irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050204

00:03.46terrapenhrm maybe i need a SetCallerIDNAme
00:03.49terrapenerr CIDNAME
00:05.20ManxPowerterrapen, Don't use quotes in callerid stuff
00:05.44terrapenthx, i got it working with a SetCIDName()
00:05.51ManxPowerterrapen, NuFone (like most VoIP providers) does not provide callerid name information on their toll free numbers
00:06.05terrapeni guess the IP500 does its own CallerID Name based on the CallerID number
00:06.29ManxPowerterrapen, if that number is in the caller list or the directory, yes, it will.
00:07.01terrapenthe manual doesn't mention it but i'm all good now
00:07.05terrapenmaybe i'll add it to the wiki
00:11.32xkevyou can configure that behavior, I believe
00:15.52Mochi all
00:17.34*** join/#asterisk Tall-guy (
00:17.52Mocip500 show caller only, then once pickup will show caller id
00:18.00*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
00:18.38xkevyou mean caller name only, then shows name and number?
00:18.52ctooleyis there a way to cluster linux so that Asterisk, using SIP peering to a provider, can assign 10,000 DID's to one SIP account and have the load spread over 10 servers?
00:19.06Tall-guySo, cause I'm a cheap bugger, I replaced a Ati 9000 video card in my Asterisk box with a cheap Geforce 2 Asterisk is freaking out with an Error code 1 - Died...restarting......can anyone tell me "Why"
00:20.20xkevctooley, so a call would come to your ser proxy, that would dish them out to the backend servers
00:20.34ctooleyxkev, perfect
00:20.36xkevser is challenging to configure at first, but once you understand, it's not so bad
00:21.22terrapenstrangely, the IP500 only displays CallerID
00:21.29terrapenCallerID Name
00:21.35terrapennot CallerID Name + Number
00:22.29Mocterrapen, it does once the call is answered
00:22.51terrapenim going to monkey around with the SetCIDName application
00:23.09terrapenand see if i can get that to set it to Name <Number>
00:23.13Mocif the Caller Name is empty, it should show the number
00:24.03terrapeni want it to show number and, if name != null, name
00:25.34*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
00:26.04wwalkerxkev So would ser "handoff the call" or does all the call traffic go thru the ser from start to finish, while the computation  occurs on one of a group of back end servers?
00:26.46terrapenexten => 8668177667,1,SetCIDName(${CALLERID})
00:26.51terrapenthat *should* do it
00:27.48terrapenwould someone with working callerid name+number mind calling me?  1-866-817-7667
00:29.37*** part/#asterisk Tall-guy (
00:31.27*** join/#asterisk hacim (
00:31.28harryvvTall, thats just weird ;) Why did you change the vidio card?
00:31.47*** join/#asterisk guugmember (~nachoramo@
00:32.05hacimwhen I try to compile zaptel, i get this error:
00:32.05hacimmake -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build SUBDIRS=/home/micah/working/asterisk/zaptel modules
00:32.08hacimmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.7-1-k7'
00:32.11hacimmake[1]: Makefile: No such file or directory
00:32.14hacimmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `Makefile'.  Stop.
00:32.24guugmemberhello guys, is there a way I can make my asterisk box a sniffer for all the incoming calls that are handled by another pbx?
00:32.28hacimthis is a debian machine
00:33.29ctooleyok so I'll ask the dumb question, where do I get a SER server
00:34.23*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
00:34.49terrapenthere's my answer
00:35.03guugmemberterrapen, to my question? to be exact
00:35.16terrapento my question
00:35.41guugmemberahh, ok
00:35.46harryvvThis problem keeps comming up and is preventing my zap from dialing wcfxo: out of space to write register 05 with 08 anyone seen this before? I thought I had this fixed.
00:36.57xkevctooley, SER is your typical SIP proxy.  you can also look at the vocal suite:
00:37.22xkevctooley, I use SER in front of asterisk to divert presence subscriptions to the phones and send everything else to asterisk (unless it comes from asterisk, then it just routes it along)
00:37.47netsurferhey harryvv
00:37.48harryvvI found a partial solution to this problem.
00:37.50ctooleyxkev, we're going the wrong way, we're not going to have any SIP phones
00:38.07xkevno you don't need sip phones for ser, I'm just spouting an example
00:38.11harryvvnetsurfer, I need to force the vidio and zap there own irq adresses.
00:38.16ctooleythe only SIP we've got is one connection to our provider, all of our calls come in on that SIP channel and go back out on it.
00:38.30netsurfersee priv msg harry
00:38.31ctooleyI'm reading that now.
00:38.40xkeverm wait, not a good page :)
00:41.43ctooleyxkev, so round robin is going to be my best bet?
00:42.18xkevwell hrm.  a can of worms opens up...
00:42.54xkevlet's say you get an INVITE and you use a t_relay() to send it to one of 10 servers.  if a BYE comes in, SER won't know where it was at
00:45.04xkevwhat is asterisk's job in this configuration?
00:45.29ctooleyto accept the call, run an AGI, make some decisions, and route the call back out the SIP channel.
00:45.53xkevdefine route the call back out
00:46.03ctooleybridge the call.
00:46.05xkevbtw, you might want to look at res_perl for high load stuff
00:46.28ctooleyOk, so forget 10,000, lets call it 1,000,000
00:46.50eKo1ctooley: Looks like you need a Session Border Controller.
00:46.51ctooleyres_perl only buys me what I can get on one server, I need to spread it out.
00:47.00xkevright, I'm just making a side note
00:47.17xkevlousy udp complicating things
00:47.20ctooleyxkev, thanks, I do appreciate that, bandwidth is a bigger issue though, not just CPU
00:48.31*** join/#asterisk itnomad (~jackal@
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00:49.52*** join/#asterisk guugmember (~nachoramo@
00:49.54xkevdo you really need asterisk or just a complex SIP mangler?
00:50.02tzangerewrd, y'all
00:50.05tzangerwerd even
00:50.11xkevw0rd ^
00:50.54guugmemberhow can i integrate an asterisk box to an avaya pbx so my asterisk will record all the calls?
00:51.04xkevStickyness is computed by hashing one of either the CallID, To,
00:51.05xkevFrom, or SIP URI.
00:51.42ctooleythat actually looks pretty good (Vovida)
00:52.00ctooleyxkev, both
00:52.02xkevthe vovida vocal suite is very robust.  it's basically a sip soft switch
00:52.17ctooleya SIP mangler with some other Asterisk things
00:53.00ManxPowerguugmember, I don't think anyone has ever done that.  Welcome, trailblazer!
00:53.32ManxPowerguugmember, Be sure to write up your experience when you figure it out!
00:53.43*** join/#asterisk ROM_Man (
00:54.27xkevguugmember, sounds like you need calls to come into asterisk, then dial the same on the avaya pbx (and vice versa).. ie: put it between the PRI lines feeding the pbx
00:54.55xkev..that handles outside calls.  otherwise, we're getting into avaya land and not many here will be lords of the avaya :)
00:55.05*** join/#asterisk Hmmhesays (~Hmmmhesay@
00:56.09guugmemberManxPower, nobody, weird, we are working with an Avaya distributor and want to test asterisk as a solution for some define jobs
00:56.14HmmhesaysI'm having trouble setting my callerid in info blank,   should this work  exten => _X.,1,setglobalvar(CALLERID=)
00:56.52Hmmhesays_X.,1,SetCallerID() ?
00:57.07xkev..herm but blanking it?  /me tries
00:57.39Hmmhesaysyeah, i'm trying to test out this farking fxs unit, it's supposed to not let anonymous calling, but I got no joy, sending no callerID
00:57.43Hmmhesaysover SIP
00:58.08*** join/#asterisk Legend` (~legend@
00:58.32guugmemberif i want to display the caller id on my telephones, i need my telephone provider to send me that information within the call right?
00:58.49xkevhmmmhesays, yes SetCallerId() ; just like that with no args, will clear it
00:59.05Hmmhesaysindeed i just tried it xkev, thanks for the info
00:59.14Hmmhesaysthis box doesn't block unavailables either
00:59.42Hmmhesaysguugmember: yes
01:00.17guugmemberanyone here with avaya experience interested in giving professional services
01:00.18hacimI got a Analog Line/FXO pci card I just installed and am wondering how I can get it to work with asterisk?
01:00.25guugmemberintegrating avaya with asterisk?
01:01.41guugmemberHmmhesays, just bein a consultant
01:01.54HmmhesaysNothing sexy, like a hooker?
01:02.01guugmemberHmmhesays, when we have questions about integrating Asterisk with other PBXs
01:02.10Hmmhesayswhat kinda pbx's?
01:02.33guugmemberHmmhesays, not legacy, Avaya IPOffice 2.1
01:02.44*** part/#asterisk itnomad (~jackal@
01:03.13guugmemberHmmhesays, we are working with an Avaya distributor and they want to test asterisk as a solution for some define jobs
01:03.29guugmemberfor some especific tasks
01:03.33Hmmhesaysi see
01:03.34silik0nguugmember check your messages
01:03.45Hmmhesaysi've done some integration with legacy stuff
01:03.49silik0nPMs that is
01:04.26Hmmhesaysoooooohhh I think i just figured out what "block anonymous callers" does on this pile of hell
01:05.31Hmmhesaysgrrrr, they need to rename that to .... "i'm a useless feature, do not check me"
01:07.36bjohnsonguugmember: you should post to the bsuiness mailing list
01:10.12silik0newww yuck
01:10.30*** join/#asterisk trig_hm (
01:13.38ManxPowerhacim, What specific card?
01:13.52*** join/#asterisk mr_zack (
01:14.11mr_zackthe sound is distinguishable, but i think the pitch is too high, any suggestions? \
01:14.18hacimManxPower: I just found that I need zaptel, and the wcfxo driver, so I am putting that stuff together
01:14.19*** join/#asterisk boukensya (
01:14.33tzangermr_zack: pitch shift?  Are you playing back at 8kHz?
01:14.47xkevctooley, you may also want to look at vocal's redirect server.  it sends 302 redirects instead of trying to track everything.  your sip provider should be able to observe those, and contact each asterisk box directly
01:14.50mr_zackis ulaw linearly sampled?
01:14.56tzangermr_zack: IIRC, yes
01:15.06tzangermr_zack: you're not asking about interleaving are you?
01:15.13boukensyahey guys...  I am trying to figure out what port asterisk uses so I can foward it on the router.
01:15.13mr_zackchannel interleaving?
01:15.22mr_zackno, i just have a straight ulaw stream that i'm trying to decode
01:15.37boukensyaor 1720
01:15.38tzangermr_zack: right ... or did you mean linear vs logarithmic sampling
01:15.41mr_zackit might be the random java codec i downloaded off the web that's broken, but i'm leaning on something ithat i'm doing
01:16.05mr_zacklinear vs. logarathmic
01:16.12tzangerIIRC ulaw/alaw and slinear are all more or less the same, except for the handling of sign
01:16.23Hmmhesayswhat's the syntax for setcallerid()  ? setcallerid("name" <number>) ?
01:17.38xkevyou can use setcidnum and setcidname, they are the "new way (tm)"
01:17.57xkevotherwise no quote needed SetCallerID(Foo <1345>) is fine
01:18.24xkevin cvs, num and name are separate members of a struct, instead of having to parse them out every time it needs to be split into its parts
01:18.29HmmhesaysI was just about to look it up.... you saved from like 3 words and a couple mouse clicks
01:18.35kpflemingtzanger: that's not quite true... slinear is 16-bit uncompressed audio... ulaw and alaw are both compressed to 8 bits
01:18.47tzangerkpfleming: ahh
01:19.05ManxPowerQuotes in Caller*ID Name can cause some versions of Cisco SIP firmware to reject the call.
01:19.06Hmmhesaysthanks xkev
01:19.16ManxPowerSince quotes are obvously not valid callerid
01:19.16tzangerkpfleming: so ulaw/alaw are 8bit 8kHz and slinear is 16bit 8kHz (so double the bandwidth of ulaw/alaw?)
01:19.40mr_zackulaw has an effective 12-bit bandwidth
01:19.44mr_zackand alaw 14-bit if iirc
01:19.46kpflemingdouble the bandwidth consumption, yes... not double the audio bandwidth though, ulaw is approx equiv to 13-bit audio, and alaw is 14-bit
01:20.02mr_zacker, well, kpfleming is probably right :)
01:20.09tzangerI'm not up on my codecs obviously.  :-S
01:20.22mr_zackkpfleming: any ideas as to why my pitch would be off?
01:20.45kpflemingnope, sorry, i'm wondering how to convince chatzilla to let me connect to two IRC nets athe same time :-)
01:20.45*** part/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
01:21.22`Sauronkpfleming: /server <new server>
01:21.36kpflemingi'll try it...
01:21.49tzanger`Sauron: typically that disconnects you form the current server
01:21.50kpflemingyep, thanks, that worked
01:22.15`Saurontzanger: Only when NOVICE is set true
01:24.09Hmmhesayshmm if i setcidname() and setcidnum()  Asterisk sends From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@x.x.x.x>
01:24.57Hmmhesaysshouldn't the from field be  From: <sip:x.x.x.x> ?
01:25.03tzanger`Sauron: ah
01:26.05kpflemingHmmhesays: it's hard to get asterisk to send NULL CLID and CNAM... it has hardcoded defaults in chan_sip
01:26.14Hmmhesaysor am i missing something completely obvious
01:27.30ManxPowerHmmhesays, I don't know about the SIP headers, but setting the info using the SetCID* functions always work if I use them correctly.
01:27.52ManxPowerUnless, of course, I'm trying to send the call to the PSTN, then CID Name does not work, and it's not expected to.
01:28.05*** join/#asterisk Godsey (
01:28.23Hmmhesaysyeah it shows up unavailable if I use those.... I'm trying to test out the "block anonymous caller" feature on this POS fxs box
01:28.32Hmmhesaysso far it's useless
01:28.51harryvv manx seen a case where out of the blue another device grabs the zaptel irq?
01:29.03ManxPowerHmmhesays, PASTE the ACTUAL lines from extensions.conf that you using to set the CLID
01:29.43HmmhesaysI'm good.... I just got it to clear out any callerid information
01:29.46Hmmhesaysin the sip header
01:30.27Hmmhesaysthanks tho ManxPower
01:30.34ManxPowerHmmhesays, Every person that I've seen that tries to fuck with the headers for something as simple and trivial as callerid has falied.  that doesn't mean that some have not worked, I just don't know about htem
01:31.03Hmmhesaysyeah I just have to make sure i've done everything before I declare this a useless function to my boss
01:31.17ManxPowerHmmhesays, PASTE the ACTUAL lines from extensions.conf that you using to set the CLID
01:31.33ManxPowerharryvv, no.
01:31.38Hmmhesaysheh, well if you really want to see them
01:31.43Hmmhesayshold on
01:31.43*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (some@
01:31.50ManxPowerthere should only be 2 lines, of course.
01:32.02Hmmhesaysyeah hold on i gotta sign into xchat
01:32.24*** join/#asterisk nullogic (~nullogic@
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01:33.26hmmhesaysexten => 5001,1,setcidname()
01:33.26hmmhesaysexten => 5001,2,setcidnum()
01:33.32znoGis NuFone down??
01:33.49ManxPowerhmmhesays, So you are trying to set them to empty?
01:34.08ManxPowerWhy do you want them empty?
01:34.25hmmhesaysjust testing out features on an fxs unit
01:34.36ManxPower`Sauron, don't use quotes
01:34.42`Sauronhum, right
01:34.43bjohnsoncan I kill a sip call from the cli?
01:34.44hmmhesaysI got it empty though, like i said before
01:34.47`Sauronthat was always weird
01:34.54`Sauronbjohnson: soft hangup <whatever>
01:35.00nullogichow do I selectively set my ANI for outbound calls but not for internal calls?
01:35.08`SauronUsage: soft hangup <channel>
01:35.12ManxPowerbjohnson, no, but you can hangup a channel, which will do the same thing.
01:35.12bjohnsonI started an outgoing call to a cell phone and hung up .. I don't think * hung up
01:35.19`Sauronshow channels
01:35.30`Sauronif it's there, you can do soft hangup on it
01:35.35`Sauronif it's not there, it already hung up
01:35.50bjohnsonip, exten, or callid?
01:35.54hmmhesaysexten => 5001,1,setcidname()
01:35.54hmmhesaysexten => 5001,2,setcidnum()   that doesn't set it empty in the debugs though
01:36.01`Sauronchannel number/thingy
01:36.04`SauronI dunno :p
01:36.07hmmhesaysi just erased all identifying information out of the orginating unit
01:36.08*** join/#asterisk NormAst (
01:36.33`Sauronbjohnson: do a "show channels" first
01:37.24ManxPowernullogic, set it before the exten lines that dial outside.
01:37.39bjohnsonahh I was doing sip show channels
01:38.52*** join/#asterisk Frantic (
01:40.31harryvvim at a loss on this problem. I removed the sound card which was using irq 5 and then assigned that to the zapcard in bios. Well getting lots charicters when doing asterisk -c Getting rrros of unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address ...then alot of hex codes scroll by half a page long.
01:42.26nullogicManxPower: I tried that. sip.conf's context it outgoing. outgoing includes extentions and then setcallerid. When I place calls between sip phones, I still see Setcallerid called...
01:43.21ManxPowernullogic, EXTENSIONS.CONF
01:43.54ManxPowerUnless you are using the same pattern for dialing phone to phone as you use to dial outside then you have a simple task.
01:44.45*** join/#asterisk chetan (
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01:50.22`SauronAnyone tried to use spandsp with your own application?
01:50.37gopinsurgAny get a Intel 536EP working as an FXO ?
01:51.04ManxPowergopinsurg, nobody will until someone writes a driver or updates wcfxo to support it
01:52.08*** part/#asterisk chetan (
01:53.19ROM_ManJust updated my system from using x100p's to the tdm 4 port card. Now distinctive ring detection is broken. Any ideas? Google searches are not getting me anywhere.
01:54.12nullogicManxPower: Here is a snip of my setup, can you take a look?
01:54.15*** join/#asterisk Godsey ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:03.15ariel_argh network split.
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02:08.39znoGhow can all my VoIP providers that I'm with be down
02:09.24znoGNuFone says bad context or extension (bullshit, it used to work), VoipJet says its congested/busy, Freshtel says it can't bridge channels.. ok so they're not down, just broken
02:09.26WilliamKare they outsourcing from each other? =)
02:09.31nullogicManxPower: Thanks much.. the simple answer is almost the hardest to find
02:09.52Mikehey guys i have my voicemail setup but when i get incoming calls from the x101p they leave the message and they hangup and asterisk records like 1 minute of fastbusy
02:10.02Mikeanyone knows what can i do
02:10.23ManxPowernullogic, NEVER EVER use a different pattern in an extenson on different priorities
02:12.28*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
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02:15.05harryvvwhat irq is recomended for the x100p/
02:17.22*** part/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
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02:19.52lalalalahello everyone
02:19.53*** join/#asterisk jterrero (
02:20.23jterrerosomeone wanna help me out? when i load0
02:20.40jterrerooops. sorry,
02:21.02jterrerowhen i load asterisk i get a error saying "Unable to get IP address for asterisk, SIP disabled
02:21.22jterreroi do have an IP address, anyone know whats the problem ?
02:21.28jterreroiax sucesfully registers with a remote server
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02:24.00jterrerodont know if anyone got my last message, client crashed.. when i launch asterisk i get an error saying "unable to get an IP address, SIP disabled", my server is getting an IP address and IAX sucessfully registers with a remote server
02:24.01lalalalaanyone here?
02:24.04jterreroanyone know whats up ?
02:25.14cypromisprobably things that are not down are up
02:25.43cypromisyour reverse dns is screwed
02:25.55cypromisso best put the ip address with the proper hostname into /etc/hosts
02:25.58cypromisand sip will woek
02:26.05lalalalahow do i get a real world phone number that i can connect/associate to/with a sip/iax client, contact them and they will give you infos on IAX providors is where i get my DIDs from
02:27.51lalalalajterrero : i want phone numbers for my sip or IAX client ... not an IAX provider
02:28.05harryvvvonage is really pushing there marketing hard. seem them advertised almost everywhere
02:28.53jterrerothey are getting real big in the nyc area
02:29.06jterrerolalalala: not following you
02:29.08*** join/#asterisk sivana (~richard@
02:29.30toddfheh, just as they're trying to get big, I'm trying to get away from them
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02:30.05lalalalajterrero : i want to get a new phone number that i can recieve calls on for my contact center voip network
02:30.29lalalalahow do i get this phone number and connection that'll work with my contact center voip network
02:30.32skeeziksIs the Broadvoice patch in Asterisk 1.0.5?
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02:37.38hacimskeeziks: broadvoice patch?
02:40.23jterreroanyone know what "asked to transmit frame type 4, while native format is 1
02:42.04lalalalawhere do these telecom service providers get their number blocks from
02:43.01skeezikshacim: Broadvoice sponsored a patch in November sometime to get Asterisk to work better with their service - I see reports that it's in CVS HEAD, but I'm trying to find out if it's also in release 1.0.5.
02:43.05*** join/#asterisk wm (
02:43.23wmI can't find any good examples on # transfering from a queue. Anyone?
02:43.38hacimskeeziks: what kind of interaction with broadvoice is possible with this patch?
02:43.54skeezikshacim: All the normal stuff, really
02:44.06skeezikshacim: I've been using BV in production since about November, with minimal trouble
02:44.24hacimskeeziks: in what way? I've got a BV ATA-100, but how do you use it with asterisk?
02:44.27skeezikshacim: It's my main line.
02:44.32lalalalawhere do these telecom service providers get their number blocks from
02:45.24lalalalaalso, how do i get this phone number and connection that'll work with my contact center voip network (do i need a special hardware, or can i just plug my phone cord in my modem slot and it'll start working?
02:45.49hacimskeeziks: so you save the money on the ATA by using asterisk, basically?
02:46.10*** join/#asterisk jumpingin (
02:46.24lalalalacome on, dont tell me you dont know the answer to it
02:46.35skeezikshacim: Yeah, and I still have internal extensions
02:46.56*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
02:48.05*** join/#asterisk wm501 (
02:48.13wm501grr, stupid weak cable modem signal
02:48.15wm501I can't find any good examples on # transfering from a queue. Anyone?
02:48.26wm501my ghost is still hanging around :?
02:48.45lalalalawhere do these telecom service providers get their number blocks from
02:51.04jumpinginHas anyone converted a 7960 or 7940 to SIP?
02:52.01wolfsonjumpingin: ensure you reset to system defaults at each step
02:52.07wolfsonother than that just follow the cisco docs
02:52.33jumpinginI can't get cisco to take my money...
02:52.34jterreroyeah i did recently
02:53.08jterreroi used tftp
02:53.22jterreroand  i started with POS300600
02:53.26jterreroor smoething like that
02:54.38jumpingini'll try that, thanks
02:56.01wm501does anyone here using pound transfering?
03:06.13*** join/#asterisk Gronker (
03:08.24*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
03:08.37Gronkerheh...Trying to get trillian to talk IRC...easier to build a free BSD box and run IRC me thinks
03:08.40MrEntropydoes anyone know a tool i can use to convert G723.1 IVR's to WAV?
03:08.46wm501it worked by default
03:09.35gambolputtyCan you have something like _* in a dialplan to match the asterisk character?
03:11.20*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
03:11.44*** join/#asterisk WiFiGuy (
03:12.06*** part/#asterisk Gronker (
03:12.19*** join/#asterisk three55ml (
03:14.29WiFiGuywill I need any special hardware to have a VoIP connection over the internet or a lan using asterisk?
03:14.47bjohnsonWifiFred: no
03:14.57wm501okay, in call queuing, if my queue is full, how do i give a busy signal?
03:15.13bjohnsonWifiFred: but most people WANT special hardware
03:15.20three55ml - This IAX registration is driving me crazy.  Exact same config registers fine on another server.
03:15.37WiFiGuywhere did fred come in?
03:16.20three55mlThere's a guy named Wififred in here too, probably auto-completion
03:16.23bjohnsonWiFiGuy: tab completion shortcut in my irc client .. someone else named that
03:16.59bjohnsonthree55ml: ug . .I can never follow that stuff
03:17.24three55mlbjohnson: If I change the username to an invalid one, I get the registration failed message.  Switch back to the valid one - I get no message at all.
03:17.32WiFiGuywill it make a difference in voice quality over a lan, whether I use special hardware?
03:17.42bjohnsonWiFiGuy: eg.  you could use softphones, with * on a machine you already have, and use a voip provider for incoming and/or outgoing calls
03:17.53three55mlWiFiGuy: Not really.  Softphone and hardware phones used the same codecs.
03:18.22bjohnsonWiFiGuy: most people prefer hardware phones .. eg analog phones in fxs ports (hardware) or voip phones
03:19.10bjohnsonWiFiGuy: also, if you want local phone lines from the telcoo tied in, you will need hardware for that (but it IS possible just to use a voip provider if one provides DIDs in suitable areas for you)
03:19.50bjohnsonWiFiGuy: it is pretty much universal here that hardware phones have better sound quality than softphones
03:19.59WiFiGuyI'm probably only going to by using it in my lan
03:20.31bjohnsonWiFiGuy: I have no idea what that means .. but you should start reading these docs
03:20.34jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
03:20.55*** join/#asterisk Q-At-Home (
03:21.03WiFiGuylan = local area network
03:21.12WiFiGuybasicly a small and fast network
03:21.21*** join/#asterisk Gronker (
03:21.29Q-At-Homewhee-- long time now see all
03:21.45WiFiGuythanks for the links
03:21.48*** part/#asterisk Gronker (
03:22.23ROM_ManJust updated my system from using x100p's to the tdm 4 port card. Now distinctive ring detection is broken. Any ideas? Google searches are not getting me anywhere.
03:22.49*** join/#asterisk simon_ca (
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03:27.00WiFiGuythe link is down, dns error
03:27.09*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
03:32.32bjohnsonWiFiGuy: you're slaying me
03:33.00bjohnsonROM_Man: sorry, I don't use that hardware .. sounds like a specific problem
03:33.33bjohnsonROM_Man: since noone answering .. search wiki and mailing list for info .. or try back later
03:34.40bjohnsonWiFiGuy: what does "I'm probably only going to by using it in my lan" mean?  You're not going to have any connection to the outside world?  You don't want hardware phones?  I have no idea what that statement means to you.
03:35.43WiFiGuyby = be
03:36.01WiFiGuyit just means I won't be going through the internet
03:36.04*** join/#asterisk juice (
03:36.14WiFiGuyI just want to see what I can do for free
03:36.28WiFiGuythats why I'm interested in only using software
03:36.55hacimi just got a x100p installed, got zaptel compiled and loading the zaptel and wcfxo modules. I've configured my zaptel.conf extentions.conf and my iax.conf
03:37.34hacimI thought i'd give bellster a shot... i plugged a phone into the x100p and a phone line in... but I get no dialtone on the phone and am not sure what I am missing
03:38.08wolfson-you can't plug a phone into the x100p
03:38.13three55mlX100P is an FXO device, you can't plug a phone into i
03:38.33three55mlYou need an FXS like a Sipura, Grandstream, or one of many others
03:38.40hacimreally? there is a jack on it that has a picture of a phone and says "phone" and a jack that has a picture of a rj-11 and says "line"
03:38.51*** join/#asterisk PyroSteve (
03:38.59PyroStevehey guys
03:39.08wolfsonhacim: when acting as a modem thats a pass through port
03:39.09three55mlIt might work as a pass-through, I'm not sure...but you won't be able to ring it to Asterisk or anything.
03:39.16three55mlfrom Asterisk
03:39.20wolfsonjust bridges them, but its not an actuall interface
03:39.21PyroStevesomoene helped me out the other day by pointing out the random command
03:39.22Q-At-Homehey guys, I'm banging my head against a callerid problem... I have a vonage line coming into a TDM fxo 4 port card, and no matter what I do, I cant get the caller ID to pass to * on port 1 of the vonage ata... port 2 works fine
03:40.01three55mlQ-At-Home: I've actually heard of several people having misc problems with port 1
03:40.35hacimwolfson: why does the description of the x100p say "the device is fully supported by asterisk for both incoming and outgoing calls" if you can't use your phone on it?
03:40.51Q-At-Homethree55ml: DOH
03:41.13Q-At-HomeI switched the ports around, and it follows port 1 on the ATA
03:41.17three55mlhacim: Not sure, where does it say that?
