irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050207

00:05.34kFuQis there some kind of command/variable/agi that could determine what phone was using a particular trunk ?
00:08.40tzangerI swear
00:09.08tzangermy microwave's "sensor reheat" just listens for the food to go POP and splatter the inside of hte microwave and HTEN it says "yup, it's reheated!"
00:10.08shidanmaybe u should see if u can get your sokrt device to control it for u
00:11.17shidanuse app_microwaveOven
00:11.18Strom_TMshidan, don't do that.
00:11.39tzangershidan: hehe
00:12.46*** join/#asterisk paulc (
00:27.23hmmhesayswoot, roomate bought a new marinater
00:27.37hmmhesaysbuffalo wings here I come
00:29.23tzangerdon't you just dump the meat into a dish with the marinade?
00:29.31tzanger(well pierce it first)
00:30.24hmmhesaysthis is a vaccuum marinator
00:30.56tzangerCollege is like a woman -- you work so hard to get in, and nine months
00:30.56tzangerlater you wish you'd never come.
00:35.33*** join/#asterisk CoderCR (
00:36.28Qwelltzanger: The other day with that relay, is this kinda what you were thinking?
00:37.30tzangerQwell: yeah that'll work, then you don't need a wall wart either, nbut you have to be careful because now you're dealing with 120VAC to switch it
00:37.38Qwellwall mart?
00:37.52tzangerwall wart
00:37.56Qwellwart..right, whats that?
00:38.43tzangerpower supply that plugs into the wall and converts the 120VAC down to something "saner" like 9VDC or somethign
00:39.01Qwellahh, I misunderstood where the 12xvac was needed I guess
00:39.07QwellWhen it says "120vac", thats the coil?
00:39.22tzangerthere are coil ratings and contact ratings
00:40.10QwellI was told it would need at least 90vac on the rest for it to ring, how can I tell if it does that or not?
00:41.02mikegrbheh, the 125 volts you want is the contact rating
00:41.13mikegrbcoil is what it takes to switch it, contacts are what it is switching
00:41.22Qwellyeah, none of the ones I'm looking at show the contact rating
00:41.51QwellI've never really done anything like this, so you'll have to excuse my ignorance on the subject. :p
00:42.06mikegrbnot a problem
00:42.19mikegrblemme get you a link
00:43.04tzanger90VAC is what you ened for the contact ratings
00:43.19tzangerand all but the smallest relays will have 250VAC rated contacts
00:43.34Qwelland even those will have > 90?
00:44.03tzangerQwell: you need to look at the ratings
00:44.16Qwellthe three sites I'm looking at, don't give much information
00:44.27tzangeryou need better sites then.
00:44.34tzangerI can't tell you if your sites don't have the info either
00:45.14mikegrbthis would work and you can get it around the corner ;)
00:45.26Qwellhmm, radioshack is giving more info, it looks like
00:45.42tzangermikegrb: he needs DPDT
00:45.46mikegrbSize: nice and small for hiding inside the phone jack
00:45.52mikegrbtzanger: yup
00:45.58mikegrbsorry about that one qwell
00:46.36mikegrb <- better
00:46.48Qwellyeah, thats the one I'm looking at now
00:47.14mikegrbthe others are the larger ones
00:47.48Qwelland using an npn transistor would be really easy, just take 12vdc off the power supply?
00:47.57Qwellthen it could be controlled by a parallel port
00:48.24mikegrbwell, Id just take 12 vdc off the power supply and hook it to the coil
00:48.39QwellI don't want it to always be on when the system is
00:48.45mikegrbwhen power supply stops outputting, relaw will switch
00:48.54tzangermikegrb: he doesn't need a transistor if he's not using electronic control
00:49.00mikegrbtzanger: right
00:49.13mikegrbtzanger: be he wants electronic control it sounds like
00:49.22tzangerand if you're using the 12VDC of the computer snub the coil
00:49.25florzQwell: and don't forget a recovery diode
00:49.25Qwellyeah, I'd like it to be a system service or something, really
00:49.35Qwellflorz: eh?
00:49.40tzangerQwell: I told you about that
00:49.46mikegrbQwell: you should be able to find wiring diagram for hooking up the parallel port, you will need a few more components
00:50.25Qwellyeah, need to look further at my logs
00:51.03Qwelltzanger: I was mostly idle when you guys were discussing it the other night, heh
00:51.32tzangertake a nice rectification diode like a 1N4007
00:51.36florzQwell: you need a diode with reversed polarity in parallel to the relay in order to shorten the relay coil's self induction voltage so it won't damage your parallel port
00:51.48tzangerleg with the band on it, hook that to +12V and one end of the coil
00:52.07tzangerleg with no band on it, hook that to the other end of the coil
00:52.16tzangerdon't get it backward
00:52.35mikegrbflorz: :D
00:52.44mikegrbflorz: you bring back memories
00:53.03mikegrbI just ended job as an electronics technician
00:53.11tzangerflorz: actually it's not the parallel port it'll damage, it's the switching transistor
00:53.39tzangerthe high reverse-polarity current flow caused by the magnetic field collapsing when the relay is turned off can damage the transistor
00:53.45*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
00:54.02*** part/#asterisk danfrey (user@
00:54.22tzangeryou won't be controlling a 12V relay with a parallel port without a switching transistor :-)
00:54.33florztzanger: Well, indeed, the switching transistor is much more likely to be fried =:-)
00:54.35tzangerwell... not for long anyway
00:55.17florztzanger: Well, if the relay's impedance is high enough :-)
00:56.04tzangerflorz: I used to drive a he-ne laser with an ignition coil ... the coil was driven off a transistor on the parallel port (easy way to alter the switching frequency) -- it generated enough EMI that the PC would reboot if you changed frequencies
00:56.26florztzanger: *lol*
00:56.49tzangerif I knew then what I knew now it'd be trivial to add a little snubber circuit to eliminate that
00:56.57tzangerbut back then who cared, I had a frickin LASER, man!!
00:57.54libpcphi all
00:57.56florztzanger: The only thing you cared about was your remaining eye, then? =:-)
00:58.21tzangerwell a little he-ne couldn't damage anything
00:58.34tzangerit was amazing how the dot 'sparkled' off of what you figured was glossy paper
00:59.19Sedoroxis there a _good_ howto on how to record and make menus for asterisk anywhere?
00:59.37Strom_TM1. talk into microphone
00:59.50florzQwell: If wanna be really safe, use an opto-coupler. But you need an additional power supply then ...
00:59.55gambolputtysetup recording on an extension
00:59.58Strom_TM2. say "for option, press 1.  for other option, press 2"
01:00.07Strom_TM3. play as extension
01:00.34Sedoroxduhhh... no I mean like recording it as a wav or what not.. and converting it to whatever format you need to play sounds.. which I'm guessing is gsm
01:01.02Strom_TMSedorox, 8khz 16bit wav
01:01.07Strom_TMgsm sounds like ass
01:01.28silik0nSedorox: check the wiki theres info there on doing recordings
01:01.40Strom_TMrecord at 44.1khz, downsample to 8, save.
01:02.02Sedoroxok... and how do I reference it... just stick it in a sounds dir... then just put background(name-of-file)?
01:02.29Strom_TMif it's called ass.wav, then you'd have exten=> 555,1,background(ass)
01:10.40*** part/#asterisk hmmhesays (
01:20.04*** join/#asterisk mrproper_ (~mrproper_@
01:21.50mrproper_im setting up an aix link between 2 asterisk servers to share internal extensions, i've read the guides on the wiki and when i call 1 extension to another extension on the remote asterisk server, the remote asterisk server gives me: NOTICE[49159]: chan_iax2.c:4998 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from 192.168.x.x
01:22.58Sedoroxcheck make sure the username and pass are correct that its using.. AND the context that your using
01:24.26*** join/#asterisk jarnaud (~jarnaud@
01:24.28jarnaudHi all
01:25.15jarnaudSeems the zaptel channels restart from time to time on my box, is it a normal behavior?
01:26.12*** join/#asterisk toddf (
01:26.16mrproper_Sedorox: all looks ok as far as i can see:
01:26.48*** join/#asterisk forrestc{hm} (
01:28.16forrestc{hm}any native bridging/codec experts on?
01:28.20*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
01:28.31Sedoroxexten => _1XXX,1,Dial(IAX2/asterisk:1234@${EXTEN}@asterisk)
01:28.35Sedoroxthe username is asterisk1
01:28.37Sedoroxnot asterisk
01:28.41Sedoroxon the 200.24 box
01:28.48Sedoroxaccording to what you have
01:29.00Sedoroxand make sure the extention your dialing is in the asterisk context
01:30.07mrproper_thanks ill check it out
01:30.55forrestc{hm}Sedorox: know anything about how native bridging is supposed to work?
01:32.18*** join/#asterisk ManxPwr (
01:32.27libpcpis it possible to have an IVR that say something like "the number you dial in not valid" once the sip caller dialed an invalid sip number?
01:32.43forrestc{hm}libpcp: yes.
01:32.51forrestc{hm}libpcp: what exactly are you trying to do?
01:33.48fileit's called... the invalid extension
01:34.07forrestc{hm}Actually the invalid extension may or may not work right.
01:35.00forrestc{hm}I've found that including a "invalid" context at the end of my context works also.
01:35.21fileif you're using Background it should work fine and dandy, if you're actually dialing out... then yes, use an invalid context
01:39.59forrestc{hm}libpcp:  Try doing a search for asterisk and bogons - and dig through the results.  Can't find the example page right now myself.
01:40.27*** part/#asterisk CoderCR (
01:40.53Sedoroxforrestc{hm}: sorry.. didn't see it... no... I got iax between to boxes and to iaxtel and fwd.. but I dunno how it works
01:42.29forrestc{hm}Sedorox: I'm trying to figure this out.. the more I dig the wierder it gets.
01:43.09forrestc{hm}GSM and ilbc calls get natively bridged through to VoicePulse just fine.
01:43.29forrestc{hm}Ulaw won't...  For some reason asterisk negotiates a gsm call if you are using G.711 ulaw.
01:43.40Sedoroxthat is gsm
01:43.55SedoroxI think
01:44.27forrestc{hm}@(#$* caps anyways.
01:45.35forrestc{hm}Hmmm.  Guess it's time do dig some more.  Can't figure out why VoicePulse won't negotiate the G.711 ulaw.
01:45.38hermiegsm != mulaw
01:46.30forrestc{hm}hermie:  Voicepulse supposedly supports gsm, ilbc, ulaw, and alaw.
01:46.58forrestc{hm}hermie:  If I originate a gsm call from my softphone into my asterisk, asterisk negotiates a gsm call with voicepulse.
01:47.23forrestc{hm}if I originate a ilbc call from my softphone into asterisk, asterisk negotiates a ilbc call with voicepulse.
01:47.51forrestc{hm}if I originate a ulaw or alaw call into asterisk, asterisk negotiates a *gsm* call with voicepulse.
01:48.27hermieforrestc{hm}, pastebin your sip.conf
01:48.34hermieI think I know what the problem is
01:48.39forrestc{hm}hermie: no sip... All asterisk.
01:48.42forrestc{hm}er IAX2.
01:48.58forrestc{hm}still want the sip?
01:49.04hermieforrestc{hm}, pastebin your iax.conf
01:49.32forrestc{hm}let me trim it down a bit... got all the @#()$* asterisk defaults in there still.
01:49.49hermiejust dump it all at
01:52.52libpcpforrestc{hm} thanks alot, i would really appreciate if you can give me an example on that
01:53.08libpcpfile: so you have an example for an invalid extension?
01:54.10file[laptop]exten => i,1,Playback(invalid-extension)
01:55.22libpcpfile[laptop]: but how can i detect that the user entered an invalid extensions?
01:56.15file[laptop]Background does it automatically
01:56.31file[laptop]well, the logic in asterisk will do it automatically
01:57.15forrestc{hm}libpcp: do you understand what is going on in dialplan.conf?
01:57.26file[laptop]it's extensions.conf ;)
01:58.20forrestc{hm}That's probably why IT's negotiating gsm with voicepulse... Because I missed something stupid.
01:59.15libpcpfile[laptop]: im using AMP right now. im not sure if its included on the extensions*.conf but ill try to figure it out
01:59.30file[laptop]ah well good luck with that
02:00.19forrestc{hm}hermie: did you see my url for pastebin?
02:00.44forrestc{hm}I'm only doing outbound to voicepulse so I don't have an entry in the iax.conf for it.  Only in the dialplan.
02:02.20forrestc{hm}Hmmm... maybe I *should* put an entry in iax.conf.
02:02.35netsurferput a peer entry in
02:02.43netsurferthen u can specify allow all
02:02.51forrestc{hm}This now makes sense.
02:03.06forrestc{hm}Assuming it works, that is.
02:03.23hermieit will... that's almost certainly your problem
02:03.52*** join/#asterisk devious (
02:04.14*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
02:04.28deviousnew to this
02:04.36deviouswhere do i put my config's for
02:05.38JerJerfollow the instructions that were sent to your email address
02:06.10*** join/#asterisk adrianhensler (
02:06.15deviousah duh
02:11.09JerJerGOAL!   :)
02:11.29deviousanyone know of a voip provider that supports cid/ani spoofing?
02:11.29*** join/#asterisk Alric (
02:12.12hermiedevious <--- not a good nickname to use and try to get that info
02:12.46samsinanyone know of a voip provider that supports cid/ani spoofing?
02:15.09Sedoroxwhats a good program for re-sampling wav files?
02:15.46JerJeryou should record them in the proper format to begin with
02:16.18Sedoroxwell.. used a online voice generator thingy.. so I could only download them.. and I wanna use them on asterisk
02:17.35kaitsebhow do I define the requested codec for the pstn->iax2 call?
02:18.44kaitsebJerJer: the pstn calls I want to native bridge via other server to gsm client and it doesn't happen , becaus the first server wants ulaw..
02:19.50kaitsebJerJer: I allow gsm ulaw speex, how I set gsm to be default when sending pstn incomming calls to clients?
02:24.44Luke-JrAre there any good basic home configurations I could start with?
02:24.56Luke-JrI have one, but it seems to be too outdated to work :/
02:24.58Sedoroxok.. where should the sounds file be to be able to do Background(file-name)
02:25.02cypromis~seen maerlowe
02:25.14jboti haven't seen 'maerlowe', cypromis
02:25.14cypromis~seen marlowe
02:25.14jbotmarlowe is currently on #asterisk
02:25.51forrestc{hm}Ok...  I can *FORCE* the calls to use ulaw, but it won't automatically pick it based on the client end....
02:26.16forrestc{hm}I.E. disallow=all, allow=ulaw  works
02:26.34forrestc{hm}disallow=all, allow=ulaw, allow=gsm does the same thing.
02:26.51forrestc{hm}as before that is.  (I.E. ulaw from softphone gets passed on as gsm)
02:26.59nirsdo my eyes decieve me ?
02:27.03nirscypromis, are you here ?
02:27.15nirsand JerJer ?
02:27.32nirsok, either I hadn't been here in a long time, or it's my lucky day ;-)
02:29.52*** join/#asterisk NatRH (
02:31.28*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
02:31.47Sedoroxanyone know where background looks for its files?
02:32.18MrEntropyis there a way to Dial(Zap/ but specify a numeric range of Zap cards to fall back on if one's busy?
02:32.27*** join/#asterisk harryO (
02:32.48SedoroxI have the file in there.. but it isn't finding it.. could it be because its a .wav...?
02:36.00Sedoroxdamn it... no matter what I do...
02:36.17sjaak538Is _0., allways first in extention even if _048., is above in the extention.conf
02:36.20silik0ntry calling it a .WAV
02:36.54silik0nit makes a difference on what kinda wave file it is
02:37.20SedoroxFeb  6 19:37:02 WARNING[64227]: file.c:779 ast_streamfile: Unable to open 1smartserv-welcome (format alaw): No such file or directory
02:37.27silik0ntheres 2 different types (it escapes me as to what they are right now)
02:37.38Sedoroxand I have /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/1smartserv-welcome.WAV
02:40.16harryOanybody know how to fix a static (noise) problem with a tdm400?
02:40.28JohnABlook at IRQ sharing
02:40.44JohnABcat /proc/interruts
02:41.24harryOi saw a reference to that on the mail list can you elaborate of point me to some info?
02:41.31*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
02:41.38JohnABlook at /proc/interrupts
02:41.51JohnABsomething like that would be bad
02:43.30harryO3:   21616659          XT-PIC  wctdm
02:44.37JohnABany other irqs sharing perhaps?
02:45.41harryOit appears to be one device for each irq
02:45.49JohnABthat's how it should be
02:46.08JohnABthere are other reasons why you can get static
02:46.56JohnABdo you only get the static when you're bridging to FXO
02:47.10JohnABor also when you just call e.g. the demo
02:48.50JohnABand is the t400p being used as fxs or fxo or both
02:48.56harryOi place oen or two calls to a sip client
02:49.01harryOthey workk fine
02:49.23harryOthen very load static and the device won't outdial
02:50.15JohnAByeah to be honest i think that's one to pass to digium's support, assuming you bought it from there
02:50.32JohnABi'm assuming you're compiled from a recent CVS source
02:50.36harryOi agree
02:50.56harryOi reported this issue last year sometime
02:51.00JohnABthere's nothing too glaringly wrong to be done with the tdm400p
02:51.06harryO(to digium)
02:51.15harryOi did not get much satisfaction
02:51.27harryOi had to put the project down for while
02:51.36harryOand now i am back and facing this issue again
02:51.43JohnABwhat's the configuration on the tdm400 in terms of fxs and fxo modules?
02:51.51harryOone fxs
02:52.06JohnABjust one module?
02:52.17JohnABnot much to go wrong then
02:52.24JohnABand some x100s in the same machine?
02:52.33harryOnot now
02:52.44harryOi had an x100
02:52.48JohnABand if you do restart now at the asterisk cli
02:52.51harryOi gave it to a friend
02:52.54JohnABdoes that resolve the problem temporarily?
02:53.21*** join/#asterisk jesse_132 (
02:53.26harryOi didn't try just now
02:53.32harryOwhen it happened originally
02:53.48harryOi remember i tried shutting down asterisk, did not work
02:53.57harryOrmmod did not work
02:54.06JohnABonly a machine restart fixes it?
02:54.11harryOpower bounce worked
02:54.23JohnABwell there's 2 things i'd try then
02:54.31jesse_132I'm having a problem with pyst (agi-python) stripping out #,* of the results when I do a "get data" ... anyone run into this?
02:54.35JohnABfirst is getting the card out, taking the module in and putting it back in
02:54.37forrestc{hm}harryO: there are other people on the list that had the same problem.  Are you sure you're running the latest code?
02:54.48JohnABsecond is trying it in different PCI slots
02:55.05harryOCVS code
02:55.13*** join/#asterisk zimdog (
02:55.14harryOi just replaced mobo
02:55.21*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (
02:55.26JohnABand if you have a spare PSU, that would be good to check
02:55.34Guest^DJ~seen ZX81
02:55.36jbotzx81 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 14h 8m 23s ago, saying: ':)'.
02:56.00harryOdon't have a spare psu, all other boxes are at
02:56.19harryO(not ATX)
02:56.34Sedoroxbsd changes /var/lib/asterisk to /usr/local/share/asterisk
02:56.40*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
02:57.38cypromisGuest^DJ: I think he is in italy
02:57.43JohnABi get a similar problem on my tdm400p if it makes you any happier
02:57.57AlricDoesn't everyone?
02:58.15harryOwell it would if you told me it has gone away
02:58.16JohnABseems a bit different to yours, but i've given up using it
02:59.27JohnABmodprobe wcfxs lowpower=1
02:59.36JohnAByou might want to try that when you load the module
02:59.49harryOi will try that
02:59.52JohnABgoogle brings up quite a few people with similar problems
03:00.04JohnABnone of which have a definitive solution :)
03:00.08harryOi know
03:00.13JohnABblah 3am, bed time, night all
03:02.15*** join/#asterisk john8675309tm (~pabt@
03:02.15zimdogWhen I do sip show peers it shows my ip500 phone that is conencted to the internaet at port 60077 instead of 5060. Where would it pick this up from? I do not see it any any configs
03:02.23tzangerzimdog: sounds like NAT
03:03.07zimdogtzanger: The server is behind a nat firewall
03:03.49zimdogI am actually getting close to working now. The phone at least registers I just don't receieve audio and can't dial it. But can dial into the switch
03:03.53john8675309tmDoes anyone know any companies with unlimited voip->PSTN calling?
03:04.09JerJerno such thing as 'unlimited'
03:04.21john8675309tmWell as close to unlimited as possible
03:04.38JerJerwhy not simply pay for what you use?
03:05.53john8675309tmIt is a good budgeting tool to be able to pay a for sure price even if it is more
03:06.08*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
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03:06.59zimdogtzanger: Is there a way to make the phone outside the nat to use port 5060?
03:07.14tzangerzimdog: first things first -- get the phone and the server on the same network and test
03:07.17JerJerdoesn't make finical sense to me...what happens if you want to stop calling for a month?  you still pay that monthly fee
03:07.20tzangerif it works, you know you have a NAT issue first
03:08.07*** join/#asterisk amir ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:08.07john8675309tmso what is the best pre pay iax and sip provider
03:08.38zimdogThe phone is at a different location. I do have 2 phones exactly like ti that I am using the same config file
03:09.19john8675309tmI guess when you sit down and do the math $20 does get you over 1000 minutes
03:09.23john8675309tmat most places
03:10.14john8675309tmis voicepulse pretty good?
03:10.23*** join/#asterisk E|nyPRI_ (
03:11.28E|nyPRI_I've got to asterisk boxes.  I want to dial from the dialplan in box a -> box b, do something on box b, and have it return to box a dialplan.  Anyone know how to do that?
03:11.56tzangerzimdog: not really... depends on your NAT implementation and even then it's iffy
03:12.30*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~dgilbert@
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03:13.10*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~dgilbert@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:13.10*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:13.22zimdogtzanger: Thanks guess I will just keep changing things and see what happens. It just seems like I am missing a port somewhere
03:13.27mogormanhey bkw you around?
03:15.32tzangeryou're not missing a port
03:15.39tzangerthat's how NAT works
03:15.49E|nyPRI_i lost a port once.
03:15.52tzangeryou can't have everything come in on one port
03:18.12Sedoroxis there a option to allow people to dial extentions on the system from a menu?
03:21.41*** part/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~dgilbert@
03:22.43kaitsebanyone running asterisk on 64 bit machine?
03:23.32*** join/#asterisk Primer (
03:23.52libpcpanyone is using AMP for asterisk administration?
03:26.43libpcpi would like to add a feature that inform the caller for an invalid extension if they dial a non-existing extension in AMP
03:29.04*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
03:29.36*** join/#asterisk AvengerX (~h_avenger@
03:30.05AvengerXWhen using a tdm400p, a guy gets this error:
03:30.06AvengerXOuch ... error while writing audio data:  : broken pipe
03:30.27AgiNamulol, the US$100 Virbiage USB phones?
03:30.27AgiNamuI just bought them, same exact thing, for under $30
03:30.32AvengerXand asterisk keeps looping this error until killed
03:30.37*** join/#asterisk herag (
03:30.45AgiNamuthat's probably the mpg123 thing
03:30.51AgiNamuhe's probably using the wrong version
03:31.08AgiNamu30 freaking dollars! and Virbiage wants $100!!! LOL
03:31.19AgiNamuand that's without any bulk discount
03:31.38AvengerXppl do what they can (and can not) to get money, you see...
03:35.10AvengerXbyebye half-of-the-channel :P
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03:37.35AgiNamuevery time i open Asterisk in VS2005, it uses 1GB of ram :\
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03:38.29AvengerXyou play how much nodes?
03:38.33AvengerXsay how much concurrent connections average
03:38.48AvengerXwoo, there is my question, up there! :P
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03:40.28libpcpmaybe anyone can help me on how to implement an invalid extension ivr option on AMP
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03:40.41AgiNamuhow much nodes?
03:41.39AgiNamumeh, PHP and so on suck
03:41.39AgiNamuI'm writing an asterisk editor in C#... that's nice
03:44.07AgiNamuyou're welcome.
03:46.53AgiNamufuck, really, how fuckign hard is it to just write // some comment?
03:46.53AgiNamusick and tired of shit code with no comments
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03:47.05AgiNamuAnd people using a full freaking int, when an "int var:1" would work
03:47.21AgiNamuand then going batshit crazy and making FLAG_MACROS_FOR_NO_REASON
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03:47.47AgiNamulike chan_zap. gonna go thru and make it use less memory
03:48.27AgiNamuOh wait, nevermind. It's 10,000+ lines long, and the majority of the variables are not commented. so this means going thru 10000 lines of code for each damn thing
03:49.14*** join/#asterisk Silik0n (
03:49.31AgiNamukFuQ what's funny?
03:50.21AgiNamuexcept that they use a cronjob instead of just droppping a .call file
03:55.38libpcpanyone can help me how to visualize the concept on creating an asterisk billing? i would like to work on reseller section
03:56.24AgiNamuwhat do you mean
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03:58.38libpcpAgiNamu: i have a postpaid billing system written in php, now i want to create a reseller
03:59.03libpcpi just want to know how the reseller works
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03:59.19AgiNamushould be as simple as adding something to keep track of which clients belong to whom
03:59.20AgiNamuand then calculating how much money th reseller gets
03:59.37AgiNamuwell, that's sorta up to you
03:59.44AgiNamuthey can get a fixed amount of money
04:00.36AgiNamuit's a simple thing, until you get into the details
04:00.55Sedoroxhow do I make it where someone calls in.. and the automated menu picks it up.. and they have the option to dial a system extention.. how do I allow that?
04:01.05AgiNamuand i cant imagine libpcp means that he wants us to write a functional spec for him
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04:01.08AgiNamui mean, Vonage does it nice and easy. Get $5 for everyone who signs up. or something like that :P
04:01.24harryvvafi, and thats a good idea to.
04:01.33harryvvAgiNamu yea that works.
04:01.46AgiNamunot gonna get you "power-resellers"
04:01.55harryvvdo thay provide a ata?
04:03.10libpcpwell ill try to figure that out to write in php so i could incorporate to my existing billing system
04:03.23AgiNamuanyone here know chan_zap?
04:03.36harryvvwhat about it
04:03.46AgiNamui want to reduce the memory usage
04:03.51AgiNamudoing elegant code
04:04.00AgiNamubefore someone hits with with the FLAG_UGLY_MACROS
04:04.16harryvvno clue
04:04.32AgiNamuunfortunately, of the tons of fields, only a few have documentation. so its hard to know which fields are ints, and which are booleans as integers because no one thought of typedefs or anything
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04:14.00AvengerXAgiNamu: u said * eats up 1g ram upon running it; so I wondered how much ppl use your * server (so, how much lines you have) to do a so-great load
04:14.14AvengerXcurse my poor english :)
04:14.20harryvvAgiNamu I have not looked at asterisk code its c right
04:14.34AgiNamuAvenger, No, Asterisksource  when loaded in Visual Studio 2005 eats 1GB
04:14.37AgiNamuyes, it's ... c
04:14.47AvengerXah.. got it
04:14.56harryvvthats cool
04:16.21AgiNamuwait till you try to modify the code first
04:16.34AgiNamuso, if I have a packed structure, and it has "int x:1", and then I pass x as an int
04:16.43AgiNamuC will zero-extend my value, right?
04:17.07AvengerXso u're building * on win32... I found VS too big... I wanted to make a 200k-app to catch mouse movement, but Vc++ and dx sdk requires more than 1gb to be installed (perhaps more than 1.5gb as dx sdk installation does some insane things during installation)
04:19.32AgiNamuno, im editing Asterisk with VS
04:20.09AgiNamuI could build it from VS
04:20.14AgiNamubut I haven't bothered to set it up
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04:29.06sumaMay I know what RFC standard followed by the conf file in asterisk ?
04:29.37Silik0nwho was writting that c# lib for manager?
04:29.37Nivexsuma: no you may not... that because it doesn't follow one.
04:29.47Silik0nmsg me if you are around
04:30.15sumaNivex: what you mean ?
04:30.31sumaNivex: It is not following any of the existing standards ?
04:30.35Nivexsuma: The asterisk config files follow no published standard to my knowledge.
04:30.44sumaoh ok thanks
04:30.51AgiNamulater all
04:31.05sumabut it looks stupid thing right ?
04:31.12sumaIs it not ?
04:37.36brc_suma, eh?
04:38.06brc_suma, teh format used by the asterisk config files has just evolved rfc's...
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04:38.17brc_and man does it suck
04:38.37AvengerXperhaps it becomes a rfc one day :)
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04:38.54AvengerXjust kiddin'
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04:39.12ta[i]ntedare there certain file permission restrictions for a .call file?
04:39.25ta[i]ntedi have 744 and * isn't picking it up.. only 644 picks up
04:39.27brc_writable by asterisk
04:39.42brc_asterisk running as root?
04:39.57ta[i]ntedjust on the test machine yea
04:40.02ta[i]ntedis that the problem?
04:40.04brc_shouldn't matter then
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04:40.23ta[i]nteddoes .call have to be owned by root?
04:40.27ta[i]ntedright now it's owned as nobody
04:41.20AvengerXas brc said, it must be writable by asterisk's user
04:41.37AvengerXif asterisk runs as root, it would be able to write anything anywhere
04:42.01ta[i]ntedcan someone verify this?
04:42.29ta[i]ntedjust try a .call file with 744 owned by nobody
04:42.35AvengerXyes you can by ls -l to the file
04:43.16AvengerXtry chown root.root <file>; chmod u+rw <file>
04:43.32ta[i]ntedi have tried that
04:43.45AvengerXwhat's the error it pops with?
04:43.52ta[i]ntedthere are no errors
04:44.05ta[i]nted* simply ignored the .call file in the /outgoing directory
04:44.41ariel_so anyone tried the softphone from snom yet the 360?
04:45.50AvengerXhmmm no idea, sorry.
04:46.36sumabrc_: atleast they should have followed some grammer for parsing the file
04:46.52sumabrc_: is the grammer available ?
04:47.08sumaor is it so simple ?
04:47.26sumathis is the format ?
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04:50.44brc_anybody kknow of a viewcvs site for asterisk?
04:50.56brc_yeah I guess so suma
04:50.58libpcpanyone is using AMP? how do i include a feature for invalid extension when someone dial a non-existing numbers?
04:51.00brc_more or less
04:51.13brc_libpcp, use the magic extension "i"
04:51.26letherglovsuma, it's more like a windows 3.1 INI file
04:51.31letherglovbut it's not really
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04:52.09brc_basically, it sucks.
