irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050201

00:00.16Duckbizkithe has it set up to calculate the amount of silence on the greeting and route the call based on the return....this is the voice patch, the other path is the answering machine path
00:00.30Qwellfa: no offense, but you need to figure some of this stuff out on your own
00:01.18outtoluncwell he/you need to read that doc <G>
00:01.20faQwell i don't understand all.. my english is little
00:02.03Qwellfa: Start at, work from there
00:02.14outtoluncduck:  i have to head home, but if both of you read that doc, everything you need is in there
00:02.23sjaak538does anybody know how I can test if I have an ISDN cable connected to my server dial/zp/g1 doesn't give response and dial in on the regular phone net doesn't give any response it's to far away from home to look
00:02.24Duckbizkitthe GotoIf doc?
00:02.49faQwell i was there.. many times ;]
00:03.10*** join/#asterisk planetWayne (
00:03.47PTG123anyone in here know a good provider for newyork?
00:04.34Delmarwell, buggered if I know. this echo thing just wont piss off.
00:05.26DelmarI have tried echotraining=800... I have tried messing with the txgain, I have even modified the READ_SIZE in chan_zap.c .....
00:06.31brc_woohoo! new powerbooks =)
00:08.41ManxPowerDelmar, You almost certinally have an impedence problem.
00:09.49*** join/#asterisk amir (
00:09.50Duckbizkitcoffee and keyboards don't mix
00:11.12*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
00:11.40kaitsebI am calling pstn->iax2 to client that has lost internet access, how do I limit the time * asterisk is waiting for answer ?
00:12.03ManxPowerqualify=yes in iax.conf
00:12.51kaitsebManxPower: thanks, will check that
00:13.15kaitsebManxPower: does it increas the load on the server or sth like that?
00:13.45*** join/#asterisk techie (
00:14.22PrimerAnyone here use xten and have a problem with it where it complains about codecs? I can't recall the exact error, as it was reported by a user
00:15.34Primerin asterisk, it reports: chan_sip.c:2764 process_sdp: No compatible codecs!
00:15.55file[laptop]SDP doesn't match what you have defined in the entry
00:16.10DelmarManxPower yeah i think i do have some kinda problem huh. I dunno what the hell I can do to fix it. :(
00:16.15Primerthe user tells me he has to select a different codec, try again, then select the same codec as before, and try again...I'm presuming this is an xten issue
00:16.37DelmarI tried to measure the line, but I can't even seem to do that... I used to be able to do that sorta stuff.
00:16.46Delmarah I have an idea.
00:16.58Delmarperhaps the DSL filter is messing the line up.
00:16.59Mother_in xten you can enable/disable codecs and also set the precedence - I have it set to accept remote (i.e. *'s) setting
00:17.15Mother_then you can just allow/disallow in sip.conf
00:17.28PrimerMother_: and xten (err x-lite, I guess) works fine for you, I presume?
00:17.37DelmarI might kill my net connection and strip the line back to nothing..unplug everything... and then measure the line and also see if the echo goes away.
00:17.46Mother_Primer: yes
00:17.55*** join/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
00:17.55Delmarim getting seriously anoyed with this crap tho. grr.
00:18.09PrimerI have this in sip.conf: disallow=all that I think about it, it may be left over from when I was testing
00:18.24Primershould I perhaps allow all?
00:18.31Delmaryou would think that the cards could measure and report the line conditions.
00:18.41Mother_Primer: try to allow all if you need to debug other things, then restrict to the codec you want
00:18.51Primerok, will do that...thanks
00:19.23rene-where does one gets chan_spy?
00:19.51Delmarprobably gonna get disc. ttyl :P
00:19.59Mother_Primer: in advanced settings -> Codec order, set Yes to Use remote preferred Codec.......
00:20.09rene-it used to be in Mantis
00:21.11PrimerMother_: excellent. Thanks
00:21.40*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
00:21.58*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
00:22.03PrimerI really should get these people to use an IAX client
00:22.06Primermost are behind NAT
00:22.12Primerand I presumed that was their issue at first
00:22.57kaitsebManxPower: I read client has to responde with ping to the poke packets when qualify is on, we have some clients not responding. Is there any other way?
00:23.28sjaak538Nobody knows how to test ISDN cable connection
00:24.13JunK-Ysjaak538: whatcha mean?
00:24.15Primertell me something. When I have an extenstion that looks like this: exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},30,tr), does asterisk act as an intermediary or does it attempt to tell the caller the IP address of the receiver and them let them try to negociate their own independent connection?
00:24.28JunK-Yjust try to make a zap call on it????
00:25.24Mother_Primer: SIP gets the endpoints in touch, then RTP is direct between them
00:26.06PrimerMother_: then what happens when both endpoints are behind NAT and neither NAT is configured to redirect port traffic?
00:26.17Mother_Primer: failure
00:26.35Mother_go tell the people that invented NAT hehe
00:26.39sjaak538I have a server with asterisk and my provider told me that they have connected a ISDN cable to my server
00:26.42*** join/#asterisk IPSo (
00:27.08sjaak538with ISDN card but I can't get contact
00:27.11IPSoAnyone know why when I'm on the phone, and someone else dials my ext, it immediately cuts off my current call, and switches to the incoming call?
00:27.16Mother_if you look at NAT in the wiki there's a good paper on the subject, nothing too easy to do sadly
00:27.24Primerwell, theoretically, if client A, upon receiving the IP address and port of client B, initiated a connection to that IP and port, and client B did the same, it _should_ work
00:27.29sjaak538Dial/zap/g1 no response
00:27.49sjaak538Dial my number from the ISDN line
00:27.59*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
00:28.03Mother_Primer: the problem is that RTP can take place on any arbitrary UDP port, unless limits can be imposed
00:28.06Primerasterisk to client A: talk to client B at IP X and port Y. Then asterisk to client B: talk to client B at IP Z, port Y
00:28.23sjaak538How can i test if my provider did connect the ISDN line to my ISDN card ???
00:28.26PrimerMother_: right, if asterisk (or the SIP protocol) for provide for referals
00:28.29Primerthis could work
00:28.37Mother_I am actually going to try this with a Cisco phone behind NAT against * behind a different nat
00:28.41Primerwhere asterisk brokers the conenction, rtp port and all
00:29.05Mother_Primer: yes, that's what I will try to do, limit the UDP port range to say 10 ports, then map those on both NATs
00:29.08sjaak538Junk-Y a made a zap call but nothing
00:29.20PrimerMother_: that's still a crappy hack, but it should work
00:29.52sjaak538ztcfg response okay
00:30.49sjaak538asterisk startup okay, so everything looks okay
00:31.28sjaak538lspci and cat /proc/interupts are okay
00:31.45sjaak538all looks fine
00:32.25fahow can i run that from a php agi script? - AppendCDRUserField
00:33.17JunK-Yfa: see agi command: EXEC
00:33.55planetWaynehello all, has anyone got any recorded samples from 'Festival' at all?
00:34.28Qwellmy festival acts all weird, heh
00:34.32Nuggetyour site was very helpful when I was first exploring asterisk.  thanks.
00:34.43faJunK-Y thanks
00:34.45planetWaynehay no worries :)
00:34.46Qwellif I play a long string of text, its like the narrator is running out of breath.  heh
00:35.05xkevqwell, that's festival
00:35.13planetWaynegood to see that people are making use of it :)
00:35.24xkevuse punctuation :)
00:35.30SedoroxgJan 31 17:34:26 WARNING[4992]: chan_iax2.c:7430 load_module: Unable to open IAX timing interface: Device not configured     any clues where I have to set that up?
00:35.31*** join/#asterisk TedC (
00:35.39Qwellxkev: I did. (I think?)
00:35.45QwellIs that "supposed to happen"?
00:36.23Primerdamn, so I had setup my family to use xlite and asterisk to talk to relatives in Brazil, and they had a few one of them switched everyone else to skype
00:36.32*** join/#asterisk iguy (
00:36.35Primerexcept I have a sipura
00:36.39Primerand a cordless phone
00:37.31PTG123Qwell, hey you still looking for #s?
00:37.41Mother_the only thing that really scares me about skype is all that UDP traffic passing by your box....
00:37.42QwellPTG123: might be.  another time perhaps
00:37.55PTG123Qwell, heh weren't you the one asking before?
00:37.55Qwellgotta head out for a bit...maybe a while longer, we'll see
00:38.00xkevneed chan_skype
00:38.05QwellPTG123: yeah, was.  I'll be interested when I get back, heh
00:38.09PrimerMother_: what traffic?
00:38.16PrimerI mean, other than the voice traffic?
00:38.16PTG123Qwell, oh ok np message me found someone :)
00:38.22*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
00:38.28*** join/#asterisk syslod (~sysglod@
00:38.30JohnJacobhey can anyone help me with ztdummy?
00:38.30Qwellahh, I've got about 10 minutes.  You free right now?
00:38.34Mother_Primer: skype uses your PC as node on their network, i.e. you route other people's traffic
00:38.41PTG123Qwell, sure
00:38.46PrimerI can't believe that
00:38.56Mother_and if you have a phat pipe, you can end up becoming a supernode and routing a LOT of traffic
00:39.00JohnJacobm running 2.6 and it seems to be fine... modprobe zaptel and ztdummy don't error out at all
00:39.08Primerheh, I have 2 ds3s here
00:39.08JohnJacobbut the darn device files don't appear
00:39.13Primersoon to be 3
00:39.17JohnJacobthe /proc/zap is there
00:39.20syslodSup ppl.
00:39.25JohnJacoband so it /proc/zap/1
00:40.02ManxPowerIsn't there a README.Liux26 or something like that in the Zaptel source?
00:40.04JohnJacobanyone know if I can create the device files for ztdummy myself?
00:40.08*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
00:40.10JohnJacobYa, I read that
00:40.36JohnJacobI did what it said :)
00:40.47netsurferJohnJacob - make the whole package.. its just as simple
00:41.07bonbon-homehas anyone else seen a problem where sip calls originated from asterisk get cut off after around 30 seconds?
00:41.14netsurferrene- I dont know, but id like to find it
00:41.22ScythelXcould someone take a look at this and maybe tell me what could be wrong??
00:42.13silik0nits using a /ca website?
00:42.14*** join/#asterisk AgiNamu (~AgiNamu@
00:42.23silik0nerr .ca website that is
00:42.35Primerhrmm chan_skype would be a cool idea
00:42.43AgiNamu$80 a sqft to have space in the Asterisk Pavilion!!!
00:42.53AgiNamuholy shit! ... that's a lot.
00:43.00AgiNamuPulver must be making a KILLING off of VON
00:43.01ScythelXchan_sip.c:2551 parse: Too many SIP headers...
00:43.08*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
00:43.09ScythelXthats what it says about 50 times
00:43.18ScythelXchan_sip.c:2385 find_call: Call missing call ID from ''
00:43.50netsurferlmao using postgresql
00:43.53ManxPowerFrom CNET: " Misprinted 800 number in some versions of Intuit's TurboTax software sends customers to phone sex operation."
00:44.08netsurferan 800 phonesex number? where ! ?
00:44.21AgiNamunetsurfer, then you "press to accept charges" and get billed $5000 :D
00:44.29tzangeryou'll notice though that it's not postgres that fell down, it's the name server :-)
00:44.41syslodOne of those dial the 1800 to hear the speal then you get hit with a charge.
00:44.50NuggetManxPower: when I worked at a direct mail firm we screwed that up once.  Back when 877 was brand-new as a toll-free number.
00:45.05NuggetWe accidently published 800-somenumber instead of 877-somenumber
00:45.10Nugget(from habit, I guess)
00:45.30Nuggetwe ended up having to buy out the porn number for two months for some absurd amount of money
00:45.44Nuggetand presumably the bank's heloc department got a few calls from pervs looking for pr0n
00:45.52tzangerNugget: who got their ass beat for that one
00:46.03Nuggetit was an expensive mistake for us.  :)
00:46.03ManxPower"I thought it was going to take me to India, and then I got...this," he said. "I thought I dialed the wrong number. They don't usually talk to you like that at a tax operation."
00:46.31Mother_I had something like that, the phone company gave us a special number which they then assigned to some sex phone line, and we had bussiness cards etc. printed
00:46.38netsurferyeah right, not "usually" lol
00:46.39AgiNamu"Welcome to 1800phonesex. In a moment, we'll transfer you to a 400lb transvestite that just happens to have a voice of a 14 year old. He'll pretend to be a foxy blonde named Bambi. We will charge you for this "service""
00:46.44Mother_it was hard to explain to costumers
00:46.50tzangerAgiNamu: <shudders>
00:47.03outtoluncours is  'still' on some of the old ATT billing docs
00:47.11AgiNamuMother_ a "special" number?
00:47.12outtolunc(after 5+ years)
00:47.32xkevatt can't bill right to save their life
00:47.56AgiNamuAnd some poor secretary somewhere is wondering why guys keep on asking or "where do you want it"? when she says "Where should I direct your call?"
00:48.33AgiNamuI wrote a rating engine in a few hours in C#. I jsut had to cut out all the more difficult shit, like time-based billing and so on
00:48.46AgiNamuread the CSV from asterisk, do some DB lookups, save to SQL via bulk insert
00:48.49Mother_AgiNamu: here we have different prefixes, 900 is toll-free for the caller, 902 is local rates but from any national number
00:49.06AgiNamuwhere's "here"?
00:49.15Mother_AgiNamu: we took a 902 number, so that clients anywhere (Spain) could call us at local rates
00:49.36AgiNamuis Japan for 2 cents a good deal?
00:50.36NuggetAgiNamu: are you doing enum lookups?
00:51.31AgiNamunugget, I just strip the international prefix, extract the country code, then search for the most specific match inside that country code
00:52.35AgiNamuseemed pretty straightforward. I'll admit, I have a very limited need (just um, billing customer calls ingoing and outgoing)
00:52.39Mother_I'm out before I fall asleep on the keyboard
00:52.49Mother_square marks on forehead don't look fashion
00:52.51AgiNamubut sure as hell not gonna pay $10,000 for it
00:52.54AgiNamumother_ since when1?
00:53.13Mother_since when what?
00:53.23AgiNamusince when are square marks not in fashion?
00:53.33Mother_OK then :)
00:53.41Mother_take care all
00:53.42AgiNamuNuggest, what's a e164 org enum lookup anywyas?
00:53.53*** part/#asterisk Mother_ (
00:53.58outtoluncyou need a split keyboard with padding in the center <G>
00:54.05AgiNamuan MS Natural KB :)
00:54.10AgiNamu... bit a bit larger.
00:54.17ManxPowerThe Geek-proof keyboard.
00:54.20AgiNamuI just keep a pillow under my desk and get on the floor.
00:54.59NuggetAgiNamu: it's a way for your asterisk server to know if there's a direct SIP or IAX route to any given phone number.
00:55.16outtoluncok, raise your hands.. how many of you have a mp3 with 'typing' you loop <G>
00:55.22AgiNamuOh I see.... Nope. I just terminate via TDM
00:55.32Nuggetfor instance, you can call me at +1 512 249-7218, but I'd rather you call me at -- is a registry of those lookups.
00:55.41AgiNamuouttolunc huh?
00:55.45file[laptop]slacker - indeed...
00:55.55outtoluncso you play it when you crawl under the desk
00:55.57*** join/#asterisk Delmar (
00:56.08AgiNamuOh that. yea, that's a cool idea.
00:56.21AgiNamuI guess we could implement that and save a few bucks here and there.
00:56.28Nuggetit works really well.
00:56.34Nuggetthere are over 100,000 numbers in the registry
00:56.44Nuggetit's dns based.  quite fast
00:56.51AgiNamuyea, that's one thing we'll do eventually probably.
00:56.55AgiNamuRight now, I'm getting our system done
00:57.03AgiNamunot even doing call forwarding, voicemail, nothing
00:57.11Delmarwell, i stripped the line back to nothing and tested the X100 plugged directly in.. no DSl filters.. not even any internet at all... and still there is an echo. I even changed the polarity of the connection ...and still there is this festering bloody self-echo on the sip client side.
00:57.13Nuggetchop chop!
00:57.15AgiNamuJust a simple sign up, get DIDs, provision, and bill
00:57.19AgiNamuYep. I got 1 month
00:57.25AgiNamuI figure I'll be done in about 2-3 weeks
00:57.25RaYmAn-BxNugget: the thing that's lacking a bit is proper voip provider usage...(I.e. the providers adding their numbers)
00:57.31AgiNamuand have a week to test and play around
00:57.36AgiNamubefore our official "alpha" launch
00:57.55JunK-Ysomeone knows how can i know on which span is a specific bchannel?
00:58.02AgiNamuRaYmAn-Bx -- I'd assume that'd have to be done for it to make much sense....
00:58.14AgiNamuif it's only an opt-in thing...
00:58.16RaYmAn-BxAgiNamu: afaik presently people add their own numbers
00:58.18Nuggetthere's a facility in for that, but I'm not familiar with how it works.
00:58.22AgiNamuAlso, all our clients are behind nat
00:58.29NuggetI'm not a provider, so I ignored that part.  :)
00:58.42AgiNamuso we'd have to open our server to dial our local extensions
00:58.48*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
00:58.52AgiNamuand I prefer to keep it as locked down as possible.
00:59.16AgiNamuanywyas... just making a list of my "3.2 cent residential flat plan" countries
00:59.26AgiNamuwondering if I should throw Japan in....
00:59.38Nuggetnihon wa suteki desu ne
01:00.16AgiNamusimimassen. watashiwa nihongoga wakarimassen.
01:00.35Nuggetpity  :)
01:00.43AgiNamuI'm stdying korean... and then mandarin
01:00.57AgiNamuwhat did you write anyways?
01:01.07Nuggetyes!  japan is cool, I hope you agree.
01:01.27AgiNamuYea.. I just hired a guy today... and he loves anime and has 1000+ CDs
01:01.40AgiNamuGonna add "copying DVDs" to his job desc.
01:01.55NuggetI've never watched anime.  doesn't look like my sort of thing.
01:01.55AgiNamuCDs  -- i.e., DivX
01:02.07AgiNamui used to be really into it... not as much now
01:02.45Nugget  <-- that's the most japanimation I can stomach  :)
01:02.48AgiNamuit plays off of common fantasies: Girls with robots. Girls with nice tits. Girls in robots with nice tits. Big weapons. Girls with big tits and weapons. etc.e tc.
01:02.53*** join/#asterisk lcstyle (
01:03.07rene-do u think this is it?
01:03.10outtoluncclosest i came to anime was flippin a comic really fast after a few hits <G> (obviously many many years ago)
01:03.18NuggetI like the strongbad email about japanimation version of strongbad
01:03.26tzangerI hate strongbad
01:03.33AgiNamui dont get strongbad.
01:03.46Nuggetstrongbad is way funnier than userfriendly, at least.
01:03.49AgiNamumy connex must be fux0red.
01:03.55Nuggetbut I agree, it's mostly just obtuse and obscure references
01:03.56*** join/#asterisk cupcakes (
01:04.13cupcakeshi room
01:04.16AgiNamuuserfriendly? isn't that the one that goes like "Hey, look at John." "Hey John, what are you doing?" "Getting real close to my monitor to see my FTP speeds"
01:04.21lcstylehi all
01:04.27AgiNamuI like sexylosers. THATS funny.
01:04.42NuggetAgiNamu: yeah, you got it.
01:04.53Nuggetand then the last panel is "linux.  huh huh.  cool.  linux.  huh huh"
01:05.04cupcakesquick question if anyone would be so kind:  does Asterisk do anything useful running on a standard PC with one modem & soundcard?
01:05.07lcstyledoes asterisk support any digital phones?..
01:06.37AgiNamuOMFW, My ISP sucks LOLZ fuck! ... it even makes me type like an aol kiddie.
01:07.08AgiNamulets see.... 8% packet loss.... DNS doesnt work... yep, everything is within normal operational paramteres.
01:07.26file[laptop]Dellllllllllll e-mail me back paleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
01:07.39*** join/#asterisk jero (
01:08.07AgiNamuHmm... 50ms from me to my ISPs nameserver... I wonder if they are adding lag on purpose?
01:08.14Nuggetlcstyle: not only does asterisk support digital phones, but it also has a website that says it supports digital phones right on the front page.
01:09.21Nuggetfile needs to buy a powerbook.
01:09.22cupcakesNugget - would you mind answering my question too?
01:09.29file[laptop]I ordered Friday at 10AM, and here it is almost Tuesday and not a peep
01:09.32file[laptop]even though they charged me
01:09.38Nuggetcupcakes: I suspect the answer is no.
01:09.47Nuggetbut I don't know, so I ignored you
01:09.48outtoluncfile: what you gettin now?
01:09.59file[laptop]outtolunc: I bought a new computer.
01:10.14file[laptop]64-bit goodness
01:10.18Nuggetcupcakes: unless you have high speed internet or fxo hardware, asterisk will be of little interest to you
01:10.21cupcakesNugget - ok, thanks.  I suspect same but their site is over-techie (not often I think that!)
01:10.37AgiNamuNugget... or unless you have a local PBX
01:10.52file[laptop]AgiNamu: yes.
01:11.06NuggetAgiNamu: I was talking specifically to cupcakes.  I figured if "a single modem and a sound card" was the description, a local pbx was not likely in the picture.
01:11.13AgiNamuoh lol
01:11.18cupcakeswell I have ADSL internet here in the UK.  but no, no PBX
01:11.24AgiNamufile, which OS will you use?
01:11.40AgiNamuI ordered RHEL 3.1, 32-bit for my new Xeon... cause I didnt wanna be running into issues
01:11.40Nuggetcupcakes: with adsl it becomes more interesting.
01:11.43file[laptop]AgiNamu: trying out 64-bit XP, and whatever Linux distributions I can find
01:11.59cupcakesI'm interested because of  (with which maybe my basic setup *would* be useful...)
01:11.59AgiNamu64-bit windows will be fun.... Especially when more apps run oin .NET
01:12.06AgiNamuand .NET 2.0 is out and has a 64-bit clr
01:12.24Nuggetall 64 bit does is make your cache half as effective.  :)
01:12.33cupcakesheh did I say something bad AgiNamu
01:12.47AgiNamunugget... well, only if you double ALL your 32bit ints
01:12.54AgiNamuin windows, for instance, only pointers are double sized
01:13.14AgiNamuHow many registers are added in EMT64?
01:13.20AgiNamuI'm guessing not 128 like Itanium :)
01:13.59cupcakesif you're concerned I'm just here to get freephonecalls then don't worry :)
01:14.06AgiNamucupcakes, I think bellster is silly, yet good publicity for Pulver.
01:14.14AgiNamuI also think bellster is a way to get in trouble fast
01:14.18AgiNamuIF it takes off
01:14.42AgiNamuthere's no such thing as free
01:14.51cupcakesI'm still reading up on it,  so maybe this is a silly question:  why would it get you in trouble?
01:15.02AgiNamuthere may be CHEAP (like sub 1 cent to Singapore)
01:15.03cupcakesno of course not
01:15.04AgiNamubut not free
01:15.27AgiNamucupcakes: You share your phone with strangers around the world. First, you are most likely violating your contract with your telco.
01:15.29cupcakeslike I say - it's not the freeness or cheapness that intrigues me,  it's the system and hardware/software
01:15.33NuggetAgiNamu: free is  :)
01:15.40AgiNamuSecond, some dude signs up and calls someone named bush
01:15.48cupcakestelco contract - agreed
01:15.55AgiNamuand tells him he's gonna stick a sharp object up his bell...err, whatever. something bad.
01:16.17AgiNamuSS tracks you at home, takes you in as a terror suspect (if you arent white)
01:16.24cupcakesyes gotcha,  apologies I hadn't even started to think it all through ;)
01:16.39outtoluncand all your toys end up in pieces <G>
01:16.59AgiNamunope. most people haven't because it's "cool". It's "peer to peer" telephony. fuck. "p2p" fucking overused term
01:17.04cupcakesperhaps they'll introduce a ebay-style feedback system.  but without listening into peoples' calls... hmm no maybe not
01:17.33AgiNamuNote to people: The *entire fucking Internet* is peer to peer at one level or another!
01:17.50AgiNamucupcakes, perhaps, some people will use it, then someone will get hurt. then less people will use it.
01:17.50NuggetAgiNamu: except for those poor suckers who use nat.
01:18.07cupcakesheh I can understand your reaction - guess you've had a lot of people asking about this here recently.
01:18.07AgiNamuNugget: Almost everyone in Guatemala is behind NAT
01:18.14AgiNamuat least 1 level, sometimes 2 or more
01:18.14Nuggetwow, that sucks.
01:18.24AgiNamucupcakes, nope.
01:18.46*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
01:18.50AgiNamuI just don't like publicity stunts for Pulver, esp. when he's charging something like $60 a square foot for floor space at VON
01:18.51cupcakeswell maybe better get ready - bellster is just starting to get blogged
01:19.00AgiNamuyea, I might write up about it.
01:19.26tzangerI respect what Jeff Pulver's done, but I really don't like FWD nor Bellster, and the customer service I received on the WiSIP was horrible
01:19.42cupcakesthanks for the information;  Asterisk interests me in any case so I hope to have a play with it when time permits
01:19.49outtoluncagi: i know i'm getting old but you said $80/per not too long ago, which is it?
01:19.56AgiNamuI got WiSIP/WiIAX/WiH323/WiMGCP for you. PA168-based FXS port + 900Mhz phone from local store.
01:20.10AgiNamuouttolunc, it's $80 at asterisk pavilion
01:20.12Delmarok, can anyone tell me what line conditions in terms of voltage and impedence, that the X100 typically work best at....??
01:20.13AgiNamuAnd $60 base cost
01:20.22AgiNamuin other words, damn expensive :)
01:20.28AgiNamuwe wanted a small table for brochures... forget it
01:20.40outtoluncsublet <G>
01:21.13outtolunc6"x6" space on the digium table is what <G>
01:23.12outtoluncBooth(s): 901/a/b/c/d/e
01:23.43*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
01:24.44outtolunc(which is 50x30)
01:25.09ManxPowerDelmar, 600 Ohms
01:26.04DelmarManxPower cheers.
01:26.14Delmarthats aparantly the target for here in NZ also.
01:26.58Delmarso, assuming that TelecomNZ have things about right...I'm going to focus on other things....
01:27.07DelmarManxPower ah something I just thought of.....
01:27.19outtoluncso who all is going to spring VON in san jose?
01:27.52cupcakesthanks folks,  bye
01:27.53Delmarwould it make a huge difference .. if the X100's did not have their own IRQ's exclusivly? I see they are both sharing by the looks if things...
01:28.21Delmarlooks like one card is sharing IRQ with the vga, and another is sharing with a network controler.
01:28.47Delmaris that likely to cause any issues?
01:29.53outtoluncthe x100p is *known* to have issues if sharing an IRQ
01:29.57Delmarive never liked irq sharing .. ever.. so i might just fix that.
01:30.11Delmarahh right... well its gonna get fixed anyway... echo or no.
01:30.32outtoluncyou 'have' to fix that or echo will *remain* an issue
01:30.57*** join/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
01:31.20outtoluncthere are probably thousands of ML archive posts about it
01:31.20Delmarheh. right.
01:31.29Delmarmaybe this is the fix...
01:32.05*** join/#asterisk JSabines (JSabines@
01:35.31AgiNamushit nugget, you look just like this guy i knew down here (he was from ohio)
01:36.49Delmardamn this motherboard. grrrr. Display Controller and X100 keep getting the same damn IRQ.
01:37.40LuhiwuDelmar, did you try changing slots?
01:37.49*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
01:40.00Delmarhaha i knew that while I had my screw driver and head inside the case doing that... that i would turn around and see someone saying that :P oldest trick in the book to force IRQ change.
01:40.58ta[i]ntedhow do i make * dial an extension using Dial()?
01:41.19ta[i]ntedlet's say i want to dial extension 333 at number 123-4567
01:41.35tzangerta[i]nted: w
01:42.39Delmarso u want it to dial 123-4567 via a pstn/pots .. then dial someones extension (333) ?
01:42.48ta[i]ntedDelmar yea
01:42.58DelmarI guess u could throw in some pauses
01:43.08Delmarthen dial the 333 after a few secs
01:43.35ta[i]ntedi just put w or p into the dial string?
01:43.42Delmarwell.. irq issue all sorted... now for the echo test.
01:44.17outtoluncmanx got that wiki marco handy <G>
01:44.24outtoluncer macro
01:48.08ta[i]ntedso like Dial(IAX2/provider/1234567ww333) ??
01:48.16Delmarwow. ok the echo is still there.. faintly.. but man that is a MASSIVE improvement. calls in both directions sounding really good. perhaps some fine tuning to polish off the remaining echo but.. fark me.... IRQ sharing sure doesnt work nice with X100's at all.
01:48.40tzangerIRQ sharing oesn't helpo much at all for anything involving latency
01:48.43*** join/#asterisk Legend (~legend@
01:49.16Delmaryeah. im glad i thought to take a peek at things outside of asterisk itself.
01:51.45*** join/#asterisk mrproper_ (~mrproper_@
01:53.55tzangerare bantam jacks just 1/4" mono jacks?
01:54.33mrgobysounds like a starwars creature
01:54.44tzangerreminds me of a chicken
01:54.54mrgobybantam desert people
01:56.01mrgobycool...    unfortunately i dont have my login info... can i get that emailed to me ?
01:56.13mrgobynobody saw nuthin
01:57.08*** join/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
01:57.23mrgobyjbot dance
01:57.24jbotACTION becomes steve ballmer
01:57.57*** part/#asterisk mrgoby (
01:58.45Sedoroxthats great
02:00.37sivana!thwack mrgoby
02:00.44sivana~thwack mrgoby
02:00.46jbotACTION beats mrgoby on the leg with a AS/400
02:02.15*** join/#asterisk Dagrim (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
02:02.27DagrimWell everybody.. I figured 'it' out FINALLY
02:02.37sivanadoes anyone know the difference between Cisco switches, standard or enterprise -- is it just the IOS? ie. Cisco 2924 comes in both standard/enterprise but are the same lookking
02:03.56Delmarok thats strange.... all I have done is sort out those IRQ's.. and now... the busydetect/hangup detection has stopped working...
02:04.41DagrimI had never been in my "basement" before.. seemed pretty skerry.. lol.. no lights.. and uhh yea .. Found my incoming cable lines.. and yea.. the make date printed on them was from like.. 1983 .. it was the WAY wrong guage.. way to small.. and it looked like someone had took scissors to it several times.. like sliced peices off .. lol
02:06.43DagrimBut I ran a new cable like 100 ft. or something.. lol.. and its FINE. I jus wanna kick myself in the a$$.
02:07.03Delmarok this is ghey. i had the busydetection working mint before... grrr.
02:07.47silik0nwhats up bitches?
02:08.33ChulJintainted: I had to do something similar...Dial (IAX2/whatever/9878255www123) may not work
02:08.37*** join/#asterisk iMediax (
02:09.02ChulJinbecause the whole '9878255www123' choked my ITSP
02:09.21Delmar(sigh). this is tedious.. one thing starts working better.. another thing breaks. for fuk sakes.
02:10.05ChulJinI did: Dial(IAX2/whatever/9878255,30,rD(www123))
02:10.17SedoroxJan 31 19:10:02 NOTICE[6544]: res_musiconhold.c:309 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!
02:10.36Sedoroxthat mean the times off on the machine?
02:11.27ManxPowerSedorox, It means your machine is not quite fast enough to schedule tasks as fast as it should.
02:11.46Sedoroxits 380mhz apparently
02:13.04DelmarManxPower, I had things detecting busy/hangup tone before.. and and now it doesnt.. apart from busydetect=yes and busycount=7 in my zapata.conf what other settings could effect signal/tone detection? it was working before I sorted out the IRQ sharing which really helped my echo.. now its broken :(
02:15.35ChulJinoh my
02:15.41ChulJiniaxtel seems to be back for some reason
02:16.17Dagrimwhere did it go?
02:16.46ChulJinI heard some time ago it had gone now...and I didn't press the point...but I just noticed it seemed to be back
02:16.52ChulJinoops, gone now=gone down
02:18.52MrEntropyhow can i allow a user, once connected through a zap card to be prompted for a number, a pin for example, i want the name of the command (i think this would be in extentions) that allows for a user to type that in?
02:19.02*** join/#asterisk redder86 (
02:20.21KalD|WorkMrEntropy, do this:  exten => s,1,Playback(vm-exten)    exten => XXXX,1,Goto(exten-${EXTEN},1)
02:20.26*** join/#asterisk amir (
02:20.57wasimMrEntropy: show application Authenticate, you could also do this with an AGI
02:21.08Delmaruh damn it. that stupid echo is back again. this is bull shit.
02:21.32SedoroxQuestion...... if I have a extention/sip phone on server B and server A hots voicemail.. can I have it goto the voicemail system on A if it doesn't get picked up in X time...?
02:21.55wasimSedorox: yep
02:22.16*** join/#asterisk Luhiwu (~marsosa@
02:22.35Sedoroxthe same way... or...?
02:22.37KalD|WorkAfter the dial() on system B - put in dial(iax2/vm-exten-for-user@boxA)
02:23.19KalD|Workso when the first dial times out it calls the 2nd dial which goes to the vm mailbox on the other system
02:23.20Sedoroxthe vmail extention is the same as the extention.. so will that still work?
02:23.56Sedoroxok.. the extention is 2000... so I would do... Dial(iax2/2000@<server A>) ?
02:24.01KalD|Workthen do dial(iax2/${EXTEN}@boxA)
02:24.09wasimas long as boxA knows 2000 exists in voicemail.conf
02:24.19KalD|Workthen on server a setup exten for 2000 that just goes to vm
02:25.00Sedoroxok... because right now I have 2000 on the one box but wanna move it... so as 2 I have Voicemail(u2000)...
02:25.53Sedoroxlets try this...
02:26.11Darwin35we need g729 for fbsd
02:26.17Darwin35with otu linux emu
02:27.27greg_workhow do i get parameters passed to AGI?  AGI(myscript|123) doesn't ever seem to get anything there
02:28.09JunK-Ygreg_work: its | yes.
02:28.15KalD|Workgreg_work they will be passed in as normal command line args... try AGI(script,1,2,3)
02:28.28JunK-Yim using | all days long.
02:29.08greg_workKalD|Work, ahh, ok tahnks
02:29.16greg_worki was looking for them in the AGI request headers
02:29.26JunK-Y~agi api
02:29.27jbotit has been said that agi api is at
02:29.28*** part/#asterisk Darwin35 (
02:30.00JunK-Ygreg_work: seee Passing arguments to your AGI script on that url.
02:30.28MrEntropyKalD|Work: what does "exten-${EXTEN}" do?
02:30.47*** join/#asterisk DaGrim85 (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
02:31.35KalD|WorkMrEntropy, that would goto exten-2000
02:31.38*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
02:31.58MrEntropyKalD|Work: why 2000?
02:32.16KalD|Workisnt that the ext you used for an example?
02:32.33MrEntropyi never mentioned anything about 2000
02:32.41*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
02:32.51scubasteveAnyone want to see inside a Sipura SPA-841?
02:32.54MrEntropySedorox did though =)
02:33.04JunK-Y~agi api
02:33.05jbot[agi api] at
02:36.06DaGrimguess I coulda pinged em.. bah
02:36.30DaGrimSoo yea.. this unixodbc has been compiling forever.. X)
02:37.27*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
02:38.01MrEntropysorry, the X hung, again...i think it might be ram though
02:38.23*** join/#asterisk nassy (
02:38.29DaGrimI said forget X some time ago.. lol
02:38.38DaGrimIts really neat.. but to much resources.
02:38.54DaGrimto run * on at the same time
02:39.08MrEntropyhaha, i'm definately not doing that
02:39.16MrEntropythis is my desktop machine
02:39.55DaGrimyea.. I wish I had another box to run x on.. lol
02:40.03DaGrimbut I use * for my stuff.. ya know. .
02:40.31*** join/#asterisk Jeet (~manjitr@
02:40.46Jeetgood evening everyone
02:41.04MrEntropyJeet: morning =)
02:42.03Jeetok i am thinking of dumping broadvoice.
02:42.20DaGrimI was thinking about trying them..
02:42.26Jeetany suggestions to a VoIP provider with a las vegas DID
02:42.34Jeetyeah too many problems.
02:42.46DaGrimYea I need a local dids for Southern Illinois.. haha..
02:42.58DaGrimlike thats gonna happen anytime soon
02:43.08Jeethave to restart my asterisk server every 24 hours othewise BV just forwards incoming calls to VM
02:43.21DaGrimI bet the closest I could .. maybe get would be St. Louis?
02:43.29DaGrimThats an hour and a half..
02:43.57Jeetyeah the number i got from BV has starts with 991.. that's a lot confusing.
02:44.10DaGrimyea i bet that pisses 911 off
02:44.37Jeetyeah there others too .. but i got a good number with this.
02:44.39DaGrimcuz you know.. trailing = *
02:45.02Jeetdid you try any of the providers.
02:45.06DaGrimbut i guess 1+ would prevent that.. but if someone wasnt all there.. yea.. heh
02:45.09shido6we will have IL soon
02:45.10*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
02:45.14DaGrimNuFone is great for toll free's
02:45.25Jeeti have heard a lot of voicepulse .. but they don't have local DID
02:45.29ChulJindagrim: (618)215-xxxx
02:45.47DaGrimChulJin: Yep
02:45.51DaGrimChulJin: =)
02:46.02DaGrimHmmm.. THANK YOU! ;)
02:46.10shido6keep watching our site, once we get the front end back up IL will be active shortly
02:46.38DaGrimsweeet.. Where are you located?
02:46.49ChulJinme? los angeles
02:47.00shido6we're a Michigan based company
02:48.11DaGrimoh cool I used to live 5 minutes to the border, n. indiana.. it was south bend.. I drove all over michigan many times just for the view.
02:48.19DaGrimit was fall..
02:48.28DaGrimand beautiful
02:48.56ChulJinDaGrim: 'Small World!' etc. I grew up in LaPorte.
02:49.02DaGrimBeen there..
02:49.06DaGrimLike 500x
02:49.11DaGrimThats basically michigan city
02:49.30DaGrimbut La Porte is like before m. city.. thats the exit u gotta take..
02:49.34ChulJinhehe right
02:49.35DaGrimTo get there from the int.
02:49.44SedoroxJan 31 19:48:59 WARNING[7067]: chan_iax2.c:5510 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
02:50.10file[laptop]I love it when people end up going to providers that we service... and then they end up paying my pay check...
02:50.18file[laptop]tickles me to no end
02:51.01ChulJinDaGrim: that's right, one exit before MC on either the 94 or the tollroad
02:52.22file[laptop]hi blitzrage!!!
02:52.26blitzragey0 file[laptop]
02:52.35blitzrageI hate math
02:52.46blitzrageand I hate even more at not being good at it
02:52.54file[laptop]I bet it hates you too
02:52.55blitzrageI'm good at everything! :)
02:53.02DaGrimIm not good at it because im not interested in it.
02:53.15mrproper_anyone had any luck with fedora core3 and Fritz BRI card?
02:53.16DaGrimIt makes me zzZzZzZZzzz
02:53.18blitzrageI'm interested... but it just takes me so long to process it for some reason
02:53.30blitzrageFC3 < shit
02:53.33DaGrimI mean I can do it.. dont get me wrong. I just hate it.
02:53.38*** join/#asterisk ryguillian (
02:53.52DaGrimhaha.. havent tried it man.
02:53.59*** part/#asterisk ryguillian (
02:54.04*** join/#asterisk El_Presidente (
02:54.13El_Presidenteanyone here?
02:54.14blitzrageits the President!
02:54.18El_Presidenteyep :)
02:54.18blitzrageno, everyone left
02:54.22El_Presidenteshit :)
02:54.27blitzrageI'm serious
02:54.28blitzrageits just me
02:55.02El_Presidentemaybe you can answer me a question about this (i dont find words for it) great program
02:55.22El_Presidenteits about hardware compatibility
02:55.41El_Presidentei have an intel D/300-E1 card is it compatible?
