irclog2html for #asterisk on 20050128

00:01.26t3tevening everyone
00:02.39*** join/#asterisk sudoer (~sudoer@
00:02.39t3ttessier: I don't think you are
00:02.59t3thas anyone had problems calling through nufone recently?
00:03.15tessier_t3t: Thanks and no
00:05.50t3tstrange... calling my dids from pots lines results in fast busys and calling through * to nufone results in an accepted call that's circuit busy
00:07.03brc_afernoon tessier_
00:07.12tessier_Hi brc
00:07.36*** join/#asterisk Ralphie (
00:09.39*** part/#asterisk sudoer (~sudoer@
00:09.46*** join/#asterisk sudoer2 (
00:09.57sudoer2can i pull off the config files fmro a polycom off to another disk?
00:11.13Darwin35Jan 27 14:10:38 WARNING[1253]: dsp.c:1469 ast_dsp_process: Inband DTMF is not supported on codec g729. Use RFC2833
00:11.57JuggieDarwin35, seems pretty self explanatory to me
00:13.09*** join/#asterisk herag (
00:13.51*** join/#asterisk PBXtech (nik@
00:13.59Darwin35ok its all working
00:14.13Darwin35a33 zap lines work
00:14.15PBXtechcan * do a wisper page?
00:14.18Darwin35all 3
00:14.31t3tHas anyone had problems using NuFone for the past half hour?  It just started working again for me
00:14.46Darwin35but i cant dial on the net right now
00:15.59*** join/#asterisk buddah (~hnic@
00:19.13*** join/#asterisk labo (
00:22.56togyep, I see they're keeping it updated, too
00:23.38toglast time I saw that it was for installing FreeBSD 4.x
00:24.04ardoranyone here actully have asterisk setup so when they pick up there sip phone and dial a number it goes to a menu of opstions and then they can select an opstion?
00:24.21ardorI have it working fine on incoming calls. but not with internal sip phones.
00:24.23eKo1ardor: eh, yes.
00:24.56ardoreKo1 can you give me an example
00:25.16eKo1ardor: of what?
00:26.11buddahanyone familiar with cisco vg224?
00:26.16ardorof what happens when someone picks up a sip phone, they get dial tone
00:27.02togwhat was the name of that voice recognition package? I wanted to play with it but I forgot its name
00:27.21ardorthen they enter in 200 for the selection menu and then get a list of opstions and hit 3 to hear the marketing update?
00:27.27tessier_like sphinxter
00:27.53ardori can get the 200 part fine, but when i have it goto a selection menu after that when they press keys on the sip phone nothing works
00:28.13*** join/#asterisk soundguy (
00:28.24buddahlemme be more specific, anyone know how/where to put in a username/pass on a cisco vg224?
00:28.27toghave any of you actually put Sphinx and Asterisk together?
00:28.36tessier_tog: Nope.
00:29.05togwould be a fun toy, although at the moment it's nothing more than a distraction from what I'm supposed to be doing
00:30.10eKo1ardor: You need to have the options you want to match in the context you're working with.
00:30.41ardorlet me get you a paste bin
00:31.43ardorI've tired it with and without the _
00:33.20*** join/#asterisk keith778 (
00:33.28eKo1Funny, it should working without the _
00:34.09keith778Anyone here familiar with Python and AGI??
00:34.15ardorlet me remove them all I;ll send you the pastebin and what asterisk says.
00:35.08inezkwoh use MYSQL addon
00:36.26*** join/#asterisk nullogic (~nullogic@
00:38.43sudoer2can i pull off the config files from a polycom phone off to a different place so i can read the config files?
00:39.12eKo1ardor: Looks like * is not picking up your 1. What type of phone are you using?
00:39.38ardorthe gay grandstream budget tone
00:39.55eKo1Make sure the DTMF mode on the phone is set to SIP info.
00:39.57ardorbut it does work fine when i call to an outside line and back in.
00:40.03ardorya its set to info
00:40.28eKo1Is it set to info in the sip.conf file?
00:41.10eKo1Are you using * stable?
00:41.37*** join/#asterisk anok (
00:42.14ardortesting it on my stable asterisk right now
00:42.22ardorbeen testing it on my linksys asterisk
00:42.25ardornot sure how stable that is
00:42.36eKo1linksys *?!
00:42.53ardorthe asterisk package for openwrt
00:43.35JerJerworks decently well as long as you don't overload the processor
00:43.44ardorsame problem on the stable asterisk
00:43.52JerJerardor: ?
00:44.00JerJeri don't run stable so i have no clue
00:44.12eKo1Strange, it should work.
00:44.14ardorit wont detect my digits.
00:44.25eKo1Do you have another phone to test with?
00:44.25ardoreKo1 what kind of sip you using?
00:44.35brc_hello JerJer
00:44.39JerJeruse RFC2833
00:44.40ardorno, i just have a handytone and a budget tone
00:44.45brc_how've you been
00:44.46JerJeron god
00:44.47JerJeroh go
00:44.54JerJerwho moved my keyboard
00:44.56buddahanyone know how/where to put in a username/pass on a cisco vg224?