04:52.13soulz22alo all
04:52.51libpcpbrc_: something like? exten => i,1,Playback(invalid-extension)
04:53.01ariel_libpcp, I have asterisk@home that brings amp. (I only use the amp part for the reports. I make all my own conf files over to my own setup).
04:53.07brc_libpcp, yes
04:54.39libpcpbrc_: but where should i add that line on the conf file?
04:55.11brc_how would I know?
04:55.17libpcpariel_: thats nice. well im still on the stage of learning :(
04:55.29brc_do you know how contexts work?
04:55.36brc_if not, go read the wiki
04:55.43sumabrc_ : i thought you are magician to insert the line into conf file ;)
04:55.59ariel_libpcp, look at the files in the /etc/asterisk/ directory that end with .conf. You need to read them and follow there logic.
04:56.01brc_what you might do is make an [invalid] context, and then include the invalid context in all the other contexts
04:56.30brc_look at /usr/src/asterisk/configs/name.conf.sample
04:56.48ariel_libpcp, since I do not like there way of doing things like the macro's or not allowing you to use zap ports and requiring little things. I did away with there setups and made my own.
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04:57.04libpcpokay let me try that brc_, i will try to add the context invalid and it to the main context
04:57.59libpcpariel_: yeah thats what im thinking, because the extensions*.conf uses alot of macro's
04:59.09*** join/#asterisk MichaelSaunders (~mick@
04:59.10ariel_libpcp, if you look into the asterisk@home project you will see a very nice setup. It even loads amp. (which I redo my conf.) but the web gui/ and other items are pre-installed and there very easy to edit via http://localip/maint.
04:59.46MichaelSaundersanyone have asterisk succesfully working with msn
05:00.16ariel_msn ???? as which version. the only one that works via sip correctly is 4.7
05:00.44ariel_but why use msn there are many better soft phones out there.
05:01.11libpcpariel_: okay i will try to look at it.
05:01.43soulz22hi all, i just got my hd crash for asterisk, reinstalling asterisk cvs, do i have to apply the broadvoice patch?
05:02.15ariel_soulz22, no it's included. last I saw. at least it's in the stable setup.
05:02.38MichaelSaundersI want to block msn in the office
05:03.06ariel_msn as uses a port find it and use iptables to block it.
05:03.12soulz22ariel: somehow i amhaving some problems
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05:03.31libpcpbrc_: i tried adding a context invalid and add that context to the main context but its not working
05:03.31soulz22ariel: what is ur extension dial/sip bv?
05:03.42MichaelSaundersYes but I want a replacement for msn
05:03.50MichaelSaundersthat has all msns features
05:04.00brc_libpcp, odd...
05:04.02brc_good luck
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05:04.27brc_just add extension i directly in whatever context you are dialing in and see if that works
05:04.29brc_I'm out
05:04.35libpcpmaybe it should be add on the macro's?
05:04.46ariel_soulz22, what is the error your getting. I have not used bv in over 3 weeks. I just used them for testing. and decided to use iax providers.
05:06.02soulz22ariel: ok cool, SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
05:11.53ariel_well since bkw_ is not here let me say NEXT!
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05:13.51ariel_MichaelSaunders, I don't use msn for sip dialling. But if your looking at replacing it use the power of google and do a look up for msn clients.
05:15.05ariel_libpcp, have you looked at the wiki for information about asterisk and dialing rules. If you need to setup things other then what amp uses it's time to learn the setups and make your own.
05:16.21ariel_I am glad that they have made AMP, Asterisk@home even the rapid. There great for people to get started. But once you need to start adding more of the great features asterisk has you need to start your own conf files.
05:16.34MichaelSaundersariel_: No i want an internal messenging system I just dont want people talking to there friends at work
05:17.17soulz22nice domain:)
05:17.20*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
05:17.28soulz22brc: what happened to .org?
05:17.34ariel_MichaelSaunders, ICQ allows you to setup your own biz server. Just block the outbound port and it should give you what you want.
05:17.49brc_soulz22, eh?
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05:18.16soulz22brc: sorry wrong person
05:18.55brc_harryvv, bad bad!
05:20.45ariel_well it's late and I need to get up early.  See you all later. Good night.
05:21.14libpcpguys, i would like to ask if anyone knows a good iax provider? i want to connect my asterisk to an iax provider with a good service
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05:21.35MichaelSaundersariel_: Trying to find info on it where can I find it
05:21.37ariel_libpcp, I use
05:21.55ariel_~google ICQ server
05:22.45libpcphow about the nufone service. is it good?
05:24.09MichaelSaundersariel_: That gave me a list of servers but I want to run my own
05:27.35tzafrir_laptopharryvv, I understand you set your identd responder to root as a honeypot to get cracking attempts and you don't really connect as root
05:28.46libpcpariel_: is lower than the other voip provider?
05:30.06*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (Joel29@
05:32.05libpcpariel_: does allowed to have multiple call on every account?
05:32.36ACiDVI'm anxious to meet Digium Staff (don't know who will be there) tommorow in Toronto, Canada :D
05:33.18Himekoyikes, stalker
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05:38.39JerJerACiDV:  what is going on in Toronto?
05:41.14ACiDVJerJer business talk and demonstration of a GUI for Asterisk PBX... don't have more detail... I'm a developper or the GUI and I'm just comming in toronto (mississauga)
05:41.24harryvvWould changing the asterisk servers hostname to what it should be other then the default loopback address localhost to a domain name of my choosing interfeer with asterisk talking to a sip client? I am getting this error on CLI Warning [1468] chan_sip.c 624 __sip_xmit of 0x8133dc4 (len 462) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor. I have shutdown the client machine with the softphone restarted asterisk and it
05:41.40harryvvthis erorr over and over. Restarted debian and same effect.
05:41.58harryvvWhich I dont think was really nessesary.
05:42.55harryvvI configured sendmail to send mail and the host and this occured. But dont know if it was the result of the changes.
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05:46.03harryvvokay might have a solution for this.
05:46.08heath__i have come to the conclusion that asterisk is sooo where the money is at
05:46.15harryvvwhy it did not show up before dont know why :)
05:46.22harryvvas long as it works :)
05:46.42harryvvwhy are you selling packages?
05:46.56heath__who me?
05:49.17heath__nah, i think the money is in big call centers
05:49.51JerJerACiDV: you do realize not one GUI will be able to encapsulate the power of Asterisk
05:52.20MichaelSaundersJerJer: Do you know any free replacements for msn. I want an internal server and client for the lan
05:52.43MichaelSaundersdoes it have a server as well
05:52.45robl^gaim + jabber?
05:55.01ACiDVJerJer: Yes I know, but if the gui have good scripts editor, ivr manager, tenantings, etc and is very easy to use... currently it can reproduce 100% of all Asterisk files and the Extensions manager is already powerful to never have to leave the GUI and I can create a lot of stuff in extensions.conf...
05:56.00ACiDVI must go to bed... it's 1h am and have a meeting at 9h :) Good night all ... and asap I will post screenshoot/demo site of this GUI
05:57.05Qwellfor some reason, asterisk is going extremely slow all of a sudden
05:57.20harryvvmy asterisk is down with this error.
05:58.19Qwellhmm, and stopped playing sounds
05:59.00harryvvwow, my asterisk generated these errors with a hostname change.
05:59.06harryvvits now running
05:59.16harryvvon its default hostname
05:59.22harryvvwhat would cause that?
06:00.26harryvvhi firestrm
06:00.35MichaelSaundersrobl^: Would you use jabber2 or jabber
06:00.37firestrmhey harryvv
06:00.45firestrmwahts new?
06:01.05harryvvever seen my problem before? I changed the hostname from its default since it did not have one and got errors on asterisk
06:01.13harryvvI changed it back and no more errors.
06:01.25firestrmharryvv, you changed /etc/hostname ?
06:01.32robl^MichaelSaunders: Jabber has less bugs and is more stable than jabber2..  but jabber2 will become the stable version soon, I think
06:02.11harryvvit was the localhost orginally
06:02.15firestrmharryvv, what did you change it to?
06:02.59firestrmharryvv, oh ya.. ok.. you need to add a reference to localhost in your hosts file..
06:03.05MichaelSaundersrobl^: I tried my hardest to add users to jabber. Is thre an easy way to do it
06:03.21firestrmastrisk expects to be able to lookup localhost
06:03.38firestrmthen you can change hosts to what ever you want
06:03.50firestrmer... localhost to whatever you want
06:04.15harryvvfirestrm.. this is the default host that is added when debian is installed and worked fine for asterisk. I did add a localhost name for the loopback but did not finish it and worked fine. Went back to make it more complete and got the errors.
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06:05.43harryvv#      pbx_01
06:05.43harryvv#      pbx_01
06:07.29firestrmyou also need localhost.localdomain localhost
06:07.42firestrmotw it cant find itsself
06:07.51harryvvI do
06:08.00firestrmhmmm... wierd
06:08.09harryvvActually did i must have commented it out by mistake
06:08.24firestrmany references to localhost in your .conf 's
06:09.00firestrmharryvv, try uncommenting.. then probbly reboot for good measure..
06:09.29harryvvI know it was perhaps a mistake ;)
06:10.05firestrmharryvv, its allways the one char errors that screw you up for hours..
06:10.51firestrmbrb fone..
06:11.16harryvvfire, I made a mental note of it and knew that was perhaps it.
06:19.41datareactorif you are using redhat also change hostname in /etc/sysconfig/network
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06:22.03harryvvdata this is debian
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06:23.12firestrmharryvv, any luck?
06:23.54harryvvI know whats going on
06:24.19harryvvIts was not working because its set as a dhcp server..the host file is a little different then a static one.
06:24.44harryvvAs long as I know thats okay
06:25.20firestrmaaahhh yes that can screw you up too..
06:25.59firestrmon a different note.. im clearing a space on my bench to try a solaris 10/asterisk machine..
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06:26.31dwC-what is a good frontend gui for asterisk? I need something easy for configuring
06:26.58Silik0nif all you want is easy extension configuring
06:26.59dwC-is that web based or?
06:27.03Silik0nweb based
06:27.41firestrmweb based asterisk configurators are the best way to a completely screwed up config that i know of..
06:27.59harryvvfire yea need to set this as a static server been a little lazy about it since the ip address does not change :)
06:28.02datareactordwc try ACTOS it quite easy
06:28.34dwC-i just want a dumbass to be able to add extensions with ease
06:28.47dwC-the dumbass is not me lol
06:29.11harryvvdwc, well what for? for someone you hire to do that?
06:29.44harryvvim outa here firestrm get my message?
06:29.46dwC-no, for a poor non-profit society that cannot hire someone every time they need a extension added
06:29.56firestrmdwC-, make work project.. let them screw up the system with ACTOS then you get to charge them to come in a fix it ;)
06:30.21Qwellugh, all of a sudden asterisk hangs when I dial anything
06:30.22*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
06:31.45Luke-JrIs there a way to force ulaw *only* if the remote UA is Kphone?
06:32.11firestrmLuke-Jr, deny all, allow ulaw
06:32.27firestrmer or is that disallow all.
06:32.43firestrmiptables getting mixed up with asterisk :)
06:32.44datareactorQwell is there any error on console ?
06:35.24*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
06:47.41talkwebhostsanyway to record sound to asterisk with a voip phone?
06:47.46Qwelldatareactor: looks like its only the console that hangs, when I issue a dial from it
06:48.54*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
06:49.04wasimbonjour monsieur
06:49.21Zeeekmon dieu!
06:49.46Zeeekyou are working on that special shipment, that's why you're around... Good man!
06:49.54wasimoui, mon ami
06:50.11wasimbtw, do you have a eu vat id?
06:50.20talkwebhostsanyway to record sound to asterisk with a voip phone?
06:50.28wasimtalkwebhosts: record()
06:50.29Zeeektalk yes
06:50.33Zeeeksee wiki
06:50.49talkwebhostsi can't read
06:50.55talkwebhostsso i can't see wiki
06:51.00wasimtalkwebhosts: hire someone
06:51.34wasimwhee ... still worth a shit load more than our local money
06:51.48Zeeekso how much are the beta phones now?
06:51.58wasimZeeek: for you the old price applies
06:51.59talkwebhoststwo fifty
06:52.03Zeeekbtw are you shipping the adapters too?
06:52.09wasimnope, 1k euro + vat
06:52.14djinBeta phones -> Farfon?
06:52.16wasimZeeek: yes, with power
06:52.21talkwebhostswasim tell me more about these phones
06:52.25wasimdjin: farfon beta evaluation membership
06:52.26Zeeekhi djin - wasim you need my vat # ?
06:52.39wasimZeeek: yes please email me
06:52.49Zeeekand PREFERRED RESELLER STATUS comes with that package
06:52.55djinWell, wouldn't mind to test one of those as well :$
06:53.03Zeeekgotta pay to get in the club
06:53.15talkwebhostsi would like to know more
06:53.40Zeeekeverytime I need to change a password I screw around with pw for an hour before I remember you can use passwd :)
06:53.42djinThat's what I was told Saterday evening as well.
06:54.28talkwebhostsapp_record.c:117 record_exec: No extension found
06:54.31talkwebhostsany idea?
06:54.35talkwebhostsk wasim
06:55.04talkwebhostsnice phone
06:55.28wasimwe're only sending phones to a) companies that would have multiple '000 on order b) you get a 650 euro rebate on the next order
06:55.33*** join/#asterisk dasenjo (~dasenjo@
06:55.44wasimc) companies who are able to give us input on features etc
06:56.05Zeeekwasim email sent
06:56.34Zeeekd) VPC
06:56.39djinwasim, are you from Farfon, or in the Beta Group?
06:56.45*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
06:56.50talkwebhostsi guess you don't want my money then
06:56.55wasimdjin: farfon, its the Farfon Beta Evaluation Program
06:56.57shido6whats wrong now?
06:57.04ZeeekVery Patient Companies
06:57.08dasenjoHi, how are you ? I have a little question ? Is it possible to connect a FXO line to a laptop with a X100P like card ?
06:57.19Zeeekshido6 with the world? LOts of shit!
06:57.21wasimyes, very, very patient companies, who are looking for long term relationships
06:57.30wasimdasenjo: as longs as your laptop has PCI cards, sure
06:57.46Zeeekgosh it's getting light here
06:57.49Silik0nminiPCI ,,
06:58.00Silik0n++ even
06:58.29*** join/#asterisk thepdakid (
06:58.40Zeeek"call from , came in on , at ,
06:58.42talkwebhostssomeone point me to the record docs
06:58.48talkwebhostsi am looking don't see them
06:58.59ZeeekStarter tutorial:
06:58.59ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
06:59.08Zeeekthere's a few
06:59.17Zeeekthe last one will have record
06:59.36djintalkwebhosts, there some examples on Wike.
06:59.51Zeeekor you could pastebin your attempt
07:00.04wasimwith OFDM :)
07:00.06djinMy Wikes have little lights in them.
07:00.07talkwebhostsmy attempt was just one line
07:00.08ZeeekWike where they pay people like $0.05 a year
07:00.24talkwebhoststhats all
07:00.34wasimyou need to answer it first too
07:00.38talkwebhostsrecoard dijon
07:00.41talkwebhostsi did answer it
07:00.50djinIn what accent is that?
07:01.01talkwebhostssmall keyboard
07:01.04Zeeekit's recoward
07:01.43Zeeekso you don't want me to publish the three lines I was about to paste
07:01.51djinDon't clap to hard, it makes you type errors.
07:02.06sskylesIs there anything particular I should know about running asterisk on a machine with more than one processor?
07:02.22djinDamn, that won't help either.
07:02.31djinsskyles, no.
07:02.48wasimsskyles: a couple of years ago there were issues, but i think they are mostly ironed out
07:02.58sskylesgreat, so seemless then.
07:03.24djinno guarantees.
07:03.45sskylesIs 1.0.3 still the defacto standard version we should be running?
07:04.00Zeeekwasim you got da mail?
07:04.00djinSjek the topic.
07:04.07sskylesfor production I mean.
07:04.25Zeeekmany of us stayed with 1.0.3 for produc
07:04.38wasimZeeek: nyet
07:04.49djinZeeek, why is that?
07:04.57Zeeekwasim maybe bakshish is required to get mail?
07:04.59robl^I am still at 1.0.1 with some patches :)
07:05.28Zeeekdjin because users get angry about stuff that amuses the rest of us like callerID behaviour differences
07:08.10djinQuestion, if I need to route in incoming call to an external line, * is just logging the incoming part. Is there a way to log the outgoing as well?
07:08.50wasimdjin: define log, you might want to try ResetCDR()
07:09.02Zeeekwasim the ML has someone looking for an IAX hardphone again
07:09.14djinI was indeed refering to the CDR.
07:09.41wasimZeeek: -biz?
07:09.49wasimi'm only on -dev anymore
07:09.56Zeeekusers - someone already mentioned farfon
07:10.10wasimbah, vaporfon
07:10.12Zeeekusers is where you learn why not to use 1.0.5 :)
07:10.27Zeeekthose bastards are taking our money and not delivering
07:10.34wasimhow many posts on -users?
07:10.34ZeeekI should have gone with virbiage!
07:10.48Zeeekabout the phone?
07:10.51wasimlike daily ...
07:10.58Zeeektoo many!
07:11.42wasim-users was a good way to see if your mail service was working on a 5 second basis
07:11.58ZeeekI use gmail for it
07:12.16Zeeekmakes it easy to filter those auto-responders :)
07:13.53*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
07:14.29Zeeekcoffee's ready - who wants an espresso while I'm over there?
07:15.26djinCount me in!
07:15.46Zeeekerrr I don't have that many cups!
07:16.05Zeeekwell, there is the old one we used as a urinal when the toilets were being fixed
07:16.11Zeeeklet me see
07:16.32Qwell"room service"
07:17.13djinoh, found one.
07:18.53datareactorhow can i upgrade asterisk without loosing  the current configurations  ?
07:19.05wasimfor a second, i misread that as hashish flavoured :S
07:19.10shido6you can upgrade by doing a cvs up if you want to run cvs head
07:19.11Zeeekdata you wont as long as you do not do a make samples
07:19.11Qwelldatareactor: You don't have to run make samples again
07:19.17djindata, don't make config.
07:19.17shido6all of your /etc/asterisk stuff will remain untouched
07:19.23shido6DONT do a make config
07:19.28djinand no make samples.
07:19.30Qwellbut, you'll need to remove everything in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules first
07:19.36shido6make config actually wont hurt
07:19.40shido6a make samples will
07:19.46ZeeekHWOEVER real geeks also copy all the conf files to somewhere else JIC
07:19.51shido6make config will make the init.d stuff
07:20.16Zeeekuse nano!
07:20.29djina real geek, will backip config, make samples and compares for changes.
07:20.31Qwellyeah, I thought it was symlinked :p
07:21.06datareactorThanks Qwell shido6 Zeeek
07:21.08Qwellbed time...
07:21.08Zeeeka real geek will have wgets all over the place making copies on servers in different countries in case of atomic war
07:21.12implicituse vim
07:21.24implicitwtf are you people doing with all these 'fake' editors?
07:21.26wasimZeeek: nope, scp, wget will open your secrets up
07:21.45implicitwasim: i agree
07:21.46wasimunless you pgp them first or something, ofcourse
07:21.52Zeeekwasim that's true but they are honey pot secrets that laungh revenge DDOS
07:21.53implicitwasim: which is a waste of time
07:22.28ZeeekI am considering a soft DDOS on one of our providers
07:22.52Zeeekthat means getting hundreds of users to call their free phone number (only for taking orders, hotlmine is expensive)
07:23.26Zeeekso the hotile which is like 50c/minute keeps you a minute then said no is avail for like two days
07:23.50Zeeekso I used the email interface which, two days later sent the answer : call the hotline
07:24.03Zeeekmeanwhile we were miraculously reconnected :)
07:24.31djinWe have the answer, but you have to pay for it. Calll us!
07:24.31Zeeekfor non-geeks, it's the same problem with cellphone companies
07:24.43Zeeekthat coffee was decent
07:25.46ZeeekOMG now gmail gives you 50 invites at a time. Anyone not have it yet? In the world?
07:26.23djinan build up to max after hangup.
07:26.41ZeeekI have that too : it's a button marked "pause download"
07:26.48Zeeekmanual QoS
07:26.48datareactorpeople says if i want to use sip with net2phone i have to change chan_sip.c from from "Asterisk" to "Cisco ATA
07:27.05datareactoris this bug is fixed now
07:27.25Zeeekmaybe you can do it with useragent= in sip.conf
07:27.25djinsounds like a Net2phone 'feature'.
07:27.47sskylesWow, here's something I never saw before. There is a company called ipVolution that makes a quad span T1 card that supports Asterisk and Mac OS X!
07:27.53Zeeekwasim - mail yet?
07:28.16datareactorZeeek yes i will try that
07:28.34Zeeekwoulodn't you need some verison crap after the agent though?
07:28.51djinAdditional platforms such as Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows will be supported Q2 2005.
07:29.10sskylesI can wait.
07:29.11Zeeekwhy not?
07:29.40djinwell . . . .
07:29.51sskylesIt's my dream... a rack full of Mac X-serves running Asterisk.
07:30.03ZeeekI bet the asterisk intalled versions would quadruple if there was decent hardware suppport
07:30.16Zeeek[for windze]
07:30.18Nixsskyles: digium cads run on OSX too..
07:30.29sskylesWhere are the drivers??
07:30.42implicitNix: but they do dsp in software
07:30.43NixSangoma also from memory..
07:30.45implicitNix: which is slow
07:30.48sskylesIt's all I'm waiting for man.
07:30.57Nixsorry.. Linux on PPC with asterisk works..
07:30.59wasimZeeek: yep got it
07:31.03Nixwith digium cards..
07:31.06Silik0nwhere are the X100P drivers for OSX?
07:31.15Silik0nyeah LinuxPPC only
07:31.21sskylesThat's what I thought...
07:31.24implicitSilik0n: ;)
07:31.25Zeeekisn't the X100P phased out anyway?
07:31.36Silik0nyeah but I still have them why should I part with them
07:31.58Zeeekme too, but when they die I'll have to order modules
07:32.13sskylesimplicit, what's slow?
07:32.15ZeeekFrom: "Wistfully T. Brink" <> (FWD:Curiously Exploring New Options an)
07:32.22Silik0nslowarisk is slow
07:32.33Silik0nunless you put E series hardware under it
07:32.37sskylesOh yeah, don't I know that..
07:32.41djinNice, they have a Dial E1/T1 card as well.
07:32.54implicitsskyles: i was talking about digium cards
07:32.57implicitsskyles: and sangoma
07:33.09Silik0nanyone using sangoma cards w/ S?
07:33.09implicitsskyles: ipvolution is supposed to do it in hardware when it is released
07:33.10ZeeekFrom: "Crevasses C. Quits" <> (FWD:Alabama Model Seeking Playmate winey)
07:33.12wasimwho? sangoma, they have a quad port as well
07:33.17wasimSilik0n: we are
07:33.23implicitwasim: is it nice?
07:33.26Silik0nsangoma has a nice 2 port card
07:33.38djinNo, ipvolution.
07:34.03Silik0nwasim: sangoma claims they perform better in the resource depart. is that true?
07:34.26sskylesI will spring for anything that works with Asterisk on my Macs.
07:34.52wasimSilik0n: yes
07:35.17wasimSilik0n: about 30% less
07:35.52implicitwasim did you get my message?
07:36.09Silik0noh really?
07:37.52wasimits got both quad-port digium and a single port sangoma in it on test for a telco
07:38.48*** join/#asterisk mak_ (
07:41.20talkwebhostsi notice a distortion in sound when i call my number with two different phones at the same time
07:41.27talkwebhostsany suggestions
07:41.36talkwebhostsi am using a gigabit network card
07:42.55Zeeekit's not even 9AM and I'm already sick of working and I haven't done any yet!
07:43.31mak_how can I run agi script via asterisk manager interface ?
07:44.18Zeeekhmmmmm :
07:44.50talkwebhostszeeek looks like you were having fun there
07:44.50sskylesWTF is going on in that pic?!?!
07:45.02ZeeekI'm trying to figure it out!
07:45.17ZeeekIt's a german site maybe for fat people?
07:45.25sskylesLooks like a game of strip twister.
07:45.31ZeeekEvery once in a while a follow back links to certain sites I run
07:45.40Zeeekalways a few surprises
07:46.34talkwebhostshave you all had any distortion problems with using asterisk and an sip?
07:46.47sskylesDepends on the codec I guess.
07:47.04wasimyour sip phone does gsm?
07:47.06sskylesthat's pretty grainy.
07:47.28sskylesAlso, some hardware has volume settings.
07:47.31talkwebhostsi use a voice over ip phone
07:47.42talkwebhostswhat codec should i be using?
07:47.56sskylesULaw perhaps.
07:47.58talkwebhostsasterisk is fine when i dial into it with one number
07:48.05wasimtalkwebhosts: is it on your local lan? if so do what sskyles recommended
07:48.05talkwebhostsbut with two it gets distorted
07:48.30talkwebhostsso just record,mainmsg:ulaw ?
07:49.09sskylesWhat kind of CPU are you using?
07:49.10talkwebhostsis that the extension for ulaw?
07:49.16talkwebhostsits an athlon xp
07:49.26talkwebhosts256 ddr
07:50.19sskylesWhere exactly is the distortion coming from?
07:50.24sskylesYour recordings?
07:50.33talkwebhostswhen i use two phones at the same time
07:50.34talkwebhoststo call
07:50.36talkwebhoststo test the bw
07:50.44talkwebhostsi hear sdistortion from the recordings
07:51.21sskylesHmmm, I have no idea what could be causing that.
07:51.37talkwebhostsmight be the wireless network eh?
07:52.07sskylesWell, do you notice the noise on the phones while the calls are in progress?
07:52.16talkwebhostsall the comps in my room are connected to a gigabit switch which is connected to a belkin bridge
07:52.30talkwebhostswhile the calls are in progress
07:52.33talkwebhosts1 phone is ok
07:52.39talkwebhosts2 sounds digital
07:53.14sskylesCould be latency somewhere. I just can't imagin that though if everything is hardwired directly to the switch.
07:53.35talkwebhoststhe switch connects to a wireless bridge
07:53.40sskylesDoes the noise seem to be more of a drop out type?
07:53.51talkwebhostssounds digital
07:54.12talkwebhostsmight be because of the wireless bridge
07:54.13*** join/#asterisk [Sim] (
07:54.17talkwebhostsi will do some testing to see
07:54.40talkwebhostsmorning Sim
07:54.44sskylesYeah, but the type of noise you describe might also be some kind of inconsistency with codecs or something.
07:55.09sskylesYou need to experiment with it a little more.
07:55.17talkwebhostssskyles you able to dial to california
07:55.23sskylesTry connecting things directly and see of the problem goes away.
07:55.25talkwebhostsi want you to hear this
07:56.12sskylesYeah, but I can't talk at all... Wife and baby sleeping in the next room.
07:56.22*** join/#asterisk dtrcka (
07:56.26talkwebhostsyou dont need to talk
07:56.28talkwebhostsjust hear it
07:56.39talkwebhostswhen you call in
07:56.39sskylesYou can send me a copy of the file, I will listen to it.
07:56.41talkwebhostsi will call
07:56.48talkwebhoststhe file is fine :)
07:56.58talkwebhostsits when 2 or more calls occur that is not
07:58.20datareactorFeb  7 11:24:19 ERROR[1927]: chan_zap.c:9435 setup_zap: Unknown signalling metho
07:58.20datareactord 'bri_cpe_ptmp'
07:58.54datareactorafter upgrading to 1.0.5 i am unable to start asterisk
08:03.02*** join/#asterisk yxa (~void@
08:04.53shido6wht do u see at the CLI?
08:05.12*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
08:05.30datareactorOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
08:07.44datareactori think this is boz of mpg123 i have upgrade it boz asterisk make install was complaining of older mpg123 version
08:08.37Silik0nmake sure you have the right version of mpg123
08:08.46*** join/#asterisk mbranca (~matteo@
08:08.56*** part/#asterisk djin (
08:09.38datareactoryes it the same
08:13.02Mother_hi all
08:13.13sskylesHi Mom.
08:13.31Mother_is it possible to dial out to PSTN on a defined zap channel based on the SIP client's ID, rather than having to prefix the number to reach said channel?
08:13.35Mother_hi son :)
08:13.54sskylesI bet I could do that in an AGI.
08:14.16Mother_for the record, I am male, I am straight, the nick is from the movie "Sneakers", character played by Dan Aykroyd
08:14.44sskylesI know Dan.
08:15.06Mother_I get funny questions sometimes on that ;)
08:15.30dtrckaneed help. i'm new to asterisk. have a problem with transfers of calls picked up by agents. just dont work. callback agents are logged in on sip channels. i can transfer direct call to sip channel (by 'transfer' button
08:15.36sskylesI went to his house when he was here recording nothing but trouble.
08:16.00dtrckabut calls picked up by logged in agent is not transferable - transfer button does nothing
08:16.02sskylesI ate Pita bread sandwiched with his wife.
08:16.28sskylesI fixed their electric gate, which was broken on the house they were renting here in florida.
08:16.44*** join/#asterisk pif (
08:17.04sskyles3 story mansion BTW, I still have the pics somewhere.
08:17.26Mother_hmmm could the 7960 be made to automatically prefix based on the line you pickup for outbound? I've checked around but haven't found a way
08:17.34Mother_not bad...I want one of those too
08:17.50*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
08:18.01sskylesI also met his wifes parents and his brother in law.
08:18.05sskyles...his agent...
08:18.23sskylesDan and his wife are the only ones with a sense of humor.
08:19.31Mother_I can't think of a movie I didn't like his performance
08:20.15sskylesThe funny thing is, he acts that way most of the time. Most people like him because he's really down to earth.
08:20.39Zeeekwho are you evoking? I lost connex
08:20.59*** join/#asterisk Makenshi (~makenshi@2001:630:1c0:2001:280:c8ff:fee2:921f)
08:21.02Zeeekor is it invoking?
08:21.07Mother_Zeeek: Dan Aykroyd, from whom I took the nick, movie "Sneakers"
08:21.13sskylesDan Akroyd.
08:21.21Zeeekoh ya, saw it
08:21.42Mother_it's just that I get funny questions because of that, but I'm just like him, male and straight :D
08:21.49Mother_well, I hope he is...
08:21.51*** join/#asterisk mAsH` (
08:21.59Mother_since he is married lol
08:22.00sskylesI think he's the only really famous person I've met.
08:22.01mAsH`morning all
08:22.03Zeeekwhat difference in today's world?
08:22.44Mother_I actually had coffee with Michael Douglas once in Mallorca, that's the closest I've been
08:23.01sskylesI've touched lots of famous things however.