02:55.55blitzrageI'm going to go ahead and say no :)
02:56.12blitzrageunless it has its own drivers which interface with Zaptel
02:56.36El_Presidentewell on the site i find the intel D/300JTC-E1
02:56.39El_Presidenteas compatible
02:56.46blitzragewhat site?
02:56.48El_Presidenteits nearly the same card
02:56.49blitzrageand compatible with what?
02:57.05blitzragewell then try it
02:57.17blitzragethats the only way you're going to know
02:57.30SedoroxJan 31 19:57:21 WARNING[7067]: chan_iax2.c:5510 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found
02:57.33Sedoroxanyway to fix that?
02:57.47El_Presidentei will blitzrage
02:58.01El_Presidenteis there an ebuild for gentoo?
02:58.03Jeetjust sent a email to broadvoice to cancel me account.. let's see if they ever respond
02:58.15El_Presidenteim not running my linux sys right now to check it
02:58.24Sedoroxfor asterisk there is El_Presidente
02:58.27blitzrageSedorox: sounds username/secret is wrong
02:58.30El_Presidentety Sedorox
02:58.36blitzrageEl_Presidente: build from source
02:58.56Sedoroxblitzrage: in iax.conf?
02:59.32El_Presidenteok blitzrage thats what i had in mind
02:59.32ChulJinEl_Pres: mentioned in the handbook, but not that particular page, is that dialogic cards are supported only with non-cheap, separate drivers.
02:59.44SedoroxI don't think so... everything should be right.... orrrrr..... when I do Dial(IAX/ should I have a username/pass in there somewhere?
03:00.00El_PresidenteChulJin, hm where is that handbook located?
03:00.10El_Presidenteand how much are these drivers?
03:01.02ChulJinit doesn't say...
03:01.29ManxPowerContact Digium directly.
03:01.50El_Presidentei see
03:02.01ChulJinwhat ManxPower said.
03:02.19El_Presidentewell maybe i should stay with ctade then, because i thought i would have a "free" alternative
03:02.32El_Presidentebut i will ask for pricing @digium
03:04.36*** join/#asterisk PyroSteve (
03:04.40PyroStevehey guys
03:04.56PyroSteveim installing a new asterisk sever soon
03:05.27PyroSteveim going to be registering with a few sip servers
03:05.44PyroStevei need to do some useage balenceing between my sip accounts
03:06.04PyroSteveive read thru the news ground archvies with very little luck
03:06.25PyroSteveim having trouble figuring out the logic behind what I need done
03:06.46PyroStevei think i would need to use databases but im not sure
03:06.48PyroSteveany help ?
03:06.58JunK-Ysome1 has PRI here to make some tests?
03:07.03Nuggethey, cool.  we've got a PyroSteve to go with our ScubaSteve.
03:07.53PyroSteveIm am Pyrotechnician
03:08.08PyroSteveI am ... sorry
03:08.47PyroSteveany tip on how to balence my useage across a few sip <-> pstn gateways ?
03:10.07PyroStevefor example instead of having 4000 minutes used on one service provider, i would want 2000 minutes across two sip services
03:11.49Jeetwhat's the minimum for voipjet ? i heard they don't provide accounts to individuals ?? or am i mistaken ?
03:12.36puluJeet: the first deposit i did there was for $5
03:13.11Jeetpulu: how is their service ?? support and the overall voice quality ?
03:13.58mrproper_anyone had any luck with fedora core3 and Fritz BRI card?
03:14.16puluJeet: I haven't used it much but it was good enough at $5 that I put in another $120... They're who I'm going to use for sending calls for my customers, but I'm pretty small time... the voice quality sounds perfect to me..
03:14.50greg_workso, i'm doing it. agi voicemail is about 15% functional compared to Comedian :p
03:14.56Jeetpulu: do they provide dids ?
03:14.56puluthey were down for about 20 min last week sometime, and i noticed at the same time they were down broadvoice was down as well, so i assume that's who broadvoice is using too...
03:15.06puluJeet: no, termination only
03:15.17JunK-Ygreg_work: ya've fixed ur problem with passing args to ur agi?
03:15.24bjohnsonSedorox: do you mean IAX2?
03:15.27greg_workJunK-Y, yeah, back when we were talking :)
03:15.38Jeetpulu: are you using boradvoice ?
03:15.38puluPyroSteve: i'm sure you could use a gotoif somehow to switch between them
03:16.08greg_workwas looking in the agi headers, didnt even think to look at argv .. been a long, long while since i've done cgi programming
03:16.11pului have a $10/mo all in state account that i use to talk to my family in the us for free... but not really otherwise
03:16.31Sedoroxbjohnson: yes
03:16.51Jeetpulu: well i am using broadvoice too.. but i have to restart my asterisk every day otherwise all incoming calls go straight to voicemail
03:16.52bjohnsonPyroSteve: use the cdr and make something that checks usage before making a call
03:17.24bjohnsonPyroSteve: odd to even out the calls between voip providers .. normally you would max out one and then use the other
03:17.34Sedoroxbjohnson: I just get a unauthorized....
03:18.06puluJeet: voicemail on your asterisk machine?  Sometimes it seems to lose the registration but it's only happened once or twice (whwen someone tried to call and they got an unavail message)
03:18.15bjohnsonSedorox: try just dialing 2000 and put the username/secret in iax.conf
03:18.36mtqhkram: do you use an IDE when you program or just VI
03:18.41Jeetpulu: exactly incoming calls go directly to BV voicemail.. it has happened a lot to me.. (almost every day)
03:18.42kramnedit & make
03:19.11Sedoroxbjohnson: I have the user/secret in in aix.conf
03:19.25Jeetpulu: i just sent them a cancellation request anyways
03:19.33Chujihmm, can anyone get to
03:19.41puluJeet: people talk about some kind of patch that you need if you're natted but the machine that use with it isn't and it's supposed to be included in the cvs anyway...
03:19.48bjohnsonSedorox: type=peer?
03:20.07MrEntropyChuji: yes
03:20.11Jeetpulu: my machine has a public IP
03:20.27bjohnsonSedorox: qualify=yes?
03:20.28ChujiMrEntropy : Hmm, I get a 500 internal server error
03:20.49Sedorox; defaultip=
03:20.51MrEntropyChuji: maybe your isp has a transparent proxy
03:20.58jbotsomebody said pastebin was a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
03:20.58Sedorox; allow=all
03:21.05Sedoroxyea... didn't mean to here...
03:21.15puluI talk to my wife about an hour a day at least, and my dad talks to my mom probably 2 hrs /wk so that's like $8-10/wk if I was using voipjet and I wouldn't have a local number for my wife to call, I haven't found any other providers that match up to that
03:21.22bjohnsonput the host and the username in iax.conf
03:21.30ManxPowerShall we string 'im up or let it slide this time?
03:21.36pulubut yeah, it's got issues that i wouldn't want to use it for my customers
03:21.43bjohnsonSedorox: you're connectiong to a voip provider?
03:21.51Sedoroxno.. two asterisk boxes..
03:21.54puluthe sound quality isn't near as good as voipjet fo rme
03:21.59Chujipulu : just get locla did's in there lata
03:22.03Juggiei saw someone pastebin this, "GotoIf("IAX2/teliax/4", "1?voice|1:answering|1") " earlier today, anyone have any docs on this voice detection?
03:22.11puluChuji: from who?
03:22.16Chujipulu : You can add bv did's for like $3 per month
03:22.22bjohnsonSedorox: one side should have a host= and the other can be dynamic
03:22.33puluChuji: oh, that's what im doing, i thought you meant from someone else
03:22.34bjohnsonboth sides should have username and secret in the iax.conf entry
03:22.53Chujipulu : Ohh, only caught the tail end, sorry
03:22.58Delmarok guys.. this echo thing.. i just had 2 calls come in.. and both times the echo started out really loud.. then the self-echo eventually dropped right back.. so the echo cancellation is there.. just not working too shit hot.
03:23.01Nuggetiax peering never made sense to me until I stopped using type=friend
03:23.13SedoroxServer A and B... my phone is connected to A.. there is another on B.. but we want voicemail only on A... so I was told to have the second option as Dial(IAX2/2000@severA).. where 2000 is the extention and voicemail extention
03:23.22Nuggetsave yourself grief -- do it right from the beginning.
03:23.24DaGrimWhere does * defautly (on slack 9.0) store the modules? (rather the files i have to copy from the MyODBC-3.51.10-pc-linux-i686 package??)
03:23.41DaGrimits like..  .so and .la files?
03:23.43SedoroxNugget: I followed a guide from voip info site....
03:23.50DaGrimtheres no makefile, config, anything but those
03:24.11Juggienugget/bj/manx either of you know how "1?voice|1:answering|1" operates? its obviously voice detection but whats the syntax
03:24.22Nuggetno clue, sorry.
03:24.24bjohnsonJuggie: I doubt that does anything that you think it does .. voice is likely a variable
03:24.39rene-has anyone found anything on the whereabouts of chan_spy?
03:24.43bjohnsonor a context
03:25.01Juggiei thought it may be voice detection vs answering machine?
03:25.06Juggiewhich would be useful
03:25.17bjohnsonvoice detection for what?
03:25.26Juggievoice or answering machine
03:25.32Juggieto let you know if u have a live caller or not
03:25.36Sedorox78: No authority found .... yay....
03:25.41bjohnsonerr .. you getting many calls where there isn't a voice?
03:25.51Juggieit would be for when you use asterisk to place calls
03:25.54Juggienot receive them
03:26.25bjohnsonexactly how would you tell if it's a voice or a recorded voice?
03:26.36Juggiei have no idea
03:26.38Juggiebut its possible
03:26.43Juggiethere are a number of factors
03:26.52Juggiebig one being a normal voice would just say hello
03:26.56Juggiewhile a recording would go on and on
03:27.07bjohnsonSedorox: you get auth errors .. look at your auth settings
03:27.10Juggiedialogic does voice/answering machine detection etc.
03:27.12Delmarand two, a normal voice would say things in response to what you say....
03:27.20bjohnsonSedorox: as I said, you need a username= on both sides
03:27.23Delmarand three, a normal voice wouldnt repeat itself exactly the same way a second time.
03:27.54bjohnsonSedorox: one side can be dynamic but the other side needs a sattic hostname setting.  The dynamic side should register to the static side
03:28.46*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
03:29.11Sedoroxok.. so... say Server A is set dymanic.. I don't need it to send a register request.. currect?
03:29.47bjohnsonserver has a dynamic IP or the iax.conf on server a is set to dynamic?
03:29.47ZX81anyon manage to solve problems with no audio on Yellow Dog Linux 4.0?
03:30.33bjohnsonSedorox: a register command tells another machine what IP address you have.
03:31.04bjohnsonSedorox: since you have the one you flooded showing host=dynamix, I assume the other one has a register command
03:31.22Sedoroxwell both had dymanic set.. and both were sending register
03:31.48*** join/#asterisk bratner (
03:32.32Juggiewhen a client registars with asterisk, is the password encrypted when sent?
03:32.39bjohnsonSedorox: I don't think that works well
03:33.08bjohnsonSedorox: I think one side needs a fqdn
03:33.13SedoroxI just changed it.. the one side has host=and IP.. and the server doesn't send  register...
03:33.26SedoroxI'm just doing IPs.. does it need to be fqdn?
03:33.34bjohnsonare they static IPs?
03:34.38ZX81who s Kristion Kielhofner
03:38.06ZX81jbot: a bit slow today arent you?
03:38.54ZX81nobody running on YDL on Mac?
03:40.00DaGrimZX81: Where would I copy the .so.1 files for MyODBC for asterisk to?
03:40.11DaGrimI know the .so ones go in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
03:40.13ZX81bkw'd know
03:40.18DaGrimis he here?
03:40.34ZX81~seen bkw_
03:40.37jbotbkw_ <~brian@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 10d 4h 33m 38s ago, saying: 'you have got to be joking me right'.
03:40.37DaGrimhmm my * wont work now
03:40.41DaGrimbecause of it
03:40.54ZX8110 days?
03:41.42*** join/#asterisk dca_ (
03:42.29Juggieseems to be a long time for him
03:43.05jbotwell, yeah is YEAH
03:43.13ZX81he's usually here every day
03:43.14jbotunf is probably the Universal Noise of Frustration, it is also washort's favourite word, after heh . something else related to pr0n movies
03:47.32chestyi'm using linphone to test with asterisk, during a call, the speech starts cutting out and becomes silent. usually in the exact same time into the call. tcpdump looks good, no dropped packets or big delays, but it does show icmp dest unreachable coming from the linphone host at the time of break up. any ideas? is there a better linux softphone around?
03:49.07*** join/#asterisk scuba_laptop (
03:49.49scuba_laptopAnyone know how to do a firmware upgrade on an spa-841 without the windows app they provide?
03:50.35scuba_laptopI see tftp requests for spa841.cfg, but don't have it :)
03:53.26Juggiecheck for an example in the documentation
03:54.05scuba_laptopJuggie.. Documentation?  Where?
03:54.17Juggieer, documentation for the phone?
03:54.30Juggiei am only guessing ive only worked with cisco and mitel sip phones
03:54.59scuba_laptopJuggie:  I ordered 2.  One was dead and neither box had any paper other than the box itself.
03:55.29Juggiescuba_laptop, pdf online?
03:55.43Juggiewhich phone is it
03:55.50Juggiespa841 hold on
03:56.02Jeeti paid 10$ to voipjet and it just credited 9.7
03:56.05techiepr0n affecting Qos..not good
03:56.27*** join/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
03:56.37scuba_laptopjuggie:  There's a user pdf but nothing in there of use.
03:57.07scuba_laptopJeet:  VoipJet charges you their paypal fees ... in violation of paypal policy...
03:57.11qwerpi had a CDR to fix, but i dunno how...
03:57.15qwerpanyone can help?
03:57.46JunK-Yqwerp: more details?
03:57.57qwerpif i ring a group of callers..
03:58.16JunK-Yexplain more if ya want help.
03:58.17Jeetscuba: but in their FAQ they brag about being a reputable company and not breaking any law.
03:58.23qwerpexample exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2&SIP/3)
03:58.24cbachmanJeet: complain to PayPal, vocally.  They aren't supposed to do that.
03:58.33scuba_laptopJeet: Donno what to tell you...:-)
03:58.34qwerpif SIP/2 pickup,
03:58.57JunK-Yso ?
03:59.08scuba_laptopqwerp, when some calls 1234 .. it calls 3 sip phones...
03:59.17qwerpin the cdr, it will show exten 1234
03:59.24scuba_laptopqwerp .. whomever picks up "wins" and the others stop ringing.
03:59.32JunK-Ywhich is true.
03:59.40randudid they credit you 9.70 or did they receive 9.70?
03:59.44scuba_laptopgreg_work:  My other /nick won't time out :-)  (ScubaSteve)
03:59.45qwerpwat i wan is to show SIP/2
03:59.55Juggiescuba_laptop, is there a download config option?
03:59.58qwerpanyway i can do that?
04:00.13JunK-Ywhen doing a Dial, it's generate a new cdr, no?
04:00.15scuba_laptopgreg_work:  One of the 841's was a dud...Am trying to upgrade the firmware but have no info on how to do it (no windows here)
04:00.23dontmsgmeAnyone knwo what this means Jan 31 19:53:33 WARNING[-193356880]: chan_sip.c:590 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x94475a4 (len 446) to returned -1: Bad file descriptor
04:00.36scuba_laptopJuggie:  Yes, but it doesn't say how or where.  it gives you a spot for firmware keys and a minimum and maximum upgrade version...
04:00.47MrEntropytype 'user' means the given UA can only place calls on asterisk, yes?
04:00.55qwerpi generates a cdr when u issue ResetCDR(w)
04:00.57scuba_laptopmrentropy: Correct
04:01.15greg_workscuba_laptop, theres a .bin file, i thought you could just submit it somewhere in the web interface?
04:01.29Juggiethat sucks anyways, u want to get tftp working
04:01.33scuba_laptopgreg_work:  News to me.  I'll look around some more.. sure are a lot of config options.
04:01.51scuba_laptopJuggie:  I put the bin file in my tftp root, just like my ciscos want... it didn't pick it up.
04:02.37greg_workscuba_laptop, i dont see it? hm
04:02.49*** part/#asterisk cbachman (
04:03.41MrEntropyscuba_laptop: so why does it work the other way around? i have SER forwarding to asterisk, it works if ser is set in sip.conf as a peer, but it doesn't when set to user...?
04:03.48scuba_laptopgreg_work:  It's not there..
04:03.55greg_workscuba_laptop, i was actually going to write an app to configure the 841's for me.. so i could just put in the mac address and extension, and then have it find it (using rarp) and send the SIP login, dialing directory, set all the config options..
04:04.12scuba_laptopgreg_work: Spiffy!
04:04.27greg_workscuba_laptop, i can imagine what they'll say.. "oh, you have to upgrade to the newer firmware to get the upgrade page"
04:04.29scuba_laptopMrEntropy: No idea...
04:04.46scuba_laptopgreg_work:  Yeah, was just thinking that...
04:04.49MrEntropypeculiar =/
04:05.40*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
04:05.57scuba_laptopJuggie: Interesting, if this is true then I'm screwed :-)
04:06.17Juggiescuba_laptop, did u put the latest firmware on the tftp?
04:06.32scuba_laptopJuggie:  yes, but all the phone did was look for spa841.cfg
04:06.34scuba_laptopwhich doesn't exist
04:06.39Juggietry this,
04:06.41scuba_laptopwhich I don't have any idea what it would contian
04:07.01scuba_laptopyay upgrade w/o windows
04:07.24Juggiei realize its for a dif phone
04:07.26Juggiebut it may apply
04:07.57scuba_laptopJuggie: Gonna try this.  Crazy enough to work :)
04:09.20Juggieif it does add it to the wiki page for the phone :)
04:09.49scuba_laptopok well for grins tried /upgrade on the phone with the browser...
04:09.53Delmaranyone have any thoughts or comments regarding the #define AGGRESSIVE_SUPPRESSOR in zconfig.h to try and get better echo cancellation?
04:09.54scuba_laptopIt said upgrading on the phone
04:10.05scuba_laptopall it did was try to get spa841.cfg again by tftp, don't have it.
04:11.04Juggiedoes the phone webserver have a page which says provision phone?
04:11.21scuba_laptopspecifying the whole thing, tftp://host/firmware.bin makes it pull the right bin file
04:11.59Juggiewell, you should follow instructions :)
04:12.25scuba_laptopWell.. it pulled the firmware, didn't complain.. but version shows the old one still.
04:12.46DelmarJuggie sure.. you try and find the "ANY" key.
04:12.55DaGrimHow do I save a page to disk via lynx?
04:13.07Juggiejust use wget
04:13.10DaGrimim trying to save app_dbodbc.c .. lol
04:13.23scuba_laptopDaGrim, let us know if you don't have wget or GET
04:13.24DaGrimJuggie: nice.. thanks for the tip
04:13.25Delmaryep. wget is your friend.
04:13.38DaGrimit works
04:13.58Delmarif I dont fix this echo cancellation problem... im going to start bashing things.
04:14.03Juggiescuba_laptop, did the phone do any kind of upgrade process?
04:14.21Delmari have 8 more X100's in the drawer... i can afford to waste a few.
04:14.23Juggiedid u set upgrade enable = yes
04:14.28Juggieon the web page.
04:14.36scuba_laptopJuggie:  It said it was upgrading  on the screen, pulled the firmware...  No change in version # tho.
04:14.44scuba_laptopUpgrade is enabled in the firmware.
04:14.46Juggiedid it reboot?
04:14.59scuba_laptopJuggie: Yes, then I power cycled it just for fun, no difference.
04:15.04DaGrimok now how do i save in vi?
04:15.13Juggieew, vi
04:15.13scuba_laptopI've done a million 7960 upgrades and fw changes...
04:15.13Juggiei forget
04:15.23scuba_laptopwill write to the file you are editing
04:15.28DaGrimyea. i know but this screwy installer for myodbc did it and wants me to save it now
04:15.28scuba_laptopmake sure you hit escape then :w
04:15.37DaGrimok.. thanks
04:15.37scuba_laptop.. then enter
04:15.40Juggiescuba_laptop, have you noticed the 7960 wont cross subnets for tftp?
04:15.59scuba_laptopJuggie:  I want to say I've upgraded across the internet more than once.
04:16.05Delmarhey has anyone here done any hardware level messing around with an Snom type phone? i have an snom100 and would love to get it working.. it crashed during firmware update and never booted again.. must be a way to clock in to the altera max chip and feed the firmware in again somehow...?
04:16.21Juggieif i run my tftp on the same subnet all is well, but across subnets it will see the tftp server, download configs, but it wont do an upgrade from it
04:16.23Delmarthere is a JTAG port on the max chip.
04:16.27scuba_laptopDelmar as snom people.
04:16.32scuba_laptopJTAG, cool.
04:17.21Juggiethat being said scuba_laptop, a mitel 5055 i have works fine across subnets for tftp, but that phone has other problems
04:17.33Delmarheh. i WAS in touch with Snom.. and they were even going to send me a free board .. in a sort of.. " stop fucking with our hardware and sending us hi-rez photos of our bits".... but .. i think they were pulling my leg.. they sent me a package alright... it had 10 of their software CD's in it is all. lol.
04:17.35scuba_laptopJuggie: I think the elusive spa841.cfg is needed...
04:17.59scuba_laptopJuggie:  I should have just sucked it up and ordered 7940 or 7960's
04:18.14scuba_laptopThey work wonderfully in *
04:18.18Juggiescuba_laptop, i hear the mitel 5215's are good too
04:18.27Juggiei have a ton at work but they are not dualmode (aka no sip)
04:18.35Juggiewe are getting more soon so i told the guys to make sure they are dual mode
04:18.38scuba_laptopHaven't tried any Mitel endpoints.
04:19.04Juggiethe 5055 seems to work ok, i had no problem with conferencing, transfering, music on hold etc on thep hone
04:19.19Juggiethe only extra thing i had to do was hunt down a SNTP server (simple network time protocol)
04:19.24Juggieso i could have the mitel set its phone time.
04:19.50scuba_laptopRun your own :)
04:20.15JuggieManxPower, cant access external networks like that.
04:20.31Qwellport forward to it.  heh
04:20.53Juggieits worth noteing that it need Sntp
04:20.54Juggienot just NTP
04:21.07Juggiei had to dig for like 30min to find a SNTP server.
04:21.33SedoroxQuick Q.. I finally got my problem solved... is there a way... that when when I call through Server A to Server B to see is X person ix avail. and they aren't.. it kicks back to server A... is there a way to then remove Server B from the loop (not have the call keep going through server B? I guess.. how would I do extention transfers... in extentions.conf...
04:21.55*** join/#asterisk dano_ (~dano@
04:22.23MrEntropydiscounting the weirdness of this question, is there a function i can use in the dialplan that gives me the position of a certain character/number in an extention, so that I may then use it in a substring()?
04:22.48JuggieMrEntropy, what are you trying to accomplish?
04:23.28dano_OK - bottom line.  * rocks.  It just saved my butt.  If any of the devs are on the channel - thank you.  Big time.
04:23.55MrEntropyJuggie: i'm trying to stash messages in the sip message and decode them on asterisk...=D
04:23.59QwellI'd bet donations are accepted
04:24.13scuba_laptopJuggie thanks for your help... will have to mess with it more tomorrow.. gotta hit the sack :)
04:24.14scuba_laptopNite all
04:24.29*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (
04:24.40JuggieMrEntropy, i'll ask one more time
04:24.44Juggiewhat are you trying to accomlish
04:24.46kimosabehow can i see the interupts for my fxo card on freebsd
04:25.04MrEntropyi just said
04:25.14Juggiei can see that
04:25.18Juggiebut whats your reason behind it
04:25.21Juggiewhat is your overall goal
04:25.37*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
04:26.08MrEntropyan added layer of authentication between SER and asterisk, since SER cannot initiate an auth
04:27.22*** join/#asterisk QRPartner (
04:27.23Juggieso your making people do what, put a password in their phone number?
04:27.36MrEntropynope, SER will insert that automagically
04:27.51QRPartnerHello, anyone familiar with the alarm debounce setting when loading the digium T1 card?
04:28.04Juggieoh, because SER cant auth against asterisk?
04:28.18JunK-YQRPartner: red/yellow alarms?
04:28.24Juggiewhy dont you just lock down to a certain ip?
04:28.33MrEntropyJuggie: spoofing
04:28.35QRPartnerRed... Trying to get rid of them
04:29.10JuggieMrEntropy, spoofing will only get you so far, you wont be able to receive the responses, therefore nothing will happen
04:29.22JunK-Yjust plug a t1 cable, with the dchan, it supposes to be cleared.
04:29.28Juggiei could send data to asterisk and pretend i'm you, but i would never get hte answers.
04:29.32QRPartnerJunK-Y: Yes
04:29.41JunK-Yso whats wrong?
04:29.54Jeetlivevoip has better international rates tahan voipjet
04:30.08MrEntropyJuggie: that's a really low level spoof, you 'can' do a spoof so classy as to fool routers into forwarding you traffic meant for someone else
04:30.09QRPartner->JunK-Y I keep getting alarms and the card keeps resetting.
04:30.21Jeetis livevoip's call quality comparable to voipjet
04:30.27QwellPTG123: Ended up only being a few hours.
04:30.35JuggieMrEntropy, possibly... but that would be hard... anyways
04:30.40*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (some@
04:30.40PTG123good deal :)
04:30.47MrEntropyJuggie: very hard
04:30.48Qwelloh, didn't think you were around, heh
04:30.53MrEntropyJuggie: but not impossible =/
04:30.55QwellFind anything out?
04:30.57Juggieis your password going to be variable, or fixed lenght?
04:31.07PTG123message me
04:31.07JunK-Ycan ya reboot the machine? sometime, my T410P stays on green light even if no cable are plugged.
04:31.14JunK-Ydunno what happened exactly.
04:31.26MrEntropyJuggie: i'd like variable, but i already know what you'll suggest if fixed length
04:31.42JuggieMrEntropy, asterisk i think internally could only handle fixed lenght
04:31.56QRPartner-->JunK-Y: We have two T1s, it only does it on the one with higher volume.  The Provider is the same and they say the lines are setup exactally
04:32.06JeetPOLL : LiveVoIP or VoIPJET ??
04:32.11MrEntropyJuggie: might have to make an AGI then to do it for me
04:32.21Juggiethat being said, you could call a perl script to process the string, and then return with two variables, one if the pass is correct, and one with the real dialstring
04:32.24QwellJeet: livejet
04:32.32kimosabehow can i check the interupts on freebsd
04:32.52JuggieMrEntropy, i've begun using php with asterisk for that, much easier then perl :)
04:32.53JeetQwell: 404 not found
04:33.18*** join/#asterisk thetalon (
04:33.27MrEntropyJuggie: well i don't know perl at all, i know php and C/C++...and bash, but i wouldn't trust a bash script with that
04:33.27tessierJeet: VoIPVoIP
04:33.39Qwelltessier: sure, take the easy one :p
04:33.49JuggieMrEntropy, then look at using php
04:33.52Juggielet me get you the link
04:35.05MrEntropyyou mean the voip-info link?
04:35.09JuggieMrEntropy, look at
04:35.13Juggieand look at #12
04:35.25Juggiei started with that example and have had good success since that
04:36.04greg_workMrEntropy, what are you trying to do?
04:36.53JuggieMrEntropy, you should be able to pass in the dialed string easily enough and then parse it from there and accomplish what you want.
04:37.15MrEntropysure, i just thought something like that was written =)
04:37.52kimosabeis any one runnig freebsd and asterisk
04:38.24*** join/#asterisk robf (
04:38.26Juggielet me check the dialplan functions again
04:40.23*** join/#asterisk datareactor (datareacto@
04:40.38Juggieyah i dont think u can search for a value in a string
04:40.39Juggienot that i see
04:40.45Juggieuse php :)
04:41.40*** join/#asterisk |Blaze| (
04:42.00*** part/#asterisk rene- (~rene-@
04:43.14DaGrimCan someone that updated recently give me line 30 of their Asterisk Makefile?
04:43.24DaGrimI changed something on accident and didnt realize it
04:43.35DaGrimI have        $(CC) $(SOLINK) -o $@ $< -lodbc
04:43.46Qwellcvs diff
04:43.52DaGrimon line 30.. and i get this error on make: Makefile:30: *** missing separator.  Stop.
04:44.22DaGrimholy hell that was neat.
04:44.23QwellI don't know the cvs syntax, but you should be able to do cvs help diff
04:44.27DaGrimIm learning so much tonight.. lol
04:44.35robf'missing separator' almost always means you have spaces for the indention instead of a tab character
04:44.35DaGrimi just typed cvs diff and it fixed that line.. lol
04:44.38Nugget"cvs diff <filename>" is sufficient.
04:44.46Qwellit shouldn't fix that line...
04:44.49Nuggetit won't fix anything, but it'll tell you what's different.
04:44.53robfit didn't fix anything, it just showed you what you did
04:44.59DaGrimoooh .. still neato.. lol
04:45.00*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
04:45.15greg_worktheres some interesting looking sound files in cvs.. teletubbie-murder.gsm
04:45.22robfif you just want current cvs back, delete it and 'cvs update'
04:45.45Qwellthose are in asterisk-sounds
04:48.11*** join/#asterisk WizardWlf (
04:49.03WizardWlfanyone know if there is a way to build zaptel / ztdummy into a 2.4 or 2.6 kernel, (not as modules)
04:53.21JunK-YWizardWlf: i dont think so.
04:53.29datareactorWizardWlf why you want them not as module
04:53.44JunK-Ydatareactor: i was to ask the same question :)
04:53.52Qwellanythings "possible", heh
04:56.10file[laptop]BoRiS: poke
04:57.27*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~lukyali@
04:57.54shaZwazmorning ppl
04:59.37datareactorshaZwaz g morning
05:01.49WizardWlfvery simply a hosting provider I use uses UML (user mode linux) but their security policy will not allow moduler kernels. So it ineeds to be build it
05:02.46WizardWlfdatareactor: do you have a patch for that
05:03.18datareactorWizardWLF No :(
05:03.55*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
05:04.09WizardWlfanyone have a hosting provider that doesn't cost an arm and a leg that lets you use modular kernels
05:05.20*** join/#asterisk sivana (~richard@
05:06.19postelWizardWlf: linux setups of hosting providers suck bigtime, use a colo, bring your own box
05:06.54Nuggetlinux is poo.
05:07.14postelwell, aint poo, its doing rather ok
05:08.05posteli managed AIX for 500 users, i KNOW what poo looks like
05:08.24NuggetI'm not saying that AIX isn't *also* poo.  :)
05:09.41postelif you give it time and set it up the proper way its as good as solaris </flamebait>  ^_^
05:10.18NuggetI'm in favor of using the right OS for any given job.  I just haven't found a job yet where Linux is the best OS.
05:10.30Nuggetso maybe "poo" is a bit strong, but it sure isn't all that great
05:10.47WizardWlfI would if I cold afford it.  most colo's want over $150 a month,  the projects I am working on right now have to pay me anthing let alone pay for that high of price.  anyone knof of a good low cost colo
05:11.10Nuggetit's not a great server, it's not a great firewall, and it sure isn't a great desktop.  it's not a great gaming machine, and it's not a great embedded os.
05:11.37Nuggetit's just "fine" at all those things, and I hate settling for "fine"
05:11.40*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
05:11.48Nugget(well, it's far worse than "fine" for gaming)
05:13.19greg_workhow can an AGI cause * to jump to n+101 priority ?
05:14.09postelNugget: well, its *almost* stable (if you stay away from unstable trees) but then you get the nasty bugs of the exploited old versions, its doing alright in the desktop area (fbsd is MILES better but thats a different story altogether) gaming is not there yet but we're getting somewhere.. hardware support has gone a long way, memory handling the same, monolithic kernel OSes are considered obsolete.. well..
05:14.20postelwait a sec.. it IS poo
05:14.25Nuggetyay!  :)
05:14.45JunK-Ygreg_work: ${PRIORITY}
05:15.55greg_workJunK-Y .. what do you do with it?
05:16.06JunK-Ychange it.
05:16.14JunK-Ybut not sure why ya want to do it exactly.
05:16.14*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
05:16.37greg_workoh nm, theres a priority command (in phpagi anyways)
05:16.47greg_worki'm rewriting voicemail as agi
05:17.02greg_workbut i want to emulate comedian so it'll work as a drop-in replacement
05:17.06file[laptop]WizardWlf: I found one for $79.95...
05:17.15JunK-Yany goal to this except losing performances?
05:17.19file[laptop]don't remember it though, so good luck
05:17.30greg_workyes, getting features that are in CVS only into stable release
05:17.42DaGrimWho was talking about /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-sounds ??
05:17.44greg_workmaking it easier to modify
05:17.45DaGrimIs that where it was?
05:17.52DaGrimI wanna hear em.. lol
05:18.01blankmanAnyone on use the PGSQL application?
05:18.03QwellDaGrim: get the asterisk-sounds package, or get it from cvs
05:18.08Qwellcvs co asterisk-sounds
05:18.10DaGrimahh cool.. thanks
05:18.14Qwellcvs has much more
05:18.31DaGrimWish I woulda known it was so extensive before..
05:18.38blankmanI am having a devil of a time getting to work with this stored proc ... can't figure out why it won't use "get" the result set :-(
05:18.39JunK-Yblankman: i do.
05:18.40DaGrimerr rather.. so handy
05:19.04blankmanJunK-Y, have you used a none sql language stored proc. with it successfully?
05:19.28DaGrimQwell: theres like 1000+ sounds in there =P .. freakin awesom
05:19.36JunK-Ya none sql language ? im using pg/plsql.
05:20.05blankmanJunK-Y, can I get you to go to #pgsql-prob so that I don't take up everyone else time on the list for this?
05:20.14blankmanI am not sure that everyone cares :-)
05:20.26QwellDaGrim: after you get it from cvs, run a make install
05:20.43DaGrimQwell: ok.. I just updated everything else anyways ..
05:20.58Qwellthen, you can do what I did. :P    `find /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ -name '*.gsm' -exec play {} \;`
05:21.24DaGrimwhats that do?
05:21.28Qwellit actually took quite a while to go through them all.  I was exhausted afterwards, heh
05:21.32Qwellplays them all...
05:21.35*** join/#asterisk dan2 (
05:21.35DaGrimahh Im on putty ;(
05:21.44*** join/#asterisk rumba (
05:21.50DaGrimI really wish I could do that.. lol
05:22.19DaGrimi dont even have the sound enabled on my * box.. dont run x on it either..
05:22.25DaGrimjust sits there.. lol
05:25.46DaGrimWish I could have it play the whole directory back thru an exten
05:26.06Nuggetwrite an AGI  :)
05:26.12Qwellmake it play them with moh
05:26.22DaGrimcan you do gsm with that?
05:26.35DaGrimhmmm i think its only mp3
05:27.13DaGrimill just dl the directory and use winamp skrew it
05:32.32Guest^DJ~seen XZ81
05:32.36jbotGuest^DJ: i haven't seen 'xz81'
05:32.54Guest^DJ~seen ZX81
05:32.55jbotzx81 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1h 49m 42s ago, saying: 'he's usually here every day'.
05:32.55freatoh well... hehe so much for running an untested script on a box in another state...
05:33.26freatat least I can tell someone what to do at the console to preserve my uptime ;)
05:34.40*** join/#asterisk CpuID (
05:34.41*** part/#asterisk JunK-C (
05:34.59DaGrimHey.. whats a free GSM Player for windoze?
05:35.42freatDaGrim: I think there's a plugin for winamp
05:36.07DaGrimreally? sweet.. thx
05:36.28DaGrimI have like 1500 new asterisk-sounds I really wanna hear.. heh
05:36.43DaGrimi had never downloaded that pkg before
05:37.06QwellDaGrim: There are a bunch in there that you'll probably be able to use
05:37.31DaGrimawesome =)
05:37.52*** join/#asterisk unixgeek (
05:37.53DaGrimYea I only had like less than a hundred before I got the addon..
05:38.27QwellI especially enjoy the concatination of "press 1", "press 2", etc.  much smoother
05:39.22*** join/#asterisk simon_ca (
05:39.24DaGrimHmmm yea
05:39.38DaGrimCan you do that on the same Playback() or Background()
05:39.46DaGrimwith just a comma?
05:39.48Qwellits one sound now
05:39.57DaGrimOooooh. gotcha
05:41.45DaGrimasterisk-friend.gsm ... AWWW
05:42.16DaGrimyay my names in ther
05:42.29Guest^DJhi, is anyone using handytone 486 with * ?
05:42.32Qwellyeah, mine too...(both of them).  I was excited, heh
05:42.54Qwellbeing that there are only like 5 names, its pretty nice that its there
05:43.28*** join/#asterisk dan2 (
05:43.38Nuggettt-allbusy is my favorite allison sound clip.
05:44.18shido6that tickles can be annoying if you have it as a part of your t or i exten lines
05:45.15DaGrimHaha.. gambling-drunk
05:46.12Qwellyeah, that ones nice
05:46.31QwellPlayback(north) -- Playback(teletubbies-murder), is my personal favorite though
05:46.43niZon < um?
05:46.48DaGrimdoh lol
05:46.50Qwellworks great, for if I don't answer
05:47.48*** join/#asterisk doushanes (
05:48.05doushanesWhat's up all
05:49.54*** join/#asterisk Nukemizer (
05:50.41doushanesDo I need to order caller ID, call waiting, three-way calling from the phone company if I want to utilize the features in asterisk?
05:51.13shido6you need to order caller id
05:51.22shido6thats about it
05:51.26xkevwhere does -g switch dump the core to?
05:51.47shido6wherever you ran it from
05:51.52shido6from whatever dir you ran it from
05:52.00xkevgah then my -U switch prevented it from writing the core
05:54.13NukemizerI am trying to get xorcoms distribtion to work and i can not seem to find and answer to the error message that I get. I am guessing it thinks i have a pri card, I am only using a tdm card with 2 FXS and 2 FXO
05:56.16Nukemizerif anyone can help me locate this
05:56.53simon_caanyone registered for von in march?
05:56.55brett_re all
05:57.05brett_is anyone here running * on osx?
05:57.58shaZwazNukemizer: put noload  noload in modules in conf
05:58.36*** join/#asterisk WildPikachu (~nkukard@wildpikachu.user)
05:58.59WildPikachuanyone here using isdn internal modem + capi?
05:59.06NukemizerShazwaz, thanks Trying now :)
06:01.36DaGrimIs there a SayLetter() ?
06:01.51shaZwazits SayAlpha
06:01.55DaGrimok.. thanks
06:01.55*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
06:02.30Groobyhello hello
06:04.07*** join/#asterisk unixgeek (
06:04.29letherglovdoushanes, yes
06:04.38letherglovcaller id is fairly pricey for a residential pots line too
06:04.47letherglovit's something like $7-8/mo from SBC
06:04.57letherglovconsidering the damn like is $10
06:05.02letherglovit's a good percentage
06:05.20`SauronAnyone ever had a problem where a spa-1001 gives you a fast busy w/o it actually hitting *?
06:05.34letherglov`Sauron, must be unable to register
06:05.51`SauronI only get it if I try calling an international number
06:05.57`Sauronso it's registering alright
06:05.59letherglovyou need to change the sip dial plan
06:06.01Groobyhow do I get my spa-2000 to do call waiting w/ asterisk?
06:06.18`SauronMy dialplan is down to: (*x.|x.)
06:06.22Groobywhen i use my spa 2000, and then from other line to dial my spa2k extension, i get the message the line is busy....
06:06.38`Sauronon the sipura
06:06.48letherglov`Sauron, ok, I give up
06:06.53`SauronIt's not even hitting *
06:07.36*** join/#asterisk djin (
06:07.54NukemizershaZwaz: Thank you that did it for me !  I am up and runing
06:08.37*** part/#asterisk WizardWlf (
06:10.11MrEntropymohmp3 comes with the mpg123 package?
