irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050131

00:00.27Juggiedan2, disable printer port, serial port, and onboard soundcard
00:01.53ZeroXealeverytime I try to install asterisk no matter if its from the ports or a package (im on FreeBSD) I get this *** Error code 2
00:01.53ZeroXealStop in /usr/ports/devel/pwlib.
00:01.53ZeroXeal*** Error code 1
00:02.08ZeroXealany one have any clue what the hell is up with that?
00:02.30Qwelltry pasting more of the error to
00:02.39QwellWhat you just pasted doesn't mean very much at all
00:02.50Mavvieyes, what is the error before that?
00:02.59Mavvie(and OS version and friends too (uname -a)
00:03.24StilexIPis rtpproxy required when using ser and asterisk on the same box
00:04.06ZeroXealMavvie: where you speaking to me?
00:04.25ZeroXealFreeBSD 5.3
00:04.44ZeroXealgmake[2]: *** [/usr/ports/devel/pwlib/work/pwlib/lib/obj_FreeBSD_x86_r/qchannel.o] Error 1
00:04.44ZeroXealgmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/devel/pwlib/work/pwlib/src/ptlib/unix'
00:04.44ZeroXealgmake[1]: *** [opt] Error 2
00:04.44ZeroXealgmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/ports/devel/pwlib/work/pwlib'
00:04.44ZeroXealgmake: *** [optnoshared] Error 2
00:04.44ZeroXeal*** Error code 2
00:04.46ZeroXealStop in /usr/ports/devel/pwlib.
00:04.48ZeroXeal*** Error code 1
00:04.50ZeroXealStop in /usr/home/alex/asterisk.
00:04.55ZeroXealsorry for the spam but that is the error
00:05.09Mavvieyou missed again the most important line.
00:05.21Mavviefirst, go to with your browser.
00:05.25QwellMavvie: The part where I said :p
00:05.26Mavviethere, paste the 30 last lines.
00:05.39MavvieQwell: well, the two most important lines :-)
00:06.19ZeroXealI threw it on pastebin
00:06.36Qwellwe're lazy
00:06.56ZeroXealoh jesus
00:06.58ZeroXealim a noob
00:07.03ZeroXealit can't find a compiler
00:07.10Schismanyone have a working broadvoice patch for 1.0.5?
00:07.17twistedi love my laptop
00:07.19twisteddualing displays rock ;)
00:07.41Qwelltwisted: What laptop?
00:07.43Schismor know how to register w/ broadvoice unpatched?
00:07.59MavvieZeroXeal: that's cool, not many people get these.
00:08.02twistedQwell, mine
00:08.04QwellSchism: I think the patch is to make them not pissed.  I believe registering still "work" though
00:08.05mikegrbtwisted: I have three displays so :p
00:08.09Qwelltwisted: I mean what brand. :P
00:08.18twistedQwell, dell
00:08.26twistedmikegrb, on your laptop?
00:08.27ZeroXealMavvie: do you know exactly what it is? lack of compiler?
00:08.27SchismI get registration errors trunking to them
00:08.32MavvieZeroXeal: I think that, if reproducable, mentionin it at on is a good thing.
00:08.34mikegrbtwisted: no :<
00:08.37Qwellyeah, co-worker has one of the newer Dell laptops, using dual display...looks nice on the LCD
00:08.40twistedmikegrb, ;)
00:08.40mikegrbtwisted: desktop I'm on right now
00:08.44*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
00:08.45Mavvie/usr/include/c++/3.4/bits/locale_facets.h:2847: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
00:08.57mikegrbworking on one, irc on another and a full screen divx I'm watching with the wife on the third
00:09.03Qwelltwisted: Do you know if jbot is linked to the karma on mantis, or if its seperate?
00:09.09twistedit's seperate.
00:09.11ZeroXealthis is a totally fresh install to
00:09.14Qwellahh, ok
00:09.25hermieQwell: jbot sits in a bunch of different channels
00:09.31Qwellhermie: yeah, I know
00:09.41hermiesomeday bugbot might do karma
00:09.46*** join/#asterisk juice (
00:10.01QwellWho owns jbot?  Just out of curiousity
00:10.02MavvieZeroXeal: there are no known problems with building it on the package building cluster.
00:10.10hermieQwell: tim riker
00:10.27Qwellhermie: knew that too, heh.  Who is he though?
00:10.54ZeroXealMavvie: this is strange
00:11.21hermieQwell: the guy who made the tuxsreen
00:11.30ZeroXealI might run some tests on the hardware this computer has given me problems before
00:12.10ZeroXealarg today was a total waste
00:14.14hermieQwell: problem is, there's no great way to parse karmas out of Mantis, other than to step through karma_view_transactions.php for each UID
00:14.23Qwellhermie: yeah
00:15.31hermiemaybe I'll email malcolm about it, but I hate bugging him with stuff like that :)
00:15.46QwellI wasn't suggesting it be done or anything, heh
00:15.52Qwellwas just curious if it was linked at all
00:16.23Qwellbut, erm, it would be stored in a DB, no?
00:16.25hermiewell, other people have asked about it for bugbot (who sits on the -bugs and -dev channel) and I've kinda forgot about it
00:16.35hermieQwell: yeah, Digium's db
00:16.53Qwellahh, external bot
00:19.19*** join/#asterisk VoipLugNut (
00:19.26Qwellahh, submitted that patch for me yesterday :p
00:20.26hermiethe one with the ' ' instead of a /?
00:20.30Qwellyeah, heh
00:20.59StilexIPis anyone currently using ser along with asterisk??
00:21.46hermieStilexIP lots of people are
00:21.49Qwellhermie: yeah, I wasn't doing very good at making the patch.  never really used cvs before.  I looked at the command in your diff, and it was weird.   diff -u -u -r 1.4 Makefile, or some such
00:22.05QwellI assume that came out of cvs?
00:22.06hermieQwell: I saw you just edited my patch
00:22.12QwellI did
00:22.19hermieQwell: you just use 'cvs diff -u <file>'
00:22.24hermietimes were the same :)
00:22.29Qwellyeah, heh
00:23.21QwellI'll have to remember how to do it from cvs for the next time
00:23.37StilexIPhermie: do you know how to setup the ser.cfg correctly to make it work with rtpproxy or do we even need to use rtpproxy / because ser and * are on the same box
00:23.54hermieQwell: you can always get help with stuff like that on #asterisk-bugs
00:24.16Qwellahh, didn't realize that channel existed
00:24.25hermieStilexIP: I don't use SER... lots of other people are tho
00:24.42hermieQwell: shhh.. don't let too many people know :)
00:24.46Qwellwow, there are quite a bit, hmm?
00:25.04hermieof what?
00:25.14Qwell#asterisk-* channels
00:25.23QwellI just whois'd you, heh
00:25.40hermiei'm not even in _all_ of them
00:26.26ChujiHe's not in #asstricks
00:27.27buddahexten => 2457,102,VoiceMail,b2457
00:27.33buddahis that how to get it to go to vmail if busy?
00:28.52Qwellits VoiceMail(b2457), isn't it?
00:29.48*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
00:30.27hermieMrEntropy is always popping in at random times :)
00:30.45MrEntropyhermie: you don't say =)
00:30.52buddahexten => 2457,2,VoiceMail,u2457
00:30.55buddahi got that and it works
00:31.00buddahwhen the line is empty
00:31.05buddahbut if its busy, it doesnt work
00:31.14QwellShould it be comma, or ()?
00:31.15MrEntropyhermie: i like to keep people on their toes
00:31.26hermiebuddah, pastebin your dialplan
00:31.29buddahthe doc i was looking at said ,
00:31.31buddahhold on
00:31.44Qwellexten => s-BUSY,1,Voicemail(b${ARG1})   ; straight from the demo
00:31.44hermieMrEntropy: you're so disorderly!
00:32.23MrEntropyhermie: definately, just enough to keep you guessing =)
00:33.12buddahso if i add the (2457) it wont prompt for the box # when i dial in for mail
00:35.50*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
00:38.39*** join/#asterisk JamesDotCom (
00:39.37chrisfrogright, time to give up with installing the asterisk webmin mod. as i am getting no where
00:40.08hermiebuddah: you aren't getting voicemail when an exten is busy?
00:40.51StilexIPwould i need to use rtpproxy if my ser and asterisk are on the same box
00:40.52buddahjust getting nothing
00:41.28hermiebuddah: nothing at all?
00:42.24freatbuddah: do you have the mailbox defined in voicemail.conf ?
00:42.56buddahit works when nobody is on the phone
00:43.02freatoh heh checking out your pastebin now...
00:43.02hermiebuddah: try using the DIALSTATUS like they do in the standard extension macro
00:43.15hermie(in fact, you might just wanna use the macro...)
00:43.17buddahwhat is that?
00:43.39hermiebuddah look in the sample
00:44.10buddahhmmm actually is it because call waiting
00:44.30buddahthe phone beeps
00:44.33tangelhow can i pick up on my fxo port by dialing an extension?
00:44.44tangeli want to be able to pick up my house phone but i don't want * to always pick it up
00:44.52tangel(so the other straight analog phones ring as normal)
00:45.37buddahwhen i dial to the phone while its on another call
00:45.41buddahi dont even here it dialing
00:45.53buddahi'd think i'd at least hear that
00:47.28beto75hello guys , I hear a HORRIBLE noise like Bang, bang, bang with a Snom 200 phone (g711u)
00:47.44beto75only when a voice finishes
00:48.08mikegrbwell the noise isn't because the voice is finishing
00:48.14mikegrbthe voice is finishing because of the noise
00:48.17tzanger~seen kram
00:48.18jbotkram <~mark@kram.digium.sponsor.pdpc> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 5h 34m 24s ago, saying: 'also i think the bug guidelines themselves need some clarification'.
00:48.25mikegrbsee, the person you were talking to is a mob boss
00:48.30beto75no Mike
00:48.34mikegrbthe oposing mob family shot him
00:48.41mikegrbthat is the bang bang noise you were hearing
00:48.43*** join/#asterisk Delmar (
00:48.50mikegrbthen his voice stopped because he was dead
00:49.06beto75for example if you call me ,, when you finish HELLO I hear BANG BANG, then you say other word and when finish the complete work BANG BANG
00:49.08mikegrbthe moral of the story is don't talk to mob bosses and you won't hear bang bang bang through your snom phone
00:49.22buddahok it works
00:49.23*** join/#asterisk marocon-tim (~tim@
00:49.25mikegrbmaybe the phone is a fan of chitty chitty bang bang
00:49.27beto75while the words are trough no problem ,, just when you finish talking
00:49.28Dagrimmikegrb: especially on a Snom phone right?
00:49.41buddahjust no ring, just silence, then 40 sec and then busy voicemail
00:49.47Delmarlookin for some suggestions for dealing with Echo using X100P cards (other than the chan_zap.c read_size modification). can anyone help?
00:49.58marocon-timAnyone notice recently that AGIs can't do post call processing anymore?  Mine are getting killed immediately after I read the dial status after a hangup.
00:50.00mikegrbbeto75: you could tell them to hum while they are not talking
00:50.14twistedor stop slapping the table when they're done talking
00:50.17mikegrbbeto75: or you could make sure silence detection/supression is off
00:50.18Qwellmikegrb: maybe he could hum
00:50.32hermiebuddah:  what version
00:50.56mikegrbQwell: It can get boring at times, got to make sure you and Dagrim don't fall asleep
00:51.07beto75Mike , I thnk that will be OFF from asterisk my 2 end points (Welltech gateway and snom phone) has VAD off
00:51.10Dagrimbeto75: yea def. check the silence suppression like  mike said
00:51.36Dagrimmikegrb: sleep? whats that? =p
00:51.39srti have a problem with the way chan_iax2 chooses its source ip address when respondin
00:51.42srtg to incoming requests, can anybody help me where to start looking?
00:51.50Dagrimmikegrb: Oh you mean wait() .. hah hah.. just kidding.
00:51.58mikegrbDagrim: ;)
00:52.18srti.e. it doesnt use the destination address of the packet received as the source address for the response...
00:52.57mikegrbbeto75: that's the main thing I would check if it doesn't help I would try sending a message to the users mailing list, make sure you tell them VAD and such is already off
00:53.13Delmarsrt, are u meaning u have more than one interface in your box and the reply is sent "from" the wrong IP kinda thing?
00:53.15mikegrbbeto75: very very many people on mailing list, maybe someone has seen it before
00:53.26mikegrbbeto75: oh, don't foirget to search the list archives first
00:53.27QwellWhats vad stand for?  I mean, I know vad=silence suppression, but...
00:53.51srtDelmar: yes. its eth0 and eth0:1...
00:53.53Delmarsrt, use the bindaddr= in iax.conf.
00:54.00DagrimQwell: i know that if mine is set to anything but false my quality is HORRID
00:54.17QwellDagrim: Is that what your problem ended up being the other night?
00:54.24srtyes that works but then i cant handle connections on other interfaces
00:54.27mikegrbQwell: very anal detection?
00:54.37srti also have a tun0 for vpn that should be handled, too
00:54.48Qwellmikegrb: I was thinking somewhere more along the lines of variable audio detection, but that works too. :p
00:54.54Delmarsrt, i see. now you are getting tricky :P
00:54.57DagrimQwell: combination of that.. medioker bandwith.. and Having my menus split up into way to many seperate samples..
00:55.02mikegrbQwell: my bet would be on your guess
00:55.11Qwellmikegrb: is that right?
00:55.15Delmarsrt, does it choose the same IP address for all replies?
00:55.15srtyes asterisk always takes the ip of eth0:1 so connecting with that ip works
00:55.19QwellI just kinda made that up
00:55.25mikegrbQwell: I wouldn't be suprised if it was ;)
00:55.26srtbut i think thats rather a workaround ;)
00:55.55Qwellmikegrb:  Voice activity detection
00:56.08DagrimQwell: i guess it was using silence suppression on the menu samples. lol.. which are in gsm, so oh yea thats gonna work REAL well lemme tell you.. lol
00:56.10Qwellmakes more sense, heh
00:56.13srtconnection on an interface with only one ip (e.g. my vpn interface) works
00:56.25*** part/#asterisk marocon-tim (~tim@
00:56.36QwellDagrim: so you were getting distorted sound after every sample, or something?
00:57.01DagrimQwell: what is your exact line for vad? Does it seriously look like:    vad=silence suppression       theres a space in there? hmmmm
00:57.16QwellDagrim: no, that was my interpretation of the two, being the same
00:57.28Qwellin other words, "vad is the same thing as silence suppression"
00:57.28DelmarDoes anyone have any ideas for dealing with Echo Cancellation? Calls between SIP phones/softphones etc are all working great, but anything via the X100P's have massive echo. Have tried messing with tx/rx gain. am about to apply READ_SIZE mod to chan_zap.c but other than this im at a loss ... anyone got any other ideas?
00:57.35DagrimQwell: it was clipping the front and end of each sample.. PLUS like differents parts of my menus have different samples.. etc.. one sample could be anywhere from 1 to 5 words on the menu
00:57.53DagrimQwell: so vad=true  turns S suppression on.. gotcha
00:57.54Qwellahh, yeah, that would make sense that it was distorted then
00:57.58QwellDagrim: no, heh
00:58.00*** join/#asterisk shell (shell@
00:58.18QwellDagrim: I don't think the config option even has "vad" in it
00:58.20srtDelmar: do you have yet another idea or should i submit a bug report on that one?
00:58.24mikegrbQwell: just found out my mother in law is buying us a new car seat
00:58.36DagrimQwell: mine did.. lol
00:58.36Qwellmikegrb: erm?
00:58.43mikegrbQwell: an $180 leather eddie bauer car seat!
00:58.46QwellDagrim: oh, I don't know anything about it
00:58.51Dagrimright on...
00:58.52mikegrbQwell: it has frik'n cup holders!
00:58.53Qwellmikegrb: child seat?
00:59.00Dagrimwell that was my prob if anybody ever runs into that again =)
00:59.03Qwellheh, saw those at babies'r'us
00:59.14mikegrb$180! leather! cup holders! damn!
00:59.16Qwellgraco for me, thanks :p
00:59.29mikegrbbut hey, if she wants to spend the money, I'll enjoy using it
00:59.33Qwellmikegrb: how old is (s)he?
00:59.35Dagrimmikegrb: nice .. lucky kid..
00:59.40*** part/#asterisk shell (shell@
00:59.40mikegrbI will enjoy selling it on ebay even more though ;)
00:59.46mikegrbhe is 4 months
01:00.01Qwellmine should be popping out within a few days/weeks now, heh
01:00.26Qwellyesterday was "full term"
01:00.27mikegrbmine was born with flash lights in a 90 degree room
01:00.37mikegrband two months early
01:00.40mikegrbbut he is big now
01:01.08mikegrbwas born just after huricane ivan
01:01.22Qwellwhich would explain the flashlights...right
01:02.11mikegrband the 90 degree operating room :/
01:02.26mikegrbthey had a box fan with a long extention cord pointing on my wife
01:02.32Qwellit was actually at a hospital, with no power?
01:03.16Dagrimwow.. that sounds insane
01:03.39mikegrbQwell: yes
01:03.58mikegrbwe had power for lights and tv and stuff then moved to labor and delivery operating room
01:04.15mikegrbthe smart engineer who designed the place decided it didn't need any power from generator in there
01:04.18Delmarbah. all going well you dont need power... some light, and a bottle of air to kick start his/her lungs just in case...
01:05.01Delmarmy girl was born last 16th.
01:05.26mikegrbDelmar: this was 2 /months/ before concidered full term
01:06.01Delmar32 weeks is a little early alright.
01:06.06*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
01:06.10Qwellthats more like 29, no?
01:06.29mikegrbit was right at 30 IIRC
01:06.34*** join/#asterisk batok (~director@
01:06.45QwellMy wife tried to explain to me how weeks and months work together, but I didn't believe it. :p
01:06.55QwellI stuck to my story that 13 weeks == 3 months
01:07.04mikegrbQwell: :D
01:07.10Delmarnah 40 weeks is full term.
01:07.10buddahJan 30 17:06:12 NOTICE[6612]: app_dial.c:884 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3)
01:07.13QwellI guess with this, it somehow defies the calendar :P
01:07.14buddahanyone know what that is?
01:07.19K-SenseiI'm having a problem with the latest stable CVS release (v1-0)... I have two extensions set up with IAX2, and I am using IaxPhone on two computers trying to call one from the other.  Whenever I do, asterisk bombs out with a "Floating point exception".  I had a feeling it might be music on hold... so I set up an extension via "exten => 6601,1,WaitMusicOnHold(30)".  Whenever I call it, I get this:
01:07.30K-SenseiFloating point exception
01:07.31QwellDelmar: see, I'm being told 37
01:07.48DelmarK-Sensei heh i think i know what that is. :P
01:07.52tzangerK-Sensei: what CPU is this on?
01:08.00K-SenseiIntel Xeon
01:08.33K-SenseiI'm running an SMP kernel also.
01:08.35K-SenseiSo, what is it?
01:08.36tzangertypically you get those problems if it's been compiled for a different machine
01:08.47K-SenseiI compiled it on here from the sources in CVS.
01:08.57tzangerI said typically.  :-)
01:08.59DelmarK-Sensei ok thats not quite the same actually..... problem i was having would occur when call ended...
01:09.05*** join/#asterisk pepem_sk (
01:09.12K-SenseiWhat did you do to fix it?
01:09.27K-SenseiI thought it might be mpg123 also, so I uninstalled it and I installed asterisk-addons and I'm using format_mp3 now instead... but I still get the same error.
01:09.37QwellK-Sensei: run it in gdb, see if you can get a backtrace
01:09.51Delmarwell its not the same problem but.. i removed the rate_engine.conf
01:09.51K-SenseiAny good crash course on gdb I could look at?
01:10.14QwellK-Sensei: not sure.  I bet if you look at the asterisk-users archive, you'll see bkw_ explaining it a few hundred times though, heh
01:10.20Delmari removed rate_engine.conf from /etc/asterisk .. and everything worked. probably didnt like the default and non-working config in there.
01:10.26greg_workanyone know if  theres a debian package for tiff2ps/ps2pdf ?
01:10.50Qwellgreg_work: tried an apt search for ps?
01:10.57*** join/#asterisk nextime (
01:11.04greg_workyeah but theres nothing specific
01:11.38Delmarpdfjam ?
01:12.29K-Senseiokay thanks Qwell, I'll look into that.
01:12.36K-SenseiI'll also try your idea, Delmar.
01:12.46Delmarim not sure if thats gonna be useful...
01:12.54Delmarbut i see it there... pdf utilities... sounds worth a look.
01:13.29greg_workah, apt-file (which i didnt know about till now) tells me it's in gs-common
01:13.55K-SenseiDelmar: I have no "rate_engine.conf" file in /etc/asterisk.
01:14.19Delmarthere u go :P
01:14.21K-Senseidrumkilla: Thanks, man.
01:14.25drumkillano problem ...
01:14.28drumkillait's pretty short, though ...
01:14.55K-Senseiallright, I gtg shopping (wife is bugging the hell out of me)
01:14.58K-Senseibe back in a few
01:15.02Qwelldrumkilla: :)
01:15.31jbotmethinks gdb is The GNU Debugger. URL: or
01:15.36drumkillagreg_work: I think those come with libtiff
01:16.06greg_workdrumkilla: yeah, just found both, libtiff-tools and gs-common
01:18.30DagrimAnybody know anything about Front side buses and Frequency select jumpers? lol
01:18.49DagrimI have this awesome box here .. but I dont think its all set right.. blah
01:19.08QwellDagrim: I always google the manual.  They change way too much from board to board
01:19.14DagrimI know..
01:19.22Qwelland from cpu to cpu, heh
01:19.26DagrimQwell: it is 2 diff things tho right? FSB and Freq selection?
01:19.45Qwellalways?  dunno
01:19.48DagrimOkay.. awesome.. then there MUST be other jumpers on there..
01:19.54Dagrim=) thanks qwell
01:20.00Qwellsometimes there aren't FSB jumpers
01:20.17Qwellmy board has neither, its all in the bios
01:21.11greg_workin zapata.conf, what is the faxdetect option for? I mean, i understand faxdetect=incoming, but what does faxdetect=outgoing do?
01:21.33Qwellprobably so it doesn't mangle the outgoing call somehow
01:21.37QwellDon't listen to me though
01:22.20mikegrbI always listen to Qwell
01:23.52drumkillaI got another offer to pick up 10 million dollars ...
01:23.56drumkillaeveryone just wants to give me money
01:24.04greg_workthe only thing i can think of is if you're on an outgoing call and someone on the remote end decides to send a fax at you, and you gave a fax extension in the current context, it'll receive it .. but how that is usful is beyond me ;p
01:24.18hermiedrumkilla: WAS IT FROM MR. QZ. MADELA?
01:24.28drumkillaHOW'D YOU KNOW!
01:24.58drumkillano way!
01:25.00greg_workhermie: i can foward you some other great m|or|tgage offers if you want. i can get some great prices on cilias and rolex watches, too
01:25.04drumkilladon't do it!
01:26.40Nugget"Unlike the elementary version often seen, GNU Hello processes its argument list to modify its behavior, supports greetings in many languages, and includes a mail reader"
01:27.56dan2twisted: ping
01:28.50greg_workOMG, someone misspelled our company name in our fax machine's header!
01:29.58QwellIf your company name is simple, smack them
01:30.12greg_workoh, no they didn't.. the phone company misspelled it in our caller id !
01:30.18buddahwill phones not registered with sip work with a registered g729 channel for voicemail?
01:30.18Qwelloh, lovely
01:30.55greg_workhm, only for that line, apparently
01:31.23Qwellsome kid making $10/h was typing them in manually on each line, heh
01:31.57greg_workthey put "mc" instead of "mac"
01:32.05Qwellthats forgivable
01:32.06greg_workso its not a HUGE deal, but still..
01:32.16drumkillayou're a sub-franchise of mcdonalds!
01:32.23greg_workmacdonalds? :)
01:32.34QwellThere is a MacDonalds in like ireland or something
01:32.39Qwellmcdonalds tried to sue them
01:32.44greg_worki wonder if you'd get sued :) hehheh
01:32.47QwellThey've had their name for like 100 years, heh
01:32.53greg_workactually, we have a supplier caled "MacDonald and Sons"
01:33.08Qwellas long as it isn't a place to buy food, its ok
01:33.15greg_workbut they sell plumbing parts, not hamburgers
01:33.18DelmarIs anyone here familiar with X100's ?
01:33.21QwellMacDonald and Sons grocer however, would probably get sued, heh
01:33.57greg_workhm, so now i'm not sure what i want to do with faxes
01:34.10Qwellgreg_work: fax tag
01:34.11greg_workwe have a dedicated fax line and a machine right now
01:34.16Delmargreg_work ooo u are playing with faxes and asterisk?
01:34.33greg_workbut the line is also connected to our phone system so it can be used for outgoing calls
01:35.01greg_workat the same time, i've wanted for a while (adn just haven't had time) to get a software-based fax system going (hylafax)
01:35.07greg_workbut now that * can receive them ...
01:35.28greg_work(this comes in on POTS to a TDM400P btw)
01:35.30`Saurongreg: It's relatively easy
01:35.33Delmarthats something i wanna do later.. have no idea what u can do but.. kinda wondering if Asterisk can act as like.. a fax switch, and route the detected call to a defined extension... which would be a PC running relayfax or some crap...
01:36.02greg_workshould I have that line (Zap/4-1) go directly to the fax (connected to spa-2000), or receive with rxfax() ?
01:36.13greg_workDelmar: yes, exactly
01:36.19Delmarbut i dont see why Asterisk couldnt detect the call, then pipe the call into some fax software on the box itself.. rather than routing it out an extension, analog again.. then to a fax device...
01:36.26greg_workDelmar: when it detects a fax tone, it jumps to fax,1
01:37.18Delmarsomeone will build some cool little or something and Asterisk will start to take care of fax reception and stuff.. im sure :P
01:37.22DagrimYea.. Isnt there a way to just have it write them as a image file or something?
01:37.37DagrimThatd be awesome.
01:37.43greg_workDelmar:  exten => fax,1,Macro(fax)  [macro-fax] exten => s,1,SetVar(FAXFILE=/var/spool/asterisk/fax/${UNIQUEID}.tif)   exten => s,2,SetVar(EMAILADDR=${FAX_RX_EMAIL})  exten => s,3,rxfax(${FAXFILE})
01:37.49Delmari dont think Asterisk knows how to speak.. fax talk.. does it? its just going to route the "audio".
01:37.58DagrimI dont see why people use fax machines much anymore anyways..
01:38.05Delmargreg_work what was all that haha
01:38.05Qwellgreg_work: It isn't that easy, is it?
01:38.18greg_worki just set it up, barely had to do anything
01:38.29Delmarwhat exactly is that doing tho?
01:38.32Qwelland it works good, with those those couple lines?
01:38.33greg_worki'm going to write a web-based fax inbox though
01:38.34*** part/#asterisk Brixius (
01:38.43Delmargreg_work that would rock.
01:38.47QwellDelmar: looks like its sending a tif file as a mail to somebow
01:38.59QwellI don't know what rxfax does though, of course...
01:39.04Dagrimgreg_work: So you where is the macro part? Built into * or no?
01:39.10Delmargreg_work, is that making Asterisk receive the fax ... dumping it to a .tif ?
01:39.14greg_workrxfax is a * function
01:39.19greg_workit puts it into a tiff file
01:39.24Delmarfuck me.
01:39.26Delmarthats wicked.
01:39.28greg_worki'm using 1.0.5 stable
01:39.36Qwellthats pretty damn simple
01:39.36*** join/#asterisk niZon (
01:39.42greg_workfrom what i can tell, txfax() is not built in (yet?)
01:40.04DagrimHmmm.. of course.. Rxfax probably just came out then?
01:40.10greg_worki had some ideas from playing with hylafax of what i wanted to be able to do
01:40.14greg_worki dunno
01:40.42greg_workfor example - the fax inbox would basically be like a web-based email client, except shared between everyone
01:40.50greg_workwhen you click on a fax, it downloads a pdf..
01:40.55Delmarimagine if you could loginto your voicemail, manage your fax queue, and have Asterisk forward the Fax to a number and stuff like that.. but... fuck that.. a web-based fax-inbox to look at them is enuf...
01:41.07Delmarwe gotta get people away from this old primative Fax nonsense :P
01:41.17greg_workthen you can add advanced features - filtering to a given folder based on callerid
01:41.35Delmarget to work :P
01:41.41QwellThen you just need some OCR capabilities, to grep out a "To:" field, heh
01:41.41Dagrimhmm nice
01:41.46greg_workor go even further, do OCR on it and do some regex matches for "attention: greg" and move to a "greg" folder, as well as email that user saying they have a new fax
01:42.00Delmarsounds wicked dude.
01:42.10Delmari expect delivery later tomorrow :P
01:42.18greg_workyou may just get it ;)
01:42.30Delmarlol no way.
01:42.56`SauronHum Di Dum.
01:43.13greg_workhm, not sure where it stores information on it though
01:43.13Delmarim just gonna knock this pain in the arse echo problem out of the park then i might play with that rxfax thingie.
01:43.15Qwelloh, then...get something like festival to call and speak the fax to Greg
01:43.25`SauronDoes anyone know if * can talk with plain modems, to switch data calls?
01:43.35`SauronAlternately, I guess I could get a T1 card, eh.
01:43.48greg_work`Sauron: you can't detect data calls really
01:44.04`SauronYou mean data vs. voice?
01:44.06greg_workfax machines make noise when they're calling out, modems don't make noise till they hear the remote end do it
01:44.16greg_workyes, if that's what you're talking about ;)
01:44.21`Sauronor you mean fax vs. data?
01:44.37`SauronHere's the scenario, and it sort of ties into what you're talking about
01:44.40Delmarnah... u can make the modem generate a CNG tone in the dial string....
01:44.53greg_workyou can detect fax vs data, the same way you detect fax vs voice -- but you can't do voice vs data, or voice vs fax vs data
01:44.59`SauronAt work, we have a box, with some old Digi PRI cards in it
01:45.21fearnordefine what exactly you mean "data"
01:45.23greg_workDelmar: ok even if thats true, still limited use. you'd have to know you have to do it
01:45.25`SauronIn linux, the channels on the PRI ports, show up as 48 modems
01:45.31*** join/#asterisk Guest^DJ (~some@
01:45.39Guest^DJhi guys
01:45.41*** join/#asterisk UncleBill (
01:45.42fearnordata as in modem? you *conceivably* can distinguish it from fax.
01:45.46UncleBillhello friends
01:45.48`SauronNow, the code I wrote to handle fax processing into email, is old and crufty
01:46.00`SauronHowever, the machine also does modem dialups
01:46.03fearnordata as in isdn clear-channel call? conceivably, libpri should give you the calltype, I think.
01:46.08greg_work`Sauron: have you ever looked at hylafax?
01:46.19`Sauronit sucks ass
01:46.28Nuggethylafax is a bloated, corpulent mess.
01:46.30`SauronAt least it did 3 years ago when I wrote this.
01:46.45`SauronIt was much better to use mgetty, and write 500 lines of perl code to do the rest
01:46.56`SauronWell, approx. 500 lines
01:47.31greg_workah crap. is rxfax an addon?
01:47.34Delmarthis X100 shit is driving me up the wall.
01:48.09`Sauron399 lines of code, total
01:48.16`Sauron[dominic@aus-dialup bin]$ wc -l /etc/mgetty+sendfax/new_fax
01:49.52Delmardamn it. when an incomming call comes in on the X100P, most of the time * decides that the line has gone into a strange state and all kinds of crap. i dont think line conditions are being detected properly and stuff.
01:50.25hermieDelmar: genuine X100P (TM) ?
01:50.29Delmarnot only that but, even changing the READ_SIZE in chan_zap.c I still have massive echo.
01:50.56`SauronGreg, if you want to talk about faxing (inbound and outbound), feel free to get with me at some point. I gotta finish converting my dialplan to sql
01:51.01StilexIPcan someone take a look at that, trying to set up ser + asterisk
01:51.03Delmarits the OEM from Digitnetworks, and they say time and time again, that the card is exactly the same.
01:51.13fearnordelmar: it isn't.
01:51.19Delmarhow so?
01:51.42fearnorjust because the chipset is the same and pci ids are the same
01:51.52fearnorit doesn't mean all the *components* on the PCB are the same
01:51.52greg_work`Sauron: enjoy :p   i'm working on this now
01:52.00*** join/#asterisk okieplaya (
01:52.14greg_work`Sauron: just downloading asterisk-addons .. need to find the source to rxfax() so i can see what it's doing
01:52.15jbotmethinks x100p is an obsolete card, copied by far too many people
01:52.19`SauronYou can call me if you want. I need to test my FWD iax2 connection
01:52.40fearnorregardless, even original x100p is shit :P
01:52.48greg_workhm, i wish mine even worked. is fwd working yet?
01:52.52fearnorclones are worse
01:52.59`SauronDunno, I can do echo test and time test
01:53.01Delmarwell, what specifically is different about the Digitnetworks cards? its illegal for them to say they are 100% compat. when they are not... so what exactly is different? and I will get a reverse on my Visa.
01:53.10`Sauronbut I never had anyone to call, or anyone to call me.
01:53.11fearnorit is 100% compatible.
01:53.15fearnorbut it isn't x100p.
01:53.17`SauronYou know, internet people are scary ;)
01:53.29netsurfergreg_work fwd seems to be workin
01:53.40greg_workit used to constantly disconnect and reconnect for me
01:53.50greg_workhaven't tried in a couple weeks though
01:53.59*** join/#asterisk numBone (
01:54.14Delmaranyway, I know people have issues with echo and line issues with these type of cards...original X100 or not.
01:55.03netsurfera fix has been done but its not in the zaptel drivers
01:55.10Delmarthere must be something wrong with my config somewhere.
01:55.22Delmarnetsurfer oh what kinda fix?
01:55.31netsurferDelmar - let me check.. found a page on it last nite
01:55.33Delmarnetsurfer, for echo or other stuff?
01:55.38Delmarhey thank you...
01:55.40netsurferfor echo
01:56.26UncleBillI'm having trouble finding a voip provider who I can hook an asterisk box to, and whom I can transfer a number to. Any suggestions or pointers?
01:56.29Guest^DJnon * questions: i existing have 4 PCs on a 4 ports router and is working fine. i plan to have another PC, how do i connect to the LAN without buying additional router ? i have a 24 port switch
01:56.35Beirdo~seen mishehu
01:56.38jbotmishehu is currently on #asterisk (3d 13h 49m 56s).  Has said a total of 8 messages.  Is idling for 3d 7h 20m 41s
01:56.48`SauronUnclebill: voicepulse seems to be able to do LNP
01:57.03`SauronGuest: Can no do.
01:57.20`Sauronyou have a switch, put it inline
01:57.44DagrimHmmmm.. Yea I guyes SayNumber(1-xxx-xxx-xxxx) wouldnt work would it? lol
01:57.55Dagrimsaydigits.. blah
01:58.08*** join/#asterisk ionix (
01:58.11Guest^DJ`Sauron: please adivce how
01:58.24UncleBillthanks, `Sauron. and they have no problem with me hooking up asterisk to them? others mandate you use their router and have a single instrument behind it.
01:58.44Guest^DJInternet->router->switch->PCs ?
01:58.56`SauronUncleBill: Look at their website. There's also VoicePulse Connect! which is perfect for * connections
01:59.11`SauronI didn't like their pricing, and so I have to wait a month for my numbers to transfer over :(
01:59.29Delmarnetsurfer, what I have tried so far is.. .changing a line in chan_zap.c  ... #define READ_SIZE 160  to #define READ_SIZE 16 which I hear works better...but this didnt work one bit....
01:59.33fearnornot only you are picky, you are also cheap
01:59.44netsurfer u try this Delmar ?
01:59.55Nuggetbe aware that many people report poor service from voicepulse.  their call quality seems to really vary depending on what area code your DID is in.
02:00.18NuggetI have two voicepulse DIDs and only one of them is usable.  outbound calls are ok, though.
02:01.55Delmarnetsurfer, yeah i have messed with all of that too. no gi. still massive echo.
02:01.59Delmarno go*.
02:02.03*** join/#asterisk numBone (
02:02.25Delmarnetsurfer, i googled for hours and didnt find much, and tried things i did find.
02:02.45netsurferjust found the page I was reading.. my mistake.. it was about UK CID
02:03.00UncleBill`Sauron, looks like voicepulse mandates you use a Sipura SPA-2000 that they sell you. are you sure they are Asterisk-able?