08:23.04Mother_to anyone remotely famous, he has a villa there
08:23.04ZeeekI'd rather have coffee with Sharon Stone, personally
08:23.10Mother_hehehe me too
08:23.31*** part/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
08:23.39ZeeekI keep watching that movie when it's on cable
08:23.51Zeeekthe ice pick
08:23.59Zeeekalmost worth it...
08:24.10sskylesThis may sound stupid, but just a couple of weeks ago I sat in one of the original cars used in the "Dukes of hazzard" TV series. 1 of 21 originals.
08:24.28datareactorchan_zap.c:9077 setup_zap: Signalling must be specified before any channels are.
08:24.42libpcpanyone knows a site where can i find a complete country codes with FIX/MOB numbers?
08:24.47Mother_have you setup the signalling on the zap channels?
08:24.52wasimsskyles: didn't they trash all of those in one episode?
08:25.20sskylesThey trashed most of them, making the remaining ones worth even more money.
08:25.37datareactorMother i have upgrade now this error starts to comes
08:26.21sskyleslibpcp: I just finished compiling a list of countries and all their mobile phone codes. I had such a freakin' hard time doing it that I'm not giving it away.
08:26.22datareactori think something have changed in lastest release :(
08:26.28Mother_and your .conf haven't been overwritten?
08:26.41Mother_just in case
08:26.56datareactorMother_ they are old ones
08:27.23Zeeeksskyles take a look at rate listings for voip providers. They often have these lists all ready to go :)
08:28.04Mother_oh dear, I have to run
08:28.06sskylesI couldn't find them anywhere... it was like pulling teeth. I had to scrounge for weeks to build this fucking list.
08:28.15*** join/#asterisk lohelle (~post@
08:28.38*** join/#asterisk djin (~marius@
08:28.57libpcpfor me my problem is the FIX line of countries, some voip provider make the fix line as a general.
08:29.02sskylesI mean, if someone is calling a mobile phone on an International call, I need to flag it... and this is where my list came in handy.
08:29.16dtrckaplease need help with transferring calls from queue agents
08:30.05*** join/#asterisk pashah (
08:30.29sskylesfor example, all cell phones in Ireland begin with 085, 086 and 087.
08:30.33*** join/#asterisk voicomm (
08:31.02*** join/#asterisk MacDeath (
08:31.07MacDeathMorning all
08:31.13voicommHi, does any one here experience the following error message when 'reload' command is issued ?
08:31.40voicommFeb  7 19:11:16 WARNING[22983]: chan_zap.c:9773 setup_zap: Ignoring signallingFeb  7 19:11:16 WARNING[22983]: chan_zap.c:9773 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling
08:32.12voicommFeb  7 19:11:16 WARNING[22983]: chan_zap.c:9773 setup_zap: Ignoring signalling
08:32.18ragnarwelllll.. if we want to be picky, it says warning and not error
08:32.23ragnarfwiw :)
08:32.42voicommwell, yo!
08:33.08voicommand thats probably the reason why it works ok. But I want my asterisk to look clean
08:33.59voicommI have been googling for a while, found a fewq cases where people have experienced similar error. No solution has been proposed though!
08:34.37*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
08:37.01lohelleI'm going to create a web page/script with login where I can input phone numbers and conference numbers to add users to. When I add 5 phone and conference numbers 5 call files are created and the asterisk server will call these 5 numbers and add them to the connferences I selected.. before I start I was wondering if someone have a script like this I can look at.. (?)
08:43.09*** join/#asterisk jonas (
08:44.35MacDeathhas anyone here used
08:44.46*** join/#asterisk Dickson (Dickson@
08:47.15Dicksonquestion on configuration of cisco pstn gateway: how to I configure it such that multiple users from asterisk can user the 2 out-going lines ?
08:47.30Dicksonmultiple = 2 simultaneous users
08:51.11*** join/#asterisk IsMe (
08:52.26IsMehi guys, if i plan to have * sit beside an old PBX. how do they connect to each other? RS 232?
08:52.56MacDeathwhat do you mean connect to?
08:52.57[Sim]eh? why do you ened a data connection between them?
08:53.09sskylesIsMe: T1?
08:53.17MacDeathim having a small problem
08:53.18implicitIsMe: E1?
08:53.19MacDeathFeb  7 10:54:30 WARNING[327]: chan_sip.c:7018 handle_response: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"David Norton " <sip
08:53.21[Sim]T1/E1 make more sense
08:53.28MacDeathdoes that mean my SIP provider is not working?
08:53.40implicitMacDeath: it means your password is wrong
08:53.51IsMesskyles, implicit : POTs
08:54.10implicitIsMe: then connect via analog lines
08:54.17sskylesUgh, only through the use of channel banks.
08:54.32implicitsskyles: dont argue with him
08:54.49IsMeimplicit: how is the order like, POTS-> * -> RJ11 cable -> old pbx ?
08:55.07implicitsure that is possible but crap
08:55.58sskylesPOTS -> * -> T1/E1 Channel Bank -> old PBX.
08:56.08MacDeathimplicit : checked my password with them
08:56.18sskylesGod, why analog?!?!
08:57.05implicitMacDeath: did you use a lie detector to see if they are tellin gthe truth?
08:57.14sskylesDoes anyone have a HQ copy of that Interpol video for me to download?
08:57.19IsMehehehe, sskyles:: we only have 11 analog lines
08:58.02sskylesIsMe, well then you really ARE probably stuck with using channel banks. But that's just... <sigh>
08:58.23IsMeargh! channels banks are expensive
08:58.32sskylesThey can be.
08:59.01sskylesMy Adit 600 cost'd me nothing though. But I had to dive into the trash to get it.
08:59.43IsMehrm.. i though i could make use of the PBX FXo/FXS
09:00.29*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
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09:05.20sskylesYeah, but other than that, how would you fit 11 modems in one asterisk box?
09:05.45IsMetrue enough
09:06.11wasimyou could use 3 TDM04s ?
09:06.26IsMehow about FXS ?
09:06.47sskylesYou'll invest at least another $3000 to make it work. You are better off finding a way to eliminate the old PBX alltogether.
09:07.49sskylesYeah, but even with the TDM's how would you squeeze 11 FXO/FXS into one box?
09:08.27IsMehmmmm someone once told me i could stick those POTS into * and make use of the PBX FXS
09:08.37wasimyou can get 3 of them if you've got independent PCI busses
09:09.24wasimthats what we do, we tie a couple of the PBX POTS and a couple of PBX extensions into *
09:09.39sskylesThe problem is, you're just going to run out of PCI slots.
09:10.02IsMewasim: did it work for you ?
09:10.08wasimi've got 4 X100P and 1 TDM04 in 8 boxes
09:10.21sskylesunless you break out with T1/E1 and channel banks.
09:10.37wasimbut T1+cb is the best route, if you've got the $$$
09:10.38IsMethen u would u need a T1/E1 card
09:10.49wasimso? its only $600
09:11.04sskylesIt's also the cleanest solotion.
09:11.16IsMei am not that advance yet, still using POTS
09:11.26wasimIsMe: listen to sskyles
09:11.46wasimor fund my uberATA :)
09:11.46sskylesAstrisk will force you to learn many new and interresting things.
09:12.00IsMesskyles: E1 is not easily adailable in this country
09:12.20wasimIsMe: no, no, you get a T1+cb for the internal stuff only, you interface to the telco through FXO
09:12.27sskylesIt doesn't need to be available. You are just using it to get to the channel banks.
09:13.03IsMeok, my incoming is POTS -> * -> channel banks -> extensions ?
09:13.04sskylesChannel banks will convert the T1/E1 to analog POTS FXO/FXS.
09:13.19*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
09:14.20sskylesPOTS -> * -> T1/E1 Card -> Channel Bank -> Old PBX
09:14.36sskylesoops, what the fuck was I thinking...
09:14.43sskylesThat's totaly fucked up.
09:14.47sskyleshang on a second.
09:14.57lohellehmm.. can I run E1 (provider) => asterisk => E1 => channel bank?
09:15.22IsMei am sure u can, lohelle
09:15.45sskylesPOTS -> Channel Bank -> T1/E1 Card -> * -> Back out the T1/E1 Card -> to the channel bank -> the old PBX.
09:16.28IsMei would 2 channel banks + 2 E1/T1 cards ?
09:16.47sskylesNo, the channel bank should be equiped with FXS and FXO cards.
09:17.01sskylesIt's the same channel bank that I am referring to.
09:17.06IsMei am i am begining to have some clue here
09:17.14IsMei think i am begining to have some clue here
09:17.31IsMe1 channels bank + quad E1/T1 card
09:17.35lohellesooo... If I need 30 external lines... and I have 6 pci slots.. I can get 1 E1 (provider) => asterisk => 5 E1 => 5 channel banks.. 150 lines total.. :) (with powerful hardware).. :)
09:17.41wasim1 channel bank + single T1 card
09:17.52wasime1 channel banks are ridiculously priced
09:18.08IsMeok wasim
09:18.09sskylesYou'll connect your POTS lines into the FXO cards on the channel bank. You'll connect your old PBX to the FXS cards, then a T1 or E1 cables goes from the channel bank into Asterisk box.
09:18.32IsMesskyles: if thats the case, why would i still need the old PBX ?
09:18.54sskylesExactly... But you may want to keep the old phones for some reason. I don't know...
09:19.01datareactorsskyless what if we dont want to use our old pbx
09:19.34lohelle60 external lines = 2xE1. 6 pci slots.. that is 4x6 E1's.. 22x30 = 660 lines.. (max with 2 external and 22 internal E1's) What hardware is needed to pull something like that?
09:19.40sskylesThen you could get away with 3 TDM cards full of FXO modules and IP phones!
09:19.43IsMeif i tell my boss to get rid of the PBX, i must be ready to have my ass toast
09:19.58implicitIsMe: just tell him you want to have it as a 'backup' systep
09:20.01IsMelohelle: dual xeon ?
09:20.03implicitmeaning decommission it
09:20.57lohellehas anyone heard of people using this amount of lines on a single server?
09:21.15implicitlohelle: yes even more
09:21.43lohellemore? how?
09:21.49sskylesI run 96 conversations on a single machine.
09:21.51implicitwhat do you mean how?
09:21.52wasimlohelle: get a good server board, with multiple pci busses, use IO APIC, you don't need horsepower to run tdm too much, 6 is really pushing it though, i'd always split it over lots of low cost single boxes
09:22.17implicitwasim: or get a lucent tnt max
09:22.20implicitand do it all in hardware
09:22.37lohelleI was thinking about limitation on number of pci slots.. (one machine)
09:22.43sskylesHe's going to explode from information overload.
09:23.01wasimlohelle: its the number of pci slots per pci bus thats the key
09:23.20*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
09:23.26IsMesskyles: still processing the information, i am only an old XT
09:23.28wasimlohelle: anything over two, and you're asking for trouble
09:24.12datareactorimplicit if i have pris connected to max tnt how it is integrated to asterisk than
09:24.15Zeeekgood old wasim :)
09:24.41*** part/#asterisk Dibblah (
09:24.46implicitdatareactor: sip
09:24.54implicitdatareactor: they push sip out the other side
09:24.54lohelleIf a "cheap" E1 => "alcatel reflexes" channel bank existed maybe I could convince the people at my office to replace the alcatel pbx.. :) but there are 200 phones connected to it..
09:24.57implicitand they are very high quality
09:25.39implicitlohelle: sorry :(
09:26.33lohelle:) didn't think so.. Too bad they didn't take my advice 1 year ago to by avaya + 4620's and 4630's.. :\
09:27.04*** join/#asterisk shanky (
09:27.12shankyhi, good morning men
09:28.59datareactorimplicit if sip clients wants to call pstn how i can forward to max tnt
09:37.37*** join/#asterisk Nix (
09:37.43firestrmarrgh.. solaris 10 is a pain in the Ass to install..
09:37.56firestrmway worse than sol9
09:38.19sskylesYou obviously have the OS fettish going on.
09:38.34sskylesI went through that phase about 8 years ago.
09:39.32sskylesMy advice, just don't start seriously messing with Macs unless you want one... Because once you've got the Mac bug, there's no turning back.
09:39.51firestrmsskyles, no i just have a bunch of sun hardware that i want to see if i can get asterisk running on..
09:40.08sskylesI know what you mean.
09:40.28sskylesI wonder what good it is though if the cards won't work.
09:40.38sskylesJust a VOIP gateway or something?
09:40.53IsMesskyles: back to the hardware, is it possible to POTS -> * -> FXS -> FXO PBX ? trying to get all the fact ready before have my ass toast
09:41.22firestrmsskyles, im not sure the hardware wont work.. have you tried?
09:41.24sskylesIt's possible with TDM cards, but not with 11 lines.
09:41.35rikstapostel: alive?
09:41.36*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
09:41.51sskylesfirestrm: None of my Sun hardware has PCI slots.
09:42.18postelriksta: im kicking
09:42.38IsMesskyles: * will need 22 channels, 11 in and 11 out, approx an T1
09:42.54*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
09:43.04rikstapostel: im gonna release ADM later, i suspect. So if you had any additions/changes...could i get them please?
09:43.16sskylesIsMe: Yes, meaning that you'll want to go with the channel bank configuration we were discussing earlier.
09:43.46IsMesskyles: yes, your suggestion seems logical and make sense
09:43.50postelriksta: i fixed my telnet probs, DND and speaker-out works, im cooking a frontend to get over the *silly* hardcoding of the variables, get it out there, i know where to find you ;-)
09:44.01firestrmsskyles, i have 3 pci slots on my ultra 5
09:44.14sskylesIsMe: I could probably draw up a diagram if you need more clairity.
09:44.28rikstapostel: yeah i was planning on finishing the frontend for the variables, i'll leave that to you
09:44.48sskylesfirestrm: I stopped collecting the Sun stuff while the ultra machines were slightly out of my reach.
09:44.53IsMetks, sskyles appreciate it
09:45.51postelriksta: have you started on it? if you have drop files on a cvs since you're making it public
09:46.04firestrmsskyles, i figure a 500mhz 64bit ultrasparc otta run asterisk nicely if i can compile it
09:46.07rikstano i have just played about with the glade prefswin
09:46.32rikstapostel: i havent got a cvs set up yet, i'll do that now
09:46.41sskylesfirestrm: I'd be interrested to know if it compiles without error.
09:47.15firestrmsskyles, me too
09:47.34IsMesskyles: it would look something like POTS->channel bank -> TE110P -> * -> TE110P -> old pbx
09:47.47*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
09:47.58IsMePOTS->channel bank -> TE110P -> * -> TE110P -> channelbank -> old pbx
09:48.11sskylesIsMe: yes
09:48.26sskylesIsMe: I can still draw up the diagram though if you like.
09:48.41IsMedamn, my old XT brain still works, but slow
09:48.43postelriksta: you ltl pet is more useful than i thought it would be, get it out, im sure ppl would contribute, i need something like another weekend for the frontend, get it out there
09:48.54sskylesIsMe: You probably don't need it by now.
09:48.56rikstaok will do
09:49.44IsMesskyles: i think i know what is going on, i need to look for 1 channel banks = 12FXS 12FXO and 1 T1 card
09:50.05sskylesIsMe: Exactly.
09:51.24IsMeasterisk will be in command for most calls, old PBX is just basically transfer calls
09:51.38sskylesIsMe: You can get away without the 12th FXS and FXO card if that's the case, but most channel banks handle a fixed number of FXO or FXS. In other cases some cards in the channel banks can have as many as 6 or 8 FXO or FXS channels on each card.
09:52.49letherglovIsMe, look at Adtran's offerings
09:52.52letherglovyou have six slots
09:52.55letherglovfour ports per card
09:53.00letherglovthat's 6*4 = 24
09:53.12sskylesFor example, I would pay between $250 to $380 for one FXO card for my channel bank, but that one card gives me 6 FXO's.
09:53.14letherglovyou can get 3-4 port cards for fxo
09:53.19letherglovand 3-4 port cards for fxs
09:54.11*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
09:54.16shankysorry because I'm really a newbie in asterisk's issues, I need information becuase we have a very large network on a village, and we're planning to use ATAs to offer internal and external telephony
09:54.23*** join/#asterisk pbxjunkie (
09:55.05shankyfor internal telephony I think it can be done just with the ATAs registering to a asterisk server
09:55.06IsMeletherglov: where do i get Adtran? ebay ?
09:55.09wasimhow can a village have a large network?
09:55.45IsMewow! a village
09:56.00shankywasim: is a cable network
09:56.34wasimshanky: ata's would work well, thats the standard methodology these days
09:56.51*** join/#asterisk maruz (
09:57.19wasimshanky: and if you're not doing voip, you can always just use g711 for best quality, since cable networks generally have a lot of free local bandwidth
09:57.44wasimshanky: we're working with a local cable operator who has a smallish network, 50k subs
09:58.04wasimshanky: they are thinking of deploying ata and fons for this service
09:58.46shankywasim: but I have no idea where to look for information to connect to and from the Analog Phone Network
09:58.55wasimshanky: you need PRI cards from digium or sangoma
10:01.02IsMewasim: sangoma is new ?
10:03.04*** join/#asterisk pranav (dawda_pran@
10:03.10wasimIsMe: have been making cards for sometime now, their cards now work with zaptel which is what * uses
10:03.16*** join/#asterisk speakman (
10:03.35speakmanhi folks! :)
10:03.48IsMewasim: tks
10:06.13*** join/#asterisk christo (
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10:11.55shankysorry but my connection went down
10:13.07*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
10:13.16ZeeekI think the world will be a better place when there are farfon products everywhere
10:13.43shankywasim: the last I could read from you was: 10:58 < wasim> shanky: you need PRI cards from digium or sangoma
10:14.14pashahhow do i edit extenstions.conf, so that users have an option to press say "0101" to start recording their conversation?
10:15.16christoI'm having loads of problems trying to compile asterisk-addons on a slackware linux box - I'm getting errors relating to format_mp3. Is there an easy way to get this working?
10:17.21pranavhello i need to help for astguiclient
10:17.53pranavany one is there astguiclient master
10:18.20pranavergent i need help so please
10:19.55pranavplease give me ans
10:20.16pranavhello any one is there
10:20.39firestrmyes, just no one who know the answer to your Q
10:21.00pbxjunkieguys I've got this strange issue: Sometimes after speaking a while I get BAD interference on the SIP phones end, so bad that you can't even listen. Audio becomes horrible. What could be the problem? It happens at random times\
10:21.34christosombody's caning your bandwidth?
10:21.36pranavhello firestrm
10:22.23pbxjunkieit's not like I get low bitrate and hence I lose some packets, i start getting horrible static/interference. Could that be due to bandwifth?
10:22.57shido6like white noise from the TV
10:23.19pbxjunkie..I mean like.. digital noise. Very intense
10:23.21shido6like KSHHHHHHH!!!! ?
10:23.40pbxjunkielike... choppy KSH.. like. KSHHH.. KSHSHSH ER#$%!@#TF  KSHSHSHS... KSHH.. KSH .. KSH ..KSHHHH
10:24.32pranavfirestrm can you know the astguiclint
10:24.34*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
10:24.39pbxjunkieany ideas why?:)
10:24.57christoguys, I'm trying to compile asterisk-addons.. it whinged at me about format_mp3, so I have removed any references to it from the Makefile.. Now I'm getting: cdr_addon_mysql.c:269: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast.   How can I fix this?
10:25.22*** join/#asterisk Xcalibur (~gdpe@
10:25.24djindon't mess up Makefile.
10:25.36sandnigg0rdjin, ;)
10:25.37rikstaJuggie: alive?
10:25.50sandnigg0rchristo, i would not worry much about warnings
10:26.03sandnigg0rchristo, it will still compile
10:26.30sandnigg0rchristo, even when you compile a linux kernel you get warnings
10:26.59speakmanAnyone here's using X100P?
10:27.08djinsandsomething, don't worry about errors?
10:27.10ZeeekI always have bad assignments without casts in my programs... keeps me awake
10:27.26sandnigg0rdjin, not errors but pointer warnings
10:27.31*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
10:27.39djinah, ok.
10:27.49djinsome sand in my eyes ;)
10:28.33christosandnigg0r - okay. I've made a mistake.. sorry. The actual bit which is breaking the compile is:  make: *** [cdr_addon_mysql.o] Error 1  and before that it can't find  some things...
10:28.39christocdr_addon_mysql.c:24:22: asterisk.h: No such file or directory
10:28.43christocdr_addon_mysql.c: In function `my_load_module':
10:28.55christoprobably therein lies the problem, but wherein lies the solution? :)
10:29.00djin../asterisk must exist.
10:29.29sandnigg0rdjin, you da man
10:29.38christoI need to symlink asterisk-0.7.1 to asterisk then perhaps
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10:29.49pashahwhy can not I use application monitor for incoming calls? WARNING[1146]: pbx.c:1299 pbx_extension_helper: No application '15,Monitor' for extension (incoming, 199, 2)
10:29.51sandnigg0rthats what that looks like to me too
10:30.00IsMebye all
10:30.05pashahworks fine for outgoing
10:30.40christookay... that got one step closer on the compile,
10:30.59djinStupid question. I have a Cisco 7912 connected to asterisk (SIP) that receives a call from another asterisk by IAX2 and I want to forward an incoming call to another number? It doesn't work, where could it be wrong?
10:31.08speakmanany one knows if DTMF CallerID is solved?
10:31.26christodamn - no clueful bots :) can somebody throw in a pastebin link pls?
10:31.33perkinAnyone used the Microsoft RTC Client API to register with Asterisk? I'm having trouble registering with Asterisk.
10:32.50jbotpastebin is probably a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
10:33.01djinOK, djin solved his little question :)
10:33.39Zeeekdjin what was the answer?
10:33.44*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
10:33.53RoyK~seen coppice
10:33.55jbotcoppice <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 6h 51m 33s ago, saying: 'and port'.
10:34.09RoyKwell expressed
10:34.29djinStupid question. I have a Cisco 7912 connected to asterisk (SIP) that receives a call from another asterisk by IAX2 and I want to forward an incoming call to another number? It doesn't work, where could it be wrong?
10:34.44djinBtw, this is solved :)
10:35.23christook guys... this is the error I get when trying to compile asterisk-addons:  What on earth does all that mean?
10:36.42djinIt this still you special Makefile?
10:36.55speakmanHow do I patch zaptel after downloading .diff-files from Mantis?
10:37.04christoyeah - well just with the format_mp3 stuff removed
10:37.20pranavhello any one is there astguiclient master
10:37.33djinWhy don't you put it back?
10:37.40christo:) will try
10:37.50sandnigg0rchristo, i will try the new makefile
10:37.55djinAnd what was this reference to asterisk 0.7.1 earlier?
10:37.58sandnigg0rchristo, errr old good makefile
10:38.01sandnigg0rchristo, or
10:38.05christowell now I get the format_mp3 errors again
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10:38.14sandnigg0rchristo, i would give "make -i" a shot
10:38.29djinDo you have mysql-devel installed?
10:38.32christowhat's that -i switch?
10:38.33sandnigg0rchristo, these make errors look like they are not your fault
10:38.39sandnigg0rchristo, it ignores the erros
10:38.44sandnigg0rchristo, errors
10:38.49sandnigg0rchristo, so its a iffy build
10:38.56Zeeekwhat is going on?
10:38.57christomysql-devel    perhaps that's the problem
10:38.59sandnigg0rchristo, i would not do a make install just yet
10:39.20sandnigg0rchristo, see if you can test everything without having to do a make install
10:39.28christoI'll make clean and get mysql-devel installed then I'll try again, but I still can't see how that'll fix the format_mp3 errors
10:39.32pashahanybody uses astguiclient? is it usefull or not?
10:39.39christosandnigg0r - will test it now as is ok
10:39.49djinpashah, talk to pranav.
10:39.54*** part/#asterisk firestrm (
10:40.13pashahdjin: =)
10:40.16pranavhello pashah
10:40.30sandnigg0rchristo, yeah. sometimes i have to force shit to build like that. It sucks but if you can make sure it works then i would not lose too much sleep over it
10:40.30djinoops, I sorry. Pashah.
10:40.40pashahpranav: I though you had troubles installing it?
10:41.00sandnigg0rchristo, the make errors you are getting dont look that critical
10:41.10sandnigg0rbut you never know right
10:41.50christowell.. I'll just test what I've got, but won't I have to do a  'make install' for the asterisk addons stuff to be usable
10:42.08pranavi have install it but problem on 6.2 insert phone valus(.........
10:42.23christoand if it's still broke, I can presumably 'make uninstall' and then try plan b..c..d..
10:42.25djinI has problems compiling earlier that looked like format_mp3 errors, but it was because mysql-devel wasn't installed.
10:42.32sandnigg0rchristo, fuck it do it
10:42.37christo:) lol
10:42.41sandnigg0rchristo, heh
10:42.45pranavwhats your problem
10:43.02sandnigg0rchristo, you got the old makefile if you need it anyways
10:43.12pashahpranav: no problem 8)
10:45.09Delvarmorning all (just)
10:45.14pranavpashah :whats your problem tell me i will try
10:45.32christodjin - well it was looking for the asterisk direcctory under ../
10:45.47christobut it didn't exist, cos it was called asterisk-0.7.1
10:45.49*** join/#asterisk dtrcka (
10:46.43djinyour working with a 0.7.1 version?
10:46.55jerliqueAny clues with this error:
10:46.59jerliqueWARNING[66546]: app_queue.c:374 changethread: Can't change device '**Unknown**' with no technology!
10:47.19christoyeah - well it's not my machine, so I don't want to frig with too much incase it affects things that my 'colleagues' are doing
10:47.50djinWhat version is asterisk-addons then?
10:48.29christolatsest I guess - I just did a cvs update for asterisk-addons
10:48.45christois that gonna arse things up if they're not the same version?
10:48.46RaYmAn-Bxyou can't just use different versions of asterisk and asterisk-addons
10:48.53christoaaww shit
10:49.14christoso where can I get an older version of asterisk-addons?
10:49.24djinget a newer version of asterisk
10:50.00djin0.7.1 -> 1.0.5 is quite an upgrade.
10:50.16pashahpranav: there is no problem I was just wondering if astguiclient of any use or it isnt
10:52.50dtrckais it a bug or feature that calls picked up from queue by callback agents cannot be transfered?
10:52.51pranavpashah do you know the astguiclient point no 6.2 insert into phone values(
10:54.17Nixlol @ dtrcka
10:56.34*** join/#asterisk Astinus_ (~abba@
10:57.35Astinus_Hello, i have a question about telephones...does the ordering of cables matter when making a telephone cable, i.e. do the order of colors have to match at both ends?
10:57.46ZeeekIndia has the lowest rate of prostate cancer in the world
10:58.12Zeeeksupposedly because of curry powder
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10:59.10rikstapostel: alive?
10:59.33datareactortry ~postel
11:00.06postelim kicking, i have some grid probs
11:00.24jerliqueastinus: generally yes.  it all depends on what type of cable you are making.
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11:01.13Astinus_jerlique: a cable .. from a telephone set to the wall output
11:01.28Astinus_jerlique: just wondering if it can be crossover or not.
11:02.16jerliquedepends on telephone type, eg standard pstn generally isn't fussed. with PBX phone it is important to be correct.
11:02.50Astinus_"isn't fussed"  ?
11:03.33jerliqueie a normal pstn telephone can have the wires crossed over. (at least in AU anyway).
11:03.57speakmanAstinus_: how many wires?
11:04.57speakmanWhat does this mean: Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R?
11:10.13jerlique2 for PSTN (centre two pins)
11:12.11Astinus_jerlique: ok a tad complex thingie here, three outlets in the house they're all connected but atm to ptsn but i want to connect them to a voip box
11:19.59jerliquewell you need a device such as Sipura SPA-2000 to allow this to happen.
11:22.10jerliqueAgent Logout feature, the code onthe voip info site appears incorrect. Can someone offer help.
11:22.11Astinus_i have that one :P
11:38.25jerliquehow do agents logout ?
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12:01.11lohelleanyone using the avaya 4630 phone => asterisk.. can get one (6 months old) for 100$ :)
12:01.23dtrckawhy agents cant forward incoming call?
12:01.49dtrcka(I mean transfer, not forward)
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12:24.58empire667can anyone help me with capi, modprobe capi gives no error , * says:capi not installed
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12:29.51rikstaHey guys, I have just released an alpha version of ADM - Asterisk Desktop Manager if anyone would like to help test it then it's available at :)
12:37.25slePPno go, mate
12:37.33slePPi just can't connect to you, apparently :>
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12:40.16jerliquecannot get to that webpage is it up?
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12:43.35zoayeah that adm thing is not working
12:43.37zoaheya oej
12:44.56jerliquewhats the url again was d/c
12:45.28oejHey Zoa
12:46.15*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
12:48.36mrempirewhere should i look if i receive :capi not installed  on fedora core
12:50.09*** join/#asterisk Luhiwu (~marsosa@
13:03.02jerliquewhats the difference between AgentLoginCallback and AddQueueMember, dont they achieve the same task?
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13:22.01slePPgod damn voice recognition systems
13:22.06slePPmake me read off a stupid package number
13:22.13slePPthen they tell me 'In Transit'
13:22.16slePPand i waste all this time
13:22.25slePPthen they make mepress 0.. go figure why you can't just say operator or something
13:22.57*** join/#asterisk markit (
13:24.22Zeeeksay ah
13:24.35Zeeekhow about this:
13:24.54Zeeekwhy do they ask you to type in your SS number and then ask you again when you finally reach somoen?
13:25.29markitanyone here using the new native assisted transfer atxfer?
13:25.32florzIs there some way to (on the fly?) change the size of asterisk's logging buffer?
13:25.59florzwhen I enable pri intense debugging it looks much like some ring buffer is overflowing ...
13:28.55*** join/#asterisk imcdona1 (
13:29.18slePPZeeek: good question
13:29.36slePPZeeek: my favourite is entering about 239847293847 digits for an account, then they triple verify your address and stuff
13:29.44slePPand then get your account number again
13:30.04slePPanyone know anything about DNIS?
13:30.34imcdona1I am getting an error when compiling festival.....the wiki points me here
13:30.55imcdona1Where can I get the patch?
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13:33.05slePPno idea.
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13:33.59vaewynAFKmorning JerJer
13:34.20inspiredanyone else having problems with SpanDSP? I can't send faxes and the only fax I received was from a web-to-fax service on the internet. Faxing from fax machines on the PSTN doesn't work.
13:35.56Zeeekinspired ... sigh... I've had the same luck with receiving faxes
13:36.12ZeeekAnything from jfax come in perfectly
13:36.37Zeeeka real fax machine like our cust use either doesn't work at all or partial page.
13:37.12kaitsebanyone has solution for faxing, same problem here
13:37.25Zeeekthere is only one solmution - a cheap fax machine
13:37.45Zeeekon an FXS if you have a spare line
13:37.59ZeeekI know, it sucks but there you go
13:38.18inspireddo you think it's an architectural problem with asterisk or is it spandsp?