03:41.35PyroStevehow does random work ?
03:41.39three55mlQ-At-Home: I think I've read on the DSL Reports forums about Vonage actually having to move peoples main line to port 2
03:41.51wolfsonhacim: it does clearly support a call in and out
03:41.53PyroStevenot the syntax
03:41.59PyroStevebut the inner workings
03:42.11hacimthree55ml: in what way?
03:42.14wolfsonhacim: i see no where, where it says its an FXS interface, clearly labeled FXO
03:42.15Q-At-Homethen my fax will break :)
03:42.27PyroSteveDoes asterisk keep track of the last result of random
03:42.29Q-At-Homeand believe it or not, I have faxing working :)
03:42.33three55mlQ-At-Home: :)
03:42.38hacimwolfson: how do you do call out with it then?
03:42.41Q-At-Homethat took a bunch of time to fix
03:42.44three55mlQ-At-Home: How reliably?  I have problems with it all the time
03:42.52Q-At-Homeheres how I get it working 100%
03:43.01Q-At-Homevonage ata to tdm fxo module
03:43.11wolfsonhacim: however you want, soft phone, fxs card, etc...
03:43.14Q-At-Homethen tdm fxs module to external modem
03:43.22Q-At-Hometo hylafax LOCKED at 2400 baud
03:43.28wolfsonhacim: same way an incomming call works
03:43.32three55mlQ-At-Home: Ah
03:43.33Q-At-Homeran thru 5 different modems,
03:43.38PyroStevedoes random have to keep track of its last decision in order to make the next descision ?
03:43.43Q-At-HomeUSR 56k serial works the best
03:43.49hacimwolfson: ahhh, so if I plugged in a PTSN line in the line port, then used a softphone to call my asterisk instance, I could call out on the phone line
03:43.58*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
03:44.12wolfsonhacim: if you set up your dialplan correctly, yes
03:44.15Q-At-HomeI harped on vonage for hours trying to get them to give the info on the ata, so I can use asterisk as the ATA
03:44.18Q-At-Homeno joy :(
03:44.23Q-At-Homethe soft phone works fine
03:44.31hacimwolfson: hmm ok
03:44.39three55mlQ-At-Home: Yeah, I'm ditching them this bill cycle
03:44.57PyroSteveQ-At-Home: couldn't you sniff your sip traffic to Vonage ?
03:45.21three55mlPyroSteve: I think it's more an an issue with the ATA being locked
03:45.38three55mlI'm sure someone will eventually figure out a firmware hack, but in the end you end up having to send it back to Vonage anyways.
03:45.57PyroSteveyeah, but the goal is too get the login credentials, correct ?
03:46.17GronkerFXS ports are what would be used to drive normal POTS-like handsets...correct?
03:46.30PyroSteveGronker: yes
03:46.44Gronkerwhats a good 2 and 4 port FXS
03:46.51PyroSteveFXS ports provide dialtone and listen for DTMF tones
03:46.52Q-At-HomeI have no intention of defrauding vonage
03:46.59Q-At-HomeI just hate using up 2 FXO ports
03:47.04Q-At-Homewhen direct SIP is reliable
03:47.11Q-At-Homejust.. much more expensive to use
03:47.30PyroSteveGronker: FXO port recv. dialtone and provide dtmf tones
03:47.58MrEntropyanyone know a tool to decode g723.1 to wav?
03:48.08Gronkerdoh...typo...need 2 and 4 port FXS port boards...hehe...I have a long day ahead of me
03:48.57three55mlGronker: I don't think the Digiums are all too expensive
03:49.35Gronkerdidnt say they were...havent done much of any research yet...just decided to start I know what to compare
03:50.07Gronker(too be honest, Id like to buy some of my stuff for this project from Digium to support them for the asterisk dev, but not my call)
03:50.12three55mlGronker: The Digiums are the only ones I know of.  Plus they have the upside of supporting the project.
03:50.51Gronkerthats cool...just need to be able to tell the client that I got best price per port...would be best if Icould find 2-3 vendors
03:51.04three55mlYeah, I know what you mean
03:52.05Q-At-Home"Freeworld tel" has dids in edmonton now
03:52.07Gronkerwhat am I looking at per extension?  (err...FXS port)
03:53.10Gronkerahhh...nite...daughter boards for digium more
03:53.10bjohnsonQ-At-Home: the vonage ATA's are fxs ports .. not fxo
03:53.40Gronkerahhh...crap...75$ per FXS module?
03:53.45three55mlGronker: Yeah, 4 total.  Any combo of FXS and FXO
03:53.51Q-At-Homeyes... thats what I said, I plug my ATA into the FXO port of my *
03:53.59Q-At-Homeand then the modem into the FXS
03:54.02bjohnsonGronker: best price per port for fxs .. channel bank
03:54.16bjohnsonGronker: (but provides 23 ports)
03:54.18Q-At-HomeI have 2 fully populated tdm cards, and love em
03:54.27Q-At-Homeone full of fxo, one full of fxs
03:54.28bjohnsonGronker: second best Sipura SPA 2000
03:54.39bjohnsonGronker: third best Digium
03:54.59bjohnsonGronker: there are pros and cons to each that have nothing to do with price
03:55.44bjohnsonQ-At-Home: ewww
03:55.56Gronkergreat info here guys...thanks...
03:56.15three55mlHaha, I did that for about a week
03:56.15Q-At-Homeits only 2 lines :)
03:56.25Q-At-HomeI have 3 other IP based providers
03:56.30three55mlThen I saw the light :)
03:56.36GronkerIm prolly gonna need about 7 stations (extensions) and interface for 2 POTS lines...and VoIP long distance and 800 the end
03:56.37Q-At-Hometrying like hell to ditch the ATA
03:56.57Q-At-HomeCaller*ID failed check is killing me
03:57.05Q-At-Home(dont bother googling it)
03:57.16bjohnsonGronker: none of the voip stuff needs any hardware .. it's connecting to the pstn and the people that could need hardware
03:57.17Q-At-HomeI think its the ATA... yet a phone plugged into it works
03:57.36Q-At-Homewonder if its not rx/tx gains
03:57.42Q-At-Homehrm.. all set to 0
03:58.12Gronkeraye...I get the VoIP stuff (have it working in other solutions) but this is first day with trying to price out the hardware needed to support the extensions and POTS
03:58.16bjohnsonGronker: you could also look at voip phones for the extensions instead of fxs+analog phone
03:58.26Q-At-Homevoip phones are great
03:59.23GronkerPrice is the key here for this proj...will be dropped into (potentially) dozens of remote have to break this down using existing POTS service and phones...if possible
03:59.36bjohnsonGronker: 2 examples to check .. 4 port digium cards with mixed fxo and fxs AND Sipura SPA 2000s and 3000s
03:59.38GronkerBuilding the "great Merlin killer" ...snicker
04:00.57bjohnsonSPA 3000 are $100USD for 1 fxo and 1 fxs and have 2 pros .. plugs into lan, not pci slot (no drivers needed) AND do auto-failover connect between fxs and fxo in power outage
04:01.03*** join/#asterisk techie (
04:01.17Q-At-Homedo the spa3000's have fxo addressable from * ?
04:01.30Q-At-Homei.e inbound calls to the spa3000 could terminate to the * box?
04:01.57bjohnsonSPA 2000 are 2 port fxs for $80 USD .. same lan connection .. can be used anywhere (including a connection in from a remote office)
04:02.02bjohnsonQ-At-Home: definitely
04:02.05Q-At-Homelast time I was here, there was some confusion
04:02.10bjohnsonI have 3
04:02.30bjohnsonit would be crap otherwise
04:02.34Q-At-Homeand you can plug PSTN lines into the SPA, and plop it onto your * box like a FXO port
04:02.45Q-At-Homewell woo... I can order some up
04:02.47bjohnsonit IS a fxo port
04:02.51Q-At-Homeenough of these PCI cards
04:02.56Q-At-HomeI can go small form factor!
04:03.05bjohnsonwell .. the digim cards have a couple of pros too
04:03.08Q-At-Homewife will love me
04:03.15Gronkerlooking at the sipura stuff...rather have PCI cards and have everything plug into the back of the system...these converters tend to get screwed with in the field
04:03.19ChujiDammit I can't get cdr_odbc to work for shit
04:03.23Q-At-Homeoh don't get me wrong, I love the digium cards
04:03.26bjohnson1. they are THE way to get proper timing for meetme conferencing
04:03.31ChujiWhen is bkw coming back?
04:03.37Q-At-HomeI'll leave one in
04:03.40Chuji~seen bkw_
04:03.41jbotbkw_ <~brian@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 10h 20m 6s ago, saying: 'bbl'.
04:03.42bjohnson2. they support the guys who worte the software
04:03.46Q-At-Homemy box is a small form factor with one PCI
04:03.55Q-At-HomeI own 4x digium cards
04:04.01bjohnson3. price per port hey are pretty good is you do 4 ports at a time
04:04.02Q-At-Homefor well over $2000 :)
04:04.15Q-At-Homethey have a great warranty too
04:04.42Gronkerguess I was just hoping to get extensions down to the $25-33 per port...looks like that is a pipe dream
04:04.45Q-At-Homedoes the wikki have a sample config for using the FXO's as inbound?
04:04.46bjohnsonGronker: you could always screw them to the side of the cpu box
04:04.52Chuji~seen anthm
04:04.52jbotanthm <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13d 13h 3m 53s ago, saying: 'if i get into conflicting situations i usualy pick one and try and get it committed so i can eliminate the conflict'.
04:05.02bjohnsonGronker: basically, there are all sorts of hardware configs you can do
04:05.32bjohnsonGronker: you could do it with a channel bank .. but then you're buying in bulk
04:05.39GronkerThis bundle includes:
04:05.40GronkerOne (1) TDM400P
04:05.40GronkerFour (4) FXS Modules (green)
04:05.40Gronker= $300+
04:06.09bjohnsonGronker: you could shop ebay .. think I saw a 1 port thing that did iax go for $25 and shipping .. try getting a bunch from that supplier?
04:06.24Q-At-Homeatacomm still a regular here?
04:06.42GronkerChannel bank for the extension (FXS) side?  I can see T1 for the FXO side...but what is the deal for bulk on the FXS side?
04:06.46Chuji~seen atacomm
04:06.47jbotatacomm <~dan@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 2h 9m 54s ago, saying: 'anyone want a IP 3000 conference phone?  looking to replace ours with a IP 4000 model.  Barely been used, in great condition.... looking for around $500'.
04:07.00Q-At-Homeunless someone in Canada shipping from Canada has the spa3000
04:07.14bjohnsonGronker: t1 to channel bank .. channel banks can be mixed fxo or fxs
04:07.16Q-At-Homewoo pstn fail over!
04:07.20Q-At-Homewife will be happy
04:07.26bjohnsonGronker: search ebay for adit600 for examples
04:07.38bjohnsonQ-At-Home: ?
04:07.47GronkerI will get my develpoment stuff from eBay prolly...but I have to price this for something like 50 systems, over 12 months...
04:07.58Gronkercan rely on eBay stuff to supply it
04:08.05bjohnsonGronker: what country
04:08.25Q-At-Homemy asterisk box is huge
04:08.25bjohnsonQ-At-Home: "unless someone in Canada shipping from Canada has the spa3000"?
04:08.31Q-At-Homeoh, was gunna order it
04:08.42Q-At-Homeonline from atacomm, but he's US based
04:08.45Gronkererr...well...Im sure that 95% of the offices will be
04:08.54Q-At-HomeI'm cheap, and would like to save duty/shipping/brokerage/etc
04:09.05bjohnsonQ-At-Home: there's a couple of cdn dealers that carry spas
04:09.17Q-At-Homespeaking of cheap, anyone seen the vaporware vonage wifi phone?
04:09.18bjohnsonone I remember seeing on wiki is syonex
04:09.31Q-At-Homeor any wifi sip phone for under $200 :)
04:09.43GronkerI do love this TDM400P module system though...anyone have multiple of these in a system working?
04:10.05bjohnsonGronker: get digium hardware direct from digium in US I think (unless you need a local supplier for speed)
04:10.17Q-At-Homesyonex: Our apologies: We are currently unable to supply Sipura or Grandstream products
04:10.26Q-At-HomeGronker: yes
04:10.28bjohnsonGronker: usually by the time they get over 2 pci cards .. they run into other limitations
04:10.42Q-At-HomeGronker: I have 2 PCI cards, one with 4 ports FXO, one with 4 ports FXS
04:10.47bjohnsonGronker: saw something on the wiki about it under asterisk sizing or something
04:11.07Q-At-HomeI had a x101 in there a while ago too
04:11.11Q-At-Homeall at once
04:11.20bjohnsonQ-At-Home: check the wiki for canadian asterisk users for other possibilities
04:11.51bjohnsonQ-At-Home: I bought 2 from voxilla and got screwed by UPS for customs broker fees (20% of order value)
04:12.07*** join/#asterisk chrisf0rd (
04:12.11Q-At-Home~how can brown screw you today~
04:12.15bjohnsonplus the expected 15% taxes
04:12.17chrisf0rdHow do you fix
04:12.24Q-At-Homechrisf0rd: with duct tape
04:12.27bjohnsonwith a hammer
04:12.31*** join/#asterisk thetalon (
04:12.31Q-At-Homemmm hammer
04:12.33sivanaor bubble gum
04:12.37bjohnsonthe bigger the better
04:12.48chrisf0rdEveryone is busy/congested at this time what does that mean
04:12.49sivanaa mars bar and a rubber band... that's it
04:12.50bjohnsoneven better if it plugs into the wall
04:13.00chrisf0rdit is just me on the server
04:13.14sivanachrisf0rd: what are you interfacing?
04:13.23bjohnsonchrisf0rd: could be a bunch of things
04:13.37bjohnsonI got it when I has a line that was wired in reverse
04:13.56chrisf0rdon my end it rings and rings
04:14.02Q-At-Homebjohnson: your spa3000 does it support incoming caller id?
04:14.06Q-At-Homeas an fxo I mean
04:14.08chrisf0rdbut on the CLI> it says <sivana> chrisf0rd: what are you interfacing?
04:14.08chrisf0rd<chrisf0rd> Broadvoice
04:14.08chrisf0rd<bjohnson> chrisf0rd: could be a bunch of things
04:14.12bjohnsondo you have an 'r' in the dial command?
04:14.24bjohnsonQ-At-Home: yes
04:14.36chrisf0rdon the CLI> it says Everyone is busy congested at this time
04:14.51Gronkerhmmm...anyone else have * on a free/BSD machine?
04:15.38chrisf0rdI have been trying to intergrate Broad voice into this machine for 6 hours
04:16.00chrisf0rdit is driving me nuts especially my episode with Customer support earlier today
04:16.04thetaloni had a bad asterisk day.  My TE410P was not parsing DNIS property.  All calls went to the s|1 extension inside default.   Then in 2 hours the problem started the problem went away.  This happened to 4 T-1's from 2 different carriers on two servers.  This started about 15 minutes after we successfully made calls from 2 new PRI lines.  Any ideaWe were adding the new PRI's
04:16.28thetalonthat's 2 hours after the problem started it magicaly went away
04:16.40*** join/#asterisk Othello (
04:16.41thetalonall we did was turn more debuggin on in logger.conf
04:17.01thetalonthe Q.931 trace had the DNIS/ANI in there
04:17.12Q-At-Homebed time, l8z all
04:17.13chrisf0rdAm I out in Left field on this one
04:17.16Q-At-Homethanks for the info
04:17.32sivanachrisf0rd: what's your register line look like?
04:17.35thetaloni'm tempted to trash my digium inventment and go cisco at the gateway
04:17.37sivanablank out the pwd
04:17.44three55mlMan, FINALLY solved my IAX issues.  Had to do with my VLAN.
04:18.00hacimcan I run a softphone and an asterisk server on the same machine?
04:18.06hacimthey all seem to want to use port 5060
04:18.14thetalonhacim sure
04:18.18*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
04:18.19bjohnsonchrisf0rd: something on the mailing list about needing a certain version of *
04:18.22three55mlTry an IAX phone
04:18.26bjohnsonchrisf0rd: for bv
04:18.35hacimthetalon: so far all the ones I've tried are competing for ports
04:18.42chrisf0rdI have DIAX
04:18.52thetalonit told me that 0/1 was in use already
04:19.15thetalonlike * did not tell the CO that the channel was i nuse
04:19.23hacimthetalon: I've tried kphone, sjphone and linphone, all no good so far :p
04:19.29bjohnsonchrisf0rd: does diax connect to bv?
04:19.37chrisf0rdegister => <accountid> password> account id>
04:19.40*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
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04:19.50sivanachrisf0rd: that doesn't work for me either
04:20.05bjohnsonhacim: all of those are sip phones .. not sure if that would really be a problem though
04:20.08{sean}does anyone have MOH working with asterisk running as a service?
04:20.11sivanayou need to: register =>
04:20.28GronkerOMG...Im just laughed so hard I spilled my drink
04:20.29hacimthetalon: thanks
04:20.52chrisf0rdI want to be able to dial 9 then get an outside line
04:21.05chrisf0rdnot to have it bound to an extension
04:21.15thetalonexten => _9N.,1,Dial(
04:21.35{Sean}asterisk running as a service anyone?
04:21.39sivanahaving the double username/pass combo that BV says to use never worked for me
04:21.52sivanaI mean in the register line
04:22.06thetalonsean see safe_asterisk
04:22.24sivanaregister =>
04:22.29{Sean}i have it working as a service, just not MOH
04:22.38sivanaSean.. look at mpg123
04:22.43sivanaand the wiki
04:22.50{Sean}yeah mpg123 is fine
04:22.55{Sean}config is fine
04:22.59{Sean}it just doesn't start mpg123
04:23.11{Sean}i found a thread about it w/ no resolution
04:23.17`SauronI think the concept of a working MoH is nothing but a tease thing.
04:23.27`SauronEverybody says it's there, but nobody can get it working :)
04:23.29chrisf0rdSivana I am goon throw you soem text in a chat box so you can see my CLI> scroll off is that ok
04:23.31{Sean}i've had it working when * runs as root regularly
04:23.33sivanaI dunno.. mine works
04:24.07{Sean}sivana your MOH works w/ * running as a service?
04:24.17*** join/#asterisk beto75 (~beto75@
04:24.27beto75hello Guys
04:24.31sivanawhat line do you have in the musiconhold.conf?
04:24.40{Sean}standard default
04:24.43beto75excuse me is JerJer Online?
04:24.53sivanachrisf0rd: don't use the proxies either
04:25.06sivana~seen JerJer
04:25.08jbotjerjer is currently on #asterisk
04:25.13{Sean}default => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
04:25.22chrisf0rddont use the proxies
04:25.29{Sean}mpg123 is in the right path
04:25.29chrisf0rdwhat do you use then
04:25.34sivanachrisf0rd: no, use
04:25.44sivanasean: doesn't look like your using mpg123
04:25.49sivanalet me check mine
04:25.58toddfSean what version of asterisk are you using?
04:26.04`Sauronsivana: the double user/pass thing works fine now
04:26.07`Sauronwith broadvoice
04:26.12chrisf0rduse chrisf0rd: no, use instead of
04:26.17hacimthetalon: dangit, iaxcomm doesn't work either :P
04:26.30sivana{Sean}: default => mp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
04:26.38`Sauronchrisford: Look at the example for getting * to talk to broadvoice
04:26.44sivana`Sauron: I could never get it to work
04:26.57sivana`Sauron: BV works fine for me without the double thing
04:27.00toddfsivana I am having music on hold not working for me too, used 1.0.2, 1.0.5, stable, now compiling current cvs
04:27.01beto75guys I am looking for jerjer becaus eI am using H323 and I have a real mess the calls are suddenly cut off without a pattern
04:27.10beto75someone here has any idea why?
04:27.17`Sauronsivana: shrug, dunno - it worked for me and randu and a couple others
04:27.21sivanabeto75: he's here
04:27.26`Sauronwhich is why I updated the voip-info page
04:27.37sivanawhat's the link on wiki page?
04:27.48`SauronDon't remember the url :)
04:27.53sivana`Sauron: that's using the info on BV site?
04:27.54hacimthetalon: both asterisk and iaxcomm want to use port 4569
04:28.10`Sauronsivana: It's using the CORRECT info, not neccesarily what BV's site says.
04:28.12{Sean}Asterisk CVS-05/20/04-12:23:42
04:28.21`SauronI already told BV support that their site's info isn't completely accurate
04:28.22sivana`Sauron: ok
04:28.33chrisf0rdsivana I can call out now
04:28.36`SauronI'll find the page
04:28.40toddfSean, so basically, you're using quite an older version of asterisk, nothing ''recent''
04:28.44chrisf0rdbut when I try to call back in I get teh party is busy recording
04:28.46sivanachrisf0rd: the proxies?
04:29.01chrisf0rdI cahnged them
04:29.13*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
04:29.15chrisf0rdTried it Sauron
04:29.19chrisf0rdno help
04:29.23{Sean}its recent as of a couple months ago :)
04:29.23`SauronBut you have to call support for the sip password
04:29.37`Sauronchrisford: It works, I know it does.
04:29.45beto75JerJer: Please Help me !!!!!!!
04:29.50sivana`Sauron: I see.. you removed the proxies
04:29.50chrisf0rdI have a password
04:29.51{Sean}so was there a bugfix or something in the last couple of months for this problem?
04:30.04`SauronI configured it less than a week ago, and the page is an exact copy of my currently running configuration
04:30.07chrisf0rdthe one they gave me when I bought the service
04:30.16chrisf0rdjust asec
04:30.20`Sauronchrisford: did you get a BYoD account?
04:31.17`Sauronthen the example config should work
04:31.46chrisf0rdfor inbound calling
04:31.46sivana`Sauron: looks good to me
04:32.14`SauronThey even support dtmfmode=rfc2388 now
04:32.58*** join/#asterisk techie (
04:33.23chrisf0rdlet me make sure I understand
04:33.43chrisf0rdthis config will let inbound calls come in and goto the auto attendant
04:34.04`SauronYou'll have to modify the extensions.conf for that
04:34.23`Sauronbut the example should be enough to get you going with the BV config
04:35.06chrisf0rdI have been at this since 3pm today and am going to have a nervious breakdown (-; hahaha
04:35.43*** join/#asterisk {Sean} (
04:35.48{Sean}actually got some error output now
04:35.49{Sean}res_musiconhold.c:305 moh0_exec: Unable to start music on hold (class '') on channel SIP/sean-4cee
04:36.20`Sauronchrisford: I spent 3 days straight. You won't have a nervous breakdown anytime soon
04:36.39chrisf0rdTHANK YOU sivana and Sauron you guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04:36.43chrisf0rdit works
04:38.44`SauronI told you it'll work.
04:41.27*** join/#asterisk unixgeek (
04:44.42chrisf0rdYes you did
04:45.05*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (~RatMan@
04:46.46niZonwill asterisk run on a 64 bit OS?
04:49.10*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
04:49.55zimdogDo I just need port 5060 forwarded through nat firewall for an outside client to connect?
04:50.09zimdog5060 UDP
04:51.33niZonyou need 10000 to something as well
04:51.41GroobyRTP ports
04:51.45Grooby10000-20000 by default
04:51.51niZonthats it :P
04:51.54Groobyor change it in the rtp.conf in /etc/asterisk
04:52.25*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
04:52.47*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
04:52.47zimdogMy firewall mentions forwardign udp or tcp what does rtp use?
04:53.05dontmsgmeWhat does this mean: Feb  3 20:45:05 NOTICE[-245572688]: chan_iax2.c:1311 iax2_destroy: Avoiding IAX destroy deadlock
04:53.32Groobyno clue...haven't touch IAX yet
04:54.31zimdogThanks grooby and niZon
04:54.50Groobyno problem
04:56.51*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
04:57.04*** join/#asterisk Tough_Nuts (
05:01.54*** join/#asterisk abatista (
05:03.35chrisf0rd<`Sauron> are you still around
05:03.43*** join/#asterisk abatista (
05:05.59chrisf0rdis anyone here
05:06.05chrisf0rdyoo hooo
05:06.18NormAstAny Debian Pro's on tonight?
05:06.47Groobyi am around
05:07.23NormAstGrooby: Trying to get zaptel drivers to compile on Debian Sarge...  NetInstall... all kinds of mod dep errors.
05:08.14GroobyNorm, wish I can help you
05:08.18Groobyi don't even have zaptel hardware
05:08.23NormAsthmmm.... :)
05:08.33NormAstyou can still compile them...   :)
05:08.44NormAstyou might want to get ztdummy going.
05:08.53Groobyi got ztdummy
05:09.07NormAstDid you compile it?
05:09.12Groobybut i cheated my way around via asterisk at home
05:10.07Groobyare you using the newest zaptel?
05:11.52postelNormAst: pastebin your errors
05:12.15NormAstI see that * @ home compilies asterisk on first boot..
05:12.55NormAstpostel: Just compiling the kernel to see if it will fix some of the dep. errors.
05:14.02postelNormAst: well, thats nice, i still want your errors tho
05:15.05NormAstneed to wait for the kernel to finish...
05:16.08Tough_NutsHello all.. Just wanted to see if anyone here knew some things about using SJPhone and * thru a NAT..
05:16.12NormAstP4 2.4 512megs..
05:16.35Groobytough_nuts...i run sjphone w/ * thru nat
05:16.54Groobywe... * behind nat and sjphone outside when I am on client sites
05:17.49Tough_Nutscool.. I run it thru a nat as well.. and it seems to work. what I want to do is have a buddy of mine using sjphone, and he is also behind a nat...
05:17.51Tough_NutsI want to make his sjphone, an ext off my *..
05:18.13Groobyis your router forwarding ports?
05:18.25Grooby5060 udp, 10000-20000 udp to the * box?
05:18.53Tough_Nutshis phone cant see me.. if I have the router configed, it SHOULD be showing the whole dam box thru the nat.. :)
05:19.12Tough_Nutsits a dlink, and I have the * in the dmz..
05:20.00Groobyand is he shown up when you type sip show peers?
05:20.01Tough_NutsI can hit other ports of the box from outside.. and they are not setup as forwarded..
05:20.33Tough_Nutsdidnt know to type that.. but his sjphone says it cant reg anyway..
05:20.49Groobyand he's hitting your extern IP right?
05:20.50*** join/#asterisk Andrey_Kirov (
05:21.08Tough_Nutshe SAYS he is.. :)) so I hope its true..
05:22.02Tough_NutsI mean he has the correct IP for my outside IP f the router...
05:22.11Andrey_KirovHi everybody!
05:22.46Groobytough: in your sip.conf do you have localnet=internalip (i.e. and localmask=
05:22.53Groobyand externip=your external ip?
05:23.29Tough_Nutsnope... and the gw here should be 192.168.01
05:23.45Andrey_KirovSomebody can help me with h323 addon?
05:24.18Nivexany idea if FWD's IAX server is ever going to come back up?
05:24.53Groobyadd those in the sip.conf
05:24.59Groobyand reload
05:24.59postelTough_Nuts: 192.168.01 aint a valid RFC 1918 address
05:25.01Groobysee if that helps
05:25.19Groobyyean.. is your internal ip
05:25.32Groobyif you have a dlink router, check the status page
05:25.39beto75any h323 guru here?
05:25.40Groobyit should shown your WAN IP address
05:25.59Tough_Nutsyep.. got that.. where is sip.conf do I add this ?
05:26.00beto75asterisk h323 guru sorry
05:26.48Andrey_Kirovbeto75: what's problem?
05:26.55Groobyunder [general]
05:27.12Groobyif your friend is gonna be using this long term
05:27.21Groobyi suggest you sign up a dyndns domain
05:27.22beto75Andrey: some calls are cutt off but can be at 10 seconds, 40 seconds 3 minutes last
05:27.28Tough_Nutsi dunno, just messing for now..
05:27.36Tough_Nutsgot one of those already...
05:27.56Groobythen externip=your dydns domain
05:27.58Groobymakes your live easier
05:27.58beto75Andrey I have also a gnugk with radius (for billing in the same box)
05:28.04Groobyand just have your friend hit your dyndns
05:28.11Andrey_Kirovbeto75: sorry, but i can't help you :(
05:28.16beto75Andrey : this issue is new since a couple of weeks
05:29.19Tough_Nutsfor localnet=internalip do I need to put in the netmask some where as well ?
