configured correctly and working. Passed two calls in. Then it stopped passing in calls. No config changes.
01:07.34Bifrost_haha nice
01:07.37Bifrost_what a buncha fookers
01:07.45porkchopBifrost_: I could always do calls out tho.
01:07.48Bifrost_well, ok, I guess I'm in the market for a 702 number
01:09.54porkchopI'm using, but they only have NY numbers. Being located in NY, thats of little issue to me.
01:11.42*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
01:13.40Bifrost_well, anyone got a place to reccomend for a 702 number that works with asstrix?
01:13.47iMediaxthey work fine for me
01:14.12Bifrost_imediax: broadvoice?
01:14.26Bifrost_hrm, did you have to do anything special?
01:15.02iMediaxfollowed the wiki for BV
01:15.24Bifrost_damn, I did too
01:15.47iMediaxumm, not the main one! the *update* in the user section
01:18.21Bifrost_crap, someone stole the SCSI card out of this damn AXi 1U
01:19.41DarienI wish I were that good of a thief
01:20.42Bifrost_well, I probably have one in my pile of crap, but I am really not sure if I have a sun compatible one
01:25.14Bifrost_I wonder if I should see if I can turn off their voicemail...
01:26.47Bifrost_hrm, 500Mhz USparc-IIe
01:27.24*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
01:34.50Luke-Jrany ideas why I wouldn't be able to login to an extention from outside my network?
01:39.35tzafrir_laptopis asterisk-perl alive?
01:41.21tzafrir_laptophas not been updated since 8-2003
01:41.48tzafrir_laptopLuke-Jr, can  you connect to that port?
01:42.03tzafrir_laptopwhat protocol?
01:42.16tzafrir_laptopis NAT involved?
01:44.05nvadekaranyone played with zgsmplay
01:51.32letherglovperl is dead, long live COBOL
01:51.49*** join/#asterisk jets (
01:52.15tzangerwhoohoo iax2 remote stats added to cvs
01:52.21tzangerjust gotta get that jitter buffer in there now :-)
01:53.28*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
01:54.20bjohnsoniax2 remote stats ?
01:54.20Luhiwudoes anyone knows if res_config_mysql works with 1.0.5 ?
01:56.06CoaxDi can get it to not share irqs between system devices and my x100p and tdm400p if i dont enable a lot of the onboard bells and whistles.  But i need the damn soundcard and when i turn it on, it reconfigures the whole damn system to share every irq in the book
01:56.12CoaxD(with system devices)
01:56.19*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
01:56.19CoaxDnew mobo time i suspect
01:59.02Bifrost_HAH! fucking A
01:59.53*** part/#asterisk kietlak (
02:04.27*** join/#asterisk ScythelX (
02:04.33ScythelXhello all
02:04.58ScythelXis anyone using ser along with asterisk - if so do you need a register => in sip.conf so it connects to the ser server?
02:06.53tzangerCoaxD: shared IRQs aren't so bad
02:06.55tzangerlook at my server
02:07.19tzangerthis server is the media box (nfs, samba shares) for my houes
02:07.47Luke-Jrtzafrir_laptop: what port? SIP. NAT can be involved or not, it has two routes possible.
02:07.58CoaxDtzanger: mmm
02:08.17CoaxDtzanger: I was told that x100p or tdm100p irq sharing be BAD
02:08.30*** join/#asterisk john8675309tm (~pabt@
02:08.35tzangerit is
02:08.39CoaxDtzanger: And that x100p specifically - sharing would not operate at all
02:09.08CoaxDtzanger: That said, i have not tested it
02:09.34john8675309tmMy have a phone that is having an issue authenticating is there a way I can view what password they are using in sip debug?
02:10.55CoaxDtzanger: shall i give it a try? or?
02:11.11CoaxDtzanger; Am i wasting my time? (with x100p)
02:11.19tzangernot sure
02:11.21tzangerI don't use it
02:11.30CoaxDtzanger: sigh. k. i'l try
02:12.00goatmilktwisted says he's a phat philly
02:12.14kramomg omg make twisted put his clothes back on!
02:13.30*** join/#asterisk jets (
02:14.08brc_bkw says: "hahahhahahhahah, that's not right"
02:14.50*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || chan_zap in 1.0.4 had a bug, so 1.0.5 has been released || <kram>omg omg make twisted put his clothes back on!
02:15.22Luke-JrIs it possible to have * authenticate using by IP?
02:15.30tzangerkram: haha
02:15.31brc_be more specific
02:15.35brc_authenticate to what
02:15.38Luke-Jreg, don't ask for passwords while I'm on my LAN
02:15.42Luke-Jrauth phones
02:15.46goatmilkRING THE BELL
02:15.48goatmilkNOW NOW NOW
02:16.10Luke-Jronly authenticate when I connect from the net
02:16.12john8675309tmis it possible to view a password using sip debug?
02:16.12goatmilkthe eagles are coming! the eagles are coming!
02:16.23tzangerkram: got a few moments to explain iax2 bridge optimization?  That is specifically what was causing those weird iax2 timestamps
02:16.23*** topic/#asterisk by bkw_ -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX || chan_zap in 1.0.4 had a bug, so 1.0.5 has been released
02:16.25Luke-Jrjohn8675309tm: I'm glad its not
02:16.28brc_who is goatmilk?
02:16.47john8675309tmNot even the hash of the password?
02:17.10letherglovwhat is authentication by IP?
02:17.18letherglovit's entirely meaningless
02:17.23Luke-Jrletherglov: no it's not
02:17.25tzangerCoaxD: I just tested my irq sharing to make sure too
02:17.37letherglovLuke-Jr, ever changed your IP in windows?
02:17.38tzangerI am *hammering* the network  while on a milliwatt() call
02:17.39letherglovboom. ok
02:17.42filegoatmilk: I'd like you to meet, Bob, Dill, Potato, and OMG MUFFINS
02:17.42letherglovnow you're authenticated?
02:17.44letherglovwhat the hell is that?
02:17.51Luke-Jrletherglov: you overlook physical security
02:17.59goatmilkfile: pimpkin muffins are good.
02:18.01*** join/#asterisk Mother__ (
02:18.17Luke-Jrletherglov: If I can ensure my LAN is trustworthy, it doesn't hurt
02:18.18letherglovmaybe if it's in your house
02:18.22filemmm muffins
02:18.29letherglovand the usps guy doesn't break it
02:18.37letherglovand your nephew doesn't like calling 1-900 #'s late at night
02:18.39letherglovyou're ok
02:18.45Luke-JrI don't support 1-900
02:18.46goatmilkfile: are you on the phone?
02:18.50filegoatmilk: maybe
02:18.54goatmilkbrc_: i was loud on the phone for a reason!
02:18.58letherglovfile, maybe on the phone?
02:19.08goatmilkfile: eh, canadian?
02:19.16filegoatmilk: yesssss
02:19.19letherglovare you maybe on IRC too?
02:19.33letherglovoh, do you have to have your headlights on while making calls too?
02:19.47filePOOSE MENIS
02:20.11*** join/#asterisk {-award-} (
02:20.44goatmilki am not a nascar fan
02:20.48goatmilkya'll are retarded
02:21.05filegoatmilk: have you rode the moose penis? I thought so.
02:21.43Mother__hi all
02:21.47goatmilkif by moose penis you mean your mother.. then yes, i have rode the moose penis mucho tiempos
02:21.52kramlets move it to #asstricks please
02:23.02*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
02:24.30letherglovok Luke-Jr how much overhead are we talking with the context and username/pass combo?
02:25.54ScythelXdoes * need to be registered to SER in order for calls to be passed from a SIP phone client to the * pbx?
02:26.24fileasterisk doesn't need SER in order to operate at all...
02:26.40ScythelXi know this, but I want to use SER
02:27.15fileuh huh
02:27.45letherglovonce you're connected to their SER with a client
02:27.54letherglovyou need to register the * client at the other end
02:27.59letherglovwith the register => in the sip.conf
02:28.03letherglovworks like a charm otherwise
02:28.11ScythelXok thats what i thought
02:28.11letherglovalthough, they upgraded some shit with some rfc silence something
02:28.14ScythelXthank you
02:28.15letherglovand it's all pissy at me
02:28.33letherglovmy university cross connected their pbx to sipphone
02:28.42Luke-Jrletherglov: overhead?
02:28.47letherglovso I can call my * box at home for free through the university pbx
02:28.48letherglovit's nice
02:34.00PoWeRKiLLsomeone already got this error Message count requested for mailbox 101  but voicemail not loaded. ???
02:35.11*** part/#asterisk Frawg (~kamy@frawg.user)
02:38.05FirestrmPoWeRKiLL, sounds like a voicemail.conf misconfigureation.. most likely a module did not load.. check debug
02:38.55nvadekarhas anyone here played with suse asterisk rpm, they offered it on their 2.6 kernel builds, is it considered stable on 2.6 with suse?
02:39.11*** join/#asterisk chetan (
02:39.35bjohnsonletherglov: how do authenticate to get access to other extensions, dial out, etc?
02:39.52Firestrmnvadekar, im running stable on redhat.. no problems to report.. well only a few, but i dont think they have to do with the kernel
02:40.20Firestrmnvadekar, er.. i mean FC3..
02:40.45nvadekarcool, would you consider using it in production, or still staying with 2.4 in the real world?
02:41.37Firestrmnvadekar, i am about to put 3 FC3 boxes running asterisk 1.0 stable, into productions.. im not sweating.... much ;)
02:42.14JerJeruse head
02:42.20denonlive a little ..
02:42.25denonand be prepared to die a little <G>
02:42.44nvadekarplease let us know how it goes after the go live.   do you feel their is any value in carrier grade linux for asterix?
02:43.18nvadekarasterisk, sorry about the typo
02:43.35tzangerJerJer: hold off on that switch-3 update unless you're itching for it..  the remote stats aren't complete yet (i.e. not ocmplete wtih the new jitter buffer)
02:43.39Firestrmnvadekar, itsallright.. im one big typo..
02:44.04*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
02:44.39*** join/#asterisk davinder (
02:44.50davinderhello all
02:45.04*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
02:45.20Firestrmnvadekar, funny story.. i though i was really cool when i was on my registrar site and i was able to register i only noticed my error AFTER i hit the submit key with all my CC info typed in..
02:45.41davinderwhat hardware is needed to run astrisk?
02:45.42PoWeRKiLLI use voicemail conf with realtime database
02:46.17nvadekarfirestrm, haha.... what city you in
02:46.25*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
02:46.45Firestrmso i guess i will go ahead with my plans for a asterisk newby site on   Im in Victoria
02:47.21nvadekarfirestrm, cool, I am in bermuda, but if I every have to move back to canada, I just might be your neighbour
02:47.21DarienI'm trying to set up scandsp, and everything says to copy app_txfax and app_rxfax, but I can't figure out where those are ?
02:47.51bjohnsonasterix is likely trademarked
02:48.04bjohnsonFrench comic book
02:48.19nvadekarprob right, i read it as a kid.
02:48.24Firestrmnvadekar, if i could find work in bermuda, i would be your neighbour tomorrow :) I hate cold.. even slightly cold.. i much preffer to be warm
02:49.00nvadekarfirestrm, if you like linux, you would hate it here, all ^&*@@##@ m$ here.... Uggggg.
02:49.46*** join/#asterisk SeaForth (
02:50.13Firestrmnvadekar, ive long ago learned how to convert offices over to linux.. just run it.. and eventually ppl will notice that.. hey he never crashes.. i wonder why ;)
02:50.52Firestrmbjohnson, im using fwd. but i find the audio quality leaves much to be desired
02:51.21nvadekarfirestrm, does not work here, I tried many times, only small clients are ok, big insure co's seem to have a badge of dishonour keeping bill in dough
02:51.23*** join/#asterisk clint_ (
02:51.42letherglovwe're a solaris house
02:51.44letherglovworks nicely
02:51.49bjohnsonFirestrm: in and out through FWD shouldn't cause issues unless big lag
02:51.54*** join/#asterisk Dalion (
02:52.02Dalionhey all
02:52.10Firestrmbjohnson, i finally got both ports on my spa-3000 working.. and wouldnt you know it.. same no hangup detect problem i had on my x100p.. this HAS to be a telco problem.. no i just have to prove it to them
02:52.14letherglovif asterisk's t-1 cards worked under solaris, i think there would be a lot more corporate buy-in
02:52.19letherglovlinux-and-asterisk is a little scary
02:52.23Dalionquick question with sveasoft on a wrt54g.. how can i add Qos .. since only has sip in there...
02:52.40letherglovDalion, you buy the latest firmware?
02:52.47nvadekarbjohnson, you have any luck getting *1800 numbers working with fwd, I got 612,613 working and callback, but says no valid extention with *1800.
02:53.08Dalioni tried adding in restrictions page.. the * 4569 ports.. but still doesnt shot in wqos.. now if i oonly knew where get_qossvc() function is in those asp
02:53.08FirestrmDalion, or check emule..
02:53.30letherglovI'd send you the latest shit
02:53.37letherglovbut they embed security identifiers in there
02:53.40DalionFirestrm: ?
02:53.44bjohnsonnvadekar: I've come to the conclusion that Canadian 800 numbers often don't work from US based voip providers .. so I don't use FWD for that
02:53.54Dalionlether i got
02:54.20letherglovthey're always ripping on us for sending mexicans across the border
02:54.26clint_Evening, folks.  Is anyone running on linux amd64 and has music on hold working?
02:54.27letherglov... ;-)
02:54.33nvadekarbjohnson, I am trying to call 18008584000, it is novell, and a us based 1800 number
02:54.41letherglovclint_, mpg123 fucked?
02:54.53DalionFirmware Version: Alchemy-6.0-RC6a v3.01.3.8sv
02:54.56clint_letherglov: Yessir, that's the fact
02:55.01jetsWho is calling novell :P
02:55.04jetsand why
02:55.16nvadekarnvadekar is, they own SuSE, that is why
02:55.20Dalionletter what u mean embed ?
02:55.38jetsI know they own SuSE :P
02:55.39letherglovthey have some stuff unique to every user for every download
02:55.47clint_letherglov: mpg321 works, sounds crappy, mpg123 won't compile on amd64, fixing is beyond my abilities.
02:55.49jetsrumor has it they are working with Asterisk as well *wink*
02:56.05Dalionah .i see a reg firle in / calre /reg
02:56.15bjohnsonclint_: check the wiki for sox and madplay .. maybe one of those will work for you
02:56.17Dalioni dotn think so
02:56.28nvadekaryeah, I am running their rpm on my suse9.2 laptop for lab testing, but compile csv for customers.
02:56.37Dalionsince its a download from a forum.. idont think they mod the bin file each time.. lol
02:56.40clint_bjohnson: thanx, looking now...
02:56.50Dalionemule whas for what ?
02:56.50jetsoh do u work at novell
02:57.24nvadekar,no, just really like suse, I got my RHCE, but I much prefer Suse distro
02:57.31jetsmm i see
02:57.32file[laptop]OH, MY, GOD, BECKY
02:57.43Daliontheres only edonkey in there
02:58.13Firestrmletherglov, your just pissed that canada grows better pot than USA :)..
02:58.22letherglovit's true :-(
02:58.37letherglovand has cheaper prescription drugs
02:58.46Firestrmletherglov, and you can walk down the street smoken one and not get busted
02:58.57nvadekarI alway though street price was more important, not were you got it from.
02:59.29Firestrmnvadekar, im not an expert.. i jest smell it everywhere i go now..
02:59.35letherglovyeah, but just think, you can buy it in crappy canadian dollars...which are now a lot stronger against the dol...nevermind.
02:59.59*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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03:00.09Firestrmno more northern paseo..
03:00.28Firestrmnow its northern Yen..
03:00.30nvadekarI with it was still a peso, so much for earning us$$$
03:01.29Firestrmbjohnson, we just need to design over the border cruze missiles with bails of pot for a warhead.. that will mellow em out
03:01.44clint_bjohnson: why wasn't I able to find that in google?  Oh yeah, blind as a bat.  Works great, thanks for the info!
03:02.22PoWeRKiLLwhat is the best way to do cdr billing ?
03:02.35*** join/#asterisk mtqh (
03:02.38Firestrmas china's dollar goes up, so will canada..
03:02.40bjohnsonsend "Guido"
03:02.53Darienit's not that our dollar is going up, it's that the US dollar is going down
03:03.13FirestrmDarien, i think its a bit of both isnt it?
03:03.28Dariena little of both, but our dollar really isn't that strong
03:03.34Darienit's just getting stronger in relation to the dollar
03:03.41nvadekarevery 100 billion on iraq seems to be another 10c off the us dollar
03:03.43Darienso we go up as they go down
03:04.19Nuggetyay iPods.
03:04.38*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
03:04.46bjohnsonhaven't checked .. but I've been told that CND was equal or greater value than USD pretty much ALL the time before the 1970s
03:04.49Nuggetmy iPod does everything I want it to do.  why would I hack it?
03:05.02Darienbjohnson: not all the time, but for a period of time, yes
03:05.05FirestrmP2P over bluetooth.. swaps songs when in range
03:05.22*** join/#asterisk dhewg (
03:05.26Darienbjohnson: it rose above the US dollar for a few months (years?) then went back down
03:05.28nvadekarchan_iax2.c:5352 socket_read: Call rejected by No such context/extension       is what I get trying to call *1800 on fwd, does anyone have this working?
03:05.32Nuggetbluetooth is too slow for that, and it doesn't sound very interesting.
03:05.57nvadekarbut 612,613 and callback all work....
03:06.37Darienso where can I get app_rxfax.c? it doesn't seem to come with spandsp
03:07.11Darienor at least, find says so
03:07.12Firestrmanyone here know how hangup signals from telco are supposed to work.. i have to prove to telus that their line is broken..
03:07.14tzangerDarien: it's in the same dir as the spandsp stuff
03:08.03Firestrmarnt they supposed to reverse polarity or something?
03:08.36nvadekarfirestrm, is there alot of opensource acceptance in vic these days, how about van?
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03:09.04Firestrmbc in general seems to be Opensource friendly..
03:09.36nvadekarjust servers, or are there people accepting it on the desk as well?
03:09.49bjohnsonFirestrm: the SPAs info page shows the line voltage
03:09.57bjohnsonwatch it during a call
03:10.37bjohnsontzanger can give you some voltages .. I think it was -48VDC on hook and -6VDC offhook
03:11.08Firestrmnvadekar, most ppl use windows for desk, but im seeing more and more switching.. every time M$ makes some stupid announcement about not supporting older versions or not allowing patches..