00:45.07ardorI think it was JerJer who moved it
00:45.07togI have a handytone 486 right here and I have never had any trouble getting asterisk to recognize key presses
00:45.11eKo1try the rfc2833 like JerJer said.
00:45.21JerJermay have to use INFO with barbietone's
00:45.27togit's all set to rfc2833
00:45.47eKo1I have my BTs set to rfc2833 too.
00:46.10JerJerlast i knew the barbietones needed INFO
00:46.57eKo1On the phone, it is set to info.
00:47.08eKo1in sip.conf, rfc2833
00:47.58ardorstill not working
00:48.09togmy asterisk server is more stable than Sprint's cellular tower
00:48.15ardori didnt change anything but the sip conf file
00:48.21togI love looking down at my phone and seeing no service
00:48.26netsurfertog - lol wish mine was
00:50.12togit's not like I have crappy reception in here, I always have like 100% signal, except when their tower goes dead
00:50.34netsurferits great, I can crash my * box on command lol
00:50.45netsurferi just do: modprobe ztdummy
00:50.56togwell don't do that
00:51.01ardorthe last gay problem like this i had, i fixed by making my iax [name] and username the same value.
00:51.19togI can crash your box on command, too, try cat /dev/urandom > /dev/mem
00:51.21netsurferardor - they should be the same, thats why :oP
00:51.21ardormy iax was only working one day.
00:51.31ardorday= wayu
00:51.39ardorjerjer You moving my keyboard?
00:52.22modulus_tog, that won't crash my box
00:53.26netsurfermaybe cat /dev/urandom > /dev/lpt1
00:53.56togmodulus: did you try it?
00:54.14togor are you just saying "that wouldn't crash my box!"
00:54.15*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (
00:54.33modulus_tog, i don't have perms
00:54.47togyes, of course this must be done as root
00:54.53netsurfernot "your" box then is it? ;)
00:55.15togI urge you to try it some day, it's tons of fun
00:55.16*** part/#asterisk eKo1 (~bernd@
00:55.22togespecially if you have a monitor hooked up
00:55.53netsurferdont worry I got root on ur box ;)
00:56.22togwell that's no fun, you've got to be able to watch the monitor
00:57.55paulcI had a 1 T1 card, added a 4 T1 card, it now sees the 1 port as the 5th span (or is that just the way I'm configuring it?) and I get loads of "PRI got event: 6 on Primary D-channel" messages referring to span 5 (the single T1).. ach.. ideas?
00:58.22redder86paulc: it has to do with the order they're detected by zaptel
00:58.34redder86swap the cards around.
00:58.44paulcI've got a guy doing that as we speak :-)
00:58.50file[laptop]paulc broke it
00:59.01paulcwe expected the 1 port to be where it always was and the 4 port to come after.. apparently not eh..
00:59.32paulcso swap the cards round, rejig the config files so span 1 channels 1-23 will be as they were and we should be cooking with gas..
00:59.35paulcfamous last words..
00:59.44*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (~me@
00:59.47NoRemorsehi all
00:59.47JunK-Yya set ur dchan?
00:59.49redder86cooking with gas?
00:59.52toggood luck with that
01:00.02DaLionanyone have idds in canada ?
01:00.04DaLiondids ?
01:00.30paulcDaLion: try
01:00.43paulc"cooking with gas" = brit slang for "doing real well"
01:00.45togI had to change the order in which the modules were loaded in order to get my zaptel PRI card and the wcfxo card to detect in the right order, swapping PCI slots is all you could really do for two cards that use the same driver
01:00.52paulcJunK-Y: yeah.. I did..
01:00.53DaLionthis linux box sucks so bad
01:01.00DaLionupgraded clam now all breaks
01:01.04DaLionqmailscan perms i guess
01:01.07DaLionupgraded rpm
01:01.14DaLionso its root instead of qmailsc
01:01.25togI hate qmail a lot
01:01.30DaLionno choice
01:01.33DaLionits the best
01:01.44toggood luck
01:01.52DaLionbut hate to config ..qmail,vpop, spamassasing..qtrap and clan antivirus all at once
01:02.04togI had to fix qmail the other day and I just wanted to kill myself
01:02.12redder86don't cook with me, though, please
01:02.29DaLionits only aly a 17 install process
01:02.31paulcwhat's a tller?
01:02.33paulcor a tiller even
01:02.37togqmail is all so elite and secure and bulletproof
01:02.41NoRemorsethe "cooking with gas" refers to natural gas, not petrol, which isnt really a gas
01:02.46modulus_tog no it isn't
01:02.50modulus_only if it's set up correctly
01:02.55togand so I look over at it and it has a queue backed up of about 45k messages for no particular reason
01:02.56modulus_which is a rarity
01:03.01redder86a tiller is a machine that turns up the earth and mixes it up, loosening the dirt, mixing in fertilizer and mulch
01:03.09togso I get out and push and it's fine
01:03.47DaLionguess its time to reinstall
01:03.47togI have no control over this particular qmail config, it's a Plesk box
01:03.55DaLiontog no matter me too
01:04.00DaLionjust diabled some part ion it
01:04.00modulus_plesk? no wonder.