05:29.33Groobythat's what localmask= is for
05:29.56Tough_Nutsoh... duh.. sry.. didnt see that..
05:29.59Andrey_Kirovbeto75: may be you can help me to compile h323 addon on fc3?
05:30.01Groobyit's all good
05:30.05beto75Andrey , what you recomend to see what the heck happens in here?
05:30.52Tough_Nutsjust to make sure I know I got it right... is mask ?
05:30.58*** join/#asterisk Qwell ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:30.58*** join/#asterisk gambolputty ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:31.20Groobyuse those 2
05:31.27Groobyand externip=your dyndns domain name
05:31.32Tough_Nutsah.. ok.. not the gw, but the network..
05:31.35niZonwho said something about FWD's IAX being down?
05:31.41beto75Andrey, well I dindnt do it , there is a pal that can do it ,,  max litnisky
05:31.41beto75I hope he can help me when he gets online later
05:31.41*** part/#asterisk thetalon (
05:31.50Tough_Nutsthanks much..
05:32.40Groobydon't thank us yet
05:32.42Groobytil it's working
05:33.31Tough_Nutsyou know what i mean.. hehe :)
05:34.24Groobyor in the UO world "oooOoOOoooOOOO"
05:34.48Andrey_KirovBeto, i am a not professional in asterix. I just hoped that at you the same problem
05:35.50Andrey_KirovBeto: thank you for help
05:40.58brc__what is asterix?
05:41.30beto75brc: asterix is Obelissc partner
05:41.37beto75here is Asterisk :)
05:41.59brc__beto75, I believe you mean obelix
05:42.14beto75sorry for typo
05:42.24beto75I think you also Typo asterisk
05:43.25beto75asterisk is a soft pbx with VOIP options, muticodec , multy protocol
05:43.48beto75tdm, h323, sip , mgcp , IAX (any other forgotten?)
05:44.14cypromisyou forgot the headaches
05:44.15beto75giack cisco
05:44.18cypromisI'd say
05:44.27cypromisthey come free
05:45.07beto75cypromis: what can be this world without headaches
05:45.08*** join/#asterisk clive- (
05:45.14brc__cypromis, and the migraines...
05:45.57beto75cypromis: if yu have headaches with a <5k legacy brand pbx ,, I prefer headaches with asterisk :)
05:46.13beto75by far
05:46.34brc__the ivr scripting induced, gotoif riddled, priority hell that is asterisk configuration
05:46.40*** join/#asterisk unixgeek (
05:46.51brc__I can do better then that
05:46.53brc__ah well
05:47.33Tough_NutsAnyone here using the Asterisk@home iso load with CentOS ?
05:48.06Groobywhat's up TN?
05:48.12Tough_Nutsits NOT al that bad... is it ? :)
05:48.20Groobyi like it
05:48.33Groobyit's a start that I can go around and modify
05:48.59datareactoranyone using go2call with asterisk i am trying from manys days but no successful
05:49.05Tough_NutsI just wish I could the Digital Asst to work.. cant figure out howto get that going..
05:49.14*** join/#asterisk |^Angel^| (
05:49.22Groobydigital receptionist?
05:49.36Groobywhat are you trying to do w/ it?
05:50.08Tough_Nutswell, without it all I can do is have it answer the phone auto transfer to a preset ext...
05:50.16*** join/#asterisk pranav (dawda_pran@
05:50.38Groobyi basically dial *77
05:50.42Tough_NutsI just want alittle IVR, press 1 for this, 2 for that.. and so foth..
05:50.42Groobyrecord my message
05:50.56Groobyand continue the setup in AMP
05:51.07pranavhi grooby
05:51.12Groobyhi pranav
05:51.17Tough_Nutswhat kinda of hw you using, TDM or X100 ?
05:51.28pranavhi i have a problem in astguiclient
05:51.29*** join/#asterisk jdv79 (
05:51.39Groobyanalog phone => sipura 2k => *
05:51.44Groobyno X100
05:52.02jdv79i just bought a budgetone 100 and the manual says the default http passwd is admin but that's not working
05:52.02Groobypranav, what's the problem?
05:52.07jdv79anyone know what it could be?
05:52.13Tough_Nutsgreat... well, I only got the x100p, so i cant dial *77 from inside the pbx...
05:52.14BoRiSjdv: just hit enter
05:52.29pranavGrooby I am also using sipura 200 , at one point in the astguiclient site it says insert the phone values
05:52.29Groobysure you can
05:52.35Groobythat's what AMP is designed for
05:52.43jdv79not working either
05:52.48Groobyphone values?
05:52.53Groobywould that be extension of the phone?
05:53.02Groobyi've actually never use astguiclient....
05:53.06Groobyi sorta went with AMP
05:53.16Tough_NutsAMP is really nice...
05:53.29pranavi am using the site
05:53.31Groobyjdv79, try a factory reset if there's such thing ont hose phone
05:53.43*** join/#asterisk doushanes (
05:53.47brc__apple pepsi itunes ad leaked
05:53.50*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-home (
05:53.57Tough_Nutscan I do the *77 from my sjphone ?
05:54.26pranavin this if you can check out point number 6.1 wheree it asks to enter the phone values
05:54.28Groobyyes you can
05:54.31*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
05:54.40Groobytough  nuts, you have your analog phone connect to x100 right?
05:54.48Groobypranav, looking now
05:55.06SexyKenHey guys -- I have SoundPoint IP 600 VOIP Phones that multiple people are going to be using. Is there anyway to have them be able to login to the asterisk system through the phone before they can make calls?
05:55.08Tough_Nutsthats the wrong end... :) the x100p is FXO not FXS...
05:55.17Groobyah ok
05:56.21cypromisSexyKen: authenticate is your friend
05:56.53SexyKen•cypromis• What do you mean
05:56.55doushanesanyne have a recommendation for a sip phone in the $100-150 range?
05:57.01moonwickI've got a question that someone here might know the answer to... let's say I've got a voice t1 run into an asterisk server.  If all the channels are full and another call comes in, will I know about it?  or will the PSTN just shoot back a busy signal without telling me?
05:59.16SexyKenSo is it possible to have users enter their extension and password and then calls will be routed to that specific phone?
05:59.28datareactormoonwick you will dialing person will get busy tone
06:01.17jdv79ah, resetting did it
06:01.22moonwickdatareactor: so I'll still know about calls that get rejected due to busy?
06:01.28jdv79PITA to reset, probably a good thing:)
06:01.44*** join/#asterisk sivana (~richard@
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06:03.32jdv79how does one config an IAXy?
06:03.47jdv79does it require DHCP or something?
06:04.21jdv79i mean how does the thing itself get an IP
06:04.50JerJerjdv79:  DHCP
06:04.59jdv79no static?
06:05.04JerJeryou can static it, sure
06:05.11jdv79what does it have now?
06:05.19jdv79i just got one and don't know how to get it workin
06:05.26JerJerif you just received it, then it has nothing
06:05.28JerJeryou have to provision it
06:05.43jdv79ok, will do
06:05.43JerJeruse iaxyprov
06:05.51JerJercvs co iaxyprov
06:06.04denonwhy would you own an iaxy without having the nufone service to go with it?
06:08.47datareactorcan someone help setting up * with go2call
06:09.21chipighmm. I don't suppose anyone round here has had luck getting intercom to work with snom 190 phones?
06:09.26*** join/#asterisk abatista (
06:10.39WilliamKchipig, hadn't tried yet
06:11.11chipigsome mailing list talk about the snom200 from august..
06:11.44chipigbut, nothing recently, and I when I send it, the snom sends back requiring Digest Authentication
06:12.06PyroStevehey guys
06:12.19PyroStevecan i post a short amount of my dial plan here
06:12.30PyroSteveim trying to load balence my outgoing calls
06:12.33jbotextra, extra, read all about it, pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
06:12.53*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
06:13.08*** join/#asterisk nullogic (
06:13.56PyroStevetake a loon at that sample random useage
06:14.17PyroStevei want to spread my usage across 4 sip lines for outgoing calls
06:14.32PyroSteveis that a correct way of implementing that
06:15.13PyroStevethe say digits 1-4 is just a subsution for what line will be used
06:15.18SexyKenYea well I want users to be able to go to a phone that is already logged into the Asterisk system, but it isn't allowed to do's just logged in. Then users have to dial a number and are prompted for their Extension and a password, then the phone recieves calls for that person and they can make calls
06:15.36PyroSteveand the goto statement is so i can see how good random works
06:15.42PyroSteveam i on the right track ?
06:16.08nullogicany reason to record all three : format=wav49|gsm|wav ?
06:16.12SexyKenIs what I want to do possible?
06:16.35JerJernullogic:  no
06:16.43JerJerunless you like to burn HD space
06:17.20JerJerSexyKen:  you are not making much sense
06:17.22JerJerat least to me
06:17.32postelhe does to me
06:17.55JerJerthen answer his question
06:18.17PyroStevewhat about me !?!
06:18.31postelJerJer: he want registered clients but not in a context that allows incoming/outgoing, then they authenticate against a context that CAN do the above and dial out/in
06:18.37JerJerPyroSteve: i don't see anything about SIP in that post
06:19.07JerJerpostel:  ok
06:19.18JerJerso make a context with some exten in it
06:19.18PyroSteveJerJer: dont see SIP in what post ?
06:19.29PyroStevemy pastebin post ?
06:19.38JerJermake that exten do the authentication process
06:19.50nullogicJerJer: .wav files are almost 10x the gsm files... most of my end users use windows so will the gsm play on media player
06:20.02postelJerJer: do it right, its NEXT!   ;-)
06:20.10JerJerif you have the gsm codec installed
06:20.19JerJeryou = end lusers
06:21.04*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
06:21.13nullogicwill asterisk allways playback the .gsm files?
06:21.15*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~adnans@
06:21.32shaZwazmorning room
06:21.55JerJernullogic:  if you have the gsm codec installed
06:22.01JerJeris there an echo in here?
06:22.19postelSexyKen: well, i think what JerJer said along with some kind of callcard app would do what you want, drop everyone on an ext that does auth and have them jump to a context that allows in/out after they submit auth info
06:22.54nullogicJerJer: that was a different question..
06:22.59SexyKen•postel• Interesting...and then have an extension that logs them out as well?
06:23.05JerJerdoesn't even have to be a seperate context
06:23.18JerJerthe authentication process can make the call happen
06:23.25JerJeror nto
06:23.47SexyKenJerJer, do you understand the point for this?
06:24.03JerJeri don't even really understand what you are asking
06:24.07JerJerso, no
06:24.09QwellHow common is a setup with no hitches?
06:24.14shaZwazQ is there some way to run some part of dialplan or script at * startup/reload to fetch vales from astdb ?
06:24.22postelQwell: 39.67%
06:24.26Qwellpostel: :p
06:24.52QwellThat was...simple.  Installed an x100p, worked straight away
06:25.14SexyKenLets assume I have 4 VOIP phones in an Office. I have 8 techs. Only 4 are on shift at a time. So I only need 4 phones. But I dont want techs to share extensions because A: I want them to have their own voicemail, B: Their own extensions and C: I just dont. But I'm not going to buy 8 phones if they're never gonna be in use all at once.
06:25.36SexyKenIt's a pain in the ass to have people change the actual login on the phone everytime they use it, that's not very efficient.
06:26.07*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
06:26.08SexyKenSo I want the phone to be logged in at all times. It just doens't do anything unless a user 'logs in' to the system. Once they login, the phone should ring for that extension and make calls from that extension
06:26.11JerJerso then build dialplan logic that authenticates them and keeps track of who is online
06:26.38SexyKen•JerJer• Does that mean program the phone itself or program something within Asterisk?
06:26.42silik0nor buy a commercial system that does it hah
06:26.48JerJersmells like a perfect job for the asterisk db
06:27.03silik0nprogram a dialplan where the user can login and then log out...
06:27.25ta[i]nteddo you guys just colo your * box or host it in house?
06:27.25JerJerta[i]nted: all of the above
06:27.36SexyKenI am going to pay someone to do it.
06:27.39Qwellta[i]nted: in-livingroom
06:27.46*** join/#asterisk Juggie (agony@
06:27.54JerJermy new house has Asterisk wired into the house
06:28.02JerJercomplete with a TA-750
06:28.04QwellJerJer: really?
06:28.14JerJerhell yes
06:28.19silik0nthe 8 techs each have "virtual" extensions that are routed to one of the 4 real live SIP/whatever extensions based on where they logged in/out from...
06:28.23QwellYou go in before they were finished?
06:28.30JerJeri built it
06:28.40Qwellbefore, or after it was built?
06:28.42clive-jerjer, I can imagine your house wired up with more bandwidth than we have in africa
06:28.42ta[i]ntedis it cheaper to colo than to bring in a T1 line?
06:28.51JerJeri didn't even have copper brought in from the local copper farmer
06:28.59SexyKensilik0n, I understand the concept I just dont have the knowledge to do it.
06:29.08JerJerclive-:  i have 27 megabits to the house on a redline link
06:29.17QwellThats just sick
06:29.20JerJer27 or 24 can't remember... a couple megs
06:29.34silik0nwell support asterisk and hire one of the dev guys to set it up for you
06:29.36QwellThats gotta cost a pretty penny, eh?
06:29.50JerJerabout 3 grand for the redline link
06:29.56JerJeranother grand for the tower
06:30.08JerJerum no
06:30.11Qwelloh, heh
06:30.18SexyKen•silik0n• I will definatley hire someone. How much?
06:30.21znoGJerJer: any ideas why i get invalid context when i try to dial out on NuFone?
06:30.33JerJerznoG don't sepcificy a context on a type=peer
06:30.46znoGi don't
06:30.47JerJerand make sure you are sending a 1 or 011
06:30.50clive-jerjer sounds awesome
06:30.56znoGmight be the 011
06:31.07JerJerand send a valid caller*id
06:31.19znoGis that new? cause it used to work fine
06:31.29JerJerthese lameass sip clients out there like to send "bob" as the caller*id number and my switch gets pissed off at that
06:32.49*** join/#asterisk DrmC (drmc@
06:33.04ta[i]ntedi'm trying to set up a voice mail system using asterisk.. and was wondering if it'd be cheaper to bring in a T1 line or just to colocate it somewhere?
06:34.21JerJerhell why do you need a T-1?
06:34.30*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (some@
06:34.38DrmCchannel volume im sure
06:35.00JerJerjust turn the gain up then
06:35.12DrmCnot amplitude
06:35.32Guest^DJhi, there is an article on wiki that * can work with old Panasonic, i just could not figure out how they connect to each other? any one ?
06:35.37znoGall good now JerJer, thanks
06:35.55znoGno idea why i get 480ms pings to you though
06:35.57JerJerplease pull forward to pay your bill
06:35.59znoGthats the sort of pings i get to AU
06:36.30znoGoh wait, its me
06:36.40znoGpinging at 800ms to AU... something funny going on
06:36.54DrmC800 ms!
06:36.56JerJericmp likes to lie from time to time
06:37.45SexyKenSeriously lol.
06:37.46denonicmp has a very low priority on most routers
06:37.57SexyKenWell that makes sense.
06:38.00SexyKenIt's a truth though.
06:38.00JerJersure routers can be configured to hold on to icmp packets
06:38.01denonyou prioritize whats important.. to heck with the rest
06:38.08DrmCits true ...
06:38.10denonespecially when its often used to DDoS
06:38.17JerJerto hell with the rest!
06:38.23DrmCnot hold on to them
06:38.27SexyKen•denon• You a developer of Asterisk?
06:38.28DrmCjust drop them
06:38.28denonkeepin' it clean, family channel ..
06:38.34denonSexyKen: no, I just play one on tv
06:38.40JerJerwe are in safe harbor hours
06:38.42SexyKenOh stop.
06:38.47Qwelldenon: Thanks, my wife and kids like to hang out in here :p
06:38.59DrmCprocessing them 'held' would take far more cpu time than a simple drop
06:39.06denonSexyKen: JerJer wrote all of asterisk single-handedly last week .. privmsg him with any questions
06:39.13SexyKendenon, I need a little bit of a custom configuration for my asterisk setup.
06:39.18denonthat's nice
06:39.24DrmCanyways you can do a tcp ping and get around all that
06:39.24SexyKendenon, interested in a litte side money or no?
06:39.39JerJernor am I
06:39.45SexyKenKnow of any other developers who'd be interested?
06:39.52QwellI'd love to, but I do shoddy work :p
06:39.53denonSexyKen: i dunno, msg me what kinda work ..
06:41.14*** join/#asterisk Tough_Nuts (
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06:45.19Tough_Nutsstill trying to get an sjphone outside my nat working.. any takers ? :)
06:45.54Primersjphone Just Worksâ„Ē for me
06:46.29Tough_Nutsi think we have the settings on my buddies phone wrong...
06:47.40Primeris either behind NAT?
06:47.51Tough_Nutsboth are.. :(
06:47.55Primerthat's why
06:48.10Primeryou need to either DMZ each box or redirect the appropriate ports
06:48.26Primeras I'm sure you know
06:49.45Tough_Nutsok.. here is the setup.. 1 sjphone and an * behind a nat. But in dmz.. the other sjphone behind a nat.
06:49.47Tough_NutsI dont know that I got all the ports right, and I am not sure the settings in his sjphone are correct..
06:59.01simon_cahow do you set calling name on a zap fxo (tdm400p)?  i tried callerid="name <1000>" in zapata.conf w/ no luck...
07:01.12wasim_simon_ca: setcallerid() in the dialplan
07:03.14simon_cawasim: i do that when i go out a trunk (i.e. x100p), but trying to get the tdmp400p to have name associated w/ it when it calls sip extensions...
07:04.30cypromisit is callerid = "name" <number>
07:04.45cypromisthat is probablyyour problem
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07:05.37cypromistry, I don't use analog stuff but on my trunks it works
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07:08.40simon_cacypromis: Thanks! that fixed it.
07:08.46wasim_poor aussie tail didn't wag
07:09.14shaZwazwasim score ?
07:09.34wasim230 all out
07:09.58shaZwazlooks like the bowlers clicked
07:10.11shaZwazat last
07:12.59*** join/#asterisk Deggy (~Deggy@
07:13.25datareactori get this error SIP Status: 405 Method Not Allowed
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07:16.34wasimhappy basant astmaster
07:16.56wasimbasant is the spring festival in indo-pak
07:17.06wasimlahore is celebrating it this weekend
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07:18.59shaZwazwasim you in lhr ?
07:20.54wasimshaZwaz: affirmative
07:21.14shaZwazno going back to isloo ?
07:22.28wasimshaZwaz: not unless the wife kicks us out
07:22.35shaZwazha ha
07:29.16*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~adnans@
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07:40.46wasimstupid paki openers
07:42.37wasim2/7 238 to win ...
07:44.35shaZwazhere we go again
07:46.06wasimlee's 150 km/h yorker to clean bowl joe
07:47.14wasimonly inzi can same us now, and maybe razzaq/afridi (but only we get to the end)
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08:35.48Zeeekwho has Siemens Gigaset phones connected to asterisk
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08:35.57mAsH`mornign all
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08:49.22mepplguten morgen
08:58.13*** join/#asterisk Kraven (kraven@
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09:02.05christocan anybody please point me to some examples for setting out an IVR mapping in * ?
09:02.44oejchristo: read the extensions.conf example in your asterisk installation
09:03.37christooej - ok thanks
09:03.45christoI also found this
09:04.42*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
09:05.24MrEntropyplaying an IVR  i get "g729_read: Short read (10) (No such file or directory)!" dumped to the CLI, anyone got any idea what this means? the file plays, but it's only supposed to play one, and plays twice for some reason.
09:17.58*** join/#asterisk scanna (
09:18.46MrEntropyok, i figured out the short read
09:19.58MrEntropybut why does the sound file play twice?
09:21.18jboti guess pastebin is a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
09:22.11christoHow do I record a file in GSM format for my IVR prompts? Or is there an easy way to convert from wav?
09:22.28MrEntropychristo: google 'sox'
09:23.00MrEntropy <-- a call arrives on this context, and tt-weasles plays twice, anyone know why?
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09:27.26MrEntropyanyone? this is really boggling
09:28.08*** join/#asterisk Tornad (~Tornad@
09:29.18TornadI'm looking for a good ratio for price / quality for SIP hardphone.
09:29.29TornadIt seems that grandstream are the best ?
09:30.16MrEntropyany ideas on stuff i can try
09:30.18WilliamKyou want something that's business or consumer grade?
09:31.16TornadIn the middle :o)
09:31.29WilliamKprobably a Sipura then
09:31.41Tornadwhat's business grandstream problem ?
09:31.49Tornadquality or functionality ?
09:32.32WilliamKI've always known grandstreams to be almost at the bottom of the line (consumer), someone else though may disagree or agree with me
09:32.38WilliamKSipura's work well though
09:32.58clive-william how do they compare to the pa168 phones?
09:33.27MrEntropyclive-: a lot better imho =)
09:33.46WilliamKno idea, Moc would be able to answer better probably on that
09:33.59TornadWilliam : Which sipura model you like ?
09:34.16WilliamKI'm using the 2000 2 port FXS right now
09:35.11WilliamKvery user friendly, but has alot of advanced features and someone with barely any skills on voip can set one up
09:36.02*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
09:36.07clive-Mrentropy no, not pa186 to sipura, ...thats no competition...I mean pa186 to grandstream
09:36.37MrEntropyclive-: that's what i meant, i got 1 grandstream, it's a lot more 'solid' than the pa*
09:38.37MrEntropyclive-: i'm a cisco fan though and i'd get one if they weren't so damn expensive
09:38.43clive-do you disable the auto update firmware option?
09:39.01MrEntropyclive-: i'm not aware of that option
09:39.18*** join/#asterisk SeaForth (
09:39.20WilliamKMrEntropy, if you're a cisco fan you'd love to know that Cisco has a contract with Sipura for OEM stuff
09:39.45SeaForthhow can someone be a 'fan' of Cisco?
09:39.59Tornadthanks guy, I think I will try sipura SPA 841 and grandstream b102.
09:39.59MrEntropythey make solid gear, why not?
09:40.13WilliamKcisco is good on some things, but they've been getting more rude and rude lately
09:40.13*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
09:40.53MrEntropyWilliamK: which way do you mean, cisco provides sipura with hardware or the other way around?
09:40.54WilliamKand also, Cisco Call Mgr is a P.O.S. package
09:40.58*** part/#asterisk djin (
09:40.58clive-cisco does make great stuff...just way expensive
09:41.05WilliamKsipura provides hardware to cisco
09:41.06MrEntropyclive-: amen
09:41.40clive-actually , astersik can do IVR better than cisco
09:41.44MrEntropyi got an MC3810 on my desk i still haven't touched. it looks neat-o
09:42.02WilliamKclive, Asterisk doesn't take up 5 boxes to load basic features either
09:42.13WilliamKand I guarantee Asterisk can handle calls 500% better
09:42.38Wirelesscan anyone suggest a site for resolving asterisk audio issues?
09:42.49Wirelessit seems that my * box cannot encode audio
09:42.57clive-william, true, but cisco handles voip better than asterisk, aspecially for us guys in africa who cant use g711
09:43.24*** join/#asterisk los415 (
09:43.29WilliamKclive, why can't you use g729a?
09:43.37SeaForthdid you get it cheapo MrEntropy
09:44.02MrEntropySeaForth: I did, with a codec dsp card an an E1 module
09:44.41MrEntropy"and an"
09:44.52WilliamKMC3810s are usually cheap fully loaded, not sure about the v3s but the older models were crapola
09:45.18MrEntropyi'm looking for a 12.3 IOS for it though, 12.2 has some SIP bugs =/
09:45.55MrEntropyi haven't experienced them myself, but that's what i've read
09:46.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
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09:48.42kksif i have existing channel h323, can i still able to use oh323?
09:49.17MrEntropyso anyway, does anyone have ANY suggestions about my above problem? I'd really appreciate any ideas you can throw at me
09:49.46clive-sorry, I missed your post there
09:49.59MrEntropy <-- a call arrives on this context, and tt-weasles plays twice, anyone know why?
09:50.49WilliamKclive, why can't you use g729a?
09:52.00clive-william , are you referring to voip cisco vs asterisk...well, asterisk doesnt do good jitter buffering, and vad
09:52.06clive-for a start
09:52.58clive-729 is fine, but the jitter buffering is important to us
09:53.09WilliamKreason for my curiosity is I've never ran into a codec handling issue with Asterisk yet
09:53.13clive-It will be in asterisk I am sure, but at the moment its not good
09:53.17Delvarmorning all
09:53.30RoyKmrnng ll
09:53.36WilliamKI've used g729 and 711 constantly for the last 3-6 months now
09:53.37oejMrEntropy: _. is a very dangerous wildcard. Asterisk will match this also for the "h" extension, so you will get the first round on the extension, then a second round on hangup. Try _X. instead
09:53.49DelvarRoyK: dont like vowels?
09:53.57RoyKnt rll
09:54.06MrEntropyoej: but that won't match an 8 digit number?
09:54.19MrEntropyoej: and then there are other lenght ones
09:54.29RoyKMrEntropy: _XXXXXXXX will match eight digits
09:54.41oejMrEntropy: _X. would match any number - the dot just say "any number of something, at least one"
09:54.58MrEntropyoh...good idea
09:55.03oejMrEntropy: You do not want to match extensions like "h", "i" etc
09:56.13MrEntropyoej: haha, ok...that fixed it, thanks...i never thought it would cycle like that
09:56.40oejMrEntropy: No problem, just remember that _. matching is dangerous! :-)
09:56.56Delvaroej: i didnt know that either, thanks
09:59.52MrEntropyoh and one more thing, i was getting a short read error a while ago, i fixed it with a hack and reading the asterisk source. when i would play my IVR encoded in g729 it would spit out "g729_read: Short read (10) (No such file or directory)!" so in the source code it had the rule "if ((res = read(s->fd, s->g729, 20)) != 20)" my IVR was 1832 bytes, when I padded it using a hex editor with 0's to 1840 (an equal div of 20). the err
09:59.52MrEntropyors stopped. but isn't it presumptuous on asterisks behalf to assume that every file is a multiple of 20? is this a bug?
10:00.35oejThat's the default sound format of Asterisk 20ms - you need to reconfigure the phones...
10:01.16MrEntropywhat do you mean 20ms? 20 bytes, it reads 20 bytes at a time and spits an error if it's not
10:03.06MrEntropywhich just looks weird. i code C myself, and i never expect a file to be a multiple of anything when read()ing. if read() doesn't return however many bytes you wanted to read all that means is you're at EOF, nothings 'wrong'...
10:03.54pashahwhat could this be: rtp.c:452 ast_rtp_read: RTP: Received packet with bad UDP checksum
10:04.35MrEntropyanyone got an idea why they'd do that?
10:05.18MrEntropyis it a written standard that g729 files are to be in multiples of 20 bytes? if so, i'm content.
10:15.42*** join/#asterisk adnans (
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10:24.33mAsH`how i debug zap channel?
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10:34.01hekaHello, Does the Sipura 3000 support Early Dial?
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10:37.40pranavdoes anyone know how to configure the astguiclient?
10:41.31slammI have finally gotten CLI dial to work. It it possible to ute a normal extension setup as if the number I call was the party calling in? I have tried to create an context [default] s,1,Dial(Zap/g2/360) s,2,Playback(testsound) s,3,Hangup   , but this just makes the call.. it dows not playback the file... Any idea?
10:41.40slammute = use
10:44.16pranavhello slam do you have anyidea about astguiclient
10:45.02slammnope.. sorry..
10:45.47*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
10:48.24pranavslam: do you know someone who knows about the astguicloient
10:48.35pranavsorry astguiclient
10:52.18slammdon't know..
10:55.25pranavhello anyone there
10:56.24*** join/#asterisk sob0l (
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11:25.18mAsH`i'm connecting * to a PABX
11:25.51mAsH`anyone can help me?
11:33.36*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
11:34.18shadebobAsterisk can manage s0 cards?
11:34.38jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
11:37.47Makenshithose of you running a large number of ip phones, do you bother to put them into a separate vlan?
11:44.06*** join/#asterisk clive- (
11:50.05pashahMakenshi: I separeted them with physical switch =)
11:50.44Makenshipashah, presumably you only have one building then :>
11:51.51pashahMakenshi: right. but all the rest phones, in other locations are not separeted. why would you want to make a vlan for them?
