irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050206

00:00.24empire667Juggie: I'm going to start the machine
00:00.55Juggieempire, nope.
00:01.01Juggiei did nothing with the kernel
00:01.05Juggieother then make one symbolic link
00:02.41*** join/#asterisk zimdog (
00:04.07zimdogIs their a sip command in the cli to show logged in users?
00:05.00zimdogAlso a way to just debug a specific sip extension?
00:05.27Juggie'sip show peers'
00:06.03Juggie'sip debug ip'
00:06.35zimdogJuggie: sip show peers seems to show users who have not successfully logged in
00:07.51zimdognever mind I guess if they don't have an ip they are not logged in
00:07.57Juggieyah, when they have an ip and port they are logged
00:10.56|Vulture|and if you turn qualify on you can see their latency...
00:11.07zimdogJuggie: can I log this sip debug IP so I can look at it before it scrolls off the screen
00:11.41zimdogI see a sip history
00:11.56*** join/#asterisk sandjunkie (
00:12.05Juggiezimdog, use a scroll back buffer?
00:12.21Juggievul, do u know how i can make my IAX commands (with passwords) not show up in the CDR?
00:12.49zimdogI am but doesn't store enough guess I can crank it up higher
00:12.50|Vulture|Juggie: I pass all mine to another extension, and use global variables
00:12.57|Vulture|globals will protect them
00:12.59jerliquehi - I'm trying to oget agent logins working. I can authenticate to * and then it plays hold music to me.  If I hangup, I get logged off as an agent
00:13.12*** join/#asterisk dr342346 (
00:13.31dr342346OK seriously I need a fully functional IAX softphone program that is not glitchy any suggestions
00:13.40dr342346I have tried IAXcomm too glitchy
00:13.52dr342346and other i have tried
00:13.58|Vulture|hardphones are just so sexy
00:13.59brc_~google diax
00:14.08dr342346does it have Hold / transfer and all those good buttons
00:14.11brc_dr342346, *FREE* softphones are *CRAP*
00:14.16brc_no it does not
00:14.50dr342346also diax seem to be in german
00:14.51dr342346or such
00:14.58dr342346or russian
00:15.16zimdogHow hard is it to install * as a user in a home directory?
00:15.18brc_you can a. write your own. b. pay somebody to write it for you. or c. buy a commercial softphone *AND*HIGH*QUALITY*soundcard and headset
00:15.25brc_zigman, have you even looked at the Makefile?
00:15.30dr342346I just really want to use the builtin IAX and not go w/ sip since there seem to be nat problems occationally and IAX has good tranveral
00:16.02brc_diax is very usable in english
00:16.06zimdogbrc_: yes Do I just have to change the installer paths?
00:16.37dr342346i must have gotten the wrong version
00:16.41sandnigg0rcan you get a used pbx phone or one from radio shack to work with hardware supported by asterisk?
00:16.42zimdogok just asking cause didn't see anything in the wiki etc
00:16.45brc_nothing beats eyeBeam on features though
00:16.48sandnigg0rfor cheep?
00:16.59brc_chicks cheep
00:17.03dr342346so you say free softphone are there any non-free ones that are good that have all the little features that asterisk supports
00:17.07iMediaxWhat codec is this or where the heck is it getting this 63488 from? "No translator path exists for channel type IAX2 (native 63488)"
00:17.15dr342346is eyebeam IAX
00:17.20brc_dr342346, not for IAX
00:17.36dr342346wow ... so should i just go w/ SIP
00:17.41brc_SIP can work fine over nat when done properly
00:17.45dr342346I use iLBC codec
00:18.40brc_sandnigg0r, a analog phone can be interfaced to asterisk with the proper hardware yes
00:18.46dr342346so if there are no good softphones with IAX and there is like 1 hard phone why would people use IAX
00:19.11brc_sandnigg0r, it's very unlikely a "used pbx phone" will work though...
00:19.16sandnigg0rbrc_, i want to hook up a normal pbx phone. how cheep could i get one used or at radio shack?
00:19.23Luhiwui'm working on a windows iax softphone based on the iaxclientocx
00:19.23sandnigg0rthat sucks
00:19.33brc_dr342346, just look at the name...InterAsteriskExchange
00:19.55Strom_TMsandnigg0r, use either a standard analog telephone set with an ATA or a Zap card, or use a SIP phone
00:20.33brc_sandnigg0r, if you are looking for a pbx on the cheAp your best bet is to look on ebay for a used can get em quite cheAp
00:20.41sandnigg0rStrom_TM, if i do that will it be voip? or analog?
00:20.55brc_that don't make no sense at all
00:20.55jerliqueWhy does an agent get put on hold after loggin?
00:21.04brc_jerlique, simply the way it works.
00:21.18brc_jerlique, at asterisk console           show application agentcallbacklogin
00:21.22*** join/#asterisk wwalker_ (~wwalker@wwalker.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
00:21.52Strom_TMsandnigg0r, with an analog phone, analog until it gets digitized, either at the ATA or in the zap card
00:21.55sandnigg0rbrc_, i mean if i use analog phones. When i call one phone from the other will it convert the audio and send it to the other phone or what?
00:22.01jerliqueso does this mean that the agent will be called by * when an applicable comes in?
00:22.06Strom_TMwith a sip phone it gets digitized inside the phone
00:22.07brc_sandnigg0r, yes
00:22.17sandnigg0rStrom_TM, ok thats what i was wondering
00:22.24brc_jerlique, please go read the documentation I gave you
00:22.32jerliqueI am now thanks :)
00:22.34sandnigg0rbrc_, thanks
00:22.39sandnigg0rStrom_TM, thanks
00:22.47brc_if you've got any questions after that leme know though
00:22.49Strom_TMsandnigg0r, even digital phones have to do analog-digital conversion before the transmitter and receiver will send and receive audio
00:22.53sandnigg0rStrom_TM, thats the cheepest way to set up asterisk?
00:23.11Strom_TMdepends on what you want to do with it
00:23.18sandnigg0rdo you know a good zap or ata card that is supported by asterisk
00:23.32sandnigg0rall i want to do is set up 2 phones on my home network
00:23.37dr342346I guess ill use SJPhone w/ SIp
00:23.40sandnigg0rto learn asterisk
00:23.40dr342346it seems to be working
00:23.43*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (~Nuke@
00:23.49dr342346are there any better SIP softphones
00:23.54sandnigg0rits just a development network
00:23.59dr342346or any recommendations other than SJphone
00:24.05sandnigg0rlab asterisk pbx rather
00:24.10sandnigg0rso i can learn
00:24.25brc_cheep  n.  A faint, shrill sound like that of a young bird; a chirp.             cheap    adj. 1. a.  Relatively low in cost; inexpensive or comparatively inexpensive.
00:24.37jbotsomething that should be drug out into the street and shot
00:24.39brc_dr342346, yes, eyeBeam from
00:24.51|Vulture|wow... Im deff not helping a guy with a name like that
00:24.54sandnigg0rto get started i can set up asterisk with softphones
00:25.09sandnigg0r|Vulture|, its liget
00:25.20|Vulture|how so?
00:25.23sandnigg0r|Vulture|, it only offends white people
00:25.32sandnigg0rmiddle easterns love me
00:25.34ManxPowerUnfortunatly SoftPhones must rely on the underlying OS as well as the underlying sound card and drivers.  This can cause extreme pain.
00:25.36|Vulture|I am middle eastern
00:25.48sandnigg0ri should do the analog way
00:25.54sandnigg0rthanks for the good infomaction
00:26.13ManxPowerOr a cheap IP phone or a cheap ATA
00:26.58dr342346thanks downloading now
00:27.08zimdogI am getting this message. SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete would this be a configuration problem in the xlite phone or in the isp conf?
00:27.11dr342346can you intereface this eyeBeam w/ video over SIP
00:27.51|Vulture|sandnigg0r: taajrt?
00:28.07*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
00:30.52brc_howdy |Vulture|
00:31.27|Vulture|sup brc_
00:32.06brc_it's not half bad
00:32.15implicitits all bad
00:32.17sandnigg0ri love it
00:32.24impliciti know
00:32.35sandnigg0ri been coding in c# from when was in beta
00:32.46brc_VisualStudio v8 is fairly nice
00:33.22implicitbrc_: if you like ugly bloated pieces of shit that force you to run the most viral operating system ever invented, you may be going crazy enough to 'think' it is fairly nice
00:34.04brc_~seen blitzrage
00:34.05jbotblitzrage is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 53 messages.  Is idling for 3h 49m 57s
00:34.33Juggie~seen Juggie
00:34.36jbotjuggie is currently on #asterisk (1d 8h 45m 20s).  Has said a total of 234 messages.  Is idling for 3s
00:34.44sandnigg0rbrc_, woodbiy or something like that?
00:34.52|Vulture|looking for yourself again Juggie?
00:35.21Juggiewanted to see how many messages
00:35.45|Vulture|~seen |Vulture|
00:35.46jbot|vulture| is currently on #asterisk (3h 6m 32s).  Has said a total of 33 messages.  Is idling for 1s
00:36.09|Vulture|you win
00:36.43Juggiei was helping some guy last night with doing click to talk kinda functionality.
00:36.47Juggiethats why :)
00:37.12Juggiesomeone had written a patch for Dial() to allow you to do commands after the dial on the second line, but before the bridge
00:37.27Juggieso i cursed them out, and told him how to do it with Dial & a Macro
00:37.31Juggiewithout a patch
00:38.10Juggieeg if u wanted to give the person who answered the second call a message say with a ticket number, and then wait for a # to bridge the call.
00:39.23*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
00:39.38ctooleyJerJer, are you around?
00:39.43|Vulture|ah gotchya
00:39.54Juggieif you do Dial with Mm
00:40.00Juggieyou can run music on hold on the original caller
00:40.07Juggieand the second caller will run through the macro
00:40.18Juggieand they dont bridge until the macro is complete.
00:40.58JerJerctooley:  nope
00:40.58jskcrhy all
00:41.10PoWeRKiLLEvening :)
00:41.21jskcrJer Jer, you need to setup a faq site for nuphone newbies.
00:41.41jskcrerr nufone sorry lol
00:41.44JerJerare you volunteering to write it?
00:41.51|Vulture|isn't that what the wiki is for?
00:41.56jskcryea, for a 800 account sure
00:42.18jskcr1000,  minutes a month Ill write a wiki and talk about your service on the radio show I do
00:42.45Juggiehow hard can it be
00:42.46implicitjskcr: you sure sell yourself cheap
00:42.49Juggieits just a IAX link isnt it
00:43.06implicitjskcr: something you could get $20 retail to do all that work
00:43.08empire667juggie: can you please check on your machine is you have /etc/dev/ttyI0 or /dev/ttyI0
00:43.13|Vulture|the radio adv. is more worthy depending how how many listeners
00:43.37empire667is ==if
00:43.48jskcrQuite a bit actually.
00:44.15Juggieempire, no i do not have that.
00:44.26empire667ok thanks
00:44.32jskcrI would write a wiki, just to see a stop to the stupid questions that have nothing to do with asterisk but still require some looking up.
00:44.58blitzragebrc_: yo
00:45.08|Vulture|jskcr: you mean like, how do I install *?
00:45.23|Vulture|actually how do I installl FC3
00:45.26blitzragejskcr: send me FAQ questions and answers for the FAQ section on
00:45.50jskcrNo, more like how to setup things the the speex codec and the recommended settings.
00:45.53ctooleyOk, so if I need to answer a lot of SIP calls from a SIP Termination provider.  more than one Asterisk server can handle.  But all fo the calls will come in on one SIP account
00:45.54ManxPowerblitzrage, What's your e-mail address?  I have an imap folder called Asterisk-FAQ
00:46.11blitzrageManxPower: leif at leifmadsen dot com
00:46.40ManxPowerDo you really want me to bounce 83 messages to you?
00:47.03ctooleyso I need some kind of Proxy, like SER, that can register the SIP account and hand off the work to the Asterisk boxes
00:47.04jskcrblitzrage: when you guys update the cvs on, I will
00:47.46ManxPowerblitzrage, looks like I can attach them all to one message
00:47.54blitzragejskcr: a bunch of new stuff just got committed today
00:47.59blitzragejskcr: and thats no excuse
00:48.11*** join/#asterisk porkchop (
00:48.14jskcrblitzrage: heheh, Ill d/l the cvs and write a speex codec setup for ya :)
00:48.14blitzrageManxPower: perfect
00:48.20blitzragejskcr: please do!
00:48.33ManxPowerblitzrage, on it's way
00:48.41blitzrageManxPower: perfect
00:48.51jskcrpoker cool.
00:48.57blitzrageManxPower: I'll add the FAQ stuff before you docs... which I have to figure out what to do with...
00:49.03blitzragenot sure where to put it on the site...
00:49.15blitzrageaiight, I'm out
00:49.47Juggiedoes asterisk work well with any T1/E1 hardware other then digium?
00:49.57ManxPowerblitzrage, LOL!  There's not THAT much stuff there.  Most of it is waves or codecs or AGI
00:50.09jskcrJuggie: Ive heard a few horror stories and fewer sucess stories.
00:51.00Juggiei ask because i had a meeting with the lawyers at work about using asterisk, and the problem is, we coudnt RFP for cards usable with Asterisk because there are only one... the laywer mentioned that could cause some problems related to some trade laws.
00:51.03brc_if you must you can still use tormenta 2 cards...but the digium te cards are a much newer design
00:51.17brc_Juggie, ahh
00:51.24brc_in that case, yes
00:51.31Juggiecompanies could bid challenge apparentally
00:51.37Juggiebecause we are keeping them out of the RFP
00:51.44brc_your pm's
00:51.52ManxPowerblitzrage, sending again.  My mailserver thought the attachments were named .com and so would not let me send them.
00:52.06zimdogwill a sip shown work through dialup just to test nat settings etc? I understand the audio would be bad quality?
00:52.23Juggiesip would work with gsm on dialup probally
00:52.30talkwebhostskeeps saying the number is busy
00:52.38brc_zigman, TOTALLY depends on what codec you use
00:52.47brc_sip just sets the session up...
00:52.48talkwebhostswhere should i look to fix this?
00:53.00brc_talkwebhosts, how about some more info?
00:53.16talkwebhostsi configured the sip file broadvoice
00:53.24jskcrblitzrage: On the speex stuff, I should just keep it in the same xml format as the cvs?
00:53.24talkwebhostsand restarted asterisk
00:53.25brc_zigman, look at the speex'll have to tune it for low bandwidth
00:53.30talkwebhostsand keeps saying number is busy
00:53.33talkwebhostswhen I try to call it
00:53.38brc_jskcr, yeah, it's docbook format
00:53.56jskcrzigman, if ya want the setup for speex just /msg me
00:54.47talkwebhostswhen i reload the config files
00:54.55zimdogJuggie: Think maybe I am having a nat problem. I have xten connected throguh dialup. have opened ports udp 5060 and 10000-20000 on the firewall. I can call an extension from the xlite phone on the ouside and the extension rings but no audio either way. If I call the xlite phone it does nothing but a fast busy
00:54.58talkwebhostsi got this : Unable to lookup
00:55.12talkwebhostsNO such host
00:55.32jskcrzimdog. thats a udp transport problem
00:55.42jskcrtry setting up the host in a dmz
00:56.08jskcrthen firewall the host so only the providers have access
00:56.57zimdogjskr: just playing right now on a home setup so don't really have that option
00:57.13jskcrahh,  what kind of router are you using?
00:57.30zimdogjskr: I do have a dedicated server though and was thinking about installing it ouside the fireall and then tunneling in with iax
00:57.59jskcrzimdog, thats one of the reason I love iax, you only have one port to worry about.
00:58.44talkwebhostsany idea why the number is busy?
00:59.34zimdogjskr: I was asking earlier how hard it would be to run * self contained so I could install as a user on dedicated server.
01:00.01jskcrzimdog, you would need to setup it in a chroot envoirment it is not too hard
01:00.15jskcrI run mine as asterisk user
01:00.33zimdogjskr: is there any docs on doing this?
01:01.52jskcrzimdog, theres is a script that comes with amp that sets the permissions to use a asterisk user and group.
01:02.25brc_~seen atacomm
01:02.26jbotatacomm <~dan@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 23h 5m 33s ago, saying: 'anyone want a IP 3000 conference phone?  looking to replace ours with a IP 4000 model.  Barely been used, in great condition.... looking for around $500'.
01:02.33jskcrbasicly its just creating a asterisk user and group and chowning the /usr/lib/asterisk and /var/log/asterisk and /etc/asterisk directories.
01:03.17jskcrIt does not require ports that need root IE  < 1024.
01:03.18*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
01:03.49jskcrerr dammit > 1024
01:04.04zimdogjskcr: Ok and I have not done a chroot environment before. But this would be a standard unix configuration like doing a ftp chroot?
01:04.35jskcryou dont really need to setup a chroot enviorment.
01:04.46jskcrI would recommend just using a regular user.
01:05.07zimdogok I would be safe just running as a normal user.
01:05.19jskcrIE create a asterisk user, if you are unfamiliar with setting up a chroot .
01:06.15zimdogI guess that would work. * install only in a few directories correct
01:06.16jskcrzimdog, as long server is firewalled you should not have a problem IE allow only you external phones and sip providers then if you do need external public access setup a pptp vpn.
01:06.49jskcror ipsec if your a paranoid.\
01:07.22zimdogThe dedicated server I have is outside of a firewall I believe.
01:07.35zimdogI use it for webserver currently
01:08.08zimdogI was thinking of running * on it and then IAX into my home office to get pstn from my zaptel
01:08.41jskcrThats a good idea, since iax only uses on port you can easily setup the vpn rules for it.
01:08.58jskcrerr s/vpn/firewall sorry
01:09.05jskcrThe red wine is kicking in :P
01:09.18zimdogOk when I install * on this server would I still need to download zaptel and libpri just for sip and IAX?
01:09.41ManxPowerzimdog, not unlesss you need ztdummy for IAX2 trunking or MeetMe
01:10.19hmmhesaysis IAX2 trunking still having issue's?
01:10.23jskcrYa ya only need the ztdummy for music on hold or the conferencing
01:10.41zimdogWell of course I want to be able to play with as meany features as possible. So I need zaptel for sure. What is libpri needed for
01:10.47Poincarehow do i take a second line with a grandstream?
01:11.18hmmhesayswhat do you mean
01:11.23*** join/#asterisk liquidno2 (
01:11.27Poincarewell, if there is a second call
01:11.43Poincarehow do i switch from the existing call to the new incoming call?
01:11.48hmmhesaysjust a guess, cause I don't know for sure... but the flash button?
01:12.27zimdogjskcr: for ztdummy to compile do I need to edit makefile first?
01:12.36jerliqueHow do I go about having different callerid for internal extensions as opposed to dialing externally.
01:13.01shido6jerlique set it in that protocols conf file or set it per call in the dialplan :)
01:13.17shido6set it in that protocols conf file using callerid="Name <number>"
01:13.22jerliqueok -thanks I'll take a look.
01:13.38shido6"/usr/src/asterisk/configs" is your friend
01:14.00Juggieif i combine the CDR records from two boxes into one table, how do i disginguish which record is from which server?
01:14.02jskcrzimdog what os and distro?
01:14.15Poincarehmmhesays: off course it was toooo simple :-) thanks
01:14.32*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (netsurfer@
01:14.48zimdogjskcr: It is a custom Redhat 7.2 install
01:15.50zimdogI wonder how hard it would be to compile it locally and then copy it over to the dedicated server
01:15.56jerliquethere is no protocols.conf file, even in that dir. google has no reference either
01:16.16jerliquewhere can I find the specifications on it.
01:17.49jskcrzimdog install the kernel source and the development so it can compile it should install just fine
01:17.56jskcrbrb heating grill
01:18.58shido6no no no
01:19.01shido6if u are using sip
01:19.03shido6u edit sip.conf
01:19.06shido6and edit the user and peer
01:19.07*** join/#asterisk lohelle (~post@
01:19.14shido6and add a line for callerid
01:19.15*** join/#asterisk guugmember (~nramos@
01:19.20shido6if u are using iax
01:19.22shido6then u edit iax.conf
01:19.30shido6that is what I meant by the protocol's conf file
01:20.04shido6u need look no further then your own box as the samples should all be there
01:20.50lohelleI have a script to generate a call file.. when I run  ./generate 12345678 it adds all info required to make a call to Zap/g2/12345678 to a call file.. (cont)
01:21.42lohellethe script is now modified to be like this ./generate 12345678 3 60      , where 12345678 is number to call, 3 is retries and 60 is waittime
01:22.11talkwebhostsif it says unable to lookup what should i do?
01:23.24lohellehow can I create a context to inpt this to the system app..   ? I can do it with _XXXXXXXX,1,System(/root/generate ${EXTEN}) to add just phone number.. but how to add more that one input?
01:23.56jerliqueAhhh, cool
01:24.48zimdogjskcr: Ok thanks.
01:25.05*** part/#asterisk pcm (
01:25.23Juggielohelle, look at Read() to read input
01:26.33lohelleif someone is interested.. the two scripts is at (and generate2.txt)
01:26.35talkwebhostsalright everyone
01:26.47talkwebhostsi got it to answer a call
01:27.22talkwebhostsbut it displayed this NOTICE pbx.c:1318 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find context from broadvoice
01:27.48jerliqueshido: I have callerid set in sip.conf already, but it presents this number internally as well as externally.  What I want is it to show callerid 204 for an internal call and say xxxxx204 for external calls.
01:28.01talkwebhostswhat do i do?
01:28.46Juggiejer, then in your callerid set the number to 204, and in your outgoing context write some code to modify the callerid to add the rest of the digits
01:29.00jerliqueno worries...
01:30.01talkwebhostsany idea of the pbx extension helper error?
01:30.17*** join/#asterisk Pulu (~chatzilla@
01:30.56*** part/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
01:31.35*** join/#asterisk dca (
01:31.57Juggielooks like the context isnt in extensions.conf?
01:31.58jerliquedont really know, but are you sure you have written the context listed in the broadvoice section??
01:32.03dcais there anyway to test SMP on my 5.3 install on a dual xeon?
01:32.18Juggiedca, test how?
01:32.20jerliquealso try search google for "pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find context from"
01:32.20dcaopp, sorry though i was in #freebsd
01:32.45guugmemberwhere can i find information about AGI?
01:34.24hmmhesaysthat's a good start
01:36.19guugmemberAGI seems like a huge power of asterisk, am i right?
01:36.49implicitit is just a part, i wouldn't say it is a 'huge' part
01:36.50hmmhesaysjust enables people to easily write functionality
01:36.56implicitits not really 'required' for people to do anything
01:37.00hmmhesayshe said "power" not part
01:37.26impliciteh, it is okay
01:37.37impliciteh, good if you want to do some rapid prototyping
01:37.40hmmhesaysit has it's place
01:38.00guugmemberi mean, it lets you do what other PBX dont, like Avaya
01:38.19guugmemberAGI is the power of Asterisk in term of integration, right?
01:38.47implicitthere are many different ways to interact with asterisk agi is one of them
01:38.48ManxPowerguugmember, AGI is ONE of the ways you can extend Asterisk.
01:39.09*** join/#asterisk freat (
01:39.09ManxPowerThere is also the Manager Interface and the C API.
01:40.11guugmemberManxPower, the maganer interface? will search for it
01:40.12*** join/#asterisk djMax (
01:40.31djMaxis there an easy way to normalize voicemail before saving/sending?
01:40.48ManxPowerdjMax, not really
01:41.12djMaxI suppose a cheating way would be to alter the sendmail script?
01:41.30guugmemberManxPower, what is the most advance and flexible?
01:41.44guugmemberManxPower, tool to extend Asterisk
01:41.51djMaxextend in what way?
01:41.56hmmhesaysit depends on what you are looking to do
01:42.12liquidno2like a pair of plyers
01:42.42freatI just jumped on... but I notice you're talking about API's...  has there been anywork to integrate JTAPI w/ Asterisk?
01:43.19freatJTAPI = Java Telephony API
01:43.54liquidno2What is the ring detection called? cadence?
01:44.03liquidno2ring cadence?
01:44.31*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
01:47.32*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
01:52.05redder86distinctive ring
01:54.43talkwebhostshow do i setup extensions?
01:55.04talkwebhostsi want it to answer and a voice to say what the extensions are
01:55.20talkwebhostsi am getting this error now No such host: 2001
01:55.33talkwebhostsUnable to create channel of type SIP
01:55.41Qwellsomebody has some more reading to do
01:56.06talkwebhostspoint me to the right direction
01:56.20jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
01:56.40*** join/#asterisk guugmember (~nramos@
01:57.51dr342346ok problems --- firstly i dont really want to spend 60 $ on eyebeam, 2ndly I was trying to use SJPhone which does everything i need except that... when you transfer to 700 to "park" a call SJPhone just transfers and kills the line and never tells you want extension to pick up on IE 701 .. 702 etc... Does anyone know of a way to fix this or another SIP softphone that doesnt have this same problem other than that I am quite satisfied w/ the
01:58.42*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (RatMan@
02:10.17Mavviewho knows, besides and, any other NAPTR based DNS directories?
02:13.01NethabMavvie: have you looked at dundi
02:13.21MavvieNethab: yes, but that doesn't work with NAPTR records, does it?
02:13.51Nethabit works just as well as e164, and has a dns interface too
02:14.00Mavvieaha, which zone?
02:14.27Nethabbut like e164 you have to put your numbers in, or service providers have to
02:15.48MavvieNethab: aha. But right now I'm looking for DNS servers which have NAPTR records.
02:16.06Nethabwhich has them all?
02:17.20Nethabi think the North American phone companies keep their records pretty secret unless you have a direct peering agreement with them
02:18.57Nethabin europe several countries keep a central list to help keep track, but here, they're quite the protectionists
02:21.02Mavvieaha, do you know one there?
02:21.17Nethabin europe?
02:22.11Nethabnope sorry
02:22.21Mavviebut you know which country?
02:22.57Mavvieaha, .dk has one
02:24.33brc_dr342346, so in otherwords, x doesn't do what I want, but y does, but I'm too cheap to pay for y, so how can I make x do it for free
02:25.37Qwellbrc_: I couldn't have said it any better
02:27.02Chujiwell my xten phone paired up to my bluetooth headset it almost cool
02:27.08ChujiWish it got better range
02:27.34ChujiBluetooth doesn't get near the range advertised
02:27.48Qwell30' is in the spec, right?
02:30.02jerliqueI'm playing with queue and agents.  When the incoming call comes in, it doesnt get allocated to any queue. How can I see why?
02:30.50*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
02:31.06Chujijerlique : Are you queuing the call?
02:31.52ChkDigitHas anyone ever experienced trouble with an FXO module for a Digium TDM400P not putting the line back "on-hook?"
02:32.10*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
02:32.23jerliquesorry did I miss an answer- was d/c
02:32.29ChkDigitIRQ for my card is unique unto itself.
02:32.35ChujiChkDigit : Yup, when it couldn't detect disconnect
02:33.07ChkDigitHow is it fixed, or is it defective hw?
02:33.20Chujijerlique : What does your queue line look like?
02:33.31Chujijerlique : in extensions.conf
02:33.57ChujiChkDigit : Just plugged into a pots line?
02:34.09ChkDigitChuji: Yup.
02:34.36ChujiChkDigit : put the logger in debug and see it shows anything interesting
02:34.46ChkDigitChuji: TDM400P, 3 FXS modules, 1 FXO...
02:35.00jerliqueexten => s,3,Queue(tech|T)
02:35.03ChkDigitChuji: As in the kernel module debug logging?
02:35.13Chujino, logger.conf
02:40.35jerliqueI've also tried with out the tech declaration...
02:41.40*** join/#asterisk lilneon (~tj_r3@
02:41.44lilneonhi everyone
02:42.37lilneonhey guys anyone knows how to make sjphone or some other softphone work on winXP behind a proxy and firewall??
02:43.26lilneonhello? where is everyone?
02:44.06ChkDigitChuji: Turned on logging, and now it is doing it intermittently...
02:44.09brc_all of our support agents are currently busy assisting other customer^H^H^H^H^H^H^Husers
02:44.27brc_all of our messsages will be answered in the order they were received
02:44.47ChkDigitI get the message zt_set_hook zt hook failed to set hook: Device or resource busy.
02:45.01brc_you are chatter number 242, your estimated wait time is fifty nine   minutes   and   twenty  seven   seconds
02:45.28*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
02:45.42brc_lilneon, basically, yes it can be done, yes it's a pain in the ass and will take you hours upon hours to figure out
02:46.52lilneonbrc_: care to give me a head start? i tried this thing which claims to bypass the proxy and firewall.. but sill nothing
02:46.53brc_simple way would be to forward port 5060 and 10000 - 20000 to the phone inside the nat
02:46.56jerliquebrc_ what are you refering to with the queues? I'm trying to set this up now
02:47.04brc_jerlique, eh?
02:47.09brc_I was making what is known as a joke
02:47.19brc_you're trying to setup wait time announcements?