01:04.07DaLionthen i took ownership of this shit
01:04.11DaLionplesk SUCks
01:04.12Juggieplesk sucks horribly
01:04.13DaLionany manager sucks
01:04.19redder86we plant peas and broccoli in early March
01:04.28DaLionbasically told host unmanaged server get me root to a bsd and fuck off
01:04.29silik0nplesk hosting is for windows admins
01:04.42redder86gotta get the soil ready
01:04.44DaLionthey gave me REDHAT LINUX fedora core 1 ( now obsolete) with plesk
01:04.45modulus_plesk makes me want to defecate
01:05.01DaLionshit modulus_ need bathroom brb
01:05.11DaLionor modulus_need shit bathroom brb
01:05.11silik0ni run a hosting service and I wouldnt dream of inflicting plesk on my customers
01:05.15DaLionjust heard plesk so
01:05.25paulcLOL.. Plesk's pretty..
01:05.35DaLionhad irs call me
01:05.40DaLionthey said i owed them
01:05.48paulcok.. cards swapped, zttool still sees the 4 port then the 1 port.. and I'm still getting the same errors messages about event 6 on pri span 5 :-s
01:06.01DaLionso i called form a CA number.. gave em an NY addy and a FL fax #
01:06.04DaLionlol they so fucked
01:06.20DaLionvoip does great things in life
01:06.29DaLionthe bitch didnt believe me i said look at CID
01:07.16DaLionman qmail mail list took 7 minutes to process my subscribe
01:07.16Darwin35ok where do I set caller id on the zap exten ?
01:07.17togall I can do is curse at it and restart it and clean the queue some
01:07.17togplesk's the best one I've used, and I've used a bunch
01:07.18togI don't like the way they do everything, but it gets the job done pretty well
01:07.24togthem's fightin' words
01:07.27togI run Plesk on a FreeBSD box
01:07.28DaLionno messages yet to confirm.. i guess at that rate itls take 2-3 days to get conf email
01:07.29togit does all right
01:07.35DaLionwith my qmail down i hope it wont
01:07.36togI just couldn't go through the whole creating my own control panel interface for everything
01:07.38togwe don't have a team of developers here or anything
01:08.07DaLionu dont need it
01:08.07togwhat do you use instead, silik0n, something custom?
01:08.14*** join/#asterisk file (
01:08.26DaLiontouch /vi/ and sendmail are all you need
01:08.41DaLionplesk sucks i got clients hosted
01:08.50*** part/#asterisk keith778 (
01:08.52DaLionand each time i HAVE ot use plesk coz its taking precedence on all
01:08.57DaLionit overwrites ALL my configs
01:09.10DaLionso basicllay plesk is good for a 4.99 hosting client
01:09.15DaLionthat has templated plans
01:09.24DaLionbut not for everyday clients that need custom shit
01:09.31togof course not
01:09.41tog99% of my customers do not need custom anything
01:09.41*** join/#asterisk aminorex (
01:09.46DaLionlts say you got a client who need access to 2 his accounts in /somedir/A somedir /B
01:09.54DaLionfrom is php
01:09.56DaLionyour fucked
01:10.04togthey need to upload their trash with frontpage and if they can install a counter through the control panel and change their mailboxes, everybody's a winner
01:10.13DaLioncoz when u take out php base whatever. each time box reboots it redos config
01:10.32DaLionbelieve me
01:10.45DaLionplus .. just upgraded phpgd .. now its using new version of pcrelib
01:10.50DaLionrpm plesk is shit
01:10.54inezkalo alo
01:10.54InfraRedanyone here using chan SCCP?
01:10.58togI bet it is
01:11.10DaLionlets say aa client need this or that.. u cant mod anything coz u dont know how anything was compileed for plesk
01:11.13modulus_you're all a buncha plesk junkies
01:11.19togworks all right under FreeBSD, though
01:11.19inezkaabybody use PHP frontand to generate asterisk dialplan and sip.conf or iax.conf ?
01:11.29paulcinezk: yup :-)
01:11.30DaLioni use VI back end
01:11.36DaLionalots easier
01:11.40modulus_i use ed
01:11.41InfraRedpaulc: what is it called?
01:11.44modulus_i fear no term type
01:11.47InfraRedi sue emacs
01:11.49paulcAsterisk Quick Configurator
01:11.54InfraRedemacs vs. vi holy war
01:11.55togI sue emacs, too, for taking up all my RAM
01:12.11InfraRedpaulc: cool
01:12.53paulcCHuck in a bunch of names + a starting extension number and it spits out sip.conf, voicemail.conf and extensions.conf with a .txt file containing the passwords etc
01:13.07InfraRednice one
01:13.38*** join/#asterisk yxa (~void@
01:13.58InfraReddo you have a url ?
01:15.46*** join/#asterisk mtqh (
01:17.52*** join/#asterisk bprice20 (
01:19.51*** join/#asterisk _Simon (
01:21.43*** join/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
01:21.56qwerpgood morning..(from my place)
01:24.10*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
01:24.53DaGrimIf my audio still sounds bad when calling the DID.. but sounds fine over public IP.. then its an upload b/w issue.. right?