03:11.11bjohnsontzanger: I had a problem (not the same as yours) that by watching the line voltages I determined was a reverse wired jack
03:11.20mikegrbFirestrm: reverse polarity is called disconnect supervision, sometimes extra
03:11.20Firestrmbjohnson, i'll try that..
03:11.29tzangerbjohnson: ok
03:11.52mikegrbcosts extra that is
03:12.18Mother__reverse polarity comes standard in Spain, but it's very short and * misses it if it's inside an IVR or voicemail
03:13.11Essobiyou could make an inline piece of hardware that watches for the reverse and holds it longs.
03:13.25Mother__hehe yes indeed
03:13.37Essobiwould be a farily simple circuit
03:14.10Mother__I still would like to know if * is even watching for a reverse polarity when inside voicemail
03:14.25Firestrmbjohnson, it was 50v until it picked up, then went to 28ma and 6V. but after hang up it stayed there for an additional 10 sec before returning to onhook
03:14.56Mother__it doesn't look like it at least, if the hangup comes before VM kicks in, it's detected fine, otherwise it's a the timeout of silence
03:16.49brc_vim RULES
03:16.58brc_it's the shiznit maan!
03:17.05bkw_no emacs is the shiznit man... you know it..
03:17.21brc_emacs is a great os dude
03:17.29bkw_and you wanna run it
03:17.34brc_too bad it lacks a decent text editor
03:17.39brc_ya think?
03:18.09bkw_stty erase ^H
03:18.11brc_watching stuff scroll by for hours makes me a linux expert!
03:18.26brc_mandrake expatriate syndrome.
03:20.54DaLionanyone can figuere out why i ALWAYS get a unable to create channel of type SIP cause 3 . everyone busy
03:21.02bkw_well lets see
03:21.05bkw_BECAUSE ITS BUSY
03:21.11DaLionon a dial(SIP/bob|30|tr)
03:21.20DaLionits not even rigning my xten
03:21.20anthmperl beats php into a bloody pulp
03:21.21bkw_check include/asterisk/cause.h
03:21.36bkw_perl R0CKS!!!
03:21.43Silik0nperl < *
03:21.44brc_ruby baby!
03:21.45DaLionheeh sure perl rocks
03:21.53DaLionnah it r0cks
03:21.54Silik0nBSD BABY
03:21.55nvadekarexten => _393.,2,Dial(IAX2/${FWDNUMBER}:${FWDPASS}${EXTEN:3},60,r)   is there anything wrong with this use of variables? it does not work
03:21.58bkw_bad baby bad
03:22.37netsurfernvadekar - u regged for an IAX2 account with fwd ?
03:23.04nvadekaryup, the 612 works, call back works, but these variables are not being read from my globals properly
03:23.39nvadekarif I hard type in my user/pass in that line, it seems to work
03:24.11mikegrbnvadekar: you shouldn't put them there anyway, create a user/peer in iax2.conf
03:24.13netsurferthats odd
03:24.18DaLionsip show peers donest show me
03:25.12*** join/#asterisk eipi (
03:26.19nvadekarif I setup  a peer in iax.conf, what do I put for my dial statement?
03:27.57DaLionnah it r0cksfd
03:29.58*** join/#asterisk Ranma_ (
03:31.42Ranma_has anyone gotten spandsp to work?
03:31.45Ranma_to receive faxes?
03:32.00bkw_Ranma_, get out
03:32.03bkw_you can't say Hi
03:32.04bkw_get out
03:32.12brc_bkw_, that is idiotic
03:32.18*** kick/#asterisk [brc_!~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk] by bkw_ (bkw_)
03:32.21*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
03:32.24Ranma_pardon me...
03:32.24*** kick/#asterisk [brc_!~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk] by bkw_ (bkw_)
03:32.28*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
03:32.29Ranma_good evening everyone :)
03:32.29*** kick/#asterisk [brc_!~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk] by bkw_ (bkw_)
03:32.33*** join/#asterisk DaLion (anon@
03:32.41*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
03:32.46Silik0nbrc_ is bouncy tonight
03:32.53brc_it's SILLY when people say hello just for the hell of it
03:33.01bkw_chan_ss7 should be out soon too guys
03:33.05brc_people rarely reply to it anyway
03:33.13brc_how are you tonight!
03:33.18brc_so nice to see you!
03:33.28porkchopI seem unable to register (SIP) register with iaxtel...I get "wrong password" Pretty sure I have it there a problem over at iaxtel or am I wrong?
03:33.42Ranma_apprently, I've spawn some heated conversation now :)
03:34.59CoaxDfigured out the callerid probs
03:35.12CoaxDalso, figured out a bug along the way with busydetect
03:35.43CoaxD...which explains the hours and hours of busy recordings sufficed by chad having to restart asterisk cuz he doesnt know what the hll is the deal
03:36.27CoaxDthere are times when asterisk doesn't detect a busy.  so, there she sits, beeping busy for hours at a time..  and asterisk doesnt see it
03:37.04CoaxDre: callerid probs...  had rxgain set WAY too high. had to set it at like -7.5 in order to make it go. (I'm about 200 feet from the telco switch.  no resistance whatsoever. *lol*)
03:38.27CoaxDit should be noted that i think the morons out here in the sticks really need to get with the times and use a switch that at least supports kewlstart
03:38.50CoaxDthe switch is a nortel dms100.
03:38.54letherglovchan skype using their modules under linux?
03:39.03CoaxDyou'd think it had the capability of using kewlstart
03:39.53brc_I've said too much already
03:40.48eipiyes too much
03:40.59DaLionskype works good ?
03:41.21letherglovis that a reverse of their protocol
03:41.27eipiand how it works? getting last cvs and configuring it?
03:41.28letherglovor a skype-based implementation?
03:42.00DaLionholyl valance is hot
03:42.07brc_well what we did is just [REDACTED]
03:43.01nvadekardoes this mean we can call skype users with a channel, or we can soon use the skype protocol for interpbx? or both
03:43.40brc_who is this "we"
03:44.16nvadekarwe = u and your mama
03:44.20brc_chan skype will be available for purchase at some point in the future
03:44.39brc_I can't comment on the exact price, but we expect it to be around .5
03:44.57eipi50 cents?
03:45.13letherglov1/2 a million?!
03:45.19nvadekar500,000 pesos! cool
03:45.31*** join/#asterisk figfig (
03:45.46brc_delivery would be about 6 months after purchase
03:45.52letherglovwho's selling it?
03:46.02eipiit comes with fries?
03:46.10eipibig coke?
03:46.14brc_yes, a super size order of frys is included
03:46.22Nuggetsure, but they'll be those nasy new Burger King crunchy fries.
03:46.23brc_you'll have to BYOC
03:46.25letherglovfrom digium?
03:46.27Nuggetnasty, even.
03:46.27letherglovor from skype?
03:46.40bkw_file NO I DID NOT
03:46.46bkw_atleast "NOT YET"
03:47.01file[laptop]you're going to engulf my muffin!
03:47.12brc_file, want a alpha copy of chan_skype?
03:47.16file[laptop]brc_: not really
03:47.17*** join/#asterisk hellop (
03:47.19brc_it's 1337 kewl dood
03:47.30brc_bkw_, LOOK!
03:47.30letherglovwho wants skype?
03:47.33letherglovit's nasty ilbc
03:47.36anthmdoesn't digium have a deal with skype to make a hardware dsp fluxx capcitor?
03:47.38brc_bkw_, somebody said hello, and NOBODY SAID HELLO BACK!
03:47.48DaLionlether sure
03:47.49netsurferQwell - u here?
03:47.53figfigI am trying to set up asterisk to forward calls to my main number simultaniously to my softphone, land line, and cell phone.  Despite the support for this in the Dial command, in reality I don't think it can be done because 1). The cell phone picks up right away and goes to voicemail if the cell phone is off, and 2). caller id is not set properly (Broadvoice doesn't let me change the caller id).  Does anyone know a way to solve these pr
03:47.54letherglovcapacitors don't have flux
03:48.02eipiisnt the protocol what we would like, its possibility to communicate with skype users
03:48.03brc_anthm, yes I believe so, but I think it's going to use an inverse tackyon pulse
03:48.23hellopI have kernetl 2.6.3-7mdk   but the kernel sources from urpmi is 2.6.3-25mdk   do I have to recomplie before installing asterisk?
03:48.41letherglovwell, why is the skype group a bunch of non-interoperable cocksuckers?
03:48.55brc_bkw_, so what exactly is the point of smacking people who don't say hello, if when people do say hello they are ignored?
03:48.59hellopplease bare with my bad typing..
03:49.13anthmthose stupid shield harmonics were the tough part to crack
03:49.18nvadekarbrc_, do you still limit yourself to 2.4 kernel, or are you comfortable with asterisk on 2.6 now?
03:49.23letherglovhow are you?
03:49.26brc_2.6 works well for the most part
03:49.48letherglov2.6 works nicely afaik
03:49.55letherglovexcept that whole devfs udev thing with zaptel
03:49.56anthmasterisk 5.1 runs like a charm on 128bit greenhat linux
03:49.58letherglovthat's just irritating
03:49.59hellopSo, whatcha think?  Recompile first?
03:50.16brc_hellop, are you going to use zaptel (digium)( hardware?
03:50.20brc_if not, then no
03:50.22letherglovonly problem with it
03:50.23letherglovthat I have
03:50.29hellopbrc, yes  X100P
03:50.29letherglovis that I'm running asterisk on ppc
03:50.36brc_hellop, then yes
03:50.38letherglovand my 3ware card won't work under ppc
03:50.40CoaxDwhy the hell is it that every single time my hard drive clatters, i hear a jitter in my zaptel fxs?
03:50.43letherglovI love 3ware
03:50.52letherglovso I called them
03:50.55letherglovand I'm bringing them a mac
03:50.56brc_CoaxD, tdm?
03:50.58figfigSo, by the silence can I assume that asterisk can not forward the way I am setting it up to?
03:51.04hellopok, tkankyou
03:51.08nvadekardo zaptel's work find on ppc and 2.6?  I am thinking of openpower for asterisk, perhaps a 510?
03:51.09netsurferwarning guys.. DO NOT buy VOIP hardware from seller "nkans" on ebay - very uncooperative seller
03:51.11CoaxDbrc: Ya
03:51.23brc_nvadekar, I no clue
03:51.25CoaxDbrc: I think its RF interference somehow, but i dunno..
03:51.41CoaxDbrc: Could also be ground interference
03:51.42brc_CoaxD, contact digium...yeah there's a known problem with unshielded led traces
03:51.56letherglovbetter pour a bottle of lead on it
03:51.57brc_also, try grounding the box to earth ground
03:51.58letherglovthat'll help
03:52.01letherglovnon-conductive lead
03:52.12CoaxDbrc: When was the issue uncovered? Has it been fixed or someshit?
03:52.22brc_apparently the fix the works......
03:52.25letherglovI had am radio on my adtran...I'm tired of interference
03:52.25CoaxDbrc: ahhhh. hehe
03:52.26anthmshh there is a little known secret you can pop the resistors off your motherboard and convert the onbord nic to a t1 interface
03:52.35CoaxDbrc: it might also be x100p..
03:52.45brc_I believe they figured out the static discharge issue a few weeks ago
03:52.45CoaxDbrc: (There's one of those in the mix, too, and the remote caller can hear it)
03:53.07CoaxDbrc: All these little "problems" are gonna yield a hell of an expense for digium to replcae this shit
03:53.15Mother__CoaxD: how did you get around the hangup problem then?
03:53.34CoaxDMother: Set an AbsoluteTimeout() after it is clear the user is headed into the voicemail system to record
03:53.41brc_CoaxD, I have a tdm40b that would have....*WEIRD* problems about twice a week...only way to fix it was to unload and reload the modules
03:53.44CoaxDMother: Regardless of busy or NOT, they're gonna get hung up on :)
03:53.50Mother__CoaxD: thanks :D
03:53.51CoaxDbrc: hmmm weird!
03:53.52brc_and I'd get an "Ouch....blahblah" message in the kern log
03:53.54CoaxDMother Sure!
03:54.09DaLionwhanyone here use a pyro external lappydrive /
03:54.11brc_anyhow, good luck
03:54.15CoaxDbrc: Dude... i think i remember tht.. did they fix that? or?
03:54.25brc_CoaxD, did you have that problem too?
03:54.28CoaxDbrc: No
03:54.31CoaxDbrc: Never
03:54.37CoaxDbrc: The card's been stable as all getout for me
03:54.40brc_I've chatted with a few people about it so I didn't remember
03:56.19hellopI never know what to do on a kernel recompile.  How can I "optomize" it?
03:56.27*** part/#asterisk NatRH (
03:56.35hellopI've tried removing stuff that looked useless, which just broke stuff.
03:56.46hellopShould I change anything?
03:56.58netsurferhellop - lol me too
03:57.20brc_hellop, might try in ##linux
03:57.31DaLionfriggin shit
03:57.37DaLionor is it chicken shit
03:57.51*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
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04:05.08anthmhey bkw , didn't you say you can start asterisk -g729unlock
04:05.26anthmoh fuck that was meant to be private =0
04:05.57*** join/#asterisk leo360 (
04:06.24bkw_nobody should have know about that
04:06.48jetsoh shit
04:07.34tzangerisn't it in the source already
04:10.56loudonly 253 people saw that.
04:11.15letherglovand 252 care, since I use the IPP version :-P
04:12.36tzangerI'll give g729 a shot somtiem
04:12.43tzangermaybe after I put codec limits in iax
04:12.59letherglovthere arn't?
04:13.04tzangeri.e. if I only have 8 g729 licenses and I get a 9th call, GRACEFULLY fall back to gsm or something
04:13.12letherglovoh, gotcha
04:13.13letherglovtha'd be smart
04:13.21letherglovdegrade to the next tier license
04:13.46tzangerI'm working with the steves on the new jitter buffer though
04:13.53jetsuhm why run g729 over gsm
04:13.57tzangerexcept nobody seems willing to help me thorugh the bridge optimizations in iax2
04:14.06tzangerjets: better MOS, better PLC
04:14.09tzangerlower bandwidth
04:14.10letherglovI do a lot of bridging with my iaxy
04:14.15letherglovsince it can't compress anything
04:14.21tzangerletherglov: no native bridging
04:14.31letherglovoh, gotcha
04:14.39letherglovto get it to release the call once you get the route?
04:14.54letherglova->b->c = a->c
04:15.21tzangerno that's transfer
04:15.42tzangera->b b->c ==> a->b->c
04:15.45tzangerthat's a bridge :-)
04:15.58letherglovbut has nothing to do with tdm transfer
04:16.06letherglovsince it doesn't make it to the iax level, afaik?
04:17.40jetsi can't get the unlock to work any way *shrug*
04:17.45tzangerbut like I said I was talking about bridging
04:17.53tzangernot transfers
04:18.04tzangerand why iax2 bridge optimization totally shitcans timestamps
04:18.06letherglovso you've got jitter when you transfer?
04:18.18letherglovok, that's good :-P
04:18.21tzangerthe word 'transfer' does not exist in my vocabulary
04:18.27letherglovit's eating the timestamp
04:18.35tzangerit's weird
04:18.44letherglovthat's a  multiline go back and fix 'em all :-P
04:18.47tzangerA timestamps are 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160...
04:19.02tzangerB recodes the timestamps as 20 40 41 42 43 44 140 16...
04:19.04tzangerer 160
04:19.17letherglovlooks like someone's adding i to the after 40
04:19.18eipiit works!!!
04:19.19eipi*CLI> show g729
04:19.23letherglovin a for loop?
04:19.48letherglovyou lie eipi
04:19.54eipijust kidding....
04:20.15*** join/#asterisk hermie (
04:20.21tzangerletherglov: no
04:20.25tzangerit's even listed as a FIXME?
04:21.16tzangerbasically the code in calc_fakestamp
04:21.53nvadekaris there any benefit to carrier grade linux while running asterisk
04:21.55tzangertakes one side of the bridge's timestamps and tries to make them match up to the other side's
04:22.01tzanger'carrier grade linux' ??
04:22.37nvadekarosdl has a cgl certification 1, 1.1, 2 and now just version 3, all the big telcos are sponsoring it
04:22.41tzangerand if the timestamp it ocmes up with is earlier than the last one it will add 1 to the last one
04:22.48nvadekarit is for realtime systems
04:22.48tzangernvadekar: meh
04:25.36leo360hello, i just joined today, need help config iaxy
04:26.09nvadekartzanger, sorry for ignorance, but what is meh short for?
04:26.32letherglovlooks like you just found your plus one
04:26.32tzangerthat's what is cauisng the problem... or rahter it's the fact that the calculated fake timestamp is coming out odd
04:27.07tzangernvadekar: it means I'm nonplussed
04:27.35tzangerrealtime patches and O(n) schedulers and so on don't make a whit of difference if all the system's doing is running asterisk
04:27.44tzangernow if you're trying ot push a system then yes
04:28.01tzangerbut you can very easily get * working perfectly well with most favourite distros
04:28.20nvadekarok, thanks
04:31.31*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
04:32.29bjohnson_can someone tell me how an incoming call from fwd comes in?  I have my own account # setup in my extensions.conf, but my * is refusing an incoming call from another FWD account
04:32.54tzangerbjohnson_: you need an appropriate type=user entry in iax or sip.conf (i forget which fwd uses)
04:33.07tzangerbjohnson_: and you need to dump the incoming call into a specified context=
04:33.24bjohnson_I use iax2 for fwd and i can call fwd extensions
04:33.37tzangerbjohnson_:  you calling fwd is a type=peer entry
04:33.40tzangeryou need a type=user
04:33.47tzangerto accept calls
04:33.49bjohnson_I have [iaxfwd-in] that uses the rsa in * source for fwd
04:34.57bjohnson_tzanger: I have 2 fwd entries in iax.conf .. one for peer and one for user
04:35.24bjohnson_I wonder where I got the line .. maybe I should check that
04:35.54tzangerbjohnson_: is that where the incoming call is coming from?
04:36.06bjohnson_another fwd account
04:36.25tzangeris that the HOST that the call is coming from
04:36.28tzangeruse tcpdump and verify
04:36.36tzangeror even just look at the console
04:36.41tzangeris the call coming from
04:37.00bjohnson_Rejected connect attempt from .. dig shows
04:37.22*** join/#asterisk Nethab (
04:37.24tzangermy next guess is that you have a secret in there
04:37.27tzangerget rid of it and reload
04:38.23Nethab"i've got a secret", "I'll never tell..."