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12:18.07Wirelesshi. my * will not receive audio from registered clients. can anyone help?
12:19.07RaYmAn-Bxis your server behind nat?
12:19.19Wirelessyes, but that's the issue.
12:19.28Wirelessi set up two local extensions and it still plays up.
12:19.38Wirelessbut that's NOt the issue i meant
12:20.01MrEntropycan i add/replace the 'searchpath' that asterisk tooks for IVRs in when you Playback()?
12:20.31*** join/#asterisk jackflash (
12:20.38Wirelessit can make and receive calls to an external (beyond the firewall) IAX server, but will not send audio from the local useragent, but will receive incoming audio from external IAX server alright
12:20.51Wirelessif a local user calls a local user, nothing will work.
12:21.40Wirelessafter from that external server, everything else is running on SIP
12:22.06RaYmAn-Bxhave you tried with an IAX client?
12:22.08Wirelessapart from, i mean
12:22.37Wirelesswhat exactly do you suggest i do with that?
12:22.59*** join/#asterisk sambal (
12:23.49RaYmAn-Bxhave you set your asterisk up for nat? I.e. nat=yes as well as externip and such?
12:23.54Wirelessone question: do you need a soundcard in the box to make it work?
12:24.20Wirelessnat=yes for external (ie beyond firewall connections), nat=no for local devices.
12:24.44Wirelessi did set externalip= my public IP... hmm... maybe that's what's confusing my local clients.
12:25.49RaYmAn-Bxno, you don't need a soundcard..Have you setup localnet as well?
12:25.58Wirelessthat's it
12:26.01Wirelessthat's it!!!
12:26.04Wirelessfixed it!!!
12:26.20Wirelessit's because i set my externalip=210.blah that made it break.
12:26.43Wirelessis that because * was trying to annouce itself as to the local clients?
12:26.43RaYmAn-BxI doubt prolly broke external clients now ;)
12:26.52Wirelessyes, my concerns too.
12:26.56Wirelesslet me try.
12:27.07RaYmAn-Bxif you setup localnet it should be able to tell whether it's a local or a remote (natted) client
12:27.17Wirelesssorry, but what's localnet?
12:27.44RaYmAn-Bxmy localnet : localnet=
12:27.57RaYmAn-Bxi.e. a definition of what the local non-nat network is
12:28.20Wirelessstrangely enough, my external connections are not broken...
12:29.06Wirelessbut that's when i'm try to place a call using my sip client via asterisk to an external sip server onwards to my cell phone.
12:29.51Wirelessi'm not sure if it'll work if a sip client beyond the firewall tries to register to me.
12:30.02Wirelesswait... toilet trip.
12:31.45Wirelessis anyone interested in logging into my box to help me test it?
12:38.13Makenshipashah, various reasons - security, performance
12:38.40Wirelessanyone want a sip account on my box?
12:46.44*** join/#asterisk visik7 (
12:50.27hekaHello, Does the Sipura 3000 support Early Dial?
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12:58.40jackflashMicrosoft will never live up to HURD. Everybody knows it takes many Longhorns to make one HURD.
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13:14.04ltostainHi all
13:14.32ltostainNice day :)
13:16.01RoyKbad day
13:21.41slammI have finally gotten CLI dial to work. It it possible to ute a normal extension setup as if the number I call was the party calling in? I have tried to create an context [default] s,1,Dial(Zap/g2/360) s,2,Playback(testsound) s,3,Hangup   , but this just makes the call.. it dows not playback the file... Any idea?
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13:32.16jerliquehi - do facilities like hold and transfer rely on the underlying protocol eg sip,iax etc or the capabilities of the pbx?
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13:38.13Delvarjerlique: its the pbx
13:38.25jointe79First I freely admit that while I can figure out most of what is happening
13:38.25jointe79in the .conf files I still don't fully understand how to set up something
13:38.25jointe79I am trying to use SIPp to do some testing of stuff with asterisk but I am
13:38.25jointe79not sure how to set up asterisk and especailly the .conf files to do this.
13:38.26jointe79I saw some information on the wiki but did not see how to set up the
13:38.28jointe79sip.conf and extensions.conf.  Can anyone give me any ideas of how to
13:38.30jointe79procceed please?
13:39.17jerliquedelvar: thanks.  so does that mean using any channel bank that is sip compatible will be fine with asterisk?
13:40.20mAsH`i'm connecting * to a PABX
13:40.22mAsH`anyone can help me?
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13:41.21vaewynok... who wants to bid on replacing a Meridian Option 11e with *   ;}
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13:43.18jointe12sorry my computer hang up so i ask again
13:43.22jointe12First I freely admit that while I can figure out most of what is happening
13:43.22jointe12in the .conf files I still don't fully understand how to set up something
13:43.22jointe12I am trying to use SIPp to do some testing of stuff with asterisk but I am
13:43.22jointe12not sure how to set up asterisk and especailly the .conf files to do this.
13:43.23jointe12I saw some information on the wiki but did not see how to set up the
13:43.25jointe12sip.conf and extensions.conf.  Can anyone give me any ideas of how to
13:43.27jointe12procceed please?
13:45.22vaewynjointe12:  and
13:45.37wankelwow.  way to paste your email into the channel.
13:45.43vaewynplus use the sample configs that some with the source
13:46.00RoyK~lart jointe12
13:54.42bjohnsonmAsH`: you're going to have to give WAY more info
13:55.15bjohnsonmAsH`: did you read the wiki pages abouting connecting to a pbx?  some specfiic examples about Nortel and Panasonic
13:55.39RaYmAn-Bxbjohnson: actually, as far as I can see, in dvorak keymap l and r are right next to eachother :P
13:56.07RaYmAn-Bxroughly o & p places (according to a quick google)
13:56.41vaewynbjohnson: it's that engrish thing :P
13:56.50slammhas anyone tried the new atxfer feature? if yes, is it working?
13:57.39mAsH`bjohnson yes
13:57.58mAsH`i follewed the examples about panasonic
13:58.06mAsH`but it doesn't work
13:58.19bjohnsonvaewyn: outline the replacement details and post to bus mailing list
13:58.21mAsH`the link with the PABX go up
13:58.52vaewynbjohnson: yeah... am going to... :}
13:59.01bjohnsonvaewyn: don't forget to say what city it is in
13:59.51vaewyncity?  :}  village baby... village :}
14:00.21bjohnsonvaewyn: why aren't you doing it?
14:01.14vaewynbjohnson: manpower... 3 telco jockies and 2 programmers ain't enough to get this done in a timely fashion
14:01.58vaewyn(by telco jockies I mean wire pullers... they arn't good for much else)
14:05.18bjohnsonso you need a team with more than that?  You should put that in the email too
14:05.58fafnirokay i saw the last few lines.... and vaewyn, i jus thave to know, what are you doing?
14:07.06vaewynfafnir: looking at replacing a Meridian Option 11e with * boxes
14:08.24vaewynFunny thing... I think the * will cost less than upgrading the 11e from 2.4 to 4.x
14:08.37vaewyneven with all brand new hardware
14:08.54tzangervaewyn: yup
14:09.02tzangerNorstar has "bend over and take it" pricing for everything
14:09.27fafnirwont it be more flexible as well, and easier to upgrade in the future?
14:09.28*** join/#asterisk _Brian (
14:09.34vaewynyes and yes
14:09.44vaewynand we will FINALLY be able to backup voicemail
14:09.49tzangerfafnir: the only thing is that I've not met a sip phone I like as much as teh norstar phone
14:09.57fafnirwow, with all these compelling options, why havnt you switched to gieco already?
14:10.37bjohnsonnortel handsets are noce
14:10.39fafnirtzafrir: shoudlnt there be a way to use your existing phones with an asterisk setup?
14:10.42_Briantzanger: do you have a url for the phone you are referring to?
14:10.45tzangeryes you can
14:10.50vaewyntzanger: Heh...  well the Polycom IP600s are nice enough for me :P
14:10.50bjohnsontoo bad they don't work with anything else
14:10.53tzangerI am doing it but it's not all that great yet
14:11.06_BrianI like my ip500 :)  who needs a microbrowser anyway :)
14:11.09tzangeryou can get an ATA module and plug that into an FXS port
14:11.13vaewynyou can't use the nortel digitals with *
14:11.16fafniri need money
14:11.17tzangeror an 8-port ATA rack module and 8 FXS ports
14:11.20vaewynwhich is most of what we have
14:11.25tzangerthat will let * have "extensions" inside the MICS
14:11.36tzangerand I already have a PRI between * and the norstar
14:11.37vaewynscrew ata... PRI it
14:11.44tzangerunfortunately to do anything really nice you need the SL1 protocol
14:11.45bjohnsontzanger: not the best solution
14:12.04tzangerbecause you can do Public, Tie or FX trunks
14:12.09bjohnsontzanger: only suitable in a migration situation .. I wouldn't do a new one that way
14:12.13tzangerbut Public and Tie don't seem to let you have DNs on the PRI
14:12.19tzangerand FX doesn't let you dial enough digits to be useful :-)
14:12.41tzangerif I can reverse engineer SL1 (in the works) I can do remote voicemail, the whole shebang
14:12.50Groobyreally wierd
14:12.51tzangerand if I can reverse engineer the optical port protocol I can do even more
14:12.54Groobyi do sip show channels
14:13.07Groobyi get 2 channels that i know no one is using
14:13.21Groobythen sip show channels again
14:13.23Groobyand they are gone
14:14.40vaewynIf ISDN ports for * weren't so @#$@#$ expensive I would love it if someone reverse engineered the nortel digital phones
14:14.52vaewynbut as is we might as well just replace them
14:18.36bjohnsonwhat is the goal of this job?  more handsets?  cheaper ld? integration of offices?
14:19.06vaewynreplacing a $$$hole from hell called a 17 year old Option11e
14:19.37fafnirif anyone wants to hire marginally skilled manual labor person that learns quickly with hands on experience, message me
14:19.55Groobylots of vtech phones?
14:20.18tzangervaewyn: ISDN isn't all that expensive on * -- it's bloody expensive on Norstar
14:20.41tzangeryou need a DTI and either a clocking/services module or a 6 port fiber/services combo card
14:20.44tzangerthat gets you CT1
14:20.48tzangerto do PRI you need a software enabler key
14:20.58tzangerand to do MCDN (SL1) you need that and another key
14:21.07vaewyntzanger: we've already got PRI up the wazooo
14:21.12tzangerabout $3000 to get it on MICS and that's using USED equipment
14:23.25vaewynrunning ISDN ports on * is expensive because it takes a lot of machines... they don't have a good dense ISDN channel bank yet (at least that I have seen)
14:23.39tomtom-anyone here experience with Junghanns quadBRI cards and faxing?
14:24.34tomtom-fax layout is completely messed up even though we have zaprtc running for synchronization
14:25.36florztomtom-: You probably better don't use zaprtc.
14:25.53tomtom-florz, if i use the kernel's rtc it's the same
14:26.06bjohnsonvaewyn: arbitrary replacement of a working system?
14:26.19*** join/#asterisk SeaForth (
14:26.23florztomtom-: Erm, you have a quadBRI, right?
14:27.02florztomtom-: Then the only thing you achieve by using any "auxilary timing driver" is that you _de_sychnronize things.
14:27.38tomtom-florz, so you would recommend not using zaprtc _and_ not using the kernel's rtc either?
14:27.55florztomtom-: exactly. Neither of them is likely to be in sync with the PSTN.
14:28.20vaewynbjohnson: would be arbitrary... but they have EOL'd 75% of the existing structure... and we are looking at 1.5-2million to remedy that... and they have pretty much told us we will be spending 5-7million in 4-5 years to upgrade frames cause they will be EOL as well
14:28.24tomtom-florz, and what would be the recommended way to get them properly in sync?
14:29.01vaewynbjohnson: for a 4800 student university that is a big $$$$ amount to swallow... let alone twice
14:29.19blitzragedamnit... cygwin's site is down
14:29.32tomtom-florz, even in that configuration the faxes are not properly rendered
14:29.46*** join/#asterisk coolschooluk (
14:29.49tzangerblitzrage: get to school
14:29.50florztomtom-: I don't have any experience with the quadBRI cards, but I guess that in some way you can chose some TE port to provide the zap timing.
14:29.58tzangerand make me a pie while you're at it
14:30.04florztomtom-: TE ports synchronize to the PSTN.
14:30.22blitzragetzanger: only got school on Tuesdays :)
14:30.30tzangerblitzrage: then why is my pie not ready yet
14:30.31blitzragetzanger: you make me a pie first
14:30.38florztomtom-: using * for fax passthrough or using spandsp?
14:30.39tzangerdon't make me come over there and beat you
14:30.49blitzragetzanger: I can make brownies... thats all I've got for ingredients
14:30.55tzangerI'll give you FAQ questions in a way you did not anticipate them to be delivered
14:31.00bjohnsonI know a university student with linux background and some voip experience if nedding another "hand" .. couldn't run the show though
14:31.03blitzragetzanger: lol
14:31.12tzangerhmm... in univeristy and makes brownies...  count me in!
14:31.23tzangerbjohnson: eh?
14:31.31bjohnsonfor vaewyn
14:31.33blitzragetzanger: now... just need to find some people to give me work and pay me
14:31.42blitzragetzanger: then I can afford multiple brownies
14:31.45vaewynbjohnson: :}
14:31.49bjohnsonnot me
14:31.56tzangerwell if you got cheaper hash you'd be able to eat more brownies
14:31.57tomtom-florz, with spandsp
14:32.06*** join/#asterisk sjaak538 (
14:32.10florztomtom-: Sure that your libtiff is ok?
14:32.26tomtom-yes, libtiff is ok
14:32.32tomtom-and we are using TE ports
14:32.40jlukOT: anyone using plesk with FC2 ?
14:32.48florztomtom-: How you know that libtiff is OK?
14:32.57tzangerwtf...  smokers families' suing tobacco...  as if
14:33.03tzangerthe U.S. legal system is completely fucked up
14:33.59tomtom-florz, because before it was fscked up, and now it seems to render stuff properly
14:34.28*** join/#asterisk pbxjunkie (
14:34.29tomtom-would it be useful if i put a sample .tif online somewhere?
14:34.42florztomtom-: maybe
14:34.50tomtom-we're using 3.5.7-7
14:34.55pbxjunkieI got AVM C4 active controller but I still get echo.. what do I do you guys?:)
14:34.58tomtom-let me just quickly throw one online
14:35.28*** join/#asterisk sabre (sabre@
14:38.23florztomtom-: Uh, that looks really weird :-)
14:38.44florztomtom-: I don't think that's a timing issue
14:38.50bjohnsontzanger: I'm thinking of suing Hersheys because I ate a lot of chocolate and got a fat ass .. they should put warnings on their packages
14:39.05tomtom-no? sometimes it shows a third of the actual page
14:39.05florztomtom-: what's the output of spandsp while receiving the fax?
14:39.27florztomtom-: Well, then again.
14:39.37*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
14:39.53vaewynwell.. that would be an option if choclate was actively addictive...
14:40.09florztomtom-: You said you had TE ports only?
14:40.11tzangerbjohnson: heh
14:40.11sjaak538Anybody knows a little * with ISDN
14:40.29tomtom-florz, they're switchable with jumpers
14:40.38florztomtom-: Yep, but using them as TE only?
14:40.46tzangersjaak538: yup what's up
14:40.56tomtom-florz, yes i think so
14:41.00sjaak538I use it as TE as well
14:41.03tomtom-all ports are set to TE
14:41.10tomtom-except for one, but i'm not using that one
14:41.13sjaak538I've configured everything well (i guess)
14:41.22sjaak538but ISDN seems to bee dead
14:41.26tzangerhmm this is ISDN BRI then
14:41.31sjaak538I'ts remote
14:41.33tzangerI don't know anything about chan_capi or anything
14:41.46*** join/#asterisk mflorell (
14:42.10tzangerI know PRI fairly well through the zap interfaces
14:42.19sjaak538ISDN Bri zap okay
14:42.43tomtom-sjaak538, r u using quadBRI cards?
14:42.43sjaak538I'm not sure if my provider pluged in the wire
14:43.00sjaak538how to test this
14:43.29florzsjaak538: Is the NT1's LED lit?
14:44.03*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (~konversat@
14:44.03sjaak538it's remote
14:44.27sjaak538200 Km away from my home
14:44.37tomtom-sjaak538, do you have qozap.o in your modules?
14:44.38*** join/#asterisk tangel (tangel@
14:44.51tangelcan one do VAR3 => ${VAR1}&${VAR2}  ?
14:45.10sjaak538zap show channel shows onhook
14:45.24tangelwhen i try it, i see it trying to Dial(SIP/1001&&SIP/1002)
14:45.30tangeli think the && is messing it up
14:45.35*** part/#asterisk coolschooluk (
14:45.50tangeloh.. should it be: VAR3 => ${VAR1}${VAR2}  ?
14:46.07sjaak538tomtom no qozap.0
14:46.10tangelno & needed since your not passing it to a function/method
14:46.13florzsjaak538: IC. Is it PtP or PtMP?
14:46.35florzsjaak538: It's a HFC-S PCI A, isn't it?
14:46.40tangelalso, is there free software that can use the h.261 video through asterisk stuff?
14:46.42sjaak538?? what does this means
14:46.49sjaak538Yes florz
14:46.55*** join/#asterisk kpfleming (
14:47.19sjaak538HFC PCI
14:47.27sjaak538lspci show okay
14:47.36sjaak538ztcfg shows okay
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14:48.40florzsjaak538: PtP == Point-to-Point, PtMP == Point-to-Multi-Point. "Anlagenanschluss" and "Mehrgeraeteanschluss", respectively, in German, if that helps you =:-)
14:49.34`SauronWhy can't the Germans just adopt the real (english) names for it? :)
14:50.34tomtom-sjaak538, you should have the qozap.o if you want to use a quidbri
14:51.02*** join/#asterisk multrix (
14:51.42tangelis anyone familiar w/ extensions.conf?
14:52.02florztomtom-: It is no quadbri :-)
14:52.05tangelshould i be able to combine variables like: VAR3 => ${VAR1}${VAR2}  ?
14:52.14*** join/#asterisk randu (
14:52.18tangelthe handbook doesn't give syntax for that sort of thing
14:52.30bjohnsonbut I think VAR3=${VAR1}${VAR2}
14:52.41tangelok.. will try that out.. thanks
14:52.48tangelhow can one manage extensions/dialplan dynamically
14:52.50tomtom-oh ic ;p
14:52.57*** join/#asterisk hans (
14:52.57tangeldo some of the db driven thingies let you make changes on the fly?
14:53.01bjohnsonif that doesn't work .. use a setvar() .. not in the globals section
14:53.03tangel...or do you always have to reload extensions?
14:53.11`Sauronthey don't all work as well as you'd hope, though.
14:53.17bjohnsontangel: you have to reload
14:53.32tangelbjohnson, setvar applies globally?
14:53.39bjohnsontangel: I think the developers are working on a realtime system that doesn't require reloads
14:53.43hansI want some to talk IAX2, which is more mature: iaxclient or libiax2?
14:53.52`Sauronbjohnson: You can use ast_data for dynamic dialplans
14:53.58tangeli'm trying to do stuff like: tangel1=SIP/1001; tangel2=SIP/1002; tangel-all=${tangel1}${tangel2}
14:54.04tangeland then use that throughout extensions.conf
14:54.10bjohnsontangel: normally you set variables in the globals section .. the format you want to use may work there
14:54.23bjohnsontangel: if it is not in the globals section .. use the setvar command
14:54.24tangelok.. i tried it a couple ways and couldn't get it to work
14:54.46tangeluse setvar in globals? or anywhere and the var will be global?
14:54.55tangel(at least for things that come below it)
14:55.00SeaForthenjoy, asterisk while looking at space images :)
14:55.14tangelis DUNDi worth using?
14:55.32bjohnsondepends on what you want to do .. people use it
14:56.38sjaak538My ISP told me they have plugged in the wire into 2 ISDN cars on my 2 servers is that allowed !!!
14:56.38tangelin a practical sort of way?
14:56.52tangeli'm all for joining some p2p network that would allow people to use my analog line for free calls
14:57.20tangelhopefully it would allow me to make free calls in other areas but at this point i just want to put the work i put into setting up * to good use
14:59.46*** join/#asterisk YoYo (
15:00.23florzsjaak538: That depends on whether it's a PtP or a PtMP line.
15:00.37florzsjaak538: For PtMP it's OK.
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15:00.42*** join/#asterisk kwaldo_aloft (
15:01.30kwaldo_alofthello all, i am new to asterisk and this group
15:01.48kwaldo_aloft1st can ne1 read this to confirm connectivity via IRC?
15:02.01YoYonope, we can't see you
15:02.03YoYotry again
15:02.47kwaldo_aloftI would like to set up an asterisk system (as a deployment model)
15:03.22kwaldo_aloftquestion: can someone tell me what kind of equipment you can use after the asterisk software?
15:03.50sivanakwaldo_aloft: lots of different kinds, depends on what you want to do
15:04.04sivanakwaldo_aloft: asterisk is very versatile
15:04.11*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
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15:04.59kwaldo_aloftwell, I am wondering what would be required to duplicate the functionality of a common Nortel system (multiple lines, call manipulation, voicemail etc)
15:05.05*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
15:05.57kwaldo_aloftI understand that the Asterisk software running on *IX will match the capabilities of the Nortel "brain box"
15:06.20kwaldo_aloftbut then after the "brain box" what kind of handset units are supported>?'
15:06.33eKo1Anything you want.
15:07.52kwaldo_aloftok, so with a nortel system that I am thinking of duplicating, the handsets are digital, and comunicate with the central processing unit, can I use that type of phone with asterisk?
15:08.00kwaldo_alofti.e. a nortel fone?
15:08.36jeroif you want to, you need to link your nortel pbx to asterisk
15:09.02kwaldo_aloftI want to replace Nortel systems completely if possible
15:09.10jerobecause the phones probably only work with the pbx family they're shipped with.
15:09.22kwaldo_aloftbut maintain as much of the same functionality
15:09.25*** part/#asterisk Grooby (
15:09.26florzkwaldo_aloft: A nortel phone is a "nortel system", too, isn't it? =:-)
15:10.23bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: you can use analog phones or voip phones .. analog phones needs fxo hardware to talk to *
15:10.42bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: you can use a voip provider for incoming and/or outgoing
15:11.06bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: you can also buy hardware to use telco supplied lines
15:11.20bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: now is the time to start reading
15:11.23jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
15:11.23kwaldo_alofti find this challenging at best.
15:11.49*** join/#asterisk mildenhall (
15:11.58bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: perhaps you should hire someone .. post to the bus mailing list
15:11.58kwaldo_aloftfor this model implimentation, we have a vonage connection (with converter to analog line, and a POTS line
15:12.01florzBTW anyone in here who has an idea why this kind of message starts appearing regularly after some time of continuous operation: Feb  4 15:45:30 WARNING[31124]: chan_zap.c:7409 zt_pri_error: PRI: !! Got reject for frame 98, but we have nothing -- resetting!
15:12.12randusee ya I'llback in a bit :-)
15:12.18bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: scrp the vonage connection and get a voip provider that is * friendly
15:13.22Makenshianyone using xten x-web, is there a way to have asterisk send the user's ip address as CLI?
15:13.44jbotit has been said that norm is server to client, but client to client is also possible.
15:13.50kwaldo_aloftok, firstly, I plan to model this setup so that my company can be hired to install these systems, maybe I am in the wrong group, I was hoping to get some detailed help on how to install and configure these asterisk systems, but, perhaps someone can suggest the proper group for that?
15:13.51sivana~seen normast
15:13.53jbotnormast is currently on #asterisk (13h 37m 45s).  Has said a total of 12 messages.  Is idling for 9h 40m 17s
15:14.06Makenshior just, set the CLI to the ip address of the caller
15:14.47mildenhallHave anyone used the Microsoft Real-Time Client API SDK? I'm trying to write an XML profile that will register with Asterisk, and can't seem to get one to work.
15:14.50bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: read the docs
15:15.11kwaldo_aloftthx, but:
15:15.14bjohnsoncome back with specific question
15:15.25kwaldo_aloftspecific question:
15:16.01nestAri get a lot of B-channel retarts.. is that normal? like every hour or so...
15:16.19kwaldo_aloftwhat are a list of handsets both digital and/or analog that work with asterisk that will match the capability of a common Nortel phone system
15:16.31eKo1mildenhall: First of all, why M$?
15:16.35bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: you can use analog phones or voip phones .. analog phones needs fxo hardware to talk to *
15:16.35mutilator~seen mutilator
15:16.36jbotmutilator is currently on #asterisk.  Has said a total of 1 messages.  Is idling for 1s
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15:16.52bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: you cn use ANY analog phones
15:17.01mildenhalleKo1 : Because my boss decided so!
15:17.14eKo1mildenhall: Tell your boss to rethink.
15:17.19*** join/#asterisk Uther_P (~uther_p@
15:17.33bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: you can use ANY voip phones that use SIP or IAX protocol (other combination are possible but get harder)
15:17.50tangelhas anyone experienced floating point exceptions when calling from iax to zap?
15:17.54kwaldo_aloftso can an analog phone initiate all features or, do I need a specific digital handset?
15:18.11mildenhalleKo1 : Tried and he stuck his feet in. Every used it?
15:18.26mildenhalleko1 : Sorry  - Ever used it?
15:18.38bjohnsonan analog phone can initiate all features (or you can limit what they do)
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15:18.47eKo1mildenhall: I've read articles about it. Wouldn't touch it though....
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15:19.24mildenhalleko1 : It seems OK and works if not registered with anything
15:19.34kwaldo_aloftare there phones that work with asterisk that have many of the similar key shortcuts and LCD feedback that one would find in a common Nortel system?
15:19.37bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: phone hardware selection is more about extra buttons and handset features than pbx features
15:20.23bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: Polycom IP500s are popular voip phones that are about the same idea .. about $180 each
15:20.24kwaldo_aloftok, well now I am learning something, thx, is there a HCL somewhere for Asterisk compat handsets?
15:20.44kwaldo_aloftthis idea of VOIP fones I don't get
15:20.45Uther_Pare there any api's that would allow me to write an application that would initiate commands, scripts or parts of a dial plan?  (i.e. could I write an app that could tell asterisk to dial a phone and playback or initiate other plans on that line as it the call came in to the server instead of the server making the call)?
15:21.00bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: new models of handsets keep coming out .. you can start at the wiki
15:21.14florzUther_P: Look for call files and manager api
15:21.23Uther_Pok thanks
15:21.25florzUther_P: And AGI maybe
15:21.30kwaldo_aloftI just want a system to manage my phone lines after they enter our builing, but not IP phones..
15:21.30bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: again .. ANY analog phone would work .. from the $10 wall phone at walmart to the $400 multihandset cordless phone
15:21.34kwaldo_aloftthey are too costly
15:21.51*** join/#asterisk Slainte (Slainte@
15:21.57SlainteGood Morning
15:22.00Uther_Pagi from what I understand is for calls made to xfer to an application, I want something to do just the opposate
15:22.16bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: analog phones require fxs hardware ports .. about $50 each
15:22.36bjohnsonplus the phone cost
15:23.06florzUther_P: yep, but after a call has been established via a call file, you might want to control it using an AGI script, for example
15:23.10kwaldo_aloftso for 2 incoming POTS lines, to be distributed to our office with full pbx features, what cards would be required?
15:23.19Uther_Pkwaldo_aloft: I use Sipura 2000, which has 2 fxs ports... very configurable and I've had good performance from them
15:23.34JohnABTDM400P with 2 FXO modules
15:23.35bjohnson2 fxo ports and whatever you want for the user interface
15:23.40JohnABor equiv.
15:24.13kwaldo_aloftso that would cover the incomming lines right?>
15:24.15bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: the problem you are running into is that these systems are extremely configurable
15:24.31kwaldo_alofthow about the internal distribution?
15:24.39eKo1I have * running as user asterisk. When * starts, it spawns some mpg123 procs. that are owned by root.
15:24.40kwaldo_aloftI agree
15:25.32JohnABcan someone perhaps help me with a problem. I have a working SIP extension that works fine with a SIP softphone; however when I configure my Cisco 7960 to use that SIP login, it can make outgoing calls but doesn't seem to work for incoming calls
15:25.33*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
15:25.43eKo1I've also noticed that * has troubles (sometimes) shuting down until I personally kill these mpg123 processes.