01:24.56DaLioncan someone tlel me perm and owner ship of /var/spool/qmailscan/tmp and working
01:25.18DaGrimI can call in to the menus, and they sound like shit.. but dial my record extension.. record a sound.. and it received my audio just fine..
01:25.31DaGrimand records it to the file just fine..
01:25.46DaGrimthe audio sounds fine on any softphone anywhere..
01:26.09DaGrimAnd its plugged into a cable modem directly right.. so it obviously cant be my switch..
01:26.16DaGrimany thoughts?
01:28.02bprice20you were right
01:28.16DaGrimabout what?
01:28.19bprice20an auto callback when busy feature is just too much work for me right now
01:28.26togby calling the DID you mean a DID provided by a VoIP provider or a DID on a PRI connected to your asterisk box?
01:28.28DaGrimI have a script already made.. you want it?
01:28.37bprice20OMG yes
01:28.50DaGrimhang on a sec
01:30.30*** join/#asterisk cmslaght (
01:30.54redder86with SetVar do you *really* have to use # ?  SetVar(#VARNAME=foo) ?
01:31.06netsurferchan_sip.c:6786 handle_response: Got 200 OK on REGISTER that isn't a register <-- what should I be looking for to fix this?
01:31.07redder86or SetVar(VARNAME=foo) ?
01:31.26*** part/#asterisk NoRemorse (~me@
01:31.26redder86or SetVar(${VARNAME}=foo) ?
01:31.35togat least callerid works right on this barbietone
01:31.41cmslaghtI just installed the TDM04B card in my IBM eServer and now linux reboots about 5 minutes after bootup! Any ideas?
01:31.45togthe sipura is all fucked up
01:31.55togit sends the callerid way before the phone ever rings
01:31.59redder86Nugget: thanks
01:32.12togwhich confuses the hell out of my phone
01:32.23redder86Nugget: what's with the "#n" in 'show application setvar' ?
01:32.31NuggetI have no idea.
01:34.11*** join/#asterisk zimdog (
01:34.17JerJeryeah doesn't make sense to me either
01:34.19*** join/#asterisk cbachman (
01:40.32*** join/#asterisk cypromis (chuck-the-@
01:40.40ManipuraMuuhahhahah, I just got
01:46.40*** join/#asterisk skyline2000 (
01:49.06*** join/#asterisk |^Angel^| (
01:49.18bprice20DaGrim were you serious or kidding?
01:51.11*** join/#asterisk tekati (
01:51.44DaLionanyone know whats chmod format ?
01:51.47DaLionperldoc stinks
01:52.07DaLionin perl
01:52.11DaLionsomeone ?
01:52.44mikegrbman chmod
01:53.10bprice20does anyone have a feature to auto dial over and over again when the line is busy, then dial the user when it goes through?
01:53.53*** join/#asterisk Inv_arp (
01:54.20*** join/#asterisk Grooby (
01:58.39paulcchmod <permissions> <filespec>
01:58.43paulc(delayed reply)
01:58.59*** join/#asterisk mjmac (~mjmac@
01:59.50*** join/#asterisk NoRemorse (~me@
01:59.52paulcT1 problem partially solved, for now.. and Opa calls.. gonna hit the mall with Shawn, eat, hang, then back for more fun..
02:00.02file[laptop]paulc: you and that silly mall thing
02:00.12paulcit's good food :-p
02:00.22silik0nits over prices food
02:00.27iMediaxanyone a bellster member?
02:01.09NoRemorseCan someone please explain this CLID discrepancy? when I dial my DID E1, and ensure cli is blocked, my asterisk server correctly shows unknown caller on the sip client, however when I pass a DID call to another asterisk server via IAX2 peering, the sip client on the second server shows the clid?
02:02.31*** part/#asterisk DaGrim (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
02:03.38mjmacbellster?  lol.  i've been away for a bit.
02:03.49silik0nI dont know much about E1s but is it running something like PRI signaling where Calling Party number is part of the setup message?
02:04.18mjmacwhen was bellster launched?
02:04.28silik0nnot too long ago
02:04.35silik0nits relativly new
02:04.40*** join/#asterisk sudoer2 (
02:05.00sudoer2can anyone give me their fwd number, im trying to test my * setup
02:05.22netsurfersudoer2 - sure.. query me
02:06.08Beirdoa few weeks ago, I think, mjmac
02:06.34NoRemorsesilik0n: thats nothing to do with it, I think something is amiss with iax2 talking to the second * server, stripping the block cli field or whatever
02:06.39*** join/#asterisk zotz (~zotz@
02:06.46iMediaxseems like a good idea
02:06.52sudoer2ok, I need one more person, I am testing if 3 way calling is working on this phone, anyone have an fwd number I can call?
02:07.13iMediaxhey sudoer
02:07.26sudoer2hi IMediax, what is your fwd number?
02:07.30Beirdonot that's active right now, sudoer, sorry.  Just installing the OS on my asterisk box right now :)
02:07.36JerJerdial fwd 1
02:07.42JerJermaybe jeff will answer  :)
02:08.40mtqhjerjer: If I pay you $100 and I send you a PAP2-NA  Will you send it back "Opened" or at least setup to regiester to an ip that I give you with a username and password I give you?  That way, everyone can SHUT UP that you don't know how to do it?