04:38.27bjohnson_nope.  type=user, auth=rsa, inkeys=freeworlddialup, disallow=all, allow=ulaw,, context=incoming-public-voip, accountcode=voip_fwd_in
04:38.49tzangerget rid of all the auth shit
04:38.51tzangerget it working
04:39.10tzangerauth=, inkeys=, get rid of 'em and reload
04:39.35tzangeryou might also want ot get rid of the disallow/allow and only say allow=all
04:39.41bjohnson_still rejected
04:39.45tzangerand what was the reason for the reject
04:39.56bjohnson_doesn't say at verbose =3
04:40.01tzangeryou are reloading right?
04:40.10bjohnson_of course
04:40.24tzangershow dialplan incoming-public-voip
04:40.42tzangermake sure there's both an s exten and a _. exten
04:40.50tzangerI don't know what fwd's trying to hit on your side
04:41.03tzangerbut if you have both of those, it should get through
04:41.06bjohnson_I have the s .. but no _.
04:41.15bjohnson_I guess I can stick it in for now
04:41.29tzangerI'd say
04:41.30bjohnson_pretty messy habit though
04:41.48tzangerexten => _.,1,NoHup(Exten is ${EXTEN}), _.,2,Hangup
04:41.52tzangerbjohnson_: this is just ofr testing
04:42.40bjohnson_I guess a wait will be enough to test
04:42.58tzangerI say to echo the ${EXTEN} so you can see what they're hitting you with
04:43.14Nethabyou mean NoOp?
04:43.32Nethabkill -HUP 1
04:44.13tzangerNethab: nah
04:44.16tzangerkill -9 1 :-)
04:44.27bjohnson_still rejected
04:44.41Nethabit's saying unauthenticated?
04:44.43bjohnson_I even have a guest account that should be kicking in
04:44.52bjohnson_Feb 12 23:44:02 NOTICE[28773]: chan_iax2.c:5405 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from
04:44.56tzangerbjohnson_: what's the [] line you're trying ot hit from
04:45.07tzangeri.e in iax.conf what is the name in [] for the type=user
04:45.39Nethabwell line 5405 will have the answer
04:46.03bjohnson_tzanger: i don't understand the question
04:46.17tzangerI'm looking for the [] ine
04:46.19tzangerwhat is it
04:46.20*** join/#asterisk paulhuynh (
04:46.41bjohnson_tzanger: I'm getting a special char from you
04:46.55bjohnson_in ___ for the type=user
04:47.04tzangerin iax.conf
04:47.09tzangerwhat is the "blah"
04:47.15paulhuynhi need help my cisco 7940 keep saiding configuring ip
04:47.33bjohnson_I'm getting a rectangle from you in this xchat
04:47.40tzangerthen get a real irc client :-)
04:47.45paulhuynhit show that it have an i from dhcp of
04:47.50tzangerit's trying ot be fancy
04:48.01tzangerI am typing left square bracket, right square bracket
04:48.05paulhuynhbut i can't ping it
04:48.10tzangerwhat is the entry name
04:48.38paulhuynhhow do i get tftp to the damn phone to upload new firmware
04:48.41tzangeris that what fwd is trying to authenticate as?
04:48.49bjohnson_the type=peer is [iaxfwd]
04:48.50tzangerif it isn't, make the name what it's supposed to be
04:48.52brc_paulhuynh, the phone has to request the firmware
04:49.05paulhuynhoh ok
04:49.07brc_paulhuynh, you'll have to go read the wiki and search google
04:49.21bjohnson_tzanger: that matters?  I thought id would use the rsa stuff?
04:49.30tzangerit does for nonrsa
04:49.30brc_star, six, settings will unlock the phone so you can set it up
04:49.32paulhuynhcan i use the console port to fix my problem
04:49.36nvadekardoes anyone here know about a polycom xml file configration program being made available?
04:49.38tzangerI don't know anything about rsa
04:49.41tzangerso let's go back to basics
04:49.41brc_that's wrong
04:49.47*** join/#asterisk lilneon (
04:49.49brc_it's star star pound
04:49.52lilneonhey good night everyone
04:49.59paulhuynhi need help my cisco 7940 keep saiding configuring ip
04:50.10tzangerif you're doing rsa do you not need to do some kind of loadkeys command when you start up *?
04:50.26Mother__paulhuynh: do you have a dhcp server there?
04:50.26bjohnson_tzanger: that was it
04:50.37paulhuynhi can now ping the phone but very intermite
04:50.54paulhuynhi use linksys wrt54g
04:50.56bjohnson_I changed the context name to iaxfwd and uncommented the rsa and inkeys line again .. now get the incoming call
04:51.22tzangernow remove the garbage I made you put in extensions.conf and get rsa working :-)
04:52.37paulhuynhis my cisco phone broke?
04:55.39nvadekaranyone have or know of a easy way to configure polycom xml files?
04:56.04paulhuynhanyone here can help me with cisco 7940
04:56.13bjohnson_<paulhuynh> i can now ping the phone but very intermite
04:56.27bjohnson_you have some kind of network problem I think
04:56.35bjohnson_maybe the phone
04:56.52bjohnson_but then maybe it's just busy trying to connect to a tftp server
04:57.03paulhuynhwhat is the console port for?
04:57.07bjohnson_try watching the network packets
04:57.36paulhuynhhow do i know what tftp address it try to contact?
04:57.43bjohnson_don't know.  don't have one.  but lots of people here use them .. maybe just not the people here right now
04:57.44paulhuynhit a use phone
04:57.54bjohnson_try watching the network packets
04:57.57paulhuynhand have preset network infor on it
04:59.17bjohnson_do they have a web interface?  try nmap on it
05:01.49darkskieznvadekar: sure you dont mean sipura configuration thing instead of polycom ?
05:02.38*** join/#asterisk lilneon (
05:02.43lilneonhi again. .
05:02.45bjohnson_nvadekar: buch of polycom users here normally .. maybe just not now
05:03.07bjohnson_anyone ever tried the fwd "welcome line" ? 55555
05:03.31nvadekarbjohnson, yeah, been trying today several times, always says no extention
05:03.38lilneonhey guys i downloaded httptunnels on my linux box to try to get a sip client to wrk behind a nat..  but when i type hts it tells me no command exists..  anyone here used httptunnel?
05:03.53nvadekar612, 613, callback and NOW!!! 1800 are all working for me though
05:04.04bjohnson_nvadekar: for me it just rings
05:04.17bjohnson_nvadekar: you can try calling me on my new fwd account if you want
05:04.28nvadekarbj, what is you number?
05:04.56nvadekarI am using kphone attaches to asterisk to fwd all on my laptop
05:06.45nvadekarsays you are unavailable
05:07.12*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
05:07.20nvadekarbj, funny, did not hear ringing, but asterisk said it was rining, then it says you are busy
05:07.30nvadekaryou can try me, 608004
05:10.34*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
05:16.24Mavvieis it just me or is there no way to reload the voicemail configuration?
05:18.18Mother__I'm having a weird problem...two of the PSTN channels on a TDM400 go into the same zap channel
05:18.50Mother__i.e. call PSTN that's connected to Zap/2, and Zap/3 triggers, call the PSTN connected to Zap/3, and Zap/3 also triggers
05:19.54letherglovMother__, I had a weird issue where I called cisco and got connected to another customer when I was on their support hotline
05:20.06letherglovwe discussed how much cisco sucks
05:20.28letherglovmaybe you've got pins 3-4 connected to zap/3 also?
05:20.32letherglovand 1-2 on zap-2?
05:21.17Mother__no, I have four individual terminators from the telco's switch, which I then wired individually to the RJ11 ports on the TDM
05:21.40Mother__checking with a phone it rings as it should
05:27.18*** join/#asterisk quigleymd (
05:27.27Mother__grrrr just switched Zap/3 with Zap/4 and it looks cured....still very strange
05:33.19bjohnson_Mavvie: i think that is correct
05:33.55nvadekarasterisk is way cool, fwd seems to work fine, good night all!
05:38.24tzafrir_laptopanybody used kphone?
05:39.11tzafrir_laptopany idea why it won't accept calls and practically believes it has failed to register to the server?
05:39.39*** join/#asterisk iMediax (
05:39.57bjohnson_sorry .. linphone and iaxcomm here
05:40.56tzafrir_laptoplinphone works OK for you? what version? from where?
05:41.46bjohnson_err .. I'm not at that computer right now
05:42.21bjohnson_but I think it was available from apt-get on my fc2 and fc3 systems .. so likely atrpms
05:44.02*** part/#asterisk illek (
05:44.33tzafrir_laptopWell, time to freeze my laptop and go to work...
05:47.05*** join/#asterisk quigleymd (
05:48.11Mother__nite all
05:49.42Luke-JrWhat is the technical difference between having two identical user and peer entries and having a single friend entry?
05:53.08bjohnson_different things ..
05:53.17bjohnson_you can set callerid differently
05:53.35bjohnson_don't know what else
05:54.09Luke-Jrso, the only difference is that you can have different config settings for them?
05:54.26Luke-Jrso if they'd have the same settings, I might as well use friend?
05:54.37Luke-Jrbjohnson: what doesn't work about it?
05:54.43bjohnson_no sound
05:55.23bjohnson_fedora core 3 .. tried running sound-config and alsaconf .. they sense my sound card .. but no sound
05:57.37*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
05:58.37quigleymdive got a system-config-soundcard on fc3 and that worked for me
06:01.28*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
06:04.19*** join/#asterisk criptos (~criptos@
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06:04.53postelbjohnson: modprobe the kernel module for your card, or if its not there install it, sound-config might work might not, take the canonical way
06:05.17criptoswhy digium is no longer making the x100p / x110p fxo card?
06:06.15Sedoroxyou can find them on ebay for like $20 w/ shipping
06:06.55postelSedorox: those are clones (The Tiger-something version) some ppl have terrible echo trouble
06:07.28bjohnson_postel: I think the correct one is there but I am not able to remove it .. says it's in use
06:07.47criptosI have deployed over 20 x100p, what should I do now ? those tiger.. humm... well..
06:07.52SedoroxI dunno which one I have.. or my friend has.. mines a intel something I think... but apparently he just started getting echo problems.. but it might be the phone.. so dunno.. otherwise haven't had problems
06:08.13Sedoroxpull 4 at a time and get a new modular card :-p
06:10.09postelbjohnson: pastebin your lsmod
06:10.25criptosMostly of the configurations made are single card configuration.. really using the TDMxxp card, increases the cost a lot
06:10.54Mavviebjohnson_: that's what I thought.
06:10.59Sedoroxdunno.. I doubt you'll have problems with them
06:11.16*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
06:11.25Sedoroxdamn.... and ipv6.. nice :-p
06:13.18Luke-Jrbjohnson: killall artsd?
06:13.26Luke-Jresd, too
06:15.34postelbjohnson: cool, remove everything, modinstall soundcore and ac97_codec and throw a mixer on top of it
06:16.04postelyou threw every single thing against it.. surprise surprise it wont play
06:17.22harryvvartsd and asterisk work against each other.
06:17.24bjohnson_I can't remove anything .. says it's in use
06:17.42harryvvbj, ive seen this same problem
06:18.01harryvvtrying to record or play a gsm ?
06:18.27bjohnson_naw .. just a movie
06:18.48postelbjohnson: yeah dude, its in use by the 23 mixers you're running, comment them out from modules.conf or bring down the rc that loads them on boot
06:18.52harryvvPersonally if it was me the box would only run asterisk and thats abou tit.
06:20.37bjohnson_I'll give it a try.  Don't remember adding mixers ..
06:20.45harryvvI dont run anything but asterisk,sendmail and qsl on the debian box. All that are required for asterisk.
06:20.52*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
06:20.59harryvvbj, on the command prompt type alsamixer
06:22.23bjohnson_this is a home box .. so trying to run desktop too on occasion .. like right now
06:22.28harryvvbtw, anyone know how to make musiconhold play when switching from line one to line two on xlite? i have the settings right in both config files.
06:23.36bjohnson_well .. I'll restart and give it another try tomorrow
06:23.41harryvvbj, I have a greeting message stating if there is any emergency or work releated issue to press in extention 100 otherwise leave a message. Well someone did and I answered my cell phone via voip.
06:24.00bjohnson_forwarded out fxo?
06:24.10harryvvno, to :)
06:24.23harryvvin from zap to asterisk then out to
06:24.38bjohnson_how was quality?
06:24.43harryvvvery good.
06:24.57bjohnson_good to know
06:25.15harryvvI was thinking of actually ring both mine and wifes phone at same time.
06:25.25harryvvin case one is down or out of range.
06:25.37postelbjohnson: ebay a pIII, throw some sdrams on it and a NIC, put yr FXS/FXO over it and forget all bout it, ssh on it, cvs asterisk, job done, desktop + services is never a good idea
06:26.19harryvvpostal, I do the same. The only thing I have on my asterisk box is a power cable, phone/nick and that it.
06:26.27postelgood man
06:26.30harryvvnic I mean
06:26.42letherglovno no no
06:26.44letherglova ppc!
06:27.03harryvvbtw, netsurfer made a fail over asterisk system. When one fails the second one takes ove.r
06:27.27postelsafe_asterisk was not good enough?
06:27.45postelfailling process-wise or load-wise?
06:27.48harryvvI dont know. whats the benifits of that? what if memory/hd/ps fail in the first one?
06:27.48Sedoroxif you loose power?
06:28.03harryvvIm talking all cases
06:28.26harryvvprocesses, errors, hardware and power :)
06:29.20harryvvbtw, how can i make my asterisk go moh when going from line one to line 2 on xlite?
06:29.37harryvvI know how it works in start priorities
06:29.47harryvvbut thats not what I want.
06:31.47Sedoroxdamn it.. I hate the network here....
06:32.11*** part/#asterisk leo360 (
06:34.16harryvvwhy is that
06:35.32Sedoroxmy phone doesn't want to register with my * server here... and I think its part of the network. because I had the problem when I first got the phone.. and registered with a remote box.. wouldn't work with DHCP.. worked fine if I hard coded a IP addy in...
06:36.01Sedoroxand they limit stuff.. so untill the CTO gets back to me about opening 5060 and IAX2 ports.. its gonna be like shit calling outside the network
06:36.12Sedorox'cause it gets dumped in with the P2P stuff in the PIX
06:38.01harryvvhow many asterisk phones
06:38.12harryvvthat is ip phones interact with asterisk
06:38.38*** part/#asterisk bubulubugoth (~criptos@
06:39.22SedoroxI'm on a college network.. this is the resnet.. its only my phone with the * box sitting right next to me...
06:39.36SedoroxI also think there is something wrong with that box too.. old POS HP
06:40.53*** join/#asterisk jets (
06:41.31harryvvi see
06:41.46netsurferhi harryvv
06:42.42Luke-JrIs it possible to wait one second, but if the person starts dialing, let them finish?
06:42.48harryvvnetsurfer, any idea how to play moh on line one when switching to line two on xlite?
06:43.10netsurferpark the call ?
06:43.17netsurferah.. u cant.. on xlite
06:43.21harryvvmm is that whats it refered to do?
06:43.32harryvvon clite pro you can?
06:43.46netsurfersure... when u switch from 1 to 2 it should play music auto
06:43.49netsurfermine does
06:44.06netsurferu got moh setup properly ?
06:45.28netsurferif i accept a call on line #1 and then click line #2 the music starts straight off
06:45.35harryvvthats the idea.
06:47.24netsurferdefault => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
06:47.29netsurferu got that line uncommented ?
06:47.41netsurferin musiconhold.conf
06:47.44harryvvit should be.
06:48.16harryvv; Music on hold class definitions
06:48.16harryvvdefault => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
06:48.26netsurfer#flood ;)
06:48.27*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
06:48.55netsurferremove the 'quiet' from the start of that line
06:49.15netsurferplays it so quiet u would think there was no moh
06:49.18harryvvmp3 in its self a binary?
06:49.32netsurferdefault => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
06:51.02netsurferlmao i had more luck with failover than with windows file syncronisation
06:51.14Nukemizerhas anyone gotten a Digium T1 card to work with a PBX ?  I get getting D channel error message and I can not tell if the PBX is the problem or the asterisk
06:51.50wildcard0Nukemizer, i have many of them
06:51.56harryvvnetsurfer what do you have for silence settings?
06:51.59harryvvin xlite
06:52.03wildcard0be more specific about the error?
06:52.07netsurfersend silence = on
06:52.34netsurferactually, that can do it.
06:52.36harryvvits acually no or yes
06:52.47netsurfersend silence = yes
06:53.12netsurferor rather, transmit silence
06:53.52NukemizerI just can not  seem to tell if the PBX just does not like the Asterisk or what
06:54.05Nukemizerit is a new TE110P
06:54.11JuggieNukemizer, what kind of pbx?
06:54.23harryvvgoing from one answered line on the called xlite to another line plays no sound on the other what sound binary does it run?
06:54.55Juggieyou have to set all the rught frameing settings and such
06:55.17Nukemizerthat is my Asterisk Error -- Toshiba has its own Dmessage error
06:55.50Nukemizer<U1>16;19'533  Rx:[SAPI]00 C [TEI]000 [FRAME]RR    P [N(R)]000
06:55.50Nukemizer<U1>16;19'543 Tx :[SAPI]00 R [TEI]000 [FRAME]RR    F [N(R)]000
06:56.14netsurferharryvv - mpg123
06:56.14Nukemizerthat is my D cahnnel form the Toshiba - and it looks good for being idel thats the norm
06:56.20JuggieNukemizer, check your settings in /etc/zaptel.conf
06:56.33netsurferharryvv - go to /usr/src/asterisk and type make mpg123
06:56.39harryvvthat was probebly the problem it was not installed its installed now.
06:56.53Juggiebe sure your codeing & frameing id configured
06:57.07eipiwho can recommend a good CD for music on hold?
06:57.20netsurferNukemizer stop flooding
06:57.29Nukemizerthat is all there is i am hoping to have NI2  and 8 Channels PRI
06:57.31netsurferuse or something
06:57.49JuggieNukemizer, if you are only using 8 chans shoudnt your d chan be like 9?
06:58.02Juggieif its a partial
06:58.12Nukemizernot neccessarily - is that what Asterisk likes ?
06:58.54*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
06:59.06Juggieasterisk will work with what ever the tishiba is providing
06:59.25Juggiecan you dial a did and receive calls?