02:03.07Delmarnetsurfer, i just tried that READ_SIZE thing suggested on another site and was sure that woulda been it but.. no gi.
02:03.10netsurferMark will not add the specific support for the X100P as "adds otherwise needless bloat to the zaptel side <-- heh
02:03.45netsurferanyone here on ?
02:03.53netsurfermy box wont register tonight :(
02:04.18DelmarI thought there was some kinda patch coming out to cure echo, which effects original cards as much as clones....
02:04.40netsurferare the clones worse?
02:04.51netsurfermy x100p clone is due on tuesday
02:04.55Delmarthe same as I understand.
02:05.01Delmarwhere from?
02:05.05netsurferuk supplier
02:05.10jbotfrom memory, x100p is an obsolete card, copied by far too many people
02:05.15*** join/#asterisk Rez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
02:05.30netsurferit may be obsolete, but its cheap and will do what I want it for
02:05.35Delmarlol its not obsolete. what are people supposed to byu instead? the 400 ?
02:06.04netsurferwhy spend E180 when E20 will do the same thing
02:06.39Delmarwell i have an idea im going to go and play with....i know i can make this echo go away.
02:06.51netsurferDelmar - if u do, let me know pls
02:09.55UncleBillNugget and `Sauron: thanks. looks like they support what I want but they want $2.95/min for US long distance calls! ouch.
02:10.09`Sauronignore fearnor
02:10.13Nuggetuh, no, 0.0295.
02:10.21`SauronUnclebill: VP connect is 2.95 cents/minute
02:10.39UncleBilluhhhh, yep. sorry about that
02:10.48Nuggetjust don't get too attached to the number they assign until you've confirmed that incoming calls are usable.
02:11.14`SauronUgh. I'm really not looking forward to porting 34 extensions to ast_data
02:11.16`Sauronfun fun
02:11.27UncleBillhave you had issues with them, Nugget?
02:11.44Nuggetyes, many people have.
02:11.57UncleBillthat's no good then.
02:12.01Nuggetsome area codes are fine, some aren't.
02:12.09Nuggetyou might not have any problems
02:12.19QwellBasically the moral of the story is - test all providers before you use them
02:12.28fearnoryou get what you pay for.
02:12.35NuggetI wish.
02:12.43UncleBillare there any other Asterisk-able carriers anyone can suggest?
02:12.44NuggetI'd be happy to pay for good service.  :)
02:13.07NuggetI'm happy with nufone, but they don't offer local numbers, just tollfree numbers.
02:13.14fearnorone day pilosoft will do nationwide DIDs
02:17.53*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:24.38Guest^DJManxPower: hi
02:27.24beto75mikegrb? u here?
02:28.18beto75remember the bang bang bang
02:28.23beto75was the DAMN Ulaw
02:28.33beto75I change codec to GSM , and problem solved
02:28.53greg_workhm. nufone's webserver died, that instills a lot of confidence. interestingly, their page now contains almost as much information as before it crashed....
02:28.59beto75very strange
02:29.32Dagrimbeto75: I cant even use gsm hardly.. speex is the only one that works decent on mine
02:30.10beto75in your snom 200?
02:30.15Delmarmint. echo problem cured.
02:30.24DagrimI dont use hardphones..
02:30.32DagrimIm running a prepaid sys
02:30.50Delmarnow all i gotta figure out is why the fark the cards are packing a sad during incomming calls.
02:31.20beto75now excuse me guys, someone here has dealed with a welltech/micronet FXO sip device?
02:31.50mikegrbbeto75: strange indeed
02:31.56ManxPower~google welltech fxo
02:33.14beto75jbot: the very last says somethingabout my problem but no the solve
02:33.28rikstajbot, is a bot
02:33.50ManxPowerThat's only the firest coupld of
02:34.00ManxPowerThat's only the first couple of URLS matching the query.
02:34.08rikstait's not that funny
02:34.09ManxPowerGo to  Do your own search
02:39.35Delmarman im having allot of trouble with these X100P's. i dont think anyone should buy one. they are a fuckin joke.
02:40.00Delmarim gonna buy a 400 and try that instead i think.
02:40.00DagrimMaybe thats why theyre like $0.99 on ebay!
02:40.03tzangerDelmar: did you buy one from Digium, or a $10 from from ebay?
02:40.11ManxPowerDelmar, Well if your telco impedenct is not 600 Ohms then it's kind of pointless anyway.
02:40.31Delmari know what u mean :P
02:40.32CoaxDmade it to the home improvement stores to pick up 30 4' light fixtures today.. thank god they had 'em on sale because i sure needed 'em
02:40.44DagrimIs there a difference between the ones on ebay and from digium??
02:40.47Delmarno.. the echo thing is not a problem. that I have fixed really well.
02:40.51tzangerqty 30 four foot light fixtures?
02:41.04CoaxDDagrim: Yeah.  the ones on ebay don't support digium or asterisk in any way
02:41.11tzangerDagrim: well digium's have support and are certified to work with asterisk and normal North American line impedances
02:41.15Dagrimahhhh wow
02:41.17DelmarCoaxD put a sock in it.. lol
02:41.24Dagrimglad i didnt order like 10 of em like i was goin to =P
02:41.43Guest^DJtzanger: damn, i was about to buy a few
02:41.45CoaxDDelmar: dude, dont ever even bother looking for support when they dont work
02:41.58CoaxDtzanger: Yeah, qty 30 four foot light fixtures
02:42.05Guest^DJbought 3 from digitnetworks, and they work fine
02:42.23CoaxDGuestDJ: Dont let Mark hear you say that.  he always blows a gasket when he hears that.
02:42.35tzangerCoaxD: what did you need so many light fixtures for?  4' light fixtures, you mean fluorescent bulbs?
02:42.41Guest^DJCoaxD: :X
02:42.42CoaxDtzanger: Yeah, those are the ones
02:42.47CoaxDtzanger: I own an african violet nursrey
02:42.49CoaxDer nursery
02:42.57tzanger120 linear feet of light, wtf are you doing, building a runway?
02:43.02StilexIPis anyone here using SER along with asterisk that would be able to help me really quick?
02:43.04DagrimCoaxD: hear what? cussin?
02:43.06tzangerCoaxD: right on :-)
02:43.08Delmar100% compatable... if the original X100p's work.. then these will work.... otherwise.. i can have the transaction reversed off my visa because Digitnetworks are advertising crap...
02:43.19tzangerDelmar: yeah you believe everything you read on ebay?
02:43.29tzangerI got Jimmy Hoffa's left shoe if you're interested
02:43.36Delmarfuck ebay, im talking about
02:43.48Delmarthey are selling OEM X100P's.
02:43.57tzangerDelmar: so is Digium...  :-p
02:44.05ManxPowerThe biggest difference between the Digium X101P/X100P and the generic clones is that you can still but the clones, you can't but the X100P/X101P from digium antmore (last I checked)
02:44.14Delmarand they state all over the place they are 100% compatable.. and will do anything the Digium cards will do.
02:44.22Guest^DJis there a diff between digium X100P and diginetwork ?except for the price that is
02:44.28Delmarif thats not the case.. i will ring Visa and have the entire transaction reversed.
02:44.31tzangerDelmar: that's what they state... if they aren't working call 'em for support
02:44.34ManxPowerDelmar, Um no.  They are welling winmodems using the same chipset as the Digium card.
02:44.44StilexIPthis is the problem - ser forwards the information to asterisk and I get this
02:45.01ManxPowerI bought two of them for $9 from some place like newegg and they work fine.
02:45.23goatmilkDelmar: i don't know what it is you are doing.  but if you are building a foundation to something critical, you don't do it with crappy hardware.  digium's stuff is good.
02:45.29ManxPowerOf course since most of the systems I manage either have no FXO ports or more then 2 FXO ports we almost never use the X100P anyway
02:45.32DelmarManxPower u have some from Digitnetworks working good?
02:45.40tzangerManxPower: amen
02:45.41DagrimIs today superbowl sunday?
02:45.58ManxPowerDelmar, No, I bought the $9 windmodem from New Egg.  Used the same chipset at the X100P
02:46.17DelmarManxPower yeah i heard u can do that :P
02:46.27Delmarbut isnt the IO address written differently ?
02:46.35ManxPowerAll the X100P and the "clones" are are winmodems using a speicific chipset.
02:46.35Delmarso u have to modify the driver?
02:46.55ManxPowerDelmar, kram put the PCI ids in the Zaptel stuff a LONG time ago for the clone cards.
02:47.15Delmarright.. so like I have been saying.. this whole... " oh.. you dont have an original Digium card? thats why... ".. those statements.. can fuck off.
02:47.17ManxPowerI don't know why.  I would have just told the people trying to use the clone cards "tough luck"
02:47.58Delmari noticed that when i grabbed the latest * CVS a while ago.. it had support for the clones.
02:47.59ManxPowerBut I ONLY use Digium equipment for everything except my home system
02:48.19Delmarim just havin some trouble with Asterisk and chan_zap not dealign with an incomming call properly...
02:48.29Delmarits getting confused and deciding there is a faulty line state ...
02:48.34Delmarit wasnt doing this before.
02:48.37ManxPowerNow Digium went with a SPECIFIC winmodem card when they sold the X101P.
02:48.38Delmarso something is messed up.
02:48.56ManxPowerWho know what might happen if you buy a card that uses the same chipset or a compatable chipset.
02:49.41Delmarso what is the chipset that Digium are using?
02:49.48Delmaror .. were.
02:50.17*** join/#asterisk scrubb (~scrubb@OCI-19-41.OneCall.Net)
02:51.03ManxPowerDelmar, I suppose I could look in my trash folder and find the message that was on the maliing lists about what chips each of the X10xP used, but that would take time.  I think it was on asterisk-biz
02:51.04Delmarthe Digitnetworks cards I have here, have a single fpga branded by Ambient.
02:51.12Dagrimtzanger: i dont get it =P
02:51.26Delmarbah. its not important.
02:52.12ManxPowerWell THAT was easy!  I just upgraded my SPA-841 from 2-line to 4-line
02:58.59*** join/#asterisk Moc_ (
03:00.34*** join/#asterisk Rez (lorez@lorez.staff.freenode)
03:02.58okieplayasome have sometime to help me get bellster up and goin i try every thing in the email still cant get it run?
03:03.48K-Senseiokie dokie, I traced the problem with the "Floating point exception"
03:04.05K-SenseiAnyone I can show the gdb output to who can tell me what to do about it? ;)
03:04.26*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (~me@
03:04.34QwellK-Sensei: Could try posting it on pastebin
03:05.10NoRemorsehi all
03:06.31K-SenseiOkay here it is:
03:06.46K-SenseiThe same thing happens even if I just try to dial a music-on-hold extension
03:07.18ChujiManxPower : What's your impressions of that phone?
03:07.31QwellK-Sensei: You have to do a "bt"
03:07.41K-SenseiWhat is bt?
03:07.47Qwellbacktrace, in gdb
03:08.03K-Senseidone, i will paste it to pastebin
03:08.43*** join/#asterisk VoicePulse (~VoicePuls@
03:08.52freatManxPower: you did the software upgrade?
03:08.57QwellMuch better. :)
03:09.32K-SenseiIt's something related to MOH for sure.
03:09.32K-SenseiI can run another trace with MOH only if that makes it simpler.
03:10.47K-Senseiobviously f->samples is 0.
03:10.49*** join/#asterisk blankman (
03:10.55blankmanHey guys.
03:10.56K-Senseiso that causes a div by 0.
03:12.25blankmanI have a question about the conditional includes ... as those parsed at dialtime or loadtime? Is one supposed to be able to conditionaly include a context based on parameters that are only known when a call has come in.
03:12.25Qwellms could be some funky number too
03:12.27Qwellin theory
03:12.41K-Senseidoes the / operator return a float or an int?
03:13.01blankman~seen drkool
03:13.02jbotdrkool <~drkool@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 8d 22h 41m 46s ago, saying: 'i am at my wit's end .Hoping some here can help'.
03:13.18*** join/#asterisk Dagrim (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
03:13.50justnullinghow can i setup simple config with two sip phones and call from one to another?
03:14.04blankmanjustnulling, look at the wiki
03:15.08cypromis~seen snewpy
03:15.12jbotsnewpy <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 13d 23h 33m 29s ago, saying: 'sskyles: and make the outgoing circuit in group one, and the incoming circuit in anything but group 1'.
03:15.39evilbunnycypromis: last i heard he's moving house
03:17.00*** join/#asterisk mrproper_ (~mrproper_@
03:17.54K-Senseiokay I wrote a work-around & re-compiled
03:18.27QwellK-Sensei: You might want to file a bug report or something
03:19.00K-SenseiCould you point me to a guide on how to do it?
03:19.13K-SenseiWell, it's not crashing now, but it's not playing the hold music.
03:19.25K-SenseiI'm guessing for some reason it can't play the hold music - which is okay - but it shouldn't crash *.
03:20.35Chuji~seen Chugee
03:20.38jboti haven't seen 'chugee', Chuji
03:20.59Chuji~seen Chuj1
03:21.00jbotchuj1 <~b@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 184d 3h 42m 25s ago, saying: 'what on earth is backending It's always so slow'.
03:21.20ChujiHeh, jbot has a good memory
03:21.26Chuji184 days
03:22.29K-SenseiCool, it works.
03:23.28dan2kram: ping
03:25.56K-SenseiQwell: Thanks for the direction.  I have applied for an account on the bug tracker, and I'll post as soon as I get the password in e-mail.
03:26.07QwellK-Sensei: It should be immediate
03:26.19K-SenseiI'm using hotmail, and it's not there yet.
03:26.20QwellI had my email by the time I hit alt-tab to Thunderbird
03:26.24Qwellahh :p
03:27.29*** join/#asterisk okieplaya (
03:29.41*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
03:36.09K-SenseiQwell: k, bug posted #3467
03:36.35blankmanHey so does anyone else think that this should work: include => context_name|${ARG1}-${ARG2}
03:36.39QwellK-Sensei: I don't really code, heh
03:37.01*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
03:38.15blankmanIt doesn't, and from what I can see in the code, it is cause the includes are eval'd at extension loads ... meaning if you cli extension reload it looks to the extension.conf you have to have: include => context_name|8:00-17:30 ... ie concrete numbers .... anyone else think that it is important to have it evaluate on the fly?
03:38.37blankmanThis would be done in a macro off coarse :-)
03:38.38Delmarso whats the trick to get the X100 to detect that the calling party has hung up.. ie. they left a message on voicemail, and hung up? Currently, the x100 just holds the line open.
03:39.18ManxPowerDelmar, "Kewlstart" signaling and a line that provides that signal.
03:39.59Delmaroh ok thats what the ks stands for. lol :P
03:40.08Delmarthey are set fxs_ks
03:40.18Delmarand im sure out lines here in NZ supply all thats needed :)
03:40.31Delmargotta be something wrong with my config somewhere...
03:40.46ManxPowerDelmar, It needs US style far end disconnect supervision (indication)
03:41.01Delmarin english that is ? :)
03:41.11netsurferFEDS ;)
03:41.30Delmarfeds? where?
03:41.34ManxPowerUnless NZ signals that the far end hung up in the same way the telcos in the USA do, kewlstart will not give yo anything.
03:41.59Dagrimwho said feds
03:42.13goatmilkwhat's wrong with us?
03:42.35Delmarcaller hangs up...there is a click.. then.. .beep beep beep beep beep (by now u are a fuckwit for listening to the beeps for so long ) beep beep .. get the idea? :)
03:42.59goatmilkDelmar: you really should tone down the language in here
03:43.24Delmarsorry dude.. dont mean to curdle your milk :P
03:43.44blitzrageI love fast internet
03:44.16Delmarso yeah.. i believe we have some basic .. signalling ManxPower, i have no idea if its the same as USA.. or whatever....
03:44.24K-SenseiQwell: I didn't think you were a coder, was just keeping you posted ;)
03:44.30K-SenseiThanks again for your assistance.
03:44.39DelmarI know there are folk over here with this stuff all running mint... just don't know anyone that I can contact to get some help.
03:44.43QwellK-Sensei: ahh, heh
03:45.26ManxPowerDelmar, See Also: the horrible busydetect and busycount options in zapata.conf and read the mailing list archives for the issues with them
03:47.05Delmarcheers for the input. ill get there i guess. :P
03:47.38tangeli have my house line plugged into asterisk
03:47.42UncleBilllater, all
03:47.51tangelis there anyway to get both the ip phones and normal direct connect phones all ringing at the same time?
04:00.48*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
04:03.19*** join/#asterisk jterrero (
04:03.48okieplayaif i cant get a public ip at home there some web site that i have seen that keeps track of your ip for you for a price
04:03.55okieplayaany one know the name of the site
04:04.21Delmarnah for free
04:05.07okieplayathanks you the man delmar will this work with a PBX?
04:05.31Delmarso you will get something like ..  and create CNAME's for like.. pointing to your domain.
04:05.50harryvvdid a cvs of asterisk now command not found doing asterisk -c in root.
04:05.59harryvvall directories are ther.e
04:06.21Delmarwell.. kinda.. ok.. the box that u are running your pabx on .. will be on a private (ie 192.168 or 10.xx ) address?
04:06.32Delmarsay.. behind a router .. that is doing NAT?
04:06.53okieplayait dont have to be i guess
04:07.00okieplayait is now tho
04:07.11jterrerocan someone help me out? i have a DID that i want to go to extension 100(main-menu), in extensions.conf i have something like this "exten => 7185552233,1,100() .... but debuging in the astgerisk cli tells me that 100 is not a valid application?
04:07.40Nuggetthat's because it is not.
04:07.47Delmarok okieplaya, u need to forward some ports and it should work alright... i have issues and im going to make the Linux box have the public IP really soon tho.. so u might wanna consider that...
04:08.04Nuggetin fact, I have no idea what you think you mean when you say "100(main-menu)" because that also makes no sense.
04:08.10zigmanexten => 7185552233,s,goto(100)
04:08.11NuggetGoto() is what you want.
04:08.17zigmanir something
04:08.18ManxPowerYou ALWAYS need a priority
04:08.41Delmargoto(context,extension) i think it is.. isnt it?
04:08.50Delmaryup. i was close :P
04:08.50okieplayaDelmar what ports are thos
04:08.53zigmanwasn't sure
04:08.55zigmanit 5 am
04:08.58zigmansorry ;)
04:09.00ManxPoweryou could just "show appliction goto" as well ya know
04:09.05Delmarsec okieplaya ill get u the ports....
04:09.11okieplayathank you
04:09.13zigmanor rtfm
04:09.50Delmarp[orts 5060, 4569, and 5004 UDP.
04:10.25okieplayathank you will this help for SIP phone try in to get to my PBX?
04:10.33Delmarbut i tell u what... i have major issues unless I do what some people call.. DMZ to the asterisk host.
04:10.52okieplayayea thats what i have on now is DMZ
04:11.08blankmanjterrero, If I am reading your question right, you dont want goto you want Dial. You aren't ask us how to goto priority 100 hundred in 7185552233, you are asking how you get 7185552233 to bridge to some other "phone" you have connected as extension 100 ... for that you use the dial command. You can find the info in the wiki.
04:11.09Delmarthat is where say.. on an alcatel speed touch.. u set "defserver" .. which means.. any incomming traffic to any port whatsoever.. will forward to your DMZ host.
04:11.11Delmarthats the idea.
04:12.09blankmanAnyone else besides me have the need to have an extension included or not included at dial time?
04:13.20blankmanI can't seem to figure out how to code it ... I am trying to do it with compares, but he date/time values are string for the compare, so I can't do that ... and the include => context_name is an extension load time specific command :-(
04:14.07blankmanI suppose I shouldn't call it extension and instead call it a context included at dial time.
04:14.51*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
04:16.16okieplayaDelmar if I have DMZ turn to my PBX and someone trys to get to my PBX web server   they cant get there still no matter what port i FWD 80, and so on ?
04:16.50okieplayaand there useing public IP
04:16.50*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
04:16.58okieplayanot 192
04:17.54ariel_Hello everyone.
04:17.58Nuggethello ariel_!
04:18.42ariel_I have a question for someone. Does asterisk use /dev/dsp ??? It seems like it's in my RH9 and FC1 setups.
04:19.10Nuggetit can, but nobody seriously uses that for anything.
04:23.30*** join/#asterisk ccfiel (~chatzilla@
04:25.26netsurfercan anyone confirm if is working tonight?
04:25.39netsurferI keep getting a message "please check your number"
04:25.59`SauronNo account
04:31.05harryvvwhats a common reason when compiling asterisk for this error. looking in google right now. this error repeats near the bottom. its a cvs download. chan_zap.c :10030: error: dereferancing pointer to incomplete type
04:33.13*** join/#asterisk static (
04:33.44statici was wondering, what would be the cheapest way to set up 4 or 5 FXS lines?
04:33.57staticor should i just go with sip phones?
04:34.36statici wish there was a cheap alterative
04:34.37beto75with radio shack or wall mart  analog phones
04:34.43staticlike with the x100p clones for fxo
04:35.00beto75there are FXS cards from digium
04:35.01staticsipuras are around $60/per unit right?
04:35.18beto75well I think a little higher (AFAIK)
04:35.30statici think for the 1001 models
04:35.34statici might be wrong
04:35.47statici think thats what the grandstreama budgettone phones go for
04:35.55staticgranstream even
04:36.10statici give up on typing while smoking
04:36.37netsurfergive up on smoking its easier
04:37.02*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
04:38.24beto75static: what does more expensive a hardphone (IP) is that you can not replace it quickly as a normal analog phone
04:38.24rikstais it possible, to match caller id's when they come through to make it display someones name, rather than their phone number on my cisco 79xx
04:38.33rikstalike it does on a mobile
04:38.36beto75sorry hardphone ( IP )
04:39.28staticgood point
04:39.41statici didnt consider if the phone takes a dive
04:41.58netsurfer"Please check your number - the user you are trying to reach is unknown" - anyone else heard this on ?
04:42.46*** join/#asterisk datareactor (datareacto@
04:44.41datareactorcan i use net2phone sip working with asterisk
04:48.06*** join/#asterisk gopherspidey (
04:51.14mrproper_anyone know why i would be getting "subscripted value is neither array nor pointer" compiling chan_capi?
04:56.30rikstaanyone having problems logging onto sipgate?
04:56.30*** join/#asterisk SexyKen (
04:57.36beto75guys I need to send a call to a fxo SIP gateway (unregistered to ASterisk) normally I send e164@host how do I put in extensions.conf Dial(sip/e164@host) ? is down riksta
04:58.26MrEntropyin sip.conf, the name inside the square brackets [foo] is used as the username unless a username is specified underneath, is that correct?
05:00.05MrEntropyis there any way to make an entity, where i can accept any username. like one context, for three phones, phone '111', '112', and '113' but they all use the same username and secret?
05:00.11tangelwhen i said:
05:00.14tangelis there anyway to get both the ip phones and normal direct connect phones all ringing at the same time?
05:00.24netsurfercareful using extn 112
05:00.29tangeli meant the direct bell connected phones.. not stuff available on zap interfaces
05:00.49MrEntropynetsurfer: that was just an ex, i'm not really using it
05:00.51tangellike i dont want * to answer my bell line right now because i want the normal analog phones in my house to ring
05:00.56beto75guys any help for me?
05:00.59tangelif that makes any sense
05:01.04MrEntropynetsurfer: is there a way i can do that?
05:01.26netsurferMrEntropy - I dont think so.. why do u want to ?
05:01.39*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
05:01.53rikstais it possible, to match caller id's when they come through to make it display someones name, rather than their phone number on my cisco 7940
05:02.09netsurferMrEntropy - u can ring all 3 phones at once from a seperate extension f.ex. 114
05:02.13Nuggetriksta: yes.
05:02.20rikstaNugget: how please
05:02.32MrEntropynetsurfer: accept authed calls from multiple phones forwarded by ser sharing credentials
05:02.34mrproper_anyone know why i would be getting "subscripted value is neither array nor pointer" compiling chan_capi?
05:02.46Nuggetthe cisco will automatically display the callerid name and number if available.
05:03.02rikstaNugget: ok, so i need to make a phonebook xml for it?
05:03.11Nuggethowever you can augment that with asterisk's built in callerid database which you can populate.
05:03.15netsurferMrEntropy - sorry, outta my league there.. no idea
05:03.19Nuggetno, it has nothing to do with the cisco xml menus.
05:03.31rikstaNugget: where is the built in caller db
05:03.47Nuggetlook into the asterisk command LookupCIDName
05:03.51Nuggetit will explain
05:05.12netsurferone reason why not to depend on a free sip provider for your calls.. down, I get to take tomorrow off work
05:05.52SexyKenAnyone know of a 2.0ghz Celeron with 512mb ram is enough horse to host a Nagios Server monitoring 40+ servers
05:06.05*** part/#asterisk s[A]rumont (
05:06.36Delmarshoudl be plenty SexyKen
05:06.51jskcrMore then enough.
05:07.16`SauronSexyKen: More than enough.
05:07.36SexyKenSo you think I should save my money and go with that then?
05:08.01twistedSexyKen, just go get a junker p133
05:08.04twistedit should handle it just fine
05:08.04rikstanagios just runs a few little c and perl apps
05:08.14rikstato get snmp data
05:08.55harryvvanyone seen pbx_dundi break with lattest cvs?
05:09.24Nuggetgrande latte!
05:11.01Guest^DJquestion: can i use net2phone hardware with * ?
05:15.03*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
05:16.10SedoroxOk.. I'm at a loss... what files do I have to edit to get asterisk's boxes to link? just to link.. not even including dp swaps...
05:17.04*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
05:19.54harryvvnetsurfer you here?
05:20.07datareactorcan i use net2phone sip with asterisk
05:21.06`SauronSederox: iax.conf, I'd imagine
05:21.22brc_datareactor, I doubt it
05:21.27jbotnufone is probably Visit for an excellent, native IAX termination service.
05:22.47InfraRednufone is broken
05:23.13DaLionhey sauron
05:23.38`SauronDaLion buddy
05:23.47DaLionsite down
05:23.50` didn't work for me
05:23.53shido6drive took a shit
05:23.59shido6we're fixing things
05:24.04brc_`Sauron, eh? what's the problem?
05:24.15`Sauronbrc: Nothing
05:24.18brc_yeah I see
05:24.38SedoroxJan 30 22:23:45 NOTICE[61490]: chan_iax2.c:5833 socket_read: Registration of 'stormy' rejected: Registration Refused
05:24.56*** join/#asterisk makamani (
05:25.02SedoroxJan 30 22:24:35 NOTICE[89925]: chan_iax2.c:3871 register_verify: No registration for peer 'stormy' (from
05:25.07Sedoroxwhat am I doing wrong?
05:25.24Delmarwell there is your problem for a start...
05:25.29Delmaru are doing all this yesterday. :P
05:25.46Delmarits 6:30pm on the 31st right now :P
05:26.03Sedoroxthese are comps in Canada... MST... its 2 hrs behind.. so its the right time :-p
05:26.08Sedoroxbehind eastern...
05:26.41Delmarpaste me the iax2 section you have for the client "stormy"
05:26.48Sedoroxin what file?
05:26.52Sedoroxiax.conf or sip.conf?
05:27.02SedoroxI really have no idea what I did... lol
05:27.15Sedoroxjust followed the examples and hoped it worked
05:27.21Sedoroxoh.... maybe thats why
05:27.30Delmarwell, whats is the client.. a SIP or IAX client?
05:27.31SedoroxI only have iax.conf
05:27.51Sedoroxits two asterisk servers I'm trying to link.. so I figured I would do it iax
05:28.00Delmaryep. good idea.
05:28.12Delmarso u need to use iax.conf
05:28.31Sedoroxok.. thats where I have the stuff
05:29.09Sedoroxthats what is in iax.conf on the main box...
05:29.27`SauronSedorox: There's a page on on how to connect 2 * servers together
05:29.35Sedoroxok.. thanks ;-)
05:29.38*** join/#asterisk Schism (
05:29.43*** join/#asterisk Othello (
05:30.18jstormwould someone else happen to use sixTel for outgoing?
05:30.31*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
05:30.35MrEntropycan i make an entity entry in sip.conf that will authenticate on basis of ip, username, and password NOT the phone number/uri contact username
05:30.36jstorminternational that is
05:31.23evilbunnyMrEntropy: yes
05:31.44evilbunnythen in the dialplan
05:31.44beto75guys how do I dial (extensions.conf) SIP e164@host
05:32.12mrproper_whats the best version of asterisk to compile with chan_capi-0.3.5
05:32.17evilbunnybeto75: has examples
05:32.19MrEntropyevilbunny: so 'sipwhatever' is a keyword?
05:32.21beto75evilbunny and ther I can put also ${EXTEN}
05:32.39evilbunnyMrEntropy: yup
05:32.47MrEntropyevilbunny: ok, cool
05:32.51`Sauronsipwhatever is the sip peer name
05:32.57makamaniasterisk: hip.cpp:909: virtual void HipDataPCI::WriteDspSram(short unsigned int, short unsigned int, short unsigned int, word*): Assertion `0' failed.
05:33.12makamaniam getting this error, anybody faced similar problems?
05:33.41makamaniThe line above says [] => (VoiceTronix V6PCI/V12PCI/V4PCI  API Support)
05:33.45MrEntropyevilbunny: where did you find out about this? it isn't in the wiki
05:33.56evilbunnyMrEntropy: personal experience :)
05:35.12MrEntropyevilbunny: that's extensive
05:35.51evilbunnyMrEntropy: little more then most, little less then others :)
05:37.05*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
05:39.39makamanianybody facing this problem -> WARNING[11314]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
05:40.05makamanii fixed the above problem by rtfm. Needed to export VPB_MODEL=V12PCI
05:41.31SedoroxI'm still getting
05:42.02makamanianother error -> Ouch ... error while writing audio data: : Broken pipe
05:42.10makamanii m learning a lot it seems
05:43.33jskcr~seen dagrim
05:43.35jbotdagrim <~junglesto@dagrim.user> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1h 59m 43s ago, saying: 'mmmmhm'.
05:44.04*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
05:44.08makamaniok the above error of error whie writing audio data is due to asterisk dying. mpg123 is complaining that
05:44.27makamanibut anybody with voicetronix cards getting the error of loading module failed!???
05:45.15MrEntropyevilbunny: <-- this should do it, yes? match all calls no matter what the phone number, coming from a certain IP and with the same credentials
05:45.59*** join/#asterisk makamani (
05:46.10makamanibut anybody with voicetronix cards getting the error of loading module failed!???
05:46.27makamanianybody facing this problem -> WARNING[11314]: loader.c:440 load_modules: Loading module failed!
05:46.32JamesDotComnoload => :D
05:47.23*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:48.07makamanithanks JamesDotCom, have got passed that error now. Getting segmentation fault
05:49.56makamanithx again
05:51.08Delmarok why would incomming calls have an echo problem .. and outgoing calls don't seem to have one... that is.. the SIP client has a bad self-echo receiving an incomming call via the pstn (fxo).
05:51.18Delmaroutgoing calls seem great.
05:51.26Delmarso far anyway.
05:52.48*** join/#asterisk peted20 (
05:54.15makamaniit now keeps loading other moules. looks like i have to define, don't load default modules
05:57.17*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (~mattn@
05:58.03MrEntropyevilbunny: are you sure that's some sort of a keyword?
05:59.23MrEntropyevilbunny: i just searched the source code for it and i can't find a single instance.
05:59.37paulflcan anyone help with a feature group D wink problem?
06:00.23paulflDoes anyone know how to reverse or disable the wink for FEATD to work with a PBX not the telco.
06:01.09*** join/#asterisk djin (
06:02.36MrEntropyevilbunny: =/
06:06.56evilbunnyMrEntropy: on the phone
06:07.01evilbunnygimme a sec
06:08.18InfraRedvoip phone?
06:12.46netsurferGot 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register <-- what does this mean ?
06:14.39MrEntropynetsurfer: from what i've deduces you're probably getting packets from a previous registration after restarting asterisk
06:14.59netsurferthat would explain this: That's odd... Got a response on a call we dont know about.
06:15.09MrEntropyyep =)
06:15.33*** part/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
06:17.06Sedoroxanyone know how to fix that?
06:17.24netsurferset an allowed codec ?
06:19.07SedoroxI have allowed=gsm
06:19.15*** join/#asterisk clive- (
06:19.16Sedoroxbut I still get that
06:19.42jskcrdissalow=all first
06:19.55jskcrerr dam stuck s
06:19.56makamanii have extension local defined in extensions.conf
06:20.09makamaniit's a sample extensions.conf file
06:20.11*** part/#asterisk beto75 (~beto75@
06:20.20makamanibut still get -. Cannot find extension context 'local'
06:20.23makamanibut still get -> Cannot find extension context 'local'
06:20.35makamanii said autoload=no in modules.conf
06:21.09*** join/#asterisk shaZwaz (~chatzilla@
06:21.24netsurferDEBUG[6108]: chan_iax2.c:3789 raw_hangup: Raw Hangup, src=4353, dst=257 <--- WTF!!! THATs my DNS server
06:21.36shaZwazmorning ppl
06:21.59jskcr:53 thats dns netsurfer
06:22.12netsurferwhy is it flooding my asterisk ?
06:22.37jskcrTry running ethereal and setting a dst host and src host from the dns server
06:23.04SedoroxJan 30 23:22:51 WARNING[89925]: chan_iax2.c:7194 find_cache: Timeout waiting for exten 1236
06:23.08Sedorox.... *sighs*
06:23.44Sedoroxwhy can't I connect to extentions across the connection?
06:24.10SedoroxI have disallow=all and allow=all in [general] in iax.conf
06:24.53wasimSedorox: thats inane, why would you do that in iax.conf?
06:25.12shaZwazmorning wasim
06:25.16Sedoroxfor codecs?
06:25.23wasimSedorox: generally, you'd disallow=all, and then allow=specificcodec
06:25.24SedoroxI dunno.. this is where I'm seeing it for iax connections
06:25.26wasimmorning shaZwaz
06:25.34Sedoroxthats that I have...
06:25.37wasimSedorox: yeah, like allow=gsm or something
06:25.45SedoroxI ment allow=gsm
06:25.50Sedorox*Sighs* its late....
06:26.06Sedoroxbut I don't understand why it still comes up with format unknown...
06:26.15wasimSedorox: turn on iax2 debug, it seems as if the call is originating with some other format
06:26.17Sedoroxand I get a busy signal with my phone telling me "404 "
06:26.41Sedoroxbut I even did allow=all.. and it didn't work
06:27.19wasimwhat about the far end ... whats the config there, and how is it getting the call
06:27.47Sedoroxits just the samle setup... basiclly the same (I really haven't changed much on the one end, save extentions and added sip clients
06:28.35ScythelXhello all, Im trying to configure asterisk with ser but asterisk keeps outputting a ton of errors - could anyone look at this and maybe point me in the right direction....
06:29.45Beirdofsp?  who the hell uses fsp?
06:31.01Sedoroxhow do I turn on debugging of iax2?
06:32.13visik7from the cli type iax2 debug
06:33.03Sedoroxthat format?
06:33.48wasimyeah ... that one
06:34.09Sedoroxthere is also later on in the log
06:34.12Sedoroxer output
06:34.18Sedoroxwhich is the same on both ends
06:35.45letherglovodd...does it change later on in the log from the same source?
06:36.23Sedoroxthats the last format that I see... on both console's.. and both are the same
06:37.08Sedoroxknow what....
06:40.51Sedoroxstill not working
06:40.52Sedoroxsame thing
06:42.03freatahhhh.... finally got the QoS at work going awesome
06:42.15*** join/#asterisk Dagrim (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
06:42.29*** join/#asterisk harryvetch (
06:42.31freattested with a video stream and a huge download running at the same time, call quality was still good
06:42.33DagrimJust got out of a meeting... good news..
06:43.03DagrimIm getting some 'traded' help as far as bandwith for my prepaid system..
06:43.39DagrimAnd Im getting help w/ advertising.. and people to sell pakcs of cards to..
06:43.48Dagrimin return for 4 hours of work a week..
06:43.54Dagrimon someone else's * system..
06:44.13freatyou doing calling cards?
06:44.15Dagrimyea.. Im hyped..
06:44.30Sedorox*sighs* wish I could get this to work
06:44.32DagrimIm actually gonna make $$ now
06:44.47DagrimBecause this town feeds off of college students.. thats all thats here..