02:09.49Darwin35ok I have my asterisk working and it registers with broadvoice
02:09.56sudoer2can anyone else give me a fwd number to call?
02:10.01Darwin35but when I dial out I get no audio
02:10.05JerJermtqh: has it ever been plugged into the public internet?
02:10.11hermieanybody here use clipcomm gear?
02:10.15cmslaghthas anyone had NMI issues?
02:10.20mtqhmtqh: nope
02:10.28JerJerif so Vonage has locked it down harder than a preachers daughter
02:10.41mjmaccmslaght: dazed and confused?
02:10.48mtqhintesting, I always found the preachers daughter easy
02:10.52cmslaghtmjmac: Yup!
02:11.03Darwin35Jerjer would know his father is a precher
02:11.10JerJermtqh: not when the preacher finds out
02:11.11mtqhjerjer: really?
02:11.17mjmaccmslaght: if you get a lot of them it's time to swap RAM...  otherwise, cosmic rays?
02:11.23mtqhmtqh: No that is true
02:11.54file[laptop]I think I have the stuff somewhere to unlock PAP2s... somewhere on my fileserver...
02:12.01netsurfersudoer2 - what codec was that? it sounded really clear
02:12.17*** join/#asterisk terrapen (
02:12.24cmslaghtmjmac: This appears to be a issue with putting the Digium TDM card in a working server.
02:12.30netsurferwhen the 411 girl shut up lol
02:12.53terrapen"Birria Flavor"
02:13.02terrapenits bizarre.
02:13.23sudoer2I think I'm using the highest bandwith one, I forget the name
02:13.26sudoer2let me check
02:13.26Beirdobetter than burro flavour I bet
02:13.40*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
02:14.39sudoer2I mean G.711u
02:14.44netsurferbelieve it or not that was my 1st ip->ip call heh.. sounded good
02:14.51JerJerman you change your mind more than a woman
02:15.03terrapenBurro Noodles
02:15.04mjmaccmslaght: ah...  google says others are seeing it, which you probably already know.  i don't have anything useful to contribute.  :)
02:15.16terrapenbirria is a mexican beef stew
02:15.20terrapenactually these are quite tasty
02:15.25Darwin35sip show registry
02:15.25sudoer2anyone familiar with polycom phones, I have a bunch of phones with the 3 way conferencing not working on them
02:15.30JerJerdoesn't birria mean rat?
02:15.37terrapengod, i hope not
02:15.38Beirdoterrapen: sounds tasty
02:15.41*** join/#asterisk DaGrim (~junglesto@dagrim.user)
02:15.43mjmacmmm... rat.
02:15.45Beirdoas long as it isn't burro
02:15.51mjmacon a stick!
02:15.53cmslaghtmjmac: My IBM server has a NMI LED on it which only lights up when I init the TDM card.
02:16.05terrapenone man's rat is another man's beef tenderloin
02:16.05DaGrimbjohnson: Sorry about that.. lemme pastebin what I have in there right now.
02:17.06Darwin35why cant I make a outbound call
02:17.11Darwin35I get no audio
02:17.14Nuggetbecause of a problem.
02:17.20Darwin35it loooks to be dialing
02:17.21terrapenits housed in DataFoundry
02:17.32terrapenwhich used to be
02:17.55terrapenowned by lard-ass jack-ass extraordinare, Jonah Yokubaitis
02:19.15mjmacterrapen: that's funny
02:20.24Darwin35just dead air
02:20.41Darwin35then it times out and hangs up
02:21.27nullogicI'm having a problem where setcallerid is being executed with my number (my provider wants us to set our own ANI) for both inbound and outbound calls. does the default context get executed for in and outbound calls?
02:23.16*** join/#asterisk qwerp (~abc@
02:23.52qwerphow do i use a auto dial out?
02:24.16Groobywhat can you use auto dial out for?
02:24.28Groobymorning call app?
02:24.48qwerpis like i want to miss call my * server..
02:24.57qwerpthen have my * server to call me back..
02:25.11Vetois inbound fax worth mucking with if I only have DID's via iax provider?
02:25.23Groobylike  you were talking on the phone and accidently hang up
02:25.28Groobyyou want * to call you back and reconnect?
02:25.59qwerplets say if * server have a flat call rate while mine is more expensive to call * server?
02:26.02sudoer2any polycom users here?
02:26.39terrapeni just got my polycom in
02:26.45DaLion`Sauron:  you there ?
02:26.46letherglovGrooby, I use to it remind me to call my grandmother
02:26.46terrapengonna play with it tomorrow
02:27.11DaLion`Sauron:  i see millions of packets UDP flodding me from 204.188 *
02:27.19Groobyletherglov, like dial out to grandma, and call your extension?
02:27.36letherglovno, just play back a message that says "Call grandma!"