06:10.27letherglovmake mpg123 will download and build the correct version
06:11.37Groobydoes anyone know?
06:13.59PyroStevemy scroll back buffer wont let me go back very far
06:14.10PyroStevedid anybody reply to my questions
06:14.16PyroSteveabout useage balenceing
06:14.57PyroStevei need to be able balence the useage between my sip service providers
06:15.18PyroSteveive read thru the news ground archvies with very little luck
06:16.09PyroSteveany tip on how to balence my useage across a few sip <-> pstn gateways ?
06:16.46`SauronHum di dum.
06:17.03Groobylots of questions w/ no answers
06:17.30*** join/#asterisk blehhh (
06:17.37blehhhchan_iax2.c:3905 register_verify: No registration for peer
06:17.38Groobyanyone here uses Spa2k?
06:17.45blehhhwould anyone know why these messages keep coming up?
06:17.48`SauronJust 1.
06:17.52blehhhi have no idea how to fix it
06:17.57Groobydoes 1k support call waiting?
06:18.00`Sauronand I found out apparently why it wasn't working
06:18.00blehhhand i've looked through mailing list etc
06:18.04`SauronWorks now
06:18.12Groobycongrad sauron
06:18.15`SauronGrooby: I think it should, not sure tho
06:18.23Groobydid you get it to work?
06:18.45`SauronHaven't tried yet
06:18.51Groobyi dunno what I need to do to get spa2k to do call waiting
06:19.02Groobyuse the spa2k line, then try to call it and get the busy message
06:19.12`SauronBeats me
06:19.17`SauronI think that happens to me as well
06:19.44`Saurondoes feature call waiting
06:21.04simon_capyrosteve: i use random and goto...
06:21.35simon_capyrosteve: to be tricky you could set a var based on firsta nd second choice and check the dialstatus to try the other provider idf the first fails...
06:22.24greg_workhow can i look at the contents of *'s db?
06:22.52`SauronDid you get fwd stuff working?
06:23.12greg_worki have outgoing calls i think, but incoming doesnt seem to wok. no clue why
06:23.24greg_workwork, rather
06:23.29Jeetdo i need to re-register with broadvoice every 15 minutes? if so how ?
06:23.37`SauronJeet: Err, don't think so
06:23.44PyroStevesimon_ca: hey ... thanks
06:24.02PyroStevesimon_ca: i just simply needed a little kick start in the ass
06:24.15`SauronAnyone know how if anything needs to be configured in * for call waiting?
06:24.32Jeetsauron : every day incoming calls are forwarded to BV voicemail. and once i restart asterisk everything is back to normal
06:24.51simon_cayrosteve: see - don't think i've changed it much since that post
06:28.28PyroStevesimon_ca: thanks
06:28.37*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:31.19*** join/#asterisk simon_ca (
06:32.16*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
06:33.34DaGrimDoes anybody know where Im supposed to copy the /install/MyODBC-3.51.10-pc-linux-i686/lib/*.so and *.la files to for this package.. seems thats all they have included.. and dont tell you where to put them. and Im trying to install it along with ..unixODBC-2.2.10 .. to work with * .. but .. Im getting this error when I try to load * now: loader.c:301 __load_resource: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
06:33.37DaGrimthen it crashes.
06:33.53DaGrimunixODBC worked fine..
06:33.57Groobysauron, figured out I need to enable CW
06:33.59DaGrimand I used the --prefix=
06:34.07`SauronGrooby, how?
06:34.08Groobyfor each extension..but would like to have it enabled by default
06:34.37GroobyI use amp, and in the extension.conf, it has the code dbput(CW/exten=ENABLED)
06:34.51Groobyjust tried it with sjphone (it wasn't doing call waiting before either) and now it works
06:35.01Groobybut my spa2k is acting weird with it's dialplan
06:35.04Groobyneed to fix that
06:35.09Groobycan't do *70
06:35.16`SauronHum di dum.
06:35.27DaGrim=\  .. dam
06:35.54`SauronGrooby: I have the fix-it-all dialplan for the sipura's :)
06:36.11Groobywhat do you use?
06:36.20GroobyI guess I could use that
06:36.38`Sauronshrug, I just let * take care of dialplan stuff
06:36.48Groobythat's a good point
06:36.56`Sauronand greg's canadian. :p
06:37.37Groobythat didn't work
06:37.39Groobyvery wierd
06:37.42`SauronGrooby: in your dbput thing, is "exten" the extension, or the word "exten"
06:37.45DaGrim`Sauron: you know anything about MyODBC? just installing it? heh =\
06:37.51`SauronDaGrim: Nope.
06:37.54Groobyit's the extension
06:37.57Groobysomething is funking
06:38.00DaGrimor at least disabling it to load on startup
06:38.06Grooby*7 is not getting passed through
06:38.06DaGrimI dont even want it at this point
06:38.11Groobyis it my dmtf setting?
06:38.20`SauronCould be
06:38.29Groobyhow's your setup?
06:38.33Groobyor auto?
06:38.43`Sauronsipura->* is rfcwhatever
06:38.51`Sauron*->bv is now rfcwhatever too
06:39.22Groobybroadvoice right?
06:39.26Groobyi thought broadvoice uses inband
06:39.29`SauronI used to use inband, until I found out all of it can handle rfc2388
06:39.34`SauronThat's what they said
06:39.48`Sauronwell, there's a guy who was in here who claims they do rfc2388
06:39.51`Sauronso I switchd
06:39.55`Sauronand it works
06:40.00`Sauronso far, anyway
06:42.29Groobyit use to work
06:42.31Groobynot anymore
06:49.05DaGrimDamnit.. Im getting errors on * load now.. How do I take it back to CVS-curr?
06:49.45DaGrimIm tired of this.. I just want it to go back to the way it was.. w/ out trying to install libodbc ..that isnt there.
06:50.02DaGrimIf it aint one thing.. its another.. lol
06:53.49freatI think I've finally gotten my QoS script working well
06:53.53`SauronI'd suggest looking for "unixodbc" as the package
06:53.59`Sauronit's not called libodbc :)
06:54.05freatVoIP + Video + Citrix
06:54.51DaGrimwhere does it look for .so.1 or .so files.. and what is the file it defines that?
06:55.56DaGrimloader.c:301 __load_resource: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
06:56.30DaGrimI havent been able to run * all night..
06:56.30DaGrimwhat am I doing wrong?
06:57.11*** join/#asterisk three55ml (
06:57.52three55mlDoes anyone have any experience with FAX over IP?  I know Vonage does it, anyone gotten it to work?
06:57.59three55mlI've tried ulaw and alaw with no success.
06:58.05Groobyi fixed my problem
06:58.29Groobyi resetted my spa2k couple days ago and it added bunch of stuff in the provisional tab that i don't use...took everything out
06:59.42*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
07:00.56DaGrimSo my shit doesnt work.. cant I just rm * in /usr/src/asterisk
07:01.01DaGrimand do cvs update
07:01.06DaGrimand it will re-download it all?
07:01.52DaGrimi must have moved file(s) into /usr/src/asterisk at one point or another that is causing a problem
07:04.26*** join/#asterisk alakdan (~alakdan@
07:05.05shaZwazany ideas on initializing a global from * DB on reload/startup
07:06.32*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
07:11.03alakdanany one subscribed to nufone? Im just wondering how many will be able to 'call' simultaneously the DID number? I mean if one customer dialed the DID number and gets routed to our asterisk box , will another customer be able to call the same DID number withou getting a busy signal?
07:12.24DaGrimalakdan: as many as you want..
07:12.25DaGrimalakdan: but you will need plenty of b/w
07:12.46DaGrimalkadan: yea it uses diff channels
07:13.04datareactori get this error when try to register to go2call
07:13.06datareactorchan_sip.c:4001 sip_reg_timeout: Registration for
07:13.06datareactor023 '' timed out, trying again
07:13.16alakdanDaGrim: so its not something like a normal phone where if the phone is in 'use'  others will get a busy tone?
07:13.54DaGrimnot at all
07:13.59datareactorhere is my setting
07:14.14DaGrimIt can definetly handle many many simeltanious (sp?) calls
07:14.19*** join/#asterisk makamani (
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07:14.59makamaniwhat does the below mean: NOTICE[4956]: pbx.c:1318 pbx_extension_helper: Cannot find extension context 'local'
07:15.31DaLionmakamani: you need [local] in your extensions.conf
07:15.44makamaniit is there, is there a special way to load it?
07:15.45DaLionor sned to a different one with @somewhere
07:15.48alakdanDaGrim: Do I need a diguim hardware for that? or a asterisk box will suffice?
07:15.52DaLionwhere is call from ?
07:16.08DaGrimalkadan: You can run it over a T1..
07:16.21DaLionmakamani ?
07:16.40tafazziMorning (italy)
07:16.41makamanifrom extension
07:16.52DaLionlike if you send to that * box with DIAL(IAX2/blah/Exten
07:17.16DaLiontry IAX2/somserver/EXTEN@local
07:19.22*** part/#asterisk doushanes (
07:20.14greg_workis the only way to set voicemail options like "saycid" in voicemail.conf? ie, the actual voicemail user can't do it from the menu?
07:23.31freatI've been sitting here, soaking my network to test QoS... and the cord to my handset was loose
07:23.32*** join/#asterisk jetscreamer (
07:23.42freatI thought I was dropping audio
07:24.00makamanihi DaLion, we are trying a normal extension to extensino
07:24.02makamanino Ip calling
07:26.11datareactorcan anyone look into my configs unable to reg to go2call
07:36.06*** part/#asterisk chesty (
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07:51.01*** join/#asterisk sjaak538 (
07:51.01makamanii am trying to setup an asterisk pbx with voicetronix card openswitch12
07:51.01makamanino IP comms right now
07:51.01makamanijust plain analog handsets to analog handsets with analog trunk lines
07:51.01*** join/#asterisk UrBaNLeGeNd (~root@
07:51.02makamanianybody there or am i lagging a lot
07:53.15*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
07:54.11*** part/#asterisk brc__ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
07:54.27DaGrimit all works again..
07:54.36DaGrimand i have bandwith again
07:54.40*** join/#asterisk UrBaNLeGeNd (~cron@
08:07.01DaGriml8r all
08:09.13*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
08:09.54firestrmis it me, or are people who are expert at debian arrogant..
08:10.18djinIt's just you ;)
08:11.10firestrmi asked on #debian how to install with unstable, and was basicly told if i have to ask ,im not good enough to run unstable..
08:11.17shaZwazany ideas how to load globals from *DB on startup/reload
08:12.09djinfirestrm, that's cold.
08:12.35djinWhy run unstable btw, better go with testing.
08:14.19faanyone use postgresql with cdr and ast_data
08:14.28firestrmdjin, i need to upgrade to exim 4 before anyone on #exim will tell me how to add a blacklist to my mailserver..
08:14.37*** join/#asterisk nextime (
08:15.27datareactorcan anyone check i am unable to reg to go2call
08:15.50djinWhy not just upgrade Exim :?
08:16.33*** join/#asterisk mAsH` (
08:16.43firestrmdjin, not that easy, configs are different. and im unknowlegable enough that i cant build them without the aid of the system tool
08:16.47mAsH`morning all
08:17.00firestrmdatareactor, are you behind a nat?
08:18.01firestrmi think i might just get rid of exim and use qmail or postfix
08:18.02datareactorfirestrm no nat
08:18.19firestrmand sip show registry =?
08:18.21djindon't use qmail, go for postfix.
08:18.52firestrmdjin, thanks for the suggestion.. i will try postfix first
08:18.55faso what with that postgresql, anybody use?
08:18.56*** join/#asterisk porche (~a@
08:19.16shaZwazhi porche
08:19.21wasimwroom wroom porche
08:19.28datareactorfirestrm Host                            Username       Refresh State          mylogin              120 Request Sent
08:19.41djinfirestrm, you'll like it. Just some config files and lots of configuration options.
08:19.43porchehi wasim
08:19.47porchehi shaz
08:19.55porcheguys for sure, got a question
08:20.09firestrmdatareactor, that looks like a firewall problem.. try nat=yes just for shits and giggles
08:20.18porcheon a x100P, *, cannot detect the hang up before the timeouts
08:20.18shaZwazwasim any ideas on loading globals from *DB on startup/reload automatically
08:20.34porcheis this normal?
08:20.47jetscreameryou run * on sparc, firestrm ?
08:20.49wasimporche: depends on the line signalling
08:21.08porcheyou mean zaptel.conf
08:21.11wasimshaZwaz: no, haven't fiddled with that
08:21.16wasimporche: yes, zaptel.conf and the telco
08:21.23makamanianybody having a sample extensions.conf for analog handsets only. i dont seem to get hold of the configuration right
08:21.23firestrmjetscreamer, no my mailserver/webserver does, i have a spare ultrasparc that i was going to try it on though
08:21.28porchehms got it, for loadzone
08:21.30*** join/#asterisk Martohtar (Martohtar@
08:21.42makamanievery digit i dial keeps saying cannot find extension context
08:21.48makamanievery digit i dial keeps saying "cannot find extension context"
08:21.49porcheI could not find one for turkey, where/what must I look for?
08:21.49DaGrimlol.. anybody else ever use...   wtf is <cmd>   ??
08:21.59facan anyone paste me a cdr_pgsql.conf standard file, i did a mistke and delete it
08:21.59*** join/#asterisk meppl (
08:22.05mepplguten morgen
08:22.14porchemorgen meppl
08:22.29mepplgood morning porche
08:22.45datareactorstill can reg to go2call
08:23.46*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
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08:24.31DaGrimdatareactor: what is go2call? lol
08:25.09firestrmdatareactor, are you running uptables.. (this one bit me in the ass once)
08:26.00datareactorno iptables ethereal shows SIP Request: REGISTER
08:26.04*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
08:26.53firestrmdatareactor, i have no doubt that you data is getting there, i think the problems are in the return..
08:27.34firestrmdatareactor, do a sip debug, and carefully walk though the messages..
08:27.35*** part/#asterisk djin (
08:28.01datareactorfirestrm ok
08:28.59firestrmdatareactor, im willing to guess that the return is missing.. which means, isp block, nat block, firewall block..
08:29.09mAsH`sorry, onyone can help me
08:29.21mAsH`when i try to start * i get this msg
08:29.22mAsH`Illegal instruction (core dumped)
08:29.37firestrmmAsH` running g729?
08:30.14mAsH`'s first time that i try to start *, it's a new installation
08:30.22firestrmmAsH`, i found it does this when you try to run a loadable module at was built for another processor
08:31.11firestrmhmm... very wierd.. asterisk, usually runs nicely aout of the box
08:31.44*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
08:32.08firestrmmAsH`, i would try a make clean;make on the source again.. and watch the warnings.. maybe some clue
08:36.05datareactorfirestrm i forgot to mention this error SIP Status: 405 Method Not Allowed
08:36.30*** part/#asterisk DaGrim (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
08:37.19firestrmdatareactor, that tells me that the server doesn't like you for some reason.. do you have a bindaddress = anywhere?
08:37.19mAsH`well,i'm trying
08:39.09datareactorfirestrm no i am try to use it now
08:40.05firestrmdatareactor, try bindaddress=
08:40.44*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
08:40.57cjkhi, what do you suggest as a stun server?
08:41.12*** join/#asterisk MuchToDo (
08:41.40firestrmcjk, i dont know.. thats a minefield i havent crossed yet..
08:42.13datareactorfirestrm it is already bindaddr =
08:42.47firestrmand you sure thay you have the correct username/passwd
08:43.06datareactorfirestrm yes
08:43.22firestrmother than that.. im stumpped.. but thats the nature of SIP.. i only use it when no choice..
08:43.39firestrmiax= channel joy
08:44.40firestrmyou may have to contact go2call.. i did with terracall, it helped as they could see in their logs why it was dieing
08:44.44faare anybody use ast_data ?
08:46.19datareactorfirestrm i just called my cell from go2call dialer account is ok thanks for the help
08:46.48firestrmdatareactor, its working now?
08:47.26firestrmsounds like SIP, works one minuit, broken the next..
08:50.40*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
08:52.22MuchToDois SIP that bad?
08:52.41*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~icechat5@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
08:52.44MuchToDoI'm just gettting started, so should I concentrate on IAX2 from the start?
08:52.51*** join/#asterisk porch2000 (
08:52.54Zeeeksounds like a good plan
08:53.09Zeeekif you want hardware phones
08:53.09datareactorfirestrm its not working with asterisk :(
08:53.20*** join/#asterisk LarsAC (~chatzilla@
08:53.28ZeeekGOOD ${LocalTimeExpression}
08:53.56datareactorZeeek hi can you check my config
08:54.10firestrmMuchToDo, iax i had set up the first time in 5 min, Sip took me 2 weeks
08:55.00*** join/#asterisk cervajs (
08:55.00firestrmZeeek, iaxy's work great..
08:55.15datareactorfirestrm :)
08:55.20jetscreamersee, i can just sit here and pick your brains, no hands required :)
08:55.23LarsACsomeone using hfc drivers (zaphfc) ?
08:55.32cervajslarsac: me
08:55.35UrBaNLeGeNdanyone using areskicc app?
08:55.49LarsACcervajs: have you tried florz' patches ? or the vihai drivers ?
08:56.03ZeeekI have an IAXy
08:56.17datareactorLarsAc yes
08:56.21faay one is recording all calls?
08:56.37cervajslarsac: vihai
08:56.56LarsACcervajs: I didn't get it to compile this morning
08:56.57firestrmZeeek, my info on iaxy's comes second hand, but from a trusted source.. Im buying 6 on them tomorrow..
08:57.14LarsACcervajs, datareactor: I have lots of problems regarding stability on my SMP machine
08:57.19Zeeekit has its faults, see the mailing list for a detailed view of those
08:57.34cervajslarsac: i have 1.0.3 + bristuff 0.2.0RC3 + vihai-0.31
08:57.40*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
08:57.41Zeeekmost important  you need a proper 1200 ma power supply
08:57.52firestrmZeeek, they are nice because you just have to wire the building with cat 5, no cat 3 and put iaxy's where you  want hard phones
08:58.16firestrmZeeek, they are that power hungry? wow
08:58.20ZeeekI think if they are all on the same side of the LAN they would work very well but are not cost effective
08:58.32fahow to record call.. after make dial?
08:58.41Zeeekyes and if you use a ps that isn't quite up to it, they'll work but die intermittently
08:58.56*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
08:59.10*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
08:59.11firestrmZeeek, switching or linear wallwart?
08:59.40MuchToDoThe other thing I've found is that VOIP hardware is not really readily available in the UK.
08:59.42ZeeekI'm using a Radio SHack 1500ma supply
08:59.55Zeeekyes it is
08:59.56MuchToDoThere's only a couple of suppliers and the prices seem way higher than they should be :/
09:00.04Zeeekit's just horribly expensive
09:00.13firestrmzeeek, i have a bunch of 1.5a switchers
09:00.31Zeeektry one out - if it doesn't burn it out, you're ok :)
09:01.15cervajslarsac: i have single processor, athlon
09:01.47LarsACcervajs: tried bristuff 0.2.0-RC5 and vihai 0.3.3 this morning, but it gave compiler errors about invalid lvalues...
09:01.48kksHello, i want to implement G.729 in my *, voiceage and, which one is better.
09:02.23cervajslarsac: i can try this evening
09:02.37*** join/#asterisk pranav (dawda_pran@
09:02.59cervajslarsac: which version of * ?
09:03.13pranavhello is there any one
09:03.46LarsACcervajs: RC5 of bristuff uses 1.0.5 I guess
09:03.51LarsACcervajs: gcc is 3.3.5
09:04.02Zeeekpranav millions of us
09:04.25pranavhi zeeek
09:04.55pranavthank for that
09:05.07kksHello, i want to implement  G.729 in my *, but i'm bit blur who should i get the codec and who should i pay for the license?
09:05.13pranavi am facing a problem in making calls
09:05.35Zeeekthey sell license for $10 ea
09:05.43Zeeekyou need one for each channel
09:05.57pranavi have a sipura device(spa/2000) and 2 lines attached to it
09:06.03Zeeekfor example, I bought 4, that's good enough for two concurrent calls
09:06.24*** join/#asterisk Delvar (~irc@
09:06.37tzafrirSomeone asked me earlier about purchaing Diguim hardware in Israel, so:
09:06.49pranavi have registered both the phones i.e I am getting the dialtone in both the phones , but iam not able to call between the 2
09:07.02kksif i have 30 for E1 card, so i have get $300?
09:07.17firestrmZeeek, i found it quite annoying that digium's g729 register util requires an internet connection.. you have to haul the box in, expose it to the net, register , then go install the thing
09:07.22Zeeekpranav dialtone is probably generated by the phone and doesn't mean anyhting
09:07.35datareactorkks 10$ for each concurrent seesion
09:07.59Zeeekno $10 per channel - you'd need two if both ends use 729 IIRC
09:08.08pranavno after i had made some mistake in sip.conf which i rectified, only after that the phones registered and the dialtone came
09:08.11faany one is recording calls to wav file?
09:08.29datareactorright Zeeek
09:09.16Zeeekpranav maybe but I believe it is still generated by the phone. Anyway, "sip show peers"
09:09.39firestrmneed sleep, gnite all..
09:09.53*** part/#asterisk firestrm (
09:09.59pranavya i did that it shows both the lines(spa2000 and spa2001) and a long list
09:11.16datareactorfirestrm gnight
09:11.52pranavtell me i have given the extension 2000 and 2001 to the 2 phones, to make call what exactly i have to dial?
09:12.13wasimpranav: 2000,1,Dial(SIP/phone1)
09:12.16faExecuting Monitor("SIP/1001-9653", "wav|/work/www/htdocs/inez/mp3/asterisk-recording") in new stack
09:12.23fawhy it's not recording anything ?
09:12.26faonly create a file
09:13.26datareactorfa is no file is created ?
09:13.52fano. file is created, but empty
09:14.05pranavthanks mr. wasim but can u tell me where to put this command
09:14.09*** join/#asterisk scanna (
09:14.09faw8. i will install sox.
09:14.12wasimpranav: extensions.conf ...
09:14.43fasox is needed right?
09:15.06kksZeeek, so i have to pay Digium, Intel IPP lib, what about voiceage?
09:15.18datareactorfa i think it is not needed but not sure
09:15.35fadatareactor so what other may be bad?
09:16.08faAnd i want to record only that files.. which is accept by person how i call.. if no answer. i don't want to record
09:18.32pranavya mr wasim in my extensions.conf i have context=[from-sip],exten=>2000,1,Dial,sip/spa2000|30|t
09:19.01pranavstill do i need the add the line you told me before
09:20.22Zeeekkks you're prolly best off just dealing with Digium on that
09:20.29*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
09:21.14kksZeeek, thanks
09:21.50Zeeekwasim mon ami - comment va ?
09:23.10pranavcan any one you tell me where the problem is and why am i not able to connect between two phones
09:25.33*** join/#asterisk djin (
09:26.02pranavhi djin
09:26.17Zeeekpranav what is CLI output when you dial?
09:27.01pranavi am not getting anything on the cli prompt
09:27.31Zeeekyou say the phones are registered?
09:27.56ZeeekIs there a send button on the phone (like * or #)?
09:28.10Zeeekint's an ATA, not a phone in fact right
09:28.15pranavyes there are both these buttons
09:28.37Zeeekso presumably you are hitting SEND
09:28.57Zeeekin other words, how does the phone know you have finished the number?
09:29.05Zeeek(I never had an ATA)
09:29.18Zeeekmaybe it's in the Sipura dialplan?
09:29.35pranavwhen i hit this button (*,#)it says cannot find extension context=[from-sip]
09:29.50Zeeekpranav if you think your * config is ok, try asking on the forum
09:29.58Zeeekwho says that?
09:30.15pranavin the cli
09:30.21Zeeektry dialing 1234567
09:30.30Zeeekand tell me what the CLI outputs
09:31.22pranavnothi8ng comes on the cli when i dial 1234567
09:31.47Zeeekok now try 2000# or *
09:31.47pranavshould i paste my extensions.conf on pastebin
09:31.52Zeeeknot yet
09:32.41pranavstill nothing comes
09:33.20pranavactually when i press 2 at that time only some other tone starts to ring
09:33.49Zeeekanyone answer?
09:35.15pranavit shows this error pbx.c:1335 pbx_extension_helper: cannot find extension context '[from-sip]'
09:35.29pranavthis is exact what it shows
09:35.35Zeeekso it is telling you that it doesn't find the context
09:35.59Zeeekis there a [from-sip] context in extensions.conf ?
09:36.18pranavyes there is
09:36.33Zeeeksince the last restart or reload extensions command?
09:36.41mAsH`onyone can help me pls?
09:36.45Zeeekshow dialplan from-sip
09:36.59pranavits there in extensions.conf as well as sip.conf
09:37.00Zeeekpeople with ticks in the pseudo never get help :)
09:37.18Zeeekpranav SHOW DIALPLAN from-sip
09:37.59pranavi dint get you mr.Zeeek
09:38.07Zeeektype that command
09:38.40Zeeekdoes it show the extensions for 2000 and 2001 ?
09:39.09pranavno it says there is no existence of 'from-sip' context
09:39.26Zeeekand what do you suppose that means?
09:39.30mAsH`i get this message just i try to start *
09:39.49Zeeektry typing extensions reload and then the show dialplan again
09:39.59mAsH`root@lite:/etc/asterisk# asterisk -vvvvgc
09:39.59mAsH`Illegal instruction (core dumped)
09:40.13*** join/#asterisk xpasha (~pavel@
09:40.34pranavok i did that but again it shoiws the same thing
09:40.36Zeeekpranav if that works you really did put from-sip context in
09:40.47xpashawho could say why asterisk queue don't write short calls?
09:40.55xpashai mean monitor function
09:40.56Zeeekah then you do NOT have the context in extensions.conf - maybe you are working in the wrong .conf file?
09:41.35pranavno in my extensions.conf i have put context=[from-sip]
09:41.39*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
09:41.52Zeeekah. PLease go read this:
09:42.21pranavok is there a serious error
09:42.25Zeeekgo to the site, find "read online as one HTML page" and search for context
09:42.39ZeeekI can't help you if you won't go read that document
09:42.46Zeeeksee you later
09:42.57pranavfine i'll read this document and then talk to you
09:43.00datareactori get  SIP Status: 405 Method Not Allowed when trying to reg to go2call
09:43.43Zeeekpranav and others: please make a bookmark to
09:44.20ZeeekGo to above page and search for dialplan
09:44.37Zeeek"The dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls.... "
09:44.58ZeeekThe beauty and verity of that phrase makes it eternal
09:46.39djinSpoken like a true profet, Zeeek.
09:46.47Zeeekmy new macro
09:46.49Zeeek"The dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls. "
09:46.49ZeeekSearch for "dialplan"
09:47.19ZeeekI think I'll refine that URL to
09:47.27Zeeekthat way they don't even have to search
09:48.12djinCTRL-F on the page itself ;)
09:48.29Zeeekyes that's what I usually do, but there is that direct anchor
09:48.37djinah, ok.
09:49.00ZeeekNothing is more irritating that hearing "I did read the docs" when the question is covered in simple language there
09:49.29Zeeeknow if the question about about polarity reversal or something that's different
09:49.45djininclude PM in annoying behavior.
09:49.59Zeeekthat's why I have queries disabled
09:50.10Mavvie(somebody here with a linux version of x-lite for download?)
09:50.24djinyeah, was looking for that as well.
09:50.27Zeeekis there one?
09:50.36djinnot sure if it violates beta-licence
09:50.48Mavviethere has been one.
09:50.49djinyes, Zeeek. There is a beta.
09:51.03djinRead about release around 14 Feb.
09:51.05Zeeekwow that'd be slick
09:51.38*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
09:52.10djinZeeek, do you have experience with manager.conf?
09:52.29Zeeeka little - I think we already discussed this
09:52.51djinperhaps, but I learned in the meantime ;)
09:53.13Zeeekno I mean I think your question wasn't within my grasp :)
09:53.25djinNo, different question.
09:53.37Zeeekwell whatever it is, let's get it out of the bag!
09:54.18djinIs it correct that a manager is nog bound to a context and therefor it's possible he has more rights that you would like him to?
09:54.45jerliqueHi - can I use a cisco 1600 as a "channel bank"
09:54.45ZeeekI think the manager can do anything, ya
09:54.51djinWanted to handle managers the same as SIP users.
09:55.01djinAstTAPI is too powerfull this way.
09:55.22*** join/#asterisk tekati (
09:55.27ZeeekI use manager to send commands on the web server that's all
09:55.49djinIf one sets up a 'from' and 'to' to external numbers, only the 'to' gets logged.
09:56.09*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~lukyali@
09:59.04*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
09:59.04Zeeeksorry I can't answer that one
09:59.41olivier_morning ppl :)
10:00.01djinZeeek, thanks. It's pretty specific.
10:00.49faany one records a call to file?
10:01.47Zeeekolivier_ that was a short stay
10:04.35fahow can i record to mp3 files
10:04.36faFeb  1 11:04:19 ERROR[10419]: format_mp3.c:299 mp3_rewrite: I Can't write MP3 only read them.
10:05.06djinfa, * can only decode MP3
10:05.17tzafrirwrite to a different format and convert?
10:07.06tzafrirwhy, a patent issue?
10:07.07fagsm is good format?
10:08.20djintried wav and covert to mp3 using LAME. Result a 'metallic' sound.
10:08.33djinI stopped there ;)
10:08.35tzafrirgenerally , yes. Natually if you create a file you need to be able to use it
10:09.23makamanican i have passwords to dial certain extensions and record dtmf tones
10:09.31makamanimeaning can i setup passwords...
10:10.30fain which variable i have a id of call - unique ?
10:10.39fai will re3cording to gsm for now
10:11.34djinmakamani, Authenticate(1234) ??
10:12.23djinfa, ${UNIQUEID} ??
10:12.33makamaniok djin, will try
10:13.21faexten => _8.,1,Monitor(gsm,/work/www/htdocs/inez/mp3/${TIMESTAMP}/${UNIQUEID},m)
10:13.22*** join/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
10:13.27djinmakamani, it ask for a code and continues (1234) and continues when correct.
10:13.40kksZeeek, do u know how to handle incoming SIP call with IP (no exten), how is the dialplan look like?
10:13.43makamanithank you djin
10:14.07Zeeekkks I don't understand your quest
10:14.42djinfa, uniqueid is build up with a timestamp.
10:14.56djinmight help . .
10:15.04Zeeekyou mean ?
10:15.46kksi wan to allow another SIP server machine able to make use of my zap channel without given them an extension
10:16.08Zeeekthey have to have a context
10:16.23Zeeekso they have an entry in sip.conf yes?
10:16.48kksthey are not asterisk
10:17.00ZeeekZAP channel for calling where? On PSTN?
10:17.15Zeeekwith no authentication?
10:17.26*** join/#asterisk mutombo_ (
10:17.28Zeeekso you want to run your pOTS line open on the net?
10:17.30kksmaybe filter on ip?
10:17.36Nixkks: I suggest you dont tell anyone your IP...
10:17.42Nixexcept for me :-D
10:17.43*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
10:17.49djinkks, what's your ip?
10:17.57Zeeekkks you'll have to set up a peer or friend in sip.conf
10:18.29Zeeekthat will allow one host to connect
10:18.52kksZeeek, ok
10:18.59Zeeek"The dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls. "
10:19.42djinah, the bible again.
10:20.02djinthe one book thans answers almost all questions ;)
10:20.20Zeeek"The first thing tht needs to be done is setup the general settings. Much like IAX this allows you to make settings that all sip connections will use."
10:20.30Zeeekhey a typo!
10:23.34Zeeekdjin actually it used to answer more questions but they changed the approach to be more clear with a more limited scope
10:23.59djinnobody is reading docs anyway.
10:24.18djinwhy read when you can PM?
10:24.40djinjust here to server.
10:25.24ZeeekIt's sometimes hard to determine whether it's bloody laziness or a person has a real problem reading and understanding English
10:25.42ZeeekONe of the guys that wrote is very nice to beginners on the ML
10:26.13Zeeekhe feels (and I agree) that asterisk should welcome all necwcomers into the community and try to help them as much as we can. BUT:
10:26.27ZeeekThey do have to make the effort to read the first docs
10:26.43ZeeekI have my list distilled down to about four great ones
10:27.06djinI agree to that. No need to explain the basics, that is very well covered in docs.
10:27.50ZeeekQuestions about what hardware do I need oth should be answered by those experienced with the situation. I would always try to help people who want to do what I have successfully done, for example
10:27.53fagood exten => _8.,1,Monitor(gsm,/work/www/htdocs/inez/mp3/${TIMESTAMP}/${UNIQUEID},m)
10:27.58djin* takes time, but for me is quite rewarding so far. Hence hosting a mailing search and help a little here.
10:28.05mutombo_i have  a little understandingquestion, when i want to connect analog phones to asterisk, i need some of these Wildcard TDM400P?
10:28.22djinmutombo, yes
10:28.24Zeeekfa - besides getting aon a lot of folks nerves - your directory TIMESTAMP exists?
10:28.27mutombo_what when i need more than 40 phones connected?
10:28.38djinuse FXS channel banks.
10:28.39faZeeek i need no timestamp.. i need that variable - 20040201 ?
10:28.41fawhich is it?
10:28.46Zeeekmutombo_ ah non that won't give you enough lines
10:29.10Zeeekfa remove ${TOIMESTAMP}/
10:29.19mutombo_someone know how many of this modules i can plug onto this cards?
10:29.30*** join/#asterisk tekati (
10:29.33Zeeekremove that and the slash at the end (trailing slash)
10:29.35djinTDM? -> 4.
10:29.38faZeeek and what add? i want to save gsm in folder of that day
10:29.46mutombo_k thx
10:29.55Zeeekdon't add anything fa just try what I said and report backif success
10:30.14faZeeek ${TIMESTAMP:8} - sth like that.. by i want first 8 char.. not from 8 char
10:30.19djinmutombo, mind the difference between FXO and FXS.
10:30.23Zeeekmutombo  if you want that many phones you may want to use SIP pones?
10:30.37faZeeek what try?
10:30.46Zeeekfa ?
10:30.55mutombo_its about switching an existing office the phones and lines are all there already
10:30.55Zeeekfa read
10:30.58Zeeekfa read this
10:31.04mutombo_but thats a good idea to start new :)
10:31.18Zeeekfa read this line: REMOVE the TIMESTAMP variable and the slash
10:31.36djinmutumbo, connecting 40 analog phones might be a wasted investment.
10:31.42faZeeek and only that, right: exten => _8.,1,Monitor(gsm,/work/www/htdocs/inez/call/${UNIQUEID},m)
10:31.53Zeeekmutombo_ yes a common situation - but to collect 40 phones you'd need other hardware, noit my area  :)
10:32.02djinfunctionality is limited and I would advise to investigate VOIP-phones options.
10:32.12Zeeekfa try it and don't speak until you have the results
10:32.33faresult is that file asterisk-11078-1107253926.0.gsm
10:32.46fabut i want to have that file in catlogu with name 200402021
10:33.18Zeeekfa what does TIMESTAMP give you ?
10:33.21djinwhat's 20040201?
10:33.32Zeeekfeb 1 2004 :)
10:33.45djinsomeone needs a date -s
10:33.48Zeeekwhat format is timestamp someone?
10:33.53RaYmAn-Bxor jan 2 2004 depending on where you are from :P
10:33.54faZeeek timestamp give me that 20050201-113337
10:34.24Zeeekfa ok ${EXTEN:1:8}${}UNIQUEID
10:34.35Zeeekno slash between the two
10:35.02Zeeekand the ${UNIQUEID} written <<<------ like this
10:35.20Zeeekfa  ${EXTEN:1:8}${UNIQUEID}
10:35.27faZeekand that back me
10:35.49fawhere the number was 0800121121
10:36.05fai know
10:36.16Zeeekfa I think you need a consultant, honestly
10:36.21Nugget11078 is probably your unix PID and 1107254109 is the current time in unix epoch format.
10:36.52ZeeekTIMESTAMP must be in unix native - I 've never used it
10:37.33Nuggetit's trivial to transform that epoch format into a human-readable form if that's what you're trying to do.
10:37.42Zeeekin extensions.conf
10:38.24faexten => _8.,1,Monitor(gsm,/work/www/htdocs/inez/call/${TIMESTAMP:0:8}/${UNIQUE$
10:38.28fait's what i need
10:39.12Zeeekuh hello olivier_
10:39.27Zeeekso use it
10:40.18xpashaso guys who can tell why asterisk doesnt record calls in queues?
10:40.32xpashawhen call is short the file contents header only
10:40.39olivier_Hi zeek
10:40.58*** join/#asterisk fishboy1669 (proxyuser@
10:41.13Zeeekfishy !
10:41.20*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
10:41.49fishboy1669hi zeek
10:41.53fishboy1669hows thinks
10:42.16fishboy1669das ist
10:42.22djinsehr gut?
10:42.27faI have a little echo with call on ZAP.
10:42.29fahow to delete that
10:42.50Zeeekfa would you consider doing some research on your own ?
10:43.07faZeeek I was findinf, but i didn't found
10:43.10djinif it doesn't take too much of your time . . .
10:43.22Nuggetich bin schlafrig.
10:43.22mAsH`i get always the same message when i try to start *
10:43.25mAsH`[] => (ADSI Resource)
10:43.25mAsH`Illegal instruction (core dumped)
10:43.31Zeeekthere are 20 PAGES of echo cancellation stuff on the wiki
10:43.35mAsH`anyone known help me?
10:43.36djinfa, come on. 4 minutes search?
10:44.07Zeeekmash - you tried noload= on siome modules?
10:44.18djinfa, don't PM me.
10:44.20olivier_<mAsH`> you really need adsi ?
10:44.33Zeeekfa I understand you are not perfect with English but there is a limit to the help you can expect here
10:44.42mAsH`i alredy removed it
10:44.52mAsH`and i get the same errore later
10:45.03faI have that echotraining=800
10:45.03Zeeekmash I'm trying to rememebr when I had that probelm...
10:45.14mAsH`tnx Zeeek ;)
10:45.18djinmAsH, I don't think it has anything to do with adsi.
10:45.22fishboy1669make sure u put them in that order
10:45.27fishboy1669tweek your gains
10:45.33Zeeekfishboty is the resident echo reduction expert here - he will solve your problem
10:45.35fishboy1669put max one way then max other
10:45.39mAsH`so do i djin
10:45.48fishboy1669took me 3 days lol
10:46.03fishboy1669im 0.0
10:46.05Zeeekfish you solved it? Go tell the 20,000 posters on the ML how!
10:46.29fishboy1669main thing is the order
10:46.49fishboy1669make sure u put the signalling=fxs_ks at the end of the file
10:46.54fanow it's not working
10:47.07fishboy1669keep tweekeng
10:47.07fasignalling = bri_cpe_ptmp
10:47.08fais bad?
10:47.21Zeeekdrums stop. Bad.
10:47.31fishboy1669anyone know about using a sip to h323 converter?
10:50.53*** join/#asterisk meppl (
10:51.55Nixdon't even think about it with asterisk
10:52.42Nixcheck out yate for that.. it has very stable h323 support, reasonable SIP and can do rtp sip-h323 bypass ;-)
10:54.02*** join/#asterisk Othello (
10:54.08fishboy1669cheers nix
10:56.12*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~lukyali@
10:56.45tzangerping..... KABOOM!
10:57.33shaZwazZeeek how can I load values from astdb at startup/reload
10:57.33ltersany likely date of the next cvs to stable date?
10:58.23Mavvie"when it's ready"
11:00.40ltersand, when will that be :)
11:01.53shaZwazmaybe drumkilla can tell
11:05.28*** join/#asterisk pranav (dawda_pran@
11:07.28shaZwazhi hi
11:08.43*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
11:09.29datareactorcan anyone check what wrong with my config unable to register to go2call
11:09.47djinanyone Realtime experience icw MySQL?