06:44.55Dagrimand 75% are foreign
06:45.01DagrimAnd all buy calling cards..
06:45.12DagrimAnd I can offer them rates nobody else can.. and still make good $#
06:45.51freatyou gonna get PRIs or pay for origination?
06:46.09Dagrimwatcha mean..
06:46.33DagrimIm still at stage 1 mind you =P
06:46.40freathow are people going to call into your * box?
06:46.41djincongrats, Dagrim.
06:46.43DagrimThe scripts I wrote work..
06:46.58DagrimOh... a did .. 866 #
06:47.03tangelcan i have * pick up the fxo line when i dial an extension? (i.e. answer the ringing line)
06:47.15wasimtangel: yes, Answer()
06:47.33DagrimIm getting a freakin T1 for like '4 hours' of work. which is really only like 1 or 2 for me..
06:48.02DagrimAnd.. he knows places that will buy like 100 at a time..
06:48.34DagrimI used to work for him.. then things got sour.. he accused me of something that wasnt true.. anyways .., and he feels sorry for me I guess..
06:48.50Dagrimeh? unknown..
06:49.07SedoroxI dunno whats going on...
06:49.26Sedoroxand when I dial.. phone (Budgetone 100) comes up with 404...
06:49.26tangelwasim, how do i specify the port to answer? Answer(Zap/4) ?
06:49.30wasimSedorox: thats not right ... something is screwy, in the specific iax.conf context, put disallow=all;allow=gsm
06:49.32Sedoroxor if I already dialed it... 484
06:49.58wasimtangel: no, you specify that in s,1,Answer() in the [context] you define in zapata.conf
06:50.23tangelbut i only want to answer it when i dial a specific extension
06:51.06wasimtangel: 77,1,Answer()
06:51.25Sedoroxwasim: still getting the same errors with it in the defined blocks
06:51.35tangeljust stick that under inbound-analog context?
06:51.44tangeland then dial 77 from any extension to pick it up?
06:51.55wasimSedorox: something screwy, what * version are you using?
06:52.16Sedorox*CLI> show version
06:52.16SedoroxAsterisk 1.0.3 built by on a i386 running FreeBSD
06:52.23wasimugh ...
06:52.26Sedoroxshow version
06:52.26SedoroxAsterisk 1.0.3 built by on a i386 running FreeBSD
06:52.53*** join/#asterisk _m_ (
06:53.04tangelwasim, what am i missing here?  :)
06:53.39SedoroxI (more or less) have this:  [asterisk]
06:53.48Sedorox(cept name and stuff changed)
06:53.49wasimtangel: i really am not sure what youre trying to acheive, lets take it from the beginning
06:54.07QwellSedorox: You should really be using or something
06:54.40tangelmy house line is plugged into * along with normal phones in the house
06:54.40*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
06:54.56Dagrimdjin: Thanks on the congrats.. sorry I didnt see it up there ;-)
06:55.05wasimtangel: you have 1 fxo with the house line, and fxs with the phones?
06:55.12tangeli dont want * picking up the house line unless a * extension picks it up on purpose
06:55.16terrapenanybody remember the simple old Bell telephones of the 70s
06:55.19terrapendesk model.
06:55.21tangelthat way the call goes to the normal answering machine,etc
06:55.24terrapen12 buttons.
06:55.36letherglovterrapen, I have one
06:55.40letherglovthe cortelco big old ones?
06:55.41terrapenhandset cradled at the top, perpendicular to the phone
06:55.42tangelwasim, the phones i mentioned are normal house phones not plugged into *
06:55.50letherglovit's nice--great ringer
06:56.00letherglovused it as a wake up alarm connected to my fxs port for a while
06:56.05letherglovhad the bios flip on the computer
06:56.08terrapeni'd really love to find a clone of these that had ethernet and IAX support
06:56.09letherglovcron initiate a test call
06:56.14letherglovworked well
06:56.15tangeli'm trying to get * and my pstn system to co-exist in harmony
06:56.17terrapenbut otherwise looked and felt just like those old phones
06:56.24terrapenand no, i don't want to use an FXS
06:56.30wasimterrapen: we can make those for you
06:56.44letherglovyeah! just give wasim $30k
06:56.47terrapeni'd like an actually IP phone that looks and feels like the old 70s/80s bell models
06:56.48wasimtangel: but how can you tell * to pick up the link
06:56.52Qwellwasim: Who's "we"?
06:56.55wasimletherglov: no, no, we can do it much cheaper
06:56.58letherglovoh, heh
06:57.02letherglovnot the channel bank?
06:57.04tangelwasim, i guess i can't
06:57.13letherglovI suppose you've got the farfon pcb's now
06:57.15tangeli was hoping i could dial an extension and it would pick up the Zap/4 channel
06:57.16wasimtangel: bingo
06:57.20letherglovso you can just slap it in a new body
06:57.26wasimletherglov: yep, exacftly
06:57.36brc_hola wasim
06:57.46tangeli think i could if Answer took an argument
06:57.48wasimor, you can just pick up a farfon, and strip it and plug it into a old deskset
06:57.49letherglovwel--what about
06:57.57tangelor if there was an OnHook rather than a Dial
06:57.58letherglovwasim's mod-your-craptacular-phone-extravaganza kit?
06:57.59Sedoroxdamn it.. still format unknown with allow=all.... wtf...
06:58.07wasimletherglov: exactly
06:58.51wasimevening mr brc_
07:01.12tangelis there any hardware that works in freebsd yet?
07:01.13terrapenthat's the phone i want
07:01.20terrapenIAX ready, with ethernet
07:01.24terrapenwouldn't that be cool?
07:01.29terrapenthose things are bomber.
07:02.12wasimterrapen: shouldn't be very difficult
07:02.25terrapeni guess i could hide an IAXy in one, eh?
07:02.33wasimterrapen: can you solder a little?
07:02.42terrapenyep, a kind of shaky though
07:03.10clive-lol..wasim, what would one solder to an old phone?.:)
07:03.16wasimok, then you just need to figure out the keypad matrix, and that should get you going
07:03.22wasimclive-: a farfon pcb, ofcourse
07:03.31tangelare there any decent 802.11 phones yet?
07:04.06terrapenhow will figuring out the keypad get me going?
07:04.27clive-oops caps,. sorry
07:04.38wasimclive-: i have to send a relay to the dev bloke today, thats the only component left
07:04.51tangelcypromis, have you tried any?
07:04.58cypromisad they all suck
07:05.01tangeli'd be willing to shell out 200$ if it was a nice phone
07:05.01clive-wasim, cool,
07:05.36tangelwlan600 is crap?
07:05.36cypromistry for yourself andhave fun
07:05.41tangeli wish i knew a place i could try them :(
07:06.34tangela motorola engineer friend of mine is supposed to give me a phone he's been working on
07:06.41tangelgsm/802.11 w/ sip support
07:06.57wasimtangel: ask him if he can smuggle us a chipset or two with the datasheet, i'll make you one
07:07.05terrapenhmmmm...doesn't look like the IAXy supports PoE
07:07.09tangelhe tells me it only supports major network sip codecs though
07:07.17terrapenso i couldn't use one of them to build this phone
07:07.24cypromiswhat is a major network sip codec ?
07:07.26clive-tangel sounds hot
07:07.27terrapeni only want one cable going to the phone
07:07.29cypromisis there an RFC for that ?
07:07.44wasimterrapen: now you're being picky
07:08.06wasimterrapen: use the two wire spare on the regular cable to power the iaxy
07:08.07terrapenthe whole point of building this phone is high-tech retro
07:08.21shaZwazwasim nice photo shoot on the farfon site
07:08.22terrapenand how retro can a phone be if it has to have a seperate power cable?
07:08.34tangelhere's what it looks like:
07:08.43cypromisa phone with a dialpad is not relly retro
07:08.53tangelit runs the pocketpc kernel but not the UI
07:08.56Qwellwasim: Can you make me a rotary iax ip phone?
07:08.56terrapenwell, maybe i will get one of the model 700's
07:08.58terrapenwith the roatary
07:09.01wasimQwell: affirmative!
07:09.07Qwellwasim: got any samples?  heh
07:09.12QwellI'd totally dig that
07:09.19Sedoroxpretty looking
07:09.20wasimQwell: we can even make one of those tall things, that just go onhook/offhook
07:09.41terrapenbut that's just more bullshit
07:09.43Qwellwasim: I'd love to see an image of one
07:09.44Sedoroxooo ptt.. nextel.. here it comes...
07:09.45Dagrimwasim: Id buy something like that definetly.. look into it =)
07:09.51terrapenthis all has to fit in the original phone's case
07:09.58terrapenor hidden somewhere
07:10.06terrapenOh...maybe that's just it...
07:10.08Sedoroxyea.. if it supports nextel.. which if the iden group did it.. it should.. let me know.....
07:10.13terrapeni just put the IAXy in another room
07:10.21wasimterrapen: :)
07:10.25terrapenor hidden under the cabinet
07:10.35terrapenno reason that the FXS has to be right next to the phone
07:10.44terrapeni'd love to have old retro phones
07:10.52terrapenand maybe even a retro Cobra cordless phone
07:10.58niZonput the fxs in the phone
07:11.00niZonor try
07:11.07Qwellwasim: what about an old Bell payphone? . .
07:11.12terrapennizon, i'd love to but there is the power requirement and space constraints
07:11.25Dagrimterrapen: Thats a neat little device!
07:11.35niZonmake an adaptor for power
07:11.37*** join/#asterisk Chunder (
07:11.38tangelthe hitachi wifi phone looks sweet
07:11.50niZonyou have 2 spare pairs on the ethernet cable
07:12.03Sedorox*sighs* night...
07:12.25Dagrimhell yea it does
07:12.31terrapeni could do that
07:13.03terrapennow, how could i make my PBX sound/feel retro?
07:13.21Qwellterrapen: use words like "psychodelic" in your menus
07:13.26terrapenwhat were the early PBXes like
07:13.30Qwellor "groovy"
07:14.50wasimterrapen: big, clicky
07:14.57ScythelXhello all, Im trying to configure asterisk with ser but asterisk keeps outputting a ton of errors - could anyone look at this and maybe point me in the right direction....
07:18.09`SauronDum di dum.
07:18.20terrapenread the photo caption
07:18.27terrapenthe Nazis have adopted a highway
07:18.36terrapenand put up the usual adoption sign
07:18.40*** join/#asterisk labo (
07:18.49terrapenand this guy tacks underneat it, a sign that says:
07:19.00terrapen"THEY ONLY PICK UP WHITE TRASH!"
07:20.19terrapeni don't think the IAXy would fit inside this phone
07:20.30terrapenthe bell takes up too much space
07:21.15clive-has anyone used iaxcom?
07:22.12DagrimHey.. does anybody know if I get charged twice from nufone for: calling into the DID.. and then making a prepaid call out.. thats $.02 a min each way right?
07:22.23terrapeni guess i will put an IAXy in the phone closet and hook a wireless bridge up to it.
07:23.06terrapeni thot nufone allowed for free intra-provider calls...or was that voicepulse?
07:23.20Chunderanyone using any canadian iax termination?
07:24.00terrapen(sorry, i couldn't resist...)
07:24.38niZonChunder has Canadian numbers
07:24.47DagrimHow do I use voicemail() in a way that uses the personal greeting instead but only if the person recorded one?
07:24.53`Sauronast_data isn't ready for primetime yet
07:24.55`SauronBummer. :(
07:25.32Chunderhar! Really, I was just curious and looking around at pricing and such; I did see thanks - no 902 numbers (Nova Scotia). pity. any others off the top of anyone's head? or maybe a toll-free number is the way to go if I can't get a local number?
07:26.15niZonI don't know of any that do 902
07:26.24niZonI'm in Manitoba (204)
07:26.31niZonso I'm lucky
07:27.18ChunderI oculdn't find any either. wtf. we have phones here too.
07:27.25*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
07:28.03terrapenare there many people in Nova Scotia?
07:28.14Dagrimchan_iax2.c:6600 socket_read: Received mini frame before first full voice frame
07:28.18niZonget a T1 and be the first to offer 902 DIDs :P
07:28.20Dagrimwhat is this?
07:28.48niZonDagrim: did you try googling your errors?
07:28.58terrapennizon, my thoughts exactly
07:29.08Chunderabout a million
07:29.51niZonDagrim: np, check the wiki too
07:31.37kksif i using this exten => _8.,1,Dial(SIP/<ip>:5060,50,t) , do i need to register my *. but the destination isn't an asterisk box
07:31.46*** join/#asterisk cdnpfunk (
07:32.18Chunderyes, the t1 sounds like a great idea.... what's the going cost of a t1 line these days?
07:32.45niZon$800 or so?
07:32.46DagrimI think you can get a remotely hosted box pretty cheap now.
07:33.02DagrimIf your using someone else.. but thats more $$$
07:33.45Dagrimthats what Im thinking about doing .. maybe.. still toying with the idea
07:37.36*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
07:38.58DagrimI need a corporate logo so bad it isnt funny.
07:39.08Dagrimany ideas? =P
07:39.23DagrimI was thinking something like..
07:39.26Dagrima phone.. lol
07:40.26DagrimI have to admit.. * is insanely cool ;]
07:42.04DagrimI used to work here.. what do you think of the design..
07:42.37netsurferhaving BIG problems making asterisk-addons, is this a mysql error? :
07:42.48DagrimThey do VoIP phones to the middle of nowhere Southern Illinois .. heh
07:42.51terrapen<Dagrim> If your using someone else.. but thats more $$$
07:43.07terrapenpaste error
07:43.13DagrimLol.. what?
07:43.23terrapendoes anybody else do that?
07:43.30DagrimYou messin with me? =P
07:43.36terrapenrandomly select text in a window with the mouse cursor while reading?
07:43.46Dagrimya right
07:43.48terrapeni've been doing this forever
07:43.57netsurferI do it to keep my clipboard fresh :D
07:44.05terrapenanyway, i'm off to bed
07:45.06*** join/#asterisk jerlique (
07:45.50Dagrimgeeeeeze i didnt even realize i did that
07:47.02`Sauronterrapen: I do it to change the contrast. Dark background/light text makes for easier reading than light background/dark text
07:47.09`Sauronyeah, he left
07:47.30`SauronBummer that greg left
07:47.41`SauronI recovered my * setup after playing with ast_data
07:47.42Dagrimwell.. I copy a space to the clipboard sometimes to clear that buffer to PREVENT that from happening..
07:47.47DagrimNow I feel like a tard.. lol
07:48.30Dagrimwhat was wrong with your * ?
07:48.39`Sauronmine? nothing
07:48.41*** join/#asterisk el_flynn (~el_flynn@
07:48.47`SauronI was testing a new module for *
07:48.54Dagrimoh cool
07:48.59`SauronI can safely say it's not ready for primetime. :(
07:49.00Dagrimwhats the mod?
07:49.03*** join/#asterisk gigel (~gigi@
07:49.09inezk`Sauron: what module?
07:49.10netsurfer`Sauron - u ever have probs doing make in asterisk-addons ?
07:49.12gigelhi all
07:49.39`Sauronnetsurfer: Apparently I rarely run make in astersk-addons
07:49.52`SauronNone of those addons seem to interest me
07:50.04netsurferah thought thats where ast_data was
07:50.06inezk`Sauron: are you using some addons for mysql?
07:50.07el_flynnhello ast users
07:50.14`Sauroninezk: pgsql
07:50.37inezk`Sauron: which addons?
07:50.46`Sauronast_data and chan_bluetooth
07:51.16`SauronI need to see if Theo can give pointers to hack chan_bluetooth to use the headset profile instead of the hansfree profile
07:51.29`Sauronand ast_data needs some work with dialplan resolving stuff
07:51.46Dagrim`Sauron: Hmmmm.. so this makes things run a little smoother eh?
07:51.59Dagrim`Sauron: as far as db connections, etc etc
07:52.07`SauronDagrim: It lets you config everything from a DB - so you can make changes realtime on the fly, etc
07:52.08*** join/#asterisk kks (~kks@
07:52.20*** part/#asterisk djin (
07:52.26`SauronSeemed like the logical first step to making a decently-working web frontend to *
07:52.27Dagrim`Sauron: A db.. therefore a webmin easily. Right?
07:52.44DagrimYeah.. Keep up the good work.. Thatd be killer.
07:55.45*** part/#asterisk el_flynn (~el_flynn@
07:56.46*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (RatMan@
08:01.34harryvetchlooks like im not getting red alerts when disconecting the phone line.
08:04.45*** join/#asterisk Martohtar (Martohtar@
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08:08.29jerliquehi can I use a cisco 1600 as an interface into my BRI line from asterisk??
08:08.30*** join/#asterisk djin (~marius@
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08:14.39cdnpfunki have a few questions regarding perl agi if anyone could pm and help me out
08:15.40*** join/#asterisk r1 (
08:16.12*** join/#asterisk cereal_ (
08:16.49cereal_I m looking for someone good in ISDN config
08:19.02*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc_ (
08:23.07harryvetchI have one channel configured for my zaptel yet get no redalarm when the phone line disconected.
08:23.15*** join/#asterisk znoG (gs@
08:23.53cereal_I dont manage to use chan_capi ; if someone could pm me
08:25.08*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc_ (
08:25.21*** part/#asterisk mitcheloc_ (
08:25.56kkshey, i'm trying to dial(SIP/x.x.x.x:5060,50,t), x.x.x.x is another sip compatible machine, but it appear that another side is busy. what is the problem, have anyone encountered this problem?
08:26.08*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
08:27.23djincereal_, what's the problem?
08:27.41cereal_djin can i pm you to explain the whole thing ?
08:28.05djinrather keep the discussing central.
08:28.13cereal_so :
08:28.25cereal_got an AVM fritz card USB ;
08:28.32cereal_configured correctly
08:28.43cereal_chan_capi compiled and installed
08:29.18cereal_srvasterisk*CLI> capi info
08:29.18cereal_Contr1: 2 B channels total, 2 B channels free.
08:29.31cereal_capi info can see it in the asterisk CLI
08:29.35djinlooks good sofar
08:29.37cereal_then in my dialplan
08:30.29cereal_exten => 700,1,Dial(CAPI/B1:2)
08:30.44cereal_2 is an extensions dehind a ISDN PABX
08:31.02djinwhat's B1?
08:31.18cereal_so when i do 700 on a phone for exemple the isdn phone 2 should ring and card should make channel D and B up
08:31.27cereal_B1 is an ISDN channel isnt it ?
08:31.44djindid you configure capi.conf?
08:31.54cereal_i dont know exactly the syntax for dialing with capi
08:32.01cereal_yep here is capi . conf
08:32.19djinplese use
08:32.45djindon't flood the IRC
08:33.47*** join/#asterisk Verliba (
08:34.01*** join/#asterisk pranav (dawda_pran@
08:34.44pranavhi to everyone on this channel
08:35.02cereal_djin :
08:35.14pranavi am facing some problem in configuring asterisk
08:36.21pranavi have configured the sip.conf as well as the sip phones but the dialtone is not coming
08:36.22djincereal, better change context in something like 'capi'
08:36.32cereal_doing it
08:36.46pranavhi djin
08:37.06djinthen you can define a [capi] in extensions.conf to handle incoming calls.
08:37.41*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
08:37.48djinbased on this try Dial(CAPI/@8300,2,60,r)
08:38.00djinhi pranav
08:38.07pranavya hi
08:38.11cereal_djin  my problem is to go outside
08:38.20cereal_to call another number for example
08:38.34djinthis means you dial '2' on capi-device '8300'
08:38.48djinI understand, try the Dial command I just posted.
08:39.06pranavok so you are going out, can we talk for 5 min
08:39.22cereal_ok let me try that
08:39.40djinoh, made a mistake
08:39.56djinit's Dial(CAPI/@8300:2,60,r)
08:39.56jerliqueDoes anyone know if I use a cisco 1600 as an interface into my BRI line from asterisk?? (Like a channel bank)
08:42.05cereal_djin tried
08:42.22cereal_when i make 700, it s like busy
08:42.32cereal_on the isdn phone behind pabx
08:44.45pranavi have configured the phone as a sip client, do i need to register that in sip.conf
08:45.31djincereal, you try to use an isdn phone as client on the Asterisk PABX?
08:46.11cereal_djin : there is a pabx (alcatel) linked to the USB fritz card
08:46.21cereal_behind this pabx are phones
08:46.28djinah, ok
08:46.31pifthe mwi doesn't flash on my polycom 600 (I followed voip-info's instructions), known problem?
08:46.34djinsimilar setup here
08:46.35cereal_for exemple i tested that :
08:46.43*** join/#asterisk adrianhensler (
08:47.01cereal_with no asterisk i made a capifax 1200 file.txt and that worked when i put a fax at 1200 extensions
08:47.14pranavhello adrianhensler
08:47.18cereal_so the link and the alcatel is ok
08:47.23djinthis looks like a configuration between the Alcatel and Asterisk in accepting calls.
08:47.29pranavcan we talk
08:47.33djinThis Dial command should work.
08:47.49pranavi have a small problem in configuring the sip phone
08:47.55cereal_i cpoy pasted your Dial command .. just put 1200 instead of 2
08:47.58djinyou could also try replacing the 2 with an outside number to test.
08:48.12adrianhenslerI won't be any help....
08:48.40djincereal, just to make sure, you pasted the second one right? With the : instead op ,?
08:49.08adrianhenslerbecause I have never set up a sip device
08:49.20pranavi just want to ask whether we have to register the sip phone if we are using it as asip client
08:49.27cereal_exten => 700,1,Dial(CAPI/@8300:1200,60,r)
08:49.31*** join/#asterisk mitcheloc_ (
08:49.35cereal_this one is ok ?
08:49.41djinyes, look ok.
08:49.53mitcheloc_could someone tell me if this dropped packet looks like it could be sip related? cause i can't get any incoming BV calls to work!
08:49.54mitcheloc_Jan 31 00:42:53 main kernel: IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:04:5a:29:2d:ec:00:50:57:00:8e:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=908 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=116 ID=1460 PROTO=UDP SPT=8488 DPT=1028 LEN=888
08:50.10djinwhat happens if you replace the 1200 with an external number to test connectivity?
08:50.13*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
08:50.38cereal_the Alcatel simulates an outide sumber
08:50.45cereal_1200 is like an external phone
08:50.52Trionniswould anyone here be familiar with /contrib/asterisk-ices.xml ?
08:50.59*** part/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
08:51.10Trionnisor just icecast conference streaming in general?
08:51.46pranavhi Trionnis
08:51.55Trionnishow goes it?
08:52.08djincereal, I think you have to do some testing with the link with Alcatel. F.e. use a normal S0 phone to test dialing 1200 and see if that works.
08:52.21pranavi am sorry i dont know,infact i wanted to ask you something
08:52.30djinYour Asterisk config looks ok now
08:53.01cereal_djin : just did it
08:53.08pranavhello djin can we talk now
08:53.08cereal_phone can call
08:53.46cereal_no i try that with the phone behind alcatel : i call the 8300 ( the usb modem on asterisk) the D channel IDSN comes up but no B channel
08:54.05cereal_is there a way the 1200 --> 8300 make a ip phone behind asterisk ring ?
08:54.24cereal_is it a deflection ?
08:54.38cereal_i m not really familiar with ISDN s...
08:54.38djinAsterisk needs to know it has to pickup.
08:54.55djinand handle the call according context capi in extensions
08:55.11cereal_ok so
08:55.29djinMy capi.conf has isdnmode=multipoint, but I not sure if that changes things
08:55.37cereal_in extensions.conf ; [capi] i put a Dial(SIP/umber)
08:56.15cereal_but how does asterisk know when a call arrives he must forward it ?
08:56.41djinIf it meets requirements like extension, etc.
08:56.47djinSimilar to Zap.
08:57.00*** join/#asterisk int19h (Miranda@
08:57.20int19hhowdy all...
08:57.33pranavhi djin
08:58.01cereal_djin  this is in my extensions.conf :
08:58.02pranavhi int19h
08:58.09cereal_exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/ns,20)
08:58.16int19ham writing an asterisk app module... was wondering: is it possible to access variables in the dialplan from apps?
08:58.22int19hwithout passing them as params I mean...
08:58.29mitcheloc_hey does anyone know what this might mean? Call-ID: 6d6f9d23298044214ce568442578418c@
08:58.43mitcheloc_does that mean it's registering but saying my ip is localhost?
08:58.44djincereal, is capitest the context you have in your capi.conf?
08:59.07*** join/#asterisk wolfson (
08:59.23djinand calls to 1200 within alcatel go to you USB?
09:00.04djinwell, try a reload and see what happens.
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09:01.15harryvetchwho here uses x100p
09:03.04cereal_djin OK i can call from 1200--> 8300
09:03.11cereal_just the other way still is fucked ..
09:03.13flewidi use x100p
09:03.18Trionnisok, * doesn't seem to be running ices
09:03.21Trionnisthe module is there
09:03.28Trionnisthe stream extension is being created
09:03.43djinpranav, stop addressing people directly. Just post your question.
09:04.16djincereal, as least that's something.
09:04.23TrionnisI just don't see it running, and icecast doesn't show a source stream
09:04.34cereal_maybe it s this Alcatel that sux
09:04.40Trionnisanyone help please? :)
09:04.43pranavya i configured the sip.conf as well as the sip phones but i am not getting the dialtone
09:04.46cereal_university hardware ...
09:05.13djincereal, tied * to a Lucent here.
09:05.21djinsame config.
09:06.11pranavactually i have pasted my sip.conf in the pastebin
09:06.30djindid you say that 1200 was the extension on the Alcatel to the * ISDN?
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09:09.19slePPA-Tuin: are you a giant turtle?
09:09.22slePPwith elephants'n'all?
09:10.22pranavmr.djin please help me
09:10.28cereal_yep djin ?
09:10.41djindid you say that 1200 was the extension on the Alcatel to the * ISDN?
09:10.49*** join/#asterisk Fabe (
09:10.55cereal_1200 is the ISDN phone behind the Alcatel
09:11.15djinand 8300 is the extention of asterisk?
09:11.33cereal_8300 is the ISDN port linked to asterisk via the USB card true
09:11.41djinah, ok
09:12.02cereal_i tested 5 min ago : 1200-->8300 works ( redircted on a sip phone behind the asterisk )
09:12.06djinthought you were calling yourself for a second ;)
09:12.49djinyes, pranav?
09:13.21*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
09:13.35pranavya djin i have configured the sip phone as well as the sip.conf accordingly
09:13.48Delvarand good morning to you all
09:14.35pranavbut the dialtone is not coming
09:14.54djincalling from the sip phone, you mean?
09:15.39pranavmeans i have only as yet 1 sipura phone which i configured to my asterisk
09:16.19djinyou mean you can call TO the sipura, but not FROM the sipura?
09:16.19pranavi have pasted my sip.conf n the
09:17.16djinyou're missing a [from-sip]  context to handle the calls from you sipura.
09:17.19pranavno actually till now i have only i sipura phone which i have configured but, i am not getting the dialtone in that
09:17.53pranavok so i need bracket to sip-conf
09:18.23pranavsorry from-sip
09:18.43*** join/#asterisk humblast (~serty@
09:19.15djinyou need to setup a from-sip contect in extensions.
09:20.05pranavso what change i have to do in extensions.conf
09:20.31djinpranav, this is basic configuration. Read the docs.
09:21.42pranavok but do i need the registration line in my sipconf
09:22.53djinregistration line?
09:23.43pranavsome where i read register => 1234
09:23.53pranavthis was in some site
09:25.26pranavok so i hvae made context=[from-sip] in extensions.conf
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09:27.16pranavdo i need to make any more changes
09:35.27pranavyes mr. djin
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09:48.02cereal_djin style here
09:48.24cereal_checked Alcatel PBX
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09:48.43cereal_still dont manag to place a call from what is behind asterisk to what is behind Alcatel
09:49.05MrEntropywhere in the sip message should username and password be? if they're to be sent i plaintext?
09:49.07djinbut do you manage to place calls to outside Alcatel?
09:50.52cereal_manage to call from phones behind alcatel ==> phones behind asterisk
09:50.56cereal_but not the other way
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10:13.49ellvishi people
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10:20.22humblastA little question about the codecs used in asterisk: There are some header files in codecs folder who's names ends with _ex.h ... when I take a look at them I am dumbfounded, I have no clue as to what they are about, does anybody know?
10:23.09zykehas anyone irish DIDs ?
10:23.24tafazziI have a biproc xeon 3Ghz handling no more than 150 concurrent calls on pure SIP. Does this sound ok or can I get more tuning kernel or asterisk?
10:24.27jerliquetafazzi - I dont know the answer- but out of curiosity what happens when you try to dial the 151'st call?
10:24.56tafazziYou star missing calls for timeout problem.
10:25.04tafazziCall drop...
10:25.10tafazzirandom .
10:25.21tafazziCPUs at 80%
10:26.00*** join/#asterisk tsimshatsui (
10:26.19tsimshatsuihi everyone, after inserting "progressinband=yes" into sip.conf, * still does not send 183 to originating gateway, there is no ringback tone, anyone help please ?
10:28.05*** join/#asterisk Davetaz (
10:28.32Davetazhey all :)
10:28.47Davetazanyone know if there is any interest in supporting IPv6 in asterisk?
10:31.07zyketafazzi: are you using transcoding when you get to 150 calls?
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10:33.04tsimshatsuihi everyone, after inserting "progressinband=yes" into sip.conf, * still does not send 183 to originating gateway, there is no ringback tone, anyone help please ?
10:34.29tafazzizyke, we have two scenarios... The hardest is using transcoding. g729 -> gsm.
10:37.13clive-tafazzi, you need a dsp card imho
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10:42.02zyketafazzi: how many calls can you handle when you do transcoding?
10:51.55tafazzizyke, I'm doing transcoding...
10:52.18*** join/#asterisk thefallen (PolarBear@thefallen.user)
10:53.26Mavviewonder what an overlap call is.
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10:56.35evilbunnyoverlap or overflow?
10:58.11Jas_WilliamsOverlap dialling is where digits are passed on at atime rather than in one message
10:58.23Jas_Williamsone at a time
10:58.58Mavvieoh, that's from level 5 all the time.
10:59.01Mavviethat makes sense.
10:59.10Mavviethanks jas.
10:59.15Jas_WilliamsNo problem
11:02.27*** join/#asterisk los415 (
11:06.18tafazzizyke, I'm at 150 concurrent calls.
11:08.16MrEntropyhow is the username and password put in the sip message for auth?
11:09.15pashahhello everybody
11:09.31pashahim trying to use zapbardge and getting 'app_zapbarge.c:173 conf_run: Error setting conference'
11:10.33zyketafazzi: that's a good number..
11:11.02zykei'm lookin to buy a box to support around 80 concurrent calls
11:11.17zykesip to sip and sip to iax2 calls
11:11.47tafazziThank you zyke... In reality the number is 300. Because the machine is doing g729->sip from FireFly clients to another Asterisk IVR.
11:12.31tafazzi80 concurrent calls...
11:12.40tafazziFrom PSTN to SIP?
11:13.25zykeif you only do IVR you should be able to do quite a lot as opposed to having long sip to sip conversation
11:23.33*** join/#asterisk jpmcallister (
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11:25.12bowmanis there a way to redirect manager events to a file?
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11:27.24jpmcallisterHas anyone ever seen this message:
11:27.26jpmcallisterAuto fallthrough, channel 'IAX2/2001@2001/2' status is 'UNKNOWN'
11:27.52jpmcallisterIt is happenig after a Background message
11:28.52jpmcallisterIf a press a digit while the message is playing, everything works and I am redirected to the correct exten. If I hear the entire message, the line hungs up and I get this message on console
11:29.18jpmcallisters/If a/If I/
11:31.46*** part/#asterisk Negrizprovod (
11:36.51*** join/#asterisk mAsH` (
11:36.54mAsH`hi all
11:37.42*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (~RatMan@
11:38.20mAsH`anyone can help me...i cannot compile asterisk :/
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11:39.35zykeguys.. any one got an irish DID?
11:39.37pashahmAsH` which errors u get?
11:41.12mAsH`my gcc...
11:41.26mAsH`configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.
11:41.26mAsH`make: *** [editline/libedit.a] Error 1
11:41.41mAsH`i nevere had an erroro like this...
11:42.03mAsH`slack 10
11:42.10mAsH`kernel 2.4.26
11:42.40pashahgcc -v
11:42.51mAsH`if i try to install the gcc 3.4 i get the same error
11:43.06mAsH`gcc version 3.3.4
11:43.33pashahconfigured with:...
11:43.53mAsH`Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-slackware-linux/3.3.4/specs
11:43.53mAsH`Configured with: ../gcc-3.3.4/configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-checking --with-gnu-ld --verbose --target=i486-slackware-linux --host=i486-slackware-linux
11:43.53mAsH`Thread model: posix
11:43.53mAsH`gcc version 3.3.4
11:45.30pashahimho u should have something like --enable-languages=c,c++,java,f77,pascal,objc,ada,treelang
11:46.43zykeguys.. i'm looking for incoming irish numbers... can anyone help?
11:47.00mAsH`i have just finished to install slack
11:47.25mAsH`* is the first app that i'm trying to complie
11:47.50*** join/#asterisk ckruetze_ (
11:47.55pashahtry export CC=gcc
11:48.17mAsH`in Makfile?
11:48.40pashahnope just enter from keyboard: export CC=gcc [press enter]
11:48.48pashahand then make
11:56.10cereal_i m desesperating
11:56.21cereal_fucking isdn card
11:58.39*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
12:00.04*** join/#asterisk libpcp (libpcp@
12:02.09libpcphi all
12:02.31libpcpis it possible to setup 2 outbound provider in a dialplan?
12:04.16zotzlibpcp, why not? (I am not an expert around here) I see no problems
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12:05.24cereal_anyone here s quite good with chan_capi ?
12:05.49*** join/#asterisk McKillroy (
12:05.55McKillroyHello !
12:06.00libpcpzotz: can you give me a sample for that?
12:06.07Jas_Williamscereal_: do you need a hand
12:06.25zotzlibpcp, what are you trying to do?
12:06.38McKillroyDoes anyone know if there is a possibility to use the Cell phone Bluetooth profiles to transmit voice to * ?
12:07.15libpcpzotz: i want that when the provider 1 is not available, the call will use the provider 2
12:07.47zotzah, not sure if i can give such an example easily. let me see
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12:07.55ellvisi am looking for some txt based sip phone, does exist anything like that?:)
12:08.02cereal_Jas_Williams yep :)
12:08.40ellvisi am not sure if linphonec work with asterisk
12:08.44zotzlibpcp, is provider one voip and 2 pots or 1 and 2 both voip?
12:10.19cereal_ok dont movve
12:11.28libpcpboth voip
12:12.50libpcpzotz: my purpose of that because my 2 accounts on both voip provider call only use one at a time. so if theres a call on voip provider 1, the call will switch to voip provider 2 on the dialplan
12:14.11*** join/#asterisk X-DBA (
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12:14.24pashahlibpcp: transfer on busy to next provider
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12:15.22pashahlibpcp: using increase by 100 thing
12:16.11libpcppashah: something like that..
12:16.14libpcpexten => _1.,1,Dial(SIP/voip1/${EXTEN}&SIP/voip2/${EXTEN})
12:16.19libpcpis this possible?
12:16.48pashahlibpcp: should work, the first one wins
12:16.57pashahthe first that answers
12:17.06Delvarpashah: yes that should work
12:17.07evilbunnyerm not a valid url is it?
12:17.26libpcpand if the first 1 is not available it will go to voip2 ?
12:17.41evilbunnyboth will ring at the same time
12:17.43Delvarevilbunny: SIP/entity/${EXTEN} works too
12:18.05Delvarwhatever teh entity is in sip.conf [this bit]
12:18.13libpcpboth will ring at the same time?
12:18.20Delvarlibpcp: yes
12:18.40pashahlibpcp: after one is answered the ringing will stop
12:18.47libpcpso what will happened if both provider answered the call ?
12:18.58Delvarfirst come
12:19.03evilbunnyunlikely to be a race condition
12:19.21libpcpso is it safe to use that dialplan for a multiple provider?
12:19.27pashahlibpcp: yep
12:19.30Delvaryes, i do it all teh time
12:20.11*** join/#asterisk pulu (~chatzilla@
12:20.38libpcpthats nice :)
12:20.49libpcpwill thanks a lot guys..
12:20.55evilbunnylibpcp: would be interesting if someone has voicemail and your first call causes the 2nd to go to voicemail and then because it answered you end up with only voicemail
12:21.53libpcpevilbunny: how will i do that in the dialplan ?