15:25.46JohnABi get the following error when I try to dial the 7960: app_dial.c:884 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3)
15:25.46Uther_PJohnAB:  in the cli, type "sip show peers" and see if it is registering
15:25.47bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: as JohnAB said .. a TDM400P with 2 FXO modules would handle the pstn lines .. that is not the only option .. but is one option .. however not a good one if you have a SIDN telco line (common in europe I believe)
15:25.47bjohnsonISDN .. not SIDN
15:26.05kwaldo_alofthowever, I think it would help if I could find a deployment diagram or summary, I find alot of the information is very specific to the asterisk software, but the hardware deployment, seems somewhat convoluted
15:26.10znoanyone else have problems with sipura spa-841's not obtaining a dhcp address?
15:26.21kwaldo_aloftI am in NA
15:26.25JohnABTDM400P works "ok" in europe, agreed it's not great, for a start the line impedence is wrong which annoys my telco but hey
15:26.33kwaldo_aloftso standard lines i think
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15:26.40bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: you've said you daon't want voip phones .. and you want physical handsets like the Nortels so softphones are out .. only leaves fxs ports and whatever analog phone you desire
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15:27.03Dalionwhy not jus tchange line impedence
15:27.05Zeeeksiemens phones on TDM400 FXS anyone has mit experience?
15:27.09bannermanAnyone have experience using Asterisk with Covad's VoIP service?
15:27.11Dalionmaking a device or something
15:27.12bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: hundreds of deployments examples in those docs I referenced
15:27.15jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
15:27.18kwaldo_aloftok, so i need 2 incomming ports, and 2 outgoing analog fxs ports right?
15:27.30JohnAByou need as many fxs ports as you want handsets
15:27.34bjohnson2 fxs would give 2 lines to phones
15:27.51bjohnsonyou could have 2 handsets .. or 20 handsets with access to 2 line
15:27.56Dalionnow what kind of title is "Vice President Industry Solutions"
15:28.06bjohnsonmost offices do not want to share lines the way a house does
15:28.52JohnAByeah i think it's fair to say that you need 1 handset per fxs port in most situations
15:29.04bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: you haven't yet said how many phones you want
15:29.44bjohnsonJohnAB: depends on use .. that is accurate for business situations .. not necessary in home deployments
15:30.17Zeeek"Honey, I'm baaaack" = 1 FXS -> many handsets
15:30.32JohnABtrue, but presumably there's a limit to how many handsets you can have off one FXS
15:30.40Zeeek"Wilson get in here, NOW!" = 1 fxs per phone
15:30.40bjohnsonI do 1 fxs to many handsets at home
15:30.42kwaldo_alofthow about using another digital base station after the asterisk box, that manages 2 line functionality, then distributes the signal to many wireless handsets?
15:30.52JohnABespecially in europe, with the ringing capacitors we use
15:31.12bjohnsonJohnAB: yes .. depends on hardware .. I have 6 off a SPA 3000 fxs port
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15:31.39JohnAByour home must be a headache with so many phones ringing :)
15:31.49jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
15:31.58bjohnsonkwaldo_aloft: you can do whatever you want .. that is the beauty of it (and what confuses most people)
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15:32.25bjohnsonJohnAB: just like every house in NA
15:32.28opticalcarrieris there a way to make asterisk periodically go clear MWI on phones
15:32.30bjohnsonJohnAB: besides .. I would want all the phones to ring on an incoming cll anyway
15:32.54JohnABi'd settle for one phone ringing at this moment in time
15:33.02JohnABbut i hear what you say
15:33.22Phirskhi all... quick question... i know its a long shot, but can i get asterisk to connect to the skype network?
15:33.31bjohnsonin fact .. I have one handset that connects in front of the voip system that can also be used
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15:33.40bjohnsonPhirsk: no
15:33.51JohnAByeah i've been known to do that when my * is playing up
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15:34.10znoPhirsk: is skype SIP based?
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15:34.29JohnABnot afaik, although it uses iLBC
15:34.29Phirskzno: no, but was hoping for a channel driver or similar
15:34.32Jas_Williamszno No
15:34.36Zeeekskype is proprietary and hooks to nothing
15:34.43bjohnsonskype uses proprietary protocol
15:34.46znothen Skype is useless
15:34.55opticalcarrierwhy is skype so sccessful?
15:34.58Zeeektoo bad too cause it works better than anythiong else
15:35.06JohnABbecause it's simple to use, it has no NAT problems
15:35.12bjohnsontheir phones are also usually USB which just nails the coffin lid shut
15:35.12Zeeekand excellent sound
15:35.24Phirskits popular and effective, so thats why i wanted to hook between the 2 worlds
15:35.34ManxPowerskype threw out all the existing VoIP protocols and designed their own from the ground up.
15:35.50Zeeekand it has text chat so you can say "Turn your mic on!"
15:35.50JohnABi'm saying nothing, i have a USB headset on right now
15:35.52adjacenti have a situation maybe someone can help me resolve. I have been reselling voip service now for almost 2 years through a SIP provider. we have a local PRI, and cisco voice gateway for local calling. now i no loger have a ASIP provider. if i build an asterisk box for long distance routing can i continue to sell voip service?
15:35.56Phirskany way to build a peer between the 2 ?
15:36.03bjohnsonZeeek: depends on the OS used
15:36.14Zeeekwhat does?
15:36.19ManxPoweradjacent, Yes, in theory.
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15:36.30opticalcarrieris there any way to manually clear MWI on a cisco 7960?
15:36.47Phirskive got messenger to plug into asterisk, so can interconnect with msn clients, but wanted to open the door to a whole lot more - i.e. skype
15:36.49adjacentManxPower: heh. i lose dialtone on monday... i need more than theory, do you have any reference to point me towards?
15:36.57bjohnsonJohnAB: USB = drivers required (for current and all future OSs) + computer on required
15:37.09adjacentim getting $.025 a minute now
15:37.35ManxPoweradjacent, You cannot do what you want to do quickly.
15:37.38JohnABthe usb headset has its uses
15:37.40bjohnsonJohnAB: not a great future for a limited deployment system dependant on one company
15:38.00ManxPoweradjacent, I assume you have all the billing, etc stuff already handled using the Cisco?
15:38.01adjacentManxPower: why? should i look for another partner?
15:38.09JohnABoh sure with skype, i don't have a skype usb phone, just a plain old headset
15:38.32adjacentManxPower: ehh. i dont, i left the voip stuff almost completely hands-off to my old partner. maybe a mistake now
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15:39.02adjacenti dont know. actually
15:39.16ManxPoweradjacent, Imagine deploying Cisco Call Manager quickly.  Or imagine deploying a Windows2k server quickly, but you had never used Windows before.  The system and setup and testing is just too complex.  Most people spend at least a coupole of months with Asterisk before deploying in production.
15:39.21JohnABdoes the 7960 have to register to a context, does anyone know?
15:39.55ManxPowerJohnAB, SIP does not have the concept of a context.
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15:40.11ManxPowerAsterisk adds the idea of context, but the SIP client doens't know about it.
15:40.14Ridgebackmorning all
15:40.24JohnABdoesnt' that map to the sip concept of a realm?
15:40.32ManxPowerJohnAB, NormAst JohnAB no
15:40.40adjacentManxPower: ok. i have 90% of what i need. an existing county wide wireless network, 50 cisco ata 186's, a cisco voice gateway, PRI access, the abilty to port numbers. and now im without long distance routing...
15:40.44JohnABjust grasping at straws here :)
15:41.15ManxPoweradjacent, You keep everything the same and use a SIP service provider.
15:41.25adjacentso i need a call manager for accounting, and some way (i dont know or understand this yet) to route LD
15:41.30Ridgebackanyone here ever use of those IAX phones from iaxtalk?
15:41.36ManxPoweradjacent, Asterisk has no billing software
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15:41.59adjacentManxPower: ok. any free service? or should i still look to a paid SIP service?
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15:42.41bjohnsonJohnAB: the 7960 would register as one of the devices in your sip.conf
15:42.48ManxPoweradjacent, all the free services suck for business use (at least in my opinion)
15:43.04bjohnsonthat sip.conf entry would send incoming calls from the 7960 to a specific context
15:43.07adjacentim sorry. i know im uneducated about this, lots of reading to do, but with a limited time frame any general help is greatly appreciated
15:43.16JohnABthe 7960 appears to register because it works fine for outgoing calls, i.e. incoming calls from the 7960
15:43.21adjacentManxPower: ok. i will look for a paid service then
15:43.24JohnABso i'm guessing sip.conf is sending it to the right context
15:43.27ManxPoweradjacent, You need to hire an Asterisk consultant, but don't expect them to work miricles.
15:43.44adjacentManxPower: heh. i know. 2 years and calls still suck.
15:43.50JohnABwell in any case that SIP entry works fine with a softphone
15:43.50ManxPowerJohnAB, registration only is an issue with calls Asterisk -> Phone
15:44.03bjohnsonJohnAB: to get calls to go to the 7960 .. you have to define an extension for it in extensions.conf and dial(SIP/7960name)
15:44.04adjacentvoip inho is much beer suited for in-office calling
15:44.11ManxPowerPhone -> Asteirsk does not require any registation at all
15:44.32JohnABbjohnson: yes, but surely that's no different as for a softphone, which worked fine on the same SIP extension
15:45.05JohnABand yet calls going to the the 7960 don't get there
15:45.09JohnABthat's random then
15:45.29bjohnsonJohnAB: check 7960 config .. check codecs .. check registering
15:45.35ManxPowerJohnAB, "sip show peers" will show the IP address of the phone, if it's registering
15:45.45ManxPowerIf it ways (Unspecified) then the phone is NOT registering.
15:45.51JohnABthe 7960 config is the thing i can't find much on
15:45.55laboJohnAB, can you telnet to the 7960 ?
15:46.04JohnABtelnet, not tried it, just rebooting it
15:46.13bjohnsonJohnAB: likely the 7960 config is the problem
15:46.21JohnAByeah sounds that way
15:46.24JohnABit's coming up as unspecified
15:46.36laboType: debug sip-reg & debug sip-reg-state when you telnet to it in mode 2.
15:46.47bjohnsonget that going and sounds like rest will "magically" work
15:47.15bjohnsonalso sounds like labo has first hand experience with that phone .. you're in luck
15:47.25JohnABdoesn't seem i can telnet to it anyhow, probably disabled by default
15:47.42laboyou are using the sip image i suppose
15:47.57JohnAByes, 7.3, like i said i can call out fine
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15:48.03laboand no application loader errors, etc etc
15:48.17JohnABno errors at all on the unit that i can see
15:48.41JohnABit knows what its extension is
15:48.53labocan you pastebin your 7960 config @ sip.conf, ill compare it to mines.
15:49.11labomabe its a codec issue, are you using g729
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15:49.51blitzrageManxPower: do you know what purpose specifically loading in the modules.conf sample is for?
15:50.10blitzrageSeems to load fine with it commented out (just not first)
15:50.32laboJohnAB, are you using smoe specific codec in your SIPD****.cnf ?
15:50.36Juggiei think there may be a reason to laod modules in a certain order
15:51.02Zeeekwhy would I be seeing -- Registered to '', who sees us as followed by the same line with my ext ip ?
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15:51.25dalaberahello everyone
15:51.50Zeeeksomeone here once said you could use - WRONG. It screwed up SIP
15:52.08Zeeekyou can use it on a fixed ip
15:52.22blitzrageZeeek: I've used it on a domain name
15:52.42Zeeekbut on a server that changes ip ? because it broke sip as soon as I changed addresses
15:52.56ZeeekSIP was working fine - just no audio :)
15:53.01blitzrageprobably because the DNS didn't update
15:53.02`Sauronas long as the domain points at your IP, you're good to go
15:53.10Zeeekas soon as I put the ip adr in, it was back to normal
15:53.28JohnAB <-- my sip.conf and SIP......cnf
15:53.28Zeeekpinging the domain name from the box was right ip
15:53.43Zeeekand this was after a reboot btw
15:53.59SlainteI am open to suggestions on how to setup a user (polycom IP600) so that all oeprator traffic goes down one line, and all internal or direct traffic goes to another line.  I have it working but want it efficient.
15:54.53Zeeekok question 2: why do my newest phones get no CID? huh? huh?
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15:54.58JohnABjust enabling telnet so i can debug it, seems there's a config for it
15:55.00laboJohnAB, what about codec in the 7960 config, which one are you using, i doubt you are doing ilbc
15:55.23laboyes, sip debug messages on 7960's tell a lot.
15:55.27Zeeekwhile SIP was broken I had to make a call on a real phone! It was awful!
15:55.34JohnABi'm trying to figure what codec it's using, not sure how i actually tell :)
15:55.48Zeeekthere was no breaking up - I couldn't handle it, it made me nervous
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15:55.59ZeeekJohnAB sip show channels
15:56.22laboJohnAB, you should have a preferred_codec: in your SIPDefault.cnf
15:56.51JohnABnope, i just copied the 2 line one from the cisco docs
15:56.58JohnABimage_version:P0S3-07-3-00 ;
15:57.02JohnABproxy1_address: ;
15:57.09JohnABi'm guessing that may be not helping my problem
15:57.32`Sauronanyone here have the zyxel p2000w?
15:57.46JohnABapp_dial.c:884 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3) <-- when i try to call the phone
15:57.48Jas_WilliamsJohnAB: Do you have this line in SIPDefault.cnf proxy_register: 1
15:57.59JohnABi do now :)
15:58.11dalaberaHi, I Lost my Extension.conf configuration, however the configuration is loaded on the Asterisk Box, on the wiki it says there is a command to wrdite the current configuration of the extension.con to file however my release does not have the command "save dialplan" does anyone please explain me what's going on?
15:58.22laboDo this JohnAB , check those 7960 conf files and try them
15:58.29wwalkerManxPower Don't do it!!!  :)
15:58.34JohnABon my way over
15:58.43`SauronManxPower: Depends on what you want to do with it?
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15:58.58ManxPowerwwalker, My last dell workstation was rock solid stable, reasonably fast, and reasonably priced.
15:59.20JohnABas if by magic, it's registered
15:59.39ManxPowerI gave it to my boyfriend because his machine started crashing.  We swapped computers and it's apparently some motherboard related issue that I cannot resolve.
15:59.46JohnABand more magic, it actually rings, although there's hellish static, which is probably codec related
15:59.58bjohnsonthey had a sweet deal on a desktop with a 17" lcd that had me tempted
16:00.13Jas_WilliamsWithout proxy_register: 1
16:00.30JohnABi don't mind dell, my account manager gives me good deals so that's ok by my books
16:00.53JohnAByeah thanks jas, it's incredibly obvious when you see it, but boy does cisco's sip documentation suck
16:01.03tulli wanted some help to come up with a minimum spec list to make a demonstration in uni.
16:01.12`SauronManx: What's your opinion on the Zyxel P2000W?
16:01.25tulljust a small pbx and a line and 3 users.
16:01.34bjohnsontull: a sipura SPA3000, a linux laptop, and a voip phone
16:01.45bjohnson2 voip phones then
16:01.55JohnABthe P2000W has had very mixed reviews, i've been umming about buying one
16:02.22JohnABi've heard that the CPU is perhaps a bit slow, because with WEP enabled it breaks up a lot
16:02.30`SauronCuz, the WiSIP hasn't had very good reviews
16:02.41`Sauroneverybody says to get the p2000w
16:02.41JohnABbut i don't know what the conditions of that, the codecs etc.
16:02.52`SauronAnd I don't know of any other non-cisco wifi sip phones
16:02.54mAsH`can i connect * to a PABX by an HFC card?
16:02.56Jas_WilliamsIts the same hardware as a WiSIP
16:03.02bjohnson`Sauron: do you really need a wifi phone?
16:03.12tullbjohnson if i need more users just get a switch and add the voip phones right?
16:03.17`SauronYes. I hate being chained to my desk
16:03.33bjohnsontull: yes .. you could also show a softphone with that rig
16:03.36Jas_Williams`Sauron: I use a WiSip with p200w firmware as it supports stun
16:03.44labosad to say, but i regret of buying a p2000
16:03.50bjohnsontull: you'll need a switch anyway for the SPA3000
16:03.55`Sauronlabo: why?
16:04.03tullbjohnson right ok.
16:04.09JohnABlabo: what's your experience of it?
16:04.11tzangerzapscan doesn't work right iwth groups
16:04.13labobecause it sucks, it has poor battery, sometimes wep encryption does not work
16:04.19Delvaranyone know of any tools that i can use to stress my connection for testing my qos?
16:04.20bjohnsontull: actually .. use a router .. then you could plug the WAN port into the LAN if desired and have your own subnet
16:04.23tzangerzapscan(1) or zapscan(g1) both just "hang" (no channels)
16:04.41`SauronJas: What's your experience with the wisip?
16:04.52tzangerwisip sucks ass
16:04.52bjohnsontull: don't try to connect back through the router from the lan until you've prepared suitable port forwarding
16:05.04labowisip ir worse than p200 ive been told :)
16:05.22bjohnson`Sauron: there are other wireless options that are not wifi sip phones
16:05.36JohnABi've been tempted to buy one so i can have a phone upstairs, that's all though
16:05.50shido6cordless iaxy
16:05.53tzangerdon't go wisip
16:05.54bjohnsonJohnAB: just use a cordless phone on a fxs
16:05.58shido6cordless and a iaxy
16:05.58`Sauronbjohnson: I am quite aware of that.
16:05.58JohnABbjohnson, yes, ata186 with dect
16:06.02tzangerall around poor device in my opinion
16:06.28JohnABi have fxs with a cordless phone, but i have issues with irq sharing and the fxs
16:06.37vaewynif you go wisip get teh zyxel firmware... but I recommend the Hitachi IP-5000   it's my new toy :P
16:06.52bjohnsonJohnAB: get a non-pci fxs
16:07.02vaewynalthough an awful lot of Japanese on this thing :P
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16:07.16chipigbut so purty..
16:07.21tzangerJohnAB: I have a panasonic cordless which hass issues with everything :-)
16:07.51tullbjohnson ok! thanks a lot.
16:08.15JohnABjust a cruddy motherboard on my * server really, it thinks that everything should be on irq11
16:08.26JohnABwhich seems to make fxs-fxo bridging unhappy
16:08.30jcolliecan anyone tell me... is the "conferencing" on the polycom ip300... is the conferencing handled by asterisk or the phone?
16:09.25bjohnsontull: maybe drop the second voip phone and get a SPA 2000 instead .. gives 2 more fxs ports
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16:09.59bjohnsontull: really wow them with a bluetooth headset/softphone combo
16:10.09JohnABbjohnson, yeah i was thinking of probably getting an ata186 or equivalent, besides i have all my network wiring in the walls and phone wires get in the way
16:10.27tzangernot the ip-5000 you are talking about I imagine.  :-)
16:11.17JohnABgoogle is clearly not your friend :)
16:11.39tzangerHitachi Cable, Ltd. will start marketing the Wireless IP phone "Wireless IP-5000" on 1 April.
16:11.44tzangerso it's not an april fool's joke?
16:12.00JohnAB better page
16:13.06tzangernot a bad looking phone
16:13.16tzangervaewyn: how much controld o you have over the display/soft buttons from the SIP side?
16:13.21Zeeekanyone using siemens DECT ?
16:13.25bannermanAnyone have experience with simpletelecom's service? Any history of trouble?
16:13.42JohnAByeah i have siemens dect
16:13.53ZeeekJohnAB hooked to an FXS?
16:14.07JohnAByeah, but i have problems, see above, but it's not siemens related afaik
16:14.18Zeeekany callerid issues? I'm not seeing it on the phone
16:14.29Zeeekthe other phones do it
16:14.38Zeeekshitty Alcatel does it
16:14.46JohnABdunno, my callerid doesn't work on my FXO
16:14.50ZeeekSiemens C200/C2 no cid
16:14.52Juggiehas anyone here used a mitel 5055/w asterisk
16:14.56Juggiemine keeps locking up
16:15.00Zeeekwell even internal calls
16:15.14blitzrageI suppose no one could explain to me in plain english what the [globals] section of modules.conf does?
16:15.20ZeeekIf 2006 calls 2007 it should work and doesn't
16:15.25blitzrageand when I might have to add a line to it?
16:15.26JohnABnot sure which model i have but i don't recall it being a problem
16:15.40JohnABi had great problems getting it to ring but welcome to the uk
16:15.44ZeeekJohnAB are you in EuropeN
16:15.48Zeeekya ok
16:16.00ZeeekYou know there's a patch to change the ring frequency?
16:16.08ZeeekIt works on the continent
16:16.14Zeeekbut prolly not with BT :(
16:16.23JohnABour CLI works really weirdly
16:16.34Zeeeknone of my older phiones ring on FXS without the patch
16:16.36JohnABIIRC, they reverse the polarity of the line before it rings
16:16.46Zeeekya those brits are nutz :)
16:16.54JohnABand then put it over the line
16:17.09JohnABso unless you can detect the polarity change, detecting cli is hard
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16:17.48JohnABthe ringing i got working with a capacitor
16:18.07ZeeekI screwed around for a half day with capacitors
16:18.11Zeeeknever worked
16:18.18JohnABput a PSTN master socket in the way
16:18.25Zeeekone line to change in wcfxs.c
16:19.11JohnABi've been meaning to get cli to work with a modem
16:19.28JohnABi bought a modem but i got ripped off and sent the wrong one
16:19.50Zeeekhere's the line just in cqase:
16:19.52Zeeek{21,"RING_X",0x023A}, // new value for 25Hz
16:20.12Zeeekmaybe save some capacitors :)
16:20.27Zeeekjust comment out the old {21,...
16:21.29_-Jon-_Has anyone noticed that BroadVoices phone support sucks?
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16:21.55junky[work]Feb  4 11:20:29 WARNING[21509]: chan_zap.c:785 zt_open: Unable to open '/dev/zap/pseudo': No such device or address
16:21.55junky[work]Feb  4 11:20:29 ERROR[21509]: chan_zap.c:6848 chandup: Unable to dup channel: No such device or address
16:22.06`SauronJon: define "sucks"
16:22.12junky[work]i really need a digium card to run MeetMe, wtf?
16:22.31ManxPowerWow!  All my PRI channels are in use.
16:22.33_-Jon-_Sauron, you call at 3am and apparently they're "busy", and you call during the day and get the same crap.  They never answer the phone
16:22.47`SauronThey've answered everytime I called
16:22.49ManxPowerOf course that's because some idiot dialed an extension by dialing their DID, so the call is using 2 channels
16:22.55_-Jon-_Really?  Try calling at 3am
16:23.00`SauronIt might take a while on hold, but they answered...
16:23.07`SauronI'm sleeping at 3am. As should you.
16:23.36bjohnsonhas anyone got one of the SPA1001 ?  They look pretty slick
16:23.39_-Jon-_Oh and what's up with a telephone company not having a tollfree number?
16:23.47_-Jon-_That's like my ISP not having a website
16:23.48`Sauronbjohnson: I do.
16:23.59`SauronUmm, they do have a tollfree number.
16:24.02bjohnsonsupposed to be half the size of the SPA 2000 and provided for free from Broadvoice
16:24.23bjohnson`Sauron: how'd you get it?  They selling them now?
16:24.27_-Jon-_This is news to me
16:24.31`Sauronbjohnson: Yep.
16:24.42`SauronI got it with my BV signup
16:25.02bjohnsonwhat activation fees?
16:25.11ZeeekCan anyone speak of anything at all that DOESN'T suck ? I can wait :)
16:25.34`Sauronbjohnson: From my bill: Device Fee $49.95
16:25.43`SauronDevice Discount ($49.95)
16:25.54bjohnsonZeeek: my spa 2000 and 3000s are awesome
16:26.19Zeeekmaybe when you call the tollfree it's like here where they say they can only help you with changing your credit card number?
16:26.20_-Jon-_Hmmm no support # provided at all
16:26.22`Sauronbjohnson: I ended up with $76.99 in activation
16:26.23bjohnson`Sauron: do they have another activation fee too?  Do they have account closing fees?
16:26.55`SauronIF you return all equipment, there's no account closing fee
16:27.07bjohnsonno .. I want to keep the unit :)
16:27.26`Sauronbjohnson: Then they don't waive the $49.95 account closing fee
16:27.34`Sauronso basically, you'll get the spa1001 for $49.95
16:27.38_-Jon-_Account closing fee?  with who?
16:27.47JohnABdo you need a sound card for MoH to work?
16:27.55_-Jon-_JohnAB, no
16:28.14`SauronJon: bv
16:28.18JohnABdidn't think so, hmm
16:28.23`Sauronread your contract when you sign up for things
16:28.56_-Jon-_did you just call me an idiot?
16:29.16`SauronWant me to spell it out?
16:29.38*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
16:29.38_-Jon-_what's that url? :)
16:30.07`Sauronbjohnson: I'm considering keeping my spa1001 and just giving them the $49.95 when/if I close the account
16:30.17`Sauronthe thing is sexy
16:30.30bjohnsonI was close to signing up with vonage to get the linksys pap2.  Even after the close out cost .. it was a good deal.  But I couldn't crack it.
16:30.33_-Jon-_JohnAB, mpg321 maybe?
16:30.45JohnABVersion 0.59s-r9 (2000/Oct/27)
16:30.46bjohnson`Sauron: $65 at voipsullply
16:30.50JohnABis it 0.59r that works?
16:31.17`Sauron$69 vs. $49
16:31.19`Saurondum di dum
16:31.20_-Jon-_I hav mpg123-0.59r
16:31.28`Sauronwell, there's the other signup costs
16:31.34_-Jon-_0.59s wasn't working for me
16:31.46JohnAByeah i remember someone mentioning that
16:31.48JohnABget lots of static?
16:32.03bjohnson`Sauron: doh .. $70 at voxilla includes free activation at bv and a month free
16:32.03_-Jon-_No actually it was completely silent on the line
16:32.09JohnABi had that earlier
16:32.20JohnABoh yeah that was because i had the moh file ;ed ut
16:32.23`Sauronbjohnson: Their activation fee is $39.95, $15 for S&H
16:32.49_-Jon-_JohnAB, try 0.59r though, see if that helps
16:33.04*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
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16:33.24bjohnson<`Sauron> bjohnson: I ended up with $76.99 in activation ??
16:33.29JohnAByep just compiling it
16:33.47_-Jon-_Hey has anyone in here had problems with BroadVoice billing them recently?
16:34.37nestAranyone got a Polycom registering to two different * systems via boot server? I cant' seem to get my 2nd line to configure right..
16:35.10pointer-gaimnestAr: yes
16:35.23JohnABworks sweet with 0.59r
16:35.29pointer-gaimline = home
16:35.32pointer-gaimline2 == work
16:35.35JohnABdamn the default moh mp3 is comedy
16:35.46JohnABremind me to change it before anyone calls
16:35.49nestArpointer-gaim: yeah, that's what i'm trying to do.. mind sharing config example?
16:35.54_-Jon-_JohnAB, it came like that?
16:36.05pointer-gaimnestAr: can you email me? on a conference call right now
16:36.18*** join/#asterisk justinnnnnn (
16:36.35JohnAByeah supermegasprokets inc or something
16:36.46nestArpointer-gaim: sure, thanks!
16:36.55_-Jon-_Hmm my defautl was classical i  believe
16:39.43*** join/#asterisk t3t (
16:39.56pointer-gaimanyone care to recommend any of the VoIP monitoring tools listed in the wiki ->
16:40.09pointer-gaimmainly to get metrics on call quality/jitter and the like
16:43.20*** join/#asterisk Slainte (Slainte@
16:44.16tullsorry guys, is this book worth it?? "VoIP Telephony with Asterisk by Paul Mahler"
16:45.51Zeeekwasim I need my daily fix of fantasy
16:45.57Zeeekand a stiff drink
16:47.12*** part/#asterisk schurig (
16:48.52labotull, ask zoa
16:48.58laboAnd don't buy the softcopy one.
16:49.20*** join/#asterisk Xanathar (
16:49.25*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:49.40tulllabo th
16:49.43tulllabo thx
16:49.45gambolputtymy IAXy has a recessed button on the front, what is it for?
16:49.57Zeeeknothing at all
16:50.06gambolputtywhy is it there then?
16:50.12Zeeekfor sexy looks
16:50.14QwellSo people ask why its there
16:50.16coppiceself destruct - that's why its recessed for safety
16:50.27Zeeekbetterer yet
16:50.36ManxPowerThe iaxy button is cosmetic.