06:59.42Juggiea DID for the pri that is
06:59.48harryvvnetsurfer it works
06:59.50ta[i]ntedquick question
06:59.51harryvvthanks very much
06:59.58ta[i]ntedhow do i checkout a specific version of asterisk from CVS?
06:59.59netsurferharryvv - thats good :)
07:00.00Nukemizeris the re a way t have D channel messaging with Asterisk ? so i can tell if astersik is doing ?
07:00.11Juggie(excuse the typos i broke my collarbone, i am working one handed)
07:00.34netsurferJuggie - wow.. nasty
07:01.05Juggieyes skiing kid cut me off :)
07:01.22harryvvnice to have virtual outgoing lines ;) netserver my next project it to ring several iax to pstn lines and have a chat meeting with familly or who knows what else.
07:02.17`SauronJuggie: What'd you do that for?
07:03.31Juggie`Sauron i love skiing i was passing a kid 2nd run @ 9am crowded and all of a sudden he cut left i tried to avoid... and i put my right ski between his legs which slingshotted me
07:03.43Juggieand planted me shoulder first
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07:04.59harryvvwell, im going to bed
07:05.10Juggieit didnt hurt tho
07:05.12netsurferu had the right idea gettin the ski between his legs.. unfortunate about the outcome ;)
07:05.19netsurfernite harry
07:05.28harryvvlong day. wife is asleap purpindicular on bed she is beat :)
07:05.31Juggieyah sucks
07:05.32harryvvthanks net
07:05.47*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
07:05.50netsurferwell, tis 7am guess i should get to bed too
07:05.58netsurferg'nite dudes
07:06.18jetsboris :P
07:06.53BoRiShi jets!
07:07.12jetsnot a whole lot
07:08.59BoRiSAny luck finding the ChanSpy author?
07:10.16jetsya i e-mailed bkw he was busy tonight
07:10.35jetsif i knew enough c i would rewrite it or write it myself but i suck at c
07:12.57jetsO well :)
07:13.37*** join/#asterisk Tili (
07:14.34brc_BoRiS, anthm
07:16.15BoRiShey brc_ :)
07:21.20*** join/#asterisk Fanguin (
07:25.11NukemizerI have a questions about framing and coding.. does the Astersik want to make a PRI have B8ZS ESF, like a non PRI T1 ?
07:25.27drumkillait is configurable
07:26.46NukemizerI ask ecause when I turn up PRI's on the PBX side i never set the Framing and Coding like that . Only on E&M wink T1 circuits.
07:27.24Nukemizerjust trying to figure out why i can not get my B channels up
07:28.15NukemizerI know i must be getting close, becuase Asterisk keep reseting th B channels every 20 seconds
07:28.27letherglovit's hard to have phone sex while it's doing that
07:29.24letherglovin my understanding
07:29.30letherglovthe t-1 itself is b8zs esf framed
07:29.40letherglovbut you're running 23 clear-channel (non-robbed bit) channels
07:29.47letherglovand a 24th clear-channel d-channel
07:29.57letherglovyou really only need that robbed-bit for signalling info
07:30.09letherglovand if you're running it over the d-channel, then get rid of it ;-)
07:33.10*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
07:38.34*** join/#asterisk beto75 (~ha@
07:38.39beto75hello guys
07:39.10beto75excuse me can someone say me why , at the few seconds in a meetme asterisk crashes?
07:39.36quigleymdNukemizer:  just an off shot.. theres a bit in the span parameter of your zaptel.conf that tells the card to either attempt to set its own timing or try to pull timing from the CO, try toggling that for kicks...
07:40.13beto75hrrmm seems to crash when mpg123 enters to the picture
07:40.22letherglovwhich version of mpg123 is it?
07:40.27letherglovare you on a 64-bit platform?
07:41.00letherglovthat's correct
07:41.06letherglovfrom make mpg123 in the asterisk dir?
07:41.08beto75<letherglov>  no is 32 plat
07:41.15Nukemizerquigeymd: I will ook for that ia try. Thank you so much for your help
07:41.22beto75is a suse linux quite old
07:41.39letherglovshould be fine
07:41.45letherglovdoes mpg123 work independently of asterisk?
07:41.48letherglovcan you play an mp3
07:41.54beto75what you mean here :  from make mpg123 in the asterisk dir?
07:41.54letherglovand output it to a wav file or stdout or something?
07:42.03letherglovdid you get asterisk from a tarball?
07:42.04letherglovand install it?
07:42.10tzafrir8.1 is not officially supported (security updates) anymore
07:42.21beto75well , I enter the meetme , I hear teh welcome msg, then 1 second of the MOH
07:42.29tzafrirletherglov, yes, it can.
07:42.50letherglovno no
07:42.52letherglovI know it can
07:42.56letherglovbut on his system can it
07:43.00letherglove.g. does mpg123 run at all
07:43.10beto75yes it runs
07:43.10letherglovobviously asterisk is another layer on top of mpg123
07:43.12quigleymdNukemizer:  np, hope it does the trick :)
07:43.18modulus_jbot weather klax?
07:43.35letherglovjbot weather kpao?
07:43.49letherglovmostly cloudy eh
07:43.54letherglovi guess it's not mostly sunny at night ;-)
07:44.10beto75the strange is that why I hear 1 second music
07:44.17letherglovthen it takes a crap
07:44.24letherglovyou've got a zaptel device on the machine for timing?
07:46.15beto75letherglow : MOH is working perfectly ,, just meetme has the touble
07:46.31letherglovdo you have a zaptel device or ztdummy installed?
07:46.33beto75do you thinkk i s caused by ztdummy
07:46.36BoRiSjbot weather YWG?
07:46.53letherglovand you've got the usb modules installed too?
07:46.59letherglovsince ztdummy uses those, right?
07:47.24beto75I just compile zap. with ztdummy
07:47.36beto75I didnt install anything more
07:47.47beto75how do I do that? (sorry newbie)
07:47.49letherglovjbot weather kl21?
07:48.11letherglovjbot weather knkx?
07:48.14beto75jbot weather mty
07:48.27beto75no jbot doesnt have my weather :(
07:48.29tzafrirbeto75, what distro, what kernel version?
07:48.44beto75Suse 8.1 2.4.19
07:49.21modulus_jbot weather ZKPY?
07:49.22tzafrirbeto75, is this a production server? exposed to the internet? (e.g: voip from the internet?)
07:49.38tzafririf so: consider a newer distro
07:49.50beto75<tzafrir> yes ,, is for testing purposes but its public in internet
07:50.02beto75<tzafrir> you mean security?
07:50.50beto75you are right , I will tell my customer to do that ,, he is a Novell-suse Old water wolf
07:51.04beto75but he can change distro :)
07:51.26modulus_jbot weather hkjk?
07:51.31tzafrircurrent SUSE (not SuSE anymore) is 9.2
07:51.36beto75better for me to stop my hair going down :)
07:51.39modulus_i tooted
07:53.03tzafriranyway, have you tried building zaptel with it?
07:53.12beto75<letherglov> FYI.. when asterisk crash I get this
07:53.14beto75Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
07:53.15beto75Segmentation fault
07:54.03beto75<tzafrir> compiling zaptel was a real pain but it is compiled
07:54.39quigleymdNukemizer:  i think i remembered incorrectly, what i was thinking of was the setting for 'signalling' in zapata.conf - pri_net vs pri_cpe... sorry
07:54.47tzafrirso have you managed to load ztdummy?
07:55.13beto75how can I see if its correctly loaded?
07:55.34beto75I just take out the # in the Makefile
07:56.30letherglovbad ram?
07:57.49beto75do you think is RAM?
07:59.03letherglovtry getting a bunch of mp3's in a directory
07:59.06letherglovand run mpg123 for a while
07:59.07letherglovon the machine
07:59.16letherglovto see if it crashes indepedently of asterisk
07:59.40*** join/#asterisk af_ (
08:06.18*** join/#asterisk Firestrm (
08:17.53beto75letherglov, can you be so kind to tell e how do I play a mp3 outside asterisk
08:22.18letherglovmpg123 <the mp3's name>
08:22.27beto75:) let me test
08:23.13beto75Can't open /dev/dsp!
08:23.23letherglovyou don't have an audio device
08:23.24letherglovthat's file
08:23.26beto75thats the trouble?
08:23.30letherglovyou should be able to dump it to a file
08:23.31letherglovno no
08:23.37letherglovrun uhhh
08:23.52letherglovmpg123 -w test < file name>
08:24.01letherglovit'll write the output to a file called test
08:24.05beto75ahh ok
08:24.07letherglovand < file name> is the name of the mp3
08:24.13letherglovjust so it decodes it, you know?
08:24.24beto75let me test
08:25.05beto75MPEG 1.0 layer III, 128 kbit/s, 44100 Hz joint-stereo
08:25.05beto75[2:41] Decoding of fpm-sunshine.mp3 finished.
08:25.57letherglovit worked
08:26.01letherglovnow I'm really confused
08:26.09letherglovwhat version of mpg123 did it report running?
08:26.10letherglovif you run
08:26.21letherglovVersion 0.59s-r9 (2000/Oct/27). Written and copyrights by Michael Hipp.
08:26.23letherglovsomething like that
08:26.40beto75Version 0.59r
08:26.54letherglovok, I'm lost
08:26.57beto75Version 0.59r (1999/Jun/15).
08:27.17beto75do you think its the ztdummy?
08:27.43beto75well the mos probable issue iis the Damn Old Suse
08:30.02beto75hey ,, letherglov : why whatever mp3 file I test (as per your instructions) all are 2:41 secs
08:31.24*** join/#asterisk gdsm (
08:35.33beto75thank you letherglov.....
08:35.47beto75I need to sleep ,, Bye for now
08:39.47Fanguinhello, is somebody here who knows something about the meetme source?
08:43.27*** part/#asterisk beto75 (~ha@
08:45.02brc_Fanguin, not at the moment I don't think
08:45.09brc_might try tomorrow afternoon if you can
08:45.17brc_or, the -dev list
08:48.19Fanguinbrc_, ok, i will choose one of the options. thank you.
08:48.27brc_no problem
08:48.34brc_the -dev list is your best bet
08:48.55Fanguinbrc_, ok, good.
08:57.54Firestrmhere is a brain teasing question.. is it possible to have distinctive ring patterns outgoing from asterisk to phones connected via fxs ports for example?
08:58.39Firestrmbrc, where would i find info on this. (ive checked the wiki to no avail)
08:58.49brc_depends on the phone
08:59.01brc_and there IS info on the wiki
08:59.09brc_use google,
08:59.16Firestrmin my case im using a standard consumer cordless phone connected to a sipura spa-3000
08:59.45brc_that ain't an fxs port to asterisk
08:59.47brc_now is it
08:59.51brc_it's a sip device
09:00.12brc_second result
09:00.51Firestrmthanks.. reading it now.. cant believe i didnt find this before..
09:00.59brc_very simple
09:01.09brc_I don't think it says
09:01.21brc_well it does
09:01.24brc_but it's on another page
09:01.45brc_you can generally use bellcore_1 to 6
09:03.18Firestrmnice.. thats perfect!! thanks
09:06.42*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
09:06.51zoahey look whos here
09:06.53zoaits bkw!!!!
09:10.43*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
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09:35.11Firestrmbrc_, well thats fricking awesome!!, works perfectly on sipura 3k!!
09:36.39Firestrmnow if only i could get hanup to work properly :(
09:36.51Firestrmbut i think that is Telus's problem
09:49.48*** join/#asterisk jetscreamer (
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10:51.22lohellehello! does anyone have X-lite web embedded (freeware)? It is not on Xten web page any more..
10:52.48*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
11:12.33Zeeekwake up
11:12.38djinSource of Webiax seems to have gone from the web. Does anyone have a copy?
11:12.39*** join/#asterisk benoitv (
11:12.40Zeeekthe sykype is falling
11:12.53Zeeekhi djin!
11:12.59djinHi Zeeek,
11:13.07djinhow are you today.
11:13.17ZeeekI'm ok in spite of all the bad news
11:13.25djinbad news?
11:13.36Zeeekthe good news is our new connection with static ip is up now
11:13.40benoitvhi all , i am stuffed with fax problems over Iax, local networks, g711, any success story ?
11:14.10Zeeekbenoit fax using what? fax machine? spandsp?
11:14.57benoitvpstn zap-*-iax-*-zap pstn
11:15.10Zeeekbetween two fax machines?
11:20.16HjemmeRoyKbenoitv: wait for t.38 support
11:20.39Zeeekfunny how fax hangs on
11:21.04HjemmeRoyKall legal stuff
11:21.09HjemmeRoyKas in "fax is secure"
11:21.18HjemmeRoyKas in "windows is secure"
11:21.21Zeeekthere is no good reason why a fax machine that emails transparently coulnd't be developed
11:21.47Zeeekfax is as secure as me scanning any doc, midifying it as I lki,e and refaxing it
11:22.06benoitvthanks, If I understand : no solution at the moment, waiting for T38.
11:22.11HjemmeRoyKFax over email == T.37 :P
11:22.14Zeeekunless there were a secured fax machine, which could be done, fax is as insecure as email
11:22.36Zeeekfax ->PGP -> email
11:22.38HjemmeRoyKZeeek: I know, but there are legal stuff that says fax == ok, email == bad
11:22.48Zeeekture but bullshit just the same
11:23.47benoitvThe point is that I am on a Lan...
11:25.00HjemmeRoyKbenoitv: that should work
11:25.10HjemmeRoyKlatency < 10ms may work with T.30 fax
11:25.32HjemmeRoyKand latency > 10ms on a lan isn't what you'd expect
11:26.30djinOr in this case: pstn zap-*-TIFF-*-zap pstn
11:27.07HjemmeRoyKdjin: that'll require spandsp
11:27.18Zeeekthen you add another variable element
11:27.24benoitvi use iax and G711 codecs and TE410
11:27.28HjemmeRoyKmeaning more trouble.....
11:27.28Zeeekspandsp can't receive from some faxes
11:27.44HjemmeRoyKbenoitv: alaw/ulaw? where are you located?
11:27.50djinThis looks like a controlled environment.
11:28.09benoitvI tried both but now in alaw (europe)
11:28.18djinspandsp only has to work with own faxmachine.
11:29.01Zeeekyeah but what if you have a machine it doesn't work with?
11:29.16Zeeekhey anyone have a siemens DECT phone?
11:29.18benoitvright Zeeek
11:29.24*** part/#asterisk X-Gen (
11:29.39benoitvyes Zeeek
11:29.59Zeeekbenoitv I say this because my customers have machines that I can't receive with spandsp
11:30.32benoitvI understand and I also cant afford that, my customers wont understand
11:31.14ZeeekI asked one to fax me for a test  she did and it looped until timeout and tried 3 times. Not very impressive compared to a $40 fax machine
11:31.36benoitvdo we have a way to see jitter, packet loss, and so on between 2 * on a Lan ?
11:32.01Zeeekdoesn't show channels give yuou that?
11:32.51Zeeekmaybe only lag...
11:33.39ZeeekRoyK do you have phones and FXS ?
11:34.13Zeeekbenoitv are you in Eu?
11:37.34*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
11:37.54benoitvyes in France
11:38.37Zeeekme too
11:38.54ZeeekI'm trying to figure out why my new phones don't show CID
11:39.19Zeeekasked on mailing list but tout le mode s'en fout de ce qui se passe en France
11:39.49benoitvsiemens dont show cid ? wich model, on what equipement ?
11:40.24Zeeeksiemens C200 - brand new - works on PSTN, asterisk ->TDM400 no
11:40.40Zeeekmy other shitty Alcatel CID works, number and name
11:40.52ZeeekI can't understand what could have changed
11:41.43ZeeekI mean in technology, nothing changed on my system
11:42.00Zeeekbenoitv were you at any asterisk lunches in Paris with Mark?
11:42.08benoitvyes :-)
11:42.17Zeeekah we've maybe spoken by email
11:42.27benoitvI guess so
11:42.35Zeeekyou are from, let me see
11:42.49Zeeekapolo somthing?
11:43.00Zeeekyes, that's it!
11:43.28Zeeekcomment vont les affaires? :)
11:46.15benoitvI get it, fax is working but with echocanceller set to off.
11:46.31benoitvThe point is I need echo canceller for voice communications, any idea ?
11:46.53Zeeekno I heard it worked with the echocancel set to off
11:47.06benoitvvoice ?
11:48.14Zeeekno fax can work if echocancel is off
11:48.25Zeeeknot really helpful
11:49.23benoitvIf I could chang dynamicly echo canceller, I could use fax detection and then chang echo cancelling... hum.. possible ?
11:50.36benoitvsomeone have an idea about T38 delivery on asterisk, end of march is realistic ?
11:52.14*** join/#asterisk jonas (
12:35.41*** join/#asterisk ZX81_Laptop (
12:42.18Zeeekmajor lag
12:42.37ZX81_Laptopme or you?
12:42.45Zeeek3 minutes? not good enuf for voIP
12:42.56Zeeekeven in Australia
12:43.22Zeeekwhy can't my exec() cmd work in Apache/PHP?
12:44.45*** join/#asterisk Pantanero (
12:46.38Zeeekexcept no
12:46.50benoitvsomeone has success with beronet 4 or 8 bri cards ?
12:54.30hellopGentlemen, we have a go.
12:54.41hellopI just got asterisk running on my VIA800mgz!!!!!!
12:56.00hellophad to comment out a few lines from the makefile and recompile asterisk. as per Asterisk Compile on the wiki.
12:57.45Zeeekok suid bit solved that problem
12:58.11Zeeekhellop that's great - I hate to see probalmes because of hardwxare you do,'t wanna replace!
13:00.32tzafrirwhat exactly is the license of the client part of the flash operator panel?
13:01.47tzafrirhellop, what CPU is that exactly?
13:02.12tzafrirDebian's patch was to use:
13:02.30tzafrirPROC=$(shell uname -m)
13:02.41tzafrirwhich would probably have worked for you
13:06.17helloptzafrir, VIA C3 800mgz CPU
13:06.49hellopMatsonic MSCLE266-F Motherboard.  $70 new from online store.  (paid $80 from ebay)
13:08.17helloptzafrir, yeah I use debian.   but I commented that line out to get it to work.
13:09.03tzafrirhellop, I've just submitted a bug to debian about this. Latest Rapid packages now replace i686 with i586
13:09.21hellopnow, if only I had written down everything else I did to get it to work...  ;)
13:09.38tzafrirand the dilema now is whether to leave it as 586 or lower it down to 386
13:09.52tzafrir(for those 386-users using *)
13:15.01Mw3anyone here who is good in fiber optics ?