12:22.27evilbunnythe way i do it is something like...
12:22.32zotzlibpcp, back - still checking
12:22.46evilbunnyexten => s,1,Dial(${ARG1},60)
12:22.46evilbunnyexten => s,2,Hangup
12:22.46evilbunnyexten => s,102,Macro(pstn,${ARG1})
12:22.46evilbunnyexten => s-NOANSWER,1,Hangup
12:22.48evilbunnyexten => s-BUSY,1,Congestion
12:22.50evilbunnyexten => s-CHANUNAVAIL,1,Macro(pstn,${ARG1})
12:22.52evilbunnyexten => s-CONGESTION,1,Macro(pstn,${ARG1
12:23.00evilbunnyso if the first fails, but it wasn't a connect it'll try again
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12:27.17libpcpevilbunny: that config is only for single provider?
12:27.27libpcpand it something like a redial?
12:28.24*** join/#asterisk ellvis (
12:38.10*** join/#asterisk Aze` (
12:38.10Aze`hi all
12:39.23*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
12:39.42Aze`Anyone can help me with Sip ?
12:42.05jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
12:43.14*** join/#asterisk wasim_ (~wasim@
12:44.33Aze`my problem is: i cant listen when use Modem/ttyI0, why ?
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12:54.03lassemanDoes anyone know of a method to setup voicemail so that users are auto created...kind of like autocreatepeer in sip.conf? Access to the asterisk is limited by firewalls and so on, so only authorized users will be able to connect.
12:57.40*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
12:59.40MrEntropydoes asterisk accept plaintext auth?
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13:04.17multrixhi everybody, I'm looking for a good Pabx frontend (web is better) and simple, witch do you think I should take ? there are a lot !
13:04.59*** part/#asterisk Negrizprovod (
13:07.04*** join/#asterisk thieumS (
13:07.54thieumShello there
13:08.17thieumSdoes anybody use ast_data addon ?
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13:17.24EmrahthieumS: Bonjour
13:18.34Emrahmultrix: Salut :)
13:18.57multrixah un francais !
13:19.06EmrahUn suisse!!!
13:19.17multrixah pardon ;)
13:19.27multrixt expert en asterisk ?
13:19.27EmrahJoke :)
13:19.51EmrahJe suis administrateur de plusieurs solutions Asterisk pour des providers
13:20.08EmrahQue recherches-tu?
13:20.34*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
13:21.25multrixen fait j'suis apprenti ingénieur et mon projet c trouver une solution technique et commerciale  pour la voip dans ma boite
13:21.36multrixpour l'instant on fé de l'install reseau, c une ptite boite francaise
13:21.50multrixmais on voudrai ajouter des cordes a notre arc
13:21.57multrixet la voix sur ip s'est présentée
13:22.05multrixet moi j'aimerai argumenter pour proposer de l'asterisk
13:23.06EmrahL'aventage de l'Asterisk est que les coûts sont vraiment réduits, tant au niveau de l'installation que des appels sur l'extérieur.
13:23.17EmrahDe plus, c'est un logiciel fabuleux en constante évolution.
13:23.40multrixc ce que j'y vois... mais dans une boite ou pour l'instant j'lui le seul a peu pres competant pour me lancer dans l'apprentissage d'asterisk
13:23.46multrixtu penses k'ya un modele commerical possible ?
13:23.55multrixvendre des ptites boites qu'on mette dans les pme
13:24.01multrixqui interface avec l'autocom classique
13:24.10multrixet permette une migration progressive vers la VoIP ?
13:24.15EmrahQuel type de ligne vous possédez?
13:24.22multrixchez nous ?
13:24.30multrixnous on a trois PRI
13:24.35EmrahISDN, E1, ...
13:24.36multrixT2 ca s'apelle en france
13:24.51multrixc 2B+D
13:24.58multrixsi je me souviens bien
13:25.01multrixon en a 3
13:25.06EmrahAlors c'est une ligne ISDN standart
13:25.34multrixatten jdis des conneries je crois
13:26.11EmrahCe qui serait envisageable de réaliser ce serait: installer un serveur asterisk, y connecter une carte qui emploierait le boîtier isdn... En réseau interne, il suffira de connecter des périphériques hardware ou software qui utiliseront Asterisk.
13:26.57*** join/#asterisk vaewyn (
13:27.29multrixon a trois T0
13:27.35multrixmais moi je parlais pas pour nous en interne
13:27.44multrixmasi plutot un service a proposer a des clients
13:29.19*** join/#asterisk jetscreamer (
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13:31.38thieumSoula ça cause technique la :p
13:32.04junky[work]multrix: tu peux parler anglais?
13:32.27Emrahmultrix: IL serait intéressant de passer par un provider externe dans ce cas
13:32.39Emrah3 t0 sont largement insuffisants
13:33.07thieumSje suis provider IP --> Telephonie publique
13:33.09*** join/#asterisk r1 (
13:33.14EmrahAnyone know why the callerid is changed by the IAX Account when I make a connection between two asterisk servers?
13:33.50EmrahthieumS: Quoi comme provider?
13:33.57multrixthieumS: ca m'interesse a titre perso, j'suis en train de voir pour chez moi :) vous faites les particuliers ? t ip centrex koi
13:34.19libpcpwhat does it mean by this --> exten => s,1,GotoIf($[${LEN(${ARG1})} = 10]?2:4)
13:34.49junky[work]if length of arg1 = 10 goto 2, else goto 4
13:34.53thieumSmultrix: on fait pas les particuliers :(
13:35.02thieumSca demande une organisation disons ... différente
13:35.12thieumSEmrah: on est pas connu, ça te dira rien
13:35.15multrixthieumS: j'crois que j'vé prendre wengo de 9 telecom !
13:35.18jetscreamerno space needed between the goto and the lf? (i know nothing)
13:35.26Emrah(C'est à dire?)
13:36.36EmrahthieumS: Comment s'appelle ton provider?
13:36.53jpmcallisterI'm trying to setup as IVR system. I play a menu message with the Background command. If a press a digit before the message stops, it works, But if I wait to the message finish, the line hungs up. Anybody knows what could be wrong?
13:36.57thieumSEmrah: ca te dira rien, tu peux me croire
13:37.20thieumSmultrix: leur site est hs on dirait
13:37.46EmrahAnyone know why when a call is made from server-one to server-2, the callerid of the person calling from server-1 is replaced by the IAX account name? (server-1 is connected with iax to server-2)
13:38.33pashahjpmcallister: post ur ivr on pastebin
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13:39.20EmrahthieumS: Ton provider a une adresse internet, probablement :) si c'est VoIP
13:40.39pashahEmrah: it is not replaced it is changed somewhat u still can figure out whos calling
13:41.47EmrahI don't understand you pashah
13:42.42mac_7I would like to get some suggestions for VoIP-Soft-Phones under linux
13:42.58mac_7kphone & linphone are known
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13:47.04libpcpokay thanks guys
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13:53.39Emrahpashah: ?
13:53.51thieumSEmrah: non
13:54.16thieumSon a fait que de la terminaisons pour les opérateurs
13:54.27thieumSon a pas de site internet
13:56.12*** join/#asterisk fa (
13:57.50faJan 31 14:54:32 ERROR[13613]: chan_zap.c:10063 setup_zap: Unable to register channel '1-2'
13:58.51fawhat module i must load
13:59.03implicitwell its almost time to wake up
13:59.08impliciti guess iahave an hour :)
14:00.34ManxPowerfa, The list of modules and what cards they are for is listed in the Zaptel README file.  Read it.
14:02.02jpmcallisterpasha: If I don't press any digit while the background command of the line 012 is being executed, I get these erros on * console:
14:02.28netsurferanyone seen any php scripts for * config files from a mysql database?
14:03.03EmrahAnyone can help me with my strange problem with the callerid with IAX?
14:03.13tzangerEmrah: explain the strange problem
14:03.29bjohnsonjust to clarify (becuse I found a 2002 thread from someone saying they were adding this), it is not currently possible to configure voicemail to use ldap in any way
14:03.38porcheq: how can I know that the card is working?
14:03.49faManxPower it was gozap.go
14:03.57bjohnsonporche: it answers, it dials
14:04.09porcheemrah, what kind of connectivity?
14:04.14ManxPowerwhat is a gozap.go?
14:04.23porchebjohnson, ehu tnx, asterisk errors with
14:04.24bjohnsona cheer
14:04.28porcheUnable to specify channel
14:04.29pashahjpmcallister: for example add exten => s,9,Goto(s,6) to ur [ura]
14:04.53bjohnsonManxPower: <- a male "cheerleader"
14:04.58porchemodprobe zaptel; modprobe wcfxo works
14:05.31bjohnsondmesg says that it "Found" a card?
14:05.42bjohnsonor /var/log/messages
14:06.00ManxPowerjpmcallister, That's weird.  It should complain about no "t" extension found.
14:06.41porcheFound a Wildcard FXO: Wildcard X101P
14:07.05jpmcallisterManxPower: but there is a t extension
14:07.22jpmcallisterpashah: the same error ocurred
14:07.26ManxPowerThen it should run that.
14:07.43ManxPowerSince if you don't enter anything when Background running it will go to exten t
14:07.44*** join/#asterisk slash^ (
14:07.51*** join/#asterisk sjaak538 (
14:07.51jpmcallisterManxPower: I'm dialing to the ura from an iax phone
14:07.58pashahjpmcallister: have u reloaded conf?
14:08.13jpmcallisterManxPower: yes, but it should at least wait for the timeout
14:08.20jpmcallisterpashah: yes
14:08.32Emrahporche: Can I write to you in a private window?
14:08.44ManxPowerjpmcallister, I don't really care what is dialing what.  It's not an issue when dealing with Background, etc.  Yes it should.  If it's not then you have some OTHER issue, like non-consecutive priorities.
14:09.17slash^hi guys, how reliable is sending a fax over a sip provider and recieveing one... ?
14:09.26jpmcallisterManxPower: my conf is here
14:09.56jpmcallisterManxPower: The error ocurr afeter line 012
14:11.17ManxPowerDoes s,6,Background(esc-menu-principal) ever play?
14:11.21sjaak538Hello voiptech's how would voipjet make this IAX2/voipjet/1 or IAX2/voipjet/7 how to balance this.
14:11.37jpmcallisterManxPower: yes. And if I press any digit it works
14:11.43sjaak538they have many servers but i connect to only one
14:12.06ManxPowerThat was not my question.  My question was does the sound file esc-menu-principal play?
14:12.09*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
14:12.27jpmcallisterMaxPower: yes, it play
14:12.42fawho is using cdr with postgresql ?
14:12.49jpmcallisterManxPower: I suspected of the iax phone because of that error that appear on * console, right after the s,6,background :
14:12.51jpmcallister== Auto fallthrough, channel 'IAX2/2001@2001/2' status is 'UNKNOWN'
14:13.13ManxPowerjpmcallister, What's BEFORE THAT?
14:13.31*** join/#asterisk benjr (
14:13.41ManxPowerSeeing extensions.conf in this case is not all that useful without also seeing a pastebin of the CLI output of a sample call.
14:13.57jpmcallisterManxPower: I'll pastebin
14:13.59porchewhat does unconfigured mean for a x101P mean?
14:14.03ManxPowerI do not know if you can use include => in the way tou are using it.
14:14.13ManxPowerporche, It means it's not configured.
14:14.22*** join/#asterisk mAsH` (
14:14.34porcheok, grt, how can I configure?
14:14.48benjrhi, everybody. I am using ASTERISK + MYSQL for SIPFRIENDS very well. Is there a way to use encrypted passwords in the database?
14:15.08ManxPowerporche, You load the wcfxo kernel driver, you set up /etc/zapata.conf and /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf.
14:15.17bjohnsonporche: after I got the "Found" message .. I had no issues with my X100P
14:15.41porcheI did them all, probably kernel modules did not load ok
14:15.46porchelet's check it
14:15.56slash^anyone tried  sending a fax over a sip provider and recieveing one... ?
14:16.05cereal_Jas_Williams hi you re back ?
14:16.10tzangerslash^: won't work
14:16.15tzangerslash^: unless you're VERY lucky
14:16.21slash^serious ?
14:16.39bjohnsonslash^: info on the wiki
14:16.40Jas_Williamscereal_: Yes I am Back
14:16.48bjohnsonslash^: also search the mailing list archives
14:16.50slash^i have a client who wants to use their voip provider for faxing to sav coin
14:16.52cereal_ok can we continue to sort this ISDN shit ?
14:16.55slash^yeah ive been reading it
14:16.57bjohnsonJas_Williams: hi !!
14:17.00slash^alot of diff opinions
14:17.14tzangerslash^: won't work unless you get t.38 into asterisk or work around it with app_rxfax/app_txfax
14:17.37porcheis there a specific thing to be done on /etc/zaptel.conf?
14:17.44slash^but the txfax and rxfax is using a zap channel still yeah ?
14:17.46bjohnsonslash^: sounds like a lot of screweing around to get it to work SOME of the time
14:17.50tzangerslash^: yes
14:17.54slash^not going over a provider :-/
14:17.55tzangerthere is no way around it without t.38
14:18.05ManxPowerjpmcallister, I have no more suggestions
14:18.06*** join/#asterisk mtqh (
14:18.18jpmcallisterManxPower: tanx anyway :)
14:18.20slash^and t.28 is commerical ?
14:18.55tzangerslash^: t.38 and no -- there's just not support for it in * at this time
14:18.56ManxPowerslash^, Asterisk does not support T.38
14:19.23implicitslash^: someone is working on support right now, but they are not sure if they will make it public they have said
14:19.24cereal_so still no way to place a outgoing call with ISDN  saomeone had the same issue one time ?
14:19.37slash^that is sad
14:19.56ManxPowerslash^, When can we expect you to release a T.38 driver for Asterisk?
14:19.56slash^so pstn for faxing i guess
14:20.06`SauronAnyone know if Theo something-greek hangs out in here?
14:20.16tzangerManxPower: quit harshing his buzz :-)
14:20.16Jas_Williamscereal_: Did you get adebug trace ?
14:20.21ManxPowerslash^, Apprently nobody with the correct skills cares enough to write T.38 for Asterisk
14:20.31faI have problem.. i am calling to somebody from firefly by asterisk to cellular phone
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14:20.32cereal_Jas_Williams dont move i make you one
14:20.36implicitManxPower: cept for $$
14:20.44faand when sombody dont accept that calls.. i don't have hangup in firefly
14:20.45slash^i find that interesting considering all business fax
14:20.55benjrIs there a way to use encrypted passwords in MYSQL SIPFRIENDS table?
14:21.08multrixsomeone has a sip server who has calls free to poland ?
14:21.46ManxPowerI didn't know Poland had any local calling.
14:21.59ManxPowerHell, I didn't know FRANCE has free local calling.
14:22.07*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
14:22.35`Sauronmultrix: offers free calls to poland if you sign up for the right account package...
14:27.11faanybody use psotgres to sip/iax and extasions information?
14:27.34porchewhere can I find a zapata.conf example for x101P?
14:27.45postelpsotgres is obsolete, use postgres
14:27.53`Sauronfa: I tried last night
14:27.55fapostel i mena postgresql
14:28.01fa`Sauron and what effect?
14:28.06`Sauronfa: ast_data needs a fair bit of work, still.
14:28.36ManxPowerfa, I don't use any databases with Asterisk
14:28.53`SauronIt looks like it has a chance to work, but I had problems doing extension lookups properly
14:29.13`SauronThat's not a pgsql-specific problem, but it seemed like it was a * issue
14:29.28fa`Sauron a what about mysql.. maybe i must uise mysql
14:29.57`SauronNah, like I said - the problem wasn't the DB-specific code
14:30.04humblastThis might be a "little" off topic but I hope you bear with me, it is a question about asterisk's codecs: There are some header files in the codecs folder who's names ends with _ex.h ... when I take a look at them I am dumbfounded, I have no clue as to what they are about, does anybody know?
14:30.25fa`Sauron only extasions.. IAX and SIP accounts workign correct?
14:30.34`Sauronfa: seems like it
14:31.09postelhumblast: .h are header files, you need them when compiling
14:31.37*** join/#asterisk mutilator (~animenodv@
14:31.44mutilatorvoip in iraq doesn't work
14:31.53postelhumblast: no they are NOT configs for your * setup, leave them alone
14:32.04ManxPowermutilator,  They set up an anti-voip field?
14:32.17mutilatorcalled latency
14:32.17mutilatorApproximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
14:32.37ManxPowerWish I had an anti-cell phone field generator.
14:32.53mutilatorhad a few people go over there with ata's
14:33.00mutilatorand so far none have had any luck
14:33.36ManxPowerI must admit that someone bringing an ATA to Iraq is someone that should be referenced in the dictionary in the definition of "optimist"
14:33.40vaewynManxPower: try a HERF gun... works for several of those little annoyances
14:34.00mutilatoryea, but if it did work it'de be great
14:34.13*** join/#asterisk fantomax1 (~fanto@
14:34.17fantomax1hi all
14:34.22ManxPowervaewyn, You have no idea how much I want one of those.  Mostly to deal with Urban Youth sharing their music when in their car.
14:34.22mutilatorgotta be an optimist if you're goin to iraq anyway
14:34.31mutilatorhopin ya don't get ya arm blown off
14:34.39fantomax1is there anyone that use SIPP for producing SIP calls ?
14:34.43humblastpostel: Guess the question might better fit in the asterisk-dev channel... thanks for the reply
14:34.52benjrIs there a way to use encrypted passwords in MYSQL SIPFRIENDS table? anyone, please
14:35.11vaewynManxPower: :}
14:36.26`Sauronbenjr: Probably. And we probably don't know how to.
14:36.40*** join/#asterisk cbachman (~cbachman@
14:36.43ManxPowervaewyn, Where I live now, the Suburban Youth are usually playing country music and have a gunrack on the back of their pickup truck.  Much less loud.
14:37.07ManxPowerBut at least THEIR guns are in plain sight. 8-)
14:37.44vaewynManxPower: I trust the viewable ones way more
14:37.50ManxPowervaewyn, Me too.
14:38.13`SauronDon't know
14:38.44netsurferbenjr - what about MD5 passwords ?
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14:44.27keith778Anyone here good with AGI??  I am having a problem receiving the environment variables
14:44.29fawho use realtime?
14:45.33ManxPowerkeith778, Only recent CVS-HEAD allows you to get autocreated variables from within AGI.
14:46.51keith778Oh, ok.  This may be my problem.  I am running CVS 1/21/05   Does this CVS have an issue?
14:47.41netsurferstill getting that error with "please check your number,, the user you are trying to reach is unknown"
14:47.55*** join/#asterisk PakiPenguin (~info@
14:48.07*** join/#asterisk carbon60 (
14:48.10netsurferfa - i got realtime working
14:48.12carbon60Morning all.
14:48.14keith778I am trying to capture the env variables such as "agi_callerid:"   My script works fine with a test file sent to stdin.  When it tries to read the env variable from * it doesn't work
14:48.16ManxPowerkeith778, I don't know.  The workaround for a very long time has been something like SetVar(MY_CAUSECODE=${CAUSECODE}) before running the AGI.  Of course the common variables are available when you read your STDIN when starting your AGI.
14:48.37ManxPowerkeith778, Are you using Perl?
14:48.40carbon60Does anyone know the sox incantation to convert from "WAV" (GSM compressed) to normal "wav"?
14:48.43keith778No Python
14:48.52ManxPowerkeith778, You are on your own them.
14:49.00`Sauroncarbon60: untoast
14:49.04ManxPowercarbon60, You mean like the billion examples on the Wiki and on the mailing list archives.
14:49.10carbon60Uh oh.
14:49.26carbon60Ignore me then! I'm off to the Wiki.
14:50.57*** part/#asterisk keith778 (
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14:52.41SuPrSluGsmall extensions problem. if i enable my ITSP it goes to that w/out using dundi. any sample dialplans for using dundi?
14:54.18carbon60ManxPower: I can find lots of examples for doing the reverse... Have a URL?
14:54.32multrixsomebody know a good programm Php or other to have a web interface to asterisk ?
14:54.59carbon60Also, I believe I'm experiencing the same issue as others on the list where the compressed files are mush software than the uncompressed versions. Did anyone find a solution to this?
14:55.10ManxPowercarbon60, No.  but if you see examples to do the reverse it should not be hard to find a way to figure it out.
14:55.27ManxPowermush software??
14:55.33ManxPowerDon't cook it for so long.
14:56.21*** join/#asterisk olivier_ (
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14:57.12keith778Ok, I have a general AGI question...not related to python
14:57.13McKillroyHello !
14:57.35McKillroyHow far is an * Bluetooth hands free channel ?
14:57.36ManxPowerkeith778, then I refer you to asterisk-perk
14:57.47ManxPowerasterisk-perl too
14:58.05keith778ManxPower: Ok, thanks
14:58.19McKillroyAnd: is the Dock-N-Talk Cell phone adapter a possibility to make a GSM gateway ?
15:00.16*** join/#asterisk felipex (
15:00.28ManxPowerMcKillroy, With most of those devices Asterisk doens't know when the far end hangs up.
15:01.35McKillroySo - could it be used at least for outgoing calls maybe ?
15:01.39*** join/#asterisk Jas_Williams (
15:02.32jpmcallisterwhat is a good linux sip software phone?
15:02.36McKillroyBetter would probably be a Bluetooth Channel ...
15:02.50eKo1What's the syntax for droping the first three digits (for example) of a number?
15:03.07vaewyneKo1: $VARIABLE:3}
15:03.22eKo1Thank you.
15:04.39fawhy can i get that error
15:04.41faJan 31 16:04:08 NOTICE[31372]: app_dial.c:762 dial_exec: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2'
15:05.20Jas_WilliamsIAX2/inezk is not configured/registered or rejects your call
15:05.41faby inezk i Can call ouy..
15:05.46fabut not accept calls
15:06.05faThat coudl by becuase inezk - friefly hac configured only alaw - as protocol
15:06.54Jas_Williamsfa do a iax2 show peers
15:07.03Jas_Williamsin the CLI
15:07.14faName/Username    Host                 Mask             Port      Status
15:07.14fainezk1/inezk1    (Unspecified)   (D)  0         Unmonitored
15:07.14fainezk/inezk      (Unspecified)   (D)  0         Unmonitored
15:07.31Jas_Williamsfa the phones are not registered to *
15:07.53faJas_Williams but I am .. I can make a call from that firefly..
15:08.23Jas_Williamsfa you do not need to be registered to originate a call
15:08.31faohh.. so how to register?
15:08.40faa i know
15:08.46fai have checked disable registration
15:09.08Jas_WilliamsNow it should work :-)
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15:16.36multrixsomebody knows a good advanced tutorial about asterisk ?
15:16.46*** part/#asterisk keith778 (
15:17.11famultrix hm or sth liek that.. but is not more advanced
15:17.58eKo1Hmm...for some reasone sip reload isn't working.
15:19.19faeKo1 i use IAX2.. but i don't have a good example to realtiem reload
15:19.40freatmultrix: have you been to ??
15:20.23*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
15:20.31jaigermultrix: the best advanced tutorial is dig in and get your hands dirty
15:21.09jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
15:22.06tzanger~seen jtodd
15:22.11jbotjtodd <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 3d 8h 48m 43s ago, saying: 'blitzrage: Nope.  Toronto is waaaay too cold.'.
15:22.31tzangerdoes anyone (besides jtodd) know much about the Tellabs echo cancellers?
15:25.02jaigertzanger: any day now I'm going to get one up and running
15:25.14jaigertzanger: but I don't have any experience yet, other than reading
15:26.50mAsH`who can help me?
15:27.05mAsH`i have a problem with compiling *
15:29.23tzangermAsH`: nobody can help you if you aren't giving us any more info
15:30.09*** join/#asterisk mhnoyes (
15:30.16mAsH`make[1]: *** [] Error 1
15:30.16mAsH`make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/asterisk-1.0.5/pbx'
15:30.16mAsH`make: *** [subdirs] Error 1
15:30.22*** part/#asterisk djin (~marius@
15:31.33olivier_is there any other line before  "make[1]: *** [] Error 1" ?
15:31.36*** join/#asterisk Gh0sty (
15:31.46ManxPowermAsH`, something is wrong.  things should not fail when gtkconsole fails to build.
15:31.50*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~Zeeek@Zeeek.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
15:32.07Zeeekgood ${LocalTimeOf The Day}
15:32.19olivier_:) Hi zeek :)
15:32.22Zeeekanyone know if is having problems?
15:32.37Zeeek'lo olivier
15:33.16eKo1Argh. Why can't all call terminators agree on an international calling prefix?
15:33.21mAsH`olivier_: those
15:33.21mAsH`/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i486-slackware-linux/3.3.4/../../../../i486-slackware-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lXext
15:33.21mAsH`collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
15:34.11eKo1It would be nice if * had regex support...
15:34.13ZeeekeKo1 they need to agree about a lot of other shit first, like Iraq!
15:34.25ManxPowermAsH`, Those should not be critical errors.
15:35.40ZeeekManx do you know why there would be an accumulation of register attempts in sip channels?
15:36.18ZeeekI know one provider drops out of reg several times a day but why would the reg attelmptsz leave dead channels?
15:37.27*** join/#asterisk daveg (~root@
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15:41.14eKo1Oh! There are regular expressions. My bad.
15:41.30Zeeekregular expressions in what?
15:41.52*** join/#asterisk calvinhp (
15:42.12freathey isn't stable 1.2 due out before too long?
15:42.59ManxPowerfreat, Details were discussed on the mailing list, even with a link to Mark's talk about release timeframes.
15:43.17ManxPowerI guess you are not on the mailing lists, huh, freat?
15:43.18*** join/#asterisk JohnJacob (
15:43.19freatManxPower: oh thanks! missed the thread
15:43.33freatManxPower: no I'm on them both, but don't have time to read everything
15:43.40ManxPowerfreat, Might have been on -dev
15:43.42fais available a pgsql modula like MYSQL ? to make a inser or selects from extensions.conf ?
15:43.49freatcool thx
15:44.08falike that
15:44.10faexten => s,2,MYSQL(Connect connid webuser mojephpy1 asterisk)
15:44.10faexten => s,3,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT\ `imie`\ FROM\ `user`\ WHERE\ `numer` like \'\%${CALLERID}\%\')
15:44.13faexten => s,4,MYSQL(Fetch foundRow ${resultid} imie)
15:45.10fa(only read)
15:47.39ZeeekNAT for Dummies, eh?
15:47.46ManxPowerZeeek, Yeah.
15:47.56ManxPowerIt's prolly really called NAT for Managers.
15:48.14ZeeekI thought it was called the asterisk mailing list
15:50.44*** join/#asterisk amir (
15:51.11vaewynManxPower: same thing
15:52.33*** join/#asterisk TheEmperor (TheEmperor@
15:52.52fahow to install something like MYSQL but for postgres?
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15:55.49bprice20hey w/ realtime what the syntax for extconfig.conf when i want it to use a mysql database thats on another host
15:56.25Zeeekvaewyn - what a good sport you are :)
15:56.31*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (~hmmhesays@
15:56.43Zeeekalways a positive word
15:57.10Zeeekolivier_ ?
15:57.41ZeeekYodid I do that?
15:58.17ZeeekI have a quick question about dégroupage - I think olivier_ you may know about that?
15:59.01*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
15:59.07vaewynZeeek: I'm an optomist... but a realist also ;P
15:59.21ZeeekI'm a cynic but an optimist in some areas
15:59.59nestAri'm a realist... which most people mistake for cynicism.
16:00.07ZeeekI think, for example, that when the earth has been struck by a huge meteorite we'll have solved most of our problems, but it'll be too late
16:00.18ellvispesimist is just good informed optimist :)
16:00.28Zeeekellvis is alive
16:00.35ellvishi Zeeek
16:00.39ellvisi am surviving
16:00.42vaewynyep... he just went home
16:01.08ZeeekI always laughed when I saw the pseudo on a grc tech newsgroup: BloatedElvis
16:01.13ellvison last concert i broke my leg and people mistaken it
16:01.20ellvisthey believe i died :)
16:01.34*** join/#asterisk djMax (
16:01.39blitzrage~seen zx81
16:01.40jbotzx81 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 1d 14h 24m 36s ago, saying: 'yeah'.
16:01.46ZeeekAnyone reading trhz National Enquirer knows not only you are alive but that you are running the US govt!
16:02.25Zeeekellvis has left the channel... ellvis has left the channel
16:02.43djMaxok, so if I want to bang my head against * h.323 again should I go on inaccess' version or the other one?
16:02.44Zeeekspeaking of NAT and double NAT
16:02.59ellvisZeeek, should i stay or should i go? :)
16:03.08Zeeekheh good one!
16:03.44ZeeekI can't even remember where that "elvis has left the building" came from
16:03.55gambolputtyprobably some concert
16:04.01Zeeeksomething to do with Gracelabnd tours
16:04.13Zeeekno when folks are touring his home
16:04.22Zeeekwhen he was alive and living there
16:04.31ellvisthat's it
16:04.32ManxPowerdjMax, Generally go with the chan_h323 included with Asterisk
16:04.56ellvisZeeek, but i broke my leg for real anyway. last friday on concert... :(
16:05.03djMaxok gud, thanks.
16:05.20djMax(trying to get voice connection to a polycom viewstation)
16:05.35ZeeekI was wrong
16:05.38ZeeekAfter Elvis had given his final encore and left the stage, the crowd headed for the exits, even though many other Hayride acts were still waiting to perform. Logan took the microphone and pleaded with Elvis's fans to return to their seats: "Please, young people . . . Elvis has left the building. He has gotten in his car and driven away. . . . Please take your seats."
16:07.47tangelis there any free local PSTN calling networks anymore?
16:08.00tangellike inphonex used to allow free PSTN calls to certain area codes even for their free accounts
16:09.00WildPikachu[BAR]i got 2 ISDN cards today from diff places... came back and they were exact same model cards ... heh
16:09.04Zeeektangel you could try
16:09.13WildPikachu[BAR]i'm now going to try  setup asterisk + capi 2.0
16:09.21ManxPowerMost places in the USA and canada provide free local calling.
16:09.45tangelzeek, that's awesome.. PPTP PSTN network over IP
16:09.52tangeli'm all for that sort of thing
16:09.55WildPikachu[BAR]ManxPower, heh... wouldnt i just LOVE a IAX termination point there!!!!
16:10.18eKo1Anybody good with regex here?
16:10.27WildPikachu[BAR]eKo1, what u need?
16:10.57*** join/#asterisk fenlander (~irc@
16:11.04eKo1\(1.\+\)|\(011\(.\+\)\) <--- Should this return the match of a number beginning with 011?
16:12.26fawhat about that postgres>?
16:12.50*** join/#asterisk djin (
16:13.01WildPikachu[BAR]depends if you want the + a char or to specify that there must be at least one . (char)
16:13.12*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
16:13.19WildPikachu[BAR]eKo1, example of a number?
16:13.19eKo1It matches. The only thing is, it only returns the number of characters matched.
16:13.24PakiPenguinHello Everyone, what ports do i need open/forwarded to my system for iaxphone ( any iax client ) to work with *?
16:13.33tangelhow can one manage dynamic call routing?
16:13.46eKo1It should return 987654321
16:13.53tangellike have a system that queries rates on different VOIP providers and then prefs the routes appropriately?
16:13.55eKo1But it returns 12.
16:13.55WildPikachu[BAR]what does it return?
16:14.39eKo1I tried that and I get the same thing. I'll try it again.
16:14.48ManxPowereKo1, Using perl?
16:15.38eKo1Yep, I still get 12.
16:15.46ManxPowerput the result variable in ().  i.e. ($bob) = $fred ~= theregex
16:15.49eKo1ManxPower: I'm using *
16:16.01ManxPowereKo1, I didn't know Asterisk supported regexs.
16:16.18eKo1It does, exprs1 : regexp
16:16.25fawhere can i get a module for postgresql to * ?
16:16.32vaewynWasssaaab....err... wasim!
16:17.33eKo1Maybe it's a bug in the regex code. Hmm...
16:17.39Zeeekwasim mon ami - comment cas-tu ?
16:17.45Zeeekerrrr vas-tu
16:17.49psywarI'm trying to send a FAX over *
16:17.53psywarI wonder if it will work
16:18.01`Sauronfa: I already told you, ook at
16:18.07wasimZeeek: bien, we should have good news for you shortly
16:18.26Zeeek$shortly= 128 days;
16:18.56wasimZeeek: 'tis but the blink of an eye in the greater scheme of things
16:18.58Zeeekbut I am not one to spit on good news!
16:19.05ZeeekThis is very true, wasim
16:20.09wasimZeeek: ssshhh! don't tell anyone, but we're waiting for the first shipment to pass through EU customs
16:21.04wasimoui, mon ami, is truth ...
16:21.14Zeeekthis calls for a premature ej^h^h celebration
16:21.32`Sauronfa, I told you to search for "ast_data"
16:21.54Zeeekgoogle for app_pr0n_call_center
16:22.06Zeeekmy latest devel project
16:22.11PakiPenguinZeeek: would land @ your *
16:22.44Zeeekgood evening - you guys are up late, non?
16:23.09wasimZeeek: non, gmt+5
16:23.16fa`Sauron i search for that
16:23.18Makenshiafternoon, it's 16:23 here
16:23.20Zeeekso that's ${HERE} + 4
16:23.30`SauronI just searched, and it's the very first result
16:23.40`SauronThen read the documentation for how to configure it
16:23.41ZeeekNine thirty at night? Whoa, you folks should be in bed!
16:23.55*** join/#asterisk doughecka_ (~dheckaman@doughecka.user)
16:23.56wasimZeeek: ${THERE} == ${landofgoodcheesebreadandwine}
16:24.08Zeeeknot to mention women and song
16:24.09wasimZeeek: we never got out!
16:24.22Zeeekin order to go out you have to go in!
16:24.25wasimZeeek: we like our women shorn!
16:24.40PakiPenguinwasim: ${there}==${here} too
16:24.45Zeeekthis is getting too weird even for #asterisk
16:25.03wasimPakiPenguin: no, we don't have good bread, wine or cheese here
16:25.14wasimPakiPenguin: passable, but not good
16:25.18psywarthings can't be too weird
16:25.25mutilatorthere a good way to check for null strings?
16:25.27mutilatori use ""
16:25.29PakiPenguinwasim: good for where we live :)
16:25.31mutilatorbut it just gives me an error
16:26.04psywarI want to set up a "pick your own adventure" game using *.  When you call me it will say "an angry dwarf blocks your way.  press 1 to fight him, 2 to run past him, and 3 to retreat"
16:26.15Zeeekmutilator someone kindly shared this with me
16:26.24netsurferon a premium rate number no less, psywar
16:26.29psywargood idea
16:26.31ManxPowerpsywar, Set it up as a front end to getting to tech support.
16:26.44Zeeekmutilator: GotoIf($[X${CALLERIDNUM} = X]?s,7)
16:26.47doughecka_who has used the sipura spa-841 phone?
16:26.49doughecka_does it work ok?
16:27.00Zeeekan old shelll trick
16:27.03netsurferlmao if u fight the dwarf and win, u get to tech support else u gotta cal back
16:27.24ZeeekI had the worst hotline experience a couple of days ago
16:27.30psywarIt will measure your caller's abilitty to adapt to new situations and do creative problem solving.
16:27.48psywarWeed out people you really didn't want to ttalk to anyway.
16:28.11netsurferpipe the noobs to /dev/null
16:28.24Zeeekthat's what our isp did: they kept us on hold for exactly 1min01 before saying no one is available. That way we paid $0.50 to them for the call
16:28.45ZeeekI emailed and the answer two days later was to call the hotline
16:28.57Zeeekthis is when we're disconnected at the office
16:29.15doughecka_how did you email
16:29.29*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
16:29.34doughecka_hah, running away!
16:29.41Zeeekwe have TWO DSL connx since the cable died for three weeks last year
16:29.54Zeeekfrom two diff providers obviously
16:29.55*** join/#asterisk zbysio (
16:30.09Zeeekplus a third at home (10 min on foot)
16:30.27terrapeni wonder which is really better
16:30.30terrapenDSL or cable...
16:30.30netsurfer5 if ur boss makes u run ;)
16:30.41Zeeekexcept I'm the boss and I always run
16:30.45doughecka_1 if a killer bee swarm is behind you
16:30.55Zeeekwell... my wife is but she isn't here right now :)
16:31.10ManxPowerMink Louisiana finally got phone service recently.  It's one of the last places in the USA to get phone service.