13:39.16florzI am using spandsp productively. 368 faxes so far and no problems AFAIK. Connected to the PSTN using HFC cards.
13:39.23florzHFC-S to be exact
13:39.27Makenshihow good are x100p clones with uk lines?
13:39.54inspiredflorz: ISDN?
13:39.58florzinspired: yep
13:40.11inspiredZeeek: I use a e100p. what do you use?
13:40.20wasimMakenshi: x100p they aren't any good with any lines
13:40.49inspiredflorz: can you show us your setup?
13:40.54florzinspired: mom
13:41.28Zeeekinspired X10P
13:41.34imcdona1Anyone know where I can get the festival patch as described here:
13:42.03NuggetI don't think that the festival patch is necessary any more.
13:42.16imcdona1in 1.95?
13:42.20imcdona1the beta of festival?
13:42.29NuggetI have no idea.  I've just heard that mentioned here.
13:42.32NuggetI don't use it myself.
13:43.04inspiredflorz: mom?
13:43.08*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
13:43.27florzinspired: Currently a bit busy, in a few mins or so ...
13:43.32inspiredok, thanks
13:46.00*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (~grepmoo@
13:46.44djinok, was an older mpg123 version.
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13:49.44inspiredflorz: what version are you using?
13:49.48JunK-Ylo guys.
13:50.11ZeeekI keepgetting disconnected, please ignore my punctuation
13:50.55florzinspired: * 1.0.5 + bristuff 0.2.0-RC5 + my patch for zaphfc + spandsp-0.0.2pre10. You can find a short overview of the system at
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14:05.38djinNeed to find your way back home, Zeeek?
14:06.03Zeeek<-<-<-<-< coming from here
14:06.23djingoing up
14:06.48ZeeekHooror of horrors, it's.....
14:06.53ZeeekDOUBLE NAT!
14:07.29Zeeekbut wait... there is help
14:08.13Zeeekhe can't talk but he got SIP working with double NAT :)
14:09.43djinnice for a babyphone.
14:11.33*** join/#asterisk escualis (
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14:17.56vaewynbah... that's not that big of a deal...  1 phone on double NAT has always been doable... more than one phone... now that is a trick
14:22.12*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
14:22.31ctooleyVoicePulse, are you here?
14:23.21ctooleyUSERNAME/USERNAME      5060     UNREACHABLE
14:24.35Nuggetyou use sip for voicepulse?
14:24.38*** part/#asterisk djin (~marius@
14:27.52ctooleyNugget, we are for now
14:28.40*** join/#asterisk djin (~marius@
14:29.18florzinspired: plus libtiff 3.5.7 - actually, that's pretty much it as far as receiving the .tiff is concerned.
14:29.34inspiredflorz: ok, what distro?
14:29.39florzinspired: debian woody
14:29.58florzinspired: though libtiff is compiled from source
14:30.16inspiredok, I'm running debian testing. I guess the version works as I have received one fax
14:30.43florzinspired: not debian source, that is, just make && make install from IIRC the "upstream"/original tarball
14:30.46inspiredcould it be that faxes from digital lines work, but not from analog lines?
14:31.13inspiredusing Version: 3.6.1-5
14:31.17inspiredit should work
14:31.27florzinspired: I don't think so @digital/analog
14:31.45inspiredok, it's just so strange that the fax from a web-to-fax service worked
14:31.54inspiredbut not from OKI, Canon and Panasonic fax machines
14:32.29*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
14:32.51florzinspired: actually a newer libtiff did not work IIRC
14:35.00florzinspired: Yep, I tried compiling tiff_3.6.1-2 from then-testing. Package was built without problems - but faxes were garbled or such. Dunno exactly anymore, but for some reason I must have installed from upstream source =:-)
14:36.29*** join/#asterisk fantomax1 (~fanto@
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14:36.34fantomax1hi all
14:37.08fantomax1Did anyone use SIPP for generating SIP bulk traffic ?
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14:39.01znotop o' the mornin' to y'all
14:39.06znofor EST people
14:39.29inspiredflorz: you are in IT? are you willing to send me a fax? I want to check out if this is a local problem
14:41.20*** join/#asterisk ENNE (~ennepc2@
14:42.38inspiredflorz: do you have echo cancellation turned off in zapata.conf?
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14:45.20ENNEhi people
14:47.59*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
14:48.04ENNEI'm a customer of an Internet Provider VoIP that uses the Asterisk. How can I make to take advantage of the possibility (if this exists) to send SMS?
14:48.56wasimENNE: send SMS how and to whom?
14:49.23wasimENNE: the zap cards support SMS on fixed line through app_sms
14:49.36*** join/#asterisk LarsAC (
14:49.38wasimENNE: the farfons should support SMS receipt and potentially respond
14:49.45LarsACflorz: ping
14:51.32blitzrageManxPwr: btw, I never got your email the other day
14:51.36escualisanyone have a good page with manuals?
14:51.51escualisthanks :-)
14:52.03ENNEsend sms to any mobile number of my country (if this is possible), I utilize a SIP Softphone software (xlite)
14:54.08JunK-Yoff topic question: whats the equivalent of tar -c on SCO?
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14:57.59ManxPwrblitzrage, Feb  5 18:51:57 bourbon postfix/smtp[7343]: DF0411B8: to=<>,[], delay=22, status=sent (250 Ok: queued as 1B60F264D5B)
14:59.28ariel_good morning all
15:00.49blitzrageManxPwr: odd...
15:01.53blitzrageManxPwr: can you try sending it again?  I don't see it on Feb 5th
15:02.58ManxPwrblitzrage, Subject: [Fwd: [Asterisk-Users] chan_sip errors in CVS stable]
15:03.10ManxPwrAre you filtering on sender of subject on your system?
15:03.41blitzrageManxPwr: thats why, I was looking for something *not* from asterisk-users
15:03.45*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (~konversat@
15:03.46blitzragefoudn it
15:04.07tzangermorning blitzrage
15:04.13ManxPwrblitzrage, Cool.  I guess I should have changed the Subject:
15:04.14blitzragetzanger: morning, how goes today?
15:04.21tzangerit goes
15:04.23blitzrageManxPwr: yah... it filtered on the subject name :)
15:04.29tzangerI drive a minivan now  :'-(
15:05.24blitzragetzanger: you sir... suck
15:05.48tzangerblitzrage: yeah well..  it happens
15:05.52vaewyntzanger: know the feeling...  I am looking for a station wagon...  ohh the horrors!
15:05.52fantomax1Did anyone use SIPP for generating SIP bulk traffic ?
15:06.07blitzragetzanger: I never recommend anyone get a minivan - motor and suspension of a car in a vehicle the weight and use of a truck
15:06.08*** join/#asterisk ex95 (
15:06.19vaewynwould get a minivan... but they have SUCKY gas mileage
15:06.26ctooleyI have a wagon, sedan, and a minivan
15:06.26blitzragevaewyn: station wagon isn't so bad
15:06.34tzangerblitzrage: early minivans, yes...  but modern ones that's simply not true anymore
15:06.47ariel_well I got an SUV for the family.  argh I am a yuppie.
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15:06.49ctooleyactually the minivan gets about 38
15:06.50tzangermy minivan has the pickup and snottiness of a Grand Prix
15:06.52tzangerand I'm not joking
15:06.53rikstahey postel, alive?
15:06.55blitzragetzanger: well, as of at least 1999 it was still true :)
15:07.02tzangerMy '99 transport that isn't true of :-)
15:07.14vaewynctooley: 38?  you talking liters or gallons?
15:07.27ctooleyvaewyn, gallons
15:07.27ManxPwrtzanger, I hope you have a need for a minivan and didn't get it just because it is "cool"
15:07.32florzinspired: echo cancel is off
15:07.42tzangerwe test drove a shitload of them and the transport/montana/ventures were all the quietest of the lot
15:07.45florzLarsAC: pong
15:07.50inspiredflorz: ok
15:07.51blitzrageok, I have to go and write docs, lates
15:07.57tzangerManxPwr: well I drove a '94 grand cherokee ltd until this weekend, so no it wasn't an upgrade to more cool
15:08.02blitzrageI'll be in asterisk-doc if anyone needs me
15:08.06tzangerblitzrage: I have an email in composition for you for the faq
15:08.18blitzragetzanger: perfect, I just got a bunch of stuff from ManxPwr
15:08.25blitzrageor rather I just *found* a bunch of stuff from ManxPwr
15:08.45florzinspired: and sending you a fax from here right now is a bit difficult
15:08.50ManxPwrblitzrage, take a look at the faq page in the wffs.tar as well.  It's REALLY old and out of date, but there may be some things you can use.
15:08.56LarsACflorz: schreib dir grad ne mail... ztcfg is the evil part
15:09.06inspiredflorz: ok
15:09.11florzLarsAC: Hmpf?!
15:09.27LarsACflorz: modprobing and rmmodding is fine
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15:09.45LarsACflorz: but calling ztcfg in between makes rmmod zaphfc badly crash the machine
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15:10.47florzLarsAC: IC. That's not necessarily a sign that it's ztcfg's fault. Actually it's quite unlikely to be a problem of ztcfg - ztcfg just calls a few of the driver's ioctls.
15:11.27florzLarsAC: But the driver only becomes "active" after ztcfg has been called.
15:12.01LarsACflorz: okay, unloading an inactive driver is probably easy
15:12.12florzLarsAC: Exactly.
15:12.22LarsACflorz: I can spot a message "empty HDLC frame received" -- is that a problem ?
15:12.58LarsACflorz: mail sent
15:13.27florzLarsAC: I don't think so. I don't know exactly what causes it but it seems to happen now and then on most machines without any ill effects.
15:15.07florzLarsAC: Have you tried the original zaphfc driver from bristuff 0.2.0-RC5 yet?
15:15.18*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
15:15.50LarsACno, but I had similar problems using rc2 and rc3 but never tracked them down in detail
15:15.58inspiredZeeek: where are you located?
15:16.12florzLarsAC: rc2/3 without the patch, then?
15:16.13rikstais the asterisk daily news guy around?
15:16.29ZeeekParis France, home of Asterisk from time to time
15:16.44Zeeekwhen MArk visits :)
15:16.54inspiredZeeek: I turned echotraining off. are you able to send a fax to +370 52665825 ?
15:16.56*** join/#asterisk ChatWeazl (
15:17.01LarsACflorz: vanilla and with patch called "cleanexit" which was posted in
15:17.23ZeeekI can't send faxes from here - I'm home ATM
15:17.37inspireddamn, gotta find someone with a fax machine :D
15:17.43ZeeekI could but it'ds be from J2 which is a web service so it will work
15:17.48Zeeeknot proving anything
15:18.36rikstaif anyone would like to try out my new software ADM - Asterisk Desktop Manager and give me some feedback, i'd appreciate it ...
15:18.43LoganOne of our Sipura phones is now always appearing busy.
15:18.47florzLarsAC: Hmmm. How about that init script versus shell phenomenon?
15:18.56markitriksta: some screenshot would be apreciated also ;)
15:19.18rikstamarkit its on the website
15:19.29LarsACflorz: the script contains ztcfg :-)
15:19.39LarsACif I remove it, the script works fine
15:19.49florzLarsAC: So you didn't run ztcfg on the shell? IC ...
15:19.49markitriksta: url?
15:20.04rikstamarkit i just said it
15:20.19markitriksta: it does not show other than a .tar.gz file
15:20.27markitno screen shots link
15:20.30rikstamarkit clear your cache
15:20.35markitah :)
15:20.48markitriksta: yes, definetly better! :)
15:21.33LarsACflorz: no, if I do it crashes as well
15:21.40LoganNevermind, my coworkers are fools.
15:22.16markitmy english is terrible, I know
15:23.04markitanyone here that can help me with "disconnect" in features.conf?
15:23.05LoganWhere is the frequency at which MWI updates are performed defined?
15:23.21florzLarsAC: OK, fine =:-)
15:23.32slePPLogan: it has to do with the qualify interval, basically
15:23.36LarsACflorz: rather not so...
15:23.42LoganslePP: What is that?
15:23.57slePPer.. k, just imagine it's about 30 seconds :>
15:24.02slePPit's not directly configured anywhere
15:24.19LoganI see a qualify setting.
15:24.20LarsACflorz: I didn't try to simply reboot, but having a system which reproducably crashes like this as a production system is not really my favourite
15:24.28LoganDo phones poll for MWI, or does asterisk drive that itself?
15:24.32slePPLogan: yeh.. when it qualifies the phone, it also does MWI updates
15:24.32florzLarsAC: Actually, it is. Not that the machine crashes. But that shell vs. script doesn't make a difference is fine indeed :-)
15:24.35slePPand asterisk drives it
15:24.44rikstahey slePP
15:24.45slePPit sends it out as part of a SIP message
15:24.46slePPhey rik
15:24.52LarsACflorz: yes, that would be really funny
15:24.59LoganslePP: So asterisk chooses to call ast_app_messagecount every so often for each registered user?
15:25.17slePPLogan: no, not that app
15:25.22slePPit goes through the entire sip/iax2 peer lists
15:25.26slePPand checks their messages, and sends updates
15:26.01florzLarsAC: Have you tried a 2.4 and/or a non-SMP kernel?
15:26.04slePPLogan: look at transmit_notify_with_mwi
15:26.22slePPwhich gets hit by sip_send_mwi_to_peer
15:26.34LarsACflorz: not yet
15:26.38*** join/#asterisk BBRodriguez (
15:27.01florzLarsAC: Could you just boot the machine with the nosmp kernel parameter?
15:27.04slePPLogan: in the code, it checks that the current time - the last check > 10 before doing it
15:27.04BBRodriguezHi everyone, how do i make * send SIP 403 "forbidden" message from dialplan ?
15:27.13slePPbut it doesn't necessarily mean it'll happen every 10 seconds.. just no more often than that
15:27.31LarsACflorz: ah, that one's new to me...
15:27.33slePPBBRodriguez: pretty certain you don't.
15:27.59LarsACflorz: it acts as the router, I'll try this later, GF is surfing web
15:28.03slePPthat's not something for the dialplan, really
15:28.35slePP8:28am. whee
15:28.35slePPwtf am i doing awake
15:28.35BBRodriguezslePP: do you have a suggestion on how to do that ?
15:28.37slePPBBRodriguez: why do you want to do that?
15:28.45slePPthat's an authorization thing, not a call handling bit
15:28.55LoganslePP: Thanks.
15:29.09slePPLogan: that's done in do_monitor, btw, the timeout.
15:29.11florzLarsAC: OK. I'll have another look at your log excerpt, maybe I'll have some other ideas what to test ...
15:29.30LoganslePP: I overrided the behavior of ast_app_msesagecount to call into my own code, which queries a DB, and I want to have a way reduce the load as I add more phones. :P
15:29.31BBRodriguezslePP: i need to stop accepting channels after the active ones, reach a certain amount, but i need to send 403 back to my softswitch, so it'll jump to the next route
15:29.39LoganslePP: Yeah, I fou nd the literal "10".
15:30.04slePPBBRodriguez: and a 404 or something wouldn't work better?
15:30.10slePPor perhaps a 5xx code
15:30.22slePPany which way, there isn't really a way to do it from the dialplan...
15:30.50slePPyou should just be able to keep pumping it out, if you're going into zap channels. it'll send back an unavailable response
15:30.55BBRodriguezslePP: how do i send 404 ? circuit busy ?
15:31.11slePP404 is not found, it'd be closer to Congestion.. but i don't think 404 is that... maybe it is :>
15:31.17slePPtry Congestion and trace the protocol
15:31.36BBRodriguezslePP: i'm accepting sip channels and dialing sip channels, no zapata or PRI
15:32.40slePPk. then try Congestion
15:32.45slePPif nothing else, make up a function that does it :>
15:33.25BBRodriguezslePP: thanks, i might just do that, make a function ;-)
15:34.09slePPthat'll be easiest :> then at least you know what it is doing
15:35.20Luke-JrIs there a way to force ulaw *only* if the remote UA is Kphone?
15:35.58satlinkHi, anyone knowing about an IAX softphone supporting g729?
15:36.07satlink-for windows
15:36.32slePPLuke-Jr: don't think so
15:42.40nestAri wish the cli syntax was a bit more sane.. more like cisco
15:43.02LoganWhy does ztmonitor require /dev/dsp?
15:43.33slePPuse -v or -vv
15:43.35slePPand it doesn't.
15:43.36epochso it can yell at you
15:44.38inspiredZeeek: try turning echotraining=off in zapata.conf. it solved everything here!
15:46.39LoganslePP: So, am I supposed to place a call over a zap channel, then run ztmonitor -v on it, and I should see some output?
15:46.51ZeeekI'm sure I did that when I cared
15:47.02Zeeekbut thanks
15:47.10eKo1Logan: I know chan_oss requires it but not ztmonitor.
15:47.57eKo1nestAr: You've been using Cisco too long.
15:48.04LoganI know the call is on channel for, but ztmonitor 4 -v isn't showing anything.
15:48.31*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
15:49.11nestAreKo1: well.. the whole.. sip show X is silly.. it should be show sip X
15:49.22nestAri dunno
15:49.37nestArnot that i really like cisco
15:49.48nestArbut it's got a convention that i can get used to..
15:50.08*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:51.06nestAri'm just used to cisco and redback
15:51.07ariel_nestAr, you will get used to it. Besides you can do the same with iax2 show peers
15:51.32nestArhalf the stuff you do show X, but then there's iax show x
15:51.49ariel_yes but it's something we need to live with.
15:52.03nestArindeed, i'm living with it.
15:52.35ariel_just like linux has -h or sometimes --help and don't forget sometimes -help will work too. argh
15:52.53eKo1--help is gnu
15:53.36anthmthat's cos the modules are supposed to have thier own command namespace you cant have sip show peers without so each module that implements commands shoule always begin with the name of the module so each module has logical namspace afforded to it
15:53.45anthmuse the source luke
15:53.52*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (
15:54.00PakiPenguinhello everyone
15:54.08PakiPenguinanyone here tried using Linksys - PAP2 with *?
15:54.14ariel_anthm, have not seen you for some time welcome back.
15:54.21PakiPenguini am getting a registeration problem , the linksys never registers :( it fails
15:54.50ariel_PakiPenguin, are you using the pap2-na or the one that is pre-setup for vonga?
15:55.20PakiPenguinits na , unlocked
15:55.35ariel_I have and they work just like the sipura.
15:55.41PakiPenguinany specific config in sip.conf?
15:55.55anthmariel_ thx
15:56.17ariel_line 1 setup proxy ip addres then the user name. password and it should work unless you have a natted asterisk.
15:56.34ariel_anthm, I miss your patch I loved it.....
15:56.48*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
15:56.51anthmoh the caching peer one ?
15:57.02hans"Answer(): If the channel is ringing, answer it, otherwise do nothing." Yet it seems to be answering as much as 10 seconds after I pick up, so is ring detection skewampus?
15:57.32PakiPenguin* is not natted , but the ata is
15:57.59PakiPenguinit gives me this Feb  7 09:51:17 NOTICE[2372]: chan_sip.c:7656 handle_request: Registration from 'User <>' failed for '203.xx.xx.xx'
15:58.04ariel_PakiPenguin, then make sure you have the firewall forwarding your port
15:58.25ariel_PakiPenguin, it's not over a sat link?
15:58.39*** join/#asterisk anthm (
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15:58.50hansoh wait, I'm not doing answer, I'm doing zapateller(answer), that's probably why.
15:58.52PakiPenguinyes , the firewall is forwarding the ports
15:58.52*** join/#asterisk JamesDotCom (
16:00.19ariel_PakiPenguin, have you seen this setup info
16:00.40PakiPenguinnopes, am looking now
16:01.10*** join/#asterisk Corydon-w (
16:01.49ctooleyhow many concurrent SIP/G.711u channels will fit reliably on a 100Mbit network connection?  I can do the math using 90kb/s, but that just gives me theoretical, not usable.
16:02.05*** part/#asterisk djin (~marius@
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16:02.46ariel_ctooley, it really depends on what else shares the line.
16:03.31ctooleyIn a datacenter, going out on the internet to our provider.
16:04.23ariel_oh cut your figure in 1/2. When any ftp starts it will make your life hard.
16:06.44ctooleywell, there's not going to be any FTP servers between us and them.  But what should the realistic expectations be?  10Mbit, 15, 20?
16:07.07*** join/#asterisk jterrero (~some@
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16:07.58ariel_in our test lab at the last place I worked we were able to get on a 100m line about 12 max per meg.  the higher then number pass 50 it would drop to around 6 per meg.
16:08.02jterrerosup, can someone help me out with the following? I have sendmail on my system (running gentoo 2.6.9), when i leave a voicemail i want the voicemail to be sent via email to the user, i specified everything i was suppose to in voicemail.conf and extensions.conf, i get the following error though
16:08.03jterreroSpawn extension (default, 301, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/jterrero-0808'
16:08.03jterrerosendmail: Cannot open mail:25
16:08.18jterrerowhen i do a portscan on my system 25 is open
16:08.44*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
16:09.36florzctooley: I don't have any experience myself. But if it's point-to-point and full duplex, I would wonder why you should not be able to use the full bandwidth!?
16:10.08wwalker_jterrero first, does the hostname mail, without a domain tacked on properly resolve to your local machine (via DNS< not via /etc/hosts?
16:10.11ariel_ctooley, so on a 100meg connection we maxed out at around 90 solid connections.
16:10.17ctooleyflorz it's not point to point, it's through the internet.  It's not going to go out on a shared virtual hosting connection either though.
16:11.05jterrerowwalker_: no
16:11.10fantomax1Did anyone use SIPP for generating SIP bulk traffic ?
16:11.16*** join/#asterisk itnomad (~jackal@
16:11.18florzctooley: But logically it's only two endpoints, right? So either one receives only what the other sends?
16:11.36jterrerowwalker_: i didnt specify mail anywhere though, it should be
16:11.41jterreronot mail alone
16:12.19florzctooley: then at least no congestion can happen because of packets from different sources arriving at the same time.
16:12.34wwalker_jterrero is in your /etc/resolv.conf in search or domainname lines?
16:13.01ctooleyflorz, no, they have multiple clients doing the same thing, and w e have multiple servers sending to the same SIP endpoint
16:13.31ctooleyso there's probably 50 SIP originiation servers talking to their Origination Proxy.
16:14.39florzctooley: Well, then it's pretty difficult to say theoretically I think.
16:15.20jterrerowwalker_: no, the only thing in my resolve.conf is my nameserver
16:16.15ctooleyjterrero, can you successfully "ping mail"?
16:16.58jterrerono, but i can ping
16:17.57ariel_ctooley, just looked at my notes the 90 figure was on a 10mg leg not 100. We never tested a full 100mg link.
16:18.36*** part/#asterisk satlink (satlink@
16:18.45florzariel_: FD or HD? PtP or PtMP?
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16:19.20wwalker_jterrero add "search" to /etc/resolv.conf and see if that fixes it.  sendmail shouldn't be truncating the name, but it may be an easy fix.
16:19.37ctooleyariel_, thank goodness
16:19.41wwalker_ariel_ Much nicer number!  Thanks!!
16:19.44ctooleyariel_, were were starting to get worried
16:19.47ariel_florz, fd
16:21.12ariel_we were expecting more but as the b/w got used we had more and more problems.
16:21.15*** join/#asterisk IronHelix (
16:22.36florzariel_: That's probably due to non-optimal synchronisation. On an FD PtP(?) link it theoretically should be possible to use the full bandwidth.
16:25.24ariel_should be. But we only had a limited amount of time for the test.
16:26.41florzariel_: Yep. It's probably also a matter of Asterisk's implementation details, so not necessarily easy to achieve. Maybe IAX2 with trunking could do it.
16:26.52ariel_ctooley, you want to put about 900 to 1000 sip calls via ulaw. Hope it works.
16:26.56ctooleyflorz, actually, at 90 concurrent calls 87-90kbit/call that's 7.8Mbit to begin with.
16:27.26florzctooley: Which is about 22 % below the full bw =:-)
16:28.04ctooleyflorz, 7.8Mbit on a 10Mbit HALF duplex line.  You're going to run into issues.
16:28.11*** join/#asterisk mildenhall (
16:28.24florzctooley: FD, not HD :-)
16:29.25ariel_ctooley, ours was fd. And like your figures we could only get 90 max on the 10 meg before we started to get problems with the calls.
16:29.38ariel_so your figures are close.
16:29.38florzctooley: On HD that would not even theoretically be possible as it would sum up to 15.6 Mbit/s for both directions.
16:34.21*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
16:36.21jterrerogot it to work, thanks people.. another issue though. i am writing cdrs in a .db format, is there a tool out there to make cdr.db look neat / clean ?
16:36.42Luke-JrCan anyone suggest any cheap way to get to one or two FXS ports from my server? (PCI, USB, Ethernet, etc)
16:36.55*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
16:38.28ariel_Luke-Jr, use a sipura 2000 or 1001.
16:39.04*** join/#asterisk djin (
16:39.17jterrerogot it to work, thanks people.. another issue though. i am writing cdrs in a .db format, is there a tool out there to make cdr.db look neat / clean ?
16:39.29jterrerooops. sorry
16:42.25wasimi wonder if any aid agencies have used asterisk to help the comms in the tsunami efforts
16:46.16*** join/#asterisk Slainte (Slainte@
16:46.53Slainteanyone use the polycom IP600 and find the number pad does not respond well, i.e. you have to press a number twice, when transferring etc.
16:47.15Slainteor you hve to hold the button down for a while.  Kinda like Asterisk is ignoring it.
16:48.01*** join/#asterisk dolson (~dolson@
16:48.11eKo1Hmm...If a call comes in through my sip provider, I should see something about it on the CLI right?
16:48.19eKo1I'm not seeing anything.
16:49.21SlainteeKo1,  debug sip shows nothing?
16:49.26ariel_eKo1, yes you should.
16:49.45eKo1Slainte: eh, there are like 50 calls going out through that provider so...
16:50.30SlainteeKo,  any properly formatted SIP traffic comming in on port 5060 you will see
16:51.32eKo1Slainte: There's too much traffic for me to debug it properly.
16:51.50eKo1'show channels' should show it.
16:52.11eKo1Of course, it doesn't show what I'm looking for.
16:53.55rikstaanyone tried my ADM yet?
16:55.44dolsonare any of you knowledgeable with SER and wouldn't mind helping me?
16:57.51*** join/#asterisk Othello (
16:58.57eKo1I have a machine running SER here but I didn't set it up so...
17:00.18*** join/#asterisk escualis (
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17:00.56eipihi all
17:01.24eipiim newbie with asterisk, i have it working with samples conf, i added user in iax.conf, but the calls are rejected
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17:08.36Luke-Jrariel_: any idea where to buy them?
17:08.43jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
17:09.04Luke-JrFor a decent price
17:09.44SlainteThese POlycom phones wont keep an NTP synch.
17:10.59Slainteevery time I turn around it has a different time
17:11.07jbot[ser] Sip Express Router - see
17:11.15dolson~make ser work
17:11.18jbotmake: *** No rule to make target `ser work'.  Stop.
17:11.52mikegrbSlainte: I believe they only sync on powerup
17:12.02jterrerogot it to work, thanks people.. another issue though. i am writing cdrs in a .db format, is there a tool out there to make cdr.db look neat / clean ? how can i manipulate this data, ?
17:13.54*** join/#asterisk zbysio (
17:15.15SlainteMikegrb,  do you use the 600's or 500's?  I am trying to get some micrpbrowser stuff working
17:15.53Slainteanyone know how to make hold "beep"instead of MP3 playback.  MP3 playback for me is all garbbled.  It may be a conflict with the zaptel drivers
17:19.59mikegrbSlainte: dpm
17:20.08mikegrbI don't use polycom at all
17:20.13djinSlainte, what mpg123 are you using?
17:20.39bjohnsonjterrero: check the wiki.  I think I saw one that does graphs and uses web interface
17:21.29bjohnsonjterrero: in general, and script that does SQL could access the cdr data .. you could whip something up that emails you a report for example
17:22.03greg_worki have some mp3 files that won't play in *, but mpg123 will play them outside of * just fine. only differences I can see between the ones that work and the ones that dont are 128kbps vs 192kbps, orginal = no vs yes, and BPF = 418 vs 627 .. otherwise, everything else is the same:  MPEG 1.0, Layer: III, Freq: 44100, mode: Joint-Stereo, modext: 0, BPF : 627   Channels: 2, copyright: No, original: Yes, CRC: Yes, emphasis: 0.Bitrate: 192
17:22.15greg_workany ideas, and what is BPF?
17:22.25Zeeekthey have to be at 8000
17:22.34*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
17:22.38Zeeekand one channel would be nice too
17:23.05jterrerobjohnson: thxz
17:23.27greg_workZeeek: the working one i'm comparing it to is QuajiroPromo.mp3 (comes with * )
17:23.42*** join/#asterisk marc1 (
17:24.24Zeeekbut is 2 chans a good idea?
17:24.27greg_workanother one that works is MPEG 1.0, Layer: III, Freq: 44100, mode: Stereo, modext: 0, BPF : 626, Channels: 2, copyright: No, original: Yes, CRC: Yes, emphasis: 0., Bitrate: 192 Kbits/s, Extension value: 0
17:24.39greg_worki dunno. doubles the data
17:24.54Zeeekscrews up the music too
17:25.29*** join/#asterisk xilofonte (0@
17:25.33Zeeekwell it'd be like shorting the two chans together which could multiply artifacts
17:25.58ZeeekI don't kniow how they're mixed in the player though for a mono output
17:26.05greg_work"mpg123", "-q", "-s", "-b", "1024", "-f", "8192", "--mono", "-r", "8000", filename
17:26.18greg_workis how app_mp3 calls mpg123
17:26.19Zeeekthere's the 8000
17:26.31Zeeekok - I'm not using that version
17:26.47Zeeekand I don't have any console audio anyway
17:26.56Zeeekso I should prolly shut up :)
17:27.12greg_workwell, this is on hold music
17:27.33Zeeekor change the subject: callerid not working on ONE phone: siemens C200 - why? It works great on PSTN?
17:28.08Zeeekya but yoyu mentioned that the player plays it ok, I have no way of testng that
17:28.15Zeeekso I'm folding
17:28.28*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:29.05Slaintedjin,  sorry only noticed your note
17:29.11SlainteI am useing latest I think
17:29.17Slainteone sec
17:30.15eipiim newbie with asterisk, i have it working with samples conf, i added user in iax.conf, but the calls are rejected
17:30.26*** join/#asterisk wankel (
17:30.57eipii associated the new user to context=local and demo, but nothing, the same notice message...