13:18.51*** join/#asterisk mogorman (~mogorman@
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13:24.08hellopfiber optics? easy.  cut cable, insert jack. done
13:24.16*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
13:25.34Mw3hellop: ah :)
13:41.49nitrambenoitv: yes, they work with misdn/chan_misdn though nt_pp is not yet supported
13:43.38hellopthe X100P can make phone calls right?
13:44.24benoitvI dont get how to specify some low level things as isdn protocol
13:44.37benoitvwith chan_misdn
13:44.47benoitvand I get a Nt stack error -6
13:46.01benoitvmy config is *-beronet-alcatelpabx
13:46.13helloplemme rephrase,  I want to configure asterisk to make phone calls, play different messages, and read keypresses, using some type of script.  Any suggestions on where to start research/what to search for?
13:48.58*** join/#asterisk ddfire (
13:50.18ddfirei am new whit asterisk and i am looking for a software phone for windows (sorry) i get openphone it is good?
13:52.08hellopbasically, same as voice mail, only ATDT #number  instead of ATA
13:52.20hellopcall instead of answer
13:52.34nitrambenoitv: then you probaly have the same problem, nt_pp does still not work/is not yet implemented
13:54.38*** join/#asterisk pif (
13:57.23*** join/#asterisk P-Chan (~pchan@
13:57.34ddfirecan someone sugest me a software phone to use whit asterisk for windows?
13:58.08P-ChanWHew...thank god there are people here... ;)  I'm been slaving over a new VoIP box for the last 20 hours straight.  I need help (as well as more caffeine)!
13:59.08P-ChanLong story short:  Previous admin built an asterisk server with slack 10, he quit, on reboot server completely died (luckily this was fri night) - I reinstalled a new server w/ Gentoo w/ 2.6 w/ udev and need to get the old config up and running.
13:59.56P-ChanI'm getting the error:  Feb 12 23:56:58 NOTICE[8343]: app_dial.c:749 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
14:00.26P-Chandmesg says: TE410P: Span 1 configured for ESF/B8ZS
14:00.26P-ChanRegistered tone zone 0 (United States / North America)
14:03.29P-ChanI guess sleep would be an option right about now.  I hate to do that and shorten my available time to get this fixed (not only that, but I'd sleep better knowing its working).
14:05.18ddfire[P-Chan] i thing you are alone i ask something and no one answer
14:10.22P-ChanHello?  Anyone else awake?
14:11.11hellopIt works!!!!
14:11.19hellopYEEEHA  time to celebrate.
14:11.57P-ChanYes!  Another living, breathing person!  <dances around with hellop>  Please tell me you may be able to help me with my Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' problem?
14:12.54P-ChanAlthough, I'm guessing from your jubilation that you were fighting with it yourself.
14:15.07hellopoh P-chan  yeah same 20 hours, only my reason was for fun/destructive behaviour
14:15.19hellopyes possibly
14:15.35hellopyour zaptel drivers not loaded me thinks..
14:16.18P-Chanhellop:  lemme list my lsmod output:
14:16.26helloptry: modprobe zaptel; modprobe wcfxo; ztcfg -vv;
14:16.32P-Chanwct4xxp                70048  0
14:16.32P-Chanzaptel                183428  53 wct4xxp
14:16.32P-Chanppp_generic            27028  0
14:16.32P-Chanslhc                    8960  1 ppp_generic
14:16.46P-ChanI use the T4110P card.
14:16.56*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
14:16.58P-Chanoh, ztcfg -vv, I need to try that
14:17.20P-ChanChannel 24: D-channel (Default) (Slaves: 24)
14:17.20P-Chan24 channels configured.
14:17.29P-Chanso according to that its configured.
14:18.06hellopI have a simple and easy fix for you.
14:18.26hellopYou are a business.  Wouldn't it be more cost effective to simple hire an expert?
14:18.50P-ChanWell, actually I was thrown into this position...
14:19.04P-Chanand the previous admin left the asterisk server in a non-rebootable state. :/
14:19.27hellopyeah.. well, U can get approval to spend $50 on some telphone support right?
14:19.35P-Chanwith who?
14:19.40*** join/#asterisk satlink (satlink@
14:19.40helloppleanty of people...
14:19.41P-ChanDigium isn't open, that's who I'd call
14:19.59hellopOne guy here on this list offered help last night...
14:20.10hellopI have only his e-mail.
14:20.22hellopThere are also sources to be found on the web.
14:20.37*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
14:20.49P-Chanmy problem is that I need to get this up and running today...I've been at this for about 20 hours straight and made quite alot of progress (found out devfs patch for 2.6 doesn't work well, switched to udev)
14:21.49benoitvnitram:I configured it in mtp, can't I use pristuff from junghans or capi or..
14:22.27nitrambenoitv: u can use bristuff, but you have to change the vendor id in the driver for it to accept your beronet card
14:22.36satlinkHi, I'm quite new with asterisk, and I am a bit stuck.. I can call from diax to xpro, everything workes fine, but I cant call from xpro to diax. Any idea where to look? hints?
14:22.37hellopP-Chan, can you not get ahold of/hire the old tech guy?  I'm sure he's not pissed at you.
14:22.42hellopWell, I assume.
14:24.52hellopI was getting that error..  hmm how did I fix it.
14:25.45hellopand you are using his old .conf scripts?
14:25.56hellop24 line system?
14:26.16P-Chanwith 24 lines I'd assume.  It's set up with 23 bchans and 1 dchan
14:26.49P-ChanPRI = digital phone line.  It's 1 cat 5 cable that has digital capacity for 24 separate 64k lines
14:27.18P-Chanit comes straight into a TE410P by digium (into 1 of the 4 ports)
14:27.28hellopI just got my Asterisk to anser the phone and play a .wav.. Not sure I can really help much.
14:27.39hellopSux that U had to start from a new server tho...
14:27.45P-ChanYour attempt is appreciated tho
14:27.56P-Chanyeah, I wish I could have pieced the old one together
14:28.00hellopI'm using Knoppix with the 2.4.27 kernel...
14:28.39P-Chanactually, I just realized something.  Maybe now that I've been working on this for so long, maybe I can attempt to get the old system working now?  <sigh>
14:29.06P-ChanI know alot more about the system now than I did fri night...maybe I was missing something back then.
14:29.26hellopWell, I was stuck last night.  U need sleep, man.  You'll be a much better admin with sleep.  It would be worth it to get sleep.
14:30.03P-Chanlol...yeah, but how can I sleep knowing that we could loose a big client of ours Monday morning if I can't get it running?
14:30.04*** join/#asterisk sambal (
14:30.24P-Chanbig client = call center... <yikes>
14:31.03P-Chanoh...the box is at the colo...I'm too tired to even realize that.. :/  Maybe I should get some sleep
14:31.19benoitvnitram : euh... It will work ? how can I change the vendor id ? is it legal ?
14:31.35hellopdo you have the line: [channels] in your zapata.conf?
14:31.52hellopP-chan  tomorrrow is Sunday
14:32.04Mw3this day is sunday
14:32.05hellopGo sleep.
14:32.12Mw3it depends on your location :)
14:32.41Mw3P-Chan: can you share your zaptel.conf ?
14:32.49P-Chanchannel => 1-2
14:32.54P-Chanyea, just a sec
14:33.08hellopno just [channels]
14:33.23hellopI think that was my prob..
14:33.41hellopmissing "[channels]"
14:34.06*** join/#asterisk SeaForth (
14:34.28P-Chancopying the file to a websever, just a sec.
14:34.58hellopuse  fast easy
14:36.49P-ChanThanks for the tip, never used it before. ;)
14:38.48P-Chanchannel => 1-23 is at the bottom of the file
14:40.57hellopMw3, I notice he has no "signalling=" in his zapata.conf
14:41.37P-Chanline 74
14:41.49Mw3074 signalling=pri_cpe
14:43.07hellopgive me your e-mail and I'll forward it to the guy that offered to help me..
14:43.30P-Chanbtw, has the exact error I get with asterisk
14:45.05P-Chanbtw, thanks hellop - If I can't get this resolved by noon I'll give him a call.
14:45.36Mw3P-Chan: and this is exactly the same config whihc worked before ?
14:45.50*** join/#asterisk Total-Net (
14:46.01Total-NetHi all
14:46.04P-Chanas far as I know, all I did was reboot it, but there may have been changes made that hadn't taken effect.
14:46.10P-Chanhi Total-Net
14:46.29P-ChanSo the running (working) conf, may not have been this one. /sigh
14:46.37hellopreboot..  maybe a module isn't being loaded?
14:46.45P-Chandid it...several times.
14:46.52hellopis there any .old confs?
14:47.00P-ChanI've been manually starting everything and loading the modules myself.
14:47.01Total-Netanyone know what happened to ?
14:47.35P-Channot of zapata.conf
14:47.57Total-Netthat is the only place I can't look for a possible solution to my problem
14:49.18P-Chananyway to get more useful error output from asterisk?
14:49.29hellopOk, I sent an e-mail to zoa...  he does Asterisk support for a living.
14:49.42P-Chanok, cool.  Thanks.
14:50.06Mw3P-Chan: type zap show channels on CLI
14:50.36P-Chanall the way through 23
14:51.23Mw3P-Chan: try starting asterisk in verbose mode, asterisk -vvvvvc
14:51.51P-ChanI was using asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvgr - I'll try that tho now
14:53.01P-Chansame output as I had... (I added an r to -vvvvvvvc to make it connect to the running asterisk service.
14:53.30P-ChanI just killed the process and ran with just vvvvvvvvvvvvc
14:53.43Mw3a -d may help ... but i dunno
14:54.02*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
14:54.21ariel_Morning all hope everyone is going fine today.
14:54.33Mw3what does ztcfg -vvvv do ?
14:55.08P-ChanSPAN 1: ESF/B8ZS Build-out: 0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
14:55.08P-ChanChannel map:
14:55.08P-ChanChannel 01: Individual Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 01)
14:55.18P-Chan... Channel 23: Individual Clear channel (Default) (Slaves: 23)
14:55.18P-ChanChannel 24: D-channel (Default) (Slaves: 24)
14:55.18P-Chan24 channels configured.
14:58.04P-Chananything else I can try at the CLI?  Something that may give me some idea of what its doing?  (or not doing)?
15:00.18P-Chanshow channels is blank, is that normal?
15:00.42*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
15:01.30Mw3it shows the active channels i think
15:01.38Mw3so it's normal in this case
15:01.40P-Chanthat's what I figured. :/
15:03.35P-ChanIt's a good thing the server is about 5 miles away at a colo site...I would have thrown it out the window by now.
15:03.55*** join/#asterisk cc (~cc@byte.fedora)
15:04.19Mw3is /etc/zaptel.conf okay ?
15:06.01P-Chan - it looks ok, from what I can see
15:06.35P-Chanoooh...I have a thought.
15:06.42P-Chanpermissions maybe?
15:07.15Mw3you pasted /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
15:07.20Mw3i asked /etc/zaptel.conf
15:08.14*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
15:08.16Mw3check the permissions, but i think the problem is not that
15:08.31*** part/#asterisk asher (ben@
15:08.39P-Chanjust checked, the process runs as root. :/  not a permissions issue.
15:09.08*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux (~sshah@
15:10.45Mw3P-Chan: this /etc/zaptel.conf is also the old one ?
15:11.00P-ChanI haven't touched it at all.
15:13.49*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
15:14.31*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
15:14.47*** join/#asterisk clinthome (~clinthome@
15:15.17*** join/#asterisk Total-Net (
15:15.44Total-NetI hate dynamic leases
15:16.00Dr-Linuxto defiene Holdon Music necessary to make entry with users extention in extenstions.conf ?
15:16.27Mw3P-Chan: i have no more idea, i would start to try things like strace :)
15:16.27P-Chanif it kicked you off, I'd say...normally it shouldn't.  (The client should tell it its still being used)
15:16.53P-ChanI was afraid you were gonna say something like that.
15:17.11P-Chanoops, that was supposed to be a /msg to Mw3
15:19.59Dr-Linuxto defiene Holdon Music necessary to make entry with users extention in extenstions.conf ?
15:26.33*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:27.55*** join/#asterisk meebey (
15:28.20meebeycan I make a caller id mapping?
15:28.38meebeywhen someone calls me via ISDN, the callerid is ISDN_NUMBER@my_asterisk
15:28.58meebeybut when I want to call that person it must have a 0 in the beginning
15:29.18meebeyI would like to avoid having 2 entries in my hardphone's addressbock
15:30.17Total-NetI need to ask my question again as I disconnected before I saw anything..  anu one know anything about 'Tundo Telport-16' ?
15:30.26meebeysame of course for SIP callers that come in via a sip gateway
15:30.42file[laptop]meebey: what about just adding 0 when you dial out through ISDN...
15:31.08meebeyfile[laptop]: thats the problem I have, the telephon should be able to call ppl back
15:31.08file[laptop]well, let's see if you can think of how
15:31.17meebeyfile[laptop]: the the missed calls feature of ny telefon
15:31.22file[laptop]yes... and it can
15:31.27file[laptop]but your asterisk is what actually places the call
15:31.33*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:31.35meebeyfile[laptop]: it will try to call the callerid which is not the exact right number for me to call
15:31.42file[laptop]just because your phone says call 5551212 doesn't mean you can't actually 05551212
15:31.46file[laptop]it's all in how you write your dialplan
15:31.54file[laptop]like for example
15:32.04file[laptop]exten => _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/0${EXTEN}@myprovider)
15:32.05meebeyyou mean I should map in my calling not in the receiving
15:32.12file[laptop]that would call 05551212 instead of 5551212
15:32.25file[laptop]just an example.
15:32.37file[laptop]you are overcomplicating things a lot :) needlessly
15:33.15meebeymy ISDN actually has to call 5551212 but I use the 0 to indicate its a ISDN call
15:33.25meebeyvia a dialplan
15:33.35*** join/#asterisk smurfix (~smurf@smurfix.developer.debian)
15:33.39file[laptop]see you never said that :)
15:33.40nitrambenoitv: bristuff is gpl, so u can change whatever you want
15:33.44nitramhi meebey :)
15:33.47meebeyfile[laptop]: yes but know I do :)
15:33.52meebeynitram: hiya ;)
15:33.54file[laptop]you'll have to do some fun stuff...
15:34.02meebeyfile[laptop]: I like fun stuff
15:34.06meebeyfile[laptop]: tell me more :)
15:34.14file[laptop]no, I'm not - you're going to figure it out
15:34.40meebeyfile[laptop]: what I am trying to do is possible at least?
15:34.46nitrammeebey: i would prepend the zero
15:34.56nitramin the callerid already
15:35.06file[laptop]see? now there's a creative idea
15:35.08meebeynitram: I want this also for the SIP calls
15:35.23meebeythats what I was trying to ask and do :)
15:35.23file[laptop]all you have to do is think.
15:35.34meebeyprepending the 0 in the callerid when the call comes in
15:35.43yashaxGuys: Which on would you recommend - Polycom IP500/600 or Cisco 7960?
15:35.46meebeyfile[laptop]: all you have to do is listen
15:35.51file[laptop]meebey: have you looked at the available applications, like... setcallerid?
15:36.02nitrammeebey: btw... i do not have to prepend the zero on incoming capi calls
15:36.11file[laptop]nitram: it's the way his dialplan is setup
15:36.34nitramfile[laptop]: no, i mean it is already there (the zero)
15:36.37meebeyfile[laptop]: hm no, I will take a look
15:37.01file[laptop]nitram: ^^ he has to put 0 in front so his dialplan knows to send it out ISDN
15:37.12nitramih... duh
15:37.39meebeynitram: my brother just called me via ISDN, 123123@my_asterisk it showed in the display (the caller id), but telephon doesnt know that number
15:37.57meebeynitram: it knows 0123123@my_asterisk, the 0 is required for going out ISDN
15:38.11meebeynitram: so I want to control the callerids for incoming calls
15:38.14nitrammeebey: so just prepend the zero on incoming isdn calls
15:38.34meebeynitram: thats what I will try to do now :) setcallerid is the application I need?
15:39.04file[laptop]there's setcallerid... setcidnum... setcidname... so many to choose from, which do you think?
15:39.23meebeyallright I will give it a try, thanks so far
15:39.26nitramchoices, choices, choices
15:39.30meebeynitram: yeah
15:40.15*** join/#asterisk heka (~fasada@
15:40.35hekaHello, is there any problem with CVS server?
15:40.45Corydon76-homeLunch at 9:40 a.m.?
15:41.19yashaxGuys: Which on would you recommend - Polycom IP500/600 or Cisco 7960?
15:41.33Corydon76-homePolycom, hands down
15:41.57file[laptop]Corydon76-home: hands down below?
15:42.15Corydon76-homefile[laptop]: heh, maybe after I recover from this cold
15:42.25file[laptop]I thought so
15:43.17yashaxdoes anyone else have an oppinion on this? - Polycom IP500/600 or Cisco 7960?
15:43.34Corydon76-homeThe Polycom is a much better phone
15:44.17DaminI'd get the Cisco..
15:44.26DaminI have both and I like the Cisco 7960 better..
15:44.32DaminEverything works on it..
15:44.40DaminThe Polycom has some "issues"
15:44.40wwalkerOne problem with Polycom 500 is that the maximum volume is very low on the speakerphone.
15:44.42yashaxwhy do you like it better?
15:44.44Corydon76-homeThere's a rumor floating around that Polycom wrote the Cisco phone software
15:44.56Daminyashax: Cause it works. ;)
15:45.15yashaxwhat about the sound quality and speakerphone?
15:45.21DaminCorydon-w: Cisco licenses some portions of the software and speakerphone technology from Polycom.
15:45.41Daminyashax: Cisco and Polycom are both great speakerphones.
15:45.50wwalkerDon't know about the Cisco, but the lack of a backlight on the LCD is a sore spot with me on the Polycom 500.
15:46.13yashaxdoes cisco 7960 has backlit?
15:46.20DaminNeither of them does.
15:46.25DaminWhich is kind of lame..
15:46.31yashaxwhat about 600?
15:46.37DaminMakes it hard to use the phone in the dark. ;)
15:46.49Corydon76-homeOddly, enough, the Grandstream BT102 has a backlight
15:46.54yashaxyeah strange.....
15:47.20yashaxhow is the sound quality compares to Grandstream phones?