11:10.43pranavhi shazwas
11:10.57pranavca we talk
11:11.39djinnever mind, got my answer.
11:11.50facan any give my his IAX2..
11:11.52shaZwazpranav: abt ?
11:11.53fai will call for test
11:12.33olivier_<fa> you have a digium iax sample in your extension.conf
11:13.03faolivier_ i want to call some alive
11:13.07faanyo ne use zaphfc?
11:13.13olivier_fa something like that : Dial(IAX2/
11:13.47fishboy1669is this still current?
11:13.56fishboy1669as the latest stable release
11:14.08Mavviewhat does it say there?
11:16.17fishboy1669last modification: Monday 20 of December, 2004
11:16.30fishboy1669for the webpage
11:16.37fishboy1669just checking to see if that is current
11:17.52Delmarffs this X100 echo is still driving me nuts. and now to top it all off.. the busy/disconnect tone detection seems to be intermittant... so if someone say.. rings and leaves a message on voicemail then hangs up, the X100 wont hangup.
11:19.21djinDoes anyone use Asterisk Realtime?
11:19.34djinjust a quick question.
11:22.35Zeeeknot that quick apparently
11:22.43Zeeekcoffee, anyone?
11:22.48olivier_yep !
11:23.09olivier_one sugar please :)
11:23.18djinah, Zeek was waiting for a response ;)
11:23.22tzafriranything I can download?
11:23.59djinI use * CVS (v1-0) and res_mysql is missing in asterisk-addons.
11:24.22djinI downloaded latest CVS and there it is!
11:24.34*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
11:24.39djinCan this version be use with v1-0?
11:24.56fai have that error
11:24.57faFeb  1 12:24:36 ERROR[6988]: chan_zap.c:6416 mkintf: Unable to open channel 1: No such device or address
11:25.01fahere = 0, tmp->channel = 1, channel = 1
11:25.03faFeb  1 12:24:36 ERROR[6988]: chan_zap.c:10063 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1-2'
11:25.07faFeb  1 12:24:36 WARNING[6988]: loader.c:345 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
11:25.09faFeb  1 12:24:36 WARNING[6988]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
11:25.13fabut i have loaded zaphfc module
11:25.40mAsH`ztcfg -v
11:25.50faSPAN 1: CCS/ AMI Build-out: 399-533 feet (DSX-1)
11:25.50fa3 channels configured.
11:25.54*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
11:25.56mAsH`try now
11:26.06fa3 channels configured.thanks
11:26.07fanow good
11:26.28mAsH`;) fa
11:26.58mAsH`i have always the same problem :/
11:27.08mAsH`Illegal instruction (core dumped)
11:27.14mAsH`any idea?
11:28.09*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
11:28.49thieumSwhich addon do you propose to perform prepaid calls (mysql)
11:30.52festr_pls help. i'm installing some next 3xFXS 1xFXO pci TDM-400p, cat /proc/zaptel/1 1,2,3WCTDM/0/0...4 WCTDM/0/3 FXSKS. ztcfg is OK. when loading asterisk: Unable to open channel 1: No such device
11:30.56DelmarmAsH`.. when exactly do u get a core dump?
11:31.12festr_signalling=fxo_ks channel=>1
11:31.33Delmarfestr signalling for FXO is reverse.
11:31.34mAsH`just i try to start asterisk
11:31.59mAsH`there are the default conf file :/
11:32.00DelmarmAsH` what kernel?
11:32.30Delmari run 2.6 kernels myself but still..
11:32.36mAsH`VIA C3 processor on mini-itx
11:32.44festr_Delmar: Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
11:32.44Delmarso you downloaded latest CVS?
11:32.53festr_Delmar: this is output from ztcfg
11:33.10festr_Delmar: signalling=fxo_ks channel=>1
11:33.21*** part/#asterisk Nix (~Nix@
11:33.23Delmarchannel 1 is your FXO port?
11:33.46festr_Delmar: no 1-3 is FXS
11:34.12festr_Delmar: /etc/zaptel.conf
11:34.34Delmarheh. yet, ztcfg -v shows what? :P
11:35.41festr_Delmar: 4 channels configured.
11:35.53DelmarChannel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01) 1 = FXO
11:35.59festr_Channel 01: FXO Kewlstart (Default) (Slaves: 01)
11:36.29festr_sorry channel 1 = FXS (for phones)
11:36.38festr_so ztcfg is right
11:36.42festr_it is reverse
11:36.56festr_i have the same configuration on other machine and there is no problm
11:37.25festr_but when starting asterisk and, Feb  1 12:36:41 WARNING[2259]: chan_zap.c:769 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 3: No such device
11:37.29Delmarok, so channels 1-3 are not loading but channel 4 is?
11:37.33festr_channel 1 and 2 too
11:37.38festr_Delmar: yes
11:37.52festr_Delmar: but proc/zaptel/1 is right, ztcfg show no errors
11:38.25Delmarin /etc/zaptel.conf .. what do u have?
11:38.34Delmaruse if need be.
11:39.32MuchToDoAnybody here in the UK?
11:39.44Delmarat this time of year? no way.. lol
11:40.18MuchToDoI'm looking around for VOIP hardware suppliers, but not finding much.
11:40.47MuchToDoLooking at, there's loads of zaptel cards (and clones) around, but not much on
11:41.00MuchToDoI've found a couple of online stores that look ok, but the prices seem fairly high..
11:41.01libpcpwhat does it mean by Warning, flexibel rate not heavily tested!
11:41.31InfraRedmeans the rates are not tested, heavily
11:41.45fishboy1669hi guys
11:42.05fishboy1669anyone got there * box behind a nat firewall and tried to connect from external using sip?
11:42.12fishboy1669how do i do it?
11:42.45MuchToDofishboy1669: i'm trying that at the moment
11:43.08MuchToDonot sure if it's the firewall at home or the one at the external site which is causing a problem.
11:43.09fishboy1669how is it going?
11:43.16festr_Delmar: fxoks=1-3 and fxsks=4
11:43.21MuchToDonot sure really - only just started!
11:43.34MuchToDostill setting up port forwards etc
11:43.47fishboy1669the issue i found was that the outside device gets given the internal ip address of the * box and therefore cant route back
11:43.51MuchToDolooks like it will be easier with IAX2 than with SIP
11:43.56fishboy1669need it with sip
11:44.47fishboy1669hint from my setup use nat=yes canreinvite=no qualify=10000 in sip.conf
11:45.10fishboy1669and set up 5060 portforward in the fw to the * box ip
11:45.22MuchToDoneed to try mine from an external site which isn't firewalled before I can say if it's working or not
11:45.26fishboy1669the sip bit works and the phones connect but there is no sound
11:45.32MuchToDobut i'm betting i'll get the same problem :)
11:45.32Delmarfestr_ so u jsut have like.. 4 lines... loadzone, defaultzone, fxsks= and fxoks= ?
11:45.52fishboy1669im at work behind silly fw here so cant test with u sorry
11:46.05fishboy1669anyone else any experience with sip via nat
11:46.30Delmaryep fishboy1669.
11:46.52Delmardoes the firewall let u connecy outbound to any destination addy/port ?
11:46.59festr_Delmar: exactly
11:47.19Delmarfestr_ ok ... gotta be /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf then dude..
11:47.41Delmarwhats the output of ztcfg -vv ?
11:47.49Delmarit lists all 4 ports as they should be right?
11:48.18festr_Delmar: eys
11:48.30festr_Delmar: ztcfg is right, /proc/zaptel/1 is right too
11:49.00fishboy1669delmar can u explain further
11:49.04festr_Delmar: zapata.conf is signalling=fxo_ks
11:49.13fishboy1669it lets me portforward external port to internal ip
11:49.37Delmarfishboy1669 nah u dont need any port forwarding really.
11:49.58Delmarwhat SIP client are u using.. hardware or software?
11:50.17*** join/#asterisk waddy (waddy@
11:50.42fishboy1669xlite for testing but also ip [
11:50.50DelmarI have a solution here that is working.. like... xlite SIP client ===> Nat FW Router ===> Internet ====> Nat Router ===> Asterisk.
11:50.51fishboy1669delmar how do i do it then
11:51.08fishboy1669yay thats exactly what i want
11:51.12Delmarbut when i replace the xlite end with say.. a budgetone 101/102... no go.
11:51.41fishboy1669aha thats cos xlite has nat fw delection
11:51.41Delmarfishboy1669 you need to use stun/proxy etc.
11:51.57Delmaryeah xlite seems to work mint.
11:52.04Delmarbudgetone are budget.
11:52.08festr_Delmar: i'm stupid
11:52.13festr_Delmar: i didnt plug the power
11:52.19festr_LOL :)
11:52.31fishboy1669oh does that mean i need a server with external ip for the stun
11:52.33Delmarpower to what dude? lol
11:52.45fishboy1669my phones i can set up stun but dont want more servers
11:53.09mAsH`Delmar:always the same error, i have also recompiled :/ any ideas?
11:53.31festr_Delmar: power to TDM400P
11:53.46festr_Delmar: it has external power
11:53.57Delmaroh, the main trick with the Nat and Asterisk.. is that the Asterisk box needs to be like.. DMZ'd for calls in both directions to work nice.. that is... ie. an Alcatel you set a "defserver" pointing to the Asterisk.
11:54.02fishboy1669delmar how do i get the phone to transvers the nat?
11:54.41fishboy1669my * has internal ip and portforward 5060 from the external of the nat to the internal * ip
11:54.43Delmarxlite or something else fishboy1669? cuz i know xlite works.. and i know budgetone wont... anddont know anything more...
11:54.59fishboy1669i have tried with xlite
11:55.08fishboy1669the call connects but no sound
11:55.14fishboy1669do u use stun server
11:55.19Delmarwell, port forwarding to the Asterisk is pointless because you are going to DMZ to the Asterisk box, so ALL ports will forward to it.
11:55.26fishboy1669or is your * box on dmz or what
11:55.56fishboy1669ok so all ports go to the * box but the * box is still registering with the internal ip
11:56.01Delmaror, you can just port forward udp/5060/4569/5004 etc, and not do DMZ... and u will get calls in one direction but notht he other.. ( cant remember which way it was ).
11:56.23fishboy1669so when a call is made the external phone tryes to return packets to an internal ip address and routing wont allow this
11:56.33fishboy1669how do i get round this
11:56.44Delmaroh there was something else that i played with....
11:56.45fishboy1669does your * box have internal ip
11:56.57fishboy1669aha that sounds like the key what was it
11:56.58Delmarin my sip.conf i set externip =
11:57.12fishboy1669aha bingo that sounds like what i need
11:57.17fishboy1669cheers ill read up on it
11:57.19Delmaryep. could be.
11:57.29Delmargoogle is your friend :P
11:57.34Delmarhey but ill tell you what....
11:57.56Delmarafter all my fuckin around with NAT.. and getting REALLY anoyed at it.. there are a couple of things I have decided....
11:58.39Delmar1. IAX2 rules.. so biff any softphone that uses SIP out the window... IAX2 and NAT get along nice... 2. Get a better DSL modem or whatever.. and get your linux box on a public IP running Asterisk.... and no more headaches. :P
11:59.34fishboy1669but if the * is on public ip how do i set up the internal phones to access it?
12:02.25thetalonfishboy, use SER with the NAT proxy
12:02.36*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
12:02.48thetalonit will rewrite SIP headers for your NATed clients
12:03.32*** join/#asterisk Underground (~undergrou@
12:03.49*** join/#asterisk meppl (
12:03.51fishboy1669but then i need an extra server im trying to get out of needing that
12:04.00fishboy1669chees for the though thetalon
12:04.06Delmarfishboy1669 im not sure what u are meaning there... umm... if there are clients on a remote network behind a nat device... and your * is public.. they will have less issues than if the * box is also behind nat...
12:04.10fishboy1669thought though
12:04.16UndergroundI'm in do I run Xwindow from SSH?
12:04.39Delmarand if the * box has a public IP on one interface, and internal address on the other.. and is acting as your firewall/router AND Asterisk... your internal devices will have no issues.
12:05.43DelmarUnderground, dude.. that was funny. :P
12:05.51Undergroundno no Delmar :p
12:06.34Undergroundmy network administrator set my linux to boot from SSH....and I want to in Red Hat Windows
12:06.50Delmaru are killin me.
12:07.13UndergroundI may sound dump to you b'coz I dont know even the ABC of linux
12:07.38Undergroundcome on Delmar. stop enjoying my problem......let me know!
12:07.47shaZwazUnderground: startX
12:07.54Undergroundlet me check.
12:08.20Delmarare u on console or in an SSH session from your windows box?
12:08.27OhMyAchinLapssh -X
12:08.46Delmarcuz u aint gonna run no Xwindows in an SSH shell application i can tell u now.
12:08.54Undergroundstartx . . works!
12:08.59Undergroundthanks Shazwaz
12:09.03*** part/#asterisk Underground (~undergrou@
12:09.19Delmarlol. thats messed up. Xwindows in an SSH hahaha. whatever.
12:10.05shaZwazUnderground better read the docs next time
12:10.23OhMyAchinLaparen't there some windows ssh clients that have X clients as well?
12:10.45DelmarOhMyAchinLap well, after seeing that... im thinking there must be. lol
12:10.59tzafrirOhMyAchinLap, cygwin has both ssh and X
12:11.08Delmaranyways. im gonna hit the sack and get some Z's and fight with echo cancellation tomorrow.
12:11.12OhMyAchinLapi think he was just confusing a command line with ssh
12:11.44Delmarcygwin is a pain in the arse.
12:11.52fahow to make simple chack if isdn channel is free, and is not change to other.. befor make dial
12:11.53tzafrir(and it is an X serve, not a client)
12:13.31*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
12:13.36shaZwazany idea how values from astdb can be loaded at startup
12:13.54shaZwazhowdy puzzled
12:14.14puzzledshaZwaz: in a dialplan use dbget. don't know how to do it at actual * startup
12:14.31shaZwaznot the dialplan puzzled
12:14.54shaZwazsuppose I wanna intialize a global from astdb
12:15.26puzzledno idea
12:15.35shaZwazmay be some script
12:15.58*** part/#asterisk thetalon (
12:16.58*** join/#asterisk pranav (dawda_pran@
12:17.00jerliquecan someone tell me what the easiest way to get a incoming call into * (without hardware).  I've been tring with iaxtel for days and cannot get it to work!
12:17.34faI call somebody firefly -> * ->isdn -> cellular phone
12:17.39faand sb. dont accept my caLL
12:17.48fawhy firefly show my.. in call woith.. still
12:20.49*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
12:21.20jerliqueWhy do I get this error:chan_iax2.c:5967 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
12:22.04*** join/#asterisk Gerrath (
12:23.28pranavhi fa
12:23.33puzzledjerlique: usually google has answers to these kind of answers e.g.
12:24.07*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (~RatMan@
12:26.27pranavhello jluk
12:26.34pranavr u there
12:27.48jerliqueYes, I saw that, however I was wondering if there were any advancements..
12:32.27jerliquesorry I jumped the gun a little.  The email I saw had something different on it.... I'll reread this one.
12:34.49Jas_Williamsjerlique: Do you whant a hand to get it working
12:36.24*** join/#asterisk X-Gen (
12:37.06*** join/#asterisk r1 (
12:37.12X-Genhey all
12:37.43*** join/#asterisk datareactor (datareacto@
12:38.33Jas_WilliamsAfternoon X-Gen
12:38.36jerliqueyeah, if you dont mind
12:39.18X-GenJas_Williams: how did u know it was afternoon ? ;)
12:39.37Zeeekyo Jas
12:39.45Jas_WilliamsX-Gen: It is here ;-)
12:39.52X-Genhehehe, same here
12:39.59*** join/#asterisk ard (~ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
12:40.01Zeeeksamr here!
12:40.58Jas_WilliamsStates must still be asleep lazy not getting up until the middle of the afternoon ;P
12:42.29datareactorZeeek can you help i am unable to reg to go2call
12:43.10ZeeekI tried to answer you before
12:44.05datareactorZeeek sorry i was disconnected here is my
12:44.35ZeeekYes I saw that - but it seems you are timing out. Are you sure the server is up?
12:45.31datareactorZeeeK i can ping it
12:46.56Zeeekare you behind NAT?
12:47.28datareactorZeeek i using public ips
12:48.01faI want to writre my own manager of dialplan in PHP + postgres + perl or python to generate dialplans to file
12:48.18facan anybody propose me some good scratch
12:49.22Zeeekdata the config files look right to me
12:49.44*** join/#asterisk sjaak538 (
12:50.20Zeeekassuming you are unisng the right user/pass of course
12:50.43datareactorZeeek this error i got through ethereal -> x.x.x.x SIP Status: 405 Method Not Allowed
12:50.43Zeeekbut you will want to remove the 1 from the first part I think, no?
12:50.45faZeeek can we query for moment?
12:51.05Zeeekno fa I'm a nice boy I do queries
12:51.33mutombo_have another small question, how do i route calls from the sipphone to my isdnline
12:51.42Zeeekno fa I'm a nice boy I do queries
12:51.43mutombo_tried something like that:
12:51.44Zeeekplus I seriously want you to go find some documents study until you undertsand them
12:51.45mutombo_exten => _XXXXXXX,1,Dial(CAPI/${EXTEN})
12:53.00Zeeekdata did you read my last about extension? Do all the extension start with 1?
12:54.52datareactorZeeek only if person want to dial internationally they dial 1 + country + city code number
12:54.52faHow can i switch call to first free consultant on IAX ?
12:55.20Zeeekfa would you mind leaving say 15 minutes between questions?
12:55.30fano ;[
12:55.36Zeeekyou are probably being ignored by 19% of the people here now
12:55.55fai want to know
12:56.09Zeeekwhich explains the LACK OF ANSWERS
12:56.23cypromisfa: 1. don't query
12:56.30Zeeekand will soon result in embarassing profaity and vulgarity on the channel
12:56.34cypromis2. try to use one of the allready existing sql features
12:56.44Zeeek2. shut the fuck up for 15 minutes
12:56.50*** join/#asterisk allgood (
12:56.50facypromis nice.. to see you
12:56.55allgoodhi all
12:57.06sambal3. google is your friend, 4. also
12:57.07cypromisif you check the makefile in the apps subdirectory
12:57.10allgoodi'm still looking for supervised transfer support...
12:57.16cypromisthere is a app for making sql requests to postgresql right there
12:57.21Zeeekdon't wate your time with links... he ignores them
12:57.22cypromiswhich you can use out of the dialplan
12:57.27cypromisso you don't need the file in between
12:57.29allgoodis there a way to do that when the phone (sip, iax2, or other) supports only blind transfers?
12:57.31facypromis z baza daje rade. ale mam troszeczke jeszcze problem z jakoscia polaczenia dzwoniac na ISDN.
12:57.42kajtzuin english, please
12:57.46cypromisyou are using cheap HFC-S cards
12:57.52cypromisyou get what you pay for :D
12:58.07Zeeekno better to keep it in Polish :)
12:58.09facypromis jeszcze mam taka sprawe. ze jak dzwonie do kogos na komorke, i ktos odrzuci to ja w firefly mam nadal call with.. a przeciez kolo odrczuicl polaczenie.
12:58.14sambal:D english.
12:58.21sambalhmmmm /ignore .... ;)
12:59.20datareactorZeeek it seems to me i am not passing correct parameter to go2call -> x.x.x.x SIP Status: 405 Method Not Allowed
12:59.29sambalZeeek: do you know if somebody is working on that zaptel bug, that you have to reset the module when there is noise on the line?
12:59.42Zeeekif ((question_repeated>=20) && (links_given) ) continue;
12:59.53Zeeekdunno at all sambal
12:59.55cypromisfa: if somebody rejects your call on the mobile network
13:00.01cypromisit is forwarded to voicemail normally no ?
13:00.05cypromisso you are still in a call
13:00.10cypromisand for firefly bugs
13:00.14cypromiscontact virbiage
13:00.20allgooddoes anybody knows how (if possible, of course) can I make supervised transfers with phones that doesn't have this function?
13:00.30allgoodis there a workaround on asterisk for this?
13:00.31facypromis no. i have busy signal then on regular phone.
13:00.45Zeeekallgood the new versions will do this I hear
13:00.51Zeeekmaybe need HEAD?
13:00.55cypromisallgood: there is a patch
13:00.59cypromischeck out
13:01.06Zeeekah - for 1.0.3?
13:01.06allgoodcypromis, will look
13:01.17cypromisyou meant 1.0.5 I hope
13:01.20Zeeekbtw is 105 working well now?
13:01.26cypromisbut you are welcome to do a backport
13:01.32Zeeekheh, not
13:01.42Zeeekyou using 105?
13:01.59allgoodcypromis, searched for 'transfer' on 0 results...
13:02.12ZeeekI keep seeing that 1.0.5 has problems
13:02.21cypromiswhat kind of problems ?
13:02.53facypromis why you don't answer on phone... noo
13:03.12Zeeekthe word STABLE means to me "this sucker is working perfectly now"
13:03.21Makenshiwhen i update * (from cvs), how do i stop it renaming all my config files when run make install?
13:03.29Makenshilast time it renamed them all to *.old
13:03.35Zeeekdon't make config
13:03.48Makenshii didnt afair
13:03.56Makenshioh well i can just back them up
13:04.01ZeeekI've never had that happen - it would be irritating though
13:04.01Makenshinow im prepared
13:04.05allgoodcypromis, can you point me directly to the patch that makes this?
13:04.08cypromisfa: I run a company and am most of the time on the phone
13:04.37cypromismakenshi: sounds like you did make samples as well
13:04.46cypromisallgood: hmmm I think it is closed
13:04.48Zeeekooops I said make config
13:04.52facypromis bedziemy mogli jakos pogadac, wiem ze troche mecze, ale musze troche rzeczy ustalic... i juz sobie bede robil samemu dalej.
13:04.52cypromisuntag the closed exclusion box
13:04.52Zeeekmeant samples
13:04.55cypromisand it will find it
13:05.17Makenshicypromis, oh, yeah, that must be it :>
13:05.18allgoodops... wrong window... damn mouse
13:07.41allgoodcypromis, will it be 'attended pound transfers 2005 style'?
13:08.39facypromis hm?
13:09.07allgoodcypromis, how will this work with sip and iax2 clients? just press the pound key and the extension to redirect?
13:09.10Zeeekallgood you don like parking?
13:09.35cypromisZeeek: parking is a feature only US people like
13:09.45allgoodZeeek, I'm starting a project to sell some asterisk servers, to people that use simple PABX...
13:09.47cypromiseverywhere else in this world people are used to assistet transfers
13:10.48allgoodunnassisted transfers are possible with clients that doesn't support them (xlite... for instance)?
13:10.50ZeeekI think parking is kinda cool -but never use it)
13:11.10allgoodZeeek, I didn't undesrtood yet what exactly are call parking
13:11.38Zeeekparking is when you allow the Tt in DIal and hit #
13:11.53*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
13:12.05Zeeekit sticks the call at 701 by default and anyone can pick it up
13:12.23*** join/#asterisk dktele (~sil@
13:12.46allgoodZeeek, then I can call the destination and tell him to pick the parked one?
13:12.47Zeeekso you could fake an attended transfer using parking tho it's a PITA
13:12.58Zeeekegg act ly
13:13.09allgoodZeeek, any secure option to avoid the wrong person to pick the call?
13:13.22Zeeekjeeze what kind of a l=place do you work?
13:13.25*** join/#asterisk jonas (
13:14.10Zeeek"pr0n line 701, pr0n..."
13:14.28Zeeek"this is pr0n, how can I help uyou?"
13:14.54allgoodZeeek, didn't understood yet
13:14.59allgoodZeeek, will look at it
13:15.03Zeeekhey how about this? You could fake attended transfer by programming a bunch of extensions
13:15.12Makenshiive seen parking used in the uk, but rarely
13:15.54Zeeekthe main utility of it is when you want to park the call to move somewhere else
13:15.57Makenshicould transfer them to a meetme perhaps
13:16.01Makenshibut then its stuck
13:16.59Zeeekif the patch is for 1.0.5 why is it a patch? Or is that a dumb question?
13:17.11Zeeeksince I've heard about it for a while
13:17.44allgoodZeeek, I have another problem... xlite doesn't support transfers... How do I use this with asterisk?
13:18.09ZeeekX-Heavy will do transfers I think
13:18.22ZeeekI believe you can buy it for something like $8
13:18.33darkskiezallgood, allow the # key to be used for transfers
13:18.47allgoodZeeek, x-heavy... you mean x-pro?
13:18.55Zeeekthe only problem with that is if you ever need the # key when on the phone :(
13:18.57*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (
13:19.04Zeeekpro, heavy, same thing :)
13:19.14allgoodZeeek, x-pro is us$ 50
13:19.25Zeeekalthough the list price is high, it is on sale somewhere cheap
13:19.35Zeeeknow I have to try to rememebr where, right?
13:19.41ZeeekWould you pay under $10?
13:19.42allgoodZeeek, right!
13:19.53allgoodZeeek, my customers will! :-D
13:20.01Zeeeksomeplace like voxilla I'm guessing
13:20.08Zeeekshit you cust can pay $50!
13:20.22Zeeekthat would be per license though
13:20.25allgoodZeeek, but I really liked the "iax phone" soft... but it have some flaws
13:20.57allgoodZeeek, at us$ 50 per extension... they will prefer to keep using their current PABX
13:21.27Zeeekclose! :   Only US $39 with $10 nikotel credit included.
13:21.41allgoodZeeek, ouch
13:21.46Zeeekhow many extensions?
13:21.56allgoodZeeek, above 50
13:22.31allgoodZeeek, I'll keep a look on 'iax phone' and other iax free soft phones...
13:22.58*** part/#asterisk datareactor (datareacto@
13:23.15ZeeekIAXPhone is pretty good IMO
13:23.22allgoodhow do I enable transfers with the pound key?
13:23.52allgoodi'm using 1.0.2 (debian package)
13:24.10ZeeekShow application dial
13:24.15Zeeeksee T and t
13:24.30allgoodZeeek, on conf files?
13:24.41ZeeekCLI type show application dial and read
13:25.16ZeeekI swore someone on FWD said X-Pro was sold for $10 legitimately somewhere
13:25.32Zeeekprolly with a subscription to some voIP service
13:25.58allgoodZeeek, I saw one that was locked to a sip provider...
13:26.04Makenshianyone using eyebeam yet?
13:26.09*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
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13:28.01Zeeekanother thing I'v seen discussed on FWD forum is eyebeam
13:28.26fishboy1669anyone know how to restrict an extention from ringing out on certain sip nubers?
13:28.40fishboy1669wupee got my * accepting sip from external
13:28.43fishboy1669life is so good
13:28.49fishboy1669and im off snowboarding next week
13:28.54fishboy1669bring it on
13:29.25bjohnsonfishboy1669: put the restricted numbers in a different context and don't let the restricted users access it
13:29.35allgoodZeeek, so, I must put T on the extensions.conf Dial commands?
13:29.57Zeeekallgood no you must read the output of show application Dial
13:30.26allgoodZeeek, is a man page... :-D ... but I didn't understood where I use the T parameter
13:30.29Zeeekbut then any time you type # you will hear "transfer?"
13:30.55Zeeekallgood in that case you need to carefully read this:
13:31.00allgoodZeeek, I think that this will not be a problem for my customers
13:31.30Zeeekif you don't know where the arguments go in Dial you really need to study up a little
13:32.33allgoodZeeek, will look at it
13:33.19allgoodZeeek, thx for your help
13:33.36Zeeekallgood: search for dial()
13:36.08allgoodZeeek, I didn't understood where the dial is used for outgoing calls...
13:36.46allgoodZeeek, but I think I'm annoying you too much with newbie questions... please forgive me
13:36.56ZeeekDial will be used to ring both a distant AND a local phone if you think about it
13:37.11Zeeekno I think you need to go read one of the 5 docs I just posted
13:37.22allgoodZeeek, I'll read them
13:37.25allgoodZeeek, thx
13:37.33*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
13:37.40faI want switch call to first free iax consultant, how can i do that?
13:37.40allgoodZeeek, hehe... yes... I promise
13:37.53allgoodZeeek, just got it...
13:38.13ZeeekA list of asterisk commands:
13:38.24allgoodt on incoming Dial() and T on outgoing
13:38.42Zeeeksince there is also a 't' priority, it IS confusing
13:39.05*** join/#asterisk nicolasg (
13:40.07nicolasgHello all
13:40.16george_Anyone using raw audio files for MOH?  I have it working on one machine, but not on another...
13:40.27Luhiwuhi nicolasg (hola)
13:40.29fishboy1669poo spoke to soon i can dial out sip but not in
13:40.49nicolasghola luhiwu
13:40.56george_fishboy1669: check your registration table
13:42.13bjohnsonfa: you could ring all phones and let one pick up (by using & in the dial string .. read the dial command docs) .. or you could use call queues and agent logins (this requires a lot of reading)
13:42.33fishboy1669as in sip show peers
13:42.35fishboy1669there all there
13:42.36*** join/#asterisk adnans (
13:42.41cypromishi mr flashpanel
13:42.44fishboy1669is cos im trying to go through nat
13:42.53nicolasghi cypromis
13:43.13george_fishboy1669: you migth want to have the sip client unregister and reregister
13:43.29george_I'm not a wizard at this, but I've done some * <--> SIP stuff...
13:43.44fishboy1669via nat?
13:43.54Jas_Williamsfishboy1669: No try sip show registry
13:44.42george_I have avoided doing SIP through a NAT.
13:44.54fishboy1669i cant :(
13:44.57Jas_Williamsfishboy1669: Then Asterisk has not registered to any external sip providers is this correct ?
13:45.31fishboy1669yes but it shows the peers
13:45.59nicolasgI have a question for fellow asteerisk users... I would like your opinion before bothering a bug marshall
13:46.09fishboy1669xlight -  nat - * - ip phone
13:46.51nicolasgWhen you receive a call (your phone is ringing), would you like to have the callerid of the remote party available before picking up the phone?
13:47.23george_fishboy1669: I'm afraid I can be of little help w/ SIP and NAT....  sorry
13:47.36nicolasgor is it ok to have the callerid AFTER picking up and the channels are bridged?
13:48.18bjohnsonnicolasg: before
13:48.33nicolasgI think the same
13:48.41Zeeeknicolasg you DO have the callerid before answering
13:48.43nicolasgbut it seems that the latest asterisk does not
13:48.58allgoodZeeek, just tested the T here... worked... thx for your help and directions
13:49.01nicolasgzeeek: not in many places
13:49.06george_Zeeek: thanks, I'll note that
13:49.12Zeeekwhere are you nico?
13:49.16nicolasgzeeek: what version of asterisk are you using?
13:49.28fishboy1669georege cheers anyway
13:49.32nicolasgzeeek: ok, you have the callerid, try 1.05, and you wont
13:49.44Zeeekwhy would I try 1.0.5? It isn't ready yet
13:50.04nicolasglook at bug 3471, and you will find that you wont have it anymore
13:50.05Zeeekat least that's what I keep hearing *here*
13:50.19nicolasgzeeek, you are right
13:50.27nicolasgBut the comments on bug 3471 disturbs me
13:50.28ZeeekHow would asterisk have it for use with dialplans?
13:50.42bjohnsonI'm compiling a list of special * extensions to avoid duplicating in a dial plan .. what is the one for parking a call?  #71?
13:51.54fishboy1669is anyone here from the uk and is selling theses systems as there main concernc
13:52.12ZeeekI think bonbon does
13:52.22Zeeekhaven't seem him for a long time tho
13:52.36Zeeekfish check out the Biz list
13:52.55fishboy1669where is biz list?
13:53.05Zeeekit's the biz mailing list
13:53.30fishboy1669oh im dum do i get details of * site
13:53.33fishboy1669aha beet me to it
13:53.37fishboy1669cheers zeek
13:54.44nicolasgzeeek: it seems that Cordyon76 thinks that the callerid is useful only after the call is bridged
13:55.02Zeeekthat's terrible! I'll never update!
13:55.10Zeeeknever, ever, ever!
13:55.22Zeeekbad devel guy, bad!
13:55.52Zeeekcan't be right. The whole pont of CID is to see who's calling
13:56.03nicolasgzeeek, you are right
13:56.14nicolasgzeeek, the flash panel will not be that usefull anymore!
13:56.37ZeeekI use a popup window on all our maxhines
13:56.47Zeeekmy wife would be really angry if that goes away
13:57.04nicolasgMaybe I did not get the new idea of callerids..
13:57.07mAsH`anyone installed * with VIA C3 processor?
13:58.17faHow to check if IAX phone is "in call" ?
13:58.27george_that change to CID seems nonsensical...  are you sure that's the "new way"?
13:58.39nicolasgit seems
13:59.10george_that's nutz.  Like zeeek said, that defeats the purpose of having CID...
13:59.12nicolasgAt least, I did not find a manager event that lets me extract the callerid before the calls are bridged
13:59.26nicolasgThe callerid is allways your own
13:59.45george_doesn't it get bridged when it starts ringing, or is bridging connecting the audio streams?
14:00.12darkskiezhmm, is it a fault of asterisk or the 7960 or my configuration, that it doesnt say the name of the person i'm calling on the phone.
14:00.12Zeeekwhy does it say "fixed in CVS"
14:00.26nicolasgno, it is bridged when you pick up and the audio is connected both ways
14:00.47PoWeRKiLLHi all, Salut Zeeek :)
14:00.59ZeeekHi PoW
14:01.19nicolasgzeeek: because the calleridnmae was right
14:01.40Zeeekhmmmm this can't be right. This is only in the manager stuff
14:02.18Zeeekare you saying the CID doesn't work even on the phone?
14:02.41nicolasgI believe that it brakes also the lists of last callers from some ip phones
14:02.56nicolasgbut not the callerid on the display on my budgetone
14:02.56Zeeekis CID displayed on the phone?
14:03.08nicolasgyes, on the phone it is displayed
14:03.31Zeeekok let me put it this way: what does NoOp(${CALLERID}) show in the first priority of an extension?
14:03.43*** join/#asterisk tafazzi (
14:03.43Zeeekit still works, right?
14:04.05Zeeekthis is about something in the manager interface, correct?
14:04.28nicolasgzeeek: When I found this last week
14:04.45nicolasgthe show channels displayed the wrong callerid (in my opinion)
14:05.06nicolasgbefore the change, if A called B, and I did a show channel B, I see A as the callerid
14:05.10bjohnsonjust before I start a wiki page .. is there one that summarizes * default system extensions and discusses dialplan organization?  I haven't found one .. but thought I'd ask
14:05.15ZeeekHe seems to be saying you can get it if you need it
14:05.27Zeeekbjohnson go for it!
14:05.36nicolasgzeeek: who?
14:05.43nicolasgzeeek: cordyon?
14:05.48Groobygo bjohnson go!
14:05.53nicolasgzeeek: he says that you can get it with the LINK event
14:05.57ZeeekSee the manager Link event. You can then either note the previous manager event describing the callerid of each channel or you can request information on the bridged channel, via "Command: show channel $chan".
14:06.09Groobyand while at it, can someone explain to me if there was a default call waiting setup in asterisk?
14:06.15nicolasgzeeek: thats when you PICK UP the phone
14:06.20Groobyi.e. disabled or enabled?
14:06.26darkskiezis there a way i can dump all variables?
14:06.30nicolasgzeeek: not when is ringing
14:06.32fahow can i check the status of iax2 user - is it "in call"
14:06.41Zeeeknicolas why do you care about this? Does it break something you wrote?
14:06.59bjohnsonGrooby: a lot of basic things like that are hard to find info about unless someone points you in the right direction .. need a doc that gives a brief overview of those things
14:07.15nicolasgzeeek: I'm not the only one
14:07.23Zeeekbjohnson I approve of your initiative - GO FOR IT!
14:07.24nicolasgzeeek: there are mails in the users lists, in the devel list
14:07.24bjohnsonfa: iax2 show channels I think
14:07.37nicolasgzeeek: it breaks the callerid on my flash operator panel
14:07.51nicolasgzeeek: I can fix it if I can get the callerid before the LINK event
14:08.24ZeeekI see. As I said, I use something else for callerid
14:08.47Zeeekshido6 are you in UK by any chance?
14:08.53nicolasgzeeek: what do you use? It depends on the manager interface?
14:08.56fabjohnson I want to switc incomaing call to first free consultant - is good way to check status of iax user and then switch or play massage and hangup?
14:09.05Zeeekno I don like the manager interface much
14:09.13fabjohnson i want to do that in agi with php.
14:09.46shido6not in the uk
14:09.48shido6whats up?
14:09.51shido6I have a POP in the uk
14:10.15MakenshiThe JANET voice advisory group is kicking off now, got dates for the first meeting
14:10.26nicolasgzeeek: ok.. believe me, you will have problems, using the manager or not
14:10.33george_anyone here use raw audio files for MOH?
14:10.53Jas_WilliamsMakenshi Joint Academic Network ?
14:11.17Zeeeknicolas if NoOp can print the variable CALLERIDNUM that's good enuf for me
14:11.23vaewynfa: You want a call queue... no reason to do it yourself...
14:11.38*** join/#asterisk E|nyPRI_ (
14:11.49Zeeekvaewyn links are lost on him - been there all day with that
14:11.57Groobybjohnson, yeah...i was pulling my hair out on why my phone wasn't doing call waiting til I saw the dial plan to enable it (i am still using *@home)
14:12.04Groobyso now i am trying to figure out how to get that set to enable by default
14:12.22vaewynZeeek: heh... ohh well... wortha try
14:12.26E|nyPRI_anyone know any providers using sip in the 1c/minute range, wherer you can set callerid?
14:12.43favaewyn thanks for help
14:12.46Zeeekshido6 I was confusing you with someone else, sorry :)
14:12.59MakenshiJas_Williams, yes
14:14.01*** join/#asterisk WilliamK (
14:14.13favaewyn but i have in database a skill groups.. base on callrdid number.. and i want only to switch to other consultant, but from that same skill group (i must make a select to datbase)
14:14.47vaewynfa: then set up a queue for each group and be done with it
14:14.54nicolasgzeeek: I'll bet calleridnum wont display the correct value, I will try later today.
14:15.17*** join/#asterisk datareactor (datareacto@
14:15.33Zeeekif it doesn't that should be fixed. I can't believe tho that they would think CID isn't needed before answering
14:16.10GodseyI just got an email from sun
14:16.13nicolasgI think the same
14:16.24Godseygranting commercial licence for solaris 10 unlimited
14:16.28Godseywonder if everyone got that
14:16.41vaewynGodsey: Yep...
14:16.53vaewynfunny thing... we already had that being an educational institution
14:16.53*** join/#asterisk Caede (~chatzilla@
14:17.09Godseynifty :)
14:17.23GodseyI hope this dvd release includes ZFS
14:17.44GodseyI only wish zfs was a cluster enabled fs :)
14:18.02*** join/#asterisk mcisse__ (
14:18.56Godseytime to go buy a crap load of ram and setup some containers tonight :)
14:20.04GodseyDirectory Server may contain, at no charge, up to an aggregate
14:20.04Godseymaximum of
14:20.04Godsey200,000 Entries, across any and all Directory Instances running
14:20.04GodseyEnterprise Wide.
14:20.13Godseyoops didn't know it wouldn't one line sorry
14:20.31Godseyit goes on to say it excludes solaris 10 entries that don't define users
14:20.39Godseywonder if that means posixAccount schema stuff :)
14:24.36*** join/#asterisk El_Presidente (
14:27.46GodseyHello Mr. Koehler!
14:28.11*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
14:28.15El_Presidentea well informed person :)
14:28.39GodseyI have a great friend who works at :)
14:29.05*** join/#asterisk darwin_35 (
14:29.17El_Presidenteis someone using intel dialogic cards with asterisk?