02:27.36mjmacVeto: i haven't had much luck with fax using g.711, but it's supposed to work
02:27.45Groobyi c i c
02:27.49letherglovan email would probably be cheaper, considering i use up cell minutes
02:28.21Groobyor a text msg to your cellphone
02:28.28letherglovstill costs me :-\
02:29.18Darwin35this is pissing me off
02:29.28NoRemorseok I can categoricly state that peer asterisk servers dont respect the blocking of CLI
02:29.28Vetomjmac, I saw that it's supposed to work with g.711 if network is clean, but was wondering if it would in a did -> * -> *, thanks for the info.
02:29.32Darwin35it shows me registerd with broadvoice
02:29.44terrapenhow does * work over OpenVPN, anybody tried?
02:29.54terrapeni'd like to take one of my phones with me to my girlfriends for the weekend
02:32.11*** part/#asterisk NoRemorse (~me@
02:32.27Groobywhy not forward the ports?
02:32.35Groobyor that's still not a good security practice?
02:33.22terrapenhell no.
02:33.43terrapenuntil asterisk gets an openbsd-like security audit, i'm not going to open the ports :)
02:34.20Groobypersonally I would just run a long cat5e cable from your house to your gf's place
02:34.24Beirdoterrapen: good to see you are paranoid :)
02:34.52Beirdoterrapen: do you have apache open?
02:36.14*** join/#asterisk DaLion (
02:36.22netsurferto park a call I press #700 during the call, right ?
02:36.53Syncrostransfer the call to ext 700
02:37.08netsurferSyncros - im trying to figure out how
02:37.09Vetoanyone recommend a cheap usb handset for use with xlite (or other softphone)?  I know they suck compared to my hardphones, but something for $10-15 would be handy for validating.
02:37.28netsurferSyncros - if I press transfer my phone gives me a dialtone
02:38.00terrapenbeirdo, no CGI, stripped down config, jailed, etc.
02:38.20terrapenbut apache is looked at a lot more than *
02:38.31Syncrosnetsurfer yep
02:38.31terrapennot that this means anything
02:38.33Beirdoright, and do you honestly think that it's had an OpenBSD-style audit? :)
02:38.42terrapenwell, openbsd audited apache :)
02:38.49terrapenand patched about 100,000 lines
02:38.51netsurferSyncros - this is when I punch in #700 ?
02:39.11Syncrosonly 700
02:39.25JamesDotCom...openbsd doesnt have perfect security you know
02:39.28Beirdoyeah, how many revisions ago :)
02:39.46terrapennope, it doesn't....but its certainly better that *most* things out there
02:39.53Syncros# is to transfer a call from a phone without transfer button
02:40.05sudoer2what is the link for working with asterisk bug team?
02:40.11cmslaghtmjmac: My NMI problem appears to only exist if I put the Digium card in a 64 bit slot
02:40.14terrapennothing is secure.
02:40.20Beirdoterrapen: which of course is why I use OpenBSD on my firewall (that and pf is cool)
02:40.21terrapencommon sense always applies.
02:40.33terrapenwhich is why i will never run * on a publicly-accessible ip/port
02:40.33netsurferSyncros - ahhh I see.. ok thx
02:40.42terrapenpf rocks the Casbah
02:40.59terrapenbut, admittedly
02:41.03terrapeni run m0n0wall at home
02:41.08terrapenwhich is FreeBSD/ipfw-based
02:41.19terrapenbecause i was in a hurry
02:41.25sudoer2the link for Asterisk Maintenance Crew ?
02:41.31terrapenand it is quite secure
02:41.43terrapenwith proper configuration
02:41.53Beirdoand so is * :)
02:42.09terrapeni don't yet trust my * config skills :)
02:42.17terrapenplus, there's no reason for me to run a public * server
02:42.25terrapenopenvpn only adds a few ms latency
02:42.34DaminIchy bicky binky boo!
02:42.51DaLionok im getting incorect checksums from Iax2 ...
02:42.53terrapendinka dinka dinka doo.
02:43.18randuGood evening everyone!   How goes it on the asterisk front tonight?
02:43.27terrapenif i see another GBrowser article on /. ....
02:43.45terrapenwhy would anyone want to run a google browser.
02:44.41JamesDotComspecial features?
02:44.50redder86slashdot is so annoying
02:45.03redder86biased, really biased articles
02:45.06terrapeni know
02:45.12redder86misleading headlines
02:45.16terrapenstupid timothy and michael
02:45.27terrapenactually, they all suck
02:45.30terrapenexcept for pudge
02:45.34Darwin35kool its all working
02:45.35redder86they knock off half of the sites they link to
02:45.46terrapenthe funniest thing is the news isn't even new anymore
02:45.47redder86"slashdot them"
02:45.54terrapenhalf of it is week-old CNN articles
02:45.55redder86and they seem to think that's funny
02:47.00redder86they don't post many stories about software developments in the open source community, but they spend a heckuva lot of attention on who-cares stuff like building your own laser
02:47.43terrapenhell, i'll take the build-your-own-laser stories over  "Taking My Freedom With Me to China" stories
02:47.45redder86Like this one that's on the headlines now: "Businesses Discover Skype"
02:47.58terrapenthey purposely put controversial non-issues up, just to get the ad revenuer
02:48.11redder86exactly my thoughts
02:48.43redder86It's gone from "News for Nerds" to "Blogs for Geeks"
02:49.22redder86You'd think there was at least a pageful of newsworthy nerdy stuff every day instead of a place for people to post rants.