16:31.23ManxPowerThe state actually had to ORDER the ILEC to install the service to the town.
16:31.23netsurferwow ur kidding right
16:31.40terrapenread that this morning
16:31.51ZeeekMink Deville
16:31.52netsurferI thought my town was behind, we only got DTMF dialling 5 years ago
16:32.19terrapeni wonder if they offer DSL in Mink yet
16:32.39terrapen"When can we get our cable modem?
16:32.51doughecka_VoIP :D
16:32.59fenlander*CLI> help
16:32.59hmmhesayswhat's voip?
16:32.59fenlanderSegmentation fault
16:33.20wasimhmmhesays: its this new ignition system in cars
16:33.40hmmhesayssweet....  is that better than *points* ?
16:33.47eKo1voip == very ordinary intelligent people
16:33.59wasimhmmhesays: yep, virtual oil iginition pointless
16:34.35hmmhesayshmm... does it use low resistance wires to screw up everyone's radio signals?
16:35.07vaewynbwahaha... norhell guy is saying their SIP is better because it "isn't VoIP like asterisk"    BWahahahahahaha
16:35.18wasimvaewyn: lol
16:35.24fa`Sauron are you there?
16:35.29hmmhesaysnortel guy must have his dunce cap on today
16:35.40vaewynNow I know there are smart norhell guys... but... this ain't their day :P
16:35.48ManxPower"Asterisk's SIP is better because it's cheaper"
16:36.01doughecka_"Asterisk's SIP is better because it's not nortel"
16:36.16vaewynI just said... "well... give it to me for free and let me audit the code and we have a deal"  :}
16:36.16freatI think we _finally_ ironed out the problems with our ISP and such. Man, we had an old Netopia router and it was maxxing out too
16:36.50freatthe whole site is 'virtual'
16:37.00freatVoIP + Citrix + Videoconferencing
16:37.08freatThey all run thin clients
16:37.15doughecka_do they run vmware?
16:37.21freatI run vmware
16:37.25freatit r0x0rz
16:37.27ManxPowerfreat, none of the 24 results of your mailing list search for netopia gave you any clue??
16:37.29doughecka_vmware rox
16:37.31djMaxSo I'm trying to convince someone that Skype sucks because it can't interface with existing Voip systems well.  Am I right?
16:37.34freathahaha yeah
16:37.42doughecka_<-- vmware certified :)
16:37.47*** join/#asterisk Bicster (~Bicster@bicster.user)
16:37.52Bicsterdoes asterisk work with vonage these days?
16:37.53*** join/#asterisk mogorman (
16:37.56freatManxPower: replaced it with a mikrotik (recommended by mailing list)
16:38.01bjohnsondjMax: that's one reason
16:38.09ManxPowerBicster, Yes, with significant limitations
16:38.11freatManxPower: mikrotik is quite nice
16:38.12bjohnsondjMax: another is that they're typically USB
16:38.30BicsterManxPower, what does that mean?
16:38.33bjohnsonBicster: there are better voip providers .. go read the wiki
16:38.40jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
16:38.40BicsterI already have nufone
16:38.41Bicsterworks great
16:38.45Bicsterbut I need a houston line now
16:38.55ManxPowerBicster, Only works with Vonage Softphone Account, which is only an ADDON to their regular service and does not have unlimited calling.
16:39.01djMaxbjohnson, why is that bad?
16:39.09BicsterAT&T is merging with SBC so I need new local service
16:39.16bjohnsonBicster: you won't be able to use their hardware.  you can get better prices alsewhere
16:39.26bjohnsondjMax: needs drivers
16:39.42djMaxah, as opposed to ethernet you mean?
16:39.50bjohnsondjMax: yes
16:40.03djMaxgot it, thx.
16:40.50bjohnsondjMax: only question of time until someone decides it isn't worth their time to support the drivers anymore
16:40.54Bicsterwhat do I need to look for on the wiki?
16:41.04bjohnsondjMax: eg .. rewrite driver for new versions of OS
16:41.22bjohnsonBicster: you could start with nufone
16:41.30BicsterI already have nufone
16:41.34djMaxyeah, and with Skype's attitude they're unlikely to give out the info for someone else to write it
16:41.39bjohnsonBicster: one of the hits will be a page with hundreds of others
16:41.47ManxPowerNufone only provides local DIDs in Michican.
16:42.05bjohnsondjMax: exactly .. and limited OS support
16:42.30*** join/#asterisk networ (
16:42.43Bicsterok, do I need to click on each of the ~50 providers here or can someone suggest a few to check out?
16:42.44bjohnsondjMax: equals limit on what you can use it on, how long you can use it, and what you can do with it
16:42.54ZeeekBicster Voicepulse and ICH
16:42.59Bicsterthanks Zeeek
16:43.01mutilatoruse mine!
16:43.02ZeeekI have tested both
16:43.09Bicsterlol wasim
16:43.11bjohnsonBicster: they all offer different DID areas.  Where were you when I was looking for London DIDs?
16:43.15networcan anybody help me how i can configure ast sip and mysql ?
16:43.33mutilatorall i have is michigan did's too
16:44.48bjohnsonBicster: one difference among providers is how many concuurent calls can be handled
16:44.49BicsterICH isn't on the wiki AFAICT
16:45.12BicsterI don't care about that -- I just need a local # for people to call, with 911 service
16:45.14bjohnsonfa: post your question here.  Don't pm me
16:45.43ZeeekICH works very well (call quality) with asterisk but I do not have any DID with them
16:46.13PatrickDKI had horrible experiance with ICH and voice quiality
16:46.17ZeeekI believe they do DID all over the US (Voicepulse is limited)
16:46.19*** join/#asterisk Moc (~mochouina@
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16:46.20fabjohnson you know how to make a select to postgresel databxe form extesions.cond.. in mysql i did exten => s,3,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT\ `imie`\ FROM\ `user`\ WHERE$
16:46.27Bicstericonecthere sucks ass
16:46.33MocBicster, they do
16:46.38ZeeekI'm sorry to hear that Patrick - I've never had a bad call with them
16:46.40BicsterI was one of their first abusers
16:46.43vaewyniconnectnowhere is more like it
16:46.57bjohnsonfa: I know how to use postgresql .. but I don't use it with *
16:47.15Zeeekhaha - I don't know why it worked fine here - but I haven't used it for months
16:47.25ManxPowerfa, Search the mailing list archives.  Ask on the mailing list.
16:47.27fabjohnson i heard that in asterisk is module.. in sandard bu t is comment, do you know sth about it?
16:48.11Bicstercan voicepulse port a landline number?
16:48.17`SauronAnyone here have the WiSIP phone?
16:48.24ZeeekBicster ask them
16:48.31ManxPowerBicster, I don't trust any VoIP company to handle 911
16:48.49vaewyn`Sauron: if you get it load the Zyxel firmware on it... the wisip firmware sucks big time
16:48.55Bicsterwell maybe I will just cut my analog line back to measured service then
16:48.59bjohnson`Sauron: that symbol in front is a pita
16:49.11ManxPowerThat way I can keep my DSL too
16:49.14`SauronThey had it on sale for $199 this weekend
16:49.18Bicstermy dsl is on a different pair (dry pair)
16:49.20`SauronNow they're back to 249
16:49.26freatis it just me, or does ulaw cause lots of problems?
16:49.29`SauronI think the zyxel is more expensive
16:49.32wasimwe're up to 365! and rising ...
16:49.39ManxPowerfreat, It's just you.  Ulaw works fine.
16:49.40tzangerfreat: it's you
16:49.42vaewynfreat: if you don't have bandwidth it creates many problems :P
16:49.50bjohnson`Sauron: get a wifi pda and a bluetooth headset
16:49.52freatgot plenty of bandwidth
16:50.15freatusers report problems with audio though... and I've got it QoSd at highest prio
16:50.22`Sauronbjohnson: I already have a bluetooth headset
16:50.22wasimZeeek: euros
16:50.25freatwhen I switch to GSM they are happy
16:50.31`SauronBut it doesn't let you enter numbers to dial with. :p
16:50.46bjohnson`Sauron: consider getting a pda with wifi and bt
16:50.52vaewynThose new Hitachi (I think it was Hitachi) Wifi VoIP phones are supposedly good... I need to get my hands on one
16:51.09doughecka_what the heck is yate? an asterisk wannabe?
16:51.14`Sauronthe p910 already is a pda
16:51.16bjohnson`Sauron: they have sip softphones (and can keep appintments too!)
16:51.17ManxPowerdoughecka_, yes.
16:51.17`Sauronand it has bluetooth
16:51.21faanyone have a example file to insert to pgsql for iax clients?
16:51.28mutilatorfor h323 tho isn't it
16:51.28fai think about structure of database
16:51.34Bicsterthanks ManxPower, Zeeek, bjohnson
16:51.39`SauronYou know, when someone asks for A, don't tell them to get B.
16:51.41vaewyniPaq PDAs work great with iaxcomm :}
16:51.50doughecka_ManxPower: interesting, has it reached a level where its 'good' to use like asterisk?
16:51.54*** part/#asterisk Bicster (~Bicster@bicster.user)
16:52.28`SauronAnd, *'s bluetooth support blows
16:52.44ManxPowerdoughecka_, I don't know.  It's written by "lfy", who is a disgrunteld Asterisk user.  lfy likes to come into the channel and bash Asterisk.
16:52.52bjohnson`Sauron: the bt would only be the last link .. not directly connected to *
16:53.12ManxPowerdoughecka_, lfy thinks Asterisk shoul dbe written in C++, so YATE is written in C++
16:53.21`Sauronbjohnson: I already have a pda, and I already have a bt headset.
16:53.24doughecka_whats asterisk written in?
16:53.25ManxPowerSorry, l-fy
16:53.26bjohnson`Sauron: here is answer to 'A' .. everybody I've heard talking about wifi phones wisjes they hadn't bought them
16:53.38wasimdoughecka_: c
16:53.39ManxPowerAsterisk is written in C, just like most things are.
16:53.53doughecka_but see there, I didnt know, and I know asterisk...
16:53.56eKo1C wasn't written in C.
16:53.58doughecka_so it doesnt matter :)
16:54.10bjohnsoneKo1: but some languages were
16:54.13ManxPowerHMM?  GCC is written in C!
16:54.16`Sauronbjohnson: That's probably because they couldn't afford what I can't afford either - the Cisco 7920's are great
16:54.19`Sauronbut hella expensive
16:54.38bjohnson`Sauron: ManxPower is giving good reviews of the SPA 841s
16:54.47eKo1C was written in B I think.
16:54.55doughecka_ManxPower: are those phones good?
16:54.58`SauronI don't think they're wireless?
16:55.04doughecka_I am getting ready to quote a nice asterisk setup
16:55.06bjohnson`Sauron: btw .. I don't have a Cisco either
16:55.07freatManxPower: dammit, our ISP and their stupid bandwidth manager
16:55.08doughecka_and I need a good cheap phone
16:55.29`Sauronbjohnson: We have about 300 of them at work. They work great
16:55.34ManxPowerI have not used the SPA-841 much, but what I have used it, it seems great.
16:55.37bjohnson`Sauron: correct .. no good reviews of ANY wireless voip phones
16:55.39`Sauronbut the base price of $4-500/each
16:55.40`Sauronis a lot
16:55.43ManxPowerI even upgraded to the 4-line version.
16:55.54ManxPowerIt's not a perfect phone, but it IS the BEST phone for under US$100
16:56.05doughecka_ManxPower: does it support all them cool multiple lines and stuff like that?
16:56.08freatwow that's a good price
16:56.25ManxPowerdoughecka_, 2-lines or 4-lines.  Upgradable from 2 to 4 lines with a key code.
16:56.31*** part/#asterisk humblast (~serty@
16:56.34doughecka_free keycode?
16:56.38ManxPower4-line upgrade is like $30
16:56.42djMaxanybody know the magic incantation to remove an old version of pwlib on Debian?
16:56.53doughecka_well, if we need 4 line then they could up grade
16:57.00`Sauronbjohnson: Just get a big enough house, and you'll see
16:57.01bjohnsondjMax: by the powers of Greystroke
16:57.02`Sauronor a business
16:57.12doughecka_djMax: rm -rf / =D
16:57.17ManxPowerbjohnson, I have L1: Business Line, L2: Personal Line, L3: Lover #1 Line, L4: Lover #2 Line
16:57.22djMax(djMax googles Greystroke :) )
16:57.27doughecka_ManxPower: HAH
16:57.30bjohnson`Sauron: ask ManxPower about wifi phones in business
16:57.51ZeeekManx how do the 4 (or even 2) presences appear to asterisk? Like miltiple friend accounts?
16:57.52doughecka_ManxPower: how does the multiple line thing work?
16:57.53jaigerdjMax: dpkg --purge pwlib
16:57.54ManxPowerbjohnson, If you continue to do that I shall be forced to put you on /ignore.
16:57.58`SauronIf you'd listen...
16:58.05vaewynWiFi phones work... but you are gonna be eating battery all the time
16:58.11ManxPowerdoughecka_, Uh.  The line rings.  You pick it up.  What do you want to know.
16:58.19`Sauronbjohnson: I already know all I need to know about voip/voipwifi phones in a business environment
16:58.37doughecka_well, do they show up as seperate lines, like all 4 phones sees all 4 lines..
16:58.41`SauronWe have over 300 phones, both wired and wifi
16:58.41ZeeekBut Manx - does it have like 4 buttons?
16:58.43ManxPowerdoughecka_, yes.
16:58.48doughecka_and each phone as one of each
16:58.48ManxPowerzeckill, yes
16:58.53freatmmmm, buttons
16:58.53`SauronI'm looking for something I can afford at home.
16:59.02doughecka_and then you could see the status of the other phones
16:59.05doughecka_just at a glance?
16:59.13ZeeekI'll get one in May based on your recco Manx
16:59.15doughecka_or is there no status indicator?
16:59.20ManxPowerI have no interest in seeing the status of other phones.
16:59.24doughecka_I do
16:59.40`SauronI'd just want the status of other lines on my phones
16:59.42vaewynSIP doesn't have the base framework to do Line-in-use
16:59.48`Sauronthat may or may not be shared across phones
16:59.59psywarhey how do I monitor whats going on in *?
17:00.00Zeeekso the main point is like X-Lite: you are talking, you can juggle several "lines"
17:00.13ManxPowervaewyn, The Hint() priority may or may not work for that.
17:00.13psywarI want to know what the CID is of people who call me, is there a log file or something?
17:00.22jaigerpsywar: watch the logs or console
17:00.25ManxPowerIf I REALLY want to know the status of lines I use Flash Operator Panel.
17:00.26freatCID gets passed tothe phone
17:00.27wasimpsywar: /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/blah
17:00.32bjohnsondoughecka_: I read in the wiki that some SNOMs could map line in use to some of their lighted memory buttons
17:00.47ManxPowerbjohnson, That's not a standard feature of phones.
17:01.05ManxPowerthe SPA-841 phones are obviously designed for the HOME user.
17:01.07doughecka_I want it to work stably too, so if it doesnt quite work, then I will skip it
17:01.30ManxPowerNo power over Ethernet, no built in Switch Port, smallish (but OK) LCD display.
17:02.00freatdoughecks_ : getting a stable phone is gonna be tough. most of us don't mind rebooting all phones when we come into work in the morning
17:02.09ManxPowerBut what do you expect for $80
17:02.35doughecka_I dont, since this is a client :)
17:02.36faManxPower I have ast_Data with pgsql.. but i need some examle of structur od table or isnert of some user? for iax2
17:02.41`SauronManxPower: And getting into cisco's 7940/60 series has a whole different set of woes
17:03.00ManxPowerfa, Let me say this again.  I DON'T USE POSTGRESS.  I DON'T USE DATABASES.  NOW LEAVE ME ALONE.
17:03.11`SauronI tried to hack their call manager tftp boot stuff together to run them over skinny.. Interesting, to say the least.
17:03.23jaigerfreat: what phone do you have that you reboot daily?
17:03.35ManxPowerfa: If I have to I'm sure I can translate it into your native language.
17:04.01ManxPower`Sauron, No sane person runs SCCP/Skinny with Asterisk.
17:04.08`SauronI figured that out.
17:04.11freatjaiger: hahaa I was kidding
17:04.19jaigerI don't reboot my phones unless I'm messing with configs
17:04.21jaigerfreat: ahh
17:04.30freatjaiger: we've got Polycom IP 500s they've been great
17:04.34`SauronI was trying to throw together a config that would work w/o having to re-image the test 7940 that telecom borrowed me
17:04.44jaigerfreat: that's what I have, we're happy so far
17:04.47*** join/#asterisk multrix (
17:05.00`SauronWe wanted to show the boss what OSS could do, instead of their $150k vendor solution.
17:05.29vaewynspeaking of GS... they pulled their last firmware from BETATEST... the Release notes are there but the firmware dissappeared.
17:05.53`SauronTheo's SVN repository for chan_sccs is broken
17:05.55fa`Sauron can you give me some example of user iax in database - pgsql
17:05.59`Sauronchan_skinny doesn't work
17:06.49`Sauronfa: _IF_ I spent enough energy on it, yes.
17:07.03fa`Sauron fine, now?
17:07.20*** join/#asterisk sjaak538 (
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17:08.35`SauronYou're not a native english speaker, are you?
17:08.50`SauronAh, nope.
17:09.29doughecka_hyperthreading with asterisk is ok?
17:10.21*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:10.23stevekstevekdoughecka_: it used to cause problems with zaptel; don't know if that's presently the case..
17:11.22doughecka_ah, ok
17:12.21*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (
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17:13.55WildPikachu[BAR]i have a capi device, set everything up... but when i dail in it doesn't seem anything detects the ring
17:14.07*** join/#asterisk tsimshatsui (
17:14.43SedoroxJan 31 10:11:46 WARNING[91105]: chan_iax2.c:7194 find_cache: Timeout waiting for exten 1000
17:15.04tsimshatsuihi people, i hv germany mobile route - 0.07Euro / Any quantity / 8 sec. PDD / No CLI, ready to test now, anyone interested ?
17:15.31PakiPenguinuk == 240v? or EU == 240v ?
17:15.57*** join/#asterisk mAsH` (
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17:17.09DelvarPakiPenguin: yes, uk/eu are compatable, you can even jerry rig an EU psu into a UK wall socket if you use a skrewdriver in the top (ground) hole
17:17.38DelvarPakiPenguin: of cource i dont suggest you do it like that.. get an adapter :)
17:18.08*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNooB (
17:18.16AsteriskNooBmorning everyone
17:18.48Sedoroxwhats error 484 mean?
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17:21.15*** join/#asterisk harryvv (
17:25.57PakiPenguinis down?
17:26.01PakiPenguinits horribly slow for me
17:26.09SedoroxI can't get onto it
17:26.48*** join/#asterisk sarumont (
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17:27.31Zeeeku are talking, you can juggle several "lines"
17:27.57ZeeekWhat was that site that always hed the latest GS firmware? ?
17:28.05*** join/#asterisk jpmcallister (
17:28.28Zeeeknah that wasn't uit
17:28.31WildPikachu[BAR]seems my mISDN device not working
17:28.55SchismSedorox: what protocol threw that error?
17:29.23PakiPenguinumm has it
17:29.58Zeeekwhat the site?
17:31.03PakiPenguingrandstream , check for it
17:31.27*** join/#asterisk file (
17:31.27Schismit appears to be address incomplete
17:31.30Zeeekyes I'm looking at 100 pages - just curious and thought someone had it on the tipof their tongue
17:31.54PakiPenguinjust a sec
17:32.04*** join/#asterisk crash3m (crash3m@crash3m.user)
17:32.09harryvvnever seen this before modoprobe wcfxo modprobe zaptel and it spews out lots of unresolved symbols.
17:32.19SedoroxI kinda got it working now.... 'cept that when I dialed it.. I got like a "machine gun sound" which when I used X-Lite and got that.. it was codecs.. but I have allow=all.....
17:32.21*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (~grepmoo@
17:32.27Schismharryvv: u probably need to depmod -ae it
17:32.35Schismharryvv: or recompile them
17:32.55AsteriskNooBanybody know hwo to put a pause in a dialstring?
17:32.55harryvvyea it was compiled and working yesterday
17:32.59harryvvthats whats strange
17:33.00SchismSedorox: u got verbosity on 3 on the console?
17:33.08Sedoroxyea.. on both console's
17:33.19SedoroxI start with -vvvc in a screen session
17:33.46Schismand it doesn't spew anything on the console about codec mismatch?
17:34.03Sedorox-- Call accepted by (format unknown)
17:34.09Sedorox-- Call accepted by (format g723)
17:34.31Sedoroxand on the other side.. the only thing I see is
17:34.33Sedorox-- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from, requested format = 1, actual format = 1
17:34.38*** join/#asterisk gambolputty (
17:34.49WildPikachu[BAR]anyone here use capi?
17:35.01wasimWildPikachu[BAR]: kape does capi
17:35.05Sedoroxok.. disallow=all with allow-gsm works
17:35.50Sedoroxwhich has a lower speed? gsm or g723?
17:36.12Sedoroxthought so...
17:36.16Schismgsm is 90k w/ overhead
17:36.27Schismg723 is like 33k? w/ overhead
17:36.47Sedoroxbig diff
17:36.52Sedoroxyea.. kinda wanna save on BW.. so...
17:37.04Delvarthought gsm was a lot lower than that?
17:37.17Schismthe protocol is 64k
17:37.35WildPikachu[BAR]wasim, kape?
17:37.38Schismbut the setup and stuff adds to it
17:37.47Sedoroxwhen I have allow=g732.1
17:37.49Schismsorry, the codec is 64k
17:37.49Sedorox-- Format for call is g723
17:37.53*** join/#asterisk ta[i]nted (
17:37.54SedoroxI get the machine gun affect....
17:38.06harryvvschism, yea take a look at this. :)
17:38.08*** join/#asterisk dtwilson (
17:38.13Sedoroxwhats another good low-speed codec?
17:38.16Delvari know that :).. i just thought it was more 40k...nm im probably miss informed
17:38.20PakiPenguinZeeek: which firmware are you on?
17:38.26*** join/#asterisk jsmith (
17:38.36Delvarg729 is prety good :)
17:38.37Zeeek5.11 - I can't go any further
17:38.40*** part/#asterisk jsmith (
17:38.48ZeeekI have them all up to 20 or maybe even 21
17:38.49Sedoroxhow is it on BW? like what's it speed?
17:38.54Schismharryvv: have you looked in your dmesg?
17:39.03harryvvno have not
17:39.07mAsH`i'm starting * and i get this errore
17:39.09ZeeekNo I have 5.22 - I haven't tried ti yet
17:39.15mAsH`anyoneone can help me?
17:39.24mAsH`Illegal instruction (core dumped)
17:39.38dtwilsonhi all - would anybody know why I wouldnt seem to have iax2 nor iax commands available from CLI? its an inherited box I'm looking at
17:40.15DelvarG.729 8 Kbps 31.2 Kbps
17:40.15Zeeekdtwilson not built and/or not loaded
17:40.31`SauronDum di dum.
17:40.38dtwilsonZeeek: I was thinking that - but surely iax.conf wouldnt exist if that was the case?
17:40.51Zeeeksho wmodules
17:40.53Sedoroxdoesn't seem too bad
17:40.53JunK-Ydtwilson: asterisk*CLI> show modules like iax2
17:40.54*** join/#asterisk orpheusnickinuse (
17:41.04Zeeekthe conf doesn't mean anything
17:41.39WildPikachu[BAR]this is weird
17:41.45WildPikachu[BAR]i turned on all debugging i could find
17:41.50Schismsorry, I was gsm = g.711
17:42.00WildPikachu[BAR]when i dial the number, it just rings... nothing happening
17:42.14Zeeekdtwilson show modules iax2 and sip will be near the top
17:42.20orpheusnickinuseanyone had any experience with broadvoice? (i know the wiki says how to get thier service to work, i mean experience with the company in general)
17:42.20dtwilsonahha - iax modules not there - now - how to add it in?
17:42.30harryvvschism, i just looked though my dmesg. what are you asking.
17:42.32PakiPenguinCan i get some volume discount on g729
17:42.42Schismharryvv: did it do a core dump?
17:42.42Zeeeklook in modules.conf and see if it's not loaded on purp
17:42.52dtwilsonZeek: cheers
17:42.54Schismharryvv: did you see anything regarding the modules?
17:43.02Zeeekwith a noload=
17:43.15Zeeekmaybe grep noload modules.conf even
17:43.31multrixI got free access on a SIP proxy where I can call everywhere in europe canada and US, do you think its illegal or dangerous ?
17:43.31Schismharryvv: I would rmmod the modules, and then recompile them
17:43.36Delvar << prety good table
17:43.44harryvvmake; make install
17:43.45JunK-Ydtwilson: load
17:44.20harryvvmodules are not loaded according to rmmod
17:44.35dtwilsonJunK-Y: I just commented out the noload = - so I need an actual "load =" line then?
17:44.45Schismjust wanted to make sure
17:44.48Zeeekdtwilson no retart and see
17:44.54PakiPenguinmohaa time , brb
17:44.59dtwilsonZeek I did reload
17:45.06dtwilsonstill no iax2 command
17:45.30Delvarwhen changing modules dont you have to stop/start asterisk?
17:45.32JunK-Ydtwilson: try to restart now.
17:45.45JunK-Yya dont have to have a load chan_iax2 line in ur module
17:45.52JunK-Yuntil ya've the .so created.
17:46.03harryvvSchism, here is what I got.
17:46.03JunK-Yin /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
17:46.20dtwilsonwaiting for restart to finish
17:47.08*** join/#asterisk miguellinux (
17:47.12Schismrmmod the modules w/ unresolved symbols and then do a "make clean; make install"
17:47.25Schismrm the modules
17:47.28Schismnot rmmod :-P
17:47.47harryvvlike remove this one
17:47.53JunK-Yasterisk modules != kernel modules.
17:48.08Sedoroxyay... two asterisk's connected and working...
17:48.09Schismzaptel modules = kernel modules
17:48.20harryvvie, remove the modules in those last lines of the url i just showed you right?
17:49.05Zeeekdtwilson - we're hanging on a thread here!
17:49.25Schismharryvv: yes
17:49.33dtwilsonrestart seems to be taking forever
17:49.38Schismthat have unresolved symbols
17:49.44Zeeekdtwilson not a great sign
17:49.46*** join/#asterisk jterrero (~some@
17:49.58dtwilsonZeeek: I know :( - am worried now
17:50.04Zeeekmaybe the iax.conf is screwed up tho
17:50.10jterrerocan someone help me out?
17:50.11jterreroJan 31 12:46:53 WARNING[17722]: file.c:475 ast_openstream: File voicemail//300/greet does not exist in any format
17:50.11jterreroJan 31 12:46:53 WARNING[17722]: file.c:779 ast_streamfile: Unable to open voicemail//300/greet (format ilbc): No such file or directory
17:50.16Zeeekmake sure it has the right port and all that
17:50.35*** join/#asterisk nitram (
17:50.36Zeeek4569 IIRC
17:50.43benjrIs there a way to use encrypted passwords in SIPFRIENDS MYSQL table? anyone, please
17:50.43Zeeek5036 was IAX
17:51.06dtwilsondon't think iax.conf is the problem tho - asterisk just doesnt seem to start up again :S
17:51.17Zeeekwhere diod it stop?
17:51.33dtwilsonsoon as I did restart now
17:51.59Zeeekdrums stop. Not good.
17:52.23Zeeekas in King Kong
17:52.24Delvarbenjr: md5secret ?
17:52.30Zeeek"Drums Stop. No Good"
17:52.35*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
17:52.39harryvvschism, thay seem to be comming back after i rm them
17:52.50Schismyes, after you do a make install
17:52.52Sedoroxthanks for your help Schism
17:52.53RoyKrm -f harryvv
17:53.00SchismSedorox: n/p
17:53.07Sedoroxttyl.... off to a boring class
17:53.11dtwilsonhmmm weird - just returned modules.conf to original and its back up again
17:53.22Schismyou are removing the evil modules
17:53.27Schismand recompiling them :)
17:53.29dtwilsonso, mustnt have installed
17:53.30Zeeekdtwilson sounds like you need some remaking to be done
17:53.31Schismdo a depmod -a
17:53.39Schismafter you do a make install
17:53.43Schismthen try to modprobe them
17:54.38dtwilsonZeeek: I'm worried about doing a remake, cos its a production box which has soem extensive python customization stuff in it
17:55.09ZeeekBe afraid! Be very afraid!
17:55.24ZeeekWhen the prod box goes down, so do you!
17:55.30harryvvwell, I rm -f all those lines by simply copping them and then pasting after rm -f and thay still come back after /usr/src/zaptel make; make install. so no chance of typos introduced.
17:55.36ZeeekPlus it made me feel like shit for 24 hours
17:55.56Schismharryvv: that is good
17:56.01Schismharryvv: u want them to come back
17:56.03Zeeekknowing my SIP and IAX stuff at home was DEAD
17:56.12*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
17:56.56PakiPenguinZeeek: know anything about iax and firewall ( what ports i need forwarded to my machine to make it work )
17:57.05*** join/#asterisk ard (~ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
17:57.10BoRiShi guys
17:57.10multrixcan somebody tell me about this ? : I got a free access to a SIP proxy, and I can call all europe, canada and US for free.... what could it be behind this ?? hacked pbx ?
17:57.11Zeeekyou shouldn't need to forward for IAX
17:57.41Zeeekwhat IAX device are you using PakiP?
17:57.48Delvarmultrix: bad config on proxi
17:57.56BoRiSfile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wassssssssssssup?
17:58.01file[laptop]de nada, u?
17:58.07harryvvokay schisim im getting the top three lines as symbol errors when doing depmod -a
17:58.19Schismhow about depmod -ae
17:58.19jterrerocan someone please help me out? i have my DID being forwarded to extension 300, in voicemail.conf i have "300 => 2121, Some D. Dude," when i call the number my phone rings and after time out i expect it to go to voicemail, in asterisk debug i get the following message.. does anyone know what my prob might be ?
17:58.20jterreroJan 31 12:46:53 WARNING[17722]: file.c:475 ast_openstream: File voicemail//300/greet does not exist in any format
17:58.20jterreroJan 31 12:46:53 WARNING[17722]: file.c:779 ast_streamfile: Unable to open voicemail//300/greet (format ilbc): No such file or directory
17:58.26PakiPenguinZeeek: iaxphone ( everything's blocked , i need to specify ports to have them open, work firewall )
17:58.35harryvvokay try that
17:58.43BoRiSNot too much, working on some brochures and pricing stuff :)
17:58.47Zeeek4569 PakiP
17:58.48file[laptop]BoRiS: ah
17:58.50Schismharryvv: I dunno, have you tried to reboot your machine?
17:59.02harryvvscisim, depmod -ae worked
17:59.03*** join/#asterisk FuzzyCat (~ScaredyCa@
17:59.08harryvvno erorrs
17:59.21Schismtry to modprobe them
17:59.24file[laptop]BoRiS: Space changed their times and stuff...
17:59.24harryvvyea, no fricken idea what caused this
17:59.25PakiPenguinZeeek: udp /tcp? what about others 10000 and ?
17:59.30Zeeekjterro the double slash may not be a good omen - other than that maybe no file exists?
17:59.39Zeeekno just 4569 UDP AFAIK
17:59.49Zeeek10000 is for SIP
18:00.02ZeeekI theeeeeeenk
18:00.12harryvvschism, get 13 unresolved symbols when doing modprobe wcfxo
18:00.13jterreroZeeek: what file does not exist? ive only been working with iax.conf, extensions.conf and voicemail.conf
18:00.17SuPrSluGany dundi people here?
18:00.24Schismharryvv: even after depmod -ae worked? :-(
18:00.26Zeeekthe file it's compklaining about
18:00.31dtwilsonZeeek: yayy - it was my bad iax.conf
18:00.40Schismharryvv: have you tried to reboot your server?
18:00.46Zeeekjterrero - it needs a greetng file for voicemail and it isn't finding it
18:00.46harryvvlet me do that
18:00.52*** join/#asterisk ard (~ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
18:01.00jterreroZeeek: doesnt asterisk have a default file?
18:01.00Zeeekdtwilson so even a stopped clock (me) can be right twice a day
18:01.13Zeeekyes but it isn't finding it : THINK now
18:01.57*** join/#asterisk ard (~ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
18:02.08dtwilsonZeeek: if you turn the clock round, it can be right several times a day
18:02.27ZeeekBeen know to happen :)
18:02.59modulus_just got head
18:03.01ZeeekINBOX  busy.gsm  greet.gsm  greet.wav
18:03.16modulus_Connected to Asterisk CVS-HEAD-01/31/05-09:56:13 currently running on asterisk (pid = 13001)
18:03.47Zeeekjterrero : here's what I have for example root@r:/etc/asterisk# ls /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/2000
18:03.54ZeeekINBOX  busy.gsm  greet.gsm  greet.wav
18:04.22file[laptop]BoRiS: Which TNG is on?
18:04.30*** part/#asterisk JunK-Y (~grepmoo@
18:04.43PakiPenguini love TNG!!!
18:04.49*** join/#asterisk clive- (
18:04.57*** join/#asterisk machinehd (
18:04.58BoRiSSomething with a ferengi coming on board...looks like trouble to me
18:05.09PakiPenguinargh tng == the next generation
18:05.13benjrdelvar: md5secret where? there's not a column with that name
18:06.11BoRiSI love TNG also
18:06.47fa`Sauron so? Do you have some good structure and data?
18:06.54modulus_jbot g-g-g-g?
18:07.00modulus_jbot g-unit?
18:07.01jbotg-unit stands for "Guerilla Unit". It's members are Tony Yayo, Lloyd Banks, Young Buck, and the leader 50 Cent. Their official DJ is DJ Whoo Kid. Also see
18:07.06*** join/#asterisk Gerrath (
18:08.07ZeeekWho is the captain in TNG?
18:08.16modulus_jean luc picard
18:08.22modulus_dumb ass
18:08.25file[laptop]oh this episode, I don't like it
18:08.42ZeeekI like the later series with the girls with big lips
18:08.47WildPikachu[BAR]is there a way to make a call using capi manually?
18:08.50WildPikachu[BAR]to test if the line is working
18:08.51netsurferI dont fully understand how the contexts work in extensions.conf - if a user has context=foo in sip.conf, do they have permissions for everything below [foo] or just [foo]
18:08.52machinehdI have 2 boxes with what I believe is the same config. One has * bound to "" the other is ""... sip.conf is identical. Any ideas why?
18:09.11Zeeekfoo and what's included in foo, that's all
18:09.20modulus_machinehd, /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
18:09.23Zeeekwhich is the point
18:09.29modulus_machinehd, specifies which port/ip to listen on
18:09.35netsurferand if context=foo;foobar they have permissions for both of those ?
18:09.41machinehdmodulus_, they are identical
18:09.48*** join/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
18:09.54Zeeekyou can't put multiple contexts that I know of
18:10.07Zeeekbut I know nothing, nothing...
18:10.37ZeeekAn excellent doc on contexts:
18:11.08*** join/#asterisk ard (~ard@2001:7b8:32d:0:20c:6eff:fe18:d11f)
18:11.19netsurferyes.. been reading for days on it, just couldnt find an answer to that question anywhere.. the docs kind of assume u just know
18:11.31netsurferor maybe im just a bit dumb :P
18:11.32ZeeekNo it's described in detail there
18:11.35Nuggetcontext= doesn't give permission, it sets the default context.  there can only be one default.
18:11.36modulus_LIGHTS OUT!
18:11.53dtwilsonI cant see
18:11.55netsurferNugget - I dont mean in [general]
18:12.01Nuggetneither do I.
18:12.03netsurferNugget - I mean in [user]
18:12.06Nuggetso do I.
18:12.10Zeeek"Introduction to Creating Dialplans"
18:12.24Zeeek"This file is made up of four main parts: contexts , extensions , priorities , and applications ." etc
18:12.32netsurferfa - ask before pm'ing,. im busy right now
18:12.43ZeeekContexts play an organizational role within the dialplan. Contexts also define scope. "
18:13.15netsurferi'll have another read.. im sure its all in the docs, maybe I just dont understand it fully
18:13.25ZeeekIt's right there
18:13.41Zeeekthey developed that doc over many months - it's excellent
18:13.58faare anyone using postgresql to IAX users?
18:14.01faod sip?