17:33.28SlainteI just forced a reinstall lemme try again
17:35.37*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:35.48djinupgrading mpg123 solved my sound issue (0.59r)
17:35.52Zeeekeipi since it won't connect...
17:36.07Zeeekupgrading to "gold"?
17:37.02Zeeekeipi as I was about to say: there seems to be a problem with the peer or friend entry in iax.conf then?
17:38.49*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
17:39.07*** join/#asterisk freat[laptop] (~freat[lap@
17:39.10dontmsgmeI have an error msg it says "Nine Six Nine Six"
17:39.14dontmsgmeWhen I try to dial
17:39.36Zeeekthe old 9696 worm!
17:40.09outtoluncmust be the SLC-96chained worm <G>
17:40.39Zeeekso show us yer Dial() command dontmsgme
17:40.42dontmsgmeIm changing voicepulse servers.
17:40.59Zeeekchanging to what? I use VP was there a change?
17:41.22dontmsgmeExecuting Dial("SIP/12345-3b9a", "IAX2/") in new stack
17:41.26*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:42.03Zeeekwhere's the 69?
17:42.24*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
17:42.29dontmsgmethe asterisk voice says it
17:42.47Zeeekwhy? I mean how?
17:42.54Zeeekfrom the VP end?
17:44.01dontmsgmeI dont know
17:44.13dontmsgmeIt does say Call accepted by 66.
17:44.30Zeeekyeah I just dialed it - looks the same
17:44.39dontmsgmeYou dialed what?
17:44.48Zeeek5551212 on VP
17:45.12*** join/#asterisk ngb (~joshua@
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17:45.23Zeeekthe only diff was that I have a 45 and a t after the number
17:45.24netsurferquick question... if I have 2 * boxes with identical configuration, a sipphone connected to box 1, if I pull the network cable from box1 and put it in box2 (same ip address) will box2 force the sipphone to reauthenticate ?
17:45.30ngbin the cvs are the last version of asterisk ????
17:45.36ngb1.0.5 ?
17:45.53Zeeeknetsurfer how would box 2 know?
17:45.57ngbhow i can update my files from cvs command
17:46.06netsurferZeeek - when the sipphone tries to make a call
17:46.24Zeeekis it registering periodically?
17:46.44ZeeekI mean, if box 2 never heard of the phone before waking up on a LAN, how would it know ?
17:47.29netsurferZeeek - the timeout on the phone is 600 seconds.. if the phone registers with box1 then when the cable is changed it thinks its still registered to box1 - what will box2 do? ignore it? or ask it to re-register?
17:47.51Zeeekdontmsgme: my responses are a tiny bit different
17:47.52Zeeek-- Format for call is ulaw
17:48.10Zeeek-- Format for call is ulawnote ulaw in small letters and the progress report
17:48.43netsurferZeeek - the reason im asking, I am wondering if its worth my while messing with heartbeat
17:48.44Zeeeknetsurfer I would guess "unpredicatble behaviour and may cause problems"?
17:49.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:49.42ZeeekI'm still trying to imagine why you'd want to do this
17:49.50netsurferHigh Dependency
17:49.56Zeeekfor thrills?
17:50.01netsurferyeah yeah
17:50.29Zeeekseems to me the call would be refused
17:51.05Zeeekbut more importantly, isn't there cached info on connections in asterisk (like in the astdb, for one?)
17:51.07netsurferI wanted to set up 2 boxes, getting their config from a central database and use heartbeat to control which one was the active server
17:52.09Zeeekmay be time for a girlfriend
17:52.35netsurferZeeek - its R&D for a project id like to get going
17:52.44Zeeekyou have a production server with thousands of users?
17:53.09Zeeekhot swappable asterisk servers
17:53.16netsurferyup :D
17:53.33Zeeekbetter to have them both running on different ip?
17:53.44Zeeekah but the phone itserfl won't handle that
17:53.58netsurferso thats why I want to use heartbeat
17:54.05Zeeekso you need three asterisk boxen :)
17:54.12netsurferwith the virtual interface ip set as the sip gateway
17:54.19Zeeekone to federate as a frontal and talk to the other two
17:54.41netsurferlmao nah that makes it pointless
17:54.46Zeeekwith a liberal suppluy of canreinvite=yes
17:54.46netsurferthe whole idea is redundancy
17:55.14Zeeekyeah because if box1 of three goes down it back to no servcie
17:55.23Zeeekwait I got it
17:55.27Zeeektwo phones
17:55.34Zeeeka red one and a black one
17:55.37netsurferfor each desk? ;)
17:55.46ZeeekTWO DESKS! YES! Brilliant!
17:55.55Zeeektwo desks for each person
17:56.06Zeeekwhen box 1 goes down, he changes desks
17:56.09ChatWeazlyes, well, also get a redundant office building and redundant staff ;)
17:56.22Zeeekexcept that redundant means firing in UK
17:56.37Zeeekotherwise, I was about to suggest that
17:57.03ChatWeazlso how would you phrase that in the UK?
17:57.07Zeeekbut the buildings woul dneed to be on different continents for obvious reasons
17:57.26Zeeekdon't know. I'm not in the UK - but I know "made redundant" means FIRED
17:57.40Zeeekhey, they say shit like tyres too
17:57.46Zeeekand hire a car
17:57.50Zeeekand take the lift
18:00.09ChatWeazlhmm websters has a special British part for redundancy...
18:01.21netsurferlol Zeeek - u gotta chmod +x Zeeek before u go to work? ;)
18:01.57Zeeekno shit! I was so tired I couldn't even stay on IRC today
18:02.01Zeeekkept falling of
18:02.01netsurferim getting VERY p!ssed off at debian
18:02.06Nuggetlinux is poo.
18:02.26Zeeekmake the change to slackware - you'll never go back to women again
18:02.26netsurfercant build zaptel with standard kernel
18:03.04netsurferand iv spent amost 2 days trying to get a working custom kernel
18:03.30ngbi need upload the hits of my site... you can help me ?
18:03.45ZeeekAren't there shops where guy with funny tatoos do customized kernels for you?
18:04.10Zeeekngb what do you mean?
18:04.46netsurferI think they should introduce the death penalty for incorrect info posted on the wiki pages
18:05.04Zeeekor at least assign the guilty person a night in the barrel
18:05.30ngbZeeek i need that my website have visits.. all people from this channel can visit it ?
18:05.32Zeeekbut here is a test: find out what the units used are in txgain=
18:05.49Zeeekngb are there naked girls on it?
18:06.04ChatWeazlZeeek: you perv
18:06.05Zeeekthen what point is there?
18:06.06netsurferZeeek - dB ?
18:06.20Zeeeknetsurfer - I have seen three different answers on three sites
18:06.29Zeeek%, ratio and db
18:06.44netsurfer% of what exactly
18:06.52Zeeekit may be db because I think if you put 6 it gets REALLLYY LOUD
18:06.54*** join/#asterisk cypenguin (~cypenguin@
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18:07.28Zeeekboth ration and opct would be as against 1 or 100%
18:07.34netsurferwhats 5 like? quite quiet ?
18:07.58harryvvmorning netsurfer
18:07.59Zeeekso txgain=1.5 or txgain=150% or txgain=3
18:08.10netsurferif the steps seem unequal to the ear, then i'd say its probably dB
18:08.23Zeeekfact is it's really hard to tell
18:08.23netsurferhi harryvv
18:08.44harryvvIs there a way to track graphicaly the amount of times a callers ID number rings into a zap?
18:08.49Zeeekngb if we visit your site what do we get?
18:09.38netsurferharryvv - u could store incoming clid in a database
18:09.51harryvvnetsurfer, yea I have mysql installed
18:10.02netsurferharryvv - cool.. go for it :)
18:10.16Zeeekharryvv depends on how you want to report it. You can just parse the cdr too
18:10.16harryvvbtw, still getting that res_odbc.c:392 odbc_obj_connect: res_odbc: Error SQLCon problem.
18:10.28Zeeekwith PHP or Perl
18:10.32ngbZeeek more hits, and google bot visiti my site for add int in your website list
18:10.37netsurferI have a script here wouldnt be hard to modify to get asterisk to read back how many times that CLID called in a given time
18:10.44Zeeekngb what is asterisk?
18:10.59harryvvzeek, that would mean installing apache on the asterisk system and dont want to do that.
18:11.04ngbasterisk is more than a pbx :)
18:11.07*** part/#asterisk marc1 (
18:11.30ZeeekI like Apache :)
18:11.45Zeeekwhat is your web site about with no naked girls, ngb
18:11.55harryvvnetsurfer, I am going to make another asterisk setup as a demonstration for our search and rescue team. There are some 200 members that belong to it.
18:12.00Zeeeksurely you could illustrate it with a few
18:12.18ngbi sale web systems and web design
18:12.32Nuggetperhaps it's an "english as a second language" site.
18:12.40harryvvnetsurfer, there was a crisis with the blizzard and people stuck.. people were calling sar building and no one was answering because no one was there.
18:12.50Zeeeknaked girls are the prime motor that makes sites get hits
18:13.24Zeeekngb use alexa toolbar to make people think you have traffic
18:13.44Zeeekjust get about five people to click on that all day
18:14.06netsurferharryvv - sounds like it would be useful there
18:14.24harryvvnet, we have no system there at all.
18:14.59netsurferharryvv - u need something then! - btw.. did u call me early this morning/ late last night ur time ?
18:15.14harryvvlast night :)
18:15.27netsurferI had an email about a missed call when I got up lol
18:16.07harryvvbtw, is there any windows client apps that can reside in memory a vm is awaiting?
18:16.22netsurferwooooooow harry I got news on speeding up ur next * install
18:16.22harryvvsay it pops up as soon as the user logs in.
18:17.21netsurferharryvv not that I know of, though I find email is the best way to notify users, nothing new for them to get used to
18:17.29harryvvIt to bad ms could not release some code say for its login window that under the windows logon prompt says "you have three voicemails waiting"
18:18.42Zeeekharryvv you can do it by making a custom sound file and telling the email client to play it
18:18.45*** join/#asterisk smargaritis (
18:19.15Zeeekin fact many POP mail checkers will do that and they're free
18:20.15harryvvZeek, know of any ? this would be for vm only.
18:20.26netsurfermake a new pop account for vm only
18:20.42Zeeekwell that'd require either presorting to a folder or what netsurfer said
18:20.56Zeeekwhich to me makes the ost sense
18:22.07harryvvno need to make another pop account. Idea is to ontify user who logs in or already logs of vm in his/her mail box.
18:22.10ZeeekInbox can alert you via a popup hint or sound and launch an application of your choice or a web page to retrieve the mail.
18:22.18*** join/#asterisk multrix (
18:22.23*** join/#asterisk abbas_ (nidobas@
18:22.28Zeeek"ignore them, launch a program and more. You can also reply to messages, delete them from the server, play custom sound notifications and more"
18:22.29*** join/#asterisk smargaritis (
18:22.45ZeeekPoptray: freeware
18:22.46abbas_Hi All
18:23.31harryvvI want it to limit the mail checker to vm only :)
18:23.32abbas_Zeeek   can u pls help me
18:23.44Zeeek"Freeware programs are either distributed for the love of humanity, for fame, or as stripped down versions of programs that do cost money. "
18:24.01abbas_my ATA is unable to make calls  some times get registered on * and most of the time reg fails
18:24.06*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
18:24.25ZeeekI see that but I odn't know why
18:24.36AgiNamuWTF? I'm bridging 2 G729 devices
18:24.37Zeeekclient behind NAT?
18:24.38AgiNamuand it's doign that
18:24.45AgiNamu(using IAX2)
18:25.29Zeeekharryvv that last program is able to filter by subject I think so it does what you need
18:25.41abbas_Zeeek  noway NAT
18:26.01Zeeekno NAT?
18:26.10Zeeekso is nat=yes in sip.conf ?
18:26.35Zeeekwhy if there is no NAT?
18:26.47abbas_some times i use the same machine behind NAT
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18:26.49abbas_thats y
18:27.06*** join/#asterisk tih (
18:28.37cypenguinhi all
18:29.12abbas_Zeeek   seen the page ?
18:29.13multrixhi everyone, I saw first time an IAX2-phone, what do you think of this ?
18:29.30cypenguini am trying to record a voicemessage but Record() cut me off after 40 sec. anybody has similar problem/solution?
18:29.37markithi anthm :) do you have some spare time for a question about atxfer?
18:30.22Zeeekmultrix, what IAX2 phone?
18:30.40multrixZeeek: is there another that these one ?
18:30.45anthmno but you can ask and i might answer if im not distracted
18:31.02ZeeekI don't see what phone you're talking about
18:31.12Zeeekthere is farfon
18:31.45abbas_Zeeek   have u seeen the config page of my device?
18:31.47tzangeranyone familliar with multimode fiber?  Is it "ok" to have a run that requires four junctions if the run is under a couple hundred feet?
18:31.47markitanthm: it's really an interesting feature, since it supports also monitor, but what about if I transfer the call to an extension where no one is answering? what keys do Ihave to press to go back to the caller?
18:31.57Zeeekabbas_ yes and I have no ideas
18:32.04tihtzanger: shouldn't be a problem.
18:32.11ngbZeeek what's protocol is beeter iax or sip ?
18:32.14PakiPenguinabbas_: still the same problem eh
18:32.19tihtzanger: I've done that lots of times.
18:32.21PakiPenguinngb: iax!
18:32.25abbas_ok suggest according to the pastebin
18:32.32abbas_Zeeek  ok suggest according to the pastebin
18:32.37anthmwhatever you have mapped to hangup in featuremap
18:32.38abbas_yah Paki   same problem
18:32.38*** join/#asterisk letherglov (
18:32.39tzangertih: are there rules of thumb for how many junctions are able to be handled without losing signal integrity?  Obviously we're talking proper welded connections here
18:32.54ngbPakiPenguin iax is more quick that sip ?
18:32.57Zeeekpost again the pastebin and someone brighter than me will look
18:32.59tihtzanger: probably, but I don't know them. I'm just a sysadmin. ;-)
18:33.08markitanthm: is it related with "disconnect" in featuremap? seems not to work (I've mapped to *0)
18:33.12PakiPenguinngb: more bandwidth friendly
18:33.20tzangertih: is what I'm proposing
18:33.26ngbPakiPenguin oke thanks
18:33.30tzangerthe run between enclosures is about 70 feet
18:33.35ZeeekPakiPenguin since you arrived late you have to go see ngb website
18:33.59tihtzanger: 404 Not Found
18:34.05PakiPenguinhey Zeeek :)
18:34.20tzangertih: bah...
18:34.42abbas_PakiPenguin   kuch karo   yaar    bahut takleef ho rahee hay
18:34.51*** join/#asterisk fizbar (
18:35.09ZeeekI ate some of that once and was stuck in the john for three days!
18:35.11abbas_meraa  ATA chalao
18:35.12anthmyou may be out of luck while its ringing atm
18:35.16PakiPenguinabbas_: will send you ata-186 tomorrow , i promise :p
18:35.28tihtzanger: I can't imagine any problems with that. We routinely do worse, with no problems.
18:35.31letherglovtzanger, using your patch panels as routing boxes?
18:35.32abbas_thats another topic u know
18:35.36letherglovat least they're labelled!
18:35.37tzangerletherglov: kind of. :)
18:35.38multrixtzanger: what type of connexion runs on this mm fiber ?
18:35.40abbas_is ko bhee to sahee hona chahiye naaa
18:35.44PakiPenguinyeah :)
18:35.51letherglovand at least gigabit laser is visible...100 mbit isn't
18:35.56tzangermultrix: 100baseFX
18:35.59letherglovdon't stare at it though
18:36.00PakiPenguinabbas_: configure it as a sipura
18:36.01letherglovthat's a pain.
18:36.08abbas_i have tried it
18:36.15markitanthm: do you mean your phone is ringing? damn, I'm waiting for atxfer help since 10 days :(
18:36.20fizbarHas anyone ever had problems with the digium tdm400p card on a 2.6 kernel running udev?  It acts like the card isn't being reset properly after a call.
18:36.21tihletherglov: classic warning label: "WARNING: DO NOT LOOK INTO LASER WITH REMAINING EYE!"
18:36.21mrempireabbas: kaise
18:36.29abbas_i have upgrade it  through Sipura firmware and it was successfully
18:36.41Zeeekheh tih
18:36.46multrixtzanger: of course it's ok !! we can run until 2 km and 5 to 10 db attenuation ! so you're really far from having problem, be cool :)
18:37.01anthmno i mean once the call is answered by something you can disconnect but you may not be able to cancel until then
18:37.03tzangermultrix: ok, danke
18:37.04PakiPenguinmrempire: urdu jantay hou?
18:37.13abbas_mrempire          aisay hee  bus
18:37.23multrixso nobody tried these new IAX2 phones and ATA ?
18:37.37multrixtzanger: bitte schön
18:37.41ngb/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-slackware-linux/3.3.4/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext
18:37.42ngbcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
18:37.43Zeeekwho makes it multrix?
18:37.44markitanthm: oh :( is something that can be implemented, or can't work with asterisk design? it's really needed
18:37.45ngbmake[1]: *** [] Error 1
18:37.45ngbmake[1]: Leaving directory `/download/asterisk_tmp/asterisk/pbx'
18:37.45ngbmake: *** [subdirs] Error 1
18:38.51anthmwell in the meantime you may want to try transferring to an ext that calls answer
18:39.08ngbsome one... can help me ??'
18:39.23abbas_mrempire   u from Indi a
18:39.24ngbwhen i compile the asterisk 1.0.5
18:39.26abbas_which city ?
18:39.28multrixtih: gigabit isn't so dangerous, SX is ok, LX begins to be dangerous if you stay in front of it, but longhaul is really dangerous... that's what I heard !
18:39.30ngbi got this error
18:39.33anthmonce the call hits answer the disconnect will work
18:40.01abbas_anthm    can u pls help me?
18:40.13mrempireabbas_:great, great grandfather, i was born in Suriname
18:40.21markitanthm: no, I need to go back to the caller... it's just me and my secretary, no other to transfer to
18:40.29mrempireabbas: I'm hindu
18:40.46abbas_ok i am Muslim  from pakistan
18:40.51ngbroot@mypbx:/download/asterisk_tmp/asterisk# ldconfig -p |grep *Xext*
18:40.56Zeeekno wars other than distro wars are allowed here :)
18:40.57ngbgooD! very good!
18:41.00markitanthm: and "going back" to the caller is a basic feature of assisted transfer
18:41.06outtoluncok i am green and from mars <G>
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18:41.20anthmumm i mean make an extension that calls answer() then Dial to the secretary device
18:41.31anthmthen you can cancel it
18:41.42abbas_pls have a look on it
18:41.46mrempireGuys can you help: capiinfo says:capi not installed, i have compiled capi_chan
18:41.55abbas_my device is is not getting reg on *
18:41.56anthmif you want i can remove the patch from cvs since it's not good enough for yo u
18:42.07Zeeekmultrix there is no address on that site
18:42.19markitanthm: ? why remove? the fact that could be improved does not mean that is not good?
18:42.35mrempireHow can I get chan_capi to work on fedoracore 3
18:42.58*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
18:43.56markitanthm: I was simply asking you if there are technical reason not to have it work as expected, or just your lack of time (of course, I can't pretend you to make it perfect under my criteria)
18:43.57Slaintefixed my mp3 playback
18:44.25Slaintecant get Festival to work.  no log file is being created so I dont know why it is returning ER
18:44.58*** join/#asterisk jsolares (
18:45.09Zeeekyes but where is this company? No address on site - shipping VERY expensive
18:45.35Zeeekan IP Phone, the shipping fee will be $30 for US, $40 for Spain, $50 for Trinidad.
18:45.49mikegrbone would hope that is overnight
18:45.52Zeeektoo bad if you're in Trinidad, huh?
18:46.13netsurfermikegrb - with shipping prices like that i'd want it there within 30 seconds
18:46.17Zeeekit's DHL but there is no choice of shipping
18:46.41mikegrbis in china
18:46.49anthmI just told you how to get around it, to get it the way you want it would require a lot of work/restructuring atm if you perhaps are interesting in paying me to do this work along with enduring the political fustration it takes to get patches into CVS that is another story otherwise I suggested removing it cos it pisses me off that you think I have nothing better to do that hand craft asterisk for your needs.
18:46.50Zeeekhow you findee?
18:47.02ZeeekI see no address anywhere?
18:47.03Luke-JrCan anyone suggest any cheap way to get to one or two FXS ports from my server? (PCI, USB, Ethernet, etc)
18:47.23Zeeeksomone already told you: ATA
18:47.25JunK-YLuke-Jr: TDM400P
18:47.27NuggetLuke-Jr: what is "cheap" in your world
18:47.33Zeeeknot TDM
18:47.39JunK-Yencourage digium.
18:47.46ZeeekI do, I buy from them
18:47.54markitanthm: unpolite answer, I was just asking
18:48.01NuggetI'd be more inclined to buy two IAXy boxes than a TDM400P.
18:48.11Zeeekwell that explains the $60 phone and $30 shipping
18:48.16anthmunpolite is looking a gift horse in the mouth
18:48.18Nuggetbut if $200 isn't "cheap" to Luke, there's no suggestion he'll like.
18:48.28JunK-Y200$ is nothing.
18:48.34Nugget*to Luke*.
18:48.37Beirdothe TDM400P isn't "cheap" in any sensible person's view :)
18:48.40Zeeekisn't there a $100 SIP box with two FXS?
18:48.44Luke-JrNugget: Preferably < $50
18:48.45Nugget"cheap" is different for everyone
18:48.49Nuggetsee?  :)
18:48.52Beirdoit's just not as expensive as other solutions :)
18:48.55Luke-JrZeeek: ATA isn't a generic term?
18:48.56ZeeekLuke-Jr muhahahahha $50
18:48.57JunK-YNugget: moyuhjahahah ya no shit.
18:49.01NuggetLuke-Jr: then no, there's no solution.
18:49.29abbas_Linksys, Grandstream   are below 60 USD\
18:49.31markitanthm: ok, waiting here or in mantis you to asking something or requiring something to someone else...
18:49.34mikegrbLuke-Jr: ATA is a generic term
18:49.37Zeeeknot for 2 channels
18:49.58Zeeekanyway, Luke-Jr there is a lot of info about this on the wiki
18:50.08Luke-JrZeeek: already looked there
18:50.10multrixmikegrb: what's this adress you wrote ? a provider ?
18:50.12*** join/#asterisk dolson (
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18:50.16Luke-JrIt doesn't have recommendations, really
18:50.17ngblXext <---- where i can download it ?
18:50.17anthmdon't hold your breath
18:50.30Zeeekno just a long list of stuff
18:50.41Connor-I've been having a issue with one of my carriers... For whatever reason, asterisk stops registereing..
18:50.54*** join/#asterisk Uajal (
18:50.55Zeeekyou guys saw the snom software phone free download?
18:50.59Connor-When I issue a sip reload, it re-registers... any ideas?
18:51.00Zeeek(oh, it's windows)
18:51.04mikegrbmultrix: domain registrant for
18:51.05techiegetting a Grandstream phone is like buying a piece of plastic with buttons
18:51.17Zeeekbut they work great
18:51.32Zeeekonce you find the firmware that works with yours
18:51.47anthmi'll say 1 more time , if you simply call app_answer before you dail the device the hangup will work that is the best you can do until some more development is done on asterisk core.
18:51.49Beirdofor music on hold, does it only support MP3?
18:51.52*** part/#asterisk penguin (
18:52.11multrixmikegrb: ok kewl
18:52.25multrixmikegrb: I think I will try, it's the first IAX phone I found
18:52.36shido6Zeeek that is so right
18:52.39Zeeekmikegrb - I guess the final point is, buy by credit card into china with no address and no recourse? I dunno :)
18:52.59Zeeekbad enough in EU
18:53.00ngbasterisk have this dependence ---------> lXext <---- where i can download it ?
18:53.30Zeeekbesides that though, my BT work very well indeed... if you like SIP
18:53.40Zeeekwaiting for a farfon to give it a spin
18:54.19UajalI am new to Asterisk. Which hardware should I have (which computer requirements, which card for T1, I will need to use several T1, possibly 4)?
18:54.33JunK-YUajal: take a T405P
18:54.44djinOr a TE410P
18:54.55JunK-Ysame shit, just different voltage.
18:55.01Uajalof Digium?
18:55.03Zeeekyou guys know that India has the lowest rate of prostrate cancer in the world, right?
18:55.09harryvvzeek, Im looking though the pop mail notifiers dont see one that would actually read heders and notify on that one from address only.
18:55.26Zeeekharyvv I already downloaded one that does that and more
18:55.27*** join/#asterisk mbranca_home (
18:55.35harryvvwhich one is that
18:55.37techieyou gotta love that business-class speakerphone
18:55.40mikegrbZeeek: you could use paypal virtual master card thing, generates single use credit card number for online purchase
18:55.59Zeeekmikegrb I think I'll pass for the moment
18:56.13UajalShould I buy TE410P or T405P from Digium or other provider?
18:56.14Zeeekbut the phone does actually *look* decent
18:56.19*** join/#asterisk Tornad (~Tornad@
18:56.25JunK-Yfrom digium yes.
18:56.33Zeeektechie if you mean BT it works great for us
18:56.41MocUajal, you might get the lastest revision if you get it from digium ;)
18:56.43Zeeekbut we're not on it all day
18:56.53slePPfor those of you that have asked about it,
18:56.59slePPso you can all battle it out :P
18:57.08Tornadis there a way to remove all old links and librairies of asterisk, zaptel and libpri
18:57.29Tornadi had upgrade to 1.0.5, but, now, no more zap stands up
18:58.18Tornadmy 4 span are in RED alarm... no more links. I think there's an old libpri file which make all comes down
18:58.26shido6are you using a PC or a Dual Xeon box
18:58.37shido6Uajal, rather
18:58.57UajalMok, what do you mean "latest revision"? Is it last version of Asterisk?
18:59.09shido6revision of hardware
18:59.19shido6Asterisk can be downloaded from cvs
19:01.06harryvvzeek, poptray download page is timing out.
19:01.20harryvvpoptray works just a bad or dead link to poptray.
19:02.13Delvarnity night all
19:02.27MocUajal, not of the board itself
19:02.37MocUajal, no, of the board itself
19:03.26*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (
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19:04.58Zeeekharryvv works fine here:
19:05.29Slainteany festival users here.  I get a app_festival.c:444 festival_exec: Festival returned ER
19:05.44Slaintewhen I try a Executing Festival("SIP/110-1ba2", "Hello asterisk user, how are you today?") in new stack
19:06.08Slaintebut there is no logfile
19:09.04*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
19:09.12outtoluncisn't poptray the one that as listed on a malware site <G>
19:10.31UajalHow much T1 lines can be inserted into TE410P or T405P?
19:12.28UajalI sow on picture that there are 4 jacks in the card. Each one can be T1 or E1? Will board determine whether it is T1 or E1 itself?
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19:13.20vaewynUajal: is part of the software setup
19:13.32djinor jumpers.
19:13.38TornadUajal, There is jumper on the board to force E1 or T1
19:13.46vaewynthat also :}
19:14.05vaewyn(sorry... forgot software is only signalling)
19:14.52vaewynWish out meridian would let me mix Ts and Es... cause then I would use Es for connecting with * and get the extra channels
19:15.03UajalWill asterisk work with all 4 T1 lines (will it be able generate such phone traffic if it is used as autodialer)?
19:15.26vaewynUajal: with an appropriately sized machine yes...
19:16.56UajalI found There are some hardware requirements. You mean such requirements or I should ask Digium about them?
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19:19.20shido6u have to know what you want to do first
19:19.37vaewynUajal: depends if you are going to translating codecs... passthrough.... etc..
19:20.08shido6how many simultaneous users you want to push through your box
19:20.15shido6how many ppl will be accessing vmail
19:20.22shido6will u have calling card customers?
19:20.26shido6do you need billing?
19:20.32vaewynstraight IAX <-> T1/E1 from u/a law you can almost drive 2 quad boards with a dual xeon
19:20.52vaewynadd g729 and good luck getting 1 T/E card fulkl with a dual xeon
19:21.21shido6it works
19:21.28UajalCan I try asterisk on regular LAN connection to Internet 100 Mbps without buying Digium cards for T1/E1?
19:21.28shido6for the past 3 yrs :)
19:21.34shido6yes you can
19:21.57shido6you can have us48toll free inbound numbers, and outbound dialing through us , canada and place international calls
19:22.22UajalThans for answers
19:22.42SlainteI ahve a mismatch in my dialplans between my IP600 polycom phone and my * extensions.conf
19:22.54shido6whats the CLI say?
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19:23.47Slainteif I hit the new Call button on the phone and try to dial a number the phone trunks it at 7 digits.
19:24.08Slainteif I type all digits and then press send, the phone sends the whol group to * server
19:24.33SlainteI think it is because of the dialplan built into the phone.
19:24.40*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:24.54shido6u need to look at the config of the phone AND your dialplan
19:24.57*** join/#asterisk keith778 ( both :)
19:25.45UajalCan I try Asterisk in Windows as AstWind to try it as Autodialer through regular LAN? Or it is recommended to install Linux and try asterisk itself?
19:26.09shido6the latter
19:28.02netsurferwhat the fxxk is it with these damn unresolved symbols in zaptel install
19:29.04Slainteshido,  do you know much about the polycom IP600's?
19:30.05*** join/#asterisk egrat (
19:30.48egratI am new to asterisk and was wondering if anyone could answer some questions for me...
19:30.58ChulJinwe could certainly try. :)
19:31.29egratWell, I am the network admin for an ISP and we are looking at doing VoIP.
19:31.41egratWould Asterisk be a good solution for that kind of market?
19:31.53egratOr would we want to find some other commercial system?
19:31.57djindepending on requirements, yes.
19:32.05denonhas anyone seens grandstreams repeatedly and frequently lose their SIP registration with current *?
19:32.06redder86egrat: you're looking for an unbiased opinion on #asterisk ?
19:32.10egratWe are doing broadband wireless.
19:32.16denonits happening occasionally with a 7960 here too
19:32.30ChulJinthere are some successful ITSPs running wholly on asterisk...nufone comes to mind first...I believe voicepulse too
19:32.32egratWell, not necessarily unbiased, just informed about the product. :)
19:32.46redder86egrat: you can do VoIP with Asterisk, yet
19:32.51Nivexdo the cisco 7940's come with SIP firmware by default?
19:33.14egratHow would we go about using Asterisk to provide dial-out to POTS?
19:33.21NuggetNivex: no, you have to download it from
19:33.25SlainteNivex  no
19:33.28UajalAt I found that AstWind "Linux installation isn't actually installed. So etc/networking/interfaces and etc/resolv.conf and etc/hosts can't be edited, because they simply don't exist. When you log in, the once-off upgrade script TRIES to upgrade, but finding nothing there it fails. And so it all has to be uninstalled and reinstalled to try again." Is it true?