02:49.40terrapenoh, don't get me started on bloggers
02:49.56terrapendeath to all blogs
02:50.43terrapeni'd love to get rid of blogs, starting with Kottke
02:50.43redder86"New Intel Trademark Filed"  argh!  If they don't know what "Intel Inside VIIV" means then they should not post the story as a troll looking for the answer
02:51.16qwerpis there anyway that i can make the auto dial spool like
02:51.44qwerplets say a context onli answer the call when the other party answers it?
02:52.35*** join/#asterisk freat (
02:52.54redder86well, then again I think about as much for the evening news
02:52.57redder86on TV
02:58.09*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:58.29*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
02:58.52scrubbso anyone got * running on a WRT54GP2 yet?
02:59.27*** join/#asterisk topping (
03:00.04sudoer2any polycom users here?
03:01.03zimdogsudoer2: yes
03:01.09|Vulture|sudoer2: yes
03:02.45sudoer2ok great, is there a way to get the config files from a polycom phone? I have a bunch of polycom's phone, and all of the 3 way conferencing on them doesnt work except one  for one phone
03:04.53|Vulture|yea set it to an ftp server and it will upload its config if it doesn't find a config on the server
03:05.15sudoer2the working phone is uploading the config files to ftp server, but not its config files
03:05.25sudoer2simdog, I have those files
03:06.13zimdogsudoer2: Mine are the same as these
03:06.21sudoer2when i say not working on those phones, to do a conference call, I have to, call 1st party, press conference,call 2nd party, press conference, press hold, press conference to get the 3 way call to work as opposed to the normal way: call 1st party, press conference,call 2nd party, press conference
03:06.49sudoer2zimdog, how does your 3 way call work?
03:07.38zimdogsudoer2: I haven't tested it yet.
03:08.34sudoer2|Vulture| have you seen stuff like this?
03:08.47sudoer2your config files get reuploaded to ftp? I am only getting a log filke uploaded to ftp
03:09.14|Vulture|sudoer2: I duno I don't use the on phone conf. calling I use MeetMe
03:15.30zimdogsudoer2: yes mine creates a mac-phoine.cfg
03:15.31sudoer2no has had problems like this?
03:15.51sudoer2I have only a boot.log and a app.log
03:16.06sudoer2the manual isnt very helpful either
03:16.12|Vulture|sudoer2: remove the 0000000.cnf file
03:16.13*** join/#asterisk NoCarrier (~NoCarrier@
03:16.32|Vulture|should make the mac-phone.cfg
03:16.35zimdogI think it is an option that can be turned off. By default I think it is suppose to upload it to save settings
03:17.48zimdogmy 0000-cfg fle is still present
03:19.43zimdogsudoer2: My polycom is a ip 500 if it makes a difference
03:19.58sudoer2Mine is also
03:20.30sudoer2do you know where the upload setting is, I cant find it
03:21.33*** join/#asterisk MrEntropy (
03:22.14MrEntropyanything that is to communicate with asterisk using AGI must have credentials in the iax.conf, is that correct?
03:22.35randuanyone have any experience with call accept / call screening,   IE   press 1 to accept call, press 2 to send to voicemail?
03:22.49MrEntropyJerJer: where then?
03:23.00JerJerrandu:  typical IVR
03:23.10sudoer2in my ftp directory, there are no files for the phone to download, i just one the phone to upload its config
03:23.17JerJerMrEntropy:  AGI is simply another asterisk application
03:23.39MrEntropyJerJer: like
03:23.55randuJerJer: what would I do a search on?   I have not had any luck all day.
03:24.37*** join/#asterisk robf (
03:25.24sudoer2ok, I figured out how to get the config files out
03:26.13zimdogYou need the config files extracted in the root of the users ftp directory
03:26.15sudoer2zimdog or |Vulture| do you guys know where the config file is for controlling behavior of 3 way calling, I think it should be in something like the binaries sip.ld , not in these config files I am looking through
03:26.17MrEntropyJerJer: let me run through a few things. Using AGI, you can code programs that control asterisk?
03:26.31*** join/#asterisk ennuyeux72 (~ennuyeux7@
03:27.15ennuyeux72anyone have an idea why my tethereal show sip traffic but my asterisk sip debug doesn't
03:27.26|Vulture|might be ipmid
03:27.43zimdogpage 114 of Admin_Guide-SoundPoint_IP_SIP_2004-06-16.pdf
03:28.34toppinghas anyone developed java interfaces for asterisk call control and whatnot?