18:14.21Nuggetthere are no access controls on contexts.  all calls have the same access to all contexts.  it's up to you to make sure that there's no path from a connection's default context to a context which it should be able to access.
18:14.44Nuggetif a call's default context has no path to another context, then there's no way for the call to hop to that context
18:14.50Zeeekthen how can it access what it'sz supposed to access? :)
18:15.20Zeeek"make sure that there's no path from a connection's default context to a context which it should be able to access"
18:15.29Zeeekno wonder he's confused :)
18:15.57Zeeekjust make sure you do not have the keys to the car you wish to start
18:16.17Zeeekthat *is* paranoid security !
18:16.20Nuggeta better analogy would be "make sure that no roads lead to the place you don't want the driver to go."  :)
18:16.26netsurfer <-- I was ok til I read this lol
18:16.49netsurferit shows a user with 2x context=
18:16.49Zeeekor even the non poetic but literal "Don't include dangerous contexts in insecure ones"
18:17.11ZeeekYou use RealTime ?
18:17.21Nuggetthat page is, generously speaking, quite misleading.
18:17.40netsurferZeeek - I am thinking of implementing it, but at the moment, no
18:17.57netsurferhowever it shows a standard sip.conf entry
18:18.12Zeeekyou mean Extconfig.conf Setup ?
18:18.18Nuggeta sip.conf entry with two context lines is not standard, it's malformed.
18:18.37netsurferthen that page is very misleading
18:18.40Nuggetit is.
18:18.58ZeeekYa it doesn't apply to the normal setup without realtime
18:19.08Zeeekwalk before you run, I guess
18:19.21Zeeekor run and bust yer ass like my grandson does
18:19.42ZeeekI wonder if there are kids that have never had chin stitches ?
18:19.46netsurferwell, in realtime then it shows the 2 contexts stored as default;local which I found odd
18:20.02Zeeekworry about it when you actually HAVE realtime
18:20.06netsurferanyway.. thx for clearing that matter up :)
18:20.07Nuggetnetsurfer: not any more.  :)
18:20.20netsurferZeeek - I have it now.. but im not using it with sip.conf
18:20.45Zeeekyou have one on me because I can't imagine why that would be of interest :)
18:20.45*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
18:21.11netsurferNugget - thats clearer :)
18:21.47netsurferNugget - "in the column it should be separated by a semicolon. For example, an entity that looks like: "
18:21.54Zeeekwhy am I not seeing a difference?
18:21.56netsurfernow there's no semicolon ;)
18:22.09netsurferZeeek - refresh?
18:22.27netsurferkick ur webcache :oP
18:22.33Zeeekwhere di dit change?
18:22.43netsurfertook one of the context= out
18:22.52Zeeekwhat is the heading above?
18:23.00netsurferand removed ;local from the db entry
18:23.35ZeeekI must be on the wrong page
18:24.19Nuggetok, updated.  thanks netsurfer.
18:24.39Zeeekthat took about 10 refreshes
18:24.53netsurferlol crappy isp ;)
18:25.15ZeeekI'm always tempted to tweek and use stuff like realtime but I think for like 3 users why run mysql etc
18:25.29NuggetI'd be more tempted if it were postgresql.
18:25.31netsurferbecause its fun getting it to work :oP
18:25.42*** join/#asterisk george_ (~george@
18:25.43Zeeekyes that's why I have * in the first place
18:25.54george_Hello everyone!
18:25.58Zeeekbut I'm painted in a corned now that it is used as our production pbx
18:26.14george_I have a quesion about gentoo, *, and MOH....
18:26.14Zeeekit's gorgeous George!
18:26.27Zeeekoh, maybe nbot
18:26.29netsurferif u dont use mpg123 that is ;)
18:26.41Nuggeteveryone should add enum lookups to their dialplan today.
18:26.48Nuggetit's good karma
18:26.57george_Um, I am trying to use mpg123, is that not what I should do for MOH?
18:26.58*** join/#asterisk Luhiwu (~marsosa@
18:27.02Luhiwuhi all
18:27.05Zeeekyes but I was getting no register from all day so I removed it
18:27.14netsurferI keep getting stray mpg123 processes starting up without putting anyone on hold
18:27.25netsurferearlier I did ps x and had like 12 of them
18:27.30Zeeekthey're not stray
18:27.38george_If I have an mp3 in the spec'd directory, mpg123 will start, but * will not.
18:27.51netsurferI didnt have 12 ppl on hold.. in fact not even one ;)
18:27.58Zeeeknetsurfer you should have about 6
18:28.05Zeeekat startup
18:28.05modulus_redhat sure is stupid
18:28.08jterreroanyone know where i can find some docs on flashing Cisco 79xx phones to use SIP ?
18:28.09Luhiwuanyone is using chan_h323 for incoming calls?
18:28.13netsurferoh, I only have 2 right now
18:28.17modulus_i switch to runlevel3 and it calls runlevel6 first
18:28.31Zeeekunder certain conx if you stop * you'll have a bunch of mp3 processes running
18:28.33george_I have mpg123 v.059s, but that's what I have on my suse box.
18:28.34Nuggetset the default runlevel to 6 in inittab.  :)
18:28.55george_nad the suse box works fine.
18:28.59*** join/#asterisk gustavoz (~gustavoz@gustavoz.developer.gentoo)
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18:29.38faanyone try that
18:29.49*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
18:30.11george_anyone using gentoo here for *?
18:30.24fayes, I
18:30.33george_are you suing MOH?
18:30.33ctooleyanyone here sell toll free services?
18:30.52Qwellgeorge_: You can't use the mpg123 ebuild.  You'll have to compile it yourself.  make mpg123 from the asterisk source dir
18:30.54george_fa: "using" MOH, that is
18:30.56Godseyis there a correct way to rotate asterisk logs?
18:31.08george_really?  why is that?
18:31.27Qwellbecause they changed some options, and it returns different stuff now.  You need to use 0.59r
18:31.39mishehuif asterisk is using cdr_mysql, why does it still output csv logs?
18:31.41george_but I have 059s on my suse box.
18:31.53file[laptop]mishehu: because the module is loaded?
18:32.10file[laptop]mishehu: you can have multiple CDR handlers
18:32.17fageorge_ i use ZAP
18:32.27george_Qwell: I'm using mpg123-0.59s-513 on my SuSE box and ti works...
18:32.30Qwellgeorge_: the results are "unexpected".  0.59r is known to work though
18:32.46*** join/#asterisk visik7 (
18:32.47mishehufile[laptop]: I'd have figured it would be smart and only load cdr_mysql.  ;-)  guess I'll have to noload the csv one
18:32.52QwellWhich is why they included a "make mpg123" option in the makefile
18:33.13Qwellgeorge_: I recommend unmerging mpg123, and compiling a "proper version" from source
18:33.16george_Qwell: Okay.  I'll build 059r from source.  Weould I be better off to convert them all to wav files and use an alternative MOH method.
18:33.31Qwellgeorge_: dunno, I'm just relaying what I've seen/heard
18:33.44george_It's worth a try...
18:33.45*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (
18:37.29george_Qwell: did yu say that the source for mpg123 is included with the asterisk source?
18:37.31DaLionanyone have cdrtool DB fields from billing_customers exl[pantions ?
18:37.48Qwellgeorge_: included, no.  But if you "make mpg123", it'll wget the source
18:37.53sjaak538Godsey use in cli>logger rotate
18:38.04george_gotcha, thanks!
18:38.15*** join/#asterisk George1 (
18:38.30Qwellfor some reason, it didn't compile for me like that, and I had to go in and do it by hand.  ymmv
18:40.23faI have that "
18:40.24faexten => 1234/0691761693,1,Wait,1
18:42.50*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
18:42.58*** part/#asterisk George1 (
18:44.41faanyone use php agi?
18:45.27tafazzivisik7, c'è #asterisk-it per chat in italiano... Se vuoi
18:46.00DaLionno mi capiche italiano
18:46.01Nuggettu vuo fa l'americano
18:46.19DaLionjbot: babelfish en it i dont speak italian
18:47.18tafazziSorry it was a message for a possible italian person, to inform him about #asterisk-it a channel for asterisk in italian... Sorry for the wide distribution...
18:47.51tafazziBut I opened an Italian chat room...
18:48.29Nuggetit's unfortunate that irc can't reliably handle non low-bit ascii text.
18:48.30tafazzijbot: babelfish it en non parlo inglese
18:48.59Luhiwuanyone is using chan_h323 for incoming calls? i want to configure the asterisk so calls from one IP goes into context X and from another IP goes into context Y, anyone have done that?
18:49.28Beirdothat bot rules
18:51.33Sedoroxjbot: babelfish en it Hello
18:51.49QwellI always thought that meant bye, heh
18:51.59Sedoroxjbot: babelfish en it bye
18:52.01Sedoroxthink its the same
18:52.11fawhich is the best protocl, if i am connecting over 512 kbps fro iax phone to asterisk ?
18:52.44Luhiwu"ciao" is hello, you may be thinking in spanish "chau" (bye)
18:52.52DaminI've got echocancelwhenbridged=no, but when I conference two Ulaw calls together there is horrible echo.
18:53.04Qwellfa: 512kbit can handle the "heavier" codecs.  Mostly, its a give between call quality, and bandwidth used.
18:53.09DaminSo the question really is.. Why does everyone reccomend echocancelwhenbridged=no? Seems to me that it should be "yes"
18:53.16tafazziciao is confidential... arrivederci is more formal.
18:53.17Qwellfa: basically, test a bunch, and use whichever you think is best for your situation
18:53.33QwellDon't msg me
18:53.49Daminfa: Use lpc10
18:54.15Daminfa: Don't message me..
18:54.20Daminfa: I don't have time to talk to you..
18:54.20fahyh ;]
18:54.28faI must talk with sb..
18:54.31fai have a few question
18:54.33Qwellfa: Read your IRC netiquette again
18:55.00Qwellso ask in the channel
18:55.38faI want to use PHP scripts in AGI..
18:55.41fain asterisk
18:55.43SedoroxQuestion... if two *'s are hooked together via IAX... a phone is connect to A... and the voicemail system is running on B.. .will the phone on A still get the notification that there are messages waiting in its mailbox?
18:55.49fait's working good?
18:56.12NuggetDamin: I am not certain, but I believe that suggestion is an artifact of earlier bugs which made the echocanceller do bad things with bridged calls.  it was intended as a temporary solution until that bug could be resolved.
18:56.12faand about ast_data, anybody use that, anyone have structure for IAX table in postgresql and some dump of records?
18:56.22fawhat about groups of users in IAX2 and SIP?
18:56.23NuggetI don't know if the bug is resolved, though.  that's just my recollection of the issue
18:56.37Qwellfa: All of your questions can be answered with the wiki
18:57.05faQwell no. I can;'t find a structure and example record for iax in postgresql.
18:57.12faand i can't find opinion about ast_data..
18:57.13Zeeekgrep "fa.*wiki" | wc -l  ->>> 22345
18:57.21QwellZeeek: Are you serious?
18:57.28Zeeekall day
18:57.43QwellSo, I'm wasting my breath then
18:57.49Zeeekin a word, yes.
18:58.04*** join/#asterisk netsurfer (
18:58.05tihSedorox: No, it won't.
18:58.12faQwell what?
18:58.19Zeeekhi tih
18:58.25Zeeekrough day?
18:58.29faQwell tell me ;] sth intersting..
18:58.37tihHey, Zeeek -- nope, I've been on holiday for a week.
18:58.55Zeeektih d'you know anything about DSL from an ISP point of view?
18:59.12ZeeekI'll ask my question anyway and anyone who knows can answer
18:59.14DaminZeeek: Yeah.. what do you need to know?
18:59.21tihZeeek: I sort of should, since I work for an ISP that does DSL.
18:59.39tihZeeek: except I start working for a VoIP outfit tomorrow... :-)
18:59.42ZeeekWe had a power failure at the office a couple days ago and the digium cards shorted the phone lines until they were restet
19:00.00*** join/#asterisk CCDAS (~spears_da@
19:00.18tihZeeek: that sounds less than polite of them.
19:00.21Zeeekanyway, the DSL connection was broken for more than a day - I was wondering if the DSL provider had equip to sense a short circuit and disconnect?
19:00.44ZeeekI remember being told that the phone co does this in case of a short or did years ago
19:00.49netsurferprobably tripped something
19:01.00Zeeekbut where? At the phone co or the DSL prov?
19:01.01fileatleast you haven't blown out a line card
19:01.43tihZeeek: um, the DSL and the phone lines are separate things, so shorting out the phone lines shouldn't make them do anything to your DSL lines.
19:01.43netsurferphone co
19:01.43ZeeekYeah the cards looked scray but they came back ok
19:01.43fileeventually my telco ran a new phone line for me
19:01.43netsurferwhy did they short ?
19:01.43Zeeekwell in this country it's more complicated
19:01.43fileand voila - all problems fixed
19:01.45AsteriskNooBsorry, i know I asked already but then I had to leave the computer. how do I enter a pause in a dialstring going out ZAP channels? isn't it P? because it's not working and i have 4 of them PPPP trying to give it a 2 or more second lag for the old system to grab a line
19:01.51Zeeekya see all phones lines go to France Telecom
19:02.20Zeeekthen FT "decgroups" them
19:02.26Zeeekrouting to the provider
19:02.30netsurferZeeek - same here.. they go to BT then BT route the dsl traffic to the isp
19:02.34tihZeeek: sure, but at the nearest interchange to your site, the phone lines and the DSL lines plug into different types of equipment.
19:02.48tihZeeek: oh, except when they don't, eh?
19:02.53Zeeekso any answer to my qwest? Because I didn't know who to call
19:03.11netsurferif ur phone dont work call ur phone co
19:03.15netsurferif ur dsl dont work call ur isp
19:03.32filecheck to make sure the phone line is plugged into the phone first
19:03.38Nuggetwho do you call when your keyboard is dropping letters?
19:03.41tihZeeek: if your DSL lines are switched by the phone company to your DSL provider, they may indeed be something besides clean, undisturbed, copper.
19:03.43Zeeekyes except that the ISP put me on hold for over a minute then said no one avail - five times
19:03.46netsurferhere, the isp checks their side.. if its ok then contact the phone co
19:04.12netsurferin the uk u cant report a dsl fault to the phone co. they dont want to know
19:04.18tihZeeek: in Norway, DSL lines always go to a DSLAM at the nearest exchange.
19:04.35tihnetsurfer: same here.
19:04.55tihnetsurfer: and its the ISP who must talk to the phone company.
19:05.00netsurferif the isp cant fix it then THEY call the phone co
19:05.43PakiPenguin-tih: same here
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19:07.00harryvvHas anyone had any negative feedback from there clients on the spa 841's|?
19:07.10*** join/#asterisk FryGuy (
19:07.38DaLionfrom cdrtool
19:07.40DaLionLookup the billing Profile in cdrtool.billing_customers table in the
19:07.56DaLioncan we change to accountid,subs,domain,gateway ?
19:08.13DaLionand is subs the callerid ?
19:08.24DaLionno darn docs on thid
19:08.43Zeeekok guys thx - the problem is I couldn't reach the ISP
19:09.23*** join/#asterisk greg_work (
19:10.51*** join/#asterisk Derkommissar (
19:11.25file'Hello' is overrated, we now say 'Brimoblattingsplat'
19:11.45DerkommissartalpsgnittalbomirB ?
19:11.55filethat's acceptable
19:12.32tzangeroh you mean BrEHmoblattingsplat... dammit learn to spell
19:12.48tzangerI've never seen someone type with an accent before
19:13.02drumkillahey file :)
19:13.08filehi drumkilla
19:14.02drumkillahow's it going?
19:14.20filenot too bad, working on some IAX2 stuff
19:14.39drumkillaI'm just looking at some email in between classes
19:14.45fileindeed coding
19:15.03Sedoroxis there a way to link the voicemail systems together?
19:15.11drumkillafile: tell me more!
19:15.21filedrumkilla: it's called, Push!
19:15.35filedrumkilla: your asterisk box can push/pull data from other asterisk boxes
19:15.39filelike... mailbox status!
19:15.57fileor... CDRs after a native transfer!
19:16.07drumkillafile: what new functionality will that bring?
19:16.16freatanyone have a macro for rolling over to multiple extensions? I'm thinking something that has a variable number of parameters, that uses ifgoto to know if to try the additional extensions...
19:16.26filedrumkilla: you can store your voicemail on a remote server, and MWI still works
19:16.33drumkillafun times
19:16.39drumkillawhy not use some management foo?
19:16.42Sedoroxfile: when do you think you'll have that done :-P
19:16.44fileit's going surprisingly well
19:16.48fileSedorox: MWI stuff already works
19:16.55Sedoroxacross servers?
19:16.58filedrumkilla: there's other things you can do with this
19:16.59freatI want to use it to add peoples' cellphones into the mix on their extension. Problem with doing & on dial is if there cellphone is off it goes right to VM
19:17.03vaewynfile file he's our man... if file can't do it... then it shouldn't be done
19:17.04Sedoroxin 1.0.3?
19:17.07drumkillafile: I'm just picking on you :)
19:17.09filethis is for CVS head
19:17.13Sedoroxah ok
19:17.32fileit's verrrrrry cool
19:17.34Sedoroxthats one thing I'm really looking for
19:17.41fileit's generic too so other stuff can be transmitted
19:18.29fileI'm open for suggestions
19:18.53netsurferhas System been removed as a command ? WARNING[3892]: pbx.c:1294 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'System(/usr/bin/mv etc etc
19:19.07Sedoroxyea.. I'm looking at it for a hosting company that has people (support.. sales.. etc..) all over the US and Canada... and we'll have multiple links down to the PSTN links in each country
19:19.10george_Qwell:  yes, taht new mpg123 did the trick on one system.  Teh other one still doesn't spit out sound.
19:19.13*** join/#asterisk lung (
19:19.16vaewynfile: remote dialplan update  ;P
19:19.38Derkommissarwhy cant a call join a queue with no valid agents
19:19.40vaewynswitch =>  on steroids!  :}
19:19.52filevaewyn: *G*
19:19.53drumkillavaewyn: that's DUNDi  :p
19:19.55Beirdooh jeez
19:20.03fileremote asterisk provisioning and distributed user/peer list
19:20.10fileso you configure one asterisk and it propogates to the rest
19:20.16BeirdoI've been looking for a Digium reseller in the Toronto area
19:20.23Beirdoand I found one, and it's someone I know :)
19:20.30vaewyndrumkilla: dundi requires remote lookup... there are many situations where that is not a "good thing"
19:20.46Luhiwuanyone is using chan_h323 for incoming calls? i want to configure the asterisk so calls from one IP goes into context X and from another IP goes into context Y, anyone have done that?
19:21.00SedoroxBeirdo: hehe
19:21.03Beirdoand you'd better believe I'll put money in his pocket
19:21.25Zeeekquick someone with a GS BT100
19:21.36ZeeekI'm helping somone troubleshoot - what's the default password?
19:21.46Zeeekwhat I thought, thx
19:21.47george_anyone have experience w/ MOH?  I have a system that starts up mpg123 but I cannot hear it down the line?
19:21.49SedoroxI believe
19:21.51Sedoroxlet me check
19:21.55Zeeekoh great :)
19:22.23Sedoroxerrr... maybe I deleted the userguide.. but I believe it is asmin
19:22.36BeirdoOh, and he takes PayPal
19:22.51SedoroxZeeek: I have two.. pretty nice for the price...
19:23.01Zeeekyes it is admin, it worked
19:23.26Sedorox <-- the user guide for it
19:23.29Sedoroxvery helpful
19:23.42ZeeekI have it but I'm talking to someone and didn't want to look thru it
19:24.03Zeeekyeah I have it on this machine thx
19:24.13Sedoroxkk.. well it is in there :-p
19:25.11netsurferexten => 100,6,System(/bin/mv /home/netsurfer/file1.gsm /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/local/file1.gsm) <-- this command has stopped working since I went from 1.0.5 to cvs HEAD - what replaces "System" ?
19:27.47Sedoroxwhere are the files stored for like... "thank you" and "Welcome" that are used in the demo?
19:28.31fa/var/lib/asterisk - maybe
19:28.41Sedoroxdon't have that in BSD... had to create it for moh
19:28.49fawho use AGI/(PHP) or postgresql?
19:29.02faSedorox meybe try to find by name
19:29.23faanyone made a callback for cellular phone?
19:29.49Sedoroxhmmm... or... we want to create our own welcome menu type thing... how would I play the files.. and what format? wav... mp3? gsm (how would I creat gsm files?)
19:30.01Sedoroxfa: I'm just starting out with it so I dunno how to help you :(
19:30.22faSedorox but what is your problem?
19:31.15Sedoroxwell I haven't looked around much for it.. but to create our own menu with custom voice stuff.. like how would I play it.. and does it matter what file-format its in
19:31.22netsurferSedorox - /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
19:32.24Sedoroxthen how do I reference the files? exten => s,1,(ss-welcome) where ss-welcome.mp3 is in sounds?
19:32.38*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
19:34.35bjohnsonBeirdo: contact info for the resller?
19:35.22BeirdoI don't think he has a storefront, but you can ask.  His address listed is in Unionville
19:36.03bjohnsonfa: callback examples in the wiki
19:36.30bjohnsonBeirdo: syonex .. I already have that name .. didn't I give it to you?
19:36.48BeirdoI don't think you did, but I don't remember
19:36.49fabjohnson Can You give a link, i have a problem with find it
19:37.00harryvvHas anyone had any negative feedback from there clients on the spa 841's|?
19:37.00BeirdoI actually know the owner though, that's the sad thing :)
19:37.04*** join/#asterisk letherglov (
19:37.06jbotDocumentation can be found at or or #asterisk-doc, or, or
19:37.22bjohnsonfa: ^^ I think on tips and tricks page
19:38.23faon voip-info, right?
19:38.27bjohnsonfa: I haven't done it
19:38.36*** join/#asterisk allgood (
19:38.53bjohnsonI'm still looking for someone who has a fax/data switch as part of their installation
19:39.14allgoodI'm looking for a free and good soft phone... can be IAX or SIP... but must support consulted transfer... can anyone help me onthis?
19:39.25Sedoroxalgorithmn: x-lite
19:39.34Sedoroxallgood: X-Lite
19:39.34allgoodx-lite doesn't support transfer at all
19:39.38Beirdoyou'd better be saluting with all yer fingers :)
19:39.48SedoroxBeirdo: hehe
19:39.57george_anyone able to offer advice on getting MOH to work?  One system is being trouble and I'm not sure why...
19:39.57allgoodat least... I couln't make it make a transfer
19:40.15SedoroxI did notice it was greyed out...
19:40.18Sedoroxdunno how
19:40.35SedoroxBeirdo: that site is a little expensive
19:40.46allgoodSedorox: can you use transfers with x-lite?
19:40.57Beirdonot really
19:41.00Beirdothat's in CDN $
19:41.08*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (
19:41.09fabjohnson what do you think about it. I am making a system to configure asterix for me. adding iax users etc. What is better to seek thast data by ast_data in database or to parse file ?
19:41.34SedoroxBeirdo: but when I converted it to US.. it came to $107 for a iaxy.. which is $99 on digium's site...
19:41.34*** join/#asterisk Tili (
19:41.42Sedoroxallgood: I don't know.. I haven't really tried with transfer
19:41.59allgoodsedorox, i tried... that buton is disabled! :-D
19:41.59Beirdoit's $100CDN
19:42.03Beirdoplus taxes
19:42.16Beirdothat's cheaper than from digium
19:42.19Beirdooh wait
19:42.21Beirdowrong page
19:42.29allgoodSedorox, I've just tried IAX Phone right now... it supports transfer, but only the blind type... not the consulted type
19:42.47Beirdowhich is pretty close to $99US
19:42.56Sedoroxwhere you getting your price?
19:42.56bjohnsonBeirdo: 133 CDN including PST
19:42.57*** join/#asterisk aiser (
19:43.02bjohnsonerr GST
19:43.09Beirdo143.75 in Ontario
19:43.13aiserhello to all
19:43.13Sedoroxoh yea.. forgot.. that includes the taxes.. so...
19:43.15Beirdoso what? :)
19:43.21SedoroxBeirdo: nm them :-p
19:43.35Sedoroxallgood: I'm not sure.. I haven't really messed with softphones that much...
19:43.37aiserI have a question
19:43.51allgoodSedorox, ok... thx for your help...
19:43.53Sedoroxjust ask :-p
19:43.53aisersomeone is working on VoiceXML integration for asterisk ?
19:43.55bjohnson$133.25/1.07=$125 CDN ... $125/1.35=$92.5 USD
19:43.56allgoodcan anyother help me?
19:44.04BeirdoSedorox: and it's local.
19:44.09SedoroxBeirdo: yea...
19:44.14bjohnsonand no customs broker fees
19:44.17Beirdobjohnson: ummm.  125*0.80 you mean
19:44.21clive-allgood have you tried iaxcomm?
19:44.24SedoroxBeirdo: thanks for the site... the company I'm helping with is based in canada
19:44.29EvlHimekocheaper than buy from the states after shipping and getting your anus enlarged from a courier's brokerage charges
19:44.42Beirdo$125CDN = $100US
19:45.00allgoodclive-, not tried... but on feature list I can see only the blind transfer
19:45.08bjohnsonBeirdo: depends on current exchange rate .. I use 1.35 normally .. I don't think we've hit $0.80USD yet
19:45.18Sedoroxthats actually when we ordered the grandstream phones.. we had them shipped here (I'm in the US) and then I re-shipped one to canada.. instead of having to do customs twice
19:45.21Beirdowe have been around 0.80US for over a month
19:45.37fearnoranyone has a LERG that's less than 1 year old?
19:45.40SedoroxI just use for change
19:45.53EvlHimekoit hit .80 back in october or something
19:46.12EvlHimekomaybe not quite that long ago
19:46.13Beirdo, 1 Canadian Dollar (CAD) = 0.80684 US Dollar (USD)
19:46.27Beirdothe US$ is sucking rocks, that's why :)
19:46.32EvlHimekostill it's not liek you can get that rate
19:46.43EvlHimekothat is the interbank rate
19:47.04bjohnsonwe did a job for a US firm a while back and it got into an argument about what the exchange rate was .. I finally had to explain to my coworker that US uses a different calculation .. so the actual number comparison was meaningless .. they could both be right
19:47.26fearnorthere are different rates.
19:47.29fearnorspot rates etc.
19:47.56bjohnsonthe royal bank site usually has purchase rates and buy back rates listed
19:47.56EvlHimekobuy and sell rates are always different form the interbank
19:48.00Beirdoeither way, they will range by about 5% from interbank
19:48.14*** join/#asterisk mtvoip (
19:48.48Beirdothe point being, syonex's prices ain't bad if you are in Canada :)
19:48.58SedoroxBeirdo: yes
19:49.04bjohnsonBeirdo: no .. they're good prices
19:49.19bjohnsonthat's why I had them bookmarked
19:49.30Beirdoand I'm all for making the owner money
19:49.33bjohnsonI thought I gave you that url with a couple others
19:49.45BeirdoI didn't think so, but you may have
19:50.02mtvoipMorning.  Is there anyone who can help me with a sip/caller id bug in v1.0.5?
19:50.41Beirdoman does openh323 take forever to compile
19:50.43clive-allgood, I tried to get iaxcomm going on my computer, with little luck
19:51.05*** join/#asterisk Mother_ (
19:53.07allgoodclive-, used consulted transfer?
19:53.18netsurfercan anyone recommend a gsm codec for converting mp3 files in winxp ?
19:53.22*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
19:53.56tessier_netsurfer: Convert them to wave first
19:54.06*** join/#asterisk znoG (gs@
19:54.06netsurfertessier - which type ?
19:54.20tessier_netsurfer: How many types are there?
19:54.29tessier_Then use sox to convert the wav to gsm
19:54.29netsurferAdobe Audition has 4 different types of .wav
19:54.33tessier_oh geez
19:54.38tessier_heck if I know. The one everyone uses.
19:54.45tessier_The one asterisk users.
19:54.46clive-allgood, I wannted to test the new jitter buffer stuff in iaxcommm
19:54.53george_when I convert audio to MP3 for MOH, do I need a specific frequency and otehr options?  or will args to mpg123 take care of it?
19:54.54netsurfermaybe sox will deal with them all
19:55.00tessier_That's the nice thing about standards: So many to choose from!
19:55.18*** join/#asterisk ChulJin (~chuljin@
19:55.21tessier_george_: if mpg123 can play it, it should work
19:55.30tessier_asterisk doesn't care, it just gets a decoded audio stream
19:55.58george_well, it's on a headless machine and I cannot test it, really...
19:56.27george_I have audio I ripped with cdparanoia dand encoded with lame.  I have ti configured and the mpg123 processes are being started.
19:56.34george_However, no audio comes down the line...
19:56.37Sedoroxif I dial a extention.. how do i get it to play a mp3 file...?
19:57.18george_Sedorox: playmp3 or musiconhold() should do it.
19:57.32Schismhow about streams?
19:57.37Schismlike :-P
19:57.46george_tessier_: any thoughts on what I should look at?
19:58.00george_I think there's something on that talks about using streams.
19:58.02Schismpress 2 for hard trance :-P
19:58.13tessier_george_: Did you create a MusicOnHold extension to dial into
19:58.14Schismpress 5 for classical
19:58.22tessier_pres 6 for african deathmetal bagpipes
19:58.36george_Yes, I have it detect my CXID and it puts me there.  I see no errors, but I hear no audio.
19:58.37tessier_We had a zillion musical genres
19:58.46tessier_And african deathmetal bagpipes was the de-facto joke genre
19:58.48Beirdopress 7 for monty python
19:58.49*** join/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
20:00.20Sedoroxgeorge_: I'm looking at doing this for menu options.... how would I go about doing it..?
20:01.24george_are they just going to be put into indefinite hold, or are they going to be waiting?
20:01.29george_for something?
20:01.38terrapenwhy do these polycom phones have to be so doggone complicated
20:01.47terrapenthere's like five files
20:02.03terrapenno, wait, six or seven
20:02.51allgoodclive-, now my problem is only the transfer... i liked the "iax phone" but it doesn't do consulted transfers... only the blind ones
20:03.06*** join/#asterisk venix (~venix@
20:03.25flewidthis pa-168s allows me attended transfers
20:03.35flewidbut i'm using cvs-head with the new features.conf
20:04.04flewidoh nevermind, it doesn't now :)
20:05.37file[laptop]Yes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that.
20:05.57*** join/#asterisk mac_7 (
20:06.10Sedoroxfile: LOL.... love it...
20:06.49*** join/#asterisk adnans (
20:06.53clive-allgood, maybe the pa168s phone is a good option
20:07.25flewidclive-: the pa-168x based phones are working alright for me so far
20:07.36flewidneeds a lot of work but they're just beta firmwares so i can't complain
20:07.43flewidit's nice to have options besides the sometimes flaky iaxy
20:08.22file[laptop]woot IAX2
20:08.34file[laptop]go IAX2 gooooooooooooooooo
20:08.37flewidi was bored this weekend
20:08.40flewidcheck this out
20:08.47flewidl: guest
20:08.48denonpa-168x? who makes them?
20:08.48flewidp: gu3st
20:09.01*** join/#asterisk Syncros (
20:09.12flewiddenon: they are made in asia - that seshu guy from the mailing list sells them in america
20:09.15flewidthe atcom phones
20:09.17clive-flewid I am using them , they work well,  but I use SIp , havnt tried oax2 yet
20:09.19flewidor netweb-ip301
20:09.27clive-or yuxin
20:09.30wasimhail oax2!
20:09.34flewidyeah or yuxin
20:09.37flewidand of course the farfon
20:10.26*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
20:10.34flewidif only sipura would branch out and create iaxura :)
20:10.35stevekstevekclive-: what didn't work?
20:10.46clive-hey stevek :)
20:11.14clive-my machine seemd to lose iaxcomm.dll, said it was not locatable...I left it to try tomorrow
20:11.36flewidi wish mastercard would get back to me
20:11.42flewidi want to order my new g4 powerbook :(
20:11.57file[laptop]I ordered my new Dell machine, but it has yet to be approved ;(
20:11.58file[laptop]makes me sad
20:12.15flewidshitty - my gf's aunt is getting a dell shipped here for me to fix up before she takes it home
20:12.22flewidi'd get a pc laptop but those macs are just sooooooooo purty
20:12.26flewidand.. it's a mac :)
20:12.34*** join/#asterisk m-00kie (
20:12.44m-00kiesipura site is down?
20:13.15flewidappears so to me as well
20:13.16m-00kieim having trouble with my sipura -- when i plug it into the net, the lights blink 3 fast, 2 slow.. never registers on the server.. any idea?
20:13.48*** join/#asterisk jarrod (
20:13.49flewidfile: you get a 64?
20:14.12allgoodclive-, where can I find this phone?
20:14.28harryvvmookie, what model?
20:14.37doughecka_sipura's website is down
20:14.49m-00kiewhy '=D' ?
20:15.01flewidallgood: yuu int he states?
20:15.11flewidallgood: that's where i got mine - i'm in canada
20:15.28flewidmodel 301 is 1 port, 302 is 2 port, they also have newer models, but no prices listed yet
20:15.36harryvveither there site is down or there backhal fiber link is
20:15.45allgoodflewid, no... i'm in brazil
20:15.51harryvvflewid where at?
20:15.53allgoodflewid, can I buy it online?
20:16.06m-00kieharryvv - any idea what the blinks mean?  its 3 fast blinks then 2 slow blinks, repeating cycle
20:16.08flewidallgood: yeah he accepts paypal
20:16.12znoGallgood: colombia 1 - brasil 0  -- what happened there?? :)
20:16.29flewid^^ i added all the crap i experienced with this phone to that page
20:16.37allgoodflewid, I was looking for softfones... but a cheap hardphone can make into my project
20:16.39flewidso you're set to go
20:16.40harryvvmookie, dont know google it
20:16.44doughecka_which fone is this?
20:16.50m-00kietried. cant find any info.
20:16.51clive-flewid do you have a site with any decent manual on that phone?
20:16.56flewiddoughecka_: pa-168x based
20:17.05flewidor i think
20:17.26file[laptop]oh, my, god, BECKY!
20:17.41file[laptop]flewid: yes
20:17.46file[laptop]flewid: 64-bit 3.4GHz Intel P4 with HT
20:18.05flewidfile[laptop]: nice, i was going to hold out till the powerbook g5's
20:18.12flewidbut now that they upgraded the processors and ram today
20:18.18flewidi can't stand it anymore :)
20:18.23allgoodI liked the tin-can phone on that site! wanna one of those
20:18.29file[laptop]it came to... $456.29 USD
20:18.38flewidfile: haha uncomparable to mine
20:18.43flewid4.5k cdn after tax
20:19.09flewid17", 100gb, 1.67ghz, 1gb ram, airport, 8x superdrive
20:19.15flewidpanther 10.3
20:19.23file[laptop]my old box is turning into a server at the school I go to till I graduate
20:19.30allgoodflewid, us$ 74,99 is more than the price I get for the budgetone phones
20:19.31file[laptop]then it will become a second workstation
20:19.35EvlHimekoi like laptops to be more portable
20:19.41allgoodnot buyed any of those yet... but I'll try
20:19.43EvlHimekoliek 10" screens
20:19.47flewidallgood: yeah they are a little more expensive
20:19.48tessier_I like my girlfriend to be prettier
20:19.56flewidEvlHimeko: yeah, i/m not 100% decided on the 17" yet
20:20.06flewidthat might be too bulky for planes and trains and shit
20:20.15allgoodflewid, my project is focused on the soft ones...
20:20.20flewidallgood: ah
20:20.22modulus_why is that last hop so lagggy?
20:20.25EvlHimekoi took a 14" over half of japan
20:20.30EvlHimekoto big imo
20:20.33EvlHimekoer too
20:20.34flewidEvlHimeko: yeah ?
20:20.42flewidthe only other option is a 12"
20:20.46flewidbut that seems just way small
20:20.59znoGeek, did get bought out by Apache? ;)
20:21.06allgoodgotta go...
20:21.08allgoodc ya
20:21.31EvlHimekoi like my methos' fujitsu, 10.4" widescreen
20:21.39djMaxshould I be able to call into * using h323?
20:21.48modulus_nufone is showing default apache install test page
20:21.55modulus_on redhat
20:22.20znoGjust when i wanted to check my account status
20:22.24znoGbalance even
20:22.25*** join/#asterisk mrgoby (
20:22.36modulus_maybe they're adding the "options" page
20:22.41modulus_where it used to say "coming soon"
20:22.52znoGoptions.. options are good
20:24.31mrgobymsg jbot seen JerJer
20:25.06ariel_djMax, you can if you install h323 on asterisk.