02:47.25dan2is it possible to intercept calls?
02:47.34dan2like if someone is ringing Zap/2
02:47.34brc_dan2, eh?
02:47.41brc_see pickup groups
02:47.45dan2and you are on Zap/3, but want to pick it up, with an extension
02:47.49brc_yes it is
02:47.51lilneonbrc_: that would be a good option, but i don't have admin access to the router.. or server room for that matter
02:48.06brc_lilneon, can you use IAX2 instead?
02:48.14brc_figure out what your time is worth
02:48.40lilneonbrc_: yeah i could use iax2.. but they still have problems registering
02:48.40brc_then look at the price of an iaxy
02:48.48brc_then again, the iaxy's are far from prefect...
02:49.05brc_I've had good luck with eyeBeam and xpro from
02:49.11lilneonbrc_:other ppl connect to me fine... they can't ven ping my server
02:49.30brc_what you do really depends on the specific type of nat you have, and if there is nat on the server side, etc
02:49.59jerliquesorry..  catching conversations midway through...
02:50.25brc_lilneon, ?
02:50.41jerliquedo you know by any chance how to set them up?  I get calls coming in, but they are not being allocated to the queue..
02:50.44brc_lilneon, if you care to give me the specifics of where you have nat I might be able to make some suggestions
02:51.05brc_jerlique, well of course they aren't sent into the queue if you aren't telling them to go there
02:51.09brc_it's not magic you know
02:51.17brc_that's a great idea
02:51.38lilneonbrc_:the nat is on the client's side, with the softphone..  client(winxp,softphone)->proxy/nat->dsl->internet->myasterisk
02:51.42brc_we might need chan_mindreadinginterface too
02:51.55brc_asterisk has a public ip address?
02:52.24brc_jerlique, I have no clue what you mean "but they are not being allocated to the queue.."
02:52.41lilneonbrc_: well... port forwarded to it.. and works fine with other users... except those poor guys behind the nat/proxy @ the college
02:52.45brc_lilneon, obviously you have nat=yes in sip.conf?
02:52.52brc_what ports did you forward?
02:53.27lilneonbrc_:fowarded 4568-4570 (for IAX) and 5060 for SIP
02:53.35brc_and 10000 to 20000? nope
02:54.06brc_that's rtp
02:54.14brc_the college is most likely doing...stuff...
02:54.17brc_might even be blocking it
02:54.27lilneonbrc_: yeah that is wha ti figured
02:54.38brc_I'd forget about it...with sip at least
02:54.47lilneonbrc_:cuz they can't even call digium's servers as atest
02:56.39lilneonbrc_: so it seems both IAX2 and SIP blocked... dumb college i tutor would have loved it too.. not to mention given me some extra cash for coffee :)
02:57.32Juggiei just wrote a patch for cdr_addon_mysql
02:57.36Juggiemy first patch.. yay.
02:57.40implicitwhy not just change the port?
02:57.45Juggieall be it useles since realtime is comming
02:57.47Juggiebut none the less
02:57.57lilneonimplicit: talking to me?
02:58.36lilneonimplicit: change it to wat? did u have success with a simila scenario?
02:58.49implicityes, change it to something that is not blocked
02:58.56implicitand put your server on that port too
02:59.14*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
02:59.17Nethabwith IAX2 you can get by with one port, his suggestion is to find one that's open
02:59.39Nethabeven if it's 80
03:00.23lilneonNethab,implicit: ok so once i got the open port.. how do i set it in IAX?.. don't remember a 'port:' in the .conf file is there?
03:00.35lilneonor is it in iaxprov
03:01.15Nethabit's in iax.conf
03:01.40lilneonreally? cool.. ok
03:01.59lilneongone to try it out guys
03:02.02lilneonhope it works
03:03.00Juggieanyone with more then one asterisk server want to try a patch for the CDR module, so u can tell which record in your cdr table is generated by which server?
03:03.08harryvvWhat can one exptect to charge for a small 25 phone based * network on a percentage of a commercial one? I keep hearing the commercial ones can run 10-30k
03:03.38implicitlilneon: sorry i was afk go ahead and message me
03:03.44Juggieharryvv, you could find someone to do it for hardware+per hour
03:03.53Juggieit shoudnt be too expensive
03:04.02Nethabi think in iax.conf it's called bindport
03:04.18lilneonNetHab: ok cool
03:04.20implicitharryvv: $10k is decent
03:04.57Juggieincluding hardware?
03:05.03harryvvCustomer would be happy if thay even save 25% under that of a commercial system?
03:05.04implicitjust for work
03:05.07implicitnot for hardware
03:05.16harryvvThats the total package I am talking about
03:05.37Juggiehell, 25 sip phones with some outbound lines... i'd do it for alot less then 10k
03:05.39implicitif they want you to buy hardware it will be closer to 20k
03:06.10implicitJuggie: i can afford to charge 10k
03:06.21harryvvyea, the cards can be as much as 1k$ each?
03:06.53Juggieharry, do you have stats on your peak line usuage?
03:06.55bjohnsonharryvv: new wiring?
03:07.18ph3nixa commercial phone system can go for way more than 30k
03:07.21harryvvbjohonson, okay how many customers object to replacing there phones :)
03:07.30harryvvasuming thay are newer :)
03:07.38bjohnsonharryvv: depends on how much they like them
03:07.56bjohnsonright .. what kind of phones .. you're changing the question now
03:07.59jerliquecan anyone offer some suggestions to help me get agents/queues working?
03:08.18Juggiesip phones can go from 100-500$
03:08.47Juggiei finally got the Mitel 5055 working properly and not crashing, the firmware is buggy
03:09.00bjohnsonharryvv: 25 phone system you're looking at $10k in hardware + wiring + labour
03:09.12bjohnsonharryvv: likely $20k to finish
03:09.14brc_lilneon, you could always just run iax2 over another port.......
03:09.50Nethabbrc_: we told him that, try port 80
03:09.58lilneonbrc_: i was just told that.. question though, once i bind the port wont itaffect the other ports?
03:10.02harryvvbjohnson wiring is done by me or a wiring tech. Ive done collage cat5 install before. But then again mabey want to keep my hands clean :)
03:10.03bjohnsonharryvv: I don't know if voip is cheaper to purchase than a new pbx .. you win out on features and operating cost savings
03:10.09brc_lilneon, yep
03:10.16Nethabyou'll have to tell all your clients the new port in their phones
03:10.20brc_lilneon, oygjfiil
03:10.46brc_lilneon, or you could just use iptables to forward what ever alternate port you decide to use to 4569 iirc...
03:10.52lilneonbrc_:hmm..  k
03:11.05brc_might be complicated
03:11.08brc_can be done
03:11.26lilneonbrc_: yup.. another few sleepless nights
03:11.30bjohnsonharryvv: you have a comparison cost for a new system?  I'd guess it would be similar
03:11.34Nethabbad firewalls bad
03:12.06Juggieharryvv, 10k max for hardware
03:12.16Juggiethats with good phones
03:12.33harryvvbj, okay bpx for pbx phone for phone config for config asterisk vs commercial licenced system is about the same and this includes voip right?
03:13.15bjohnsonharryvv: I don't understand
03:13.19brc_me either
03:13.36brc_what's pbx
03:14.21netsurferhey bjohnson did u get the NAT problem fixed
03:14.30Juggieharryvv, if you are unconfident in asterisk get dualmode phones
03:14.35bjohnsonnetsurfer: not yet
03:14.46Juggieso if asterisk blows up in your face, you can drop in a cisco or mitel voip server
03:14.49Juggiehowever that wont happen
03:14.59brc_dual mode?
03:15.06brc_SIP is sip
03:15.15Nethaba phone that does more than one protocol
03:15.19Juggiebut the phones support more then one protocol
03:15.25postela rose is a rose is a rose
03:15.28Juggiemitel 5215/5220 do minet & sip
03:15.34bjohnsonharryvv: in a brand new .. walk into an empty building and start install system, I would think a * system would cost about the same as a commercial pbx
03:15.42Juggiecisco 7960 and others does skinny, mgcp and sip
03:15.58harryvvjuggie no its not that I am unconfident but...that is a good idea. Its good to have a backup system in the even the system goes down and the legality that comes with it.
03:16.01bjohnsonharryvv: operating costs and features would favour the voip solution
03:16.11brc_bjohnson, I think you'll find that asterisk can be considerably less after you factor in the commercial licensing costs for some of the advanced features asterisk has out of the box
03:16.22Juggieharryvv, then i suggest going with a major phone manafacture which has dual mode phones
03:16.24bjohnsonharryvv: it is rarely a walk into an empty building situation
03:16.27brc_emailed voicemail...I've heard avaya systems are about $6k per 50 users for this alone
03:16.29Nethaband figure commercial systems come with a per diam cost
03:16.33brc_call queues...
03:16.38Nethabper anum i mean
03:16.51shido6not to mention you dont need PRI's or E1's to get it up and running :)
03:17.00brc_harryvv, yes it is
03:17.04bjohnsonbrc_: depends on size .. he's looking at a 25 phone system .. not into the big boy territory
03:17.08shido6u can go all IP for inbound and outbound dialing
03:17.19postelJuggie: yeah, if you can afford deploying CCM *and*  asterisk in a corp env just to rollover to the other pbx if things go funny stay with CCM and get a support contract from cisco, you'll haev engibeers knocking on your door in 39.7 mins
03:17.22harryvvbjohonson I would suspect that is the case. Typically a existing digital phone system is in place and adding on to there existing commercial system might be brought up in a discussion.
03:17.34brc_harryvv, your "backup system" can not be a totally different system with totally different configuration and totally different firmware for the phones and still be considered a backup
03:17.42Juggiepostel, i ment to NOT purchase a CM or MINET voip server
03:17.44Juggiejust the phones
03:17.49brc_a plan e, *maybe*, a backup? no.
03:17.50harryvvbj, when I get confortable in small network sizes then move up of course.
03:17.54Juggiebut if all hell breaks loose, or legality gets in the way
03:18.03Juggieyou have the option of putting in one of those boxes
03:18.13brc_legality? what on EARTH are you talking about?
03:18.14Juggieand switching the mode of your phone
03:18.16Juggieso your phones arnt lost
03:18.34Juggiebrc_, some places dont like OS because their is unlimited liability
03:18.51brc_first of all, there, not their
03:19.17Nethabget two servers running HA-software, with shared storage, that's what we had where i just worked
03:19.22Juggieregardless of my spelling, my point is still valid
03:19.29harryvvbrc, when a phone or asterisk fails in the most critcal time of need like a 911 call does not go though.
03:19.35brc_second of all, if you read the end user license agreements that come with any commercial software at all you will find that they absolve themselves of any and all liability
03:19.39harryvvThats a big legal issue.
03:19.50harryvvI see
03:19.53bjohnsonJuggie: you're approach assumes a server problem and everything else continues to work .. backup hardware and a good backup system would handle that quite nicely
03:19.57Juggiebrc_, in the case of my organization, we negociate liability with the vendors
03:20.30bjohnsonlisten to Nethab
03:20.42Juggieso we have a contract with say microsoft which goes beyond what is in the EULA
03:21.00brc_harryvv, maybe I am not following what the hell you are talking about at all. If you have gizmo phones running a sip image connected to asterisk, and your backup plan is to switch to a gizmo image and a gizmo server, you ain't gonna do that instantly when your asterisk server goes down...
03:21.09Nethablisten to me? I don't even listen to ,e
03:21.18Juggiebrc_, no one is arguing that you can
03:21.30brc_sure sounded like that's what harryvv expected
03:21.45brc_talking about 911 calls and all...
03:22.12bjohnsonharryvv: it is common to have an emergency phone that will still work if the power goes out .. just make sure you have at least one of those and you should be ok
03:22.32brc_also known as TBFRP
03:22.41ChkDigitOk, I'm getting a little further with my Zap FXO module...
03:22.42brc_the big fine red phone (on the wall)
03:22.46Nethabyou have to look at it this way, if the power goes out, your phones will go down anyway, getting an FXO gateway hooked up for emergency failover isn't that hard
03:22.54harryvvyea, worst case scenario
03:22.56Juggieits not easy to keep voip phones running when the power goes out
03:22.58Juggiebut its possible
03:23.00brc_sure it is
03:23.01ChkDigitIt appears as though it will hangup the line, then pick it right back up.
03:23.17Juggieyou need to have enough money to have a nice battery backup
03:23.20brc_Juggie, why is it *any* different to an analog pbx?
03:23.24Nethabif your phones support multiple gateways, use the FXO as a backup
03:23.35Juggiebrc_, higher power demands
03:23.38bjohnsonPOE with battery backup would work in a power outage situation and wouldn't be possible with a standard pbx
03:23.44Nethaband keep only that and Power Over Ethernet if your phones have that
03:23.51bjohnsonbut I don't think harryvv was really talking about power outages
03:23.55brc_me either
03:24.00bjohnsonI think he was referring to stabilty
03:24.16PatrickDKhmm, normal pbx just needs a ups on the pbx, not the whole network/servers
03:24.36Nethabif you get phones that can use multiple gateways, use a SIP based FXO gateway. WOn't that work as a backup
03:24.40brc_I have a seperate network for the phones
03:24.40Juggievoip needs a ups on the pbx and the poe switch.
03:25.16brc_you should have your data network on ups's anyway though
03:25.17harryvvWhen I worked for a global fortune 500 company both data centers went down. It was panic time as all servers went down because of a stupid mistake by one of the firealarm inpectors. It causes the company to loose 1 million in transactions that day.
03:25.37bjohnsonPatrickDK: depends on "normal" .. that is true for handsets that get power from the line they are connected to .. exactly like a power of ethernet voip solution
03:25.38Juggieharryvv, someone hit the big blue button in our lab one day too :)
03:25.41Juggieshut down the entire thing.
03:25.42brc_harryvv, yup
03:25.44harryvvTook hours to bring up all the server
03:25.49bjohnsonpower OVER ethernet
03:26.08jbotpoe is probably Perl Object Environment, an event driven daemon architecture,
03:26.21Nethabis there a good SIP FXO gateway out there?
03:26.24jbotextra, extra, read all about it, poe is Perl Object Environment, an event driven daemon architecture,
03:26.26Juggiebut wrong answer for telephony
03:26.32brc_harryvv, what size company are you considering this all for?
03:26.39bjohnsonNethab: how many ports
03:26.44Chujiwhat the hell is jbot thinking?
03:26.51brc_could be that asterisk just isn't a good fit for what you require
03:26.56Nethabfor emergencies, probably only need one port right?
03:27.04harryvvbrc, I will start small mabey a insruance company with some small branch office  sites.
03:27.28brc_Nethab, depends on the size of the company
03:27.28brc_harryvv, numbers would be very helpful...
03:27.28Juggieharryvv, are 25 phones on one site, or multiple?
03:27.28brc_20 extensions? 500 extensions?
03:27.32bjohnsonNethab: Sipura SPA 3000 .. one fxo, one fxs .. in power outage or loss of ethernet connection, the fxs directly connects to the fxo
03:27.36harryvvbrc, Im not at that stage yet.
03:27.41bjohnsonNethab: $100 USD
03:28.01harryvvI would have to inquire on a company by company basis then go from there.
03:28.05Nethabi have a 3000, but if the office has all SIP phones, if * goes down, could they fail over to a FXO gateway
03:28.11Juggieharryvv, would your first implementation be one site, or across many sites.
03:28.30postelbrc_: really? there are possible voip deployments that * cannot scale to?    <brc_> could be that asterisk just isn't a good fit for what you require
03:28.50ChujiNethab : Yeah, you would just need to plug the fxs of the 3K into an FXO gateway
03:28.56brc_of course
03:29.08postelbrc_: share some examples with the rest of us
03:29.10brc_*nothing* can scale infinitely
03:29.37postelbrc_: NO deployment is infinite, its pretty deterministic if you ask me
03:29.39brc_I don't have personal experence with anything over 50ext
03:29.40bjohnsontotally depends on what you're comparing
03:29.46SedoroxQuestion... I just setup FWD via IAX.. (according to their IAX thing on their website)... when I dial '393612' I get '404' displayed on my phone.. and there is nothing in the asterisk console screen... any ideas?
03:29.49Juggiei wonder what would happen if u put 4 96port cards in a box
03:29.53Juggiethats 384 lines
03:29.57Juggieer more
03:30.02Juggieno nm thats right.
03:30.06ChujiJuggie : Too many interrupts
03:30.14bjohnsonfor someone that is completely happy with their one line home phone system, the thought of * is just ludicrous
03:30.20jerliquesedorox: so you did enable IAX on FWD?
03:30.26harryvvrisking a irq problem Like I did last night.
03:30.26NethabChuji: with the 3000 i would think going SIP in to FXO out would be easier
03:30.42JuggieChuji, are you sure? even with serial, usb, printer port disabeled
03:30.50Juggieonly a network card & video
03:30.54Nethabmy question is can the spa-3000 be used as a sip gateway to the FXO port
03:30.54Sedoroxjerlique: yes.. it says it registers with them... and I see the _393. extentions load... but when I dial it.. I just get that...
03:31.05ChujiJuggie : Not bios inturrpts, Interrupts per second
03:31.26brc_postel, what's the largest asterisk deployment you've done?
03:31.26bjohnsonNethab: I don't understand
03:31.32jerliquedid you wait ten minutes for FWD to enable it?  what does 'iax2 show registry' show
03:31.34QwellIf I wanted just 1 FXS port, what would you guys recommend?
03:31.34ChujiNethab : Yeah, I was thinking you meant in the event of a power outage
03:31.57Sedoroxjerlique: its been over 30 mins...
03:31.59brc_Qwell, depends
03:32.04ChujiQwell SPA 1001
03:32.05brc_Qwell, are you looking for an ata?
03:32.05postelbrc_: i dont work with * in the corp, we use CCM, i use * in my house caz i cant afford CCM
03:32.06bjohnsonJuggie: for that many fxs ports you would switch to a channel bank array
03:32.11brc_SIPura's work great
03:32.13Qwellbrc_: doesn't matter to me much, really
03:32.15Sedorox65.39.205.121:4569    589476         60  Registered
03:32.30Juggiebjohnson, not fxo ports, i was talking 4xTDM405P something like that
03:32.39jerliqueis the phone connected to * or FWD.  what protocol you using?
03:32.45brc_postel, so what do you think of CCM?
03:32.53Chujipostel : Even if you could afford it, why would you want CCM instead of *?
03:33.13harryvvbtw, from my experaince last night with a irq conflict on a x100p that even interoffice options cannot work like vm. I did not have a second phone to test the softphone could contact the second one. Regardless thats not good that vm would be blocked because the irqs decided to do a switch.
03:33.17Chujipostel : For the home enviornment, * is far better
03:33.26bjohnsonQwell: some of the voip providers include hardware .. you could look at that if looking to sign up anyway.  eg Broadvoice has free SPA 1001
03:33.27Nethabi think the question would be, how 'available' can asterisk be
03:33.40Qwellbjohnson: I'll just be using the pstn.  I already have an fxo
03:33.40Sedoroxthe phone is connected to *, which is connected to FWD.... for the phone to that * box.. I thinkG729 or something.. and for IAX.. I do have allow=ulaw... like I said.. followed there instuctions down pretty well
03:33.41postelChuji: caz i can find my way round it and i have access to cisco resources and people
03:33.43brc_postel, do you admin the ccm at your office?
03:33.50brc_how many people are on it?
03:34.10bjohnsonQwell: or you can buy for $65 .. but for $80 you can get SPA 2000 with 2 fxs
03:34.20postelbrc_: the network side of it, im an architect, i deal with trunks, the engineers handle the software
03:34.23Qwellbjohnson: buy what for $65?
03:34.24jerliquewhich phone are you using? is it sip or iax?
03:34.27Qwelloh, 1001, right
03:34.45Sedoroxsip... its a BT100...
03:35.00jerliquedo a 'sip show peers'
03:35.02zimdogWhat is the quickest way to get sip working with nat? I have the * server behind a nat firewall. I have opened prots 5060 and 10000-20000 udp. The xlite client can call an extension on the server but no audio is transmitted. The sip phone behind the firewall with * cannot call the outside sip phone goes straight to fast busy
03:35.03SedoroxI have it working fine to another asterisk box... over IAX.. and to another sip phone...
03:35.15jerliqueoh ok.
03:35.16SedoroxI can dial all extentions on the system.. the phone works.. save the FWD exten...
03:36.05zimdogI was looking at putting an asterisk on my external dedicated server but this might be to complicated. I am looking at SER right now which looks like it may solve the problem but seems like more than what is needed.
03:36.10Sedoroxits like it doesn't seperate the extention out... I tried just 393.. and 393612 (their time thing).. and 393.. then waiting.. and nothing...
03:36.16bjohnsonharryvv: that would have been a hardware problem and could be fixed in a variety of ways
03:36.25brc_zimdog, NAT=yes?
03:36.36jerliqueahh its 613 isnt it?
03:36.39brc_zimdog, sip.conf. read the sample. set nat=yes
03:36.50Sedorox: How can I tell it is working?
03:36.50Sedoroxamir: Test outbound by calling 393-612 to ....
03:36.51brc_zimdog, also, set externip= in sip.conf
03:36.59Sedorox613 didn't work either
03:37.13Nethab612 is time server
03:37.24Nethabthat worked for me even when echo server didn't
03:37.25bjohnsonQwell: I think the 1 port fxs units at voipsupply are $65
03:37.28jerliquehave you assigned the number to an extension ?
03:37.39Qwellbjohnson: I still don't trust the pricing at voipsupply
03:37.53Nethabvoipsupply's shipping is a ripoff
03:37.59Nethabvoxilla is cheaper
03:38.11zimdogbrc_: had the nat=yes for the extension entrty in the sip.conf already will try the externip
03:38.25SedoroxI have the... exten => _393.<.......> stuff in a context called [FWD-out] and I included it in with the other extentions of that nature that gets called
03:38.29QwellThey had a tdm40b listed as like $250, so I asked them about it, and they said "oh, oops, the price is wrong.  hang on, we'll fix it." "ok, done, try now." "umm, $400?" "oh, more try"
03:38.33SedoroxI haven't worked with this part of * before.. so...
03:38.33brc_zimdog, then setup a stun server and tell xlite what it is
03:38.40jerliqueto you have the [fromiaxfwd] context
03:38.43brc_or use fwd's stun server
03:38.45bjohnsonQwell: then voxilla
03:39.02Sedoroxok.. its included in local
03:39.09Sedoroxwell.. I have it as [FWD-in]
03:39.10zimdogis SER a stun server?
03:39.12Sedoroxbut yes.. have that setup too
03:39.29dan2how do I make stutter tone for mailboxes only go to specific Zap/n
03:39.30jerliquedo you include => fwd-in
03:39.39Nethabin extensions.conf my FWD setting is like this exten => _91393.,1,Dial(IAX2/fwd-out/${EXTEN:5})
03:39.48bjohnsonzimdog: if you have a server at the remote location anyways, run * there and use iax to connect the 2 iax serevers .. then sip can be used on that LAN
03:40.02Sedoroxboth of those context's are included in the local contect... and when I do a reload on asterisk.... I see it talking about the _393. loading
03:40.12brc_zimdog, no
03:40.14jerliquewhats it say
03:40.18SedoroxNethab: mine is similar.. just following the guude.. then I'm gonna be chnaging
03:40.46Sedoroxthrough priority 3
03:41.36bjohnsonbrc_: is it possible to use FWD as a STUN server?
03:41.50brc_you can leach off of their stun server though
03:41.57zimdogbjohnson: I don't really have two locations. I am looking at maybe where some users could connect through the internet to my * server
03:41.59brc_all a stun server does is tell you your public ip
03:42.22coppiceand port
03:42.22jerliquebrc: what software package do they use?
03:42.43bjohnsonzimdog: I'm looking at the same for SPA 2000s and would like to find a way to not require the externip setting in sip.conf
03:43.20brc_jerlique, for their stun server? I do not know
03:43.24bjohnsonzimdog: I know that FWD has a stun server available to the public but don't understand the role of the stun server.
03:43.24Nethabzimdog: i have my * server behind my linksys, and two users at remote dsl locations behind their own linksys
03:43.31brc_bjohnson, see above
03:43.40bjohnsonbrc_: gotcha
03:43.58brc_so then your sip client puts the correct ip in the SIP headers
03:44.15Sedoroxany ideas?
03:44.25bjohnsonbrc_: so I don't dial to it and then redial to my * server .. I just connect to the * server but config to use a stun server in the spa config
03:46.44*** join/#asterisk Tommmo (~tps@
03:46.54jerliqueno sorry.
03:47.04Tommmois it possible to have different sets of hold music for different contexts within asterisk?
03:47.23jerliqueactually have hyou done iax2 debug peer
03:47.31*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
03:47.34jerliqueand sip debug peer
03:47.44jerliqueand watch the logs?
03:48.05JuggieTommmo, you'll notice musiconhold.conf has dif sections
03:48.11Sedoroxgood idea
03:48.14Juggieor classes
03:48.17Juggiewhatever they call it
03:48.22*** join/#asterisk zimdog (
03:48.26Tommmook thanks
03:49.11firestrmanyone here have a grip on which are the good,bad and just plain ugly as far as SIP or IAX ip phones?. I need to buy 60 of them, i need something that is bulletproof, doesnt have to have many bells and whistles just reliable and failure resistant
03:49.58Tommmobudget for each, firestrm?
03:50.06firestrm< $100
03:50.20Tommmoi bought one of those sipura 841's and it seems great so far...
03:50.25zimdogbrc_: sorry computer rebooted
03:50.29JuggieTommmo, using the musiconhold tag u should be able to override it per sip user etc.
03:50.34firestrmor is $100 unrelistic?
03:50.37Tommmoyeah Juggie just found a doc about it
03:50.57*** join/#asterisk JochenA (
03:51.00Tommmofirestrm, i think this was $85
03:51.06Tommmoonly 1 ethernet port though ...
03:51.25firestrmTommmo, thats fine.. only needs one..
03:51.32Sedoroxgot it
03:51.37firestrmthey are for remote branch phones..
03:51.42porkchopI have a pair of Grandstream Budgetone 100s. $80ish. They're not bad, they do exactly what they're built to, but their codec set is a little limited. And theres no speeddial... they're pretty barren phones.
03:51.46crazyhickis the upgrade for the sipure 841 avaible yet?
03:51.49porkchopNot bulletproof
03:51.52Sedoroxfor some reason.. I couldn't have it included in the local context.. had to be included from the default context
03:51.55Tommmonot sure crazyhick
03:51.58porkchopThe latest firmware broke the message button
03:52.11shido6thats not true anymore
03:52.14shido6they have ilbc
03:52.15shido6and g729
03:52.21shido6they always had g729
03:52.24Tommmohas anyone managed to get one of the new grandstreams?
03:52.25shido6they now have ilbc
03:52.27Tommmowith the large LCD display
03:52.28shido6that works great now
03:52.39shido6on the LAN :)
03:52.39porkchopilibc sucked, did it not?
03:52.42Tommmoi've ordered one from but they don't answer emails :)
03:52.44ph3nixi like the polycom
03:52.49crazyhicki will never buy another grandstream.
03:52.52Tommmoyeah i have found the polycom excellent
03:53.03porkchop  <-- what I have
03:53.16bjohnsonbut different price bracket with the polycoms
03:53.21ph3nixi have a polycom and a 7960
03:53.42crazyhickporkchop  how long have you been using it.  I have had 3 everyone of them died within a year
03:53.43ph3nixthe 500's are like 150$
03:54.03porkchopcrazyhick: I've been using them all of three weeks.
03:54.05Sedoroxjerlique: thanks for your help
03:54.10brc_if you want a cheap phone I hear the SIPura phoens agre good
03:54.56bjohnsonbrc_: is there "issues" with "leaching" off the FWD STUN server?
03:54.58SedoroxI don't have problems with thius Budgetone 100
03:55.38firestrmthanks.. reliable is key.. it will cost me $600.00 for travel to fix em. and i have to give a year warrenty.
03:56.26Juggiehas anyone ever seen asterisk totally nuke cdr :) seems my iax is looping or something somehow
03:56.30Juggiewriting records over and over
03:56.40bjohnsonfirestrm: up your price by $300 and give them a few spares
03:56.45*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
03:56.53ariel_Good evening all
03:57.01firestrmbut its a 20k contract for almost nothing.. 3 * boxen connected to 50 phones..
03:57.11bjohnsonharryvv: ^^
03:57.36bjohnsonharryvv: those are cheaper phones that what we were talking about
03:58.34ariel_bjohnson, did you get your nat problem fixed?
03:59.28bjohnsonariel_: not yet .. I'm looking for a way to not need the externalip or the remote lan subnet of the remote sip
03:59.36firestrm<bjohnson> i have spares allready worked in.. the problem is its a northern community where most of the people dont shut down their computer because the tech flew in on a skiplane 3 years ago, started it up.. and never told them how to shut them down..
03:59.52bjohnsonariel_: reading about the use of stun servers .. my spa 2000s are supposed to support that concept
04:00.17QwellWho was talking about the relays the other night?