15:47.31hekais there any problem with because Im unable to connect!
15:47.44yashaxI am trying to choose whcih phones to buy for our implementation......
15:48.05Corydon76-homeThe sound quality is more dependent on the available bandwidth than on the phone model
15:48.08DaminCorydon-w: I still have not gotten an answer to this question:
15:48.47Daminyashax: Personally, I'd reccomend the Cisco.. I've deployed both..
15:49.23zoaheya damin
15:49.25zoalong time no see
15:49.28Daminyashax: Don't get me wrong, I like the Polycom phones.. However, on the Cisco, everything works!
15:49.28zoaare you going to von ?
15:49.29yashaxdamin: great, thank you....
15:49.29Corydon76-homeDamin: Ah.  Can't comment on it.  I personally prefer a hardphone
15:49.35zoawho is going to von ???
15:49.41Daminzoa: Howdy! Yeah.. I'll be at Von.
15:49.53yashaxare there cenrtain features that do not work on polycomes>
15:49.55Daminzoa: Where are you staying?
15:49.59zoai will be a day early because flight was a lot cheaper then
15:50.05zoadunno kram would arrange me something
15:50.24zoadamin, how about a preparty ? :)
15:50.38Daminzoa: I'm flying in on Sunday.. I'd love to..
15:51.00Daminzoa: I need to find out where everyone is going to be staying.. Wanna sort of stick with the crew from Astricon..
15:51.08*** join/#asterisk pcm (
15:51.42zoai will arrive the fifth
15:51.45zoadunno what day that is
15:51.58zoain the evening
15:52.04zoawell evening for you guys :(
15:52.29Daminzoa: Hehe.. I have a feeling that I'm going to be whipped after that week. :)
15:52.44zoai hope its going to be a tough week :)
15:53.17file[laptop]Damin: we're at the Saint Claire Hyatt
15:53.38file[laptop]across the street from the conference place
15:54.59file[laptop]Damin & zoa: I will be at VON too btw
15:55.10Corydon76-homeHave fun, file
15:55.26file[laptop]getting there will be fun
15:56.14zoacheers file
15:56.18zoawill see you there then i guess
15:56.20nitramwho is going to cebit btw?
15:56.28zoanitram my collegue is
15:56.33yashaxdamin: did you have the same proble with cisco of having a very low volume on the speaker phone?
15:56.35zoaim not im stuck again
15:56.50zoayashax: i never had that problem
15:56.59hekaany idea why this error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient?
15:57.09file[laptop]heka: you don't have the mysql client library installed
15:57.10Daminfile: Rockin..
15:57.30file[laptop]I'll probably be the last one to show up
15:57.32Daminfile: Same here..
15:57.39file[laptop]ooh what time?
15:57.50hekafile[laptop]: I have mysql-3.23.54a-11
15:57.51Daminfile: Well.. Not LATE night..
15:57.55yashaxcool... Would you guys recommend the Cisco 7960 or the other model?
15:57.59Daminfile: Don't know.. Haven't booked my tickets yet..
15:58.05hekafile[laptop]: Isn`t this?
15:58.05file[laptop]heka: you don't have the mysql client library installed, believe me
15:58.22Daminyazhax: I've not had any problems w/ volume on the Cisco speakerphone. It rocks!
15:58.24file[laptop]Damin: well anyway, 10:43PM for me
15:58.49file[laptop]taking 14 hours to get there... oh joy
15:58.53Daminfile: Do you have the Tel# for the Hotel?
15:59.15zoafile what day is the sunday ?
15:59.18zoais that the fifth ?
15:59.20zoaor the 6th ?
15:59.24zoaah damn
15:59.28zoaso i arrive the 5th
15:59.29file[laptop]arrive Sunday, leave Saturday
15:59.33zoai will be all alone there
15:59.50Daminzoa: I could fly in early if you have a Hotel room I could crash at! ;)
15:59.56file[laptop]and if nobody shows to pick me up at the airport I'm disowning all of you :p
16:00.06Daminfile: it's called a "taxi" ;)
16:00.12file[laptop]I'll still disown you
16:00.41*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
16:00.49yashaxwould you recommend any other cisco models then 7960???
16:00.57Daminyashax: nope.
16:01.04Daminyashax: well.. 7940 is good too..
16:01.23yashaxalso where would you recommend is the best place to buy them?  Also, should I ask any questions to ensure that I get the right the correct one with all the features?
16:01.48Daminyashax: has them... Decent people.. good support..
16:02.03Daminyashax: Just tell them you want SIP loaded on it..
16:02.48yashaxgot it.... thank you so much....
16:04.24yashaxcan you please tell me if I do not want to use the analog lines and want the straight voip, then I would need PSTN gateway, right? Where can I find someone that will offer me a few local numbers with unlimited local/long distance for a low fee per month?
16:06.44Daminyashax: Is this for a business?
16:07.03Daminyashax: If so, you'll want to tie it into the PSTN directly rather than rely on VoIP only..
16:07.13yashaxyes... there are just two of us for now, but will be adding just a few folks shortly..
16:08.09yashaxwe will in the future, but due to cost and the situation can not get any pots lines right now....
16:09.24yashaxcan you please recommend someone?
16:10.42*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
16:14.46yashaxDamin? Still there?
16:14.47sivanayashax: where are you located?
16:15.12sivanayou will need to find someone with Atlanta DIDs
16:15.31yashaxyeah.... do you know someone?
16:15.54sivanawell.. you can email the mailing list or check out the larger providers like Broadvoice
16:16.11yashaxk.. thanks..
16:16.18Dr-Linuxto defiene Holdon Music necessary to make entry with users extention in extenstions.conf ?
16:16.36fileDr-Linux: no.
16:17.04sivanadoes Nufone have other DIDs besides Michigan?
16:17.12filesivana: no.
16:17.27Dr-Linuxfile: can you tell me what to do, i'm wanna add a song in holdon music ?
16:17.47yashaxAlso, if I buy the phones on ebay, can then load the SIP on them myself? Is it pretty simple? Can you please point me to the right info source?
16:17.52Dr-Linuxi put my song in muhmp3 file
16:18.03fileDr-Linux: then you have to set up musiconhold.conf... just uncomment default if it's not already uncommented
16:18.13fileDr-Linux: and make sure you have mpg123 0.59r
16:18.16Dr-Linuxbut i'm still listening music which not exist in muhmp3 file
16:18.21sivanayashax: I think you need to buy license or contract from Cisco if you buy on eBay
16:18.25fileDr-Linux: please note this has been documented in numerous places
16:18.39fileyashax: as sivana said, you need a support contract to get the firmware to load onto it
16:19.27fileDr-Linux: there's already music included with asterisk for music-on-hold
16:19.39yashaxso basically, if I make sure that SIP firmware is installed on them, then it is ok?!
16:19.39fileDr-Linux: you also have to restart (not just reload) asterisk for new music
16:19.45*** join/#asterisk unixgeek (
16:20.26*** join/#asterisk easydone_ (
16:20.26sivanayashax: I think so
16:20.37filemmm food
16:22.37yashaxthank you...
16:24.11zoadamin, Deal!
16:24.17zoawell still need to check for that hotel room though
16:24.30zoaas i dont feel like sleeping on the streets either
16:24.36fileHyatt Sainte Claire, that's the new of her... Google and you shall find it
16:24.42*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
16:24.42Dr-Linuxfile: i'm installing mpg123 0.59r after extracting what should i do with "make" option "make dec" or what, i'm using Redhat ?
16:25.08P-ChanI've been having this problem for a while now:  Executing Dial("SIP/xws103-df0f", "Zap/g1/BYEXTENSION") in new stack
16:25.08P-ChanFeb 13 02:16:58 NOTICE[6485]: app_dial.c:749 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
16:25.20fileDr-Linux: read it... cause I haven't done an install like that in awhile
16:25.22Dr-Linux[root@I2C-TEST mpg123-0.59r]# make
16:25.22Dr-LinuxYou must specify the system which you want to compile for:
16:25.27fileDO NOT PASTE IT
16:25.44fileP-Chan: BYEXTENSION is deprecated, use ${EXTEN} - and do you have the group defined?
16:26.24P-Chanooooh...I didn't know about that.  Ok, where do I check if the groups defined?  This config came from an old setup of asterisk
16:26.44P-ChanI just dumped it onto a new server (old one crapped out)
16:27.50filezapata.conf in /etc/asterisk
16:28.00*** part/#asterisk sezuan (
16:28.11P-ChanI now get:
16:28.14P-Chaneb 13 02:24:55 NOTICE[6512]: app_dial.c:749 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
16:28.50fileare the drivers installed? do they load fine? is zaptel.conf configured? does asterisk spit out an error when chan_zap is loaded? what does zap show channels show?
16:30.21P-Chan[] => (Zapata Telephony w/PRI)
16:30.53filetry Zap/1/ instead
16:31.05P-Chanso remove the g?
16:31.11fileyeah, just try and see...
16:32.30P-Chan-- Executing Dial("SIP/xws103-4ac0", "Zap/1/4805772665") in new stack
16:32.30P-ChanFeb 13 02:29:27 NOTICE[6537]: app_dial.c:749 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap'
16:32.44nirshey all
16:32.49nirsanybody home ?
16:32.51NukemizerIf I am using a TE110P and I have wcte11xp loaded as a module, and it is "Used by 0" indicated in lsmod, would this be fron no PRI channels in use or because I have not configured my PRI correctly ?
16:33.28*** join/#asterisk nepon_ (
16:34.02P-Chanshould I add the g back in?
16:34.04fileNukemizer: lsmod has no meaning, it's strictly for modules... means that it's not being used by another module
16:34.09fileP-Chan: I'm not a zaptel person...
16:34.28Nukemizerthank you :)
16:34.31fileP-Chan: sounds funky though
16:34.56fileP-Chan: did you upgrade asterisk?
16:35.10fileor just stick with an old one...
16:35.39fileANYWAY - that's it for me for now
16:36.28ariel_ok folks anyone got a way to do an easy way to do rollover on sip devices.
16:37.16dca[laptop]anyone know if app_dbodbc will work with idodbc?
16:38.33nirsanyone has an idea what these mean ?
16:38.35nirsFeb 13 11:39:30 WARNING[31861]: PRI: !! Got S-frame while link down
16:38.35nirsFeb 13 11:41:33 WARNING[31861]: PRI: XXX Invalid Progress indicator value received: 04
16:38.35nirsFeb 13 11:41:35 WARNING[31861]: PRI: XXX Invalid Progress indicator value received: 04
16:38.35nirsFeb 13 11:42:46 WARNING[31861]: PRI: XXX Invalid Progress indicator value received: 04
16:39.36*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~icom@
16:41.08unixgeekI have a couple of Cisco 12SP+ phones laying around. One has v3.0 firmware and tthe other is is like a v2.0 firmware. Anyone know where I can find the newer firmware image?
16:44.36ManxPowerunixgeek, Uh, you havee to purchase the firmware from cisco.  However, Cisco stoped making the 12SP+ years ago.
16:44.43P-ChanAny changes to the configuration files like BYEXTENSION now being ${BYEXTEN} from CVS from 12/10/04 until now that I need to know about?
16:44.51P-Chanconfiguration file changes I mean
16:45.02P-Chanuntil now = 1.0.5
16:45.04ManxPowerP-Chan, BYEXTEN is not used anymore.  It's ${EXTEN}
16:45.55unixgeekmanxpower: Yes, I know that Cisco EOL these phones. I just figured that someone would have the firmware out there somewhere.
16:46.43*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
16:48.13file[laptop]kpfleming: beep beep
16:48.25kpflemingbeep beep
16:48.29ManxPowerunixgeek, *shrug*  I'm sure people also have Microsoft Office ISOs too, but it's still copyright infringement.
16:49.41file[laptop]I swear I don't.
16:53.23*** join/#asterisk Total-Net (
16:55.50NukemizerThis would be a question for any PRI guru's - IT appears that I have some sort of connection  to my PBX with my PIR, because I will see the * reset the B channels and see an accknowledment on the PBX I will alsosee from, the PBX about 15 or so Tx and Rx looking at the D channel message information. Then all of a sudden i get a SYNC LOSS message. this is a cyle that just repeats. I have not yet been able to use any b channels for a test call
16:56.06Nukemizerthis is a new turnup - so it has never been working
16:56.22Nukemizerany help is appriciated :(
16:56.49*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
16:56.54Wi_Fihey guys
16:57.24Wi_Fiwhen setting up iaxy the user name is also the accountcode?
16:57.26Corydon76-homeunixgeek: you could wait the requisite 95 years for Cisco's copyright to expire...
16:57.28Dr-Linuxfile: thanks i can hear my own songs on holdon music :)
16:58.51Total-Netanyone know if is comming back or not?
17:00.47*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
17:03.14tangelanyone know of a way to playback audio streams using *?
17:03.32Qwelllike Playback()?
17:03.42tangellike network stream
17:03.49*** join/#asterisk [alex] (~[alex]@
17:03.53tangelsuch as shoutcast or live audio
17:04.00Total-Netanyone know if is comming back or not?
17:04.00zoai know its possible
17:04.04zoajust dont know how
17:04.11zoaTotal-Net: it seems no one knows
17:04.15jgaviriahi, i have a problem, i have a music on hold, it seems to work, but i cant hear anything, somebody could hlpme?, can i use music on hold with gsm?
17:04.26tangelwell, i'm looking more for tips on tools.. i'm sure it could be done
17:04.54tangeldoes mpg123 support network streams?
17:04.55filejgaviria: make sure you use mpg123 0.59r
17:05.28Total-Netzoa: just checking..
17:05.45jgaviriafile: i think im using an old version, then this is the problem?
17:05.47tangelmpg123 man (8): Read filenames and/or URLs of MPEG audio streams
17:05.49zoai think the mpg123 does it yes
17:05.55zoajgaviria: read the documentation
17:06.00zoait says on millions of places
17:06.04zoao.59r only
17:06.13jgaviriazoa: ok thanks a lot
17:07.54tangelshould i not monitor quality on iaxtel?
17:08.00tangelit seems to bounce up/down a lot
17:08.39tangelwhat number do most people set their qualify parameter for their staple sip provider?
17:10.09tangelFeb 13 12:09:15 NOTICE[24585]: chan_iax2.c:6188 iax2_poke_noanswer: Peer 'iaxtel' is now UNREACHABLE!
17:10.13tangelFeb 13 12:09:25 NOTICE[24585]: chan_iax2.c:5668 socket_read: Peer 'iaxtel' is now REACHABLE!
17:10.43QwellHow low is quality?
17:10.51zoaits not quality
17:10.55zoaits qualiFy
17:10.56tangelqualify i mean
17:11.01Qwellright, heh
17:11.08Qwelltypo on my part
17:11.14tangelwhich monitors latency quality sort of
17:11.15*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
17:11.15zoawell type on his part first :)
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17:11.44Qwellsubliminal typo messages
17:12.14tangeli don't want to create unnecessary network trafffic
17:12.35Inv_arpok my * is from CVS 9/14/04 .. werks perfect... should I upgrade...  or "if not broke dont fix"
17:12.56QwellInv_arp: I'd say upgrade if you need some of the new changes
17:13.02Qwellotherwise, why bother?
17:13.38tangelso no advice on what qualify should be for iaxtel and my major sip provider?
17:13.43tangelor should i not set it at all?
17:13.47*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
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17:14.13Inv_arpQwell: ahh k ....  iax is remarkable....  there need to be more iax providers
17:14.36PBXtechi have a quad FXO card and only port 1 id detecting a ring, how do i fix that.
17:14.50markithi :) what is "slin" sound file format, and how can it be played/converted?
17:15.09Wi_Figuys .. i need help
17:15.30Wi_Figettin no registration from IaxY
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17:15.36PBXtechslin is the lowest common denominator of codec
17:16.12markitPBXtech: what do you mean? how can I play a "greetings.slin" file? or how to convert with sox?
17:16.44PBXtechdont think * will play slin files. conver it.. the command is in the wiki
17:16.55Inv_arpWi_Fi: err that doesnt explain your issue , what provider,  paste iax.conf  a pastbin sit etc etc.....
17:17.42markitPBXtech: I've read about slin in asterisk, don't have it by hand. Was about some anthm patch for avoiding mpg123, AFAIR
17:18.34markitbut I don't know how to convert it, since sox seems not to have an explicit "slin" file type supported
17:18.52*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
17:19.37markitPBXtech: ok, thanks anyway :)
17:19.56PTG123hey kram
17:20.13tzangerwerd to the goatherd
17:20.36bkw_yo yo yo yo
17:20.38bkw_its kram da man
17:20.47PBXtechi have a quad FXO card and only port 1 id detecting a ring, how do i fix that.
17:21.08Wi_Figuys .. i need help
17:21.12Wi_Figettin no registration from IaxY
17:21.13tzangerPBXtech: all four ports are being detected?
17:21.27PBXtechyes outbound calls seem ok
17:22.24tzangerPBXtech: just for shits and giggles, swap the module that is working with another module...  see if the ring detect stays with the port or with the module
17:22.44PBXtechgood idea, ill have to do that on monday thou
17:23.01tzangerPBXtech: which port is ring being detected on anyway?
17:23.16tzangerand you *are* ringing port 2/3/4 ?
17:23.23tzangerdumb question but you never know
17:23.39tzangerbefore you swap ports, I'd swap lines in port 1 and 2 just to see
17:23.45tzangerand then swap modules
17:23.50tzangerjust try to isolate what's going on
17:24.01PBXtechdid that, all lines are ok. only port 1 sees the incoming call
17:24.16tzangerthere's no protection on the TDM400P card base so it's not a matter of the card itself being obstinate but I'm just trying to narrow it down to a driver or module(s) problem
17:24.35tzangerok so when you put line 1 in port 2 and ring line 1, port 2 does not see it
17:24.42tzangerbut if line 1 is in port 1 and rings, port 1 sees it just fine
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17:26.27Inv_arpWi_Fi: looking
17:27.26PBXtech[tzafrir]: yes
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17:35.41jgaviriahi, i have a pri conected throw a TE110P, when i call to this, i got busy, but just from 2 hours ago,  i think that the cable was disconnected, somebody knows how can i check it?, the server is in another city
17:36.10tzangerjgaviria: what's cat /proc/zap/1 say
17:36.22tzangerer /proc/zaptel/1
17:36.37tzangerdon't paste it here, just tell me if anything looks out of place
17:36.44tzangeras in anything about "red alarms"
17:37.32jgaviriatzanger: ok thanks, im gonna check it, right now i lost connection with the server
17:37.42tzangerjgaviria: sounds like you have bigger issues :-)
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17:41.42Total-Netanyone know how to get into a telport-16?