14:29.18darkskiezHmm, is it a fault of  1) asterisk 2) the 7960 or 3) my configuration, that the phone does not display the name of the called person
14:29.23Godseyonly a few days ago he said he was pissed that so many americans think Schroder(sp?) runs .de :)
14:29.35darwin_35ok having a issue when I load asterisk 1.0.5 it spawns 12 times
14:30.07El_Presidenteyes godsey mr. schroeder is the apocalypse of germany
14:30.15darkskiezdarkskiez, is it a problem?
14:30.16darwin_35is this a know issue ?
14:30.51darkskiezdarwin_35, is it an issue ?
14:31.17*** join/#asterisk drfc (~drfc@
14:31.42darwin_35I dont find any mention in the bug reports
14:31.58darkskiezdarwin_35, why is it a problem?
14:31.59nicolasgdarkskiez: IMHO the callerid is totally broken
14:32.00drfcanyone run into this problem
14:32.14darwin_35it should only spawn 1 process
14:32.20*** part/#asterisk jerlique (
14:32.33darkskieznicolasg, thats in the manager though, no ?
14:32.54darwin_35yet its spawning 12
14:33.06darkskiezdarkskiez, why should it only run 1 process?
14:33.14darkskiezdarwin_35,  why should it only run 1 process?
14:33.32nicolasgdarkskiez: I think is the calleridname on any place
14:33.38freatgood morning!
14:33.45*** join/#asterisk datareactor (datareacto@
14:34.08darwin_35by norm it should only run 1 process that all it did before
14:34.15*** join/#asterisk nestAr (
14:34.20nestArman, freenode'
14:34.23nestAris weird
14:34.35darkskieznicolasg, the callerid works, but if i dial say 3000 on my phone, it just says 3000, i wanted to know if that should resolve into the name of the destination, or how that should happen
14:35.15facan somebody helop with confiugre agents queues?
14:35.42*** join/#asterisk Zaw (
14:35.46nicolasgdarkskiez: if the name is not provided, you can use agi to set the calleridname
14:35.49sjaak538Hello can i manage the order of using codecs I like to use first G729 and then G911
14:35.51thieumSplz help , amaflags=omit doesn't work
14:35.55randuhello!  Is the Festival Server hard to get up and running for asterisk?
14:37.01shido6you can
14:37.16darkskieznicolasg, right, say i call from "Dave <3002>" to "Bob <3001>", dave dials 3001, and his phone says 3001, bob gets a call from "Dave <3002>" ok. but can Dave get the callerid of Bob on the phone to find out the name of the extension he has just called.
14:37.23sjaak538but how just in order in your conf file ??
14:37.26shido6dark - is that what you WANT it to do?
14:37.45shido6if your device supports g729
14:37.50shido6it will use g729
14:37.54sjaak538That's all
14:37.56shido6if it supports ulaw
14:37.59shido6it will use ulaw
14:38.09sjaak538Great thanks
14:38.17darkskiezshido6, i want to know if the phone should resolve the callerid of the phone it connected too.
14:38.42shido6does the phone you are calling have some special number?
14:38.42nicolasgdarkskiez: hmm, I do not think that you can feed the callerid of the caller
14:38.49bjohnsonlet me know if I've missed any special default extensions
14:38.56darkskiezLike a SetCalledId rather than SetCallerId
14:38.57shido6are you using LDAP?
14:40.00bjohnsonsjaak538: order is set in the general section .. individual sections can limit which codecs are used
14:40.18darkskiezshido6, its a demo deployment with 2x Cisco 7960s. All I want to do is get the calling phone to resolve the number it has dialled into the name, rather than just the receiving phone getting the callerid of the sender.
14:40.25*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
14:40.59sjaak538Thanks bjohnson and shido I'm going to test this
14:41.03shido6u can set the calleridname
14:41.07shido6of the dialing phone
14:41.09bjohnsondarkskiez: what does that mean?
14:41.09shido6in sip.conf
14:41.12allgoodZeeek, just printed the hichhikers guide... :-D
14:41.15shido6or on a per call basis
14:41.21allgoodZeeek, killed some pine trees
14:41.26bjohnsondarkskiez: you just want the incoming callerid to show up on the extensions?
14:41.43bjohnsonallgood: Don't Panic
14:41.49darkskiezI want reverse callerid, to resolve the name of the person you called.
14:42.09darkskiezlike exists on every other phone system i've used.
14:42.15allgoodI have another question...
14:42.25bjohnsondarkskiez: you'll have to look it up somehow and then use setcallerid
14:42.31allgoodhere on brazil, caller id is simple DTMF tones sent to the line before the first rink
14:42.45allgoodis there a way to make asterisk generate this tones on fxs interfaces?
14:42.46darkskiezbjohnson, that sets the ID of the caller though
14:43.25fabjohnson Can i define a groups of users in iax.conf?
14:43.32bjohnsondarkskiez: I've never seen anything other than displaying the number you called .. unless you have a db to look it up in
14:43.40bjohnsonfa: I don't know
14:43.45darkskiezbjohnson, i  have a db, i dont know how to send it to the phone.
14:43.45bjohnsonfa: I don't think so
14:43.54shido6reverse callerid?
14:44.04*** join/#asterisk kant (~bernd@
14:44.05shido6are you dialing by name?
14:44.27darkskiezOn other phone systems when i've dialled a number it turns it into the name..
14:44.50fabjohnson I want to switch call to first free consultant. But from specific group.. no all
14:44.56nicolasgdarkskiez: I think about one way on doing it, but its akward, and it will not be comfortable to users
14:45.35bjohnsondarkskiez: never heard of it .. you want to feed callerid back to the originating internal phone .. don't know if it can be done
14:45.45fabjohnson do you know how to do that?
14:46.00darkskiezbjohnson, never used any other phone exhange?
14:46.10darkskiezeven 10+ year old ones do that.
14:46.11bjohnsonfa: you could ring all phones and let one pick up (by using & in the dial string .. read the dial command docs) .. or you could use call queues and agent logins (this requires a lot of reading)
14:46.43bjohnsondarkskiez: yes .. a few key systems and a number of pbxs units at other locations
14:46.57bjohnsondarkskiez: our Nortel CICS does not do that
14:47.47fabjohnson i define a queues with [support] timeout = 15 and member => IAX2/me
14:47.56fabut id didn't calling to me
14:48.07bprice20can I do a register using realtime configuration engine?
14:48.14bjohnsonI haven't used queues
14:48.27bprice20or do i need to leave register statements in static config files like sip.conf or iax.conf
14:48.37bprice20bjohnson how are ya man
14:49.03bjohnsonfine .. don't know realtime .. but you could use a dyndns service to avoid register statements at all
14:49.09bprice20bjohnson, i have realtime working now
14:49.14*** join/#asterisk sivana (~richard@
14:49.31bprice20I'm registering with the termination provider
14:49.54shido6what the ?
14:49.57bprice20bjohnson, no big deal i'll leave the registers in sip.conf
14:49.58bjohnsonoh .. guess you can't change that unless you can convince them to ..
14:49.59shido6bprice20 what?
14:50.11*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
14:50.26Zeeekallgood I printed that doc up last year and brought it with me on the raod. Read and reread it 20 times at least until I knew what was in it and understaood everything I needed to understand
14:50.35shido6as long as the register statement is valid
14:50.53bprice20shido6, broadvoice requires that i register with them in my sip.cnf, but i am trying to move everything over to realtime
14:51.18allgoodZeeek, can you explain a little more your idea of how to simulate attended transfers with a bunch of extensions?
14:51.19bprice20I have to leave the register statements in sip.conf and put the info for the clients i the mysql db for realtime
14:51.23bprice20its working so far
14:51.23bjohnsondarkskiez: try again later to see if anyone knows .. also check the wiki and mailing list archives .. but I don't remember seeing anything like that
14:51.46Zeeekallgood actually it would work best with a phone that had programmable buttons
14:52.04ZeeekIn fact maybe IAXPhone
14:52.14*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
14:52.16Zeeekif that will dial when "off hook"
14:52.17allgoodIAXPhone is a good option
14:52.38Zeeekwill it dial the number on the button while you are on channel in a call?
14:53.02allgoodZeeek, do not know this
14:53.30djindoes anyone know what happens if two SIP are registered under the same login at the same time? Do incoming calls route to both phones, of the first or last logged in?
14:53.31*** join/#asterisk keith778 (
14:53.52Makenshidjin, only one may be registered at any time
14:53.53allgoodZeeek, I believe that the programable buttons of iaxphone is only iax addresses...
14:54.01*** part/#asterisk darwin_35 (
14:54.02allgoodZeeek, not sequences of DTMF
14:54.07djinSo the second fails lo login?
14:54.56Makenshidjin, when another terminal logs in, the new registration replaces the old
14:54.58*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
14:55.09Zeeekdjin what you wanna do is have multiple accounts
14:55.15shido6whoever registers last
14:55.18shido6gets the call
14:55.25shido6better answer still
14:55.29shido6sip show peers
14:55.34djinZeeek, I know. Better use callgroup.
14:55.34shido6whoevers ip is there
14:55.37shido6will get the call
14:55.46shido6you can use the "&"
14:55.50shido6and call groups are better yes
14:55.54ManxPowerIt's a very very bad thing to have two devices/lines register as the same account.
14:56.06djinI was just asked this question and was wondering what would happen.
14:56.08Zeeekoh oh - you woke up ManxPOwer!
14:56.09shido6there he is
14:56.21shido6take your cape off ManxPower :)
14:56.30djinAverage user do very, very bad things, ManxPower ;)
14:56.39Zeeekkickin ass and takin names :)
14:56.45randuManxPower:  Have you had any experience with Festival, is it hard to install and configure for asterisk?
14:56.50Zeeekdrums stop. no good.
14:56.59shido6festival works , its easy to setup follow the directions to the T
14:57.19djinCould fa stop sending PM'es?
14:57.19ZeeekManx used to have a page on that stuff - very good info
14:57.23kantAccepted AUTHENTICATED TBD call from <--- What does TBD mean?!
14:57.39shido6means u have an IAX device registered
14:57.39Zeeekfa has been told the same things all day by everyone
14:57.49shido6or someone took an IAXy offhook
14:58.00djinI know, it was nog the first time, Zeeek.
14:58.33Zeeekwhich is why he's on about 90% of the ignore lists of the planet
14:58.33Zeeekslash ignore pseudo
14:59.07djinFA stands for commercials with bare chested women here, so it's hard to ignore, Zeeek.
14:59.26Zeeekyea I love those! WHere do they find such lovely breats?
14:59.48djinWell, they don't keep rubbing up like fa does ;)
14:59.49Zeeekmusic hath charmz to soothe
15:00.14Zeeekdrums stop. very, very bad.
15:00.52fadjin i dont understand you
15:01.17ZeeekDrums stop VERY BAD!! Bass solo :(
15:01.43Groobyno guitar?
15:01.45Groobyor piano?
15:01.50*** join/#asterisk inspired (
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15:01.54Zeeekwhen drums stop, very bad.
15:02.00fadjin what?
15:03.01*** part/#asterisk keith778 (
15:03.23Groobyi am off
15:03.26Groobysee you all later
15:03.30datareactoris ping should be open to register to voip provider like go2call
15:03.31Groobyand sank you all for da help!
15:03.38Zeeekgoodbye and a special wave of the hand bye ye to fa
15:03.39jeroAnyone knows if I can lease for example just 4 channels of a T1 to Bell in Canada ?
15:03.46*** part/#asterisk Grooby (
15:03.51ZeeekStarter tutorial:
15:03.51ZeeekTHE reference of the moment:
15:03.58shido6where are you
15:03.58*** join/#asterisk escualis (
15:03.59Zeeek^^^^^^^^^ for fa ^^^^^^^^^^^^
15:04.03jeroshido6, in Montreal
15:04.14shido6setup is gonna hurt
15:04.16escualishello :-)
15:04.28jerogonna hurt?
15:04.59shido6setup price
15:05.01shido6for a T
15:05.08shido6unless you're at a colo
15:05.17jeroa colo ?
15:05.31shido6colocation facility
15:05.39jerofor servers or phone lines?
15:05.42fai add that to queses.conf
15:05.43famusic = mptrzy
15:05.43fatimeout = 5
15:05.43famember => IAX2/inezk
15:05.45*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (
15:05.45fastrategy = ringall
15:05.50faand in extensions.conf i am running
15:05.51mtqhfa: USE PASTEBIN
15:06.02datareactorZeeek why are after fa ;)
15:06.09faexten => s,3,Answer
15:06.10faexten => s,4,Queue(support)
15:06.15shido6no, fa
15:06.25darkskiezbjohnson, chan_sccp has a setCallerParty command. I want this for SIP. I'm sure when you call someone on a software sip phone it displays the name of the person you are calling.
15:06.27faok. in future i will use pastebin, sorry
15:06.33mtqhfa: Thank you
15:06.36ManxPowerHe floods the channel.  He doesn't listen.  He wants his hand held all the time.
15:06.37fabut can sb help me with that?
15:06.43fai want to call a IAX2/me
15:06.48kantDo register => ... statements need to be right after the [general] section in sip.conf or can I place them anywhere?
15:06.55ManxPowerWhat is there to like?
15:06.57shido6anywhere in [general]
15:07.19faManxPower no
15:07.28ManxPowerHis skills with English also make things more difficult, but that's about the only thing we can't really blame him for.
15:07.34*** join/#asterisk mAsH` (
15:07.35kantSay I have [general] [sip-proxy] and then register => ...
15:07.40kantWill that work?
15:08.05ManxPowerkant, register will only work under [general] not in any other sections.
15:08.37fablame - what that means? ;]
15:08.56datareactorManXPower can you help me setting * from go2call
15:09.00kantAww shucks, I wanted to have it in different sections. Anywho...
15:09.02ManxPowerdatareactor, No.
15:09.05shido6the register is in [sip-proxy] then and not in [general]
15:09.12shido6which will not worky
15:09.33datareactorManxPower Ok
15:09.42faI have only Executing Queue("Zap/1-1", "support||||5") in new stack
15:09.45faand that is all
15:11.26*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
15:11.54kantshido6: But it seems to work since 'sip show registry' shows them as registered.
15:12.36shido6sip show peers
15:12.42shido6asterisk uses PEERS to reach devices
15:12.53shido6what does sip show peers show you?
15:13.12*** join/#asterisk makamani (
15:13.47makamaniis it possible to provide users of extensions a PIN and then each PIN would be allowed to call specific number pattern?
15:14.09kantIt shows their Status as UNKNOWN.
15:14.11*** join/#asterisk tty74it (~tiziano@
15:14.28makamanie.g. user A has pin 1234 and with pin 1234 you are allowed to dial local extensions only and other number not starting with 90
15:14.58fait's working ;] nice.
15:15.10makamanii believe Authenticate() would auth a user but then how would the limitation be put in place
15:15.23datareactorcongrt fa
15:16.54fabut i still don't know how to create a iax2 users group
15:17.13tty74itHi i've a problem with iaxy , i can't use efficently flash button on my analog phone, one time works and the other times doesen't work. I suppose that is a flash time problem but i 've chanche a lot of time settings but without succes. I use italy analog phone attachedt to iaxy
15:18.26*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (~roy@
15:18.26shido6are you using users and peers
15:18.26shido6or friends
15:18.26shido6in your iax.conf?
15:18.28shido6for this iaxy
15:18.34shido6be honest
15:18.50shido6create a user
15:18.52shido6and create a peer
15:18.56fais it possible to create a groups of iaxy users/friends.. and latter call them member => Iax/@groupname
15:19.07tty74iti read the digium manula for config
15:19.26shido6yes fa but thats a Manxpower question
15:19.43fashido6 and who know the answer?
15:20.14shido6let me look at the corp pbx
15:20.22*** join/#asterisk Casper_UA (
15:20.31faManxPower alive?
15:20.32bjohnsonmakamani: yes .. likely with a database system
15:20.46tty74itMy problem is: when i wanto to transfer call with analog phone i press flash hook and not all times it work and i can tranfer to anoter phone
15:20.46Casper_UA~seen eKo1
15:20.51jboteko1 <~bernd@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 16h 57m 2s ago, saying: 'Say, do all contexts where calls are made need a t extensions?'.
15:20.52shido6u can do that fa using Agenets
15:20.56shido6in queues.conf
15:21.16faAgents.. but how descipe agents <-> iax friends?
15:21.30shido6from now on
15:21.43shido6repeat after me, I will never use friends when Im using iax
15:21.48Casper_UAtty74it: you may need to try with another phone to do it
15:21.49tzangershido6: :-)
15:21.51shido6I will only use users and peers
15:22.01darkskiezwhats wrong with friends
15:22.05shido6friends are evil
15:22.09fashido6 ok. ;]
15:22.13shido6you cannot rely on them to come through 100%
15:22.14fashido6 wat is differents ?
15:22.31tty74itCasper_UA is a phone problem?
15:22.32shido6the difference is friends doesnt always work and creates more problems than solutions
15:22.36shido6so become a loner
15:22.39shido6and use users and peers
15:23.14bjohnsonmakamani: you could grab the PIN with read (which assigns it to a variable), do a dbget to find the group that the PIN belongs to and assign that to another variable, then use gotoifs to direct the call to other extensions that controls what extension matching is included
15:23.16*** join/#asterisk jarnaud (~jarnaud@
15:23.29jarnaudHi all
15:24.23bjohnsondarkskiez: type=friends causes problems for callerid settings, authentication (if different incoming and outgoing auth needed .. eg FWD), cdr accountcodes, etc
15:24.50tty74itin yaxi provisioning file conf there is a flash time configuration?
15:24.54bjohnsonanything that would require a different config for incoming and outgoing calls with the same "friend"
15:25.00darkskiezrename type=friend type=eviltwin
15:25.04makamaniok bjohnson
15:26.23bjohnsondarkskiez: it's simpler for newbies .. but you will quickly learn to separate them.  Once you get that far .. you won't use friend again
15:27.37*** join/#asterisk educa (
15:28.09tty74itI suppose that iaxy isn't a working 100% telephone adapter , i can't use it in a production enviroment
15:28.23educaHi there. Is there anyone here who could tell me what SDK I could use to make a h323 or a SIP softphone ?
15:28.29makamanibjohnson, if I want to relax rules and set the limitation depending on the originating extension, then I believe that i need to use gotoifs with the variable name that has originating port right?
15:29.28bjohnsonyes I think you could do that. I can't rmember the variable name that contains the caller device name though
15:29.53makamanibjohnson, as far as on exists then it's pretty sorted out. thank you for the idea
15:29.58Casper_UAtty74it: maybe... flash timings may differ
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15:33.03shido6dont knock the iaxy
15:33.08shido6till you've made a user and peer in iax.conf your iax.conf
15:33.23shido6the IAXy works and works well :)
15:33.40shido6you also need to be sure you extend the limit of the dhcp lease time as well for the iaxys
15:38.45shido6where's the pastebin tty7it?
15:39.25cypromisiaxies are perfect
15:39.30cypromisfor putting them on the floor
15:39.36cypromisand than jumping a lot on them
15:40.40shido6I fax through mine, and use it with my cordless
15:40.49cypromisyeah you live in bandwdith paradise
15:41.02shido6whats wrong cypromis?
15:41.18cypromisI am trying to understand the use of a remote device
15:41.25cypromisthat increases the cost of a call
15:41.30cypromisthat's all
15:42.22cypromisand if abusing bandwidth allready
15:42.34cypromiswhy only supporting an exclusively north american centric codec ?
15:42.46cypromisbesides there being no european power supply delivered with it
15:42.51cypromisand some other topics
15:43.04cypromisbut anyway, that's not for #asterisk
15:44.14djinif you do a CVS checkout with '-r v1-0', do you get a CVS version of the most current stable release (1.0.5)?
15:44.52ManxPowerdjin, yes
15:44.59djincool, thanks.
15:45.04ManxPowerWell, 1.0.5 plus any updates since 1.0.5 was released.
15:46.08djindoublechecking, because I thought Asterisk Realtime was final.
15:47.57ManxPowerRealtime is only available in CVS-HEAD, not 1.0.x CVS STABLE
15:48.01*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
15:48.44djinThat what I just found out. Not focussing on Realtime for now ;)
15:49.07BoRiSMWI with realtime needs fixing :-p
15:49.25*** join/#asterisk miketal (
15:49.33miketalhi all !
15:50.21miketalquestion: is it possible to log all the asterisk manager events in a seperate file ?
15:51.04*** part/#asterisk escualis (
15:51.25djinmiketal, I would settle for a full logging of manager events.
15:51.30bjohnsondoes anyone here handle a file server system which is accessed by users at multiple locations?  I'd like to discuss concepts related to userid mapping and how it might be tied into an * system
15:52.13_-Jon-_Has anyone had any experieces with livevoip?
15:55.23*** join/#asterisk RoyKa (
15:58.31ManxPowerUgh.  It's been raining here for 3 days.
15:58.44shido6water main break here
15:58.46shido6brown water
15:59.46shido6does it take out chemicals or organisms? :)
15:59.48file[laptop]BoRiS: grumbling as no e-mail from Dell, and pondering going upstairs
15:59.50ManxPowerCustomer: AOL is blocking our e-mail!  What can be do to fix it?  Me: Read the fucking instructions that AOL provides in the bounce message.
16:00.58ManxPowershido6, Both IIRC
16:01.24darkskiezwhat does the VXML_URL sip header do?
16:05.32*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
16:05.38vaewynarrghh... I wish the IP-500 was autosense PoE like the 600
16:06.21ManxPowervaewyn, Well you need the correct cable.
16:06.57vaewynManxPower: that's what I wish... the IP-600 you don't even neeed a cable
16:07.07*** join/#asterisk stevekstevek (
16:07.32vaewynManxPower: is there any electronics in the cable even?  or are they just flipping the PoE pair for the other polarity?
16:07.52ManxPowervaewyn, I don'tknow.
16:09.17vaewynIt's 4 diodes and a LM chip people!.... less than .50$
16:09.23miketalquestion: is it possible to log all the asterisk manager events in a seperate file ?
16:10.12*** join/#asterisk porche (
16:10.34porchegot a problem on X100P, hang up detection,
16:10.42porchewhere must I look for?
16:10.43shido6takes forever to hangup?
16:10.51shido610 minutes instead of a few seconds?
16:10.53porcheyep shido almost
16:10.56shido6did we talk on the phone? :)
16:11.05porche10 mins or similar sometimes
16:11.21mtqhporche: busycount=8 in zapata should do it
16:11.24porche:) no it's not me shido
16:13.08miketalquestion: is it possible to log all the asterisk manager events in a file ?
16:13.10mtqhhas anyone had any luck with the new fxo module from digium....Did I get a bad one?
16:13.16miketalno one knows ? :/
16:13.22shido6whats wrong with yours?
16:13.23mtqhmiketal: use perl
16:13.56miketali have some manager events in /var/log/asterisk/event_log
16:14.22miketalbut i want all events, so there must be a config file ... ( ill hope so)
16:14.45bjohnsonfor anyone interested in helping to plan out a dialplan for multiple office locations.  Some review and comment are needed.
16:19.59mAsH`anyone can help me?
16:20.05mAsH`i get this error
16:20.22*** join/#asterisk stevekstevek (
16:20.23mAsH`Feb  1 16:22:04 ERROR[1096]: chan_zap.c:9429 setup_zap: Unknown signalling method 'bri_cpe_ptmp'
16:20.23mAsH`Feb  1 16:22:04 ERROR[1096]: chan_zap.c:9071 setup_zap: Signalling must be specified before any channels are.
16:20.23mAsH`Feb  1 16:22:04 WARNING[1096]: loader.c:345 ast_load_resource: load_module failed, returning -1
16:20.24mAsH`Feb  1 16:22:04 WARNING[1096]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
16:22.18ManxPowermAsH`, This is a Feequently Asked Question.  None of the 167 results for your google search of  Loading module failed were helpful?
16:22.54ManxPowerThe first error messag is what you care about.
16:23.09Zeeekbjohnson you're gonna think I'm nuts but I don't understand the first sentence!
16:23.15vaewynPolycom gurus... how well is the configuration file documented by polycom?
16:23.21mAsH`but it's strange because on another pc it works fine :/
16:23.24Zeeekerr of this section
16:23.25*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
16:23.27ManxPowerlooks like you didn't install zapbri or zaphfc before you built Asterisk
16:23.30Zeeek"Here are some of the __extensions patterns that I wanted to avoid: "
16:23.47ManxPowerOr tou didn't install libpri
16:24.13Zeeekbjohnson you mean you wanted those to reamin reserved and not be used in a dialplan?
16:24.18mAsH`i did it :/
16:25.05bjohnsonZeeek: what line do you mean?
16:25.16Zeeek"Here are some of the __extensions patterns that I wanted to avoid: "
16:25.46ZeeekI'm glad you're doing this page but the sentences aren't good for quick reading IMO - no offense meant
16:25.57bjohnsonright .. I guess I should edit to say .. standard extension patterns that I wanted to keep
16:26.00*** join/#asterisk Flatcat (~ScaredyCa@
16:26.15Zeeeksomething like that would be immediately clearer, you see?
16:26.25Zeeekand the very last sentence:
16:26.33ZeeekNote: any pattern matching that ends in a "." (meaning any number of any digits) should be in a context that is included. This is only only way to control the order of pattern matching!
16:26.46*** join/#asterisk jcims (
16:26.49ManxPowerOr just avoided all togather when you can
16:26.54ZeeekI know what this means but if I didn't already know that would be some weird shit
16:27.21ManxPowerUsing . causes a delay in having your call processed by DigitTimeout seconds.
16:27.42vaewynAnyone have a Hitachi IP-5000 yet?
16:28.23Zeeekand for the France toll free unfortunately it's way more complicated that this but the basic is 33800 however I'm not sure if they work from "outside"
16:28.52Zeeekthere are a zillion 08XXX numbers with about a half zillion tolls
16:28.53file[laptop]vaewyn: not I but people have been in here... and it supposedly works nifty like
16:28.55*** join/#asterisk kingcobra (
16:29.00Zeeekfrom 0 to 50c/min or more
16:29.23vaewynfile[laptop]: I would assume significantly better than the wisip?!?   ;P
16:29.39bjohnsonZeeek: I don't call France toll free numbers but picked that up on the mail list and thought I'd include it .. maybe I just delete for now
16:29.45ManxPowercountries with variable length dialing plans frequently need .
16:29.53*** join/#asterisk flowed (
16:30.01file[laptop]vaewyn: yes.
16:30.05vaewyncountries with variable length dialing plans should be shot :P
16:30.07*** join/#asterisk zno (~chatzilla@
16:30.13ManxPowervaewyn, Yeah!
16:30.33vaewyneven the US 7 vs 10 thing is getting old
16:30.37ManxPowerMaybe the USA will invade them and force a civilized dialing plan on them!
16:30.46flowedhow to configure my extensions.conf for a default/standard phone for all accounts?
16:31.01flowedwhen no other extension is given
16:31.16bjohnsonflowed: s?
16:31.17Zeeek[default] ?
16:31.51*** part/#asterisk Flatcat (~ScaredyCa@
16:32.25flowedi mean when somebody calls me to bring it to a standard phone....
16:32.31flowedmy english is bad :)
16:32.56bjohnsonZeeek: some of the goals and concepts included on that page are a little hard to describe and are only partially possible now .. but I'm trying to future proof as much as possible
16:33.03flowedu know when dont have given a extension for this number, ip
16:33.04bjohnsonflowed: s?
16:33.10Zeeekgood idea tho bjohnson
16:33.20*** join/#asterisk Mike (~mike@
16:33.25Zeeekflowed :
16:33.26ZeeekThe dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system, as it defines how Asterisk should handle calls. "
16:33.28Mikewhat codecs does sipphone support?
16:33.36bjohnsonflowed: check examples in extensions.conf or on wiki
16:33.38Zeeekthat has the answer
16:33.48flowedok, thx
16:34.09bjohnsonMike: check the sipphone site/docs/help files
16:34.10*** join/#asterisk Fanguin (
16:34.12Zeeekabove link The special 's' extension
16:34.20djinZeeek, they should make that URL as topic.
16:34.30bjohnsonMike: almost everything supports ulaw .. try that first
16:34.35Zeeekit is a particularly powerful piece of prose
16:34.45bjohnsondjin: yes
16:35.22bjohnsondo only channel mods have ability to change topic?  Maybe they could add the wiki url
16:35.27randuHello!   Our company is two companies in 1  ie two 1-800 numbers going to be coming into asterisk.    I want to use the same voice mail boxes for each.  How would I be able to decipher via the email received with the voice message which 1-800 number the message came in on?
16:35.28Zeeekwhere's fa?
16:35.32mtqhhehe, I just figured out that you can do something like exten => asdfasdf,1,do sometihng
16:35.41mtqhand the asdfasdf is the extention
16:35.43jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
16:35.44bjohnsonrandu: callerid?
16:35.49flowedexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/snom190) this dont work for me as standard phone :(
16:35.53RoyK~lart bjohnson
16:35.58djinfa is reading, I hope.
16:36.02Zeeekflowed did you go read the link?
16:36.03mtqhflowed us a lowercase x
16:36.23shido6flowed what the heck is that
16:36.30shido6dial anynumber and get snom190?
16:36.30bjohnsonflowed: exactly
16:36.33shido6is that what you want?
16:36.49flowedno :)
16:36.52mtqhshido6: his nick?
16:36.55Zeeekhe want to reinvent 's' using fallthrough without understanding dialplans
16:36.56shido6thats what you're telling asterisk
16:36.58bjohnsonshido6: no .. he wants to go read the wiki page and learn about the s extension
16:37.02randubjohnson:  that is the caller id of the person that called, I want the 1-800 number that it rang in on, ie Company Line 1 or Company Line 2
16:37.13znomy office just went live with asterisk, ditching our old phone system
16:37.15znoso far so good
16:37.24mtqhzno: party time...
16:37.29Zeeekzno watch out for the millenium bug
16:37.47znothese sipura 841s are really a bang for the buck
16:37.51Zeeekor worse, the asterisk valentines bug
16:38.05bjohnsonrandu: depends on the voip provider .. maybe they can use feed you the 800 as the extension (like FWD comes in on your accound # as the extension)
16:38.15Zeeekon Feb 14th asterisk autocalls the ugly chick in copies and imitates your voice asking her for a date
16:38.17*** join/#asterisk allgood (
16:38.28allgoodi'm back! :-D
16:38.29ZeeekValentine's bug
16:38.43allgoodcan anybody tell me when 1.0.5 was branched from HEAD?
16:38.46bjohnson"begging" for a date
16:38.59allgoodhi zeeek ...
16:39.02bjohnsonallgood: about 5 days ago
16:39.15ManxPowerallgood, 1.0.5 was never branched from HEAD.
16:39.18bjohnsonallgood: check the cvs mailing list archives .. should be in there
16:39.19Zeeekit is especially easy since everyone seems to use 2000 as a start to internal ext
16:39.21allgoodI was hopping that the atxfer feature was on 1.0.5... just installed the .deb package of it
16:39.27ManxPowerit was taken as a snapshot or -r v1-0
16:39.41ManxPowerallanon, NO NEW FEATURES ARE ADDED TO 1.0.5
16:39.52*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
16:39.58ManxPowerNO new features are added to any 1.0.x release.
16:40.18ZeeekI heard one new feature is that CALLERID is b0rken?
16:40.25Zeeekjust a rumor
16:40.30bjohnsonwell .. if bugs are features .. then removing bugs ?
16:40.38allgoodso... 1.0.5 wasn't branched from HEAD...
16:40.53allgoodon Jan 21, HEAD already had the attended transfer feature
16:41.18Manipura~seen cyberstuph
16:41.19jbotManipura: i haven't seen 'cyberstuph'
16:41.36ManxPowerZeeek, Caller*ID NAME, right?
16:41.42allgoodManxPower, I think I'll have to compile it.... :-D
16:41.45*** join/#asterisk LarsAC (
16:42.04Zeeekperhaps Manx
16:42.08randubjohnson:  ok thanks I will research some more.
16:42.15Zeeekbut now I'm too scared to upgrade
16:42.37ZeeekWhy upgrade if there are no new features and it works fine
16:42.51ManxPowerZeeek, No reason to.
16:42.51Zeeekand it may break stuff you need ? :)
16:42.54*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
16:42.58ManxPower1.0.x is for bugfixes only.
16:43.02kantYou upgrade to fix the old features that don't work properly.
16:43.14Zeeekthere are apparently none that I use
16:43.23*** part/#asterisk djin (
16:43.31kantSure there are, you just haven't run into them yet.
16:43.40ZeeekOMG my beer can is empty
16:43.56Zeeekthat is a seriousbug needing an upgrade
16:44.05bjohnsonZeeek needs a beer can bug fix
16:44.19Zeeeknumber 3471 on Mantis
16:44.31Zeeekno that's taken
16:44.50bjohnsonI just CANNOT figure out sound cards on linux!!
16:44.52file[laptop]po, tat, oe
16:45.03*** join/#asterisk jackflash (
16:45.03file[laptop]oh god my dad came online
16:45.16ManxPowerbjohnson, What's to understand.  run alsa-config and be done with it
16:45.21Zeeekbetter than coming on the phone
16:45.51ManxPowerfile, I like my parent's computer illitercy just the way it is. 8-)
16:46.04Groobysoundcard on linux?
16:46.15Groobywhy do we need soundcards?
16:46.23Groobypc speaker's beep and boop is perfect!
16:46.27ManxPowerYeah.  Why do you need your sound card to work?
16:46.27kantGrooby: Good for testing.
16:46.33wankelgrooby: to listen to calls people make through *
16:46.49Groobysomeone got a howto?
16:46.59kantFull Dobly Digital AC3 sorround sound phone sex.
16:47.13ManxPowerkant, that image just ruined my life.
16:47.14bjohnsonManxPower: I don't seem to have that command .. let me check another desktop
16:47.26ManxPowerbjohnson, What DISTRO are you using?
16:47.35bjohnsonfc2 and fc3
16:47.41ManxPowertry sndconfig
16:48.08bjohnsonGrooby: I want to feed sounds to the MOH of my Nortel CICS from the server soundcard
16:48.25ManxPowerZeeek, try "man -k alsa"
16:48.26bjohnsonManxPower: nada
16:48.30file[laptop]you people are absolutely crazy
16:48.34file[laptop]crazy as a coconut
16:48.44ManxPowerfile, pot.  kettle.  black.
16:48.47Groobynot listening to your boss having phone sex huh?
16:48.48ZeeekI don need no stinking sound on linux mon...
16:48.57file[laptop]ManxPower: condensed.
16:49.04faWhat is the better in fast ethernet IAX or SIP? and use alaw, right? this is fasethernet and 4-5 clients in LAN
16:49.06bjohnsonManxPower: seems man -k alsa gives me info on fc3 but not on the fc2 machine
16:49.26ManxPowerbjohnson, then alsa is not installed on the fc2 machine
16:49.38ManxPowerfa, it does
16:49.41Zeeekalsa is schmaltzy
16:49.43ManxPowerfa, it does NOT matter.
16:50.08faManxPower when, that have a matter?
16:50.26bjohnsonit has alsa-lib-1.0.3a-2 and alsa-utils-1.0.3-1
16:51.03ManxPowerbjohnson, rpm -qil  alsa-utils-1.0.3-1 | less
16:51.53LarsACsomeone using florz' patch for the hfc drivers ?
16:52.42allgoodanybody knows if the patch from can be applied against 1.0.5?
16:52.45file[laptop]I'm blinded, BLINDED!
16:53.07bjohnsonManxPower: nothing that looks like a config script
16:53.58bjohnsonManxPower: found system-config-soundcard - A graphical interface for detecting and configuring soundcards .. but I don't have a graphical system on that machine
16:54.16faI want to make a groups of iax2 users, i must us agents to that?
16:54.19ManxPowertry running it anyway.
16:54.34Groobyfor volume control
16:54.43ManxPowerbjohnson, A lot of the RH/Mandrake config scripts support console as well as X
16:54.53file[laptop]26 minutes have passed since food was ordered.
16:55.07BeirdoMmmm. food
16:55.17ManxPowerif you were running Mandrake "urpmi -y alsaconf" would tell you which RPM to install
16:55.20falast food, i see 18hours ago
16:59.06george_anyone here familiar w/ kphone?
16:59.21bjohnsonsystem-config-soundcard requires a currently running X server.
16:59.27znowhere can I download ringtones?
16:59.49bjohnsonalsamixer showed the volumes down .. I upped them but still no output from mpg123 anyfile.mp3
17:00.21george_I'm not getting any message-waiting indication and I don't know if I should expect one...
17:03.23*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
17:03.25LarsACflorz: ping
17:03.39Groobybjohnson, are they muted?
17:03.54Derkommissarwhy doesnt VoiceMailMain2(s${CALLERIDNUM})
17:03.59Derkommissarwork anymore ?
17:04.21*** join/#asterisk Gerrath (
17:04.28DerkommissarFeb  1 06:02:23 WARNING[6253]: pbx.c:1294 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'VoiceMailMain2' for extension (from-ip, 199, 1)
17:05.08blitzragefile[laptop]: !!!
17:05.28Derkommissarbut voicemailmain doesnt reconize the user by the callerid number
17:05.33facan somebody help me with aganets. I have a iax users. now i am logging by firefly as user/peer for iax2. how can i login as agent?
17:05.34Derkommissari always use voicemailmain2
17:05.35Groobyspanish flea!
17:05.54*** join/#asterisk Gerrath (
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17:07.20bjohnsongod DAMN .. Grooby gets the prize
17:07.22Derkommissarwithout voicemailmain2, how does voicemailmain reconize the user by callerid, without asking for the password ?
17:08.09blitzragevoicemailmain == voicemailmain2
17:08.13*** join/#asterisk magictux (
17:08.20bjohnsonDerkommissar: I thought they were the same command
17:08.50DerkommissarI though VoiceMailMain asked for the mailbox and password
17:09.06bjohnsonDerkommissar: just password if you specify the mailbox
17:09.24Derkommissarhow can i set it not to ask anything
17:09.43Derkommissari remember just having VoiceMailMain2(s${CALLERIDNUM})
17:09.50Derkommissarand that would be it
17:10.04bjohnsonDerkommissar: I don't know if that's possible/wise .. maybe set the password to nothing?
17:10.24*** join/#asterisk |dennis| (
17:10.43bjohnsonDerkommissar: show application VoiceMailMain
17:10.51bjohnsonDerkommissar: If the mailbox is preceded by 's' then the password check will be skipped
17:11.37Derkommissarnope its not working rigth now
17:13.31*** join/#asterisk dtwilson_ (
17:13.57dtwilson_hello all
17:14.05dtwilson_having some issues with iax2 here
17:14.30dtwilson_namely iaxphone -> nat -> internet -> nat -> asterisk
17:14.51dtwilson_have forwarded ports at each end
17:15.03dtwilson_but still can't seem to register
17:15.09dtwilson_any ideas?
17:16.40*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
17:19.23*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:20.05randuWhen I call in to asterisk box it always cuts off the first few seconds of the greeting.  ie  Welcome to Company Name.   The Greeting Starts at Name.  Any ideas why?
17:20.22`Sauronrandu: sip connection?
17:20.31|dennis|need help>using sarge with kernel 2.6.8-10> I am having problems compiling zapatel...
17:20.34bjohnsondtwilson: works for me all the time (only servers with dynamic IPs need to register .. only needs forwarded ports at the side that does not register)
17:20.36`SauronThere was a thing on the tips and tricks page talking about adding a 1 second delay to the beginning
17:20.44`Sauronexten => whatever,1,Wait(1)
17:21.00`Sauronexten => whatever,2,VoiceMail(blah)
17:21.05`Sauronor whatever your second step is
17:21.32`Sauron2nd step is answer
17:21.37`Sauron1. answer
17:21.38`Sauron2. wait
17:21.40`Sauron3. greeting
17:21.43outtoluncshould be ,1,answer   ,2,wait(x)  ,3,playback
17:22.20|dennis|need help>using sarge with kernel 2.6.8-10> I am having problems compiling zapatel...