04:00.24ariel_actually most sip devices do support stun servers.
04:00.32ariel_But remember it's adding another layer.
04:00.59Nethabthe only problem for me is that my phones ip is the same as my * box according to stun because of nat
04:01.05bjohnsonariel_: but doesn't require any additional config if the device is moved
04:01.39bjohnsonNethab: they are one different subnets?
04:01.42ariel_bjohnson I was reading something in the provisioning guide about mac address tags.
04:01.49Nethabno all behind one linksys
04:02.05bjohnsonNethab: then why are you using stun?
04:02.05jerliqueIs there a debug comment for queues?
04:02.19bjohnsonariel_: yes/
04:02.23ariel_Nethab, only one device makes it at a time through a linksys port just one connection.
04:02.26Nethabbecause some of my users are remote on their own dsl
04:02.45ariel_bjohnson, do you need the pdf for this?
04:02.47Nethabeverything works fine is i don't allow reinvites
04:03.07bjohnsonariel_: I don't know.  What is it?  Is it in cvs stable?
04:03.23ariel_reinvites are a mess they don't really work with nats and fire walls.
04:04.12ariel_bjohnson, no it's the office sipura provistion doc.
04:04.56ariel_./office/ official
04:05.30bjohnsonare the mac addresses somehow used for NAT transversal?
04:05.40ariel_Nethab, besides if you allow reinvites you don't have good cdr's on accounting of time use.
04:05.47Nethabmac addresses are not portable beyond your local subnet
04:06.24ariel_bjohnson, when the sipura gets login it can find the server and tell it where it is. This way you an setup via pre-defined scripts there settings.
04:06.47Nethabnot concerned about cdr really, i just don't want my grandma in texas to travel through california to talk to my aunt in washington
04:06.53ariel_it just uses the mac address to the server to get the right config file.
04:07.43ariel_Nethab, how do you know that they don't just do that any way. Have you seen the internet routes?
04:08.10Nethabbecause my 128k dsl can't handle them talking and me talking to someone else
04:08.16ariel_I can traceroute something from here in Miami and to NJ and it ends up going via dallas.
04:08.38ariel_ah then get them fwd numbers
04:09.13ariel_or put your own router like m0n0wall.
04:09.30*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (~sudhir@
04:09.35sudhir492Hi all
04:09.48Nethabeverything works fine, it's just going through my * server
04:09.54ariel_sudhir492, welcome and join the fun.
04:10.05sudhir492sure. Thanks
04:10.21ariel_Nethab, well you have to live with some things to get it right.
04:11.25firestrmnext Q.. if i have a pots line that i want to answer with *, but its in a remote location.. do i have to build another * box for that location? of is their some sort of FXO -> ip converter?
04:11.33ariel_This world is just full of compromise
04:12.03ariel_firestrm, use a ata like sipura 3000
04:12.51firestrmariel_, that will work on incoming pots calls?
04:13.10ariel_firestrm, yes it has one fxo and one fxs port on it.
04:13.19firestrmor is that a FXS to ip
04:13.37firestrmariel_, cool thanks.. i will chack that out
04:13.43ariel_no fxo goes connected to the pots line fxs gets connected to the phone.
04:14.38firestrmariel_, there is no phone to connect to.. all phones are IP phones fed from a central * server, i need a way to get a remote pots line to a central * server
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04:15.03ariel_firestrm, yes that is a way.
04:15.56bjohnsonfirestrm: I love my SPA 3ks but if you need more than 1 pstn line ..there may be better ways
04:16.11firestrmariel, thanks.. so for 10 1b lines i would have to have 10 sipura 3000 units.. yes?
04:16.44PatrickDKfiestrm, are all 10 pots lines in the same location?
04:16.45bjohnsonfirestrm: 1 nice selling point to the 3k is the failover connection between the fxs and fxo .. plug in an analog phone and you have emergency failover
04:16.47ariel_firestrm, no in that case you need a channel bank
04:17.11bjohnsonwell .. he COULD use 10 SPA 3000s
04:17.18firestrmbjohnson, good point.. perhaps at least 1 1b line will be spa 3ks
04:17.21bjohnsonjust might not be the best
04:17.21ariel_10 pots lines are not your normal send over the net to me type of setup.
04:17.43bjohnsonright .. should be looking at PRI if over 8 line
04:18.37PatrickDKheh, wish I could get a pri for a descent price here
04:18.49firestrmbjohnson, i dont know if they will give us a pri.. its a middle of nothern nowhere community. the 1b lines come in as analog from a city 110km away
04:18.50PatrickDKhave 11 lines, for pots, paying like $250
04:18.59PatrickDKfor pri they wanted $530
04:19.10Juggiethats 23 lines though
04:19.12Juggiethats not horrible
04:19.13bjohnsonPatrickDK: full pri?
04:19.17PatrickDKno, partial
04:19.25bjohnsonright .. double the lines for dounle the price
04:19.27Juggiethats different
04:19.33bjohnsonplus pris have some neat tricks
04:19.39PatrickDKya, I wanted pri
04:19.40Juggiepri's should be cheapr
04:19.46Juggiethey cost the telco less you'd think
04:19.50PatrickDKthen the told me they couldn't even give it to my, they made a mistake
04:19.59firestrmso what is a channel bank, and where do i get one?
04:20.26PatrickDKchannelbank basically joins or splits 23 pots lines to one t1/pri line
04:20.26bjohnsonfrom what I read, PRIs cost about 23 times what the single pstn lines cost .. so no savings there .. but you get some neat features
04:20.43bjohnsonPatrickDK: up to 23
04:20.44Juggiea channel bank will break out a t1 into analog ports
04:21.05ariel_firestrm, you need one and an asterisk box at that location.
04:21.05bjohnsonerr .. might be 24
04:21.19PatrickDKbj, 23
04:21.33PatrickDKthere are 24channels, but one is used for signaling
04:21.36Tommmo1 taken for signalling
04:21.42bjohnsonfirestrm: tzanger suggested the adit600 for fxo configs .. check ebay
04:21.44Juggiet1 can be 24 though
04:21.50Juggieyou dont have to have the signaling channel
04:21.53Tommmoyeah if a single D channel is used among multiple
04:21.54ariel_If there bring 10 pots lines to your location in the boonie you need to check with them due to they might already have them as a t1 line there.
04:22.04PatrickDKjuggie, only if you kill your voice quality
04:22.16ariel_So that means you just get a digium T100p and a small asterisk and use iax2 trunking to send them over the net.
04:22.19*** join/#asterisk juice (
04:22.25JuggiePatrickDK, perhaps, but its possible
04:22.35bjohnsonfirestrm: plus t1 card from digium plus cabling to split the channel bank output to analog jacks
04:23.38Tommmoany recommended brands of channel banks ?
04:23.44firestrmbjohnson, can i have the channel bank remote and the t1 card local with 10MB full-duplex VLAN inbetween?
04:23.46Juggiefirestrm, what do u want to do, use asterisk with a channel bank to provide analog ports?
04:23.49bjohnsonPatrickDK: I don't have a cb .. but I read it is common to use the 24th port in that situation
04:24.04PatrickDKfirestrm, no problem
04:24.07ariel_adtran makes what I call the best for the price of channel banks.
04:24.22PatrickDKbjohnson, ya, can be, actually, if he is just doing channelbank to asterisk, run e1, get 30channels
04:24.32PatrickDKunless a e1 channel bank gets to be too hard to find
04:24.40firestrmJuggie, no im joining remote, no phone service communitis with terrestrial microwave voip phone service
04:24.43ariel_e1 in the states to a c/b bad idea.
04:24.55ariel_been there tried that.
04:25.46ariel_adtran's 750/850 cb are about 400 to 500 dollars on ebay. they do both it just depends on the board you get it with.
04:25.50bjohnsonfirestrm: don't know what issues you might face if switches and routers and stuff between the cb and the * t1
04:25.58Juggiefirestrm, i'm not sure about running the t1 across the vlan i dont know how you'd do that... no idea :)
04:26.01zimdogarrrrg. I think I am going backwards with this nat problem
04:26.14Juggieyou could put an * on both ends
04:26.19Juggieand trunk them over the 10mbit vlan
04:26.22Tommmofirestrm, can i make a suggestion
04:26.28bjohnsonzimdog: I think I just got mine working by using a stun server
04:26.35firestrmTommmo, go ahead
04:26.42PatrickDKfirestrm, oh heh, no, you can't connect a channelbank to the network
04:26.57Tommmoput a RAD e1/t1 to ethernet converter on both ends
04:27.02Tommmoconnect the channelbank to that
04:27.07Tommmothen a t1 will pop out on your end
04:27.19Tommmono need for asterisk on each end
04:27.37JuggieTommmo, how much does t1<=>ethernet cost?
04:27.41Tommmofew hundred
04:27.51Juggiedoes it operate with an ip?
04:27.52Tommmoi think around $1000 AU , maybe $600-700 US ?
04:27.57Juggieis it an ethernet device?
04:28.02bjohnsonmust be
04:28.05Juggieor does it just take the entire cable
04:28.12Juggiethat may work
04:28.14zimdogbjohnson: cool if it works give me some pointers. I just connected to the local lan with the xlite machine and now I can't connect at all. I get call not approved
04:28.14Juggiebut at 600us
04:28.18Juggie* could be cheaper.
04:28.19firestrmTommmo, are these mysitcal devices made by RAD?
04:28.21Tommmoit could be
04:28.27Tommmobut there is less to go wrong
04:28.43bjohnsonzimdog: might be device specific .. don't know xlite .. I used SPA 2000s
04:28.45Tommmoand if it's a remote site, it may be worthwhile
04:28.59JuggieTommmo, at least with * on both ends he could do some local routing as well
04:29.01Juggiefor local calls
04:29.04ariel_dell sc420 less then 400 dollars. nice asterisk trunk failover device at the other end.
04:29.14zimdogbjohnson: what stun server are you using? and is it outside the nat
04:29.18TommmoJuggie, could do, i guess it depends what he's trying to achieve
04:29.22Juggiewhats a sc420 do?
04:29.28bjohnsonzimdog: take config that works on local lan.  Enabled NAT support and NAT keep alive,.  Enabled STUN server and put the FWD one.  Done
04:29.29Yoda-BZH`ZzZune bonne nuit je vous souhaite ! / A good night I wish you
04:29.36ariel_Juggie, it's a Dell Server
04:29.47Juggieoh ok
04:29.54Juggiei thought it was something non server of some sort.
04:30.23zimdogso you just pointed the stun server setting on the phone to fwd's stun server?
04:30.30ariel_Juggie, only ones non server that I have used are ata gateways like the mediatrik and audiovox.
04:30.42ariel_They have there good points and many bad points.
04:30.58Juggieariel_, with a 10mbit vlan i would put * on both ends.
04:31.14bjohnsonzimdog: yes .. and enabled nat on the phone.  Oh.  and added nat=yes to sip.conf (only change I remember keeping)
04:31.17ariel_Juggie, so would i.
04:31.27Juggiegives you routing to push local calls, as well as trunk calls over the vlan with iax to the other box then out to the pri or whatever
04:31.32NormAstSpeaking of PRI's   I have and * box with 4 PRI's in it and another box with a second pri.    I can do Dial(Zap/G1/#) on the first box and it will get an outbound trunk.. If all lines are full I want it to use the PRI on the second box.. Any easy way of doin' this and keeping the dial plan simple?
04:31.33jerliqueariel: whats wrong with the mediatrix?
04:32.02ariel_NormAst, dial rules.
04:32.02NormAstVirtual PRI group?
04:32.12zimdogbjohnson: did you et the stun server ip from the wiki?
04:32.28ariel_jerlique, nothing once you get them configured. Worst configuration setup I have run into.
04:33.17bjohnsonNormAst: check out the superdial macro on the wiki
04:33.41zimdogbjohnson: never mind found it will give it a try
04:33.48NormAstHmm...Like the idea of a Virtual PRI group...  Take 3 PRI from Box A and 1 from box B... And do a Dial(Zap/VPRI_GROUP/#)
04:33.58h3xNormAst: its easier than you think
04:34.02bjohnsonNormAst: tries one route and if not available, fails gracefully back to extensions.conf for a second call to superdial through another channel
04:34.03ariel_jerlique, Also they have a bad 2 sec dead silence that I have not been able to get ride of when transfering a call over.
04:34.12h3xif its "busy" then the +101 line in your dialplan can dial IAX to the other box
04:35.11bjohnsontrust me .. check out the superdial macro
04:35.20h3xi havent heard of superdial
04:35.22h3xmaybe its coz im running stable
04:35.39ariel_h3x, hello how are you doing?
04:35.39bjohnsonit's a macro .. not a * application
04:36.04bjohnsonrolls the 1+101 stuff into a macro
04:36.10ariel_macro is a fancy name for predone scripts. they work and can be your friend.
04:36.37bjohnsonadds a few other args like setting CID and cdr account
04:38.19jerliqueariel: great - I have a couple coming to me for eval shortly.
04:39.11jerliqueAre there any commands to enable debuggin for queues?  I am allocating a call to a queue and its not appearing in it.
04:39.40*** join/#asterisk lilo (lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode)
04:40.20NormAstCan two * boxes share a Dial Plan?
04:40.43firestrmNormAst, good wuestion
04:41.03NormAstI know cp extensions.conf to second server..
04:41.05h3xthere are examples of how to do that in the extensions.conf and stuff
04:41.05file[laptop]DUNDi... IAX2 Switch...
04:41.24h3xlike file said...
04:41.54file[laptop]those are the two that come to mind...
04:42.13ariel_Well it's late and I need to get up early. (Baby in the house). See you all in the morning some time I hope.
04:43.37Nethabwhat about a shared database
04:43.56file[laptop]realtime yes... you could
04:45.39NormAstfile[laptop] Is there a better way of linking two * boxes other than IAX.  I have alot of TDM to TDM bridging, in a single box.  And I need to add another.
04:45.58Juggieiax is the best way
04:46.23NormAstAlot of over head?  Jitter?
04:46.32Juggiedepends on your lan
04:46.44Juggieif setup iax to run ulaw
04:46.45Nethabtrunking should take care of overhead, jitter is a function of your connection
04:46.53Juggiethen there is no transcoding
04:47.09Juggiebecause audio comes off your tdm card as ulaw and then is passed
04:47.19NormAstSo I guess TMD in to IAX to TMD out.
04:47.22Juggieasterisk doesnt touch it
04:47.41Juggieyeah that will work
04:47.58NormAstAny options I might want to add to the IAX conf?
04:48.00Juggieif you are doing alot of TDM->TDM bridging, whats your application?
04:48.23JuggieNormAst, remove all the accounts except for the guest account
04:48.34Juggieset your bandwidth to high, disallow all codecs, and allow ulaw
04:48.35NormAstI have pri's to different locations and let people call between the locations for a flatrate fee.
04:49.15Juggiecalling internal extensions? or regular telco numbers?
04:49.30NormAstRegular telco numbers.
04:49.49Juggieand u keep a list of free numbers at each location?
04:50.02Juggieor free exchanges
04:50.03NormAstI have a list of ACCESS number
04:50.03Juggieor w hatever
04:50.24NormAstand a dialplan that let's them call only ON-NET locations.
04:50.58Juggieand how are you doing your routing to those locations at the moment?
04:51.09NormAstI back haul the PRI from the location.
04:51.36Juggieok i think i got it...
04:52.20Juggienow, did u want to add asterisk servers to your location where you host one now?
04:52.23Juggieor at one of the remote sites?
04:52.46NormAstI am going to add them add my Co-Location..
04:53.01firestrmariel_, you suggested using the spa-3000 for single incoming b1, what would that look like as far as aterisk and incoming calls are concerned? Im not sure how i would intergrate that into my extensions.conf
04:53.14NormAstSome time's the back haul charges are cheaper than the bandwidth required.
04:54.38SexyKenIs there real time call monitoring in Asterisk?
04:55.36*** join/#asterisk PTG123 (
04:55.38netsurferSexyKen - sip show channels works for sip
04:56.03SexyKennetsurfer I mean the ability to listen to a conversation. So a tech admin can listen to his techs phone calls in real-time
04:57.27netsurferit used to be possible with sip but the command was removed, can only do it with zap channels now,ZapBarge I think it is
04:57.34bjohnsonfirestrm: it just comes in as a SIP call .. send it to a context that has a s extension
04:58.27firestrmbjohnson, so the spa will take care of picking up the line and transfering to * ?
04:59.02zimdogwhat is rport for ? I think maybe this is causing a problem with nat and a polycom being able to register
04:59.06bjohnsonlittle trickery required to get the 3k to send cid info to * BEFORE answering the call .. but info on the wiki for that
04:59.10firestrmbjohnson, im looking at a few units on ebay.. anthing to watch out for.. eg can they be perminatly locked somehow?
05:00.16bjohnsonI don't think so .. but spa deals on ebay are rare.  Just shop at voxilla or voipsupply
05:00.38bjohnsonfew users sell their spa's.  They're too good
05:01.04firestrmbjohnson, thanks..
05:02.56zimdoghow do you connect to a cisco ata186 ? I went to the ip and it says invalid access. Do i need a certain port?
05:03.54Tommmozigman, try http://ip/dev
05:04.29zimdogthanks Tommo
05:04.44firestrmanyone try the Telefinity phones in iax mode? Reliable?
05:05.17bjohnsonI think Aginamu has one of the Telefinity
05:06.43firestrmbjohnson, i will look for him to come online and ask.. thanks again :)
05:09.24firestrmugg.. voxilla only ships UPS.. that rules them out.. bummer.. good price too..
05:10.07*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
05:10.17jerliqueParsing '/etc/asterisk/queues.conf': Found
05:10.25h3xNormAst: the problem with hauling lines as tdm is you need echo cans
05:10.26jerliqueooops Sorry!!!
05:10.38liquidno2paste buffer attack!
05:10.40h3xand its illegal to haul TDM local dialtone across LATA boundaries
05:10.59firestrmLATA? TDM?
05:11.13h3xtdm, basically not VoIP :P
05:11.23implicitTDM == time division multiplexing
05:11.23h3xtime division multiplexing
05:11.51firestrmwhat is lata?
05:12.00firestrmsounds like a car :)
05:12.04implicitit is
05:12.04h3xlocal something transport area
05:12.06h3xits a group of area codes
05:12.23*** join/#asterisk ionix (
05:12.31firestrmso its illegal to transport a phone call over area codes?
05:12.32ionixHey, how do I delay a call in outgoing to be placed ?
05:12.39implicitfirestrm: not quite
05:12.45ionixI am trying to make a callback AGI
05:12.51h3xi said group of area codes.
05:13.06jerliqueIs it normal for asterisk to ignore foney applications and not give errors, eg exten => s,4,Fake()
05:13.12h3xits very illegal to haul local dialtone T1s across lata boundaries
05:13.16h3xis my point
05:13.20h3xwithout converting it to voip first
05:13.23liquidno2Local Transport and Access Area
05:13.25h3xat the very least
05:13.33h3xeven then you are in a shitload of trouble if you pass the caller id through
05:13.39h3xyeah thats it
05:14.13firestrmwhy would they be so concerned about that?
05:14.24h3xbecause its long distance revenue bypass
05:14.29ionixfcc regulation firestrm
05:14.30liquidno2LATA's are Bells life blood
05:14.31h3xfor not only telcos but the government
05:14.34firestrmso is voip
05:14.39liquidno2they get to charge more to cross them
05:14.43liquidno2and they love it
05:14.46h3xNormAst, IXCs charge to cross them
05:14.49h3xi mean NO
05:14.51h3xnot normast
05:14.53h3xstupid nick completion
05:15.23h3xLECs transport inside of the lata
05:15.27NormAstnot in canada.
05:15.34firestrmso they must be pissed about VOIP then.. it does the same thing effectivly
05:15.57h3xwell canada is different, but i suspect its worse
05:16.15bjohnsonI always suspected it couldn't be worse than US
05:16.27firestrmh3x, not worse, just taxed more
05:16.28h3xwell its all run by canada bell
05:16.41h3xor bell canada as us non frogs would say hehe
05:16.42bjohnsonnot exactly
05:16.52firestrmh3x, you can do anything you want in canada, as long as you pay a tax on ut
05:17.02liquidno2There was interesting question that Cavuto asked the CEO of AT&T the other day...
05:17.05h3xthey have clecs (a few) and ixc's but not a whole damn lot
05:17.09bjohnsoncrtc .. Bell is a huge influence
05:17.16liquidno2about if it was the right decision to spin the bells off
05:17.23h3xthe other problem is moving tdm calls around with no carrier license
05:17.26h3xin general
05:20.50NormAstyea... The CRTC tries to help.
05:21.04h3xthe fcc sucks.
05:21.06h3xwe're so screwed soon
05:21.54Juggie"ohhh canada... our home and native land...."
05:21.55*** join/#asterisk sandjunkie (
05:22.15h3xthey are gonna let all these emerging voip providers operate under this clout of "enhanced service provider" for a little while and then fuck everybody up requiring a carrier license
05:22.41implicith3x: then people will go to canada and run the same shit
05:22.42h3xthen the state puc's will get slammed with applications and wont be able to fulfill them for 8-14 months
05:22.51*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
05:23.02h3xand meanwhile they have to cease operating their businesses and lose all their customers
05:23.12h3xQwest has already halted my order of two tdm DS3s
05:23.18implicitinternet is internet
05:23.20h3xbecause they are under fire from the FCC for selling TDM to voip providers
05:23.37implicitis that illegal??
05:23.40h3xfacing a $1.2M fine per occurance due to the AT&T callvantage shit
05:23.50h3xits not illegal, but the way it gets billed is i guess
05:23.58implicithow is it getting billed?
05:24.01h3xthe problem is their contract has to be redone and now i have to wait 4 or 5 months
05:24.21h3xapparently they aren't dealing with the tax and usf issues correctly
05:24.28AgiNamuAnd it does not take the branch
05:24.40h3xnot much
05:24.42implicith3x: i think there are just loopholes :)
05:24.46h3xprobably going to sell my data center.
05:24.48brc_ELI SUCKXORZ
05:24.52implicith3x: that they don't like
05:24.58h3xthey will only take calls from me as voip now, and their voip product dosent really exist yet
05:25.01AgiNamuDo I need to do GotoIf($[Len(${ACCOUNTCODE}) != 10]?50)?
05:25.02brc_they are over charging for ld
05:25.10AgiNamuAll the samples for GotoIf are GotoIf($....
05:25.13AgiNamuWhat's the $ for?
05:25.19brc_a variable?
05:25.21h3xand its the same shitty sonus gateways that global crossing is using
05:25.25brc_an expression
05:25.28AgiNamuSo I have to do that
05:25.32brc_$[...] means eval the ...
05:25.34h3xbrc_: well "i said that would happen"
05:25.36AgiNamuOH ok
05:25.38AgiNamuI thought it was only for vars.
05:25.39brc_did not
05:25.44h3xyeah i did
05:25.51h3xi said that ive never seen a clec bill long distance correctly
05:26.27jerliquehey is it ok to paste an 6 line error in here?
05:26.39jerliqueOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
05:26.39jerliqueFloating exception (core dumped)
05:26.39jerliqueiax# Junk at the beginning 49443303
05:26.39jerliqueWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
05:26.41brc_only after 10 though
05:26.45NormAstnot the limit is 5..
05:26.46brc_if it's busy always use
05:26.48jbot[paste] see
05:26.50jbotmethinks pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
05:27.04h3xyou could have typed two more characters
05:27.08h3xand just said ''
05:27.10*** join/#asterisk Alric (~nbowyer@
05:27.19brc_I know
05:27.26AgiNamuno way dude?
05:27.30bjohnsonfirestrm: ^^
05:27.31jerliquehehehe.  any idea while asterisk is core dumping?
05:27.34brc_but it was faster to just use the bot
05:27.38Nuggetyou guys bitching about the paste is now twice the number of lines as the paste.
05:27.43h3xso im getting fed up with all this bullshit
05:27.45brc_but of course
05:27.49h3xim going to sell my datacenter
05:27.50AgiNamunugget, fuck, you're just making it worse.
05:28.00implicitNugget: lol
05:28.03Nuggetyeah but I use all lower-case letters so it's not as bad.
05:28.04implicith3x: good
05:28.06h3xglobal crossing quit selling tdm voice
05:28.07AgiNamuwe're gonna turn this into a "Help me start a VoIP company step-by-step" posted to the -docs list :)
05:28.13h3xmci is a pain in the fucking ass
05:28.28h3xyou cant give mci enough traffic unless yer doing international calling afghanistan every day to run up a bill and meet their minimums
05:28.41NuggetAgiNamu: where "Help" means "just tell me what to type, I'm in a hurry"  :)
05:28.57h3xand qwest wants me to use their shitty ass voip which isnt even tested well yet and they dont offer toll free
05:29.00AgiNamuAfghanistan? That's not expensive.
05:29.07h3xplus it only supports g.729 so thats useless
05:29.30AgiNamuCuba is expensive.
05:29.33h3xand i had so many problems with GX and their crappy ass sonus gateways
05:29.40AgiNamuor Inmarsat
05:29.41bjohnsonCuba has cheap cigars
05:29.46h3xi dont even wanna try qwest's
05:29.48implicitAgiNamu: actually afghanistan is expensive, even though cuba is more expensive :)
05:29.59h3xcuba is cheap if you route it through a carrier in like, romania
05:30.03AgiNamuactually, non-sat, Cuba is my most expensive route
05:30.05AgiNamuand its uscks
05:30.09AgiNamulike 20% asr
05:30.15AgiNamuand HUGE PDD. and lots of FAS
05:30.31bjohnsonand good cigars
05:30.41AgiNamulike, thru a guy with a cellsocket and a direcway connection?
05:30.51AgiNamuCuba is like 40 cents , in country, with a decent plan
05:31.10h3xdude thats so funny
05:31.17h3xsell a "BFE VoIP Starter Kit" on ebay
05:31.26harryvvTalking about afganistan I was relieved that the passanger manifest of the crashed 727 did not have somone I knew on board. My highschool classmate from years ago is is in afganstan as a peace corp worker.
05:31.30h3xgsm cell phone, cell socket, direcway
05:31.32AgiNamuOh wait, we can just use Bellster! haha
05:31.42h3xand dot matrix printer and some excel spreadsheet to bill people
05:31.44harryvvI know somone from my church there who is installing repeaters in afganistan
05:31.50AgiNamuh3x, with a 20 cent margin , I'd go for it if castro wouldnt castrate me if caught
05:32.04AgiNamuI *almost* did that in Guatemal
05:32.04h3xdude thats a great idea though
05:32.05h3xi mean
05:32.09h3xtheres a E1 -> GSM box out there
05:32.10AgiNamuBuy an E1, slap ADSL on it
05:32.17AgiNamuBuy locak for 2 cents, sell for 6
05:32.22h3xyou stuff it with 30 SIM cards
05:32.23AgiNamuI'd get as many minutes as I want
05:32.42AgiNamuh3x, you aren't shitting me?
05:32.46AgiNamuWhere can I buy such a device?
05:32.52h3xno really theres a couple brands of those
05:32.54AgiNamuI'd DEFINATLEY hit it if I could just pop in SIM cards
05:32.57h3xand you put a big antenna on it
05:33.10AgiNamuI did the numbers, I'd make $10K a month easy
05:33.19AgiNamuso long their telecom agency doesnt bust my ass
05:33.20h3xtheres one
05:33.43AgiNamuoh of course, their cell phones here in guatemala
05:33.44h3xthey have gsm to voip now
05:33.50AgiNamuare MORE epxneisve than calling from TDM in USA to a cell
05:34.04AgiNamuhow much are these E1->GSM thingS?
05:34.09h3xi have this great idea to go to jail fast
05:34.13h3xi donno
05:34.18h3xquite a bit
05:34.23h3xso my idea is
05:34.31h3xhave a couple asterisk boxes call each other
05:34.36h3xand every 30 to 60 seconds or whatever
05:34.39h3xwell they make a call both ways
05:34.42h3xand dont supervise it
05:34.52h3xand every so often it makes a new call and hangs up the old one
05:35.04h3xit probably wouldnt take too long til you got a goomba killing you though
05:35.09AgiNamusounds like bellsta
05:35.33h3xsounds like napster
05:35.45liquidno2well they changed the name
05:35.57liquidno2I am curious to know why
05:36.33AgiNamu"yo yo, 'dis be P-U-tothevizzle. big up yourself and go out dere and connect up all ya's asstricks"
05:36.42h3xi guess i should set up vegas with this shit
05:36.56AgiNamuchanged what name? bellster?
05:37.01AgiNamuCause bellsouth sued him?
05:37.10liquidno2bellster changed their name to outfwd
05:37.12AgiNamuhe should use 1% of the money he makes off of VON and fight it :D
05:37.19AgiNamuwhich is an insane fucking amount btw
05:37.19liquidno2no idea why the name chagned
05:37.32AgiNamuis that sarcasm?