17:42.00jgaviriatzanger: yes, some weird happens, if i reboot the server, the wcte11xp module doesnt load, but if i power down and then poweron again, the module load ok
17:42.20tzangerI never trust autoloading modules
17:43.47jgaviriatzanger: if a reboot the system, this doesnt load wcte11xp, even if i try to do it manually, always i need to poweroff the server and then the modules load ok
17:44.09tzangerjgaviria: odd
17:44.16tzangerI think you have bigger issues
17:44.17Mw3P-Chan: any success ?
17:44.35tzangerjgaviria: try another card first (or another mobo, whichever you have around faster) and see if the problem goes away
17:45.23jgaviriatzanger ok, thanks. I got connection:
17:45.37tzangerjust give me the top line
17:45.37jgaviriaSpan 1: WCT1/0 "Digium Wildcard TE110P T1/E1 Card 0" HDB3/CCS/CRC4 RED
17:45.44tzangerred alarm = it can't see the other side
17:45.46jgaviriais a telco problem ok?
17:45.58*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
17:46.06tzangersee if the telco has a red alarm
17:46.10tzangerif so, you've got a cabling problem
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18:00.24nestAri'm having trouble with my SPA-3000 and my Polycom doing a native bridge
18:00.30nestAranyone ever have trouble with that?
18:01.17Essobiis there a keypad sequence to get a 7960sip 7.X to reboot?
18:01.18bjohnsonanyone here know logrotate & asterisk.  I'm having trouble getting them to cooperate
18:02.00EssobiI thought it was **# or somesuch.
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18:05.11djinEssobi, telnet is an option.
18:05.12tangel* doesn't register flash on my motorola pots phone... what can i do to correct?
18:14.12Essobidjin True true..
18:14.23EssobiIn some cases telnet isn't an option thou.
18:14.43MocEssobi, yea * 6 settings
18:14.46tangelbjohnson, what's the problem?
18:15.06EssobiMoc at the same time?
18:15.14Moci think so
18:15.23Moci havent plug in my 7960 for a while
18:15.41Essobiman, it's like the vulcan death grip or something.
18:15.55tzangerjgaviria: red alarm = I can't see the other side (i.e. you transmit RA)
18:15.55EssobiBut thanks that worked
18:16.04tzangerjgaviria: yellow alarm = other side can't see me (i.e. you receive YA)
18:16.06MocEssobi, get Polycom phone instead, I made a feature to reboot it via the CLI
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18:16.15tzangerthere's a blue alarm too but I don't recall what that is for
18:16.22Mocmaybe sip notify could be hacked to work with 7960 too but..
18:16.35EssobiI'm not replacing 3K 7960's with polycoms. :)
18:16.48Mocyour screwed then ;)
18:17.02EssobiNah, the vulcan death grip worked.
18:17.07tzangerRAI = yellow
18:17.11tzangerAIS = blue but I knew it as red
18:17.16NuggetI have a perl script that will reboot a cisco 7960 remotely
18:17.33EssobiNugget telnet probably.
18:17.44EssobiI got some endpoints that are behind a nat thou.
18:18.04EssobiMmm. There should be a sip notify for reboot.  I wonder if there is.
18:18.29Nuggetone of my 7960s is flaky and locks up after a while, so I reboot it every night.
18:18.41EssobiI need to dig into the TFTPs and see if there's a way to disable
18:18.47*** join/#asterisk IQ (
18:18.53Nuggetnah, I picked it up used off ebay
18:18.56EssobiI need to dig into the TFTPs and see if there's a way to disable URL dialing..
18:19.04MocEssobi, disable what ?
18:19.09EssobiURL dialing.
18:19.24MocEssobi, that another thing you wish had polycom ;)
18:19.29Mocxml config is so extensive
18:19.42EssobiThat's a good thing. (TM)
18:19.53Mocanyone got Nortel i2004 ?
18:19.57tzangerred alarm = local alarm (corrupt/bad signal) while blue alarm is actually what you transmit
18:19.59NuggetI just with cisco would make a sip phone with a backlit display.  I want one in my bedroom that would be visible at night
18:20.05EssobiWoetel?  Oh NO!
18:20.06tzangerso red/blue are almost identica
18:20.08Dr-Linuxwhats difference between JVM and JDK ?
18:20.19NuggetJVM is the virtual machine you need to run code.
18:20.27NuggetJDK is the developer's kit you need to write code
18:20.32shido6la la la
18:20.35MocEssobi, it will be soon * compatible ;)
18:20.49EssobiI'd almost consider pulling a graveyard and seeing how hard a backlight mod would be.
18:20.49ctooleyNugget, Polycom and Cisco work on their phones together, if one would do it they both would have it.
18:21.05EssobiFor all you haxors out there.
18:21.09Mocctooley, not really..
18:21.34EssobiYou ever talk to Cisco before?
18:21.44Moccisco use polycom mic/speaker technology
18:21.46tzangerEssobi: several times, yes :-)
18:21.50Mocbut that about it
18:21.56Essobi"have" usually isn't in their vocabulary, unless they are talking to you about licensing. ;)
18:22.46Mocpolycom is missing a IP console and a wireless phone (and a ata too)
18:22.58tzangerahhh there is an abort halt command
18:23.12Mochehe yes'
18:23.21EssobiDoes polycom push any feature controllers? If no, it's in their best interest to make their phones compat with as much as possible.  Where as in cisco's case.. I'm surprised the 60's support anything other then SCCP.
18:23.22Wi_FiInv_arp any good?
18:28.36EssobiHhhmm.. I got a neet idea..
18:29.05Dariencan anyone suggest any prerecorded standard prompts/
18:29.21tzangerDarien: for what
18:29.31tzangerasterisk has a ton of them already
18:29.31EssobiA program that sniffs (or proxies) sip and uses telnet to perform call testing and record the results..
18:29.35tzangerand even more in asterisk-addons
18:29.46Nuggettelnet?  ewwww.
18:29.58Wi_Fiany Iaxy pros here
18:30.01EssobiI get people that say, oh when I dial blah blah blah 1/99 times it's busy, but it's not supposed to be.
18:30.24EssobiWell.. the only reason I suggest that is, I bang up the speaker phone, and record the RTP too.
18:30.33tzangerWi_Fi: never used one, sorry
18:31.56EssobiHmm.. anyone know of a cli SIP client that can record RTP steams?  That'd be just as easy. ;)
18:32.29tzangerEssobi: what's wrong with tcpdump or tethereal?
18:32.39EssobiBut the shock value of a wall of 7960s mass dialing would be pretty damn neat too thou. Heh.
18:33.11EssobiI need to fire of 30 dials at a time.. you want to wade through that shite?
18:33.29tzangerEssobi: ?  I'm not sure I understand
18:33.41tzangerwhat is your magical program going to do differently?
18:34.19EssobiIt's mostly for a testing a suite.  I want to be able to pickup, 30 exts and dial.
18:34.32Essobiand watch for sip results.. like reorder or whatnot.
18:35.04tzangerEssobi: tcpdump -s0 -w somefile with your filter and then a perl script which sorts through the recorded stream would work quite well
18:35.10tzangerI think
18:35.13EssobiBaah, typos and misplaced comma. I'm tired.
18:35.14tzangerI may be misunderstanding though
18:35.22EssobiAutomated dialing.
18:35.59EssobiI won't have 30 people sitting on 7960s.. So either an automated 7960 telnet scripts, or just a CLI sip program would fit the bill.
18:37.34tzangerEssobi: any reason why you need to use physical phones then?
18:38.19EssobiNo, other then I have them ;)
18:38.28EssobiThat's why I said a CLI sip program.
18:38.44tzanger... why not just use .call files?  I am not getting why these phones need to be used
18:39.02EssobiWell.. Maybe dual use as an automated 7960 testing program.  We have people that return phones that are perfectly fine.
18:39.28tzangerEssobi: ok but if nobody's at the phone how are you going to test them (display, keypad, ear&mouthpiece?
18:39.36EssobiI need the calls to originate outside of the * box.. I guess I could setup another one.
18:41.28Wi_Figot it workin
18:41.37Wi_Finow i get now incoming from pstn
18:41.38*** join/#asterisk lyroy (
18:41.53Wi_Fii can dial out but no incoming
18:42.02tzangerkram: got a moment or two to comment on iax bridge optimization?
18:42.19kramtzanger: sure, it's basically obsolete.
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18:43.30tzangerok so commenting out #define BRIDGE_OPTIMIZATION won't cause odd problems
18:43.53tzangerI've been testing it with that #define commented out and it seems fine but I dind't know if there were any subtle problems that might crop in
18:43.57tzangerer up
18:43.58EssobiKram's the man.
18:44.38Essobikram We ever gonig to have a G729 binary for FreeBSD?
18:45.16tzangerkram: it's the calculate_fakestamps() that is causing those fucked-up IAX2 timestamps...
18:45.36tzangerbasically it's calculating that the fakestamp is earlier than the last sent packet so it sets it to lastsent+1
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18:48.42tzangerkram: I haven't been able to figure out what BRIDGE_OPTIMIZATION does to optimize anything, as it seems to only fuck with the timestamps
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18:50.49jgaviriatzanger: thanks, another question, when i have an incoming call, this have a did 000-999, then in the dial plan i need to put exten=000,... exten=001,... exten=999.. this is a lot of lines, there exists another way to do that?, i probed XXX, but it doesnt work
18:51.10tzangerjgaviria: _XXX will match any 3 digit number not already matched
18:51.18tzangerfor example
18:51.21tzangerwhat I have in my own dialplan
18:52.00tzangeranything I want to specifically match I have before that entry
18:52.12tzangerso _29220XX matches the rest of my DIDs that aren't in use
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18:52.39jgaviriatzanger: THANKS  a lot!!!
18:53.11tzangerwith our Bell Canada PRI it's neat -- if you do not accept a call Bell will play back the "not in service" message for you
18:53.19tzangerso I can make any DID "disappear" by not matching it
18:53.41Wi_Fizap is not being built on incoming
18:54.16Wi_Fiwhen outside call incoming to pstn it just rings and rings
18:54.28Wi_Fino autoattendant
18:54.56tzangerWi_Fi: do you have an 's' exten in your zap context?
18:55.17fileWindows, she is degrading
18:55.18fileI must... restart
18:56.17*** part/#asterisk P-Chan (~pchan@
18:57.23_Vileblah blah blah
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18:58.52Wi_Fichekin tzanger
18:59.27Wi_Fiinclude => ext-did
18:59.27Wi_Fiexten => s,1,GotoIf($[${IN_OVERRIDE} = forcereghours]?from-pstn-reghours,s,1:)
18:59.27Wi_Fiexten => s,2,GotoIf($[${IN_OVERRIDE} = forceafthours]?from-pstn-afthours,s,1:)
18:59.27Wi_Fiexten => s,3,GotoIfTime(${REGTIME}|${REGDAYS}|*|*?from-pstn-reghours,s,1:)
18:59.27Wi_Fiexten => s,4,Goto(from-pstn-afthours,s,1)
18:59.33Wi_Fisorry guys
19:01.31Mochi kram
19:02.05tzangerWi_Fi: simplify that temporarily
19:02.15tzangerexten => s,1,NoOp(got a call)
19:02.28tzangerexten => s,2,Answer
19:02.33tzangerexten => s,3,Echo
19:02.40tzangerexten => s,4,Hangup
19:02.55Wi_Fiwill do
19:06.48Wi_Fisame thing
19:06.56Wi_Finothing in console either
19:07.34tzangerthen it is not seeing the ring at all
19:07.43Wi_Fii think
19:07.55tzangersomeone else said they weren't seeing ring on anything but port 1 on a TDM404P
19:08.02Wi_Fizapata conf then?
19:08.35tzangerperhaps but theother person wasn't an asterisk newb
19:08.44tzangernot sure if you are or not :-)
19:12.04pkoegelI'am new > problem getting channels up
19:13.23Wi_Fiim soso
19:14.02*** join/#asterisk waddy (waddy@
19:17.35Mocoh well, gota get back to reality, gota go do the grocery
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19:27.04PTG123o did
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19:39.20mrempireDoes anyone know why i get the following when i dial 551: Requested device 'ttyI0/0235407616' does not exist
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19:43.59djinmrempire, you linked a 'Haarlem' number to 551 in you extensions.conf?
19:44.00Darienis AMP the best (free) management interface out there?
19:44.22Darienneither do I
19:44.35Darienbut it's better than editing config files every time I need to make a change
19:44.38mrempireyes, i have posted it to pastebin
19:44.51djinmanagement interfaces like AMP take full control of your extensions.cong
19:46.00Darienwell I'm interested in playing around with Asterisk and getting it working, but I don't want to have to constantly edit the config files and restart
19:46.40Darienif I edit a config file, does it take effect immediately?
19:46.49Darienor is it just a simple HUP ?
19:47.05djinhopefully you know the command 'reload' from the CLI?
19:47.15DarienI know literally nothing
19:47.21djinor 'asterisk -rx reload' from the command.
19:47.37djinit reload the config without restart.
19:47.50DarienI'd still like a graphical interface off some kind
19:47.52djindamn, you're life you got way easier ;)
19:47.53Darienpersonal preference
19:47.57Darienhaha yeah
19:48.15djinabandon asterisk, go for windows >:)
19:48.25Dariendon't tempt me :p
19:48.38Darienit seems like every GUI out there has something wrong with it though
19:48.54djininvest some time, you'll be rewarded.
19:49.09mrempireI love asterisk now ;)
19:49.22DarienI do need a billing solution though
19:49.40djinmrempire, checking you config now.
19:50.04djinexten => 551,1,Dial(Modem/ttyI0/0235407616:0650506652)
19:50.06*** join/#asterisk Nohair (
19:50.15mrempirethanks djin I also posted my modem.conf
19:50.33djinI don't know much about modem, but something wrong there.
19:50.46NohairHi any 1 know why the startup script for redhat fails it moans about ixj what ever that is
19:51.11djinNohair, please be more specific.
19:51.35mrempiredjin: do you mean in the extensions.conf
19:52.08*** join/#asterisk Mother__ (
19:52.12Mother__hi all
19:52.36djinyes mrempire,you're connecting to a modem Asterisk doesn't know.
19:53.11Mother__I am trying to route a couple of PSTN channels via IAX2 to a remote *, can I set it up to call more than one remote extension?
19:53.31Mother__i.e. I want that when a PSTN call comes in, five SIP extensions on the remote * server ring
19:53.35mrempireI allso configured it in modem.conf
19:54.05Wi_Fioh big crap
19:54.07djinMother, sure, route multiple extensions to the remote * and then divide them from there.
19:54.14mrempireSo shouldn't asterisk know about it
19:54.28Wi_Fimy internal ext cant dial out
19:54.38djinmrempire, could you pastebin your modem.conf?
19:55.21Mother__djin: thanks, I'll do that - so it would be such as local zap/1 -> IAX2 Context on remote * -> exten => Dial(whatever extensions)
19:55.31Wi_Figetting all circuits are busy now
19:55.35NohairDjin There is a startup script in the asterisk install directory that you place into etc/init.d this reports on start up the following : - Module ixj not found
19:55.50ariel_Mother__, when the call comes into your remote box. put an exten that rings the 5 sip exten => s,1,Dial(Sip/1&Sip/2&Sip/3)
19:56.14djinNohair, you can use ' make config'  to arrange startup scripts.
19:56.39Mother__ariel: thanks, that's what I thought, I have a 30 minute walk between sites, so I wanted to have a confirmation :)
19:57.17ariel_Mother__, ssh with putty works like being there...
19:57.29djinMrempire, you're from Haarlem NL?
19:57.47djinDamn, me2.
19:58.18mrempiredjin: I'm tring to phone my mobile from home
19:58.45mrempiredjin: hahahahahaha close by??
19:59.20Wi_Fiwtf all outbound to pstn are all busy
19:59.31mrempiredjin: schalkwijk/europawijk
20:00.12djindid modem ever work?
20:00.38Nohairdjin what is ixj
20:00.42mrempireI got the ttyI0 devices, i know what the problem was
20:01.07mrempirein kernel 2.6 the ttyI0 devices got depriciaated
20:01.09flewidanyone notice in the newest HEAD that when calling *xx with zap channels it brings you to another dialtone
20:01.15flewid(i have *99 and *98 for checking voicemail)
20:01.31flewidwhen using sip or iax, works fine, but zap just delivers another stutter tone after completing dialed
20:01.58flewidand i can't dial anything while in that second dialtone
20:02.01djinNohair, I think it's support for a Quicknet Internet Linejack, an ISA Phone board.
20:02.13djinActually, I'm pretty sure.
20:03.13djinmrempire, kernel 2.6 uses udev to lighten the /dev directory. I only have bad experience with this and only ron 2.4 on production for now.
20:03.49mrempiredjin: that's what I have done, for the third time installed linux in a week
20:04.33djinmrempire, did any modem extension work?
20:04.45Mother__ariel: I know, but I have to go and set it up first :D
20:04.58Mother__and I want to get as much stuff right the first time as I can
20:05.05mrempireI don't know how to test?
20:05.06Mother__thanks for your help :)
20:06.44mrempiredjin: at first i thought, lets test by dialing out
20:08.59djinmrempire, it looks ok from here :?
20:09.48mrempiredjin: the modem.conf and extensions.conf?
20:11.46djinactually, both . . .
20:12.28mrempiredjin: oooh my god ;( nooooooooooooo
20:13.01mrempireIt's like hitting my head against a concrete wall
20:14.38djinYou ISDN modem is working properly on other applications?
20:14.56mrempireI have no other applications ;(
20:15.23mrempireDo you know with what i can test it?
20:15.39*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
20:16.32djinno, but did you fully restart aterisk (stop now -> safe_asterisk)?
20:16.33mrempireI have two isdn cards: an eicon and an hfs one, both give the same results
20:17.15*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
20:18.34mrempiredjin: safe_asterisk , where is my CLI now, how can i stop asterisk now
20:19.21djinasterisk -r
20:19.24Darwin35that or on tty9
20:19.37Darwin35safe asterisk puts the cli on tty9
20:19.54Darwin35unless you edited the safeasterisk file
20:20.07mrempireThanks, I haven't edited it
20:20.31djinany changes?