20:25.16tessier_h323 is evil and asterisk sucks with it
20:25.19tessier_Avoid it at all costs
20:25.29ariel_I agree with tessier
20:25.31djMaxI'm able to make calls out now, which is a big improvment over my last attempt to do this.
20:25.36djMaxBut I can't make calls in
20:25.44djMax(I also can't hear the * side yet, but first things first)
20:26.22djMaxactually, no, I can hear the * side, not the h323 side
20:26.33ManxPowerDon't expect H323 to work thru NAT.
20:26.49djMaxyeah, I gave up on that long ago.
20:26.54djMaxnow they're on the same router even.
20:27.04mrgobyor really at all...   h323 is like the cancer of voip
20:27.26ariel_why use h323 when there are so many other good providers out there that use sip and iax2.
20:27.44djMaxI am trying to use VoIP to make the most of our Polycom video conferencing system.
20:27.47doughecka_like, yea
20:27.53djMaxbah, I mean "H.323". :)
20:28.08doughecka_there isnt any diference =)
20:28.14Luhiwui have to use h.323 here because there are no cheap local providers using SIP or IAX
20:28.18Beirdoariel_: because work uses H.323 :)
20:28.31djMaxand until somebody completely erases h.323 from all the digium and wiki pages, I'm sticking to my hopes that it might work.
20:28.33mrgobywhere are you Lihiwu ?
20:28.45doughecka_djMax: hold on...
20:28.51Luhiwumrgoby, Argentina
20:29.16Luhiwui'm having a small problem with chan_h323
20:29.31mrgobyyeah, central and south america are hard to deal with in that respect... we did a lot of business in mexico and EVERYONE uses h323...
20:29.41Luhiwui want to configure chan_h323 so calls from one IP goes into context X and from another IP goes into context Y, anyone have done that?
20:29.43djMaxwhat's happening with it?  Im definitely no expert, but at least * doesn't crash anymore.
20:29.54djMaxh323.conf should let you do that easily
20:30.17*** part/#asterisk mrgoby (
20:30.29djMaxif "h.323 show codecs" doesn't show any, I assume something is wrong?
20:30.42Luhiwumrgoby, i'm trying to start using IAX2 and offer termination using IAX2 to anyone, but i need h.323 to talk with the rest of the country :)
20:32.41djMaxwow, latency on h.323 with two machines right next to each other is not so pleasant.
20:32.46file[laptop]everyone offers termination now
20:32.47file[laptop]even my toaster!!!
20:33.47m-00kiemy toaster only offers burnt crumbs :/
20:34.11ariel_file[laptop], I don't offer termination yet.
20:34.12file[laptop]awww is it an imitation toaster?
20:34.26*** join/#asterisk Delmar (
20:35.20mtvoipHi.  Is there anyone who can help me with a sip/caller id bug in v1.0.5?
20:35.23djMaxany thoughts on why I wouldn't hear the H.323 side of a channel?
20:35.50*** join/#asterisk jayden (~ircatjerr@
20:36.11ariel_djMax, are the codec's the same? But just guessing I don't use h323
20:36.20PTG123Hey i need to play a message while i connect someone to an extensions, how would i do thaT?
20:36.44jaydenso, does anybody know if asterisk MOH is asterisk specific or used elsewhere as well?
20:36.59djMaxI can't get asterisk to tell me what the codecs in use are (or at least I can't figure out how)
20:37.19modulus_PTG123, Dial(,,m)
20:37.22modulus_m = music on hold
20:37.27jaydendj, when you open your console, use more v's
20:37.29PTG123is that the only way to do it?
20:37.45buddahis there some trick to getting a budgetone phone to register with sip?
20:37.49PTG123modulus_, and does it stop music on hold once call is connected or let it finish out?
20:38.06buddahi did the things it said to on the wiki
20:38.11modulus_ptg123, mine stops as soon as it's callee picks up
20:38.12dan2kram: ping
20:38.13buddahbut it wont register
20:38.20dan2can Asterisk listen for sip on multiple ports?
20:38.38flewidmodulus_: with ,m in the dialplan , does that mean whenever someone is dialing they hear MOH instead of ringing?
20:38.38djMaxNativeFormat/ReadFormat/WriteFormat: are those numbers codec numbers?
20:38.48PTG123modulus_, yah i have to have message complete
20:39.02*** join/#asterisk MAN_Hater (
20:39.03PTG123its to make someone thing person is on the phone before they pick up
20:39.57harryvvWhen I play a voicemail in a mailbox get this message any idea what it means?  Saving message as is
20:39.57harryvvUnable to create lock file: No such file or directory
20:41.01MAN_Haterwaves a happy wave - it looks like ya'll make a nice software product - thank you for the thought that went into this
20:42.50*** join/#asterisk randu (
20:42.56tzangeris anyone having trouble with nufone right int eh last 5 min?  I am getting WEIRD status from both switch-1 and switch-2
20:43.49harryvvtzanger, hears a complaint earlier of there slow ping/tracert times.
20:46.13djMaxthe polycom seems to want g.722, am i scrod?
20:46.33ManxPowerdjMax, Huh?  Polycom supports several codecs.
20:46.43djMaxPolycom Viewstation, not the ip phones
20:46.44ManxPowerOh!  Polycom H323.
20:46.52djMaxthat or g.728
20:47.13randuHellow Everyone!!! exten => 707,2,Dial(SIP/${EXT707}@broadvoice,15,tm)   when the called person hits # to transfer the call nothing happens.  any idea idea why?
20:47.15ManxPowerno ulaw or G729?
20:47.27djMaxdoesn't seem so.
20:47.29ManxPowerrandu, DTMF problem?
20:47.30harryvvanyone recomend the spa 841 as a starter package for small bizzineses?
20:47.55clive-harry sipura make gppd stuff, so why not
20:47.57ManxPowerharryvv, If you don't want PoE or additional switch port, it seems to work well.
20:48.03eKo1I condemn you to hell HandyTone...
20:48.06randuManxPower:  I will look at that,  that is the only thing that I can think of
20:48.14ManxPowerThe display is not backlit.
20:48.55harryvvManx, just want to start with them untill I get some more funds together to buy the polygons. BTW what is the Poe and switchport for? sipuras site is down.
20:48.56multrixdo somebody know about VoIP phones with gigabit miniswitch (2 ports ) and PoE with gigabit ???
20:48.58ManxPowerragnar, you want the CALLED person to be able to hit #, right?
20:49.00djMaxI see a post from somebody with a g722 implementation, but it's not asterisk specifc, so not sure if that's a long road to nowhere.
20:49.23flewidT = callee can transfer, t = called can transfer
20:49.29ManxPowerharryvv, PoE = Power over Ethernet, Switch Port: allows you to plug the phone into the ethernet, then the PC into the phone.
20:50.04randuManxPower:  if you were talking to me yes  #
20:50.06ManxPowerflewid, Not according to the "show application dial" docs.
20:50.14tzangerhmm I need to devise a better way to bounce between providers quickly
20:50.17flewidManxPower: no?
20:50.21flewidi believe that's what it says on the wiki
20:50.21tzangermaybe some GetDB/PutDB Magic
20:50.26ManxPowerrandu, So you want the person that the call is going to to be able to transfer the call?
20:50.36`SauronRandu, dude
20:50.40`SauronWhat up
20:50.41ManxPowerflewid, The SOURCE is "show application dial"
20:50.44randuManxPower: yes
20:50.51flewidManxPower: yes i realize that
20:50.52ManxPowerweird, but OK.
20:51.09flewid#  t: Allow the called user to transfer the call
20:51.10flewid# T: Allow the calling user to transfer the call
20:51.16randuManxPower: if accounting needs to transfer to shipping for example or transfer to a person's cell phone
20:51.18flewidjust sayin that's where i saw that
20:51.23flewidsorry to relay information :)
20:51.24harryvvManx, okay so it needs a external power from the wall to run it. What about the jack part? that was not clear are you saying it is both a pots/etherport capable like that of a ata?
20:51.39randu`Sauron: Still dealing with call transfer issue
20:51.49ManxPowerrandu, What horrid crappy phones are you using that don't support transfer?
20:51.52`SauronAny new info on the WiSIP woes?
20:52.09silik0nanyone know a good softphone for OSX?
20:52.18ManxPowerharryvv, without a switch port on the phone you need an ethernet jack for the phone and an ethernet jack for the PC
20:52.19randuManxPower  its a Panasonic cordless connected to my POT line
20:52.26ManxPowerLots of new wireing.
20:52.55pointer-gaimwho can I bug about merging a patch in mantis into CVS?  twisted is away :\
20:52.58ManxPowerrandu, Asterisk only handles transfers WITHIN asterisk.
20:53.01harryvvso its not wired for ethernet is what you are sauing
20:53.04randu`Sauron  I will call right now and will let you know in 50 minutes :-)
20:53.10`SauronLaugh. :)
20:53.15Delmarman im still having a wierd echo problem, but now, it only seems to occur on incomming calls. Outgoing calls via the X100P card work great.  anyone got any ideas why im getting self-echo on the SIP client only when the call is incomming?
20:53.40randuManxPower:  yea It was my impression that asterisk listens on the line for the # and allows the transfer
20:53.55ManxPowerharryvv, Think about this: You bring a phone into an office that has only only ethernet jack and the PC in the office is already using that ehternet jack.  Where are you going to plug the phone's ethernet connection into?
20:54.21flewidDelmar: i get about 8 seconds of echo at the beginning of each call in or out on my x100p
20:54.25flewidthen it just goes away
20:54.28ManxPowerharryvv, You would have to pull another ethernet connectin into that office.
20:54.39SchismManxPower: most hardphones have a 1 port switch
20:54.39randuor get a router
20:54.52ManxPowerIf the phone has a 2nd ethernet port, you can plug PC <ethernet> Phone <ethernet> Wall
20:55.00Schismso you can plug your computer into the phone, and plug the phone into the wall
20:55.04harryvvmanx the other way is with a hub
20:55.06ManxPowerSchism, Only the expensive ones.
20:55.16Delmarflewid, if it was doing that, I could fix it using the echotraining settings.
20:55.17Schismmy budgetone isn't expensive, and it has that
20:55.37ManxPowerSchism, You can plug your PC into the phone and then the phone into the ethernet?
20:55.38flewidmine just started doing it yesterday for some reason :/
20:55.40harryvvso are you saying to save the office the cost of the hub hook pc into phone and phone into rj45 jack
20:55.48flewidi've played a bit with echo training, but haven't had too much time to worry
20:55.59flewidit's only my home pbx and my sister and gf aren't complaining so..
20:56.11Schismharryvv: cost is not as big of a deal as maintenence
20:56.13ManxPowerharryvv, Save the cost of a SWITCH (you don't want VoIP on a HUB) and/or save the cost of pulling more cable
20:56.18Delmarflewid, just started doing it out of the blue? u didnt mess with anything.. no software? u didnt plug or unplug anything form the physical line ?
20:56.23Schismmainting network equipment can be expensive
20:56.25flewidDelmar: nope
20:56.28harryvvschism I know :)
20:56.31flewidDelmar: one call it didn't do it, next it did
20:56.32flewidhas eer since
20:56.39Schismespecialy if you want to have a vlan for just phone traffic
20:56.42flewid8 seconds isn't too bad
20:56.48ManxPowerI LIKE the SPA-841.  It just has a few limitations that may or may not be an issue depending on what you want/need.
20:56.50Schism802.1p rules :)
20:56.55flewidi doubt the girls even notice it
20:57.01flewidbut i do so it'll get fixed soon :)
20:57.18flewidDelmar: i've read on the mailing list people saying echo just 'appears' about 6 months after they purchased the cards
20:57.18harryvvits more what the customer needs. manx, sold any to some small bussiness?
20:57.18Delmarwhat kinda echo are u talking about tho....
20:57.22flewidand i'm right about the 6 month mark
20:57.25Delmarself-echo at the sip client end?
20:57.25faanyone use php agi?
20:57.47flewidDelmar: this is connected via tdm
20:57.50ManxPowerharryvv, I have a 60 phone install coming up in 2 months and we'll prolly go with Polycom
20:57.55flewidhaven't tested sip - sec
20:58.01Delmarah ok
20:58.06harryvvso whats the next step up with a phone that has two extentions Poe and two jack ports?
20:58.11randufa:  I was using it then I took it out.  it was giving me errors
20:58.12ManxPowerFor a 10 phone install we'll prolly go with SPA-841 except for the switchboard
20:58.24dan2ManxPower: do you know how to extract the calling ip address from a sip phone call
20:58.38ManxPowerharryvv, Polycom IP 300 comes to mind but it does not have a microphone for the speakerphone.
20:58.47ManxPowerdan2, No.  I never cared enough.
20:58.51harryvvthats retarded ;)
20:58.58randuManxPower:  I thought with the t option that asterisk listens on the line for the # and then will do the transfer
20:58.58DelmarThe echo issues im having are self-echo at the sip client during a received call via pstn/x100p.  Dialing out via the x100p and there is no echo.  go figure.
20:59.00ManxPowerharryvv, No, it's marketing.
20:59.13harryvvso its a headpiece microphone?
20:59.15flewidDelmar: interesting
20:59.15ManxPowerrandu, It's supposed to, assuming the call is going thru Asterisk
20:59.21flewidDelmar: yeah, i don't seem to hear anything via sip
20:59.28ManxPowerharryvv, It has a HANDSET and a headset jack
20:59.35flewidbut if i pick up an analogue handset to an incoming pstn call, i hear 8 seconds of echo, but the caller doesn't.
20:59.55randuManxPower:  ok.
21:00.27harryvvyou say no microphone but only can hear the person though the speaker but cannot talk back to them :)
21:00.28Delmaryeah. this echo thing seems to mainly occur on the Asterisk side of the card if you will.
21:00.44ManxPowerharryvv, correct.  Good for spending long amounts of time on hold.
21:00.52`Sauronrandu: t allows CALLED party to transfer
21:00.55harryvvokay....that makes alot of sence
21:01.00ManxPowerEcho exists even without Asterisk or SIP.  You just can't HEAR it.
21:01.00`SauronT allows CALLING party to transfer
21:01.25Delmarevilbunny helped me yesterday, and offered a couple of great suggestions which got me to where I am now... but given its echo only for received calls, i might be further from a solution. lol.
21:01.27randu`Sauron: yep and with t specificed asterisk does not respond to the # sign :-(
21:01.41`SauronHum, bummer.
21:01.41file[laptop]do you have dtmfmode=inband for broadvoice?
21:01.46`Sauronfile: yes
21:02.09`SauronLook at the lower config on the wiki page
21:02.11file[laptop]I was talking to randu
21:02.19randufile:  I will check.
21:02.23jarrodif i match inbound sip extensions from asterisk to ser do you just pipe to t_relay to let it connect to the registered extension?
21:02.28*** join/#asterisk zuuluu (
21:02.41dan2can I have each SIP friend listen on a different port
21:03.53randufile:   it is missing on the [broadvoice] in the sip, so I will add and test when I get off the phone.  Thanks
21:03.53ManxPowerdan2, Why would you want to??
21:04.12ManxPowerrandu, Did you tell us you were using Broadvoice??
21:04.17dan2ManxPower: because broadsoft software has issues talking to more than one user at the same port
21:04.33harryvvmanx, do your customers object to the spa 841 limitations like lack of dual jack ports and no Poe? That is the dual extention version right? What do thay go for. Ohhhh bizzare. just reverted to voipstore. what the heck!
21:04.36dan2randu: I'm a broadvoice developer, if you need some help you can wait for me
21:04.40randuManxPower: Yea last week :-)
21:04.40djMaxis there any info on the wiki about integrating codecs?
21:04.59harryvvDid attacom buy sipura or something?
21:05.03randudan2: ok.
21:05.09ManxPowerrandu, Thank you for wasting my time.
21:05.16`Saurondan2: Careful what you give out. You'll have people /msg'ing your door down...
21:05.19ManxPowerdan2, Any provider that only supports ULAW sucks.
21:05.23randuManxPower:  what do you mean?
21:05.35dan2ManxPower: we support g766 and g729 now, shh
21:05.59fearnorg666 baby
21:06.00stevekstevekg26 is my favorite :)
21:06.01ManxPowerrandu, By not mentioning broadvoice you wasted my time.
21:06.11fearnorthe codec of hell
21:06.16`SauronManxPower: Time for your metamucil, grumpy old man.
21:06.19ManxPowerdan2, and broadvoice now supports RFC2833 DTMF??
21:06.32dan2ManxPower: my boss says so, but the implementation in asterisk is a piece of shit
21:06.33ManxPower`Sauron, You'll feel the same way eventually.
21:07.19`SauronDum di dum
21:07.21ManxPowerharryvv, The customer has a choice.  The polycoms are almost 2x as expensive as the SPA-841.
21:07.52randuManxPower  in the dial statement in my origional message did say that I was using broadvoice.   Thanks for your feedback :-)
21:08.01djMaxwhat's confusing to me is why I can hear the asterisk side but not the polycom side... seems to imply the poly can deal with * codec
21:08.15`SauronManxPower: broadvoice apparently does rfc2833
21:08.23`SauronI just called my cell across it...
21:08.47ManxPowerrandu, You can ONLY use inband DTMF with ulaw or alaw codec.
21:09.44`SauronWhy'd the config file I saw, say to use ulaw when connecting iax2 to fwd...
21:10.01`SauronIf ulaw is as bad as Manxie claims
21:10.16fearnorulaw is bad?!
21:10.17fearnorwho said.
21:10.19silik0nulaw isnt bad
21:10.22ManxPowerUlaw has great sound quality
21:10.26fearnorulaw > *
21:10.31ManxPowerulaw sucks up more bandwidth than any other codec.
21:10.34silik0nonly an idiot would say that or someone trying to run it over a 14.4 modem
21:10.35jaiger`Sauron: I think cuz ulaw is a least common denominator thing
21:10.36fearnorwell duh
21:10.43ManxPowerI said that inband DTMF only works with ulaw and alaw.
21:11.05ManxPowerThe bandwidth usage is why I say that any provider that only supports ulaw sucks.
21:11.11`Saurony'all make up your mind
21:11.18`SauronYeah, I figured that out
21:11.28stevekstevekAhh, found it:  G.766  Facsimile demodulation/remodulation for digital circuit multiplication equipment
21:11.30fearnorany provider that only supports ulaw needs to invest into TNTs with cheap codecs ;P
21:11.53ManxPowerfearnor, Or just enable GSM and G726 codecs.  Neither takes up much CPU.
21:12.03fearnori'd disagree
21:12.07harryvvIs there a way to send a CallerID msg from asterisk to a windows callerid client that pops up?
21:12.12fearnorits noticeable.
21:12.14stevekstevekG.Sup26  Estimating the signal load margin of FDM wideband amplifier equipment and transmission systems  
21:12.14stevekstevekRed Book Fascicle III.2, page 344
21:12.21ManxPoweriLBC, SpeeX, and G729 are also very good codecs, but suck up a lot of CPU
21:12.44silik0nharryvv: I can code one that'll do that for you hah
21:12.55ManxPowerharryvv, Yes.  It was announced on the mailing list at one time.
21:13.28harryvvsolk haha :) yea not right now. :) but its a nice to have. I guess its for the sheer lazy who does not have the phone near buy
21:14.08*** part/#asterisk MAN_Hater (
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21:14.59silik0ni'm actually working on some windows client stuff for asterisk that interfaces to the manager interface for extension status and such
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21:17.01dan2can I do reverse substring?
21:17.16dan2from the back
21:17.19dan2instead of the front
21:17.50fahow to show msn numbers?
21:18.03*** join/#asterisk Connor- (
21:18.16Connor-anyone know how to get what speed a network card is at in linux?
21:18.39`SauronDepends on the hardware
21:18.39filemii-tool might work
21:18.56fileas `Sauron said, depends on the hardware... you can try dmesg too
21:19.14djMaxare any of these codecs backwards compatible to lower level ones?  Still trying to figure out if there's a prayer for 722 or 728
21:19.27vaewynmii-tool or mii-diag... they work great
21:19.52filedo I want to order food tonight?
21:19.55randuthat did it I had left out the dtmfmode=inband
21:20.06randufile:  Sure!
21:20.07learathfood is good.
21:20.15`Sauronrandu: this is the transferring thing?
21:20.21randufile:  why cook if you can afford to order :-)
21:20.28randu`Sauron  yep
21:21.14filetrue... true
21:22.07file[laptop]I just ordered food Saturday though...
21:22.16Qwelldoesn't matter
21:22.28file[laptop]and it'll take awhile to get here
21:22.33Qwellgo pick it up, heh
21:22.44file[laptop]it would take the same
21:23.30file[laptop]nah, waste of money
21:23.36QwellIt would also take a while to cook :p
21:23.43randu`Sauron  eat some chips while they food gets there :-)
21:23.51`Sauronrandu: Huh?
21:23.53QwellThats not cooking :P
21:23.58file[laptop]in my world it is
21:24.04QwellYou and me both...
21:24.09randu`Sauron  that was meant for file
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21:24.57randunow I need to find some good code for having the secretary call in and record the main greeting and I should have the system ready for production.
21:25.49doughecka_ManxPower: how would I get the key to enable the 4 line thing on the SPA phone
21:26.12djMaxcan anybody describe codec usage between openh323 and *?  i.e. openh323 seems to have its own codec set, is that all that matters on an h323 channel?
21:26.18ManxPowerdoughecka_, your purchase it.
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21:26.45doughecka_from? =)
21:26.57Connor-Hmm.. mii doesn't see those network cards
21:27.06jjganyone know about E911 ?
21:27.18`SauronI know about e911
21:27.29jjgcan * connect to a E911 provider or something? or do i need special expensive equipment?
21:27.33`Sauronexten => 911,1,Playback(no-911-2)
21:27.33`Sauronexten => 911,2,congestion()
21:28.20dan2will this match 1062501766530_xm032
21:28.26dan2exten => XXXXXXXXXXXXX_xmXXX,1, ....
21:28.45harryvvSauron while thats funny its also illegal :)
21:28.49jjganyone providing 911 or 411 services to voip clients?
21:29.08ManxPowerjjg, Most people make sure to have one local PSTN line for 911
21:29.13`Sauronharryvv: IF they want to call 911, they can pick up the land line phone next to the voip phone
21:29.22jjgManxpower : gotcha
21:29.29dan2ManxPower: even if your not paying for local phone service, don't they have to provide you with 911 support?
21:29.37`Sauronharry: my voip provider doesn't yet do 911, so I figured why not tell people
21:29.54jjgbut I suppose that doesn't leverage all of the 911 tech, cause the origination will appear as my * box, right? and not the VoIP user
21:30.12jjgbettern nothin for sure
21:30.27ManxPowerjjg, If you want real 911 support you have to pay BIG amounts of money.
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21:30.39jjgManxPower : thas what I thought
21:30.59harryvvSauron mmmm thats not good.
21:31.11jjgis it ok, to call it 911 support ?
21:31.28Qwell"Please hold.  Your call will be transferred to 911, just as soon as this 30 page fax is completed."
21:31.33jjgi'm wondering what the liability issues are concerning this.
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21:31.44jjganyone know of any info portals concerning this issue?
21:33.24bjohnsonanyone know if voipjet will support a lower bandwith codec (other than ulaw)?
21:34.28tzangerbjohnson: uh
21:34.40tzangerbjohnson: voipjet should support ulaw/gsm/ilbc/g729...
21:34.52tzangerbjohnson: have you tried it?
21:37.54bjohnsonno .. I'd be fried alive at this point if I messed with codecs that didn't work
21:38.16tzangerbjohnson: you have no maintenance window?  or a test account?
21:38.44bjohnsonyeah .. middle of the night maintenance window
21:38.57doughecka_say it was the internet that hiccuped
21:39.16tzangerbjohnson: hell use a specific number that you'd call and have it call user@voipjet2 and have that iax.conf entry limit the codec
21:39.45bjohnsonyeah I guess so .. didn't think of that approach
21:40.24greg_workanyone use * to receive faxes with rxfax() ?
21:40.31bjohnsonif I drop from ulaw, should I try gsm or something else?
21:41.00robfgreg_work: I've done it successfully, but it's been a while.  Don't use it on a regular basis...
21:41.39jjgrobf : do you mean that you don't use it on a regular basis, or no one should
21:41.46greg_worki thought i had it working, but the faxes didnt come out properly, only the top bit of the page
21:41.54robfI don't -- I'm not making any recommendations...
21:41.57*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
21:42.05robfI just know it *can* work...
21:42.22scubasteveAnyone got a recent SPA841 firmware?  Sipura appears to have disappeared from the net...
21:42.29scubasteveJust had 2 show up in the mail.
21:42.34tzangergreg_work: yup
21:42.38tzangeruse it every day
21:42.46tzangerbetween 30 and 50 faxes a day
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21:43.19robftzanger: what version of asterisk/spandsp/app_rxfax are you using?
21:43.32tzangerrobf: CVS HEAD and 0.0.1pre6 I think
21:43.46greg_workscubasteve, i downloaded the supposedly newer firmware than I had, but when I ran it i ended up with the same version that was on there to start with, though it did say 'succesful'. i dunno if it's just printed wrong on their site or if they bundled the wrong version
21:43.51robftzanger: istr some lag on the spandsp/app_rxfax side...
21:43.59tzangerwhat do you mean
21:43.59greg_worktzafrir, i was trying to get it with 1.0.5 stable
21:44.00scubastevegreg_work:  Classy.
21:44.33scubastevegreg_work:  I'm less than thrilled with the fit/finish on these.  I opened one phone up and every key sticks... the line in use LED's aren't lined up with the holes...
21:44.42visionvcan someone help me please? I need to know how I would hook up a t-1 to my asterisk machine and also hook up 24 analog phones. Does anyone know what card(s) I need?
21:44.52scubastevegreg_work: Am afraid to open the 2nd.
21:45.05tzangervisionv: are you willing ot do some basic research?
21:45.08greg_workscubasteve, mine are fine in that respect. my biggest complaint is the speaker phone is kind of crappy
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21:45.24ZX81who would I contact to get good rates on millions of minutes to Europe?
21:45.25greg_workrather, the microphone.  but i haven't really played with it a lot yet
21:45.25ManxPowervisionv, You need a T-1/E-1 card and a channel bank.
21:45.32scubastevegreg_work: Haven't even plugged it in yet :-)
21:45.53visionvtzanger: sure. I have a 4 port fxs/fxo running now. I am trying to figue out what equipement and cards I need.
21:46.12greg_workhow are the LED's misaligned anyways? they're flush with the black plastic on mine
21:46.13tzangervisionv: as ManxPower mentioned, you want a T1 card and a channel bank
21:46.29tzangerthe nomenclature on channel banks is identical to the TDM card so to hook up phones to it, you want FXS ports
21:46.43tzangerthey can be had for about $200-$250 for 24 ports from ebay
21:46.48tzangerand a T100P is $495 from digium
21:46.57tzangerI have a number of these running -- they work fine
21:47.09scubastevegreg_work:  Not centered in the hole.
21:47.17robftzanger: what kind do you have?
21:47.31visionvhmm, I thought there was a digium product that took the place of the channel bank
21:47.32scubastevegreg_work: Might be able to pull them into place with a pick.. otherwise might need to crack it open and line them up.
21:48.00scubastevegreg_work: Also convinced there's a bucket of sand or a fishing weight epoxied to the inside of the case.... 841 is way too heavy for what it is.
21:48.14visionvtzanger: Thanks!
21:48.18tzangerrobf: I use the Carrier Access Access Bank I for FXS or the Adit600 for FXS/FXO combinations
21:48.34bjohnsonI haven't seen chan banks for that cheap .. usually around $500 looks like a deal for a loaded one
21:48.36tzangerdo *NOT* use ABI or ABII for FXO, they don't have functional far-end disconnect supervision
21:48.37greg_workyeah, they are decently heavy
21:48.39greg_workthats a good thing though
21:48.40zuuluucan anyone tell me how to set a t100p to no use intenal sync source?
21:48.47scubastevegreg_work: I think the button sticking issue is because the pads are too wobbly (lateral) and get stuck under the hole if you don't push them straight down..
21:48.49tzangerbjohnson: I get them all the time on ebay for about $250 for 24-port FXS ABI
21:48.57tzangerand significantly cheaper sometimes
21:49.16scubastevegreg_work:  For $89 shipped, if it works... cool.  This is not the "enterprise business class" phone they tout it to be.
21:49.23*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (~jason@dagrim.user)
21:49.26greg_workthe handset cords kinda suck though. i've had mine sitting on my desk for like 5 days with the cord dangling down, and its already stretched to almost twice its shipping size :p
21:49.29DaGrimHey all.
21:49.55scubastevegreg_work: Yeah, noticed that too.. cord is crummy.  Hell, it's all screwed up in the stock photos on their website too!
21:50.02greg_worki can't get any buttons to stick
21:50.17robfMy CB is an Adtran TA750 -- all FXS but one card (4-ports FXO)
21:50.26jjgtzanger : any particular model for the Carrier Access ?
21:50.53greg_worktzanger: have you used the rxfax with stable? have there been changes to it in HEAD?
21:51.03jjgrobf : i was thinking about one of those ... how do you like it? are you using a T100P ?
21:51.03robfpretty happy with it -- better form factor than the CA models
21:51.06DaGrimIm getting this twice when on boot of my box itself.. is this maybe why my codecs have been sucking so bad?:   /sbin/ldconfig /usr/local/lib/ is not a symbolic link
21:51.07tzangerjjg Access Bank I or II (1 or 2 T1) for FXS, Adit600 for FXS/FXO combinations or FXO only
21:51.12robfjjg: T100P, yes
21:51.13scubastevegreg_work: Strange.  I've seen a ton of complaints about buttons and RFI issues... Will have to take out the dual band ham radio gear tonight and see :)
21:51.21tzangerbut really if you're doing more than about 12 FXO it's likely cheaper to get a ct1 or PRI from the telco
21:51.23jjgtzanger : looking for FXS only
21:51.31vaewynOk guys... so which is the cheapest current Cisco phone with SIP available?
21:51.38DaGrimI use only speex mind you
21:51.41fahow can i get in phpagi a callerid number?
21:51.47tzangervaewyn: that's teh Cisco ElCheapo... only available in Mexico
21:51.49greg_worktzanger: have you ever had problems with faxes coming out messed up (ie, the top 1" of the page, then just a big scramble that could possibly be the rest)?
21:51.53robfjjg: it was difficult finding (on ebay) an FXO card for it, and not cheap.  Originally came full of FXS
21:52.01scubastevevaewyn: 7960, about $250-$260 us with power adapter.
21:52.04vaewyntzanger: hehehe... :}
21:52.07jjgrobf : are you using cat5 or cat2 for the interconnect?
21:52.08scubasteve7940 might be slightly cheaper.
21:52.14tzangergreg_work: yup - -frame slip -- make sure you have enough power in your app_rxfax machine and a very clean line
21:52.20vaewynscubasteve: thanks for the info
21:52.35robfjjg: cat5 cable, but custom-wired...
21:52.38scubastevegreg_work: Wonder if the firmware with the 4 line appearances is keyed to the phone or if it can be "shared" ...
21:52.59jjgrobf : is it simple to configure with *?
21:53.01jaigerrobf: I have the TA750 too and agree it was tricky to find an FXO card for it
21:53.01scubastevevaewyn: I belive is running a special on 7960's right now (no affiliation, just remembered seein' it)
21:53.07greg_worktzanger: like powersupply you mean?  i'm using a TDM400P,.. don't have power hooked into the molex connecter on it though -- should i?
21:53.12jaigerthe FXS cards are a dime a dozen
21:53.25greg_workscubasteve: i'm not sure how they do that
21:53.29tzangergreg_work: no as in horsepower
21:53.30jjgI was hoping to find a how to on using a TA750,t100p, and * server but can't find anything
21:53.46bjohnsontzanger: do most chan banks also need a patch panel to run the cable to the phones or do some have the modular jacks right in the chan bank?
21:53.48tzangergreg_work: and I have had very spotty issues with RECEIVING faxes to fax machine connected to TDM400P... I can send out of it just fine
21:53.50jaigerjjg: I found it easy once I made my own cable
21:53.55robfjjg: the only problem I had was that, for whatever reason, the rj45 plugs on BOTH ends have to be pushed in really tight, and jiggle loose just by wiggling the cable a little bit.
21:54.05greg_worktzanger: oh .. i should, i think it's like a 2.8ghz athlon
21:54.07tzangerbjohnson: all I have seen use AMP D50 connectors so you need a patch cable to go to BIX or S66 or whatever you use
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21:54.12robfOnce you've got a good connection, though, it's as simple as any other zap channel, I would say...
21:54.16jjgjjg : jaiger : ok, thanks
21:54.29jaigerjjg: config is via RS232
21:54.48tzangergreg_work: yes hook up that molex connector -- it helps the card keep stable loop current to the phones its servicing
21:54.49jaigerrobf: I have echo problems with mine, do you?
21:54.49robfjjg: right -- I made my own 'harmonica'...
21:54.51jjgrobg : jaiger : does the TA750 have the slots for the rj11s? or does it need a patch panel?
21:55.05robfjaiger: sometimes, perhaps...  not often...
21:55.11greg_worktzanger, i'm only using fxo though
21:55.14jaigerjjg: I bought a patch panel, it has RJ45 for T1 and D50 for analog
21:55.18vaewynok... who has the most different phones on hand for testing? (wondering on recommendations for testing)
21:55.23jjgrobf : 'harmonica' ?
21:55.24tzangergreg_work: ahh well in that case no it doesn't really matter
21:56.00robfjjg: telco-slang for a telco-50 to broken-out rj11 or rj45 cable...
21:56.47robfsee that url for harmonica example
21:56.48jaigerjjg: I bought from ...
21:57.11jjgrobf : great, thanks
21:57.19file[laptop]woot microwave
21:57.26fearnoradit600 is the bst.
21:57.58greg_worki bought a 96-port RJ45 patch panel (BIX connections) on ebay for $60 with shipping
21:58.08jjgrobf : jaiger : so i'm guessing my parts list has grown to 1 TA750, 1 24 port harmonica or patch panel , * server , 1 T100P card ...that sound bout right?
21:58.20Mother_hi all
21:58.30jaigerjjg: cabling
21:58.38robfjjg: haven't seen all of the conversation, but that sounds like a pretty good setup
21:58.42tzangeryeah I just order that stuff through our local telco :-)
21:58.51Mother_is there a way that * can turn callerid into a name from a local directory, which is then sent to the SIP phones instead of the number?
21:59.00tzangerMother_: of course
21:59.05Mother_I imagined :D
21:59.09tzangerasterisk can do pretty much anything within reason
21:59.16tzangeryou can use DBGet if you like
21:59.19tzangeror even something more standard
21:59.24Mother_I've had a look in the wiki but obviously I'm looking in the wrong place
21:59.35Mother_OK, what would be more standard?
21:59.45ManxPowerThe problem is that users won't log out of their phone.
21:59.48greg_workMother_, well, how is your local directory stored?
22:00.19jjgjaiger : when you've had echo issues with your TA750, is it enough of a problem that I should not consider a TA750 for an office environment?
22:00.19Mother_greg_work: it's not yet, I'm open to whatever method ends up working best, in terms of management & flexibility and callerid
22:01.00jjgrobf : ok, thanks a LOT for the info
22:01.07Mother_so far I've got the basic * with voicemail etc. working fine, SIP phones are working fine, and want to explore further things
22:01.26Mother_I managed to solve the hangup problems on the FXOs too
22:01.32jaigerjjg: I'm getting an echo canceller for our office as we speak
22:01.44greg_workwell, decide on that first I guess. you can use *'s internal db (DBget to get the numbers and SetCallerIDName() to set the name), or something like a mysql database to store everything (web-based app to manage it, AGI to grab the number and give it to *).. LDAP (which * can access directly).. .
22:01.47jaigerjjg: I have no idea if it's the TA750 causing the echo
22:01.52ManxPowerMother_, You took out bustdetect=yes and/or callprogress=yes?
22:01.55jjgjaiger : how much that gonna run ya?