17:22.35Mikehey guys im trying to conect my GS with ilbc to my asterisk server and call 1800 numbers using sipphone with ulaw and i hear terrible noice and get errors like Feb  1 11:20:50 NOTICE[14197]: chan_sip.c:2773 process_sdp: No compatible codecs! any ideas?
17:22.51greg_work|dennis|, what does it say
17:22.58`Sauron^^^ for randu
17:23.29ManxPowerMike, remove all bandwidth= lines  Make sure you have only disallow=all and allow=ulaw  OR allow=ilbc  NO OTHER ALLOW LINES
17:23.32greg_work|dennis|, if you want the lazy way, put deb sarge main  in /etc/apt/sources.list, they have zaptel packages for 2.6.8
17:23.36randu`Sauron: Thanks!
17:23.46dtwilson_bjohnson: I've forwarded udp 4569 to our * box in the office and have udp 4569 forwarded on my home oruter to my workstation  - I don't see any IAX2 traffic occurring on the * box whatsowever
17:23.47`Sauronno prob
17:24.05`SauronI'm just glad I'm actually able to help, even if I've used * less than a week :)
17:24.17dtwilson_am thinking I must have something wrong in my iax.conf but have been searching to no avail for the past few hours
17:24.25|dennis|greg_work thanks but i prefer to compile from scratch......shall let you know of the error in a min...
17:24.32MikeManxPower, on the sipphone context?
17:24.33shido64569 and 5036
17:24.38shido6if youre gonna forward
17:24.46shido6but u really shouldnt have to if u use register and host=dynamic
17:24.49ManxPowerMike, in [general] in sip.conf of course.
17:24.55dtwilson_shido : surely 5036 is only for IAX?
17:24.56*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
17:24.59greg_workhow do you control how many calls an IAX trunk can handle before being congested?
17:25.03shido6thats what you trying to use
17:25.05shido6isnt it?
17:25.13MikeManxPower, can i paste you what i have?
17:25.14dtwilson_IAX2 sorry shido
17:25.16ManxPowergreg_work, "show application setgroup" also see the Wiki
17:25.17shido6i came in on the tail end
17:25.27ManxPowerMike, I would never use a piece of shit GS phone.
17:25.27shido6u need to open 5036 and 4569
17:25.30dtwilson_yeah no probs :)
17:25.36shido6and why are you not using iax2?
17:25.49dtwilson_do i need a register line pointing to each iax client?
17:26.02dtwilson_i am using iax2
17:26.11MikeManxPower, its the only phone supporting ilbc for the moment
17:26.21ManxPowerdtwilson, Devices with dynamic IP addresses register to devices with static IP address.
17:26.31Zeeekdtwilson :
17:26.32ManxPowerMike, if you cannot follow my simple instructions I cannot help you further.
17:26.41dtwilson_well all points have static ips
17:26.49ManxPowerdtwilson, Then don't bother to register!
17:26.58ZeeekThe asterisk config that dare not speak its name: Double NAT!
17:27.10bjohnsondtwilson: which side has a dynamic IP address?
17:27.23MikeManxPower, i was talking about GS in general, its the only phone supporting ilbc
17:27.23ManxPowerMike, Once you get it working with your GS phone you can modify things to not break all your other phones.
17:27.55Juggiewhats going on with * and silence detection these days?
17:28.05dtwilson_bjohnson: neither side has dynamic - although I want to treat the two client ends as dynamic so they can work from anywhere else as well - one is a laptop
17:28.19Zeeekdtwilson see my link
17:28.28bjohnsondtwilson: one side HAS to have a fqdn or static IP
17:28.35Mike- Got SIP response 488 "Not Acceptable Media" back from
17:28.51bjohnsondtwilson: only dynamic IPs need to register
17:28.59ManxPowersounds like your GS phone is not using ilbc
17:29.11outtoluncjuggie what cvs you using?
17:29.18dtwilson_Zeek: perfect thanks - I've two wrt54g's at the client ends :)
17:29.18ManxPowerdtwilson, Um, if the IP address chages then it's DYNAMIC.
17:29.47bjohnsondtwilson: if a server is receiving a register, it need host=dynamic in the conf .. otherwise host=whatever the fqdn or IP of the other machine is
17:29.48shido6gs ilbc is crappy
17:29.51*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
17:29.54shido6use g729 or ula
17:30.08dtwilson_bjohnson thanks, yeah i understand that
17:30.17ManxPowerI am Ula of the Tribe Codec!
17:30.30bjohnsondtwilson: next, authentication .. if you want 2 way traffic .. each side has to authenticate against the other
17:30.51bjohnsondtwilson: esiest is to use the same user/secret on both machines
17:31.05bjohnsondtwilson: start with type=friend on both machines
17:31.35greg_workManxPower, thanks
17:32.36ManxPower"I don't want to be a part of any organization that would have me as a member." --WC Fields (I think)
17:32.46bjohnsonjust so I'm clear .. codec quality vs reduced bandwidth order preferences seem to be ulaw, g729 if available or gsm, speex
17:33.57*** part/#asterisk dca[laptop] (
17:34.01mutilatorgatorade goood
17:35.07Zeeek~seen JudgeCrater
17:35.13jboti haven't seen 'judgecrater', Zeeek
17:35.30Zeeekneither has anyone else for about 100 years
17:35.43Zeeek~seen TheLight?
17:35.44jbotZeeek: i haven't seen 'thelight'
17:35.50Zeeekthat's obvious
17:36.20faZeeek IAX user can by autlogin as agent?
17:37.32*** join/#asterisk channan (~channan9@
17:38.48|dennis|greg_work > firstly, I changed the line KERNEL_SOURCE?=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build to KERNEL_SOURCE?=/usr/src/linux, /usr/src/linux points to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8 which contains the actualsrc files. on compiling i get these errors>
17:40.07*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
17:40.39MikeManxPower, i think the problem is the bridge call
17:40.47Mikebecause using iax2 --> sip
17:40.52Mikedoenst make the strange noise
17:40.57Mikebut when is sip --> sip
17:41.00Mikeit does
17:41.58|dennis|please help!> firstly, I changed the line KERNEL_SOURCE?=/lib/modules/`uname -r`/build to KERNEL_SOURCE?=/usr/src/linux, /usr/src/linux points to /usr/src/kernel-source-2.6.8 which contains the actualsrc files. on compiling i get these errors>
17:43.35Juggieouttolunc, i am on the stable branch, not CVS... is there some silence suppresion stuff in CVS?
17:43.38greg_workif there are any devs around ... ast_variable_retrieve() just grabs info from an ast_config struct, and doesn't look at the database at all, does it?
17:43.57fais it possible to specify in queues.conf recording a call, not in agents?
17:44.04bjohnson~seen mycrack
17:44.05jbotbjohnson: i haven't seen 'mycrack'
17:44.13bjohnsonand you're not going to either
17:44.21*** join/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
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17:45.16Zeeekshould be yourcrack anyway
17:46.07greg_workis there a way to set voicemail options like saycid, envelope, from within  VoicemailMain()? (ie, the user can do it in IVR)
17:46.07*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
17:46.56greg_work|dennis|, i had that same problem the other day ..
17:47.18*** join/#asterisk zoa (
17:47.30greg_workit was something really simple (i forget now).. you just need to find the error that's just before all those dereferencing lines
17:48.09|dennis|thanks greg..shall see i can get the pull it out..:)
17:48.46greg_workif you're using ssh, just increase your scrollback.. or you can output to a file
17:49.03greg_workor a gui shell
17:49.36*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:52.18|dennis|increased scroll back to 5000 lines but still looking...need to increase it....:)
17:53.47*** join/#asterisk LUTOR_ASI (
17:54.44PBXtechwhy does it show "from Asterisk" with co callerID? can that be changed
17:54.49zoait can be changed
17:54.52zoain sip.conf i thin
17:54.54*** join/#asterisk jlewis (
17:54.57LUTOR_ASIi have a connection from asterisk to, and i get a voice delay of 5 seconds..anyone can help me...
17:56.13greg_work|dennis|, actually i think i had to hit ctrl+c to get it :p
17:56.18greg_worktook me a couple tries
17:56.45PBXtechzoa, do you know what the line is?
17:57.09jlewisif I want to have callerid on internal (ext to ext) calls be the person's name and extension, but on calls out to the PSTN have it be our 800 number, whats the best way to do that?...set internal callerid in each person's sip.conf entry, and then setCIDNum(800number) in our outbound dialing contexts?
17:57.48*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
17:59.26zoano sorry
17:59.39randuLUTOR_ASI: I would suggest a different proxy.  I am not sure if that will help or not
18:01.34*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~info@
18:01.38PakiPenguinhello everyone
18:01.44DrmCjlewis if that works yes
18:01.45*** join/#asterisk RyanE (
18:02.19PakiPenguinhow to accept calls from one ip , like i have a gateway , i just want to accept incoming calls from that gateway , without any login / password
18:02.22DrmCis it even possible to change the CIDnumber on non trunked PSTN circuits?
18:02.34|dennis|greg_work > In file included from /usr/src/phone/zaptel/zaptel.c:40:
18:02.35|dennis|/usr/src/phone/zaptel/zconfig.h:10:27: linux/version.h: No such file or directory
18:02.35|dennis|/usr/src/phone/zaptel/zconfig.h:66:41: missing binary operator before token "("
18:02.58|dennis|I did a ln -s /usr/src/linux linux in the zapatel dir...
18:03.50*** part/#asterisk RyanE (
18:06.17ctooleyOk, this is getting really irritating. My extensions.conf keeps getting overwritten on some kind of schedule with older data
18:06.27greg_work|dennis|: you have linux-kernel-headers installed? thats looking for /usr/include/linux/version.h
18:06.31dtwilson_hmmm isp having problems atm which is the cause of my earlier iax2 woes
18:06.41DrmCPakiPenguin its my understanding that you need a login .. however it doesnt need a pass ( i could be wrong on this )
18:06.43dtwilson_server cant see the clients
18:06.47ctooleywith asterisk running I make changes, run reload, then run "show channels" and the changes show up
18:06.54greg_work|dennis|: i'm not sure why you had to link your kernel source like that, you shouldn't have to
18:07.34ctooleyBut, later the changes get reverted in both the running dialplan and the extensions.conf
18:08.21*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
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18:09.02DrmCctooley do you have any sort of config UI installed?
18:09.11echionhi, is there a way that ztcfg could damage a pri card?
18:09.11Nuggetctooley: I trust you're aware of the "writeprotect=yes" directive for extensions.conf?
18:09.33DrmCechion describe 'damage'
18:09.40ctooleyDrmC, Nugget No config UI and "writeprotect" is set to yes
18:09.43echioni ran a ztcfg -vvvv on a card, the machine hanged and now the pri just won't go up again
18:10.14ctooleyvery 1st 2 lines
18:10.17ctooleyerr 3
18:10.19echionthe driver says yallow alarm on span x
18:10.23DrmCechion card type?
18:10.44echiondriver is wct4xxp
18:11.09LUTOR_ASIok, thanks, randu..
18:11.18DrmCi assume you have done the normal reseating of everything
18:11.44echionhave a suggestion of how i get it running again?
18:12.03*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
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18:12.36fahow to load PGSQL?
18:12.44DrmCwell as i was eluding to i would start by checking layer1 .. reseat cards and connectors etc
18:13.02ctooleyDrmC, Nugget, any suggestions?
18:13.06DrmCfa what do you mean load
18:13.36fause.. module PGSQL
18:13.43echionso pull the cables from the pri, run ztcfg again?
18:13.49DrmCctooley are you sure you are not using any sort of auto config generator or GUI?
18:13.51ctooleyfa: do you mean how do you take your current configuration files and populate a PGSQL database with the configuration?
18:14.07factooley that's right. yes.
18:14.07ctooleyDrmC, nothing that I'm aware of.
18:14.29DrmCechi yes and first reseat the pri card in the mother board
18:14.35ctooleyfa:  I know there's a MySQL database script, it could probably be easily modified to handle PGSQL
18:14.35factooley ?
18:14.43echionDrmC, how do I do that?
18:14.58factooley but i read on mailing list, that PGSQL exzists, but i don't know where to download it
18:14.59DrmCunscrew it remove it replace it re screw it
18:15.01*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
18:15.11echionDrmC, ah oh well :-)
18:16.44*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
18:17.00buddahwhen i do a reload in asterisk, will that clear out any active calls?
18:17.17buddahwhat about just extensions reload
18:17.19buddahthat do it too?
18:17.30DrmCreload may not .. a restart will
18:18.01buddahi know restart will
18:18.08zoareload does not
18:18.12zoabut if you have lotsa users
18:18.14buddahjust thinking reload is doing that, got a customer complaining about dropped calls
18:18.16zoait might cause some glitches
18:18.18buddahand it happens around that
18:18.23buddahwhen i'm reloading
18:18.36buddah54 users considered a lot?
18:18.52DrmChow many active calls at once?
18:19.20buddahanywhere from 25-54 active calls at once
18:19.55*** join/#asterisk jjg (tink@
18:20.18jjganyone tried creating a nufone account lately?
18:20.44jjgit doesn't appear to be correctly adding accounts, it won't move pass the "debit my card" step
18:21.40buddahthey were having issues yesterday
18:21.45buddahmaybe they still are
18:22.11RyanEI got a Perl error yesterday starting registration, so definitely problems
18:24.05outtoluncjjg: ouch
18:24.14outtoluncpaypal one is screwed also <G>
18:24.53*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
18:26.03jarrodwhats a good provider that i can use with asterisk(iax/sip) that i can receive did's in multiple states from?
18:26.13*** join/#asterisk JakBeatZ (~JakBeatZ@
18:26.29JakBeatZFolks, is it possible to force asterisk to unregister a SIP peer?
18:27.02*** join/#asterisk Mother_ (
18:27.20Zeeekjarrod a long list has been prepared on the wiki
18:27.35Zeeekvoicepulse nufone voipjet...
18:28.07jarrodi didnt see where to receive multiple dids in other states from nufone
18:28.10jarrodbut thank you for the others
18:28.24machinehdbuilding a new server for * can anyone recommend a good sata raid card?
18:28.27Zeeekerm maybe voipjet doesn't do DID now - but check Voicepulse
18:28.30wasimmachinehd: 3ware
18:28.59machinehdwasim, do they have good linux drivers?
18:29.30wasimmachinehd: prolly the best out there
18:29.49jarrodPlease enter the serial number and MAC address found on the bottom of your VoicePulse-Ready SPA.
18:30.02jarrodvoice pulse requires a voicepulse ready spa
18:30.05file[laptop]you want voicepulse connect
18:30.16machinehdI'm pretty noobish with server hardware. If I want hotswappable drives, what else do I need?
18:30.17*** join/#asterisk multrix (
18:30.33outtolunc~seen jerjer
18:30.35jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 16h 58m 52s ago, saying: 'then go have a coke and a smile'.
18:30.37wasimmachinehd: hotswappable drive bays
18:31.01wasimmachinehd: and hotswap support, which is pretty flaky, iirc
18:31.09machinehdwasim, so just make sure I get a case that supports hotswap drive bays? There's no other card required?
18:31.38wasimmachinehd: unless you're doing scsi
18:31.56*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
18:33.41wasimmachinehd: something like
18:36.10machinehdwasim, great thanks. So hotswap is flaky atm?
18:36.23wasimmachinehd: unless you've got good drivers
18:37.03ZeeekI'll have to remember to tell people to go the the bottom of the home page and click voicepulse connect
18:37.14ZeeekI know they have limited area codes though
18:37.28machinehdwasim, any idea if fedora/hotswap work well together?
18:37.52wasimmachinehd: its prolly a kernel option, not a fedora specific at all, its all linux after all
18:38.13DaminStrange question..
18:38.25DaminDoes anyone know if Port Adapters in a VIP2-50 card are hot swappable?
18:38.30*** join/#asterisk juice (
18:39.27ManipuraSince its a pain in the ass for me to test, I thought I'd ask first... Anyone have any problems with nat='yes' when they aren't in a nat?
18:40.05multrixdoes it exist big racks of 24 or more ATA converters ??
18:40.36multrixfor exemple a customer wants to keep its traditional phones, but wants to put its PABX out
18:40.42vaewynmultrix: called a channel bank
18:41.01multrixrather than putting a little SIP ATA on each desk, a big one in the central
18:41.07vaewynThey come with T1 E1 or SIP interfaces
18:41.16wasimor IAX, we wish ...
18:41.17multrixvaewyn: where could I find this ? :)
18:42.01vaewynmultrix: look for stuff made by channel access... and devices like adit 600  and such
18:42.20vaewyn'adit 600' on ebay will usually give you a couple good models to look at
18:43.01tzangermultrix: if you don't need 2 T1s worth of channels and/or don't need FXO, look for "Access Bank I" (substutute I for 1, also try ABI or AB1)
18:44.26multrixactually, I want to put for exemple 24 analog phone, and make them work like IP phones
18:44.49multrixa think with one RJ45 and 24 RJ11 practically
18:45.32vaewynThere are a couple newer channel banks that talk SIP... but you won't find one used... and they are $$$$
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18:49.49PakiPenguinhello everyone
18:49.55PakiPenguincan anyone help me with some iax problem
18:50.18znois there  an example of setting up a hunt group anywhere?
18:50.30PakiPenguini see requests coming in from my client ( showing IAX requests ) onto the server's console ( iax debug ) , but the client never registers :(
18:51.04*** join/#asterisk HD (
18:52.21LuhiwuPakiPenguin, does the iax server have more than one IP address?
18:53.38*** join/#asterisk SirPrize (
18:53.47wasimzno: group=2
18:54.02wasimzno: dial(zap/g2)
18:54.12PakiPenguinLuhiwu : yeah
18:54.31PakiPenguinLuhiwu: i just need 4569 in/out UDP/TCP from my firewall right?
18:55.07wasimPakiPenguin: just udp
18:55.29*** join/#asterisk tty666 (1001@
18:55.30PakiPenguinwasim: tcp's open too , just incase :p
18:55.33*** join/#asterisk djin (
18:55.33tty666hi all
18:55.33*** join/#asterisk |Vulture| (
18:55.58wasimPakiPenguin: that's like keeping a spare can of diesel, in your petrol car
18:56.24znoif a hunt group is called, is there anyway of setting callerID to say that the person is dialing the hunt group?
18:56.32DaLionPaki yeah
18:56.34PakiPenguini know , still cant take any chances , wasim , you had micronet @ isb?
18:56.44tty666someone know DND i have try using with sip and BT-100, i'am dial *78, *79 and receive 404
18:56.46|Vulture|zno: huh?
18:56.55wasimzno: setcallerid("Group")
18:57.43wasimPakiPenguin: had ... as in?
18:57.43PakiPenguinwasim: you still do? i thought you guys moved to lhr , i have micronet :(
18:57.43|Vulture|zno: but that will kill your inbound CID
18:57.43znolike let's say someone dials "Tech Support" whichi is a hunt group I'd like it to say something like From:555-1212 To: "Support" or something like that
18:57.43DaLioniax uses ONLY udp
18:57.50DaLionyou should be fine
18:57.55wasimPakiPenguin: no, i never had micronet in Isloo, since hungama was so handy
18:57.59znoI guess I can get the callerid and append it
18:58.09PakiPenguinwasim: dialup :o :o!!!
18:58.21PakiPenguin <-- iax debug
18:58.28wasimPakiPenguin: umm ... no, broadband and colo
18:58.28|Vulture|zno: then you want their CID # to be correct, but the CID Name to be "Support"?
18:58.36Zeeek"I wouldn't leave my kids alone with him, but I know he's innocent,"
18:58.59znowell calleriD From the caller to be the same, but adding  to which group it's going
18:59.08DaLionin a dialplan sits illegic to dial IAX for xx secs then try something else right ? if client needs iax temrination
18:59.09|Vulture|zno: SetCIDName("Support")
18:59.10znofor example if someone is in multiple hunt groups
18:59.23znoah thanks
18:59.42|Vulture|zno: you could also make different extensions on the phones depending on where it is coming from
18:59.47*** join/#asterisk ennuyeux7 (~ennuyeux7@
18:59.53|Vulture|like an extension for interal and external...
19:01.01PakiPenguinit works!!! YAY!
19:03.04*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
19:04.53DaLionthe hell awas that
19:05.22Darwin35net hickup
19:05.29DaLionbtw u have to play moh fo ragents ?
19:05.39DaLionkind of sucks unless its radio
19:05.57SirPrizeWhat file do I edit to change the format of the announcements made when you reach voicemail on Asterisk ?
19:07.12calistowasim: hows it going with customs
19:07.12ManxPowerSirPrize, For the most part you don't.  Remove the file types you do not want to use.
19:07.19wasimcalisto: success!
19:08.06SirPrizeManxPower: Specifically, I want to stop the voicemail system from announcing that an extension number is involved
19:08.08calistowasim: good stuff.... when you thibk we might see reviews etc.. on list or elsewhere
19:08.20*** join/#asterisk scrubb (~scrubb@OCI-19-41.OneCall.Net)
19:08.33ManxPowerSirPrize, Then record the busy and unavail message.
19:08.51|Vulture|yea peopl are dumb...
19:09.05ManxPowerIt only plays "the person at extension...." when the user was too lazy to record a custom busy and unavail greeting.
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19:09.34ManxPowerDirectory() Uses the "Record your name" stuff to play back people's names.
19:09.52DaLioncurently redirirecting home phone to my pbx... fuck those bad calls
19:09.53calistowasim: you worried now the pa186 stuff has iax firmware
19:09.57SirPrizeManxPower: Ah, I see. thanks.
19:10.00Delvarnn all
19:10.29ManxPowercalisto, when he ships this farfon's in qty they will blow away the PA186 stuff.
19:10.48DaLionZap line dialpaln is 75 lines
19:10.57DaLionfor one exten
19:11.15calistomanxpower: when !!!! .... if he's not missed the boat
19:11.33ManxPowercalisto, nobody knows.
19:12.07ManxPowerThere was supposed to be a phone from te guys that do firefly too that never actually shipped in qty
19:12.30Zeeeklooked good, too
19:12.36file[laptop]sounded good, too
19:12.42Zeeekbut not even an email back fromthem after like 1 tyear
19:13.14calistomanxpower: it actually sounded better than farfon but no show
19:13.22jpmcallisterWhat is the best way to distribute around 300 extensions fro * to common fxo telephones?
19:13.46vaewynjpmcallister: channel banks
19:14.23calistomanxpower: i think farfon has missed the market by 6-9 months given when I first saw the details iax is now becoming more accepting and i don't think it will be too long before the medium level players get in on the act
19:14.26jpmcallistervaewyn: could you point me some documentation where I can study more about this? I'm new to telco, and never heard of it
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19:14.40wasimcalisto: yep
19:14.56vaewynjpmcallister: there are tons of them... google for 'channel bank'
19:15.05wasimcalisto: no, we're glad pa168 is doing iax stuff, the more the merrier
19:15.14b0efI need a gsm phone that I can hook up to my computer. Anyone know of such a phone or even what the interface is called?
19:15.26greg_workdamn, why do so many people have large numbers of analog phones? i though most phone systems used proprietary digital phones
19:15.31vaewynjpmcallister: they normally take 24,48 or 96 analog connections and jam either T1/E1 or SIP network connections out
19:15.36jpmcallistervaewyn: thats is the problem, I'm lost with the tons of site googles returns
19:15.41ManxPowerI never thought a phone like the PA186 would be the first to market with an IAX phone.
19:15.45|Vulture|greg_work: yea 300 regular phones is crazy for a business
19:15.56calistowasim: so why if i was buying 1000 would I buy farfon given that should iax not make it the pa186 devices still do sip
19:16.02vaewynjpmcallister: check around for the likes of 'adit 600' and such
19:16.17jpmcallistervaewyn: hmm, and could you indicate some vendors?
19:16.23RyanEif I have an wcfxo card on the same line as existing analog phones, is there a way for Asterisk to tell if an analog phone has been picked up?  I want to start out just using it for IVR at home, and if I pick up a phone, I don't want Asterisk to go to voicemail.
19:16.54NuggetRyanE: just suck it up and put that phone on an FXS interface.  :)
19:16.56ManxPowerRyanE, No.  Only that it stopped ringing
19:17.14jpmcallistervaewyn: many tanx, I'll check that
19:17.34greg_work|Vulture|: i just can't see how it would get to that point (unless theres a lot of PBXs that just use analog phones? i don't have a ton of experience with them). a few years ago our company had like 2 phones on every desk (well, there were like 3 or 4 desks).. it was crazy
19:18.23greg_workthat was before i actually worked here fulltime (its a family business) .. but i said "seriously, time to get a phone system."  "but this works just fine for us"  "no, no it doesnt. you're getting a phone system"
19:18.36tty666someone know DND i have try using with sip and BT-100, i'am dial *78, *79 and receive 404
19:18.48ZeeekManxpower which leads to taling on the phone while asterisk phone rings for another 10 secods
19:19.01Zeeekvery uncomfortable if in the same offcie
19:19.17Zeeeknice typing tonight - and I haven't had a second six pack yet
19:19.58ManxPowerZeeek, I got tired of argueing with newbies.  I just tell them how/what can be done and I let them go thru the living hell of finding out exactly why whatever it is is such a bad idea.
19:20.37|Vulture|greg_work: I've been working with small offices installing * and it has worked out weel going from merridian systems to Polycom + *
19:20.37Zeeekyes that'll work :)
19:20.57calistomanxpower: kudos people who don't RTFM need a good kick in the right direction
19:21.09ZeeekAs search marketing gets more and more competitive, and pay per click costs
19:21.09Zeeekrise, blogging and news feeds will become a key marketing strategy.
19:21.27Zeeekgood think there is an asterisk news RSS
19:21.54zno|Vulture| is the demand big for small businesses for a * solution?
19:22.24calistozno: my guess is that at present thats the best target for *
19:22.27greg_work|Vulture|: we just got a bunch of spa-841's. i'm still doing some stuff with * before we roll it out though
19:22.43ZeeekBeing a small business and knowing a lot of others... I can say YES
19:23.04zoaanyone here with cisco 7960 ?
19:23.24znoyeah asterisk is perfect for our 10 person company
19:23.25calistozoa: i wish.. mway to many $$$$
19:23.25ZeeekWhat is needed is more nice small hardware servers with swap in/out cards
19:23.42Zeeekeven better for 2-3 people who move around a lot
19:23.57ZeeekI can answer my office phone at home or from another country
19:24.08greg_workwhat do you mean "swap in/out cards" ? hotswappable pci?
19:24.24Zeeekwe're lucky the cellphones are ubiquitous too so breaking up means nothing now :)
19:24.44Zeeekno just a stock of the main boards - someone will need to service these things
19:25.13Zeeekmy own box for example, sure I'll go buy what I need when the CPU dies or the mobo or whatevr but the avgerage owner can't
19:25.35Zeeekand will need someone to come in and make that swap in a couple of hours max
19:25.58Zeeekif the business is heavily phone related they may need a swap in BOX
19:27.10*** join/#asterisk Gerrath (
19:27.34Zeeekthe problem is that even with our humble 2xFXO + 1 TDM400 system, if the hardware bites it, I don't have spares
19:27.58Zeeekand if I did, it'd still take some time to reconnect those lines
19:28.05greg_workhey, can anyone here suggest a good network monitoring system?  I want something simple, where I can just plug in a script as a check for something .. ie, is asterisk running, is this system pingable, etc... that sends me an alarm when theres a problem
19:28.09wasimZeeek: a TDM400 on its own is really not much use
19:28.35ctooleygreg_work, worked a lot with Nagios in the past but it's kind of complex to set up initially
19:28.35Zeeeknot when it's sitting outside a box gathering dust, no
19:28.44greg_workyeah,  i dont like the setup of nagios at all
19:29.14greg_worki'd rather have a web-based setup. its just easier to manage
19:29.27*** join/#asterisk kingcobra (
19:29.29ctooleygreg_work, you can use Nagat
19:29.30wankelthbbt.  nagios is nothing.  you should try setting up openview :P
19:29.53ctooleyit hasn't been updated recently but it works pretty well for the 1.X versions
19:29.54greg_workfile-based is fine, except the way nagios does it you have to relate service records or hosts or something, and theres just too many different files to edit and keep track of compared to how easy it should be.
19:30.04*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
19:30.14ctooleywankel, we're not all masochistic
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19:30.42wankelwe're still using nagios for some stuff here.  we've had to hack the thing to pieces to get it to scale over home network size.
19:30.50wankelbut it works nicely for small networks
19:30.56Zeeekare there cordless phones that can use headsets?
19:31.02Zeeekstupid question I know
19:31.17Zeeekname it pls
19:31.18wankelat least we got rid of openview
19:31.24wankeluh... siemens.
19:31.24bjohnsonb0ef: 1. there is a cell phone adapter on voxilla 2. a bluetooth phone can be used with a bluetooth usb dongle (I think) 3. you can get a gsm fixed terminal
19:31.35Zeeekthey make cordless with headset plug?
19:31.40greg_workctooley: yeah, even that is not that great. you know, if you're going to make it webbased, you could at least put better names. i dont understand half those options
19:31.45wankellots of people do
19:32.00Zeeeksee my base is on another floor
19:32.10wankelgreg: maybe you still wouldn't understand them if they changed the name :)
19:32.14Zeeekbut the cordless phone is to be used by someone who wants to be able to type
19:32.17greg_work(and yeah, i can rtfm. but its just one more thing to remember that you really shouldn't have to. its so easy to put descriptive names when you already have the gui .. )
19:32.46greg_workwankel: maybe not. but its just bad design
19:32.57greg_worki say this as a web developer
19:33.02znoZeeek: check out plantronics
19:33.06znovery expensive but cool
19:33.15wankelzeeek: siemens makes very nice multi-extension cordless systems.  you can have multiple cordless sets (up to 8, i think) hanging off of one base station.   each cordless set has its own charging cradle.
19:33.21Zeeekphones? I know they make headsets
19:33.28wankelbut almost any nice cordless handset has a headset jack
19:33.49Zeeekreally? We have old seimens phones now - they haven't lasted that long
19:34.04wankelmy gigaset system is... i dunno, i guess about 5 years old now.
19:34.05Zeeek"Balloon shooter game.Up to 15 hours talk time and 250 hours standby time" handy!
19:34.08ctooleygreg_work, yeah, well, it's also not being developed anymore.
19:34.20Zeeekours are about 3-4 and they're worn out
19:34.29Zeeekballoon shooter game :)
19:34.31wankelthe handset or just the batteries?
19:34.37wankeli had to replace the rechargables on mine twice
19:34.39Zeeekhandset - buttons
19:34.44Zeeekdisplay one one
19:34.47Zeeekon one
19:34.49wankelhuh.  haven't had any problems like that with mine.
19:35.00wankeli've only used the gigaset ones, though
19:35.25Zeeekthese are gigasets
19:36.24Corvinhi have someone problems with zap channnel I mean silent pops in background?
19:36.43bjohnsonZeeek: what country?  is $50USD too much?
19:36.46b0efbjohnson: nice, I'll check it out; I will need to use my gsm phone to make voice calls aswell through asterisk preferably. Also to make connect my computer to the internet
19:36.59ZeeekNo but I'm in France
19:37.03*** join/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
19:37.10ZeeekGigaset S440
19:37.11*** join/#asterisk Manipura (
19:37.14Zeeeklooking at that
19:37.19*** part/#asterisk RyanE (
19:38.04vaewynI'm a genius in france
19:38.05bjohnsonZeeek: how is shipping from UK?  Look at the bluetooth headsets for non-bluetooth phones.  I can walk you through a couple of options but my shopping has been in the states
19:38.20Zeeekwe don wan no stinking bluetooth
19:38.35Zeeektoo much technology blur already
19:38.53multrixZeeek:  laisse tomber la voip en france c mort ;)
19:38.57bjohnsonZeeek: local discount store down the street has wired phones with callerid and headset jack for $20 .. through in a BT headset and adapter for $20-$50 and you have an ear mounted wireless rig
19:39.06Zeeekmultrix pas du tout - tres actif
19:39.15multrixjuste une blague ;)
19:39.36Zeeekoh but what sucks in Frane is the small range of phone hardware
19:39.42multrixZeeek: oui j'aime bien wengo je vais voir :p
19:39.51Zeeekvery limited comared to any store in the US
19:39.54bjohnsonZeeek: just got my first bt hardware and it is a pretty slick concept
19:40.22Zeeek"rig" ya I like that
19:40.38Zeeekwengo marche bien avec asterisk
19:40.54Zeeekvaewyn what you're Jerry Lewis?
19:40.59ZeeekJerJer Lewis?
19:41.01*** part/#asterisk Flyboy6440 (~Bobo@
19:41.14Zeeekwengo 6eu/month unlimited fixed dialing in France
19:41.38Zeeekfairly decent if you need to talk to France a lot :)
19:41.50multrixZeeek: ouai mais moi j'ai un compte sip gratuit vers tous les fixes en france, mais aussi dans le monde, alors wengo sur le principe ca allait, mais kan j'ai eu ca j'ai abandonné l'inscription :p
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19:43.32multrixZeeek: et c ke du bonheur :p ca marche niquel, j'ai deja essayé vers la france, pologne, canada, norvege, republique czech :p
19:43.45Zeeekmultrix if you want to monologue, do it in English
19:43.58*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@malcolmd.digium.sponsor.pdpc)
19:44.36multrixZeeek: you work in voip ?
19:44.59multrixjust a user
19:45.14Zeeekyes but we endusers are the most important
19:45.35*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
19:45.37tessier_Hello all!
19:45.42fahello you
19:45.43Zeeekwithout us, nothing means anything - it's all just a cry in space -et dans l'espace, personne ne vous entend CHIER
19:46.00tessier_Any good way to tell what channels are live conversations and which ones are hung? It would be nice if show channels showed how long the channel had been up.
19:46.13fearnorendusers suck
19:46.33fearnorunfortunately they pay money.
19:46.50*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
19:47.28multrixZeeek: I think that 2005 will be a very important year in voip actually ! but I hope that free software like Asterisk will win and stay open source !
19:47.35buddahanyone used a linksys pap2 phone adapter?
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19:48.02wasimi hope someone makes the uberata in 2005
19:48.06Zeeekmultrix I'm sure asterisk will unless there is a hostile takeover by France Télécom
19:48.08fileyes, there's a pap2-na sitting right beside me
19:48.12filein all it's pretty form
19:48.36three55mlAnyone work with IAXClient at all?
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19:48.46fathree55ml yes. I, little.
19:48.47fearnoruberata heh
19:48.54buddahfile: where in the config do you put in the sip server address?
19:48.56Zeeekdown with bluetooth
19:49.03three55mlOr any IAX2 in gerneral I guess.  I pretty much always get a delay from anywhere from a few seconds to 10 minutes in actually registering with the server.
19:49.05filebuddah: this is a pap2-na right?
19:49.06fearnori hope someone makes a decent and reasonably-priced ip phone
19:49.10buddahoh, na?
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19:49.12buddahlemme look
19:49.14fearnoror an ip phone with opensores firmwarez
19:49.17Groobyzeeek, you use BT headset?
19:49.20fileif it's a PAP2 it's locked...
19:49.22multrixZeeek: do you run an asterisk at home ?
19:49.34three55mlI'm about to get out a packet sniffer and see if it's actually sending out the registration requests, because Asterisk with IAX debugging on shows nothing.
19:49.37buddahjust says pap2
19:49.41Zeeekat the office - two lines FT three FXS in theoffice
19:49.46bjohnsonbuddah: then it's locked
19:49.49buddah'its pap2-na
19:49.51Zeeekand SIP and IAX outside
19:49.53buddahchecked the device
19:49.57buddahthe pap2 is the vonage right?
19:50.09*** join/#asterisk Bonbon (~bonbon@
19:50.10Groobyso who here has used BT headset with softphones?
19:50.10fileif it's an NA, you would go to the web server on it's IP, go to the line and fill out the details in the Proxy and Registration section
19:50.14bjohnsonbuddah: yes
19:50.16tessier_I would love to see someone mass-produce an open IP phone.
19:50.20Groobymy BT headset w/ my ecellphone sucks
19:50.27tessier_Unfortunately the investment is more than anyone here is going to front.
19:50.37bjohnsonGrooby: just got a test rig (supposed to be present for wife)
19:50.40three55mltessier: The Snom ones have opensource firmware I believe, but a lot of people don't like them for various reasons.
19:50.41Zeeekwhere is the best store to buy phones in paris?
19:50.47buddahfile[laptop]: in the sip section?
19:50.49tessier_three55ml: I know, I have a few.
19:50.51multrixZeeek: IP phones ?
19:50.56Zeeekno analmog
19:50.58buddahfile: in sip section?
19:51.01Groobybjohnson, let me know how that goes....i got 2 BT headsets here..haven't had the time to play with it
19:51.06fileLine 1 -> Proxy and Registration
19:51.07buddahfile: or line 1?
19:51.09fileOutbound Proxy
19:51.12multrixZeeek: analog phones steel exist ??? what is it ? :D
19:51.15three55mlfa: Any idea with the IAX troubles?
19:51.19fileis the address of your asterisk box...
19:51.20buddahyeah i got the ip in proxy
19:51.21ZeeekI have a free FXS line
19:51.29buddahset to register
19:51.36faZeeek when to use & when Dial, and when to use queue, hu?
19:51.36buddahgot the user id/pass set in it
19:51.39bjohnsonGrooby: played with it for about an hour yesterday .. works well .. will take some practice getting on
19:51.44buddahsays it cant connect to login server
19:51.45filethen it should work fine
19:52.02multrixah yes I remember this think bell invented in 1876...... but I thought we could only find this in museums !!! :p
19:52.08Groobyso the voice quality is good?  when I use mine with my SE 600, i get echos left and right
19:52.10bjohnsonGrooby: based on that I've ordered a BT usb and BT headset for myself to play with
19:52.24fathree55ml no
19:52.36fabjohnson when to use & when Dial, and when to use queue, hu?
19:52.36*** join/#asterisk bacondoublechz (
19:52.41buddahi've noticed how many things that should 'work fine' but i cant get to work
19:52.52file[laptop]is it behind NAT?
19:52.52Zeeekmultrix aside from toy SIP phones or expensive Cisco jobs, regular phones are always useful, especially if asterisk pbx hardware dies
19:53.06bjohnsonGrooby: Jabra BT200 for non-bluetooth phones (includes a small receiver that plugs into 2.5mm headset jack) .. seems to work well .. good voice quality
19:53.11buddahi can get it from outside nat
19:53.17file[laptop]set nat=yes in it's entry in sip.conf
19:53.24bjohnsonfa: I still don't use queues
19:53.24Groobyok..i'll have to yank out my other BT headset and try it out now
19:53.31multrixZeeek: wow I couldn't imagine if some asterisk were out of order !!!
19:53.40file[laptop]globally too... yeah globally, won't hurt
19:53.51Zeeekshit happens multrix, shit happens
19:54.26multrixZeeek: shit happens but It's my work so it has no consequence !
19:54.46Zeeekare you Batman or RObin then?
19:55.04multrixZeeek: redundancy is my work
19:55.17tzangerstealth asterisk installs rock
19:55.53Zeeekredundancy is my work
19:56.03bjohnsonGrooby: found a cheap US source of BT hardware if interested.  Not sexiest things though.  I've ordered a couple to test
19:56.23`SauronZeeek: I didn't hear it the first 20 times, could you repeat it again?
19:56.31multrixZeeek: me too, repeat !
19:56.35`Sauronbjohnson: What kind of BT hardware?
19:56.42Zeeekget it?