19:33.30redder86egrat: get a PSTN interface card like a TE405P
19:33.39egratI assume we would need some PRIs plugged into the linux box?
19:33.57ChulJinegrat: digium, the biggest sponsor of *, sells various cards for just that purpose
19:34.37djinegrat, depends. You can also link to a VOIP Wholesale.
19:34.47ChulJinegrat: exactly...and to facilitate that, the interface card that redder just mentioned
19:34.55djinAnd just use SER for SIP.
19:35.01NivexNugget, Slainte: thanks.
19:35.13egratOk, so the PRIs plug into the TE405P and we need to have a dial-out service on the PRI?
19:35.27NivexI was hoping to whip up an Asterisk box here at $WORK to have as a testbed before their cisco callmanager arrived
19:35.31egratWe have 24 PRIs coming in for dial-up users right now.
19:35.53egratI have no idea if we can dial out on these or not...
19:35.54Slainteegrat are they comming in via DS3 ?
19:36.04UajalDid somebody try to upgrade AstWind on Windows?
19:36.04egratYes, on a MUX.
19:36.53Slainteso you have teh Ds3, pluggedinot a AS5300/5400 or some sort of NAS like a TNT?
19:37.00Slainteplugged into
19:37.08*** join/#asterisk abbas (nidobas@
19:37.34shido6Nivex, DO IT
19:37.45egratWe have a DS3 that goes to a WideBank DS3 Multiplexer which then has individual T1s that plug into a AS5300.
19:37.54ChulJinhmmm...are there any other implementations of IAX2 as a server besides *?
19:37.58shido6smartjack ports?
19:38.16shido6ChulJin, why would you use anything other than asterisk for iax2?
19:38.27shido6Inter Asterisk eXchange Protocol :)
19:38.38ChulJinshido: but they did release it to the world.
19:38.55ChulJinI ask only because...I was listing a few ITSPs that use * before...
19:39.03UajalDid somebody work at all with AstWind?
19:39.06*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (~Nuke@
19:39.22ChulJinand I just wanted to make sure that my assumption that 'if they support IAX2, they must be using asterisk' was a good one.
19:39.24Slainteegrat,  there are a number of ways to do it.
19:39.37*** part/#asterisk hans (
19:39.52egratSo, I guess what I really need to know is, what kind of PRI services would/should I get for doing dial-out long distance?
19:40.01egratAnd what kind of port density could I expect?
19:40.14SlainteI dont think those are the first questions to ask
19:40.22egratIf I have 100 customers, would I need just 1 or 2 or 3 PRIs?
19:40.23Slaintebut they are some valid questions.
19:40.38ctooleyhas anyone written a handy utility for listing the current channels and what those channels are doing?
19:40.41Slainteall depends on if they are home users, business users, or a mix of both
19:40.41wankeldepends on your customers
19:40.49ctooleykind of like a ps for asterisk channels
19:40.52ChulJinegrat: rather than how many customers, consider 'how many simultaneous calls'
19:40.56egratAnd how fast of a machine should I get for running Asterisk?
19:41.08ChulJinctooley: asterisk -rx 'show channels'?
19:41.11Nuggetctooley: you mean other than "show channels"?
19:41.13harryvvdepending on type of bussiness and what kind of call volume it will generate egrat
19:41.13wankelgood luck getting any scaling data.  the only people who have it guard it jealously.
19:41.22egratSo, if one customer has this VoIP service, do they get to make more than one call at a time?
19:41.29Nivexshido6: will it be able to handle the Skinny?  I've heard that *'s skinny impl isn't that good
19:41.32ChulJinegrat: that's your choice.
19:41.35ctooleyChulJin, Nugget yeah I was thinking something a little prettier
19:41.38wankelthere's some conflicting suggestions on the wiki, but i don't place much faith in them.
19:41.53egratYou mean it is possible for them to do it if we set it up to work on our end?
19:42.02shido6you can oversubsribe your T1's yes
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19:42.22shido6egrat they can make as many calls as their bandwidth will allow, this is how we do it
19:42.23ChulJinyup, it is either possible or impossible to have simultaneous calls, as you yourself choose.
19:42.30shido6and if bandwidth is a problem we turn on trunking
19:42.35shido6on both ends
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19:42.49egratwhat do you mean turn on trunking?
19:42.52shido6ChulJin you can place as many and receive as many as your bandwidth will allow
19:43.02shido6trunking slims the packets down consideradbly
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19:43.32wankeliax doesn't do that by default?
19:43.45egratbut what do you mean by trunking?
19:43.58egratis it multiplexing or what?
19:43.59shido6u have to turn it on
19:44.05shido6trunk=yes in the peer or user
19:44.12shido6wow, ok
19:44.17wankelthat's silly.
19:44.17shido6forget the old Telecom world
19:44.32dan2oej: ping
19:44.35jsolareswhat does trunking do?
19:44.48ChulJinshido: sorry. I thought he was asking from the PoV of what kind of services he can/should offer his customers.
19:44.54ChulJinI apologise.
19:44.55shido6minimizes the amount of bandwidth used for simultaneous calls to a single endpoint
19:45.11egrathold on a sec... have to take a call...
19:45.15dan2what happended to bkw?
19:46.03Slainteegrat, if you are looking to turn your ISP into a voice provider there are a tonne of issues to look at.  You need to be organized about it otherwise you are going to waste alot of time
19:46.16shido6and money :)
19:46.31greg_workiax2 + trunking:
19:46.38eipinewbie question: runnning asterisk i receive "res_odbc: Error Data source name not found...:", where i can read about this?
19:46.45shido6but he only used 2 calls
19:47.08shido6which isnt the best route to take if ur using trunking you want to slim a few dozen calls or so and the benefits improve
19:47.14shido6the more calls u make
19:47.15eipi(asterisk is looking for asterisk dsn, but i never configured)
19:47.37mrempiremore then 4 call is the turning point
19:47.44shido6for example in our studies u can push about 90+ on a 1.5 meg connection
19:48.25abbas~ LucyAli
19:48.47wankelshido: what codec?
19:49.25wankeleipi: it's configured to use an ODBC data source for the config files.  the wiki has info on configuring the static and realtime data source stuff.
19:49.44shido6g729 or speex use next no proc resources and our systems bang out the calls effortlessly
19:49.51shido6but Jeremy has tweaked a lot of things
19:50.01shido6a LOT of things
19:51.02wankelthat sounds a little low for 1.5mbps for G729, but i'm not sure how efficient iax2 trunking is compared to cRTP
19:51.44shido6avg numbers
19:52.20cbachmanshido6, is that with trunking enabled on that 90+ ?
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19:52.39egratok, i'm back.
19:52.52egratand yes, we do want to turn our ISP into doing VoIP as well.
19:53.04cbachmanthanks, just a useful data point
19:53.07shido6what services do you want to offer?
19:53.08egratwe are willing to consider anything that will work and has a decent profit margin on it.
19:53.25egratwe basically want it to be as simple as using a normal telephone.
19:53.39egratour customers aren't too bright and we do not want this to be over their heads. :)
19:53.53wankelshouldn't be hard for the customers regardless of the solution you go with
19:53.55shido6do u want to be a Broadband VoIP service?
19:54.03shido6or are you going ahead a step further
19:54.13ChulJiner, well...start again
19:54.22shido6are you a CLEC?
19:54.27ChulJinwhat exactly do you mean by 'doing VoIP'?
19:54.36egratso, we are really looking at doing something like plug a VoIP telephone into their router that goes over our broadband connection to our VoIP server and then to wherever they are calling.
19:54.37ChulJinwhat features do you want to offer to your customers?
19:54.46ChulJinah, gotcha.
19:54.51ChulJineminently doable with *
19:55.13egratwe want E911, Call Waiting/Forwarding, Voicemail, caller ID, mainly.
19:55.29wankele911 is hard.  the res is easy.
19:55.35modulus_what's with all the VOIP hype these days?
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19:55.53wankelmodulus: i dunno.  voip's already flopped twice.  you'd think people would be over it :)
19:56.02egratwe would settle without having e911, but would like it if its possible.
19:56.12shido6it isnt hype anymore as it works well with Asterisk
19:56.13*** join/#asterisk ngb (~joshua@
19:56.23ChulJinmodulus: it's the 5678's 'Whoo-hoo' in the Vonage commercials. Now that VoIP has a catchy theme song, everybody wants a piece. :P
19:56.27ngbwhy asterisk 1.0.5 need x11 ?
19:56.35*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
19:56.39ngbi'nt wanna rut it on x11
19:56.46egratwe don't mind "hard" as we have done many things already that people have told us were "hard" or even "impossible".
19:56.50wankelit worked well before asterisk.  sip is the biggest improvement lately.  it STILL sucks with NAT.
19:56.52ngbi'nt wanna run it on x11
19:57.05ngb/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-slackware-linux/3.3.4/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
19:57.25ngbhow i can compile it without x11?
19:57.32ChulJini'nt=i don't?
19:57.33egratwe are mainly researching our options so far, but we are collocated with a CLEC that has awesome pricing on PRI services ($300 a line).
19:57.33modulus_"hasidic reggae beatbox superstar"
19:57.45ngbChulJin yes
19:57.47egratand we want to leverage that pricing.
19:57.57shido6thats why we use IAX for NAT
19:57.58ChulJinmodulus: is that about kram or jerjer?
19:58.05shido6and IAXys
19:58.06modulus_chuljin, nope
19:58.06ngbi don't run it on x11
19:58.21wankelshido6: that'd be great except that then you need something that supports IAX on the other end.
19:58.30ngbhow i can make asterisk without x11 ?
19:58.45ChulJinOK re: kram's 'my script saw my nick in the channel, I will now NOTICE you': WTF is a BishopChicken?
19:58.48ngbi don't like GUI
19:58.50wankelngb: no one has even had a chance to answer the previous three times you asked.
19:59.03djinAsterisk doesn't have a X11 gui. .
19:59.05ChulJinngb: if you don't like GUI's, you will LOVE asterisk. :P
19:59.31shido6ok i'll shut up
19:59.43shido6gastman isnt a real interface
19:59.57ngbChulJin yes! but in version 1.0.5 it require x11 :(
20:00.07bjohnsonngb: no
20:00.10ngb/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-slackware-linux/3.3.4/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
20:00.44ngbbjohnson when i run make, it stop printme
20:00.45ngb/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-slackware-linux/3.3.4/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lX11
20:00.45ngbcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status
20:00.45ngbmake[1]: *** [] Error 1
20:00.57modulus_* 1.0.5 requires x11?
20:01.13bjohnsonngb: how did you get the source?
20:01.18wankelif you try to compile something called gtkconsole, probably.
20:01.23ngbbjohnson cvs
20:01.29wankeli suspect if you don't compile that part, you won't need x11 :)
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20:01.48eipiwankel: im newbie, i installed asterisk latest version from CVS, and when it starts looks for odbc dsn... but i cant found how to configure odbc or what tables asterisk needs on mysql
20:02.18wankeleipi: your config files point to ODBC, then.  use the default ones that come in the package to start with.
20:02.28ngbwankel where i can disable the gtk console... i don't wanna it
20:02.33ngbx11 sucks
20:02.45wankelyes, you've successfully communicated that you don't like GUIs
20:02.48wankelseveral times
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20:03.02bjohnsona clean cvs co shouldn't require X at all
20:03.08shido6if u dont have it
20:03.09shido6turn it off
20:03.13bjohnsonmake sure you get stable cvs version
20:03.16shido6in "/etc/asterisk/modules.conf"
20:03.30bjohnsonfollow make instructions on wiiki .. make clean, make, make install
20:03.40wankeli think it does build gtkconsole.
20:03.41shido6make clean install works
20:03.48wankeli've got the x libs on my box, though, so it would work here.
20:03.57wankeli don't think i have a box without x libs to test on.
20:04.05ngbbjohnson i run: cvs co -r v1-0-5 asterisk
20:04.16bjohnsonwankel: I don't have X on my * server and people would scream if the default make required X
20:04.28shido6then dont run .5
20:04.53shido6if u want the easy way out run another version
20:05.01wankelor just edit the makefile
20:05.01netsurferhas ANYONE figured out why a standard install of debian causes all those damn unresolved symbols messages when u install zaptel ?
20:05.20shido6got the kernel sources installed, netsurfer?
20:05.21bjohnsonediting the makefile would be the way to tell for sure
20:05.25netsurfershido6 - yes
20:05.35netsurferand soft link to /usr/src/linux
20:06.35jsolaresnetsurfer: have you tried getting the zaptel sources from cvs?
20:06.50netsurferjsolares - yes.. thats what im using
20:06.52jsolaresi had a .tar.gz that was being a bitch, i got the one from cvs and it worked the first time
20:07.03jsolareshrm, then no idea and gluck
20:07.04wankelare you sure they're the right kernel sources?  i had a hell of a time getting the right sources for the kernel that was on the debian box i took over.  the ones in the package with the same name were not correct.
20:07.29egratok, another question I have about this VoIP stuff... how does anyone make money on it when offering unlimited local and long-distance calling?
20:07.32netsurferwankel - that could be the problem..
20:07.43Qwellegrat: "unlimited" isn't "unlimited"
20:07.55egratwell, then how does that work?
20:08.05jsolaresone does not spend 24/7 on the phone talking
20:08.20Slainteegrat, it is complex,   but you need to look at the whole thing in a methodical manner
20:08.24egratyes, but what if you are spending 10 hours a day on the phone?
20:08.36QwellThen an "unlimited" plan won't work for you.
20:08.39jsolaresit's a bet that the avg used wont be more expensive than what you collect from montly fees
20:08.47wankelthen you may lose money on that customer.  but you'll make money on other customers.
20:09.06wankelyou're rolling the dice and betting that most customers won't get their moeny's worth.  same thing all-you-can-eat restaurants do.
20:09.27egrati understand the laws of averages... it just that the rates I see for calling are about $0.025 per minute. and that could add up very quickly.
20:09.48wankelyour rates or what you plan to charge?
20:09.53Qwellmany places have a hard set number for what "unlimited" is, don't they?
20:10.08Qwellie; if you go over 10,000 minutes a month, we're gonna start charging $.02 per minute
20:10.19egratwell, i was figuring $29.95/mo for unlimited, but thats not much more than 1000 minutes
20:10.28netsurferwankel - which headers file did you end up apt-get 'ing ?
20:10.55shido6when you see the word "unlimited" you have to locate the fine print
20:11.12wankelnetsurfer: hmm.  can't remember.  in the end i had to hack a few of the headers by hand.  there were some macros that were wrong in the ancient kernel on the debian stable box.
20:11.16shido6when companies use the word Unlimited it is a psychological tactic to suck customers in
20:11.19wankeli finally just upgraded
20:11.32shido6then they cover themselves by giving a totally different definition of the word in their fine print
20:11.36ngbbjohnson: i download it
20:11.51ngbbjohnson and i get the last error :(
20:11.57ngbde version is correctly
20:12.01netsurferwankel - I think this is why I ended up upgrading the production box to 2.4.29 kernel
20:12.04ctooleyThis look like the only places that the default install of asterisk puts things?  /etc/asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk /var/lib/asterisk /var/run/asterisk /var/spool/asterisk /var/log/asterisk
20:12.07egratwell, right now i pay $29.95/mo for unlimited local and long distance from a CLEC and i use way more than 2000 minutes a month. it has to be costing them. most of the people I know who have switched to these plans use similar amounts of minutes in a month.
20:12.21wankelnetsurfer: i finally just upgraded the box to red hat and now it's happy :)
20:12.23ctooleyNote that I changed the /var/run stuff to /var/run/asteisk
20:12.46netsurferwankel - as much as im pissed with debian for making this faux pas i am still die hard debian at heart
20:13.03wankelyeah, whatever you're used to is best
20:13.27wankeli've been doing red hat since i started migrating off solaris, so it's easiest for me to work with.
20:13.30lohellehow many here is running bristuff? Next question is: how many is running zaphfc with NT-mode?
20:13.53shido6for those users that DONT spend hours on the phone ...... if u can get enough customers who DONT "abuse" the unlimited plan you can turn a profit
20:13.58bjohnsonQwell: few specify the hard number .. most say something to the effect of .. unlimited until we decide you're using too much
20:14.08shido6you are going to get users who place a call on Monday Jan 1st
20:14.15shido6and try to keep it up
20:14.19shido6until December 30th
20:14.27Qwellbjohnson: I was just giving an example.  Surely most places have the number, whether they publish that number though, is a different story
20:14.30shido6I used to be that user :)
20:14.36bjohnsonQwell: worst one I read actually stipulated that they would charge at their highest advertised rate in the last 6 months if they decided you were abusing the priveliege
20:16.10egratwell, also keep in mind that creating lengthy legal documents explaining the definitions and precise intentions of "unlimited" service is kind of a slap in the face to the consumer. We want to breed customer satisfaction and that can't happen if they don't trust us because we have all these legal dislaimers of which they only understand a fraction.
20:16.21bjohnsonegrat: residential or commercial?  They don't offer unlimited commercial LD in my area
20:16.51bjohnson$30 must be for residential
20:17.01egratmy company has 4 lines on unlimted local and long distance. we used to pay over $1,000 a month in telephone bills. now we pay about $150/mo..
20:17.04bjohnson2000 minutes a month is nuts
20:17.20florz"We sell you unlimited supply. But if you ask us to deliver too much, we will fine/sue/whatever you." ... that sounds logical :-)
20:17.23bjohnsonwe pay that just for local usage
20:17.34bjohnsonflorz: exactly
20:18.11bjohnsonsimilar to unlimited internet connection (dsl and cable) .. we just want to limit how much you actually USE it
20:18.25vaewynunlimited  "i don't think that word means what you think it means"
20:18.28bjohnsonunlimited voip .. just don't use it :)
20:19.03vaewynunlimited... within limts
20:19.06vaewynlimits even
20:19.09florzAfter all, it's pretty much the same as "We sell you $ARTICLE for n $CURRENCY. But if you really wanna have $ARTICLE, you'll have to pay extra!"
20:19.28egratnow, on these PRI services, how do you get long distance calling? do you pay some long distance provider for it, or do you order the services with it bundled in?
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20:19.45wankeldepends on who you buy the PRI from
20:19.47vaewyn"unlimited VoIP" == "Punch the monkey for a free ipod"
20:20.05Nuggetvaewyn is wise
20:21.03wankelegreat: generally you pay a local loop (possibly just a cross-connect) and a port charge.  then you have all sorts of ways to pay for usage.  sometimes incoming is free, sometimes you pay.  sometimes it's all domestic at the same rate, sometimes local is cheaper
20:22.10egratand is it possible to do some sort of area code matching in Asterisk so that, say, you could have a PRI with numbers for city A and another with numbers for city b and they each have their own local calling area and when someone makes a call to that area, the server puts them on the PRI that has that area as a local calling area?
20:22.14wankelif you're getting a really good deal, it's usually got a very complex set of pricing assocated with various lata and bands.  you may be able to get a good deal on a single blended rate, though.
20:22.35Qwellegrat: sure
20:22.41wankelyes, you can route calls based on the number.
20:23.00shido6u can do all of that in the dialplan
20:23.22egratif we can do that, i can see how we can make money on it.
20:23.28Slaintehow do I change teh volume of the on hold?
20:23.40QwellSlainte: look at musiconhold.conf
20:23.41tzangershido6: does nufone have trunk=yes in their type=user entries in iax.conf?
20:23.46QwellThe default is "quiet", I believe.
20:23.50shido6if you ask us to turn it on
20:23.51shido6we will
20:23.55tzangershido6: ahh
20:23.58shido6I can turn it on now for your account if you like
20:24.00tzangernot yet :-)
20:24.08shido6if its turned on on one end
20:24.11tzangeroh wait you don't have any jitter buffer on anyway
20:24.12shido6u need to turn it on on the other
20:24.24tzangershido6: actually the discussion on -dev says otherwise
20:24.35harryvvanyone know any voip to pstn carriers for the vancouver bc area?
20:24.38tzangerI can send you trunked frames and you'll acepet them even with trunk=no but you won't send back trunked frames
20:24.38shido6not at 18gb/sec and the way we're peered on our hardware we're at 1% of our capactiy
20:24.56shido6our boxes will spit out errors
20:25.03tzangerso if I have two concurrnet calls to you you get 1 packet from me but I get 2 back from you
20:25.10SlainteQwell,  users still say it is too loud
20:25.18shido6but the call should go through unless u have hacked your box to use an unreliable timing source
20:25.26tzangercalls go through just fine
20:25.48tzangeractually yes can you turn on trunking for our calls please?  I'll /msg you the user acct
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20:28.02ngbsome one have problems for compile asteriks 1.0.5
20:28.20wankeljust you
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20:29.14ngbwankel are u running asterisk 1.0.5 ?
20:29.28Nivexthe wiki makes references to chan_sccp, but the stock asterisk load has chan_skinny.  Does chan_skinny work?
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20:30.46harryvvyes its for cisco
20:30.50harryvvneed to disable it
20:31.11NukemizerAre zaptel FXO cards prone to providing chopy calls when using a softphone to make a call ?
20:31.13ngbsome one are running asterisk 1.0.5 ?
20:31.16harryvvif not using cisoc phones
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20:31.54wankelngb: i'm running the latest cvs most of the time.  i have run 1.0.5, but i have X11 libs installed to build against.
20:32.40wankelif you get a pre-build version of it, it should work if you don't try to run the GTK console
20:32.58egratso, if i have a dual proc p4 3.06 GHz with 4GB RAM, how many calls do you think that would hold using asterisk?
20:33.10ngbfucking x11!!! i heat it!
20:33.22modulus_i cool it.
20:33.51wankeli'm not very fond of X11.  however, i learned a long time ago that allowing my technical bias to get in the way of getting work done is sorta dumb.
20:33.59NuggetX11 is pretty awful.
20:34.20eKo1What's wrong with X11?
20:34.22wankelit was pretty cool in the late 80s :)
20:34.23modulus_xorg is good
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20:34.45modulus_xorg worked suprprisingly well on first install
20:34.57vaewynX11 does what it was meant to do VERY well...  and does what people have shoehorned it to do horribly :}
20:35.13NuggetX11 is awful independent of any particular implementation.
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20:35.32Nuggetalthough some implementations are awfuller than others.
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20:35.46wankeleko1: well, anything that only has basic 2D primitives and not a full set of common widgets will tend to encourage people to build a lot of inconsistent, buggy user interfaces.
20:36.05Slainteyeah even the quietmp3 is too loud for some people.  any ideas how I can manually lower the volume?
20:36.06Nuggetit's inadequate to support modern user interface design.
20:36.13wankelit's wonderful that you can create your own UI.  it's terrible that everyone else can ALSO create their own ui.
20:36.19wankelbecause everyone else sucks at it
20:36.42vaewynNugget: that's overexagerated
20:36.51Nukemizerdoes anyone here have experience usning Digium FXO Cards and the call quality they have ? or is call quality an issue for Softphones not the Analog CO ?
20:36.57Nuggetlook at all the hilariously bad ways people have faked transparent windows.
20:37.30AgiNamuegrat: depends on what you're doing
20:37.32vaewynthat's in the newer X11 implementations
20:37.33wankelare transparent windows necessary for modern UI design?  i thought they were a stupid fad that made the screen difficult to read.
20:37.45AgiNamuegrat: If you're transcoding G729 to a PRI, maybe um... 90?
20:37.47vaewynwankel: agreed
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20:38.00Nuggetsome transparency is useful.  useful and necessary aren't the same thing.
20:38.05AgiNamuif you're just handling registration aond stuff... a ton
20:38.16Nuggettransparency is overused by the screenshot brigade, though.  I'll grant you that.
20:38.27AgiNamuHave you guys seen Avalon?
20:38.33wankelagi: what about running SIP to SIP?  i haven't seen any good numbers on that yet.
20:38.56AgiNamuif the clients redirect themselves? i cant see why you couldnt hold a ton
20:39.02wankelor just SIP to IAX2.  i have external hardware for doing all the PSTN interfacing and transcoding.
20:39.03AgiNamubut i despise sip and dont use it
20:39.23AgiNamui dont know...
20:39.28wankelwell, i get SIP from the external hardware.  then i either talk ot phones or other PBXs via IAX2 or SIP.
20:39.35AgiNamuNT 6 has a powerful GUI. full desktop compositing engine
20:39.37zpni'm having problems compiling zaptel.  get this error ::  configure: error: termcap support not found
20:39.38zpnmake: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
20:40.11wankelagi: yeah, i have no idea either.  once asterisk crashes or the audio starts to drop out, i guess i'll know what the box can handle :)
20:41.00zpnactually, its when i compile asterisk
20:41.03AgiNamuthese are numbers digium should be putting up shows a lot of stuff too
20:41.18AgiNamulike 300+ calls on a $300 machne
20:43.04wankelso far all i see there is announcements that they have accomplished something or other.  no real data or configs.
20:43.21bjohnsonAgiNamu: 790
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20:43.28djinwell zpn, install termcap-devel
20:43.41AgiNamuin other words... a lot for one PC
20:43.45AgiNamunot a lot for 1U of space...
20:43.48bjohnsonAgiNamu: although I guess that was one way
20:44.30bjohnsonAgiNamu: I think for most small deployments, internet connection will be biggest limitation on # of concurrent calls
20:44.38AgiNamuhell ya
20:44.39ariel_AgiNamu, if the system $300.00 system using ulaw no transcode would still be a something to see.
20:44.55AgiNamuyea, that's awesome
20:45.16AgiNamuEven so.... Asterisk has to get up a lot more
20:45.20wankelit SHOULD handle a metric assload of calls if it's just acting as a media gateway and SIP registry.  i've just seen really low estimates of how many calls a system can handle on the wiki and mailing lists.  for now i'm just assuming that those people are idiots.
20:45.31AgiNamuI'd think that 1000ports/U is a minium
20:46.13AgiNamui think asterisk is going to be limited until there's bigger hardware
20:46.15ariel_The most we put into a system was about 90 calls of ulaw via a 10mg link. It worked on a P4 running sip and only ulaw. But I do not think we could put more into that one box.
20:46.26AgiNamugoing around at trade shows, everyone bitchs about the low densiuty of asterisk
20:46.53AgiNamuariel_ that's because you're maxing out the ethernet
20:47.09wankelyeah, easily.
20:47.27AgiNamu90ulaw calls is almost 8mbps
20:47.30AgiNamu*full duplex*
20:47.31vaewynCompared to our meridian * servers with channel banks to support them are WAY smaller still :P
20:48.04AgiNamuvaewyn... channel banks? :P
20:48.10ariel_vaewyn, with a channel bank there is no problem in having 8 t1 in an asterisk box. We did that for some time last year.
20:48.28AgiNamuwhat about getting a DS3 into an asterisk box
20:48.37vaewynAgiNamu: I'm saying that the available port density is relative to the application
20:48.49AgiNamuyea... im talking more higher end
20:49.12ariel_Higher end I would put a Lucent TNT in between serveral asterisk boxes.
20:49.13wankelput the DS3 into a TNT and run SIP into the * box
20:49.24vaewynWell.. replacing a Meridian Option11e is pretty high end in my book :P
20:49.30AgiNamuyea, everyone seems to be doing that... or at least recommending it
20:49.45wankeldoing DSP on a PC is just silly
20:49.49wankelthat's what hardware is for
20:49.54vaewynwankel: agreed
20:49.55ariel_I have replaced 3 Nortel's and one Merlin so far. No problems.
20:50.09AgiNamusomeone mentioned a DSP+Quadspan PRI
20:50.12vaewynariel_: anything 11c/11e sized?
20:50.14AgiNamuand 8-span PRI
20:50.30ariel_no not that models.
20:51.03ariel_Anyone going to the Telephony conference & Expo this year?
20:51.08AgiNamui know our clec spent $1million on some telica thing to put in in front of asterisk
20:51.34vaewynariel_: which conference?
20:51.44vaewynariel_: (that title fits many :} )
20:51.45wwalker_anyone know an aggregator that can turn on DID's dynamically?
20:51.45AgiNamuariel_ is that IPTEL?
20:51.53*** join/#asterisk christo (~chris@
20:52.00wankelif you buy a telica i dunno why you'd bother with asterisk
20:52.08wwalker_We're getting stories like 15 to 30 days for a DID
20:52.10wankela softswitch should be able to do everything
20:52.18AgiNamuyea i dunno. im happy, cause i want IAX
20:52.33vaewynnot I... but I will be at VON in San Jose :}  weeeeee!
20:53.01AgiNamuMaybe Mark will say "So, I'd like to announce our partnership with <someone with tons of money> and we're now hiring 20 SDEs and 40SDE/Ts as well as experiences project managers"
20:53.13ariel_sorry actual name is Internet Telephony Conference & Expo.
20:53.26AgiNamuI was at that last year
20:53.26ngbyes people!!! asteriks 1.0.5 require libx11
20:53.40AgiNamubut i'll be in VON in march
20:53.57ariel_I can't afford going out of the area.
20:54.10*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
20:54.18dontmsgmeAnyone have problems with VP?
20:54.18blitzragengb: huh?
20:54.31dontmsgme"NOTICE (2/7/2005 2PM EST): One of our underlying providers for outgoing calls is currently experiencing a problem."
20:54.37vaewynI'm dragging the 2 "old-sk00l" telco maniacs with me to VON and I'm taking a shotgun to keep them away from the Nortel booth
20:54.46wankelblitzrage: he's been bitching and moaning for hours about how he can't build 1.0.5 on his slackware box that has no x11 libs.
20:54.57blitzragewankel: thats stupid.  Asterisk doesn't need X11
20:54.58*** join/#asterisk keith778 (
20:55.09wankelblitzrage: the gtk console links to it
20:55.20blitzragewankel: oh well then yes, if you are using the GTK console, yes :)
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20:55.32blitzragewankel: but you don't *need* X11 at ALL
20:55.38wankelapparently he can't figure out how to edit the makefile so it doesn't build the gtk console
20:55.55AgiNamuwhy doesnt he just drop libx11 on it?
20:55.56wankeli don't have a box without X11 libs to figure it out and pastebin a diff.
20:56.04wankelagi: he HATES x11
20:56.13wankelhates hates hates.  guis are evil!
20:56.16AgiNamuso fucking what... having a file on his disk isnt going to destroy the world.
20:56.18wankelor something like that.
20:56.24wankelyeah, that's about what i figure.
20:56.39AgiNamuYES PEOPLE!!!! asterisks require libwin32 to build
20:56.47blitzrageCentOS-server install minimal. yum install gcc, yum install bison, yum install openssl-devel, yum install libnewt-devel
20:56.56blitzragethat is all you *need*
20:57.09Nuggetasterisk has troubles building if you don't have the x11 libs but you do have some gtk libs.