03:29.39*** join/#asterisk brc_ (~brian@brc.base.supporter.pdpc)
03:31.48*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
03:31.57sudoer2i am only getting uploading, cant find sip pr ipmid.cfg
03:32.23zimdogYou need to extract them from the polycom filesyou downloded
03:32.42*** join/#asterisk jskcr (~jskcr@jskcr.user)
03:33.25zimdogdownload and unzip it in the root of the polycom users ftp directory
03:33.26jskcrhy all
03:33.53*** join/#asterisk _tekati_ (
03:34.00sudoer2zimdog, I have uploaded those files to the phones and it doenst fix it, it was workign at one time, then  Icame in the next day and it had stoppped working
03:34.15sudoer2I tried all 3 version on freedomphone's site, there are 3 different sets of files to use
03:35.48zimdogI have n ot tested the 3 way settings so can't help you there.  You said you do not have a ipmid or sip file. These ere in the zip I mentioned above.
03:37.16robfnobody's on #dundi -- anybody here capable of helping?
03:37.50zimdogsudoer2: have you looked in the phones webserver to see if it has an option there for it?
03:38.18*** join/#asterisk salmandr (
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03:40.37sudoer2im not sure which one would correspond to the sip.cfg, maybe ill jsut turn them all on
03:41.48sudoer2btw, thanks for the help, it doesnt seem like anyone knows too much about polycom's here
03:43.38zimdogYep I am new to them though I thought the wiki had quite a bit of inforamtion on them. Maybe after you get your 3 way configured yuo can add to the wiki
03:43.57toppingwhere is the wiki?
03:44.41sudoer2I will add it
03:45.59sudoer2im not sure if im looking in the right  place though, it would seem to me that  changing the core functionality of the phone with something like 3 way callign would definitely be in the binaries of those files like sip.lf and app.ld
03:47.24DaLion`Sauron:  ?
03:47.33DaLion~seen `Sauron
03:47.35jbot`sauron is currently on #asterisk (15h 40m 52s).  Has said a total of 84 messages.  Is idling for 4h 37m 23s
03:47.52DaLion~seen Dalion
03:47.53jbotdalion is currently on #asterisk (1h 11m 39s).  Has said a total of 4 messages.  Is idling for 1s
03:47.54toppingzimdog: is the wiki you speak of?
03:48.01greg_workso the sipura configuration has its own features built in - for example, callfoward busy - .. what's the difference between using the features from the sipura vs having that functionality in *? I disabled all that stuff because the sipura *xx codes were conflicting with my * dialplan. But a benefit I see with using sipura's is on the SPA-841, you can use the display to set those options..
03:48.24DaLion~seen dalion
03:48.25jbotdalion is currently on #asterisk (1h 12m 11s).  Has said a total of 5 messages.  Is idling for 1s
03:48.35*** join/#asterisk simon_ca (
03:48.40DaLion~seen dalion
03:48.41jbotdalion is currently on #asterisk (1h 12m 27s).  Has said a total of 6 messages.  Is idling for 1s
03:48.43zimdogWell since I haven't used it maybe . All I can say is the polycom manual say is the manual says it is configurable and supported in sip.cfg page 114 in an xml <conference/> tag
03:48.49DaLioneasy to increase messags
03:49.18zimdogtopping: yes
03:49.30robf~seen bkw_
03:49.31jbotbkw_ <~brian@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 6d 4h 42m 32s ago, saying: 'you have got to be joking me right'.
03:49.45sudoer2~seen sudoer2
03:49.46jbotsudoer2 is currently on #asterisk (1h 45m 6s).  Has said a total of 36 messages.  Is idling for 1s
03:49.54sudoer2~seen sudoer
03:49.54jbotsudoer <~sudoer@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 2d 5h 21m 12s ago, saying: 'which command/file actually controls how a conference call is made on polycom?'.
03:49.57jskcr~seen jskcr
03:49.58jbotjskcr is currently on #asterisk (17m) (17m).  Has said a total of 3 messages.  Is idling for 1s
03:50.19sudoer2jskcr, you have messages
03:50.38DaLionanyone know what could be causing IAX udp check sum erorrs ? my linksys ? or just outside of it ?
03:51.01jskcrDalion, its probably a nat problem
03:51.11jskcrremove the linksys router and try
03:51.53DaLionnah i know it will fix
03:51.57DaLionjust need to know how to fix
03:52.02DaLionchange the router /
03:52.09jskcrtry removing it first.
03:52.09DaLionbut hmm
03:52.14DaLioni cant
03:52.18jskcrThem see if the errors persist.
03:52.33DaLionsource and dest ports are 4569
03:52.36DaLionso no nat there
03:52.39DaLionon ports at least
03:52.59DaLionim getting REGACK
03:53.04DaLionand VNAK
03:53.21jskcrWhat type of internet connection is it?
03:53.22sudoer2oops, read that wrong
03:53.57jskcrYou can also check the linksys homepage and see if there is a firmware update.
03:54.05DaLionreghack is the one with incorepct checksums
03:54.08DaLiongot newst
03:54.19*** join/#asterisk heath__ (
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03:54.28jskcrwhat model?
03:54.44DaLionWRK something G
03:55.07*** join/#asterisk file[laptop] (
03:55.42DaLioni see that the source server sending REGACK.. then im sendinf  bad retry.. but so fast im getting floded with retransmitions packets form source IAX  box and i die
03:55.43togLinksys WRT54G?
03:55.56togWRK? what's a K?
03:57.40DaLioni dont know