19:56.45ManxPowertzanger, Putting an Asterisk server between the PBX and the T-1's from the telco
19:56.46Groobybjohnson, i bought my GF a BT that she can't use it
19:56.50Groobyso i am gonna use that
19:56.54*** join/#asterisk dontmsgme (
19:57.11`SauronI have this overwhelming urge to /msg dontmsgme
19:57.18file[laptop]`Sauron: so do I
19:57.21*** part/#asterisk Caede (~chatzilla@
19:57.21Zeeekredunancy...siemens S100 looks nice - 6 days of autonomy
19:57.34ManxPower`Sauron, /msg me instead 8-)
19:57.51multrixtzanger: about stealth asterisk install, is it possible to deal with ip phones anyway without reconfiguring pbx ? :)
19:57.59bjohnson`Sauron: headset $10, usb dongle $16, usb phone line adapter $10 (this thing is interesting since it plugs directly into phone line .. could plug directly into a fxs)
19:58.28bjohnson`Sauron: shipping $12 .. I ordered a set of 3 to check quality
19:58.46`Sauronbjohnson: Hum.. usb FXS or usb FXO interface?
19:59.13`Sauronyeah, I'm trying to figure out it's purpose
19:59.16NuggetI wish there was a good solution for a wireless headset on my cisco 7960.
19:59.18shido6Sauron, eat any hobitses lately?
19:59.37`Sauronshido: Lots. I ate them for lunch.
19:59.49ManxPowerBest with just a little garlic butter, huh?
19:59.50bjohnsonsorry .. not usb phone line adapter .. BT phone line adapter .
19:59.58`SauronErr, oh. Duh.
20:00.25tzangerManxPower: been there, done that.  works *great*
20:00.34`SauronNow if chan_bluetooth could only support headset profiles, and not just handsfree
20:00.35tzangermultrix: what do you mean?
20:00.46greg_workso i'm writing this new voicemail agi replacement, which is pretty much a drop-in replacement for existing app_voicemail (uses same mailbox structure/format).. but i'm trying to figure out how to do config options. the existing app_voicemail rewrites voicemail.conf when you change your password, and doesnt allow you to change options. i'm going to have menu options to control "say caller id" "say envelope" etc.. should I make those
20:00.46greg_workwrote voicemail.conf, or set database variables?  the latter is better technically, but will be incompatible with app_voicemail, and you couldn't look at voicemail.conf to see/set mailbox options for that user
20:01.15multrixtzanger: example : PBX with 10 phones numbers : 10 to 20
20:01.18`Saurongreg: Use ast_data, and store all the info in a database?
20:01.29multrixtzanger: you put a stealth asterisk
20:01.35greg_worki was also worried about locking issues.. if two people change their password at the same time, for example, one won't work
20:01.37bjohnson`Sauron: what does it support?  I thought I'd use one with iaxcomm if I can get it working
20:01.42multrixand you want to add ip phones with 21 22... etc...
20:01.58multrixis it possible without configuring pbx ?
20:02.38`Sauronbjohnson: So it's a BT FXO interface
20:02.48greg_work`Sauron: what would happen is in voicemail.conf you'd have a line like   voicemail => 123,.....,saycid=yes   but if the user has changed saycid, it will be off in the database (ie, voicemail.conf would say it's on) .. maybe that isn't even a big deal
20:03.03bjohnson`Sauron: yeah I guess .. with pass through
20:03.04*** join/#asterisk xai (
20:03.04tzangermultrix: depends on the PBX.  typically not
20:03.20tzangermultrix: becaues the PBX users (10-20) will want to hit an IP user and the PBX will need to know how to get there...
20:03.23`Saurongreg: When you use ast_data to pull info from pgsql/mysql, it doesn't use the file anymore
20:03.35greg_workthe password is more of an issue, i'm not sure it's a good idea NOT to write voicemail.conf to change the password (in case other programs are reading voicemail.conf to get the password .. would also definately break app_voicemail)
20:03.44greg_workwhat is ast_data ?
20:03.54`Sauronsearch voip-info for it
20:03.56greg_worki was talking about db_put()
20:04.02bjohnson`Sauron: we have Nortel handsets at office with headset jacks (RJ11?) .. thought I'd see if I could rig it up for a BT headset
20:04.12multrixtzanger: I should say to the pbx " if 10 to 20 call 20 to 30, send this call to E1" ?
20:04.19`Saurongreg: I dunno 'bout db_put
20:04.31Bonbonanyone know what sort of indexing should be put on the realtime iax / sip tables?
20:04.43Bonboni.e. what do the update queries look like?
20:05.30greg_work`Sauron: ah, but that's not in * right now. one of my main things of rewriting voicemail is to get the new features into 1.0.5 stable
20:05.38tzangermultrix: if your PBX will let you do that, sure
20:05.40tzangermultrix: most will NOT
20:05.57*** join/#asterisk firestrm (
20:06.37`Saurongreg: Hum, I see.
20:06.50greg_workie, mine will have an OPTIONAL busy greeting (if it's not there, it'll say the unavailable, not the canned busy greeting), temporary greeting, all recordings will be temporary at first (right now, whle you're recording a new greeting, if someone goes to your vm they hear it, even if you haven't "saved" it yet) .. same with messages
20:07.18greg_workalso some basic things.. better handling of press 0 for operator (ie, press it at anytime).  press * during your vm message to login
20:07.40multrixtzanger: so it's impossible to have a transition solution with a stealth Asterisk
20:08.05greg_worki think i'll use db to store most options, and voicemail.conf will just set the defaults.
20:08.06tzangermultrix: with stealth, yes-ish... like I said it depends on the KSU/PBX
20:08.12multrixWhat do you think is the best solution for putting some ip phones on a network and migrate progressively the others on asterisk
20:08.18greg_workexcept for password.. voicemail.conf can store the pwd..
20:08.22*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
20:08.29kantHas anyone here configured a Clipcomm CG-410?
20:08.31tzangermultrix: TDM440P with analog "extension" ports on the KSU/PBX
20:08.36tzangeri.e. Norstar ATAs
20:09.09*** join/#asterisk falcoIT (
20:09.24vaewyngreg_work: I am working on voicemail improvements as well... but mine stem towards removing the dialplan part of it from the C and having a dialplan based voicemail
20:09.51falcoITHi.. i have some "dummy" questions to start and build up my first ASterisk based PBX...
20:09.52greg_workvaewyn: oh yeah? how far along are you? and how are you doing actual recordings etc?
20:10.19falcoITcan someone help me?
20:10.25firestrm`Sauron, ive never used postfix , im worried im about to jump into a 3 day adventure to hell (thats what converting from sendmail to exim was)
20:10.44`Sauronfirestrm: It'll be at most a 6 hour adventure
20:10.48`SauronAnd it's nowhere near hell.
20:10.58firestrmi hope so..
20:10.59Nuggetpostfix isn't too hard to get going.
20:11.03Nuggetthe docs are great
20:11.24*** join/#asterisk vaewyn (
20:11.30falcoITyeah... postfix is not sush a hell :)
20:11.32vaewynarggh... bad internet.... bad!
20:11.39firestrmNugget, i agree, its just that i have to learn a new config, and then customize .. never easy
20:11.46greg_workfalcoIT: go check, google, and just ask otherwise .. theres LOTS of stuff on voip-info
20:11.48Nuggetsure, sometimes that's easy.
20:11.52greg_workvaewyn: oh yeah? how far along are you? and how are you doing actual recordings etc?
20:11.54Nuggetpostfix is just average difficulty.
20:11.57*** join/#asterisk Pinhole (
20:12.01ariel_I have a question about CDR's. When asterisk dial an extension via a macro for follow me or to try more then one device it does not make any cdr entry's is there any fix for this?
20:12.29PinholeIs there an equivalent in agi to the cli "sip show peer xxx" ?
20:12.33firestrmNugget, what is it more like in config, sendmail or exim?
20:12.36falcoITwho can tell me the difference between a FXO and a FXS?
20:12.51NuggetI'm not familiar with exim, so I dunno, but it's not much like sendmail at all.
20:12.52jbotit has been said that fxo is foreign exchange office - or the type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
20:12.52bjohnsontzanger: I can't get my fxo on the Nortel ATA to detect dtmf tones
20:12.52multrixfalcoIT: can tell you, also
20:12.56jbothmm... fxs is foreign exchange system - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
20:12.56NuggetI came to postfix from qmail.
20:13.11bjohnsontzanger: so that might be limited in functionality
20:13.12firestrmok here goes..
20:13.20vaewyngreg_work: about 75ish% ... I just use the built in Record() and such... My philosophy is that 90% of the voicemail functions we already have in extension capable functions... we should be using them instead of doing dual development
20:13.55blitzragevaewyn: plus not having to update code in 2 places when you change one of them
20:14.14bjohnsonvaewyn: greg_work: either of you doing ldap saving of vm passwords?
20:14.21greg_workvaewyn: hm, yeah.. how do you do processing of inbox? thats about the only complicated bit
20:14.41greg_workbjohnson: no, i'm actually just getting to that part (was just asking about how I should do it)
20:15.03*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
20:15.23greg_worki think anyway I do it now, i'll write it as a set of functions in an included file .. so if, for example you want to use ldap, you just include instead of
20:15.49vaewyngreg_work: I have made a couple functions that are exposed so extensions can move stuff between mailboxes... the indexing inside the folders is done with variables in the extension logic
20:15.57tzangerbjohnson: hmm
20:15.57buddahfile: so its not behind nat now, the proxy stuff is setup, sip/extensions.conf are setup, and registration is still failing, any ideas?
20:16.05bjohnsonI don't know best way to do it .. but needs a ldapget AND a ldapput
20:16.22falcoITso, in a standard PC, i need AT LEAST a FXO card to connect to the telco plug and a FXS card for each "old style" phone, right?
20:17.18greg_workvaewyn: what do you mean by 'functions' .. macros?
20:17.30bjohnsonI think it is the nortel hardware.  a user on another extension cannot hear my button presses when I push buttons during an internal call between handsets. (Nortel M7208 and M7310 on a Nortel CICS)
20:17.51greg_workfalcoIT: sortof. you can get cards that have multiple ports (ie, tdm400p has 4 ports, each can be fxs or fxo)
20:18.02buddahanyone else familiar with linksys pap2-na's?
20:18.12greg_workfalcoIT: you can also get sip ATA's, like the SPA-2000 that has two fxs ports and plugs into ethernet
20:18.43greg_workfalcoIT: you can also get T1 cards (and 4-span t1 cards) that you can hook into channel banks that provider fxs/fxo ports, each T1 gives you 24 ports
20:19.16bjohnsonfalcoIT: cheapest solution is a softphone + voip provider for incoming and outgoing
20:19.26vaewyngreg_work: sorry... no...  applications...  like 'hasvoicemail' and such... I am writing more powerful ones that are exposed so the dialplan can do this crud directly
20:19.34greg_workahh, ok.
20:19.55*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:20.01wolfsonanyone know the legality of pre-recorded solicitation to a business. I know its illegal to a residence. Some company keeps calling us with recorded messages with a CID of all 0's.
20:20.03greg_workthats not a bad idea actually. can i see what you have so far?
20:20.28bjohnsonwolfson: depends on country, state, etc
20:20.32vaewyngreg_work: I will put you on the list to notify when I have it ready for alpha
20:20.44wolfsonunder US federal law
20:20.54firestrmWhen Postfix sees an address with only one component in the hostname, should it append .$mydomain? .. i have answer y/n
20:20.55greg_worki'm doing it phpagi, and i'm probably 50%. if you have something that will work though, then maybe i shuoldn't bother developing this
20:20.56bjohnsonwolfson: zapateller or IVR is most practical defence
20:20.57falcoITgreg_work: thanks, so a sip ATA can convert a standard phone, fax or whatever to a VOIP device, but to have asterisk dialogue with my standard telco line i need a FXO card. right?
20:21.04*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
20:21.10firestrmim think y, but not sure
20:21.19greg_workfalcoIT: you can also get SIP fxo adapters
20:21.22bjohnsonwolfson: I think you can request to be put on a no-call list .. good luck finding anyone that follows it though
20:21.28BoRiSYippy, The T.38 bounty is now $3000USD.
20:21.31wolfsonbjohnson: I know that, I can filter them, but if its illegal, they will be in the area doing a seminar, and would like look into legal action
20:21.37fearnorzippy, boris
20:21.39greg_worki think hte spa-3000 provides one fxo and one fxs
20:21.40fearnornow go fucking code it.
20:21.42wolfsonbjohnson: do not call does not apply to businesses
20:21.44bjohnsonfalcoIT: a SPA 3000 has one fxo and one fxs
20:21.53BoRiSyou first fearnor
20:22.01fearnori just put 1k$ on it
20:22.18*** join/#asterisk multrix (
20:22.20falcoIT<bjohnson>: i know that softphone will be the cheapest solution.. but i would like to set up a dedicated PC with its own asterisk to start learning things, not to make phone calls ;)
20:22.30*** join/#asterisk Rick_Hunter (
20:22.47bjohnsonfalcoIT: then you don't need any fxo or fxs hardware
20:22.56multrixfalcoIT: I'm at the same way as you, trying asterisk on a PC :)
20:23.04fearnorcoppice should finally notice it ;)
20:23.05greg_workvaewyn: any chance I can just see it now? i'm just curious how it looks etc. maybe be able to help you out too
20:23.31redder86$3000 for T.38.  Hehe.  Not even close to what it's worth.
20:23.35greg_worki'm aiming to have mine beta-status by the end of the week, btw
20:23.53multrixdo somebody have a sample web interface to a asterisk box ? :)
20:24.27*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
20:24.35fearnorred: its actually probably simple enough to do.
20:24.41fearnorall the *hard* code is already has been done
20:24.44fearnorby coppice
20:24.49redder86Steve already is progressing towards T.38 support anyway, and I don't think that he's motivated by bounties.
20:24.51fearnorwhats left is asstricks interface.
20:24.59fearnorred: indeed, unfortunately, he isn't ;)
20:25.19redder86Yes, I'd venture to bet that 90% of the work is done.
20:25.25greg_workmultrix: amportal is .. ok. but it doesnt configure everything, and it does restrict you a bit in what you can do (well, unless you can program)
20:26.00BoRiSredder86: And where can we see steve's latest T38 implimentation?
20:26.02falcoITbjohnson: in your opinion, to get things together for the first time, in addition to a PC, Asterisk and a bag full of time and enthusiasm, would you suggest me a SPA3000 or an internal card to the PC providing FXO and FXS?
20:26.43multrixfalcoIT: I would buy an Ip phone.... I think it's better !
20:26.53greg_workfalcoIT: what are you trying to do?
20:27.01`SauronSomeone needs to make cheap(er) fxo hardware
20:27.06redder86coppice mentioned here last week that the Class 1 modem emulation was done.
20:27.12bjohnsonfalcoIT: what country?
20:27.17redder86it's supposedly part of unicall
20:27.25redder86no docs, though.
20:27.44redder86He did give a brief instruction on how to do it here in IRC, though.
20:27.53redder86I haven't had time to try it yet, though.
20:27.54greg_workfalcoIT: if you're planning on having multiple fxo ports, there not much point in a SIP adapter
20:28.10bjohnson`Sauron: X100P clone for $20 .. SPA 3000 for $100 .. channel bank for approx $50 per port
20:28.11fearnorred: i was thinking of implementing "ghetto.38"
20:28.25redder86what's that?
20:28.26fearnorinstead of doing proper t.38, just translate datastream into AT-class1-commands ;)
20:28.42`Sauronbjohnson: the spa gear isn't FXO
20:28.45redder86oh, yeah, I think you and I discussed that before
20:28.57fearnorbut unfortunately i have more money than time
20:29.04fearnori'd rather throw 1k$ to steve ;)
20:29.05bjohnson`Sauron: yes it is
20:29.12bjohnson`Sauron: I have 3 SPA 3000
20:29.14`Sauronhum, ah
20:29.29bjohnson`Sauron: one fxo and one fxo
20:29.33BoRiSHmmm, now how to convince Steve to continue his T.38 implimentation
20:29.46redder86I wonder if you could just save yourself the grand and wait it out.  I don't think $1K more is going to move it along any faster.
20:29.48fileBoRiS: what's up?
20:29.50bjohnsonfalcoIT: what country?
20:29.52`SauronI see.
20:29.54fearnorred: dunno.
20:30.10multrixbjohnson: where do you find channel bank equivalent to lots of SPA3000 together ?? :)
20:30.12fearnori'm hoping bounty with a fixed deadline will spur things along ;)
20:30.16`Sauronbjohnson: I hear a lot of people having problems with the x100p clones
20:30.20`Saurondum di dum
20:30.20falcoITbjohnson: italy and switzerland
20:30.32Nuggetyay switzerland.
20:30.38bjohnsonmultrix: ebay is likely target .. Adit600 for mixed fxo and fxs according to tzanger
20:30.41Beirdo`Sauron: you have any alternative? :)
20:30.46BoRiSfile: not too much, waiting for an email and need to call atacomm
20:30.56redder86fearnor: I did some recent fax development for a customer, and $3000 is pretty low.
20:30.58fileBoRiS: I too am waiting for emails, yet they are not coming
20:31.05fearnorno doubt, redder.
20:31.29redder86if the bounty were $10K then I'd probably stop and do it myself.
20:31.43fearnorinstead, you just bullshit on irc ;)
20:31.46bjohnsonfalcoIT: look into voip providers .. they can get you on and off the pstn.  Don't know those countries but France has like 9 euro per month unlimited
20:32.04bjohnsonfalcoIT: why buy fxo or fxs at all if you don't need them
20:32.30redder86I lurked here for a long time trying to understand Asterisk.  I find that I have to lurk around in project discussion groups for a while long enough to understand what I want to know about the project.
20:32.43fearnoryeah, and use it :)
20:32.44bjohnsonBeirdo: alternative to X100P clone?  I love my SPA 3000s
20:32.46redder86Asterisk isn't very well documented - just lots and lots of stuff scattered around.
20:32.47falcoITbJohnson: to make practice into configuing and using them
20:32.52redder86so I had to lurk here to learn.
20:32.52InfraRedknowledge by osmosis
20:32.55fearnorred: its all in the source
20:33.13redder86fearnor: I've read some of the source.  It's pathetically documented.  Nearly no comments whatsoever.
20:33.14multrixredder86: I agree !!!
20:33.29fearnorredder: hey, if you could read it, it wouldn't be called CODE
20:34.17Beirdobjohnson: Hmm, I hadn't considered that possibility.
20:34.28*** join/#asterisk ckruetze (
20:34.32falcoITgrek_work:now just making practice.. first production system must be a voip pbx on a side of a standard pbx, mapping some internal numbers to external numbers via several voip providers around the globe
20:34.34redder86I can read c/c++, but reading c and reading english comments is a world of difference
20:34.42bjohnsonfalcoIT: what do you plan to use * for?  In US you can get 800 number for incoming and pay nufone $0.02/minute for incoming and outgoing .. like 5000 minutes for what you'd pay in hardware
20:34.59bjohnsonBeirdo: I think your friend has them too
20:35.06Beirdohe does
20:35.39bjohnsonI bought from voxilla to get the free broadvoice month .. but I ended up paying it to UPS instead
20:35.59fearnorcheap people pay twice
20:36.10*** join/#asterisk andersee (
20:36.20Beirdoyeah, nothing lilke the $50-75 UPS bend-over-and-take-it fee...  oh... "Brokerage"
20:36.28bjohnsonfearnor: errmm .. the X100Ps I have are from Digium
20:36.41firestrm`Sauron, that was painless.. im up and running with postfix already..
20:36.45bjohnsonfearnor: so are the S100U peices of sheit
20:37.21fearnori sense a pattern. :P)
20:38.15bjohnson(with a quick followup with a second S100U)
20:38.29redder86fearnor: normally when one writes code it is important to put comments into the code that allow people who are reading it understand what "x" and "y" and various functions do.  Reading code without documentation like this pretty much requires a cover-to-cover read before you get it.  Instead, it would be nice to just look at one code file and read it and understand about that channel or that application or whatever, rather than needing to read eve
20:38.30BoRiSI hate the brokerage fee's
20:38.33bjohnsonthe USB cable acts as a stabilizer
20:39.17redder86fearnor: I've tried reading spandsp, too, and it's pretty much the same story.
20:39.23firestrmBoRiS, clear it yourself.. if you have a customs office nearby
20:39.27kantdie die die you PoS
20:39.31fearnorredder: /* you are not expected to understand this */
20:39.42anderseeAny thoughts on the "OEM X100P - FXO PCI Card" --
20:39.43fearnorand in general, understanding spandsp is impossible if you dont have dsp background
20:39.50anderseeany good?
20:40.03BoRiSfirestrm: And how do you do that if UPS or FedEx automatically does it for you?
20:40.07*** join/#asterisk zeedo (
20:40.21redder86fearnor: spandsp does T.30, and I understand T.30, I shouldn't need to know DSP in order to look at the T.30 portion of spandsp.
20:40.33fearnorah true
20:40.37BeirdoBoRiS: how's life in winterpeg?
20:40.41ardori cut my finger
20:40.59fearnoranother thing is, i think that code would benefit from 'coroutines'
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20:41.09fearnorbecause of the way datapumps are working
20:41.10tzangerI read that as croutons
20:41.12falcoITbjohnson: i need a PBX that is able to receive calls from several VOIP providers, forward them following specific rules to numbers internally to an office PBX, or externally to mobile phones. And viceversa
20:41.22fearnoraka 'duffs device' (google it). cute :P
20:41.43BoRiSBeirdo: Life is great....The weathers getting warmer but that usually means we can expect a snow storm sometime soon. :-p
20:42.01file[laptop]andersee: see other channel.
20:42.22Beirdoheh.  Yeah, we even got dumped on in Toronto lately.  Fun to see the city slickers panic
20:42.50|Vulture|is there a command like zapbarge but you can actually talk?
20:43.45BoRiSBeirdo: lol
20:44.26BeirdoI grew up in the snow belt north of here, so I have no patience for people who think that 1/2" of snow in Toronto constitutes an emergency :)
20:44.45tzangerI live in a snow belt
20:44.56BoRiSBerido: You know how it is...WHen it snows, people panic.
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20:45.20BoRiSThey drive at 20km/h
20:45.20tzangerBoRiS: you're from the TO area, no?
20:45.27Beirdoyeah, so true, BoRiS
20:45.48BoRiStzanger: No, Winnipeg... I was in toronto last summer for a few days (my first time there)
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20:46.39falcoITa question for you all: any IP phone running linux onboard? (maybe with more than a LAN port and possibly with an DLS modem)?
20:47.08Nuggetwhy would that matter?  who cares what os is inside the phone?
20:47.34falcoITyou can customize it... installing postfix for example :)
20:47.48Beirdoyou want postfix on yer phone?!
20:48.04NuggetI'll run linux on my phone just as soon as I'm finished porting linux to my dishwasher.
20:48.06Beirdogeeks never fail to surprise me
20:48.44falcoITi was kidding, but i saw out there on the net a phone doing such things.
20:48.46tzangerfalcoIT: wasim's working with some people on one I think
20:48.47tzangerI THINK
20:49.25falcoITthe real need is to cipher the call
20:49.32Beirdooooh, trilingual political wallops
20:49.36tzangerfalcoIT: do it at the edge
20:49.53tzangeryou're already in an open office -- they can hide a mic in the false cieling
20:50.08falcoITtzanger: where is the edge, for you?
20:50.17tzangerfalcoIT: firewall/router
20:50.37falcoITtzanger: that's not a ciphered call... but a vpn
20:50.50tzangerfalcoIT: depends.  :-)
20:51.03falcoITif we are in a 10 ppl office, 9 ppl would be able to listen.
20:51.05tzangerfalcoIT: all your phones would talk back to a central * box (guessing) - you can encrypt from there too
20:51.12tzangerfalcoIT: exactly -- what's the point
20:51.24tzangerunless you're in a sealed office it's overkill
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20:52.14falcoITtzanger: that's what my customer require me. that's privacy. why do people use PGP instead of simple SSL SMTP ?
20:52.20sjaak538somebody knows something about ISDN hfc
20:52.25tzangerfalcoIT: much different.
20:52.45tzangerfalcoIT: but yeah if your customers demand that then it's your job as a manager of expectations to either provide it or convince them it's not a great idea
20:52.58AnaKalihello all, Is anyone know a good motherboard in supermicro or asus for TDM400P and asterisk in P4 ?
20:53.22falcoITtzanger: i do not think it's a stupid idea.
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20:53.54tzangerfalcoIT: ok, fair enough.  I didn't say it was stupid, just unreasonable unless the physical security is also there
20:54.13falcoITtzanger: physical security is ok.. but the electronic no
20:54.20tzangerfalcoIT: when I was a kid I used a he-ne laser to listen on conversations by bouncing the beam off a window of a nearby house...
20:54.41falcoITtzanger: did it work?
20:54.44tzangerfalcoIT: of course
20:55.05falcoITtzanger: always thought it was a fake of Hollywood
20:55.08tzangerbut that's what I'm saying -- unless the physical security is tight enough ot prevent an eavesdropper from doing something like that, encrypting the *phones* is a little silly
20:55.19kantHow does bouncing a beam of a window allow you to hear the conversation!?
20:55.45tzangerfalcoIT: nope -- take a he-ne laser and aim it at a windowpane.  you need to be pretty much on the same level as the window and a "straight" shot
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20:56.03tzangerthe window vibrates with teh sound in he room whcih is picked up by a receiver mounted on top of the laser and demodulated
20:56.13zoasend me your setup tzanger
20:56.15zoasounds like fun
20:56.17tzangeradmittedly it's not 5.1 digital surround audio but it's very intelligble
20:56.28tzangerdouble-pane glass attenuates it quite a bit
20:56.53kantBut how does the laser detect the vibration?
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20:57.06falcoITtzanger: you must be exactly in front of the glass!
20:57.07tzangerI was just a pizza-faced 13 year old with a he-ne laser and some electronics... imagine what someone who really wanted your encrypted conversations would do
20:57.19tzangerfalcoIT: across the street, or a few houses away, yes
20:57.32tzangeryou need clear, direct shot to window and back otherwise the beam bounces off away from you
20:57.34falcoITbut on the normal to the glass
20:57.35tzangeryou need a dead-on shot
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20:57.41tzangeryes normal -- that's teh word I was looking for, thanks
20:57.54tzangerkant: amplitude modulation -- ever make a solar phone?  exact same idea
20:58.15tzangerMe ---- | window
20:58.17falcoITtzanger: solar phone?
20:58.19tzangerif I was above or below it wouldn't work
20:58.30fearnorlaser doesn't "detect" vibration. glass vibrates by itself.
20:58.45outtolunc   has a nice explanation
20:58.47fearnorlaser will bounce slightly due to vibration, resulting in less/more signal
20:58.50techiesolar phone...nice
20:59.00tzangertrying to find a circuit online now
20:59.04kantBut I'm guessing the amplitude of the light bouncing back at you changes as the glass vibrates.
20:59.07zoatzanger: send me your tools :p
20:59.10`SauronAnyone know of working linux sip softphones?
20:59.37tzangerkant: the amplitude is modulated by the vibration...  the received signal's strength varies as teh vibration
21:00.02fearnori hate dell officially
21:00.07kanttzafrir: that's what I said.
21:00.13fearnorto get anything resolved it takes 10 phone calls
21:00.16tzangersolar phone:  basically take a paper tube, cover one side with aluminum foil shiny side out and  take or build an AM radio you can hook a photodiode to the AM demodulator
21:00.25falcoITtzanger: back to the encryption, since the customer wants it, i'll do it. in reality, my boss wants it.. i want the money from him, his customer wants the solution from my boss... i try to make everyone happy. :)
21:00.31tzangeraim the foil so that the sun reflects off of it to the diode...  now speak into the tube
21:00.40`Sauronfearnor: You just don't know what to tell them...
21:00.47tzangerfalcoIT: yup that's how it generally works
21:00.50tzangerfollow the money :-)
21:01.34tzangerfalcoIT: you can bring up with them the ability to eavesdrop without the phone (mic in cieling, bugged room, laser listener, etc.) and ask if they really do want to pay for each phone being encrypted instead of all calls out of the building being encrypted
21:01.44bjohnson`Sauron: I use iaxcomm and linephone
21:01.50_Vilethe worst problem I've ever had with dell, is that they are dell.
21:01.57tzangerfalcoIT: also if you can find some phones that do SRTP or eIAX2 you might be able to pursuade them ot drop it when you present the price
21:01.58bjohnson`Sauron: got kphone to run but couldn't figure out the config
21:03.10`SauronI need to set up the DNS records for * on my network
21:03.12`Saurondum di dum
21:03.22`Sauronrather, for sip
21:03.32bjohnsonfalcoIT: big question is .. what security do they have NOW?
21:03.44falcoITtzanger: the problem on the router or firewall is that it cannot handle ciphered calls if both parties are not in two different offices... imagine two brokers moving with the car and going into customers offices and need to talk together.
21:04.00falcoITbjohnson: NOW they use email. Too slow.
21:04.19fearnordell is great pricing and all
21:04.31bjohnsongotta be a government agency to throw the bucks at internal office call encryption
21:04.32fearnorits just that i spend an hour a week on the phone with dell to fix things they screwed up
21:04.38tzangerfalcoIT: yes if Room 101 calls Room 102, it'll be unencrypted... but see my previous messages about the "who cares" aspect
21:04.52bjohnsondell has a good deal on system with 17" LCD now
21:04.54falcoITbjohnson: webmail on a HTTPS connection.
21:04.58tzangerfalcoIT: hell if Room 101 calls a cell phone or other client that odesn't have VOIP it'll become unencrypted at the hopoff
21:05.01bjohnson$800 I think for a P4
21:05.03fearnorheh tzanger
21:05.07_Vilenot bad
21:05.11fearnor"room 101" always recalls 1984 for me
21:05.12tzangerfalcoIT: it's possible to solve these problems but again, at what cost
21:05.15tzangerfearnor: :-)
21:05.15_VileI need a new monitor
21:05.22falcoITbjohnson + tzanger: they are NOT internal calls :)
21:05.28buddahi need a new workstation for work
21:05.33buddahwhopping 200mmx
21:05.40_Vileyou should buy the dell $800
21:05.42tzangerfalcoIT: so Office 1 calling Office 2?  What's wrong with eIAX2?
21:05.44_Vileyou'll get a new workstation
21:05.44djinbuddah, Mac Mini
21:05.46buddahmy boss should buy the dell
21:05.47_Vilei'll get a monitor
21:05.52_Vileconvince him
21:05.54file[laptop]Dude, I just bought a Dell!
21:06.03file[laptop]and they haven't even e-mailed me yet
21:06.05tzangermy general opinion is that brokers talk loud enough and brash enough that everyone within 500 meters can hear them clearly anyway
21:06.12buddahyeah we have 6 of the dell 17" lcds in our ups room
21:06.15buddahjust sitting there
21:06.22buddahfrom clients we gave them boxes, just no moniters
21:06.32falcoITtzanger: where do you live? in which country?
21:06.34_Vileso you could ship a couple and noone would notice?
21:06.38tzangerfalcoIT: Canada
21:06.39djinlemme sent you my address.
21:06.41buddahi think my boss has a master plan
21:06.47falcoITtzanger: never meet a swiss banker?
21:06.48_Vile*shrug* worth a shot
21:06.52djinFlight Simulator?
21:06.59tzangerfalcoIT: admittedly not
21:07.02bjohnsonbuddah: send one to me
21:07.04buddahFeb 1 13:01:14 NOTICE[1315]: rtp.c:317 process_rfc3389: RFC3389 support incomplete. Turn off on client if possible
21:07.10buddahwhy do i keep getting that message?
21:07.12tzanger16:10 < falcoIT> tzanger: never meet a swiss banker?
21:07.14tzanger16:10 < bjohnson> buddah: send one to me
21:07.14buddahhave had it for like a week
21:07.19fearnorbuddah: turn off rfc3389 on your client.
21:07.27buddahi didnt know it was on
21:07.32buddahthought we were running 2833
21:07.37_Vilebuddah /|\
21:08.07buddahits ss
21:08.08_VileTurning off silence suppression
21:08.11buddahsomeone told me that before
21:08.19buddahmy memory is bad
21:08.24falcoITtzanger: when he visites a customer, and has to call a broker in the US to sell properties or discuss about assets, he does not trust the local phone company, he does not use the cell phone, now he uses a webmail on a https connection.
21:08.35pointer-gaimif you term T1s to a cisco 5x00...and link it with * via SIP....rx_fax should still work, right?
21:08.39_Vileyou should replace your memory
21:08.44pointer-gaimrather than a bunch of zaptel interfaces in *
21:08.48buddahfind a brain on the black market
21:08.51buddahjust hotswap it
21:08.56falcoITtzanger: but many of our customers cannot use the keyboard... more than a keystroke per second.
21:09.06falcoITtzanger:so... voip
21:09.06tzangerfalcoIT: sounds excellent.  an iaxclient-enabled softphone on his laptop that enables encryption back to the central VOIP box
21:09.09mikegrbpointer-gaim: you could terminate it to a digium t1 card
21:09.24mikegrbpointer-gaim: they don't just make fxo fxs cards
21:09.39pointer-gaimmikegrb: I was hoping to reuse existing resources...
21:09.45Delmardoes anyone here know where I can find some detailed information that explains what the different echo cancelation algs actually do? there are a bunch that can be chosen in zconfig.h .... ECHO_CAN_STEVE, ECHO_CAN_STEVE2, ECHO_CAN_MARK, ECHO_CAN_MARK2, ECHO_CAN_MARK3
21:09.53pointer-gaimmikegrb: ie I can still use them for dialup and the like
21:10.00falcoITtzanger: no laptop. my boss wants a phone. for that reason i asked a phone that includes a linux OS
21:10.15tzangerfalcoIT: give him a VAIO and call it a phone.  :-p
21:10.22falcoITtzanger:at 13 you used laser... at 56 they cannot send an SMS!
21:10.25mikegrbpointer-gaim: but yes, sip over lan should be fine for rx_fax
21:10.57_VileDelmar /|\    can help a little bit
21:11.24Delmarmint. reading that now. cheers :P
21:11.44_Vile    <- helps too
21:12.01bjohnsonfalcoIT: a HP ipaq running familiar linux, openvpn or ipsec, and linphone?
21:12.20bjohnsonyou can even get wifi or BT support
21:12.24_VileI've had success w/ the mark series
21:12.28_Vilebut I flipped to PRI
21:12.31_Vileso *shrug*
21:12.37_Vilehaven't gotten to test mark3
21:12.54falcoITtzanger: Motorola A768 is a choice... but i want a phone with a LAN connector :)
21:13.07bjohnsonfalcoIT: I think the pa168 units run linux
21:13.22Delmar_Vile i dont see mark3 in my cvs version....
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21:13.51Delmar_Vile still dont see any information which gets into a little bit of detail about exactly what the alg is doing...
21:14.23dan2anybody have music on hold setup here?
21:14.24tzangerfalcoIT: that's a nice phone, and its VPN would work to encrypt your traffic
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21:14.26Delmar_Vile, im inclined not to waste my time commenting out mark2 and aggressive code, to test the others when by the sounds of it they are not as good...
21:15.09DelmarI dont think I am going to be able to use an X100 solution then, and I'm not buying a TDM400P just yet.
21:15.11bjohnsonfalcoIT: nope .. maybe no
21:15.23Delmarthese cards need to seriously get a bit cheaper.
21:15.31shido6they are cheap
21:15.34shido6compared to brooktrout
21:15.41jarrodi just received mine
21:15.43jarrodthey work great
21:15.44bjohnsonDelmar: start manufacturing some that we can buy for $1 ea
21:15.52jarrod1400 is not expensive for 4 t1 channels
21:15.58multrixdo you know VoIP phone with gigabit ethernet ???
21:16.00shido6then how will Asterisk get supported when u buy from the cheap guy?
21:16.07jarrodwhy do you need gigabit on a phone
21:16.19bjohnsonI think most are 10Mb
21:16.29Delmaryeah.. i know.. if I take a look around.. I know that they are very well priced if not under priced as they are.
21:16.48jarrodif you can stream over 512k from your phone i would be impressed
21:16.57Delmarbut I guess everyone wants to get things as inexpensive as they can :P
21:17.30Delmarif u are doing more than 512k something is wrong :P
21:17.53`SauronT.38 must be popular
21:17.57`Sauronwell, sort of
21:17.59Delmarnice big fat codec that sounds great like.. ulaw, and I measure that at about 150kbit/sec full-d.
21:18.08`Sauronpeople willing to pay $8k+ for getting it into *
21:18.12`Sauronbut nobody's written it yet
21:18.29Delmari dont know anything about t.38 whats that all about dude?
21:18.36`Sauronfax over IP
21:18.38falcoITtzanger: and do u suggest such motorola with a softphone running on it?
21:18.49Delmarhow does it compare to ilbc and g729 etc?
21:18.53jarrodwhat do you guys currently use for receiving faxes?
21:19.07`Sauronjerrod: I hacked together a server in linux
21:19.09Nuggeta fax machine.
21:19.19jarrodfax machine with an ata device?
21:19.19Delmaroh speaking of g729... does anyone here use g729 on their * ? Licenced or.. "other" ? :)
21:19.21tzangerfalcoIT: that's about all you can do there, no?
21:19.27mutilatoranyone here used a nortel m7324 with a CAP addon module?
21:19.29jarrodi use 'licensed'
21:19.31`SauronBut we're talking bout switching to * with the SpanDSP stuff
21:19.45`SauronDelmar: It's just $10
21:19.52`SauronDon't be cheap
21:19.54Delmaryep i know that much.
21:19.59Delmarand I would rather buy it...
21:20.09Delmari have the haxed one working tho... just for testing..
21:20.16Delmarand if that is g729.. i wont buy it.
21:20.21Delmarits the same size as ilbc.
21:20.29Delmarso what i was really wanting to ask is....
21:20.59Delmardoes anyone know if there is a huge difference in codec performance with g729 non-licenced ... vs the proper licenced one.
21:21.38Delmarand in non-licenced i mean.. the suposedly fully working g729 codec that is a bit of a breach of copyright that is.. floating around.
21:21.50jarrodpay a simple $10 per license
21:22.19Delmarsure.. i would.. but ... if the g729 i use is the same as the legit one... i wont.. ill use ilbc.
21:22.59Delmari have dumped g729 now anyway... because it was chewing up the same amount of data as ilbc.
21:23.10Delmarso why pay $10/channel when ilbc is the same?
21:23.14falcoITbjohnson + tzanger: thanks anyway for your help :) in the future, if you have some time to get some money configuring *... just drop me a line
21:24.17faale one hear sth about skype - > *
21:24.50Delmarskype are cheeky.  they bounce/relay data off your client.
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21:25.28Delmarand I dare to ask.. whos codec they have stolen or modified for their own use :P... G729.
21:25.34zoaDelmar: i tried
21:25.44zoai dont think its a big difference
21:25.51Delmarzoa tried what sorry?
21:25.57zoathe codec stuff
21:26.00Delmarg729 legit vs non-legit?
21:26.01zoai compared em once
21:26.16zoaintel vs digium
21:26.23Delmaroh yep.
21:26.24zoaintel claims its very optimized but its not
21:26.37Delmarbut its not a big diff?
21:26.49Delmarcan u remember usage figures?
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21:27.24Delmari mean.. the legit g729 codec claims 8-12kb + overhead. so should be 16kb/sec easy. well its no where near that.
21:27.58Delmarits more like 32-40kbit per leg.
21:29.01znothe new polycom sip speakerphone is $1100
21:29.14znothe h323 one is $600
21:29.30BurnedOutGeekAnyone here been successful in actually getting fax to passthru a Sipura device with 711u?
21:29.47modulus_fax via ulaw?
21:29.51Delmarok i just retested it .. g729 to * while running iptraf on the console.. 54kbit/sec total. thats double what it should be.
21:30.07redder86BurnedOutGeek: yes, disable all the fax features
21:30.20BurnedOutGeekredder86: really?
21:30.46BurnedOutGeekand thats through Asterisk?
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21:31.02fafnirno its through your mom
21:31.08Delmar* can receive faxes and drop them to an image file.. you can then process them to email or whatever..... greg_work told me about it the other day... aparantly its rally simple.