05:37.33silik0nfuck bellsouth
05:37.39AgiNamufuck bellsta
05:37.40silik0nthey are a buncha tools
05:37.45liquidno2but they have removed all reference to bellster from the site
05:38.09AgiNamusurprised jeff didn't use that for publicity
05:38.12h3xhAha it uses credits
05:38.13h3xthis is like
05:38.14AgiNamu"look look, we're beeing repressed"
05:38.26h3xi could rack up some serious credits with two pris
05:38.26AgiNamuOK, so I open my local line, and people do 4 cent calls
05:38.28liquidno2help help i am being oppressed
05:38.37AgiNamuand then I can do some .6 cent calls to USA .... WTF?
05:38.40h3xim gonna send all my non rboc traffic to it
05:38.59AgiNamubellster == marketing
05:39.11liquidno2it isn't a bad idea really..
05:39.19AgiNamuor a fun project for some kid to do between popping zits and reading slashdot
05:39.28liquidno2considering that people can make free "local" calls to their area
05:39.40AgiNamuuh, the quotes belong around the "can" and "free"
05:40.07liquidno2if I call anything in my lata... it is free
05:40.08AgiNamupulver knows damn well it don't work like that. he just likes doing stuff to make more money. in that way, its nothing special :)
05:40.15AgiNamuit's free?
05:40.48liquidno2unless you are being analytical and infering the cost of the line as not being a free call.
05:41.13liquidno2I am speaking strickly perminute charges for the call
05:41.53AgiNamuwhy do I pay like .x cents then for every call I make?
05:41.56h3xPhoneFree to start charging for calls
05:41.56h3xJanuary 24, 2001
05:42.03h3xThat makes as much sense as netzero
05:42.27NuggetI pay for my ssl certificates from, too.  teh intarweb is such a scam.
05:42.37AgiNamufrom .5 to 1.something cents for usa?
05:43.24h3xreciprocal compenstation
05:43.25liquidno2I pay nothing for "local" calls
05:43.31AgiNamuliquidno2, if that was true then I'll be a millionare. I'll pay what, $30 to get "Free" calling to an area? even at 1/3 usage, that's 14K minutes
05:43.32NormAstme too.
05:43.56Nuggeteveryone should take this time to get enum support working in their asterisk dialplan.
05:44.06AgiNamunugget, does it support IAX2?
05:44.12Nuggetit's protocol-independent.
05:44.16AgiNamuso if you leave your phone on 24/7, does that work?
05:44.35AgiNamurun up 40K+ minutes and the telco doesnt care?
05:44.40Nuggetit's a way to map PSTN numbers to direct voip addresses (sip or iax)
05:44.53liquidno2AgiNamu: I can pick up the phone and call the otherside of town (which is still in the same LATA) put down the phone... and come back days later and it doesn't cost me anything.
05:44.55AgiNamunugget, i'll do that .we're finally lighting up customers
05:44.59liquidno2but it does tie up my line.
05:45.04NormAstthey will care..
05:45.06Nuggetso if you dial +1 512 538-0508, your asterisk will be smart enough to know that you can just as easily dial
05:45.09AgiNamuok, im indirectly sayign that "it's not free"
05:45.16AgiNamuyou pay MUCH more than you'd pay normally
05:45.20Nuggetso instead of paying your provider for the PSTN routing, you just hit me directly
05:45.28AgiNamuby paying a whatever montly fee, that includes 1000 minutes. or 5000 minutes.
05:45.45AgiNamuso it's free until it's abused. and then its not free, and pointless.
05:46.04AgiNamuso, in the case of bellster, if im gonna get REAL usage out if it, and start doing 5K+ minutes a month, I somehow doubt the telco is just gonna smile
05:46.08liquidno2AgiNamu: your ambiguity is appreciated.
05:46.44AgiNamuall the telcos do that. Packet8 ran into the problems since people brought their phones over to guatemala
05:46.54PTG123Hey does anyone know how to print a text file to a diff on unix in an easy way?
05:46.58AgiNamuand used their "free" "unlimited" calls a LOT
05:47.17AgiNamunow, if you're not in the states, they charge you $10 more, and limit your calling to 1000m inutes
05:47.20AgiNamuand then charge you...
05:47.34liquidno2and this discussions point is what>?
05:47.55AgiNamuis that bellster doesnt work
05:48.07AgiNamusince it exploits a fluke in marketing
05:48.17liquidno2I suppose that is up to intreprtation
05:48.17AgiNamuand that nothing is free
05:48.30AgiNamuyou pay $40 a month for a phone line, then are happy you can make a few "free" calls?
05:48.46AgiNamuand btw, that doesnt apply to a lot of people
05:48.48jerliqueHi - trying to report a bug and was wondering how to get the latest cutting egde code.  I can CVS release version but not sure how to get latest??
05:49.02AgiNamucvs checkout asterisk ? hit download
05:49.33jerlique'cvs checkout zaptel libpri asterisk '  is this the one?
05:49.41jerlique(thats where I am..)
05:49.41AgiNamuyhea, the cvs instructions
05:49.57liquidno2I am of the theory that just because you don't like the way something works... doesn't mean it is necessarily broken either.
05:50.07jerliqueso if you dont specify the -r v1-0 it automatically gets the latest code?
05:50.17AgiNamuthats right
05:50.31AgiNamuliq, referring to what?
05:51.05AgiNamuNo, I dont like it because of the security impliciations, the impracticallity for MOST people, and that it's lame (quality wise)
05:51.10jerliqueme? asterisk crashing when going into queues...
05:51.14*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~uppal@
05:51.17AgiNamuthe fact that your telco might not be impressed doesnt phase me nearly as much
05:51.51AgiNamuin fact, I've half a mind to demonstrate this first hand
05:52.02liquidno2feel free
05:52.21AgiNamuyea, i might. I have ot get asterisk /iax on a laptop
05:52.26AgiNamuand find an open hotspot
05:52.29AgiNamui dont wanna get arrested
05:52.37AgiNamubut um, it'll happen sooner or later
05:52.55AgiNamua few calls go out to people threatening, CallerID/ani shows YOUr number
05:53.31AgiNamuand really... how much arey ou gonna save??!? damn , i mean... if i want a shitty call, i'll use skype or something
05:53.42AgiNamueven with TDM, prices are cheap all around the world.
05:53.55AgiNamuexcept where they are expensive, and bellster wont work there.
05:54.09AgiNamueven so, it's brilliant marketing
05:54.46AgiNamuanywyas, gonna watch Dune
05:54.48AgiNamunight all
05:55.04liquidno2is that on TV?
05:55.06NuggetI run asterisk on my powerbook because I have better luck with iax2 getting out through shitty hotel internet systems.
05:55.08AgiNamuno, DivX
05:55.10AgiNamuburned to DVD
05:55.15AgiNamuplayback in a nice Philips DVP 642
05:55.18NuggetI run a local x-lite talking to the local asterisk which routes to my real server.
05:55.21liquidno2thought my Tivo missed it
05:55.26AgiNamux-lite blows :)
05:55.31AgiNamuliquid, im in guatemala anyways...
05:55.34Nuggetit's the best option in os x, though.
05:55.37AgiNamuso i doubt we've got same programming schedules
05:55.38implicitAgiNamu: yeah
05:55.49AgiNamux-lite gives me carpal when i tr to configure it
05:56.01AgiNamuidiots thinking we wnana pretend we have a freaking cellphone
05:56.13harryvvagi, what?
05:56.13Nuggetyeah, it blows goats to configre.
05:56.17jerliqueis it normal for mpg123 to go into a full CPU utilisation when I stop now or stop when conv in *
05:56.23liquidno2well its official AMP sucks
05:56.34AgiNamuharryvv its programmers who think they are UI/UX expers
05:56.40AgiNamuand come up with a "cute" interface
05:56.51AgiNamuand then apply it to everything. so instead of having a nice tabbed view
05:56.53AgiNamuand so on
05:57.01harryvvagi, I see alot of arogance in dev channels
05:57.04AgiNamuyou've got their idiotic Cellphone-style menus to configture anything
05:57.44AgiNamuyea, it goes hand-in-hand with development. esp. if it's something like asm.. or even C
05:57.54harryvvAny recomends for a good overall wifisip phone?
05:58.00AgiNamupeople just can help feeling they're the most fucking brilliant person in the world to ever write code :)
05:58.10Nuggetyeah, x-lite is tragic.  it's got the whole "let's pretend this isn't a real computer with a keyboard and a mouse -- instead lets mimic a shitty cell phone interface down the last little annoying detail because obviously customers want to use a menu they're familiar with"
05:58.25AgiNamueven if they're writing the most hideous thing you've seen.. sheesh. I've heard self-proclaimed experts in C# say "C# is javascript and VB mixed"
05:58.33Nuggetharryvv: do NOT buy the zyxel/pulver phone.
05:58.37AgiNamunugget: damn straight
05:58.55harryvvNugger, yea heard somethign about those phones.
05:58.58AgiNamuthese people also usually say C# doesnt have pointers or sanything
05:59.02Nuggetthey're awful.
05:59.08AgiNamuIf FireFly didnt crash every 2 minutes
05:59.13Nuggetthere are two new wifisip phones on the market, but I haven't used either.
05:59.23jerliquehappyh to say that current fixes the queue crash problem I've  been trying to fix for the last 5 hours :)
05:59.23AgiNamuand if it did 2-way IAX2 audio, I'd use it :D
05:59.28Nuggetsomeone else can be the pioneer with them.  I got burned on the zyxel.
05:59.33harryvvwhats better then xlite?
05:59.40AgiNamuFireFly rocks... when it works.
05:59.48AgiNamuand there are some commercial phones that look a lot better.
05:59.56harryvvi like xlite. 100% reliable so far
06:00.05AgiNamuanyways, im audi 5000
06:00.08moonwickNugget: I'm willing to bet it's still better than my analog uniden 900MHz phone.  heh.
06:00.19Nuggetonce it's configured, x-lite isn't too awful.  I hate the few areas they've intentionally crippled it though.
06:00.35NuggetI have my cow-orkers using sjphone.  it's uglier, but it does more.
06:00.42harryvvnugget, what the next one pro?
06:00.42Nuggethah moon.
06:00.44harryvvhow much
06:01.21NuggetI'd kill for a wireless headset that integrated with my cisco 7960.
06:01.41moonwickI'd kill for a cisco 7960 :)
06:01.50AlricDoesn't the CS50 do that?
06:01.54PakiPenguinNugget, make one
06:02.00NuggetI'm too stupid to make one.
06:02.07Nuggetall I know how to do is bitch on irc.
06:02.25PakiPenguinplantronics has AWESOME headphone
06:02.29NuggetAlric: you still can't answer/hang up without some whipdick handset lifter hardware.
06:02.59AlricNugget: Yeah, its around $250 total, last I checked.
06:03.23implicitharryvv: because they are for developers :)
06:03.31AlricStill.  Wireless w/ whipdick handset lifter > No wireless :)
06:04.37cypromistry GN Netcom
06:04.48cypromisthey have nice headsets as well and Iprefer them over plantronics
06:05.00liquidno2bluetooth is great... right up till the battery goes dead
06:05.25cypromisuse a big battery and you allways have a spare weapon
06:06.33AlricI hate HP laptops.
06:07.07firestrmdo you really need a reason :P
06:07.44*** join/#asterisk dwC- (~dwc@
06:08.28liquidno2pi = 3.141592653
06:08.36AlricWhy?  Battery life: 45 minutes tops.  This will be the 3rd time I've replaced a battery this year.  Powers off for no reason.  DVD player stopped working after 1 year.  Touchpad is all messed up.
06:09.05jerliquepaki: are the plantronics usb headsets compatible with linux/freebsd?
06:09.19AlricAnd apparently I'm not alone in my problems :)
06:09.22firestrmAlric, its a feature if you really think hard enough about it :)
06:09.36dwC-I have a moh extension setup but when i call it i can hear the music for about 1/2 second then i get silence until the pbx drops the call in 15000ms. any ideas whats going on here?
06:09.44Alricfirestrm: A feature to make it go airborne out my 2nd story window faster...?
06:09.44PakiPenguinjerlique, i dont have one :p i have the standard ones
06:09.56liquidno2if my boss would have just bought me the emachines laptop I wanted... none of this would have happened
06:10.08liquidno2that widescreen jobby is ACE
06:10.13PakiPenguinemachines suck!
06:10.20liquidno2not this laptop
06:10.36AlricI thought eMachines were only known for crappy low cost hardware?
06:10.39Qwellall emachines suck, no offense
06:10.41liquidno2mate has one... it is ROCK SOLID
06:10.44firestrmlol, no 45 min battery keeps you from using it until 3:00 am and waking up tired for work, no dvd means you dont waste your time on p0rn :P
06:10.49moonwickdwC-: you're telling it to play the "Best of Silence" album?
06:10.52liquidno2Here let me dig the link
06:11.14dwC-moonwick. yeah it almost seems that way lol
06:11.19Alricfirestrm: Its a laptop from my college out of a promo.  My smallest class is 50 minutes.  This doesn't work too well... :)
06:11.38liquidno2damn... looks like they discontinued them.
06:11.52moonwickAlric: so, um, shut it down for the last five minutes and learn something.  :)
06:11.54liquidno2these laptops were more expensive than the average laptop
06:12.00firestrmAlric, kinda like its 1 shy of a sixpack
06:12.12PakiPenguinby the way , i am going to buy a new laptop pretty soon , what do you suggest , centrino or a p4?
06:12.15liquidno2AMD64 3200, ATI 9600 mobile.
06:12.23NuggetPakiPenguin: PowerBook G4.
06:12.25liquidno2it was ace
06:12.30AlricSo yeah, HP is on my No buy list.  For a very long time.
06:12.46PakiPenguinNugget, i already have one :p
06:12.47firestrmAlric, i remember the bad old days with my toshiba 286.. i had to carry 6 batteries, one for each class
06:12.48dwC-moonwick. any idea what the problem would be? it goes to play the music then it changes its mind :9
06:12.49liquidno2buy nothing else for a laptop
06:12.51AlricDell or Apple, depending on what world you want.
06:13.03liquidno2I think it is the Insperion 8000
06:13.04moonwickdwC-: heh, nope.  sorry.  never played with musiconhold
06:13.05sskylesShit, my Mac will go 4.5 hours on a battery... What's wrong with these PC's anyway?
06:13.24dwC-moonwick. k thanks
06:13.34moonwickmy inspiron 8600 gets 4 hours to a charge, easily
06:13.43Juggieis it possible to force a zaptel card onto a certain irq with module parmaters? or do i have to go into the bios
06:13.48AlricI would have gotten an 8600 :(
06:13.56AlricBut I like the new D610s too.
06:13.59firestrmAlric, look for a compaq evo.. not the most powerful things on the planet, but nice features and bullet proof.. Im a pilot, i drag it through every airport on the contenent, and no problems .. yet
06:14.01AlricFor work.
06:14.02PakiPenguini've heard centrinos are better
06:14.12Juggiecentrino's are way better.
06:14.22PakiPenguinfirestrm, my boss has one evo n610c
06:14.32firestrmPakiPenguin, same one i have
06:14.55liquidno2as a general rule... avoid P4s for laptops... unless you need a way to heat sandwiches while you are on the road
06:15.14AlricSo true
06:15.15QwellThis from the guy who wants an amd64 laptop :p
06:15.29liquidno2Qwell: I didn't say I practice what I preach :)
06:15.47firestrmQwell, dont hold your breath.. that would be a heat dissapation nightmare
06:15.49liquidno2I really just want the laptop so I don't have to lug my shit to lan parties :)
06:16.45ph3nixwhere do you live
06:16.56firestrmliquidno2, i have an old portable kaypro that i want to mod into a lan party machine
06:16.58liquidno2next door to the middle of nowhere.
06:17.01PakiPenguini want a laptop, so i can work without killing my back
06:17.25liquidno2ph3nix: southern Alabama
06:17.36liquidno2aka: nextdoor to the middle of no where
06:18.08*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
06:18.20firestrmliquidno2, no galina, alaska.. now thats next door to the middle of nowhere
06:18.28PakiPenguinare factory refurb. lapis good?
06:18.38liquidno2firestrm: adak island
06:18.51liquidno2that is officially the middle of nowhere
06:18.56liquidno2it is documented :)
06:19.16firestrmand fly there
06:19.18liquidno2it is in the chain
06:19.25liquidno2it is a military install
06:19.29liquidno2or at least it was
06:19.33liquidno2for the Coast Guard
06:19.36postelno mobile user has great needs of computing power, i dont know a lot of mob users that would need to serve 45000/sec queries on a db running locally on the lap, or anybody that gonna do CAM on a lap, so if you're a *true* mob user (no serfing slashdot from your living room over wifi to your bedroom does NOT qualify) you just need light weight and battery power, cxentrino or mac for me
06:19.53liquidno2they might have shut it down because they are phasing out Loran C stations
06:20.09firestrmpostel, amen
06:20.28postelthanks, we accept donations in any currency by the door
06:20.30harryvvLiq, talking avionics or boating?
06:20.44liquidno2harryvv: both actually.
06:20.48firestrmliquidno2, i was close to there last summer.., next summer i want to fly across the balfort sea to russia..
06:21.07liquidno2I know that Loran C stations are being shutdown all over the place
06:21.21harryvvliq, I am a previos avionics grad long ago. yea probebly no need for them.
06:21.22liquidno2but then I have been out of the military for too long
06:21.33harryvvwhat branch
06:21.53harryvvwhat was your job?
06:21.54firestrmpostel, compaq evo, 610c 4 hour battery.. reasonable power.. nuff said..
06:21.58liquidno2I actualyl consider those
06:22.08liquidno2harryvv: Aviation Electronics
06:22.22harryvv:) we donated our Sikorsky H-3 to you guys.
06:22.42liquidno2I swear I never touched it!
06:22.51harryvvsure you did
06:23.05harryvvfirestrm, not in it anymore?
06:23.29harryvvI miss the h-3 good aircraft
06:23.33firestrmame needs to be renewed, but i still do avionics design work on the side..
06:23.41harryvvThats cool
06:24.05liquidno2I haven't touched anything avionics in... god... man... 11 years...
06:24.21harryvvI think other then the h53 the h-3 was th first helicopter to have a kneeling nose gear.
06:24.33NuggetI haven't flown in over a year.  :(
06:24.54harryvvand the first for airial refuling. it was the first to fly across the atlantic non stop from ny to ireland I think.
06:25.03firestrmNugget, i would rather be casterated than not be able to fly
06:25.21PakiPenguinwhy are hp's business notebooks costly? :(
06:25.40postelso many ppl in avionics, the next * meeting would be in JFK by the looks of it, better yet OVER JFK :P
06:25.43firestrmPakiPenguin, to cover all the replacement laptops they will have to send you for warrenty
06:26.53firestrmpostel, look for me in CYVR, or CYCG
06:27.08harryvvyea, I got out of aviation in the early 1990s when aviation companies were going belly up left and right and 1 million aviation releated jobs were shoved into the unemployment line.
06:27.36firestrmharryvv, times have changed.. they are begging for good avionics ppl now
06:29.02firestrmharryvv, i had one company offer me more than im making now flying, and they would pay to renew my AME..
06:29.16harryvvfirestrm, where in the states?
06:29.19harryvvor in canada
06:29.48firestrmharryvv, canada.. kelowna flightcraft (or Kelowna Frightcraft as they are know to locals :)
06:30.07harryvvOhh are you in in that area?
06:30.23firestrmharryvv, they do convair and 727 conversions
06:30.34firestrmharryvv, im in victoria..
06:30.43harryvvokay im in vancouver
06:31.17netsurfernext u guys will be saying u know eachother :oP
06:31.24harryvvyea right heeh
06:31.53firestrmharryvv, want to car pool (or maybe plane pool) to von in cali?
06:31.58netsurfersmall world, I bumped into a neighbour in #debian one night
06:32.06harryvvfire, you fly there?
06:32.08postelwell even if they dont whats some gallons of fuel to fly over between friends
06:32.29firestrmharryvv, if i can find enough to fill the plane.. 4 seats avail..
06:32.31dr342346OK question: i am using SIP SJPhone when i park a call it works but it hangs the sjphone up before spitting the park extension back to me any ideas
06:32.34harryvvfirestrm msg you
06:32.55netsurferlol wikked
06:33.30netsurferim beginning to think I should have went to bed after make modules
06:33.54netsurferf'ing bloated kernel on tiny processor
06:34.26postelrecompile and strip it down
06:34.29firestrmnetsurfer, or bloated processor on tiny kernel :)
06:34.55Juggieanyone know if i can force a zaptel card to a certain irq from within linux? or do i need to make the changes in the bios?
06:35.58Qwellfirestrm: Whats von?
06:36.31netsurferpostel - I could do, but every time I try to streamline the kernel, I break *
06:36.39rikstaJuggie: enable apic
06:36.39*** join/#asterisk sskeks (
06:36.43postelJuggie: a chinese monk i once knew used to say.. "Move the cards around on the PCIs"
06:37.03harryvvjuggie, having problems?
06:37.04rikstapostel: you're nocturnal dude!
06:37.34postelriksta: hey dude, i gave adm a try
06:37.57postelheh, not so bad
06:38.21rikstaman i feel like shit i just woke up, and im hungoverrrr
06:38.26rikstai gotta go to CREWE today
06:38.30postelit works, there is some prob in the forked child that causes the second run onwards to give an empty dialog box
06:38.30sskeksalo all, my asterisk hdd crashed today, so wanted to be brave and install a asterisk gui, wanted to find out if the astguiclient is better or i forgot the name of the other one
06:38.36sskekswhich is supposed to be better?
06:38.48rikstapostel: empty dialog box for what
06:38.54Juggieharryvv, i just noticed the machine i built friday in its infinite wisdom has decided it should place, usb,gigabit ethernet and zaptel on irq9
06:38.55postelfor new call
06:39.07rikstapostel: hmm, i don't think that happens here
06:39.07Juggiein the meantime leaving, 5,7,8,13 free
06:39.20Juggiewhich is causing irq misses
06:39.31Juggieso i was just wondering if i could force someway in linux
06:39.35postelriksta: it only happens on second/third call onwards, i'll have a better look on it
06:39.38rikstapostel: is that from pressing the middle mouse on the tray icon, to paste a number, or just doing a new call from the context menu
06:39.43Juggieor if i have to make a visit to the lab on monday
06:39.49postelriksta: from the menu
06:40.05rikstapostel: it could be that the dialog boxes get destroyed, recursively
06:40.48rikstapostel: does the volume code work nicely for you
06:40.54postelriksta: i also think the sub-dem routine needs some work
06:41.14rikstayeah like i said i don't know much about that stuff
06:41.54postelriksta: well, i had the system running over arts and wasnt happy when aumix was trying to change things, i forced output to a diff channel (i got more than one soundcards) and all plays smoothly
06:42.23rikstaahh i see, i don't use arts, i'll have a look at that
06:42.56postelbut yeah, if you grab the perl modules works as it should (almost)
06:43.07sskylesHow can I find out exactly what area codes and exchanges are within my local calling area?
06:43.54posteland i have some trouble with forcing out to speakerphone, but after enabling telnet_level on the configs and rebooting the ciscos i still couldnt get a prompt, i'll have a look on that too
06:44.19rikstapostel: sec
06:44.26posteli mean manually get a prompt
06:44.42rikstayou need telnet_level: "2"
06:44.45posteli know
06:44.55postelthats what i did
06:44.56rikstaah, and still no prompt
06:45.04postelits just timeouts on me
06:45.15rikstadid you set a phone_password though
06:46.00rikstaso you can't test the DND n stuff then? anyway....i'm yet to write the idle detection, etc
06:46.06posteli set the prompt to "Go Away" some time ago, maybe its keeping me out following instructions :P
06:46.58liquidno2anybody use usedistinctiveringdetection? I need some help ni understanding where I should put that
06:47.16postelyeah, DND i cannot test and speaker-out either, but the aumix controls and dialout works
06:47.44rikstawell, at the moment, they are the key features, so im happy enough with that
06:47.45liquidno2does that go in the channel definition for the fxs_ks channel I am creating it on?
06:48.10postelstrange things is i got more than one ciscos and i cant telnet to either one, may be the cisco router they're on. i'll have a go over the configs or drop them on a DES managed switch
06:48.49rikstaliquidno2: it goes in the zapata.conf under [channels] afaik
06:49.15liquidno2riksta: yeah... but how do I define it for one fxs_ks channel but not the other?
06:49.27rikstasignalling=fxo_ks group=1 ?
06:49.34liquidno2do I just override the default of no on the one channel I want it on?
06:49.52rikstai think so, although i don't have any means to find out
06:50.14liquidno2it is okay... I just always feel retarded when I muck around in zapata.conf
06:50.58postelriksta: by the way i think its just fine for a .9 release, drop it out there, get some ppl on it and coder pool
06:51.25rikstai'm planning on releasing in the new few days, i just want to clean some stuff up and add a few more features
06:52.22rikstaanyway need to shower, gotta get ready 4 work
06:52.43rikstaand i have to travel to god damn crewe
06:52.52rikstabecause our office is without power
06:53.26rikstai can't believe i am doing this shit, for such a SHIT job
06:53.29rikstaanyway, laters
06:56.40*** join/#asterisk jesse_132 (
06:57.39jesse_132from my AGI-BIN (in python using pyst) I sometimes get :     COMMAND: stream file finance "" 0
07:03.04jesse_132changed to os.popen and I'm ok
07:12.47rikstapostel, if you could hack away a bit at ADM it'd be greatly appreciated :) gotta dash
07:13.53postelriksta: you know my mail, pass me on the pre-release you're cooking and i have a look, i'll see what i can do with the empty window im getting
07:14.25rikstai havent made any changes since i sent it to you, been busy
07:14.42posteland drop the ciscos on the managed switch so telnet can handle DND and speaker-out
07:15.17rikstagood luck, really gotta run
07:15.25postelk, later
07:22.17tzafrirgood morning
07:49.02jerliquewhy is it that I only get MOH, when I talk or blow into the mic?
07:49.44*** join/#asterisk Wi_Fi (
07:49.49Wi_FiOuch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
07:49.50AlricSilence suppression?
07:49.56Wi_Fidbl ouch
07:50.06Wi_Fimy pbx broke
07:50.24netsurferWi_Fi - sounds like u need a plumber ;)
07:51.25Wi_Fisure sure
07:51.53jerliquewifi - I spent 5 hours on this issue today!
07:52.05jerliqueI upgraded to latest code to resolve it.
07:52.18Wi_Fiholy crap
07:52.24Wi_Fiit fixed itself
07:52.58jerliqueno, the latest (cutting edge) code resolve it.  My problem was specific to calls being answered into queues
07:53.06*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
07:53.14jerliquealric: why would silence supression stop hold music?
07:53.29Puluis iaxtel not working anymore?
07:53.40Pului get alot of failed registrations,  like 40% of them are rejected
07:54.02jerliqueiaxtel was hopless for me too.  I now use FWD (
07:54.07Alricjerlique: It'll stop all incoming audio, if I'm remembering correctly.  And its not so much VAD, but rather the lack of implementation of VAD (If I understand correctly)
07:54.41AlricI did some testing on this w/ a 7905 a while back.  Asterisk didn't like VAD being on.
07:54.41Pului tried to sign up for the fwd iax account but the howto on their site talks about a certificate, and I don't know where to get it from
07:55.05AlricGives some NOTICE about an RFC being not fully implemented, turn off on client side if possible.
07:55.19Juggieno need for vad on a lan anyways
07:55.24Juggieits a waste of time
07:55.55Juggiei'd prefer use more bandwidth then get the clipping which happens with vad
07:56.07jerliquewhats VAD?
07:56.22AlricSilence suppression
07:56.23implicitvoice activity detection
07:56.30AlricThats a better description.
07:57.15Juggiei created an infinite iax loop this evening ;)
07:57.32Juggielesson learned, use a dif context for incomming iax calls
08:02.19netsurferwhat happens if I call up an IVR type setup on asterisk and transfer it to its own extension ?
08:03.44jerliqueGREAT work alric.  I should have taken notice of the Transmit Silence"=YES) in my notes!
08:04.15jerliqueOk, so now my call is being dropped consisntely on the second announcement of being caller 1 in the queue....
08:11.18*** join/#asterisk jas_williams (
08:11.58liquidno2mental note... always include a dring for 0,0,0 (normal ring cadance) on your channel that you have enabled usedistinctiveringdetection on
08:12.40netsurferjerlique - Note that a timeout to fail out of a queue may be passed as part of application call
08:12.53netsurfercheck its not set
08:14.47firestrmis there a way to setup zap channel to only answer during the day?
08:15.25firestrmimplicit, that was quite an implicit answer ;)
08:15.44liquidno2yeah, just put the zap channel in its own context
08:15.44fafirestrm use IF for time
08:15.55liquidno2and then set your tmie frames on the answer
08:16.00netsurferfirestrm - include => open|8:00-20:00|mon-fri|*|* where "open" is the context
08:16.13jerliquenetsufer;i don't have any time out set exten => ${FWDNUMBER},2,Queue(tech|T)
08:16.17firestrmaahhhh.. i grock now... sure that makes sense..