16:50.43Zeeektoo small to receive what you tried to put in it
16:50.53QwellZeeek: or is it?
16:50.57Zeeekactually it's for ventilation as they run a little hot
16:51.34Zeeekis anyone running an IAXy on a fixed ip?
16:51.42ZeeekI've never managed to get it working that way
16:52.05Dalionjbot: "VoIP Telephony with Asterisk by Paul Mahler
16:52.18Dalion~jbot search "VoIP Telephony with Asterisk by Paul Mahler"
16:52.19Zeeekhere comes the 's' word
16:53.10Zeeekever see that ad about the guy who goes out to eat sushi with his pals?
16:53.21mutilatoranyone know if there is a daemon made to monitor multiple processes and restart them if they die?
16:53.36Zeeekhe comes home to his wife, kisses her and she slaps him hard and goes out slamming the door
16:53.38`Sauronmutilator: IT's called "init"
16:53.45mutilatorbesides init?
16:53.54Zeeekthe voiceover is "make sure your sushi is fresh!"
16:53.58QwellZeeek: Ever see the Sizzler commercial for shrimp cocktail?  heh
16:54.09ZeeekThis ad is a killer
16:54.16*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
16:54.19`Sauronmutilator: What's wrong with using init?
16:54.22ZeeekI think it's viral like the trunk monkey
16:54.40shido6whats wrong with your iaxy ?
16:54.43Zeeekyou guys all know about trunk monkeys, right?
16:54.48shido6Zeeek what is wrong with your Iaxy?
16:54.53*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
16:54.57mutilatorinit doesn't constantly run?
16:55.03Zeeeknothing but I've never been able to set it to a fixed ip
16:55.03`Sauronyes it does
16:55.06QwellZeeek: There was a Sizzler commercial recently for shrimp cocktail(bad pun), and there is a shrimp with its tail in front, and a guy, and they're on a beach, classic love story, where they run to each other
16:55.13*** part/#asterisk kwaldo_aloft (
16:55.14QwellI saw that commercial like 5 times, laughed every time...
16:55.17Uther_Pheh, init is the first thing to run, and the last thing to die
16:55.19shido6Zeeek are you familiar with how to provision them?
16:55.20mrgobyhi all, having a problem with hdparm...   i know this isnt asterisk specific, but i'm running asterisk on the machine , so... :-)
16:55.23Qwellthen, they remade the commercial, and the tail is in the back now
16:55.30mutilatorthen how do i make it respawn my processes?
16:55.31shido6You just put the static ip in the iaxy.conf
16:55.32Zeeekshido6 sure I do it all de time
16:55.38shido6then what is the problem? :)
16:55.38mrgobyit is a SATA drive...
16:55.42bjohnsonmutilator: inittab
16:55.47shido6what does your iax.conf say?
16:55.49Zeeekit then goes dead
16:55.51shido6pastebin it
16:55.57mrgobyintel 600ESB IDE controller
16:55.59shido6provision, wait 5 seconds
16:56.02shido6unplug power
16:56.03bjohnsonmutilator: err .. /etc/xinitd.d
16:56.04shido6plug it back in
16:56.12shido6you're done if you set your iax.conf correctly
16:56.13Zeeekdon't have iot handy but it says ip:myu ip, netmaks
16:56.18`Sauronbjohnson: /etc/inittab
16:56.21`Sauronnot inetd
16:56.57Zeeekshido6 what is heartbeat?
16:57.04shido6u have to set ip, netmask, and gateway
16:57.16Zeeekhmmm gateway, maybe not
16:57.19mrgobysince SATA is based on scsi, can you even use DMA or UDMA ?
16:57.20Zeeeklemmie see
16:57.22shido6never used heartbeat unless I was debugging
16:57.54mrgobythis whole thing is confusing...  why have a scsi disk connected to an IDE bus ?
16:57.57mrgobyor controller
16:58.25mutilatork what am i supposed to do with my inittab
16:58.26Zeeekshido6 there is currently no gateway in the file but DHCP works fine
17:00.04Uther_Pmutilator: what application are you refering to to restart if it dies?
17:00.28Zeeekshido6 is gateway necessary with a fixed ip ?
17:00.48mutilatorasterisk, or an ircd, or a prog of mine, or any number of things...
17:00.56Uther_PZeeek: a voip gateway or a network gateway?
17:01.11Uther_Pmutilator: well, asterisk does this itself if you run it with safe_asterisk
17:01.14ManxPowerSometimes I love my provider.  I requested 2 additonal B-channels and he e-mails me back saying he can add them today if it's important.
17:01.15`Sauronmutilator: read man 5 inittab
17:01.15Zeeektalking about IAXy Uther
17:01.25ManxPowersame day service
17:01.34QwellManxPower: "No, its not that important, it can wait."
17:01.34Zeeekyuo are a lucky boy Manx!
17:01.45*** join/#asterisk marc1 (
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17:02.00mutilatorUther_P: was an example
17:02.06ManxPowerQwell, Actually I said that it's not critical.  If not today then on Wed (when everyone on New Orleans returns to work)
17:02.14SlainteI have a security problem.  When people call the autoattendent,  if they enter 9 and the number they can make an outgoing call.  Can someone help me organise my context to prevent this?
17:02.16Qwellahh, right, Marti Gras?
17:02.25ManxPowerIt's Carnival time.  Nobody will be at work on mon or tues
17:02.48coppiceAh, Wednesday. Holiday time
17:02.53eKo1Rio here I come.
17:02.54ZeeekSlainte make several contexts like inhouse, privileged and outside
17:02.55ManxPowerSlainte, Common problem.  You didn't split up your contexts good.  See the examples on the Wiki
17:03.02XanatharCould miscabling result in an E1 being Active (no alarms) but the D Channel reporting as down ?
17:03.06ZeeekStarter tutorial:
17:03.06ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
17:03.17jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
17:03.17_-Jon-_Slainte, what's the magic #? :)
17:03.20Zeeeksubject i discussed at length
17:03.34Uther_Pmutilator: I would just write a script to monitor the pid through a pid file, and restart it if the process is no longer active
17:03.47Uther_Pmutilator: much like safe_asterisk does
17:04.02ZeeekI ate all the bread
17:04.06mutilatorthats what i have now
17:04.27SlainteManx,  I have read in great detail, but obviously am too slow or dont know how to read
17:04.28mutilatori was wondering if there was somethin made that i could just add a process name into it and it'de just keep track itself
17:04.35Uther_Pmutilator: well... take it one step further and write the script to monitor a like of pids and appilication
17:04.49Uther_Per, a list of pids
17:04.50SlainteI ahve split it all up,  but ruin it all by my include statements
17:04.50eKo1safe_asterisk is BS. Just start asterisk without any arguments.
17:05.02mrgobyeKo1 ?
17:05.02silik0nComming soon to a store near you BKWs BOB
17:05.09eKo1and have a mon script monitor the pid.
17:05.15mrgobysafe_asterisk is the way to go
17:05.19Slainte  tells me nothing
17:05.23eKo1safe_asterisk sucks.
17:05.23Uther_PeKo1: thats what safe_asterisk does
17:05.46*** join/#asterisk marc1 (
17:06.49marc1does any one know's where I can find a quick guide h323 install ?
17:07.07marc1for asterisk
17:07.18mrgobymarc1, first you are in a world of hurt
17:07.22*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
17:07.24QwellZeeek: as far as?
17:07.26shido6Zeeek what is wrong ?!!?
17:07.29mrgobysecond, check the oh323 homepage
17:07.44Zeeekwell, the words sucks keeps coming up, I was just wondering
17:07.47mrgobyand the docs in /usr/src/asterisk/modules/h323
17:07.49coppicewe just got a new vaccum cleaner, because the old one no longer sucks
17:07.55shido6Zeeek did u set your gateway in your iaxy?
17:08.01*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
17:08.07mrgobyor, maybe that was in ~/docs/README.h323
17:08.12Zeeekno I'm not experimenting at thre moment, but I did just call someone on it
17:08.12mrgobycant remember
17:08.20mrgobyuse nufone's implementation
17:08.31mrgobybut it will still be awful :)
17:08.37Zeeekgateway being the local router, yes?
17:08.45mrgobycause h323 is evil
17:08.48Zeeekbecause there is no gateway in the current file
17:08.55*** join/#asterisk freat[laptop] (~freat[lap@
17:08.59shido6so your iaxy works now?
17:09.05gambolputtyuse the U and G options in * to start it safely
17:09.07*** join/#asterisk ragnar (
17:09.08Zeeekit always has shido6
17:09.12Zeeekexcept when it didn't
17:09.19Zeeekbut even then it did NOT suck
17:09.22ragnarhi.. i got a little isdn question..
17:09.33ZeeekIDSN doesn't suck
17:09.42ragnaroh, just arrived in time it seems :)
17:09.46*** part/#asterisk opticalcarrier (
17:09.48Uther_Pyou did
17:09.56coppiceZeek: your spelling of it does
17:09.59Zeeekarriving late SUCKS!
17:10.14ZeeekI Dont Spell Names
17:10.17Uther_Pwhat was refered to as sucking? iaxy?
17:10.26Uther_Pthen spell it out Zeeek
17:10.27*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~info@
17:10.28QwellUther_P: pretty much everything
17:10.30Uther_Pwhat does it mean
17:10.31PakiPenguinhello everyone
17:10.33Zeeekeverything sucks, all providers except Manxpowers'
17:10.48Zeeekevery linux distro
17:10.56Zeeekall politicians
17:11.01Uther_PI'm a FreeBSD fan myself
17:11.06Qwellfreebsd sucks too
17:11.10znome too bud asterisk on freebsd sucks
17:11.12Uther_Pblow me
17:11.13Zeeeknah, it doesn't suck
17:11.17znoi had to switch to debian
17:11.21ZeeekI do,n't suck, so, no
17:11.30Zeeekall together...
17:11.35Zeeek****** sucks!
17:11.42ragnari got a isdn line with ispbx, which supports 4 voice lines.. but i cant find an isdn card for asterisk that doesnt cost an arm.. is there some adapter to convert the isdn line to 4 analog lines, so i can connect to 4 pstn fxo modules?
17:11.54PakiPenguini need * to accept all incoming calls in the format 00XXXXXX in a context,any pointers?
17:12.03ZeeekThe dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls. "
17:12.04*** join/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
17:12.11*** join/#asterisk Samoied (~samoied@
17:12.28Zeeekooops wrong one
17:12.49ZeeekPattern Matching, Making use of the ${EXTEN} channel variable, Linking Contexts with Includes, Some Other Special Extensions
17:12.57SamoiedHow I use asterisk for contact a sip server as endpoint
17:13.18ragnari think i saw how to do that on the wiki, Samoied
17:13.22SamoiedBecause my ITSP not permit Proxy connections
17:13.31Samoiedragnar: where? please
17:13.36ragnari dont remember
17:13.41Flyboy6440is there a way to detect if the callerid is an actual true #? been getting calls where the # is 0000000000 or *-***-***-****
17:13.46ragnari was playing with sip last weekend
17:13.52SlainteManx,  Ok I got my head around it now.  It certainly is not the most efficient.  I have two contexts. one for internal-ext, and one internal-ext-safe.  the internal-ext-safe does not have an include for the outgoing, however it is an exact copy of the internal-ext.  Is there a better way to do it?
17:13.53Qwell~google sip asterisk
17:13.57WildPikachu[BAR]what does the US48 term mean?
17:14.00ragnarFlyboy6440: don think so
17:14.10QwellWildPikachu: the lower 48 states
17:14.11blitzragedoes LOG_VERBOSE actually do anything?
17:14.15Qwellexcluding Hawaii and Alaska
17:14.19Uther_Pus48?  umm the contiguous united states?
17:14.33Flyboy6440bummer.. the 0's are coming from the pstn the *'s are coming from voicepulse
17:14.35WildPikachu[BAR]so it excludes 4 states?
17:14.38*** join/#asterisk stevekstevek_ (
17:14.39Qwellno, just 2
17:14.40Uther_Pumm no
17:14.42Uther_Pit exclues 2
17:14.43QwellThere are 50 states in the US now :p
17:14.46Uther_Pthere are 50 states
17:14.51drraycanada is not a state yet
17:15.01drrayI said it
17:15.11Zeeeknew york is a state of mind
17:15.13Flyboy6440maybe an agi that uses regular expressions would do the trick
17:15.14Uther_PDM is owned by us, but is not a state
17:15.22Uther_Pwhat about Woodstock Nation?
17:15.25QwellDM?  Denmark?
17:15.26Uther_Pthats a state of mind :P
17:15.33Uther_PDominican Republic
17:15.36Qwelloh, heh
17:15.56Zeeekwhat BAR? Can I get a drink?
17:16.11WildPikachu[BAR]wife spilt wine on my laptop
17:16.12drrayIt blew me away when I saw that DM and Hati were the same island
17:16.15Uther_Pheh, in a bar on a PDA?
17:16.20BoRiSWild: No hawaii or alaska
17:16.21Zeeekhanging offense, that
17:16.25BoRiSooops :-p
17:16.36drraycontiguos being touching
17:16.37Uther_Pheh boris, I think we covered that :P
17:16.57BoRiSUther: Sorry, I was still reading from my scroll buffer
17:17.32Uther_Pi'm outta here
17:17.58Zeeek~lart me
17:18.35SlainteIt works, but it is messy now :)
17:19.10Zeeekthere is no such thing as a non-messy dialplan, only meek anal retentive newbie ones
17:19.47ZeeekI've never seen a published dialplan example that didn't have twently lines saying :;;; must clean this up some day
17:20.08ZeeekI fixed a bug in a prog today
17:20.19Qwell; 01/24/97 TODO: Fixme
17:20.25*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (~hmmhesays@
17:20.27Zeeekthen added // it's either this or change the table in the database and fifty other scripts
17:21.02Zeeekthe classic goes back to assembler though:
17:21.19Zeeek1000 ad a,10   ; add 10 to a
17:21.22hmmhesayscallerid="name" <number>  in the sip.conf is the right syntax right?
17:21.32QwellZeeek: cute
17:21.34*** join/#asterisk stevekstevek_ (
17:21.51QwellZeeek: I love my "//this is why Nitu doesn't work here anymore" comment
17:21.54BoRiScovad .. ack
17:22.06Zeeekyou gotta leave that
17:22.12Zeeek"for historical reasons"
17:22.33junky[work]hmmhesays: no callerid=name
17:23.32Zeeekcallerid="Bernie in Sales" <3009>
17:23.37hmmhesayscallerid=name <number> ?
17:23.49Zeeeknope as above you were right
17:24.30QwellZeeek: Its been there for 2 years already. :)
17:24.44hmmhesaysI can't get the name to show up only the number From: "5555555" sip:5555555@username
17:24.54*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
17:24.55Zeeekon what?
17:25.12Zeeekthe name I mean
17:25.45hmmhesaysI got callerid set  callerid="Homer" <5555555> and the second invite comes out as stated above
17:25.58ManxPowerZeeek, Please stop telling people to put quotes in their callerid
17:26.03jskcrhy all
17:26.11Zeeekthat's the way mine are and always have been
17:26.13hmmhesaysheh, that's how the example is in sip.conf
17:26.21ManxPowerZeeek, Yes, but some phones can't deal with it.
17:26.23BoRiSI have always used quotes
17:26.28Zeeekso if that's wrong, someone should get busy and change the 20 examples
17:26.44hmmhesaysi'm not even going to touch that one
17:26.48Zeeekmine doesn't do alpha anyway :)
17:27.01BoRiSZeek: budgetone? :-p
17:27.07Zeeekyahoo sir
17:27.11ManxPowerSpecifically some Cisco phones will totally reject calls with quotes in the CLID Name.
17:27.11Zeeekya - hoo
17:27.12BoRiSthought so
17:27.25ZeeekI wouldn't talk to anyone who has a cisco phone anyway
17:27.40Zeeekthey s**k
17:27.42hmmhesaysmine does.... but the callerid line doesn't set the sip header correctly
17:27.51gambolputtyzeeek:  what ip phones do you use?
17:28.01Zeeekonly the best - BT100s
17:28.28hmmhesaysit sets the name field and the number field to whatever number you have
17:28.28darkskiezi hate callerid
17:28.29Zeeek[this is irony folks - nothing sucks or doesn't  that's my point]
17:28.54Zeeekwell, military draft sucks I s'pose and a few other things
17:28.57darkskiezI want it to work on dialled numbers too
17:28.59hmmhesaysso callerid is broken it seems
17:29.14Zeeekthere are a few issues apparently
17:29.33ManxPowerYeah.  I'm waiting for 1.0.6 before I upgrade my production systems
17:29.49ZeeekBoy tell me about it
17:29.50hmmhesaysthis is just on a testing machine... it's cvs head from 12/17
17:30.06Zeeekthere was a time when head was really stable
17:30.11darkskiezIs there a schedule for the next  major release of asterisk, or is it just when its ready.
17:30.52hmmhesaysusually adding features causes instability
17:30.57Zeeekthis is where Manx jumps in with...
17:31.09hmmhesaysuntil the bugs are squashed
17:31.10Zeeek?mailing list?
17:31.28darkskiezI see
17:31.57ZeeekManx but maybe that is what my problem is with the Siemens phone CID....
17:32.05Zeeekso thanks for mentioning it
17:32.44hmmhesayssetcallerid(Homer <5555555>) in extensions.conf works though
17:32.53mAsH`can i connect * to a PABX by an HFC card?
17:34.16*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~info@
17:34.22Zeeekok, so this doesn't suck, but it licks
17:34.24ManxPowerThey are adding the new B-Channels at 2pm local time.
17:34.32*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
17:34.50*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
17:35.47ManxPowerZeeek, That's the first actual cool multi-media link I've seen in YEARS
17:35.57ZeeekCat lovers love it
17:36.15hmmhesaysI dunno that bruce lee animation i watched yesterday was pretty cool
17:36.25xkevif I 'asterisk -r' and change verbosity, does that change it globally or just for that remote session?
17:36.26`SauronLa di dum
17:36.30`SauronI love being on hold
17:37.24Zeeeksome of these commercials are funny if you have seen them
17:37.54Flyboy6440xkev: i've noticed it stays at the highest verbosity that you last remoted in with
17:37.55terrapenanybody want to help me nail a phisher scammer?
17:38.28terrapeni'm doing some phisher vigilante-ism this morning
17:38.44ZeeekManxPower does "who sees us as" mean what I think it means?
17:38.57Zeeek"what do you think it means?"
17:39.06terrapenhahah, i think i just killed their server
17:39.08terrapeni did.
17:39.20terrapencan anyone reach that?
17:39.28coppiceterrapen: which part of the scammer will the nails go through?
17:40.05*** join/#asterisk letherglov (
17:40.05terrapenput that one into http_load
17:40.22terrapenhttp_load -seconds 100000 -parallel 20
17:40.25terrapenhttp_load -seconds 100000 -parallel 20 phisher_url.txt
17:40.31terrapencoppice: the meaty parts.
17:40.57terrapentry that url now
17:41.01terrapeni think i just cooked his server
17:41.06terrapenprobably filled his logs
17:41.11Zeeekor they programmed the firewall?
17:41.17Slainte    I am trying to have the default operator ask for an extension three times and then go to the 0 extension if there are three invalids.  Its not working.  Any comments on my .conf segment?
17:41.21terrapenor else he was watching it and just tooked his script down for maintenance
17:41.30terrapenzeek, probably
17:41.35terrapencan anyone else get to his site
17:41.37Qwell"Access to the port number given has been disabled for security reasons."
17:41.45terrapenthat's firefox, qwell
17:41.54*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:41.58terrapenIE/Safari do not seem to mind
17:42.02Flyboy6440opening page..
17:42.13Flyboy6440but just locks there
17:42.30terrapenfeel free to hit him with http_load
17:42.50ZeeekSlainte you need a loop
17:43.15terrapena better solution would be a POE app that generated random garbage that is not so easy to filter
17:43.51terrapendammit, now i'm firewalled, it seems
17:44.06SlainteZeek,  I cant find a loop example.  can you give me a snippet to search with?
17:45.02marc1who can I get the nufone h323 ?
17:45.04Zeeekya just a sec I have an old onbe
17:47.40jarrodanyone deployed ser with rtpproxy?
17:48.01ZeeekSlainte here's an example of a loop :
17:48.52SlainteThanks Zeeek  appreciate it
17:49.08ZeeekI can't rememebr if it worked :)
17:49.18Zeeekjust kidding
17:49.21terrapenheh, i guess the http flooding took him down
17:49.34Zeeekwhat scam? Paypal?
17:49.37terrapeneither that or it was some 0wned box and the poor bastard sitting on console just rebooted
17:49.45terrapenSmithBarney phiser scam
17:49.56Zeeekyou should send it to them too
17:50.08terrapeni'm sure smithbarney knows
17:50.18terrapeni called the ISP and they didn't seem to care too much
17:50.24Zeeekthey rarely do!
17:50.26*** join/#asterisk abbas_ (nidobas@
17:50.42Zeeekthey get GWF fatigue, too
17:50.52QwellTell them there's copyrighted material on there, and it'll get taken down quick, heh
17:51.03*** join/#asterisk PCadach (
17:52.10SamoiedI dont find anything about use asterisk as sip endpoint
17:52.20Samoiedanyone helpme ?
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17:52.52SamoiedMy ITSP accept only www-authentication not proxy-authentication
17:52.58ragnarits there, im sure its there
17:53.34Samoiedragnar: in ?
17:53.44terrapeni love getting phisher scams
17:53.47terrapeni take em all down
17:53.54ragnarfound it from there
17:54.01*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
17:54.17terrapenmaybe i'll get around to writing my POE anti-phisher flood client
17:54.28Zeeekthat would be great!
17:56.56Zeeekwho here has written asterisk module app_
17:58.14ZeeekI haven't found where the functions are that handle passed variables? I've been able to mimic existing source obviously, but didn't find where those functions are kept
17:58.19*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:58.35Flyboy6440have not wrote a module yet.. working on an agi though :)
17:59.02ZeeekI guess the modules need to be re-entrant which means you have to be careful
18:00.23Slaintewhat does this mean?  ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
18:00.35antiterrapen: POE anti-phisher flood client?
18:00.41Zeeekdrums stop. not good.
18:01.20*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
18:01.23Samoiedragnar: fount this:
18:02.39*** join/#asterisk fizbar (
18:03.20Flyboy6440how does privacy manager detect if callerid was received.. just checkes for null?
18:03.53hmmhesaysanyone have any problems with asterisk on fc3?
18:04.16SlainteZeek.   WARNING ast_expr.y:475 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror(): syntax error: syntax error; Input: +1
18:04.24junky[work]hmmhesays: ?
18:05.49Samoiedragnar: but not explain howto use www-authentication in asterisk
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18:11.37bannermanIs there anything wrong with the Grandstream Budgetone 101 phones?
18:12.03dolsondefine wrong
18:12.17bannermanAm I going to regret having that phone instead of one $20 more?
18:12.31bannerman$65.95 is an awfully good price
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18:12.39dolsonwhat's the other option?
18:12.41hmmhesayswrong with?
18:12.50hmmhesays<shrug> they work.. kind of ugly though
18:12.55bannermanI haven't picked anything specific out
18:12.57bannermanthey are sort of ugly
18:13.05bannermanare they missing any features?
18:13.08bannermando they sound bad?
18:13.10dolsonwe have 5 of the BudgeTone phones here
18:13.44carbon60For someone looking for 400 FXS ports, what hardware would be appropriate?
18:13.48dolsonI'm having a problem with them getting DHCP addresses and not picking up the TFTP server from the DHCP options
18:13.58dolsonother than that, they seem alright
18:14.11bannermanThat doesn't sound fun to deal with..
18:14.18bannermanIs there another phone that you would reccommend?
18:14.27dolsonwell, it's not too much of an issue, really
18:15.00dolsonas far as I can tell, they only use TFTP for firmware upgrading, so we can just manually do that with the web interface
18:15.20bannermanI have some true noob questions, too -- is it difficult to have like, a voicemail light flash, things like that?
18:15.25dolsonto be honest, I wouldn't mind a BudgeTone for at home
18:16.14hmmhesaysi'd rather have a small fxs unit with a cordless phone personally
18:16.15bannermanOr more to the point, do I need to research particular phone for features like that, or are they all pretty much the same?
18:16.15dolsonthat's a good question. I don't remember trying that out, to be honest. I mainly use an Aastra 480i on my desk, so I focus on that, but that's about $290 or so
18:17.03hmmhesayshow much do you want to spend?
18:17.06dolsonhmmhesays is right, in my opinion. I have that at home, and just got my TDM card today, so soon I'll be using a cordless phone, and I can't see it being anything short of awesome
18:17.34bannermanthey'll be going into an office with like 14 cubes
18:17.34hmmhesaysyeah having a sip phone like the budgetone is pretty pointless
18:17.38bannermanon a very tight budget ;-)
18:17.52dolsonbannerman: ever consider softphones w/ USB headsets?
18:17.54bannermanpointless in what way?
18:18.15hmmhesayswell the budgetone is the equivalent of a 10 dollar analog phone
18:18.27tzangerbudgettones are actually not bad SOHO phones
18:18.33tzangernot *great* but not bad either
18:18.40tzangercertainly better than the shit that a Norstar 3x8 is
18:18.55hmmhesaysin your situation they'll probably work ok though bannerman
18:19.01bannermandolson: I have, and I wouldn't mind one for myself. Most of the folks in this office will require a plain desk phone, just for simplicity's sake
18:19.25hmmhesaysif you're looking for idiot proof, budgettone will get you by
18:19.35hmmhesaysbig buttons, speakerphone sucks
18:19.42hmmhesaysconference call doesn't work
18:19.50bannermanhmmhesays: I see your point, but it's cheaper to buy the budgettone phone than it is to convert to analog
18:20.02*** join/#asterisk jas_williams (
18:20.05tzangeruse a meetme room for conf
18:20.20hmmhesaysUse FOP for your operator panel
18:20.28hmmhesaysmakes it really easy
18:20.52bannermanSo the budgettone isn't going to leave me missing features that I would otherwise need in order to setup my pbx and stuff, it sounds like
18:20.58terrapenwoohoo my RAM has arrived
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18:21.20hmmhesayswith a little bit of cursing and getting angry it'll do what you need to
18:21.29bannermanthanks, it sounds like the budgettone will be a good entry phone.. if/when the boss and/or officers decide the want something nice, we can just upgrade
18:22.06hmmhesaysdo you have a secretary that answers the phones too?
18:22.13Flyboy6440maybe the iaxy device will come down to $50 that would be really nice
18:22.17hmmhesaysyou need any of that keysystem functionaly?
18:22.25redder86the only thing that I really don't like about the BudgeTones is 1) the speakerphone sucks for the person on the other end, 2) the lack of alpha-text on the display
18:22.25ManxPowerbannerman, If Sipura can fix the volume problems on the SPA-841 it will be a MUCH better phone for only $20 more
18:23.08bannermanredder86: the display won't show alpha chars?
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18:23.16redder86bannerman: no
18:23.25bannermanhm, that's kinda lame
18:23.26hmmhesayssome mighty big letters though, for your blind users
18:23.43redder86bannerman: apparently on the new versions that are soon to come out they will 1) improve the speakerphone 2) give alphatext display
18:23.45letherglovhellen keller jokes for telephones
18:23.50hmmhesaysletters=numbers oops
18:23.58dolsonbannerman: you can configure the IP, codec, etc from the display though, just the letters are pretty wonky :)
18:24.19redder86dolson: yeah, but no Caller*ID Name display at all.
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18:24.29heath__Anyone know the status of ChanSpy ?
18:24.44hmmhesaysi thought they took that out
18:25.00bannermanManxPower: What's the deal with volume problems on the SPA-841?
18:25.15redder86the display on the BudgeTones is like a big, old-fashioned calculator screen
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18:25.30heath__it's not available in the latest cvs, anyone know if there's plans to bring it back?
18:25.42hmmhesaysyou can barge in with FOP
18:25.42redder86ever try spelling out your name with numbers and then look at it upside down?  Well, that's close to how it looks.
18:25.45hmmhesaysif that's what you're looking for
18:25.58ManxPowerbannerman, I don't know.  Handset and speakerphone MICROPHONE seems to be very low.  i.e. you have to shout for the far end to hear you.  I could not find a gain setting for the microphone.  Using a headset seems fine.