20:57.14NuggetI ran into that with slackware.
20:57.18AgiNamulibnewt? sounds like gecko which has a G like GUI...
20:57.27Nuggeteven if you don't install x11 it still pollutes the machine with some wonky gtk library
20:57.31blitzrageLibnewt is only if you need zttool
20:57.51wankelit would be nice if the makefile didn't build the gtk console by default.
20:57.55Nuggetthe asterisk makefile wrongly uses the presence of that gtk library to detect if x11 were on there.
20:57.57blitzrageNugget: I've never seen Asterisk complain about X11 stuff... but I've never isntalled it on slack either
20:58.05AgiNamuwhats so cool about the GTK console anyways?
20:58.13AgiNamusorta just looked like a... console.
20:58.17wankelnugget: ah, is that the problem?
20:58.34mgeorgeIs there a way from the CLI to hangup an IAX channel?
20:58.36wankeli'd go fix that, but i don't have a slackware box with no X11 libs to test on.
20:58.44eKo1mgeorge: soft hangup
20:58.45Nuggetalthough there's some sanity -- no sane system would have that gtk library without having x11.  it's useless otherwise.
20:58.55NuggetI blame slackware, not asterisk.
20:59.00wankelyeah, why does it have gtk without x?
20:59.29*** join/#asterisk ennuyeux7 (~ennuyeux7@
20:59.35wankelsome people actually use the c++ toolkit outside of X, i suppose.  ick.
20:59.36mgeorgeHow do I identify the channel?  I gave it the IAX2/id@sys and it said no chanel...
20:59.46Nuggetyou can either install the x11 libs or comment the gtkconsole stuff out of the makefile.
20:59.49eKo1mgeorge: show channels
20:59.52*** join/#asterisk buleeahn (
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21:00.09wankelnugget: i told him to edit the makefile but apparently he'd rather keep repeating himself and cursing X11.
21:00.33AgiNamuyea, its easier
21:00.41AgiNamudoesnt get anything working. but it's easier.
21:00.54*** join/#asterisk jgaviria (~jgaviria@
21:01.14mgeorgeeKol: that did it.  Thanks!
21:01.39*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
21:02.00jgaviriahi, i need to connect a E1 card, but the local telco doesnt support RDSI, then what kind of signaling can i use?
21:02.08|Vulture|anyone have an IP-500 in front of them? I am trying to write a howto for one of my offices, and I just need to write the part on Transfers/BlindXfers
21:02.38|Vulture|I think it is, place call on hold, hit transfer, type in extension, talk to person, hit transfer again for regular Transfer
21:02.57|Vulture|and Blind Xfer is, place on hold, hit Blind Xfer, dial extension
21:03.22*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
21:03.33dontmsgmeIs anyone having trouble with VoiceP or just me?
21:03.54ariel_dontmsgme, I just made a 800 call via vpc no problem.
21:04.03Nuggeteveryone should take a moment out of their otherwise lazy and boring monday and add lookups to their dialplan.
21:04.10|Vulture|dontmsgme: what kinda problem?
21:04.21ariel_Nugget, why?
21:04.23Nuggetit's good karma.
21:04.31Nuggetand it will save you money
21:04.34dontmsgmeWhen I login in first of allit says there is a problem in their service which might affect outbound calls
21:04.42dontmsgmeAnd when I dial it I just get asterisk telling me Nine Six Nine Sx
21:04.42|Vulture|dontmsgme: working fine for me for 1800 calls
21:04.52hardwireanybody have any experience sending to POCSAG transmitters
21:05.00hardwireadd a ? to the end of that
21:05.40*** join/#asterisk Beave (
21:06.14*** join/#asterisk Raj_ (
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21:06.56bjohnsonNugget: that's for PRI systems only right?
21:07.05*** join/#asterisk Tough_Nuts (~Tough_Nut@
21:07.10Raj_Hey. Got a question regarding the VoicePulse service... I want to setup a VoicePulse Connect account so that we can use SIP phones, I know that incoming calls are free, but how can I get outgoing calls for free too?
21:07.18Nuggetbjohnson: no, it's for anyone.
21:07.38NuggetRaj_: you can't.
21:07.43bjohnsonany advantage for small users?  I don't understand the purpose behind it
21:07.58bjohnsonRaj_: tap into your neighbour's line
21:08.06Raj_Nugget: so I would have to use an analog phone if i wanted free outgoing calls & the Business Unlimited account?
21:08.15Raj_bjohnson: hahahah yah, i was thinkin of that
21:08.18Nuggetthe purpose of is to allow your asterisk server to automagically know when a number you've dialed can instead be reached directly, for free, via SIP or IAX2.
21:08.33Luke-JrAnyone here use MyPhoneCompany?
21:08.41Nuggetso if you call one of the 100,000+ numbers in the database, you'll pay no toll charges and you'll receive better, more direct quality.
21:08.43bjohnsonahh .. I see
21:08.57Nuggetand, similarly, when people call you they can experience the same benefit
21:09.03|Vulture|Raj_: wow what kinda question is that?
21:09.23bjohnsonI suppose I should look into that .. might not mean much to me now .. but if done, I don't have to think about it
21:09.31Nuggetexactly.  :)
21:09.41Nuggetit really only takes a few minutes to get going.
21:09.49Nuggetand the more people that use it, the more useful it becomes.
21:10.11Raj_|Vulture|: well i was under the impression that I could make outgoing calls for free with my SIP phones, but apparently not
21:10.16ngbbjohnson: asterisk 1.0.5 require libx11
21:10.23bjohnsonRaj_: use FWD
21:10.26NuggetRaj_: if you call someone over the internet, sure, it's free.
21:10.28|Vulture|Raj_: you can to other IP phones
21:10.33Nuggetbut if you're calling a phone number, you'll pay.
21:10.45Nugget(unless they use  :)
21:10.49Raj_ohhhhhhh i see
21:10.54ngbbjohnson: the developers of asterisk not include this information in the README file
21:11.08bjohnsonno .. we should shave theor heads
21:11.15|Vulture|someone has to have an IP500 in front of them...
21:11.33bjohnsonif so, package it up and send it to me
21:11.53Raj_Polycomm? i was looking at purchasing those or possibly some WiFi phones
21:12.05|Vulture|yea I am trying to write an office manual for them
21:12.06*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (~joel@
21:12.07Nuggetdo NOT buy the zyxel/pulver wifi phones.
21:12.09vaewynPolycom are nice phones
21:12.10Nuggetthey suck.
21:12.16bjohnsonwhaa?  The free phoner wants to shell out for wifi phones?
21:12.19|Vulture|we have 7960s and IP500s in the offices
21:12.28|Vulture|I got a 7960 in front of me but no 500s
21:12.33ACiDVWIP5000 are better wifi phone that Zyxel
21:12.33Raj_Nugget: thanks for the heads up, i saw the zyxel phone
21:12.37Nuggetit's awful.
21:12.40Nuggettruly, truly awful.
21:12.51NuggetI love my 7960, but I dunno if they're worth what they cost.
21:13.03vaewynNugget: I have a Hitachi Cable IP-5000 on order... we will see how well those wifi ones work :} (they are different hardware... unlink zyxel/wisip)
21:13.12|Vulture|Nugget: I want to try a IP600
21:13.15shido6about $350 each
21:13.15Nuggetoh, cool.  I've been waiting to hear from someone who bought one.
21:13.17shido6or less
21:13.29Nuggetthere's that other wifi phone out now. a senoa or something like that.
21:13.47Raj_ACiDV: Yeah i like the look of the WIP5000s
21:13.47vaewynyeah.. senao... i want to try one of those... also go under "Engenius Tech"
21:14.10hardwiresnoms new phone looks perty
21:14.11ACiDVRaj_ and they work great, I currently have about 10 of theses in my office (in Canada)
21:14.35vaewynheck... IP300s are 130$... you just can't beat the $$/feature :P
21:14.35Raj_really? awesome
21:14.48Raj_what kind of WiFi router are you using?
21:15.28Raj_the UTStarcom F1000 looks amazing. its the size of a cell phone
21:15.33ACiDVRaj_ I've try with Netgear and Dlink router... but it's currently only for testing
21:15.50vaewynremember though... with wifi phones...  size==battery==talk time
21:16.08Raj_vaewyn: true... the spec sheet says talk time of approx 3hrs
21:16.22harryvvwho knows of a cheap voipjet like service here in bc canada? want to create a voip to pstn account for my self.
21:21.37bjohnsonharryvv: use voipjet or
21:22.07*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (
21:22.37Raj_Is there any VoIP provider that gives us a flat rate when making domestic calls and supports an Asterisk backend?
21:22.44harryvvvoipjet said thay dont want to provice inter phone connections within the country because of tax reasons. only called between usa and canada.
21:23.05bjohnsonNugget: that e164 conf examples look bad
21:23.15Nuggetyeah, I hacked mine up a bit from the sample.
21:23.18*** join/#asterisk empty- (
21:23.20Nuggetit's really just two lines
21:23.40bjohnsonexten => _.,1,Goto(mainmenu,s,1)?
21:23.47Nuggetit's not even close to being complicated enough to make me happy.
21:23.56empty-has anyone got a sip chanel to work with primus (their lingo service)
21:24.05empty-my head is going to explode.
21:24.13Nugget  <-- [macro-enumdial] is what I'm using
21:24.13AgiNamuisnt primus evil?
21:24.21empty-primus is evil.
21:24.49bjohnsonharryvv: good for you for being so ethical
21:25.02bjohnsonharryvv: check the aleph one .. they are in AB
21:25.11bjohnsonerr Manitoba I think
21:25.24dca[laptop]from what part of the sip packet does asterisk get it's user/peer from? i.e. the via, the from, the record-route....
21:25.24empty-I am setup as a wholesaler. I talked to someone there, they said it has been done.
21:25.32AgiNamu_NX.,1,Goto(1${EXTEN}) <-- that'd work to add a "1" to incoming calls? (my provider doesnt prefix country code)
21:25.41AgiNamuso my miami number comes in as 305-xxx-xxxx
21:25.41bjohnsonthe hardware they provide I thought was MGCP
21:25.52empty-primus? I know primus canada is.
21:25.59empty-this is their lingo service, which is sip.
21:26.09Slainteanyone know how to get the call park to work for a POlycom IP600.  * is not acting on the # press in the missle of a call
21:26.30AgiNamuis goto gonna drop anything?
21:26.33AgiNamuor change anything?
21:27.02AgiNamu[provider-incoming]  --  _NX.,1,Goto(1{$EXTEN})  --  include => my_extensions
21:27.10shido6what in the hell is that
21:27.12mgeorgeI have an * box and it doesn't seem to take down calls right when they come in on iax2
21:27.23*** join/#asterisk guest3993939393 (
21:27.32Nugget"take down"?
21:27.33*** part/#asterisk djin (
21:27.42shido6mgeorge, what do you have there ? an inbound IAX number?
21:27.46mgeorgeIt will bridge them fine, but when the incoming call hangs up the channel stays there.
21:27.54Nuggetdo you just mean it's not logging them in the console?
21:28.11guest3993939393I'm having troubz with receiving FAX'es, anyone care to help this poor spa?
21:28.18mgeorgeYes, we ahve a VOIP provider who'se sending us iax2 calls, but when an incoming call hangs up , our box doesn't seem to handle it
21:28.32mgeorgesome times it does, sometimes it doesn't.
21:28.52*** join/#asterisk philz (
21:28.55decentnickmuch better
21:29.01bjohnsonAgiNamu: goto needs the prioirity I think
21:29.19psywarokay so I've got * sitting in-line with my apartment wiring.  I am still using analog to dial out.  Where do I get started with VoIP that leaves my LAN?  Are there test numbers I can call free?
21:29.24bjohnsonhaven't tried it that way
21:29.45bjohnsonpsywar: FWD
21:29.53psywarbjohnson: ok ty
21:29.59Raj_bjohnson: what is FWD?
21:30.02bjohnsonpsywar: is limited to other FWD users
21:30.05psywarfree world dialup
21:30.14mgeorgeshido6: is there something I need to set so that the iax disconect is handled better?
21:30.21NuggetRaj_: it's not what you're hoping it is.  :)
21:30.29*** join/#asterisk jetscreamer (
21:30.31bjohnsonpsywar: they have some special extensions to read the time, etc so you can test your connection
21:30.32decentnickI'm using asterisk 1.0.5, zaptel 1.0.4 and spandsp 0.0.2 pre 10 and libtiff 3.5.7-7    -> my FAX'es render good (as in readable) but only 5% shows up :( any assistance please?
21:30.33AgiNamuany general hints on large .confg files?
21:30.44Raj_Nugget: hehehehe
21:30.50psywarwhat protocol does FWD speak?
21:30.56Luke-Jrpsywar: SIP
21:30.58AgiNamuim wondering what sizes you've people got .conf files up to
21:31.02AgiNamuand IAX no?
21:31.03philzSIP or IAX
21:31.04Luke-JrWhen was Asterisk 1.0.5 released?
21:31.06bjohnsonpsywar: they started another service where you and others share your telco connections
21:31.12bjohnsonpsywar: sip or iax
21:31.12*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
21:31.19Nuggetmy extensions.conf is only 14KB
21:31.26AgiNamufirst they called it "bellster". and then got sued by bellsouth
21:31.33AgiNamuso they called it 'fwdout' and are waiting for Skype to say something
21:31.58AgiNamupsywar, it'd be lame if bellster was anything to care about. being seeing as its silly, gimmick, marketing....
21:32.04decentnickI'm using asterisk 1.0.5, zaptel 1.0.4 and spandsp 0.0.2 pre 10 and libtiff 3.5.7-7    -> my FAX'es render good (as in readable) but only 5% tops shows up :( any assistance please? thank you very much !
21:32.09psywarwhat's skype
21:32.24denonskype's a wannabe
21:32.26AgiNamuand their PSTN service is called "SkypeOut"
21:32.37AgiNamuthey still dont offer DIDs AFAIK\
21:32.37denondesigned to get dialup and cable lusers interested in voip :)
21:32.38*** join/#asterisk zoa (
21:32.44psywarI think bellsouth should have called itself "Southern Bel"
21:32.44AgiNamunor does DTMF work with them lol
21:33.04labotrue, skype is not for business.
21:33.08AgiNamuim pissed at bellsouth. They let Telefonica buy them (in guatemala)
21:33.15Nuggetskype offers a decent solution, in many ways superior to the current asterisk offerings for end users, but it's ultimately a technological dead end.
21:33.19JunK-Yany idea why ast_indicate(chan, AST_CONTROL_BUSY); gimme a fast busy?
21:33.28decentnickFeb  7 23:09:14 DEBUG[2794]: Bad rows            77
21:33.29AgiNamunugget... huh?
21:33.36AgiNamuif skype got DIDs and some nice hardware
21:33.36decentnickFeb  7 23:09:14 DEBUG[2794]: Longest bad row run 20
21:33.42AgiNamuthey'd seriously kick ass
21:33.47decentnickFeb  7 23:09:14 DEBUG[2794]: Image size (bytes)  0~
21:33.49Nuggetskype's softphone is way nicer than any SIP or IAX client software I've used.
21:34.02AgiNamufirefly seems nice
21:34.06AgiNamuI got FireFly USB phones in
21:34.09decentnickno FAX experts in the house? need real help
21:34.10Nuggetand their protocol can fall back on tcp for nat traversal, which is also nifty
21:34.12Luke-JrWhen was Asterisk 1.0.5 released?
21:34.15philzsjphone isntbad either
21:34.16AgiNamuI'm selling them, $59 each, min. order 10 pcs
21:34.22AgiNamuVirbiage wants $100 for em
21:34.25decentnickLuke-Jr: maybe 1 or 2 weeks ago
21:34.58Luke-JrSo it should support AUTH w/ MyPhoneCompany, right?
21:35.12harryvvWhat other recomended domain registeration site is recomended other then networksolutions?
21:35.12AgiNamuwhat does that mean?
21:35.20AgiNamuharryvv. ... godaddy?
21:35.22decentnickI'm using asterisk 1.0.5, zaptel 1.0.4 and spandsp 0.0.2 pre 10 and libtiff 3.5.7-7    -> my FAX'es render good (as in readable) but only 5% tops shows up :( any assistance please? thank you very much !
21:35.24AgiNamunetsol/verisign BLOW
21:35.49greg_workharryvv: ANYWHERE but netsol
21:35.50Beirdoharryvv: I use
21:35.56AgiNamugodaddy is $8
21:35.59greg_worki also recommend godaddy
21:36.00AgiNamuand offers SSL for $29 or so
21:36.10greg_workAgiNamu: oh, i didnt know that
21:36.14AgiNamuwithout any verification
21:36.30harryvvBeirdo how many domain names have you registered with them and what do thay charge?
21:36.31DaddySrCan someone help with my FAX problem please?
21:36.31greg_workyou can get geotrust SSL certs from (referal program) pretty cheap
21:36.35greg_workAgiNamu: thats a BAD thing
21:36.41AgiNamugreg, not really
21:36.52AgiNamuthe current ssl / Pki infraestructure is fucked up
21:36.53greg_workis godaddy's CA in any browsers?
21:36.54Beirdoabout 4 or 5, and the cost depends on the type of domain
21:36.57AgiNamuit's broken
21:36.58AgiNamugreg, yep
21:37.00AgiNamuit's not godaddy
21:37.03AgiNamuit's ... Starfire
21:37.05AgiNamuor something like that.
21:37.17AgiNamuSo, you'd be an idiot to pay $1000 for a verisign cert
21:37.28AgiNamusince a $29 cert from any reseller is just as good
21:37.48AgiNamuAND, if any one of the "trusted roots" is slightly untrsted, it breaks the whole chain
21:38.03AgiNamuso seeing as each browser has a shitload of certs installed... it's pretty damn easy to fake things.
21:38.13DaddySranyone use spandsp?
21:38.18psywaris FAX supposed to work with voip?  I did FAX->SIP->Zap/analog-PSTN-FAX and it bombed out on the first non-text page
21:38.27AgiNamuim pretty sure for under $10,000, you could get a cert issued to you
21:38.47AgiNamueven verisign fucked up and issued fake ms certs
21:38.59AgiNamupsywar, not really
21:39.01DaddySrpsywar: FAX work with voip is either FOIP (asterisk does not support FOIP) or
21:39.04AgiNamuyou need T.38 for it to work right
21:39.14AgiNamuotherwise, it'll only work with really good conditions
21:39.39DaddySrCan someone help with my FAX problem please?
21:39.39psywarI have to deal with backwards people who actually want FAX instead of email
21:40.00AgiNamuyea, run it via PSTN most likely
21:40.06AgiNamuas asterisk does not have a solid way to do it
21:40.26DaddySrAgiNamu: did you already do it the 'via PSTN way'?
21:40.33*** join/#asterisk kant (~bernd@
21:40.41AgiNamuI've sent faxes over the PSTN..........
21:40.51DaddySrreceived em?
21:40.55AgiNamuthat too
21:40.57AgiNamunot with asterisk
21:41.05DaddySrah, with what?
21:41.06ctooleyDoes anyone have any experience with LiveVoip?
21:41.09AgiNamua fax machine... :P
21:41.21AgiNamuyea, doh :)
21:41.30AgiNamui hear of peopel doing asterisk pstn faxing ok
21:41.32AgiNamubut not sip
21:41.40AgiNamuor ulaw, unless it's awesome conditions
21:41.58DaddySrAgiNamu: I am looking for doing that... asterisk pstn faxing
21:42.17DaddySrbut my faxes don't turn up too good
21:42.17AgiNamumaybe in RedHat Asterisk
21:42.33AgiNamuor wait, that's trademarked
21:42.36AgiNamu"RedHat Wildcard"
21:42.38AgiNamuor something
21:42.49DaddySr? seperate product
21:42.53AgiNamuit's a joke
21:42.58DaddySric ;p
21:43.05AgiNamuits me fantasizing about a company taking asterisk and making it into a product
21:43.20DaddySrAgiNamu; look at
21:43.35AgiNamuwhats that
21:43.42DaddySrwhat you just said
21:43.47AgiNamuthat's asterisk inside a product
21:43.53AgiNamuI mean Asterisk AS the product.
21:43.59*** join/#asterisk JuzzM (~jr@
21:44.01AgiNamui.e., as RedHat took linux
21:44.11AgiNamutested the shit out of it, has engineers working on it, support contracts, etc.
21:44.21DaddySryou don't know anything that would help me more with asterisk as a pstn fax?
21:44.29AgiNamuprobably not
21:44.42AgiNamuyou have what? 2 Zap interfaces?
21:44.56AgiNamuand it;s doing native slin?
21:44.58DaddySrinstalled spandsp 0.0.2pre10
21:45.03DaddySrnative slin?
21:45.20DaddySrhow can I make sure?
21:45.20AgiNamui mean, you've got the fax on the FXS and then recieving via FXO?
21:45.28AgiNamuasterisk -vvvvv
21:45.31AgiNamuand check what it says
21:45.33AgiNamufor the codecs
21:46.43blitzragehey, someone said asterisk-users was too easy to get help on!
21:46.56AgiNamuwtf does that mean
21:47.08blitzragemeans someone got help to a problem too easily
21:47.09AgiNamuthat we're supposed to respond to dumbass questions with "google"?
21:47.27blitzrageeveryone drop their newbie answer ratio down a couple notches
21:48.02DaddySrnot seeing anything
21:48.03bjohnsonpsywar: some voip providers will handle fax->email for you
21:48.06AgiNamuwhat's so hard about: Download. build. make config. read.
21:48.09DaddySrbut what does a codec have to do with it
21:48.14DaddySrI have alaw installed
21:48.17DaddySronly alaw
21:48.19bjohnsonpsywar: you could look at using a fax/data/modem switch
21:48.21AgiNamuseems like reading the config files is gonna answer a shitload of stuff with it
21:48.22epochanyone here have any experience using headsets with polycom phones?
21:48.35AgiNamuthe native format for ZAP afaik is SLIN
21:48.43AgiNamufrom poking at it with my own code
21:48.51AgiNamucourse, id ont understand chan_zap at all
21:48.52bjohnsonpsywar: or .. you could stick a fax machine on a fxs
21:48.54AgiNamuso i could be utterly wrong
21:49.21AgiNamuwell i must go
21:49.48bjohnsonmy logs needed a rest anyway
21:50.17bjohnsone164 intergration is complete
21:50.20bjohnsonnow to test
21:50.38bjohnsonany victims .. I mean volunteers?
21:50.49Nugget+1 512 538-0508
21:51.27philzhmm austin tx?
21:51.42kingtaco|laptopguys, I'm running into issues with my TDM400P card
21:51.53philzcool. Victoria Tx here
21:52.12kingtaco|laptop4/5 calls are fine, the fifth one allways dials some other same number
21:52.24kingtaco|laptopit's a different number for any number I try
21:52.33Qwellit dials a random number?
21:53.02kingtaco|laptopallways the same number, but yes
21:53.31kingtaco|laptopso if I dial xxx1234 it allways goes to a fax machine, but if I dial xxx4321 it goes to someones cell phone
21:53.36Qwellsounds like dialplan funkyness (I'm a newb though, so don't listen to me)
21:53.41kingtaco|laptopit's not
21:53.46kingtaco|laptopit really isnt
21:53.56kingtaco|laptopif I use the 100P card,  don't have issues
21:54.03kingtaco|laptoponly with the 400 card
21:54.12philzwhat does your log say when the connection is made?
21:54.14bjohnsonNugget: btw .. Ontario, Canada
21:54.28kingtaco|laptopit says it's calling the correct number
21:54.57*** join/#asterisk fizbar (
21:55.04QwellHave you asked the person what number you just called?  heh
21:55.18SlainteI sometimes wonder if I was dropped when I was a kid.  Today I am certain I was bounced
21:55.21philzput a phone in-line with the fxo and have a listen to the digits
21:55.26kingtaco|laptopI wonder, is there any way to put a delay in asteric, so that it takes the line off hook, then waits(.25 sec) then dials?
21:56.39Nuggetkingtaco|laptop: yes.
21:56.41jetscreamerpots can, so hopefully
21:56.43bjohnsonnot sure .. my SPA 2000 will do that
21:56.57philzI have my own CID question.
21:58.03philzhow do you get the initial ring into a fxo to display on a TAPI enabled machine
21:58.45Raj_gotta go. thanks for the help fellas
21:59.35jsolareswho has tried to record calls in windows with usb handsets?
21:59.44lohelleI was thinking about placing an asterisk server between an Siemens Hicom pbx and provider to add functionality.. there are 3 ISDN's from provider.. will 3 ISDN cards in TE-mode (provider=>asterisk) and 3 in NT-mode (asterisk => hicom) do?
22:00.39lohelleand is bristuff stable enough? (zaphfc). Any alternatives?
22:01.16bjohnsongot to go
22:03.35*** join/#asterisk CoaxD (
22:04.07CoaxDOkay. if anyone knows what the hell about a LinkSys WRT54G would break 'qualify = yes', please, by all means, enlighten me
22:04.29CoaxDFeb  7 15:41:57 NOTICE[1119030192]: chan_sip.c:5950 handle_response: Peer 'nicole' is now REACHABLE!
22:04.29CoaxDFeb  7 15:44:59 NOTICE[1119030192]: chan_sip.c:5955 handle_response: Peer 'nicole' is now TOO LAGGED!
22:04.29CoaxDFeb  7 15:45:13 NOTICE[1119030192]: chan_sip.c:7033 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer 'nicole' is now UNREACHABLE!
22:04.35CoaxD(Sorry about the paste.)
22:05.24|Vulture|sounds like lag to me
22:05.38|Vulture|CoaxD: you got QoS turned on?
22:05.40laboits lag. you should put a min or max in the qualify parameter
22:06.05CoaxDI have 'qualify=90' set
22:06.07|Vulture|CoaxD: is this local?
22:06.09labotoo low.
22:06.10CoaxDVulture: Yes
22:06.16CoaxDWhy on earth is it too low?
22:06.21|Vulture|try 200
22:06.38laboi put much more, since most of my peers are satellite tho
22:06.39|Vulture|90 is fast as hell Ive had problems setting qualify too low
22:07.00|Vulture|CoaxD: I use WRT54Gs with Sveasoft firmware
22:07.13*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (RatMan@
22:07.19kietlaklohelle: it's good solution, but with multi hfc
22:07.20*** part/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (RatMan@
22:07.22CoaxDVulture: I've thought of moving to Sveasoft, but..  Why?  If it works with the linksys firmware, there aint no reason to dick with it
22:07.45CoaxDnicole/nicole   D   N  5056     OK (15 ms)
22:07.58lohellekietlak: multi hfc?
22:07.59|Vulture|CoaxD: I use their QoS and their SSH
22:08.09CoaxDFeb  7 16:07:53 NOTICE[1119030192]: chan_sip.c:5955 handle_response: Peer 'nicole' is now TOO LAGGED!
22:08.18CoaxDnicole/nicole   D   N  5056     LAGGED (2014 ms)
22:08.19|Vulture|still with 200?
22:08.22kietlaklohelle: quad/octo bri
22:08.37CoaxDVulture: Ahhh
22:08.40labowell nicole is not local ..
22:09.02kietlakit is stable
22:09.04labo2014 looks like a cheap conn
22:09.04CoaxDlabo: nicole is indeed local. there's a firewall in the middle, but its all in the same building
22:09.42CoaxDlabo:  There's a linksys WRT54G (for the intranet) in the middle.  otherwise, its ethernet to ethernet
22:09.46|Vulture|CoaxD: but that firewall has been there all along.. this is an issue with the WRT right?
22:09.54CoaxDand you'll note:  right now..
22:09.56CoaxDnicole/nicole   D   N  5056     OK (12 ms)
22:10.00CoaxDYou got it.
22:10.02|Vulture|damn 12ms
22:10.05|Vulture|thats crazy
22:10.12CoaxDWith an etherfast 802.11b firewall it doesnt happen
22:10.19CoaxDvulture: Crazy?
22:10.23|Vulture|mine always say like ~60ms I duno why either
22:11.02|Vulture|there isn't any QoS on default firware right?
22:11.09CoaxDVulture: Not that i know of
22:11.16CoaxDThis thing has been configured right out of the box
22:11.27|Vulture|I know if you set it wrong then it can gimp certian ports
22:11.43|Vulture|try running a ping from the server to the device
22:11.49|Vulture|see if it fluctuates
22:12.01|Vulture|or if it is just * and the WRT not
22:12.03CoaxDdevice is on fake ip
22:12.04|Vulture|ah oky
22:12.25CoaxD(So in truth, i dont know how it is even qualifying it)
22:12.35CoaxDprobably is qualifying straight to the firewall's ip
22:12.45CoaxDbut i cant ping that
22:12.48Juggiei fucking broke my collar bone :(
22:12.51|Vulture|CoaxD: yea thats and interesting setup..
22:12.55|Vulture|Juggie: how the hell?
22:12.57CoaxDVulture: Well, its gonna be pretty standard
22:13.06CoaxDVulture: Sip clients behind the firewall, asterisk ahead of the firewall
22:13.22|Vulture|CoaxD: you have NAT on under the sip.conf and stuff right?
22:13.29CoaxDVulture: of course
22:13.37|Vulture|CoaxD: I just figured Id check
22:13.39Juggieskiiing, kid cut me off, i tried to avoid, we hooked skis (my right leg between his two skis
22:13.46CoaxDnat = yes
22:13.46CoaxDqualify = 200
22:13.55|Vulture|CoaxD: cisco phones?
22:13.58Juggiei flew on an angle, landed shoulder first
22:14.01CoaxDVulture: Newp. Its a Sipura 2000
22:14.04labomaybe congestion on the link ?
22:14.07|Vulture|Juggie: damn thats nasty
22:14.07Mother_Juggie: sorry to hear that :(
22:14.19Juggiesling for 4 weeks
22:14.20CoaxDVulture: It also doesn't always happen.  It only happens when calls come in
22:14.20|Vulture|Juggie: how long you down for?
22:14.23CoaxDVulture: (or go out)
22:14.26Juggie4 weeks
22:14.27CoaxDVulture: Then it eventually settles down
22:14.40|Vulture|yea it sounds like a QoS issue but I duno how it could be
22:14.46CoaxDVulture: Me either ;/
22:14.59Juggiesucks, one handed tying
22:15.10CoaxDVulture: That and the fact that the firewall would have to be the only QoS itnerpreter; because there's nothing else on this network that even knows to speak QoS
22:15.14Luke-Jrexternip =
22:15.14Luke-Jrregister =>
22:15.17Juggiei will have to work for 3 weeks one handed
22:15.24CoaxDcourse, this firmware might be old
22:15.25Luke-JrAny idea why Asterisk isn't using the externip?