08:16.45liquidno2firestrm: a tip
08:16.45fanetsurfer close|20:00-08:00|mon-fri|*|* will work?
08:16.55liquidno2firestrm: run ntpdate at least once an hour.
08:17.01netsurferfa - if u have a context called close yes
08:17.10jas_williamsfirestrm: or you can use gotoiftime look at
08:17.22firestrmso if i do that zap wont answer the call at all, just let it ring?
08:18.11firestrmbecause ive noticed that zap picks up regardless is i use Answer() or not
08:18.39netsurferfirestrm - it will follow the context
08:18.40jas_williamsfirestrm: Rather than just letting it ring why not drop the call straight to voicemail and then offer to call back in hours or play a closed announcement and then hangup
08:18.58netsurferinclude => open|8:00-20:00|mon-fri|*|*
08:18.58netsurferinclude => closed|20:01-07:59|mon-fri|*|*
08:18.58netsurferinclude => closed|20:00-19:59|sat-sun|*|*
08:19.06netsurferoops that should have been a pastebin url :o\
08:19.15netsurferanyway.. u get the idea
08:19.55firestrmjas_williams, i need it to ring a night phone, not through asterisk.. part of the spec.. i know its stupid, i didnt write the spec..
08:20.12*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:20.32netsurferfirestrm - surely if u Wait(999) it wont answer
08:20.58netsurferim guessing, I dont have any zap hardware (yet)
08:21.05firestrmnetsurfer, ive found wait is useless. it just jumps right over regardless of the number of sec you specify
08:21.21netsurferfirestrm - maybe something in zapata.conf then ?
08:21.28Juggiefire, wait works
08:21.31firestrmnetsurfer, and it answers with Answer()
08:21.33jas_williamsfirestrm: Connect the night phone to an Sipura or similar but keep controll under asterisk do not use a phone connected through an x100p
08:22.51netsurferwell, 8.30am time for bed
08:23.03firestrmjas_williams, nightphone must be connected un impeded (ie fallthrough) to an analog line.. in the origional system, they even bypassed the KSU unit for this
08:23.29firestrmnetsurfer, gnite :)
08:24.56firestrmjas_williams, its for a womens center.. they dont want anything interfering with phones, at a time when they cant have a tech come and immediatly fix it..
08:25.28jas_williamsfirestrm: OK I see]
08:26.00firestrmjas_williams, its a little paranoid, but i can see their point.
08:27.32firestrmJuggie, their must be something wrong with my version of asterisk, it just plows right through wait.. ive controlled tested it.. Ive had to resort to playing 5 sec of blank audio
08:28.29crazyhickfinally... just got my sql server running again.  The wife was not happy that the phone system has bee ndown for 2 days because of a drive failure :)  The cool part is that she is going to let me build a ide hardware raid box :)
08:29.26firestrmcrazyhick, is that the answer to getting wives to allow us to buy toys.. make the lack of toy an inconveience to her... interesting..
08:29.59crazyhicki guess
08:30.53firestrmi'll have to try that.. "geez dear.. i cant figure out how to get to (insert important engagement here) i guess if i had that gps system....."
08:31.00crazyhickShe has put up with my phone experimentation since linksys put out a voip router to net2phone 4 years ago.
08:31.25brc_CONFIRMED: APPLE IS MAKING A g5 powerbook tomorrow!
08:31.30brc_"I've got no doubt that a G5 could be in a PowerBook tomorrow if Apple were willing to trade design for functionality. They could whip up a three-inch thick computer, make it whine like a leaf blower and let run for an hour on a full charge."
08:32.02firestrmbrc_,rotfl..that discribes my old ibm
08:32.18crazyhickthe trick is to get the wife to need it.  I installed a phone at her mothers so they could yack on an hourly basis.
08:32.33brc_wrong quote
08:33.09crazyhickg5 pb would be nice.  I am still happy with my ti667.
08:33.14brc_"I've got no doubt that a G5 could be in a PowerBook tomorrow" said AppleMatters,  "[The powerbook g5 will be a] three-inch thick computer, make it whine like a leaf blower and let run for an hour on a full charge."
08:33.19brc_there we go
08:33.28firestrmbrc_ compaq evo rocks :)
08:33.29brc_proper journalistic quoting
08:33.30brc_much better
08:33.58brc_I can't decide if I should get a g4 pb or not
08:34.58firestrmbrc_, i like the idea of an apple system, but every time ive tried one, its left me frustrated, and unable to do what i feel i should be able to accomplish on a computer
08:35.14crazyhicka friend of mine just bit the bullet.  think of it this way.  If a g5 came out now, the current g4 will still be better.  I can remember that a pismo made a tibook look like junk until the 667 came out.
08:35.26brc_everybody's probably seen this...but:
08:35.39brc_wrong link,
08:35.50firestrmbrc_, although i havent checked out the *nix ish OS yet..
08:36.02brc_firestrm, yeah
08:36.04*** join/#asterisk _LM_ (
08:36.10brc_asterisk compiles out of the box
08:40.27*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
08:40.33silik0nonly this you need is yo upgrade bison
08:40.44brc_the master hath spoken
08:40.59brc_now get it working with xcode!
08:41.04firestrmi will have to go find a good mac emulator :)
08:41.11brc_firestrm, pearpc is all there is
08:41.20brc_very slow
08:41.49firestrmsurly a a64 should be able to emulate a g5 realtime;)
08:42.04brc_x86 teh sux
08:42.18brc_read >>>
08:43.39brc_very good read
08:43.48brc_read it!
08:48.58*** join/#asterisk DaTrueLion (
08:49.32DaTrueLionwoo ever stole DalIon from me u made a point yourfuciked for life
08:49.58DaTrueLionnow after this xmas liner im onto you
08:50.22DaTrueLionanyone need billling for voip with fraud prroof system ?
08:51.27DaTrueLionanyhow let me know
09:03.40*** join/#asterisk bjohnson_ (
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10:00.58sskylesHow do I indicate a pause in the middle of a number when dialing?
10:07.38*** join/#asterisk djin (
10:08.55tzafrirdoes it work?
10:09.03tzafrir~xorcom rapid
10:09.04jbotmethinks xorcom rapid is at . A Debian based distro that features an auto-installer which installs and configures both Debian, and Asterisk. Maintainer: tzafrir
10:09.13tzafrir~xorcom rapid
10:09.14jbotwell, xorcom rapid is at . A Debian based distro that features an auto-installer which installs and configures both Debian, and Asterisk. Maintainer: tzafrir
10:09.20tzafrir~xorcom rapid
10:09.21jbotwell, xorcom rapid is at . A Debian based distro that features an auto-installer which installs and configures both Debian, and Asterisk. Maintainer: tzafrir
10:09.35tzafrirnot the right effect. nm
10:11.56djintzafir, Rapid is your project, isn't it?
10:12.27tzafrirI'm just an employee. I maintain it
10:12.58djinOh, ok. It looks pretty neat, but download of iso fails?
10:13.30djin"Sorry can't allow you access today"
10:13.40djinsame as yesterday ;)
10:14.04SexyKenListen guys, I need something that will monitor servers. Nagios aint workin' too well.
10:15.34*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
10:15.56justinnnnnnwe used to use nagios
10:15.58justinnnnnnits got issues
10:16.03justinnnnnni mean argus..
10:16.06justinnnnnnnow we use nagios.
10:16.13justinnnnnnits also got issues :(
10:16.27sskylesHow do I indicate a pause in the middle of a number when dialing?
10:16.29*** join/#asterisk tla (
10:18.28djinI don't use Argus myself. Just bookmarked it.
10:19.10*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
10:37.09Poincarejustinnnnnn: what issues you have with nagios?
10:38.08*** join/#asterisk DaFuckingLion (
10:41.32*** join/#asterisk SeaForth (
10:41.56SeaForthhi there guys.  What would be consider the best price for performance headset under 20 USD that I can use for VoIP?
10:50.26justinnnnnnu no...
10:50.31justinnnnnnif u all gave me $1 in paypal
10:50.34justinnnnnnid have $233
10:50.41justinnnnnnshall we start the transfer ?
10:58.22SeaForthsounds like the beginning of yet another Telephony Ponzi Scheme.
10:58.40tzafrirdjin, the ISO is now avilable
10:59.32tzafrirBut I think I'll upload a new version soon: I've just noticed that I need to protect the passwordless IAX extensions just as I protext the passwordless SIP extensions
11:00.20djintzafrir, thanks. I'll give it a try.
11:04.04SeaForthIs there an emerging (or existing) protocol for VoIP...  Say one maker's client could chat with another manufactures?  Ex: skype with say some client X
11:07.46djinSeaForth, uuuh SIP?
11:16.27tzafrirSeaForth, SIP?
11:16.33*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (~me@
11:16.37NoRemorsehello all
11:16.40tzafrirnot exactly emerging, though
11:26.09Yoda-BZHLe bonjour je vous souhaite / Hi ppl
11:40.30*** join/#asterisk markit (
11:40.54markithi :) anyone using the native attended transfer? (cvs head)
11:45.07SeaForththanks guys.
11:45.46SeaForthso if I use the OSX Skype client, it will allow me to connect and work with another providers VoIP client if both clients use SIP?
11:46.06tzafrirSeaForth, skype doesn't use SIP
11:46.07JerJerum no
11:46.11JerJerskype is not sip
11:46.19tzafrirskype is not a standard client
11:47.05djinskype=closed protocol (and, for now, network)
11:47.42SeaForththat is clear to me now.
11:47.47SeaForthskype = blows.
11:49.40djintechnology is quite nice.
11:56.01*** join/#asterisk florz (
11:59.44jerliquewhy is it that the AgentCallbackLogin allows anyone to login regardless of the password?
12:01.51jerliqueActually to be more precise its not actually loggin the person in, it just reports success.
12:03.55*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
12:04.15markitjustinnnnnn: ...
12:09.42*** join/#asterisk ctooley_mobile (~chris@
12:10.09ctooley_mobilegood morning folks
12:13.16*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
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12:16.40ctooley_mobileHow long does a sip registration last in Asterisk?
12:16.55justinnnnnn3.2 seconds
12:17.23djinthat depends on your settings in Asterisk.
12:17.42wasimjustinnnnnn: no, no, not an erection, a registration!
12:18.13ctooley_mobileso I can change the defaultexpirey setting or the default is 3200ms
12:19.48djin;maxexpirey=3600                ; Max length of incoming registration we allow
12:19.48djin;defaultexpirey=120             ; Default length of incoming/outoing registration
12:20.06djincheck /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
12:20.12ctooley_mobiledjin:  I don't need to worry about inbound registrations, just outbound
12:20.29ctooley_mobiledjin: so I'm guessing that means that I need to only change my defaultexpirey
12:20.51justinnnnnncan u do 3way calling in asterisk yet ?
12:20.56ctooley_mobiledjin:  The next questions is, how large can that number be?  3600000?
12:21.03justinnnnnnwere u can join 2 calls 2gether type thing ?
12:21.31djinctooley_mobile, not sure what maximums are.
12:21.31wasimjustinnnnnn: threewaycalling=yes
12:22.05justinnnnnnwasim.. how do uactualy do it tho ?
12:22.30wasimjustinnnnnn: flash hook
12:22.39justinnnnnnhook ?
12:24.54shadebobHi, How can I plug many regulars phones (more than 20) on an asterisk server?
12:25.11djinthreewaycalling: If enabled, you can place a call on hold by pressing a hook flash, whereupon you get a dialrecall tone and can make another call. Default: no.
12:25.45justinnnnnnand then how do u link the 2 calls ?
12:26.08djinshadebob, ATA-devices or FXS channels
12:26.51djinjustinnnnnn, would the new call be included in the current call?
12:27.23djintransfer: This option has effect only when threewaycalling=yes. If threewaycalling=yes and transfer=yes, then once you've placed a call on hold with a hook flash, you can transfer that call to another extension by dialing the extension and hanging up. Default: no.
12:27.46shadebobdjin : How can I install many Fxs port in a single asterisk server? A channel bank can do this job?
12:28.22ctooley_mobileshadebob, depends on how mobile the phones are.  ATA's are going to be in the 60-80 dollar range and you have to have on per phone.  If you get a T1 card and a channel bank everything is handled in the telephony room and provide service to existing telephone cabling.
12:29.54djinshadebob, I agree with ctooley_mobile. ATA was suggested, as I don't know the physical location of the phones. The might be spread throughout the country ;)
12:30.15shadebobctooley_mobile : exactly ctooley. I want to use existing cabling and phones. I can do this <t1>------<Asterisk>----Channel Bank (Adit 600)-----<regular phones>?
12:30.40ctooley_mobileshadebob, you're going to need a T1 card between Asterisk and your channelbank.
12:30.54shadebobAsterisk servers will be used to link differents sites, but existing phones system will be the same as now
12:31.33shadebobok ctooley_mobile
12:32.20ctooley_mobileshadebob, so it's more like:  <T1>-----<T100P--Asterisk--T100P>----<Adit 600>----<regular phones>  with the T100P cards in the Asterisk server
12:33.10djinor use a TE400P with two extra port for future expansion.
12:33.13shadebobctooley_mobile : ok :) it will be so easy ;)
12:33.18ctooley_mobileYou might find it more beneficial to buy a 400 (not the TDM400) as you're already making a large enough commitment to justify just getting the expansion room.
12:33.27ctooley_mobiledjin:  I agree with djin.
12:34.13shadebobthanks djin and ctooley_mobile
12:34.15ctooley_mobileshadebob:  Easy is a relative term.  It's easier for me to design and complete a skyscraper than it is to make SIP work.
12:36.15shadebobctooley : just with SIP and E110P I haven't any problem.... But maybe with an Adit 600 or anything else it's an another question...
12:36.40shadebobI will see in a near future ;à
12:41.09*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
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12:51.09ctooley_mobileOk, so is there someone here that answer a basic
12:51.19ctooley_mobile"How SIP Works" questino
12:53.22ctooley_mobileIf I register with a provider to be able to recieve calls via SIP at my proxy load balancer and then try to make calls with my Asterisk box without spoofing my address shouldn't I be allowed to use that SIP information as long as I have the correct username and secret?
13:02.11ariel_Morning all
13:02.39djinmorning, ariel.
13:04.54*** join/#asterisk SirPrize (~blah@
13:06.07ariel_ctooley_mobile, your proxy load balancer is natting your asterisk box is it not?
13:06.08SirPrizeWhat command could I use to be able to allow the user to enter for example a duration specifier via the keypad, which I could then use to dynamically set a timeout for their account?
13:06.22SeaForthout of bizarre curiosity, when was the area code introduced?
13:06.57ChujiSirPrize : what kind of timeout?
13:07.18SirPrizeChuji: for example, the amount of time asterisk would ring an extension, before going to voicemail
13:07.19ctooley_mobileariel_: no
13:07.30markithi :) anyone using the native attended transfer? (cvs head)
13:07.37ChujiSirPrize : Permanently? or per call?
13:08.10ctooley_mobileariel_:  That would mean that all fo the traffic would come from one box.  We're going to have more calls than the network connection can handle.
13:08.11ariel_ctooley_mobile, you should be able to use the sip info. But use sip debug to see what you actually get.
13:08.14ChujiSirPrize : So it's like a call forward no answer time on a traditional pbx?
13:08.28SirPrizeChuji: either way.  The main point of this exercise for me is to understand how to accessa a number that a user enters in via the keypad, as a variable from within Asterisk
13:08.43ChujiSirPrize : Look at dbput and dbget
13:08.44tzafrirbah, why doesn't iax.conf have a context option in the general section? :-(
13:08.46ctooley_mobileariel_:  Well with Voicepulse I get "503 Service Unavailable", but I'm not sure if htat's Voicepulse or SIP.
13:08.49ariel_ctooley_mobile, you might need to setup a stun server for the different ip address.
13:08.52ChujiSirPrize : You can store whatever you like in there.
13:09.06ChujiSirPrize : So you create a macro that uses a Read() command
13:09.19ChujiThe Read() sets a variable and you dbput it
13:09.23ariel_ctooley_mobile, sip debug will tell allot of information about your call.
13:09.32ChujiSirPrize : Then, you can retrieve that any time
13:09.34SirPrizeChuji: Brilliant - that's what I was looking for.  Thanks!
13:09.38ctooley_mobileariel_:  So what would be the best way to set up 10 Asterisk servers to handle the load when there's only one Termination and one Origination account from the provider?
13:10.25ctooley_mobileariel_:  We'll be getting 3-5000 concurrent calls on that channel in the beginning moving to 50-100,000 within 3 months.
13:12.26ariel_ctooley_mobile, I have not done a system that large. But I can tell you that I have been able to get 2 main servers to load balance for inbound PSTN lines and outbound but we had to use Lucent TNT servers to supply the PRI's to us.
13:12.36tzafrirI had such a lovely workaround on sip, and it doesn't work on iax. I want to prevent password-less IAX extensions in the default configuration from being abused
13:12.50justinnnnnnhey ppls
13:12.53justinnnnnnif u do call parking.. etc..
13:12.58justinnnnnnhow do u cdr the call :) ?
13:13.14ariel_ctooley_mobile, asterisk is not really made for that many sip clients.
13:13.16wasimjustinnnnnn: ResetCDR
13:13.35tzafrirThe workaround with sip was to give them all a bogus context , in the general section. And then I only need to change one place when the user feels it is OK
13:13.38markitdamn, native assisted transfer support was one of the most requested features... now seems that no one is using it :(
13:13.48*** part/#asterisk SirPrize (~blah@
13:14.08ctooley_mobileariel_:  It's only one SIP client, that's the only real problem
13:14.10ariel_ctooley_mobile, but I feel that maybe the people at fwd could help in getting you the redundent load balance system.
13:14.29justinnnnnnwasim, but when u reconnect hows it going to no to add on the previous
13:14.46justinnnnnnand when u reconnect hows it going to no '700' or woteva.. is whoever u dialed internationaly..
13:15.51wasimjustinnnnnn: set account code and follow it from there, i have done parking with CDR, so i might be barking up the wrong tree
13:16.00wasimjustinnnnnn: s/have/haven't
13:20.14tzafrirIs there any other simple way of keeing the extensions there but "disabling" them in a "user-visible" way?
13:20.35tzafrirIAX extensions, I mean
13:20.39djinwhat is visible to the user?
13:21.33tzafrirmaking calls is not possible. The name of the context is disabled-sip-insecure-read-getting-started
13:22.13djinI guess comments is not what you're lookign for?
13:22.30djinlol @ wasim.
13:22.40tzafrirAnd they have a menu option that changes the context back to "default"
13:22.55tzafrirwhich is a minimal change: 1 file, 1 line
13:23.21*** join/#asterisk Jedirl (
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13:25.04tzafrirI can remove all the IAX extensions (unload iax module or remove an include line) but then the users won't know that they need to do something to enable iax extensions
13:25.54tzafrirdjin, I'm alway looking for comments
13:26.05djinyou can comment them out?
13:26.42djin; #include <customer/iax.conf>
13:27.26tzafrirI can rem-out the line that includes all of the extensions.
13:27.46tzafrirBut will the users know that the system should have IAX users/extensions?
13:29.18tzafrirwell, seems like no better alternative
13:30.07*** join/#asterisk nirs (~nirs@
13:30.17nirsgood morning everybody
13:30.21nirshow are we today ?
13:30.33*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
13:30.40djinHi Zeeek.
13:30.47Zeeekdjin hullo
13:31.36ZeeekHoly convention, Batman... VON 2005 discount price, $2495
13:31.58Zeeekno wonder all those guys are speakers! They won't have to pay :)
13:32.19djinFor what, 100x100 stand?
13:32.26Zeeekto attend!
13:33.18Zeeekone day reg = $100
13:33.41djinwhy that much? Does it include a female escort?
13:33.45Zeeekexhibits only $200
13:33.53Zeeekno joke - FOR LIFE !
13:34.19Zeeekfor $200 that must include something better than the "snack" mentioned
13:34.35*** join/#asterisk zbysio (
13:34.38djindefine snack.
13:35.13djinwell, it includes all meals.
13:35.15ZeeekCharley Theron?
13:35.27Zeeekyeah $2200 is some great food!
13:35.43ZeeekI guess it's a limited audience...
13:35.46Zeeekso high price
13:36.22Zeeekmust be only reserved for the brightest lights on voIP
13:36.25djinit also defines the type of visitors.
13:36.29Zeeek" Our secure serveruses an advanced encryption technology called SSL"
13:36.30wasimZeeek: thats just a little over 2 farfon beta evals
13:36.43Zeeekheh two? more like one!
13:37.16Zeeekan advanced encryption technology called SSL... Hmmmm wow, that's a new one on me!
13:37.26tzafrirhi nirs
13:38.12*** join/#asterisk lohelle (~post@
13:40.26djinAs you're mentioning Farfon. Did they release their IAX-phone by now?
13:41.41Zeeekany second!
13:42.09jerliquewhat would this refer to:
13:42.12jerliqueapp_queue.c:374 changethread: Can't change device '**Unknown**' with no technology!
13:44.19djinwhen does this occur?
13:44.45ZeeekI'm being dragged outside against my will.... help
13:44.57*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
13:50.31jerliquewhen I've just finished leaving a message
13:51.19wasimwho, what ... farfon!
13:51.36wasimdjin: yeah, they did, late as ever
13:52.38wasimdjin: 60% of the phones are now in .EU, some should make their way to US
13:52.45djindoes it work well? I personally thinks it looks kinda cheap.
13:53.01djinwell, I'm in Europe.
13:53.23wasimdjin: its a donor casing, these are beta eval units to test the core OS and IAX stack and other niche stuff like encryption etc
13:53.45djinah, ok.
13:54.35Mw3hm, what ? iax phone ? where ?
13:55.41Mw3i'd need a phone which can do sip and iax2 :)
13:55.59djinwhy is that?
13:58.00Mw3because i'd like to test sip and iax2 with the same device :)
13:59.19wasimno SIP, no H.323, no MGCP, no CRAP
13:59.50wasimhail IAX2!
14:00.08Mw3i'm working for an isp and we're planning to give voip to our customers, but we haven't decided what protocol/device to use
14:00.30djinMw3, there isn't much to decide.
14:00.56Mw3others using sip
14:01.00djinSip is more widely supported by both hard- and software.
14:01.19djinIax is a great protocol, but it limits you to Asterisk.
14:01.32wasimyate does IAX too
14:01.52djinok, * and Yate ;)
14:03.39lohelleA couple of useful (I think) scripts at    please comment!
14:05.30mbranca_homeMw3: use sip AND iax for customers, and iax for server2server backbones
14:05.44netsurferlohelle - hmm nice, generatecall looks useful :)
14:05.53Mw3djin: we are planning to make a hardware for us, which support 2 telephone lines with iax or sip and a s-video out for mpeg2
14:05.55mbranca_homeif you want only 1 proto for the customers, go with sip
14:06.05Mw3djin: set-top-box device or what :)
14:06.10mbranca_homeiax, so :)
14:06.29mikegrblohelle: you forgot to copy the .call file in to the outgoing spool in your script
14:06.37lohellechanged now! :)
14:06.45mikegrblohelle: also, /tmp would be a much better place to build it then /root
14:07.18lohellemikegrb: I know.. just an example
14:07.36djinMw3, sound very interesting.
14:07.56lohellebut it actually works! I can call in and join whoever I want to a conference etc.
14:08.07djinMw3, is there some site where I can check updates on this proejct?
14:09.38mikegrblohelle: for your ping script, you might look at asterisk-sounds in cvs, there are some recordings you may be interested in, such as "ping"
14:09.40Mw3djin: no, we just contacted a hardware making company in taiwan and sent the specifications
14:09.59Mw3djin: we're waiting for their answer
14:10.51djinMw3, cool. Looking forward to progress.
14:10.55lohellemikegrb: ok. tnx. I was thinking about creating more sounds for this one.. "please input ip address to ping" etc.
14:12.52lohellene1 know of a place to download scripts like this?
14:18.13*** join/#asterisk dasv (
14:20.17markitwhat does "disconnect" does in features.conf? it does not hung up :(
14:20.44dasvLooking for IAXy in Europe... Anyone know where to get one?
14:21.01wasimdasv: a digium distributor or reseller
14:21.39Mw3which is the best isdn bri card for asterisk by the way ?
14:21.42dasvwasim: been searching, but haven't found it in Europe yet...
14:21.48ariel_markit, I did not know there was a disconnect in features.conf
14:22.01wasimMw3: octobri from
14:22.02lohellehas anyone integrated bristuff into latest cvs.. There are features I "need" in both! :)
14:22.15*** join/#asterisk adnans (
14:22.32markitariel_: cvs head
14:22.38dasvMw3: Thanks. I'll check that out.
14:22.45markitariel_: under [featuremap]
14:22.59Mw3wasim: ah, i need only 1 or 2 ports
14:23.15wasimMw3: thats ok, they are the best
14:23.24djinMw3, I like the EIcon's, but they're expensive (I have them from Hylafax projects), but you can check the quadbri from junghanns
14:23.25ariel_markit, thanks I I don't use head. (I stay with stable it's safer).
14:24.06Mw3wasim: and where can i buy it ?
14:24.06ariel_I wish we had more access to isdn lines here in the US.
14:24.21*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (~sudhir@
14:24.24sudhir492hi all
14:24.40Mw3wasim: hm, i cant find it there
14:24.53Mw3djin: i've heard that eicon diva is not well supported
14:25.05sudhir492anyone doing IVR with asterisk here?
14:25.07markitMw3: try also
14:25.08djinmultiBRI (zaptel)
14:25.15netsurfersudhir492 yes
14:25.21sudhir492I need some tips for doing a litte complicated IVR
14:25.33netsurfersudhir492 shoot
14:25.43djinMw3, never had problems with Eicon (server) cards.
14:25.47lohelleI use el cheapo asuscom cards.. (only single..). Is these quadbri cards stable?
14:27.01*** join/#asterisk BBRodriguez_ (
14:27.03*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (~konversat@
14:27.14sudhir492In the process of IVR, when we collect responses, how to branch on various responses, and how to collect save all collected responses
14:27.39netsurfersudhir492 - go to wiki and search on asterisk read cmd
14:27.54sudhir492which one?
14:28.28Mw3djin: is eicon works with capi driver ?
14:28.49sudhir492I have been doing simpler ones with Play and Background
14:28.49netsurferheh dont u just hate it when a kernel install goes wrong on a remote box
14:29.02djinMw3, I use chan_capi for them.
14:29.24sudhir492netsurfer: Oh boy ! I hope the box is not more than 3000 miles :-)
14:29.27*** part/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
14:29.30ariel_sudhir492, someone here lohelle has done something might help you with what your doing
14:29.54Mw3djin: ah, nice. someone told me eicon is sux it works with chan_modem which is not the best
14:30.05sudhir492ariel_: thanks. I will look into that too
14:30.06Mw3djin: but he wasn't right then ...
14:30.16*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
14:31.15netsurfersudhir492 na.. not even 300 steps
14:31.51djinMw3, everyone has different experience. I use Eicon for years for Hylafax configurations (PRI-cards). Chan_capi works very well for me.
14:32.18Mw3ah, you use PRI cards ... i need bri cards :)
14:32.57djinMw3, I use 2BRI and 8Bri cards as well, same CAPI driver ;)
14:39.46*** join/#asterisk zyke (~zakforeve@
14:46.22Jedirlanyone writes AGI scripts ?
14:47.12wasimJedirl: anybody who uses AGI, does
14:47.32Jedirli'd like to know if there's any way to execute the AGI scripts in a different machine from the one which runs asterisk
14:47.45JedirlI mean, having a dedicated "agi" server for this purpose
14:47.49wasimJedirl: why not? just ssh -x blah
14:48.00Jedirlssh -x?
14:48.00liquidno2ssh is the way to go
14:48.12liquidno2man ssh
14:48.14wasimerr ... no -x ssh host command
14:48.15JedirlI know ssh
14:48.24liquidno2apparently not
14:48.44Jedirlyour perceptions are not correct, then
14:48.44liquidno2because you would know how to remotely execute commands with ssh then
14:50.45djinJedirl, did you check fastAGI?
14:50.57Jedirlwhat's it
14:51.10djinIt's what you're looking for.
14:51.29Jedirlthankyou :)
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15:02.11*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
15:03.10djinwelcom back Zeeek.
15:03.15djinhundra, hi.
15:03.22Zeeekit's an addiction
15:04.21hundrausing sql to read extensions and voicemail information.. i noticed that there are a couple of different solutions, is there a safe bet which of the solutions to use? (i'm using 1.0.5 atm)
15:04.33zykeis there anyway u can convert your exsting agi scripts into FastAgi scripts ?
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15:15.11Zeeekquiet sunday
15:16.20djinZeek, wouldn't want it any other way ;)
15:16.54ZeeekI dunno... could be a distor war or two
15:17.15ZeeekIt's been at least a few hours since the s word has appeared
15:17.34djinerhm, 's'-word?