20:20.50mrempireno, same result
20:22.07flewidw t f
20:22.18flewidi think one of my fxs daughterboards might have died
20:22.25nirshey all
20:22.30nirshow are we all doing ?
20:22.41*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
20:22.47Ad-Hochello ppl
20:22.49djinmrempire, I'm out of ideas for now.
20:22.49Darienor at least, clueless
20:23.15nirswhat's the matter darien ?
20:23.15nirsmaybe I can help out
20:23.18djinI only have CAPI experience on ISDN.
20:23.41nirsbtw, has anyone used the inAccessNetworks chan_oh323 ?
20:25.28nirssilence, dead air, just like an H323 VoIP call in here tonight
20:27.31mrempirewhicj isdn card do you have
20:29.01djinEicon Server boards.
20:31.42*** join/#asterisk zd_eyez (
20:32.18Luke-JrIs it possible to wait one second, but if the person starts dialing, let them finish?
20:34.01flewidokay so on one zap channel if i dial anything it just presents another dialtone
20:34.07flewidbut other zap channels work as expected
20:34.12flewidconfiguration is the same
20:34.17flewidsafe to assume the fxs card died?
20:35.45mrempireeicon server boards?? cooooool
20:38.05mrempirehow can I disconnect from the CLI
20:39.32*** join/#asterisk tsetane (
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20:51.25djinmrempire, 'quit'
20:52.17*** join/#asterisk jetscreamer (
20:52.33djinYeah Eicon server are pretty cool. Got 5xPRI, 1x8BRI and 3x1BRI, so I guess I'm pretty addicted to them ;)
20:55.14mrempiredjin: i'm drooling
20:56.18djinmost of them running other software though.
20:58.35mrempiredjin: do you know some thing about capi? If I want to use capi for my eicon home isdn card
21:00.20Luke-Jrmy * works when I dial from a softphone, but how can I get it to recognise DTMF?
21:02.06djinmrempire, yes.
21:02.19djinGot chan_capi running flawlessly.
21:02.58DaminI think I might be screwed..
21:03.12DaminI can't get a hotel room for VON..
21:03.24DaminAnyone intersted in sharing a room?
21:03.36mrempiredjin: do i only have to compile chan_capi or do I allso have to load the driver or so??
21:03.46djinWow Damin, are you able to pay for access?
21:03.51*** join/#asterisk afrosheen (
21:04.11afrosheen!seen bentley
21:04.11djinmrempire, chan_capi is quite simple to run.
21:04.14WifiFredbentley was last seen in #asterisk 4 days, 27 minutes and 10 seconds ago saying: kiso79: you'll get good support using the AMP mail-list or forums
21:04.19Damindjin: What do you mean? Access to VON? Sure..
21:04.26djinas long as you have CAPI.
21:04.36Damindjin: It's not a question of cost.. it is a question of room availability..
21:04.39djinDamin, I saw the prices and . . .
21:04.46mrempirehahaha there comes the rabbit out of the hat ;)
21:05.10flewidare there no rooms left?
21:05.13djinwhat rabbit? where? kill, kill!
21:05.20mrempireSo I need CAPI, is that just an rpm??
21:05.20flewidi priced out my tickets and hotel about a month ago and gave it to my boss
21:05.23Daminflewid: Not anywhere close..
21:05.28flewidbut he's lallygagging around and hasn't ordered them yet
21:05.29flewidoh well
21:05.33flewidlooks like he has to rent me a car now too
21:05.34flewidthe fuck
21:05.35flewidokay thanks
21:06.03*** join/#asterisk yashax (~yasha_x@
21:06.55*** join/#asterisk Ogun (
21:07.27djinmrempire, for Server boards and with the right kernel, yes.
21:08.08mrempiredjin:kernel 2.4 , I don't have server board just plain home use
21:08.20mrempiredjin: is that oke?
21:08.48djinmrempire, not sure.
21:09.03Luke-Jrmy * works when I dial from a softphone, but how can I get it to recognise DTMF?
21:11.34porkchop* and the softphone have to agree on a way to carry DTMF info between them
21:11.48porkchopoptions are inband, info or rfc2something
21:11.59*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
21:12.00porkchopkeep it simple, use info
21:12.24Luke-JrI think I have that setup properly
21:12.32Luke-JrI just don't know how to configure * to listen for it
21:12.56porkchopit listens
21:14.28afrosheenanyone using amp
21:14.32Luke-JrIf I have a Wait(1), can I tell it to wait longer if the user starts dialing?
21:15.45Luke-Jrporkchop: also, voip-info says 'info' doesn't work w/ voicemail...
21:16.02porkchophrm. thought I used it vm before.
21:16.41*** join/#asterisk tecnico (
21:16.48Total-Netanyone know how to get into a telport-16?
21:17.10porkchopit waits until timeout airc.
21:18.19Luke-JrI'm trying to use 'inband' but nothing happens
21:18.37porkchopis your phone set to it as well as its entry in sip?
21:19.02Luke-Jrerr... forgot to define the DTMF stuff in extensions
21:19.20Luke-Jrif exten 2900 is what has the menu, how do I handle menu options?
21:20.19*** join/#asterisk SeaForth (
21:21.25porkchophave 2900 Goto() another context. That context can then have extensions that corospond to your options
21:22.21*** join/#asterisk Mother__ (
21:22.35*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
21:23.13*** join/#asterisk expressfone1 (
21:23.22expressfone1Hi all
21:23.28*** join/#asterisk zoa (zoa@
21:23.56expressfone1have capacity for sell termination to Cuba, +53
21:24.56*** part/#asterisk djin (
21:29.22Luke-Jrporkchop: it doesn't see DTMF while doing Playback, only after everything plays :/
21:30.58*** join/#asterisk ]data[ (~data@
21:31.22porkchopnot Playback()
21:33.06Luke-Jrwhat about during Wait
21:33.17porkchopI don't use Wait anywhere.
21:33.19denonuse background with a silent file
21:33.22denoninstead of wait
21:33.32porkchopthats a reasonable idea too
21:33.56denonI think the asterisk-sounds even has some n-seconds files too
21:34.05denonotherwise its easy to make some
21:34.18porkchopor just get the jepordy music
21:34.20denonyeah, silence/1.gsm
21:34.23denonyeah, silence/2.gsm
21:35.00porkchopI'd still get the jepordy music.
21:35.18Luke-Jrtoo bad that workaround doesn't work w/ eg 2.5 seconds
21:35.34denonsure its does
21:35.34porkchopmake a 2.5 second file
21:35.37denonmake a file 2.5 seconds long
21:35.49denonor better still, make a .5 second one, so you can use it in conjunction with others
21:37.00Luke-Jrstill a bad workaround =p
21:37.11denonits an excellent workaround
21:37.49Damin~seen jerjer
21:37.51jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 60 messages.  Is idling for 16h 51m 30s
21:37.52porkchopexpically since you could have jepordy music with a sinlge mv command
21:39.35Luke-Jrdenon: Is it so complex to support extens in Wait?
21:40.05*** join/#asterisk dsmouse (
21:43.10]data[jerjer idling? nothing changes then :-)
21:43.55*** part/#asterisk kietlak (
21:45.06*** join/#asterisk stepcut (
21:46.22*** join/#asterisk kietlak (
21:47.49Mocwhat up
21:47.50bjohnsonanyone know SPA 2000 dial plans?  I want to take one number and dial a completely different number
21:47.53Luke-JrI have # setup to play the menu again... the first time I press it, it works, but the second time, it hangs up
21:52.30*** join/#asterisk file (
21:53.37Luke-Jrany ideas what is happening?
21:54.49*** join/#asterisk Firestrm (
21:55.02Firestrmhi :)
21:55.30*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
21:56.25Firestrmdsmouse, goodluck
21:57.03Firestrmdsmouse, its not that hard to install.. setup is the hard part :)
21:58.41bjohnsonnevermind .. found it easier than I thought .. (<replacethis:withthis>|nextpattern)
22:00.32jetsAny o1 developers?
22:01.28dsmousewhats o1?
22:01.50dsmouse(obviously, not me but...)
22:02.14*** join/#asterisk bly1 (
22:03.35bly1Hello all
22:03.46bly1been checking google on this particular error.
22:04.05bly1just compiled * on a new box and when I start *, I get the following
22:04.07bly1monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
22:04.13bly1about 3 times a second.
22:05.22bly1fyi: i do not have any zaptel hardware in the box
22:06.39*** join/#asterisk Ogun (
22:10.47nestArugh.. echos with pots lines suck.
22:16.04bly1just compiled * on a new box and when I start *, I get the following
22:16.06bly1monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
22:17.11dsmousebly1: what version of *, btw?
22:17.32dsmouse(oh yea, I'm *just* starting to learn about this)
22:17.51bly1Asterisk 1.0.5, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium.
22:17.51bly1Written by Mark Spencer <>
22:18.19bly1fyi: i do not have any zaptel hardware in the box
22:18.24*** join/#asterisk eivindtr (
22:18.43bly1root@pb:~# lsmod
22:18.43bly1Module                  Size  Used by
22:18.43bly1ztdummy                 2468  0
22:18.43bly1zaptel                218500  1 ztdummy
22:18.43bly1crc_ccitt               1408  1 zaptel
22:18.43bly1ipv6                  183940  10
22:19.28dsmousebly1: did you try ?
22:20.53*** join/#asterisk cc (~cc@byte.fedora)
22:20.54bly1not using FBSD, think it would still apply to me?
22:20.58jetsis rasterisk in use yet?
22:21.04dsmouseor is that the other problem that's addressing......
22:21.27dsmouseI'm not really sure :(  Like I said, I'm just now compiling and installing it myself
22:22.28dsmouseI think pthreads are a libc thing, so it /might/
22:23.59*** join/#asterisk lagCisco (
22:24.51*** join/#asterisk ZeroXeal (
22:26.27stepcutargh, my freebsd install is so old, make does not understand -C :)
22:29.43NuggetFreeBSD 2.2.8-STABLE FreeBSD 2.2.8-STABLE #0: Wed Dec  9 18:06:05 GMT 1998
22:30.23dsmousehow many proc's?
22:30.27Nuggetjust one
22:30.38Nuggetfreebsd 2.2.8 can't do SMP, silly.
22:33.15Nuggetstepcut: install the gmake port.
22:35.59*** join/#asterisk cryz (
22:37.02*** part/#asterisk lagCisco (
22:41.11stepcutNugget: I have gmake, but the makefile does not seem to work with it ...
22:41.38cryzWhich ports does asterisk run on?
22:42.54dsmousethe example config listeds on udp: 2727 4569 5060, right?
22:45.13*** join/#asterisk mikegrb (
22:48.40stepcutAm I correct in thinking that I can use asterisk with a service like teliax and run my own toll-free number for $5/month + $0.02/min, or am I misunderstanding something?
22:49.59Mother__hi all
22:51.32Nuggetstepcut: I'm not familiar with teliax, but you are correct.  I have two toll-free numbers from nufone for $0/month and $0.02/min.
22:52.10stepcutWould you recommend nufone ?
22:52.47stepcutie, do you find them reliable ?
22:53.08NuggetI haven't used them enough to have formed an opinion.
22:53.58Luke-Jrstepcut: I have Teliax
22:54.44stepcutLuke-Jr: Do you find the service to be reliable for non-critical business use ?
22:55.17Luke-Jrstepcut: So far, it's been choppy, but they seem to be understaffed at the moment so I'm hoping it will improve
22:55.31Luke-Jrstepcut: the $5/mo is only for a non-toll-free DID, note
22:55.39Luke-JrI think toll-free cost more
22:56.14Luke-JrTech support is good tho :)
22:56.23stepcut*Optional $5/mth local or toll-free telephone number
22:56.29Luke-JrThey got me up and running in an hour
22:56.47Luke-Jrstepcut: really? maybe the difference is that toll-free is 2c/min incoming then
22:56.55stepcutteliax provides both incoming and outgoing then ?
22:56.59Luke-Jrstepcut: yes
22:57.15stepcutLuke-Jr: who do you use for outgoing ?
22:57.17Luke-JrVoipjet is cheaper
22:57.19*** join/#asterisk twisted (~twisted@twisted-active-pdpc.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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22:57.30Mother__hmm this IAX call setup returned "Call rejected by x.x.x.x no authority found" on the originator
22:58.24Luke-Jrstepcut: Though Voipjet charges for 'toll-free' calls... I use FWD+SIPPhone for toll-free to bypass that
22:58.35Luke-Jrand Teliax has cheaper rates for India and Israel, IIRC
22:59.16Luke-Jrsame here, but I did a bit of research on it anyway ;)
22:59.17*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
22:59.44Mother__what could cause this "no authority" problem?
23:00.11stepcutUnfortunately sipphone won't connect to the toll free number I need to call right now :) I should try fwd...
23:00.34*** join/#asterisk OzJames79 (~James@
23:00.39Luke-JrSIPPhone only does 888 and 800 I think
23:00.45Luke-Jrwhich is why I fallback to FWD
23:00.46OzJames79hi all anyone here using Fwdout?
23:00.47stepcutahh. I need an 877 :)
23:00.54Luke-JrFWD is *often* quite unusable quality, though
23:01.15QwellI use the free trial at simpletelecom for my toll free calls ;/
23:01.25Luke-JrQwell: trial?
23:01.40QwellLuke-Jr: yeah, found a link off the wiki somewhere
23:01.49Luke-Jrtime limited?
23:02.00QwellIt didn't say.  I was wondering about that myself.
23:02.01heath__having a problem using WaitForSilence app
23:02.08QwellI've been using it for like...almost 60 days now?
23:02.28*** join/#asterisk GodThor (~ninja@
23:04.12OzJames79can anyone help me with the Rejected connect attempt  i am getting
23:04.41GodThorcan i connect two quintums with  asterisk machine?
23:05.01*** join/#asterisk Mother_ (
23:05.39Mother_should I have friend or user in iax.conf? some list posts I've seen point in that direction
23:05.48*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
23:07.08*** join/#asterisk florz (
23:07.18stepcuthoo-ray! I have a make that supports -C now :)
23:07.29Qwellstepcut: welcome to 1990 :p
23:08.10stepcutI am only running FreeBSD 4.7 -- it's not *THAT* old
23:09.00stepcutbut I need to be compatible with my isp ( so I can build binary cgi programs, and they are only on 4.8 :-/
23:10.26*** part/#asterisk GodThor (~ninja@
23:12.16Mother_well the authority thing is sorted now, but it's strange that on the originating * I can see the call progressing, but on the receiving * there is absolutely no trace of the dial attempt
23:12.24stepcut===>   Registering installation for asterisk-1.0.3_1 :)
23:17.55Mother_no matter how I format the IAX2 Dial command on the originating *, it doesn't work
23:18.26Mother_anyone can give me a hand with this IAX problem?
23:18.38*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
23:18.54Darwin35mother its just like dialing sip but you put iax2 as the protocal
23:19.04OgunMother_: Trying to link up two * to each other?
23:19.09Darwin35the wiki shows you
23:19.23Darwin35linking is easy
23:19.26Mother_Darwin35: it's what I'm doing, but nothing
23:19.30Darwin35I have 45 boxes linked
23:19.31Mother_the link is OK
23:19.39Mother_Ogun: yep
23:19.40harryvv45 * boxes linked?
23:19.50*** join/#asterisk iguy (
23:19.53Darwin35all trunked via iax
23:20.08harryvvare you trying to create a voip network for paying end users?
23:20.29Darwin35just me and friends linking our systems and testing things
23:20.40harryvvI see
23:20.46Mother_I have exten => s,3,Dial(IAX2/user:pass@x.x.x.x/${EXTEN}/IAX)
23:20.50Darwin35the plan is to setup a fully linked network in the next few months
23:21.14Darwin35take the iax2 off the end and put the provider
23:21.16Mother_${EXTEN} becomes s as it's a PSTN inbound call
23:21.19hellophello Darwin35
23:21.49Mother_Darwin35: the IAX at the end is the context in which the command is executed no?
23:21.49hellop* is working for me now!
23:21.54harryvvDarwin, cool locating a backbone carrier?
23:21.57Darwin35good to hear
23:22.02*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
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23:22.13Mother_in the receiving *, there is an [IAX] context in extensions.conf which should dial the local SIP phones
23:22.53harryvvbkw, would you know how many iax voip to pstn channels would thay allow on account "me" allow at one time? Want to try linking people in one call.
23:23.45OgunMother_: Config snippet that works for me over here
23:24.01*** join/#asterisk _daver_ (
23:25.03Mother_Ogun: thanks for that - thing is I'm trying to route a PSTN call inbound to the remote * over to the local * which has the SIP phones connected to it
23:25.08Darwin35hold a min
23:25.18Mother_what does the :2 after EXTEN do?
23:26.53QwellMother_: remove the first two digits from whats passed in
23:26.54Darwin35it drops the first 2 digits dialed
23:27.01Qwell918675309 becomes 8675309
23:27.02*** join/#asterisk mrproper_ (~mrproper_@
23:27.13mrproper_anyone here using pwlib/openh323?
23:27.14Mother_Qwell: thanks :)
23:31.17*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@bkw.developer.and.friend.of.asterisk)
23:33.18Mother_this is what I have in the extensions
23:34.05Mother_the Wait(3) is to allow a fax machine to do it's tone detection
23:37.56*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
23:42.17Mother_I still cannot get the local * to see the incoming call request
23:43.51*** join/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
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23:48.32Total-Netanyone know how to get into a telport-16?
23:51.43*** join/#asterisk sudoer (~sudoer@
23:52.26Luke-JrIncoming calls are dropped if they dial something invalid, or if they dial *
23:52.28Luke-Jrany ideas?
23:52.39sudoerhas anyone setup asterisk so you call into it, then it calls you back  and setups disa/etc  I cant find anythign on
23:55.29QwellLuke-Jr: without looking at it, are you missing an i exten?
23:56.03Luke-JrQwell: shouldn't be
23:57.00netsurferlo Qwell
23:57.01Luke-JrIt's also dropping when * is dialed, which is a valid exten
23:57.14Qwellnetsurfer: anything yet?
23:57.37netsurferno.. not a thing, and he wont send me tracking numbers, so i've reported him to paypal
23:58.17sudoerwould I need to use agi/code to do that or can I do this just with extensionx.conf?
23:59.29netsurferQwell - it just doesn't happen.. two parcels sent by royal mail special delivery getting lost - I have been using that service for years and never had one lost ever
23:59.55Qwellnetsurfer: usps loses stuff all the time though, heh

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.