18:26.16bannermanManxPower: Interesting. Other users have the same problem?
18:26.36ManxPowerbannerman, I have two of them on two different systems, both experience the problem.
18:26.47ManxPowerThe phones were bought from two different distributers.
18:29.01gtigene_Is anyone using the CVS Head version?
18:29.50outtoluncfrom yesterday, in the middle of updating to current
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18:30.28heath__is FOP hard on resources?
18:30.39Flyboy6440i'm using cvs head 1/14/05 :) guess i should update
18:30.46hmmhesaysworks fine on my testing machine
18:31.10hmmhesays0.20 of FOP just rocks too
18:31.11heath__final question: can you barge on all channels including sip?
18:31.32hmmhesaysnot sure on h323 or oh323
18:31.51Slainte   Unavailable message is played but then it hangsup right away with this output
18:31.59heath__i lied, one more: what if asterisk is already using monitor to record a channel, can you still barge on it?
18:32.06hmmhesayshell if I know
18:32.52SlainteI can leave a message from internal, but I cant leave one from the mainline.  After it plays the unail message it exits the call
18:32.53hmmhesaysyou can ask on the FOP mailing list
18:33.02ManxPowerSlainte, Did you forget to "make datafiles" in the asterisk source?
18:33.04hmmhesaysor you can try it out heath__
18:33.32Slaintewhy would it work for some contexts and not for others?
18:33.36ManxPowerSlainte, and does it play the unavail message?
18:33.44heath__thx for the info, looks like a good solution for me
18:34.02ManxPowerSlainte, I don't know.  I assume you have a [ubpmail] section in voicemail.conf?
18:34.12SlainteManx,  yes  for both internal and external.
18:34.27SlainteManx,  yes and both internal and external point to it.  Just external crash after the message is played
18:35.06SlainteI created an internal extensions list and external to seperate the outgoing.  Since I did that the voice mail for external will play and then die
18:35.08jas_williamsSlainte: Are you using different voicemail contexts for each call type ?
18:35.11ManxPowerheath__, It's not called ZapBarge for nothing!
18:35.27Slainteno,  same context for both mail types, as both need to go to same user
18:35.43Slainteonly one section in my mail.  ubpmail
18:35.47Flyboy6440do not think zapbarge will work for sip/iax.. just zap
18:36.20hmmhesaysno, it wont'
18:36.28tessier_chanspy() works for sip/iax/zap
18:36.38ManxPowerchanspy is not supported
18:36.45hmmhesayschanspy is also not available in the latest
18:37.02ManxPowerhmmhesays, I don't think it was ever included with Asterisk
18:37.06tessier_asterisk in general isn't supported.
18:37.20hmmhesayshmm, i thought it was at one time
18:37.21tessier_but chanspy might be made to work, haven't looked at how different it is from modern code
18:37.31hmmhesaysit was in the applications list
18:38.09hmmhesaysbut... I guess I really don't care either, lol
18:38.51SlainteI think I figured it out
18:39.06Slaintein my mainline context  where the external call is received
18:39.13SlainteI have an Absolute Timeout variable
18:39.26SlainteI assumed that would be reset if there is a valid transfer
18:39.29SlainteI dont think it is
18:39.38hmmhesayslunch time
18:40.22Slaintetesting now with a 180 absolute time
18:40.42letherglovSlainte, you got a kewlstart external line?
18:40.47letherglovis it getting the disconnect?
18:40.50tessier_I've got 30,000 unused DID's pointed at this asterisk box and the number of worng numbers is just amazing.
18:41.09Slainteno, it is pri
18:41.12tessier_I'm tempted to route them to my phone and answer calls with "Joe's crematorium, you kill 'em we grill 'em!"
18:41.18Slainte,  the Absolute Timeout was the problem
18:41.22tessier_Or perhaps "Joe's abortion clinic, you rape 'em, we scrape 'em!"
18:41.24letherglovtessier_, what business are you in?
18:41.33Slaintehow can I get that to be ignored if a succesfull extensions is dialed
18:41.40tessier_letherglov: uh...the phone business.
18:41.53letherglovtessier_, right, but with 30,000 DIDs?
18:42.00letherglovis this a CLEC or something?
18:42.05tessier_letherglov: Yeah. Most phone companies have quite a few DID's. :)
18:42.23tessier_No, we are not technically a CLEC>
18:42.34*** join/#asterisk fizbar (
18:43.14tessier_/lib/modules/2.4.21-4.ELsmp/misc/zaptel.o: init_module: Cannot allocate memory
18:43.20tessier_Now I wonder what's up with that.
18:43.25letherglovthere's always the zapateller
18:43.55mAsH`can i connect * to a PABX by an HFC card?
18:44.25junky[work]tessier_: how many PRIs for 30 000 DIDs?
18:44.41Flyboy6440i'm looking for a way to verify the callerid number is valid.... before running zapateller or privacy manger... like agi with regular expressions or something.. anyone else tried this yet?
18:45.28ManxPowerFlyboy6440, What are the rules to determine if a callerid is valid?
18:45.40SlainteAll fixed,  changed Absolute to ResponseTimeout
18:46.26bannermanThe Sipura SPA-841 looks like a pretty decent budget phone. I'm a little worried about the volume thing. It sounds like it has a fairly in-depth configuration system.. is it possible that there is an outbound volume level that you can adjust?
18:46.42Flyboy6440something like this...
18:47.12ManxPowerbannerman, not that I could find.  you can adjust the volume of the ringer, handset, headset, and speakerphone, but not the microphones.  Prolly an oversite in the firmware.  I reported it to them.
18:47.22ManxPowerFlyboy6440, You mean _NXXNXXXXXX
18:47.32Flyboy6440something like that..
18:47.48ManxPowerexten => s/_NXXNXXXXXX,1,Do The Right Stuff
18:48.00ManxPowerexten => s,1,Do hateful stuff
18:48.00bannermanManxPower: It seems like that's something that couldn't possibly be missed in testing, I mean, you try to make a call on it and nobody can hear you very well..
18:48.07Flyboy6440what i'm seeing is .. for example.. calls with no caller id from voicepulse.. have a number of literally... *-***-***-****
18:48.32ManxPowerFlyboy6440, CLID num is never transmitted with non-numbers, its the display device that inserts the non-numbers
18:48.33Flyboy6440and since caller id is set.. zapteller, and privacymanger do not pickit up
18:49.08tessier_ah, crap. This mobo has OHCO and not UHCO.
18:49.09ManxPowerWhy not just send everyone to an IVR?  That stopped 99.9% of telemarketing calls.
18:49.15ManxPowerActually it stopped ALL of them.
18:49.29ManxPowerOnly a collection agency looking for someone I never heard of has gotten thru my basic IVR.
18:49.54Flyboy6440also i've seen numbers from my pstn like 000 or 999
18:50.08ManxPowerI was REALLY nasty to them.  Threatneing to contact the FCC, the PUC/PSC, and a lawyer.  They got off the line pretty fast.
18:51.18`SauronManx: What's your IVR?
18:51.47ManxPower`Sauron, "If you know the extension of the person your are trying to reach, dial it now."
18:53.11ManxPowerSimple, easy, and totally confuzzles auto-dialers
18:53.49`Sauronwhat about friends, or other people - to dial you?
18:53.51tessier_ManxPower: If they were a collection agency trying to collect a debt your threats to call the FCC etc were groundless.
18:54.27ManxPowertessier_, Yes, but I didn't actually give them a chance to tell me they were not a telemarketer before I started threatening to go to the FCC.
18:54.51Flyboy6440i think i pre-agi script that validates the number is truly an actual phone number should be easy enough..
18:55.04ManxPowerI think the conversation strarted out something like "Who the hell are you and why are you calling me!?!  I am on the FCC Do not call list!  I'm reporing this call to them!"
18:55.18jarrodExtension '5541111' in context 'default' from '7133442322' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/1, span 1
18:55.38jarrodwhy does the s,1, not apply from the default context
18:55.41jarrodon this inbound call?
18:55.47ManxPowerjarrod, You don't have an extension 5541111 in the context named default
18:55.47Samoiedragnar: I found the solution:
18:55.55jarrodbut I have an s,
18:55.57Samoiedragnar: add fromuser= in sip.conf
18:56.01ManxPowerjarrod, "s" is only called when we don't KNOW the number dialed.
18:56.07jas_williamsjarrod: s only catches no extension
18:56.24jarrodi see
18:56.27jas_williams_X. will catch everything
18:56.28jarrodthanks guys
18:56.32outtolunc'5541111' does NOT equal 's' <G>
18:56.37ManxPowerIf you have a PRI you never need exten s
18:57.15`SauronGrf. Oh what I'd give for an fxo device right about now.
18:57.31`Sauronthat came out wrong
18:58.36XanatharCould miscabling result in an E1 being Active (no alarms) and showing as OK in zttool (and if I change the framing or crc checking it alarms), but not showing as Up in asterisk ?
19:00.16jas_williamsXanathar: No more likely shutdown at the provider, try a pri intense debug span 1 and see if you are getting anything.
19:00.38XanatharIm not getting anything from the other side during the intense debug, only sending packets
19:00.45Xanatharwell, frames
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19:00.58adjacentis anyone familiar with VOCAL?
19:01.07tessier_Anyone here compiled zaprtc on RH9?
19:01.12tessier_#error Modules should never use kernel-headers system headers ...
19:01.21jas_williamsXanathar: Sounds like it's shutdown on the providers end.
19:01.25tessier_I keep getting the above error. I changed the makefile to get the headers from the approproate place.
19:01.31tessier_But something somewhere is still pulling in the wrong ones
19:02.02Xanatharjas_williams, this is connected via a crossover to a NEAX 2000 PBX, and it *should* be configured right
19:02.19Xanatharas I saw when it went from alarm to okay when it was configured
19:02.47Xanatharso I was wondering if having the ring and tip swapped for the wiring would cause something like this
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19:03.29bannermanI can't find any reviews for the ArtDio IPF-1000 .. which leads me to believe it's probably not worth using. Anyone have experience with thme?
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19:05.25jas_williamsXanathar: What pinouts are you using on the crossover ?
19:06.25Xanatharjas_williams, unfortunatly that is the one thing I cant verify, I am remotly setting this up
19:07.01XanatharI know it has to be at least partially right otherwise I would never get out of red alarm
19:07.02jas_williamsXanathar: The next thing I was coing to say was try a loop back :P oh well
19:07.16`SauronBV is giving me a busy on my * sip connection
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19:09.51Delvargn all
19:09.57Delvarand have a good week end!
19:10.33jas_williamsXanathar: It could be a cable problem. Or configuration
19:10.56sivana`Sauron: :-)
19:11.08hmmhesaysahhh pizza hut buffet, it rocks
19:12.46Xanatharthanks jas_williams, I guess i will keep hacking at this
19:14.29jas_williamsXanathar: Do you have the ability to do a remote loop back on the NEAX PBX ?
19:14.50*** join/#asterisk Zaw (
19:16.03Xanatharjas_williams, let me see
19:16.09Xanatharthis thing's config sucks
19:16.22Xanathari thought my intertel was bad, this is 100 times worse
19:16.59`Sauronsivana: what?
19:17.52Xanathari guess I am done testing for the day as someone turned off the machine which had the management tool and serial cable on it
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19:28.15tessier_hmm...I have a ton of calls going into a context with only a few legit numbers/extensions in it. I want to play a short message to all of the other calls coming in to extensions that don't exist. How do I make a wildcard extension that won't override my other existing extensions to catch these calls?
19:29.39Bile_OneAny know why I can't make a call to an internal SIP to SIP I get the message that the person is unavailable at the extension I am calling to.
19:30.22tessier_Is the other phone registered with asterisk?
19:30.41sivanajust change the pattern match
19:30.55Bile_OneYes, sip show peers says all are reachable
19:31.00jas_williamstessier_: Put the wild card in its own context exten => _X.,Do something and then include wild card context at the end ov you existing context
19:32.12tessier_sivana: Thanks but I think jas_williams' suggestion is more along the lines of what I need. I know how to just play back a message. I want to make sure people calling my own legit extensions don't get the message though.
19:32.50sivanaya.. tha'ts what I have for my incoming dids.. anything not explicitly listed in that context (at the top) falls into that one
19:32.51tessier_fizbar: Yeah, I guess the i extension could work also...
19:34.20tessier_There, let's see how this works...
19:35.08jas_williamstessier_: Show dialplan will show you the pattern match order
19:37.11SlainteI think adding | for grep and more  (like ciscos include) would be handy for the CLI
19:37.13tessier_hmm...not working.
19:38.13*** join/#asterisk UBiQUiTY (~mike@
19:41.07SlainteIs there a way for the hold to be an intermittent beep instead of the holdmusic.  my mp3 playback is garbled
19:41.15jas_williamstessier_: do a show dialplan context in the cli and check out the evaluation order
19:41.15UBiQUiTYhello.... I'm about to upgrade my Fedora Core 3 Kernel.... I know there are some problems with certain versions conflicting with the zaptel driver.... are there any redhat kernel versions i should stay away from in the 2.6.10 tree?
19:42.57SlainteUBiQ,   yes.  the ones that dont work :)
19:43.21hmmhesaysi get sick of idiots wanting me to teach them all about the telecommunications industry
19:44.23bjohnsonis there a way to get a SPA2000 to work both inside a LAN AND outsided the LAN to the Nat'd * server without changing either the SPA or the * config?
19:45.22UBiQUiTYSlainte:  so basically, u think it's safe to try redhat's newest: kernel-smp#2.6.10-1.760_FC3 ?
19:45.49bjohnsonUBiQUiTY: I ran a x100p at home on fc3 .. no issues
19:46.06bjohnsondon't know what kernel though .. I've since used that card elsewhere
19:46.48SlainteUBiQ,  the beauty about Linux is you can try mutiple kernels
19:46.52UBiQUiTYBjohnson: i've had good luck with most FC3 kernels... but someone in this chat room once told me to stay away from kernel#2.6.9-1.724_FC3
19:48.02tessier_jas_williams: It is being evaluated in the right order.
19:48.41tessier_It's odd...when I dial 9002 (a nonexistant extension on my system) I would expect to get the "invalid extension" message. Instead the phones gives me a fast busy and asterisk says nothing on the console.
19:48.45*** join/#asterisk zno (
19:48.51UBiQUiTYright now i'm on kernel-smp#2.6.9-1.681_FC3 , but they took that kernel off the apt repositories, and since i know there are some slick new scsi improvements in 2.6.10, i want to upgrade.... but the main reason why i'm asking, is because we're setting up somewhat of an asterisk cluster over here..... and i'm trying to make sure that i can have the exact same setup on each machine, same kernel version etc
19:49.04UBiQUiTYanyhow, i will try the newest and i'll let u know what happens in a few minutes
19:49.11*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
19:49.30jas_williamstessier_: Did you use i or _X. ?
19:49.31yogurt2unguehello people
19:50.13jas_williamscan you post the context to for us to look at ?
19:50.17tessier_jas_williams: I have tried both.
19:50.27yogurt2unguewho had a Line Jack of Quicknet running in * with 2.6.9 or similar
19:50.51znois there a way to Dial the 2nd line of a multiple line-appearance sip phone when only the first line is registered as a sip peer?
19:51.37tessier_jas_williams: That is an abbreviated part of the relevent context
19:52.04tessier_I used to have _X. in there but changed it.
19:53.07jas_williamstessier_: This line is incorrect exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/17142639097,20) it expects a 11 digit number
19:53.37tessier_Right, and we are getting 11 digit numbers
19:54.21jas_williamstessier_: Starting with 1 ?
19:54.24tessier_for example
19:54.40tessier_The above is a call coming in from our PSTN gateway.
19:57.24fizbarHas anybody ever had zapata/zaptel dial incorrect numbers(seemingly randomly)?
19:57.41tessier_fizbar: never heard of that
19:58.05bjohnsonanyone config a spa2000 for nat yet?  I assume someone has
19:58.17jas_williamstessier_: It is using the context @icci-gw not the one you posted ?
19:58.40tessier_The calls are coming into the context I posted
19:59.09tessier_icci-gw is in the same context which includes the catchall context
19:59.52bannermanSo.. if I sign up for an unlimited plan at Broadvoice or TelAIX .. I have to basically pay for one account for each "line" that I need for receiving/sending calls, is that right?
20:00.11jas_williamstessier_: Can you post the results of show dial plan telepacket-catchall
20:00.32bannermanIn other words, if my office is going to call 5 people at once, I've got to get 3 accounts..
20:01.53bjohnsonbannerman: technically yes
20:02.11bjohnsonbannerman: some voip providers allow more that 1 concurrent call per account
20:02.23bjohnsonpay per minute ones almost always do
20:02.32bjohnsonall inclusive one vary
20:02.37bjohnsonI think some allow 2
20:03.05bjohnsonI think bv allows more than 1 but you pay per minute for more that the first
20:03.24bjohnsoncheck the terms of service
20:03.43*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
20:04.06bjohnsonteliax commercial unlimited I think allows up to 6 concurrent .. check with them for details
20:04.21bannermanthanks everyone
20:04.36bannermanI appreciate the help with all my newbie questions :)
20:04.55bjohnsonyou need to watch bandwidth usage if a dsl connection
20:05.59faI PASS THE EXAM
20:07.33*** join/#asterisk toddf (
20:10.49*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
20:11.29eKo1This is weird. When I call the US, the caller id show on the callees phone is their number!
20:16.10toddfeko1: sounds like you have some setcallerid set wrong
20:16.23eKo1I'm not using setcallerid anywhere.
20:16.34Mw3isdn ?
20:16.41eKo1Nope, the calls are SIP.
20:17.20Mw3hm, i had the same situation with isdn bri incoming lines in this morning with a panasonic kx-tda 100
20:17.34Mw3i dunno why
20:17.42eKo1Hmm...If I add restrictcid=yes in the sip entry of my provider, maybe...
20:21.54jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:25.47*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
20:27.46*** join/#asterisk WiFiGuy (
20:29.20channaneko1- what about calling non-US numbers or internal SIP/softphones?
20:29.49yogurt2ungueI have a Quicknet's Line Jack in * box, who are working with one of it?
20:31.31eKo1channan: Calling internal sip phones shows the correct cid.
20:31.59*** part/#asterisk Samoied (~samoied@
20:32.20Bile_OneEKo1 you ever use AMP?
20:32.41eKo1Bile_One: I don't know what that means.
20:33.07Bile_OneEko1 Asterisk Management Portal
20:33.14channanek01- that's weird.. where r u calling from?
20:33.31eKo1OK, I called my cellphone here in Honduras through my sip provider and I get some other cid (i.e. not mine).
20:34.23channaneko1- I see... I wished I could do that so I can scare my frineds :)
20:34.49eKo1channan: If I find out how it works, I'll spoof it and screw everybody....
20:34.53*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
20:34.55eKo1he he
20:35.17*** part/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
20:35.22eKo1It seems to only work when calling to the US.
20:35.40Bile_OneEk01 ever have it where you could not make internal SIP calls?
20:35.58eKo1Bile_One: I had the situtation yesterday.
20:36.14Bile_OneEKo1, What did you do to fix it
20:36.22eKo1I reloaded asterisk.
20:36.26eKo1I mean restarted
20:36.39Bile_OneEKo1 I have done that 100 times today
20:37.11eKo1Bile_One: so what...
20:37.22jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
20:39.14MeznevJust curious, should I be worried at all that during any phone call asterisk keeps saying "Urgent handler" over and over again?
20:39.45Bile_OneEKo1 So what, what? I can't understand why I can make calls out through a zap and not intenral through SIP?
20:41.58ManxPowerMeznev, no.  If you don't run in debug or console mode you won't see that.
20:42.26*** join/#asterisk jetscreamer (
20:42.38jas_williamsBile_One: Have you changed you extensions.conf
20:43.27jas_williamsBile_One: do you see an error in the console ?
20:43.58*** join/#asterisk kFuQ (
20:44.02Bile_OneJas_williams no it just goes to the unavailalbe menu for voice mail.
20:45.21jas_williamsBile_One: do a sip show peers and post the results to pastebin
20:45.25Bile_OneJas_williams, sip show peers shows the extenstion are availalbe.
20:46.21jas_williamsDO the extensions have IP addresses shown ?
20:46.37Bile_OneJas_williams, yes
20:46.47*** part/#asterisk marc1 (
20:46.56SlainteWhy would * complain a sound file is not there, when in fact it is there with all the proper permissions?
20:47.03Juggiewhich module does the t405p use?
20:47.31jas_williamsBile_One:  can you post the console messages for a call attempt
20:47.41kFuQgrrr.... does anyone have any ideas on getting callwaiting to work right on x100p
20:47.42kFuQor do i need to "map" a key to the flash command or somethign like that
20:47.57Bile_OneJas_williams, sure thing hang tight
20:49.49SlainteThe reason is it had no valid extensions
20:49.50SlainteThe reason is it had no valid extension
20:49.51*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
20:50.14terrapenwell, the phisher is back at it....
20:50.25*** join/#asterisk marc1 (
20:50.38harryvvkfuq, I dont know I have the x100p and I think we dont have that option. What have you done with it?
20:51.19*** part/#asterisk marc1 (
20:52.20harryvvslainte what do you have for your start prirorty? is it background(mysoundfilenamehere) and is it listed in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds ?
20:52.37*** join/#asterisk jpablo (
20:53.50jas_williamsBile_One: Your AGI Script does not seem to be doing its job and calling phones ?
20:54.15Bile_OneJas_williams, should I post it?
20:54.23*** join/#asterisk marc1 (
20:55.23jas_williamsBile_One: Why do you need a script to do the calling ?
20:56.09Bile_OneJas_williams, it is part of amp which is the Asterisk Management Portal I am playing with.
20:58.48jas_williamsThen you need to ask the authors of amp but it looks to me that extension 601 should be called as SIP/601 not 601 as this would indicate   -- Executing Macro("SIP/603-ff3c", "dial|15|tr|601") in new stack
20:59.52jas_williamsyou are currently trying to do
21:00.06jas_williamsBut I do not use AMP
21:01.14*** join/#asterisk A-Tuin (
21:01.58*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
21:02.13kFuQharryvv: well.. the callwaiting tones come thru, it's just not clickin over to pick up other call..
21:02.48kFuQharryvv: if i hit the flash button, it just gives me dialtone like im making a 3-way call
21:03.37terrapeni need more people for my anti-phishing campaign
21:03.42harryvvfk, I dont know about that.
21:03.54terrapenits going to take more HTTP requests than my server can dish out
21:04.02harryvvneed to know more about the commands I guess
21:04.28*** join/#asterisk ToyMan (~konversat@
21:07.04kFuQi think that i might work thru the transfer function
21:07.55BentleyBile_One: you have permissions problems on dialparties.agi.  run 'amportal chown' or /usr/src/AMP/
21:08.02`Sauronmark, do you know anything about the PPPD command that was added to *?
21:08.12BentleyBTW - you will get good support if you join the AMP maillist or use the forums
21:10.57eKo1Fuck! I can't make internal calls anymore
21:11.05*** join/#asterisk MooingLemur (
21:11.18*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
21:11.19harryvveko1, do you have any zap cards installed?
21:11.37eKo1Yes. Three of them.
21:11.56harryvvcheck the asterisk and also command lines for any errors. can you check voicemail/
21:11.59eKo1Two X101Ps and one TDM400.
21:12.04PBXtechhow do you install the cdr-mysql stuff? i did a make in the addons directory and it didnt compile the cdr-mysql module
21:12.57eKo1No errors. seems that only this office isn't working.
21:13.12*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
21:14.03harryvvmore then one office linked?
21:15.18MooingLemurI'm having trouble with nufone.  I believe I have everything set up correctly and to their specifications.  All other IAX accounts have been commented out.  iax2 show registry shows correctly.  The error comes back as: Feb  4 14:13:24 NOTICE[9346]: chan_iax2.c:5405 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from    when attempting a test call.
21:15.29eKo1Well, there are three offices that are physically seperated by 20 miles.
21:15.45MooingLemurAnyone have any ideas?  I don't think it's a codec issue.
21:16.13eKo1Funny, I call and nothing shows on the CLI, not even with 'sip debug peer'. It's as if traffic from this office is getting lost.
21:16.45harryvvek, your office phones not working mmmm are thay sip ? sip show peers
21:17.23eKo1sip show peers shows them as OK.
21:17.30harryvvhow long has it worked before the last crash?
21:17.38harryvvor what ever mode your in
21:17.52harryvvdo a tcpstream
21:17.54eKo1Hmm...I power cycled my Handytone and now it works.
21:18.02eKo1Let me check another phone.
21:19.11eKo1Well, it ain't working from the Cisco ATA. I'll power cycle that too and see what happens.
21:19.29eKo1But it did show up in the CLI.
21:19.47eKo1It says: Got SIP response 302 "Moved Temporarily" back from
21:19.50marc1eKo1 , if you are using grandstream ata's the best firmware is:
21:20.18eKo1I don't think it's a firmware problem. I think it is and * problem.
21:20.30*** join/#asterisk BrainStormerToo (
21:20.39BoRiSeko1: look at ther bug tracker...
21:21.27harryvvek01, do you have any backup plan if your * desides to go south?
21:21.31marc1eKo1, I use to have the same problem, since I downgraded, I have no more problems
21:21.54hmmhesayslol, this card looks like a glorified modem
21:22.28*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
21:22.48kFuQcall waiting shouldn't be this dam hard
21:23.04buddahi'm having a problem with a clients polycom ip500s, they are plugged into a hub which goes into their router, and the phones are bringing down the router, and their network, anyone heard of something like this?
21:23.19jas_williamseKo1: Have you rebooted * if yes the phones will not be registered until the registration period expires
21:23.44buddahits happening when they phones are not in use, but plugged in, and even sooner if they are used
21:23.52jas_williamseKo1: as sip show peers will have no registered IP addresses
21:23.55marc1does any one know a good IAX provider for international termination ?
21:24.16hmmhesaysi know a few fair sip providers
21:24.28BrainStormerToowhat causes the Playback Application to timeout rather than go to next priority?
21:24.30marc1sip will do it : )
21:24.42hmmhesaysnot having a next priority
21:24.57BrainStormerTooI do..   hmmm
21:25.07BrainStormerTooexten => 1,1,Zapateller(answer)
21:25.07BrainStormerTooexten => 1,2,Playback(the-number-u-dialed|skip)
21:25.07BrainStormerTooexten => 1.3,SayDigits(${oldnum})
21:25.07BrainStormerTooexten => 1,4,Playback(has-been-disconnected|skip)
21:25.07BrainStormerTooexten => 1,5,Playback(the-new-number-is|skip)
21:25.09BrainStormerTooexten => 1,6,SayDigits(${newnum})
21:25.11BrainStormerTooexten => 1,7,Hangup
21:25.22hmmhesaystake a look
21:25.28hmmhesaysgood man
21:25.33hmmhesaysthat'll be 5 dollar
21:25.36hmmhesaysor a hooker
21:25.40hmmhesayswhichever you can spare
21:26.04zigmanor your ass
21:26.12BoRiSgood enuff
21:26.25zigmanhi everyone
21:26.37marc1hmmhesays, give me a url!
21:26.44bjohnsonanyone use Broadvox?  They're supposed to have Canadian DIDs
21:26.50hmmhesaysfor what?
21:26.57*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
21:27.20marc1I used broadvox long time ago
21:27.30BrainStormerToonottice one other prob.   put  immediate=yes
21:27.51BrainStormerTooin zapata.conf.  still get simple switch.
21:28.17bjohnsonmarc1: switched for some reason I guess?
21:28.37hmmhesaysoh .. for sip providers? there's a million of them out there
21:28.44hmmhesaysiconnect is *ok*
21:28.57hmmhesaysgphone is really stable, but expensive
21:29.07harryvvwhat is it
21:29.09marc1I got my own pri with peatec
21:29.21redder86stupid user sent an e-mail with a 200MB attachment.
21:29.24hmmhesaysanchor is so/so
21:29.33redder86base64 encoded that's a whopping big e-mail
21:29.42harryvvgphone is a hardphone?
21:29.50hmmhesaysgphone is a service provider
21:30.08hmmhesaysexpensive, but you get what you pay for
21:30.19harryvvreeder 200mb vm?