15:18.01Zeeekspeaking of which... I tried yet another new firmware, 5.22 for BT100 series and still doesn't work
15:18.04*** join/#asterisk christo (~chris@
15:18.09Zeeekthe s word is sucks
15:18.21Zeeekso to reiterate....
15:18.35Zeeekasterisk on a dynamic ip, BT102 on a fixed one.
15:18.46Zeeekthe BT102 need not register since it's fixed ip
15:19.00Zeeekbut it has to be able to do DNS to find the asrerisk (and time) server
15:19.13Zeeekall firmware after 5.11 does not do DNS
15:19.15djinah, well I don't read those s-remarks.
15:19.31Zeeekit won't find the time server (so eliminates my asterisk install as a cause)
15:19.51markitanyone using "automon" feature?
15:19.54Zeeekit just plain does NOT do any DNS lookups of anything with firmware after .11
15:20.12ZeeekGS says "no one else has this problem!" which I'm sure is not a lie
15:20.24Zeeekyet, I see no explanation
15:20.42Zeeekif I use ip addresses everywhere, the phone works normally in a ll versions
15:20.57Zeeekif I want DNS, only <= 5.11 works
15:20.58netsurferwhy did they remove it ?
15:21.03christoI'm trying to get an IVR system to query a database for a code provided by the user.. are there any good examples of this in the voip-info wiki, or someplace else?
15:21.21Zeeekwhat database christo? Where?
15:21.26netsurferchristo - I did this last week, hang on i'll get u the code
15:21.47Zeeekon same asterisk box?
15:21.51christothe database is on the same box yeah
15:22.03Zeeekshould be easy
15:22.05christoI have the odbc stuff installed and the odbcinst.ini setup for mysql
15:22.09christohopefully :)
15:22.24Zeeekdoes asterisk have an Mysql() app loaded ?
15:22.25djinodbc for mysql?
15:22.40christoZeeek - not sure
15:22.45christodjin yup
15:22.56Zeeekwell let's see what netsurfer has to say
15:23.00wasimdon't do odbc for mysql, do native, i think it'll be faster
15:23.25wasimuse citats perl AGI handlers, and mysql perl etc
15:23.30christowasim - can I do that in my dialplan? I figured I'd have to use ODBCget type commands
15:23.35Zeeekgo native, wasim! I can see you in a grass skirt already!
15:24.40Zeeeknice site design:
15:24.56netsurferdamn this celeron 700 sux
15:25.07ZeeekI told you it would be long, djin!
15:25.32netsurferchristo - any questions in particular? I cant get to pastebin
15:26.29christowell - It doesn't really matter how I do it.. I mean if I could just call a little perl script or something, that'd be just as good.. hmm perhaps I should just do that instead
15:26.35djinWell Zeeek, I'm not picking up anything from the floor around you!
15:26.52netsurferchristo - use the MYSQL cmd
15:27.02christonetsurfer - didn't know there was one :)
15:27.08netsurferchristo - now u do ;)
15:27.13christocan I put that straight into my dialplan?
15:27.26netsurfercheck it out on the wiki
15:27.38christogot it..
15:27.40Zeeekwhere is this mysql cmd? In Head or addon?
15:28.08*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
15:28.12netsurferBUT note that I had problems getting it to work with the hostname, use instead of localhost
15:28.15Zeeekaddon - ok - I'd seen it but never looked where
15:28.26markithow to activate automon besides features.conf?
15:28.51netsurferZeeek - its a great feature :)
15:29.12ZeeekIf you need db lookup sounds perfect
15:29.52Zeeekfor yopu FireFox fans:
15:30.34christoare comments expressed with ';' in * ?
15:30.34Zeeekin .conf yes except for zaptel
15:32.58*** join/#asterisk danfrey (user@
15:36.32Zeeekdid I remember correctly that the X100P FXO usues only two wires?
15:37.04wasimZeeek: yep, pins 4/5
15:37.14danfreyHello all, I am install asterisk as we speak.  2 machines, 1st machine has 2 x100p, second machine has 2 quicknet phonejacks.  I plan to do TDMoE between them to send 2 pstn lines about 1/2 mile over multimode fiber.  I would like to disable everything that I don't need. (sip, voicemail, codecs, etc.)  Could somebody point me to a good resource on how to disable them?
15:37.32wasimdanfrey: modules.conf
15:37.47Zeeekwasim and the same would be the case for the FXS from TDM400P ? and
15:37.53danfreythank you
15:38.06wasimZeeek: affirmative
15:38.18Zeeekso that can't be why callerid is not working
15:38.22Zeeekon one phone
15:38.57danfreyI thought I had seen that somewhere.  Thanks
15:39.10Zeeekanyone know anything at all about the ARM codec?
15:39.18wasimAMR ?
15:39.25Zeeekerrr, yes
15:39.29bjohnson_anyone had this win98 problem before (troubleshooting wife's laptop) .. boots into desktop, flashes panel, then nothing (no desktop icons or panel .. just desktop colour and working mouse cursor).  Smells like a corrupted system file but not sure how to correct.
15:39.31sudhir492oops, sorry, wrong window
15:40.07Zeeekbjohnson format c:
15:40.20Zeeekbut maybe boot in safe mode first
15:40.29bjohnson_same thing in safe mode
15:40.52*** join/#asterisk nassy (
15:41.02bjohnson_wasim: thanks for the tip .. I've run linux for a number of years but gentoo on her laptop = no nookie
15:41.19tzafrirany way to cheage the shell on that win98?
15:41.40wasimbjohnson_: my wife has totally converted to gentoo, she wouldn't at first, but now she keeps telling all her coffee friends about firefox and how to use multiple desktops and tabs etc
15:41.41djinyes, DOS.
15:41.42bjohnson_change the shell?
15:42.06tzafrirIIRC you can change the shell to something other than explorer. It seems some parts of explorer fail to load
15:42.16danfreyisn't the shell defined in system.ini
15:42.28bjohnson_I can boot into DOS .. I've also looked at bootlog.txt and browesed around using knoppix but don't see a specific problem
15:46.31Zeeekcan you re-install over the Win98?
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15:46.54Zeeekas a last resort sometimes all the apps and everything stay and the os is fixed
15:46.56bjohnson_found this
15:46.59bjohnson_checking it now
15:47.05sd-tuxhi, I have a question: I not a PBX expert but i know that some PBXes like siemens HiPath can show the name of called person to the caller. for example i'm calling number: 101 and i see the name of person i have called. is it possible to have this function with asterisk and SIP ? does anybody know if there is support for this in SIP RFC... ?
15:47.47Zeeeksd-tux if your phone supports it, yes
15:48.05bjohnson_sd-tux: I think so but you'd have to read the data from your own db (and your phone would have to support being backfed the callerid)
15:49.02sd-tuxbjohnson_: i'm interested in SIP only solution ... no ldap directorys etc...
15:50.07sd-tuxZeeek: what sip header have i to use?
15:50.27Zeeekif your talking about a SIP phone connected to asterisk, it just hgappens
15:50.59Zeeekor happens even
15:53.40sd-tuxZeeek: hmm i see that my phone sends my name in "contact:" header...
15:53.54sd-tuxZeeek: thank you :)
15:54.15Zeeeknot me, Mark Spencer!
15:54.26Zeeek(or maybe the SIP people?)
15:55.15*** join/#asterisk mtqh (
15:57.52*** join/#asterisk djMax (
15:59.25djMaxjoining two *'s with IAX2.  Can I put "friend" in both iax.conf entries?
16:01.36djMaxI'm getting "no authority found"
16:02.14Zeeekyou need to get some authority
16:02.33wasimdjMax: use user/peer while debugging
16:02.50djMaxso the caller * is user, and the callee is peer right?
16:02.55wasimdjMax: start with a IAX2/user:pass entry in extensions.conf
16:03.01wasimdjMax: then gradually get rid of the pass etc
16:03.29wasimdjMax: they are both both, use user when someone registers to you, use peer when you want to make a call to them
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16:05.26djMaxok. user/pass in extensions also gets no authority found
16:08.17djMaxone strange thing is that it seems to be sending reject's long after I hang up
16:08.21djMax(5-10 seconds)
16:09.55bjohnson_djMax: friend in both works for me
16:10.14bjohnson_djMax: I use same username & secret in both iax.conf sections
16:10.41djMaxyeah, same here.
16:11.21djMaxdo you have context settings?
16:11.55bjohnson_btw .. was able to change my win98 shell to winfile.exe and it boots up.  When I run iexplore.exe I get a dll error .. checking the file system reveals no such file by the name shown in the error .. downloading a fresh copy now
16:12.13bjohnson_djMax: context settings?
16:12.27djMaxwhich context the IAX call gets dumped into
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16:12.40bjohnson_djMax: one is dynamic and it registers .. the other just uses host=(enter dns name here)
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16:13.08bjohnson_djMax: oh yes .. same as every iax incoming config
16:13.44Zeeeko iwho is using the asterisk iax2 provision command with templates?
16:14.06christohmmmm poo
16:14.21christohas anybody got an example of using the Mysql() command?
16:16.31Zeeektake a quick look at this:
16:17.55mtqhzeek: yes?
16:18.04Zeeekyes what? IAXy ?
16:18.34mtqhsorry, wrong window, I say your nick and thought I was in another window
16:18.47Zeeekmy question was that in the old provision method you have "register" and in the new I see "flags=register"
16:19.47markitI've updated the Wiki with some more info about "one touch recording" feature
16:19.54djMaxso if I do Dial(IAX2/user:pass@ it should dial using user and pass, and try to go to extension 1001 right?
16:20.18djMaxis the name of the section in the "called *" important?
16:20.20markitanyone here can help me to make "disconnect" feature work, so I can then provide info to the community?
16:20.22christoZeeek - which makefile is he referring to? That's exactly the error I'm getting
16:20.35Zeeekthat error means you haven't added mysql
16:21.09christowhat do you mean by 'added' mysql - I mean the mysql server is running on that machine, the db is installed and I can connect in the normal fashion
16:21.16christois this something to to with the way asterisk was built?
16:21.28ZeeekYou need to download the asterisk-addons to have mysql support now.  It was
16:21.28Zeeekonly moved to its own project due to licensing changes with MySQL.
16:21.39bjohnson_djMax: with the username, secret, and host in iax.conf I just do Dial(IAX2/iaxsectionname/1001)
16:22.07christoooh mmm ok
16:22.13Zeeekit's an addon
16:22.13djMaxweird... So it seems that the name of the section is important, and basically the username doesn't matter.
16:22.15Zeeekya see
16:22.32djMaxso when I do dial(IAX2/section:secret@IP/exten) it works.
16:22.39bjohnson_djMax: it uses the username FROM the section
16:22.45ZeeekI think there's a big future in Querying db with asterisk - it's a cool area
16:23.09bjohnson_djMax: try Dial(IAX2/iaxsectionname/1001)
16:23.16djMaxyeah, that's failing so far.
16:23.22Zeeekespecially if you had like toll free numbers and could query a distant server and just rent that service out to a company
16:24.15djMaxyep, so the username in the client iax.conf has to match the section name in the server iax.conf
16:27.54djMaxmore subtle than that I guess.  Hrmph.
16:28.23sd-tuxZeeek: maybe you can help ?:  i found out that only one of my phones is sending my name to caller in "Contact:" header... asterisk don't forward thes header to caller :( .. now i want to test if my phone can schow the name of called person ... for this i need to add a string in Contact header from asterisk .SipAddHeader seems to add a header to called phone but not calling phone :( .. how can i add a header in 180 ringing reply ?
16:29.02filethe Contact head isn't used for that
16:29.08filecallerid information is sent in the From header
16:29.09Zeeeksd-tux what os the callerid= stuff in you configs?
16:29.49*** join/#asterisk techie (
16:31.16sd-tuxZeeek: i need something like  calledid not callerid :)
16:31.37djMaxyeesh, I had it working and now I can't get back to it. :)
16:31.43filethat's what the To field is for
16:32.02Zeeeksd-tux what exactly is missing?
16:32.32mtqhsd-tux search did on the wiki there is a long section on it
16:32.47|Vulture|you can pull it from a database
16:33.38filesd-tux: as for your initial query, I highly doubt your phone can do that... and the Contact header isn't what you want
16:34.32sd-tuxfile: thank you ... |Vulture| i searched the wiki but i don't know of this feauture .... can you send me the link..
16:34.43fileif you go mucking with it, weird things might happen
16:34.47sd-tuxfile i have Optipoint 400
16:35.05|Vulture|sd-tux: I have never done it just know its possible
16:36.07sd-tuxmtqh: cn you send me the link ? or maybe the name of this "feauture" :) ?
16:37.51sd-tuxfile: the contact header is the only place where i can see my name being sent to the caller Sip UA
16:38.38file[laptop]I don't quite understand what you want to do
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16:40.16sd-tuxfile[laptop]: i want to send the name of called person to caller... if i have to change "To:" header for this how can i do this ?
16:40.28file[laptop]will your phone do anything with it?
16:42.30sd-tuxfile[laptop]: i want to test it :) i hope....
16:42.39file[laptop]I doubt it, never seen a phone that will
16:43.22lohellehas anyone tried avaya 4630 screenphone => asterisk.. looks good!
16:43.24sd-tuxfile[laptop]: cisco phones ?
16:43.42file[laptop]cisco phones don't... but because you have the separate line appearances, you know what line it came in on
16:44.11Zeeeksome kind of scheme where asterisk instigates the calls and the person doesn't know who he's calling?
16:44.35file[laptop]Zeeek: I think he wants it to say exactly what was called, not who is calling... rather confusing
16:45.06Zeeekfor example I call 0102030405 ans I see that on my phone?
16:45.30Zeeekironically, I  think I do on the BT102 :)
16:45.47Zeeekbut I guess this is not a dialed number
16:45.52file[laptop]really confusing
16:46.01sd-tuxfile[laptop]: this is very popular feauture in the company where i work :) you dial the number and you kno the name of the person you are speaking with...
16:46.07Mother_hi all
16:46.08file[laptop]sd-tux: oh
16:46.28file[laptop]sd-tux: but which end... the person you called gets your name, or you get their name when you dial the number?
16:46.41file[laptop]if you mean the latter, no - SIP doesn't work like that... 'nor do any of the SIP phones
16:46.48sd-tuxfile[laptop]: the caller sees my name
16:46.55Mother_I have a problem with fax: it's detecting the incoming fax, but even though I have an exten => fax,1,.... it says "Fax detected, but no fax extension"
16:47.16file[laptop]your phone might have the option of looking it up in the address book/phonebook and displaying it though
16:47.25Zeeekthe call left the conext where fax was defined?
16:47.39*** join/#asterisk voipjet (
16:47.40Mother_does the fax extension need to be in the same context?
16:48.16Mother_i.e. I have four PSTN lines, each with it's own context, and then at the end of extensions.conf I added the fax extension
16:48.31ZeeekI had that fax probelm and I'm trying to rememebr when I got that - because I did
16:48.31sd-tuxfile[laptop]: maybe but I don't know this... i hoped to find a sip header which is used for this ...
16:48.45file[laptop]sd-tux: nope
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16:49.06file[laptop]sd-tux: but just because you added it to a SIP header (which might freak out asterisk OR your phone) doesn't mean your phone would use it
16:49.07Zeeeklet me take a look at my files
16:49.11Mother_I'll try to add the fax extension inside the context
16:49.14coooli need help pls with fwdOUT
16:50.01sd-tuxfile[laptop]: :) ok ... I was told that cisco can do this with skinny and CCM and wanted to test this with asterisk :)
16:50.11file[laptop]sd-tux: skinny isn't SIP
16:50.12ZeeekMother I think it may be that you want fax extension to be in the same context as when the call is answered
16:50.19file[laptop]sd-tux: skinny gives much more control of the phone to the server
16:50.33Mother_Zeeek: you're right, just tried that and it works, thanks a bunch!
16:50.34ZeeekAnswer() 'ed
16:50.35coooli need help pls with fwdOUT plssss
16:50.44file[laptop]coool: just ask your question, we aren't psychic
16:51.04ZeeekMother_ cool
16:51.09Zeeekcool ask away
16:51.15Zeeekcoool ask away
16:51.16sd-tuxfile[laptop]: I know this... it would be nice to have this in SIP too
16:51.34file[laptop]sd-tux: it's reality, deal with it :p
16:52.02cooolfile[laptop] sorry. its simple Q. i did sign in fwdOUT.and im downloading now asterisk to use it. so i can later make free calls from this software to land phones FREE without paying anything?
16:52.35Zeeeknothing in this life is free
16:52.36lohellene1 have example of web page that can issue commands(command line) to the asterisk server. I was thinking about something like a text input field and an OK buttom. When inputting phone number and click OK then a script shold run and generate call file (the script I allready have).
16:52.46Alriccoool: To other FWD users, but you're still paying for bandwidth :)
16:52.55Mother_well, the first few lines of the fax were OK, then after that it's all condensed into a blur :D
16:52.55Zeeeklohelle manager interface
16:52.58file[laptop]Alric: he's talking about fwdOUT, something different
16:53.05cooolZeeek so what is fwdOUT for?
16:53.14Zeeekwhat is fwdOUT?
16:53.21Alrichrm, bellster...
16:53.23file[laptop]formerly bellster
16:53.34Mother_did Bell get it's way with the name thing?
16:53.37cooolsorry .. yeah
16:53.37Mother_I presume it did :)
16:53.40Zeeekoh? Well bellster works but many think it's a bad idea
16:54.16cooolin fwdout site they said: Call anywhere in the world with Fwdout.Net's
16:54.17cooolPhone Sharing Service!
16:54.29cooolFreely call any ordinary phone with fwdOUT
16:54.38Zeeekyou can if you share your own local phone line coool
16:55.03Zeeekyou have a phone line and hardware to hook up to asterisk?
16:55.18cooolZeeek so i still need hardware ? not only software
16:55.27file[laptop]coool: read the FAQ
16:55.33Zeeekyou need to give time on your phone line to make calls
16:55.36file[laptop]specifically, "How does it work?"
16:55.46Zeeekread this: NOTHING is FREE
16:55.48cooolZeeek pls visit
16:56.04ZeeekI'm already signed up but I stopped using it after a day :)
16:56.16*** join/#asterisk sandnigg0r (
16:56.35Nuggetyou guys just aren't speaking coool's language.  Try: "nthn z free 2 u nless u cn give bk"
16:56.36Zeeekwhen you sign up you need to provide a route for others to call using YOUR phone line
16:56.37file[laptop]coool: needless to say you have to give calls to make calls :p
16:57.06cooolbad./. i used to use  pulver.Communicator  .. its was FREE to PSTN in USA and canada
16:57.09cooolnot anymore :(
16:57.12Zeeekanyway it's kind of a dead topic - asterisk won't help make free calls except through FWD etc
16:57.33NivexI miss the FWD<->Vonage gate.  Any idea if that's coming back?
16:58.19GodseyI use ipkall for free did and nufone for outbound
16:58.26GodseyI have yet to make an outbound call :)
16:58.34ZeeekNugget a worthy suggestion
16:58.57cooolZeeek any advice pls to make free call from pc to phone in usa and canada?
16:59.27ZeeekFWD has holiday specials which are free calling
16:59.36djMaxDial(IAX2/myname:mysecret@ that will look for a section named myname on the remote server right?
16:59.43Zeeekyou can call US/CAN for 1.4c/minute
16:59.50file[laptop]djMax: yes.
16:59.54*** join/#asterisk jonas (
17:00.06ZeeekThat's less than $1 an hour
17:00.12cooolZeeek i mean free like pulver.Communicator
17:00.23Zeeeknothing is free. ever.
17:00.27file[laptop]nowhere is free, so deal with it
17:00.34Zeeekexcept when it is. for a minute.
17:00.40file[laptop]just a minute.
17:00.59coooli mean for few minutes, not all time
17:01.03NivexAccess to the PSTN will never be free.  IP to IP is only the cost of the IP connection, which most people consider free because they are already paying for that bandwidth to do other things.
17:01.18Nivexcoool: You want a few free minutes a day, check out
17:01.19*** join/#asterisk lilneon (
17:01.24lilneongood morning all
17:01.39cooolNivex aha .. thnx
17:01.40Zeeekbut seriously: anyone that has enough bandwidth can afford 1.5c a minute for a call - unless you are stealing the bandwidth
17:02.07Zeeekentropy means that nothing is ever free and never will be
17:02.12cooolpls check <-- offer 10min FREE world calls .. i need somthing like that
17:02.32file[laptop]trial error.
17:03.03Zeeekgee, the site is down
17:03.03djMaxand the iax section on the server should be type=friend, same secret, and that's it right?
17:03.14Zeeekor going down :)
17:03.15file[laptop]djMax: sure.
17:03.24|Vulture|Zeeek: harharhar :P
17:03.30Mother_Zeeek: did you have problems with the page being cut short (very short in my case)
17:04.01ZeeekMother_ faxing is not ready for primetime business - it's a wonderful bit of work but has many problems
17:04.04Zeeekso, yes
17:04.20Mother_oh well
17:04.22lilneonhey guys, i setup an sshtunnel with my machine at wrk and my asterisk box home.. how do i get a softphone to use it now?
17:04.24Zeeekalwasy either down or going down :(
17:04.47ZeeekMother_ I received exactly two perfect faxes - one spam and the other by accident
17:04.57*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~info@
17:05.10Zeeekand I HATE SPAM esp spam faxes which are clearly illegal in Eu
17:05.18Mother_yeah, we get them quite often <-- offer 10min FREE world calls .. i need somthing like that  plss
17:05.37Mother_that's why I wanted to use callerid to kill those, only whitelisted numbers can send
17:05.53file[laptop]Zeeek: as is mine
17:05.56Mother_but if it's going to be this iffy...I need at least *some* reliability
17:05.58|Vulture|* + Fax == Problems
17:06.03file[laptop]coool: then use them and be quiet
17:06.04*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
17:06.19file[laptop]we aren't going to give you free calling, we aren't going to find you free calling, we don't know where to get free calling
17:06.19ZeeekMother_ but a $40 fax machine, it'll be way more reliable
17:06.34Mother_Zeeek: I have that one already, I picked it up just in case :D
17:06.40cooolfile[laptop] ok ok :) clam down. thanks anyway for help
17:06.46tzanger|Vulture|: untrue.  voip+fax = problems
17:06.49AlricThe most reliable faxing I've seen w/ * is T100P + channel bank -> Fax.
17:06.51cooolZeeek thanks 2 for ur help. and sorry 4 bothering
17:07.09Mother_the problem in this particular setup is that they want to route 4 PSTN lines to a remote * on a new office, as they cannot have the numbers changed to the new address
17:07.13tzangerAlric: agreed
17:07.14file[laptop]somebody ask me a question that isn't already answered somewhere
17:07.17Mother_and the line is shared between voice and fax
17:07.21file[laptop]one that makes me think
17:07.27ZeeekMother_ here's the prob. I have asked customrs to fax my asterisk and the first one I asked has a nice fax and it won't work AT ALL with spandsp - yet a $30 shareware on WIn gets every fax ever thrown at it
17:07.38djMaxargh, I'm still getting "no authority found", no clue why.
17:07.40|Vulture|tzanger: going from fax--voipgateway--*--voip provider--pstn--fax has lots of problems
17:07.54Zeeekso, either the X100P can't do it or the software can't do it. Result is the same
17:07.58*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
17:08.00tzanger|Vulture|: as I said, voip+fax = problems
17:08.10ZeeekdjMax you're reloading each time of course?
17:08.17Mother_Zeeek: agreed, I think the problem is that they try to do everything in low-level DSP, which is tricky at best
17:08.24djMaxyeah, restarting even.
17:08.35file[laptop]djMax: are you going to get me to write up examples?
17:08.41ZeeekI don't doubt that what is working now is already brilliant, only hey, I can't use it for business
17:08.49djMaxThe super annoying thing is that it was working for like 5 seconds.
17:09.24ZeeekI have a $15/month acount with jfax and I want to be able to replace it within one year - so I do hope for imporvement
17:09.32djMaxso on the server, the section name is "mysection", type friend, with a secret, a host, and a context.  Nothing else.
17:09.39Zeeekimporvement, yes that's it
17:09.44Mother_will * still catch the crappy ring signal those fax discriminators? I may have to install one
17:09.51file[laptop]djMax: one sec
17:10.01Zeeek"this is to imporve you that your license has expired"
17:10.08djMaxon the client, I'm just dialing with no "section", IAX2/mysection:secret@IP/1001.
17:10.14djMaxok, I wait
17:10.28ZeeekMother_ I'm sure you can still route the fax to a fax machine using detection that seems to work well
17:11.02Mother_ah OK, problem is I have four FXO boards on this TDM, I'll have to move things around a bit
17:11.25ZeeekdjMax note that nufone uses two section named [nufone] in their suggested setup
17:11.26Mother_I could swap one for an FXS and divert to that
17:11.45ZeeekMother_ that's what I meant - sorry
17:11.53ZeeekI forgot not everyone has FXS
17:11.54Mother_Zeeek: OK thanks
17:11.57file[laptop]if you want a peer on the server... add a peer entry, don't use a friend... less headaches
17:12.52Zeeeknufone did uses user, secret context - that's it
17:13.32Zeeekpeer, host, secret for outgoing
17:13.46djMaxnope, the example fails.
17:14.01file[laptop]then you've got something else mucked up
17:14.43ZeeekdjMax, do you have any iax entities in iax.conf that you can copy and modify?
17:14.45djMaxyeah, in iax2 debug I don't see rejects now, I see "new", but still doesn't connect.
17:15.08file[laptop]what does it do?
17:16.05djMaxclient says IAX2/mybox/2 is circuit-busy
17:16.25file[laptop]what does the server say?
17:16.46djMaxjust shows a "NEW" and a bunch of auth requests, but no rejects.
17:16.57*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
17:17.09file[laptop]turn off iax2 debug
17:17.11file[laptop]and try again
17:18.35file[laptop]can I have access? and if this is something stupid I'm going to thwap you
17:18.52djMaxlet me make an IAX entry for you
17:18.57Zeeekhas to be one of those forest for the trees deals
17:19.05djMaxabsolutely, especially since it worked.
17:19.10file[laptop]nah I mean SSH access, I have a sneaking suspicion you're overlooking something
17:19.14fawhere can i find hfc card for 4x BRA ?
17:19.19ZeeekMother_ 4 FXO? Not a TDM?
17:19.51lohelleis there an example web page/script to issue commands to linux CLI? (just not an asterisk question). Must login first... apache webserver..
17:22.22Mother_Zeeek: TDM400P with 4 FXO boards
17:22.48Zeeekor ak
17:23.18*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
17:25.54*** join/#asterisk jeofrey (~jeofrey@
17:26.40wasimTDM40, i.e.
17:26.47jeofreyhi all
17:26.57jeofreyanyone can help please
17:27.35slePPfile[laptop]: my channel bank still doesn't work right. silly asterisk.
17:27.48file[laptop]okay people, WHEN I GIVE EXAMPLES FOLLOW THEM TO THE DOT
17:29.47file[laptop]slePP: :(
17:31.39file[laptop]I'm afraid not dear
17:31.54bjohnson_I have this bump on my foot.  file[laptop] .. could you tell me what it is?
17:32.10file[laptop]bjohnson_: it's where I injected you with a sedative
17:32.36bjohnson_WHAT ??  You shouldn't ha zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
17:32.46file[laptop]anyone want a foot? brain? liver?
17:32.59bjohnson_no brains here
17:33.04file[laptop]didn't think so
17:33.07mikegrbyes, how many miles on the brain?
17:33.18bjohnson_I walk with my feet
17:33.25mikegrbI'll give $1
17:33.33file[laptop]I have $1, do I hear $1.25?
17:33.49file[laptop]eh? EH? $1.25? it's a steal!
17:34.01file[laptop]Sold to mikegrb for $1!
17:35.00wasimthere's one born every minute ...
17:35.04djMaxWell, there's no question the thwack was worth making the problem go away.  Still scratching my head because I could swear I was in this config before.  Probably missed a reload or something.
17:35.47file[laptop]wasim: what, an asterisk user?
17:35.57djMaxwhoa!  Got it to fail again.  To a different extension.
17:36.21wasimdoes the # get commission on sales?
17:37.04file[laptop]djMax: You have exhausted your one question for today. Please try your question again tomorrow, thank you!
17:37.09Nukemizeris ther a way to go straight to voice mail. lets say i want to leave a message for a buddy but not ring his phone when it is late. Just go directly to his mailbox
17:37.27djMaxno more questions now, just notices in case I find something interesting.
17:37.38file[laptop]Nukemizer: use the dialplan!
17:37.42djMaxnow that I have a working base I can handle any non-bug. :)
17:37.58lohellene1 know when automon and atxfer (featurs.conf) is going to STABLE release? (then maybe bristuff will be patched into that one)
17:37.59wasimNukemizer: Voicemail(25)
17:38.17file[laptop]lohelle: stable is for BUG FIXES, repeat after me BUG FIXES
17:38.30file[laptop]lohelle: the next major release may make the latest cvs head stable... who knows
17:38.46file[laptop]I swear I've turned into bkw
17:39.07lohelleOK! I learn something new every day here!