22:15.28CoaxDcame out august 3rd, 2004
22:16.20*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
22:16.28|Vulture|CoaxD: you try turning off the firewall ability on the WRT to see if it works?
22:16.40CoaxDVulture: That would, um, bust everything, no?
22:16.49CoaxDVulture: By definition, NAT *IS* firewall?
22:17.13*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
22:17.24CoaxDVulture: I had actually noticed the option, but wondered if it'd do bad things
22:17.30DerkommissarMusic on hold is choppy, what can i do to actually fix this ?
22:17.36jskcrHy all.
22:18.32*** join/#asterisk kant (~bernd@
22:18.51CoaxDVulture: there is firmware that is quite a bit newer; let me research that
22:19.05terrapenis NuFone not accepting PayPal payments any longer?
22:19.36*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
22:19.39jerliquewhats the difference between AgentLoginCallback and AddQueueMember, dont they achieve the same task?
22:19.39jskcrCoax are you running ztdummy or digium device?
22:19.45|Vulture|CoaxD: I think the WRT has strict rules for blocking packets and that might be causing it
22:20.00|Vulture|CoaxD: by turning it off you should retain the NAT but remove the IDS functions
22:20.20|Vulture|CoaxD: which might be a problem of dropping packets... worth a try
22:20.26CoaxDVulture: What the fuck is IDS functions?!#$
22:20.34CoaxDVulture: I'm a sysadmin and have never heard of that! *lol*
22:20.38terrapeni set up my nufone account w/ paypal
22:20.44terrapenbut it doesn't let you add money
22:21.02CoaxDterrapen: They have a CC# thing on their website now
22:21.21CoaxDVulture: So basically it stops the ability to forward ports and shit
22:21.25CoaxDVulture: Will try
22:21.32terrapeni dont want CC# :(
22:21.35terrapeni need paypal
22:21.56CoaxDi'm sure jerjer would take it
22:22.14CoaxDVulture: nicole/nicole   D   N  5056     OK (9 ms)
22:22.21Luke-JrHow can I get * to act as a SIP client only on a specific IP/interface?
22:22.22CoaxDVulture: It may just work. let me test
22:22.31|Vulture|CoaxD: Intruder Detection System
22:22.38|Vulture|CoaxD: oky lemme know
22:22.45CoaxDVulture: How does it detect an intruder, exactly? :)
22:23.12CoaxDVUlture: nicole/nicole   D   N  5056     LAGGED (1016 ms)
22:23.15CoaxDNewp. didnt fix
22:23.18|Vulture|CoaxD: not sure.. but the general concept is look for a large number of packets to a single port and if it is..
22:23.22Luke-Jr(I have network interfaces for both LAN (w/ inet via NAT) and WAN; SIP really only works directly via WAN)
22:23.42terrapenhow lame
22:23.59terrapenyou can set up the damn account w/ paypal
22:24.00|Vulture|CoaxD: might want to try a different WRT firmware see if that is it
22:24.01CoaxDVulture: How do i know, from looking at the web interface, what version my WRT54G is?
22:24.09|Vulture|its on the bottom of the WRT
22:24.12terrapenbut there just isn't a way to add funds  with it
22:24.14CoaxDVulture:  bought it yesterday from a CompUSA
22:24.16DerkommissarHow can i fix the choppy music on hold ?
22:24.21|Vulture|its either a 2.2 or 2.0
22:24.32|Vulture|I got one 2 weeks ago from compusa and it was a 2.2
22:24.33CoaxDVulture: well apparently they have a 3.0 unit
22:24.43CoaxDOh. Does that prevent me from doing any sort of cool shit that a 3.0 woudl?
22:24.48|Vulture|oh damn... I duno if sveasoft even has 3.0
22:24.55|Vulture|lemme check 1s
22:25.21outtolunclast i read 3.0 wasn't in the list
22:25.31mikegrbterrapen: send paypal funds to with the username in the comment
22:25.44nestArsweet.. if all agents logout of a queue.. callers waiting in the queue just sit there.. forever..
22:25.46|Vulture|yea it still isnt
22:25.52|Vulture|looking to see if it is in the forum
22:26.01Luke-JrHow can I get * to act as a SIP client only on a specific IP/interface? (I have network interfaces for both LAN (w/ inet via NAT) and WAN; SIP really only works directly via WAN)
22:26.27mikegrbnestAr: there is an alternative solution, sends them to an extention so you can play a mesages then send them to voice mail or hang up or something
22:27.13|Vulture|nope cant find it
22:27.15|Vulture|I got to get to class
22:27.17nestArmikegrb: as an alternative to using call queues?
22:27.23|Vulture|CoaxD: try looking at the bottom it should say it
22:27.30nestAri need call queues.. we're an ISP
22:27.35netsurfernestAr - check out ICD on the wiki - it might provide more features
22:27.40mikegrbnestAr: no, alternitive setting for call queue
22:27.44CoaxDVulture: i HAVE A VERSION 2
22:27.49mikegrbnestAr: ICD hasn't been updated in a long time
22:27.53CoaxDer. caps
22:28.29outtoluncnestAr:  show application queue
22:28.32nestAri fixed it
22:28.38nestAri had  leavewhenempty = yes in [general]
22:28.44nestAri added it to all queues
22:29.08CoaxDHoly SHIT the firmware is big. 3.3mb! hahaha
22:29.40CoaxDFirmware 3.01.3
22:29.40CoaxD- Updated wireless driver
22:29.40CoaxD- Supports hardware version 2.2 (cannot downgrade to previous versions)
22:29.40CoaxD- Resolves issue with VoIP adapters
22:29.40CoaxD- Resolves issue with long domain names
22:29.47outtolunccoaxd, there is a 5meg one some one did up in there <G>
22:30.32*** join/#asterisk niZon (
22:31.45|Vulture|CoaxD: haha nice
22:32.03CoaxDVulture: For god damn sure
22:32.14CoaxDVulture: Its in the process of upgrading.  Lets hope my computer doesn't power off
22:32.22CoaxDVulture: (is it actually possible to brick these things?)
22:32.27|Vulture|VERY HARD
22:32.39CoaxDVulture: Thats what I thought. i thought that perhaps it'd have a minimal firmware in place
22:32.40|Vulture|they have TFTP on another firmware chip
22:32.41*** join/#asterisk zoa (
22:32.55CoaxDVulture: See, THATS what these companies should ALL DO
22:32.59|Vulture|yea you can tftp flash
22:33.08CoaxDUpgrade is successful.
22:33.08GodseynestAr: how do you manage queues?
22:33.24|Vulture|yea the WRT with sveasoft firmware is like my fav. router and Ive used cisco routers :P
22:33.37CoaxDVulture: not sure if you noticed, but this is a rev2.0
22:33.50CoaxDVulture: Honestly, the ciscos are just as hard to brick
22:33.53sivanawhat's a good mfg of echo cancellation equip for T1/PRI?
22:33.53niZonWRT's own :P
22:34.19CoaxDVulture: Even if you brick both bootstrap and main boot os, and hell, even the bios, there's still the debugger
22:34.40wankelheh.  yeah, you have to be pretty talented to kill a cisco.
22:34.48CoaxDvulture: within the debugger it is possible to copy over an image via xmodem, and jmp and execute
22:34.49wankelyou can always reload it over the serial with y-modem
22:34.50outtoluncmake sure to set the 'wait boot'
22:34.58CoaxDwankel: Oh, is it y-modem now? *g*
22:35.05wankelyeah, crc32!
22:35.07CoaxDwow! 1024 bytes at a time nowadays! *g*
22:35.17CoaxDwankel: Did you ever use ZedZap?
22:35.31|Vulture|CoaxD: no but someone made a jtag solution for it
22:35.40CoaxDwankel: it was a download protocol very similar to z-modem except it supported...*GASP*...8k chunks!
22:35.54CoaxD(zmodem was 1k)
22:35.54wankeli used bimodem!
22:36.01wankeland lots and lots of zmodem
22:36.10zoasmodem was the best
22:36.12Mavviezmodem went from 64 bytes to 8192 bytes.
22:36.13wankeland tried a few other bizarre things
22:36.16shido6zmodem xfers
22:36.25zoasmodem was up and down at the same time
22:36.27zoa+ chat
22:36.27CoaxDMavvie: Ya
22:36.31Nuggetbah.  I just F'Req'd the file and went to bed.
22:36.33*** join/#asterisk florz (
22:36.34wankelzoa: yeah, bimodem, too.
22:36.44nestArGodsey: i'm using AddQueueMember at the moment..
22:37.01wankelsome of the bi-directional stuff didn't work right with HST modems, though, since they were asymmetric.
22:37.09nestArmy boss seems mildly interested in doing the off-hook thing though..
22:37.15|Vulture|if there was one class I didn't have to go to, it would be this one, Modern Hebrew Culture ack
22:37.31*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
22:37.56Nuggetnot quite a round-led hst 9600, but still nice and old.
22:38.07wankelit's doing reverse dns on me, i think
22:38.18Nuggetare you using linux 2.6.8?
22:38.38|Vulture|CoaxD: good luck with that new firmware
22:38.47CoaxDVulture: Thanks.  Its not working anyway.
22:38.49*** join/#asterisk implicit (
22:38.49Nuggetlinux 2.6.8 has bugs that make it not work through my firewall.  same symptoms.  :)
22:38.54Nuggetlinux is poo.
22:38.54CoaxDVulture: I mean the firmware is, but the problem still remains
22:38.54wankelokay, it timed out finally.
22:38.57CoaxDVulture: I'll find the issue
22:39.01CoaxDVulture: No worries :)
22:39.17wankelour reverse dns is broken, so sites that try to resolve before serving content (bad idea) hang for like 3 minutes)
22:39.24CoaxDVulture: Thank you very much for the help you gave
22:39.45wankelyay.  it's an courier.  they look like aircraft carriers to me.
22:39.47nestArit's amazing the number of ISP's who don't have working reverse dns
22:39.55wankeli had one of those and a multitech standard 14.4
22:40.13wankelmultitech was a nice metal case.  had a little callback shell with multiple accounts in the bios.
22:40.22Nuggetthat one was my second courier.  my first was the round-led 9600bps hst.
22:40.22wankelway cool modem.
22:40.35Nuggetwith the "CLICK" relay when you made a 9600 connect.
22:40.49Nuggetso I could tell from across the room when someone cool called the board.
22:40.49CoaxDI still have a couple courier v.everythings
22:41.00Luke-Jrexternip in sip.conf doesn't work with Call-ID, apparently :/
22:41.23nestAri had a courier HST too
22:41.28nestAras big as my laptop
22:41.40nestAri think i still have it somewhere in my basement
22:42.02Mother_them days where you could see PCB components with the naked eye...
22:42.03file[laptop]Luke-Jr: Call-ID doesn't matter... it just identifies the call
22:44.34NukemizerAsterisk for Windows ? not there is a recipe !
22:44.41Luke-Jrfile[laptop]: Hrm; can't seem to register w/ POTS provider
22:45.03file[laptop]then it's another problem
22:46.15Luke-JrWould you be able to identify a problem from the packet?
22:46.37file[laptop]a sip debug probably
22:46.47Luke-JrWhat's that?
22:46.48file[laptop]put it on
22:46.51*** join/#asterisk SuperAlex (
22:46.54file[laptop]you type sip debug
22:46.57file[laptop]then sip reload
22:47.03file[laptop]and when it trys to register, it'll show up on the screen
22:47.08file[laptop]all the SIP packets that go back and forth!
22:47.56dca[laptop]hi file!
22:48.30SuperAlexcan i ask a simple asterisk related question ?
22:49.15NuggetYou just did.
22:49.15dca[laptop]file: 'nother question...when the caller (from PSTN) calls my ip phone and then hangs up, the sip phone doesnt' hangup, wouldn't asterisk understand the BYE
22:49.25file[laptop]dca[laptop]: yes it does
22:49.34SuperAlexi've got a budgetone 100 phone that i'm trying to get to access asterisk voicemail, but when it asks for the password and i enter the password it doesn't come through on the other end ... i.e. password is ''
22:49.38dca[laptop]then why doesnt the ip pohen hangup?
22:49.40file[laptop]dca[laptop]: problem is elsewhere
22:49.47dca[laptop]when it is just asterisk it works
22:49.58dca[laptop]but throw ser into the equation and it poops
22:50.07file[laptop]then your ser.cfg isn't right
22:50.13nestArSuperAlex: check the DTMF setting in the Budgetone's web interface
22:50.21dca[laptop]can i im ya?
22:50.35SuperAlexnestAr: it is set to In-Audio, should i set it to something else?
22:50.41netsurferyup.. i had that prob too.. wrong dtmf
22:51.07nestArSuperAlex: I used SIP INFO
22:51.08SuperAlexnestAr: my only concern is that if i change it, then i may not be able to use other tone related systems outside my network
22:51.09netsurferSuperAlex - to make sure dtmf is working, punch the digits in fast then press # u should get the password prompt straight away no delay
22:51.24file[laptop]dca[laptop]: I'm working, on work.
22:51.25nestArSuperAlex: i don't recall having any other problems.
22:51.25SuperAlexah k thnx
22:51.32file[laptop]so unless you want to donate money to me...
22:51.41dca[laptop]file, k
22:51.41nestArbut i've since ditched the budgetone's
22:52.03dca[laptop]file: np, i'll keep at it, more educational this way i suppost
22:52.06dca[laptop]er suppose
22:52.09SuperAlexnestAr: ? ditched? why?
22:52.44nestArSuperAlex: just had a lot of problems with them.. and they're not really "office quality"
22:52.47file[laptop]haha they're using SER
22:52.56nestArthey'd be ok for my house, but not for my office
22:52.58Luke-Jrwhat's SER?
22:52.59SuperAlexnestAr: ah, thnx, i'll take that into consideration
22:53.11file[laptop]Luke-Jr: it's some SIP software
22:53.22Luke-Jrfile[laptop]: Incompatible w/ Asterisk?
22:53.30shido6budgetones work
22:53.35file[laptop]Luke-Jr: oh no it's compatible, lemme read this
22:54.19file[laptop]Luke-Jr: either asterisk's sip.conf is not quite right, it's behaving wrong, or else your other side is simply rejecting it
22:54.35Luke-Jrfile[laptop]: What part of sip.conf should I pastebin?
22:55.07file[laptop]gimme time :p I'm working on actual work
22:56.21file[laptop]Luke-Jr: it might be picky... it might need all your stuff to be going through
22:56.25file[laptop]not just the realm...
22:59.03Luke-JrFeb  7 22:59:00 [asterisk] WARNING[3981]: chan_sip.c:1398 in create_addr: No such host: sip1.xchangetele.com_
22:59.04SuperAlexdoes anyone know if it's okay to plug in an analog phone line (not ethernet cat-5) into a TDM400P card?
22:59.39*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
23:00.20jgaviriaSuperAlex: of course
23:00.36SuperAlexjgaviria: thnx!
23:00.58*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
23:01.04blitzragefile[laptop]: you should stop hanging out in here
23:01.31Derkommissarim still puzzled.
23:01.38Derkommissarwhy is music on hold choppy ?
23:01.41file[laptop]yes, very unproductive
23:01.58*** part/#asterisk cbachman (
23:02.18nestArDerkommissar: overloaded box?
23:02.23netsurferDerkommissar - u got a timer source running ?
23:02.38modulus_jbot babelfish de en du bist eine kleine dummer schweinehund
23:03.19*** join/#asterisk nickweb (
23:03.23nickwebhey guys,
23:03.28nickwebvery quick question..
23:03.35nickweb(hardware related..)
23:03.55nickwebdoes anyne have any experience with the Wildcard X100P?
23:04.02nestAri've got one at home
23:04.24outtolunci 'experienced' viewing it on the digium website <G>
23:04.28nickwebif so, if i just have that one card in my box, is that enough to run asterisk, and how many internal lines can i have from that one card?
23:04.44netsurferiv got experience.. at not receiving one I bought on ebay :o\
23:04.58nestArX100P gives you the ability to have one incoming POTS line into asterisk
23:04.59Derkommissarnetsurfer, no
23:05.00postelnickweb: the X100 is a single FXO card
23:05.06Derkommissari dont have a timer
23:05.16Derkommissarwhy would a timer affect the MOH
23:05.25netsurferDerkommissar - make zaptel drivers up and modprobe "ztdummy"
23:05.32nickwebpostel, does that mean i need one for each extension? or have i completley read it wrong? lol
23:06.01netsurferDerkommissar - its the way it is.. check on the wiki for more info
23:06.02postelnickweb: you got it all wrong, it just means what it says on the tin, you can get ONE POTS line in
23:06.08nestArnickweb: you need one for each pots line
23:06.12nestArincoming phone line
23:06.19nestArit doesn't do anything for phones..
23:06.27nickwebah.. oh
23:06.36nickwebman. i need to research more. lol
23:06.37nestAryou need VOIP phones or a TDM400 + analog phones
23:06.42netsurferx100p is just a glorified modem
23:06.52nestArnetsurfer: true
23:06.55denonanyone know what the deal is with this stuff? : Dec 13 14:52:03 NOTICE[25886]: app_dial.c:927 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 0)
23:07.02nestArin fact.. mine is a modem... :)
23:07.12nestArthat's what the auction said
23:07.13nickwebso i would need another card to run internal phones then.. any cheap ones kicking about? (what can i say.. im economical! lol)
23:07.26Derkommissarnetsurfer, thanks doing so rigth now
23:07.27nestArnickweb: softphone is free.
23:07.43netsurferu need FXS for phones
23:07.46nestArnickweb: budgetone ip phones are $60-something
23:07.57nickwebi better think this through again. lol
23:08.02netsurferor use the voip part ;)
23:08.14Derkommissarnetsurfer, i get this afther i install ztdummy
23:08.15DerkommissarNotice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf
23:08.15Derkommissarline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
23:08.15Derkommissar1 error(s) detected
23:08.15DerkommissarFATAL: Error running install command for ztdummy
23:08.33netsurfersu root
23:09.01Derkommissarim as root
23:09.04netsurferDerkommissar - edit Makefile uncomment ztdummy
23:09.11Derkommissari did
23:09.34Derkommissardam i hate redhat and the different root levels
23:09.39Derkommissarsu - did it
23:10.01Derkommissarztdummy                 7748  0
23:10.01Derkommissarzaptel                190980  1 ztdummy
23:10.07netsurferim the wrong person to ask.. been fighting with zaptel for 3 days now.. only way I can get it to install is with a nice clean bloated 2.4.29 kernel install
23:10.10Derkommissarso now MOH should work better
23:10.22outtoluncdevon: it can't find the peer
23:10.29netsurfergreat Derkommissar
23:10.51nickwebthanks for the help guys! :P
23:11.03Derkommissardo i need to edit zapata.conf or zaptel.conf or anything like that ?
23:11.26netsurferonce u modprobe ztdummy ur good to go
23:13.09DerkommissarMOH still choppy
23:13.15eipiderkomissar i had the same problem: read README.udev
23:13.16nestArwhee.. the timeout option for the Queue command actually works
23:14.00netsurferDerkommissar - maybe an overloaded box?
23:14.00*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
23:14.28DerkommissarCpu(s):  0.0% us,  0.0% sy,  0.0% ni, 100.0% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
23:14.28DerkommissarMem:   1033840k total,   997648k used,    36192k free,   101244k buffers
23:14.37Derkommissari made chan_alsa not load
23:14.38eipiderkomissar: Linux Kernel 2.6 changes the way that manages Devices and you have to read README.udev to make work ztdummy
23:14.40Derkommissaris that why ?
23:14.42netsurferDerkommissar - are u using an mp3 that came with * ?
23:15.02Derkommissaruff i do have kernel2.6
23:15.17eipiderkomisssar: i loose 1 week with with that problem
23:15.29Derkommissarwhat do i have to do ?
23:15.46eipiread README.udev under asterisk directory
23:16.58fizbardoes anyone know how to put in a bit of delay between when asterisk "picks up" a zaptel line and when it starts sending DTMF digits for dialing?
23:17.02jerliquewhats the difference between AgentLoginCallback and AddQueueMember, dont they achieve the same task?
23:17.45postelWaits for some time
23:18.17outtoluncwait(x) or dial(tech/dev/wwwXXXXXX)
23:18.21fizbarpostel: yes, this all takes place within the Dial application, so any waits would be before or after the dial, i need a wait within the dial
23:18.44modulus_jbot babelfish de en du werdest eine krankenschwester brauchen
23:19.13*** part/#asterisk zpn (
23:19.40florzjbot babelfish de en du werdest einen Deutschlehrer brauchen =:-)
23:20.11*** join/#asterisk nicolasg (
23:20.21florzoh, IC, =:-) is =: -) in English ...
23:20.38eipinow i have this problem: when i do dial under CLI> the sounds goes choppy and receives BROKEN PIPE error messages
23:20.41eipiany idea????
23:21.25Qwellheh, my CLI stopped playing sound altogether.  It worked fine until last night, then it started going REALLY slow(and not playing sound).  Now it just hangs on the dial commands
23:21.32jgaviriasomebody running asterisk with R2 signalling?
23:22.06implicithi jgaviria
23:22.31modulus_jbot babelfish en de you will need a nurse
23:22.33eipiqwell... :)
23:23.23florzjbot babelfish de en Sie benötigen eine Krankenschwester
23:23.36eipia sexy nurse please
23:23.39modulus_babelfish is borked
23:23.46florzjbot babelfish en de they need a nurse
23:24.33modulus_jbot babelfish de en est is zeit fur racht
23:24.51modulus_jbot babelfish en de it is time for revenge
23:25.01modulus_jbot babelfish de en es is zeit fur rache
23:25.08Derkommissarok ztdummy is working
23:25.12Derkommissarand i still get this
23:25.13DerkommissarFeb  7 12:20:23 WARNING[18078]: res_musiconhold.c:788 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy.
23:25.50eipiderkommisar, you have to uncommet ztdummy from makefile
23:25.52eipiwait me
23:25.55eipilet me check
23:25.59Derkommissaryea i did
23:26.36*** join/#asterisk Druken (
23:27.03*** part/#asterisk kingtaco|laptop (~kingtaco@kingtaco.developer.gentoo)
23:27.54eipion zaptel Makefile i have:
23:27.56netsurferDerkommissar - does it appear when u lsmod ?
23:28.08*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
23:28.09*** join/#asterisk liquidno2 (
23:28.10eipiMODULES=zaptel tor2 torisa wcusb wcfxo wctdm ztdummy
23:28.34QwellDoesn't uhci_usb have to be loaded for ztdummy to work in 2.4.x?
23:28.52eipiderkomissar: other... for zaptel do: make linux26
23:28.58netsurferuhmm u could be right, Qwell
23:29.07liquidno2Is it necessary to run ztcfg after running modprobe?
23:29.11QwellI'm only assuming, of course, that he's running 2.4
23:30.43redder86I'm using CVS stable from maybe a month ago and cannot transfer calls picked up from the Queue.
23:30.46eipidermomissar i made another change more but im searching for it
23:30.47redder86Anybody else seeing that?
23:31.12liquidno2redder86: you know that they will suggest you update from the most recent cvs
23:31.29liquidno2it almost goes without saying
23:31.34DerkommissarFeb  7 12:23:35 WARNING[18110]: res_musiconhold.c:788 moh_register: Unable to open pseudo channel for timing...  Sound may be choppy.
23:31.42Derkommissarztdummy                 7748  0
23:31.42Derkommissarzaptel                190980  1 ztdummy
23:31.45redder86liquidno2: yeah, but I want to know if someone knows that this problem was fixed within the last month
23:31.50Derkommissarlsmod shows it
23:31.58redder86liquidno2: *someone* knows what goes on in CVS
23:32.04QwellDerkommissar: You aren't running 2.4.x, are you?
23:32.11eipiderkomissar: do you have DIGIUM hardware?
23:32.17liquidno2redder86: I think it persoanlly maintained by a bunch of cave gnomes
23:32.36Derkommissarits 2.6
23:32.42liquidno21) Steal the CVS. 2) ????? 3) Profit.
23:32.43redder86liquidno2: and if those committing changes are going to be as careless as to not have a changelog that gives useful information, then I just have to ask first
23:32.48Derkommissarbut i alredy did everything that the README.udev says
23:32.55redder86liquidno2: in hopes that someone gives me something useful.
23:33.03liquidno2redder86: I am sure there is a changelog
23:33.14eipiok comment lines in /etc/sysconfig/zaptel  --- leaving only uncommented the ztdummy line
23:33.15*** part/#asterisk Corvin (
23:33.15redder86liquidno2: there is, but it sucked last time I looked
23:33.30redder86liquidno2: "lots of bug fixes" or something to that nature
23:33.46*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@
23:33.50liquidno2the CVS change log is way out of date
23:33.56redder86precicely my point
23:34.02redder86cave gnomes indeed
23:34.02liquidno2I know there is a way to check it in the CVS itself
23:34.08redder86cvs history
23:34.21liquidno2but it requires me remembering the cvs command and also good accounting from the commiters
23:34.22*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
23:34.23redder86but have you *ever* actually tried to make sense of the stuff they write in those tags?
23:34.46Drukenevening ass tricks world :)
23:34.56eipidarkomissar: do rmmod ztdummy and rmmod zaptel, compile zaptel: make clean; make linux26; make install; then start zaptel serivce
23:35.03redder86Druken: it's a disasterisk tonight
23:35.20Drukenredder86: oh?
23:35.30Drukenwho screwed what up ?
23:35.41redder86yeah, can't transfer calls placed to the queue
23:35.55Drukeni never could... hehehe
23:35.59Drukenso that's nothing new
23:36.10eipii have this problem: when i do dial under CLI> the sounds goes choppy and receives BROKEN PIPE error messages
23:36.11liquidno2off hook and hangups are showing twice in the console
23:36.12redder86Druken: do you know if it's been fixed recently?
23:36.25brc_~seen agi_namu
23:36.27jbotbrc_: i haven't seen 'agi_namu'
23:36.50eipidarkomissar: any news?
23:37.00Drukenredder86: no idea... do you have the transfer flag on the queue?
23:37.19DerkommissarMOH sucks
23:37.28redder86Druken: I don't know about any transfer flag on the queue.  In the Dial command?
23:37.29Derkommissarand ztdummy has been properly installed
23:37.34redder86Druken: I do SIP transfers
23:37.36eipiderkommissar: did you add the lines described in README.udev?
23:37.55brc_Derkommissar, sounds like your timing is not working correctly
23:38.14Derkommissarwhat can i do to fix it ?
23:38.19eipiderkommissar: you have to follow the steps described in /usr/src/asterisk/README.udev
23:38.30eipiletme transcribe here
23:39.29eipiderkommissar: you have to follow the steps described in /usr/src/zaptel/README.udev
23:39.31eipiwas on zaptel directory
23:39.51redder86Druken: is the "transfer" mentioned in 'show application queue' a "#" transfer or a SIP transfer?
23:40.22Derkommissaryes i did
23:40.29Derkommissarwhat does RFC3389: 1 bytes, level 256...
23:40.38Derkommissarit keeps showing that message
23:40.41eipidid you add lines on: /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules?
23:41.11Drukenredder86: no idea....
23:41.13redder86Transfers of calls that are answered out of a queue must be done using Asterisk '#' transfers (enabled with the 't' option above). SIP transfers result in the Agent remaining affiliated with the call until its eventual termination, preventing that agent from being offered another call.
23:41.21eipidid you add lines on: /etc/udev/permissions.d/50-udev.permission?
23:41.34eipidid you restart?
23:41.57eipior restart udev service
23:41.57redder86"SIP transfers result in the Agent...." is incorrect
23:42.15redder86SIP transfers result in the caller getting hung up on.
23:42.16Derkommissari restarted udev
23:42.33eipiand you continue receiving the same?
23:42.47Drukenredder86: sure it's not a dialplan error?
23:43.08*** join/#asterisk zyke (~zakforeve@
23:43.22Derkommissarwhat is this suposed to mean
23:43.27eipii followed that steps, and now is working
23:43.33Derkommissareverytime the music cuts off it shows this.
23:43.36DerkommissarRFC3389: 1 bytes, level 256...
23:43.49Derkommissarlet me reboot the computer to see what happens
23:44.01eipidekommissar: i have that problem too, but first you have to resolve ztdummy and zaptel problem
23:44.36eipii receive a BROKEN PIPE error message every time that sounds cut
23:44.44redder86Druken: hrmmm... maybe.  Do SIP transfers only happen within the same context?
23:44.51redder86Druken: probably so.
23:45.24*** join/#asterisk MatsK (
23:45.28Drukenredder86: yes, the extension has to be in the same context
23:45.39redder86Druken: just checked, the extensions are within the same context.
23:46.09redder86Druken: I've watched the CLI during this "transfer" and there is no indication of what is happening.  Just a disconnection.
23:46.13Drukenwhat context is the queue in?
23:47.15modulus_ES IS ZEITE FUR RACHE!
23:47.46redder86Druken: and the extensions to which the call is being transferred is included (with an include) into the operator context
23:48.19*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
23:48.34Drukenredder86: hmm.. strange... everything is on the local system right? no server inbetween ?
23:48.58buddahanyone know how i set up phones to dial other sip phones/transfer to other sip phones, via 4 digit extensions?
23:49.59eipiderkomissar any news?
23:50.56redder86Druken: the call comes in on a PRI to an Asterisk box (TE405P) the call is routed to a different Asterisk box via IAX2 where it is then dispatched to the queue.
23:51.07*** part/#asterisk markit (
23:52.38*** join/#asterisk Mneumonic (~Mnemonic@
23:53.24redder86Druken:  I can't make sense of Mark's comments here.
23:53.30jerliqueHow can I get agents to manually loggout? The voip-info site appears incorrect
23:53.45redder86Druken: not that I ever do understand why Mark doesn't "get" the error report.
23:54.08redder86jerlique: AgentCallBackLogin has a logout feature.  Just press "#" for the new extension.
23:54.51MneumonicHey... I just have a few questions about asterisk... I am considering it for my small business.  I have 2 business lines via vonage for the incoming lines, what is the most inexpensive hardware to connect them? and then what card do i need for connecting the phones? Plus are VoIP phones the only type of phones I can use with asterisk? Or can i pick up digital PBX phones?
23:55.25jerliqueif i enter # I get login incorrect?
23:55.40liquidno2why am I getting two lines in the console for off hook and on hook notification
23:57.16Drukenredder86: he said it's a config issue, you have # for starting a record, not for transfer
23:58.22redder86Druken: I don't have # configured for anything except to send DTMF #
23:58.42redder86Druken: I don't believe in # transfers, and I don't do recordings.
23:58.51Drukeni'm just telling ya what mark said in his comments

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.