22:01.58jjgjaiger : ok
22:02.36jaigerjjg: my research indicates all hybrids can source echo, the TA750 is just one point of entry
22:02.40*** join/#asterisk Duckbizkit (~Duckbizki@
22:02.49Duckbizkitis there a way to define a class of silent hold music
22:02.54Mother_ManxPower: nope, I changed the settings in wctdm.c to the ones for Spain instead of FCC, recompiled and it seems to work
22:02.58jaigerI figured I'd nip it in the bud and just get the canceller
22:03.01jjgjaiger : that is a bit over my head to understand
22:03.06jaigerjjg: it is annoying enough though
22:03.09Mother_I cannot rule out blind luck either, but in any case it's fixed :)
22:03.39jjgjaiger : ok, good to know.  cause i've got several other locations interested in having the same solution if it works well
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22:03.46jaigerjjg: by hybrid, I mean the circuit that converts from digital to analog
22:04.03Mother_greg_work: thanks for those suggestions, I'll look into them
22:04.04jjgjaiger : ok
22:04.27jaigerjjg: essentially my connection to PSTN, at my TA750
22:05.14DuckbizkitMother_,  any ideas?
22:05.22jjgjaiger : so you think the issue may be mitigated if I'm only doing outbound via IP network?
22:05.25fahow to set cidname from php script by agi?
22:05.44Mother_Duckbizkit: as for silent hold music? record an audio file with silence :)
22:06.17jaigerjjg: I would think so
22:06.28jaigerjjg: of course YMMV
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22:06.42CoderCRhello all
22:07.27Duckbizkitheh, easy enough i guess
22:08.05Mother_most sound editors allow you to insert silence one way or another, create an empty file, insert xx seconds of silence and repeat for as long as you need
22:08.38ManxPowerasterisk-sounds has silent .gsm files of varying lengths.
22:08.57Mother_well even easier then :)
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22:09.10jjgjaiger : thanks for the info
22:09.15faanyone know how to include in setcidname a variable returnet by agi?
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22:09.44jjganyone successfully using a TA750 for outbound via IP network only?
22:10.04oferlinHi, is there any french guy here ?
22:10.51labofeeling lonely ?
22:11.04oferlinmmm ?!
22:11.56oferlinHi, is there any english guy who speaks english as a french ;-) ?
22:12.58robfwho said they were running the latest (or so) rxfax?
22:13.02stevekstevekI can type with a french accent.
22:13.04robfit won't compile for me...
22:13.19eKo1Parle français.
22:13.23oferlingreat !
22:13.28Mother_any oppinions on the Zyxel 2000W?
22:14.14robfugh...  callerid changes...
22:16.45ManxPowerMother_, None of the 78 google results from the mailing list archives were helpful?
22:17.15*** join/#asterisk fafnir (
22:17.26denonManxPower: of course not
22:17.32Mother_as for the Zyxel?
22:17.44oferlini am looking for sample design to buid an ipbx with asterisk for replacing an alcatel pabx on isdn french network
22:17.45Mother_sorry, I hadn't looked...
22:17.52ManxPowerMother_, Perhaps you should.
22:18.01denon~google ManxPower evil evil sob
22:18.11denonwow, no results.
22:18.47ManxPowerwell duh!
22:19.10Mother_just felt like getting some live oppinions, I've been googling for two weeks and my eyes hurt
22:19.27denon~google ManxPower satan
22:19.31ManxPowerMother_, with as one of your search terms?
22:19.48Mother_ManxPower: yes, but not on the zyxel
22:19.51denonman, getting 6k/s from trend micro .. thats just wrong
22:20.00filedenon! you're speaking
22:20.07Mother_as I say, I've been googling tons of stuff as for example the hangup problem
22:20.21Mother_reading the wiki, etc.
22:21.45*** join/#asterisk dca[laptop] (
22:21.46vaewynanyone had a chance to play with a gxp-2000 from GS yet?
22:22.06denonunless somethin has changed recently, GS == the suck
22:22.19denonwish they didnt .. they're nice n cheap .. but ..
22:22.41vaewynMine doesn't suck... other than the # only callerid
22:22.53vaewynbut I did put a sheet of lead in the bottom of it to add a little weight
22:23.00denonwell, their suckage seems to be when used in heavier production
22:23.17denonnot heavier like lead .....
22:23.25vaewynumm... I'm on the phone 90% of the day
22:23.31denonyeah, but how many phones?
22:23.36vaewynthat is pretty heavy production use i would say
22:23.41vaewyn15 on this subnet
22:23.49eKo1Say, do all contexts where calls are made need a t extensions?
22:24.09*** part/#asterisk djin (
22:24.10tessier_eKo1: If you want to handle timeouts, yes
22:24.21vaewynI do prefer the IP-300s we have but... the GS arn't that bad... and they support ilbc :P
22:24.27*** join/#asterisk MykDee (
22:24.33denonand gsm, dont they?
22:24.45denonyeah, I'd like the IP300s to have gsm and ilbc
22:24.51denonthat'd be a snazzy phone
22:24.59denonthrow in IAX and it'd be a no-brainer .. well, the 500 would be anyway
22:25.00vaewynbut I prefer ilbc... cause the low bandwidth uses are areas we have high p[acket drop rates (wireless or LRE)
22:25.13vaewyn500s are nice also
22:25.16denondunno, we run mostly ulaw
22:25.19*** join/#asterisk kimosabe (
22:25.27denondont really care much about bandwidth ..
22:25.29Delmarbeh. I give up. this echo thing is so bad I might just have to abort the entire idea.
22:25.33vaewynwe run totally ulaw on campus
22:25.36jjgi'm having trouble getting my X100P to ring for more than one time...does this extensions.conf entry look ok :
22:25.37jjgexten => s,1,Answer
22:25.37jjgexten => s,2,Dial(${HOMEPHONE}|15|r)
22:25.48vaewynbut for LRE and wireless ilbc only way to go if you can
22:26.13Delmarilbc is nice. lower bandwidth but pretty fair quality audio.
22:26.29denonwhy LRE?
22:26.29vaewynyep... and handles dropped packets the best
22:26.38denonseems like fiber's generally cheaper for cross-campus runs
22:26.44jpablohi, is there any one to compile the zaptel driver into the kernel (ie. not as modules) ?
22:26.44ManxPowerWhy do an answer??????
22:26.45denonor rather, a better use of funds
22:26.47Delmarhas anyone played around with the hacked g729 codec vs the proper licensed one?
22:26.51ManxPowerAnd stop using "r"
22:26.55jjgManxPower : ok
22:27.03jjgso no answer needed and stop using r
22:27.16Delmarwhats the r for anyway?
22:27.20vaewyndenon: Our appartments are from the 1930s... rewiring of any form is never going to happen
22:27.24jjgsomeone else created the conf file
22:27.25vaewynhence... LRE
22:27.43denonoh, so its LRE over pots cable?
22:27.47denongood grief
22:27.57denonI thought you were just doing long reach over cat5 for distance
22:28.02ManxPowerDelmar, "r" means provide ringing sound to the caller even when they should hear something different like BUSY or "The number you have called has been disconnected"  Asterisk will provide ringing sound to the caller BY DEFAULT.
22:28.16vaewynonly option... buildings are conrete with LOTS of rewire in them... hence wireless isn't even an option
22:28.25denonvaewyn: 802.11g :)
22:28.42vaewyndenon: not an option... I can't pentrate 1 wall... let alone 10+
22:28.50denongood grief
22:28.52denontear the place down
22:28.59denonquit trying to put networking in the projects!! <G>
22:29.03vaewynheh... LRE is cheaper :P
22:29.25vaewynThey are nice... but they were built to last and that REALLY dampens any running of cables
22:29.25Delmarcheers ManxPower.
22:29.37DelmarManxPower so .. why remove the "answer" ?
22:29.37vaewynheck... they can barely take the electrical load on their current electric system
22:29.41*** part/#asterisk MykDee (
22:29.54denonghetto.. :)
22:30.18vaewyndenon: They really are nice places... way better than any of the apartments in town
22:30.33Bentleyhi all, i've got a quad T1 card that stopped working on reboot (flashing red lights) and I see these in dmesg: "wct4xxp: Setting yellow alarm on span 1" .. anyone know what this means?
22:30.44vaewyn600sqft for a single..
22:31.49DelmarManxPower, if you remove the "Answer" ... does that mean that the line wont be picked up unless the device (homephone in that case) picks up?
22:33.19ManxPowerScreen Name Not Available
22:33.19ManxPowerSorry, AsteriskPBX is already in use.
22:33.19ManxPowerPlease try again or let us suggest a Screen Name for you.
22:33.39ManxPowerDelmar, Correct.  Unless you send the call to voicemail or something.
22:34.03QwellWhat is the passthrough port on the x100p for exactly?
22:34.05Delmarso lets say you had a scenario where you wanted to operate some standard phones as well as an Asterisk box with some SIP devices... the phones would ring, and asterisk would detect the ringing and make the sip phones ring.. but wouldnt actually pickup the call...
22:34.21QwellDoes that phone still ring, until * picks up, or something?
22:34.33DelmarManxPower, thats handy to know.
22:35.06vaewynQwell: ignore it... it is an evil vestige left from the fact the X100P was a modem
22:35.15DelmarManxPower, how would I make several SIP phones all ring, and all be able to pickup and answer the incomming call.. ?
22:35.45QwellI guess I should buy an FXS card now, or something.  How's the IAXy?
22:35.57ManxPowerDelmar, Dial(SIP/fred&SIP/john) ; The gay couple
22:36.09Mother_har har
22:36.27*** join/#asterisk kietlak (
22:36.44Mother_Delmar: check out extensions.conf at
22:36.51Mother_it has some nice examples on all this
22:38.07Mother_also look at sip.conf and zapata.conf to get the complete picture
22:38.23DelmarManxPower, im having some trouble with calerID not being passed to my grandstream phone. It seems to pass it to say.. an xlite sip client ... any trick to doing this?
22:38.30fileoh ManxPower dear, how are you?
22:39.26DelmarMother_ hey thanks. thats going to help me quite a bit. cheers.
22:39.34*** join/#asterisk gfivealive (
22:39.39denonis it really necessary to call him dear?
22:39.42denonkinda freaks me out <G>
22:40.10filedenon: awwwww
22:40.15filehow cute!
22:40.30*** mode/#asterisk [+mi] by denon
22:40.37*** mode/#asterisk [-mi] by denon
22:40.43denonfriggin .. hrm
22:40.58filenow now!
22:41.01filebe nice
22:41.15denonI was being nice .. just trying to mute you <G>
22:41.41denonoh alright ..
22:42.04*** join/#asterisk charles___ (~charles@
22:43.07Delmarok.. does anyone in here have ANY idea what the HELL could be causing errors on incomming calls that generate messages like...  zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1... etc? it does this 4 times, and messes everything up when the call is coming in.
22:43.50charles___what do you guys recommend for server based on experience: Xeon or AMD 64 ?
22:43.53Mother_Delmar: I've seen that strange state message only once, and it didn't affect the call
22:44.04denoncharles___: xeon
22:44.11steveksteveksounds like a Ring or Off-hook event was found when it wasn't expected, eh..
22:44.11charles___need to handle 4 e1's
22:44.15charles___fully loaded
22:44.17denoncharles___: smp xeon
22:44.34denonthough it varies on what you're doing with em
22:44.40charles___denon amd 64 doesn't handle it ?
22:44.48denonamd64 is fine, but xeon is better
22:44.57denonand more procs is better
22:45.01*** join/#asterisk Frantic (
22:45.02charles___going to compress the tdm to G723 and send over SIP
22:45.03denonas its very well threaded
22:45.22denonyou mean E1 to alaw then?
22:45.31Frantichi guys- anyone using snom here? having poblem with snom reporting busy when one line is on hold
22:45.34Franticany idea?
22:45.48charles___e1 allaw transcodec to G723 over IP
22:45.55DelmarMother_ well, i noticed it was worst when I was messing with the rxgain and thought i had it beat but now its back again... with avengance.... as if i don't have enuf problems with echo and other crap. lol.
22:46.01fileasterisk won't transcode that there G723 ya know
22:46.01silik0ny0 denon check you pms
22:46.04algorithmnhas anyone ever tried to hook up a data T1 to a TE405p or equivalent zap driven device??
22:46.09gfivealivei'm new to asterik.  are there any good tutorials on how and what you need to setup a small office system based on VoIP.
22:46.12Luhiwuanyone knows a pastebin not broken? gives me database errors
22:46.17Frantic<algorithmn> I did
22:46.23algorithmngfivealive:  yah, give me a moment
22:46.25Frantic<algorithmn>  T100p
22:46.34algorithmnFrantic:  i got some questions for you
22:46.39gfivealivegreat! thx.
22:46.52Frantic<algorithmn> sure
22:46.57Delmarwhen calls come in.. i just get this... Feb  1 11:44:37 WARNING[27205]: chan_zap.c:3465 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1
22:46.59Delmarabout 4 times
22:47.09Luhiwufile, thanks
22:47.13Juggiebad signaling?
22:47.15Delmarand it stops ringing the SIP device/s, then starts again...
22:47.23Franticanyone using snom 220?
22:47.27Luhiwuanyone can help with some DTMF problems with * 1.0.5 and SIP?
22:47.29Mother_Delmar: try to power on/off the box, just in case
22:47.35algorithmngfivealive:  "the asterisk handbook"  "hitchhikers's guide to asterisk"
22:47.43algorithmngoogle will show you the rest
22:47.44DelmarMother_ hard reset the cards u think?
22:48.00Mother_yes, power down the PC and back up
22:48.02fileLuhiwu: use rfc2833, cause the info type your stuff is using asterisk doesn't support
22:48.06Mother_as I say, just in case
22:48.07algorithmnFrantic:  firstly, is there anything that i should know before i start asking?
22:48.08gfivealivethanks for your help!  i'm sure I'll need more l8r.
22:48.17DelmarMother_ couldnt hurt. its on its way down now.
22:48.19algorithmnfeel free to private message me
22:48.27Frantic<algorithmn> free up a weekend for that
22:48.45jjgcan someone paste in a working extensions.conf entry that gets their x100p to answer the phone?
22:48.45Frantic<algorithmn> siriously- you'll need to recompile the kernel with HDLC support
22:49.02algorithmnnot what im wanting to hear
22:49.03Delmarjig i could.. but i just shut down the box for a minute lol
22:49.03Luhiwufile, thanks a lot
22:49.12Frantic<algorithmn> then, change something in the zconfig.h (uncomment the net part)
22:49.13Mother_jjg: look here
22:49.20algorithmnactually... im running fedora core 2 n i think it supports it??
22:49.27jjgok, thanks
22:49.32Mother_just make sure you understand how he's configuring the context
22:49.32Frantic<algorithmn> i did it on RH9
22:49.42algorithmn9 didn't have hdlc?
22:49.48fileas I wait for stuff to transfer between boxes so I can testtttttt my codeeeeeeeeeee
22:49.49DelmarMother_ do u think .. now that its off for a moment.. that it would be a good idea to shove it onto a nice UPS with power filtering?
22:49.55algorithmnkernel level support... i think im seeing the problem
22:50.02Franticno- it did not
22:50.12Mother_Delmar: I have all my boxes through UPS by default
22:50.18Frantic<algorithmn> i'm totaly new to linux
22:50.20*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
22:50.24Mother_last thing I want is the power company screwing them up :)
22:50.24Frantic<algorithmn> but i finally did it
22:50.29algorithmnwhat a feeling
22:50.37algorithmnthats what makes computing worth whle
22:50.43algorithmnwhile.. the self satisfication..
22:51.14*** join/#asterisk kippi (
22:51.19Frantic<algorithmn> better yet- the T1 i have is a mix- data and voice
22:51.20algorithmnFrantic:  i just put in the order for pri t1 n data t1 and am about to order the 405p
22:51.25DelmarMother_ was just wondering if i should or not... i mean.. UPS's can cause issues... signwave / squarewave etc... but then...PC's have nice switchmode PSU's with all sorts of their own filtering...
22:51.30Delmarshould be good.
22:51.30algorithmnyou are the person i was looking to talk too
22:51.51Frantic<algorithmn> i had a lot of sh*t with that
22:51.53algorithmnseriously... partial must be harder then what i'm trying
22:52.05Mother_Delmar: use good quality UPS, I use rackmount APC
22:52.09algorithmnwhat was the biggest problem... other then not slaving to the linux kernel
22:52.27Franticthe kernel was the biggest issue
22:52.34Mother_they are useful too as they can signal the boxes when there are problems, so you can email/pager/gracefully shutdown etc
22:52.41Franticafter that you just need the right scripts and that's it
22:52.43algorithmnmmm... all i need is a bottle of wine and a glass... i'll have the computers
22:52.45Frantici can help you with that
22:52.52algorithmni would appreciate it
22:53.02algorithmnagi at all?
22:53.09Franticmsg me for my email
22:53.13DelmarMother_ yup.
22:53.14Franticno agi
22:53.39DelmarMother_ hey something I might mention... when I load the zaptel module, the crc_ccitt module loads as well.
22:53.48Delmarcrc_ccitt               1632  1 zaptel
22:53.58Delmarshould it be doing that?
22:54.08Franticsnom users?
22:54.08Mother_I haven't got a clue to be honest :D
22:54.49Delmaranyone else get a module called  crc_ccitt loading when the zaptel module is loaded?
22:55.15kippii am Grandstream HandyTone 286 VoIP Adapter but i can't seem to get it work, how do i get asterisk to see the box and give it an exenstion number?
22:56.46Luhiwuis there any way to force rfc2833 to the other side? i'm receiving INFO messages for DTMF tones, i've put dtmfmode=rfc2833 in my sip.conf but i don't have control to the other side...
22:59.35DelmarMother_ no go.
22:59.35Delmarstill does Feb  1 11:58:41 WARNING[1520]: chan_zap.c:3465 zt_handle_event: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1
22:59.38Delmardoes that 4 times... then ...
22:59.38Delmar== Spawn extension (fromfxo, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'Zap/1-1'
22:59.50Delmarand while its doing that.. the line is still ringing....
22:59.52*** part/#asterisk santiago (~santiago@
22:59.56Delmarand it will repeat that again..
23:01.17*** part/#asterisk cbachman (~cbachman@
23:01.25Mother_hmmmm I can't think of anything then, really
23:01.32redder86JerJer: around?
23:01.33Mother_it's not something that I've come across
23:02.11Delmarit actually works better if I get Asterisk to answer the line within the first ring or so.
23:03.12ManxPowerDelmar, you don't have somethig like ringmaster/distinctive ring?
23:03.20ManxPowerDon't enable callprogress either
23:03.29Delmarah ok.
23:03.29redder86Does anyone else experience that the outset of a VoIP call is more likely to be corrupted than later during the call?  I.e., the "ring" sounds by the far end get garbled, but 1 or 2 seconds after the callee answers the problem goes away?
23:03.32Delmarill try that.
23:04.16greg_workare there any ports i need open in order to accept incoming calls via iax2?
23:05.30visionvtzanger: thanks for the earlier help, I do have another question if you are up to it :)
23:06.04*** join/#asterisk sivana (~richard@
23:06.16DelmarMother_ thats my zapata.conf .. anything in there that catches your eye?
23:06.48sivana~seen sixtel
23:06.49jbotsixtel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 25d 17h 48m 4s ago, saying: 'no such host, not in sip.conf right'.
23:06.49PTG123anyone here use the Queue() command, we are having problems getitng it to work.. says requires an arguement
23:06.50Qwellgreg_work: 4569 for iax2, 5036 for iax, both udp
23:07.28greg_workwhats 5060/udp and 5038/tcp ?
23:07.38Qwell5060 is sip
23:07.38greg_workoh, 5038 is manager interface
23:08.33DuckbizkitMother_, you got a sec?
23:09.00Delmarim gonna run and grab a coffee and something to shove in my pie hole. afk a little.
23:09.05greg_workah, cool, theres a firewall page on .. i looked for "ports" but there were too many results :p
23:10.56*** join/#asterisk ctooley ([U2FsdGVkX@
23:12.45`SauronWhat the heck
23:13.10`Sauronwhen trying to call an international number across my spa-1001, it gives me fast busy, but * never sees the attempted dial
23:13.28*** join/#asterisk mutombo (
23:13.30pointer-gaim`Sauron: sounds like a dialplan issue
23:14.12`SauronOn the sipura, though. I don't even see an attempted call in *
23:15.12*** join/#asterisk zuuluu (
23:15.13greg_workthe sipura has a dialplan option
23:15.21pointer-gaim`Sauron: yup...on the sipura
23:15.26`SauronI'm looking at it now
23:15.26*** join/#asterisk cf (
23:15.36zuuluuwhere can i change the hunt sequence for outbound to "bottom to top"?
23:15.39greg_worki just put mine to x.
23:15.46`SauronIt looks plain enough
23:15.51greg_workas i'd rather have * deal with it, no sense in having two
23:15.57zuuluuor any link with hunt sequence info for asterisk...i dont see anything buy hunt groups which is diff
23:16.47*** join/#asterisk hans (
23:17.07greg_workactually it needs to be x.|*x.  or *-prefix numbers won't work
23:17.12mutomboi ask myself if its possible to reroute a call to another phone via commandline or the agi?
23:17.31`SauronThat's what I'm setting it to
23:17.48`Sauronmutombo: I was wondering that too
23:17.54greg_workyeah thats probably good. i dont use #x. for anything right now .. but who knows
23:18.13mutomboso i hold an existing call and then switch it to another phone via an webinterface
23:18.30*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
23:18.32visionvGot a question: how would I put 1000 customers on a asterisk computer. I mean, is there some kind of switch (like a ethernet switch) that wouls tie to the NIC ?
23:18.33hansis there a secret to getting asterisk to listen for inbound iax calls? I tailored iax.conf and reloaded / restarted, but nothing
23:18.39greg_workmutombo: theres a flash-based panel that can do it .. so yes
23:18.41`Sauronstill busy
23:19.18greg_workvisionv, what are you talking about? 1000 phones on the LAN?
23:20.07visionvgreg_work: well, I can put a tdm100p and channel bank together and handle 24 users at a time right?
23:20.20visionvbut how would I grow that to 1000
23:20.34greg_workvisionv, more channel banks. sip gateways. voip phones.
23:20.59mutombogreg_work thx
23:21.41faanybody know how to make a callback on zaphfc?
23:21.42visionvgreg_work: more more channel banks and up to 3 tdm100p's sound ok. voip phones would plug into what?
23:22.14Delmarok so for future reference... callprogress=no is a good way to fix the incoming call issues I was having.
23:22.23Delmarbut I still havent fixed this damn echo :(.
23:22.27*** join/#asterisk tensai (~tensai@
23:22.33ManxPowerThere is no such thing as a TDM100P!
23:22.50visionvsorry, t100p
23:22.59ManxPowerDelmar, I advocate renaming callprogress=yes to randomlyfuckupmycalls=yes.
23:23.03greg_workvisionv, ethernet
23:23.07ManxPowerWhy not just put in a T400P?
23:23.27visionvgreg_work: with an ethernet switch right?
23:23.31QwellManxPower: Can I assume that those don't exist either?  heh
23:23.36ManxPowerDelmar, echocancel=yes and echotraining=yes didn't help?
23:23.38greg_workvisionv, yes
23:23.57greg_workvisionv, or over an internet connection
23:24.01ManxPowerDelmar, Have you tried echotraining=600 or 800?
23:24.01greg_workvisionv, or with wifi
23:24.11visionvand no other way with analog phones other than channel banks right?
23:24.11greg_workvisionv, this is the power of voip and *
23:24.24DelmarManxPower not really. lets give that a shot.
23:24.28*** join/#asterisk McKillroy (
23:24.37McKillroyHello !
23:24.46ManxPowervisionv, If you want up to 8 analog ports you can use TDM400P cards w/FXS modules.
23:24.49McKillroyDid anyone of you ever tried this:
23:25.09`Saurongreg_work: I set my dialplan as before, but it's still giving fast busy
23:25.11`Sauronany idea why?
23:25.14greg_workvisionv, sure there is. the sipura SPA-2000 for example is a SIP device (that physically plugs into ethernet) that gives you two fxs ports. there are bigger SIP gateways too
23:25.22DelmarManxPower ok just to recap... this is a self-echo at the SIP client that is almost not even there when calls are placed outgoing, but is a royal pain in the ear when incomming calls are answered.. and it doesnt seem to echotrain and go away...
23:25.38visionvgreg_work & ManxPower: Thanks !!!
23:27.03Mother_McKillroy: are you still insisting on doing that 'el cheapo' GSM adapter?
23:27.24greg_workvisionv, thats one of the nice things about voip. assuming your network is setup right (the * server is accessable from the internet), I could take the SIP phone sitting on my desk home, plug it in, and I would have an office extension exactly as if i was sitting in the office
23:27.32Mother_you'll have to write a connector to take the audio from the phone to something * can handle
23:27.37McKillroyI want it. But I'm afraid its either expensive or complicated.
23:28.08greg_work`Sauron, for everything you dial? what did you change? and does * see it trying to call?
23:28.09Mother_McKillroy: there are tons of GSM/PSTN line simulators out there
23:28.27Mother_I have a company that manufactures one about 10 minutes from where I live
23:28.31McKillroyI found a GSM to PSTN adapter for 515 euro ... still too much
23:28.36Delmargreg_work, thats what im trying to get working at some point but my testing so far has had wierd results... get this...
23:28.38`Saurongreg: apparently only for int'l calls
23:28.55`Saurongreg: I changed sipura's dialplan to (*x.|#x.|x.)
23:29.16*** part/#asterisk hans (
23:29.41`SauronAh, blah. Gotta go again.
23:29.41Mother_McKillroy: this one made next door goes for 278 euros
23:29.42Delmargreg_work, scenario is ... xlite ===> linux router (NAT) ===> Internet ===> Route (NAT) ===> Asterisk.   this works MINT. calls both ways, the works......
23:29.56McKillroyMother_ : Linky ??
23:30.04McKillroyMother_ :Do you know if the product of could be a solution ?
23:30.11Delmargreg_work, replace xlite with a budgetone 102.....and it wont even login.
23:30.47Mother_McKillroy: it's the SISCOM thingy
23:30.55greg_workDelmar, i haven't started playing with NAT stuff at all yet. i just gave my * box an internet ip
23:31.01Delmarif it was a perminant need to have that end connected to me.. I would run asterisk on his end, tie them with IAX and be done with it.
23:31.31Delmarbut what im really after.. is to make sure i can .. grab my phone.. go someplace.. plug into internet.. point it to an stun server.. and away I go.
23:32.14Delmargreg_work, yep. im going to put my * box on a public real soon.. to overcome all my issues... i just dont trust shitty D-Link DSL-300's. they dont seem to reconnect if there is a power issue or such like.
23:32.22Mother_McKillroy: the phonelabs device would be try-and-see, it probably would work as it also simulates a line, but things like caller ID etc. are more doubtful
23:32.34Delmargreg_work, and i disliked the whole.. PPP via an Alcatel .....
23:32.47Delmargreg_work, i may have to buy a new DSL modem for the task.
23:33.18Duckbizkithey, what's that site to post configs to an IRC channel
23:33.24McKillroyMother_ : Caller ID does not matter so much as the price ... its all for private use only, and I have no Ex-GFs terrorizing me ...;)
23:33.26jbotpastebin is, like, a place to paste your stuff without flooding the channel - try
23:33.30Delmargreg_work, so yep. NAT is a big pooo. I dont understand why more phone and ata manufacturers dont move to IAX.
23:33.46Delmarsurely grandstream could upgrade their phones in a software update to do IAX.. and NAT wouldnt be an issue.
23:34.35Delmarok so im gonna play with that idea ManxPower had.. lets see if that does anything.
23:34.55Delmarechotraining=600 or 800 right?
23:35.13Duckbizkitwell i've got a problem with queues....we have two servers with the same CVS checkout, same configs....just one works and the other hangs up on the call instead
23:35.14greg_workDelmar, i think they are, just slowly
23:35.20Duckbizkitlog here:
23:35.34greg_workSIP is a standard, IAX2 is a *-proprietary protocol (although it IS open..)
23:35.47Delmarright. well i hope they get into it soon.
23:35.54wolfsoniax also does not seem to like packet loss AT ALL
23:35.55*** part/#asterisk yogurt2ungue (
23:35.58Duckbizkitand i've tried calling Queue() without any args other than the queue name, no help
23:36.18Delmarwolfson, that would be more a codec issue rather than the protocol itself .. no?
23:36.19McKillroyMother_ : Just a stupid question: PSTN = ?? same like POTS ?
23:36.29QwellMcKillroy: pretty much
23:36.32DelmarPSTN is more or less POTS.
23:36.42wolfsondelmar: no idea, but I've noticed that after heavy packet loss, the call is never normal again
23:37.00McKillroyQwell: I need to read stuff as I see ...
23:37.09Delmarwolfson, heh. sounds like what my Ericcson T68 cell phone does sometimes...
23:37.14outtoluncDuckbizkit: add a |
23:37.17QwellMcKillroy: Don't we all...
23:37.19*** join/#asterisk Darwin35 (
23:37.46*** join/#asterisk scubasteve (
23:37.54scubasteveGood evening!!
23:37.56McKillroyQwell : I'm a bit back. I heared of * first on Saturday .... The possibility of a private GSM gate i learned friday ....
23:38.02Duckbizkitouttolunc you mean on the end?
23:38.07outtoluncDuckbizkit: whats the |3| for?
23:38.07Delmar<ManxPower> Delmar, I advocate renaming callprogress=yes to randomlyfuckupmycalls=yes.
23:38.10greg_workMcKillroy, PSTN = public switched telephone network .. POTS = plain old telephone service  .. you use a POTS line to connect to the PSTN (or you can use ISDN BRI/PRI .. )
23:38.11DelmarI agree ManxPower
23:38.19Duckbizkitheh i was just changing stuff up from the other
23:38.27Duckbizkitthe other works fine with just Queue(support)
23:38.31McKillroygreg_work: Thanks !!
23:38.34Duckbizkitthis one, Queue(support) threw that error
23:38.45*** part/#asterisk tensai (~tensai@
23:38.54scubasteveooh  is there a new app_fuckup_my_calls ???: :)
23:39.03Duckbizkitso i was adding the pipes to see if it would help
23:39.07Qwellscubasteve: cvs head
23:39.14scubasteveQwell: LOL
23:39.34Qwellscubasteve: unfortunately, I added it as "app_do_something_cool", but, it sucked so bad, they renamed it
23:39.48filewoot remote MWI is working
23:39.59Duckbizkitouttolunc it should probably be t instead of 3, right
23:40.14Duckbizkitand then another pipe on the end
23:40.15mtqhI am having an issue with AGI, any operation that requires a user to input DTMF just skips it and moves on....any idea?
23:40.27outtoluncexten => 1,1,Queue(op_ready|tn|||2)
23:40.31outtoluncso, yes
23:40.46Duckbizkitok....well, we'll give it a shot
23:41.35Delmarechotraining=800 and still self-echo on sip client.
23:41.41faCan somebody send me a good extensions.conf with support for transfer of calls and voicmail accounts?
23:42.25ManxPowerDelmar, you stopped and started Asterisk right?
23:42.47Delmarhell yeah. not reload. full on killed the thing and restarted.
23:42.50McKillroyMother_ : Just to understand my interest: In my area I can get a UMTS phone with free internal network calls for 10 Euro a month. So - with 2 phones I could have a free mobile gate into the VoIP system.
23:43.13*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@
23:43.22Mother_McKillroy: I see, very interesting, where are you located?
23:43.34McKillroyMother_ : Only 20 Euro + DSL costs would apply. I'm in Austria
23:44.04tessier_Is there any way to go straight to the beep and leave a message instead of waiting through someones voicemail greeting?
23:44.04Mother_very neat, so it's flat data rate for 10 euro per line? that's VERY good, here they charge at GPRS rates
23:44.25*** join/#asterisk bjohnson (
23:44.42McKillroyMother_: Since I get a VoIP for 9 Euro I could even be called mobile for almost nothing.
23:44.58McKillroyI mean a callable number from POTS
23:45.02Mother_lol neat
23:45.08faMcKillroy per motnh? 9 Euro?
23:45.20McKillroyA callable number , yes
23:45.35faso call me ;]
23:46.17McKillroyTotal costs for mobile telephoning in any net would be 2*10 +9 + DSL costs
23:46.35McKillroywith a possibility to receive calls from fixed net
23:46.48ManxPower+ host of gateway + cost to make the damn thing work with the crappy disconnect indications most of them have.
23:46.51McKillroyThats why I want that GSM gate
23:46.53Mother_I can see the operator hanging you from a very tall pole :D
23:47.40McKillroyThe clerk in the handy shop told me they found a couplke who used two handys as a babyphone ... because it was free ....
23:47.58Mother_I bet the babies glow in the dark now
23:48.23fado anybody have standard extensions.conf?
23:48.57Nuggeteveryone here does.
23:48.58Duckbizkitouttolunc i made the changes, her goes nothing ;)
23:49.08*** join/#asterisk bonbon-home (
23:49.11Nuggetif you have the asterisk source you have a sample config.
23:49.32Duckbizkitlocate extensions.conf.sample
23:49.39bonbon-homehas anyone else seen a problem where sip calls originated from asterisk get cut off after around 30 seconds?
23:49.47Nuggetlocate won't work for someone who just untarred it today.
23:49.59Duckbizkitlocate extensions.conf.sample
23:50.04Nuggetupdatedb won't work for lots of people.
23:50.08ManxPowerI used to have simplified sample configs online, but since nobody donated to me via paypal I took down the entire site and donated it to the project
23:50.14Duckbizkiti'm just kidding around Nugget
23:50.28*** part/#asterisk jjg (tink@
23:50.51McKillroyGotta run now ... Thanks a lot for your help, especially Mother_  ... BYe ..
23:51.17greg_workis it possible to share groups between Zap and IAX trunks? ie, say I have 4 Zap trunks and an IAX trunk .. can I have my first three outgoing calls go over Zap, then the 4th use IAX?
23:51.29greg_workor would I have to do an agi to do that?
23:51.36visionvg'night guys, you have been a big help :)
23:52.03scubastevegreg_work: Hm, can't seem to hear anything out of my 841...:(
23:52.50outtoluncas a 'group' i don't think so, but as a linked macro like TRUNKLISTXYZ = 'Zap/1&Zap/2&Zap/3&IAX2/yadda'
23:52.50greg_workscubasteve, i assume you have it plugged in now? :)
23:52.59filecooooool my mailbox status just propogated from one server to another in realtime
23:53.10Nuggetfile: how's that work?
23:53.10scubastevegreg_work: Yep  :)
23:53.14greg_workouttolunc, how would you use that?
23:53.22fileNugget: code I wrote
23:53.25outtoluncthey are tried in sequence
23:53.35greg_workscubasteve, check volume? i dunno, i didn't have issues
23:53.48scubastevegreg_work:  Ok, am able to barely hear now..  Something is wrong... am thinking defective fone.
23:53.51outtoluncwhat you 'could' also try is to assign each to a 'local/' reference and group those
23:53.54greg_workouttolunc, Dial(${TRUNKLISTXYZ})  ?
23:54.07outtoluncer nods
23:54.33greg_workand it wouldn't try to call out on all of them simultaneously?
23:54.54Nuggetthat's cool.
23:55.06outtoluncIIRC, dev&dev&dev does in sequence
23:55.07fileworking on magical CDR records now
23:55.09greg_workthats another thing, how do you control or know how many calls an IAX trunk can support?
23:55.31fahow to add field with file name with recorded call to cdr_pgsql ?
23:55.49JunK-Yfa: whatcha mean?
23:56.12fai want to add name of file, where the call is recorder (dumped to wav, gsm or mp3)
23:56.35*** part/#asterisk stevekstevek (
23:57.05JunK-Ywhy not using userfield?
23:57.13Duckbizkitok outtolunc
23:57.16Duckbizkiti made the changes
23:57.20Duckbizkitand still got the error
23:57.23greg_workouttolunc;  If you wish to specify more than one channel for the Dial command to try ? remembering that it will dial out on all of them simultaneously ? separate them with the & symbol. The channels can be different types. See Examples, below.
23:57.24*** join/#asterisk stevekstevek (
23:57.26*** join/#asterisk luisgrin (~luis@
23:57.28faJunK-Y how can i set the user field?
23:57.39JunK-Yfa: show applications like userfield
23:57.43faJunK-Y record or monitor is for recording calls ?
23:58.28outtoluncDuckbizkit: "1?voice|1:answering|1"   <-- what the hell is that
23:58.44*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
23:58.44modulus_does vonage do sip/iax termination?
23:58.51Duckbizkitjust some answering machine detection
23:59.39outtoluncwhy not use the stuff in that doc?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.