17:39.41Nukemizerthank you both, trying :)
17:42.08*** join/#asterisk jetscreamer (
17:42.37bjohnson_errr .. terminology.  Eventually HEAD will get branched off to a new version .. after a beta period, THAT will become STABLE
17:43.38bjohnson_that branching of HEAD to ceate a new version is not scheduled to happen .. but it may be a sudden thing .. all of a sudden .. new version branch for testing
17:43.38blitzrageMore than likely 1.2 stable
17:44.00blitzrageI suspect 1.2 will be released at Astricon Europe (my educated guess)
17:44.14Jedirlwhen will it be?
17:44.20blitzragethere is no date
17:44.29lohelleMy point was that I need bristuff because I use two ISDN cards in NT-mode.. But I would also like to have (at least) the atxfer feature.. :)
17:45.42blitzragefile[laptop]: I can add a -r v1-0-x version tag to download the particular version from CVS right? (as opposed to the latest stable)
17:47.17macTijndid anyone see ?
17:47.28blitzragefile[laptop]: just tried it... yep, I can! :)
17:47.51file[laptop]tags are nifty
17:48.32blitzragefile[laptop]: sure are.  Gotta add that information to the installation chapter regarding CVS.  I just have how to checkout -r v1-0
17:48.41file[laptop]you can do date too
17:48.55blitzragefile[laptop]: how do you format that again?  I should put that in there.
17:49.14blitzragehaha, yah I do that too
17:51.16file[laptop]Sunday, how about that Sunday
17:51.18file[laptop]yup yup yup
17:51.26blitzragefile[laptop]: will look it up and add it to the docs
17:54.04*** join/#asterisk [alex] (~[alex]@
17:54.31file[laptop]toot toot yeah beep beep
17:58.01djMaxthat base eroded fast.  Same config not working anymore.  Must be a net or other problem i guess.
17:59.02*** join/#asterisk ryguillian (
18:00.53*** part/#asterisk lilneon (
18:01.57djMaxbah, I think it's a routing problem.  Stupid linux q: how do you control routing pref order for default gateways on dhcp interfaces?
18:04.33bjohnson_you should only have 1 default gateway
18:04.47bjohnson_everything else should be a pattern match
18:05.23djMaxyeah, problem is the local interface feeds back a gateway in DHCP since there is a firewall, but this is a dual-homed machine
18:06.17djMaxclearly a bad setup, so you're right, let me fix the setup instead.
18:11.47*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
18:12.46JohnAByou can have more than one default router in linux, but that would be unusual
18:12.57QwellYou sure?
18:13.09JohnABbut you need to set up rules for which one to use
18:13.15JohnAByou can do that with iproute2
18:13.30JohnAByou might want to do that if you're load balancing between interfaces
18:13.32QwellThen it wouldn't really be a default route, if you have to setup rules.
18:13.34djMaxyep, was a routing problem.  Maybe I can sidestep file's thwack ever so slightly.
18:13.55JohnABwell that's a matter of semantics
18:14.35JohnABas far as linux is concerned you effectively have 2 default routes that you use alternately or whatever, but you also need rules to say if it comes in on interface A, it goes out on interface A etc.
18:15.10Jedirlthat's called policy routing
18:15.25*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
18:15.53Jedirlyou can mark packets with iptables and route them as you want depending not only on destination but on source, port, or anything
18:16.10JohnAByes indeed
18:16.16Qwellmarking packets is fun
18:17.22mikegrbI like to mark them with sharpies[tm]
18:17.49Qwellmikegrb: I figured out my wiring, heh
18:18.29Qwellmikegrb: I guess its an RJ12 plug, and cat3(with 3 pairs), where only one pair is used on each wire.  It comes in as orange, leaves as blue, and in the other room, it comes in blue, and doesn't leave
18:18.34mikegrbI'm sitting here trying to widdle 1.25 gb of photos down to 700 mb for burning on cd
18:19.13mikegrbI took almost 500 photos yesterday at a mardi gras parade
18:20.02Qwellfor i in `find . | grep -v breasts`; do rm $i; done
18:20.34mikegrbthis was a family parade
18:20.42lycklaybeeuhgrep "breasts" * | wc -l
18:20.55mikegrbthough it was nice to be able to drink beer on the street
18:21.02mikegrbQwell: heh, just about all of them
18:21.33mikegrbthis parade was frik'n long too, we left at three hours and it was still going!
18:21.47Nukemizerwhen using SIP phones can "all call Page" be accomplished ?
18:21.51blitzragedoes anyone know if there is anything to worry about when checking out Asterisk from CVS with the -D flag? Do I need to use the -f flag?
18:22.24mikegrboh, and when the news channel went buy they had a video and still photographer walking along, the still photographer was using same camera as me so I took a picture of him :D
18:22.42*** join/#asterisk jeofrey (~jeofrey@
18:23.00jeofreyany one can help me please
18:23.06Qwellmikegrb: Yours must be fairly pricey then, eh?
18:23.36jeofreyi always ahve rpoblem in chan_sip
18:23.53ariel_jeofrey, what is the problem that your having?
18:24.05jeofreyi have paste it in pastebin
18:24.40ariel_jeofrey,  What are you trying to do?
18:25.02ariel_what you posted is that there is no channel
18:25.18jeofreyi have sip ipphone and i want to connect it to asterisk
18:25.31jeofreybut i always got that notice
18:25.36ariel_which phone.
18:26.02jeofreyand sipsoftware
18:26.17ariel_ah ok what is your sip.conf setting for the phone and what are you dialing rules for it? Pastebin it please
18:26.22jeofreyim using sipphone elite
18:26.29shido6are you using friend
18:26.33shido6or users and peers in sip.conf?
18:26.53shido6sip show peers
18:26.58shido6can u see your peer?
18:27.03shido6sip show users
18:27.06shido6can u see your user?
18:27.15jeofreyplease hang on
18:27.27shido6I will eventually fall off , my grip is slipping
18:31.16jeofreyi dont have anything any setup inside of the sip conf but because its using bluesip_sip.agi
18:31.54ariel_what is bluesip_sip.agi?
18:31.54shido6then smack bluesip_sip.agi and add a user in your sip.conf
18:32.01jeofreythen i have to register in webpage before i can have the account
18:32.08blitzrageshido6: are you in Vancouver or Toronto?  Pretty sure you're in Canada somewhere right?
18:32.18blitzragefile[laptop]: lol
18:32.25file[laptop]don't make me hurt you Mr. Madsen
18:32.43shido6a user .. then a peer
18:32.43shido6and issue a sip reload at the CLI
18:32.43file[laptop]I'll do it!!!
18:32.54jeofreycan you give me please a sample of sip conf setup
18:33.15shido6im somewhere in Canada not in Toronto nor in Vancouver, I have a quad span in Toronto lit up at Front Street
18:33.16jbothmm... user is currently detached. Talk to this user upon their return. You will now be ignored. [HackFactor Elite 2.0], or a synonym for moron
18:33.16blitzragehrmmmmm, that really should return something
18:33.28shido6jeofrey ...... look in /usr/src/asterisk/configs for your sample configs
18:33.50jeofreyok ok
18:34.55*** join/#asterisk Fanguin (
18:38.17Qwellhmm, lag is fun
18:38.50*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
18:38.54shido6peers dont need contexts
18:38.57shido6only users
18:39.11shido6everything else is great
18:39.11ariel_users are for incoming peers are for outgoing....
18:41.51jeofreyok thanks for the sip conf sample
18:42.16Qwelljeofrey: thank file
18:42.58ariel_so is anyone going to be watching the game tonight? Any picks?
18:45.16*** join/#asterisk benno2 (
18:45.40benno2hi, anyone knows if you can set the volume of the budgetone bt101 ringer
18:46.01Zeeekshido6 I think you wanted to say something about IAXy the other day - I have a question: where do I find the parameters for the asterisk provisioning template ?
18:46.13Zeeekbenno2 yes down and up arrows
18:46.21*** join/#asterisk niZon (
18:46.22Zeeekwith the phone ON hook
18:46.38ZeeekI see flags=register
18:46.54Zeeekwhere would dhcp or the ip go ?
18:47.10Zeeekin the provision template iaxyprov.conf?
18:47.11*** join/#asterisk Strom_TM (
18:48.19Strom_TMyow.  I upgraded from stable to cvs-head and it broke the monitor command
18:48.57blitzrageprobably something in head is much different now
18:49.11Zeeekhead is head is head
18:49.22silik0nhead is good
18:49.34Zeeekit can be
18:49.41Zeeekhello blitz
18:49.46*** join/#asterisk shepherd (
18:50.38ctooleyI think I've finally gotten a SIP Proxy to handle inbound Termination for me.
18:51.58ctooleyI wish I had some way to make Origination do something similar.  Make all calls come from one proxy but then do some kind of redirect so the proxy gets taken out of the middle.
18:52.00*** join/#asterisk itnomad (~jackal@
18:52.09ctooleyHi jack
18:52.42blitzragewow... had a power failure last night, and not Asterisk won't start....
18:53.00ctooleywhat's it say it can't start on?
18:53.00QwellIf I were to make a dpdt relay (, what voltages should I be looking for?
18:53.01itnomadhey c, what up?
18:53.33*** join/#asterisk pepepedo (
18:53.47pepepedohi  , someone may help me please
18:54.50ctooleypepepedo, since I don't know what's wrong it's impossible to help you
18:55.16wasimpepepedo: you were supposed to put the cream in a little bit at a time
18:55.42ctooleywasim, I don't know how to control the flow of cream, it all comes out at onc
18:56.05ctooleyOH, you meant coffee... yeah, stir it in slowly
18:56.07pepepedoHi , I recently install mysql for dip-friend
18:56.30ctooleyno, he meant dipping a friend, I was right the first time.
18:57.06pepepedoeverithing work fine, i can do calls from my sip phone perfect , but when I call the sip-friends from dial plan
18:57.41pepepedowhith something like exten => 8XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20)
18:57.55pepepedosay extention unknown
18:58.37pepepedoif I do somemething like this exten => 8130,1,Dial(SIP/8130,20)
18:58.43pepepedowork perfect
18:58.49Qwelltry _8XXX
18:58.58pepepedobut I dont wnat put all my sip cliente in the dial plan
18:59.10pepepedook ...
18:59.12pepepedolet me see.
18:59.13Qwellpepepedo: read up on what _ does
18:59.22QwellThere is an explanation in the sample config
19:02.17pepepedothanks _8XXX woark fine
19:02.23pepepedothanks a lot!!
19:02.35Qwellnow tell me why it worked
19:02.38pepepedo(sorry for my poor english)
19:02.54pepepedowhere i can read about it?
19:03.03Qwellin the sample extension config
19:06.14blitzragectooley: pbx_dundi fails for some reason
19:06.21pepepedoI found it .. thanks again!!
19:08.42ctooleyblitzrage, do you have a dundi.conf?
19:09.11wwalker_I can originate a call via the manager, how via manager, do I spawn an AGI from tat call?
19:09.50MocAnyone use Hylafax in here ?
19:09.53ctooleywwalker_, I suppose you want to do something silly like have the manager call someone, and fire off an AGI to deal with the channel after they answer
19:12.09*** part/#asterisk Corvin (
19:13.04liquidno2anybody here get spandsp to compile under Debian sarge?
19:13.42markitanyone here can help me to make "disconnect" feature work (features.conf), so I can then provide info to the community?
19:15.17blitzragectooley: yah, the computer just rebooted, nothing changed ;)
19:15.28blitzragectooley: just going to reinstall anyways, my CVS version was from November
19:16.01ctooleyblitzrage, did you read the FAQ?
19:16.12blitzragectooley: ummmmm, yah, I write docs.... I know what I'm doing :)
19:16.16ctooleyblitzrage, if you had read the FAQ, the answer to your question si plainly there.
19:16.28ctooleyit's "upgrade to the latest version of HEAD"
19:16.30blitzragectooley: what FAQ are you talking about?
19:16.33blitzrageoh :)
19:16.55ctooleythat's the number one answer to all questions relating to Asterisk
19:17.32wwalker_ctooley  You think?  I said I would originate the call, and HOW do I fire an AGI against the call channel that was just originated, via the Manager?
19:18.20*** join/#asterisk vandenk (
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19:18.50blitzragewwalker_: why don't you just use a call file?
19:19.33blitzragectooley: funny enough, upgrading CVS head worked :D
19:19.56ctooleyblitzrage, there you go, the FAQ works again
19:20.52blitzrageno idea why it would have failed on a system that had been running find for months though
19:22.16*** join/#asterisk musimi (
19:22.50bjohnson_anyone have an example of using logrotate with asterisk?  My version is acting funny
19:24.09tlabjohnson_: I think you can just rotate the files using logrotate, asterisk will open/close files properly anyway
19:24.36*** join/#asterisk wasim (~wasim@
19:25.13bjohnson_not for me.  when logrotate runs, it moves/renames the files as expected but * starts writing to messages.1 instead of messages .. then next logrotate run, * writes to messages.2, etc
19:25.48ctooleybjohnson_, you need to use cron to do a "asterisk -rx 'logger rotate'" instead of using logrotate
19:26.31ctooleyAsterisk has to know that the log file has been changed otherwise it continutes to write to the same filehandle
19:26.42tlabjohnson_: I only do this for the cdr logfile, so you are probably right
19:26.49ctooleyeven though you've changed the name of the file you haven't changed it's inode (which the filehandle points to) and so it keeps writing to the same place
19:27.24ctooleythe logger app in asterisk has a rotate function.
19:27.51blitzrageI love sheperd's quit message ;)
19:27.53ctooleyOtherwise as part of logrotate you need to call "asterisk -rx 'logger reload'" which should close and reopen the file handle
19:28.01bjohnson_ok .. but logrotate still used for cdr csv files?
19:28.08*** join/#asterisk mikes2277 (
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19:28.29bjohnson_ctooley: you can get logrotate to do that?
19:28.55tlabjohnson_: yes, check postrotate command
19:28.57ctooleybjohnson_, sure, look at the way it handles apache (it has to HUP apache for the same reason)
19:29.24skel_homedoes anyone know of any asterisk hosting? I want to have voip conferencing available to my Linux users group memebers that are disabled and can't attend meetings
19:29.42musimiany have time to help me with international callerid? :-) (ie. someone with foreign number could call into my number so i can verify that it shows up correct? :-) (danish pstn number)
19:29.45wwalker_People with weed AND guns make holes in people while giggling over Cheetos
19:29.48skel_homeI was going to make an asterisk server myself.. but our group can't afford to colo it yet.
19:30.15bjohnson_ctooley: are there logrotate files available somewhere?  I couldn't google any
19:30.38bjohnson_skel_home: FWD?
19:30.40musimiskel_home: how about using fwd's conference server? or sipphones?
19:30.54rikstavoipuser down?
19:30.58bjohnson_or a few other voip providers
19:30.59ctooleyThat HUP in apache has gotten me more than once, make changes to the config and not restart because I'm waiting on something else, and logrotate goes and and reloads the config for me anyway
19:31.01skel_homewhat is fwd?
19:31.20ctooleybjohnson_, dunno
19:31.21bjohnson_skel_home: free world uhhh dialup?
19:31.35skel_homebjohnson_: cool thanks =] I'll google that :)
19:31.39mikes2277I was looking at the realtime code and it seems to me like its very inefficient... I hope I'm just interpreting it wrong but it looks like it loads the full sipfreinds, extentions, etc. tables for each query instead of using the SQL server to do the query... can anyone confirm this?
19:33.08skel_homebjohnson_: now that allows the remote users to call in.. but I don't see how to setup a bridge call.. will I need something seperate for that?
19:33.34MocAnyone use Hylafax in here ?
19:34.00ctooleymikes2277, that might be a #asterisk-dev question
19:34.28mikes2277no one in there is reponding :(
19:34.28|Vulture|Anyone know who is favored in the super bowl?
19:34.33skel_homebjohnson_: nm I found a conference calls section
19:34.37Qwell|Vulture|: The Vegas bookies
19:34.42Mocmikes2277, using store procedure aint a very fun pratice
19:35.01|Vulture|Qwell: well I just made a bet with someone and I have no clue what my chances are
19:35.05|Vulture|I bet on the Pats
19:35.10mikes2277i dont understand what you mean
19:35.31Mocwell it different for every DB, also alot of DB dont support them
19:35.44Mocand working with store procedure will just open more problems
19:36.07mikes2277oh, but they all support SELECT statements just fine and realtime only seems to work with odbc anyway
19:36.28Mocmikes2277, yes, the idea is to support all the Database type
19:36.34mikes2277so why not SELECT for name = X or IP = X instead of loading ALL of the list into memory
19:36.48Mocwell I didnt look at that part of code thought
19:36.50mikes2277ODBC does that for you, no sense in having 2 abstract layers
19:37.01Mocmy guess is not to make multiple SQL call, maybe not
19:37.38MocI personally dont like the basic behind realtime anyway
19:37.50file[laptop]Alert: Parental units detected.
19:37.59Mocit was a quickfix to have something 'realtime' between multiple system. But not the good longterm solution
19:38.20ennuyeux72Moc: i get probems with realtime and odbc connecting to mysql db
19:38.41markitsomeone has more info about the phones in ? do they have 10 or 100 mb/s lan ports?
19:38.50ennuyeux72Moc: from time to time asterisk just give sql execute errors and the only soln is to restart asterisk
19:39.04mikes2277what I cant figure out is why they didnt use the ast_data patch since it does work correctly
19:39.18Mocennuyeux72, I try to stay away from realtime. I ratter think of a distributed * Network config style
19:39.39Mocwith master and slaved.
19:39.53ennuyeux72Moc: thing is we have 10000 iax clients registered to one of our boxes
19:40.08Mocennuyeux72, use text config
19:40.30ennuyeux72Moc: reload took 2 mins and killed the box while reloading
19:40.39Moclol, your having issues hehe
19:40.47ennuyeux72Moc: also call quality was awful
19:40.57ennuyeux72Moc: I know thats why we used realtime
19:41.15ennuyeux72Moc: sorted the quality/deadlock on reload txt file issue
19:41.18bjohnson_so I shouldn't touch the files created by asterisk logger at all?  just use asterisk -rx 'logger rotate'?
19:41.33ennuyeux72Moc: but introduced realtimes own special problems
19:41.36mikes2277ast_data scales indefitily because it actually queries the DB live for just the info it needs....
19:41.40skel_homehow can fwd afford to do that?
19:41.58mikes2277works for us pretty well, I have over 350,000 routes in it and its doesnt slow down at all
19:42.32ennuyeux72mikes2277: ur using realtime rigth?
19:42.46ChujiMoc : You checked out the new soundpoint 4000 yet?
19:42.51Mocennuyeux72, I see, I dlike to get some dev to agree on a real manager interface. That you can issue add/mod/del of anything, that will be distributed between multiple box
19:43.12mikes2277no, ast_data cause realtime istn working
19:43.20MocChuji, well the specs look GREAT. They had the bright idea to use the same hardware as the IP 300,500,600
19:43.27Mocso it same firmware, alot less work to manage
19:43.38Mocbut the price, I mean I can't pay that for fun... hehe
19:43.52MocBut now Im stuck with a SoundStation IP 3000 :(
19:44.01ChujiMoc : Yeah, Waiting to see if they get on Ebay any time soon
19:44.05ennuyeux72mikes2277: ok i'll check ast_data out
19:44.14MocChuji, I dont think so ;)
19:44.28Mocok project for tonight, build a * Fax Server
19:44.30mikes2277res_data ast_data same thing
19:44.49ChujiMoc: rxfax or Hylafax?
19:45.02Mocwell hylafax seem very limited
19:45.13ennuyeux72mikes2277: do you still need to do reloads using res_data/ast_data?
19:45.28MocIt was based on very basic need, and had being hacked up to do more stuff, but it still limited
19:45.34mikes2277nope, ast_data is 100% live
19:45.39MocChuji, you know RightFax ?
19:45.55mikes2277see for my MWI patch for it
19:45.58ChujiMoc : Yeah, we have RightFax 8 at our office
19:46.01ennuyeux72mikes2277: so there's nothing realtime does that ast_data doesn't do
19:46.03ChujiMoc : 12 Channels
19:46.14MocChuji, my idea is to build a rightfax style server + win client
19:46.24blitzrageanyone know what voltage the TDM400P card uses from the Molex connector?
19:46.25mikes2277basically except ast_data is WAY more efficient and faster
19:46.31Mocwith * and spandsp as backend for a start
19:46.33ChujiMoc : Nice, I'm interested. I don't have much of a backup for Rightfax
19:46.39*** part/#asterisk skel_home (
19:46.46ChujiMoc : The damn Brooktrout hardware is soooo expensice
19:46.54mikes2277if you have 10,000 sipfriends entries asterisk with realtime will poop on itself
19:47.00MocChuji, yes, it why SpanDSP make a very interesting solution ;)
19:47.13Mocyou could sell a Fax server for very cheap..
19:47.24MocI want to include billing code also in the software
19:47.25mikes2277plus Asterisk will get progressive slower without my MWI patch (which works for non realtime stuff too)
19:47.25markitMoc: write a web-based inerface instead of win client, so other users (linux) can benefit
19:47.30djMaxpointer for "unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 3)?  google yields nothing.
19:47.38Mocmarkit, web interface suck
19:47.45ChujiMoc : Yeah, but I don't think you are going to get the reliability that Brooktrout boards have
19:47.57Mocit what Ive learn.  For alot of thing, web is fine, but there is some stuff that can't be web based
19:48.04ennuyeux72mikes2277:pooping is about right
19:48.10markitMoc: I know, but windows sucks also...
19:48.44Mocmarkit, yep, but buisness use it, and alot of end user use it. It will be done in C# so people will be welcome to port it using mono
19:48.59*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
19:49.21MocChuji, agreed, but it could be modified to use it. I mean everything from client to server storage will be in postscript format
19:49.39Mocexcept incoming fax, and generated outgoing fax result
19:49.58Mocso will have server based frontpage creator ...
19:50.30Mocmy basic idea rightnow, is build the Database structure, and build basic windows GUI to capture printing of document
19:50.41*** join/#asterisk rfc1918 (
19:50.46Mocthen build the server in C with db access, and make them communicate with each other
19:51.15ChujiMoc : If I were much of a coder, I'd help
19:51.28*** join/#asterisk kaitseb (
19:52.06MocChuji, I need help with idea after ;) I feature I think would be great, is when you print a word doc, it ask for the # name blah... but have a hold for more document flag
19:52.06dan2I have some really bad echo problems
19:52.20wwalker_blitzrage Thank you!!! Call file is exactly what I needed!
19:52.25Mocthen if you print from excel, it will prompt if you want to attach this print to a previous prepared fax
19:52.41Mocso you can easily put multiple page together from different software/document
19:52.43blitzragewwalker_: glad I could help!
19:52.55MocI dont think rightfax allow you to do it easily
19:53.09Mocyou can attach document from rightfax util, but it failed most of the time
19:53.29Mocalso I hate that the billing info and routing code isnt verifyed rightaway on the client side
19:53.32*** join/#asterisk shidan (
19:56.19DaTrueLionanyone know if  Hyperthreading: 2 logical CPUs from dmesg
19:56.32DaTrueLioni mean if dual is enabled in freebsd 5.3 ? by default
19:57.03danfreyis anyone familiar with tundo hardware?
19:58.36lohellene1 have an example on how to run a bash script from a webpage?
19:59.06Moclohelle, you need to have your bash script in the cgi-bin folder
19:59.29Mocand you just call that file in the cgi-bin and it should be executed
19:59.41Strom_TMlohelle, i cn tel u bt u nd 2 tk n prpr nglsh k?
20:00.01DaTrueLionso no one know if dual cpu SMP enabled by default on Freebd 5.3 ?
20:00.22MocDaTrueLion, it should be, Ive stop using freebsd at v4. something
20:00.31DaTrueLiontough 5.3 had a problem
20:00.39DaTrueLionbut diffrenet pages say sdiffernet things on site
20:00.52MocDaTrueLion, I never liked my freebsd experience
20:00.57DaTrueLionand has far has apache and php any speiclal building ?
20:01.40MocDaTrueLion, dont think so, read the readme of each
20:02.00Mocsearch for freebsd or just bsd to see special action needed by then
20:02.17bjohnson_hmm .. my sip through double nat project now gets sound from the * server .. but no sound from sip device (spa 2000) gets through to *
20:02.28DaTrueLionIntel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz (2800.11-MHz 686-class CPU)
20:02.32DaTrueLion2 cpu
20:03.32Moci got a dell dual 2.8 too nice machine
20:03.51DaTrueLionyeah im reading all the apache tuning performance options right now
20:03.55DaTrueLionneed to tune this box
20:04.10Mocmy time cost more than buying more box ;)
20:08.32Nukemizerwhere would I find the text file to edit, that gets emailed to a user when a voice mail is sent to email?
20:09.48filemaybe, voicemail.conf?
20:10.30Nukemizerdid not look like it
20:10.37DaTrueLionso apache 2 or 1.3 is the best ?
20:11.00DaTrueLionshy do they keep 2 of them ? any reason
20:11.36kaitsebDaTrueLion: depends what are you doing with it, no need to go 2.0 if you are running php
20:11.49DaTrueLionwhy go 2 then
20:13.03fileNukemizer: yes, it's there... it's a single line... read and you shall find it
20:13.03DaTrueLiono  last question
20:13.05DaTrueLionphp 4 or 5
20:13.27Nukemizerno, i mean the actual text that gets sent
20:14.00*** join/#asterisk PTG1234 (
20:14.05Nukemizerwhen an email gets sent , I am wnating to modify the body of the message
20:14.48fileNukemizer: I'm telling you it's there
20:15.07filelook at emailsubject and emailbody you twat :p
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20:19.04dizzydiffianyone here
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20:21.25DaTrueLionhey anyone got RsaRef i need that
20:22.15NukemizerFile: - I dont mean to disbelieve you, but I don't see how the text that is sent to a user in email can be a one liner in voicemail.conf perhaps my voicemail.conf is missing this. Either way I still do get a four line message body in the email message that I want to modify.
20:22.35fileNukemizer: it's called... new lines! ala: \n
20:22.47fileand tab is \t
20:23.08fileso if you look in there... you will find, what you want... in your mind!
20:23.13silik0nunless its windows then newline is \r\n
20:23.22dizzydiffihello peps trying to install OpenH323
20:23.37dizzydiffiany one that can help would be great
20:24.54danfreyI can try to help, I just got done installing it
20:25.03danfreywhat's the question
20:25.22dizzydiffiokay well iam trying to install thePWLBDIR
20:25.35dizzydiffibut i get a no makefile found
20:25.51dizzydiffithanks buddy
20:26.27danfreywhat os are your using?
20:28.28danfreysorry, I was mistaken, I just installed the quicknet drivers from openh323 not the openh323 itself
20:28.45dizzydiffiokay no probs
20:29.07shido6so do you have quicknet gear? or did u install the wrong stuff? :)
20:29.13shido6got pwlib and openh323 ?
20:29.30dizzydiffidid u have any probs installing
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20:29.33dizzydiffion linux
20:29.39shido6get those and then download the NuFone H.323 channel driver if you dont have it in /usr/src/asterisk/channels/h323
20:30.14shido6do you have any Digium ( gear?
20:30.41*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
20:31.23dizzydiffino i dont
20:31.42danfreyI have a couple of 100p and a couple of phonejacks
20:31.50shido6x100ps ?
20:32.28ph3nixis there a way to read incoming calls other than using AGI through extensions.conf?
20:32.29shido6Good, need to support Digium
20:32.44shido6read them how?
20:32.45dizzydiffidoing that right now
20:32.54shido6be sure to only make opt
20:33.02ph3nixi want to use a client on desktops
20:33.11ph3nixto open a call manager program based on incoming calls
20:33.22shido6and to add their locations in /etc/profile
20:33.37shido6write a module :)
20:34.02ph3nixso, use AGI? :)
20:34.24shido6an asterisk module
20:34.43JerJerscreen pop won't make any sense as a module
20:35.02JerJermake the windows app connect to the asterisk manager port
20:35.05shido6dont u have a screenpop app written already?
20:35.19JerJeri've written a couple different ones
20:35.24danfreywhen defining channels with tdmoe can I use less than 24?
20:35.30dizzydiffiinstalling pwlib on linux
20:35.30ph3nixyou have one i can use?
20:35.43shido6would you release any or are you charging something affordable for users like ph3nix
20:36.18JerJerdon't have the rights to release them
20:36.25JerJeri was paid to develop them for others
20:37.14MocJerJer develop what ?
20:37.22Mocwhat are they looking for..
20:37.44*** join/#asterisk [alex] (~[alex]@
20:37.53Mocbtw hi JerJer ;)
20:37.59Mocwhat up ?
20:39.09*** join/#asterisk [alex] (~[alex]@
20:39.13JerJerlots of things
20:39.23Mocsame here..