21:31.18redder86PSTN -> X100P -> Asterisk -> SIP -> SPA-2000 -> fax modem
21:31.26Delmari had the lines he gave me to do it in notepad but.. wife locked up my box. lol.
21:31.34redder86Delmar: that's spandsp
21:32.09redder86Delmar: you're talking about txfax/rxfax from spandsp that you can build into Asterisk
21:32.20BurnedOutGeekyeah.. Ive seen spanDSP, but I need support for standard fax machines
21:32.44DelmarBurnedOutGeek for reception or sending?
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21:33.01BurnedOutGeekdelmar: both if possible
21:33.11JonR800BurnedOutGeek: he meant turn off all the fax features on the sipura.
21:33.11BurnedOutGeekeven if the speed needs to come down to <9600
21:33.19JonR800they seem to break faxing.. surprisingly.
21:33.23_-Jon-_Hey is anyone else having problems with BroadVoice?  I can't seem to make any calls through them and I'm getting registration timed out messages in CLI
21:33.31JonR800you should be able to get 14.4kps reliably.
21:33.32BurnedOutGeekyeah.  Thats really odd.  I will give that a try
21:33.53DelmarBurnedOutGeek u havent messed with the echo cancelation stuff in zconfig.h ?
21:34.04redder86yeah, the SPA-2000 has about a half-dozen "fax" features and a number of "echo" features and other things.  On the port where the fax device is plugged-in, disable all of those.
21:34.30Delmarif u turn on aggressive for mark2 u need to turn on the 2100hz thingie that turns off the aggressive echo cancelation because aggressive and faxes dont work.
21:34.36BurnedOutGeekdelmar: no.  At this point, I am gion straight IP... no zap channels
21:34.41MuchToDoHi all
21:34.55Delmarah right'o
21:34.57BurnedOutGeekredder86: I will definately try that today
21:34.59redder86BurnedOutGeek: where are the fax endpoints?
21:35.03buddahwhat dtmf mode can i use with g729? the 'auto' setting on this pap2-na isnt working, and you cant use inband, there are info and avt left
21:35.07buddahany suggestion as to which?
21:35.25MuchToDoI'm just getting started with asterisk, and have configured iaxtel, but every time I make a call I get "All circuits are busy now."
21:35.31BurnedOutGeekPSTN -> Internet -> Asterisk -> Sipura 2000
21:35.43MuchToDoam I just being unlucky? Unfortunately I don't really know any numbers to call..
21:35.48MuchToDoapare from the echo test
21:35.48redder86BurnedOutGeek: PSTN -> Internet ?
21:36.26DelmarSo, I ask this question every day.... so bear in mind that there is much I have already tried but.. does anyone here have any fresh ideas for me to try to get rid of this damn self-echo I'm getting during calls via my X101P card? I'm pretty much out of ideas and getting pretty bummed about it.
21:36.30BurnedOutGeekredder86: meaning that its coming into the asterisk box via IP and not Zap
21:36.47redder86BurnedOutGeek: you're not likely to have much success
21:37.05redder86BurnedOutGeek: or rather, you're likely to have an annoyingly large number of problems.
21:37.11BurnedOutGeekoh?  Even though its all 711?
21:37.27redder86BurnedOutGeek: not because of G.711, but because of the internet
21:37.45BurnedOutGeekhmmm.  unfortunately, you might just be right  :)
21:37.49redder86BurnedOutGeek: fax is much like data calls, and there is a lot of stuff crammed into milliseconds of audio
21:38.08redder86BurnedOutGeek: any little glitches in the audio stream (and there will be some over the internet) will affect faxing
21:38.09faanyone make a callback for callular phones?
21:38.10fawith AGI ?
21:38.39`SauronAre people having good luck with the digit networks x100p cards?
21:39.05`SauronAww, poor widdle Delmar
21:39.49Delmarwell.. not too bad.. only 2 problems I am having is.. some echo I cant seem to remove.. and the busy/hangup tone detection works but not 100% of the time. more like 0%.
21:39.53Delmar70% even.
21:40.04MuchToDoAnybody wanna be my guinea pig for my first VOIP call..? :)
21:40.23`SauronMuchToDo: You could call me, but I won't answer for 40 minutes
21:40.36_-Jon-_Is anyone else having problems with BroadVoice?
21:40.40Delmaryou could call me and I will get my cat to answer :P
21:40.43MuchToDo`Sauron: would it go to voicemail or anything?
21:40.46`SauronI spoke with Greg last night, though
21:40.51`SauronMuchToDo: Yup
21:40.54MuchToDoanything but this damn "All circuits are busy" message..
21:41.07`SauronJon: It worked fine for me last night
21:41.21`SauronI can have Muchtodo call me, and tell me if it works now. :)
21:41.28_-Jon-_Hmm I don't know about last night but mine sure isn't working now
21:41.32MuchToDoSounds good!
21:41.33_-Jon-_Let me know
21:41.35`Sauronmuchtodo: you got FWD, or just regular number?
21:41.37MuchToDoalthough, I've only set up iaxtel..
21:41.49*** join/#asterisk IcePick__ (~me@
21:41.50Delmari thought iaxtel were poked?
21:41.57IcePick__hi all
21:42.03randumy BV is working fine now
21:42.03Delmarstuffed, buggered, hosed, history.
21:42.03MuchToDoI could set up FWD now, I suppose?
21:42.09MuchToDoOh I see
21:42.18MuchToDowould that explain "All circuits are busy"? :)
21:42.28_-Jon-_randu, it wasn't earlier?
21:42.54IcePick__How do I set up to transfer to a diffrent context? OR how do I set the TRANSFER_CONTEXT
21:42.58randu_-Jon-_   yea It was then too I just wanted to let ya's know that BV was working on my end.
21:43.21_-Jon-_Oh okay.  It's not working through * or if I set my ATA to use it directly..  wtf
21:44.43randuif It was working before and not now trying rebooting asterisk server
21:44.50randusometimes I find that helps
21:45.09`SauronBV must be working
21:45.15`SauronI can call my voicemail
21:45.18Delmarif the ATA isnt working bypassing * then its not the * box.
21:45.40Delmar`Sauron but can u place a call? their supply routes might be shagged.
21:46.15_-Jon-_hmm, maybe it's the particular server I use?  I think I"m on
21:46.33`SauronJon, btw - the IP's on the voip-info pages are not all correct
21:46.48`SauronI need to finish editing the "how to connect sip to broadvoice page
21:46.54_-Jon-_Sauron, I got mine from the email they sent out with the patch information
21:47.01`SauronJon: Ah.
21:47.01randuyea it is not recommended that you use the ipaddresses
21:47.30*** join/#asterisk Bentley (
21:47.37`Sauronhere we go
21:47.43`Saurongunna fix the voip-info page
21:48.44*** join/#asterisk kietlak (
21:48.48*** part/#asterisk kietlak (
21:49.01dan2anybody have musiconhold setup with custom?
21:49.29randuIcePick__: exten => 705,2,Dial(SIP/${EXT705}@broadvoice,15,m)   The @ broadvoice is the different context I think....
21:49.35IcePick__anyone know how to set ${TRANSFER_CONTEXT}
21:49.58*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
21:50.32*** join/#asterisk florz (
21:50.45florzLarsAC: pong
21:51.01LarsACre florz
21:51.06`SauronDum di dum.
21:51.08LarsACmeine mail gelesen ?
21:51.10ManxPowerCool!  Lots of cheap bastards hitting my former-web site URL today.
21:51.20IcePick__randu - that is for a dial - I need to let my queue people transfer calls out of thier context.
21:51.26`SauronWhat url?
21:51.31florzLarsAC: jepp, mom noch eben ... ;-)
21:52.10falcoITtzanger:are you there?
21:52.25randuok sorry I am to much of a newbie to answer that :-)
21:53.05*** part/#asterisk El_Presidente (
21:53.34IcePick__When My que people hit # to transfer - the transfer stays in in their que context - I read about the ${TRANSFER_CONTEXT}, but no examples on how to set it, or use it.
21:54.06`SauronDear SPA Line 1:
21:54.12`SauronJust wanted to let you know you were just left a 0:09 long message
21:54.55*** join/#asterisk ApEtc (
21:55.35dan2is there anyway to test the status of musiconhold online
21:55.41dan2erm or from asterisk console
21:55.48*** join/#asterisk r1 (
21:56.43tzangerfalcoIT: yes
21:56.47jjganyone know why nufone account creation is broken?
21:56.48ManxPowerdan2, "show applications" will give you a hint.
21:56.58`Saurondan2: Y'all having problems today?
21:57.11`Sauronlots of people getting all trunks are busy
21:57.41dan2ManxPower: how does that help at all?
21:58.48mutilatorcya lata all
21:59.04ManxPowerdan2, You might see the application that plays the music on hold.
21:59.08IcePick__${TRANSFER_CONTEXT} - Anyone? Anyone?
21:59.20jjgcan anyone recommend a better provider than nufone?
21:59.24*** join/#asterisk shodan (~shodan@
21:59.36dan2ManxPower: I already know that, I'd like to see how many people who are on hold
21:59.49mrempire667hello guys I want to install the Bri stuff, the bristuff install scriipt doesnt work
21:59.53ManxPowerdan2, Oh!   No way to do that.
22:00.06falcoITtzanger: i'm on the private session.. :)
22:00.09ManxPowernot unless you use the manager interface or something.
22:00.26ManxPowerIcePick__, README.variables anyone
22:00.40faManxPower do you know how to make callback on zap channel, for callular phone
22:00.44mrempire667the script looks on the ftp server for version 1.03 but the server has version 1.0.5
22:01.04shodanwhat is the prefered (royalty free) codec to compress voice with asterisk ?
22:01.20ManxPowershodan, That depends on what you need?
22:01.42ManxPowerLAN: ulaw or alaw.  WAN: Speex, iLBC, or GSM
22:01.44IcePick__ManxPower - read that - set that - looks like this exten => 129,1,SetVar(TRANSFER_CONTEXT=transferree)
22:01.44`SauronManx: ulaw, right? ;)
22:02.06shodanManxPower, something around 64kbps
22:02.15IcePick__ManxPower - also tried the static context - it wont transfer out of the current context.
22:02.18MuchToDohmm... I seem to get "All circuits are busy now" no matter what I try to dial
22:02.34shodanthese 3 (Speex, iLBC, or GSM) are royalty free ?
22:02.40dan2ManxPower: something is wrong, I'm not getting audio from asterisk and I've like tripple checked it
22:02.44`SauronHehn. I remember when IBM was bragging they'd gotten voice/video streams down to 64kbit each direction
22:03.07`Sauronmuchtodo: try calling again?
22:03.14`SauronI connected my debug console
22:03.27`Sauronand, are you using fwd sip or iax2?
22:03.57`Sauronsip or iax?
22:04.07*** join/#asterisk delphiuk (
22:04.45delphiukhi, I am trying to build cvs asterisk and am getting the following error: configure: error: termcap support not found
22:04.54delphiukany ideas? I am using debian sarge
22:05.05ManxPowerinstall termcap
22:05.22MuchToDoI enabled iax at first, then diabled it until I can at least get sip working
22:05.35`SauronUse iax
22:05.41`Sauronfor fwd, anyway
22:05.45Manipuraiax rules
22:05.51MuchToDook, i'll enable it again and do the configs
22:05.52buddahso for linksys pap2's i can configure them same way i'd do a spa2000?
22:06.06`SauronIf you need, I can send example config
22:06.14dan2ManxPower: any idea on why I'm not getting sound via musiconhold
22:06.14shodanbecause I just figured something , why use pci cards for pots input/output , ethernet is a lot more flexible
22:06.17`SauronI hate FWD's website. Silly flash kills me
22:06.36MikeManxPower, could you make the sound of your spa841 louder?
22:06.39ManxPowerdan2, assuming you are using mpg123 0.59r, no.
22:06.46vaewynAFKdelphiuk: apt-get install libncurses5-dev
22:06.52MikeManxPower, is it a good choise for a office this phone
22:06.53shodanlike I could use a  DS80C400  , a microcontroller with a ethernet port and an ADC and DAC and use that to input/output phone calls
22:06.56ManxPowerMike, There's a volume button
22:07.04dan2ManxPower: I'm not, I'm using a custom player that is spitting out 8khz, mono streams on stdout
22:07.12MikeManxPower, you said it was not enough that it was to low
22:07.18ManxPowerdan2, Then don't ask me.
22:07.24*** join/#asterisk Borgon (
22:07.30dan2anybody using custom musiconhold handlers
22:07.34MikeManxPower, my question is if this phone is ok for a office
22:07.36ManxPowerMike, the MICROPHONE volume.  I have not resolved the issue
22:07.40znocan I define  globals in queues.conf?
22:07.44ManxPowerMike, Ask me again in a month.
22:07.52*** join/#asterisk riksta (
22:08.06MikeManxPower, the speaker mic?
22:08.07JuggieManxPower, do you know anything about silence detection being implemented?
22:08.11ManxPowerMike, Yes.
22:08.18ManxPowerJuggie, It is not implimented.
22:08.32MikeManxPower, what about the buttons do they feel better than GS
22:08.33jjgis FWD better than nufone?
22:08.37JuggieManxPower, is there any ongoing work in the CVS?
22:08.42ManxPowerMike, I would never use a GS.
22:08.45sivana~seen jerjer
22:08.47jbotjerjer <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 20h 37m 4s ago, saying: 'then go have a coke and a smile'.
22:08.52ManxPowerMike, The phone is only $80.  Go buy one for testing.
22:09.07MikeManxPower, ok
22:09.12ManxPowerJuggie, Not that I am aware of.
22:09.20vaewynGet an IP-300 before a GS...  is only 130$
22:09.26BorgonHello, I am a total newbie to this technology is there a faq? Can i just run asterisk with a voip provider, make calls andi can spoof ids? Or do i need to get a pbx?
22:09.31vaewynand you don';t have to add the lead sheet :P
22:09.34ManxPowerJuggie, Or at least nothing that I know of that was NOT discussed on the mailing lists.
22:09.36delphiukvaewyn: thanks, that appears to have fixed it
22:09.43vaewyndelphiuk: no prob
22:10.17`SauronBorgon: You can't spoof CID information
22:10.25`Sauronbut you can just hook it up to a voip provider
22:10.40IcePick__how new is the ${TRANSFER_CONTEXT}? - that var is not in my README.variables
22:10.54ManxPowerIcePick__, Then where did you learn about it?
22:11.11`SauronI think I've recompiled * at least daily the last 5 days
22:11.16IcePick__in the wiki
22:11.25IcePick__it has a note about it under transfer command.
22:11.27ManxPowerIcePick__, The Wiki has been known to be wrong.
22:11.27Borgon`Sauron, so i wouldnt need extra hardware? maybe a mic or something?
22:11.37`Sauronborgon: Depends on what you want to do with it
22:11.45`Sauronyou could use a softphone on your laptop, and be set
22:11.47ManxPowerIcePick__, submit a bug about the variable not being in README.variables then
22:12.33ManxPowerIcePick__, It's pretty clear nobody here has ever heard of it.
22:12.34jjgis there a forum somewhere that people discuss providers? and issues related to?
22:12.34shodanManxPower, how much cpu power does it take roughly to use Speex/iLBC/GSM ?
22:12.39Borgon`Sauron, i jsut want to make and receive calls, i dont need anything sophisticated or professional
22:12.41bjohnson`Sauron: sure you can spoof CID
22:12.42znocan variables be defined in queues.conf?
22:12.51IcePick__guess I'll try later.
22:12.54`Sauronbjohnson: If your voip provider doesn't override it
22:13.00ManxPowershodan, I'm sorry I'm out of magical fairy dust to feed my own personal Asterisk Oracle.
22:13.02`SauronI'm assuming most do.
22:13.24bjohnsonshodan: 1 horsepower per call
22:13.36bjohnson`Sauron: not from the few I've checked
22:13.38`Sauronhalf a donkey power
22:13.49`Sauronbjohnson: I'll have to check when I get home.
22:13.49bjohnsonthat's a STEED
22:13.50MuchToDowow I think it's working!
22:14.00`Sauronand muchtodo just left me a message
22:14.05bjohnsonBorgon: the answer is yes
22:14.09`Sauronhe hung up on me
22:14.10*** join/#asterisk LoRez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
22:14.12MuchToDoI didn't actually say anything ;)
22:14.15bjohnsonprank call
22:14.22`SauronI need to fix my spa-1001
22:14.28fabjohnson how can i give a dialtone from some zap channel to some user?
22:14.33Borgon`Sauron, since when someone cant spoof cid with asterisk?
22:14.46MuchToDook I'll speak :)
22:14.47shodanany idea if a 75mhz 8051 CPU can do any of them ?
22:14.48bjohnsonfa: a fxs provides a dial tone
22:14.57`Sauronanyone know why the spa-1001 keeps returning busy after like 4/5ths of a ring?
22:15.05bjohnsonfa: DISA I think also gives a dial tone
22:15.08fafxs? but i want to do that in extensions/context.. i am working on callback
22:15.13greg_workif only you could spoof over pots..
22:15.14fasimple callback for cellular phone
22:15.19MuchToDothere, message left!
22:15.32bjohnsonfa: I haven't done that .. I saw a few examples in the wiki though
22:15.40ManxPower`Sauron, I guess you didn't read my postings about config the SPA-841 on the mailing list?
22:16.12`SauronManx: Not yet :)
22:16.16ManxPowerOh!  SPA-1001.  Nevermind.
22:16.23bjohnsonshodan: check the wiki .. a P100 with 16M RAM is in use for up to 2 concurrent calls
22:16.55bjohnsonthe outrage!
22:16.56shodan16m ram , ouch that's a lot :\ but I'll check the wiki then
22:17.19Borgoncan i run asterisk and use it good via vmware?
22:17.20LarsACflorz: noch da ?
22:17.24bjohnson`Sauron: I had a problem that I didn't figure out with my SPAs .. I turned off call waiting on them
22:17.28ManxPowershodan, Asterisk does everything in software and so needs lots of CPU
22:17.33bjohnsonBorgon: no
22:17.39florzLarsAC: Jo, lese gerade nochmal Deine Mail, bin gleich soweit ... :-)
22:17.40`Sauronbjohnson: I'll have to try that
22:17.54`Sauronwhich is sad, I'd like to have call waiting working
22:17.56greg_workManxPower: what about it?
22:18.06Borgonbjohnson,  why is that?
22:18.37shodanI don't want to run asterisk on a 8051 , make a FXS<->ethernet bridge
22:18.47`Sauronsomeone said to try auth=md5 in sip.conf
22:18.52shodana 10$ alternative to a TDM400P
22:18.52greg_workManxPower: oh, this?
22:18.54delphiukum, now I get further compiling, but get this problem?
22:18.56delphiukcannot find -lssl
22:19.01greg_work`Sauron: you're still having problems?
22:19.12`Saurongreg: with it returning a busy, yes
22:19.17harryvvdel, did not include ssl library?
22:19.21*** part/#asterisk djin (
22:19.51greg_work`Sauron: what does it do exactly?
22:20.22`Saurongreg: I get someone dialing in, the default context is set to ring the spa-1001 (ext 100)
22:20.35bjohnson`Sauron: is it intermittent or a constant problem?
22:20.43*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (RatMan@
22:20.49`SauronSeems to be an all the time problem
22:20.55`Saurongreg: then * gives me this:
22:20.57greg_worksip.conf:  [119] username=119  type=friend  secret=123 port=5060 nat=never  mailbox=119  host=dynamic  dtmfmode=rfc2833  context=from-internal  canreinvite=no
22:21.06florzIs there anyone who feels offended if we speak German in here?
22:21.17buddahich habe kein beine
22:21.19bjohnsonI was getting that with my SPA 3000
22:21.28bjohnsonflorz: it's all Greek to me
22:21.41bjohnson`Sauron: the error kept changing on me
22:21.47florzbuddah: wierd buddah, you are =:-)
22:22.06bjohnson`Sauron: but never success .. even when calls answered by the fxo on the same device
22:22.11BorgonIs it something new that asterisk cant spoof cids or it never could?
22:22.18florzLarsAC: Du hast da einen SMP-Kernel laufen, ja?
22:22.45bjohnsonBorgon: depends on your service provider.  * can set the CID name and number .. but it may not go through the phone system
22:23.13`SauronAnd anyone else who's interested in the spa ring busy problem
22:23.17LarsACflorz: ja
22:23.19buddahIch bin wirklich nicht alle dass unheimlich, war das ein Zitat von einem Film
22:23.47florzbuddah: But you are unheimlich wierd indeed =:-)
22:23.58harryvvbj, mirad of reasons why people do not reveal there identity
22:24.09srtflorz: schoen dich mal zu sehen - dein hfc patch hat mir sehr geholfen :)
22:24.19Juggieis anyone running a cisco and the 7.3.0 firmware?
22:24.46florzsrt: Schoen - geht gerade darum, dass das wohl nicht bei allen so ist ;-)
22:24.57*** join/#asterisk niZon (
22:25.16Mother_Juggie: yes
22:25.27Borgonbjohnson, aah so it depends on the provider ok
22:25.53`SauronMuchToDo: you need to set CID data on your fwd line
22:26.09srtich hatte vorher probleme mit 2.6er kernel, die hat er behoben. aber ne smp maschine hab ich nicht
22:26.54faanyone use DISA for callback?
22:27.11srtfa: yes
22:27.17*** join/#asterisk HitTop (
22:27.25`Saurontime to go home
22:27.34shido6i need cookies
22:27.36shido6or a doughnut
22:27.43shido6something sweet
22:27.55HitTophi all~
22:28.01delphiukvaewyn: I get a bit further, but am now getting this problem: cannot find -lssl
22:28.43ManxPowerdelphiuk, Guess what!  You need to install the openssl libs
22:29.12HitTopi have a question about connecting to asterisk that is behind nat from outside...
22:29.40HitTopis there any sol'n for it? or do i need to try out SER?
22:29.45delphiukManxPower: :) ok, thanks. any idea of package name?
22:30.03ManxPowerdelphiuk, Read the bottom section of this document, the part where it tells you what you need to install to build zapte and/or asterisk,
22:30.17ManxPowerdelphiuk, I am not your Linux Support Consultant.
22:30.57Godseyjust got off the phone w/ polycom for an RMA :)
22:31.13Godseythey really don't like dealing w/ end users :)
22:31.18delphiukManxPower: ok, i apologise, I should have spotted that document first...
22:31.49Mother_Godsey: that's why they want their dealers certified & tied etc. so that they get the heat
22:32.11Godseyya I'm becoming a certified voip person
22:32.20Godseyjust so I can ask them stupid questions :)
22:32.37Mother_certified by Polycom?
22:32.45Godseyvoip partner
22:33.10Juggiethis mitel 5055 sucks ass
22:33.13Juggiefreezes all the time
22:33.14Mother_it's sad that all these manufacturers are going into world domination mode
22:33.18Juggiehas anyone triede these?
22:33.27GodseyI think it sucks alright
22:33.30Godseyit's a f'n phone
22:33.49Godseyhe hinted that no dtmf after placing a call on hold is a problem
22:33.53Mother_Godsey: yeah, they make it look like they're selling you a space shuttle
22:34.03Godseybut also sugested it's because of an unsupported platform (asterisk)
22:34.29Mother_oh! yes! I had that - the local Polycom branch also said "what is that?"
22:35.04Godseyso I finally said oh it happens w/ our Sylantro software!
22:35.06Mother_and all this crap about their phones being certified with such and such PBX systmes etc.
22:35.22Godseyhe said "I'm sure Sylantro has that fixed now, lets call them" :)
22:35.37*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (
22:35.44GodseyI just picked it at random :)
22:35.52Godseydid you find a fix for it?
22:35.59*** part/#asterisk Grooby (~Grooby@
22:36.05Mother_it's all one big pile of dung, and the products and support is just as crappy, but they get to make money from the costumers *and* the dealers
22:36.10cjkhi, is there any win-sip-soft client out that is eays to use (like sky...) and does not use alof of ressources
22:36.18PBXtechis the supervised xfer stuff in the features.conf flakey for everyone else?
22:36.45GodseyI think I'm getting budgetone phones for home
22:36.50Godseyat least you get support w/ them :)
22:36.55Godseyor maybe even iaxys
22:37.25Mother_I looked at IAXy but the problem is the codecs, unless you have a phat pipe or dedicated DSL etc.
22:37.34Mother_if only it had GSM...
22:38.23ManxPowerMother_, The IAXy has like 4k of flash and 4k of RAM.  Not a lot to work with.  I don't know what the CPU is, but it's too slow for GSM.
22:38.54Mother_ManxPower: indeed, I'm not knocking on it as such, just making a wish :)
22:38.55mishehuguess that means we can't use g729a or speex on it either ;-)
22:38.59Godseywell then SPA-2100
22:39.08Godseybut last i looked they were still coming soon :)
22:39.10ManxPowerThis has all been talked about on the mailing lists.
22:39.22GodseyI don't care about bandwidth tho
22:39.26puluHas anyone used those new ATA's with taht chinese chipset that do GSM, ilbc, etc and can be flashed for iax?
22:39.32puluthey're cheaper than iaxy's, too
22:40.07GodseyI don't care so much about price as long as it's under $120/port
22:40.36GodseyI'm leary of vendor lockin
22:40.48Godseyand if I get digium cards I'm locked to asterisk right?
22:40.53jjgany nufone reps here?
22:41.39echionanyone can tell me something about this error message?
22:41.42Mother_Godsey: I can't see anything wrong with that :)
22:41.50echionZT_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: No such device or address (6)
22:41.50echionFATAL: Error running install command for wct4xxp
22:41.51Mother_better than being locked to Cisco
22:42.08Godseywell cisco works better for queues and agents at the moment
22:42.16ManxPowerGodsey, Think of it like marriage.  It either will be OK or you won't realize how big of a mistake you've made until it's far, far too late.
22:42.21*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
22:42.37ManxPowerechion, you read the Zaptel readme?
22:42.50GodseyI was going to look at sipX but gave up quickly
22:43.20blitzragehow odd... I'm having things sound like they're a skipping record on my IAX2 connection
22:43.28blitzragethis is how it, this is how it, this is how it sounds
22:43.42GodseyMother: what did you do to fix dtmf after hold? :)
22:43.44echionManxPower, the ones following the driver are quite brief?
22:44.06Mother_Godsey: nothing, I've not had that problem :)
22:44.08pulublitzrage: that's cool
22:44.12blitzragepulu: not really
22:44.20blitzragepulu: I'm trying to talk to someone on customer support
22:44.52blitzrageit was working great for like 10 mins... then all of a sudden started having a problem
22:44.59shido6ruh roh
22:45.01Godseywe're working on becoming linksys sp
22:45.04blitzrageand I normally don't have this problem....
22:45.15blitzragewonder if upgrading would help
22:45.17zoaall nufone support go to #nufone
22:45.17Godseywe just want to buy pap2-na adaptors for $50 :)
22:45.57Mother_a nice new bussiness would be to be a middleman between all these hardware companies and people wanting to be partners etc.
22:45.59buddahi got one right here
22:46.02buddahand i cant get it to work
22:46.07buddahoutgoing is fine
22:46.13redder86zoa: but JerJer isn't even there
22:46.14buddahbut it wont register, dtmf dont work, wont take incoming
22:46.24Godseywe just want to sell the pap2-na to our customers :)
22:46.24anderseeanyone know if the wcfxo driver works on powerpc?
22:46.28zoashido6 is
22:46.36redder86who is that?
22:46.42*** join/#asterisk HitTop (
22:46.42zoanufone guy
22:47.28blitzragedamnit... all that time wasted
22:47.31dan2zoa: nah, Jerjer is Nufone guy
22:47.40Mother_are there any USB to FXS adapters which are not either tied to Skype, tied to some propietary software, or suck?
22:47.48blitzragejust about to get the number for my problem, and it starts skipping like a record again
22:48.53*** part/#asterisk andersee (
22:50.05zoaif i say shido6 is a nufone guy
22:50.11zoatry to at least believe me
22:50.16zoaor talk to him
22:50.19zoaand find out yourself
22:51.03ManxPowerShido is either EMPLOYED by NuFone or works for NuFone as a CONSULTANT.  Either way, reporting a problem to him may get something done.
22:51.23ManxPowerBut perhaps sending an e-mail via official support channel will be better.  Send e-mail to
22:51.59*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (~chatzilla@
22:51.59ManxPowerAnd why is it that only people I'm not attracted to actually contact me via that site.
22:52.06fileshido works for NuFone...
22:52.07shmaltzhi everybody
22:52.10filewell, shido6
22:52.30ManxPowershido6, someone claims the automated sign up or automated DID adding is broken.
22:52.35jjgit is
22:52.38jjglast night too
22:52.40shmaltzI'm running CVS 12-21 does anybody know of a cisco blindxfer problem?
22:52.42filewhich happened because the site moved boxes
22:52.47shido6that may be , we're fixing it - we had a drive failure
22:52.49fileit even clearly states
22:52.58shido6Jeremys been working his tail off getting things back in order
22:53.04fileWe are currently updating our system. This will not effect operation of your account.
22:53.04fileHowever, oddities may occur with this site.
22:53.06jjgmaybe put something on the site, or disable the page? not a bad idea
22:53.15filenote that, "However, oddities may occur with this site."
22:53.24jjgwould take like ~ 5 seconds
22:53.43jjgi don't feel all cozy about putting my credit card into a system that says oddities may occur
22:54.03harryvvI am configuring x-lite for asteriks and have completed it but getting one warning when asterisk is started. What is a common misconfiguration when there is a notice of   Registration from name <sip:username@ipaddressofasteriskserver> failed for clientipaddress ?
22:54.05filenobody is forcing you to
22:54.28jjgdid I say that someone was forcing me?
22:54.35shmaltzI'm running CVS 12-21 does anybody know of a cisco blindxfer problem?
22:54.39ManxPowerharryvv, That means you don't have a [username] in sip.conf
22:54.53harryvvI created one.
22:55.05harryvvyou mean context?
22:55.07jjgwhat i'm getting at is that it is stupid to leave the page up that allows someone to put in credit card info if the site is broken
22:56.02zoaunless everyone is trying to fix it
22:56.05zoaand it almost works
22:56.05denonwelcome to the interweb
22:56.06harryvvso you mean rigt before secret=secretpassword should be username=thisname?
22:56.20jjgzoa : heh, yeah right
22:56.27denonbesides, there's a 99% chance your credit card number will go via cleartext email to someone in norway
22:56.27ManxPowera username=username and a [username]
22:56.36tessier_oh crap, I just moved the whole intarweb into the trash! help!111!!
22:56.58harryvvI see
22:58.54blitzrageManxPower: pretty sure username= is just used for the initial registration and not subsequent registrations (which is why [username] needs to be the username)
22:59.36*** join/#asterisk Schism (
23:00.48ManxPowerblitzrage, As I understand it, username=ernie is only used for outgoing connections. [ernie] is using for incoming connections.  Perhaps the reverse.
23:00.48ManxPowerTherfore for type=friend they should be the same.
23:00.55ManxPowerI HAVE been wrong before, however.
23:01.07Nuggetsay it ain't so.
23:01.08*** join/#asterisk abatista (
23:01.43blitzrageManxPower: apparently oej went through the code (this is SIP I'm talking about), in that username=ernie is only used for the first registration, and [ernie] is used for subsequent registrations (which is why [ernie_blah] can't be different from username=ernie), but I have also been wrong before :)
23:01.48blitzrageI need to clear that up with OEJ
23:02.13ManxPowerblitzrage, Either way would be consistant with needing them to be both the same.
23:02.37tzangerevening blitzrage
23:02.42buddahanyone know how i setup the sip.conf entry for a pap2-na?
23:02.49buddahstill not able to get it to register
23:03.35*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
23:04.51ManxPowerblitzrage, seems like a horribly overly complex way of doing it.
23:08.18*** join/#asterisk mChicago (
23:08.41mChicagogood morning all
23:09.26*** join/#asterisk harryvetch (
23:09.33mChicagois this a good place to ask about installing windows [washes mouth out] versions of asterisk?
23:10.39Mavviethere are a lot of worser places to ask it.
23:10.50harryvetchwhen that happens we will get 10 times the amount of noobs poping in here :)
23:11.43ManxPowermChicago, Are you familiar with a Klingon Pain Stick?  Well you get jabbed with one for every question about Asterisk and Windows.
23:11.46blitzrageManxPower: yes you're right.  The thing that sucks is that I can't do something like, [service-provider-A] and username=blitzrage
23:11.49blitzragetzanger: y0!
23:11.54harryvetchIt just has not caught on that well...yet.
23:12.21ManxPowerI STILL think the whole Win32Asterisk is still an April Fool's joke.
23:12.38mChicagoManxPower: if its anyhting like the "persuadatron" then it only works in close quaters and i know im safe in my flat. .Wait! you mean theres a real windows asterisk not just one through coLinux ?
23:13.03stevekstevekmChicago: why???
23:13.16greg_workstevekstevek: thats exactly what i was thinking
23:13.18tessier_How's RealTime coming along? The comments on the RealTime wiki page don't sound promising. Are those people clueless about RealTime?
23:13.23ManxPowermChicago, I have no idea.  I'm afraid to even look at it.
23:13.25`SauronAlternately, how about a cattle prod?
23:13.46buddahcattle prods
23:13.47harryvetchmanxpower, got a notice that my sip client x-lite is now REAchable via asterisk
23:14.19ManxPowerThat I want is a Nerf Bat.
23:15.07harryvetchits got another problem though It was not set as host=dynamic because its not a dynamic ip address.
23:15.15`SauronI called my mommy through * to wish her a happy birfday.
23:15.15harryvetchand its complaining about it.
23:15.18*** join/#asterisk Asta2 (~123@
23:15.33ManxPowerharryvetch, Sure you can.  host=dynamic really should be renamed host=willregisterwithis
23:15.54harryvetchI put the clients static ipaddress in it.
23:16.25harryvetchprobebly not the thing to do.
23:16.25blitzrageno MWI in Realtime
23:16.25*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
23:16.25harryvetchno dhcp on this network
23:17.40Asta2hi there, I'm a newbiew in Voice IP and here goes the question: is it possible to arrange some kind of a "forward" a phone call connecting 2 sips if 1 of them has a PSTN number and the other can make outbound calls to PSTN
23:18.38*** part/#asterisk shodan (~shodan@
23:18.51blitzrageAsta2: yep
23:19.09Godseywhat is the new ATA device that does iax called?
23:19.52Mother_ATAiwanese thing
23:19.52buddahso i have 2 polycom ip 500s, setup to work with a static ip
23:19.57buddaheverything works fine
23:19.57Asta2blitzrage: any directions on where I should look to understand how to do it?
23:20.02buddahclients want to put them behind a router
23:20.10buddahall i gotta do is turn dhcp on and they should work fine right?
23:20.57*** join/#asterisk shadebob (
23:21.17*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
23:21.27dan2I'm not getting any rtp when people are put on hold
23:21.31dan2anybody have any idea
23:22.47Godseymy setup breaks kinda when people are put on hold too :)
23:23.10*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
23:23.33dan2Godsey: oh?
23:23.35*** join/#asterisk LUTOR_ASI (
23:23.42LUTOR_ASIhi guys.
23:24.03LUTOR_ASIsomebody knows how to change a codec in the dialplan???
23:25.34GodseyI have Polycom IP-300 phones
23:25.36dan2LUTOR_ASI: you can't
23:25.44Godseywhen people use hold, the phones no longer send dtmf
23:25.44jarrodsetvar(SIP_CODEC=ulaw) ?
23:25.52Godseyso you can't do # transfer etc...
23:26.13dan2Godsey: my phones aren't receiving rtp when they're on hold
23:26.38GodseyI don't know if mine are, or even how to check :)
23:26.54GodseyI can't figure out queues for the life of me
23:27.05Godseyand call waiting goes off in tech's ears constantly :)
23:27.32buddahpolycoms arent working in dhcp
23:27.45buddahnot connecting to boot server
23:27.54Godseymy polycoms boot w/ dhcp
23:28.01Godseyare you using tftp or ftp server?
23:28.02buddahyeah i had them setup
23:28.11buddahthey were working fine
23:28.25buddahusing static
23:28.41buddahbut now they got put behind a router
23:29.06Godseyrouters don't forward broadcasts
23:29.09LUTOR_ASIjarrod: did you ever probe that...!? (SIP_CODEC=ulaw)?
23:29.17buddahso that means i gotta do what?
23:29.26harryvetchwhen I registered with voipjet I got my iax info. no sip. is that the way it is?
23:29.28jarrodi use it, yes
23:29.34GodseyI'm not sure :)
23:29.40Godseymaybe setup a dhcp proxy on router?
23:29.52KalD|WorkIs silent supression a function of the codec or protocol? or both?
23:29.54GodseyI would run dhcp on that router
23:30.13harryvetchanyone here run voipjet
23:33.30terrapeni tried voipjet
23:33.34terrapenon their free trial
23:33.37terrapenand was not impressed
23:33.45terrapenand now they are spamming me
23:35.00|Vulture|lol I enjoy broadvoice, nufone, and vpc
23:36.45bjohnsonI use voipjet some
23:37.08*** join/#asterisk mtqh (
23:37.35*** join/#asterisk mtqh (
23:38.35sjaak538before voipjet was better then now.
23:39.00KalD|Workanyone had any luck w/ latest CVS on OSX?
23:39.45harryvetchbjohnson, voipjet does not except iax ?
23:40.55mishehuI normally have a decent experience using voipjet.
23:40.56harryvetchokay going to setup my iax for voipjet. I did not know the register => statment needs to go at the top after [general]
23:42.05sjaak538On some route voipjet is okay
23:42.22mishehublah.  another skype article on /.
23:42.28mishehuI don't know why anybody hypes that program.
23:42.39redder86yeah, one would think that Skype were paying the /. editors
23:44.18redder86slashdot has been the home page on one of my browsers for over a year.  The content has become so dull that I will change it around whenever I find a suitable replacement.  (I like my homepage to have news on it.  So although I use Google, I want some news there.) :P
23:45.30mishehuoccaissional /. has a good article, but even a few of the ones dedicated to asterisk were lame.
23:45.50GodseyI normally read theregister for news
23:47.14*** join/#asterisk K-Sensei (
23:47.47mikegrbwelcome to two years ago
23:49.27Nuggetat least michael finally got fired from /.
23:49.34K-SenseiOkay, any NMI gurus here?  I have gone through everything I could find on google.  I installed the T100P on a RedHat FC3 box, and now the system is unstable.  It looks like, firstly, the t1xxp module is being probed, but "kobject_register failed for t1xxp (-17)".  And every now and again I get "Uhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 35 on CPU 0. -- Dazed and confused, but trying to continue."
23:49.36Nuggetthat's a ten-fold improvement, imho.
23:49.52buddahjesus christ, we've been waiting for 3 weeks for DIDs from some company
23:49.56buddahand they still havent delivered
23:50.28*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
23:50.31fearnorbuddah: which company? ;)
23:50.49modulus_how much per month does a toll free number cost from nufone?
23:50.56fearnormod: 0
23:51.00terrapenSkype for OS X
23:51.08terrapendoes Skype have spyware?
23:51.19fearnornot yet.
23:51.45postelNo, but its made by  the kazaa ppl, and thats food for thought
23:52.33terrapenheh, true
23:52.39Nuggetphones for pirates.
23:52.53Delmari hate skype.
23:53.04buddahhow do i setup voicemail so that its 1 mailbox that 2 phones share?
23:53.05Delmarthey are deceitful slappers.
23:53.41redder86unfortunately, they too are reporting about Skype there
23:54.04stevekstevekit's annoying that they automatically publish your directory entry..
23:56.50stevekstevekskype has 11 users with "asterisk" in their "skype name"
23:57.02fearnorskype is hype.
23:57.12rikstayou mean shite
23:57.48buddahwith polycoms how do you answer call waiting?
23:58.41crash3mpress the down arrow
23:58.44crash3mthen hit 'answer'

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