21:30.28*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
21:30.37redder86harryvv: not a voicemail  - scanned payroll files
21:30.52hmmhesaysok, why is someone sending payroll files across email?
21:31.07redder86didn't I say it was a stupid person?
21:31.10jas_williamsCus they think it is secure
21:31.34harryvvreeder, sounds like thay are a talker
21:31.51harryvvreeder, put a timmout on that cid next time
21:31.58bjohnsonmarc1: so no issues with broadvox then?
21:32.05bjohnsonlooks like good prices to me
21:32.07*** join/#asterisk DrRighteous (
21:33.20marc1bjohnso: Broadvox is too expencef
21:33.31*** join/#asterisk coppice (
21:35.32Bile_OneBentley, I did run the atrisk_chown shutdown restarted... I tried amportal chown restarted still cannot make internal sip to sip calls.
21:36.48bjohnsonmarc1: too expensive?
21:37.01marc1bjohnson :yes
21:37.21*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
21:37.41marc1bjohnson : they ask me for 3500.00 garanty per month
21:37.49blitzrageI don't think anything bothers me more than Out of Office replies every single time I reply to a message on the mailing lists
21:37.59terrapenhahah i killed the phisher again
21:38.06zigmanblitzrage the german guy ?
21:38.13blitzrageyep... and someone else too
21:38.27zigmanremove them from the ml
21:38.32blitzragewish I could
21:38.32zigmanonyl chance
21:38.38terrapencan anybody reach that?
21:38.39*** join/#asterisk Caede (~chatzilla@
21:39.11zigmanterrapen firefox denied the port for security reasons ;)
21:39.34harryvvterrapen no
21:40.00terrapenharry, good
21:40.04terrapenits a dumb phisher
21:40.05BoRiSterrapen: no
21:40.07terrapeni took him down once
21:40.18terrapenand then he changed his form to point to a different PHP script
21:40.26terrapenso i changed my attacker
21:40.34eKo1I don't get it. I can call my internal phones fine but nobody can call me.
21:40.42blitzrageterrapen: yah, my FF blocks it too
21:40.53*** join/#asterisk CCDAS (~spears_da@
21:40.54eKo1It always says:  Got SIP response 302 "Moved Temporarily" back from
21:40.55terrapentry from a non-FF browser
21:40.58terrapenor try telnet
21:41.04eKo1And I get a 403 on the phone.
21:41.07terrapeni just need to see if he's really down or just filtering me
21:41.18terrapeni doubt he's filtering me because, i think, he's on a windows box
21:41.35terrapenhttp_load is a neat utility
21:41.38blitzrageunable to connect
21:41.45blitzragefrom lynx
21:42.13terrapenmany of these guys use "pre-boxed" phisher sites
21:42.14BoRiSeko1: What firmware version?
21:42.17terrapenwith very lame PHP
21:42.25terrapeni'd love to get ahold of the actual code they run
21:42.35*** join/#asterisk Qwell (
21:42.54*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
21:43.26zigmanlynx: Can't access startfile
21:43.53PBXtechhow do you install cdr-mysql? i did a make install in the addons directory and it only compiles format_mp3
21:44.18zigmanPBXtech you got mysql installed?
21:44.22zigmanand the headers ?
21:44.45zigmanrpm -qa | grep mysql
21:44.53zigmanlook for a mysql-devel package
21:45.12PBXtechyea i installed the devel rpm
21:45.45PBXtechit doesnt even look like its trying to install cdr-mysql
21:45.49terrapenhe's back up
21:46.06terrapeni think i need more drones
21:46.55PBXtecham i suppose to do 'make cdr_addon_mysql' ?
21:47.19*** part/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
21:47.23blitzrage~seen zx81
21:47.24jbotzx81 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 9h 11s ago, saying: ':)'.
21:47.34PBXtech: undefined reference to `main'
21:47.34PBXtechcdr_addon_mysql.o(.text+0x236): In function `handle_cdr_mysql_status':
21:47.36blitzragesheesh... just can't seem to get a hold of that guy on IRC
21:47.39terrapenim thinking i need random hex usernames and passwords
21:49.19eKo1Whats the format of the clid I pass to the SetCallerID app.? Is it SetCallerID("Foo" <12345>)?
21:49.30zigmanblitzrage he is out of office
21:49.32zigmanfor 2 weeks
21:49.41zigmanthats what his msg says
21:49.46blitzragehe has a message?
21:49.54zigmanthe autoresponder
21:50.06blitzragemust be on vacation
21:50.16zigmanhe is
21:50.22eKo1"Foo" or Foo
21:50.26eKo1Which is it?
21:50.34*** join/#asterisk guugmember (
21:50.35zigmanfor what ?
21:50.57zigmandidn't read your first msg
21:51.08zigmanwithouth ""
21:53.47*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@
21:53.47*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
21:53.59jas_williamseKo1: Both are valid
21:54.05*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@
21:54.25terrapenbingo.  now i have randomized requests
21:54.33terrapeni'll trash his logs for sure now
21:54.43eKo1jas_williams: Thanks.
21:54.55terrapeni'm such an asshole.  or a hero, depending...
21:55.13eKo1maybe both...
21:55.16terrapenyep :)
21:55.28jas_williamsterrapen: Who's systems are you breaking along the way
21:55.37terrapennot breaking into anything
21:55.40terrapenusing my personal box
21:55.53*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@
21:55.53*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkw_] by ChanServ
21:55.57terrapenthis phishing scam is most likely running on some poor bastard's 0wned win32 box
21:55.57bkw_~seen mrunix
21:55.59jbotmrunix <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 11d 4h 56m 2s ago, saying: 'it's a little unclear'.
21:56.03Darwin35BKW whaz up hommie
21:56.09terrapenand i'm filling up his capture script
21:56.12blitzragebkw_: yo
21:56.14terrapenwith useless junmk
21:56.15bkw_about to leave this channel
21:56.20blitzragebkw_: I thought you quit here
21:56.23blitzrageahhh, that makes sense ;)
21:56.23bkw_its the life force sucking black hole
21:56.29bkw_trust me guys
21:56.32bkw_its sucking you dry
21:56.33blitzragebkw_: agreed.  #asterisk-doc is way cooler ;)
21:56.34bkw_LEAVE NOW
21:56.56guugmemberwe are playing with asterisk, but want to change the messages of the autoreponder to spanish
21:57.03guugmemberwe are in central america
21:57.06jas_williamsbkw_ I will one day ;-) #asterisk-stable is the coolest
21:57.29bkw_seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ya
21:57.31*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (~brian@
21:57.37eKo1guugmember: Where abouts?
21:57.52outtoluncmissed damnit
21:57.54*** part/#asterisk terrapen (
21:58.04eKo1Guatemala I see.
21:58.10guugmembereKo1, yeah
21:58.23eKo1Where in Guatemala?
21:58.49*** join/#asterisk lohelle (~post@
21:59.16guugmemberdo you know where we can find the files that are in  /var/lib/asterisk/sounds but in spanish
21:59.21guugmemberwe are in Antigua Guatemala
21:59.26jarrodin ser if i accept sip:1111 and I have an alias setup for 1111 to point to sip:me@my_sip_realm will it ring my phone?
21:59.33*** join/#asterisk anthm (
21:59.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o anthm] by ChanServ
21:59.50eKo1guugmember: There aren't any. You have to make your own.
22:00.27redder86what got bkw_ so anti #asterisk  ?
22:00.31eKo1jarrod: Try it and find out.
22:00.47jarrodi did :(
22:00.57jarrodi was hoping for more along the lines of.. no do it this way
22:01.04outtoluncprobably the constant asking of the same ol questions for 2+ years <G>
22:01.51labopoor quality though.
22:02.30lohellehas anyone patched/merged bristuff with a new cvs with atxfer support?
22:02.41laboand she's not as sexy as allison smith
22:02.48zigmanatxfer ?
22:02.53lohelleand does anyone have norwegian sounds
22:03.03zigmanb-channel bridging?
22:03.03lohelleatxfer in features.conf
22:03.11lohelleattended transfer
22:03.44guugmemberthanks labo
22:03.48lohelleavailible in cvs (january), but not yet in stable.. and not in bristuff..
22:04.06lohelleand I need zaphfc (from bristuff)
22:04.28CCDASExcuse me, does anyone know how to make Queues.conf save the monitored files to another location?
22:05.15*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
22:06.18zigmanlohelle my bet is.. it won't be in there till the cvs stuff gets stable
22:06.24zigmanand a new asterisk is released
22:06.45Blackvelsomething unstable?
22:06.53eKo1labo-rat: I'll get my own sexy latina babe for the sounds.
22:07.07eKo1And a good mic. can't forget that.
22:07.47netsurferwiki seems slow tonight, anyone else finding that ?
22:08.48nestAri've obviously been using the wrong logic for my include's
22:08.51Dalionanyone who can get into a vonage while still subb'ed pm me
22:09.07nestArbecause i can call in, and make outgoing calls
22:09.20*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
22:09.50nestAr[incoming] -> [local] -> [outgoing]
22:12.00labo-ratmm, there's this software .. which might give you nic equality, Audacity
22:12.19labo-ratmy wife is brazilian, so her spanish is like messy
22:12.35lohelleis it possible to connect asterisk to skype?
22:12.51*** part/#asterisk anthm (
22:15.23eKo1skype uses a weird codec so no.
22:16.31toddfnot only that, skype is encrypted
22:16.51labothey use ilbc.
22:17.25coppicethey use wideband ilbc mostly
22:17.47coppicethat's why people say it sounds good
22:18.14tzangerI can't for the life of me get ilbc to sound good
22:18.19tzangerand this is on good hardware too
22:18.26tzangerXeon 2.6 running *nothing* but asterisk
22:18.40coppiceilbc sounds pretty good
22:18.41tzangerI use gsm for everything... every time I move to ilbc I get complaints about audio quality
22:18.56coppicethe wideband version isn't freely available, though
22:19.02tzangercoppice: in my experience it can't hold a candle to gsm on asterisk
22:19.12*** join/#asterisk Tornad (~Tornad@
22:19.26coppicethere's something wrong in the setup then. the codec is good
22:19.33tzangercoppice: I'd *love* to figure out what
22:19.48tzangerI've tried trunkfreq=30 too but even with trunking turned off the quality's the same
22:20.06coppicedunno. maybe something screwed up in *, as a number have the same complaint as you
22:20.12tzangercoppice: ahh
22:20.22tzangerI think there's something odd in the wctdm driver too
22:20.31tzangerI *cannot* receive a fax through it reliably, but sending works great
22:20.42tzangerand app_rxfax on the same box works perfectly
22:20.56coppiceI think there are various weird things with the TDM card and its driver
22:20.58tzangerwith the exception of the odd sigfpe I haven't been able to nail down yet... maybe one per 150 faxes or so
22:22.02tzangercoppice: wanna know what's weird?  TDM430P...  fax on ports 1 and 2.  faxing back and forth between ports is fine.  faxing out to a PRI is fine.  faxing in from a PRI is not, but faxing in from a PRI to app_rxfax on the same machine is good
22:23.26coppiceyou are not the only one saying that. a couple of people have said faxes from a machine plugged into a TDM card are Ok, but faxes to the machine fail most/all the time
22:24.16tzangeryeah -- the funny thing is -- exact same machine with a t100p and channel bank -- I can send and receive faxes 100%
22:24.25tzangerso it's something with the tdm card IMO, I just have no clue what
22:24.25Blackvelyou cant receive faxes with a tdm400p?
22:24.43Blackvelwith one or more fax machine connected to it?
22:24.47tzangerBlackvel: not reliably.  same box with a t100p+channel bank, no issue whatsoever.  same box with app_rxfax, no problem
22:25.04tzangerbut that box can *send* faxes from a fax on a tdm430p without issue
22:25.20letherglovtzanger, intel box?
22:25.25letherglovhey coppice
22:25.45tzangerletherglov: yes.  P3/733 but also Xeon 2.8
22:25.47letherglovI got your latest spandsp and ported top_bit to ppc
22:26.00Blackvelwhats app_rxfax? spandsp?
22:26.02letherglovhowever, I couldn't figure out what function (mathematically) bottom_bit is
22:26.25letherglovI got a copy of hacker's delight, which seemed to cover it for me
22:26.31letherglovI think it ended up being nlog2 or something like that
22:26.36coppicebottom_bit is the opposite of top_bit.
22:26.50letherglovit was log base 2 of x
22:26.56letherglov31 - number of leading zeros (x)
22:27.03letherglovnow, maybe that was just endianess crap?
22:27.16eKo1Could be.
22:27.45tzangerwhat's top_bit and bottom_bit?
22:27.47coppiceppc should have special instructions to find the top and bottom 1 in a word, just like the x86. most modern CPUs do.
22:27.52letherglovit ended up being 31 - the result of cntlz
22:27.57letherglovor cntlz, I forget
22:28.04letherglovhonestly, I just lost the disk it was on
22:28.07letherglovI think it took a dump
22:28.09Blackvelwhen you cant receive a fax over your fax machine which is connected to tdm400
22:28.23letherglovthe problem I had, is that there's only a leading zero function
22:28.26Blackvelwhat can you do else? e.g if you have 4 machines?
22:28.26letherglovnot a trailing zero function
22:28.43letherglovso then the question becomes, what transform do I preform before I call the leading zero function?
22:28.48tzangerBlackvel: eh?
22:28.52letherglovone option is to load it into the register backwards
22:28.53Blackvelreplacing tdm400 for fax machines may be not the way you can go?
22:29.04lethergloveither way, the C code worked perfectly ;-)
22:29.07tzangerBlackvel: it's not hte fax machine, and it's not the port on the TDM400
22:29.19Blackvelso its the driver
22:29.33*** join/#asterisk dan2 (
22:29.38tzangerBlackvel: something in it, yes
22:30.02dan2kram: ping
22:30.18Blackvelare there any other ways? different cards with different drivers? is there a well-known workaround (e.g you would have tdm400p + 4 fax maschines)
22:30.29outtolunctzanger: where in the fax does it get screwed?
22:30.29ixxdose anyone know where to get DIDs in argentina?
22:31.03tzangerouttolunc: anywhere really ... most times about 1/4" down or about 1/3 of the way down the page it will look like someone got the paper stuck in the other end...  long "run" of the same line over and over
22:31.08tzangerixx: no, sorry
22:31.18letherglovtzanger, you really need to ask lee howard about that
22:31.21tzangerBlackvel: t100P+channel bank works wonders :-)
22:31.24letherglovhe's the t.30 error master
22:31.27outtoluncthat would seem to be a rx buffer issue then
22:31.41ixxI thought I had seen some a few months ago, but I can not seem to find any providers now
22:31.42letherglovare you sending it from a real fax machine?
22:31.46tzangerlee howard?  does he show up here at all?
22:31.50tzangerletherglov: yes
22:31.52letherglovhe knows his fax
22:31.57letherglovno, he doesn't though
22:32.02tzangerohhhh okay I hear ya
22:32.05letherglovon the hylafax mailing list you could ask about the error
22:32.12letherglovand he can diagnose the HDLC from hearing the symptoms
22:32.16tzanger*nod*  I want to get the test data down
22:32.23letherglovso ok
22:32.31letherglovI've got hylafax going into an adtran channel bank
22:32.35letherglovvia a multitech modem
22:32.37letherglovinto a t100p
22:32.40letherglovit works perfectly.
22:32.53letherglovI'm still a little curious about the whole gain issue though
22:33.00letherglovthat's always got me a little bit worried
22:33.04tzangeryeah I have an Ascend Max I'd love to shove all faxes to and from
22:33.14tzangeryou can telnet to port 9000 and get a modem
22:33.14Blackveltzanger: t100p + channel bank? t100p is how many ports?
22:33.17coppice"and he can diagnose the HDLC from hearing the symptoms" you mean he can decode V.21 FSK by ear? :-)
22:33.19letherglovyou think maybe the gain on the CB into the t400p or whatever is fucked?
22:33.28letherglovcoppice, yes, he uses a harmonica
22:33.29Blackvelchannelbank = t1 21 channels?
22:33.33tzangerjust need to write a serial telnet driver that hylafax'll like... what I've found so far works backward to what I want
22:33.36tzangerBlackvel: 24
22:33.45tzangercoppice: I thought you were able to do that already
22:33.46letherglovno, but more seriously
22:33.51tzangeror is that steve underwood, I always get you two mixed up
22:33.54letherglovit depends on v.34/vs v.17
22:33.55Blackvelt100p was that t1 thing?
22:33.58tzangerBlackvel: yes
22:33.59letherglovand then ecm
22:34.01letherglovetc etc
22:34.10tzangerT100P is a T1 card.  24 DS0s
22:34.28Blackveltoo bad to buy it, when you have no channel bank handy
22:34.32letherglovtzanger, coppice = underwood
22:34.43tzangersee I'm already confused by you two  :-p
22:35.04Blackvelnot sure why I have written down in my quote : buy voip telephones, so you can safe t100p + channel bank :))
22:35.18letherglovBlackvel, yes, and no
22:35.29letherglovI still think voip phones, for the most part, are too immature
22:35.37letherglovat least with a standard old telephone
22:35.42letherglovyou won't sink too much $$$ into it
22:36.04letherglovCisco, for example
22:36.11letherglovdenies the existence of their 1st gen gear
22:36.24Blackvelbut your are more scalable
22:36.28coppiceletherglov: its amazing how many native english speakers don't realise that underwood means coppice
22:36.46Blackvelif i would go the old german isdn way, i have max of 16 channels for 8 ports
22:36.51Blackvelthat is 16 telephones
22:37.01Blackvelfor the 17. telephone I buy a new cards
22:37.07Blackveltoo bad :)
22:37.25Blackvelgod thank you tzanger you told me, fax + tdm400p doesn't work really good
22:37.28outtoluncmy question would be why in wctdm.c is readchunk defined twice <G>
22:37.37tzangerBlackvel: well it does and doesn't
22:37.40tzangermy particular setup doesn't
22:37.44letherglovcoppice, yeah
22:37.51letherglovcoppice, how's your cantonese, btw?
22:38.04Blackvelhave you connected asterisk box to telco then ? With some other card?
22:38.23coppicengoh gwong dung wah m'ho
22:38.37tzangercoppice: I'm hoping to learn a lot from the zaptel dsp code
22:38.45tzangerporting it to the OMAP architecture (C55x DSP)
22:38.51tzangerit won't be efficient for a while but it'll be a start
22:39.04*** join/#asterisk zimdog (
22:39.13modulus_jbot babelfish de en du werdest eine krankenschwester brauchen
22:39.13tzangerbasic things like echo cancel, tone detection/generation and some simple codec stuff
22:39.19letherglovtalking about the the dsp code
22:39.20tzangernothing like jumping right into the fire :-)
22:39.25coppicetzanger: most of spandsp uses floats, as they are faster than ints on a pentium.
22:39.30letherglovanyone know why sgi got involved with digium?
22:39.46tzangercoppice: I see
22:39.55tzangerI think the C55x is an integer DSP only
22:39.59lethergloveh? since when did an intel floatig point unit not suck?
22:40.02tzangerhave to take another look, I honestly don't remember
22:40.11coppicein what way are sgi involvedwith digium?
22:40.15Blackvelhm, whats best to tell a customer when something like this happens, e.g you cant receive faxes? :)
22:40.18letherglovthey're doing the VON show with them
22:40.22*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
22:40.42letherglovseems odd
22:40.52letherglovunless they want to build a super altix based asterisk box
22:40.54epochman, this is so weird...  this polycom IP500 keeps freezing up on me ;/
22:40.55modulus_jbot babelfish de en du bist eine, kleine, dummer schweinehund
22:41.09letherglovepoch, get the latest firmware?
22:41.12coppiceletherglov: you can do more floating point than integer operations on a pentium. also, there is no saturation logic for integer
22:41.12SuPrSluGmy moh on my mepis box sounds like a jet engine. what up wit dat?
22:41.29coppicetzanger: what are you trying to use OMAP for?
22:41.34*** join/#asterisk niZon (
22:41.42ManxPowerSuPrSluG, usually happens if you are not running ,pg123 0.59r
22:41.43epochletherglov: not yet -- 1.3.1
22:41.48epochletherglov: I'm about to upgrade to 1.4.1 though
22:41.52letherglovepoch, good
22:42.00letherglovso anyway, the dsp stuff
22:42.09epochboy I hope it fixes it... this phone's the CEO's
22:42.10letherglovI was looking into Cg and Sh for GPU calculations
22:42.12letherglovfor the heck of it
22:42.13epochand he's _pissed_
22:42.18SuPrSluGManxPower: i'll check the version
22:42.19letherglovit's interesting...
22:42.28letherglovbut I think it needs to be PCI or PCI-X for it to work, not AGP
22:42.40letherglovand, it's crazy ass where it treats it like a shader in the PBuffer
22:42.58letherglovI got confused writing a blue screen software video app--let alone getting the data back.
22:43.37letherglovepoch, hmm
22:43.44coppiceI've never tried, but I hear its very slow getting the data back from the GPU. it wasn't designed for that
22:43.53letherglovsounds like you need to tape a dilbert to it
22:43.59letherglovjust to avoid getting fired
22:44.13letherglovor better yet
22:44.16letherglovgo get some string
22:44.17letherglova bell
22:44.18letherglovand a tin can
22:44.33letherglovand hook it up on his desk
22:44.35letherglovand see what he says
22:44.37*** join/#asterisk aspworld (~sivana@
22:45.10letherglovcoppice, yeah, I hear the AGP bus isn't so great for GPU->CPU
22:45.24letherglovbut I see the PCI-X cards that steal main system ram for video memory
22:45.34letherglovso that's gotta be somewhat ok...I mean, the i810 did that too, but it wasn't 3-d
22:46.29*** join/#asterisk florz (
22:46.36coppiceI wish the SIMD in pentiums didn't suck so badly at DSP
22:47.01florzcoppice: Why does it?
22:47.37coppicealignment is the nastiest part. it really screws adaptive things like EC
22:47.52lethergloveven worse---
22:48.01letherglovintel's only chip to move to on the desktop is the lv pentium m
22:48.11letherglovand it's missing half the instructions for mmx, sse, sse2, simd, etc.
22:48.42*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
22:48.42facypromis are you alive?
22:48.46florzcoppice: IC
22:49.40coppicepentium M does mmx, sse and sse2
22:51.26faflorz Hi. Did you test Zaphfc with more then 3/4 zaphfc cards (one port for one card) with BRI lines.
22:51.34Bile_OneDoes anyone in here know how to make perl install a module or how to reconfigure all the ftp locations?
22:54.20znoBile_One: I think #perl is  a safe bet
22:54.31Bile_OneI think I found too!
22:54.37Bile_OneThanx zno
22:55.43florzfa: Nope. But I think in a system that has no trouble with four cards, five or six usually will do fine as well. More won't fit into a single box anyway =:-)
22:55.58ManxPowerPentium M: the "M" stands for "money"!
22:56.03faflorz Did you test four?
22:56.21florzfa: yep, as described on the web page =:-)
22:56.42florzfa: More exactly: It's running productively with four cards.
22:57.15faflorz How Can i check if zap channel if free. and if not to send playback to IAX user
22:57.40faIn moment when he (iax user) is trying co connect with cellular phone by zap
22:59.48*** join/#asterisk robf (~robf@
23:00.30*** join/#asterisk __a (user@
23:04.34Qwellstupid question, can Goto take you to a different context?
23:04.49epochawesome.  the polycom 1.4.1 SIP firmware fixed my problems :)
23:04.58faQwell of course application goto, I should have done that first
23:05.58florzfa: Sorry, I don't get it. What do you want to do?
23:08.25SuPrSluGManxPower: installed source. worked after i restarted. doh!
23:08.30*** join/#asterisk Gunnar (
23:08.41*** part/#asterisk __a (user@
23:10.22florznow anyone in here who has an idea why this kind of message starts appearing regularly after some time of continuous operation?: Feb  4 15:45:30 WARNING[31124]: chan_zap.c:7409 zt_pri_error: PRI: !! Got reject for frame 98, but we have nothing -- resetting!
23:11.20BoRiSFor anyone doing realtime stuff, please check out
23:11.55BoRiSMWI with Realtime!
23:12.52JerJerrealtime is not the answer people
23:14.14BoRiSJerJer: it is :)
23:17.35*** join/#asterisk techie (gus@
23:18.09sivanaaspworld: test?
23:18.30terrapenholy shit, my nufone toll-free rules
23:18.30aspworldsiv: ya right
23:20.10Blackveln8 all
23:21.32*** join/#asterisk sivana (~sivana@
23:23.29*** join/#asterisk HenryTheBIG (~chariga@
23:24.07sivanashoots.. how do I detach from a screen but leave it going?
23:24.18*** join/#asterisk jas_williams (
23:24.43RaYmAn-Bxsivana: ctrl+a then d
23:24.56sivanathank you
23:28.46lohellenorwegian sounds anyone? need them, but I am not the right person to make them myself...
23:29.00HenryTheBIGI have a hard time with one * box
23:29.26HenryTheBIGI make the new cvs upgrade
23:29.26HenryTheBIGand now doesn't start at all
23:29.45HenryTheBIGI try to install the v1 version but I get the same error
23:29.53toddfhere's a novel concept. test on a non production box before updating a production box.
23:30.53heath__what does a t3 line run per month these days?
23:32.07jas_williamsHenryTheBIG: If you do an asterisk -vvvc where does it fall over ?
23:32.37jas_williamsHenryTheBIG: And what is the error ?
23:32.49HenryTheBIGone sec
23:32.52HenryTheBIGI will pasrw
23:32.54HenryTheBIGI will paste
23:33.51HenryTheBIGWarning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
23:33.51HenryTheBIGSegmentation fault
23:33.51HenryTheBIG[root@localhost root]# Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
23:33.51jas_williamswuse pastebin
23:34.16zimdogDoes anyone use vonage with * ?
23:34.18*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:34.36zimdogfor a trunk
23:35.10jas_williamsOk looks like a problem with Music on Hold may be, what version of * are you now attempting to run CVS or Stable ?
23:36.04jas_williamstry mpg123 and see what version is returned ?
23:36.21lohelleI have a "problem" when compiling asterisk/zaptel. I always have to compile both of them twice to get meetme to work.. (and mpg123)
23:36.39*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
23:36.40ManxPowerlohelle, Always install Zaptel FIRST
23:36.48HenryTheBIGmpg123 Version 0.59r
23:36.53jas_williamsCompile and install zaptel first
23:37.35jas_williamsHenryTheBIG: Can you post your musiconhold.conf to
23:38.11lohellehmm.. I think that is what I use to do.. hmm.. yes.. but no problem of course.. I just run make on zaptel first.. then on asterisk.. then zaptel and then asterisk.. strange.. :)
23:38.13*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (~dca[
23:38.36HenryTheBIGdefault => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
23:39.15HenryTheBIGthis is all I have in musiconhold.conf
23:40.16lohelleI'm getting more and more impressed with asterisk.. I actually use it to dial in to the office (from home) and run external scripts to reboot servers etc..
23:40.24jas_williamslooks ok comment out the default to ;default => quietmp3:/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3 and see if asterisk will start
23:41.12HenryTheBIGnope, the same :(
23:41.43lohellethe thing I'm not getting to work is to make a call from outside asterisk (script) and make it go to [context] s,1,  -> s,2 etc..
23:42.07lohellethat is auto dial and play sound when answer..
23:42.08dca[laptop]anyone know if the g729 register utility works on FreeBSD yet?
23:42.36tessier_Linux only afaik
23:43.54dca[laptop]digium was working on it, something about the MAC, wonder if it's done yet...
23:45.13jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
23:45.30jas_williamsHenryTheBIG: Delete all of the files in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ and then run make install for asterisk
23:46.42jas_williamslohelle: look at
23:49.14QwellHenryTheBIG: If that doesn't work, run asterisk with -g, let it crash, run gdb /path/to/asterisk /path/to/corefile, within gdb run a bt
23:49.59HenryTheBIGQwell: I will do it. Now I recompile the asterisk
23:50.45kFuQwhat's the difference between loopstart, koolstart and groundstart protocols ?
23:55.25ctooleyFeb  4 17:54:37 DEBUG[27423]: chan_sip.c:1580 update_user_counter: Call from user 'CxH96CfE39' is 1 out of 0
23:55.38ctooleyanyone got a clue stick to beat me with?
23:59.44kFuQctooley: time for someone to smack ya upside the head with the clue-by-fourŪ ?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.