20:39.31JerJeri have been solving everyone else's problems except NuFone's
20:39.32ph3nixhumm.. is there uh, documentation on the call manager api
20:39.40JerJervi manager.c
20:39.52Mocph3nix, check the wiki
20:39.55MocJerJer : (
20:40.05MocI got too many idea rightnow :(
20:40.18MocI got to focus, but im excited by all of them ;) hehe
20:42.45MocI only wish I won the lotery and could spend all my time just on those idea..
20:48.41*** join/#asterisk nassy (
20:52.38GodseyI paid $20 for nufone yesterday or day before :)
20:52.56Godseysooner or later I'll order an SPA-2000 or something and be ready to play
20:55.21MocChuji, I found the name for my faxing solution ;)
20:55.58*** join/#asterisk postel (
20:59.10PoWeRKiLLwhy when I create prompt for asterisk the sound is very bad
20:59.34PoWeRKiLLI use sox inputfile.wav -r 8000 -c 1 outputfile.gsm resample -ql  to convert the 44khz 16bit stereo wav file
20:59.47Strom_TMbecause gsm sucks
21:00.30Strom_TMuse a wav file; let the codec compress that down to gsm in realtime if it needs to
21:00.52Strom_TMfile: clarity is more important than bandwidth for me.  ergo, ulaw > *
21:01.03file[laptop]Strom Strom Storm!
21:01.08file[laptop]where have you been hiding?
21:01.22Strom_TMat work :)
21:01.36file[laptop]this 'work' is unhealthy for you!
21:01.37bjohnson_IS there a way to config an external SIP device to handle double nat WITHOUT using the external ip in the config of either * OR the SIP device
21:01.57*** part/#asterisk iMediax (
21:02.07Strom_TMfile: true, but it pays the bills
21:02.19file[laptop]silly bills
21:02.23Strom_TMi know
21:02.28Strom_TMeverything should be freeee
21:04.29*** join/#asterisk atmel (
21:05.22Strom_TManyway, ive got one eye permanently affixed on the super bowl's router - it's going to be a baaaaaaad thing if that goes down
21:06.20JerJerbjohnson_:  use IAX
21:06.21file[laptop]is it flashing madly?!?
21:06.22*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
21:06.40Inv_arpbah xchat never autojoins this chan
21:07.04file[laptop]IAX is so nifty
21:07.11Strom_TMfile, no, it's stable at the moment
21:07.36Inv_arpfile[laptop]: love it cause it just works
21:07.59file[laptop]well it's easy to understand, easy to modify
21:08.17Inv_arpok got paid gonna buy handy tone 486,  what site should i go to
21:09.04liquidno2heard decent things about
21:09.15JerJerget a sipura 3k
21:09.24JerJerfrom voxilla
21:09.31liquidno2not sure if they carry sipura though
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21:10.08Inv_arpsipura 3000 more than my bidget atm
21:10.18JerJerpretty small budget then
21:10.22Inv_arpand my budget
21:10.29*** join/#asterisk Slainte (Slainte@
21:10.48Inv_arpheh 7.5 an hr part time
21:10.59Inv_arpyou tell me
21:11.41rfc1918has anyone setup a STUN server?
21:11.51JerJerstun is not necessary
21:12.48rfc1918need it for Internet  users to reach my local extensions
21:13.05rfc1918Calls connect no audio
21:13.25JerJerno you don't
21:13.35*** join/#asterisk blaisen1 (
21:13.40JerJerdon't NAT your asterisk box
21:13.47JerJerie give your asterisk box a public ip
21:14.03rfc1918Don't have that option
21:14.06*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:14.08Mother_JerJer: it exposes your box a helluva lot more than with NAT
21:14.10blaisen1hmm, i have a call incoming by IAX from a DID provider, I have asterisk to a dial(SIP/blah,40,r) but it doesn't give a ringback to the person coming through the iax link
21:14.14JerJerthen you don't use SIP then
21:14.24JerJerum its called a firewall people
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21:14.31Mother_JerJer: yeahright :D
21:14.39rfc1918SIP is where the industry is going
21:14.49Inv_arprfc1918: heh
21:15.06Inv_arpprob if they revise it
21:15.11blaisen1SIP kinda sucks but if your customers' CPE is using it you don't have to use up all your bandwidth and add latency by "relaying" it to the customer
21:15.17shido6really? sip? you think so? not with these nat problems
21:15.26Mother_until the next bug/vuln/exploit is found, then you find the kiddies making calls on your PBX to Jamaica
21:15.38rfc1918STUN will fix it
21:15.45blaisen1I have grandstream handytone's working perfectly behind consumer broadband routers connecting to my * box with no problem whatsoever
21:15.49JerJerthere wasn't an exploit found in the first place
21:15.51blaisen1and no stun
21:16.05rfc1918Is it using SIP?
21:16.44Mother_JerJer: I get linux exploits on the vuln lists every day, I'm not saying *I* wouldn't run a PBX in the open, so-to-speak, it's just that I wouldn't leave one at a client's location just like that
21:16.46danfreywhat is
21:16.56JerJerMother_:  go away
21:17.08blaisen1i just have it set up nat=yes all that stuff, and the handytones seem to handle it fine
21:17.11rfc1918I am using x-ten and th esniffer capture clearly show internal address used instead of NAT
21:17.12file[laptop]why do you build me up, build me up, buttercup baby
21:17.16file[laptop]just to let me down!
21:17.28liquidno2danfrey: call detail records in csv module
21:17.29rfc1918so how to do it without STUN?
21:17.46danfreysafe to disable in modules.conf?
21:17.47Mother_JerJer: tell me you *never* got a call from a client who installed whatnot and he now finds his box taken over?
21:17.47blaisen1rfc1918 i don't know... it just works
21:17.48JerJerget it out of your head, stun does nothing
21:17.57file[laptop]rfc1918: nat=yes would tell asterisk to not use the IP address in the SIP message, and use the IP that it was received fun
21:18.01liquidno2danfrey: if you don't need cdr in csv
21:18.05file[laptop]I use it for my stuff here at home and it works peachy
21:18.06JerJerproblem solved
21:18.17Inv_arprfc1918: think u have to put real  ipaddress  in  sip.conf
21:18.17blaisen1rfc1918: i have a handytone i take around and demo to people, just plug it into their broadband router it gets dhcp and away we go it sends and receives calls to/from my * box no sweat..
21:18.30file[laptop]nat=yes makes it all happy
21:18.50JerJerbut the serving asterisk box cannot be natted
21:18.59JerJerie it has to have a public IP address
21:19.06liquidno2how would I make all calls on a specifc channel not have to dial a 9?
21:19.11file[laptop]unless you're bloody insane
21:19.23Inv_arpi had to put externip=ipaddress   for mine
21:19.35rfc1918NAT=yes works, but the nat prevents the audio stream from working cause it is using private IP instead of public
21:19.42JerJerliquidno2:  make an exten that doesn't match on a 9
21:19.48JerJerrfc1918:  no
21:19.51file[laptop]rfc1918: no no no
21:19.56JerJerrfc1918:  your edge device is blocking udp
21:20.37file[laptop]that's why your RTP stream isn't working
21:21.07JerJerregister thru the nat
21:21.13JerJerproblem solved
21:21.30file[laptop]qualify helps keep the hole open too... I have to do that for a friend's D-Link POS
21:21.46danfreywhat would use Raw signed linear audio?
21:21.53*** part/#asterisk _LM_ (
21:21.54file[laptop]asterisk internally.
21:22.19blaisen1i have qualify to yes as well
21:22.44blaisen1so does anyone know why my incoming calls on iax aren't getting a ring tone when they dial an extension with dial(sip/blahblah,30,r) ?
21:22.50JerJerjust lower the registration timeout then
21:23.00danfreyin modules, what is the relationship of codecs to formats?
21:23.24PoWeRKiLLStrom_TM what bitrate do you use for your wav file ?
21:23.47Strom_TMpowerkill: 8000khz 16bit wav
21:24.33rfc1918phones are already registered throught the NAT - no issue there
21:24.38wwalker_what's the best way to convert normal wav files into .gsm files for the sound directory?
21:24.50Strom_TMwwalker_, dont use gsm
21:24.58Strom_TMdownsample to 8000khz 16bit wav
21:25.05Strom_TMit'll sound much better
21:25.11danfreytmdoe uses no codec, is this correct?
21:25.26JerJerrfc1918:  then your edge device is not stateful
21:25.53rfc1918Cisco Pix
21:26.02JerJeri'm sorry
21:26.04rfc1918one one side
21:26.04*** join/#asterisk BigCanOfTuna (
21:26.08rfc1918on one side
21:27.28rfc1918STUN, I think, will adjust the SDP message and replace it witht the NAT address instead of private
21:27.56rfc1918so the audio can be correctly recieved
21:28.03JerJerthat has no bearing
21:28.09JerJernat=yes does not look at SDP
21:28.10JerJerat all
21:28.11JerJerwhat soever
21:28.12JerJerdoes not
21:28.27rfc1918the x-Ten phone does
21:28.29BigCanOfTunaIf I want to have an external application issue commands to Asterisk, should I be looking at AGI? Or is AGI one way ....Asterisk -> Ext App?
21:28.58JerJerdo not NAT the asterisk box
21:29.01JerJerplain and simple
21:29.38JerJerBigCanOfTuna:  use the Asterisk manager API
21:29.52rfc1918asterisk only sets up the call, the clients carry the audio
21:30.12rfc1918that part works
21:30.26rfc1918clients conncet, but no audio
21:30.29lohelleIs 2 vs 6 lines the only difference between cisco 7940 and cisco 7960?
21:30.38JerJerthen your edge device is blocking UDP
21:30.39rfc1918extra lines
21:30.40Strom_TMlohelle, yes
21:33.09JerJerdon't use SIP in NAT envrionments
21:33.15JerJerIAX or nothing
21:33.16rfc1918JerJer: Ok, I will check hte Pix again
21:33.55rfc1918What do you recommend instead of SIP?
21:34.12Strom_TMyay for paying attention
21:34.47rfc1918What softphone do you use?
21:34.51markitanyone here can help me to make "disconnect" feature work (features.conf)? seems not to work here
21:35.20JerJeri don't
21:35.33rfc1918waht ATA?
21:35.37rfc1918what ATA
21:36.25Mother_you need a fairly nice pipe with those from what I've heard
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21:37.11[hC]Im trying to figure out the best way to handle a tech support queue in asterisk. The agents and queues seems a bit limited right now. I cant figure out a way to force all of the members to be logged in all the time
21:37.24JerJerdont' use agents
21:37.36[hC]What ive done, on our cisco 7960's, is create another line for 'support' - people are support1, support2, support3, etc..
21:37.37Mother_speaking of which anyone knows of an IC that has a built-in GSM or similar bitrate codec built-in? I'm working on a dsPIC but would rather offload this task for now
21:37.43*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
21:37.49[hC]That way they can tell the incoming call is for support
21:38.18[hC]I was going to just do a dial multiple-sip thing to each of them..
21:38.56[hC]JerJer: how do you suggest handling a situation like this, where you have say, 10 phones that need to be rang, and also the potential for say, someone from home to be able to add themselves to the dialdown queue
21:39.24JerJera queue
21:39.38[hC]so, a queue without agents then?
21:39.59[hC]Just all dynamic extensions in the queue?
21:41.47*** join/#asterisk talkwebhosts (
21:42.11[hC]even then, how can i ensure that people are always logged into the queue? I have 10 phones in the office that i always want to ring, but i dont necessarily want them to have to log in and out all the time
21:43.01*** join/#asterisk YoussefAssad (~yassad@
21:43.24JerJeryou are still thinking agents
21:43.58[hC]ok, so how should i be thinking about it?
21:44.08JerJermember => SIP/bob
21:44.48[hC]ok, so i define the queue, with a bunch of members. those members still need to log themselves into the queue, dont they?
21:44.52YoussefAssadEvening folks
21:44.55*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
21:45.01JerJerTHAT IS AGENTS
21:45.01[hC]or do they not, if they are SIP/
21:45.49JerJerif member => SIP/bob is in your queues.conf SIP/bob is always going to be a part of that queue
21:45.53JerJervery simple
21:45.59[hC]Thats what i was trying to find out
21:45.59*** join/#asterisk sjaak538 (
21:46.01[hC]thats all i needed.
21:46.01YoussefAssadGeneral question (apologies if it is too general): ho mature is openss7?
21:50.37blaisen1any suggestions on my lack of ringback to dialing a SIP extension from an incoming IAX call?
21:51.17RoyK~lart blaisen1
21:51.38YoussefAssadoh my; teh nasty
21:51.43blaisen1royk: what do you mean? ~lart
21:51.50jbotmethinks lart is Luser Attitude Re-adjustment Tool
21:51.57sjaak538Can any body check if www.forumvoip.vcom is down !!, for a few day's I can't visit there website
21:52.14blaisen1i'm doing the dial(sip/blahblah||r) but asterisk is not generating a ringback sound...
21:52.20RoyKsjaak538: never heard of .vcom domains before :P
21:52.30blaisen1it does when a call comes in from pstn on an fxo card, it does from phone to phone...
21:52.42blaisen1but not from an incoming iax call
21:52.42Mother_it's the new Venus TLD
21:52.51sjaak538sorry (typo)
21:52.56*** join/#asterisk BigCanOfTuna (
21:52.58djinsjaak, it works.
21:53.00*** join/#asterisk DrPete (
21:53.04ardoranyone knwo how to take a.wav and b.wav and make ab.wav on the command line?
21:53.15djinsjaak538 = dutch?
21:53.57sjaak538Yes dutch djin
21:54.20djinAh, Sjaak, het werkt hier wel, maar een beetje langzaam ;)
21:54.34ChatWeazlhier ook niet
21:54.37YoussefAssadworks there well, but a bit slow
21:54.45sjaak538I can't also ping them on and not on www.
21:54.47YoussefAssadDid I translate that right?
21:55.09djinYoussef is correct.
21:55.11ChatWeazlyou did great YoussefAssad
21:55.15sjaak538Thats correct translating
21:55.22YoussefAssadhaha cool :)
21:56.29sjaak538So from the Netherlands it isn't up !!
21:56.37djinyes, it is.
21:56.44ChatWeazlno it's not :D
21:56.54ChatWeazlcambrium ...
21:57.12djinCambrium, funny . . .
21:57.36ChatWeazlwhy funny?
21:57.46djinBecause Cambrium isn't a provider. Either TweakDSL, TruDSL or MyADSL.
21:57.58BentleyHi all, Does anyone here use 'Hint' in extensions.conf?  I'd like to know how to implement 'Hint' if I am dialing multiple extensions (ie: Dial(sip/200&sip/202))
21:58.31ChatWeazlthat's true, but all route throught the same hardware...
21:58.51djinCambrium = djin's Business Partner . . . That's why I thought it's funny to see their name.
21:59.06djinYou're right, same hardware/routes.
22:00.00*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@
22:00.13NukemizerWould I want to change the text in app_voicemail.c
22:00.30Luke-JrCan anyone recommend a POTS connection provider (like Vonage) that would work with Asterisk?
22:00.48djinNuke, why not change voicemail.conf?
22:01.31Nukemizeris that where you put the text ? because there is no such "text" message in the file
22:02.19djinwhat do you want to change, the contents of the mail carrying the voicemail?
22:02.54djinThen check /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf. It's all there.
22:03.47NukemizerI have been told that. let me patbin my file .. It must be that I do not have it in mine which is why i am confused
22:04.33djinI'll pastebin the default as well.
22:04.36*** join/#asterisk jterrero (
22:05.14djinNuke, this is from de default file:
22:06.26NukemizerWow,, see i knew something was wrong.. none of that is in my file
22:06.40Nukemizerthat explains it
22:06.49NukemizerThank you so much :)
22:07.00*** join/#asterisk implicit (
22:07.05djinShall I paste the full .conf?
22:07.30djinThere is a setting for the 'from'-address as well.
22:08.12Nukemizerman that would be great. Thank you so much  Not sure whymine didi not have the text in it
22:08.36djindid you do a 'make samples'  after compiling?
22:10.51*** join/#asterisk W1thdraw (
22:11.01djinstrange, well here it is:
22:11.58NukemizerThanks djin, I appricate your help
22:12.16jterrerosomeone wanna help me out? I have an account with a IAX provider who provides me with my DID, i setup my account on my asterisk box for home. now, when i make or receive a call i can hear the person clearly on my end, no lag, distortion or breaking up, but on the other hand they cant hear me too well, alot of breakup (like if i was using a cell phone)
22:12.18mikegrbQwell: I have a nikon d70
22:12.45Qwelloh, right
22:15.28markitmikegrb: my compliments
22:15.43*** join/#asterisk imagmo (
22:15.46mikegrbyes, I'm very happy with it
22:16.01*** join/#asterisk tekati (
22:16.12mikegrbone of the biggest things that sold me on it vs the canon rebel was 0.2 sec from power off to on
22:16.22mikegrband < .5 sec shutter lag
22:16.26markitI've a minolta A2, but true dslr sensor is another planet
22:16.55markitI'm tempted by canon 20d, but too expensive
22:17.07markitand dslr are too heavy also
22:17.11rfc1918JerJer: Sniffer shows private addresses being used for audio between clients
22:17.13Luke-JrI'm seeing stuff about 'pri' support a lot, but I can't seem to figure out what PRI is... :/
22:17.17mikegrbI want a nikon d2h
22:17.30QwellLuke-Jr: primary rate interface - a T1 basically
22:17.33mikegrbLuke-Jr: like a voice t1
22:18.55Luke-Jrah... something a telco would use
22:19.36mikegrbwell an office too
22:20.06mikegrbdepending on the area and the telco there, once you get to 5-10 phone lines it is cheaper to have PRI then individual business lines
22:20.27*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
22:20.43QwellYou can get a portion of a T1, can't you?
22:20.55heath__anyone know about EAGI? does the audio data come in on stdin or something?
22:21.20mikegrbQwell: yes but sometimes they are expensive too
22:21.26Luke-Jrmikegrb: I'm just setting up our apartment
22:21.31silik0nPRIs in TN usually work out cheaper around the 10 line mark due to the fact they dont hit you with crap like universal service fund and E911 etc for EVERY channel... they only get you for it on 4 or 5 channels
22:21.36QwellLuke-Jr: You probably don't need a pri then :p
22:22.10mikegrbI've heard people say it is just barely less at the 5 line point in thier area
22:22.11Qwellmikegrb: You know anything about line voltages?
22:22.22mikegrbQwell: some, shoot
22:22.27kFuQgrrrrrrrrr.......  does anyone have any clue whatsoever on getting call waiting to work on a x100p ?  ---  *0 doesn't do anything, Flash command doesn't seem to work properly either...
22:22.31mikegrbjust depends on telco
22:22.34QwellI'm thinking about making a relay, but wouldn't have any idea what voltages I would need for anything
22:22.59mikegrbkFuQ: try flash and then *0
22:23.09*** part/#asterisk YoussefAssad (~yassad@
22:23.24mikegrbQwell: relay for switching phone between asterisk box and not?
22:23.34Qwellyeah, this basically
22:24.02Qwelltzanger was talking about it a bit last night, and I got some more info from a friend, but we didn't discuss voltages much, just how to set it up
22:24.11Qwell(night before last?  whenever it was)
22:24.17kFuQmikegrb: nothin
22:24.25Qwell..5 nights ago according to my logs.  heh
22:25.33mikegrbkFuQ: sorry, was just a suggestion, I don't have a x100p
22:25.41Qwellbasically, I don't want to blow up my relay or my other phones. ;)
22:26.57kFuQmikegrb: have this loud noise in my ears.. "THE DAM CALL WAITING DOESN'T WORK!@#!"  (wife)
22:27.20mikegrbwell the 5v or 12v suggestion relates to the coil that switches back and forth
22:27.35Qwellyeah, I got that part, and I can manage that with a parallel port
22:27.55Juggiei broke my collar bone today
22:28.00QwellJuggie: ouch
22:28.08mikegrbwell, you can power it fro one of the drive connectors
22:28.09Juggiesome kid cut me off skiing
22:28.18mikegrbwould be a bit easier to get it from there
22:28.25Juggiewe hooked skis and i went flying
22:28.28*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
22:28.30mikegrbtelephone ring voltage is about 90 vac
22:28.32mikegrbJuggie: :/
22:28.35Qwellmikegrb: I'm gonna go ahead and use an npn transistor, and control it with the parallel
22:28.41mikegrbQwell: oh
22:28.47QwellSo, I would probably need a good 125vac?
22:29.06mikegrbyes, any relay that can do linve voltage should be fine
22:29.31mikegrbline as in electrical outlet
22:29.32Qwellring voltage is like the "most" you'll get, right?
22:29.36firestrmmikegrb, ever been leaning over a punchdown rack, and accidently contact wires with bare(usually sweating) skin when a call comes in.. YOUCH!!
22:29.55Qwellexcellent, lets see if I can convince my wife to stop at radio shack, heh
22:29.56mikegrbfirestrm: yes indeed ;)
22:30.09firestrmmikegrb, gets your attention :)
22:30.17mikegrbmy parents house has beautiful telephone and network wiring
22:30.27mikegrbwith patch panels and everything
22:30.35Qwellexcessive, but nice :p
22:30.40mikegrbwhen I was hooking up a patch panel for telco got a call
22:30.50mikegrbQwell: levitron makes some nice panels for residential use
22:31.07QwellI always use levitron for my wall jack needs
22:31.11mikegrbthey are like $12 for a panel with 24 positions
22:31.23mikegrbthen they use the snap in keystone jacks
22:31.32mikegrbgreat deal
22:31.41firestrmmikegrb, i once had a pare come loose, and sneak up into my armpit while i was leaning behind a panel, and wouldnt you know it.. a call came through on that particular pair..
22:31.51mikegrband I used some $3 mointing kits they have that allow you to mounth them to wall
22:31.58mikegrbfirestrm: :/
22:32.12Qwellmikegrb: Those snapin plates are great
22:32.30mikegrbQwell: yes, parents have them all through thier house
22:32.32firestrmthe guy i was with told me he could almost see the sparks shooting out my eyeballs..
22:33.13Qwellhmm, a 125vac dpdt relay is fairly large, isn't it?  Need to find a place to hide it
22:33.19mikegrblast time  we were home they wanted more ethernet jacks in home office so I taught my wife to do it
22:33.45mikegrbQwell: about 2, 2.5 inches wide, inch deep and about 3 inch tall
22:33.49firestrmof course the first jolt caused me to get stuck.. so i had to endure 2 more jolts before i could get free, swearing like a sailor
22:33.56Qwellouch, yeah, pretty big
22:34.04mikegrbwell you can get some reed relays that are very small and can handle 125 vac
22:34.07mikegrbbut spst
22:34.18mikegrbyou don't nevessarily need a hell of a lot of current
22:34.45firestrmmikegrb, why not use a bridge, resistor and a common 12vdc reed relay?
22:35.16mikegrbI dunno
22:35.19firestrmmikegrb, voltage doesnt matter.. current does
22:35.35firestrmmikegrb, so use a resistor to limit current
22:35.59firestrmbridge makes it dc.. much easier to work with..
22:36.16mikegrbbut then the phone won't ring
22:36.28Qwellringer?  we don't need no stinking ringer :p
22:36.40mikegrbusing 12vdc coil
22:36.47mikegrbac is for the relay contacts
22:37.04firestrmmikegrb, why not.. as long as curent limit so as to not overload the pair.. your good
22:37.43firestrmor better yet, use a 1:1 transformer...
22:37.45QwellI'll probably stick with the easy way
22:38.00*** join/#asterisk expressfone1 (expressfon@
22:38.05QwellI'm probably gonna be lazy, and just use a dpdt switch instead
22:38.07expressfone1Hi all
22:38.10implicitexpressfone1: hi
22:38.23firestrmexpressfone1, wish i was..
22:38.28Qwellwe'll see when I get to radio shack, heh
22:38.33Qwellbbl, thanks for the tips
22:38.47firestrmQwell, radioscrap is your friend :)
22:39.08expressfone1any one know where to find international dialing codes with ammount of digit per prefix??
22:39.09implicitfirestrm: evil friend
22:39.26implicitexpressfone1: yes
22:39.36implicitexpressfone1: there is a small algorithm you can use
22:39.42firestrmimplicit, no in canada, princess auto.. is the hardware hackers evil firend
22:39.44implicitthat will tell you how many digits of it are the country code
22:40.13SlainteI would like to see that alogrithm myself
22:40.33implicitill show you guys here
22:40.41implicitif it starts with 1 or 7 its 1 digit long
22:40.57implicitif it starts with 20 or 27 its 3 digits long
22:41.09implicit35 37 or 38 its 3 digits long
22:41.14implicit42 is 3 digits long
22:41.21RoyKIs mark Italian?
22:41.22implicit50 and 59 are 3 digits long
22:41.41implicit67 68 69 3 digits long
22:41.57implicit80 83 85 87 88 89 3 digits long
22:41.59RoyK6768693 digits is quite a lot
22:42.07implicit96 97 99 3 digits long
22:42.33expressfone1i need the info for +53 8(
22:43.07Slaintethats fine for country code, but what about the rest of the number
22:43.08implicitotheri think all other ones are 2 digits long
22:43.20implicitso it shows you how much of it is country code and you can splice that off
22:43.29implicitcheck the algo but i think its right
22:43.44expressfone1that one
22:44.03implicitthats 2 digits just like i said
22:44.09implicitsince it doesnt fall into any of the above
22:44.15implicitthats also 2 digits
22:44.26implicitfirst is colombia second is cuba
22:44.42expressfone1i need the info for cuba
22:45.12implicitexpressfone1: how much info do you need?
22:45.20implicitor what info do you need?
22:45.43expressfone1for avoid to send bad dialed numbres to my outgoin route
22:46.29expressfone1and wait for operator mensage if number have errors
22:46.53expressfone1it take 1 channel for nothing
22:46.59implicitoh ok
22:47.05implicityou only need this for cuba?
22:47.15expressfone1only cuba...
22:47.17*** join/#asterisk multrix (
22:47.31implicityou need to be careful about managing your routes then
22:47.38implicitcause if something opens up and you don't know about it you are screwed
22:49.08expressfone1that beter than make fail call
22:50.15*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
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23:00.25*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
23:01.08imcdonaI have a question
23:01.32imcdonaWhen using Asterisk and Festival I get the following error in Festival
23:01.57imcdonaSIOD ERROR: wrong type of argument to car : wholeutt
23:02.00imcdonaAny idea's?
23:03.25hermiekram: I have a suggestion for Mantis
23:03.32kramwhat's that?
23:03.51hermiekram: put 'AddType text/plain .patch' in the httpd.conf
23:04.35kramhermie: that's a fantastic idea
23:04.49WilliamKanyone here familiar with how SMS/800 works as far as provisioning numbers/routing/costs?
23:05.08hermiekram: and fix the link in the bug guidelines that points to a mailto instead of the wiki
23:07.46firestrmanyone here tried the SI-7800H 's yet?
23:08.55kramhermie: what link is that?
23:12.09hermiekram: the link to debugging info
23:12.34hermiekram: Basic Qualifications #4
23:14.06krami don't see a mailto
23:15.48kramother than the one
23:15.49kramare you sure?
23:18.14empire667what's the difference in using capi or Bri-stuff?
23:19.58*** join/#asterisk sephail (sephail@phalse.2600.COM)
23:20.14nirsanybody home ?
23:20.22sephailAnyone here do any development with iaxclient?
23:20.48nirsanyone had worked with extconfig and realtime sip configurations ?
23:21.04sivana~seen normast
23:21.06jbotnormast is currently on #asterisk (1d 21h 52m 59s).  Has said a total of 46 messages.  Is idling for 17h 36m 2s
23:21.51nirskram, you there mate ?
23:22.09nirs~seen kram
23:22.10jbotkram is currently on #asterisk (2d 16h 6m 30s).  Has said a total of 10 messages.  Is idling for 4m 3s
23:22.35nirsanyone around tonight ?
23:23.56kFuQcall waiting shouldn't be this hard........
23:24.08Sedorox~seen sedorox
23:24.09jbotsedorox is currently on #asterisk (2h 14m 25s).  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 1s
23:35.49hermie~seen jbot
23:35.52jbotjbot is currently on #ipaq (3d 5m) #how (3d 5m) #bzleague (3d 5m) #storm (3d 5m) #orkut (3d 5m) #uphpu (3d 5m) #va (3d 5m) #asterisk (3d 5m) #nslu2-linux (3d 5m) #magnia (3d 5m) #aegis (3d 5m) #ol (3d 5m) #tacobeam (3d 5m) #byumug (3d 5m)
23:38.28Poincarehow can I check wich codec is being used for a call/channel?
23:38.58file[laptop]iax2 show channels, sip show channels
23:39.43file[laptop]Poincare: one of those..
23:39.52Poincarefile[laptop]: thanks, got it
23:50.52*** join/#asterisk mtqh (
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23:55.02SlainteI want to add a logo to the PolycomIP600, but cant figure out which bitmap, or animation paramater to change in the ipmid.cfg
23:56.10*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.